THE HOPE REPORTS VOL. VIII POL Na 1890—IgI0 INCLUDING FIVE SUBFAMILIES OF THE BLATTIDAE By R. Sil ELFORE EDITED BY EDWARD 8B. POULTON, DSc, MA. Hon, ELD: PRINCETON, Hon. D.Sc. Dtnerm., F.R.S., Etc. HOPE PROFESSOR OF ZCOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD FELLOW OF JESUS COLLEGE, OXFORD PRESIDENT OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON MEMBRE HONORAIRE DE LA SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE SOCIO HONORARIO DE LA REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL CORRESPONDENT OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, NEW YORK CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY, BOSTON, AND THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY f 23646 OXFORD PRINTED FOR‘ PRIVATE CIRCULATION BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY 1913 : Dye Ne Fee << Vian. see cae US haa rs ee Bi \ 7 : ie as oe ae | ah one an 5 ome 0, hs Pa i nase al pia : ; Pe eels ata eke Bs ia ick; ri . 5 h 4 * ‘ ® vat A i: i aa iG. , = A what ut ld Paha ae 4o,ViLLIAM °UN DER, 186 THE MAKERS OF THE HOPE DEPARTMENT OXFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM FeeoOPrE KEPORTS WOE vill Bole we NDA 1890-IgI0 INGCEUDING FIVE SUBPAMILIES OF THE BLATTIDAE Poe SaELFORD EDITED BY PEDWAKD Be POULTON, DiSc, MA: Hon. LL.D. Princeton, Hon, D.Sc. DuneEum., F.R.S., Etc. HOPE PROFESSOR OF ZCOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD FELLOW OF JESUS COLLEGE, OXFORD PRESIDENT OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON MEMBRE HONORAIRE DE LA SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE SOCIO HONORARIO DE LA REAL SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA NATURAL CORRESPONDENT OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, NEW YORK CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY, BOSTON, AND THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Ne Office Ly 3 Ie é OXFORD PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY 1913 i CONTENTS OF APPENDIX TO VOL. VIII . Blattidae (Orthoptera): subfamily Ectobinae, by the late R. Shelford, M.A., Emmanuel College, Cambridge, F.Z.S., F.E.S., Assistant Curator in the Hope Department, Oxford University Museum. (From ‘Genera Insectorum’, P. Wytsman, Brussels, Fascicule 55, 1907.) . Blattidae (Orthoptera): subfamily Phyllodrominae, by the late R. Shelford. (Ibid., Fascicule 73, 1908.) . Blattidae (Opthoptera): subfamily Nyctiborinae, by the late R. Shelford. (Ibid., Fascicule 74, 1908.) . Blattidae (Orthoptera): subfamily Epilamprinae, by the late R. Shelford. (Ibid., Fascicule IOI, IgI0.) . Blattidae (Orthoptera): subfamily Blattinae (=Periplanetinae), by the late R. Shelford. (Ibid., Fascicule 109, 1910.) . Orthoptera: Blattodea, by the late R. Shelford. (From ‘Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905-1906, unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjéstedt’: Kénigl. Schwedische Akad. d. Wissensch., 1907, p. 13-) _ The Blattidae collected in the Aru and Kei Islands by Dr. H. Merton, by the late R. Shelford. (From ‘ Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft’, Frankfort on Main, Vol. 33, 1911, p- 381.) . The External Morphology of the Lepidopterous Pupa: its Relation to that of the other Stages and to the Origin and History of Metamorphosis. Parts I-III, by the Professor. (From ‘Transactions of the Linnean Society of London’, 2nd Ser. Zoology, Vol. V, Pt. 5, 1890, p. 187.) . Suggestions as to the Meaning of the Shapes and Colours of the Membracidae in the Struggle for Existence, by the Professor. (From ‘A Monograph of the Membracidae’, by the late G. B. Buckton, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.C.S., London, 1903, p. 273-) Ot ae ‘ao ra ni iva hear 7 7 a* , : a Hiab em @ hii! te : TT TAT 1) PO Meer hee Meet 7 : a [AIP 7 4 . - ie at ' _ Se) A) : aha] Vee) ON AE naa) Rois , ; 7 t a oN ae 7 ay \ } Di LA th ‘ , ‘ Tit tx ath Je § ae ‘a nay : ae | | 7 : ‘7? il - i | ‘ AS | - | hdl Rane ie aa M0 OE a 7 ; if ity: ; 7 | tere se te ap ur tt ie vie _ a a : n if] a ¢} ., , rarer AY Nin i mn : ; : i v7 : live * ' oy avers « P) Sp Ot Cee oO f AY om uneity a5 fue Pee ry AN ls ei Peil : i Wile re ae 7 ORTHOP TERA FAM. BEAT TDA SUBFAM. ECTOBIN ORDTHOPT ERA FAM. BLATTIDA SUBFAM. ECTOBIN& by R. SHELFORD WITH I COLOURED PLATE part capable of folding like a fan, the three pairs of legs differing but little from one another and modified for running, the coxe large and flattened. Characters. — The head is so carried that the vertex is directed forward, the mouth backward and the front downward. It is joined to the thorax by a slender neck, in the thin integument of which occur some chitinised sclerites. The frons is separated from the clypeus by a fine angulate suture. The mouth-parts are of a typically mandibulate type, but little use of them has been made in classification ; the labrum is well marked off from the clypeus by a transverse joint, it is orbicular or triangular in shape ; the mandibles are toothed; the maxilla, consisting of cardo, stipes, lacinia and galea, bear one pair of five-jointed palpi; the submentum is very large and forms the greater part of the under surface of the head, the labium is deeply cleft and carries a pair of three-jointed palpi, the lingua is a large lobe lying over the cleft of the labium, The antenne are long, slender and multi-articulate, usually ciliated; in some genera (e. g. Pseudo- mops, Thyrsocera, Hypnorna) the basal half of the antenna is incrassated and plumose(r). The eyes are usually large and reniform; they are placed on the sides of the head; in many genera they are approximated on the vertex; in the cave-haunting Nocticola they are reduced or absent. Close to the insertions of the antennz occur a pair of small circular areas, yellow in colour, known as the fenestrae or ocelliform spots; in the males of Corydia and Polyphaga these are replaced by true ocelli. (x) In the genus Psevdomofs this character is confined to the female sex ORTHOPRTERA N The pronotum is large and frequently covers the head entirely; it is most varied in shape and may be orbicular, semi-orbicular, cucullate, with reflected border, rugose or tuberculate. The prosternum is small and inconspicuous. The mesonotum and metanotum are very simular to one another in structure; in some genera a small triangular part of the mesonotum, the scutellwm, is exposed when the tegmina and wings are closed. The meso- and metasternum though larger than the prosternum are not readily to be seen in dried specimens. The tegmina or elytra may be completely developed, abbreviated, scale-like or absent; in many eenera the males are winged, but the females are apterous (Polyphaga, Deropeltis etc.). The tegmina overlap to a greater or less extent; they are horny, coriaceous or membranoug; in the genus Diaphana they are entirely membranous and transparent, in the genus Holocompsa the basal half is coriaceous and opaque, the apical half membranous and transparent, producing the appearance of the teemen of a Heteropterous bug. Occasionally the tegmina are ciliated (Polyphaga, Corydia) or covered with a sericeous pile (Nyctibora, Pavatropes). Four main nervures or veins issuing from the base of the teemen may be distinguished, viz: 1. The mediastinal vein, which runs to the anterior border of the teemen before its middle; the part of the tegmen between its anterior border and the mediastinal vein is known as the mediastinal area; branches or secondary veins are emitted by the mediastinal vein only towards the anterior border. 2. The radial vein extends to the apex of the tegmen dividing it into two more or less unequal parts, the marginal area and the discoidal area; in some genera the marginal area is almost equal in breadth to the discoidal area, in others it is a narrow strip; branches are given off to the anterior margin of the tegmen (costal veins) and sometimes to the apex. 3. The ulnar or median vein gives off a number of branches to the apex and to the sutural margin of the tegmen, when these branches unite in two main trunks they are termed the anterior ulnar or interno-median and the posterior ulnar or externo-median, 4. The anal vein runs in a curved line to the sutural margin at a point before its middle; it is usually well-marked and sometimes impressed; the part of the tegmen enclosed by it is the anal area, and is occupied by a series of more or less parallel secondary veins, known as the axillary veins, whose number ranges from three to twelve or more. These four main nervures are generally distinct, but in tegmina of corneous texture they tend to disappear; the secondary veins more frequently become obliterated. . The wings in some genera are reduced or absent, even when the tegmina are well-developed (Phlebonotus, Phenacisma), but reduction of the tegmina is always accompanied by reduction of the wings. The general form of the expanded wing is a triangle, the apex of the triangle being attached to the metanotum ; an anterior part and a posterior part can be distinguished, the anal or dividing vein marking the division of the two parts. The veins of the tegmina have their counterpart in the wing; the ulnar vein nearly always is composed of two distinct branches, the anterior ulnar, which is usually unbranched, and the posterior ulnar, which gives off numerous branches towards the dividing vein and apex of the wing; the dividing vein is unbranched. The posterior part of the wing corresponds to the anal area of the tegmen and is traversed by several radiating axillary veins, which act like the ribs of a fan and on which this part of the wing can fold up, the folded up portion then doubling under the anterior part of the wing. In the Corydinz the anal area however does not fold up like a fan, but merely doubles under the anterior part of the wing. A small part of the wing known as the triangular apical area occurs in some genera (e. e. Ectobia, Chorisoneara, Oxyhaloa); in these, when the wing is folded, this triangular area is left at the tip of the wing unincluded in the main fold, but it is doubled over or rolled up and lies on the anterior part of the wing, it also folds on itself along a longitudinal crease; when the wing is expanded this area unfolds and is seen to lie between the dividing vein and the posterior ulnar vein, which are often somewhat distorted to accomodate it. In the genera Anaplecta and Plectoptera the apical area is large and often equals the rest FAM. BLATDIDA® 3 of the wing in size, it now doubles by a transverse hinge over the rest of the wing and is also folded in two along a longitudinal crease; it is not veined. In the genus Diflopiera the large apical area is veined ina complex manner, the venation however being quite separate from that of the basal part of the wing. The legs are very similar to one another, no one pair being modified for leaping or for raptorial purposes; amongst the Panesthine they are well adapted for the fossorial habits of this sub-family. The coxee are large’and flattened and serve as shields to the ventral surface of the thorax. The trochanters are moderate in size. The femora are generally compressed, with the upper border rounded, the lower border with two keels; the presence or absence of spines on these keels is a character of great taxonomic importance. The tibie are heavily armed with spines. The tarsi are five-jointed, the last joint bearing two claws, between which may or may not be present a lobe orarolium; the under-surface of the other joints is generally furnished with pads or pulvilli and sometimes with spines; the first joint is the longest and is termed by most authors the metatarsus. The abdomen is large and consists of ten segments, not all of which however are visible, since some of the apical segments are retracted and inflexed; in each segment a dorsal plate or tergum and a ventral plate or sternum is to be distinguished. The first dorsal plate is very reduced in size and is, as a rule, more or less fused with the metanotum; the first ventral plate may be still more rudimentary. In the male cockroach ten dorsal plates are usually visible, but sometimes only nine; in the female the eighth and ninth terga are concealed beneath the seventh tergum, The tenth dorsal plate is known as the lamina supra-analis, it is different in shape in the two sexes. Nine ventral plates in the male and seven in the female are visible, the last of the series (ninth in the male, seventh in the female) is termed the lamina subgenitalis and bears in the male a pair of unjointed styles; these however may be absent (Ectobia, Panesthia etc.), or only one may be present. a notch in the subgenital lamina replacing the absent one (Phyllodvomia, Temnopteryx, etc.). In the females of the sub-family Periplanetinz the hinder part of the seventh ventral plate is divided and modified to form a valvular apparatus, but in all the other sub-families the terminal ventral plate is a simple, semi-orbiculat structure. The eighth, ninth and tenth sterna in the female can only be demonstrated by dissection. The tenth segment bears a pair of jointed cerci which may be very long or reduced to a single joint (Panes- ta). In some species of the sub-families Ectobinze and Phyllodromine, e. ¢. Ectobia lapponica, Hololampra marginata, Phyllodromia incisa etc., certain glands which appear to be confined to the male sex open to the exterior on the dorsal surface of the abdomen near its apex; the opening is situated as a rule between two terga, generally the seventh and eighth, and these terga ave more or less modified. The function of the glands is quite obscure and the term « repugnatorial glands » applied to them by most authors seems singularly inappropriate. Cosmozosterta ferruginea, Walk. is said to extrude two bright orange-coloured vesicles from the extremity of the abdomen when irritated, and to emit a most disgusting odour. There are ten pairs of sfivacles, two of which are thoracic, eight abdominal; the thoracic spiracles are situated between the bases of the legs, they are different in structure to the abdominal spiracles and may possibly be expiratory in their action, whilst the abdominal spiracles may be inspiratory. In some genera (Efilampra, Rhicnoda etc.) the terminal spiracles lie at the base of short spiracular tubes situated at the posterior angles of the ninth abdominal segment. Reproduction, — The eggs are laid in a chitinous capsule or ootheca formed inside the body of the mother, who frequently carries it about for some days, protruding from the end of her abdomen, before she deposits it. A few species (Molytria maculata, Epilampra buymeisteri, Panchlora viridis, Panesthia javanica etc.) are viviparous. The larve are not very dissimilar from the adult, but are of course apterous; the larve of winged species can be distinguished by the produced posterior angles of the mesonotum and metanotum, but it is sometimes no easy matter to determine whether an example of an apterous form is immature or adult and no certain diagnostic characters can be offered. 4 ORTHOPTERA Bionomics. — Very little is known as to the food of the majority of the species of Blattide; Ectobia lapponica in Northern Europe is said to feed largely on dried fish and Brunner states that dead animal matter is the natural food of this order of insects. The species found in human habitations are very catholic in their tastes and the Panesthinee seem to derive nourishment from the decayed wood in which they burrow. Many species are nocturnal in their habits and the majority of species spend much of their life hidden under leaves and stones. The genera Nocticola and Spfeleoblatta occur in caves; according to Bolivar these two genera constitute a separate sub-family the Nocticoline, but they may be regarded rather as aberrant members of the sub-family Periplanetinze; the eyes are simple or absent in the three known species. Some species of minute cockroaches have been found in the nests of ants in North and South America and another species has been taken from the nest of a wasp of the genus Polybia, occuring in French Guiana. The apterous females of the genus Ivhicnoda and the larvae of some species of Epilampra are amphibious, diving and swimming with great readiness. Certain genera of the sub- family Perisphzrine are remarkably like millipedes; Exstegasta buprestoides closely resembles a Buprestid beetle and some of the species of the genus Pyosoplecla mimic Coccinellide and Galerucid; it has been stated by two independent observers that the South American Achroblatta luteola mimics the Lampyride. Polyzosterta mitchell from Australia is most brilliantly coloured and is probably highly distasteful to insect enemies. Gromphadorhina portentosa from Madagascar is said to stridulate loudly, but no apparatus adapted for this purpose has yet been demonstrated. Distribution.—Owing to human agency certain species (e.¢. Blatta orientalis, Periplaneta americana, Leucophea suvinamensis, Rhyparobia madevae) have now a world-wide distribution and individuals of other exotic species are continually making an appearance at European ports, whither they have been transported by ships in the foreign trade. The geographical distribution of the different sub-families of Blattide will be noticed under their separate headings. The Blattide are of considerable geological antiquity as their remains have been found in abundance in beds of the Carboniferous period: a fragment which is considered by some authorities to be a portion of the tegmen of a cockroach has been found in a Silurian sandstone. Classification. — [Linneus (1766-68) described twelve species ot Blattide, ten of which were included in the genus Blatia ; these have now been referred to eight genera and orientalis has been selected by almost universal consent as the type of the genus Blatta. Thunberg (1826), Serville (1831-39), Blan- chard (1837), Burmeister (1839). Stal (1856-61), de Saussure (1862) added considerably to our knowledge of this group of insects, but it was not till the appearance in 1865 of the Nouveau Systéme des Blattatves by Brunner von Wattenwyl that anything approaching a scientific classification of the Blattidz was attempted. This classic was followed three years later by Francis Walker’s Catalogue of the Blattarie 1n the British Museum, in which a large number of new species were described; it is a sufficient commentary on the relative values of these two memoirs to state, that whilst the latter is practically useless to those who have not access to the actual specimens described, the former remains at the present day the most comprehensive and the most useful guide to the Blattidz that is extant. Stal (1874) submitted Brunner’s scheme of classification to some criticisms, but was unable to improve on it to any great extent, and in 1893 Brunner in his final revision of the tribe left it with but few alterations of the first importance. The important memoirs of de Saussure, entitled Mélanges Orthoptévologiques, his account of the Orthoptera of Mexico and the memoirs by de Saussure and Zehntner on the Orthoptera of Madagascar and Central America have added so largely to our knowledge that it can be said that the study of the Blattide now rests on a sound basis of scientific classification. The Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera by Kirby, the two volumes of which have appeared recently, renders the task of the recorder much less difficult than in the past. The characters which are of chief value in distinguishing the sub-families of Blattidz are, the FAM. BLATTID 5 presence or absence of spines on the lower borders of the femora, the shape of the supra-anal lamina and of the sub-genital lamina in the female, the presence or absence of arolia between the tarsal claws, and the structure of the wings. KEY TO THE SUB-FAMILIES 1. Femora spined beneath. 2. Last ventral segment of the female large, without valves. 3. Supva-anal lamina of both sexes usually tranverse, narrow. W ings when present with an apical field, ulnar vein simple or bifurcate. Posterior femora usually sparsely armed with spines beneath. . 1. Subfam. Ecrosin«®. 3'. Supra-anal lamina of both sexes more or less produced, triangular or emarginate. Wings when present with or without triangular api- cal field, ulnar vein vamose. Posterior femora usually strongly spined beneath. 4. Supra-anal lamina of both sexes triangular, entire. Cerct project- ing considerably beyond this lamina. 5. Pronotum and tegmina smooth. The radial vein of the wings usually giving off to the anterior margin several parallel costal veins. Tarsi with no puluilli. . . . . . . . Subfam. PHYLLODROMIN. N 5'. Pronotum and tegmina covered with a silky pile. The radial vein of the wings giving off to the anterior margin irregu- lar costal veins. Tarsi provided with pulvili. . . . 3. Subfam. Nycriporin#&. 4'. Supra-anal lamina of the male more or less quadvate, with obtuse angles, of the female broadly younded or lobate. Cerct not pro- jecting beyond this lamina. Tarsi with distinct pulvillt. The ulnar vein of the wings emitting parallel branches towards the . Subfam. EprrLAMPRIN&. muiding ven... 4 2'. The last ventral abdominal segment of the female provided with valves 5. Subfam. PERIPLANETIN#. 1!, Femorva unarmed beneath (A few exceptions). 2. Supra-anal lamina of both sexes more ov less produced, its posterior margin notched . 3. Claws with a distinct avalium . . . . . . . . . . « ©. Subfam. PANCHLORIN#. 3'. Claws without or with a minute arolium. 4. Wings with a folded fan-like anal field. Pronotum smooth 7. Subfam. BLABERIN#&. 4'. Anal field of the wings with a single fold. Pronotwm more or DeSSRHILOSe pe aeRO mers oe Meteo eos. oy oe AO Subfam. CoryDIN&. 2'. Supra-anal lamina of both sexes short, transverse, its posterior margin , straight or rounded. 3. Subgenital lamina of the male somewhat produced, furnished with a single style. Claws with a distinct avolium (except in the genus Paranaupheeta). 4. Anterior part of the wings pointed, or the wings with much pro- ! aa ; , : 2 duced apical field, or wings twice as long as elytra, folded in BOGS a. oh 6) «ht cOmnyg nyc CRD Rn peer Cems) Subfam. OxyHALOIN&. 6 ORTHOPTERA 4'. Anterior part of the wing vounded, with no apical field . . . 10. Subfam. PERISPHARIN-E. 3!. Subgenital lamina of the male very small, with no styles. Claws with ie y s) 4 RHOUNE 5 So 6 8B 5 6 0 6 56 ow oe 6 5 o 6 oo th, Sulbeim, Dagens. SUBFAM: ECT OBINZ Characters, — Antenne setaceous or plumose. Tegmina of horny texture or coriaceous, fully developed, scale-like or absent. Wings, when present, with prominent triangular apical field or with a large reflected and folded apical area, the ulnar vein simple or bifurcate except in the genus Anaplectoidea where it 1s ramose. Legs slender, femora usually sparsely armed beneath. Supra-anal lamina of both sexes various in shape but typically narrow and transverse. Ootheca with a longitudinal crest and before deposition carried with the crest uppermost and the eggs disposed vertically (1). KEY TO THE GENERA 1. Wings fully developed. 2. Wings with triangular apical field. 3. Radial and ulnar veins of tegmina separate. 4. Sub-genital lamina of male without modified appen- dages. 5. Pronotum and tegmina not pubescent. 6. Antenne setaceous, posterior ulnar vein of teomtna flexuose . . . . . . . ~. Genus THEGANOPTERYX, Brunner. 6'. Antenne more or less plumose, posterior ulnar vein of tegmina angulate. . . . . . Genus IJEMITHyRSOCERA, Saussure, 5', Pronotum and tegmina pubescent . . . . . Genus Marroropratra, Saussure & Zehniner. 4'. Sub-genital lamina of male with lobiform or hook- likelappendages =) 22) 4) 2) Gents HscaraAoheliond: 3’. Radial and ulnar veins of tegmina fused together at UPS 5-5 5 6 6 5 6 & 5 0 95 (GSMS Jere, Suspinems. 2'. Wings with large reflected apical area. 3. Ulnar vein of wings simple or bifurcate. . . . . Genus AnapLecra, Burmeister. 3'. Ulnar vein of wings vamose . . . . . . . . Genus ANapLecrorpEa, Shelford. t'. Wings rudimentary or absent . . . . . . . . . Genus Hororawpra, Saussure. |. GENUS ECTOBIA, STEPHENS Ectobia. Stephens, Ill. Brit. Ent. Mandib. Vol. 6. p. 45 (1835). Characters. — Antenne setaceous. Tegmina when folded not covering the scutellum, the radial and ulnar veins fused at their bases. Triangular apical field of the wings conspicuous. Femora (rz) This character appears also amongst certain genera of P/Ayviled» ominae, e. e. Fldipsidizm, Saussure. g g g , FAM. BLATTIDA® 7 with two spines on the anterior margin beneath. Supra-anal lamina in both sexes transverse and narrow. Sub-genital lamina of male without styles. a die Geographical distribution of species. — Europe, North America, Africa, Australia. lapponica, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10), p. 425. n. 8 (1758) (British Islands, N. Europe, Moun- tains of S. Europe, Servia). — Plate, Fig. 3, 8a, 8b. . albicincta, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, Vol. 11, p. 98, 286 (1S6r) (Dalmatia, Tuscany). . niceensis, Brisout, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2), Vol. 10, p. 68 (1852) (S. France, Spain, Tyrol). ? tridentina, Vargioni-Tozzetti, Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. Vol. 13, p. 180 (1881). . Panzeri, Stephens, Mlustr. Brit. Ent. Mand. Vol. 6, p. 47, n. 5 (1835) (British Islands, N. Europe, Spain, Dalmatia). . perspicillaris, Herbst, Fuessly, Arch. Ent. p. 186, pl. 49, f. rz (1786) (British Islands, S. and Mid- Europe, Algeria). — Plate, Fig. 7. livida, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Vol. 2, p. 10, n. 23 (1793). Brunneri, Seoane, Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. Vol. 5, p. 485 (1879). _ vittiventris, Costa, Ann. Acad. Asp. Nat. Vol. 1, p. 111 (1847) (Italy, Spain, Algeria, Cape of Good Hope). . Duskei, Adelung, Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. Vol. 38, p. 127 (1904) (Mid-Russia). _ africana, Saussure, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf. Vol. 21, p. 569 (1899) (2. Africa). . favocincta, Scudder, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 7, p. 419, n. 3 (1862) (W. United States, N. America). . apicifera, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 35 (1893) (S. Australia). . minima, Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 19, p. 147 (1895) (Victoria, Australia). . sublucida, Tepper, ibidem, p. 147 (1895) (Victoria, Australia). . tasmanica, Brancsik, Jahresb. Ver. Trencsin. Comit. Vol. 1g, p. 244, pl. 7, f. 1 (1897) (Tasmania). . maori, Rehn, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 27, p. 541 (1904) (New Zealand). Doubtful species : . (2) marcida, Erichson, Arch. f. Naturg. Vol. 8, p. 248 (1842) (Tasmania). =. (?) margarita, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 148 (1895) (Victoria, Australia). 2. GENUS THEGANOPTERYX, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Theganopteryx. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouy. Syst. des Blatt. p. 53 (1865). Characters, — Allied to Ectobia, Westwood, but the radial and ulnar veins of the tegmina separate: triangular apical field of the wines generally smaller. Ulnar vein of the wings simple or 5 > > J é bifurcate. Femora with numerous spines. Supra-anal lamina transverse or produced and triangular. Sub-genital lamina of the male with or without styles. Geographical distribution of species. — Tropical Asia and Africa, Central and South America, (?) Australia. - Oo N On > 6. ells oa T apicigera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 227 (1868) (Borneo, Sumatra, Java). parvula, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 108 (1868) (India). _ senegalensis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 354 (1868) (Senegal, Sierra Leone). Blatta fulvipes, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 105 (1868). Blatta anana, Walker, ibidem, p. 229 (9) (1868). . gambiensts, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 236 (1906) (Gambia). . acthiopica, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 35, p. 72 (1895) (Gold Coast). — Plate, Fig. |. . nitida, Borg, Bih. Svenska, Akad. Vol. 18, Afd. 5, n. 10, p. 4, pl. 1, f. 8 (1904) (Cameroons). Sm SN iS SNA So KARAS ORTHOPTERA . Saussurei, nom, nov., Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 35, p. 71(1595) (Somaliland). . vinula, Stal, Ofv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. Vol. 13, p. 166 (1865) (Natal). . massuae, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 28 (1895) (E. Africa). . hova, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 7, n. 1 (1895) (Madagascar). . malagassa, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 8, n. 2 (1895) (Madagascar). . tricolor, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 9, n. 3, pl. 1. f. 2 (1895) (Madagascar). . conspersa, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 26 (1891) (Madagascar). . bidentata, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 11, pl. 1, f. 1, ta, d (1895) (Madagascar). . molesta, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 12, n. 6 (1895) (Madagascar). . punctulata, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 15, n. 10 (1895) (Madagascar), . punctata, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 26 (1891) (Madagascar). . difficilis, Saussure, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf. Vol, 21, p. 572 (1899) (Madagascar). fallax, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve. Vol 20, p. 233 (1869) (Mexico). . pilosella, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 17, n. 2 (1893) (Peru). . lucida, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 62 (1865) (? Australia). 3. GENUS HEMITHYRSOCERA, SAUSSURE Hemithyrsocera. Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 8, p. 57 (18053). Characters, — Antennz more or less incrassated and pilose. Anterior ulnar vein of the tegmina bifurcated, branches of posterior ulnar vein angulate. Ulnar vein of the wings simple or bifurcate, a ’ Pp fo} conspicuous triangular apical field. Femora strongly spined in some species. Supra-anal lamina more or less produced and triangular. nN tn bY ay TOe ae fits dake 5 tele Geographical distribution of species. — Tropical Asia. . histvio, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 490 (1838) (Great Sunda Islands, Penang, Celebes). Blatta lateralis, Serville, Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 107 (1839). Phyllodromia inversa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. Blatt. p. 96 (1865). Pseudomops fissa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 213 (1868). Theganopteryx jucunda, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 232 (1869). Thyrsocera lineaticollis, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 19, p. 302 (1890). nigya, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 120, n. 5 (1865) (India, China, Indo- China). Ellipsidium subcinctum, Walker. Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 85,n. 5 (1868). Theganopteryx indica, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 230, pl. 3, f. 16 (1869). . sovov, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 120, n. 6 (1865) (Java). . suspecta, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 288 (1897) (India). . ferruginea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 22, pl. 1, f. 6 (1893) (Burma). . communis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 23 (1893) (Burma). . lateralis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 213 (1868) (Burma, Siam, India). — Plate, Fig. 2. Thysocera major, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 22, pl. 1, f. 7 (1893). . ignobilis, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 238 (1906) (Assam). _ vittata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 119, n. 4 (1865) (Cambodia). Doubtful species : tessellata, Rehn, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 27, p. 545 (1904) (Siam). austvalis, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 153 (1895) (N. Queensland). PAM: BEAR TID A: 9 4. GENUS MALLOTOBLATTA, SAUSSURE & ZEHNTNER Mallotoblatta. Saussure « Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 17, 41 (1895). Characters. — Small slender insects with the head, pronotum and tegmina furnished with a scattered erect pubescence. Tegmina and wings in the male longer than the abdomen, wings with an intercalated apical triangle and simple or bifurcated ulnar vein; in the female the tegmina are not longer than the abdomen, the wings are abbreviated. Femora strongly spined. Supra-anal lamina in the male transverse or slightly produced, trigonal in the female. Geographical distribution of species. — Madagascar, East Africa, India. 1. M. pubescens, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. p. 42, pl. 2, f. 19 (1895) (Madagascar). . M. filosella, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, ibidem, p. 44, pl. 2, f. 20, 20a (1896) (Madagascar), . M. brachyptera, Adelung, Ann. Mus. Zool. St-Pétersb. Vol. 8, p. 303, pl. 20, f. 13 (1904) (Abyssinia). . M.Krausst, Adelung, ibidem, Vol. 9, f. 12 (1905) (Abyssinia). . M. obscura, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 234 (1906) (India, Madras). mF Wh 5. GENUS ESCALA, SHELFORD Escala. Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 238 (1906). Characters. — Allied to Theganopteryx, Br., but the sub-genital lamina of the male bearing an asymmetrical lobe which may be unarmed or armed with a series of hooks or replaced by a single stout hook; the right style sometimes absent, the left style acuminate. Supra-anal lamina produced, trian- gular, not projecting beyond the sub-genital lamina. Cerci elongate. \Wings with median and ulnar veins simple, triangular apical field somewhat inconspicuous. Geographical distribution of species. — India, Australia. 1. E. circumducta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 142 (156g) (Adelaide, S. Australia). Pilate Fig- 9: circumducta, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 239, pl. 15, f. 4. 2. E. longiuscula, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 143 (1869) (Adelaide, S. Australia). longiuscula, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 239, Plyr55 ae oO . E, insignis, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 240, pl. 15, f. 6 (1g06) (Australia). 4. (2) E. subcolorata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus, Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 32 (1871) (India, Bombay). Ww 6. GENUS ANAPLECTA, BURMEISTER Anaplecta,. Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 494 (1538). Riatia. Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 66 (1868). Characters. — Antenne setaceous; pronotum transversely elliptical. Tegmina generally with discoidal area traversed by longitudinal veins. Wings with ulnar vein simple or bifurcate, provided with a large triangular apical area which, in a state of repose, is folded longitudinally and then reflected over the rest of the wing, it is without veins. Legs as in Ectobia, Westwood. Supra-anal lamina slightly pro- duced, triangular or trigonal. Sub-genital lamina of males without styles. Geographical distribution of species. — Tropical Asia and Africa, Central and South America, Australia, 1, A. subrotundata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus.Vol.5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 26 (1871) (Bombay, India). 10 ORTHOPTERA 4, fuluva, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 12 (1893) (Burma). 4. gyvinoides, Waller, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 97, n. 64 (1868) (Ceylon). GO N | | {. maculata, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 240, pl. 15, f. 7 (1906) Ceylon). 1. zeylanica, Shelford, ibidem, p. 241, pl. 15, f. 8 (1906) (Ceylon). 1. Thwaitesi, Shelford, ibidem, p. 241, pl. 15, f. 9 (1906) (Ceylon). 1. malayensis, Shelford, ibidem, p. 242, pl. = f. 10 (1906) (Malay Peninsula). 8. A. obscura, Shelford, ibidem, p. 242, pl. 15, f. 12 (1906) (Malay Peninsula). A, javanica, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 35, p. 71 (1895) (Java). 4. borneensis, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 242, pl. 1a, f. 11 (1906) (Borneo). 4. cincta, Gerstacker, Mitt. Ver. Vorpomm. Vol. 14, p. 56 (1883) (Ogowe, W. Africa). 2. A. dahomensis, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 244, pl. 16. f. 2 (1906) (Dahomey, \WV. Africa). 13. A. pulchva, Shelford, ibidem, p. 244 (1906) (Fernando-Po). 14. A. africana, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol 35, p. 70 (1895) (E. Soudan). 15, A. mexicana, Saussure. Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 97 (1868) (Mexico). 16. A. nahua, Saussure, ‘biden: p- sei (i ear (Mexico). i { f 4. tolteca, Saussure, ibidem, p. 354 (1868) (Mexico). 18. A. otomia, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 238, pl. 3, f. 18 (1869) (Mexico). 1 4 { 4 1g. A. azteca, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 97 (1868) (Mexico). 20. A. albomarginata, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 26, n. 12 (1893) (Mexico). 21. A. parvipennis, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 26, n. 13 (1893) Dre 22. A. decipiens, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 27, n. 16, pl. 3, f. 5, pl. 6, f. 10, 11 (1893) (Mexico). 23. A. flabellata, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 29, pl. 3, f. 1, a 4, f. 13, 14 (1893) (Mexico to Panama). 24. A. fulgida, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 163 (1862) (Mexico, Guatemala). 25. A. fallax, Saussure, ibidem, p. 163 (1862) (Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia). 26. A. domestica, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1 a 26, n. r4 (1893) (Guatemala). 27. A. elliptica, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 27, n. 17, pl. 3, f. 2, pl. 4, f. 8 ee (Guatemala). 28. A. Dohrniana, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 28, n. 18, pl. 3, f. 3, p i. 4, f. 15 (1893) (Guatemala). 2g. A. Fansoni, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 29, n. 20, pl. 3. f. 4, pl. 4, f. g (1893) (Nicaragua). 30. A. dorsalis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 494, n. 3 (1838) (Porto Rico). 31. A. minutissima, De Geer, Mém. Ins. Vol. 3, p. 542, n. 10, pl. 44. f. 13, 14 (1773) (Surinam). 31. A. pallida, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nae Vol. ro; p: 463 see) (Ecuador). 33. A. pavida, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 245, pl. 16, ft. 3 (1906) (Ecuador). 34. A. fusca, Shelford, ibidem, p. 246, pl. 16, f. 4 (1906) (Ecuador). 35. A. varipennis, Shelford, ibidem. p. 246, pl. 16, f. 5, 6 (1906) (Ecuador). — Plate, Fig. 5, 6, 6a. 36. A. peruviana, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 23, n. 2 (1893) (Peru). 7. A. moxa, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 23, n. 5, pl, 4, f. 3, 4 (1893) (Peru). 38. A. alaris, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 27, n. 15 (1893) (Peru). 39. A. latevalis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 494, n. 2 (1838) (Colombia, Brazil). 40. <. bivittata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 63, n. 2 (1865) (Brazil). {. unicoloy, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 494, n. 4 (1838) (Colombia). 2. A. veplicata, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p.25,n. 10, pl. 4, f. 12 (1893) (Brazil). 4. gvandipennis, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 25, n. 11, pl. 4, f. 5 (1893) (Brazil). A. Brunneri, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 245, pl. 16, f. 1 (1g06) (Brazil). 45. A. pallicornis, Walker, Cat. Blatt, Brit. Mus. p. 66 (1868) (Brazil). — Plate, Fig. 4. 46. A. chrysoptera, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 247, pl. 16, f. 7 (1906) (Brazil). 47. A. platycephala, Rehn, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 27, p. 542 (1904) (Queensland), 7. GENUS ANAPLECTOIDEA, SHELFORD Anaplectoidea. Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 247 (1906). Characters. — Allied to Anaplecta, Burmeister, but with the ulnar vein of the wings ramose; tegmina with the marginal field very broad, ulnar vein with six branches. Legs strongly spined. FAM: BLATTIDAS Il Geographical distribution of species. — Celebes, Batchian and Sangir. 1. A. nitida, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 248, pl. 16, f. 8, g (1906) (Celebes and Batchian). 2. A. Dohertyi, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Lond. (7), Vol. 19, p. 25 (1907) (Sangir). 8. GENUS HOLOLAMPRA, Saussure Hololampra. Saussure, Mém. Blatt. Mex. p. g4 (1864). Aphlebia. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 66 (1865). Characters, — Teemina of horny texture, as long as the body or abbreviated, veins indistinct. Wings rudimentary or absent. Femora sparsely armed with spines. Supra-anal lamina short transverse in both sexes. Abdomen dilated in the female. Geographical distribution of species. — [urope, Atlantic Islands, N. Africa, Asia minor, Turkestan, Madagascar, West-Indies. ite al . maculata, Schreber, ibidem, p. 8g, pl. 3, f. 17, 18 (17781) (Germany, Austria). . punctata, Charpentier, Hor. Ent. p. 77 (1825) (S. Europe). . sardea, Serville, Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 112 (183g) (Sardinia, Algeria). . pallida, Brunner von Wattenwyl], Prodr. Eur. Orth. p. 42, n. 5 (1882) (Greece, Asia minor). . trivittata, Serville, Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 106 (1839) (Sardinia, Algeria, Spain). . brevipennis, Fischer, Orth. Europ. p. 102, pl. 7, f. 12 (1853) (Tyrol, Carniola, Istria, Servia). . gvaeca, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Prodr. Eur. Orth. p. 43, n. 8 (1882) (Greece, Asia minor). . virgulata, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 21, p. 67 (1878) (Portugal). . carpetana, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 2, p. 214, pl. 9, f. 1 (1873) (Spain). — marginata, Schreber, Naturf. Vol. 15, p. 88, pl. 3, f. 16 (1781) (S. Europe). Plate, Fig. 10. . subaptera, Rambur, Faune Andal. Vol. 2, p. 14 (1838) (Spain, Corsica, Dalmatia, Sicily). . folita, Krauss, Verh. Zool.-Bot.Ges. Wien, Vol. 38, p. 569, pl. 15. f. 2, 2a (1888) (West Caucasus). . adusta, Fischer, Orth. Eur. p. 355 (1546) (Crimea). . Retowskit, Krauss, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, Vol. 38, p. 570, pl. 15, f. 3, 3a (1888) (Crimea). . infumata, Brunner von Wattenwyl], Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 68 (1865) (Madeira). . bivittata, Brullé, in Webb & Berthelot, Hist. Canar. Ins. p. 75, pl. 5, f. 1 (1844) (Canaries). . algerica, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 10, p. 499 (1881) (Oran, Tangiers). . moghrebica, Bolivar, ibidem, Vol. 16, p. 8g, pl. 4, f. 1 (1887) (Morocco). _ larvinuae, Bolivar, ibidem, Vol. 10, p. 500 (1881) (Algeria, Tunis, Crimea). . Faneri, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 83 (1894) (Tangiers). . Cazurroti, Bolivar, Le Naturaliste, Vol. 3, p. 116 (1885) (Morocco). . Cecconti, Griffini, Bol. Mus. Zool. Torino, Vol. 10 (193), p. 1 (1895) ‘Candia). . Chavesi, Bolivar, Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. p. 72 (1898) (Azores). . betica, Bolivar, C. R. Soc. Ent. Belg. Vol. 28, p. 105 (1884) (Spain). . tavtara, Saussure, in Fedtschenko, Reise in Turkestan, Orth. p. 7, pl. 1, f. 4 (1874) (Turkestan). . madecassa, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 238, pl. 3, f. 19, 194 (1569) (Madagascar). . minuta, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Lond. (7), Vol. 19, p. 25 (1907) (Madagascar). . mmusitata, Rehn, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Vol. 22, p. 113 (1906) (Bahamas). = to Pages. adusta, Fisch. (|v. Hololampra) II aethiopica, Sauss. (g. Theganopteryx) 7 africana, Sauss. (g. Anaplecta) 10 africana, Sauss. (g. Ectobia) or alaris, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Anaplecta) 10 albicincta, Brunn. v. W. (g. Ectobia) 7 albomarginata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Anaplecta) 10 algerica, Bol. (g. Hololampra) II amoena, Walk. (g. Theganopteryx) 7. Anaplecta (genus), Brunn. v. W. 9 Anaplectoidea (genus), Shelf. 10 Aphlebia (genus), Brunn. v. W. II apicifera, Tepp. (g. Ectobia) 7 apicigera, Walk. (g. Theganopteryx) a australis, Tepp. (g. Hemtthyrsocera) 8 azteca, Sauss. (g. Anaplecta) 10 bidentata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. The- ganopteryx ) 8 bivittata, Brullé (g. Hololampra) II bivittata, Brunn. v. W.