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1678— 1896.










To My Father,

The Rev. David Swope,

This Record of the Swope Family

IS xVffectionately Dedicated

BY His Sox.

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I. Our Ancestors in Germany 9

II. The Swopes and their Coat-of-Arms . . 19

III. The Swope Family in America 21

IV. Yost vSwope . . 26

V. John Swope 37

VI. Anna Barbara (vSwope) Gloninger, Lebanon Connty, Pa. . . 45

VII. Conrad vSwope, Hanover, Pa 68

VIII. John Jacob Swope, Lancaster County, Pa 148

IX. John Henry Swope, Lancaster County, Pa 179

X. Sabina (vSwope) Hoke, Lincoln Count}', N. C. ..... 185

XI. John Daniel vSwope, Upper Leacock Township, Lancaster

County, Pa 248

XII. Adam Swope, Littlestown, Pa 264


XIII. Rev. Benedict Swope, of Kentucky 317

XIV. Jacob Swope, Lebanon County, Pa 359

XV. The Swopes, of Huntingdon County, Pa 364

XVI. Jacob Swope 3^6

XVII. Col. Michael Swope and Hans George Swope, York, Pa. . . 369


I. The Herr Family 370

II. The Shriver Family 370

III. The Forney Family 376

IV. The Ferree Family 37^

V. The Gilbert Family 3^0

VI. The Hays Family 3^0

VII. The Henkle Family 381

VIII. The Le Fevre Family 3^i

IX. The Spangler Family 3^i

Appendix 3°2


In presenting a history of the Swope family we have thoug-ht best not to confine our account only to the Swope famil\- in this county, but to give a sketch of our ancestors in the Fatherland. This has been done in Chapter I, and \v:is largely drawn from Kohlrausche's History of Germany. The account devolops that portion of German history relating to the Swabians and the old Duchy of Swabia, because there our family originated and we bear the tribe name. Because of their restless, roaming disposition the Romans called our German ancestors Suevi, and they were so known until the early part of the fifth century. An examination of the fol- lowing pages will show that Yost Swope' s son John had nineteen children. The most careful and thorough search lias failed to reveal an extended account of more than seven of them. These seven appear at the head of chapters six to twelve.

In beginning this work it was our intention to give only an account of the familv of Yost Swope, but during its progress we found several Swope families descended from ancestors who settled in this country prior to the Revolutionar}' war. These we have traced out as fully as possibly and given in Part II.

Our aim has been in the compilation of this history to secure authentic data through representative members of the dift'erent branches of the family. Wherever it has been pos- sible data received has been verified. In this connection we desire expressing our thanks to General John H. Forney, Jacksonville, Ala.; Miss Catharine C. M. Foster, Johnstown, Pa.; Messrs. Isaac and Zuriel Swope, Lancaster, Pa.; Mrs. Eliza Swope Pitkin, Chicago, 111., and all others who have kindly responded to inquiries regarding their famihes.

G11.BERT E. Swope.

Newville, Pa., November, 18 g6.




The history of the origin and of the earhest state of the German nation is involved in impenetrable obscnrity. No records tell us when and under what circumstances our an- cestors migrated out of Asia, the cradle of the human race, into our Fatherland; what causes urged them to seek the regions of the north, or what allied branches they left behind them in the countries they quitted. A few scattered and obscure historical traces, as well as a resemblance in various customs and regulations, but more distinctly the affinities of language, indicate a relationship with the Indians, Servians and Greeks. This obscurity of our earlier history must not surprise us; for every nation without a written language neglects every record of its history beyond mere traditions and songs, which pass down from generation to generation. Not a syllable or sound of even those traditions and songs, wherein according to the traditions of the Romans, our an- cestors delighted to celebrate the deeds and fate of their people, has, however, descended to posterity.

The authentic history of the German nation consequently commences at a period when our ancestors, possibly after they had dwelt for centuries in their native country, first came into contact with a nation that already knew and prac- ticed the art of historical writing. This happened through the incursion of the Cimbrians and Teutonians into the coun- try of the Romans, in the year 113 before the birth of Christ.

lo The S'u'opr Junii/h'.

Accordint^ to the description of the Romans, Oerniany was at the time they first became acquainted with it, a rude and inhospitable land, full of innnense forests, marshes and desert tracts. The soil was not cultivated as now, althouo^h the Romans called portions of it extremely fertile, and ag^riculture and pasturage were the chief occupations of the Germans. The pastures were rich and beautiful, and the horned cattle as well as the horses, although small and inconsiderable, were of a good and durable kind. The climate, in consequence of the immense forests, whose density was impervious to the ra}'S of the sun, and owing to the undrained fens and marshes, was colder, more foggy and inclement than at present, but nevertheless was not quite so bad, perhaps, as represented b>- the Romans, spoiled as they were by the luxurious climate of Italy. " The Germans," says Pliny, " know only three sea- sons, winter, spring and summer; of autumn the}' know neither the name nor its fruits." The ancient German loved this country that appalled the Romans, the severity of the air as well as the chase of wild animals strengthened the bodies of the men. and nourished by a simple diet, the}^ grew to so stately a size that other nations admired them with astonish- ment. Their chests were wide and strong; their hair yellow, and with young children it was of a dazzling white. Among the Suevi the hair was worn on top of the head in a bundle, for the sake of its war-like effect. Among the Saxons it was parted and hung down the shoulders, cut at a moderate length. Their skin was also white, their eyes blue, and their glance bold and ])iercing. Their powerful gigantic bodies, which the Romans and (lauls could not behold with- out fear, displayed the strength that nature had given to this people, for according to the testimony of some of the ancient writers their usual height was seven feet.

Their dress was a broad, .short mantle fastened by a girdle, or the skins of wild animals, the trophies of the successful chase. Tlie original collective name of the German people was little used in the earlier ])eriods, and was probably un- known lo the Romans. When \-ari()Us tribes associated to- gether in bodies, merel>' the name of the union appeared, as the vSuevi, Saxons, Gotlis, etc. The vSuevic race dwelt in

The Sjcopc Family. ii

the large semi-circle traced b}' the Upper and Middle Rhine and the Danube, through the middle of Germany, and farther towards the north to the East Sea, so that they occupied the country of the Necker, the Maine, the Saale, and then the right Elbe bank of the Havel, Spree and Oder. Taciius even places the Suevic tribes beyond the Vistula.

The Suevi, as Caesar informs us, had early formed them- selves into one large union, whose principles were distinctly warlike. The love of arms was assiduously cherished in all, that they might be always ready for any undertaking. Thence it was that individuals had no fixed landed posses- sions; but the prince and leaders yearl}^ divided the land among the families just as it pleased them, and none were allowed to select the same pastures for two consecutive years, but were forced to exchange with each other that none might accustom himself to the ground, and, acquiring a love for his dwelling place, be thus induced to exchange the love of war for agriculture. They were obliged to supply from each of their hundred districts, the wars with a thousand men yearly, and those who remained at home cultivated the land for all. The following year, on the other hand, the latter marched under arms and the former remained at home, so that agri- culture as well as war was in constant exercise.

When Caesar had driven Ariovistus across the Rhine he began the subjugation of Gaul. Intelligence came to him that tw'o German tribes of the Lower Rhine, the Usipeti and Tenchteri, pressed by the Suevi, had passed over the Rhine to seek a new settlement in Gaul. They had with them their wives and children, their slaves and herds, as well as the rest of their property, and were upwards of 430,000 strong. As Caesar now, however, considered Gaul to belong to him, he desired them to retrace their steps. They, however, replied, "That they had been forced by the Suevi to wander from their homes; they desired nothing but a land to dwell in; he ought therefore to leave them the fields they had conquered with their arms, or give them others instead. Besides it was not German fashion to avert a battle by entreaties, but to make a stand against those who desired the contest; he was therefore free to choose friendship or war. They yielded to

12 flic S:copc /■'aiiiilv.

none but theSuevi, to whom in battle even the immortal gods themselves were not equal; but excepting those there dwelt none on earth whom they could not conquer." They never- theless were conquered by Caesar, but only by Italian cun- ning, for as their princes and chieftains came to arrange an interview with him, he suddenly seized them as prisoners, fell immediatel>- upon their camps, and beat and scattered the whole tribe, which was now without a leader.

Caesar bore fresh in mind that the Suevi under Ariovistus had already fallen upon Gaul, therefore he determined to bridge the Rhine, and make the Germans feel in their own country the power of the Romans. In ten days he con- structed a large wooden bridge and passed his whole army across the Rhine. This was in the year 55 B. C. He wished to attack the powerful Suevi; these, however, moved all their property and families far back into the interior of the forests. there to await the enemy. Caesar did not think it advisable to follow them. He remained only eighteen days, devastating with fire and sword, when he recrossed the Rhine. But the Suevi had so little fear of the Romans that they shortly after- wards sent assistance to the Treviri against them. Caesar then determined to cross the Rhine a second time, which he did a little above the former place, the vicinity of vScig. But he scarcely placed a foot in Germany, for the Suevi had made their arrangements as prudently as before.

The Suevi. like other German tribes, after the lapse of time settled down to a permanent habitation. The entire people consisted of freemen and slaves. The freemen were divided into the nobles (nobiles, as Tacitus calls them ) and the com- mon freemen (ingueni). In later ])eriods the German lan- guage distinguishes Adelinge and b'rilinge. The former denoted the large proprietor, who reckoned in his estate bondsmen and vassals, and who possessed already in his domains the means of exercising a more extensive influence. The Friling was, on the contrary, the common freeman, who cultivated his small possessions with his own hands, or by the assistance of but a few slaves. From this early distinction we may trace the origin of the German nobility. The slaves were mosth" prisoners of war; they were bought and sold,

The S^cope Faiiiiiy. 13

were emplo3^ed in the more menial services of the house and the labors of agriculture. But the slave was held incapable of bearing arms; this alone was the privilege and prerogative of the freemen.

The Suevi loved the open country above everything. They did not build towns they likened them to prisons. The few places which occur in the Roman writings called towns the later Ptolemy names the most were probably nothing more than the dwellings of the chiefs, somewhat larger and more artificially built, than those of the common freemen. Tacitus says " the Germans selected their dwellings wherever a grove or spring attracted them. Advantage and comfort were con- sequently frequently sacrificed to their love of open and beautiful scenery. This strong love of nature, which may be traced from the very first in our forefathers, is a grand feature in the German character.

A number of farms of great and small land owners .specially tuiited by close ties, constituted a community (Gemeinde), several communities a league of a hundred (Markgenossen- schaft), which exercise within a larger circuit, the common right of herd and pasture; and lastly a number of these formed the larger confederacy of the district ( Gau ). As chief of the district a judge was elected from among the oldest and most experienced, who bore in ancient times the name of Graf. The subdivisions of the district had their chiefs; together they formed the Principes of the district, the foremost and fir.st among their equals, whence is derived the German word Fiirst (prince). The National Assembly was at the head of all, and counseled and decided upon the most important affairs. Every freeman, high as well as low, was a member of the national assembly. In earlier times danger from without, and the relationship of the septs, chiefly produced the estab- lishment of unions of whole tribes. The majority of these tribes seem to have had a very constitution of confederacy in time of peace. In the individual districts all continued accord- ing to the cu.stomary mode of administration, no permanent appointment of a superior executive government being required. In war, on the contrary, an election was made of the common Herzog, or duke, according to valor and manly

14 The Sicopc Faiiii/v.

virtue, whose office ceased with the war. Among- some tribes peace had also its chiefs or directors, selected originally by the community from the most meritorious of the people which election in the course of time, when a natural feeling placed the son in the place of the father, became invested with an almost hereditary right. The peculiarity of the Saxon people consisted altogether in their free form of government, a con- stitution most conformable to their origin, springing as the}' did from the union of the heads of free families, each of whom ruled his domain according to the ancient patriarchal form. A common general w>is required only during war, which, in general, was defensive and consequently national. Among the Suevi, on the contrary, whose constitution was warlike throughout, wherein the individual was early accus- tomed to consider h'mself but a portion of the whole, a mon- archial government became the most natural form of the con- stitution.

At the end of the gth and conunencement of the loth century, the governors of the provinces, early called Graf, gradually became possessed of ducal powers and appear as dukes of Saxou}', Bavaria, Swabia, etc. In Swabia, where the defense of the frontiers was not so necessary, the ducal dignity appears to have connected itself gradually with the power of the ro3'al missus, and to have developed itself later. Burchard, however, under the emperor, Conrad I., appears as Duke of Swabia.

The dukes were not at this earl>- time regarded as lords of their people and lands, but as ministers and representatives of the king, in who.se name in peace they regulated the affairs of ju.stice and order, and in war led the army of their race to battle. r>ut soon i)ecoining large land ])roprietors and no longer under the surveillance of royal envois, the dukes took advantage of the weakness of the kings, and by degrees arro- gated to themselves an increa.se of power, and brought the lesser v^a.ssals under their dominion; they even gradually made their dignity granted to them onl}- as imperial crown officers, hereditary in their families, as well as the revenues of the crown lands, which the\- luul onlx- received as the salarv for their .services.

Tlic Sivope Family. 15

Among the many dukes of Swabia, none have become the subject of as many heroic lays and legends as Duke Ernest. The most wonderful deeds performed by his army were con- nected with his name, and eventually collected together by later poets, formed one entire volume. Duke Ernest of Swabia, was step.son of the Emperor Conrad I. Being dissat- isfied with Conrad's course in annexing the kingdom of Bur- gundy to the German Empire, he rebelled against the em- peror, but at last was forced to surrender, when he was im- prisoned for three years, and then banished the country, together with all his partisans. He soon afterwards returned, while his father was on an expedition against the Hungarians and tried to recover his duchy, but was defeated in battle and. killed, 1030.

After the death of the Emperor Lothaire, the Saxon, the electors of Germany elevated Conrad of Swabia, to the im- perial throne, 1138. The most important undertaking of Conrad was that of the Crusade. Having been greatly moved by the preaching of St. Bernard, he assembled an army of 70,000 warriors, besides others, and undertook the journey to the Holy Eand. After many hardships and dangers he arrived in the Holy Land with one-tenth of his army and entered Jerusalem. After an absence of two years he re- turned, and shortly after died, 1152. Kohlrau.sch says, " Conrad was a valiant, high-minded and noble-hearted man, and was universally esteemed." Conrad recommended as his successor, not his own young son Frederick, who.se age would not as 3'et allow him to rule the nation, but his valiant nephew, Frederick Barbarossa, Duke of Swabia, who had made the crusade with him, and who was unanimou.sly elected at Frankford, 1152. Kohlrau.sch .says " Frederick I. was one of the most powerful of the German emperors; high-minded, valiant, with a \\\\\ firm as iron, and of a stern, energetic character. His very form displayed his lofty mind."

After a long and glorious reign of thirty-eight years, it appears as if fate had determined for him the glory of a noble death in a sacred cause. In 1187 the intelligence reached Europe that Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt, had taken Jeru- salem. Frederick Barbarossa at the head of 150,000 com-

1 6 The Sicopc Family.

batants, together with several of the crowned heads of Europe and their armies, advanced, in 1 189. to recover the Hol,v City. When the German army was crossing the river Cydnus, July II, 1 1 90, Frederick was swept down l)y the strong current and drowned. The grief and lamentation of the whole army were indescribable. The noble soul of Frederick was spared the pain of seeing the German army almost entirely destroyed by sickness before the City of Antioch, and Jerusalem was not taken.

Henry W , son of Frederick Barbarossa, succeeded him upon the throne, and reigned seven years, dying suddenly iu 1197.

On the death of Henry the Hoenstaufens made Philip, Henry's brother, emperor, and the Guelfs made Otho, second .son of Henr\- the Lion, emperor. Both reigned amid much dissension for 10 years, when Philip was assassinated in 120S. Then Otho was universally acknowledged and crowned emperor at Rome. Otho found that in order to gain the sup- port of Pope Innocent IH. he had gone too far, and made con- cessions that were detrimental to the interests of the empire; in trying to withdraw those concessions ht brought upon him- self the displeisure of the Pope, who placed in oppo.sition to him Frederick the son of Henry \'I, who was crowned Aix- la-Chapelle 12 15, and at Rome as emperor 1220; he died I 250.

Otho was henceforth deserted and died 12 iS. Frederick n. succeeded him. Kohlrau.sch says " he was a friend of Art and Science, and was himself a ]M)et, sentiment, animation and euphony breathing in all his works. Since Charlemagne and Alfred of England, no potentate had existed who loved and promoted civilization in its broadest sense as Frederick II. At his court were assembled the noblest and most intellectual minds of that age." He collected for that pariod a very con- .siderable library, partly by researches made in his own States, and partly during his stay in Syria. Frederick himself pos- sessed a knowledge unusual, and acquired b\- few men of his time. He understood Greek, Latin, Italian, French, German and Arabic. Among the sciences he loved chiefly natural history, and proves himself a master in that .science by a work

The S^copc Family. 17

he composed. After the death of Frederick II. two emper- ors stood opposed to each other on the German throne. Con- rad, who had been elected king of the Romans during his father's life, was upheld by the Hoenstaufen party, in opposi- tion to William of Holland.

Conrad IV. died 1254. William a few years later. Con- rad IV. was the last emperor of the house of Swabia. Con- radin, his son, was brought up on his small estate in Bavaria and Swabia, while his uncle Manfred, as regent and subse- quently as king, admuiistered his hereditary estates in Naples and Sicily. Pope Clement IV. hated Manfred, and applied to Charles, Duke of Anjou, for aid to dethrone him. Man- fred was defeated in action 1266, and killed. Conradin went forth in 1268 to recover his po.sscssions in Italy. He soon stood opposed to the enemy with a strong army in lower Italy. In battle fortune at first fav^ored him; the enemy was put to flight; in the pursuit his own army got into disorder; at that moment the French reserves rushed upon them and they were wholly defeated. Conradin was forced to fly, but was captured and led before Charles of Anjou, who treated him with the insolence, perfidy and cruelty of a tyrant. Con- sidering Conradin a rebel against him, the true king, he caused him to be publicly beheaded in the market place of Naples, October 28, 1268.

With the death of Conradin ended the powerful house of Swabia. The Svvabian patrimony now fell into so many divisions that eventually no territory in Germany was divided into so many ownerships as Swabia. As the duchy was never restored, the whole of the state henceforth formed a part of the immediate possessions of the Empire. Not only the Bishops, Counts and Free lyOrds, but also the inferior ranks of the nobility, the cities, monasteries, and even peas- antry, which had previously been the vassals and subjects of the duke became now emancipated, but they had not these rights and privileges individually like the larger imperial lordships, but only as an entire combined body of the Swabian states, which they enjoyed as members thereof. The emperor derived from them important revenues, and the administra- tion of these imperial possessions was now transferred to

1 8 Tlic S'uvpe FcDiiily.

seneschals, so that instead of the ancient Swabian duke, there were now only the imperial bailiwicks Helvetia or Switzer- land, Alsace and Swabia, which were divided into cantons. These arrangements were adopted under the succeeding Em- peror Rudolphns.

In Swabia after the fall of the ducal house, all their rights disappeared, their rich possessions had in the later period been wasted or given away; and Conradin, at the time of his expedition to Italy, made over his possessions to the house of Bavaria. We ther<. fore naturally inquire who then from that time was the most important and influential family in Swabia? In answer to this we find that the Counts of Wurtemberg stood at the head of all the rest of the nobility, and who had alread}- chosen vStuttgart as their place of residence. After them the rich Counts of Baden, scions of the Hoenstaufen race, acquired from tht house of Zahringen the territory of Brusgan, which was the commencement of the house of Baden. Another portion of the Zahringen inheritance in Switzerland fell to the Counts of Keyburg, and after them to the Counts of Hapsburg, who owed to this circumstance their subsequent importance.

After the dismemberment of the Duchy of Swabia, the scions of the ducal family fell into obscurity, and we hear no more of them in history.

The duch\' contained 13,000 square miles, and embraced a part of the present Bavaria, all of the kingdom of Wurtem- berg, part of Westphalia, all of what is now known as Swabia, and the Duchy of Baden, where in the town of Sinsheim was born Feljruary 22, 1678, Yost Swab (Jacob Swope), the an- cestor of the largest branch of the Swope family in America.



The Schwab (Swab) Americanized Swope name is one of the oldest in German history. It was derived from a powerful tribe in Southern Germany, who were called Suevi by Julius Caesar, and later Schwabs and vSwabians.

When a large portion of Southern Germany was formed into a duchy it was given the tribe name and called Swabia.

The Schwab CvSwab ) family in its different branches have continued to dwell there, and have preserved the ancient tribe name through all these centuries. Only a small portion of the old duchy is now known as Swabia.

There are several noble houses of Schwab in Germany, each having a coat-of-arms. One characteristic of the arms of all is the wing of the Imperial eagle, showing all to have had a common ancestor. All indications point to our family having descended from the house of Wurtemburg.

Whilst we here only trace our branch of the family back in an unbroken line to 1678, yet we have every assurance that it could be extended much farther did we have access to the records in Germany.

The Coat-of- Arms here given was obtained from the Bureau of Heraldry in Vienna by Rev. Cornelius E. Swope, D. D,, late rector of Trinity Episcopal Chapel, New York. He says regarding it: " I procured from the Bureau of Heraldry in Vienna the arms which I have no doubt we have the right to claim. From the same source I learned that the family came originally from Wurtemburg, and traditions of the family date back to the 13th century. The significance of the Coat-of- Arms is as follows: The golden shield signifies the untarn- ished honor of the family. The stars suggest the loftiness of the aims and ambition of the bearer of the arms, and the wing, which forms the crest, symbolizes the virtue and valor which rise above all that is unworthy and soar, as on eagle's

20 'Ilic Sicopc I'\x)iiily.

wing, towards the stars. Tn all the bearings of the diiTerent branches of the family the wing is a conspicuous feature. There is no motto, such being of much later date than the time of the ennobling of the family."

The deep red showing through the visor of the helmet shows that the family or some members of it won distinction in the Crusades, for no coats were permitted red unless the representatives had seen somewhat of the life and wars of the Crusades.





•■ 1 i :




A small act is often far-reaching in its results. In 1685, when Eoiiis XIV., King of France, signed the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which deprived so many thousands of his most valuable subjects of their religious rights and sent them as wanderers in foreign lands, it was not thought that he would become the religious oppressor of our German fore- fathers and drive them from home and everj'thing that was dear because of their faithful adherence to their Protestant faith This, however, was the case. Louis XIV. claimed the Succession of the Palatinate in behalf of his brother, the Duke of Orleans. Within a single generation that beautiful country, one of the fairest and most beautiful spots of Europe, was thrice overrun and devastated by the barbarous soldiery of the French monarch. " When he found it impossible to hold what had been conquered Louis gave command to have the country turned into a desert." And right promptly and effectually was the work performed; neither old men nor deli- cate women were .spared, but all turned out, near half a mil- lion of human beings, into the winter's snow, which then covered the ground, where man}' perished of cold and hunger. " Meanwhile the work of destruction began. The flames went up from every hamlet, every parish church, every country seat, within the devoted provinces." The large towns fared no better than the country and were soon reduced to a.shes. Later, 1697, the treat}- of Ryswick stipulated that the French must evacuate the country, but the Catholic princes who now ruled denied the Protestants the free exercise of their religion, and deprived them of their churches and treated them with great cruelty. Under the stress of their misery many thousands of the inhabitants turned with dim eyes from the ashes of their once happy homes, smiling fields

22 The S'ci'ope Family.

and vineyards, and sought an as3-lum on the hospitable shores of England and the land of religious freedom, Penns3"lvania. In a single year no less than 30,000 persecuted Palatines found a refuge in Pennsylvania. Our ancestor, Yost Swope and family, being pious members of the Lutheran Church and unwilling to sacrifice their religion, left home, friends and all that was dear and turned their faces to this land of promise. After braving the perils of the deep he and his family arrived in Philadelphia in 1720. While there he arranged for the purchase of land on the outskirts of civilization, where most of the Germans were sent, then Conewago township, Chester count}', Pa., now Lancaster county; the latter count}^ was not formed until nine years later.

The Swopes, as other settlers on what was then the frontiers, had much to contend with in privations incident to a life in an uncultivated wilderness. The country which greeted them on their arrival was not as inviting as now. That portion not covered with heavy timber was covered with stunted oak and underbrush, which had annually been burnt off by the Indians to drive out the game. This had to be cleared and made tillable V)y the most crude instruments of husbandry. Our ancestors showed their discernment b\^ selecting the ver}* best lands, and by their untiring efforts, energy and perseverance assisted in making that wilderness the garden spot of fair Pennsylvania. The first humble dwellings were replaced b}- spacious stone houses and fine barns. These homesteads have already housed several generations and bid fair to shelter many more.

There are no traditions in the Swope family showing that they had any trouble with the Indians. Their nearest Indian neighbors were the Piquaws and Conestogas of Lancaster county. History tells us " they were the best disposed and most tractable of all the natives with whom the whites ever came in contact. The\' were extremely hospitable to the early settlers, furnishing them from their own stores with no stinted hands whenever called upon. The Huguenots and Palatines often joined the Piquaws in their fishing and hunt- ing excursions and in other pastimes. Their principal chief was Tauawa, who sold his lands to Penn and was present at

Tlic Sicopc Familv. 23

the "Great Treaty." The kindly reception given by this chief to Madam Mary Ferre is given elsewhere in the book. The Conestogas were, in 1763, all murdered by the " Paxtang Boys ' ' for depredations and murders that they alleged had been perpetrated by them, but which has not been very clearly proven.


By Bkli.k McKinney Swope.

Beside the sparkling waters of the Rhine, Where Hes the land of the Palatinate so fair, Are vales of beauty, peaceful and sublime. And loft}- mountains rise in grandeur there. Beneath the shadows of these towering heights, The stately spires of Heidelburg look down On fertile fields of richest verdure rare. And nestled 'neath the hill, the historic town.

Among these haunts of legend and of song Through which the storied Rhine and Neckar run. There dwelt a goodly people, brave and true. Whose noble christian lives were here begun.

Yea, staunch and firm, a strong and fearless race For naught but God and native land loved they. With steadfast purpose pressing toward the goal, The great high God above their constant stay. They walked with Him and in Him put their trust. They murmured not, nor did they e'en complain When heavily bowed beneath the chastening rod, And hearts were sorely wrung with untold pain.

But not for long were dreams of comfort their's Amidst the beauty of the fatherland. The tiny kindled sparks that dormant lay Burst forth and into flames were quickly fanned, The French King Louis murderous orders gave, And sent his merciless army to invade, Destroy and waste the valley of the Rhine, And through that region make destructive raid.

24 T^l^c Sicopc Family.

Thev came with llaiuitiiig colors and banners waving A brilliant, glittering, devastating train. And soon the snowy fields and highways broad Were blackened with the bodies of the .slain. I'roin tall chnrch s])ires and castles ivy clad, lUirst wildly forth on the cold, frosty air, Huge tongues of fire that laid in ashy heaps Loved homes and landmarks that had been so fair

The earnest prayer of thousands ne'er awoke One chord of pity in the monarch's heart, From life-long footpaths dear and often trod. The gray-haired sire and child were bade depart. From distant tips of snowy mountain crests. To fairest nooks in lonely woodland dells. A cry of deepest anguish did arise. As weirdest notes of solemn funeral knells.

The sun's glad rays ne'er shone on darker scene

No sadder picture could the light reveal.

A cruel blot on historj-'s fairest page.

For there the King of France had put his seal.

As helpless outcasts driven from their homes.

As lonely wanderers turned from cottage doors,

Some sought repose in England's sunny clime,

While many sailed to America's fair shores,

But our ancestors, those of whom we write,

Though driven to desperation and despair,

And draining to the dregs the bitter cup

Of hopeless pain and suffering, lingered there.

Their ancient hearthstones they were loath to leave

In the German fatherland so dear.

Where friends and kinsfolk learned the ways of life

Through darkest times or daN's of gladsome cheer.

But religious persecution as a tide.

That ebbed and flowed as waves on every hand,

Awakened in their hearts a strong desire

To plant their homes in this fair, happy land.

WMiere they, according to their old belief

As humble followers, true in faith and tried,

Could reverently worshij) here, in godly fear

Without restraint, their heavenly King and Guide.

The spring of seventeen hundrecl and twenty it was, The dangers of the angr\- deep they braved. And found among the hills of good old Penn The refuge and the liberty they craved.

The Sivopc Family. 25

Their courieous manners and gentle, kindly speech

Soon won the hearts of neighboring Indian tribes,

Who saw as on their honest faces stamped,

The purity of moral, upright lives.

And aided by these dusky savage friends,

Their homes were built beneath the forests' shade

And by their thrifty zeal and industry,

Those wilds into a garden spot were made.

The hills that echoed witVi cries of startled deer,

Or marked by naught but a winding Indian trail,

Were changed through time to fertile fields of grain,

And spacious dwelling dotted hill and dale.

As time rolled on and touched with gentle hand The pas.sing years that stopped not in their flight. Fair daughters of these ancient worthies wed. And by their presence other lives made bright. From out the homestead also f-ons went forth, To do life's work and rear their own fair homes. Success about them shed her glowing beams. And o'er their paths the stars of honor shone.

The land of their adoption soon became Most dear, and well did they defend her rights. For liberty they faced the British guns, And served their country in the civil strife. Some sang the sweet old songs of Dixie land, And proudly did they wear the southern gray. Whilst others bore aloft the stars and stripes. And wore the blue throughout the bloody fray.

To-day some sit where northern roses bloom.

And some beneath the southern summer skies,

While over all the land their hearthfires burn,

From eastern coasts to where the Rockies rise.

The name we bear is honored and esteemed,

And into prominence has also grown.

In legislative halls and at the bar,

And in the councils of the nation known.

Upon the bench of justice some do sit.

And some there are who preach the word of life.

For worthy sons of worthy sires are they

In all their varied walks and ways upright.

Oh, blessed be the memory of the Swabs, Whose sacred bones in dust now crumbling lie. A goodly heritage they left to us; They taught us how to live and how to die. 3



I. Yost (Joseph) vSwopk,' the founder of this branch of the Swope family in America, was l)orn o!i the 2 2cl of Feb- ruary, 1678, in the town of Sinsheim, in the Duchy of Baden, a part of the old Duchy of Swabia, Germany. His father was a burger and Burgomaster of the town of Liemen, a place of about 2,700 inhabitants near Heidelburg. There the father died; after his death, a short time, the youngest child, Yost, was born. He married in earh- manhood and lived in Liemen, his son John was born there in 1704. Early in 1720, Yost Swope determined to seek his fortune in the New World. He, together with his wife and five children, set .sail for America in the spring of that year, and in due time safely arrived here. Yost Swope must have been an exemplary man from the recommendation given him by his pastor before his departvtre for America. The original is .still in existence in the hands of Adam Swope, of Lancaster Co., Pa., and notwithstanding its age, 175 years, is fairly well preserved. In 1848 a translation was made from the Ger- man. We here give it in its quaint style:

Lcctoria Saluiiue;


Pentalem Amnigeniru a Salutis Oceana.

After the death of her husband, a l)urger and Burgomaster in Liemen under Burstrasser in Kurpaltz, Anna Katharine Swope was delivered of her youngest son, Yost vSwope. Both were Evangelical Lutheran in religion, and received into the church of Christ with the rest of the beloved family. As they intend to depart for a strange land, I herewith attest to their Christian character and the life the>- led up to this time.

The Swol>e Family. 27

having long been their pastor and spiritual adviser. As their fide pastorale, I willingly testify that the above-named Anna Katharine and her beloved son, Yost, have always been honest and pious as becomes God-fearing Christians and lovers of Christ and his church. And we have no knowledge of them excepting what is noble and good, naught but praise. The All-Helper be their support and guide, and bless their coming and going, and grant all their wishes with the richest blessings, both on earth and in heaven, ever partaking of the Holy Communion.

M. John Cristoph Schrenik,

Pastor Evan. Lutheran Kirche. Lieinen, May ^, 1J20.

On his arrival in America, Yo.st Swope went to Lancaster county. Pa., and bought from the Provincial Government one thousand acres of land-^^ in Upper Leacock township, where he lived until his death in 1735. He was buried in a graveyard on his place, where his remains rested until 1S84, when they, together with those of his wife, were moved to Heller's churchyard, Lancaster county, where rest the re- mains of many of his descendants.

The following interesting account of the removal of the re- mains was published at the time:t " Yost Swope. Remains reinterred to-day, after having been buried 149 years. In 1720, Yost Swope, with his son John, the latter having been the great-grandfather of Zuriel Swope, Esq., of this city, came to this country from near Heidelberg, Germany, and settled on 1,000 acres of land one mile north of Bird-in-Hand, this county. A portion of the original homestead of 1,000 acres remains in the family to this day. The present owner is

*Wlierever we have found anyone who has had a knowledge of Yost Swdpe, there we have also found the tradition that he " took up " 1,000 acres of land in Leacock township, Lancaster county. Pa. This we are unable to prove, as no deeds have been found. Our conclusion, based on all the information we could gather, is that he did take up the land intending to pay for it on time, as was often done by the early settlers, but died before he had paid for it, and his interest passed to his daughters and was lost sight of in the change of name. His son John had already been provided for with 630 acres.

t The Lancaster New Era of March 22, 1884.

28 The S'a'opc family.

Daniel Swope. and his son, Adam D. Swope, farms the place. The remains of the original Yost Swope were buried in the corner of the orchard, about forty rods from the old dwelling, and on Monday of last week it became necessary to remove the remains. Digging in the earth to the depth of seven feet, a stone slab was encountered, and it bore the inscription, ' 1735, Y. S.,' showing that Yost Swope had been buried there in 1735. The slab was lifted and there lay the bones of the original ancestor of the Swopes of Lancaster county, and notwithstanding the burial had taken place 149 years ago, the skeleton was complete. Besides Yost Swope' s remains were those of his wife, and near the skull was quite a quantity of female hair. To-day the solemn service of reinterring these ancient and wonderfully preserved remains took place at Heller's Church, and we venture the assertion that no other family in Lancaster county can lay claim to such an ex- perience. " " "

We have the birth records of the five children of Yost Swope, but nothing more regarding them, except his son John, from whom the family here recorded are descended.

i. Maria, b. 169S. ii. Anna Christina, b. 1701. 2. iii. JOHX, b. May 28, 1704; d. Dec. 18, 1780.

iv. John Ui,rich, b. 1707. V. AxxA Elizabeth, 1713.


YOST SWOPE, b. February

169S Maria.

1701 Anna Christina.




Dec. iS, 17S0.

Married 1725, Anna Doretha Line, daughter of John Line, d. 1740.


Sept. 27, 1726. John

Married, died leaving infant daughter, who soon after died.

July 31, 1729- Elizabeth.

Jan. 3, 1733. Anna Maria.

Dec. 10, 1727. George Michael, married, d. 175S.

John, b.

Aug. 12, 1756.



Casper Balser.

March 12, 1731. Anna Barbara, d. Sept. 23, iSio, married Philip Glon- ninger, b. 1719, d. Dec. II, 1796.


John, b. Sept. 19, 1750.

Peter, b. Sept. 14, 1763. Valentitic, b. June II, 1776.

May 31, 1736. John Conrad, d.

Aug. 3, 1799, married Clara

Shriver (?) b. July 8, 1737, d.

April 1.8, 1S12.

John, b. Oct. 10, 1763.

Henry, b. Sept. 26, 1767.

George, b. Oct. 15, 1774.

Adam, b. Aug. 15, 1778.

Jan. 4, 1740. Anna Doretha.

Mar. 15, 1734. Anna Catharine


Ludwig Schott,

of Lebanon, Pa.

3 sons.

John, b. 1759.

George, b. 1765.

Jacob, b. 1772.

Mar. 27, 1738.



George Diehl.

No record of tenth chTld.


78, d. 1735-

1707 John Ulrich.

1713 Anna Elizabeth.

arried second, May 25, 1742, Catharine Elizabeth Grove (Graeff, GrofF, Greve), b. Nov. 2, 1725, d. Aug. 14, 1776.

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 I

8 19

r. 17, 1743-

Nov. ip, 1745.

Dec. 26, 1748.

Nov. 4, 1751.

May 2, 1756.

la Juliana.


Maria Sabina,

John Daniel, d.

John Adam, d.

d. Aug. 9, 1S26,

Dec. 17, 1821,

Feb. 7, 1821,


married, 1781,


John Hoke.

Klizabeth Gra-

Sarah Grabill,

bill. b. Feb. 23,

d. Sept. 2, 1805.



Sarah, h. 1772.

Catharine, b.

Daniel, b.

Salome, b.

March 7, 1786.

Nov. 10, 1773.

June 7. 17S2.

Jonathan, b.

John, b.

Catharine, b.

May 5, 1787.

May 26, 1778.

Aug. 6, 1785.

Samuel, b.


Margaret, b.

1790 (?).

Mary, b.

Dec. II, 1793.

Daniel, b. Aug. 17, 1803.

April 16, 1 791. Fphraim, b. July 4, 1796.

Su.saii, b.

June I, 1799.


June 9, 1744.

John Jacob,

d. June 10, iSii


Mar. 10, 1747.

John Henry,

d. Sept. II, 180S,


Sabina Smyser, Barbara Wilder b. Dec. 16, 1750, b. April 27, 1756, d. June 27, 1820. d. Jan. 13, 1826.

May 22, 1750.

Susanna, died


Aug. 13, 1776.

Nov. 12. 1753.

Anna Eliza, d.

Feb. 12, 1773.

Catharine, b. June 25, 1771.

Jacob, b.

Nov. 28, 1775.

Geo. Michael, b.

Feb. 28, 177S.

Matthias, b.

Jan. 24, 1780.

Elizabeth, b.

May 8, 1782.

John Emanuel,

b. Jan. 17, 1786.

John Frederick,

b. Sept. 17, 1790.

George, b.

June 7, 1787.








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II. John Swope' ( Yost') was born May 26, 1704, in Eeinien, a town of about 2,700 inhabitants, of which his grandfather was burgomaster, in the Duchy of Baden, Germany. He was baptized on the 28th day of the same month, as is here shown by a translation of his baptismal certificate from the German :

"John Swope, son of Mr. Yost Swope, a citizen of the parish of Leimen, was baptized the 28th day of May, 1704. The sponsors were John Kitzniiller and Dornlicker Miiller of the Dornmiiller (district) near the town of Wisloch. This is a correct copy from the church records of Leimen, near Heidelberg.


Paster of Eeimen. May 5, 1720."

In 1720 he emigrated with his father to America and set- tled in Upper Leacock township, Eancaster Co., Pa., on land purchased from the Provincial Government. This land was cleared, made tillable and divided into farms, which he be- queathed to his sons at his death. In addition to farming he was also engaged in the pottery business.

He married first in 1725, Anna Dorothea Line, daugh- ter of John Line, who died in 1740. They had issue as fol- lows, all born on the old homestead in Upper Leacock town- ship, Lancaster Co., Pa.:

i. John Swope, b Sept. 27, 1726. He married and lived in

Lancaster city. At his death he left a widow and

daughter five months old, who soon after died. The

widow afterwards married George Sprecher.

ii. George Michael Swope, b. Dec. 10, 1727, married, and

38 The Swopc I'aiiiily.

(lied 175S. He left two children, John and Catharine. John was born Auj^. 12, 1756. The baptismal records of Trinity Lutheran Church give his baptism as Jan. 22, 1757. He is supposed to be Dr. John Swope, a surgeon of the Revolutionary War. Tradition says that "prior to his departure for the front, in passing the Lancaster County Hotel, on East King street, everyone, especially the ladies, remarked upon his fine appearance." Cath- arine married Casper Balser. iii. Elizabeth Swopr, b. July 31, 1729; died unmarried. iv. Anna Barbara vSwopk, b. Mar 12, 1731; ni. Philip

Gloninger. V. Anna Maria Swope, b. Jan. 3, 1733.

vi. Anna Catharine Swope, b. Mar. 15, 1734; m. Ludwig vSchott, of Lebanoi. vShe is known to have had three sons— John, b. 1759; George, b. 1765; Jacob, b. 1772. vii. John Conrad Swope, b. May 31, 1736; m. Clara

Shriver. viii. Margaret Swope, b. Mar. 27, 1738; m. George Diehl, and left children at her death in Lancaster county. ix. Anna Dorothea Swopr, b. Jan. 4, 1740. X. No record.

John Swope, in 1742, married, secondly, Elizabeth Grove (Groff or Grave). Their marriage contract is extant, a cop}^ of which \ve give; it is .somewhat in form to that now tised by the Society of Friends. These contracts were common in those days, and we have .seen one in exactly the same form, written b}' the same justice of the peace, for Daniel Ferree, Jr., and Mary Carpenter (Zimmerman).

"Pennsylvania, )

Cotinty of Lancaster, )

Whereas, John Swope and Catharine Elizabeth Greve, both of the .said County of Lancaster, having made a publication of their intention of marrying as the law of said Province direct.s This is therefore to certify to all persons whom it wvSiy concern, that on the 25th day of May, 1742, came before me, Emantiel Carpenter, one of the ju.stices of the peace of the said County of Lancaster, the .said John Swope and Cath- arine Eliza])eth Greve, and the said John Swope, before a .solemn a.ssembly for that purpose met and appointed, did openly declare that he took the said Catharine Elizabeth Greve to be his wedded wife, promising to be unto her a lov-

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The S'lCopc Fa)]}ilx. 41

ing and faithful husband, until death should separate them. And she, the said Catharine Elizabeth Greve, did in like manner declare that she took the said John Swope to be her wedded husband, promising to be unto him a loving, faithful and obedient wife until death should separate them. In tes- timony thereof both the parties hereunto have set their hands. She, after the custom of man3% assuming the surname of her husband. We whose names are hereunto .subscribed being witnes,ses present at the .solemnization, the day and year above written.

John Schwab,

Catharine Euzabeth Schwab. Emanuel Carpenter,

Justice of the Peace."

This contract was .signed by nineteen witnesses, many of them the ancestors of old Lancaster county families. The .second wife of John Swope died Aug. 14, 1776. He survived her until Dec. 18, 1780, when he died. He was buried in the graveyard of the Old Hellers (Salem) Church, about a mile from his home, where repose five generations of the family.

From the provisions of his will he must have accumulated a considerable estate for those earl}^ days. The home planta- tion he bequeathed to his .son, John Daniel, and it is still owned by his descendants. To his sons Jacob, Adam and Henry he gave each a farm. To his other children and grand- children he left various sums ranging from fifty to one hundred and twenty-five pounds each. By his second marriage he had issue as follows:

xi. Maria Jui^iana Swope, b. March 17, 1743. xii. John Jacob Swope, b. June 9, 1744; m. Sabina Smyser. xiii. Christian A Swope, b Nov. 10, 1745. xiv. John Henry Swope, b. Mar. 10, 1747; m. Barbara

Weilder. XV. Maria Sabina Swope, b. Dec. 26, 1748; m. John Hoke, xvi. Susan.\ Swope, b. May 22, 1750. She died unmarried Aug. 13, 1776, and is buried in the graveyard of Salem Church, in the same grave with her mother. The grave is marked by a stone on which is cut two female figures.

42 The Sci'ope Faiiiilv.

xvii. John Daniki. Swopk, b. Nov. 4, 1751; m. Elizabeth Gra- bill. xviii. Anna Elizabeth vSwoi-h, b. Nov. 12, 1753; died Feb. 12, 1773. She was probably a favorite daughter, as her grave in Salem churchyard is marked by an elaborately cut toni))stone.

xix. John Adam Swoph, b. May 2, 1756; m. Sarah Grabill.




I. Anna Barbara Swope' (John'-', Yost'), the fourth child of John and Anna Dorothea ( Line) Swope, was born in the homestead in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county, Pa., March 12, 1731. Her father had emploj^ed on the farm a young man named -'^ PhiHp Gloninger, who won the affections of the daughter, Anna Barbara. He being an in- dustrious and capable man, met with favor in the eyes of the father and married the daughter. Philip Gloninger was born in the Palatinate, Germany, and was one of the sufferers from the desolation of that fair country. He came to America at about 28 years of age. After the marriage of Philip Gloninger and Anna Barbara Swope, they moved to Lebanon township (now Lebanon county) where they lived until death. The old Gloninger home is still standing on the the south bank oj Quitapahilla creek. In early days it was known as the Gloninger " Fort." During the Indian wars it was used as a place of refuge by the inhabitants of the sur- rounding country from the Indians, f" It is a good speci- men of the solid architecture of the early days, with its piked roof and original port holes for windows, and serves as an in- teresting landmark because here the first Gloninger lived, from whom has descended locally quite an illustrious family. George, son of Philip and Anna Barbara Gloninger, seems to have been the oldest, and remained on the old homestead as farmer. Phihp died December 11, 1796, and Anna Barbara, September 23, 18 10 They are both buried in the graveyard of the Reformed church at Lebanon, Pa. They had several

*Philip Gloninger sometimes appears as Peter, but the most au- thentic records give his name as Philip.

fAncient and Historic lyandmarks in the Lebanon Valley. 4

46 The S'n'opc FaDiily.

daughters, of whom we have no record. Their sons were as follows:

2. i. George Gloninger, m. Mary Funk.

3. ii. Hex. JoHX Gi.oxTNCF.K, b. Sept. 19, 1750; m. Catharine


4. iii. Peter Gi^oxixckr, b. Sept. 14, 1763; m. first wife un-

known; m., secondly, Eliza Keller, iv. V.\.i.EXTiNE Gloxix'GER, b. June 11, 1776; d. March 24, 1S44. He was unmarried. He lived and died at Lebanon, Pa., and is buried in the Reformed _<rrave- yard at that place,

II. George Glonixger*, (Anna B. (Swope) Gloninger'', John Swope", Yo.st Swope'), w^as born in Lebanon township, Lebanon county, Pa. He there grew to manhood and became a farmer, occupying the old home.stead. He was not a man who was ambitious for public office, but was highl}' esteemed and an important man in the community. He was posses.sed of considerable means, as is shown l)y his will. He married Mary, daughter of Martin Funk, of the same township. They had three children, as follows:

i. Dr. George Gi.oxixger, who died in Philadelphia, Pa. ,

about 1850, unmarried, ii. Elizabeth Gi.oxixgek, b. 1792; d. 1S6S. She married Jacob Sheaffer and had three children Henr}-, Philip and Kate, all of whom married.

5. iii. M.\RV Gloxixgkr, b 1798; d. 1827 (?); m. 1814 Chris-

tian Swope.

III. Hox. John Gloxixger\ (Anna B. (vSwope) Glon- inger', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born in Lebanon township, Lebanon county, Pa.. Sept. 19, 1750. He received most of his education from the pastor of the Reformed church, as it was quite a common thing in those early daj's for the pastor to receive into his study the brighter youths of his church for instruction, or to teach a parochial school. On the breaking out of the Revolutionary war he enlisted, and towards the close was in command of a battalion of militia. The Supreme Executive Council appointed him count}' lieutenant on the organization of Dauphin county, May 6, 1785. In 1790 he was elected a representative to the General Assembly. This office he shortly after re.signed, and was


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The S'icopc FiDiii/v. 51

then elected to the State Senate. This office he held for two years and then resigned. He was a warm friend of Governor Mifflin, who appointed him one of the associate judges of the county of Dauphin. On the erection of the county of lyebanon, in 1S13, he was commis.sioned one of the associate judges, which office he filled until iiS2r. Judge Gloninger was a man very highly respected and beloved. He married Catharine, daughter of Adam and Catharine ( Kucher ) Orth. She was born Oct. 31, 1767, and died June 17, 1848 John Gloninger died Jan. 22. 1836, and is buried in the Reformed graveyard at Lebanon. They had issue as follows:

i. Rev. Philip Gloninger, b. Feb. 17, 1785, in Lebanon. In the schools of his native town he prepared himself for entrance into Dickinson College, where he com- pleted his literary course. He then went to Baltimore, where he studied theology, and was subsequently or- dained to the ministry of the Reformed Church. In 1808 he accepted a call to the Reformed Church at Har- risburg. Here he labored very successfully for several years. He was gifted with fine pulpit abilities, and soon rose to a prominent position in his church. His health failed in 1814, and he resigned his charge and returned to Lebanon, where he died on Sept. 10, 1816. The Rev. Gloninger married, in 1810, Eliza Clark, who survived him.

6 ii. Mary Gloninger,' b. May 9, 17S8; m. Rev. Jonathan


7. iii. Dr. John W. Gloninger, b. Sept. 23, 1798; m. Mary A. Hassinger.

IV. Capt. Pkter Gloninger* (Anna B. (Swope) Glon- inger', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born in Lebanon township, Lancaster (now Lebanon) Co., Pa., Sept. 14, 1763. He resided in Lebanon. He was captain in the Fourth Battalion, commanded by Lieut. -Col. Baltzer Orth, in 1789 and 1790. He was elected a County Commissioner in 18 15. In his domestic relations he was ever the fond father and affectionate husband. Sedate in manner, and of a quiet, thoughtful turn of mind. He was twice married. The name of his first wife is unknown; she died early in life, leaving one son, who was reared by her relatives in Baltimore, Md. After a residence of many years in Lebanon he moved to

52 The Sic ope Familv.

Baltimore, where he remained until i>S32, when he removed to Canal Dover, Ohio, where he bought large tracts of land, a part of which is yet owned and occupied by his descendants. The issue of his first marriage was

i. William Gloninger, b. Sept. 7, 1800; died.

8. ii. John Gloninger, b. May 26, 1803; in. Mary J. Ringgold.

Capt. Gloninger m., secondly, Maria Eliza Keller, who was born Aug. 29, 1792 and died July 21, 1859. She was buried in the cemetery at Canal Dover, at the side of her husband, who died Dec. 2, 1835- They had the following children:

9. i. Maria Elizabeth Gloninger, b. Aug. 2, 181 2; m.

John Hildt. ii. Philip Gloninger, b. Jan. 27, 1816; d. Feb. 15, 181S.

10. iii. C.vrHARiNE Gloninger, b. June 14, 1819; m Samuel

Kuhn. iv. Daniel KELLER GloningER, b. July 11, 1821; d. Aug. 19, 1848; unmarried.

V. Mary Gloninger' (George Gloninger*, Anna B. (Swope) Gloninger^ John Swope^ Yost Swope^) was born 1798 and died about 1827. She married Christian Swope, of lycbanon Co., Pa., b. 1791, d. 1877, and is buried at Millers- burg, Berks Co., Pa. (See Chap. XIV.) They had the fol- lowing children :

i. Lucy Swope, died in infancy, 1816.

ii. Philip Swope, b. Apr. 26, 1S18; d. Apr., 1889; m. Rose Alleman. They had issue i. Amelia, d. unmarried, ii. Henry, residence. Union Deposit, Pa.

iii. John, m. Becker.

iv. Rose, m. Hetrick.

V. M.\RY.

vi. Clara, m. Wilhehn.

11. iii. Henry Swope, b. Mar. 9, 1820; m Louisa Eckert.

12. iv. Elizabeth Swope, b. Feb. 20, 1822; m. Michael Sherk,

V. Daniel Swope, m. Catharine PeifFer. They had issue i. Johnath.\n, m. Rebecca Baney. They had

two children Mary and Augustus, ii. Devila, m. Strack. They had four chil- dren— Hattie, Henry, Rufus, Fannie, iii. Amanda, m. Henry Bensing. One child Galen, iv. Elmira, m. John France. They had five chil- dren.

a. O


z I




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lU 0.




X I-

The Sivope Family. 53

V. Daniel, m. Mary Boniberger. They had four

children Guy, Anna, Lee, Marjt. "O^KMlt^ vi Katk.

vii. Jacob, ni. Maria Wilhelm. vii. Mary Swopk, m. Henry B. Sherk. Their children were as follows:

i. Emma, m. Noah Walmer. They had three chil- dren— Judith, Mary, Howard, ii. Annie, ni. Dr. Theodore Biever, Harrisburg, Pa.

They had one son Theodore, iii. Harry, ni. Alice Hemperly. They had three

children Lucy, Rose, and Harry. iv. Wiijjam; died. V. Mary, m. Cyrus vStoner. They had five children

Mame, Anna, Edna, John, Herman, vi. Lucy, m. Charles Wert.

VI. Mary Gloxinger' (John Gloninger,* Anna (Svvope) Gloninger,'' John Swope,' Yost Svvope,') was born May 9, 1788; d. April 14, 1855. vShe married the Rev. Jonathan Helfen.steine, born Jan. 19, 1784; d. Sept. 23, 1829. Rev. J. Helfen.steine was a clergyman prominent in the Reformed church, and resided at Lancaster, Pa. They had issue as follows:

i. Catharine Helfensteine m. Abram Campbell, Fred- erick, Md ii. Louisa Helfensteine d. at the aged of 7S years; m. Z. S. vSiinons, Frederick, Md. iii. Ann Charlotte m. Rev. Daniel Feite and d. at the age

of 45 iv. Albert G. Helfensteine d. at the age of 50 years.

V. Jonathan Helfensteine.

vi. Elizabeth helfensteine, d. unmarried in Lancaster,

Pa., aged 54. vii. Rose Helfensteine d. in infancy.

viii. Caroline Helfensteine d. unmarried in Lancaster, Pa , aged 87. ix. Jonathan S. Helfen.steine, d. at the age of 53 years;

m. Eliza Meyer. X. John P. Helfensteine, d. at the age of 75 years. xi. Cyrus C. Helfensteine, m. Anna Trail, Frederick, Md. xii. Anna M. Helfen.steine, m. and d at the age of 71 years. 13. xiii. Charles J. Helfen.steine, b. 1829; m. Helen Tayee.

VII. Dr. John W. Gloningkr' (John Gloninger*, Anna

54 ^Z''' Su'op(- FaDtily.

(Swope) Glouiuger,"' John Swops," Yost SwopeV) was born in Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 23, 1798: d. March 10, 1.874. He was married Dec. 25, 1820, to ]\Iar\' Ann Hassinger, of Philadel- phia, Pa., who d. Feb , 1846. His early educational train- ing was received in the schools of his native town, after which he was sent to Harrisburg and Baltimore to complete his academic education. Hein, 1815, returned to Lebanon and commenced the study of medicine. Li 18 16 he went to Phila- delphia and entered the medical department of the University' of Penns3-lvania. The following year he went to New York and attended lectures at the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, where he graduated April i, 1819. In 1820 he re- turned to his native place and commenced the practice of his profession. In a short time he was the leading physician of the town. He was a careful and conscientious general practi- tioner. His specialty was diseases of the eN'e. During the early years of his practice he was a frequent contributor to the medical periodicals of the day. He was president of the Lebanon bank for twenty-six years, and a trustee of Marshall College for a number of years. He was deeply interested and took an active part in the work of the Reformed church, to which he contributed liberally of his means. They had the following children:

i. Eliz.a. Glonixger, m. Dr. David B. Marshall, of Leba- non, her cousin, a Gloninger descendant through his grandmother ^Marshall, who was a Gloninger. The issue of this union was one son, Robert, now living in Lebanon, ii Matilda Glonixcer, m John Wetherill, of Philadel- phia, where she resides. 14. iii. Dr. Cyrus D. Gloxinger, b. March 13, 1824, m. Julia

Beaumont, iv. Dr. David Staxi.ev Glonixger, m., and has a famih-

living in Philadelphia, Pa. V. Catharixe Alice Gloninger, m. May 14, 1868, Dr. A. H. Light, of Lebanon They had six children ^John, b. July 2, 1S69. d. May 16, 1S70. Ralph H , b. Aug. 10, 1871. Matilda G., b. May 30, 1873, d. April 9, 1888. Warren G., b. June 14, 1S75. Eugene H., b. May 14, 1S77, d. Dec. ir, 1S79 Helen I'., b. Nov. 15, 1880.

VTII. John Gloxixger' (Peter Gloninger,* Anna B.

The S'ccopc Family. 55

(Svvope) Gloninger," John vSwope," Yost Swope',) was born in Lebanon Co., Pa., May 26, 1S03. His mother died when he was a small boy, and he was taken and reared by her relatives in Baltimore, Md. They being Catholics, he was brought up in the faith of that church; his descendants also are members of the Catholic church. He married June 8, 1828, Mary J. Ringgold, b. Nov. 4, 1804, d. 1863, ^'^^ Pitts- burg, Pa. She was a daughter of John Ringgold, of Balti- more, of the family of the fighting Maj. Ringgold, famous in in the Mexican war, and a first cousin of Archbishop Eccle- ston, fifth Archbishop of Baltimore. Mrs. Gloninger pos- sessed a mind of rare vigor, which had received most careful culture. Her memory was strong and retentive, and remained unimpaired until the end of her life. She distinctly remem- bered the stirring scenes of the war of 1 8 1 2 as occurred in the vicinity of Baltimore. Her mind had a .strong poetical bent, and next to her church the poets gave her the greatest enjoy- ment. Four children were the issue of this union:

i. Henry Gi^oningkr, d. in Baltimore in childhood.

15. ii. Alice E. Gloninger, m. Redmond J. Grace.

16. iii. John Ringgold Gloninger, m. Mary Ledlie.

17. iv. Mary Augu.sta Gloninger, m. Gilbert de Lafayette de

Balan Fetterman.

IX. Maria Elizabeth Gloninger' (Peter Gloninger\ Anna B. ( Swope ) Gloninger', John Swope'"', Yost Swope') was born in Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 2, 1812. She married, Oct. 18, 1 831, John Hildt, of Lebanon, Pa. They at once went west and settled at Canal Dover, Ohio. In her church relations she was a zealous Methodist, but charitable to those outside of that fold. She possessed a kindly spirit of humor, and marked generosity pervaded her life, which endeared her to all with whom she came in contact. She died April 24, 1892, and rests in the Fourth St. Cemetery at Canal Dover, O. They had four children, as follows:

i. Mary C. HildT, b. Oct. 13. 1S32, d. June 6, 1895. She passed the greatest part of her girlhood in Canal Dover, but sometime previous to her marriage moved with her parents to New Philadelphia, O., where she was united in marriage to Upton Deardorf, Dec. 8, 1852. The

56 The Suvpc Family.

newly wedded couple set up their household gods on a fine farm on the outskirts of Canal Dover, and there resided for many years, afterwards locating perma- nently in Canal Dover. This union was blessed with nine children, fave of whom are living. Mrs. Deardorf was a kind, beuevolent friend to all in distress. In church relations she and her husband were earnest workers in the M. E. church. She was laid to rest in the cemetery at Canal Dover. ]\Iourned she must be, but the memory of her beautiful spirit and life is fresh in the hearts of all who knew her.

ii. Cot. George Hexrv Hildt was born Oct. 11, 1835. He is a veteran of the late war, having enlisted in 1S61, in Co. F, Sixteenth Ohio Infantry. At the battle of Vicks- burg he was wounded, and resigned and returned home. Since the war he has been engaged as pension claim agent At onetime he held the position of clerk in the office of Secretary of State of Ohio. He is a member of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. , and vice-president of the Army of the Tennessee. In religion he is a Meth- odist. Col. Hildt married Nov. 25, 1875, Mrs. Angie Switzer. Two sons were born of this union.

iii. Capt. Daniei. Glonixger Hildt, was b. Dec. 13, 1841. At the earl}- age of 19 } ears he enlisted in the late war, and for his valor and bravery was promoted to the captaincy of Co. E, Eightieth Ohio Infantry Vol. When the war was virtually over he resigned and returned to the peaceful pursuits of life, engaging in the manu- facture of salt and bromine. Capt. Hildt was a gener- ous, large hearted man, possessed of a strong will power and determination; no obstacle was sufficiently great to prevent him from reaching his object. He died Ma}' 21, 1887. Cut down just at the zenith of his career, his death left a sadness and vacancy in the hearts of a host of friends.

iv. Charlk.s F. Hii.dt, b. Oct. 23, 1844: d. Jan. 9, 1S46.

X. Catharine Gloningkr^ (Peter Gloninger*, Anna B. (Swope) Gloninger^ John Swope", Yost Swope',) was b. June 14, 1819, in Lebanon, Pa. At an early age she removed, with her pannits, to Baltimore and from thence to Canal Dover, O. At the age of 16 years she united with the M. E. church of that place, and for half a century was a devoted member. To her belongs the credit of having organized the first Sunday-school at that place. She was foremost in all

The Sccope Fa mi/ v. 57

christian and benevolent work in the church and neighbor- hood. She died Sept. 3, 1889, and peacefully sleeps by the side of loved ones gone before, but her works do follow her. She was joined in marriage to vSamuel Kuhn, Aug. 18, 1842, and to them were born the following children:

i. Francis Kuhn, b. March 30, 1844. He grew to man- hood on his father's farm near Canal Dover, and in Feb., 1S71, was united in marriage to Lillie Hildt. After his marriage he engaged in the grain business, in which lie continued until 1S91, when he moved to Cleveland; since living there he has been connected with the Cleveland Baking Co. He is identified with the M E. church They have one son, William D.

ii. Henry J. Kuhn, b. July 9, 1845. He was reared under the paternal roof, and with his brother attended the public schools. Afterwards for a period he attended Oberlin College. After leaving college, he located in Akron, O., where he remained a few years; subse- quently he went to New Philadelphia, O., where he embarked in the planing-mill business. He is a member of the Lutheran church. He married, in March, 1879, Clara Raiff, and to them have been born two daughters.

iii. Charlks Saum Kx;hn, was born April 4, 1855, on his father's farm, where he continued to live until he reached his majority. He then left the home roof and went fourth to battle with the world, but the struggle was a brief one. Health failing, he returned home and for two years manfully fought the fell destroyer, disease. Just in the prime of life he was cut down. May 12, 1885. In temperament he was peculiarly Ijright and sunshiny, seeing naught but the bright side of life. In early manhood he became a member of the M. E. church.

iv. Emma Maria Kuhn, was born Dec. 3, 1863, in the old homestead located on a part of the old Gloninger tract of land. As she expresses it, her "occupation is acting in the capacity of a girl bachelor and farmeress. In this line her time is fully occupied. ' ' She still resides in the old home, and cherishes the fond memories and asso- ciations which cling to it of those of her forefathers and loved ones gone before.

XI. Henry Swope" (Mary (Gloninger) Swope', George Gloninger\ Anna B. (Swope) Gloninger', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born Mar. 9, 1820; d. July 31, 1880. He mar-

58 riii' S^i'Opc /uiDii/y.

ried Louisa Eckert. He \vas a contractor, and resided at Lebanon, Pa. They had children as follows:

i John H. Swope, b. Sept. 14, 1S44, a cigar manufacturer in Chicago. He ni. Haiiah M. Voder, b Feb. 15, 1848; d. Jul}- 7, 1S86 He married, secondly Ellen, Nicholds. He had one son, Oscar, by his first wife, and two chil- dren by his second wife— Darrell \V., b. ^Nlar. 17, 1S91, and Louisa, b. Oct. 12, 1895. ii. Emma C. Swope.

iii. Uriah P. Swope, b Sept. 11, 1848; d. Oct. 25, 1S74: m. Caroline Becker. They had one daughter, Emma, who married Howard Hoffman, of Lebanon, Pa. iv. Charles D. Swope, b. Apl. 6, 1851; d. Dec. i, 1891. He was a contractor in Lebanon, Pa. He married Clara Eberhard. They had issTie

i. Kate, m. George H. Lengle. ii. .\xxA. iii. IVIii.Tox. iv. Harvev. V. HeeEX; died. vi. Lucy. vii. Mabel. V. Abra:si B. Swopp:, b. July 4, 1855; died Jan. 13, 1896. He married Kate A. Mover. They had one son, Walter 'SI. He was a manufacturer of cigars in Lebanon, Pa. vi. William J. Swope, married Kate Gebhart. They reside in Lebanon, Pa., where he is engaged in the manufac- ture of cigars. They had issue i. Harry; died, ii. Sadie. iii. Berth.\. vii. Edward F. Swope, m. Mary Habecker. They reside in Lebanon, Pa., where he is engaged in tailoring. They had children, as follows: i. R.\ymoxd; died, ii. Florence L. iii. Earl H.; died, viii. Adam P. Swope is unmarried and resides in Lebanon.

