SO EKEHIJ A. P. M. DE KLiUJS TILBURG t / ? | . I ^V> p' ;* ■ " V^v 1 ' a i-.P- (isiO Smithsonian Institution Libraries Gift of DR. DAN H. NICOLSON tortus g)utiurijanus Eontitnensts ; OR, A CATALOGUE OF PLANTS CULTIVATED IN \ - I THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF LONDON; ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE LINNEAN SYSTEM : WITH THE ADDITION OF THE Natural Orders to which they belong , References to Boohs where they are described '9 their native Places of Growth, when introduced , Time of Flowering , and Reference to Figures . — BY ROBERT SWEET, F.L. S. — JLontooiu PRINTED FOR JAMES RIDGWAY, 170, PICCADILLY, 1818, Se Gosnell Printer, Little Queen Street, London. ADVERTISEMENT. Qk. ■30C ^ A i An appeal to the numerous and rapidly succeeding editions of works of the same stamp as the one now offered to the Public, supersedes the necessity of enlarging upon the utility such may possess. The Compiler of the present has, from his infancy to the present time, been unceasingly employed in the cultivation of exotic plants as the means of his livelihood ; and, as far as a laborious business and Ins opportunities of acquirement have admitted, he has industriously endeavoured to combine the scientific with the practical part of his calling. That no one can have possessed better or readier means of inspecting the plants contained in the collec- tions and gardens of this country, is what he knows will not be contradicted by any one enabled to judge, and what the extent of his employment entitles him to say. Whether he has availed himself of these means in a way to have rendered himself equal to the present task, is for those into whose hands his publication may fall to decide. More than a thousand species have been added to the latest edition of any work of the same scope that has come to his knowledge. Every species which has been represented by a figure, is recorded with its figure for the synonym. No spe- cies has been taken up without reference to an authentic document. In one material point the present compilation has an advantage over any other, viz. the addition of the natural orders, which has been made without disturbing the sequence and facility of the Linnean method, maintained throughout. Natural orders, inde- pendent of their relation to science, are in some degree useful in practice, in as A ADVERTISEMENT. vi far as they point out to the cultivator the vegetable relatives, between which there is always the greatest probability of success in attempting the union, either by engrafting or inarching, or mixing the breed. At least, such natural groups generally indicate the confines, out of which species cannot be united by any of those means. All plants contained in the various periodical publications where the vegetables cultivated amongst us are treated of, have been most carefully enumerated up to the present moment; and this Compilation may be so far considered as a general index to them* BOOKS QUOTED. Act. be r. M^moires de I’Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Eettres. Act. helv. Acta Helvetica physico, mathematico, botanico-medica. Act. par. ITistoire del’Acad&nie Royale des Sciences, avec les M&noires de Mathdmatique et de Phy- sique. Act. pet. Acta Academia? Scientiarum Imperialis Pefcropolitan*. Act. soc. h. nat. par. Actes de la Socie'td d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Act. stock. Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Hand- lingar. Stockholm. Act. ups. Acta Societatis Regi* Scientiarum Upsa- liensis. Ait. Kew. Aiton’s Hortus Kewensis. All. ped. Car. Allionii Flora Pedemontana. All. rar. Car. Allionii Rariorum Pedemontii Stir- piuin Specimen. All. taur. Car. Allionii Miscellanea Philosophico-m&- thematica Societatis private Taurinensis. Alp. cegypt. Prosp. Alpini de Plantis TEgypti Liber. Alp. exot. Prosp. Alpini de Plantis exoticis Libri 2. Amin. ruth. Slirpium variorum in Imperio Rutheno sponte provrenientium leones et Descriptiones collecte a Jo. Atnroano. And. ger. Geraniums ; or, a Monograph of the Ge- nus Geranium. By H. C. Andrews. And. heaths. Coloured Engravings of Heaths. By H. C. Andrews. Ann. mus. Annales du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle. Par les Professeurs de cet Etablissement. Ann. hot. Annals of Botany. By C. Konig and J. Sims. Ard. mem. M^morie di Osservazioni, e di Sperienze sopra la Coltura, e gli Usi di varie Piante. Da P. Arduino. Ard. spec. Petr. Arduini Animadversionum Botani- carum Specimen 1, Patavii, 1759. Specimen 2, Vertetiis, 1764. Asiat. res. Asiatic Researches ; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal. Auk. gui. Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Fran- ferruginea. iron-coloured. 1 ohliqua. twisted-leaved. % buxifolia. box-leaved. 2 eapensis. W. en. leathery-leaved. 3 undulata. W. en. wave-leaved. 4 verrucosa. W. waited. 5 amei icana. W. American. 6 excelsa. W. laurel-leaved. 7 fragrans. W. fragrant. 8 angustifolia.VV.en. I" narrow-leaved 1 [_ Phillyrea. j 9 media. W. en. twiggy. 10 virgata. W. en. privet-leaved. 11 pendula. W. en. drooping. 12 ole®folia. W. en. olive-leaved. 13 l®vis. W. en. smooth-leaved. 14 ilicifolia. W. en. holly-leaved. 15 latifolia. W.en. broad-leaved. 16 ohliqua. W. en. oblique-leaved. NOTEL/EA. B. P. NoTELiEA. 1 longifolia. B. P. long-leaved. 2 ljgustrina. B. P. privet-leaved. CH ION ANTI} US. W. Fringe-Tree. 1 virginica. W. smooth-leaved. 2 maritimai Ph. pubescent. LINOCIERA. B. P. Linociera. compacta. B. P, Caribean. ORNUS. P.S. FloweringAsh 1 europaea. P. S. European. 2 rotundifolia. P. S. Manna. SYR1NGA. W. Lilac. 1 vulgaris. W. common. $ violapea. purple. 7 alba. white. 2 chinensis. IV. Chinese. 3 persica. W. Persian. $ alba. white. 7 laciniata. cut-leaved. CATALPA. Ju. Catalpa. T Syringifolia. H. K. common. 2 longissima. H. K. wave-leaved. P1MELEA. B.P. Pi M ELEA. 1 linifolia. B.P. flax-leaved. 2 rosea. B. P. rose-coloured. 3 pauci flora. B. P. few-flowered. ■FONT AN ESI A. W. Fontanesia. phillyraeoides. W, riuilyrea-leaved. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Jasmine. B. P. Olein®. B. P. E. Inch Norfolk Is. C. B.S. Java. E. Ind. Madeira. S. Enr. Madeira. China. E. Ind. Guiana. 1759. 1791. 1774. 1804. 1790. 1724. 1570. 1656. 1656. 1812. 1548. 1629. 1803. 5.8. 1.12. 8. 5.9. 4.11. 4.10. 6.9. 5.11. 3.10. 6.10. 6.10. S. h G-h G. h S.k S* h • G« h ■ H-h- H-V G -h- G- h • H- h ■ G- h • 6.7. Olein®. B. P. — Britain. — Italy. — China. 17.94. 6.9. Olea et P hilly tea, L. — S.Enr. 1570. 6.8. . s.v H.J*. H G-h- Ex. bot. 2. t. 11 8. Bot. rep. 127-. Sat. strip, rai'. t. 3. Bot. reg. Bot. reg; 89. Bot. mag. 461. Bot. reg. Bot. mag. 285. Bot. reg. 178. Bot. mag. 31. Bot. reg. 9 1 . Aub.gui.662.C269. Eng. bot. 764. G. L . FI. grace. 1. 1. 3. C.B. S. 1730. 6.9. 4.5. N. Amer. Madeira. China. S. Eur. 1814. . 1758. 1784. 1771. 6. 5. 6.8. 1597. 5.6. Oleinae. B. P. Olein®. B. P. N. S. W. Van Die. 1790. 1807. 3.6. 7.8. N. Amer. 1736. 5.7. Olein®. B. P. Ckiouanthi sp. 7V. W. Ind. 1793. Fraxiui sp. L. Italy. 1710. 1697. 5.6. 4. Olein®. B. P. — Persia. 1597. 5. China. Persia. Bignoniaceae.B.P. Thymelaeae. B. P. N. Amer. W. Ind. N. S. W. N. Holl. Van Die. 1795. 1640. 1726. 1777. 1793. 1800. 1812. 5.6. 5. 6.8. 2.S. 3.9. G. h G. h G.hL G- h G- h G. k, H. h H. h H. h H-h H. V H.T2 H -h H.k H-h G* b ■ G .h- H . I? . H-h- s-h- H. h • H- k ■ H. h ■ h.i2. H-h- H-h- H-h- H. h • H-h- H.Tj. S.fz* G-h- G. h * G. h ■ Burm.afr. t. 81.f.2, Jac. sch. 1. 1. 2. Cat. car. 1. 1. 61. Bot. mag. 1552. Vent, choix. 25. . 25. b. Cates, car. l.t. 68. Jac. col. 2. t. 6. f.l. FI. graec. 1. 1. 4. Schku. hand. 1 . t.2. Bot. mag. 183. Bot. mag. 486. Schmidt arb.2.t.79. Bot. mag. 1094. Plum. ic. t, 57. Bot. mag. 891 . Bot. mag. 1458. B ? yria. 1787. 8. H.Ij . Lab. syr. 1. 1. V 4 CIRCiEA. \V. 1 lutetiana. W. 2 alpina. W . Veronica, w. 1 sibirica. W. 2 virginica. W. 0 incarnata. 8 neglecta. W. en; 4 incana. Sc. 5 spicata. Sc. 6 hybrids. Sc. 7 arguta. Sc* 8 media. Sc. 9 australis. Sc. 10 glabra. Sc. 0 alba. 1 1 amethystine. W. 1 2 elatior. W. en. MANDRIA MONOGYNIA. {Enchanter’s 1 Nightshade./ common, mountain. Speedwell. Siberian. Virginiaii. flesh-coloured. fcanescent; hoary, spiked. Welsh. shdrp-notchdd. long-spiked, pubescent, smooth. white. a. fine blue, tall. OnSgr arias. J. Britain. Scrophularinae. B.P. 13 longifolia. Sc. long-leaved. 14 maritima. Sc. sea-side. 15 complicata. W. en. bundled. 1 6 crenulata. Vahl. notch-flowered. 1 7 villosa. Sc. 18 foliosa. Sci 1 9 spuria. Sc; 20 pinnata. Sc. 21 latiniata. Sc. 22 incisa. Sc. 23 aphylla. W. 24 bellidioides. W. 25 gentianoides. W. 26 fruticulosa. W. 27 saxatilis.W. 28 alpina. W. 29 serpyllifolia. W; 30 officinalis. W. 3 1 Allionii. W. 32 decussata. W. S3 integrifolia. W. 39 Beccabunga. W. 40 labiata. B. P. 41 Anagallis.W. 42 scutellata. W. 43 Teucrium. P. S. 44 prostrata. W. 45 perfoliata. B. P. 46 montana. W. 47 Chamaedrys. W. 48 orientalis. W. 49 austriaca. Jac. 50 multifida. W. 5 1 urticaefolia. W. 52 latifolia. W. 53 paniculata. W; 54 agrestis. W. 55 arvensis. W. 5 6 hederifolia. W. 57 triphyllos. W. 58 verna. W. 59 digitata. W. 60 filiformis. W. 6*1 acinifolia. W. 62 peregrina. W. ELYTRARIA. M. yirgata. M« Villose. leafy. bastard. wing-leaved. jagged-leaved. cut-leaved. naked-stalked. Daisy-leaved. Gentian-leaved. flesh-coloured. blue Rock* Alpine. smooth. oflicinai. shining-leaved. cross-leaved. entire-leaved. Brook-lime. l'abiated. long-ieav. water, marsh. rugged-leaved. trailing. perfoliate. mountain. Germander. various-leaved. Austrian. fine-cut. Nettle-leaved. broad-leaved. panicled. field. wall. Ivy-leaved. fingered. vernal. digitated. long-stalked. Basil-leaved. Knot-grass leav. ElvtrarIa, twiggy. Siberia. Virginia. Siberia. Russia. England. 6.8. H.l/. 1(156. 6.9. H.l/. 1057. 1779. 7.8. H.l/. Amm.ruth. 20. t. 4; 1714. 7.9. H.l/. Hoff. got. 15. t. 1. 1797. 7.8. H.1/. 1759. 7-9. H.l/ . Hoff. got. 15. t. 6* ..... H. If. . Eng. bot, 2. H.l /. - 673. • S. Eur. 1812. H.l/. f Schr. ver. p. 22. \ t. 2. f. 2. ■ Germany. 1804. ■ H.l/. — , p. 23. t.l. f. 2. - S. Eur. 1812. H.l/. — , p. 24. t. 2. f. 3. • S. Eut. 1804. H.l/. , p.25.t.l.f.4. "••••« 1812. H.l/. ■ S. Eur. 1808. — H.l/. T7Q1 fSchr. ver. p. • 1 to 1 . ri.if. \ t. 2.f. 1. ■ Sweden. 1570. — H.l/. — ,p.29. t. 1 . f.l. ■ S. Eur. 1812. 9.10. H.l/. • 1 8d4. 7-9. H.l/. H.l/. r Schr. vdr. p. 31. \ t. l.f. 3. ■ Hungary. 1805. — H.l/. — , p. 35.t.2.f.5* ■ Siberia. 1731. H.l/. Gmel. it. 1 . t. 39. ■ 1776. 6.8. H.l/. Hoff. got. 15. t. 10, Italy. Switzerland. Levant. Scotland. 1780. 1779. 1775. 1748. Britain. S. Eur. H.l/-. H.l/. H.l/. H.l/ H.l/ H -V H.l/, H.l/ H.l / H.l/. 1748. 6.8 H.l/, 5. 6.7. 5.6. 6.8. 7. 5. 4.7; Falkland Isl. 1776. Silesia. 1814. 5.6. Britain. ..... 5.6. N. Holl. 1802. 4.7. Britain. 7. 6.8. Germany. 1596. 1774. 5.6. N.S.W. 1815. 7.8. Britain. LeVant. 1748. 6.8. Austria. 1748. Siberia. Austria. Russia. Britain. Acanthaceae. B. P. S. Eur. Levant. S. Eur. N. Eur. Carolina. G. V H. l/. H.l/. G-2 /■ H.l/. H.l/. H.l/ H.l/. G. l / H. l/. H.l/. H.l/. H.l/, H.l/ H.l/. H.l/. H.l/ H-©. H.©. H.©. H.©. H.©. H.©, H.©> H.©. H.©. Jung. ic. rar. f. 2. Segu. ver.l.t.3.f. 2* Hall. hist. t.15. f.l; Bot. mag. 1002. Eng. bot. 1028. 1027* 484. 1075. 765. /Allion, ped. 1. t* \ 46. f. 3. Bot. mag. 242. Krock. sil. 28. t. 3* Eng. bot. 655. Bot. mag. 1660* Eng. bot. 781. 782. Rivin. t. 95. RiV. mon. 95, jfy. mlj / 0 $ b Eng. bot. 766. — 623. Sal.stirp.rar. 7.t.4* Jac. aust. 4. t. 329. Bot. mag. 1679. Jac. aust. 1 . t. 59. t. 60. Eng. bot. 783. 734. 784. 26. 25. Bux.cen.l.t.40.f.l* .t.23 FI. dan. 407. 1813. 7. H.l/. Mich. am* I* t.. 1. DIANDMA MONOGYNIA. juSticiA. w. JosTiCiA. Acantliaceae. B.P. 1 bicalyculata. W. Malabar. E.Ind. 1785. 8. S.Q. e sexangularis. W. Chickwced-leav. S. Amer. 1733. 7- S.0. 3 Ecbolium. W. long-spiked. E. Ind. 1759. 3.8. S 4 coccinea. W. scarlet. S. Amer. 1770. 2. S.V 6 quadrifida. H. K. twiggy. — Mexico. 1795. 3.9. S. Tj . 6 nitida. W. glossy. • 1 — W. Ind. 1790. s.v 7 picta. W. painted. — E. Ind. 17S0. 7.8. S .\l. 8 lucida. Va. Shining-leaved. “ — W. Ind. 1795. S.\. 9 secunda. Va. side-flowering. 1793. .... S-h- 1 0 ciliaris. W. ciliated. 1780. 7.8. S.Q. 11 Gendarussa. W. Willow-leaved. E.Ind. 1800. 6.7. S.^. 12 carthaginensis. W. Carthaginian. — Carthagena. 1792. s 13 americana. W. American. — N. Amer. 1759. 7.8. ll.lf.. 14 procumbens. W. procumbent. E. Ind. 1798. S.2f. . 15 comata. W. Balsam-herb. Jamaica. 1795. 7.8. S.If. . 1 6 eustachiana. W . Eustachian. St.Eustachia 1799. 8.9. S.J*. 17 nasuta. W. white-flowering. E. Ind. 1790. 2.10. S.i2 . 18 pectoral is. W. Garden Balsam. W. Ind. 1787. 5.6. S.l/.. 19 periplocifolia. W* Periploca-leaved. S. Amer. 1799. 6. S. J2 . 20 lithospermifolia. W. Gromwell-leav. — — Peru. 1796. 4.8. -S.Tj • 21 furcata. Va. forked. 1795. — s.v 22 scorpioides. L. scorpion-llke. *■ Vera Cruz. 1802. .... S.