(g. Azaplecta) 10 beetica, Bol. (g. Hololampra) II borneensis, Shelf. (g. Anaplecta 10 brachyptera, Adel. (g. Mallotoblatta) 9 brevipennis, Fisch. (g. Hololampra) 11 Brunneri, Shelf. (g. Axaplecta) 10 Brunneri, Seoane (g. Ectobia) 7 carpetana, Bol. (g. Hololampra) II Cazurroi, Bol. (g. Hololampra) II Cecconil, Griff. (¢. Hololampra) Il Chavesi, Bol. (g. Hololampra) Il chrysoptera, Shelf. (g. Axaplecta) 10 cincta, Gerst. (g. Anaplecta) 10 circumducta, Walk. (g. Escala) 9 communis, Brunn, v. W. (g. Hemi- thyrsocera) 8 conspersa, Sauss. (g. Theganopteryx) 8 dahomensis, Shelf (g. Auaplecta) 10 decipiens, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ana- plecta) 10 difficilis, Sauss. (g. Theganopteryx) 8 Dohertyi, Shelf. (g¢. Anaplectoidea) Il Dohrniana, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ana- plecta) 10 domestica, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ana- plecta) 10 dorsalis, Burm. (g. Axaplecta) 10 ORTHOPTERA INDEX Pages. Duskei, Adel. (g. Ectobia 7 Ectobia (genus), Steph. 6 elliptica, Sauss. & Zehnt, (g. Ana- plecta) Escala (genus), Shelf. fallax, Sauss. (g. Theganoptery.) fallax, Sauss. |g. Anaplecta) ferruginea, Brunn. v. W. (g. Hemi- thyrsocera fissa, Walk. (g. Hemithyrsocera) flabellata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (¢. Ana- plecta) flavocincta, Scudd. (vy. Ectobia) fulgida, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Anaplecta) fulva, Brunn. v. W. (g. Anaplecta) fulvipes, Walk. (¢. Theganopteryx) fusca, Shelf. (g. Asaplecta) gambiensis, Shelf. (g. Theganopteryx) (g. Hololampra) & Zehnt. (g. graeca, Brunn. v.W. grandipennis, Sauss. Anaplecta) gyrinoides, Walk. (g. Anaplecta) histrio, Burm. (g. Hemithyrsocera) Hemithyrsocera (genus), Sauss. Hololampra (genus), Sauss. hova, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Theganop- teryx) ignobilis, Shelf. (g. Hemithyrsocera) indica, Sauss. (g. Hemithyrsocera) infumata, Brunn.v.W.(g.Hololampra) insignis, Shelf. (g. Escala) inusitata, Rehn. (g. Hololampra) inversa, Brunn. v. W. (¢. Hemithyr- soceva) Janeri, Bol. (g. Hololampra) Jansoni, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ana- plecta) javanica, Sauss. (g. Anaplecta\ jucunda, Sauss. (g. Hemithyrsocera) Kraussi, Adel, (g. Mallotoblatta) lapponica, Linn. (g. Ectobia) larrinuae, Bol. (g. Hololampra) 10 It 8 co Pages. lateralis, Burm. (g. Anaplecia) 10 lateralis, Serv. (¢. Hemithyrsocera) 8 lateralis, Walk. (g. Hemithyrsocera) 8 lineaticollis, Bol. (g. Hemithyrsocera) 8 livida, Fabr. (g. Ectobia) 7 longiuscula, Walk. (g. Escala) 9 lucida, Brunn. v. W. (g. Theganop- tery) 8 maculata, Schreb. (¢. Hololampra) II maculata, Shelf. (¢. Axaplecta) 10 madecassa, Sauss. (¢. Hololampra) II major, Brunn. v.W. (g. Hemithyrso- cera) 8 malagassa, Sauss, & Zehnt. (g. The- ganopteryx) 8 malayensis, Shelf. (Avaplecta) 10 Mallotoblatta (genus), Sauss. & Zehnt. 9 maori, Rehn. (g. Ectobia) 7 marcida, Erichs. (g. Ectobia) 7 margarita, Tepp. (g. Ectobia) 7 marginata, Schreb. (g. Hololampra) 11 massuae, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Thega- nopter yx ) 8 mexicana, Sauss. (gy, Anaplecta) 10 minima, Tepp. (g. Ectobia) 7 minuta, Shelf. (g¢. Anaplectoidea) II minutissima, de Geer (g. Anaplecta) 10 moghrebica, Bol. (g. Hololampra) II molesta, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Thega- nopteryx ) 5 moxa, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Anaplecta) 10 nahua, Sauss. (g. Anaplecta) 10 niceensis, Bris. (g. Ectobia) 7 nigra, Brunn.v.W.(g.Hemithyrsocera) 8 nitida, Borg. (g. Theganopteryx ) 7 nitida, Shelf. (g. Anaplectoidea) II obscura, Shelf. (g. Mallotoblatta) 9 obscura, Shelf. (g. Anaplecta) 10 otomia, Sauss. (g. Anaplecta) 10 pallicornis, Walk. (g. Anaplecta) 10 pallida, Bol. (g. Anaplecta) 10 pallida, Brunn. v.W. (g.Hololampra) 11 Panzeri, Steph. (g. Ectobia) 7 parvipennis, Sauss. & Zehnt (g. Ana- plecta) 10 ganopteryx) plecta) ula Walk. (a Theganopteryx) 7 aelf. (g. Anaplecta) e st. (g. Ectobia) 7 _ punctata, Sauss. (g. Theganopteryx) 8 _ punctulata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. The- replicata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ana- BAM: BGA dlp Ay Pages. Pages. Retowskii, Krauss (g. Hololampra) 11 10 Riatia (genus), Walk. 9 sardea, Serv. (g. Hololampra) II 10 Saussurei, nom. nov. (g. Theganop- 8 teryx) 8 senegalensis, Sauss. (g. T/ieganopte- 9 ryx) 7 II soror, Brunn. v. W. (g. Hemzsthyrso- 10 cera) 8 subcinctum, Walk. (g. Heméthyrso- 9 cera) 8 10 subcolorata, Walk. (g. Escala) 9 II subaptera, Ramb. (g. Hololampra) 11 sublucida, Tepp. (g. Ectobi:) 7 subrotundata, Walk. (g. Avaplecta) 9 8 suspecta, Bol. (g. Hemithyrsocera) 8 tartara, Sauss. (g. Hololampra) II 10 tasmanica, Brancs. (g. Ectobia) 8 EXPEANATION OF THE PLATE 6. C Wings of Anaplecta vavipennis, Shelford. We Ectobia perspicillovis, Herbst. 13) Pages. tessellata, Rehn. (g. Hemithyysocera) 8 Theganopteryx (genus), Brunn. v. W. Gi Thwaitesi. Shelf. (g. Anaplecta) 10 tolteca, Sauss. (g. Anaplecta) 10 tricolor, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Thega- nopteryx) 8 tridentina, Targ. (g. Ectobia) 7 trivittata, Serv. (g. Hololampra) Il unicolor, Burm. (g. Anaplecta) 10 varipennis, Shelf. (gy. Anaplecta) 10 vinula, Stal (g. Taeganopteryx) 8 virgulata, Bol. (g¢. Hololampra) II vittata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Hemithyyso- cera) $ vittiventris, Costa (g. Ectobia) 7 zeylanica, Shelf (g. Anaplecta) 10 ; Pigaa Theganopteryx aethiopica, Saussure. — 9% Hemithyrsocera laterals, Serville. — 3. Abdomen of Ectobia lapponica, Linneus, G, dorsal view. — 4. Anaplecta pallicornis, Walker. — 5. — _varipennis, Shelford. a. Tegmen of Ectobia lapponica, Linnzeus. a 6. Wing » » » Q. End of abdomen of Escala circumducta, \Valker, Gf, dorsal view. 10. Hololampra carpetana, Bolivar. Oxford, February 15, 1907. GENERA INSECTORUM ORTHOPTERA oY t 4 Anaplecta pallicornis Anaplecta varipeuus Hemithyrocera lateralis Ectobia lapponica go 3 j Ectobia lapponica Anaplecta varipermts Escala cireumducta Eclobia pirspicillarts Theganopteryx aethiopica Hololampra carpetana FAM. BLATTIDA. SUBFAM. ECTOBINAX te i ue i \i ORTHOPTERA 14 FAM. BLATTID SUBFAM. ECTOBINA‘ ERRATA AND ADDENDA An examination of a considerable number of types enables me to make the following corrections and additions in my list of the species of the Subfamily Ectobiine : Genus Ectobia. delete E. flavocincta, Scudder [= Ischnoptera pensylvanica, De Geer]. E. africana, Saussure, to be transferred to Theganopteryx. Genus Theganopteryx. delete T. punctulata, Saussure & Zehntner [—= Phyllodvoma]. add T. civcumcincta, Reiche & Fairmaire, in Ferret & Galinier, Voy. Abyss. Vol. 3, p. 421, pl. 27, f. 3 (1847) (Abyssinia). add T. pulchella, Gerstacker, Mitth. Ver. Vorpomm. Vol. 14, p. 61 (1883) (Cameroons). add T. parilis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. rro (1865) (Hong-Kong). add? T. sabauda, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 22, n. 556, p. 2 (1907) (Uganda). Genus Hemithyrsocera. H. nigra, Brunner von Wattenwyl, is synonymous with H. falliata, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 186 (1798). Genus Escala. add Ischnoptera annulata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, Vol. 17, p. 51 (1893) as a syno- nym of Escala civcwmducta, Walker. Genus Anaplecta. delete A. minutissima, De Geer [= Holocompsa\. add A. pumila, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa, Ent. p 309 (1858) (Brazil). add A. abortiva, Caudell. Bull. Mus. Brooklyn Inst. Vol. 1, p. 105 (1904) (Brownsville, U.S. A.). add A. fulchella, Rehn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. p. 262 (1906) (Demerara). Genus Hololampra. delete H. madecassa, Saussure [= Ceratinoptera). add 4H. misella, Stal, Oefv. Vet. Akad. Férh. Vol. 13, p. 166 (1856) (Natal). GENUS PHORTICOLEA, BOLIVAR Phorticolea. Bolivar, Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Vol. 11, p. 138 (1905). Characters, — Apterous, pubescent. Eyes small, remote. Antenne with basal third incrassate, hirsute. Pronotum anteriorly rounded, almost covering vertex of head, posteriorly truncate. Penultimate (1) Possibly conspecific with 4. /atera/is, Burmeister. on + V ia ; a2 a eee fl * f Vine™ f Wig oa iy ur fb oe ; ; 4 A a * acl 15 FAM. BLATTIDE F i 7 ‘ai abdominal tergite in Q tumid in middle, posterior margin bisinuate, in Gf posterior margin in the middle. Supra-anal lamina of Q transverse. Sub-genital lamina of © small. provided styles. Femora compressed, front pair fimbriated beneath, posterior pair shortly spinose towards ; Tibia very spinose. Tarsi elongate, arolium present between tarsal claws. Geographical distribution of species. — Brazil. 1. P. testacea, Bolivar, Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Vol. 2, p. 139 (1905) (Rio Grande do Sul, in ant’s nests ) Oxford, May 15 r1go8. ORTHOPTERA . FAM. BLATTIDE SUBFAM. PHYLLODROMIIN | = by R. SHELFORD 1908 es PRIX FR-410:55 On souscrit chez M. 128 Wytsman, Zoologiste, 43, rue Saint-Alphonse, a Bruxelles Prospectus gratis et franco sur demande. ORTHOPTERA FAM. BLATTID& SUBFAM. PHYLLODROMIINA _ ORTHOPTERA BAM: BE Ad TLD As SUBFAM. PHYLLODROMIIN&E by R. SHELFORD WITH I COLOURED AND I PLAIN PLATE ue subfamily Phyllodromiine forms the second division of the family of Blattide. Characters. — Antenne setaceous or plumose. Head with the vertex more or less exposed. Scutellum sometimes exposed. Tegmina coriaceous or corneous, fully developed, reduced or scale-like. Wings fully developed, reduced or absent, costal veins generally numerous, regular, parallel, rarely with a small triangular apical field, never with a large folded and reflected apical area, ulnar vein with few exceptions ramose. Legs slender; femora generally strongly spined beneath, tarsi without pulvilli; an arolium nearly always present between the tarsal claws. Supra-anal lamina of both sexes of diverse shapes but typically produced and triangular; sub- genital lamina of male with styles, one of which may be absent. Ootheca various in form, in some genera similar to that of the Ectobiine, in others coriaceous, carried by the female with the suture directed to one side and deposited only a few hours before the emergence of the larve. This subfamily on account of the ill-defined genera and the enormous number of species presents more difficulties to the systematist than any other of the group. In the accompanying synoptical key to the genera I have ventured to introduce some modifications of the systems drawn up by previous authorities, but I have no great confidence in the permanency of my present views, nor any belief that the key is less artificial than its predecessors. The genus Temnopteryx cannot well be separated from the genus Ceratinoptera and I expect that eventually it will be found necessary to merge them, The genus Phyllodromia comprising more than 150 species is so unwieldy that its subdivision is a consummation devoutly to be hoped for, but such efforts as have been made are not successful and have led merely to the erection of more ill-defined and highly artificial genera; Onychostylus, Desmosia, Mareta are cases in point and the last I have merged in Phyllodvomia seeing that it is founded on a character shewn by more 2 ORTHOPTERA than one species in other genera of the subfamily. The genus Nothoblatta of Bolivar does not seem to be a Phyllodromine as suggested, for the femora are entirely unarmed beneath. Both Ellipsidion and Ischnoptera grade into Phyllodvomia in the most confusing manner. To add to the perplexities of the systematic worker in this group, the subfamily itself is not well-marked off from the Ectobiine. The characters presented by the wing-venation, the armature of the femora and the form of the supra-anal lamina are most untrustworthy guides on account of the protean variation that they exhibit. In a previous communication (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 231, 1906) I expressed the view that the only crucial difference between the two subfamilies was the ramose ulnar vein of the wings in the Phyllo- dromiine and the simple ulnar vein in the Ectobiine, but even this character is unreliable, for in Ceratinopteya, a characteristic Phyllodromiine genus, as shewn by the membranous ootheca of some species, the ulnar vein of the wing is simple. To put the matter briefly, this subfamily is full of interest for the evolutionist, but it is the despair of the systematist. KEY TO THE GENERA 1. Eyes well-developed. 2. Eyes not joined on vertex of the head. 3. Genital styles of male not bifurcate at apex. 4. Arvolia present between the tarsal claws. 5. Tegmina exceeding the apex of the abdomen, usually const- devably so. 6. Ulnar veins of tegmina angulate. (Antenne incrassated and plumose). 7. Antertoy ulnay vein of tegmina simple. . . . . . 1. Genus PsEupomops, Serville. 7'. Anterior ulnay vein of tegmina bivamose . . . . . 2. Genus PsEupoTHyRsocERA, Shelford. 6!. Ulnar veins of tegmina not angled (1). 7. Ulnar vein of wings sending branches to dividing vein. 8. Antenne incrassated and hirsute. g. Pronotum discordal, mid- and hind-femova unaymed 9. Genus CaLoBLatTTa, Saussure. 9’. Pronotum trapezoidal, mid- and hind-femora armed 10. Genus PSEUDISCHNOPTERA, Saussure. 8'. Antennae not incrassated nor hirsute. g. Femora strongly armed beneath. . . . . . . 5. Genus IscuNopreraA, Burmeister. g'. Femora weakly armed beneath. 10. Tegmina narrow, overlapping considerably. . . 7. Genus CHRASTOBLATTA, Saussure & [Zehntner. to'. Tegmina broad, not overlapping considerably . . 8. Genus Prropratra, Shelford. 7'. Ulnar vein of wings not sending branches to dividing vein. 8. Antenne incrassated and hirsute. g. Tegmina corneous, thety venation obscured. . . . 3. Genus PACHNEPTERYX, Brunner von {| Wattenwyl. g'. Tegmina coriaceous. their venation not obscured . . 4. Genus EL.ipsipion, Saussure. 8'. Antenne not incrassated nor hirsute. . g. Head very broad. 10, Anterior field of tegmina very broad. . . . . 18. Genus MAcRoPHYLLODROMIA, Saussure |& Zehntner. (x) Except in a few species of /schnoplera. BAVMES BEATE TD As 10'. Anterior field of tegmina not broad . g!. Head not very broad. 10. Maxillary palpi enormous . . . . « « ¢ 10'. Maxillary palpi not large. 11. Convex insects. t1!. Depressed insects. 12. Apical triangle of wings prominent . . . . 12'. Apical triangle of wings not prominent, or absent 5. Tegmina if present not exceeding the apex of the abdomen. 6. Tegmina as long as, or shorter than the abdomen, not lobiform. 7. Tegmina very short, quadrate oy obliquely truncate in both sexes . 7'. Tegmina of varying length, lanceolate in the male. 8. Ulnar vein simple. g. Supra-anal lamina of male bilobed . g!. Supra-anal lamina not bilobed . 8', Ulnar vein vamose. g. Supra-anal lamina vounded. . . . . g'. Supra-anal lamina produced, 6'. Tegmina lobiform or absent. GRMCRIMINGLODUFOYI ve see Gl, Women (SG e 2 6 0 © 6 6 0 6 © © 4'. No arolia between the tarsal claws. 5. Tegminalobiform . . . 5', Tegmina not lobiform. 6. Ulnar vein of wings simple. . . . . 6'. Ulnar vein of wings branched . . . 3'. Genital styles of male bifurcate at apex . 2!'. Eyes joined on vertex of the head . REV ESRYLIMLMCNTAKY 1) 1s) se 17 . Genus PSEUDOPHYLLODROMIA, Brunner [von Wattenwyl. . Genus Duryopana, Kirby. . Genus Liosi_puHa, Stal. . Genus Lupparta, Walker. . Genus PHyitiopromia, Serville. . Genus TEMNopPTERYX, Brunner von [| Wattenwyl. . Genus AnisopyGia, Saussure. 21. Genus CERATINOPTERA, Brunner von [| Wattenwyl. . Genus ALLacta, Saussure & Zehntner. 20. Genus ANALLACTA, nov. gen. . Genus Logoprera, BrunnervonWatten- . Genus Aprerosiatta, Shelford. [wyl. . Genus PARALOBOPTERA, Saussure. . Genus PARACERATINOPTERA, Saussure. . Genus PARATEMNOPTERYX, Saussure. . Genus OnycHostyLus, Bolivar. . Genus Desmosia, Bolivar. . Genus Arrapuica, Wheeler.. 1. GENUS PSEUDOMOPS, SERVILLE Pseudomops. Serville, Ann. Sc, Nat. p. 41 (1831); Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 115 (1839). Thyrsocera. Burmeister et auctores (in parte). Characters. — Ocelli absent. Antenne with basal half densely hirsute except in the male sex of some species. Pronotum with posterior border obtusely angled. Tegmina with the anterior ulnar vein simple, the branches of the posterior ulnar vein forming an angle with the main stem, longitudinal. Wings without a triangular apical field, veins stout, branches of the ulnar vein few. Supra-anal lamina triangular, emarginate. Openings of the odoriferous glands on the abdominal tergites in the male sex usually conspicuous. Cerci elongate, in some species spatulate. Sub-genital lamina of male with styles. Femora strongly armed beneath. Geographical distribution of species. — Southern States of North America, Central America, South America. 4 ORTHOPTERA Species with non-spatulate cerci : _ oblongata, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10), Vol. 1, p. 425, n. 9 (1758) (Surinam). . inteycepta, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 497, n. 10 (1838) (Central America, Honduras). Thyrsocera tolteca, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 168 (1862). . inclusa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 212 (1868) (Brazil, Pernambuco). Thyrsocera amoena, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 23, p. 97 (1873). . laticornis, Perty, Del. Anim. Art. p. 117, pl. 23, f. 4 (1834) (Brazil). Thyrsocera dubia, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 168 (1862). P. concinna, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 82 (1868). . annulicornis, Barmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 500, n. g (1838) (Brazil). P. deceptura, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 82 (1868). _ aurantiaca, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 32, pl. 3, f. 6, 7. (1893) (Panama). . grata, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29, p. 260 (1903) (Costa Rica). . americana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 21, p. 111 (1869) (Argentine). . mimica, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 80 (1868) (Brazil). . cincla, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 499, n. 3 (1838) (Central America, Texas). Thyrsocera mexicana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 168 (1862). Thyrsoceva sallei, Saussure, ibidem, p. 168 /1862). Ore ieee ie} ae) ap ae) on v io ae) eu kee Us U) au 11. P. neglecta. Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p, 256 (1906) (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). 12. P. afinis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 499, n. 4 (1838) (Surinam, Brazil). Thyrsocera hirticornis, Burmeister, ibidem, p. 499, n. 10 (1838). 13. P. flavipes, Burmeister, ibidem, p. 499, n. 5 (1838) (Brazil). 14. P. discicollis, Burmeister, ibidem, p. 1012 (1838) (Mexico). 15. P. angusta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 81 (1868) (Santarem, Colombia). — Plate I, Fig. |. 16. P. burvi, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 257, pl. 14, f. 1 (1906) (Ecuador). 17. P. magna, Shelford, ibidem, p. 259 (1906) (Ecuador). — Plate I, Fig. 2. 18. P. albostyiata, Shelford, ibidem, p. 259 (1906) (Ecuador). 19. P. bicolor, Shelford, ibidem, p. 260, pl. 16, f. 12, pl. 14, f. 7 (1906) (Ecuador). 20. P. gueviniana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 168 (1862); Mém. Mexique, Blatt. p. 124 (1864). (Mexico). 21. P. obscura, Saussure, Mission Sc. Mexique, Orth. p. 52 (1870) (Bolivia). Species with spatulate cerci : 22. P. femoralis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 81 (1868) (Brazil). Thyrsocera crinicornis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 126 (1865). 23. P. brunnevi, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 21, p. 111 (1869) (Surinam). 24. P. crinicornis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 499, n. 2 (1838) (Brazil). P. affinis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 79 (1868). 25. P. luctuosa, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 99 (1868) (Surinam), 26. P. tristicula, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa, Ent. Vol. 5, p. 310 (1858) (Brazil). 27. P. simulans, Stal, ibidem, p. 310 (1858) (Brazil). : 28. P. nigrita, Saussure, Rey. Zool (2), Vol. 21, p. 111 (1869) (Brazil). 29. P. puiggarii, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 10, p. 354 (1881) (Brazil). 30. P. melana, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 80 (1868) (Brazil). OF GeNus PSEUDOTHYRSOCERA, SHELFORD Pseudothyrsocera. Shelford, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 250 (1906). Characters. — Similar to Psewdomops, Serville, but with the anterior ulnar vein of the tegmina bifurcated instead of simple, the pronotum truncate posteriorly, and the antenne generally incrassated and hirsute at the base in both sexes. FAM. BLATTIDAD 5 Geographical distribution of species. — [ndo-Malayan Islands, Celebes and Philippines. . P. scutigera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 212 (1868) (Borneo). . P. pica, Walker, ibidem, p. 213 (1868) (Singapore, Sumatra). — Plate I, Fig. 3. . P. xanthophila, Walker, ibidem, p. 230 (1868) (Celebes). . P. montana, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 251 (1906) (Borneo). . P. vuficollis, Shelford, ibidem, p. 251, pl. 14, f. 6 (1906) (Penang). . P. lugubris, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh, Vol. 34 (10), p. 33 (1877) (Philippines). 7. P. vufiventris, Stal, ibidem, p. 33 (1877) (Philippines). P. semicincta, Stal, ibidem, p. 33 (Q) (1877). 8. P. circumcincta, Stal, ibidem, p. 33 (1877) (Philippines). P. circumelusa, Stal, ibidem, p. 34 (2) (1877). g. P. signata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 119 (1865) (Philippines). Amb Wh H 3. GENUS PACHNEPTERYX, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Pachnepteryx. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 116 (1865). Characters. — Allied to Pseudothyrsocera, Shelford. Antenne hirsute at base in both sexes. Pronotum with posterior border truncate, exposing the scutellum. Tegmina acuminate, corneous, the venation indistinct or quite obscured. Wings without triangular apical field. Femora strongly armed beneath. Geographical distribution of species. — Philippine Islands. . P. pruinosa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 117 (1865) (Philippines). . P. ventralis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 85 (1868) (Philippines). . P. pallidicollis, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. Vol. 34 (ro), p. 33 (1877) (Philippines). . P. signaticollis, Stal, ibidem, p. 33 (1877) (Philippines). PB WN H 4. GENUS ELLIPSIDION, SAUSSURE Ellipsidion. Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 146 (1863). Apolyta. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 112 (1865). Characters. — Antenne long, basal two-thirds incrassated, hirsute. Pronotum transversely elliptical, anteriorly not covering the vertex of the head, posteriorly truncate, exposing the large scutellum. Tegmina semi-corneous with the branches of the posterior ulnar vein ramose, not angulate. Median vein of the wings with the apex furcate, no triangular apical field. Femora strongly armed beneath. Ootheca chitinous, carried by the female with the suture uppermost. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia and New Guinea. 1. E. variegatum, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 273. n. 13 (1775) (Australia). 2 E. vestitum, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 498, n. 11 (1838). . australe, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve. Vol. 17, p. 146, pl. 1, f. 11 (1863) (Australia). E, pellucidum, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 114, n. 2, pl. 3, f. 10(1865). E. placens, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 29 (1871) (larva). . auvantium, Saussure, Rey. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 312 (1864) (Australia). . veticulatum, Saussure, ibidem, p. 312 (1864) (Australia). . gracile, Butler, Cist. Ent. Vol. 1, p. 294 (1874) (Rockhampton, Australia). . femoratum, Brunner von Wattenwyl], Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 101 (1865) (Sydney, Australia). . quadvipunctatum, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 45 (1893) (Adelaide, Australia). N ies] Si fem eres 1) by by oy ty oY 17. 18. mo ot oy ORTHOPTERA . humerale, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 46 (1893) (Australia). . decovatum, Tepper, ibidem, p. 46 (1893) (Australia). . bicolor, Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 19, p. 152 (1895) (Cape York, Australia). . testaceum, Tepper, Horn Exped. Centr. Austr. Pt. 2, p. 358 (1896) (Central Australia). . lituva, Tepper, ibidem, p. 359 (1896) (Central Australia). . albovittatum, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 95 (1873) (Australia). . histrionicum, Rehn, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 27, p. 544 (1904) (Australia). . castaneum, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 28 (1907) (New Guinea). —— Plate |, Fig. 6. Doubtful species : . marginiferum, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 107 (1868) (Australia), . depressum, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 28 (1871) (Australia). . vamosum, Walker, ibidem, p. 29 (1871) (Australia). 5. GENUS ISCHNOPTERA, BURMEISTER Ischnoptera. Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 500 (1838). Platamodes, Scudder, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. Vol. 7, p. 417 (1862). Characters, — Antenne much longer than the body, not incrassated, nor hirsute. Pronotum typically trapezoidal, sides deflexed, anteriorly not quite covering vertex of head. Tegmina and wings reduced in the females of some species, in the males always longer than the body. Wings with the ulnar vein sending some branches towards the dividing vein and others towards the apex of the wing. Sub- genital lamina of the male frequently asymmetrical and provided with one or with two styles. Cerci elongate. Legs long, slender; femora strongly spinose. Ootheca, where known, coriaceous in texture and carried by the female with the suture directed to one side. iS) | H an Toe 16, ON DOP W =] nh HH OW) (Ss) SN NNN RS SS SS Geographical distribution of species. — All the regions of the world, except the Palzarctic. a. Ethiopian species : . ciunamomea, Gerstacker. Mitth. Ver. Vorpomm. Vol. 14, p. 62 (1883) (Cameroons). I. basalis, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 63 (1883). . punctifrons, Gerstaicker, ibidem, p. 63 (1883) (Cameroons). I. aegrota, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 64 (1883). . velucens, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 65 (1883) (Ogowe). . bocagit, Bolivar, Jorn. Se. Acad. Lisboa, Vol. 8, p. 107 (1881) (Angola). . styigosa, Schaum, Peters Reise Mossamb. Zool. Vol. 5, p. 108 (1862) (Mozambique). . neutya, Saussure, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. 21, p. 571 (1899) (East Africa). . ncuviosa, Saussure, ibidem, p. 571 (1899) (East Africa). . bimaculata, Gerstacker, Arch. f. Naturg. Vol 35, p. 206 (1869) (East Africa). — Plate |, Fig. 6-~ . picea, Schulthess, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol 39, p. 166 (1898) (Somaliland). . natalensis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 117 (1868) (Natal). — Plate |, Fig. 4. . jallae, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 22. n. 563, p. 2 (1907) (Upper Zambes!). . longstaffi, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 1, p. 157, pl. 9, f. 8 (1908) (Zambesi). . malagassa, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 18, pl. 6, f. 66 (1895) (Madagascar). . Stkorae, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Ziirich, Vol. 6, p. 25 (1891) (Madagascar). 6. Oriental species : . vuficollis, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Vol. 2, p. 10 (1793) (India). . continua, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 22 (1871) (Bombay). NAN NN RN Li test beh tes bile Sh tp eS NNN NNN NNW OR NN NWN PAM. BLATTIDZA: i . brevipes, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 22 (1871) (Bombay). . arcta, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 132 (1865) (Ceylon). . procera, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem (1865) (Ceylon). . biligata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 123 (1868) (Ceylon). . himalayica, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 129 (1865) (Himalayas). . ectobioides, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 104 (1873) (S. China). . multiramosa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. S [a 2a)5 alle at (1893) (Burma). . fusca, Brunner von Wattenwy]l, ibidem, p. 24 (1893) (Burma). . modesta, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 24 (1893) (Burma). . indica, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 130 (1865) (Malacca). . veversa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 147 (1869) (Singapore). . vidleyt. Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 26 (1907) (Singapore). . cavernicola, Shelford, ibidem, p. 27 (1907) (Borneo). . excavata, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p, 265, pl. 16, f. 11 (1906) (Borneo). . montis, Shelford, ibidem, p. 266, pl. 16, f. 10 (1907) (Borneo). . flavicollis, Serville, Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 69 (1839) (Java). . perpulchra, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 27 (1907) (Celebes). . ramosa, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 254 (1869) (E. Indies). c. Australian species: . austvalis, Saussure. Mém Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p.155, pl. 1, f. 17 (1863) (Australia). . fulva, Saussure, ibidem, p. 156, pl. 1, f. 18 (1863) (Australia). . austvaliae, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 95 (1865) (New South Wales). . termitina, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 17, p. 157, pl. 1, f. 19 (1863) (Australia). . trivamosa, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 20, p. 252, (1869) (Australia). . centyalis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 120 (1868) (South Australia). . anastomosa, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 53 (1893) (South Australia). . contvavia, Tepper, ibidem, p. 54 (1893) (South Australia ). . manicata, Tepper, ibidem, p. 53 (1893) (South Australia). . obscura, Tepper, ibidem, p. 54 (1893) (Australia). . parallela, Tepper, ibidem, p. 53 (1893) (Australia). . byunneonigra, Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 19, p. 155 (1895) (Victoria). d. Nearctic species : . pensylvanica, De Geer. Mém. Ins. Vol. 3, p. 537, pl. 44, f. 4 (1773) (United States). I. nortoniana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 169 (1862). Ectobia flavocincta (1), Scudder, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 7, p. 419 (1862). Blatta borealis, Saussure, ibidem, p. 166 (1862). . uhleriana, Saussure, Rey. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 169 (1862) (United States). Platamodes unicolor, Scudder, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 7, p. 417 (1862). . deropeltiformis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 87 (1865) (North America). . hyalina, Scudder, Trans. Amer, Ent. Soc. Vol. 2, p. 307 (1869) (Texas). . major (2), Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 54 (1893) (Tennessee, United States). . nequalis, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 36, pl. 6, f. 14-17 (1893) (Texas, Mexico). . occidentalis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2) Vol. 14, p. 170 (1862) (New Orleans, Mexico). . coulontana, Saussure, ibidem, p. 169 (1862) (Texas, Mexico). . tvanslucida, Saussure, Mém. Hist. Nat. Mexique, Blatt. p. 85 (1864) (North America). . divisa, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol! Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 40 (1893) (Georgia, North Mexico). (x) Erroneously included in the first part ( Ectodévae) of this work. (2) This may be synonymous with /, /ya/iva, Scudder. 8 ORTHOPTERA 57. I. bolliana, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. p. 40 (1893) (Texas, New Mexico). 58. I. borealis, Brunner von Wattenwyl. Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 133 (1865) (Delaware). 5g. I. mgricollis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 118 (1868) (Georgia). 60. I, johnson, Rehn, Ent. News, Philad. Vol 14, p. 234 (1903) (Florida, Indiana), I. intricata, Blatchley, 27th Ann. Rep. Dept. Geol. and Nat. Resources of Indiana, p. 186 [1902] (1903). 61. I. virginica, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 86 (1865) (Virginia). e. Neotropical Species : 62. I. brasiliensis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 130 (1865) (Brazil). I. clara, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p: 114 (1868). 63. I. rufa, De Geer, Mém. Hist. Ins. Vol. 3, p. 538. pl. 44, f. 7 (1773) (Brazil). I. rufa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 131, pl. 3, f. 13 (1865). I. consobrina, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 170 (1862). 64. I. marginata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 132 (1865) (Brazil). 65. I. evythrina, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 219 (1868) (Brazil). 66. I. fumata, Burmeister, Handb, Ent. Vol. 2, p. 500 (1838) (Brazil). 67. I. morio, Burmeister, ibidem (1838) (Colombia). 68. I. melasa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 118 (1868) (Santarem). 69. I. vubiginosa, Walker, ibidem, p. 121 (1868) (Santarem). 70. I. hebes, Walker, ibidem, p. 122 (1868) (Santarem). 71. I. hamata, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus, Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 13, n. 311, p. 4 (1898) (Ecuador). 2. I. sancta, Giglio-Tos, ibidem, p. 5 (1898) (Ecuador), 73. I. josephina, Giglio-Tos, ibidem, p. 4 (1898) (Ecuador). 74. I. bilunata, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 21, p. rrr (1869) (Bolivia). 75. I. vilis, Saussure, ibidem, p. 112 (1869) (Corrientes). 76. I. oculavis, Saussure, Mém. Soc: Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 103 (1873) (Cayenne). 77. I. nyctoboroides, Rehn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. p. 266 (1906) (British Guiana). 78. I. gnobilis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 313 (1864) (Buenos Aires, Guatemala). 79. I. castanea, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 21, p. 112 (1869) (Brazil, Mexico). 80. I. pavvula, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 21, p. 112 (1869) (Brazil, Nicaragua, Cuba). 81. I. festae, Griffini. Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. rr, n. 236, p. 2 (1896) (Panama). 82. I. bergrotht, Griffini, ibidem, p. 3 (1896) (Panama). 83. I. conformis, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 37, pl.3, £. 25(1893) (Nicaragua). 84. I. mea, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p, 38, pl. 4, f. 23 (1893) (Guatemala). — Plate |, Fig. 6a. 85. I. nana, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 39 (1893) (Nicaragua). 86. I. annulicornis, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 40 (1893) (Guatemala). 87. I. undulifera, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. p. 31 (1871) (Nicaragua). 88. I. mexicana, Saussure, Rev. Zoo! (2), Vol. 14. p. 170 (1862) (Mexico). 8g. I. nahua, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 20, p. 356 (1868) (Mexico). go. I. azteca, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 14, p. 170 (1862) (Mexico). gi. I. tolteca, Saussure, ibidem, Vol 20, p. 356 (1868) (Mexico). 2. I. peruana, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 14, p. 169 (1862) (Peru). 93. I. taczanowsku, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 10, p. 467 (1881) (Peru). 94. I. elongata, Beauvois, Ins. Afr. Amér. p. 183, Orth. pl. 10, f. 5 (1805) (Haiti). 95. I. bicolor, Beauvois, ibidem, pl. 10, f. 6 (1805) (Haiti). 96. I. jamaicana, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29, p. 264 (1903) (Jamaica). 97. I. adusta, Caudell, The Canad. Entom. p. 237 (1905) (Porto Rico). 98. I. excisa, Bolivar, Mém. Soc. Zool. Fr. Vol. 1, p. 124 (1888) (Cuba). Doubtful species : gg. I. gracilis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. Soo, n. 2 (1838) (Cape of Good Hope). too. J. cincta, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. Vol. 1, p. 226, n. 17 (1787) (North? America). ror. J, castanea, Blanchard, in Gay, Hist. fis. Chile, Zool. Vol. 6, p. 18, pl. 1, f. 2 (1851) (Chili). 2. brevipennis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 313 (1864). FAM. BLATTIDA 9 6. GENUS PARATEMNOPTERYxX, SaussuRE Paratemnopteryx. Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20. p. 273 (1869). 2/ Characters. — Allied to Ischnopteva, Burmeister, but differing in the absence of arolia between the tarsal claws. Males with fully developed tegmina and wings, females with reduced tegmina and rudi- mentary wings. Ulnar vein of wing sending at least one incomplete branch towards the dividing vein. Styles flattened and partially fused with the sub-genital lamina in the male sex. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia. 1. P. austvalis, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 273, pl. 3, f. 22 (1869) (Adelaide, Melbourne, Western Australia). P. australis, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 149 (1895). . P. blattoides, Tepper (Gt only), ibidem, p. 150 (1895) (Melbourne). — Plate 2, Fig. 10. 3. P. ? ets, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 20 (1895) (South Australia). iS) 7. GENUS CHRASTOBLATTA, SAUSSURE & ZEHNTNER Chrastoblatta. Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 20 (1895). Characters. — Head flattened, vertex broad, not covered by the pronotum. Pronotum trans- versely elliptical, flattened, posteriorly truncate exposing the scutellum. Tegmina narrow, crossing strongly and in repose exposing the sides of the abdomen, discoidal sectors longitudinal. Wings with narrow anterior field and few costals, ulnar vein sending two or three branches to apex of wing, one to three incomplete branches to the dividing vein, no apical triangle. Femora sparsely spined beneath, their genicular spines prominent. Supra-anal lamina transverse. Cerci elongate. Geographical distribution of species. — Madagascar. 1. C. tricolor, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 21, pl. 2, f. 17 (1895) (Madagascar). 2. C. dimidiata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 160 (1863) (Madagascar). Proscratea marginata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 326 (1865). 8. GENUS PIROBLATTA, SHELFORD Piroblatta. Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 29 (1907). Characters. — Allied to Chrastoblatta, Saussure & Zehntner, but head almost entirely covered by pronotum. Tegmina broad and not crossing strongly. Wings with a prominent triangular apical area; ulnar vein bifurcate and sending also two or three incomplete branches to the dividing vein. Supra-anal lamina in the male somewhat quadrately produced, in the female triangularly produced. Front femora unarmed beneath, mid- and hind-femora very sparsely armed. Geographical distribution of species. — Madagascar. 1. P. bouviert, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 236 (1906) (Madagascar). 2. P. alluaudt, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 29 (1907) (Madagascar). IO ORTHOPTERA 9. GENUS CALOBLATTA, SAUSSURE Caloblatta. Saussure, Soc. Ent. Ziirich, Vol. 8, p. 57 (1893); Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 33 (1893). : Characters. — Antenne with basal half incrassated and hirsute. Vertex of head not covered by pronotum. Surface of pronotum and tegmina velvety. Pronotum discoidal, sides barely deflexed. Ulnar vein of wings sending branches to the apex of the wing and some incomplete branches to the dividing vein. Front femora armed on the anterior margin beneath, the other femora unarmed; posterior tarsi very long, equal in length to the tibiz. Supra-anal lamina in the male transverse, in the female trian- gular. Cerci moderate, depressed. Geographical distribution of species. — Central America. 1. C. bicolor, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Ziirich, Vol. 8, p. 57 (1893); Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 33 (1893) (Costa Rica, Nicaragua). 2. C. tricolor, Saussure, ibidem, p. 57 (1893); Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 34, pl. 3, f. 11-13 (1893) (Guatemala, Nicaragua). 10. GENUS PSEUDISCHNOPTERA, SAUSSURE Pseudischnoptera, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 21, p. 112 (1869). Characters. -— Body depressed. Antenne incrassated and hirsute throughout their entire length. Pronotum trapezoidal, anterior margin arcuate, not covering vertex of head, posterior margin truncate, exposing the scutellum. Tegmina and wings longer than the abdomen in the male, shorter than the abdomen in the female. Tegmina coriaceous and punctate, their external margins sinuate, discoidal sectors longitudinal. Wings coloured; ulnar vein giving off branches to apex of wing and to the dividing vein. Supra-anal lamina in the male triangular, sub-genital lamina elongate and with two styles. Cerci long, mid- and hind- femora unarmed on the anterior margin beneath, but with four to five spines on the posterior margin and with one median spine, near the trochanteral articulation. Geographical distribution of species. — South America, West Indies. 1. P. lineata, Olivier, Enc. Méth. Ins. Vol. 4, p. 317 (178g) (Cayenne, Antilles). P, lineata, Saussure, Mission Sc. Mexique, Orth. p. 67 (1870). ll. GENUS PHYLLODROMIA, SERVILLE Phyllodromia. Serville, Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 105 (1839). Mareta. Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 369 (1895). Characters, — Vertex of head not covered by pronotum, distance apart of eyes scarcely greater than their breadth. Scutellum not exposed. Tegmina and wings usually longer than the body in both sexes (1), discoidal sectors of tegmina usually oblique. Wings with the ulnar vein typically multi- ramose (2), all the rami directed towards the apex of the wing; triangular apical field sometimes present. G) P. swpellectilinm, Serville, is an exception, (2) P. germanica, Linneus, is an exception. FAM. BLATTIDA 1I Supra-anal lamina very variable in both sexes, but typically triangularly produced in the male. Scent- gland openings usually conspicuous. Sub-genital lamina of the male with a pair of small styles. Femora strongly armed beneath. Arolia present between the tarsal claws. Oothecz, where known, coriaceous, carried by the female with the suture directed to one side. Geographical distribution of species. — Cosmopolitan. a. Cosmopolitan species : 1. P. germanica, Linneus, Syst. Nat. (ed. 12), Vol. 1 (2), p. 668 (1767) (Cosmopolitan). Blatta obliquata, Daldorff, Skriv. Nat. Selsk. Vol. 2 (2), p. 164 (1793). Ischnoptera bivittata, Thomas, Proc. Davenport Acad. Sc. Vol. 1, p. 250, pl. 36, f. 1, 2 (1876). 2. P. bivittata, Serville, Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 108 (£839) (Cosmopolitan). 3. P. supellectilium, Serville, ibidem, p. 114 (183g) (Cosmopolitan). — Plate 2, Fig. 2. ae) te} Ie} Ae) "el “tel ae) (nel Ae} Ae) 9B) As) Se) ‘net te) el “ae! is: Ae} Me! ae Ag el Ae Blatta cubensis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 165 (1862). Blatta capensis, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 16, p. 210 (1864). Blatta incisa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 109 (1868). Blatta extenuata, Walker, ibidem, p. 221 (1868). Ischnoptera quadriplaga, Walker, ibidem, p. 121 (1868). Blatta phalerata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 151, pl. 1, f. 16 (1864). Blatta subfasciata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 26 (1871). Blatta transversalis, Walker, ibidem, p. 25 (1871). Blatta figurata, Walker, ibidem, p- 24 (1871). Phyllodromia delta, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 5, p. 280 (1900). . rufescens, Beauvois, Ins. Afr. Amér. p. 183, Orth. pl. 1 4, f. 7 (1805) (Cosmopolitan). Blatia capitata, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 167 (1862). Eptlampra blattoides, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vo 17, p. 145 (1863). Ischnoptera terminalis, Walker, Cat. Blat. Brit. Mus. p. 122 (1868). Ischnoptera deprivata, Walker, ibidem, p. 215 (1868). 