/^■^ •:.;^^ < ■^*»^- :--^- u :^#'"-^ 5>N i1> 1 N- ¥' :mji^m'''i 1 )•» ■■"y^^O-'^jS)'-^^''^. ..^ /^ 7 --c^ ■ X^O i^ . V or 'v'^-^ ^ .X i S^iA ■■',:-W'.. ?-s7 HISTORY WESLEYAN METHODISM YOL. I. WESLEY AND HIS TIMES. BY GEORGE SMITH, F.A.S., MESCBER OF THE EOTAL ASIATIC SOCIETY, OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE, FELLOW OF THE GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, ETC., ETC. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS, AND ROBERTS SOLD ALSO BY JOHN MASON, 66, PATERNOSTEE, HOW. 1S57. LONDON: PRINTED BY WIIAIAM NICHOLS, 32, LONDON WALL. :^* ^ ^^=- 5V TO fv^ THE REVEREND ROBERT YOUNG, PRESIDENT OF THE WESLEYAN CONFERENCE, THIS FIRST VOLUME OF I I S3 THE HISTORY OF WESLEYAN JIETH0DIS3I IS MOST RESPECTFULLY AND AFFECTIONATELY AS A PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE VALUE PLACED ON HIS FRIENDSHIP, AND OF HIS DEVOTEDNESS TO THE GREAT CONNEXION OVER WHICH HE SO ABLY AND HONOURABLY PRESIDES, BY THE AUTHOR. A 3 PREFACE. Wesleyan Methodism has for a long time stood before the world as a great aud influential religious institution. Its evangelizing and conserving Christian agency at home^ and its means of religious usefulness abroad, have been so gi'eat, that no person can have any tolerable acquaintance with the moral and religious condition of our own country, or with that of the numerous and multitudinous offshoots from the British stock, now so widely scattered over the world, who is ignorant of the effects produced by the life and labours of John Wesley, and of the results which have arisen from the establishment of the Methodist Connexion. And as fact, not theory, — practical effect, not specula- tive opinion, — must always be the substratum of such knowledge, the history of Wesleyan Methodism is not only a desideratum to general readers, but especially so to the Statesman, Christian Philosopher, Philantlrropist, and, indeed, to every one who desii-es to possess a fall knowledge of the religious state and progress of the Anglo-Saxon race. In such circumstances the reader may reasonably inquire why such a History has not been given to the world long ago ; and seeing it has been thus withheld, he may further ask why it is now attempted. To the first of these queries the author does not feel called upon to furnish a reply, any further than to suggest, that the absence of any pre\ious attempt to supply so obvious Vlll PREFACE. a want, may be taken as a proof of the prevalence of an opinion, that tlie production of such a work must involve great labour, difficulty, and responsibility. With this judgment the author fully coincides, and therefore feels bound to give an honest and candid reason for the appearance of the present volume. Not one of the parties who have spoken to him of the difficulty, delicacy, and responsibility of such an ejffort, has a keener sense of the fact than he himself feels. If then it is asked why he has voluntarily under- taken the onerous task, his answer is, that he fully believes such a work to be necessary; that he was invited and urged to undertake it by persons for whose opinions he entertains the highest respect ; and, lastly, that he was promised such liberal aid, in documents and other material, and such friendly counsel, from some of the best informed persons in the Connexion, that he was at length led to the conclusion, that the work which he in those circumstances would be enabled to issue, Avas likely to be made a blessing to the chm'ch and the world, although it might fall very far short of what the subject requires. On this judg- ment he has acted ; and, in doing so, has exerted him- self to supply a brief, but full, — a friendly, but faithful, — exhibition of Wesley^s life and character, and of the great work which he was the instrument of initiating and carrying on in the world. The author could say very much of the difficulties which he has had to encounter, and of the reasons which have directed his course in several parts of the present volume ; but he will confine himself to a very few and brief observations. In speaking of the conduct and opmions of Wesley, he has felt the full force of the PEEFACE. IX following remark of an eminent living author : — " It must always be an invidious task to stand toward a far wiser and better man than one's self in a relation which is likely^ at every moment^ to be mistaken either for that of a critic, or that of a commentator." In this delicate position he has not been prevented from making a close and careful scrutiny into the life, labours, and character of that great man ; or from giving what he believes to be an honest, candid, and just representation of the whole. The author has freely availed himself of the labours of preceding winters, and has generally mentioned the source from whence he has derived his information. If this has not always been done, it has not been from any wish to omit due acknowledgment, but from a desire to avoid encumbering his pages with a multitude of references. It is much more difficult to make a suitable acknow- ledgment to the numerous ministers and gentlemen who have favoured the author with documents, scarce works, and other valuable materials for this history; and also to these and to others for most important information and counsel : but he cannot refrain from publicly expressing his obligations to the Rev. Robert Young, President of the Conference, the Revs. Thomas Jackson, E. Hoole, D.D., W. W. Stamp, J. Entwisle, G. Osborn, W. L. Thornton, M.A., J. Hargreaves, S. R. Hall, J. H. James, J. P. Lockwood, Gr. Blencowe, J. I. Dredge, J. Kirk, and J. H. Rigg; as well as to Joseph Carne, Esq., F.R.S., Penzance, and James Nichols, Esq., Hoxton Square; from all of whom he has received most essential aid. In making this avowal, however, it is not intended to X PREFACE. implicate any person in the responsibility of the present undertaking. The author has fully availed himself of all the aids within his reach ; but, having done so, he has in every case steadily followed the dictates of his own judgment. The work is therefore his own; and, as such, it is with unaffected diffidence submitted to the religious public, in the earnest hope that it may, by the divine blessing, be rendered instrumental in forward- ing the cause of truth and righteousness. It is only necessary to add, that the single object of the writer has been to present a faithful account of Wesleyan Methodism, and not to say anything to the disparage- ment of any person or party. If, therefore, any- thing is found in the volume capable of such a con- struction, he trusts it will be attributed to its true cause, — accidental oversight, — and not to any studied design. Materials for a second volume, bringing down the history to 1815, have been collected ; and its publication may (if the author's life and health are preserved) be expected in the early part of the ensuing year. Trevu, Camborne, May 4th, 1857. CONTENTS. EOOK I. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. PAGE THE RELIGIOUS STATE OF ENGLAND BEFORE THE INTRODUCTION OF METHODISM 1 CHAPTER II. THE FATHERS AND FAMILY OF THE TVESLEYS 58 CHAPTER III. THE EARLY LIFE OF JOHN AND CHARLES WESLEY 97 BOOK II. WESLEYAN METHODISM FROM THE CONVERSION OF JOHN WESLEY TO HIS DEATH. CHAPTER I. THE CONVERSION OF JOHN AND CHARLES WESLEY, AND THEIR PERSONAL INTERCOURSE WITH THE MORAVIANS 143 CHAPTER II. THE ORIGIN OF METHODISM, AND ITS PROGRESS TO THE FIRST CONFERENCE 166 CHAPTER III. FROM THE FIRST CONFERENCE TO THAT OF 1765 226 CHAPTER IV. FROM THE CONFERENCE OF 1765 TO THAT OF 1777 ... 335 CHAPTER V. FROM THE CONFERENCE OF 1777 TO TH.^.T OF 1784... 435 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGE FROM THE CONFERENCE OF 1784 TO THE DEATH OF WESLEY 529 BOOK III. WESLEY AND THE METHODISM OF HIS TIMES. CHAPTER I. THE RELIGIOUS CHARACTER OF WESLEY 618 CHAPTER II. WESLEYAN THEOLOGY AND EVANGELIZATION 641 CHAPTER III. WESLEYAN DISCIPLINE 663 CHAPTER IV. WESLEYAN LITERATURE 686 CHAPTER V. WESLEYAN METHODISM A GREAT REFORMATION 706 APPENDIX. Wesley's letter to lord north on the American WAR — PLAN OP the LEEDS CIRCUIT FOR THE YEAR 1777 — SOME OF THE MINUTES OF THE AMERICAN CONFERENCE, 1780 — ACCOUNT OF THE RECONCILIA- TION OF THE TWO AMERICAN CONFERENCES, FROM MR. ASBURY's journal THE DEED OF DECLARA- TION— LETTER TO THE METHODIST CONFERENCE ASBURY's CERTIFICATE OF ORDINATION MODEL DEED FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF CHAPELS RULES OF THE UNITED SOCIETIES — EXTRACTS FROM THE *' LARGE MINUTES " LIST OF WORKS REVISED AND ABRIDGED FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS BY THE REV. JOHN WESLEY, M.A. LIST OF POETICAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE REV. MESSRS. JOHN AND CHARLES WESLEY MUSICAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE REV. JOHN WESLEY, M.A 726 I HISTORY WESLETAN METHODISM. BOOK I. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. THE RELIGIOUS STATE OF ENGLAND BEFORE THE INTRO- DUCTION OF METHODISM. This Investigation necessary — Its Nature and Extent — The State of the Natioa under the Tudors — The Origin and Increase of the Puritans — The Government of the Stuarts — Their Measures respecting Religion — Injudicious Policy of the King and Laud — Expulsion of the Bishops, and KemodeUing of the Church — Success of Parliament through the Aid of the Scots — Usurpation of the House of Commons — Absolute Power of Cromwell — Hasty and unwise Manner of the Restoration — The Savoy Conference and its Results — Persecuting Policy of Charles II. — Its Object — Accession of James II. — His religious Designs — Rebellion of Monmouth — Cruelties of Jeffrey s— Instance of retriljutive Providence — The Abdication of James — The Policy of "William and Mary — The Effects of continued Turbulence and Change on the moral and religious State of the Nation — The Manners and jNIorals of the Period — Unfa- vourable Nature and Result of the prevalent religious Influences — Ori- gin and Progress of the English Sermon — A Season of general Pros- perity and Progress in Literature, Science, and Art — Causes of Minis- terial Inefficiency — Testimonies to the gross Irreligion of the Period. In order to give an intelligent account of the origin This investi- and early progress of Methodism, it is necessary to exhibit •^''*'°" "'': '''■'-> ' •> cessary : its the religious state of the nation at the time of its nature and introduction. VOL. I. extent. \ Si HISTORY OF AVESLEYAN METHODISM. This exhibition cannot be made by referring merely to the events immediately connected with the days in which the Wesley s lived and laboured. The religious condition of this period M-as the result of causes and circumstances some of which occurred long before. It will be essen- tial, therefore, to extend our retrospect to times much earlier than that which is the principal object of attention. But, although the range of research must be so extensive, it will not be necessary to go largely into detail. A full investigation of the subject would fill a volume : a brief sketch will answer the present purpose. Tiic state of The authority of the Pope, which in all religious matters undcr^th" ^^^^ ^^^^^ previously supreme, was repudiated by Henry T\uioi-3. YIII. and his Parliament ; and that sovereign was de- clared to be the head of the English Church in 1534. Two years later, an English version of the Bible was first printed in England ; and the doctrines of the Reforma- tion were about this time faithfully preached by Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, and other pious prelates and ministers. During the short reign of Edward VI. the reformed doc- trines obtained extensive influence, and copies of the Scriptures were circulated as freely as the state of learning and the circumstances of the people would allow. Eorty- nine editions of the sacred record, namely, thirty-five of the New Testament and fourteen of the complete Bible, were printed and published in England during the six years and a half of the young king's reign. The dawning of hope for the rehgion of Britain which these propitious circumstances justified, was obscured by the death of this prince, and the accession of Mary, 1553. She restored the papal authority; and the prelates and others who had suffered imprisonment in the preceding reign for their political and religious opinions, were now BOOK I. CHAPTEE, I. invested with unlimited po\Yer. This power thej used with the most vigilant and merciless zeal. Hooper, Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, and many others, were burned; and hundreds more perished in loathsome prisons, and by various other hardships and tortures. Mary died, and Elizabeth ascended the throne, in 1558. Scarcely ever did a single reign produce a greater change on a nation than that which took place in England during the time when this queen sat on the British throne. Her grand purpose appears to have been to re-establish the Eeforma- tion ; and so far as legislation can change the religion of a country, this was soon accomplished. Act after act was passed for the purpose ; and in a single session the whole form of religion was established as it is substantially found at present in the national Church. But the really religious effect of this outward change is best seen in the fact, that out of 9,-iOO beneficed clergymen in the kingdom, only 15 bishops, 12 archdeacons, 15 heads of colleges, 50 canons, and 80 parochial priests, — in all 172 persons, quitted their preferments rather than change their religion from the ex- treme Popery of Mary^s reign to what is called the thorough Protestantism of that of Elizabeth. The religious policy of this queen, and the encourage- ment given by her government to maritime enterprise and commerce,, greatly increased the population, wealth, and general prosperity of the country : so that, although threatened by the most powerful enemies, and opposed by mighty armaments, the British queen triumphed over all opposition through a long and successful reign. It must not, however, be supposed that constitutional liberty, either civil or rehgious, was at this time established in England. The sovereign stiU possessed so many indirect sources of income, as to be almost entirely independent of B 2 4 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. parliamentary grants. Both Mary and Elizabetli increased some branches of the customs merely by an order in council. Royal proclamations, which had been previously declared by parliament to be equivalent to law, were now regarded as omnipotent. By this means statutes were altered or repealed ; the costumes, diet, or arms of the people regu- lated ; and even the legal decisions, in the ordinary courts, perverted. Arbitrary imprisonments were common ; the torture was not unfrequently employed to extort confession ; and such was the predominance of royal power, that neither judge nor jury dared to acquit, when the crown was bent on a conviction. Tiiis tyranny, however, was still more monstrous and galling in its application to religion. At the beginning of this reign the Court of Star Chamber was in full opera- tion. The members of this court were the principal officers of state, and held their places during the pleasure of the crown. In their mode of examination, and in respect of the penalty awarded, they were under the direction of no law, and limited by only one condition, — that they should not inflict capital punishment. The Court of High Com- mission exercised a still more arbitrary jurisdiction : it w'as chiefly directed against the undefinable crime of heresy, and was a terrible engine of oppression. When these failed to accomplish the will of the sovereign, martial law was resorted to, — a measure which placed the hfe and liberty of every subject in the power of the crown. The origin The rapid growth of Puritanism during this reign, and increass .. iti -ii of the Turi- although little noticed by historians, deserves attention, as ^''"'*' having greatly contributed to the events which afterward occurred. As early as the time of Edward YL, many con- scientious persons were dissatisfied with the Reformation then introduced. They agi-eed with the doctrines estab- BOOK I. CHAPTER I. O lished, but they also desired the removal from the Church of what they regarded as the remains of Popery in respect of vestments, ceremonies, images, ornaments, and other things of similar character. So that when Elizabeth passed her Act of Uniformity, and had it rigidly applied to the whole kingdom, great numbers of pious and enlightened men refused to continue in a church, whose ritual and external services, containing what they regarded as elements of papal superstition, were now made binding, under heavy penalties, on every individual minister. But the growth of the Puritans was affected nearly as much by the character, condition, and conduct of those who remained in the Church, as by the piety, zeal, and energy of those who left it. The greatest part of the country clergy were, at this time, so ignorant, that they could do little more than read : many of them were car- penters and tailors, having taken to these employments because they could not subsist upon their benefices, and some even kept ale-houses. During the first years of Eli- zabeth's reign, the service in many of the London parishes was performed by the sextons ; and in very many vicarages, some of them in good provincial towns, the people were forced to provide for themselves as they could. "^ These cir- cumstances offered great opportunities to the Puritans, and thus a numerous and intelligent religious confederacy rose into being, which secretly maintained the propriety and necessity of conforming the Church fully to the model of the New Testament, and which, although remaining in the Establishment, was as far estranged from it on the one side, as Popery was on the other. This body was hated and persecuted by the queen, although respected and befriended by many of her ablest ministers. * Southey's " Life of Wesley," vol. i., p. 278. 6 IIISTOIIY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Tilt- govern- Tlic death of Elizabeth (1603) placed James I., of the Suuitf ^''' liousc of Stuart, on the throne of England, and brought it and Scotland under one government. This reign, although it produced no very remarkable events, prepared the country for the terrible struggle which followed. Ehzabeth's foreign and commercial policy had secured for England a position and a prosperity which even James's folly and imbecility could not easily nor soon destroy, and which Avere sufficient to carry the king through all the difficulties which he had to encounter; but it had done more than this, — it had raised up a powerful and wealthy common- alty. Through the piety and energy of the Puritans, and the zeal for Calvinistic tenets with which they now began to be inflamed, the people were to a greater extent than ever hostile to the Church, and disposed to regard the government which patronized and sustained it as partial and unjust. Charles I. succeeded his father in 1625. This sovereign was fi-om his accession beset with difficulties of the greatest magnitude, which he was utterly unable to withstand, being weak in judgment, passionate in temper, and ob- stinate in disposition. Like all his family, he was fond of arbitrary government, and had an evident partiality for Popery. Yet it is not clear that he introduced any new offensive usages : he rather endeavoured to depend on those means which his predecessors had frequently employed, iiieir _/^s early as the first year of this king's reign, the House respecting of Commons apponited a Committee oi Keligion, which pro- ceeded to exliihit the work of Dr. Montague, and by which he was charged with endeavouring in that work to reconcile England with Rome, and to alienate the king's affections from his well disposed subjects. Such measures would have been of little importance to the sovereign under some cir- measures re.th of July following, when he was discharged by Habeas Corpus, giving security of £10,000 for his appearance the first day of the next term. Staying iu London for that purpose, he was, on the 14th of Sep- tember, again seized by a warrant of the Earl of Sunder- land, and committed close prisoner to the Tower for high treason. While he was in this situation, a general inquiry was made by the agents of Lord Jefireys, — advanced to the post of lord high chancellor on the 28th of that month, — amongst all the prisoners and condemned persons in the west, for an accusation against him ; and threats and pro- mises of life were employed to that end, that lord frequently declaring his resolution to hang him. The dread of this induced Mr. Prideaux to make application to the king by several persons ; but receiving no other answer than that His Majesly had given him to the lord chancellor, as a reward for his services in the west, he at last agreed with his lordship for his pardon, after seven months' rigorous confinement, upon the payment of £15,000. These facts being proved to the House of Commons soon after the Revolution, a Bill was ordered in on the 1st of May, 1680, to charge the manors of Dolby in the Wolds and Neather Broughton, in Leicestershire, the estate of that lord, then deceased, with the repayment of £15,000, and interest, extorted by him from Mr. Prideaux." * King James pursued a course of policy uniform in its spirit and tendency, its sole object being the full restora- tion of the Romish faith. Por this purpose he made Tyr- * " Life " of Archbishop Tillotson, Second EJilioii, pp. 15, 10. BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 31 connel, an Irish Papist, lord-lieuteuant of Ireland, and caused him to re-model the Irish army, and officer it "wdth Roman Catholics. Several members of that church were sworn members of the Privy Council. On summoning the Scottish Parliament, the king wrote them a letter, " recom- mending to their special care his innocent Roman Gathoh'c subjects.'" All the measures of the court were directed to the same object, although nothing made the Reformed Church so aware of its danger as the forcible introduction, by royal authority, of Popish priests into the Universities. The act, however, which hastened the fate of this monarch, was his famous Declaration of liberty of conscience. It seems that, on the first issuing of this Declaration, its efi'ect was in some measure neutralized, for want of its having sufficient publicity ; the means of publication being at that time very scanty, and the remote parts of the country having but little communication with the capital. To remedy this defect, on the second publication of the Declaration, James issued an order of council, commanding it to be read in all the churches throughout the country by a certain day. The Archbishop of Canterbury, with six bishops, petitioned the king to be excused from complying with this demand. This petition was printed, and freely circulated in London ; upon which these bishops were summoned before the council, sent to the Tower, and soon after tried at West- minster, when they were acquitted. These circumstances led the nation to despair of main- Ab.iicatiou taining religion, libertj^, or peace, under this sovereign; and all eyes were instinctively turned for deliverance to William Prince of Orange, who had married Mary, the eldest daughter of James. This prince was remark- able for courage, energy, and fortitude; he was an able military commander, and a thorough Protestant. AH of James. 33 HISTOUY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. parties in England, with the single exception of the Catho- lics, made overtures to him ; and, having collected a fleet and army, he soon landed at Torbay. He came with sixty ships of war, eleven thousand infantry, and four thousand five hundred cavalry, and first marched to Exeter, where he was joined by the gentry of Devon and Cornwall, and from thence he proceeded to Windsor. Meanwhile the nation turned away from James. The army, the navy, the Church, and the people, sinmltaneously abandoned the infatuated monarch, who, finding himself without any sup- port, sought refuge in Erance, and left a fair field for his successful rival. Tiic i)oiuv William and Mary were, in consequence of the abdica- aiu! :^iarv. tion of Jamcs, raised to the throne ; but the nation did not on this occasion repeat the blunder which it had made on the restoration of the Stuarts. Before offering the Prince of Orange the sceptre, both Houses waited on him and tendered a Declaration, asserting the rights and liberties of the people, which was received, and soon afterward, having formally passed through Parliament, became law. By this measure, constitutional liberty was secured to the nation. The public purse was placed in charge of the Commons ; the succession to the throne limited to Protestant princes ; the censorship of the press was soon after abolished ; and other alterations of a liberal character followed. In the year which followed the arrival of William, an Act was passed which gave toleration to Protestant Dissenters, and at the same time lessened the severity of the penal code against the Catholics. Yet, notwithstanding the general eclat with which William and Mary were called to the throne, their accession made another division in the English Church. Many ministers belonging to the High Church party, regarding the hereditary right to the throne BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 33 as divine and indefeasible, refused to take the oath of allegiance to William, and were consequently expelled from their offices and livings, under the name of Non-jurors. The archbishop of Canterbury, four bishops, and about fourteen hundred clergymen, suffered deprivation for this cause ; most of them being the very men who had refused to read King James's Declaration for general liberty of conscience, as it was insidiously called. These events placed the country in the civil, political, and religious position in which it was found at the origin of Methodism. Anne ascended the throne at the death of William, in 1702. Her reign was distinguished by the mili- tary triiunphs of Marlborough, but by no events of import- ance affecting the internal state of the country. George I., the son of Sophia of Hanover, (granddaughter of James I,, and daughter of Elizabeth queen of Bohemia,) succeeded in 1714, on the death of Anne. The early part of his reign was disturbed by the efforts of the Pretender ; but aU these were defeated, and the constitution of the country was maintained as it had been established in 1688. When this brief history is considered for the pm-pose of forming a just idea of the relig^ous condition of England in the early part of the eighteenth century, it is found that it begins with a season of despotism and darkness. It is scarcely possible to depict the state of the country during the reign of Henry VIII. in shades too deep, or terms too strong. The land lay prostrate at the will of a rapacious and sensual tyrant. No power existed which could save the property of his subjects from his cupidity, or their lives from his cruelty. No sex or age was sufficient to shield those who stood in the way of his licentious excesses, or were the victims of his malignity. If he was the first to throw off the priestly tyranny of Kome, it was that lie might c 5 31< HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. revel in the indulgence of unbridled passion. If he freed the country from the numerous and enormous monastic establish- ments which were preying on its vitals^ it was that he might thus grasp the means of continued libidinous gratification, and be able to reward those who ministered to his wicked- ness. In a word, his general policy was scandalous and dis- graceful ; and those actions of his which, in their nature and ulterior results, were favourable to truth and beneficial to the nation, were, in their immediate object and aim, politically and religiously great iniquities. It must be admitted, that all this misrule could not paralyse the intellect, crush the ardour, or break the spirit of Englishmen ; but it went as far towards it as was possible. It depressed all interests and all ranks, rendered the nobles insecure of property and life, and kept the people in ignorance and bondage. As if the darkest hour of Britain's history was immediately to precede the dawn of a Gospel day, this tyrannical and voluptuous king rioted in his abominations just before the Gospel was announced by pious ministers, and the English Bible was given to the people. Tiie effpi.ts Proceeding from such a starting-point, account must be turimience taken of the influences brought to bear upon the nation imd <-haii2:e tliroughout the ensuing one hundred and fifty years, in 1)1 1 the state ° f^ J J > of the im- order to tlie formation of a just idea of England at the period when the history of Methodism begins. In doing this, it will be necessary to direct attention to two or three separate views of the country. Eirst, it may be desirable to take a brief review of the po- Htical influence which, during this season, affected the Eng- lish nation ; and here it will be sufficient to observe, that it was a period of frequent turbulence and convulsion. After Henry YIIL, and the short rule of Edward VL, came the reign of Mary, who seemed to aim at the extirpation tion BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 35 of Protestantism and tlie subjection of England to Spain. The bloody persecution of this period must have made a fearful impression on the public mind. The long and com- paratively quiet government of Elizabeth was followed by that of James I. During this season, although the power of the crown was arbitrary, and the tone of government depended much on the personal character of the sovereign, the nation was kept in tolerable quiet ; but the vices of the rulers must have had an unfavourable effect on the people. Nor can it be denied, whatever may be said as to the personal character of Charles I., that many of the public measures of his government were directly opposed to scriptural religion. In tlie early part of this reign, a complaint was made to the judges on the Western Circuit, as to the mischievous effects produced by the revels, sports, church-ales, and other occasions of riot and debauchery on the Lord's Day. The judges, thus appealed to by tlie county magistrates, made an order for suppressing such practices on Sundays, and, on their return to the circuit at a following assize, they punished a few persons for dis- obeying this order. Archbishop Laud, having been informed of these circumstances, induced the king to summon Lord Chief Justice Richardson before the Council, where lie was sharply reprimanded for his conduct, and enjoined to revoke the order wliich he had made, at the next assizes ; and, as if removing all obstruction to the desecration of the Sabbath were not sufficient, the king was advised to republish a Declaration issued by James I. in 1618, for the purpose of allowing and promoting Sunday sports. By this means free and fuU liberty and encouragement were given for the dancing of men and women, archery for men, leaping, vaulting. May-games, Whitsun-ales, morris- dancers. May- poles, and other sports, after the church services on 36 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN .METHODISM, Sundays. And His Majesty's pleasure was declared to be, that the bishops should take measures for constraining the people to conform to these practices, or to leave the country. These and other measures of this reign called forth a resistance by which the foundation of English society was shaken to its centre. Six years of civil warfare, which extended from Scotland to Cornwall, must have produced immense disorder and demoralization. The Restoration, fol- lowed by the rule of the two later Stuarts, was scarcely less mischievous. Continued proscription of political offenders, and the execution of great numbers in a manner which bore the character of judicial murder ; incessant plots on the one hand, and grasping at arbitrary power on the other; — such acts, followed as they all were by the bloody tragedies of Jeffreys and Kirk, must have had a fearful influence on society. Then came the expulsion of James and the election of William of Orange; after which the nation was kept in continual alarm for nearly half a century by the efforts of the Pretender. Such malign influences as these, crowded into the history of a nation during one hundred and fifty years, must have told with fearful effect on the social and religious progress of England. Nor must it be forgotten that, at the time when the father and mother of John and Charles Wesley were married, the Eive-Mile Act was in full force, and more than five persons, besides the resident family, could not meet in any house to worship God, without exposing themselves to imprisonment or trans- portation. Tiieniiiuiiers The mcasurcs which affected the manners and morals of „f this the people cannot be detailed. A few particulars may be '"•■•''"' mentioned. The systematic and universal desecration of the Sabbath, BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 37 which was not only allowed but enforced by the infamous Book of Sports, is a sufficient evidence of the general tendency of public measures during the reigns of James I. and Charles I. The Commonwealth proceeded to prohibit immorality by law in an extravagant manner. Yice was punished \vith Draconian severity. Adultery was a capital crime for the first offence. Fornication was punished with three months^ imprisonment for the first offence; for the second^ with death. Almost all recreations were prohibited, and the external ap- pearance of rehgion was so rigidly enforced as to be largely productive of hypocrisy. Yet it cannot be doubted, that the open practice of vice and profligacy was greatly checked by these measures, although the surface of society presented an appearance wliich was far from being a fair index of the real state of education, morals, and religion. Tor public morals are reputed to have been in as bad a condition a year prior to the Eestoratiou as they were in 1637. This was in a great degree owing to the unsettled state of the nation, subject to perpetual intercourse with the military, who were not ascetics in piety : the heads of the different religious parties had embroiled themselves in politics, and had lost much of their pristine zeal and earnestness. The Restoration completely removed this appearance of morahty. It opened wdde the flood-gates of licentiousness and vice. The court was a seat of wholesale prostitution. The king was a confirmed voluptuary ; and being an utter stranger to virtue himself, he was careless of it in others. He is acknowledged to have been the father of at least eleven children born of seven different women, who lived successively with him as mistresses, although he had a queen the whole time, who had to meet and mix up with these women at court. This profligacy exerted A.^'4^9'.afl 38 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. a fatal iuilaence on the people, and soon greatly affected the morals of the nation ; and wild licentious- ness was accompanied by corresponding progress in brutality and violence. Sir John Coventry, liaving said something offensive to the king's mistresses, was seized in the streets of London by some courtiers, who slit his nose open. Vice stalked through the land without disguise. Buckingham, Rochester, Sir Charles Sedley, and the Killigrews, were most distinguished by their wit and libertinisrii. Charles laughed at their follies, and, by his example and that of his cavaliers, rendered licentiousness and debauchery generally prevalent. Drunkenness was common ; conversation was fearfully corrupted ; the coarsest jests and most indecent words were admitted amongst the highest classes, and even disgraced the literature of the day. The stage, copying the living manners of the times, united the profligacy of the French with the rudeness of English manners. Nearly all the actresses were in the keeping of the aristocracy, and a few were the acknowledged wives of noblemen. Sir John Denham and Lord Chesterfield have been charged with poisoning their wives, and the latter is alleged to have aggravated the horror of the oii'ence by administering the fatal dose in the wine at the Communion. The abandoned Buckingham lived in open adultery with the Countess of Shrewsbury; the injured husband challenged him ; they met, when the duke mortally wounded the earl, and then took the profligate countess to his wife in his own house. One circumstance which greatly contributed to the pre- valence of luxury, profligacy, and wickedness, was the rapid increase of commerce and wealth. In no previous period of English history had the trade and riches of the kingdom progressed so fast as from the Restoration to the Revolution. BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 39 The wars with the Dutch^ by disturbing the mercantile affairs of that repubHcj had greatly added to the trade of England. It has been affirmed, that during the twenty- eight years which elapsed from the restoration of Charles 11. to the abdication of James II., the commercial marine of England was more than doubled. The directly religious influences which, during this Uiifavom-a- •^ '^ ' ° ble nature period, were brought to bear on the people, were equally and result of ... thepreva'.ent unpropitious. ,,ii^.i„^^3 „,. It cannot be doubted that the progress of the Reforma- fl"t'»ces. tion, even during the reign of Henry VIII., diffused much Gospel light throughout the land : and it is equally clear that this measure of light was much increased during the brief reign of his son and successor, Edward YI. The graiid agency for effecting this important object must always be the preaching of the Gospel. AVe cannot do better, there- fore, than insert here the masterly account given by Dr. Thomas Birch of the origin and progress of the true English seraion, which has been the admiration of all foreign divines : — " The great improvements which [Tillotsou] made in Origin and this important branch of public instruction, whereby Chris- the^EngiisU tianity has made a provision for the spreading the principles of morality and rehgion, which had been omitted by the pagan legislators, and very insufficiently attempted by the philosophers of antiquity, will appear to those who con- sider the state of the pulpit at the time when he entered upon the function of a preacher. The whole form of the discourses there was oppressed with an unnecessary mixture of various languages, affected wit, and puerile rhetoric ; and the general sense of the text was totally neglected, while every single word of it was separately considered under all its possible meanings. The history of preaching sennoii. 40 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. in our country and language, which cannot indeed be traced much higher tliau the Reformation, would show that from the beginning of the seventeenth century as false a taste had infected the pulpit as had prevailed after the corruption of the Roman eloquence, from the time of Seneca till the Lower Empire ; and the gravity and sim- plicity of style which distinguished the writers of the pre- ceding age, were almost entirely lost till after the Restora- tion, when our author brought back both purity of lan- guage and force of reasoning. The reign of Henry YIII. produced two very learned divines, — Dr. Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, and Dr. Colet, Dean of St. Paul's ; the former of whom has a few sermons, and the latter one, still extant, not contemptible for their style or argument. Those of Dr. Latimer, Bishop of AYorcester, are defective in dignity and elegance; his frank remonstrances to persons of the highest rank being delivered in expressions of peculiar levity, and intermixed with frequent stories unsuitable to the solemnity of the place and occasion. The Homilies' drawn up under King Edward VI. are to be considered as a condescension to the capacities of the common people. In the long reign of his sister Elizabeth appeared several preachers who did honour to it : Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury ; Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury; Sandys, Archbishop of York, whose sermons are perhaps superior to any of his contemporaries ; and Hooker, author of the ' Ecclesiastical Polity.'' But the great corruption of the oratory of the pulpit may be ascribed to Dr. Andrews, successively Bishop of Chichester, Ely, and Winchester, whose high reputation on other accounts gave a sanction to that vicious taste introduced by him several years before the death of Queen Elizabeth, one of his printed sermons being preached as early as 1588. The pedantry of King James the First's BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 41 court completed the degeneracy of all true eloquence, so that the most applauded preachers of that time are uo\y insupportable; and all the wit and learning of Dr. Donne cannot secure his sermons from universal neglect ; and those of Hales of Eton are scarce ever read by the most zealous admirers of his other writings. Bishop Hall_, of Exeter, like many other great men of that age, in this kind of composition sinks extremely below his own performances in all others, wherein he shows himself no ill copier of Seneca^s sententious manner. Dr. Sanderson, afterwards Bishop of Lincoln, in the beginning of the reign of Charles I., furnished examples of a more easy and natural expression, and a greater connexion and propriety of argu- ment, than the nation had for many years been used to ; and the few discourses remaining of Chillingworth are not unworthy of his character. But the volume of Dr. Jeremy Taylor, who began to distinguish himself about the time of that king^s death, deserves much higher commendation for the copiousness of his invention, and the extent and beauty of his imagination, on which account he may be considered as the Barrow of an earlier date. But whoever is desirous of a compendious view of the various manners of preaching at that time, may consult a very ingenious imitation of them by Mr. Abraham ^7right, fellow of St. John's College, in Oxford, and afterwards vicar of Okeham, in Rutland- shire, who, in 1057, pubhshed 'Eive Sermons in Eive several Styles or Ways of Preaching/ the first in that of Bishop Andrews ; the second in that of Bishop Hall ; the third in that of Dr. Jasper Mayne and Mr. Thomas Cart- wright, two poets and dramatic writers as well as preachers ; the fourth in that of the Presbyterians; and the fifth in that of the Independents." ^ * "Life" of Archbishop Tillotsoa, Second Edition, p. 22. 42 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. But it must be remembered, that the early Protestant discourses fell on the ears of those who had been brought up in the midnight ignorance of the Popish superstitions of that day; and further, that this word of Gospel grace had " free course " but for a very brief season. After struggling six years with the darkness and error which had been engendered by ages of super- stition, the light was extinguished, as far as it could possibly be by bloody persecution. Again the word of God was proscribed, and a flood-tide of Popish error and influence passed over the country during the whole reign of Mary. Witli the accession of Elizabeth, Gospel truth was again preached; but, on the settlement of the Eng- lish Church, not a few of the most pious and spiritually minded of the Protestants were excluded from her pulpits, because so many rites and usages, which they deemed remnants of Popery, were retained. This is boldly asserted at the present time. A living author distinctly states, that " the Protestant confession was drawn up with the purpose of including Catholics:"* and thus two fearful wrongs were perpetrated ; elements of antichristian error w^ere retained, and the godly and conscientious followers of Christ were by these means excluded. IN^otwitlistanding this fatal mistake, there was a great circulation of Gospel truth during this reign, which germinated and produced fruit during that and the following generations. Indeed, it seems more than probable, that it was the prevalence of Scripture truth, infringed on and coerced by the Popish tendencies of Charles I., which contributed to the ruin of that unhappy king more than any merely political causes. From the death of Charles to the Restoration, there was a still more effective ministratiou of the Gospel throughout * " Oxford Tracts for the Times," No, XC, p. 83, BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 43 tlie country. The churches were in very many places occupied by able, earnest, spiritually-miuded men ; and much was done during this period to promote and to estab- lish a thoroughly Protestant feeling and judgment, and extend real religion among the people. The Eestoratiou completely reversed this hopeful progress : thousands of conscientious ministers were driven from the Church ; as far as the power of the crown could effect its object, all classes of Nonconformists were silenced ; and the Establishment was made an engine of state policy, and used to further the arbi- trary designs of the sovereign, to repress Protestant feeling, and to pave the way for the return of the nation to Popery. For nearly a generation — during twenty-eight years — the people of England were in this state of retrogression. All the influences that were invested with power, and allowed freedom of action on the public mind, were malign in their tendency. The most zealous and effective preachers of the Gospel were silenced; the most pious of the people were pro- hibited worshipping God according to the dictates of their consciences. The religious services that were tolerated communicated the truth of the Gospel, as found in the Liturgy of the Church ; but, although many eminent and good men laboured to sustain and extend their influence, they were unable to quicken the inert mass; M'hile, on the other hand, in numerous cases, the truth of the ritual was obscured and disfigured by the tame, inefficient, and frequently erroneous teaching of the pulpit, and, perhaps more so, by unmeaning rites and usages ; while every encouragement was given to immorality and pro- fligacy of manners and conduct. Indeed, all the influence of the court, and of the aristocracy in general, was exerted in this direction ; while the whole course of policy and legislation was studiously designed to prevent and repress 44 HISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. A season of general prosperity. I'rogress in literature, science, and art. the expansive power of the Gospel, and to reduce all that was known of religion to a name and an outward form. It was in such circumstances, and under such influ- ences, that the population grew up, which constituted the British nation at the close of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century, and which included the parents of the Wesleys in its numbers. When William and Mary ascended the throne, and even during the reign of Anne, although the nation was disgiisted with Popery, and turned away from it with loathing, it was not religious. Indeed, the people had little to do with what is called the great Revolution of 1688. This was almost exclusively the act of the aristocracy and the Church, who saw, in the arbitrary policy and Popish tendency of the Stuarts, danger to their interests. The masses of the people were grossly ignorant and fearfully irreligious. Those who regard the advancement of intelligence, social and national progress, as identical with religion, or as means to its attainment, may reasonably doubt these statements. For it cannot be questioned, that this was a season in which the power of this country was extended in a most remark- able manner. The martial prowess of William, although he J was seldom very successful as a general, had raised the name •' of England in the estimation of Europe, if it had not humbled the power of Prance. Both these objects were undoubtedly accomplished by the victories of Marlborough, and our country in consequence took a position in the world such as she had never previously occupied. In every department of science and literature, equal and even superior progress had been made. Mathematics and astronomy had been enriched and extended by Wallis, Halley, Plamsteed, and jSFewton. Locke had employed his acute intellect on metaphysical philosophy, a region in dj BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 45 which Bishop Berkeley liad also become famous. Indeed^ iu every branch of literature, men shone forth with dazzling brightness and in surprising numbers : — Wycherley, Con- greve, • Yanbrugh, Steele, and Farquhar, as dramatists ; Addison, Swift, Prior, Eowe, Parnell, Garth, Gay, and Pope, as poets. Politics were discussed periodically by Davenant, Hare, Swift, Addison, and Bolingbroke. In fact, this has been commonly called the Augustan age of literature. But all this learned glory was not sufficient to make it religious, or to rescue it from the character of gross spi- ritual darkness and immorality. It is, indeed, so easy to make this charge against any age, that it is feared in this instance its just and fearful weight win not be appreciated. The majority of the clergy were ignorant, worldly-minded, and irreligious, and many of them scandalized their profession by open immorality ; and it may be said, without any breach of charity, that very few, even of the best of them, had correct views respecting the atoning sacrifice of Christ, or understood the nature of the great cardinal doctrine of tl\e Reformation, justification by faith. If TiUotson, the amiable and eminent Arch- bishop of Canterbury, could so far forget himself, as to declare, in a sermon before the king, "that no man is obliged to preach against the religion of a country, though a false one, unless he has a power of working miracles,""^ — thus passing condemnation on the whole band of Protestant Reformers ; and could maintain that God had appointed, not only the rites and sacrifices of the Hebrew church, but even the perfect atonement and intercession of the Son of God Himself, in compliance with the notions of the ancient heathen,t of whom it is said, they *' changed the * " Life of John Howe. By Dr. E. Calamy," p. 75. t Tiu.otson's Works, vol. iv., p. 319. Priestley. 1820. 46 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. trutli of God into a lie," — what must have been the preaching of the ordinary clergy ? The Dissenters had to a lamentable extent lost the piety and zeal of their Puritan forefathers^ and were too generally sinking down into Ariau error, lifeless formalism, or antinomian apathy. Causes of Jt is not difficult to account for this ministerial defection. miiiistcvial inefficiency. Por ten loug ycars of peril aud persecution, some of the best men that ever entered the Christian ministry M'ere debarred from the exercise of all their official duties, and were com- pelled to content themselves with attempts to benefit the world by their writings, in which they were eminently suc- cessful. "When some beams of royal indulgence shone upon them in the latter part of Charles the Second^'s reign, they silently and cautiously improved their advantages, built meeting-houses, of which, till then, very few indeed were to be seen in any part of the kingdom, and gathered to- gether the scattered remains of their several flocks. But they possessed no facilities for making aggressive attacks on the vices of society. After the Revolution of 1688, when their privileges were enlarged, some of the more youthful ministers engaged in unfruitful theories on sacred subjects, which brought many of them within the meshes of the Arian net. The Presbyterians could hold no synods or general assemblies ; and consequently los-t all the benefits derivable from mutual counsel and oversight, and from a strict period- ical reference to their orthodox confession and formularies. Many of the Independent ministers, whose creed repudiates all these needful helps, in a few years fell into the same fashionable profession of low Arianism. Both of these de- nominations in the time of George II. could number the Socinian pastors of their flocks by scores. But though the Act of Uniformity inflicted a terrible blow on the Nonconformist interest, the absence of two BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 47 thousand excellent pastors from active service in the Estab- lished Church proved to be a still greater evil to the Episco- palians themselves. Nearly two years before the arrival of St. Bartholomew's Day, King Charles II. had by the Broad Seal, without any consultation with the bishops, introduced many hundreds of ministers into livings from which they had been sequestered during the Interregnum. Of those who were thus summarily reinstated, several had been ejected for vicious and scandalous conduct ; and, during their forced suspension from the cure of souls, had not become proficients in virtue. When the vacancies on the episcopal bench had been aU supplied, some of the right reverend prelates complained of the difficulties which they encountered in their several dioceses, while trying to fill up the places of the conscientious pastors who had just been ejected. Under these circumstances, they were compelled to accept the ser- vices of many unlearned and incompetent persons as minis- ters of the sanctuary. Erom the Restoration till the time of George II. the character of the inferior clergy in the English Church had gradually deteriorated, and vast numbers of them were caught in the Ariau snares, which were artfully laid for them by the Whistons and Clarkes of that day. Nearly thirty years after the ejectment of the Nonconformists, when Dr. Tillotson had been elevated to the archiepiscopal see of Canterbury, His Grace "thought another book of Homilies, which should contain a full and plain account both of the doctrinal and practical parts of the Clu-istian religion, and give a clear explanation of everything relating to our holy faith, or to the conduct of our lives, was neces- sary CHIEFLY FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF THE CLERGY, and might also be a family book for the general use of the king- dom. He communicated this design to Bishop Burnet and Bishop Patrick;" both of whom, and Bishop Lloyd, ap- 48 HISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. proved highly of it, and agreed to take a share in its execu- tion. Part of the plan was completed, and afterwards pub- lished in the form of five Homilies by Bishop Burnet. Some other dignitaries entered heartily into the project. " But/' says Dr. Birch, " soon after this, they found a spirit of opposition growing so strong, and so much animated and supported, that it was to no purpose to struggle against it at that time. Tor which reason, this, with many other good designs, was reserved to a better opportunity .•"'^ This, and other facts of the same description, will account for the low state in which religion was found at the time when the Wesleys and their brave coadjutors commenced their evan- gelical career. How is the certainty of these allegations to be proved to the satisfaction of those who still doubt ? One course is open, and a candid use of it ought to be decisive. There were, even in this season of religious darkness and immo- rality, eminent men both in the Church and among the Dissenters ; men Avho, although not altogether free from the errors of the age, stood out in their day in a praise- worthy degree as witnesses for the cause of truth and righteousness. They were perfectly informed respecting the morals and religion of the period. Let the appeal be made to these best representatives of the Christianity of the time. Let the most able, excellent, and godly minis- ters of all denominations be heard ; let the testimony of these eye and ear witnesses be taken ; and a just conception will be obtained of the state of our country in this dark and fearful period of our national history. The following are a few testimonies of this kind. Bishop Burnet says, " I am now in the seventieth year of my age ; and as I cannot speak long in the world in * " Life " of Archbishop Tillotson, j). 469. BOOK I. CHAPTEH I. 49 any sort, so I cannot hope for a more solemn occasion than Testmiouies this of speaking with all due freedom, both to the present gjon of the and to the succeeding ages. Therefore, I lay hold on it, *""*^''- to give a free vent to those sad thoughts that lie on my mind both day and night, and are the subject of many secret mournings. I dare appeal to that God to whom the secrets of my heart are known, and to whom I am shortly to give an account of my ministry, that I have the true interests of this Church ever before my eyes, and that I pursue them with a sincere and fervent zeal. If I am mistaken in the methods I follow, God, to whom the integrity of my heart is known, will not lay that to my charge. I cannot look on without the deepest concern, when I see the imminent ruin hanging over this Church, and, by consequence, over the whole Reformation . The outward state of things is black enough, God knows ; but that which heightens my fears rises chiefly from the inward state into which we are unhappily fallen. I will, in examining this, confine myself to the clergy. " Our Ember-weeks are the burden and grief of my life. The much greater part of those who come to be ordained are ignorant to a degree not to be apprehended by those M'ho are not obliged to know it. The easiest part of know- ledge is that to which they are the greatest strangers ; I mean, the plainest part of the Scriptures, which they say, in excuse for their ignorance, that their tutors in the Universities never mention the reading of to them ; so that they can give no account, or at least a very imperfect one, of the contents even of the Gospels. Those who have read some few books, yet never seem to have read the Scriptures. Many cannot give a tolerable account even of the Catechism itselfj how short and plain soever. "This does often tear my heart. The case is not much VOL. I. D 50 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. better iu many who, having got into orders, come for institution, and cannot make it appear that they have read the Scriptures or any one good book since they were ordained ; so that the small measure of knowledge upon which they got into holy orders, not being improved, is in ■ a way to be quite lost; and then they think it a great hardship if they are told they must know the Scriptures and the body of divinity better before they can be trusted with the care of souls. " Politics and party eat out among us not only study and learning, but that which is the only thing that is more valuable, — a true sense of religion, with a sincere zeal in advancing that for which the Son of God both lived and died, and to which those who are received into holy orders have vowed to dedicate their lives and labours.""^ Bishop Gibson declares that " one, under pretence of opposing the encroachments of Popery, thereby to recom- mend himself to the unwary Protestant reader, has laboured at once to set aside all Christian ordinances, and the very being of a Christian ministry and a Christian church. Another, under colour of great zeal for the Jewish dispen- sation, and the literal meaning of Scripture, has been endeavouring to overthrow the foundations of the Christian religion. A third, pretending to raise the actions and miracles of our Saviour to a more exalted and spiritual meaning, has laboured to take away the reality of them, and by that to destroy one of the iDrincipal evidences of Christianity. Others have shown a great zeal for natural religion, in opposition to revealed, with no other view, as it seems, than to get rid of the restraints of revealed religion, and to make way for unbounded enjoyment of their corrupt appetites and vicious inclinations, no less * Bishop Burnet's " Pastoral Care/' Third Edition, Preface. I BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 51 coutrarjj in reality, to the obligations of natural religion than of revealed. And all or most of these writers, under colour of pleading for the hberties of mankind, have run into an unprecedented licentiousness, in treating the serious and important concerns of religion in a ludicrous and reproachful manner/^ "^ Bishop Butler says, " It is come, I know not how, to be taken for granted by many persons, that Christianity is not so much as a subject of inquiry, but that it is now at length discovered to be fictitious ; and, accordingly, they treat it as if, in the present age, this were an agreed point among all people of discernment ; and nothing remained but to set it up as a principal subject of mirth and ridicule, as it were, by way of reprisals, for its having so long interrupted the pleasures of the world/^t Archbishop Seeker observes that " men have always complained of their own times, and always with too much reason. But though it is natural to think those evils the greatest which we feel ourselves, and therefore mistakes are easily made in comparing one age with another; yet, in this we cannot be mistaken, that an open and professed disregard for religion is become, through a variety of unhappy causes, the distinguishing character of the present age : that this evil is grown to a great height in the metropolis of tlie nation ; is daily spreading through every part of it; and, bad in itself as any can be, must of necessity bring in all others after it. Indeed, it hath already brought in such dissoluteness and contempt of principle in the higher part of the world, and such pro- fligate intemperance and fearlessness of committing crimes in the lower, as must, if this torrent of impiety stop not, * Bishop Gibson's " Pastoral Letters," Second Edition, p. 2. t Bishop Butlek's Advertisement to the " Analogy," 1738. D 2 r.-?, HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. become absolutely fatal. And God knows, far from stopping, it receives, through the ill designs of some persons, and the inconsiderateuess of others, a continual increase. Christianity is now ridiculed and railed at with very little reserve, and the teachers of it witliout any at all.^^^ Dr. John Guise declares, "The greatest number of preachers and hearers seem contented to lay Him (Christ) aside ; and too many there are among us that set them- selves against Him. His name is seldom heard of in con- versation, unless in a way of strife and debate, or, which is infinitely worse, in a way of contempt, reproach, and blasphemy ; and I am persuaded it never entered less than at this day into our practical godliness, into our solemn assemblies, into our dealing with God, into our depend- encies on Him, expectations from Him, and devotedness to Him. "The present modish turn of religion looks as if we began to think that we have no need of a Mediator ; but that all our concerns were managed with God as an absolute God. The religion of nature makes up the darling topics of our age ; and the religion of Jesus is valued only for the sake of that, and only so far as it carries on the light of nature, and is a bare improvement of that kind of light. All that is restrictively Christian, or that is peculiar to Christ, — everything concerning Him that has not its apparent foundation in natural light, or that goes beyond its principles, — is waved, and banished, and despised.^^t Dr. Isaac Watts says, "I am well satisfied that the * Archbishop Seckeu's " Eight Charges," p. 4. Edition of 1790. t Dr. John Guise's " Twelve Sermons at Coward's Lecture/' p. 26. Edition of 1729. BOOK I. CHAPTEB, I. 53 great and general reason is, the decay of vital religion in the hearts and lives of men ; and the little success which the ministrations of the Gospel have had of late for the conversion of sinners to holiness, and the recovery of them from the state of corrupt nature, and the course of this world, to the life of God by Jesus Christ. "Nor is the complaint of the declension of virtue and piety made only by the Protestant Dissenters. It is a general matter of mournful observation amongst all that lay the cause of God to heart ; and, therefore, it cannot be thought amiss for every one to use all just and proper efforts for the recovery of dying religion in the v:orld."* The Rev. Abraham Taylor bears his testimony thus : "When any man, of a thoughtful, serious temper, con- siders the great decay of practical religion in this nation, and, at the same time, calls to mind the contempt which has been for many years cast on the Holy Spirit and His operations, he must readily conclude tliat this is the grand cause of the corruptions and abominations which abound among us. The Spirit has been grieved and offended, and He, in a great measure, is withdrawn and gone. It is, there- fore, no wonder that the religion of the closet and the family is so much neglected, and that public ordinances are of so little benefit to such as, in a formal way, engage in them." t And Dr. Woodward thus expresses his judgment and his fears : " Whenever things are come to such extremity that the laws of God are trampled on with insolence and boasting, and the mysteries of our holy religion * Dr. Isaac Watts's Preface to "An Huiuble Attempt toward the Re- vival of Practical Religion." Original Edition, 1731. t Rev. Abraham Taylor's Preface to Hurrion's " Sermons on the Holy Spirit," p. 5. Edition of 173G. 54 HISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. are made the scorn and laughter of profane men; if blasphemy and obscenity come into credit, and religion and virtue are pointed at as ridiculous ; if it be thought a vain and mean thing to fear God, and to make serious mention of His name ; if it even become unfashionable to praise our Infinite Benefactor at our tables, and to appear serious and devout in our churches ; if the holy and tre- mendous name of the great and glorious God be not only vainly used, but vilely treated ; His sacred day levelled in common with the rest, and His holy sacraments rejected by some and slighted by others ; if these crying enormities are public and common, and there be no power or authority in church or state put forth to stem or control them ; such a nation or people will, without a miracle, first become a horrible scene of atheism and impiety, and then of misery and desolation/'"^ This case cannot be left to the judgment of the reader in more affecting and proper terms than in the following extract from the pen of an eminent living minister. " Testimonies of a similar kind might be multiplied to an unhmited extent ; but these may at present suffice. They furnish melancholy proof of the fearful prevalence of infidelity, and of profligacy of manners, among the irreli- gious part of the community ; of the spread and withering influence of antichristian error among professing Chris- tians ; while the existing ministry in the length and breadth of the land, with some honourable exceptions, was com- paratively powerless. Churchmen carried on, from year to year, the Boyle Lecture, in opposition to infidelity and scepticism ; and the Lady Moyer Lecture, in defence of Christian orthodoxy. The Dissenters also established their * Dr. Woodward's " Sermons preached at the Boyle Lecture," vol. ii., p. 54G. Edition of 1739. BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 55 Lectures at Salters' Hall, Berry Street, and Lime Street, against Popery and other forms of lieterodox opinion which were rapidly gaining ground among them ; and many of the lecturers discharged their duty with very superior zeal and ability. Yet, amidst all this effort, accompanied by the regrets of good men, on account of the declension of spiritual and practical religion, it is undeniable that ' iniquity abounded, and the love of many waxed cold/ The enemy triumphed, and Israel was faint-hearted. The alleged irregularities of Methodism have often been a subject of loud complaint : so that, when ]\Ir. Wesley, accompanied by his fellow-helpers to the truth, appeared in the field of conflict, many an Eliab, both in the ranks of Churchmanship and Dissent, said to him in angry tone, 'Why camest thou down hither? I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thy heart.'' The appeal is now made to those who love Christ and His religion better than the interests of party, whether the answer of the stripling of Bethlehem is not justly applicable in this case : ' And David said. What have I now done ? Is there not a cause ? ^ " * It may occur to the reader here, that there are well known facts in the religious history of this period, which appear to militate against these statements and conclusions. It may, for instance, be urged, that the religious literature of the day is altogether opposed to the views expressed above; that very many devotional and theological works were at this time published ; and that this circumstance of itself proves the existence of a wide-spread religious feehng ; for otherwise such books would not have found a market. This objection, however, plausible as it appears, would, if our limits allowed its full discussion, only confirm and * Rev. Thomas Jackson's " Centenary of Methodism," p. 23. 56 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN 5IETH0DISM. establish the opinions previously advanced. There was evi- dently, to some considerable extent, at this time, a spirit of inciuiry, and of felt religious want, which caused the circula- tion of the works referred to. But how did these religious works meet and direct it? Almost without exception, they were imbued with philosophical Arianism on the one hand, or with mystical theology on the other. Those who thought of God and felt after Him, were either taught to explain away the great doctrines of atonement and pro- pitiation, or led to seek the attainment of Gospel blessings through isolation from the world, or in labours, watchings, mortifications, and sufferings. In a word, there was a fearful lack of really religious teaching, and the little that did exist was communicated in a manner the least likely to lead sinners to salvation. It is not necessary to proceed further with this inquiry. Enough has been adduced to showthatEngland,havingpassed through a series of political and religious revolutions, was, according to the concurrent testimony of all history, and in the judgment of the most eminent divines of all denomina- tions in the early part of the eighteenth century, awfully irreligious. Indeed, the state of court morals at this time was as low and as shameless as in the worst days of Charles II. ; and the moral condition of the population at large was still lower. Although mightily improving in all the great elements of national prosperity and power, in- creasing in population and wealth, advancing in learning, literature, and science, the British nation, in respect of morals and religion, was in a state of fearful darkness and depression. Nor was a clear perception of this painful truth, or a gloomy foreboding of its too probable consequences, con- fined to divines, or professed only by rehgious authors. BOOK I. CHAPTER I. 57 These thoughts and fears were entertained bv many others who dreaded the results of the unblushing infidelity and practical ungodliness which had gained such fearful preva- lence. One singular instance of this is found in a beauti- fully delicate compliment paid by a contemporary poet to Addison, on account of the moral tendency of his contribu- tions to the " Spectator/' and in allusion to the signatures which he attached to these pieces. " When panting Virtue her last efforts made, You hrought your Clio to the virgin's aid." So, the virtue of Britain is represented at this time as in a dying state, as at the last gasp : but could the moral essays of Addison, beautiful, chaste, and elevating as they were, save her ? No ! All their power, brilliance, and energy must have been utterly inadequate. Nothing but the pure truth of God sown broad- cast over the country, and applied to the consciences of the people by " the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven," could meet the case, and save the population of England from spiritual death, and moral putrefaction. The virtue of Britain must have panted and perished, if some active, general, and directly religious agency had not been brought to bear on the public mind : but such an agency it pleased the good providence of God at this season to provide. D o CHAPTER II. THE FATHERS AND PAMILY OF THE WESLEYS. The Origin of the Westley Family — Bartholomew Westley — His Conduct perils the Safety of Charles II. — Ejected from Catherston and Char- month — John Westley, educated at Oxford — At Melcombe and Radi- pole — Minister of Winterborne Whitchurch — Is persecuted at the Restoration — Refuses to comply with the Provisions of the Act of Uniformity — The Victim of incessant Persecution — His Death — Matthew Westley, a Sm-geon — Samuel Westley, his Education — Leaves the Dissenters, goes to Oxford, and joins the Chm-ch — The Eamily Name — Samuel Westley's Ordination and early ministerial Career — Noble Resistance of Court Influence — The Athenian Society — Pre- sented to the Living of South Ormsby — Removes to Epworth — Dr. Annesley — Mrs. Wesley — Mr. Samuel Wesley as a Pastor — High Church and State Principles — Injudicious Conduct — Severely punished and cruelly persecuted — His immense literary Labours — Missionary Plans — Strange Noises in the Parsonage House at Epworth — Dr. Priestley's Account of them — Dr. Southcy's Reply to Priestley — Samuel Wesley, Jun. — Conclusion. The origin There have been various opinions as to the origin of of the West- ^ _ ^ ley family, the Westlcj familj. Dr. Adam Clarke mentions, as a not very improbable conjecture, that it came from Spain, and that the name was at first Arabic, which language prevailed for a long time in that country.* The Rev. William Beal, with greater probability, believes it to have descended from the ancient Saxons. t One thing at least appears to be certain, that the family was ancient and of high respecta- bility in the south of England. The great grandfather of John and Charles Wesley was a clergyman of Dorsetshire, and Mr. Beal has clearly shown * "The Wesley Family," vol. i., p. 3. f "Wesley Fathers," p. 4. BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 59 that there are unquestionable memorials of a family of this name in that county, as early as the fourteenth century. Camden intimates that surnames Avere not in general use in England until about this time. Persons were previously often distinguished by the place of their residence, and this designation generally became the family name. It is then an important fact, that there were in the before-named county certain portions of land formerly called " hides, vils, (fields,) and manors, distinguished by the names, Wantesleigh, Wpiesleigh, Wansley, and Westly.""^ The historian of Dorsetshire (Hutchins) says, there is " a hamlet in Broadwiudsor called Wansley, Wantsley, Wants- leigh, and Wanslew ; " and further, he observes, there are twenty acres of land in Hook called West Leas.f This latter statement probably affords a key to the whole case. Lea in Saxon signifies a place, and in English an enclosed piece of cultivated or pasture land. Such a place, designated by its bearing, would be called Westlea, nnd might have given the original of the family name under consideration. Certain it is, that we read of John de AVyntereslegh, who was vicar of Erampton, 1363; George AYestley, treasurer of Sarum, 14'03 ; prebendary of Bed- minster and Radeclyve, 1404 ; John Westley, Batchelor in Degrees, rector of Langton Matravers, 1481 ; John Wannesleigh, rector of Bettiscomb, 1497 ; and John Wen- neslej^, chaplain of Pillesdon, 1508. J As these persons and places are found in the same county, and even in the neigh- bourhood which afterward was the residence of the great- grandfather of John Wesley, and as the father of the * "Wesley Fathers," p. 5. t Quoted in Dk. A. Clarke's " Wesley Family," p. 1. % De. Clarke's " Wesley Family," vol. i., p. 1 ; and Beal's "Fathers," p. 5. 60 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. founder of Methodism, when he entered at Oxford, signed his name Samuel Westley, it can scarcely be doubted that we have in some of these clergymen the ancestors of this family. It is not, however, necessary to pursue even this limited inquiry further into the regions of conjecture. All the evidence on the subject seems to support Dr. "White- head's assertion, that Wesley's ancestors were "respectable for learning, conspicuous for piety, and firmly attached to those views of Christianity which they had formed from the holy Scriptures.'""^ The first of these ancestors whom it will be necessary to notice particularly, was Bartholomew Westley. He was born about 1595, or between that year and 1600, and was edu- cated at one of the universities, where he studied physic as well as divinity, — a practice which prevailed in the pre- ceding ages, and A\'hich, from this instance, is known not to have been entirely abandoned in his time. In the year 1640,t Mr. Bartholomew Westley was presented to the rectory of Charmouth, and ten years later (1650) to that of Catherston. These parishes adjoin each other, and are in the south-western extremity of Dorsetshire. Charmouth is on the great western road between Bridport and Axminster, and about two miles from Lyme. From these facts it appears, that this minister entered on his career of public duty during the reign of Charles I. ; and as the living of Catherston was given him the year after that king was be- headed, it may be fairly presumed that his religious views were not very dissimilar to those of the party which estab- lished the Commonwealth. The subsequent events of his life remove all doubt on this subject. It has been reported, that when Charles II. was endea- * " Life of Rev. J. AVesley," p. 1. t Beal's " Wesley Fathers," p. 27. BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 61 vouring to escape out of the kingdom after his defeat at the Uh conduct battle of Worcester, he very nearly incurred detection and safety of arrest through the means of this clergyman."^ Dr. Clarke, Charles ii. having examined this allegation at some length, decided that it was altogether inapplicable to ]\Ir. Bartholomew Westley, and should be attributed partly to the mistake, and partly to the invention, of the author. Mr. Beal, how- ever, having consulted Mrs. Wyndham's narrative of the escape of Charles,t to which Dr. Clarke alludes, though he does not appear to have seen it, has arrived at a very differ- ent conclusion, and one which seems to be fully established by facts. The substance of this account is as follows. After the battle of Worcester, in 1651, the king lay concealed at Trent, near Sherborne, in the house of Colonel Wyndham. This gentleman employed a friend to procure some vessel on the coast, to take the royal fugitive across the Channel. A Captain William EUesdon, of Lyme, engaged a tenant of his, Stephen Limbry, to convey the king and two or three of his friends to Trance, for the sum of sixty pounds. The representation was, that these persons, being attached to the royal cause, wished to leave the country privately. It was therefore arranged that the vessel was to be near Charmouth road on the niglit of the 22nd of September; and on the evening of that day, when sufficiently dark, the long-boat was to be sent to take the colonel and his friends from the beach to the vessel, which would then sail immediately for France. The business being thus far successfully planned, the next step was to secure rooms at the inn, from which the party might go at their pleasure with- out exciting suspicion. This was done by sending a ser- * Anthony a "Wood, "Athena Oxonienses," vol. ii., col. 963. t " Boscobel Tracts." 62 HISTORY OF WESLEYAK METHODISM. vant tliitlier, who told the landlady that he wanted the best rooms in the house for a wedding party ; but that, as the lady^s friends were violently opposed to the match, it was necessary that everything should be arranged with the greatest secresy, so that the party might travel through the night, or leave very early in the morning, as might be found necessary. This, too, was fully arranged ; and at the appointed time the king set out on horseback, riding before Mrs. Juhan Coningsby, Mrs. Wyndham's niece : Colonel Wyndham was the guide; Lord Wilmot, and Peters, the servant who had hired the rooms at the inn, followed. They safely reached the house, and Limbry assured them that all things were prepared, and that his boat should be at the appointed place at midnight. At the specified time, the colonel went to the beach, but waited all night in vain, — no boat appeared. At daybreak he returned to the inn, and urged the immediate escape of the king, who instantly departed as he had come. It was afterwards discovered that on that very day the Proclamation of the Parliament, denouncing the conse- quences of concealing the king, or any of his party, had been published at Lyme. The substance of this pro- clamation reached the ears of the wife of Cajjtain Limbry, who, from the secresy and haste manifested by the party which her husband had engaged to take to Prance, shrewdly suspected they might be connected with the royalist cause ; and fearing the engagement would bring her husband into trouble and danger, she determined to prevent its accom- plishment. Mrs. Limbry accordingly took her measures quietly and cautiously ; and perceiving her husband go into his bedchamber for some linen for the voyage, she promptly locked him in, nor could anything he said alter her purpose : there he was kept, and the king was in con- BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 63 sequence left without the means of escape, as stated above. While, however, Lord Wilmot was endeavouring to get some explanation of this terrible disappointment, he ordered the hostler of the inn to get his horse shod, for which purpose the horse was taken to a smith of the name of Hamnet, who, on looking at the horse^s shoes, declared they were not made in the west of England, but in the north. The hostler, on hearing tliis remark, said, that the party had sat up, and the horses been kept saddled, all night. These facts being taken in connexion with the Proclamation, it was immediately concluded that either the king, or some persons of dignity connected with liis cause, had been at Charmouth ; and the hostler, impressed with the importance of this notion, hastened to the clergyman, Mr. Westley, who is called the "fanatical minister," to inform him of these circumstances. It so happened that the parson was then at his morning devotions, and con- tinued so long thus engaged, that the hostler, fearing he should lose his fee, hastened back to the inn, saw Lord Wilmot off, and then returned to Mr. Westley, and told him the tale of these strange visitors. Mr. Westley, having made inquiries of the woman at the inn, then went with Hamnet to a Mr. Butler of Commer, a justice of the peace, to give him information, that warrants might be issued for the apprehension of these suspicious persons. No warrants were issued ; but Captain Massey raised a party, and pur- sued the strangers on the Loudon road as far as Dor- chester, But the king escaped, having turned aside on the road to Broadwindsor.* The whole of this case has been canvassed with the greatest earnestness, as though it involved some serious * Beal's " Wesley Fathers/' p. 35. 04 HTSTOUY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Ejected from Catli- crstoti and Charmouth. charge against ]\Ir. Bartholomew Westley. But for this notion there seems to be no foundation whatever. A report was brought to the minister of some very suspicious persons having been in the neighbourhood ; and this event took place the day after a Proclamation had been published by the existing government, and in a time of great public disquiet. He inquired into the truth of this report, and informed the nearest magistrate of the fact. As Mr. Beal pertinently inquires, " Could he in these cir- cumstances have done less?" And, having done this, he appears to have taken no further interest in the case. Great but altogether needless efforts have been made to clear Mr. Westley of any disloyal feeling in his conduct on this occasion ; although it cannot be doubted that he sympathized with the Puritans, and could not consequently be a zealous supporter of the House of the Stuarts. This minister was ejected from his livings of Cather- ston and Charmouth very soon after the Eestoration. That this event took place before the general expulsion on St. Bartholomew's Day, is proved by the date of his successor's induction, which was March 4th, 1662 ; the general ejection being enforced on August 24th of the same year. From this circumstance it has been argued, that some special reason existed for his apparently early expulsion from these two small livings. But there is no necessity for such an inference. For many years after the Restora- tion, no allusion was made to Mr. Westley's share in the transactions connected with the flight of Charles II. from " Worcester field -," and no particular reason was ever assigned for his extrusion. Indeed, the late date of his successor's induction would induce one to conclude, that he was more favoured than hundreds of the inferior clergy, who, immediately after His Majesty's accession, were driven BOOK I. CHAPTER IT. 65 from their livings, without distinction either of persons or offences, but solely in virtue of the king's mandate. This is a fact of which all our historians are cognisant ; and it will be best understood from the following extract. Several distinguished pastors of the Presbyterian denomination were in frequent personal communication with his majesty and some of his ministers respecting the affairs of their body, in September, 1660, only a few months after the Restoration. Baxter was one of them, and says, " Before this time, by the king's return, many hundred worthy ministers were displaced and cast out of their charges, because they were in sequestrations loliere others hy the Parliament had heen cast out. Our earnest desires had been, that all such should be cast out as were in any benefice belonging formerly to a man that was not grossly insufficient and debauched ; but that all that succeeded such as these scandalons ones should hold their places. But these wishes being vain, and all the old ones restored, the king promised that the places where any of the old ones were dead, should be confirmed to the possessors. But many got the Broad Seal for them : and the matter was not great ; for we were all of us to be endured but a little longer."* Having this cheap and ready method of gratifying those who called themselves his injured friends, the jovial monarch distributed benefices without discrimi- nation ; and thus were many of " the scandalous ones " quickly re-instated in their former places. But when the patrons of those livings and the restored bishops became acquainted with these royal doings, they complained loudly of his infringing on their rights ; and their remonstrances had the effect of checking such ii'regular proceedings. Yet ejectments did not at that time entirely cease ; for, * Baxter's "Life," by Sylvesteh, folio, p. 241. 66 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. during several subsequent months, an incumbent was occasionally dismissed in a summary manner ; but it was done orderly, at the recommendation or with the approval of the bishop and patron, till the arrival of St. Bartholo- mew's Day ; when the rest complied with the command to quit their churches, because they could not in conscience conform. On the other hand, it is likely that such an important crisis in the king's history, as his escape from Charmouth, would, after the EeStoration, be recalled in all its circum- stances. Colonel Wyndham and Mrs. Lane each received £1,000 for the services they rendered His Majesty in regard to his escape ; and it is quite possible that a poor, pious, and probably puritanical clergyman, who had taken means which might have led to the king's immediate appre- hension, would incur special notice and persecution. It may be necessary to strengthen the assertion made above, that Bartholomew Westley was ejected from Cather- ston and Charmouth, as almost all John Wesley's biogra- phers state that he was ejected from Arlington. The cause of this error was the entry by Dr. Calamy in his continuation of "Baxter's Life and Times" of this passage : " Mr. Bartholomew Westley. — I have been in- formed that this Mr. Westley was ejected from ArUngton, and that Mr. Burd was ejected at Charmouth." * But in the same volume, at page 437, the error is corrected; and it is said, " This Mr. John Westley (of Whitchurch) was the son of Mr. Bartholomew Westley of Charmouth, and father of Mr. Samuel Westley, rector of Epworth." Palmer quoted tlie first report of Dr. Calamy, in the first edition of his " Nonconformists' Memorial," thus : " "^Arlington. — Mr. Bartholomew Westley having applied himself to the study * Edition of 1713, p. 429. BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 67 of physic as M'ell as divinity, while in the university/' &:c. ; but marked it 'nith an asterisk, to point it out as doubtful ; and in the second edition of the work completely corrected the error. AYhen Dr. Whitehead wrote his " Life of Wesley/' he quoted this erroneous passage from the first edition of the " Nonconformists' Memorial/' vol. i., p. 442, as he distinctly states ; and having been followed by all the other biographers, the misstatement has been perpetuated. Having thus shown the cause of the error, it may be necessary to prove the statement, that Bartholomew Westley was certainly minister of Catherston and Cliarmouth. This is easily done. In 1649, Whitelocke, Keeble, and Lisle were appointed lords commissioners of the great seal. In the same year they were ordered " to inquire into the yearly value of all ecclesiastical livings, to which any cure of souls was annexed ; to certify to the Court of Chancery the names of the incumbents who supplied the cure, and their respective salaries." This return is preserved. From it the following extracts are given respecting Bartholomew Westley. " CATHERSTON. " Bartholomew Westlej^s glebe, five acres, worth £3. 10*. ; his small tithes, £10. ; in all, £13. lO.s. " CHARMOUTH. " Bartholomew Westley, the present possessor by seques- tration. The house and four acres of glebe are wortli, per annum, £4; the tithes of the parish, £18. They desire Catherston may continue annexed, as it was by order of the committee of the county." ^ This entirely settles the question as to the ministerial * Beal's " Biograpliical Notices of the Rev. Bartholomew Westley," &c.. p. 9. 68 HISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. location of Bartholomew Westley. The return was made in 1650. Little is known of the subsequent life of this ejected mi- nister. It is stated that, after his expulsion from the Church, he supported himself by practising physic, which he had studied at the university in his youth. He was an outcast, persecuted, and oppressed, not allowed by the atrocious laws then in force to come within five miles of any place in which he had exercised his ministry, or of any borough town. Yet he maintained his reputation to the last ; and was, says Dr. Calamy, " when an old man, and the vigour of life was gone, as tender-hearted and affectionate, as he had been pious and prudent.''^ He lived to see his son sink into the grave, a victim of pitiless intolerance, but survived him a very short time : that event, as Dr. Southey truly says, "brought his grey hairs with sorrow to the grave." John West- John Westley, the son of the preceding, and the grand- ley educated at Oxford, father of the founder of Methodism, was born about 1636, and educated at New Inn Hall, Oxford, where he was dis- tinguished for piety and dihgence, but more particularly for the successful study of the oriental languages. It was his happiness to be at Oxford some time after Dr. John Owen had reformed and improved the university. The effects of anarchy and civil war on this seat of learning were so fearful, that it is said, "The colleges and halls had gone to ruin ; five of them were perfectly deserted ; some were converted into magazines, and the rest were in a most shattered state ; while the chambers were filled with officers and soldiers, or let out to townsmen. There was little or no education of youth; poverty, desolation, and plunder — the sad effects of war — Mere to be seen in every corner." While the university was in this state. Dr. Owen BOOK. I. CHAPTER II. 69 was appointed vice-chancellor by CroinAvell, in 1652. To correct existing evils^ to "curb the licentiousness of the students, to maintain the rights of the university, and to support its claims to the character of piety and learning, the vice-chancellor, says his biographer, set himself vigo- rously ; and he most happily succeeded.^'* The suc- cessful progress of young Westley attracted the atten- tion and secured the respect of the vice-chancellor, for whom the student also entertained the highest regard. Thomas Goodwin, Stephen Charnock, Theophilns Gale, and John Howe, were at Oxford at the same time as John Westley. Having acquitted himself honourably, and taken his At Mei- degree at Oxford, he left the university, and is next heard j^^poi^ of as a member of " a particular church at Melcombe in Dorsetshii'e,'^ by which he was sent to preach among the seamen, and at Radipole, a village about two miles from "Weymouth. This, his first appointment, was simply a commission to preach the Gospel. No church was then placed under his care, nor was he charged with the admi- nistration of the sacraments ; and it is not known at what period the event took place. But it is on record that, on the death of Mr. Walton, 1658, Mr. Westley became the mhuster of Winterborne Whitchurch. He was invited by Minister of the people to this office, and, having been appointed by the ^"^^^y^*^™^ trustees to the parish, received in due time the approval of the "triers.^^ These were persons appointed by Crom- well, as mentioned in the preceding chapter, to examine into the quahfications of persons who were candidates for the ministry. These " triers " were to examine every per- son "presented, nominated, chosen, or appointed, to any benefice with care of souls, or to any public settled lecture * Beal's " Fathers of the Wesley Family," p. 55. 70 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. ill England or Wales/^ Their instructions required tliem to judge whether they could approve every such person, for " the grace of God in liimj his holy and unblameable con- versatioUj as also for his knowledge and utterance, able and fit to preach the Gospel/^ Eive of these commissioners were sufficient to approve a minister, but not less than nine could reject a man who had been appointed. To those whom they approved, the "triers'^ gave an instrument in writing under a common seal, by which they were put into as full possession of the living to which they had been nominated or chosen, as if they had been admitted by institution and induction. It was thus that John Westley was placed in the living of Winterborne Whitchurch. The records which have been preserved of this minister and his times, afford evidence of his piety, unquestionably the most eminent qualification for the sacred office, beyond any thing Avhicli even sucli an examination and approval can afford. He was carefully and religiously trained, and taught by his parents to avoid sin and live to God. The consequence was, that he gave his heart to the Lord in his youth. He was deeply convinced of sin, and had a serious concern for his salvation, when a lad at school ; and soon after God began to work on his soul, he kept a diary, in which he recorded not only the most remarkable events of Providence as they afl"ected his temporal circumstances, but, more especially, the operations of the Spirit of grace on liis soul. This practice, it is said, he continued with little interruption to the end of his life. rifteen months after John Westley began his ministry at Whitchurch, Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of the commonwealth of England, died at Whitehall ; and after a few months, during which the nation was in a state border- ing on anarchy, Charles II. was restored to the crown. BOOK I. CHAPTEE II. 71 This event was mainly brought about by the Eoyalists and Episcopalians, aided by Scotch and English Presbyterians ; the latter being induced to the step by the assurance which Charles gave in liis Declaration, and sent to this country from Breda, " that no man shall be disquieted, or called in question, for differences of opinion, which do not disturb the peace of the kingdom," as noticed in the preceding chapter. The zealous advocates of the new order of things, and i* perse- cuted at the the enemies of Mr. Westley, could not allow him to Restoration. minister in peace even until the law interfered, which, from the date of the Restoration, it threatened to do. Some parties made a very unfavourable report of him to Gilbert Ironside, Bishop of Bristol, wliich led to an inter- view between the young minister and the prelate, during which, in a long conversation, (which has been preserved, and many times printed,) the bishop questioned him as to the manner of his ordination, and insisted on the necessity of his submitting to the forms prescribed by the Church of England. J\Ir. Westley defended himself with such singu- lar ability, modesty, and temper, that the candid prelate dismissed him, saying, " I will not meddle with you ; farewell, good Mr. AYestley." Notwithstanding this forbearance on the part of the bishop, the good man was soon afterward imprisoned, and after a while discharged by an order of Privy Council, dated . July 24th, 1661, and directed to take the oaths of supre- macy and allegiance. He was again seized as he was coming out of the church, in the early part of 1663, carried to Blandford, and then committed to prison. He was not, however, kept long in confinement : for Sir Gerard ]N^apper, the leading magistrate of the county, al- though one of his bitterest enemies, and the most forward 72 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN MPiTHODISM. ill committing him, was so softened in his feehug towards the pious young minister, through severe personal afflic- tion, that he declared, if no other person would offer bail for him, he would do it himself. Mr. Westley was ac- cordingly discharged from confinement. The magistrate before whom he was taken for the purpose of taking the appointed oaths, declined to administer them, but issued a warrant directing him to be taken before the judges of the assizes to be held at Dorchester on the 1st of August following. He duly appeared at the appointed time and place, and, notwithstanding the austere character of the judge, was treated kiiidly, and the decision oil the case was deferred. Herefiisesto There was, however, no need for any further appearance ; the^proX for the 24th of the ensuing August was the day appointed sions of the f^^. carryiiis; into efiect the Act of Uniformity, which re- Act of Uin- JO -I formity. quired ministers not only to use the Book of Common Prayer, but also to declare their " unfeig-ned assent and consent to all and everything contained therein.'''' Mr. Westley had fully determined never to comply with these requirements; so he preached to his people with the greatest diligence and affection until Sunday, August 17th, when he took leave of them in an earnest discourse on Acts XX. 32 : "And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build - you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified.''^ Thus the weeping congregation heard their minister for the last time. On the 26th of October an apparitor declared the place to be vacant, and orders were given to sequester the profits. The future career of this pious victim of cruel persecution is of too painful a character to be given in dttail. A brief sketch will suffice. In February, 1663, he quitted Whit- BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 73 clmrcli^ and removed his family to Melcombe ; but the cor- poration of that town prohibited his residence there, im- posing a fine of £20 on the landlady, and 5*. a week on him, to be levied by distress. He exerted himself to the utmost to avert the execution of this cruel mandate, but in vain ; another order was issued on the 11th of the following month for enforcing the preceding, so that he was driven from the town. Mr. Westley subsequently sought shelter successively in Ilminster, Bridgewater, and Tauuton, and was everywhere treated with great kindness by the three dissenting denominations, who afforded him numerous op- portunities for preaching, and who ministered to his neces- sities, which his numerous family must have made very great. At length, after wandering in this way for some time, a benevolent gentleman gave him leave to reside, rent free, in a good house in the village of Preston, about three miles from Weymouth. He repaired to this place, his heart overflowing with gratitude to God that' he had once more a home, whilst so many of his brethren in the ministry were wandering and desolate ; and that, while others were seeking shelter in miserable cottages, he had a good and comfortable house. This took place in May, 1663. Mr. Westley appears to have resided at Preston about The victim , 11 1 • r J.1 ■ r i_ xi of incessant two years, when he was driven irom this reiuge by the persecution notorious "Pive Mile Act," which was passed in 1665. By this enactment no ejected minister was allowed to reside within five miles of any borough townj and as Preston was only three miles from Weymouth, he had to leave his home, and again become a wanderer and an outcast. It is a fact worthy of being remembered, that the Earl of Clarendon, who was the great pro- moter of this inhuman measure, and who mainly carried VOL. I. E 74 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. it through tlie Parliament which sat at Oxford, was soon after not only discarded by his political friends, and driven 1 from the country, but is said to have declared, whilst in banishment in France, that he never was in favour since the Parliament sat at Oxford. So that the fall of this great statesman began with the consummation of this act of tyranny ; and no sooner had he placed in the hands of an unprincipled sovereign the means of silencing, and sending forth homeless on the world, thousands of the ministers of Christ, than that prince withdrew his favour l from the principal instrument of this iniquity, and soon after sent him into banishment. " Verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth .'^ Prom this period to the time of his death, Mr. Westley suffered incessant persecution. At first he contemplated emigrating to America ; but it is supposed the expense of removing his large family so far rendered this impractica- ble. Por a while he had very serious struggles in his mind as to whether he should preach openly or secretly ; but at length he adopted the latter course, and in conse- quence remained at large and was useful long after those who had set the law at defiance were shut up in gaol. After some time he had a call from a body of Christians at Poole to become their pastor, so far, at least, as this could be done at such a season. He complied ; and, to avoid the operation of the " Pive Mile Act," placed his family in that town, while he resided principally in the country. Yet, although Mr. Westley conducted his religious meetings with the greatest prudence and secrecy, he was several times apprehended, and four times imprisoned, — once for six months, and another time for three months. Notwithstand- ing, he continued thus to labour, subject to these interrup- tions and injuries, until his spirit and physical energy BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 75 sank beneath tlie infliction, and lie fell into a premature grave. The date of his death is not known, but it is supposed His death, to have been about 1670. Dr. Calamy is almost the only author who has written respecting him ; and the information he has supplied clearly proves that John Westley of Whit- church was an able divine, fully versed in the controversy between the Established Church and the Puritans, and an ingenuous, conscientious Christian, endowed with such firmness as to be prepared to endure anything, rather than depart from what he believed to be the truth. It is recorded that Mr. John Westley had a numerous family; but no information has been preserved of any of them but Matthew and Samuel. The first was a surgeon Matthew or phvsician, and practised in London. He visited his ^'^^'^^*^>' '' i ^ •' ■•- surgeon. brother's family at Epworth in the year 1731, and died in the year 1737. Samuel Westley, the other son of the Eev. John Westley Samuei Westle^• : his of Whitchurch, appears to have been born about the year education 16G6. His education began at the free school, Dorchester, and was continued under the learned Edmund Yeal, one of the Bartholomew confessors, who at that time kept an eminent dissenting academy at Stepney; whence he was removed to another academy at Newington Green, which was kept by ^Ir. Charles Morton. Of this school the celebrated Daniel De Foe, who was educated there, speaks as follows : " There was, some years ago, a private academy of Dissenters not far from London, the master of which read all his lectures, gave all his systems, — whether of philosophy or divinity, — in English. And though the scholars were not destitute in the languages, yet they were made masters of the English tongue ; and more of them excelled in that particular than of any school of that time. E 2 76 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Leaves the Dissenters, goes to Ox- ford, and joins the Cluirch. Here was produced, of ministers, Mr. Timothy Crusoe, Mr. Hannot, ]\Ir. Nathaniel Taylor, Mr. Owen, Mr. Obadiali Marriott, ]\Ir. John Shower, and several others ; and of another kind, poets, Samuel Westley, Daniel De Foe, and two or three of your western martyrs, that, had they lived, would have been extraordinary men of their kind ; namely, Kitt, Battersby, Young, Jenkins, Hewling, and many more.''^ * It will not escape the attentive reader here, that one of the most eminent of De Poem's schoolfellows in this academy was called Crusoe, the name which he gave to the hero of his celebrated romance. Thus far we see Samuel Westley taught and trained in all the doctrines and practices of the Dissenters of his day. The persecution which his father suffered was not likely to render his spirit more favourable to the Church which so grievously oppressed him. Yet soon afterward he is found at Oxford, where he appeared to be, what he ever after remained, a consistent Churchman. This sudden and permanent change of his views and profession forms a subject of great interest. His son, the founder of Meth- odism, has given the following account of this im- portant event in his father's history : " Some severe invec- • tives being written against the Dissenters, Mr. Samuel Westley, being a young man of considerable talents, was pitched upon to answer them. This set him on a course of reading, which soon produced an effect very different from what had been intended. Instead of writing the wished-for answer, he himself conceived he saw reason to change his opinions; and actually formed a resolution to renounce the Dissenters, and attach himself to the Estab- lished Church. He lived at that time with a mother and an old aunt, both of whom were too strongly devoted to * De Foe's "Present State of Parties," pp. 316-320. BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 77 the dissenting doctrines to have borne vnth any patience the disclosure of his design. He therefore got up one morning at a very early hour, and, without acquainting any one with his purpose, set out on foot to Oxford, and entered himself of Exeter College.''^ At this time he was about seventeen years of age, and had only ££. 16,?. in his possession, and no prospect of any future sup- pKes but what could be obtained by his own exertions. Yet in those circumstances he did not despair ; indeed, he succeeded in supporting himself, it is supposed, prin- cipally by assisting younger students, and instructing any who chose to employ him : so that although all the assist- ance he received from his friends was 5-5., he was enabled not only to maintain himself, but on taking his Bachelor's degree he went to London with £10. 15*. in his posses- sion. No clearer proof can be given of his ha\ang been a young man of much decision of character, firm resolution, unwearied dihgence, and great ability. It may be necessary to make an observation here respect- The family ing the family name. Hitherto in the preceding pages tliis has been written "Westley.''' It was so written by eminent authors contemporary with the Westley fathers, such as Baxter, Dr. Bates, Dr. Calamy, the authors of the "Boscobel Tracts," Hutchins, Wood, &c. It was so written by the fathers themselves, Bartholomew of Char- mouth, John of Whitchurch, and Samuel, when he entered at Oxford ; and even when the last-named was incorporated at Cambridge, the record stands thus : — "Incorporated, 1694, Sam. Westley, A.B., Coll. Exon., Ox. Samuel Westley, A.M., Coll. C. C, Cam., 1694.""^ But, as far as has been ascertained, this orthography was * Dr. Soutiiey's "Letter to Rev. "William Beal," Dec. 28th, 1835. name. 78 HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. Samuel Westley's (irdination and early ministerial career. Noble re- sistance of court influ- ence. never used after lie was rector of Epwortli. Some persons have supposed that he wished to obhterate the evidence of his connexion with an eminent dissenting family. It is, however, vain thus to speculate : the fact is undoubted, that prior to this period the name was generally spelt " Westley ; " and afterward, that it was as usually written " Wesley." The latter form has now become universal. Although Mr. Westley had graduated at Oxford, he does not at the time of leaving college seem to have fully made up his mind as to his future course. He tells us, that at this time his acquaintance lay chiefly among the Dissenters, having scarcely any intimacy with members of the Church of England, except with two clergymen who were his relations. It appears, however, that if his former friendships at all weighed with him, his inclination toward the Establishment soon decided his mind. He was ordained deacon, and obtained a curacy of £28 a year; after the expiration of this engagement, he was appointed chaplain on board a ship of war, where he had £70 for one year's service. He then came to London, and obtained a curacy of £30 a year, which he held for two years. During this time he married Susanna, the youngest daugh- ter of Dr. Samuel Annesley, respecting whom and her father some further information will be given hereafter. Samuel, his eldest son, appears to have been born during his second curacy in London ; at which time, also, James II. insisted on his famous " Declaration '^ being read in all the churches, as, it was generally believed, a means to the introduction of Popery. Mr. Westley, being now universally regarded as a young man of great spirit and ability, was applied to by the court party, and solicited to support the measures of the sovereign, with promises of preferment in case of his compliance. But not only* was this young BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 79 minister proof against this seductive influence ; lie rose in bold resistance to the daring aggression ou Gospel liberty which the measures of the court involved ; and although surrounded by courtiers, soldiers, and informers, he refused to read the Declaration, and preached a bold and pointed discourse against it, from Dan. iii. 17, 18: " If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of tliine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, 0 king, that we M'ill not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up." His son Samuel, who Avould have a knowledge of all the particulars from his father, describes this circumstance in the following spirited lines : — " When zealous James, unhappy, sought the way To' establish Rome by arbitrary sway ; In vain were bribes shower'd by the guilty erown : He sought no favour, as he fear'd no frown. Secure in faith, exempt from worldly views, He dared the Declaration to refuse : Then from the sacred pulpit boldly show'd The dauntless Hebrews, true to Israel's God, "Who spake, regardless of their king's commands, ' The God we serve can save us from thy hands ; If not, O monarch, know, we choose to die, Thy gods alike and threatenings we defy ; No power on earth our faith has e'er controU'd ; We scorn to worship idols, though of gold.' Resistless truth damp'd all the audience round. The base informer sicken'd at the sound ; Attentive courtiers conscious stood amazed, Aud soldiers silent trembled as they gazed. No smallest murmur of distaste arose, Abash'd and vanquish'd seem'd the Church's foes. So, when like zeal their bosoms did inspire. The Jewish martyrs walk'd unhurt in fire." 80 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. TheAthe- Prior to tins period, Mr. Westley had attained some nian Society, t , • , • distinction as an author, and especially as one of the Athenian Society. The original articles of agreement by which this literary body was constituted, are still preserved in the Bodleian Library ; executed by these three persons : Samuel Westley, Clerk ; Eichard Sault, Gent. ; John Dun- ton, Bookseller. The object of this Society was to pubHsh a literary and scientific periodical, — the first effort of the kind known in English history. It was called " The Athenian Gazette,^^ and was issued in a single folio, twice a week, at one penny each. The first number appeared on Tuesday, March 17th, ].690 ; thirty numbers, or sixty pages, made what was called a volume, and was stitched in marble paper : the work was continued to twenty volumes. A collection of all the valuable questions and answers which had been published in this serial, together with many cases in divi- nity, history, philosophy, mathematics, &c., which had not been previously published, was afterwards given to the world in four octavo volumes, under the title of "The Athe- nian Oracle.''^ Although the proprietors of this under- taking appear never to have exceeded the three persons previously named, they reckoned among their contributors many of the first men of the age, such as Dr. Norris, Daniel De Foe, Kichardson, Nahum Tate, poet laureate. Dean Swift, the Marquis of Halifax, Sir William Temple, Sir Thomas Pope Blount, Sir William Hedges, &c. It was probably in consequence of the intercourse with elevated per- sonages which was thus opened up to him, that Mr. Westley was presented, by the Marquis of Normanby, to the small Presented to j^yiiig. of gouth Ormsbv, about eight miles from Louth, As tlie living of '^ ^ ■> ^ Soutii tliere is some difficulty in fixing the dates of the preceding ""'' '^' portions of this personal history, it may not be improper to observe that there can be no doubt that Mr. Westley BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 81 went to reside at South Ormsby in the year 1690. His predecessor in the living was buried January 19th of this year, and Mr. Westley's handwriting is found in the register on the following 26th of August. At this period, Mr. Westley's writings had attracted con- siderable attention. He was the first man in England who wrote in favour of the Eevolution of 1688 ; this work he dedicated to Queen Mary. He also pubHshed a poem on the fate of Europe, which pleased the Duke of Marlborough so much, that he gave him the chaplaincy of a regiment ; and it is said that the Marquis of Normanby recommended him for an Irish bishopric. These fair prospects were never reahzed. Indeed, his fervent piety and manly spirit were not very likely to make him a favourite with those in power : an instance in proof of this, and of its results, occurred at this period. It shall be given in the words of the Rev. John Wesley, his son : " My father's first preferment in the Church was a small parisli (South Ormsby) obtained for him by the Marquis of Nor- manby. This nobleman had a house in the parish, where a woman, who lived with him, usually resided ; this lady would be intimate with my mother whether she would or not. To such an intercourse ray father would not submit. Coming in one day, and finding this intrusive visitant sitting with my mother, he went up to her, took her by the hand, and very fairly handed her out. The nobleman resented the affront so outrageously, as to make it necessary for my father to resign the living.'"'^ This treatment, however, did not seriously affect Mr. Removes to . . Epwortli. U estley s resources ; for he was almost immediately after- ward presented with the living of Epworth, a parish in Lincolnshire : it is a Eectory, and in the gift of the crown. * Dr. a. Clarke's " Wesley Family," vol. i., p. 107. E 5 82 HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. The court had not forgotten the prompt and zealous service rendered by his pen, when every element of power was of the utmost importance to the cause of Protestant Chris- tianity, and the success of William and Mary. Dr. Amies- Having seen the Eev. Samuel Wesley established at Ep- lev. worth, this may be the most convenient place for giving some information respecting Mrs. Wesley and her father. Dr. Samuel Annesley was son of a brother of the iirst Earl of Anglesea : he was the only child of his parents, and was called Samuel at the earnest request of his grandmother, an eminently religious woman, who died before his birth, and requested that the child, if a boy, might be called Samuel ; assigning as the reason of her request, " I can say I have asked him of the Lord." He lost his father when but four years old, but had a pious and judicious mother, who care- fully superintended his education. The means at her com- mand were amply sufficient for this purpose, as the family estate was considerable. At fifteen years of age, Samuel Annesley went to Oxford, and in the usual course took his degrees; indeed, his piety and diligence were so extraor- dinary, that his character excited considerable attention in the university. At the age of twenty-four, he M^as ap- pointed chaplain of the " Globe " man-of-war, which carried the flag of the Earl of Warwick, then lord high admiral of England. He went to sea with the fleet, and kept a diary of the voyage. He soon quitted the naval service, and at first settled at Cliff, in Kent ; where, although he experienced much violent opposition at the outset, his in- cessant labours were crowned with abundant success. Erom this place he removed to London, and settled by the unani- mous choice of the people in tlie parish of St. John the Apostle : he was also appointed lecturer of St. Paul's, and in 1658 removed to Cripplegate. He was a man not only BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 83 of great ability^ but of singular uprightness ; he was acknowledged by aU parties to be an Israelite indeed, and yet he suffered much for Nonconformity. To have " con- formed" was, with his views, and in his judgment, sinful. He accordingly followed the dictates of his conscience, and was the subject of many remarkable interpositions. One person died while in the act of signing a warrant to appre- hend him. Before his ejection he often preached three times a day ; during the troubles almost every day ; after- wards twice every Lord's-day. His sermons were in- structive and affecting, and his manner of delivery very pecuharly expressed his heartiness in the truths which he set forth. During the operation of the Act of Uniformity, and the Five Mile Act, Dr. Annesley was the general counsellor of the persecuted Puritans. In some measure the care of all the churches rested on him. When any place wanted a minister, he used his endeavours io procure a suitable sup- ]jly ; when any minister was oppressed by poverty, he soon employed himseK for his relief. " 0, how many places," says Dr. Daniel Williams, " had sat in darkness, how many ministers had been starved, if Dr. Annesley had died thirty years since ! " He lived to exercise his ministry fifty-five years, and then died triumphantly happy in God. A little before his departure, his desire of death appeared strong, and his soul was filled with a foretaste of glory. He often said, " Come, my dearest Jesus ! the nearer the more pre- cious, the more welcome." He died saying, " I shall be satisfied with Thy likeness, satisfied, satisfied. O, my dear- est Jesus, I come ! " Thus departed this excelle]it man, December 31st, 1696. Mrs. Susanna Wesley was the youngest daughter of Dr. ^irs. Susan- Annesley, the wife of the Rev. Samuel ATesley, and the 84 HISTORY 01' WESLEYAN METHODISM. motlier of John and Charles Wesley. She was born on the 30th of January, 1669 or 1670, and was endowed with a fine natural understanding, which was improved to a high state of culture by a most careful and excellent literary and religious education. It is a striking proof of the liberality and catholic temper of the father, and of the mental vigour, energy, and independence of the daughter, that while under the parental roof, before she was thirteen years of age, she had examined, without restraint, the whole controversy between the Established Church and the Dissenters, and from this examination decided to renounce her religious fellowship with the latter, and to adopt the creed and the forms of the Church of England. It was about the year 1689, when about nineteen or twenty years of age, that tliis young lady became the wife of the Rev. Samuel Wesley. In this relation, and in respect of all its various duties, she displayed a sound judgment, extensive knowledge, and great acquirements. The mother of nineteen children, ten of whom were reared to maturity, the wife of a poor clergyman, she was placed in circumstances sufficiently try- ing to call forth all the resources of the greatest and most cultivated Christian mind. And it is not saying too much to add, that Mrs. Wesley's resources never failed her. She conducted her household affairs with judgment, precision, diligence, and economy. Her children found in her a devoted, talented, and systematic teacher. When rising into life, her sons as well as daughters had in their mother an able and affectionate counsellor and friend. Many of the productions of her pen on theological subjects display great knowledge, grasp of mind, and sound judgment. Her exposition of the Apostles' Creed for instance, prepared by Mrs. Wesley for the instruction of her daughter Susan, BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 85 who had been separated from them in consequence of the fire in the parsonage-house, evinces such originality and power, as well as fulness and propriety, as would be creditable to any divine. Whatever the Wesleys became, it is an undoubted fact that they were the sons of a very extra- ordinary woman, and owed much to the example and instruction of their mother. In returning to the Wesley family at Epworth, it should be remembered that Samuel, the eldest son, was born whilst Mr. Wesley was a curate in London; five other children, all daughters, of whom three died, were born at South Ormsby ; and afterwards thirteen more were born at Epworth. Of the whole, three boys, Samuel, John, and Charles, and seven girls, Emilia, Susanna, Msltj, Mehe- tabel, Anne, Martha, and Keziah, reached maturity, and were all married, except the last. It is not necessary to detail all the various circumstances which have been preserved relating to the history of this family ; a general idea of the ancestors and family of John and Charles Wesley being all that this chapter is intended to communicate. What has been already said is sufficient to show that Mr. Samuel Mr. Wesley entered upon the office of the ministry with a pj^y^.^ full appreciation of its solemn and highly important cha- racter. His conduct during a period of more than forty years that he held the living of Epworth, proves that he retained a just sense of his responsibility, and evinced an untiring zeal, throughout his life. Dr. Whitehead says of him, " As a pastor, he was indefatigable in the duties of his office ; a constant preacher, feeding the flock with the pure doctrines of the Gospel, according to his ability ; diligent in visiting the sick, and administering such advice as their situations recpiired ; and attentive to the conduct of all who were under his care, so that every one in his parish 86 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. became an object of bis concern. No strangers conlcl settle Avitbin its bmits but be presently knew it, and made bimself acquainted witb tbem. We bave a proof of tbis from a letter be wrote to tbe bisbop of Lincoln, after being absent from borne a very sbort time : ' After my return to Epwortb,' says be, 'and looking a little among my people, I found tbere were two strangers come liitber, botb of wbom I bave discovered to be Papists, tbougb tbey come to cbiii'cb ; and I bave bopes of making one or botb of tbem good members of tbe Cburcli of England.' "* Yet, while awarding tbis pious and excellent minister tbe fullest credit for unwearied assiduity and labouring zeal among tbe members of bis flock, bis course of action can scarcely be contemplated by a pious and liberal mind at tbe present time but witb serious regret, at least, if not witb condemnation. He was what is generally called a " rigid His high Tory " in politics, and a " bigb cburchman " in religious state prill- principle. He regarded Cbarles I. not only as an injured cMpies. sovereign, but as truly and properly a martyr. And what is more extraordinary, witb tbe piety and persecutions of his father and grandfather in bis memory, and tbe condition and tendencies of the court open to his inspection, " he was very much attached to tbe interests of James."*' Tbis comes to us through the unquestionable authority of his son John ; nor did anything break off this attachment, but tbe immediate prospect of royal tyranny falling upon his own order ; and even this did not rouse him to resistance. " When," he says, " I heard him (King James II.) say to the master and fellows of Magdalen College, lifting up his lean arm, ' If you refuse to obey me, you shall feel the weight of a king's right band,' I saw be was a tyrant ; and though I was not inclined to take an active part against * " Life of the Rev. John "Wesley," by Dk. Whitehead, vol i., p. 21. I BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 87 him, I was resolved from that time to give him no kind of support."'^ It is true, that when James insisted on the pubKcation of his famous Dechiration in the churches, this young minister, with undaunted heroism, dared the peril with which disobedience was threatened, refused compliance, and preaclied boldly against the dangerous tendency of the proceeding. We are not informed, however, whether it was the progress of Popery, or the liberty of conscience granted to the Puritans, which more strongly called forth the sturdy resistance of Mr. Wesley. At any rate, several years afterwards, when performing the duties of a country parson, he felt so strongly opposed to Presbyterian influ- ence in the senate, as to take a course which exposed him to much annoyance and suffering. Dr. Adam Clarke thus records and comments on this injiuiicious course of proceeding. "In May, 1705, there was a con- tested election for the county of Lincoln ; Sir John Thorold, and a person called 'the Champion^ Dymoke, the late members, were opposed by Colonel Whichcott and Mr. Alb. Bertie. Mr. Wesley, supposing there was a design to raise up Presbyterianism over the Church, and that Whichcott and Bertie were favourable to it, (in conse- quence of which the Dissenters were all in their interest,) espoused the other party; which happening to be unpo- pular and unsuccessful, he was exposed to great insult and danger, not only by the mobs, but by some leading men of the successful faction. There is before me a long account of these shameful transactions, in two letters written to Archbishop Sharp, from which I shall extract only a few particulars. " ' I went to Lincoln on Tuesday night, May 29th, and the election began on Wednesday, 30tli. A great part of * Db. a. Clarke's "Wesley Family," vol. i., p. 242. bo HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. the night our Isle people drumming, shouting, and firing off pistols and guns under the window where my wife lay, who had been brought to bed not three weeks A clergyman met me in the castle-yard, and told me to withdraw; for the Isle-men intended me mischief. When they knew I was got home, they sent the drum and mob, with guns, &c.^' On this case Dr. Clarke observes, " As I totally disap- prove a minister of the Gospel entering iato party politics, and especially into electioneering affairs, I cannot but blame Mr. Wesley for the part he took in these transactions ; for, even according to his own showing, he acted imprudently, and laid himself open to those who waited for his halting, and who seemed to think they did God service by doing him a mischief, because they knew him to be a high churchman, and consequently an enemy to their religious system. He was in their power, under pecuniary obli- gations to some principal men among them ; and he was often led to understand, by no obscure intimations, that he must either immediately discharge those obligations. Severely whicli he required time to enable him to do, or else expect and cruelly to be shortly lodgcd in Lincoln Castle : these were not vain persecuted ^i^^^ats.''"^ About a fortnight after these events, Mr. AYesley was arrested for a debt rather under thirty pounds, at the suit of one of Mr. Whichcott^s relations and zealous friends, and lay in prison for about three months, until the contri- butions of his friends furnished him with the means of dis- charging it. Yet, whatever errors in judgment Mr. Wesley might have committed, however indiscreetly he might have acted in respect of these political matters, it is certain that he was treated by his opponents with a heartless and inveterate malevolence utterly disproportioned to his fault. His cattle * "Wesley Family," vol. i., p. 212. BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 89 were stabbed in the field, his house-dog maimed, his children threatened to be driven from their home into the highways to beg their bread, and he was vindictively shut up in a gaol : more than once his house was violently attempted ; and as his poverty was universally known, robbery could scarcely have been the object ; but if not robbery, there must have been a still fouler purpose. Besides all this, once his house was partially burnt, and on another occasion was entirely destroyed by fire. Whether these calamities were occasioned by accident or incendiarism will never be known in this world ; but the latter is, in the circumstances, by no means improbable. Notwithstanding all these crushing inflictions, Samuel ^^^ i"^- mense lite- Wesley held on his way, leaving the care of his household, rary labour; and the education of the younger children, to his excel- lent wife. He not only discharged his clerical duties with dihgence and fidelity, but, unchecked by poverty or per- secution, he persevered in a course of literary labour of a truly vast magnitude. Besides a great number of smaller, but respectable, poems, he dedicated his " Life of Christ " in verse to Queen Mary ; the " History of the Old and New Testaments " to Queen Anne ; and his grand and elaborate Latin dissertations on the Book of Job to Queen Caroline. Pew authors have laboured and lived so as to produce three works of sufficient importance to present to three successive queens of Great Britain. Yet these and several other minor productions did not exhaust the energies of this indefatigable man. He had planned and made preparations for a new edition of the Hebrew Scriptures, on a method very similar to that which has been carried into effect in our own time by Mr. Bagster ; and, to qualify himself for this task, had plunged " into the depths of oriental philology and literature. 90 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. These numerous and gigantic efforts, however, did not prevent him from giving constant attention to the passing events of his own time, and exerting himself in support of those ])rinciples and parties wliich he believed to be right, and promotive of the well-being of the Church and of the nation. When the principles of higli churchmen were assailed in the person of Dr. Sacheverel, and that distinguished clergyman was impeached by the House of Commons, the able and eloquent defence read by him be- fore the House of Peers, one totally different in style and manner from that of his own sermons, was written by the rector of Epworth. When Queen Anne was evidently drawing near to the close of her reign, great apprehension was felt lest the influence of the crown might be employed to place her brother, tlie Chevalier St. George, on the throne as her successor, in opposition to the " Act of Settlement." The Archbishop of York took an opportunity of asking the queen plainly in private, whether she had any design of resigning the crown to the Chevalier. She satisfied the scruples of all by a distinct answer in the negative. But that question was put to the queen at the suggestion of Samuel Wesley. .Missionary Mr. Wcslcy projected another undertaking, which, M'hen fairly and fuUy regarded, may be considered more extra- ordinary than all those which have been mentioned. He actually planned a broad and comprehensive scheme for the evangelization of the East. Ilis thoughts in this project embraced the countries from St. Helena to India and even China, and again toward Abyssinia, and comprehended British settlers in the several factories, Eoman Catholics and Heathens. He thought of the poor Christians of St. ■ Thomas, of Brahmins and Gentoos. Nay, more, not only did he project this ]Aan, and place it in writing in the hands ])laii BOOK I. CHAPTEE, II. 91' of the Archbishop of York, but, in the spirit of an apostle, he nobly offered to undertake the task, and devote his life to the prosecution of the enterprise, if the British nation would furnish him with means, and support his family. The written plan remains, having the signature of the then Archbishop of York attached to it ; but the work was not attempted. Why was this, when, as Dr. Clarke justly observes, the plan was such as the British Church and government might have easily put into execution? The answer is obvious. It was because Samuel Wesley lived long before the age which could sympathize with his spirit, or respond to its aspirations. Every biographer of this family has mentioned the stiange noises in the strange noises which were heard m the parsonage-house at parsonaire- Epworth, during the latter part of the year 1715. At e'JI^^J first the servant heard dismal groans in the dining-room, as of a dying person ; after this knockings were heard in one place, and then in several parts of the house at the same time ; footsteps were distinctly heard, as of a person walking about ; rattling sounds, as if bottles were breaki]ig to pieces, became frequent; doors were pushed open, and violently shut ; and particularly a knocking about the beds at night was almost continual; and what is most remarkable, these unnatm'al and unaccountable noises con- tinued for two months, and even annoyed one member of the family tliirty-four years afterwards, although residing in London. The celebrated Dr. Priestley by some means obtained Dr. Priest possession of an account of these strange noises, and pub- count of hshed it as containing, "perhaps, the best authenticated *'*'^'"' and the best told story of the kind, th^ is any where extant." Of course, a materialist like the doctor could not possibly adniit the agency of either angel or spirit ; so 92 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. he resolves it into a trick of the servants, although the ser- vants were frequently with the family when the greatest of these noises were made, and the worst annoyance felt. Dr. South- X)r. Southey speaks on the subject with much more rea- ey's reply to . i i ■ jt> ■ Priestley. SOU and judgment, and supplies a sufficient answer to the scepticism of Priestley. He observes, "An author who in this age relates such a story, and treats it as not incredible and absurd, must expect to be ridiculed; but the testimony upon which it rests is far too strong to be set aside because of the strangeness of the relation. The letters which passed at the time between Samuel Wesley and the family at Epworth, the journal which ]\Ir. Wesley kept of these remarkable transactions, and the evidence concerning them which John afterward collected, feU into the hands of Dr. Priestley, and were published by him as being, ' perhaps, the best authenticated and best told story of the kind that is anywhere extant.''"^ He observes, in favour of the story, Hhat all the parties seem to be suffi- ciently void of fear, and also free from credulity, except the general belief that such things were supernatural.' But he argues that, where no good end was to be answered, we may safely conclude, tliat no miracle was wrought ; and he supposes, as the most probable solution, that it was a trick of the servants, assisted by some of the neighbours, for the sake of amusing themselves and puzzling the family. In reply to this, it may safely be asserted, that many of the circumstances cannot be explained by any such supposi- tion, nor by any legerdemain, nor by ventriloquism, nor by any secret of acoustics. The former argument would be valid, if the term 'miracle' were applicable to the case; * " Original Let^rs by the Rev. John Wesley and his Friends, illustra- ■' tive of his early History, with other curious Papers, &c. By Joseph Peiestley, LL.D., P.R.S., &c." BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 93 but by 'miracle^ Dr. Priestley evidently intends a mani- festation of divine power; and in the present instance no such manifestation is supposed^ any more than in the appearance of a departed spirit. Such things may be preter- natural, and yet not miraculous : they may not be in the ordinary course of nature, and yet imply no alteration of its laws. And in regard to the good end which they may be supposed to answer, it would be end sufficient, if some- times one of those unhappy persons who, looking through the dim glass of infidelity, see nothing beyond this life and the narrow spliere of mortal existence, should, from the well-established truth of one such story, (trifling and objectless as it might otherwise appear,) be led to a con- clusion that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in their philosophy.''^ Dr. Southey is entitled to all respect and honour for daring the ridicule which usually attaches to those who refuse to set down all such accounts as ''incredible and absurd." His learning and character, indeed, enabled him to do this with very little personal risk ; but that little many others would not, under the circumstances, have incurred. The word of divine revelation cannot be be- lieved, in its plain and obvious sense, nor can we admit the truth of evidence which in respect of every other matter would be regarded as irresistible, if we refuse to allow that, in numerous cases in ancient and modern times, visi- ble and palpable phenomena have been manifested, which can only be accounted for by supposing the immediate action of supernatural agency. And whatever such writers as Dr. Priestley may say, as to the absence of an object in such extraordinary manifestations, it is clearly the grand end of divine revelation, and the first object of God's pro- * Dk. Southey's "Life of "Wesley," Third Edition, vol. i., p. 25. 94 HISTOllY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. -vidential government, to impress the mind of man with the great fact of the certain existence of a spiritual and unseen world; and to this fact such cases as that before us, when authenticated by unquestionable evidence, bear ample testimony. It has been said, that Samuel and Susanna Wesley brought ten of their children to maturity. Of the daugh- ters it will be sufficient to say, that they were generally very superior women. Some of them had ricli poetic genius, and fine taste for composition. Samuel Samucl, the eldest son, was early instructed by his Juuio7' mother in the elements of useful learning, and especially in the great truths of the Christian faith. He was educated at Westminster school ; and to that seat of learning mater- nal solicitude followed him. Letters from his mother to him there are still extant, in which she most earnestly urges on him the avoidance of all vice, especially that of neglecting the holy Sabbath; and entreats him to pray, read, study, and use devotion. At Westminster he was elected to Christ Church, Oxford, where, as at Westmin- ster, he acquired the character of an excellent classic scho- lar. " He was the personal friend of Bishop Atterbury, a prelate of great abilities, of elegant scholarship, and one of the finest writers of the age. The bishop was withal rest- less, aspiring, and disaffected to the House of Brunswick, one of wliose princes had been recently placed on the British throne. A Bill of Pains and Penalties was brought into Parliament, charging Atterbury with attempts to sub- vert the reigning dynastj^, and to restore to the Stuart family the crown of Great Britain. He solemnly avowed his innocence, and defended himself with extraordinary ability and spirit before the House of Lords. The Bill, however, passed, and Atterbury was sent into banishment. I BOOK I. CHAPTER 11. 95 Samuel AYesley^s love to liis friend suffered no abatement in consequence of tliis act of the legislature. He was, therefore, naturally suspected of entertaining the bishop^s political views ; especially as he freely lampooned Sir Eobert Walpole, the "Whig minister of the day, in several poetic satires. Yet no proof exists that he was opposed to the reigning family ; and positive testimony is given, by competent witnesses, especially by his brother John, that his loyalty was unshaken." "^ It was probably on this suspicion that he was, on a paltry plea, refused the second mastership of \Yestrainster school, to which office he had weighty claims. He, in consequence, about the year 1732, accepted the mastership of the free grammar school at Tiverton, over which estab- lishment he presided until his death. In 1736 he pub- lished a quarto volume of poetry. Among these pieces we have a paraphrase on Isaiah xl. 6-8, occasioned by the death of a young lady, and which is now found in the Wesleyan Hymn Book, beginning, — " The morning flowers display their sweets," &c. Mr. Samuel Wesley, as a high churchman, greatly dis- approved of the conduct of his brothers, when they began to itinerate. He also objected to the doctrines they preached; and these differences of opinion led to a corre- spondence between the brothers, which may hereafter be referred to. Tlie early hfe of John and Charles Wesley will form the subject of the next chapter. In closing this sketch of the fathers and family of the Wesleys, the serious attention of the reader is directed to the many great and remarkable qualities which several of these persons possessed ; the pecuHar school of chastening * Jackson's "Life of Charles Wesley," vol. i., pp. 9, 10. 96 HISTOllY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. and religious discipline to wliicli they had been subjected for generations ; and the extent to wliich their religious prin- ciples were tested, and their qualities of mind developed. Let all these points be candidly and religiously con- sidered in connexion with the admitted prevalence of vice and ignorance, time-serving and apostasy, at that dayj. and then let it be said whether, in case Providence de- signed to raise up two young men to extend the saving influences of the Gospel throughout these lands, a more obviously suitable parentage and family connexion could have been selected, than that which the Wesleys enjoyed. It is scarcely possible to find in all history a more remark- able providential appointment than we have in these facts. CHAPTER III. THE EARLY LIFE OF JOHN AND CHAELES WESLEY. The Birtli of John Wesley — His imminent Danger from Fire — Jolm and Charles instructed by their pious Mother — John at the Charterhouse — Charles at Westminster School — Garret Wesley offers to adopt Charles — John Wesley at Oxford — Advices of his Father and Mother as to his Profession — Charles Wesley elected Student of Christ Church, and John Fellow of Lincoln — John Wesley Curate of Epworth — Charles Wesley and his devout Associates called " Methodists " — John Wesley returns to Oxford — Active Exertions of the Oxford Methodists — John Wesley's spiritual State at this Time — He is earnestly m-ged by his Father to reside permanently at Epworth — He refuses — John and Charles Wesley consent to go as Missionaries to Georgia — The Origin and Object of the Colony — The Motives and Design of the Wesleys in this Enterprise — John Wesley's Deference to his Mother in this Case — The Missionaries proceed on their Voyage — Their Emplojanent at Sea — Surprised at the pious Confidence of the Germans — John Wesley finds it impossible to preach to the Indians — They both minister to the Colonists unsuccessfully — Causes of their Failure — Their Retm-n to England. John and Charles AVesley were the sons of Samuel The birth of Wesley^ rector of Epworth, and Susanna, his wife. John ley. was born on the 17th of June, 1703, 0. S. Some dif- ference of opinion having been expressed respecting the date of liis birth, it may be desirable to insert a copy of a certifi- cate drawn up by his father to satisfy the bishop respecting the age of John Wesley prior to his ordination, which puts the time of liis birth beyond aU question. VOL. I. F 98 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. "Epworth, August 2Srd, 1728. " John "Wesley, A.M., ^Fellow of Lincoln College, was twenty-five years old the 17tli of June last, having been baptized a few hours after his birth by me, "Samuel Wesley, Rector of Ejptoorth." Towards the close of life, Wesley made frequent men- tion of his birth-day, and uniformly represents it as oc- curring on the 28tli of June. One of the earliest of these records begins thus: "Thursday, June 28th, 1770. I can hardly believe that I am this day entered into the sixty-eighth year of my age. How marvellous are the ways of God ! " This is perfectly in keeping with his father^s certificate, both as to the year and the day. In that docu- ment he is said two months previously to have entered on his twenty-sixth year ; and in his " Journal," just quoted, lie describes himself as having completed his sixty-seventh year. The eleven intercalary days to be added to June 17th bring us to the 28t]i, and constitute the difference between the New and the Old Style; an important change, which was duly chronicled in his " Journal.''^ * His immi- When Joliu was nearly six years old, he, and, indeed, the from fire." wliole family, very narrowly escaped destruction by the burning of the parsonage-house at Epworth. This fire is supposed, by those who have recorded the fact, to have been occasioned by accident ; althougli it is evident from many observations which fell from the rector himself, that he believed it to have been caused by the deliberate wicked- ness of some of the parishioners who were opposed to him. John Wesley certainly concurred in this opinion, and it is * After recording his movements on " Wednesday, September 2ncl, 1752," the next day he makes this entry : " Thursday, 14th, So we must call it now, seeing the New Style now takes place." BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 99 strongly supported by the fact, that two atttempts to set the house on fire had been previously made. The best account of tliis calamity which has come down to us, is found in an extract from a letter written by Mrs. "Wesley. She says, " On Wednesday night, February the 9th, between the hours of eleven and twelve, our house took fire ; by what accident, God only knows. It was discovered by some sparks falling from the roof upon a bed, where one of the children (Hetty) lay, and burning her feet. She immediately ran to our chamber and called us ; but I believe no one heard her : for Mr. AYesley was alarmed by a cry of ' Tire ! ' in the street, upon which he rose, little imagining that his own house was on fire ; but, on opening his door, he found it was full of smoke, and that the roof was already burnt through. He immediately came to my room, — as I was very ill, he lay in a separate room from me, — and bid me and my two eldest daughters rise quickly and shift for our lives, the house being all on fire. Then he ran and burst open the nursery door, and called to the maid to bring out the children. The two little ones lay in the bed with her, the three others in another bed. She snatched up the youngest, and bid the rest follow, which they did, except Jacky. When we got into the hall and saw ourselves surrounded with flames, and that the roof was on the point of falling, we concluded ourselves inevitably lost, as Mr. Wesley in his fright had forgot the keys of the doors above stairs. But he ventured upstairs once more, and recovered them, just before the staircase took fire. When we opened the street door, the strong north-east wind drove the flames in with such violence, that none could stand against them. Mr. Wesley only had such presence of mind as to think of the garden door, out of which he helped some of the children ; the rest 100 HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. got out through the windows. I was not in a condition to climb up to the windows^ nor could I get to the garden door. I endeavoured three times to force my way to the street door, but was so often beat back by the fury of the flames. In this distress I besought our blessed Saviour to preserve me, if it were His will, from that death ; and then waded through the fire, naked as I Avas, which did me no further harm than a little scorching of my hands and face. " While Mr. Wesley was carrying the children into the garden, he heard the child in the nursery cry out miserably for help, which extremely affected him; but his affliction was much increased, when he had several times attempted the stairs, then on fire, and found they would not bear his weight. Finding it was impossible to get near him, he gave him up for lost, and, kneel- ing down, he commended his soul to God, and left him, as he thought, perishing in the flames. But the boy seeing none come to his help, and being frightened, — the chamber and bed being on fire, — he climbed to the case- ment, where he was soon perceived by the men in the yard, who immediately got up and pulled him out, just in the article of time that the roof fell in, and beat the chamber to the ground. Thus, by the infinite mercy of Almighty God, our lives were all preserved by little less than a miracle ; for there passed but a few minutes between the alarm of fire, and the falling of the house.'^ ^ Mr. John Wesley gives an account from his recollection of the event, which varies a little from that of his mother. He says, "I believe it was just at that time^' (when they thought they heard him cry) " I waked ; for I did not cry as they imagined, unless it was afterwards. I remember all the circumstances as distinctly as though it were yesterday. * Dk. "Whitehead's " Life of Wesley," vol. i., p 377. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 101 Seeing the room was liglit, I called to the maid to take me up ; but none answering, I put mv head out of the curtains, and saw streaks of fire on the top of the room. I got up and ran to the door, but could get no further, all the floor beyond it being in a blaze. I then chmbed upon a chest, which stood near the window : one in the yard saw me, and proposed running to fetch a ladder. Another answered, ' There will not be time ; but I have thought of another expedient. Here, I will fix myself against the wall ; lift a light man, and set him on my shoulders,' They did so, and he took me out of the ^vindow. Just then the roof fell ; but it fell inward, or we had all been crushed at once. When they brought me into the house where my father was, he cried out, ' Come, neighbours, let us kneel down ! let us give thanks unto God ! He has given me all my eight children : let the house go, I am rich enough!'" * The account furnished by the rector of Epworth hira- seK, in a letter to his friend, the Duke of Buckingham, is also given, as it supplies much additional information respecting this calamity, and casts considerable light on the character of the Wesley family. " Righteous is the Lord, and just in all His judgments ! I am grieved that I must write what will, I doubt, afflict your Grace, concerning your still unfortunate servant. I think I am enough recollected to give a tolerable account of it. " On AYednesday last, at half an hour after eleven at night, in a quarter of an hour's time, or less, my house at Epworth was burned down to the ground: I hope by accident; but God knows aU. We had been brewing, but done all ; every spark of fire quenched before five o'clock that evening, at least six hours before the house was on fire. Perhaps the * Dr. Whitehead's " Life of Wesley," vol. i., p. 379. 102 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. chimney above might take fire, (though it had been swept not long since,) and break through into the thatcli. Yet it is strange I should neither see nor smell anything of it, having been in my study in that part of the house till above half an hour after ten. Then I locked the doors of that part of the house, where my wheat and other corn lay, which was threshed, and went to bed. " The servants had not been in bed a quarter of an hour, when the fire began. My wife being near her time, and very weak, I lay in the next chamber. A little after eleven I heard ' Fire ' cried in the street, next to which I lay. If I had been in our own chamber, as usual, we had all been lost. I threw myself out of bed, got on my waistcoat and night-gown, and looked out of the window ; saw the re- flection of the flame, but knew not where it was ; ran to my wife^s chamber with one stocking on, and my breeches in my hand ; would have broken open the door, which was bolted within, but could not. My two eldest children were with her. They rose, and ran towards the staircase, to raise the rest of the house. There I saw it was my own house, all in a light blaze, and nothing but a door between the flame and the staircase. " I ran back to my wife, who by this time had got out of bed naked, and opened the door. I bade her fly for her life. We had a little silver, and some gold; about £20. She M'ould have stayed for it, but I pushed her out ; got her and my two eldest children down stairs, (where two of the servants were now got,) and asked for the keys. They knew nothing of them. I ran up stairs, and found them ; came down, and opened the street-door. The thatch was fallen off, all on fire. The north-east wind drove all the sheets of flame in my face, as if reverberated in a lamp. I got twice on the steps, and was drove down again. I ran BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 103 to the garden-door, and opened it. The fire was there more moderate. I bade them all follow, but found only two with me, and the maid with another'^ in her arms that cannot go ; but all naked. I ran with them to mj house of office in the garden, out of the reach of the flames ; put the least in the other's lap, and, not finding mj wife follow me, ran back into the house to seek her, but could not find her. The servants and two of the children were got out at the window. In the kitchen I found my eldest daughter naked, and asked her for her mother. She could not tell where she was. I took her up, and carried her to the rest in the garden; came in the second time, and ran up stairs, the flame breaking through the wall at the staircase ; thought all my children were safe, and hoped my wife was some way got out. I then remembered my books, and felt in my pocket for the key of the chamber which led to my study. I could not find the key, though I searched a second time. Had I opened that door, I must have perished. " I ran down, and went to my children in the garden, to help them over the wall. AYhen I was without, I heard one of my poor lambs left still above-stairs, about six years old, cry out dismally, 'Help me !' I ran in again to go up stairs; but the staircase was now all a-fire. I tried to force up through it the second time, holding my breeches over my head ; but the stream of fire beat me down. I thought I had done my duty; went out of the house to that part of my family I had saved, in the garden, with the killing cry of my child still in my ears. I made them all kneel down ; and we prayed God to receive his soul. " I tried to break the pales down, and get my children over into tlie street, but could not ; then went under the * " This must have been Charles." 104- HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. flame, and got them over the wall. Now I put on my breeches, and leaped after them. One of my maid-servants, that had brought out the least child, got out much at the same time. She was saluted with an hearty curse by one of the neighbours, and told that we had fired the house our- selves, the second time, on purpose. I ran about, inqui- ring for my wife and other children : met the cliief man and chief constable of the town, going from my house, not towards it, to help me. I took him by the hand, and said, 'God's will be done \' His answer was, 'Will you never have done your tricks ? You fired your house once before. Did you not get money enough by it then, that you have done it again ?' This was cold comfort. I said, ' God forgive you ! I find you are chief Maw still.' But I had a little better soon after, hearing that my wife was saved ; and then I fell on mother earth, and blessed God. " I went to her. She was alive, and could just speak. She thought I had perished, and so did all the rest, not having seen me, nor any share of eight children, for a quarter of an hour; and by this time all the chambers, and every thing, was consumed to ashes; for the fire was stronger than a furnace, the violent wind beating it down on the house. She told me afterwards how she escaped. When I went first to open the back-door, she endeavoured to force through the fire at the fore-door, but was struck back twice to the ground. She thought to have died there, but prayed to Christ to help her. She found new strength, got up alone, and waded through two or three yards of flame, the flre on the ground being up to her knees. She had nothing on but her shoes and a wrapping-gown, and one coat on her arm. This she M'rapped about her breast, and got safe through, into the yard ; but no soul yet to help her. She never looked up or spake till I came ; only. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 105 when they brought her last chikl to her, bade them lay it on the bed, Tliis was the lad whom I heard cry in the house ; but God saved liim by almost a miracle. He only was forgot by the serv^ants, in the hurry. He ran to the mndow towards the yard, stood upon a chair, and cried for help. There were now a few people gathered ; one of whom, who loves me, helped up another to the ^vindow. The child, seeing a man coming into the window, was frighted, and ran away, to get to his mother's chamber. He could not open the door, so ran back again. The man was fallen down from the window, and all the bed and hangings in the room where he was were blazing. They helped up the man the second time, and poor Jacky leaped into his arms, and was saved. I could not believe it till I had kissed him two or tlu'ee times. My wife then said unto me, 'Are your books safe?' I told her, it was not much, now she and all the rest were preserved ; for we lost not one soul, though I escaped with the skin of my teeth. A little lumber was saved below-stairs, but not one rag or leaf above. We found some of the silver in a lump, wliich I shall send up to Mr. Hoare to sell for me. " Mr. Smith, of Gainsborough, and others, have sent for some of my children. I have left my wife at Epworth, trem- bling ; but hope God will preserve her, and fear not but He will provide for us. I want nothing, having above half my barley saved in my barns, unthreshed. I had finished my alter- ations in the ' Life of Christ ' a little while since, and tran- scribed three copies of it. But all is lost. God be praised ! " I know not how to write to my poor boy"^ about it ; but I must, or else he will think we are all lost. Can your Grace forgive this, and all the rest ? * "His eldest son Samuel, who was then at Westminster School, and about seventeen years of age." F 5 106 HISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. " I liope my wife will recover^ and not miscarry ; but God will give me my nineteenth child. She has burnt her legs ; but they mend. "When I came to her^ her lips were black. I did not know her. Some of the children are a little burnt, but not hiu:t or disfigured. I only got a small blister on my hand. The neighbours send us clothes, for it is cold without them.""^ John and John, in common with the other children of this family, Charles hi- structed by received the rudiments of learning from his mother. 'No- lu'other °'^^ thing is found in the written memorials of the Wesleys, which indicates that the boys were ever put to any school in the country. It is more than probable that they were not ; for it is well known that Mrs. Wesley had formed a very low- estimate of the common methods of instructing and govern- ing children. She, indeed, was not only attentive to their intellectual culture, but, in addition, earnestly endeavoured to give them, as early as possible, just and useful notions of • religion. And her mind appears to have been drawn out with unusual earnestness in concern for John. Dr. White- head has preserved one of her written meditations, when this child was about eight years old, which shows how much her heart was engaged in forming his mind for reli- gion. This is the meditation : — " Evening, May 17th, 1711. Son Jo/m.—^Yhat shall I render unto the Lord for all his mercies ? The little un- worthy praise that I can offer, is so mean and contemptible an offering, that I am even ashamed to tender it. But, Lord, accept it for the sake of Christ, and pardon the deficiency of the sacrifice. " I would offer Thee myself, and all that Thou hast given me ; and I would resolve, — O give me grace to do it ! — that the residue of my life shall be all devoted to Tliy service. * Jackson's "Life of Charles Wesley," vol. ii., pp. 494-7. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 107 And I do intend to be more particularly careful of the soul of this child, that Thou hast so mercifully provided for, than ever I have been ; that I may do my endeavour to instil into his mind the principles of Thy true religion, and virtue. Lord, give me grace to do it sincerely and pru- dently, and bless my attempts with good success ! '"^ It was under such maternal piety, principle, and solicitude, that John and Charles Wesley passed tlirough the period of childhood. "VYhen about nine years of age, John had the small-pox ; but his mother said, " he bore the disease like a man, and, indeed, like a Christian, without any comj^laint.''^ In 1714 he was placed at the Charterhouse School, where •^'^'"^ ^^ ^'-'^ ... ... . Charter- he became distinguished for his diligence and progress in house. learning. He had, indeed, as was universal in public schools at the time, to suffer much from the tyranny of the elder boys, — a usage which, to the great disgrace of the pre- sent day, although diminished, is not removed. AVhen Wesley was at the Charterhouse, not only was this tyranny allowed to be manifested in other acts of cruelty, but the elder boys were accustomed, in addition to their own share, to take the portions of animal food which had been provided for the younger scholars. In consequence of this he was limited, for a considerable part of the time he remained at that school, to a small daily portion of bread as his only solid food. There was one thing, however, wliich contri- buted among others to his general flow of health, and to the establishment of his constitution ; and that was, his in- variable attention to a strict command of his father, that he should run round the Charterliouse garden, which was of considerable extent, three times every morning. Young Wesley's progress in learning at the Charterhouse was highly satisfactory. Just before he left that school, his * Db. Whitehead's " Life," vol. i., p. 380. 108 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. father had doubts as to the profession to which he should bring up his youngest son Charles, when Samuel wrote him from Westminster to this effect : " My brother Jack, I can faithfully assure you, gives you no manner of discou- ragement from breeding your third son a scholar." At the age of sixteen, John Wesley was elected to Christ Church, Oxford. At college he displayed the same diligence as at school. He became an excellent classic; attracted notice there for his attainments generally, and especially for his skill in logic; and was at the age of twenty-one a very sensible and acute collegian, a young man of the finest taste, and the most manly and liberal sentiments."^ His perfect knowledge of the classics gave a smooth polish to his wit, and an air of superior elegance to all his compositions. Two years after John had left his father's house, Charles was placed at Westminster, under the care of his brother Samuel, who was then one of the ushers of that establish- ment, and who, for a while, bore the expense of his brother's maintenance and education. It has been already stated, that Samuel Wesley was a superior classical scholar, and a very high churchman. Charles was exceedingly sprightly and active, and so remarkable for courage and skill in juve- nile encounters with his schoolfellows, that he obtained the title of " captain of the school." He was, however, as generous as he was brave ; and finding a Scottish youth at the school, whose ancestors had taken an active part in support of the Pretender, and who was in consequence greatly persecuted by the other boys, Charles Wesley protected the lad from this ill-treatment, fought his battles for him, and aided him on every necessary occasion. This boy was James Murray, * Dr. Whitehead's "Life of Wesley," vol. i., p. 381 ; Southey'.s " Life of Wesley," vol. i., p. 27. Charles. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 109 afterwards the great Lord Mansfield^ wlio^ in the decHne of Hfe, renewed his intimacy with Charles Wesley, which was thus begun in their boyhood. An incident occiu'red during the residence of Charles Wesley at Westminster, which deserves serious attention, as one link in the chain of providences by which the Wesleys were guided to Iheir great work of religious re- formation. At this period, a gentleman of large property Garret Wes- -_T— lev otfcrs to in Ireland, Garret Wesley, Esq., wrote to the rector of Ep- adopt worth, asking whether or not he had a son named Charles, and stating that it was his wish to adopt a youth of that name as his heir. The answer which was returned to this inquiry appears to have accorded with the gentleman^s views; for a person in London defrayed the expenses of Charles's education for several years. At length another gentleman called upon him, who is supposed to have been Mr. Garret Wesley himself. " He talked largely with Charles, and asked if he was wiUing to accompany him to L-eland. Charles wrote to his father for advice j and the father, who answered immediately, referred the matter to the son's own choice. Thus left to decide for himself, he resolved to remain in England and to decline the flattering otfer."^ That which gives importance to this circumstance is the fact, that Mr. Garret Wesley, being thus disappointed in getting a person of his own name to accept his offer, tendered it to a relation of his, on the condition that he should take the name of Wesley in addition to his own. The person who was thus applied to, and who accepted the overture, was Richard CoUey, afterward known as Richard CoUey Wesley. He was auditor and registrar of the royal hospital of Kilmaiuham, and second chamberlain of the Irish Court of Exchequer. In the year 1731, he was * Jackson's " Life of Charles Wesley," vol. i., p. 11. 110 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. sheriff of Meath, and he sat in Parhament many years as member for Carysfort. He was raised to the peerage by the title of Baron Mornington, by George II., in 1747, and was grandfather of the Duke of Wellington, and the Mar- quis of Wellesley. The statement that Garret Wesley offered to adopt Charles has been questioned by a recent biographer of the great duke, but most unreasonably. The Kev. John Wesley v.'rote an account of this circum- stance a short time before his death, and calls his brother's decision '' a fiiir escape.'" On a question of this kind it is impossible to deny that Wesley was a competent wit- ness. He must have known whether his father had, as alleged, received a letter from Mr. G. Wesley, in which he expressed a wish to adopt Charles ; nor can it be supposed that he would record a false statement respccthig it. Whatever may be thought of his doctrines, or of his extra- ordinary course of public life, his veracity cainiot be impugned. The statement is also supported by collateral evidence ; that the expenses of Charles's education were for several years borne by Mr. Garret Wesley, is a fact which can scarcely be doubled : wh}', then, should we not receive the entire account ? No Wesleyan, indeed, no Englishman, can contemplate the contingency which this narrative places before us, without deep concern. Charles Wesley refused the ofTer of Garret Wesley ; but in case he had accepted it, and had been removed to Ireland, in his then immature state of religious instruc- tion and experience, and placed, far away from his religious friends and relatives, under the full influence of the world and of wealth, where would John Wesley have found an equally able and zealous associate in his evangelizing labours ? Whence could Methodism have procured such a collection of hymns as now fills her sanctuaries with songs BOOK I. CHAPTER III. Ill of salvation ? And on the other hand, whence could England have looked for her great hero ? It is most im- probable that Richard CoUey, unaided by the wealth and influence which he derived from Garret Wesley, would ever have obtained a peerage, or that, without the prestige and power thus secured, one of his grandsons would have been governor-general of India, and another been able to obtain the command in chief of a British army. In every way, therefore, the decision of Charles Wesley was important to Methodism, to Britain, and to the world. If any difficulty is felt as to the difference between the present family name of the Duke of Wellington, Wellesley, and Wesley, it is at once removed by the fact, that Wellesley is an alteration or corruption of the more ancient name, which has been but recently adopted. The name of the great duke himself stands in the "Army List" of 1800, as "the Hon. Arthur Wesley, Lieutenant-colonel of the thirty-third regiment.^^ The time now approached when John Wesley would John Wes- have to decide on his future course of life ; and, in con- jq^j sidering this question, the first and most natural sugges- tion was, that he should take orders, and become, as his father was, a minister of the Established Church. On giv- ing earnest consideration to this very important subject in all its consequences to himself and others, it is said that it made so deep an impression on his mind, that he became more serious than usual, and applied himself earnestly to the study of divinity. But consideration and study did not enable him to see his course of duty in a satis- factory light. He doubted, and wrote to his father for assistance. The reply is dated, "Januarv 26th, 1723,'' Advices of ' , . his father and says, " As to what you mention of entering into holy and mother orders, it is indeed a great work, and I am pleased to tm-e'^coiu'se' find you tliink it so. As to the motives you take notice °^''^''- HE HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. of, my tliouglits are, if it is no harm to desire getting into that office, even as Eli's sons, to eat apiece of bread ; yet certainly a desire and intention to lead a stricter life, and a belief that one should do so, is a better reason. Though this should by all means be begun before, or, ten to one, it will deceive us afterwards. But if a man be un- willing and undesirous to enter into orders, it is easy to guess, whether he can say, so much as with common honesty, that he trusts he is ' moved to it by the Holy Ghost.' But the principal spring and the motive to which all the former should be only secondary, must certainly be the glory of God, and the service of the Church in the edifi- cation of our neighbour. And woe to him who, with any meaner leading view, attempts so sacred a work V He then mentions the qualifications .necessary for holy orders, and hints that in his judgment it was rather too early for his son to take that solemn obligation on him; and in a postscript, alluding to his own failing strength, he encourages John to work and write while he had the strength to do so. John Wesley's mother was as ready, and probably as able, to advise him in respect of this important step as his father. She was not only a woman of extraordinary energy and judgment, but understood Greek and Latin, and was well read in theology. She told him, " I think the sooner you are a deacon the better, because it may be a greater inducement to greater application in the study of practical divinity, which, of all other studies, I humbly conceive to be the best for candidates for orders." She then proceeded to say, that she had noticed lately an altera- tion of his temper, which she hoped was the result of the Holy Spirit's working on his heart ; and went on to urge on him an earnest attention to self-examination, and to the BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 113 attainment of spiritual religion, concluding tlius : " This matter deserves great consideration bj all, but especially by those designed for the ministry; who ought, above all things, to make their own calKng and election sure, lest, after ha\ang preached to others, they themselves should be cast away." These sensible and pious exhortations were not lost on the mind of John ^\esley. The young scholar threw his whole strength into his work, and devoted himself with intense diligence to the study of divinity, and gave special attention to those books which were likely to guide him to a sound judgment in spiritual matters, and to lead his affections toward God. "With this view he carefully studied Thomas a Kempis on " The Imitation of Christ," and Bishop Taylor's " Eules of Holy Living and Dying." The views presented in the former work appeared too strict for the young student ; but he, unlike most young men of his age, was diffident of his own judgment, and appUed to his parents for advice. This inquiry elicited from his mother the following sensible remarks : " 1 take Kempis to have been an honest, weak man, that had more zeal than knowledge, by his condemning all mirth or pleasure as sinful or useless, in opposition to so many direct and plain texts of Scripture. Would you judge of the lawful- ness or unlawfulness of pleasure, of the innocence or malignity of actions, take this rule : whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off the relish of spirit- ual things ; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself." Wesley was ordained deacon in September, 1725. Charles Wesley was elected to Christ Church when about 114 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Charles eighteen, and consequently removed from Westminster to AVcsIgv elected Oxford soon after John, having obtained a fellowship in of'christ Lincoln College, had left Christ Church for his new resi- church, and dcuce. Tliis took placc on March 17 th, 1726. His John fellow „., ittit i- t ^ • of Lincoln, family were greatly dehghted at this success; and his father wrote him a congratulatory letter on the occasion. John spent the whole of the summer following his elec- tion in the country with his parents. But this was not a season of idleness, or of religious inactivity. He usually read prayers and preached twice for his father on tlie Lord's day, and in other ways rendered him important assistance. Besides which, he diligently pursued his studies, and availed himself of the piety and experience of his parents to increase his knowledge of divine things. He often noted down the subjects discussed in these con- versations, mentioning the practical observations made by them, and sometimes adding remarks of his own. Among other subjects thus mooted, the following hold a conspi- cuous place : — how to increase our faith, our hope, our love of God ; prudence, simplicity, sincerity, pride, vanity, &rc. Mr. Wesley returned to Oxford in the following Septem- ber, and resumed his usual course of studies. " His literary character was now established in the university; he was acknowledged by all parties to be a man of talents, and an excellent critic in the learned languages. His compositions were distinguished by an elegant simplicity of style and justness of thought, that strongly marked the excellence of his classical taste. His skill in logic, or the art of reason- ing, was universally known and admired. The high opinion that was entertained of him in these respects, was soon publicly expressed, by choosing him Greek lecturer and moderator of the classics on the 7th of November, BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 115 though he had only beeu elected fellow of the college in March, was httle more than twenty-three years of age, and had not yet proceeded Master of Arts."^ He took this degree in Eebruary, 1727, and rejoiced that this step would enable him to exercise more freedom in his studies, so that the deficiencies which he felt might be supplied : but he especially desired to attain a more practical know- ledge of God, and entire conformity to His will, in the temper of his mind, and in all his actions ; and this he found to be a more difficult task. About this time the rector of Epworth became less able John Wes- than formerly to attend to the duties of his two livings, and Epworth. earnestly desired his son John to return home and assist him as his curate. He comj^lied with his father^s wishes, and left Oxford for this purpose in August, 1727. But he visited that university in the following year, and was ordained priest by Dr. Potter, bishop of Oxford, and imme- diately afterwards returned to the duties of his curacy at Wroote and Epworth. Meanwhile, Charles Wesley pursued his studies as scholar of Christ Church. When he first entered at Oxford, he was neither serious in his spirit, nor diligent in his endeavours to increase in knowledge. During the whole of his stay at Westminster, he had been under the direction of his eldest brother Samuel; but, on reaching Oxford, he felt as if at his own disposal, and was far from being an earnest student. After a while, however, he chose that course which had previously been urged on him, and became assiduous in his efforts to acquire learning; but his spirit was undevout. ^^He pursued his studies dihgently," says John, "and led a regular, harmless life ; but if I spoke to him about religion, he would warmly answer, ' What! would you have me to be * Dii, "\Vhitejie.U)'s "Life," vol. i., p. lOi. 116 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. a saint all at once?' and would hear no more."'^ Sucli was the state of the two brothers when John left Oxford to become his father's curate. But soon after that event, and apparently without the intervention of any particular means, Charles Wesley also became deeply serious, and earnestly de- sired to be a spiritual worshipper of God. Knowing that his brother John kept a diary, in which he noted down those things which religiously affected him, he wrote for advice re- specting such a course, as he believed it would be useful to himself. In this letter he says, " God has thought fit (it may be to increase my wariness) to deny me at present your company and assistance. It is through Him strengthening me I trust to maintain my ground till we meet. And I hope that neither before nor after that time I shall relapse into my former state of insensibility. It is through your means, I firmly believe, that God mil establish what He hath begun in me ; and there is no one person I would so willingly have to be the instrument of good to me as you. It is owing, in great measure, to somebody's prayers, (my mother's, most likely,) that I am come to think as I do ; for I caimot tell myself how or Avhen I awoke out of my lethargy ; only that it was not long after you went away."t This letter was written in the beginning of 1729. Charles No sooncr had Charles Wesley become devout, than he Wesley and ^Qj^^gj] ^q jjg uscful to thosc about him : and it was the Ins devout o ' associates Operation of this feeling, probably, placing him in friendly called " Me- . • i i • ^ • i n ihodists." intercourse with other serious young men, which first ex- posed him and his godly companions to the derisive epithet, of " Methodists." Not that this term was derived from the practice of an ancient Roman physician, named Themison, as has been generally supposed, and was now first applied to a * Jackson's "Life," vol. i., p. 14. t Ilfid., p. 15. BOOK I. CHAPTEE III. 117 religious purpose, or to an association of professedly reli- gious people, when it was given to Charles Wesley and liis associates. This distinguished individual was, indeed, the first man who was called " a Methodist " in connexion with the religious movement orginated by the Wesleys; but the appHcation of the term to very devoted or rigid religious peo- ple was much earlier. In a sermon preached at Lambeth in 1639, nearly a century before the application of the name to Charles Wesley and his friends at Oxford, this sentence occurs : " Where are now our Anabaptists, and plain pack- staff Methodists, who esteem all flowers of rhetoric in sermons no better than stinking weeds, and all elegancies of speech no better than profane spells ?" In 1693, a pamphlet was published in a controversy between Dr. Daniel Williams and some other divines among the Nonconformists, with this title, " A War among the Angels of the Churches : wherein is shewed the Principles of the New Methodists in the great Point of Justification," &c. In the fourth part of Gale's "Court of the Gentiles,'* 1727, that learned author speaks of a religious sect, whom he calls " the New Methodists.'' The term " Methodists " was also applied to those theo- logians who describe the work of the Holy Spirit in strict conformity with the doctrine of absolute predestination, or of God's appointment of men to eternal happiness by a decree totally irrespective of their personal coiiduct. Hence, in the year 1741, a volume in opposition to this tenet was published under the title of, " The Use of Reason in Reli- gion, in Answer to the Methodists," &c., by G. Nelson, rector of Oakley. In an English dictionary published in 1706, the word " Methodist " occurs, and is thus explained : " One that treats of method, or affects to be methodical" 118 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. " ' The word/ says an anonymous writer of the last century, ' is derived from /jbeOoho^, ratio docendi, vel fj.eOoSiKO'i, qui melhodum sequitur, and signifies a person who disposes things in a regular manner/ ]\Iethodists in botany are persons \^'ho study a judicious and nice arrange- ment of plants. Methodists in the history of medicine were a set of ancient physicians, who adopted and strictly followed certain rules in their diet and practice. Method- ists in ecclesiastical history were a set of polemical doctors, who arose in Prance, in the seventeenth century, in oppo- sition to the Protestants. The Wesleys and their friends at Oxford were precise in regulating their conduct, and ar- ranging their time ; on Avhich account their fellow collegians cried out, ' They are quite Methodists : there is no man of science can be more exact in the methodizing his knowledge than they are in arranging their duties; no careful phy- sician more exact in regulating the conduct of a patient, that his health be not impaired, than these in regulating their conduct, that neither their religion, their souls, nor their neighbours may suffer.'' Prom such an innocent application of a name formerly applied to physicians, and always in a qualified sense to men of science,""^ Charles Wesley and his pious companions were called " Methodists.'" This, however, was not the primary designation which their reli- gious conduct obtained for them. Their diligent and regular attendance on the communion first induced the appellation of " SacramentariansJ" After that, they were called, " The Godly Cluh ;" and lastly, as the crowning invention appli- cable to the case, " Methodists.^^ After these explana- tions and definitions of the term " Methodist," it may ' not be amiss to give Wesley's own definition, as found in his Dictionary, published in 1753 : "A Methodist — one * Jackson's " Life of Charles 'Wesley," vol. i., p. 18. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 119 that lives according to the method laid down in the BMe." Yet although this name was given to these serious young men, it does not appear that they had formed any plan of action, or that they met together at any fixed or stated times. Mr. Charles Wesley^s own account of it is, that he lost his first year at college in diversions ; that the next he set himself to study ; that diligence led him into serious thinking; that he went to the weekly sacrament, persua- ding two or three students to accompany him ; and that he observed the method of study prescribed by the statutes of the university."^ John Wesley visited Oxford, June, 1729, and did not return to Epworth until August following. During this sojourn at the university he had frequent inter- course with his brother and his devout associates. Soon after his return to Epworth, he received a letter from Dr. Morley, the rector of his college, stating that it had been found necessary to require aU junior fellows who had been chosen moderators, to attend to the duties of their office in person, j^j^u -yves- aud urffinc^ him to a compliance with this requirement. ^^^ returns r , . . ■ . . . , to Oxford. This he immediately did, and, in November of the same year, became again a resident at Oxford. John Wesley was received by his brother and his asso- ciates as their chief and most esteemed adviser. They were at this tiaie but four in all, who were thus fully united together, — John Wesley, Charles AYesley, Mr. Morgan, and ]\Ir. Kirkman. At first the object of their union was limited to personal improvement and edification. " They agreed to spend three or four evenings in the week together, in reading the Greek Testament, with the Greek and Latin classics. On Sunday evenings they read divinity." Mr. Morgan was the first to extend their object to a religious * "Watson's " Life of "Wesley," p. 11. 120 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Active exer- tions of the Oxford Me- thodists, concern for otliers. Having, in the summer of 1730, called at the gaol to see a man who was condemned for killing his wife, he had a conversation with one of the debtors, which induced him to tell his companions, that he verily believed it would do much good, if any one would be at the pains of now and then speaking with them. This led the little company to determine to visit the prisoners once or twice a week. They had not long continued this practice, before Mr. Morgan, who seems to have led the way in these acts of charity and benevolence, asked Mr. Wesley to go with him to see a poor woman in the town, who was sick. This induced them to reflect on the good that might be effected by spending two or three hours a week in this species of charity, especially if the minister of the parish did not object to it. But this course of action was so novel, and had such an appearance of irregularity, that Mr. Wesley determined to ask his father's advice before he fuUy committed himself to it. The venerable minister replied, " As to your own designs and employments, what can I say less of them than Valcle proho ;" ("I highly approve ;'') " and that I have the highest reason to bless God that He has given me two sons together at Oxford, to whom He has given grace and courage to turn the war against the world and the devil, which is the best way to conquer them ?" And after sundry other advices, the letter concluded thus : " Your first regular step is to consult with him, if any such there be, who has a jurisdiction over the prisoners; and the next is, to obtain the direction and approbation of the bishop.''"^ Such advice from a man of so much learning, piety, ex- perience, and love of church order, as the rector of Ep- worth, greatly encouraged them ; and having compKed with * MooRJs's "Life of Wesley," vol. i., p. 169. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 121 the counsel which they had received, and experienced no difficulty, they pursued their way with renewed ardour and zeal. Their numbers also slowly increased. In 1730, two or tliree of Mr. Jolm Wesley's pupils requested per- mission to meet with them ; and afterward one of Charles's pupils. Mr. Benjamin Ingham, of Queen's College, and Mr. T. Broughton, of Exeter, were added to them in 1732. In the spring of the same year, they were joined by Mr. Clayton, of Brazennose, and two or three of his pupils. About the same time, Mr. James Hervey, of Lincoln Col- lege, (author of the " Meditations,") and Mr. George "Wliitefield, of Pembroke, were added to their number. This course was not pursued year after year without ex- posing them to severe opposition. They became the butt of ridicule and scorn, a bye-word for the thoughtless and the profane. They were, however, enabled to hold on their way. Mr. Morgan, indeed, who had always been fore- most in works of charity, after a lengthened illness, died in August, 1732. Violent persecution damped the ardour of others, and the seductive influence of an eminent person of station and reputed piety took away another ; but the Wesleys, still encouraged by their pious father, persevered. Yet it is evident that John Wesley, whilst prosecuting Joim Wes- this devoted course of pious and self-denying action, was not ritual state living in the experience of the salvation of the Gospel. ^^ ^'"^ *""''■ The following passages from a letter to his mother, written about this time, clearly unfold the state of his mind : — "You say you have renounced the world. And what have I been doing all this time ? What have I done ever since I was born ? Why, I have been plunging myself into it more and more. It is enough : ' Awake thou that sleepest.' Is there not one Lord, one Spirit, one hope of our calling ? one way of attaining that hope ? Then I am VOL. I. G 122 IIISTOUY OF "WESLEYAN METHODISM. to renounce the world as well as you. That is the very thing I want to do, — to draw off my affections from this world, and fix them on a better. But how ? Wliat is the surest and shortest way ? Is it not to be humble ? Surely this is a large step in the way. But the question recurs. How am I to do this ? To own the necessity is not to be humble. In many tilings you have interceded for me, and prevailed. Who knows but in this, too, you may be successful ? If you can spare me only that little part of Thursday evening, which you formerly bestowed upon me in another manner, I doubt not but it would be as useful now for correcting my heart, as it was then for forming my judgment. " When I observe how fast life flies away, and how slow improvement comes, I think one can never be too much afi'aid of dying before one has learned to live ; I mean, even in the course of nature. Tor Avere I sure the ' silver cord ' should not be violently ' loosed,^ that ' the wheel ' should not ' be broken at the cistern,' till it was quite worn away by its own motion ; yet what a time would this give me for such a work ! a moment to transact the busi- ness of eternity ! What are forty years in comparison of this ? So that, were I sure, what never man yet was sure of, how little would it alter the case ! How justly still might I cry out ! — " ' Downward I hasten to my destined place ; There none obtain Thy aid, none sing Thy praise. Soon shall I lie in Death's deep ocean drown'd : Is mercy there ? is sweet forgiveness found ? 0 save me yet, while on the blink I stand ! Rebuke these stonns, and set me safe on land! O make my longings and Thy mercy stu-e ! Thou art the God of power.' " * This is certainly the language of a deeply devout mind, * Dr. Whiteheab's " Life of "Wesley," vol. i., p. 443. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 123 conscious of wanting, and longing to obtain, entire con- formity to the divine will. Here we see the learned and strong-minded college tutor pausing amid his pious labours, to unbosom the state of his soul to his godly mother, and imploring her to set apart some portion of her time to seek, by intercessory prayer to God, that he might attain to true humility and self-renunciation. This was the spiritual con- dition of John Wesley while he was regarded as a prodigy of piety at Oxford. About this time (January 1st, 1733) Wesley preached at St. Mary^s a sermon on the circumci- sion of the heart, in which he gives just such an expo- sition of spiritual religion as would be given by a man earnestly devoted to God, yet ignorant of the way of salva- tion by simple faith in Christ. He was about this time called to pass through very severe trials. Short and necessary as were his occasional seasons of absence from Oxford, they told very sadly on the stability of his young associates. The storm of oppo- sition and persecution still raged, and many who had given promise of a better result shrank from continued ridicule and censure ; so that the five-and-twenty communicants at St. Mary's were reduced to five. Still John Wesley and his brother stood firm, and devoted themselves to their work with such intense earnestness, that at length John's health gave way ; he expectorated blood, and his friends were for a while much alarmed ; but his constitution sus- tained the shock, and he, after a while, recovered his usual strength, and renewed his labours under a deeper sense than ever of the brevity of time, and the importance of eternity. Just at this time another trial met him : his father was He is ear- now e\'idently declining in health, and anxiously wished to ^y\ig ^^fg,. see a suitable provision made for the spiritual wants of a *° ^^^^^^ permanently parish in which he had spent so many years of his life. atEpworth. G 2 124 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Nothing seemed so likely to meet this case satisfactorily, as for his son John to endeavour to secure the appointment as his father's successor. The parishioners were as earnest in this wish as their venerable rector. The measure seemed also specially desirable on account of the family, which would thus be kept together, — at least the widow and the unmarried daughters, — and not be left totally unprovided for on the death of the good old man. He accordingly wrote to John on the subject : but the reply he received showed that his son believed he could get more good and do more good at Oxford, than as a country rector. The request was, however, urged by his brother Samuel with great energy, and also by other members of the family; but in vain. John was inflexible ; he fully beheved it to be his re- ligious duty to remain at Oxford : he therefore replied kindly, but firmly, to all the arguments of his family ; and the correspondence continued for some time, especially be- tween his brother Samuel and himself, until the whole matter was resolved into one question, namely, whether at his ordination he did, or did not, solemnly engage *^to undertake the cure of a parish." He admitted that he was not the proper judge of this engagement : so he immediately referred the question to the bishop for his decision. The answer was, " It doth not seem to me, that at your ordi- nation you engaged yourself to undertake the cure of any parish, provided you can, as a clergyman, better serve God and His church in your present or some other station." This judgment settled the question; for John Wesley at once said, " That I can, as a clergyman, better serve God and His church in my present station, I have all reason- able evidence.""^ Sonthey has spoken of the conduct of John Weslev in this case, as " an affair of relimous casu- * Whitehead's ''Life/' vol. i.; p. 487. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 125 istrj/'' in which the interests of his mother and sisters were entirely disregarded. Tliis is most unjust; for there is no- thing in the account, as it stands in the letters of the family^ to justify any suspicion that he acted in this case under any influence but that of a stern sense of duty ; and as to his mother, it is by no means certain that she desired her son to come to Epworth. It is at least well known, that this pious and energetic woman was not backward in delivering her sentiments on passing events, of a public or private nature, when she had formed a judgment respecting them. But here Dr. Wliitehead, with all the family docu- ments before him, says, " In the midst of this debate, he (John Wesley) wrote to his mother, without taking the least notice of it : nor do I find that she wrote to him on that subject; which appears extraordinary, if she tvas of the same opinion with her husband and her son Samuel.^'^ The Kev. Samuel Wesley died at Epworth in April, 1735. He had for some time previous been manifestly ripening for his departure from earth. John and Charles were both with him in his last hours, and witnessed the calm serenity of his mind, as he passed through his mortal agony. He enjoyed a clear sense of his acceptance with God, and was con- sequently far in advance of his sons in evangelical knowledge and spiritual attainments. When, therefore, they heard their father, on the bed of death, utter the memorable words, " The inward witness, son, the inward witness ; this is the proof, the strongest proof, of Christianity," they understood him not. Yet it was this which sustained the dying saint, and enabled him to say with a smile, — when John asked him, "Are you in much pain V — "God does chasten me with pain, yea, all my bones with strong pain ; but I thank Him for all, * Whitehead's " Life," vol. i., p. 488. 126 HISTORY OP WESLEYATSr METHODISM. John and Cliarles Wesley cou- sent to go as mission- aries to Georsria. The origin and object of the colony. I bless Him for all, I love Him for all V* But, although the two sons could not fully understand the nature and extent of their father's godly confidence, they profited by the solemn season, and dwelt in thankful meditation on his triumphant end, many years afterwards. John and Charles "Wesley now returned to Oxford, and seemed quite safe from any further temptation to remove from that favourite seat of learning and of labour. Yet, strange to say, within six months from the death of their father, the two Wesleys were on their way to the distant colony of Georgia, on the American continent. The man who resisted every inducement to leave Oxford and settle in the place of his birth, in the bosom of his family, to minister to a people who earnestly desired his presence, now consented to leave Oxford and England, for a distant infant colony, to preach to emigrant settlers or barbarous Indians. One thing is clear from the mere narration of these facts, namely, that they afford an ample refutation of all the censures cast upon John Wesley for declining to apply for the living of Ep worth, by proving that he was only influenced by a strong desire to go where he con- scientiously believed he could get and do most good. As the colony of Georgia is so intimately connected with the early history of John and Charles Wesley, it may be necessary to state briefly the origin, object, and progress of that colonial settlement. It was formed under a royal charter, and comprehended the tract of country extending between the rivers Savannah and Alatamaha on the American continent. The name of Georgia was given to it in com- pliment to George the Second, under whose auspices it was commenced. The management of the colony was vested in trustees, who were required annually to report their pro- * Jackson's " Life of Cliarles Wesley," vol. i., p. 34. BOOK I. CHAPTEB, III. 127 ceeclings to the Lord Chancellor of England, and the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. The design of the undertaking -w'as twofold. It was to be an outlet to the redundant population at home, especially of London : and to be an asylum for such foreign Protestants as were harassed by Popish persecution. James Oglethorpe, Esq., a military man, who was afterwards raised to the rank of general, was made the governor, and intrusted with the organization of the colony. He had taken an active part in obtaining the charter, and was one of the original trustees. He was an enterprising, public-spirited man, and was regarded as being kind and benevolent in his dis- position. Among the trustees were several pious Presby- terians as weU as Churchmen. This scheme excited great attention at the time. Par- liament voted a sum of money to enable the trustees to carry their purpose into effect ; and as the trustees were to receive no remuneration for their services, they brought the subject before the public, and solicited contributions in aid of their object. One of the trustees. Dr. John Burton, fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, preached a ser- mon on behalf of this project in the parish church of St. Mary-le-Bow, on Thursday, March 15th, 1733, in which he urged the importance of the proposed measure. Soon after, a quarto volume was pubHshed for the same purpose, in which great stress was laid on the piteous case of Protestant Christians in many of the Popish continental states, and the Christian duty and charity of opening a way for their deliverance, and of affording them a refuge where they might worship God in peace. These appeals were liberally responded to by the more serious part of the English people. The name of Mr. Samuel AYesley, Jun., stands in the list as a subscriber of 128 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. five guineas to the fund^ and as one who would receive subscriptions towards the object. The trustees received, from June 1732 to June 1733, the sum of £3,723. IBs. Id. in money, besides large quantities of Bibles, Testaments, and other books, household furniture, and divers useful articles. Having made their arrangements, they invited all classes of people to whom emigration was desirable, — Koman Catholics only excepted, — to avail themselves of the advantages which this colony offered. The unemployed poor, bankrupts, and such other persons as were in cir- cumstances of hopeless embarrassment, were offered a free passage ; and Mr. Oglethorpe, who had conducted the first settlers, and received many other immigrations, after having remained in the colony fifteen months, returned to Eng- land, to take charge of a further supply of emigrants. This gentleman well knew the sterling worth of John and Charles Wesley, having been for a long time a personal friend of the family. While he was making arrangements for conducting this second company to Georgia, application was made to some of the Oxford Methodists to settle in the colony as clergymen; and Dr. John Burton pressed Mr. John Wesley to undertake a mission among the Indians in the neighbourhood of the colony. After considerable hesitation, and taking the advice of friends, he con- sented to go as a Missionary to the Indians ; and it was finally arranged that Charles should accompany him as secretary to the governor. Till this time Charles had declined taking orders; but he was now ordained, that he might be able to ofiiciate as a clergyman in a regular manner in the colony, where the spiritual interests of the people had been much neglected.