^. 23 paniculata. Va-. panicled. E. Ind. 1811. 7.8. S.B- 24 resupinata. W. resupinate. 1805. 7. S.Q. €5 Adhatoda. W. Malabar-nut. Ceylon. 1699 5.7. G.T2 . 26 pectinata. Va. small-flowered. E.Ind. 1798. 6.7. S. J2 . 27 Betonica. Va. Betony-leaved. 1737. .... S. . 28 hyssopifolia. W. Snap-tree. Canaries. 1690. 3.8. G.^. 29 orchioides. W. Broom-leaved. C.B.S. 1774. 8 . G. \i . ScrophularinEe.B.P JERANTHEMUM.B.P Eranthemum. Acanthacete. B.P. 1 spinosum. B. P. 2 pulchellum. B. R. 3 bicolor. B. M. GRATIOLA. Micln 1 officinalis. W. 2 veronicifolia. W. 3 virginica. W. SCHWENKIA. W. americana W. CALCEOLARIA. W. 1 pinnata. W. 2 Fothergillii. W. PINGUICULA. W. 1 lusitanica. W. 2 vulgaris. W. 3 alpina. W. 4 grandi flora. W. 5 lutea. M. Lentibulariae.B.P. UTRICULARIA. W. 1 vulgaris. W. 2 minor. W. 3 intermedia. P. S. GHINIA. W. spinosa. W. STACHYTAR- PHETA. Va 1 indica. Va. 2 urticifolia. B. M* 3 jamaicensis. Va* 4 orubica. Va. 5 mutabilis. Va. 6 prismatica. Va. EYCOPUS. W. 1 europaeus.W. g exaltatus. W. 3 virginicus. W. AMETHYSTEA. W. cajrulea, W* thorny. nervose. — “ two-cok)Ured. * HEDGE-HvssoP.Scropbulavinse.B.P. officinal. — Speedwell-leav. * Virginian. SCHWENKIA. Guinea. SlipperWort. Scrophularinue. B.P. Wing-leaved. FothergilPs. Butterwort. pale, common. Alpine. large-flowered, yellow. {HoodedMil FOIL. common, lesser. intermediate. Ghinia. thorny-fruited. H Bastard Vervain. Indian. Nettle-leaved. Jamaica. Orubian. changeable-flow*1 Germander-leav. f Water- \ \ Horehound. ) common, tall. Virginian. Amethystea. blue -flowering. Justic'uB species Vahl. W. Ind. E.Ind. Luconia Europe. E. Ind. Virginia. Guinea. Peru. Lentibulariae.B.P. Britain. Germany. Britain. Carolina. Britain. 1733. 7.8. 1796. 1.10 . S.P*. 1802. 5.8. s* V 1568. 5.8. H.y. 1798. 6.9. s. ^ Verbenaceae. B. P. Cymburus. Sal. par. Ion. Labiatae. B. P. Labiatae. B. P. Ceylon. W. Ind. Panama. S. Amor. W. Ind. Britain. Italy. Virginia. Siberia. 1732. 1714. 16.99. 1801. 1699. 8.9. 5.9. 6.9. 6.5. 3.9. 5.6. s.0. s.2. Jac. schoen. 1. t. 4. Bot. mag. 430. B. Houst. p.3. t. 1. Rheed. mal. 9. t. 56. Bot. mag. 861. R.oxb. cor. 2. t.153. Rheed. mal. 2. t. 21. Mill. ic. 9. t. 13* Vent. mal. 51. Jac.amer.2.t.2. Bot. rep. 88. Bot. mag. 1423. FI. dan. 363. Rheed. mal. 3. t. 59. Schw.bes.p.328.t.1. Bot. mag. 41. 348. Eng. bot. 145. 70. FI. dan. 453. Eng. bot. 1 128. Bbt. r eg. 126* Eng. bot. 253. 254. 2489. Banks* r. Hous. t.2. Bot. mag. 1848. 1860. Ehr. pict. t. 5. f. 1. Bot. mag. 976. Jac. ic. 2. t. 208. Eng. bot. 1 1 05. FI. grsec. 1. 1. 12. Hall. ups,1742.t.4. 6 CUNILA. P. S. 1 mariana. Ph. 2 capitata. P. S. , JZIZIPHORA. W. 1 capitata. W. 2 hispanica. W. 3 tenuior. W. 4 acinoides. W. 5 serpyllacea. B.M. 6 dasyantlia. W. en. 7 Pouschkini. B. M. 8 taurica. W. en. HEDEOMA. P.S. 1 pulegioides. Ph. 2 thymoides. P. S. MONARDA. W. 1 didyma. W. 2 Kalmiana. Ph. 3 rugosa. Ph. 4 clinopodia. Ph. 5 purpurea. Ph. 6 media. W. en. 7 oblongata. Ph. 8 mollis. Ph. 9 fistulosa. Ph. 10 punctata. Ph. 1 1 jpiliata. Ph. 12 hirsuta. Ph. ROSMARINUS. W. 1 officinalis. W. 2 chilensis. W. SALVIA. W. 1 aegyptiaca. W. 2 dentata. W. 3 cretica. W. 4 angustifolia. €a. 5 azurea. Ph. 6 lyrata. W. 7 Hablitziana. W. 8 officinalis. W. 9 grandiflora. W. 1 0 triloba. W. 1 1 pomifera. W. 1 2 urticifolia. W. 13 tiliaefolia. W. 15 viridis, W. 16 Horminum. W. cl violacea. <3 rubra. 17 truncata. W. en. 18 serotina. W. 1 9 virgata. W. 20 campestris. W. en. 21 amplexicaulis. W.en 22 sylvestris. W. 23 nemorosa. W. 24 syriaca. W. 25 viscosa. W. 26 haematodcs. W. 27 pratensis. W. 28 varjegata. W. en. 2.9 bieolor. W. 30 crassifolia. P. S. 31 indica. W. 32 lvirsuta. W. en. 33 lanceoiata. W. en. 34 dominica. W. 35 verbenaca. W. 36 Spielmanni. W. en. 37 scabra. W. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CUNILA. Mint-leaved. headed. Ziziphora. oval-leaved. Spanish. spear-leaved. Thyme-leaved. sweet-scented. hairy-flowering. hairy-headed. Taurian. Hedeoma. Pennyroyal-leav. Thyme-leaved. Monarda. Oswego Tea. pubescent-flowa. white. Wild Basil leav. crimson. purple-bracted. long-leaved. soft. hollow-stalked. spotted. blue-flowered. hairy. Rosemary. common. Chili. Sage. Egyptian. tooth-leaved. Cretan. narrow-leaved. azure-flowered. lyre-leaved. Siberian. garden. great -flowered. three-lobed. Apple-bearing. Nettle-leaved, Lime-leaved. green-topped. annual Clary. purple-topped. red-topped . truncated. late-flowering. long-branched. field. stem-clasping. spotted-stalked. spear-leaved. Syrian. clammy. bloody-veined. meadow. variegated. two-coloured. thick-leaved. Indian. hirsute. lanceolate. Dominica. wild Clary. Spielman’s. rough-leaved. Labiatae. B. P. Labiatae. B. P. Labiatae. B. P. Labiatae. B. P. — N. Amer. 1759. 7.9. H. If. . Moris.h.3.t.l9.f.7, — Siberia. 1799. 7.8. H. If. . — Syria. 1752. 7-8. H.Q. FI. graec. l.t. 13. — Spain. 1759. 6. H.Q* Lam. ill. t. 18. f. 1. — Levant. 1752. 6.7. H.Q. t. 18. f. 2. — Siberia. 1786. 7.8. H. 2/. . — Caucasus. 1803. 7.8. H. ^ . Bot. mag. 906. — Siberia. 1814. 6.8. H. . — Caucasus. 1803. 8. H. Ji • Bot. mag. 1093. — Tauria. 1816. 7.9. H.Q. CuuilcB species. TV. — N. Amer. 1777. 6.8. H.©. — France. 1699- H-©. Moris.his.3.t.l9.f.G — N. Amer. 1752. 6.8. H.ty. Bot. mag. 546. — 1813. H .1L. Pursh. flor. am. 1. 1. Labiatae. B Labiatae, B P. P. S. Eur. Chili. Egypt. C. B. S. Crete. Mexico. Carolina. N. Amer. Siberia. S. Eur. 1761 1771. 1789. 1761. . 7.9. . 6.8. . 6.9. 7.9. 6.9. H.7T H.2JL. H.2T H.4 H.ty. 6.8. H.2/. . 6.10. H.2£ . 7. H .If. 7.9. H. 2/. . 1548. 1795. — Candia. — N. Amer. — S. Amer. — Italy. — S. Europe. 6.7. H.V 6.9. H. 2/. . 6.7. H.I*. 7.8. H .2/1. 6.7. H. If. . 6.8. G. If. . 7.8. H.Q. 6.7. K.©. 1800. Chio. 1803. Armenia. 1758. Tauria. 1813. Levant. Germany. 1759* 1728. Levant. 1759. Italy. 1773. 1699. England. ..... Hungary. 1814. Barbary. 1793. 1804. India. 1731. 1801. 1813. W.Ind. 1759. Britain. 1813. CbB. S. 1774. 5.7. Bot. mag. 145. Mill. ic. 1. 1 22. f. f . Bot. reg. 87. Pluk.alm.t.l6'4.f.3. . Jac. vind. 2. 1. 108. Riv. mon. t. 128. Cav. ic. t. 317. Bot. mag. 1728. Mor. h.3. 1. 13. f.27. Bot. mag. 1429. Ger. herb. 623. f. 1. FI. graec. 1. 1. 17. 1. 15. Mor. h.3.t.l3.f.31. Jac.schcen.3. t.254. FI. grace. 1. 1. 19. — t. 20. Jac. ic. rar. 1 . t. 3. Jac. schoen. 1. 1.37. Jac. aus. 3. t. Bauh. prodr. Jac. ic. 1. 1. £ Mor.h.3. 1. 1 4 Eng. bot, 15. Bot. mag. 1 7 Bot. mag. 39 Jac.schoen.3. Swart.ob.l 8.t Eng. bot, o>b. s. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 38 runcinata. W. runcinated. Labiatae. B. P. C.B.S. 17-95. 6.7* G. • 39 clandestina. W. cut-leaved, — Italy. 1739. 4.7. H. $ . 40 austriaca. W. Austrian. — — Austria. 1776. 6.7. H.4. 41 bullata. W. en. blistered. — Portugal. 1804. 7.8. H.4 . 4a. disermas. W. long-spiked. — Syria. 1773. 7. H.4. 43 rugosa. W. wrinkle-leaved. -- C. B. S. 1775. 7.8. G.l*. 44 nubia. W. Nubian. — Africa. 1784. 6.7. G. 4 . 45 nilotica. W. Nilotic. — Egypt. 1780. 6.8. H.©. 46 inexicana. W. Mexican. — Mexico. 1724. 5.7. G. J*. 47 caesia. W. en. grey. — S. Amer. 1813. 6.9. G.J*. 48 reptans. W. en. linear-leaved. — Mexico. 1799. 5.8. G.2JL . 49 formosa. W. shining-leaved. — Peru. 1783. 4.10. G.Jj • 50 cocci nea. W. scarlet-flowered. — S. Amer. 1774. 4.10. . 51 pseudococcinea. W. pale-scarlet. - 1797. 6.8. S.^. 52 amarissima. H. K. bitter. — Mexico. 1803. 7.8. G.*4. 53 hispanica. W. Spanish. — Spain. 1739. 6.8. H.Q, 54 abyssinica. W. Abyssinian , — Africa. 1775. 6.7. G. If. . 55 verticillata. W. whorl-flowered. — Germany. 1658. 6.11. H. 4. 56 napifolia. W. Rape-leaved. — Italy. 1776. 6.7. H.4. 57 glutinosa. W. glutinous. Germany. 1596. 6.9. H .4. 58 aruoena. B. M. Violet-flowered. W. Ind. 1793. 4.5. S. . 59 canariensis. W. Canary. — Canaries. 1697. 6.9. G.Tj. 60 aurita. W. eared-leaved. C.B.S. 1795. 5.6. G.T2. 62 aurea. W. 63 colorata. W. golden-flowered. coloured-calyxed 64 cbamaedryoides. Va. Germander. 65 paniculata. W. panicled. 66spinosa. W. thorny-calyxed. 67 tiugitana. W. Tangier. 68 odorata. W. en. sweet-scented. 69 Sclarea. W. common Clary. 70 ceratophylla. W. horn-leaved. 7 1 argentea. W. silvery. 72 patula. W. en. spreading. 73 iEthiopis. W. woolly. 74 phlomoides. W. Mullein-leaved. winged-leaved. Ash-leaved, branchy. Forskohl’s. nodding. Betony-leaved. Colli ns oni a. Nettle-leaved, rough-stalked, oval-leaved, tuberous. Anise-scented. Mo RINA. Persian. Acajna. hairy. Burnet-leaved. 75 pinnata. Va. 76 interrupta. Va. 77 ceratophyiloides.W. 78 Forskohlii. W. 79 nutans. W, 80 betonicaefolia. W. COLLIN SONIA. W. 1 canadensis. VV. 2 scabriuseula. W. 3 ovalis. Ph. 4 tuberosa. Ph. 5 anisata. B. M. MORINA. W. persica. W. ACiENA. Vahl. 1 latebrosa. Va. 2 Sangmsorb*. Va. 3 ovalifoha. Va. 4 lucida. Va. $ laevigata. H. K. creeping. shining. smooth. Jac. schoen. 1. 1. 8. FI.grsec.l.p.l8.t.24 Jac. aust. 2. t. 112. Arduin. spec.l.t.l. Murr.gott.1778.t3 Jac. vind. 3. t. 92. Cav. ic. 1. 1. 26, Bot. mag. 376- Mu rr.gott. 1778.1.1 Jac. ic. 2. t. 20,9. Cav. ic. 4. t. 318. , Aid. spec. 1. 1. 2. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 6. Jac. vind. 2. t. 252. Mor. h.3.t.l3. f.l 8, Bot. mag. 1294. rar.2. t.19. Comm.hort.2. t.91. Bot. mag. 1 82. Mill. ic. t. 225. f.2. Bot. mag. 808. Mill. ic. t. 225. f.l, Jac. ic. 1. 1. 7- Riv. mon. t. 62. FI. grape. 1. t. 25. Pluk.alm.t.l94.f.5« Jac. aus.3. t. 211. f liisp. lus. \ t. l.f. 1. Boer.lugd.l . t.167. Schons.moroc.6.t.l Arduin. spec.2. t.2. Bot. mag. 988. Kniph. cent.7. 1.79. . Linn, hort, cliff. 1.5. 1740. 7.8. G.2/. . Dipsaceae. J. Persia. Rosaceae. J. Ancistnnri Sf A coma. Auct% C. B.S. 1774. 4.6. NewZealand 1796. Peru. 1802. Falkland Isl. 1777. Magellan. 1790. 6- 5.6. 5.6. 6.8. G. U H. 2JL. H.2/. . g H.4, Bot, mag. 1213. fl. graec. 1. 1. 28. Lam. ill. t. 12. f. 1. Vent. cels. 6. Lap, ill. 1. 1.22. f.3. ANTIIOXAN- THUM. W. 1 odoratum. W. 2 am arum. Brot. DIGYNIA. Spring-Grass. Gramineae. B. P. sweet-scented. Britain. bitter. Morocco. ..... 5. H .4, Eng. bot. 647, 1810. 7. H .21. PIPER. W. 1 peltatum. W. 2 umbcJlatum. W. Pepper. peltated. umbelled,, TRIGYNIA. Urticae? J. • W. Ind. 1748. 5.7, S.2JI. Plum.amer.56.t.74 S.ft. — .58.t.7S 8 S macrophyllum. W. 4 aduncum. W. 5 reticulatum. W. 6 Amalago. W. 7 nigrum. W. 8 Betle. W. 9 longum. P. S. 10 clusiaefolium. H. K. 11 maculosum. L. 12 nitidum. W, Jo distachyon. P. S. 14 alarum. P. S. 15 hispidum. W. IS pellucidum. W. 17 cuneifolium. W. en. 18 acuminatum. W.en. 19 amplexicauie. W. 20 magnolia-folium. Va 21 obtusifolium. W. 22 bland um. W. 23 pubescens. H. S. 24 polystachion. W. 25 trifolium. P. S. 26 pulchellum. W. 27 stellatum. P. S. 28 inaeipialifolium. VALERIANA. W. 1 rubra. W. 2 angustifolia. W, 3 Calcitrapa. W. 4 dioica. W. 5 oilicinalis. W. 6 Phu. W. 7 tjipteris. \V. jB montana. W. 9 celtica. W, 10 tuberosa. W. i 1 saxatilis. W. 12 elongata. Ja. ?3 pyrenaica. W. j-'EDIA. Gaert. 1 sibirica. W. 2 ruthenica. W. 3 Cornucopiae. W. .4 echinata. W. 5 olitoria. W. 6 dentata. W. 7 vesicaria. W. 8 coronata. W. 9 discoid,ea. W. GXYBAPHUS, W. 1 viscosus. W. •2 aggregatus. Cav. 3 giabrifolius. W. en. CNEORUM. W. tricoccum. W. COMO C L ADI A. W. 1 ' integr jfoli.a. W, TRIANDIUA MONOGYNIA, broad-leaved. hooked. netted. rough-leaved. black. Betle, long. Clusia-leared. spot-stalked. shining-leaved. two-rowed. winged. hairy- leaved. pellucid. wedge-leaved. acuminate. steimclasping. Magnolia-leaved obtuse-leaved. villous. pubescent. many-spiked. three-leaved. small-leaved. starry. unequal-leaved. Urticae ? J. Jac. io. 2. t. 210. Plum.amer.57.t.75 Sloa.hist.l.t.87.f.l. Lam. ill. 79. t. 23. Rheed.mal.7-t. 15. {Rumplp amb. 5. t. llfi. f. 2. Jac. ic. 2. t. 212. Plum.amer.60.t.66, Plum.amer.5 1 . t.67 FI. per. 31. t. 48. Plpm.amer.54.t.72 Jac. ic. 2. t. 214, Bot. mag. 1882. Jac. ic. 2. t. 213. Trew ehret.54.t.96. Jac. ic. 1. 1, 9. Plum.amer.52.t98 Jac. vind. 7. t. 217. FI. per. 1. 1. 49. a. CLASS III. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Valerian. red. narrow-leaved. cut-leaved. dioecious. great wild. garden. three-leaved. mountain. Celtic. tuberous-rooted. rock. elongated. heart-leaved. FppiA. Siberian. Russian. purple. prickly capsuled. Lamb’s Lettuce, oval-fruited, bladdered. prickly-seeded, discoid, f Umbrella- | WORT, viscid, aggregate, smooth-leaved. Widow-wail* smooth. Maiden Plum. entire-Jeaved, } Dipsaceae. J. England S. Eur. 1731. Portugal. 1570. Britain, . . . . . Germany. 1597. Switzerland. 1752. 1748. S. Eur. Austria. yt — Scotland Dipsaceae. J. Valeriance species L. - Siberia. 1759. 1801. 1599. 1807. S. Eur. Britain. - Candia. 1739. - Portugal, 1731. t Italy. » ■ ■ ■ 6.10. 5.7. H.2JA H.©. 5.7. H.2^. 6.7. H.lf.. 5.7. H.y.. 3.5. H. 2/.. 6.7. H. 2/. . 6. H.2/. . 5.6. H.2A . 7. H.lf.. 6.7. H.lf.. 5.6. H.7f. 5.6. H.0, 6. H.2/. . 5.8. H.©. 7.8. H.©, 4.5. H,©. 4.6. H.©. 4.5. H.©. 4.6. H.Q. 4.7. H,©. Nyctagines. J, Calhymenia. Pers. Syn. Terebintaceae. J. Terebintaceae. J. Peru. New Spain. S. Eur, 1793. 