6, Ethiopian species : . parenthesis, Gerstacker, Mitth. Ver. Vorpomm. Vol. 14, p. 57 (1883) (Ogowe, West Africa). . hemerobina, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 57 (1883) (Ogowe, West Afrika). . centralis, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 58 (1883) (Cameroons), . pustulosa, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 59 (1883) (Cameroons). . patricia, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 60 (1883) (Cameroons), amplicollis, Gerstaicker, ibidem, p. 66 (1883) (Gaboon). . obsoleta, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 66 (1883) (Gold Coast). . mirabilis, Shelford, Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. p. 116, pl. 2, f. 3 (1908) (Cameroons). . convadti, Shelford, ibidem, p. 117, pl 2, f. 4 (tg08) (Cameroons). . neutya, Shelford, ibidem, p. 118, pl. 2, f. 6 (1908) (Cameroons). . alluaudi, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 171 (1893) (West Africa). . veducta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 220 (1868) (West Africa). . beauvoisn, Walker. ibidem, p. 1or (1868) (Sierra Leone). . cassiphila, Rochebrune. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, (7), Vol. 7, p. 175 (1883) (Senegambia). . munzigert, Saussure, Mém, Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 23, p. 94 (1873) (Bogos, West Africa). . albovariegata, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7). Vol. 19, p. 31 (1907) (Fernando Po). . trigonalis, Saussure, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. 21, p. 574 (1899) (East Africa). . nigromarginata, Shelford, Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandjaro etc., pt. 17, Orthop- tera Blattodea, p. 19, pl. 3, f. 12 (1907) (German E. Africa, Kilimanjaro). . sjostedtt, Shelford, ibidem, p. 20 (1907) (German E. Africa). . insignis, Shelford, ibidem, p. 20, pl. 3, f. 8 (1907) (Kilimanjaro). . testacea, Shelford, ibidem, p. 21, pl. 2, f. 14 (1907) (German E. Africa). . vuficeps, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 5, p. 280 (1900) (Nyasaland,N.E. Rhodesia). . lobiventyis, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 35, p. 73 (1895) (Shoa, Gallaland). . constricta, Saussure, ibidem, p. 74 (1895) (Erythraea, Somaliland). 12 65. ne) Nas} el “ef ‘se) ie) ele) eh ie) a y Uy Uy yD iy wy ty Vit ae) Ao) eh Fe) ORTHOPTERA . covommensis, Schulthess-Schindler, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat, Genova, Vol. 39, p. 165 (1898)(Somaliland). . scioana, Adelung, Ann. Mus. Zool. St-Pétersb. Vol. 9, p. 421 (1905) (Abyssinia). . desertorum, Adelung, ibidem, p. 424 (1905) (Abyssinia). cordofana, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 97 (1865) (Khartoum). . teitliana, Werner, Sitz. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Vol. 114, Abt. 1, p. 377 (1906) (Egypt). . avundinicola, Werner, ibidem, p. 377 (1906) (Egypt). f angustefasciata, \Verner, ibidem, p. 378 (1906) (Egypt). . trivirgata, Werner, ibidem, Vol. 116, Abt. 1, p. 172 (1907) (Egyptian Soudan). . aequatovialis, Werner, ibidem, p. 172 (1907) (Egyptian Soudan). . pallidula, Werner, ibidem, p. 173 (1907) (Egyptian Soudan). . madecassa, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 35, p.72 (1895) (Somaliland, Madagascar). . saussuvet, nom. nov. (Madagascar). P. incisa, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 37, pl. 1, f. 8 (1895). fissa, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 39, pl. 1, f. 11 (1895) (Madagascar). . ferrea, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 36, pl. 1, f. 7 (1895) (Madagascar). . lacrymula, Saussure & Zehnitner, ibidem, p. 31, pl. 1, f. ro (1895) (Madagascar). . opima, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 4o, pl. 1, f. 13 (1895) (Madagascar). voeltzkowiana, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 15, pl. 4, f. 42 (1895) (Madagascar). . zehntneri. nom. nov. (Madagascar, Kilimanjaro). Theganopteryx (Pseudectobia) punctulata (1), Saussure & Zehntner, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 15 (1895). . neglecta, nom. nov. (Madagascar). Blatta humbertiana, Saussure, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. 21, p. 574 (1899). . liturifeva, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa, Ent. p. 308 (1858) (Mauritius). . innotabilis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 21 (1871) (Seychelles). Mareta conspicienda, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 371 (1895). . bitaeniata, Stal, Oefv. Vet. Akad. Férh. Vol. 15, p. 308 (1858) (South-Africa). . macilenta, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 33. pl. 1, f. 12 (1895) (South Africa). . macroptera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 104 (1868) (Natal). c. Oriental species : . veticulata, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 186 (1798) (India). . marginata, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 288 (1897) (S. India). . humbertiana, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 130 (1863) (India, China). Phyllodvomia cognata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 92 (1865). Blatta latistriga, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 106 (1868). Blatta subreticulata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 23 (1871). . telephoroides, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 23 (1871) (Bombay). Blatta annulifera, Walker, ibidem, p. 24 (1871). . fasciceps, Walker, ibidem, p. 25 (1871) (Bombay). . lycoides, Walker, ibidem, p. 23 (1871) (Bombay). . mexacta, Walker, ibidem, p. 26 (1871) (Bombay). . submarginata, Walker, ibidem, p. 27 (1871) (Cahar). . vamifera, Walker, ibidem, p. 27 (1871) (Nepaul). . lunelt, Saussure, Rey. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 355 (1868) (Nilgiris) . diluta, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 153 (1863) (Ceylon). . ceylanica, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 355 (1868) (Ceylon). . mendica, nom. nov. (Ceylon, India). Blatta humbertiana, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 155 (1863); Vol. 20, p. 246 (1869). . mellea, Krauss, Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, p. 54 (1902) (Arabia). (1) Erroneously included in the first part ( #ctobfnae) of this work. FAM. BLATTID/A® 13 P. curvinervis, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 32 (1895) 67. (Burma, Java). 68. P. aliena, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 15 (1893)(Upper Burma). 69. P. biymanica, Brunner von Wattenwy]l, ibidem, p. 17, pl. 1, f. 4 (1893) (Burma). 70. P. unicoloy, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 18 (1893) (Mandalay, Burma). 71. P. subtilis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 18 (1893) (Pegu, Burma). 72. P. brunneryt, nom. nov. (Upper Burma). P. punctulata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 18 (1893). 73. P. feae, nom. nov. (Burma). P, marmorata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 19 (1893). 74. P. vicina, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 1g (1893) (Burma). 75. P. immunda, Brunner von Wattenwy]l, ibidem, p. 20 (1893) (Pegu, Burma). 76. P. fuliginosa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 16, pl. 1, f. 2 (1893) (Burma). 77. P. lugubms, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 16, pl. 1, f. 3 (1893) (Rangoon, Burma). 78. P. majuscula, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 139 (1869) (Siam). 79. P. polygrapha, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 222 (1868) (Siam). 80. P. sordida, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. roq (1868) (Cambodia). . P. maymorata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 140 (1869) (Mt Ophir, Malay Peninsula). — Plate 2, Fig. |. 2. P. vilis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 103 (1865) (Malacca). 82 83. P. lituricollis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 105 (1868) (Bhamo, Upper Burma; Amoy, China). Blatta colligata, Walker, ibidem, p. 221 (1868). P. bisignata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 15, pl.1, f. 1 (1893). 84. P. tsomorpha, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 108 (1868) (Hong-Kong). 85. P. sinensis, Walker, ibidem, Suppl. p. 148 (1869) (Hong-Kong). 86. P. pallidiola, Shiraki, Ann. Zool. Japon, Vol. 6, p. 20, pl. 2, f. 1 (1906) (Japan). 87. P. ferruginea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 102 (1865) (East Indies). 88. P. megaspila, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 98 (1868) (Penang, Java). Blatta arborifera, Walker, ibidem, p. 100 (1868). 89. P. picturata, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 30 (1907) (Singapore). go. P. contingens, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 229 (1868) (Singapore, Borneo). Blatta humeralis, Walker, ibidem, Suppl. p. 140 (1869). gi. P. virescens, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 231 (1868) (Borneo). 92. P. obtusifrons, Walker, ibidem, p. 226 (1868) (Borneo). 93. P. elegans, Walker, ibidem, p. 226 (1868) (Borneo). 94. P. laterifera, Walker, ibidem, p. 231 (1868) (Borneo). 95. P. hamifera, Walker, ibidem, p. 224 (1868) (Borneo). 96. P. funebris, Walker, ibidem, p. 225 (1868) (Borneo). 97. P. notulata, Stal, Frege. Eugen. Resa, Ent. p. 308 (1858) (Borneo, Java, Tahiti). P. hieroglyphica, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 105 (1865). 98. P. irregulariter-vittala, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. 24, p. 202, pl. 16, f. 1 (1898) (Borneo, Java). 99. P. rectangulaviter-vittata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 203, pl. 16, f. 3 (1898) (Borneo). 100. P. triangulaviter-vittata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 203, pl. 16, f. 4 (1898) (Borneo). 101. P. longealata, Brunner von Wattenwy]l, ibidem, p. 205, pl. 16, f. g (1898) (Borneo). 102. P. nitens, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 204, pl. 16, f. 6 (1898) (Borneo). 103. P. castanea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 204, pl. 16, f. 7 (1898) (Borneo). 104. P. terminalis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 206, pl. 16, f. 11 (1898) Borneo). 105. P. puncticollis, Brunner von Wattenwyl. ibidem, p. 206, pl. 16, f. 12 (1898) (Borneo). 106. P. nimbata, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 31 (1907) (Borneo). 107. P. nebulosa, Shelford, ibidem, p. 32 (1907) (Borneo). 108. P. hewitti, Shelford, ibidem, p. 33 (1907) (Borneo). tog. P. picteti, Fritze, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 7, p. 337 (1899) (Java). 110. P. subgenitalis, Fritze, ibidem, p. 336 (1899) (Java, Sumatra). 111. P. nodosa, Fritze, ibidem, p. 335 (1899) (Java). 14 ORTHORTERA 112. P. adversa, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 33, pl. 1, f. 9 (1895) (Java). 113. P. vaviegata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. 24, p. 205, pl. 16, f. 10 TI4. Tee 116. Tat 7 118. 119g. 120. UD. y bie) Jas) sas) “e) wae) Fe) “ae) “el ae) Lis} ie) DuovuyeyuvuyUDUyyYU UY ag) ie) is)-ael “ie! a8) a8)! Ae ws (1898) (Java). . latius-vittata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 202, pl. 16, f. 2 (1898) (Java). . molesta, Brunner von Wattenwy]l, ibidem, p. 203. pl. 16, f. 5 (1898) (Java). . secuva, Krauss, Denkschr. Med. Nat. Ges. Jena, Vol. 8, p. 749 (1903) (Java). . anceps, Krauss, ibidem, p. 749 (1903) (Java). . picticollis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 140 (1869) (Celebes). . ignobilis, Walker, Cat Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 224 (1868) (Sula Islands). . sequens, Walker, ibidem, p. 229 (1868) (Celebes). . nigrolineata, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. Vol. 34, p. 34 (1877) (Philippines). d. Australian species : . affinis, Saussure, Mém. Soc, Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 248 (1869) (Banda). . amplectens, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 223 (1868) (Morty). . guttifera, Walker, ibidem, p. 230 (1868) (Aru Islands). . suffusa, Walker, ibidem, p. 223 (1868) (New Guinea). . contigua, Walker, ibidem, p. 228 (1868) (Celebes, New Guinea). Blatta propinqua, Walker, ibidem, p. 228 (1868). . papua, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 25, foot-note (1895) (Rockhampton, Australia). . concisa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 29 (1871) (Australia). . liturata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 150 (1895) (Victoria). . magna, Tepper, ibidem, p. 19 (1895) (South Australia). . conjuncta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. rog (1868) (New Zealand). . obtusata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 892 (1895) (Hawaiian Islands). . hospes, Perkins, Fauna Hawaii. Orth. p. 5 (1899) (Hawaiian Islands). e. Neotropical species : adspersicollis, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa, Ent. p. 308 (1858) (Brazil, West Indies, Honduras). Blatta latimarco, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 97 (1868). . pellucida, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 498 (1838) (Brazil). . conspersa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 106 (1865) (Brazil). . fasciata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 107 (1865) (Brazil). . mmor, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p 94 (1865) (Brazil). . amnulicornis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 219 (1868) (Brazil). . pavana, Walker, ibidem, p. 100 (1868) (Para, Brazil). . santarema, Walker, ibidem, p. 107 (1868) (Santarem, Brazil). . flexivitta, Walker, ibidem, p. 216 (1868) (Santarem, Brazil). . varicornis, Walker, ibidem, p. 216 (1868) (Santarem, Brazil). . cercalis, Walker, ibidem, p. 214 (1868) (? Brazil). . partita, Walker, ibidem, p. 104 (1868) (? Brazil). fusca, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 21, p. 110 (1869) (Corrientes, Argentine). borellut, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 9, n. 184, p. 2 (1894) (Paraguay). . titania, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29, p. 267 (1903) (British Guiana). . nexpectata, Rehn, Proc. Acad, Nat. Sc. Philad. p. 268 (1906) (British Guiana). . albida, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 21, p. 110 (1869) (New Granada). . festae, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 13, n. 311, p. 2 (1898) (Ecuador). . nigvita, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol, 10, p. 477 (1881) (Ecuador). . pallipes, Scudder, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 12, p. 342 (1869) (Napo, Peru). . mtermedia, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 18 (1893) (Peru). . veticulayis, Blanchard, in Gay, Hist. fis. Chile, Zool. Vol. 6, p. 15 (1852) (Chili). FAM. BEATT IDA: 15 156. P. strigata, Blanchard, in Gay, Hist. fis. Chile, Zool. Vol. 6, p. 17, pl. 1, f. 4 (1852) (Chili). 157. P. pavida, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29, p. 268 (1903) (Costa Rica). 158. P. spectativa, Rehn, ibidem, p. 268 (1903) (Costa Rica), 159. P. fraterna, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 44 (1893) (Chontales, Nicaragua). 160. P. subpectinata, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 17, pl. 4, f. 18 (1893) (Guatemala), 161. P. zapoteca, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 166 (1862) (Guatemala, Mexico), 162. P. brunneriana, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 20, p. 98 (1868) (Mexico). 163. P. nahua, Saussure, ibidem. p. 355 (1868) (Mexico). 164. P. totonaca. Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 14, p. 165 (1862) (Mexico). 165. P. dilatata, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 20, p_ 98 (1868) (Mexico). 166. P. ovizabae, Saussure, ibidem, p. 355 (1868) (Mexico). 167. P. acolhua, Saussure, ibidem, p. 99 (1868) (Mexico). 168. P. mexicana, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 16, p. 311 (1864) (Mexico). 169. P. vitvea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. rog, pl. 2, f. 8 (1865) (Mexico, ? Fiji). 170. P. azteca, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 43 (1893) (Mexico). 171. P. alaris, Saussure & Zehntner, 1bidem, p. 43 (1893) (Mexico). 172. P. maya, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 45 (1893) (Mexico). 173. P. chichimeca, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 46, pl. 4, f. 22 (1893) (Mexico). 174. P. punctulata, Beauvois, Ins. Afr. Amér. p. 184, Orth. pl. 1 4, f. 8 (1805) (Mexico, Haiti, Cuba). Blatta delicatula, Guérin, in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Cuba, Ins. p. 346 (1847). 175. P. vacillans, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 114 (1868) (Haiti). 176. P. incisa, Walker, ibidem, p. 109 (1868) (Haiti). 177. P. antiguensis, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 17 (1893) (Antigua, Cuba). 178. P. detersa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 215 (1868) (Jamaica). 179. P. reticulosa, Walker, ibidem, p. 103 (1868) (Jamaica, Saint Vincent). P. semivitrea, Brunner von Wattenwyl], Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 203, pl. 15, f. 2 (1892). 180. P, insularis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. ror (1868) (Jamaica). 181. P. notata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 602, pl. 52, f. 1 (1893) (Grenada). 182. P. infuscata, Bruner, Journ. New York Ent. Soc. Vol. 14, p. 139 (1906) (Trinidad). 183. P. binotata, Bruner, tbidem, p. 140 (1906) (Trinidad). Doubtful species : 184. Blatta asiatica, Pallas, Reise, Vol. 2, p. 727 (1773) (Siberia). 185. Blatta bicincta, Walker, in Melliss, St. Helena, p. 166 (1875) (St Helena). 12. GENUS DURYODANA, KIRBy Duryodana. Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 274 (1903). Characters. — Differs only from Phyllodromia, Serville, in the very large size of the maxil- lary palpi. Geographical distribution of species. — Borneo. 1. D. palpalis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 225 (1868) (Borneo). — Plate I, Fig. 10, I I. Phyllodromia palpata, Brunner yon Wattenwyl, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. 24, p.207, pl. 16, f.13(1898). 13. GENUS DESMOSIA, BOLIVAR + Desmosia. Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 369 (1895). Characters. — Front of head rather convex, separated from the vertex by the eyes, which are adjoined, a suture only dividing them. Palpi slender, second joint twice as long as third. First joint 16 ORTHOPTERA of antennez very long. Pronotum transversely elliptical, anteriorly truncate not covering vertex of head, posteriorly slightly arcuate. Tegmina and wings as in Phyllodyomia, Seventh abdominal tergite of male with the posterior margin sinuate. Supra-anal lamina of male transverse, its posterior margin obtusely angulate and excised in the middle. Sub-genital lamina of male small, with two styles. Cerci long, the apical half subulate. Geographical distribution of species. — Seychelle Islands. t. D. alluaudi, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 371 (1895) (Seychelle Islands). 14. GENUS’: ONYCHOSTYLUS, BOLIVAR Onychostylus. Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 289 (1897). Characters. — Allied to Phyllodyomia, Serville, but with the last joint of the maxillary palpi much shorter than the penultimate joint. Pronotum transverse. Supra-anal lamina in the male transverse, in the female with a median lobe, narrowly excised in the middle. Sub-genital lamina in the male deeply excised, styles bifid at apex and spined. Geographical distribution of species. — India. 1. O. unguiculatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 290, pl. 10, f. 4, 4a, 46 (1897) (Trichinopoly, India). 15. GENUS LUPPARIA, WALKER Lupparia. Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 65 (1868) Pseudectobia. Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 234 (1869); Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 36 (1907). Characters. — Allied to Phyllodvomia, Serville but wings with a prominent triangular apical area, ulnar vein ramose. Femora strongly armed. Supra-anal lamina produced triangularly. Geographical distribution of species. — Mascarene Islands, India Malay Archipelago. 1. L. insulavis, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 20, p. 237 (1869) (Mauritius). 2. L. pallidula, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 287, pl. 10, f. 3 (1897) (South India). 3. L. adimonialis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 66 (1868) (Philippines). — Plate I, Fig. 12. 16. GENUS LIOSILPHA, STAL Liosilpha. Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Vol. 2 (13), p. 10 (1874). Characters. — Broad, convex insects. Tegmina short, scarcely exceeding apex of abdomen, their venation often obsolete in the anal and discoidal fields, marginal field broad. Wings with a minute apical triangle or none, ulnar vein multiramose. Femora strongly armed. Sub-genital lamina of male with large, asymmetrical and strongly chitinised styles. Geographical distribution of species. — Africa, Japan, [razil. . L. curta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 220 (1868) (Congo). . L. anomala, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 248 (1869) (Gaboon). . L. alluaudi, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 35 (1907) (Madagascar). . L. japonica, Shelford, ibidem, p. 33 (1907) (Japan). . L. pumicata, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa, Ent. p. 309 (1858) (Brazil). nF WH H FAM. BLATTIDE 17 17. GENUS PSEUDOPHYLLODROMIA, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Pseudophyllodromia. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 111 (1865). Characters. -— Head very broad, not covered by the pronotum, eyes widely separate. Pronotum transversely elliptical. Tegmina somewhat attenuated towards apex, anterior ulnar vein ramose, posterior ulnar vein simple, angled. Wings with ulnar vein ramose. Supra-anal lamina triangular, produced. Front femora with a few long spines on anterior margin beneath, succeeded distally by close-set pili- form sete. Geographical distribution of species. — Borneo, Singapore, Philippines, Central and South America. The Oriental species differ from the Neotropical species in the following characters : Branches of ulnar vein of tegmina oblique numerous, branches of ulnar vein of wings UETHES ~5 5 6 © 6 6 4 6 & © O 6 6 6 G o G OG o TEL IHIIOIen'acHo)nyto) "II Branches of ulnar vein of tegmina longitudinal, parallel, three in number, branches of ulnar ver of wings three to fourin number . . . . . . . . . EUPHYLLODROMIA,nov.subg. a. PSEUDOPHYLLODROMIA . oynata, Brunner von Wattefwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 112 (1865) (Philippines). . laticeps, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 142(1869) (Singapore, Borneo).— Plate I, Fig. 8. Phyllodromia laticaput, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Abh. Senckenb, Ges. Frankf.Vol. 24, p. 205, pl. 16, f. 8 (1898). . pulcherrina, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 266, pl. 14, f. 3 (1906) (Sarawak, Borneo). . bipunctata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 141 (1869) (Celebes). fe) tis) eh ae) 6. EUPHYLLODROMIA 5. P. alternans, Serville, Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 114 (1839} (Cayenne). 6. P. pavonacea, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29, p. 263 (1903) (British Guiana). 7. P. prona, Rehn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. p. 264 (1906) (British Guiana). 8. P. fasciatella, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 99 (1868) (Surinam). g. P. hystvix, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 21, p. 110 (1869) (Venezuela, Colombia). — Plate |, Fig. 9. P, histyio, Saussure, Mission Sc. Mexique, Vol. 6, p. 46 (1870). 10. P. heydeniana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 313 (1864) (Brazil). 11. P. obscura, Saussure, Mém. Soc Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 98 (1873) (Brazil). 12. P. lineolata, Dalman, Anal. Ent. p. 87 (1823) (Brazil). ? P. lineolata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 98 (1873). 13. P. variegata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 112 (1868) (Brazil). 14. P. perloides, Walker, ibidem, p. 217 (1868) (Brazil). 15. P, peruana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16. p. 3rr (1864) (Peru). 16. P. angustata, Latreille, in Humboldt & Bonpland., Observ. Zool. Vol. 1, p. 146, pl. 15, f. 9 (1807) (Vera Cruz, Mexico). Blatta venosa, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 310 (1864). — Plate I, Fig. ite Doubtful species : 17. P. liturifera, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 21 (1871) (West Coast of North America). 18 ORTHOPTERA 18. GENUS MACROPHYLLODROMIA, SAUSSURE & ZEHNTNER Macrophyllodromia. Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 46 (1893). Characters. — Allied to Pseudophyllodvomia, Brunner von Wattenwyl, but tegmina broader, their anterior field very broad, with numerous costal veins, discoidal sectors oblique. Wings with anterior field very broad, ulnar vein multiramose. Front femora armed beneath on the front margin with a complete row of long spines. Geographical distribution of species. — Mexico. 1. M. maximiliani, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. too, pl. 10, f. 35 (1873) (Mexico). 19. GENUS ALLACTA, SAUSSURE & ZEHNTNER Allacta. Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 45 (1895). Abrodiaeta. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 20 (1893). Characters. — Small species, very like Phyllodvomia in appearance. Tegmina and wings usually shorter than the body. Median vein of wings absent or given off as a branch of the radial, sometimes branched, costal veins few and irregular, ulnar vein ramose. Supra-anal lamina rounded. Femora weakly spined. Geographical distribution of species. — India, Ceylon, Burma, Borneo, Australia. 1. A. cvassivenosa, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 290 (1897) (India). 2. A. latipennis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 109 (1865) (Ceylon, New Zealand ?, Australia ?). 3. A. modesta, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p. 21, pl. 1, f. 5 (1893) (Burma) 4. A. parva, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 268 (1906) (Borneo). 5. A, spuria, Brunnervon Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p.96(1865)(Fiji, Australia). —Plate 2, Fig.7. Blatta mundicola, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. ror (1868). Blatta inquinata, Walker, ibidem, p. 103 (1868). Blatta latirupta, Walker, ibidem, Suppl. p. 143 (1869). Blatta bitaeniata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 243 (1869). Apolyta marginata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 152 (1895). 6. A. similis, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 245 (186g) (Australia). Blatta patula, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 143 (1869). Apolyta pallida, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 46 (1893). 7. A. pallescens, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 152 (1895) (Victoria). 20. GENUS ANALLACTA, NOV. GEN. Allacta (part). Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 45 (1895). Characters. — Large coriaceous insects. superficially resembling species of Periplanetine genera, such as Methana and Periplanefa. Marginal field of tegmina very broad. Wings sometimes reduced, median vein sometimes ramose, sometimes absent, costals more numerous than in the preceding genus, rather irregular, ulnar vein ramose. Supra-anal lamina triangular, produced. Femora strongly armed. FAM. BLATTIDE 19 Geographical distribution of species. — Madagascar. 1. A. lobata, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 25 (1891) (Madagascar). A. lobata, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 46, pl. 1, f. 4 (1895). 2. A. undata, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 47, pl. 1, f. 5 (1895) (Madagascar), 3. A. brachyptera, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 49, pl. 1, f. 6 (1895) (Madagascar). 4. A. abbreviata, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 50 (1895) (Madagascar). 5. A.methanoides, nov. sp,.(1) (Madagascar). — Plate 2, Fig. 8. 21. GENUS CERATINOPTERA, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Ceratinoptera. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 75 (1865). Balta. Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 40 (1893). Characters. — Tegmina very variable in size, sometimes reaching the apex of the abdomen, sometimes much reduced, always lanceolate in the male, sometimes quadrate in the female. Wings well- developed, reduced or rudimentary, ulnar vein simple, occasionally bifurcate, never ramose. Supra-anal lamina of male usually triangular. Femora strongly armed. Geographical distribution of species. — All the regions of the world except the Palearctic. . C. dimidiata, Gerstacker, Arch. f. Naturg. Vol. 35, p. 205 (1869) (East Africa). 2. C. abyssinica, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc: Phys. Nat. Geneéve, Vol. 23, p. 93 (1873) (Abyssinia). C. variegata, Schulthess-Schindler, Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sc. Nat. Vol. 35, p. 191, pl. 8, f. 1 (1899) (East Africa, Delagoa Bay, Transvaal). C. hottentota, Saussure, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf. Vol. 21, p. 575 (1899). Aphlebia transvaaliensis, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Lond. (7), Vol. 5, p. 278 (1900). 4. C. portalensis, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 22, n. 556, p. 1 (1907) (Uganda). 5. C. bimaculata, Shelford, Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandjaro etc., pt. 17. Orthoptera Blattodea, p. 23 (1907) (German E. Africa). 6. C. usambarensis, nom. nov. (German E. Africa). C. castanea, Shelford, ibidem, p. 23 (1907). 7. C. sjéstedti, Shelford, ibidem, p. 23, pl. 3, f. 16-17 (1907) (German E. Africa). 8. C. variabilis, Shelford, ibidem, p. 24 (1907) (Kilimandjaro). g. C. perpulchra, Shelford, ibidem, p. 25, pl. 2, f. 2, pl. 3, f. 13 (1907) (Kilimandjaro). 10. C. ovata, Shelford, ibidem. p. 25 (1907) (German E. Africa). 11. C. bolivari, Adelung, Ann, Mus. Zool. St. Petersb. Vol. 9, p. 431 (1905) (Gallaland). 12. C. schulthessi, Kirby, Syn. Cat Orth. Vol. 1, p. 103 (1904) (South, West and East Africa,? Ceylon). Temnopteryx ferruginea, Schulthess-Schindler, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 39, p. 165 (1898). 13. C. iscripta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 145 (1868) (Natal). — Plate 2, Fig. 6. 14. C. madecassa, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 238, pl. 3, f. 19 (1869) (Mada- gascar). 15. C. abbreviata, Saussure, ibidem. Vol. 17, p. 149, pl. 1, f. 13 (1864) (Réunion Island). 16. C. martini, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 292, pl. 10, f. 6 (1897) (Trichinopoly, India). 17. C. fulva, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 85 (1865) (Java). 18. C. sundaica, Fritze, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 7, p. 338 (1900) (Java). 19. C. couloniana, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 150, pl. 1, 1. 14 (1864) (Australia). Paratemnopteryx blattoides, Tepper (2), Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 149 (1895). (1) A. methanoides, nov. sp. — G. Allied to A. wdafa, Saussure & Zehntner, but disc of pronotum unmarked. Lateral margins of pronotum and mediastinal area of tegmina testaceous. Median vein of wing a branch of the radial vein. Supra-anal lamina triangular, produced, apex not emarginate, sub-genital lamina transverse, widely emarginate. — Total length 20 mm.: length of tegmina 15.5 mm.; pronotum 5.4 mm. x 8 mm. — Antongil Bay, N. E. Madagascar. 20 ORTHOPTERA 20. C. platysoma, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 111 (1868) (Western Australia). 21. C. epilamproides, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 40 (1893) (Kangaroo Is., Australia). 22. C. fervuginea, Tepper. ibidem, Vol. 19, p. 148 (1895) (Victoria) 23. C. texensis, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr, Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 52, pl. 3, f. 31 (1893) (Texas, New Mexico). 24. C. lutea, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 48 (1893) (Georgia, U. S. America). 25. C. tavasca, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 164 (1862) (Mexico). 26. C. otomia, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 20, p. 98 (1868) (Mexico). 27. C. limbata, Saussure, ibidem, p. 98 (1868) (Mexico). 28. C. sumichrastt, Saussure, ibidem, p. 97 (1868) (Mexico). 29. C. olmeca, Saussure, ibidem, p. 354 (1868) (Mexico). 30. C. kaupiana, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 92 (1873) (Mexico). 31. C. mtida, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 53, pl. 4, f. 31, 32 (1893) (Mexico). 32. C. guatemalae, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 53, pl. 4, f. 27, 28 (1893) (Guatemala), 33. C. fissa, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 54, pl. 4, f. 29, 30 (1893) (Guatemala). , 34. C. lobipennis, Saussure, Mission Sc. Mexique, Orth. p. 26 (1870) (Brazil). 35. C. facies, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p 102 (1868) (? Brazil). 36. C. picta, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 76, pl. 1, f. 4 (1865) (Brazil). 37. C. castanea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 77 (1865) (Brazil). 38. C. ardua, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 12, n. 302, p. 3 (1897) (Argentine). 39. C. continua, Giglio-Tos, ibidem, p. 4 (1897) (Argentine). 40. C. peruviana, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 78 (1865) (Peru). 41. C. dimorpha, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 10, p? 464, pl. 8, f. 4 (1881) (Peru). 2. C. snodgrassi, McNeill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Wash. Vol. 3, p. 493 (1901) (Galapagos Islands). 43. C. mcommoda, Kirby, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Vol. 20, p. 533 (1894) (Fernando Noronha). 44. C. diaphana, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Vol. 2, p. 11 (1792) (West Indies). 45. C. poeyt, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 164 (1862) (Cuba). 46. C. porcellana, Saussure, ibidem, p. 164 (1862) (Cuba). Doubtful species : . pygmaea, Beauvois, Ins. Afr. Amér. p. 184, Orth. pl. 10, f. g (1805) (Haiti). . discalis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 111 (1868) (West Australia). . latipes, Walker, ibidem, p. 165 (1868) (St. Helena, Sierra Leone). aS Oo QDS 22. GENUS PARACERATINOPTERA, SAUSSURE Paraceratinoptera, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 357 (1868); Mission Sc. Mexique, Orth. p. 87 (1870). Characters, — Differs from Ceratinoptera, Brunner von Wattenwyl, in the absence of arolia between the tarsal claws. Tegmina corneous, lanceolate, as long as, or shorter than, the body.’ Wings. small, ulnar vein bifureate. Supra-anal lamina triangular in both sexes, sub-genital lamina of male with styles. Geographical distribution of species. — Central America. 1. P. nahua, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 357 (1868) (Mexico, Guatemala). 2. P. dohyniana, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 49 (1893) (Guatemala). FAM. BLATTIDA 23. GENUS ANISOPYGIA, SAUSSURE Anisopygia. Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 8, p. 57 (1893); Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 49 (1893)... Characters. — Allied to Ceratinopterva, Brunner von Wattenwyl. Antenne slightly incrassated. Pronotum not covering vertex of head. Tegmina corneous, abbreviated. Wings rudimentary. Penultimate abdominal tergite strongly sinuate. Supra-anal lamina in the male divided almost to the base into two unequal lobes; sub-genital lamina in the male asymmetrical with two unequal styles. Geographical distribution of species. — Guatemala. 1. A. jocosicluna, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 8, p. 57 (1893) (Guatemala). — Plate 2, Fig. 4, 5. A, jocosicluna, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 5o, pl. 1, f. 25, 26 (1893). 24. GENUS TEMNOPTERYX, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Temnopteryx. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 83 (1865). Characters. — The same as in Ceratinoptera, but the tegmina in both sexes quadrate or obliquely truncate, not extending beyond the second abdominal tergite. Wings usually present, but rudimentary, equalling the tegmina in length. Geographical distribution of species. — India, Philippines, Samoa, Africa, Madagascar. 1. T. brachyptera, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 19, p. 301, pl. 1, f. 2 (1890) (North Africa). 2. T. abyssinica, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 51, foot-note (1895) (Massowa, Abyssinia). — Plate 2, Fig. 3. T. saussuret, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Vol. 66, p. 292 (1897). . bvunnert, Adelung, Ann. Mus. Zool. St-Pétersb. Vol. 9, p. 433 (1905) (Abyssinia). . caffra, Saussure, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankfurt, Vol. 21, p. 577 (1899) (East Africa). . ectobioides, Shelford, Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandjaro etc., pt. 17, Orthoptera, Blattodea, p. 26, pl. 2, f. 12 (1907) (German E. Africa). Coa SAN 6. T. affints, Shelford, ibidem, p. 27 (1907) (Meru, Kilimandjaro). 7. T. rufa, Shelford, ibidem, p. 27 (1907) (Kilimandjaro). 8. T. nana, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 241 (1869) (Senegal). g. TI. phalevata, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 309 (1864) (South Africa). to. T. inconspicua, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 85 (1865) (Cape Town). 11. 1. elizabethae, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 5, p. 279 (1900) (Cape Colony). 12. T. sgkalava, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 25 (1891) (Madagascar, Zanzibar). T. sakalava, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 51, pl. 1, f. 16 (1895). 13. T. panteli, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 25 (1891) (Madagascar). T. panteli, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 52, pl. 1, f. 15 (1895). 14. T. madecassa, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 53 (1895) (Madagascar). 15. T. indica, Saussure, Mém. Soc Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 130 (1864) (Pondicherry, India). 16. T. truncata, Saussure, ibidem, p. 148, pl. 1, f. 12 (1864) (Pondicherry, India). 17. T. alca, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 293. pl. 10, f. 7 (1897) (Trichinopoly, India). 18. T. bicolor, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 293 (1897) (Trichinopoly, India). 19. I. dimidiatipes, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 19, p. 300, pl. 1, f. 1 (1890) (Philippines). 20. T. obscura, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 241 (1869) (Samoa). 21. T. abbreviata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 164 (1895) (Victoria). 2p ORTHOPTERA 25. GENUS LOBOPTERA, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Loboptera. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 79 (1865). Characters. Ocelli absent. Vertex of head not covered by the pronotum. Tegmina lobiform and wings absent in both sexes. Abdomen broad. Supra-anal lamina produced, obtuse in the male, emarginate in the female. Sub-genital lamina in the male triangular, obtuse, without styles, in the female ample, emarginate. Femora strongly armed, rather compressed; an arolium present between the tarsal claws. Geographical distribution of species. — Cosmopolitan. t. L. decipiens, Germar, Reise in Dalmatien, p. 249 (1817) (Southern Europe, Madeira, Asia Minor). 2. L. fortunata, Krauss, Zool. Anz. Vol. 15, p. 165 (1892) (Canary Islands). 3. L. mavoccana, Bolivar, Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Vol. 23, p. 84 (1894) (Morocco). 4. L. minor, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 85 (1894) (Morocco). 5. L. tartara, Saussure, in Fedschenko, Reise in Turkestan, Orth. p. 8, pl. 1, f. 5 (1874) (Turkestan). 6. L. indica, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouy. Syst. des Blatt. p. 82 (1865) (India). 7. L. peculiavis, Burr, Bull. Liverpool Mus. Vol. 2, p. 42 (1900); Nat. Hist. Sokotra, p. 415, pl. 25, f. 8 (1903) (Sokotra). — Plate 2, Fig. 9. 8. L. nitida, Shelford, Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandjaro etc. pt. 17, Orthoptera, Blat- todae, p. 28 (1907) (German E. Africa). g. L. duplovittata, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 25 (1891) (Madagascar). 10. L. trivittata, Erichson, Arch. f. Naturg. Vol. 8, p. 248 (1842) (Tasmania). 11. L. halmaturina, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 36 (1893) (Kangaroo Isl., Australia). 12. L. duodecimsignata, Tepper, ibidem, p. 36 (1893) (Adelaide, Australia). 13. L. civcumcincta, Tepper, ibidem, p. 37 (1893) (Kangaroo Isl., Australia). 14. L. tricolor, Tepper, in Horn, Exped. Centr. Austral. Vol. 2, p. 357 (1896) (Central Australia). 15. L. extvanea, Perkins, Fauna Hawaii. Orth. p. 6 (1899) (Hawaiian Islands). 16. L. americana, Scudder, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Davenport, Vol. 8, p. 93, pl. 2, f. 4 (1899) (Anzona). 17. L. schaefferi, Rehn, Psyche, Vol. 11, p. 72 (1904) (South Texas). 18. L. annulicornis, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p..54 (1893) (Mexico). 19. L. aequalis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 21 (1871) (Brazil). 20. L. laurenziana, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 12, n. 302, p. 2 (1897) (Argentine). 21. L. borelliu, Giglio-Tos, ibidem, p. 3 (1897) (Argentine, Bolivia). 22. L. avaucana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 21, p. 10g (1869) (Chili). 26. GENUS PARALOBOPTERA, SAUSSURE Paraloboptera. Saussure, Mission Sc. Mexique, Orth. p. 86 (1870). Characters. — Differs only from Lodopftera, Brunner von Wattenwyl, in the absence of arolia between the tarsal claws. Geographical distribution of species. — South America and Abyssinia, 1. P. unicoloy, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 100 (1868) (Buenos Aires). 2. P. vas, Adelung, Ann. Mus. Zool. St-Pétersb. Vol. 9, p. 437 (1905) (Abyssinia). 27. GENUS APTEROBLATTA, SHELFORD Apteroblatta. Shelford, Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandjaro etc., pt. 17. Orthoptera, Blattodea, p. 28 (1907). FAM. BLATTIDZ® 23 Characters. — Allied to Lobopteva, Brunner yon Wattenwyl, but tegmina entirely absent in both sexes. Arolia present. Geographical distribution of species. East Africa, Abyssinia. 1. A. perplexa, Shelford, Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandjaro etc., pt. 17. Orthoptera, Blattodea, p. 28, pl. 2, f. 3, 13 (1907) (Kilimandjaro). 2. A. adelungi, Shelford, ibidem, p. 29 (1907) (Abyssinia). 28. GENUS ATTAPHILA, WHEELER Attaphila. Wheeler, The Amer. Natur. Vol. 34, p. 856-862 (1900). Characters. — Body oval. Head strongly transverse, towards the middle as broad as long. Antenne with the first joint large, dilated gradually towards the apex and slightly curved, the second small, sub-quadrate, the third and fourth short and transverse, the following increasing distally in length. Eyes very narrow and reduced. Pronotum barely covering vertex of head, posteriorly truncate. Tegmina in male sub-quadrate, with internal posterior angle rounded, reaching to end of the metanotum; absent in the female. Wings absent. Abdomen depressed, broad; penultimate tergite narrow transverse; supra- anal lamina triangular produced in the male, in the female trapezoidal with the posterior border emarginate; sub-genital lamina of male with one style. Cerci short, rounded, not segmented. Legs short, robust, femora armed beneath, tibiz strongly, spined, tarsal claws with arolia. All the species inhabit ants’ nests. Geographical distribution of species. —— Southern United States, South America. 1. A. fungicola, Wheeler, The Amer. Natur. Vol. 34, p. 856-862, f. 3-5 (1g00) (Texas). tb hs Pibtie 25 [Figs Ul (le . beygi, Bolivar, Comun. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, Vol. 1, p. 334 (1901) (Argentine, Uruguay) — 3. A. sexdentis, Bolivar, Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. Vol. 11, p. 137 (1905) (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). 4. A. schuppi, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 138 (1905) (Porto Alegre, Brazil}. 5. A. apftera, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 137 (1905) (Colombia). Pages. abbreviata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Anal- lacta) abbreviata, Sauss (g. Ceratinoptera) abbreviata, Tepp. (g. Temnopteryx) Abrodizeta (genus), Brunn. v. W. abyssinica, Sauss. (g Ceratinop- tera) abyssinica, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Tem- nopteryx) acolhua, Sauss. (g. Phyllodvomia) adelungi, Shelf. (g. Apteroblatta) adimonialis, Walk. (g. Lupparia) INDEX Pages. adspersicollis, Stal (g. Phyllodyomia) 14 adusta, Caud. (g Ischnoptera) 8 adversa, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 14 aegrota, Gerst. (g. Ischnoptera) 6 aequalis, Walk. (g. Loboptera) 22 aequatorialis, Wern. (g. Phyjlo- dromia) 12 affinis, Burm (g. Pseudomops) 4 affinis, Walk. (g. Pseudomops) 4 affinis, Sauss. (g¢. Phyllodvomia) 14 affinis, Shelf. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 Pages. alaris, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. PAyllodro- mia) ID albida, Sauss. (g, Phyllodromia) 14 albostriata, Shelf. (g. Pseudomops) 4 albovariegata, Shelf. (g. Phyllodro- mia) II albovittatum, Sauss. (g. Ellipsidion) 6 alca, Bol. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 aliena, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllodro- mia) 13 Allacta (genus), Sauss. & Zehnt. 18 alluaudi, Shelf. (g. Pzroblatia) 9 24 Pages. alluaudi, Bol. (g. Phyllodromia) II alluaudi, Bol. (g Desmosia) 16 alluaudi, Shelf. (g. Liostlpha) 16 alternans, Serv. (g. Pseudophyllodyo- mia) 17 americana, Sauss. (g Pseudomops) 4 americana, Scudd. (g. Loboptera) 22 amoena, Sauss. (g. Pseudomops) 4 amplectens, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 amplicollis, Gerst. (g. Phyllodromia) 11 Anallacta (genus), Shelf. 18 anastomosa, Tepp. (g. /schnoptera) Fi anceps, Krauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 angusta, Walk. (g. Pseudomops) 4 angustata, Latr. (g. Pseudophyllo- dromia) 17 angustefasciata, Wern. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 12 Anisopygia (genus), Sauss. 21 annulicornis, Burm. (g. Pseudomops) 4 annulicornis, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Isch- noptera) 8 annulicornis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 annulicornis, Sauss, & Zehnt. (g. Lo- boptera) 22 annulifera, Walk. (g. Phyllodvomia) 12 anomala, Sauss. (g. Liosilpha) 16 antiguensis,Sauss. & Zehnt.(g.Phyllo- dromia) 15 Apolyta (genus), Brunn. v. W. 5 aptera, Bol. (g. Attaphila) 23 Apteroblatta (genus), Shelf. 22 araucana, Sauss (g, Loboptera) 22 arborifera, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 arcta, Brunn. v. W.(g. Ischnoptera) 7 ardua, Gig.-Tos. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 arundinicola, Wern. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 asiatica, Pallas. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 Attaphila (genus), Bol. 23 aurantiaca, Sauss. & Zehnt (g. Pseu- domops) 4 aurantium, Sauss. (g. Ellipsidion) 5 australe, Sauss. (g. Ellipsidion) 5 australiae, Brunn. v. W. (g. Ischnop- teva) 7 australis, Sauss. (g. /schnoptera) 7 australis, Sauss. (g. Paratemnopteryx) 9 azteca, Sauss (g. Ischnoptera) 8 azteca, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyllodvo- mia. 15 Balta (genus), Tepp. 19 basalis, Gerst. (g. Ischnoptera) 6 ORTHOPTERA Pages. beauvoisii, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) bergi, Bol. (g. Attaphila) bergrothi, Griff. (g. Ischnoptera) bicincta, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) bicolor, Shelf. (g, Pseudomops) bicolor, Tepp. (g. Ellipsidion) bicolor, Beauv. (g. Ischnoptera) bicolor, Sauss. (g. Caloblatta) bicolor, Bol. (Temnopterya) biligata, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) bilunata. Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) bimaculata, Gerst. (g. Ischnoptera) bimaculata, Shelf. (g. Cevatinoptera) binotata, Brun. (g, Phyllodromia) bipunctata, Walk. (Pseudophyllodro- mid) birmanica, Brunn. v. W. (Phyllodvo- mia) bisignata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phvilo- dvomia) bitaeniata, Stal 1g. Phyllodromia) bitaeniata, Sauss. (g. Allacta) bivittata, Thom. (g. Phyllodvomia) bivittata, Serv. (g. Phyllodromia) blattoides, Tepp.(g. Paratemnopteryx) blattoides, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) bocagii, Bol. (g. [schnoptera) bolivari, Adel. (g. Ceratinoptera) bolliana, Sauss. & Zehnt (g. Ischno- plera) borealis, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) borealis, Brunn. v. W. (g.[schnoptera) borellii, Gig. Tos. (g. Phyllodromia} borellii. Gig. Tos. (g. Loboptera) bouvieri, Shelf. (g. Pzvoblatta) brachyptera, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Anallacta) brachyptera, Bol. (g. Temnopteryx) brasiliensis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Isch- noptera) brevipennis, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) brevipes, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) brunneonigra, Tepp. (g. Ischnoptera) brunneri, Sauss. (g. Pseudomops) brunneri, Shelf (g. Piyllodromia). brunneri, Adel. (g. Temnopteryx) brunneriana, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromta) burri, Shelf (g. Pseudomops) caffra, Sauss. (g. Temnopteryx) Caloblatta (genus), Sauss. capensis, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) capitata, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) ucat 23 15 de) 21 17 13 Pages. cassiphila, Rochebr. (g.Phyllodvomia) 11 castanea, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 castanea, Blanch. (g. [schnoptera) 8 castanea, Brunn. v. W. (g. Piyllo- dromia) 13 castanea, Brunn. v. W. (g. Cerati- noptera) 20 castaneum, Shelf. (g. Ellipsidion) 6 cavernicola, Shelf. (g. Jschnoptera) centralis, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) 7, centralis, Gerst. (g. Phyllodromia) II Ceratinoptera (genus), Brunn. v. W. 19 cercalis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 ceylanica, Sauss. (g. Phyllodvomia) 12 chichimeca, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Piyl- lodromia) 563) Chrastoblatta (genus), Sauss, & Zehnt. i) cincta, Burm. (g. Pseudomops) 4 cincta, Fabr. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 cinnamomea, Gerst. (g. Ischnoftera) 6 circumcincta, Stal (g. Pseudothyrso- cera) 5 circumcincta, Tepp. (g. Loboptera) 22 circumclusa, Stal (g. Pseudothyrso- cera) 5 clara, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 cognata, Brunn. v. W. (g, Piyllodro- mia) I2 colligata, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia\ 13 concinna, Walk. (g. Pseudomops) a concisa, Walk. (g Phyllodromia) 14 conformis, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. [sch- noptera) 8 conjuncta, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 conradti, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) II consobrina, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) 8 conspersa, Brunn v. W. (g. Pihyllo- dromia) 14 conspicienda, Bol. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 constricta, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 11 contigua, Walk. (¢. Phyllodromia) 14 contingens, Walk. (g. Fiyllodromia) 13 continua, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) 6 continua, Gig.-Tos (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 contraria, Tepp. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 cordofana, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 12 corommensis, Schulth. (g. Phyllodro- mia) 12 “I couloniana, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) couloniana, Sauss. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 Pages. crassivenosa, Bol. (g. Allacta) 18 crinicornis, Burm. (g. Pseudomops) 4 crinicornis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Pseu- domops) 4 cubensis, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) II curta, Walk. (g Lzosilpha) 16 curvinervis, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyl- lodromia) 13 deceptura. Walk. (g. Pseudomops) 4 decipiens, Germ. (g. Loboptera) 22 decoratum, Tepp. (g. Ellipsidion) 6 delicatula, Guér. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 delta, Kirby (g. Phyllodromia) Il depressum, Walk. (g. Ellipsidion) 6 deprivata, Walk. (g. Phyllodyomia) 11 deropeltiformis, Brunn.v.W. (g. Isch- noptera) 7 ‘desertorum, Adel. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 Desmosia (genus), Bol. 15 detersa, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 diaphana, Fabr. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 dilatata, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromi«) 15 diluta, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 dimidiata, Sauss. (g. Chrastoblatta) 9 dimidiata, Gerst. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 dimidiatipes, Bol. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 | dimorpha, Bol. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 discalis, Walk. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 discicollis, Burm. (g. Pseudomops) 4 divisa, Sauss.& Zehnt. (e.[schnoptera) 7 dohrniana, Sauss. & Zehnt (g. Para- ceratinoptera) 20 dubia, Sauss. (¢. Pseudomops) 4 duodecimsignata, Tepp.(g.Loboptera) 22 duplovittata, Sauss. (g. Loboptera) 22 Duryodana (genus), Kirby 15 ectobioides, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 ectobioides, Shelf. (g. Temanopteryx) 21 elegans, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 elizabethae, Kirby (g. Temnopteryx) 21 Ellipsidion (genus), Sauss. 5 elongata, Beauv. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 epilamproides, Tepp.(g. Ceratinoptera) 20 erythrina, Walk. (g. [schnoptera) 8 Euphyllodromia(subgenus),Shelf. 17 excavata, Shelf. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 excisa, Bol. (g. [schnoptera) 8 extenuata, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 11 extranea, Perk. (g. Loboptera) 22 facies, Walk. (g. Cevatinoptera) 20 fasciata, Brunn.v.W. (g.Phyllodromia) 14 FAM. BLATTIDA Pages. fasciatella, Sauss. (g. Psendophyllo- dromia) 17 fasciceps, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 feae, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 femoralis, Walk. (y. Pseudomops) 4 femoratum, Brunn. v. W. (g. Ellip- stadion) 5 ferrea, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 12 ferruginea, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 13 ferruginea, Tepp. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 ferruginea, Schulth. (g. Cevatinoptera) 19 festae. Griff. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 festae, Gig.-Tos. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 figurata. Walk. (g. Phiyllodromia) Il fissa, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyllodro- mia\ 12 fissa, Sauss.& Zehnt.(g. Ceratinoptera) 20 flavicollis, Serv. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 flavipes, Burm. (g. Pseudomops) flavocincta, Scudd. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 flexivitta, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia, I4 fortunata, Krauss. (z. Loboptera) 22 fraterna, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyl- lodromta) 15 fuliginosa, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyl- lodromia) 13 fulva, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 5] fulva, Brunn. v. W. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 fumata, Burm. (g. [schnoptera) 8 funebris, Walk. (g. Phyllodyomia) 13 fungicola, Wheel. (g. Attaphila) 23 fusca, Brunn. v. W. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 fusca, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 germanica, Linné (g. Phyllodromia) 11 gracile, Butl. (g. Ellipsidion) gracilis, Burm. (g. Ischnoptera) grata, Rehn. (g. Pseudomops) 4 guatemalae, Sauss & Zehnt. (g. Ce- vatinoptera) 20 guerinina, Sauss. 'g. Pseudomops) 4 guttifera, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 halmaturina, Tepp. (g. Loboptera) 22 hamata, Gig.-Tos. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 hamifera, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 hebes, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 hemerobina, Gerst. (g. Piyllodromia\ 11 hewitti, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 heydeniana, Sauss. (g. Pseudophyl- lodromia) 17 25 Pages. hieroglyphica, Brunn.v. W. (g.Phyl- lodromta) 13 himalayica, Brunn. v. W. (g. Isch- noptera) 7 hirticornis, Burm. (g. Pseudomops) 4 histrio, Sauss. (g. Pseudophyllodromia) 17 histrionicum, Rehn. (g. Ellipsidion) 6 hespes. Perk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 hottentota, Sauss. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 humbertiana, Sauss. (g. Phyllodvomia) 12 humerale, Tepp. (g. Ellipsidion) 6 humeralis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 hyalina, Scudd. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 hystrix, Sauss (g. Pseudophyllodromia) 17 ignobilis, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 ignobilis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 immunda, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 13 inaequalis, Sauss.& Zehnt. (g. Isch- noptera) 7 inca, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 incisa, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 incisa, Sauss.& Zehnt. (g. Phyllodro- mia) 2) inclusa, Walk. (g. Pseudomops) 4 incommoda, Kirby (g. Ceratinopiera) 20 inconspicua, Brunn. v. W.(g. Tem- nopteryx) 21 incuriosa, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 6 indica, Brunn, v. W. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 indica, Sauss. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 indica, Brunn. v. W. (g. Loboptera) 22 inexacta, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 inexpectata, Rehn (g. Phyllodromia) 14 infuscata, Brun. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 innotabilis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 inquinata, Walk. (g. Allacta) 18 inscripta, Walk. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 insignis, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) Il insularis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 insularis, Sauss. (g. Lupparia) 16 intercepta, Burm. (g. Pseudomops) 4 intermedia, Sauss. & Zehnt.(g. Phyl- lodromia) 14 intricata, Blatch. (g. [schnoptera) 8 irregulariter-vittata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Piyllodromia) 13 Ischnoptera (genus), Burm. 6 isomorpha, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 jallae, Gig.-Tos (g. Ischnoptera) Oo jamaicana, Rehn (g. Jschnoptera) 26 Pages. japonica, Shelf. (g. Ltosilpha) 16 jocosicluna, Sauss. (g. Anisopygia) 21 johnsoni, Rehn (g. Ischnoptera) 8 josephina, Gig.-Tos (g. Ischnoptera) 8 kaupiana, Sauss. (g Ceratinoptera) 20 lacrymula, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g.Phyl- lodromia) 12 laterifera, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 laticaput, Brunn. v. W. (g. Pseudo- phyllodromia) 17 laticeps, Walk. (g. Pseudophyllodvo- mia) 17 laticornis, Perty (g. Pseudomops) 4 latimarco, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 latipennis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Allacta) 18 latipes, W. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 latirupta, W. (g. Allacta) 18 latistriga, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 latius-vittata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyl- lodromia) 14 laurenziana, Gig.-Tos. (g. Loboptera) 22 limbata, Sauss. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 lineata, Oliv. (g. Pseudischnoptera) 10 lineolata, Dalm. (g. Pseudophyllodro- mia) 17 Liosilpha (genus), Stal. 16 litura, Tepp. (g. Ellipsidion) 6 liturata, Tepp. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 lituricollis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 liturifera, Stal. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 liturifera, Walk. (g. Pseudophyllodro- mi) 17 lobata, Sauss. (g. Anallacta) 19 lobipennis, Sauss. (g. Cevatinoptera) 20 lobiventris, Sauss. (g. Piyllodyomia) 11 Loboptera (genus), Brunn. v. W. 22 longealata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 13 longstaffi, Shelf. (g. [schnoptera) 6 luctuosa, Sauss. (g. Pseudomops) 4 lugubris, Stal. (g. Pseudothyrsocera) 5 lugubris, Brunn, v. W. (g. Phyllo- dromua) 13 luneli, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 Lupparia (genus), Walk. 16 lutea, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ceratinop- tera) 20 lycoides, Walk. (g. Phyllodvomia) 12 macilenta, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyl- lodromia) 12 ORTHOPTERA Pages. Macrophyllodromia (genus), Sauss. 18 macroptera, Walk. (g. Phyllodromta) 12 madecassa, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 madecassa, Sauss. (g. Cevatinoptera) 19 madecassa, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Tem- nopleryx) 21 magna, Shelf. (g. Pseudomops) 4 magna, Tepp. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 major, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ischnop- tera) 7 majuscula, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 malagassa, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Isch- noptera) 6 manicata, Tepp. (g. Ischnoptera) i] Mareta (genus), Bol 10 marginata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Isch- nopterda) 8 marginata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Chras- toblatta) 9 marginata, Bol. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 marginata, Tepp. (g. Allacta) 18 marginiferum, Walk. (g. Ellipsidion) 6 marmorata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 13 marmorata, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 maroccana, Bol. (g. Loboptera) 22 martini, Bol. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 maximiliani, Sauss. (g. Macrophyllo- dromia) 18 maya, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyllodro- mia) 15 megaspila, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 melana, Walk. (g. Pseudomops) 4 melasa, Walk. (g. [schnoptera) 8 mellea, Krauss (g. Phyllodvomia) 12 mendica, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 methanoides, Shelf. (g. Axallacta) 19 mexicana, Sauss. (g. Pseudomops) 4 mexicana, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 mexicana, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 mimica, Walk. (g. Psewdomops) 4 minor, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllodro- mia) 14 minor. Bol. (g. Loboptera) « 22 mirabilis, Shelf. (g. P/iyllodromia) II modesta, Brunn. v. W. (g. Ischnop- teva) 7 modesta, Brunn. v. W. (g. Allacta) 18 molesta, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllodro- mia) 14 montana, Shelf. (g. Pseudothysocera) 5 montis, Shelf. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 Pages. morio, Burm. (g. [schnoptera) 8 multiramosa, Brunn. v. W. (g. Isch- noptera) 7 mundicola, Walk. (g. Allacta) 18 munzigeri, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 11 nahua, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) 8 nahua. Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 nahua, Sauss. (g. Paraceratinoptera) 20 nana, Sauss. & Zehnt.(g. Ischnoptera) 8 nana, Sauss. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 natalensis, Walk. (g. [schnoptera) 6 nebulosa, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 neglecta, Shelf. (g. Pseudomops) 4 neglecta, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 neutra, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 6 neutra, Shelf. (g, Phyllodyomia) II nigricollis, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 nigrita, Sauss. (g. Pseudomops) 4 nigrita, Bol. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 nigrolineata, Stal. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 nigromarginata, Shelf. (g. Phyllo- dromia) II nimbata, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) 303} nitens, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllodro- mia) 13 nitida, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Ceratinop- tera) 20 nitida, Shelf. (g. Loboptera) 22 nodosa, Fritze (g. Phyllodromia) 13 nortoniana, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) R notabilis, Walk. (g¢. Phyllodromia) 12 notata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllodro- mia) 15 notulata, Stal. (g. Phyllodvomia) 13 nyctoboroides, Rehn (g. Ischnoptera) 8 obliquata, Dald. (g. Phyllodromia) II oblongata, Linn. (g. Pseudomops) 4 obscura, Sauss. (g. Pseudomops) 4 obscura, Tepp. (g. Ischnoptera) a] obscura,Sauss.(g. Pseudophyllodromia) 17 obscura, Sauss. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 obsoleta, Gerst. (g. Phyllodromia) II obtusata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dromia) I4 obtusifrons, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 occidentalis, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) 7 ocularis, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 olmeca, Sauss. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 Onychostylus (genus), Bol. 16 opima, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyllo- dvomia) 12 Pages. orizabae, Sauss. (g. Phyllodyomia) 15 ornata, Brunn. v.W. (g. Pseudophyllo- dvomia) 17 otomia, Sauss. (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 ovata, Shelf. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 Pachnepteryx(genus),Brunn.v.W. 5 pallescens, Tepp. (g. Allacta) 18 pallida, Tepp. (g. Allacta) 18 pallidicollis, Stal. (g. Pachnepteryx) 5 pallidiola, Shir. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 pallidula, Wern. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 pallidula, Bol. (g. Lupparia) 16 pallipes, Scudd. (g. Phyllodvomia) 14 palpalis, Walk. (g. Duryodana) 15 palpata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Duryodana) 15 papua, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 14 panteli, Sauss. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 Paraceratinoptera (genus), Sauss. 20 parallela, Tepp. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 Paraloboptera (genus), Sauss. 22 parana, Walk. (g. Phyllodrvomia) 14 Paratemnopteryx (genus),Sauss. 9 parenthesis, Gerst. (g. Phyllodromta) 11 partita, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 parva, Shelf. (g. Allacta) 18 parvula, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 patricia, Gerst. (g. Piyllodromia) II patula, Walk. (g. Allacta) 18 pavida, Rehn. (g. Piyllodromia) To pavonacea, Rehn. (g. Pseudophyllodro- mia) 17 peculiaris, Burr. (g. Loboptera) 22 pellucida, Burm. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 pellucidum, Brunn. v. W. (g. Ellip- sidion) 5 pensylvanica, De Geer (g. [schnoptera) 7 perloides, Walk. (g. Pseudophyllodro- mia) perplexa, Shelf. (g. Apteroblatta) perpulchra, Shelf. (g. Ischnoptera) perpulchra, Shelf. (g. Cevatinoptera) peruana, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) peruana, Sauss. (g. Pseudophyllodro- mia) peruviana, Brunn. v. W. (g. Cerati- noptera) phalerata, Sauss. (g. Phyllodvomia) phalerata, Sauss. (g. Temnopteryx) Phyllodromia (genus), Serv. pica, Walk. (g. Pseudothyrsocera) 5 FAM. BLATTIDA picea, Schulth. (g. schnoptera) picta, Brunn, v. W. (g. Ceratinoptera) picteti, Fritze (g. Phyllodromia) picticollis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) picturata, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) Piroblatta (genus), Shelf. placens, Walk. (g. Ellipsidion) Platamodes (venus) Scudd. platysoma, Walk. (g. Ceratinoptera) poeyi, Sauss. (g. Ceratinoptera) polygrapha, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) porcellana, Sauss. (g. Cevatinoptera) portalensis, Gig.-Tos (g. Ceratinop- tera) procera, Brunn. v. W. (g. [schnoptera) prona, Rehn. (g. Pseudophyllodvomia) propinqua, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) pruinosa, Brunn. v. W. (g. Pachnep- teryx) Pseudectobia (genus), Sauss. Pseudischnoptera (genus), Sauss. Pseudomops (venus), Serv. Pseudophyllodromia (genus), Brunn. v. W. Pseudsothyrsocera (genus), Shelf. puiggarii, Bol. (g. Pseudomops) pulcherrima, Shelf. (g. Pseudophyllo- dromia) pumicata, Stal (g. Liosipha) puncticollis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dvomia) punctifrons, Gerst. (g. Ischnoptera) punctulata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyl- lodromia) punctulata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dyomta) punctulata, Beauv. (g. Phyllodromia) pustulosa, Gerst. (g. Phyllodromia) pygmaea, Beauv. (g. Ceratinoptera) quadriplaga, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) quadripunctatum, Tepp. (g. Ellipsi- dion) ramifera, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) ramosa, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) ramosum, Walk. (g. Ellipsidion) ras, Adel. (g. Paraloboptera) reducta, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) relucens, Gerst. (g. Ischnoptera) rectangulariter-vittata, Brunn, v. W. (g. Phyllodromia) 6 20 13 14 13 13 15 Il on 27 Pages. reticularis, Blanch. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 reticulata, Fab. (g. Phyllodromia) I2 reticulatum, Sauss. (g. Ellipsidion) 5 reticulosa, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 reversa, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 ridleyi, Shelf. (g. Ischnoptera) 7) rubiginosa, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 rufa, Brunn. v. W. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 rufa, De Geer (g. Ischnoptera) 8 rufa, Shelf. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 rufescens, Beauv. (y. Phyllodromia) 11 ruficeps, Kirby (g. Phyllodyomia) II ruficollis, Fab. (g. Ischnoptera) 6 ruficollis, Shelf. (g. Pseudothyrsocera) 5 rufiventris, Stal (g. Pseudothyrsocera) 5 sakalava, Sauss. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 sallei, Sauss. (g. Pseudomops) 4 sancta, Gig.-Tos. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 santarema, Walk. (g. Piyllodromia) 1% saussurei, Shelf. (g. Phyllodvomia) 12 saussurei, Bol. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 schaefferi, Rehn. (g. Loboptera) 22 schuppi, Bol (g. Attaphila) 23 schulthessi, Kirby (g. Cevatinoptera) 19 scioana, Adel. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 scutigera, Walk. (g. Pseudothyrsocera) 5 secura, Krauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 semicincta, Stal. (g. Pseudothyrsocera) 5 semivitrea. Brunn. v."W. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 15 sequens, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 sex-dentis, Bol. (g. Attaphila) 23 signata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Pseudothyr- socera) 5 signaticollis, Stal. (g. Pachnepteryx) 5 sikorae, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. [schnop- tera) 6 similis, Sauss. (g. Allacta) 18 simulans, Stal (g. Psedomops) 4 sinensis, Walk. (Phyllodromia) 13 sjOstedti, Shelf. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 sjOstedti, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) II snodgrassi, Mc Neill (g. Ceratinoptera) 20 sordida, Brunn.v.W.(g. Phyllodromia) 13 spectativa, Rehn. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 spuria, Brunn. v. W. (g. Allacta) 18 strigata, Blanch. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 strigosa, Schaum. (g. /schnoptera) 6 subfasciata, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 11 subgenitalis, Fritze(g. Phyllodromia) 13 submarginata, Walk. (g. Phyllodvomia) 12 subpectinata, Sauss & Zehnt.(g. Phyl- lodromta) 15 28 Pages. subreticulata, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) subtilis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Piyllodro- mia) suffusa, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) sumichrasti, Sauss. (g. Ceratinoptera) sundaica, Fritze (g. Ceratinoptera) supellectilium, Serv. (g. Phyllodvo- mia) taczanowskii, Bol. (g. Ischnoptera) tarasca, Sauss. (g. Ceratinoptera) tartara, Sauss. (g. Loboptera) telephoroides, Walk. (g. Phyllodro- mia) Temnopteryx (genus), Brunn.v.W. terminalis, Walk. (g. Piyllodromia) terminalis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dvomia) termitina, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) testacea, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) testaceum, Tepp. (g. Ellipsidion) texensis, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Cerati- noptera) Thyrsocera (genus), Burm. titania, Rehn (g. Phyllodromia) tolteca, Sauss. (g. Pseudomops) tolteca, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) totonaca, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 II 15 ORTHOPTERA Pages. translucida, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 transvaaliensis, Kirby (g. Ceratinop- tera) 19 transversalis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 11 treitliana, Wern.(g. Phyllodromia) 12 triangulariter-vittata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 tricolor, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Chrasto- blatta) 9 tricolor, Sauss. (g. Caloblatta) 10 tricolor, Tepp. (g. Loboptera) 22 trigonalis, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 11 triramosa, Sauss. (g. [schnoptera) 7 tristicula, Stal (g. Pseudomops) trivirgata, Wern. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 trivittata, Erichs. (g. Loboptera) 22 truncata, Sauss. (g. Temnopteryx) 21 uhleriana, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 7 undata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Anallacta) 19 undulifera, Walk. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 unguiculatus, Bol. (g. Onxychostylus) 16 unicolor, Scudd. (g. [schnoptera) 7 unicolor, Brunn.v.W.(g.Phyllodromia) 13 unicolor. Sauss. (g. Paraloboptera) 22 usambarensis, Shelf. (g.Cevatinoptera) 19 vacillans, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 EXPLANATION OF PLATES IP WADE) ete Pseudomops angusta, Walker. Pseudomops magna, Shelford. Left tegmen. Pseudothyrsocera pica, Walker. Ischnoptera natalensis, Walker. Gf Sub-genital lamina. Pseudophyllodromia angustata, Latreille. Pseudophyllodvomia laticeps, Walker. Left tegmen. Pseudophyllodvoma hystrix, Saussure. Left tegmen. Di yodana palpalis, Walker. ; Duryodana palpalis, Walker. Head from below. Lupparia adimonialis, Walker. Pages. variabilis, Shelf. (g¢. Cevatinoptera) 19 varicornis, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 14 variegata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllo- dromia) 14 variegata, Walk. (g. Pseudophyllodro- mia) 17 variegata, Schulth. (g. Ceratinoptera) 19 variegatum, Fab. (g. Ellipsidion) 5 venosa, Sauss. (g, Pseudophyllodvomia) 17 ventralis, Walk. (g. Pachnepteryx) 5) vestitum, Burm. (g. Ellipsidion) 5 vicina, Brunn. v.W. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 vilis, Sauss. (g. Ischnoptera) 8 vilis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 virescens, Walk. (g. Phyllodromia) 13 virginica, Brunn, v. W. (g. Ischnop- tera) 8 vitrea, Brunn. v. W.(g. Phyllodromia) 15 voeltzkowiana, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Phyllodromia) I2 xanthophila, Walk. (g. Pseudothyrso- cera) 5 zapoteca, Sauss. (g. Phyllodromia) 15 zehntneri, Shelf. (g. Phyllodromia) 12 zietzii, Tepp. (g. Pavatemnopteryx) 9 Ischnoptera bimaculata, Gerstacker. Apex of abdomen, 6, dorsal view. Ellipsidion castaneum, Shelford. . Ischnoptera inca, Saussure & Zehntner. Left wing. H Or OO Oe eta Seay How H O Ge G PAM. BLATTIDA 29 IRTATDH 2s _ Phyllodromia marmorata, Walker. Phyllodvomia supellectilium, Serville. Apex of abdomen, ¢. Dorsal view. Temnopteryx abyssinica, Saussure & Zehntner. Anisopygia jocosicluna, Saussure. Anisopygia jocosicluna, Saussure, Apex of abdomen, ¢. Dorsal view. Ceratinoptera imscripta, Walker. Allacta spuria, Brunner von Wattenwyl. Anallacta methanoides, nov. sp. Loboptera peculiaris, Burr. Pavatemnopteryx blattoides, Tepper. Apex of abdomen, @. Ventral view. Attaphila bergi, Bolivar (after Bolivar). Oxford, May 15‘ 1908. r, ; ; 7 ye 7 | i ae ; ‘Wee mv } . oer ee a > ee ia = ‘ ‘ ‘N _ # 7 ef i . Ay ORTHOPTERA GENERA INSECTORUM Pseudomops angusta fol \ Pseudophyllodromia latliceps Poy d ee TUTTE Merc TTTTTO y Iscknoptera rnatalensts Ischnoptera wica Ischnoplera bimaculata Pseudophyllodromia angustata Eilipsidion castaneum FAM. BLATTID&. SUBFAM. PHYLLODROMIINAS GENERA INSECTORUM ORTHOPTERA Phyllodromia marmorata 2 11 } v S A>, = | = a G x Ww Phyllodromia supellectilium. 3 Allacta spurta - pes 70 * \ Se \ = Z Attaphila bergi.o Anisopygia jocosiclunis ! Anallacta methanoides ; Ceratinoptera trseripta FAM. BLATTIDA. SUBFAM. PHYLLODROMIINA. 2 4 ~ 4 yen & > a Se Frm math ey tre yao wea ee ORTHOPTERA FAN: BEAT TID A SUBFAM. NYCTIBORINZ ORTHOPTERA FAM. BLATTID& : SUBFAM. NYCTIBORINZ by R. SHELFORD WITH I COLOURED PLATE HE Nyctiborine form the third division in the classification of the Blattide. Characters. — Antenne setaceous or plumose and incrassated. Head with the vertex exposed. Tegmina coriaceous and together with the pronotum generally covered {ny { AS with a fine silky pubescence, which in the larvee extends over the whole body. Tegmina in all but one genus extending beyond the apex of the abdomen. Wings with anterior portion very large, costal veins somewhat irregular and ramose, ulnar vein multiramose, some of the rami incom- plete and failing to reach the apex of the wing. Supra-anal lamina produced, triangular, its apex frequently incised slightly; sub-genital lamina of male narrow, slightly asymmetrical and with two styles, of female ample. Cerci long, pointed. Femora variously armed beneath; tarsi with large pulvilli and arolia (1). Ootheca large, flattened. KEY TO THE GENERA 1. Larsi with large pulvilli and arolia, 2. Tegmina and wings longer than the body. 3. Pronotum anteriorly parabolic, femora strongly armed. 1. Genus Nycrrpora, Burmeister. 3'. Pronotum transversely elliptic, femora sparsely armed. 4. Antenne incrassated throughout the greater part Of helices). 2. Genus) UNYCTIBORA, NOV. gen’. (t) In Megavodlatia however there is no arolium between the tarsal claws and the pulvilli are minute. 2 ORTHOPTERA 4'. Apical half of antenne setaceous . . . . 3. Genus Pararropes, Serville. 2'. Tegmina truncate, short, wings minute. . . . . 4. Genus Heminycrosora, Saussure & Zehntner. 1. Tarsi with minute pulvilli and noavolia . . . . . 5. Genus Mecatosiatra, Dohrn. i. GENUS NYCTIBORA, BURMEISTER Nyctibora. Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 5or (1838). Nyctobora, Saussure, Mém. Hist. Nat. Mexique, Blatt. p. 65 (1864). Characters. — Antenne setaceous, only slightly incrassated. Pronotum parabolic, posteriorly sub-truncate, sides deflexed. Tegmina with marginal area broad, near apex equal to half the total breadth of the tegmen. Wings rounded with anterior field broader than posterior, semi-corneous, ulnar vein with many rami. Femora strongly armed beneath. Pulvilli large, occupying the entire length of the second, third and fourth tarsal joints. Cerci long, pointed. Geographical distribution of species. — Central and South America. 1. N. limbata, Thunberg, Mém. Acad. Sc. St. gene Vol. 10, p.277(1826) (Brazil). — Plate, Fig. 5, 9. N. sericea, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 5or (1838). Blatta druryi, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. ee p- 86 (1839). N. terrestris, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 315 (1864); Mém. Mexique, Blatt. p. 68 (1864). . brunnea, Thunberg, Mém. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersb. Vol. 10, p. 278 (1826) (Brazil). N. holosericea, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 502 (1838). N. obscura, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 316 (1864); Mém. Mexique, Blatt. p. 67, pl. 1,f. 9 (1864). 3. N. tomentosa, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 86 (1839) (Surinam, Brazil). ?N. latipennis, Burmeister, Handb, Ent. Vol. 2, p. 502 (1838). N. bohlsti, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 12, n. 302, p. 7 (1897) (Paraguay). N. intermedia, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 105 (1873) (Brazil). N. humeralis, Dohrn, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, Vol. 49, p. 129 (1888) (Upper Amazons). N N = . tenebyosa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 147 (1868) (Demerara). . confusa, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, Vol. 12, n. 302, p. 7 (1897) (Paraguay). . borellit, Giglio-Tos, ibidem, p. 8 (1897) (Bolivia). 10. NV. glabra, Giglio-Tos, ibidem, p. 9 (1897) (Bolivia). t1. NV. mexicana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. Vol. 14, p. 227 (1862) (Mexico). 12. N. asteca, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 56, pl. 4,f. 34 (1893) (Guatemala). — Plate, Fig. 2. 13. N. noctivaga, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29, p. 3 (1903) (Nicaragua). mar nwt eo P| Doubtful species : 14. N. lateralis, Eschscholtz, Entomogr. p. 84 (1822). 2. GENUS EUNYCTIBORA, NOV. GEN. Characters. — Similar to Nyctibora, Burmeister, but the antenne strongly incrassated through- out the greater part of their length. Pronotum transversely elliptical, its posterior border as arcuate as, or more arcuate than, the anterior border. Sides not deflexed. Femora sparsely armed. Geographical distribution of species. — South America. 1. E. crassicornis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 501 (1838) (Brazil). Blatia serville’, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 91 (1830). Paratropes vestita, Saussure, Rev. Zool, (2), Vol. 16, p. 308 (1864). . omissa, Brancsik, Jahresb. Ver. Ones Comit. Vol. 24, p. 186, pl. 3, f. (tg01) (Argentine). . bicolor, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 36 (1907) (Peru). _ nigrocincta, Shelford, ibidem, p. 37 (1907) (Colombia). — Plate, Fig. | fw» by by FAM. BLATTIDA 3 3. GENUS PARATROPES, SERVILLE Paratropes,. Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 117 (1839). Paratropa. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 148 (1865). Characters. — Antenne incrassated and plumose in basal half, the joints moniliform, apical half setaceous. Pronotum transversely elliptical, more arcuate posteriorly than anteriorly, sides not deflexed. Pronotum and tegmina with a sericeous pile. Tegmina pointed, almost lanceolate; marginal area at base more than half the total breadth of the tegmen. Wings pointed. Supra-anal lamina in both sexes produced, sub-triangular; sub-genital lamina of male narrow, asymmetrical with stout, flattened styles, of female large, ample, posteriorly sinuate. Cerci short, sub-spatulate. Femora very sparsely armed. Geographical distribution of species. — Central and South America. 1. P. elegans, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 493 (1838) (Surinam, Upper Amazons). P. bivitta, Walker, Cat Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 150 (1868). P. subsericeus, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 229 (1862). . lycoides, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 118 (1839) (Brazil). 3. P. aequatorialis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 309 (1864); Miss. Sc. Mexique, Orth. p. 74 (1870) (Ecuador, Bolivia). P. elegans, Blanchard, in d’Orbigny, Voy. Amér. Mér. Vol. 6, p 215, pl. 26, f. 4 (1846). P.lycus, 2, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 229 (1862). P. lanceolatus, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus, p. 150 (1868). Nv U 4. P. phalevata, Erichson, in Schomburgk, Brit. Guiana, Vol. 3, p. 580 (1848) (Guiana, Brazil).— Plate, Fig. 3, 4. P. lycus, 3, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 229 (1862). 5. P. pica, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 151 (1868) (Ega). — Plate, Fig. 10. 6. P. mexicana, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 151, pl. 4, f. 15 (1865) (Mexico). P. lycus, var., Saussure, Rev. Zool, (2), Vol. 14, p. 229 (1862). 7. P. bilunata, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 60 (1893) (Panama). 8. P. biolleyi, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 60 (1893) (Costa Rica). 4. GENUS HEMINYCTOBORA, SAUSSURE & ZEHNTNER Heminyctobora. Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 55 (1893). Characters. — Allied to Nyctibora, Burmeister, but with the tegmina in both sexes truncate and corneous. Wings minute. Geographicai distribution of species. Central America. 1. H. truncata, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 56, pl. 4, f. 33 (1893) (Mexico, Guatemala). — Plate, Fig. 8. ‘ 5. GENUS MEGALOBLATTA, DOHRN Megaloblatta. Dohrn, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, Vol. 48, p. 408 (1887); Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 56 (1893). Characters. — Of large size. Antenne setaceous. Pronotum elliptic. sides not deflexed. Tegmina and wings ample, marginal area of tegmina very broad. Supra-anal lamina produced, sub- quadrate, sub-bilobate, sub-genital lamina of the male narrow, exceeded by the supra-anal lamina, furnished with two slender styles. Penultimate abdominal tergite strongly sinuate in the male, slightly ORTHOPTERA so in the female. Cerci elongate, pointed. Femora most sparsely armed beneath; pulvilli minute, arolia between tarsal joints absent. Geographical distribution of species. — Central and South America. 1. M. longipennis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 8 (1868) (Ecuador, Peru). — Plate, Fig. 7. M. peruviana, Dohrn, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, Vol. 48, p. 409 (1887). 2. M. regina, Saussure, Miss. Scient. Mexique, Orth. p. 116 (1870) (Brazil). 3. M. blaberoides, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 12 (1871) (Nicaragua, Panama). — Plate, Fig. 6. M. rufipes, Dohrn, Ent. Zeit. Stettin, Vol. 48, p. 409 (1887). Pages. aequatorialis. Sauss. (g. Paratropes) azteca, Sauss. (g. Nyctibora) bicolor, Shelf. (g¢. Eunyetibora) bilunata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Parya- tropes) biolleyi, Sauss. & Zehnt,. (g. Pava- tropes ) bivitta. Walk. (g. Paratropes) blaberoides, Walk. (g. Megaloblatta) bohlsii, Gig.-Tos (g. Nyctibora) borellii, Gig.-Tos. (g. Nyetibora) brunnea, Thunb. (g. Nyctibora) confusa, Gig.