XII. Elizabeth Swope'', (Mary (Gloninger) Swope", George Gloninger*, Anna B. (Swope) Gloninger^ John Swope% Yost Swope') was born Feb. 20, 1822. When she was but five years of age her mother died, and she was taken by her great uncle, Hon. John Gloninger, and adopted and rai.sed in his family. When she was about 18 years of age,

TJic S'a'opc Family. 59

in 1839, she married Michael vSherk, who was accidentally killed in 1867. They had issue as follows:

i. Dr. JohN Hknry SHfc;RK was born Feb. 24, 1S41, in E. Hanover township, Lebanon, Pa. At the age of twelve years he was sent to the Academy in Lebanon. At fourteen he was sent to school at Lititz. While there he was attacked with typhoid fever, which so im- paired his health that he was compelled to abandon his intention of attendinj^ college. He subsequently read medicine and was graduated from the Universitj- of Pennsylvania, March, 1S60 The following month he opened an office in Annville, Pa., but only remained there until the following October, when he moved to Philadelphia and opened an oiSce on Sixteenth street. He was prescribing physician at the Catharine Street House of Industry in 1S63 and 1864. He gained an honorarium from the Philadelphia Dispensarj- in 1865, and again in 1868. He examined students on Obstet- rics and Di.seases of Women and Children, during the winter term of ]S66and 1867, in connection with Drs. Vanderslice and Collins of the LTniversity. During the winter of 1866 and 1867 he had charge of the clinic for Diseases of Women and Children in the Obstetrical De- partment of the Philadelphia Dispensary. He died of phthisis pulmonalis May 24, 1870. He was skillful, faithful and laborious as a practitioner. His affable manners, his warm sympathy for the suffering and the poor attached him in a remarkable manner to all his patients. His success might be considered above the average. He was twice married; first to Emma D. Humphries Dec. 20, 1859; she died Mar. 14, 1866. On Feb. 19, 1868, he married the sister of his former wife, Maggie R. Humphries. The issue of his first marriage were two children, as follows:

i. Bkssih H. Shkrk, residing in Philadelphia, ii. Dr. Henry H. Sherk, who married and has children. He is practising his profession in Passadena, Cal.

ii. Katharine Gloninger Sherk was born Feb. 22, 1843. She married, April 20, 1875, Henry C. Orth, belonging to the old and prominent family of that name in Leb- anon Co , Pa. He has been for many years extensively engaged in the sale of musical merchandise in Harris- burg, Pa., where they reside. One daughter, Florence, was the issue of this union.

6o TIic S'iCopc Family.

iii. Jacob S. vShkrk, b. June 30, 1844, m. 1867, Emma Early.

The}- had three children— Xed. Robert and Emma, iv. Emma Matilda vShkrk, b. Jan. S, 1S47, d. Dec, 1847. V. Mary E. Sherk, b. July. 1849, m. 1895, H. Uhler. vi. Galkx :M. Shp:rk, b. Jan. 25, 1856, d. Oct., 1861.

XIII. Charles J. Helfenstein'' (Mary (Gloninger) Helfenstein\ John Gloninger\ Barbara (Swope) Gloniiiger\ John vSwope-', Yost Swope',) was born in Frederick, Md., 1829. He married Helen Tayee, of St. lyOiiis, Mo., b. 1834, d. 1869. They have issue as follows:

i. Mary H. Helfenstein, b. 1857, in St Louis, d. in in- fancy, ii. Laura T. HelfensTEine, d. at the age of 3 years, iii. Annie G. Helfenstein, b. Oct. 30, 1862, in St. Louis. iv. Elizabeth Helfensteine, b. Sept. 5, 1864, in St. Louis. V. Charles R. Helfensteine, b. in St Louis, Mo., Dec. 14, 1866.

XIV. Dr. Cyrus Dorsey Gloninger, b. in Lebanon, Pa., March 13, 1824, d. Aug. 23, 1872. After preparing himself for college at the Lebanon Academy, he entered Marshall College, where he was graduated in 1S43. He studied medicine with his father and attended lectures in the University of Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated in 1846. The two following years he spent in medical universi- ties and hospitals of Europe. He returned home and com- menced the practice of medicine. The benefit he derived from his course in the universities of Europe was soon shown in his skill in the treatment of diseases of the eye, his specialty. In 1866 and 1870 he was nominated by the Democratic party for Congress, but was defeated. He was one of the founders of the Lebanon Manufacttiring Co. He was president of the Lebanon National Bank, and an active and zealous member of St. John's Reformed church. He died lamented by a large circle of friends and beneficiaries of his kindness.

He married Julia Beaumont, who sur\ives him, residing in Lebanon, Pa. They had issue:

i. Dr. Andrew Gloninger, practicing medicine at Leb- anon, Pa. ii. DoRSEV Gloninger, merchandising at Lebanon, Pa.

The Szc'opc FiiDiily. 6i

XV. Alice E. Gloninger", (JohnGloniuger', Peter Glon- inger*, Annr B. (Swope) Gloninger\ John Swope^ Yost Swope\) was born in Baltimore, Md., Aug. 9, 185 1. vSlie was educated in the Convent of the Visitation, Baltimore, and lived in that city until her marriage to Redmond J. Grace, which occurred Feb. 7, i860. After their marriage they moved to Pittsburg, Pa., where all their married life was spent. Capt. Grace was of English and Irish extraction, his family records running back to the English nobility. In early manhood when the river trade was at its zenith, he was part owner and commander of several splendid boats, The Brilliant, The Wisconsin and The Philadelphia. During the Mexican war he carried the troops to New Orleans and made the quickest trips on record. During the Buchanan adminis- tration he was inspector of hulls. He subsequently became identified with several business interests in Pittsburg, was an official of the City Insurance Company and of several banks. His unquestioned honor and integrity won for him hosts of friends and many positions of trust. He died July 22, 1885, in his 70th year. Mrs. Grace, since the death of her husband has resided in Chicago, 111., surrounded by her children. She and her famil}- are devoted members of the Roman Catholic church. The issue of this union were eight children. The daughters were educated at the Convent of the French Ursa- lines, Pittsburg, where they took the gold cross of honor. They are highl}- accomplished ladies. The sons were edu- cated at the Western Universit}- of Pittsburg, and at the College of the Fathers of the Holy Ghost.

i. Edward, m. Anna, daughter of Alexander McCall, a

prominent business man of Chicago. ii. Wilfred is a journalist, iii. Alice.

iv. Eugene is in the manufacturing business. V. Sidney, m. Wells B. Lord. They reside in Chicago, vi. Augusta. vii. Clifton. viii. Imogen.

XVI. John Ringgold Gloninger'' (John Gloninger\ Peter Gloninger\ Anna B. (Swope) Gloninger^ John Swope^



62 The Szvope Family.

Yost Swope',) was born in Baltimore, Md., Oct. i6, 1831. He married, June 21, 1859, Mary Sedlie, of Pittsburg, Pa. He was killed on the Pennsylvania R. R., Nov. i, 1887, and is buried in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Pittsburg. At the time of his death and for many years prior he was vice-president of the City Insurance Co. of Pittsburg. They had children as follows:

i. John Hexrv Gloxingkr, b. May 8, i860, in Baltimore, Md.

ii James Ledije Glonixger, b. April 30, 1862, in Balti- more. He is a member of the firm of Black & Glon- inger, Insurance and Real Estate agents, Pittsburg, Pa. Much of the phenomenal success of the firm is due to the energy, perseverance and unsurpassed executive ability of Mr. Gloninger. He is thoroughly master of the business in all its bearings, even to the smallest detail. His popularit)- is not confined excusively to business circles, as he is an esteemed member of society and an active member of several of Pittsburg's leading organizations. He was married Jan. 12, 18S8, by the Rt. Rev. Father Kennoy, to ]Mary Josephine Walsh, at St. Phillip's Roman Catholic church, Crafton, Alleghen}- Co., Pa. They have issue as follows: i. Maria, b. Feb. 11, 1889. ii. John Ringgold, b. Nov. 26, 1890. iii. James Ledlie. b. March 21, 1894. iv. DoROTHV, b. June 19, 1S96.

iii. CAROLINE Grace Gloninger, b. July 15, 1864, in New Castle, Lawrence Co., Pa. She married, Oct. 6, 1887, Alfred D. V. Watterson, who was born in Blairsville, Pa., Oct. 4, 1855. He was graduated from Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmittsburg, Md., in 1875. He sub- sequently read law and located in Pittsburg, Pa., and has now acquired one of the largest and best civil law practices in western Pennsylvania. He has traveled extensively in order to compare the legal usuages and practices of foreign countries with our own, and has been a keen observer of men, manners and things. His Alma Mater conferred on him the degree of L.L. D. in 1895. He is a brother of the Rt. Rev. John A. Watter- son, Roman Catholic Bishop, Columbus, O. Mr. and Mrs. Watterson had children as follows:

i. Alfred, b. Feb. 4, 18S9, d. July 13, 1889. ii. F'lorence, b. Aug. 10, 1890.



Tlic Su'ope Fauiily. 67

iii. Herbert vS., b. March 31, 1S93. iv. Hilary, D. , b. July 23, 1894. V. Raymond Syi^vester, b. Jan. 15, 1896.

XVII. Mary Augusta Gi.oninger'\ (John Gloninger% Peter Gloninger\ Anna B. ( vSwope) Gloninger', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born in Baltimore and married, June 8, 1868, Gilbert de Lafayette de Belan Fetterman, born May, 1824. When the Marquis de Lafayette was visiting in this country in 1S24, he stood as sponsor at the baptismal font for Mr. Fetterman, then an infant, and gave him his name. The ceremony took place in the Cathedral at Pittsburg with much pomp, the Rev. Father McGinn, officiating. Gen. de Lafayette was driven there in a carriage drawn by four white horses, and the way from the carriage to the child was strewn with flowers. Mr. Fetterman was of an old and distinguished family, he was a son of Wilfried Washington and Constantina de Belan Fetterman. His mother was a granddaughter of Baron de Belan, who until the death of Joseph the Second of Germany, was the ambassador of that court to our govern- ment. Mr Fetterman died May, 1883, after having enjoyed a large and lucrative practice at the Bar at Pittsburg. Mrs. Fetterman resides there in widowhood. They had issue:

i Gilbert dk Lafayette Fetterman, b. Oct. 20, 1870; d. March 22, 1886. ii. Francis de Bei.an Fetterman, b. Sept. i. 1872; d.

Aug , 1873. iii. Ernest Anthony Fetterman, b. June 19, 1877; d. Aug.

3. 1877- iv. Mary Alice Grace Fetterman, b. June 8, 1S74; ni.

Nov. 6, 1895, John Leo Walsh.





I. Conrad Swope'"' (John", Yost\), the third son of John Swope, was born in the old homestead in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county. Pa., on Ma}^ 31, 1736. Being one of the older children of his father's large family, he early left the paternal roof and "went west." Although the journey consumed several daj-s at that time of slow methods of travel, he did not go farther than the adjoining county of York and settled at Hanover. There he married about 1760 or [762, Clara Shrivkr, as tradition says; we have, however, no records to show her family name. He was a man of kindly disposition and warm affections, finding his chief enjoj'ment in home and the family circle. He was a confirmed member of the old Conewago (St. Matthew's) Lutheran Church, Hanover, and was an elder in the same for many 3-ears. He took great pleasure and was faithful in the discharge of all his church duties. He reared his children in his faith and most of his descendants have been identified with the Lutheran Church. He died Aug. 3, 1799, sincerely regretted, not only by his famih , but by the communit}' at large. Four hundred and fifty persons are descended from him, but only seven living males bear the Swope name. His will shows him to have been in comfortable circumstances. He left his wife well provided for and bequests to each of his children. His wife, Clara Shriver, was born July 8, 1737; died April 18, 1812. They had issue as follows:

2. i. John Swopk, b. Oct. 10, 1763; m. Catharine Karl.

3. ii. Hknrv Swoi'K, b. Sept. 26, 1767; m. Elizabeth Herr.




Tlic Szc'ope Family. 71

iii. George Swope, b. Oct. 15, 1774; d. in middle life un- married. 4. iv. Adam Swope, b. Auoj. 15, 177S; m. Lydia Spangler.

II. John Swope\ (Conrad', John', Yost' ) was born Oct. 10, 1763, in Hanover, Pa. Died July 10, 1844. He married Catharine Karl, daughter of G. A. Karl. She was born Feb., 1770; died Dec. 8, i860. In early life he was engaged in the pottery business; this he relinquished and engaged in farming. He was a man highly esteemed and respected in the community. A member of St. Matthew's L,utheran Church and one of her most liberal supporters. He is buried in the cemeter}- at Hanover. They had i.ssue as follows:

5. i. Rebecca Swope, b. Feb. 17, 1794; m. Charles Barnitz.

6. ii. Catharine Swope, b. May 16, 1796; m. Henry Wirt.

7. iii. Lydia vSwope, b. May 30, 179S; m. Henr}' Shriver.

8. iv. George Swope, b. Jan. 17, 1801; m. Margaret Smyser.

III. Henry S\voPE^ (Conrad^ Johir, Yost') was born in Hanover, Pa., Sept. 26, 1767. At the age of 25 he married Elizabeth Herr,* of York county, and located at Taney- town, Carroll county, Md., in 1793. There he engaged for many years in merchandising, keeping a general store such as was usually kept in country towns many years ago. A sur- viving son says of him that "he was a kind, indulgent and affectionate father." In the community he was highly esteemed. He died Feb. 13, 1842, a member of the IvUtheran Church and is buried, together with several of his children and his wife, in the graveyard adjoining that church in Taneytown. His wife, Elizabeth Herr, was born Sept. 26, 1774; died June 13, 1843. They had issue as follows:

i. Jacob Swope, b. Aug. 14, 1793; d. Sept. 7, 1794. 9, ii. EiJZA Swope, b. May 13, 1795; m. Samuel S. Forney.

10. iii. Dr. John Swope, b. Aug. 16, 1797; m. Mary Josephine

Boyle, iv. Jesse Swope, b. Aug. 31, 1800; d. Sept. 21, 1805. V. Mary vSwope, b. May 10, 1803; d April 17, 1840; m. William Crapster and lived in Taneytown, Md., where her husbBnd was engaged in merchandising. They had two children, Mary and Milton. Mary married and hved in Illinois, and at her death left two children.

*See note I.

72 The Swopc Family.

Capt. Milton Crapster has been in the Government service for many years as inspector of the Mississippi river and is located at St. Louis, Mo. He has been twice married and has two children by his first mar- riage, vi. Caroline Swope, b. Oct. ir, 1804; d. 1805. vii Dr. Samuel Swope was born in Taneytown, Md., Nov. 21, 1806. He stiidied medicine with his brother John, and after graduating from the Mar^-land University School of Medicine, 1830, he located in his native town, where he practiced medicine for about fifty years and accumulated quite a large fortune. His house at the edge of Taneytown, known as "Locust Grove," is a fine old mansion, where hospitality was dispensed in true Maryland style. It was the resort for four genera- tions of the family, who always found there a warm welcome. Many are the childish recollections of visits to Locust Grove and romps with the slaves, who were afterwards liberated, but remained devoted to the family. Dr. Swope was an active member of the Lutheran Church, not only at home, but in his Synod. Although he had no children, he and his estimable wife raised several nieces. He married, 1S47 Henrietta Boyle, a sister of the wife of his brother, Dr John. She was born 1807 and died 1884, a devoted member of the Roman Catholic Church. He survives at the advanced age of 89 years, well preserved in bod}- and mind, viii. Daniel Herr Swope was born in Tane3'town, Nov. 16, 1808. In early manhood he was engaged in merchandis- ing in Taneytown, later in Gettysburg, Pa., and after- wards in Baltimore. After retiring from business in Baltimore he returned to his native place, where he lived in retirement until his death. He was the Re- publican candidate for a seat in the Senate of Mary- land, but being of the minority party was defeated. He married Margaret Bruce Scott, of an influential Carroll county, Md., family, descended from the distinguished Bruce family of Scotland. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. He had one child, Elizabeth, who died in early childhood. He died April 9, 1873, and is buried in the Lutheran graveyard at Taneytown, Md. II. IX. Clara A. Swope, b. Feb. 17, 1812; m. Henry Wantz.

X. Henry Swope was l)orn in Taneytown March 4, 181 7. He married, May 20, 1847, Matilda Jones, daughter of Abraham Jones, a prominent resident of Libertytown, Md. She was born Dec. 30, 1834; d. June 13, 1893. In


i.k;n-.>X and ■Oij'NDATlONS

The Sic ope Fauiily. y^

early life Henry Swope was actively engaged in farming, which, after some years, he relinquished and lived in re- tirement on his fine place, near Liberty, known as " Cedar Lawn," from the noble cedars and evergreens on the premises. Here he and his most excellent wife dispensed a generous hospitality until her death. Their friends were always welcome and the poor were never " turned empty away "

IV. Adam Swopf/ (Conrad^ Johir, Yost') was born in Hanover, Pa., Aug. 15, 1778; d. Aug. 22, 1855. He moved to Gettysburg and in 1806 was proprietor of a tannery there; this business he carried on a few years and then relinqtiished it and engaged in other business. About middle Hfe his health failed and he retired from active pursuits. He was a modest, unassuming man and universally respected. He was a consistent member of St. James' Lutheran Church. He married L,ydia Spangler, of York county. Pa., who was born Aug. 15, 1785; d, Dec. 20, 1841. She was a woman loved for her many virtues; she was gentle and amiable almost to a fault. Her marriage to Adam Swope Was the second time the Spangler and Swope families had intermarried. Her great aunt, a daughter of Casper Spangler, one of the pioneers of York county, married Col. Michael Swope, of York, of Revolutionary fame. They had issue as follows:

i. Clarissa Swope, b. May 29, 1804, at Gettysburg, Pa. and died there unmarried, March 28, 1865.

ii. Conrad vSpangi.ek Swope, b. March 31, 1807, at Gettys- burg, and died there unmarried, Jan. 17, 1859.

iii. George H. Swope, was b. in Gettysburg, March 4, 1813, and died there July 28, 1S89. He was an upright, re- spected citizen. His fellow citizens showed their con- fidence in him by electing him to several municipal offices in that historic town, which he filled with honor and faithfulness. He was an active member of St. James' Lutheran church the greater part of his life. He died unmarried.

12. iv. John A. vSwope, b. Oct. 2, 1815, m. Nancy McCurdy.

v. Samuel Swope, b. May 26, 1818, at Gettysburg, and died there immarried, March 22, 1848.

13. vi. JuijA Ann Swope, b. Nov. 4, 1820; m. Rev. Emanuel


14. vii. Rev. David Swope, b. Dec. 25, 1824; m. Clara J. Gilbert.

76 The Swope Fa mi/ v.

V. Rebecca Swope' (John', Conrad'', John", Yost'), was born in Hanover, Pa., February 17, 1794. She married Charles Barnitz, and Hved in Hanover until her death, which occurred May 22, 1867. They had issue as follows:

15. i. Eliza Susanna Barniiz, b. Aug. 18, 1809; m. Dr. Gus-

tavus W. Wampler.

16. ii. George Carl B.\rnitz, b. June 13, 1812; m. first, Bar-

bara Alumina; m. secondly, Elizabeth Bittinger. iii. D.\xiEL SwoPE B.\RNiTz, b. March 13, 1815. He resides

in Hanover, iv. John Swope Barnitz, b. March 13, 1817: d. March 6,

1861, in Hanover; tinmarried.

17. V. Rebecca Barnitz, b. Nov. 13, 1819; m. William Oglesby. vi. Edwin Barnitz, b June 19, 1822; d. Nov. 15, 1823, twin.

18. vii. Anna C.\Th.\rine Barnitz, b. June 19, 1822; m. James

Naille; twin.

19. viii. Ch.\rles Swope Barnitz, b. INIarch 23, 1830; m. Anna

L. Brashear.

\l. C.VTHARixE SwoPE^ Qohn\ Conrad', John", Yost^), Avas born in Hanover, May 16, 1796. She is described by her granddaughter, Mrs. Blanche Smeltzer, as follows: " Catharine Swope was married to Hexry Wirt, March 9, 18 15. She was gowned in white satin, low neck, short sleeves, with long, white gloves. All her married life was spent in Hanover, where for fifty years she lived in ease and comfort. Early in life she and her housekeeper spun upon a .spinning wheel the thread for their garments and yarn for their stockings, as well as flax for household linen, man}- a piece of which is treasured in her family, spun before the fireplace whilst the burning logs crackled and roared during the winter evenings.

Her children were all given the best education the times afforded, and all were taught mu.sic upon a square mahoganj' piano, a rare instrument in those days. After the death of her husband she and her granddaughter, Blanche, lived together when death called her home, April 19, 1876. She w'as beloved b}- all who knew her, charitable and liberal, a lovely face, fair and gentle." Her husband, Henry Wirt, was born Oct. 19, 1789; d. April 14, 1S59. He was a .son of Christian Wirt of Hanover, Pa. He succeeded his father in

The Sii'opc Family. 77

the latter' s mercantile business, and after retiring from active pursuits took great interest in all the movements which were made for the good of the town of Hanover. He was first lieutenant of the company commanded by Capt. Metzger, which marched to the defense of Baltimore in 18 14. He helped to organize the first Sunday-school in the town, and also to introduce the common-school system there. He was also interested in the building of the Hanover Branch R. R. They had issue as follows :

20. i. L,ouiSA Ann Wirt, b. Feb. 14, 1816; m. Dr. William


21. ii. Catharine Wirt, b. Nov. 11, 1S17; m. Andrew Shriver. iii. WiiviviAM Edwin Wirt, b. Dec. 14, 1819; d. Nov. 9,

1841; unmarried.

22. iv. Rebecca Wirt, b. Oct. 9, 1822; m. Joseph E. Cremer.

23. V. Anna Maria Wirt, b. Aug. 23, 1823; m. George W.


24. vi. EiXEN Wirt, b. March 20, 1825; ra. Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal, vii. Henry Wirt was born in Hanover, Feb. 23, 1827. His

education was begun in the schools of his native town, but the rudimentary course which they afforded could not satisfy his keen and aspiring mind. By judicious and careful reading he acquired more than ordinary mental discipline and culture. At the age of twenty he took charge of his father's store in his own name, and continued in business uutil 1850. He was married, October 26, 1854, to Louisa, daughter of Mathias N. and Amanda (Na-je) Forney. Although no childien were born to them, their home, by its quiet, social cheer and christian refinement, was the centre of a large circle of relatives and friends. Mr. Wirt was actively identified with the public interests of Hanover, and served in various capacities and positions of trust. Shortly before his death he showed his devotion to his native town by donating to it an entire square as a common playground. " Henry Wirt Park" very fit- tingly perpetuates his name. From early manhood he was an active member of Emanuel's Reformed Church, representing his Classis and Synod in many important positions. He was prominently identified with the edu- cational and benevolent operations of his denomination, and contrilnited liberally to their support. He gave $5,000 toward the endowment of a Professor.ship in the Theological Seminary at Lancaster. By bequest he

7 8 The S'u'ope Family.

also contributed several thousand dollars to various benevolent purposes. But while Henry Wirt exerted wide influence through his public and official relations, and his generous benefactions, his name is best known and will long be cherished, because of what he was in his personal character. No sketch, however fully ex- tended, can exhibit the value of his sterling manlv qualities, or measure the influence of his faithful christian life. He died Dec. 9, 1890.

25. viii. Sarah Wirt, b. Jan. 8, 1829; m. Dr. L. E. Eichleberger.

ix. Emawxe Margueretta Wirt, b. vSept. 5, 1833; d. Oct. 25, 1S34.

A'll. Lydia Swope' (John', Conrad', John', Yost^) was born May 30, 1798, at Hanover, Pa. In July, 1819, .she married Hexry Shriver.* He was engaged during the greater part of his hfe in mercantile business in I^ittlestown, Pa. On retiring from business (1853) ^^^ moved to Hanover, where he continited to reside until his death (1879), aged 92 years. His wife, Lydia, died a few years after their removal to Hanover, Sept. 9, 1S59. Henry and Lydia Shriver were consistent members of the Reformed Church, and highly re- spected and useful citizens. Henry Shriver was a son of Andrew Shriver, Jr., of the Conewago branch of the Shriver family. They had i.ssue as follows:

26. i. Louisa C. Shriver, b. Nov. 6, 1820; m. Jacob Grove.

ii. George a. Shriver, b Feb. 18, 1823; d. April 24, 1856, in Philadelphia.

27. iii. Eleen M. Shriver, b. April 16, 1825: m. Alfred George.

28. iv. Mary Shriver, b. Oct. 29, 1S27; m. Rev. T. H. Switzer.

29. V. AxxA E. Shriver, b. Dec. 10, 1829; m. Edgar Slagel. vi. John A. Shriver, b. Oct. 10, i83i;d. May9, 1865; unmar- ried.

vii. Hkxrv D. Shriver, 1). July 10, 1S36. He married, Feb., 1885, Mary C, daughter of Ferree Hoover, of Lancaster Co., Pa. She was born Ma}- 7, 1851; d. March 25, 1 89 1. He still resides in Hanover, viii. Caevin S. Shriver was born July 10, 1836. He mar- ried, Jan., 1S70, :\L .\ngelia Nicodemus, of Baltimore, Mfl. He was engaged in the wholesale boot and shoe trade in Baltimore for a number of years, retiring in 1877. He is at present vice-president of the Maryland

* See Note ii.


rf^^ ^fvy^ YORK

' AND '■>->- i lOKS


The Swope Family. 8i

Savings Bank of Baltimore. They have one son Harry C, b. Feb., 1871.

30. ix. Emma J. Shriver, b. June, 1839. vShe married first C.

Emory Wirt; secondly Caleb Guyer.

VIII. George Swope' (John', Conrad', John', Yost') was born Jan. 17, i8or ; d. April 8, 1879. He married Margaret, daughter of Judge Smyser, of Adams county, and located in Gettysburg, where he engaged in merchandising for a num- ber of years. He was a director and for thirty years presi- dent of the Gettysburg National Bank. He was a member of St. James' Lutheran Church, and the handsome tower that surmounts that edifice is a memorial to him, erected by his son, at a cost of five thousand dollars. For many years he was a director of the Hanover and Gettysburg R. R. They had issue as follows:

i. Gkorgk Edwin Swope, b. Oct. 29, 1826; d. Dec. 9, 1826.

31. ii. Dr. John Augustus Swope, b Dec. 25, 1827; m. first,

Emma C. Wirt, and secondly, Mary Blanche Mitchell.

IX. Eliza Swope' (Henry*, Conrad'', John', Yost') was born in Taneytown, Md., May 13, 1795, and died in Gettys- burg, Pa., Sept. 4, 1863. On March 12, 1812, .she married Samuel S. Forney,* who was born March 6, 1790; d. Aug. 2, 1879. He was a .son of Adam and Rachel (Shriver) Forney, of Hanover, Pa. The Forneys descended from Johann Adam Forney, who came to America 1721. After the marriage of Eliza Swope and Samuel 'Forney they settled in Getty.sburg, Pa., where the balance of their lives was spent. He was engaged in the drug business until 1868. She was a woman of strong character, of fine bearing and reserved manner, so much so that she was often called proud. She and her family were members of the Reformed Church. Thej' had issue as follows :

32. i. Eliz.\beth Forney, b. Dec. 12, 1812; m. first. Dr. Jesse

Gilbert; m. secondl3% Edward B. Buehler.

33. ii. Henry Swope Forney, b. Feb i, 1815; m. Maria C.


34. iii. M.\RY Jane Forney, b. Feb. 12, 1817; m. John C. Bridges.

35. iv. Louisa A. Forney, b. Oct. 24, 1819; m. Horace Rathvon.

V. Josephine Forney was born in Gettysburg, Nov. 7, 1825.

* See note iii. and iv.

82 The Swope Family.

On March 30, 1852, she married the Rev. Win. D. Roedel, of Lebanon, Pa., a clergyman of the Lutheran Church. Her early married life was spent at Ardniore, near Philadelphia, where her husband was pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. He su'bsequently accepted the presidency of Wytheville Female College, Va. This position he filled with great acceptance until his death, 1866, which was due to an accident while hunting. Mrs. Roedel, after the death of her husband, returned to her father's home, in Gettysburg, faithfully ministering to his wants during his declining years, until his death. She is a highly intelligent woman of advanced ideas. Few persons possess in a more eminent degree than she those qualities which impart a charm and attraction to all with whom they come in contact. She still maintains the old home on Baltimore street, Gettysburg.

36. vi. David S. Forney, b. Jan. 9, 1S2S; m. Nancy J. Warden.

37. vii. John Swope Forney b. Feb 17, 1830; m. Mary Shriver. viii. S.\muel Swope Forney, b. July 7, 1S32; d. April 13, 1837.

ix. Sarah .A.meua Forney, b July 25, 1836; d. May 8, 1837.

X. Dr. John Swope' (Henry\ Conrad'', John', Yost') was born in Taneytown, Md., Aug. 16, 1797, and died Sept. 3. 1 87 1. He read medicine with Dr. S. P. Smith, of Cttmber- land, Md., and graduated from the Medical University of Baltimore, 18 17. He located in his uativ^e town and success- fully practiced his profession for fifty-one years, until his death. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Maryland, which framed the present Constitu- tion of that State. He married, April 12, 1825, Mary Josephine Boyle, of an old Scotch family, who fought with Robert Bruce. In all the relations of life he had few equals and no superiors. Those who knew him best loved him most. His wife was born 1800, and died July 30, 1846. She being a devoted member of the Roman Catholic Church all their descendants are of that faith. They had issue as follows:

i. Helen Josephine Swope was born in Taneytown, Md., April II, 1826. When twenty years of age she was sent to complete her education at Mt. St. Mary's Catholic College, at Emmitsburg, Md. After finishing her studies at the college she entered St. Joseph's Convent and be- came a Sister of Charity. Her whole life has been de- voted to good works and the service of her church, some of her time having been spent in the yellow fever




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The Szvope Family. 89

districts of the South. She is now an inmate of St. Joseph's, and although separated from the world and her relatives speaks very affectionately of them. 38. ii. Adalaide E. Swope, b. May 10, 1S32; m. Dr. William

A. Mathias.

XI. Clara A. Swope' (Henry\ Conrad', John', Yost') was born in Taneytown, Md., Feb. 17, 18 12; died July i, i860. She married, June 10, 1847, Henry Wantz, who was engaged in business in Baltimore, Md. , for a number of years. After retiring from business they moved to Gettysburg, Pa. , where they resided until death; and are buried in Evergreen cemetery at that place. They had issue as follows:

i. EwzABETH Swoi'E Wantz, b. March 6, 1848. She mar- ried William Cockey, of Baltimore, and died Oct. 8, 1S67, leaving one child who died in infancy, ii. Mary J. WanTz, b. June 7, 1853. She married, Jan. 19, 1875, Edward RhinedoUar, a merchant of Taneytown, Md., where they reside. They have five children^ Elizabeth vSwope, graduated with honor from Irving College, Mechanicsburg, Pa., 1896; Mary Henrietta, Clarissa Amelia, Josephine, and Edward.

XII. John Adam Swope'' (Adam*, Conrad', John"', Yost') was born in Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 2, 18 15, and lived there during his life time. He was a man of advanced ideas. He was one of the most bitter opponents of slavery and one of the original Abolitionists in that part of the country. He had a naturally strong and bright mind, and was a great general reader. He married Nancy McCurdy, of Gettys- burg. He died Oct. 25, 1880, and is buried in Evergreen cemetery, Gettysburg. They had issue as follows:—

i. LvDiA Jane Swope, was born in Gettysburg, May 15, 1845. She married, June 3, 1S66, the Rev. T. C. Pritch- ard, a clergyman of the Lutheran Church, born Sept. 24, 1840. For many years he was in charge of the parish of Barren Hill, a suburb of Philadelphia, and is now located at Phillipsburg, N. J. Mrs. Pritchard has been an exceptionally efficient co-worker with her husband in the church and a devoted wife. They have one son, William, who was born August i, 1869. Another son, Charles F., died in infancy, July 18, 1868. ii. James Adam Swope, b. March 14, 1848: m., June 23, 18S9, Anna Townsend, b. Aug. 23, i860. He completed his

90 The S'ccope Family.

education in Penna. College, Gettysburg, after which he located in Glenwood, Iowa, where he is extensively engaged in the furniture business. They have no children.

39. iii Hon. vSamukl McCurdv Swope, b. Oct. 4, i85o;m., 1876,

Anna K. Stair, iv. JoHX F. Swope was born in Gettysburg June i, 1S55, and educated there. On arriving at manhood he left his native place and went west, locating at Glenwood, Iowa, where he engaged in the furniture business in partner- ship with his brother, James. In 18SS he moved to Red Oak, Iowa. "With his genius for making friends and his close attention his business grew wonderfully, and at the time of his death he had one of the largest furniture "tores in southwestern Iowa. He was an enterprising and public spirited business man, and highly esteemed citizen. His genial ways won him friends quickl}-, and his sterling qualities of head and heart held friends to him closely and commanded the respect of all. He was a member of the Con^,regational Church, active in good works and liberal in her support." He married at Blanchard, Iowa, Jul}' 27, it>8o, Mary Ford. He died 1895.

XIII. Julia Ann Swope', TAdam*, Conrad', Johir, Yost') was born in Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 14, 1820. She married the Rev. Emanuel Hoffheins who was born Sept. 18, 1 815, and died March 28, 1863. He was a clergyman of the Reformed Church. She was a woman eminent for her man}- christian virtues, and she had wide scope for their practice as the wife of a clergyman. Her married life was spent in Lan- caster and Adams counties, where her husband was pastor of different Reformed Churches. After his death she resided in Gettysburg with her brother George. She died Aug. 7, 1892, and is buried at Abbotstown, where her husband died while pastor of that parish. They had issue as follows:

40. i. Rev. John Adam Hoffheins, b. Sept. 7, 1840; m.

Hettie Adams, ii. Thomas Emanuel Hoffheins, b. Nov. 14, 1842; d. Jan.

29, 1844. iii. LvDiA Elizabeth Hoffheins, b. Dec. 22, 1S44; d. Aug.

17, 1862. iv. Clara Julia Hoffheins, b. Aug. 5, 1849; d. May 9,




The Stvopc Family. gr

41. V. Emma Louisa Hoffheins, b. July 3, 1S50; m. Rev. J.

A. Koser. vi. SamueIv Hoffheins, b. Aug. 27, 1855; d. Aug. 28, 1855. vii. L11.1.Y Dale Hoffheins, b. March 12, 1858; d. Aug. 15,

1864. viii. Charles Nevin Hoffheins, b. March 29, i860; d. April 10, i860.

XIV. Rev. David vSwope' (Adam', Conrad', John', Yost^) was born in Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 25, 1824, and died Nov. 21, 1 88 1. He was graduated from Pennsylvania College in 185 1, and after completing his theological studies in the Gettysburg Seminary, was ordained to the ministry of the Lutheran Church in 1855. He .spent the first five years of his ministry as pastor of the Lutheran Churches at Johns- town, Pa. and Whitemarsh near Philadelphia. In i860 he moved to New York State, where the greater part of his ministry was spent as pastor of .several of the best churches of his Synod. Owing to the severity of the climate of New York State he moved to Pennsylvania a few years before his death, and died while pa.stor of the church at Dickinson, Pa. He was a zealous, laborious pastor, taking a deep interest in all his parishioners. He was a faithful steward ' ' of the mani- fold grace of God." As a preacher, earnest, plain, eminentl}' practical and biblical. He evinced sincere reverence for the church of his fathers and her doctrines and carefully and con- scientiously practised her usages. In private and domestic life he was tender in feeling, genial warm-hearted and con- fiding. It was a sincere pleasure for him to be helpful to the needy and distre.ssed, and to extend Christian sympathy to the unfortunate. He married, Nov. 5, 1856, Clar.\ J., daughter of Dr. Je.sse Gilbert and Elizabeth (Forney) Gilbert, who was born Nov. 29, 1835. She survives him re- siding in Nevvville, Pa. They had issue as follows:

i. Luthp:r Gilbert Swope, b. Nov. 20, 1857; d. March 25, 1S58. He was buried in the Lutheran graveyard at Johnstown, Pa., which was destroyed by the flood of 1889. His tombstone was recovered after having been buried eight years in the debris, ii. Gilbert E. Swope was born Jan. 24, i860. During his father's pastorate at Dansville, N. Y. After com-

96 The S'u'Opc Family.

pleting his education, he studied pharmacy and entered the drug business at Newville, Pa., still continutng in the same. He was one of the founders and for six years treasurer of the Newville Knitting Mills, the principal manufacturing industry of that town. He married Sept. 24, iSgo, Belle McKinney Haj^s*, of Newville, born Oct. 12, 1867.

iii. Jessie Ei,iz.a.beth Swope, b. April 19, 1S63, at Dansville, N. Y.; d. Nov. 14, 1878.

iv. Josephine Roedel Swope, b. Aug, 7, 1S66, at Middle- burg, N. Y., and died there May 13, 1867.

X\\ Eliza Susanna Barnitz" (Rebecca (Swope) Barnitz^ John Swope*, Conrad S\vope'\ John Swope", Yost Swope^) was born Aug. 18, 1809, at Hanover, Pa. She married Dr. Gtistavus Wirt Wampler, and Hved in Middletown Ohio, where she died Feb. 11, 1866. The}' had isstie as follows:

i. Henry G. Wampler, b. 1838; d. Sept. 14, 1845. ii. Louis Wampler, d. 1S37 an infant.

iii. Anna Rebecca Wampler, b. Sept. 20, 1840. She married John McClellan and had two children, Ebert W., b. Nov. 1864, and Clara E., b. April 12, 1867. iv. Sarah Ei.iza Wampeer, b. Oct. 4, 1842; d. May 12. 1892. She married David Presley Reed and had two children, Helen, b Nov. 29, 1S71, and Ruth, b. Feb. 23, 1874. V. Clari.ssa G. Wampeer, b. Jan.5, iS44;d. Nov. 5, 1S4S. vi. Infant daughter, d. Nov. 28, 1846. vii. GusTAVUS Wampler, b. 1848; d. Jan. 3, 1849. viii. Henrietta H. W.ami>li:r, b. Jan. 10, 1851; m. Edmund S. McCallay. ix. Emma J. Wampler, b. Dec, 1852; d. Sept. 5, 1S53. 42. X. Augustus Wampler, b, June 26, 1855; m. Charles E.


XVI. George Carl Barnitz" (Rebecca (Swope) Barnitz^ John Swope', Conrad Swope\ John vSwope", Yost Swope') was born in Hanover, Pa., Jnne 13, 18 12. At twenty-one years of age he went to Middletown, Ohio, and opened a dry goods store, which he successfully operated for a number of years. In 1847 he, with his brother-in-law, William Oglesby, established the Oglesby-Barnitz Bank in Middletown, in which he continued as president until his death. " He enjoyed the confidence of a large circle of acquaintances in the world of


* See note vi.





l^he S'cvopc Family. loi

business. He was honest and fair in his dealings with his fellow- men, and thus established a good name." He was one of the heaviest taxpayers in Butler county, O., being the possessor of vast real estate interests. In all matters of busi- ness he was an authority. He was a life-long member of the Presbyterian Church. He died suddenly Oct. 17, 1895, from a stroke of paralysis while sitting in the parlor of his home. He married first, Aug. 22, 1841, Barbara Mumma and had issue as follows:

i. Charles SwoPE BarniTz, b. March i, 1843; d. Dec. 31,

1847. ii. George Henry Barnitz; b. Nov. 2, 184S; d. Dec. 23, 1891.

George Carl Barnitz, married secondly, Oct. i, 1856, E1.IZA-

BETH BiTTiNGER. Tliey had issued as follows:

i. Louisa Naomi B.^rnitz, b. June 26, 1S57; d. Oct. 31, 1S63. ii. John Svvope Barnitz, b. Nov. 18, 1859; d. Nov. 16, 1863. iii. Daniei. Henry Barnitz, b. P'eb. 26, 1865; d. Sept, 29,

1891. iv. WiUviAM OgeESby Barnitz, b. Oct. 5, 1S67. v. Eeea Catharine Barnitz, b. June 10, 1870.

XVII. Rebecca Barnitz'"' ( Rebecca (Swope) Barnitz^ John Swope', Conrad Swope'\ John Swope", Yost Swope'), was born in Hanover, Pa., Nov. 13, 18 19, and died Jan. 21, 1850. She married, Dec. 26, 1843, William Oglesby, who was engaged in banking in Middletown, Ohio, with his brother-in-law, George Carl Barnitz. They had issue:

43. i. Mary Josephine Ogeesbv, b. Nov. 17, 1845; ni. Frank


ii. WiELiAM B. Ogeesby, b. May 6, 1S47; d. Feb. 16, 1849.

iii. Charles B. Ogeesby, b. Jan. 13, 1850; m., Oct. 2, 1871,

Kate Dickey, and had one son, William Dickey, b.

Oct. 15, 1878.

XVIII. Anna Catharine Barnitz'^ (Rebecca. (Swope) Barnitz", John Swope', Conrad Swope', John Swope', Yost Swope'), was born June 19, 1822; died April 14, r888. She married. May, 1850, James Naille, a talented lawyer of Hanover, and an accomplished linguist, whose father was a

I02 The Swopc Family.

clergyman of the German Reformed Church. They had issue as follows:

i. Catharine Augusta Naille.

44. ii. Anna Rebecca Naille, tn. the Rev. \V. E. Parson, D. D.

XIX. Ch.\rles Swope Barnitz'' (Rebecca (Swope) Barnit/;', John Swope*, Conrad Swope', John Swope", Yost Swope'), was born in Hanover, Pa., March 23, 1830. He married, Jan. 2, 185s, AxxA L,. Brashear. He is a resident and prominent business man of Middletown, Ohio. They have i.ssue as follows:

45. i. Bertha Bell Barxitz, b. Dec, 1S55; m. Robert M.


46. ii. Mary Rebecca Barnitz, b. Sept. 4, 1S57; m. J. Percy

Barnitz. iii. Charles Gustavus Barnitz, b. Sept. 4, 1859; m., June

5, 1884, Mable Thomas. They have one daughter,

Maria, b. Sept. 25, 1SS8. iv. Clara Kate Barnitz, b. Nov. 6, 1S61; m., Sept. i, 1SS6,

Ernest W. Gunckle. They have one daughter, Gene-

vive, b. Nov. 26. 1888. v. LouLiE Ann.\ Barnitz, b. Jan. 11, 1864; d. Aug. 7, 1S65. vi. Gardner Everett Barnitz, b. Feb. 6, 1866. vii. Edwin Albert Barnitz, b. Feb. 15, 1868; d. Jan. 19,


XX. Louisa Ann Wirt' (Catharine (Swope) Wirt', John Swope\ Conrad Swope', John Swope", Yost Swope^), was born in Hanover, Pa., Feb. 14, 1816. She married, July 27, 1837, Dr. William Johnston, born Jan. 26, 1808; died Dec. 19, 1877. He was a practicing physician of York, Pa. They had issue as follows:

i. C.\tharine: M. John.ston, b. April 27, 183S; d. Nov 28,

1893- ii. Ovid M. Johnston, b. Sept. 28, 1840; d. March 19, 1870,

at San Bernardino, Cal. iii. William Johnston, b. Sept. 28, 1842. He married

Ellen Sikes. They had two daughters, Kate Virginia

and Mary, who died, iv. ]\L\rTha Johnston, b. July 3, 1844. Resides in York,

Pa., unmarried.

XXI. Catharine Wirt" ( Catharine (Swope; Wirt\ John Swope*, Conrad Swope"', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born

The Sicope Family. 103

Nov. II, 1817, and died Aug. 24, 1873. She married, Feb. 16, 1837, Andrew K. Shriver, of Union Mills. Md., who was born March 25, 1802, and died March 2, 1884. vShe was noted for the amiability of her disposition and warm attach- ments. In S3'mpathy with the domestic habits of her husband, she devoted her life to the welfare and comfort of her house- hold. The reputation of the old Shriver homestead for hos- pitality was well maintained while subject to her supervision. Her husband, Andrew Keyser Shriver, was born at Union Mills, Md. In early life he acquired the knowledge of ihe tanning business. At his father's death he inherited the homestead and tanner^^ The latter he greatly improved and conducted very successfully for a number of years. The products of the tannery have been of the highest standard, the firm having been awarded a prize medal at the Centen- nial Exhibition in 1876. " Andrew K. Shriver was a man of intelligence and generous impulse. The goodness of his heart was proverbial, and drew from the entire community the love and respect which his uniform kindness was calcu- lated to inspire." They had issue as follows:

47. i. Henry Wirt Shriver, b. Dec. 9, 1837; m. Mary Wine-

brenner. ii. Fred Austin Shriver, b. Dec. 30, 1839.

48. iii. Eliza B. Shriver, b. May 8, 1842; m. David E. Wine-

brenner. iv. Anna Catharine Shriver, b. Dec. 27, 1S47. V. Louis Edwin Shriver, b. Nov. 16, 1851. vi. Helen Josephine Shriver, b. July 28, 1857; died in infancy.

XXII. Rebecca Wirt" (Catharine (Swope) Wirt\ John Swope*, Conrad Swope', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born in Hanover, Pa., October 9, 1822; died July 26, 1866. She married, Aug. 12, 1842, Joseph E. Cremer, who was born Jan. 19, 1813; died July 9, 1874. They had issue as fol- lows:—

i. Henry W. Cremer, b. Jan. 8, 1S44. He spent most of his life in his native town (Hanover). He was educated at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster. After completing his education he entered the dry goods business with his father in Hanover, and continued in

I04 The Szi'ope Family.

business until 1S76, when he retired. Notwithstanding his wealth, he was unassuming in demeanor, genial in manner, warm-hearted and approachable to the poorest, possessing many friends. He died unmarried, Nov. 7, 1891. ii. Charles E. Cremek was born in Hanover, Sept. 10, 1847. He attended school in Philadelphia and from there went to Chester, Pa., where he spent three years in developing a taste for machinery and becoming a a machinist. He afterwards spent several years in foreign travel and in this country. Returning to Han- over he resided with his brother, caring for him until his death. He was a man of fine personal appearance, cultured and very fond of music and art. He died un- married, Dec. 8, 1883.

XXIII. AxxA Maria Wirt' (Catharine (Swope) Wirf, John Swope\ Conrad Swope", John Swope', Yo.st Swope'), was born Aug. 23, 1S23, in Hanover, Pa. She married, Mar. 23, 1848, George W. Eichleberger, of Jefferson county. W. Va., who was born 1820; died Oct. 22, 1882. After their marriage they returned to \^irginia and resided at his home. She was greatly beloved by the negroes on the plantation, and b}' all who knew her. She lived but a few years, dying of consumption at her old home in Hanover, Aug. 22, 1854. Her hu.sband, Geo. W. Eichleberger descended from Philip Frederick Eichleberger, who was born 1693, near Sentzheim, Germany. He came to America with his family in T728, and settled in Lancaster county, Pa., where he bought two tracts of land, one in Manheim township and another near Hanover, now York county. Here h^ died and left numerous descend- ants, several of whom occupied positions of trust and honor during and after the Revolutionary War. They had issue as follows:

49. i. Blanche Eichleberger, b. Dec. 15, 1850; m. Prof. S.

S. Smelt zer.

XXI\'. Eelex Wirt" ('Catharine (Swope) Wirt', John Swope*, Conrad Swope\ John Swope'", Yost Swope'), was born Mar. 20, 1825, in Hanover, Pa. She married Sept. 8, 1846, Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal, of Fairfax county, Va. The first fifteen years of her married life were spent in Baltimore, Md. , where her hu.sband practiced his profession. They after-

TJic Sicopc Faiuilv. 105

wards moved to Gettysburg, where she died, July 10, 1884, and is buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Hanover. Dr. O'Neal is living in Gettysburg, having retired from a large and lucrative practice. He is an active member of the "Board of Public Cliarities of Penna.," serving as a member of the " Lunacy Committee." They had issue:

i. Catharine Eva O'.Veai.

50. ii. Dr. Wai^Ter II O'Neal, m. Martha Hay. iii. John W. O'Neai^, died in infancy.

51. iv. Mary Eeeen O'Neae, m. John J. Crapster.

V. Annie WikT O'Neal. vi. Elmira Virginia O'Neal.

XXV. Sarah Wirt'' (Catharine (Swope) Wirt', John Swope^ Conrad Swope^ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born in Hanover, Pa., January 8, 1829 She married May 13, 185 1, Dr. Lkwis E. Eichelebrger, born Sept. 29, 1824; died Sept. 4, 1864. He was a native of Virginia, a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., and a brother of George W. Eichleberger. After their marriage they resided a few miles from the old home place, at Duffield Depot, Va. , in a fine mansion, where the doctor practiced his profession several years. The family afterwards moved to Catonsville, near Baltimore, where Mrs. Eichleberger died of consumption, April 6, 1864. She is buried at Hanover. They had issue as follows:

52. i. William Wirt Eichleberger, b. Feb. 14, 1852; m. E.

Helen Wheaete3\

XXVI. EouiSA C. SHRIVER^ (Lydia TSwope) Shriver", John Swope\ Conrad Swope'', John Swope", Yost Swope^) was born Nov. 6, 1820. She married March, 1841, Jacob Grove, a merchant of Hanover, Pa., who died Oct., i86r. She still resides in Hanover. They had issue as follows:

i. Mary C. Grove. ii. Emma L. Grove; m. Nov., 186S, George C. Hilt. They

have two children, Harry and Grace, iii. Henry- S. Grove; d. Sept., 1879. iv. Martha E. Grove. V. Ellen S. Grove; m. John R. Warner. They have two

children, Henry W. and Louisa, vi. Annie E. Grove.

io6 The Sivope Faiitilj.

vii. Susan E. Grove; d. 1855. viii. George C. Grove; d. June, 1879. ix. Dr. David B. Grove; practiced medicine in Hanover, Pa., and died June 30, 1S93.

XXVII. Ellex M. Shriver" (Lydia (Swope) Shriver^ John Swope\ Conrad Swope'*, John Swope', Yost Swope^) was born April 16, 1825. She married, Nov. 4, 1852, Alfred George, of BaUimore, who died June, 1S67. She resides in Hanover, Pa. They had issue as follows:

53. i. Hen'RV George, b. Aug. 28, 1853; m. Geneva Ford.

54. ii. Anna H. George, b. Oct. 22, 1855; m. Hamilton Y.

Sprenkle. iii Ellen S. George, b. Dec. 6, 1877; d Dec. 24, 1885. iv. Alfred E. George, b. June 10, i860; d. Aug. 7, 1861. V. Emma \V. George, b. Jan. 13, 1862; d. May 23, 1878. vi. Carville Swope George, b. Nov. 7, 1863; d. Dec. 3,

1864. vii Carrie George, b. Oct. 27, 1865. viii. Alfred George, b. Nov. 3, 1867.

XXVIII. Mary Shriver'^ (L,ydia (Swope) Shriver', John Swope\ Conrad Swope^ John Swope", Yost Swope^) w^asborn Oct. 29, 1827. She married June 23, 1846, the Rev. T. H. SwiTZER, a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who died March 23, 1879, at Phillipsburg, Pa., where she maintains her home with her children. They had issue as follows:

i. Mary Switzer: d. Aug. 26, 1S61. ii. LvDiA Switzer. iii. Ell.a Switzer. iv. Catharine Switzer. V. Anna M. Switzer; m., July 12, 1893, Francis A. Curtis, of Orlando, Fla. vi. Marg.\ret Switzer- vii. Grace Switzer. viii. Thomas Switzer.

XXIX. Anna E. Shkiver" (Lydia (Swope) Shriver', John Swope*, Conrad Swope^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Dec. 10, 1829. She married, Jan., 1856, Edgar Slagel, and resides in Hanover, Pa. The issue of this union was

i. Rev. Calvin S. Slagel was born Sept. 4, 1856. He was

The Sivope Family. 107

graduated from Franklin and Marshall College, Lan- caster, Pa., and subsequently entered the ministry of the Reformed Church. He married, May, 1882, Catha- rine Apple, a daughter of the Rev. Thomas Apple, D.D., LL. D., president of Franklin and Marshall College. He now has charge of the church at Westminster, Md. They have three children, Edgar A., b. Feb. 19, 1883; Elizabeth G., b. Aug. 19, 18S5, and Katharine S., b. Feb. 7, 1888.

ii. Ida E. Slagel, b. Sept. 28, 1858; m., April, 1S85 John H. Cress. They have one daughter, Dorothy, b. Nov., 1888.

iii. Edgar W. Si.aghi., b. Nov. 14, 1862; d. March 17, 1865.

XXX. Emma J. Shriver" (Lydia TSwope) Shriver', John Swope*, Conrad Swope'', JohnSwope', Yost SwopeV) was born June, 1839. She married, Dec, 1S62, E. Emory Wirt, of Hanover, Pa. They had children as follows:

i. Carrie A. Wirt, b. 1863; d. 1865. ii. Wiijjam H. Wirt, b. 1865; d. 1865.

iii. Katharine M. Wirt, h. 186S; m., 1889, Henry W. Wil- cox.

Emma J. Shriver married, secondly, Caleb Guyer and resides in T^Tone, Pa. The}' have issue as follows:

i. Cargia'ne Guver, b. 1873. ii. Edwin Guver, b. 1875.

XXXI. Hon John Augustus Swope" (George', John\ Conrad', John", Yost'), was born Dec. 25, 1S27, in Gettys- burg, Pa. He received his preliminary education there after which he was sent to Princeton College, from which institu- tion he was graduated 1S47. He subsequently graduated in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, but did not prac- tice his profession for anj' length of time. He entered into business in Baltimore where he continued for some years, after which he retired and returned to his native town. After the death of his father he was elected a director and president of the Gettysburg National Bank, which position he still holds. Although not a politician, he was nominated by the Democratic party for Congress, and elected to the 48th and 49th Congresses of the U. S. After his election to Congress he purchased a residence in Washington and moved his familv there. Since then he has divided his time between

io8 The Szi'Ope Faviily.

Washington and Gettysburg. He is vice-president of the Washington Loan and Trust Co., Washington, D. C. He married first, Oct. 9, 1S49, E.mma C. Wirt, of Hanover, Pa. They had issue as follows:

i. Eli.a Wirt Swope, b. Feb 27, 1851; in., first. Rev W. vS. Heindel, a clergyman of the Tresbyterian Church. The}- had one son, Norman, b Sept. 6, 1S75. She m. secondly, Charles E. Kerler. They had one son, John Swope, who died in infancy-. She resides in Gettys- burg, Pa.

55. ii. IMargaret Smvser Swope, b, July 25, 1S53; m. Dr. J.

L. A. Burrell.

56. iii. Katharine Amelia Swope, b. Aug. 22, 1S56: m. Harry

M. Clabaugh. iv. Emma Wirt Swope, b. Dec. 4, 185S, in Baltimore, Md.; d. Dec. 27, i860.

Hon. John A. Swope married, secondly, Aug. 31, 1S66, Marv Blanche Mitchell. They have children as fol- lows:—

i. Ethel Gexevive Swope, b. in Baltimore, Md , June 7, 1868.

ii. Blanche Mitchell Swope, b. Sept. 9, 1874, in Gettys- burg, Pa.

iii. Georgp: Iv.an vSwope, b. July 18, 1876, in Gett3-sburg, Pa.

XXXII. Elizabeth Forney'' (Eliza (Swope) Foruey% Hemy Swope*, Conrad Swope'\ John Swope", Yost Swope^) was born Dec. 12, 1S12 in Gettysburg, Pa. She married, first, Oct. 14, 1.S34, Ur. Jesse Gilbert,^- a practicing physi- cian of Gettysburg, who also had been treasurer of Adams Co., Pa. He was born March 7, 1807, and died Aug. 28, 1838. They had two daughters as follows:

57. i. Clara Jane Gilbert, b. Oct. 29, 1S35; m. Rev. David

Swope. ii. Jessie Elizabeth Gilbert, b. Feb. 17, 183S. She was educated at Wytheville College, Va. On Nov. 23, 1865, she ni. Dr. Max ^larburg, who was b. Aug. i, 1838. They first lived in Wilton, Iowa, but subsequently moved to Washington, Iowa, where she died, 1881. She was survived by her husband and only child, Ger- trude, who was born March 15, 1869, and died Jan. 29, 1886.

* See note v.


The Swopc Fauiily. m

Elizabeth Forney married, secondly, Edward B. BuEHLER, a lawyer of Gettysburg. She died Feb. 19, 1858, universally loved for her many Chri.stian virtues. They had issue as follows:

58. i. ErxA R. BuKHi.KK, b. 1853; m. Rev. Edwin H. Delk.

59. ii. Mary Caroune Buehler, b. Oct. i, 1855; m. Lewis H.

Clement, iii. EiJZABETH Burhi^kr, b Nov. i. 1857; m., Jan 25,1893, Louis D. Wine, of Washington, D C, where they re- side, having one son, Louis Durham, b. Dec. 24, 1893.

XXXIII. Henry Swope Forney'' (EHza (vSwope) Forney^ Henry Swope*, Conrad Swope'', John Swope", Yost Swope', ) was born in Getty.sburg, Pa., Feb. i, 18 15. After completing his education at Penna. College he engaged in business in Baltimore, conducting a large hotise furnishing store on Howard street. After retiring from business he re- turned to his native town and died Jan. 5, 1884. He married Dec. 2, 1844, Maria C. Benson, who was born Sept. 28, 1823, and died Nov. 28, 1877. They had children as follows:

i. Samuel vS. Forney, b. Sept. 28, 1845; d. Aug 18, 1861. ii. AucE M. Forney, b. Oct. 19, 1847. Resides at Towson,

Md. iii. Julia Forney, b. Aug. 1849; d. Sept. 27, 1883. She

married, Oct. 10, 18S2, Rev. Millard F. Troxell. a

clergyman of the Lutheran church, iv. Josephine R. Forney, b. July ti, 1859; d. March

18, 1862.

XXXIV. Mary Jane Forney" (Eliza (Swope) Forney^ Henry Swope*, Conrad vSwope', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Feb. 12, 18 17, in Gettysburg, Pa. "Early in life she gave her heart to Christ, and connected herself with the Lutheran Church, of which she remained a most faithful and consistent member until her death. She was naturally gifted with a peculiarly bright and attractive disposition. Kind, gentle, courteous and refined, she had a warm place in the hearts of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Her daughter says ' ' her life was one of the most beautiful I ever knew. Modest indeed, retiring of disposition, with the sweetest face and temper; temper that seemed never to be

112 The Su'opc FaDiily.

ruffled. Her character was lovely beyond expression. " She married Sept. 24, 1840, Johx C. Bridges, b. March 7, 1817; d. June 22, 1892. He was of English parentage. His father, John Spratt Bridges, came to this country and .settled in Georgetown, D. C. After the birth of his .son, John C, he moved to Baltimore, Md., and resided there for many years. He was a close friend of Peabod}', and a man highly respected. John C. Bridges after graduating from Mt. Hope College, Baltimore, went West for two years, then returned and went into the wholesale grocery house of Abraham Patterson & Co., Baltimore. Later he became a member of the firm, which was J. C. Bridges & Co., and so continued for thirty- six years. During the financial crisis of 1872, his house with a number of others failed, and four years later he was appointed U. vS. custom officer at Baltimore. He continued to occupy this position until two years before his death, when he resigned. He was a man of pure, upright character, was very generous, and when his means were large, gave largely, and when they were curtailed he continued his benevolence in a most quiet manner. For nearly fift}' 3'ears he was an active and consistent member of the Lutheran Church. Mrs. Bridges died in Baltimore, Feb. 27, 1884. Their children were as follows:

i. Hei,EN J. Bridges, 1). vSept. 16, 1841. On Nov. 16, 1S69, .she married Samuel Davis Schmucker, son of Rev. S. S. Schmucker, D D., a noted divine of the Lutheran Church. Samuel D. .Schmucker is a lawyer of large practice, of great ability and legal acumen, and enjoys the reputation of a man of the highest character, as well as attainments ^Nlr. and Mrs. Schmucker have twice been abroad, and live in Baltimore, surrounded by all that wealth and refinement can give, ii. Susan C. Bridges, b. Oct. 2, 1843; d. Dec. 22, 1844. iii. John Patterson Bridgp;s, b. Feb. 24, 1846; d. 1859.

60. iv. M. Julia Bridges, b. June 17, 1848; m. Prof. Samuel P.


61. V. Frances V. Bridge.s, b. Nov. 15, 1S50; m. Dr. A. Sar-

gent Tinges, vi. AixEN C Bridges. 1). Aug. 25, 1S53; died.

62. vii. John S. Brid(-,es, b. Dec. 4, 1856; m. Mar}- E. Wills.

(i) Henry S. Forney. (2) SimusI S. Forney. 1,;) Elizabeth Forney, wife, ist, Dr. Jesse Gilbert, 2d, E. B. Buehler. (41 John ,S. Forney. (5) Jessie E. Gilbert, wife of Dr. Max Marburg. (6) Mary Shriver, wife of John S. Forney. (7) David Julian Forney. (8) Jessie Elizabeth Swope. (9) Su.san Elizabeth Forney. (10) Elizabeth Rathvon. ( 11 ) Loui.sa Forney, wife of George Lower. ( 12) Gertrude Marburg.


The Szi'opc Family. 117

XXXV. Louisa A. Forney'' (Eliza (Swope) Forney', Henry Swope', Conrad Swope', John Swope'"', Yost Swope\) was born in Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 24, 18 19. She married. May II, 1842, Horace Rathvon, who was born Nov. 17, 1816, and died Nov. 7, 1875. He was educated at Pennsyl- vania College, Gettysburg. He subsequently became cashier successively of the Lancaster County Bank, the Lancaster Bank, and the Fir.st National Bank of Lancaster. There they lived until his death. After that event the family moved to Denver, Colorado, where Mrs. Rathvon now resides. They had children as follows:

i. HoR.\CK Rathvon, b. June 6, 1843, and was drowned accidentally in the Conestoga creek, Lancaster county, June 3, 1853. 63. ii. Hon Samukl F Rathvon, b. March 7, 1S45; i"-, first.

Mar}- L. Rhine; m. secondly, Emily H. Magraw.

iii. Elizabeth Rathvon, b. Jan. 31, 1847; d. April 20, 187:, in Lancaster.

iv. William R. Rathvon, b. Dec. 31, 1854, in Lancaster, Pa. He married, first, Dec. 27, 1877, Elizabeth Stauffer of Lancaster, who died leaving one son Martin, born Sept. 12, 1880. He married, secondly, April 20, 1883, Ella Stauflfer, sister of his first wife. She was born Jan. 15, 1863. For a number of years Mr. Rathvon was en- gaged in stock brokerage in Denver. He is now con- nected with the United Oil Co. , located at Florence, Col.

XXXVI. David S. Forney" (Eliza (Swope) Forney', Henry S\vope^ Conrad vSwope'\ John Swope", Yo.st Swope^ was born in Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 9, 1828. He was educated at Pennsylvania College, in his native tov^n Being a man of fine taste he chose art as his profession, and he became a very skillful portrait painter. This, however, was injurious to his health, and he gradually relinquished his profession. He subsequently purchased large tracts of land in Pulaski Co. , Va., where he developed several zinc mines which he is now exten.sively operating. He married Mary J. Warden, who was born Aug., 1836. They had issue as follows:

i. Elsie Fornev, b. Aug. 5, 1SS2. ii. Mable Forney, b. Nov. 23. 1884.

Ii8 The S'd'Ope Fainily.

iii. Josephine R. Forney, b. March, 1S87. iv. Samuei, Walker Forney, b. Juh^ 17, 18S9.