5.9. S.2/. 1811. 7.8. S.0, -S.2f. Eng. bot. 1531, FI. graec. 1. 1. 29, - l.t. 30, Eng. bot. 628. ■ 698. Blacw. t. 250. Jac. aus. 3. t. 26S. 3. t. 269. Jac. coll. 1. 1. 1. Jac. aus. 3. t. 267. 3. t. 219, Eng. bot. 1591. Gmel. sib. 3. t. 24, Amm. ruth. 18,t.3. FI. graec. 1. 1. 32, . Col. eeph. 1 . t. 206, Eng. bot. 811. — 1370. FI. graec. 1. 1. 34. Col. eeph. l.t. 209, Moj\his.3.t.l6,f.2$ Cav. ic. t. 437, — t.379, 1793. 4.9. G,^. Lam. ill. t. 27, — Jamaica, 1778. S .h (Sloan, jam. 2, %, 222, f, 1, TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 2 dentata. W. tooth-leaved. Terebintaceae. J. W. Ind. 1790. 3 ilicifolia. W. holly-leaved. ■ Caribee Isl. 1789. MELOTHRIA. W. Melothria. Cucurbitaceae. J. pendula. W. pendulous. r— America. 1752. ORTEGIA. W. Ortegia. Caryopbylleae. J. 1 hispanica. W. Spanish. ■ Spain. 1768. 2 dichotoma. W. forked. 1781. LCEFLINGIA. W. L(EFLI?stGIA. Caryopbylleae. J. hispanica. W. Spanish. Spain. 1770. POLYCNEMUM. W. POLYCNEMUM. Ghenopodeae. B. P. arvense, W. trailing. S. Eur. 1640- 7. S-V . S.Tj 9 f Plum. ic. 108. t. t. 118. f. 1. 6.7. H.©. Plum. ic. t. 66. f. 2. 6.7. H. 2/ , 8.0. H.TjL. 6. H.Q. 7. H.©. Cav. ic. 1. 1. 47. Allio.tauri.3.t.4.f.l Cay. jc. 1 . t. 94. Jac. aus. 4. t. 365/ HIPPOCRATEA. W. volubilis. W. CROCUS. Ker. 1 yernus. E. B. 2 versicolor. PI. K. S biflorus. H. K. 4 susianus. H. K. 5 sulphureus. H. K. (3 jlavus. 6 maesiacus, H. K. 7 sativus. W. 8 serotinus. H. K. 9 nudiflorus. H. K. TRICHONEMA. Ker. Trichonema. 1 Bulbocodium.H.K. channel-leaved 2 cruciatum. H. K. square-leaved. 3 caulescens. B. M. caulescent. 4 pudicum. B. M. 5 speciosum. B. M 6 roseum. B. M. GEISSORHIZA. Ker. Tile-Root. J Rochensis. H. K. plaid 2 setacea. B. M. 3 obtusata. H. K. 4 secunda. H. K. 5 excisa. Hf K. 6 cilidris. Sal. HESPERANTHA Ker. 1 radiata. H. K. 2 pilosa. B. M. 3 graminifolia. 4 falcata. H. K. HirPOCRATEA. climbing. Crocus. spring. party-coloured. Scotch. Cloth of Gold, sulphur-colour’d pale Yellow. common yellow, saffron, late-flowered, naked- fib wered. blush. crimson. rose-coloured. bristle-leaved, yellow-flowered, one-ranked. short-leaved, ciliated. . 1 I Evening j \ Flower nodding-flower’d hairy. grass-Jeaved. sickle-leaved. Acerss. J. Irideaj. B. P. S. Amer. England. S. Eur. Crimea. Turkey. S. Eur. 1739. 1629 1605, 1629 S. • Jac. amer. t. 9. } 2.4. H.2/. 2.3. PI .If.. PI. 2/. H.2/. —u.y- H.2/. 9.10. pi. 2/.. 9.1 1. H.2/ . 10.11. H.2/. 3.4. PI. 2/. 5. G.2/. 6.7. G .If.. 8 . G.2/ . 34. G .11.. 7. 0,2}.. Ijrideae. B. P. Ixice species TV Hid. ■ r- C.B.S. 1790. 5. G.2/. 1809. 6.7. G. 2/ . 1801- 5. G.2/. 1795. — G. 2/ . — 1789. 4.5. G.2/., G.V- Turkey. England. S. Eur. 1629. — England. Irideae. B. P. Ixice species TVilld. S. Eur. 1739- C.B.S. 1758. , 1810, 1808 Irideae. B. P. Ixice species TVilld. — , = C.B.S. 5 cinnamomea, H. K. curled-leaved. SPARAXIS. Ker. Sparaxis. 1 tricolor. H. K. three-coloured. f3 sanguiueo-pur- 1 . 1 j 0 1 > various-coloured, pure a. J 1794. 1811. 1808. 1787. Irideae. B. P. Ixice species TVilld. C.B.S. 1789. 4.6. G, 2/. . 4.5. G.2/.. 8.9. G.2/. 4.5. G.2/ G.2/. 5 roseo-alba. ‘ light-coloured. 2 bicolor. H. K. two-coloured. 3 grandiflora. H. K. purple-flowered. f3 striata. streak-cowered. 7 Liliago. lily-Jlowercd. 4 bulbifera. H. K. bulb-bearing? IXIA. Ker. Ixia. 1 linearis. H. K. slender. 2 capillaris. B. M. capillary. 3 aulica. W. rose-coloured. 4 fucata. Ker. painted. 5 patens. W. spreading-flow. 6 leucantha. P. S. white-flowered. 7 fiexuosa. PL K. bending- stalked. S hybrida. Ker. spurious. 9 conica. H. K. orange-coloured. 20 monadelpha. H. K. monadelphous. 1 1 curta. B. R. short. I 2 columellaris, H. K, variegated? Eng. bot. 344. Bot. mag. 1110. 845. 652. 938. 1384. 1 11 1.&45 Eng. bot. 343. Bot. mag. 1267. Eng. bot. 49i. Bot. mag. 265. 575. 1392. 1244.' 1476. 1225. Bot. mag. 598. 1255!.' 672. 597.1 105. 584. Bot. mag. 573/ 1475. — 1254? 566. ‘ « 1054? Bot. mag. 381. " — 1482. 1482.f.2? 1482 f ,gr 548. 541. 779. Bot. reg. 252. Bot. mag. 545. Bot. mag. 570? r — 617. 1013? 1379. — 522. Jac. ic. 2. t. 278. Bot. mag. 624. *rr — 128. . 539.'; 607. 1378.’ 630. 10 THIANDRIA MONOGYNIA, 13 maculata. W. spotted. 14 capitata. P. S. beaded. 15 ovata. B. 11. ovate. 16 viridiflora. P. S. green-flowered. 17 ochroleuca. cream-coloured. 1 8 erecta. H. K. upright. 19 crateroides. II. K. crimson. 20 retusa. H. K. sweet-scented. 21 sciilaris. H. K. squill-flowered. 22 crispa. H. K. curled-leaved. ANOM ATHECA. Ker Anomatheca. juncea. H. K. cut-leaved. TRITONIA. Ker. Thitonia. 1 crispa. H. K. curled-leaved. 2 viridis. H. K. green-flowered. 3 rosea. H. K. rosy. 4 capensis. B. M. Cape. 5 longi flora. H. K. long-flowered. 6 tenuiflora. Va slender-tubed. 7 concolor. self-coloured. 8 Rochensis. B. M. bending-flower’d 9 pallida. Ker. pale-flowered. 10 liheata. H. K. pencilled. 1 1 securigera, H. K. copper- coloured. 1 2 fiavi. H. Iv. yellow. 13 squalida. II. K. sweet-scented. 14 fenestrata. H. K. open-flowered. 1 5 erocata. H. K. crocus-flowered. 16 o’eusta. H. K. spotted. 17 miniata. H. K. late-flowered. 1 8 refracta. B. Reg. reflexed. WATSON I A. Ker. Watsoma. 1 sp'icata. H. K. hollow-leaved. 2 plantaginea. H. K. Fox-tail. 3 punctata. II.K. dotted-flowered. 4 roseo-alba. B. M. two-coloured. 3 variegata. variegated. & marginata. H. K. broad-leaved. 3 minor. shining-leaved. 6 strictiflora. B. M. upright-flowered 7 rosea. II. K. pyramidal. 8 brevifolia. LI. K. short-leaved. 9 iridifolia. Ja. iris-leaved. 10 ful gi da. Sal. scarlet. 11 Meriana. H. K. red-flowered. 1 2 humilis. H. K. lake-coloured. 13 aletroides. H. K. aletris-like. 3 variegata. variegated-flow i GLADIOLUS. Ker. Corn Flag. 1 Cunonia. LI. K. scarlet-flowered. 2 watsonius. H. K. Watson’s. 3 quadrangularis. 1 H. K. J four- channelled. 4 viperatus. H. K. perfumed. 5 alatus. I I. K. winged -flowered 6 namaquensis. H. K. helmet-flowered 7 brevifolius. LI. K. short-leaved. 8 hirsutus. H. K. hairy. 9 versicolor. II . K. various -coloured 10 binei vis. B. M. two-nerved. 11 edulis. B. Reg. eatable. 12 hastatus. B. M. spade. 13 tristis. B. M. square-leaved. 14 concolor. Sal. self-coloured. 15 trichonemifolius. B. M. J ► violet-scented. 16 gracilis. H. K. slender. 17 recur vus. H. K. spotted-sheatlied Iridcae. B. P. C. B. S. — 29. Gladioli species TVilld. C.B.S. 1791. 4.5. Irideae. B. P — C.R.b. 1791. 4.5. Irideae. B. P. Ixice § Gladioli species TVilld, C.B.S. A 1 • Bot. mag. 1285. 6*23.1173. 594. 629. 542. 599. G. If . Bot. mag. 606. 1787. 1788. 1793. 1811. 1774. 1811. 4.5. 7. 6.7. 8.10. 4.6. c.n. G.lf G. If- • G.7C G.lf Bot. mag. 678. 1275. 618. 1531. — 256. G.lf. . < f 1502. ^ major. C i enn G.y.. < G.U- minor. 1503, 1806. 1774. 5. G.lf,. Cr-V. G.lf.. G.U. Jac. ic.rar. 2. t. 262. Bot. mag. 487. o oo 1780. 2.3. OOOi 1774. 5. G.lf.. Bot. mag. 581. 1801. 5.6. G.lf. 704. 1758. 5.6. G.lf. 184. 1774. 5. G.lf. 622. 1795. 8. G.lf. 609. 1815. 5.6. G.lf. Bot. reg. 135. Irideae. B. P. Ixice Sf Gladioli species Irideae. B. P. C. B. S. 1756. 1791. 5.6. G.2JL. 9.4., Bot. mag. 523.- 553. Bot. rep. 177. Bot. mag. 537- — 1193. 608. 1530. 1406. • 1072. 601. Jac. ic. 2. t. 234. Bot. mag. 600. 418.1194. 631.1195. ■ 441. 533. Bot. mag. 343. , 450.569. 1799. 8.4. G.lf , 56; — 688. — 586. — 592. — 727.992. — 574. — a. 1042. — e. 1042. 3.4. G. I/. , 4.5. G,lf, Bot. reg. 169. Bot. mag. 1564. Bot. mag. 272. Par. Lon. 8. Bot. mag. 1483. 562. 678. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 11 IS carneus. H. K. 19 cttspidatus. H. K. 20 blandus. H. K. 21 eampanulatus. P.S. 22 angustus. H. K. 23 involutus. Ker. 24 undulatus. H. IC. 25 floribundus. H. K. 2 6 Milleri. H. K. 27 cardinalis. H. K. 28 byzantintrs. H. K. 29 communis. H. K. MELA8PH.ERULA. \ Ker. j graminea. H. K. ANTHOLYZA. Ker, 1 vittigera. Sal. flesh-coloured. Irideae. B. P. tall, blush. bell-flowered, narrow-leaved, involute, wave-flowered, large-flowered. Miller’s, superb. Turkish, common. Melasphaerula. Irideae. B. P. Gladioli species Willd. Bot. mag. 591. — 582. 625. Bot. rep. 188. Bot. mag; 602. Roche. Diss. 2. t. 3. Bot. mag. 538. 610. 632. 135. 874. : 86. grass-leaved. Antholyza. riband. 2 aethiopica. H. K. flag-leaved. 3 segetum. Ker. European. BABIANA. Ker. Babiana. 1 Thunbergii. H. K. many-spiked. 2 ringens. H. K. gaping-flowered. 3 tubiflora. W. tube-ilowered. 4 tubata. W. long-tubed. 5 spathacea. H. K. stift-leaved. 6 sambucina. H. K. elder-scented. 7 disticha. H. K. two-ranked. 8 plicata. H. K. sweet-scented. 9 stricta. H. K. upright. 1 0 purpurea. W. purple. U villosa. H.K. dark-red. 12 rubro-cyanea. H.K. red and blue. ARISTEA. Ker. Aristea. 1 cyanea. H.K. woolly headed. 2 capitata. H. K. tallest. 3 spiralis. H. K. spiral-flowered. 4 melaleuca. H. K. three-coloured. 5 pusilla. B. M. flat-stemmed. WITSENIA. Ker. WlTSENIA. 1 maura. H. K. downy-flowered. 2 corymbosa. H.K. corymbose. LAPEYROIJSIA. Ker. Lapeyrousia. 1 corymbosa. H. K. level-topped. 2 fissifolia. B. M. leafy-spiked. MOR7EA. Ker. Moraja. 1 flexuosa. H. K. flexuose. 2 collina. B. M. equal-flowered. 3 miniata. B. R. spot-flowered. 4 pavonia. H. K. Peacock. 5 tripetala. H. K. three -petal ed. 6 angusta. B. M. narrow-leaved. 7 tricuspis. H. K. tri dent-petal ed. 8 tenuis. H. K. brown-flowered. 9 unguiculata. H.K. long-clawed. 10 edulis. H. K. long-leaved. 1 1 longiflora. H.K. long-flowered. 12 spicata. B. M. spiked. 13 tristis. H. K. dull-coloured. 14 crispa, H. K. short-spathed. 15 bitpminosa. H. K. clammy. 16 viscaria. H. K. bird-limed. 17 ramosa. H.K. branching. 18 villosa. B. M. villous. 1.9 barbigera. Sal. bearded. 20 ciliata. H. K. fringed-leaved. 21 Sisyrinchium. H.K. Spanish- nut. 22 papilionacea. H. K. Butterfly. .23 epathacea. W. sheathed. JRIS. Ker. Iris. 1 pumila. H. K. dwarf. Irideae. B. P. C.B. S. 1787. 4.8. G. 2/. . Bot. mag. 615. C.E.S 1.2. G.2JL C.B. S. 1759. 5.6. G.2/. . S.Eur. 1596. 6.7- H.2JL Irideae. B. P. Ixice 8f Gladioli species TP'illd. C.B. S. 1774. 4. G.2f. 1752 1774 Irideae. B. P. I.rice species JVilld. -C.B.S. 1791. 5.6. G. 2/., 1809. 8.9. G. if. , Irideae. B. P. Bot. mag. 1 172. Bot. mag. 561. Comm.hort.l. t.4l, Bot. mag. 847- — 680. 63.8. 1019. 626- 576. 621.637 1052. 583. 410. Bot. mag. 458. 605. 520. — — — 1277- 1231. Bot. reg. 5. Bot. mag. 895. Bot. mag. 595. — 1246. Bot. mag. 695. — 1033. Bot. rep. 404. Bot. mag. 1247. 702. — 1276. 696 & 772. ■ 1047. 593. 613 &1 238 712. 1283. 577. 1284. 1045. 587- • 771. 571. 1012. 1061. 1407. — 750. Irideae. B. P. Austria. C 2 1596. 4.5. H..2f. Bot, mag. 6. 1209. 12 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 2 lutescens. W. S cristata. W. 4 arenaria. W. en. 5 susiaria. W. 6 florentina. W. 7 flavissima. W. 8 biflora. W. 9 apbylla. W. 10 variegata. W. 1 1 squalens. W. 12 sambuciria. W. 13 lurida. W. 14 finibriata. Ven. 1 5 subbiflora. H. K* %6 genii ariica; 17 pallida. W. 18 hungaritia. W. eri. 19 dlchotoraa. W. 20 moraeoides. Ker. 21 Pseud- Aeorus. W. 22 ochroleuca. W. 53 halophila. W. 24 spuria. W. 25 spathulata* 26 desertorum. Fl. C. 27 stenogyna. Red. 28 fdetidissima. W. 20 graminea. W. 30 sibirica. W. 5 1 pi’ismatica. Ph. 52 oriental! s. W. 53 fulva. B* Mi. 34 virginica. W; 35 versicolor. W <, 36 verna. W. 37 ruthenica. Ker. 38 tenuifolia. W. 39 ventricosa. W. 40 Xiphium. W. 41 Xiphioides. W. 42 lusitaiiica. H. K* 43 alata; Lam. 44 persica. W. 45 tuberosa. W. MARICA. Ker. 1 Northiana. H. K. pale yellow, crested. Sand. Chalcedonian. Florentine. bright yellow. two- flowered. naked-stalked* variegated. bi'owa-flowered. elder-scented. dingy; Chinese, double-bearing. German . pale Turkey. Hungarian. forked. Moraea-flowered. yellow water* sulphur-colourd* long-leaved. spurious. spathiilate-fldtv'3. sweet-scented. cream-coloured. Gladwvn. grass-leaved. Siberian. New Jersey. red-leaved. copper-coloured. Virginian. various-coloured. spring. pigmy, slender-leaVed. bellied. small bulbous, great bulbous. Portuguese, lbng- tubed. Persian. Snake’s-head. Marica. broad-stemmed. Irideae. B. P. 2 martinicensis. H.K. Martinico* 3 gladiata. B. Reg. 4 paludosa. H. K. 5 plicata. B. M. 6 californica. B. M. 7 palmifolia. W. 8 striata. B. M. PARBANTHUS. Ker Cape. marsh. broad-leaved. yellow. palm-leaved. streaked. Pardanthus. Germany. N. America. Hungary. Levant. S. Europe. Siberia. S. Europe. Hungary. S. Europe. 1748. 4.5. 1756. 5. 1802. 6. 1596. 3.4. 6. Bet. mag. 41 i. ( Walds. & Kiri ( hung. l.t. 57» Bot. mag. 91. 671. Jac. ic. 3. t. 220. China. 1792. 5.6 Portugal. 1596. 4.5 Germany* 1573. 5.6 Turkey. 1596. Hungary. 1815. 5. Dauria. C.B. S. Britain. Levant. Siberia. Germany. Russia* Siberia. Britain. Austria. Siberia. N. America. China. N. America. H.2/. Virginia* Siberia. Dauria. Spain. Portugal. Algiers. Persia. Levant. Brazil. Martinico* C.B.S. Guiana. W.Ind. California. Blaz’d. Mexico. trideae. B. P. Belamcanda. Redoutd. Irideae. B. P. 1784. 1758. 1757. 1780. 1759. 1811. 1804. 1597- 1596. 1812. 1790. 1812. 