^ * Jackson's " Life of Cliaiies Wesley." BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 129 This decision of the two brothers naturally excited very The motives great surprise. Those who thought they knew them best at of the^^Ves- that time, believed that nothing but " stern necessity " ^^>^ "* ^'"* "^ enterprise. could induce John Wesley to leave Oxford. Dr. Coke and Mr. Henry Moore, however, in reply to this impression, observe, "Had these persons enjoyed the intimacy with Mr. Wesley which we were favoured with, they would have been able easily to account for it. From what has been said, it would appear that Mr. Wesley^s mind was deeply impressed with religious sentiments. He had devoted himself entirely to God. It has appeared, also, from his own words, how exceedingly painful all commerce with the world was to him; and that he had, deeply imbibed even that undue love of retirement, which all good men have felt more or less, from the Egyptian hermits of the second century down to the elegant and pious Cowley. " But this was not all. He was at that time an admirer of the mystic writers ; and though he had not embraced the peculiar sentiments of those who were grossly unscriptural, — from the time he was homo unius lilri, as he himself terms it, 'a man of one book,' valuing none comparatively but the Bible, — yet he still believed many of the mystic writers were, to use his own words, ' the best explainers of the Gospel of Christ.' And every one knows, as he has remarked, how continually those that are supposed to be the purest of them, cry out, ' To the desert ! To the desert !' What wonder, then, if at this time, when having only attained to what St. Paul calls, ^ the spirit of bondage unto fear/ when he found every company and almost every person discompose his mind ; when he found all his senses ready to betray him into sin, upon every exercise of them ; and that all within him, as well as every creature he con- versed with, tended to extort that bitter cry, ' O wretched G 5 130 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. man that I am ! who shall deliver me ?' — what wonder^ I say, that he should close in with a proposal which seemed at one stroke to cut him off from both the smiling and frowning world, and to enable him to be dead to the world and crucified with Christ, which he then thought could be only thus attained ? This is the account which he himself has given us of his views and motives at this period. It will appear, therefore, that when he consented to go as a missionary to Georgia, he only manifested a continuation and higlier exercise of that determined resolution of being separated from the world which he had evinced in his refusal of the living of Epworth. But that he did not hastily agree to leave his pupils, friends, and country, is to be inferred from his own journals, and has been fully explained to us by himself.^' ^ Persons who have never progressed in the experience of religion even as far as John Wesley had attained at this time, will certainly be unable to appreciate this statement, and must, if they will write on the subject, however unin- tentionally, misrepresent him. And this has been done in numerous instances from his own time to that of South ey. But here is a statement which two witnesses, whose veracity is unimpeachable, declare they received from ]\Ir. Wesley's own lips, not iri a single conversation which might be but partially remembered^ but in full explanations s])read over many years of intimate intercourse and friendly co-operation. And this statement is such an one as any person who has really experienced the salvation of the Gospel, will fully apprehend and receive. The Rev. Thomas Jackson has thus put this case before us in a masterly and convincing manner : "Of the purity of their motives, indeed, no doubt can be enter- * Coke and Moore's " Life of Wesley," p. 92. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 131 tained. They were both happily and usefully employed as coUege tutors; and had they sought preferment in the Church, considering their acquirements, talents, and con- nexions, they might doubtless have obtained it. But the fact is, by reading the writings of ]\Ir. Law, and others of a similar kind, they were deeply impressed with the necessity of holiness. According to their apprehensions, true hohness is attained principally by means of sufferings, mental and bodily ; and hence they adopted this mode of life, resolved to do and suffer wliatever it should please God to lay upon them. Their theological views were not only defective, but erroneous. They understood not the true nature of a sinner's justification before God, nor the faith by which it is obtained, nor its connexion with sancti- fication. Holiness of heart and life was the object of their eager pursuit ; and this they sought, not by faith, but by works and personal austerity, according to the leading doc- trine of Mr. Law. ' Our end in leaving our native country,' says Mr. John Wesley, ' ^^'as not to avoid want, (God having given us plenty of temporal blessings,) nor to gain the dung and dross of riches or honour ; but singly this, - — to save our souls; to live wholly to the glory of God.' "* It must not, however, be supposed, that in tliis matter John "Wesley overlooked altogether the case of liis family, John wes- and the claims which his widowed mother, to whom he ence to his owed so much, had upon his sympathy and support. On the contrary, when every other objection which he raised had been answered, he mentioned the grief it might give his mother. " I am," said he, " the staff of her age, her cliief support and comfort ;■" and he put tins so strongly, that it was only to be met by the inquiry, " Will you go if your mother's consent can be obtained?" Believing * Jackson's "Life of Charles Wesley," vol. i., p. 45. mother iu this case. 13:3 HISTOUY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. this to be impossible, lie agreed that she should be con- sulted. Ou the question being put to Mrs. Wesley, she said, "If I had twenty sons, I should rejoice that they were all so employed, though I should never see them more : " an answer worthy of the mother and of the son. Wesley now regarded his way as made plain, and thought that in entering on this work he was doing what was the will of God concerning him. The mission- On Tuesday, October 14th, 1735, this party left London anes proceed ^ Qravesencl, to embark for Georgia. It consisted of ou their ' o voyage. John and Charles Wesley, B. Ingham, and C. Delamotte. On the following Tuesday they sailed from Gravesend, and proceeded on their voyage. The sliijj which carried the Wesleys contained one hundred and twenty-four persons, men, women, and children, including Mr. Oglethorpe, and twenty-six Germans, members of the Moravian Church, with David Nitschman, their bishop. These pious Germans were going to Georgia, in compliance with the invitation given to persecuted Protestants, that they might enjoy their own peculiar religious rites, and extend the blessings of divine knowledge to the neighbouring Indians. Six- teen of their brethren had emigrated to this colony in the preceding year, and were already engaged in this Christian enterprise, under the direction of their ministers. The Wesleys were always diligent and regular to a pro- verb. The elder of the brothers has given us the following sketch of their general course of procedure during the voyage : Their em- " Our comuion Way of living was this : From four in the rnoymen a jjjQj.^^jj^g ^^|| g^g g^^^]^ q£ ^g ^-^gg^j pj-iv^te prayer. From five to seven we read the Bible together, carefully comparing it (that we might not lean to our own understandings) with the writings of the earliest ages. At seven we break- fasted. At eight were the public prayers. Prom nine to BOOK I. CHAPTEE, III. 133 twelve I usually learned German, and Mr. Delamotte Greek. My brother writ sermons, and Mr. Ingham instructed the children. At twelve we met to give an account to one another what we had done since our last meeting, and what we designed to do before our next. About one we dined. The time from dinner to four we spent in reading to those whom each of us had taken in charge, or in speaking to them severally, as need required. At four were the evening prayers ; when either the second lesson was explained, (as it always was in the morning,) or the cliildren were catechized and instructed before the con- gregation. Prom five to six we again used private prayer. Trom six to seven I read in our cabin to two or three of the passengers, (of whom there were about eighty English on board,) and each of my brethren to a few more in theirs. At seven I joined with the Germans in their public service ; while Mr. Ingham was reading between the decks, to as many as deshed to hear. At eight we met again, to exhort and instruct one another. Between nine and ten we went to bed, where neither the roaring of the sea, nor the motion of the ship, could take away the refreshing sleep which God gave us."^ During this voyage John Wesley was very much sur- Surprised at prised and impressed with the conduct of the poor Ger- confidence mans. Some of them would perform the most servile °^ ^^^ ^"' ^ mans. ofiices for their fellow-passengers, for which they neither desired nor would receive any pay, saying, " It was good for their proud hearts, and their loving Saviour had done more for them," They bore opposition and injury without resistance or retaliation : but what affected him most was their conduct in a violent storm. "There was now,''^ he observes, "an opportunity of trying whether they were * " Joiu-nal," October 21st, 1735. 134 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. delivered from the spirit of fear^ as well as from that of pride, anger, and revenge. In the midst of the psalm wherewith tlieir service began, the sea broke over, split the main-sail in pieces, covered the ship, and poured in between the decks, as if the great deep had already swallowed us up. A terrible screaming began amongst the English. The Germans calmly sung on. I asked one of them after- wards, 'Was you not afraid?' He answered, 'I thank God, no!' I asked, 'But were not your women and children afraid?' He replied mildly, 'No: our women and children are not afraid to die."'"*^ The vessel reached the Savannali river on the afternoon of Thursday, March 5th. On the next day, Wesley, the governor, and others landed on an island, and, kneeling down, returned thanks to God for the protection they had received during the voyage. Mr. Oglethorpe then took a boat and went up to Savannah, and returned the following morning with Mr. Spangeuberg, one of the German pastors. Wesley soon perceived his piety and spirit, and requested his advice as to his own conduct. " ' My brother,"' said the German, " ' I must first ask you one or two questions. Have you the witness within yourself? Does the Spirit of God bear witness with your spirit that you are a child of God?' I was surprised, and knew not what to answer. He observed it, and asked, ' Do you know Jesus Christ ?' I paused, and said, ' I know He is the Saviour of the world.' ' True,' replied he, ' but do you know He has saved you ?' I answered, ' I hope He has died to save me.' He only added, ' Do you know yourself?' I said, 'I do.' But I fear they were vain words." f The first disappointment which Mr. John Wesley met with, was to learn the impossibility of preacliing the Gospel * "Journal," Jauuary 25th, 173G. . f H^id., February 7th, 1736, BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 135 to the Indians, as he intended when he left England. John Wes- About a week after he landed, he had an interview impossible with Tomo Chachi, the Indian chief who had been taken *° P''^^'^'* '° the Indians. to England by Mr. Oglethorpe, and had been presented to George 11. and his queen. He addressed Mr. Wes- ley by an interpreter thus : " I am glad you are come. When I was in England, I desired that some should speak the great word to me, and my nation then desired to hear it; but now we are all in confusion. Yet I am glad you are come. I will go up and speak to the wise men of our nation, and I hope they will hear. But we would not be made Christians as the Spaniards make Christians : we would be taught before we are baptized.'^ ^ The chief accordingly went to his people ; but although Mr. Wesley afterward had occasional conversations with some of the Indians, the way was never opened for his commencing a mission among them. In consequence of this, the brothers separated : Charles Wesley proceeded to Erederica, where Mr. Ogle- thorpe principally resided, while John Wesley began to preach at Savannah. Never did two ministers enter upon their work with more John and zeal and assiduity, and but seldom with richer natural talents, wesiey mi- than did the two Wesleys in Georgia. Charles conducted ^^f^\ ^" ^'"^ •' *-" colonists un- four religious services every day, for the benefit of those who successfully, chose and had leisure to attend ; and he was in the habit of giving an extemporary exposition of the lessons at the morning and evening prayer. As no church had been built, those services were generally conducted in the open air. Meanwhile, John Wesley and Mr. Delamotte were no less dili- gently employed at Savannah. They agreed to advise the more serious among them " to form themselves into a sort of little society, and to meet once or twice a week, in order to * "Journal," February lilh, 1736. 136 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. reprove, instruct, and exhort one another ; to select out of these a smaller number for a more intimate union with each other, which might be forwarded, partly by our conversing singly with each, and partly by our inviting them all together to our house : and this accordingly we determined to do every Sunday, in the afternoon." Wesley began his ministry by di- viding the public prayers according to the original appoint- ment of the church. The morning service began at five ; the communion office with the sermon at eleven; and the evening service about three. He also commenced visiting all the inhabitants of the parish from house to house; and tliis he determined to do at the time when the excessive heat prevented them from working, between twelve o'clock and three in the afternoon."^ Yet it is a notorious fact, which ought to be freely and fully acknowledged, that neither of the brothers was successful in his efforts. As far as regards the great end for which the Christian ministry was instituted, they laboured in vain. Why was this ? Dr. Southey evidently attributes their fail- ure to their ascetic habits, their ecclesiastical harshness, and the innovations which they introduced. It is true, they did lay themselves open to grave reflection on some of these grounds. They insisted, according to the rubric, but con- trary to the practice of the Church of England, upon bap- tizing infants by immersion. Nor could they be induced to depart from this mode unless the parents would certify that tlie child was weakly. Persons were not allowed to act as sponsors, because they were not communicants. No baptism was recognised as valid, unless it was performed by a minister episcopally ordained ; and those who had allowed their children to be baptized in any other manner, were earnestly exhorted to have them re -baptized. One of the * "Joui'ual," May, 1730. BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 137 most pious men in the colony John Wesley refused to receive at the communion, because according to these views he had not been baptized in an orthodox manner. In his Journal under the date, " September 29th, 1749/^ he inserts a letter which he had received from John Martin Bolzius, on which he thus remarks : " What a truly Christian piety and simpUcity breathe in these lines ! And yet this very man, when I was at Savannah, did I refuse to admit to the Lord^s table, because he was not baptized ; that is, not baptized by a minister who had been episcopally ordained. Can any one carry high-church zeal higher than this ? And how well have I been since beaten with mine own staff !^^ So, also, he refused to read the burial service over the body of a person whose baptism, for the same reason, was in his iuds^ment invalid. There can be no doubt that a rigid Causes of '' ^ . ° their failure. adherence to such external forms, so alien from the genius of the Gospel, would to a serious extent mar the ministry of any man. It is equally certain, that the ascetic practices of the Wesleys would be likely to produce an unfavourable effect. Eefusing the comfort of a bed, they slept on the ground. Finding they could live on bread, they rejected all besides as luxuries. To countenance the poor boys in his school, John Wesley went barefooted. Yet, notwith- standing all these extravagant practices, and even the greater imprudence on which Southey lays so much stress, of having prayers about the same time that " one of the better order of colonists gave a balV^ by which means the ball-room was kept so empty, that the entertainment could not go forward, — it does not appear that the secret of their fadure consisted principally in this part of their conduct. On the contrary, there can be no doubt that Mv. Jack- son has correctly apprehended and clearly stated the case 138 HISTORY OF "WESLEYAN METHODISM. in the following important passage. Speaking of Charles Wesley, he says, " The principal canse of his want of success is doubtless to be found in the defectiveness of his theolo- gical views, and, consequently, of his own piety. Several of the sermons which he preached at Frederica are still extant in his neat and elegant hand- writing. The doctrines which they contain are precisely those of Mr. Law. The pleasures of the world are all vain and sinful, and there- fore to be renounced; the evils of our nature render us unfit for the service and enjoyment of God, and are to be mortified by fasting, prayer, and a constant course of universal self-denial ; we are the creatures of God, and are, therefore, to devote ourselves to Him in body, soul, and spirit, with the utmost fervour, simplicity, and purity of intention. In these discourses, as in the eloquent volumes of Law, we look in vain for correct and impressive views of the atonement and intercession of Christ, and of the offices of the Holy Spirit. It cannot here be said, ' Christ is all and in all !' No satisfactory answer is given to the question, 'What must I do to be saved?' Men are required to run the race of Christian holiness with a load of uncancelled guilt on their consciences, and wliile the corruptions of their nature are unsubdued by renewing grace. The preacher has no adequate conception of a sin- ner's justification before God. He sometimes confounds tliis blessing with sanctification ; and at other times he speaks of it as a something which is to take place in the day of judgment. Never does he represent it as consisting in the full and unmerited forgiveness of all past sins, obtained not by works of righteousness, but by the simple exercise of faith in a penitent state of the heart, and imme- diately followed by the gift of the Holy Ghost, producing peace of conscience, the filial spirit, power over aU sin, and BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 139 the joyous hope of eternal Kfe. On the contrar}^^ he satisfies hunseK with reproving the vices and sins of the people with unsparing severity, and with holding up the standard of practical holiness ; denouncing the divine vengeance against all who fall short of it ; but without directing them to the only means by which they can obtain forgiveness and a new heart. The consequence was, that tlie more serious part of the people were discouraged ; for they were called to the hopeless task of presenting to God a spiritual service, while they were themselves the servants of sin; and of loving Him with all their heart, while they were strangers to His forgiving mercy, and laboured under a just apprehension of His wrath. Charles's ministry, like that of his brother, at tliis time did not embody those great doctrines of the evan- gelical dispensation which constitute ' the truth as it is in Jesus,' and upon which the Holy Ghost is wont to set his seal, by making them instrumental in the conversion and salvation of men. The quickening energy of the Spirit, therefore, without which all human efforts are unavaihng, was in a great measure withheld. The brothers, with the best possible intentions, laboured to repair the ' old gar- ment,' by 'sewing' upon it 'new' and unfulled 'cloth,' which was stiff and un wrought; but as it neither agreed with the old in colour, nor in quality, it ' took from the old, and the rent was made worse.' To use another illus- tration deduced from our Lord, they spent their time and strength in ' putting new wine into old ' leathern ' bot- tles;' where it no sooner began to ferment, than 'the bottles were marred, and the wine was spilled.'""^ This was the reason why the Wesley s laboured unsuc- cessfully in Georgia. And their failure was all the more signal, on account of the isolation and peculiarity of the * " Life of Charles Weslcyj" vol. i., p. 54. 140 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. situation in that raw and unsettled colony. In this country it would hardly have been possible for the result to be so strongly marked. There, in an infant community, with society scarcely formed, the people few in number, influenced by petty jealousies and rivalries, and consisting, to a considerable extent, of reckless and unprincipled persons, nothing but the "power of God unto salvation" could have given them success. And without this, the zeal, sincerity, and perseverance with which these devout ministers urged holiness on the people, only served more clearly to show that they were attempting an impossibility. They, indeed, met with other causes of disquiet, difficulty, and danger, although, perhaps, most of these had some con- nexion with the character they evinced, and the conduct they pursued. Charles had not been acting in the colony as secretary to the governor a week, before he became an object of suspicion and dislike to persons who endeavoured to ruin him in the estimation of his chief. Pew infant colonies have been raised up under such a standard of morals as John and Charles Wesley preached, and which the latter carried into the duties of his secular office as secretary to the governor. Their conduct and eflbrts were therefore generally regarded as intolerable. It has been said, that General Oglethorpe saw the character of John Wesley^s mind, and the use to which his talents might be turned in the colony, on their outward voyage ; but despaired of employing him successfully whilst he remained so rigidly religious ; and that, in the hope of induciiig some alteration in this respect, he caused measures to be taken with a view of drawing him into a matrimonial engagement. Whether this conjecture is well founded or otherwise, it is certain that both John and Charles AYesley were, whilst in the colony, placed in circumstances of great BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 141 delicacy, difficulty, and danger to their ministerial reputa- tion. It would appear that Oglethorpe was imposed upon, for a short time, by artful misrepresentations con- cerning the Wesleys ; and that his servants in the mean- time, but probably without his concurrence, treated Charles Wesley with the most heartless cruelty. The mischievous plot was soon discovered ; and though Charles Wesley im- mediately retired from Georgia, he never lost his friend- ship for the general. But if any such scheme as that alluded to above was formed and acted on, it failed. The two brothers adhered to their principles and their pious practices ; and althougli they suffered much annoyance, pain, and danger in the colony from various causes, they extricated themselves with honour from all the snares by which they had been surrounded, and left the country with unstained integTity and increased experience. Charles Wesley arrived in England on the 3rd of Their retum December, 1736, and received a hearty welcome from his t° E'^g''"^'^- friends, whom he visited in succession as soon as his health — which was far from being good — permitted. London, Oxford, and Tiverton occupied him for some weeks. John Wesley returned on the 1st of February, 1738, nearly one year and three months after his brother. On reaching the land of his birth after such an absence, he records the state of his heart in the following memorable words : " It is now two years and almost four months since I left my native country to teach the Georgian Indians the nature of Christianity ; but what have I learned myself in tlie mean time ? Why, (what I the least of all suspected,) that I, who went to America to convert others, was never myself converted to God."'^ * "Journal," rebruary 29tli, 1738. 142 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. The religious reader will perceive here, — what, indeed, Wesley indicated by a foot-note to this passage in his " Journal/^ namely, — that the sense in which tliis assertion is strictly correct, is that which makes the term "con- verted" set forth the state of a person who by faith in Christ had obtained a sense of the pardon of sin, and the witness of the Holy Spirit to his adoption. In the general sense in which the word is often used, as implying a turn- ing from sin to God, it could not be said that Wesley had never up to this time been converted. BOOK 11. WESLEYAN METHODISM FROM THE CONVERSION OP JOHN WESLEY TO HIS DEATH. CHAPTER I. THE CONVERSION OP JOHN AND CHAHLES WESLEY, AND THEIR PERSONAL INTERCOURSE WITH THE MORAVIANS. Importance of tMs Subject — Wesley meets vnth Peter BoUer — Is fully coEvinced of his own spiritual Destitution — These Views and Feelings of Wesley contrary to prevailing Systems of Belief — Yet quite consistent ^vith Scriptm'e and Eeason — He obtains a clear Sense of pardpning ]\Iercy — This religious Experience vindicated — The Conversion of Charles Wesley — Wesley visits the Moravian Settlements in Gei*many — The Origin of the Moravian Church — Noble Struggles of Bohemia against Papal TjTanny — Count Zinzendorf — He promotes a Moravian Establishment on his Estate in Saxony — ; Wesley visits Herrnlmt — Is greatly instructed and edified by the Christian Knowledge and Expe- rience of the People — Retm-ns to England. There is scarcely a subject which can be discussed in importance reugious literature, oi more momentous importance than subject. the conversion of John Wesley; meaning, as we do, by this term, his obtaining a clear sense of the forgiveness of his sins, and the witness of the Holy Ghost to his adoption as a child of God. He was a man of undoubted capacity, of acute and energetic intellect, and of great learning; a person who had from his youth maintained a strictly moral and virtuous deportment, and who was known as a strenuous upholder of the most rigid ecclesiastical order. Yet this man, possess- 144 IIISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. ing all tlicsc advantages, and feeling conscious that lie lias earnestly endeavoured to do the will of God, is, notwith- standing, very unhappy, — indeed, the subject of great spi- ritual misery. He feels the sentence of death in himself, — knows that he is not prepared for death or for heaven. Is this statement coinpatible with the doctrines of the New Testament ? or is it a subject for ridicule and sarcasm ? It was well observed by Richard Watson, that the manner in which Dr. Southey treated this subject was as unjust to Christianity as to Wesley and Methodism. That we may avoid a similar error, and afford a clear, consistent, and scriptural narrative of this individual change of heart, in which was involved the origin of Methodism, it will be desirable to adhere as closely as possible to the account which Wesley himself has given of his views and feelings in the state of transition, and which, without variation, he published to the world many times during his life, and left to posterity as a permanent and authentic narrative when he died. The strong language in which he expressed his sense of condemnation and danger, on his arrival in England from •America, was given at the close of the last chapter ; nor was this in any way modified after he had been a few weeks in this country. Writing in his Journal on February 7th, 1738, he calls it " a day much to be remembered," because on it he first held personal intercourse with Peter Bohler, a young German minister, who had just then landed in England ; and with whose piety, intelligence, and spirit, he was so much pleased, that he adds, " From this time I did not will- ingly lose any opportunity of conversing with him, while I staid in London." Wesley accordingly had several other interviews with this pious German during the ensuing two or tliree weeks ; and having gone to Oxford to visit his » BOOK II. CHAPTER I. 145 brother Charles, who was ill there, he says, under date of March 4th, " I found my brother at Oxford, recovering from his pleurisy, and with him Peter Bohler, by whom, in the hand of the great God, I was on Sunday, the 5th, clearly convinced of unbelief, of the want of that faith whereby alone we are saved." With this conviction it was suggested to his mind that he should discontinue preach- ing ; but from this course Peter Bohler earnestly dissuaded him. Wesley complied with his advice, and, wherever he went, diligently and, to the full extent of the spiritual light he had received, faithfully preached " the truth as it is in Jesus." On the 10th Peter returned to London, Wesley contributing six shillings from his scanty store toward his expenses.* On Thursday, March 23rd, he wrote thus in his Journal : " I met Peter again, who now amazed me more and more, by the accounts he gave of the fruits of living faith, — the holiness and happiness which he affirmed to attend it. The next morning I began the Greek Testament again, resolving to abide by ' the la^v and the testimony,' and being confident that God would hereby show me whether this doctrine was of God." On the first of the following April, we read in his Journal, " Being at Mr. Fox's Society, my heart was so full that I could not con- fine myself to the forms of prayer which we were accus- tomed to use there. Neither do I purpose to be confined to them any more ; but to pray indifferently, with a form or without, as may be suitable to particular occasions." On the following day, being the Sabbath, he speaks of his ministerial labours, and adds, " I see the promise ; but it is afar off." On Saturday, April 22nd, this entry is found in his Journal : " I met Peter Bohler once more. I had now no * " Wesleyan Methodist Magazine for 1854," p. 688. VOL. I. H 146 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. objection to what he said on the nature of faith ; namely, that it is (to use the words of our Church) ' a sure trust and confidence which a man hath in God, that through the merits of Christ his sins are forgiven, and he reconciled to the favour of God/ Neither could I deny the happiness or holiness which he described as fruits of this living faith. ' The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God,^ and, 'He that believeth hath the witness in himseK,^ fuUy convinced me of the former : as, 'Whatsoever is born of God doth not commit sin,' and, 'Whosoever believeth is born of God,' did of the latter. But I could not comprehend what he spoke of an instantaneous work. I could not understand how this faith should be given in a moment ; how a man could at once be thus turned from darkness to light, from sin and misery to righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost. I searched the Scriptures again, touching this very thing, particularly the Acts of the Apostles : to my astonishment I found scarce any instances there of other than instanta- neous conversions ; scarce any so slow as that of St. Paul, who was three days in the pangs of the new birth. I had but one retreat left ; namely, ' Thus, I grant, God wrought in the first ages of Christianity; but the times are changed. What reason have I to believe He works in the same manner now ? ' " But on Sunday, 23rd, I was beat out of this retreat too, by the concurring evidence of several living witnesses ; who testified God had thus wrought in themselves, giving them in a moment such a faith in the blood of His Son, as trans- lated them out of darkness into light, out of sin and fear into holiness and happiness. Here ended my disputing. I could now only cry out, ' Lord, help Thou my unbelief ! ' " Following the entries made in Wesley's Journal bearing BOOK II. CHAPTER I. 147 upon this subject, he is found expressing himself thus, on Monday, May 1st : " The return of my brother's illness obliged me again to hasten to London. In the evening I found him at James Hutton's, better as to his health than I expected; but strongly averse from what he called Hhe new faith.' " But after the interval of a single day, this entry is found : "Wednesday, May 3rd.- — My brother had a long and particular conversation with Peter Bolder. And it now pleased God to open his eyes ; so that he also saw clearly what was the nature of that one true living faith, whereby alone ' through grace we are saved ! ' " Wliile John Wesley was thus seeking the salvation of js fniiy con- God, he described his state of mind, in a letter to a friend, ^^^'^^'^ "^ i"* ■' ' ^ own spi- in the following words : " I feel what you say, though not '^it'^^i "^^sti- ^ n T 11 1 • tution. enough ; for I am under the same condemnation. I see that the whole law of God is holy, just, and good. I know every thought, every temper of my soul, ought to bear God's image and superscription. But how am I fallen from the glory of God ! I feel that I am sold under sin ! I know that I too deserve nothing but wrath, being full of all abominations; and having no good thing in me to atone for them, or to remove the wrath of God. All my works, my righteousness, my prayers, need an atonement for them- selves. So that my mouth is stopped. I have nothing to plead. God is holy, I am unholy. God is a consuming fire : I am altogether a sinner meet to be consumed. " Yet I hear a voice, (and is it not the voice of God ?) sapng, ' Believe, and thou shalt be saved. He that be- lieveth is passed from death unto life. God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life ! ' " O let no one deceive us by vain words, as if we had H 2 belief. 148 HISTOllY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. already attained this faith ! (That is, the proper Christian faith.) By its fruits we shall know. Do we already feel 'peace with God/ and 'joy in the Holy Ghost?' Does ' His Spirit bear witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God ? ' Alas ! with mine He does not ; nor, I fear, with yours. O thou Saviour of men, save us from trusting in anything but Thee ! Draw us after Thee ! Let us be emptied of ourselves, and then fill us with peace and joy in believing ; and let nothing separate us from Thy love, in time or in eternity \" These views Thus Wesley described liis views and feelings, whilst ear- of Wesiey^^ nestly seeking after a sense of God's forgiving love. It is contrary Jo ycry certain, that the prominent expressions here used may, systems of by an experienced writer, be so employed in a continued narrative, as that, with all appearance of candour, the exhi- bition wdll amount to nothing more than a caricature of the original ; and this has been often done. But let the whole account be fairly taken, and then the question comes. Is there anything here contrary to the plain teaching of the word of God ? It is well known that many earnest religion- ists will promptly reply to this in the affirmative. Those who so believe in sacramental efficacy, as to imagine that, when baptism is properly administered, the recipient is born again into newness of life, and that of this spiritual life it may be said, " That life may through our negligence afterward decay, or be choked, or smothered, or well nigh extinguished, and by God's mercy again be renewed and refreshed; but a commencement of life in Cheist, after baptism, ' a death unto sin and a new birth unto righteous- ness,' at any other period than at that one introduction into God's covenant, is as little consonant with the general representations of Holy Scripture, as a commencement of physical life, long after our natural birth, is with the order BOOK II. CHAPTER I. 149 of His Providence ;^^^ — tliose who entertain these views will of course consider the language of Wesley as extra- vagant and mistaken. And so will those who regard an external compliance with the commands and precepts of the Bible as the end of the law for righteousness. These will see, in a man of Wesley's character, no cause for this deep searching of heart, — this agonizing desire for a spiritual life ; and consequently to them all his highly expressive and descriptive language must appear fanatical and en- thusiastic. Nor will the mystic, who looks to solitude, tranquillity, repose, and ascetic observances and sufferings, as the means by which the latent virtues of the internal word are to be excited, and to make known to his mind divine things, look with more complacency on the case under con- sideration. But this is not the place to discuss the relative error or excellence of these several schemes. It is sufficient to refer to them, for the purpose of showing that such per- sons as hold them, — and they are very numerous in this country, — must, to be consistent, see in the language of Wesley, and in the state of mind which it describes, something incomprehensible, unmeaning, and extravagant. The persons, however, who regard man by nature as Yet quite " dead in trespasses and sins, gudty before God, con- ^^th Scrip- demned already," and believe that the means of his spiritual ^^'^^ ^^^ '' ' ^ reason. cure are not ceremonial or ritual ; (for it is not " that circumcision which is outward in the flesh;" but the only effectual "circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter;" and, according to the pro- clamation of Gospel truth, is consequent upon repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ;) — those who adopt these essential and truly scriptural doctrines, will see in the conduct and language of Wesley a beau- * Dr. Pusey On Baptism, p. 28. 150 HISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. tiful and most appropriate exhibition of their truth. He hadj indeedj been baptized in the most orthodox manner, and had been very carefully brought up by wise and pious parents. Yet, from the time he was about ten years of age, his conscience was burdened with a sense of sin; and notwithstanding his diligence in study, his earnest desire to serve God, and his labour and danger in that service, he deeply and painfully felt that all these could not commend him to the divine favour. On the contrary, he panted to receive " the atonement,''^ to realize " redemp- tion through His blood, the forgiveness of sins," that he might be "translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son.'' And this blessed privilege was fully obtained. Wesley thus describes the close of his earnest and long- continued struggle : " I continued thus to seek it (though with strange indifference, dulness, and coldness, and unusually frequent relapses into sin) till Wednesday, May 24th. I think it was about five o'clock this morning, that I opened my Testament on those words, 'There are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, even that ye should be partakers of the divine nature.' (2 Peter i. 4.) Just as I went out, I opened it again on these words, * Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.'' In the afternoon I was asked to go to St. Paul's. The anthem was : — ' Out of the deep have I called uuto Thee, 0 Lord : Lord, hear my voice. 0 let thine ears consider well : the voice of my complaint. If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mai-k what is done amiss : 0 Lord, who m.ay abide it ? Tor there is mercy with Thee : therefore shalt Thou be feared. O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy : and with Him is plenteous redemption. And He shall redeem Israel : from all his sins.' " In the evening I went very unwillingly to a Society in BOOK II. CHAPTER, I. 151 Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther's Preface to the Epistle to the Eomans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which He works in the lieart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for sal- vation : and an assurance was given me, that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death. " I began to pray with all my might for those who had in He obtains a more especial manner despitcfully used me and persecuted o/Janioi"*"^ me. I then testified openly to all there, what I now first i"S mercy, felt in my heart. But it was not long before the enemy suggested, 'This cannot be faith; for where is thy joy?' Then was I taught, that peace and victory over sin are essential to faith in the Captain of our salvation ; but that, as to the transports of joy that usually attend the beginning of it, especially in those who have mourned deeply, God sometimes giveth, sometimes withholdeth them, according to the counsels of His own will. "After my return home I was much buffeted with temptations ; but cried out, and they fled away. They returned again and again. I as often lifted up my eyes, and ' He sent me help from His holy place.' And herein I found the difference between this and my former state chiefly consisted : — I was striving, yea, fighting with all my might under the law, as well as under grace. But then, I was sometimes, if not often, conquered ; now, I was always conqueror." "His experience," says Richard Watson, " nur- tured by habitual prayer, and deepened by unwearied exer- tion in the cause of his Saviour, settled into that steadfast faith and soKd peace, which the grace of God perfected in him to the close of his long and active life." Here is Wesley's own simple and unadorned account of 152 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. his conversion. It is not to be expected that such spiritual desires and exercises will be recognised by the learning and philosophy of the present world. If there is any reality in this case, it presents to our view an enlightened mind, led on under the influence of the Holy Ghost, until, " through the faith of the operation of God,'^ he obtained " the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.^^ It is not only a possible but a very easy task to show, that every step in this process is in precise accordance with the express teach- ing of the New Testament : this, indeed, is done in Wesley^s account ; for the word of God was his constant guide. It is neither easy nor possible to give men, however learned or intellectual, consistent views of these deeply spiritual exer- cises, if they persist in seeing all these mental phenomena through the medium of earthly wisdom, and judging of them by the standard of a self-sufficient human philosophy. For " the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God ; for they are foohshness unto him : neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.''^ If such persons will discuss and criticize a case like that now under consideration, they may fitly be addressed in the emphatic language of Scripture : " The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it Cometh or whither it goeth : so is every one that is born of the Spirit." It need not therefore excite great surprise that, when referring to Wesley^s allusion to the temptation of his spiritual enemy, Dr. Southey should say, " How many a thought arising from the instinctive logic which is grounded on common sense, has been fathered upon the personified principle of evil !" nor that, when speaking of Wesley's profession of having received an assurance of the Divine favour, Coleridge should say, that he is led " to conclude that this assurance amounted to Httle more than a strong BOOK II. CHAPTEK, I. 153 pulse, a throb of sensibility accompanying a vehement voli- tion of acquiescence." It is not intended here to defend the doctrine of the certain existence and proper personahty of Satan, in opposition to the former of these learned men, nor that of the efficient operation of the Holy Ghost in the work of conversion, and adoption, and bearing wit- ness in the hearts of the children of God, in contradiction to the judgment of the latter; but simply to affirm the absurdity of dealing with a subject like this under the influence of such principles. It would be as sensible and as consistent for any person to attempt a commentary on the Bible on the theory of absolute atheism, as to canvass the religious experience and labours of John Wesley on the principle that there is no tempting devil, nor any enlighten- ing, saving, and witnessing Holy Spirit. A few days before John Wesley obtained a sense of par- The con- doning mercy, his brother Charles had realized the same charies blessing. As everytliing connected with the conversion of ^^«^**'^y these men is full of interest, the manner in which he obtained salvation may be described at large. He had, from the day of his being convinced of his unbelief, been earnestly seek- ing the Lord. During tliis time he was taken ill of pleurisy. When first seized, he was at Oxford, and was brought very near the gates of death ; but he rallied and came to town, where, on May 3rd, he was enabled to perceive his own spiritual condition, and the necessity of a simple faith in Christ, to which he had before been very strongly opposed. This change in the religious views of the Wesleys ren- dered it necessary for Charles to change his lodgings. Previously, when either his brother or himself was in town, they lodged at the house of Mr. Hutton, a clergy- man, where they were very hospitably entertained. But this gentleman and his wife were greatly opposed to the H 5 154 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. evangelical views which the Wesleys had imbibed from the MoravianSj and especially as their grown up son and daughter evidently regarded these opinions with favour. But as Charles Wesley was at this time so weak as to be obliged to be carried in a chair, and was earnestly seeking the Lord under great trouble and anxiety of mind, it became essential that he should lodge where at least he would be free from all controversy, and where, if possible, he might have some aid in his spiritual exercises, as well as kindness and care in his bodily weakness. He found all this in the house of a Mr. Bray. This person lived in Little Britain, near Smithfield. He was a brazier, and Charles Wesley called him " an ignorant mechanic." But he, notwithstanding, greatly rejoiced in his society, and re- ceived him as a benefaction from God. He says, in his Journal, "God sent Mr. Bray to me, a poor ignorant mechanic, who knows nothing but Christ ; yet, by know- ing Him, knows and discerns all things." Bray was, indeed, a happy believer in the Lord Jesus, living in the spirit of faith, and prayer, and holy love; and was able, from his own personal experience, as well as from the sacred volume, to teach even the accomplished collegian "the way of the Lord more perfectly" than he had liitherto known it.'^ Charles Wesley, lying on his sick bed in a state of great weakness, availed himself of this and every other means of spiritual instruction and improvement that offered, and fol- lowed hard after the promise of salvation. Having spent many days in this state of mind, the following entry is found in his Journal : " May 19th. — At five this morning the pain and difficulty of breathing returned. The sur- geon was sent for, but I fell asleep before he could bleed * Jackson's " Life of Charles Wesley," vol. i., pp. 128-130. BOOK II. CHAPTER I. 155 me a second time. I received the sacrament, but not Christ. " Mrs. Turner came, and told me I should not rise from the bed till I believed. I believed her saying, and asked, * Has God then bestowed faith upon you ?' ' Yes, He has."" ' Wliy, have you peace with God?^ 'Yes, perfect peace.^ ' And do you love Christ above all things ?^ ' I do, above all things incomparably V ' Then are you willing to die ?' ' I am ; and would be glad to die this moment ; for I know all my sins are blotted out; the handwriting that was against me is taken out of the way, and nailed to the cross. He has saved me by His death ; He has washed me by His blood; He has hid me in His wounds. I have peace in Him, and rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.'' Her answers were so full, to those and the most searching questions I could ask, that I had no doubt of her having received the atonement, and waited for it myself with a more assured hope." * The above took place on Friday. The next day he was rather worse, and his friends were apprehensive that his end was near. The following day was Wliit-Sunday. His bro- ther John and a few friends met together on the Saturdav evening, and spent the night in prayer on his behaK. On the Sunday morning Charles wrote thus : " May 21st, 1738. — I waked in hope and expectation of His coming.' At night my brother and some friends came and sang a hymn to the Holy Ghost. My comfort and hope were hereby increased. In about half an hour they went. I betook myself to prayer ; the substance as follows : ' O Jesus, Thou hast said, I will come unto you. Thou hast said, I will send the Comforter unto you. Thou hast said. My Father and I loill come unto you, and make Our abode * Jackson's " Life of Charles Wesley," vol. i., p. 133. 156 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. vntli yon. Thou art God, who canst not lie. I wholly rely upon Thy most true promise. Accomplish it in Thy time and manner.^ Having said this, I was composing myself to sleep in quietness and peace, when I heard one come in, (Mrs. Musgrave, I thought, by the voice,) and say, ' In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, arise, and be- lieve, and thou shalt be healed of all thy infirmities V I wondered how it should enter into her head to speak in that manner. The words struck me to the heart, I sighed, and said within myself, ' 0 that Christ would but speak thus to me!' I lay musing and trembling; then I rang, and, Mrs. Turner coming, I desired her to send up Mrs. Musgrave. She went down, and returning said, Mrs. Musgrave had not been here. My heart sunk within me at the word ; and I hoped it might be Christ indeed. However, I sent her down again to inquire, and felt in the mean time a strange palpitation of heart; and said, yet feared to say, '■ I believe, I believe.'' " She came up again, and said, ' It was I, a weak sinful creature, that spoke; but the words were Christ's. He commanded me to say them ; and so constrained me, that I could not forbear.' " I sent for Mr. Bray, and asked him whether I be- lieved. He answered, I ought not to doubt of it. It was Christ that spoke to me. He knew it, and willed us to pray together. 'But first,' said he, 'I will read what I have casually opened upon : Blessed is the man whose trans- gression is Jvrgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom. the Lord imptdeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.' Still I felt a violent opposi- tion and reluctance to beHeve ; yet still the Spirit of God strove with my own and the evil spirit, till by degrees He chased away the darkness of my unbelief. I found myself BOOK II. CHAPTEll I. 157 convinced, I knew not how, nor when, and immediately fell to intercession/^ " The fact is, this plain illiterate woman had a deep and solemn conviction that she onght thus to address the afflicted penitent, who was weeping and praying for pardon, peace, and holiness ; but recollecting that he was a scholar and a clergyman, she was afraid to do it. She durst not speak to him in this manner face to face, and with diffi- culty prevailed upon herself to utter these words as she stood upon the stairs. By this humble instrumentality it pleased God to produce in the heart of His servant the vital faith which he so earnestly desired." Charles Wesley closes his narrative of his conversion in these words : " I now found myseK at peace with God, and rejoiced in hope of loving Christ. My temper, for the rest of the day, was mistrust of my own great but unknown weakness. I saw that by faith I stood ; and the continual support of faith, which kept me from falling, though of myself I am ever sinking into sin. I went to bed still sensible of my own weakness, (I humbly hope to be more and more so,) yet confident of Christ^s protection.""^ This took place on the Sunday before the conversion of John Wesley, which occurred on the Wednesday afterward. Whilst John Wesley was in Georgia, he had determined Wesley to seize the first favourable opportunity of visiting the Moravian Moravians in their German home. About a fortnight after settlements " in Germany. his conversion he resolved to carry this resolution into effect. So, having made the necessary preparation, he sailed from the Thames for Rotterdam, and proceeded thence to Marienborn, where he staid about a fortnight, and was introduced by Count Zinzendorf to the Count of Solms and his family. In this neighbourhood many of * Jackson's " Life," vol. i., p. 135. 158 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. the pious Moravians had settled. " Here," Wesley says, " I continually met with what I sought for, — living proofs of the power of faith : persons saved from inward as well as outward sin, ' by the love of God shed abroad in their hearts ;' and from all doubt and fear, by the abiding wit- ness of 'the Holy Ghost given unto them/" After en- joying the society of these Christian people, and obtaining from Count Zinzendorf and the Brethren their opinions on those religious doctrines respecting which he felt the deepest interest, he proceeded onward to Herrnhut, the principal settlement of the Moravian Church, in Saxon Lusatia. This Christian sect, and its leading ministers and pro- minent doctrines, had so great an influence in directing the piety and preparing the mind of Wesley for his important evangelical work, that it becomes necessary to give some information respecting their origin, progress, and character. Origin of the The Christian faith was introduced into Bohemia by Moravian f~, ^ ■ ■ • ti • p ^• • Church. Greek missionaries, and the services of religion were at first conducted in the language of the country. But after Otho the Great had extended the influence of the empire, this privilege was withdrawn ; because, said the Pope, it " still pleases Almighty God to direct His worship in hidden language, that not every one, especially the simple, might understand it. For if it were performed in a manner altogether intelligible, it might easily be exposed to contempt ; or, if imperfectly understood by lialf -learned persons, it might happen that, hearing and contemplating the word too frequently, errors might be engendered in the hearts of the people, which would not be easily eradicated. Therefore, what your people ignorantly require, can in no wise be conceded to them ; and we now forbid it by the power of God and His holy apostle Peter." There are BOOK II. CHAPTER I. 159 amply sufficient reasons for believing, that, although this authority was sufficient to seal up the ordinances of wor- ship, so that they could no longer minister instruction to the people, the logic of this mandate by no means con- vinced the Bohemian Christians that this change was for their benefit. On the contrary they cherished the recol- lection of their old customs, and many still practised them in privacy. Hence, when some of the Waldenses sought refuge in Bohemia from the fiery persecution by which they were assailed, they found persons who, if not quite pre- pared to unite in all their views, were fully disposed to receive their most important doctrines with favour. This was the reason why, when the writings of Wickliffe ap- peared, they produced a more immediate impression in Bohemia than in England, or indeed in any other country. Bohemia produced John Huss, the first martyr of the Pro- testant Eeformation, and Jerome of Prague, who was, perhaps, the greatest. The iudicial murder of these pious men, acting on the Noble 1 T 1 r 1 1 IT straggle of minds of multitudes who before had deeply felt the galhng Bohemia bondage of the Papal yoke, determined the Bohemians to ^p^j^* draw the sword, and appeal to its power for deliverance and tj-ranny. liberty. As Dr. Southey justly observes, the story of this rehgious war " ought to be written in a popular form, and read in all countries." Never were greater efforts made or more heroism displayed by a people in support of their religious liberties. John Zisca was at first the inspiring genius of the movement. He collected and disciplined the Bohemian peasantry; and resisted the utmost efforts of the Emperor Siegmund to take upon him the government of the country. Zisca had but one eye at the beginning of the contest, and he lost that one by a wound from an arrow, about a year after the beginning of the war. Yet, 160 HISTOllY OF "WESLEYAN METHODISM. blind as lie was, lie continued to take liis place at tlie head of liis troops, and conducted the struggle two years longer with such spirit and success, that the emperor was con- strained to meet him on an equal footing for the purpose of negotiating terms of peace. Before these arrange- ments were completed, Zisca died ; his death broke off the treaty, and the war was carried on eleven years longer, when it was concluded by the treaty of Prague, in 1433, which secured to the Bohemians the use of the cup in the holy Eucharist, and the administration of worship in their own language. But the conditions thus formally promised were not performed. The Popish party, having obtained power, deliberately planned a systematic persecution of those who held religious opinions at variance with their own. This cruel measure issued in the banishment of multitudes from their native land. At first this severity only affected the upper classes; for the common people, being regarded as belonging to the soil, were not permitted to follow their superiors into exile, however much they might share their opinions and desire to enjoy religious liberty. A century later the labours of Luther again excited a strong desire in this country for a thorough religious reformation; but this was opposed by the utmost energy of the Papal power. These antagonistic elements, after numerous minor collisions, produced "the Thirty Years' War.'' (1618-1648.) But this long and bloody contest, although it laid the basis for an enlightened international policy in Europe, did not insure liberty of conscience to Bohemia and Moravia. And hence, as those who cherished Protestant feelings were able to secure the means, they quietly left their native country, and sought refuge in those states where Protestantism was firmly established. This BOOK II. CHAPTER I. 161 state of tilings continued tlirougli the latter half of the seventeenth, and the early part of the eighteenth, century. In the last-mentioned period there was a young Saxon Count Zin- nobleman of genuine piety and great public spirit, who largely contributed towards providing an asylum for these exiles, and fostering their piety in new settlements. This was Niklaas Ludwig, Count of Zinzendorf. In his youth he had formed a determination to devote his life to the Chris- tian ministry; but his relations overruling this design, he purchased the lordship of Bertholdsdorf in Lusatia, intend- ing there to spend his life in retirement. Application was made to this nobleman on behalf of one Promotes a of these emigrants, to obtain leave for some of his friends estabiis'h- to come and settle on this property. The count freely f^™* °" . '••'■*' ^^ *' his estate in consented, and a place called Htitberg (Watch Hill) was Saxony. appropriated for the purpose. A few families came accord- ingly, and proceeded to erect dwelHngs. When the first house was finished and prepared for occupancy, a religious service was performed. A sermon was preached on Isaiah Ixii. 6, 7 : "I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the Lord," &c. From the application of these words, and the former name of the place, (Watch Hill,) the new settlement was called7/(?;vM/^«^, " the Watch of the Lord." The count had exerted himself most successfully in the organization of this infant com- munity, especially by the adoption of measures to prevent the rise of different and conflicting religious opinions. The numbers who thronged to this seat of piety and peace rapidly increased, so that they soon numbered between five and six hundred Brethren. But this success drew public attention to the settlement. A Jesuit first attacked them, and he was followed by Lutheran divines. This is 162 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. not the place to detail, or defend, all the views and prac- tices which were inculcated or permitted in this settlement, nor to assent to or repel the charges which were brought against it. It will be sufficient for the present occasion to say, that the Saxon government was so far from being satisfied with the conduct of the count, that it ordered him to sell his estates, and leave the country. He had antici- pated the first necessity by securing his estates to his wife; and, in obeying the second, he determined to carry into effect the purpose formed in his youthful years, and devote liimseK fully to the ministry of the word. Assuming, there- fore, the name of De Freydek, one of his titles, he went as private tutor into a merchant's family at Stralsund, became a candidate for ordination, passed the usual examination, preached with approbation in that city, and was in due time ordained a minister, and afterward consecrated a bishop through the instrumentality of Jablonski of Berlin. It was during the time of the count's exile from Saxony that John Wesley visited Germany. This accounts for his meeting him at ]\Iarienborn, and not at Herrnhut. Wesley's account of tliis settlement is as foUows : — " Tuesday, August 1st, (1738) . — I came to Herrnhut, about thirty English miles from Dresden. It lies in Upper Lusatia, on the border of Bohemia, and contains about a hundred houses, built on a rising ground, with evergreen woods on two sides, gardens and corn-fields on the others, and high hills at a small dis- tance. It has one long street, through which the great road from Zittau to Lobau goes. Fronting the middle of this street is the orphan-house, in the lower part of which is the apothecary's shop ; in the upper, the chapel, capable of containing six or seven hundred people. Another row of houses runs at a small distance from either end of the orphan- housC; which accordingly divides the rest of the I BOOK II. CHAPTER I. 163 town (beside the long street) into two squares. At the east end of it is the count's house, a small plain building like the rest, having a large garden behind it, well laid out, not for show, but for the use of the community .•"' "^ Here "Wesley staid about a fortnight, attending the reli- is greatly „ , . . . • •±^ instructed gious ser\aces oi tms pious commumty ; conversing Vtith and edified their more experienced members, and carefully scrutinizing qL^^J^jj their organization, discipline, and general economy. It is knowledge 11- • fr 1 1 1 • ^^^ esperi- certain, that this opportunity must have anorded him not ence of the only a most interesting privilege, but a very important p^°p^- advantage, especially at that period of his Hfe, and at that crisis in his ministerial career. He had been very recently converted to God, and in London he had met with some who rejoiced in the same salvation ; but they were very few, and generally persons who were not adapted, either by education or experience, to solve the doubts or inform the mind of a young convert. Tor it must not be forgotten, that neither Wesley's powers of mind, nor his great learning, could prevent him from feeling as "a babe'' in Christ. Here, however, he could converse with persons of matured Cliristian experience, who had made it their business and study to speak of divine things for the edifica- tion of their younger brethren. Wesley availed himself of this privilege very largely, and wrote down the substance of what he was told of the religious experience of several of the most distinguished of these disciples of Christ. He was by these means enabled to observe the operation of grace on different classes of mind, and on various degrees of temperament, and thus to acquire a fund of really rehgious knowledge. The careful and copious entries of this kind in his Journal afford ample proof of the importance which he attached to the acquisition of such information. * Wesley's " Journal," under the date. 164 HISTORY 01' WESLEYAN METHODISM. Here, also, Mr. Wesley saw what lie had never previously seen, — large numbers of persons, many of whom were walk- ing in the divine favour, living together in society, in imita- tion of the manner of the early disciples of Christ. Herrn- hut was a large village, or small town ; but it also, in many respects, resembled a great Christian family. Many persons wdll think that this element was by far too prominent, and that many of their arrangements were unwise, if not im- proper. Southey mentions, in a tone of complaint, that Wesley records a simple account of some of their question- able customs and usages, " without any comment, or further explanation." Surely, when all the circumstances of the case are fairly considered, it cannot be expected that he would write a critique on their manners, or send forth to the world an elaborate judgment on their institutions. He went there not as a critic to judge, nor as a censor to rebuke, but as a pupil to learn, as an inexperienced Christian to be instructed; and he secured his object. It is but just to him to observe, that nothing he has said renders Mm responsible for the propriety of the usages of the Moravians. It is, on the other hand, only fair to that religious com- munity to allow that, in Wesley's judgment, the amount of piety and Christian privilege which he witnessed at Herruhut greatly preponderated over everything to which he might have taken exception; for, before leaving it, he said, "I would gladly have spent my life here; but my Master calling me to labour in another part of His vineyard, I was constrained to take my leave of this happy place." '^ Returns to Wcslcy rctumed by the same route, through Dresden ''^™'' and Jena to Marienborn. At Jena he had an interview with Professor Erancke, and at the latter place he took * "Journal/' A-ugust 12tli, 1738. BOOK II. CHAPTER I. 165 leave of the Countess of Zinzendorf, the Count being from home. He thence passed through Frankfort and Cologne to Kotterdam, where he took ship, and reached London on Saturday, September 16th, 1738. He immediately began to preach Christ as he had never done before, and to hold intimate Christian union with the Moravian teachers and converts in England. Tliis course of evangeHcal action will be detailed in the next chapter. CHAPTER II. THE ORIGIN OF METHODISM^ AND ITS PROGEESS TO THE FIRST CONFERENCE. John Wesley's Preacliing on his Return to England — The Origin and Character of the religious Societies then existing — Whitefield's Return to England — The obvious Tendency of Wesley's Course — High Church Views of Wesley and his Brother — Charles Wesley Cui-ate of Islington — Wesley excluded from the Churches — Charles Wesley di-iven from Islington — Whitefield preaches in Bristol — Expelled from the Churches — He preaches in the Fields — Wesley begins to preach in the Fields — Chai-les Wesley follows his Example — His embarrassing Position and prompt Decision — First Weslcyan Chapel built — Wesley's Reasons for his Course of Action — He separates from the Moravians — And makes the Foimdery his London Chapel — The Wesleyan Methodist Society henceforth a separate religious Body — 'ITie Fruit of Wesley's Preaching requires spiritual Oversight and Culture — This denied by the Clergy — Pai'tially supplied by Lay Assistants — Wesley separated from Whitefield — Chailes Wesley inclined toward the Moravians — Wesley the subject of peculiar Difficulties and Trials — Providential Origin of Lay Preaching in Connexioii with Wesley— Similar Appointment of Class iMeetings — Wesleyan Organization — Brief Detail of Wesleyan Agency — The Labours of Wesley and others in 1738— The Progress of Methodism in 1739 — Methodist Labours and Progress, 1740 — Continued evangelical Efforts and Success, 1741 — Methodist Progress, 1742 — Wesleyan Labour, Persecution, and Progress, 1743 — Origin of Methodism in Leeds — Fearful Riots at Wednesbury and Sheffield — Chai'les Wesley's fii'st Visit to Cornwall — Wesley's Privations and Sufferings in Cornwall — State of Methodism, June, 1744. John Wes- IMMEDIATELY on liis return to England from the Con- ley's preach- |^jjjgjjf Weslev recommenced his labours with renewed vigour mg on lus ' •' ^ return to and zeal. He arrived in London, as stated at the close of the last chapter, on Saturday night, and began his work on the following morning. These are the entries in his BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 167 Journal: "Sunday^ 17th, I began again to declare in my own country tlie glad tidings of salvation, preaching three times, and afterwards expounding the Holy Scriptures to a large company in the Minories. On Monday I rejoiced to meet our little Society, which now consisted of thirty-two persons. The next day I went to the condemned felons in Newgate, and offered them a free salvation. In the evening I went to a Society in Bear Yard, and preached repentance and remission of sins. The next evening I spoke the truth in love at a Society in Aldersgate Street : some contradicted at first, but not long ; so that nothing but love appeared at • our parting. Thursday, 21st, I went to a Society in Gutter Lane, but I could not declare the mighty works of God there ; as I did afterwards at the Savoy with aU simplicity. And the word did not return empty. Finding abundance of people greatly exasperated by gross misrepresentations of the words I had spoken, I went to as many of them in private as my time would permit. God gave me much love towards them all. Some were convinced they had been mistaken. And who knoweth but God will soon return to the rest, and leave a blessing behind Him ? On Saturday, 23rd, I was enabled to speak strong words both at Newgate and at Mr. E.'s Society ; and the next day at St. Anne^s, and twice at St. John's, Clerkenwell ; so that I fear they will bear with me there no longer." The reader, while perusing this extract from Wesley's Tiie origin Journal, will be struck with a reference to several religious ter of the Societies which were at that time in existence. Here, religious So- •' cieties then he not only mentions the little Society with which he and existing. his brother were connected, and which at this time consisted of thirty-two persons, but also refers to a Society in Bear Yard, to which he preached; to a Society in Aldersgate Street, the same, in all probability, in which he found the 168 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. blessing of forgiveness ; to a Society in Gutter Lane, and to Mr. E.'s Society. What were these Societies ? "Whence did they arise, and what was their object and end? The question is interesting ; and a satisfactory answer to it w^ould throw important light on the religious pri- vileges and prospects of the period, and on the means and influences which led Wesley into the course which he afterwards pursued. It appears from an account published in London by Dr. Woodward, about the year 1699, that these Societies had their origin principally in the successful ministrations of Dr. Horneck, a pious clergyman in Lon- don, and Mr. Smithies, Lord's-day morning lecturer 'at Cornhill. Their discourses produced a considerable reli- gious awakening in the metropolis, which afterward extended to other parts of the country. This religious influence was most marked and signal in its results, and particularly affected young people ; who, feeling the burden of their sins, and seeking counsel as to the best means of securing the blessings of salvation, were advised by their ministers to meet together weekly for pious conver- sation, and rules were drawn up "for the better regula- tion of these meetings.''^ These religious associations arose about the year 1667 ; and when Dr. Woodward wrote his account, there were about forty of them in the metro- polis and its vicinity, nine in Ireland, and a few in the country. By the rules of these weekly meetings, they were required to discourse only on such subjects as tended to "practical holiness, and to avoid controversy." But, in the genuine spirit of true religion, these serious persons could not long be content to confine their attention and their inquiries to their own personal M^ants. They, there- fore, made contributions, when tliey met, for the reHef of the poor, and adopted measures for catechizing the BOOK II. CHAPTEU IT. 169 young and ignorant of tlieir respective families. For a while these Societies prospered greatly. Out of their reli- gious influence and the zeal thus awakened, no less than twenty associations for the prosecution and suppression of vice seem to have arisen; all of which were favoured by several bishops, and countenanced by Queen Anne ; but after the lapse of some years they declined, so that when Wesley commenced his evangelizing labours, although several of these Societies still existed in London, Bristol, and some other places, they were by no means in a state of vigour and activity. To some of them Wesley refers in the extract from his " Journal," quoted above. About three months after that period, Mr. Whitefield wiiitefieid's arrived in England from America. On hearing of his return^ England. his friend " hastened to London," and they again " took sweet counsel together," and encouraged each other to pro- secute a course of zealous devotedness to the service of their common Master. These ministers had now reached the turninsr-point of their religious career. No intelligent The obvious . . . . . . tendency of mind can consider their previous course, their deep religious Wesley's concern for the salvatioTi of souls, the power with which they preached the Gospel, the divine unction which attended their word, and the limited means of the small Societies to which they frequently ministered, without perceiving that they would have been led by the force of circumstances into some strange ecclesiastical irregularities ; or that, to avoid these, they must have been constrained to abandon their wide course of evangelical usefulness, and to direct their efforts into some other channel. Yet, although the contrary has been frequently asserted, no fact in history is more certain, than that these godly men did not perceive this difficulty ; and no circumstance of a past age is better attested, than that neither of the two Wesleys had the idea of pursuing any VOL. I. I 170 HISTORY 0¥ AVESLEYAN METHODISM. course in opposition to church order, or conceived any pur- pose of forming by itinerant preaching a religious com- munity separate from the Church of England. About this time they had several interviews with dis- tinguished prelates of the Church. The brothers had, together, a conversation with the Bishop of London, on Christian doctrine and church order. Tlie bishop objected to their preaching the doctrine of assurance. He appears to have fallen into the very prevalent error, that by assurance they meant a divine persuasion of final salva- tion. Wlien, however, they explained their meaning, he said, "If by assurance you mean an inward persua- sion, whereby a man is conscious in himself, after exa- mining his life by the law of God, and weighing his own sincerity, that he is in a state of salvation and acceptable to God, I do not see how any good Christian can be without such an assurance.^^ They replied, "We do con- tend for this.^' But, lest he should be misled as to the most prominent subject of their preaching, they added, " We have been charged with Antinomianism, because we preach justification hy faith alone. Can any one preach otlierwise, who agrees with our Church and the Scriptures?'' The bishop did not reply to this question, but immediately called their attention to a breach of ecclesiastical order The High wliicli had becii alleged against them ; not, be it observed, views of i^ '^^ ^^y of laxity or innovation, but on the score of ex- Wesiey and clusiveucss and High Church zeal. " But," said the bishop. Ins brother. ° ... " there is a very heavy charge brought against us bishops, in consequence of your having re-baptized an adult, and alleged the archbishop's authority for doing it." John Wesley answered, that he had expressly declared the contrary, and acquitted the archbishop from having any hand in the mat- ter ; but, he added, " If a person, dissatisfied with lay BOOK IT. CHAPTEll II. 171 baptism, should desire episcopal, I should think it my duty to administer it, after having acquainted the bishop accord- ing to the canon." From this view the bishop dissented, in case a person had been baptized by a Dissenter ; thereby evincing a far greater degree of liberality in respect of ecclesiastical order, and, indeed, a better acquaintance with the doctrine and discipline of the Church, than the Wesleys. After having elicited from the learned prelate that, in his opinion, the religious Societies to which they preached were not conventicles, and receiving an assurance that they might at all times have free access to his presence, the brothers took their leave. On the 14th of November following, Charles Wesley waited on the same bishop, to inform him " that a woman, not satisfied with having been baptized by a Dissenter, wished him to re-baptize her, and that he intended to comply with her request." "The bishop," says Mr. Charles Wesley, " immediately took fire, and interrupted me, saying, ' I wholly disap^jrove of it ; it is irregular.'' " The bishop continued in a manner which reflects great honour on his candoui* and liberality, and censured the High Church zeal of the young presbyter, asking him, " O why will you push me to an extreme?" On the 21st of February, 1739, John and Charles Wesley waited on Dr. Potter, Archbishop of Canterbury, to offer explanations in respect of several reports which they knew had reached him concerning their conduct. The archbishop received them very kindly, and gave them good advice, urging them " to keep to the doc- trines of the Church, to avoid all exceptionable phrases, and to preach and enforce only the essentials of religion : other things," said he, " time and the providence of God only can cure." Before this time, (on the 5th of January, 1739,) Charles I 2 173 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. Charles Wesley says, " My brotlier, Mr. Seward, Hall, Wliitefield, ( iirateof Ingliam, Kiuchin, and Hutchins, all set upon me to settle isiingtoii. ^^ Oxford; but I could not agree to do so without farther direction from God.'' Yet, although he objected to this proposal, when he was invited by Mr. Stonehouse, the converted rector of Islington, to be his curate, he imme- diately consented, and entered upon that course of duty. These facts fully prove that, so far from being in danger of dissenting from the Church, the zeal of the Wesleys for ecclesiastical order far outran the views and judgment of the prelates who at that time presided over its interests ; and that no intention whatever existed in their minds of separating from its communion, or of acting in any way in opposition to its regulations ; notwithstanding the contrary has been so often and so pertinaciously asserted. Whilst John Wesley was in Germany, seeking a deeper and more intimate acquaintance with spiritual and divine things, Charles proceeded, as fully as his bodily weakness and the frequent return of pleurisy would permit, to call sinners to repentance. And his labours Avere certainly crowmed with glorious success. Day after day sinners of every class, the profane, the outwardly moral, the Pharisaic, the careless, were brought to a godly concern, and " trans- lated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son." This is not the place to discuss the theological principles involved in such a course of action. Nor do the various views which may be formed respecting them affect the present consideration of the subject. No candid inquirer can carefully consider the statements made in the Journals of John and Charles Wesley, without being convinced that they fully believed they had severally ob- tained the forgiveness of their sins, and the renewal of their hearts in righteousness, by simple faith in Christ. It BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 173 is equally certaiu that they also believed that they were called of God to devote their lives to make known this salvation to their fellow men, and to bring them as far as possible to experience the fruits of a like " precious faith.''' Nor can it be doubted that they felt the utmost assurance that their labours were crowned with success. Day after da}^ whilst Wesley was in Germany, did his brother see the power of God displayed in the salvation of men and women, of various character, and from every rank in life. As early as the 26th of June, less than three weeks after his brother had left England, Charles testihed, in reply to an objection of a Clergyman's wife to the doctrine of " an instantaneous faith,'' " We cannot but speak the things we have seen and heard. I received it in that manner, as have ahove thirty others in my presence" And only the following day he recorded in his Journal, "Next day I returned to town, rejoicing that God had added to his living church sevkn more souls through my ministry." Nor was the Spirit stayed : on the one hand, eight felons whom he visited in Newgate gave reasonable hope of their conversion, and died in peace ; and on the other, the vicar of Islington and the curate of St. Helen's exulted in re- deeming grace. On the return of Wesley, he immediately followed in the same line of conduct as his brother had pursued, preaching in churches whenever he had oppor- tunity, and holding meetings for Christian edification and prayer, as occasions offered. And his efforts were equally successful ; so that the little Society which had begun in Eetter Lane was greatly increased, as were many others in different parts of the country. The obvious question therefore occurs to every con- siderate mind. How were these godly and successful labours to be maintained, and the fruits of this ministry to be 17-1 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. preserved ? The lieads of the Church, who had hitherto treated the brothers with kindness, might possibly have opened up to them spheres of usefulness, and liave given such encouragement to their evangelical efforts, as would have kept the exercise of all their energies strictly within the pale of the Establishment. This was not done. On the contrary, the kind countenance which some of the bishops had extended toward them was withdrawn; the churches were gradually shut against them. The notices of this exclusion found in Wesley^s Journal are significant : — Wesley " Sunday, Feb. 4th, 1739. — I preached at St. Giles's. How from the "^'^^ ^^^^ power of God present with us ! I am content to churches. preacli here no more.''' " Sunday, March 18th. — I was desired to preach at Sir George Wheeler's chapel, in Spital- fields, morning and afternoon. T did so in the morning, but was not suffered to conclude my subject (as I had designed) in the afternoon. Sunday, 25th. — I preached in the morning to a numerous congregation at St. Katherine's, near the Tower ; at Islington in the afternoon. Many here were as usual deeply ofi'ended. But the counsel of the Lord it shall stand." Indeed, at this time Wesley seldom occupied the pulpit of a church without being told, at the conclusion of the service, that he must preach there no more. It may be supjjosed that this opposition was called forth by the irregularity of his proceedings. The case of his brother Charles, and the treatment he received, is, however, a decisive proof that it was the doctrine preached, and not the conduct of the minister, which was the real object of hostility. Charles Wesley, as already noticed, had accepted the curacy of Islington, but had entered on the duties of that office only by private arrangement with the vicar, as the bishop never gave his sanction to the appointment. Tlie churchwardens were soon ofi'ended with his ministra- BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 175 tions, and were determiued to get rid of him. At first they confined tlieir opposition to insult, and met him in the vestry before the commencement of service, and requested a sight of the bishop's Hcence, which they knew he did not possess. He meekly endured this conduct. They then proceeded to the most abusive language, and told liim that " he was full of the devil.''^ Still the pious minister pro- ceeded on his way, " bearing ill, and doing well.''' These Charles violent of&cials, however, were determined to expel the object driven^from of their dislike from the church ; they accordingly employed Islington, men to take possession of the pulpit stairs, and to push him back when he attempted to ascend. Afterward, notwith- standing the appeals of gentlemen of the highest respect- ability, they themselves did this, in the face of the whole congregation. This violence being continued, the vicar, who was a good man, but lacked firmness, gave way to the storm, and the case was laid before the Bishop of London, who justified the churchwardens in the course they had taken. Charles Wesley had in consequence to retire from % his curacy, and seek some other field of labour. Wliile the two Wesleys were in these circumstances, "^^itefieid preaches in Mr. Whitefield was in Bristol preaching with very great Bristol, success. He had gone to that city to make congrega- tional collections, in support of a project which had been formed for the erection of an orphan-house in Georgia. But he was soon excluded from the pulpit of every church in Bristol, and even from the common gaol, where he had been accustomed to speak to the prisoners gratuitously. But preaching the new birth, even to thieves, was not to be endured by the civil and ecclesiastical authorities of that Christian city. Mr. AVhitefield, how- ever, having much less strength of attachment to church order than the VYesleys, and possessing an indomitable 176 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. spirit^ wliicli was not likely to beud to such obstructions as were thus placed in his way, protested against the intolerance of men, by copying the example of man's frl^^ftht Redeemer; and went forth into the fields and in the churches, he neighbourhood of the lowest and most destitute localities, preaches in n- ■ the fields. calhng sHuiers to repentance. His success was far beyond his most sanguine hopes ; so that he was induced to extend his evangelizing efforts to Bath, and to the proverbially wicked and ignorant colliers of Kingswood. The fruit of these labours was the spiritual awakening and edification of great numbers of people. But Whitefield was intent on returning to America ; and yet could not bear the tliought of leaving those souls to whom his mniistry had been blessed, " as sheep without a shepherd.''^ He therefore wrote to John Wesley, entreating him to come to Bristol. Wesley saw the pressing nature of the call, but did not feel very much disposed to comply with it. The subject was, however, submitted by him to the religious Society * at Fetter Lane, when Mr. Charles Wesley was greatly opposed to it; and the more it was considered, the more painfidly were their minds affected. But John Wesley oft'ered himself fully to the divine will, and it was at length arranged tliat he should go ; yet tlie feeling with which this step was taken is clearly indicated in the entry made at the time by Charles Wesley in his Journal. " March 28th. — We strove to dissuade my brother from going to Bristol, to which he was pressingly invited, from an unaccountable fear that it would prove fatal to him. He offered himself willingly to whatever the Lord should appoint. The next day he set out, recommended by us to the grace of God. He left a blessing behind him. I desired to die with him." John Wesley left London on Thursday, March 29th ; BOOK II. CHAPTER TI. 177 aud on the evening of that day preached " to a small company at Basingstoke/^ On the following Saturday he reached Bristol, and met Mr. Whitefield. Keferring to this interview, A¥esley observes, " I could scarcely reconcile myself at first to this strange way of preaching in the fields, of which he set me an example on Sunday ; having been all my life (till very lately) so tenacious of every point relating to decency and order, that I should have thought the saving of souls almost a sin, if it had not been done in a church." Mr. "VYhitefield appears to have left Bristol some time on Sunday, after having preached in the fields in the morning; for Wesley says, "In the evening (Mr. Wliitefield being gone) I began expounding our Lord's Sermon on the Mount (one pretty remarkable precedent of field preaching, though I suppose there were churches at that time also) to a little Society which was accustomed to meet once or twice a week in Nicholas Street.''^ On the following day (Monday, April 2nd) Wesley com- Wesley mitted himself to a new course of action, and passed the preach in Rubicon of his future career, by preaching, on a little emi- ^^'^ '^^''^*- nence near the city, to about three thousand persons, from Luke iv. ] 8, 19. From this beginning he prosecuted a course of labour in Bristol, Bath, Kingswood, and other places in the neighbourhood, which was greatly owned of God. Multitudes devoutly attended the preaching of the Gospel, numbers were awakened to a sense of their danger througli sin, and many, being truly converted, rejoiced in the pardon- ing mercy of God their Saviour. After a while the follow- ing outline was laid down by Wesley as his plan of proceed- ing in this extraordinary work. " Every morning I read prayers and preached at Newgate. Every evening I expounded a portion of Scripture to one or more of the Societies. On Monday, in the afternoon, I preached abroad I 5 178 HISTOllY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Charles Wesley follows his example. near Bristol; on Tuesday, at Bath and Two Mile Hill alternately ; on AVednesday, at Baptist Mills ; every other Thursday, near Pensford ; every other Friday, in another part of Kingswood ; on Saturday in the afternoon, and Sun- day morning, on the bowling-green ; (which lies near the middle of the city;) on Sunday at eleven, near Hanham Mount; at two, at Clifton; and at five, at Rose Green. And hitherto, as my days, so my strength hath been." During the continued stay of his brother at Bristol, Charles was neither idle, nor inattentive to the manner of his proceeding, and to the great work which was being accomplished by his instrumentality. At Broad Oaks in Essex, Thaxted, and some other places, Charles preached both in churches, and in the open air, with great success. In consequence of these proceedings, the heads of the Church appear to have entertained serious thoughts of pro- ceeding to extreme measures against Whitefield, and the two Wesleys. On Thursday, the 19th of June, Charles Wesley, with the vicar of Bexley, appeared at Lambeth, on tlie summons of the Archbishop of Canterbury, to answer a complaint which appears to have been made by some third party (probably some of the parishioners) as to Mr. Charles Wesley's frequent preaching in that parish. On this occa- sion the archbishop significantly observed to him, that he should " not proceed to excommunication yet." Although this threat did not, at the time, greatly disconcert or dis- tress the pious young minister to whom it was addressed, he afterwards felt it severely ; but having convinced liimseK that this uneasiness arose from the fear of man, he took Mr. Whitefield's advice, and, on the following Sunday, boldly went forth into ]\Ioorfields, aufl preached the Gospel of Christ to near ten thousand hearers. It required a mind of more than ordinary vigour, even BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 179 with the aid of divine grace, to sustain the peculiar and His embar- conflicting feelings which Charles Wesley's engagements tfoTamr^' at this time must have excited. On the Thursday before pro™P<' J*^- •' cisioii. the Sabbath just referred to, he was at Lambeth Palace, and was there threatened with excommunication. On Sunday he preached in the morning to ten thousand per- sons in Moorfields ; in the forenoon he attended divine ser- vice, and received the sacrament at St. Paul's Cathedral; in the afternoon he preached at Newington Butts, and went directly from the pulpit to Kennington Common, where he addressed multitudes upon multitudes in the name of the Lord ; and in the evening he attended a Moravian love- feast in Petter Lane, where he felt as though in one of the primitive churches. On the following Sunday he preached with great boldness, in his turn, at St. Mary's, before the University of Oxford, choosing for his subject the leading doctrine of all Protestant churches, justification by faith."^ The amount of opposition which these godly efforts called forth, may be estimated by the fact, that on the Sabbath before mentioned, as he was walking to his afternoon appointment, he crossed an open field on his way to Kennington, and, whilst doing so, was seen by the owner of the field, a Mr. Goter, who threatened to prosecute him for a trespass. This threat he carried into effect, and a few days afterwards Mr. Charles Wesley was served with a writ on this account, and had to pay ten pounds for the tres- pass, and nine pounds sixteen shillings and eight-pence for taxed costs in the suit. The injured minister endorsed tlie receipt with the significant words, " To be re-jiidged in that DAY f words which will as certainly be verified, as was the threat of the petty tyrant. The success of AYesley's ministry at Bristol led to * Jacksom's " Life of Charles "Wesley." 180 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. another very important step toward the formation of a sepa- rate denomination; although in this case, as in others, he is clearly proved to have entertained no design beyond the supply of an immediate and very pressing necessity. The awakening, conversion, and addition of so large a number of persons to the religious Societies which met in Nicholas Street and Baldwin Street, led to a desire for a larger place in which they might assemble together for worship. This want being admitted, another step was taken. It was found requisite that there should be room for the friends of the members, and others who desired to be with them when the Scriptures were expounded. The necessity led to the First erection of a chapel. For this purpose a piece of ground was Wesleyan i tt -r\ • chai.ei procured near St. James's churchyard in the Horse Fau" at ""^' Bristol, and the first stone was laid on Saturday, May 12th, 1739. Respecting this erection Wesley says, "I had not at first the least apprehension or design of being personally engaged- either in the expense of the building, or in the direction of it." But in this, as in other instances, it be- came necessary for him not only to act as the directing genius of the work, but, what Avas more embarrassing to him, to be personally responsible for the whole cost. And this led, as a necessary consequence, to the property being vested in him, as, "under any other arrangement, he might be expelled from the house by the legal proprietors, although he had paid, or was under engagement to pay, for almost the entire building. Wesley's From the first of April to the beginning of June, reasons for . i i • i i • -n • i i • • i i his course "Wcslcy contiuucd his labours m Bristol and its neighbour- o action. ]jQQ(j ^yith unabated success, yet not without serious ques- tioning in his own mind. The unusual nature of his j)ro- ceedings would occasionally excite painful doubt and very deep concern. But he says, " After frequently laying it BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 181 before tlie Lord, and calmly weighing whatever objections I heard against it, I could not but adhere to what I had some time since wrote to a friend." In this letter he dis- claims all idea of reconciling his present course with his previous character, as, prior to his return from Georgia, he was not fuUy "a Christian.''^ He then deals with the advice given to him, to settle at college, accept a cure of souls, and that in the mean time he should sit still, and not invade the office of another. As to the first, he says, I have " no business" at college, " having now no office and no pupils." To the second he replies, "It will be time enough to consider" the propriety of accepting a cure " when one is offered me." But as to his remaining still, which involved the gist of his friend's advice, he first disclaims all rule and authority but Holy Scripture, and asserts that he has received from God a dispensation of the Gospel, and feels bound to obey God rather than man. " Sufl'er me," he adds, "now to tell you my principles in this matter. / look upon all the world as my parish; thus far, I mean, that, in M'hatever part of it I am, I judge it meet, right, and my bounden duty, to declare, unto all that are wiUing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation. This is the work whicli I know God has called me to, and sure 1 am that His blessing attends it." He then alludes to the allega- tion that he is not likely to be useful whilst he is so maligned. To this he replies, "The more evil men say of me for my Lord's sake, the more good will He do by me : that jt is for His sake, I know, and He knoweth. Blessed be God, I enjoy the reproach of Christ." The Society in Fetter Lane having got into some dis- order, ^^ esley went to London, June 13th, and succeeded in restoring peace and harmony. He was at this time in- duced by Mr. AVhitefield to preach to an immense number 183 HISTOKY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. of persons on Blacklieath. Having spent about a week in London, lie returned to Bristol, where liis labours and suc- cess were renewed. He now extended liis visits to the neighbouring towns with similar results. In these labours he was frequently assailed with the greatest abuse and vio- lence, and called a Jesuit, a Papist, &c. On one occasion Beau Nash came to disturb his preaching, and at others riotous mobs foully abused his hearers, and threatened him ; but he still pursued his way. Nor was this outward opposi- tion the greatest evil with which he was called to contend. The labours of the summer of 1739 had resulted in a wonderful \^'ork of grace throughout many parts of Eng- land, and even Wales. During the greater part of tliis time it required no ordinary portion of Wesley's care, attention, and activity, to preserve those persons who were brought under religious impressions through his ministry from falling into serious error both in doctrine and prac- tice. These efforts were rendered more arduous by means of various agencies with which his people were brought into contact ; and amongst these a class of enthusiasts called " [French Prophets," who came amongst them, and pretended, with the most strange gesticulations and bodily contortions, to deliver oracularly the will and word of the Lord. Wesley used much caution and judgment in dealing with these elements, and had to do tliis under great disadvantage. His heart being set, not on the organization of a sect, but the conversion of souls, he had not altered the constitution of the Society at Petter liane, which was formed on the advice of Peter Bolder before either of the Wesleys was converted, and which gave every individual member equal right, power, and privilege. But at length a crisis arrived, which led to a division of that Society. Many of the members who were connected vians. BOOK 11. CHAPTER II. 183 with the Moravians, adopted the use of mystical terms and He sepa- phrases, and employed language which seemed to favour ^j^g ^lQJ■g^. Autinomianism. Many others denied, under the denomina- tion of " the priesthood," the Christian ministry ; and, in- deed, declaimed against all religious ordinances. In brief, such important differences of opinion existed between these two sections of the Eetter Lane Society as rendered a sepa- ration essential to the peace of both. The " German stillness " of the Moravian community, their near approach to the monastic mode of life, and some of their favourite ceremonies, especially those connected with the observances of Passion Week, indicated a leaning towards much of what they deemed to be harmless in the French Mystics. AYesle/s remonstrances with them, and his attempts to ''show them a more excellent way," the way of " faith, working by love, and purifying the heart," were judicious and manly. Though they did not produce great effects on that generation, they induced a spirit of caution ; and a new race of men arose, who entertained sounder views, and were meeker in spirit. They soon per- ceived the necessity of publisliing explanations, apologies, and emendations, in order to render their system less unpalatable and more scriptural. Yet the early Hymns which embodied the most objectionable portions of their doctrinal errors, retained then- place for many years after the first purgation. It is a pleasure, however, to quote the charitable and just sentiments of AVesley himself on these matters, fifty years after his separation from the Moravians. They occur in his Sermon on "Kno\\ing Christ after the Fies/i : " — " Can we affirm that the Hymns published by a late great man (whose memory I love and esteem) are free from this fault ? Are they not full of expressions which strongly savour of ' knowing Christ after 184 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. the flesh?' yea, and in a more gross manner than anj^thing which was ever before published in the Enghsh tongue ? Wliat pity is it, that those coarse expressions shoukl appear in many truly spiritual hymns ! How often, in the midst of excellent verses, are lines inserted which disgrace those that precede and follow ! Why should not all the compo- sitions in that book be not only as poetical, but likewise as rational and as scriptural, as many of them are acknow- ledged to be?'' He then in very affectionate language relates the way in which, " by the gracious providence of God," he and his brother " became acquainted with the (so called) Moravian Brethren." "Every day we conversed with them, and consulted them on all occasions. I trans- lated many of their hymns, for the use of our own congre- gations. Indeed, as I durst not implicitly follow any man, I did not take all that lay before me, but selected those which I judged to be most scriptural, and most suitable to sound experience. Yet I am not sure, that I have taken sufficient care to pare off every improper word or expression, — every one that may seem to border on a familiarity which does not so well suit the mouth of a worm of the earth, when addressing himself to the God of heaven. I have indeed particularly endeavoured, in all the hymns which are addressed to our blessed Lord, to avoid every fondling expression, and to speak as to the most high God; to Him that is 'in glory equal with the Father, in majesty co-eternal.'" Happily, some time before this, Wesley had obtained pos- session of the Foundery in Moorfields. This building was ori- ginally erected by the government for the purpose of casting cannon, but was abandoned in consequence of a very serious accident having occurred there. Whilst it lay in a dilapi- dated state, Wesley was urged by.two gentlemen, at that time BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 185 strangers to bim, to go there and preach : he complied with the request. These persons then pressed him to purchase the place, and repair it, offering to head a subscription list toward the payment of the necessary sum. This also was done, and the premises permanently occupied for religious services long before the division now spoken of became imminent. The Poundery had been opened for preaching, November 11th, 1789.