XXXVII. John Swope Forney'* (Eliza ( Swope ) Forney', Henry Swope*, Conrad Swope'', John Swope^ Yost Swope^) was born in Gettysburg, Pa., Feb. 17, 1S30. He married, Feb. 21, 1 86 1, Mary Shriver. He received his education at Oak Ridge x-Vcademy and Pennsylvania College. In 1849 he joined a company for California. They spent the winter of '49 and '50 at Salt Lake with the Mormons. Continuing their journey in the Spring they crossed the Sierra Madre mountains with no guidance but blazed trees at long intervals. He began prospecting in 185 1, but not being successful he left California for Oregon, where he remained a year. Re- turning to California he spent some time in vainly " wooing fickle fortune." He returned to his home in Gettysburg 1859. The following year he bought the farm on which he now re.sides, i^ miles north of Gettysburg, on Seminary Ridge. This farm is part of the historic battlefield of Get- tysburg. About the 28th of June, 1863, Jenkins' Cavalry, an advance scouting party of the Confederate Army occupied the place, and a few days later, during the battle, the house was made the headquarters of General Ewell. Just above the house was placed the largest gun of the Confederate army, which discharged its shell over Gettysburg to Round Top, a distance of four miles. Everything about the place was com- pletely destroyed by the battle except the house and barn, and they were well riddled by shot and shell. The hou.se now bears but few .scars from that memorable event, the .skill of the artisan having erased them, while the well-kept terraces of the lawn gives no evidence of the terrible combat that raged ou its surface, or the brave men who were embraced in its bosom, after giving up their lives for their country. The farm is now marked by .some of the finest monuments on the battle- field and traversed by several avenues. Mrs. Forney relates som2 very thrilling experiences incident to the battle. One was her escape from her home with an infant in her arms at midnight, through a country filled with soldiers, to her father's house, a mile away. Another was her return to her home during the battle and her efforts to save from destruc-







The Sivope Family. i 23

tion some of her household treasures. In this she was partly successful, as the Confederate soldiers in possession treated her with the courtesy due a lady. They had the following children, all born at Gettysburg, Pa.:

i. Louisa Forney, who married George Lower and lives in Carlisle, Pa. They had one daughter, Josephine, who was accidentally drowned on her grandfather's farm in the summer of 1 896. ii. Susan Elizabeth Forney residing at home, iii. David Julian Forney, a student at Penna. College.

XXXVIII. Adelaide E. Swope* (Dr. John\ Henry*, Conrad'', John', Yo.st'), was born in Taneytown, Md., May 10, 1832. She married William A. Mathias, M. D., of Westminster, Md., who was born March 8, 1821, and died April 17, 1864. She was a devoted member of the Catholic Church. She died Nov. i, 1868, in San Antonia, Florida, where she had gone in search of health. They had issue as follows:

64. i. Mary Josephine MaThi.\s, b. Nov. 20, 1853; m. Dr.

Edward D. Wells.

65. -ii. John Swope Mathias, M D., b. Oct. 11, 1S55; m. Mary

L. Lynch, iii. Agnes Reppier Mathi.\s, b. Sept. 27, 1857; d. Nov.,

1872. iv. Helen Louisa M.athias, b. April 8, 1859; d. Feb., 1861. v. William A. M.\thi.\s, b. Aug. 18, 1861; died in infancy.

XXXIX. Hon. Samuel McCurdy Swope" (John', Adam*, Conrad'', John'", Yost') was born in Gettysburg Oct. 4, 1850. He was graduated from Pennsylvania College in the class of 1872. In 1874 he entered the office of Hon. David Wills, of Gettysburg, with whom he read law, and was admitted to the Bar at Gettysburg in 1876, and two years later to practice before the Supreme Court of the State. He was twice elected District Attorney for the county of Adams, the second time without opposition, though a candidate of the minority party, and as such served six years, from Jan., 1880 to Jan., 1886. In 1894 he was elected President Judge, of the district, comprising Adams and Fulton counties by a very large majority. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of and an elder in the Presbyterian Church. In

124 ^^^(^ Szvopc Fa))iily.

1876 he married Anna Kate Stair, a daughter of William Stair, of York, Pa. They have children as follows:

i. Jamks Doxald Swope. ii. Mary Swopk. iii. Amy Swope.

XL,. Rev. John x^dam Hofpheins, D. D." (Julia (Swope) Hoffheins\ Adam Swope', Conrad Swope', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Sept. 7, 1840. He received his preparatory training in Gettysburg, and entered Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, from which he was gradu- ated. He subsequently .studied theology and entered the ministry of the Reformed Church. He was pastor of the Re- formed Churches at Carli.sle, Pottsville and Allegheny, Pa., and is now located at Martinsburg, \V. Va., where he has been for a number of years. He has been honored by his church by many responsible positions, all of which he has creditably filled. He married. May 13, 1S69, Hettie Adams. They have issue as follows:

i. WiLijAM Emanuel Hoffheins, b. Sept. 10, 187 1. He was educated at Franklin and Marshall College, Lan- caster, Pa., and is now editor and proprietor of the Martinsburg, W. Va., Daily ll'or/d.

ii. Mary Virginia Hoffheins, b. Dec. 23, 1SS6.

XIvI. Emmma Louisa Hoffheins" ( Julia (Swope) Hoff- heins'', Adam Swope', Conrad Swope'', John Swope'', Yost vSwope'), was born July 3, 1S50. She married, June 24, 1875, the Rev. J. A. KosER, of Getty.sburg. Rev. Mr. Ko.ser was graduated from Pennsyvania College 1872, and from the Theological Seminary at Getty.sburg, June, 1875. He was ordained to the ministry of the Lutheran Church and has served with great faithfulness and acceptability the Luth- eran parishes of Salisbury, Northumberland and Aluncy, Pa. He is now pastor of the Church of Sioux City, Iowa. In all his pastoral duties he has had a faithful helpmate in his de- voted wife. They have children as follows:

i. Martin Luther Koser, b. May 13, 1876. ii. George Samuel Koser, b. June 2, 1877. iii. Cl.a-RA L. D. Koser, b. April 6, 1879.

XLH. Augusta Wampler' (Eliza (Barnitz) Wampler",


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The Sxi'ope Family. 129

Rebecca (Swope) Barnitz', John Swope*, Conrad Swope^ John Swope', Yost Swope^) was born June 26, 1855; married Charles E. Denny. They have issue:

i. Wampler Denny, b Oct. 4, 1879. ii. Marjorie Denny, b. May 26, 1882. iii. Mark E. Denny, b. Sept. 10, 1S84. iv. George E. Denny, b. Aug. 22, 1S92.

XLIII. Mary J. Ogelsby' (Rebecca (Barnitz) Ogelsby"' Rebecca (Swope) Barnitz"', John Swope\ Conrad Swope\ John Swope', Yost Swope^) was born Nov. 17, 1845; married, Jan. I, 186S, Frank FoRSTER. They had issue:

i. William Ogelsby For.ster, b. July 12, 1873; d. Sepf

12, 1875. ii. Helen Forster, b. July 10, 1876. iii. Cameron H. Forster.

XLIV. Anna Rebecca Naille' ( Anna ( Barnitz ) Naille**^ Rebecca (Swope) Barnitz', John Swope', Conrad Swope% John vSwope^ Yost Swope') was educated at Lutherville Female Seminary, Md. She developed a talent for music and has become an accomplished musician. She married, Aug. 18, 1874, the Rev. William E. Parson, D. D., son of Rev. George Parson, D. D., and Mary (Gilbert) Parson. Dr. Parson is a clergyman of the Lutheran Church. Imme- diately after their marriage they went to Japan, where Dr. Parson had accepted a professorship in the Imperial Univer- sity at Yeddo. Previous to his acceptance of the professor- ship he traveled through this country and Europe with the Japanese Embassy that was sent to this country by the Japanese Government. After remaining several years in Japan they returned to this country, and Dr. Parson accepted a call to the Church of the Reformation, Washington, D. C, of which church he is still pastor. They had issue:

i. KiDO Parson, b. June 9, 1S75, in Japan

ii. George J. Parson, b. Nov. 9, 1876, in Japan,

iii. William E. Parson, b. May 2, 187S; d. Feb. 28, 1896. iv. Artly Beeber Parson, b. Jan. 27, 1880.

V. Donald Parson, b. Jan. 10, 1882.

vi. Eric Parson, b. Oct. 10, 1884.

vii. Kenneth B. Gilbert Parson, b. July 7, 1892.

viii. John D. Parson, b. Feb. 15, 1894.

130 The S'a'ope Family.

XlyV. Bertha Belle Barnitz" (Charles Swope Barnitz", Rebecca (Swope) Barnitz', John Swope', Conrad Swope'', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Dec, 1855. She mar- ried, June 24, 1875, Robert M. Wirt, and resides in Han- over, Pa. They had issue as follows:

i. Amelia Banner Wirt, b. June 28, 1876. ii. Charles B. Wirt, b. April 16, 1878. iii. Robert O. Wirt, b. April 18, 18S0.

XMT. Mary Rebkcca Barnitz' ( Charles Swope Barnitz^ Rebecca (Swope) Barnitz', John Swope\ Conrad Swope^, John Swope", Yost SwopeM was born Sept. 4, 1857; uiarried, Oct. 9, 1885, J. Percy Barnitz. They had children as follows:

i. Wirt Whitcomb Barnitz, h. June 13, 1887. ii. Anna Louisa Barnitz, b. Nov. 6, 1S8S; d. Jan. 8, 1892. iii. Richard M. Barnitz, b. Dec. 25, 1S91. iv. Albert M. Barnitz, b. May 11, 1893.

XlyVII. Henry Wirt Shriver' (Catharine (Wirt) Shriv^er'', Catharine (Swope) Wirt"', John Swope*, Conrad Swope\ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born in the home- stead at Union Mills, Md., Dec. 9, 1837. He married, Oct. 2, 1S66, Mary Winebrenner, of Hanover, Pa., daughter of Henry Winebrenner. For a number of years he was asso- ciated with his father in the tanning business. He was with the ' ' Emergency ' ' troops of Pennsylvania during the war. He occupies the old Shriver homestead at Union Mills, and maintains its reputation for hospitality. He is a member of the Reformed Church and active in promoting her interests. They had issue as follows:

i. Lucy Shriver, b. vSept. 14, 1867; d. July 21, 1868.

ii. Elizabeth Shriver, b. April 11, 1869. iii. Henry Wirt Shriver, b. Dec. 16, 1870. iv. Marv Winifred Shriver, b. Aug. 8, 1875.

V. Sar.\h Catharine Shriver, b. Jan. 23, 1878.

XI.VIII. Eliza B. Shriver' (Catharine (Wirt) Shriver^ Catharine (Swope) Wirt'\ John Swope^ Conrad Swope^ John vSwope", Yost Swope') was born in the homestead at Union Mills, Md., May 8, 1842. She married, Oct. 19, 1864,

The Swopc Fainily. 131

David E. Winebrenner, of Hanover, Pa. (a brother of her brother Henry's wife ). They had issue as follows:

i. Helen Shriver Winebrenner, b. July 25, 1865; 111.,

April 26, 1.S94, Charles J. Delane. ii. Martha C. Winebrenner, b. June 3, 1869; in., June 5,

1894, William R Saliday. iii. David E. Winebrenner, b. Sept. 17, 1872.

XlylX. Blanche Eichleberger' (Anna (Wirt) Eichle- berger", Catharine (Swope) Wirt\ John Swope\ Conrad Swope^ John Swope", Yo.st Swope') was born, Dec. 15, 1850, at the home of her parents in Virginia. She being about three and a half years old when her mother died, was ten- derly and devotedly cared for b}' her grandmother Wirt, at Hanover, up to her twenty-fifth year, spending seven years at the Moravian boarding school at Lititz, Pa. After the death of her grandmother .she returned to her father's home in Jeffer- son county, Va. In less than a year, Jan. 17, 1877, she married Prof. S. vS. Smeltzer, of Shepherd College, Shep- herdstown, W. Va., born May, 21, 1850. He was a .son of the Rev. I. P. Smeltzer, D. D., of the Lutheran Church. After spending five years in Shepherd College, Prof. Smeltzer, hav- ing previou.sly studied law, removed to Staunton, Va., where he practiced his profession until his death. He was held in high esteem in the community, and was elected Mayor of Staunton, was a prominent Mason and a member of the Luth- eran Church from his sixteenth year. He died Nov. 12, 1891. They had issue as follows:

i. Anna vSmei.tzer, b Sept. 8, 1878; d., Dec. 7, 1882, of

scarlet fever, ii. Wirt vSmeeTzer, b. April 15, iSSi; d., Dec. 2, 1S82, of

scarlet fever, iii. Eee.-v Smeltzer, b. Sept. 19, 1883. iv. John Smeltzer, b. Nov. 25, 1885.

E. Dr. Walter H. O'Neal' (Ellen (Wirt) O'Neal', Catharine (Swope) Wirt", John Swope*, Conrad Swope\ John Swope^ Yost Swope' ) is a practicing physician of Getty.sburg, Pa. He married, April 23, 1878, Martha, daughter of Col. Alexander Hay, of Philadelphia, Pa. They have issue as follows:

132 The Szi'ope Family,

i. Hav Wirt O'Xkal, d. iSSo. ii. Ellex O'Neal. iii. Alexander Hav O'Neal.

LI. Mary Ellen O'Xeal' (Ellen (Wirt) O'Neal', Cath- arine (Swope) Wirt". John Swope*, Conrad S\vope^ John Swope", Yost Swope') married, An.^^. 19, 1SS4, John J. Crapster, of Taneytown, Md., where the}' reside. The}' had issue:

i. Ellex Pattersox Crapster.

ii. Lrcv Crapster; died. iii. Axxa Porter Crapster. iv. JoHx O'Neal Crapster.

V. Christixe Wirt Crapster; died, vi. Walter B. Crapster. vii. Catharixe Elizabeth Crapster.

LII. William Wirt Eichleberger" (Sarah (Wirt) Eichleberger\ Catharine (Swope) Wirt", John Swope*, Con- rad Swope', John Swope'', Yost Swope' ) was born, Feb. 14, 1852, at Catonsville, Md. He was reared in a home sur- rounded by all the comforts and luxuries of life. He received his education at St. Timothy's Hall, in his native place, and at a private school in Baltimore; from the latter he received three .silver medals. At eighteen he commenced the study of law, and graduated with credit to him.self in 1S73, in which year, May 15, he married E. Helen Wheaetey, of Balti- more. He formed a partnership with a cousin and com- menced the practice of law. Life at this time looked ver}' bright, success seemed before him, but now circumstances, over which he had no control, caused him to relinquish the practice of his profession and enter the service of the Govern- ment. This position he retained until his death. He did duty at Boston, Wa.shington, Mobile, New York, and Port- land, Me., where he died, Dec. 12, 18S6. His death was due to overstudy and close application to his duties. He was reserved, quiet, gentle in manner and generous to a fault. He was devoted to his family, and his happiest hours were spent with them. They had children as follows:

i. Edith Wirt Eichleberger, b. May 7, 1874, in Balti- more; d. Jan. 4, 1S7S.


The Sivope Family. 133

ii. Blanche Greenwood Eichleberger, b. Dec. 6, 1875;

d. Feb. 13, 1S92. iii. WiivLiAM W. RiCHLEBERGER, b. Jan. 25, 1878, in Wash- ington, D. C. iv. Arthur Carey Eichleberger, b. Nov. 15, 1879; d.

Oct. 18, 1S87. V. Paul Wheaetey Eichleberger, b. April 8, 1881.

LIII. Henry George' (Ellen (Shriver) George", Lydia (Svvope) Shriver^ John Swope*, Conrad Swope\ John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born Aug. 28, 1853; married, Jan. 3, 1874, Geneva Ford, who died June 3, 1892. They had issue:

i. Harry S. George, b. Sept. 5, 1874.

ii. Mary E. George, b. Feb. 12, 1876. "^

iii. William F. George, b. Nov. 4, 1S77; d. Oct. 10, 1884. iv. Alice R. George, b. June 19, 1879. V. Carrie E. George, b. May 12, 18S1. vi. Ethel B. George, b. June 16, 1883. vii. Calvin S. George, b. Oct. 7, 1885. viii. Geneva George, b. May 3, 1887. ix. Alfred C. George, b. Dec. 22, 1889.

IvIV. Anna H. George' (Ellen (Shriver) George", I^ydia ( Swope) vShriver', John Swope*, Conrad Swope'', John Swope', Yost Swope'), born Oct. 22, 1855; married, April 30, 1878, Hamilton Y. Sprenkle. They had issue:

i. Arthur G. Sprenkle, b. Feb. 21, 1881.

ii. Walter Y. Sprenkle, b. Feb. 4, 1884. iii. Emma Sprenkle, b. May 24, 1888. iv. Louisa Sprenkle, b. May 28, 1S90.

EV. Margaret Smyser Swope' (Hon. John", George', John\ Conrad^ Johir, Yost'j was born July 25, 1853. She married. May 8, 1878, Dr. James E. A. Burrell. During the lifetime of her husband they resided in Williamsport, Pa., where he enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. After his death she moved to Baltimore, Md., where she now resides with her children on Maryland avenue. They had issue as follows:

i. George Swope BurrELL, b, June 7, 1S79; d. Aug. i,

1879. ii. James L. A. Burrell, b. July 9, 1880, in Williamsport. iii. Blanche Mitchell Burrell, b. July 24, 1884. iv. John Swope Burrell, b. Aug. 27, 1891.

1 34 The S7l 'opc Fa m ily.

LVr. Kathakixe Amelia Swoph" (Hon. Joh^^ George", John', Conrad'', John", Yost') was born, Aug. 22, 1S56, in Gettysburg. She married Harry M. Clabaugh, a talented lawyer of Taney town, Md. After her marriage she pur- chased the old Ege mansion at Taney town, and resided there for some years. Her husband's extensive law practice de- manding much of his time in Baltimore, they moved there, and now reside on Maryland avenue that city. They had iasue as follows:

i Helkx Margaret Clabaugh, b. Oct. 23, t8Si. ii. Emma Catharine Clabaugh, b Sept. 10, 1886.

LVir. Clara Jax- Gilbert' (Elizabeth (Forney) Gil- bert", Eliza (Swope ) Forney', Henry Swope*, Conrad Swope^ John vSwope", YostSwope\) was born, Oct. 29, 1835, in Gettys- burg, Pa. She grew to womanhood in her native town, completing her education in the Ladies' Seminary of that place. She married, Nov. 5, 1856, her kinsman, the Rev. David Swope. (See Xl\'. ) The}' had children as fol- lows:—

i. Luther Gilbert Swope, b. Nov. 20, 1S57: d. March 25,

1S5S. ii. Gilbert Erxest Swope, b. Jan. 24, i860; m. Belle M.

Haj-s. iii. Jessie Elizabeth Swope, b. April 19, 1863: d. Nov. 14,

1S78. iv. Josephine Roedel Swope, b. Aug. 7, 1866; d. May 13,


LVIII. Ella R. Buehler' (Elizabeth (Forney) Buehler^ Eliza (Swope) Forney% Henry Swope\ Conrad Swope'\ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born, 1853, in Gettysburg. She was educated at the Moravian Seminary at Lititz, Pa. She married, Sept. 5, 1883, the Rev Edwix Hevl Delk, of Philadelphia, a clergyman of the Eutheran Church, now pastor of Trinity church, Hagerstown, Md. They have children as follows:

i. Edward Buehler Delk, b. Sept. 21, 1884. ii. Margaret Eshe:r Delk, b. Nov. 13, 1892.

LIX. Marv Cakolixe Buehler' (Elizabeth t Forney) Buehler", Eliza (Swope) Forney", Henry Swope\ Conrad




The Sii'opc Family. 141

Swope'', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born in Gettysburg, Oct. I, 1855. She married, Nov. 27, 1878, Louis H. Clement, a prominent lawyer of Salisbury, N. C, where she resides. They had issue as follows:

i Hayden C1.EMENT, b. Sept. 25, 1S79. ii. Edward Buehi^er Clement, b. Sept. 18, iS8r. iii John M. Clement, b. March 26, 1884; d. June 29, 1884. iv. Donald Clement, b. Nov. 7, 1886. V. Louis Heyl Clement, b. March 2, 1891.

IvX. M. Julia Bridges' (Jane (Forney) Bridges", Eliza (Swope) Forney^ Henry Swope*. Conrad Swope^ John Swope", Yost Swope'), born June 17, 1848; married, Dec. 17, 1872, Samuel P. Sadtler, Ph. D., born July 18, 1847. He is a son of Rev. Benjamin vSadtler, D. D. , of the IvUtheran Church. He is Professor of Chemistry in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and of General and Organic Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania. He is the chemical editor of the U. S. Dispensatory. They have issue:

i. Samuel S. S.\dTler, b. Nov. 15, 1873. ii. Frederick B. Sadtler, b. Feb. 21, 1876; d. April 15,

1880. iii. Ella Sadtler, b. April i, 1878. iv. Philip B. S.\dTler, b. Felj. 21, 1884. V. Alice H. Sadtler, b. April 9, 1888.

LXI. Frances Virginia Bridges' (Jane ( Forney) Bridges", Eliza (Swope) Forney\ Henry Swope\ Conrad Swope'', John Swope'', Yost Swope') was born Nov. 15, 1850. She married, July 10, 1876, Dr. A. Sargent Tinges, of Baltimore. He was a most excellent physician, and died in the prime of life, Aug. 24, iSSS, at Waynesboro, Pa. His widow and children survive, now living in Gettysburg, Pa. The children are:

i. Kate White Tinges, b. Nov. 12, 1878. ii. Ida V. Tinges, b. Dec. 28, 1880. iii. George Herbert, b Sept. 16, 1S85.

LXII. John S. Bridges' (Jane (Forney) Bridges'', Eliza (Swope) Forney^ Henry Swope\ Conrad Swope^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Dec. 4, 1856. He was edu- cated at Penna. College, Gettysburg. He married, June 4, lu

142 The Sxvopc Faiiiilr.

1879, Mary E , daughter of Judge David Wills, of Gettys- burg, Pa. He is a highly respected citizen of Baltimore, and proprietor of a printing and engraving establishment in that city. They have children as follows:

i. John S. Bridges, b. Dec. 19, 1S80. ii. David Wills Bridges, b. Jan. 12, 1883. iii. Mary E. Bridges, b. Jan. 15, 1S89. iv. James W. Bridges, b. April 10, 1892; d. July 19, 1S93.

IvXIII. Hon. Samuel F. Rathvon" (Louisa (Forney) Rathvon^ Eliza (Swope) Forney^ Henry Swope\ Conrad Swope', John Swope^ Yost Swope\) was born in Lancaster, Pa., March 7, 1845. He entered the U. S. Army and served there during '62 and '63. He graduated from Penna. Col- lege, Gettysburg, 1865, and engaged in banking in Lancaster from 1867 to 1879. In 1880 he moved to Colorado; was a member of the Legislature 1885. Has been engaged in mining and the production and manufacture of petroleum. Is now Secretary and Treasurer of the United Oil Co. , Denver. He married, first, June 11, 1868, Mary L. Rhine, of Lan- caster. One daughter, Elizabeth B., born June 19, 1870, was the issue of this union. He married, secondly. Ma}- 11, 1878, Emily H. Magraw. They had issue as follows:

i. Emily H. RaThvon, b. July 6, 1S79; d. June 10, 1880.

ii. Horace H. Rathvon, b. Aug. 8, 1880.

iii. Henry Magraw Rathvon, b. Oct. 16, 1882.

iv. Mary Louisa Rathvon, b. Jan. 12, 1SS4.

V. Anna Cochran Rathvon, b. Feb. i, 1887.

vi. Blanche Swope Rathvon, b. Oct. 22, 1888.

vii. Nathaniel P. Hill Rathvon, b. April 26, 1891.

LXIV. Mary Josephine Mathias' (Adalaide (Swope) Mathias", Dr. John Swope^ Henry Swope*, Conrad Swope', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born Nov. 20, 1853; died March, 1887. She married Dr. Edward D. Wells, of Westminster, Md. They had i.ssue as follows:

i Edward J. ^VELLS, b. Sept. 7, 1S77. ii. Mary A. Wells, b. Jan. i, 1879; d. 1881. iii. William T. Wells, b. Jan. 22, 1880. iv. Frank H. Wells, b. July 21, 1881. V. John G. Wells, b. Oct. 12, 1882.


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The Szvope Family. 147

vi. Mary J. Wells, b. July 12, 1884.

vii. Dyer Wells, b. Nov. 24, 1885; d. 1886.

LXV. Dr. John Swope Mathias' (Adalaide (Swope) Mathias\ Dr. John Swope', Henry Swope\ Conrad Swope^ John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born Oct. 11, 1S55. He was educated at Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmet.sburg, Md. He attended lectures at the Maryland University School of Medicine, Baltimore, from which he was graduated 1879. Since that time he has practiced his profession at Westminster, Md. He has held the positions of county physician, vaccine physician and examiner of pensions. He and his family are members of the Catholic Church. He married, Sept. 26, 1878, Mary L. Lynch, who was born March 3, 1858. They have issue:

i. Edward L. Mathias, b. Jan. 9, 1880. ii. Samuel Swope Mathias, b. June 27, 1882. iii. William A. Mathias, b. Nov. 29, 1884. iv. Mary J. MaThfas, b. Dec. 11, 1887. V. John B. Mathias, b. Jan. 23, 1890; d. July 16, 1S93. vi. Charles R. Mathias, b. March 11, 1892. vii. John Swope Mathias, b. Feb. 9, 1895. 1 T^j^g viii. Joseph J. M.\Thias, b. Feb. 9, 1895. J





I. John Jacob Swope^ ( Johir, Yost') was born, June 9, 1744, in the homestead in Leacock township. He married, March 16. 1769, Sabixa Smyser. of York, Pa., who was born Dec. 16, 1750, and died June 27, 1820. He inherited from his father the fine farm on which he hved. He was a member of Capt. Roland's Company of " Associators," as- sociated the 5th day of July, 1775, for the defense of Amer- ican liberty. He died June 10, iSii, and is buried in the graveyard of Salem (Heller's) Church. They had issue as follows:

i. CaTh.\rixe Swope, b. June 25, 1771; d. Sept. i, 1S25.

She married Johns and had a son, Henry S. Johns,

who resided, in 1857, at Wurtemburg, Lawrence county, Pa.

ii. John Swope, b. Feb. 15, 1773; d. 1778.

iii. An infant, d. Nov. 8, 1774.

2. iv. J.\COB vSwoPE, b. Nov. 28, 1775; m. Salome Swope.

3. V. George Michael Swope, b. Feb. 28, 1778; m. Catharine


4. vi. MaThias Swope, b. Jan. 24, 1780; m. Sarah Becker.

5. vii. Elizabeth Swope, b. March 8, 17S2; m. Isaac Hofferd.

6. viii. Emanuel Swope, b. Jan. 17, 1786; m. Barbara Eby.

7. i.x. John Frederick Swope, b. Sept. 17, 1790; m. first,

Mary Bare; m., secondly, Elizabeth Bard.

II. Jacob Swope* (John Jacob', John'-', Yost') was born Nov. 28, 1775, on his father's farm in Leacock township. Lancaster county. Pa. He died 1856. He married his full cousin, Salome, daughter of John Daniel Swope. She was born June 7, 1782, and died April 30, 1852. He inherited the farm bequeathed by his grandfather, John Swope, to his father, on which he lived. He owned a hotel property in

The Sicopc Family. 149

Lancaster city (the lyancaster County House ) which was con- ducted for some years by his son, Levi. All his descendants with a few exceptions live in Lancaster county. He and his wife are buried in the graveyard of the Lutheran Church at Mechanicsburg, Lancaster county. This church was built by the vSwope, Bard and Bare families, and then deeded to the congregation. They had issue as follows:

i. Elizabeth SwoiM',, 1). Dec. 30, iSor. She was baptized by the Rev. Mr. Lochman, of the Lutheran Church. She died, unmarried, April 17, 1870.

ii. Maria SwoPK, b. May 2, 1S03. She was baptized at Hum- melstown, Dauphin Co., Pa., Dec. 20, 1803 Her life was spent in Lancaster county, where she died, Jan 14, 1879, unmarried, iii. GkorgK Michaki. Swopk, b. May 30, 1805. His life was spent in Lancaster county, and he died there, unmar- ried, April 25, 1873.

iv. Susanna Swopk, b. Sept. 3, 1808; d. April 10, 1815.

8. V. Levi Swope, b. Feb. 5, 181 1; m Maria Ann Harmen.

9. vi. DanieIv Swope, b. Aug. 19, 1812; m. Elizabeth Sousman. vii. John Swope, b. 1814; d. 1835.

ID. viii. ZrRiEL Swope, b. March 16, 1818; m. Elizabeth A. Gunckle.

11. ix. LvDiA Swope, b. April 2, 1822; m. Jacob Steinheiser.

in. George Michael Swope* (John Jacob\ John^ Yost') was born, Feb. 2S, 1778, on his father's farm in Lan- caster county. He married, 1807, Catharine Knicely, who was born 1783; d. Oct. 4, 1831. He died June 6, 1816, and is buried in Salem Church graveyard. His widow after- wards married a Ruch and moved the family to Northumber- land Co., Pa., where they were reared. The children were as follows:

12. i. Sophia Swope, b. vSept. 6, 1809; m. Jacob R. Levan.

ii. Adam Swope, died at the age of 21 years, from a fall from a load of pumpkins.

iii. George Kniceey Swope was born May 29, 1814. He was educated in the common schools of that period, and at the old Kirkpatrick Academy at Milton, Pa., which became a famous institution for the great num- ber of great and noble men who obtained their educa- tion there. After finishing his schooling he learned the printing business under :\Ir. Henry Frick, proprietor of

150 The Sicopc Family.

the .Milto)iia)i. After serving his apprenticeship he cunchided to take a trip " West," and accomplished the entire journey on horseback. Being of a speculativ-e turn of mind, he made considerable money while there, but the old "Keystone" State had for him greater charms, and he returned and opened a general store in Mifflinburg, Pa He afterwards removed to Muncy, then to Lewisburg, where he continued the mercantile business until a few months before his death, when he retired from active business with the prospect of a life of ease and comfort. He died suddenly, on the anniver- sary of his 75th birthday, May 21, 1SS9. and his remains were laid to rest in the Lewisburg cemetery. He was a man who was temperate in all things, methodical in his habits, and a good business man. He was a member of the Presl)yterian Church, and took a strong stand in the cause of temperance. He never married.

I\'. ^I.\THiAS SwoPE* (John Jacob\ Johtr, Yost'j was born, Jan. 24, 17S0, in Lancaster Co., Pa. He lived there until a few years previous to his death, when he moved to Ohio and settled near Dayton, where he died, Sept. i, 1S54. He married Sarah Becker, who was l)orn June 5, 1793; d. Aug. 3, 1.S71. They had issue as follows:

i. H.A.RRIET SwoPE, b. Sept. 13. 1S09; d. Oct 13, 1S55.

13. ii. Eliza Swope, b. July 13, iSiS; m. Cyrus Gebhart.

14. iii. Frederick Swope, b Sept. 11, 1821; m. ISIary L. Stoner.

15. iv. Samuel Swope, b. May to, 1825; m. Anna Neidich.

16. V. Adam Swope, b July 24, 1831; m. Catharine Stoner.

V. Elizabeth Swope* (John Jacob'', John"', Yost') was born, March S, 17S2, in Lancaster county. Pa.; d. Jan. 11, 1847. She married Lsaac Hofferd, who was born April 20, 1778; d. Sept. 16, i860. They had issue as follows:

17. i. John Hofferd, b. Feb 10, 1S15; m Su.san Xoon.

ii. Emaxiwi- Hofferd, b. Dec. 27, 1S16; d. Jan. 5, 18S1; un- married. iii. Mary Hofferd, b. July 4, 1822; d. June 20, 1840; un- married, iv. S.\MrF:L Hofferd, b. March 17, 1824. He is now living in Lancaster county. Pa.

VL Emanuel Swope* i John Jacob', John'', Yost') was born Jan. 17, 1786; d. July 2, 1872. He married, June rS, 1807, Barbara Ebv, who was born Jan. 27, 1787; d. March


The Szvopc Family. i^i^

9, 1864. His early educational advantages were coniined to the subscription schools of his day, but he had an inquiring mind and great natural talent, good sound judgment and ex- traordinary foresight. These characteristics soon won for him a commanding position in the community in which he lived. He was the counsellor of his neighborhood. Every one in trouble went to him for advice, comfort and help, and he was frequently called upon to arbitrate differences arising among his neighbors. Because of his unquestionable integ- rity he was often made the executor of the estates of his neighbors, and was the guardian of numerous children, several of whom he reared in his own family, and when they arrived at their majority gave them a substantial start in life. He was a progressive farmer, was constantly experi- menting in farming, stock raising and fruit growing. His model farms gave evidence that his methods were the best. Besides being interested in agriculture, he was connected with other business enterprises; he was one of the founders and for thirty years a director in the Lancaster County National Bank. He was a stockholder in the I^ancaster Gas Company and one of twelve owners of the nickel mines. He was a man of fine physique, was over 6 feet tall, and weighed 280 pounds. From early manhood he was a faithful member of Zion's Lutheran Church of Mechanicsburg, Lancaster county. He was very pronounced in his religious views, thinking no church equal to his own, and no bible equal to "Luther's Bible," of which he was a constant student. During his later years he developed quite a fondness for traveling and made several trips to Canada, where he had landed interests; while there he tried to induce the Canadians to adopt Lan- caster county methods of farming, but in this he was not very successful; they seemed to know that bleak, sterile Canada could not be made to smile as Pennsylvania's garden spot, Lancaster county. Emanuel Swope at one time was consid- ered one of the wealthiest citizens of Lancaster county, but his generosity and many benefactions reduced his fortune to a moderate size at his death, which occurred in 1872. He was laid to rest by the side of his wife in Zion's Lutheran graveyard at Mechanicsburg. They had issue as follows:

154 ^■^''' Swopc Faiiii/v.

i8. i. Isaac Swopk, b. Dec. 22, 1S12; married, first, Amelia

Carotheis; m., secondly, Rachel Ludwig. [9 ii. Faxnv Swope, b Oct. 25, 181 7; m. John P. Stauffer.

VII. Frederick Swope' (John Jacob\ John", Yo.st') was born, Sept. 17, 1790, in Lancaster count}*, Pa.: d. Nov. 27, 1853. He was a farmer by occupation, and owned part of the original Swope tract, which passed out of the Swope name at his death. He was twice married -first to Mary Bare. They had children as follows:

20. i. David Swope, b. May 3, 1S13; m. Rebecca Corfield.

21. ii. Marv Swope, b. May 5, 1814; m. Elias Bare.

22. iii. Emanuel Swope, b. Oct. 10, 1S15: m. Catharine Bare.

23. iv. Leah Swope, b. Oct. 4, 1817; m. Michael Bender.

24. V. LvDiA Swope, b. Dec. 10, 1819: m. Andrew Bard.

Frederick Swope, married, .secondly, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of John Bard, of Lancaster county. Pa. They had issue as follows:

25. i. Susanna Swope, b. June 4, 1824; m. Edward Jacobs.

26. ii. Henrv Swope b Aug. 26, 1825; m. Anna E. Minich.

VIII. Levi Swope' (Jacob\ John Jacob', John', Yost') was born in Upper Leacock township, Lanca.ster county, Feb. 25, iSii; died Feb. 14, 1S51. He married Maria Ann Harmen. They had issue as follows:

i. Samuel Swope, b. Nov. 8, 1847; d. Jan. 25, 184S. ii. George M. Swope, b. July 31, 1849; ^ Dec. 21, 1849. iii. Salome Swope; m. Charles H. Kellev.


IX. Daniel Swope'' ( Jacob*, John Jacob", John', Yost') was born, Aug. 19, 1812, in Womelsdorf, Pa. Died, June 30, 1892, from old age. He lived in Lancaster city over forty years. During this time he was engaged in a number of bu.siness enterprises, one being the manufacture of matches, which he carried on for a number of years. At the time of his death he was engaged in the pottery business, which he had successfully operated for thirty years. He was for many 5'ears a consistent member of St. John's Lutheran Church. He married Elizabeth Sousman, who was born Aug. 8, 1826; died Feb. 3, 1892. The}- had issue as follows:

28. i. John C. Swope, b. July i, 1849; m. Lavina A. Jefferies.

The Sci'opc Faniilv. 155

ii. Lydia Ann Swope, h. Oct. 19, 1853; *!• April, 1855. iii. George A. Swope, b. March 12, 1857.

X. ZuRiEL vSwoPE' ( Jacob\ John Jacob'', John"', Yost') was bom March 16, 18 18, in the old home in peacock town- ship, Lancaster county. He was early sent to the subscrip- tion school of his neighborhood, and having a bright and in- quiring mind he obtained a good education for his advan- tages. Before he was twenty years of age he went to Phila- delphia to learn tailoring ' ' after the latest improved methods. ' ' Tailoring not being to his taste, he taught school in Leacock township in 1838. He afterwards went to Lancaster and read medicine, but the horrors of the dissecting table drove him from tlie medical profession. In 1844 he entered the law office of Col. Reah Frazier as a student-at-law, and was ad- mitted to the Lancaster County Bar in 1846. For 49 years he successfully practiced his profession, retiring in 1895, through the infirmities of age. Although not noted as a criminal lawyer he had a large civil practice. Zuriel Swope is a man of much inventive genius; this showed itself in early youth and developed as he attained manhood. When but a lad he invented a successful arrangement for igniting spunk without the use of flint or steel. Much of his leisure time has been spent with his inventions, more for the sake of the pleasure he obtained from it than with a view of profit. He has completed not less than twenty inventions, and some of a very practical character. The Swope family are greatly in- debted to him for having preserved records of the early Swopes that otherwise would have been lost. His interest in genealogy began with his efforts to establish the claim of his branch of the Swope family to a fortune left by a Dr. John Swope, of Virginia, a surgeon of the Revolutionary War; in this he failed, but his interest in family history continued. For fifty years, during a time when others were little interested in things of that kind and often ridiculed him, he was adding to this fund of information until he was admitted to be the best informed man on the Swope family history in the country. He married Elizabeth A. Gunckle, of Cumberland county. Pa. He and his wife reside in Lancaster, the infirmities of old age resting heavily upon him. They had one son:

156 The Sivope Family.

i. William Gunckle Swope, b. Oct. 8, 1S57; d. March 28, 1864.

XI. IvYDiA SwoPE' ( Jacob\ John Jacob'', John^ Yost') was born April 2, 1822. She married, Aug. 5, 1855, Jacob O. Steinheiser, born October 20, 18 17. She resided in Lan- caster, Pa. They had issue as follows:

i. Freemont D. Steinheiser, b July 11, 1856; m., Dec.

23, 1879, Miss Snyder, ii. Ada Steinheiser, b July 16, 1S60; m. John Butz.

XII. Sophia SwoPE' (George Michael*, John Jacob'', John^ YostM was born, Sept. 6, 1809, in Lancaster county. Pa. On Dec. 4, 1S28, she was united in marriage to Jacob R. Levan, of Kutztown, Pa. For a time after their marriage they resided in Lancaster. Subsequently Mr. Levan engaged in merchandising in Milton, Pa., where he remained several years. Sophia Swope Levan was a lady of prepossessing ap- pearance, refined, intelligent and possessed of a true Christian character. She died of consumption, April 13, 1857, and her remains were deposited in the Lutheran graveyard at Lewis- burg, Pa., but were afterwards removed to the new' cemetery at that place. They had issue as follows:

29. i. Alfred Graeff Levan; nu Mary J. Cook,

ii. Francis Levan; died at the age of 16 years.

XIII. Eliza Swope'" (Mathias*, John Jacob', John', Yost') was born Juh' 13, 1S18; died Jinie 28, 1887. She married Cyrus Gebhart, b. Jan. 27, 1822; d. Jan. 28, 1882. They had children as follows and 28 grandchildren, names un- known:—

i. S.\rah Gebhart.

ii. Hattie Gebhart. iii. Hiram Gebhart. iv. Annie Gebhart.

V. Jennie Gebhart. vi. Henry Gebhart. vii. Ell.a Gebh.\rt. viii. Ida Gebhart.

XIV. Frederick SwoPE^ (Mathias*, John Jacob^ John", Yost\) was born, Sept. 11, 182 1, in Lancaster county. Pa.;



The S^vopc Family. 159

d. April 9, 1895; m.,July 28, 1859, Mary L. Stoner, b. June II, 1843. They had issue as follows:

i. Sarah Swopk, b. Nov. 13, 1S60; tn. Christian Wise, ii. Susanna Swope, b. Jan. 11, 1865; d. Aug. 2, 1871. iii. Andrew Swope, b. May 14, 1867; d. Sept. 20, 1867. iv. Mary Swopk, b. Jan. i, 1869; d. Aug. 17, 1S69.

V. Emma Swope, b. Sept. 30, 1870; d. Sept. 12, 1873. vi. Eliza Swope, b. May 17, 1S73. vii. William Swope, b. Oct. 30, 1882.

XV. Samuel Swope' (Mathias', John Jacob\ John', Yost^)

was born, May 10, 1S25, in Lanca.ster county, Pa. He

married, Dec, 1859, Anna Weidich, and had Lssue as


i. Albert vSwope, b. Nov. 4, 1S61; d. Sept. i, 1880.

ii. Henry Swope, b. Jan. 28, 1S64; m., Feb. 28, 1S83, A. E.

Gana. They have three children .\ngus A., b.

Dec. 10, 1887; vStella M., b. Feb. 5, 1890; Ethel R., b.

March 13, 1882.

XVI. Adam Swope'' ( Mathias\ John Jacob', John', Yost') was born, July 24, 1831, in Iyanca.ster county. Pa. He married, Oct, 15, 1861, Catharine Stoner. They had issue as follows:

i. Charles Swope, b. July 24, 1862; married and has two

children, ii. Anna Swopk, b. May 19, 1864; m. Nehf and had four

children, iii. Ellp;n Swope, b. June 11, 1868; m. Eshbach and had

three children, iv. Alfred Swope, b. Sept. 14, 1870; m. and has one child. V. Ida Swope, b. July 28, 1872; d. May 5, 1875. v. Dora Swope, b. Jan. 13, 1875.

XVn. John Hofferd' (EHzabeth (Swope) Hofferd', John Jacob Swope^ John Swope^ Yo.st Swope') was born in Lancaster county. Pa., Feb. 10, 1815; d. Aug., 1841; m.,Oct. 25, 1835, Susan Noon, b. Jan. 6, 1815. They had issue as follows:

30. i. Catharine Hofferd, b. April 20, 1837; m. Benjamin F.

Cunningham, ii. Mary Hofferd, b. March 8, 1840.

XVIII. Isaac Swope' (Emanuel*, John Jacob', John',

i6o The Sicopc Family.

Yost^) was born, Dec. 22, 18 12, near Mechanicsburg, I^an- caster county, Pa. He received from his father a fine farm, fully stocked and equipped in every respect. On this he lived until 1S57, when he moved to Canada to take possession of a farm inherited from his maternal grandfather. Xot liking Canada he returned to his native State the following year. He subsequently engaged in merchandising in Lancaster city, in which he continued until his death. He was a man of a quiet and retiring disposition, taking little interest in affairs outside his own circle of acquaintances, and rarely went awa}' from home unless called away b}' business. With his friends, however, he was always companionable and genial. He died 18S7 and is buried at Zion's Church, Mechanicsburg. He was twice married first, Oct., 1842, to Amelia Carothers, who died Jan., 1844. They had one child, which died in infancy. He married, secondly, Sept. i, 1846, Rachel Ludwig, b. March 21, 1824. vShe survives him, residing in Lancaster, Pa. They had children as follows:

Amelia Swope, b. Dec. 2S, 1S47; m. J. Jefferies Ryan.

Rachel Swope, b. June 5, 1849; ni. Peter Schgier.

Isaac Swope, b. March 7, 1S51, on his father's farm, in Upper Leacock townihip, Lancaster county, Pa. He gives a very amusing account of his early experience in the " district school," his dislike for going to school, and the necessity of bribing him \vith pennies, candy, etc. ; these means, however, seem to have become burden- some, when the traditional "rod" was brought into play with telling effect. His antipathy for school was soon overcome and we next find him anxious to go, diligent in his studies, and standing at the head of his class, .\fter leaving school he determined that a trade was to his taste and apprenticed himself to the carriage painting business. He served an apprenticeship of four 3-ears and then worked at the business for a time. In the meanwhile he was seized with a desire to see more of the world than was presented to his vision in the circumscribed limits of Lancaster citj-; so, on March 3, 1S73, he and a friend started West. He had varied experiences in the different western cities. In St. Louis he was persuaded to go to sea " before the mast,"' but at the last moment was dissuaded by one who had been there. He subsequently went to Chicago, where he en-





1. Rachel Ludwig, wife of Isaac Swope 3- Amelia (Swope) Ryan and family.

2. Isaac Swope. 4- Sophia (Swope) Levan.

5. George K, Swope.


The S'a'opc Family. 165

gaged with the large firm of Studebaker Bro. He, being a first-class workman, was placed at the head of one of the shops, where he remained for some time Again his old desire to see more of the world came upon him and he determined to go to Australia. On April 14, 1877, he sailed from New York for Sidney, New South Wales. After a three months' voyage, rendered very uncom- fortable and disagreeable by the rough emigrants on board, he arrived at Sidney. There, on landing, the party passed under a British man-of-war, when one of the roughs made an insulting remark about the British flag; it was heard and was the means of bringing the whole party into the hands of the law; they were, how- ever, extricated from the dilemma without much trouble. New South Wales w^s a disappointment; work was not plenty and the natives were jealous of Ameri- cans because of their superior work. Mr. Swope, owing to the privations of his long voyage, lack of proper food and water, and the disappointments experienced after his arrival in Sidney, took sick and did not recover for several months. During a part of this time he was in an unconscious condition in a hospital, where he received bad treatment. Shortly after his return to conscious- ness he was discovered by a young English lady, whom he had known at his boarding house, Mi.ss Emily, daughter of Mr. Thomas Maton, editor of the Isle of Wight Chronicle, now Mrs. James M. Hall. Through the kindly offices of this excellent lady better quarters were given him and he received more humane treat- ment. He remembers with much gratitude her kind- ness. After his recovery his one desire was to return home. He secured work at his trade and earned not only enough to take him home, but to enable him to see more of the Colonies. After visiting the Inter- national Exhibition, at Melbourne, iSSr, he sailed for San Francisco on the "City of New York." In San Francisco he again engaged with the Studebaker Bro., taking charge of their shops at that place, where he re- mained until 1887, when he was called home on the death of his father. He took charge of his father's store in Lancaster, improving it until he has the most prosperous grocery store in the city. Our thanks are due Mr. Swope for his untiring efforts in assisting in searching out records, etc., in Lancaster county. No one has rendered us more valuable assistance.

iv. Emanuei, Swope, b. Aug. 11, 1853; d. June 18, 1883.

v. Barbara Ann Swope, b. Nov. 10, 1855; d. Jan. i, 1890.

1 66 TIic Sicopc Family.

XIX. Fanny Swope" rEmanuel\ John Jacob^ John^ Yost^) was born in Lancaster county, Pa., Oct. 25, 1S17. She married, Feb. 2, 1S40, John P. Stauffkr, born Oct. 17, 18 1 7. Her father presented her with a fine farm in I^an- caster county, thoroughly equipped in every department. The family left Lancaster county and moved to Cumberland county Pa., in 1S50, and bought a farm near Carlisle. There Mrs. Stauffer died, March 14, 1879. They had issue as follows:

i. Emanuel Stauffer, b. 1S43; died, ii. Mary Stauffer, b. 1847. Resides in Carlisle, Pa. iii. John Stauffer, b, 1850; m. Kate Emmerson. Had issue :

i. Fanny. ii. John, iii. Daniel. iv. Charles. V. David. iv. Groff Stauffer; died July 5, 1S79. V. Slater Stauffer, b. 1855; m. Jaue Phillips. Had issue:

i. Parker. ii. Samuel. vi. Alice Stauffer, b. 1S59; died.

XX. David SwoPE^ TFrederick', John Jacob", John', Yost'j was born, ]vlay 3, 1813, in Lancaster county, Pa. In early manhood he went to Philadelphia and entered the wholesale grocery business, from which he retired in 1863. He married, June 30, 1835, Rebecca Knox Corfield, a daughter of Edward Dixon Corfield, a prominent lawyer and at one time Mayor of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. David Swope was an active member of the Old Union M. E. church in Philadelphia. He was a trustee and class leader for over twenty- five years. In 1878 he left the M, E. Church and connected himself with St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, where he remained luitil his death, Dec. 27, 1 88 7. They had issue:

33. i. Frederick Emanuel Swope, b. March 24, 1S36; m.,

first, Josephine Simpson; ni., secondly, Catharine G. Merkins. ii. Sarah D. Swope, b. Sept. 16, 1837, d. Feb. 9, 1S38.



IPNPI '-'■ ' inn

* I -)\


The Sicope Faiuily. 169

iii. Mary Elizabeth Swope, b. Dec. 21, 1838; d. July 12,

1840. iv. Ellen Swope, b. Nov. 20, 1840; d. June 12, 1842. V. Anna C. Swope, b. Oct. 2, 1S42; d. March 3, 1848. vi. Ellen Swope. Resides in Philadelphia, Pa. vii Annie Corfield Swope, b. June 2, 185 1; d. Sept. 19,

1853- viii. Edward Swope, b. May 24, 1854; d. Jan. 23, 1865.

XXI. Mary vSwope^ (Fredenck\ John Jacob\ John'\ Yost') was born in Lancaster county. Pa., Aug. 15, 1814; died Jan. 6, 1875. She married, Oct. 18, 1838, EuAS Bare, born Aug. 7, 18 15; died Oct. 23, 1877. They had issue as follows:

34. i. Adam S. Bare, b. Nov. 4, 1839; ni. Eliza F. West,

ii. Sarah Ann Bare, b. Nov. 4, 1839. iii. Mary Bare, b. July 25, 1841; ni., Sept. 19, 1867, Reuben

B. Thomas, iv. Anna E. Bare, b. June 29, 1844; m., Aug. 12, 1871, W. Lewis Clark, who was drowned in the Johnstown flood, 1889. V. Juliana Bare, b. July 25, 1846; ni., Oct. 29. 1891, B. Hunter McClees. vi. Henry Bare, b. April 29, 1849; ni., Oct. 21, 1873, Clara

L. Walmer. They reside in New York city. vii. Elias Bare, b. July 18, 1851; m., Oct. 20, 1879, Emily M. Brodie. They reside in Philadelphia and had two children: -

i. Edward B., b. Feb. 6, 1881; d. Nov. 8, 1890. ii. Harry B.,b. Dec. 27, 1S83; d. Nov. 6, 1S90. viii. Lydia Emma Bare, b. April 14, 1853; ni. William L. Lippincott. They reside in Philadelphia, Pa.

XXII. Emanuel Swope^ (Frederick\ John Jacob^ John^ Yost') was born near Mechanicsburg, Lancaster county. Pa., Oct. 10, 1815. He married, March 18, 1845, Catharine Bare, who was born Sept. 13, 1834. The most of his active life was spent in merchandising, first for five years in Phila- delphia, then in New Holland and Mechanicsburg, and the last nineteen years of his life in Lancaster city. He was an active and faithful member of the Lutheran Church, always interested in the Sunday School work, and at one time was superintendent of the Sunday School of Zion's church of

lyo The Sicopc Faiiiily.

Mechaiiicsburg. In the graveyard of that church his remains rest, he having died April, 1895. They had issue as follows:

i. Grabill B. Swoi'K, b. May 2, 1S47, at Baresville, Lan- caster Co. When old enough he entered his father's store at IMechanicsburg, and remained there some time. On the breaking out of the Rebellion he enlisted and entered Capt. P. L. Sprecher's Company. After return- ing from the war he attended the Millersville Normal School. In 1S79 he moved to Lancaster, where he occupied a position as salesman until his death. He was prominently connected with several secret organi- zations, a member of a Lancaster G. A. R. Post, a consistent member of Trinity Lutheran church, Lan- caster. He is buried at Mechanicsburg, Pa., having died, Jan-. 27, 1S94. He married, Nov. i, 1866, Emma Bentz, who was born Nov. 5, 1S46. They had one daughter, Amelia Catharine, b. Aug. 2, 1867; d. July 5, 1 888.

XXIII. Le.\h Swope' (Frederick', John Jacob', John', Yost') was born in Lancaster county, Pa., Oct. 4, 1S17; died July 2, 18S4. She married, Jan. 6, 1842. Michael Bender, born x\pril 26, 1S14; died March 17, 1888. They had the following children:

35. i. Elizabeth Bender, b. Jan. i, 1843; m. Edwin 'SI. Leb-

keichei;. ii. :NL\rv Ann Bender, b. .^ug. 6, 1844; d. Jan. 27, 1854. iii. Anna L. Bender, b. June 20, 1846; d. Jan. 29, 1S86. iv. C.A.THARINE Bender, b. .\ug. 9, 1S48; m., May 5, 1894,

Harry Brown, v. Albert Swope Bender, b. April 8, 1850; d. Nov. 11,

1855. vi. Leah F. Bender, b. .Vug. 21, 1852.

36. vii. Lydl\ E. Bender, b. Nov. 14, 1855; m. Richard C.


XXI\'. LvDiA Swope'' (Frederick', John Jacob', John', Yost') was born in Lancaster county. Pa., Dec. 10, 1819; died March 23, 1870. She married, Jan. 18, 1844, Andrew Bard, born Jan. 2, 1819; died Oct. 12, 1865. The follow- ing children were born to them:

37. i. Annie E. Bard, b. Jan. 7, 1S45; m. John A. Buller.

ii. Benjamin F. Bard, b. Feb. 8, 1847; m., first, INIary A.

77/ c S'a 'Ope Fa mil v. iji

Darrow, who died Aug., i.S.Si. He married, secondly,

Lizzie Boyd. iii. Ei.AM Bard, b. Oct. S, 1849; d. Jan. 2, 1850. iv. Albert Bard, b. March 28, 1851; d. June 7, 1851. V. Frederick Bard, b. Aug. 16, 1853; d. vSept. i, 1853. vi. Emanuel Bard, b. Aug. 15, 1854; d. Sept. 8, 1854. vii David Bard, b. Aug. 15, 1854; d. Aug. 15, 1854.

XXV. Susanna vSwope" ( Frederick', John Jacob'', Johir, Yost^J was born June 4, 1824; died, May 28, 1887; married, Dec. 4, 1845, Edward Jacobs, born May 2, 1828. Their residence was Philadelphia, Pa. They had issue as follows:

i. Elizabeth A. Jacobs, b. (Jet. 3, 1846; m., Nov. 25, 1868, J. Eby Esbenshade They had two daughters Lillian M., b. Sept. 23, 1869; Mary E , b. Jan. 19, 1877.

ii. Sarah A. Jacobs, b. Sept. 26, 1848; d. Feb. 19, 1865.

iii. Saxford Swobe Jacobs, b. Oct. 5. 1850; m , Nov. 19. 1884, Anna L. Brooks; d. ]\Lirch, 1887 He married, secondly, Jan. 9, 1.890, Ada B Hershey.

iv. George E.Jacobs, b Oct. 14, 1853; d. Aug. 31, :855.

38. V. MaryE. Jacobs, b. Jan. 18, 1856; m. Henry M. Kennedy, vi. Susan L J.acobs, b. June 27, 1858; d. Nov. 11, 1877.

vii. DoR.A E. J.\cobs, b. Feb 'o, i860; d. Feb. 20, 1895. She married, Oct , 1889, George R. Goodman. They had two children as follows:

i. Edward, b. May 15, 1891. ii. Marjorie, b. March 2, 1893. viii. Edward E. Jacoils, b. Oct. 27, 1862; nu, April 11, 1888, Catharine Davidson. They have one child Helen, b. July 22, 1892.

XXVI. Henry Swope^ (Frederick\ John Jacob^ John", Yost^) was born, Aug. 25, 1825; died, Dec. 15, 1890; mar- ried. May, 1849, Anna E. Minich, born Nov. 5, 1826. Their children were as follows:

i. Jacob Minich Swope, b. June 15, 1850; d. Feb. 24, 1871.

39. ii. Frederick Swope, b. Dec. 8, 1851; m. Ellen L. Brown, iii. Henry Swope, b. Nov. 4, 1853.

40. iv. Annie E. Swope, b. June 10, 1856; m. Hiram D. Bucks.

v. Milton Swope, b. Dec. 17, 185S; m. , March 5, 1884, Ruth A. Renner, b. June 10, 1856. They reside in Gait, Iowa, and have two children

i. Clarence G., b. June 2, 1886. ii. Ray B., b. Nov. 25, 1893. vi. Albert Swope, b. April 22, 1S61; resides at Glenola, Pa.

172 77^1? Swope Family.

vii. George Swope, b. Dec. 11, 1864; d. May 6, 1869. viii. Ida Swope, b. Aug. 5, 1856; d. Jan. 4, 1868. ix. David Swope, b. March 26, 1869; m., April 30, 1892, Laura I. Deissinger, b. April 22, 1870. They reside at Glenola, Pa. They had issue:

i. Martin Luther, b. Nov. 13, 1892. ii. Anna M., b. Aug. 10, 1894.

XXVII. Salome Swope'' (Levi', Jacob\ John Jacob^ John", YostM wa.s born in Lancaster county, Pa. She married, June 12, 1870, Charles H. Kelley, at Lancaster. They are now residents of Alleghen}^ Pa. Mr. Kelley is a com- mercial traveler, and is secretary of the Commercial Travelers' Protective A.ssociation, of Pittsburg. He is also one of the board of managers of the Commercial Travelers' Home at Binghampton, N. Y. They have children as follows:

i. Edwin Keelev, b. Jan. 8, 1872. ii. John L. Keelev, b. Sept 12, 1873.

XXVIII. John Calvin Swope'' (DanieP, Jacob*, John Jacob^ John'", Yost^ ) was born July 7, 1849. He married Lavina a. Jp;fferies, b. March i, 1857. He resides in Lancaster, Pa. They had issue:

i. Edwin H. Swope, b. Jan. 28, 1876. ii. WaeTER F. Swope, b. Nov. 16, 1S79. iii. James A. Swope, b. Aug. 4, 18S6.

XXIX. Alfred Graeff Levan" (Sophia (Swope) Levan\ George Michael Swope*, John Jacob Swope^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born 1830. He entered Lewis- burg College ( now Bucknell University) expecting to take a collegiate course, but failing health caused him to abandon his studies during the Sophomore year. Prof. S. W. Taylor, under date of Aug. 30, 1848, says of him, " Mr. Levaii has highly respectable talents, is dilligent in his studies, gentle- manly in manners, and str ctly correct in his general deport- ment." After leaving college he clerked for his uncle, G. K. Swope, in Miuicy, Pa., and in tlie early fifties he pur- chased the .stock and became proprietor of the establishment. On Nov. 3, 1853, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary J. Cooke, daughter of Jacob Cooke, a prominent merchant of that place and a descendant of three Revolutionary patriots.

The Su'ope Family. 173

He was permitted to enjoy his happy home but for a short time, as lung trouble developed and he sought relief at Clifton Springs, N. Y. He died, April 13, 1857, on his way home from that place, and his remains were deposited in the cemetery at Lewisburg, Pa. He was a gentlemen of good moral principles, excellent business qualifications, loved and respected by all who knew him. He is survived by his wife and son.

i. Horace C. Levan, b. Feb. 3, 1856, at Muncy, Pa. He is the only living descendant of this branch of the Swope family. Having lost his father at an early age, he was carefully and tenderly reared by his grand- father Cooke. In 1877 he entered the law office of C. A. Bowers, Esq., as a student, but abandoned law to become proprietor of the Muncy Mills, of which he is at present the owner. Ijiipaired health caused him to abandon active employment, and he retired from the milling business. He has held several offices of trust within a few years, and during the administration of President Harrison held a government office. He is a gentleman very much respected by a large circle of friends. He resides with his mother in their comfort- able mansion in Muncy, Pa.

XXX. Catharine Hofferd'^ (John Hofferd'', Elizabeth (Swope) Hofferd', John Jacob Swope'*, John Swope', Yost Swope') was born April 20, 1837; m., October 10, 1858, Benjamin F. Cunningham, b. Aug. 25, 1839; d. June 25, 1876. They had issue as follows:

i. George Cunningh.\m, b. April 9, i860, ii. SamueIv Cunningham, b. April 3, 1862. iii. John Cunningham, b. July 28, 1863. iv. Susan Cunningham, b. May 14, 1868; m.,July 29, 1889, Emanuel Wrinkle, b. Dec. 24, 1862. They have one child Veral E., b. April 17, 1S91. V. Mary E. Cunningham, b. April 23, 1S67; m., March 6, 1S92, William vSchlagel; b. Oct. 13, 1865.

XXXI. Amelia Swope" (Isaac^ Emanuel', John Jacob'\ John'', Yost') was born Dec. 28, 1847. She married, May 18, 1876, J. Jefferies Ryan, born May, 1846. They have children as follows:


174 ^^''^' Sic'Ope Family.

i. Isaac Swope Ryan, b. May 23, 1879; d. Jul_v 14, 1879. ii. J. C1.IFT0N Ryan, b. July 5, 1880. iii. Earl Victor Ryan, b. Oct. 2, 18S6.

XXXII. Rachel Swope" (Isaac^ Emanuel*, JohnJacob^ John", Yost^) was born June 5, 1S49. She married, Oct. 30, 1873, Peter Schgier, and resides in Philadelphia, Pa. They had is.sue

i. Emma Schgier, b. Aug. 2, 1S74; d. March 10, 1875. ii. Amelia Schgier, b. Sept. 26, 1S75. iii. Annie Schgier, b, June 19, 1877; d. Aug. 28, 1877. iv. Harry Schgier, b. Aug. 27, 1S78. V. Minnie Schgier, b. May 28, 1880. vi. Kate Schgier, b. Oct. 5, 1883. vii. Mary Schgier, b. June 17, 1SS5. viii. LiLLiE Schgier, b. Sept. i, 1888; d. Jan i, 1S90.

XXXIII. Frederick Emanuel Swope*^ ( David", Fred- erick*, John Jacob^ John', Yost^) was born, March 24, 1836, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was educated in the high school; after graduating he entered the wholesale dry goods business, in which he remained until 1861. He then married Josephine Simpson, daughter of James Simpson, a retired Quaker mer- chant, who had formerly been in the South American trade. The same year he entered the general commission business, remaining in this until 1869, when he moved to Delta, York Co., Pa., where he engaged in quarrying slate. In 1874 he went into the real estate business, in which he is now engaged. His wife having died, he married, secondly, Jan. 29, 1896, Katharine Good, daughter of James Poynsett Merkins, of Philadelphia. Frederick Emanuel Swope and his wife, Jose- phine, had children as follows:

i. Sallie H. Swope; died, ii. Rebecca C. Swope; died.

iii. Daniel vSwope, b. April 25, 1865; m., Nov., 188S, Ger- trude C. Walmsbey. They had issue

i. Helen; died, ii. Ethel. iii. Christi.\n. iv. Horace.

iv. Josephine Swope; died.



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The Swopc Family. 177

V. Frederick Emanuei- Swope, b. Feb. 9, 1875. He is connected with the German-American Title and Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

XXXIV. Adam S. Bake'' (Mary (Swope) Bare\ Fred- erick Swope\ John Jacob Swope'', John Swope^ Yost') was born Nov. 4, 1839; m., March 17, 1862, Eliza F. West. They had children as follows:

i Martha West Bare. ii. Harry Bare. iii. Charles Bare. iv. Mary Bare.