1758. 1732. 1748. 1804. 1796. 1800. 1596. 1571. 1596. 1801* 1629. 1597. 6.7. 4. chirtenris. PI. K. Chinese. China. 1759. 6.7* H.7/.. commelina. b. p. CoMMELINAi Commelineae. B.P. 1 comiiuinis. W. common. America. 1732. 6.7. H*Q* 2 africana. W. African. C.B.S. 1759. 5.10. G 4* 3 bengalerisis. W. Bengal. ■ Bengal. 1794. 6. S.lf-. 4 erecta. W. upright. Virginia. 1732. 8.9. H.l£. 5 virginita. W. Virginian* - 1779. 6. H.2£. 6 longicaulis. W. long-stalked* ■ Caracas. 1806. 8. S.lf.. 7 mollis. W. soft. — 1804. • S .If.. 8 tuberosa. W. en* tuberous-rooted. Mexico. 1732. 6.7- S .if.. 9 ccelestis. W. en. sky-blue. . 1 613- ■ S.lf.. /Walds, et Kit. bung. 3. t. 226. Bot. reg. 246. Bot. mag. 693. Eng. bot. 578. Bot. mag. 61. * — — 1131* 875. 58. * 1514. 1515* Eng. bot. 596. Bot. mag. 681. 50 & 1163; 1504. — 1604. ■ 1496. 703. . 21. PJuk.alm.t. 1 96. f.6, Bot.m.l 123&1393* Pall. it. 3. t. C. f. 2. t.B.f. 1* Bot. mag. 686. ' 687. 679. , Desf. Atl. 1. 1. 6* . Bot. mag. 1. , 531. S.lf.. Aot. mag. 654* S .21-. 416. G. 7/.* Bot. reg. 229. S. If. . Bot. mag. 646. S.2 f.. 655* F .If.. - 983* S.Tf* H . If.. Bot. mag. 701. Red. lil. 206. Bot. mag. 1431. Murr.gott.p. 1 8.t.5* Dil.elt.94.t.77.f.886 ( Pluk. aim* 135. I t. 174. f. 4. 2. t. 293* Aneilema. b. p. spirata. B. P. Aneilema. spear-leaved. Commelineae. B.P. Commelince species L. — — E. Ind* 1783. 7.8. Bot. mag. 1695. S.Q* TRIANDRIA MONOGYNtA. CALLISIA.W. Callisia. repens. W creeping. LEPTANTHUS.Mich. Leptanthus. reniformis. M. kidney-leaved. Commelinese. B.P. W. Ind. 1776. 6.7. S.lf.. N. America. 1812. 6.7. H.ty. WACHENDORFIA. Ker. 1 thyrsifiora. W; 2 paiiiculata. W. 3 gramineai W . 4 hirsuta. W. 5 brevifolia. H. K. XIPHIDIUM. W. 1 album. W. 2 coeruleum. W. DILATRIS. Ker. 1 corymbosa. W. 2 viscosa. W. > Wachendobfxa. Hsemodoraceas.B.P. tall-flowered. panicled. grass-leaved. hairy. short-leaved. XiPHIDlUM. white. blue. Dilatris. broad-petaled. clammy. C. B. S is Jac. amer.l 1. t.H. Bot. mag. 1060. 616. 614. 1166. Haemodoraceae.B.P. W. Ind. Guiana. Haemodoraceae.B.P. C.B.S. 1787. 1793. 1790. 1795. II/EMODORUM. Sm. H,emodorum. planifolium. B. P. plain-leaved. XYRIS. L. 1 operculata. B. P. 2 brevifolia. P. S. MARISCUS. Va. 1 umbellatus. W. en 2 elatus. W. en. KYLLINGA. W. 1 monocephala. W. 2 triceps. W. CYPERUS. W. 1 dubius. W. 2 pannonicus. W.4 3 Luzulae. W. 4 viscosus. W. 5 fastigiatus. W. 6 glomeratus. W. en 7 elegans. W. 8 flavescens. W. 9 fuscus. W. 10 strigosus. W. 1 1 vegetus. W. 12 esculentus. W. 13 longus. W. 14 Il ia. W. 15 Papyrus. W. 16 alopecuroides 17 badius. P. S. 1 8 alternifolius. W. ISOLEPIS. B. P. 1 fluitans. B. P. 2 setacea. B. P. SCIRPUS. B. P. 1 multicaulis. E. B. 2 csespitosus. W. 3 pauciflorus. E. B. 4 compressus. P. S. 5 lacustris. W. 6 HoloschcEnus. W. 7 romanus. W. / 8 glaucus. E. B. 9 triqueter. W. 10 mucronatus. W. 11 carinatus. E. B. 42 maritimus. W. 13 Luzulae. W. 1 4 sylvaticus. W. ELEOCHARIS. B.'P. 1 palustris. B. P. 2 acicularis. B. P. Xyris. rush-leaved, short-leavedi Mariscus. umbelled. tall. Kyllinga. one-headed, three-headed. Cyperus. bulbous-rooted, dwarf. compact-fiowerd. clammy, lofty. round-headed, elegant, yellow, brown. bristle-spiked. smooth. Rush-nut. sweet. tall. Paper. P. Si fox-tailed, saw-leaved, alternate-leaved. Isolepis. floating, bristle-like. Club-Rush. many-stalked. scaly-stalked. chocoIate-headd. compressed, tall. cluster-headed. Roman, glaucous, triangular, sharp-pointed, blunt-edged. salt marsh. Haemodoracese.B.P. » N. S. W. Restiacese. B. P. ■ — N. S. W. Carolina. S.%.. G.lf. G.y.. Aub. Gui. 1. 1. 11. Ex. bot. 1. 1. 16 f Lam. ill. t. 34. 1810. 7. IK G.2£. Bot mag. 1610. Bot. mag. 1158. 1804. 6.7. 1812. 6.8. H.y Cypeiacese. B. P. Kyllingce species L. Cyperacese. B. P. Cyperacese. B. P. E. Ind. 1789. 6.8. S.-JJ.. Rott.. gram. t. 4.f.2. 1S05. — S. If- . Jac. ic. 2. t. 300. India. 3 793. 6.7. S.2J.. Rott.gram.t.4.f.4i 1776. 9.11. ► • — 1 - t. 4. 1.o® E. Ind. 1802. 7. S.ty. Rot.gram.20.t.4.f.5 Hungary. 1781. 7.8. H.©. Host. gram.S.t. 20k ■ W. Ind. — 5.9. S. 2/. . Rott.gram .1. 1 3 . f.3 . Jamaica. 1781. 5.8. S.71 . Jac. ic. 2. t. 295. ■ E. Ind. 1800. S.2f.. Rot.gram.32.t.7.f.2 Italy. 1804. ■h.q. Jamaica. 1801. 5.9. G.. H.2£. H. • H.ty . H.ljL. H.7A. H. 2/. . H. If. . H.2f.. H.21. U.V-. U.V-. ■ H.lf. Eng. bot. 216. 1693. Eng. bot. 1187. — 1029. 1122. — 791. — ! 1 666. 1612. Jac. aust. 5.t. 44 S» Eng. bot. 232L._> 1694. Eng. bot. 1983. 542. f Pluk. mant. 27. t. t 417. f. 3. Eng. bot. 919. Eng. bot. 131. — — — 749. n TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. KHYNCHOSPORA. \ Va. 1 alba. H. K. 2 fusca. H. K. SCHCENUS. Va. 1 nsucronatus. W. 2 nigricans. W. 3 mfus. E. B. 4 monoicus. E. B. CLADIUM. B. P. Mariscus. B. P. TRICHOPHO- RTTM. P. S. 1 cvperinum. P. S. 2 alpinum. P. S. RHYNCHOsroEA. Cyperacea;. B. P. Schceni species L. white-headed, brown-headed. Bog-Rush. clustered, black, brown, monoecious. Cladium. prickly. HTricho- PHORUM. cyperine. Alpine. Cyperacese. B. P. } ERIOPHORUM. P. S. Cotton-Grass. Cyperacese. B. P. 1, vaginatum . W. Hare’s-tail. 2 polystacliion. W. broad-leaved. 3 angustifolium. W. narrow-leaved. 4 virginicum. W. Virginian. 5 gracile. P. S. slender. 6 capitatum. E. B. round-headed. NARDUS. W. Mat-Grass. 1 stricta. W. upright. 2 aristata. W. awned. LYGEUM. W. Lygeum. Spartum. W. rush-leaved. CORNUCOPIAS. W. Cornucopias. cucullatum. W. hooded. CENCHRUS. P. S. Cenchrus. 1 lappaceus. W. Bur. 2 echina'tus. W. rough-spiked. SESLERIA. W. en. Sesleuia. 1 ccerulea. E. B. blue. 2 elongata. W. en. long-spiked. LIMNETIS. P. S. Limnetis. 1 pungens. P. S. upright. 2 cynosuroides. P. S. Dog’s-tail. 3 polystachia. Ph. many-spiked. 4 juncea Ph. spreading. TRICHODIUM Ml. TRicHonitrM. 1 decumbens. Mi. decumbent. 2 caninum. W. en. brown. SPOROBOLUS.B.P. Sporobolus. indicus. B. P. Indian. AGIIOSTIS. W. Bent-Grass. 1 Spica-venti. W. silky. 2 retrofracta. W. en. broad-leaved. 3 littoralis. E. B. sea-side. 4 setacea. E. B. bristly. 5 vulgaris. E. B. fine. 6 hispida. W. hispid. 7 stolon ifer a. W. creeping. 8 alba. W. marsh. f) China. Ph. reed-like. 10 mexicana. W. Mexican. 1 1 tenacissima. W. tough. 12 verticil lata. W. whorl-flowered. 13 sylvatica. L. wood. 14 lenta. W. forked. KNAPPI A. E. B. Knappia. agrostidea. E. B. small. PEROTIS. H. K. Pjerot is. latifolia. W. spiked. POLYPOGON. W. en. Polypogon. paniceus. panic-grass-likc Graminese. B. P. Graminese. B. P. Graminese. B. P. Graminese. B. P. Graminese. B. P. • Britain. 8. H.2/. ■ . . . . H.2/. ; S. Europe. 1781. 4.5. H.2/. Britain. 7. H.2/. ■ Scotland. ..... H.2/. England. 7.8. H.2/. Schceni species L. ■ England. 7.8. H.2/. Eriophori species W Hid. N. Amer. 1802. 5.9. H.2/. Scotland. 7. H.2/. Britain. 3.4. H.2/. — 6.7. H.2/. — 4. H.2/. N. Amer. 1802. 5.8. H 2/ . Scotland. 7.8. H.2/. c n T-I -w • • • • • o.y • ri. if. • Britain. 6.7. H. 2/ . S. Europe. 1805. Ii.©. Spain. 1776. 5.6. H.2/. Levant. 1788. 8. H.©. India. 1773. 7. H.©. W. Ind. 1691. 8.12. S. £ . Britain. 4.5. H.2/. Austria. 5.6. H.2/. Dactylulis species L. Britain. 8. H.2/. N. Amer. 1781. 8.9. H.2/. — h.2/. 7.8. H.2/, DIGVNIA. Graminese. B. P. Agrostidis species L. ■ N. Amer. 1786. 6.7. H.2/, ■ Britain. ..... 7.8. H.2/. Graminese. B. P. Agrostidis species L. India. 1773. 8.10. I-I. ©. Graminese. B. P. England. ..... N. Holland. 1806. England. Britain. Europe. 1805. Britain. ..... 6.7. 7.8. 8. 7.8. Canada. 1789. America. 1780. E. Ind. 1301. S. Europe. 1800. Britain. E. Ind. 1778. Graminese. B. P. A grostidis species L Wales. Graminese. B. P. Hi©- H .Tf.. H.2/. H. 2/ . H.2 h H.2/.. 7. H. 2/ . H.2/. H. If. . 6-9. H.2/. 8.9. S. 2/ . 6.7. H.©. u.n. 7.10. PI.©. . Sturmia P. 3.4. H.©. Graminese. B. P. E. Ind. Britain. 1777. 8.9. S.©. 7.8. H.2/. Eng. bot. 985. 1575. FI. grsec. 1. 1. 43. Eng. bot. 1121. — 1010. 1410. Eng. bot. 950. Pluk.mant.t.4 1 9 .f.S Eng. bot. 311. Eng. bot. 873. 563. — 564. Pluk.alm. t.299-f.4. Ping. bot. 2402. 2387. Eng. bot. 290- Vill. delph. 2. t. 2. Clus. hist. 2. f. 2. FI. grsec. 1. t. 51. Cav.ic.5.p.39.t.462 Eng. bot. 1613. Host. gram. 2. t.97* Eng. bot. 380. Lin.fil.fa.l.p.I7-t.9 Eng. bot. 1856. Eng. bot. 951. Eng. bot. 1261. — 1188. 1671. Eng. bot. 1532. — ri89. S. Ping. bot. 1127. Eheed.mal.12.C62. Eng. bot. 1704. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. 15 STIPA. W. Feather-Grass Gramineae. B. P. 1 pennata. W. common. Britain. 7.8. H .If., 2 humilis. P. S. low. , S. Amer. 1802. H.©. 3 jiincea. W. rush-leaved. France. 1772. 7- 4 sibirica. P. S. Siberian. Siberia. 1777- 7.8. 5 aristelia. W. awned. Montpelier. 1806'. H.l£. TRISETUM. P. S. Trisetum. Gramineae. B. P. Avenee species JVilld. 1 striatum. P. $. striated.. S. Europe. 1804. 7.8. H.Q. 2 hispanicum. P. S. Loefling’s. — Spam. 1770. 6.7. H.Q. 3 pratense. P. S. yellowish. Britain. ..... H.2JL. AVENA. P. S. Oat-Grass. Gramineae. B. P. 1 pensylvanica. W. Pensylvanian. N. Amer. 1785. 6.7. H.©. £ strigosa. W. bristle-pointed. Britain. H.©. 3 brevis. W. short. Germany. 1804. H.©. 4 orientalis. W. Tartarian. 1798. H.©. 5 sativa. W. common. S. Amer, H.Q. 6 nuda. W. naked. - — H.Q. 7 fatua. W. wild. Britain. 8. H.©. 8 pubescens. W. downy. 7.8. H .2/.. 9 sterilis. W. bearded. Barbary. 1640. H.Q. 10 fragilis. W. brittle. S. Europe. 1770. H.©. 11 planiculmis. E*. B. flat-stalked. Britain. ..... 6.7. H. 2f . 12 pratensis. W. narrow-leaved. — —H, 2f- . 13 argentea. W. en. silvery. Switzerland. 1791. — — H.2JL. 14 dMcflophylla. 1 &n.leaved. W. en. J ^ BROMUS. W. Buome-Grass. Gramineae, B. P. 1 secalinus. W. smooth Rye. England. ..... 6.8. H.©. 2 commutatus.W. en. downy Rye. Britain. ..... H.©. 3 multiflorus. W. en. many-flowered. Germany. 1815. - H.©. 4 mollis. W. soft. Britain. H.©. 5 lanceolatus. W. spear-leaved. Caspia. 1798. H,©. 6 squarrosus. W. corn. England. H.2£. 7 Alopecurus. W. Fox-tail. Barbary. 1799. H.©. 8 purgans. W. purging. Canada. 1793. — — H.2J.. 9 inermis. W. awnless. Germany. 1794. H.2|.. lOasper. W. hairy wood. England. H.©. 11 pratensis. E. B. meadow. — H.Tf. 12 iittoreus. W. sea. Europe. 1802. H.2/.. 13 ciliatus. W. ciliated. Canada. H.l/.. 14 sterilis. W. barren. Britain, H.©. 15 arvensis. E. B. field. H.2J.. 16 erectus. E. B. upright. England. ..... H.ty . 17 tectorum. W. nodding. - Europe. 1776. H. $ . 18 altissimus. Ph. tallest. N.Amer. 1812. — * — H.2/.. 19 racemosus. W. smooth. England. — - — H.©. 20 maximus. Roth. great. Morocco. 1804. H,©. 21 madritensis. W. wall. — - — ■-» — — H.©. 22 sylvaticus. E. B. wood. Britain. .11.. 23 pmnatus. W. spiked-heath. — — H, 1/. . 24 cristatus. W. crested. Scotland II. If . 25 distachyos. W. two-spiked. S. Europe. 1772. -H.2/.. FESTUCA. W. Fescue-Grass. Gramineae. B. P. 1 bromoides. W. barren. Britain. 6. H.©. 2 tenella. Ph. slender. N.Amer. 1804. 7-8. H.©. 3 ovina. W. sheep’s. Britain. 6. H.2JL. 4 vivipara. E. B. viviparous. 7. H.1JL. 5 rubra. W. creeping. ..... H.2£. 6 duriuscula. W. hard. 6. H. 1/.. 7 amethystina. W. blue. S. Europe, 1804. 6-7- H. If.. 8 cassia. E.B. gray- England. H. 2/. . 9 dumetorum. W. bushy, Britain. ..... H. ll . 10 Myurus. W. wall. England. — r — H.©. 11 uniglumis. W. single-husked. * — ..... H.©. 12 gigantea. E. B. gigantic. Britain. 7,8. H.©. 18 calamaria. E. B. reed-like. Scotland — — H.2|.. 14 tri flora. E. B,. three-flowered. Britain. H.7^. 1 5 spadicea. W. Gerard’s. Italy. 1775. 4.5. H.©. 16 pratensis. E. B. meadow. — Britain, 6,7, H ,2/.. 17 vaginata. W. en. sheathed, — Hungary. ISM.. — Eng. bot. 1356. Cav.ic.5. t.466. f.l, FI. graec. 1 . t. 85. Gmel. sib. 1. t, 22. Cav. ic. 1. 1. 45. f.l Eng. bot. 952. Eng. bot. 1266, Host. gram. 2. t.59. 3. t. 43. 2. t. 58. Eng. bot. 1640. Host. gram. t. 2. 57. — 2.t. 54 Eng. bot. 2141. 1204. Host., gram. 2.t.53. ( Vill. delph, 2. t. t 4. f. 4, Eng. bot. 1171. 1881. Eng. bot. 1078. Buxb.cen.5. f.ap.19 Eng. bot. 1 885. Desf. atl. 1. t. 25, Host. gram. 1. 1. 9, Eng. bot. 1172. 92Q. Eng. bot. 1030. ■ — 1984. 471. Hort. gram. l.t. 15^ Eng. bot. 1079, -7 — 1006, — - 729. 730. — r- 2267- Host.gram. l.t. 20, Eng. bot. 1411, Eug. bot. 585. 1355. 2056, 470. Eng. bot, 1917. FI. dan. t. 700. Eng. bot. 1412. ■ — 1430. — — 1820. 1005, 1373. Host. gram. 3. t. 20, Eng. bot. 15$2< 16 TKIANDRIA DIGYNIA. 18 decidua. E. B. 19 elatior. W. deciduous. tall. Gramineae. B. P. England. ~ « Britain. 6.7. K.'4. H.4. Eng. bot. 2 266. 1593. 20 diandra. Pb. diandrous, - — — — N. Amer. 1810. H.2/.. Mich. amer. t. 10, 21 loliacea. W. spiked. — — England. -H.4. Eng. bot. 1821. 22 grandiflora. Pb. large-flowered. « — N. Amer. 1812. - — H.y.. 23 rubens. P. S. Spanish. — . — * S. Europe. 1776. 6. II.©. Host. gram. l.t. 18. 24 stipoides. P. S. fine-leaved. Majorca. 1793. 6.7. H.©. Barrel ic. t. 76. f. 1. 25 calycina. W. bearded-leaved. — Spain, 1781. H.©. Cav.ic. 1. 1.44. f. 2. 26 glauca. P. S. gdaucous. S. Europe. —H.2/., Lam. ill. 1 . t. 46. f. 3, 27 ciliata. P. S. ciliated. — — - — ■ Portugal. 1802. 7.8. H.4. 