I j^b^: I * . ■^ .'*^<-V'^» ' a'*' I Webster Family Library of Veterinary JVIedicirie Cummings School 6f Veterinary Medicine at .. Tufts University 200 W3siboro f^oad North Grafton, MA ni'^3G *U- A HISTORY OF THE YORK AND AINSTY HUNT. V -;>»■ ■% BY William Scarth Dixon, Author of _ ^ 'A History of ihf. Bramham Moor Hunt," "In .the Kokth COuNfteEE," &C- **r* « i » C" . '-'/ .*i^/'^ <5«^.vv>'> '■^'^ 'V LEEDS : RICHARD JACKSON I 899. Contents. List of Illustrations ... v. Preface ...... vii.-viii. I. TiiK York and Ainsty Country . . 5-17 II. The Early History of the Hunt . . 17-69 III. j\Ir. Ralph Creyke, Mr. S. Bate.man, and Sir Charles Slingsby . . . 70-109 IV. The Accident at Xewby Ferri' . . 1 10-133 V. Sir George O. Wombwell and the Hon. Egremont Lascelles . . . 134-142 VI. Colonel Fairfax's Mastership . . 143-175 VII. Captain Slingsby, Captain Brocklehurst, AND Colonel York . . . 176-184 VIII. The Rule of Mr. E. Lycett Green . 185-232 IX. The Melbourne Hall Run . . . 233-238 X. On the Flags and in the SHo^v Yard . 239-250 XL York and Ainsty Huntsmen . . 251-259 XII. Some Old Supporters . . . 260-26S APPENDIX :— The Duke of Cleveland's Hounds in the York and Ainsty Country . 269-272 APPENDIX II.:— Will Clark . , , . 272 This EdiiioJi is liiiiitcd to Tzuo Hundred copies. List of Illustrations. Portrait of Mr. E. Lycett Green, M.F. H. - - Frontispiece Breaking Cover. — Sir Mark Masterman Sykes and Hounds, afte?- M'ohtenJiolm ^ . . . Facing page 20 Portrait of Mr. George Lloyd . - _ _ ^^ 4^ A Meet at Red Hou.se, 1842 ----- ,, ^2 Portrait of Sir Tatton Sykes, after Sir Francis Grant ,. 80 Portrait of ^[r. Samuel Bateman - - - - ^^ 84 Mehorial Picture. — Sir Charles Slingsbv, with Hounds, after Thomas Slingsby - - - - „ 52 Group. - Orvis, Sir Charles Slingsby, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Edmund Robinson - - - - ,, 112 Portrait of Sir George AVombwell - - - - ,, 136 Portrait of Colonel Fairfax ----- „ 142 A Meet at Nun Appleton, 1870 - - - - ^^ 168 A Meet at Red House, 1898 - - - - „ 184 Portrait of Colonel Thornton's Favourul Hound, " Modish --------- ,, 240 Portraits of Mr. B.\teman's Hounds, "Traveller," "Triumph," "Trimbush" - . - . ^^ 244 Jack Wilson, with Hounds ----- ,, 250 Will Danby, with Hounds ----- ^^ 252 The Kennel Yard. — Will Gray, with "Warwick," "Treasurer," "Talent," "Dreamer" and "Gamebov" ------- „ 256 Portrait of Mr. H. S. Thompson - - - . ,, 260 Portrait of Will Scott - „ 264 Portrait of Colonel Telford - - - - ^^ 266 PREFACE ^^^HE difficulties altendiny the compiling a History of Vir' THE York and Ainstv Hunt seemed at one time almost insuperable. Diaries which were of incalculable value were either lost or mislaid, and during long" periods of the Hunt's history no diaries were kept. The pages of old newspapers and magazines were drawn blank in many instances, and had it not been for the opportune discovery of diaries ranging over a period of thirty years, much of the earlier part of the history would perforce have been unwritten. My thanks are due to Mr. E. Lycett Green, Mr. P.^RRiNGTON, Mr. Preston, Mr. Brooksbank, Mr. Guy .St. Maur Palmes, Mr. F. W. Slingsby, and other gentlemen, for the information they have placed at niy disposal, and for the untiring efforts they have made to procure further information. The Editor of the Field has also come kindly to my assistance, and has allowed me to extract many valuable items from the newspaper over which he presides. It should be mentioned that the horse on which Mr. Lycett Green is taken {7.