V. AivFRED C. Bare. vi. Horace Cleveland Bare. vii. Florence W. Bare.

XXXV. Elizabeth Bender* (Leah (Swope) Bender^ Frederick Swope*. John Jacob Swope^ John Swope^ Yost SwopeM was born Jan. i, 1843; married, vSept. 29, 1869, Edwin M. Lebkeicher. They re.side in Philadelphia, Pa. They had children as follows:

i. Edwin B. Lebkeicher, b. May 15, 1874. ii. Albert E. Lebkeicher, b. May 8, 1876; died in infancy, iii. Walter Lebkeicher, b. March 31, 1882; died in infancy, iv. Edith Lebkeicher, b. Sept. 25, 1S83.

XXXVI. Lydia E. Bender" (Leah (Swope) Bender% Frederick Swope\ John Jacob Swope^ John Swope'\ Yost Swope') was born Nov. 14, 1855; married, April 8, 1886, Richard C. Stofer. They re.side in Norwich, N. Y., and have children as follows:

i. Michael W. Stoker, b. May 25, 1887. ii. Harold J. Stoker; died in infancy. iii. Helen Stoker, b. Jan. 7, 1S91.

XXXVII. Annie E. Bard" (Eydia (Swope) Bard', Fred- erick Swope*, John Jacob Swope', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born Jan. 7, 1845. She married, Feb. 4, 1872, John A. BuLLER. They reside in Maytown, Lancaster county, Pa., and have the following children:

i Benjamin F. Buller, b. Dec. 2, 1872. ii. Blanche M. Buller, b. Oct. 20, 1874. iii. Edward Bard BulleR, b. Nov. 26, 1877.

lyS The Sicopc Family.

XXXVIII. Mary E. Jacobs'"' (Susanna TSwope) Jacobs^ Frederick Swope\ John Jacob Swope'\ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Jan. iS, 1S56. She married, Nov., 1876, Henry M. Kennedy, and resides at the Gap, Lancaster county, Pa. They had issue:

i. William J. Kennedy, b. Nov., 1S77.

ii. Mary Ida Kennedy; died in early childhood.

iii. Edward Kennedy.

iv. Susan F Kennedy.

V. Henry Kennedy-.

vi. James Kennedy. ) ^

■' } Twins,

vii. Mary Kennedy. >

XXXIX. Frederick Swope® (Henry", Frederick*, John Jacob'\ John'-', Yost^) was born Dec. 8, 1S51. He married, Feb. 13, 1872, Ellen L. Brown, who was born, Jan. i, 185 1. They reside at Xew Holland, Lancaster county, Pa. They had issue:

i. Walter S. Swope, b. Nov. 17, 1872

ii. Charles INI. Swope, b. Jan. 17, 1S74; d. April 19, 1874. iii. WiLLi.^M Swope, b. Jan. 28, 1S75; d. Dec. 27, 1878. iv. Ann E. Swope, b. Oct. 27, 1876; d. Feb. 2, 1880.

V. Edward Swope, b. Jan. 23, 1879; d. Feb. 6, 18S0. vi. David Swope, b. Feb. 26, 1880. vii. Harry C Swope, b. March 12, 1882 viii. Clarence B. Swope, b. April 9, 1884. ix. Ellie M. Swope, b. May 11, 1886.

X. Gertie Swope, b. Aug 9, 18S8. xi. Frederick H. Swope, b. June 2, 1890.

XL. Annie Elizabeth Swope" ( Henry \ Frederick*, John Jacob'\ John-, Yost') was born, June 10, 1856. She married, July 25, 1878, Hiram D. Bucks, born March 4, 1S56. They reside at Glenola, Lanca.ster county. Pa., and have children as follows:

i. Harvey A. Bucks, b. Jan. 8, 1879.

ii. Id.\ M. Bucks, b. Sept. 17, 1880.

iii. Franklin S. Bucks, b. Feb. 28, 1883.

iv. Clarence S. Bucks, b. April 3, 1886.

V. D.wii) H. Bucks, b. Jan. 6, 1889.

vi. Howard S Bucks, b. Jan. 3, 1895.





1. John Hknry Swope'^ (John", Yost') was born at the homestead in Upper Eeacock township, March lo, 1747. He was a farmer by occupation, having inherited from his father a fine farm, part of the original Swope estate, in Upper Eea- cock township. He married Barb.vra Weilder, who was born April 27, 1756, and died Jan. 13, 1826. He died Sept. II, 1808, and is buried at Salem Church, surrounded by his kindred of many generations. They had issue as follows:

2. i. George Swope, b. June 7, 1787; m. Mary Kellenberger.

3. ii. EiJZABETH Swope; m. George Bard.

4. ill. Mary Swope, m. Jacob Eby.

TI. George Swope* ( John Henry'', John\ Yost' ) was born, June 7, 1787, in Lancaster county. He married Mary Keelenberger, who was born May 24, 1806, and died June 6, 1881. He owned and lived upon a fine farm of 165 acres in Uppsr Leacock township, Lancaster county. Pa. Before the days of railroads he drove his six-horse team and Cones- toga wagon, hauling freight between Philadelphia, Lancaster and Pittsburg. It was his boast and that of his cousin, Emanuel Swope that they had the finest teams of horses that traveled the road between those two cities. He was a man who appreciated the advantages of an education, and gave his sons greater advantages in that respect than were enjoyed by other young men of their neighborhood. He and his wife were consistent members of the Lutheran Church. He died Dec. 29, 1842. The\ had children as follows: -

5. i. Louisa Swope, b. Dec. 22, 1826; m. Abraham Groff.

ii. Mary Swope, b. March 23, 1828; d. Jan. 8, 1872; m. Isaac E. Zentmever.

i8o The Su'ope Family.

6. iii. Catharine Swope, b. Dec. 9, 1S29; ni. Henry Bushong.

7. iv. Eliza Swope, b. May 23, 1832: ni., first, Benjamin Landis.

She married, secondly, Abraham Buck waiter, and thirdly, John A. SoUenberger. V. Henry K. Swope, b. Oct 31, 1S34; d. Oct. 24, iSjS. His education was received at the Annville Academy, Leba- non county, the Whitehill Academy, Cumberland county and the Millersville State Normal School After complet- ing his education he taught school for a short time. In 1856 he was seized with the " gold fever" and went to California, prospecting at Chico and at Oroville, but being unsuccessful, he left and went to Virginia City, Nevada, where he spent some years digging for silver. Not making a fortune, however, he returned to his old home in Lancaster county, in 1867. He subsequently moved to Paola, Kansas, where he engaged in business. He died leaving one son, George, now living in Kansas City, Mo. His wife preceded him to eternity a few years.

8. vi. George K. Swope, b. Feb. 2, 1S37; m. Lizzie Swope.

III. Elizabeth Swope' (John Henry', John-', Yost') was born Feb. 10, 1784; died Xov. 5, 1S50. She married George Bard, of Lancaster cotmty, Pa., born Oct. 11, 1773; died May 27, 1856. They had children as follows:

i. Margaret Bard, b. April 3, 1802; d. Sept. 15. 1883 She married David Kurtz, and had the following children: Henry, Franklin, David, Susanna, Elizabeth and Fanny, ii. Jacob Bard, b. Dec. 14, 1803; d. Aug. 25, 1880. He

married and had two daughters— Anna and Emma, iii. Henry Bard, b. Dec. 9, 1805; d June 2, 1S83. He

married and had one son George L. iv. Mary Bard, b. Nov. 27, 1807; d. Feb. 11, 1873. She married Henry Shreiner. b. April 6, 1804; d. Feb. 4, 1S89. They had children— Adam, Henry, Israel and Elizabeth, who married A. \V. Shober, and had two children, who died in infancy. V. George Bard, b. Oct. 28, 1809; d. Nov. 13, 1873. He married and had the following children— Ruben, Gra- bill, Mary and Susan. vi. Adam Bard, b. Jan. 21, i8t2. He married and had eight children— William, George, Evans, Amanda, Alice, Lida, Anna, Emma, vii. Levi Bard, b. April 19, 1S14. He married and had children— Jacob, Frank, Lincoln and Carrie.

llie S2vopc Family. i8i

viii. Samuei, Bard, b. Oct. 15, 1816; m. Leah Stuck, b. Dec. 31, 1S25. Residence, Leacock, Lancaster count)^ Pa. They had ten children, three dying in infancy. The following reached maturity:

i. Harry S., b. Sept. 3, 1846; m. Amelia Yost

Nov. 8, 1877. They had children— Jennie M.,

b. Jan. 23, 1878; Gussie A, b. Jnne i,

1881; Walter, b. Nov. 12, 1885; Delia, b. July

13, 1888; Elva, b. March lo, 1890.

ii. James M., b. June 10, 1850. He is unmarried.

iii. Laura F., b. Dec. 17, 1854; m., A. B. Bausman,

Nov. 16, 1878 They had two children

Minnie, b. Dec. i, 1880; A. Bard, b. Nov. 23,

1882; d. Dec. 25; 1894.

iv. Justus F., b. July 15, 1856; m. L. Alice Miller,

b. June 18, 1862. They had— Charles M., b.

Aug. II, 1884, and Mary H., b. May 22, 1890.

V. Agnks M , b. Sept. 23, 1858.

1 vi. Samuel, b. June 7, 1S63; m., Dec. 23, 1888,

Lettie Rohrer, b. March 17, 1868. They had

children Florence J., b. Jan 8, 1889; Leah

E.,b. June 17, 1890; George P., b. Nov. 24,

vii. Ida A., b. Jan. 22, 1866. ix. Elizabeth Bard, b Nov. 13, 1818: m. Henry Forney. Residence, Binkleys Bridge, Lancaster county, Pa. They have one daughter Elizabeth X. Peter Bard, b. May, 6, 1821. He married and had the following children Wesley, Wayne, Pierce, Wilson, Adam, Lizzie and Emma, xi Abraham Bard, 1). Aug. 6, 1823; d. July 17, 1873. He married and had two children, who died in infancy.

IV. Mary Swope' (John Henry', John', Yost') was born in Lancaster county, Pa. She married Jacob Eby and had the following children:

i. Mary Eby; ni. Benjamin Sheaffer. ii. Elizabeth Eby; m. Samuel Hershey; both are dead, iii. Susanna Eby; m. Solomon Groff. They have four

children two sons and two daughters iv. Harriet Eby; m. Adam Rudy; both are dead. Had

children Eby and Ida. V. Daniel S. Eby, m. Susanna Groff; both are dead. vi. Abraham Eby, ni. Emma Ruth. vii. Jacob Eby, m. Catharine Good; both are dead. They

had a large family.

1 82 Tlic Sic ope Family.

V. Louisa Swopf/ CGeorge\ John Henry^ John", Yost^) was born, Dec. 22, 1826, in Lancaster county, Pa. She mar- ried, March 2, 1848, Abraham Groff, now dead. They had issue:

i. Albert S. Groff, b. Feb. 2, 1849.

ii. Franklin S. Groff, b. Dec. 2, 1850; d. April 24, 1858. iii. Clayton S. Groff, b. Dec. iS, 1S51; d. Feb. 26, 1888. He married a Miss Packer and had one son Lloyd Groff. iv. Clara S Groff, b. March 25, 1854; d. July 10, 1854. V. Abraham S. Groff, b. May 30, 1S56; d. Oct. 18, 1856. vi. Emma Louisa Groff, b. Oct. 30, 1857; d. June 16, 1894. vii. Wesley S Groff, b. Sept. 15, i860. viii. Mary M. Groff, b. Oct. i, 1863; d. July 12, 1864. ix. Lilly Grace Groff, b. Aug. 13, 1S70.

VI. Catharine Swope" (George\ John Henry\ John^ Yost') was born, Dec. 9, 1829, in Lancaster county. She married, Dec. 14, 1848, Henry Bushong. He having ex- tensive interests in Virginia at the breaking out of the war, enhsted in the Confederate service and joined Rosser's cavalry. He left the South early in 1864 ^^^^ went to Bermuda, where he remained until the war was over. They had children as follows:

i. Daniel S. Bushong, b. Aug. 3r, 1849; m. Clara A.

Schlater. ii. Mary Anna Bushong, b. Oct. 30, 1851; died young. iii. Ju.STus S. Bushong, b June 14, 1S54; m. Carrie Rush. They had issue: i. Hudson ii. Landsford. iv. JOHH C. Bushong, b. Oct. 12, 1856; ni. Morilla Dealin. They had issued:

i Jamf;s, b. June 7, 1S80 ii. John P., b. Dec. 10, 1887. iii. Reuben, b. Nov. 4, 1889 iv. A son, June 11, 1895. V. Cora L. Bushong, b. Dec. 10, 1858.

vi. Henry L. Bushong, b. Dec. 4, 1861; m., Dec. 22, 1885, Sallie B. Payne.

\"II. Eliza Swope' (George*, John Henry'', John", Yost') was born, May 23, 1832, in Lancaster county. Pa. She married, first, Benjamin Landis, and had issue:

The Sziwpc Familv. 183

i. Theodore B. Landis, married and had children:— i. Daisy. ii. Dora iii. Bertha. iv. Guv. ii. Elmira Ann Landis; m. George Weitzell.

Eliza Swope married, secondly, Abraham Buckwalter. They had issue:

i. Byron Buckwalter. ii. Mauy L. Buckwai^TER; m., 1894, Rufus Bushong.

Eliza Swope married, thirdly, John A. Soli.Knberger, a farmer in Lancaster county. They are members of the Re- formed Church. They had issue:

i. Kate E. Souenberger; m. Clayton Weiker. They had issue:— i. Louis. ii. Claude A. iii. Pearl. ii. J. Swope SollEnberger; m. M. Letitia Martin. They had issue:

i. Edna G. ii. Helen M.

VIII. George K. Swope^' (George', John Henry', John', Yost' J was born, Feb. 2, 1837, in Upper lycacock township, Lancaster county, Pa. He was educated at the Annville, Pa., Academy, the Whitehall, Pa., Academy, and Millersville Normal School. He received a teacher's professional certifi- cate and began teaching in 1854. His career as a teacher was interrupted by the breaking out of the w^ar. He volun- teered as a member of the ' ' Union Guards ' ' of Lancaster county. His company was " Co. B, First Regiment, Infantry, Pennsylvania Reserves." He was in all the battles in which his brigade was engaged, viz. : Drainsville, Mechanicsville, Gaines Mill, New Market Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettys- burg, Bristoe Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna, and Bethesda Church. In all of these engagements he won for himself an enviable name for daring and bravery. He, being the best shot in his regiment, was frequently called upon to do sharpshooting service. Many interesting and thrilling incidents are related regarding

184 The Sicopc Family.

his service. We will give one, as related by Prof. J. P. Wick- sham before the Teachers' Institute of Lancaster county. The incident occurred, June 30, 1862, at the battle of New Market Cross- Roads. We quote the Professor as follows: "A rebel bat- ter}' was being handled in a masterly manner; a general rode up to a captain of a Lancaster county company and said: 'Cap- tain, have you a good shot in your company who is willing to go out between these two armies to pick off yonder officer ?" 'Why, general, it will be certain death to venture out there.' ' I know it, ' was the answer, ' but you see how that fire is decimating our ranks; is no one willing to sacrifice himself?' The captain turns to his company, with the remark: 'I'll see.' A young man rises in the ranks and volunteers, ' I'll go.' He creeps forward, takes deliberate aim and fires, but misses his mark; again, steady aim; the officer is seen to throw up his arms; he falls into the arms of his gunners The young man re- turns to his company unharmed; and, said the professor, in a burst of enthusiasm: ' I would .search the ami}' through, but I would take that young man by the hand and say, it was well done; that man was George K. Swope.' " At the battle of Bethesda Church he received a gunshot wound in the left lung, which necessitated his return home. The w^ound was a long time in healing and he yet carries the bullet in his body. After his return from the war he engaged in teaching for some years. He subsequently moved to Philadelphia, where he engaged in the commission business, continuing in the same for several years. In 1889 he was appointed Inspector of Customs in the district of Philadelphia and located at Marcus Hook; this position he held until 1893. He and his family are devoted members of the Methodist Church, he taking a prominent part in all the operations of his church. He married, Oct. 6, 1866, his cousin Lizzie, daughter of Dan- iel Swope. His portrait appears on page 161. They had children as follows:

i. Ella Nora Swopk, b. July 12, 1867.

ii. George Daniel Swope, b. Sept 2, 1868. He married, June 22, 1893, Mary T. Richardson. They have one child, Nora, b. Aug., 1894. iii. Katie; Louetta Swope, b June 3, 1874; d. June 27, 1S7S. iv. M.\RY P.\UL Swope, b. March 21, 1876.





1. Sabina Swope'* (John^ Yost^) was born in the old homestead, in Upper Eeacock township, Lancaster county, Pa., Dec. 26, 1748. She married John Hoke, of York count}', Pa., and lived there until after his death, when .she, together with her children, moved to Eincoln county, N. C, about 1797 or 1798; there her children established them- selves and became prominent members of the community. Sabina ( Swope; Hoke was a very superior woman, having great strength of character, energy and perseverance. She, being left a widow, felt a great responsibility in rearing her chil- dren and was extremely particular in her care for them. It is said that " when any of her boys were out late at night she would take a servant, go out and not return until she had found the missing one, whom she would bring home with her. On one occasion she found one of her .sons at a card table with a crowd of jolly boys. She walked up to the table, pulled the cards off into her lap, led her son home and thus broke up the game."

On the death of her father, in 1780, .she received from his estate, by will, one hundred and twenty-five pounds. She died Aug. 9, 1826, and is buried in the Lutheran graveyard, in Lincolnton, N. C, she being a member of that church. They had issue as follows:

2. i. Sarah Hoke, b. 1772; m. Conrad Michal.

3. ii. Daniel Hoke, b. Nov. 10, 1773; m. Barbara Ranisaur.

4. iii. Frederick Hoke, m , first, a Miss Hafer; m., secondly,

a Miss Lorance; m., thirdly, a Miss Stirewalt; m., fourthly, a Miss Wilson.

5. iv. Henry Hoke, m. a Miss Ramsaur.

6. V. Coi,. John Hoke, b. May 26, 177S; m. Barbara Quickie.

1 86 The S'tcopc FaDiily.

II. Sarah Hoke' (Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope', Yost Swope' ) was born, 1772, in York county, Pa. She died 1850. She accompanied the famil_v when the}' moved to lyincohi county, N. C, and died there. vShe married Coxrad MiCHAL, in York county, Pa., and had issue as follows:

i. John IMichal, married and had issue as foUows: i. Sarah; m. a Lollar.

ii. Annie, b. Oct. 31, 1S21; m. George Summe}'. iii Eliza.

7. ii. Jacob Michal, b. July 23, 1792; in. Catharine Ramsaur.

8. iii. Sarah Michal; m. Col. John Zimmerman. iv. Joseph Michal.

V. Daniel Michal; died unmarried, vi. Elizabeth Michal; m. a Thompson. vii. Mary Michal; married.

III. Daniel Hoke' (Sabina ( Swope) Hoke', John Swope", Yost Swope\) was born, Nov. 10, 1773, in York county, Pa. He married Barbara Ramsaur, at Lincolnton, X. C. She was born Feb. 5, 1780. In 1835 he and his famih' moved to Jacksonville, Ala. At this time the Indians were yet there. He died [856 and is buried at Jacksonville. They had issue as follows:

Sabin.a. Swope Hoke, b. 1800; m. Jacob Forney.

Col. John D. Hoke, b Sept. iS, 1803; m. Maria Whitaker.

Dr. George Hoke, b. Nov. 4, 1805; m. Martha M. Douglass, iv. Daniel Hoke, b. 1808; died 1876, unmarried. When a child, by careless exposure on the part of a nurse, he lost the use of one of his legs, leaving him a cripple for life. Gen. J. H. Forney says of him, that "he was a fine, jovial character; we have many funny stories on Uncle Daniel. He was a big ' See-sesh ' and a remark- ably polite and entertaining man, in consequence a favorite beau of the ladies."

12. V. Alfred Hoke, b. July 4, 1810; m. Susan .\bernathy.

13. vi. Ann.\ Hoke, b. Nov. 6, 1812; m. Miles Abernathy. vii. William Hoke, b. 1815; d. 1836, soon after the arrival

of the family at Jacksonville.

14. viii. Eliza B. Hoke, b July 25, 1818; m. Moses Deane.

15. ix. Catharine Hoke, b June 30, 1821; m. Hon. J. C. Clark. X. Joseph L.\ Fayette Hoke, b. 1824; d. , 18S8, and is buried

at Jacksonville, Ala. He was by occupation a farmer.







The Swope Family. 1S7

IV. Frederick Hoke* (Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope', Yost Swope' ) was born in York county, Pa. Al)Out the year 1798, he, together with his family, moved from York to lyincohi county, N. C. He .settled on Liles Creek in the upper part of Lincoln county, and there reared a large family. As his sons grew to manhood and married he gave to each one a plantation. He was a man much loved and respected in the surrounding country, and noted for his kindness and generosity to the poor. The section of country in which he lived was thickly peopled, and as there were few physicians there, and he had .some knowledge of medicine, he often ren- dered medical assistance to those around him, even at times bleeding them and extracting teeth. He raised large crops of grain on his plantation, and it is a remarkable fact that he fixed the price of corn at fifty cents per bushel, and no matter what the market value of corn was, he refu.sed to receive more or le.ss per bushel for his. Sometimes when there was a failure of crops in other .sections, a number of wagons would come for corn offering him one dollar per bushel, which he would refuse to accept. Enquiring of them how many they had in the family and how much stock they fed, he would then say: "Well, you maj- have so many bushels at fifty cents, and you can't have any more." Frederick Hoke was considerably interested in politics. There being an election precinct on his place, runners would often come up in behalf of one or the other of the candidates. On one occasion one of these men asked an illiterate man how he was going to vote. He said, "I don't know; I always vote like Hoke's boys " And the vote was always nearly unanimous for " Hoke's boys." Frederick Hoke was inclined to be musi- cal. He brought with him from Pennsylvania a pipe-organ. His fondness and talent for music have been inherited by many of his descendants. He married four times. His fir.st wife was a Miss Hafer, his second a Miss IvORANce, his third a Miss Stirewalt, his fourth a Miss Wilson. No children are recorded of his third and fourth wives. There are records of one daughter by his second wife. Her name was Rhoda; she married an Allen, but nothing more is known of her. By his first wife he had issue as follows:

1 88 The S'a'opc Family.

i6. i. Petp;r Hoke, b. Dec. 7, 1791; m. Sarah Lorance.

17. ii. Catharine Hoke, b. Aug. 28, 1795; m. Rev. Ambrose

Henkle. iii. Frederick Hoke; m. Miss Smith. iv. John Hoke; m. Miss Killian. V. Noah Hoke; died young, vi. Daniee Hoke.

18. vii. Andrew Hoke, b. Aug. 3, iSoi; m. Elizabeth Coulter, viii Susan Hoke; m. Robert Lorance.

19. ' ix. Elizabeth Hoke, b Sept. 26, 1S07; m. Daniel Rowe.

20. X. Annie Hoke, b. March 25, iSio; m. Daniel Roseman.

V. Hon. Henry Hoke* (Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope-, Yost Swope') was born in York county, Pa. He moved with the family to North Carohna, and began farming in Lincoln county. He was an active politician, and elected to represent Lincoln county in the State Senate for two terms, 1803 and 1804, by the Democratic party. He was a con- firmed member of the Lutheran Church and faithful in his duties to the same. His remains repose in the family bur3Mng ground on the homestead surrounded by many of his descend- ants. He married a Ramsaur. They had issue:

21. i. Elizabeth Hoke, b. April 10, 1792; m. Michael Quickie.

22. ii. Henry Hoke, b. Oct. 10, 1796; m. Susan Ramsaur.

23. iii. Daniel Hoke, b. April 10, iSoo; m. Susan Rudasill.

iv. Jacob Hoke; m. a Miss Sherman, and had nine children. V. Sarah Hoke; m. Jacob Lantz, and had a la-ge family.

One son, John, was a minister in the Reformed Church.

His daughter became the wife of the Rev. John Foil, vi. Barbara Hoke; m. a Hoyle, and had two children, vii. Anna Hoke; m. a Dietz; moved to Indiana and reared a


YI. Col. John Hoke* (Sabina (Swope) Hoke'\ John Swope", Yost SwopeM was born, May 26, 1778, in York county. Pa. He died, June 3, 1845, at Lincolnton, N. C. In 1797 or 1798, he together with his mother's famih- moved from York county, Pa., to Lincoln county, X. C, the father having died at York prior to their leaving. Col. Hoke was a successful merchant in Lincolnton, and proprietor of the Lin- colnton factory. He was a colonel of the militia. He was a member of the German Reformed Church. He married.

The Sivope Family. 189

January 10, 1808, Barbara Quickle. They had issue as follows:

24. i David Hoke, b. Jan. 3, 1809; m. Nancy Bivings.

25. ii. Michael Hoke, b. May 2, 1810; ni. Frances Burton.

iii. Marcus La Fayette Hoke, b. June 2, 1813. He mar- ried Harriet Smith, and had one daughter, who died in infancy. He was killed in a political difficulty, Aug. 19, 1837-

26. iv. Sarah Elizabeth Hoke, b. Dec. 19, 1816; m. Dr. Andrew

Barry Crook.

27. V. Col. John F. Hoke, b. May 30, 1820; m. Catharine


28. vi. Nancy Harriet Hoke, b. Sept. 5, 1823; m. L. D. Childs.

29. vii. CapT. William J. Hoke, b. Oct. 5, 1825; m. Georgiana


30. viii. Francis Edward Hoke, b. Oct. 5, 1832; m. Catharine


VII. Jacob Michal' (Sarah (Hoke) Michal', Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born in York county, Pa., July 23, 1792. When quite a small child he accompanied the family to North Carolina. On attaining his majority he settled in Rutherfordton, North Carolina. He was there engaged in merchandising and accumulated quite a large fortune. He is said to have been ' ' a man of great intelligence, culture and force of character." He married. May 11, 1815, Catharine E. Ramsaur, "an ex- ceedingly gentle and lovable woman." She was born Sept. 5, 1796. They had issue:

31. i. Col. William H. Michal, b. Sept. 17, 1820; m. I abel


32. ii. Dr. George W. Michal, b. Oct. 19, 1825; m., first, Mary

Carson; m., secondly, Martha McDowell.

33. iii. Sarah E. Michal, b. Aug. 21, 1828; m. Orvis Bartlett.

VIII. Sarah Michal' (Sarah (Hoke) Michal', Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost SwopeM married Col. John Zimmerman. They had issue as follows:

34. i. Mary A. Zimmerman, b. Sept. 11, 1817; m. Col.

Franklin A. Hoke, her cousin. (.See XLV. )

35. ii. Annie E. Zimmerman, b. July 15, 1815; m. Willis Peck, iii. Elizabeth Zimmerman; died iSSo.

iv. Daniel M. Zimmerman, b. Sept. 18, 1823. After the


I go The Sicopc Faviily.

death of his parents his guardian placed him in a Phila- delphia dry goods house, and he afterwards became a member of the firm He was also engaged in railroad enterprises. After his retirement from business he and his wife traveled in Europe for a couple of years, and while there he died, Aug. lo, 1S92, and was buried in Switzerland. He married Elizabeth Hart. They had one son, Walter, who is in the real estate business in Camden, X. J. V. William Zimmerman; died in childhood.

IX. Sabina Swope Hoke' (Daniel Hoke\ Sabina ( Swope ) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope^) was born in Lincoln county, N. C, 1800. She accompanied the family when they moved to Jacksonville, Ala. and died there, 1S82. She married Jacob Forney, a son of Gen. Peter Forney.''' of Revolutionary fame, a resident of Lincoln county, N. C. They had issue as follows:

i. Maj. Daniel Peter Fornev, was born in Lincoln county, N. C. , 1819, and died 18S1, unmarried. He was educated at the University of Virginia, taking a course in law, which profession he practiced a number of years. He was a soldier in the INIexican War, was captain of the Alabama State Troops in 1S61, and major and inspector general of the C. S. Army ii. Joseph Bartlett Forney was born 182 1, and died 1883. He married Mary Whitaker, of Troy, N. Y. His busi- ness was that of a merchant. He entered the Con- federate Army, and was aid to his brother, Gen. John H. Forney.

36. iii. Gen. William H. Forney, b. 1S23; m. Elizabeth Wood-


37. iv. Barbara Ann Forney, b. 1826; m. Maj. Peyton Rowan.

38. V. Gen. John H. Forney, b. 1829; m. Septima Sexta


39. vi. Emma E. Forney, b. 1832; m., first, Benjamin Rice; m.,

secondly, the Rev. Thomas A. Morris.

* The traditions of this Forney family are the same as those of the Conewago (Hanover) Pennsylvania family mentioned elsewhere. Both point to French extraction, having fled from religious persecution in France to Germany, after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685. The}' remained in Germany long enough to become citizens of that country before emigratii:g to America. There are no records to show a relationship between the Conewago, Pa., and the Southern family, but a relationship may have existed in a higher branch in the Fatherland.

The Szvope Family. igi

vii. Col. George Hoke Forney, b. 1835. He was merchan- dising until the breaking out of the war when he entered the Confederate service in the company of his brother, Daniel Peter, Jan., 1S61. In 1862 he was major commanding the ist Confederate Battalion. In 1863 the 1st Confederate Battalion was increased in number of companies, and he was promoted to lieu- tenant colonel. " A rather unusual order was made by the President in this, that the first battalion and another named regiment was ordered from the army in Missis- sippi to the army in Virginia to be placed in a brigade commanded by Gen. Davis, a relative of the President." A result of this transfer was that Col. Forney took part in the battle of the Wilderness, and was killed there. May 5, 1864. His battalion was composed of disbanded regiments, in which there was many rough cases Mobile and New Orleans " wharfs " still he held them under complete control through the love they bore him.

40. viii. Ameija Catharine Forney, b. April 10, 1838; m. Maj.

John M. Wyly.

41. ix. Maria Eloise Forney, b. May 15, 1841; m. R. D.


X. Col. John D. Hoke' (Daniel Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope"', Yost Swope^) was born Sept. 18, 1803, in Uncoln county, N. C. He died March 24, 1878. He married Anna Maria Whitaker, of New York city. In 1835 he moved from lyincohiton, N, C, to Jacksonville, Ala. He is described as a " noble character. ' ' He was colonel of militia, and a fine, dashing .soldier. When the family moved to Jacksonville his wife was the onl\- baptized member of the Episcopal Church in that town. Through her persistent and unflagging efforts, the most of the kin, who had been Lutheran and German Reformed, were from time to time con- firmed by the Episcopal Bishops, of Alabama. For quite a number of years the}' were without a minister and a proper building; finally the families built St. Euke's Church and John D. Hoke became Sunday School superintendent and lay reader. The services were gone through with regularity, though the attendance was very small. The church by out- siders was known as "Hoke's Church." A cruciform tablet has been placed in the wall of the church bearing the follow- ing inscription, "In memory of John D. Hoke, the founder

192 The Szi'Ope Faiiiilj.

and senior warden of this church. . . . Erected as a token of affection b}- the members of this parish." They had issue as follows:

i. George Frederick Hoke, b. 1836; d. 1S49.

ii. Amelia C. Hokp:; married John Caine, and died a year

later, iii. John E. Hoke; died in childhood, iv. Eugene Hoke; died in childdood. V. Gertrude Hoke; died in childhood. vi. Ida Hoke; died in childhood.

vii. Daniel Fornev Hoke, was born in Jacksonville, Ala. He was graduated fron: the theological school of the University of the South at Sewanee, Tenn., 1878, but his father's death occurring about that time, he gave up the ministry for a season, in order to more effectu- ally assist in the support of the family. He is and has been a deacon of the Episcopal Church, but is now (1895) studying for priest's orders, viii. Anna Courtney Hoke; m. Joseph M. Alexander, of East Tennessee, who died. She is now living in Jack- sonville, Ala., in widowhood. They had issue: i. Josephine. ii. John Hoke. iii. St.\r. ix. Elizabeth Roozvelt Hoke; m, Henry Graham, and resides in Jacksonville, Ala. They had issue: i. Henry. ii. Fannie. iii. John. iv. Hoke. v. An infant, 1S95. X. John D. Hoke.

XI. Dr. George Frederic Hoke' (Daniel Hoke*. Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born, Nov. 4, 1805, in Lincoln county, X. C. He died May 19, 1863. A relative says of him, that ' ' he was a very quiet, but learned man." 'T was said of him while a student of medicine that "the more you rub him the brighter he shines." After graduating with the highest distinction, he commenced the practice of medicine in Jacksonville, Ala., but lost among his first patients a dear friend, after which he ceased general practice. He did not marry until rather late in life. Dec. 28,

The Sicopc Faiiii/y. 193

1854, he married Martha M. Douglass, of Danville, Va. They had issue:

i. Mary Emma Hoke; m. Dec. 10, 1876, Daniel Warlick. They had children: i. Gkor(;e Hoke. ii. Jessie Deane. iii. Fanny Forney. ii. Sarah Louisa Hoke. iii. Georgia EIvLA Hoke.

XII. Alfred Hoke' (Daniel Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born, July 4, 1810; died March 5, 1883. He married, Sept. 28, 1837, Susan Abernathy, who was born March 15, 1810, and died June 7, 1880. She was a sister ot Miles Abernathy, who married Anna Hoke. Alfred Hoke was a man devoted to agriculture and a model farmer. They had issue:

i. John Hoke, b. July 9, 183S; m. Miss Goode. They had six children. They reside in Texas, where he is en- gaged in fanning.

42. ii. Many Ann Hoke, b. Aug. 7, 1840; m., Sept. 5, i860,

William Morgan, iii. Alice Hoke, b. July 9, 1844; m. Frank Pinson, June 27, 1867. She died, 1877. They had issue: i. Thomas, b. April 15, 1869. ii. MoEiJE, b. Feb. 23, 1871. iii. GussiE J., b. May 17, 1877. iv. Augusta Hoke, b. Sept. 28, 1846. Resides in Kendricks,

Idaho. V. Bergman Hoke, b. July 16, 1849; d. May 7, 1883; m., April I, 1881, Lulu Harralson. He was a farmer by occupation.

43. vi. Sallie Hoke, b. July 21, 1853; m. William Crow.

XIII. Anna Hoke' ( Daniel Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope', Yost Swope' j was born Nov. 6, 1812; died March 4, 1887; married, June 18, 1835, Miles Abernathy, born July 21, 1801; died July 25, 1877. They had issue as follows:

i. Sarah C. Abernathy, b. Aug. 17, 1S36; d. Dec, 1836.

ii. Frances Eliza Abernathy, b. Feb. 2, 1838; m., Sept. 30, 1858, Maj. Thomas W. Francis, b. July 22, 1837; d., Oct. 23. 1S90, at Jacksonville, Ala., where Mrs. Francis now resides.

194 ^^^^ Sivope Family.

iii. Anna M. Abernathv, b. May 24, 1840; m. Daniel P. Loretz, b. June 30, 1S42; d. Jan. 7, 1893. She resides with her sister, Mrs. Francis, in Jacksonville.

iv. Macon Abernathv, b. Aug. 7, 1842. He was graduated from the University of Alabama. He entered the Con- federate arnn- and was among the first killed in the battle of Frazier's farm. V. Daniel Hoke Abernathv, b. Oct. i, 1844; d IMay 25, 1848.

vi. Emma Abernathv, b. Oct. 30, 1846; d. Dec, 1846. 44. vii. Mary Amelia Abernathv, b. Dec. 29, 1847; m. Hon. H. L. Stevenson, viii. Julia Swope Abp;rnathv, b. Feb. 11, 1850; m., Feb. 2, 1 87 1, J. Davidson Smith, who was born 1849. They reside at Faunsdale, Ala.

ix. Ella Turner Abernathv, b. May 24, 1853; d. Feb. 9,

1893- X. Caroline S. Abernathv, b. Feb. 18, 1856; m., Feb. 22, 1883, John F. Watkins, b Dec. 8, 1854. They reside at Faunsdale, Ala. They had issue:

i. Miles Abernathv, b. June 26, 1884. ii. George Eegrande, b. June 8, 1886. iii. John Franklin, b. Feb. i, 1888. iv. Annie Hoke, b. Jan. 7, 1890 v. Mary Lilly, b Jan. 18, 1892; d. Nov. 28, 1894.

XIV. Eliza B. Hoke' (Daniel Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born in Lincoln county, N, C, July 25, 181S. She died Sept. 15, 1879. She married, Oct. 3, rS39, MosES Deane, of Ashville, Ala. He was born May 5, 1S04, in Anderson county, S. C, and died March 3, 1855. They had issue:

i. S.\RAH EouLSA Dean, 1). Jan i, 1841; m., Oct. 2, i860, William A. Edwards, b. March i, 1S22; d. Oct. 10, 1879. Residence, Ashville, Ala. They had issue: i. John Henrv, b Sept. i, i86r. ii. Augustus Deane, b. Feb. 11, 1864. ii. William H. Deane, b. Oct. 6, 1843; m , July 24, 1884,

Ida M. Steele; d. Aug. i, 1885. iii. A daughter, b. Aug. 11, 1845; d. Jan. 21, 1846. iv. Walter Deane, b. Dec. 7, 1846. He is a merchant of the firm of Rowen, Deane & Co., Jacksonville, Ala. v. Alfred Hoke Deane, b. June 14, 1849. He is merchan- dising at Attalia, Ala.

The SiL'opc Family. 195

vi. Julia Fornev Deane, b. Marcti 12, 185 1; d. Nov. 5, 1855. vii. Mary Emma Deane, b. Jan. 17, 1853; "i-. June iS, 1890, Samuel W. Vance, of Birmingham, Ala.

XV. Catharine M. Hoke' ( Daniel Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born in lyincoln county, N. C, June 30, 1821; died Feb. 26, 1886. She mar- ried, April 26, 1843, Hon. J. C. Ci.a.rk, born Jan. 10, 1788; died Sept. 5, 1870. They had issue:

i. Edward T. Clark, b. April 23, 1844; m., Sept. 17, 1868,

Minnie Sheid. He is a merchant and planter, ii. Annie E. Clark, b. Nov. 6. 1846; m., Sept. 18, 1878, Joshua Draper, 1). Jan. 26, 1824; d. Sept. 26, 18S8.

XVI. Peter Hoke'' (Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke", John Swope', Yost Swope' ) was born in York county, Pa., Oct. 7, 1 79 1. He moved with his father's family to Lincoln county, N. C, about 1797 or 1798. He was reared on his father's plantation, on Liles Creek, and on attaining manhood married Sarah Lorance. He died Nov. 23, 1864. They had issue:

45. i. Col. Franklin A. Hoke, b. July 7, 1815; m. Mary Zim-

merman, ii. Catherine Hoke, b. Oct. 14, 1816; died in childhood, iii. Alfred L. Hoke, b. April 12, 1818. iv. John S Hoke, b. Aug i, 1819. V. Frederick L. Hoke, b. Oct. 2, 1820. vi. AnThia Hoke, b. Nov. 5, 1822 vii. Camilla Hoke, b. June 19, 1824. viii. Euphemia HokE, b. Nov. 19, 1825. ix. Candice Hoke, b. May 11, 1827. X. Philo p. Hoke, b. Sept. 25, 1828. xi. Louisa Hoke, b. Oct. i, 1834.

XVII. Catharine Hoke'', (Frederick Hoke', Sabina (Swope ) Hoke', John Swope"', Yost Swope' ) was born in York county. Pa., Aug. 28, 1795. She married, in Lincoln county, N. C, Sep. 19, 18:2. the Rev. Ambrose Henkle,* who was born in Shenandoah county, Va., July 11, 1786. He was a son of the Rev. Paul Henkle, a distinguished Lutheran clergyman of Virginia. The Henkle family in

*See note 7.

196 The Sicopc Faiiiilv.

America is remarkable for the number of ministers it has furnished the church in all generations. Catharine Henkle died Jan. 2, 1815, and was buried in the grave3'ard at Xew Market, Va.. the Rev. Peter Schmucker officiated. They had issue:

46. i. Noah Isaiah Hexkle, b. Aug. 3, 1814: m. Mary M.


X\'III. Andrew Hoke' (Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born on the Liles Creek plantation, Aug. 3, iSoi. He died July 13, 1885. He married, March, 1820. Elizabeth Coulter, who was born April 2, 1800; died Ma}' 6, 1878. She was a daughter of Martin Coulter, of Catawba county, X. C. When quite young Andrew Hoke was placed b}- his father in a mill to learn the business. In this he continued during the most active part of his life. Later in life he abandoned milling and engaged in farming until his death. His sons who reached maturity were all in the Confederate service. He and his wife were life-long members of St. Paul's lyUtheran Church of Catawba county, and in the graveyard of that church repose their remains, surrounded by their kinspeople. They had issue as follows :

i Martix E. Hoke, b. March 3, 1821; d. Oct. 15, 1823. ii. Mii.ES A. Hoke, b. Feb. 5, 1823; died in Arkansas, leav- ing a family.

47. iii. Ermina Hoke, b. July 13, 1825; m. John Fry. iv. Barteett E. Hoke, b. Oct., 1827.

V. WiLEEAM A. Hoke, b. Jan. 3, 1830. He lived near Rich- burg, N. C, until the war, when he enlisted in the Confederate service and was killed at Petersburg, Va. vi. Robert H. Hoke, b. June 10, 1832; died in infancy.

48. vii. Frederick M. Hoke, b. July 11, 1833; m. Elvira Guil-


49. viii. John C. Hoke, b. Jan. 26, 1836; m. Elizabeth Robertson.

50. ix. Rhoda E. Hoke, b. May 13, 1839; m. William H. Bolch. X. Anna C. Hoke, b. Dec. 15, 1841; died.

51. xi. JuEius B. Hoke, b. June 6, 1844; m. Jane C. Punch.

XIX. Elizabeth Hoke' (Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope J Hoke'', John Swope'"', Yost Swope' ) was born, Sept. 26, 1807, on her father's plantation. She died Oct. 12, 1S74.

The Szi'opc Faniilv. 197

She married, Feb. 17, 1825, Daniel RowE, who was born Nov, 14, 1801, and died Nov. 30, 1878. After their mar- riage they settled on his farm, a few miles distant from her old home, where she lived until her death. A daughter says: " I had the best of parents, loving and kind, loved not only in their own family, but by all who knew them. Neither of them ever had an enemy." They were members of St. John's Reformed Church, a few miles from their home, and there they are buried. They had issue as follows:

i. Marcus M Rowk, b. Nov. 25, 1825; d. Feb. 5, 1S92. He married, first, a ^Miss Cloninger They had six chil- dren. He married, secondly, a Miss Bridges. They had two children.

ii. Noah I. Rowe, b. Feb. 3, 1828; m., Dec. 18, i85i,Camila Smith. They had ten children.

iii. CaTharink M. Rowk, b. Nov. 2, 1831; d. March 2, 1889; m., June 25, 1850, Silas Wike. They had six children.

iv. Harriet L. Rovve, b. March 19, 1833 V. CoE. David Pinkney Rowe, b. May 3, 1836. He en- tered the Confederate service and became colonel of the Twelfth North Carolina Regiment. He was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville while in com- mand of his regiment, May 2, 1863, and died the follow- ing day.

vi. Sidney H. Rowe, b. Nov. 23, 1838. He entered the Confederate army, and was in the battle of Chancel- lorsville, where he was taken prisoner. He was taken to Elmira, N. Y., where he died of pneumonia, Dec. 20, 1S64.

vii. Danipx L. Rowe, b. Feb. 12, 1842; m. Alice M. Bort. They had seven children. 52. viii. Rebecca E. Rowe was born March 28, 1844; m. J. P. Cline.

ix. Marion J. Rowe, b. Jan. 17, 1849; m., Feb. 28, 1872, C. E. Herman They had six children.

XX. Annie Hoke'' (Frederick Hoke', Sabina TSwope) Hoke^ John Swope^ Yo.stSwope') was born, March 25, 1810, on her father's plantation, on L,iles Creek, Catawba county, N. C. She married. May 29, 1828, Daniel Roseman, who was born Aug. i, 1801. He was engaged in various business pursuits. For a number of years he was merchandising, and later in life he purchased the Frederick Hoke plantation;

198 The Swope Family.

there he and his wife spent the balance of their hves. The plantation, consisting of seven hundred acres, is now owned b}' the two sons Capt. D. Frederick and Marion I. Rose- man. The mansion has undergone changes and been mod- ernized since the time of Frederick Hoke, but the large rock barn remains as he built it. Daniel and Anna Roseman were members of St. John's Lutheran Church, two miles from their home, and there their remains rest. They had issue:

i. Cath.^rine M. Roshmax; m., March 17, 1S57, J. P. Moser. They reside ii: Oakesdale, Washington. They had issue:

i. James E. ii. AxxiE E. iii. D. IMariox^. iv. L. Alice.

V. Sarah E. vi. Robert E. vii Hkttie C.

ii. Harriet Rosemax; died.

53. iii. vSarah a. J. RosEMAX, b. July 11, 1834; m. Rev. Simon


54. iv. EuGEXiA D. RosEMAX, b. July 7, 1847; m. Dr. D. McD.

Yount. V. Mariox J. RosEMAx; in. Harriet Alexander. They have

four children. vi. Capt. D. Frederick Rosemax; ni., Feb. 20, 1S71, F". D. Cijx'E. They have issue

i. R. f:., b. Oct 9, 1872.

ii. RiTTiK :\L, b. Sept. 9, 1874.

iii. Edgar D., b. Oct. 6, 1876.

iv. AxxiE E., V). June 20. 1880.


vi. \'IKGIXI.\.

vii. George Fraxki.ix Rosemax". viii. JOHX- Ai.vix Rosemax.

XXI. Elizabeth Hoke' (Henry Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke\ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born in York county. Pa., April 10, 1792; died Dec. 14, 1859. She married, March 4, 1810, Michael Ouickle, who was born June i, 1796; died Jan. ir, 1850. They lived in Lincoln count\-,

The Sivope Family. 199

N. C. She was a pious and devoted member of the Lutheran Church, and carefully reared her children in that church. This is evinced by their early confirmation, all having been confirmed before they reached the age of 21 years, by the Rev. Adam Miller. They had issue:

i. Anna M. M. Quicki,k, b. Sept. 25, 1814. She was bap- tized V)y Rev. Daniel Moser, Dec. 11, 1S14. Confirmed by the Rev. Adam Miller, Nov. 17, 1832. She married Horatio Thompson. She d. Sept. 26, 1S51. They had tw^o sons who died.

55. ii. Cephas Quicki^E, b. Feb. 14, 1819; m. Sarah Killian.

iii. Henry M. Quickle, b. Nov. 14, 1824. He was baptized by the Rev. Daniel Moser, April 10, 1825, and confirmed by the Rev. Adam Miller, July, 1845. He died at Sparkling Catawba Springs, Aug. 4, 1845.

56. iv. Catharine M. Quickle, b. Nov. 4, 1827; m. Ambrose


XXII. Henry Hoke'' ( Henry Hoke*, Sabina ( Swope) Hoke\ John Swope', Yost Swope' ) was born Oct. 10, 1796. He married Susan Ramsaur. He was reared on his father's plantation in lyincoln county, N. C. . and on reaching maturity, engaged in farming in which he continued in Lincoln county until 1855, when he and his family, except his daughter Catharine, who married Levi Robinson, and is living at Reepsville, N. C, moved to Cooper county, Mo., where he died three years later, Aug. 31, 1858, and is buried in the Brownlee graveyard. Cooper county. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. Most of his descendants are living in Missouri. They had issue:

i. Daniel Hoke, b. Aug. 17, 1826. He married and died

in Texas, leaving four children, ii. David Hoke, b. Nov. 21, 1827; d. 1862. iii. Henry Hoke, b. Aug. 17, 1829; d. Feb. 17, 1877. I -^^\^^ iv. John Hoke, b Aug. 17, 1829; d. Aug. 15, 1866. '

57. V. Catharine E. Hoke, b. May 12, 1831; m. Levi Robinson.

58. vi. Mary A. Hoke, b. Feb. 28, 1833; m. Robert H. Reid.

59. vii. Jacob Hoke, b. June 12, 1S35; m. Virginia C. Brownlee. viii. Adam Hoke, b. June 12, 1837; d. Oct. 6, 1865.

ix. Barbara S. Hoke.

XXIII. Daniel Hoke" (Henry Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born in Lincoln Co.,

200 The Swopc Family.

N. C, April lo, 1800. He died Jan. 16, 1877. It is said " he and his brothers were genial, jovial men. fond of jokes and fun. They were dear lovers of the chase, especially the deer hunt, in which they were very successful; they were fine marksmen." He was a farmer by occupation. In religion a Lutheran. In politics a Democrat. He married, Nov. 18, 1835, Susan Rudasill. They had isssue:

i William A. Hoke, b. May 13, 1837. He entered the Confederate service in Co. B of the 23d North Carolina regiment, and \vas killed at the battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1S63.

ii. JoxAS E. Hoke, b. Dec. 18, 1840 He was a member of Co. B of the 23d North Carolina regiment, and was killed in the battle of Chancellorsville, May 2, 1S63.

iii. David A. Hoke, b Oct. 25, 1842. He entered the Con- federate service as a member of Co. B of the 23d North Carolina regiment. He was killed in the battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863.

iv. Mary M. Hoke, b. Aug. 17, 1845; d. Dec. 30, 18S4. She married, Feb. 18, 1869, Daniel Yoder. They had one son, David, now living with his father in Lincolnton, N. C.

V. Margaret S. Hoke, b. Feb. 27, 1S49; d. :\Iay 23, 1889. vShe married, Dec. 30, 186S, Michael F. Carpenter.

vi. JoHX A. Hoke, b. Feb. 4, 1857; m.. May 10, 18S5, Rhoda Heanner. The^- reside in Lincolnton, N. C.

XXIV. David Hoke' (Col. John Hoke', Sabina ( Swope) Hoke", John Swope'"', Yost Swope') was born Jan. 3, 1S09. He married, Feb. 9, 1832, Xancy A. Biyixgs. She was a daughter of Dr. James Bivings, of Greenville, S. C. Her maternal grandfather was Dr. John \^onstore, an eminent physician from German}-, who settled in South Carolina. David Hoke was by occupation a farmer. He was also Clerk of the Superior Court at Greenville, S. C, for a ntimber of years. He died of heart disease, Aug. i, 1865, a devoted member of the M. E. Church. They had issue:

60. i. Dr. Augustus D. Hoke, b. Nov. 27, 1832; m. Edith ^Nlills.

61. ii. Susan B. Hoke, b. April 11, 1836; m. Hon. Thomas O.

Donaldson, iii. Sarah H. Hoke was born, Nov. 10, 1844, at Greenville, vS. C. She there married, Nov. 22, 1866, Col. J. F. B. Jackson, who was born Jan. 29, 1832. He entered the

The Sivope Family. 201

Confederate service at the opening of the war and was in many battles, and several times wounded. He now resides in Birmingham, Ala., where he has large in- terests in real estate and other forms of investments. They had one daughter, Nannie Hoke, b. at Chattat nooga, Tenn., July 17, 1868, and died Nov. 29, 1872. iv. Fannie Catharine Hoke was born, 1847, and died Nov. 20, 1862, at Greenville, S. C. "The brightest and best loved member of the household."

XXV. Michael Hoke'' (Col. John Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope% Yo.st Swope^) was born May 2, 1810, in Lincolnton, N. C. He was educated chiefly at Capt. Par- tridge's Mihtary Academy, Middletown, Conn. He then studied law with Judge Tucker, of Virginia, and finished with Hon. R. H. Burton. In 1834 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives for Lincoln county, which office he held continuously until 1842. In 1844 he was nominated as Democratic candidate for governor against Hon. Wm. A. Graham, and "such was the fairness of his conduct, his open, generous temper, his elevated mode of argument, that even in high excitement, party spirit forgot its rancor, and he won, as he deserved, the regard and respect of all parties." He ,. died suddenly, 1844. ' Uris believed that he would have been- elected governor had he lived. He was a member of the Episcopal Church. He married Frances Burton. They had issue: " JT /?

62. i. Mary Brent Hoke; m. Dr Hildreth H. Smith.

63. ii. Gen. Robert t-. Hoke; m. Lydia Van Wyck.

iii. Dr. George Hoke; m. Violet McLean. They had two children— Ellen died at the age of 23 years, and Augus- tus, who married Hattie, daughter of Charles F. Hoke, and granddaughter of Col. F. A. Hoke, of vSeneca, vS. C. She died Nov. 25, 1891, leaving a daughter six weeks old, now living with her father at Atlanta, Ga.

XXVI. Sarah Elizabeth Hoke' (Col. John Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope', Yost Swope') was born Dec. 19, 18 16, in Lincolnton, N. C. She married, May 14, 1835, Dr. Andrew Barry Crook,* who was born Oct. 16,

*Dr. Crook's maternal grandfather was Capt. Andrew Barry, of Spartanburg, S. C, who fought during the w-hole Revolutionary war as

202 The S'n'opc Fauiily.

1802. He died, June 11, 1S62, from brain fever resulting from overwork in caring for the wounded after the battle of Manassas. He was an eminent physician and practiced his profession at Greenville, S. C, for almost forty years. He and his wife are buried in the Episcopal cemetery at that place. They had issue:

i. Sarah H. Crook was born 1S36, and married William I'rancis Lester.

XXVII. Col. John Franklin Hoke' (Col. John Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke'\ John Swope^ Yost Swope^) was born May 30, 1820, in Lincolnton, N. C. He was graduated from the University of North Carolina, after which he studied law. He was a volunteer in the war with Mexico, and was appointed captain of infantry, and was in the severely contested battles of Tolema, National Bridge and Cerro Gordo. He died from heart disease, Oct. 27, 18S8, wdiile hurrahing for "the trtie Democracy." He married Catharine Alexander. They were members of the Episcopal Church. They had i.ssue:

i Hon. William Alkxandkr Hoke, was born Oct., 1S51, in Lincolnton, N. C. He completed his education in his native town under Dr. H. H. Smith and Rev. W. R. Wetmore, D. D., after which he read law with his father and Judge Pearson. He represented Lincoln county in the Legislature, and at the expiration of his term was elected Judge of the Superior Court. He is a member of the Episcopal Church.

ii. S.-VLLiE Badger Hoke was born in Lincolnton, April, 1854. She still resides there.

iii. Nancy Childs Hoke was born March, 1S56, and died Jan. 10, 1894.

XXVIII. Nancy Harriet Hoke' (Col. John Hoke^ Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born, Sept. 5, 1823, at Eincolnton, N. C, and died Dec. 19, 1873. She married L. D. Childs, a distant relative of the late

captain of the South Carolina Rangers. His grandmother was the famous Hattie Barry, who acted as a scout for Gen. ^Morgan, and assisted him in hunting up his patriot bands, and so recruiting his little army with sufficient force to bring about the best fought battle of the Revo- lution, the celebrated battle of Cowpens.

The Sxcopc Family. 203

George W. Childs, the Philadelphia, Pa., philanthropist. They had issue as follows:

65. i. William G. Chii.ds, b. Oct. 2, 1850; m. Alice Gibbs.

66. ii. Lysander Childs, b. July 6, 1855; m. Bessie Springs.

67. iii. D. Augustus Childs, b. Aug 12, i860; m. Minnie Gibbs.

XXIX. Capt. William James Hoke' ( Col. John Hoke', Sabina (Swope ) Hoke,'' John Swope''', Yost Swope') was born, Oct. 5, 1825, in L,incolnton, N. C. His preliminary educa- tion was received in his native town; he was then sent to Prof. Webster's Military School at Portsmouth, Va. He entered the Confederate army as captain of the ' ' Southern Stars," of lyincolnton; they were the first company of the first regiment at the battle of Bethel. He was also in the battle of Mechanicsville, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, etc. He was wounded in the two last named, and suffered from his wounds for years, Init dropped dead from heart disease in Columbus, S. C, Oct. ir, 1S70. He married Georgianna Sumner. He was a member of the Episcopal Church. They had issue as follows:

i. Sarah B. Hoke, b. March 15, 1852; died in infancy, ii. Michael Hoke, was born Feb. 26, 1853. For several years he was merchandising, but is now connected with the Surveyor General's office at Olympia, Washington. He married a Jones. They have children as follows: i. Herbert Sumner. ii. Thomas Everett. iii. Thomas Hunt Hoke, was born in Lincolnton, N. C, Oct. 3, 1854, and died Aug. 18, 1892. He married his cousin Annie, daughter of Col. William H. Michal. (See XXX.) She was born Feb. 26, 1857. They had issue besides two which died in infancy: i. William Michal. ii. Catharine B. iv. Mary Sumner Hoke, was born June 25, 1856, and died May 28, 1891. She married, Sept. 17, 1879, her kins- man, George L. Bartlett, who was born Feb. 21, 1850. He resides in Lincolnton, N. C. They had issue:— i. Georgiana C, b. June 20, 1880. ii. Katie b. June 28, 18S1; d. Oct. 29, 1882. iii. Orvis Boger b. March 11, 1883. iv. Laura Sumner b. July 4, 1884. V. Georgiana BoylESTon was born in Lincolnton, N. C,

204 The S'd'opc Family.

May 8, i860. She married, Nov. 16, 18S1, R. H. Tem- pleton. They reside at Carey, N. C, and have the following children: i. Georgianna. ii. LiLiviAN Sumner. iii. William Hoke. iv. Mamie R. V. Mary Wetmore. vi. Thomas Hunt. vi. John Hoke; died in infancy. vii. Laur.a Hoke, b. Jan. 10, 1862.

viii. Nancy Eelen Hoke, was born May 3, 1864. \ She married, Dec. 29, 1887, Dr. G. Alexander Ramsaur. They reside at China Grove, X. C. They have issue:— i. Mary Alexander. ii. William Hoke. iii. Thomas Michael. iv. Xannetta. ix. Virginia Swope Hoke, was born May 31, 1870. She resides at Lincolnton, X'. C. She is greatly interested in genealogy, and very kindly responded to frequent requests for information regarding the Hoke family.

XXX. Fraxcis Edward Hoke' (Col. John Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope', Yost Swope^ was born, Oct. 5, 1832, at Lincohiton, X. C. He married Catharine Baker. They reside at lyincohiton, and had issue as fol- lows:—

i. William Hoke.

ii. Fannie Hoke. iii. Nancy Hoke. iv. Dor.\ Hoke.

V. Marietta Hoke. vi Alex.\nder Hoke. vii. Alice Hoke; died, viii. Charles Hoke; died, ix. Lysander Hoke; died.

X. Georgiann.\ Hoke; died. xi. John Hoke; died.

XXXI. Col. William H. Michal" (Jacob MichaP, Sarah (Hoke ) Michal', Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born Sept. 17, 1S20. He married Isabel Ramsaur. They had issue:

i. Annie Michal, who was born Feb. 26, 1857. She mar-

The Sn'ope Familv. 205

ried, Nov. 17, 1879, her cousin, Thomas Hunt Hoke, who was born Oct. 3, 1854, and died Aug. 18, 1892. (See XXIX. ) They had issue besides two children who died in infancy:

i. William Michal. ii. Cath.\rine Boger. ii. Catharine Michal was born June rS, 1865. iii. William Michal; died in infancy. iv. Robert M. Michal was born Feb. 9, 1869.

XXXII. Dr. George W. Michal'' (Jacob MichaP, Sarah (Hoke) Michal', Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope', Yost Swope'j was born, Oct. 19, 1825, in Rutherfordton, N. C. He was educated with threat care, and in 1847 was graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsyl- vania with honor. He began the practice of his profe.s.sion at Marion, N. C, and while living there married, 1854, Mary, daughter of William M. Carson, of McDowell county. His wife dying a few years after their marriage. Dr. Michal removed to his native town. In 1861 he entered the Con- federate service as surgeon of the r6th North Carolina Regi- ment. After the close of the war he continued to successfully practice his profession until 1873, when his health failed and he engaged in other purstiits. " Dr. Michal was in many respects a remarkable man. His physiognomy was unique, striking, and revealed at a glance the prominent traits of his character strength, honesty, firmness, courage, .self-reliance, and kindness of heart. He had read much and was a clear, deep thinker. His judgment once formed of men and things was almo.st unerring." In faith he was an Episcopalian, and loved his Church with unflinching lo3'alty and tenderness. They had issue:

i. William L. Michal; died in infancy, ii. Catharine M. Michal; died in infancy.

Dr. George W. Michal married, .secondly, at Rutherford- ton, in r86i, Martha, daughter of Hon. John McDowell, and granddaughter of Col. Joseph McDowell, of Revolution- ary fame, one of the heroes of King's Mountain. She sur- vives, residing with her children at "Wayside," their home near Hickory, N. C. They had issue: 14

2o6 The Sivope Fauiily.

i. Mary M. Michal.

ii. John McDowell Michal, who married, Oct. 17, 1889, Mary, daughter of Col. Thos. Leuoin, and granddaugh- ter of Col. William Lenoin, a Revolutionary hero. The Lenoin family is one of the oldest and most distinguished in North Carolina. They had issue

i. Thomas IvEnoin, b. July 11, 1S90. ii. George M , b. Oct. 4, 1892; d. May 27, 1894. iii. John McDowell, b. Dec. 23, 1894.

XXXIII. Sarah E. Michal*^ (Jacob MichaP, Sarah (Hoke) Michar, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope', Yost Swope\) was born in Rutherfordton, N. C, Aug. 21, 1828. She married there, Nov. 2, 1848, Orvis Bartlett, who was born Feb. ir, 181 1. "She was a woman of the highest order of intellect, of lovely. Christian character, and thought to be one of the most beautiful women in that part of the State." She died June 6, 1855. They had issue as follows:

i. George L. Bartlett was born, Feb. 21, 1S50, in Ruth- erfordton, N. C. He married, at Lincolnton, N. C, where he now resides, Mary S. Hoke, his cousin. (See XXIX.) She died in Rutherfordton, March 28, 1891. They had issue

i. Georgiana C, b. June 20, 1880

ii. Katie, b. June 18, i88[j d. Oct. 29, 1882.

iii. Orvis Boger, b. March 11, 1883.

iv. Laura S , b. July 4, 18S4.

ii. Annie Bartlett, b. March 17, 1852; d. Aug. 28, 1S53. iii. William O. Bartlett, b. May 29, 1855; m. Ida Petty.

XXXIV. Mary A. Zimmerman" (Sarah (Michal) Zim- merman', Sarah (Hoke) Michal*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Sept. 11, 1817. She died Dec. 28, i88g. She married, at lyincolnton, N. C, Jan. 24, 1838, her kinsman, Col. Franklin A. Hoke. (See XLV.) Hei life closed at Seneca, S. C, where most of her family reside. They had issue

i. Charles F. Hoke, b. Jan. 4, 1839. ii. S.-vrah H. Hoke, b. Nov. 17, 1840. iii. Annie L- Hoke, b. Feb. 19, 1845. iv. Mary E- Hoke, b. May 15, 1847.



L. 1

The Swope Family. 209

V. Carrie W. Hokh, b. Sept., 1S50. vi. Josephine Hoke, b. May 16, 1852. vii. MaTTie L. Hoke, b. May 31, 1857. viii. John Z. Hoke, b. Oct. 10, 1859. ix. James P. Hoke, b. Jan. 13, 1862.

XXXV. Annie E. Zimmerman" (Sarah ( Michal) Zitn- merman^ Sarah (Hoke) Michal^ Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope', Yost Swope') was born July 15, 18 15, and died July 10, 1887. She married, Oct. 15, 1834, W11.LIS Peck, who died July 3, 1884. They had issue as follows:

i Sarah W. Peck, b. Oct. 24, 1835; d. Nov. iS, 1894. She married, Aug. 8, 1854, Er Lawshe. They had issue

i. John Z. Lawshe, b. Sept. i, 1S56. ii. William P. Lawshe, b. June 9, 1859. iii. Annie E. Lawshe, b. Oct. 25, 1863. iv. Mary M. Lawshe, b. Aug. 11. 1866.