28 distichiphylla. Pb* two-ranked, — — — N. Amer. 1789. 6.7, H.ljL. 29 nutans. Ph. nodding. — - 1805, H,4. 30 heterophylla. P. S. various-leaved, —> — — — — France. 1812, H.ljL. Vaill.par. 1. 19. f.6. 31 unioloides. Ph. uniola-like. s N. Amer. 1 7 96. H.4. Willd.ber. t. 3. 1 sestivum. W. 2 liybernum. W. 3 compositum. W. 4 turgid um. W. 5 polonicum. W. 6 Spelta. W. 7 monococcum. W. 8 prostratum. W. 9 squarrosum. Roth. 10 junceum. W. 1 1 repens. W. 12 caninum. E. B, 13 tepellum. W. 14 unioloides. W. 15 loliaceum. W. 16 unilateral. W. 17 rigidum. W. en. iSECALE. W. l.cereale. W. 2 villosum. W. 3 orientale. W. HORDEUM. W. 1 vulgare. W. 2 hexastichon. W. 3 distichon. W. 4 Zeocriton. W. 5 bulbosum. W. 6 murinum. W. 7 pratense. Roth. 8 secalinum. Ro h, 9 maritimum. W. 10 jubatum. H. K. BLYMUS. W. 1 arenarius. W. 2 geniculatus. E. B. 3 sabulosus. W. en. 4 giganteus. W. 5 sibirieus. W. 6 tener. W. 7 philadelphicus. W. 8 canadensis. W. 9 virginicus. W. 10 striatus. W. 11 villosus. Ph. 12 europams. W. 13 crinitus. Sch. 14 Caput-Medus®. W. LOLIUM. W. 1 perenne. W. 2 tenue. W. 3 tenmlentum. W. 4 aryense, E, Br Wheat-Grass. summer. Lammas. Egyptian. turgid. Polish. Spelt. one-grained. trailing. Porcupine. rushy. Couch-grass. bearded. dwarf. lipear-spiked. spiked sea. one-sided, rigid. Rye. common. villous. hairy-spiked. Barley. spring. winter. common. Battledore. bulbous. wall. meadow. rye-like. sea. long-bearded. Lyme-Grass. upright sea. pendulous. glaucous. gigantic. Siberian. tender. Philadelphian. Canadian. Virgipian. striated. villous. wood. longrawned. Portuguese. Darnel. Rye-grass, slender. bearded. beardless, Gramineae. B. P. Host.gram.3.t.20. Moris. his.3.t.l.f.7. Host, gram . 3 . t . 2 8 . ^3.t.31. 3.t. 30. 3. t, 32. Jac. vind. 3. t. 44. Eng. bot. 814. — 909. 1372. Gramineae. B. P. Gramineae. B, P. Spain. 1781. "H.0. Host. gram. 2. t.26. Italy. 1758. 7-9. H.©, Jac. ic. 2. t. 303, - Britain. 6.7. H,0. Eng. bot. 221. S. Europe. 1800. — H.©. Germany. 1805. — H .4. Crete. ..... 6.7. H.Q. Host,gram.2.t.43, S. Europe. 1790. H.©. Buxb. cent. 5. t. 4f. Levant. 1807. — - H. China. — India, S.©. G.%. 7. S. — H, 11 , — — t.52.f.l. CLASS IV. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. PETROPHILA. L.T. 1 pulchella. L. T. 2 diversifolia. L. T. ISOPOGON. L. T. 1 anetliifolius. L. T. 2 formosus. L. T. 3 anemonifolius. L.T. 4 trilobus. L. T. PROTEA. L. T. 1 cynaroides. L. T. 2 lalifolia. L. T. 3 compacta. L. T. 4 longiflora. L. T. 5 speciosa, L. T. 6 obtusa. Kn. P. 7 formosa. L. T. S melaleuca, L. T. 9 Lepidocarpon. L.T. 10 neriifolia, L. T. 1 1 pulchella. L. T. 12 patens. L- T. 13 magnifica. Kn. P. 14 longifolia. L.T. 15 umbonalis. Kn. P. 16 ligulaefolia. Kn P. 1 7 mellifera. L. T. 18 graudittora. L.T. 19 Scolymus. L. T. SO mucronifoli L. T. Petrophila. Protdaceae. B. P. Fennel-leaved. various-leaved. Isopogon. Dill-leaved, handsome. Anemone-leaved, three-lobed. Protea. Artichoke-florwd. ray-dowered, compact, milk-coloured, splendid, obtuse; crown-dowered. Proteaceae. B. P. Proteaceae. B. P. Protece species TV Hid. N..S.W. 1790. 7.8. G.Tj, N. Holland. 1803. .... G. I-j Protece species TVilld. N. Holland. 1796. 3.6. G. ^ . 1805. G. 1^ 1791. 7,8. G. \ 1803, 5.6. G.I* Erodendri species Knts. Prat C. B. S. 1774. — — 1806. * 1810. 1795. 1786. Bot. mag. 796, Cav. ic.6. t.549, Bot. mag. 697. crested. Oleander-leaved, wave-leaved, spreading, magnificent, long-leaved, embossed, strap-leaved, honey-bearing, great-dowered, small-flowered, dagger-leaved. 11.3. . Bot. mag. 770. • 7.9. G. ii . 1717. .... G.h. 1.3. G. \ . Ex. bot. 2. t. 81. 3.6. G. Iri . Knight’s prot. c. ic. G.V. Bot, rep. 1 10. 5.6. G. I2 • Bot. mag. 1713, 3.7. G.\. Bot. rep. 103. f' T, 301 0 Vt. Yl . 2.4. G.I2 . Bot. reg- 208. 3.8. Bot. reg. 20. 3.6. G.I2. Bot. rep. 543. Q.\. 438. 3.8. G. . Bot. reg. 47. 1795. 1789 1798. G.\ G. \i 1774. 12.5. G. J? 1787. 5.6. G.J* 1780. G ft 1803. 7.12. G.J* 133 Bot. mag. 34( Wein.phyt.4.i Bot. mag. 691 TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 21 21 nana. L. T. 22 pendula. L. T. 23 tenax. L. T. 24 canaiiculata. L. T. 25 acuminata. B. M. 26 acaulis. L. T. dwarf. pendulous. tough. channel-leaved. sharp-pointed. short-stalked. Proteaceae. B. P. C. B. S. 1787. 4.7. G. 1* . 1806. 3.6. G. T* • 1801. 2.5. G. 1* . 1800. 12.2. G. 1* . 1809. 3.6. G.l*. 1802. G. h. • 27 glaucophylla. Kn.P. 28 larvis. L. T. 29 scabra. L. T. 30 repens. L. T. 31 turbini flora. L. T. 32 ScolopendriuRi.L.T. Hart’s-tongue 33 cordata. L. T. heart-leaved. 34 amplexicaulis. L.T. stem-clasping. 35 humilis. L. T. low-flowering. 36 acerosa. L. T. Pine-leaved. LEUCOSPERMUM \ L.T. J 1 lineare. L. T. 2 tottum. L. T. smooth-bracted. 3 medium. L.T. oval-leaved. 4 formosum. Kn. P. handsome. 5 ellipticum. L. T. elliptic. 6 Conocarpum. L. T. many-toothed. 7 grandiflorum. L.T. great- flowered. 8 puberum. L. T. downy-leaved. 9 tomentosum. Kn.P. cottony. 10 parile. Kn. P. matched, 1 1 candicans. B. R. Rose-scented, 1 2 Hypophyllum. L,T, trifid-leaved. glaucous-leaved, smooth-leaved, rough-leaved, creeping, turfy. Leucosi’ermum. Proteaceae. B. P. linear-leaved. — — — — Ex. bot. 1. 1. 44, Par. lend. 70. Bot. rep. 437. Bot. mag. 1694. ( Boerh. lugd. bat. 1 2. p. 191. Par. lond. 1 1, ^ 4 ,1s 4 MIMETES. L. T. 1 hirta. L. T. Mimetes, hairy. Proteaceae. B. P. C. B. S. Par. lond. 108. Bot. rep. 289. Par. lond. 67. Bot. rep. 532. 577- Leucadendron. Knts. Prot. Protece species TVilld. .774. 8.9. ° 6.8. G.l*. 1794 G.I*. 1784. 5.8. G. I* . G. I* . .... G.l*. 5.7. G. 1* . 5.8. G.l*. 8.9. G.I*. — -G.h. G.I*. G-h- 1803. 1774. 1800. 1774. 1789. 1790. 1787. Bot. rep. 17- Pluk.phy t.t.200. f.2 Par. lond. 116, Bot. rep. 294. Pluk.mant.t.440.f.3 Prot cos species TVilld. C.B.S. 2 palustris. Kn. P. marsh. 3 cucullata. L, T. 4 divaricata. L. T. 5 vacciniifolia. three-toothed. divaricate. V accinium-leavd. 1774. 6.8. G.I*. -G.Tj. 1802. 1789. . . . 1795. 6.9 1800. ... f Wein. phvt. 4. t. \ 899. f. a. C Boerh. lugd. 2. p. t 194. c. t. n T ( Pluk. aim. 212. t. G f!’i 804. f. 6. G.I,. Diastella vacciniifolia. Knts. Prot. 6 purpurea. L. T. Heath-leaved. SERRURIA. L. T. Serruria. 1 abrotanifolia. Kn.P. Southernwood-ld 2 millefolia. Kn. P. thousand-leaved. 3 artemisiaefolia.Kn.P Wormwood-ld. 4 pinnata. L. T. slender. 5 arenaria. L. T. sand. 6 cyanoides. L. T. trifid-leaved. 7 pedunculata. L.T. woolly-headed. 8 Niveni. L. T. Nivens. 9 ciliata. L. T. ciliated. 10 phylicoides. L. T. Phylica-fiowered 1 1 aemula. L. T. grey-branched. 12 parilis. Kn. P. matched. 13 odorata. sweet-scented. 14 emarginata. emarginated. Serruria arenaria. Knts. Prot. 1 5 glomerata. L. T. many-headed. 16 decipiens. L. T. decipient. 17 Roxburgii. L. T. Roxburgh’s. 1 8 Burmanni. L. T. Burmann’s. 19 triternata. L. T. silvery-flowered. 20 elongata. L. T. long-peduncled. NIVENIA. L.T. Nivenia. 1 Sceptrum. L. T. sceptre-like. 2 spathulata. L. T. maiden-hair-ld. 3 spicata. L. T. spiked. . G.k. 1789- 1 1.12.G. Ti Proteaceae. B. P. Protece species JTrilld. C.B.S. 1803. 6.8. H.1? -G.h -G.V -G .h -G-h Bot. rep. 522. 337. 264. 512. r. T f Pluk. mant. 61. t. G M 345. f.e. Proteaceae. B. P. 1789. G. 1 1 . Bot. rep. 264. 1800. 1803. 1788. 1803. 1800. 1789. 1806. 1786. 1802. 1800. G.I*. G.I*. G.T*. G.I*. G.l*. G. k . G.l*. G.l*. •G.l*. G.l*. ■G.l*. ■G.l*. ■G.l*. 349. Bot. rep. 507. f. 4. Bot. rep. 507. 545. 536. Burm.afr. t.99. f.2. Burm.afr. t.99. f.l Bot. rep. 447. Paranomus. Knts. Prot. Protece species TVilld. C.B.S. 1790. 5 6 Qb i SParr-act*st*1777. ’ n ’ ( p. 53. t. 1. — 7.8. G.y.. Thunb.diss.n.5 8.t.5 17§6. 6.8. G.l*. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 4 crithmifoHa. L» T. 5 media. L. T. SOROCEPHALUS. 1 L. T. / 1 imberbis. L. T. 2 spatalloides. L. T. 3 tenuifolia. L. T. 4 lauatus. L. T. 5 imbricatus. L. T. SPATALLA. L. T. 1 prolifera. L. T. 2 incurva. L. T. 3 Thunbergii. L. T. PERSOONIA. L.T. 1 hirsuta. L. T. 2 linearis. L. T. 3 laneeolata. L. T. 4 salicina. L. T. GREVILLEA. L. T. Grevillea. Samphire-leaved. Proteaceae. B. P. middle. C. B. S. 17.97. 6.8. (t.Tj . Bot. rep. 248. — 1803. G. Tj. SoROCErHALUs. Proteaceae. B. P. Soranthe. Knts. Prot. Protect species JKilld. smooth, club-bearing, slender-leaved, woolly, imbricated. Spatalla. Proteacese. B. P. proliferous. incurved-leaved. Thuuberg’s. Persoonia. Proteaceae. B. P. hairy. linear-leaved. spear-leaved. — Willow-leaved. Protece species Willd. C. B. S. 1800. 6.8. 1789. 5.6. 1806. Linkia. Cav. ic. N.S.W. 1800. — 1794. 1791. 1795. Thunb.dis.n.SO.t.3, Bot. rep. 517. Thunb.diss.27. t.4. 22. t. 3. Bot. mag. 760. Bot. rep. 74. Proteaceae. B. P. f Stylurus. Lysanthe ff Grevillea. Knight's Prot . 1 sericea. L. T. .2 linearis. L. T. 3 riparia. L. T. 4 arenaria. L. T. 3 acuminata. L. T. 6 stylosa. Kn. P. 7 mucronulata. L. T. 8 buxifolia. L. T. 9 collina. Kn. P. 10 aspleniifolia. L.T. HAKEA. L. T. 1 pugioniformis. L.T. 2 parilis. Kn. P. 3 obliqua. L. T. 4 gibbosa. L. T. 5 acicularis. L. T. 6 suaveolens. L. T. 7 florida. L. T. 8 i'licifolia. L. T. $ nitida. L.T. 10 amplexieaulis. L.T. 1 1 prostrata. L. T. 12 ceratophylla. L.T. 13 uudulata. L. T. 14 oleifoiia. L. T. 15 saligna. L. T. 16 ciaerea. L.T. 17 dactyloides. L. T. 18 elliptica. L.T. LAMBERTIA. L. T. formosa. L. T. XYLOMELUM. L. T. pyriforme. L. T. TELOPEA. L. T. speciosissima. L. T. LOMATIA. L. T. 1 silaifolia. L. T. 2 longifolia. L. T. RHOPALA. L.T. 1 dentata. L.T. 2 sessilifolia. L. T. BANKSIA. L. T. 1 pulchella. L. T. 2 sphaerocarpa. L.T. 3 nutans. L. T. 4 ericifolia. L. T. & spinulosa. L. T. 6 collina. L. T. 7 occidental is. L.T. 9 littoralis. L. T. silky. linear-leaved. river-side. sand. acute-leaved, long-styled. * Podalyria-leav’d. Box-leaved, hill. Asplenium-leavd Hakea. dagger-fruited. matched. oblique- flower’d. gibbous-fruited. needle-leaved. sweet-smelling. many-fiovvered. Holly-leaved. glossy. stem-clasping. trailing. horn-leaved. wave-leaved. Olive-leaved. Willow-leaved. lioary-leaved. nerved-leaved. oval-leaved. Lamuertia. handsome. Xylomelum. Pear-fruited. Waratah. splendid. Lomatia. cut-leaved. long-leaved. Rhopala. tooth-leaved. sessile-leaved. Banksia. small-flowered. round fruited. nodding-flower’d Heath-leaved. spitiy. hill. West-coast. seaside. Embothrii species IE Hid. 1790. 4.9. G.J*. -G.h. Bot. mag. 862. Bot. rep. 272. Bot. rep. 218. Cav. ic. 6. t. 535. Cav. ic. 6. t. 534. Vent. nial. 111. Bot. rep. 215. Cav. ic. 6. t. 535. Proteaceae. B. P. Proteaceae. B . P. Proteace.e. B. P. Proteaceae. B. P. Proteaceae. B. P. Proteaceae. B. P. N. S. W. 1788. 6.8. G. li . Bot. rep. 69. p. f?3 N.S.W. 178.9 Embothrii species JEilld. N.S.W. 1789. 5.7. G.Tj, Embothrii species JVilld. N. S. W. S. America. Guiana. N. Holland. 1792. 1816. 1802. 1803. 1 805. 1803. 1803. 6.8. G. . G*h • 5.8. N. S. W. N. Holland. S. h • .... s.h. .... G-h. .... G.h. 6.9. G. \i . 1788. 1.12. . 12.5. G. \ . 1800 G. 1803 G.l*. G-h*. Cav. ic. 6. t. 536. Bot. mag. 1 1 23. Bot. mag. 1272. I Rudge guian.l.t.31 Bot. mag. 738. Bot. rep. 457* 9 margin ata. L. T. 10 integrifolia. L. T. 1 1 verticillata. L. T. 12 coccinea. L. T. 13 paludosa. L. T. 14 oblongifolia. L. T. 15 latifolia. L. T. 1 6 marcescens. L. T. 1 7 attenuata. L. T. 1 8 serrata. L. T. 19 aemula. L. T. 20 quercifolia. L. T. 2 1 speeiosa. L. T. 22 graridis. L. T. 23 repens. L. T. DRYANDRA. L. T. 1 lion bun da. L. T. 2 cuneata. L. T. 3 armata. L. T. 4 formosa. L. T. 5 plumosa. L. T. 6 obtusa. L. T. 7 nivea. L. T. 8 longifolia. L. T. 9 tenui folia. L. T. GLOBULARIA. W. 1 longifolia. W. 2 Alypum. W. 3 vulgaris. W. 4 spinosa. W. 5 cordifolia. W. 6 nudicaulis. W. ADINA. P. L. globitiora. P. L. CE PH ALAN- *) THUS. W. J occidentalis. W. DIPSACUS. VV. 1 fullonum. W. 2 sylvestris. W. 3 laciniatus. W. 4 pi loans. W. SC A BIOS A. W. 1 alpina. W. 2 albescens. W. en. 3 rigid a. W. 4 attenuata. W. 5 transylvanica. W. 6 syriaca. W. 7 leucantha. W. 8 corniculata. P. S. 9 dichotomy. W. en. 10 Succisa. W. 1 1 integrifolia. W. 12 tatarica. W. 13 arvensis. W. 14 uralensis. W. 15 sylvatica. W. 16 longifolia. P. S. 17 canescens. P. S. 18 gramuntia. W. 19 columbaria. W. 20 grandiflora. P. S. 21 lucida. P. S. 22 sicula. W. 23 rutaefolia. P. S. 24 maritima. W. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. various-leaved. entire-leaved. vcrticillate. scarlet-dowered. marshy. oblong-leaved. broad -leaved. short-leaved. smooth-flower’d. saw-leaved. deeplv-savved. Oak-leaved. long-leaved. great-dowered. creeping. Dryandra. many-flowered. wedge-leaved. acute-leaved. splendid. feathered. obtuse-leaved. white-leaved. long-leaved. fine-leaved. Globularia. long-leaved. th ree-too tiled. common. prickly-leaved. wedge-leaved. naked-stalked. Adina. globe-flowered. B UTTON-WOOD. American. Teasel. manured. wild. cut-leaved. small. Scabious. Alpine. whitish. rough -leaved. narrow-leaved. Transylvanian. Syrian. white- flowered, horned. forked. Devil’s-bit. red-flowered. Tartarian. field. Uralian. broad-leaved. long-leaved. hoary. cut-leaved. fine-leaved. . great-dowered* shining. Sicilian. Rue-leaved. sea. Proteacea*. B. P. N. S. W. Cav. ic. 6. t. 544. 