-Tos (g. Nyctibora) crassicornis, Burm. (g. Nyctibora) druryi, Serv. (g. Nyctibora) elegans, Blanch. (g. Paratropes) elegans, Burm. (g. Paratropes) Eunyctibora (venus), Shelf. glabra, Gig -Tos (g. Nyetibora) Fig. 1. — 2 cs) INDEX Pages. Heminyctobora (genus), Sauss. & Zehnt. holosericea, Burm. (g. Nyctibora) humeralis, Dohrn. (g. Nyctzbora) intermedia, Sauss. (g. Nyctibora) lanceolatus, Walk. (g. Paratropes) lateralis, Esch. (g. Nyctibora) latipennis, Burm. (g¢ Nyctibora) limbata, Thunb. (g. Nyctibora) longipennis, Walk. (g Megaloblatta) lycoides, Serv. (g. Paratropes, lycus, Sauss. (g. Pavatropes) Megaloblatta (genus), Dohrn mexicana, Sauss. (g. Nyctibora) mexicana, Brunn.v.W./g. Paratropes) nigrocincta, Shelf. |g. Eunyctibora) noctivaga, Rehn (g. Nyctibora) Nyctibora (genus), Burm. Nyctobora (genus), Sauss. EXPLANATION OF PLATE Eunyetibora nigrocincta, Shelford. Nyctibora azteca, Saussure & Zehntner. iS} iS) nN Pages. obscura. Sauss. (g. Nyctibora) 2 omissa, Brancs, (g. Eunyctibora) 2 Paratropa (genus), Brunn. v. W. Paratropes (genus), Serv. peruviana, Dohrn (g. Megaloblatta) phalerata, Erichs. (g. Paratropes) pica, Walk. (g. Paratropes) regina, Sauss. (g. Megoloblatta) rufipes, Dohrn (g. Megoloblatta) sericea, Burm. (g. Nyctibora) servillei, Serv. (g. Eunyctibora) subsericeus, Sauss. (g. Paratropes) tenebrosa, Walk. (g. Nyctibora) terrestris, Sauss. (g. Nyctibora) tomentosa, Serv. (g. Nyctibora) truncata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Hemi- nyctobora) vestita, Sauss. (g. Eumyctibora) — 3. Paratropes phalerata, Erichson. Apex of abdomen, ©, from below. wWwwtr WwW WwW > FAM. BLATTIDA Paratropes phalevata, Erichson. Nyctibora limbata, Thunberg. Apex of abdomen, ¢, from below. Megaloblatta blaberoides, Walker. Apex of abdomen, ©, from below. Megaloblatta longipennis, Walker. Heminyctobora truncata, Saussure & Zehntner. Nyctibora limbata, Thunberg. — 10. Paratropes pica, Walker. | Neste Re talea st ss Oxford, May 15t® 1908. GENERA INSECTORUM ORTHOPTERA Nyctibora azteca BE. gro aratropes phalerata 6 5 | | | ) | \ = \ == ~ \\ } \ x AL H YT) \ = ae Sx = : _ = ~ y —_. =» Nyctibora limbata Jd : ge s Megaloblatia long nis (Natural size} 70 9 a Heminyctobora truncata bs Nyctibora liambata FAM. BLATTIDA. SUBFAM.NYCTIBORINA. af 1017 FASCIEULE ORTHOPTERA GENERA INSECTORUM | DIRIGES PAR P.WYTSMAN ORTHOPTERA FAM. BLATTIDA SUBFAM. EPILAMPRINE by R. SHELFORD WITH. 2 COLOURED PLATES 1910 Prix : FR. 9.70 On souscrit chez M. P. Wytsman, Zoologiste, 43, rue Saint-Alphonse, a Bruxelles Prospectus gratis et franco sur demande. i ORTHOPTERA FAM. BLATTID/ SUBFAM. EPILAMPRINZ OkihOPTERA FAM. BLATTID«A SiS PAM BPE AVE ITN As by R. SHELFORD WITH 2 COLOURED PLATES HE Epilamprine form the fourth division in the classification of the Blattide. Characters. — Antenne setaceous, never plumose, very occasionally incrassated slightly. Pronotum variable in form. Tegmina coriaceous or corneous, fully developed or reduced. Wings fully developed, reduced or absent, mediastinal vein typically multira- mose, costal veins irregular, ramose, ulnar vein with several incomplete rami, Supra-anal lamina (co) more or less quadrate with obtuse angles, (Q) sub-bilobate, produced. femora armed beneath spar- sely or strongly. Tarsi with distinct pulvilli, and in all but one genus with arolia, Ovo-viviparous or viviparous. This sub-family presents almost as many difficulties to the systematist as the Phyllodromine; Saussure attempted a revision of it in 1895 (Rev. Suisse Zool.), but in reality only indicated the lines along which revision should proceed. The most important characters for taxonomic purposes are found in the tarsal structure and as nearly all authors have omitted detailed notice of these characters in their specific diagnoses, no really satisfactory revision can be made until the vast majority of type- specimens are re-examined. The scheme of classification here adopted can only be tentative and extended knowledge of the group will doubtless lead to a shuffling of many species. Further subdivision of the genus Homalopfteryx based on the form of the tegmina and tarsal structure and of the genera Calolampra and Aiidvera based on the tarsal structure is possible and, as | believe, desirable, but is post- poned until more material for such subdivision comes to hand. Efilampra as a genus is as unwieldy as Phyllodvomia and is even more difficult to deal with; the species of the latter genus do present readily recognisable characters useful for splitting the genus into well-marked sections and the difficulty of the systematist lies mainly in the fact that many authors fail to describe these characters. But in the case of me ORTHOPTERA Epilampva not only are the diagnoses of the species for the most part very vague, but the species them- selves are remarkably uniform and often can only be separated with difficulty. Brunner von Wattenwyl with his usual perspicacity has indicated one character which seems to be of great value in dividing Epilamprva into two sections : 1° with the pronotum punctate, 2° with the pronotum smooth; if these two types of pronotal structure can be shewn to be correlated with definite tarsal differences, the commence- ment of a reliable subdivision of Epilampva will have been made. Kirby has separated off the Old World species of Epilampra to form a genus Heterolampra, but this genus is described so vaguely that the New World species fit into it as readily as the Old World species. In spite of a careful scrutiny of a considerable number of species I can find no characters whereon to base a division in accordance with geographical limits and for the present I leave Efilampra very much as it has been since 1895. KEY TO THE GENERA 1. Larsi very short, posterior metatarsus much shorter than the suc- ceeding joints. 2. Form convex. 3. Pronotum anteriorly produced covering the vertex of the head, Wings with normal venation. . . . « . 3'. Vertex of head exposed. Wings when present with abnormal venation. 4. Wings with triangular apicalavea . . . . 4'. Wings without triangular apical area. 5. Wings fully developed in both sexes. Anal vein of tegmina absent in both sexes . 5'. Wings reduced, rudimentary oy absent in Q. Anal vein of tegmina present in S& 2'. Form depressed. 3. Tegmina and wings fully developed in both sexes. 4. Pronotum posteriorly sub-truncate. Tarst fimbriate beneath . 4'. Pronotum postertorly produced. Tarst not fimbriate beneath. 3'. Tegmina truncate, quadrate. Wings absent . . . . . 1'. Tarsi longer, posterior metatarsus longer than, equal to, or very little shorter than the succeeding joints. 2. Posterior metatarsus entirely unarmed beneath. 3. Pronotum obtusely produced posteriorly . 3'. Pronotum truncate posteriorly . . . 2', Posterioy metatarsus spined beneath. 3. Posterior metatarsus aymed with spines beneath only at the base, its pulvillus produced towards the base of the joint. 4. Sexes similar. 5. Tegmina and wings fully developed in both sexes 5'. Tegmina and wings reduced to squamiform rudiments. . Ah, SECRET 6 Ol 3'. Postevioy metatarsus armed with spines beneath throughout the greater part of its length, its pulvillus apical. No bs Io. 10. Il. Q. . Genus Puoraspis, Serville. . Genus NoroLampra, Saussure. . Genus THorax, Saussure. . Genus PHLEBONOTUS, Saussure. . Genus Prnaconora, Saussure. . Genus ApsIDopis, Saussure. . Genus ComPpsoLAMPRA, Saussure. . Genus MorpuHNa, nov. gen. Genus HomaLopreryx, Brunner von | Wattenwyl (pars). Genus HomaLopreryx, Brunner von [Wattenwyl (pars). Genus OpisTHopLaTiA, Brunner von [ Wattenwy]l. Genus Motyrria, Stal. FAM. BLATTIDA: 3 4. Pronotum posteriorly truncate. . . . . . . . . . 2. Genus PHoetaria, Stal. 4'. Pronotum posteriorly more or less produced (1). Dee iggsaarOluagaUstiG ee se. lle l]lU Ue OLS. Genus ATAXIGANTA. Tepper. 5'. Tarsal avolia present. 6. Sexes dissimilar. 7. Vertex of head covered by the pronotum . . . . . . 14. Genus Ruicnopa, Brunner von Wat- 7'. Vertex of head exposed. [tenwyl. 8. Tegmina : (GC) completely developed, (Q) lobiform . . 15. Genus CaLoLampra, Saussure. 8'. Tegmina : (Gt) reduced, (Q) truncate oy absent . . . 16. Genus AiipretA, nov. gen. 6!'. Sexes similar. 7. Vertex of head covered by the pronotum. 8. Pronotum with sub-reflexed margin. . . . . . . 17. Genus Triponoipea, Shelford. 8'. Pronotum not as above. g. Pulvilli large, second to fourth tarsal joints not spined . 18. Genus Pseupornoraspis, Kirby. g'. Pulvilli small, second to fourth tarsal joints spined . . 19. Genus Hepata, Saussure & Zehn- 7'. Vertex of head exposed. tner, 8. Wings truncate or acuminate at apex. g. Wings truncate at apex. . ee eee 20. GenustRriaBpoprAmma. Kinby, g'. Wings acuminateatapex . . . . ... . . . 21. Genus Derocarpra, Saussure. 8'. Wings rounded at apex. g. Femora strongly armed . . . . . . . . . +. 22. Genus Epirampra, Burmeister. g'. Femorva sparsely armed . . . . . . . . . +. 23. Genus Eusrecasta, Gersticker. 1. GENUS PHORASPIS, SERVILLE Phoraspis, Serville, Ann. Sc. Nat. Vol. 22, p. 43 (1831); Hist. Ins. Orth. p. 124 (1839). Cyrtilia, Stal, Bih. Svenska Akad. Vol. 2 (13), p. 11 (1874). Characters, — Form convex. Antenne setaceous. Pronotum rhomboidal, posteriorly arcuate, anteriorly covering vertex of head. Tegmina convex, semi-corneous, lanceolate, densely punctate, venation obscured, anal vein absent in both sexes, mediastinal vein on ventral surface incrassated. Wings coloured, ulnar vein sending incomplete rami to dividing vein and several complete rami to apex. Supra-anal lamina : (G") transverse, (Q) quadrate, apex emarginate. Sub-genital lamina : (co) broad, transverse with two short styles, (Q) produced, ample, margins sinuate, sub-carinate and with two lateral folds. Cerci short, acuminate. Legs slender, femora sparsely armed; tarsi short, pulvilli large, posterior metatarsus not spined beneath. shorter than succeeding joints. Geographical distribution of species, — \Vest Indies, Central and South America. 1. P. pellucens, Thunberg, Mém. Acad. Sc. St-Pétersb. Vol. 10, p. 276, pl. 14 Brazil, Surinam. (1826). P. luctuosa, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 356 (1868). 2. P. convexa, Tnunberg, Mém. Acad. Sc. St-Pétersb. Vol. 10, p. 279 (1826). Brazil. — PI. |, Figs. 1, lla. P. heydentana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 309 (1864). ? P. conspersa, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p- 493 (1838). (1) Except in the subapterous and apterous forms 4 ORTHOPTERA 3. P. cussidea, Dalman, Anal. Ent. p. 87 (1823). Brazil. 4. P. flavipes, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Vol.6, p. 291, pl. 11, f. 2(1837). Brazil. 5. P. atomavia, Blanchard, ibidem, p. 287, pl. 10, f. 2 (1837). Guadeloupe, Brazil. P. unicoloy, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 493 (1838). 6. P. luteola, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Vol. 6, p. 290, pl. 11, f. 1(1837). Brazil. 7. P. pantherina, Blanchard, ibidem, p. 292, pl. 11, f. 3 (1837). Haiti, Brazil. 8. P. fastuosa, Blanchard, ibidem, p. 293, pl. 11, f. 4 (1837). Brazil. ? P. albicollis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 493 (1838). 9. P. conspersa, Brullé, Hist. Nat. Ins. Vol. 9, p. 60, jolla Bp ts Zh ((aeis}538))\c Brazil. 10. P. leucogramma, Perty, Del. Anim. Art. p. 116, pl. 30, f. 3 (1830). Brazil. 11. P. picta, Drury, Ill. Exot. Ent.Vol. 3, pl. 50, f. 3 (1782). Brazil. Lampyris rufovittata, Schoenherr, Syn. Ins. Vol. 1 (3), p. 66 (1817). 12. P. nigra, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Vol. 6, p. 297, pl.11,f.7(1837). Brazil. 13. P. modesta, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt.p.161(1865). Brazil. 14. P. mexicana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 228 (1862). Mexico. 15. P. bicoloy, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 2, C. America (?), Brazil. p- 161 (1893). 2. GENUS NOTOLAMPRA, SAUSSURE Notolampra. Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 227 (1862); Mem. Hist. Nat. Mexique, Blatt. p. 139 (1864). Characters. — Form convex. Pronotum rhomboidal, anteriorly not covering vertex of head. Tegmina corneous, finely punctate, scarcely or not exceeding the apex of the abdomen, venation obscured, anal vein absent in the female. Wings fully developed in both sexes, a prominent apical triangle. Legs as in preceding genus. Supra-anal lamina (Q) triangularly produced, apex emarginate. Cerci short. Geographical distribution of species. — Brazil, West Indies. 1. N. gibba, Thunberg, Mém. Acad. Sc. St-Pétersb. Vol. 10, p. 279 (1826). Brazil. — Pl. |, Fig 2. Phoraspis cassidea, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 493 (1838). Epilampra lucida, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 227 (1862). 2. N. punctata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, Brazil. Os, WS) {(uutsi7/s)))e 3. N. antillarum, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19. p. 38 (1907). Martinique. 3. GENUS THORAX, SAUSSURE Thorax, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 141 (1563). Paraphoraspis. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 163 (1865). Characters. — Form convex. Pronotum trapezoidal, posteriorly arcuate, anteriorly not covering vertex of head. Tegmina strongly convex, semicorneous, minutely punctate, anal vein not visible. Wings fully developed in both sexes, with very large posterior field, axillary vein giving off near its apex numerous rami; anterior field narrow, dividing vein strongly curved, ulnar vein giving off to it several incomplete rami. Legs as in preceding genus. Supra-anal lamina subtriangularly produced, apex emarginate. Cerci short. BAM. BLATTIDA: 5 Geographical distribution of species. — India, Ceylon, Australia. 1. T. porcellana, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, Nilghiris, Ceylon, Victoria. p- 142, pl. 1, f. 9 (1863). Paraphoraspis notata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 164, pl. 4, f. 18 (1865). 2. T. ? castanea, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc.S. Austral. Vol. 18, p. 173 (1894). Victoria. 4. GENUS PHLEBONOTUS, SAUSSURE Phlebonotus. Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 17, p. 141 (1863). Planes. Saussure, Mém. Hist. Nat. Mexique, Blatt. p. t41 (1864). Characters. —- Male moderately convex, rather elongate, female very convex. Pronotum punctate, trapezoidal, anteriorly not covering vertex of head, posteriorly sub-truncate. Tegmina : (ct) exceeding the apex of the abdomen, coriaceous, venation well-marked, anal vein impressed, seriately punctate, (Q) not or barely exceeding apex of abdomen, corneous, venation obscure, anal vein absent, seriately punctate Wings : (0‘) as long as tegmina, anterior part rather narrow, vena dividens strongly curved, ulnar vein with numerous incomplete rami, posterior part ample, first axillary vein giving off near its apex numerous rami in a flabellate manner, (Q) reduced, rudimentary or absent, in the former case the posterior part is minute, the anterior part coriaceous. Femora very sparsely armed beneath. Tarsi short, metatarsi scarcely as long as the two succeeding joints, not spined beneath; all the pulvilli very large. Geographical distribution of species. — India, Ceylon, Java. 1. P. pallens, Serville, Ann. Sc. Nat. Vol. 22, p. 43 (1831); Hist. Nat. Bengal, Assam, Ceylon, Ins. Orth. p. 125, pl. 3, f. 4 (1839). — Pl. I, Figs. 3, 4. Java. Epilampra cribrata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 144, pl. 1, f. 10 (1863). Epilampra intacta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit Mus. p. 205 (1868). 2. P. anomala, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, Madras, Pondichery, Nil- (Do wzties jolly ie, ah, 13} ((uts(ais)) ie ghiris. 5. GENUS PINACONOTA, SAUSSURE Pinaconota, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, pp. 333, 337 (1895). Characters. — Form depressed. Pronotum trapezoidal, anteriorly and posteriorly sub-truncate, deeply punctate. Scutellum exposed. Tegmina and wings fully developed, extending beyond the apex of the abdomen. Femora moderately spined beneath. Tarsi very short, fimbriate and entirely unarmed beneath; posterior metatarsus equal in length to the two succeeding joints, its pulvillus large. Arolia very large. Geographical distribution of species. — Brazil. 1. P. bifasciata, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 165 (1862); Miss. Sc. Brazil. Mexique. Orth. p. 84, pl. 2, f. 44 (1870). Ischnoptera sicca, \Valker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 149 (1869). 2. P. obliqua, Walker, ibidem, p. 148 (1869). Brazil. P. obliqua, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 496, pl. 30, f. 5 (1906). 6 ORTHOPTERA 6. GENUS APSIDOPIS, SAUSSURE Apsidopis, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 338 (1895). Characters. — Eyes very convex, not widely separated on vertex of head. Pronotum cucullate, anteriorly produced completely covering the head, posteriorly strongly produced. Tegmina and wings completely developed in both sexes, the latter sometimes with acuminate apex. Femora moderately armed. Tarsi short, completely unarmed beneath, sometimes fimbriate; posterior metatarsus equal in length to the two succeeding joints, all the pulvill very large. Geographical distribution of species. — Borneo. 1. A. cyclops, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 338, pl. 9, f. 7 (1895). Borneo. A. wallacei, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 38 (1907). Borneo. 3. A. oxyptera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 19g (1868). — Pl. 1, Fig.5. Borneo. iS} 7. GENUS COMPSOLAMPRA, SAUSSURE Compsolampra. Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 8, p. 58 (1893). Characters. — Pronotum covering vertex of head, posteriorly truncate. Tegmina quadrate, not extending beyond the first abominal tergite. Wings absent. Femora sparsely armed, front femora unarmed on front margin beneath. Tarsi very short; posterior metatarsi shorter than the three suc- ceeding joints, entirely unarmed beneath, their pulvilli large. produced towards the base. Geographical distribution of species. — Java, China. 1. C. liturata, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins, Orth. p.103(1839). —PI. 1, Fig. 6. Java, China. Peviplaneta insolita, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 146 (1868). Epilampra quadrata, Saussure, Mém, Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 23, p- 129 (1873). 8. GENUS MORPHNA, NOV. GEN. Molytria. Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 333 (1895). Characters. — Form rather depressed. Vertex of head covered or almost covered by pronotum, which is trapezoidal, sub-cucullate and posteriorly produced obtusely. Tegmina and wings tully developed exceeding the apex of the abdomen, Supra-anal lamina of typical Epilamprine shape. Cerci moderately long. Femora moderately armed beneath. Posterior metatarsus equal in length to succeeding joints; all the joints entirely unarmed beneath, their pulvilli large, pulvillus of metatarsus apical but produced towards the base of the joint. Geographical distribution of species. — India to Malay Archipelago. 1. M. amplipennis, Walker. Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 196 (1868). Silhet. 2. M. plana, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 183 (1865). India, Ceylon. Epilampra punciifera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit Mus. p. 198 (1868). Homalopteryx biplagiata, Bolivar, Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr. Vol. 66, p. 296 (1897). 3. M. maculata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst.des Blatt. p. 179 Singapore, Borneo. (1865). — Pl. |, Figs. 7, 7a. Epilampra polyspila, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 197 (1868). Molytria shelfordi, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 275 (1903). FAM. BLAT TIDAE “I 4. M. badia, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 18g Singapore, Sumatra, Bor- (1865). neo, Java. Epilampra dotata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 130 (1869). Epilampra vamifera, Walker, ibidem, p. 132 (1869). 9. GENUS MOLYTRIA, STAL Molytria. Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Vol. 2 (13), p. 12 (1875). Characters. — Form depressed. Pronotum trapezoidal, anteriorly not covering vertex of head, posteriorly very obtusely produced. Tegmina : (@‘) exceeding the apex of the abdomen or falling little short of it, (Q) sub-quadrate not extending beyond the second abdominal tergite. Wings : (G‘) as long as tegmina, (Q) minute, sub-squamiform. Posterior metatarsi as long as the succeeding joints, armed at its base with a few spines in a double row, its pulvillus produced towards the base of the joint: remaining joints with large pulvilli entirely unarmed beneath. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia. 1. M. inquinata, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa, Ins. p. 309(1858).— Pl. 1, Fig. 8. Australia. Epilampra nudiventris, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 321 (1864). Epilampra notabilis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 202 (1868). 2. M.perplexa, nov. sp. (1). Victoria. 10. GENUS HOMALOPTERYX, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Homalopteryx. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 195 (1865). Characters. — [orm depressed. Pronotum anteriorly parabolic, completely covering or just failing to cover the vertex of the head, posteriorly truncate or sub-truncate. Tegmina and wings fully developed or reduced. Femora sparsely armed. Posterior metatarsi shorter than, or equal to, the remain- ing joints, armed beneath with a few spines at the base uniseriately or biseriately arranged, occasionally unarmed beneath. Geographical distribution of species. — India to Malay Archipelago, Papuasia, Australia ({?), S. America. i. H. patimfera, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Vol. 66, p. 295 (1897). Trichinopoly. 2. H. decolyt, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 294 (1897). Trichinopoly. 3. H. cariniceps, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 296 (1897). Trichinopoly. 4. H. auriculata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 181 Bengal. (1865). 5. H maindroni, nov. sp. (2). — Pl. 1, Fig. 9. Malabar coast. (r) M. perplexa, nov. sp. — Ma/e. — Head castaneous, vertex piceous, antenne fuscous. Pronotum piceous, laterally margined with hyaline mottled with castaneous. Tegmina extending to ante-penultimate abdomial tergite, castaneous, costal margins testaceous, mediastinal vein piceous. Wings a little shorter than tegmina. Abdominal tergites slightly plicated, a pair of spiracular tubes projecting from beneath the seventh abdominal terzite. Supra-anal lamina trapezoidal, barely exceeded by the sub-genital lamina (cerci and tarsi mutilated). Length 27 mm.; length of tegmina 19 mm.; prono- tum 7 mm. x 9.8mm. Victoria, Gippsland (Melbourne Museum). (2) H. maindroni, nov. sp.— Female. — Rufo-testaceous. Vertex of head with fuscous markings. Pronotum anteriorly barely covering vertex of head, posteriorly sub-truncate, deeply punctate, disc with two oblique impressions. Tegmina broad, not extending beyond the penultimate abdo- minal tergite, seriate-punctate. Wings minute, squamiform. Abdomen with tergites posteriorly plicated, beneath testaceous, sprinkled with castaneous; supra-anal lamina produced, sub-quadrate, apex very slightly emarginate. Cerci short. Front femora with three spines on anterior margin beneath, remaining femora very sparsely armed; formula of apical spines 0/1, 1/1, 0/0. Posterior metatarsi equal in length to the three succeeding joints, entirely unarmed beneath, its pulvillus apical. Total length 20 mm.; length of tegmina 17 mm.; pronotum 8.5 mm. X 13 mm. Mahé, Malabar (Maindron coll.) (Paris Museum) (ora) ORTHOPTERA 6. H. templetonit, Wirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 275 (1903). Ceylon. 7. H. adusta, Walker, Cat- Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 132 (1869). Borneo. H. adusta, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 497, pl. 30, f. 6 (1906). 8. H. major, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 342 (1895). Java. g. H. macassariensis, Haan, in Temminck, Verhandel. Orth. p. 51, pl. 18, Philippines, Celebes, Am- i. 7(1842))— Pls ly ge iOl boina, Ceram. Epilampra bastfera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 132 (1869). Epilampra strigifrons, Walker, ibidem, p 132 (1869). 10. H. pelewensis, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 342 (1895). Pelew Islands. 11. H. intermedia, Bolivar, Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. p. 137 (1898). « Papua ». 12. H. capucina, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 196, Venezuela, Columbia. pl. 5, f. 21 (1865). Doubtful species : 13. H. geochroma, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 158 (1868). Habitat (?). 11. GENUS OPISTHOPLATIA, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Opisthoplatia, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 198 (1865). Characters. — Depressed, oblong. Pronotum anteriorly parabolic, covering vertex of head, posteriorly truncate. Tegmina and wings in both sexes reduced to squamiform lobes. Cerci very short. Sub-genital lamina (G%) with two styles. Posterior metatarsus unarmed beneath and with a large pul- villus prolonged towards the base of the joint, as long as the three succeeding joints. Geographical distribution of species. — China, India, Brazil (?). 1. O. orientalis, Burmeister, Handb, Ent. Vol. 2, p. 482 (1838). China, India, Brazil (?). Nympha aptera (part), Stoll, Spectres, Blatt. p. 8, pl. 3d, f. 25 (1813). Polyzosteria pictetiana, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, Pp. 131, pl. a; f 111863): 12. GENUS PHAETALIA, STAL Pheetalia, Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Vol. 2 (13), p. 17 (1875). Characters. — Form depressed. Pronotum trapezoidal, anteriorly not covering the vertex of the head, posteriorly truncate. Scutellum exposed. Tegmina and wings similar in both sexes, not or barely exceeding the apex of the abdomen, Femora sparsely armed, front femora with a few spines on anterior margin beneath. Tarsi moderately long, posterior metatarsi equal in length to succeeding joints, biseriately spined beneath, remaining joints not armed. Geographical distribution of species. — Atlantic Islands, Mascarene Islands, South America, West Indies. 1. P. laevigata, Beauvois, Ins. Afr. Amér. Orth. p. 228, pl. 2c, f. 4 (1805). Teneriffe, Haiti, Cuba, Nauphoeta pallida, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 286 Brazil. (1865). Nauphocta marginalis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 41 (1868). 2. P. civcumvagans, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 508 (1838). Madeira, Teneritfe, Mas- P. marginicollis, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa Ins. p. 307 (1858). carene Islands, Cuba, P, laevigata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 285, pl. 7, : St. Domingo. Brazil. f. 33 (1865). f PAM. BLATTIDA 13. GENUS ATAX!IGAMIA, TEPPER Ataxigamia. Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 123 (1893). Characters. — Eyes wide apart. Pronotum anteriorly truncate, freely exposing vertex of head, posteriorly produced obtusely, disc rugose with impressions, margins slightly reflected. Scutellum exposed. Tegmina and wings fully developed, exceeding the apex of the abdomen considerably ; anal field of tegmina narrow, lanceolate. Supra-anal lamina (<‘) sub-quadrate, apex not emarginate, sub- genital lamina trapezoidal, symmetrical, notched in the middle of the posterior margin; styles small. Cerci short. Legs with more or less abundant pubescence. Femora sparsely armed. Tarsi moderately long; posterior metatarsus equal to the succeeding joints in length, biseriately spined beneath, its pulvillus small, apical; the remaining joints spined. Arolia absent. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia. 1. A. tater, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 123 (1893). S. Australia. 2. A. bicolor, nov. sp. (1). — Pl. |, Fig. II. S. Australia. 14. GENUS RHICNODA, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Rhicnoda. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 33, p- 30 (1893). Characters. — Form depressed. Pronotum anteriorly parabolic, covering vertex of head, in GO posteriorly produced, in Q truncate. Tegmina and wings fully developed in Gf, tegmina reduced to squamiform lobes or absent and wings absent in Q. Abdomen (Q) with a pair of spiracular tubes projecting on either side from beneath the seventh tergite. Femora moderately spined. Tarsi lone, posterior metatarsi biseriately spined beneath, longer than the succeeding joints, pulvilli apical, remai- ning joints with spines surrounding their pulvilli. Geographical distribution of species. — Tropical Asia, Japan, Australia, West Indies, Central America. 1. R. vugosa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Burma, Borneo, Java, Hal- Moles ip ensm. plete t02) (0893): mahera, 2. Re. terranea, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 163 (1868). Ceylon. 3. R. plicata, Navas, Bol. Soc. Aragon, Vol. 3, p. 130 (1904). Himalayas. 4. R. desidiosa, Rehn, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 27, p. 552 (1904). Siam. 5 . R. spinulosa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Java. Vol. 33, p. 31 (1893). 6. R. natatrix, Shelford, The Zoologist, p. 226 (1907). — Pl. 2, Figs. |. Borneo. 7. R. obscurifrons, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. Vol. 34 (10), p. 34 (1877). Philippines. 8. R. maculata, Shiraki, Ann. Zool. Japon. Vol. 6, p. 32, pl. 2, f. 4 (1906). Japan. g. R. lamimata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond, p. 294, West Indies. pl. 1; f. 41892) to. 2. rvefleva, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. r, p. 68, Nicaragua. pl: 4, f. 35 (1893); (1) A. bicolor. nov. sp. — Wale. — Bright rufo-testaceous, tegmina and Wings castaneous. Head with shallow punctures. Pronotum hexagonal with rounded angles, disc sub-rugose with two oblique impressions and some shallow punctures. Tegmina with mediastinal field and veins at base rufous. Posterior margins of abdominal sternites with one row of small tubercles. Legs with very sparse erect pubescence. Front femora with five spines on anterior margin, three on posterior margin, beneath, remaining femora rather strongly armed. Pulvilli of tarsal joints strongly spined, the apical tarsal joint biseriately spined beneath. Total length 46 mm.; length of body 34 mm.; length of tegmina 38 mm.; pronotum 1o mm X 14.2 mm. South Australia, Tennant’s Creek (Oxford Museum). ORTHOPTERA 15. GENUS CALOLAMPRA, SAUSSURE Calolampra. Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 8, p. 57 (1893); Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 344 (1895). Characters. — Vertex of head in & freely exposed, in Q sometimes covered. Pronotum : (GQ) posteriorly produced obtusely, (Q) truncate. Tegmina : (G") long, considerably exceeding the apex of the abdomen, (Q) lobiform. Wings : broad. Femora rather sparsely armed beneath. Tarsi long, posterior metatarsi longer than the suc- (co) as long as the tegmina, (Q) absent. Abdomen in 9 very ceeding joints spined beneath. second joint not spined with large pulvillus, or with spines round the pulvillus, or with spines beneath and apical pulvillus. Geographical distribution of species. — Indian Empire, Siam, Australia, S. and E. Africa, Central America(?). 1. C. characterosa, \Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 209 (1868). Bengal. 2. C. marginata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Burma. Vol33) pa 2e. pl ito) (u893)s 3. C. laevis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 28 (1893). Tenasserim. 4. C. pedisequa, Rehn, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 27. p. 547 (1904). Siam. 5. C irrorata, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 272 (1775). Australia. Eptlampra gracilis, Brunner von Wattenwyl], Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 170, pl. 4, £. 20 (1865}. Epilampra atomifera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 69 (1868). Polyzosteria propria, \Valker, ibidem, p. 161 (1868). 6. C. fornicata, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 320 (1864). Australia. 7. C. depolita, Branesik, Jahresb. Ver. Trencsin. Comit. Vol. 19-20, Australia. 1D Sy (Gatstoyy))e 8. C. aspera, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 62 (1893). S. and W. Australia. g. C. fraserensis, Tepper, ibidem, p. 59 (1893). S. and W. Australia. 10. C. obscura, Tepper, ibidem, p. 64 (1893). Australia. 11. C. paula, Tepper, ibidem. p. 60 (1893). S. Australia. 12. C. teppert, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 275 (1903). Australia. Epilampra propria, Vepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 64 (1893). 13. C. marginalis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 119 (1868). W. Australia. 14. C. pardalina, Walker, ibidem, p. 65 (1868). S. Africa. 15. C. apleva, Schulthess, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 39, p. 169, WKilimandjaro, German East pl. 2, f. 2 (1898). Africa. 16. C. bispinosa, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 8, p. 58 (1893). New Granada, Panama. C. bispinosa, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 67, pl. 3, f. 26 (1893). 17. C. brevitarsis, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurice’), Vol. 8, p. 38'(1893). New Granada, Panama. C. brevitarsis, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol, Centr. Amer, Orth. Vol. 1, p. 67, pl. 4, £. 39 (1893). 18: C. atva, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 65 (1893). S. Australia. 1g. C. tate/(1), Tepper. ibidem, Vol. 18, p. 174 (1894). S. Australia, Northern ter- 20. C. antica, Walker (larva), Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 161 (1868). Habitat (?). [ritory. 21. C. dimorpha, Shiraki, Ann. Zool. Japon. Vol. 6, Pt. 1, p. 22, pl.2,f.6 Japan. (1906). Polyzosteria congrua, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 165 (1868), from Congo, included by Kirby in the genus Calolampra, is a species of Temnopteryx. t) This species is possibly not an Epilamprine RAMS BLA DAs II 16. GENUS AUDREIA, NOV. GEN. Characters. — Differs from Calolampra by the reduced tegmina of the 6, which fail to reach the apex of the abdomen and by the tegmina of the Q, which are sub-quadrate or absent. Geographical distribution of species. — India, Australia, Central and South America, West Indies. 1. A. pulchra, nov. sp.(1). — Pl. 2, Figs. 2, 2a. Nilghiris. 2. A. tvuncata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 178 New S. Wales (1865). 3. A. biolleyi, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 347, pl.g, f. 8 (1895). C. America. 4. A. cavinulata, Saussure, ibidem, p. 347. pl. g. f. 9 (1895). C, America. 5. A. cicatricosa, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29. p. 275 (1903). Costa Rica. 6. A. hamiltoni, Rehn, ibidem, p. 274 (1903). Cuba. 7. A. heusseriana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 321 (1864); Mém. Uruguay. Hist. Nat. Mexique, Blatt, p. 134, pl. 2, f. 24 (1864). . A.catharina, nov, sp.(2). Brazil. co 17. GENUS TRIBONOIDEA, SHELFORD Tribonoidea, Shelford, Jahresb. Ver. Naturk. Wiesbaden, Vol. 61, p. 29 (1908). Characters, — Pronotum with dise cucullate, anteriorly more arcuate than posteriorly, covering vertex of head and with slightly reflected margin. Tegmina and wings considerably exceeding the apex of the abdomen. Mediastinal vein of tegmina laminate beneath. Posterior portion of wings relatively small. Supra-anal lamina (Go) bilobed, exceeding the sub-genital lamina. Two genital styles. Cerci very short. Femora with their posterior margins beneath unarmed, the anterior margins sparsely armed. Tarsi elongate, posterior metatarsus biseriately spined beneath, pulvilli minute. Geographical distribution of species. — Peru. 1. TL. oniscosoma, Saussure Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 339 (1895). enue T. seyd?, Shelford, Jahresb. Ver. Naturk. Wiesbaden, Vol. 61, p. 30 (1908). (1! A, pulchra. nov. sp. — -I/ale. — Head piceous, vertex with a testaceous line, gena and mouth parts testaceous. Pronotum with the dise fusco-castaneous, the anterior and lateral margins testaceous, rufo-punctate. Tegmina short, not reaching beyond the fifth abdominal tergite, vena- tion well-marked closely reticulated, mediastinal area punctate. testaceous, rest of tegmina castaneous with fuscous spots, mediastinal and radial veins at base piceous. Wings reduced to corneous scales. Abdomen above piceous. laterally testaceous and fusco-punctate, supra-anal lamina sub-quadrate, apex cleft. Abdomen beneath piceous, sub-genital lamina slightly asymetrical, margined with testaceous, with two slender styles. Cerci moderate. Legs casta- neous, front femora with four or five spines on anterior margin beneath; formula of apical spines 1/0, r/o, r/o, no genicular spine on front femora. Posterior tarsi very long, pulvilli minute, apical; metatarsi, second and third joints spined beneath. Arolia minute. Female. — Larger. Entirely apterous. Pronotum posteriorly truncate; thorax margined laterally with fusco-punctate testaceous. Abdomen above fusco-marmorate, beneath piceous. Cerci very short. trigonal. nitid above with a testaceous line, hirsute below. Supra-anal lamina sub quadrate, apex faintly emarginate. Length : (ci) 15 mm , |9) 19 mm.; length of tegmina 7-9 mm.; pronotum : (4) 5 mm. x 5.5 mm..(9)5 mm. X 7.2mm Nilghiris, Coonoor (Maindron, Paris Museum). (2) A. catharina, nov. sp. — J/a/e. — Rufo-testaceous, a castaneous macula on the frons. Pronotum posteriorly produced obtusely, fasco-punctate, a castaneous lyrate marking on the disc. Tegmina not extending beyond the fourth abdominal tergite, with a few castaneous points, vena- tion well-marked, not reticulated. Wings slightly shorter than tegmina. posterior part reduced, venation reticulated. Abdomen above fusco-marmorate, beneath castaneous, supra-anal lamina shortly trigonal, exceeded by the sub-genital lamina which is asymmetrical and produced, deeply grooved on the right side for the reception of the solitary style. Cerci piceous. Femora and cox rufo-testaceous, tibia castaneous. Femora strongly armed, front femora on anterior margin beneath with five or six spines succeeded distally by piliform set. formula of apical spines 2/r, 1/1, 1/0, no genicular spines on front femora. Tarsi rather short, pulvilli large, posterior metatarsi barely equal in length to the succeeding joints, the pulvilli of the second and third joints occupying the entire extent of the joints with two spines on each side. Female. — Similar, but pronotum less produced posteriorly, tegmina quadrate, not extending beyond the first abdominal tergite; wings reduced to corneous scales, without venation; supra-anal lamina produced with rounded angles, apex not emarginate. Length :(@) 19mm., (©) 22 mm,; length of tegmina ; (GQ) 10 mm., (9) 6 mm.; pronotum 6-7 mm. x 7.8-9 mm. Brazil, Santa Catharina (Oxford Museum). * 12 ORTHOPTERA 18. GENUS PSEUDOPHORASPIS, KIRBY Pseudophoraspis. Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 275 (1903). Characters. — Eyes rather close together. Pronotum completely covering vertex of head, sub- cucullate, posteriorly obtusely produced. Tegmina and wings fully developed in both sexes, their apices rounded or slightly truncate. Femora moderately armed beneath. Tarsi long, posterior metatarsi longer than the succeeding joints, biseriately spined beneath, its pulvillus apical, remaining joints with large pulvilli, entirely unarmed. Geographical distribution of species. — Tonkin, Malay Peninsula, Sunda Islands, Philippines. 1. P. fruhstorferi, nov. sp.(1). — Pl. 2, Fig. 3. Tonkin. 2. P. nebulosa, Burmeister, Handb. Ent.Vol.2, p.505(1838).-- Pl.2,Fig.4. Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Blatta jaspidea, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth, p. 88 (1839). Sumatra, Java. Epilampra congrua, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 199 (1868). Epilampra scita, Walker, ibidem, p. 200 (1868). Epilampra conformis, Walker, ibidem, p. 200 (1868). Epilampra deplanata, Walker, ibidem, p. 201 (1868). 3. P. miranda, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 268 (1906). Borneo. 4 P. vasta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 195 (1868). Philippines. Epilampra imperatoria, Stal. Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. Vol. 34, n° 10, p. 36 (1877). 19. GENUS HEDAIA, SAUSSURE & ZEHNTNER Hedaia, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, pp. 56, 66 (1895). Characters. — Pronotum pentagonal, anterior border moderately arched, almost covering vertex of head, sides truncated, posteriorly strongly produced. Tegmina and wings fully developed, the former membranous, the latter with apex rounded or slightly angulate. Femora very sparsely armed, apical spines small. Tarsi long, posterior metatarsus biseriately spined beneath, second joint also biseriately spined beneath and with apical pulvillus. Geographical distribution of species. — Madagascar. 1. H. venusta, Saussure & Zehntner, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p.67, Madagascar. jolla, Hi ths Zs) ((ustoys)))e j 20. GENUS RHABDOBLATTA, KIRBY Rhabdoblatta, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 276 (1903). Characters. — Vertex of head freely exposed. Pronotum with its greatest width behind the middle, posteriorly strongly produced. Tegmina and wings fully developed, the latter(2) truncate at the (x) P. fruhstorferi, nov. sp. — Closely allied to P. vebulosa, Burmeister, but the eyes much further apart; less convex; pronotum and tegmina less nitid; mediastinal vein of tegmina shining luteous; supra-anal lamina (G) triangularly produced, apex not emarginate. Total length : (g) 41 mm., (Q) 39 mm.; length of body : (ct) 33.2 mm., (Q) 34.5 mm.; length of tegmina : (G‘) 35 mm., (Q) 33.5 mm.; pronotum :(¢)) 9 mm. X 12 mm., (Q) 10mm. X 14 3mm. Tonkin, Montes Mauson (lruhstorfer) (Oxford Mus.). (2) Except in 2. Wersiziana, Saussure. AMIS BIA hp as 13 apex, the former sometimes truncate at the apex, sometimes rounded. Femora moderately armed. Tarsi long, posterior metatarsus biseriately spined beneath, second and third joints with no spines at their bases, pulvilli large with spines at the sides. Geographical distribution of species. — India to Malay Archipelago. Brazil. 1. Rt. praecipua, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 196 (1868). — Pl. 2, Ceylon. Figs. 5, 5a. 2. R. horologica, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7); Vol. 12, p. 280 (1903). Khasia Hills 3. R. imperatrix, Kirby, ibidem, p. 274 (1903). Tonkin. R. regina, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, Cochin China. p. 270 (1869). 5. R. abdominalis, Kirby, ibidem, p. 279 (1903). Tonkin. 6. R. structilis, Rehn, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Vol. 26, p. 178 (1909). Sumatra. 7. R. pfeifferae, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv.Syst.des Blatt.p.188(1865). Borneo. 8. R. parvicollis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 133 (1869). Borneo. g. R. buqueti, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 93 (1839). Java. to. R. javanica, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, Java. p. 269 (1869). 11. R. procera, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 192(1865). Java. Epilampra borret, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 127, pl. 10, f. 44 (1873). 2. Ie. pudica, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. Vol. 34, n. 10, p. 35 (1877). Philippines. 13. R. tyuncata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf. Celebes. Vol. 24, p. 207 (1898). 14. FR. concinnula, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 134 (1869). Timor. 15. R. yersintana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 323 (1864). Brazil. Epilampra superba, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 191 (1865). 21. GENUS DEROCARDIA, SAUSSURE Derocardia. Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 350 (18g5). Characters. — Similar to Rhabddoblatta, but apex of wings acutely pointed. Geographical distribution of species. — \mboina. 1. D. acutipennis, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 353, pl.g.f. 11 (1895). Amboina. 22. GENUS EPILAMPRA, BURMEISTER Epilampra. Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 504 (1838). Poeciloderrhis. Stal, Bih. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Vol. 2, n. 13, p. 12 (1574). Heterolampra. Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 276 (1903). Characters. — Head with vertex exposed. Pronotum obtusely produced posteriorly. Tegmina and wings fully developed in both sexes, only rarely shorter than the body. Supra-anal lamina : (@‘)sub- quadrate with obtuse angles, (Q) sub-bilobate, produced. Femora strongly armed. Tarsi long; posterior metatarsi exceeding the succeeding joints in length, biseriately spined throughout the greater part of their length, theirs pulvilli apical; second to fourth joints typically with small pulvilli and biseriately spined beneath. Geographical distribution of species. — St. Helena, Asia, Africa, Australia, Central and South America, West Indies. 14 ORTHOPTERA Palazearctic species : 1. E. signatura, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 13 (1871). 2. E. guttigera, Shiraki, Ann. Zool. Japon. Vol. 6, Pt. 1, p. 21, pl. 2, f. 7 (1906). Ethiopian species : 3. E. lyncea, Gersticker, Mitt. Ver. Neuvorpomm. u. Rigen, Vol. 14, p. 53 (1883). 4. E. evubescens, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 54 (1883). 5. E. camerunensis, Borg, Bih. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Vol. 28, Afd. 4, n. 10, p. 8, pl. 1, f. 3' (1904). 6. E. electa, Borg, ibidem, p. ro, pl. 1, f. 4 (1904). 7. E. infinita, Borg, ibidem, p. 11. pl. 1, f. 1 (1904). 8. E. sjéstedti, Borg, ibidem, p. 12, pl. 1, f. 5 (1904). g. E. borgi (nom. nov.). E. pallida, Borg, Bih. Svensk. Viet,-Akad., Vol. 28) Aids 45 n- 10) p. 135 pl. 1, f. 6 (1904). 10. E. minuta, Borg, ibidem, p. 14, pl. 1, f. 4 (1904). 11. E. stipata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 208 (1868). 12. E. conspicua, Walker, ibidem, p. 67 (1868). 13. E. hybrida, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 358 (1895). 14. E. punctipennis, Saussure, ibidem, p. 356, pl. 9, f. 12 (1895). 