V. Er Lawshe, b. Aug. 7, 1872.

ii. Martha A. Peck was born Dec. 30, 1837, and died July 28, 1895. She married, Aug. 16, 1859, CoL John B. Peck. They had one son Er Lawshe Peck, who was born June 24, i860, now residing in Atlanta, Ga.

iii. William F. Peck was born Feb. 22, 1840, and died Aug. 13, 1888. He married, May 18, 1864, Charlotte I. Ellis. They had issue

i. Annie E. Peck, b. March 10, 1865. ii. Willis Peck, b. Jan. 26, 1875.

XXXVI. Gex. W1L1.1AM H. Forney*' (Sabina (Hoke) Forney', Daniel Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born, in Lincoln county, N. C, 1823, and married Eliza Woodward, of Alabama. He took the clas- sical course of the University of Alabama, after which he read law with his brother, Daniel P. He was a lieutenant in the Mexican War, captain of the loth Alabama Volunteers, June 4, 1861; major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel of the loth Alabama Regiment; brigadier-general of the 8th, 9th, loth, nth, and 14th Regiments, Alabama Volunteers. He. surrendered at Appamattox, and was wounded at Drainsville, Va., WiUiamsburg, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. He was a member of the Alabama Legislature from time to time. He

2IO The Sii'opc Family.

was a Congressman-at-large from Alabama, 1.S73, and after- wards represented the district in Cono^ress until 1893. He was never defeated when offering for office. He died a mem- ber of the Gettysburg Battlefield Commission, 1894. The}^ had children as follows:

i. Mary Avery Forney; m. Richard Baker, of Baltimore, Md. The Bakers, of BaUimore, were very kind to the Confederate prisoners, and Gen. Forney, while a pris- oner there, gave his little daughter. Wary, to Richard's brother for a sweetheart. This was the beginning of an intimacy which resulted in two marriages. They had issue

i. Forney. ii. Charles. iii. George. iv. Carey.

V. Avery.

ii. Joseph Forney.

iii. Fannie Forney.

iv. Ida Forney; m. Frank Baker, of Baltimore.

V. George Hoke Forney; was graduated from the Uni- versity of Alabama, and is now merchandising with the Baker brothers, in Baltimore.

vi. John C. Forney; was graduated from the University of Alabama, classical course, and afterwards law course. He was admitted to the Bar, 1S94, and is now practicing in Birmingham, Ala.

vii. Carrie Forney.

XXXVII. Barbara Ann Forney'"' ( vSabina (Hoke) Forne^'^ Daniel Hoke', Sabina ( Swope ) Hoke'\ JohnSwope', Yost Swope') was born, 1826, in Lincoln county, N. C. She married Maj. Peyton Rowan, and resides in Jacksonville, Ala. They had issue as follows:

i. Dr. John F. Rowan; was graduated from the Medical School of the University of Virginia, and was after- wards connected with one of the hospitals of New York cit}-. He married I\Iamie Carroll, of Xew York. They have four children, ii. Sallie Rowan.

iii. Emma Rowan; m. Bernard Gasten. They have three children.


The Sivope Family.' 213

iv. George HoKR Rowan; was graduated from the Scientific School of the University of Virginia. He is unmarried.

XXXVIII. Gen. John H. Forney'' (Sabina (Hoke) Forney', Daniel Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope'^ Yost Swope') was born in Lincoln county, N. C, 1829. He entered the U. S. Military Academy as a cadet in 1848; brevt. lient. U. S. A., 1852; brevt. lieutenant light infantry and in- structor in U. S. M. A., i860; he resigned from U. S. Army Jan. 23, 1861; aid to Governor of Alabama, 1861; was colonel of artillery of the Army of Alabama, March, r86i; he resigned from the Army of Alabama to accept the captaincy of artillery, C. S. Army, and inspector-general, staff of Gen. Bragg, Pen- sacola, Fla ; he was colonel of the loth Alabama, mustered for the war, June 4, 1861 , commanding a brigade composed of the 9th, loth, and nth Alabama, 19th Mississippi, and 36th Vir- ginia Regiments, in Gen. Joe Johnson's Army. In 1862 he was made brigadier-general, commanding the Department of the Gulf, stationed at Mobile. Later in the same year he became major-general, commanding a division in the Vicksbtirg siege. He was captured at Vicksburg, paroled, and sent to the trans- Mississippi Department to bring a division to this side. This division was composed of four large brigades concentrated at Hempstead, Texas, preparing to run the blockade from Galveston, Texas, to St. Mark's, Fla., when Gen. Lee sur- rendered. The division was disbanded at Hempstead. Gen. Forney was paroled at Galveston in June, and reached home Silver Run, Ala. ^July 4, 1865. He married vSeptima Sexta Rutledge, great granddaughter of Arthur Middle- ton and Edward Rutledge, signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. The General thus facetiously describes his court- ship: " I met this young woman when on a cadet furlough in 1850, and kept up the approaches for thirteen years, when the citadel finally yielded to a wounded Confederate soldier." The General is now a resident of Jacksonville, Ala. They had issue as follows:

i. Emma Ruti^edge Forney. ii. Jacob Forney; is president of the State Normal School

at Jacksonville, Ala. iii. Mary C. Forney.

2 14 ^'^''^ Szi'Opc Family.

iv. Sabixa Swope Forxev. V. AxxiE RowAX Forxev.

XXXIX. Emm.\ Eliza Forxev" ( Sabina (Hoke) For- ney", Daniel Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope" Yost Swope' ) was born in Lincoln county, X. C, 1832, and accompanied her parents to Jacksonville, Ala., three years later. She was graduated from St. Mary's Hall, Burling- ton, X. J. She married Bexj.^.mix Rice, of Alabama, who died. She married, secondly, the Rev. Thomas A. Morris, of Buncombe county, X. C. They had issue

i. Sali.tp; Morris; died.

ii. Ida ^Iokris; ni. Frank Jervey, now dead. They had issue

i. Axx'iE. ii. Thomas. iii. An infant, 1S95.

iii. Thom.\s Morris; is a Coosa River planter. iv. Axxie; m. Capt. C. C. Pinkney, of Charleston, S. C. They had two children Charles C. and an infant.

XL. Amelia Catharine Forney'^ (Sabina (Hoke) For- ney\ Daniel Hoke*, Sabina ( Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born April 10, 1838. She was graduated from St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, X. J. She married, Oct. 31, 1858, in St. Luke's Church, Jacksonville, Ala., Maj. John McGehee W'vly, who died May 4, 1896. He was a lineal descendant of John Sevier and Gen. Benjamin Cleve- land, of Revolutionary fame. Major W'yly was educated at the Frankfort, Ky., Militar}^ Institute, and at the time of his marriage was a thriving young planter. In the begin- ning of the late war he entered the Confederate army in which he served with distinction. The reverses of war dissi- pated the large fortune once at his command, and he with- drew from cotton raising and turned his attention to railroad- ing, in which service he continued until death. Mrs. \V\ly is a " Daughter of the American Revolution," taking her line from her father, who was a son of Gen. Pi.'ter Forney, of the Revolutionary War. She resides in Montgomery, Ala. Thev had issue


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The Sivope Family. 217

i. Annie M. Wyly was born in Jacksonville, Ala., Feb. 28, i860, and educated there. She married, Nov. 7, 1S82, David F. Lowe, of Montgomery, Ala., a buyer and ex- porter of cottoti. They had two children:

i. NoR.\ C.\STLKM.\N b. Oct. 12, 1883; d. Nov. 23,

1883 ii. Annik Wyi.y b. Dec. 12, 1884.

ii. Benjamin Forney Wyly was born in Jacksonville, Ala., Jan. 22, 1S62. He was graduated from the East Ten- nessee University, Knoxville, Tenn. On leaving col- lege he entered the R. R. service, and is now general agent of the Atlanta and West Point R. R. at Atlanta, Ga. He married, Jan 26, 1887, Ellie, daughter of W. F. and J. C. Peck, of Atlanta, Ga. They had issue:— i. Lottie Peck b. Feb. 12, 1888. ii. Catharine AmeIvIA b. July 18, 1894.

iii. Nora CasteEman Wyey was born July 28, 1S64, in Jack- sonville, Ala. She was in the graduating class of Rome Female College, Rome, Ga., when she contracted an illness that terminated her life, in Selma, Ala., Jan. 16, 1881.

iv. George M.acon Wyey' was born Sept. i, 1866, in Jack- sonville, Ala. He distinguished himself with honors at East Tennessee University, Knoxville, Tenn. On leav- ing college he joined his father in the R. R. business, holding a responsible position until the following sum- mer, when he contracted a fever, and died July 19, 1883. " His life was short but brilliant." V. Henry Forney Wyly was born July 22, 1869, at Jack- sonville, Ala. Having completed the course at the State Normal School at that place, he entered the Uni- versity of Alabama at Tuscaloosa in 1887. He remained there two years taking a commercial course, after which he entered the R. R. business, and is now commercial agent of the Norfolk & Western R. R., with head- quarters at Montgomery, Ala.

vi. Sarah Swope Wyey was born June 23, 1872, at Jackson- ville, Ala. She was graduated from the Normal School at that place, 188S. Returning to her home in Mont- gomery, Ala., she was married, in .St. John's church, Oct. 31, 1894, to Fay McCullough Billings, of Mont- gomery, a leading banker of that city. A son, Wyly McGehee, was born March 2, 1896.

XIvI. Maria Eloise Forney" (Sabina ( Hoke) Forney", Daniel Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke''', John Swopt', Yost

2i8 The S'U'ope Family.

Swope^ ) was bom, Ma>' lo, 1841, at Jacksonville, Ala. She was baptized Maria Eloise, but has always been called Ida. She was graduated from the Female Seminary at Tuscaloosa, Ala. She married, Dec. 19, 1865, Richard D. Williams, a planter of Alabama, who was born Jan. 10, 1839, and died Dec. 19, 1SS2. They had issue as follows:

i. Sadie Williams, was born Oct. 11, 1866. ii. Xaxcv Williams, was born Sept. 12, 1S6S. She married, Aug. 15, 1SS9, Jesse T. Dugger, of Chattanooga, Tenn. They have one child, Richard, born June 4, 1891. iii. Thomas R. Willi.a.ms, was born Nov. 14, 1870. iv. Forney Williams, was born June 9, 1873. V. Augustus Williams, was born June 3, 1875. vi. Frances Willi.\ms, was born Oct. 18, 1877. vii. Emma R. Williams, was born Feb. 19, 1S80.

XLII. Mary Ann Hoke" (Alfred Hoke\ Daniel Hoke*, Sabina (Swope ) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Aug. 7, 1840, and died May 9, 1873. She married, Sept. 5, i860, William Morgan. They had isstie as follows:

i. Sus.\N C. Morgan; died in infancy.

ii. Fannie Morgan, was born June 23, 1S62. She married, Feb. 28, 1884, Robert I\I. Middleton. They had issue:—

i. M.\RiA Virginia, Ix March 29, 1885.

ii. Hugh Graves, b. Sept. 4, 1887.

iii. GUSSIE Dean, b March 17, 1S92; d. June 10, 1892.

iv. Robert F., b. July 15, 1894.

iii. John Hoke Morgan, was born May i, 1S64. iv. Joseph Morgan, was born Dec. 19, 1866. V. Henrv Morgan, was born April 5, 1869, and died Oct. 6,


XLIII. Sallie Hoke' (Alfred Hoke\ Daniel Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born July 21, 1853. She married, Sept. 7, 1870, William Crow. They reside in Kendricks, Idaho. The>- had issue as fol- lows:—

i. M.\ME Crow, was born Oct. 6, 1871. She married, Jan. 2, 1895, Bregman.

ii. CoR.A. Crow, was born .Vpril 6, 1873. iii. George Crow, was born July 6, 1877. iv. Annie Crow, was born .\ug. i, 1883.

The Szvope Family. 219

V. Alfred Crow, was born March 15, 1886. vi. Eddie C. Crow, was boru July 18, 1892.

XLIV. Mary Amelia Abernathy" (Anna (Hoke) Aber- iiathy\ Daniel Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Dec. 29, 1847. She married, Dec. 19, 1866, Hon. Horace Iv. Stevenson, who was born June 28, 1843. They are residents of Jacksonville, Ala., and had issue as follows:

i. Macon A. Stevenson, was born Nov. i, 1867. He is a

merchant of Montgomery, Ala. ii. Dr. Forney Caldwele Stevenson, was born June 20,

1873. He is a graduate of one of the New York Medical

Schools, and is now practicing in Montgomery, Ala. iii. Annie Luciee Hoke Stevenson, was born Jan. 13, 1876. iv. Fannie Francis Stevenson, was born Jan. 23, 1878;

(lied Jan. i, 1881. V. Alberta Chapman Stevenson, was born April 15, 1880.

She is a graduate of the Jacksonville Normal vSchool. vi. Mary Caroline Steven.son, was born June 15, 1882.

She has been adopted by her aunt Fannie, Mrs. Major

Francis, vii. Julia Florp:nce Swope Stevenson, was born Oct. 30,

1885. viii. Sabina Eloise Stevenson, was born Jan 15, 1890.

XlyV. Col. Franklin A. Hoke'' (Peter Hoke\ Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born July 7, 18 15. In 1S34, at the as^e of 19 years, he went to Lincolnton, N. C, to assist his uncle, Col. John Hoke, in the mercantile btisiness. After having been with him for a j-ear and a half he was sent, in company with his cousin, Joseph Michal, who was mercliandising in Spartan- burg, S. C, to New York and Philadelphia to buy goods. These northern trips he continued to make twice a year for nine or ten years. As that was before the days of railroads, all traveling was done by the stage-coach and consumed much time. During his residence in Lincolnton he was elected clerk of the Superior Court for two terms of four years each. He was elected colonel of mihtia while living in I^incolnton. He subsequentl}' drifted into South Carolina. At the com- mencement of the war he was over conscript age, but served

220 The Sivope Family.

the Confederacy as a member of the advisory board of enroll- ing officers of his district, to pass upon the application of per- sons for exemption from service. He married, at Lincolnton, Jan. 24, 1838, his second cousin, Mary Zimmerman, who was born Sept. 11, 18 17, and died Dec. 28, 1889. (See XXKIV.) He was a member of the Episcopal Church. He died Nov. 24, 1895, at his home in vSeneca, S. C, from paraly- sis, after an illness of four days. They had issue as follows:

68. i. Charlks F. Hoke, b. Jan. 4, 1S39; m. Louisa Austin.

69. ii. Sarah Helen Hoke, b. Nov. 17, 1840; m. Joseph

McCullough. She tn., secondly, James H. Gaines, iii. Annie L. Hoke, b. Feb. 19, 1845.

70. iv. Mary E. Hoke, b. May 15, 1847; m. Samuel H. Owen.

71. V. Caroline W. Hoke, b. Sept., 1S50; m. Rev. H. R.


72. vi. Josephine H. Hoke, b. May 16, 1852; m. Vincent B.

Swann. vii. Mattie L. Hoke, b. May 31, 1857. 73 viii. John Z. Hoke, b. Oct. 10, 1S59; m. Kate Felder. ix. James P. Hoke, b. Jan. 13, 1862.

XLVI. Col. Noah Isaiah Henkle'' (Catharine (Hoke) Henkle', Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke\ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born, Aug. 3, 18 14, in Lincoln county. N. C. He was baptized by Rev. Philip Henkle, his uncle, in St. John's Lutheran Church, Lincoln county. The spon.sors were Louis Hoffer and his wife Elizabeth. On reaching manhood he engaged in the mercantile business in New Market, Va., until 1861. He then moved to Madi.son county, Va., where he engaged in farming. He remained there until five years before his death, when he moved to Orange count}'. He was an active member of the Lutheran Church, and was instrumental in building the church at Rochelle, Va. He married, Nov. 8, 1836, Mary M. Zirkle, of Rockingham county, Va., who was born Feb. 18, 18 16, and died Jan. 3, 1896. She was buried by the side of her husband at Rochelle, Va., he having died Ma}' 18, 1885. The}' had issue as follows:

i. Lieut. John F. Henkle, b. Oct. 7, 1839, ^^ New Market, Va. He was killed, May 9, 1864, while leading a

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The Szt'ope Family. 223

charge against the Federal forces at Spottsylvania, Va. He is buried at New Market, Va. ii. IvKWis D. Henki^e, b. June 14, 1842; d. April 11, 1845, at

New Market, iii. Rebecca C. Henkt^e, b. March 8, 1S3S, at New Market, Va. ; m., April 9, 1S56, Dr. George A. Sommers, b. Jan. 23, 1832; d. Oct. 26, 1890, at Rochelle, Va., where the widow resides. They had issue

i. Edg.\r F. Sommers, b. Jan. 19, 1S59; m., Sept. 23, 1880, Mary V. Henshaw. They had ten children, all born in Orange county, Va. Lewis J., b. July 21, 1881; T. Anderson, b Aug. 30, 1882; V. Frost, b. Nov. 16, 1883; Martha A, b. March 24, 1885; Mary R., b. April 17, 1886; Edwin H., b. Aug. 5, 1887; Peter, b. Nov. 27, 1889. Frederic, b. March 29, 1S91; James h., b. Feb. 12, 1893. Good- loe, b. Nov., 1895.

ii. Mary C. Sommers, b. June 16, 1861; m. at Washington, D. C , J. W. Douglas. They have two children— Ruth S., b., Sept. 2, 1892; Reba L,., b. Nov., 1895. iii. John F. H. Sommers, b. March 24, 1S66; ni., Feb. 13, 1896, Emma Wilkins, at Washington, D. C. iv. Annie W. Sommers, b. Oct. 2S, 1871; m., Nov. 22, 1895, J. W. Estes, at Rochelle, Va.

V. Maggie W. Sommers, b. Jan. 30. 1876; m., June 17, 1895, at Washington, D. C.

XLVII. ErminaHoke'' (Andrew Hoke^ Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Svvope) Hokc\ John Svvope'"', Yost SwopeM was born July 13, 1825. She married, Nov., 1842, John Fry, who was born 18 19. She resides at Polycarp, N. C, surrounded by a large family. They had issue

74. i. Wieeiam W. Fry, b. March 13, 1S45; m. Mary E. Null.

75. ii. Chandice M. Fry, b. Dec. 2, 1846; m. Richard R.


76. iii. Frederick L. Fry, b. Feb. 18, 1S48; m. Alice V. Fry.

iv. Mary E. Fry (twin), b. July 22, 1851; d. Sept. 18, 1S60.

77. V. Daniee H. Fry (twin), b. July 22, 1851; m. Mary J, Ma-


78. vi. Aeice C. Fry, b. Aug. i, 1853; m. Daniel Eisenhower.

79. vii. Rhoda M. Fry, b. June 30, 1857; 01. William Hefner. viii. Emma Fry, b. Nov. 5, 1859; d. Jan. 13, 1S60.

2 24 The Sic ope Family.

XLVIII. Frederick M. Hoke'' (Andrew Hoke\ Fred- erick Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke\ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born, in Catawba count}-, N. C, Jul}- ii, 1S33, and died at his home in Magnolia, Miss., Nov. 19, 1884. In the early fifties he moved to Magnolia, and married there, 1856, Elvira Quillen, who was born March 12, 1841. He was an architect and builder of the first-class, and during the war was engaged on government work by the Confederacy. He was a member of the Methodist Church. They had children as follows:

i. Elizabeth Jane Hoke, was born Feb. 25, 1857. She married, Feb. 15, 1883, Rice. They had issue:

i. Louisa E., b. Dec. i, 18S4. ii. Marion O., b. Oct. 16, 1885. iii. Archie M., b. Aug. 7, 1S87. iv. LiLLiE B., b. April 8, 1889. V. RoBEBT, b. March 16, 1890. vi. Reuben E., b. May 21, 1892 vii. March B., b. Oct. 18, 1893. viii. Nettie a., b. Feb. 18, 1896.

ii. Joseph Andrew Hoke, was born Aug, 10, 1858. He

married July 5, 1884, and died Nov. 2, 1885. iii. Adelaide I. Hoke, was born Nov. i, i860. She married, Dec. ]8, 1877, J. M. Cook. They had issue

i. Bessie E.. b. Oct. 3, 1S78. ii. John R., b. March 8, 1881. iii. Clarence, b. Jan. 29, 1884. iv. Homer M., b. Aug. 17, 1889.

V. BuFORD C, b. May 17, 1893.

iv. Marv G. Hoke, was born Feb. 19, 1863, and died May

15, 1864. v. Ella May Hoke, was born July 26, 1865. She married

Huff, July 25, 1893. They have one child Glad^-s,

b. Aug. 12, 1894. vi. Otis A. Hoke, was born Sept. 3, 1868. vii. Gettie E. Hoke, was born Aug. 30, 1870. viii. Nettie O. Hoke, was born Sept. 22, 1875. ix. Howard O. Hoke, was born Dec. 5, 1877. X. Walter S. Hoke, was born April 12, 1880. xi. Frederick M. Hoke, was born May 18, 1883.

XLIX. John C. Hoke" (Andrew Hoke\ Frederick

The Szoopv Family. 225

Hoke*, Sabina (Svvope) Hoke', John Swope', YostSwope') was born, Jan. 26, 1836, in Alexander and reared in Catawba county, S. C. In 1862 he enUsted in the Confederate army as a private. He was wounded at Chickamauga, and cap- tured at Nashville, Dec. 16, 1864, and taken to Camp Doug- las prison, Chicago, 111., where he remained until June, 1865. After his return from the war he resumed farming, and is one of the most successful farmers in York county, S. C. He is an active member of the M. E. Church. He married, Dec. 31, 1856, Elizabeth, daughter of William R. Robertson, of Chester county, N. C. The parents of the young lady ob- jected to the marriage, so the young people eluded the vigi- lant parental eye and eloped. They reside at Rock Hill, S. C. They had issue

80. i. William B. Hokh, b. Nov. 3, 1857; m. Mary A. Spratt.

81. ii. James A. Hokk, b. Jan. 6, i860; in. Harriet E. White, iii. vSarah E. Hokk, b. March 24, 1862; d. Nov. 3, 1873.

82. iv. Mary M. Hokk, b. Jan. 4, 1865; m. William B. Knight.

83. V. Nancy J. Hokk, b. Jan. 20, 1867; ni. Paul M. Berry.

vi. Fannie C. Hokk, b. Feb. 8, 1869. She spent X^so years at Due West Female College, South Carolina, and com- pleted her education at Kee-Mar College, Hagerstown, Md., making a specialty of vocal and instrumental music.

vii. Laura L. Hokk, b. Dec. 25, 1870; d. Nov. 15, 1871, at

Rock Hill, vS. C. viii. John J. Hokk, b. Aug. 18, 1872. He is a student at WoflFord College.

ix. Barbara Hokk, b. April i, 1874. She was educated at Due West Female College, South Carolina.

X. Munnerlyn Hokk, b. Jan. 9, 1876. He is a student at Wofford College.

xi. Hampton Hokk, b. July 5, 1878. He is a student at

Wofford College, xii. Maggie F. Hoke, b. March 23, 1881. xiii. David R. Hoke, b. Sept. 29, 1883.

E. Rhoda E. Hoke' (Andrew Hoke\ Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope ) Hoke^ John Svvope', Yost Swope') was born, May 13, 1839. She married, Dec. 24, 1865, William H. BoLCH. She is a faithful member of the Lutheran Church at Conover, N. C. near her home. They had issue

226 The S'ccope Family.

i. Cora Lee BoLCH, b. Sept. ii, 1S72. She married, Dec. 28, 1890, Robert Herman. They had issue

i. Edith B., b. Jan. 20, 1892. ii. Verxa Hoke, b. July 12, 1894.

LI. Julius B. Hoke*' ( Andrew Hoke^, Frederick Hoke*, Sabina ( Swope) Hoke', John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born, June 6, 1844, in Catawba county, X. C. He enlisted in the Confederate army and was with Lee four years, taking part in some of the most .severe engagements of the war. He was twice wounded near the close of the war. He was with Lee when he surrendered at Appomattox. He now resides in Lincoln county, X. C, where he is engaged in milling on Anderson's Creek, in connection with other business enter- prises. In youth he was confirmed a member of the Luth- eran Church, but of late \'ears he has lived too far distant from the church of his choice, and has united with the M. E. Church. He married, Dec. 11, 1S66, Jane C. Punch, who was born July 3, 1847. They had children as follows:

i. Lee Hoke, b. March 25, 1868; d. Dec. 28, 1893. He mar- ried, Oct. 20, 1889, Elizabeth Abernathy. They had issue—

i. Pearl, b. Sept. 6, 1890; d. March 2, 1891. ii. John, b. Dec. 12, 1891.

ii. Clauding T. Hoke, b. March 25, 1875, in Catawba county, N. C. He married, Sept. 8, 1S95, Ollie Wilker- son. iii. AxxiE E. Hoke, b. March 22, 1878, in Catawba county, X. C.

LII. Rebecca E. Rowe' (Elizabeth (Hoke) Rowe', Fred- erick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope\ Yost Swope' J was born March 28, 1844. She married, Jan. 30, 1868, J. P. Cllne. They reside at Conover, X. C. She is a member of the Reformed Church, and an active .spirit in the erection of the new church of that denomination in Conover. They had issue as follows:

i. Bettie V. Cline, b. Nov. 6, 1869; m. Sept. 25, 1890, J. W. Rackette. They have two children, INIillie and Lillian.

The ScL'ope Family. 227

ii. Annik B. Cunp;, b. July 15, 1S71; m. Dec. 8, 1886, J. L.

Eisenhower. They have one child, Orin, b. Oct. i,

1887. iii. JUI.IUS F. Cline, b. April 15, 1873; d. July 25, 1874. iv. Carrie C. Cijne, b. April 19, 1875; ni. April 25, 1893,

Dr. F. L. Herman. They have two children, Jennie G.

and ^Marion C. V. Mary E. Clinic, b. Dec. 24, 1876. vi. Daniel P. Cune, b. July 6, 1879. vii. Pattie p. Cline, b. May 31, 1882.

lylll. Sarah A. J. Roseman** (Annie (Hoke) Roseman'', Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope'', Yost Swope'j was born July 11, 1834, in Catawba county, N. C. She married, Feb. 6, i<S55, the Rev. Simeon Scherkr, a clergyman of the Lutheran Church. He was born, Oct. 29, 18 19, in Guilford county, N. C. He was educated at Roanoke College, Virginia, and the Theological Seminary at Gettys- burg, Pa. He served various parishes in Virginia and North Carolina, and for twenty years was prominent in the ministry of the North Carolina Synod. His wife preceded him to the eternal world eleven years, dying Feb. 15, 1865. She is interred in the graveyard of Union Lutheran church in Rowan county, N. C. He subsequently married and had a son. Rev. James A. B. , who is a missionary of the Lutheran Church in Japan. He married Bessie Beaver, a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Japan. Rev. S. and Sarah Scherer had issue as follows:

i. Rev. Luther P. vScherer, b. Jan. 13, 1856. He pre- pared himself for the ministry, of the Lutheran Church at Pennsylvania College and the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa. He was ordained and entered the active work of the ministry in 1S85. He served the parish of Harper's Ferry, Va., for several years, and then entered Kee- Mar College, Hagerstown, Md., as a teacher, where he remained a year. He is now pastor of the church at Radford, Va.

84. ii. Rev. Wilberkorce J. D. ScHERER, b. Sept. 16, 1S5S; m.

Mary A. Bingham.

85. iii. Rev. Melancthon G. G. Scherer, b. March 16, 1861;

m. Alice M. C. Ehrman. iv. Simeon M. D. Scherer, b. Nov. 24, 1863; d. 1881.

LIV. Eugenia D. Roseman" (Annie (Hoke) Roseman^

228 The Swopc Fa mi/ v.

Frederick Hoke*, Sabina ( Svvope ) Hoke', John S\vope^ Yost Swope^) was born July 7, 1S47. She married, Sept. 14, 1865, Dr. D. McD. Yount. The doctor has been a successful practitioner of medicine at Conover, N. C, for many years, where he also has a drug store. He has been honored with a seat in the Legislature of North Carolina for two terms in 1876 and 1877, and again in 1880 and 1881. They had issue as follows:

i. Robert YouxT, b. Sept. 12, 1S66; d. April 2, 1881. ii. Anna E. Yount, b. Oct. 19, 186S; 111., July 27, 18S7, Dr. Marion Moser. They had issue

i. Robert H., b. Sept. 28, 1889. ii. Marion E., b. Sept. 15, 1892. iii. Mary E., b. March 2, 1895.

iii. Minnie E. Yount, b. Feb. 3, 1871; d. Oct. 23, 1874.

iv. AuCE C. Yount, b. May 17, 1S73. She was graduated from Concordia College. She married, Dec. 27, 1891, the Rev. G. Edward Long, a Lutheran minister. They had issue

i. GerhardT, b. March 10, 1893. ii. STEI-EA L , b. Jan. 26, 1895.

V. Eugene McD. Yount, b. Nov. 25, 1875. He was grad- uated from Newberry College, S. C, and is now study- ing medicine.

vi. John D. L. Yount, b. May 20, 1S78. He is a student at Concordia, College.

vii. Cora D. Yount, b. Aug. 20, 1S80. She is a student at

Concordia College, viii. EuEA V. Yount, b. Nov. i, 18S2.

ix. Herbert M. Yount, b. vSept. 7, 1884.

X. Miriam E. Yount, b. March 14, 1889.

LV. Cephas Quickle" (Elizabeth (Hoke) Quickie', Henry Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope', Yost Swope') was born in Lincoln county, N. C, Feb. 14, 18 19. He was baptized by the Rev. Daniel Moser, March 29, 1819, and con- firmed a member of the Lutheran Church by the Rev. Adam Miller, Sept. 8, 1838. He married. May, 1840, Sarah KiLLiAN. He is a farmer near Lincolnton, N. C. They had i.ssue as follows:

The Swope Family. 229

i. Jacob Quicklk, was killed in the late war.

ii. TiTus QuiCKLK, died quite young.

iii. Levi Quicklk, married Alice Robinson. (See LVII.)

iv. John Quicklk, married Josephine Crouse. They have a family of interesting children. They live in Lincoln- ton, N. C. V. Catharine Quicklk, married George Causler. They have two sons and one daughter.

vi. Caroline Quicklk, married Samuel Bergen. They have children, and live in Lincolnton, N. C.

LVI. Catharine M. Quickle'' (Elizabeth (Hoke) Quickie', Henry Hoke^ Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Svvope^ Yost vSwope' ) was born in Lincoln county, N. C, Nov. 4, 1827, and was baptized Feb. i, 1828, by the Rev. David Henkle. She was confirmed a member of the Lutheran Church, Nov. 18, 1843, by the Rev. Adam Miller. She married, March 18, 1846, Ambrose Costner, who is pro- prietor of the Pioneer Roller Mills at Lincolnton, where they reside. They had issue as follows:

i. Mary A. Costner, b. July 2, 1S47; d. Nov. 9, 1862.

86. ii. William A. CosTnkr, b. June i, 1849; m Sarah E.

Frazier. iii. Dr. Henry A. Costner, b. Oct. 2, 185 1; m., July 3, 1888, Lizzie Kirk. He is a practicing dentist in Chicago, 111.

87. iv. Martha G. Costner, b. Nov. 11, 1854; m. Abel P.

Rhyne. V. Dr. Thomas F. Co.stner, b. Nov. 27, 1858; m., June 3,

1884, Dora Gatewood. He is practicing his profession

at Lincolnton, N. C. vi. Robert E. Costner, b. Oct. 22, 1864. He is an attorney-

at-law in Lincolnton. vii. James A. Costner, b. Aug. 30, 1867; m., May 3, 1893,

Gertie Dewstoe. He is in the cotton manufacturing

business at Mt. Holly, N. C. ix. Ada L. Costner, b. Sept. 3, 1876; m., Oct. 22, 1890, R.

C. Belk, a farmer near Mt. Holly, N. C. They have a

son and daughter.

LVn. Catharine E. Hoke" (Henry Hoke", Henry Hoke,* Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope^) was born May 12, 1831, in Lincoln county, N. C. She mar- ried, Aug. 3, 1855, Levi Robinson, who was born March 14,

230 The Sicope Family.

1830, and died June 23, 1880. She survives, residino: at Reepsville, N. C. They had issue as follows:

i. Daniei* Rorinson, b. Dec i, 1S56; d., i88r, in Texas, ii. Barbara Robinso.v, b. Aug. 17, 1858; m., Dec. 21, 1856,

John Causler. The}^ have eight children, iii. David Robinson, b. May 26, r86o; m. , Dec. 9, 1891,

Anna E. Heavner. iv. AijcE Robinson, b. May 25, 1862; in., Jan. 12, 1881,

Levi Quickie. They have seven children. (SeeLV. ) V. John Robinson, b. Sept 11, 1866. vi. William Robix.son, b. Oct. 10, 1868. vii. PiNKNEV R0BIN.SON, b. Jan. 8, 1871; ni., Feb. 20, 1895,

Laura Srance.

LVIir. M.VRY A. Hoke" ( Henry Hoke', Henry Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke'\ John Swope", Yost Swope^) was born in Lincoln county, N. C, Feb. 28, 1833. She accompanied her father's family when they moved to Missouri, and there married, in 1S59, Robert Reid, who died, Jan. 28, 1877. She survives, residing in Cooper county. Mo., with her child- ren. They had issue:

i. SrsAN A. Reid, b. Oct. 7, i860; d., 1887; m., Sept. 18,

1879, H. C. Nolan. They had one daughter, ii. Mary E. Reid, b. Nov 23, 1862; m., Jan. 15, 1885, A. A.

Montgomery, iii. William H. Reid, b. June 24, 1865. iv. D.wiD H. Reid, b. Jan. 24, 1869. V. Robert Lee Reid, b. Sept. 8, 1872. , vi. Jessie Reid, b. June 28, 1876.

LIX. Jacob Hoke" (Henry Hoke', Henry Hoke*, Sabina (Swope ) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born in Lincoln county, N. C, June 12, 1835; died, Feb. 19, 1876. He moved to Cooper county, Mo., in 1855, and married there, Oct. 17, 1858, Virginia C. Brownlee. They had the fol- lowing children:

i. Mary E. Hoke, b. Dec. 26, 1859; m , :\Iay 8, 1S84, John

C. Case, ii. J.\MES Hoke, b. .\pril 18, 1863; m., May 19, 1884, Ruth Pettitt. They had issue as follows:

i. Francis. ii. Ida Bell. iii. Rose A.

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The Szi'Opc Family. 233

iv. Jesse.

iii. Si'SAN J. Hoke, b. Dec. 20, 1864; m., Oct. 10, 1880,

WiLijAM J. Freeman. iv. Nellie A. Hoke, b. April 7, 186S; d. Oct. 13, 1893.

LX. Dr. Augustus De Witt Hoke" ( David Hoke', Col. John Hoke\ Sabina (Svvope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope' ) was born Nov. 27, r832. He was graduated from the South Carolina Military Academy in 1852, and from Jeffenson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., six years later. He entered into partnership with his uncle, Dr. A. B. Crook, at Greenville, S C, where he was building up a very success- ful practice, which was interrupted by the breaking out of the war. He went to the front with the Butler Guards, of Green- ville, as their first captain, taking part in the first battle of Manassas, and being incapacitated for further service by a wound received in that battle, he returned to the practice of his profession at Greenville. There he continued to reside until his death, Aug. 22, 1876, enjoying the confidence of the community not only for his professional ability but for his high moral worth. He married, Nov. 21, 1866, Edith Mills, who resides in widowhood with her daughter at Greenville, S. C. They had issue:

i. David Mills Hoke, b. Nov. 27, 1867; in. March 6, 1888, at Savannah, Ga., Grayson Martin, of that city.

ii. Frances Catharine Hoke, b. April 14, 1S69. Resides with her mother in Greenville.

iii. Augustus D. Hoke, b. Aug. 24, 1870 He reside.s in Greenville, and is engaged in the insurance business.

LXI. Susan B. Hoke" (David Hoke', Col. John Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke'\ John Swope^ Yost Swope\) was born, April II, 1836, in Greenville, S. C, and still resides there. She married, Nov. 15, 1859, Hon. Thomas Q. Donaldson, a lawyer, of Greenville, S. C. He was elected to the State Senate of South Carolina in 1872. At the end of his four years' service in the Senate he returned to the practice of his profession. He was also a member of the Tax Commission appointed by the Governor under the act of the Legislature for the improvement of the tax laws of the State. They had children as follows:

' Ih.


234 The Sivope Family.

i. Augustus Hoke Donaldson, b. Aug. 10, i860. He read law and was admitted to the Bar, ;May 29, 1883. Since that time he has b^en engaged with his father in the practice of his profession.

ii. Lieut. Thomas Q. Donaldson, was born in Greenville, June 26, 1854. He was graduated from the U. S. Mili- tary Academy at West Point, June 13, 1887, and was assigned to the Seventh Cavalry, then stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. He took part with his command in the battle of Wounded Knee, in the Indian campaign of 1890, a .=light flesh wound from a spent ball fired by a treacherous Indian being the only casualty suffered b}- him. He has been detailed since that time as military instructor in two academies in South Carolina the Patrick Military Institute from June 13, 189 1, to July 6, 1893, and from that date to June 13, 1895, at the Clemson College. He is now first lieutenant of the Eighth Cavalr\-, stationed at Fort Yates, North Da- kota. He married, 1892, Bessie, daughter of the Rev. John O. Willson, at Anderson, S. C.

iii. Sarah Elizabeth Donaldson, b. July 31, 1869.

iv. Nannie Hoke Donaldson, b. Jan. i, 1873.

LXII. Mary Brent Hoke" ( Michael Hoke\ Col. John Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Svvope', Yost Swope' ) was born in Lincoln county, N. C. She married Dr. Hil- DRETH H. Smith. For many 3'ears they lived in Lincolnton, N. C, but now reside in Atlanta, Ga. They had issue as follows :

88. i. Frances Smith, b. April 8, 1S54; m. J. R. Whitesides.

89. ii. Hon. Hoke Smith, b. S^pt. 2, 1S55; m. Birdie Cobb.

90. iii. Elizabeth Smith, b. Oct. 11, 1859; m. I{verett


91. iv. Burton .Smith; m. Fanny Gordon.

V. John Smith; was accidentally killed at the age of 13 years.

LXIII. Gen. Robert F. Hoke" (Michael Hoke\ Col. John Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope", Yost 37 Swope') was born in Lincolnton, N. C.V He received his education in his native town. On tlie breaking out of the war he entered the Confederate army and soon became a dis- tinguished officer, rising to the rank of major-general. It has been said of him that " he was a natural-born soldier and

The Swope Family. 235

commander. ' ' It was he who caused President L,incohi to remark: ' ' General Butler has been badly whipped by Ho-ke. ' ' He is at present the ranking officer of the Confederate army. He is a member of the Episcopal Church. He mar- ried IvYDiA Van Wyck. They had issue as follows:

i. Van Wyck Hoke.

ii. Dr. Michael Hoke, residing at Lincohiton, N. C. iii. Lydia M. Hoke. vi. Frances B. Hoke; residing in Lincohiton.

IvXIV. Sarah H. Crook'' (Sarah (Hoke) Crook', Col. John Hoke*, Sabina (vSwope) Hoke^ John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born in Greenville, S. C, 1836. While she was yet an infant her mother died, and she was taken to the home of her grandfather. Col. Hoke, in Lincolnton, N. C; there she lived until the death of her grandparents. At the age of sixteen she was sent to the Limestone Springs Female High vSchool, from which she was graduated, Dec. 20, 1853, with first honor. She afterwards took a special course in music and painting at Charleston, S. C. She married, Dec. 31, 1866, William Francis Lester, who was born, Feb. 14, 1823, and died, Oct. 31, 1885. He was graduated with honor from the South Carolina College at Columbia, at the age of nineteen years. He studied law with Gov. Perry at Green- ville, and was admitted to the bar in Columbia, S. C. His health failing, he then gave his attention to manufacturing pursuits. Mrs. Le->ter resides in Greenville, S. C, with her daug:hter. Thev had issue :^


i. Nannie H. Hoke Lester, b, March 7, 1868. She was educated at the Episcopal High School at Columbia, S. C, from which she was graduated June 15, 1SS7. She married, Nov. 15, 1892, Dr. William Clifton Black, an eminent physician of Greenville, S. C. They have two children

i. Hoke Barrymore, b. Jan. 25, 1894. ii. Hugh Ceifton, b. Nov. 23, 1895.

LXV. William G. Childs" (Nancy (Hoke) Childs', Col. John Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Oct. 2, 1850. He married, Sept. 2, 1872, Alice Gibbs, who was born June 11, 1853. He resides at

236 The Sii'Ope Family.

Columbia, S. C, and is President of the Columbia, Newberry and Laurens R. R. They had issue as follows:

i. Ebhx Allstox Childs, b. June 9, 1873; ^- ^^^c. iS, 1875.

ii. Edith Childs, b. March 21, 1875 iii. Naxcy Childs, b. April 3, 1S77. iv. William G. Childs, b. March 9, 1S79: d, Feb. 24, 1882.

V. Alice Childs, b. ]May 14, 1S81. vi. Elizabeth Childs, b July 15, 1SS3. vii. Eugenia Talley Childs, b. March 4, 1886. viii. Hoke Childs, b. Sept. 6, 18SS; d. Jan. 3, 1892. ix. Mary T. Childs, b. May 7, 1891.

X. Ellen Hoke Childs, b. April 18, 1S94.

LXVI. Hon. Lvsaxder D. Childs'* (Nancy (Hoke) Childs', Col. John Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope'", Yost Swope') was born Aug. 12, 1S55. He married, July 13, 1S81, Mary Elizabeth Springs, who was born, May 20, 1864. He was a member of the Legislature of South Carolina for two terms of two years each. They had issue as follows:

i. Lysander D Childs, b. Sept. 7, 1882. ii. Jaxie Bo Bo Childs, b. March 21, 1884. iii. Margaret M. Childs, b. Feb. 21. 1888. iv. Richard Austin Childs, b. Aug. 29, 1891.

LX\'II. David Augustus Childs* (Nancy (Hoke) Childs', Col. John Hoke^ Sabina (Swope) Hoke\ John Swope", Yost SwopeM was born Aug. 12, i860. He married Mary E. Gibbs, who was born Dec. 8, 1858. They had issue:

i. Mary Gibbs Childs, b. April 23, 1886. ii. David Augustus Childs, b. June 30, 1887.

LXVin. Charles F. Hoke' (Col. Franklin A, Hoke*, Peter Hoke", Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born Jan. 4, 1839; married, Dec. 30, i860, Louisa Austin. They had issue as follows:

i. Fannie C. Hoke, b. June 8, 1864.

ii. William IMichal Hoke, b. Aug. 6, 1866; m., IMarch 26, 1894, Louisa INIardin. They have one child

i. Michal, b. April i, 1895.

I. Dr. Andrew Barry Crook. 2. Sarah Crook, wife of W. F. Lester. 3. Nannie H. Hoke Lester, wife of Dr. W. Clifton Black. 4. Hoke Barrymore Black. 5. Dr. W. Cliftou

Black. 6. Hugh Clifton Black.


The Swope Family. 239

iii. Hattie H. Hoke, b. Aug. 29, 1868; d. Nov. 25, 1891; m., Dec. 23, 1890, Augustus M. Hoke. (See XXV.) They had one daughter, Hattie, who resides with her father at Atlanta, Ga.

iv. Carrie Hoke, b. Nov. 29, 1872.

V. Chari^es F. Hoke, b. Feb. 13, 1874.

LXIX. Sarah Helen Hoke' (Col. F. A. Hoke^ Peter Hoke'^ Frederick Hoke*, Sabina ( Swope j Hoke'', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Nov. 17, 1840; married, Nov. 20, 1857, Joseph McCullough, who died. They had issue:

i. L11.LIE D. McCui,r,ouGH, b. 1859; m. Arthur McFall.

They had issue

i. Kenneth. ii. John. iii. Edith. iv. A. C.

ii. Mamie J. McCullough, b. March 6, 1861; m., Dec. 27, 1887, W. G. Gambell. They had issue—

i. Helen. ii. Mary.

Sarah Helen Hoke married, secondl}-, Dec. 12, 1872, James H. Gaines. They had issue as follows:

i. Carrie J. Gaines, b. July 21, 1873. ii. Fames F. Gaines, b. Aug. 6, 1876. iii. Charles Hoke Gaines, b. Feb. 28, 1879. iv. Helen Hoke Gaines, b. Nov. 11, 1881.

LXX. Mary E. Hoke' (Col. F. A. Hoke^ Peter Hoke^ Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope'"', Yost Swope') was born May 15, 1847. She married, Nov. 29, 1870, Samuel H. Owen. They had children as follows:

i Frank Hoke Owen, b. Aug. 25, 1871. ii. Hamlin Felder Owen, b. July 23, 1875. iii. Thomas E. Owen, b. April 11, 1878.

LXXI. Caroline W. Hoke' (Col. F. A. Hoke", Peter Hoke\ Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke'' John Swope'" Yost Swope') was born Sept., 1850. She married, Dec. 20, 1872, the Rev. H. R. Felder. They had children as fol- lows:—

240 The Szi'ope Fa mil v.

i. Mary Lea Feeder.

ii. Hugh Felder. iii. Annie Felder. iv. Carrie Feeder.

V. Helen Feeder.

LXXII. Josephine H. Hoke' (Col. F. A. Hoke^ Peter Hoke', Frederick Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope'', Yost Swope' ) wa.s born May 16, 1852. vShe married, Ma}' 20, 1873, A^iNCENT B. SwANN. They had issue as follows:

i. Mary Elizabeth Swann, b. June 20, 1877. ii. Helen L- Swann, b. Dec. 8, 1S79. iii. Walter Q. Swann, b. May 30, 1882. iv. Thomas C. Swann. b. Nov. 4, 1884. V. Joseph Blackstone Swann, b. Sept. 26, 1888. vi. Frederick A. Swann, b. Feb. 2, 1891. vii. Algernon H. Swann, b. Jan. i, 1894.

LXXni. JOHxN Z. Hoke" (Col. F. A. Hoke'\ Peter Hoke\ Frederick Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke*, John Swope^ Yost Swope^) was born Oct. 10, 1S59. He married, Jan. 24, 1884, Kate Fielder. They had issue:

i. Eugene Pringle Hoke, b. Oct. 28, 1SS4. ii. John Z. Hoke, b. July 26, 1886. iii. Franklin A. Hoke, b. Oct. 26, 18S8.

LXXIV. William W. Fry' ( Ermina (Hoke) Fry', Andrew Hoke'\ Frederick Hoke^ Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope*, Yost Swope') was born March 13, 1845. He married, Sept. 2, 1874, Mary E. Null. He resides at Polycarp, N. C. The^' had issue as follows:

i. Joseph H. Fry, b. Dec. 11, 1875. ii. John D. Fry, b. Aug. 19, 1877. iii. Jacob C. Fry, b. May 29, 1880. iv. Sarah E. Fry, b. Jan. 24, 1883. V. Martha E. Fry, b. Jan. 23, 1890.

LXXV. Chandice M. Fry' (p:rmina (Hoke) Fry', Andrew Hoke', Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born Dec. 2, 1846. She married, Jan. 16, 1865, Richard R. Teague. They had issue as follows:

i. Miles A. Teague, b. May 16, 1866; m., Aug. i;, 188S, Flora Johnston. They have four children.

Tlic Swope Family. 241

ii. Jonas L. Teague, b. Aug. 31, 1868; 111., Aug. 23, 1889,

Carrie Johnston. They have three children, iii. Lawrence L. Teague, b. March 24, 1871; m., Dec. 24,

1890, Ella Teague. iv. WiLUAM B. 'J'eague, b. April 21, 1874; m, July 7, 1892,

Ida Hefner. They have two children. V. Vance Teague, b. Feb. 20, 1879 vi. LoYD W. Teague, b. May 16, 1882.

LXXVI. Frederick I^. Fry' (Ermina (Hoke) Fry*, Andrew Hoke\ Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Svvope) Hoke^, John Swope", Yost SwopeM was born Feb. iS, 1848. He married, vSept. 8, 1870, Alice V. Fry. They had issue:

i. Martha E. Fry, b. April 9, 1871; ni., Aug. 22, 1889,

David P. Deal. They have three children, ii. Fannie E. Fry, b. Jan. 19, 1873; d. March 11, 1873. iii. Loudon Fry, b. Aug. 20, 1874. iv. Burton Fry. b. Jan. 13, 1876. V. Charles M. Fry, b. Aug., 1878.

vi. Moses P. Fry, b. Dec. 20, 1879; d. Feb. 11, 1880. \ i«.^^jj,s vii. John P. Fry, b. Dec. 20, 1879; d. Feb. 14, 1880. ^ viii. Londia L. Fry, b. vSept. i, 1881. ix. David G. Fry, b. Sept. 22, 18S4. X. James R. Fry, b. June 11, 1887. xi. Enos L. Fry, b. March 20, 1889. xii Emma C. Fry, b. Aug. 24, 1891. xiii Cora H. Fry, b. Aug. 2, 1S94.

LXXVII. Daniel H. Fry' (Ermina (Hoke) Fry', Andrew Hoke', Frederick Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke,^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born Jnly 22, 1851. He married, Mary J. Malone. They had issue:

i. Alonzo L. Fry, b. Feb. 14, 1876. ii. Ellen C. Fry, b. July 18, 1879. iii. James P. Fry, b. June 11, 1883. iv. Lawrence E. Fry, b. Oct. 3, 1886. V. Gertie H. Fry, b. May 6, 1892.

LXXVIII. Alice C. Fry' (Ermina (Hoke) Fry', Andrew Hoke\ Frederick Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke\ John Swope^ Yost Swope' j was born iVug. i, 1853. S^^^ married, April 20, 1874, Daniel Eiscenhower. They had children as follows:

242 The Szvope Family.

i. :Marv Eiscenhower, b. Dec. 20, 1877.

ii. Wilson E. Eiscenhower, b. Aug. 29, 1879.

iii. Am.\nda E. Eiscenhower, b. Feb. 19, 1881.

iv. Eddie M. Eiscenhower, b. March 29. 18S5.

V. Bessie E. Eiscenhower, b. July 13, 1888.

vi. Ch.\ri.es H. Eiscenhower, b. Feb. 3, 1891.

vii. EspiE H. Eiscenhower, b. Sept. 26, 1894.

LXXIX. Rhoda M. Fry' ( Ermina (Hoke) Fry", Andrew Hoke', Frederick Hoke*, Sabina ( Swope; Hoke', John SwopeS Yost Swope' ) was born June 30, 1857. She married, Oct. 28, 1874, William Hefner. They had issue:—

i. Fannie E. Hefner, b. June 28, 1S75. She married

Barney Bowman. They have one child, ii. John E. Hefner, b. Feb. 3, 1878. iii. George L. Hf:fner, b. March 24, 1879. iv. Dora E. Hefner, b. Aug. 17, 1880. V. Charees p. Hefner, b. June 8, 1885. vi. James R. Hefner, b. June 7, 1888. vii. Carrie C. Hefner, b. Oct. 29, 1S94.

LXXX. William B. Hoke" (John C. Hoke^ Andrew Hoke', Frederick Hoke*, Sabina ( Swope ) Hoke^ John Swope% Yost Swope') was born Nov. 31, 1857. He is an expert machinist, and is superintendent of a factory at Ft. Mill, S. C, where he resides. He married, Jan. 14, 1880, Mary A. Spratt. They had issue:

i. John S. Hoke, b. Nov. 7, 1880. ii. Margaret Hoke, b. Jan. 21, 1882. iii. Joe M. Hoke, b. Feb. 13, 1884. iv. Millie M. Hoke, b. Aug. 11, 1886. V. Paul W. Hoke, b. Oct. 21, 1889.

LXXXI. James A. Hoke' (John C. Hoke', Andrew Hoke\ Frederick Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born Jan. 6, i860. He married, Dec. 22, 1881, Harriet E. White. They had the following chil- dren:—

i. Bessie Hoke, b. Jan. i, 1882. ii. James E. Hoke, b. June 16, 1886.

EXXXII. Mary M. Hoke' (John C. Hoke". Andrew Hoke^ Frederick Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke'', John Swope', Yost SwopeV) was born Jan. 4, 1865. She was educated at

The Sivope Family. 2.' 3

Due West Female College, S. C, and married, Dec. 28, 1886, William B. Knight. They had issue as follows:

i. Clarice Knight, b. Dec. 24, 18S7. ii. James H. Knight, b. Aug. 11, 1890. iii. Mary E. Knight, b. Sept. 12, 1892. iv. AucE R. Knight, b. Jan. 4, 1895.

LXXXIII. Nancy J. Hoke' (John C. Hoke^ Andrew Hoke^ Frederick Hoke\ Sabina fSwope ) Hoke'', John Swope^ Yost SwopeM was born Jan. 20, 1867. She married, Dec. 28, 1886, Paul M. Berry. They had issue as follows:

i. Agile Berry, b. Oct. iS, 1887. ii. Childs Berry, b. Nov. 12, 18S9. iii. James Berry, b. Dec. 5, 1893.

LXXXIV. Rev. Wilberforce J. D. Scherer" (Sarah (Roseman) Scherer^ Annie (Hoke) Roseman', Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope', Yost Swope') was born Sept. 16, 1858. He was graduated from Roanoke College, Va., and from the Theological Seminary of the Lutheran Church, at Gettysburg, Pa., entering the active ministry in 18S9. His first parish was Fairfield, Pa., where he still faithfully ministers to an appreciative congregation. He married, Nov. 12, .1891, Mary A. Bingham. They have three children, as follows:

i. Margaret R. Scherer, b. Aug. 20, 1892. ii. Mary E. Scherer, b. Sept. 20, 1893. iii. Jennie B. Scherer, b. April 26, 1895.

IvXXXV. Rev. Melancthon G. G. Scherer" (Sarah (Roseman) Scherer^ Annie (Hoke) Roseman^ Frederick Hoke*, Sabina (Swope ) Hoke', John Swope"', Yost Swope^) was born March 6, 1861. He was graduated with first honor from Roanoke College, Va., in 18S1, having the previous year taken the Greek medal. He pursued his theological course at the Seminary of the General Synod, South, at Salem, Va., and was ordained to the ministry of the Lutheran Church, 1883. The first year of his ministry was spent in missionary work in the South, after which he entered upon regular parish work and is now pastor of St. James' Lutheran Church, of Concord, N. C. He is a member of the Board of

244 T^^^^ Szvope Family.

Directors of North Carolina College and a member of the Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary of the United Sj'nod, at Newberry, S. C. In [S95 he was elected secretary of the United Synod of the South. He married, Oct. 20, 1886, Alice M. C. Ehrmax. They had issue:

i. M.A.RY R. ScHERER, b. Oct. 14, 1889; d. Xov. 8, 1895. ii. Paul E. ScherER, b. June 22, 1892.

LXXXVI. William A. Costner' ( Catharine T Quickie) Costner*', Elizabeth (Hoke) Quickie", Henry Hoke\ Sabina (Swope) Hoke\ John Swope", Yost Swope'j was born in Lincoln county, N. C, June i, 1849. He married, Dec. 4, 1867, Sarah E. Frazier. He is a farmer, living near Eincolnton, N. C. The}' had issue:

i. JEXNIE E. CosTXER, m., Oct., 1883, Robert B. Robinson.

ii. Percy C. Costner. iii Oscar A. Costner iv. George H. Costxer.

V. Ada May Costxer. vi. Alda Costxer.

EXXXVII. Martha G. Costner" (Catharine TQuickle) Costner^ Elizabeth (Hoke) Quickie', Henry Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke^, John Swope', Yost Swope') was born in Lincoln county, N. C, Nov. 11, 1854. She married, Oct. 22, 1872, Abel P. Rhyne. He is a cotton manufacturer at Mt. Holly, N. C. They had issue:—

i. Augusta Rhyxe. ii. Walter Rhyxe iii. Henry Rhyxe. iv. LiLLiE Rhyne.

V. Susie Rhyxe. vi. Helex Rhyxe vii. Mary Rhyne.

LXXXVni. pRAxCiiS Smith" (Mary (Hoke) Smith^ Michael Hoke\ Col. John Hoke', Sabina (Swope) Hoke^ John Swope", Yost Swope') was born April 8, 1854. She married, Dec. 22, 1874, J. R. Whiteside. They reside in Atlanta, Ga. The}' have children as follows:


The Swope Family. 247

i. Mary Brent Whiteside, b. Oct. 11, 1875. ii. Margaret Whiteside, b. Aug. 14, 1884.

LXXXIX. Hon. Hoke Smith' (Mary (Hoke) Smith^ Michael Hoke^ Col. John Hoke*, Sabina ( Swope j Hoke^ John Swope', Yost Swope' ) was born in Lincolnton, N. C, Sept. 2, 1855. He was educated in his native place, and at the age of seventeen he moved to Atlanta, Ga., where he taught a school and read law. His energy and ambition soon won for him the reputation of one of the ablest lawyers of the South. During the presidential campaign of 1892 he was an active supporter of Grover Cleveland for the presidency, and did efficient service for him in the South. On the formation of his Cabinet the President, recognizing his abilities, tendered him the portfolio of Secretary of the Interior, which he ac- cepted and discharged the duties of his office, until the sum- mer of 1896, when he resigned. He married, Dec. 19, 1883, Birdie Cobb. They had issue as follows:

i. Marion Smith, b. Nov. 14, 1884. ii. Mary Brent Smith, b. May 23, 1888. iii. Lucy E. Smith, b. May 7, 1S92. iv. C. Addison Smith, b. May 21, 1S95.

LXL,. Elizabeth Smith" (Mary (Hoke) Smithy Michael Hoke", Col. John Hoke*, Sabina ( Swope j Hoke^ John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born, Oct. 11, 1859, in Lincolnton, N. C. She married Everett McAshen. They reside in Houston, Texas. They have children as follows:

i. Samuei. M. McAshen, b. Dec. 14, 1881. ii. Mary Brent McAshen, b. Dec. 8, 1883. iii. Hoke Smith McAshen, b. Jan. 14, 1887. iv. H11.DRETH McAshen, b. Feb. 10, 1891. 1 'j'^jjjg

V. Everett McAshen, b. Feb. 10, 1891. J vi. Burton S. McAshen, b. Jan. 20, 1894.

LXLI. Burton Smith' (Mary (Hoke) Smith", Michael Hoke\ Col. John Hoke*, Sabina (Swope) Hoke', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born Sept. 18, 1864. He resides in At- lanta, Ga., where he is practicing law. He married Fannie Gordon, June 19, 1888. She is a daughter of Gen. Gordon, of Atlanta. They had issue

i. Gordon Smith, b. June 26, 1889. ii. HiLDRETH Smith, b. Dec. 14, 1892.



I. John Daniel Swope^ (John% Yost^) was born in the old homestead, in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster count}'. Pa., Nov. 4, 17.SI. He inherited the homestead by his father's will, and it is yet in possession of his grandchildren. The older portion of the house was built by his father; just when, we do not know. John Daniel made an addition to it in 1812, enlarging it to its present size. It is a solid stone structure, the one gable being without window or opening in the wall. The walls are said to be two feet thick. It is in a good state of preservation, and will no doubt stand another century or more. It was in a corner of the orchard in the rear of the house, as shown in the picture, that Yost Swope was buried, and where his remains rested until 1884 one hundred and forty-nine years. John Daniel married, in 17S1, Sarah Grabill , who was born Feb. 23, 1765. On the break- ing out of the Revolutionary War he joined Capt. Roland's company of " Associators " for the defense of American lib- erty. They were associated July 5, 1775. He died Dec. 17, 1 82 1, and is buried in the graveyard at Salem (Heller's) Church, near his homs. They had issue

i. Salome Swoph, b. June 7, 1782; d. April, 30, 1852; m. Jacob Swope. (See Chap. VIII; ii.)

2. ii. Catharine Swope, b. Aug. 26, 1785; m. Theodore Eby.

3. iii. M.\RGARET Swope, b. 1790 (?); in. Isaac Ranck.

4. iv. Mary Swope, b. Dec. 11, 1793; m. Adam Dietrich.

5. V. Daniei, Swope, b. Aug. 17, 1S03; m. Susanna Heller.

II. Catharine Swope' (John DanieP, John'-, Yost') was born in the old homestead, in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster count}'. Pa. She married Theodore Eby, who


The Sivope Family. 251

was born Oct. 5, 1788, and died March 5, 1873. About 1838 they moved to the neighborhood of Dayton, Ohio. There she died, May 8, 1876, and in that vicinit}- her descendants reside. They had issue

i. Isaac Eby. b. Dec. 7, 1812; d. April 11, 186S; m. Marga- ret Shafer. They had ten children.

ii. John Eby, b. Oct. 22, 1814; d. March 10, 1890; m. Sarah Heller. They had two sons ^Joseph and George.

iii. EiJZABKTH Eby, b. May 2, 1817; m. Henry Risser. They reside at Kinsley, Ohio, and have six children.

iv. Daniel Eby, b. June 18, 1819; d. April 10, 1855; m. Anna Miller. The issue of this union were five children.

V. Sarah Eby, b. March 26, 1821; m. Samuel Shank. They had three sons.

vi. Adam Eby, b. Dec. 25, 1823; d. Aug. 23, 1890; m. Eliza- beth Bartel. They had seven children.

III. Margaret Swope* (John DanieP, John", Yost^) was born in the Swope homestead in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county, Pa., probably in 1790. She married, about 1816, Isaac Ranck, a farmer, and also a native of Lancaster county. She died 1823 (?). Three children were the result of this union:

6. i. John Ranck, b. 1817; m. Elizabeth B. Corbin.

7. ii. Daniel Ranck, b. March 14, 1819; m. Anna Hildebrand. iii. Isaac Ranck, b. Sept. 25, 1821, in East Cocalico town- ship, L,ancaster count}-. Pa. When but two years of age his mother died, and at four his father, so he was left to the care of his maternal grandmother, Elizabeth Swope, who carefully and tenderly reared him. On the breaking out of the gold fever, he joined a party for California. He sailed from Baltimore, July 21, 1849, going by way of Cape Horn. Since that time he has been engaged in various business enterprises, principally mining, he having valuable interests on the banks of the Shasta river, six miles north of Yreka, Cal.

IV. Mary Swope' (John Danier'', John", YostM was born, Dec. II, 1793, in the homestead in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county, Pa., and died March 16, 1870. She mar- ried Adam Dietrich, of Lancaster county, who was born April 9, 1790, and died Sept. 3, 18S5. Most of their descend- ants are living in Lancaster county. They had issue:

252 The Swopc Family.

8. i. Catharine Dietrich, b. Dec. 13, 1810; ni., first, Francis

Ruth; married, secondly, Martin Boniberger.

ii. John Dietrich, b. Oct. 8, 181 2. iii. Adam Dietrich, b. Nov. 8, 1814. iv. Daniel Diktrich, b. Dec. 20, 1816; died in infancy.

V. Mary Dietrich, b. Feb. 26, 1819; m. Musser.

9. vi. Henry Dietrich, b. Feb. 16, 1822; ni. Sarah A. Rocka-


10. vii. Samuel Dietrich, b. Sept 10, 1829; m., and has a

family residing at Rohrerstown, Lancaster county, Pa.

viii. Eliza Dietrich, b. Feb. 20, 1826; m. Rudasill.

ix. Sarah Dietrich, b. Jan. 17, 1829; m. Brown, who

died. X. Grabill Swope Dietrich, b. Oct. 12, 1836.