6.L545&54S if tJw . ■ Cav. ic. 6. t. 542. Cav. ic. 6. t. 543. Bot. rep. 258. Proteacese. B. P. Globulariae. Globulariae. Rubiaceae. J. Dipsaceae. J. Dipsaceae. J. N. Holland. Madeira. S. Europe. Europe. Spain. Germany. China. Bot. rep. 82. f. '&&& *£ Voya.deLab.l .t.23. 1803. 1.12. G. . Bot. mag. 1581. 11.2. G. . 1.12. G. . G.^. .... G.f*. .... G.J*. 7-9. G. . Voya.deLab.l. t.24. 1.12. G. Ij. Bot. mag. 1582. 3.5. G.f*. 1775. 7.8. G.Ij . Sloan.jam.l.t.5 f.3. 1640. 6.9. G.Jj. L \ par. 1712. 1. 18. 5.6. H.ty. Sclrku.lrand.l.t.21. G. 2/. . 1633.* 6.7. H. 2/. . Jac. aus. 3. t. 245, 1629.- H.ty . 3. t. 230. 1804. 7.8. S.I*. Par. Ion. 115. N. Anrer. 1735. 8. H. fj. Schmidt arb.l.t.45 1683. Britain. Germany. Britain. Switzerland. Siberia. C. B. S. Transylvania. 1699. Syria. France. Hungary. Sicily. Britain. France. Rirssia. Britain. Eng. bot. 2080. 1032. Jac. aust. 5. t. 403. Eng. bot. 877. Bes.eyst.asst. t.S.f.l Comm.hort.2.t.93. Jac. vind. 2. t.lll. 1633. •H.©. Mor.bis.3.t.l4.f.l4 ■ 9.10. H.^. Ger. emac.721. f. 8. 1801. 7.8. H.*. f PL rar. hung. p. (, 11. t. 13. 1804. 6.8. H.©. 8.10. H.ljL. Eng. bot. 878. 1748. 6.8. H.0. 1759. H. c? . Act.upsal.l744.t.l, — Siberia. — Austria. — Hungary. Si Europe. Britain. Barbary. Dauphiny. Sicily. Italy. 1789. 1633. 1802. 1597. 7.10. H. 2/.. 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 659. {Murr. com. got. 1782. t. 4. Jac. aus. 4. t. 3 62. PI. rar. bun. p.4.t,5. — — p. 53. t. 53. Ger.lrerb. 582. f. 2. Eng. bot. 1311. Scop.del.ins.3.t.l4, Jac. vind. 1. t. 15» Bocc. sic. 1. 1»2. m 1 25 stellata. W. starry. 26 prolifera. W. prolidc. 27 atropurpurea. W. sweet. 28 argentea. W. silvery. 29 urceolata. P. S. jagged. 30 africana. W. African. 31 Massoni. Masson’s. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA, Dipsaceae. J. Spain. Egypt. Levant. Barbary. Africa. Azores. Scabiosa lucida. Hort . Keiv. 32 cretica. W. 33 graminifolia. W. 34 caucasea. B. M. 35 lyrata. W. 36 palaestina. W. 37 isetensis. W. 38 ucranica. W. Cretan. Grass-leaved. Caucasian. Iyrate-leaved. Palestine. Siberian. Ukraine. 39 ochroleuca. W. en. pale-fiovvered. 40 banatica. P. S. 41 papposa. W. KNAUTIA. W. 1 orientalis. W. 2 propontica. W. ALLIONIA. W. 1 linearis. Ph. 2 hirsuta. Pb. 0PERCULARIA. W. aspera. W. CRYPTOSPER- Hungarian, downy-headed. Knautia. red- flowered, purple-flowered. Allionia. linear— leaved, hairy. Opercularia. rough-seeded. Dipsaceae. J. Levant. Nyctagineae. J. in Ann. Mus. Louisiana. MUM. P. S. Youngii. P. S. SPERMACOCE. W. 1 tenuior. W. 2 latifolia. W. 3 strigosa. B. M. 4 radicans. W. 5 verticillata. W. 6 hispida. W. 7 rubra. W. en. SHERARDIA. W. 1 arvensis. W. 2 niuralis. W. ASPERULA. W. 1 odorata. W. 2 arvensis. W. 3 taurina. W. 4 crassifolia. W. 5 tinctoria. W. 6 cynanchica. W. 7 laevigata. W. 8 montana. W. en. HOUSTONIA. W. 1 caerulea. W. 2 purpurea. W. GALIUM. W. 1 rubioides. W. 2 palustre. W. 3 Witheringii. E. B. 4 austriacum. W. 5 Bocconi. W. 6 saxatile. W. 7 erectum. E. B. 8 pusillum. W. 9 verirm. W. 10 Mollugo. W. 1 1 sylvaticum. W. 12 linifolium. W. 13 rigidum. W. 14 aristatum. W. 15 tyrolense. W. en. H Crypto- 1 SrERMUM. J chaffy. Button-Weed. slender, broad-leaved. Cross-wort, rooting, whorl-dowered, bristly, red. Field-Madder. little, wall. Woodruff. sweet-scented, field. broad-leaved, thick-leaved, narrow-leaved, small, shining, mountain. Houstonia. blue-dowered, purple-dowered. Bed-Straw. Madder-leaved, water. Nyctagineae ? J. in Ann. Mus. N. S. W. Nyctagineae ? J. Opercularia ? N. s. W. Rubiacese. J. W. Ind. Guiana. — W. Ind. Guiana. Africa. E. Ind. 1596. 7-8. H.0. Clus.hist. 2. p.i.ici 1683. H.0. Herm.parad.t.125; 1629. 7-9. H. $. Bot. mag. 247. 1713. 6.10. U.U. iDesf- ann- mus* * l 11. t. 24. 1804. 7.8. LI. Moris. 6.1. 13. f. 24* 1690. 7.10. G.^. Herm* par. t. 219. 1779. 6.8. H.y.. Mor. his.3.t.l5.f.3I* Pl.rar.hun.2. t.188* Bat. mag. 886. Jac. vind. 1. t. 96. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 88. 2. t. 87. Jac. aust. 5. t. 439. Pl.rar. hun. lO.t.l 2. 1713. 6.9. H.0. Schku.han. 1. t. 22. 1768. 6.8. H. (J. Till, pis, 153. t. 48. 1812. 7.8. H. II. 1790. 6.7. G.tZ.{A™0')"imUS-4* species Young, in L. T. 1793. 7.8. G.7/.. Linn, trans. 3. t. 5. 1732. 1803. 1760. 7.8. 1803. 7. 1732. 6.8. 1781. 8.9. 1804. 6.8. Rubiaceae. , Rubiaceae. J. 6.8. H.0. Schku.hand.l. t.22. 7. S. $ . Aub.gui.l. t.l.O.Ll. S.©. Bot. mag. 1558. S. 2/. . Aub.gui.l. t.20. f.4. S.lj . Dil.elt.t.277.f.358. S.0. Mur. com. got. 3. t. 6. S. $ . Jac.schoen.3.t.256. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. Britain. Italy. Britain. Europe. Italy. Levant. Europe. England. S. Europe. Hungary. 4.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 891. 1805. 6.8. H.©. AU.ped.34.t.77.f.l. 5.6. LI. If. Eng. bot. 755. 1596. 7. H.©. 1739. 4.6. H.2/. . Moris. s.9.t.21.f.l. 1775. 6. H.2/L. 1764. 6.7. H.2f. Tabern.ic. 151. 7* H.2J.. Eng. bot. 33. 1775. 6. H.ty. Moris. bis, t. 21. f.4. 1801. 6.7. H.R. Austrian. Boccone’s. smooth Heath, upright, least. Cheese-rennet, great hedge, wood. Flax-leaved. rigid. awned. Tyrolese. N. America. 17S5. 5.8. Bot. mag. 370. 1800. H.2/.. Eng. bot. 1857. 2206. Jac. aust. t. 90. Boc.mus.l45.t.l0! Eng. bot. 815. 2067. 74. 660. 1673. Barrel, ic. 583. Bocc.rous, 83.L75. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 16 glaucum. W. 17 purpureum. W. 18 rubruqi- W. 19 spurium. E. B. go uliginosum, W. 21 anglicum- E, B. 22 boreale. VV, 23 Aparine. W» 24 pilosum. W, 25 graecum. W. CRUCIANELLA. W. 1 angustifolia. Wf 2 latifolja. W. 3 aegyptiaca. W. 4 patula. W, 5 pubescens, W. 6 ciliata. W, 7 maritima. W. 8 monspeliaca. W. 9 molluginoides. "1 W. en. ] RUBIA. W. 1 tinctoyum. W. 2 petegrina. W. 3 lucida, W. 4 fruticosa. W. 5 angustifolia. W. 6 cordifolia. W* CATESES A. W. 1 spinosa. W. 2 parvi flora. P. Sf JXORA. Wf 1 grandiflora. 2 coccinea. 3 parvi flora. W. 4 alba. W. 5 blanda. B. Reg. PAVETTA. W. indica. W. BOUVARDIA. H. K. 1 triphylla. H. K. 2 versicolor. B. Reg. ZIERIA. Sm, Smitliii. B. M. SIDERODEN- \ DRUM- W. J triflorum. W. CHOMELIA. W. spinosa. W. iEGIPHILA. W. 1 raartinicensis. W, 2 foetida. W. 3 diffusa. B. R. 4 oboyata. B. R. MITCHEELA. W. repens. W. COCCOCYPSI- 1 LUM. W. / repens. W. CALLICARPA. W. 1 americana. W. 2 cana. W. 3 lanata. W. 4 macrophylla. W. 5 ferruginea. W. WITHER1NGIA.W. solanacea. W, ^lANETTIA, W, Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. glaucous. purple. red. spurious. marsh, wall. crpss-leaved. Cleaver’s. hairy. Candian. Cross-wort. narrow-leaved. byoad-leaved. Egyptian. spreading. pubescent, ciliated. sea. Montpelier, Mollugo-like. Madder. dyer’s. wild. shining. prickly-leaved. narrow-leaved. heart-leaved. * — Lily Thorn. Rubiaceae. J, spiny. small-flowered. *■* Ixora. Rubiaceae. J. sessile-leaved. — scarlet. small-flowered. white. rr — charming. Pavetta, Rubiaceae, J. Indian. Bouvardia. Rubiaceae. J. three -leaved. — various -coloured — Zieria. Smith’s. Iron -Tree. Rubiaceae, J. three-flowered. Chomelia, spiny. JSgifhila. Martini co, foetid, diffuse, oval-leaved. Mitchella. creeping. CoccocypsiLUM creeping. Callicarpa, American, hoary. woolly. long-leaved, rusty. WlTttpRINGIA. yellow-flowered. Manetiia, Rubiaceae. J. Verbenaceae. B.P. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. Verbenaceae. B. P. S. Europe. 1710. 6.9. H.R. - Switzerland. 1731. 6.7. H.R. ■ Italy. 1597. H.R. - Britain. H.0, 7.8. H.R. -H.2JL. ■ England. • Britain. .... 7. II. R, 5.8. H.Q, 6.7. H. R, • N. America. 1778. • Candia. 1798. - — h.r, France. 1658. 1633, 6.7. H.Q. H (7) Egypt. 1 80Q, H.0. Spain. 1798. H,©. Candia. 1799. 7.8. G.R. Levant. 1805. H.0. France. 164Q. 1 7Q 1 g,l, 11 (7) w y * t Caucasus. 1800. — ,H.R. S. Europe. 1596, 6. H.R. England. 7. h.r. Majorca. 1762. g.l. Canaries. 1779. 9. G. L . Minorca. 1772. 7,8, G.R. Siberia. 1783, 7. H.R. I. Providence 1728. 5.9. S-L- Jamaica. 1810. .... S,R. E. Ind. ■ China. E. Ind. 1814. 1690. 1800. 1768, S.R. 7.8. S.L- 8.10. S, L . 6. s. l . s. l , .... E. Ind. 1791. s.iQ. S.L. Mexico. 1794. 4.11. G, l • • S. Amer. ? 1814. 7.9. G.L . ■ N. S. W, 1808, 4,7, G, Ji . W. Ind. 1793- .... SVR. W. Ind. 1793. .... S.R, ■ W. Ind. 1780. 1 son 11. s, l • 6 7 St, 1 O UVJ • 1804. O. / • o* rj • 7.8. s.l. „ C L. ■ N. Amer. 1761, 'l 9 6. H.I*. • W, Ind, 1793. 5, - N. Amer. 1724. 6. 7. G. R ? - E. Ind. 1799. .... S.R, ■ 1788. 6,7. S. h • India. Jamaica, S. Amer. 1808 S.R 1794, 6.7. S, k 1742. 5.9, S.2R Rubiaceae, J, B Jac. aust. l. t. 81. Ger. herb. 967* f.3. Eng. bot. 1871. 1972. 384, Eng. bot. 105. — — 816. Alp.exo.l67.t. 166. Ex. bot. 2. t. 109. Sch!ic.$7.t.2§.&g4, Eng. bot. 851. Jac. ip. 1. 1. 25, f Pall. it. 3. p, ”15., \ t. L. f. J. Bot. mag. 131. Sloa,his.2.t.207.f.l» Bot. reg. 154. Bot. mag. 169. Vah.§y.3.p?l 1,1.53. Rheed.mal. 2. t.14, Bot. reg. 100. Bot. reg. 19S, Par. lond. 88, Bot. reg. 245. Bqt. mag. 1395. Jrc. anier.18. t, 13. Jac. obs. 2. t. 37, Bot. rep. Bot. rep. Cat. par. 1. 1. 20. Brown, jam. t,6.f.l Cat. par. 2. t. 47. Vahl,symb.3. t.53. {L’Her. sert. ang, 33. t. 1> ^6 coccinea. W. PENiEA. W. 1 mucronata. W. 2 squamosa. W. BL/ERIA. w. 1 ericoides. W. 2 articulata. W. S purpurea. W. 4 muscosa. W. 5 eiliaris. W. BUDDLEA. W. 1 globosa. W. 2 saivifolia. W. 8 saligna. W. en. EXACUM. W. 1 viscosum. Srn. 2 filiforme. W. SEEEEA. B. P. cord at a. B. P. ERASER A. Walt. carol in iensis. P. S. PLANTAGO. W. 1 major. W. 2 crassa. W. S asiatica. W. 4 maxima. W. 5 media. W. 6 virgiaica. W. 7 altissima. W. S lanceolata. W. •9 capensis. W. 10 Lagopus. W. 1 1 lusitanica. W. 12 albicans. W. 13 patagonica. W. 1 4 hirsuta. W. 1 5 villosa. P. S. 16 Wulfeni. W. en. 17 alpina.W. 1 8 Bellardi. W. 19 cretica. W. 20 maritima. W. 2 1 graminea. P. S. 22 recur vata. W. 23 subulata. W. 24 macrorhiza. W. .25 Serraria. W. 26 Coronopus. W. 27 Loeflingii. W. 28 Cornuti. W. 29 amplexicaulis. W. 30 Psyllium. W. 31 arenaria. P. S 32 squarrosa. W . S3 indica. W. 34 stricta. P. S, S5 pumila. W. 36 Cynops. W, 37 afra. W. ^COPARIA. W. dulcis. W. CENTUNCULUS. W. minibus, W. TETXtANDRIA MONOGYNIA. scarlet. Penaea. heart-leaved. scaly. BL/ERIA. heath-leaved. jointed. purple-flowered. Moss-leaved. ciliated. Buddlea. round-headed. Sage-leaved. Willow-leaved. Exacum. clammy. least. Seb.ea. heart-leaved. Frasera. Carolina. Plantain. greater. thick-leaved. broad-leaved. hollow-leaved. hoary. Virginian. tall. Rib-Grass. Cape. round-headed. Portugal. woolly. Patagonian. hairy. villous. Wulfen’s. Alpine. Bellardi’s. Cretan. sea. Grass-leaved. recurved-leaved. awl-leaved. large-rooted. saw-leaved. Star of the Earth narrow-leaved. cut-leaved. stem-leaved. Fleawort. sand. leafy-spiked. Indian. upright. dwarf. shrubby. Barbary. SCOPARIA. sweet. {Bastard Pimpernel tat. Rubiaceae. J. Guiana. 1806. 5.7. S.Ij, Aub.gui.l.t.37.f.9» Ericeae. B.P. C.B. S. 1787. 6. 7. G.J*. Vent, mal. 87. - — — G. fj . Bot. reg. 106. C.B.S. Serophularineae. J. Chili. C.B.S. Gentianeae. B. P. Canai'ies. Britain. 1774. 1795. 1791. 1774. 1795. 1774. 1760. 1816. 8.10. 5.6. 6.8. 5.6. 8.9. n T f Pet. gaz. 471* t,2. f. 10. G. k. ' G-h. G> h ■ G-h. H. Pj. Bot. mag. 174. G. . Jac. schoen. 1 . t. 28* •G.l*. Plantagineae. B. P. Gentianeae. B. P. Exnci species C.B.S. Gentianeae. B. P. Carolina. Britain. S. Europe. Siberia. Britain. N. America. Ltaly. Britain. C.B.S. Spain. S. Europe. Patagonia. c, b. s. Germany. Austria. S. Europe. Candia. Britain. France. 1781. 6. 7. G. albo-marghiata. & aurea -marginata. 1 medio picta. 2 laxiflora. Ph. 3 opaca. W. 4 crocea. W. 5 Perado. W. 6 Prinoides. W, 7 Cassine. Ph. 8 Daboon. Ph. 9 angustifolia. W. sen, 10 vomitoria. W. 11 canadensis. Ph, CGLDENIA. W. procumbens. W. POTAMOGETON. W. 1 natans. W. 2 fluitans. W. 3 heterophyllum. W, 4 perfoliatum. W. 5 den sum. W. fi lucens. W. 7 crispum. W. 8 compressum. W. 9 pectinatum. W. JO lanceolatum. E. B. 1 1 gramineum. W, 12 pusillum. W. 13 setaceum.W RUPPIA. W, maritima. W. S AGIN A. W. 1 procumbens. W , 2 apetala. W. 3 maritima. E. B. MGENCHIA. P.S, glauca. P. S. TILLiEA. W. muscosa. W. JtADlOLA, Sm. iniilegrana. Sm. Holly. common. various-leaved. thick-leaved. slender. hedge-hog . yellow-berried. silver-edged. gold-edged. painted. loose-flowered. Carolina. African, thick-leaved. deciduous. broad-lrt.Dahoon. Dahoon. Myrtle-leaved. South Sea Tea. Canadian. CoLDENIA. trailing. Pond- Weed. broad-leaved. long-leaved. various-leaved, perfoliate. close-leaved. shining. curled. flat-stalked. Fennel-leaved. spear-leaved. Grass-leaved, ’small. bristly. Kuppia. sea. Pearlwort, procumbent. small-flowered. sea-side. Mcenchia. glaucous. Till^a. „ mossy. Radiola. All-seed, Rhamni. J. Boragineae. J. Britain. Alismaceae. B. P. Naiades. J. Caryophylleee. J, H. Tj , Eng. bot, 49&> Carolina. Carolina. C.B.S. Madeira. N. America. Carolina, 1811. 