15. E. angulata, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 25 (1891). E. angulata, Saussure & Zehntner. in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 58 pl. 2, f. 21 (1895). 16. E. trilobata, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 25 (1891). E. trilobata, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 60, pl. 2, f. 24 (1895). 17. E. punctulata, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 25 (1891). E. punctulata, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 63, pl. 2, f. 22, 23 (1875). 18. E. malagassa, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 65, pl. 2, f. 25 (1895). 19. E. cincta, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 172 (1865). Oriental species : 20. E. lurida, Burmeister. Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 505 (1838). Blatta cribricollis, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 93 (1839). 21. E. sculpturata, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 297, pl. 10, f. 8 (1897). 22. E. lineaticollis, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 298 (1897). 23. E. punctata, Brunnervon Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p.173(1865). 24. E. subsparsa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 205 (1868). 25. E. excelsa, Navas, Bol. Soc. Aragon, Vol. 3, p. 131 (1904). 26. E. imitans, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Wl, BS js BOs ialle ies tig 16) ((us¥o}5}))- 27. E. maymorata, Brunner yon Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 29 (1893). 28. E. annandalei, Shelford, Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 3, p. 127 (1909). 29. E. olivacea, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 20, p. 267 (186). E. immaculata, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 279 (1903). 30. E. monticola, Kirby, ibidem, p. 277 (1903). 31. E. pallida, Kirby. ibidem, p. 278 (1903). 32. E. trongana, Rehn, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 27, p. 548 (1904). 3. E. moloch, Rehn, ibidem, p. 550 (1904). St. Helena. Japan. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Cameroons. Sierra Leone. Lake N’gami. Lake N’gami. Zanzibar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Africa (?). India, Java, Borneo, lebes. Trichinopoly. Trichinopoly. Ceylon. Ceylon. Himalayas. Tenasserim. Burma. Lower Burma. Cochin China, Tonkin. Tonkin. Tonkin. Lower Siam. Lower Siam. Ce- by by by Wy & & Rea hh & FAM. BLATTIDZ . E. saussuret, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 277 (1903). E, puncticollis, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 359 (1895). . E, alligata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 71 (1868). E. munda, Walker, ibidem, p. 203 (1863). E. isochroma, Walker, ibidem, p. 204 (1868). . E. sinensis, Walker, ibidem, p. 197 (1868). . E. inconspicua, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 186 (1865). . E. insuela, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 202 (1868). . E. pandens, Walker, ibidem, p. 204 (1868). . E. curta, Walker, ibidem, p. 205 (1868). . E. pustulata, Walker, ibidem, p. 206 (1868). _ E. manillensis, Saussure. Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 268 (1869). _E. cribellata, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. Vol. 34, n° ro, p. 34 (1877). . E. rustica, Stal, ibidem, p. 34 (1877). E. mutica, Kirby, Syn. Cat. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 121 (1904). plebeia, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh. Vol. 34, n° ro, p. 34 (1877). . cyrtophthalma, Stal, ibidem, p. 35 (1877). . tagalica, Stal, ibidem, p. 35 (1877). E, trivialis, Stal, ibidem, p. 35 (1877). E. caliginosa, Stal, ibidem, p. 35 (1877). . lugubrina, Stal, ibidem, p. 35 (1877). . meticulosa, Stal, ibidem, p. 35 (1877). . ferruginosa, Stal, ibidem, p. 35 (1877). . staeli, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 277 (1903). E, puncticollis, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. Vol. 34, no 10 p. 34 (1877). . inclavata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 198 (1868). . quadrinotata, Walker, ibidem, p. 209 (1868). . puncticollis, Walker, ibidem, p. 74 (1868). . varia, Walker, ibidem, Suppl. p. 130 (1869). E. varia, Shelford. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 500, pl. 30, f. 9 (1906). . geminata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf. Vol. 24. p. 208 (1898). . savavacensis, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 268 (1906). . goliath, Shelford, ibidem, p. 269 (1906). — Pl. 2, Fig. 6. . flavomarginata, Shelford, ibidem. p. 269 (1906). . vidleyi, Wirby, Ann. Mage Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12. p. 278 (1903) . albina, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 351 (1895). . laevicollis, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 23. Ded2o ple non ta ao) (S73): . E. deflexa, Saussure. ibidem, p. 126, pl. ro, f. 43 (1873). . E. plena, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 210 (1868). E. fervida, Walker, ibidem, p. 211 (1868). Australasian species : . E. doleschali, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 194 (1865). . kevaudventi, Le Guillou, Rev. Zool. p. 292 (1841). . papua, Saussure, Rey. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 361, pl. 9, f. 14 (1895). . laticollis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 203 (1868). . pectinata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, vol. 20, p. 271 (1869). 18, 13, . E, dilatata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 185(1865). iB lg, . E. perplexa, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 156 (1895). China. Hong Kong. Hong Kong. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Borneo. Borneo. Borneo. Borneo. Borneo. Borneo. Borneo. Borneo. Singapore. Java. ; Java. Java. Borneo, Celebes. Papua. Amboina. New Guinea. New Guinea. Australia. Australia. Australia. Victoria 16 ORTHOPTERA American species : 72. E. crassa, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 99 (1864). Mexico. E. crassa, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 62, pl. 4, f£. 37 (1893). 73. E. azteca, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 20, p. 356 (1868). Mexico, Ecuador. E. azteca, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 95 (1893). 74 E. mexicana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 228 (1862). Mexico, Guatemala, Ecua- E. mexicana, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, dor. p- 63 (1893). 75. E. maya, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29, p. 3 (1903). Nicaragua. 76. E. sodalis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 72 (1868). Guatemala, Guiana, San- E, conspersa, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol, Centr.-Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 64, tarem. pl. 4, f. 38 (1893). 77. E. fusca, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p.170 (1865). Venezuela. 78. E. arctata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 74 (1868). British Guiana. 79. E. substrigata, \Waller, ibidem, p. 73 (1868). j E. opaca, Walker, ibidem, p. 206 (1868). British Guiana. 80. E. lucifuga, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Vol. 29, p. 271 (1903). British Guiana. 81. FE. abortivipenna, Rehn, ibidem, p. 273 (1903). British Guiana. 82. E. grisea, De Geer, Mém. Ins. Vol. 3, p. 570, pl. 44, f. 9 (1773). Surinam, Brazil. E, cinerea, Thunberg, Mém. Acad. Sc. St-Peétersb. p. 277 (1826). E. maculicollis, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 92 (1839). E. brasiliensis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 169 (1865). 83. E. columbiana, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 360, pl.g,f. 13(1895). New Granada. 84. E. stigmosa, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat.Torino, Vol. 13, n° 311, Ecuador. p- 8 (1808). 85. E. joseph, Giglio-Tos, ibidem, p. 9 (1898). Ecuador. 86. E. brasiliensis, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 272 (1775). Brazil. 87. E. conspersa, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 505 (1838). Brazil. 88. E. cvibrosa, Burmeister, ibidem, p. 505 (1838). Brazil. 89. E. crossea, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 323 (1864). Brazil. E. crocea, Saussure, Mém. Hist. Nat. Mexique, Blatt. p. 133 (1864). go. E. agathina, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 322 (1864). Brazil. ol. E. heydeniana, Saussure, ibidem, p. 323 (1864). Brazil. g2. E. biwittata, Saussure, ibidem. p. 323 (1864). Brazil. 93. E. atriventris, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 357 (1895). Brazil. 94. FE imitatrix, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, Brazil. p- 63 (1893). 95. E. fallax, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p 64, pl. 4, f. 36 (1893). Brazil. 96. E. verticalis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 505 (1838). Brazil. E, socia, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa, Ins. p. 309 (1858). : E. bella, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16. p. 322 (1864). E. melanosoma, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Geneve, Vol. 20, P. 266 (1869). 97. E. maculifrons, Stal, Freg. Eugen. Resa, Ins. p. 310 (1858). Brazil. 98. E. proxima, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouw Syst. des Blatt. p.176(1865). Brazil. 99. E. cinerascens, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 173 (1865). Brazil. 100. E. castanea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 174 (1865). Brazil. 101. E&. testacea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 187 (1865). Brazil. 102. E. ferruginea, Brunner von Wattenwy]l, ibidem, p. 187 (1865). Brazil. 103. E. subconspersa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 71 (1868). Brazil. 104. E. adjuncta, Walker, ibidem, p. 72 (1868). Brazil. 105. E. vepanda, Walker, ibidem, p. 73 (1868). Brazil. 106. E. caliginosa, Walker, ibidem, p. 207 (1868). Brazil. 107. E, conferta, Walker, ibidem, p. 207 (1868). — Pl. 2, Fig. 8. Brazil. 108. E. basistviga, Walker, ibidem, p. 211 (1868). Brazil (?). FAM. BLATTIDA: 17) 109. E. abdomen-nigrum, De Geer, Mem. Ins. Vol. 3, p. 538, pl. 44, £.5(1773). Brazil, Surinam, W. Indies. E. livida, De Geer, ibidem, p. 538, pl. 44, f. 6 (1773). E. brevis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 203, pl. 15, f. 3 (1892). — Pl. 2, Fig. 7. 110. E. caizana, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Torino. Vol. 12, n° 302, Bolivia. p- 10 (1897). tri. &. limbalis, Brancsilk, Verh. Ver. Trencsin. Com. Vol. 23-24, p.187(1g01). Paraguay. 112. E. latifrons, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol..Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, « S. America. » p. 66 (1893). 113. E. burmeisteyt, Guérin, in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Cuba, Ins. Cuba. p. 345 (1857). E. burmeistert, Saussure, Mém. Mexique, Blatt. p. 131, pl. 2. f. 25 (1864). 114. E. msularis, Bolivar, Mém. Soc. Zool. Fr. Vol. 1, p. 128 (1888). Cuba. 115. E. cubensis, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 127 (1888). Cuba. 116. E. cavaibea, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, Cuba. p- 65 (1893). 117. E. sabulosa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 70 (1868). ‘ Haiti. 118. E. microspila, Walker, ibidem, p. 208 (1868). Haiti. Doubtful species : 119. E. elegans, Eschscholtz, Entomographien, p. 84 (1822). Philippines. 120. E. acutipennis, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. (183g). Habitat (?). 23. GENUS EUSTEGASTA, GERSTACKER Eustegasta. Gerstacker, Mitt. Ver. Vorpomm. Vol. 14, p. 53 (1883). Compsoblatta. Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 9 (1891). Characters. — Size small. Head with the vertex freely exposed. Pronotum nitid, impunctate, posteriorly produced triangularly, sides deflexed. Tegmina and wings fully developed in both sexes, the former seriate-punctate at base; mediastinal vein of wings very long and giving off many rami to ante- rior margin. Supra-anal lamina (G") surpassed by the sub-genital lamina which is asymmetrical and with two styles, in the 9 the supra-anal lamina is variable but usually of the typical Epilamprine shape. Femora most sparsely armed with one or two spines only on the margins beneath. Tarsi very long, metatarsi biseriately spined beneath, pulvilli apical, second and third tarsal joints with a few spines. Geographical distribution of species. — East and West Africa, Madagascar. t. E. poectla, Schaum, Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, p. 777 (1853). Mozambique, Nyasaland. E. poecila, Schaum, Peters’ Reise Mossamb. Zool, Vol. 5, p. 109, pl. 7, f, 2 (1862). 2. E. obsoleta, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 5, p. 287 (1go0). Nyasaland. 3. E. micans, Saussure & Zehntner, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 17 (1895). Zanzibar. 4. E. buprestoides, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p.76(1868).— Pl. 2, Fig.9. Fernando Po, Cameroons. 5. E. cavabidina, Walker, ibidem, p. 76 (1868). Sierra Leone. 6. E. luect, Dominique, Bull. Soc. Ouest France, Vol. 10, p. 204, pl. 3, French Congo. f. 14-18 (1900). 7. E. agrilidina, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 47 (1907). French Congo. 8. E. vartegata, Shelford, ibidem, p. 47 (1907). French Congo. g. E. splendens, Saussure, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf. Vol. 21, p. 584 West Africa (?). (1899). 10. FE. metallica, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol 6, p. 26 (1891). Madagascar. E. metallica, Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madag. Orth. Vol. 1, p. 108, pl. 3, f. 37 (1895). E. amocna, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 102, pl. 3, f. 36 (1895). E, pulchella, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 106, pl. 3, f. 38 (1895). be) tr. E. amoena, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 343 (1864). 12. E. venusta, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 10 (1891). 13. E. suava, Saussure, ibidem, p. 26 (1891). 14. E. pulchella, Saussure, ibidem, p. 10 (1891). 15. E. lepida, Saussure & Zehntner, Rev. Suisse Zool. Vol. 3, p. 16 (1895). 16. E. blanda, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 16 (1895). > Pages abdomen-nigrum, De Geer (g. Ep:- lampra) 17 abdominalis, Kirby (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 abortivipenna, Rehn (g Epilampra) 16 acutipennis, Sauss. (g Derocardia) 13 acutipennis, Serv. (g. Eptlampra) 17 adjuncta, Walk. (g. Ep:lampra) 16 adusta, Walk. (g. Homalopteryx) agathina, Sauss, (g. Epilampra) 16 agrilidina, Shelf. (¢. Eustegast«) 17 albicollis, Blanch. (g. Phorasprs) 4 albina, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 15 alligata, Walk (2, Eprlampra) 15 amoena, Sauss. (g. Eustegasta) 18 amplipennis, Walk. (g. Morphua) 6 angulata, Sauss. (g. Epilampra 14 annandalei, Shelf. (g. Epilampra) 14 anomala, Sauss. (g. Phlebonotus) 5 antica, Walk. (g. Calolampra) nae) antillarum, Shelf. (g¢. Notolampra 4 Apsidopis (genus). Sauss. 6 aptera, Schulth. (g. Calolampra) 10 aptera, Stoll (g. Oprsthoplatia) 8 arctata, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 16 aspera, Tepp. (g. Calolampra) 10 Ataxigamia (genus), Tepp. 9 atomaria, Blanch. (g. Phoraspts) 4 atomifera, Walk. (g. Calolampra) 10 atra, Tepp. (g. Calolampra) 10 atriventris, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 16 Aiidreia (genus), Shelf. II auriculata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Homa- lopteryx) a azteca, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 16 ORTHOPTERA INDEX badia, Brunn. v. W. (g. Morphna) basifera, Walk. (g. Homalopteryx) basistriga, Walk. (g. Epilampra) bella, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) bicolor, Shelf. (g. Alaxigamia) bicolor, Sauss.& Zehnt.(g.Phoraspis) bifasciata, Sauss. (g. Pinaconota) biolleyi, Sauss. (g. Aiidreia) biplagiata, Bol. (g. Morphua) bispinosa, Sauss. (g. Calolampra) bivittata, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) blanda, Sauss. & Zehntn. (g. Euste- gasta) borgi, Shelf. (g. Epilampra) borrei, Sauss. (g. Rhabdoblatta) brasiliensis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epi- lampra) ; brasiliensis, Pabr. (g. Efpilampra) brevis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epilampra} brevitarsis, Sauss. (g. Calolampra) buprestoides, Walk. (g. Eustegasta) buqueti, Serv. (g. Rhabdoblatta) burmeisteri, Guer. (g. Epilampra) caizana, Gig.-Tos (g, Epilampra) caliginosa, Stal (g. Epilampra) caliginosa, Walk. (g. Epilampra) Calolampra (genus), Sauss, camerunensis, Borg (g. Epilampra) capucina, Brunn. v. W. (g. Homa- lopleryx) carabidina, Walk. (g. Eustegasta) caraibea, Sauss. & Zehntn. (g. Epi- lampra Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Pages cariniceps, Bol. (g. Homalopteryx) 7 carinulata, Sauss. (g. Atidreia) ee cassidea, Burm. (g. Notolampra) 4 cassidea, Dalm. (g. Phoraspis) 4 castanea, Brunn.v.W. (g. Epilampra) 16 castanea, Tepp. (g. Thorax) 5 catharina, Shelf. (g. Aiidreta) II characterosa, Walk. (g. Calolampra) 10 cicatricosa, Rehn (g. Atidreia) Il cinerascens, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epi- lampra) 16 cinerea, Thunb. (g. Epilampra) 16 cincta, Brunn. v. W. (g. Eptlampra) 14 circumvagans, Burm. (g. Phoetalia) 8 columbiana, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 16 Compsoblatta (genus), Sauss. 17 Compsolampra (genus), Sauss. 6 concinnula, Walk. (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 conferta, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 16 conformis, Walk.(g. Pseudophoraspis) 12 congrua, Walk. (g. Pseudophoraspis) 12 congrua, Walk. (g. Temnopteryx) 10 conspersa, Burm. (g. Eptlampra) 16 conspersa, Sauss. (g. Eptlampra) 16 conspersa, Brulleé, (g. Phoraspis) 3 conspersa, Burm. (g. Phoraspis) 16 conspicua, Walk. (g. Eptlampra) 14 convexa, Thunb. (g. Phoraspis) 3 crassa, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 16 crocea, Sauss. (g. Eptlampra) 16 crossea, Sauss. (g. Eptlampra) 16 cribellata, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 15 cribrata, Sauss. (g. Phlebonotus) 5 cribricollis, Serv. (2. Epilampra) 14 Pages cribrosa, Burm. (g. Epilampra) 16 cubensis, Bol. (g. Epilampra) 17 curta, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 cyclops, Sauss. (g. Apsidopis) 6 Cyrtilia (genus), Stal 3 cyrtopthalma, Stal (g. Epilampra) 15 decolyi, Bol. (y. Homalopteryx) 7 deflexa, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 15 deplanata, Walk. (g. Pseudophoras- pis) 12 depolita, Brancs. (g. Calolampra) 10 Derocardia (genus), Sauss. 13 desidiosa, Rehn (g. Rhicnoda) ° 9 dilatata, Brunn.v.W. (g. Epilampra) 15 dimorpha, Shir. (g. Calolampra) 10 doleschali, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epi- lampra) 15 dotata, Walk. (g. Morphna) O07 electa, Borg (g. Epilampra) 14 elegans, Eschsch. (g. Epilampra) 17 Epilampra (genus), Burm. 13 erubescens, Gerst. (g. Epilampra) 14 Eustegasta (genus), Gerst. 17 excelsa, Nav. (g. Epilampra) 14 fallax, Sauss. & Zehntn.(g.Epilampra) 16 fastuosa, Blanch. (g. Phoraspis) if ferruginea, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epi- lampra) 16 ferruginosa, Stal (g. Epilampra) 15 fervida, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 flavipes, Blanch. (g. Phoraspis) 4 flavomarginata, Shelf. (g. Epilampra) 15 fornicata, Sauss. (g, Calolampra) 10 fraserensis, Tepp. (g. Calolampra) 10 fruhstorferi,Shelf.(g.Pseudophoraspis) 12 fusca, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epilampra) 16 geminata, Brunn.v.W.(g. Epilampra) 15 geochroma, Walk. (g. Homalopteryx) 8 gibba, Thunb. (g. Notolampra) 4 goliath, Shelf. (g. Epilampra) 15 gracilis, Brunn.v.W. (g. Calolampra) 10 grisea, De Geer (g. Epilampra) 16 guttigera, Shir. (g. Epilampra) 14 hamiltoni, Rehn (g. Aiidreia) II Hedaia (genus), Sauss. & Zehntn. 12 Heterolampra (genus), Kirby 13 heusseriana, Sauss. (g. Aiidveia) II heydeniana, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 16 FAM. BLAT TIDAE Pages heydeniana, Sauss. (g. Phoraspis) 3 Homalopteryx (genus), Brunn. v. W. 4 horologica, Kirby (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 hybrida, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 14 imitatrix, Sauss. & Zehntn. (g. Epr- lampra) 16 imitans, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epilam- pra) 14 immaculata, Kirby (g. Epilampra) 14 imperatoria, Stal (g. Pseudophoraspis) 12 imperatrix, Kirby (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 inclarata, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 inconspicua, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epi- lampra) 15 infinita, Borg (g. Epilampra) 14 inquinata, Stal (g. Molytria) 7 insolita, Walk. (g. Compsolampra) 6 insueta, Walk. (g. Eptlampra) 15 insularis, Bol. (g. Epilampra) 17 intacta, Walk. (g. Phlebonotus) 5 intermedia. Bol. (g. Homalopteryx) 8 irrorata, Fabr. (g. Calolampra) 10 isochroma, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 jaspidea, Serv. (g. Pseudophoraspis) 12 javanica, Sauss. (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 josephi, Gig.-Tos (g. Epilampra) 16 keraudrenii, Le Guill. (g. Eptlampra) 15 laevicollis, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 15 laevigata, Beauv. (g. Phoetalia) 8 laevis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Calolampra) 10 laminata, Brunn.v.W.(g. Rhicnoda) 9 laticollis, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 latifrons, Sauss. & Zehntn. (g, Epi- lampra) 17 lepida, Sauss. (g. Eustegasta) 18 leucogramma, Perty (g. Phoraspis) 4 limbalis, Brancs. (g. Epilampra) 17 lineaticollis, Bol. (g. Eptlampra) 14 liturata, Serv. (g. Compsolampra) 6 livida, De Geer (g. Epilampra) 17 lucida, Sauss. (g. Notolampra) 4 lucifuga, Rehn (g. Ep:lampra) 16 luctuosa, Sduss. (g. Phoraspis). 3 lueci, Dom. (g. Eustegasta) 17 lugubrina, Stal (g. Epilampra) 15 lurida, Burm. (g. Epilampra) 14 luteola, Blanch. (g. Phoraspis) 4 lyncea, Gerst. (g. Epilampra) 14 19 Pages macassariensis, Haan (g. Homalo- pleryx) maculata, Brunn. v. W.(g. Morphna) maculata, Shir. (g- Rhicnoda) maculicollis, Serv. (g. Epilampra) maculifrons, Stal (g. Epilampra) maindroni, Shelf. (g. Homalopteryx) major, Sauss. (g. Homalopteryx) malagassa, Sauss. & Zehntn.(g.Epi- lampra) manillensis, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) marginalis, Walk. (g. Calolampra) marginalis, Walk. (g. Phoetalia) marginata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Calo- lampra) marginicollis, Stal (g. Phoetalia) marmorata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epi lampra) maya, Rehn (g. Epilampra) melanosoma, Sauss. (g. Epilampra metallica, Sauss. (g. Eustegasta) meticulosa, Stal (g. Epilampra) mexicana, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) mexicana. Sauss. (g. Phoraspts) micans, Sauss. & Zehntn. (g. Euste- gasta) microspila, Walk. (g. Epilampra) minuta, Borg (g. Epilampra) miranda, Shelf. (g. Pseudophoraspis) modesta Brunn.v. W. (g. Phoraspis) moloch, Rehn (g. Epilampra) _ Molytria (genus), Stal monticola, Kirby (g. Epilampra) Morphna (genus), Shelf. munda, Walk. (g. Epilampra) mutica, Kirby (g, Epilampra) natatrix, Shelf. (g. Rhicnoda) nebulosa, Burm. (g. Pseudophora- pis) nigra, Blanch. (g. Phoraspts) notabilis, Walk. (g. Molytria) notata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Thorax) Notolampra (genus), Sauss. nudiventris, Sauss. (g. Molytria) obliqua, Walk. (g. Pinaconota) obscura, Tepp. (g. Calolampra) obscurifrons, Stal (g. Rhicnoda) obsoleta, Kirby (g. Eustegasta) olivacea, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) oniscosoma, Sauss. (g. Tvibonoidea) opaca, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 20 Pages Opisthoplatia (venus), Brunn. v. W. 8 orientalis, Burm. (g. Optsthoplatia) 8 oxyptera, Walk. (g. Apsidopis) 6 pallens, Serv. (g. Phlebonotus) 5 pallida, Borg (g. Epilampra) 14 pallida, Kirby (g. Epilampra) 14 pallida, Brunn. v. W. (g. Phoetalia) 8 pandens, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 pantherina, Blanch. (g_ Phoraspis) 4 papua, Sauss. (g, Epilampra) 15 Paraphoraspis (genus), Brunn. v. W. 4 pardalina, Walk. (g. Calolampra) 10 parvicollis, Walk. (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 patinifera, Bol. (g. Homalopteryx) 7 paula, Tepp. (g. Calolampra) 10 pectinata, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 15 pedisequa, Rehn (g. Calolampra) 10 pelewensis, Sauss. (g. Homalopteryx) 8 pellucens, Thunb. (g. Phoraspis) 3 perplexa, Shelf. (g. Molytria) 7 perplexa, Tepp. (g. Epzlampra) 15 pfeifferae, Brunn.v W. (g. Rhabdot- blata) 13 Phlebonotus (venus), Sauss. 5 Phoetalia (genus), Stal. 8 Phoraspis (genus), Serv. 3} picta, Drury (g. Phoraspts) 4 pictetiana, Sauss. (g. Opisthoplatia) 8 Pinaconota (genus), Sauss. 5) plana, Brunn. v. W. (g. Morphna) 6 Planes (venus), Sauss. 5 plebeia, Stal (g. Epilampra) 15, plena, Walk. (g. Epilampra 15 plicata, Nav. (g. Rhicnoda) 9 poecila, Schaum (g. Eustegasta 17 Poeciloderrhis (genus), Stal 13 polyspila, Walk. (g. Morphna) 6 porcellana, Sauss. (g. Thorax) 5 praecipua, Walk. (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 procera, Brunn. v. W. (g. Rhabdo- blatta) 13 ORDHO RMA Pages propria, Walk. (g. Calolampra) 10 proxima, Brunn,v.W. (g. Epilampra) 16 Pseudophoraspis (genus), Kirby 12 pudica, Stal (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 pulchella, Sauss. (g. Eustegasta) 18 pulchra, Shelf. (g. Atidreia) II punctata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epilam- pra) 14 punctata, Sauss. (g. Notolampra) ef puncticollis, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 puncticollis, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 15 puncticollis, Stal (g. Epilampra) 15 punctifera, Walk. (¢. Morphna) 6 punctipennis, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 14 punctulata, Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 14 pustulata, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 quadrata, Sauss. (g. Compsolampra) 6 quadrinotata, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 ramifera, Walk. (g. Morphna) 7 reflexa, Sauss. & Zehntn, (g. Rhic- noda) 9 regina, Sauss. (g, Rhabdoblatia) 13 repanda, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 16 Rhabdoblatta (genus), Kirby 12 Rhicnoda (genus), Brunn. v. W. 9 ridleyi, Kirby (g. Epilampra) 15 rufovittata, Schoenh. (g. Phoraspis) 4 rugosa, Brunn. v W. (g. Rhicnoda) 9 rustica, Stal (¢. Epilampra) 15 sabulosa, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 17 saravacensis, Shelf. (g. Epilampra) 15 saussurei, Kirby (g. Efilampra) 15 scita, Walk. (g. Pseudophoraspis) ud sculpturata, Bol. (g. Epilampra) 14 seydi, Shelf. (¢. Tribonotdea) II shelfordi, Kirby (g. Morphna) 6 sicca, Walk. (g. Pinaconota) 5 signatura, Walk. (g. Eplampra) 14 sinensis, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 sj6stedti, Borg (g. Epilampra) 14 socia, Stal (g. Epilampra) 16 Pages sodalis, Walk. (g. Epilanipra) 16 spinulosa, Brunn.v.W.(g.Rhicnoda) 9 splendens, Sauss. (g. Eustegasta) 17 staeli, Kirby (g. Eptlampra) 15 stigmosa. Gig.-Tos (g. Epilampra) 16 stipata, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 14 strigifrons, Walk. (g. Homalopteryx) 8 structili<, Rehn (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 suava, Sauss. (¢g. Eustegasta) 18 subconspera, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 16 subsparsa, Walk. (g. Epilampra) I4 substrigata, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 16 superba, Brunn. v. W. (g. Epilam- pra) 13 tagalica, Stal (¢. Epilampra) 15 tatei, Tepp. (g. Ataxrgamia) 9 tatei, Tepp. (g. Calolampra) 10 templetonii, Kirby (g. Homalopteryx) 8 tepperi, Kirby (g. Calolampra) 10 terranea, Walk. (g. Rhicnoda) 9 testacea, Brunn.v.W. (g.Eptlampra) 16 Thorax (genus), Sauss. 4 Tribonoidea (genus), Shelf. Il trilobata. Sauss. (g. Epilampra) 14 trivialis, Stal (g. Epilampra) 15 trongana, Rehn (g. Epilampra) 14 truncata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Aiidreta) 11 truncata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Rhabdo- blatta) 13 unicolor, Burm, (g. Phoraspis) 4 varia, Walk. (g. Epilampra) 15 variegata, Shelf. (g. Eustegasia) 17 vasta, Walk. (g. Pseudophoraspts) 12 venusta, Sauss. (g. Eustegasta) 18 venusta, Sauss. & Zehntn. (g.Hedata) 12 verticalis, Burm. (g, Epilampra) 16 wallacei, Shelf. (g. Apsidopts) 6 yersiniana, Sauss. (g. Rhabdoblatta) 13 FAM. BLATTIDA: EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES PLATE 1 Fig. 1. Phoraspis conveva, Thunberg. — ta, — — — Posterior tarsus. 2. Notolampra gibba, Thunberg. Wing of male. 3. Phlebonotus pallens, Serville. Wing of male. — 7 — — — Wing of female. 5. Apsidopis oxyptera, Walker. — 6. Compsolampra liturata, Serville. 7. Morphna maculata, Brunner von Wattenwyl. — 7a — = — — Posterior tarsus. — 8. Molytria inquinata, Stal. Male. — 9g. Homalopteryx maindront, nov. sp. — 10. — basifeva, \Valker. Posterior tarsus. — 11. Alaxigamia bicolor, nov. sp. PLATE 2 Fig. 1. Rhacnoda natatrix, Shelford. Female. — 2. Alidveva pulchva, nov. gen. et sp. Female. — 24a. Male. — 3. Pseudophoraspis fruhstorferi, nov. sp. = ile -— nebulosa, Burmeister. Posterior tarsus. — 5. Rhabdoblatta praecipua, Walker. =a — — — Posterior tarsus. — 6. Epilampra goliath, Shelford. = Fs = brevis, Brunner von Wattenwyl. Posterior tarsus. — 8. — conferta, Walker. — 9g. Eustegasta buprestoides, Walker. Oxford, 15th December 1909. - Wir? an ee .* ee ee Te yr ee ee GENERA INSECTORUM ORTHOPTERA ) @mpsolampra liturata Phoraspis COTNVEXa Apsidopis oxyptera Phoraspis picta Phlebonotits pallens Notolampra gibba 10 Morphna maculata Morphna maculata Molrtria inquinata Homalopteryx maindroni FAM. BLATTIDA. SUBFAM. EPILAMPRINA GENERA INSECTORUM ORTHOPTERA Audreia pulchra fe} Rhicnoda natatrix \ Mk \ i Ni 4 t} 5 t Kb \} 7 \ 1S Kh \ \ Ny \p Kh f \ Ah M { \} Ni I | \ if ] i + MY \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Nd ea AY | | \ ~ ra Xfi ot \\ } x| \\} Rhabdoblatta praecipiua Pseudophoraspis fruhstorfteri \ 1s \ AS. Pseudophophoraspis = ie bul J Epilampra goliath = nebulosa « 5a Epilampra brevis Rhabdoblatla praecipua Epidampra conterta FAM. BLATTIDA. SUBFAM. EPILAMPRINA, ~ foo" PASCICUEE GENERA I NSECTORUM DIRIGES PAR P.WYTSMAN ORTHOPTERA FAM. BLATTID& SUBFAM. BLATTINA (= PERIPLANETINA) by R. SHELFORD WITH 2 COLOURED PLATES 1910 SE SL SY SS. SS OE ESTE PRIX : FR. 10.80 On souscrit chez M. P. WyTsman, Zoologiste, Quatre-Bras, TERVUEREN (Belgique). Prospectus gratis et franco sur demande. ORTHOPTERA ORTHOPTERA FAM: BEAT FIDE SUBFAM. BLATTIN2 (= PERIPLANETIN2) ORTHOPTERA FAMS BLATT A SUBFAM. BLATTINA: (= PERIPLANETINA®) by R. SHELFORD WITH 2 COLOURED PLATES Characters. — Antenne setaceous and usually much longer than the body, very rarely plumose or incrassated. Head with the vertex usually exposed. Eyes reniform. Ocelliform spots rarely absent. Tegmina and wings completely developed, reduced, rudimentary or absent; when present usually semicoriaceous; the costal veins of the wings irregular and much branched, ulnar vein of the wings multiramose, the branches irregular and bifurcated. Sub-genital lamina of male typically quadrate and symmetrical with a pair of slender genital styles. Sub-genital lamina of female modified to form a pair of apposed valves. Cerci variable, but generally flattened and acuminate. Femora generally strongly spined beneath. Tarsi variable. Ootheca chitinous, carried with the suture uppermost. None of the species viviparous. This is a very well-defined subfamily on account of the valvular structure of the female sub-genital lamina, whilst the males can also be readily distinguished by the symmetry of the sub-genital lamina and by the slender but well-marked styles. | have met with no forms that can be regarded as intermediate between this and other subfamilies of Blattide. I cannot follow Bolivar in maintaining the subfamily Nocticolinae for the cavernicolous genera Nocticola and Sfelaeoblatta ; to my mind the undoubted Blattine features of the female sub-genital lamina in these genera over-ride in importance characters that have been called into existence by the cave-haunting habit. Sexual dimorphism is a very marked feature of the Blattinee and some confusion has resulted from its non-recognition by some authors; there is no doubt that the number of known species of Deropeltis and Pseudoderopeltis will be reduced when we gain more exact knowledge of the two sexes of both genera; several species of Pseudoderopeltis, described from females alone, have been placed in Stylopyga by older authors, so that the synonymy is somewhat 2 ORTHOPTERA tangled. I have separated Stylopyga from the genus Blatta for what I consider a valid reason, viz. the similarity of the two sexes in the former genus, their dissimilarity in the latter. But I am far from satisfied that the species now included in Blatta form a natural group and I| am only restrained from further depleting the genus by lack of knowledge concerning the structure of the two sexes in certain species; when this knowledge comes to hand — as eventually will surely be the case — the genus can be re-arranged satisfactorily. KEY 10 THE GENERA 1. Eyes well-developed. Tarsal avolia present. 2. Posterior margin of fifth abdominal tergite not sinuate. 3. Tibiae with spines on outer aspect trisertately arranged. 4. Posterior metatarsus shorter oy not longer than the remaining joints, which ave unaymed beneath. 5. Distance apart of eyes on vertex of head less than or equal to the distance apart of the antennal sockets. Old-W orld Sorms. 6. Ocelli usually absent. Tegminal rudiments absent. Abdominal tergites with well-marked stigmatic dots. Supya-anal lamina (Q) more or less bilobate. Cerct blunt and flattened, gene- vally not extending beyond the supra-anal lamina. . . 2. Genus Euzosreria, Shelford. 6'. Ocelli present. Tegmina present, vudimentary ov absent. Abdominal tergites varely with stigmatic dots. Supra- anal lamina (Q) not bilobate. Cerct longer, apex usually acuminate. 7. Wings absent or rudimentary. Tegmina rudimentary or absent. 8. Tegmina absent oy represented by squamiform lobes. g. Posterior angles of the fifth and sixth abdominal tergites backwardly produced. 10. Posterior metatarsus short, not spined beneath or with only a few spines; tts pulvillus usually large, and occupying at least half of the joint. 11. Lateral margins of pronotum notincrassated. Thoracic tergites more or less smooth and nitid. 12. Supra-anal lamina (GQ) not produced to form an acute spine 3. Genus PLatyzosTEria, Brunner von 12'. Supra-anal lamina (GQ) produced to form an acute [Wattenwyl. Spine. se ol) eee) c 4eGenussererozosTPRIA, epper: 11. Lateral margins of pronotum incrassated. Thoracic tergites punctate oy tuberculate . . . . . . 6. Genus ZontopLoca, Stal. 10!. Posterior metatarsus longer, spined beneath, ats pulvil- lus not occupying one-half of the joint . . . . 5. Genus Curia, Stal. g'. Posterior angles of the fifth and sixth abdominal tergites not backwardly produced, or if produced the abdominal tergttes ave scabrous. Tegmina entirely absent. bo FAM. BLATTIDA 10. Posterior angles of seventh abdominal tergile backwardly produced ; abdomen above scabrous . . . . . 7. Genus Cosmozosrerta, Stal. 10'. Posterior angles of seventh abdominal tergite not back- wardly produced ; abdomen above smooth, nitid. tr. Lateral margins of pronotum not incrassated. . . 8. Genus ANAMEsIA, Tepper. 11'. Lateral margins of pronotum incrassated . . . . g. Genus Desmozosterta, Shelford. 8'. Tegmina quadrate, as long as the pronotum. Q. Wuigsabsend. 2 . 3 + «= . « . .-. . » YO. Genus TEMNELYrRA, Tepper. Om Waiesadimentany “ewe = - « . > = «= it. Genus Scanina, Shelford. 7'. Tegmina and wings well-developed. . 8. Antennae not plumose nor incrassated. g. Pronotum anteriorly parabolic, sides deflexed. . . . 12. Genus Meruana, Stal. g'. Pronotum discoidal, sides not deflexed. . . . . . 13. Genus ParamerHana, Shelford. 8'. Antennae plumose and incrassated . . . . . . 4. Genus THyYRsocERA, Burmeister. 5'. Distance apart of eyes on vertex of head greater than distance apart of antennal sockets. American forms. 6. Tegmina squamiform oy much reduced, quadrate and not extending beyond the metanotum. Wangs absent or squami- JWR 5 2 6% B@ © 6 3 8 6 y9 6 0 5 5 86 Wy Genus uaccme, Sell, 6'. Tegmina and wings completely developed or ovate and extend- ing to the middle of the abdomen. . . . . . . . 16. Genus PErMatosI-pHa, Dohrn. 4'. Posterior metatarsus longer than the remaining joints, the second and generally the third of which ave armed beneath. 5. Pronotum trapezoidal or discordal. 6. Both sexes apterous or with squamiform tegmina. . . . 18. Genus StyLopyGa, Fischer von 6'. Male sex only or both sexes with well-developed tegmina. | Waldheim. 7. Second joint of posterror tarsi long, together with the third and fourth joints bisertately spined beneath. Pulvillr minute. 8. Tegmina of 3 variable, but always shorter than the abdo- men, of Q squamiform or truncate or lanceolate . . 19. Genus Brarra, Linneus. 8'. Tegmina of GO well-developed, exceeding apex of abdo- men. g. LTegmina of Q sub-truncate or squamiform. 10. Tegmina of @ sub-truncate. Meso- and metanotum of & without membranous processes. . . . . 20. Genus Cartosratra, Shelford. 10'. Tegmina of Q squamiform. Meso- and metanotum of Gi with membranous processes. . . . . . 21. Genus PsEUDODEROPELTIS, Krauss. g'. Tegmina of Q fully developed, exceeding the apex of the abdomen. 10. Pronotum broadest behind middle, its sides deflexed . 22. Genus PERIpLANEYA, Burmeister. 10'. Pronotum broadest before middle, discoidal. . . . 23. Genus Homatosiipna, Stal. 7'. Second joint of posterior tarsi short. fourth joint unarmed beneath. Pulvilli moderately U8 5 6 2» 0 9 © 27, Gemus IDemansn, Stal. os Pronctumoblong =). « . . . « « «= 24,\Genus Brosrarra, Shelford. 3'. Tibiae with spines on outer aspect biseriately arvanged. ji ORTHOPTERA 4. Tibial spines well- ov moderately well-developed. Din LIGYSUNVER NSH OY ta OHLUNCLYRApLCHOUS) 1) ie wns eye 1, Genus PoryzostertA, Burmeister. Sl pelarsvilones Wanged i ee eee 20s Genus MIROBLATTA Shelford. 4'. Tibial spines weak and sparse. 5. Pronotum very vugose, discoidal (C) or trapezoidal (QP). . 27. Genus Catara, Walker. 5'. Pronotum not very rugose, oblong. : 6. Posterior metatarsus longer than the rvemaming joints. . . 28. Genus Proraconista, Shelford. 6'. Posterior metatarsus shorter than the remaining joints . . 29. Genus ArcHiBLATra, Vollenhoven. 2'. Postertor margin of fifth abdominal tergitesinuate. . . . . 25. Genus Drropertis, Burmeister. 1', Eves vudimentary oy absent. Tarsal arolia absent. ; 2. Eyes rudimentary. Head cordiform . . . . . . . . . 30. Genus Nocticora, Bolivar. aie Liyes absent, Elead oblong. (ae ie) ee ae) Sn Genus SPEDZOBLATIA, Bolivar. |. GENUS POLYZOSTERIA, BURMEISTER Polyzosteria. Burmeister, Handb Ent., Vol. 2, p. 482 (1838). Chalcolampra. Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 132 (1863). Characters. — Ocelli absent. Antenne shorter than the body. Pronotum anteriorly somewhat cucullate, margins not reflected, posteriorly truncate. Tegmina and wings entirely absent. Posterior angles of the seventh abdominal tergite strongly produced backwards, angles of the preceding tergites not or scarcely produced, angles of the ninth tergite sometimes lobiform. Stigmatic dots on abdominal tergites well-marked. Supra-anal lamina : (‘) quadrate, angles acute, (Q) sub-bilobate cucullate. Sub- genital-lamina (Q%) sub-quadrate, styles short, obtuse. Cerci short, flattened, blunt at apex. Tibiz robust, almost quadrangular in section, spines on outer aspect in two rows. Posterior metatarsus very short, unarmed beneath, its pulvillus occupying the greater part of the joint. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia and Tasmania. 1. P. limbata, Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 483 (1838). Australia, Tasmania. P. aexea, Burmeister, ibidem, p. 483 (1838). P. purpurascens, Fischer, Orth, Eur. p. 93 (1853). P. pulchella, Saussure, Rev. Zool, (2) Vol. 16, p. 308 (1864). P. nitens, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit Mus. p. 155 (1868). ? P. frenchti, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 18, p. 178 (18904). 2. P. iridicolor, Yepper, ibidem, Vol. 17, p. 73 (1893). South Australia. 3. 'P. bagoti, Tepper, ibidem, p. 79 (1893). South Australia. 4. P. cuprea, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, South and West Australia. Db WSIS Te tig B= [Pio [lp Tle Mc P. maculata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 206 (1865). 5. P. umpressa, Tepper, mm Horn, Exped. Centr. Austral., Vol 2, p. 361 Central Australia. (1896). 6. P. obscuroviridis, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 73 South Australia. (1893). 7. P. pubescens, Tepper, ibidem, p. 75 (1893). — PI. I, Fig. la. West Australia. 8. P. oculata, Tepper, ibidem, p. 75 (1893). South Australia, Victoria. g. P. invisa, Walker, Cat Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 162 (1868). Australia. 10. P. viridissima, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 262 (1909). New South Wales. PAM. BEAT TIDAL 5 2. GENUS EUZOSTERIA, SHELFORD Euzosteria. Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 262 (1g09). Characters. — Similar to Polyzosteria, but the spines on outer aspect of tibia triseriately arranged. Margins of pronotum more or less reflected. Ocelli occasionally present. Supra-anal lamina : (co) with less acute angles, (Q ) more rounded, less bilobate. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia. 1. EB. subverrucosa, White, im Grey, Journ. Exped. Austral., Vol. 2, p. 467 Australia. (1841). Polyzosteria reflexa, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 208 (1865). Polyzosteria femoralis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 156 (1868). Polyzosterta figurata, Walker, ibidem, p. 157 (1868). 2. E. subreflexa, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 1g. p.158(1895). South Australia. 3. E. nebilis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 209 (1865). South and West Australia. Polyzosterta subnobilis, Vepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral.,Vol. 17, p. 81 (1893). 4. E. patula, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 157 (1868). — Pl. |, South and West Australia. Fig. 2a. 5. E. mitchellu, Angas, S. Austral. Illustr., pl. 48, f. 1 (1847). — Pl. 1, Victoria, South and West Fal Some Australia. E, mitchellit, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 106 (1873). 3. GENUS PLATYZOSTERIA, BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL Platyzosteria. Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p 204 (1868). Melanozosteria, Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad., Vol. 2, n° 13, p. 13 (1874). Syntomaptera. Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 106 (1893). Drymaplaneta. Tepper, ibidem, p. 109 (1893). Characters. — Ocelli absent. Antenne shorter than the body. Body depressed. Vertex of head not covered by pronotum. Pronotum not cucullate, its margins not reflected. Rudiments of tegmina present as squamiform lobes or absent. Wings absent. Posterior angles of all the abdominal tergites produced, those of the distal tergites strongly produced and spiniform. Supra-anal lamina variable in shape, but never sub-bilobate in 9. Genital styles long, slender, acuminate. Cerci frequently exceeding the supra-anal lamina, apex acuminate. Tibia moderately spined, spines on outer aspect triseriately arranged. Posterior metatarsus very short, not spined beneath or with only a few spines, its pulvillus covering the greater part of the joint beneath. Geographical distribution of species. — Formosa, Malay Archipelago to Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Bombay. 1. P. grandis, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, Victoria. South Australia. Po DLON( L873). 