V. Daniel Swope' (John\ Daniel', John', Yost') wa.s born in the homestead in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county, Pa., Aug. 17, 1803. He being the only son in the family, inherited the old homestead and lived there until his death, Oct., 1892. After his death the property' passed into the hands of his daughters, and is .still owned b}' them, hav- ing been in the famih' 175 years. He married Susan Heller, of Lancaster county. He was a member of the Lutheran Church, and an office bearer in the same for a number of years. He and his wife are buried at Salem Church. They had issue as follows:

11. i. Grabill H. Swope, b. Dec. 4, 1834; m. Henrietta S.

Robinson, ii. Kate Sw'ope; m. Martin B.Weidler, of Glenola, Lancas- ter county, Pa.

12. iii. Sarah Swope, b. July 19, 1838; m. S. M. Seldomridge. iv. Rebecca Swope; m. John C. Cowen. They have two

sons William and Frank.

13. v. Lucy Swope; m. Isaac Withers.

vi. Lizzie Swope; m. Geo. K. Swope. (See Chap IX; vii.) vii. Joseph Swope, b. Aug., 1855; d. June, i860, viii. Harriet vSwoPE, b. Nov., 1856; d. June, i860.

14. ix :Mary Swope, b. June 12, 1848; \\\. Martin Bushong.

15. X. Adam D. Swope, b March 21, 1850; m. Sallie A. Hoar, xi. Susanna Swope; m. Albert Kline. They re.side at

Hinkletown, Lancaster county. Pa., and have one daughter, Elsie.

VI. John Ranck"' (Margaret (Swope) Ranck\ John Daniel Swope'', John Swope,' Yo.st vSwope') was born in Lancaster

The ScC'Ope Fainily. 253

county, Pa., 18 17, and died Jan. 12, 1884. When quite a young man he moved to Kentucky, and located in Bourbon county, where he engaged in farming and other business enterprises. He married Elizabeth Corbin, daughter of a prominent planter of Bourbon county, and a descendant of the distinguished Marshall family of Virginia and Maryland. In religion he was a Lutheran, in politics a Democrat, and a warm advocate of Secession. He is said to have been a well- read man and of good literary attainments. Three children were the result of this union:

i. Isaac N. Ranck, a farmer in Bourbon county, Ky., near

Paris. He is unmarried, ii. Margaret Ranck; m., Nov. 29, 1885, J. H. Seaton, a

farmer of Harrison county, Ky. iii. ElEnor Marshali. Ranck "is a woman of a refined sympathetic nature, a devoted wife and a shining light in the cause of Christ." While visiting friends in Lan- caster, Pa., in 1886, she united with St. John's Lutheran church in that city. There being no Lutheran church in Jamestown, she worships with her husband in the Christian church. She married, Jan. 3, 1888, in Paris, Ky., Hon. J. A. Williams. He attended the Law School in Louisville, Ky., in 1858 and 1859, and after being admitted to the Bar, began the practice of his pro- fession in Jamestown, Ky., in which he has continued since, interrupted only by his service as district attorney and judge of the county courts. He stands high as a lawyer, and is a man of extensive information and a genial gentleman. He is a devoted and zealous mem- ber of the Christian church.

VI r. Daniel Ranck'' (Margaret (Swope) Ranck\ John Daniel Swope'\ John Swope", Yost Swope^) was born in Lan- caster county. Pa., March 14, 18 19. On reaching manhood he learned the potter's trade. He married, Feb. 20, 1842, Anna, daughter of Michael Hildebrand, of Earl township, Lancaster county. The following April they moved to Miffiinburg, Union county, Pa., where he conducted a pot- tery until 1844, when he returned to Lancaster county and settled at Salisbury; remaining there two years, he returned to his native township, where he carried on his business until


254 "^^^^ Scuopc Faiiii/y.

1891. He then retired and moved to New Holland, where he died, Aug. 2, 1894. They had issue as follows:

16. i. Georoh H. Ranck, b. Feb. 2, 1843; m. Anna E. Holl-


17. ii. Catharine E. Ranck, b. Feb. 2, 1S45; i". Cyrus Rutter;

m. secondly, Jacob Diflfenderfer.

VIII. Catharine Dietrich' (Mary (Swope) Dietrich*, John Daniel Swope', John Swope") Yost Swope' ) was born in Lancaster county, Pa., Dec. 13, 1810. She married, March 2, 1830, Francis Ruth, who died March 17, 1831. They had issue:

18. i. Elmira Ruth, b. IMarcli 2, 1831; m. John Lucas.

Catharine Dietrich married .secondly, Jan. 14, 1834, Martin BoMBERGER, born Feb. 14, 1811. She is now (^1895) living in Daj-ton, Ohio, surrounded b}' a large family. They had issue:

i. Mary A. Bomberger, b. Feb. 13, 1835: m., April 22,

1854, George Edgar, ii. John A. Bomberger, b. Sept. 10, 1836; m. Anna Din- gess. They had two sons Gilbert and George, iii. Eliza C. Bomberger, b. Jan. 7, 1S39; ni., Sept. 10, 1856, Charles Lewis; d. Feb. 2, 1862. They had two sons, Louis and Martin C. Louis, b. Jan. 28, 1S58; m., Oct.

4, 1 886, Addie Perry, b. Dec. 3, 1868. Martin C, b. Feb I, i860; m., Sept. 21, 1888, Katie Bomiar, b. Sept. 22, 1869. Eliza C. Bomberger m., secondly, April 4, 1864, William Pontis; d. June 10, 1873. They had three children George L., William G. and Samuel G. George L., b. Aug. 20, 1868; m., July 4, 1891, Nellie M. Shunk, b. Dec. 18, 1870; William G., b. Nov. 10, 1870; d. March 15, 1872. Samuel G., b. Nov. 20, 1872; m., June 27, 1895, Anna B. Marshall, b. 1865. Eliza C. Bomberger, m., thirdly, Jan. 3, 1883, William

5. Tiffany, b. March 16, 181 9.

iv. George H. Bg^iberger. b. Aug. 7, 1842. He was killed in the Rebellion.

V. Martin F. Bomberger, b. Oct. 13, 1846; m., Dec. 8, 1867, Jennie A. Tresler, b. Sept. 13, 1851. They had two children Lydia and William. Lydia, b. Sept. 20, 1868; m., April 22, 1890, William H.Webber, b. April 12, 1863. William, b. Aug. 21, 1874.

vi. Benjamin C. Bomberger, b. Oct. 15, 1S49; m., March 3,


The Scvopc Family. 257

1882, Margaret Dillion, b. May 4, 1847. They had three

children— John M., b. Jan. 7, 1883; George W., b. Oct.

18, 1884; Ellen C, b. Sept. 5, 1S8S. vii. CHARI.0TTE H. BOMBERGER, b. Dec. 4, 1852; m. Alonzo

M. Olaphant. They had four children Catharine,

Harry, Edwin and Effie. viii. Samuel F. Bombergkr, b. May 4, 1S55.

IX. Henry Dietrich' (Mary (Swopej Dietrich\ John Daniel Swope', John Svvope^ Yost Swope^) was born near Lancaster city, Pa., Feb. 16, 1822. He was married, in Lan- caster, by the Rev. John C. Baker, D. D., of the Lutheran Church, Dec. 6. 1849, to Sarah Ann, daughter of Mesheck and Maria Rockafield, who was born in West Lampeter township, Lancaster county, Oct. 3, 1829. He is Hving in South Bethlehem, Pa., where he is engaged in business with his son. Barton. They had issue as follows:

i. Barton W. Diktrich, 1). Dec. 14, 1850. Resides at South Bethlehem, Pa.

ii. Charles O. Dietrich, b. May 6, 1857; ^- Jan. 21, i860.

iii. Henry A. Rockafield Dietrich, b. May 14, 1861. He is actively engaged in business in South Bethlehem as a contractor in heating, ventilating and sanitary ap- paratus. He is also the inventor of a cast-iron sectional boiler, which he has had patented. He married, in 1894, Priscilla Webb, of North Wales, England; she is a daughter of Thomas and Mary Webb.

iv. Mary E. Dietrich, b. Aug. 30, 1868, at Eden, Lan- caster county. Pa.

X. Samuel Dietrich^ (Mary (Swope) Dietrich*, John Daniel Swope^ John Swope'"', Yost SwopeO was born in Lan- caster county, Pa., Sept. 10, 1824. He married, Feb. 16, 1854, Mary Ann Stewart, who was born Oct. 16, 1831. They had issue as follows:

i. Elizabeth Dietrich, b. March 13, 1855; m., Dec. 13, 1 87 1, Israel P. Mayer, b. Feb. 25, 1850. They reside in Lancaster, Pa., and have one daughter Anna E., b. Oct. 17, 1888.

ii. Sarah Dietrich, b. July 30, 1857; d. Sept. 9, 1857.

iii. Henry Dietrich, b. June i, 1859; d. June 15, 1859.

iv. Emma Dietrich, m. Benjamin Hershey, of East Hemp- field township, Lancaster county. Pa. They had issue as follows:

258- The Swopc Family.

i. Dora. ii. Milton. iii. Samuel. iv. Frank. V. Emma. vi. INIary. vii. John. V. Franklin S. Dietrich, b Feb. 18, 1865. vi. Adam I. Dietrich, b. March 18, 1S67; is married and has a daughter Edith.

XI, Grabill H. Swopf;' ( Danier. John DanieP, John^ Yost^) was born Dec. 4, 1834, i^^ the old Swope homestead, in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county. Pa. He mar- ried, Aug. iS, 1869, Henrietta S. Robixsox, born March 18, 1843. He is a farmer, near Holden, Missouri. They are members of the Presb^'terian Church. They had issue:

i. Florence SwoPE, b. May 31, 1870.

XII. Sarah Swope^ (Daniel*, John DanieP, John", Yost^) was born in the Swope homestead, Juh- 19, 1S38. She mar- ried. March 3, 1855, Samuel M. Seldomridge, bom Dec. 17, 183 1. He is merchandising at Farmensville, Lancaster county. Pa., a.id is also a bank director and postmaster. They are members of the Lutheran Church. They had issue as follows:

i. Henry Clayton Seldomridge. b. May 8, 1S56; m., Dec, 1879, .\. Clara Grabill. They have two children

i. Florence G., b July 14, 1881. ii. Mable G., b March 9, 1884.

ii. Charles Edgar Seldomridge, b. Jan. 15, 1858; m.,

Dec , iSSo, Anna O. ]Myer. They have one son S.

Melvin, b. Oct 15, 18S4. iii. D.\NiEL W. Seldomridge, b. Jan. 9, i860; d. Oct. 15,

1862. iv. Morgan Rufcs Seldomridge, b. April 14, 1S62; m.,

Oct 6, 1886, Sue W. Buck. They had issue—

i. Blanche G., b Oct. 2, 1887; d. Nov. 9, 1887. ii. Ester G., b. June 28, 1889.

V. Nettie Alice Seldomridge, b Nov. 11, 1865; d. Dec, 21, 1865.

The Sii'ope Family. 259

vi. LiLi.iE M. Seldomridge, b. March 28, 1872.

XIII. Lucy Swope' (Daniel*, John Daniel', John', Yost^ was born in the old vSwope homestead. She married Isaac Withers, a farmer in Lancaster county, Pa. They are members of the Reformed Church. They had issue as fol- lows:—

i. Harry S. Withers, 1) June i, 1865 He is in the regu- lar army. ii. Lyman S. Withers, b. Oct. 13, 1868. iii. Hannah Withers, b. April 5, 1869; d. Oct. 21, 1877. iv. Alice Withers; d. Oct. i, 1870. V. Daniel Withers, b. July 27, 1870 vi. William Withers, b. Dec. 27, 1871. vii. George Withers, b. Aug. 11, 1876. viii. Harvey Withers, b. Sept. 25, 1882.

XIV. Mary Swope' (Daniel', John Daniel', John^ Yost') was born in the old homestead, June 12, 1848. She married, Sept. 3, 1868, Martin Bushong, b. Jan. 3, 1847. They re- side in Philadelphia, where he is engaged in the grocery business, on Race street. They had issue as follows:

i. Morris S. Bushong, b. Aug. 11, 1S69. ii. Agnes S. Bushong, b. Dec. 2, 1870; d. August 8, 1871. iii. Mabel S. Bushong, b. March ic, 18S0; d. Nov. 18, 1891.

XV. Adam D. Swope^ (Daniel*, John Daniel'', John^ Yost') was born in the old homestead, in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county. Pa., March 21, 1850. For a numVjer of years he farmed the old place, but subsequently retired from farming and engaged in other pursuits. He in- herited the old family Bible of Yost Swope, printed in Heidel- berg, 1620, and many valuable family papers which were de- stroyed by the burning of his residence, Sept., 1S95. From this Bible and the papers much of our information regarding the early Swopes was obtained. He married, Dec. 24, 1874, at Soudensburg, Pa., Sallie A. Hoar, who was born Nov. 30, 1 85 1. Three daughters were the is.sue of this union

i Exellenza Swope, b. Nov. i, 1875. ii. Margie Swope, b. Oct. 29, 1S78. iii. Mary H. Sv^^ope, b. Oct. 20, 1883.

26o The Swope Family.

XVI. Hon. George H. Raxck*^ (Daniel Ranck', Marga- ret (Swope) Ranck\ John Daniel Swope\ John Swope'', Yost Swope^) was born, Feb. 2, 1843, in Mifflinburg, Union county, Pa. When he was one year of age his parents removed to Lancaster county, and there the son was reared At the age of eighteen years he began the battle of life as a school teacher, which profession he followed for eight years. By diligent application and study he soon became a well-read and quite a thorough scholar and belonged to the first class from Lancaster county which received permanent teachers' certificates from the State Department of Pennsylvania. In 1869 Mr. Ranck gave up teaching and purchased a printing office in New Holland, Lancaster county, and established the New Holland Clarion. This paper was a success from the start, and soon came to be regarded as one of the most abh' conducted local newspapers in the State. He has always taken an active part in everything which promised to advance the interests of his community. His town is largely indebted to him as one of her most progressive citizens for her railroad, telegraph, and telephone connection with the outside world, the establishment of her national bank, and the improvement of her public schools. In 1889 he was elected a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and while there served on sev- eral important committees Agriculture, Military, and Banks and Banking. He also took a leading part in the shaping of legislation on education then before the House. He mar- ried, May 22, 1866, Anxa Eliz.\beth, daughter of Samuel Hollingsvvorth and granddaughter of Abraham De Haven, of Lancaster county. She was born in New Holland, Aug. 19, 1839. Five childred were the issue of this union

i. A daughter, born and died July 18, 1867. ii. Ivan Luther Ranck, b. Sept. 6, 186S. iii. Anna M. R.\nck, b. April 12, 1871. iv. Bertha V. Ranck, b. Oct. 2, 1875. d. April 2, 1883.

V. Elizabeth E. R.anck, b. July 14, 1878.

XVII. Catharine Elizabeth Ranck*' (Daniel Ranck\ Margaret (Swope) Ranck*, John Daniel Swope^ John Swope', Yost Swope') was born in Salisbury, Lancaster county, Pa.,


The Szvopc Family. 263

Feb. 2, 1845. She married, Dec, 20, 1865, Cyrus RuTTER, who died Aug. 20, 1880. They had issue

i. Annie ly. RuTTER, b. Sept. 29, 1866; m., 1882, Roland B. Hauser. She died Nov. 24, 1886. They had issue—

i. Harry, b. July 29, 1883. ii. Chari^es D., b. Sept. 24, 1886.

ii. Daisy M. RuTTKR, b. Dec. 14, 1867; m., 1888, John J. Shirk. Tliey had issue

i. Anna E., b. Aug. 6, 1889.

ii. John W., b. May 31, 1891. iii. William R., b. Dec. 22, 1892. iv. Charles E., b. June i, 1895.

iii. Cora E. Rutter, b. Oct. 28, 1869.

iv. George Luther Rutter, b. Nov. 18, 1871; d. May 27,

1872. v. Cyrus Newton Rutter, b. April 27, 1873; m,, 1893, Ida

Greeny. They have one child Albert N., b. March 31,

1894. vi. Daniel B. Rutter, b. Oct. 19, 1876; d. April 21, 1879. vii Jennie C. Rutter, b. Dec. 14, 1878.

Catharine Elizabeth Svvope, married, secondly, in 1887, Jacob Diffenderfek. She died March 6, 1893. They had issue

i. Elsie Diffenderfer, b. 1890.

XVIII. Elmir.v Ruth'' ( Catharine { Dietrich ) Ruth'", Mary (Swope) Dietrich', John Daniel S^vope^ John Swope', Yost Swope^) was born March 2, 1831. She married, July 22, 1853, John Lucas, born Sept. 15, 1829; died Julys, 1891. She resides in Dayton, Ohio. They had issue

i. Robert E. Lucas, b. July 8, 1854; m., Aug. 24, 1882, Margaret Ryan, b. Feb. 3, 1862.

ii. M.\RY A. Lucas, b. Dec. 18, 1856; d. Sept., 1857.

iii. Martin F. Lucas, b. Jan. 7, 1857; m.. May 18, 1882, Mary E. Cashman, b. Oct. 3, 1861.

iv. Thomas H. Lucas, b. Feb. 9, 1858; d. May 21, 1869.

V. John K. Lucas, b. April 19, 1861; m., Nov. 30, 1882, Jen- nie Rumer, b. May 13, 1859.






I. Adam Swope^ (John", Yost') was the youngest child, and was born in the homestead, in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county. Pa., May 21, 1756 There he grew to manhood and left the impress of a boyish ambition by carving his name on the stone lintel of the spring-house door. It is now almost obliterated by time, only this remaining, " Adam Swope, 17." He married Sarah Grabill, of Lancaster county, who was born May 18, 1765. By his father's will he received a farm in Lancaster county, part of the original Swope purchase, on which he liv-ed. Early in 1800, at the urgent solicitation of his wife, because she thought the Swopes were becoming so numerous in Lancaster count}" that they could not be distinguished, he sold his farm and moved to Adams county. Pa. He bought a farm and other property near Littlestown, where he continued to live until death. He was also a large holder of Virginia lands. His wife did not live long to enjoy the distinction of dwelling in a community where the name was uncommon; she died Sept. 2, 1805, aged 40 years, 6 months and 12 days. Adam Swope was also a silversmith; several pieces of his work are 3'et preserved by his descendants as precious heirlooms. After the purchase of his farm he built a mill on a small stream running through it, but the stream did not furnish sufficient power and the mill was abandoned, and subsequent!}' became the dwelling place of bats, and, the superstitious said, "ghosts." The}', no doubt, saw

A phantom miller at the midnight liour, Grinding his wheat by an nnseen power.


73 > <

m O







'n ii ill—

The Sivope Family. 267

Adam Swope was a member of a military organization , known as the " Associators," belonging to Capt. Roland's company, associated the 5th day of July, 1775, for the defence of Ameri- can liberty. He died Feb. 7, 182 1, and is buried in the grave- yard of St. John's L,utheran Church, at Littlestown, of which church he was a consistent member. They had issue as follows:

2. i. Catharine Swopk, b. March 7, 17S4; m., first, Adam

Woods; secondly, Capt. Samuel Long; thirdly, James W. Foster.

3. ii. Jonathan Swope, b. Mays, 1787; m. Elizabeth Brothers.

4. iii. Samuel Swope, b. April 16, 1791; m. Margaret Weikert.

5. iv. Ephraim Swope, b. July 4, 1796; m., firht, Catharine Le-

Fevre; m., secondly, Susan Keeports.

6. V. Susan Swope, b. June i, 1799; "i-' first, Solomon Stone-

seifer; m., secondly, John Shorb.

7. vi. Eliza Swope; m. Henry Weikerf

II. Catharine Swope* ( Adam", John', Yost') was born on her father's farm, in Upper Leacock township, lyancaster county, Pa., March 7, 17CS4. She grew to be a winsome and attractive young woman, fond of company and very popular. At about eighteen years of age shi married Adam Woods. The following year he made a trip to Kentucky and perished among the Indians. They had issue:

8. i. Adam Swope Woods, b. June 9, 1803; m. Margaret


Catharine Swope married, .secondly, Capt. Samuel IvONG, at lyittlestown, Pa., she having accompanied her father to that place from I^ancaster county. They moved to Bunker Hill, Md., on the Baltimore and Pittsburg turnpike, where they opened a house of ' ' public entertainment ' ' for travelers. Whilst hving there the war of 18 12 broke out and Capt. Long organized a company for his country's defence. After serv- ing his country for a time he returned home sick with fever and died in a few days. Mrs. Long continued her residence and business in the place for some time, when, at the per- suasion of her father, she moved to Abbottstown, Pa. , to a property owned by him. They had issue:

268 The SiL'ope Family.

i. John Long married, but the name of his wife is unknown. They had issue as follows:

i. Samuel, m. and had six children.

ii. Martin, m. and had six children.

iii. Albert, ni. and had four children.

iv Amanda, m. Garner and had two children.

V. Ella, m. Campbell and had two children.

9. ii. Sarah Long, b. Nov. 20, 1810; m. Barney McSherry.

Catharine Swope married, thirdly, May 11, 1817, James W. Foster, who was born, Oct., 1784, and died, Nov. 30, 1870. Soon after her arrival in Abbotstown the ' ' village teacher, ' ' James W. Foster, a native of Donegal, Ireland, applied for boarding at her house and was accommodated. As a result of this they were married. May 11, 18 17, and continued living in Abbotstown. In their declining years they moved to Gettysburg, Pa., and lived there until death. The last few years of Mrs. Foster's life were j^ears of great suffering from a disease of the eye, which rendered her entirelj^ blind. Her portrait, as shown elsewhere in connection with that of her daughter Catharine, was taken at a great disadvantage at the age of 90 years. She was a confirmed member of the Lutheran Church, but later in life she changed her doctrinal views and united with the United Presbyterian Church, the church of her husband. She died, Jan. 14, 1878, at the ad- vanced age of 94 years, and rests at the side of her husband, James W. Foster, in Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pa. They had issue:

i. Catharine, b. July 28, 1825. She being the only child of her parents, their care in declining years rested en- tirely upon her, and faithfully did she perform this duty. Her parents considered this her mission to the world, bvit she did not consider it her only mission. For many years she has given all her time and energy to Home Missions and Bible Society work, not only in her church, the I'nited Presbyterian, but outside of denominational lines. She has been especially active in the work of " The Woman's Christian Temperance Union." Wherever she finds herself she finds also ready to her hand some of the lines of work from which she cannot and would not escape. She has three times narrowly escaped death. At one time when bathing in

1. Catharine Swope, wife of Adam Woods, Capt. S. I^ong, James W. Foster.

2. Catharine M. W. Foster.


The ScL'ope Family. 271

the surf at Cape May she was carried out into deep water, but was rescued before life was extinct. Then in the Johnstown flood. She was a resident of Johns- town at the time of the flood. Her residence, a frame house, was caught by the first surge, lifted and carried away, she and the other occupants of the floating house escaped from the attic to the flat roof of a house in pass- ing and were saved. During the battle of Gettysburg she made a narrow escape from destruction while serv- ing water from the steps of her father's house to thirsty soldiers in passing; a shell struck the roof of the porch under which she had been standing and completely demolished it. She gives a very interesting account of her experience during the battle of Gettysburg in the history that she has written of "The Foster Family." We would gladl}- reproduce it here did space permit. Miss Foster still resides in Johnstown, Pa., devoted to works of benevolence.

III. Jonathan Swope* (Adam'*, John", Yost^) was born on his father's farm in Lancaster county, Pa., May 5, 17S7. After the family moved to Adams county, he married Eliza- beth BrotheKvS, at Littlestown. In early life he learned the trade of gunsmith, which he carried on for many years. In 1857 he moved to Fuhon comity, 111., where he bought a farm and began farming. He died, 186S, at Astoria, 111. His wife preceded him to eternity, dying Sept. 30, 1842. They had children as follows:

10. i. Jacob Swopp:, b. July 2, iSii; m. Elizabeth Musser

11. ii. Edw.\rd Swope, b. Oct. 12, 1814; m. Milly Jane Foley, iii. Levi Swope; died at the age of 14 years.

IV. Samuel Swope* (Adam'* John", Yost') was born in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county. Pa., April 16, 1 79 1. On the removal of his father's family to Adams county, he accompanied them and lived there until death. He was a farmer by occupation, having inherited a part of his father's extensive real estate possessions. He was a confirmed mem- ber of the Lutheran Church, and one of the active spirits in the erection of the church at Bonnauville, in 1846. He mar- ried, 18 14, Margaret Weikert, who was born 1796, and died 1865. They had i.ssue:—

12. i. James \V. Swope, b. March 2, 181 7; m. Balinda Eckert.

272 The Szvope Family.

13. ii. John A. vSwope, b. Sept. 13, 1819; m., first, Mary E. Mus-

ser; ni., secondly, Mary E. Lott. iii. Samcel vSwopk, b. 1S22; d. 1SS3; m., 1855, Susan M. Bojer.

14. iv. Morgan H. Swope. b. 1826; m. Lucinda M. Landis.

V. Mary L,. Swope, b. 1828; d, 1868; m., 1850, John Cush-

iirn. vi. Nelson G. Swope, b. 1S32; d. 1835.

15. vii. CuNTOx M. Swope, b. 1S34; ni. Ruth Wills.

V. Col. Ephraim Swope* (Adam^ John', Yost') was born in Lancaster county, Pa., July 4, 1796. He lived on his father's farm near Littlestown, Pa., tuitil his marriage, when he removed to Littlestown and became a contractor in stone masonr}'. He had contracts on the Catholic Educational Buildings at Emmetsburg, Md., on the old Thaddeus Stev- ens' "Tape Worm" R. R., along the South Moiuitain in Penns^'lvania, and other important public works. He was colonel of a Pennsylvania militia regiment, and was widel}' known. He was twice married, both of his wives being descendants of Madam Mary Ferree, through her daughter Catharine, who married Isaac Le Fevre, mentioned elsewhere in this book. He married, first. May 2, 1821, Catharine Le Feyre,-'^ who was born Aug. 15, 1800, in Lancaster county, Pa., and who moved with her parents to Adams county. When her father bought the farm on which the}' lived, he paid $40,000.00 for it all in silver dollars brought in kegs by wagon, and it took several days to count it. They had the following children:


16. i. Coi.. RuFus C. Swope, b. Aug. 28, 1822; 111. Evaline

Forest, ii. Anx.a E. Swope:, b. Aug. 11, 1824; d. April 23, 1830. iii. Susax J. Swope, b. June 10, 1826; died.

17. iv. Lucinda C. Swope, b. Feb. 2, 1S28; m. George Stone-

seifer. V. Joseph A. Swope, b. Oct. 22, 1829; d. April 26, 1830. vi. Enoch Swope, b. Jan. 8, 1831; d. March 9, 1S31. vii. Amos A. Swope, b. Feb. 26, 1832. He married, moved to

Florida and died there, 1876. viii. George W. Swope, b. March 3, 1834; d. Aug. 6, 1834. ix. Mary I^. Swope, b. May 17, 1835; d. July 30, 1835.

*See Note VIII.


The S'wope Family. 275

Col. Ephraim Swope married, secondly, Jan. 31, 1839, Susan Keeports, who was born Nov. 8, 18 14. She now (1896) resides with her daughter, Mrs. Shirk, in Hanover, Pa. Col. Swope died March 8, 1862. They had issue:

18. i. Eliza A. Swope, b. Oct. 26, 1S39; ™- Jo^n H. Jones; she

married, secondly, J. Harry Saltzgiver; she married, thirdly, Foose.

19. ii. Margaret E. Swope, b. Feb. 27, 1S41; m. W. Hamilton

Grumbine. iii. Luther A. Swope, b. Dec. 3, 1842. In 1863 he entered Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., where he re- mained four years. He then went to Muhlenberg Col- lege, AUentown, Pa., from which he graduated 1868. He remained there four years as a tutor. He spent one year at Harvard University as a post graduate, and one year at Union Theological Seminary, N. Y. He has taught for twelve non-consecutive years in private schools of the higher grade, and has been private coach for colleges and universities for twelve non-consecutive years. He has spent two seasons abroad. He is a member of the Harvard Club of New York. He is un- married and his home is at Hanover, Pa. -



20. iv. L. H. Georgianna Swope, b. Jan. 11, 1845; m. T. H. \ e^^i^^^^

Benton Feete. _r) e , , J e.|

21. v. Ellen V. Swope, b. Jan. 10, 1847; m. Jonas C. Spangler. I Ylt V/ c_

22. vi. John N. Swope, b. May 6, 1851; m. Louisa A. Houser. '„

23. vii. William K. Swope, b. Sept. 2, 1855; m. Adalaide P.

Paxton .

24. viii. Emma J. Swope, b. July 20, 1857; m George H. Shirk.

VI. Susan Swopk* (Adam\ John', Yost') was born on her father's farm, in Lancaster county. Pa., June i, 1799. She married Solomon Stoneseifer, of Adams county, who was born July 15, 1796, and died March 16, 1832. They had issue as follows:

25. i. Balinda Stoneseifer, b. Oct. 6, 1815; m. Abraham

Bankert. ii. Ephraim Stoneseifer; m. Cordelia McElvain. They had children as follows:

i. Georgianna E.; m. J. Brenner, ii. William; died, iii. Clarinda; died in infancy.

26. iii. Harriet Stoneseifer, b. March 13, 1820; m. Henry F.


276 The Szvope Family.

iv. Julia Stoneseifer; d. in infancy.

27. V. Catharine Stoneseifer, b. May i, 1825; m. S. S.

Bishop, vi. WoRLEY Stoneseifer, b. April 3, 1S26; d. Oct. 17, 1847,

unmarried, vii. Edwin Stoneseifer, b. March 2, 1828; d. Aug. 19, 1856. He married Anna Basehoar. They had issue: i. Margaret; m. a Waltman. ii. Sarah J.; m. John Wehler. iii. Belle; m. Lewis Robinson, viii. Dr. Lewis Stoneseifer, b. March i, 1S30; d. Nov. 9, 1859; m. Anna E J. Myers. She survives, residing in Gettysburg, Pa., having subsequently married Jesse Walter of that place. They had issue, surname Stone- seifer:—

i. Henry; died in childhood, ii. Gates; married and lives in Chicago, 111. iii. Nannie; died in infancy.

28. ix. Alfred G. Stoneseifer, b. 1831; m. Sophia Barrett.

Su.san Swope married, secondly. May, 1834, John Shore, who \Yas born 1787 and died 1S47. He ^vas a descendant of an old French Huguenot family. He was a farmer, near lyittlestowu. Pa. He took an active part in public matters, and was much respected by all who knew him for his honest}^ and uprightness and his many sterling traits of character. Susan Shorb died Feb. 16, 1851. They had issue:

29. i. James E. Shore, b. April iS, 1S35; m. Sarah Price.

VII. Eliza Swopl* f Adam', John', Yo.st' ) is said, tradition- alh-, to have been born after the removal of her parents to Adams county, Pa. It has been impossible to gather any ex- tended information regarding her or her descendants, owing to a want of interest on the part of those who could furnish data. She married Henry \Veikp:rt, and had issue as fol- lows:—

30. i. Rebecca WeikerT; m. James Duttera, 21. ii. Marv WeikerT; m. Jacob Hostetter.

VIII. Adam Swope Woods^ (Catharine (Swope) Woods\ Adam Swope^ John Swope^ Yost Sw^ope') was born in Lan- caster county, Pa.. June g, 1803, and in infancy removed with his motlier to Adams count}', Pa., where he grew to man-


The Sivope Family, 279

hood. He married, Sept. 18, 1827, Margaret Camp- bell, who was born June 12, 1803. He immediately moved to Hunterstown, Adams county. Pa., where he opened a tailor shop, he having previously learned tailoring at L,ittles- town. His location not being very promising for the future he was seized with a desire to go west. In the fall of 1833 he purchased a team and large wagon, in which he placed his little family and effects, and accompanied by his half-sister, Sarah (Long) McSherry, started for the then far west, their objective point being Dayton, Ohio. They traveled several weeks and reached Springfield, Ohio, where he met a resident of Mechanicsburg, Ohio, who set forth in glowing words the possibilities of his town and country. Having heard before flattering reports of the place, he determined to locate there, and directed his course thither. On arriving there he was greatly disappointed and chagrined at the place, but the in- habitants gave them such a cordial welcome that they soon felt at home. Discouragement gave way to contentment and happiness. Plenty of work came and prosperity followed. He remained there until the 25th of Nov., 1850, when he re- moved with his family to North Lewisburg, Ohio. He re- sided there until the fall of i860, when he removed to War- saw, Ind. , where his son Thomas had lived for about twelve years. Adam S. Woods was from youth religiously inclined, moral, temperate in all things, striving to do his duty to his maker and fellow -man, yet he never connected himself with any church until 1839, when he joined the M. E. Church. In this he remained until 1862, when his views underwent a change and he accepted the faith of the Adventists. This he held until his death, which occurred at Warsaw, Ind., May 12, 1870, from erysipelas. A son says: " He was a kind father, a loving and affectionate husband, and a good, law- abiding citizen. His great loss was keenly felt and deplored by all." His wife survived him, dying April 20, 1891. The}^ had issue:

32, i. Mary Woods, b. June 26, 1S28; ni. Obed Abom.

33. ii. Thomas Woods, b. Nov. 25, 1829; m. Catharine Smith, iii. Alfred H. Woods, b. May 13, 1832; d. Sept. 14, 1834.

28o The Sivopc Fauiilv.

iv. Cr^iNTON Campbell Woods, b. Maj' 23, 1S33; d. April 4,

1S34. V. John Woods, b. Feb. 5, 1834; d. May 4, 1834.

34. vi, Anna Woods, b. April 4, 1S35; m., first, Caleb Winder;

11'.., secondly, Washington McGrew; m., thirdlj^ Thomas H. Banks, vii. Charles Woods, b. June 10, 1841; d. Aug. 10, 1831.

35. viii. Catharine Woods, b. Sept. 6, 1842; m., first, Joseph

Aspinwall; m., secondly, Stitsel; m., thirdly,


36. ix. Margaret Amelia Woods, b. Feb. i, 1847; m. Thomas

B Felkner.

37. X. James Foster Woods, b. Nov. 6, 1851; m. Jemima Hall.

IX. Sarah Long^ (Catharine (Swope) Long*, Adam Swope\ JohnSvvope'-', Yost Swope' ) was born Nov. 20, 18 10; died March 6, 1S93. She married, in Adams county, Pa., Bar- ney McSherry, who was born in that county Feb. 12, 1797, and died March 14, 1868. In the fall of 1833 she and her family moved from Adams county, Pa., to Ohio, and settled on a farm about twelve miles west of Dayton, where they continued to live. They were accompanied on their trip west by her half-brother, Adam S. Woods, who, on separating from them, settled in Mechanicsburg, Ohio. They had issue as follows:

38. i. Amos McSherrv (twin ), b. Nov. 5, 1830; m. Mary Bahill.

39. ii. Louisa M. McSherrv (twin), b. Nov. 5, 1830; m. Daniel

Millikin. iii. Margaret McSherry. b. July 29, 1835; m., April 27,

'^79! John Overholtser, b. Feb 18, 1834. iv. Barney McSherry, b. vSept. 10, 1838; m. Dec. 25, 1879,

Martha Ford, b. Oct. 30, 1843. They reside in Brook-

ville, Ohio, and have one son Emory F. , b. June 13,


X. Jacob Swope'' (Jonathan*, Adam", Johir, Yost^ was born, July 2, i8ii, in Adams county, Pa. He married there, Jan. 19, 1833, Eeizabeth Musser, who was born Oct. 19, 1814 He lived in Adams county until 1857, when he moved to Fulton county. 111., to which place his son Edward pre- ceded him in 1856. Tliere he bought a farm and began the life of an agriculturist. He died April 8, 1887. His widow




The Sivope Family. 285

yet survives him (1896 ) at Astoria. Most of his descendants are Hving in the vicinity of Astoria, 111. They had issue:

40. i. Edward T. Swope, b. Dec. 25, 1S35; m. Francis E.


41. ii. CATHARINE .A.. vSwoPE, b. Nov. 16, 1838; m Blocher.

iii. Jane F. Swope, b. Sept. 3r, 1840; m. Adam Trone, Jan.

31, 1858. He was born April 16, 1834 They had fif- teen children and eighteen grandchildren.

42. iv. Elizabeth B. Swope, b. July r, 1842, m. Levi Fiilk.

V. Jacob W. Swope, b. Oct. 21, 1843, in Adams county, Pa.; ni., Oct. I, 1S68, Amanda Davis. He resides at Astoria, 111. They had issiie as follows: i. Ross, b. Aug. 10, 1869. ii George, b. Sept. 10, 1871. iii Edward N., b March 4, 1874. vi. George D. Swope, b. May 17, 1845; m. Ida Kittle. They had issue:

i. Leonard. ii. George. iii Lizzie. iv. Peari,

43. vii. Maria Swope, b. May 17, 1S45; m. first, George Brinton;

m. secondU^ Carl Popenhager. viii. John H. vSwope, b. Sept. 22, 1851, in York county, Pa.; m , Oct. 5, 1S76, Florence W. Belden, b. March 4, 1859. They reside in Beardstown, 111. They had issue as fol- lows:—

i. Frank Foster, b. Aug. 4, 1SS5. ii. Fred Riley, b. March 17, 1888. iii. Otto Orion, b. July iS, 1890. ix. James R. Swope, b. in York county. Pa., Feb. i, 1853; m., Feb. 16, 1888, Nora M. Skiles, who was born in Rush county. 111. They had issue as follows: i. Claude Noel, b. Oct. 24, 1889. ii. Walter Hugo, b. March 6, 1892. X. Walter H.armen Swope, b. Jan. 3, 1855, in York county. Pa. He has V)een for many years a commercial traveler, and is connected with a large wholesale firm in Pueblo, Col. He is unmarried.

XI. Edward Swope' (Jonathan', Adam', John', Yost') was born in Adams county. Pa., Oct. 12, 1814. He first entered the business world as a clerk in a country store. After reaching his majority he went to Springfield, O. , and entered the employ of a merchant there. It was onh' a short 19

286 The Su'opc Family.

time until he was offered an interest in the business, and he finally succeeded to the entire business. Early in his career he developed a tendency to the live stock trade, and soon became known as one of the largest dealers in live stock in Ohio. At one time he owned every hog in the State of Ohio that the feeder or farmer had to sell. He continued his large business in Ohio until 1S64, when he went to Buffalo, N. Y., where he was largely instrumental in developing the live stock interests of that city, then in its infancy, to large proportions. At the time of his death, March 16, 1895, he was the head of the firm of Swope, Hughes, Waltz & Ben- stead. His business associates said of him at his death: ' ' He was one with whom it has ever been a pleasure to transact business, finding in him a man above reproach, one who ever scorned an unworthy act or a dishonorable motive " He married, Dec. 9, 1S37, Milly Jane Foley, who died March 29, 1863. She was a daughter of John and Jane Foley, who were born in Virginia, the former in 1777. the latter in 1776, and moved to Clark county, O. , in 1806. There the daughter, Milly Jane, was born, married and died. They had issue:

44. i. Jane Foley Swope, b. March 26, 1839; m. first, Leander

D. Patton. She m., secondly, Washington Ward, ii. Elizabeth B. Swope, b. July 2, 1841. She was gradu- ated from the Springfield, Ohio, Female Seminary, and married, Jan. 21, 1S69, John D. Allen. They reside in Santa Ana, California, iii. Ann Eliza Swope, b. Dec. i, 1843. She was educated in Springfield, Ohio, graduating from the Female Semi- nary at that place. She married, Sept. 28, 1869, Melvin J. Green. Their residence is Boston. They, however, spend much of their time abroad in travel. They have one son, Melvin, a graduate of Harvard University, Class of '96, and an honor man.

XII. James \V. Swope' (Samuel'. Adam', Johir, Yost^ was born March 2, 18 17, in Adams county, Pa. For many years he w^as engaged in farming near the place of his birth. A few years ago he retired and is now living in Gettysburg. He is a consistent member of St. James' Lutheran church. He married, 1855, Balinda Eckert. They had issue as follows:



The Szvope Fa^nily. 289

i. Emma Swope, b. 1857; d. 1S60. ii. Jesse Swope, b. 1858; d. 1858. iii. Nathaniel Swope, b. i860.

XIII. John A. Swope'' (Samuel', Adam', John', Yosf) was born Sept. 13, 1819, in Adams county, Pa. He married, April 20, 1843, Mary E. Musser, who died. He married secondly, Mary E. Eott, who was born Jan. 31, 1843, and died May 2, 1870. He has spent an active and useful life at Littlestown, Pa., where he still resides (1896), rapidly hasten- ing towards four score years, and as he expresses it, " earn- estly endeavoring to prepare myself to meet my Lord."

XIV. Morgan H. Swope' (Samuel*, Adam', John', Yost') was born in Adams county, Pa., 1826, and died 1865. He married, in 1851, Eucinda M. Eandis, a daughter of Benja- min Eandis. After remaining a widow a few years she mar- ried Dr. Agideous Noel, of Bonnauville, Pa. Morgan Swope and Eucinda, his wife, had issue as follows:

i. John Wei^lington Swope, b. Dec. 25, 1852. ii. Henry L. Swope, b. May 9, 1855. iii. Mary J. Swope, b. Nov. 13, 1857; d. 1859. iv. Morgan F. Swope, b. May 8, 1859. V. Minnie M. Swope, b. April 8, 1864; d. Dec. 30, 1867.

XV. Clinton M. Swope' (Samuel', Adam', John', Yost') was born, 1834, in Adams county, Pa., and lived there during the most active part of his life. A few years before his death he moved to Kansas, and died in Russell, that State, Oct., 1885. He married, Feb. 4, 1858, Ruth Wills, a sister of Judge David Wills, of Gettysburg, Pa. They had issue:—

i. James Wills Swope, b. Dec. 21, 1858; m., Aug. 31, 1884, Maggie McChesney, b. May 11, 1865. They reside in Chicago, 111, They had issue: i. Vivian, b. Dec. 10, 1886. ii. Ruth, b. Oct. 16, 1888; died in infancy.

XVI. Col. RuFUS C. Swope' (Ephraim*, Adam', John', Yost') was born Aug. 8, 1822, in Eittlestown, Pa. When quite a young man he learned the trade of a tanner; after acquiring a knowledge of that business he rented a tan- nery in his native town, which he carried on for a number of years. In 1852 he bought a tannery in Fairfield, Adams

290 The Su'Ope Family.

county, Pa., which he operated for several ^-ears and subse- quently sold. He early took an interest in military matters, and was a member of Gov. Johnson's staff, ranking as colonel. On the breaking out of the war he was the first commissioner of draft in the i6th district of Pennsylvania. In Dec, 1862, he was appointed b_v President Lincoln captain assistant quartermaster, and remained in the service until Aug., 1866, being on duty in Washington a year after the close of the war. In the fall of 1866 he was appointed internal revenue collector of the 1 6th congressional district, which position he held until March, 1S67, when he failed to be confirmed by the Senate, in consequence of having identified himself with the Johnson administration. He married, Dec. 25, 1846, Evaline C. Forrest, of Littlestown, who was born June 8, 1823. Thej^ reside in Fairfield, Pa. They had issue as follows:

45. i. Elvira F. Swope, b. Dec. 14, 1S47; m. Dr. J. A. Krum-


46. ii. Gr.axville H. Swope, b. July 21, 1S49; in. Emma J.


47. iii. Augustus S. Swope, b. Aug. 26, 1850; m. Martha A.

Taylor, iv. AxxA B. V. vSwoPE, b. Nov. 28, 1852; d. June 12, 1854.

48. V. Ephraim B. Swope, b. March 24, 1S54; m Laura C. Gel-

baugh. vi. Clayton M. Swope, b. Aug. 15, [S56; d. July 6, 1888.

49. vii. Edward McPherson Swope, b. Oct. iS, 1858; m. Cora

B. Stryker. viii. George E. Swope, b. March 9, 1861; d. March 22, 1861.

XVII. IvUCiNDA C. Swope' (Ephraim', Adam'', John'\ Yost') was born, Feb. 2, 1828, in Littlestown, Pa., and died there April, 1S91. She married, July 23. 1846, George Stoxeseifer, who was born Dec. 26, 1821. He kept a store in Littlestown for many years, and was also engaged in other business enterprises. He was one of the organizers of the Littlestown Saving Institution, a director for sixteen years and its president for several 3'ears. He was a prominent pro- moter in building the Littlestown Railroad, a director for twent}' years, and secretary and treasurer for ten years. The}' were members of the Lutheran Church. The>' had issue:

I. Col. Rufiis C. Swops. 2. Edward M. Swope 3. Harry F. Swope. 4. Granville H. Swope.

The Swope Family. 293

i. George Swope Stoneseifer, b. Nov. 20, 1847; d. April

16, 1851. ii. Sarah C. Stoneseifer, b. April 26, 1850; m., July 30, 1871, Henry H. Gilbert, b. Dec. 28, 1847. They reside in Littlestown, Pa., and have one son, John Stoneseifer, b. March 12, 18S5. iii, RuFus R. Stoneseifer, b. Oct. 31, 1852; d. Feb. 7, 1854. iv. Emma J. Stoneseifer, b. June 16, 1854; d. May 8, 1857. 50. V. Mary IvUCinda Stoneseifer, b. April 23, 1856; m.

William P. Stover, vi. jACOi! Sterner vStoneseifer, b. Sept. 24, 1857; d. May

7, 1863. vii. Theodore H. Stoneseifer, b. April 13, 1865. viii. IvAURA J. Stoneseifer, b. July 19, 1867; m. Winton C rouse. ix. Vioi^ET B. Stoneseifer, b. Dec. 3, 1869; d. Dec. 21, 1871.

XVIII. Eliza Ann Swope' (Ephraim*, Adam', John', Yost') was born, Oct. 26, 1839, at Eittlestown, Pa. She married, first, John H. Jones. They had one child— Eaura; m., secondly, J. Hakry Saltzgiver. They had is.sue:

i. George Saltzgiver. ii. Ellen Saltzgiver. iii. Harry Saltzgiver. iv. MoLLiE Saltzgivkr; died in childhood.

V. Minnie Saltzgiver. vi. Emma SalTzgiver. vii. Luther Saltzgiver.

XIX. Margaret E. Swope' (Ephraim*, Adam*, John^ Yost') was born, Feb. 27, 1841, in Eittlestown, Pa. She married Hamilton Grumbine and resides in Westminster, Md. They had issue: -

i. Harry Grumbine. ii. Josephine Grumbine.

iii. Theodore Grumbine; died in early childhood, iv. William Grumbine. V. Minnie Grumbine. vi. Bessie Grumbine. vii. Emma Grumbine. viii. Margaret Grumbine. ix. Swope Grumbine.

XX. E. H. Georgiana Swope^ (Ephraim*, Adam^ John^ Yost') was born, Jan. 11, 1845, in Littlestown, Pa. She

294 '^^^^ Szi'Ope Family.

married T. H. Benton Feetk, and resides in Washington, D. C. They had issue:—

i. Annie Feete; died in childhood, ii. Amos Feete. iii. Luther Feete. iv Lulu Feete; died in childhood.

V. Cora Feete; died in childhood, vi. Haleie Feete; died in childhood.

XXI. Ellen V. Swope' (Ephraim\ Adam', John", Yost') was born in Littlestown, Pa., Jan. lo, 1847. She married, Dec. 12, 1875, Jonas C. Spangler, who was born Sept. 8, 1847. He is a farmer. Their home, " Sunny Side," is near Kingsdale, Adams county. Pa. They had children as fol- lows :

i. Susan J. Spangler, b. Dec. 13. 1876. ii. William H. Spangler, b. March 7, 1879. iii. Alice J. Spangler, b. June 4, 1882. iv. Luther Swope vSpangler, b. Sept. 28, 1884. V. Ernest Keeport Spangler, b. June 27, 1890.

XXII. John N. Swope' (Ephraim*, Adam', John', Yost') was born, May 6, 1851, in Littlestown, Pa. He married Louisa A. Houser. and resides in Frederick, Md. They had issue:

i. Albertus Swope. ii. Harry Swope. iii. Charles Swope iv. Sarah Sw^ope.

XXIII. William K. Swope' ( Ephraim', Adam^ John^ Yost') was born in Littlestown, Pa., Sept. 2, 1855. He mar- ried at Alberquerque, New Mexico, Oct. 20, 1882, Adalaide Power Paxton, born Aug. 20, 1865. They reside at San Luis Potosi, Mexico. They have one son:

i. William Paxton Swope, b. May 11, 18S4, at Richmond, Grant county. New Mexico.

XXIV. Emma J. Swope' (Ephraim', Adam', John", Yost') was born in Littlestown, Pa., July 20, 1857. She married, Dec. 30, 1884, George H. Shirk, a hardware merchant of

The Sivopc Family. 295

Hanover, Pa. He is a prominent Mason, and they are mem- bers of the Lutheran Church. They had issue as follows:

i. Stanley Shirk, b. Oct. 25, 1885. ii. Eliz.\beth Shirk, b. Feb. 9, 1889; d. June 18, 1889.

XXV. Balindv Stoneseifer' (Susan (SwopeJ Stone- seifer^ Adam Swope^ John Swope^ Yost Swope^) was born in Adams county, Pa., Oct. 6, 1815, and died Nov\ 2, 1873. She married Abraham Bankert. They had issue as fol- lows:—

i. Susan Jane Bankert; m. John Spalding, ii. Ephraim Bankert; died, iii. Edwin Bankp;rt; died in the army. iv. Alberta Bankert. V. Emma Bankert; died in childhood, vi. James Bankert. vii. Ellen Bankert. viii. Alfred Bankert; died in infancy.

XXVI. Harriet Stoneseifer^ (Susan (Swope) Stone- seifer*, Adam Sw^ope'', John Swope^ Yost Swope^) was born in Adams county. Pa., March 13, 1820, died March 16, 1891. She married, Jan. 4, 1840, Henry F. Davis, who was born June 8, 18 16, died Oct. 15, 1894. After their marriage they moved to Waynesboro, Pa., where they lived until death, and where their children now reside. They had issue as fol- lows:—

i. William H. Davis, b. Oct. 22, 1840; d. Jan. 24, 1845. ii. George F. Davis, b. Nov. 27, 1842; d. Dec. 5, 1862. iii. Charles T. Davis, b. Jan. 20, 1S45; m., June 2, [870, Eliza J. Sibbet, b. May 26, 1849 They had issue: i. Jessie Sibbet, b. Jan. 22, 1871. ii. Alfred P., b. Feb. 19, 1873. iii. Hugh T., b. June 26, 1876. iv. Whorley S. Davis, b. March 17, 1847; m., Sept. 25, 1878, Annie S. Benchoff, b. Nov. 7, 1854. They had issue :

i. Charles A., b. Aug. 18, 1879. ii. H.A.RRIET B., b. Aug. 22, 1881. iii. Guy F., b. Feb. 26, 1892; d. Feb. 21, 1893. V. Catharine A. Davis, b. May 10, 1850; m., vSept. 30, 1874, John C. Krider, b. Nov. 23, 1847; d. March i, 1885. They had issue:

2g6 The Swopc Family.

i. James H., b. Aug. 19, 1875; d. May 12, 1880. ii. Ralph L., b. Feb. 2, i88r. vi. Alfred B. D.wis, b. Sept. 30, 1855; d May 11, 1873. vii. Fkanxis B. Davis, b. Dec. 10, 1858.

XXVII. Catharine Stoneseifer' (Susan ( Swope) Stone.seifer*, Adam S\vope'\ John Swope', Yost Swope') was born May i, 1825, in Littlestown, Pa. She married Simon S. Bishop. He began his business career as a merchant in Littlestown; after conducting his store for .some years he dis- posed of it and bought a part of the old homestead where they now reside. He has held various responsible offices, was justice of the peace for twenty years and notary public for many years, having received five different commissions. He was for forty years a member of the United Brethren Church, but owing to some differences has of recent \'ears worshipped elsewhere. They had issue:

i. Laura V. Bishop.

XXVIII. Alfred G. Stoneseifer' (Su.san (Swope) Stoneseifer\ Adam Swope'', John Swope", Yost Swope^) was born in Adams county, Pa., 1831. When young he went to Pike county. Mo., where he engaged in mercantile pursuits and married. During the war he moved to California and engaged in raising French Merino sheep, his place being known as " \Vood.side Stock Farm." In this business he amassed a fortune and built a fine residence in the stiburbs of Newman, Stanislaus county, Cal., where he resides. He married Sophia Barrett. They had issue as follows:

i Clarence A. Stoneseifer. ii. Mary B. Stoneseifer. iii. Catharine L. Stoneseifer. iv. Augustus a. Stoneseifer.

XXIX. James E. Shore' (Susan (Swope) Shorb*, Adam Swope^ John Swope'', Yost Swope') was born on his father's farm near Littlestown, Pa., April 18, 1835, and died July 20, 1887. In early manhood he went to St. Louis, Mo., where he engaged in merchandising, and amassed quite a fortune. He married, June 23, 1863, Sarah Price, of Louisville, Ky. Thev had issue:

The Szcope Family. 297

i. Julia B. Shore; m. Dr. Seniple Floyd Jones, ii. Marv ly. Shore; died in youth. iii. Cecelia Shore; m. Dr. Tandy Allen Hughes, iv. James Shore; died in infancy.

XXX. Rebecca Weikert' (Eliza (Swope) Weikert'. Adam Swope^ John Swope", Yo.st Swope^ ) married James DuTTERA. They had issue as follows:

i. Jacob Duttera; m. Emma Sheely. ii. John Duttera; ni. Emma Hankey. They had issue:—

i. Ella G.

ii Mary R. iii. Anne C. iv. Lizzie E.

iii. Amos Duttera; ni. Sarah Hoff. They had issue.

iv. Jane Duttera; m. David Wherley. They had issue:

i. Jennie. ii. William. iii. Ellen

V. Rebecca Duttera; m. J. Newton Cushurn. They had issue :

i. Annie. ii. John. iii. Mary.

XXXI. Mary Weikert' (Eliza (Swope) Weikert', Adam Swope\ John Swope", Yost Swope' j married Jacob Hostetter- They had i.ssue:

i. Ann Ho.stetter; m. David Fry. They had one son,

Harvey, who married and had a daughter, ii. Sarah Hostetter; m. John Ditzler. They had one son

and two daughters, iii. Susan Hostetter; m. Peter Shank. They had two sons

and two daughters. iv. Ellen Hostetter; m. George Wolff. They had five

sons. V. K.\TE Hostetter; m. Samuel Krug. They had two sons.

vi. Maggie Hostetter; m. Burkholder.

vii. Amos Hostetter; m. and died, leaving two daughters, viii. Samuel Hostetter; married.

XXXII. Mary Woods" (Adam Swope Woods", Catharine (Swope) Woods\ Adam Swope^ John Swope", Yost Swope^)

298 The Sivope Family.

was born, June 26, 182S, in Hunterstown, Adams county, Pa. She grew to womanhood in Mechanicsburg, Ohio, and mar- ried, June 17, 1S47, Obed Abom, born Aug. 19, 1825. In the fall of 1858 they moved to Warsaw, Ind., he taking a position as deputy in the office of her brother Thomas, who was then county clerk. Mr. Abom was afterwards elected to that office in 1863. " Mary Abom inherited all the good qualities of her father kind, affectionate, benevolent and forgiving. vShe is a member of the Episcopal Church, and a worker in all undertakings for the advancement of the cause of Christianity." They had children as follows:

i. ZoRA A. Akom, b. May 3, 1S4S; ni , May 3, 1S70, Lee Pentecost. They reside in Tacoma, State of Washing- ton, and have four children ii Thomas E. Abom, b. May 25, 1850; m June 26, 1875. iii. Sadie Abom, b. Feb. 12, 1852; m.. May i, 1872, T. F. Fisher. They had one son Channing, b. May 20, 1S73; d. Aug 10, 1S78. iv. Edwin C. Ahom, b. Jan. 13, 1833; ra., May 23, 1888, Alice Robinson. They have one son Obed, b. May 4, 1889. V. Channing Deanf, Abom, b. Aug 10, 1865; d. Feb. 27, 1866.

XXXIir. Thomas Woods" (Adam Swope Woods', Cath- arine (Swope) Wood.s*, Adam Swope', John Swope', Yost SwopeM was born Nov. 25, 1829, in Hunterstown, Adams county. Pa. He removed with his father's family to Mechan- icsburg, Ohio. He was educated in the common .schools of that place, and afterwards learned the tailor's trade wath his father. At the age of 17 years, having a desire to see more of the world, and especially of his relatives in the east, he left home without the consent of his parents and walked to the home of his grandmother, in Adams county. Pa., where he remained some months. He determined to make his trip home profitable, and purchased a stock of notions which he sold by the way. This was the beginning of a successful business career. Some time after his return west he estab- lished himself at his trade in Warsaw, Ind. He also began buying and selling real estate. This being more to his taste than tailoring, he abandoned that pursuit and continued in


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The Sivopc Family. 301

the real estate business. In 1854 he was appointed deputy clerk of the courts of Kosciusko county, Ind. He was faithful and efficient in the discharge of the duties of the office, and was elected principal of the office by his party in 1855 for a term of four years. In 1859 he was re-elected for a term of four years without opposition from the opposing party. At the expiration of his term of office in 1863, he was appointed general deputy and acted as such for ten years. In 1874 he was again elected to the same office without having asked for the nomination. At the close of this term of office and his retirement from public service he was given a grand banquet by the Bar and court officials of Kosciusko county, at which strong resolutions were passed, expressing the highest confi- dence in his integrity and uprightness; also commending the faithful, affable and efficient discharge of the duties of his office for a quarter of a century. On this interesting occasion he was also presented with a handsome gold watch, as an additional tribute of the esteem of the donors the Court and Bar of the county. In politics he was a Whig up to the time of the breaking up of parties in 1854; after that he became a Republican. He has been a strong believer in and staunch defender of the principles of his party, and has contributed much to its success. Believing that music as well as oratory is necessary to a successful political campaign, he has frequently contributed rhymes to be surg by the " Hoosier Glee Club." He now resides in retirement in Warsaw, enjoying the fruits of a well-spent life. He married, Jtuie 26, 1854, Cath- arine Smith. They had one son WiUiam, who died Feb. 12, i860, aged 3 years.

XXXIV. Ann Woods* (Adam Swope Woods', Catharine (Swope) Woods*, Adam Swope', John Swope', Yost Swope') was born April 4, 1835. She was reared in Mechanicsburg, Ohio, and married, at North Lewisburg, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1S54, Caleb Winder, who was born April 23, 1828, and died Jan. 30, 1862. They had issue:

i. Ai,i.iNA Winder, b. Sept. 11, 1S55; d. April 6, 1861. 51. ii. Thomas Winder, b. Feb. 26, 1862; m., June 30, 1884,

Margaret Walsh. 20

302 The Szcopc Family.

Ann Woods married, secondly, Oct. 4, 1S66, Washington McGrew, who was born July 19, 18 14; died March i, 1S70. She married, tliirdl}-. Jan. 7. 1N74, Thomas H. Banks, who died. She now resides in widowhood in Warsaw, Ind. They had issue:

i. JESSIK E. Banks, b. Nov. 22, 1875.

XXX\'. Catharine Woods'' (Adam Swope Woods^ Catharine (Swope 1 Woods\ Adam Swope^ John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born at Mechanicsburg, Ohio, Sept. 6, iSj.0. Her brother says of her: " She is the most impulsive member of the family, with strong likes and dislikes, yet full of the milk of human kindness, love for her fellow creatures and a passionate love for her offspring and kindred." She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. She married three times first. Sept. 6, 1857, Joseph D. Aspinwale. His di.'ath was the result of exposure in the service of his country, he being a lieutenant in Company I, 30th Indiana Infantry.

She married, secondly, Stitzel, and, thirdly, Ep-

ERSON. She now resides in widowhood in Crawfordsville, Ind. Catharine Woods and Jo.seph D. A.spinwall had issue:

i. Dr. Joseph Aspinwall, practicing his profession in New York city.

ii INIargaret Aspinwai.i,, who married Berr}-, and

resides at Fort Dodge, Iowa.

XXX\'I. Margaret A, Woods** (Adam Swope Woods\ Catharine (Swope) Woods*, Adam Swope^ John Swope', Yost Swope' j was born, Feb. i, 1847, in r^Iechanicsburg, Ohio. She married, March 13, [866, Thomas B. Feekner. A brother says: " Naturally she was the most vivacious and jolly member of the family, and always managed to get a little fun out of the most serious situation. She has had sore trials and afflictions in the helpless condition of her hus- band, who has been a paralytic for twelve years. Yet she is ever cheerful and shirks no duty imposed upon her." They reside at Albion, Ind., and had i.ssue as follows:

i. William Felkner, b. June 9, 1867; m. Oct. 4, 1888, Amelia Scarlett. They have one child— :\Iarjorie, b. Feb. 28, 1S90.

'.'r-^Siii^ii.. :-■' ■"•'A»;-yfg'-/rf':.'.a^iag^»'


The S^vope Familv. 305

ii. Harry Woods Felkner, b. May 9, 1871; d. Sept. 13,

1873. iii. Anna C. Fei^kner, b. Feb. 11, 1S76.

XXXVII. James Foster Woods' (Adam Swope Woods', Catharine (Swope) Woods*, Adam Swope', John vSwope^ Yost Swope') was born, Nov. 6, 1851, at North Lewisburg, Ohio. He moved with his parents to Warsaw, Ind., where he grew to manhood. After completing- his education in the high school of Warsaw he entered the office of his brother Thomas, intending to fit himself for the duties of that office. The confinement and monotony of the position did not suit his ta.ste, so he abandoned it to follow the bent of his early inclination, mechanical pursuits. Being particularly adapted to his business he has become one of the most skillful in his avocation in his part of the State. He is a man of extensive acquaintance and is regarded as an honorable, upright and con- scientious citizen. He married, Nov. 3, 1S74, Jemima Hall. They had issue:

i. Charges C. Woods, b. Sept. i, 1S75. ii. NoR-\ Woods, b. Nov. 4, 1877. iii. Catharine Woods, b. Aug. 31, 1882.

XXXVIII. Amos McSherry" (Sarah (Long) McSherry', Catharine (Swope) Long\ Adam Swope"', John Swope", Yost Swope') was born, Nov. 5, 1830, near New Berlin, Adams county, Pa. On the removal of his family to Ohio, in 1833, he accompanied them and has lived there since that time. In early manhood he taught school for a number of years, then ' ' pioneered it ' ' for eight years. He subsequently engaged in merchandising. He is now successfully engaged in the jewelry business, in partnership with his son, in Rockford, Ohio He married. Sept. 9, 1862, Mary Bahill, who was born, July 23, 1837, near Dayton, Ohio. They had issue as follows:

i. Grant McSherry, b. , May 27, 1S63, in Montgomery county, Ohio; m. Altha Taylor. He lives in Van Wert, Ohio, where he is engaged in the grocery business. They have one son Ralph, b. 1894. ii. Auce McSherrv, b. Sept. 12, 1865, in Montgomery county, Ohio.

3o6 The Szropr Family

iii. Arthir McSherrv, b. Aug. 13, 1S67; d. Jan. 6, 1869. iv. B. E. McSherrv, b. June 19, 1S69, in Montgomery county, Ohio. He married and engaged in the jewelry business, with his father, in Rockford. V. Sarah McSherrv, b. March 13, 1S72. vi. George McSherrv, b. Aug. 21, 1875. vii. Marv McSherrv, b. Sept. 15, 1877.

XXXIX. Louisa McSherrv*' (Sarah fLong) McSherry', Catharine (Swope) Long'. Adam S^vope^ John Swope', Yost vSwope') wa.s born, Xov. 2, i<S32, in Adams connty, Pa. vShe married Daniel Milukix, a farmer, near Brookville, Ohio, where she now resides. They had issue:

i. Samuel Mielikix, b. July 14. 1S56. After passing through the common schools of his district he attended Normal School and prepared himself for teaching. He taught in the public schools for seven years and then en- gaged in farming, near Brookville, Ohio, in which he still continues. He married, June r, 1880, Laura S. Mills, of Castine, Dark county, Ohio. They had issue: i Clifton R. . b. March 16, i8Sr. ii. Noble H., b. March 13, 1890.