^ In consequence of the circumstances already stated, Wesley attended a love-feast of the Society at Tetter Lane, on Sunday, July 20th, 1740; and at the conclusion of it read a paper containing a detail of the errors which he alleged to have been introduced amongst them in the pre- ceding nine months, declaring that he regarded these as flatly contrary to the word of God. He then said that he had warned them of the evil, but, finding that they clung to these errors more and more, he gave them up to God, and iuvited those who thought with him to follow him. He then left, with eighteen or nineteen of the members; be- sides which, about forty-eight of the women attached to the bands afterwards joined him. This seems, in strict propriety, to be the real commencement of the Methodist Societies. Wesley, indeed, speaks of four other periods as epochs, each of \\hicli may be regarded as the beginning of a new developeraent of Methodist action. The first of these was the rise of student Methodism in Oxford, while each of the others dated the inauguration of a novel and im- proved condition. In November, 1729, four serious students began to meet together at Oxford. The second epoch was in April, 173G, when twenty or thirty persons began to meet in Mr. Wesley's house at Savannah. The third was May 1st, 1738, when, by the advice of Peter Bohler, j\Ir. * Myles's " Chi-ouolosical Ilistory," p. 12. 186 HISTORY OF WE3LEYAN METHODISM. Wesley and other serious persons began to meet in Petter Lane."^"' Again, Wesley says, " In the latter end of the year 1739, eight or ten persons came to me in London, and desired /■'' that I would spend some time with tliem in prayer, and advise them how to flee from the wrath to come : this was the rise of the United Society, ■'^t Yet, even at this last-named period, Wesley was connected with the Fetter Lane Society which belonged to the Moravians ; so that even then the Society formed by him did not stand out as a separate and The AVes- distinct religious body. But after Sunday, July 20th, 1740, iTstSo"f*' all the initiatory stages of the Society had been passed et.v iience- tlirough, and there was (in its infancy, indeed, but as having forth a se- . . i • \ ])iirate reh- a Separate and distinct existence and action) a W esleyan jrim.s body. ]^j;gti^o^iigt Society. Not that the Society was known by that name ; it was not ; but from that germ the Wesleyan Society has grown, and no other change has passed upon it, except from small to great, from few to many, from weak to strong, from a rudimental condition to one of full develope- ment. .' The Society then formed at the Poandery has remained, by a continual accession of new members replacing those removed by death and other causes, and enlarging the aggregate number of the body, from that period to the present time. The Society has continued essentially the same in its progress ; but it has, as might be expected, undergone much developement, and acquired an appropriate and pro- portionate organization. Of one important instance of this it will be necessary now to speak. Wesley's principal work from the time of his return from Germany had been that of an evangelist. He went from place to place, calling sinners to repentance, and lead- ing them by faith in Christ to the experience of pardoning * Wesley's "Cliurcli History," vol. iv., p. 175. f lutroductiou to the Rules of the Society. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 187 mercy. He, indeed, found some serious persons in the The fruit of religious societies of London, Bristol, and a few other pre^achLg places, who already reioiced in the Gospel salvation, but requires spi- ^ ' J •> r ritual over- these were very few : the great body of those who gathered sight and about him, and sought from his lips spiritual direction and advice, were his children in the faith, — men and women who by the instrumentality of his ministry had been brought feom a state of ignorance and sin to the enjoyment of grace, and the practice of holiness. How were these numerous and constantly increasing bands of devout persons to be supplied with spiritual nurture and oversight ? Those who have written on this subject as avowed upholders of the Established Church, from Lavington \.o Southey, have in effect always said, " Here the great evil of Wesley's irre- gularity is seen, and one mischievous element thus produces another.''^ But those who thus express themselves should be reminded, that the thing of which they speak is the grace of God, which His Holy Spirit had put into the minds of these people. If it is not so, there is no difficulty in the case ; for mere pretence, hypocrisy, or formalism, requires no more spiritual culture than lying, swearing, or drunkenness. But if the persons referred to had really received divine grace, and if this fact is deplored as a calamity, because of the irregular manner in which it is obtained, then it becomes a serious question, whether a far greater evil is not com- mitted by making ecclesiastical order on earth more con- tracted than the revelation of divine mercy from heaven. An ecclesiastical order which cramps the impulses of grace is no fit body for the Divine Spirit to inform and inhabit, but " a yoke of bondage," and a " body of death." There was, however, in this case, no oversight on the part of Wesley. He had thought of it before it arose, and believed it might be easily met. He judged that, although few of the 188 HISTORY OF WESLEYAT^ METHODISM. ministers who then served in the Established Church would go forth into the highways and hedges, to seek the outcasts of society, and lead the vilest and worst of sinners to a spiritual acquaintance with their Saviour, yet surely, if he devoted his life to the labour of evangelizing sinners, they woiUd, generally at least, receive these penitent and pardoned believers with open arms, and afford them religious instruc- tion. Christian communion, and the ordinances of holy worship. The most earnest advocates of church order are seriously invited to consider the effect that wo aid have been produced on the state of the Church of England, and, through it, on the nation at large, if this reasonable expecta- tion of Wesley had been adequately met. One thing is cer- tain : wdiatever may be alleged against him, it is impossible to believe that he did not desire and would not have rejoiced in such an issue. The religious condition of the clergy at this period defeated such a hope ; and it is to this cause, and not to the ambition or irregularities of Wesley, that the existence of Methodism, when regarded as a sin against This denied churcli Order, is to be attributed. No other proof of this by the •' ^ clergy. Statement is needed than the fact, that pious persons were repelled from the Lord^s table, and refused the holy sacra- ment, at Bristol * and in other places, simply because they were hearers of Wesley. He consequently felt that the spiritual care of these penitent and believing souls was thrown on him ; and this feeling occasioned the deepest and most serious deliberation in his mind. If he could have satisfied himself to select the most promising locality, and sit down there, it cannot be doubted but that he might have had numerous followers, and have been very useful. But this issue was not commensurate with his sense of duty. With a truly Pauline spirit, he longed to go * "Life of Charles Wesley," vol. i., j). 231. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. l89 througli the length and breadth of tlie land, awakening the slumbering, and calhng those who were dead in sins to a life of righteousness. In order to do this, it was necessary Partiaiiy that he should have some aid in " shepherding " those who lay assist-^ were already brought into the fold. To provide for this ''"**• want, he appointed a pious and talented young man, Thomas Maxfield, to pray, exhort, and take the oversight of the Society at the Foundery during his absence, while an- other young man of considerable promise, John Cennick, was appointed to a similar duty at Kingswood. The labours of Wesley, especially in the early part of liis career, which will hereafter be detailed, were frequently interspersed with seasons of severe difficulty and conflict. One of these, which occurred about this time, issued in the Lesley se- separation of the Wesleys from their early and intimate ?^''**^^^,^"' friend, George Whitefield. It was Wesley^s opinion in after life, that in his early labours his preaching had leaned too much toward Calvinism."^ He had not at that time care- fully studied the subject, and, without reference to that controversy, had preached the Gospel with the simple view of saving souls ; although, even then, he speaks in his Journal of having been specially drawn out at times to declare that God willeth " all men to be saved."t At this time Mr. White- field also appears to have felt, believed, and acted in unison with Wesley. From the nature of the subject, however, it was all but impossible that a newly formed Christian com- munity, possessing great freedom, zeal, and energy, could long avoid discussing the doctrines of election and predesti- nation. This subject had, indeed, been mooted by the con- verts in London during Wesley^s absence in Germany ; but Charles Wesley expressed himself so strongly against it, * "Wesley's " "Works," vol. viii., pp. 267, 324. t Ibid., vol. i., p. 178. 190 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. that no further efforts were at that time made to unsettle the minds of the people respecting the universality of God's love to mankind. But as the Dissenters generally entertained the Calvinistic doctrine of election more or less strongly, and as many who had been brought up among them had joined the Methodist Society, it is more than probable that some of Wesley's followers from the beginning held similar opinions. Mr. Whitefield, on his second visit to America, was kindly received by many of the pious ministers in the Northern States who were decided Calvinists ; and, being much edified by their piety, he was led to embrace their theological views. By their advice he began to read the writings of the Puritan divines, from which he derived much pleasure, and in whose doctrines he entirely concurred. There can be no doubt that this change in his sentiments was communicated by letters to his friends in England. The first distinct intimation given by Wesley of the pro- gress of these views in the Methodist Society, was in the case of a Mr. Acourt, (June 19th, 1740,) who complained that he was hindered from going into the Society, because, as lie acknowledged, he was determined not only to believe, but constantly to maintain by argument, the doctrines of election and reprobation in the strongest terms. It was also soon apparent, that Mr. Cennick, who had been placed in charge of the school at Kingswood, was similarly affected. To check what he regarded as the progress of serious error, Wesley preached at Bristol a sermon on "free grace," (Rom. viii. 32,) which he immediately published. This measure undoubtedly did much toward the object intended by the preacher. But it also hastened the crisis. Mr. Whitefield, on seeing this sermon, took great off'ence, and wrote a private letter to Wesley on the subject. A BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 191 copy of this letter found its way into the hands of some of Mr. Whitefield's friends in this country, and they got it printed and distributed amongst the hearers of Wesley; it was freely circulated, even at the door of the Foundery. (February 1st, 1741.) Having obtained a copy, Wesley explained the nature of the unauthorized publication of a private letter, and said he would do what he believed Mr. Whitefield would do himself, if he was there ; and then tore the letter in pieces before them. Those who had received copies did the same : thus this attempt at sowing discord failed. About a month before this circumstance occurred, (January 17th, 1741,) Mr. Cennick had written to Mr. "VMiitefield, earnestly entreating his immediate return to England, to assist in counteracting the false and mischiev- ous tendency of the preaching of the Wesleys. Meanwhile, Cennick laboured most industriously to undermine them in the judgment and affections of their pious and simple- minded people. Of course, Mr. Cennick had as clear a right to believe and to advocate the Calviiiistic doctrine of election, as Wesley had to entertain and preach general re- demption. The ground of complaint against him was, that whilst employed by Wesley, teacliing in his school, expound- ing to people whom he had gathered, Cennick earnestly, but insidiously, opposed the views of his patron and friend, and perseveringly assailed his doctrines and character. This conduct issued, as might have been expected, in the entire separation of Mr. Cennick from the Wesleyan Society, and the long-continued spiritual barrenness of Kingswood. Nearly twenty years afterwards, (October 12th, 1760,) Wesley made the following entry in his Journal : " I visited the classes at Kingswood. Here only there is no increase; and yet, where was there such a prospect, till 192 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. that weak man, Jolm Cennick, confounded the poor people with strange doctrines ? O what mischief may be done by one that means well ! We see no end of it to this day/' Alas ! how often has Wesleyan Methodism had to repeat the same complaint ! Mr. Wliitefield returned to England in March, 1741, and at once evinced an estrangement from his former friends. Wesley called on him, and says of the interview, " He told me, he and I preached two different gospels ; and therefore he not only would not join with, or give me the right hand of fellowship, but was resolved publicly to preach against me and my brother, wheresoever he preached at all/'* This threat he carried into effect; and the strange sight was soon after seen, of Mr. Wliitefield preaching in Moorfields near the Foundery, in direct opposition to the doctrines delivered by his former friends in that building. The same thing was repeated at Kingswood and other places. It may be appropriate to remark, that, although this difference of opinion alienated these pious and emi- nent men from each other for a while, good feeling was afterwards fully restored; and while each retained his opinions to the last, they loved and esteemed each other ; so that, when Mr. Whitefield died, he left Wesley a mourn- ing ring as a token of his love, and desired that he would preach his funeral sermon, which he did. This dis- cussion of non-essential doctrines, however, had a very unfavourable effect on the infant cause of Methodism, which from henceforth became divided into two branches, the Cal- vinistic and the Wesleyan. The former of these, we need hardly say, has, in effect, been merged long ago in evan- gelical Dissent, distinctively so denominated. Wesley, notwithstanding, continued to pursue his way * "Wesley's " Journal," March 2Sth, 1741. BOOK 11. CHAPTER II. 193 with unfailing diligence, although one harassing trial came rapidly pressing on the heels of another. Scarcely had he escaped from the Calvinistic controversy, and risen from the loss of Whitefield's valuable co-operation, to pursue his usual course of incessant labour for souls, when he felt the presence of danger in a relation the most intimate and endearing. The case has, indeed, been sometimes greatly exaggerated by interested or partially informed writers; but it is an undoubted fact, that about this time Charles Wesley was so far brought under the influ- Charles . Wesley in- ence of some of the principal Moravians, that he actually dined to- contemplated retiring from the itinerant career upon ji^oravians which he had entered, and also, of course, from active co- operation with his brother. It seems from the accounts which have been preserved, that in the month of January, 1741, Charles Wesley was engaged in deliver- ing a course of expository discourses on the First Epistle of St. John, at five o'clock in the morning ; and that he suddenly desisted from this service, and expressed his intention to proceed no farther with it. Accordingly, the following entry is found in John Wesley^s Journal : " January 22nd. — I began expounding where my brother had left otf, viz., at the fourth chapter of the First Epistle of St. John. He had not preached the morning before ; nor intended to do it any more. ' The Philistines are upon thee, Samson.' But the Lord is not ' departed from thee.' He shall strengthen thee yet again, and thou shalt be ' avenged of them for the loss of thine eyes.' " This pas- sage clearly gives John Wesley's view of his brother's state : he was evidently induced to act under some influence foreign to himself, yet he had not, in doing so, lost his piety ; and hence the confidence expressed of his recovery. John Wesley's judgment was justified by the event. In VOL. I. K 194 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. three weeks from the elate of the last extract, the follow- ing entry is found in his Journal: "February 12th. — Mj brother returned from Oxford, and preached on the true way of waiting upon God ; thereby dispelling at once the fears of some and the vain hopes of others, who had confidently affirmed that Charles Wesley was still already, and would come to London no more." Yet, not- withstanding this favourable circumstance, it is sufficiently evident that Wesley entertained serious fears respecting his brother's stability. On the 21st of April following, he wrote a letter to Charles, in which, after enumerating five reasons why he could " in no wise join the Moravians," he says, " O my brother, my soul is grieved for you. The poison is in you. Pair words have stolen away your heart. ' No English man or woman is like the Moravians.' So the matter is come to a fair issue. Five of us did stand together a few months since, and two are gone to the right hand, Hutchins and Cennick j and two more to the left, Mr. Hall and you. Lord, if it be Thy Gospel which I preach, arise, and maintain Thine own cause ! Adieu ! " "^ The Rev. Thomas Jackson, in his " Life of Charles Wesley," has expressed a confident opinion that John Wesley was in this latter case mistaken in his fears respecting his brother ; he certainly assigns some weighty reasons in support of this opinion, and there is no man's judgTuent entitled to more respect on this subject than Mr. Jackson's. But the fact on M'hich he mainly relies, namely, that at this very time Charles Wesley was engaged in writing a " Short Account of Mrs. Hannah Richardson," whose experience, as given by him in this little work, was in direct opposition to all the leading tenets of the ^Moravian Church, does not prove * " Journal," April 21st. 17J:1 ; Jackson's "Life of Charles "Wesley," vol. i., p. 272. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 195 his case. It seems quite as likely that the writing of this account was, under God, the means of restoring Charles Wesley to sound views of the Gospel faith, as that it should be a proof that he had previously been restored thereto. It is indeed certain, from a letter of the Countess of Hun- tingdon, to which Mr. Jackson refers, that it was not until the autumn of this year (1741) that the Moravians gave up their " strenuous attempts " to secure the adhesiou of Charles Wesley to their views : then, and not till then, he appears to have sent them " a letter of absolute and final refusal." And surely, whilst they had reason to hope, his brother had equal cause to fear. It is scarcely possible at this time to form any correct "^'esiey the . p . , , . . subject of estimate of the constant succession of trial and opposition peculiar through which the founder of j\Iethodism urged his way. aJj**^t^iaiT The abandonment of his most intense High Church par- tialities,— the renunciation of his long cherished desire for collegiate seclusion and retirement, — the adoption of a course of life which exposed him to incessant labour, to the most harassing anxiety, and vulgar indignity, — and his steady pursuit of this course, amid the desertion of friends and the hostility of foes, must, when fairly considered, impress on every observer the conclusion that John Wesley was a phenomenon of human life and action, of Christian devotedness and zeal, of a most extraordinary kind. Nor is it the least remarkable element in tliis case, that he most certainly did not know how, or by what means, he was to carry out the great work upon which he had entered. So that if Wesley did not pursue his course of labour and evangelical action with the simple object of saving souls from death, and if he was not sustained by a strong conviction that in this course he was doing the will of God, and might hence assuredly count on divine direction K 2 196 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. and support, he was more infatuated than a man who would embark in a large vessel for a long voyage, without chart, compass, or crew. A remarkable illustration of this fact is presented to our notice in the circumstances just narrated. Wesley, in the outset of his career, had formed very agreeable connexions with many able, excel- lent, and pious clergymen. James Hervey was one of the earliest of his associates; but when Wesley had made himself so vile as to go into the highways to call sin- ners to repentance, Mr. Hervey protested against his irre- gularity and extravagance. Mr. Whitefield, as has been shown, separated from him on the doctrinal question of election; while the elegant and excellent Mr. Gambold, the warm-hearted Mr. Stonehouse, and others, drank so deeply of the waters of Moravian stillness, that they not only did not support him, but actually threw up their livings, and thus deprived the church of their counte- nance and example, and retired to rural solitude to waste their lives in inaction. In these circumstances, with his own brother wavering between the views of the Gosp^ which he preached, and those of the Moravians, Wesley stood alone, with the world for his parish, but without a single helper on whom he could fully depend. At this critical juncture in the progress of Methodism, Providence provided fof him a kind of assistance which enabled him to carry out into successful and permanent action the great work which had been begun. It may, in- deed, be regarded as the law of evangelical progress, that wherever the Gospel is so preached as to bring sinners to salvation, some of the converts are qualified by the gifts of God, and called by His Spirit, to echo the truth through which they have been saved, to their fellow sinners. And it has always been one of the most important duties BOOK II. CHAPTEH II. 197 devolvaug on the cliurch, to examiue, recognise, and appoint SQch, and none but such, to be ministers and pastors. Unhappily, indeed, in some places and ages, these divine gifts, and this spiritual call, have been almost, if not alto- gether, overlooked ; and the external action of the church in the examination of clerical candidates with regard to their proficiency in classical and mathematical learning, irrespective of personal piety and scriptural knowledge, has been too commonly regarded as the only proper means for securing the appointment of suitable men to perform the duties of the Christian ministry. Wesley was not embarrassed for want of fellow-labourers by the barrenness of his converts, and the paucity of spi- ritual gifts amoiig them. Seldom has the church seen persons more richly endowed with all the qualifications essential to spiritual usefulness, than were the early mem- bers of the Methodist Societies. He had men among his sons in the Gospel qualified for every kind of ministerial duty ; but nothing except a clear providential call could induce him to depart so far from the order of the Estab- lished Church, as to give his sanction to the preaching of laymen in his Societies. Before this time, indeed, an example of lay preaching had been set in a quarter where Wesley had no authority, but of which he had knowledge, and by a man with whom he had strong sympathy ; and others in different parts of the country had followed a similar course. Ilowel Harris was brought to God in Wales before Wesley went to America, and, although without a counsellor or guide, was taught of God " not to eat his morsel alone." He says, " Xow the fire of God did so burn in my soul, that I could not rest day nor night, without doing sometliing for my God and Saviour. When alone, I was taken up wholly in reading, pray- 198 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. ing, or writing, &c. ; and I also continued to go on exhort- ing the poor people who flocked to hear me every Sunday evening." "^ Mr. Harris continued this course, and became one of the most laborious and useful preachers of the day. Joseph Humphries, as a lay preacher, assisted Wesley in 1738. t Mr. Cennick regularly expounded the Scriptures at Kingswood, immediately on his arrival there, June, 1739; J and it is equally certain that David Taylor had been in Yorkshire, like Howel Harris in Wales, exhorting and preaching, from 1738, as he had probably done long before. Nor can it be reasonably doubted that Mr. Shaw was a lay preacher, v.dio insisted that he had as good a right to baptize and administer the sacrament as any other man, because " there is no priesthood in the Christian Church ; " § — whilst it is certain that Mr. Bowers, a lay- man, preached to a congregation which had been pre\aously addressed by Mr. Whitefield, although that minister and Charles Wesley had earnestly forbidden him.|| These, and other cases which might be cited, abundantly prove that lay preaching had begun, and was probably known to exist in many localities; but for these practices Wesley was not responsible, except as respected Humphries, Cen- nick, and Maxfield; and they appear to have been appointed to expound and exhort, which he evidently con- sidered altogether different from preaching the Gospel. IS' or was this practice any outrage on Scripture or ecclesiastical order. Wesley was well aware that in ancient and modern times some of the most exclu- sive churches which ever existed have allowed laymen to * " A Brief Account of the Life of Howel Harris. Trevccka, 1751," p. 21. ■f Wesley's "Works," vol. iv., p. 473. + " The Life of Mr. J. Ceimiek. Third Edition. London, 177S," pp. 20, 21 . § Moore's " Life of Wesley," vol. i., p. 469. i| UicL, p. 470. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 199 preach, and tliat some of the most eminent and useful preachers and reformers were never ordained, and were consequently laymen.^ The question, therefore, was not simply whether laymen should preach, but whether laymen should be separated from their vrorldly business, and be set apart as preachers, after the manner of Christian minis- ters. This question was solved not by any sacrifice of Wesley's principles to meet a pressing emergency, but by a very clear and peculiar providence in the case of Thomas Maxfield. Those who knew Wesley most intimately, and had lived long in his unreserved confidence, gave the following ac- count of this case : " When he was about to leave London for a season, he appointed one whom he judged to be strong in faith, and of an exemplary conversation, to meet the Society at the usual times, to pray with them, and to give them such advice as might be needful. This was Mr. Maxfield, one af the first-fruits of his ministry at Bristol. This young man, being fervent in spirit and mighfi/ in the Scriptures, greatly profited the people. They crowded to hear him ; and by the increase of their number, as well as by their earnest and deep attention, they insensibly led him to go further than he had at first designed. He began to preach, and the Lord so blessed the word, that many were not only deeply awakened and brought to repentance, but were also made happy in a consciousness of pardon. The Scripture marks of true conversion, — inward peace, and power to walk in all holiness, — evinced the work to be of God. " Some, however, were offended at this irregular it//, as it was termed. A complaint was made in form to Mr. Wesley, and he hastened to London, in order to put a stop * "Wesley's "Works," vol. viii., pp. 212-218; vol. xii., pp. 81-84. 200 HISTORY OP WESLKYAN METHODISM. to it. His mother then lived in his house, adjoining to the Foundery. When he arrived, she perceived that his coun- tenance was expressive of dissatisfaction, and inquired the cause. ' Thomas Maxfield,' said he, abruptly, ' has turned preacher, I find.' She looked attentively at him, and replied, ' John, you know what my sentiments have been. You cannot suspect me of favouring readily anything of this kind. But take care what you do with respect to that young man ; for he is as surely called of God to preach as you are. Examine what have been the fruits of his preach- ing, and hear him also yourself.' He did so. His pre- judice bowed before the force of truth, and he could only say, 'It is the Lord: let Kim do ichat seemeth Him good: " * No man, whatever may be his reputation, can get rid of this statement, as Dr. Southey endeavours to do, by the insinuation, "The official biographers say, &c.'" These biographers were men equally distinguished for learning and ability as ministers of religion. They had ample means of knowing the facts of the case, and no motive whatever for perverting them. The account which has been given therefore stands unimpeached. Wesley saw that God had certainly called Mr. Maxfield to preach the Gospel. He accordingly recognised the divine call, and antliorized him to preach to the Methodist congregations. He had already been fully and constantly employed as a leader and exhorter, and from this time his vocation also included the ministry of the word. But the ministry of the word did not in Wesley's judgment imply the authority of administering the sacraments. Maxfield was Wesley's first " lay helper," as he calls him. Nothing is more cer- tain in history, than that this acceptance of Maxfield as a * " Life of Wesley," vol. i., p. 506. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. ^^01 " helper " was no premeditated step of Wesley ; but that he really submitted, contrary to his own views, to a clear and distinct manifestation of the divine will. If, indeed, Wesley erred at all in this matter, it was not in the way of innovation, but by an improper adherence to the practice of the Church of England, in refusing to allow such men, although so clearly called of God, to administer the sacra- ments, because they were not episcopally ordained. Yet to this practice he did adhere, although he could not defend it on scriptural grounds.^ The acceptance of Maxfield as a preacher was quickly followed by the labours of another layman in that vocation, respecting whose course of action Wesley had scarcely any option. This person was John Nelson, a stonemason, of Yorkshire. He had come from his iiative county to London for employment. His father was a good man, and read the Scriptures with his family. John became im- pressed with religious feeling and conviction at a very early age ; but, his father dying while he was yet young, he had no one to guide his mind or direct his steps ; so he grew up, and was married, without any decided change of life. At length, feeling that he was not likely to break off from his sins and live to God in his native place, he left it; and, after staying and working awhile in other places, came to London, where he soon afterward heard Mr. Whitefield preach. Nelson was greatly delighted with his discourse, but does not seem to have got any particular impression or instruction from the sermon. He had, indeed, about this^ time attended the public worship of every denomination he was acquainted with, not excepting Eoman Catholics or Quakers ; he had even thought of visiting the Jews. At length, he heard John Wesley the first time he preached at * Wesley's "'Works," vol. vii., p. 201, note, K 5 203 HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. Moorfields. That sermon determined his course of life ; he sought and found mercy, and was filled with joy and peace in believing. Having found salvation, he was not satisfied to remain in London, and leave his family and friends in Yorksliire ignorant of the way of salvation, and care- less in their sins. He accordingly returned home, and soon began to reprove sin, and to tell his neighbours what the Lord had done for his soul ; and, as they came together in great numbers for this purpose, he began to preach to them, and many were turned to God. He continued this practice for some time, working at his trade during the day, and preaching in the evening. When \Yesley visited the north in the early part of 1742, he stopped at Birstal, sent for John Nelson, wliom he had known in London, talked with him, and preached twice in the neighbourhood. Thus, both with and without the consent of Wesley, did his sons in the Gospel proceed to call sinners to repentance, and God was pleased to set His seal to their labours by giving them souls for their hire. Afterwards, as the work increased, some of those young men who had thus begun to preach, offered themselves to assist their father in the Gospel by preaching wherever he might appoint them. The first who acted thus was Thomas Maxfield, afterwards Thomas Richards and Thomas Westall; and he says, "I durst not refuse their assistance.''^'^ In order, however, to the permanence of the work of God, so signally begun by the labours of the Wesleys, and carried on by them with the assistance of these and other lay preachers, it was absolutely necessary that some ar- rangement of the converts thus brought under the influence of the Gospel should be made; or some organization be introduced which would aUow of, and indeed provide for, * "Works," vol. viii., p. 299. BOOK IT. CHAPTER II. 203 an effective and Christian oversight of the individual mem- bers. As Societies^ these several religious communities were originally based on the practice, which had previously obtained, of a few serious people associating together for mutual edification; but when the number of members became great, and experimental religion was generally known, more than this Avas obviously necessary. ^Vesley informs us that in September, 1741, the Society in Lon- don amounted to about one thousand members,^ — a num- ber which rendered individual oversight by him, or any of his coadjutors, engaged as they aU were in travelling and preaching throughout the country, impossible. In this case, however, as in others. Providence opened a supply for this necessity also, in a manner equally unanticipated and effectual. As AYesley^s own account of this cii'cumstance is equally candid, ingenuous, and satisfactory, it is given entire. " But as much as we endeavoured to watch over each, other, we soon found some who did not live in the Gospel. I do not know that any hypocrites were crept in ; for indeed there was no temptation; but several grew cold, and gave way to the sins which had long easily beset them. We quickly perceived there were many iU consequences of suffering these to remain among us. It was dangerous to others, inasmuch as all sin is of an infectious nature. It brought such a scandal on their brethren as exposed them to what was not properly the reproach of Christ. It laid a stumbling-block in the way of others, and caused the truth to be evil spoken of. " We groaned under these inconveniences long, before a remedy could be found. The people were scattered so \Aide in all parts of the town, from Wapping to Westminster, that I could not easily see what the behaviour of each * AVesley's " Churcli History," vol. iv., p. 178. 204 HISTORY OP WESLEYAX METHODISM. Similar ap- pointment of class meetings. person in his own neighbourhood was ; so that several disorderly walkers did much hurt before I Avas apprised of it. " At length, while we were thinking of quite another thing, we struck upon a method for which we have cause to bless God ever since. I was talking with several of the Society in Bristol (15th February, 1742) concerning the means of paying the debts there, when one stood up and said, ' Let every member of the Society give a penny a week, tiU all are paid.' Another answered, ' But many of them are poor, and cannot afford to do it.' ' Then,' said he, ' put eleven of the poorest with me ; and if they can give nothing, I will give for them as well as for myself. And each of you call on eleven of your neighbours weekly; receive what they give, and make up what is wanting.' It was done. In a while some of these informed me, they found such and such an one did not live as he ought. It struck me immediately, 'This is the thing, the very thing we have wanted so long.' I called together all the leaders of the classes, (so we used to term them and their companies,) and desired that each would paake a particular inquiry into the beliaviour of those whom he saw weekly. They did so. Many disorderly walkers were detected. Some turned from the evil of their ways. Some were put away from us."* As this mode of carrying out the object took up a great deal of the leader's time, and he had but seldom a suitable place to converse with the members personally, it was soon resolved that the class had better meet in one place at a given hour for this purpose. This practice became general, and gave efficiency and good organization to the Wesleyan Societies. The leaders then met Wesley or his assistant at another time every week to report any cases of sickness or disorderly * Wesley's " Works/' vol. viii., p. 244. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 205 conduct, and to pay the steward of the Society the sum which had been received of the chiss during the week. This arrangement, valuable and excellent in itself, led AVesieyan 1 • • J. c orgaiiiza- to another important usage. W esley, giving an account ot tion. it, says, " As the Society increased, I found it required still greater care to separate the precious from the vile. In order to this I determined, at least once in three months, to talk with every member myself, and to inquire at their own mouths, as well as of their leaders and neighbours, whether they grew in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.''^^ To each of the persons thus spoken to, whose conduct was satisfactory, Wesley gave a ticket, on which he wrote the member^s name. This ticket enabled the person to obtain anywhere the privilege of being a member, and was, says Wesley, "just of the same force as the commendatory letters mentioned by the Apostle." It has been thought necessary to explain thus far the circumstances in which the Wesleys were placed, the views under which they acted, and the principles by which they were guided ; to trace the origin of Wesleyan agency and organization to their true source ; and to show the self- denial, difficulty, and opposition, which the founder of Meth- odism especially had to surmount, in order to prosecute with success the work to which he undoubtedly felt himself called of God. ^ He did this until, in 1744, he found the work assuming such magnitude as to render it necessary for him to seek the Christian counsel of the clergy who sympathized with him, together with that of the more ex- perienced of his lay assistants. But before this chapter is closed, and the business of that Conference is introduced, it will be necessary to give a brief narrative of the progress and results of the Wesleyan ministry, from the com- * Wesley's " Works," vol. viii., p. 247. 206 HISTORY 0¥ WESLEYAN METHODISM. mencement of their itinerant preaching to the middle of 1744. Labours of The principal seats of Methodism at this early date were othpi/iii " London and Bristol : the religious Societies (noticed in a i/JS. preceding chapter) greatly tended to the furtherance of evan- gelical influence in those cities. But it will place the sub- ject in the clearest point of view, to trace the progress of Wesley's labours from year to year. In 1738, after his return from Germany in September, he continued preach- ing in and about London to the end of the year, with the exception of brief and occasional visits to Bristol, Oxford, Gloucester, and a few other places. Charles Wesley's la- bours during this period were also principally confined to London, although he also occasionally visited Oxford and Bexley. The fruits of these ministerial efforts, by which many were converted to God, were united with the Societies already in existence, some of which were composed maiidy of Moravians. Besides what was thus accomplished by the instrumentality of the Wesleys in and about the metropolis, the Lord had, in a very peculiar manner, begun a work of grace in different parts of the country. As already related, Howel Harris was brought to a knowledge of the truth, by the teaching of the Spirit, in Wales; and before the end of this year he began not only to exhort in his own neighbourhood, but to itinerate for the purpose of preaching through other parts of Wales. There was also one of the Societies described by Dr. Woodward at St. Ives, in Cornwall, which appears at this period to have put forth increasing proofs of spiritual vitality and power. About this time, also, God had raised up a preacher of the Gospel in Leicestershire, whose labours were the means of diffusing the light of truth in that county, Cheshire, Derby- shire, and some parts of Yorkshire. This was David Taylor. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 207 He had been butler to Lady Betty Hastings, celebrated for her piety and Hberahty ; and the first occasion of his turn- ing his thoughts toward rehgious teaching, as far as can be learned, was this : on one occasion the domestic chaplain was absent, and the question was asked, " Who shall read prayers ?" and it was instantly replied, " David Taylor." His character in the household seems to have marked him out as the most suitable man for this religious duty. In performing this act of worship, he appears to have been made the subject of such deeply religious impressions, that they gave a direc- tion to all his future life. He soon after left the service of Lady Hastings, and entered upon a course of itinerant preaching. It does not appear at what precise date he commenced these efforts, but it is certain that in 1738 he was thus engaged. ^■xhe year 1739 is regarded as the date of the origin of The pro- ffTGSS 01 Methodism, and with good reason. Before this time there Methodism had, indeed, been much evangelical labour put forth ; but '" ^^^^• the results had not been so gathered as to appear in a col- lective form. The events of this year did much to prepare the way for this necessary end. John Wesley continued to give the largest share of his attention to London, Oxford, and Bristol ; but he found time to preach at Reading, Pensford, Gloucester, Brad- ford, (Wilts.,) in South Wales, at Tiverton, Exeter, Malms- bury, and many other places ; and to some of these he went several times. Charles Wesley was curate at Islington until June in this year, when he was expelled. Afterwards his brother and he generally occupied London and Bristol alternately ; but in addition to taking his share in the evangelization of these cities, and the care of the Societies in them, Charles preached at Wycondoe, Evesham, and ->J3radford. 208 HISTOllY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. Besides these ministers^ there M^ere other agents at work. It is important to recognise the fact stated bj Mr. Myles in order to have a correct view of Wesleyan operations at this period, namely, that " a few laymen assisted Mr. Wesley as local preachers, before itinerancy was established.''^^ Mr. Cennick was at this time expounding and teaching at Kingswood : others expounded in London ; t some of these belonged to the Eetter Lane Society, from which, as yet, Wesley had not formally separated. Mr. Bowers, of whom mention has already been made, continued to preach, as did David Taylor, who this year was the means of the conver- sion of John Bennett, celebrated in the early annals of Methodism. Bennett appears almost immediately to have begun to preach also, and continued to do so with great effect in Derbyshire and the adjacent counties. In Cornwall, also, the work received an impulse about this time. There is still extant a ticket of this year given to a person near Penzance, with " J. R." as the initials of the preacher. Methodist The year 1740 found Wesley and his brother pursuing a labours and . /. i i -r> i • c t progress, sunilar course or labour. But tins was a season oi pecuhar ^^^^' trial and conflict. Throughout the larger portion of the year it required the utmost efforts of the brothers to guard their people against Moravian stillness and Anti- nomianism on the one hand, and Whitefield^s doctrine of predestination on the other. Yet, notwithstanding all the time and strength which these controversial labours re- quired, the work was not only maintained, but progressed. The separation from the Moravians at Fetter Lane was effected, as already noticed, and the followers of Wesley fairly united with him at the Toundery. The New Eoom, as the first Bristol chapel was called, was regularly occu- * Myles's "Chronological History," p. 293. t Wesley's " Works," vol. i., p. 240. BOOK II. CHAPTEH II. 209 jDied. Mr. Josepli Humphries continued liis labours as a local preacher.^ Thomas Maxfield had in the early part of the year been permitted to preach as an assistant to Wes- ley. John Nelson was converted, and preparing for his career of usefulness; and there can be no doubt that many other agents, whose names we have never heard, laboured at this time with zeal and success. Mr. Ingham, who had been to America with Wesley, but who, before long, joined the Moravians, had gone into Yorkshire and preached with great success, and is said to have founded sixty Societies in that county alone, while he was sound in tlie faith. The work progressed very satisfactorily in Wales, and throughout the country the prospects were cheering. 1741. — This year presents a further extension of Method- Continued ism. Leicestershire, Northampton, Markfield, Ogbrook, efforts and Nottingham, Melbourne, Abingdon, and other places not Vi'f^^^' previously mentioned, were visited with more or less suc- cess, and Societies formed in several of them. John Nelson was at this time working at his trade by day, and preach- ing in the evening and on the Sabbath days with great success in Yorkshire. Many were brought to God by his instrumentality. But, on the other hand, Mr. Ingham had imbibed the errors which had obtained among the Mora- vians : David Taylor had joined him, and lost his spiritual power.t But John Bennett still continued his labours, and was extensively useful. It is impossible now to give any tolerable idea of the agency employed at this period either directly or remotely connected with Wesley, and of the results of their labours. We learn incidentally, that Mr. WiDiams was about this time a very popular preacher at * Wesley's " Works," vol. i., p. 257. t Nelson's " Jounial," p. 43, Edition of 1850. 210 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Batli,^ and hear of the remarkable conversion of Mr. Thorpe of Rotherham. He was at an alehonse, "with some com- panions, vrhen it occurred to them that they might amuse themselves by mimicking the preaching of the j\Iethodists. Accordingly his companions procured a Bible, and for a wager they exerted themselves successively to turn a text into ridicule. At length Thorpe took the book, saying, " I shall beat you all.'" He opened, entirely by accident on his part, on Luke xiii. 3 : " Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." He was instantly struck with strong convictions ; his mind was filled with light on the awful subject. He accordingly delivered a serious, sensible, and earnest address, of which, after he became a preacher, he said, " If I ever preached in my life by the assistance of the Spirit of God, it was at that time." The effect on his companions was little less than on his own mind : there was no merriment, no ridicule; a solemn gloom sat on every countenance; and the speaker afterwards observed, that some of his sentences " seemed to make his own hair stand erect." Having finished his discourse, not a word was said respecting the wager. Mr. Thorpe immediately withdrew. His companionship with revilers ceased, he at once sought the society of the people whom he had ridi- culed, and soon became an able and earnest preacher of the Go,spel.t He died in i77G. Aietiiodist X*^742 was a most important period to the infant cause of 1742. ' Methodism. Wesley had by this time not only formed numerous Societies, but saw the fruit of his labours rising up around him as able assistants. The following preachers were during this year regularly engaged as helpers, besides many local preachers in connexion with the several Socie- ties : William Biggs, Alexander Coates, William Crouch, * " Metliodist Magazine," 179 i, p. 476. f Ibid., pp. 311-13. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 211 William Darney, John Hall, John Houghton, Thomas Hardwick, Samuel Larwood, Thomas Maxfield, Charles Manning, (vicar of Hayes, near Uxbridge,) John Maddern, Henry ]\Iillard, Thomas Merrick, John Nelson, Wilham Prior, Jonathan Reeves, Robert Swindell, David Taylor, Thomas Westall, Thomas Williams, James Wheatley, Enoch WiUiams, — in all twenty-three. With this assistance, Wesley was able to maintain regular religious worship in connexion with his various Societies, and at the same time to extend the work into new districts. Having spent January in London, and February in Bristol, he set out for Wales, laboured there about three wrecks, and then returned to London, where he con- tinued until the middle of May, when he set out by way of Newport Pagnell and Donnington Park to Birstal, to converse and co-operate with John Nelson. Newcastle-on- Tyne, Knaresborough, Beeston near Leeds, Halifax, Dews- bury Moor, Mirfield^ were then successively visited, after which he returned to Birstal ; then again visiting Beeston, he went to Epworth, and preached on his father's tomb- stone in the churchyard. In all these places he preached with his usual earnestness and power. Having stayed some days in the vicinity of Epworth, he went to Sheffield, hoping to meet with David Taylor : in this he at first was disappointed, but he preached there morning and evening ; and on the next day David Taylor came, and Wesley had the desired conversation with him. The effect of the inter- view was important. This successful evangelist had suf- fered seriously in his mind from his intercourse with Mr. Ingham and the Moravians. The result of this con- versation, Wesley says, made hiui " thoroughly sensible of his mistake ;" * and he went on in the work of the Lord * AYeslei's "Works," vol. ii.; p. 421. 212 HISTOKY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. for a while again with dihgence and success. Having accomplished this object, Wesley went on his way minister- ing the Gospel through Coventry, Evesham, Stroud, and Painswick, to Bristol. Toward the latter part of this year Wesley went again into the north, and his labours at Newcastle on that occa- sion were attended by a very special visitation of the Spirit. Of it he says, " There seemed in the evening to be a deeper work in many souls than I had observed before I never saw a work of God, in any other place, so evenly and gra- dually carried on.^^ * Wesieyau From the beginning of 1743, to June, 1744, when the labour, per- i i n i n i> ■ secwtion.and first Conference was held, there elapsed a season or intense pro|ress, jabour, trial, danger, and success, to Wesley and his assistants. The opening of this year found Wesley journeying toward the north, between Doncaster and Epworth, Charles Wesley being in the neighbourhood of Bristol. At Ep- worth, Wesley again preached on his father's tomb, and was afterward informed that the curate refused to allow him to receive the sacrament in the church. On January 3rd, he rode to Birstal, where he received a melancholy account of the effects of Moravian error on the stability and general character of the people : from thence he returned through Sheffield, Weduesbury, Egginton, Stratford-on-Avon, Eve- sham, and Painswick, to Bristol, a day or tM'o after his brother had left that city for London. Here Wesley pro- secuted a careful inquiry into the state of the Society, by speaking with every member individually, and rejoiced to find them neither " barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." t About the end of the month he went to London, where, assisted by his brother, he * Wesley's " Works," vol. i., pp. 378-9. f Il^id., p. 386. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 213 made a similar visitation of tlie London Society : at the close of it he preached a sermon^ when he made a collec- tiou of £50 toward the expense of building a chapel at Newcastle. On the 14th of February, Wesley again left London for the north, and arrived in Newcastle on the 19th. Here, after preaching in the town and in some adjacent places, he read the Rules to the Society, and commenced a very careful examination into its condition. He was the more particular in this inquiry because of the great revival which had taken place here a few months before. The result was, that seventy-six had left the Society, and sixty-four were expelled therefrom. On Sunday, March 13th, he went to speak severally with the Society at Tanfield ; and the occasion made a powerful impression on his mind, and led to the following entry in his Journal : '' From the terrible instances I met with here, (and, indeed, in all parts of England,) I am more and more convinced, that the devil himself desires notliing more than tliis, that the people of any place should be half awakened, and then left to them- selves to fall asleep again. Therefore, I determine, by the grace of God, not to strike one stroke in any place where I cannot follow the blow.'"'^ He accordingly, during his stay in those parts, preached weekly at all the places which he had visited around Newcastle. During this period Charles Wesley was alternating his labours between the neighbourhood of Bristol and that of London. Having settled everything in Newcastle to his satisfac- Ori^n of ^ n i ■^ ^ n -I r\ ^ Methodism tion, he, on the /th oi April, leit that town. On the next in LeetU. day, he says, " I preached at Knaresborough and at Leeds, on, ' By grace ye are saved through faith.^ The three following days I divided between Leeds and Birstal." t * Wesley's " Works," vol. i., p. 391. t I^id., p. 394. 214 HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. Ill these words is recorded tlie first preaching of Wesley iu that great centre of northern Methodism, Leeds. He makes no mention of any Society at Leeds at this time, neither does John Nelson; yet we are assured there was a class then in existence in that town. One of the ten members who constituted this class, and who died in York some years since, observed to a friend, with great dehght and enthusiasm, " "When Mr. Wesley first came to Leeds, we took him into Society ; he did not take us in ; " from which it is plain, that some fruit of the Gospel had been gathered together in this town, probably by John Nelson, before this period. The Eev. George Morley, Governor of Woodhouse Grove School, when returning from the first Missionary Meeting held in Hull, (in 1814,) called at York to see this Christian woman, said then to be the oldest Methodist in the world, and had with her the following conversation : — " Q. Wliere did you first join the Society ? A. In Leeds. Q. What preachers had you then in the Leeds Circuit ? A. We had no traveUiug preachers. Leeds was not then a Circuit. Q. How were you supplied with the means of grace ? A. Sometimes Mr. Wesley visited us. A local preacher came once a fortnight from Birstal on the Sunday morning : on the other Sunday evenings we held prayer-meetings among ourselves. We met our classes, and went to church. Q. Wliat collections had you in your classes ? A. The same as we have now. Q. As you had no preachers to support, how was the money appHed ? J. I cannot tell, but it was always wanted.'" When Wesley left Leeds, he passed through Wednesbury to Bristol. At the former place he obtained information which evidently excited in him very fearful apprehensions ; and these were afterward abundantly realized. He says, BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 215 " Tlie inexcusable folly of Mr. W s liad so provoked Mr. E n, that his former love turned into bitter hatred. But he had not yet had time to work up the poor people into the rage and madness which afterward appeared, so that they were extremely quiet both this and tlie following days, while 1 improved the present opportunity, and ex- horted them morning and evening to believe on the Lord Jesus, and to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. "Yet on Sunday, 17th, the scene began to open: I thhik 1 never heard so wicked a sermon, and delivered with such bitterness of voice and manner, as that which Mr. E n preached in the afternoon. 1 knew what effect this must have in a little time; and therefore judged it expedient to prepare the poor people for what was to follow, that when it came they might not be offended. Accord- ingly on Tuesday, 19th, I strongly enforced these w^ords of our Lord, ' If any man come after Me, and hate not his father and mother, yea, and his own life, he cannot be My disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.'' " * After this service Wesley passed on to Bristol, and had, as he says, "' a week of rest and peace." It seems to have been intended that Charles Wesley should visit Cornwall about the middle of ]\Iay ; t but, instead of doing so, he at that time set out for the north. In this journey he found that the passions of the lower classes had been so inflamed against the Methodists, that they were prepared for almost any acts of violence. During the early part of it he preached at Quinton, Evesham, Wedncsbury, Walsal, Birmingham, Melbourne, Notting- * Wesley's ""Works," vol. i., p. 394. t Weslek's "Journal," May ITtli, 1743. 216 HISTOKY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Fearful riots ham, and Sheffield. At Wednesbury he found a Society bury and ^ ^^ abovc tliree hundred, " seeking full redemption in the sheflieid. all-cleansiug blood ; " but he also found the preaching of the clergy directed to stir up persecution against them. At Walsal a mob raged around him whilst preacliing, and he was struck by many stones; and of Sheffield he says, " I came to the flock in Sheffield, who are as sheep in the midst of wolves.^^ ■^ This judgment was fully justified by the events that followed. On taking tbe pulpit in the evening, the congregation was beset with such a mob as Charles Wesley had never before seen. He was several times strack with stones. A military officer presented a drawn sword to his breast, when the man of God threw it open, saying, with a smile, " I fear God, and honour the king," upon which his furious assailant shrunk back con- founded. After preaching, Charles Wesley, with many of the members of Society, retired to the house of Mr. Bennet, where they spent the night, whilst the mob still beset the house, and levelled the chapel with the ground. The next day Charles Wesley preached again, and the mob again raUied, and broke the windows of the dwelling-house where he was entertained; but they were at length intimidated by his firm and patient endurance, so that, after preaching the next morning at five, he left the town in peace. Xliis, however, was no indication that the spirit of persecution had subsided ; for, while riding to Barley Hall, in company with David Taylor, they were waylaid, and narrowly escaped being murdered, Taylor receiving a severe wound in his foreliead. At Birstal this Christian minister found a diflPerent scene ; he preached in peace and safety. He also delivered the Gospel message at William Shent's door in Briggate, Leeds. After- * Charles Wesley's '" Joui-nal," vol. i., p. 309. BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 217 wards at the cliurch, although five ministers were present, they would have him assist in administering the sacrament, and in every respect treated him with all honour. After the church service he again preached in the street. During this visit to Leeds, Charles AVesley says, " I met the infant Society, about fifty in number, most of them justified, and exhorted them to walk circumspectly, since so much de- pended on the first witnesses." On the 30th of May he left Leeds for Newcastle, and by the way met with an accident, of which he has given the following account, which shows how he employed liis time when travelling : " Near Eipley my horse threw and fell upon me. My com- panion thought I had broken my neck ; but my leg only was bruised, my hand sprained, and my head stunned; which spoiled my tnakhig Iii/mns, or thiidcing at all till next day.''^'^ He arrived at Newcastle on the 31st of May, and conti- naed there and in the neighbourhood nearly three weeks. Meanwhile Wesley himself, whilst labouring to build up and increase the Societies in and about London, heard of renewed and terrible persecution having broken out in Staffordshire. On receiving this account, he says, " I was not surprised at aU; neither should I have wondered if, after the advices they had so often received from the pulpit, as well as from the episcopal chair, the zealous High Churchmen had rose and cut all that were Meth- odists in pieces.'^ t Resolving to assist his people as far as he could, "Wesley set out for Wednesbury, and arrived there on the 22nd of June. Having ascertained the facts of the late fearful riots, and consulted Counsellor Littleton at Tamworth on the proper course of proceeding, he met his brother at Not- * Charles AVeslev's " Jom-nal," vol. i., p. 313. t "Wesley's ""Works/' vol. i., p. 397. VOL. I. L Cloniwall. 318 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. tingham, and then went on by the usual route to the north, preaching and visiting the Societies. He returned to London about the end of July. Charles Before Wesley returned from the north, his brother com- AVcslcy*s • . . first visit to meuced his promised journey to Cornwall. Passing through Bristol, Exeter, and Bodmin, he reached St. Ives, (July 16th,) at tliat time the head-quarters of Methodism in the west. Mr. Shepherd and another preacher had been some time labouring in this locality, and met Mr. Charles Wesley on his arrival. A Society, similar to those mentioned by Dr.- Woodward, had existed in St. Ives even before Wesley began to itinerate. They also, like the good people of Leeds, received the preachers, and the Wesleys themselves, into their Society. Here, as in Wednesbury, he found the clergy using their utmost efforts to stir up the people against the new sect. The consequence M^as a series of most disgraceful riots, ' very dangerous to the lives of the Methodists and their ministers, and destructive of their property. During those seasons of violence the preaching- house at St. Ives was gutted, and the benches and furni- ture destroyed ; the preacher and congregation were savagely assaulted there and at Towednock. At Pool in Illogan, midway between Camborne and Eedruth, the first time Charles Wesley preached there, a drunken miner endea- voured to pull him down, but he was soon removed by the congregation. On the second occasion, the churchwarden, heading a mob, drove the preacher and congregation to the border of the parish ; then, leaving them there, he returned and rewarded his followers with drink in the old alehouse at Pool, in consequence of which the following entry may now be found in the parish book of Illogan : " Expences at Ann GartreU's on driving the Methodist, nine shillings. ^^ BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 219 Mr. Charles Wesley remained preacliing in every part of "West Cornwall with great success, notwithstanding this furious persecution, until the first week in August, when he returned by Exeter and Bridport to London, intending to take part, with his brother and John Nelson, in a con- ference with the leaders of the Moravians : but Mr. Span- genberg, who had promised to attend, had left England ; so the interview never took place. In less than a month from the time that Charles Wesley left the western counties, his brother, travelling through Exeter and Bodmin, arrived at St. Ives. John Nelson on this occasion accompanied Wesley to Cornwall : his " Journal,^^ therefore, affords important information respect- ing the IMethodism of this period, especially in the west. Nelson set out from London for this journey in company with another preacher, Thomas Richards : they had but one horse between the two, and came through Oxford and Cirencester to Bristol, preaching in the towns by the way. After staying a few days, and preaching at Bristol and Bath, Nelson and Downes, another preacher, proceeded toward Cornwall with Wesley ; but at this time also Nelson and Downes had but one horse between them. Wesley was accompanied by Mr. Shepherd, who had for some time previously been preaching in Corn- wall. They appear to have had a horse each: for Nel- son says, " We generally set out before Mr. Wesley and Mr. Shepherd." Having reached St. Ives, Wesley's first care here, as in other places, was to make a careful examination of the Society. He found them about one hundred and twenty in number ; near a hundred of these had found peace with God.* * Wesley's " Works," vol. i., p. 403, L 2 220 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Weslej''s privations and suffer- ings in Cornwall. The pecuniary resources of these devoted men appear at this time to have been very slender. So^ as soon as they were fairly at their joumey^s end, Nelson went to work at his trade ns a mason ; and not long- after Mr. Downes, being taken ill of fever, was for a time laid aside. Wesley and Shepherd immediately began to preach, and were joined in these labours by Nelson in the evenings. These zealous labourers would thus in a short time spread the Gospel most abundantly over the narrow peninsula of West Corn- wall. The hardships they endured in the prosecution of this godly work, may be seen faintly shadowed out by Nelson in his Journal. As soon as he had finished his job of work, he also fully devoted liimself to preaching; and of this period he says, " All this time Mr. Wesley and I lay on the floor ; he had my great- coat for his pillow, and I had Burkitt's ' Notes on the New Testa- ment^ for mine. After being here near three weeks, one morning, about three o^ clock, Mr. Wesley turned over, and, finding me awake, clapped me on the side, saying, ' Brother Nelson, let us be of good cheer ; I have one wliole side yet; for the skin is off but on one side.' We usually preached on the commons, going from one common to another, and it was but seldom any one asked us to eat or drink. One day we had been at St. Hilary Downs, and Mr. Wesley had preached from Ezekiel's vision of dry bones, and there was a shaking among the people as he preached. As we returned, Mr. Wesley stopped his horse to pick the blackberries, saying, ' Brother Nelson, we ought to be tliankful that there are plenty of blackberries; for this is the best county I ever saw for getting a stomach, but the worst that ever I saw for get- ting food. Do the people think we can live by preaching?' I said, ' I know not what they may think ; but one asked BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 221 me to eat something as I came from St. Just, when I ate heartily of barley bread and honey.' He said, 'You are well off; I had a thought of begging a crust of bread of the woman where I met the people at j\Iorvah, but forgot it till I had got some distance from the house.'' " "Wesley says, that the last morning of his stay he was waked be- tween three and four by a company of miners, who, fearing they should be too late for the five o'clock preaching, had assembled around the house, and were singing hymns. He left Cornwall, September 22nd, but Nelson remained a fortnight longer. Wesley arrived in Bristol from his Cornish tour on the 24th of September, and, after spending a Sabbath in the city, on the 26th set out for Wales. On this occasion he incidentally states, that he rode three miles out of his way to give some godly counsel to a young man who had crossed the ferry with him. After visiting the Societies, and preach- ing in Wales, he returned to Bristol, October 3rd. Here he stayed a fortnight, during which time he was enabled to pay ofl' the " public debt'' of the Society by the contributions from the classes. Having placed things in order at Bristol, on October ] 7 th he left that city for the north. Preaching at Painswick and Quinton, he came to Wednesbury, where he also preached, when a cry arose that the mob had beset the house ; and he soon after went out to them, on which they hurried him in a most violent manner to the residence of a justice of the peace ; but he refused to see him, say- ing he was in bed. They then determined to take him to another justice at "Walsal. He also sent to say he was in bed. The fury of the mob being cooled by this long night march, they determined to take him back again; but by this time a new enemy appeared. A mob much greater from AYalsal quickly dispersed those who would now have 222 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. defended their prisoner, and seized Wesley as their prey. Here he was placed in the most imminent danger. Yet, although they furiously threatened to kill him, he was pre- served as by a miracle, and about ten at night he was enabled to return to his friends at Wednesbury. At this time Charles Wesley was returning from the north. On the 20th of October he preached at Nottingham Cross, and found the Society increased in six months from eleven to fifty. The next day Wesley arrived there. " He looked,^^ said Charles, " like a soldier of Christ ; his clothes were torn to tatters;" a proof that Wesley^s account of the loss of one flap of his waistcoat is a very modest state- ment. The temper of mind in which these cruel perse- cutions were endured, and the source to which they looked for support, are finely exhibited in a hymn written by Charles Wesley after one of these tumults. It is numbered 276 in the Wesleyan collection : — " Worship, and thanks, and blessing. And strength ascribe to Jesus ! Jesus alone Defends his own, When earth and hell oppress us. Jesus with joy we witness Almighty to deliver ; Our seals set to. That God is true. And reigns a King for ever."' This course of travel, preaching, persecution, and suc- cess, continued with little interruption or variety of circum- stances ; so that for the remainder of the chapter it will only be necessary to notice the more prominent facts, with- out going into detail. Wesley proceeded from Nottingham in his usual manner to Newcastle, where he spent three weeks; after which he returned by Leeds, Birstal, and Not- tingham, to London, where he arrived early in December. Charles Wesley, on his return from Nottingham, visited the BOOK II. CHAPTER II, 223 Societies in Wales^ and returned by Bristol, Kingswood, Bathj and Cirencester, to London, where tlie brothers were together at the end of 1743. Early in 1744 Charles Wesley again journeyed by the usual route and manner to the north. He was furiously persecuted and placed in great danger at Nottingham; and, on his return from Newcastle, he met Mr. Westall on a common, who had been driven from Nottingham by the joint efforts of the mob and the mayor. On his return to London he raised £60, which he sent to alleviate the suf- ferings of the poor persecuted Methodists at Wednesbury. During the spring Wesley again visited Cornwall. At St. Ives he found the preaching-house demolished. The poor people had been excited to such a state of frenzy against the Methodists, that on hearing that Admiral Mathews had beat the Spaniards, they knew of no way to manifest their joy but by destroying the chapel, which was accordingly done. And this spirit was still frequently evinced ; Wesley himself, during this visit, as well as the other preachers and people, being often assailed with stones and dirt, while engaged in Avorship, or even when passing through the streets. After spending about a fort- night in preaching, visiting the Societies, and counselling the preachers, Wesley went to Devonshire, crossed the Channel to Wales, and proceeded by Bristol to the north, from whence he returned to London two or three days before he had appointed the first Conference to meet. It would be gratifying here to present the reader with an accurate general view of the state of Methodism at the close of this, the first period of its existence. But sufficient materials for such an epitome do not exist. The following collection of facts must therefore be taken, instead of a more ample summary. 224 HISTOUY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. State of Wesley, it must be remembered, had at this time been June, 1744! pursuing his itinerant course about five years. "What then were the results of these labours ? He had in connexion with him as fellow-labourers about forty-five preachers, in- cluding two or three ministers of the Estabhshment, who delighted to co-operate with him. This number is exclu- sive of the local preachers throughout the country, of whom it may be presumed there were a considerable number. Societies had been formed in very many of the principal towns from the Land's End to Newcastle. The number of members is not known. But there must have been nearly two thousand in London, if not more; and the aggre- gate number throughout the country must therefore have been several thousands. The mass of persons brought - under evangelical teaching by means of this ministry, but who were not members, would be very much larger. John Nelson had preached the first Methodist lay sermon in Manchester in 1743, and a work of grace with hopeful indications had begun in that locality. This work, as we have seen, was not carried on at a time when there existed a general agreement as to the essential doctrines of the Gospel, or when the law was fairly and universally admi- nistered for the protection of individual life and property. On the contrary, the Wesleys had to ascertain, elaborate, and define a system of divinity, and to maintain the truth against every kind of practical and theoretical error. They had to bring the Gospel in mighty aggression on the inert mass of profanity, ungodliness, and formality, which characterized the population of that day. They had to bear the violent censures of ecclesiastics, the stern contempt of the upper classes, and the bloody violence of wild and lawless mobs. Yet through all these difficulties they urged their way. By their instrumentahty the light of the Gospel shone in BOOK II. CHAPTER II. 225 many places, and a hopeful dawn gleamed through all the land. But notwithstanding all this, the first Con- ference was held in the midst of severe trial and per- secution. John Nelson was at that time deprived of his liberty, and subjected to all kinds of indignity, because, having been impressed for preaching, he refused to serve as a soldier. But Methodism had through much labour and suffering obtained a status in the country ; and the Wesleys saw good reason to hope that the great object at which they aimed would be accomplished, — that they would suc- ceed, at least to some good extent, in spreading scriptural holiness throughout the land. L 5 CHAPTER III. FROM THE PIRST CONFERENCE TO THAT OF 1765. The First ConferencCj ITM — Its Constitution and Character — Its Design — Earliest Methodist Organization — The Employment of Lay Assistants considered — -Important Results of this Conference — The Wesley s' La- boui's and Journeys — Release of John Nelson, who had been pressed for a Soldier — Francis Scott, of Wakefield — William Sheut, of Leeds — The Second Conference, 1745 — Origin and Pi'ogress of Church Government — The Third Conference, 1746 — Mode of examining Lay Preachers — First List of Cii'cuits — Charles Wesley's Journeys — Wesley's incessant Laboui's^The Fourth Conference, 1747 — Outlineof the Conversations- Travels and Labours of the Wesleys — Conversion of Grimshaw — He WTites to Wesley, and co-operates with him — A Methodist Society in Manchester — The Fifth Conference, 1748 — The List of Circuits for this Year — Kingswood School opened for the Sons of Preachers and others — Furious Conduct of the Rev. G. White, of Colue — Society Meeting near Todmorden — The Sixth Conference, 1749 — Appointment of Super- intendent Preachers uuder the Name of " Assistants " — The Office and Duties of an Assistant — Quarterly Meetings at this Time in Yorkshire — The Seventh Conference, 1750 — A violent Persecution in Ireland — Thomas Walsh begins to preach — The Eighth Conference, 1751 — Methodism introduced into Scotland — The Labom's, Usefuluess, and Secession of John Bennett — Financial Accoimt of the fu-st Cheshire Quarterly Meeting — The Ninth Conference, 1752 — Improved Arrange- ment for Maintenance of Preachers— The Tenth Conference, 1753 — The Minutes — Singular Case of mental Affliction— The Eleventh Conference, 1754 — Secession of Jonathan Reeves and other Preachers — Twelfth Con- ference, 1755 — The Minutes of this Conference — The Renewal of the Covenant introduced — The Thirteenth Conference, its Proceedings — Reasons against a Separation ivom. the Church — Charles Wesley on the Subject — The Fourteenth Conference, 1757 — Mr. Mather sent out to travel as a married Man — Introduction of Methodism into Darlington BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 227 — John MacGowan — Fifteenth Conference, 1758 — Organization of the Societies at Norwich — The Sixteenth Conference, 1759 — Great Kevival of Religion at Everton — The Seventeenth Conference, 1760 — An exten- sive Ee\dval in many Societies — Eighteenth Conference, 1761 — Con- tinued Prosperity of the Work and consequent Danger — The Nineteenth Confei-ence, 1762 — The Schism, Errors, and Misconduct of Messrs. Maxfield and George BeU — The Separation takes Place — Institution of public Prayer Meetings — Twentieth Conference, 1763 — List of Circuits — The Worn-out Preachers' Fund — Twenty-first Conference, 1764 — Various Means devised for providing ministerial Ordinances — They all fail — Lay Preaching providentially appointed — Brief Review of the extensive and cruel Persecutions by which Wesley and ilethodism were opposed — Religious Revivals — Supernatural Phenomena. The first Confereiice was a meeting of the pious clergy- The tirst men who had generally countenanced and supported Wes- its constitu- ley, and of his lay assistants. He requested the attendance ^°^ *°*^ •' ' •' ■■■ character. of these persons, and has left on record his object for doing so. " In 1744 I wrote to several clergymen, and to all who then served me as sons in the Gospel, desiring them to meet me in London, and to give me their advice concern- ing the best method of carrpng on the work of God.^^^ This Conference was held at the Foundery in London, and began on Monday, June 25th, 1744. There were pre- sent, John Wesley, Charles W esley, Jolm Hodges, rector of Wenvo, Henry Piers, vicar of Bexley, Samuel Taylor, vicar of Quinton, and John jMeriton, a clergyman from the Isle of Man. Thomas Eichards, Thomas Maxfield, Jolm Bennett, and Jolm Downes, were tlie lay preachers present, t * Wesley's " Works," vol. viii., p. 300. t These names are not given in the octavo edition of the " Minutes ;" and it may be proper here to observe, that they are obtained fi"om a source of information unknown, it is believed, to any previous writer on ilethodism. Wesley first published the ^Minutes of the early Conferences in Dublin, 1740 ; and, for some reasons which are not stated, he gave them to the world in two separate tracts ; one containing the discussions principaUy 228 HISTOllY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. Wlien the clergymen were assembled, "first it was in- quired, whether any of our lay brethren should be present at the Conference ? And it was agreed to invite from time to time such of them as we should judge proper. It was then asked, 'Which of them shall we invite to-day ?^ And the answer was, ' Thomas Eichards, Thomas Maxfield, John Bennett, and John Downes,^ who were accordingly brought in.'' * Considering the very great and long-continued infla- ence which the Methodist Conference has exerted on the religion of the world, at home and abroad, too much im- portance can scarcely be attached to the principles which were recognised, and the practice that was adopted, at the first of these assemblies. No sooner, then, was the first Conference constituted by the meeting of these ten persons, than the following was laid down as an elementary law for the government of the meeting : " It is desired that everything be considered as in the immediate presence of God;" and "that we may meet with a single eye, and as little children who have everything to learn ; that every point may be examined from the foundation ; that every person may speak freely bearing ou theology, the other those mainly referring to discipline. The first of these was re-published in the octavo " Minutes," and was generally regarded as the only information remaining of these Conferences, the other having been quite lost and forgotten, until a copy of both tracts bound up with one of the early hymn-books was accidentally discovered by the Rev. Joseph Hargreaves on a book-stall in London, and purchased by him. By the kindness of this minister, whose property the book still is, the author is enabled to give the first complete account of the early Conferences. The quotations fi'om this scai'ce and invaluable tract are marked ou the following pages as extracts from the " Disciphnari/ Minutes," and distinguished by the page of the tract, or the year of their occmTcnce. * " Disciplinary Minutes," p. 3. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 229 what is in Iiis heart ; and that every question proposed may be fully debated, and ' bolted to the bran.' " The first preliminary question was then proposed, namely, " How far does each of us agree to submit to the unanimous judgment of the rest ? " It was answered, " In speculative things, each can only submit so far as his judgment shall be convinced. In every practical point, so far as we can, with- out wounding our several consciences. '^ To the second preliminary question, — namely, " How far should any of us mention to others what may be mentioned here?" — it was replied, " Not one word which may be here spoken of persons should be mentioned elsewhere. Nothing at all, unless so far as we may be convinced the glory of God requires it. And from time to time we will consider on each head, ' Is it for the glory of God, that what we have now spoken should be mentioned again ?^ ■'^ -^ These preliminaries having been arranged, and earnest its design. prayer ofi'ered up to God, the first great design of this meeting was proposed under tliree heads ; namely, to " con- sider, 1. What to teach ; 2. How to teach ; 3. ^Yliat to do : that is, how to regulate our doctrine, discipline, and prac- tice." Under the first head, a conversation was continued throughout this and the following day, which embraced the leading doctrines of the Gospel, such as justification, saving faith, the relation of faith to sin and works, righteousness, imputed righteousness, sanctification, kc. On the Wednesday morning discipline was considered. Here the nature and position of the Church of England were discussed, and the way in which they were to support it. The right of private judgment, and the extent of submission to ecclesiastical authority, were next considered, and the effect of Wesley an labours on the interests of the Church. * "Disciplinary Minutes," p. 4. 230 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. Ou Thursday, the nature and extent of Methodist organ- isation, as then existing, were considered. This is shown in the following qaestions and answers : " Q. How are the people divided wlio desire to be under your care? A. Into the United Societies, the Bands, the Select Societies, and the Penitents. Q. How do these differ from each other? A. The United Societies (which are the largest of all) consist of awakened persons : part of these, who are supposed to have remission of sins, are more closely united in the Bauds. Those of the Bands who seem to walk in the light of God, compose the Select Societies : those of them who are for the present fallen from grace, meet apart as Penitents." The Eules for the United Societies, (the present Society Eules,) and the Eules for the Bands and Select Societies, were then read. No separate Eules had at that time been prepared for the Penitents. Indeed, neither these, nor the Select Societies, appear to have long continued distinct sections of the Methodist body. The duties of ministers, lay assistants, leaders, and other officers were then briefly considered, as was the lawfulness of field preacliing. It was then asked, "Where should we endeavour to preach most? A. 1. Where we can preach in the church. 2. Where there is an open door, quiet and willing hearers. 3. Where there is the greatest increase of souls. Q. What is the best way of spread- ing the Gospel? A. To go a little and little farther from Loudon, Bristol, St. Ives, Newcastle, or any other Society. So a little leaven would spread with more effect and less noise, and help would always be at hand. Q. What is the best general method in preaching? A. 1. To invite. 2. To convince. 3. To offer Christ. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 231 Lastly, to build up ; and to do this, in some measure, in every sermon/' ^ From the above it is evident that London, Bristol, St. Ives, and Newcastle, were regarded as the gi-eat centres of Methodism in England at that period. There is a variety of other matters found in the ordinary edition of the Minutes, as having been arranged on this day; but they were the work of future years, and are injudiciously inserted at this early period. t On Friday, June 29th, the employment of lay assistants Theempioy- •" . . mentoflay was considered. The following questions and answers are assistants on record, as the result of this inquiry : " Q. Are lay assist- '^"'^^' ants allowable ? A. Only in cases of necessity. Q. What is the office of our assistants ? A. In the absence of the minister, to feed and guide, to teach and govern, the flock.''' This answer is afterwards elaborated in seven particular classes of duty. Then follows the question, ""What are the rules of an assistant V which is answered by thirteen Rules, wdiich are substantially the same with the t^velve Rules of a Helper, as found in the ''Large Minutes;" J only the latter are given in more guarded language, and are more finished and complete in manner and substance. Other questions and answers advise assistants to keep journals, to * " Discipliuary Minutes," pp. 4, 5. t This circumstance is explained in some degree by a foot-note, page 9, (octavo edition of " Minutes,") which says, " Some of the following rules and regulations which we find placed under this date and that of June 29th, (the following day,) seem evidently to have been made in some futui"e Conferences, although all previous to the year 1763, in which that exti-act of the ' Mi- nutes' was published from which we copy them." "When, however, the "Minutes" set down under these two days arc compared with the two tracts of " ilinutes " before mentioned, and which were published by "Wesley in 1749, it wiU be found that nearly (if not quite) all of them belong to future years. X Wesley's ""Works," vol. viii., p. 298. 233 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Important results of this Con- ference. avoid formality, and to preach against it ; and give an affirma- tive answer to the questions, " Is it lawful to bear arms ? Is it lawful to use the law ?" It is scarcely possible to conceive that the interlocutors in these conversations could have had more than a very vague idea of the grand operations for which they were just then preparing a suitable platform. They had indeed already done and suffered much in the service of their Master. They had, tlirough evil report and good report, proclaimed Christ crucified, as the Saviour of sinners, from the Land's End to Newcastle. But these efforts, great and successful as they were, appeared as isolated and irregular exertions. Now, for the first time, we behold Wesley, and his friends and followers, acting in unison, with the grand object of saving souls from death. They are not found elaborating an ecclesiastical structure ; there is no pecuhar doctrine or practice which is the badge of their profession, and the centre of their unity ; they simply aim at knowing the truth taught in the Bible, and using it so as to turn sinners from the error of their ways, and train them up in holiness. Here are tlie Wesleys, wath a few clergymen and lay- men,— only ten persons altogether ; yet, undeterred by the paucity of their number, or the limited extent of their means, they meditate an aggression on the world. Por this purpose aU the essential doctrines of the Gospel are carefully considered, aU the vital interests of a Christian church are investigated, every duty which relates to the Christian ministry is canvassed ; aU these matters are earnestly considered in the light of Holy Scripture, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and wdth an uniform aim to save souls. By these conversations they become of one mind and of one spirit, and separate to BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 233 renew their course of action in the world, with one definite object, — to save themselves and their hearers. From this small but sound beginning, what consequences have resulted to the nation and the world ! It does not appear that at this time any formal division of the country into Circuits had been made. jSTor, in the discussions which then took place, is mention made of the appointment of any preacher to any given place or duty. It may be fairly presumed that the progress of Methodism at this period was not sufficient to call for such an arrangement ; and that the appointment of the laymen to their several spheres of action was so fully recognised as the right and duty of Wesley, that it required no discussion. The thirteenth Rule for the assistants, as laid down in this Conference, was as follows : "Act in all things not according to your own will, but as a son in the Gospel, As such, it is your part to employ your time in that manner that we direct : partly in visiting the flock from house to house, (the sick in particular,) partly in such a course of reading, meditation, and prayer, as we advise from time to time. Above all, if you labour with us in our Lord's vineyard, it is needful you should do that part of the work which we direct, at those times and places which we judge most for His glory.""^ These words convey the spirit and substance of the compact made between the founder of Methodism and his preachers. At the conclusion of the Conference, Wesley and his fellow-labourers returned to their several posts of duty, with renewed devotedness and zeal. Five days thus spent must have had a happy effect on the minds of such men. Wesley said of them, " They desire nothing but to save their own souls, and those that hear them;" and * " Disciplinaiy Miuutcs," p. 7. 234 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. added, with undoubted truth, " And surely, as long as they continue thus minded, their labour shall not be in vain in the Lord/'* TheWes- The fijst duty which engaged the personal attention of and jour- Wesley and his brother, after the close of this Confer- "^^*' ence, was a searching investigation into the state of the London Society. They exerted themselves to purge it of all that did not walk according to the Gospel, and thus reduced the number of members to less than 1,900. About a fortnight after the Conference, Charles Wesley set out from London with Mr. Meriton for Cornwall. At Sticklepath he found an aged clergyman, who had been sent to meet him by Mr. Thompson, the pious rector of St. Ginnys. This minister was an acquaintance of Samuel Wesley, of Epworth, and had been brought to a sa\ing acquaintance with the Gospel by hearing Mr. Thompson preach salvation by faith. Mr. Wesley was conducted by him to St. Ginnys, where he preached in the church twice on the next day, Sunday, July 15th. On the following day he preached in the church at Laneast, at the request of Mr. Bennett, the minister ; and on the day after came to the neighbourhood of Gwennap. On seeing the state of the country, he writes thus in his Journal : " Here a little one is become a thousand. What an amazing work hath God done in one year ! The whole country is alarmed, and gone forth after the sound of the Gospel. In vain do the pulpits ring of Popery, madness, enthusiasm ! Our preach- ers are daily pressed to new places, and enabled to preach five or six times a day. Persecution is kept off till the seed takes root. Societies are springing up everywhere : and still the cry from aU sides is, ' Come and help us."" " These clergymen continued nearly three weeks preaching every- * " Joiu-nal," June 25tli, 1744. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 235 where to large congregations with great acceptance and success. During this visit the raging of persecution was mercifully stayed. Mr. Wesley speaks of one stone, and but one, having been thrown at them while walking near the quay at St. Ives ; and this is the more remarkable as about a fortnight before a furious mob had paraded the streets at midnight, and had broken the windows in the houses of all who were supposed to be attached to Method- ism. On their return from the west, Mr. Charles Wesley again preached at St. Ginnys and Laneast. The scene in the latter church must have been very strange and ex- citing. The preacher was bearing his earnest testimony against what are called "harmless diversions ;^^ and added, " ' I was by them kept dead to God, asleep in the deviFs arms, secure in a state of damnation, for eighteen years.' Mr. Meriton added aloud, ' And I for twenty-five.' ' And \' cried Mr. Thompson, 'for tiiirty-five.' 'And I,' said Mr. Bennett, ' for above seventy.' " "^ After preaching at some places in the north of Devon, Charles Wesley crossed the Channel to Wales, visited the Societies, preached at the different places there, and arrived on the 17th of August at Bristol. Wesley had, during this year, to expel T. Williams, one of the itinerant preachers, from the Society, for making and circulating a false and scandalous report respecting Mr. Charles Wesley. This defamation, though greatly palliated by a subsequent writer, was perpetrated under circumstances of peculiar atrocity, and for a Avhile greatly affected ^Ir. Charles Wesley's health and spirits, until, like David, he turned his sorrows into songs, and poured forth the griefs of his soul in beautiful but very mournful verse. The preachers stationed in Cornwall at this time were * Charles 'Wesley's "Joui-ual," vol. i., p 376. 236 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Henry Millard and Thomas Westall ; and they and their people appear to have been greatly persecuted almost the whole of this summer, excepting only the short time that Mr. Charles "Wesley was in the west. Indeed, Wesley says, in his Journal, " All this summer our brethren in the west had as hot service as those in the north of England ; the war against the Methodists, so called, being everywhere carried on with far more vigour than that against the Spa- niards." * In September, Mr. Westall was arrested whilst preaching at Camborne, taken to Penzance, and committed to Bodmin by three justices. He had to He in gaol until the next quarter-sessions, when his committal was declared to be contrary to law, and he was discharged. Wesley himself remained in and about London and Bris- tol from the Conference until near the middle of February, when, with. Richard Moss, who was received into the house at the Foundery as a servant in 1744, and was now for the first time employed as an itinerant preacher, he set out for the north. On reaching Newcastle, Wesley made the fol- lowing entry in his Journal : " Many a rough journey have I had before, but one like this I never had : between wind, and hail, and rain, and ice, and snow, and driving sleet, and piercing cold : but it is past ; those days will return no more, and are therefore as though they liad never been. ' Pain, disappointment, siclciicss, strife, Whate'er molests or troubles life. However grievous in its stay It shakes the tenement of clay. When past as nothing we esteem. And pain, like pleasm'e, is a dream.' " Wesley remained in the neighbourhood of Newcastle untn about the middle of April. In this way he carried * Wesley's "Works," vol. i., p. 445. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 237 out tlie plan lie had laid down, of carefully attending to the Societies where they had been gathered, and then ej;tend- ing the Gospel message to places beyond. On the 29th of July, 1744, John Nelson was released Release of from his captivity, — it is said, mainly through the influence ^ °^ ^hoVad of the Countess of Huntingdon, — and permitted to retire been pressed ° _ for a soldier, from his compulsory soldiership. The next day he preached in the chapel at Newcastle, and then returned to York- sliire, where he renewed his course of untiring devotedness and zeal. Mention should here be made of Mr. Francis Scott, of Francis Wakefield, a companion spirit of Nelson, Bennett, and wakefieid. Reeves, who had now begun to preach. He was a joiner and cabinet-maker in Westgate, Wakefield, and was ren- dered very useful in bringing sinners to God. His brother John, who also was a local preacher, was his foreman, to whom Francis made an offer of a part of his business ; but John refused, saying, " I would rather decline, as I can now put off the world every Saturday night with my apron." John, however, taking the entire management of the busi- ness in the absence of his brother, left Francis at liberty to prosecute those itinerant labours in which he so much delighted. He was frequently out ten days or a fortnight at once, riding his own horse, and defraying his own expenses ; and took his turn with ^yilliam Shent and others in visiting Newcastle. They even went so far as Musselburgh in Scotland, and were introduced by John Bennett into Derbyshire and Cheshire. Mr. Francis Scott was the first person in Wakefield who took the Methodist preachers into his house. He also fitted up a building in his yard as a chapel, with a pulpit at one end, and a gallery at the other ; the intermediate space being filled wuth forms. When Wesley came into this neighbourhood, Mr. Scott^s house 238 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. was the place to which all the preachers in the surrounds ing district came to seek advice and direction from their chief. Allusion has been made to William Shent ; and the important part which he took in the early dissemination of the Gospel in Yorkshire^ renders it necessary to give a brief notice of him here. Some time after John Nelson established regular preaching at Birstal^ he wrote in his Journal, " Now the people from every quarter flocked to Birstal on the Sabbath, but as yet there came only three from Leeds, — Mary Shent, and two other women.