2. P. melanaria, Erichson, Arch. f. Naturg., Vol. 8, p. 247 (1842). — Tasmania. Fla Il, (Pies Sie: 3. P. analis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 306 (1864). New South Wales, West Polyzosteria melanaria, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. Australia, Bombay. p- 210 (1865). ae my by ae) = 9p) Se} as) "2 4s) te) Ae) ses) As) Se Hel ‘nel he} el a0) ae) v Hel Ae) a8) Ae) eI ORTHOPTERA Periplaneta invisa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 137 (1868) (G only). Periplaneta vuficornis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus, Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 38 (1871). . pseudatrata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc.S. Austral., Vol. 17, p.86 (1893). Central Australia. . ateryima, Erichson, Arch. f. Naturg., Vol. 8, p. 248 (1842). Tasmania, Australia. Periplaneta glabra, Vepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 17, p. 107 (1893). Syntomaptera teppert, Kirby, Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 374 (1903). . ferox, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 273, pl. 7, f 7 (1909). Central Australia. — Pl. |, Fig. 3a. . armata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 84 (1893). | West Australia. . vufofusca, Tepper, ibidem, p. 84 (1893). South Australia. . bifida, Saussure. Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23. p. 110, Queensland. oll, WO, N37 (EGS), . atyata, Erichson, Arch. f. Naturg , Vol. 8, p. 248 (1842). Tasmania, New S. Wales, Victoria, \West Australia. . mvisa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 137 (1868). New S. Wales, West Aus- . consobyina, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 306 (1864). Australia. [tralia. . vuficeps, Shelford, Blattidee, in Fauna Sitidwest Austral. Vol. 2, West Austrialia. Wiet og} pa todas pla cose) (OOS): . punctata, Brunner vonWattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p.211(1865). New S. Wales. . variolosa, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6), Vol. 2, p. 460 (1882). New Caledonia. . scabva, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p.213 (1865). New S. Wales. Polyzosteria scabra, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 162 (1868). . covalis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. Bombay. Da IS (Wz). | Wales. . scabrella, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p.88 (1893). South Australia, New S. . biglumts, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 305 (1864). New S. Wales, Victoria, P. subaptera, Brunner von Wattenwy], Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 212 (1865). S. Australia. . perplexa, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 277 (1909). Tasmania. . vufipes, Shelford, ibidem, p. 278 (1909). West Australia. . biloba, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Se. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, p. 258 Amboina. pl. 3, f. 20 (1869). . curiosa. Shelford, Blattidae,in Fauna Siidwest Austral. Vol. 2, Lief.g, West Australia. [Dp SI folly WS), ate wer, Wy ((Gue\ero)), . bicolor, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 373 (1903). — Torres Straits. le Ue [ifs Sa . novae-seclandiae, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. New Zealand. p. 218 (1865). Periplaneta fortipes, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 137 (1868). . castavea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p.214 (1865). New S. Wales, Victoria. P. avocaensis, Yepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 88 (1893). P. exaspera. Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 18, p. 182 (1894). . obscura, Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 17, p. 107 (1893). South and West Australia. . scabyiuscula, Tepper, ibidem, p. 108 (1893). South and West Australia. . rufotermimata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 219 Australia. (1865). . pseudocastanea, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral , Vol. 17, p. 89 South Australia. (1893). . cevatodt, Krauss, Denkschr. Med.-nat. Ges. Jena, Vol. 8, p. 751 (1903) Queensland. . glabra, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 139 (1868). Australia. . conjuncta, Shelford, Blattidee, in Fauna Siidwest Austral. Vol. 2, West Australia. ief. Gy ps 136 (1909). . morosa, Shelford, ibidem, p. 136 (1909). South and West Australia, . provisionalis, Tepper. Trans. Roy. Soc.S.Austral.,Vol 17,p.108(1893). South Australia. P. inclusa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 140 (1868). West Australia. 37. 38. 30). 40. 4. 42. 43. 44- 318) Te} ae) ae! a8) ets) tas} ae} as) v 8) 29) 3} Me} 48) FAM. BLATTIDA® . albomarginata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p- 212 (1865). . bvunnea, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 86 (1893). . obscuripes, Tepper, ibidem, p. 112 (1893). . variegata, Shelford, Blattide, in Fauna Siidwest Austral., Vol. 2 Isiefoy pws 7. pla 135 t..145(1900): . spencert, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 284 (1go09). . soyoy, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 219 (1865). P. semicincta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 140 (1868). . commums, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc.S. Austral.,Vol. 17, p. 110(1893). Methana antipodum, Brancsik, Jahresh. Ver. Trencsin. Comit., Vol. 19-20, p- 58, pl. 1, f. 4 (1897) . semvitta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 143 (1868). — Pl. }, Fig. 3d. P. semivitia, Shelford, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 285, pl. 8, f. 26a-26f (1909). . subbifasciata, Tepper, Trans. Roy.Soc.S.Austral.,Vol.17,p.112(1893). . liturata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 108, pl. ro, f. 36 (1873) . civcumducta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 143 (1868). Drymaplaneta submarginata, Yepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p- 111 (1893). . sex-guttata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 141 (1868). . balteata, Yepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 91 (1893). . latizsona, Tepper, ibidem, p. 92 (1893). . coolgavdiensis, Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 19, p. 159 (1895). — Pl. |, Fig. 3b. . aposematica, Shelford, Trans. Ent.Soc. Lond. p.288. pl. 9, f. 29 (1909). . havtmeyert, Shelford, Blattide, in Fauna Siidwest Austral., Vol. 2, Lief. 9, p 138 (1909). Doubtful species : . sebva, Tepper, m Horn, Exped Centr. Austral., Vol. 2, p. 362 (1896). . jungu, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 19, p. 162 (1895). . parva, Tepper, ibidem, p. 162 (1895). New S. Wales, West Aus- tralia. [ Australia. South Australia, Central South and West Australia. West Australia. Central Australia. Formosa, Borneo, Austro- Malayan, Melanesian and Polynesian Islands. Australia. South and West Australia. South Australia. New Georgia. South Australia. Australia. South Australia. South Australia. West Australia. Central Australia. West Australia. Central Australia. Yorketown. New S. Wales. 4. GENUS LEPTOZOSTERIA, TEPPER Leptozosteria. Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 96 (1893). Characters. — Body very flat and thin. elongate. Integument soft. Supra-anal lamina of male triangular, terminating in an acute apical spine. Colour pale with dark bands. Geographical distribution of species. — Central Australia. 1. L. prima, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 96 (1893). 5. GENUS CUTILIA, STAL Cutilia. Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh., Vol. Bye, WK) 5}, 4D. SiS) ((iSiyi7))\ Characters. — Closely allied to Platyzosteria Brunner von Wattenwyl, but the posterior meta- tarsus long and biseriately spined beneath, its pulvillus apical; remaining tarsal joints unarmed beneath, ORTHOPTERA oO their pulvilli occupying the entire joints. Tegminal rudiments present. In all but one species the posterior angles of the distal abdominal tergites strongly produced backwards. Supra-anal lamina (@‘) quadrate. Geographical distribution of species, — Formosa, Malay Archipelago, Torres Straits, Australia, New Zealand. 1. C. nitida, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 214 Formosa, Malay Archipel- (1865). ago, New S. Wales. Periplaneta polita, Walker, Cat Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 139 (1868). Cutilia tartavea, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. Vol. 34, n° 10, p. 36 (1877). ? Blatia aterrima, Eschscholtz, Entomographien, p 8g (1822). _C. melanesiae, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 291 (1909). Torres Straits. 3. C. triangulata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Queensland, Thursday Isl. Vol. 13, p. 33 (1893), footnote. C. triangulata, Krauss, Denkschr. Med.-nat. Ges. Jena, Vol. 8, p. 750, pl. 67, f. 1 (1903). Leptozosteria secunda, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 18, p- 183 (1894), bd 4. C. heydeniana, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 317 (1864). West Australia. Periplancta marginifera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 144 (1868). 5. C. sedilloti, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6), Vol. 2, p. 459 (1882). — New Zealand. Alo Ig TRORo Se 6. C. brunni, Alfken, Abhandl. Ver. Bremen, Vol. 17, p. 142 (1901). Chatham Isl. 6. GENUS ZONIOPLOCA, STAL Zonioploca. Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad., Vol. 2, n° 13, p. 13 (1874). Knephasia. Tepper. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 99 (1893). Characters. — Ocelli absent. Lateral margins of pronotum incrassated. Dorsal surface granu- late, or with shallow punctures. Tegminal rudiments absent. Posterior angles of abdominal tergites 5-7 strongly produced. Supra-anal lamina : (Q") quadrate, angles obtuse, lateral margins entire, (Q) trian- gular, apex emarginate. Sub-genital lamina (<") trapezoidal, styles lateral. Posterior metatarsus unarmed beneath, equal to the remaining joints in length, its pulvillus apical. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia. 1. Z. medilinea, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 100 Victoria, South and West (7893). — Pl. 1, Fig. 4. Australia. 2. Z. alutacea, Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad., Vol. 2, n° 13, p. 13 (1874). South Australia, Queens- Platyzosleria ardrossanensis, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral ,Vol. 17, land. p. 92 (1893). 3. Z. pallida, Shelford. Blattide, in Fauna Siidwest Austral.,Vol.2, Lief.g, West Australia. Js MSI, WO, WH, hy (Wore). 4. Z. eastii, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 92 (1893). | Central Australia. Z. robusta, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 294 (1909). Central Australia. 7. GENUS COSMOZOSTERIA, STAL Cosmozosteria, Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad., Vol. 2, n° 13, p. 13 (1874). Characters. — Ocelli present. Tegminal rudiments absent. Abdomen broader than thorax. Posterior angles of abdominal tergites 5-6 not or scarcely produced, of tergite 7 produced. Angles of FAM. BLATTIDA® ninth abdominal tergite lobiform. Dorsal surface of abdomen scabrous. Supra-anal and sub-genital laminz (G‘) quadrate. Cerci short. Posterior metatarsus very short, unarmed beneath, its pulvillus occupying the greater part of the joint. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia. t. C. froggatti, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 295 (1909). 2. C. zonata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 159(1868). — Pl. |, Fig. 6. Polyzosteria quadrifascia, Walker, ibidem. p. 160 (1868). Polyzosteria pectoralis, Walker, ibidem, p. 160 (1868). Platyzosteria trifasciata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc, S. Austral., Vol. 17, p91 (1893). 3. C. maculimarginata, Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 19, p. 160 (1895). 4. C. bicolor, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2). Vol. 16, p. 307 (1864) Polyzosteria ligata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 220 (1865). Platyzosteria subzonata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 18, p. 181 (1894). . C. gloriosa, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 296 (1909). 6. C. lateralis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 154 (1868). Polvzosteria ferruginea, Walker, ibidem, p. 158 (1868). 7. C. picta, Tepper, Trans. Roy.Soc.S Austral., Vol. 18, p. 182 (1894). Gn 8. GENUS ANAMESIA, TEPPER Anamesia. Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 69 (1893). Pseudolampra. Tepper, ibidem, p. 96 (1893). Queensland. Queensland, S« uth Austra- [lia. Oueensland. Queensland, Victoria, New S. Wales. Oueensland. Australia. Oueensland. Characters. — Ocelli present or absent. Pronotum with margins not reflexed nor incrassated. Tegminal rudiments absent. Dorsal surface of abdomen not scabrous, with shallow punctures. Posterior angles of none of the abdominal tergites produced, angles of ninth abdominal tergite often lobiform. Cerci short, flattened. Supra-anal lamina : (G") quadrate. (Q) trigonal, sub-cucullate. Tibiz with spines on outer aspect triseriately arranged. Posterior metarsus shorter than remaining joints, not spined beneath, its pulvillus occupying the greater part of the joint. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia. 1. A. polyzona, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 159 (1868). — PI. I, misc (ele A. polyzona, Shelford, Blattide, in Fauna Siidwest Austral., Vol. 2, Lief. 9, p. 139. pl. 13, f. 10 (1909) 2. A. lambu, Tepper. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 70 (1893). 3. A. frenchii, Vepper, ibidem, p. 72 (1893). — Pl. |, Fig. 7. 4. A. lindsayi, Tepper. ibidem, p. 71 (1893). 5. A. punctata, Tepper, ibidem, p. 97 (1893). 6. A. vothet, Tepper, ibidem, p. 98 (1893). 7. A. walkert, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 3or (1909). 8. A. circumcincta, Walker. Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., Vol, 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 36 (1871). Doubtful species : g. A. fulvornata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral.,Vol.18, p.177 (1894). 10. A. ovnata, Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 17, p. 98 (1893). West Australia. Central Australia. Queensland, West Austra- West Australia. [lia. West Australia. South Australia. New S. Wales. Australia. Victoria. South Australia. 10 ORTHOPTERA 9. GENUS DESMOZOSTERIA, SHELFORD Desmozosteria. Shelford, Blattide, in Fauna Siidwest Austral., Vol. 2, Lief. 9, p. 139 (1909). Characters. — Allied to Zonioploca, but the angles of none of the abdominal tergites backwardly produced. Lateral margins of the pronotum incrassated. Tegminal rudiments absent. Dorsal surface punctate or smooth. Supra-anal lamina : (@) quadrate, margins entire, (Q) trigonal, cucullate. Cerci short, flattened. Posterior metatarsus very short, not spined beneath. Geographical distribution of species, — Australia. 1. D. grosse-punctata, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 303 (1909). Australia. 2. D. michaelseni, Shelford, Blattide, in Fauna Stidwest Austral., Vol. 2, West Australia. Lief. 9. p. 139, pl. 13, f. g (1909). 3. D. rvufescens, Shelford, ibidem, p. 140 (1909). West Australia. 4. D. cincta, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 303 (1909). Central Australia. 10. GENUS TEMNELYTRA, TEPPER Temnelytra. Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 38 (1893). Characters. — Body flattened and depressed. Antenne longer than the body. Pronotum anter- iorly parabolic, posteriorly truncate, exposing the large scutellum. Tegmina quadrate or sub-quadrate, extending to the first abdominal tergite. Wings entirely absent. First abdominal tergite (G") with scent- eland opening. Posterior angles of distal abdominal tergites produced (T. wndulivitta Walker, O', is an exception). Supra-anal lamina : (Q%) quadrate, margins entire, (Q) triangular, apex emarginate. Cerci longer than the lamina in both sexes. Posterior metatarsus very short, spined beneath. Geographical distribution of species. — Australia, New Zealand. 1. I. undulivitta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 144 (1868). New Zealand. 2. T. truncata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 217 NewS. Wales, South Aus- (1865). — Pl. I, Figs. 8a, 8b. tralia. T. harpuri, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. 39 (1893). 3. T. subtvuncata, Tepper, ibidem, Vol. 1g, p. 164 (1895). Victoria. 11. GENUS SCABINA, SHELFORD Scabina. Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 305 (1go9). Characters. — Eyes and antennal sockets equally far apart. Ocelli present. Antenne robust. Pronotum parabolic, posteriorly truncate, exposing the. scutellum. Tegmina quadrate, corneous, not extending beyond the first abdominal tergite. Wings rudimentary, squamiform. Posterior angles of abdominal tergites strongly produced backwards. Supra-anal lamina (GQ) quadrate, entire. Cerci exceed- ing the lamina. Styles long. slender. Posterior metatarsus shorter than succeeding joints, not spined beneath, its pulvillus apical. Geographical distribution of species. — Queensland. 1. S. antipoda, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 376 (1903). — Queensland. Pile 25 laliee Se FAM. BLATTIDZ® Tl 12. GENUS METHANA, STAL Methana. Stal, Oefv. Vet. Akad. Forh., Vol. 34, n° 10, p. 36 (1877). Wodongia. Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 1g, p. 155 (1895). Characters. Antenne longer than body. Pronotum anteriorly parabolic, almost covering vertex of head, posteriorly very obtusely angled. Scutellum not exposed. Tegmina and wings fully developed, at least as long as the abdomen, generally longer. Supra-anal lamina : (C) quadrate, margins not serrate, (Q) triangular, apex emarginate. Cerci long, acuminate. Femora heavily spined. Posterior metatarsus about equal in length to remaining joints, biseriately spined beneath, its pulvillus apical; remaining joints of tarsus with large pulvilli, not spined beneath. Geographical distribution of species. — Borneo, New Guinea, Australia, 1. M. magna, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 307 (1909). Borneo. 2. M. hoset, Shelford, ibidem, p. 309 (1909). Borneo. 3. M. papua, Shelford, Mém. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. 15, p. 234 (1908). New Guinea. 4, M. convexa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. Blatt. p. 152 (1869). Queensland, NewS. Wales. M., rufescens, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p.374 (1903). 5. M. curvigera, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 134 (1868). Queensland. 6. M. marginalis, Saussure, Rey. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 319 (1864) — Pl. 2, Queensland, NewS. Wales. Fig. 10. Periplaneta ligata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 234 (1865). 7. M. soror, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 319 (1864). Australia. Periplaneta biquadrata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 134 (1868). Periplaneta oculata, Walker, Cat Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. Blatt. p. 152 (1869). Wodongia lunata, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. Vol. 19, p. 155 (1895). Doubtful species : 8. M. pallipalpis, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 71 (1839). Java, Sumatra, Australia. 13. GENUS PARAMETHANA, SHELFORD Paramethana. Shelford, Sjéstedt’s Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped. Blatt. p. 31 (1907). Characters. — Differs from Methana in the short tegmina and wings of the female, which do not extend beyond the fifth abdominal tergite and in the discoidal pronotum. Third antennal joint nearly three times longer than the second Geographical distribution of species. — East Africa. 1. P. robusta, Shelford, Sjéstedt’s Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped. Blatt. p. 31, German E. Africa. jG Ay 1 F(A 2. P. buyssont, Shelford, Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. p. 618 (1909). — Pl. 2, German E. Africa. Fig. I. 14. GENUS THYRSOCERA, BURMEISTER Thyrsocera. Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 498 (1838). Characters. — Sexes similar, completely winged. Antennz incrassated in basal half and plumose. Pronotum trapezoidal, sides deflexed. Tegmina and wings exceeding the apex of the abdomen 12 ORTHOPTERA Cerci moderately long, flattened, spatulate. Femora sparsely armed. Tibial spines on outer aspect tri- seriately arranged. Posterior metatarsus equalling the length of the remaining joints, spined beneath, its pulvillus small, apical; pulvilli of second and third joints larger, occupying the greater extent of the joint. Geographical distribution of species. — India, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula. 1. I. spectabilis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 498 (1838). India, Ceylon. 2. T. speciosum, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 214 (1868). Malay Peninsula. T. speciosum, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 250, pl. 14, f. 5 (1906). 15. GENUS EURYCOTIS, STAL Eurycotis. Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad , Vol. 2, n° 13, p. 13:(1874). Characters. — Eyes on vertex of head further apart than the antennal sockets. Pronotum trapezoidal, not covering vertex of head. Tegmina squamiform or quadrate and not extending beyond the metanotum. Wings absent or squamiform. Tibial spines on outer aspect tri-seriately arranged. Tarsi as in Polyzosteria, Platyzosteria, etc. Geographical distribution of species, — I lorida, Central and South America, West Indies. 1. E. flovridana, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 135 (1868). — Pl. 2, Florida. Fifo Ue Platyzosteria sabalianus, Scudder, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 10, p. 93 (1877). — . gens, Scudder, ibidem, p. 92 (1877). Florida. . semipicta, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 141 (1868). Flonda. . mexic.ina, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 14, p. 163 (1862). Mexico. Polyzosteria azteca, Saussure, ibidem, p. 163 (1862). 5. E. mysteca, Saussure, ibidem, p. 170 (1862). Mexico. Polvzosteriarufovittata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt p.215 (1865). 6. E. vitlifrous, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth., Vol. 1, Guatemala. ws by yo p- 71 (1893). 7. E. quadrisquamata, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p.71, pl.4,f.40(1893). Guatemala. 8. E. subalata, Saussure & Zehntner, ibidem, p. 72 (1893). Colombia. g. E. cothurnata, Giglo-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Torino, Vol. 13. Ecuador. IPE sIveates |DIg was [(auesKo}s})}, 10. E. occidentalis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol 16, p. 318 (1864). West Indies. 11. £. opaca, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst des Blatt. p.216 (1865). Cuba. 12. E. dimidiata, Bolivar, Mém. Soc. Zool. Fr., Vol. 1, p. 125 (1888). Cuba. 13. E. cavatbea, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 126 (1888). Cuba. 14. E. flavipennis, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. Vol. 1, Cuba. Pp. 71 (1893). 15. E. jimschiana, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve,, Vol. 23, Cuba. 195 wansy ((aKsI7/8))}6 Polyzosteria cabrerae, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. p. 355, pl. 8, f. 3 (1881). 16, E. bahamensts, Rehn, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat, Hist.,Vol.22, p.t10 (1906). Bahamas. Doubtful species : 17. E. austyvalis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 483 (1838). Brazil. FAM. BLATTIDAE 13 16. GENUS PELMATOSILPHA, DOHRN Pelmatosilpha. Dohrn, Stett. Ent. Zeit., Vol. 48, p. 410 (1887). Characters. — Eyes on vertex of head further apart than the antennal sockets. Pronotum trapezoidal, not covering vertex of head. Tegmina and wings completely developed but not exceeding the apex of the abdomen, or tegmina reduced, not surpassing the fifth abdominal tergite. and wings reduced or rudimentary. Tibial spines on outer aspect triseriately arranged. Tarsi as in Polyzosteria, Platysosteria, etc. Geographical distribution of species. — Texas, Central and South America, Ceylon. 1. P. rotundata, Scudder, Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sc., Vol. 8, p. 93, Texas, Panama. Blo De ti. S) ((axofero))). 2. P. villana, Saussure & Zehntner, Biol. Centr Amer. Orth., Vol.1,p. 72, Panama. pl. 4, ff. 41, 42 (1893). 3. P. alavis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 319 (1864). Brazil. 4. P. convexa, nov. sp. (1). Brazil. 5. P. praestans, Dohrn, Stett. Ent. Zeit., Vol. 48, p. 411 (1887). Peru. P. aterrima, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. Blatt. p. 151 (1869). 6. P. margimalis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond. p. 603, Grenada. oll D2, tie F((GtsO)S))} 7. -P. purpurascens, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 3 (1903). — Pl. 2, Fig. 15. 5 Dominica. 8. P. decipiens, Wirby, ibidem, p. 376 (1903). Trinidad. g. P. coriacea, Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., Vol. 29, p. 278 (1903). Porto Rico. 10. P. stnhalensis, Shelford, Jahrb. Ver. Naturk. Wiesbaden, Vol. 61, p. 33 Ceylon. (1908). Doubtful species : 11. P. occidentalis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 483 (1838). Colombia. 17. GENUS DORYL/AEA, STAL Dorylzea. Stal, Oefv. Vet -Akad. Férh., Vol. 34, n° 10, p. 36 (1877). Characters. — Sexes similar. Pronotum anteriorly arcuate, posteriorly truncate. Tegmina semi- corneous, venation obsolete not extending beyond the fourth or fifth abdominal tergite. Wings reduced or fully developed. Tibial spines triseriately arranged on the outer aspect of the tibia. Posterior metatarsi exceeding the following joints in length, armed beneath; second joint short armed beneath, third joint unarmed; pulvilli moderately enlarged. Geographical distribution of species. — Malay Archipelago, Madagascar. 1. D. flavicincta, de Haan, in Temminck, Verhand. Nat. Ges. Orth. p.50 Borneo, Java, Sumatra, (1842). Madagascar. Methana zehntneri, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 374 (1903). (1) P. convexa, nov. sp. — Fewale, — Convex, nitid. Head, pronotum, anal field of left tegmen, a triangular marking at base of right tegmen, abdomen and legs, castaneous. Pronotum parabolic. posteriorly truncate. Tegmina ovate, extending to base of supra-anal lamina, corneous ochreous except for the castaneous areas and for some castaneous points between the obsolete veins, anal vein absent. Wings equal in length to tegmina, semi-corneous, anterior part densely flavo-reticulate. Supra-anal lamina produced, cucullate, posteriorly faintly emarginate. Abdomen piccous at base beneath. Posterior metatarsus much shorter than the succeeding joints. — Total length 2r mm.; length of tegmina 12.5 mm.; pronotum6 mm. X 9 mm. Espirito Santo. 14 ORTHOPTERA 2. D. brunnert, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh., Vol. 34, no 10, p. 37 (1877). Philippines. 3. D. unicolor, nov. sp. (1). Talaut Isl. 18. GENUS STYLOPYGA, FISCHER VON WALDHEIM Stylopyga. Fischer von Waldheim, Orth. Ross. p. 68 (1846); Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 222 (1865). Characters. — Sexes similar. Tegmina reduced to squamiform lobes, wings absent. Sixth abdo- mina tergite not enlarged nor declivous. Tibial spines on outer aspect triseriately arranged. Posterior metatarsus longer than the succeeding joints, spined beneath, its pulvillus small, apical; second and sometimes the third joint spined beneath, all the pulvilil small, apical. Geographical distribution of species. — Cosmopolitan. 1. S. vhombifolia, Stoll, Spectres, Blatt. etc. p. 5, pl. 3d, f. 13 (1813). Cosmopolitan. Periplaneta histyio, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 318 (1864). Periplaneta decorata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst.des Blatt. p. 224 (1865), Polyzosteria heterospila, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus, Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p. 35 (1871). 2. S. ovnata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p.225 (1865). India. == [Pll 5 leiso We 3. S. sex-pustulata, Waller, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. Vol. 5, Suppl. India. Blatt. p. 36 (1871) Blatta bioculata, Paiva, Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. 2, p. 346 (1906). 4. S. parallela, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 299 (1897). South India. 5. S. picea, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouy. Syst. des Blatt. p. 223 (1865). Nicobar Isl. 6. S. semon:, Krauss, Denkschr. Med.-nat. Ges. Jena, Vol.8, p. 751 (1903). Java. 7. S. quadvilobata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Abhandl. Senckenb. Ges. Celebes. Frankt., Vol. 24, p. 209 (1898). 8. S. coxalis, Walker. Cat. Blatt Brit. Mus. p. 138 (1868). Ceram, New Guinea. g. S, salomonis, nov. sp. (2). Solomon Isl. 10, S. manca, Gerstiicker, Mitt. Ver. Neuvorpomm. u. Rtigen, Vol. 14, Kamerun. p- 48 (1883) 11. S. anthvacina, Gerstaicker, ibidem, p. 49 (1883). Kamerun. 12. S. furcifera, Shelford, Jahrb. Ver. Naturk. Wiesbaden, Vol. 61, p. 31, Kamerun. Dla ue teen (Gos): Tse wassenwis, Selfords ibidem,) p-) ou ple 1. i) 2)(gO8)). Kamerun. 14. S. mgerrvima, Shelford, ibidem, p. 31, pl. 1. f. 3 (1908). Kamerun. 15. S. spmnulifera, Krauss, Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Syst., Vol. 5, p. 650, pl. 45, San Thome. tise (Wise). 16. S. hottentola, Saussure, Abhandl. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf.,Vol.21, p.578 South Africa. (1899). 17. S. tetra, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 138 (1868). South Africa. (1) D.unicolor. nov. sp. — Female. — Unicolorous castaneous. Antenna except at base rufous; clypeus rufous. Tegmina and wings extending to base of supra-anal lamina. Penultimate abdominal tergite produced, emarginate in the middle. Supra-anal lamina triangular, apex deeply cleft. Cerci moderate, exceeding the supra-anal lamina. Posterior metatarsus equal in length to succeeding joints spined beneath, its pulvillus smal apical ; second tarsal joint spined beneath, its pulvillus occupying half the joint; remaining pulvilli large. — Total length 24 mm.; length of tegmina 14.5 mm.; pronotum §.5mm 10mm. — Talaut Isl. (Type in Oxford Museum.) (2) S. salomonis, nov. sp. — Jf/e — Allied to 8. gvavri/obata Brunner yon Wattenwyl, but with the pronotum and tegminal rudiments outwardly margined with ochreous. Tegminal rudiments punctate. Wings-rudiments impunctate. Supra anal lamina trapezoidal, sub-cucullate, posteri- orly faintly emarginate. Sub-genital lamina sub-quadrate, some fine spiniform seta situated on the posterior margin at the base of the styles which are stout, Front cox testaceous, mid- and hind-coxe outwardly margined with testaceous. — Total length 20 mm.; length of tegmina 3.5 mm; pronotum 7.2mm. X 10 mm. — Solomon Isl, (Type in coll. W. W. Froggatt.) On FAM. BLATTID I 18. S. senecta, Rehn, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 27, p. 554 (1904). South Africa. 19. S. bimaculata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 139 (1868). Natal. 20. S. voeltzkowi, Saussure, Abhandl. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf.,Vol. 21, p.57q Madagascar. (1899). 21. S. nossibet, Saussure, ibidem, p. 580 (1899). Madagascar. 22. S. samorensis, Giglio-Tos, Mus. Boll. Zool. Anat. Torino, Vol. 13, Ecuador. n° 311, p. 10 (1898). 23. S. antillarum, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 204. St. Vincent. jolls 15}, ti, 5) ((TiSioy2)), 24. S. meridionalis, Bruner, Journ. New York Ent. Soc., Vol.14,p.141(1g06). Trinidad. Doubtful species : 25. S. signata, Eschscholtz, Entomographien, p. 88 (1822) Philippines. 19. GENUS BLATTA, LINN4us Blatta. Linnzus. Syst. Nat. (ed. 10), Vol. 1, p. 424 (1758). Kakerlac. Latreille, Fam. Nat. Régne Anim. p. 411 (1825). Steleopyga. Fischer von Waldheim, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, Vol. 6, pp. 356, 366 (1833). Characters. — Sexes dissimilar. Antenne long, setaceous. Pronotum trapezoidal, not covering vertex of head. Tegmina and wings of ¢ variable, not attaining the apex of the abdomen. Wings of Q absent, tegmina squamiform or quadrate. Femora strongly armed; tibial spines on outer aspect triseri- ately arranged. Tarsi elongate, metatarsi longer than the succeeding joints, spined beneath, second joint long and spined beneath, third and fourth joints shorter, spined beneath; all the pulvilli minute, apical. Geographical distribution of species. — Cosmopolitan. 1. B. orientalis, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10), Vol. 1, p. 424 (1758). Paleearctic region. Blatta culinavis, De Geer, Mém. Ins. Vol. 3, p. 530, pl. 25, ff. 1-7 | Blatta ferrugineofusca, Gronovius, Zoophylacium, Vol. 2, p. 174 (17 Blatia ferruginea, Thunberg, Vet.-Akad. nya Handl.,Vol. 31, p. 187 (£810). Kakerlak castanea, Blanchard, in Gay, Hist. fis. Chile, Zool., Vol. 6, p. 18, Orth. pl. 1, f. 2 (1852). Kakerlak platystetho, Philippi, Zeitschr. ges. Naturw., Vol. 21, p. 221 (1863). Blatta badia, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 150, Diepteptemno (8OS)e Periplaneta lateralis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 136 (1868). 2. B. sinuata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Burma. Vol. 32. p. 35, pl. 1, f. 12 (1893). 3. B. speciosa, nov. sp. (1). India. 4. B. concinna, de Haan, in Temminck, Verhand. Nat. Ges. Orth. p. 50 Japan, Hong-Kong, Malay (1842). Archipelago, Australia. Peritplaneta borrei, Saussure, Mém. Soc, Sc. Phys, Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p- 123, pl. ro, £. 38) (z873). Blatta byunneri, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 375 (1903). (1) B. speciosa, nov. sp. — Female. — Head, pronotum and tegmina rufo-castaneous. Pronotum laterally margined with paler colour, the bands expanding and extending inwards at the posterior angles. Tegmina quadrate, not extending beyond the thorax, overlapping at the sutural margins, posterior margins concave, anal vein impressed, its apex reaching the inner posterior angle of the tegmen. Abdomen above piceous, fourth to sixth tergites with an ochreous macula at each side, seventh tergite very large, eighth tergite produced in the middle. Supra-anal lamina tectiform, apex triangularly emarginate. Abdomen beneath castaneous. Anterior coxe testaceous; legs castaneous. — Total length 34 mm.; length of tegmina 8.5 mm.; pronotum 11 mm. X 14 mm. — India, Sangli. (Type in Oxford University Museum.) 16 ORTHOPTERA ee) . agaboides, Gerstacker, Mitt. Ver. Neuvorpomm. u. Riigen, Vol. 14, Kamerun, Assinie. p- 47 (1883). Periplaneta assiniensts, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 172, pl. 1, f. 1 (1893). 6. B. flavilatera, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 35, p. 76 Gallaland. (1895). 7. B. ugandana, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Torino, Vol. 22, n¢ 556, Uganda. jo. D {(u\or7)). 8. B. montana, Kirby, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., Vol. 19, p. 63 (1909). Ruwenzori. 9 B. propinqua, Shelford, Sjéstedt’s Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped., Blatt. Kilimandjaro. TDs ait ((i@ey)). 10. B. hova, Saussure, Soc. Ent.-Zurich, Vol. 6, p. 17 (1891). Madagascar. 11. B. meridionalis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 306 (1864). South Africa. Deropeltis bivittata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 247 (1865). Deropeltis distant, Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 5, p. 284 (1900). 12. B. rufa, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 17, p. ror (1903). Central Australia. 13. B. votundata, Brunner von Wattenwy1, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p.230(1865). Fiji. 14. B. pallipes, Philippi, Zeitschr. f. Naturw., Vol. 21, p. 222 (1863). Chili. 15. B. brevipes, Philippi, ibidem, p. 223 (1863). Chih, 20. GENUS CARTOBLATTA, SHELFORD Cartoblatta. Shelford, Sjéstedt’s Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped., Blatt., p. 33 (1907). Characters. — Allied to Blatta Linneus and Pseudoderopeltis Krauss. Pronotum (©) trans- versely elliptical, its anterior border truncate, its posterior border slightly produced. Meso- and meta- notum (G%) without backwardly-directed membranous processes. Tegmina and wings (@‘) considerably exceeding the apex of the abdomen. Tegmina (Q) short and quadrate, not covering the first abdominal tergite, their sutural margins touching; wing-rudiments present. No scent-gland opening on dorsum of abdomen (co). Tarsi as in Blatta. Geographical distribution of species. — East Africa. 1. C. pulchra, Shelford, Sjéstedt’s Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped., Blatt. ». 33, Kilimandjaro. pl. 2, f. 4 (1907). 21. GENUS PSEUDODEROPELTIS, KRAussS Pseudoderopeltis. Krauss, Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Syst., Vol. 5, p. 652 (1891). Characters. — RKesembles Periplaneta Burmeister, but male with the posterior angles of the meso- and metanotum produced as slender, membranous processes; a scent-gland opening on the first abdominal tergite. Female with lobiform tegmina, the sixth and seventh abdominal tergites declivous forming an angle with the preceding tergites and enlarged. Tarsi as in Blatta. Geographical distribution of species. — Africa. 1. P. adelungi, Werner, Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. 116, Abt. 1, Egyptian Sudan. Os 1eay ((OVol7")\, 2. P. discrepans, Adelung, Ann. Mus, Zool. St-Pétersb., Vol. 8, p. 312, Abyssinia. pl. 20, f 14 (1903). . gildessa, Adelung, ibidem, p. 314, pl. 20, f. 4 (1903). Abyssinia. . saussuret, Adelung, ibidem, p. 316, pl. 20. f. 5 (1903). Abyssinia. . conspersipenms, Adelung, ibidem, Vol. 9, p. 448 (1905). Abyssinia. as yt . P. spectabilis, Adelung, ibidem, p. 451 (1905). 7. P. brunneriana, Schulthess, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 39, Ds WG). Whe Baw, w ((astefs)) 5 8. P. guttata, Saussure, ibidem, Vol. 35, p. 75 (1895). g. P. vothschildi, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 19, p. 39 (1907). 10. P. fulvornata, Shelford, Sj6stedt’s Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped., Blatt. p- 34, pl. 2, f. 9 (1907). 11. P. petrophila, Shelford, ibidem, p 34, pl. 2, ff. 5, 6 (1907). 12. P. granulifera, Krauss, Zool. Jahrb. Abt. t. Syst., Vol. 5, p. 653 (1891). 13. P. bicolor, Thunberg, Vet.-Akad. nya Handl., Vol. 31, p. 187, pl. 5, f. A (1810). Periplaneta orba, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. Vol. 13, p. 167 (1856). Ischnoptera juncea, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 314 (1864). Nauphoeta foveolata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 42 (1865 14. P. similis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 314 (1864). ? Ischnoptera longipennis, Walker, Cat. Blatt Brit. Mus. p. 117 (1868). 15. P. antennata, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, We wil, Jolly Wey, tip Glo) (usI7/S))/6 16. P. longipennis, Saussure, ibidem, p. 117 (1873). Deropeltis saussurei, Kirby, Ann Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), Vol. 12, p. 377 (1903). 17. P. anthracina, Brancsik, Jahresh. Ver. Trencsin. Comit. Vol. 17-18, De Adie, jolly. Fe tis I Okstoy7))- Stylopyga brancsiki, Shelford, Sjostedt’s Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped. Blatt. p- 32 (1907). 18. P. albilatera, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Forh., Vol. 13, p. 167 (1856). Polyzosteria capensis, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 307 (1864). Deropeltis flavomarginata, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p- 247 (1865). Periplaneta collavis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 142 (1868). Periplaneta decorvata, Walker, ibidem, p. 142 (1868). 19. P. diluta, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Foérh. Vol. 13, p. 167 (1856). Periplaneta(1) africana, Karny, Denkschr. Med.-nat. Ges. Jena, Vol. 13, p. 380, pl. 21, ff. 25, 26 (1908). 20. P. flavescens, Krauss, Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Syst., Vol. 5, p. 654 (1891). — Pl. 2, Fig. 14. 21. P. provsa, Shelford, Mém. Soc. Ent. Belg., Vol. 15, p. 234 (1908). 22. P. aethiopica, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 317 (1864). Doubtful species : 23. P. brevicollis, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins Orth. p. 170 (1839). 24, P. dimidiata, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 116 (1868). [EVAN TEED ye8. Abyssinia. Somaliland. Gallaland, Rhodesia. British E. Africa. Kilimandjaro. iKilimandjaro. Rhodesia. South Africa. South Africa. South Africa. South Africa. Zambesi. South Africa. South Africa. Cape. Congo. Gaboon. South Africa. Natal. 22. GENUS PERIPLANETA, BURMEISTER Periplaneta. Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 502 (1838). Cacerlaca. Saussure, Mém. Hist. Nat. Mexique, Blatt. p. 69 (1864). Characters. — Sexes similar. Antenne very long, slender. Pronotum trapezoidal, not covering vertex of head, sides deflexed, its greatest width behind the middle. Posterior angles of meso- and metanotum not produced as slender membranous processes. Tegmina and wings usually extending considerably beyond the apex of the abdomen, the former coriaceous, Cerci and genital styles long. (1) Periplaneta adv/ungt WKarny, is a species of /schknoptera. 18 ORTHOPTERA Legs long; femora and tibie strongly spined, tibial spines triseriately arranged. Tarsi long and slender, posterior metatarsus longer than remaining joints; all the joints spined beneath, their pulvilli minute, apical. Geographical distribution of species. — Cosmopolitan. 1. P. americana, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10), Vol. 1, p. 424 (1758 Blatta kakkerlac, De Geer, Mém. Ins., Vol. 3, p. 535, pl. 44, ff. 1-3 | Blatta aurelianensis, Fourcroy, Ent. Paris, Vol. 1, p. 177 (1785). Blatta siccifolia, Stoll, Spectres, Blatt. etc. p. 5, pl. 3d, ff. 10, 11 (1813). Blatta aurantiaca, Stoll, ibidem, p. 5, pl. 3d, f. 14 (1813). Periplaneta stolida, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus p. 128 (1868). 2. P. austrvalasiae, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 271 (1775). Cosmopolitan. Blatta domingensis, Beauvois, Insect. Afr. Amer. p. 182, Orth. pl. 1, ). Cosmopolitan. 1 773). f. 4 (1804). Periplaneta zonata, de Haan, in Vemminck, Verhand. Nat. Ges. Orth. p- 49 (1842). Periplaneta repanda, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 125 (1865). Periplaneta subcincta, Walker, ibidem, p. 126 (1868). Periplaneta inclusa, Walker, ibidem, p. 126 (1868). Periplaneta emittens, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., Vol. 5, Suppl. Blatt. p 37 (1871). Polyzosteria subornata, Walker, tbidem, p. 35 (1871). 3. P. furcata, Karny, Wiss. Ergebn. Exped. Filchner China u. Tibet, Asia Minor. Bd. ro, Teil 1, p. 1g (1908). 4. P. tartava, Saussure, in Fedtschenko, Reise Turkestan, Orth. p. g Turkestan. (1874). 5. P. filchnevae, Karny, Wiss. Ergebn. Exped. Filchner China u. Tibet, China. Bd. 10, Teil, 1, pp. 18, 19, pl. 1, ff. 1-4 (1908). 6. P. japonica, Karny, ibidem, p. 18 (1905). Japan. 7. P. emarginata, Karny, ibidem, p. 19 (1908). Japan. 8. P. picea, Shiraki, Annot. Zool. Japon., Vol. 6. p. 26, pl. 2, f. 3 (1906). Japan. g. P. striata, Shiraki, ibidem, p. 27, pl. 2, f. 5 (1906). Japan. ro. P. lata, Herbst, Fuessly Archiv, Vol. 7-8, p. 185, pl. 49, f. 7 (1786). Borneo. — Pl. 2, Fig. I6. rr. P. monochroma, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., Vol. 5, Suppl. Bombay. Blatt. p. 37 (1871). 12. P. curta, Walker, ibidem, p. 38 (1871). Bombay. 13. P. indica, Karny, Wiss. Ergebn. Exped. Filchner China u. Tibet, India. Bd. 10, Teil 1, p. 18 (1908). P. ceylonica, Karny, ibidem, p. 18 (1908). Ceylon. 15. P. affinis, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 20, India (?). p. 261 (1869). 16. P. valida, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Burma. Wolly 33,195 Sh lla wy iis wa) ((alste}s))), 17. P. gracilis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ibidem, p. 36, pl. 1. f. 14 (1893). Burma. 18. P. vegina, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p 320 (1864). Malacca. 19. P. malaica, Karny, Wiss. Ergebn. Exped. Filchner China u. Tibet, Banguey. Bd. ro, Teil 1, p. 19 (1908) 20. P. crassa, Karny, ibidem, p. 19, pl. 1, f. 5 (1908). Borneo. 21. P. spinosostylata, Krauss, Denkschr. Med.-nat. Ges. Jena, Vol. 8, p. 752, Java. plmO7a te 2190S): . nitida, Bolivar, An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., Vol. 19, p. 302 (18g0). Philippines. . methanoides, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Abhandl. Senckenb. Ges. Gilolo, Ambon. Frankf., Vol. 24, p. 209, pl. 16, f. 14 (1898). 