XL. Edward T. Swope** ( Jacob", Jonathan', Adanv', John', YostM was born at Spring Forge, York county. Pa., Dec. 25, 1835. After reaching his majority, in 1856, he moved to FuUon county, 111., and engaged in farming. He remained there until 1S70, when he moved to Nemeha county, Nebraska. He still resides (1896) on the farm on which he moved twenty-five years ago. He married, at Astoria, 111 , Aug. 16, 1857, Frances E. Brown, who was born at Lodi, Seneca county, X. Y., Dec. 3, 1837, and died, Dec. 13, iSgr, near Stella, Xebraska. They had issue:

i. Clinton Swope, b. Feb. 18, 1859, at Canton, 111.; m.

April 7, 1S91, Nora Van Vleet, of Lodi, N. Y. They are

now living in Buffalo, N. Y. ii. Annie L. Swope, b., :May i, 1861, at Canton, 111.; m.,

Dec. 27, 1882, George Kittle. They live near Nemeha

City, Neb. iii. Charles M. Swope, b., Aug. 16, 1S63, near Astoria, 111.;

m., .\pril 15, 1S86, Martha Smitli. Tliey live in Nemeha

county, Neb. iv. William C. Swope, b., .\ug 15, i,S65, at .\storia, 111. He



The Sivopc Family. 311

married, July 4, 1892, Celia Burke, and is living near Edmond, Oklahoma Ter. V. Ina F. vSvvope, b., May 29, 1871, near Aspinwall, Neb. She married, Jan. 26, 1888, Walker Mason, and is living near Stella, Neb. vi. Edgar Li^ovd Swope, b. Feb. 28, 1875. vii. Frank L. Swope, b. Oct. 15, 1877. viii. Wai.ter H. vSwope, b. Oct. 29, 1880.

Xlyl. Catharine A. Swope" Qacob', Jonathan', Adam'', John\ Yost') was born in York coimty. Pa., Nov. 16, 1S38.

She married. Jan. 31, 1858, Blocker, who was born

April 16, 1837. They reside in Astoria, 111., and had issue as follows:

i. Eelen J. Beocher, b. Dec. 12, 1858; d. Dec. 26, 1894; m., Aug. 4. 1881, W. H. Koont. They had issue: i. Winnie, b. May 12, 1882. ii. Lizzie C, b. Feb. 4, 1S84. iii. Cleveland E., b. March 30, 1885. iv. Jesse B , b. July i, 18S8. v. Mary N. (twin), b. April 18, 1890; died same

day. vi. Robert F. (twin), b. April 18, 1890; d. April 22, 1890.

ii. Albert C. Beocher, b. May 23, i860; m., April 2, 1885, Eliza Walker. They have one son, Clyde, b. June 10 1889.

iii. Lizzie M. Blocher, b. Sept. iS, 1866; ni., Sept. 18, 1887, F. G. Carter. They have had two children; Jes.sie G., b. June 7, 1892, and Bertha E., b. Jan. 5, 1895; d. Jan. 17, 1895.

iv. Jacob S. Blocker, b. March 23, 1870.

XLII. Elizabeth B. Swope'' (Jacob', Jonathan\ Adam'', Johir, Yost') was born in York county, Pa., July i, 1842. She married at A.storia, 111., July 16, 1861, Levi Fulk, who was born in North Carolina, Jan. 11. 1822. In 1852 he moved to Schuyler county. 111., where he resided until the war, when he enlisted and served one year. He afterwards returned to his farm and followed his chosen avocation until 1892, when he moved to Beardstown, 111., where he died. May 10, 1895. They had issue:

i. Robert F. Fulk, b. Dec. 27, 1863; m., June 14, 1891, Belle Billingsly. They had issue:

312 The Swope Family.

i Ray, b. Aug. 14, 1S92. ii. Roy, b. Dec. 23, 1S94. ii. Daniel E. Fi'LK, b. May 7, 1S65.

iii Maria M. Fclk, b vSept. 6, 1867; in , March, 18S6, Jon- athan Roudabush. They had issue as follows: i. Ethel, b. Aug. 15, 18S7; d. July ii, 1888. ii. May, b. March 11, 1888; d. May 12, 1893. iii. J. Edward, b. June 11, 1890. iv. Minnie A., b. June 11, 1S93. iv. Charles M. Fulk, b. Dec. 23, 1869; m., March 10, 1891, Maria Lauler. They have one son, Clarence, b. Nov. 30, 1893. V. Annie L. Fulk, b. Sept. i, 1871; ni., Dec. 25, 1894, John

Sellers, vi. John G. Fulk. b. May 23, 1873. vii. Minnie F. Fulk, b June 15, 1877. viii. RoLLA L. Fulk, b. July 24, 18S0. ix. Nellie A. Fulk, b. Feb. 12, 1883

XIvIII. Maria Swope^ ( Jacob\ Jonathan*, Adam', John', Yost') was born in York comity, Pa., May 17, 1845. She married first, May 4, 1866, at Astoria, III, George Brixton, who was born Sept. 4, 1834; died Oct. 16, 1884. Eight children were the result of this union, as follows:

i. James Brinton, b. Oct. i, 1S66; in., Sept. 3, 1S89, Maggie

Robinson. They have two children, ii. Mary Brinton, 1) Dec. 26, 1868; m., vSept. 24, 18S8;

Martin Horner. They have four children, iii. George Brinton, b. Feb. 8, 187 1. iv. William Brinton, b. Feb. 6, 1877. V. LouELLA Brinton, b. Sept. 30, 1879. vi. Franklin Brinton, b. Jan. 5, 1S83. vii. Lizzie Brinton, b. Feb. 27, 1885; d. Aug. 4, 1889.

Maria Swope married secondly, May 4, 1887, George Pop- penhager. They have one son:

i. Carl Poppenhagp:r, b. Oct. 31, 1888.

XLH'. Jane Foley Swope'' (Edward', Jonathan*, Adam', John", Yost') was born March 26, 1839. She was given the best educational advantages, and was graduated from the Springfield, O., Female Seminary, and finished with a special course in music and the languages. She married, Dec. 9,

The Swope Faynily. 313

1857, IvEANDER D. Patton, of vSpriiigfielcl. O., who died Sept. 26, 1865. Two children were the issue of this union:

i. Edward Patton. ii. Chari.es Patton.

Jane Foley Swope married secondly, March 28, rSyi, Washington Ward, who died April 5, 1891. She resides in widowhood in vSpringfield, O. One daughter was the result of this union:

i. Bertha Ward. A student at Wittenburg College, Spring- field, O.

XLV. Elvira F. Swope' (Col. Rufus C.\ Col. Ephraim*, Adam^ John''', Yost') was born in Adams county, Pa., Dec. 14, 1847. She married, June 20, 1867, Dr. J. A. Krumrine, who was born July 28, 1842 They now reside in New York City. Six children were the result of this union:—

i. Grace E. Krumrine, b. Aug. 10, 1S6S.

ii. Nellie E. Krumrine, b. Jan. 12, 1871. iii. Guy Swope Krumrine, b. Nov. 22, 1874. iv. Earl G. Krumrine, b. June 19, 1878.

V. Hazel J. Krumrine, b. July 31, 18S1. vi. Ina R. Krumrine, b. Oct. 21, 1884.

XLVI. Granville H. Swope" (Col. Rufus C.\ Col. Ephraim*, Adam', John", Yost' ) was born in Adams county. Pa., July 21, 1849. He was engaged in business in Gettys- burg, Pa., for a few years after which he went to Baltimore, Md., and engaged in the wholesale cigar business. The firm being Buckingham, Swope & Co. He subsequently retired from the firm and is now engaged in the manufacture of cigars in Baltimore. He married, 1873, Emma J. Bucking- ham, of Gettysburg. They had issue as follows:

i. Annie Ray Swope, b. Sept., 1873. ii. Harry Forest Swope, b. June, 1875. iii. John L. Swope, b. Feb., 1877. iv. Granville C. Swope, b. March, 1S80. V. Emma B. Swope, b. April, 1885.

XEVII. AuGUSTu.s L. Sw^ope' (Col. Rufus C.^ Col. Eph- raim*, Adam^ John'-', Yost') was born in Fairfield, Adams

314 The S'u'opc Fa III I h.

county. Pa., Aug. 26, 1850. He married Martha A. Tay- lor, Sept. 26, 1S77. She was boni in Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 4, 1858, where they were married. They had children as follows:

i. Cai.vix W. Swoph, b. July 4, 1S7S, in Edensburg, Pa. ii. Ida B. Swope, b. Aug. 2, 1S80, in Greenland, Col. iii. Anna E. Swope, b. Pel) 14, 1882, in Colorado Springs, iv. RuFUS C. Swope, b. Aug. 24, 18S5, in Colorado Springs.

XLVIII. EPHRAni B. SwoPii'' (Col. Rufus C.\ Col. Eph- raim*, Adam', John', Yost' ) was born in Fairfield, Pa., March 24. 1854. He married, Dec. 9, 1875, Laura C. Gklbaugh. They reside at Fairfield, Pa. They had issue as follows:

i. Ella M. Swope, b. Dec 8, 1S76. ii. Lottie G. Swope, b. Dec. 4, 1878; d., Nov. 3, 1891, of

diphtheria. iii. Walter R. Swope. b. Oct. 10, 1880. iv. Fannie L. Swope, b. July 10, 1882; d. Oct. 12, 1882. V. George E. Swope, b. Aug. 17, 1883; d. Oct. 7, 1891, of

diphtheria. vi. Grace E. Swope, b. Feb. 2, 1885; d., Nov. 22, 1891, of

diphtheria, vii. Annabel Swope, b. June 24, 1886; d., Jan. 23, 1892, of

diphtheria, viii. Joseph G. Swope, b. Feb. 7, 1888. ix. Clayton S. Swope, b. May 5, 1890. X. Alice \V. Swope, b. Oct. 11, 1S92. xi. Charles E. Swope, b. Jan. 9, 1895.

XEIX. Edward McPherson Swope' (Col. Rufus', Col. Ephraim', Adam', John'"', Yost') was born, Oct. 18, 1858, in Fairfield, Pa. He married, Feb. 23, 1886, Cora B. Stryker. They reside at Petersburg, Pa. They had children as fol- lows:—

i. Edna H. Swope, b. Feb 4, 1887; died in childhood,

ii. RuFEsS. Swope, b. April 23, 1888.

iii. Myrtle V. Swope, b. Aug., 1891.

iv. William Stryker Swope, b. Nov. 26, 1894.

L. Mary Lucixda Stoneseifer'' ( Eucinda (Swope) Stoneseifer', Col. Ephraim Swope*, Adam Swope', John Swope-, Yost Swope' ) was born, April 23, 1856, in Littles-

The Stvopc Family. 315

town, Pa. She married, Feb. 22, 1874, William P. Stover, b. May 23, 185 1. They reside at Littlestown , Pa. They had children as follows:

i. Laura B. Stover, b. July 7, 1875. ii. Georges. Stover, b. Feb. 17, 1878. iii. Elenora Stove;r, b. Feb. 21, 1880. iv. Vioi,ET May Stover, b. March 14, 1883.

V. WiivLiAM R. Stover, b. Nov. 20, 1884. vi. Mary C. Stover, b. March 6, 1887. vii. Emma E. Stover, b. April 6, 18S9; d July 21, 1889. viii. Hei^En L. Stover, b. March 29, 189:. ix. Naomi G. Stover, b. Aug. 19, 1894.

LI. Thomas Winder' (Ann (Woods) Winder", Adam Swope Woods', Catharine (Swope ) Woods\ Adam Swope\ John Swope^ Yost Swope') was born Feb. 26, 1862; married, June 30, 1884, Margaret Walsh. In 1895, he made a circuit of the United States, near the borders, on a bicycle, riding or walking the whole distance estimated at 20,000 miles and contributing articles weekly to the Buffalo, N. Y. , Illustrated Express, descriptive of his trip. His tour and articles excited so much interest that he was solicited to make a .similar tour of England in the interest of the same paper, which he declined to do. He is now general advertising agent for the Eclipse Bicycle Co. at Elmira, N. Y. They had issue as follows:

i. Dora A. Winder, b. June 15, 1885. ii. Paul Winder, b. Aug. 26, 1886. iii. Caleb B. Winder, b. April 26, 1891. iv. Donald Winder, b. Oct. 22, 1894.


First generation Yost Swope,











37 210



466 21







I. Rev. Benedict Swope was a clergyman of the Re- formed Church. Family traditions say that he was born near York, Pa. Public records, however, speak of him as " from Germany," so his place of birth is uncertain. There are some things which point to his being of the same family as Benjamin Swope, elsewhere mentioned, who lived near York in 1759 (Pa. Archives). One is that Benjamin was a member of the Reformed Church, as was R'^v. Benedict, while all the other Swopes of that section were Lutherans, according to the Church records. Rev. B. Swope entered the ministry of the Reformed Church in 1771. Harbaugh, in " The Fathers of the Reformed Church," says, " Rev. Benedict Swope is first mentioned in the Cotal minutes of 1770 as preaching in the neighborhood of Baltimore, as not being a member of Cotus, and as having been charged with creating strife in the con- gregations of Mr. Faber, who also was not a member of Cotus. These two men applied to Cotus to have their differ- ences adjudicated, and in the hope of doing some good, Cotus appointed Revs. Gross and Gobrecht to visit that region and if possible restore order. Mr. Swope was at that time an ap- plicant before Cotus for examination and ordination, which 21

3i8 The Sic ope Family.

was promised him in case the committee appointed to examine into the affairs of that charge should report favorably. The committee made a favorable report, dated Dec. 7, 1770, and he was directed to be ordained. Revs. Henop and Hendel were appointed to ordain him." After his ordination he be- came pastor of the Second Reformed Church in Baltimore, he being the choice of the evangelical party of the church. About 1774 he moved to Kentucky and settled at Logan's Station, Lincoln county, where he bought a tract of land. On the breaking out of the Revolutionary War he returned to Baltimore, where he remained until itsclo.se, then returned to Kentucky. He was a life-long friend of Bishop Asbury, and assisted Dr. Coke at the ordination of the Bishop in Balti- more, in 17S4. The Bishop refers to him in his joiu'nal as " a very pious, talented and zealous German minister, in full sympathy with the several movements in the Church." A great-grandson of Rev. B. Swope, Bishop John C. Keener, gives this account of the close of his life: "He preached in the German and English languages, and two years before his death he ceased his ministerial work. His death occurred at the home of his son Jacob, and was caused by something like gout. In the early part of the night on which he died he was very cheerful, talking to an old neigh- bor, and about break of day, March 30, 181 r, he died. He was con.scious and perfectly calm, death having no terrors for him." His age was 79 years and 6 months. He married Susanna Welker, who died March, 1795. They had children as follows:

i. John Swope, who had entered land near Shelbyville, Ky., in 1776, was killed by the Indians in 17S2, on Long run, Jefferson county, Ky.

2. ii. Benedict Swope; m Margaret Keener.

iii. PoujE SwoPE; m. Col. William Brent, an Englishman. He was a lawyer by profession, and served in the Revo- lutionary War with distinction. They had children as follows ^John, Benjamin, Theresa and Matilda.

3. iv. Jacob Swope; m. Margaret Pope.

4. V. George Swope, b. Jan. 9, 1758; m., March 10, 1777,

Margaret Huifhein.

REV. BENEDICT SWOPE. (From an oil portrait.)

TH .

-J 1. 4 c'liXtiv 1


The Sivopc Family. 321

5. vi. Susanna Swope, b. Nov. 16, 1761; m., April 20, 1780,

Christian Keener.

6. vii. David SwoPK; m.,Jan. 28, 1792, Polly Montgomery, viii. Sally Swope; m. Greenbury Majors. They had one son

and three daughters.

II. Benedict Swope'* (Rev. Benedict') married, in Balti- more, Md., Margaret, daughter of Melchoir Keener. For a time he was merchandising, probably in Baltimore. About 1779 according to records, tradition gives an earlier date he moved to Lincoln county, Ky., where he bought eighteen hundred acres of land. The greater part of it was unim- proved Government land but that portion on which he lived had been improved previous to his purchase. A warrant for one thousand acres of the land is still in existence, bearing date Oct. 15, 1779. The price paid was four hundred pounds. He sold the greater portion of the land to individuals in small tracts, one of which was to Greenbury Majors, his brother- in-law. He died in Uncoln county, and is buried in a grave- yard on his farm, still occupied by his descendants. Benedict Swope and his wife Margaret had children as follows:

i. Jesse vSwope; m. Polly Hetrick. They settled in Pettis

county, Mo., and reared a family, ii. Charles Swope; m. Polly Wilds. Residence, Howard county, Mo.

7. iii. Benedict Swope; m. Dorcus Swope.

8. iv. John Swope; m. Fannie Roerty.

9. V. Samuel Swope ; m. Kemper.

vi. Margaret Swope; m. Inglehart Yeizer, and lived in

Lexington, Ky. vii. Elizabeth Swope; m. William Step. Children— Gold- son, Thomas, Elizabeth. 10. viii. Sarah Swope; m. Joshua Dunn.

ix. Nancy Swope; m. Elijah Whitten. They settled in Missouri and reared a family.

III. Jacob Swope' (Rev. Benedict') was one of the early pioneers of Kentucky, and probably settled there at about the same time his brothers did. He became a large land holder in what is now Lincoln county. Many of his descendants still reside there and are influential and respected citizens. He married Margaret Pope, in Lexington county, Ky.

322 The Swope Family.

He was born 1767, and died Oct. 30, 1847. They had issue as follows:

11. i. John Brevett Swope, b. June 15, 1789; m. Frances A.

Hunton. ii. Susan Swope; m. Samuel Oglesby. iii. Polly Swope; ni. William Craig, iv. Greenbury Swope; m. George, of Woodford county,

Ky. V. David Swope. vi. George Swope.

12. vii. Jacob Swope, b. Jan. i, i<So2; ni. Harriet F. Waggoner, viii. Benjamin Swope.

ix. Samuel Swope.

IV. George Swope''' (Rev. Benedict') was born Jan. 9, 1758, and died in Spencer count3^ Ky. He married, March 10, 1777, Margaret Huffhfin. His marriage in all prob- ability took place in Baltimore, Md., or that vicinity, as he lived there after his marriage, and his children were born there. The date of his removal to Kentucky is not known. They had issue as follows:

13. i. William Swope, b. Feb. 19, 1779; m. Ruth Holtschaw.

14. ii. Joseph Swope, b Feb. 6, 17S2; m. Sally Rednion. iii. George Swope, b. June, 1785; died in infancy.

15. iv. Henry Swope, b. April 17, 1787; m. Sally Young.

16. V. George Swope, b. March 14, 1788; m. first, Annie Davis;

ni., secondly, Matilda Maddux.

17. vi. LvDiA Swope, b. Feb. i, 1792; ni. Macom McCullum.

18. vii. Michael Swope, b. May 8, 1794; m. Jane Rings

V. Susanna Swoph" (Rev. Benedict') was born Nov. 16, 1 76 1, and died Sept. 17, 1829. She married, April 20, 1780, Christian Keener, born Aug. 12, 1752; died Nov. 21, 18 1 7. They lived and died in Baltimore, Md. Mr. Keener amassed quite a large fortune, and at his death left his child- ren well provided for. The issue of this union was as fol- lows:—

i. Lydia Keener, b. Feb. 10, 1781; d. Aug. 6, 1781.

ii. Anna Maria Keener, b June 4, 1782; d. 1878. She was twice married, first to Christian Reigert. They had four sons. Married, secondly, Rev. James Stevens. They traveled through Pennsylvania in their own car-


( From a Water Color.)


The S^copc Family. 325

riage to his different appointments in the scattered settlements, sometimes meeting Indians by the way. She had a number of children, all of whom she survived. At her death she was a great, great, great, grandmother.

19. iii. Susanna Keener, b. Oct. 2, 1784; m. Edward Orrick. iv. Sarah Keener, b. Nov. 17, 1788; d Dec 23, 17S8.

V. MargareTTa Keener, b. Dec. 18, 1789; d. Oct. 18, 1791. vi. Christian M. Keener, b. June 14, 1791; d. Oct. 6, 1791. vii. Benedict Swope Keener, b. Jan 15,1793; d. June 20,

1793- viii. John J. Keenp:r, b. Feb. 8, 1794; d. Oct. 24, 1796.

20. ix. Christian Keener, b. June 22, 1795; m. Mary C. Brice.

X. Dr. David Keener, b. Aug. 25, 1796; d. July, i86r. He graduated in medicine but never practiced his profes- sion. He was the first chemist of Baltimore in his day, and for many years he was interested in the copper works of that city. He married Mary Zollickoffer, of Maryland. They had three children Caroline, who married Dr. Dulin, and is still living in her seventy- ninth year. Maria L. and William Henry.

xi. Maria Catharine Keener, b. Oct. 5, 1797; d. Feb. 6,

1 84 1. vShe married Luther J. Cox, and had seventeen

children, four of whom are now living ^Jennings S.,

Samuel K , Luther J., and Mrs. Lottie Boardly.

xii. William Swope Keener, b. Feb. 28, 1800; d. Nov. 22,

1 801. xiii. Samuel Keener, b. Feb. 5, 1801; d. Feb. 3, 1854. He

married Malvina McClellan. He moved to Ohio and

became a farmer. xix. Charles Swope Keener, b. Aug. 26, 1802; d. Jan. 30,


VI. David Swope'-' (Rev. Benedict') settled in what is now Lincoln county, Ky., and lived there for many years. He was an artist, and painted the picture of his sister Su.sanna, shown elsewhere. He died in Henderson, Ky., 1845. He married, Jan. 28, 1.792, Polly Montgomery, who died Nov. 20, 18 1 3. They had issue as follows:

i. Martin Swope, b. March 8, 1 794. He was married twice,

but we have no further knowledge of him. ii. DoRCAS SwoPE, b. April 2, 1796; d. July 30, 1871. She married her cousin, Benedict Swope. (See VII.)

21. iii. Morgan Swope, b. Aug. 3, 1798; m. first, Mary Robin-

son; m. secondly, Martha A. Ruby.

326 The Sivope Family.

iv. Montgomery Swope, b. Aug. 16, 1801; d. Sept. 20, 1826,

in Henderson, Ky. ; unmarried. V. Polly Swope, b. Nov. 19, 1S04; died young.

22. vi David Swope, b. Jan. 31, 1807; m. Lvicinda Miller.

vii. Eliza Swope; m. John Speidell. He was a merchant in Louisville for a number of years; subsequently the family moved to Nashville, Tenn. They had children ^John, Keener, Thomas. Richard, Benjamin, Jacob, Mary, Eliza, Johannah.

VII. Benedict Swope' (Benedict", Rev. Benedict') was brought by his parents to Kentucky, when it was a wilder- ness filled with wild animals and Indians. After attaining manhood he married his cousin Dorcas, daughter of David Swope. They had issue as follows:

23. i. Mary Swope; m. Logan Dawson.

ii. Margaret Swope, b. Aug. 20, 1820; d. Aug. 8, 1893; unmarried.

24. iii. Hardin Swope, b. March 31, 1816; d , 1859; m. Eliza J.


25. iv. Dorcas Swope; m. Austin Frazier.

26. V. Dr. Benedict M. Swope, b. Aug. 24, 1829; m. Elizabeth


vi. Eliza Ann Swope, b. Aug. 27, 1S32; m. first, Evermount Dawson. They had one son, William L. She m., sec- ondly, Matthew Evermount. They had three sons Armsted H., Matthew E., and Benjamin F.

vii. Sar.\h E Swope, b. Aug. 12, 1^35; m. William Bronaugh

VIII. John Swope'' (Benedict", Rev. Benedict') married Fannie Roerty, in Garrard county, Ky. They had issue as follows:

i. Benedict Swope, b. 1822; d. 1S93.

ii. Daniel Swope; m. Matilda Waters They reside at Fill- more, Jassamine county, Ky. They had issue, John, Taylor, Daniel, Bruce, Ad. iii. Samuel R Swope, b. Nov. 21, 1.S26; m. Elizabeth Bright, b. Aug. 15, 1830. Residence Gray's Point, Lawrence county. Mo. They had issue:

i. Henry, b. Oct. i, 1S49; m., Oct. 30, 1873, Ann

Grey, ii. Benedict, b. Nov. 28, 1851; m. Nov. 16, 1873, Susan Grey.

The Swopc Faynily. 327

iii. Fannik, b, Nov. 22, 1853; m., March 26, 1874,

Lee McL,emone. iv. Mattie, b. Sept. 16, 1855; d. Sept. 24, 1865. V. John, b, April 13, 1858; d. Nov. i, 1862. vi. Kate, b. Nov. 3, i860; d. Sept. 17, 1870. vii. JAME.S, b. Nov. 7, 1862; m. Dec. 2, 1883, Sallie

Robinson. Residence Grey's Point, Mo. viii. Ward, b. Dec. 12, 1864; m , Nov. 13, 1888, Martha Christian. Residence Forest Grove, Ore. ix. Florence, b. March 16, 1867; m., Nov. 25, 1888,

E. Yant. X. George, b. Nov. 18, 1869; m., March 21, 1894, Zella Williams, iv. Mary Swope; m. Thomas Floyd. Residence Danville,

Ky. They had issue, William, Fannie, Margaret. V. James Swope; d. unmarried, vi. Joseph Swope ; m. Mary Dunn. Residence Indianapolis,

Ind. They had two children, Fannie and Jesse. vii. Jesse Keener Swope resides at Morristown, Ind ; un- married, viii. ZerELDA Swope; m. Nov. 25, 1857, Abraham W. Barker. Residence Danville, Ky. They had issue: i. Fannie W., b. Sept. 30, 1858; died, ii. Salue, b. March 19, 1S60; d. June 19, i860, iii. Abraham P., b. Aug., 1862; d. Jan. 12, 1863. iv Eli.a W., b. Aug. 12, 1865. V. John J., b. Aug. 15, 1866; d. Sept. 3, 1892. vi Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1873. vii. Benedict vSwoPE, b. Jan. 2, 1878. ix. John Swope died unmarried. X. Sally Swope died young.

IX. Samuel Swope' (Benedict', Rev. Benedict') married Miss Kemper, in Garrard county, Ky. They had issue:—

i. John Swope; m. Millie Kemper, in Garrard county. They had issue: i. BURDETTE

ii. Joshua. iii. Henry.

iv. Jamima; m. John Greening. V. Sally.

vi Mary; m. Marksberry.

ii. BURDETTE Swope; m. Vaughn, in Garrard county,

Ky. iii. Elcinda Swope; m. Thompson, in Garrard county,


328 The S7copc Fa7nily.

X. Sarah Swope'' (Benedict', Rev. Benedict') married Joshua Dunn, and lived in Garrard county, Ky. They had issue:

i. Margaret Dunx; m Henry Smith. They had three

daughters ^Jennie, Addie, and Nannie, ii. Augustus Dunn; m. Margaret Liiicolnfeld. One son, Franklin, is in the navy.

iii. Benjamin Dunn; d. unmarried. iv. Jesse Dunn; is unmarried.

V. William Dunn; m. Belle Burnsides. They had children Joshua, m. Rebecca Hill; Joseph, Lizzie, Corah, and .\iiielia. vi Elizabeth Dunn; m. Ezekiel F. Gaines. They had two daughters Sallie, m. Ray Morse; Ella, m. Samuel Brice. vii. Eliza Dunn; m. James Cook. They have one son,

Eugene, viii. Sarah Dunn. ix. Wilson Dunn.

X. Charles Dunn; m. Peachy Overstreet. They had child- ren— ^largaret and William xi. Joshua Dunn; m. Monie McRoberts. They had child- ren— Thomas, Edgar, Ella, Harvey.

XI. John Brevett Swope^ (Jacob-, Rev. Benedict') was born June 15, 1789, in Lincoln county, Ky. He continued to live there until about 1846, when he moved to Danville > Ky., where he died June 29, 18S1. He was possessed of a competency and was not engaged in any business, although in early manhood he read law, bttt never practiced the pro- fession. He married, May 10, 1826, Frances A. Hunton, who was born in Fauquier county, Va., Feb. 2, 1S04; died May 2, 1847. She was of the .same family as Gen. Eppa Hunton, late U. S. Senator from \'irginia. They had issue as follows:

i. Thomas H. Swope, was b?Trn and reared in Danville, Ky. He was graduated from Vale University, after which he read law with Judge Reavis, in Gainesville, Ala., but never practiced his profession. In 1S56 he went to Kansas City, ^lo., then a village of 1,000 or 1,200 people, and made investments; also at Wyandotte. Later, in 1S64, he made extensive personal explorations in the Rockv Mountains, where he also made invest-


' •• £.«.»«,.» AND

The Szvope Family. 331

ments. All of these investments through time grew to large proportions, and he became very wealthy. He has given liberally of his large means to charitv and public purposes. In 1S91 he gave ^25,000 to Centre Col- lege, Ky. , and in 1S93 he gave three and a half acres in Kansas Cit}' for a park, and in 1S96 a tract of land con- taining 1313 acres of the finest land in Jackson county, four miles southeast of Kansas City limits, on the Blue River, for a city park to be named after the donor, " Swope Park." This magnificent gift is highly appre- ciated by the citizens of Kansas City, and is estimated to be worth a quarter of a million of dollars, and will give Kansas City the second largest park in this country. June 6, 1S96, was a day set apart for opening the park. Business was almost suspended, and thousands wended their way to their new pleasure ground, and all were enthusiastic in doing honor to their generous benefactor. It was there resolved to erect a statue in the park in honor of the donor. Althoiigh Mr. Swope has spent much of his tiine in Kansas City and made it the object of his generosity, jet he does not consider it his home. He cherishes a love for his native State and maintains a residence in Woodford county, Ky. , in the heart of the far-famed blue grass region. He is a man of wide read- ing and the most diversified information. He has kept abreast of the questions of the day, being a sagacious and careful observer of political and social changes. He has spent considerable time in the Old World, hav- ing made three trips abroad, ii. Wir^ijAM Craig Swope, b. Nov. 8, 1830; d. Oct. 8, 1867, in Kansas City, Mo.

iii. Maggie A. Swope, b Oct. 20, 1832. She married, June 16, 1858, William M. Fleming. They have one son, Stuart Swope, b. April 11, 1S59; m., Oct. 8, 1890, Mary Meredith Warfield. The family reside in Columbia, Tenn.

iv. John B. Swope ; m. Annie Wallace. He is a farmer re- siding at Midway, Ky. They have one son.

V. Eliza J. vSwope; m. Dr. J. D. Plunket and resides in Nashville, Tenn. They have one daughter.

vi. Felix F. Swope, b. April 24, 1844. He died Feb. 19, 1864. from a wound received in battle in the service of the Confederacy.

vii. Logan O. Swope, b. Feb. 27, 1847. He married. May 10, 1877, Maggie, daughter of Hon. William Chrisman, of Independence, Mo., where they reside. They had issue as follows:

332 The Swope Fainilv.

i. William C, b. March 29, 1878. ii. Frances H., b. Dec. 9, 1879. iii. Thomas H., b. Aug. 23, 1882. iv. Lucv Lee, b. July i, 1886. V. Margaret, b. May 21, 1888. vi. Stella, b. Oct. 12, 1893. vii. Sara, b. Feb. 12, 1896.

XII. Jacob Swope^ (Jacob", Rev. Benedict^) wa.s born in Lincoln county, Ky., Jan. i, 1S02. He married, June 19, 1823, Harriet F., daugher of Thomas and Mary Waggoner, a native of Virginia, wlio \vas born Aug. i, 1802; died July 16, 1865. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Illinois, where they remained until 1836, when they removed to Platte county. Mo., where he engaged in farming. In 1859 they moved to Santa Clara county, Cal., where they resided until death. They had issue as follows:

i. David vSwope, b. March 12, 1824; d., about 1840, in Platte county. Mo.

ii. Thomas W. Swope, b. in Kentucky, 1825; d., 1864, in Buchanan county. Mo. He married, in 1855, Margaret Long, who survived him. She afterwards married and moved to New Mexico, iii. Mary Garnett Swope, b. Nov. 8, 1827, in Kentucky. She married, in Missouri, 1856, W. F. Dollins, and died in Centre county. Mo., 1896, leaving ten sons and one daughter.

iv. Jacob Swope, b. Sept. 27, 1829. He married, in 1853, Mar}- H. Long, in Clay county, IMo. In 1863 they moved to Santa Clara county, Cal., where he engaged in farming and stock raising. He died Dec. i, 1891. They had the following children William F. and Jacob are merchandising in Seattle, Wash. ; Edwin, Reuben, Margaret, Harriet, Mary, Clara, Emma and Susan.

V. John Franklin Swope, was born in Kentucky, 1832. He remained with his father on the farm until he was seventeen; he then went to California in search of gold (1849). After remaining thereabout two years he re- turned to Missouri, and on Feb. 3, 1855, married Laura A. Mann. They had issue as follows ^Jacob L., Will- iam H., Alice, who married; James A., Anna E., who married: Randolph, Fannie H., who married; Stuart, MaryC, who married; Lewis, Charles A., and Sarah M. The family reside at Plattsbuig, Mo.

The Sivope Fa?nily. 333

vi. Ann Eliza Swope, was born in Piatt county, Mo., Sept. II, 1836. She married there, Aug. 3, 1853, Rush Mc- Comas. They moved to Santa Clara county, Cal., 1861, where Mr. McComas is engaged in farming, and is also president of the Garden City Bank and Trust Company, of San Jose, where they reside. They have two sons Allen, a bookkeeper, and Henry, a lawyer, and five daughters, Cora, Ella, Harriet, Ann, and Katy. vii. Margaret Swope, was born in Piatt county. Mo., Oct. 13, 1838. She married there, in 1856, V. L. Hollings- worth, who died the following year. She married, sec- ondly, J. M. Arnold, and moved to California, where she died, Nov. 24, 1886, without issue. viii. William Henry Swope, b. Feb. 6, 1841, in Piatt county. Mo.; m., 1877, in Santa Clara county, Cal., Laura Campbell. He is a farmer. They have three daughters Ada, Ethel, and Tiny.

ix. Harriet Swope, b. June 24, 1843, in Missouri. She m., in Santa Clara county, Cal., Dec, 1865, L. P. Alex- ander, a farmer. They have two sons— Arthur and El- bert— and six daughters, Belle, Emma, Josephine, Minna, Mabel, and Stella.

XIII. William SwopE^ (George', Rev. Benedict') was born in Baltimore, Md., June 19, 1779; died in Owensboro. Ky., Jan. 2, 1861. He married Ruth Hollschaw, b. Oct. 30, 1779; d. Oct. 8, 1869, in Davis coimty, Ky. They had issue as follows:

i. Christopher Swope, b. Oct. 26, 1804; m. Eliza Good- win. He was a farmer, and both were members of the Baptist Church. They had issue, but the names are un- known.

ii. Samuel Swope, b. Nov. 16, 1807, in Spencer county, Ky.; d. in Davis county, Ky., June 15, i860, unmarried. 27. iii. Sara M. Swope, b. Aug. 18, 1809; m. Preston Maddux.

iv. Susan Swope, b. June 9, 1811, in Spencer county, Ky. She married there, William Phillips. They lived, after their marriage, in Davis county, Ky., where they died. They had issue— James and Edwin H. V. William J. Swope, b. March 27, 1814; d., Aug., 1869, in Spencer county, Ky. He married there, Nancy Mason. The issue of this union was as follows— Burges, Jane, James, Ann, Catharine, Sarah, Julia, Benjamin, John.

vi. Mary A. Swope, b. April 14, 1816; m. John Goodman.

vii. Louisa Swope, b. Sept. 22, 1818; d. in infancy. ^

334 ^'^'^ S'd'ope Family.

viii. JUI.IA SwoPE, b. May 4, 1820, in Spencer county, Ky.; m. George Livingston, of New York. They are both dead. One son was the issue of this union John, who lives near Owensboro, Ky. ix. Lucy SwoPE, b. June 24, 1823, in Spencer county, Ky.; m. George \V. Williams, a farmer. She died 1893. The}' had children Nancy, Ruth, Rose, Mary, Law- rence, George, Dell, and RoUin, who is a physician.

XIV. Joseph Swope^ (George', Rev. BenedictV) was born, Feb. 12, 1782, in Baltimore, Md. He accompanied his father's family to Kentucky, but it is supposed that he lived in Virginia some time prior to his removal to Kentuck}-, as he there married Sarah Redman. He died April 30, 1852, and is buried at Antioch Church, Union county, Ky. He was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. They had issue as follows:

28. i. A1.FRED SwoPE, b. Aug. 21, 1806; m. Eliza Maddux.

ii. Elijah Swope, b. near Tajdorsville, Ky. He died, Feb.

12, 1S86, near Parsons, Kansas. He married, first,

Dobbins; m., secondly, Nancy Phillips; m., thirdly, Susan Stout, iii. James vSwoPE, b., Sept. 16, 1811, near Taylorsville, Ky.; d. Sept. 27, 187S, in Union count}-, Ky., and is buried at Antioch Church. He married, first, Mary Dobbins, of Taylorsville; m., secondly, Elizabeth Boyle, of Nel- son county, Ky. ; m., thirdly, Kitty O. Wilcox, vi. Marinda Swope, b., July 25, 1815, in Spencer county, Ky. ; m., Sept. 26, 1828, Samuel B. Aldeson, of Virginia; b. 1808; d., Nov. 15, 1886, at Cairo, Ky. v. Harvey Swope, b., April 24, 1822, near Taylorsville, Ky. ; m., Feb. 13, 1843, America C. Soloman; b., Dec. 24, 1826, at Morganfield, Ky. They reside at Cairo, Ky. They had issue as follows:

i. Mary, b. Jan. 31, 1844; m., Oct. 9, 1859,

Wilkins, and resides in Evansville, Ind. ii. Josephine, b. Sept. 29, 1847; m. Jan. 12, 1866.

XV. Henry Swope'^ (George'^ Rev. Benedict^) was born April 17, 1787; m. Sally Young. They had issue:

i. JESSE Swope; died, ii. Abijah Swope; died, iii. Matilda Swope; died.




The Swope Family. 339

iv. Mary Swope; m. Ragan and resides in Kansas

City, Mo. V. Amanda Swope.

XVI. George Swope' (George-', Rev. Benedict') was born, March 14, 1788 (?9), in Baltimore, Md. He accom- panied his father's family to Kentucky, where he settled in Spencer county, and engaged in farming. He retired later in life and resided in Louisville, Ky., until his death, which occurred Sept. 18, 1876. He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for seventy years. He married, first, Dec. 17, 181 8, Annie Davis, born May 20, 1793. One son was the issue of this union

i. Robinson Davis Swope, b. Jan. 5, 1820. He was in Rosseau's division of Rosecrans' army. He was a prominent Mason and Odd Fellow. He died at his home, in Louisville, Jan. 15, 1863, unmarried.

George Swope m., secondly, Oct. 28, 1824, Matilda Maddux, b. Jan. 28, 1806. She was a daughter of Nel- son Maddux and Martha Beauchamp. They had i.ssue as follows:

i. Martha Swope, b. Aug. 28, 1825; d. in infancy.

ii. Amanda Swope, b. April 25, 1827; resides in Louis- ville, Ky.

iii. JuuA Ann Swope, b. Dec. 31, 1829; d. April 10, 1888. She married Josiah R. Pye, of New York city, who was the founder of the "Cincinnati Humane Society," and organized and for many years managed the Brooklyn " Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."

iv. Malvina Oglesby Swope, b. Feb. 6, 1832; d. Jan. 20,

1S43. 29. V. Eliza Swope, b. Feb. 24, 1834; m. George W. Pitkin,

vi. William Swope, b. Sept. i, 1837; d. Sept. 9, 1837.

XVII. Lydia Swope' (George', Rev. Benedict') was born Feb. I, 1792. She married Macom McCullom and lived at Millwood, Lincoln county. Mo., in 1855. They had issue:—

i. Greenburv Swope.

ii. Eliza Ann Swope; m. Pace and moved to Texas.

iii. Joanna Swope; m. Dobbins and lived at Spring

River, Mo.

340 The Szvopc Family.

iv. LeGrand Swope. V. Mai.vina Swope.

vi. Almeretta Swope; m. Palmer and settled in Texas.

vii. Jane Swope. viii. Matilda Swope. ix. George Swope; went to California in 1852.

XVIII. Michael Swope^ (George-, Rev. Benedict^) was born, May 8, 1794, near Baltimore, Md. He was taken with the faniil}^ to Kentucky, where he remained until 1835, when he moved to Indiana and settled in Scott county. He was one of the earliest settlers, and the country was verj' sparsely peopled and game was abundant. His son relates the story that a man, employed b}' his father, went out hunting and one da}" brought in three deer as the result of the daj-'s sport. Michael Swope m., Dec. 3, 18 13, Jane Ringo, b. Sept. 23, 1792; d. Aug. II, 1866. He died Aug. 11, 1877. They had issue as follows:

i. Ai^BERT Swope; m. Catharine Siillivan and resides at Quincy, 111. They have children:

i. Homer M ; m. and has two daughters Lillian

T. and Alma A. Residence, Ouincy, 111. ii. Joseph Swope. iii. Charlotte Swope.

30. ii. John S. Swope, b. March 4, 1S24; m. Matilda B. Noakes.

31. iii. Francis Macomb Swope, b. 1S30; m. Sarah M. Vance.

32. iv. Hilary F. Swope, b. April 22, 1832; m. Elizabeth Sul-


V. Jane Swope; m. Randall and lives in Para, 111.

They have two sons.

XIX. Susanna Keener^ (Susanna (Swope) Keener\ Rev. Benedict Swope') was born Oct. 2, 1784; m. Edward Orrick. They had issue:

i. Dr. John Orrick; m. Lydia Kirk. They had seven children.

33. ii. William K. Orrick, b. Nov. 20, 1808; m. Mary A.

Yundt. iii. Edward Orrick.

XX. Christian Keener^ (Susanna (Swope) Keener^ Rev. Benedict Swope\) was born June 22, 1795; d. Oct. 23, i860. He was associated with his brothers, Samuel and

1. Amanda Swope.

2. E;iiza Swope, wife of George W. Pitkin.

3. Robinson Davis Swope.

4. Julia A. Swope, wife of Josiah R. Pye.


'-"'» .'v 1 ■\-T ^ ^x _


I ) ■* I.





The Swope Family. 345

David, in the wholesale and retail drug business, in Baltimore, for a number of years. After the dissolution of the partner- ship Christian continued the business. He was a man of superior judgment and keen foresight, and his advice was often sought in public and private affairs. He was an active worker in the M. E. Church, a strong advocate of temperance and editor of the Temperance Herald. He married Mary C. Brice. They had issue as follows:

34. i. Rev. John C. Keener, D. D., b. Feb. 7, 1819; m. Mary

A. Spencer, ii. EwzA Rebecca Keener, b. Feb. 7, 1821; d. Nov. 2,

1838. iii. Mary C. Keener, b. Nov. i, 1822; residing at 1016 Mc-

Colloh street, Baltimore, iv. Susannah Swope Keener, b. June 10, 1824; ni. John C. Grafflin, of Baltimore; both are dead. The issue of this union was— F. Dorsey, b. April 6, 1858; Emma C, Edith B., Frederick L,. and Walter I. 35 v. Sarah Brice Keener, b. June 26, 1826; m. William A.


36. vi. Anna W. Keener, b. Aug. 2, 1828; m. Dr. J. W. Hanck. vii. Charles H. Keener, b. Feb. 17, 1831; d., Nov. 14, 1873,

while acting as Governor of- the island Nevassa, a small island east of the West Indies. viii. Margaret C. Keener, b. Jan i, 1833; d. Dec. 13, 1838. ix. Sophia L. Keener, b. April 24, 1836; m. Thomas L. Mount, a native of Virginia. She reides at 1016 Mc- Colloh street, Baltimore. They had issue— Carroll B., Christian K., John K. Her daughter, Mary C, married Edward Jones, of Lynchburg, Va. Her son Thomas L. died young.

37. X. D.wiD Keener, b. June 21, 1838; m. Margaret H. Cochran,

XXI. Morgan Swope'' (David', Rev. Benedict') was born Aug. 3, 1798; m., first, Mary Robinson. They had issue:—

i. Elizabeth Swope, b. Sept. 30, 1825; m. Dr. Benedict

Swope. ii. Emily SwopE, died unmarried.

Morgan Swope married secondly, Martha A. Ruby. They had issue:

William H. David M. John M. Morgan.

346 The Szi'ope Family.

XXII. David Swope' (David', Rev. Benedict'), born Jan. 3, 1807; died July 9, 1893. He resided near Stanford, Ky., where he was engaged in farming. He married, 1837, LuciNDA Miller. They had issue as follows:

i. Catharine Swope, d. young, ii. Susan Swope, d. young.

iii. Hon. Armsted M. Swope, b. May i, 1S44, in Lincoln county, Ky. He early showed the characteristics which when developed, made a noble, large-hearted man. He was given a good education, and after leav- ing college entered the law office of Col. T. P. Hill, who had been attracted to him when a boy. because of his " fine figure and splendid eye," and advised his parents to educate him. He made rapid progress in law, and at the end of two years went to Paris, Ky., and became associated with Judge Williams. There he acquired a large practice. In 1S77 he was appointed Internal Revenue Collector of the Seventeenth District of Ken- tucky. This position he held for seven years, retiring with one of the best records of an}' officer in the Gov- ernment service. In politics he was a Republican, and very active in promoting the interests of his party. He was one of the most popular and polished public speakers in the State, and was in constant demand on public occasions. His many admirers organized quite a strong movement to nominate him for Governor of the State, but he declined to allow his name to be used. Later, in 1884, he was strongly recommended by his friends and the press of the State for the Vice Presi- dency. After his resignation of the coUectorship he made a tour of Europe and Egypt, where he remained a year or more. For several years there had been per- sonal differences between him and Wm. Casseus Good- loe of a serious nature, and on Nov. 8, 1S89, the two met in the post office at Lexington. Goodloe stabbed Col. Swope, and the colonel before he fell shot Good- loe. Both died from their wounds, the colonel almost immediately, and Goodloe a few days later. The traged}' caused a universal gloom not onlj' in the com- munity, but throughout the State, where they were so well known. The Lincoln Coimty Bar in passing reso- lutions on his death, said: "Hon. A. M. Swope was a gentleman who through his attainments and virtues was worthy of the confidence that was reposed in him, and in every sense worthy of the honors and positions


'.'.V V


The Szi'Opc Family. -j^n

that were Ijestowed upon him. He was a man of brilliant attainments, of generous magnanimous feel- ings, of commendable aspirations, of honest convictions, of unfaltering courage, of steady honesty, of open- hearted charity, and in all things honorable." He was a man of commanding presence, six feet tall and weighed 225 pounds. He never married, although popular with the ladies and fond of their society.

SALtiE SwoPE, m. Ballard, and re ides at Point

Lick, Ky.

V. Elizabeth Swope, m. Nov. 22, 1870, Broadus. They

had four children two of whom are married. vi. Emma vSwope, m., first, Dr. Montgomery; m., secondly,

Haselden, and resides in Danville, Ky.

vii. James H. Swope, m. Jessie King. He is a farmer near

Danville, Ky. viii. William M. Swope, b. Feb. 6, 1850; m., Nov. 20, 1878, Fannie, daughter of Ambrose M. Young, b. March 12, 1862, in Jes.samine county, Ky. He is a farmer resid- ing at Hickman, Ky. They had issue as follows: Mathie Y., b. Dec 28, 1880. Ariusted M., b. April 13, 1883. William M., b. Jan. 5, 1886. Mabel, b. July 31, 1889.

XXIII. Mary Swope* (Benedict', Benedict', Rev. Bene- dict') m. Logan Dawson, of Stratford, Lincoln county, Ky. The}- had issue:

Mary, m. Bryant. Johx. James J. Sar.\h D.

Susan M., m. John Bright. John L., m. Mary Thur- man. Elijah H., m. Clel) Thurman. Robert F., m. Lulu Thurman. Eliza A., m. William H. Swope. William M., m. Josie McCormick. Iota, m. Samuel Thurman. Louis L. , m. Alice Raney.

XXIV. Hardin Swope' (Benedict", Benedict', Rev. Bene- dict'), b. March 31, 1816; d. Nov. 13, 1S59, at Pleasant Hill, Mo. He married March 24, 1836, Eliza J. Burks. They had issue:

Mary, b. Jan. 15, 1838; m. Joseph Nowdasha. Dorc.\s, b. Feb. 19, 1S40; m. Barbe Bronaugh. Brady, b. Nov. 30, 1S41. Sarah E., b. March 6, 1843; m., first,

Ranch; m., secondly, Hoover. Benj.^min, b.

May 3, 1846. Peachy.

XXV. Dorcas Swope* (Benedict', Benedict', Rev. Bene- 23

350 The Szvope Family.

diet'), married, Austin Frazier, in Garrard county, Ky.

They had issue as follows:

Mary, m. William Salles, and had six children. RoBiiRT, m. Jane ]\Ioore. Bkxjamix F. and Sally.

XXVI. Dr. Benedict M. Swope' (Benedict'', Benedict', Rev. Benedict'), born x\ug. 24, 1829; m. his cousin, Eliza- beth, daughter of Morgan Swope (see XXI.). She was born Sept. 30, 1S25. Dr. Swope is practicing medicine at Bryantsville, Ky., where he is highly esteemed, not only for his professional abilit}', but for his broad intellectual attain- ments. They. had issue:

i. Mary Dorcas Swope, b. Oct. 25, 1850; ni., March 10,

18S7, George Ragsdale. The}- reside at Pleasant Hill,

Mo. it. David Morgan Swope, b. April 4, 1859; m.,Jan. 5, 1889,

Nannie Watts. They reside at Ash Grove, Mo. They

have children, Mary and Edna, iii. Roederick Keener Swope, b. June 25, 1S61; m. Sallie

W. Boner. Residence Br3-antsville. They had issue:

Benedict A., b. March 3, 18S8. George, b. ]\Iay 11,

1890. William T., b. Sept. 3, 1893. iv. Benjamin P. Swope, b. Feb. 7, 1865. V. William Hardin Swope, b. Feb. 9, 1867.

XXVII. Sarah M. Swope* ( William^ George^ Rev. Benedict') was born, Aug. 18, 1809, in Spencer county, K3-.; m. Preston Maddux. They lived in Davis county, Ky., and are both dead. They had issue:

i. Adaline Maddux, b. April 3, 1841; d. in childhood, ii. Elizabeth J. Maddux, b. April 24, 1S43; m. James M. Speed, April 11, 1867. The}- reside at Philpot, Ky. They had issue

i. Edward P., b. Feb. 17, 1868. ii. Sarah E., b. May 9, 1S69; m., Nov. 4, 18S6,

Walter Jones. They reside at Philpot, Ky. iii. Parrie L. , b. June 12, 1871; m., Dec. 23, 1890, Thomas Brown.

XX\'III. Alfred Swope* ( Joseph^ George", Rev. Bene- dict') was born Aug. 21, 1806: d. March 12, 1883; m., June 19, 1828, Eliza Maddux, b. Aug. ir, 18 11; d. Feb. 4, 1S87.

The Szvopc Family. -. rr

They reside in Taj-lorsville, Ky. They had issue as follows, all born at Taylorsville:

i. Louisa vSwopk, b. March 23, 1S29; m., Jan. 29, 1S52, Sam- uel Conrad, who died in Richmond, Ind. He was a farmer by occupation. They had children— Mary E., Annie Pitkin, Charles, and Frank— all dead, ii. C.\RTHAGE vSwoPE, b. March 8, 1832; m, Nov. 27,1850, Samuel Hart now dead, in Taylorsville, Ky., where she now resides. They had issue— Addie, Everett, Sea- ton, Samuel, Russell, Laurena, Marvin, Nora A. died, iii. Matilda Swope, b. April 18, 1834; m., Feb. 15, 1854, William P. Conrad. They resided in Louisville, Ky., until her death. They had issue

i. MORDECi L.; m., Jan. 30, 1882, Florence H. Alderson. They reside at Saxony, Ky., and have a son Emmett A. ii. George a.; m , Feb. 10, 1S81, Kate vSelby.

They reside in Louisville, Ky. iii. Thomas J. G., m., Feb. 5, 1884, Selma V. Smith.

They had issue Hazel and Porter, iv. Martha R.; m., Jan. 9, 1894, John T. Lynn. They had one son Robert S.

iv. Martha SwoPE, b. Feb. i, 1S37; ni., July 17, 1888, John

Simpson, now deceased. She resides in Taylorsville.

No issue. V. David SwoPE, b. April 4. 1838; m., vSept. 4, 1883, Rox-

anna Weaver. I'hey reside in Taylorsville. No issue, vi. George Swope, b. July 12, 1840; m. Jane Ball. He is a

farmer living at Stanford, K}-. The}- have one son

Alfred T. vii. Adei-E Swope, b. Nov. 18, 1S4S; ni., Dec. 18, 1866, John

W.--Rouse. They had issue

i. Della W., b. Aug. 26, 186S; ni. Charles R. Thomas, May 29, 1889. They reside at In- dependence, Mo., and have one son, Robert G., b. March 3, 1890. ii. Mattie M., b. Jan. 9, 1870; m. Oct. 19, 1892, Robert W. McCleary. They reside in Louis- ville, Ky. They had issue: Lucile T., b. Aug. 7, 1893; d. May 3, 1894,

vii. Julia MEdora Swope, b. Dec. 12, 1850; m., vSept. 21, 1876, Elijah T. Pence. They reside at Stratford, Ky. They had issue:— Mary E., b. Nov. 5, 1878; Elijah T.,

352 The Swope Family.

b. Dec. 12, 1879; Alfred, b. Aug. 13, 18S1; Jennie, b, April 8, 1883; Adam, b. Jan. 10, 18S5; Katie, b. Nov. 10, 1S87; Dora, b. Oct. 6, 1889.

XXIX. Eliza Swope* (George', George', Rev. Benedict') was born Feb. 24, 1834; married, July 16, 1S56, Grorge Welles Pitkin, born May 25, 1827. He is a native of Man- chester, Conn., and of an old New England famil3\ He is a lineal descendant of Gov. John Haynes. of Connecticut, of Gov. George Wyllys, of Connecticut, and of Gov. Thomas Dudley, of Massachusetts. Also, of William Pitkin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Connecticut. He is now ex- tensiveh' engaged in the manufacture of paints in Chicago. Mrs. Pitkin is a highly intelligent and cultivated woman. She has prepared a manual of recipes for the preparation of food for the sick and convalescent, "Invalid Cooker)'," which is highly endorsed b}^ the medical profession. vShe is greatly interested in genealogy and has rendered very valu- able assistance in collecting the records of her family. She resides with her family on Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111. The issue of this union was as follows:

i. AxxiE PiTKix, b. May 12, 1857, in Louisville. K}-. ; d.

Jan. 3, 1863. ii. Frank Swope Pitkin, b. June 13, 1S59, in Louisville,

Ky.; d. Jan. 8, 1863. iii. BI.ANCHE PiTKix, b. Jul}- 22, 1S61, in Chicago; d. Jan.

12, 1863. iv. Harry E. PiTkix, b. Aug. i, 1863, in Chicago; m., May

18, 1892, Enid Louisa, daughter of T. Albert Thompson,

of Rochester, X. Y. They reside in Chicago. V. Emiia' Pitkix, b. Aug. i, 1866, in Bothwell, Out; d.

Sept. 15, 1867. vi. Roger Swope PiTKix, b. Nov. 10, 1869, in Chicago; m.,

April 26, 1894, Dorothy Abbot, daughter of Jerome M.

Chapman, of Chicago. She was born April 10, 1872.

They have one son, Dudley Woodbridge, b. Feb. 19,

1896. vii. Ward Cheney Pitkix, b. Sept. 23, 1872, in Chicago; d.

Sept. 20, 1875. viii. Gkrtride Pitkix, b. July 7, 1877, in Chicago

XXX. John S. Swope* (Michael', George^ Rev. Bene- dict'), born March 4, 1S24; married, Nov. 25, 1844, Matilda

77/1? Sicope Family. -i^-i

B. NoAKES, born May 30, r824. He resides at Scottsburg, Ind. The issue of this union was:

i. Claribel SwoPE, b. Aug. 21, 1845; ni., April 6, 1865, Lewis Ryans, b. in Belfast, Ireland. They had children:— John B.,b. Nov. 17, 1S66; Charles L., b. Jan. 7, 1869; Adi I. , b. June 2, 1871; Edward A., b. Sept. 8, 1S74: Emma S , b. Oct. 16, 1877.

ii. Emma I. Swope, b May 27, 1851; m., Sept. 6. 1S76. Andrew J. Mitchell. They reside in Kansas City, They had issue: Florence M., b. Sept. 30, 1877, d. Aug. 15, 1891; Mark, b. Aug. 10, 1879; Jackson, b. Sept. 24, 1883. iii. Edward M. Swope. b Aug. 24, 1853; m.. Sept. 13, 1S74, Mary Wilk. He was engaged in merchandising for a number of years; later he engaged in farming near Wellington, Kansas They had issue Oliver P., b. vSept. 10, 1875; Jesse B., b. July 25, 1878; Sidney M., b. Jan. 30, 1880; Mary M., b. March 31, 1882.

iv. Florence A. Swope, b. Dec. 25, 1855; m., Oct. 9, 1895, Newton M. Wilson, a farmer, near Scottsburg, Ind.

v. William A. Swope, b. March 30, 1S58; m., March 8, 1882, Mamie R. Ditzler, b. Sept. 23, 1855. They reside in Conio, Texas. They had issue: George W., b. Dec. 23, 1883; Willie Virginia, b. Oct. 22, 1886; John S., b. May 7, 1S88; Jane E., b. Oct. 7. 1893.

XXXI. Francis Macomb Swope', (Michael', George'\ Rev. Benedict^), b. 1830; d. Sept. 5, 1892. He lived in Scott county, Ky., at Seymour, Ind., and later at Madison, Ind. He was an energetic and u.seful citizen at Madison; he was a School Director, Bank Director, member of City Council, and secretary and treasurer of the Seymour Manufacturing Com- pany for many years. He married Sarah M. Vance. They had issue as follows:

i. Charlton Armstrong Swope, b. Aug. 31, 1862; in., May 9, 1889, Kate Fichtner. She is an artist, having been a student of the National Academy of Design of New York, where she received the highest award in the antique class of 1888. Her work has attracted a great deal of attention, and she has been awarded several medals by the Southern Art League at Henderson, Ky. Her competitors were not only local talent, but artists from New York. Mr. Swope is chief clerk in the office

354 ^^^^ Szcope Family.

of the traffic manager of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, Louisville, Ky. They had one child Eugene Francis, b. Nov. 4, 1891; d. Jan. 9, 1895.

ii. Frank Dugan Swope, b. 1864, is an attorney-at-law, practicing in Louisville, Ky. The summer of 1895 he spent abroad, making a tour on his bicycle of the country in which his ancestors dwelt, the old Duchy of Swabia. iii. Harry Vance Swope, b. March 4, 1866, in Madison' Ind. He is an artist, having been a student at the famous Julian School in Paris for three years. He is also an opera singer and has won great success on the stage.

iv. Bkrth.\ Vance Swope, b. 1872.

XXXII. HiLORY Franklin Swope* fMichaer, George^ Rev. Benedict' ), born April 22, 1832, in Spencer county, Ky. He moved to Southern Indiana and married in 1S53, Eliza- beth Sullivan, of Jefferson county; died April i, 1867. He married, secondly. May 24, 1869, Julia Holmes Mills, who died April i, 1887, v.dthout issue. He died Dec. 20, 1891, and is buried in Cave Hill Cemeter}', Lotiisville, K}-. Hilory F. Swope and Elizabeth Sullivan had issue:

i. AleEN Swope, b. May 14, 1S56; m. Laura B. Bain, Jan. 7, 1S90 He is a prominent folitician and has represented his district in the State Legislature. They had issue: Edna L., b. Dec. 2, 1890. Joseph A., b. Jan i, 1893. Harold B., b. May 24, 1.S96. ii. Hattie A. Swope, b. Dec. 4, 1857, is unmarried, iii. Jennie S. Swope, b. Dec. 10, 1859; "i- June 27, 1888, Henry C. Montgomery, Superintendent of the Public Schools of Seymour, Ind. They had issue: ^Janet, b. June 30, 1889; d. July 3, 1889. F~rank S., b. Dec. 6, 1890. Coulter M., b. Oct. 13, 1892. Kennett M., b. Nov. 7, 1895. iv. EiJZA :SL Swope, b. Aug. 3, 1862; m. Francis J. Schuler, Jan. 22, 1882. They had issue: Mary E., b. Oct. 12, 18S8. Jennie L., b. Oct. 9, 1890. V. Mary R. Swope, b. July 29, 1865, unmarried.

XXXIII. William Keener Orrick' (Susanna Keener\ Susanna (Swope) Keener', Rev. Benedict Swope'), born Nov. 20, 1808, in Baltimore, Md., where he lived and died. He married March 6, 1832, Mary A. Yundt, born Dec. 23, 1811.

The Swopc Family. ocer

He was a druggist. They were devoted members of the Methodist Church. They had issue:—

i. Catharine S. Orrick, b. Jan. 23, 1S33; d. July 16, i860; m. Dec. 2, 1852, Isaac Shirk, of Baltimore, b. April 20, 182S; d. July 2S, 1858. They had issue:—

i. Mary M., b. Oct. 29, 1853; ^- Aug. 15, 1859. ii. Kate v., b. March 2, 1855; d. March 14, 1858. iii. Henry, b. July 11, 1856, has been successfully practicing law in Baltimore since 1878. He is unmarried, iv. Isaac H., b. Feb. 21, 1S58, is a financial broker in Baltimore and unmarried, ii. William Keener Orrick, b April 24, 1834. iii, Caroline Keener Orrick, b. April i, 1836; died, iv. Mary A. Orrick, b. vSept. 29, 1838. V. Laura J. Orrick, b. June 20, 1843.

vi. Oliver vS. Orrick, b. July 6, 1845, in Baltimore; m. 1875, Mary F. vScott. Her father, John Scott, was a minister of the Friends. In 1876 he moved to Cali- fornia, and is engaged in the manufacture of paints in San Francisco. He is also president of the California Paint Co., of that city, vii. Ann V. Orrick, b. Jan. 4, 1847; d. Dec. 23, 1884.

XXXIV. Rev. John C. Keener. D. D.* (Christian Keener^ Susanna (Swope) Keener, Rev, Benedict vSwope') , At an early age he was sent away to school and graduated at sixteen. He then entered the drtig business with bright prospects of a successful business career. At twenty-three he sold his store and determined to enter the ministry of the M. E. Church. He joined the Alabama Conference and was sent by Bishop Paine to New Orleans. In 1870 he was niade Bishop by the General Conference, at Memphis. He is now the Senior Bi.shop of M. E. Church, South, residing at New Orleans, and although in his seventy-eight year is active in the performance of all his ministerial duties. He married Mary A. Spencer, a native of Maryland. They had issue:

i. Rev. Christian Keener, m. Ella Knox, and resides in

New Orleans; no issue, ii. Rev. John O. Keener, b. Aug. 17, 1854; m. a daughter

of the Rev. John Mathews, of Kansas City, Mo. He

is President of the Southern University, at Greensboro,

Ala. They have one daixghter, Ella.

356 The Sivopc Family.

iii. Rev. Samuei, S. Keener, married and resides in Austin,

ZMiss. iv. Mary A. Keexer, m. Rev. John Wilkinson, and died. V. Emma H. Keener. vi. Louisa G. Keener.