^'"^ These two women were Mary Weddale and Mary Maude : they were in consequence called " the three Marys." These were the first Methodists in Leeds. William Shent was a barber, having a shop for his business in Briggate. His wife, having heard, from his customers in the shop, of Nelson^s preaching at Birstal, and of Wesley's occasional visits there, determined to go and hear for herself. Having induced her two acquaintances to accompany her, they took some food in their pockets, walked to Birstal, heard Nelson preach, retired to a field, sat down by a hedge and ate their dinner : then they attended preaching in the after- noon, and returned to Leeds in the evening. It is said that, on the first visit of this kind which they paid to Birstal, Mavj Shent was converted, and returned home happy in God. William Shent, moved by the representations of his wife, was induced to hear Mr. Charles Wesley or Mr. Graves, and was by means of Methodist preaching brought to a knowledge of the truth. " His conversion,'' says John Nelson, " made an uproar in Leeds," because he said he knew his sins were forgiven. There was then no Society * Nelson's " Journal," p. 70. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 239 in the town, nor any meetings for worship of any kind in connexion with the Methodists. It has therefore been a great qnestion how his simple tale of finding mercy should make a general uproar. But the circumstances of the case explain the difficulty. William Shent was a barber who occupied a well-accustomed shop; and having found the pearl of great price, he freely told his customers of the fact. The intelligence was novel : some went to the shop on pur- pose to hear the strange tale ; and, as he did not wish " to eat liis morsel alone/' he made a point of speaking to all on the subject. The rich and the poor thus alike heard what God had done for him. Tliis did much to direct pubUc attention in Leeds to Methodism, and a large upper room was soon after obtained, preaching established, and a small Society formed, as already stated. Afterward, for about twelve months, the preaching-place in Leeds was in a building in Eockley Hall Yard ; next, in a house in East Street ; after which, they obtained possession of In- gram Hall, a commodious and more suitable building, which stood at the foot of Richmond Hill. Wesley preached here on his return from Newcastle, in April, 1745. Afterward, as he informs us, at John Bennett's request, he preached at several places in Lancashire and Cheshire. On one of those occasions, a scene was presented which, although perhaps not very uncommon in those days, may serve to show to the Wesleyans of our time the thirst for the word of the Lord which influenced some w-ho then heard the Gospel. A young man named Pedley, from Congleton, being in London working at his trade, heard Mr. White- field preach, and was much impressed with the sermon. This induced him to buy a copy of one of Whitefield's printed Discourses, and to send it to his father at Con. gleton. It happened that this tract fell into the hands of 240 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. a young man named Thomas Buckley, of Astbury. At first he saw nothing particular in this sermon, but after a while light shone upon his mind ; he read tlie Bible and the Prayer Book as new books ; and, either through his instrumentality or that of others, his wife and some of their neighbours were similarly affected. Just then it was reported that the Methodists preached at old Mary Aldersley^s, at Shrigley Fold, near Macclesfield ; and, being anxious to hear the Gospel, they went there, and were much edified by what they heard. They afterwards learned that John Wesley, on his return from Newcastle, was to preach on a certain evening at Rode Hall, the residence of Roger Moss, about five miles from Congleton. " "When the night came,^' says Thomas, '' six or seven of us went. My wife carried a child, which was eight months old, in her apron. When we arrived, there was Mr. Wesley and three more preachers. Mr. Wesley preached from Rom. iii. 23. He gave notice for preaching at five o^ clock on the following morning. We got leave of Roger Moss to sit by the fire all night.^^ "^ Such was the thirst for the word of the Lord in those days. After his return from the north, Wesley went into Corn- wall, then the seat of a furious and general persecution. In company with Mr. Shepherd, he visited all the Societies, preached everywhere to crowded congregations^ but was frequently placed in the most imminent peril. The clergy and gentry took the lead in these scandalous outrages on all law and order. Mr. Thomas Maxfield was arrested, and offered to a man-of-war lying in Mount^s Bay. The officer refusing to take him, he was put into a dungeon at Penzance, and afterwards delivered to one who was to act as an officer, and to keep him in custody, that he might be sent to serve * Dyson's "'\Ycsleyan Mutliodism in Congleton," p. 20. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 241 as a soldier. Wesley remained in Cornwall on that occa- sion about six weeks, and returned through Wales to Bristol just in time for the meeting of Conference. The second CoTiference was held at Bristol, and began The second on the 1st of August, 1745. There were present, John 174*^/ Wesley, Charles Wesley, John Hodges, Thomas Kichards, Samuel Larwood, Thomas Meyrick, Richard Moss, John Slocombe, Herbert Jenkins, and Marmaduke Gwynne. So that at this Conference, beside the two Wesleys, there was but one clergj^man, Mr. Hodges, rector of Wenvo, the other seven being lay preachers. Of this meeting Wesley wrote, " We had our second Conference with as many of the brethren who labour in the word as could be present." On this occasion, the theological doctrines mooted at the first Conference were carefully reviewed : the opinions then given, and the forms of expression in which they were conveyed, were now very carefully scrutinized, and in some cases modified. The fidelity of the preachers also, in respect of the rules that had been laid down, was considered, and suitable admonitions were administered. The greatest precaution was also taken by Wesley at this time in enacting suitable rules for the discussions of these annual Conferences. It was accordingly decided that " care should be taken to check no one, either by word or look, even though he should say what is quite wrong." And, " that every point might be fully debated and tho- roughly settled," it was resolved " to beware of making haste, or of showing or indulging any impatience, whether of delay or contradiction." * On Saturday, August 3rd, a long and very important discussion, of which no mention whatever is made in the octavo Minutes, took place on "points of discipline." * "Disciplinary ^linutes," p. 8. VOL. T. M 242 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. This conversation opened with the following questions and answers : — " Q. Can he be a spiritual governor of the cliurchj who is not a believer, not a member of it ? A. It seems not : though he may be a governor in outward things, by a power derived from the king. Q. What are properly the laws of tbe Church of England ? A. The rubrics ; and to these we submit as an ordinance of man for the Lord's sake. Q. Is not the will of our governors a law ? A. No ; not of any governor, temporal or spiritual. Therefore, if any bishop wills that I should not preach the Gospel, his will is no law to me. Q. But what if he pro- duce a law against your preaching ? A. 1 am to obey God rather than man. Q. Is Episcopal, Presbyterian, or Inde^ pendent church government most agreeable to reason ? A. Origin and The plain Origin of church government seems to be this : progress of church go- Christ sends forth a preacher of the Gospel. Some who hear him, repent, and believe the Gospel. They then desu'e him to watch over them, to build them up in the faith, and to guide their souls in the paths of righteousness. Here, then, is an Independent congregation ; subject to no pastor but their own, neither liable to be controlled in things spiritual by any other man or body of men whatso- ever. But soon after, some from other parts who are occasionally present, while he speaks in the name of Him that sent him, beseech him to come over to help them also. Knowing it to be the will of God, he consents ; yet not till he has conferred with the wisest and holiest of his con- gregation, and with their advice appointed one, or more, who has gifts and grace, to watch over the flock tiU his return. If it please God to raise a flock in the new place, before he leaves them, he does the same thing ; appointing one whom God has fitted for the work, to watch over these souls also. In like manner, in every place where it pleases God to vernment. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 243 gather a little flock by his word, he appoints one, in his absence, to take the oversight of the rest, and to assist them of the ability which God giveth. These are deacons, or servants of the church, and look on the first pastor as their common father. And all these congregations regard him in the same light, and esteem him still as the shepherd of their souls. "These congregations are not absolutely independent. They depend on one pastor, though not on one another. As these congregations increase, and as their deacons grow in years and grace, they need other subordinate deacons or helpers ; in respect of whom they may be called presbyters or elders ; as their father in the Lord may be called the bishop or overseer of them all. Q. Is mutual consent absolutely necessary between the pastor and the flock ? d. No question : I cannot guide any soul, unless he consent to be guided by me. Neither can any soul force me to guide him, if I consent not. Q. Does the ceasing of this consent on either side dissolve the relation ? A. It must in the very nature of things. If a man no longer consent to be guided by me, I am no longer his guide, I am free. If one will not guide me any longer, I am free to seek one who will. Q. But is the shepherd free to leave his sheep, or the sheep to leave their shepherd ? A. Yes, if one or the others are convinced, it is for the glory of God, and the superior good of their souls. Q. How shall we treat those who leave us ? A. 1. Beware of all sharp- ness, or bitterness, or resentment. 2. Talk with them once or twice at least. 3. If they persist in their design, consider them as dead, and name them not except in prayer.^' "^ Further questions and answers elicited opinions that the * "Disciplinary Minutes," pp. 9-12. M 2 244 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. existing Societies were as many as Wesley could at that time adequately superintend ; that therefore it might be advisable to preach in some large towns, and more espe- cially in Wales and Cornwall, without forming any new Societies. It was also said, that a course too timiH or pusillanimous had been taken with regard to the opposing clergy ; and that, whenever occasion offered, such should not only be answered, but that the charge should be retorted. " Their mouths must be stopped, (only in meek- ness and love,) and the eyes of others opened." It was also held to be desirable to converse more with the clergy, and even with persecutors. It was then asked, with respect to the lay helpers, " Q. Should any other rule be added to the twelve ? A. Only this : ' You have nothing to do but to save souls. There- fore spend and be spent in this work. And go always not only to those who want you, but to those who want you most.' "'^ Throughout these Minutes the lay preachers are uniformly called "assistants ;" and yet, in answer to the next question, some of them are evidently selected from the others as special assistants of Wesley in the supervision of the work of God throughout the country. " Q. Who are our present assistants ? A. Jonathan Reeves, James Wheatley, John Nelson, John Bennett, John Trembath, Francis Walker, Thomas Eichards, John Downes, Thomas WestaD, James Jones, Samuel Larwood, Henry Millard, Thomas Maxfield, Thomas ]\Ieyrick."t Almost immediately after this Conference, the country was thrown into violent commotion by the arrival in Scot- land of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, who, being joined by some Scotch chieftains, unfurled his standard, and pro- claimed war against the House of Hanover, as usurping the * " Disciplinary Minutes," p. 12. f Hid. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 245 tlirone of Great Britaiu, which he claimed for his father. When this intelKgence was announced, Wesley was preach- ing and visiting the Societies in Yorkshire. At Leeds, he says, the mob pelted him and the congregation with stones and dirt on their way home from worship. This was rather unusual in the town ; for, in consequence of the friendly bearing of the clergy, and the sensible conduct of the magistrates, the Methodists up to thi§ time had been per- secuted less in Leeds than in any other large town where they preached extensively. On hearing the intelligence of the rebellion, Wesley hastened to Newcastle, where he found the inhabitants in the utmost consternation ; the news having just reached that town, that the Pretender had entered Edinburgh. Soon afterwards, intelligence was received that the rebels had defeated the king's troops at Preston Pans, in which action the brave and pious Colonel Gardiner fell. This victory of the rebels greatly increased the alarm of the country. Tlie mayor of Newcastle summoned the townsmen to meet him at the Town Hall, for the purpose of taking measures for the defence of the town. Wesley wrote a pious and spirited letter to the mayor, inculcated everywhere the soundest loyalty, and preached incessantly. He remained in Newcastle and the neighbourhood until November 4th. When it was known that the rebel army had crossed the jjorder, and were marching southward, Wesley returned to London, preaching by the way at Bilston and Wednes- bury. In March, 1746, he was again in the north, in company with Mr. Downes and Mr. Shepherd. The third Conference was held at Bristol, May 12 th, The third Conference, 1746. It was attended by John Wesley, Charles Wesley, 1746. John Hodges, Jonathan Reeves, Thomas Maxfleld, Thomas Westall, Thomas Wilhs, Samuel Taylor, and Thomas Glas- 246 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. cot. The two latter were not present on Monday ; they arrived on Tuesday morning.^ The first question which appears to have been proposed on this occasion, was, " Who are the properest persons to be present at any Conference of this nature? A. 1. As many of the preachers as con- veniently can; 2. The most earnest and most sensible of the band leaders where the Conference is; and, 3. Any pious and judicious stranger, who may be occasionally in the place/'t Afterward, throughout the remainder of Monday and the whole of Tuesday, the Conference was occupied in a further examination into divers points of theology. The moral condition of man in his natural state, the nature of faith, justification, and other doctrines, were carefully re^dewed. These discussions were highly interesting and important, and placed the essential truths of the Gospel in a clear and strong light, and carefully guarded them against error and abuse. Mode of ex- rjij^g ^^jj ^^^ qualification of laymen to the office of aminmg lay ^ *' preachers, ministers, as Methodist preachers, were at this time also carefully considered and defined. As this is one of the most important parts of the Methodist economy, it seems desirable to give the judgment of this early Conference on the subject in its own words. " Q. How shall we try those who think they are moved by the Holy Ghost and called of God to preach ? A, Inquire, 1. Do they know God as a pardoning God? Have they the love of God abiding in them ? Do they desire and seek nothing but God ? And are they holy in all manner of conversation ? 2. Have they gifts (as well as grace) for the work ? Have they (in some tolerable degree) a clear, sound understanding ? Have they a right * " Discipliuary Minutes." f Idid., p. 14. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 247 judgment in the things of God ? Have they a just concep- tion of salvalion by faith ? And has God given them any degree of utterance ? Do they speak justly, readily, clearly ? 3. Have they fruit ? Are any truly convinced of sin, and converted to God, by their preaching ? As long as these three marks concur in any, we believe he is called of God to preach. These we receive as a sufficient proof that he is moved thereto by the Holy Ghost. " Q. But how shall we know whether they concur or not in any particular person ? A. \. If he is near us, we will talk with him on the three preceding heads, and then hear him preach. 2. We will desire him to write down or relate the reasons why he thinks he is called of God thereto. 3. We will examine those who seem to have been convinced of sin, or converted to God, by his preach- ing. 4. If he is at a distance, we will desire the assistant to do this ; and to inquire, What is the judgment of the Society in that place concerning him ? Q. What method may we use in receiving a new helper ? A. K. proper time for doing this is at a Conference, after solemn fasting and prayer. We then receive him as a probationer, by giving him the ]\Iinutes of the Conference inscribed thus : * To ' A. B. ' You think it your duty to call sinners to repent- ance, ^lake full proof hereof, and we shall be glad to receive you as a fellow-labourer. Observe, you are not to ramble up and down, but to go where the assistant directs, and there only.^ Let him then read and carefully weigh what is contained therein, and see whether he can agree to it or not. If he can, let him come to the next Conference, when, after examination, fasting, and prayer, he may be received into full connexion with us, by giving him the Minutes inscribed thus : ' So long as you freely consent to, and earnestly endeavour to walk by, these rules, we shall 248 HISTORY OV WESLEYAN METHODISM. rejoice to acknowledge you as a fellow-labourer/ " ^ This form of admission was afterwards modified, and the term of probation extended. But in this manner the first race of Methodist preachers were selected and set ajxirt for the ministry of the word. Eespecting the form of admitting a preacher it was asked, " Q. Why do we not use more form and solemnity in the receiving a new labourer ? A. We purposely decline it. 1. Because there is something of stateliness in it. 2. Because we would not make haste. We desire barely to follow Providence, as it gradually opens." f Many other questions were put and answered at this time, touching the special employment of a select number of assistants; the benefits that result to the assistants generally from their keeping journals ; the character in which they consider themselves ; an outline plan for the guidance of their studies, and a list of books which they were advised to read ; what should be regarded as a suffi- cient call to a new sphere of labour, &c., &c. First list of At this Conference, for the first time, we are informed of the number and geography of the several Circuits ; but from the language employed it is plain that some such division of the country had been previously made. " Q. How are your Circuits now divided ? A. Into seven : — " 1. London : which includes Surrey, Kent, Essex, Brent- ford, Egham, Windsor, Wycomb. " 2. Bristol : which includes Somersetsliire, Portland, Wilts, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire. " 3. Cornwall. " 4. Evesham : wdiich includes Shrewsbury, Leominster, Hereford, and from Stroud to Wednesbury. * Octavo " Minutes," p. 46. t " Disciplinary Minutes," J). 16. Circuits. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 249 *'5. YouKsniEE : which includes Cheshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutlandshire, and Lincolnshire. "6. Newcastle. ^'7. Wales.'' It was then asked, " Who are our present assistants ? A. Jonathan Reeves, John Bennett, John Houghton, John Nelson, James Wheatley, John Trembath, Thomas Westall, Thomas Richards, John Downes, Thomas Mejrick, Thomas Maxfield, Francis Walker.'' It was afterward decided that copies of the Minutes should only be given to those " who were, or might have been, present."^ Almost immediately after this Conference, Charles Wes- ciiaries Wesley's ley proceeded on a tour of evangelical labour through the journeys, western counties. From Bristol he went to Publow, where, he says, " the wickedness of one, and the enthusiasm of another, have quite destroyed the work of God." Thence he went to Shepton ]\Iallet, where he preached, and passed on to Portland. Here, he says, Friday, June 6th, " I preached to an houseful of staring, loving people, from Jer. 1. 20. Some wept, but most looked quite unawakened. At noon and night I preached on an hill in the midst of the island. Most of the inhabitants came to hear ; but few as yet feel the burden of sin, or the want of a Saviour." t On the Sunday following he preached again after the evening service, when some appeared to evince greater signs of emotion than had been before observed. On Monday he preached at Southwell in the morning, on the hill at noon, and at night at his lodgings. " Now," he says, " the power and the blessing came. My mouth and their hearts were opened. The rocks were broken in pieces, and * " Disciplinary Minutes," p. 19. t Charles Wesley's " Journal," vol. i., p. 416. M 5 250 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. melted into tears on every side. I continued exhorting them, from seven till ten, to save themselves from this un- toward generation. "We could hardly part. I left the little Society of twenty members confirmed and comforted.^'"^ The 84th Hymn in the Wesleyan Hymn Book was composed on this occasion. From Portland, Charles Wesley went on to Tavistock, Plymouth, and Corn- wall, At Gwennap, after an individual examination of the Society, he found that the violent persecutions they had endured 'had been promotive of their spi- ritual interests, and that they were in a prosperous state. In other parts of the county he was also greatly pleased at the godly experience of the people. At St. Just he examined a part of the Society in the evening, and made the following entry in his " JournaP' the next day : " At four I talked with more of the Society, and adored the miracle of grace which has kept these sheep in the midst of wolves. Well may the despisers behold and wonder. Here is a bush in the fire, bui'ning, yet not consumed ! What have they not done to crush this rising sect ? but lo ! they pre- vail nothing ! Por one preacher they cut off, twenty spring up. Neither persuasions nor threatening, flattery nor violence, dungeons nor sufferings of various kinds can conquer them. ]\Iany waters cannot quench this little spark which the Lord hath kindled, neither shall the floods of persecution drown it."t Wesley's Throughout tliis year, Wesley prosecuted the work of an evangelist and apostolic bishop with his usual diligence and success. In August he spent some time in Wales; he was in Cornwall in September; early in December he was about a week in Lewisham, writing scriptural lessons * Charles Wesley's " Journal," vol. i., p. 416. t Ibid., vol. i., p. 423. incessant labours. BOOK II. CHAPTEE III. 251 for children. When not actually engaged in travelling, he was mostly occupied at London or at Bristol, or in the vicinity of those cities, leading sinners to repentance, and building up believers in the faith of the Gospel. The steady and zealous attention of Wesley to the character, conduct, and spiritual state of the individual members of his Societies is truly remarkable. In 1745, he carefully examined the Society in London one by one, and wrote a hst of the whole with his own hand, numbered from 1 to 2,008. In 174G, he repeated this operation, and wrote another list, in which the number was reduced to 1,939. In the course of this year, William Shent, who had for some time been engaged as a local preacher in Leeds, extended the sphere of his labours, and began to itinerate. His business, however, of hairdresser and barber was still carried on in Briggate as before ; he having had two journeymen and two or tlu-ee apprentices when he became a Methodist. Tliis practice was at that time by no means uncommon. We have seen that John Nelson woidd work a week or two at his trade, even when travelling with Wesley, in order to provide for his support. And so, when Wesley sent Jacob Rowell to organize the Dales Cir- cuit, the good man commenced by setting up a shop to afford him a maintenance. The fourth Conference was held at the Foundery, Lon- The fourtii don, and began on June 16th, 1747. There were present, 1747,^'^ John Wesley, Charles Wesley, Charles Manning, (vicar of Hayes,) Richard Thomas Bateman, (rector of St. Bartholo- mew the Great,) Henry Piers, Howell Harris, and Thomas Hardwick. It was then asked, "Which of our brethren shall we invite to be present at this Conference ? A. John Jones, Thomas ]\Iaxfield, Jonathan Reeves, John Nelson, John Bennett, John Downes, Thomas Crouch, Robert Swin- 252 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. tlells, and John Maddern.^^^ This was therefore by far the largest Conference which had as yet been held. To the preceding names must be added that of Mr. Perronet, vicar of Shoreham, who arrived during the morning sitting. The Conference having been thus constituted, the first inquiry was, "How may the time of this Conference be made more eminently a time of prayer, watching, and self- denial ?" The reply charged on the mind of every mem- ber " to have an especial care to set God always before us," and, further, to employ the intervals of the sittings in visit- ing the sick, and in prayer. A regulation was then made, by which, on the opening of every Conference, the Minutes of the preceding one should be read. Scarcely any point was more carefully regarded by Wesley, in these early stages of Methodism, than the importance of clearly under- standing and fully maintaining the right of private judg- ment. We accordingly find that, although the question had been previously asked and answered, it was again inquired, " How far does each of us agree to submit to the unanimous judgment of the rest? A. In speculative things each can only submit so far as his judgment shall be convinced. In every practical point, so far as we can with- out wounding our several consciences. Q. Can a Christian submit any farther than this, to any man, or number of men, upon earth ? ^. It is undeniably plain he cannot : either to pope, council, bishop, or convocation. And this is that grand principle of every man's right to private judgment, in opposition to implicit faith in man, on which Calvin, Luther, Melancthon, and all the ancient Eeformers, at home and abroad, proceeded. Every mafi must think for himself; since every man must give an account for hhnself toGod."t * "Disciplinary Minutes," p. 20. f Hid., pp. 20, 21. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 253 This conversation then went on to explain the nature of schism as being a division in the Church regarded as the Hving body of Christ ; and to prove that the promoters of Methodism were no more guilty of schism than of rebellion or murder, as they continued to hold the same communion with the Church which they ever did. But it was asked, " You profess to obey both the rules and the governors of the Church. Yet in many instances you do not obey them. How is this consistent ? A. It is entirely consistent. AYe act at all times on one plain uniform principle. We will obey the rules and governors of the Church whenever we can, consistent with our duty to God. Whenever we can- not, we quietly obey God rather than man." Again, it was asked, "But why do you say, you are thrust out of the churches ? Has not every minister a right to dispose of his own church ? A. He ought to have, but, in fact, he has not. A minister desires I should preach in his church, but the bishop forbids him. That bishop then injures him, and thrusts me out of the church."'^ The conversation proceeded to show that the term "c/i2ircA" in the New Testament means "a single con- gregation ; " that a national church is " a merely politi- cal institution ; " that the three orders of bishops, priests and deacons, generally obtained in the early ages of the church ; but that uniformity of church government is not taught in Holy Scripture, and for the reason, that some variety in this respect may be necessary ; and that uni- formity was never attempted till the time of Constantine.t One of these questions, with its answer, shall be given entire, to show Wesley^s opinion, and that of his coadjutors, in one important feature of English ecclesiastical history. "Q . In what age was the divine right of episcopacy first * "Disciplinary Minutes," p. 22. f Ibid., p. 23. 254 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. asserted in England? A. About the middle of Queen Elizabeth's reign. TiU then all bishops and clergy in England continually allowed and joined in the ministra- tions of those who were not episcopally ordained." * An important conversation also took place this day on the nature of faith and assurance, and the extent to which the latter is the common privilege of Christian believers. On the following day (Wednesday) the subject of discourse was, sanctification, its nature, perfection, and fruits. On Thursday it was asked, " Have we not Kmited field preaching too much? A. It seems we have." Several reasons were then assigned for continuing and extend- ing the practice. Eespect of persons, visiting the sick, the means of getting rid of unworthy members, and of purging the bands from aU unfit persons, were then considered. In answer to the inquiry, " Who are our present assist- ants ?" we have the following list : " John Jones, Jonathan Reeves, John Houghton, Joseph Cownley, James Wheat-, ley, John Nelson, John Trembath, Eobert Swindells, Tho- mas Richards, Samuel Larwood, Thomas Westall, Francis Walker, John Bennett, Thomas Maxfield, John Downes, Richard Moss, Edward Dunstan, Thomas Meyrick, Richard Williamson, John Maddern, perhaps James Jones and Richard Webster." In addition to these there follows a list of thirty-eight persons who are said " to assist chiefly in one place ."t The remainder of the conversation respected the behaviour of the assistants, their studies and work, with several advices for their guidance. Soon after this Conference Wesley went to Bristol and Kingswood, thence through Tavistock and Plymouth to * "Disciplinary Minutes," p. 23. f Ibid., pp. 24, 25. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 255 Cornwall. Here he found the state of the Societies Travels greatly altered. He says, ''Tuesday, June 30th, we of\j^e came to St. Ives before morning prayers, and walked to Lesleys, church without so much as one huzza. How strangely has one year altered the scene in Cornwall ! This is now a peaceable, nay, honourable station. They give us good words almost in every place. What have we done, that the world should be civil to us?""^ Even John Eogers, of Camborne, the persevering and violent persecutor of the Methodists, at this time gave up the case as hopeless, saying, " One may as well blow against the wind.^' Throughout the whole of AYest Cornwall, the Societies had peace. It was only at Port Isaac and Camelford that Wesley was at all molested dui'ing this tour. Soon after- ward, he paid a short visit to Ireland, where there had been recently a very violent persecution. Immediately, as his brother came back from that island, Charles Wesley crossed the Channel, reached Dublin on September 9th, and continued preaching in that city, or travelling through the country, frequently exposed to great peril from the violence of infuriated mobs, until March, 1748; when, on the return of his brother to DubUn, he came to England. Wesley pursued in the Irish capital the course he had adopted with so much success in England. He carefully inquired into the religious state of every mem- ber of the Society ; and found, after this had been done, that instead of a large increase in its numbers, there was a great decrease. Wesley continued in Ireland until May. This year gave to ]\Iethodism the valuable auxiliary labours of the llev. WiUiam Grimshaw, — a clergyman of * Wesley's "Works," vol. ii., p. 60. 256 histohy of wesleyan Methodism. Conversion Hawortli^ Yorkshire, — as an itinerant preacher. This pious shaw. He and excellent minister was savingly converted to God in vmt^sto ir^^2. He united himself to the Methodists in 1745. Wesley. The following extracts from a letter, written by this eminent minister to Wesley, dated "Ewood, August 20th, 1747," cast important light upon the views he entertained, and the course of labour he pursued at this period. In this letter he says, "The method which the least and most unworthy of my Lord's ministers takes in his parish is this : I preach the Gospel glad tidings of salvation to penitent sinners, through faith in Christ's blood only, twice every Lord's day the year round, save when I expound the Church Catechism and the Thirty-nine Articles, or read the Homilies, which in substance T think it my duty to do in some part of tlie year annually, on the Lord's day in the mornings. I have found the practice, I bless God, of inexpressible benefit to my congregation." Then, after speaking of his regular manner of visiting his parishioners, he goes on to say, " But O, dear sir, I know not what to say, I know not what to do. Sometimes I have made more excursions into the neighbouring parishes to exhort, but always with a Nicodemical fear, and to the great offence of the clergy, which, till lately, almost made me resolve to sally out no more, but content myself in my own bounds : till lately, I say ; for on Wednesday was six weeks, from about five o'clock in the afternoon to about twelve at night, and again for some hours together, I may say, the day following, my mind was deeply aft'ected with strong impressions to preach the Gospel abroad. The event I left to the Lord, fearing to be disobedient to what I trust was the heavenly call. The first thing suggested to my mind was to visit William Darney's Societies. I accordingly met one of them about a month ago. Last BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 257 week I struck out into Lancashire and Cheshire, Mr. Bennett bearing me company." After detailing his various routes, the state of the Societies, and the benefit he himself had derived from tliis additional labour, he proceeds, " I now in some measure begin to see the import of our Lord's design, by that deep impression upon my mind above mentioned : I am deter- mined therefore to add, by the divine assistance, to the care of my own parish, that of so frequent visitation of Mr. Bennett's, WiUiam Darney's, the Leeds and Birstal Societies, as my own convenience will permit, and their circumstances may respectively seem to require ; all along eyeing the Lord's will and purposes for me. If I find the Lord's pleasure be that I must launch out further, I will obey ; for He daily convinces me more and more of what He has graciously done, and will do, for my soul." After further expression of his obligations to God, and earnest desire to serve Him faithfully, he goes on to say, " What I pui'pose concerning the surveying the abovesaid Societies, as I have great cause to believe it is the Lord's will, so I question not but it will be agreeable to your conception of it. I desire to do nothing but in perfect harmony and concert with you, and therefore beg you wiU be entirely free, open, and communicative to me. I bless God I can discover no other at present but a very perfect agreement between your sentiments, prniciples, &c., of religion, and my own ; and therefore desire you will, (as I do to you,) from time to time, lay before me such rules, places, pro- posals, &c., as you conceive most conducive to the welfare of the Church, the private benefit of her members, and in the whole to the glory of the Lord. My pulpit, I hope, shall be always at yours and your brother's service ; and my house, so long as I have one, your welcome home. 258 HISTOUY OP WESLEYAN METffODISM. The same I '11 make it to all your fellow-labourers, tlirough the grace of God "lam " Your affectionate, but very unworthy, Brother in the Lord, "William Grimshaw." And CO- The importance of Mr. Grimshaw's labours to the infant witii him. cause of Mctliodism, and the misrepresentations which have been put forth as to the origin and extent of his connexion with Wesley and his Societies, render the insertion of these copious extracts from his letter necessary. These not only show that he entertained the same religious views as Wesley, but that the connexion was not occasioned by any appH- cation or urgency of the founder of Methodism, but arose entirely from Mr. Grimshaw's own religious convictions, — from his being " deeply affected with strong impressions to preach the Gospel abroad.'^ Nor did this pious clergyman, in aiding the efforts of the Methodist preachers, introduce any innovations into the Methodist system, so far as it was at that time organized ; or in any respect act as one not fully identified with it. On the contrary, so fully did he unite himself with Wesleyan interests, that the circuit to which his labours extended, and which reached to Birstal and Leeds, was popularly called " Mr. Grimshaw's circuit," and the preachers who were stationed there, "Mr. Grim- shaw's preachers,^' because he officiated as the assistant (or superintendent) of that circuit. He also visited the classes quarterly, and renewed the tickets ; he attended and preached at the quarterly meetings, and held love-feasts in the Societies. He maintained the strictest intimacy with the preachers, entertained them at his house, had them to preach in his kitchen, he giving notice of such ser- vices in his church; until he had built a chapel and BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 259 dwelling-house for them^ as he afterwards did at his own expense. A Society had been formed at this time in Manchester ; A Method- but the origin of Methodism in that noble city was of a |^-, Man- very humble character. The rehgious principles main- Chester, tained by the band of godly young men at Oxford^ were preached at Manchester at a very early date, by the Rev. Mr. Clayton, one of their number, who became minister of the old church. The first mention, however, of a Society in this city is in 1747, when it is said, in a letter from Mr. John Bennett to Wesley, that " some young men of Manchester (that spoke with Mr. Charles "Wesley when he was with us last) have begun a Society, and took a room, and have subscribed their names in a letter to Mr. Charles, desiring you will own them as brethren, and visit them in your return. They also desire any of us helpers in the Gospel may call on them. T have sent their letter to London. Dear Sir, do not forget us.''^* The number of these young men was certainly very small ; for when Mr. Richard Barlow joined them, they were but fourteen or fifteen, and he was not one of the original members. Mr. Marsden, who had his information from Richard Barlow, says, " The place in which they had preaching, was a small room in a house near the river Irwell ; " and Mr. C. Hopper calls it " a little garret by the river side.^'t There is no mention of the Conference of 1748 in the xiie fifth octavo edition of the " Minutes." But in the tract referred f °"^'^'«"<^^' 1/48. to before as " Disciplinary Minutes," full particulars of it are found. It began, June 2nd, at the chapel in Tower Street, London ; and there were present, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, William Felton, Charles Manning, Thomas * " Methodist Magazine for 1778," p. 472. t Everett's " Methodism in Manchester," p. 57. 260 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. Maxfield, John Jones, Thomas Meyrick, John Trembath, Edward Perronet, Jonathan Reeves, and afterwards Richard Thomas Bateman, John Green, and William Tucker. The first question and answer marked out the course of its proceeding : " Q. What is our chief business at the pre- sent Conference ? A. Not to consider points of doctrine ; (the time will not permit;) but, 1. To review those parts of the former Conferences which relate to discipline ; and, 2. To settle all things relating to the school which is now to be begun at Kingswood.""^ The next question clearly indicates the pressure which had for some time been brought to bear upon Wesley by those who approved his doctrines, but dreaded the prospect of his raising a sect, which would ultimately separate from the Church : " Q. We are again pressed, * only to preach in as many places as we can, but not to form any Societies : ' shall we follow this advice ? A. By no means. We have made the trial already. We have preached for more than a year, without forming Societies, in a large tract of land, from Newcastle to Berwick-upon-Tweed; and almost all the seed has fallen by the way-side. There is scarce any fruit of it remaining. Q. But what inconveniences do yve observe, -when people are not formed into Societies ? A. These among many others : 1. The preacher cannot give proper exhortations and instructions to those who are con- vinced of sin, unless he has opportunities of meeting them apart from the mixed unawakened multitude. 2. They canuot watch over one another in love, unless they are thus united together. Nor, 3. Can the believers build up one another, and bear one another's burthens.'" On Friday, Howell Harris, Samuel Larwood, James Jones, and AVilliam Shent being added, it was inquired, * ."Disciplinary Minutes," p. • -HI T Conference, Wesley thus speaks of it ; " Most of our preachers met, and 1753. we conversed freely together, morning and afternoon, to the end of the week ; when our Conference ended with the same blessing as it began; God giving us all to be not only of one heart, but of one judgment.^'t There were then present, John Wesley, William Grimshaw, John ]\Iilner, Samuel Larwood, John Haughton, Christopher Hopper, William Shent, John Edwards, WiUiam Hichens, John Fisher, Thomas Walsh, James Jones, John Nelson, Francis Walker, Joseph Jones, Thomas Michel, Nicholas Gilbert, John Hampson, Edward Perronet, Jonathan Maskew, Matthew Lowes, Jacob Kowel, John Haime, Jonathan Callow, William EugiU, John Turnough, James Schofield, Enoch Williams, itinerant preachers : Thomas Colbeck, John Lee, Titus Knight, Benjamin Branland, Joseph Bradley, John Johnson, Thomas Haton, Thomas Johnson, Francis Scott, William Alwood, John Thorpe, Mattliev' Watson, local preachers : and William Parker, J. Coats, WiUiam Greenwood, and John Greenwood. On this occasion it was agreed that the future Conferences * Myles, p. 63. t " Joui'ual," under the date. 278 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. The should be held " at London, Bristol, and Leeds, by turns." ]Vf inutcs. The following questions and answers then occur : " Q. What can be done to bear a sufficient testimony against the cor- ruptions of the Germans. A. It might not be improper to reprint the letter to the church at Hernhut, with some addi- tions, and a dedication to the count. Q. Can we unite, if it be desirable, with Mr. Ingham ? A. We may new behave to him with all tenderness and love, and unite with him when he returns to the old Methodist doctrine. Q. Predestinarian preachers have done much harm among us ; how may this be prevented for the future ? A. 1. Let none of them preach any more in our Societies. 2. Let a loving respectful letter be wrote to Mr. Whitefield, wherein he may be desired to advise his preachers not to reflect (as they have done con- tinually, and that both with gross bitterness and rudeness) either upon the doctrines, or discipline, or person of Mr, Wesley, among his own Societies ; to abstain himself (at least, when he is among Mr. Wesley's people) from speak- ing against either his doctrines, rules, or preachers ; not to declare war anew as he has done, by a needless digression in his late sermon. Q. Are any of our own preachers tainted with predestination? A. We know of none but John Broseworth, of Pishgate. Q. Does he do any hurt by his opinion ? A. Very much. For he is continually cavilling wdth the preachers, and disputing with them. Q. Wliat can be done to prevent this ? A. 1. Let our preachers preach at his house no more. 2. Let him preach no more in any of our Societies. Q. Are none of our preachers tainted with Antinomianism ? A. We hope not. Q. Shall we read over the Antinomian Dialogues ? A. By all means, (which were read, as were Mr. Baxter''s aphorisms concerning justification) ." After some further consideration of the doctrine of justification tliis day's discussion closed. I BOOK II. CHAPTEK III, 279 Wednesday, May 23rd, the doctrine of sanctificatiou was explained. The importance of preaching strongly and closely on inward and outward holiness was insisted on; and it was urged that more particular attention should be given to the inculcation of relative duties : other theo- logical subjects were explained, and various religious duties enforced ; after which the privations of the preachers, and their duties with reference to the means of improvement, were discussed. The following is a hst of the Circuits and appointments' of the preachers at this Conference : — " 1, London : John Wesley, &c. " 2. Bristol : WilHam Hichens, John Haime, Paul Green- wood. " 3. Devonshire : William Roberts, Peter Jaco. " 4. Cornwall : John Pisher, Thomas Michel, John Turnough, John Penwdck. ** 5. Staffordshire : James Jones, John Thorp. " 6. Cheshire : Jolin Haughton, James Schofield. " 7 and 8. Yorkshire aud Haworth : Jonathan Maskew, John Whitford, Enoch Williams, Joseph Jones, Wniiam Shent, John Edwards. " 9. Lincolnshire : William Pugill, Thomas Johnson, James Schofield. "10. Newcastle : Christopher Hopper, John Hampson, Jonathan CaUow, Jacob llowel. " 11. Wales : Prancis Walker, William Darney. "12. Ireland : Joseph Cownley, Charles Skelton, Thomas Walsh, Samuel Larwood, James Deaves, Thomas Keade, Robert Swindells, James ^lorris, Nicholas Gilbert.^^^ * These Minutes are obtaiued from a SIS. writtca dowu at the time by Jacob Rowel, cue of the preachers preseut. It will be observed that James Schofield is set dowu both for Cheshire 280 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. During this year, while laid up with illness at Bath, Wesley began writing liis " Notes on the New Testament." He was not able to preach for four months, during which time he finished the rough draft of the Notes on the Gospels, and began transcribing them. Singular About tliis time, the daughter of Mr. Jonathan Booth, case of .^ mental of Woodscats, near Sheffield, was afflicted in a remark- iction. ^Y^ manner. Wesley's account of this case is here given : — " June 5th, 1753. — I rode over to Jonathan Booth's, at Woodseats, whose daughter had been ill in a very un- common manner. The account her parents gave of it was as follows : — " About the middle of December, 1753, Elizabeth Booth, junior, near ten years old, began to complain of a pain in her breast, which continued three days. On the fourth day, in a moment, without any provocation, she began to be in a vehement rage, reviling her mother, and throwing at the maid what came next to hand. This fit con- tinued near an hour ; then in an instant she was quite calm. The next morning she fell into a fit of another kind, — being stretched out, and stiff as a dead carcase : Thus she lay about an hour. In the afternoon she was suddenly seized with violent involuntary laughter; and she had some or other of these fits several times a day, for about a mouth. In the intervals of them she was in a great heaviness of soul, and continually crying for mercy ; till one Saturday, as she lay stretched out on the bed, she broke out, ' I know that my Redeemer liveth.' Her faith and love increased from that time ; but so did the violence of her fits also. And often while she was rejoicing and praising God, she would cry and Lincolnsliire. It is supposed that he was appointed to labour half the year in each Circuit, — an arrangement which was not uncommon at this period. i BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 281 out, ' 0 Lord !^ and, losing her senses at once, lie as dead, or laugh violently, or rave and blaspheme. "In the middle of February, she grew more outrageous than ever. She frequently strove to throw herself into the fire, or out of the window. Often she attempted to tear the Bible, cursing it in the bitterest manner ; and many times she uttered oaths and blasphemies, too horrid to be repeated. Next to the Bible, her greatest rage was against the Methodists, — Mr. W. in particular. She frequently told us where he was, and what he was then doing ; adding, 'He will be here soon;^ and at another time, 'Now he is galloping down the lane, and two men with him.^ In the intervals of her fits she was unusually stupid, and moped, as if void of common understanding; and yet sometimes broke out into vehement prayer, to the amaze- ment of all that heard. " Sometimes she would strip herself stark naked, and run up and down the house, screaming and crying, ' Save me ! Save me ! He will tear me in pieces.'' At other times she cried out, ' He is tearing off my breasts ; he is pouring melted lead down my throat. Now I suffer what the martyrs suffered ; but I have not the martyrs' faith.'' " She frequently spoke as if she was another person, saying to her father, ' This girl is not thine, but mine. I have got possession of her, and I will keep her;' with many expressions of the same kind. " She often seemed to be in a trance, and said she saw many visions ; sometimes of heaven or hell, or judgment ; sometimes of things which she said would shortly come to pass. " In the beginning of March, Mrs. G. came over to Bother- ham, who herself gave me the following account : — ' Soon after I came in, she feU into a raging fit, blaspheming and 282 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. cursing lier father and me. She added, ' It was I that made Green's horse so bad the other day : (Which had been taken ill in a most unaccountable manner, as soon as he was. put into the stable :) I did it that thou mightest have the preaching no more ; and I had almost persuaded thee to it. It was I that made thee bad last night/ I was then taken in an unusual way. All the time she spoke she was violently convulsed, and appeared to be in strong agony. After about a quarter of an hour she brake out into prayer, and then came to herself; only still dull and heavy.' " John Thorpe, of Rotherham, had often a desire to pray for her in the congregation ; but he was as often hindered, by a strong and sudden impression on his mind that she was dead. When he came to Woodseats, and began to mention what a desire he had had, the girl, being then in a raging fit, cried out, ' I have made a fool of Thorpe !' and burst out into a loud laughter. " In the beginning of May all these symptoms ceased ; and she continues in health both of soul and body.'' ^ Wesley gives no opinion whatever on this strange case ; but it is clear, from the manner of its narration, that he regarded it as not belonging to the ordinary range of natu- ral disorders. And there are circumstances connected with it, which go strongly to confirm this impression. Jonathan Booth, the father, had been violently opposed to Wesley. This opposition had greatly increased just before this afflic- tion of his daughter ; so much so, that he rode forty miles to meet Wesley and request him to withdraw his preachers from Woodseats. The strange affliction commenced immediately afterwards, and continued above four months. He himself regarded it as a judgment from God on account of his interference, and recalled the preachers, and soon after * Wesley's " Journal," vol. ii., pp. 280, 281. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 283 became a decidedly religious character. Elizabeth was afterward married to John OHver^ one of the preachers. Wesley also aboat this time gives a singular relation of the preaching of one of his preachers in his sleep : — " On Friday, May 25th, about one in the morning, being then fast asleep, he began to speak. There were present, in two or three minutes, William, Mary, and Amelia Shent, John Haime, John Hampson, Joseph Jones, Thomas Mitchell, and Ann Toghill. " He first exhorted the congregation to ' sing with the spirit and the understanding also,^ and gave them directions how to do it. lie then gave out that hymn, line by line, — ' Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, "U' itli all Thy quick'uiug powers ; ' pitching the tune, and singing it to the end. He added an exhortation to take heed how they heard : then he named his text, 1 John v. 19, ' We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.'' He divided his dis- course into six parts ; undertaking to show, 1. That all true believers are of God : 2. That they hww they are of God : 3. That the world lieth in wickedness : 4. That every individual who is of the world, is in this condition : 5. The dreadful end of such : He, 6, closed with an exhortation to those who were of God, and those who were of the world. " After he had gone through two or three heads, he broke oif, and began to speak to a Clergyman, who came in and interrupted him. He disputed with him for some time, leaving him space to propose his objections, and then answering them one by one. Afterwards he desired the congregation, now the disturber was gone, to return thanks to God; and so gave out and sung, ' Praise God, from whom pure blessings flow ! ' " When he had done preacliing, he desired the Society to 284 -HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. meet : to whom he first gave out an hymn, as before, and then exhorted them to love one another ; 1 . Because they had one Creator, Preserver, and Father ; 2. Because they had all one Eedeemer ; 3. Because they had all one Sanc- tifier ; 4. Because they were walking in one way of holi- ness; and, 5. Because they were all. going to one heaven. " Having sung a parting verse, he said, (as shaking each by the hand,) 'Good night, brother; good night, sister.* This lasted till about a quarter after two, he being fast asleep all the time. In the morning he knew nothing of all tliis ; having, as he apprehended, slept from night to morning, without dreaming at all.'''' — " By what principles of philosophy can we account for this ?" '^ The eie- On May 22nd, 1754, the eleventh Conference began at ference ""' l^ondon. Wesley says respecting it, " The spirit of peace 1754. a.nd love was in the midst of us. Before we parted, we all willingly signed an agreement not to act indepen- dently of each other ; so that the breach lately made has only united us more closely than ever." Secession of Tliis appears to have been the first "declaration ever signed i^eves and ^7 Methodist preachers. The same thing has been done other :^ since on many occasions, when the circumstances of the preachers. ... Connexion have required it ; and often with the happiest effects. The breach above referred to was the secession from the body of five of the most eminent preachers, — Jonathan Eeeves, Samuel Larwood, John Whitworth,] Charles Skelton, and John Edwards. It does not appeal that the cause of their retirement was any disagreement] with Wesley on doctrinal or disciplinary measures ; but] it was more probably the very defective provision then] made for the families of preachers. Nor do they seem] to have acted in concert. Jonathan Reeves obtained epis- * Wesley's " Journal," vol. ii., p. 279. BOOK II. CHAPTER HI. 285 copal ordination, became minister of Magdalen Hospital, and afterward curate of Wliitecliapel church. Samuel Larwood settled as an Independent minister in Southwark. John Edwards became pastor of an Independent church at Leeds, and A¥liitworth and Skelton became Independent ministers in other places. Mr. John Edwards appears to have applied to Wesley at, or previous to, the Conference of 1753, for something like a permanent appointment at Leeds ; for, in the Minutes of that year, the following question and answer occur : " Q. Is it expected that John Edwards should settle at Leeds ? A. We can in no wise consent to his staying there always ; but neither him nor us have any objection to his spending half a year in Leeds, the same as any other travelling preacher ; and he may make a trial, for the two or three months, as joint assistant with William Sheut." This is one of the first, if not the very first time, that the Conference is found dealing with a preacher's appointment; but it is evident that, in this case, Wesley brought before the preachers the urgent request which had been made to him, and had their concurrence in refusing to comply with it. When, however, in pursuance of this arrangement, the time arrived forEdwards to leave Leeds, he refused to do so, and not only held the preacher's house in defiance of the Conference and of the trustees, but also, because there was a private entrance from the house to the chapel, he claimed a right over the latter, and closed it, so that there was no week-night service for some time. Meanwhile his friends were proceeding to build a new chapel, in which he meant to begin a stated ministry in the town. The trustees, however, found means of eject- ing him from the premises ; and, on the day that he opened his chapel, they got Mr. Whitefield, who was in that part of the country, to preach in front of the Methodist 286 HISTORY OF AVESLEYAN METHODISM. chapel. This aid iu some measure saved the Society ; but Mr. Edwards, notwithstanding, took away a large portion of the members, and by this means laid the foundation of the Independent interest in the town of Leeds. On this case Mr. Wliitefield observed, " But 0 how hath my plea- sure been alloyed at Leeds ! I rejoiced with trembhng ; for, unknown to me, they had almost finished a large house, in order to form a separate congregation. If this scheme succeeds, an awful separation, I fear, will take place amongst the Societies. I have written to Mr. Wesley, and done all I could to prevent it. O this self-love, this self-will ! It is the devil of devils ! Lord Jesus, may Thy blessed Spirit purge it out of all our hearts V This strong language of Whitefield has been fully justified in respect of many secessions from Methodism, besides that now under con- sideration. The twelfth The twelfth Conference began at Leeds, May 6th, 1755. 1755. ' By this time the increase of the Methodist Societies, the number of the preachers, and the manner in which both were persecuted by the clergy, and repelled from the com- munion of the Established Church in many places, pressed on the attention of the people serious questions as to the propriety of endeavouring to continue the Methodist Socie- ties in professed union with the National Church. In some places, (at Newcastle, for instance,) many were on the point of leaving the Church, and some had even already done so ; and, as they believed, on Wesley^s authority ; although cer- tainly by mistaking his conduct and advice. He therefore, on the opening of this Conference, caused the question to be raised, " Whether we ought to separate from the Church ? " Wesley, in his "Journal,'' has given the result of this discus- sion, thus : " Whatever was advanced on the one side or the other, was seriously and calmly considered ; and on the BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 287 third day we were all fully agreed in that general conclu- sionj that (whether it was lawful or not) it was no ways expedient.^' This same conclusion is also found in a MS. copy of the TheMinutes Minutes of this Conference, which is appended to the co^^jgngg " Disciplinary Minutes." In that document it stands thus : " Q. Ought we to separate from the Estabhshed Church ? After a free and full debate contiimed for several days, it was agreed by all, that we ought not." In this copy of the Minutes, we have the second list of the stations of the preachers which is extant. It is as follows : — " London : Jno. Murlin, T. Hanby, Thos. Olivers, Enoch Williams. " Bristol : W. Hichins, P. Jaco, Ed. Lucas, J. Eurz. " Cornwall : Eich. Gilbert, Paul Greenwood, T. Tobias, Henry Eloyd. " Staffordshire : Jas. Jones, Jno. Johnson, Jno. Hocking. "Cheshire: E. Moss, Jacob Eowel. " Haworth : W. Grimshaw, Jno. Nelson, Jas. Schofield. " Leeds : Jno. Eenwick, Thos. Lee, Thos. Jolinson, W. Shent. " Lincolnshire : Jno. Maskew, T. Mitchell. " Newcastle : C. Hopper, Jas. Massiott, Matth. Lowes, Jno. Wild, Jno. Turnough. " Wales : Jno. Brown, Jno. Wesley. " Ireland : T. Walsh, Jas. Deaves, T. Seccombe, Eob. Swindells, Jos. Cownley, T. Kead, James Oddy, Jno. Eisher, Jos. Tucker." These ]\Iinutes state that sixty -three preachers were pre- sent at this Conference ; but these were not all itinerants. The hsts of preachers now given are characterized by a very curious peculiarity. They are three in number. The first 288 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. is a list of thirty-four names, beginning with John Wesley and Charles Wesley, headed, " Our present itinerants are/' The second is a list of twelve names, headed, " Half- itinerants/' The third contains fourteen names, who are called, " Our chief local preachers." These half-itinerants were unquestionably men who gave themselves up to travel under Wesley's direction, without relinquishing their trade or business ; similar, indeed, to William Shent, whose name stands at the head of the list, and who, although he travelled several years, never gave up his hairdresser's and barber's shop, but left it under the care of journeymen and apprentices, while he went over the country, preaching the Gospel. At length, when he found that, in consequence of his absence, the business was seriously falling off, he . returned to it. At the close of these Minutes, there is given an address, which Wesley delivered to the preachers before they separated. It is full of pointed heart- searching ques- tions, evidently intended to impress them with the great importance of a close walk with God, and a diligent and zealous discharge of the various duties of their profession. The renewal Always watchful to promote the spiritual prosperity of covenant his people, Wcsley, in August, 1755, introduced into his intro uce . gQpjgj^jgg ^j^g ppacticc of renewing the covenant, which is now generally observed in all the larger places on the first Sabbath-day of every year. On this occasion, he says, August 6th, " I mentioned to the congrega- tion another means of increasing spiritual religion, which had been frequently practised by our forefathers, and attended with eminent blessing, namely, the joining in a covenant to serve God with all our heart, and with all our soul." He explained this to the Society several successive mornings, that a matter so serious and important might be fully understood by all. On the Friday, Wesley and several t BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 289 of the members devoted themselves to fasting and prayer that they might obtain from the Lord wisdom and strength to enable them to promise unto Godj and to keep it. On the following Monday, he further explained the nature of this covenant service in the French church at Spitalfields, and read the form of covenant written by the eminent Joseph Alleine, and published in one of the" treatises of Eichard Alleine, who was his uncle and father-in-law. After this form of words was read, aU who in their heart were desirous of thus covenanting to serve God were invited to stand up, when about eighteen hundred people stood on their feet. " Such a sight,^' says Wesley, " I never saw before ; surely the fruit of it shall remain for ever." After the expulsion of James Wheatley for immorality in 1754, Wesley and his brother appear to have entertained some doubts respecting the general character of the Preachers; and Charles Wesley, anxious to urge on them the duty and importance of a steady adherence to the Church, undertook the task of making particular inquiry respecting each of them throughout the Connexion ; he being, as Mr. Watson observes, " perhaps more confident in his own discernment of character, and less influenced by affection for the preachers. The result was, however, highly creditable to them, for no irregularity of character was detected ; but as the visi- tation was not conducted, to say the least of it, in the bland manner in which it would have been executed by Mr. John Wesley, who was, indeed, alone regarded as the father of the Connexion, it led, as might be expected, to bickerings. Many of the preachers did not come up to Mr. Charles Wesley's notions of attachment to the Church ; some began to wish a little larger share in the government ; and a few did not rise to his standard of ministerial abilities, although of this he judged only by report. From this time VOL. I. o 290 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. a stronger feeling of disunion between the preachers and him grew up, which ultimately led to his taking a much less active part in the affairs of the body, except to interfere occasionally with his advice ; and, in still later years, now and then to censure the increasing irregularity of his brother's proceedings/^"^ The difference between the two Wesleys on this subject appears to have been just this: — With Charles, adherence to the Church was paramount ; everything else was of secondary importance. With Wes- ley himself, the grand ruling idea was the salvation of sinners; and although anxious to remain in union with the Church, and to keep his Societies from separating from it, he subjected everything to the proclamation of the Gospel and the salvation of men. "Church or no Church,'^ he observes in one of his letters to Charles, " we must attend to the work of saving souls.''^ Charles about this time, with a view to further his object in keeping his brother and the Societies in union with the Church, got him to sign an agreement, that no preacher should be employed but by their mutual consent ; but when Wesley found that this was being used to limit the number of preachers, to the damage of the work of God, he set it aside, as contrary to the fundamental principle to wdiich both had pledged themselves at the Conference of 1 7 44J^ namely, " We do and will do all we can, to prevent those consequences which are supposed likely to happen after our death. But we cannot with a good conscience neglect the present oppor- tunity of saving souls while we live, for fear of consequences which may possibly or probably happen, after we are dead.^'t The thirteenth Conference was held at Bristol, and began * Watson's "Life of Wesley," Works, vol. v., p. 198. t Octavo " MiuuteSj" p. 9. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 291 August 26th, 1756. Wesley^s account of it is as follows: Thethir- Ai r>p r !• 1-T-11 n 1 oi • teenth Con- — " About fiity or us being met, the limes or the oociety ference, were read over, and carefully considered one by one : but we , •' •' •' proceedings. did not find any that could be spared. So we all agreed to abide by them all, and to recommend them with all our might. We then largely considered the necessity of keep- ing in the Church, and using the clergy with tenderness ; and there was no dissenting voice. God gave us all to be of one mind and one judgment. The Rules of the Bands were read over and considered, one by one; which, after some verbal alterations, we all agreed to observe and enforce. The Rules of Kingswood School were read and considered, one by one ; and we were all convinced they were agreeable to Scripture and reason : in consequence of which it was agreed, — 1. That a short account of the design and present state of the school be read by every Assistant in every Society : and, 2. That a subscription for it be begun in every place, and (if need be) a collection made every year. My brother and I closed the Conference by a solemn declaration of our purpose never to separate from the Church ; and all our brethren concurred therein.'''' "^ Mr. Myles believes that on this occasion Wesley Reasons wrote the " Twelve Reasons against a Separation from the gfpa^atio,, Church of England," which are published in his " Works ;•" t ^™"^ *'"^ Church. and that the date 1758 prefixed to the paper marks the time of its publication, with the adhesion of Charles Wesley appended to it. Not that he objected to the Charles reasons for not separating ; in these he fully concurred : but ouTh? he did not concur in the assumed lawfulness of such a ^"'^J'^'^'^- separation. Indeed, he seems to have felt extremely grieved, as already intimated, at the opinions which many of the preachers entertained on . this subject, and that the * " Jom-nal " untlcr the date. t Vol. .xiii., p. 213. o 2 292 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. subject should have been mooted under any circumstances. His subscription is attached to the following paragraph, which is appended to the " Reasons.^' "I THINK myself bound to add my testimony to my bro- ther's. His twelve reasons against our ever separating from the Church of England are mine also. I subscribe to them with all ray heart. Only, with regard to the first, I am quite clear that it is neither expedient nor lawful for me to separate ; and I never had the least inclination or tempta- tion so to do. My affection for the Church is as strong as ever ; and I clearly see my calling ; which is to live and die in her communion. This, therefore, I am determined to do, the Lord being my Helper. " I have subjoined the Hymns for the Lay-Preachers ; still further to secure tliis end, to cut off all jealousy and suspicion from our friends, and hope from our enemies, of our having any design of ever separating from the Church. I have no secret reserve, or distant thought of it. I never had. Would to God all the Methodist preachers were, in this respect, like-minded with " Charles Wesley." This year gave Wesley the aid and co-operation of the excellent John Fletcher, afterwards vicar of Madeley. This man of God was a native of Nyon in Switzerland. He became acquainted with Wesley soon after his arrival in England, in 1753; was made a happy partaker of pardon- ing mercy, in 1755 ; was ordained a minister of the Church of England in the Chapel Royal, St. James's, by the Bishop of Bangor, on March 6th, 1757; and immediately after- wards hastened to the Eoundery, and assisted Wesley (who was very unwell at the time) to administer the Lord's Supper BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 293 to the Society; and ever afterwards conducted himself towards him as a very faithful and devoted friend. In Wesley's "Journal" this entry is found : "Saturday* May 21. — I had a little Conference with our preachers." But this did not prevent the regular meeting in August. The brevity which our limits impose, by confining our narration to prominent facts, may lead to the opinion that as Methodism had now attained numbers and influence, it had become popular and generally diffused. On the con- trary, it had only obtained a position at certain points in the country, beyond which the masses of the popula- tion were, as ignorant and as irreligious as before. An illustration of this may be seen in the vast extent of the Circuits, two or three preachers having frequently to extend their labours over several counties. In consequence, such cases as the following were by no means rare, although many cannot be recorded. During 1756, John Nelson or Peter Jaco went to the village of Ossett, near Leeds, and, there meeting with a farmer named John Phillips, began to talk with him on the subject of religion. To this address he sternly replied, "Do you think I have my religion to seek now ? I have that religion which served my fore- fathers, and it shall serve me. I should think it no more sin to take a scythe, and cut off the legs of all the Methodist preachers, than I should to mow down so many noxious weeds." This reply was received with so much kindness on the part of the preacher, that the mind of Phillips was very sensibly affected. He was soon after induced to hear the Methodists for himself, and was brought to a saving acquaintance with Christ. He then invited the preachers to his house, some of the worst characters in the village were converted, and Methodism was permanently estab- lished there. 294 IIISTOllY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. The four- teentli Con- ference, 1757. Mr. Mather sent out to travel as a married man. Introduc- tion of Methodism into Dar- lington. The fourteenth Conference was held in London, August 4th, 1757. Mr. Wesley simply says of it, that in it, " from the first hour to the last, there was no jarring string, but all was love." Immediately after this Con- ference, Mr. Alexander Mather was received as an itine- rant preacher. He was the first married man who went out to travel. His eminent ability had before pointed him out for the work, but the difficulty lay in securing a provision for his wife. He was asked what would be suffi- cient, and replied, " Tour shillings a week :" this the stewards were unwilling to allow ; so he remained at his business. At this Conference, however, the stipend named above was promised ; and Mr. Mather proceeded to his Circuit at Epworth on foot, walking one hundred and fifty miles.* This was another step toward settling the financial economy of the Connexion. Slender as the pittance allowed was, it unquestionably was very preferable to the precarious dona- tions of the stewards. This measure was the beginning of the settlement for preachers' wives, and Mrs. Mather was the first preacher's wife to whom any fixed sum was paid. The introduction of Methodism into Darlington may be here very properly noticed. This account will, indeed, be given with more than usual detail, inasmuch as it not only contains many of the prominent features usually found to attend the extension of the work of God into new districts, but also exhibits the early history of a person who after- wards obtained extensive notoriety in the religious world. " There lived at a place called Bellingham, near Stock- ton, a farmer of the name of Unthank, whose sister resolved to go and hear the Methodists. Her family highly dis- approved of this resolve ; and she engaged her brother to go and bring his report of the sermon. He did so, and it * "Arminian Maa;azine," vol. iii., p. 149, BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 295 would seem he was rather confounded than convinced. He resolved to go again, and on this occasion he was deeply . convinced of sin, and eventually converted to God. Other members of the family were soon made ' partakers of like precious faith / and, after severe exercises of mind, he, on the advice of Mr. Wesley and others, became a useful and acceptable local preacher. " There lived at a place called Norton a John MacGowan, John Mac- whose history must be briefly detailed. He was one of two sons of a prosperous baker in the city of Edinburgh ; and John was intended for a minister in the Church of Scotland, and his brother for the bar. They were put to be educated accordingly. But John's principles were awfully at variance with the purposes of his father : by a course of prodigality he soon reduced himself to wretched- ness; and, asking money of his mother under pretence of visiting a relative, he left his home, never more to return. He soon exhausted his resources, — for he was a gambler and a spendthrift, — and, this being just when the Pretender was invading Scotland, he joined the rebel army, and fought at the battle of Culloden. The loss of this battle reduced him to great extremities ; but, as he had fought in coloured clothes, he could soon disencumber himself of the evidences of his participation in the rebellion. He threw away his arms and belts, and prepared to fly. In order to provide for his present wants, he plundered the slain of tlieir money and valuables. To hide himself from appre- hension, he crossed the border, and came to Durham ; and to provide for his future wants, he put himself apprentice to a linen- weaver. When he had served his apprenticeship, he went to Norton to work as a journey- man. This brought him into contact with Mr. Unthank. They met one Sunday, as each was going to Stockton to 296 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. attend his place of worship ; and as Mr. Unthank said he never dined on the Lord^s day, in order that he might attend both services, it was agreed that they should accom- pany each other to their respective places of worship. On the way MacGowan was surprised at the knowledge and experience of his new friend, and asked him where he had obtained the views which had led to results so truly envi- able ; and on being informed, ' Amongst the Methodists,' he pronounced this to be impossible ; for they were, he said, a very ignorant people. But on hearing for himself, on his return home he declared his astonishment at the extensive knowledge of the preacher, and his ardent desire to go again on the first opportunity. This he did; was deeply humbled on account of his sin, sought and found mercy, joined the Society, and eventually became an excel- lent local preacher. They now were true yoke-fellows, and yearned for the extension of the Gospel, which they had thus received in the love thereof. " They had heard of Darlington having been once visited by a passing Methodist preacher, and of a widow lady of the name of Hosmer, formerly a Moravian in the county of Kent, who had removed to Darlington with a daughter and a son, who was there apprenticed to be a chemist. On Whit-Tuesday, therefore, in the year 1753, they resolved to visit Darlington ; and having heard that Mrs, Hosmer was wishful to introduce Methodism, they ' sought her out and found h6r.' While there, her son, a very gay youth, came into the house with a ticket for the theatre, to dress for the occasion. But he was drawn into conversation, and eventually into controversy, with Messrs. Unthank and MacGowan. The latter, though he had gained experi- mental godliness amongst the Methodists, held to his Cal- vinistic opinions, as a Scotch Presbyterian ; but though an BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 297 able marij and a thorough polemic, he was foiled in argu- ment by this gay and giddy youth. Mr. Unthank avowed opposite sentiments, of which the youth approved ; but, he thought him needlessly strict in pressing their personal and experimental application. The visitors had resolved on holding a meeting in the evening, and it was decided that Mr. Unthank should preach. Mrs. Hosmer procured a room in the house of -a Mr. Oswald, a currier, in Clay Eow ; and her daughter pressed young Hosmer to attend ; but he pleaded his intention to attend the theatre, and set off for that purpose. On the way, however, he relented ; tore up his ticket in the street ; and went to the house where the preaching was to be. His pride would not let him sit in the same room, but he went into an adjoining one, and locked himself in. He could hear the sermon, and it proved to liim 'the savour of life unto life.' T^hen Messrs. Unthank and MacGowan found him, he was bathed in tears of penitence, and they joined in prayer for his salvation. Whether he then obtained mercy, is not known ; but the whole family joined in entreaties that the preachers would visit them again the next week, which they did ; and, after preaching, they formed those into a class who had been brought to a decision. Of this class Mr. Unthank became the leader ; and he and his friend MacGowan came in company from near Stockton, to meet it every other week ; and on the alternate week, they wrote and sent an address to be read in the class, as a substitute for their personal attendance. This was the introduction of Method- ism into Darlington ; and this was the class which, until it was augmented by a revival in the year 1776, consisted only of nine members, but by this was increased to seventy. " It will be interesting, as far as we can, to follow these parties. The family of Mr. and Mrs. ^loore continued o 5 298 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN MiETHODISM. faithful ; and some of the most interesting entries in Mr. Wesley's 'Journal' refer to his visits to Potto. Several of Mrs. ]\Ioore's letters exist in the fourth volume of the 'Arminian Magazine ; ' and show her to have been a lady of a truly intelligent mind and devout spirit. One of her descendants at least still survives, and is now one of the Circuit stewards of tlie Stokesley Circuit. " Mr. Unthank held on his way, and was an eminently holy and useful man ; and ' after he had served his genera- tion by the will of God, he fell asleep/ in the year 1822, in the ninety-third year of his age. An excellent grandson survives, who was for many years a local preacher in this circuit, but now resides in Middlesborough. To him we are indebted for this part of our narrative, which he often heard his grandfather repeat. "MacGoM^an, being a Calvinist, could scarcely be ex- pected to keep his standing amongst Mr. Wesley's teachers, and finally he was reluctantly expelled. At this he was greatly distressed ; but he engaged as pastor to a small Baptist congregation at Bridgenorth in Shropshire ; and he subsequently removed to London, where he was very popular both as a preacher and an author. Indeed, tliis was no other than the author of ['The Dialogues of Devils,' and of] the celebrated ' Satyrical Sermon' called ' The Shaver.' Mr. Myles, in his ' Chronological History of Methodism,' says, [the latter] ' greatly furthered the cause of Methodism, and removed the prejudice which many had against lay preachers.' " ^ Fifteenth The fifteenth Conference was held at Bristol, on the iTss.*^"^*'"^^' 10th of August, 1758. Wesley simply says of it, ''It began and ended in perfect harmony." * " "Wesleyau jMethodism iu the Darlingloii Circuit, By the Rev. George Jackson," p. 17. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 299 During the year, Wesley prosecuted his course of labour with the diligence and devoted zeal for which he was so very remarkable. The following will show the arduous toil he endured, and at the same time the minute attention he paid even to his small country Societies. " Saturday, March 3rd. — We had a mild, delightful day, and a pleasant ride to Colchester. In the evening, and on Sunday morning, the house contained the congregation tolerably well ; but in the afternoon I was obHged to go out ; and I suppose we had, on St. John's Green, five or six times as many as the house would contain. Such is the advantage of field preaching. After examining the Society, I found that, out of the one hundred and twenty- six members I had left in October, we had lost only twelve ; in the place of whom we have gained forty : and many of those whom we left in sorrow and heaviness, are now rejoicing in God their Saviour." Wesley about this time went to Norwich, and re-organized Organiza- the Society there, which had, indeed, passed through extra- ^ll^^ly ^^ ordinary scenes. " Soon after the expulsion of James Norwich. Wheatley for immorality in 1751, as previously noticed, he appears to have repented and returned to God, and com- menced preaching in the city of Norwich. He was there exposed to a long continued series of frightful and cruel persecutions. His life was frequently in danger from furious mobs, and he was often dragged by the hair of his head through the streets of the city ! All these grievous sufferings he bore with the meekness of a lamb, and the fortitude and patience of an apostle. His preaching was attended with divine power; and many of the most profligate and abandoned characters in the city became reformed. He was instrumental in gathering a considerable 300 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. The six- teenth Con- ference, 1759. Great revival of religion at Evertoii. Society/^ "^ This success furnished him with means, and he accordingly built one of the largest chapels in the city, and called it " The Tabernacle." The congregations which attended his ministry were uncommonly large, and he was almost adored by the people. But he again fell into sin, and his Societies were scattered. In April, 1759, "Wesley obtained a lease of the Tabernacle, and, gather- ing together the wreck of Wheatley's Societies, united them with his own, dividing theni into classes, when he found that the aggregate number of members was above five hundred and seventy. The sixteenth Conference was held in London, and began August 8th, 1759. Of it Wesley says, "The time was almost entirely employed in examining whether the spirit and lives of our preachers were suitable to their profession." This examination into the characters of the preachers has ever since constituted one of the most important parts of the duty of every Conference. In the event of any fault or criminality being discovered, one of the following punish- ments is usually inflicted, according to the judgment of the Conference as to the magnitude of the offence. 1. A reprimand from the chair. 2. The person is put back on trial. 3. Or he is suspended for a year. 4. Or he is expelled from the body. In the spring of this year, there was a great revival of religion at Everton and its neighbourhood. Amongst the many clergymen to whom Wesley had been made, by the great Head of the Church, a minister of S])iritual good, was Mr. Berridge, the clergyman of this parish. Toward the latter part of the preceding year, Wesley, being at Bedford, heard that Mr. Berridge desired to see him. He accordingly set out for Everton. "I found/' says he, * Atmore's " Memorial." BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 301 " Mr. Berridge just taking horse, with whom I rode on and in the evening preached at "Wresthngworth, in a large church well filled with serious hearers The next morning I preached in the church again. In the middle of the sermon a woman before me dropped down as dead, as one had done the night before. In a short time she came to herself, and remained deeply sensible of her want of Christ, We rode on to Mr. Berridge's, at Everton. Tor many years he was seeking to be justified by his works : but a few months ago he was thoroughly convinced ' that by grace ' we ' are saved through faith.' Immediately he began to pro- claim aloud the redemption that is in Jesus : and God con- firmed His word exactly as He did at Bristol, in the beginning, by working repentance and faith in the hearers, and with the same violent outward symptoms. I preached at six in the evening, and five in the morning, and some were struck just as at Wrestlingworth. One of these was brought into the house, with whom we spent a considerable time in prayer." The following are extracts from the journal of an intel- ligent eye-witness of the effects produced by the ministry of Mr. Berridge and Mr. Hicks during the ensuing spring and summer. "Sunday, May 20th, 1759.— Being with Mr. B U at Everton, I was much fatigued, and did not rise; but Mr. B did, and observed several fainting and crying out while Mr. Berridge was preaching. Afterwards, at church, I heard many cry out, especially cliildren, whose agonies were amazing : one of the eldest, a girl of ten or twelve years old, was full in view, in violent contortions of body, and weeping aloud. The church was equally crowded in the afternoon, the windows being filled within and without, and even the outside of the pulpit to the very 302 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. top ; SO tliat Mr. Berridge seemed almost stifled with their breath : yet, feeble and sickly as he is, he was continually strengthened, and his voice, for the most part, distinguish- able, in the midst of all the outcries. I believe there were present three times more men than women, a great part of whom came from afar, thirty of them having set out at two in the morning, from a place thirteen miles off. The text was, ' Having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.' When the power of religion began to be spoSen of, the presence of God really filled the place ; and while poor sinners felt the sentence of death in their souls, what sounds of distress did I hear ! The greatest number of them who cried, or fell, were men ; but some women, and several children, felt the power of the same almighty Spirit, and seemed just sinking into hell. Tliis occasioned a mixture of various sounds, some shrieking, some roaring aloud ; the most general was a loud breathing, like that of people half strangled, and gasping for life ; and, indeed, almost all the cries were like those of human creatures dying in bitter anguish. Great numbers wept without any noise : others fell down as dead ; some sinking in silence ; some with extreme noise and violent agitation. I stood on the pew-seat, as did a young man in the opposite pew, — an able-bodied, fresh, healthy countryman ; but in a moment, while he seemed to think of nothing less, do\iai he dropped with a violence inconceivable. The adjoining pew seemed to shake with his fall. I heard afterwards the stamping of his feet, ready to break the boards, as he lay in strong convulsions at the bottom of the pew. Among several that were struck down in the next pew, was a girl, who was as violently seized as he. When he fell, Mr. B 11 and I felt our souls thrilled with a momentary dread ; as when one man is BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 303 killed by a cannon-ball, another often feels the wind of it. "Among the children who felt the arrows of the Almighty, I saw a sturdy boy, about eight years old, who roared above his fellows, and seemed in his agony to struggle with the strength of a grown man. His face was red as scarlet ; and almost all on whom God laid His hand turned either very red, or almost black. When I returned, after a little walk, to Mr. Berridge's house, I found it full of people : he was fatigued, but said he would, nevertheless, give them a word of exhortation. I stayed in the next room, and saw the girl whom I had observed so peculiarly distressed in the church, lying on the floor as one dead, but without any ghastliness in her face. In a few minutes we were informed of a woman filled with peace and joy, who was crying out just before. She had come thirteen miles, and is the same person who dreamed Mr. Ber- ridge would come to her village on that very day wherein he did come, though without either knowing the place or the way to it. She was convinced at that time. Just as we heard of her dehverance, the girl on the floor began to stir. She was then set in a chair, and, after sighing awhile, suddenly rose up rejoicing in God : her face was covered with the most beautiful smile I ever saw. She frequently fell on her knees, but was generally running to and fro, speaking these and the like words : — ' 0 what can Jesus do for lost sinners ! He has forgiven all my sins ! I am in heaven ! O how He loves me ! and how I love Him ! ' Meantime, I saw a thin, pale girl, weeping with sorrow for herself and joy for her companions. Quickly the smiles of Heaven came likewise on her ; and her praises joined with those of the other." This powerful work continued day after day for a consi- 304) HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. derable period: and not at Everton only; Mr. Hicks at Wrestlingworth was similarly favoured. The narrator of the preceding account says, "I went to hear Mr. Hicks. We discoursed with him first, and Avere glad to hear that he had wholly given himself up to the glorious work of God, and that the power of the Highest fell upon his hearers, as upon Mr. Berridge^s. While he was preach- ing, fifteen or sixteen persons felt the arrows of the Lord, and dropped down. A few of them cried out with the ut- most violence, and with little intermission, for some hours ; wliile the rest made no great noise, but continued strug- gling as in the pangs of death. I observed, besides these, one little girl deeply convinced, and a boy nine or ten years old : both of them, and several others, when carried into the parsonage-house, either lay as dead, or struggled with all their might ; but in a short time their cries increased beyond measure, so that the loudest singing could scarcely be heard. Some, at last, called on me to pray, which I did, and for a time all were calm ; but the storm soon began again. Mr. Hicks then prayed, and afterwards Mr. B 11 : but still, though some received consolation, others remained in deep sorrow of heart." Tliis work continued for many months. The scenes described above took place from the 20th to the 34th of May. Wesley visited Everton again early in August, and saw abundant evidence of the fruits of that which had been wrought. He observes, " During the prayers, as also during the sermon, and administration of the Sacrament, a few per- sons cried aloud ; but it was not from sorrow, but love and joy. The same I observed in several parts of the afternoon service. In the evening I preached in Mr. Hicks's church. Two or three persons fell to the ground, and were extremely I I BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 305 convulsed ; but none cried out. One or two were filled with strong consolation.^^ On the 25th of November following, "Wesley again visited Everton, and perceived that some of the outward features of the work had undergone a considerable change. Under this date, in his " Journal/' he says, " I was a little afraid my strength would not suffice for reading prayers, and preaching, and administering the Lord's Supper alone to a large number of communicants; but all was well. Mr. Hicks began his own service early, and came before I had ended my sermon. So we finished the whole before two, and I had time to breathe before the evening service. " In the afternoon God was eminently present with us, though rather to comfort than to convince. But I observed a remarkable difference since I was here before, as to the manner of the work. None now were in trances, none cried out, none fell down or were convulsed; only some trembled exceedingly, a low murmur was heard, and many were refreshed with the multitude of peace." To this account Wesley added the following observa- tions : " The danger tvas, to regard extraordinary circum- stances too much, such as outcries, convulsions, visions, trances ; as if these were essential to the inward work, so that it could not go on without them. Perhaps the danger is, to regard them too little ; to condemn them altogether ; to imagine they had nothing of God in them, and were an hinderance to His work. Whereas the truth is, 1. God suddenly and strongly convinced many that they were lost sinners; the natural consequence whereof were sudden outcries and strong boddy convulsions. 2. To strengthen and encourage them that believed, and to make His work more apparent. He favoured several of them with divine dreams, others ^\ith trances or visions. 8. In some of 306 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. these instances, after a time, nature mixed with grace, 4. Satan likewise mimicked this work of God, in order to discredit the whole work ; and yet it is not wise to give up this part any more than to give up the whole. At first it was doubtless wholly from God. It is partly so at this day ; and He will enable us to discern how far, in every case, the work is pm-e, and where it mixes or degenerates.""^ In the early part of 1760, Wesley visited all the classes of the London Society with more exactness than ever before, and found the number of members after this examination 2,350. The seven- The seventeenth Conference was held in Bristol, August fere'oce °^' 29th, 1760. On this occasion Wesley was detained by 17(50. calms and contrary winds, when returning from Ireland ; but nothing was done toward the business of the Con- ference until his arrival. He accordingly says, " I spent the two following days wdth the preachers, who had been waiting for me all the week ; and their love and unanimity was such as soon made me forget all my labour.^t This circumstance has led to the conclusion, that " there could be no Methodist Conference while Mr. Wesley lived, unless he were present, or had appointed the person who held it." A Conference, throughout the whole of his life, being principally "Conversations between the Rev. Mr. Wesley and others," { it has from hence been inferred that, unless he were there in person, or by proxy, there could be no Conference; but this subject will be more fully discussed hereafter. During these years Mr. Wesley pursued his way with undeviating zeal and assiduity, travelling and preaching almost without intermission ; labouring to bring sinners to * Wesley's "Journal," vol. ii., p. 494. t Hid. % Wesley's "Works," vol. viii., p. 287. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 307 God, that they might obtain mercy; watching over the Societies everywhere with the keen eye and tender heart of an affectionate father; and repeUiug the assaults of his enemies, tlirough the press, with a spirit and power truly wonderful. Two sons of the amiable and excellent Vincent Perronet, vicar of Shoreham, laboured in union with Wesley for some years as itinerant preachers. They were both men of piety, and more than ordinary ability. But about this time Edward retired from the Methodist Connexion, and settled Edward in Canterbury. Although brought up in the bosom of the Establishment, he had formed views of extreme hostility to the National Church ; and, possessing a lively imagination, a vast fund of wit, and considerable poetic genius, he some- times gave utterance to his thoughts in a manner which Wesley had to reprove. He at length wrote a regular poem, which he called " The Mitre/' and which was a bitter satire on the National Church. It is understood that Wesley for a while succeeded in suppressing the publication of this piece ; but the ardent mind of Edward Perronet could not long submit to this restraint. He left the Methodists and settled at Canterbury, where he preached to a small congregation of Dissenters ; and, as the editor of a newspaper, freely availed himself of passing opportunities of censuring and ridiculing those whom he thought enthu- siastic supporters of Church and State. In the latter part of this Methodistic year, there was a An exteu- very manifest revival and extension of religion in the Socie- ties in different and distant parts of the country. " Many persons, men and women, professed to be cleansed from all unrighteousness, and made perfect in love, in a moment ; often while hearing the word, but more frequently while at prayer, or while others were praying for them. So deep in m many Societies. 308 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. its character, and so extensive in its influence, was this work, that Wesley did not hesitate to say, ' Here began that glorious work of sau'ctification, which had been nearly at a stand for twenty years. From time to time it spread, first through various parts of Yorkshire, afterwards in London, then through most parts of England, next to Dublin, and through all the south and west of Ireland. And wherever the work of sanctification increased, the whole work of God increased in all its branches. Many were convinced of sin, many justified, and many backsliders healed.'"^ Eighteenth The eighteenth Conference was held in London, Septem- Conference, .^ 1761. ber 1st, 1761. Wesley reached town the preceding week, to prepare for this annual assembly ; and was greatly cheered to observe the improved state of the Society. " I found,'' he says, " the work of God smftly increasing here. The congregations in every place were larger than they had been for several years. Many were from day to day con- vinced of sin. Many found peace with God. Many back- sliders were healed, yea, filled with joy unspeakable. And many believers entered into such a rest, as it had not before entered into their hearts to conceive. Meantime the enemy was not wanting in his endeavours to sow tares among the good seed. I saw this clearly, but durst not use violence, lest, in plucking up the tares, I should root up the wheat also."t The state of the work of God necessarily came under the consideration of the Conference; and ]\Ir. Wesley endea- vonred to enforce on others and to give practical effect to the wise judgment which he had formed, and which has been just transcribed. We accordingly learn from his Journal that. Conference having begun on Tuesday, and * Myles, p. 73. t "Weslev's "Journal," A.ugust 29tli, 1761. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 309 ended on Saturday, Wesley, after spending a fortnight more in London, and guarding both the preachers and the people against running into extremes on one hand or the other, proceeded to Bristol. These extremes, says Mr. Myles, (who became an itinerant preacher a few years afterward, and, having been long intimate with Wesley, had abundant opportunities of informing himself on the subject,) were, " 1. Despising the work altogether because of the extravagancies of some who were engaged in it. 2. Justifying all those extravagancies as if they were essential to it. Mr. Wesley ever observed the sober path of Scripture and reason.""