1744. 5.6. 1794. 1760. 4.5. ■H.h. H. h • • G. Tj . G.b. H b Meerb. ic. 2. t. 5, Meerb. ic. 2. t. 6, 1726. 8. 5.6. n. ti . F. h • F b Cat. car. 1. 1. 31. ] 806. ■ F b Florida. N. America. 1700 1802. 4.5. r • n. • f. h • H- h • Cat. car. 2. t. 57. Mich, arner.2. t.49» — E. Ind. 1699. 7.8. S.0. Lam. ill. t. 89. Britain. England. Britain. 7.8. 5.7. 6.7. H.ty . H.y.. H.y. H.n. H.y. . H.n. n.n. H.:*. H.^. H.l/. , H. 2/- , H. If. , Eng. bot. 1822, 1286. 1285. ■ 168. 39V. — 376. — 1012. 418. 323. — 1985. 2253. 215. Britain. Britain. 7. H.ty. Eng. bot. 136, 5.9. 5.6. 5.8. Irelaud. Caryophylleae. J. Sagince species JVilld. Britain. .... 4.5. Sempervivae. J. ■ England 6.10. Lini species Jf^illd. — ■ ■ — Britain. .... 7.8. H.©. H.Q. H.0. H.©. H.0. H.©. Eng. bot. 880. 881. 2195. Eng, bot. 609. Eng. bot. 116. Eng. bot. 893. CLASS V. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. HEMOTROPIUM.W. Turnsole. 1 peruvianum. W. 2 corymbosum. P. S. 3 parviflorum. W. 4 europaeum. W. 5 curassavicum. W. 6 humile. B. P. Boragineae. B. P. Peruvian. large-flowered. small-flowered. European. glaucous. dwarf. Tonrnefortia humilis IVilld. 7 indicum. W. 8 supinum. W, MYOSOTIS. B, P. I scorpioides. W. Peru. Indian. trailing. ■ — — . — Scorpion-Grass. Boragineae. B. P. marsh. W. Ind. S. Europe. W. Ind. S. America. W. Ind. S. Europe. Britain. 1757. 5.9. G.Tj. 1808. G.Ij. 1732. 7.9. S. so FENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 2 arvensis. W. 3 nalia. W. 4 obtusa. W. en. 5 rupicola. E. B. LAPPULA. P. S. 1 virginiana. P. S. 2 vulgaris. 3 squarrosa. P. S. field. dwarf. obtuse-calyxed. rock. Lae-pula. Virginian. common. squarrose. Boraginete. B. P. Britain. .... 4.8. H.0 : -.... 7. H.2/ Hungary. 1815. 6.7. H.2/ Scotland H.2/ Boragine te. B. P. Myosotis species TTTilld. Virginia. 1699. 6.7. H. $ . Mor.h.s.l 1 .t.30.f.9. • Europe. 1656. 4.8. H.©. , Siberia. 1802. H.©. Eng. bot. 4S0.’ Hacq .pi .al p ,t.2 . f. 6. Pl.rar.hung.l.t.100 Eng. bot. 2559. 4 pectinata. P. S. pectinated. LITHOSPERMUM.W. GromwelL. Boragineae. B. P. 1 officinale. W. 2 arvense. W. S apulum. W. 4 leum. W. 5 frnticosum. W. 6 distichum. P. S. 7 tenuiflorum. W. 8 dispermum. W. BATSCHIA. Mich. 1 Gmelini. Ph. 2 longiflora. Ph. ONOSMODIUM. 7 Mich. j 1 hispidum.M* 2 molle. M. ANCHUSA. W. 1 paniculata. W. 2 capensis.W. 3 officinalis. W. 4 ochroleuca. B. M. 5 italica. W. 6' angustifolia. W. } officinal. corn. small. creeping. shrubby. two-rowed. slender-flowered. two-seeded. Batschia. GmeliiPs. long-flowered. Onosmodium. Virginian. soft. Bugloss. panicled. Cape. common. pale-flowered. Italian. narrow-leaved. rock. Boragineae. B. P. - 1797. 6.8. H.2/. J * rr * **■ \ 71. t. E. f. 4. Britain. .... 5.8. 5.6. H.2/. H.©. Eng. bot. 134. 1 ao. S. Europe. 1768. 6.7. H.©. Col. ecph. 1. 1. 185, England. — 5. H.2/. Eng. bot. 1 1 7. S. Europe. 1683. 5.6. h.t2. Barr. ic. 1168. Cuba. 1806. ‘ G. 2/ . Egypt. 1796. ■H.0, Jac. ic. 2. t. 313. Spain. 1799. 6.7. H.0. Linn. dec. 1. 1. 7. Carolina. 1812. 5.7. H.2/. Missouri. — — H.2/. Boragineae. B. P. Lithospermi species TVilld. • N. America. 1759- 6. H.2/. 1812. 6.8. H.2/. Boi*agineae. B. P. Madeira. 1777- 5.6. H.^ C.B. S. 1800. 7. G. $ . Britain. .... 6.10. H. 2/., M.Caucasus. 1810. 7-8. H. 2/., S. Europe. 1597. 6.10. H. $ , 1640. 5.6. H.2/. 7 rupestris. Myosotis rupestris. Pallas. S undulata. W. waved-leaved. 9 tinctoria. W. dyer’s. 1 0 sempervii-ens. W. evergreen. 11 Milleri. W. en. yellow. CYNOGLOSSUM. W. j HouND’s Siberia. 1802. 7- H. 2/ 1 officinale. W. 2 svlvaticum. E. B. 8 pictum. W. 4 amplexicaule. Ph. 5 cheirifoliuni. W. 6 apenninum. W. en. 7 hirsutum. VV. 8 glomeratuin. Ph. f) linifolium. W. Tongue. common, green-leaved. Madeira, stem-clasping silvery-leaved, Apennine. hirsute, clustered. {Venus’ Navelwort. } Spain. 1752. 6.8. H.2/ Montpellier. 1596. 6.10. H.2/ Britain. .... 5.6. H.2/ Levant. 1713. H.2/ Boragineae. B. P. Britain. 10 lanatum. W. woolly. 1 1 nitidum. W. en. shining. 12 Omphalodes. W. Comfrey-leaved, PULMONARIA. W. Lungwort. 1 angustifolia. W. naiTow-leaved. 2 officinalis. W. common. 3 davurica. B. M. Daurian. 4 paniculata. W. panicled. 5 lanceolata. Ph. spear-leaved. 6 virginica. W. Virginian. 7 sibirica. W. Siberian. 8 maritima. E. B. sea. SYMPHYTUM. W. Comfrey. 1 officinale. W, common. 9 tuberosum. W. tuberous. 3 bohemicum. Sch. red-flowered. } Madeira. N. America. Levant. Italy. C.B. S. N. America. Portugal. 1658. 1812. 1596. 1731. 1806. 1812. 6.7. H.c?. 8. G./ 1. i KJ*. Af. • 1 709 T-T if 1 QAI? T-T 11 Italy. IOKJV. A*, if-. 1658. 6. H.Q. Britain. 5.7. H.2£. .... 6.7. H.lf. Britain. .... 6.9. H.Q. Morocco. .... 1803. 5.7. G. $ . Spain. 1759. G.(?. Italy. 1648. 5.9. G .If.. Portugal. 1796. 6. 7. G.OLEMONIUM. W. 1 reptans. W. fi cagruleum. W, $ alba. maculata? PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 35 many-flowered. Convolvulaceae.B.P. Canaries, long-peduncled. three-coloured. creeping. hairy-stalked. Bearbind. great hedge. red-flowered. wood. small upright, sea. Ipomcea. wing-leaved, common scarlet. ■ bright scarlet, cut-leaved. Carolina, starry. Nightshade-lead. tuberous -rooted. ■ splendid. panicled. prickly. bell-flowered, purple-flowered. ■ flesh-coloured. blood-flowered, spolloped. Siberian. arrow-headed. denticulate. trifid. broad-leaved, great pprple. flesh-coloured, striped- flowered. spotted-flowered. Tafnnps-leaved, glaucous -leaved, narrow-leaved, three-lobed. Ivy-leaved, bjue. ffve-iobed. sharp-pointed. five-leaved. changeable. hoary. great-flowered. Jalap. umbel- flowered. rough-stalked. tubercled. pendulous. Hepatica-leaved. pal mated. thick-leaved. Brazilian. hairy. Retzia. spiked. CoBCEA. climbing, f Greek Va- \ lerian. J creeping. • blue-flowered, white-flowered, spotted-flowered. S. Europe. E. Ind. 1779. 1815. 1629. 1806. 8.9. G.b* Jac. ic. l.t. 34. 7.8. H.©. — — H.©. Bot. mag. 27. „ T fRumph. amb. ••• S-^-t t. 155. f.l. 6.8. S.©. , . 1804. Convolvulaceae.B.P. Convolvuli species Willd. n — Britain. 6.9. H.^. ~ — N. America r- — — — — ■ Hungary. 1815. H.T£. — N. America. 1796. 7. H.2JL. Britain 6.7. H.l/.. Eng. bot. 314 Eng. bot. 313. Bot. mag. 732. Convolvulaceae.B.P. Ipomcecc 8f Convolvuli species Tirilld. Bot. mag. 244. 221. E. Ind. 1629. 7-9. S.©. — Carolina. 1759. 6.9. H.©. W. Ind. 1713. S.0. — Georgia. 1813. G .If.. — Carolina. 1732. 7.8. H.l/. . — N. America. 1640. H.©. 1759. S. J, PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. slender. purplish. blue Cardinal. shrubby. bladder-podded, purple-dowered. acrid. Goodenia-like. beautiful-blue. pale-blue. small. Italian. ascending./ trailing. downy-leaved. spotted. yellow. various-leaved. hairy. Buck’s-horn. Holly-leaved. notched-leaved. Looking-glass. Cyphia. twining. bulbous. Goopenia. oval-leaved. large-dowered. Euthales. three-nerved. Scasvola. Purslane-leaved, thick-leaved. small-fruited. sweet-scented. Dampiera. upright. Brook-vve^d. common. sea-side. Cinchona. Caribbean. many-dowTered. PlNCKNEYA. downy. Mussae-nda. pubescent. PORTLANDIA. great-dowered, scarlet. Laurel-leaved, Aublet. Sf Pers. Genip-Treb. American, hairy. Gardenia. rooting. Cape Jasmine. double. starry. broad-leaved, spotted -dowered marsh. armed. thorny. bushy. small-dowered. criiusou-tippecb Camparmlaceae.B.P. N. S. W. Virginia. W. Ind. 1801. 7-10. G.0. 1809. 6'. 8. G .If.. 1665. 8.10. H.Tf. 1786. 1.7. S.R. 7.8. H.©. H.©. 6.7. H.y. 6.8. H.'R. H.R. H,*. 6.9. G.Tf.. 7. G,©. 6.9. G.Ij.. 6.8. G.J. G. Tf. . -G.0. Goodeniai species. B. Mag. New Holl. 1803. 5.9. G.Tf.. Bot. mag. 1137 Bot. mag. 741, Jac. ic. 3. t. 597. Bot. mag. 225. Lin.act.up.l741.t. i Lin.h.clif.426.t.26\ Eng. bot. 953. Willd. liort. ber.30 Mich, gen.18. t,14, Bot. mag. 901. Herm.lugdb.t.109, Jac.schoen.2.t.l78. Bot. mag. 514. 13.19. — 1692. Burm. afr,t.40. f.2, Bot. mag. 644. — — 1896. Bot. mag. 1499. Burm.afr.t.SS.f Bot. rep. 68. Bot. mag. 890. Goodenoviae. B. P. W. Ind. New Holl, N. S. W. Goodenovite. B. P. N. S. W. Primulaceae ? B. P. Sheffieldia . Labill. 1724 S,R. 1805. 8.10. G.R . 1790. 5.9. G .If., 1793. 8.9. G.Tf. . 1814. 6.8. G.Tf., Rubiaceae. J. Britain. N. S. W. W. Ind. 6.8. H.l f. 1806. 7-9. G.Tf.. Lab.nov Plum. ic.t. 165 Lab.nov.holl.l . Bot. mag. 287. Bot. rep. 22. Eng. bot, 703, Lab.nov.hol.l. Bot. rep. 481. Lamb. cinch. 2' Mich. amer. t Bot. mag. 286. Aub.guian.l.t.122, Plum.i.cl27.t.l3§. Bot. r eg. 73. Rum. am. 7 . t.l 4.f.3« Ehret. pict. t. 15. Bot. mag. 1004. Roxb. cor. 2. t.l 3^. J Thunb. act. stock, t 1776. t. 2. Roxb. cor. 2. t.l 3 5, Thu.gar.n.7.t.2.f.4. Roxb. cor. 2. t.l 36, Thu.gar.n.8.t.l.f.2, Bot, mag. 1904, OXYANTHUS. Dec. OxTANTHUS. speciosus. H. K. tube-flowered. RANDIA. P. S. Randia. 1 longiflora. P. L. long-flowered. 2 latifolia. P. S. round-leaved. WEBERA. W. Webera. 1 corymbosa. W. corymbose. 2 cymosa. W. cymose. Tsrithalis. W. Erithalis. fruticosa. W. shrubby. MORINDA. W. Morinda. 1 umbellata. W. umbelled. 2 citrifolia. W. broad-leaved. 3 Royoc. W. Laurel-leaved. NAUCLEA. W. Nauclea. orientalis. W. oriental. CEPHAELIS. W. Cephaelis. 1 elata. W. tall. BENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Rubiaceae. J. Gardenia species Andrews. 2 pedunculata. P. L. HAMELLIA. W. 1 patens. W. 2 sphaerocarpa. P» S. 3 ventricosa. W. RONDELETIA. W. 1 americana. W. 2 laevigata. H. K. .3 hirta. PI. K. MACROCNEMUM \ W. J jaraaicense. W. VANGUIERA. W. edulis. W. DENTELLA. W. repens. W. SERISSA. W. foetida. W. (3 fore pleno. PSYCHOTRIA. W. 1 asiatica. W. 2 citrifolia. W. 3 parasitica. W. 4 brachiata. W. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. !ong-peduncled. PIamellia. Rubiaceae. J. spreading. round-fruited. large-flowered. — Rondeletia. Rubiaceae. J. American. smooth-leaved. hairy. ■ — - MacrDGnemum Rubiaceae. J. — — SierraLeone. 1789. 7. Gardenia species JF'illd. SierraLeone. 1796. 8.9. W. Ind. 1733. 5.6. Canthium. Pers. Syn. E. Ind. 1759 1C11 S-h* Rot. rep. 185. S. h* Par. lond.93. S-h* Bro.jam.l43.t.8.f.l S. h« Rheed. mal. 2.t.23. S.h* S.h* Brown.jam.t.l7.f.S Jamaica; 1793. 7-8. E.Ihd. Otaheite. W. Ind. 1809 1793. •?. . 7.10. S-h- S. h» Rheed. mal. l.t. 5 2. S.h* Jac. vind. 1. t. 16. — E. Ind. 1800 S. h • Rheed. mal. 3.t.33. — — Jamaica. 1793 SierraLeone 2. s-V S.Tj. Par. lond; 103. St. Domingo 1752. 7.8. S-h • Ex. bot. l.t. 24. S.h* FI. par. 2.t.221.f.b, S-h* Par. lond. 55. W. Ind. 1778. 9.11. — - W. Ind. 1752. 8. S-h • Plum. ic.t. 242. f.l. Jamaica. Vanguiera. eatable. Dentellas. creeping. Serissa. Japanese. double-fotvered. PSYCISOTRI A. Indian. Citron-leaved. parasitic. cross- branched. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1790. 7.8. 1776. 6.8. 1806. s.h s*h Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. Rubiaceae. J. India. 1809. N. Holland. 1802. Japan. W. Ind. 1806. .... S.T-j. 1793. . s.h 1802. 5.8. S-h 1793 S.h 5 herbacea. W. 6 pubescent. W. COFFEA. W. 1 arabica. W. 2 occidentalis. W. CHIOCOCCA. W. herbaceous. — Jamaica. I Q I Q 4.6. S.^. .... s.h. 8.11. S-h- .... s.h. 2. S. h • .... G. h • n T. Coffee-tree. Rubiaceae. J. 1696. 1 70Q W Ind Snow-berry. Rubiaceae. J. 1 / VO. 1 *7 <»Q racemosa. W » PA3DERIA. W. foetida. W. PLOCAMA. w. pendula. W. LONICERA. Wr P.edersa. Rubiaceae. J. I / zv. 1806. 7 T*7CI Plocama. Rubiaceos. J. Honeysuckle. Caprifoliae. J. VttliUllVO* X t / . • • • VI. ri • Caprifolium Sf Xylosteum. J. 1 Caprifolium. W. 6 rubra. 2 d'ioica. W. 3 sempervii’ens. W. f 3 minor. 4 grata. W. 5 flava. B. M. h implexa. W. 7 Periclymenum. W. <3 serotina. 7 belgica. S quercifolia. 8 japonica. W. 9 nigra. W. I© tatarica. W. early. early red. small-flowered, trumpet. small trumpet. evergreen. bright yellow. Minorca. Woodbine. late red. Dutch. Oak-leaved. Japanese. black-berried. Tartarian. England! .... 5.6. H.h S. Europe. .... — — H. h N. America. 1766. 6.7. H.h 1656. 5.8. H. h Carolina. — F. h N. America. 1730. 6.8. H. h Carolina. Minorca. Britain. China. 1810. 5.6. F. h 1772. 1806. Switzerland. 1597. 3.4. H. h Russia. 1752. 4.5. H»h Swar.obs.68.t.3.f.l. Lam. ill. t. ] 59. Lam. ill. 1. 1 18; Bot. mag. 361. Jac.amer. t.51.f.l. Jac. amer. t. 46. Bot. mag. 1303. Jac.amer. t. 47* Bot. rep. 284. Icon. Ksempf. 9. Eng. bob ^99. Schmidt arb. t.106; Boti reg. 138. Bot. mag. 781. 1753. {Hort. angl. 15. n. 10. t. 8. Bot. mag. 1318. 640. Eng. bot. 800. Schmidt arb. t.l08. Hor.ang. 15. n.5,t.6 Bot. reg. 70. Schmidt arb. 1 10* Bot. reg. 31. 40 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 1 1 Xylosteum. W. 12 pyrenaicum. W. 13 alpigena. W. 14 cserulea. W. 1 5 flexuosa. W. SYMPHORIA. Ph. glomerata, Ph. DIERVILLA. J. humilis. P. S. TRIOSTEUM. W. 1 perfoliatum.W. 2 angustifolium. W. CONOCARPUS. W. 1 erecta. W. 2 procumbens. W. THESIUM. W. 1 linophyllum. W. 2 alpinum. P. S. 3 ebracteatum. P. S. 4 umbellatum. W. 5 amplexicaule. W. MIRABILIS. W. 1 dichotoma. W. 2 Jalapa. W. 0 J lava . alba. B rubro-alba. a rubro-Jlavd. 