XKXV. Sarah Brice Keener* (Christian Keener', Susanna (Swope) Keener", Rev. Benedict Swope' j born June 26, 1826; died May 17, 1895; married William Dunning- TON. They had issue:

Mary C , d. in infancy. Ann G., m. Addison Clarke, and had twelve children. Francis P. is professor of chemistry in the University of Virginia. HEI.EN C, m. Edward Reynolds, and has three children. Gr.\CE D., m. Charles A. Council. Sophia B., m. Bradford Dunham. Hattie R., m. John C. Wayt. Isabella B., ni. Alf'-ed Poor.

XXXVI. Anna \V. Keener* (Christian Keener', Susanna (Swope) Keener, Rev. Benedict Swope' j born Aug. 2, 1828; died May 12, 18S7; married, June 30, 1856, Dr. J. W. F. Hank, of Baltimore: born March 11, 1S26; died Nov. 3, 1 88 1. They had issue:

i. Alice I. Hank, b. Feb. 23, 1S56; m., Nov. 29, 1881, Rev. Franklin Strother, of Markham, Faquier count}', Va., who died, Oct 29, 18S6. He was a minister of the Methodist Church, South. Mrs. Strother resides in Baltimore. No issue.

ii. William F. Hank, b. Dec. 7, 1858; d. Feb., 1S59.

iii. Lucy C. Hank, b. Oct. 21, 1S60; m., Sept. 2, 1S86, William N. Finley, of Baltimore. They had issue Luc}' C, b. June 15, 1887. Margaret W., b. May 10, 1889; d. May 6, 1S93. Eloise P , b. March 4, 1892. Dorothy R., b. Sept. 28, 1895.

iv. Anna :\I. H. Hank, b. July 17, 1S64: m. Charles D. Harrison, attorney of the Commonwealth for Rocking- ham count)-, Va. They had issue Catharine, b. March 24, 1892. Anna K., b. Nov. 3, 1893. Alice, b. April 17, 1896.

v. Grace Peale Hank, b. Dec. 3, 1870; residing in Balti- more.

XXXVII. David Keener* (Christian Keener^ Susanna (Swope) Keener', Rev. Benedict Swope'.) born June 21, 1838;

The Szvope Family. 357

married, Nov. 22, 1863, Margaret H. Cochran, of Balti- more, born Oct. 16, 1841. He died, Jan. 26, 1887, after an illness of three years of consumption. They had issue:

i. Carolixe B. Keener, b. Aug. 8, 1S64; m., June 30, 1S91, Charles W. Sanders, of Radford, Va. They had child- ren— David K., b. and d. Nov. 7, 1892. Richard K., b. Aug. 6, 1894; d. June 6, 1S96. Marion L., b. June 27, 1S96.

ii. Lillian B. Keener, b. June 10, 1869; m., Dec. 23, 1891, Washington Waters, of Montgomery county, Md. They had issue Margaret, b. Oct. 9, 1892; d. Jan. i, 1893. Virginia, b. Oct. 23, 1893. David K., b. Nov. 9, 1895.

iii. Hester C. Keener, b. March 3, 1874; m., April 19, 1893, Dr. Samuel J. vSummers, of Cameron, vS. C. They had issue— J. Washington, b. Jan. 28, 1894; d. June i, 1895. Margaret K., b. Oct. 16, 1895



1. Jacob Swope' died in Lebanon township, Lancaster (now Lebanon ) county, Pa., July, 1788, leaving a wife, Eliz- abeth, and six children, among whom were

i. David Swope.

2. ii. Jacob Swope.

II. Jacob Swope'"' (Jacob' ) was born Aug. 20, 1767; d. Feb. 15, 1851; m. Elizabeth Brandt, b. Sept. 15, 1773; d. Oct. 13, 1842. They had issue:

3. i. Christian Swope, b. iS^t; m., first, Mar}- Gloninger;

m., secondly, Maria Miller, ii. Elizabeth SwoPE; m. Francis Witeniyer. They had one daughter Louisa.

4. iii. Jacob vSwope, b. May i, 1794; ni. Maria Light.

iv. Catharine Swope; d. 1871; ni. Dr. John P. Brown no children.

5. V. John Swope, b. March 10, 181 1; m. Catharine Shaffer.

6. vi. Peter vSwope, b. April 23, 1814; m. Kate Light.

7. vii. Dr. Henry Swope; died 1841.

8. viii. Mary Swope; m. John Scholl.

9. ix. Lydia Swope; m. Joseph Koons.

X. Philip Swope; died unmarried, aged about iS 3-ears.

III. Christian Swopc" (Jacob', Jacob' ) was born 1791; d. 1877. He married, first, Mary, daughter of George Gloninger, of Lebanon town.ship, Lebanon county. Pa. She was born 1798; d. about 1827. The issue of this marriage was six children (.see Gloninger family, p. 51 ). He married, secondl}', Mary Miller, b}^ whom he had children as fol- lows:—

i. Kate Swope, b. 1828; d. Dec, 1880; ni. Jared Lingle. They had issue

i. W.WNE; ni. Mary vShoemaker, Lebanon, Pa. They had six children Dora K., Ira J. (died),

The Szvope Family. 359

Clayton J. (died), Lavina M. Paul J., Miles H.,AdaE.

ii. Charles; died.

iii. Kate; m. Simon Batdorf They had two child- ren— Collins and Ella (died).

iv. Jennie; m. Morris Bright. They had one daughter Stella.

ii. John Swope; m. Caroline Snyder. Theyhad issue:

i. Sarah; m. Philip vShank. They had one daugli-

ter Cora, ii. Mary; died, iii. Annie.

IV. Jacob Swope' (Jacob", JacoV) was born May i, 1794; d. May i, 1865. He married Maria Light, b. May 22, 1799; d. Aug. 12, 1883. They had issue as follows:

i. Cyrus Swope ; m. Kate Strock. They had issue.

i. George; m., first, Mary Bixler; ni., secondly,

Sarah Hock. He had one son ^John. ii. Michael; died.

iii. Kate; m. Cyrus Fisher. Theyhad three chil- dren.

ii. Mary Swope; m. George Steekbick. Both are dead. They had issue (surname Steekbick):

i. John H.; m. Lydia Light. They had one son- David, ii. Lizzie; m. Daniel Light. One child.

iii. Levi vSwope; m. Mary Lesh. They had one son— Adam, who m. Miss Miller.

iv. Solomon Swope; m. Gerhard. They had one son- Jeremiah, who m., first. Miss Haus; secondly. Miss Smith. Another son, Ephraim, m. Miss Dundore.

V. Elizabp:th Swope; m. Jacob Daub. They had issue (sur- name Daub)

i. Henry; m. Lesh. They had one daugh- ter— Annie.

ii. Jacob.

iii. Lvdia; m. Henry Dundore. They had four children— Jerome, Lizzie, Emma, Tillie.

iv. Levi; m. Lucy Anspach. They had two chil- dren— David and Kate.

360 77/1? Szi'opc Fa))iily.

vi. Catharixe Swope, b. July 9, 1820; d. July 17, 1883; m.

William Kuntz. No children, vii. William vSwope, b. March 31, 1822; d. June 5, 1823. viii. Israel Swope, b. Nov. 22, 1833; d. Oct. 12, 1849. ix Jacob Swope; d. July, 1892, aged 59 years; m. Rebecca Spong. They had issue:

i. Ella; m. \V. .M. IMiller; d. April, 1894. They had three children Harvey, Laura and Emma, ii. Lizzie; m. John Killinger. One son ^John. iii. Jacob; died, iv. ]\L\RV. V. David; married, vi. .\nnie. vii. Kate.

X. Lucetta Swope, b July 10, 1826; d. Jan. 26, 1851; m.


xi. Elias Swope; died unmarried.

xii. Elmira Swope, b. March 25, 1S41; d. June 17, 1866; un- married.

\'. John SwoPE^ (Jacob', Jacob') was born March 10, 181 r; d. June 25, 1882. He married Catharine Shaffer, b. Dec, 1813; d. Sept. 25, 1S73. They had issue as follows:

i. Simon Swope; m. Elizabeth Becker. They had issue: i. E.MM.\; m. Hiram Plasterer. They had one daughter IMaj'.

ii. Mary; m. Grumbine. One son Arthur,

iii. S.\RAH.

iv. Lvdia; died unmarried, ii. M.\ry Swope.

iii. A.arox Swope, b. Aug. 25, 1844; d. Feb. 24, 1875; m. Lizzie Dissinger. They had issue: i. John. ii. William.

iii. K.ATiE; married and had two children, iv. Mary; m. William Swanger. They had two

children Annie and Emma. V. Anna; m. Harry Shay. iv. E:mma Swope; m. William Ealier. The}- had issue (sur- name Falier): i Oscar. ii. Effie. iii. Nellie; died. W. Elsie.

The Szvope Family. ^^j

V. Annie Swope; m. John Swanger. They had issue (sur- name Swanger) : i. Charles. ii. John; died, iii. Sadie. iv. Harry, V. Tll.UE. vi. M.\BEi.. vii. Edna. viii. Mary. ix. George. X. Annie. xi. Robert. vi John Swope, b. Sept. 20, 1850; d June 11, 1SS2; m. Maria Klopp. They had issue: i. Cora. ii. Sadie.

VI. Peter Swope' (Jacob', Jacob'; \va.s born April 22, 18 1 4; d. Aug. 23, 1894. He married Kate IvIGHt. They had issue as follows:

i. Emma Swope; m. Jacob Dundore. No children, ii. Ephraim SwopiC; m. Priscilla Wise. They had issue as follows:

i. Lizzie O.

ii. William, b. Feb. 19, 1S71; d. Aug , 1881. iii. Emma J. iv. Harry P.

V. Laura V., b. 18S0; d. April 15, 1891. vi. John A.,b. March, 1882; d. Oct., 1S82. iii. Rebecca Swope. iv. Kate Swope.

V. Uriah Swope, b. March 12, 1849; d. March 8, 1S80; m. Sarah Diehl. They had issue: i. Emma.

ii. Allen p., b. May 8, 1870; d. July 17, 1SS3. vi. Jacob Swope, b. Oct., 1856; d. Aug. 21, 1858. vii. Allen Swope, b. May 6, i86c; d. July 9, 1869 viii. Peter vSwope, b. 1847; d. Sept. 24, 1867; ni. Ophelia Spack. They had issue: i. Clayton; died, ii. Edward. ix. Sarah Swope; m. John Bechtold. They had issue:— i. William. ii. Kate. iii. Sarah.

362 The Su'opc Family.

iv. Annie.

V. Emma. vi. Benj.\min. vii. John. viii. Rhoda. ix. Caleb. X. Edwin SwoPE; m. Clara Sin-der. They, had issue:

i. Adeline.

ii. Walter. iii. Raymond. iv. Mable.

V. Howard.

VII. Dr. Henry Swope"' (Jacob', Jacob'; manied, and died 1 84 1. He had children as follows:

i. Henrietta Swope; in. and had issue: i. Amanda; m. William Bleeker. ii. William. iii. Sarah. iv. John. V. Augustine. vi. Lizzie; m. Aaron Rover, ii. Frank Swope. iii. Jacob Swope; died.

iv. Nathan Swope; m. and had children living in the W^est. V. Ellen Swope; m. John B. Lesher. They had issue (surname Lesher ) :

i. Emma; m. Crab.

ii. Elizabeth; m. John Wunderlich. iii. Ell.^. iv. LiLLiE; died, vi. Elizabeth Swope.

vii. Franklin Swope. He started to walk to California and is supposed to have perished in the Rocky Mountains, as all trace of him was lost.

VIII. Mary SwoPE^ (Jacob", Jacob^) died. She married John Scholl. The}- had issue as follows:

i. John Scholl; m. Elizabeth Spangler. They had issue: i. Edward. ii. Jacob. iii. Mary. iv. John. ii. Mary Scholl; m. Nathan Zerbe. They had issue (sur- name Zerbej :

The Sivope Family. 363

i. Leander; m. William Uhler. Two children- Agnes and Joseph, ii. John; died, iii. El<MiRA Schoi.l; died. iv. Edward ScholIv; died. V. Melinda Scholi,; m. Samuel Wartman. They had three

children, vi. Elizabeth Schoix. vii. Amanda Schole.

IX. Lydia Swope^ (Jacob'', Jacob' ) married Joseph KooNS. They had issue:

i. Meeinda; m. William Allwin, of Avon, Pa. They had six children.



There are two Swope families living in Huntingdon county, Pa., one spelling their name with two o's and the other with one. The ancestors of both families settled in that county in the last decade of the eighteenth century. The Swopes lived at Mapleton in 17S2; in that year Michael Swope was born there, and afterwards moved to the vicinity of Dayton, O., where his descendants are still living. Michael had two other brothers; their descendants are still living in or about Mapleton.

The Swoope family of Huntingdon descended from Peter SwooPE, who was a son of John Jacob Swoope, of Hellam township, York count}-. Pa. Peter was born April i, 1763; died June 30, i<S39. He was apprenticed to the hatting busi- ness, Aug. 17, 1773. He afterwards removed to Hagerstown, Md., where he married, July 5, 1784, Elizabeth Sxyder, born Dec. 22, 1768; died July 21, 1851. He subsequently settled in Huntingdon, where his children, ten in number, were born. There he engaged in merchandising and the iron business, and accumulated a nice fortune. He was commis- sioned captain of the Huntingdon county militia by Governor Mifflin, Aug. 31, 1793. His children were:

i. John Swoope, b. July 21, 17S6. ii. Mary Swoope, b. Aug. 30, 1788. iii. Sarah Swoope, b. June 21, 1790. iv. Hexry Swoope, b. Nov. 18, 1793. V. Samuei. Swoope, b. March 25, 1796. vi. Peter Swoope, b. Jan. 7, 1799. vii. EwzABETH Swoope, b. March 23, 1801. viii. Joseph Swoope, b. 3Iarch 23, 1803. 2. ix. Dr. William Swoope, b. Oct. 19, 1804.

X. Elizabeth Swoope, b. Feb. 13, 1807.

II. Dr. William Swoope, born Oct. 19, 1804, in Hunt- ingdon, Pa., and died Jan. 13, 1861. He read medicine and attended lectures at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia,

The Swope Faviily. •265

in 1S26 and 1827. After graduating he began the practice of his profession in Huntingdon, Pa., where he continued for

thirt}' years. He married, Bucher

They had the following children:

i. Hon. Henry Bucher Swoope, b. July 17, 1831, in Hunt- ingdon, Pa.; d. Feb. 16, 1874. He read law with Hon. John Scott, and after being admitted to the bar removed to Clearfield, Pa., in 1851, and established himself in his profession. There he remained enjoying a large and lucrative practice until 1870, when he received the ap- pointment of U. S. Attorney for the Western District of of Pennsylvania. Mr. vSwoope was a man of extraordin- ary abilities and great versatility of talent. He had a highly cultivated ta.ste for, and a fine appreciation of the beautiful. His prepared orations contained many gems of thought and brilliant ideas clothed in the choicest language. His extemporaneous oratory was electrical, frequently arousing his hearers to the high- est pitch of excitement, and as occasion required, it was either sarcastic or pathetic. These qualities made him a ready advocate and a powerful criminal lawyer, as is attested by his unparalleled success during the time he acted as the attorne}' for the general government in the courts of the U. S. at Pittsburg, Erie and Williamsport. He married Susan P. Irvine, and had children Rol- land, William and Janie. The two former are promi- nent attorneys in Clearfield and Cunvensville, Pa.

ii. C.A.ROLINA E. Swoopp:, b. Aug. 28, 1833. Resides at .Alex- andria, Pa.

iii. Granville P. Swoope, b. Oct. 6, 1S35. He served through the war of the Rebellion in the Fifth Regiment of Penn- .sylvania Reserves, was promoted to a captaincy for gallant conduct at the battle of Gettysburg; died at Alexandria, Pa., June 6, 1869.

iv. William Conrad Swoope, b. Aug. 10, 1838; d. April 21, 1874.

V. Hannah M. Swoope, b. May 19, 1S41; ni., Sept. 14, 1876, William W. Brisbin, who died June 2, 1879. The ftimily reside at Alexandria, Pa.

vi. George Howard vSwoope, b. Sept. 9, 1843; d. March 5,

1844. vii. John Porter Swoope, b Jan. 9, 1845. viii. Clara Swoope, b. vSept. i, 1847; m., Sept. 2, 1S71, George S. Ballantyne, M. D., who died July, 1891, at Hunting- don, Pa., and had issue. 24


I. Jacob Swope\ of Lebanon township, Lancaster (now Lebanon) count}-, Pa., died prior to 1788. The records of the Land Department of Pennsjdvania show Jacob Swope to be a warrantee for 200 acres of land in Lebanon township, May 16, 1759. At his death he left the following children:

i. Jacob Swope.

2. ii. Peter Swope, and his wife, Catharine.

3. iii. Margaret Swope; m. John Mish.

iv. Elizabeth Swope; m. Jacob Smith, of Cumberland

county, Pa. V. Anna Maria Swopp:; m. Martin Rudy, of Dauphin

county. Pa. vi. Catharine Swope; m. Peter Arnold.

vii. Barbara Swope; ni. Shanley.

viii. Susanna Swope; m. Daniel Houser.

II. Peter Swope'' ( Jacob^) and his wife, Catharine, lived at Hagerstown, Md. We have knowledge of only one son, but there were several daughters

4. i. Jacob Swope.

III. Margaret Swope" (Jacob') was born Sept. 28, 1738. She married Johannes Mish, b. Sept. 8, 1829; d. Jan. 20, 18 10. Both are buried in Frieden's Kirch graveyard, near Shiremanstown, Cumberland count}-. Pa. They had three children Jacob, John and George. George married and settled near Clearspring, Md., where he died, and where his descendants .still reside.

I\'. Jacob Swope* (Peter, Jacob') married Eliza Leight, and lived at Hagerstown. They had issue as follows:

i. Anna Catharine Swope; m. Ellicott, New York.

ii. Benjamin Leight Swope, was born in Hagerstown, Md. , about 1824, and died 1896. In early manhood he moved to Louisville, Ky. He there engaged in various business

The Sii'ope Family. '.5^

enterprises, and stood very high in commercial circles. He was an expert accountant, and was employed on several famous cases. The press said at his death: " Louisville lost one of its most estimable citizens by the unexpected death of Mr. B. L. Swope. He was a gentleman of culture and literary taste, and an earnest and outspoken advocate for all that was best in govern- ment and politics. He wrote much good poetry and prose of a fugitive nature, and he did iiuich good all through his honorable and useful life." He married Jessie Staines, who survives him. They had children as follows:

i. JE.SSIK Swope.

ii. Cornelius Swope, residing at Jackson, Tenn. iii. Katf: Swope. iv. S.\LiA' Swope.

V. Thomas S. Swope, residing in Louisville, vi. EuzA Swope, residing in Louisville.

iii. Rev. Cornelius E. Swope, D. D., was born in Hagers- town, Md., in 1826. He received his collegiate educa- tion in St. James College, in the same State, and was ordained a deacon of the Episcopal Church, at Burling- ton, N. J. His first call was to be assistant rector of Trinity Church, Chicago. Shortlyafter he became con- nected with Grace Church, as rector, and after a stay of three years became rector of Trinity Church, of Pitts- burg, Pa. In 1S67 he accepted a call to Trinit}- Episco- pal Chapel, New York, where he remained until his death, which occurred April, iSga. Dr. Swope was popular in social and religious circles in New York, and was an earnest and hardworking churchman. He died full of ecclesiastical honors. He was one of the found- ers and for several years president of the New York Churchmen's Association; a corporate member of the American Board of Foreign and Domestic Missions, and a member of the Standing Committee of the diocese of New York. From resolutions passed on his death by his brother clergymen the following is given: " We de- sire to put on record an expression of our high esteem for his character, and a sense of our great loss in his death; his calm judgment and genial nature endeared him to his associates and won their confidence. He will be greatly missed in many places of trust in the Church, but in none more than in her missionary councils. The Church-at-large throughout the whole I'nited

368 Tlic S'ci'ope Family.

States will mourn the loss of one whose calm judgment, sound understanding, and remarkable tact, made him one of the most marked men in her general councils." He married earh' in life, but his wife did not live long, and left no children. In 1S67 he spent some time in Europe, and while in Vienna, obtained the coat-of-arms of the Wurtemburg house of Schwab, believing his family to have descended from that house.

iv. Sallv Swope.

V. Virginia Swope.



Col. Michael Swope, of York county, was one of the first purchasers of lots when the town of York was laid out 1741. This is the first record we have of him. He vyas a judge of the Orphans' Court of York county from 1767' to 1772, and commissioned a Justice of the Peace 1764. He was a member of the Assembly from 1768 to 1776. He was appointed, June 30, 1775, by Act of Assembly, one of the Council of Safety. In 1775 he was elected major of the Independent Light In- fantry Co. The next year, on the organization of the cele- brated Flying Camp, he was made colonel of the first battalion of the first brigade. Col. Swope's battalion suffered as severely as any during the Revolutionary war. At Fort Washington, near New York, nearly his entire command was either killed or taken prisoners, he was among the latter. He married first, Mary, daughter of Casper Spangler, who came to America 1727, and by whom he had children; the names are unknown. She died previous to 1764. By his second wife, Eva, he had a son, Andrew vSimon, born Feb. 4, 1764, and another, George, born April 2, 1773. We have no account of Col. Swope after 17S3. In a list of taxables of that year we find his family to have consisted of five persons, and him to have been a man of considerable means, among man>- things mentioned being a silver plate or medal valued at thirty- two pounds, supposed to have been given him for distinguished services in the war.

Hans Jorg Swab arrived in Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1727. (Col. Rec, Vol. 3, page 597. ) This is supposed to be the George Swope who settled in the neighborhood of York. He was one of the organizers of Old Christ's Lutheran church at York, 1733. George Swope was "one of his majesty's Just-


o T//e Swope Family

ices of the Peace for the County of I^ancaster, Aug. 29, 1746." He was reappointed April 22, 1749. (Col. Rec, Vol. 5, pag^ 378.) Penna. Archives, 1740 to 1756, page 38, refers to him as " a principal inhabitant." George Swope died 1757; his son George was administrator of his estate. Besides the son he had daughters Anna Barbara, married Michael Rancke; Eva Elizabeth, married Peter Yeager, both of Paradise town- ship, now York county; Anna Eve, married Paul Burget; Anna M. , married Peter Huber. George Swope left a widow, Anna Eve. Nothing is known of any of the descendants of his children.

Benjamin Swoope (Swope) was an inspector of the election during the riots at York, Pa., 1750. Penna. Archives, Vol. 1748 tO'f756, page 52, gives his deposition touching the riots. Nothing further is known of him except that he lived in the country near York, and was a member of Zion's Reformed church in 1754.


Note I. Elizabeth Herr was a daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Herr, of Manheim township, York county, Pa. Michael Herr died Sept 30, 177S (?), and his will was probated Nov. 15, 177S. He devised his plantation to his son John upon the payment of 400 pounds to his sister Elizabeth. His personal property was equally divided among his children and wife. Tradition says that the guardian of the children so mismanaged the estate that nothing was left for the children when they became of age. Elizabeth married Henr}- Swope, and John moved to the neighborhood of Louisville, Ky., about 1793. He there amassed quite a large fortune. He had eight children by two wives, and his descendants are among the most prominent and influential members of the community. This family of Herr are said to be descended from Rev. Hans Herr, the first Christian minister who settled in Lancaster county, Pa.

NoTK II. An extended sketch is here given of the Shriver family for the reason that three different members of the Swope family have married into that family, viz: Eliza Swope, daughter of Henry vSwope, of Taneytowii, ]\Id., married Samuel S. Forney, whose mother was Rachel Shriver, daughter of David Shriver, of Little Pipe Creek, Md.

Catharine Wirt, whose mother was Catharine Swope, daughter of John Swope, of Hanover, Pa , married Andrew K. Shriver, son of David Shriver, of Little Pipe Creek.

Lydia Swope daughter of John Swope, of Hanover, married Henry Shriver, son of .\ndrew Shriver, of Conewago, Pa.

The Swope Familv


This narrative of the Shriver family was taken from the "Shriver Family History," and most of it was collected by Jndge Abraham Shriver from various authentic sources in 1826. Judjje Shriver was a son of David Shriver, of Little Pipe Creek, Md. Judj^e Shriver begins his account with Andrew Shriver, who was born 1673, but Andrew is not the first Shriver of whom we have knowledge; his father was Yost vShriver and his mother, Anna, who died in 1690; the date of birth is unknown. The father of Yost was Lorenz and mother, IMargareta, both of whom died in 1684. The dates of their births and marriage is unknown.


" Andrew Shriver was a native of Alsenborn, in the Elector- ate Palatine, Oberanit, Lauten, Germany. Hi.s parents were Andrew Shriver, /. c, Schreiber, and his wife, Anna Mar- gareta, who had been the widow of John Young. He was born Sept. 6, 17 12, and baptized in the church at Alsenl)orn by John Miller, the Reformed pastor of that place. He came to America in the Fall of the year 1721 with his parents, who paid the passage of the whole family, and landed at Phila- delphia, after which they moved to the neighborhood of Goshenhoppen, near the Trappe, on the Schuylkill, where his father soon died. Andrew then learned the trade of tanner. Havdng attained his freedom in the year 1732, he worked one }'ear after, in which time he had 18 pounds in hand.

In the Spring of 1733 he married Anna Maria Keiser, and in June following he removed to Conewago, where, after pay- ing for sundry articles with which to begin the world, he had two shillings left.

Anna Maria Keiser, his wife, was a daughter of Ulerich Keiser and Veronica, his wife. Both were natives of the Pfalz, Germany. Veronica's father was a tanner, who lived five hours from Heidleburg, in a small village called Reuche. Her father and mother came wath her to America in the fall of the year 1731. They arrived at Philadelphia, and moved to the neighborhood of where Andrew Shriver lived and where her father, soon died, and she married Andrew Shriver.

In moving to Conewago, Andrew Shriver's step-brother, David Young, came with them and helped to clear three acres

372 The Swope Family.

of land, which they planted in corn, and Young then returned home. During this clearing about three weeks they lived under Young's wagon cover, after which Andrew Shriver peeled elm bark and made temporary huts to keep off the weather and by Fall prepared a cabin. The w^agon that brought them to this place passed through what is now known by the name of "Wills' Bottom," and in the grass, which was as high as the wagon, left marks of its passage which were visible for several years. There was no oppor- tunity for obtaining necessary supplies for the first year, short of Streamer's Mill, adjoining Lancaster.

One hundred atres of land where he lived, were the first he bought, which cost him one hundred piirs of negro shoes, being the price agreed upon with Mr. Diggs, the owner, of whom he shortly after bought more land, which was paid for in money.

At the time of his settlement in Conewago, the nearest neighbor of Andrew Shriver was a family of the name of Forney, living where the town of Hanover is now located. It is worth}' of remark that these families were in after j'ears united in marriage. For a long time the public road from the South came by Andrew Shriver's house, and, at the time of his settlement, Indians lived near him in every direction. About this time, and for several years after, the Delaware and Catawaba Indians were at war and each Spring many warriors passed by, after stopping at Andrew Shriver's spring, which was a large flush limestone one. At this time they would display in triumph the scalps, painted and sus- pended from a pole, which they had been able to obtain from the enemy. They received the accommodation of free quarters as demanded; the consequence was they were very social, and smoked around the pipe of friendship very freely, without any attempt at wanton injury.

Having but little cleared ground at this time, the stock was left to run at large in the woods. vSuch as were wanted, David, being the eldest child, had to collect ever}' morning, much to his discomfort, the pea vines and grass being nearly as high as himself and covered with dew, soon made his deer skin dress so wet as to render it like unto his skin, adhesive

The Su'ope Family. -^y-j

to his body. Deer and other game were so abundant, and so destructive to grain fields, as to render hunting necessary for their protection.

David Shriver, son of Andrew Shriver, and Anna Maria, his wife, was born in York county, Pa., at a place called Conewago, south of Hanover about six miles. His parents had been but a few years from Germany, and recently married when they settled at Conewago, in the woods surrounded by Indians. David Shriver, the first born, grew up with scarcely any education, the opportunity and means being both want- ing. The time of his majority was, of course, occupied in rendering his father assistance in the business in which he ^-as engaged. On arriving at age, he attracted the attention of Andrew Steiger, residing in Baltimore, who was an enter- prising man engaged in extensive business. Steiger employed him as storekeeper in a county store, which he located not far from his father's residence. The want of an education being: immediately experienced, he so applied himself to attain what his business required, that, in a short time he acquired a very good knowledge of figures, as well as wrote a fair hand, and otherwise improved himself in knowledge and address.

At this time Lancaster had become a considerable town, and it was the custom to hold semi-annual fairs, which drew together vast numbers of people. At one of the.se fairs David Shriver first met Rebecca Ferree, who had been placed at school in L,ancaster to acquire a knowledge of ornamental needle work. He accompanied her home, and was received with becoming respect by her father, but with much dis- pleasure and indignity b}' her mother, who was lilizabeth Eltinge, she having imbibed high notions in con.sequence of the opulence and distinction enjoyed by her family in New York. Standing well, however, with the daughter and father, he persevered and succeeded in his object. Previous to this he had settled on a tract of land provided for him by his father, at Little Pipe Creek, P'rederick county, Md., where he had erected some buildings and cleared lands. To this place he brought his wife, and thereupon built a mill, which, though of little value in after time, was, nevertheless, of con-

374 ^^^'- Szcope Family.

siderable importance to himself and neighbors at that period, the settlement being in its infancy.

Having experienced the want of an education, he sought, at an early period to ha\-e his children taught, and for this purpose sent his eldest son abroad for some time, there being no school within reach of them. Possessing an inquisitive and discriminating mind, he added rapidly to his stock of in- formation As a self taught mathematician he made consider- able advance, and was instructor to his sons in the art of sur- veying— the compass and other instruments used being of his own manufacture. His mechanical talents were remarkable. He was, moreover, the umpire of the neighborhood, in the settlement of controversies. Having a great a\-ersion to law suits and litigation, he did much to preserve peace and harmony. His house was the resort of much company, and the place where travelers regularly sought shelter and repose; they were always received with kindness and liberalit}- and treated without reward.

The disputes between the colonies and mother country early attracted his attention and he early became an active Whig. So warm w^as he in the support of the rights of his country that his friends were alarmed for his safety, and his clerg3'man emphatically warned him to beware; that the powers placed over him were of God; that he would be hung for treason and his famih- made beggars. He treated the admonition with marked contempt and persevered, taking an active part in committees, vigilance and public safety, and urging his countr3'men to vindicate their rights. He was, in consequence, elected a member of the convention of 1776, to frame a constitution for Maryland, and was afterwards con- tinued, with the exception of a year or two, a member of the lyegi.slature for thirty years, and until the infirmities of age admonished him of the propriet}' of retirement. He ever abhorred debt as a restraint upon his independence and free- dom of action Of course, his advancement to wealth was slow hut certain, and at his death without a cent of debt, he was worth seventy thousand dollars.

David Shriver had two brothers and four sisters, who all married. The names of the brothers were Andrew and

The Szi'Ope. Family. -'7 =

Jacob; the former continued to reside on the home plantation and raised a large family. The latter moved to Littlestown, had one son, who died young, and his father shortly after.

The character of Rebecca Shriver was almo.st entirely domestic. At an early period her mind became imbued with piety, and the duties of religion were at no time neglected or disregarded by her. On the contrary, .she delighted in de- votion; .she habitually spoke of the hour of her dissolution with complacency, and while afar off prepared to meet it as a matter rather to be desired than avoided. In her religion there was nothing, however, of gloom or austerity. She freely took part in the rational enjoyments of life, and was highh- social and benevolent, ever ready to receive all who called upon her, whether relative, friend or .stranger. The best refreshments of her table were always presented to them and their wants liberally supplied.

As a mother .she was truh' affectionate, ever sympathizing in the afflictions and mini.stering to the welfare of her child- ren with a tenderness that could not be surpassed. Her husband having occasion to be much from home, the man- agement of the family, which was large, devolved mainly upon her, which she met without a murmur, and discharged with the utmo.st propriety.

David Shriver was born March 30. 1735, and died Jan. 30, 1826, aged 90 years and 8 months. May 8, 1761. he married Rebecca Ferree, who was born Jan. 21, 1742. and died Nov. 24, 18 1 2, aged 70 years, 10 months and 3 days. They had eight children Andrew, David, Rachel, Abraham, Mary, Isaac, Jacob, Su.sanna.

It may be of interest to state that :\Ir. Clarence Shriver, of Baltimore, Md., in a late tour of Europe, availed himself of the opportunity to vi.sit the home of his paternal ancestry, Alsenborn, Germany. He visited the He.ss family residence, the home of Anna Margareta Hess (the widow Young), wife of Andrew Shriver the emigrant, which is still occupied by descendants of the He.ss family. He obtained from Mrs. Hess, the present occupant of the house, a valuable relic a pewter plate stamped with the Hess name, said to have been over two hundred years in po.ssession of the family."

376 The Szvope Family.

Note III. The progenitor of this Forney family in America was Johann Adam Forney, who came to this couiitr}' from Wachenheim-in- the-Haardt, near Manheim, Germany. Family tradition says that " the Forneys were originally Huguenot refugees from France, who sought an asylum in Germany from religious persecution." Johann Adam Forney broiight with him to this country a certificate from the magis- trates. Burgomaster and council of the city of Wachenheim, and sealed with the city council's great seal, May 7, 1721, setting forth among other things that, "As long as we have known him he has behaved himself honorably, piously and honestly as well becomes a good citi- zen, and moreover showed himself so neighborly that no one has had an}' complaint to make of him. He is also bound by no compulsory service or serfdom." He arrived in Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 1721. In 1734 we find him in the Conewago settlement in York county, where he had bought land. The Pennsylvania Archives make frequent men- tion of him because of the trouble he had in holding his land, owing to the conflicting claims of Penn and Baltimore to the proprietorship of that part of Pennsylvania He, however, held his own and lived there until his death, which occurred about 1752, tradition says from the consequences of a wound inflicted by an Indian. Johann Adam Forney and his wife Louisa Elizabeth, had six children. One, Philip, married Elizabeth Sherz, they had several children, among whom was Adam, who married Rachel Shriver (s-ee note II.) They had eleven children, one of whom was Samuel, who married Eliza Swope. A very complete history of the Forney family has been compiled by Miss Lucy Forney Bittinger, of Sewickly, Pa., from which the above was taken.

Note IV. Samuel S. Forney's mother, Rachel Shriver, was a daugh- ter of Rebecca Ferree, who married David Shriver, of Little Pipe Creek, Md. The history of the Ferree family is an interesting one, and is here given, for not only has the Forney branch of the Swope familv de- scended from ]\Iadam I""erree, but the Shrivers who are descended from the Swopes through Catharine Swope Wirt. We are indebted for our account of the Ferree family to the " Shriver Family Histor\- " and " Rupp's History of Dauphin and Cumberland Counties," etc.

The Ferree ( L,e Fiere ) family were among the sufferers in France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes b}^ Louis XIV, in 16S5.

"John Le Fiere had married a woman of rare endowments, Mary Warrimbere. Their children were Daniel, PhiHp, John, Catharine, Mary, Jane. On the destruction of tlie Protestant e.6tabHshments the familv removed from their home, near the Rhine, to Strasburg, Germany. Here they remained two years, but on the death of her hu.sband Mary went to Holland. The character of this ladv was tinctured with uncommon

llie Sjvopc Faviilv. -xni

resolution and intrepidity. She had left the land of her nativity for ever, the tie of love of country had been rudelv broken. iVbout this time hearing of the fair province of Pennsylvania, she resolved to seek its l)enevolent founder, William Penn. With this view, accompanied by her child- ren, she went to London in the year 1704, and when she arrived she employed a person to conduct her to Penn's resi- dence. While on their way the guide pointed out to her Penn's carriage, which was approaching them. Sb.e being of a determined and persevering disposition, called to Penn, who immediatel}' stopped his carriage, he being well acquainted with the French language, which was very pleasing to her, as she could not speak or understand the English language. Penn understanding her business invited her into his cai'riage as he was on his way to his home in Kensington, where he resided, to be near Queen Anne, of whom he was a distin- guished favorite.

" William Penn became interested in the unfortunate Mary L/C Fiere, moved by the sad tale of her sufferings and the vicissitudes she had undergone. He received her into his house, introduced her to the Queen, who, commiserating her condition, promised her aid on emigrating to the ' Land of Penn.' William Penn procured lodgings for her in the vicinity, where she remained six months, until the ' vessel bound to the North river ' was ready to sail with emigrants. The Queen provided her with ploughs, harrows, axes, hatchets, saws, hand-mill for grinding corn, etc. Mary Le Fiere arrived in New York about eight months afterwards, and visited Esopus, then went to Philadelphia, taking with her letters to Penn's agent, with a grant for two thousand acres of land. She found the Hugenots dissatisfied with their situation, the vineyards on the Schuylkill near Philadelphia not proving profitable, which they resolved to abandon and join Madam Le Fiere in the proposed .settlement among Pequeas, whose king had been a favorite of Peiui's, and the location was strenuously recommended to Madam Le Fiere by the kind agent. ' '

Rupp, in his " History of Dauphin and Cumberland Counties," etc., thus describes the arrival of Madam Le

378 The Sicope Family.

Fiere and her party in the valley of the Peqnea: " It was on the evening of a summer's day when the Hugenots reached the verge of a hill commanding a view of the valley of Pequea; it was a woodland scene, a forest inhabited by wild beasts, for no indication of civilized man was near; scattered along the Pequea, amidst the dark-green hazel, could be dis- covered the Indian wigwams, the smoke issuing therefrom in its spiral form; no sound was heard but the songs of the birds; in silence they contemplated the beautiful prospect which nature presented to their view. Suddenly a number of Indians darted from the woods; the females shrieked, when an Indian advanced, and in broken English said to Madam Ferree: ' Indian no harm white; white good to In- dian; go to Beaver our chief come to Beaver.' "

Few were the words of the Indian. They went with him to Beaver's cabin, and Beaver, with the humanity that dis- tinguished the Indian of that period, gave up to the immi- grants his wigwam. Next day he introduced them to Tawana, who lived on the great fiats of Pequea."

" At the time of the Ferree settlement in his dominions Mary Ee Fiere took a present from Penn's agent to Tawana, and thus secured his friendship. ' "

" She had a grant of 2000 acres of land, Daniel Ferree, her son, had a grant of 2000 acres, and her .son, Philip Ferree, who married I,eah, daughter of Abraham Du Bois, was pre- sented with the grant held by Du Bois for 2000 acres."-

' ' Isaac lya Fevre held a grant for 2000 acres, and also ob- tained an additional grant by his marrying Catharine Ferree. Their son was the first white child born in the valley of the Pequea, Lancaster county, Pa."

" The Ferree family, according to the above data, must have reached this country in the year 1705 or 1706. Allow- ing for the visit to Esopus, North river, New York, the set- tlement at Pequea was made a year or two later. ' "

' ' The name of Madam Ferree will long be held in grateful remembrance by her numerous and warm-hearted progeny;" she died 17 16. Her descendants have been connected by marriage, with a number of the well-known families of the

The S'cvope Family. I 379

State, some of whose ancestors were identified with the Pequea settlement dating from 17 18 onward. /

Phihp Ferree, son of John and Mary I^e Fiere, (Ferree), was born, 1687, at Steyn-Wiel, in the Palatinatfe and was about 21 years old when they came to this country. Having formed the acquaintance of several families in Ksopus, N. Y., he went to that place and lived one year with Abramam Du Bois, one of the twelve patentees of New Pfaltz. While in the family of Abraham Du Bois, Philip Ferree formed an attachment for his daughter Leah, whom he married, May 10, 17 12, the ceremony being performed by Dominie Petrus Vas. She was born Oct. 16, 1687. Abraham Du Bois, who was born 1657, at Manheim, Germany, married, March 6, 1681, Margaret, daughter of Christian Deys at Esopus, and died Oct. 7, 1 73 1. He was a son of lyouis Du Bois and his wife Catha- rine, daughter of Mathew Blanshon and his wife Madeleen Jorisse, who fled from France to Germany in 1650, where they remained until April 27, 1660, when they sailed for America in the ship "Gelded Otter," arriving here December 7, 1660. They settled at Esopus. Philip Ferree, after his marriage, moved to the Pequea settlement and connnenced improving land on the north side of Pequea creek, that had previously been taken up by his mother and family. Some of their first labors were to cut grass in the woods for the purpose of mak- ing hay, no land having been cleared on the part allotted them.

"They placed timbers in the ground forked at the top, laid poles across them, and built their hay on top of that, and under this they lived. During their stay in this shelter their first son was born. They lived to have eight children five boys and three girls. The names of the sons were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Philip and Joel. The daughters were Lena, Leah and Elizabeth. Abraham married Elizabeth I-Utinge or Eltenge, of Esopus, aud had six children. He was buried in Carpenter's graveyard, about a mile from where he was born, it being a l^urial ground pointed out by his grand- mother Mary."

Rebecca, the eldest child of Abraham and Elizabeth (El- tinge) Ferree was born Jan. 21, 1742; married David Shriver,

380 The Sicopc Family.

May 8, 1761. David Shriver was born March 30, 1735. The}' had eight children. Their first daughter, Rachel, who was born Jan. 7, 1767, married Adam Forne\'. The issue of this marriage was ten children, the one son, Samuel S., as above referred to, was the founder of the Forney branch of the Swope family.

Note V. Dr. Jesse Gilbert was a son of Bernard Gilbert, who was born March 24, 17S6, and married his cousin. Susannah, daughter of Jacol) Gilbert, of Adams county. Bernard Gilbert lived in Gettysburg, Pa. He was sheriff of Adams county. Pa., in 1821, prothonotary in 1835, and county treasurer in 1836. He subsequently moved to Athens, Tenn., where he died. His father was George, and his grandfather Bernard Gilbert, who came to America in 1744, and settled in what is now Adams county, near the village of Bendersville, where he married Catharine Bender.

Note VI. The Hays family and allied branches were among the earli- est settlers of the Cumberland Valley, Pa. Their first ancestor in this country was Patrick Haj-s, who came to this country from Ireland, where the family had lived some time after their emigration from Soct- land. He settled in Derry now Dauphin county, Pa., and had several children, one of whom was Capt. Robert, who served during the Indian wars of 1755-64, and also in the Revolution. He married Margaret Wray, and had besides other children, Patrick, who settled in Cumber- land county about 1821. His son Robert married Hannah Sharpe. Their son John married Jennie E. McFarlane. The children of this union were Belle McKinney Hays, wife of Gilbert E. Swope; Lucy Sharpe and Jane McFarlane. Hannah Sharpe, wife of Robert M. Hays, de- scended from Thomas Sharpe, who married Margaret Elder, the daugh- ter of a Scottish laird. He came to America prior to 1746, and settled on Big Spring, Cumberland county, Pa. He had five sons and five daughters; four of his sons were commissioned officers in the Revolu- tionary war, the fifth one, Alexander, was a private. Alexander mar- ried Margaret McDowell and had several children, one of whom was John, the father of Gen. A. B. Sharpe, of Carlisle, and Hannah, wife of Robert M. Hays, of Nevvville. Jennie E. McFarlane, wife of John Hays, was a daughter of Robert McFarlane and Lydia Belle McKinney. Robert McFarlane was a son of Robert, and Robert was a son of Patrick, and Patrick was a son of James, who came to this country about 1718, and settled in Cumberland Valle}-. The descendants of James McFar- lane through his son Patrick have lived in the nighborhood of New- ville, Pa. The Scottish clan of McFarlane are descended from the ancient Celtic Earls of Lennox. In the reign of James V of Scotland, the head of the clan was chosen to defend an important defile between the high and low lands of that part of Scotland. This duty was suc- cessfully performed. The reward was permission to carry on the family insignia "This I'll Defend."

The Sivope Family. -jgi

NoTK VII. The Henkle family are descended from the Rev. Johann Henkle, D. D., I^L. D., born in Leutschan, Hungary, and father con- fessor to Queen Maria aljout the year 1530. He sympathized with Protestantism, and maintained friendly relations with Melanchthon, Erasmus, vSpalatin and other reformers of the sixteenth century. One of his descendants. Count Henkle, was instrumental in sending to America Rev. Henry Melchoir Muhlenburg, the patriarch of Luther- anism in this county. Rev. Gerhard Henkle, who was a descendant of Count Henkle, was a German court preacher, and came to America about 1718, and located at Germantown, near Philadelphia, Pa. He had a son Jacob who was the father of the Rev. Paul Henkle, who was actively engaged in the ministry of the Lutheran Church in the South for forty-four years Three of his brothers were clergymen and five of his sons clergymen of the Lutheran Church, one of whom was Andrew before noticed.

NoTK VIII. Isaac Le Fevre was born March 26, 1669, in France. During the persecutions of the Huguenots which followed the revoca- tion of the Edict of Nantes, his family were all killed. He alone escaped to the ho.spitable borders of Germany where he remained several years. He married in Germany in 1704, Catharine, daughter of John and IMary Warrimbere Le Fiere, also refugees from the persecutions in France. He accompanied Madame Le Fiere (Ferree) and her family to America about 1705, and settled in Pequea Valley, Lancaster county. Pa., where he obtained a grant for 2,000 acres of land. Isaac Le Fevre had six children, the oldest of whom was Abraham, born April 9, 1706. Abra- ham had Peter, and Peter had Joseph, and Joseph had Catharine, who married Col. Ephraim Swope. Joseph also had Elizabeth, who married John Keeports, whose daughter Susan was the second wife of Col. Ephraim vSwope.

NoTK IX. The Spangler family from which Lydia, wife of Adam Swope (see page 75), is descended have traced their family back to George Spengler, who was born 1150, died 1190. He was cupbearer to the Bishop of Wiirzburg, and accompanied the Bishop and the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa on the Crusade, 11S9. Both he and the Bishop died of the plague, and were buried in the church of St. Peter, Antioch, 1 190. Following is the descent of Lydia (Si)angler) Swope: 'George, ^George, ''Killian, ^Killian, "Peter, "Hans, "Hans or Urban, ^George, ^George, '"Frantz, "Lazarus, '-'Hans, '-Jacob, "Hans Rudolf, '''Hans Kasper born January 20, 1684, married February 9, 1712, Judith Zeigler. They emigrated to America 1727, and settled in York county, Pa. '"Jonas born May 26, 1715, at Weyler, Duchy of Baden, died in York county. Pa., 1762. His wife, Maria, born 1718, died October 15, 17S4. '"Henry born 1750, died 1791, married October 28, 1779, Maria C. Hoke, born 1753, died 1818. '^Lydia vSpangler married Adam Swope.

Edward W. Spangler, of York, Pa., has written a very complete his- tory of that family from which the above was taken.



Prior to the Revolutionary War quite a number of Schwab (Swope) families emigrated to this country, as will be seen by the followdng list taken from the Penna. Archives. Several of these families settled in Pennsylvania. Five fam- ilies of vSchwab lived in York county, Pa. , during the same decade, yet there are no records to show that they were re- lated; however, it is probable that they were, for it is hardly possible that five families bearing a name as unconmion as the Swope name lived in as sparsely a settled connnunity as York was previous to the Revolution and not be related. The following took the oath of allegiance immediately after their arrival in this country or on the date given with each name:

" A list of Ye Palatine Passengers imported in Yc ship William and Sarah, from Rotterdam, Sept. 18, 1727, Albert Swop.

On ship Patience and Margaret, from Rotterdam, Sept. 2^, 1748, Baltzer Schwab, aged 43 years.

On ship Two Brothers, from Rotterdam, Sept. 15. 1748. John Philip Schwab.

On ship Patience, from Rotterdam, Sept. 16, 1748, Hein- rich Schw^ab, 18 years old.

On ship Neptune, from Rotterdam, Oct. 7, 1755. Jorg. Mich. Schwab.

On imported brig Mary, of Philadelphia, from London, June 28, 1735, Peter Schwab.

On ship Edinburg, from Rotterdam, Sept. 15, 1749, Freid- erick Schwab and Johan Walter Schwab.

On ship Ann, from Rotterdam, vScpt. 28, 1749, Jacob Schwab and Hans Michael Schwab.

On ship Patience, from Rotterdam, Aug. 11, 1750, Jacob Schwab.

384 The SiL'opc Family.

On ship Osgood, from Rotterdam, vSept, 29, 1750, Johannes Schwab.

On ship Brotherhood, from Rotterdam, Nov. 3, 1750, John Yost Schwab.

On ship St. Andrew, from Rotterdam, Sept. 14, 1751, Martin Schwab and J. Wendel (3 ) Schwab.

On ship Duke of Wurtemburg from Rotterdam, Oct. 20^ 1752, Jacob Bernhart Schwab.

On ship Xeptune from Rotterdam, Sept. 24, 1754, John Jacob Schwab.

On ship Hahfax from Rotterdam, Oct. 22, 1754, Johannes Schwab.

On .ship Chance from Rotterdam, Xov. i, 1763, John Christian Schwab.

On ship Sarah from Rotterdam, Sept. 20, 1764, Peter Schwab.

On ship Polly from Rotterdam, vSept. 19, 1764, John Geo. Schwab.


Abernathy, Anna Abernathy, Mar}^ A Abom, Mar}^ Aspinwall. Catharine Barnitz, Rebecca . Barnitz, Eliza S. . Barnitz, George C. Barnitz, Anna C. Barnitz, Charles S. Barnitz, Bertha B. Barnitz, Mary R. Bare, Mary Bare. Adam S Bard, Lydia . . Bard, Anna E. . Bard, Elizabeth Bartlett, vSarah E Bartlett, George L,. Bankert, Balinda Bender, Lydia E. Bender, Leah . . Berry, Nancy J. Bishop, Catharine Blocher, Catharine Bolch, Rhoda E. Bridges, John vS. Bridges, Frances V Bridges, M.Julia . Bridges, Mary J. . Bridges, Helen J. Brinton, Maria . Burrell, Margaret S Buehler, Ella R. . Buehler, Mary C BuUer, Annie E- . Bucks, Annie E. . Bushong, Catharine Bushong, Mary Childs, William G. 25*


219 297 302 76 96 96 101 I 02 130 130 169 177 170 177 180 206 206

177 170


311 225








^34 134 177 178 182



Childs, Ly. Sander 1) Childs, David A. . . Childs, Nancy H. . Clabaugh, Katharine .\. Clement, Mary C. . Clark, Catharine :\I. Cline, Rebecca E . Costner, Catharine M Costner, William A. Costner, Martha G. Crapster, Mary E. Crapster, IMary . Cremer, Rebecca Cremer, Henry W. Cremer, Charles E. Crook, Sarah E. . . Crow, Sallie . . . Cunningham, Catharine Davis, Harriet . . Dawson, Mar\- . . Delk, Ella R. . . Deane, Ivliza B . Dietrich, ^lary Dietrich, Henry . Dietrich, Henry A. R Dietrich, Samuel Donaldson, Susan B. Duttera, Reliecca Dunn, Sarah . . . Dunnington, Sarah B Eby, Mary .... Eby, Catharine . Eichleberger, Anna ]M Eichleberger, Sarah Eichleberger, Rlanch( Eichleberger, William \V

Eiscenhower, .\lice C Fetterman, Caroline G. Felder, Caroline W.

PAGE. 236 236 202


'34 195 226 229 244 244 132

103 103 104 201 218

173 295 349 '34 '94 251 257 257 257 233 297 328

356 I Si 24S 104 '05 •3> 132 241 64



The Sicopc Family.


Felkner, Margaret A. ... 302

Feete, L. H. Georgiana .... 293

Forster, Mary J 129

Foster, Catharine 267

Foster, Catharine :\I. W 268

Forney, Eliza Si

Forney, Henry S 1 1 1

Forney, David S 117

Forney, John S 118

Forney, Sabina S 190

Forne}', Maj. Daniel P 190

Forney, Col. George H 191

Forney, Gen. William H. ... 209

Forney, Barbara A 210

Forney, Gen. John H 213

Forney, Emma E 214

Forney, Amelia C, 214

Forney, ]\Iaria E 217

Forney, Elizabeth 108

Frasier, Dorcas 349

Fry, Ermina 223

Fry, William W 240

Fry, Chandice M 240

Fry, Frederick L 241

Fry, Daniel H 241

Fry, Alice C 241

Fry, Rhoda :\I 242

Fulk, Elizabeth B 311

George, Ellen M 106

George, Henry 133

George, Anna H 133

Gebhart, Eliza 156

Gilbert, Elizabeth loS

Gilbert, Jessie E loS

Gilbert, Clara J 134

Gloninger, Anna B 45

Gloninger, George 46

Gloninger, Hon. John 46

Gloninger, Capt. Peter 51

Gloninger, Rev. Philip .... 51

Gloninger, Mary 52

Gloninger, Dr. John W 53

Gloninger, John 54

Gloninger, Maria E 55

Gloninger, Catharine 56

Gloninger, Dr. Cyrus D. . . .60


Gloninger, John R. ..... 61

Gloninger, James L 62

Ciloninger, Caroline G 62

Gloninger, Marj' A. . . . 67

Grove, Eouisa C 105

Groflf, Louisa 1S2

Grumbine, Margaret E 293

Helfensteine, Charles . ... 60 Helfensteine, Mary ..... 53

Henkle, Catharine 195

Henkle, Col Noah 1 220

Hefner, Rhoda M 242

Hildt, Maria E 55

Hoff heins, Julia A 90

HofFheins, Rev. John A 124

Hoff heins, Emma L 124

Hofferd, Elizabeth 150

Hofferd, John 159

Hofferd, Catharine 173

Hostetter, Mary 297

Hank, Anna W 356

Hoke, Sarah H 239

Hoke, Mary E 239

Hoke, Caroline W 239

Hoke, Josephine H 240

Hoke, John Z 240

Hoke, William B 242

Hoke, James A 242

Hoke, Mary M 242

Hoke, Nancy J 243

Hoke, Sabina 185

Hoke, Sarah 1S6

Hoke, Daniel 186

Hoke, Frederick 187

Hoke, Hon. Henry 188

Hoke, Col. John 188

Hoke, Sabina S 190

Hoke, Daniel F 192

Hoke, Dr George F 192

Hoke, Alfred 193

Hoke, Anna 193

Hoke, Eliza B 194

Hoke, Catharine M 195

Hoke, Peter 195

Hoke, Catharine 195

Hoke, Andrew 196

The Swopc Family.


Hoke, Elizabeth 196

Hoke, Annie 197

Hoke, Elizabeth 198

Hoke, Henry 199

Hoke, Daniel 199

Hoke, David 200

Hoke, Michael 201

Hoke, Sarah E 201

Hoke, Col. John F 202

Hoke, Nancy H 202

Hoke, Capt. William J 203

Hoke, Francis E 204

Hoke, Mary A ... 206

Hoke, Mary A 218

Hoke, Sallie 21S

Hoke, Col. Franklin A 219

Hoke, Erniina 223

Hoke, Frederick M 224

Hoke, John C 224

Hoke, Rhoda E 225

Hoke, Julius B 226

Hoke, Catharine E 229

Hoke, Mary A 230

Hoke, Jacob 230

Hoke, Dr. Augustus D 233

Hoke, Susan B . 233

Hoke, Mary B 234

Hoke, Gen. Robert F 234

Hoke, Charles F 236

Hoke, Col. John D 191

Jacobs, Susanna 171

Jacobs, Mary E 178

Johnston, Louisa A 102

Keener, Susanna 322

Keener, Christian 340

Keener, Rev. John C 355

Keener, David 356

Kelley, Salome 172

Kennedy, Mary E 178

Kuhn, Catharine 56

Koser, Emma L, 124

Knight, Mary M 242

Krumrine, Elvira F 313

Landis Eliza 182

Lebkeicher, Elizabeth 177

Lester, Sarah H 235

Levan, Sophia . . . . Levan, Alfred G. . . . Levan, Horace C. . . . Long. Catharine . . . .

Lucas, Elmira

Maddux, Sarah ^\. Marburg, Jessie E. . . . Mathias, Adalaide E. . Mathias, Mary J. . . . Mathias, Dr. John S. . . Mc Ashen, Elizabeth . . McComas, Ann E. . . . McCullom, Lydia . . . McCuUough, Sarah . McSherr_v, Sarah . . . McSherry, Amos . . .

Michal, Sarah

Michal, Jacob

Michal vSarah

Michal, Col. William H. Michal, Dr. George W. Michal, Sarah E. . . . Millikin, Louisa . . . . Millikin, Samuel . . . Morgan, Mary A. . . . Morris, Emma V,. ... Mish, Margaret . . . .

Naille, Anna C

Naille, Anna R

Oglesby, Rebecca . . . Ogelsby, Mary . . . .

O'Neal, Ellen

O'Neal, Dr. Walter H. . O'Neal, Mary E. . . . Orrick, Susanna . . . . Orrick, William K. . . Orth. Katharine G. . .

Owen, Mary E

Parson, Anna R

Patton, Jane F

Peck, Annie E

Pitkin, Eliza S . . . Poppenhager, Maria . . Pritchard, Lydia J. . . Quickie, F;iizabeth . . Ouickle, Cephas . . . .

l'.-\OR. 172

'73 .267 •263

350 . 108

'23 . 142





239 . 280

305 . 1S6 . 189 . 189 . 204

205 . 206


306 . 21S . 214 •366 . 101 . 129

. lOI

. 129

. 104


'32 340



239 . 129

313 . 209

352 . A12

S9 19S 228


The Swope Family


Quickie, Catharine I\I 229

Ranck, George H 260

Ranck, Margaret 251

Ranck, Isaac 251

Ranck, John 252

Ranck, Daniel 253

Rathvon, Louisa A 117

Rathvon, William R. . . . , .117

Rathvon, Samuel F 142

Reid, Mary A 230

Rhinedollar, Mary J 89

Rhj'ne, Martha I . 244

Rowe, Elizabeth 196

Rowe, Rebecca E 226

Rowan, Barbara A 210

Roseman, Annie . 197

Roseman, Sarah A.J 227

Roseman, Eugenia D 227

Roedel, Josephine 81

Robinson, Catharine E 229

Ruth Catharine 254

Rutter, Catharine E 260

Ryan, Amelia 173

Sadtler, M. Julia 141

Saltzgiver, Eliza A 293

Scherer, Sarah A. J. ... . . 227

Scherer, Rev. Luther P 227

Scherer. Rev. Wilberforce J. D. . 243 Scherer, Rev. MelancthonG. G. . 243

Scholl, Mary 362

Schmucker, Helen J 112

Schgier, Rachel 174

Seldomridge, Sarah 258

Shriver, Henry D 78

Shriver, Calvin S 78

Shriver, Catharine 102

Shriver, Louisa C 105

Shriver, Ellen M 106

Shriver, INIar}- 106

Shriver, Anna E 106

Shriver, Emma J 107

Shriver, Henry \V 130

Shriver, Eliza B 130

Shorb, vSusan 275

Shorb, James E 296

Shirk, Emma J 294

Sherk, Dr. John H, . vSherk, Elizabeth . . Slagel, Anna E. . . . Slagel, Rev. Calvin S. Smith, Mary B. . Smith, Frances . . . Smith. Hon. Hoke Smith, Fylizabeth . . Smith, Burton . . . Smeltzer, Blanche . . Spangler, Ellen V. Sprenkle, Anna H. Steinheiser, Lydia . . Stevenson, Mary A. . Stofer, Lydia E. . . . Stauffer, Fanny . . . Stoneseifer, Susan . . Stoneseifer, Lucinda C. Stoneseifer, Alfred G. Stover, Mary L. . Swann, Josephine H. vSwitzer, Mary .... Swope, Yost .... Swope, John .... Swope, Anna B. . . . Swope, Mary . . Swope, Henry .... Swope, Elizabeth . . Swope, Conrad . . . •Swope, John .... Swope, Henry .... Swope, Mary .... Swope, Dr. Samuel . Swope, Daniel H. . . Swope, Henry . . Swope, Adam .... vSwcpe, George H. . Swope, Rebecca . . . Swope, Catharine . . Swope, Lj'dia .... Swope, George ... Swope, Eliza .... Swtipe, Clara A. . . . Swope, John Adam . . Swope, Lj'diaJ. ... Swope, James A. . .



58 . 106 . 106








133 . 156 . 219

177 . 166

275 . 290 . 296

314 . 240 . 106 . 26





58 . 68











78 , 81 , 81



89 . 89

The Stvope Family


Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope Swope


John F 90

Julia Ann go

Rev. David 95

Gilbert E 95

Hon. John A 107

Ella Wirt 108

Adalaide E 123

Hon. Samuel M 123

Margaret S 133

Katharine A 134

Clara J 134

John Jacob 148

Jacob 148

George M 149

George Knicely .... 149

Mathias 150

Elizabeth 150

Emanuel 150

Frederick . 154

Levi 154

Daniel 154

^^uriel 155

Lydia 156

Sophia 156

Eliza 156

Frederick 156

Samuel 159

Adam 159

Isaac , . 159

Isaac 160

Fanny 166

David 166

Mary 169

Emanuel 169

Grabill B 170

Leah 170

Lydia 170

Susanna 171

Henry 171

Salome 172

John C 172

Amelia 173

Rachel 174

Frederick E 174

Frederick 178

Anna E 178
















































John Henry 179



Henry K 180

Elizabeth iSo

Mary 181

Louisa 182

Catharine 182

Eliza 182

George K 183

Sabina 185

John Daniel 248

Catharine 24S

Daniel 252

Grabill H 258

Adam D 259

Adam 264

Jonathan 271

Samuel 271

Col, Ephraim 272

Luther A 275

Jacob 280

Edward 285

James W. 286

John A 2S9

Morgan H 289

Clinton M 2S9

Col. Rufus C 2S9

William K. ..... 294

Edward T 306

Granville H 313

Augustus L 313

Ephraim B 214

Edward M 314

Belle M 95

Rev. Benedict 317

Benedict 321

Jacob 321

George 222

David . . 325

Benedict 326

John 326

Samuel 327

John B VJ*^

Logan O j,.; 1

Jacolj 332

William 333


The Stcope Family

Swope, Joseph -334

Swope, Henry 334

Swope, George 339

Swope, Michael 340

Swope, ]Morgan 345

Swope, David 346

Swope, Hardin 349

Swope, Dr. Benedict M 350

Swope, Alfred 350

Swope, John S 352

Swope, Francis M 353

Swope, Charlton A 353

Swope, Hilory 355

Swope, Jacob 338

Swope, Christian 35S

Swope, Jacob 359

Swope, John 360

Swope, Peter 361

Swope, Dr. Henry 362

Swoope, Dr. William 364 ;

Swoope, Peter 364

Swoope, Henry B 365

Swope, Jacob 366

Swope, Peter 366

Swope, Rev. Cornelius E. ... 367

Swope, Col. Michael 369

Swope, Benjamin . '. 370

Swope, Hans Jorg 369

Teague, Chandice M. . . . . . 240


Tinges, Frances \' 141

Watterson, Caroline G 62

Wantz, Clara A 89

Wantz, Mary J 89

Ward, Jane F 312

Wampler, Kliza S 96

Wampler, Augusta 124

Weikert, Eliza 276

Wells, Mary J 142

Whiteside, Frances 244

Wirt, Catharine 76

Wirt, Henry 77

Wirt, Emma J . 107

Wirt, Bertha B 130

Winebrenner, Eliza B 130

Williams, Matia E 217

Williams, Elenor M 253

Winder, Ann 301

Winder, Thomas 315

Withers, Lucy 259

Woods, Catharine 267

Woods, Adam S 276

Woods, Thomas 298

Woods, James F 305

Ycunt, Eugenia D 227

Zimmerman, Sarah 189

Zimmerman, Mary A 206

Zimmerman, Annie E 209


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