^ In respect to his own conduct toward the work this judgment is undoubtedly correct ; but it is nevertheless open to very serious question, whether the opinion of another minister, equally as favourable to Mr. Wesley as Mr. Myles, is not substantially just. Mr. C. Atmore says on this case, " Mr. Wesley, who ever acted with great caution, did not at first, perhaps, resist these extravagancies with that firmness wliich he ought to have done ; by which means the persons who favoured them daily increased in number.'^ t The progress of the work was continued. At no pre- Contmued prosperity ceding period had the Societies throughout the land been of the work, found generally in such a state of prosperity as at the g" i^"' beginning of this year. Wesley thus speaks of this fact on danger, his arrival at Bristol immediately after the Conference : " Here likewise I had the satisfaction to observe a consider- able increase of the work of God. The congregations were exceeding large, and the people hungering and thirsting after righteousness; and every day afforded us fresh instances of persons convinced of sin, or converted to God. * Myles's " Chronological Histoi-y," p. 74. t Atmoke's "Memorial," p. 268. 310 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. So that it seems God was pleased to pour out his Spirit this year on every part both of England and Ireland; perhaps in a manner we had never seen before/'^ But while the work progressed everywhere, the evil which has been noticed was still continued. The following entry is found in Wesley's "Journal:" "Dec. 21. — I retired again to Lewisham, and wrote, ' Further Thoughts on Christian Perfection.' Had the cautions given herein been observed, how much scandal had been prevented ! Why were they not ? Because my own familiar friend was even now forming a party against me.'' Wesley spent most of this year travelling as usual, the latter part of it in Ireland, where, toward the close of his sojourn, he witnessed a very glorious revival. Great numbers were converted to God, and many persons made partakers of perfect love. He left these scenes of mercy and joy to attend the Con- ference in Bristol. It may in this day excite surprise, that clerical irregu- larities in favour of Methodism, as well as outrageous violations of all order and humanity in the persecution of it, should have been tolerated to the extent they were. Unquestionably the latter were not unfrequently occasioned by criminal supineness and neglect in the superior ecclesiastical authorities ; and the former were sometimes owing to a just appreciation of spiritual rehgion, which induced bishops to overlook the niceties of ecclesiastical discipline. We add an agreeable instance of such conduct. The Eev. Mr. Grimshaw having continued his " periodical excursions into distant counties for a series of years, to the great annoyance of the clergy, they at last complained to the bishop, in such terms as led him to think that it was * Wesley's " Joui-nal," September 21st, 1761. BOOK 11. CHAPTER III. 311 his duty to lay some restraint upon this rambling and enthusiastic son of the Church. He therefore announced his intention to hold a confirmation service in Mr. Grim- shawls church; and expressed a wish to have an interview with him on that occasion. They accordingly met in the vestry of Haworth Church, on the day appointed; and while the clergy and laity were assembling in great numbers to see his lordship and be present at the confirmation, the following conversation took place. ' I have heard/ said the bishop, 'many extraordinary reports respecting your conduct, Mr. Grimshaw. It has been stated to me, that you not only preach in private houses in your parish, but also travel up and down and preach where you have a mind, without consulting either your diocesan or the clergy into whose parishes you obtrude your labours : and that your discourses are very loose ; that, in fact, you can, and do, preach about anything. That I may be able to judge for myself of both your doctrine and manner of stating it, I give you notice, that I shall expect you to preach before me and the clergy present, in two hours hence, and from the text which I am about to name.' After repeating the text, the bishop added, ' Sir, you ijiay now retire and make what" preparation you can, while I confirm the young people.' ' My lord,' said Mr. Grimshaw, looking out of the vestry- door into the church, 'see what multitudes of people are here ! ^^^ly should the order of the service be reversed, and the congregation kept out of the sermon for two hours ? Send a clergyman to read prayers, and I will begin imme- diately.' After prayers, Mr. Grimshaw ascended the pulpit, and commenced an extempore prayer for the bishop, the people, and the young people about to be confirmed ; and wrestled with God for His assistance and blessing, until the congregation, the clergy, and the bishop, were moved to 312 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. tears. After the service, the clergy gathered around his lordship eager to ascertain what proceedings he intended to adopt, in order to restrain Mr. Grimshaw from such rash and extemporaneous expositions of God's holy word. The bishop looked round upon them with paternal benignity ; and, taking Mr. Grimshaw by the hand, said in a tremulous voice, and with a faltering tongue, ' I would to God, that all the clergy in my diocese were like this good man.' Mr. Grimshaw afterwards observed to a party of friends whom he had invited to take tea with his family that evening, ' I did expect to be turned out of my parish on this occasion ; but if I had, I would have joined my friend Wesley, taken my saddle-bags, and gone to one of his poorest Circuits.'''"^ Nineteentk The nineteenth Conference began in Bristol, August 1762. ' 9th, 1762. Mr. Wesley wrote respecting it, "Our Con- ference began on Tuesday morning, and we had great reason to bless God for His gracious presence, from the beginning to the end." After five months' absence, Wesley returned to London on the 19th of August, and writes in his "Journal" thus : ^' As I expected, the sower of tares had not been idle ; but I believe a great part of his work was undone in one hour, when we met at West Street. I pointed out to those who had more heat than light, the snares which they had well-nigh faUen into. And hitherto they were of an humble, teachable spirit. So for the present the snare was broken. Sat., 21. — My brother and I had a long conversation udth ]\Ir. Maxfield, and freely told him whatever we disliked. In some things we found he had been blamed without cause ; others he promised to alter ; so we were thoroughly * Rev. a. Strachan's " Life and Times of the Rev. George Lowe," p. 37. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 313 satisfied with the conversation^ beheving all misunder- standings were removed.""^ But this hope was fallacious. The evils of which Wesley complained did not cease, but increased. Accordingly the intelligence which he received led him, on November 1st following, to write a long and very earnest letter to Mr. Maxfield, In this epistle he plainly and faithfully told him of what parts of his teaching and conduct he disapproved ; and especially of the divisive spirit which he and those who acted with him manifested, although Wesley expressed his confident belief that they did not wish any separation at all. This effort was as unsuccessful as the preceding : the evil was indeed incurable. It consisted in, 1 . Erroneous "^^^ schism, errors, and doctrine. Mr. Maxfield, George Bell, and others, taught that misconduct a justified person is not in Christ, not born of God ; that ^j^xfieiT a person saved from sin needs no self-examination, no and George . . . . . Bell. private prayer, nothing but believing ; that it made men perfect as angels ; that persons pure in heart cannot fall from grace. It led them, 2. To arrogate to themselves an unreasonable distinction, likely to engender pride and vain- glory. They said, no person thus saved could be taught by any who was not. They were therefore led to speak of themselves as the only persons who reaUy understood the Gospel, and were prepared to teach it ; as if all the clergy, and Methodist preacliers also, were in spiritual darkness. And, lastly, it induced them to invest the workings of their own imaginations with the authority of inspiration, calling it the voice of the Spirit, and neglecting reason, knowledge, and wisdom in general. In consequence of these errors, some of their prayers were wild rhapsodies; and George Bell took it on himself to af^rm, in January, 1703, that the "end of the world would be on the 28th * Wesley's " Journal," under the date. VOL, I. P 314 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Wesley's excessive forbearance. The separa- tion takes place. Erasmus, a Greek bishop, ordains Methodist jtreachers. of February following/' This foolish prediction was repeated so often, and so earnestly, that many persons were influenced and alarmed. Wesley spoke clearly and firmly against these extravagancies ; but he did not expel the per- sons who perpetrated them. On this occasion, which was certainly one of the greatest trials of Wesley's life, he seems to have allowed his feeling to dictate to his judgment. One of the members of the Society said to him at length, " Sir, I employ several men. Now, if one of my servants will not foUow my directions, is it not right for me to discard him at once ? Pray, sir, apply this to Mr. Bell." His answer showed the influence under which he acted : " It is right," he said, " to discard a servant. But what would you do if he were your son ?" Wesley, indeed, did not discard them. He devised means to prevent the excess of extravagance by appointing other preachers to be present at all the meet- ings which they attended, because, as he said, ''I am willing to bear the reproach of Christ, but I will not bear the reproach of enthusiasm if I can help it." These measures led the party to provide other places for meeting. At length Mr. Maxfield was determined to separate, and accordingly refused to preach at the Foundery agreeably to his appointment; on which Wesley hastened from West- minster, where he would have preached, and supphed the place, taking the words of Jacob for his text, " If I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved." About 170 members left the Methodist Society with Maxfield and Bell. Another occurrence of some consequence took place this year, respecting which the account of Mr. Myles is here transcribed. In the beginning of " 1768, a Greek bishop visited London. Mr. Wesley made inquiry respecting the reality of his office ; and was fully satisfied that he was a true bishop. 1. By Dr. John Jones, who wrote to the BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 315 Patriarch of Smyrna on the subject. He gave it under his hand, that ' Erasmus (that was the bishop's name) was Bishop of Arcadia in Crete. 1. He was identified by the testimony of several gentlemen, who had seen him in Turkey. Wesley then applied to him to ordain Dr. Jones, in order to assist him in administering the Lord's Supper to the Socie- ties, which he did. The Rev. Augustus Toplady took great offence at this, and published his objections, saying, ' he could only be a minister of the Greek Church, which could give him no legal right to act as a minister of the Church of England.' Mr. Thomas Olivers answered Mr. Toplady, by consent of Mr. Wesley; and urged, '1. The doctor did not officiate as a clergyman of the Church of England, but as an assistant to Mr, Wesley, in preaching and adminis- tering the Lord's Supper to his Societies. 2. Whoever is episcopally ordained is a minister of the church universal, and as such has a right to officiate in any part of the globe. 3. This all Episcopalians, who understand their own doc- trines, know; hence it is that the Church of England frequently employs, vrithout re-ordination, priests ordained even by Popish bishops. 4. Any bishop in England will acknowledge the validity of the ordination of a Popish priest by a Popish bishop.' " Mr. Toplady further asked Mr. Wesley in the publica- tion alluded to, 'Did you, or did you not, strongly press this supposed Greek bishop to consecrate you a bishop at large ?' Mr. Olivers answered, 'No. But, suppose he had, where would have been the blame ? Mr. Wesley was con- nected with a number of persons, who had given every proof which the nature of the thing allows, that they have an inward call to preach the Gospel. Both he and they would be glad if they had an oiitward call too. But no bishop in England would give it them. What wonder, then, if he p 2 316 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. were to endeavour to procure it by any other innocent means V " Two things we learn from this anecdote. 1. That Wesley then thought no person should administer the sacraments to his Societies without episcopal ordination. 2. That even then he began to feel the necessity of having some of the preachers ordained^ in order to qualify them for performing a duty which was every year becoming more necessary. Some other of his preachers, travelling and local, got Erasmus to ordain them. This conduct displeased AYesley very much, and those who would not desist from acting as clergymen independent of him, were excluded from the Connexion. Mr. Charles Wesley would not recognise this ordination, nor allow Dr. Jones to assist him in administer- ing the Lord^s Supper ; so that the end Wesley had in view, in getting him ordained, altogether failed, through the opposition he met with from his brother.^ Thus far Mr. Myles. It may be added, that this objec- tion of Mr. Charles Wesley to recognise his ordination pained Dr. Jones so much, that he left the Connexion. He was a man of considerable learning, and some eminence as a physician ; but, being a person of deep piety and con- siderable ministerial ability, he cheerfully relinquished an honourable and lucrative profession, that he might preach the Gospel of Christ. He was afterwards ordained by the then Bishop of London, and soon after presented with the living of Harwich. These facts show that the Methodism of this period was being developed beyond the means which its founder could then command, and called for the recognition of great prin- ciples which he was then not prepared to adopt, and to * Myles's " Chronological History," pp. 75-77. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 317 which his brother was violently opposed. Some of these Wesley was afterwards led to acknowledge; but it was not until after his death that the case was fully met. It will be necessary to refer briefly to these circumstances toward the close of this chapter. This year, or perhaps the preceding one, is memorable institiuioiv in the annals of J^ethodism for the introduction of a prac- prayer- tice of far more importance than the ordinations of the "leetings. Greek bishop, namely, the institution of public prayer- meetings. " Mr. Matthew Mayer, of Portwood Hall, near Stockport, and John Morris, of Manchester, both young men, established weekly prayer-meetings at Davy-Hulme, Dukinfield, Ashton, and other places. As numbers of persons attended these meetings who were utterly ignorant of the things of God, these young men exhorted. them to ' flee from the wrath to come.^ The effects were surprising ; upwards of sixty persons were awakened, and added to the Society at Davy-Hulme, in a few weeks after the establish- ment of these meetings in the village.''^ By this experiment prayer -meetings were found to supply favourable oppor- tunities for exercising the talents of young men in exhorta- tion and prayer, and of training them for various degrees of usefulness in the church. This was so strikingly the case in the present instance, that similar meetings were established in difl'erent parts of the kingdom. The twentieth Conference was held in London. It began Twentietii on July 19th, 1763, and continued to the 23rd. Alluding ^-gg ■" to the recent secession of Mr. Maxwell and his friends, Wesley at tliis time wrote, " It was a great blessing that we had peace among ourselves, while so many were making themselves ready for battle.''^ "^ What was most important in the Minutes of the pre- * "Wesley's "Journal." 318 HISTOEY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. ceding Conferences from 1748, was at this time collected and published ; and, as already stated, the collection im- properly stands in the Octavo " Minutes " under the date 1749. These regulations will be referred to hereafter, so far as tliey relate to the theology and discipline of the body. Amongst other points to be noted here is, an amended list of the Circuits which had been formed, jnd which, in the three kingdoms and the principality, amounted to thirty-one List of in number. Twenty in England : — 1. London. 2. Sussex. Circuits. ^^ Norwich. 4. Bedford. 5. Wiltshire. 6. Bristol. 7. De- vonshire. 8. Cornwall. 9. Staffordshire. 10. Chester. 11. Wliitehaven. 12. Lincolnshire. 13. Sheffield. 14. Leeds. ]5. Birstal. 16. Haworth. 17. York. 18. Yarm. 19. The Dales. 20. Newcastle. Two in Wales:— 1. Pembrokeshire. 2. Brecknockshire. Two in Scotland : — 1. Edinburgh. 2. Aberdeen. Seven in Ireland : — 1. Dublin. 2. Waterford. 3. Cork. 4. Limerick. 5. Castlebar. 6. Athlone. 7. The North. It is scarcely possible at this distance of time, and with the scanty fragments of information whicli have been pre- served, to form any adequate idea of the great labour, patient endurance, and painful suffering, which this work must have cost, to have produced such results as these. Twenty years only had elapsed since Wesley, with his brother and two or three laymen, had begun to sow the seed of the kingdom by means of field and itinerant preaching. Yet now, notwithstanding it had been frowned on by the learned, persecuted by the violent, lampooned by the witty, and M'as at the same time opposed by open and violent enemies, and harassed by the defection of former friends, 'the proclamation of Gospel mercy had by this means been to a tolerable extent made through the length and breadth of the land. Truly the fruits of such I BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 819 labours are wonderful. At tins time several of the preachers Wom-out were feeling the physical eflfects of their early exposure and j-^jj incessant labours ; and the question pressed itself on the attention of the Conference, " How may provision be made for old worn-out preachers ? " This question was answered by the institution of a general fund to which every preacher was expected to subscribe annually, and from which such worn-out preachers as were in need were to be supplied. The original contribution was ten shillings annually. The twenty-first Conference was held in Bristol, August Twenty-first 6th, 1764. It is very evident that the great success 1764. which had crowned the labours of Wesley and of his helpers now embarrassed him. Notwithstanding his own steady attachment and his brother's more intense de- votedness to the Established Church, it was becoming every day more and more evident, that, through Methodist agency, a number of religious communities were being formed in every jiart of the country, which, indeed, were de facto churches, but which, although possessed of such organization as preserved to them a preached Gospel, and means suitable to promote a growth in grace, were not provided with those ordinances which every Christian has a right to claim as a privilege, and which he is bound to observe as a duty. It has been shown, that Wesley in the preceding year endeavoured to supply this felt want, by getting some of his preachers ordained through the Greek bishop- Erasmus ; • but, in consequence of Mr. Charles Wesley refusing to recognise such ordination, this means utterly failed. Afterward, Wesley sent a circular letter to all the clergymen of the Church of England whom he knew to be converted, inviting them to unite with him, and with each other, in a combined effort to spread scriptural holiness through the nation. The number thus addressed was be- 330 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Various means devised for providing ministerial ordinances. tween fifty and sixty persons ; yet of these only three vouchsafed him any answer; and but one of the replies, that of the Rev. Vincent Perronet, was a hearty acceptance of the overture. This measure having also failed, another was attempted by some of those pious clergymen who had been addressed in the before-mentioned circular letter. Twelve of these persons attended this Conference for tlie purpose of urging the requirement which had been made some years before by Mr. Walker of Truro ; namely, that in every parish in which there was a pious clergyman, the Societies formed there should be given up to his direction and oversight. Nor is it very easy to perceive how this request could have been refused on the principle upon which Wesley acted when he first began his career of itinerant and field preaching. But he had, before this time, learned more of the nature of the Christian life, and of the aid which is required to nurture and maintain it, in large bodies of Christian people. He had also been brought under a deep sense of personal responsibility. God, by his means, and through those whom he had associated with himself in preaching the Gospel, had brought great numbers of people in difl'erent parts of the country to the experience of salva- tion. Hitherto he had by class-meetings, quarterly visita- tions of the classes, meetings of Society, and love-feasts, afforded these persons means of Christian instruction and edification. He therefore felt doubtful, whether he could conscientiously comply with this request, either on his own account or on theirs. On this subject he wrote to the Eev. Mr, Walker of Truro, from lielston, under date " September 16th, 1757." Admitting that the clergyman referred to was a gracious person, and one who preached the whole Gospel, " I do not know," he says, " that every one who preaches the BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 321 truth, has wisdom and experience to govern a flock ; I do not know whether he could or would give that flock all the advantages for holiness which they now enjoy ; and to leave them to him, before I was assured of this, would be neither justice nor mercy. Unless they also were assured of this, they could not in conscience give up themselves to him ; and I have neither right nor power to dispose of them contrary to their conscience. " ' But then,' it is objected, ' they are his already by legal edahlishnent! Does Mr. Conon, or you, think that the king and parliament have a right to prescribe to me what pastor I should use ? If they prescribe one which I know God never sent, am I obliged to receive him ? If he be sent of God, can I receive him with a clear conscience till I know he is? And even when I do, if I believe my former pastor is more profitable to my soul, can I leave him without sin? Or has any man living a right to require this of me ? I," said Wesley, " extend this to every Gospel minister in England. Before I could with a clear conscience leave a Methodist Society even to such a one, all these considerations must come in.' " * These reasons induced Wesley to refuse compliance with They all fail. the request of the twelve clergymen who visited this Con- ference, although it was urgently supported by his brother. Mr. Charles Wesley, who had ceased to itinerate since 1757, entered into this question with great earnestness and energy, and even went so far as to assert that if he were a parish minister, the Methodist preachers shov.ld not preach in his parish. But, as Mr. Myles, on this case, observes, nothing could move Wesley but Scripture and reason ; he saw that these taught him to decline the over- ture ; his preachers unanimously supported him ; and it was * Wesley's "Works," vol. xiii., p. 192. p 5 322 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. determined to submit to all the difficulties of the anomalous ecclesiastical position in which the ]\Iethodist Societies then stoodj rather than expose what they knew to be the fruits of a great work of God to hazard, by any unwarrantable alteration. Before closing this portion of our history, it will be necessary to afford some further information and explana- tions on a few subjects connected with the rise and pro- gress of Methodism, M'hicli could not be conveniently discussed in the course of the narrative, but which never- theless merit special attention. The first of these is the institution of lay preaching. Lay preach- xiiis lay at the foundation of Methodism. Without it, iiijj provi- dentially the Connexion could not have come into existence. Wesley, ai'po'" I ■ {I {§ true, had several very intimate, pious, and zealous friends among the clergy. They were the companions of his early piety, and some of them remained in union with him for many years. i3ut none of them, not even George Whitefieldj who nobly led the way to the practice of field preaching, continued to co-operate with him in such a manner as could have led to the formation and continued culture of the Methodist Societies. This, in the circum- stances in which Wesley was placed, was only possible by the employment of laymen as preachers of the Gospel. How could this be done by a High Church minister, as Wesley is acknowledged to have been ? At first sight it would seem impossible. But the solution of the difliculty is found in that which was the first principle of Wesley's life, throughout the whole course of his public ministry. And this was not ambition ; it was not a thirst for power: it was simply a paramount regard for the glory of God, and the good of souls. This is apparent from the manner in which he was led to sanction the practice now I BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 323 under consideration. A politic or ambitious man, placed in liis circumstances, would have defended tlie propriety of employing laymen as preachers either by scriptural authority, or by ecclesiastical precedent; both might easily have been done. Wesley, however, did not, as has been wickedly insinuated, take the initiative in this matter ; but exerted himself to the utmost to promote the salvation of sinners by preaching the Gospel. And when, at length, Thomas Maxfield, impelled by a divine con- viction and the love of souls, broke through all restraint, and began to preach, Wesley hastened to town to put an end to the innovation. Nor can there be a moment's doubt of his religious sincerity in this purpose. He cer- tainly meant to silence the forward layman, until his mother wisely advised him to be cautious. Knowing her views, he followed her advice ; and, on hearing Maxfield, was at once brought to share her opiuion. But even then he did not seek the sanction of eccle- siastical antiquity for the practice, nor labour to reconcile it by any specious argumentation to the existing order of the Church. On the contrary, he boldly adopted an experimentmn crucis, and staked the whole case on clear and obvious practical questions. As has been shown in the History, he satisfied himself as to this individual case by careful examination ; and, having done so, from thence elicited a general law to guide him in all similar cases. When, therefore, in future years, any one offered himself to him as a preacher, or proposed to act in such a capacity, Wesley at once inquired, " 1. Has he grace? Has he given satisfactory proof that he is converted to God, that he is living a holy life, and that he is fully devoted to the will of God ? 2. Has he gifts as well as grace ? Has he, in some tolerable degree, a sound understanding and sound 324 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. judgment in the tilings of God, a clear perception of salvation by faith ? and has God given him such a degree of utterance that he can express himself justly, readily, clearly ? 3. Has he fruit ? Are any convinced of sin and converted to God under his ministrations ?" Wesley regarded a practical affirmative answer to these inquiries as perfectly conclusive. His strong sense and sound judgment assured him, that no man could give satisfactory replies to these questions, to those with whom he came into daily and constant inter- course, unless he were truly pious and really called of God to preach His Gospel. No candidate for a medical diploma, no applicant for a naval or military commission, can possibly afford such proofs of suitable capacity for the situation he seeks, as such affirmative answers afford that a man is divinely called to preach the Gospel. Wesley did not seek for precedents ; he did not ransack eccle- siastical history : he judged, and rightly judged, that if no layman had ever preached before, the man in whom these evidences were found was fully entitled to do so. But the question respecting lay preaching did not termi- nate here. This decision opened the way for any godly man, suitably qualified, to preach : and that irrespective of other circumstances ; whether, for instance, all his time was devoted to the work of God, as appears to have been the case with Thomas Maxfield ; or whether, like John Nelson in the outset of his course, he was engaged as a labouring mason throughout the day, and preached the Gospel to his neighbours from his cottage door in the evenings. It was, indeed, only by the precursive labours of such self-supporting preachers as Nelson, that the way could be prepared for the extensive employment of laymen as itinerant ministers entirely set apart for the work. And hence, from BOOK 11. CHAPTEE, III. 325 the beginning, local preachers have been a necessary element of Methodism. Nor is it easy to conceive how a great work of grace, diffusing a preached Gospel over every part of the kingdom, could have been reared up by any other means. These, providing for their own temporal wants by their week-day exertions, have greatly contributed to tlie diffusion of the Gospel in every period of Methodist history. But it is not merely as an important class of religious agency that local preachers are to be chiefly regarded. They have formed the jnoneer corps out of which the ministry has been selected. Here the talents of the men were tested, their gifts and graces exercised ; in this school the preachers aud the people saw the effect of their ministra- tions, aud[. suitable candidates for the ministry were chosen and approved. It n7ast be admitted, that Wesley at this time did not recognise persons, even when so selected by the choice of the church, and approved by his own judgment, and called by him into the itinerant work, as ministers. He still regarded them as laymen. Yet it may be fairly questioned whether England ever saw an equal number of men engaged in the dissemination of truth by means of preaching, more worthy the appellation of Christian ministers than the first Methodist preachers ; and, looked at from the present day, their claim to that high character is unquestionable. It is not certain, however, that this backwardness of the founder of Methodism to recognise and act on what he afterward admitted to be a scriptural doctrine and usage, inilicted any serious injury on the cause to which he devoted his life. The temporary inconvenience which it occasioned was more than compensated by the undoubted proof thus afforded of Wesley's conscientiousness and sin- cerity. It proved that the work in which he was 326 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. engaged was believed by him to be eminently the work of God; that he had to do the best he could, according to the light he possessed, and the means Mdthin his reach, and had then to trust the whole matter with the great Head of His church. And no chapter in the history of God^s pro- vidential dealings with mankind contains a more marked interposition of di\dne wisdom and power, than that which records the iHse and rapid progress of Methodism. Brief review Another prominent element of this history, and one sive and ^"" ^hich has been reserved for notice here, is the violent cruel per- persecution with which the Wesleys and their friends secutions by _ _ which Wes- Were assailed in many places, and for some years. Methodism I^ is believed, that the manner, extent, and continued were op- £^^j,y q£ ^|^jg persecution are without a parallel in English history. Most of the other aggressions which have been made on religion have taken place under the cover of real or pretended law, or by the will and authority of cruel and violent rulers ; but this was originated and carried on without law, and in defiance of it, by the outrageous vio- lence of rude and vulgar mobs, very frequently instigated and urged on by the malignant feelings of gentlemen, magistrates, and clergymen. It is a singular circumstance that the first public inter- ruption and opposition that Wesley received in his out-door preaching was from the celebrated Beau Nash, the noted master of the ceremonies at Bath. Great expectation had been raised in the public mind, by reports which had been circulated respecting a threatened opposition to Wesley on this occasion ; and he was entreated not to preach, lest some fearful calamity might happen. He, however, was not the man to be deterred, by any apprehension of consequences, from discharging what he believed to be a religious duty. He accordingly took his place, and began to preach. Tor BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 327 a while lie proceeded in quiet ; but at length Mr. Nash appeared, and demanded by what authority he did those things. Wesley replied, " By authority of Jesus Christ, conveyed to me by the (now) Archbishop of Canterbury, when he laid hands upon me, and said, ' Take thou authority to preach tlie Gospel.'" Then Mr. Nash objected to Wesley's proceeding by asserting, it was " contrary to Act of Parliament." This, said he, " is a conventicle." To_ which Mr. Wesley rejoined, " The conventicles mentioned in that Act, (as the preamble shows,) were seditious meet- ings ; but this is not sucli, here is no shadow of sedition ; therefore it is not contrary to the Act." Nash replied, " I say it is : and besides, your preaching frightens people out of their wits." But when asked by Wesley whether he had ever heard him preach, he said he had not, but judged from common report ; to which judgment Wesley demurred, as resting on insufficient grounds. Nash, however, not will- ing to be thus silenced, demanded what the people met there for ; on which an old woman cried out, " Leave him to me, let an old woman answer him. — You, Mr. Nash, take care of your body, we take care of our souls, and for our souls' food we come here : " on which he retired. This unmannerly and profane intrusion, however, was but the beginning of a series of annoyances and persecutions. On the Thursday following, two men, hired for that purpose, began singing a ballad in the midst of Wesley's prayer, as he was preparing for preaching on Priest-down. This spirit was soon afterward manifested in acts of greater violence; so that on April 1st, 1740, while expounding a portion of Scripture in Bristol, Wesley says, " the children of Belial had laboured to disturb us several nights before, but now it seemed as if all the hosts of the ahens were come together with one consent. Not 328 HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. only the courts and the alleys, but all the street, upwards and downwards, was filled with people, shouting, cursing and swearing, and ready to swallow the ground with fierce- ness and rage. The mayor sent orders that they should disperse. But they set him at nought. The chief constable came next in person, who was till then sufficiently prejudiced against us. But they insulted him, also, in so gross a manner, as I believe fully opened his eyes. At length, the mayor sent several of his officers, who took the ringleaders into custody, and did not go till the rest were dispersed." On the next day, " the rioters were brought up to the Court, the Quarter Sessions being held that day. They began to excuse themselves" by saying many things of Wesley. " But the mayor cut them all short, saying, ' What Mr. Wesley is, is nothing to you. I will keep the peace : I will have no rioting in this city.'' ""^ This just and wise assertion, of the civic power in defence of order and the repression of tumult, secured liberty of worship in Bristol in future. It was so also in London. There for a while mobs committed grievous outrages. At first, Mr. Wesley's presence of mind, and serious appeals to the consciences of those who could hear him, prevented serious mischief. But on Sunday evening, September 14th, 17-iO, a great crowd waited about his house until his return from worship, when, on his leaving the carriage, they quite surrounded him ; but, instead of being terrified, he seized it as a gracious oppor- tunity of doing good, and instantly began to preach to them with snch power, that they quailed before the word, and soon quietly dispersed. A similar result was seen at the Foundery a few days afterward. Wesley speaks of this occasion thus : " A great number of men, having got into the middle of the Foundery, began to speak great swelling words, so that * Wesley's "Journal," April 1st aud 2nd, 1740. BOOK II. CHAPTEK III. 329 my voice could hardly be heard, while I was reading the eleventh chapter of the Acts. But immediately after, the hammer of the word brake the rocks in pieces : all quietly heard the glad tidings of salvation j and some, I trust, not in vain.'^"^ But it was not always that the voice of the preacher could be heard, or, being heard, could subdue those who were determined to interrupt the worship of God. On January 25th, 174'2, while ATesley was preaching in Long Lane, a violent mob assailed the house, and throwing large stones on the roof, the tiles were broken, and the stones and broken tiles fell in on the people, whose lives were thereby endangered. On this occasion a ringleader was given in charge of a constable, and taken before a magistrate, who bound him over to appear at the Sessions to answer for the assault. Still the mobs became more dangerous than ever, until on Sunday, September 12th, this same year, AYesley was preaching in an open place near Whitechapeb when a large multitude was gathered together. Some listened attentively, while others laboured to disturb the preacher and congregation. At first they tried to drive a herd of cows among the people, but the brutes could not be induced to do what the more brutat men intended. The disappointed mob then began to tlu'ow stones, one of which struck the preacher between the eyes, and cut his forehead, so that he had to continue his sermon while, wiping away the blood from the wound. As these acts of violence were made known through the press, they attracted the attention of men in authority, who acted as became rulers of a Christian country. On the last day of 1742, Sir John Ganson, chairman of the Middlesex magistrates, waited on Wesley, and said, " Sir, you have no need to suffer these riotous mobs to molest * Wesiey's "Journal," October IStb, 17^0. 330 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. you as they have done so long. I, and all the other Middlesex magistrates, have orders from above to do you justice whenever you apply to us.""^ It does not seem very evident why any " orders from above " should be required to induce magistrates to do " justice " to any person who applied to them. This, however, seems to have been neces- sary on this occasion; and, to the honour of those in power, these orders were given, and, in consequence, Wes- ley thereafter pursued his labours in the metropolis without persecution or interruption. It was not so in the provinces ; and for this reason, that the clergy and magistrates, in many instances, instead of repressing disorder, and putting down lawless violence, lent their sanction and encouragement to these evils. And what is remarkable, this was done to the greatest extent where the evangelical labours of Mr. Wesley were most needed, as among the miners of Cornwall, tlie people in the south of Ireland, and amid the dense population of Staffordshire. The religious state of Cornwall before the introduction of Methodism was fearfully low and dark : this is too well known to require either illustration or proof. It is equally certain, that the preaching of the Gospel .by the Methodist ministers was attended with abundant success ; great num- bers in every part of this county were brought to the experience of saving religion, and evidenced its reality and power by a consistent, regular, and moral deportment. And this change, which should have commended them to the admiration of their fellows, and the special and prayer- ful concern of the clergy, strangely exposed them to the ill-will and violent opposition of both. It is not necessary to go into any further detail of these * Wesley's " Works," vol. xiii., p. 294. BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 831 outrages : sufficient for our purpose has been indicated in brief notices in the preceding pages^ and in the foregoing observations. The result is^ that the following facts stand out in disgraceful prominence in the history of this period ; namely, that the lowest of the people were sometimes incited to murderous violence by the most earnest and long-continued appeals from the pulpits of the Established Church : that, in a few instances, clergymen, as in the case of the Eev. George White, of Colne, put themselves at the head of the mob, and seriously endangered the lives of peaceable and pious men: that both clerical *and lay magistrates most explicitly and repeatedly refused redress to quiet and innocent persons who had been grossly and cruelly assaulted, and whose goods and dwellings had been, in many instances, destroyed by brutal violence, because they would not promise to abandon Wesley, and renounce Methodism : and further, it is certain that by these means not only was the peace of society disturbed, and property to a great amount destroyed, but many lives were lost. If ever professed Protestants of set purpose outraged every principle of Christian liberty, if ever Englishmen violated every obligation of civil and religious freedom, it was in these foul and scandalous aggressions on Methodist preachers and their congregations. There is yet another subject which must here receive a Religious brief notice. Many times, in the course of the preceding narrative, has there been occasion to mention the occurrence of what have been called " revivals of religion." These have been ascribed to the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit on individuals and congregations at particular times and places. It is not intended here to enter into any defence of these revivals against the objections of those persons who deny sensible conversion as a great Christian privilege. 332 HI^ORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. Wesley^s itinerant life, and labour, and success, arose out of his experience of conscious pardon and adoption, through faith in Christ. Methodism, in its origin and end, is but but the developement of an evangelical effort to spread the experience of these blessings through the world. Those, therefore, who deny the possible attainment of tliis salvation must at once reject Methodism altogether as a thing of nought. But it has happened, that many who honestly believe in the doctrine of justification by faith, and fully admit that it is the common privilege of Christians to rejoice in a sense of the divine favour, cannot, nevertheless, receive the accounts which are given of such special visitations of the Spirit, by which scores, and sometimes hundreds, of persons are, in some given neighbourhood, and in a very short space of time, brought to the experience of salvation. Why is this ? Was not the experience of Gospel blessing intro- duced into our world in this manner? What was the glorious effusion of Pentecost, but a revival of this kind ? And as we draw nearer and nearer to the time when the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth, may we not expect further wonderful displays of God's awakening and con- verting power, to accompany the faithful ministrations of His holy Gospel ? Many such revivals will be mentioned in the following chapters ; and it is regarded as the glory of Methodism, that every age of its progress has been favoured with such signal displays of God's mercy and saving power. There are, however, many who will agree with us thus far in terms, but who, nevertheless, turn away from such recitals with disapprobation, if not with disgust^ on account of what appears to them the inexplicable conduct and unwarrantable extravagance of many of the persons who BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 333 were thus influenced. Wesley's views on this subject and his defence of these revivals are given on a preceding J3age. To these it is only necessary to add, that all that is extra- ordinary in these cases is the intensity and extended pre- valence of divine influence on the human mind. In the case of an ordinary individual conversion, the Spirit of God first sheds light on the mind, so that the vast im- portance of spiritual things is realized ; the nature of sin is seen, it is felt to be a deadly evil ; the awakened sinner turns away with loathing from all its allurements, and seeks refuge from its guilt, and from th* wrath of God which it has evoked, in the mediation and atonement of the Lamb of God who died to take away the sins of the world ; until, at length, by faith in Christ, pardoning mercy is obtained, and the penitent soul is " translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son.'' This process ordinarily occupies an extended period, and the cases are solitary, — at least, very few in number at any given time and place. Weeks or months are not unfre- quently passed by an individual from the time when this spiritual light dawns on his mind, before the peace of God is obtained ; and seldom does a penitent, while thus seeking mercy, know of any one else in similar circumstances. It is the remarkable feature of these revivals, that the awakening and convincing power of the Spirit is so great, that the very depths of the soul are moved to an extent which seems to render a long con- tinuance in this state all but impossible. The mind seems carried through the different stages of awakening, convic- tion, penitence, and faith, by a mighty power; ajid the effects on the mind are proportionably intense, and are consequently evinced by persons of different temperaments in different external conduct and action. Nor can it be 334 HISTORY OF "SVESLEYAN METHODISM. regarded as surprising, when the case is calmly considered, if, when many persons are thus affected in one place, their manifestations of sorrow, desire, or joy should exhibit appearances of disorder or extravagance. Much of this may, indeed, be obviated by the judicious conduct of mature Christians, and especially by the wise precautions and direction of experienced ministers ; but that everything of the kind can be certainly prevented is too much to expect in such circumstances. There is nothing, therefore, in the revivals noticed by Wesley, which is not in perfect accord- ance with ^he teaching of Scripture, and the work of the Spirit in its ordinary saving operation on the mind. Super- The greatest objection will, however, be felt to the allu- phenomeua. ^ion made by Wesley, not merely to the work of the Holy Spirit on the mind, but to other direct supernatural agency and its effects. In the absence of that perfect knowledge of those cases which he possessed, we cannot pretend to judge, and shall not undertake to justify, every opinion or statement of this kind which he has recorded. But, considering the religious darkness of that period, and that not only did sin fearfully prevail, but, through the influence of the works of Hobbes, Toland, Blount, Collins, and a host of other eminent infidel writers, all the essentials of religion, and even the existence of a spiritual world, were questioned ; it does not seem unreasonable to believe that God should allow supernatural evidences occasionally to appear of the things which are "unseen^^ and "eternal;" especially as numerous phenomena are presented in the history of these times, which can be explained on no other principle. CHAPTEK IV. FROM THE CONFERENCE OF 1765 TO THAT OF I777. State of Methodism at this Time — The Stations of the Preachers in 1765 — Transactions of this Conference — Society Tickets — The Origin and Object of Methodism — Methodism introduced into Pontefraot — The Travels and Labours of Wesley this Year — Extraordinary Labours of Wesley — The Cause of the Progress of Methodism — Introduced into Glasgow — The Conference of 1766 — Reasons adopted by this Conference for con- tinued Adhesion to the Church — The Effect of this Decision on the Character of the Body — The Power exercised by Wesley questioned, and defended — ^lalignant Persecution — The Conference of 1767 — Gracious Revival at Kingswood — Expulsion of six Students from Oxford University — Conference of 1768 — Methodist Preachers forbidden to cany on Trade — Miss Bosanquet removes to Cross Hall, near Leeds — Conference of 1769 — Provision made for Preachers' Wives — The pecuniary Means of the Preachers still very inadequate — Introduction of Methodism into America — Captain Webb's Preaching and Usefulness — Progress of Methodism and Erection of Wesley Chapel in New York — Boardmau and Pilmoor, two Preachers sent by Wesley in Conference to aid the Methodists of America — Plan for perpetuating the Union of the Preachers in the Event of Wesley's Death — John Pawson and George Shadford — Conference of 1770 — Its Proceedings — Death of George Whitefield — Wesley preaches his funeral Sermon — Calvinistic Opposi- tion to the ilinutes of 1770 — Progress of this Opposition, and its Issue in the Publication of Fletcher's " Checks " — Wesley explains and enforces Methodist Discipline in Dublin — Sampson Staniforth and the Work at Rotherhithe — Conference of 1771 — Its Transactions — Prosperous State of the Society in Weardale — Conference of 1772 — Wesley in Ireland — Infamous Persecution there — Rapid Progress of the Work in America — Mr. Fletcher continues the Publication of his "Checks" — Great religious Importance of this Controversy — The Conference of 1773 — Thomas Rankin and George Shadford sent to America — Mr. lletcher's con- troversial Works continued— Wesley's Works published — The Con- ference of 1774 — The second American Conference — James Rogers and 336 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. Samuel Bradburn — Conference of 1775 — Thorough Examination of the Qualifications of Preachers — John Valton, his early Life, Conversion, and Ministry — Third American Conference — Peril of the English Preachers — Further controversial Works of Mr. Fletcher — Conference of 1776 — State of the Connexion — Fui'ther Examination into Qualifica- tion of Preachers — Advice given respecting Calvinism — Dr. Coke seeks Union with Wesley — Revival in America — The Conference held in Baltimore — Publications of Wesley and Fletcher on the Policy of England towards America — Arrangements for building City l^oad Chapel, London. State of With the Conference of 1765, the Methodist Connexion Methodism • j. -\ • • l \ ^^ ^• • -xu at this time ^'^ presented to our view as a great pubnc religious institu- tion ; although it was not then, nor, indeed, long afterwards, in a state of maturity. Neither the evangelical principles upon which Wesley had acted from the beginning, nor the financial or disciplinary economy of the Connexion, had been as yet fully defined, much less brought into action ; but Methodism had nevertheless to some considerable extent pervaded the country. At this period, the whole of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland was divided into thirty-nine sections, or Circuits. To each of these one or more preachers were appointed at each yearly Conference for the ensuing twelve months. The first named of the preachers on eacli Circuit was, under Wesley's direction, charged with the oversight of the work in that locality. He was in consequence called " the assistant,'^ because he thus far assisted Wesley in the prosecution of the work, and in the care of the Societies. The ]\Iinutes of the Conference of 1765, the first that was held in Manchester, contain the following list of these Circuits, with the assistants and other preachers appointed to minister in them. " 1 . London : John Jones, W. Pennington, E. Lucas, William Darney. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 337 " 2. Sussex : Daniel Bumstead, Mark Davis. The stations " 3. Canterbury : W. Bramali,''^ John Morley. preachers "4. Colchester: John Brandon. in 1765. " 5. Norwich : John Easton, James Clough. " 6. Bedford : John Cattermole. " 7. Oxfordshire : Thomas Tobias. "8. Wilts: Richard Henderson, John Slocomb, Richard Walsh, Thomas Simpson. " 9. Bristol : John Helton, John Gibbs. "10. Devon : George Roe, John Oldham, William Free- mantle. "11. Cornwall, East: George Story, James Cotty, Thomas Carlill. Cornwall, West : John Eurz, John Mason, William Ellis. " 12. Staffordshire : T. Hanson, William Orp, James Glazebrook. * This preacher, who had been called out into the itinerant work from the town of Sheffield, had been stationed the preceding year at Redruth. He left his wife at the former place, and went to his appointment. But the zeal and energy of the wife equalled that of her husband : she sold her house- hold furniture, and travelled on foot from Sheffield to Redruth. "When she came near that town, she met an ill-looking man, who asked alms : fearing he had some bad design, she gave him half-a-crown, all the money she had left, and went on her journey^ She saw no more of the man, but soon after found 2s. 6d. on the road. On arriving, she inquired for the Methodists, and, being directed to the chapel, found her husband at a prayer-meeting, where he was startled at her loud responses, not having received any intimation of her journey. They met after the service ; but he had no home to which to take her, no provision having been made for a preacher's wife. She, however, found some lodgings, and entered upon such a course of usefulness as she had been accustomed to in Sheffield, visiting and praying with the people from house to house, gathering up backsliders, and visiting the sick. This conduct impressed the friends so favourably respecting her, that they met, and, each giving some article of furnitm-e which could be spared, a house was provided and furnished, and the preacher and his wife went on their way zealously devoting themselves to the service of God. VOL. I. Q 338 HISTOHY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. ''13. Salop : Alexander Mather, William Minetliorp. "14. Lakcashire : James Oddie, John Oliver, John Murray, Isaac Waldron. "15. Derbyshire : Eobert Eoberts, John Shaw, Joseph Guilford. "16. Sheffield : Peter Jaco, Paul Greenwood. "17. Epworth : Thomas Lee, T. Brisco, James Long- botham. " 18. Grimsby : Richard Boardman, John Pool, Samuel Woodcock. "19. Leeds : Thomas Hanby, John Nelson. "20. BiRSTAL : John Murlin, Parson Greenwood, John Pawson. "21. Haworth : Isaac Brown, John Atlay, Nicholas Manners, James Stephens, Eobert Costerdine. "22. York : T. Johnson, T. Mitchel, George Hudson. "23. Yarm : Jacob Eowell, James Kershaw, James Brownfield. " 24. The Dales : T. Eankin, John Ellis, Jeremiah Eobertshaw. "25. Newcastle : Joseph Cownley, Christopher Hopper, Matthew Lowes, Moseley Cheek. "26. Edinburgh : Thomas Taylor. "27. Dundee: William Whitwell. "28. Aberdeen : Joseph Thompson. "29. Glasgow: Thomas Olivers. "30. Glamorganshire: Martin Eodda. "31. Pembroke : Thomas Newell. " 32. Dublin : AVilham Thompson, John Morgan. " 33. Cork : E. Swindells, S. Levick, Barnabas Thomas. " 34. Limerick : James Dempster, Thomas Eoorke. "35. Waterford : John Dillon, T. Brisco. " 36. Athlone : T. Westall, John Heslup, John Whitehead. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 339 "37. Castlebar: R. Blackwell. "38. Newry : James Rea. "39. Londonderry : John Johnson." From these appointments it appears that there were at this time ninety-two preachers actually engaged as itinerants. These were apportioned thus : seventy-one to twenty-five Circuits in England; four to four Circuits in Scotland; two to two Circuits in Wales; and fifteen to eight Cir- cuits in Ireland. So that, in the two years which had elapsed since 1763, the Circuits in England had increased from twenty to twenty-five ; in Ireland from seven to eight ; in Scotland from two to four ; while Wales remained as before, divided into two Circuits, the respective heads of which were Glamorganshire and Pembroke. In the conversations reported in these "Minutes " are some Transactions _^ of this Con- very important matters. We have here an account of the ference. first provision made for preachers whose age or infirmities prevented their discharging the duties of the ofiice : the basis of the fund at this time was an annual subscription by the " travelling preachers " of half a guinea each. It was also resolved at this Conference to send a person through the country to examine the chapel deeds, and to appoint new trustees where it was necessary. An arrangement was also made for giving to members removing from one place to another a note of removal, signed by the assistant, by which means the person would be accredited as a member of Society in any place to which he removed. This measure appears to have suggested another rather im- portant change ; namely, the giving a ticket of the same kind and form to aU members of Society in aU places. Previously, an almost endless diversity had obtained in the form and inscription of the tickets, as will be seen from Q2 340 HISTOllY OF WESLEYAI^ METHODISM. a selection which we exhibit in the accompanying plate. There is much obscurity resting on the origin Society of the Methodist Society ticket. Whether such tokens tickets. were given to the members of Dr. Woodward's Societies, has not, it is believed, been satisfactorily ascertained ; but it seems to be very probable, especially as one of the tickets on the plate was given near Penzance in 1739. This supposition seems also supported by the fact, that no time appears to have elapsed from the formation of the Methodist Societies to the adoption and use of tickets. These were very diverse, not only in their form and size, but also in their style : some were plain, while others were respectable @5^5^;^^:»>^^S^^© specimens of art at that period. % ^ This diversity was now done Wj June, 1817. k j • i j -r ?| ^ iJ away, and a simple and uniionn ^ As ye have re- ^ ticket, like the form seen in the a ceived Christ Jesiis -j^ j^argin, was adopted and sup- r? the LoKD, so walk ^ . . . f9 ye in him : Booted ^ plied to all the Societies. The ^ and built up in ^ date and a portion of Scripture L| Col ii 6 7 ii ^^^^ printed, and the preacher 1^ ^ J) ^ wrote the member's name below, ^ -^ m frequently adding his own ini- ^ 53 tials. One of the tickets has 1^ |« a peculiar appearance. Under a jI ^ heading, which consists of a text ^^j'^^i^^^^Sf^^-i. q£ Scripture, there are four hues drawn, beginning with "Jan. 1, 1755," "Apr. 2, 1755," " July 2," and " Octo. 1," respectively. When this ticket was given, the preacher wrote the name of the member in the first line ; after the expiration of a quarter the member again presented the ticket, and so on. In this case the member appears to have been absent from the visi- tation in July, and was either married, or the ticket 7ff tfie 17. V. 5. cl, iiicreafe oiir Kulh 1 7 55 ■ z^-. Y/ ^/i-^O'^A-^y /ss 9?M^ ^, A^ /ye2> JbA^I' ^MTy<^ .Jff^'t^ 6 S WM^'^M 1^ 3fe P! '''^Jil.lETl^ ii' f'eJf onClieLurdJelusC ■il »t 1 1 " e . of the pro- in his work, but also affords the means of conveymg gressof to the reader, more effectively than it could be done in ^^t^o^™- any other manner, the true cause of the progress of Meth- odism. Persecuted and opposed, it prospered. With a ministry drawn, to a great extent, from the unlettered classes, many of them ha%dng little experience of human life, the process of evangelization continued. Believers were built up into a living church in every part of the land. Is the cause of these marvels inquired into ? It is found in Wesley's indefatigable coui'se of labour. Here is a man of learning and experience, of the most consummate tad and soundness of judgment, — a man with the heart of an apostle and the spirit of a hero, and withal endowed with . almost superhuman powers of endurance. He has the whole field of vision under his own eye. From the Land^s End to the north of Scotland he visits every locality^ alternating his journeys so as to give every place the benefit of liis personal inspection and oversight. Never, indeed, was an appellation more deservedly awarded than when this great Connexion was called "Wesleyan Methodist." It is not a discovery of hidden laws, like that of Newton, or the excogitation of a new modus operandi, like Bacon's, for which the world is indebted to Wesley. By a long con- tinued course of evangelical labour, by incessant travel, — resulting in advantages which would scarcely have been exceeded had he been ubiquitous, — he succeeded in im- pressing on the thousands of the United Societies a large 356 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. measure of his own clear theological vdews, his earnest godlj zeal, and a strong conviction of the duty and import- ance of a steady, systematic aggression on all formality and wickedness. Let the labours of the year which has just passed in review, be regarded as a type of his course of action for more than half a century ; and let it be remembered that he had, in all the districts which he visited, a strong auxiliary band, every one of whom had been converted to God, and had been thrust out to labour, and suffer, and live, to promote the cause of Christ ; and we shall then have some idea of the agency under which Wesleyan Methodism grew into prominence and power. It will be impos- sible to comprehend the course of action pursued, or the effects realized, without keeping these facts in mind. It is competent to every one to consider the continued progress of the body as the best means of testing these representa- tions, and proving or disproving the j&uiity and efficiency of these original Methodist agencies. The following pages will afford many illustrations of their operation in the efforts of the preachers whom "Wesley successively sent into the work. One such case may be given here. Thomas Taylor was a native of Yorkshire. His parents were Presbyterians, and in respectable cir- cumstances. Thomas, after having gone on for some time recklessly in a course of sin, was at an early age converted to God. He soon afterward began to preach, was received as an itinerant, and first appointed to travel in Wales, where he was persecuted, but useful : then he was sent to Castle- bar in Ireland; and at the Conference of 1765 to Scot- land. According to the " Minutes," Thomas Olivers was stationed at Glasgow, and Thomas Taylor at Edinburgh. But, in a sketch of liis life, Mr. Olivers says, " At the Man- BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 857 Chester Conference I was appointed to Scotland. The two years I tarried here I spent in and about Edinburgh, Aber- deen, and Dundee;""^ while Mr. Taylor says his ''destina- tion was to Glasgow.^' t His own account of his entering introduced upon the work in this Circuit shows how Methodism was Glasgow. introduced into that city. He says, " When I arrived, I entered on a scene which I had never witnessed before. The winter was at hand ; I was in a strange land. There was no Society, no place of entertainment, no place to preach in, no friend to communicate my mind to. I took a private lodging, and gave out that I should preach on the Green, a place of public resort, hard by the city. A table was carried to the place, and at the appointed time I went, and found two bakers' boys and two women waiting. My very soul sunk within me. I had travelled by land and by water near six hundred miles to this place ; and behold my congregation ! I turned upon my heel to go away. No one can tell but they who have expei^ienced it, what a task it is to stand in the open air and preach to nobody; more especially in such a place as Glasgow. However, at length I mounted my table and began the singing, which I had entirely to myself. A few more kept creeping together, all seemingly very poor people, till at length I had about two hundred hearers. But this was poor encouragement. The night following I had a more promising congregation ; yet nothing to what I expected. The third night we had heavy rain. This quite cast me down again. O what a day of distress was that ! The enemy assaulted me sorely, so that I was ready to cry out, ' It is better for me to die than to live." But God pitied my weak- ness. The next day cleared up, and I was never pre- * "Lives of the early Methodist Preachers," vol. i., p. 159. t Ibid., vol. ii., p. 353. 358 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. vented from preaching out of doors for eleven or twelve weeks after. " On the Saturday evening I had a large congregation, and on Sunday morning a larger ; but such an one on Sunday evening as I do not remember ever seeing before, excepting one. I mounted my table, but was quite too low. I set a chair upon it, but was quite too low still. I then mounted upon a high wall, and cried aloud, ' The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God ; and they that hear shall live.' All was still as night, so that I conceived great hopes of this opportunity. But when I had done, they made a lane for me to walk through the huge multitude, while they stood staring at me; but no one said, 'Where dwellest thou ?' I walked home much dejected." ■ A new edition of " The Eleven Letters," ascribed to Mr. Hervey, with a preface by a minister of Edinburgh, was just then published, which increased the prejudice of the Scotch against Methodism. Nevertheless, Mr. Taylor went on "preaching night and morning, when opportunity offered -," and, as winter was approaching, he made many efforts to procure a place to preach in, but for a long time without success. Meanwhile liis resources were being rapidly exhausted. He sold his horse, but spared three guineas of the money to help a brother preacher on his way to Ireland. He says, " This brought my stock into a small compass ; and, having everything to pay for, I was reduced to a short allowance. I paid three shillings a week for my room, fire, and attendance ; but I really kept a very poor house. I confess that I never kept so many fast-days before or since. But how to keep up my credit was a difficulty : for I was afraid my landlady would think me poor or covetous. I frequently desired her not BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 359 to provide anything for dinner ; and a little before noon I dressed myself and walked out, till after dinner, and then came home to my hungry room, with a hungry belly. However, she thought I had dined out somewhere; so I saved my credit.''^ "^ During this time he was offered a church in Glasgow, with £140 per annum ; but he refused the tempting offer, obtained a place to preach in, and formed a Society. Its members at length inquired how their minister lived, whether he had an estate of his own, or received supplies from Eng- land ; and on learning that neither was the case, and being informed of the usage of Methodism, they willingly contributed according to their means. Thus he laboured on, until he left them, in the middle of April, numbering seventy members. The twenty-third annual Conference was held in Leeds, The Confer- August 12th, 1766. "Wesley wrote respecting it, "A happier one we never had, nor a more profitable one. It was both begun and ended in love, and with a solemn sense of the presence of God.^^ At this Conference, for the first time, the initials of the preachers who had ceased to labour as itinerants were inserted in the " Minutes.^^ It was done in this manner : " Q. What preachers are laid aside this year ? A. J B , and J M ." No important alterations took place at this time in respect of the Circuits. Tlieir number the preceding year was thirty-nine ; this year it was forty. But then, in the former case. East and West Cornwall were numbered as one Circuit ; in the latter they are numbered as two. The other alterations are these: 1765 had No. 13, Salop; this in 1766 is changed to Cheshire. In 1765 we find Nos. 17 * "Lives of tlie Early Metliodist Preachers," vol. ii., p. 357. 360 HISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Reasons adopted by this Confer- ence for con- tinued adlie- and 18, Epwortli and Grimsby; in 1766 we have, instead, Lincolnshire East, and Lincolnshire West. In 1765 Scot- land was divided into four Circuits ; in 1766 it had five, by the addition of Dunbar as No. 27. But then the Princi- pality, which in 1765 had two Circuits under the names of ''Glamorgan and Pembroke," had only one, under the appellation of " Wales," with only two preachers. Two questions of vital importance were raised at this Conference, and discussed at some length. They appear to be very different in their nature, but were, nevertheless, sion to the in Wcslcy^s judgment, not very remotely connected. The questions now mooted respected the continued adhesion of the Methodists to the Church, and the power exercised over the Societies by their founder. The first of these questions was raised by the inquiry, " Q. Are we not then Dissenters? A. We are irregular; 1. By calling sinners to repentance in all places of God's dominion. 2. By fre- quently using extem])orary prayer. Yet we are not Dis- senters in the only sense which our law acknowledges ; namely, persons who believe it is sinful to attend the service of the Church : for we do attend it at all oppor- tunities. We will not, dare not, separate from the Church, for the reasons given several years ago. We are not seceders, nor do we bear any resemblance to them. We set out upon quite opposite principles. The seceders laid the very foundation of their work in judging and condemn- ing others. We laid the foundation of our work in judging and condemning ourselves. They begin everywhere with showing their hearers how fallen the Church and ministers are. We begin everywhere with showing our hearers how fallen they are themselves. "And as we are not Dissenters from the Church, so we will do nothing willingly which tends to a separation from BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 361 it. Therefore, let every assistant so order liis Circuit, that no preacher may be hindered from attending the church more than two Sundays in the month. Never make light of going to church, either by word or deed Bu| some may say, ' Our own service is public worship.' Yes, in a sense ; but not such as supersedes the Church service. We never designed it should. We have a hundred times professed the contrary. It pre-supposes public prayer, like the sermons at the University. Therefore, I have over and over advised. Use no long prayer, either before or after sermon. Therefore I myself frequently use only a collect, and never enlarge in prayer, unless at intercession, or on a watch- night, or some extraordinary occasion. " If it were designed to be instead of Church service, it would be essentially defective. For it seldom has the four grand parts of public prayer, — deprecation, petition, inter- cession, and thanksgiving. Neither is it, even on the Lord's day, concluded with the Lord's Supper. "The hour for it on that day, unless where there is some peculiar reason for a variation, should be five in the morning, as well as five in the evening. Why should we make God's day the shortest of the seven ? " But if the people put ours in the place of the Church service, we hurt them that stay with us, and rui7i them that leave us. For then they will go nowhere, but lounge the Sabbath away without any public worship at all. I advise, therefore, all the Methodists in England and Ire- land who have been brought up in the Church, constantly to attend the service of the Church, at least every Lord's day."^ We see here precisely the position which Wesley in- * "Minutes of the Methodist Confereuce," Octavo Edition, 1812, vol. i., p. 58. VOL. I. B, 363 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. tended the Methodist Societies to occupy,, and the manner in which their rehgious services were to be regarded in rektion to those of the Church. Fully assured of the divine voca,tion of Methodism, and that his preachers were called of God to the work in which they were engaged, he nevertheless did not intend that the religious worship con- ducted in the I\Iethodist chapels should be regarded as super- seding the necessity of attending worship in the Established churches. On the contrary, he assures us that he had designedly adapted the Methodist services for the spiritual instruction and edification of those who were pre-supposed in other parts of the day to attend worship and participate in the full service of prayer in the church. It is necessary here to note the important bearing of these views on the purity and religious efficiency of Methodism in the early part of its history. The effect of The evil tendency of the errors and pompous rites re- tliis decision . . n t -r, n on the cha- tamed m the Establishment at the time oi the ileiormation, ractoofthe ^^^^ ^^le importance of the vital truth held by the Puritans and manifested by their testimony, have been fully recog- nised in the preceding pages, and with the utmost sincerity. But this does not prevent our entertaining a strong convic- tion that the beneficial effects which ought to have resulted from the latter, were seriously minified by the avowed antagonism of many of the Puritan or Presbyterian party to the Established Church. With a great preponderance of truth, there was a sj)irit of bitterness and hostility engendered and displayed toward the National EstabUsh- ment, which fearfully deteriorated the godly character of the early opponents of episcopacy and liturgies. Methodists of the present day may be allowed to difi'er in opinion as to whether the religious services of the early Methodists ought not to have been regarded, in a strict and 1 i BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 363 proper sense, as public worship. Yet it is very evident that "Wesley^s general views and decisions as to the points referred to in the extract quoted above, were provi- dentially overruled, so as to produce the most beneficial effects on the character of Methodism. This determined adherence of Wesley to the Church prevented his followers from indulging in that spirit which had wrought so much evil to the religious people of former days, and became a very strong incentive to active holiness. The judgment and spirit of the founder were, more or less, impressed on all his preachers ; and they generally, at least, urged it on their numerous members and hearers. Methodism, there- fore, progressed, not as a rival church or sect, but as an humble agent, charged with the important mission of spreading scriptural holiness throughout the land. Under this influence, the character of the body was formed. And it is not too much to say, that such a character could not have been formed under any other influence. When a religious community starts into being in the spirit of hostihty to any other religious body, it bears the plague-spot of corruption on the very principle of its existence. The other question to which reference has been made^ The power respected the measure of power exercised by Wesley over wesiey the preachers and the Societies. In answering this question, questioned, the Minute before us recapitulates the origin of the Societies, defended. and of the several offices sustained in them ; and clearly shows, that all this organization took place and grew up into existence, not at Wesley^s request, nor for liis benefit, but at the request and for the advantage of others. Persons came to him, and entreated him to give them religious counsel and advice : he consented ; and they thus became members of his Society, Some of those declared R 2 364 HISTORY. OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. their conviction that God had called them to preach, and asked to be allowed to assist him as his sons in the Gospel : he accepted them, and appointed tliem their work; thus they became preachers : and so of stewards, and other officers. He therefore maintains that he ought not, in con- sequence of the extent to which this had been carried, to be subjected to the direction and control of the persons who had thus sought connexion with him ; but that on the contrary, as the terms of this connexion were purely voluntary, those persons were bound, as long as they con- tinued in union with him, to remain so on the terms of the original compact ; namely, that they should act under his direction. He accordingly declared, that he neither loved nor desired the exercise of this power, but that he regarded it as a part of the burden which he was providentially called upon to bear. There cannot be a doubt as to the logical conclusiveness of Wesley^s position. Those who, as a favour to themselves, sought connexion with him and employment under him, had clearly no right whatever to arrogate a power to direct his action, or to control his judgment. But there can be no doubt, that "Wesley had other reasons, besides the bare abstract propriety of the thing, for insist- ing on this course. He saw that what the concession required, — namely, "a free Conference, wherein all things shall be determined by most votes,^' — would be fatal to the continued adhesion of Methodism to the Church. No teaching or influence brought to bear on lay preachers, could possibly give them the judgment and feeling towards the Establishment which were cherished by the Wesleys. The founder of Methodism knew this, and recognised the possibility of such an alteration after he was removed. " After my death,^^ he observes in those Minutes, " some- BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 365 thing of tliis kiud may take place ; but not while I live.'" He felt bound to use the influence and power which Pro- vidence had placed in his hands, to maintain Methodism in its original relation to the Church. And this measure greatly conserved and extended its evangelical and religious character. A clear proof that Wesley^s heart was set on the means of promoting inward and outw^ard holiness^ and on making his Societies more than ever aggressive on all sin and formality, is found in the fact, that, having at this Conference discussed these two important questions, — the relation of Methodism to the Church, and the power exercised by himself, — he proceeds in the "Minutes" to say, "But all hitherto is comparatively little. I come now to speak of greater things." He then through five or six pages insists that personal religion both among preachers and people was too superficial ; and by argument and exhortation urges on alt the attainment of a higher state of holiness, and the exercise of a more devoted zeal in the service of God. The Minutes further state that Wesley afterward proceeded to insist on his preachers being more knowing . Nothing can exceed the strong and nervous terms in which this is enforced. He says the cause of the smallness of their knowledge was their idleness. And he affirms, " We must, absolutely must, cure this evil, or give up the whole work." This language, however, should not be construed into any severe reflection on the preachers of that day: few men now will dare to call them idle. But Wesley w^as indefatigable and laborious beyond example, and he was entitled to use language which few others could suitably employ. The " Minutes" of this year must have had a very im- portant eilect on the character of Methodism, and well persecution. 366 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. deserve the careful attention of Methodists of all ages and countries. Malignant It is exceedingly difficult to convey to general readers of the present day any adequate idea of the virulent malignity with which the active Methodists of this time were frequently persecuted^ of the meek and patient bearing with which they submitted to the most violent outrage^ or of the remarkable manner in which Providence sometimes threw its shield over the innocent sufferers, and at others no less signally avenged itself on murderous purposes and passions. One instance, which occurred about this time, may be mentioned. Blakey Spencer M^as a poor man who lived at Skircoat Green, near Halifax. His curiosity was so excited by the accounts which he heard of John Nelson on his being liberated from the army, that he went over to Birstal to hear him preach. Having done so, he felt so interested and pleased with what he heard, that he invited him to come to his house at Skircoat Green, and preach there. Nelson complied, and thus Methodist preaching was introduced into this part of Yorkshire. The result was, that Spencer and many others were brought to the experience of salvation. Having maintained an unblemished Christian character, and evinced an intense desire for the salvation of his fellow men, for some years, he became a very active and useful local preacher. In the discharge of the duties of this office, he not only employed his talents to the edification of those in his immediate neighbourhood, but, impelled by ardent love for souls, pushed forth his exertions into different parts of the surrounding district with which we are con- cerned,— " into nooks and corners where lived a race of beings uncultivated as the soil they trod, and rugged as the moun- tain fastnesses they inhabited. Careless of his welfare, this BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 367 zealous champion reared the standard of the Cross^ and preached the name of Jesus with undaunted fortitude, and, even amid hot persecution, with unabated zeal. In the neigh- bourhood of Ripponden and Stirk Bridge, Blakey Spencer had more than once been mobbed and pelted with stones. About the period of which we are now writing, he had been preaching near the latter place, when the people showed, by their hostile movements, a determination to execute a threat they had before uttered. He endeavoured to evade their grasp, and succeeded for a while in outstrip- ping his pursuers ; but, his strength failing, they pounced like vultures on their prey. Rough treatment ensued ; and it will give a glimpse of the depravity and semi-barbarism of the neighbourhood, when it is stated that this mob was composed alike of women and men. Not content with the base and cruel treatment of which he was the subject, they threw him upon the ground, and dragged him to the edge of the rivulet, a short space above Sowerby Bridge. The stream being at that time much swollen, the waters dashed along their channel with hoarse and lofty murmurs ; and just opposite the spot where the mob had dragged their victim, was one of those eddies which are caused by a sand- hole in the bed of the stream. The rushing and whirling of the waters creamed the surface with foam, and, pointing to the whirlpool, a woman, who lived hard by, and who had shown herself more vociferous than the rest, shouted Avith maddening fury, 'In with him ! drown him, drown him V The mob would have seized poor Spencer, to put in force this hellish mandate; but such had already been their brutal usage, that he lay senseless on the ground. They saw his state, and left him for dead, and the woman's thirst for his blood remained unsated. The poor sufferer lay for a considerable time insensible, but, recovering with great 368 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. difficulty, and enduring intense pain, crawled home. The sequel must be told. " Within a few days after this occurrence, the woman previously noticed was standing on the edge of the rivulet, where she had come to wash her mop. Holding it by the extremity of the handle, she was cleansing it in the eddy, when by the force of the stream it was sucked in; the woman herself was drawn after, for a few moments she was whirled in the pool, and, when taken out of the waters, her spirit had fled to appear before that God who has declared He ' will avenge the blood of His servants, and will render vengeance to His adversaries !^ "•^ This year, as far as can be ascertained, Wesley preached for the first time in the city of Winchester. Methodism had been introduced into this place by the efforts of a young man named Jasper Winscom. Having been led to adopt the doctrines of Wesley from reading some books which his wife possessed, he felt very anxious to invite the preachers to visit Winchester ; but the Church interest was so very prevalent there, that several attempts were made before any sermon was delivered. In the summer of 1763, Winscom met a Methodist preacher, A¥illiam Minithorpe, at Eomsey. What brought him there cannot now be ascertained : probably he was stationed that year on the Wiltshire Circuit, and was travelling for the purpose of extending the Gospel in that direction. However, Winscom invited him to come to Winchester, which he did in the follow- ing week, and preached in a summer-house belonging to Winscom's mother-in-law. This place would contain about twenty persons ; how many were present on this occasion, is not known ; but the preaching was continued once a fortnight in this summer-house until the following May, * Walker's "Methodism in Halifax." I BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 369 and a class was formed, consisting of four members : Jasper and Jane Winscom, Edward Hayes, and John Sparrow. Of this class Jasper was the leader. This soon attracted attention, and, as the Methodists had no Sunday service, the Dissenters invited them to worship at their chapel. This was declined, the little band preferring to meet for prayer and to read a sermon among themselves on Sabbath evenings, and to go to church in the mornings. This line of conduct, however, brought Winscom into great perplexity. 0|)posed by both Church people and Dissenters, his business fell off, and he was led to contemplate the necessity of removing to another town. Soon afterward, however, a Dissenter, who had kept a shop similar to Winscom's in the ironmongery trade, died ; in consequence, he was enabled to unite the trade of both establishments, and his embarrassments were removed. The Methodist cause advanced slowly : after two years the class numbered but twelve, and we cannot learn that it was larger when Wesley preached in Win- chester in 1766. The twenty-fourth annual Conference was held in London, The Con- and began on Tuesday, August 18th, 1767. Of it Wesley i^"-*^^ " says, " I met in Conference with our assistants and a select number of preachers. To these were added on Thursday and Friday, Mr. Whitefield, Howell Harris, and many stewards and local preachers. Love and harmony reigned from the beginning to the end ; but we have all need of more love and holiness, and, in order thereto, of crying continually, 'Lord, increase our faith.'^'"^ These " Minutes" afford a tolerably complete summary of Methodist statistics. The following shows the number of Circuits, preachers, and members : — * "Wesley's '■' Journal," under the date. K, 5 370 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODTSM. Circuits. Preachers. Members. In England 26 75 22,410 „ Ireland 9 19 2,801 „ Scotland 5 7 468 „ Wales 1 3 232 Totals 41 104 25,911 being an increase on the year of one Circuit, and six preacliers. As this is the first time in which we have a complete list of the members, no comparison can be made in this respect with the preceding year. The " Minutes " of this Conference are not remarkable for any important enactments. The Wednesbury Trustees having expressed some apprehension lest one preacher might be appointed to them for many years, it was agreed to insert in the deed the following clause : " Provided that the same preacher shall not be sent, ordinarily above one, never above two years together.^' The following minute is eminently Wesley an : " How may the books be spread more? A. Let every assistant give them away prudently, and beg money of the rich to buy books for the poor." Other minutes of this Conference are directed against the practice of smuggling, and bribery at elections. Gracious During this year a very gracious work was carried on revival at amoug the bovs at Kingswood School. Wesley had Kingswood. o ^ a ./ laboured for nothing more earnestly than to make this a thoroughly religious educational establishment. In his efforts to promote this object, he had met with many and grievous disappointments. But at last it seemed as if his prayers were' to be answered, and his labour crowned with success. The following is an extract of a letter from one of the masters to Wesley, dated "April 27th, 1768." BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 371 "On Wednesday, the 20th, God broke in upon our boys in a surprising manner. A serious concern has been observable in some of them for some time past ; but tliat night, while they were in their private apartments, the power of God came upon them like a mighty, rushing wind, which made them cry aloud for mercy. Last night, I hope, will never be forgotten, when about twenty were in the utmost distress. But God quickly spoke peace to two of them. A greater display of His love I never saw ; they indeed rejoice with joy unspeakable. For my own part, I have not often felt the like power. We have no need to exhort them to pray, for that spirit runs through the whole school; so that this house may well be called ' an house of prayer.' While I am writing, the cries of the boys from their several apartments are sounding in my ears.'' Another letter, a few days after, says, "I cannot help congratulating you on tlie happy situation of your family here. The power of God continues to work with almost irresistible force ; and there is good reason to hope it w ill not be withdrawn, till every soul is converted to God." And a third letter, under date, " May 18th," relates, " The work of God still goes on at Kingswood. Of the one hundred and thirty members who have been added to the Society since the last Conference, the greater part have received justifying faith, and are still rejoicing in God their Saviour ; and (what is most remarkable) I do not know of one backsHder in the place. The outpouring of the Spirit on the children of the School has been exceeding great." * One of the instruments of this revival was John Murlin. He was a native of St. Stephen's, Cornwall, and was con- verted to God about April, 1749 ; he soon afterward became * Wesley's " Journal," May Gth, 1768. 372 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. the leader of a class and a local preacher, and was called into the itinerant work at the Conference of 1754. After labour- ing in various parts of Great Britain and Ireland, he was appointed to Bristol in 1767, as assistant preacher, with Peter Price as his colleague. He says of this extraordinary work, " There was this year a very remarkable increase of the work of God in Kingswood. Above an hundred and sixty members were added to the Society ; and thirteen or fourteen children in the School were enabled to rejoice in God their Saviour.''^ Expulsion An event took place about this time at Oxford, dents from ^^'liich, although resulting from a strong antipathy to Oxford Um- Mcthodism, issued in giving an impetus to the work. This was the expulsion from the University of six young students, "for holding Methodistical tenets, and taking upon them to pray, read and expound the Scriptures, and sing hymns, in a private house.^' The principal of their college, the Eev. Dr. Dixon, defended their doctrines from the thirty-nine Articles of the Established Church, and spoke in the highest terms of their piety, and the exem- plariness of their lives. But his motion was overruled, and the accused were, by the visitorial power of the vice- chancellor and his associates, formally expelled. Dr. Dixon then, as one of the heads of houses present, suggested that, as these young men were expelled for having too much religion, it would be very proper to inquire into the conduct of some who had too little. The only answer given to this proposal was, by the vice-chancellor thanking the person who had preferred the accusatioii against these young men, and telling him that "the University was obliged to him for his good work." These young men did not unite with Wesley after their expulsion, but their case was brought before the public in BOOK II. CHAPTER. IV. 373 connexion with Methodism by a very pungent satirical sermon called "The Shaver.^^ The author of this produc- tion was Mr. John MacGowan, previously noticed. " This piece of his," Mr. Myles says, " furthered the cause of Methodism, and removed the prejudice which many had against lay preachers." The town of Leeds was much interested and excited at this time by the novel circumstance of a captain in the army preaching in the Methodist chapel. This was a Captain Scott. The regiment to which he belonged being quartered in Leeds for about a week, the captain, who was a pious man and a good preacher, occupied the pulpit in the ]\Iethodist chapel on the afternoons of two market-days. Multitudes were attracted by the strange sight ; and some were awakened, and savingly brought to God. The twenty-fifth annual Conference was held in Bristol, The Con- and began August 16th, 1768. Wesley's only remark uq^ respecting it in his " Journal " is, " O what can we do for more labourers ? We can only cry to the Lord of the harvest." The work at this time seems to have made but little pro- gress generally. The Circuits reported to this Conference were forty in number, the same as they were two years pre- viously; and the number of members, 27,341, being an increase for the year of 1,430 ; but of this number the in- crease in Staffordshire alpne was nearly 1,100. This induced a careful investigation into the condition of the several So- cieties, and especially into the circumstances of the preachers. The result of this examination was a resolution affirming the Methodist impropriety of itinerant preachers carrying on trade. It is fo^bwiden t certain, that at this time some of them did so. And this '^""y "" trade. practice cannot be wondered at, when it is considered that those persons were employed distinctly and decidedly as 374 HISTORY or WESLEYAN METHODISM. lay preachers, and had no clerical status or profession what- ever; and, further, that the provision made for them was of the most slender kind, and scarcely contemplated the wants of wives and children. It is believed that an entry is still extant in the Society book of one of the most ancient cities of the island to this effect : '^ 7*. 6^., for turn- ing the assistant preacher's coat, and making it fit the second preacher." It can excite no surprise, that able and energetic men, placed in these circumstances, should have endeavoured, by some light kind of business, to increase their income, and thus enable themselves to provide more comfortably for their families. Wesley saw all this, and the minute respecting it is based on the question, "Should itinerant preachers follow trades ? " To this it was an- swered, " This is an important question ; and as it is the first time it has come before us, it will be proper to con- sider it thoroughly. The question is not whether they may occasionally work with their hands, as St. Paul did; but whether it is proper for them to keep shop, and follow merchandise. Of those who do so at present, it may be observed, they are unquestionably upright men. They are men of considerable gifts. We see the fruit of their labour, and they have a large share in the esteem and love of the people. All this pleads on their side, and cannot but give us a prejudice in their favour." The minute then goes on to notice the cases of three preachers who pleaded a necessity for this kind of trading, and these Wesley, from a particular examination of each, showed not to be cases of absolute necessity. The conversation then passed on to consider whether the practice in question, namely, of preachers following trades, was not " evil in itself, and evil in its consequences." In discussing the first of these ques- tions, a course w^as taken which affords important informa- BOOK II. CHAPTEll IV. 375 tion as to tlie view which Wesley took of his lay assistants. He not only applies to their case those texts of Scripture which clearly refer to the right of ministers of the Gospel to temporal support, but actually quotes the Office of Ordination of the Established Church. And thus he not only claims for his preachers the same religious position as was occupied by the ministers of the Establishment, but even goes further, and adds, "We, indeed, more par- ticularly, because God hath called us ' to provoke them to jealousy,' to supply their lack of service to the sheep that are as without shepherds, and to spend and be spent therein." "^ So that, although Wesley continued to regard his preachers as laymen, and declined to allow them to administer the sacraments, he did this on merely eccle- siastical, and not on strictly rehgious, grounds. A further proof of this is found in the defence of Wesley's conduct in reference to his connexion with the Greek bishop Erasmus, already referred to, which was written, as Mr. Myles asserts, with Wesley's consent, by Thomas Olivers. In that pubhcation it was said, that " Mr. Wes- ley was connected with a number of persons who have given every proof which the nature of the thing allows, that they have an inward call to preach the Gospel. Both he and they would be glad if they had an outward call also.'' t It is therefore evident that Wesley regarded his preachers as truly called of God to publish the Gospel of Christ, and consequently, as being under every religious obligation to conduct themselves as persons set apart for this sacred office ; although he did not regard the external call which they had received as sufficient to justify them in administering the sacraments. The issue of this con- * " Minutes," vol. i., p. 78. t Myles's " Chrouological History," p. 7G. 376 HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. versatiou was, therefore, an earnest recommendation to all the preachers who had hitherto engaged in trade, " to give up all, and attend to the one business." " It is true," the minute goes on to say, " this cannot be done on a sudden • but it may between this and the next Conference." * The state of the Societies in Cornwall led Wesley to visit that county, where he preached in peace to large congre- gations ; but he complained that " the love of many " had become " cold." He passed on to Kingswood, preaching at Devonport, Plymouth, Axminster, and other places, in the way. Then he visited in succession Bristol, Bath, Brad- ford, Salisbury, Weedon, Hertford, Wycombe, Oxford, and Witney; after which he spent a Sabbath in London. He then preached at the barracks at Chatham, at Deptford, Colchester, Norwich, and again returned to London. Bristol, Stroud, Tewkesbury, Chester, were afterwards visited in succession. On the 21st of March he embarked for Ireland, where he travelled until the 24th of July, when he returned to England. During this visit he endeavoured to heal a breach between the preachers and people at Dublin, but complains that it was but partially done. Miss Bo^an- In the month of June, 1768, Miss Bosanquet removed moverto lier large establishment from Leytonstone to Gildersome, near Leeds, which circumstance, from the eminent piety and gifts of tliis Christian lady, had a very happy effect on many of the neighbouring Societies. Soon after this removal, finding the house in which she dwelt unsuitable, she pur- chased an estate, on which stood a large house and very commodious premises. To this place she removed, and called it Cross Hall. Here she immediately began a class- meeting; and before the necessary alterations were made, many of the work-people were converted to God. As some * " Minutes," vol. i., p, 78. Cross Hall, near Leeds. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 377 of tliese resided at a distance, she urged them to endeavour to get similar meetings in the vicinity of their respective dwellings : thus the saving knowledge of Christ and the means of grace were greatly extended. After Miss Bosanquet had settled at Cross Hall, she "felt a powerful impression on her mind that she should visit Leeds; but she had no acquaintance there. One time, when earnestly engaged in prayer, it seemed as if some one said, ' Go to the house of Abraham Dickenson.'' She obeyed, and found Mrs. Dickenson — an eminently pious woman — as usual busily employed. AH business was, however, laid aside, and a few pious friends quickly collected together, to participate in the enjoyment of the society of the visitor. During this interview they expe- rienced much of the divine presence, and a gracious out- pouring of the sacred influence of the Holy Spirit. From that period Miss Bosanquet continued to meet them in band once a fortnight.''"' "^ This year Eichard Rodda, a Cornish tinner, began to preach. He had been brought to the experience of salva- tion some time before, and been wonderfully preserved in many very perilous circumstances whilst pursuing his labours under ground ; and, although he long and stoutly fought against his convictions of duty, he was at length compelled to preach the Gospel of Christ. It is difficult to find a man, even in those days of privation, toil, and persecution, who devoted himself to the work of the minis- try, and endured " hardness as a good soldier," with more zeal and firmness than Mr. Eodda. The Society at AYinchester was now increased and strengthened by the addition of many godly soldiers who belonged to a regiment which was at this time quartered * " MetHodist Magazine," 1819, p. C'JO. 378 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Conference of 1769. Provision made for preachers' wives. there. These men were eminently pious and very useful. The twenty-sixth Conference was held at Leeds, August 1st, 1769. The number of Circuits was now increased from 40 to 46 ; the number of members from 27,341 to 28,263. At this Conference an important discussion took place respecting a provision for preachers^ wives. It was said, " Many inconveniences have arisen from the present method of providing for preachers^ wives. The preachers who are most wanted in several places, cannot be sent thither because they are married; and if they are sent, the people look upon them with an evil eye, because they cannot bear the burden of their famihes." The question therefore arose, " How may these inconve- niences be remedied ?" In answer to this question, it was resolved that the Circuits should contribute according to their means toward the support of the wives of the preachers, whether married or single preachers were ap- pointed to them. The allowance for a wife was, at this time, fixed at £10 per annum, and the following kind of assessment made : — London was to contribute £5 j!;er quarter, or sufficient for two; Sussex, £2. 10*.; Salisbury, Bradford, Bristol, Devon, Cornwall East, the same ; Corn- wall West, £5 ; Manchester, Leeds, Bristol, York, Yarm, Haworth, the Dales, the same; Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire, £2. 10*.; Liverpool, Sheffield, £3. 15*.; Lincolnshire East, £6 ; West, £3. 15*. ; Bradford, £3. 15*. ; Newcastle, £7. 10*. Thus a provision was made for thirty- six wives at £2. 10*. joer quarter each. There were at that time but thirty-one wives of preachers dependent on this means of support ; and the surplus was ordered to be divided among those who had children, or according to their requirements. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 379 Notwitlistanding tliese efforts to make an improved Thepecuni- . . „ ,, , •■ ,-ii • 1 , ary means of provision for the preachers, it was stiii very inadequate ; t,jg preach- indeed, so much so, that besides the persecution which ^""^^j^g'^^^g^^ their labours provoked, they had to endure great, some- times very grievous, privations. So extensively was this the case, that many who bade fair to be the brightest ornaments of the Wesleyan itineranc}^ as their families increased, were driven back to business, merely to obtain the ordinary necessaries of life. The following extract from the Bradford Circuit book for 1770 is given as a specimen of the usages of the Connexion in what was then regarded as the advanced era of its financial movements : — £, s. d. " The preach er^s quarterly board, 13 weeks, at 3*. 6^^ 2 5 6 The preacher^s quarterage 3 0 0 Ditto ditto for the wife 1 17 6 Allowed for servant 0 12 6 AUowed for turnpikes 0 6 0 £8 1 6'' To those not conversant with Methodistic affairs, it may be necessary to state that the sum allowed under the head of " weekly board " was designed for the maintenance of the family ; or, as it is technically entered in one page of the Society^s records, " for eating." The " quarterage " was intended to meet the expense of clothing, books, &c. Less than £33 ^ler anmivi was thus tlic whole income of the preacher and his family for clothing, maintenance, and other necessaries ! The preacher, it is true, was much from home ; provisions, too, must have been considerably cheaper than at present ; yet, with every allowance for all 380 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Application from Ame- rica for preachers. lutroductiou of Meth- odism into America. these, other aid must have been imperatively necessary to enable a preacher and his family to live.* This Conference, as stated above, was held in Leeds, and was noticed in the " Intelligencer '' newspaper of the 8th of August in the following terms : " For a week past the Rev. Mr. John Wesley has held a kind of visitation, but what they call a Conference, in this town, with several hundreds of his preachers from most parts of Great Britain and Ireland, where he settled their several routes for the succeeding year, &c. ; and after collecting a large sum of money for the purpose of sending out missionaries for America, he yesterday morning set out for Manchester.'" The newspaper writer evidently included the visitors and others in the number set down as preachers. On this occasion it was reported to the Conference, " We have a pressing call from our brethren at New York to come over and help them. Who is willing to go ?^' It is scarcely possible to attach too much importance to this fact. The American colonies were at this time in their infancy, it is true, but beginning to put forth signs of vigour and power, a fit prelude of their future greatness. It should be remembered to the credit of the sex, that the honour of introducing Methodism into America is justly due to the godly zeal of a Christian woman. In the year 1765, a vessel conveying some Irish emigrants of the better class of labourers reached New York. Among these were Philip Embury, and some members of Society. During the following year, another body of emigrants, some of them friends and neighbours of the former, followed them to the same city, and among them an aged Christian matron. Soon after the arrival of this latter company, this lady, who was deeply concerned for the welfare * Rev. W. AV. Stamp's " Methodism in Bradford," p. 55. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 381 of her own soul and the salvation of others, was greatly grieved to find that Embury, and the other Methodists who had been some time in America, had almost wholly given up their religious profession, and were devoting themselves to the follies and amusements of the world. At length, on one occasion, she went into a room where several of these, with Embury among them, were assembled, and some of them engaged playing a game of cards. Seeing this, she instantly seized the cards, and threw them into the fire ; and turning to Embury, she reproved him for his unfaith- fulness, and said, " You must preach to us, or we shall all go to hell together ; and God will require our blood at your hands." This sharp appeal to his conscience roused the unfaithful Embury to a sense of duty ; but, as if un^\dl- ling to yield at once to the power of truth and the dictates of his better judgment, he replied, "I cannot preach, for I have neither house nor congregation;" to which the old lady answered, " Preach in your own house, and to our own company." Not being able to resist the upbraidings of his conscience and the reproofs of this mother in Israel, he consented to comply with her request, and soon after delivered the first Methodist sermon ever preached in America, to a congregation of five persons, in " his own hired house." Embury, being thus committed to a course of Cliristian duty, was useful to his hearers, so that his own house was too small, and a larger room was hired for their services, the rent being defrayed by voluntary contributions. As this little company were one day engaged in solemn worship in this humble sanctuary, they were surprised and dis- concerted by the appearance of a British officer in full uniform. At first they feared he was come to disturb, and perhaps to prohibit, their meeting in tliis manner ; but 382 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Captain Webb's preaching and useful- Progress of Methodism, and the erec- tion of Wes- ley chapel in New York. tlieir fears were soon dispelled ; tliey saw him devoutly kneel in i^rayer, and participate with apparent delight in their simple worsliip. This gentleman was no other than Captain Webb, who had been converted to God under Wesley^s preach- ing in Bristol, and been employed by him as a local preacher. He was at this time on service in America, and was quartered at Albany ; and, hearing there was a small Methodist Society at New York, he sought and found them. Captain Webb was, of course, invited to preach ; and, as it was at that time usual for officers to wear tlieir regi- mentals on all occasions, he appeared in the pulpit in full uniform. This strange appearance soon attracted crowds to the Methodist meeting-house ; and the earnest and heart-searching addresses of Captain Webb were the means of salvation to many souls. His position, too, as an officer and a gentleman, brought Methodism into knowledge and repute in those circles of society to which the Irish emigrants could have no access ; and thus the word of the Lord was abundantly successful. After a short time the new place of worship became too small, and a large rigging loft was taken, which was fitted up as a preaching house. This room, also, in turn became too strait, and it was determined to build a chapel. Very formidable difficulties opjiosed the progress of this design, but they were all surmounted, and the building was finished. Mr. Embury, who was a carpenter by trade, made the pulpit with his own hands, and then, on the 30th of October, 1768, preached the first sermon in what the Society then called " Wesley chapel." It may fairly be presumed that, common as this name has since become, this house was the original Weslei/ chapel. This eminent success rendered fui'ther ministerial help BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 383 necessary. Captain Webb travelled to Long Island and other places to preach the Gospel, and Methodism was diffused over a considerable extent of country. Embury, although now pious, and zealous, and exercising as far as he could the office of a pastor, possessed humble preaching abilities; and he had to support himself by his trade. Other ministerial aid was therefore urgently needed. It happened that just as Wesley chapel was being finished, it became known that one of the emigrants recently arrived in New York was personaDy acquainted with Wesley. This man was accordingly requested to send a brief account of the state and prospects of the Society to England; at the same time earnestly urging Wesley to send to them "a. man of wisdom, of sound faith, and a good discipli- narian." The letter concluded with these words : " With respect to money for the payment of the preacher^s passage over, if they could not procure it, we would sell our coats and shirts to procure it for them." When tliis application was communicated to the Con- Boardman .terence, two of the preachers, Richard Boardman and ^^^j. ^^^ Joseph Pilmoor, offered themselves to go as missionaries preachers, . . . . . sent by to America. A collection was then immediately made in wesiey in the Conference, and out of it £50 sent as a token of love to aid the to the brethren in New York to assist them in paying their ^lethodists '■ •' " of Amenca. debt, and £20 appropriated to pay the passage of the two preachers. Thus, in about four years after the first Methodist of whom we have any knowledge landed on the shores of America, two itinerant preachers appointed by Wesley in Conference were on their way to that country, to minister in a chapel which had been already built and opened for divine worship. So remarkably were the energy and rapid success of this work, at its commence- ment, in harmony with its subsequent amazing extension 384 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. and developement, and the mighty influence it has exer- cised on the rehgious destinies of the world. Wesley, at the Conference of 1769, had entered on his sixty-sixth year. Methodism had become extensively known and useful throughout the country ; and although he steadily adhered to his original policy of keeping his people in fel- lowship with the Established Church, and of regarding his preachers as laymen, called in an extraordinary manner to preach the Gospel, he nevertheless felt anxious for the perpetuation of the cause which had been thus providen- tially reared up and brought into vigorous operation. With this object he read a paper to the Conference, which pro- Piaa for pounded his views on the subject. In this document he perpetua- began by setting forth his extreme desire for the hearty and uniou of the effective union of those ministers of the Church who believe the event of and prcach salvation by faith, that they might not hinder, Wesley's -^^^ help, onc another. He mentions the effort he made to effect this by writing to fifty or sixty of these, and its failure as already recorded, dismissing that topic with the words, " They are a rope of sand, and such they will con- tinued^ " But," he goes on to say, " it is otherwise with the travellmg preachers in our Connexion. You are at present one body : you act in concert ^dth each other, and by united counsels. And now is the time to consider what can be done in order to continue this union. Indeed, as long as I live, there will be no great difficulty : I am, under God, a centre of union to all our travelhng as well as local preachers. " They all know me and my communication. They all love me for my work's sake : and, therefore, were it only out of regard to me, they Mall continue connected with each other. But by what means may this connexion be pre- served when God removes me from you ? " BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 385 After declaring tliat no means would keep men united in this work who had not a single eye, and did not aim solely at the glory of God and the salvation of men, the paper proceeds : " But what method can be taken, to preserve a firm union between those who choose to remain together ? " Perhaps you might take some such steps as these : — " On notice of my death, let all the preachers in Eng- land and Ireland repair to London within six weeks. " Let them seek God by solemn fasting and prayer. " Let them draw up Articles of Agreement to be signed by those who choose to act in concert. "Let those be dismissed who do not choose it, in the most friendly manner possible. " Let them choose, by votes, a committee of three, five, or seven, each of them to be moderator in liis turn. "Let the committee do what I do now : propose preach- ers to be tried, admitted, excluded. Fix the place of each preacher for the ensuing year, and the time of the next Conference.''^ In order to prepare the way for some such arrangement as this, the following Avas submitted for consideration, to be afterward signed by those preachers who approved it : — " We whose names are under-written, being thoroughly convinced of the necessity of a close union between those whom God is pleased to use as instruments in this glorious work, in order to preserve this union between ourselves, are resolved, God being our helper, "I. To devote ourselves entirely to God: denpng our- selves, taking up our cross daily, steadily aiming at one thing, — to save our own souls and them that hear us. "11. To preach the old Methodist doctrine, and no other, contained in the ' IMinutes ' of the Conference. VOL. I. s 386 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. " III. To observe and enforce the whole Methodist discipline laid down in the said ' Minutes.'" ' The preachers then desired that the most material parts of the "Minutes'' might be extracted, and a copy sent to each assistant, so that all the preachers might have an opportunity of carefully considering the whole subject. This year brought William Ashman into the itinerant work. He was born at Colford, in the county of Somerset, and converted in his youth. He married when about twenty-one years of age, went into business, was appointed a leader, and Society and Circuit steward, and was rendered very useful in his neighbourhood for many years. ^Yhen about thirty-four years of age, he wrote to "Wesley, to let him know that he was disposed to give himself up more fully to the work of God. His reasons for this step, and his fii'st appointment, are given in his own words, as foUows : — " This was not done because I could not live at home, or for any temporal advantage ; for I had a good house of my own, and an excellent business, by which I cleared fifty pounds a year, with half the labour I have had since I left home. I had also a kind father, a tender motlier, a loving wife, and many friends; but I took up my cross, and a great one it was to me and my wife. We went, according to appointment, into the east of Cornwall, and with great difficulty I procured a place for her to live in. At last I agreed with Mr. Holmes, near Tavistock, to board her for so much a week." Thus the Lord thrust out labourers into His harvest. About this time also Methodism was introduced into Gibraltar. This was done by the removal thither of the regiment wliich had for some time been quartered at Win- chester. The following extract from a soldier's letter exhibits the piety and zeal of these Christian warriors : — BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 387 "Gibraltar, Novemler 2^rd, 1769. "AYe have between thirty and forty joined in the Society from the different regiments, besides some townsfolk and one officer. Our proceedings are as follow : We have preacliing every night and morning. MVe have three nights of the week set apart for class-meeting after the sermon, and on the Sabbath day at eight in the morning, two in the afternoon, and six in th& evening : and for our speakers we have Henry Ince, of the 2nd Regiment, Henry Hall, of the Eoyal Scots, and Brother ]\Iorton, under whom the work seems to prosper. Thus I have given you some account of our proceedings in this place." While Gibraltar was thus favoured, happily Winchester sustained no permanent loss by this removal ; for, in the spring of 1770, this regiment was replaced by another, which also contained many pious and zealous soldiers. These, by their example and exertions, gave a considerable impulse to the Methodist Societies in this ciLy, which, in the spring of 1770, was visited with a very gracious revival ; so that at the ensuing Conference the condition of Methodism in Winchester was found to be considerably improved. In the month of December, 1769, Wesley received letters from the preachers who had been sent to New York in the preceding August, announcing their arrival there, and that both in that city and Philadelphia great numbers flocked to hear the Gospel, and that the result was a most encouraging enlargement of the Societies in those places. George Shadford was about this time brought into George the work as a traveUing preacher. He was a native of Lin- colnshire. Having been converted to God, and having ex- horted for some time in the neighbourhood of his home, he s 2 388 HISTORY OF W:^SLEYAN METHODISM. was invited by Wesley to give himself wholly to the work, and was sent this year to West Cornwall as his first Circuit. He was greatly affected during his stay there at the sudden death of a backslider, who had known the love of God, walked in the light of His countenance seven years, and been diligent in every means of grace ; but who after- ward gave way to lightness and a trifling spirit, and in succession neglected his band, class, and the preaching of the Gospel ; cultivated intimate acquaintance with his ungodly neighbours, and at length returned to his formerly besetting sin, — drunkenness. At length, having gone to an alehouse with some of these companions, they all got drunk, and went out to return home. Two others, finding it very dark, lay down in the road ; but the backslider per- sisted in going on alone, fell into a deep pit by the road side, and was crushed to death. This fearful event greatly impressed the neighbourhood, and led many backsliders to return " to Him from whom they had revolted." Mr. Shadford also travelled in Kent and Norwich, and afterwards went as a minister to America. Wesley still continued his regular course of travelling, preaching, and supervising the Societies. He notices some cases of remarkable outpourings of the Holy Spirit, as at Wandsworth, where "every one thought no good could be done : we had tried for above twenty years. Very few would even give us the hearing ; and the few that did seemed little the. better for it. But all on a sudden, crowds flock to hear ; many are cut to the heart ; many filled with peace and joy in believing ; and many long for the whole image of God." ■^ This heart-searching, soul- saving application of the Gospel by the Holy Spirit was, tlu"oughout, the great secret of Wesley's progress. It was * Wesley's " Journal," March 8th, 1769. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 389 the motive power which carried him forward in every part of his career. The twenty-seventh annual Conference was hekl in T^^-enty- London, August 7th, 1770. The number of Circuits had conference, now increased from forty-six to fifty. The last on the list i' 'O. affords a striking proof of the readiness with which the founder of Methodism entered every open door, and of the quiet confidence with which he carried into practical opera- tion his favourite maxim, " The world is my parish." The last Circuit on the list for this year is, " No. 50. America." The continent of America a Methodist Circuit ! It was found that there was a decrease of numbers in ten Circuits ; but that on the whole the number of members had increased from 28,263 to 29,179. The steady progress of the work induced several import- its pro- ant regulations at this Conference. '^^^ "^'' A law was laid down with a view to remove the existing debts from the Connexion, by suspending the erection of chapels for one year. It was resolved that in every case of a member's bank- ruptcy, his accounts shall be examined, that it may be known whether he kept fair accounts, or had been con- cerned in any improper practices ; in which case he shall be expelled. The usual regulation was made with respect to the support of the preachers' wives ; and it was decided that the several Circuits shall support the children of the preachers that may be appointed to them. The special attention of this Conference was called to the urgent necessity of promoting the work of God throughout the Connexion, by the question, "What can be done to revive the work of God where it is decayed?" This led to an earnest exhortation to diligence in pastoral duty. 390 HTSTOUY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. especially in visiting from house to house. Idleness is declared to be inconsistent with growth in grace. " Naj', without exactness in redeeming time, it is impossible to retain the life you received in justiJfication.''' To this were added, earnest directions respecting visiting, the circulation of Wesleyan books, field preaching, morning preaching, singing, fasting, instantaneous deliverance from sin, and a religious concern for children. The part of these conversations which produced the greatest concern at the time, and to which we shall soon have to recur, arose out of an inquiry founded on the exhortation, " Take heed to your doctrine : " on which it was remarked, "We said, in 1744, ^We have leaned too much toward Calvinism :' wherein ?" In answer to this interrogation, several explanations are given respecting man's faithfulness, working for life, acceptance with God, &c., evidently intended to afford an affirmative reply to the question, and to stimulate Christian people to a godly and holy life. In the early part of this Methodistic year, a blessed revival of religion was experienced at Kingswood School ; under the influence of which, almost aU the children and servants were brought under very serious impressions, and many of them led to the attainment of salvation. This good work extended to the Society at Kingswood, which soon increased from 11 S to above 300 members; "and every day more and more were convinced of sin, and more and more enabled to rejoice in God their Saviour.''"'^ This blessed influence extended to the neighbouring towns, and the congregations everywhere greatly increased. On September 30th, 1770, the Eev. George Whitefield died, while on his knees, in his chamber at Newbury, * Wesley's " Joiu-ual/' October 30th, 1770. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 391 near Boston, in America, in the fifty-sixth year of his age. Death of On the news reaching England, his executors waited on wiiitefieid. "Wesley, and reciuested him to preach liis funeral sermon. Wesley •I ' i^ •- preaches his This he did on Sunday, November iSth, at Tottenham ftmerai Court Eoad in the morning, and in the Tabernacle in the evening, from these words : " Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his.^' Immense congregations attended at both places. Wesley also preached on the same occasion at the Tabernacle at Green- wich on Friday, 23rd, when the congregation was more than could possibly get into the building. Miss Bosanquet, who has been previously mentioned, about this time felt her spirit so drawn out in the service of God, and her heart so influenced by a love for souls, as to produce a strong conviction in her mind that she was called to preach the Gospel. She accordingly wrote to "Wesley, stating her views and feelings on the subject ; and received from him the following reply : " I think the strength of the cause rests there, in your having an extraordinary call. So, I am persuaded, has every one of our lay preachers ; otherwise I could not countenance their preach- ing at all. It is plain to me, that the whole work of God termed 'Methodism' is an extraordinary dispensation of His providence. Therefore, I do not wonder, if several things occur therein, which do not fall under ordinary rules of discipline. St. Paul's ordinary rule was, ' I permit not a woman to speak in the congregation ;' yet, in extra- ordinary cases, he made a few exceptions, at Corinth in particular.'' Many persons will at the present time regard the " call " of this holy and gifted woman as much more of an extra- ordinary character than that of the men whom AYesley called " lay preachers." However, she exercised the 392 HISTORY or WESLEYAN METHODISM. Calvinistic opposition to the " Minutes " of 1770. talents with wliicli the Lord had endowed her^ as oppor- tunity offered. Her manner was not to go into a pulpit, but to stand on the stairs, or on some other elevation, so as to be enabled to command the congregation. Her addresses were generally made a great blessing to the hearers. When the Minutes of the Conference of 1770 were published, the doctrinal statements in opposition to Calvin- istic Antinomianism, referred to above, produced an intense excitement amongst the Calvinists, especially those of Lady Huntingdon's Connexion ; and the Hon. and Eev. Walter Shirley, cousin and chaplain tp the countess, sent the fol- lowing circular letter to the clergy throughout the three kingdoms : — " Sir, "Whereas Mr. Wesley's Conference is to be held at Bristol, on Tuesday, the 6th of August next, it is proposed by Lady Huntingdon and many other Christian friends, (real Protestants,) to have a meeting at Bristol at the same time, of such principal persons, both clergy and laity, who disapprove of the above ' Minutes / and as the same are thought injurious to the very fundamental principles of Christianity, it is further proposed, that they go in a body to the said Conference, and insist upon a formal recantation of the said 'Minutes ;' and, in case of a refusal, that they sign and publish their protest against them. Your pre- sence, Sir, on this occasion is particularly requested. But if it should not suit your convenience to be there, it is desired that you will transmit your sentiments on the sub- ject to such person as you think proper to produce them. It is submitted to you, whether it would not be right, in the opposition to be made to such a dreadful heresy, to recommend it to as many of your Christian friends, as well I BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 393 of the Dissenters as of the Established Church, as you can prevail on to be there, the cause being of so public a nature. '' I am, Sir, " Your obedient Servant, " Walter Shirley." It will be allowed by all, that the publication of this circular, with the adoption of the course of proceedings wliich it threatened, was a very strong measure. It is true that the judgment which Mr. Shirley and his friends had formed of the doctrine of these " Minutes," was such as to justify any step compatible with Christian principle and feeling. The doctrine of the " Minutes " was called " hor- rible," " abominable," " dreadful heresy." But the violence of these measures produced the most beneficial effects on the cause of Christian truth. The theological bearing of the case will be considered in another place ; here the account must be confined to a statement of facts. The Couference had assembled on the 7 th of August, and the "Minutes" had been published shortly after. Ivo printed copy of Mr. Shirley's letter has a date ; but it appears from internal evidence, as well as from collateral facts, to have been circulated in the spring of the following year, 1771. In the latter part of 1770, Mr. Benson was dismissed from the mastership of Lady Huntingdon's college at Trevecka, because he did not believe in absolute predestination. By January 7th, 1771, a new master had been appointed ; and, before March 22ud, Mr. Fletcher had Progress of resigned his office as president of the college, for the same tion.Tiurits reason. At this time Lady Huntiuffdon had sio;nified to "s"e m the •> ^ ^ publication Mr. Fletcher her design of writing to Wesley, and demand- of Fletcher's . . . . " Checks " ing an explanation of the obnoxious propositions in the s 5 39-i HISTORY OF WESLEYAX METHODISM. " Minutes," wliicli Mr. Shirley had already denounced at Trevecka as "horrible, abominable, and subversive of the pillar on which the Church stands, or with which it falls."* It is not known that Lady Huntingdon ever carried her design of writing to Wesley into execution; but soon afterwards Mr. Shirley^ s circular appeared, and defined the course of action which the Calvinists had determined to take on the occasion. Wesley was in Ireland from March 24tli to July 22nd this year, and appears during this time to have received the circular : for he then drew up and printed, at Dublin, under date "July lOtli, 1771," a clear and logical exposi- tion of the doctrines set forth in tlie "Minutes," which had called forth so much opposition. A copy of this printed paper he in all probability sent to several of his preachers and friends : it would scarcely have been printed but with this object. The one before me has a manuscript note in Mr. Wesley's handwriting at the top of the first page, and is addressed to Miss Bishop, of Bath. In this note he requests her not to " show it before Conference," adding, "If the Calvinists do not or will not understand me, I understand myself; and I do not contradict anything 1 have written these thirty years." Towards the conclusion are the words, " Poor Mr. Sh.'s triumph will be short." As this case has a most important bearing on Wesleyan history, it will be necessary to give all the circumstances with tolerable detail ; and in doing this we shall be obhged to anticipate the occurrences of the following Conference. Wesley had prepared himself for defending the true and proper sense of the " Minutes," by the circular he had printed in Dublin in July. Whether Lady Huntingdon or Mr. Shirley was apprised of this measure cannot now * Benson's "Life of Jotu Flctclier," pp. 139-145. BOOK II. CHAPTEE IV. 395 be ascertained ; but it is certain that as the time for holding the Conference approached, both these persons discovered that they had placed themselves in an unte- nable position. For, on the 2nd of August, — the Con- ference being appointed for the 6th, — each of them wrote a long apologetic letter to Wesley, in which they severally disclaim the offensive meaning naturally attached to Mr. Shirley's words, namely, " That they go in a body to the said Conference, and demand a formal recantation of the said 'Minutes/" stating that they meant no more " than to send you " (Wesley) " a respectful message im- porting our design, and withal requesting you would appoint what day and houi* would be most suitable to you, and to the members of the Conference, to receive us." '^ Mr. Shirley also acknowledged that " the circular letter was too hastily drawn up, and improperly expressed; and, there- fore, for the offensive expressions in it, we desire we may be hereby understood to make every suitable submission to you, Sir, and to the gentlemen of the Conference." t When Wesley received these letters, he was evidently affected by the altered tone and bearing of the parties, and sent a verbal communication by the messenger, to say that " the two first days of the Conference would be taken up in adjusting matters of their own; but that, if Mr. Shirley and his friends had anything to say to him, they might come to the Conference on Thursday, the 8th." J On that day Mr. Shirley, with the Rev. Messrs. Glascot * Mr. Shirley's letter, as given in his " Narrative of the principal Cir- cumstances relative to the Eev. Mr. Wesley's late Conference, held iu Bristol, August 6th, 1771, at which the Rev. Mr. Shirley and others, his Friends, were present, with the Declaration then agi-ccd to by JNIr. Wesley and Fifty-three of the Preachers in Connexion with him. By the Rev. Mr. Shirley. Bath, 1771." t Shirley's "Narrative," p. 11. J Uid., p. 12. ^96 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. and Owen, two of Lady Huntingdon's ministers, John Lloyd, Esq., of Bath, Mr, James Ireland, merchant, of Bristol, Mr. Winter, and two students belonging to Tre- vecka coUege, appeared at the Conference. After Wesley had prayed, Mr. Shirley desired to know wdietlier Lady Huntingdon's letter and his own had been read to the Conference ; and, on being answered in the negative, requested to be allowed to read copies of them. His request being complied with, he then expressed a hope that the " submission made was satisfactory to the gen- tlemen of the Conference. This was admitted ; but then it was urged, that as the offence given by the circular letter had been very public, so ought the letter of submis- sion." ^ To this Mr. Shirley assented ; and accordingly printed Lady Huntingdon's letter and his own in his " Narrative." Wesley then stood up, and gave a sketch of his ministerial course from the beginning, proving that he had ever maintained justification by faith, and that there was nothing contrary thereto in the " Minutes " which had called forth so much opposition. He then complained that he had received much ill treatment from many persons who had been under obligations to him, and expressed his opinion that the present opposition was not to the " Minutes," but to him personally. Mr. Shirley, in reply, earnestly disclaimed any personal feeling against Mr. Wesley or any other person; and solemnly asserted that his opposition was to the doctrines put forth in the "Minutes ;" urging, that he had received numerous protests and testimonies against them from Scotland, and from various parts of these kingdoms ; that it was most extraordinary if so many men of sense and learning should be mistaken, as must be the case if there was nothing reaUy ofl'ensive in * Shirley's " Narrative," p. 13. BOOK 11.. CHAPTER IV. 397 the plain, natural import of the " Minutes." Mr. Shirley added an expression of his confident belief, that even if the meaning which Wesley and the Conference attached to these " Minutes " was perfectly innocent, their more obvi- ous meaning was reprehensible. He then " begged and entreated, for the Lord's sake, that they would go so far as they could with a good conscience in giving the world satisfaction." ^ Mr. Shirley then proceeded, after protest- ing that he had no intention of giving offence, and hoped none would be taken, to submit a document to the Confer- ence, which he was most anxious they should sign, if they could consistently do so. Wesley, having made some few alterations in the language of this paper, saw no reason to object; but Thomas Olivers long and earnestly contended against it. He urged that our acceptance in the day of judgment is by works, and nothing should be done which in any way would weaken the force of this truth. The issue of the debate, however, was, that Wesley, with fifty- three of the preachers, signed the following, but that Thomas Olivers persisted in liis refusal. " Declaration. " Whereas the doctrinal points in the ' Minutes ' of a Conference held in London, August 7th, 1770, have been understood to favour justification by works ; now the Eev. John Wesley and others assembled in Conference do declare, that we had no such meaning; and that we abhor the doctrine of justification by works as a most perilous and abominable doctrine; and as the said 'Minutes' are not sufficiently guarded in the way they are expressed, we hereby solemidy declare in the sight of God, that we have no trust or confidence but in the alone merits of our Lord * Shiulei's " Xai-rativej" p. 14. 398 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. and Saviour Jesus Christ for justification or salvation either in life, death, or the day of judgment; and though no one is a real Christian behever (and consequently cannot be saved) who doth not good Avorks, where there is time and opportunity, yet our works have no part in meriting or purchasing our salvation {jtistijication) from first to last, either in whole or in part. " (Signed) John Wesley," and others. This being done, it was required of Mr. Shirley that he should make some public acknowledgment that he had mistaken the meaning of the " Minutes.''^ After some consideration he promised to do so, and a few days after- wards he sent the following note to Wesley : — " Mr. Shir- lev's Christian respects wait on Mr. Wesley. The Decla- ration agreed to in the Conference, August 8th, 1771, has convinced Mr. Shirley he had mistaken the meaning of the doctrinal points in the ' Minutes ' of the Conference held in London, August 7th, 1770 ; and he hereby wishes to testify the full satisfaction he has in the said Declaration, and his hearty concurrence and agreement with the same." With this statement Mr. Shirley informs us Mr. Wesley was well pleased.* Tliis concluded the intercourse between the parties ; aud, according to the account furnished by Mr. Shirley, which appears, in general, to be candid and truthful, and has been followed in the preceding narrative, the result was satisfactory to all parties. He says, "We concluded with prayer, and with the warmest indications of mutual peace and love.''' t It does not appear, however, that the result of this inter- course was so satisfactory to Wesley as Mr. Shirley sup- posed. He had not put forth the "Minutes" of 1770 * Shirley's "NaiTative," p. 17. f Ibid., p. 17. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 399 ^vithout a weighty and solemn reason. He certainly thouglit that the evangelical Christians of that day were verging much too near to Antinomianism ; and when he reproved his own Connexion for this faulty as leaning " too much toward Calvinism," it is plain that in his judgment the Calvinism of that day was not sutficiently removed from this very serious practical error. He accordingly prepared the letter printed in Dubhu, July 10th, 1771, giving a clear and logical exposition of his views on the subject; and if Mr. Shirley had maintained his ground, as taken up in his circular, and had made no submission, undoubtedly Wesley would have put forth the Dublin document as his defence, and have rested his cause there. When, however, he found that in consequence of the opposition of IVIr. Shir- ley, Mr. Fletcher had written a ''Vindication of the ' Minutes,^ ^^ which had been printed, and was ready for issue immediately after the Conference, and that Mr. Shirley had assumed an attitude which entitled him to a courteous and respectful hearing, Wesley said nothing of the DubKn circular, but heard what Mr. Shirley and his friends had to say; and when he produced his famous Declaration, Wesley made such alterations in it as to enable him and fifty-three of his preachers to sign it. But what was the real effect of this Declaration? It simply admitted that some expressions in the "Minutes^' were not " sulficieutly guarded,^'' and emphatically repudiated the false interpretation which had been put upon tliem. But it did nothing to explain and enforce the " Minutes," or to sup- ply what was intended to be given in the Dubhn circular. It is said above, that Mr. Sliirley^s " Narrative " appears to be generally " candid and truthful." We much regret to have in any way to qualify this statement. But we are bound to place on record the fact, that in the 400 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. " Declaration " signed by Wesley and his preachers, (and which was formally presented to the Conference of 1771,) the words in the last line are, " our justification from first to last;" while in that published in Mr. Shirley^s '^ Narrative" the word is changed, and we read, " our salvation from first to last :" — an alteration which rather obscured Wesley^s meaning, and was calculated to produce an impression that he had really to some extent altered his views respecting the doctrines set forth in the " Minutes." Now when it is considered that the claims of practical godliness were as urgent at this Conference as at the pre- ceding ; that a serious check had been given to the practi- cal operation of the important doctrines set forth in the " Minutes " by the action of Mr. Shirley ; that, indeed, the religious want which Wesley felt was more pressing at this time than it was the year before ; it cannot be supposed that he would be content to allow the case to remain in this state. Why, then, it may be asked, did he suppress the " Dublin Circular " which was intended to explain and strengthen the "Minutes?" The answer appears to be very obvious. The conduct of Mr. Shirley prevented the manifestation of any hostile bearing on the part of Wesley. He, therefore, received his visitor kindly, complied with his request, and sent him away well pleased. But it is not clear from this, that he was unmoved by the earnest oppo- sition of Thomas Olivers; that he had no apprehensions that the Calvinistic party would make far too much of the Declaration; or that he was satisfied the united claims of scriptural truth and practical godliness had been fully met. But for all these purposes he had ample means in reserve. Mr. Eletcher^s work was printed ready for issue ; it was more elaborate than the " Dublin Circular ; " by it the controversy would be transferred from himself, who BOOK TI. CHAPTER IV. ' 401 was burtliened with the care of churches spread tliroughout the three kingdoms, to a parish clergyman, every way quahfied for the task, and who had leisure to perform it. It is true, Mr. Shirley deprecated the publishing of the " Yindication." Mr. Fletcher consented to suppress it, and with characteristic modesty rather expressed a desire to do so. j\Ir. Ireland, as a mutual friend of the parties, pro- mised to pay the expenses of printing, paper, &c., in case it was withdrawn; but the responsibility lay with Wesley, and he decided to send the important production forth to the world, and, in doing so, undoubtedly supplied what, in his judgment, the cause of religion imperatively required. This opinion of Wesley^s conduct is confirmed not only by the facts already stated, but by the manner in which he afterwards referred to these circumstances. He closes his account of this Conference in six or seven hues of his " Journal,''^ barely noticing Mr. Shhley's visit, and observ- ing that he left satisfied, not even naming the Declaration. When, however, he has to refer to Mr. Metcher^s produc- tion, he speaks in a different tone. " How much good,^' he observes, " has been occasioned by the publication of that Circular Letter ! This was the happy occasion of Mr. Fletcher's writing those ' Checks to Antinomianism ; ' in which one knows not which to admire most, the purity of the language, (such as scarce any foreigner wrote before,) the strength and clearness of the argument, or the mildness and sweetness of the spirit that breathes throughout the whole,'^ &c."^ Wesley therefore certainly thought that the irritation and injury occasioned by Mr. Shirley's attack were more than compensated by the production of the " Checks ; " and the cause of truth and holiness was, in his judgment, greatly advantaged by the discussion. * Wesley's "Life of Fletcher," "Works, vol. xi., p. 28G. 403 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Wesley ex- In April^ 1771, Wesley again visited Dublin. It appears enforces" ^^ ^^^ previouslv aware that the Society there was in an Methodist unsatisfactory state. He now, of set purpose, determined discipline in "^ _ Dublin. to inquire fully into the case. Having done so, he says, '^ It is plain there had been a continual jar for at least two years past, which had stumbled the people, weakened the hands of the preachers, and greatly hindered the work of God.''' "^ He accordingly determined first to speak to the preachers by themselves, then he conversed fully with the leaders, and afterward met and conversed with them all together, and concludes, " I now saw the whole evil might be removed, all parties being desirous of peace." He then drew up a paper, in which he carefully showed the duties and powers of leaders, stewards, preachers, and assistants. This document will be given entire when treating of dis- cipline : here it is sufficient to say, that in it Wesley strongly asserted that leaders and stewards were appointed and charged with the daties of those offices ; and that these did not include any interference with the preachers, nor any power in the government of the Society. On this occasion, AYesley travelled through Ireland until the beginning of July. He was,' at this time, sixty-eight years of age. Yet he rode and preached on the mountains of that country with untiring perseverance. On the 24th of April, he writes, " In the evening I knew not where to preach at Enniscorthy, the wind being very high and very cold. But T was in some measure sheltered by the side of an house ; and the people, standing close together, sheltered one another. Only a few careless ones were blown away.'^t During this year a chapel was built and ])reaching estab- lished at Eotherhithe, principally through the instrumentality of Mr. Sampson Staniforth. This person, although never * Wesley's "Journal," April, 1771. 1" Hid., under the date. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 403 a minister, nor, indeed, at all separated from secular sampsou . . . Staniforth avocations for the work of the mimstry, was a very eminent aud the and useful preacher of the Gospel. Rotherhithe. He was a native of Sheffield, and brought up in a state of deplorable ignorance of morals and religion. About the year 1739, when nineteen years of age, he enhsted in the army. His regiment was first ordered to Scotland, where he had to endure many hardships, and where he also plunged more deeply than ever into wickedness. From thence he was sent to Flanders, where he shared all the daugers of Fontenoy, and all the disasters of the memorable campaign with which it stands connected. But although at first he seemed to be sold to work iniquity with greedi- ness, he was here brought to the knowledge of God, through the preaching of John Haime and his pious asso- ciates, and the influence of a godly companion. His con- viction of sin was very deep, his repentance sincere, and his apprehension of pardoning mercy and the grace of adoption remarkably clear. Having realized peace with God, he gave himself up to His service. He soon afterward purchased his discharge from the army, married a young woman with some property at Deptford, and settled in that town, carrying on the business of a baker, to which he had been brought up in his youth. He also most diligently laid himself out in the Master's service, preaching in his own house weekly, and abroad as opportunities ofl'ered. His abilities and success in this work were great, and he had flattering overtui'es from other parties, soliciting him to leave the Methodists ; , but, having seriously considered the subject, he gave the following as his deliberate judgment : — " 1. It was clear God had blessed me in this way ; therefore, I was afraid to go out of it. 2. I saw how much hurt had been done 404 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. Conference of 1771. Its transac- tions. in the Society by these separations. And, 3. As to money or ease, my heart is not set on money; and I am not weary of my labour .'' In 1764, he was offered, and received, ordination from the hand of the Greek bishop; but as he found it would give offence to some of his brethren, he never assumed any power beyond that of an ordinary local preacher. He had the happiness of seeing the work of God greatly prosper at Eotherhithe. The twenty-eighth Conference was opened at Bristol, on the 6th of August, 1771. Besides the business pertaining to Mr. Shirley, which has been anticipated in the account given above, it was reported that the number of Circuits was reduced from 50 to 48. This was occasioned by the following alterations: Essex and Norfolk, which in 1770 were two Circuits, with one preacher each, were now united under the name of Norwich, with two preachers. Cheshire North and South were united under the name of Chester. These changes reduced the number of Circuits by two : besides these, Lancashire South and North became Manchester and Liverpool ; Glasgow ceased to be a Circuit, all Scotland being comprehended under Edin- burgh and Aberdeen ; but Macclesfield was made a Circuit. The number of members increased this year to 30,338. To reduce the public debt of the Connexion, it was at this time recommended that every member of Society should, for this year, contribute a penny a week to this object, those in good circumstances being requested to supply the deficiencies of the very poor. It was also reported that the brethren in America had earnestly applied for more ministerial help. On the case being submitted to the preachers, five offered to go : of these, two were selected and sent, namely, BOOK II. CHAPTEU IV. 405 Francis Asbury and Eicliard Wright. Joseph Benson was at this Conference received on trialj and placed on the " Minutes " as second preacher on the London Circuit. Wesley did not strictly adhere to the order of seniority in placing the names of his preachers on the list. The " iMinutes " of this year are remarkable as having, for the first time^ the initials of Wesley and his brother in connexion with the lay preachers. Now " J. W./^ and " C. W./^ stand before the names of the preachers on the London Circuit. Wesley visited Kingswood soon after the Conference, on his return from Wales, and laments that so little fruit remained among the cliildren of the gracious revival which he had witnessed there the last year, little, if any, of the happy results of this visitation being now perceptible. But his ■ sorrow at this circumstance was counterbalanced Prosperous _^ state of the by the very prosperous circumstances of the work in Wear- Society in dale, where the Society had increased from 120 in *^" ^^' August, 1771, to 165 in June, 1772. But it was not the increase of numbers to which Wesley specially referred, but the uniform simplicity and deep piety of the mem- bers. Hence, alluding to these 165 members, he says, "Of whom there are but 20 that have not found peace with God. Surely such a work of God has not been seen before in any part of the three kingdoms.^^ Having inquired into the origin and progress of this re- vival, and witnessed the effects produced, Wesley proceeded on his ministerial tour, calHng at Ewood, preaching at Heptonstall, Keighley, Haworth, Bingley, Bradford, and on July 8th reached Halifax. Here, he says, "my old friend Titus Knight offered me the use of his new meeting ; but I judged more people would attend in the open air ; so I preached in the cow-market to an huge multitude. 406 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Our house was well filled at five in the morniug. At ten I preached • in the new house at Thong ; at two in the market-place at Huddersfield, to full as large a congrega- tion as at Halifax. Such another we had at Dewsbury in the evening; and my strength was as my day.''' Such is Wesley's own narrative of these labours. We are able, however, to supply an account of an affecting incident of which the venerable minister makes no mention. "As Wesley at this time, attended by his friends, was either going to, or coming from, the Cow Green, such a bitter spirit of malignity had been engendered in the minds of the commonalty of the town against the Methodists, that on the occasion just adverted to, a man of the name of Bramley, unable longer to subdue his fiendish rage, burst through the crowd, and, running toward Mr. Wesley, struck him a most violent blow with the flat of his hand on his cheek. The holy man paused, and, though the tears started into his eyes from the smartness of the blow, remembering the admonition of his Master, — ' Whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also,' — he turned to his avenger ' the other also.' The coward was so struck with the circumstance that he slunk back into the crowd." It is a remarkable circumstance, that a near relative of tliis man, in 1785, was the principal means of preserving the Methodist chapel in Halifax from being consumed by fire, which he did in the most heroic manner, at the imminent hazard of his life.^ The Titus Knight mentioned above as having offered Wesley the use of his chapel, was a very extraordinary person, and at the same time one of the great number whom Methodism has raised from their native obscurity, so as to enable them to develope their powers in honour- * Walker's "History of Methodism ia Halifax," pp. 122, 165. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 407 able action^ and to take a liiglily respectable position in the world. Titus Knight was a poor collier in the neighbourhood of Halifax, who was brought to the knowledge of himself, and the experience of salvation, under the preaching of Wesley, on one of his early visits to that town. Subsequently Wesley discovered indications of superior ability in this man, and, having been assured that he had maintained a truly Christian character, and was much devoted to read- ing, and fond of learning, suggested to him his leaving the coal-pit, and endeavouring to support himself by teaching a preparatory school. In accordance with these suggestions, and the use of a room adjoining the chapel having been offered to him, Titus began a school for the education of cliildren, " The scheme answered, and the schoolmaster was not only able to maintain a numerous family, but his strong and respectable talents, having now extensive scope for exercise, were considerably improved; in fact, he became a noted character, and commenced the career of a local preacher. He became, indeed, the leading man among the Methodists at Halifax ; and his ability and energy were much needed by them : for although great numbers crowded to hear Wesley when he came into the neighbourhood, the progTess of religion was slow; the Society in 1762 appears to have contained but 31 members. " Yet, instead of giving continued support to the cause to which he owed his all, he gave it, what seemed at the time, a mortal blow. Titus Knight, like many others nurtured in Methodism, afterward embraced the Calvinistic theory of doctrine ; and, having done so, left the Methodist Connexion, and took with him many of the congregation and about half of the Society in Halifax. It is but justice to add, that there is no evidence that Mr. Knight was 408 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. influenced by any feeling but an honest and earnest search after scriptural trutli ; and it is highly gratifying to have to say, that his future conduct stands out as a highly honourable exception to that of most of those who, for similar reasons, have seceded from the Methodist body. Titus Knight did not find it necessary, or think it becom- ing, to vilify and abuse his former friends and benefactors. On the contrary, he always remained on the most friendly terms with them, and ever exhibited towards them bene- volent and kindly feelings; one instance of which we have in his offering the use of his new and handsome chapel to Wesley, as mentioned above. "After Mr. Knight left the Methodists, he became an Independent minister, and had first a small chapel, and afterward a large and handsome one in Halifax. The con- verted Methodist collier not only succeeded in raising a highly respectable Independent interest in that town, and occupying an eminent position as a Christian minister, visiting the metropolis annually, and preaching at the Tabernacle and Tottenham Court chapel, but his greatness was transmitted to his children. One of his sons became vicar of Hahfax, much esteemed and beloved; another an eminent surgeon, and a third a higlily respectable dissenting minister.'" "^ Conference The twenty-uintli Conference was held in Leeds, August 4th, 1772. Respecting it Wesley says, " Generally, during the time of Conference, as I was talking from morn- ing to night, I had used to desire one of our brethren to preach in the morning. But, having many things -to say, I resolved, by God^s help, to preach mornings as well as evenings. And I found no difl^erence at all : I was no more tired than with my usual labour; that is, no more * Walker's " Methodism in Halifax." BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 409 than if I had been sitting still in my study from morning till night."* The numbers reported at this Conference showed an increase of 1,646, there being now 31,984 persons in the Societies. The Circuits remained 48, as the last year. Joseph Benson and two other preachers were admitted this year, after one year's probation. In February, 1773, Captain Webb, who had done so much to introduce the Gospel by Methodist preaching in America, returned to England, and preached at the Toundery. Of him Wesley wrote, " I admire the wisdom of God, in still raising various preachers, according to the various tastes of men. The captain is all life and fire; therefore, although he is not deep or regular, yet many who would not hear a better preacher, flock together to hear him. And many are convinced under his preaching, some justified, a few built up in love." During this year Wesley took his usual journeys, and Wesley in spent several weeks in Ireland. Whilst there, he was infamous informed of the case of one of his preachers, Mr. Macbur- Persecution ... t'le'"^- ney. This minister was with a small congregation, singing an hymn, in a house about a quarter of a mile from Achalan, a village about six or seven miles from Ennis- killen, when a mob beset the house. They broke ail the windows, threw a great quantity of stones into the house, then broke open the door, and, hauling out both men and women, beat them without mercy. Soon after they dragged out the preacher, whom they knocked down and beat in a most cruel manner : one thrust a stick into his mouth ; another trampled on his face, swearing that lie would- " tread the Holy Ghost out of him." They continued this violence until they inflicted on him such severe injuries, * Wesley's " Journal," August 4th, 1772. VOL. I. T 410 HISTOHY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. that for months afterwards he could scarcely sleep or move in consequence of intense pain. One of the persons who were much hurt on this occasion, had his house beset two days afterward, and a hole broken into his door by large stones. But by far the worst part of this case is yet to be told. Both these persons who had their houses broken, ap- pHed for warrants against the rioters : these were granted by the justice of the peace, but the constable would not serve the warrants, and, when the assizes came, the grand jury threw out both of the bills. Rapid pro- During this year a mighty impulse w^as given to the work in work of God ill America. Messrs. Asbury and Wright, America. ^^iq had been sent to that country by the Conference of 1771, having reached their destination and entered upon their work, found their ministry greatly owned of God. Before their coming, Messrs. Boardman and Pilmoor could scarcely supply New York, and the places opened for preacliing in that vicinity, by their labours and those of Captain Webb. This limited sphere of operations did not suit the great mind and apostolic spirit of Asbury. He accordingly planned an excursion into the country, and to distant towns ; and his labours were abundantly success- ful. Mr. Pilmoor followed his example, and also saw the fruit of his labours. In these efforts, they were sometimes opposed and persecuted; but, notwithstanding all this, they were the means of spreading Methodist influence and teaching far and wide in the new world. Mr. Fletcher Mr. Pletclier Continued the controversy with the Cal- the pubiica- viuists, by the publication of his " Checks to Antino- "Ch°V"" niianism;" and, in doing so, fully justified the sound- ness of Wesley^s judgment in not consenting to suppress his first vindication of the "Minutes.^'' Soon after tlie Conference of 1771, Mr. Shirley published a "Narrative" BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 411 of the circumstances arising out of his circular and visit to the Conference. In this pamphlet he^ with affected triumph altogether unwarranted by the circumstances, construes the Declaration signed by Wesley and the preachers, into a repudiation of the doctrines laid down in the " Minutes.'' This pubhcation called forth Mr. Tletcher's "Second Check to Antinomianism." In the preface to this tractate, the author gives two letters, one to Wesley, the other to Mr. Shirley. In the latter, the publication of the first " Check " is justified against the imputations of the " Narra- tive ;" and reason is shown, from the injury inflicted on Mr. Wesley and on the cause in which he was engaged, for the production of further explanation and defence. For this purpose Mr. Fletcher inserts part of a letter which he received, and from which the following is an extract : " But is that Declaration, however dispersed, a remedy adequate to the evil done, not only to Mr. Wesley, but to the cause and work of God ? Several Calvinists, in eager- ness of malice, had dispersed their calumnies through the three kingdoms. A truly excellent person herself, in her mistaken zeal, had represented him as a ' Papist unmasked,' an ' heretic,' an ' apostate.' A clergyman of the first repu- tation informs me, a poem on his ' Apostasy ' is just coming out. Letters have been sent to every serious Churchman and Dissenter through the land, together with the ' Gospel Magazine.' Great are the shoutings, ' And now that he lieth, let him rise up no more ! ' This is all the cry. His dearest friends and children are staggered, and scarce know what to think. You, (Mr. Fletcher,) in your corner, cannot think of the mischief that has been done, and is still doing. But your letters, in the hands T 2 412 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. of Providence^ may answer the good ends you proposed by writing them." ^ Mr. Eletcher therefore sent forth his " Sec(md Check/' in which he completely disproves the allegations of the " Nar- rative/' as to Wesley^ and the preachers who signed the Declaration, having protested against the doctrine for which Thomas Olivers contended ; and proved that a second justi- fication by good works at the day of judgment, is at once the doctrine of the " Minutes/' and of Holy Scripture. In a postscript to this "Check" the author notices a scandalous pamphlet which had been issued under the title of a " Con- versation between Richard Hill, Esquire, the Rev. Mr. Madan, and Father Walsh," the superior of a convent in Paris. In this Conversation the popish monk is said to have condemned Wesley's "Minutes" as too near Pela- gianism ; and the editor consequently declared, " that the principles in the extract of the ' Minutes ' are too rotten even for a Papist to rest upon."t Mr. Pletcher deals briefly, but conclusively, with the statements of this coarse piece. In the prosecution of his argument, he observes, " Astonishing ! that our opposers should think it worth their while to raise one recruit against us in the immense city of Paris, where fifty thousand might be raised against the Bible itself!" And towards the conclusion, he asks, " What is the decision of a Popish monk to the express declarations of Scripture, the dictates of common sense, the experience of regenerate souls, and the writings of a cloud of Protestant divines? I think it therefore my duty to publish these strictures, lest any of my readers should pay more regard to the good-natured friar, who has been pressed * Fletcher's "Works," vol. i., p. 291. t " A Couversation," &c. London : E. and C. Dilly, 1771, pp. 11, 14. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 413 into the service of Dr. Crisp, than to St. John, St. Paul, St. James, and Jesus Christ ; on whose plain declarations I have shown the ' Minutes ' are founded.''^ The " Second Check'' called forth a pamphlet of forty- pages, entitled " Five Letters to the Eeverend Mr. T r, relating to his Vindication of the ' Minutes ' of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley, intended for the Comfort of mourning Backsliders, and such as may have been distressed and perplexed by reading Mr. AYesley's ' Minutes,' or the Vindication of them. By the Author of Pietas Oxoni- ensis.^f In this tract the disingenuous author labours to the utmost to damage the doctrine of the " Minutes," and to ward off the force of their vindication by an adroit employment of all the niceties of Calvinian theology, and the most studied and persevering confusion between a believer's present acceptance with God, and his admission to final reward at the last day. To this effusion Mr. Fletcher produced a masterly reply in his " Third Check." Those who now look back on tliis controversy, and Great reii- regard it as a trial of skill between rival polemics, or even ponanceof as a contest for the ascendancy of any particular doctrine, **"* '^^^' •J -J ^ ' troversy. take a very unworthy view of the case, and one very different from the estimate formed by Mr. Fletcher. That holy man said, on beginning his " Third Check," " If I am not mistaken, we stand now as much in need of a reforma- tion from Antinomianism, as our fathers did of reformation from Popery ; and I am not without hope, that the extra- ordinary attack which has lately been made on Mr. Wesley's anti-Crispian propositions, and the manner in which they are defended, will open the eyes of many, and * Fletcher's " Works," vol. i., p. 388. t London : E. and C. Dilly. 1771. 414 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. check the rapid progress of so enchanting and pernicious an evil. This hope inspires me with fresh courage." * Mr. Pletcher was unquestionably right in his judgment on this point. Indeed, Antinomianism was the true and proper Satanic antidote for those revived gospel ministra- tions which originated in the labours of Wesley and White- field. It spread a curse co-extensive with any ministration of gospel blessing, and prepared a sphere in which " all life dies, and all death lives." Whoever doubts this state- ment, need look no farther for proof than into the artless and truthful Journal of John Nelson. Mr. Richard Hill, who, as the author of Pietas Oxoni- eiisis, had written the five letters wliich called forth the " Third Check," now published six letters more, in reply to which Mr. Tletcher produced his "Fourth Check ; " " which," the pious author said, " will, I hope, decide the controversy about the anti-Crispian doctrine of justification by the evidence of works at the last day; and I do not see that they have anything to object to it but mere cavils, which disgrace their cause." t The Con- The thirtieth Conference was begun in London, August Menee o g^_j^ 1773. Among the names of the preachers admitted are those of Joseph Bradford and James Wood. The number of Circuits remained the same, namely, 48 ; but the increase of members was 1,288, the number now reported being 33,272. The paper presented to the Conference of 1769 for the consideration of the preachers, and intended to serve as a bond of union in the event of the removal of Wesley by death, was again brought under their notice, and signed by forty-seven preachers. During the preceding year, Thomas Rankin and George Shadford had been sent to strengthen the hands of the * Benson's " Life of Fletcher," p. 1<49. f Idem, ibid. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 415 ministers in America. They arrived at Philadelphia in Thomas June, 1773. Wesley had not been perfectly satisfied with the oeovse conduct of all the preachers in America, in respect of the ^'■^^'^^^'f'^ administration of the sacraments; and, having the fullest America, confidence in Mr. Eankin, he appointed him general assistant of the Societies in America; an ofhce the duties of which he zealously discharged, and secured the object for which he was appointed, although in doing this he evinced too much austerity to allow of his being popular. Mr. Rankin was indeed one of Wesley's most valuable assistants. He was a native of Dunbar, in East Lothian. The principal instruments in his conversion were some pious dragoons belonging to a troop then stationed at Dunbar, who had been brought to a knowledge of God through John Haime and his companions. These soldiers held religious meetings, which were attended by Eankiu and others, greatly to their edification. Mr. Eankin, in the use of these and other religious means, was soon brought to experience the pardoning mercy of God. Soon afterward he had impressions of being called to preach; but, seeing no open door, he accepted the oS'er of some relations to take charge of a commercial voyage to America^ and appears to have discharged its duties very creditably. Being, how- ever, thrown into much mixed company, and deprived to a great extent of the means of grace, he suffered loss in the spirituality of his mind, which on his return to Scotland led him to deep humiliation and earnest prayer to God. He now became more intimately acquainted with Methodism, and was soon afterward called to preach. The deep, and indeed agonizing, exercises through which his mind was led to this conviction, were truly remarkable. By these he was led to put liimseK in correspondence M'ith those who, on hearing his case, said, " You wiU never get free from all 416 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. The first American Confereuce. Mr. Fletch- er's con- troversial works cou- tiimed. these evil reasonings until you give yourself wholly up to the work of God;" and to this he at length consented. On the 4tli of July, 1773, the first Wesleyan Con- ference was held in America. At this time there were six Circuits in that country : New York, Philadelphia, New Jer- sey, Baltimore, Norfolk, and Petersburg, with 10 preachers and 1,160 members. The great principles Avliich governed the Societies at-home were enforced here, especially that the preachers were prohibited from administering the sacra- ments, and required to urge their people to attend the church, and receive the ordinances there. The Wesleyan plan of stationing the preachers having been thus fully adopted, and Wesleyan disciplina diligently enforced by Mr. Rankin, the work of God advanced with remarkable rapidity and power. Mr. Pletcher continued the publication of his con- troversial works during this year. Mr. Eichard Hill, having pressed several coadjutors into the service, still resisted the doctrine of the "Checks;" and, in reply to the "Fourth Check," published what he styled, "The rinishing Stroke." This piece, instead of finishing the controversy, called forth the "Pifth Check;" the first part of which was entitled, " An Answer to The Pinishing Stroke." It was dated September 13th, 1773; and to it was appended a brief exposition " of the remaining difference between the Calvinists and anti-Calvinists with respect to our Lord^s doctrine of justification by works, and St. Jameses doctrine of justification by works." The second part of this Essay is an answer to ]\Ir. Berridge, vicar of Everton, who, to sustain the sinking cause of extreme Calvinism, had published a piece entitled, " The Christian World unmasked." To this piece Mr. Pletcher sujiplied a very able, temperate, and religious reply. BOOK ri. CHAPTER IV. 417 Wesley, having made previous preparation, now collected Wesley's and published his several works, — namely, those wliich he published. extracted or abridged from other authors, and those wliich on various occasions he had himself written, — in thirty-two volumes, duodecimo ; a very remarkable proof of his per- severing industry, energy, and fertility of mind, especially considering his incessant travelling, preaching, and superin- tendence of the Societies. On the 9th of August, 1774, the thirty-first Conference The Con- fBrcucc of was begun at Bristol. Among the names of the preachers 1774. admitted on trial we find Samuel Bradburn and James Rogers. The number of Circuits was 50, the increase being occasioned by the creation of the Tliirsk and Dundee Circuits. The increase of members for the year was 2,340, the number now reported being 35,612. It was found at this time, that the married preachers were much straitened on account of the insufficient allowance made for their wives : the case was therefore fully considered, and it was resolved that in future £12 a year should be allowed for every preacher's wife, by the respective Circuits, in addition to lodgings, coals, and candles, or, in lieu of these, £15 a year additional. The number of preachers' signatures to the proposed terms of future union was at this Conference increased to seventy-three. There was now great peace and general rehgious prosperity throughout the Connexion ; but it was heavily burdened with debt, occasioned by the too rapid multiplication of chapels, which frequently subjected Wes- ley and the Conference to considerable difficulty. It is observed above, that Samuel Bradburn and James James Rogers appear on the " Minutes" for the first time at this ^^^^'^^ ""'' Conference. They were truly eminent men. ^Ir. Rogers Bradbum. had been appointed to the York Circuit soon after the T 5 418 HISTOUY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Confere.nce of 1772, to supply the place of Mr. Rankin, who was sent to America ; but his health was so delicate, that he was obhged to desist from the work. He says of himself, that, after using the cold bath at Ilkley Wells, he felt much better ; and adds, " After using it for about three months, in October, 1773, I went to Tliirsk, and, at the request of many kiiid friends, I spent my winter there." At the following Conference (1774) he was appointed to that Circuit. Mr. Rogers was a native of Marske, in Yorkshire, was savingly converted to God when about twenty years of age, and soon afterward felt convinced that he was called of God to preach the Gospel to his sinful neighbours. This course exposed him to great persecu- tion, one instance of which he has furnished : — " After they had often disturbed us in our preaching- house, one night these sons of Belial collected all their forces, and assembled at the door to attack us as we came out. Their number was great ; and I had no sooner dis- missed the people, than they began the assault. Hearing this, I pushed forward from the pulpit, and got into the midst of them. They saluted me with volleys of oaths, and showers of stones and dirt, and in less than two minutes fell to blows. One of the stoutest of them advanced, with eyes full of fury, and made several strokes at my head ; but I received them upon my left arm, which by this means was much bruised. "When he could not bring me to the ground, he was enraged ; and, watching his opportunity, whilst I endeavoured to rescue one of my friends whom they were beating, he came behind, and gave me such a blow on my right temple, that I staggered like a drunken man. My hat fell off, and my senses were greatly confused : so that I must liave fallen, had he followed his blow. This, doubtless, he would have done; but in that BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 419 moment a young girl, who had lately been awakened and had joined our Society, thinking I was much hurt, instantly took up a stone, about two pounds' weight, and threw it at his back. He then left me, to revenge himself upon her ; and, indeed, she suffered dreadfully : for he took up a stone, equally large, and threw it with such violence in her face, that she fell to the ground, and lay motionless. She was supposed to be dead, and was carried home to her mother's house. However, it pleased God that she reco- vered ; yet she was cut in the most dreadful manner, hav- ing her cheek laid open to the bone ; and she will bear this mark of suffering for her Lord's sake to her dying hour. Others of our friends were hurt. One in particular had his face almost covered with blood ; and his coat, waistcoat, and shirt torn half-way down his back. It is probable we might have come worse off still, had not God taken our part : for as ' the stars in their courses fought against Sisera,' so the Lord struck our enemies with terror, by sending in that very moment dreadful flashes of hghtning from a cloud which seemed to burst over their guilty heads. Finding an opportunity, while they were terrified, we endeavoured to escape ; but retreated gradually, as some of our people were old and infirm, and we were not willing to leave them in the rear, lest they should become a prey. The next day we found means to bring some of the ring- leaders to justice, and they disturbed us no more." At the Conference of 1775, Mr. Eogers was received into full con- nexion, and appointed to Edinburgh. Samuel Bradburn was born in the Bay of Gibraltar. On the return of his parents to England, they settled in Ches- ter. He was in early hfc deeply convinced of sin, joined the Methodist Society, and found peace with God ; and, his heart glowing witli love to God, and influenced by a 420 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. strong desire for the salvation of souls^ lie was soon called to preach the Gospel of Christ. He acted as a local preacher in 1773, and was received as an itinerant in 1774. He was endowed with very extraordinary gifts, great genius, mighty eloquence, which rendered him exceedingly popular as a preacher : thousands hung on his lips with delight, and God owned his ministry by the salvation of many. On the 25th of May, 1774, the second Conference was begun in America. It was held this year at Philadelphia ; seven preachers were admitted on trial, and five received into full connexion. The number of Circuits was increased from ten to seventeen, and the number of members was nearly doubled, there being at this time 2,073 in the several Societies. On November 4th, 1774, John Downs, one of the itine- rant preachers, died in great peace. He was taken ill in the pulpit whilst preaching in West Street chapel, London, and died the following Saturday. Wesley not only had a high opinion of his piety and general ability, but re- garded him as very richly endowed with mathematical, mechanical, and artistic genius. Indeed, he says of him, " I suppose he was as great a genius as Sir Isaac Newton ; such strength of genius has scarce been known in Europe before." ^ * " I will mentiou but two or three instances of it : — When he was at scliool, learning algebra, he came one day to his master, and said, ' Sir, I can jn'ove this pi'oposition a better way than it is proved in the book.' His master thought it could not be ; but, upon trial, acknowledged it to be so. . Some time after, his father sent him to Newcastle with a clock, which was to be mended. He observed the clockmaker's tools, and the manner how he took it in pieces, and put it together again ; and, when he came home, first made himself tools, and then made a clock, which went as true as any in the town. "Another proof of it was this: — Thirty years ago, while I was shaving, ! BOOK II. CHAPTEE IV. 421 During his usual journeys this year, Wesley found the Society at Plymouth Dock (Devonport) in a very improved state. He preached in the New Square with great comfort. On the 25th of November, 1774, Wesley preached the first Methodist sermon at St. Ives, Huntingdonshire. The Societies at Tewkesbury and Worcester were, at this time, favoured with great spiritual prosperity. In the course of his journey through Ireland, in the month of June, Wesley was taken dangerously ill ; but, after being three or four days in bed, lie gradually recovered, pursued his journey, and resumed his preachin^g. In March, 1775, John Crook, a zealous local preacher, visited the Isle of Man, and diligently preached Christ to the Manx islanders. The Lord crowned his labours with great success. He soon afterward became an itinerant, and laboured as such in that island at different times about nine or ten years. The thirty-second Conference was held at Leeds, and Conference began August 1st, 1775. The Circuits were now increased to 51, Scarborough being made a Circuit at this time. The increase of members was 2,533, the numbers being 38,145. The number of preachers signing the articles of union was tliis year increased to eighty. Sundry regu- lations were made at this Conference for the renewal of chapel trusts, the reduction of the public debt, the pro- viding funds for, and the building of, new chapels; and leave was given for the erection of chapels at Oldham, he was whittling the top of a stick: I asked, 'What are you doing?' He answered, 'I am taking your face, which I intend to engrave on a copper- plate.' Accordingly, without any instruction, he first made himself tools, and then engraved the plate. The second pictui'e which he engraved, was that which was prefixed to the ' Notes upon the New Testament.' Such another instance, I suppose, not all England, or perhaps Em'ope, can pro- duce."— Wesley's "Works," vol. iv., p. 33. of 1775. 432 HISTOEY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Thorough examination of the quali- fications of preachers. John Val- ton, bis early life, conversion, and minis- try. Taunton, and Halifax. It was also the subject of observa- tion, that the classes were in many places too large ; and it was recommended to divide every one that contained more than thirty members. Previous to tliis Conference, Wesley had received several letters complaining that many of the preachers were utterly unqualified for the work, having neither grace nor gifts sufficient for it ; on which, he says, " I determined to examine the weighty charge with all possible exactness. In order to this, I read those letters to all the Conference, and begged that every one would freely propose, and enforce, Avhatever objection he had to any one. The objec- tions proposed were considered at large : in two or three difficult cases committees were appointed for that purpose. In consequence of this, we were all fully convinced that the charge advanced was without foundation ; that God had really sent those labourers into His vineyard, and has quali- fied them for the work ; and we were more closely united together than we had been for many years." At this Conference John Valton was received on trial as an itinerant preacher. His character and usefulness made him one of the finest examples of the operation of grace among the early Methodists. His parents were Eoman Catholics, natives of France, who removed to London in 1738. John was born in England two years after this date. During his early years, he was trained to a regular attendance at the Romish chapels in London ; and when nine years old, he was taken to France, and placed under the care of an abbot ; and was, in turn with other pupils, arrayed in a surplice, and allowed to assist at the altar during the celebration of mass. When about thirteen, he was brought to England, and sent to a grammar school in Yorkshire, was taken to church, and received confiurma- BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 423 tion from the Bishop of Chester. After hanng observed this rite, he was grievously troubled iu his conscience ; but this soon wore away. But when about fifteen years of age, Hervey^s " Meditations " fell into his hands, and produced a great effect on his mind. He now seriously determined to amend his life. About two years afterward, his friends procured for him a clerkship in the Ordnance, and in this capacity he served eighteen years successively at Portsmouth, Greenwich, Portugal, and again at Green- \vich. Soon after, mixing up constantly with civil, naval, and military of&cers, he seems to have fallen into the sins and vices incident to his age and circumstances. Soon after his return to Greenwich from Portugal, he was sent to do duty at the royal magazines at Purfleet. Here he was brought into intercourse with some Meth- odists ; and the result was his speedy conviction of liis sin and danger. At first, however, he purposed leanng off his grosser sins and accustomed amusements; and resolved to submit to seK-denial, and to add some little charities, and thus gradually, as his remaining Popish notions taught him, to atoue for his past transgressions. Purther intercourse with experienced Christians, however, soon removed these false notions ; but left him, notwithstanding, in great perplexity. He then wrote an anonymous letter to "Wesley, informing him of the state of his mind witliout any reserve. To this he received a reply which, with the explanations of his Methodist friends, removed most of his difficulties ; and he determined to give himself fully to the service of God. This was at the beginning of Pebruary, 1764. Prom this period his delicate and sensitive frame was frequently and strangely agitated : he was sorely tempted ; sometimes over- come by the enemy and hurried into sin ; at other times cheered wiih. rich consolation, and encouraged to hold on 424 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. his way. At length he was enabled, by faith in Christ, to realize the peace and love of God. His soul then yeanied over the sad condition of sinners, and he began to exhort them "to flee from the wrath to come;" while he, although sometimes bordering on distraction through nervous disease, and at others most violently assaulted by his spiritual enemy, grew in grace, and attained to a glorious measure of union and fellowship with God. Meanwhile he prosecuted his work, attending to his secular duties, and " preaching day and night in the villages." In November, 1769, Wesley wrote to him, giving it as liis opinion that he was called to give himself fully to the work of the Lord. Mr. Valtou answered in such a manner that Wesley replied, " You are not now : I believe, you will be by and by.''^ This conjecture was verified. Mr. Valton proceeded with his religious exercises success- fully ; but his healtli failed so seriously from the damp situation of Purfleet, that it deeply impressed his own mind, as well as his friends, one of whom wrote to him, say- ing, " I do not know but God has spoken the word. Preach OR DIE." This decided John Valton to give himself to the work of the ministry. He resigned his situation under the Board of Ordnance, went to the Leeds Conference, and was received on trial. The Government gave him a pension of about forty pounds per annum for his eighteen years^ service ; so that he was enabled to travel as a single man, and never received any allowance from his Circuit except his food, giving the surplus of his income, beyond what his wants required, to the poor.^ The third American Conference was held in "Philadelphia. It began on the 17tli of May, 1775, and continued from Wednesday to Priday, "with great harmony and sweetness * " Life of the Rev. John Valton. By Joseph Sutcliffe, M.A." BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 425 of temper.''^ The latter remark is made, we are told, with Third a view to show that notwithstanding some difficulties had confer ence. occurred between Mr. Rankin and Mr. Asbury, they were not of that serious nature which went to interrupt the harmony of their counsels. To a difference of judgment between them Mr. Asbury frequently alludes, by which it appears that in his opinion Mr. Eankin assumed too much authority over the preachers and people.* The number of preachers in America had, by this time, increased to 19, and 1,075 members had been added in the year, making the aggregate of the Societies 3,148. About the time that the first Methodist Conference was held in America, serious disputes arose between the mother country and these colonies. These disputes had now placed them in a hostile attitude toward each other. Indeed, a few weeks before this Conference was held, blood had been shed in the first skirmish between the king's troops and the colonists at Lexington ; and everything portended a most sanguinary struggle. These circum- Peril of the stances rendered the condition of the jsreachers who had preachers, been sent from England, and who had the principal direc- tion of the Societies, exceedingly embarrassing. Trained by Wesley in the purest principles of loyalty, they were sure to be regarded with distrust and suspicion by the excited colonists among whom they laboured, and who regarded themselves as so deeply injured, as to be com- pelled to take up arms in defence of their liberties. These events even now began to circumscribe the usefulness of the Methodist ministers. Mr. Fletcher, having made considerable preparation during the preceding year, now published three most important * Dr. Bangs's " History of the Methodist Episcopal Chiu'ch," vol. i., p. 86. 426 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Further controversial works of Mr. Fletcher. Conference of 1776. State of the Connexion. works ill continuation of his controversy with the Calvin- ists. The first of these was, " The Fictitious and Genuine Creed/' This was occasioned by the publication, on the part of Mr. Hill, of "'An Arminian Creed/' wliich he appende(J to " Three Letters to Mr. Fletcher." In the reverend author's reply, he places the fictitious articles of Mr. Hill's creed in juxtaposition with the articles of a real Arminian creed ; and thus shows the fallacy of Mr. Hill's allegations. The second of these pieces was entitled, " Zelotes and Honestus reconciled : or. An Equal Check to Pharisaism and Aiitinomianism continued;" including the first and second parts of " The Scripture Scales." The third piece was, "A Treatise on Christian Perfection." These may be fairly placed amongst the most valuable polemical works in the English language, for scriptural truthfulness, closeness of reasoning, purity of language, and sanctity of spirit. They fill about eight hundred closely printed duodecimo pages. The thirty-third Conference began at London on the 6th of August, 1776. The number of Circuits had increased to fifty-five, notwithstanding that America was omitted in consequence of the suspension of aU intercourse with the revolted colonies by the war which was now raging between them. This addition of three Circuits to the list was occasioned by the erection of Lynn into a Circuit, the division of Haworth into Keigliley and Colne Circuits; and by dis- tributing the Derbyshire Circuit and the Lincolnshire Cir- cuits, East and West, into the five following, — Leicester, Nottingham, Grimsby, Gainsborough, and Epworth ; thus making in England an increase of four Circuits, which the separation of America reduced to three. The increase of members in the United Kingdom was 1,681, the total BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 427 aggregate of the Societies being 39,826. The numbers reported from America last year, namely, 3,148, were again set down at this time, as the increase there was not known. It was found on this occasion that the rigid scrutiny Further ex- amination which was made at the preceding Conference -into the into quaiifi- character and abilities of the preachers had not removed all preachers, objections to them. The following question and answer appear on the " Minutes " of this year : " Q. Are there any objections to any of our preachers. A. Yes. It is objected that some are utterly unqualified for the work, and that others do it negligently, as if they imagined they had nothing to do but to preach once or twice a day.'" " In order to silence this objection for ever, which has been repeated ten times over, the preachers were examined at large, especially those concerning whom there was the least doubt. The result was, that one was excluded for insufficiency, two for misbehaviour. And we are tho- roughly satisfied that all the rest had both grace and gifts for the work wherein they are engaged. I hope, therefore, we shall hear of this objection no more.''^ * At this time there were 155 itinerant preachers in Great Britain and Irelaiul. On this occasion the prevalence and evils of extreme Advice given re- Calvinism were recognised and deplored. The preachers specting were accordingly exhorted to make universal redemption a '^ v""®™- prominent part of their preaching, to answer all objections that may be urged against it " with sweetness both of look and voice," and to advise " our people not to hear " those who preach opposite doctrines. The preachers were also exhorted to advise the people to read Wesley's, Fletcher's, and Sellouts works on this controversy. Complaint was also made at this time that the Iri^h and Scotch Circuits * "Minutes," 1770. 428 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. did not contribute their quota to the yearly expenses ; and they were informed that their having preachers from Eng- land in future would be contingent on their doing so. During this year, namely, August 13th, 1776, a circum- stance occurred which, although not likely to attract much attention at the time, has already produced important results in every part of the world, and will doubtless con- tinue to do so to the end of the world. It was the union formed between Wesley and Dr. Coke. Dr. Coke This important circumstance is thus recorded in Wesley's with Wesley. " Joumal :" "I prcachcd at Taunton, and afterwards went with Mr. Brown to Kingston. Here I found a clergyman, Dr. Coke, late gentleman commoner of Jesus College in Oxford, who came twenty miles on purpose. I had much conversation with him ; and an union then began which I trust shall never end." Wesley makes no further reference to the antecedents of Dr. Coke, or to the conversation which took place between them. It is important, however, to afford some information on these topics, both on account of the prominent position which the Doctor afterward occu- pied in the Methodist Connexion, and for the purpose of sho"nTng the means by which a mind earnest and ardent, but only partially enlightened, was led to the know- ledge of salvation, and to a most distinguished and success- ful course of labour in the service of our Redeemer. And tliis is the more desirable, as we have the means of doing so in the words of an eminent minister, who was personally and intimately acquainted with the parties, and familiar with all the circumstances of the case. " Dr. Coke was infected with infidel principles while at the University, in which he was unhappily strengthened by his ungodly tutor. From this perilous infection he was, in a considerable degree, delivered by reading the works of BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 429 Bishop Sherlock and some other divines ; but he continued a mere theoretic beHever till some time after his connexion ■with Mr. Wesley. " He was, as his biographer ackno^yledges, naturally ambitious and aspiring, and for some years had made great efforts to obtain preferment in the Church ; but finding himself disappointed, and at length shut up in the curacy of South Petherton, in Somersetshire, he became very unhappy, and felt the want of that real good which, as yet, was unknown to him. At this time he found some com- fort by reading, in secret, the prayers composed for King William by Archbishop Tillotson. Those gi-acious draw- ings, I have reason to believe, from his own account, was all the experience which he had of divine things, till after his union with the Methodists. " About this time the Doctor became acquainted with the Eev. Mr. Brown, of Taunton, an old friend of Mr. Wesley. From this gentleman he received some of the writings both of Mr. Wesley and Mr. Fletcher, which opened to his view scenes of usefulness, accompanied with labour and suffering, to which, till then, he had been a stranger. All that was of God, in his naturally aspiring mind, eagerly seized those openings of a new life ; and ' the ambitious stirrings,' which Mr. Southey has imputed to Mr. Wesley, — not only without, but contrary to, all eWdence, — were realized in the active mind of Dr. Coke. " Hearing soon after that Mr. Wesley was on his way to Cornwall, and would be at Mr. Brovra's on a particular day, the Doctor resolved to visit that gentleman, and thus obtain an introduction to the great founder of ^lethodism, whom he now admired above all men. "He found Mr. Wesley, as usual, mild and easy of access, with an appearance of happiness that exceedingly 430 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. impressed him. The Doctor stayed all night ; and^ in the morning, Mr. Wesley having walked into the garden, he joined him there, and made known his situation and enlarged desires. Mr. Wesley, with marked sobriety, gave him an account of the way in which he and his brother proceeded at Oxford, and advised the Doctor to go on in the same path, doing all the good he could, visiting from house to house, omitting no part of his clerical duty ; and counselled him to avoid every reasonable ground of offence. The Doctor was exceedingly surprised, and, in- deed, mortified. ' I thought,^ said he, when he related the account to me, ' he would have said. Come with me, and I will give 9/ou employment according to all that is in your heart' But to be thus put off, and confined still to the work of a parish, while such extensive laboui's and useful- ness passed in vision before him, was a disappointment he could hardly bear. " He, however, began ; and his warm and active mind gathering strength in its progress, he proceeded to turn the parish into a kind of Methodist Circuit. He visited and preached in every part of it ; and, as some showed signs of dissatisfaction, and spoke against his proceedings, he cast off all restraint ; and after the second lesson on the Sunday morning, he commenced the practice of reading an account of his intended labours for the week to come, to the amaze- ment of his auditory.'^* Yet, through good report and evil report, this energetic young minister held on his way. Having at this time but a very imperfect acquaintance with the religion of Christ, he nevertheless endeavoured to do all the good in his power to those around him. About this time there was a very glorious revival of reli- gion in Yirginia. Eighteen hundred members were added to * Rev. H. Mooee's "Life of Jolia Wesley," vol. ii., p. 310. J BOOK 11. CHAPTER IV. 431 the Brunswick Circuit between the Conference of 1775 and Revival in that of 1776. The Conference of this last-mentioned year conference ■was held in Baltimore. The numbers reported in the seve- ^'^^^ ^ ^'^^' . timore. ral Societies at that time was 4,921, and nine preachers were admitted on trial. Tour new Circuits were formed, namely, Fairfax, Hanover, Pennsylvania, and Carolina. Thus there were eleven Circuits returned, and twenty -five preachers stationed on them. The political state of the country was, however, most unpropitious. About ten days after this Conference, the Congress declared the thirteen united colonies which they represented free and inde- pendent states. This measure cut off all hope of a recon- ciliation between the parent country and the revolted colo- nies. The war was accordingly prosecuted with vigour on both sides, although neither was well prepared for a struggle of such magnitude. Wesley, under date "March 1st, 1775,'' wrote a very able letter to the preachers in America, pointing out the extreme deUcacy of their position, and counselling them to a course of caution, conciliation, and of peace. It is in this year that we hear of Freeborn Garretson, as a preacher, who afterward was so eminent for his devoted labours and useful- ness. As the coasts of America were now covered by our ships of war, and aU the usual channels of intercourse between the two countries were closed, neither the American Circuits nor preachers appear on the Minutes. But the fierce raging of this contest was not confined to America. The difference of opinion which obtained among the several political parties at home, respecting the policy adopted by the mother country toward the colonies, occa- sioned intense feebng and sharp controversy in England. To give this state of feebng a right direction, and to check its violence, Wesley wrote " A Calm Address to our 432 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Publications American Colonies." This tract was published in 1775, of AVcslsv aiid Fletcher and was followed in 1776 by another, entitled, "Some "" .