24. P. basedowi, Tepper, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral., Vol. 28, p. 162, South Australia. pl. 32 (1904). b es) ie} Ae) BAM BEAT TID A: N O1 ae) . P. savignyi, Krauss, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, Vol. 40, p. 242 (1890). 26. P. lebedinskii, Adelung, Ann. Mus. Zool. St-Peétersb., Vol.8, p. 305(1904). 27. P. vosselevi, Shelford, Jahrb. Ver. Naturk. Wiesbaden, Vol. 61, p. 38 (1908. . alricollis, Saussure, Abhandl. Senckenb. Ges. Frankf.Vol. 21. p. 58o (1899). . caffra, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Foérh., Vol. 13, p. 166 (1856). . patens, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 127 (1868). . funebris, Shelford, Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. p. 122 (1908). . bicolor, Shelford, ibidem, p. 122 (1908). . stygia, Shelford, ibidem, p. 619 (1909). . fuliginosa, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 70 (1839). . msignis, Serville, ibidem, p. 67 (183Q). . byunnea, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. Vol. 2, p. 503 (1838). . tvuncata, Krauss. Zool. Anzeig., Vol. 15, p. 165 (1892). rN) co ae) wo . Rss eal 58) Ae) ae) eh ye) Me) ae) Me) ls) Doubtful species : . hevos, Eschscholtz, Entomographien, p. 83 (1822). australis, Macleay, in King, Survey Coasts Austral. Vol. 2, p. 454 (1827). cylindrica, Thunberg, Mém. Acad. Sc. St-Péterb. Vol.1o, p. 279 (1826). Si0)4 /= 40; 2. Egypt. Abyssinia. German E. Africa. South Africa. Natal. Congo. Kamerun. Kamerun, Congo. Kamerun. North America. Cayenne. Demerara. Cosmopolitan. Philppines. N. Australia. ? Hab. 23. GENUS HOMALOSILPHA, STAL Homalosilpha. Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad., Vol. 2, n° 13, p. 13 (1874). Characters. — Closely resembles Periplanefa Burmeister, but the pronotum discoidal, its sides not deflexed, its greatest width at the middle. Geographical distribution of species. — India to Sunda Islands, Philippines, Kamerun, Uganda. 1. H. ustulata, Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 503 (1838). Kakerlac thoracica, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 60, pl. 2, f. 1 (1839). Periplaneta configuraa, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 145 (1868). 2. H. gaudens, nov. sp. (1). 3H. contraria, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 131 (1868). 4. H. decorata, Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Orth. p. 99 (1839). H. decorata, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 270, pl. 14, f. 8 (1906). vicina, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 236 (1865). Pe a (Rife U2fc 3). Ef. India to Great Sunda Isl. Tonkin. Philippines. 30rneo. Kamerun. 6. H. cruralis, Shelford, Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. p. 121, pl. 2, f. 8c(1908). Uganda. : 24. GENUS EROBLATTA, NOV. GEN. Characters. Antenne moniliform, shorter than the body. Pronotum almost rectangular, as long as broad, sides not deflexed. Tegmina and wings considerably exceeding the apex of the abdomen; (xt) H. gaudens, nov. sp. — Jfa/e. — Piceous. Pronotum broadly bordered anteriorly and laterally with ochreous, disc with obscure impressions. Tegmina unicolorous. Wings castaneous. Supra-anal lamina quadrate, the posterior angles acute, posteriorly concave, surpassing the sub- genital lamina which is quadrate, with the posterior angles acute. Genital styles slender. Cerci moderate. Cox and femora piceous, tibia and tarsi rufesceng — Total length 30 mm,; length of body 23 mm.; length of tegmina 23 mm.; pronotum 7 mm. X 9 mm. — Tonkin. (Type in Oxford Museum.) 20 ORTHOPRTERA the former narrow with the anal field long and pointed, the marginal field deflexed. Cerci long and pointed. Femora strongly armed beneath. Spines on outer aspect of tibia triseriately arranged. Posterior metatarsi longer than the succeeding joints, its pulvillus apical. Arolia moderate. 1. E. borneensis, Shelford, Ann. Geographical distribution of species. — Borneo. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 1, p. 159; pl. 9, f. 2 (1908). Borneo. 25. GENUS DEROPELTIS, BURMEISTER Deropeltis. Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 486 (1838). Euryzosteria. Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 316 (1864). of head not hidden by pronotum Characters. — Males with well-developed tegmina and wings; females entirely apterous. Vertex Antennz incrassated. Pronotum : (3) discoidal, (Q) posteriorly truncate, posterior angles often produced. Posterior margin of fifth abdominal tergite sinuate. Supra- anal lamina : (o) quadrate, (Q) triangular, cucullate Legs long and slender; femora very sparsely armed; tibize with spines on outer aspect biseriately arranged; tarsi moderate, posterior metatarsi equal to the succeeding joints in length, armed beneath, pulvilli in the male small, in the female large. Oo iS} IS) dig 1D) Jp (DE Ss 2 bb 5 1D), . bueana, Karsch, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., Vol. 37, p. 65 (1892). . tullbergi, Borg, Bih. Svensk. Akad., Vol. 28, n° 10, p. 16, pl. 2, f. 6 Geographical distribution of species. — Africa and Madagascar. . erythrocephala, Fabricius, Spec. Ins., Vol. 1, p. 342 (1781). Blatta capensis, Thunberg, Diss. Ent. Nov. Spec. Ins., Vol. 4, p. 77 (1784). Euryzostevia delalandii, Saussure, Rev. Zool. (2), Vol. 16, p. 316 (1864). ? Perisphaeria verticalis, Burmeister, Handb. Ent., Vol. 2, p. 486 (1838). . gvacilis, Burmeister, ibidem, p. 500 (1838). . wahlbergi, Stal, Oefv. Vet.-Akad. Férh., Vol. 13, p. 167 (1856). Deropeltis atva, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. (1865). intermedia, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 244 (1865). 244 . burmeistert, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vcl. 35. p. 77 (1895). . pevingueyt, Saussure, ibidem, p. 77 (1895). . morto, Karny, Denkschr. Med.-nat. Ges. Jena, Vol. 13, p. 378, pl. 21, ff. 21, 22 (1908). paulinot, Bolivar, Journ. Sc. Lisboa, Vol. 8, p. 108 (1881); (2), Vol. 1, p. 76 (1889) . carvbonaria, Gerstacker, Mitt. Ver. Neuvorpomm. u. Riigen, Vol. 14, p. 5r (1883). : robusta, Gerstacker, ibidem, p. 52 (1883). (1904). . sculpturata, Krauss, Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Syst., Vol. 5, p. 651, pl. 45, f. 2 (1891). . impressa, Krauss, ibidem, p. 656, pl. 45, f. 3 (1891). . dichvoa, Gerstacker, Mitt. Ver. Neuvorpomm. u. Rtigen, Vol. 14, p. 50 (1883). . gaboonica, Rehn, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.. Vol. 27, p. 556 (1904). . autvamana, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 35, p. 78 (1895). SeyAiiniGcar S. Africa. S. Africa. Natal. S. Africa. S. Africa. S. W. Africa: S. W. Africa and Angola. West Africa. Kamerun. Kamerun. Kamerun. San Thomé Isl. San Thomé Isl. Gold Coast. Gaboon. West Africa, Gallaland, German E. Africa. FAM. BLATTIDA 21 18. D. melanophila, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. Suppl. p. 146 (1869). E. Africa and Madagascar. Deropeltis madecassa, Saussure, Soc. Ent. Zurich, Vol, 6, p. 17 (1891); Saussure & Zehntner, in Grandidier, Hist. Nat. Madagascar, Orth. Vol. 1, p. 77, pl. 3, ff 28, 29 (1895). Deropeltis speiseri, Brancsik, Jahresh. Ver. Trencsin. Com., Vol. 17-18, p. 245, pl. 7, £. 3 (1894). 1g. D. integerrima, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 245 E. Africa and Zanzibar. (1865). — Pl. 2, Fig. 18. 20. D. nigrita, Saussure, Ann. Mus. Stor, Nat. Genova, Vol.35, p.S0(1895). Somaliland. 21. D. barbeyana, Saussure, ibidem, p. 79 (1895). Somaliland. 22. D. schweinfurthi, Saussure, ibidem, p. 79 (1895). Somaliland. 23. D. dmitriewi,Adelung, Ann. Mus. Zool. St Pétersb., Vol. 9, p.463(1905). Somaliland. 24. D. kachouskii, Adelung, ibidem, Vol. 8, p. 319, pl. 20, f. 6 (1903). Abyssinia. 25. D pallidipennis, Adelung, ibidem, p. 327 (1903). Abyssinia. 26. D. negus, Adelung. ibidem, Vol. 9, p. 458 (1905). Abyssinia. 27. D. erythropesa, Adelung, ibidem, p. 460 (1905). Abyssinia. 28. D. adelungt, Shelford, Sjéstedt’s Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped., Blatt. Abyssinia. p. 37 (1907). Deropeltis gracilis, Adelung, Ann. \lus.Zool.St-Pétersb. Vol. 9. p. 455 (1905). 29 D. brevipennis, Shelford, Deutsche Int. Zeitschr. p. 619 (1909). Erythrea, 26. GENUS MIROBLATTA, SHELFORD Miroblatta. Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 271 (1906). Characters. — Pronotum sub-cucullate, anteriorly parabolic, covering vertex of head. posteri- orly truncate, exposing the scutellum, disc with elevated ridges. Tegmina and wings not extending beyond the apex of the abdomen. Tegmina very broad, corneous, venation obscured, anal vein absent ; mediastinal field on under surface elevated, keeled, the space between mediastinal and radial veins broad, inflexed, forming together with the mediastinal field an epipleuron. Wings broadly ovate, coria- ceous, anterior part nearly twice as broad as posterior part, outer margin deeply indented at apex of dividing vein, posterior part not folding in fan-like manner. Genital styles minute. Cerci long, sharply pointed. Legs long, slender; femora unarmed beneath; spines on outer aspect of posterior tibie biseriately arranged. Posterior metatarsi longer than remaining joints, unarmed beneath; the pulvilh large, the second occupying the whole length of the joint. Geograpical distribution of species. — Borneo. 1. M. petrophila, Shelford, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 272, pl. 14, f. 4, 4a(1906). Borneo. 27. GENUS CATARA, WALKER Catara. Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 52 (1868). Characters. — Male with tegmina and wings fully developed; female entirely apterous. Antenne slightly incrassated. Pronotum rugose; sub-discoidal, anteriorly truncate in the male; sub- cucullate, posteriorly truncate and with the posterior angles produced in the female. Dorsal surface of female rugose, posterior angles of mesonotum produced. Supra-anal lamina of male sub-transverse; genital styles small. Cerci short, obtuse. Femora almost entirely unarmed. Tibial spines small and few in number, biseriately arranged on the outer aspect of the tibia. Tarsi unarmed beneath; posterior 22 ORTHOPTERA metatarsus equal in length to the remaining joints, its pulvillus apical, the remaining pulvilli large. Arolia small. Geographical distribution of species. — Singapore, Java, Borneo. 1. C. rugosicollis, Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 245 Singapore, Borneo. (1865). — Pl. 2, Fig. 19. Catara rugicollis, Walker, Cat. Blatt. Brit. Mus. p. 53 (1868). Archiblatta valvularia, Saussure, Mem. Soc, Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 23, p. 118, pl. 10, f. 40 (1873). 2. C. minor, Krauss, Denkschr. Med.-nat. Ges. Jena, Vol. 8. p. 753 pl.67, Java. ti 3} ((se@yo%s)))- 28. GENUS PROTAGONISTA, SHELFORD Protagonista. Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 1, p. 158 (1908). Characters. — Antenne slightly incrassated. Eyes further apart than antennal sockets. True ocelli present. Pronotum almost rectangular, as long as broad, sides not deflexed, not covering vertex of head. Pronotum and tegmina with a fine erect pubescence. Tegmina and wings fully developed in the male (female unknown), exceeding the apex of the abdomen. Genital styles present. Cerci moderate. Legs slender; front femora with a complete row of spines on anterior margin beneath, none on posterior margin; mid and hind femora with only one spine on each margin. Spines on posterior tibize on outer aspect biseriately arranged. Posterior metatarsi very long, considerably exceeding the remaining joints in length; all the pulvilli apical; arolia minute. Geographical distribution of species. — Tonkin. 1. P. lugubris, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 1, p. 158, pl. 9, f. 1 Tonkin. (1908). 29. GENUS ARCHIBLATTA, VOLLENHOVEN Archiblatta. Vollenhoven, Tijdschr. v Ent., Vol. 5, p. 106 (1862); Brunner von Wattenwyl, Nouv. Syst. des Blatt. p. 248 (1865). Planetica. Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 164 (1864). Characters. — Sexes dissimilar. Antenne elongate. Pronotum slightly longer than broad, trapezoidal, anteriorly emarginate, not covering vertex of head, disc rugose. Male with fully-developed tegmina and wings considerably exceeding apex of abdomen. Tegmina with long anal field; mediastinal area deflexed. Wings with posterior part not broader than anterior part, outer margin deeply indented at apex of dividing vein. Female entirely apterous, with the abdomen ample. Genital styles small. Cerci moderate. femora unarmed beneath. Tibiew very sparsely armed, the spines arranged on the outer aspect in a single row. Posterior metatarsus shorter than the succeeding joint, unarmed beneath; all the pulvilli large. Geographical distribution of species. — Singapore, Penang, Great Sunda Islands. 1. A. hoeventt, Vollenhoven, Tijdschr. v. Ent., Vol. 5, p. 106, pl. 6, ff. 1,2 Penang, Singapore and (1862). Great Sunda Isl. Planetica avanea, Saussure, Mém. Soc. Sc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, Vol. 17, p. 166, pl. 1, f. 23 (1864). 2. A. phalangium, Saussure, Rev. Zool (2), Vol. 16, p. 344 (1864). « India orientalis ». Doubtful species : 3. A. parva, Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), Vol. 1. p. 160 (1908). West Australia. RAM. BLAT TIDAL 23 30. GENUS NOCTICOLA, BOLIVAR Nocticola. Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., Vol. 61, p. 29 (1892). Characters. — Size small. Eyes simple or absent. Antenne very long. Third joint of palpi with obtuse apex. Pronotum more or less truncate anteriorly and posteriorly. Tegmina (G‘) ovate, not exceeding the fourth abdominal tergite, corneous, ciliate; wings rudimentary. Tegmina and wings (Q) absent. Tibize scarcely longer than the femora, sparsely spined, the spines biseriately arranged. Tarsi . very long, without pulvilli or arolia. Supra-anal lamina (Gv and Q) triangular. Sub-genital Jamina : (oO) with the apex emarginate, styles absent (?), (Q) large, compressed at the apex, divided by a longitudinal groove. Geographical distribution of species, — Philippines. 1. N. sitmoni, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., Vol. 61, [2 Dx ql, ae (Gtstoiy)), 2. N. caeca, Bolivar, ibidem, p. 33 (1892). Philippines. Philippines. 31. GENUS SPELAZEOBLATTA, BOLIVAR Spelzeoblatta. Bolivar, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 38, p. 32 (1897). Characters. — Size small. Head oblong, elongate. Eyes absent. Antenne very long. of maxillary palpi incrassate towards the apex, which is truncate. Pronotum anteriorly arcuate, posteriorly truncate. Tegmina (Q) squamiform, obliquely truncate; wings absent. Tibiz strongly spined, the spines biseriately arranged onthe outer aspect. Tarsi very long, pulvilli and arolia absent. Supra-anal lamina(Q ) Last joint triangular, apex rounded. Sub-genital lamina valvular. Cerci elongate, imperfectly articulate, pointed at the apex. Geographical distribution of species. — Burma. rt. S. gestvor, Bolivar, Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, Vol. 38, p. 32 (1897). Pages adelungi, Shelf. (g. Deropeltis) 21 adelungi, Wern.(g. Pseudoderopeltis) 16 znea, Burm. (g. Polyzosteria) 4 zthiopica, Sauss. (g. Psexdoderopel- tis) 17 affinis. Sauss. (g. Periplaneta) 18 africana, Karny (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 agaboides, Gerst. (g. Blatta) 16 alaris, Sauss. (g. Pelmatosilpha) 13 albilatera, Stal (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 albomarginata, Brunn.v.W. (g. Pla- tyzosteria) 7 INDEX Pages alutacea, Stal (g. Zontoploca) 8 americana, Linn. (g. Pertplaneta) 18 analis, Sauss. (g. Platyzosteria) 5 Anamesia (genus), Tepp. 9 antennata, Sauss. (g. Pseudodero- peltis) 17 anthracina, Brancs. (g. Pseudodero- pfeltts) 17 anthracina, Gerst. /g. Stylopyga) 14 antillarum, Brunn. v. W. (g. Stylo- pyga) 15 antipoda, Kirby (g. Scabina) 10 Burma. Pages antipodum, Branes.(g.Platyzosteria) aposematica, Shelf. (g. Platyzosteria) aranea, Sauss. (g. Archiblatta) Archiblatta (genus), Voll. ardrossanensis, Tepp. (g.Zonioploca) armata, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) assimilis, Shelf. (g. Stylopyga) assiniensis, Bol. (g. Blatia) aterrima, Eschsch. (g. Cutrlia) aterrima, Walk. (g. Pelmatostipha) aterrima, Erichs, (g. Platyzosteria) atra, Brunn. v. W. (g. Deropeltis) i pal Pages atrata, Erichs. (g Platyzosteria) 6 atricollis, Sauss. (g. Periplaneta) 19 aurantiaca, Stoll (g. Periplaneta) 18 aurelianensis, Fourcr. (g. Perifla- neta) rae ; australasie, Fabr. (g. Pertplaneta) australis, Burm. (g. Eurycotis) australis, MacL (g. Pertplaneta) autraniana, Sauss. (g. Deropeltis) avocaensis, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) azteca, Tepp. g. Eurvcotis) badia, Sauss. (s. Blatia) bagoti, Tepp. (g. Polvzosteria) bahamensi-, Rehn (g. Eurycotis) balteata, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) barbeyana, Sauss. (g. Deropeltis) basedowi, Tepp. (g. Periplaneta) bicolor, Sauss. (g. Cosmozosteria) bicolor, Shelf (g. Peviplaneta) bicolor, Kirby (g. Platyzosteria) bicolor, Thunb. (g. Pseudoderopeltis) bifida, Sauss. (g. Platyzosterta) biglumis, Sauss. (g. Platyzvsteria) biloba, Sauss. (g. Platyzosteria) bimaculata, Walk. (g Stylopyga) bioculata, Paiva (g. Stylopyga) biquadrata, Walk. (g. MWethana) bivittata, Brunn, v. W. 'g. Blaita) Blatta (genus), Linn. borneensis, Shelf. (g. Evoblatta) borrei, Sauss. (g, Blatt) branesiki, Shelf. (g. Pseudoderopeltis) brevicollis. Serv. (g.Pseudoderopeltrs) brevipennis, Shelf. (g. Devopeltis) brevipes, Phil. (g. Blatta) brunnea, Burm. (g. Periplaneta) brunnea, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) brunneri, Kirby (g. Blatta) brunneri, Stal (g. Dorylaea) brunneriana, Schulth. (g. Pseuvdode- ropeltis) brunni, Alfk. (g. Cutilia) bueana, Karsch (g. Deropeltés) burmeisteri, Sauss. (g. Deropellis) buyssoni, Shelf. (g. Pavamethana) cabrere, Bol. (g¢. Eurycotis) Cacerlaca (genus), Sauss. ceca, Bol. (g. Nocticola) caffra, Stal (g. Periplaneta) capensis, Thunb. (g. Deropeltis) capensis, Sauss. (g. Pseudoderopeltis) ORTDHOPTERA Pages caraibea, Bol. (g. Eurycotis) 12 carbonaria, Gerst. (g. Deropeltis) 20 Cartoblatta (genus), Shelf. 16 castanea, Blanch. (g. Blatta) 15 castanea, Brunn. v. W.(g. Platyzos- teria) 6 Catara (genus), Walk. 21 ceratodi, Krauss (g. Platyzosteria) 6 ceylonica, Karny (g. Periplaneta) 18 Chalcolampra (genus), Sauss 4 cincta, Shelf (g. Desmozosteria) 10 circumcincta, Walk. (g. Avamesta) 9 circumducta, Walk. (g. Platyzosterta) 7 collaris, Walk. (zg. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 communis, Tepp. (g. Plalyzosteria) 7 concinna de Haan (g. Blatla) 15 configurata, Walk (g. Homalvsilpha) 10 conjuncta. Shelf. (g. Platyzosterta) 6 consobrina, Sauss. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 conspersipennis, Adel. (xs. Pseuco- deropeltis) 16 contraria, Walk. (g. Homalosilpha) 19 convexa, Walk. (g. Methana) II convexa, Shelf. (g. Pelmatusilpha) 13 coolvardiensis, Tepp. (g. Platyzos- teria) Gi coriacea, Rehn (g. Pelmatosilpha) 13 Cosmozosteria (genus), Stal. 8 cothurnata Gigl.-Tos (g. Eurycotis) 12 coxalis, Walk. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 coxalis, Walk. (g. Stylopyga) 14 crassa, Karny (g. Periplaveta) 18 cruralis. Shelf. (g. Homalos.lpha) 19 culinaris, De Geer (g. Blatia) 15 cuprea, Sauss, (g. Polyzosterta) 4 curiosa, Shelf. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 curta, Walk. (9. Pertplaneta) 18 curvigera, Walk. (g. Methana) II Cutilia (venus), Stal 7 cylindrica, Thunb. (g. Periplaneta) 19 decipiens, Kirby (g. Pelmatosilpha\ 13 decorata, Serv. g. Homalosilpha) 19 decorata, Walk. (g. Pseudoderopellis) 17 decorata, Brunn.v.W. (g. Stylopyga) 14 delalandii, Sauss. (g. Deropeltis) 20 Deropeltis (genus), Burm. 20 Desmozosteria (genus), Shelf. 10 dichroa, Gerst. (g. Deropellis) 20 diluta. Stal (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 dimidiata, Bol. (g. Eurycotis) 12 dimidiata, Walk. (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 discrepans, Adel (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 16 Pages distanti, Kirby (g. Blatta) 16 dmitriewi, Adel. (g. Deropeltis) 21 domingensis Beauv.(y. Periplaneta) 18 Dorylzea (venus), Stal 13 Drymaplaneta (cenus), Tepp. 5 eastil, Tepp. (g. Zuntoploca) 8 emarginata, Karny (g. Periplaneta) 18 emittens, Walk. (g. Periplaneta) 18 Eroblatta (genus), Shelf. » 19 erythrocephala, Fabr. (g. Deropeltis) 20 erythropeza, Adel. (g. Deropeltis) 21 Eurycotis (genus), Stal. 12 Euryzosteria (genus), Sauss. 20 Euzosteria (genus). Shelf 5 exaspera, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 femoralis, Walk. (g. Euzosteria) 5 ferox, Shelf. (g. Platyzosterta) 6 ferruginea, Thunb. (g. Blatta) 15 ferruginea, Walk. (gy. Cosmozosteria) 9 ferrugineofusca, Gron. (g. Blatta) 15 figurata, Walk. (g. Euzosteria) 5 filchnerae, Karny (g. Pertplaneta) 18 finschiana, Sauss. (g. Eurycotis) 12 flavescens, Krauss (g. Pseuidodero- peltts) 17 flavicincta, de Haan (g. Dorylaea) 13 flavilatera, Sauss. (g. Blatta) 16 flavipennis, Sauss, & Zehnt. (g. Eu- rvcotis) 12 flavomarginata, Sauss. (g. Pseudo- devopeltis) sR floridana, Walk. (g. Ewrycotis) 12 fortipes, Walk. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 foveolata,Walk. (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 frenchii, Tepp. (g. Anamesia) 9 frenchii, Tepp. ig. Pulyzosteria) 4 froggatti, Shelf. (g. Cosmozosteria) 9 fuliginosa, Serv. (g. Pertplaneta) 19 fulvornata. Tepp. (g Anamesia) 9 fulvornata,Shelf.(g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 funebris, Shelf. (g. Periplaneta 19 furcata, Karny (g. Periplaneta) 18 furcifera, Shelf. (g. Stvlopyga) 14 gaboonica, Rehn (g. Deropeltis) 20 gaudens, Shelf. (g. Homalosilpha) 19 gestroi, Bol. (g. Spelaeoblatta) 23) gildessa, Adel. (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 16 glabra, VTepp. (g. Plalyzosteria) 6 glabra, Walk. (g. Platyzoster/a) 6 gloriosa, Shelf. (g. Cosmozosteria) 9 Pages gracilis, Adel. (g. Devopeltis) 21 gracilis, Burm. (g. Deropeliis) 20 gracilis, Brunn. v. W.(g.Periplaneta) 18 grandis, Sauss. (g. Platyzosteria) 5 granulifera, Krauss (g. Pseudodero- peltis) 17 grosse-punctata, Shelf. (g. Desmo- zosterta) 10 guttata, Sauss. (g. Pseudodeiopeltis) 17 harpuri, Tepp. (g. Temnelytra) 10 hartmeyeri, Shelf. (g. Platyzosteria) 7 heros, Eschsch, (g. Periplaneta) 19 heterospila, Walk. (g. Stylupyga) 14 heydeniana, Sauss. (g. Culilia). 8 histrio, Sauss. (g. Stylopyga) 14 hoevenil, Voll. (g. Archiblatta) 22 Homalosilpha (genus), Stal 19 hosei, Shelf. (g. Methana) II hottentota, Sauss. (g. Stylopyga) 14 hova, Sauss. (g. Blaita) 16 impressa, Tepp. (g. Polyzosteria) 4 indica, Karny (g. Periplaneta) 18 inclusa, Walk. (g. Periplaneta) 18 inclusa, Walk. (g. Platyzosterta) 6 ingens, Scudd. (g. Eurycotis) 12 insignis, Serv. (g. Periplaneta) 19 integerrima, Brunn. v. W. (g. Dero- peltis) 21 intermedia, Brunn. v. W. (g. Dero- peltis) 20 invisa, Walk. (g. Polyzosteria) 4 invisa, Walk. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 iridicolor, Tepp. (g. Polyzosteria) 4 japonica, Karny (g. Periplaneta) 18 juncea, Sauss. (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 jungii, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) i kachovskii, Adel. (g. Devopeltis) 21 Kakerlac (genus), Latr. 15 kakkerlac, De Geer (g. Periplaneta) 18 Knephasia (venus), Tepp. 8 lambii, Llepp. (g. Anamesia) 9 lata, Herbst (g. Periplaneta) 18 lateralis, Walk. (g. Blatta) 15 lateralis, Walk. (g. Cosmozosteria) 9 latizona, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) Fi lebedinskii, Adel. (g. Periplaneta) 19 Leptozosteria (genus), Tepp. 7 ligata, Brunn.v.W.(g.Cosmozosteria) 9 FAM. BLATTIDA® Pages ligata, Brunn. v. W.(g. Methana) II limbata, Burm (g. Polyzosteria) 4 lindsayi, Tepp. (g. Axamesia) 9 liturata, Sauss. (g. Platyzosteria) 7 longipennis, Walk. (g. Psendodero- peltis) 17 longipennis, Sauss. |g, Pseudodero- peltis) 17 lugubris, Shelf. (g. Protagouista) 22 lunata, Vepp. (g. Methana) II maculata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Poly- zoster iu) 4 maculimarginata, Vepp. (g. Cosmo- zosteria) 9 madecassa, Sauss. (g. Deropeltis) 21 magna, Shelf. (g. Wethana) Il malaica, Karny (g. Pertplaneta) 18 manca, Gerst. (g. Stylopyga) 14 marginalis, Sauss. (g. Wethana) II marginalis, Brunn. v. W. (g. Pel- matosilpha) 13 marginifera, Walk. (g. Cutslia) medilinea, Tepp. (g. Zvnioploca) 8 melanaria, Erichs. (g. Platyzosteria) 5 melanaria, Brunn. v. W. (g. Platy- zosterta) 5 melanesiz, Shelf. (g. Cutilia) 8 melanophila, Walk. (g. Deropeltis) 21 Melanozosteria (genus), Stal 5 meridionalis, Sauss. (g. Blatta) 16 meridionalis, Brun. (g. Stylopyga) 15 Methana (genus), Stal II methanoides, Brunn. v.\WV. (g. Pert- planeta) 18 mexicana, Sauss. (g. Eurycotis) 12 michaelseni, Shelf. (g. Desmozos- teria) 10 minor, Krauss (g. Catara) 22 Miroblatta (genus), Shelf. 21 mitchellii, Angas (g. Exzosteria) 5 monochroma, Walk. (g. Periplaneta) 18 montana, Kirby (g Blatta) 16 morio, Karny (g. Deropeltis) 20 morosa, Shelf. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 mysteca, Sauss. (g. Eurycotts) 12 negus. Adel. (g. Deropeltis) 21 nigerrima, Shelf, (g. Stlopyga) 14 nigrita, Sauss. (g. Deropeltis) 21 nitens, Walk. (g. Polyzosteria) 4 nitida, Brunn. v. W. (g. Cutilia) 8 nitida, Bol. (g. Periplaneta) 18 2) Pages nobilis, Brunn.v. W (g. Euzosterta) 5 Nocticola (genus), Bol. 23 nossibei, Sauss. (g. Stylopyga) 15 nove-seelandie, Brunn. yv. W. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 obscura, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 obscuripes, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria 7 obscuroviridis, Tepp. (g. Polyzoste- ria) occidentalis, Sauss. (g. Eurycotis) 12 occidentalis, Burm. (g. Pelmatosil- pha) 13 oculata, Walk. (g. Methana) II oculata, Tepp. (g. Polyzosteria) 4 opaca, Brunn. v. W. (g. Eurycotis) 12 orba, Stal (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 orientalis, Linn. (g. Blatia) 15 ornata, lepp. (g. Anamvsia) 9 ornata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Siylopyga) 14 pallida, Shelf. (g. Zontoploca) 8 pallidipennis, Adel. (g. Devopeltis) 21 pallipalpis, Serv. (g. Methana) II pallipes, Phil. (g. Blatta) 16 papua, Shelf. (g. Methana) II parallela, Bol. (g. Stylopyga) 14 Paramethana (genus), Shelf. II parva, Shelf. (g. Archiblatta) 22 parva, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) 7 patens, Walk. (g. Periplaneta) 19 patula, Walk. (g. Euzosteria) 5 paulinoi, Bol. (g. Deropeltis) 20 pectoralis, Walk. (g. Cosmozosteria) 9 Pelmatosilpha (genus), Dohrn 13 péringueyi, Sauss. (x. Deropeltis) 20 Periplaneta (genus), Burm. 17 perplexa, Shelf. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 petrophila, Shelf. (g. Mzvoblatta) 21 petrophila, Shelf. (g. Pseudodero- peltis) 17 phalangium, Sauss. (g. Archiblatia) 22 picea, Shir. (g. Periplaneta) 18 picea, Brunn. v. W. (g. Siylopyga) 14 picta, Tepp. (g. Cosmozosteria) 9 Planetica (genus), Sauss. 22 platystetho, Phil. (g. Blatta) 15 Platyzosteria (genus), Brunn. v. W. 5 polita, Walk. (g. Cutilia) 8 polyzona, Walk. (g. Anamesia) 9 Polyzosteria (genus), Burm. 4 prestans, Dohrn (g. Pelmatosilpha) 13 20 Pages prima, Tepp. (g. Leptozosterta) Gi propinqua, Shelf. (g. Blatta) 16 prorsa, Shelf. (g. Pseudoderopeltts) 17 Protagonista (genus), Shelf. 22 provisionalis, Tepp.(g.Platyzosterta) 6° pseudatrata, Tepp.(g. Platyzosteria) 6 pseudocastanea, Tepp. (g. Platyzos- teria) 6 Pseudoderopeltis(genus),Krauss 16 Pseudolampra (genus), Tepp. 9 pubescens, Tepp. (g. Pelyzosteria) pulchella, Sauss. (g. Polyzosterta) 4 pulchra, Shelf. (g. Cartoblatta) 16 punctata, Tepp. (g. Anamesta) 9 punctata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Platy- zosteria) 6 purpurascens, Kirby (g. Pelmatostl- pha) 13 purpurascens, Fisch. (g. Polyzosteria) 4 quadrifascia, Walk. (g. Cosmozos- teria) 9 quadrilobata,Brunn.v.W.(g.Blatta) 14 quadrisquamata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Eurycotis) 12 reflexa, Brunn.v.W. (g. Euzosteria) 5 regina, Sauss. (g. Pertplaneta) 18 repanda, Walk. (g. Periplaneta) 18 rhombifolia, Stoll (g. Stylopyga) 14 robusta, Gerst. (g. Deropeltis) 20 robusta, Shelf. (g. Pavamethana) Il robusta, Shelf. (g¢. Zontoploca) 8 rothei, Tepp. (g. Anamesia) 9 rothschildi, Shelf. (g. Pseudodero- peltis) 17 rotundata, Brunn. v. W.(g. Blatta) 16 rotundata, Scudd. (g. Pelmatosilpha) 13 rufa, Tepp. (g. Blatta) 16 rufescens, Shelf. (g. Desmozosteria) 10 rufescens, Kirby (g. Methana) Il ruficeps, Shelf. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 ruficornis, Walk. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 rufipes, Shelf. (g. Platyzosteria) rufofusca, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 rufoterminata, Brunn.v.W.(¢.Platy- zosteria) 6 rufovittata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Eury- cotts) 12 rugicollis, Walk. (g. Catara) 22 rugosicollis, Brunn.v.W. (g.Catara) 22 sabalianus, Scudd. (g. Eurycotis) 12 ORTHOPRTERA Pages salomonis, Shelf. (g. Stylopyga) 14 saussurei, Kirby (g. Psewdoderopeltis) 16 saussurei, Ade]. (g. Pseudoderopeltis) 17 savignyi, Krauss (g. Periplaneta) 19 Scabina (venus), Shelf. 10 scabra, Brunn.v.W.(g.Platyzosteria) 6 scabrella, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 scabriuscula, Tepp.(g.Platyzosteria) 6 schweinfurthi, Sauss. (g. Devopeltis) 21 sculpturata, Krauss (g. Deropeltis) 20 secunda, Tepp. (g. Cutilia) 8 sedilloti, Bol. (g. Cutilia) 8 semicincta, Walk. (g. Platyzosteria) 7 semipicta, Walk. (g. Eurycotis) 12 semivitta, Walk. (g. Platyzosteria) 7 semoni, Krauss (g. Stylupyga) 14 senecta, Rehn (g. Stylopyga) 15 sex-guttata, Walk. (g. Platyzosteria) 7 sex-pustulata, Walk. (g. S/ylopyga) 14 siccifolia, Stoll (g. Periplaneta) 18 signata, Eschsch. (g. Stylopyga) 15 similis, Sauss. (g. Psendoderopeltis) 17 simoni, Bol. (g. Nocticola) 23 sinhalensis, Shelf. (g.Pelmatosilpha) 13 sinuata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Blatta) 15 soror, Sauss. (g. Methana) II soror, Brunn, v.W.(g.Platyzosterta) 7 speciosa, Shelf. (g. Blatta) 15 speciosum, Walk. (g. Thyrsocera) 12 spectabilis, Adel. (g. Pseudodero- peltis) 17 spectabilis, Burm. (g. T/yrsocera) 12 speiseri, Brancs. (g. Deropeltis) 21 Speleeoblatta (venus), Bol. 23 spenceri, Shelf ((g. Platyzosteria) 5 spinosostylata, Krauss. (g. Peripla- neta) 18 spinulifera, Krauss (Stylopyga) I4 Steleopyga (genus). Fisch. TS stolida, Walk. (g. Periplaneta) 18 striata, Shir. (g. Pertplaneta) 18 stygia, Shelf. (g¢. Periplaneta) 19 Stylopyga (genus), Fisch. 14 subalata, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Eury- cotis) 12 subaptera, Brunn. v. W. (g. Platy- zosteria) 6 subbifasciata, Tepp. (g. Platyzos- teria) 7 subcincta, Walk. (g. Periplaneta) 18 submarginata, Tepp. (g. Platyzos- teria) Tf subnobilis, Tepp. (g. Euzosteria) 5 Pages subornata, Walk. (g. Periplaneta) 18 subreflexa, Tepp. (g. Euzosteria) 5 subtruncata, Tepp. (g. Temnelytra) 10 subverrucosa, White (g. Ewzosteria) 5 subzonata, Tepp (g. Cosmozosteria) 5 Syntomaptera (genus), Tepp. 5 tartara, Sauss. (g. Periplaneta) 18 tartarea, Stal (g. Cutilia) 8 Temnelytra (genus), Tepp 10 tepperi, Kirby (g. Platyzosteria) 6 tetra, Walk. (¢. Stylopyga) 14 thoracica, Serv. (g. Homalosilpha} 19 Thyrsocera (venus), Burm. II triangulata, Brunn v. W.(g. Cutilia) 8 trifasciata, Tepp. (y. Cosmozosteria) 9 triimpressa, Krauss (g. Deropeltis) 20 truncata, Krauss (g. Periplaneta) 19 truncata, Brunn. v. W. (g. Temmely- tra) 10 tullbergi, Borg (g. Devopeltis) 20 ugandana, Gigl.-Tos (g. Blatta) 16 undulivitta, Walk. (g. Temmnelyiva) 10 unicolor, Shelf. (g. Dorvlaea) 14. ustulata, Burm. (g. Homalosilpha) 19 valida, Brunn. v. W. (g. Periplaneta) 18 valvularia, Sauss. (g. Catara) 22 variegata, Shelf. (¢ Platyzosteria) 7 variolosa, Bol. (g. Platyzosteria) 6 verticalis, Burm. (g. Deropeltis) 20 vicina, Brunn. v. W. (g. Homatlo- stlpha) 19 villana, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Pelma- tostlpha) 13 viridissima, Shelf. (g. Polyzosteria) 4 vittifrons, Sauss. & Zehnt. (g. Eury- cotts) i) voeltzkowi, Sauss. (g. Stylopyga) 15 vosseleri, Shelf. (g. Pertplaneta) 19 wahlbergi, Stal (g. Deropeltis) 20 walkeri, Shelf. (g. Ananiesia) 9 Wodongia (genus), Tepp. II zamorensis, Gig].-Tos (g. Siylopyga) 15 zebra, Tepp. (g. Platyzosteria) 7 zehntneri, Kirby (g. Dorylaea) 13 zonata, Walk. (g. Cosmozosteria) 9 zonata, de Haan (g. Periplaneta) 18 Zonioploca (venus), Stal. 8 FAM. BLATTIDA® 27 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES PuatTe I Fig. 1. Polysosteria cuprea, Saussure. — 14a. — pubescens, Tepper. Apex of abdomen, Q, dorsal view. — 2. Euzosteria mitchellu, Angas. Se — patula, \Walker. Apex of abdomen, Q, dorsal view. — 3. Platyzosteria bicolor, Kirby. — 3a, — fervox, Shelford. Apex of abdomen, ¢. dorsal view. — 36. — coolgardiensts, Tepper. Apex of abdomen, <, dorsal view. — 3c. — melanarvia, Evichson. Apex of abdomen, ¢, dorsal view. — 3d. = semivitta, Walker. Hind-leg of &. — 4. Zontoploca medilinea, Tepper. — 5. Cutilia sedillott, Bolivar. — 6. Cosmososteria zonata, Walker. — 64. — — a Apex of abdomen, ¢, dorsal view. — 7. Anamesia frenchit, Tepper. — 7a. — polyzona, Walker. Apex of abdomen, <, dorsal view. — 8a. Temnelytra truncata, Brunner von Wattenwyl. First abdominal tergite of ¢. — 8b. — — — Apex of abdomen, ¢, dorsal view. PLATE 2 Fig. g. Scabina antipoda, Kirby. — 10. Methana marginalts, Saussure. — 11. Paramethana buyssont, Shelford, Q. — 12. Eurycotis floridana, Walker. — 13. Stylopyga ornata, Brunner von Wattenwy]l. — 14. Pseudoderopeltis flavescens, Krauss. — 15. Pelmatosilpha purpurascens, Kirby. — 16. Pertplaneta lata, Herbst. — 17. Homalosilpha vicina, Brunner von Wattenwyl. — 18. Deropeltis integerrima, Brunner von Wattenwyl, ©. — 19. Catara rugosicollis, Walker, Q. Oxford, July 15, 1910. GENERA INSECTORUM ORTHOPTERA 40 VY / } r ) “ ) } / Platyrosterta. lerax Ku 7 Wii Polyzosteria cuprea ae 4 oe gb Platyz 7 / J Platyzosteria semivitta / + / } / } 3 f ) Polyzoster y Platyzosteria coolgardiensis : / ? yw’ / , Jf 4 / toslterta trelanaria 9 tt / Kuzosteria patila a Flawwzosterta § OT \f,. } f j 1 Sy J , f J 4T eens Z| runcid le rif J 7 1 FAM. BLATTIDA. reid GENERA INSECTORUM ORTHOPTERA Scabina antipoda Methana marginalis Paramethana buyssoni Eurveotis floridana iT Pseudoderopeltis tlavescens aie = Strlopyga ornata Pelmatosipha purpurascens Jory ry] 12. } r . ey f , Periplaneta lata Homalosilpha vicina Deropeltis integerruna Catara rugosicollis FAM. BLATTIDA. SUBFAM. BLATTINE (-PERIPLANETINAS } ) 17. ORTHOPTERA. 2, Blattodea by R. SHELFORD. With 2 plates. The number of species of Blattodea previously recorded from the region traversed by Dr. Yneaye Ss6stTepT’s expedition is quite insignificant. GERSTHCKER described in 1869 the collection of insects made by Baron C. C. VON DER DECKEN in the Kilimandjaro district, but scarcely more than a dozen of these were cock- roaches. A few species from Mombasa and adjacent localities on the East African coast have been described from time to time by various authors, but in the absence of really representative collections no general review of the East African Blattid fauna has been possible, as in the case of South Africa, Abyssinia, Madagascar, the Cameroons and Angola. This group of insects is usually much neglected by collec- tors, but this reproach cannot be laid to Dr. Ss6stTept’s charge, for his collection is a very considerable one, including fifty-one species — about 677 specimens — many of which are represented by long series of individuals of both sexes; in fact the collec- tion may be safely regarded as thoroughly representative of the region in which it was made. The species are referable to 29 genera, four of which are new to science, and of the 51 species, 26 or more than half, are new. In the following account of the collection the species are enumerated and described, species recorded by other authors from the same region — which may be conveniently defined as lying between the equator and 5° S. and between the 35th and 40t» parallels of longitude — are also noted and finally an analysis of this Blattid fauna and its comparison with the cor- responding faunas of other regions of Africa is attempted. tb 14 SJOSTEDTS KILIMANDJARO-MERU EXPEDITION. 17: Fam. Keto biidie. Gen. Theganopteryx Rr. Theganopteryx africana Sauss. Eetobia africana Saussurp®, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. vol. 21 p. 569 (1899). Kilimandjaro: Kibonoto 1000— 1300 metres (April); Lower Meru: Masai steppes; Usambara: Mombo (June); 9 dd, 4 &&. Previously recorded from the East African coast (VOELTZKOW); the species super- ficially resembles very closely Hctobius perspicillaris Herest, but structurally differs in the separation of the radial and ulnar veins of the tegmina; since this is the very character used to divide the genus T'heganopteryx from the genus Hctobius the placing of the species in the latter genus is quite illogical. Theganopteryx saussurei SHELF. Theganopteryx saussuret Shelford, Gen. Insect. Fasc. 55. p. 8 (1907). Theganopterys senegalensis var. Saussure, Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. Vol. 35 p. 3 (1895). Kilimandjaro: Kibonoto 1300—1900 metres; Lower Meru: Masai steppes. 8 dd. The species is undoubtedly very closely allied to the West African senegalensis Sauss. and may possibly be shown later to be identical; at present however I consider it advisable to separate them. The two East African species may be separated by their colouration. 1. Testaceous, with scattered fuscous points africana SAUSS. 1’. Fuscous, pronotum & tegmina margined with white saussuret SHELF. Gen. Mallotoblatta Saussure & ZEHNTNER. Mallotoblatta Kraussi ADEL. (Plate 3, fig. 3.) Mallotoblatta Kraussi ApeLuNG, Ann. Mus. Acad. Imp. des Sci. 8:t Petersburg vol. 1X p. 12 (1905). 3. Flavo-testaceous. Body with a sparse erect pubescence most marked on the ventral surface. A transverse band on the frons, the apex of the maxillary palpi and the labrum fuscous. Vertex of head not covered by pronotom. Pronotum trapezoidal, with two longitudinal fuscous vittae. Tegmina equal to the body in length, 15 costal veins, radial vein bifurcate, 7 longitudinal discoidal sectors, posterior ulnar simple. Wings shorter than the tegmina, mediastinal vein 5-ramose, 9—10 costals, these and the mediastinal rami incrassated, radial vein bifurcate near apex, median vein sinuate, ulnar vein bifurecate near apex, medio-discal and medio-ulnar areas SHELFORD, BLATTODEA, 15 crossed by transverse nervules, a small triangular apical field. 7** abdominal tergite depressed, its posterior border emarginate, the scent-glands opening at the bottom of the depression, 8t' tergite widely emarginate posteriorly, 9t* tergite exposed. Supra-anal lamina large, quadrate, posterior angles acute. Cerci elongate. Sub-genital lamina asymmetrical, produced. Front femora with several spines on the anterior margin beneath, the distal ones minute, formula of apical spines {, |, }, no genicular spines on the front femora. Length of body 12 mm; length of tegmina 9,5 mm, pronotum 3mm » 3,» mm. Meru: Rain forest 3000 m, 1 9 (January). I belive this to be the male of ADELUNG’s species described from Abyssinia from a female only. Dr. ADELUNG was not quite certain if this species and brachyptera ADEL. also described from a female, were rightly referable to the genus Mallotoblatta. The male of kraussi certainly does not conform quite strictly to the generic type as represented by M. pubescens Sauss. and ZeHNT., and M. pilosella Sauss. and ZEHNT. from Madagascar, for the pronotum is not »chiffonée», the supra-anal plate is pro- duced and quadrate instead of transverse, the form of the dorsal abdominal tergites and scent-gland opening is different and the front-femora are armed according to the type A of Saussure instead of according to type B. Nevertheless in the erect pubescence, and in the venation of tegmina and wings M. kraussi shows such close affinities to the Mascarene species that for the present it may be allowed a resting- place in the same genus. The discovery of the females of the Mascarene species may occasion the erection of a new genus for the continental forms in which sexual dimor- phism is a leading characteristic. Gen. Hololampra Sauss. Two species of this characteristically Palaearctic genus occur in the Kilimandjaro region, one species only is represented by both sexes and the male of this differs from those of all the other representatives of the genus by the length of the wings. The females of the two species may be distinguished as follows: 1. Testaceous, tegmina and pronotum with brown points . sjéstedti n. sp. i -Aodomen and heads piceous. ".. . . - - . - . . aethiopica n. sp. Hololampra ethiopica n. sp. (Plate 2, Fig. 1.) 3. Piceous. Antennae fuscous. Pronotum trapezoidal, margins broadly hyaline, dise with scattered brown points or with dark castaneous blotches symmetrically arranged. Scutellum exposed. Tegmina equal to the body in length, clear testaceous with scatted castaneous points on the veins and minute brown maculations between the veins; 9—10 constal veins, 5—6 oblique discoidal sectors, anal vein impressed. Wings abbreviated, reaching the 6th abdominal tergite, hyaline veins infuscated, 16 SJOSTEDTS KILIMANDJARO-MERU EXPEDITION 17: 2. 5—6 rudimentary costal veins, distal half of median vein alone visible, medio-discal area crossed by transverse nervules, ulnar vein simple 1s axillary triramose. Abdomen above with the first 6 abdominal tergites piceous, the remainder flavo-testaceous, the posterior borders of 6th—8th tergites emarginate, opening of scent-glands on 7th tergite, supra-anal lamina transverse, slightly produced. Cerci fuscous, 7 jointed. Abdomen beneath piceous, laterally margined with testaceous; sub-genital lamina irregular, elongate. Femora castaneous, sparsely armed beneath, no genicular spines on the middle pair; tibiae and basal joint of tarsi flavo-testaceous, apical joints of tarsi fuscous. 2. Larger; variable in colour, pronotum with brown points or heavily blotched with castaneous. Tegmina extending to 1*t or 2»¢ abdominal tergite. Wingsrudimentary. Abdomen piceous above, with the tergites margined with flavo-testaceous, or with flavo-testaceous spots only on their lateral margins; supra-anal lamina short, transverse; abdomen beneath piceous, laterally margined with testaceous, sub-genital lamina ample. Cerci piceous. Legs as in J. Larvae have all the thoracic tergites testaceous variegated with castaneous, the abdomen piceous; the legs are entirely castaneous. é. Total length 6 mm, length of tegmina 5,9 mm; pronotum 2 mm x 3 mm. eens: Sai Zicitee » 3 > » Dro ie Seo Kilimandjaro: Rain forest, Kiboscho, 3000 m (February), 2 Jd, 6 ¢&, 5 larvae. Hololampra sjéstedti n. sp. 2. Testaceous. Head rufo-testaceous, vertex covered. Pronotum trapezoidal, sides deflexed, lateral margins broadly hyaline, posterior border truncate, exposing the scutellum. Tegmina lanceolate, attaining the sixth abdominal segment, overlapping slightly, 8 costal veins, one ulnar vein with 5 branches, anal vein impressed, reaching the sutural margin at one half of its length; a few brown points occur on the veins. Wings rudimentary. Abdomen above variegated with fuscous, supra-anal lamina short transverse; abdomen beneath variegated with fuscous, disc fuscous, sub-genital lamina ample, its centre rufo-testaceous or castaneous; cerci six-jointed, rufo-testaceous. All the femora with two spines only on the anterior margin beneath, none on the posterior margin, with genicular spines and two apical spines. Total length 6,5 mm; length of tegmina 4 mm; pronotum 2 mm X 3 mm. Kilimandjaro: Kibonoto, zone of culture 1000—1900 m (August to December). Lower Meru: Ngare na nyuki (January); Masai steppes (October). 22 $F, 2 larvae. One example has the ootheca projecting from the end of the abdomen; it is chitinous and carried with the suture uppermost, it is not carinate. The species appears to be nearest to H. minuta SueLr. from Madagascar, SHELFORD, BLATTODEA. 17 Fam. Phyllodromiide. Gen. Ischnoptera Burm. The East African species can readily be distinguished from species of Phyllo- dromina, not only by the wing venation but also by the longitudinal, instead of oblique, discoidal sectors of the tegmina and by the asymmetry of the sub-genital lamina and styles in the male sex. The following table will assist in the determination of the known species: 1. Testaceous or rufo-testaceous species. 2. Scent-glands of J opening at base of supra-anal lamina, which is*not’ much produced .°. . : . . . .. bimaculata GERST. . Scent-glands of ¢, not as above,