^'''^ . Observations on Civil Liberty." In these pieces, he con- policy of J yr 3 England tended that the Parliament of England had a perfect right America. to tax the Colonies, and that the resistance of the Americans was therefore not an opposition to tyranny, but a rebellion against legitimate authority. But it is not generally known that Wesley did more than this. Wliilst he, by these publications, gave his views of the religious and political duties of the subject, he wrote a letter, copies of which appear to have been sent to Lord North as premier, and to Lord Dartmouth as the secretary for the colonies. This letter is still extant. In it, with the most profound sagacity, "Wesley showed that the course taken by the government was cruel and unwise, and would, if persevered in, certainly lead to the entire loss of these colonies, and otherwise expose the mother country to danger and disaster. We are happy to be able to present our readers with a copy of this remarkable communication.* Mr. Fletcher had adopted similar views, and wrote a vindication of Wesle/s " Calm Address," and one or two other tracts on the subject : these attracted attention, and were made known in the highest circles. Mr. Vaughan wrote to Wesley, saying, " After Mr. Tletcher had published two or three small political pieces in reference to our contest with the Americans, I carried one of them to the Earl of D . His lordship carried it to the lord chancellor, and the lord chancellor handed it to the king. One was immediately commissioned to ask ]\Ir. Fletcher whether any preferment in the Church would be acceptable? Or whether he (the lord chancellor) could do him any ser- vice ?" The reply was characteristic of that simple- * See Appendix A, at tlie end of this volume. BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 433 miuded and holy man. " I want nothing/^ said he, " but more grace." The pubhcation, however, of these views and arguments did not render the condition of the Methodist preachers in America more easy. On the contrary, they were subjected not merely to suspicion, but in many instances to persecution and danger. As regards the home work, the great object of interest at this period was the erection of the New Chapel and premises at City Road, London. Wesley had previously alluded to the short tenure he was likely to have in the Poundery, and to the importance of having a suitable chapel provided. Accordingly, before the Conference of 1776, ''above a thousand pounds" was subscribed for this object at the first meeting held for the purpose.'^ Under date " October 18th, 1776," Wesley sent the following circular through the length and breadth of the Connexion. " October IWi, 1776. " My dear Brother, " The Society of London have given assistance to their Arrauge- brethren in various parts of England. They have done ^^"^^,1^'*'^ this for upwards of thirty years. They have done so cheer- ^i*y ^'^^'^ chapel, fully and liberally. The first year of the subscription for Loudon. the general debt, they subscribed above 7iine hundred jiov.nds : the next, above three hundred; and not much less every one of the ensuing years. " They now stand in need of assistance themselves. They are under a necessity of building, as the Founder^, wdth all the adjoining houses, is shortly to be pulled down. And the City of London has granted ground to build on ; but on * Wesley's " Journal," August 2nd, 1776. VOL. I. U 434 HISTORY OF WESLEYA-NT METHODISM. condition of covering it^ and with large houses in front,* which, together with the new chapel, will, at a moderate computation, cost upwards of six tliousand pounds. I must therefore beg the assistance of all our brethren. Now help the Parent Society, which has helped others for so many- years so willingly and so largely. Now help Me, who account this as a kindness done unto myself; perhaps the last of this sort which I shall ask of you. Subscribe what you conveniently can, to be paid either now, or at Christmas, or at Lady-day next. " I am your affectionate brother, "John "Wesley. John Duplex, Charles Greenwood, EicHARD Kemp, Samuel Chancellor, Charles Wheeler, William Cowland, John Polgham." The yearly subscription was suspended this year, in order to allow free scope for the exercise of liberality towards this important object. Wesley laid the foundation stone of the New Chapel on April 2nd, 1777. The large-minded effort gave to the Connexion City Eoad chapel and premises, which have ever since been generally regarded as the centre and local home of Wesleyan Methodism. * It is believed that these "large houses in front" were, according to the original plan, to have extended all the breadth of the ground, completely shutting off the chapel Irom the street, and leaving an arched or covered passage to it. The refusal of the trustees to carry out this design nearly cost them the chapel. But after taking very great trouble, and running serious risk, they induced the city authorities to accept a revised plan, having one house at each end, with palisades between, as seen at present. " The Trustees are < i CHAPTEE V. FEOM THE CONFERENCE OF 1777 TO THAT OF 1784. The Conference of 1777 — Careful Inquiry into the religious State of the Connexion — The Progress of the Work — The American Conference, and State of Methodism in that Country — Mr. James Rogers, and his remarkable Interview with Mr. Fletcher — Wesley issues Proposals for publishing a monthly Magazine — He receives Dr. Coke into his Connexion — The Doctor's Conversion — First Conference in Ireland — Its Discussions — George Lowe preaches for the first Time — Preachers' Plans — Two Females allowed by Wesley to preach, as Exceptions to the general Rule — Mrs. Fletcher's Preaching at Huddersfield — The Conference of 1778 — Application to send Missionaries to Afi-ica — State of the Connexion — Wesley opens City Road Chapel — Opening of a new Chapel at Halifax — Contentions and Secession from the Society — Noble Efforts of Mr. Asbury and other Preachers in.. America — The American Conference — Sad Effects of the War — The Case of Abraham Brierly — Conference of 1779 — Decrease of Members in many Circuits — Inquii'ies into the Cause of this — Wesley leaves the Foundery — Meth- odism in the Isle of Wight — Great Dissension among the Methodists of America — Two rival Conferences in America this Year — Progress of the Work — The Conduct of Mr. M'Nab causes serious Dissension at Bath — Its fatal Consequences to the Progress of Religion — The Conference of 1780 — Serious Misunderstanding between Dr. Coke and Mr. Benson — Progress of the Connexion — Mr. Benson's first Sabbath at Leeds — William Green appointed to Salisbury — Methodism extended by Means of pious Soldiers at Winchester — Mr. Fletcher's Interest in American Methodism — His eminent Spirituality of Mind — The American Con- ferences— Powers awarded to Mr. Asbury as General Superintendent — His Mission to the Conference of the South — State of Methodism in the Isle of Man — The Conference of 1781 — Singular Diversity in the printed Stations as respects John and Charles Wesley — The Probability that Wesley hoped for the active Co-operation of Mr. Fletcher — The American Conference — Its Transactions — The Conference of 1782 — Six itinerant Preachers desist from travelling — Severity of the Preachers' Labours and Privations, and inadequate Provision made for u 2 436 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. their Support — Birstal Chapel Case — Further Transactions of the Con- ference— Adam Clarke places himself at the Disposal of Wesley — His previous History and Experience — Importance of this Case — The American Conference — Wesley holds a Conference in Ireland — The Conference of 1783 — Its Proceedings — The American Conference — The State of the Societies — Revival in Winchester — Rev. James Creighton becomes associated with Wesley — Proposal for sending Mis- sionaries to the East, considered — The Deed of Declaration — The Occasion and History of this Deed — It is drawn and enrolled in Chancery, and calls forth violent Opposition and Agitation — Reasons for the Course adopted by Wesley — It was the best that could have been taken — Reasons why tliis Deed has been condemned — General spii-itual Prosperity in the Societies. The Confer- The Conference of 1777, the thirty-fourth in order from the commencement, was held at Bristol, beginning on Tues- day, the 5th of August. Of this Conference Wesley wrote in Careful in- his " Joumal,^' " I HOW particularly inquired (as the report Xe'reii'oious ^^^^ heeii Spread far and wide) of every assistant. Have you state of the peason to believe, from your own observation, that the Connexion. Methodists are a fallen people? Is there a decay or an increase in the work of God where you have been ? Are the Societies in general more dead or more alive to God than they were some years ago ? The almost universal answer was, ' If we must htow tliem hy their fruits, there is no decay in the work of God among the people in general. The Societies are not dead to God : they are as much alive as they have been for many years. And we look on this report as a mere device of Satan, to make our hands hang down.' " But, to come to a short issue, in most places the Methodists are stiU a poor, despised people, labouring under reproach and many inconveniences ; therefore, wherever the power of God is not, they decrease. By this, then, you may form a sure judgment. Do the Meth- odists in general decrease in number ? Then they decrease BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 437 in grace ; tliey are a fallen, or, at least, a falling, people. But they do not decrease in number ; tliej continually increase : therefore they are not a fallen people.''^ This rumour would probably not have been regarded as of sufficient importance to call for such a careful and extended investigation, had it not been countenanced within the body, and even amongst the preachers. Nor did even the cheering result of the inquiry produce universal con^dc- tion. John Helton, who had been a minister in connexion with Wesley about thirteen years, and who travelled the preceding year in Bristol, declared that nothing he had heard had satisfied him that the report referred to was not substantially true; and, believing the Methodists to be falling, if not already fallen, he was determined to leave them. When this announcement was made, several of the preachers began to reason with him and persuade him; but Wesley stopped them, saying, " Let him go in peace.'" Helton soon after joined the Quakers. This Conference was conducted in great harmony, and concluded on Triday, From the above conversation it will appear, that the great object of Wesley^s concern was to maintain the genuine character of the work in which he was engaged. Of its continuance and progress he had no doubt ; but he saw the importance of making that fact clear to others which was so abundantly evident to himself. And in the above extract from his " Journal" he has certainly placed the subject in a most convincing light. In the then circumstances of the Methodists, no power on earth could have maintained their numbers without vital piety. There were no motives for adhesion to such a people which could have been sufficiently potent, but those which were directly religious. At this Conference the number of the Circuits had 438 HISTOUY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. The pro- increased, by the addition of Somerset, Alnwick, and Bally- work." shannon, to fifty-eight. The real increase of members in the three kingdoms was 1,351; although there was an ajjparent decrease in the total of this year, as compared with the last, of 1,797. , The aggregate number now reported was 38,274 ; but from this number the American Societies, which last year contained 3,148 members, were excluded. Mr. Fletcher was in Bristol during the sittings of this Conference, in his usual devout and zealous frame of mind. Mr. Benson observes, " We have had an edifying Conference. Mr. Fletcher's visit to-day and yesterday has been attended with a blessing. His appearance, his exhortations, and his prayers, broke most of our hearts, and filled us with shame and self-abasement for our little improvement.'' The most trivial incidents sometimes evince, in the clearest manner, the spirit of a Christian minister. We accordingly find the Eev. Joseph Benson recording the following respectnig this holy man : " He happened to be passing the door of the stable belong- ing to our chapel in Broad-mead, when I was alighting from my horse ; and I shall never forget with what a heavenly air and sweet countenance he instantly came up to me in the stable, and, in the most solemn manner, put- ting his hands upon my head, as if he had been ordaining me for the sacred office of the ministry, prayed most fer- vently for and blessed me in the name of the Lord. To act in this way, indeed, toward his friends, was no uncom- mon thing with him ; he was wont to do so frequently ; and that in a manner so serious and devout, that it was almost impossible not to be deeply affected with it." * Now, for the first time, Wesley recorded brief notices of those preachers who had died during the year. The * Benson's " Life of Fletclier," p. 203. Edition of 1825. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 489 record is as follows : " What preachers have died this year ? A. John Slocomhe, at Clones, an old labourer, worn out in the service. John Harrison, near Lislurn, a pro- mising youth ; serious, modest, and much devoted to God. William Lumley, at Hexham, .a blessed young man, a happy witness of the fuU liberty of the children of God. And William Minethorpe, near Dunbar, 'an Israelite indeed, in whom was no guile.'' " The propriety of in- serting such notices was at once acknowledged, and they have accordingly been continued to the present time. Although aU direct intercourse with America was at this The Ameri- time cut on, so that no notice oi the oocieties appears ence, and in the "Minutes,^' it is necessary now to state that the state of Me- fifth American Conference was held in the Deer Creek thatcountry. meeting-house, Harford county, in the state of Maryland, May 20th, 1777. The war was raging with fearful violence, and the operations of ]\Iethodism were in con- sequence greatly impeded. On this account Virginia, one of the most prominent fields of labour, had been aban- doned the year before ; and at this time no preacher was stationed at New York, — the parent Society of American Methodism. The British army being in possession of the city, the troops converted the Methodist meeting-house into barracks. Yet these very unfavourable circum- stances did not stay the good work : the cause of God stiU went on. At this Conference there was reported an increase of 2,047 members and 12 preachers ; the total number of members now in the American Societies being 6,968, and that of the preachers 36. Notwithstanding the earnestness and evident propriety of Wesley's advice to the preachers in that country, to abstain entirely from all med- dhng with political affairs, some of them seriously com- promised themselves and the Societies with which they 440 HISTOUY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. were connected. Mr. Rodda, while passing through the ministerial work of his Circuit, was detected spreading tlie king^s proclamation, and otherwise endeavouring to stir up a spirit of opposition to the American government. Alarmed, however, at the prospect of the consequences of this discovery, he, by the aid of some slaves, escaped to Philadelphia, then in possession of the British army, and returned to Europe. He was accompanied by ]\Ir. Rankin. Another circumstance tended to expose American Meth- odism to persecution. A backslider from the Society, named Clowe, succeeded in enlisting three hundred men for the British army, and was the means of bloodshed before he was arrested. He was finally hung as a rebel against the government of the country. But, amid all these difficulties, Mr. Asbury stood firm to his duty and his flock. Mr. James This year Mr. James Rogers was appointed to East hil^remark- Cornwall ; and being at the time in feeble health, he able inter- fg}|; ]jy^^ jjj q^^q ^q eudurc the fatiffuc of the loni' removal view with ^ ° Mr.Fietcher. from Edinburgh. Believing, however, that it was the will of God, he says, " I therefore set out in His name, and found sweet communion with Him in the way.""^ His further account of an incident in this journey is too interest- ing to be omitted, especially as it refutes an error which was diligently circulated, and shows so forcibly the true Gospel consecration, to which, apart from all form or ceremony, real holiness leads. Mr. Rogers observes, " I had long desired to converse with that great and good man, Mr. Eletcher; and now an opportunity offered itself. Stopping at Bristol for a few days to rest myself and horse, I heard of his being at Mr. Ireland's, about three miles off, in a poor state of health, and, with two of my brethren, took a ride to see him. When we I BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 441 came there, he was returning from a ride, which he was advised bj liis physician to take every day. Dismounting from liis horse, he came towards us with arms spread open and eyes lifted up to heaven. His apostohc appearance, with the whole of his deportment, amazingly affected us. "The first words he spoke, while yet standing in the stable by his horse, were a part of the sixteenth chapter of St. John, most of which he repeated. And whilst he pointed out the descent of the Holy Ghost, as the great promise of the Father, and the privilege of all New- Testament believers, in a manner I never had heard before, my soul was dissolv^ed into tenderness, and became even as melting wax before the fire. "As an invidious report had been spread that he had recanted what he had lately written against Calvinism in those excellent writings of his, entitled, 'Checks,' &c., I took the liberty to mention the report, and asked him what he thought had given rise to it. He replied, he could not tell, except that he had refrained from speaking on con- troverted points since he came to Mr. Ireland's ; partly by reason of the poor state of his health, and because he did not wish to grieve his kind friend by making his house a field of controversy ; but assured us he had never yet seen cause to repent of what he had written in defence of the Rev. ]VIr. Wesley's 'Minutes.' And though he beUeved his close application was the means of reducing his body to the state in which we then saw it, yet, if he fell a victim, it was in a good cause. "After a little further conversation upon the universal love of God in Christ Jesus, we were about to take our leave, when Mr. Ireland sent liis footman into the yard with a bottle of red wine and some slices of bread upon a waiter : we all uncovered our heads, while Mr. Fletcher u 5 442 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. craved a blessing upon the same ; "wliicli lie liad no sooner donCj than he handed first the bread to eachj and then, lifting up his eyes to heaven, pronounced these words : ' The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life.' Afterwards, handing the wine, he repeated, in like manner, 'The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ,' &c. But such a sacrament I never had before. A sense of the divine pre- sence rested upon us all ; and we were melted into floods of tears. His worthy friend Mr. Ireland, grieved to see him exliaust his little strength by so much speaking, took him by the arm, and almost forced him into the house ; while he kept looking wishfally, and speaking to us, as long as we could see him. We then mounted our horses and rode away. That very hour more than repaid me for my whole journey from Edinburgh to Cornwall.'" Wesley It is more than probable that the debate in this Confer- issues pro- .. .... ni utit it posais for cuce as to the religious stability ot the Methodist body, monthi™^^ and its issue in the retirement of John Helton, led Wesley Magazine, to devise a new and most important agent for diffusing religious knowledge aud influence throughout the Con- nexion, and for exhibiting its real character and condition to friends and foes. Immediately after this Conference, he drew up proposals for publishing a monthly periodical under the title of " The Arminian Magazine.'" The first number appeared on the 1st of January, 1778; and the following is put forth in the Preface to the first volume as the plan of the work : " Each number will consist of four parts. Eirst. A defence of the grand Christian doctrine, 'God willeth all meu to be saved, aud to come to the knowledge of the truth.'' Secondly. An extract from the life of some holy man, whether Lutheran, Church-of- * England man, Calvinist, or Arminian. Thirdly. Accounts into his Con- nexiou. Tlie BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 443 and letters^ containing the experience of pious persons, the greatest part of whom are still alive. And, Fourthly, Verses explaining or confirming the capital doctrines we have in view.^' Wesley having projected the publication of the " Maga- zine,'' John Atlay, who had been previously appointed " to keep the accounts," was made " book-steward," — an office which is now for the first time found in Meth- odism. Thomas Olivers is said, as heretofore, to " correct the press." As Wesley was pursuing his way to the west in the Wesley re- ccivGs Dr. August of this year, he was again joined by Dr. Coke ; and ^oke he says of the interview, " I went forward to Taunton with Dr. Coke, who, being dismissed from his curacy, had bid Doctor's adieu to his honourable name, and determined to cast in his lot with us.""^ It seems that the young and ardent Doctor, partially enlightened as he was, had persevered in endeavouring to urge on his parishioners the knowledge and practice of religion, until their opposition became so violent that he was dismissed from his curacy. Having achieved tliis victory, his opponents determined to enjoy it : so, having obtained a knowledge of " the day he was to leave the town, the bells were rung, and some hogsheads of cider were brought into the street, that those who were so disposed might rejoice in the deliverance of the parish from its Methodist curate." Afterwards the Doctor joined Wesley on his way to Taun- ton, and on his return accompanied him to Bristol. Here, among a people established in the faith. Dr. Coke's gentle- manly manners, manifest zeal for religion, and ardent attach- ment to Wesley, gained him universal love and esteem. He was now instructed in the discipline and usages of the Society * Wesley's " Joiu-nal," vol. iv., p. 103. 4'4<4 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. with which he had become connected, and had to take his part in all their meetiTigs. On those occasions he listened to Christian experience, to which he was himself a stranger; and not unfrequently, without being conscious of the cause, he found himself in a situation somewhat like that described by Dr. Edward? of New Eugiaiid, in his " Considerations on the Work of God " in that province. " How melancholy/^ observes that great and good man, " is the case of one who is to act as a shepherd and guide to a people, many of whom are under great awakenings, and many are filled with divine light, love, and joy; to undertake to instruct and lead them all, under those various circumstances; to be put to it to play the hypo- crite, and force the airs of a saint in preaching, and from time to time in private conversation; and, in particular dealing with souls, to undertake to judge of their circum- stances, to talk to those who come to him, as if he knew what they said ; to try to talk with persons of experience, as if he had experience as well as they; to force a joyful countenance and manner of speech, when there is notliing in the heart ! What sorrowful work is here ! O, how miserable must such persons feel ! What wretched slavery is this ! Besides the infinite provocation of the Most High God, and displeasure of his Lord and Master V The case of Dr. Coke, who truly wished to do good, was, however, not so lamentable. He was not in the condition of an ungodly minister who, for a li\dng, undertakes such a work. The Doctor had no stipend, his own fortune being sufficient for his support ; and, not being convinced of sin, he felt no such misery. He did not, indeed, like Dr. Southey and others, suppose that those people laboured under a mental disease; on the contrary, he supposed them sincere and of a sound mind; but he comforted himself BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 445 with liis own sujDposecl advantages. " They have/^ he said to himself, " a knowledge of God among them which is strange to me ; but in philanthropy, and in large views for the good of mankind, I am superior to them/^ Dr. Coke had not in early youth, like Wesley, the advantage of a religious education. He was, besides, an only son, and had been greatly indulged ; was naturally aspiring and ambitious, and fondly imagined the outgoings of an ardent and benevolent temperament, which he felt stirring within him, was that pm-e and holy charity which the love of God in Christ alone can impart. It pleased the great Head of the Church, by placing him in contact with the Methodists, to afford him the means of rescue from this error, and, by a very simple but singular inci- dent, to make the urgent necessity of this deliverance very evident. As he was on his way to London from Bristol, " one of the passengers in the coach in which he travelled was taken in a fit ; and as there was an immediate cry for water, the Doctor ran to a brook which he saw at some distance. Having no vessel, he thought of his hat ; but on beholding the fine new beaver decorated with an elegant rose, then common with clergymen, his heart, which he had supposed so large, instantly failed him, and he returned in haste to the scene of distress. A gentleman who was assisting the afflicted man, and had observed with pleasure the Doctor's design, exclaimed, with surprise and indigna- tion, 'What, Sir! Have you brought no water?' and instantly ran to the brook, and returned with his hat full. " The Doctor felt his situation, in the presence of the passengers ; but his inward mortification was inexpressible. He had trusted in himself that he was righteous, and had despised, or, at least, lightly esteemed, others ;" but he found himself utterly destitute of any ground for these 446 HISTORY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. lofty imaginations. His delusion had passed away, and with a wounded spirit he arrived in London. The change which passed in Dr. Coke's mind disposed him to listen to the communications of the Methodist people with increased interest. And as he thought of their confidence and joy, his own " trouble increased. He found himself to be what our Lord calls 'a stranger' in the fellowship of His people.- The Holy Spirit, who, by fasten- ing one wrong act on the mind of a sinner, can, in the issue, as in tlie case of the*Samaritan woman, convince him of ' all that ever he did,' now showed him that ' in him dwelt no good thing.'" Yet he pined and groaned in secret : for he could not lay open his spiritual misery to the Chris- tians with whom he had so recently become acquainted. He was_, indeed, stripped of all that self-sufficiency which at Bristol had shielded him from conviction. He now felt that he had undertaken a work for which he was wholly unfit, and he saw no way of deliverance. One great obstacle to his making known the state of his mind was, that his friends had assumed that he was truly converted, and walking in the light of the divine countenance. Wesley himself and all his people fully believed this ; so that the Doctor seemed shut up in deep penitential sorrow. The Lord, however, found a way for his deliverance. Mr. Thomas Maxfield, although he had separated from Wesley, on hearing of the arrival of Dr. Coke, called on him, and, with his usual promptness and energy, inquired into the state of his mind. His question did not refer to his justification, — in common with others, he assumed him to have attained that blessing, — but he inquired if he were perfected in love ; and on the Doctor's acknowledging that he had not attained that privilege, "Mr. Maxfield imme- BOOK II. CHAPTEK, V. 447 diately pressed it upon him with all his might, showdng, in his usual strong way, that the blessing was to be received by faith, and, consequently, that it might and ought to be received now. The Doctor was amazed and much embar- rassed. He got away, however, from his vehement exhorter as well as he could, informing him that he would maturely consider what had been advanced, and make it a matter of prayer. "The Doctor did so; and an intimacy took place be- tween them, the consequence of which was, that through the instrumentality of that extraordinary man the Doctor found rest unto his soul. He obtained that faith which gave his labouring conscience peace ; and which, in a mind naturally so ardent, raised him up as on the wings of eagles. He joined from that time in all the exercises of religion with a fervour that surprised many, and caused the people to whom he ministered to glorify God on his behalf. ^^^ Erom henceforth Dr. Coke became a most valuable auxiliary to Wesley. He no longer confined hiiuself to the regular duties of a clergyman, but took part in all the work of a Methodist preacher, preaching abroad and in all tlie chapels, exhorting all with a zeal almost equal to that of Mr. Maxfield himself : " instant in season, and out of sea- son," no labours seemed too much for liim, no journeys too fatiguing ; so that Wesley used to say he was to him as a right hand. And what enhanced the importance of the Doctor's aid, Wesley could trust him, which was not fully the case with some of his most useful preachers. Wesley himself told the Eev. Henry Moore, that while Mr. Maxfield was with him, he could not, when himself absent from London, leave him there, unless Dr. Jones was there also. * Mooke's "Life of Wesley," vol. ii., pp. 310-315. 448 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. For the first so limited his exhortation to the exercise of faith, that the presence of the other was necessary, whose peculiar talent it was to enforce the fruits of faith and the duties of the Gospel. With Dr. Coke it was otherwise from the time that he was made a partaker of the Gospel salvation. He was equally " sound in the faith/' " and zealous of good works.'' First Coti- At the end of Wesley's journey through Ireland, on fGrcncc in Ireland. Its Tuesday, July 7th, 1778, he held a Conference in that iscussions. jsj^jjjj^ Respecting it he says, " Our little Conference began, at which about twenty preachers were present." At this time the question of separating from the Church was revived with great earnestness and zeal by Mr. Edward Smyth. He had previously been expelled from a church in the north of Ireland for his faithful proclamation of the Gospel, and was now preaching in connexion with Wesley. He laboured with all his might to persuade him to repudiate all connexion with the Establishment ; but he failed. The discussion ended in the following questions and answers : " Q. Is it not our duty to separate from the Church, con- sidering the wickedness both of the clergy and the people ? A. We conceive not. 1. Because both the priests and the people were full as wicked in the Jewish church, and yet God never commanded the holy Israelites to separate from them. 2. Neither did our Lord command His disciples to separate from them; He rather commanded the contrary. 3. Hence it is clear tkat could not be the meaning of St.Paul's words, ' Come out from among them, and be ye separate.' " This answer was followed by another question, the reply to which was evidently intended to prevent such discussions in future. " Q. Have we a right view of our work ? A. Perhaps not. It is not to take care of this or that Society, or to preach so many times ; but to save as many souls as BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 44-9 we can, to bring as many sinners as we can to repentance, ' and with all our power to build them up in that holiness, without which they cannot see the Lord." ^ In August, 1777, George Lowe, afterwards a zealous and George Lowe useful Methodist minister, preached his first sermon. His preaches for simple account of the circumstance shows how the work of ^^^ God then progressed in the absence of those external things which are generally regarded as essential to order and pro- priety. He observes, " My dress on that occasion was not very clerical ; but, although it would have offended the fas- tidious taste of modern times, it was considered fashionable, and even elegant, in those days. I rose earlier than usual on that morning, spent some time in communion with God, in reading the Scriptures, and in looking over my subject. I then put on my fustian coat, a pretty red plush waistcoat, and a handsome pair of leather breeches. Thus equipped, I left home, in much weakness and fear, to make, what appeared to me, a dangerous experiment. On arriving at Saltersford, I found the preaching-house crowded ; but, being there a few minutes before the time, T stepped into an ante- chamber, for the purpose of composing my mind and imploring the aid of divine grace. While I was there, a sharp shock of an earthquake occurred. It shook and rocked the building, and spread such alarm amongst the people, that before I commenced the service, they were crying out, ' God be merciful to us sinners.'' " His biographer adds, " The text chosen on that occasion was Matt. viii. 2, 3. He repre- sented the leper as being the type of the sinner; and pointed out the loathsome, infectious, and dangerous nature of his malady. He then adverted to the humility, importunity, and faith which characterized his appeal to the Saviour ; and, finally, called their attention to the * Myles's " Chrouological Histoiy," p. 13G. 450 HISTORY OP WESLEY AN METHODISM. frank, gratuitous, and complete cure effected by the word and touch of our Lord. During the delivery of this dis- course, there was an abundant communication of the grace of G od to assist the preaclier and bless the people ; so that, before the close of the service, Mr. Lowe's voice could scarcely be heard amidst the loud and pathetic supplica- tions for divine mercy. Several scores were awakened under that sermon, many of whom afterward joined the Society, and continued in future years ' to adorn the doc- trine of God our Saviour in all things.'' "^ As Wesley, with or without the advice of the Confer- ence, appointed the preachers to their several spheres of action, so his assistant in each Circuit, having obtained the best available information, appointed the times and places where he and liis colleagues and the local preachers should preach. This appears to have been the practice from the beginning. Preachers' lu the early stages of Methodistic progress it is reason- ^ ^^' able to suppose that this Avould be done at best in a very irregular manner; but afterward these appointments were made on a regular plan. The earliest of these which we have seen is of this date, (1777,) and arranged the labours of the local preachers for the Leeds Circuit from May 4th to July 27th inclusive. At this time, and for many years afterward, the plans of the itinerant and local preachers were quite separate and distinct from each other. There is another peculiarity about the plans of that Circuit from this period until some years after 1800 : the several places sup- plied with Sunday preacliing by the local preachers were visited by them on one Sabbath in a fortnight. That is, the Circuit was divided into two sections, each of which was supplied on alternate Sundays. A copy of this plan, and * Eev. a. Stkachan's "Life and Times of the Ilev. Georse Lowe." BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 451 the names of the local preachers, so far as they can be ascertained, will be found elsewhere.^ Miss Bosanquet was not the only female preacher per- Two females mitted to labour occasionally among the Methodists at tliis Vesiey to time : Mrs. Crosby of Leeds, her former pupil and a sister v^^^K as ■' '- '■ exceptions spirit, pursued a precisely similar course, and was very use- to the gene- ful. It is not known whether the following letter from Wesley to this pious female has been already published ; but its importance justifies its insertion : the ]\IS. is still preserved. "London, December 2nd, 1777. "My dear Sister, " I HOPE you will always have your time much filled up. You wiU, unless you grow weary of weU-doing. Tor is not the harvest plenteous stiU ? Had we ever a larger field of action ? And shall we stand all, or any part of, the day idle ? Then Ave should wrong both our neighbour and our own souls. " For the sake of retrenching her expenses, I thought it quite needful for Miss B to go from home ; and I was likewise persuaded (as she was herself) that God had some- thing for her to do in Bath and Kingswood ; perhaps in Bristol too ; although I do not think she Avill be called to speak tAere in public. "The difference between us and the Quakers in this respect is manifest. They flatly deny the rule itself, although it stands clear in the Bible. We allow" the rule ; only we believe it admits of some exceptions. At present I know of those, and no more, in the whole Methodist Connexion. You should (send) word of what our Lord is doing where you go, to, dear SaUy, " Yours affectionately, " John Wesley." * See Appendix B, at the end of tliis volume. 452 HISTOEY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. It is evident^ therefore, that Wesley did not merely con- nive at female preachers ; on the contrary, he gave them his direct and formal sanction, when, as in the two cases of Miss Bosanquet and Mrs. Crosby, he was convinced they were called of God to the work. He then regarded their call as an extraordinary exception to the general rule laid down by St. Paul, — a rule which, as he says, lie fully allowed. Mrs. Fietch- Mts. Fletcher gives the following account of her preach- er's preach- ^^„ g^^ Huddcrsfield. She had called there on her way to mg at Hud- " «' tiersfieki. Golcar, whcrc she was going to preach, and was pressed to hold a meeting there on her return, to which she assented. On her way back to Huddersfield, however, Mr. Taylor, who was with her, expressed doubts as to the propriety of her stopping there, as he said there were some who did not like women to conduct public worship, and that she might in consequence meet with something disagreeable. The fol- lowing is her own account : '' When we got to Hudders- field, I told them the conversation we had had by the way, and the posture of my mind, which was as calm as the limpid stream and quiet as an infant. I perceived his fears were not groundless, and said, ' Well, my friends, I will do as you will, — either stay with you this night, or go forward directly : for I follow a lamb-like Lord, and I would imitate His life and spirit.' They said they believed but few of the principal persons had any objection, and the people much desired it ; besides, as it had been given out at noon, there would be a great many strangers whom it would not be well to disappoint. It was then agreed that we should have the meeting in the house where they usually had the preaching; but when we came there, the crowd was so very great, and the place so hot, that I feared I should not be able to speak at all. I stood still, and left all to God. A friend gave out a hymn, during which some fainted away. Brother Taylor said, ' I perceive it BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 453 impossible for us to stay witliin doors : the people cannot bear the heat, and there are more without than there are within/ We then came out. My head swam with the heat. I scarce knew which way I went, but seemed carried along by the people till we stopped at a horse-block placed against a wall on the side of the street, with a plain wide opening before it. On the steps of this I stood, and gave out, ' Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,' &c. AYhile the people were singing the hymn, I felt a renewed conviction to speak in the name of the Lord. ]My bodily strength seemed to return each moment. I felt no weari- ness, and my voice was stronger than in the morning, while I was led to enlarge on these words : ' The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King. He will save us.' Deep solemnity sat on every face. I think there was scarce a cough to be heard, or the least motion, though the number gathered was very great. So solemn a time I have seldom known. My voice was clear enough to reach them all. And when we concluded, I felt stronger than when we began. They then desired me to speak to each of the women joined in Society, which took me till near ten." ^ The thirty-fourth Conference was held at Leeds, begin- Tiie Confer- ning on August 4th, 1778. A larger number of preachers attended this Conference than had ever assembled at any previous one. It began on Tuesday morning, and con- tinued till Saturday. Mr. Benson says, " it was the best Conference he ever attended ; that Mr. Wesley possessed an excellent spirit, and preached remarkably well." Qn the second day of this assembly's sittings, a proposal was made for sending missionaries to Africa. This pro- * Walicsu's " Methodism in Halifax," p 147. 454 HISTOHY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Application posal arose out of the case of two young princes, who had sionaries to ^6611 tom awaj from their country, — Calabar, on the Coast Africa. q£ Guinea, — and sold as slaves to America, where they remained upwards of seven years. An English master of a ship, to whom they had told their story, pitied them, and advised them to run away, which they did, and were brought by him to England. Tlieir case was brought before Lord Mansfield, and they were declared free, and set at liberty. By the kindness of the Methodists at Bristol, they were instructed in the English language and the truths of Christianity, and afterward sent back to their own country. After their return, at their request, two persons who were Germans, but members of the Methodist Society in Bristol, were sent out to Guinea, evidently with a view to their instructing the people in the truths of the Chris- tian faith; but they both died before or soon after their landing on that coast. The young princes then sent over petitions that others might come to their aid for the same purpose ; and when the subject was mentioned in the Conference, two pious young men freely offered them- selves for this difficult and dangerous service. " But after the matter was seriously considered, it was concluded that the time had not arrived for sending missionaries to Africa." Mr. Benson concludes the narrative of the cir- cumstance by observing, " What was said on this occa- sion, and the prayers which followed, were manifestly attended with a great blessing ; and the Lord was present of a truth/' ^- state of the The Circuits were now increased to sixty ; but this addi- onnexion. ^^^^ arose out of numerous alterations. Tiuis, Devon, Somersetshire, Alnwick, and Ballyshannon ceased to. be Circuits ; and Taunton, Tiverton, Isle of Man, Castlebar^ * Benson's " Memoirs," by Macdonald, p. 76. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 455 Lisleen, and Belfast were made Circuits. The numbers reported this year, including 6,968 for America, were 47,057;* and as the aggregate of the last year, when the numbers from America were not entered, was 38,274, there was an increase in the Societies of Great Britain and Ireland of 1,815. Two preachers are reported as having died this year : Thomas Hosking, a pious, zealous, active young man, just entering on his work ; and Eichard Burke, a man of faith and patience, made perfect through sufferings. The examination into the character and ability of each of the preachers was very strictly conducted, and two of them were laid aside. Sundry exhortations and directions were put forth in these " ]\Iinutes " for visiting gaols, renewing trust-deeds where many of the trustees were dead, and for preventing the preachers from contracting nervous disorders. Dr. Coke appears this year on the '' ^linutes " for the first time, and was stationed at London, although not as a regular preacher on the Circuit ; the entry on the " Minutes " standing thus ; — ■ " London : John Pawson, Thomas Eankin, Thomas Ten- nant, Peter Jaco, Super., John "Wesley, Thomas Coke, John Abraham." It seems clear, also, from what follows, that Wesley intended Dr. Coke this year for more special service. Por, immediately after the Conference, an entry is found in his "Journal," saying, "Monday, August 17th, Dr. Coke, my brother, and I took coach for Bristol; and early on Thursday, 20th, I set out for Cornwall." * Tliis is not the total nuinber printed in the "Minutes," but a correct aggregate of the numbers in the several Circuits. The total numbers in the "Minutes" are frequentlv erroneous. 456 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Wesley On Sunday, November 1st, "Wesley conducted the Road ' opening services of the New Chapel in City Eoad. He Chapel. writes respecting it, that " it is perfectly neat, but not fine ; and contains far more people than the Foundery ; I believe, together with the Morning Chapel, as many as the Tabernacle. Although multitudes attended on this occa- sion, there was no disturbance : every thing was conducted with quietness, decency, and order." Wesley preached in the morning from part of Solomon^s prayer at the dedica- tion of the temple, and in the afternoon from " the hun- dred and forty and four tliousand standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion." He adds, " God was eminently present in the midst of the congregation.'" When it is considered that few of the Methodists of this day had any training, or preliminary teaching, it is truly wonderful that they remained so united, and were so seldom subject to scenes of contention and disorder. Men and women of the most diverse opinions and judgment on almost every other subject, were here of one mind and heart, because they felt their need of salvation ; and their continued desire for this, and the conscious posses- sion of a growing interest in its blessings, generally rose paramount over every difference of sentiment, and. kept them in one united band of brotherhood. There were, however, as might be expected, occasional exceptions to this happy state of things. We meet with one at this time, which occurred at Halifax; and which would be amusing but for its sad religious results. In the year 1777, the Society of this town, by a great and united effort, erected a new chapel at an expense of about £1,230. In this work all appear to have heartily united, and seem to have exulted in its accom- plishment. The chapel being finished, it was opened by BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 457 Wesley in person ; and Mr. Thomas Taylor also preached Opening of . a new chapel on the occasion. Jbor the sake either oi ornament or at Halifax. of use, a sounding-board was placed over the pulpit; ^njgeTessbu and several of the congregation, thinking the board ^^^ ^^^^ Society. had a meagre appearance, hit upon a good scheme, as they thought, to remedy the defect. A subscription was opened, and an image of an angel, blowing a trumpet placed over the sounding-board. At the sight of such a figure, with expanded wings, and a tremendous trumpet in its hand, the congregation were greatly astonished when they assembled for public worship the Sabbath fol- lowing its erection. Without staying to remark on the taste displayed in this supposed ornament, it must be observed, that this angel became a subject of much contention in the Society ; and this dispute was seriously aggravated by the declaration of one of the newly appointed preachers to the Circuit, Mr. John Murlin, that lie would preach under it no more. In the midst of this contention, Wesley again visited Halifax, and the following entry is found in his " Journal •/' "Thursday, April 15th, 1779, I went to Halifax, where a little thing had occasioned a great disturbance. An angel blowing a trumpet was placed on the sounding-board over the pulpit. Many were vehemently against this ; others as vehemently for it : but a total end was soon put to the contest ; for the angel vanished away. The congregations, morning and evening, were very large; and the work of God seems to increase in depth as well as extent."" The means by which the angel vanished away, and the consequences which followed, must, however, be told. On the evening of the day just named, Wesley, in order to settle the dispute, which unhappily had been productive of much evil, called the leaders together after service. The matter was gone into, and a hot discussion ensued as to whether the VOL. I. X 458 HISTOKY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. angel should be retained or destroyed ; but when the votes were taken, they were found to be equal. At this juncture, John Hatton, of Liglitcliffe, came into the room, and, on the nature of the proceedings being explained to him, he gave his vote for the destruction of the angel. Those who had thus obtained the ascendancy being eager to execute the decision of the meeting, the angel in a few minutes disappeared from the sounding-board ; Mr. Murliu hewed the " Dagon " in pieces ; and before midnight its ashes were smouldering in the chapel yard. Wesley, from his well known antipathy to a sounding-board, intimated his wish that it also might be removed. On the morning following, at the five o'clock preaching, great was the con- sternation of the people, when they beheld the pulpit in its original plainness, being minus both the sounding-board and its gorgeous appendage. It is, however, painful to add, that although the angel had only been in the chapel two Sundays, its removal caused a division in the Society ; several influential members left, and some of them were never afterward connected with any particular church. Wesley appears not to have been made aware of all the consequences of this contention.^ How fearful are the results of strife in a religious Society ! Although the war with America was continued with aU the energy the British ministry could command, the revolted colonists were daily getting the advantage in the conflict : the Congress was accordingly encouraged to assume, in the fullest sense, the sovereignty of the country. The inhabitants of the several States were in consequence required to take an oath of allegiance to the existing government. Mr. Asbury, as an Englishman, could not con- scientiously comply with this demand. He had, therefore, * Walkek's " Methodism in Halifax/' p. 150. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 459 to retire from his usual course of ministerial duty, and seek Nobieefforts refuge in concealment. He lived thus in the house of a Asbury friend, Judse White, for nearly twelve months. Yet even ^""^ °}'^^^ . ' o ' J preachers m in these circumstances his zealous soul could not be America, inactive ; for, when unable to appear at all in the day-time, he would emerge from his retreat in the gloom of night, and go from house to house, enforcing the great truths of the Gospel. His efforts were nobly seconded by a native American preacher, Freeborn Garretson, whose ministry was abun- dantly owned of God throughout the States of Maryland and Delaware, and who endured cruel usage and much persecution. Joseph Hartley was another devoted minister in those times of trial. When forbidden to preach, he duly attended his appointments ; and after singing and prayer, remaining upon his knees, he exhorted the jDCople with so much earnestness and power, that his enemies said, " He might as well preach on his feet, as on his knees." Afterward, in Talbot county, he was seized, and committed to jail for preaching ; but this by no means silenced him ; for the people gathered around the gate, and he preached from the inside with so much unction and power, that the inhabitants said, unless Hartley was released from prison, he would convert the whole town. After being kept thus for some time, he was set at liberty ; but a blessed revival of the work of God resulted from his efforts whilst in prison, which was the means of establishing an extensive and flourishing Society. The American Conference of this year was held in Lees- Tiie burgh : Mr. Asbury being in ill health, and every other conference. English preacher having left America, W^illiam Watts, the oldest American preacher, presided. At this time, five Circuits were left off the " Minutes," in consequence X 2 of the war. 460 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. of the war : New York^ Philadelphia, Chester, Frederick, and Norfolk. To counterbalance this loss, six new Cir- cuits were formed : Berkeley, Muvanna, James City, and Luneiiburgh, in Virginia ; and Carolina Circuit, in North Carolina, was divided into three, namely, Eoanoke, Tar Sad effects River, and New Hope. The fearful consequences of the war were, however, seen in the decrease of 873 members and 5 preachers ; the numbers now reported being 6,095 members and 29 preachers. It will serve to show the steadiness with which Wesley kept his eye fixed on the great evangelical object for which he had laboured throughout his life, to quote the notice of his visit to Arbroath this year. "I examined the Society. In five years I found five members had been gained ! ninety-nine being increased to one hundred and four. What, then, have our preachers been doing all this time ? 1. They have preached four evenings in the week, and Sunday morning ; the other mornings they have fairly given up. 2. They have taken great care not to speak too plain, lest they should give offence. 3. When Mr. Brack- enbury preached the old Methodist doctrine, one of them said, ' You must not preach such doctrine here. The doctrine of perfection will not do for the meridian of Edinburgh.^ Waiving, then, all other hinderances, is it any wonder that the work of God has not prospered here ?" "^ A thoroughly religious and authoritative supervision of this kind must have been productive of the happiest results. Wesley was, indeed, to all intents and purposes a primitive and apostolic bishop. As, in accordance wii\\ the principle involved in all such communications as those we have just quoted from Wesley, all our views of Methodism go beyond its organization and * Wesley's " Jom-nal," June 17th, 1788. I i BOOK II. CHAPTER V, 461 annals to the religious results which were produced, we find it necessary occasionally to insert such incidents as the following, which might, indeed, be multiplied almost in- definitely. Very few, however, are inserted, and oidy when confirmed by undoubted authority. On January 11th, 1779, Mr. Benson writes, "This The case of evening I preached on occasion of the death of Abraham Brieriv. Brierly, a very exemplary Christian ; who, for many years, adorned the Gospel. From a child he feared God, and was preserved by His grace from all open sin. As he grew up, he regularly attended church and sacrament ; was honest in his dealings, and unblameable in his whole behaviour. But notwithstanding the regularity of his conduct, he was far from being satisfied with his state ; and hence he went to several clergymen to request their directions. Still he did not find rest to his soul, but, on the contrary, grew more and more uneasy ; till at last, having little or no hope of salvation, he was strongly tempted to lay violent hands upon himself. In this state, he went to Mr. Lee, a clergy- man, who gave him some encouragement by saying, ' I know not what advice to give you, because I never was in your state ; but, I assure you, I wish I was in it, as I am satisfied that they who sow in tears shall reap in joy.'' Some years after this, he had a faint hope that God would be gracious to him; but no evidence of His pardoning mercy, nor heart-felt peace and joy in believing. At length, when he was upwards of forty years of age, as he went along a street one evening, he heard some people singing a hymn or psalm in a house. While he stood and listened, he thought, ' Surely these people know more of religion than I.'' He afterwards, upon inquiry, learned that they were Methodists, then generally reckoned the worst description of schismatics; but this did not deter 462 HISTORY OF WESLEYA^T METHODISM. him from hearing one of their preachers on the following Monday evening. In the course of less than a M^ek, he heard one of them preach again. On his way to hear the second time, he was stopped short in the street by a sudden suggestion, that God would be offended, if he went. In this dilemma, he lifted up his heart to God, and prayed that if they were not His people, and if it was wrong to go among them. He would prevent his going; but if otherwise, that He would remove those fears, and incline him to go forward, by giving him to feel love to them. This prayer was immediately answered; for he felt his fears dispelled, and his mind disposed to proceed ; and, whilst amongst them upon that occasion, he felt that he loved them most cordially. His master, who employed him to dye fustian, learned that he went to hear the Methodists, and, being much displeased with him on that account, threatened to turn him out of his employment, if he went to hear them any more. He assured his master that he had received much benefit by going only twice to hear them ; and as he knew they preached the truth, he was determined to hear them at all events. His master fulfilled his threatening. But the Lord made him ample amends for this outward loss, by inward consolation ; for, within the day after, he was filled with joy and peace in believing. From that happy period of his life, to his latest hour, he walked in all the com-- mandments of the Lord blameless. For the support of him- self and family, he submitted to drive a cart vvith coals, in which humble situation he continued till his last sickness confined him to his house ; where, after suffering for some time, he died in the Lord." Yet, if we are to adopt the opi- nions oi pldlosopliers, this change of heart, this holy life, and this happy death were all of them the results of disease.^ * " Memoirs of the Rev. J. Benson," edition of 1825, p. 84. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 463 The thirty-sixth Conference was opened in London, The Confer- TT^ . /-\ /-, enreotl779. August 3rd, 1779. Wesley simply says of it, "Our Con- ference began, which continued and ended in peace and love.'' The number of the Circuits was now increased to sixty-two by the addition of Northamptonshire as a Circuit in England, and Inverness in Scotland. The number of members in the Societies this year was 42,486 ; and as last year's return, excluding America, gave 40,089, there was in the home Societies an increase of 2,397. Among the preachers admitted on trial at this Conference we find the name of Henry Moore, who afterward filled a higUy honourable position in the Connexion. Two preachers died this year : " George Shorter, of whom it is said, ' He was an Israelite indeed,' a lively, zealous, active man, a witness of full salvation : " and " James Gaffuey, a young man of considerable abilities, wise above his years." He died of rapid consumption; "but was fully debvered from the fear of death, and was unspeakably happy, though in violent pain, till his spii'it returned to God." Notwithstanding the increase in the Connexion generally, i>ecrease ot there was a decrease in many Circuits, which circumstance in many ' led to very searching inquiries at this Conference. On this ^'•'■""^^• head the following appears in the "Minutes :" " Q. How inquiries can we account for the decrease in so many Circuits this year ? cause of tiiis. A. It may be owing, partly to want of preacliiiig abroad, and of trying new places ; partly to prejudice against the king, and speaking evil of dignities ; but chiefly to the increase of worldly-miudedness and conformity to the world. Q. How can we stop this evil speaking ? A. Suffer none that speak evil of those in authority, or that prophesy evil to the nation, to preach with us. Let every assistant take care of this." The judgment of the founder of Methodism, as to the causes which produced the first general decrease 464 , HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. of numbers, ought to have weight with the members of the body in all succeeding times. Methodists should never forget that it was to the influence of evil speaking, especially of those in authority, to worldly-mindedness, and conformity to the world, that Wesley attributed the first great check to the progress of the work of God in Methodism, The troubled condition of the country appears also to have affected the pecuniary resources of the Connexion. The want of money was severely felt ; and, to put the funds on a better footing, it was resolved to make a permanent alter- ation. Hitherto a portion of the Yearly Subscription had been appropriated to aid in paying off chapel debts. This course was now discontinued. It was, therefore, formally announced : '^1. Let every Circuit bear its own burden, and not lean upon the Conference. 2. Tell every one expressly, 'We do not make a subscription for paying debts.' 3. Let all the assistants in Ireland do the same as those in England." The state of the work in Scotland engaged especial attention; and the Conference advised the preachers sta- » tioned there to " preach abroad as much as possible ; try every town and village ; and visit every member of every Society at home.'' Immediately after this Conference, Wesley August 8th, 1779, Wesley recorded these words in his leaves the Fouiuiery. " Joumal :" " This was the last night which I spent at the Foundery. What hath God wrought there in forty years !" No surprise at this record can be felt by any considerate reader. The Toundery was the first place where Wesley could, without interference or opposition, preach the Gospel of Christ according to tlie light which he had received, — the place which had indeed been the seat and centre of Methodism, — the head-quarters of Wesley during the evangelical labours of forty years, and such labours X o I ■ 'j I! '" \\ f nil i IT 1 i ' 1 r,''ii! 1 ! !i 11. 'i 1 i 1 Ij 1 1 ! *F' 111 1! j 1 hi : 1 !i '1 i||fe ■''illti I M,' "1 Ml ,< 1 BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 467 as no minister iu England had ever previously put forth. Let the mind contemplate Wesley's first entry into this tabernacle after he had been thrust out of the churches, and been stigmatized as a fanatical teacher of heresy ; and then turn to the venerable minister leaving that place for the neat and commodious premises in City Boad, supported by hundreds of noble-minded and godly preachers, his sons in the Gospel, and followed Avith bless- ings by at least fifty thousand members throughout Eng- land and America. Well might he exclaim, " What hath God wrought !" These circumstances will perpetuate the memory of the Eoundery in the minds of the Wesleyan people. We are, therefore, gratified to be able to annex a faithful representation of this venerable building, with an account of its precise locality."^ * "It stood in the locality called 'WindmLll Hill,' Upper Moorfields, London ; and whicli is now known by the name of \Vindmill Street, — a street that runs parallel with City Road, and abuts on the north-west corner of Finsbm-y Square. The chapel was on the east side of the street, some sixteen or eighteen yards from Providence Row ; and the entire premises occupied a space of ground measuring about one hundred and twenty or thirty feet in front, fi-om north to south, and about one hundred feet in depth, from east to west. " The chapel, as seen in the engi-aving, is the front building with two doors. The proper entrance to it was by the door on the left hand, and the general entrance to the premises, to the preacher's house, school, band- room, &c., was by the door on the right hand, where the school children ai'e represented as going in. There was a plain belfry on the gable at the further end, in which thei'e hung a bell that was rung every morning at five o'clock, for early service, and every evening at nine, for family worship ; as well as at sundry other times. There were no pews in the chapel ; but on the ground floor, immediately before the pulpit, there were some ten or twelve seats with back rails, appropriated, with the exce])tion of the first and the last, to the female worshippers. Under the front gallery were the free seats for the females ; and under the side galleries the free seats for males. The front gallery was used exclusively by females ; and the side galleries by males. "The band-room was behind the chapel, on the ground floor. It was 468 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. At this time, preaching by the Methodist itinerants was permanently established in the Isle of Wight. The Meth- odist preachers had frequently visited the Island long before; indeed, so early as 1753 Wesley was there, and thus relates an account of his visit in his " Journal :" "Tuesday, July 10th, 1753. — I went on board a hoy, and in three hours landed at Cowes, in the Isle of Wight. We rode straight to Newport, the chief town in the Isle, and found a little Society in tolerable order. Several of them had found peace with God. One told me that it was about eight years since she first knew her interest in Christ, by means of one who called there on his way to Peimsylvania ; but having none to speak to, or advise with, she was long tormented with doubts and fears. After some years, she received a fresh manifestation of His love, and could not doubt or fear any more. She is now confined to her bed, and consuming away with pining sickness. But all is good some eighty feet long and twenty feet wide, and accommodated about three hundred persons. It was used for the five o'clock morning service, in the winter season ; and the bands met in it on a Thursday evening, after the week-night preaching. United intercession and prayer meetings were also held in it, on Wednesdays and Fridays, at two o'clock. The north end of the room was used for a school, being fitted up with desks, &c. ; and at' the south end was the Book Room for the sale of Mr. Wesley's publications. "Mr. Wesley had his apartments in a building over the band-room, which appears in the engraving elevated in a houselike form over the chapel. His study was at the right-hand corner. The dwelling-house was at the end of the chapel, next the gable with the belfry, and was occupied by assistant preachers, and by the domestics. The entrance to it, as before stated, was through the chapel. The smaller buildings, immediately on the left, are tlie coach-house and stable : the former, next the gateway ; and the latter, next the band-room, where the door and windows are seen over the wall. " It was on the Foundery premises that the first Methodist Society was formed, and that the first Methodist Conference was held." — Rev. F. J. Jobson's " Chapel and School Architectm'e," p. 48. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 469 to her ; for she has learned in every thing to give thanks. At half an hour after six I preached in the market-place to a numerous congregation^ but they were not as serious as those at Portsmouth ; many children made such a noise, *• and many grown persons were talking aloud almost all the time I was preaching. It was quite the reverse at five in the morning : there was a large congregation again, and every person therein seemed to know this was the word whereby God would judge them in the last day.''' Wesley again visited the Isle in October of the same year, and preached repeatedly to large congregations with apparent success ; and observes, on leaving, " Surely if there were any here to preach the word of God with power, a multi- tude would soon be obedient to the faith." Again, in 1758, Wesley visited and preached on thelsland. But the fruits of these efforts perished for lack of regular preaching and pastoral attention. For some reasons, which are not apparent, the preachers and Society at Winchester, which was the head of the Circuit to which the Isle belonged, were by no means zealous in endeavouring to afford it a regular ministerial supply. Even at this time, (1779,) it was in opposition to their views, and as the result of Wesley's personal deter- mination, that the Island was favoured with a regular supply of preachers. The war which still raged between the British and the Great dis- Americans, greatly harassed the operations of the Meth- amon-r the odist ministers, and hindered them in their work. These ^Jethodists of America. evils were now aggravated by a serious schism amongst the Methodists in that country. On the breaking out of the war, most of the clergymen of the Established Church returned home, and those who remained were not generally regular in their lives, or evangelical in their teaching. 470 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. Although many urged a different course, the preachers in America had hitherto adhered to the one which had been followed from the beginning in England ; namely, that of regarding the Societies as a part of the Established Church, and all their evangelical agency as auxiliary thereto : they, like their brethren in England, had ac- cordingly abstained from administering the sacraments. At this time, however, the circumstances of the case were so greatly changed, that several of the preachers thought the time had fully come when they ought themselves to administer those ordinances. They urged that in many large districts there was no episcopally ordained minister ; that in consequence of the course which had been followed, great numbers of children were left unbaptized, and the people at large were deprived of the Lord's Supper. The people generally participated in this judgment, and earnestly desired that their preachers should, without further delay, proceed to administer the sacraments. This measure was urged at the Deer Creek Conference, the last at which Mr. Rankin presided, when it was disposed of by a resolution to delay any such action "until the next Conference." "When that- Conference came, there was no English preacher there, Mr. Asbury being ill; and the question was again T«(, rival postponed for twelve- months. At the expiration of the inlmencr J^^^> wheu the time for holding the Conference of 1779 this year. approached, it being generally known that the preachers of the south were strongly in favour of the change, while those of the north as generally and as earnestly opposed it, the latter assembled at Judge White's, where Mr. Asbury had taken refuge, and deliberated on the affairs of tlie Societies, thus beset with external and internal difficulties. There they determined to persevere in abstaining from administer- ing the sacraments, as heretofore : they appear, also, to have BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 471 transacted the other business pertaining to a Conference. The preachers of the south also met in Broken-back Church, Fluvanna county, Virginia ; and not only appointed their own preachers, and transacted the business of a Conference, but resolved to proceed to the ordination of ministers for tlie administration of the sacraments. Tor this purpose they appointed a committee of some of the oldest preachers, who at first ordained each other, and then the other preachers ; after which they proceeded to administer the sacraments as occasions offered. Thus during this year the Methodists of America saw Progress of the Societies directed by two separate Conferences, each following a distinct course of action ; the northern preach- ers adhering to Wesley^s plans, those of the south acting fully as ordained Christian ministers. Yet, notwithstanding these disturbances and divisions, the work of God pros- pered. There was, at this time, an increase of members reported amounting to 2,482, and of preachers to 20. During this year Wesley had occasion to assert, to a painful Tiie con- extent, the authority which he possessed, but seldom exercised M'Nab over the Connexion. He thus relates one case : " Some tinie '=''^'*^* **^'"'- ous dissen- since, Mr. Smyth, a clergyman, whose labours God had sionatBaUi. greatly blessed in the north of Ireland, brought his wife over to Bath, \\\\o had been for some time in a declining state of health. I desired him to preach every Sunday evening in our chapel while he remained there. But as soon as I was gone, Mr. M'Nab (the assistant preacher of the Circuit) vehemently opposed that ; affirming it was the common cause of all the lay preachers ; that they were appointed by the Conference, not by me, and would not suffer the clergy to ride over their heads ; Mr. Smyth in particular, of whom he said all manner of evil. Others warmly defended him. Hence the Society was torn in pieces, and thrown into the 472 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. utmost confusion." On the following clay, tlie account proceeds to say, " I read to the Society a paper which I wrote near twenty years ago on a like occasion. Herein I observed, that the rules of our preachers were fixed by me, before any Conference existed ; particularly the twelfth : * Above all, you are to preach when and where I appoint •* by obstinately opposing which rule, Mr. M'Nab has made all this uproar. In the morning, at a meeting of the preachers, I informed Mr. M'Nab that, as he did not agree to our fundamental rule, I could not receive him as one of our preachers till he was of another mind.'^' On the next day Wesley read the same paper at Bristol, as the excite- ment had also spread thither. A few left the Society at Bath on this account; the rest were thoroughly satisfied. Mr. M'Nab did not leave with the seceders. He must have made his submission to Wesley ; for his name is found in the " Minutes " of the succeeding Conference as second preacher at Sheffield ; but, while there, he left the Connexion, and began preaching in a separate place. Its fatal con- „ Thus the casc ended, as it respected the maintenance of sequences to the progress Wcslcy's rules and discipline : but the religious results le igiou. ^£ ^1^^^ insubordination were not so soon removed. Twelve montlis after these circumstances occurred, Wesley was again at Bath. He then placed on record the important fact, that this conduct of Mr. M'Nab not only checked in the bud a blessed revival of religion, but produced lasting dissension in the Society. Just before this quarrel occurred, there had been such an awakening as had never been expe- rienced at Bath ; but by these dissensions this hopeful move- ment was neutralized. As Wesley observed, "In spite of all the pains which have been taken, the wound is not healed to this day." Wesley and his brother spent three or four days exerting themselves to the utmost ; and. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 473 as the result of these labours, he says, " A few were added to the Society/' The following week, whilst labouring in Bristol, Wesley wrote, " The people at Bath are still upon ray mind; so on Thursday, 27th, I went over again; and God was with us of a truth, whenever we assembled toge- ther. Surely God is healing the breaches of this poor, shattered people.""^ On Tuesday, Aus^ust 1st, 1780, the thirty-seventh Con- The Confer- _ . . enceofl780. ference began at Bristol. Wesley wrote concerning it, " We have been always liitherto straitened for time. In future let nine or ten days be allowed for each Conference, that everything relative to the carrying on of the work of God may be maturely considered.''''t On tliis occasion it was found necessary to appoint another _person to preside over the Conference when Wesley was absent from the sittings of the body ; and Mr. Cliristopher Hopper was selected for this important post. In the autumn of 1779, a circumstance had occurred which Serious mis- understand- might have produced most disastrous effects on the Meth- ing between odist preachers and Societies. Dr. Coke, not being satisfied ^[^ Benson. vdth the terms in which Mr. Benson spoke of the doctrine of the Trinity, wrote him a letter, accusing him of having embraced the Arian heresy. Mr. Benson was sorely pained at this accusation. On the 1st of November, he replied to Dr. Coke's letter. But the terms in which he wrote were not satisfactory. From a long letter on the subject, in Dr. Coke's own handwriting, now before the author, it is evident that he really believed that Mr. Benson was not sound in the faith, and felt great concern on that account. There seems, indeed, reason to conclude that Mr. Benson, in the early part of his ministry, was accustomed to think and speak of the essential Divinity of the Son of God in a * Wesley's " Joiu-nal," July 27th, 1780. f Uicl., undtr the date. 474 HISTOUY OP WESLEYAN METHODISM. "manner partaking more of human refinement than of scriptural simplicity. This, however, was but a temporary perplexity; and he was afterward distinguished by his peculiarly correct and decided views of every point con- nected with that awful subject,'^ ■^ On the first day of this Conference, after some prelimi- nary matter, this subject was introduced : Wesley refused to allow it to be debated in the Conference, but appointed a Committee of preachers to investigate it on the following- day. In the afternoon of that day the Committee met, and came to the unanimous opinion that Mr. Benson was no Arian, and that Dr. Coke had no ground for speaking and writing of him as he had done. Dr. Coke seemed sensible of his error, and off'ered to ask Mr. Benson's pardon before them all. On the morning of August 3rd, the Com- mittee made their report to the Conference, and Mr. Benson and Dr. Coke shook hands, in token of mutual reconcilia- tion. Thus that disagreeable affair which had unhappily occupied many minds, and diverted them from better things, was brought to a hapjiy issue. Progress The number of Circuits was this year increased to Connexion. 64 ; the ucw Circuits being Colchester and Huddersfield. The increase of members was 1,344 ; the numbers being 43,830. Two preachers are reported as having died : " Samuel Wells, a sensible, honest, upright man, who put forth all his strength in every part of his work ; he was particularly zealous in observing discipline, and in exhorting believers to go on to perfection : and William Brammah, who, having sufl'ered much from weakness and * " Wesleyan Metliodist Magazine " for 1822, p. 74, where those who desire information on this subject may see it treated in a masterly manner. Mr. Benson's matm-e opinions may be seen in his own language in his " Life," by Macdonaid, p. 106. BOOK II. CHAPTER V, 475 pain, finished his course with joy/^ This year the North Wilts was called the Bradford Circuit, and the South Wilts the Sahsbury Circuit. Mr. Benson was at this time appointed to labour as junior ^^^- Bi- son's first preacher in the Leeds Circuit, which he did with great Sabbath at success. In the afternoon of the day on which he entered on his labours in Leeds, he preached in Call Lane chapel, as the Methodist chapel at the time was undergoing important alterations. His -subject was the general judg- ment, on which he spoke with great fulness and power. As he was proceeding with his description, the heavens grew dark, heavy clouds covered the atmosphere, and, just as the preacher was at the climax of his discourse, a tremendous thunder-storm burst forth ; which, in connexion with the awful sublimity of the sermon, made an impression on the minds of the hearers which in numerous cases remained very vivid for many years. The manner in which the Methodist preachers of this William day Were thrust into the ministry, is finely illustrated by the " appointed to following instance : William Green was the son of a pious Salisbury. woman in London, and had been educated at Wesley^s school at the Foundery, was truly converted to God, had begun to labour as a local preacher, married, and went into business. It appeared, however, to those who knew him, that the great Head of the Church had called him to a wider sphere of use- fulness. He was accordingly proposed and accepted by the Conference at Bristol as a preacher, and appointed to the Salisbury Circuit. The views and feelings under which he entered upon and prosecuted the work are thus expressed by himself : " Many of my prudent friends blamed me much for leaving a quiet, comfortable business. But I had counted the cost. So on IMonday, September 1 1th, I set out for Salisbury. ^Vhen I left my wife and three children, I felt 476 HISTORY OF WESLEY AN METHODISM. a mixture of joj and grief, but with a full resignation to the will of God. I have been about five months in my Circuit, and am more than ever convinced that this is the pleasantest life under heaven. Though I have left my wife, and chil- dren, and dearest friends, and house, and business, and wander about, chiefly on foot, through cold and rain, I find my mind uninterruptedly happy. I feel a constant witness of the work wrought in my heart by the Spirit of holiness. I have received in this world a hundredfold. I know that when my ' earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved,' I have ' a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.'' " ^ Methodism The ncccssity which existed for keeping a military force extended by .^. n • i . • means of at Winchester during the American war, both for the pur- die^aT' P°^® °^ defending the southern coast, and guarding the Winchester. J^reuch prisoucrs, of whom there was a depot there, was rendered the means of extending the Gospel in several directions. Some of these soldiers, as previqusly mentioned, were pious ; others became so by attending the meaft of grace at Winchester. These, w^ien they were removed to other places, introduced Methodist meetings and usages. In this way Methodism was introduced into Brighton and Lewes; prayer-meetings having been held by the soldiers in the bar- racks before any such meetings were known in the town. Mr. Fieteh- The deep interest which Mr. Fletcher took in the pro- !ii Ameriam g^ess of the Gospel and the extension of the Methodist Methodism, gocictics, cau scarcely be described in terms too strong. His eminent spiritiiauty Mr. Raukiii, who had spent some years in America, was, on his return, after labouring two years in London, stationed in Bristol in 1781, wdien Mr. Fletcher returned from Switzer- land. The day after Mr. Eaukin heard of his arrival at Mr. Ireland's, he w^nt over. to see him, and has left the follow- * " Methodist Magaziue," vol. iv., p. 309. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 477 ing account of the interview : " I had such an interview with him as I shall never forget in time nor in eternity. As I had not seen him for upwards of ten years, his looks, his salutation, and his address, struck me with an appearance of wonder, solemnity, and joy. We retired into Mr. Ire- land's garden, where we could converse with more freedom. He then began to inquire concerning the work of God in America, and my labours for the five years I had spent on that continent. I gave him, as far as I was capable, a full account of every thing that he wished to know. While I was giving him this relation, he stopped me six times ; and, when under the shade of the trees, poured out his soul to God, for the prosperity of the work, and our brethren there. He appeared to be as deeply interested on behalf of our suffering friends, as if they had been his own flock at Madeley. He several times called on me also to com- mend them to God in prayer. This was an hour never to be forgotten by me, while memory remains. Before we parted, I engaged him to come to Bristol on the Monday following, in order to meet the select band in the forenoon, and to preach in my place in the evening. He did so accordingly. During the hour that he spent with the select band, the room appeared as ' the house of God and the gate of heaven.'' He preached in the evening from 2 Thess. ii. 13. The whole congregation was dissolved in tears. He spoke like one who had just left the converse of men and angels, and not like a human being.'' ^ In the following November, this eminent Christian minister was united in marriage to Miss Bosanquet, to whom reference has been frequently made, and who, as a wife and a widow, continued to evince the same godly and zealous deportment which had marked her previous history. * " Life of rietclier," pp. 267, 277. 478 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. The Ameri- The eighth Conference of the American Methodists, or can Confer- ^^ ^enst the northern section of that body, met at Baltimore, April 24th, 1780. This was a very important juncture in the affairs of the transatlantic Methodist Societies ; and it was so regarded by the preachers assembled in this Con- ference. They therefore drew up a series of minutes regulating tlie duties of assistants, preachers, and trustees. They had previously defined the position and powers of Mr. Asbury as the general superintendent. This defini- tion was not what might have been expected from preachers in a country so extensively imbued with democratic princi- Powers pies as wcre the United States at that period. The power Mr^'^Asbury ^f Mr. Asbury, in the Conference, was recognised to this as general exteut, — that perfect freedom of speech was to be granted superin- tendent, to every preacher ; but, after all who wished to speak on any question had done so, Mr. Asbury was authorized to sum up, and to give his decision as to what was to be done. The American brethren, therefore, clearly intended to place their general superintendent in the same relation to the preachers in that country, as that which Wesley sustained in England. Other miimtes, respecting local preachers, slavery, and many other matters, were passed at this time^ all of which are elsewhere given at large."^ The terms on which they could unite with their brethren of the south were now laid down ; and, in accordance with this decision^ ]\Ir. Asbury visited the Conference on the 8th, 9th, and lOtli of May following, in order, if possible, to carry these terms of union into effect. The requirement was, that they should cease administering the sacraments for one year, have a united Conference, and decide upon a common course of action for the future. Mr. Asbury has left on record a minute account of this * See Appendix C, at the end of this vohmie. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 479 interview."^ After fully arguing the case, the preachers of His mission the south took time to consider their answer, which they ference of dehvered in the evening, to the effect that they could not *^*^ ^°^^^- submit to the proposed terms of union. Mr. Asbury retired in deep distress of mind, and sought refuge and consolation in earnest prayer. On the foUovAdng morning he called to take leave of the Conference^ when, to his pleasing surprise, he found they had consented to receive the terms they had previously rejected ; so that the breach was healed. There was at this Conference a decrease of 73 members and 7 preachers; the numbers being 8,504 members, and 43 preachers. The state of the work of God in America evidently affected Wesley most painfully. In this year, — and there can be little question but that it was under the influence of the impressions made by the above-recited circumstances, — Wesley applied to Dr. Lowth, Bishop of London, requesting him to ordain a pious young man to serve as a minister in America. This the bishop refused to do ; on which Wesley sent him the following letter : — " Atfffust lOi/i. "My Lord, " Some time since I received your lordship's favour, for which I return your lordship my sincere thanks. Those persons did not apply to the Society,t because they had nothing to ask of them. They wanted no salary for their minister; they were themselves able and willing to main- tain him. They therefore applied, by me, to your lordship, as members of the Church of England, and desirous so to continue, begging the favour of your lordship, after your * See Appendix D, at tlie end of this volume. t For the Propagation of Chi-istian Knowledge in Foreign Parts. 480 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. lordsliip had examined him, to ordain a pious man who might officiate as their minister. " But your lordship observes, ' There are three ministers in that country already !' True, my lord : but what are three, to watch over all the souls in that extensive country ? "Will your lordship permit me to speak freely ? I dare not do otherwise. I am on the verge of the grave, and know not the hour when I shall drop into it. Suppose there were threescore of those missionaries in the country, could I in conscience recommend these souls to their care ? Do they take any care of their own souls ? If they do, (I speak it with concern,) I fear they are almost the only mission- aries in America that do. My lord, I do not speak rashly. I have been in America; and so have several with whom I have lately conversed. And both I and they know what manner of men the far greater part of these are. They are men who have neither the power of religion, nor the form ; men that lay no claim to piety, nor even decency. " Give me leave, my lord, to speak more freely still ; per- haps it is the last time I shall trouble your lordship. I know your lordship's abilities and extensive learning: I believe, what is far more, that your lordship fears God. I have heard that your lordship is unfashionably diligent in examining the candidates for holy orders ; yea, that your lordship is generally at the pains of examining them your- self. Examining them ! In what respects ? Wliy, whether they understand a little Latin and Greek, and can answer a few trite questions in the science of divinity ! Alas ! how little does this avail ! Does your lordship examine whether they serve Christ or Belial ? whether they love God or the world ? whether they ever had any serious thoughts about heaven or hell? whether they have any real desire to save their own souls, or the souls of others ? BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 481 And what will become of the souls committed to their care ? " ]\Iy lord^ I do by no means despise learning : I know the value of it too well. But what is this, particularly in a Christian minister, compared to piety ? What is it in a man that has no religion ? As a jewel in a swine^s snout. "Some time since, I recommended to your lordship a plain man, whom I had known above twenty years as a person of deep, genuine piety, and of unblamable conversa- tion. But he neither understood Greek nor Latin ; and he affirmed, in so many words, that he believed it was his duty to preach, whether he was ordained or no. I believe so too. What became of him since, I know not : but I suppose he received Presbyterian ordination ; and I cannot blame him, if he did. He might think any ordination better than none. " I do not know that Mr. Hoskins had any favour to ask of the Society. He asked the favour of your lordship to ordain him, that he might minister to a little flock in America. But your lordship did not see good to ordain him ; but your lordship did see good to ordain and send into America other persons who knew something of Greek and Latin ; but who knew no more of saving souls, than of catching whales. " In this respect, also, I mourn for poor America ; for the sheep scattered up and down therein. Part of them have no shepherds at all, particularly in the northern colonies ; and the case of the rest is little better, for their own shepherds pity them not. They cannot ; for they have no pity on themselves. Tliey take no thought or care about their own souls. " Wishing your lordship every blessing from the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls, "I remain, my Lord, " Your Lordship^s dutiful Son and Servant." VOL. I. Y 482 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. State of The visit of Mr. Crook, whilst a local preacher, to the in The" Isle" ^^^® °^ Man, his Usefulness there, and his appointment of Man. to the itinerant work, have been already recorded. In June this year Wesley visited that Island, and met the local preachers, twenty-two in number. He was greatly pleased with the state of the Societies, and wondered that so much had been done in five or six years. The Confer- The thirty-eighth Conference was held at Leeds, and enceofi78i. began August 7th, 1781. Respecting it Wesley wrote, " Monday, August 6th, I desired Mr. Pletcher, Dr. Coke, and four more of our brethren, to meet every evening, that we might consult together on any difficulty that occurred. On Tuesday our Conference began, at which were present about seventy preachers, whom I had severally invited to come and assist me with their advice in carrying on the great work of God. Wednesday, 8th, I desired Mr. Metcher to preach. I do not wonder he should be so popular ; not only because he preaches with all his might, but because the power of God attends both his preacliing and prayer. On Monday and Tuesday we finished the remaining business of the Conference, and ended it with solemn prayer and thanksgiving."* Two preachers are reported as having died this year : George Wawue, "a young man zealous for God, and of an unblamable behaviour;" and Eobert Wilkinson, "a man of faith and prayer, who, having been a pattern of all good works, died in the full triumph of faith." John Valton and George Snowden were this year stationed at Manchester. Their ministry was eminently owned of God ; there was a general revival of religion througliout the Circuit ; and a great ingathering of souls was the happy result. The chapel at Stockport was] * Wesley's " Journal," under the date. BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 483 enlarged, and a new one erected at Ashton. But the assistant preacher declared, that "this work would have been more extensive, had it not been for two or three of the leading members of the Eochdale Society, who demanded an unjust share of our labours. Their opposition was so strong that it quite broke my spirit, and cramped my future usefulness. It obstructed all my intended visits to the populous villages." Alas ! how often have godly minis- ters had to make a similar complaint ! The spirit of the minister, and the necessity of carrying out his plan, are fuUy seen in the account which he gives of his visits to the village of Gladwick. The first and second time he went he was permitted to preacli in quietness to thirty or forty people. But on the third visit, when he intended to preach in the open air, a storm of persecution was raised; the mob pelted the preacher and people with stones and coal, so that they were compelled to take refuge in the house, where they continued and finished the service. But on leaving to return home, the mob again assailed them ; and one poor woman had her head severely cut with a stone. During the sittings of this Conference, Wesley was able, mthout difficulty, to parry an attack upon the integrity of Methodism which, however well meant, Avould have had the effect, if yielded to, of fettering and cramping the free and powerful Christian agencies which had now so long been in operation, and of making Methodism merely and entirely a subordinate appendage to the National Church. This project was brought forward by a surgeon, who was commonly called Dr. Hey, of Leeds, and who had been a member of the Society from his youth. AVhilst pursuing his studies, and in the early part of his professional life, he held fast liis sincere desire for salvation, and evinced in all respects a consistent deportment. Wlien, however, Y 2 48-1 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. he rose to eminence in liis profession^ the spiritual agencies b}- which he had been brought to God, and his early piety fos- tered, were regarded rather as a hinderance than a help ; and his bearing plainly indicated the probability of his withdraw- ing from the Society. He, however, did not think it con- sistent with his position to do this in the usual quiet way of absenting himseK from class, or declining to renew his ticket. Dr. Hey, on the contrary, drew up a long state- ment of his fears for the Established Church, and founded on these a series of propositions, which, if adopted, would have had the effect of entirely changing the constitution of Methodism. He asked and obtained leave from Wesley to read this statement in the Conference at this time assembled at Leeds, — being determined, unless his proposals were adopted, to withdraw from the body. On his being introduced, a most extraordinary scene was exhibited. A member of a particular Society, without one other mem- ber to second or countenance him, gravely proposing to the Methodist Conference to consent to the overtlu-ow of their whole discipline, and to act immediately on his speculative suggestions ! After hearing enough to learn his design, Wesley quietly observed that " as much busmess lay before them, brother Hey must defer reading the re- mainder of his paper to another opportunity.'" Brother Hey troubled them no more, but withdrew from the Society, saying, " He did not leave the Methodists, — they left him.^' This gentleman was the brother of John Hey, D.D., Professor of Divinity at Cambridge. The number of the Circuits was this year reduced to 63, Inverness ceasing to be a separate Circuit. The increase of members was 631, the aggregate now reported being 44,461. There is a singular diversitv of manner observable in the BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 485 " Minutes/' until the last few years of Wesley's life, as to the sin^iar connection of his name with that of the preachers. Neither the^rinted his name nor his brother's, nor any allusion to them, is found Stations, as •' respects in the list of preachers' appointments vmtil 1771. Then John and the initials J. W., C. W., precede the names of the preachers -vvesiey. appointed to the London Circuit. The following year, the J. W. is inserted in the same place, but the C. W. is omitted. In the next year (1773) no initials appe?r; the only allusion to Wesley being those words imme- diately at the head of the list, "Thomas Olivers travels with Mr. Wesley." In 1774, Joseph Bradford is appointed to this duty, and his name is repeated in a precisely similar manner in 1775, 1776, and 1777. But, on Dr. Coke's connecting himself with Wesley, a different arrange- ment obtains ; and, in addition to the notification that "Joseph Bradford travels with Mr. Wesley," after the names of the preachers appointed to the London Circuit, are printed in the "Minutes" for 1778 the names of John Wesley, Thomas Coke, John Abraham. In the "Minutes" of the next year (1779) the name of Thomas Coke stands before the names of the London preachers, and it is pre- ceded by J. W. Again, in 1780, the names standing at the head of the list of preachers appointed to London are, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, Thomas Coke ; and in 1781, in the same position, are found John Wesley, Charles Wesley, John Fletcher, Thomas Coke. Mr. Fletcher's name did not again appear on the " Minutes," but tliose of John and Charles Wesley were continued in the same manner to the time of their deaths respectively. As one man had perfect control over every particidar of the whole case, and that man so rigidly precise, so exact and orderly as Wesley, these successive changes could not have been the result of inattention, accident, or caprice. 486 HISTORY OF WESLEYAN METHODISM. There must have been an adequate cause for each. It is easy to see the reason which at the beginning of the work prevented Wesley from placing his name on the list with his preachers. He and his brother were ordained ministers, having the entire direction of the work on their hands ; and the preachers were laymen, holding in relation to them at that time a position somewhat similar to that which local preachers now hold to the Wesleyan ministry. There was, therefore, every reason why the order we find in the early " Minutes " should have been adopted. When, however, Wesley was joined by men having a different status, a different course was called for ; aud hence, when Joseph Benson, who had been educated at Oxford, became an itinerant preacher in 1771, Wesley placed his initials and those of his brother at the head of the list. Did Charles Wesley demur to this step ? His initials disappeared the following year. Wesley's name, after 1772, only appeared as connected with the announcement that Joseph Bradford was his travelling companion, until the adhesion of Dr. Coke in 1778, when he placed his name in immediate connexion with that of his new clerical ally, but after the names of the London preachers. The following year. Dr. Coke's name stands at the head of the London preachers, preceded by the initials of Wesley's name. Ever afterward, during their hfe, the names in full of John and Charles Wesley appear at the head of the list of preachers. In 1781 (the Conference now under consideration) there is another striking novelty, in the appearance of John Fletcher's name on the " Minutes." What led to this rather singular and remarkable step ? It may not be possible to give such a full and satis- factory explanation of the reasons which led Wesley to place Mr. Fletcher's name on the " Minutes," as to remove BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 487 all doubt; but the following circumstances will cast light upon the subject. In January, 1773, being at Shoreham, where he doubtless had consulted Mr. Perronet on the sub- ject, Wesley wrote the following letter to Mr. Fletcher : — "January, 1773. "Dear Sir, " What an amazing work has God wrought in these king- doms, in less than forty years ! And it not only continues, but increases, throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland ; nay, it has lately spread into New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, and Carolina. But the wise men of the world say, 'When Mr. Wesley drops, then all this is at an end ! ' And so it surely will, unless, before God calls him hence, one is found to stand in his place. For, ovK cL'yadov moXvKoipavlr}. Eh Koipavo