3 hybrida. W. cii. 4 longiflora. W. CORIS. W. monspeliensis. W. RAMONDA. P. S. pyrenaica. W. cn. Verb as cion My coni, Verbascum. w. 1 Thapsus. W. 2 Thapsoides. W, 3 ovalifoliam. H. K. 4 Boerhaavii. W. 5 elongatum. W. en. 6 pyranudatum. W.en 7 haemorrhoidaie. W. 8 phlomoides. W. 9 floccosum. P. S. 10 Lychnites. W. 11 pulverulentum.E.B 12 ferrugineum. W. 13 cupreum. B. M. 14 nigrum. W. 15 phoeniceum. W. 16 virgatum. B. B. 17 Blattaria. W. 1 8 glabrum. W. en. 19 repandam. W. en. 20 sinuatum. W. 21 pinnatifidum. W. 22 bipinnatifidum.B.M 23 Osbeckii. W. DATURA. W. 1 ferox. W. 2 Stramonium. W. 3 Tatula. W. 4 fastuosa. W. 5 Metel. W. 6 lasvis. W. fly. Pyrenean, ved-berried. blue-berried, flexuose. {St. Peter’s') Wort. j common. Diervilla. yellow-flowered. Feverwort. perfoliate, narrow-leaved. Button-Tree. upright, procumbent. {Bastard \ Toad Flax.J common. Alpine. obtuse-leaved. Caprifoliae. J. England. .... 6.7. — ==■ Pyrenees. 1739. 5. — - — “ Switzerland. 1596. 4.5. 1629. 3.4. 1 — China. 1806. 7-9. Caprifoliae. J. Lonicerce species Linn. N. America. 1730. 8.9. 6.7. 6.7. Caprifoliae. J. Caprifoliae. J. Lonicerce species Linn. — N. America. 1739. — — - — N. America. Virginia. Combretaceae. B.P. — — — Jamaica. — — Cuba. Santalaceae. B. P. England. Germany. 1730. 1699. 1752. 1730. 1814. 6.7. H.T* II. h . H.V ITT*. F* h - H.Tj. B.\. H. 2j. . H.%. S* h • s-h- H.l| H .If-, ■ H. 1/. . Eng. bol. 916. • Mag.hor.mon. 209. Schmidt arb. t.l 12. t.l 14. Schmidt arb. t.l 15. Bot. mag. 1796. Schku.hand.l.t. 41 Pluk.alm.t.l04.f.2. Cat. car. 2. t. 33. Jac.amer. t. 52. f. 2. Eng. bot. 247. Jac. aust. 5. t. 416. f Scbrad. bot. jour. 1 1800. t. 7. Nyctagineae. J. Solaneae. B. P. nmbelled. lveart-leaved. (Marvel of! Perl. j forked, common. yellow-flowered* white-flowered, red and white, red and yellow. close-flowered, long-flowered. Coris. Montpelier. Ramonda. Borage-leaved. . Linn. Mullein. Shepherd’s Club bastard. — oval-leaved. — — — — — — annual. long-stalked. — pyramidal. Madeira. woolly. wool-bearing. white. powdered. rusty. copper-coloured black-rooted. purple-flowered. — — slender. — - moth. smooth. — waved. — scollop-leaved. pinnatifid. — cut-leaved. — — Osbeck’s. Thorn-Apple. Solaneae. B. P Chinese. — * common. ■ — — blue. . purple. — downy. — smooth-fruited, - N. America. 1782. 6. H.lf.* C. B. S. 1787. .... G Mexico. 1640. 7.8. G .If., India. 1596. 6.9. ay. Bot. mag. 37 1 . Mexico. 1813. 6.9. 1759. Primulaceae. B. P. S. Europe. 1640. 6.7. Solaneae. B. P. Verbasci species Linn. Pyrenees. 1731, 5. Britain. England. Caucasus. S. Europe. Caucasus. Madeira, Italy. Hungary. Britain. England. S. Europe. Caucasus. England. S, Europe. Britain. S. Europe. Archipelago. Tauria. Spain. China. England. N. America. Egypt. Asia. Africa, 7.8. 1804. 7.9. 1731. 7.8. 1813. 1804. 1777. 6.8. 1739. 6.7. 1805- 6.8. G. 7T ■, ■G. H. 7JL. H. Park.theat.571.f.3. <2 \?>\ . Bot. mag. 236. Eng. bot. 549. Bot. mag. 1037. Mill. ic. 2. t. 273. Moenchh .n . 1 7 0.t.4, PI. rar. hung. t. 79, Eng. bot. 58. 487- 1683. 5.8. H.y. Bot. rep. 162. 1798. ■ H.y. Bot. mag. 1 226. .... ■ H.y. Eng. bot. 59. 1596. ■ H.y. Bot. mag. 885. . . . . 8. H. S • Eng. bot. 550. . . . . 7.8. n.j. 393. 1805. - H. (J . 1813. -H.*. 1570. 1788. 5. G.y. 1813. 7.8. H. £ 1752. — — H.(T Bot. mag. 1777. Tourn. it. 2. t. 83. Zano.his.212.U62 Eng. bot. 1288. Meerb. ic. 2. t. 13. Knor.thes.l.t.S.ll, Bot. mag. 1440. Jac. vind. 3. t. 82. PENTANDRIA MONQGYNIA. 41 7 ceratacaula. Jac. horn-stalked. Solanea:. B. P. Cuba. 1805. f>.8. H.©. Brugmansia. p.s. Brugmansia. Solaneae. B. P. Dnturce species TV Hid. 1 suaveolens. W. en. smooth-stalked. ■ Peru. 1733. 8.9. S.Jj. 2 arborea. W. en. downy-stalked. - 1813. -r— HYOSCYAMUS. W. Henbane. Solaneae. B. P. 1 niger. W. common. Britain. .... 6.7. H. \ Cherry. / clustered, bearded, flexuose. shrubby. Curassavian. clammy. Rensylvaniap. common, eatable, downy. angular-branch. Goose-foot-leav*1. Barbadoes. emaR* hairy-annual. trailing. Nicandra. blue-flowered. Nightshade. Mullein-leaved. ear-leaved. Winter-cherry. two-leaved. Bitter-sweet, thick-leaved. Oak-leaved. cut-leaved. rooting. Havannah, wave-leaved, coryuibed. America. 1816 G.Tf.. VeraCruz. 1733. 8. S.J. N. America. 1811. 7.8. H.Q. Eng. bot. 59 1. Com.kort.77. t. 22. Bot. mag. 87. Bot. r eg. 1 80. Pluk. aim. t. 37. f.5. Bot. mag. 852. 1126. Blackw. t. 146. Bot. mag. 673. Blackw. t. 437. Flor. per. 2. t. 129. Bot. rep. 484. Mill. ic. 2.tA85.f.2. Bot. mag. 1778. Solaneae. B. P. Atropce species Linn. — Leyant. 1548. 3.4. H.2JL. Bull. herb. 1. 145. Solanese. B. P. Solaneae. B. P. Solaneae. B. P. Britain. Spain. Jamaica. Mexico. Canaries. E. Ind. Campeachy. S. America. America. N. America. S. Europe. S. America. America. India. .... 6.7. H.Hf.. 1737. 1.3. G-b Eng. bot. 592. Cav. ic. 2.t. 102.' |.781. 3. S.Jj. Jap. schcen.l. t.4$. Cav. ic. 2. 1. 103. Solaneae. B. P. Solanese. B. P. — W. Ind. — E. In(]. — America. — Peru. Calydermos FI. — Peru. W. Ind. Madagascar. Madeira. W. Ind. Britain. Cl B. S'. Peru. N. Holland. Peru. W. Ind. Peru*, 1784. 1787. 1772. 1771. 1793. 1781. 178 6, Rliped. mal .4.t.55. Mill. ic.2. t.206\ f.2. Pluk.alm.t.l 1 l.f.5. Jac. vind. 2. t. 136- Bot. mag. 1068. Feuill. it. 3. t. 1. Dil.clt.13.t42.f4g Jac. ic. 1. 1. 3£>. Rheed.mal40ft.7I. Dill. elt.lQ.t. 9. f.9* Bot. rep. 75. Atropce species Linn. 7.9. H.©. Jac. obs. 4.t. 9S. 6.7. S.Ij. Jac. vind. 1. t. 13.. .... S. b • Scop, insub. 3. t. 8. Jac. ic. 2. t. 322. Eng. bot. 565. Dill.elt.t.273.f.352 Few. per. 772. t,15. Bot. mag. 349. Linn. fil. dec. l.t.19. Jac. amer. 49. t. 35, 50. t.3&. Jac. ic, 1. 1, 40, G 4a PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 13 bonariense. W. 14 macrocarpon. W. 15 tuberosum. W. tree. large-fruited. Potatoe. Solanete. B. P. Buen. Ayres. -- - Peru. 1 6 Lycopersicum. W. 1 7 Pseudo-Lycoper- 1 sicum. W. J 1 8 nigrum. W. 19 patulum. W. 20 villosum. W. en. 21 guinecnse. W. en. 22 melanocerasUm. 1 W. en. J 23 suffruticosiim.W.eri fringed-leaved. 24 Seaforthiauum.B.ll Seaforth’s. Love-Apple. round-fruited. black-berried. spreading. villous. large-berried. small-berried. S. America. 25 aethiopicum. W. 26 betaceum. P. S. 27 Melongena. W. 28 subin erme. W. 2,9 muricatum. W. 30 ferox. W. 31 insanum. P. S. 32 campechiense. W. 33 mammosum. W. 34 virginianum. W. 35 Jacquini. W. 36 coagulans. W. 37 indicum. W. 38 carolinense. W. 39 sodomeum. W. 40 Pyracantha. Sm. 41 marginatum. W. 42 stramolifolium. W. 43 tomentosum. W. 44 bahamense. W. 45 giganteum.W. 46 Milleri. W. 47 lanceolaturn. W. 48 i^neum. W. 49 trilobatum. W. 50 lycioides. W. 51 cordifolium. Vent. 52 amazonium. B. M. 58 Fontanesianum. 54 pinnatifidnm. Solanum kctcrandrum. Pursk. vol. i CAPSICUM. W. Capsicum. 1 annuum. W. long-podded. 2 sphisricum. W. en. globular-fruited 3 baccatum. W. Bird Pepper. 1 sinense. W. oval-fruited. 5 grossum. W. heart-shaped. 6 frutescens. W. shrubby. 7 bicolor. Jac. dark-fruited. 8 cerasiforme. W. Cherry Pepper. 9 pendulum. W. en. pendulous. CESTRUM. W. Cestrum. 1 laurifolium. W. Laurel-leaved. 2 macrophyllum. P. S. large-leaved. 3 loetidissimum. W.en. stinking. Ethiopian. Beet-leaved. Egg-plant. spear-leaved. wailed. Malabar. insane. purple-spined. nipple. Virginian. Jacquin’s. scollop-leaved. Indian. Carolina. black-spined. Orange-thorned. white- margined. broad-leaved. woolly. Bahama. tall. Miller’s. spear-leaved. red-spined. three-lobed spiny. Canary. Lambert’s. Desfontainesb pinnatifid. Britain. India. Barbadoes. Guinea. Virginia. ( Dill. elt. 364. t. \ 272. f. 351. 5.9. S.b • Mill. ic. 2. t. 294. 6.8. H.7| . Bauh.j)rod.89.t.S9. „ „ n ^ f Rumph. amb. 5. t. /.9. H.Q. | 154^ f K — H.©. Jac. host. 1. 1. 1 1. 6.9. H.Q. Eng. bot. 566. II.©. Dill.elt.t.275.f.355 H.©. t.274.f.353 H.©. t.274.f.354 H.©. t.275.f.356 1727. 6.9. G-b 1759. 1597. 1596. 1S00. Barbary. 1804. 5.9. G. b • Barbadoes. 1804. 7.9. s.b. Bot. rep. 504. Ethiopia. 1597. • H.©. Jac. vind. 1. t. 12. S. America. 1803. 6.7. s.b. Bot. rep. 511. Africa, &c. 1597. G.©. Pluk.phyt, 226. f. 2 W. Ind. 1752. 7.8. S.b* Jac.amer. t.40.f.3. Peru. 1785. — S.b. Feuill.per.-2. t. 26. E. Ind. 1795. 8.9. S.V. 1815. H.©. Pluk.alm.t.226.f.S. America. 1732. 7. G. b • Dill.elt. t.268.f.347 VV. Ind. 1699. 7.8. S.0. Pink. aim. t.226.f.l. Virginia. 1662. 5.8. H.Q. Dill.elt. t.267.f.346 E. ind. 1804. 9.11. • s.©. Jac. ic. 2. t. 332. Arabia Felix 1802. 7. s.©. India. 1732. — S.TV Dill.elt. t.270.f.349 Carolina. — 7.9. G.2JL. Jac. ic. 2. t. 331 . Africa. 16S8. 6.7. G- b • Herdud.573.t.575. Madagascar. 1789. 8.9. S.b- Ex. bot. 2. t. 64. Africa. 1775. 6.9. G- b • Jac. ic. J . t. 45. Supp. Solaneee. B. P. W. Ind. C. B. S. Bahama. C. B. S. Mexico. S. America. India. Peru. Canaries. Brazils. 1 1662 1732. 3 792. 1762. 1714. 1759. 1791. 1779. 1814. 1813. . 6.7. 7.8. 6.7. 3.11. 8. 5.6. 3.4. 5.9. 7-9. S. I2 . l.t. 44. G. h . Bocc. sic. 8. t. 5. G.b- Dill.elt. t.271.f.350 G. h . Jac. ic. 2. t. 328. G-b- 2. t. 330. S. . Cav. ic. 3. t. 245. D S S. b* Jac. vind. 1. t. 14. S. Lj * Bur.ind.57.t.22.f,2 S. b . Jac. ic. 1. t. 46. G. b . Vent. malm. 85. S. b • Bot. reg. 71. H. ©. -- 177. H.©. Pur. h. am. sept, t.7 II.©. Knorr.thes.2.t.C.6. s.b. S.b- Sloa.jam.l.t.l46.f.2 G. b • Jac. vind. 3. t. 6 7. * ■* { Be'sl. eyst. aut. 1. * \ 1. 11. f. 1. S. b* Rumph. amb. 5. t. 88 •S.b- Bot. mag. 1835. H. ©. 4.7. S-b- Solaneae. J. 4 nocturnum. W. 5 Paraui. W. night-smelling. Willow-leaved. 6 auriculatum. W. ear-leaved. 7 vespertinum. W. 8 fastigiatum. B. M. Q diuruum, W. cluster-flowered. Honeysuckle. day-smelling. W. Ind. 1691. 5.8. S.b • Smith spicil. 2.t. 2, — 1812. S.b- Vent, choix. 18. E. Ind. .... S. b • Jac.schoen.3.t.329. — 1732. 11. S-b- Dill.elt.t. 153.f.l 85 Chili. 1787. 6.7. G. b • Bot. mag. 1770. J L’Her. st. nov. 1. Peru. 1774. S-b- t t. 35. Wr. Ind. 1759. 5.7. S.b • Jac.schcen.3.t.328, 11. 1732. S.b S.b Bot. mag. 1729. Dill.elt. t,154.f. 186 10 vcnenatum. W. poisonous. 1 1 salicifolium. ."ac. Sallow-leaved. 12 tomeritosmn. W. downy. LYCIUM. W. Box-Thorn. 1 afrum. W. African. 2 rigidum. W. rigid. 3 l'uthenicum. W. Russian. 4 barbarnm. P. 8. Willow-leaved. 5 turbinatum. P. S. top-shaped. 6 europaeuiu. P. S. European. 7 lanceolatutn. P. S. spear-leaved. "8 chinense. P. S. Chinese. 9 ovatum. P. S. oval-leaved. 10 honiduin. W. succulent-leaved 1 1 boerhaaviaefolium.M 7 . gl auco us-leaved. 12 carolinianum. Ph. Carolina. ARDISIA. W. Arbisia. 1 acuminata. W. acuminated. 2 solanacea. W. Nightshade-like. 3 crenulata. P. S. crenulatcd. 4 lateriflora. W. side-flowering. 5 littoralis. B. R. sea-side. 6 eie'gans. B. R. elegant. 7 exeelsa. W. Laurel-leaved. JACQUINIA. W. Jacquinia. 1 armillaris. W. obtuse-leaved. 2 aurantiaca. H. K- Orange-flowered 3 ruscifolia. W. prickly. ACHRAS. W. Sapota. 1 mammosa. W. Mammee. 2 Sapota. W. common. 0 ZapotiUa . Nase berry - tree. CHRYSOPHYL- \ Star-Apple. LUM. W. J 1 Cainito. W. broad-leaved. 2 argenteum. W. narrow-leaved. SIDEROXYLON. W. Iron-Wood. inerme. W. smooth. SERSALISIA. B. P. Sersalisia. sericea. B. P. silky-leaved BUMELIA. W. Bumelia. 1 lycioides. Ph. Boxthoru-leaved. 2 tenax. W. silvery-leaved. 3 salicifolia. W. Willow-leaved. 4 nigra. W. black. 5 lanuginosa. Ph. woolly-leaved. 6 reclinata. Ph. reclined. 7 serrata. Ph. serrated. TECTONA. W. Teak- Wood. grandis. W. great. EL^EODENDRUM.W, Olive-Wood. 1 Argam. W. spiny. 2 orieivtale. W. oriental. 3 australe. H. K. thick-leaved. RHAMNUjS. W. Buckthorn. 1 catharticus. W. purging. 2 infectorius. W. yellow- berried. 3 lycioides. W. Boxthorn-like. 4 oleoides. W. Olive-leaved. 5 crenulatus. W. Teneriffe. 6 saxatilis. W. rock. 7 Theezans. W. Thea. 8 tetragonus. W. squ a re- b ra n died. 9 lanceolatus. Ph. spear-leaved. 1 0 alpinus. W. Alpine. 1 1 purailus. W. dwarf. 3 2 Frangula. W. f berry- bear2 d \ Alder. J 13 latifolius, W. broad-leaved. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Solaneae. B. P. Solaneie. J. C. B. S. Caracas. S. America. C.B. S. Siberia. Barbary. 1787. 2.4. G.Ti 4.6. S. k . 1790. 6.7. S. V 1712. 6.7. 1795. 4.5. G. 1804. . . . 1696. 5.8. H.k H .k> 43 J ac. schoen.3. t.3 26. Trew ehret. 4. t.24» t. 24. f. 1. J Murr.comm.goet. I 1779. t. 2. Schk. hand. 1 . t.46. Myrsineae. B. P. Sapoteae. J. Sapoteae. B. P. Sapoteae. B. P Sapoteae. B. P. Sapoteae. B. P. China. S. Europe. 1709. H.^ . 1730. H. 12 . Duh.ed.n.l 19.t.31. Mich.gen.t.l05.f.l. China. — H.k’ 1 H u Duh. ed. nov. t. 30. Lam. ill. 1. 112. f. 2. L’ n.45.t.23 Eot. mag. 1678. ■ 1677. Vent, choix. t. 5. Bot. rep. 186. C- B.S. Peru. Carolina. Angulllaria. Guiana. E. Ind. 17.91. 7.8. G. k • 1780. 4.5. G. k • 1806. 7.9. H.^. Geert- 1803. 7.8. S.^. 1798. 6.9. 8. k • i q no - q W. Ind. E. Ind. iouji — ■ o. rj • 1793. S.h* 1809. 7.8. S. Yj . Madeira. 1784. — — G.h> . Geert. seal. 1. 1. 77. W. Ind. 1768 S.T2. Jac. amer.53. t. 39. Sandwichlsl. 1796. 4.9. S. I2 . Bot. mag. 1639. S. America. 1729 S.Tj. Dill.elt.t. 129. f. 1 49 S. America. 1739 S.Tj. Jac.amer.t.l 82.f.l 9 1731 S-h- — .... S.b. Jac. amer. 57. t. 4 1. ~57.t.41.b W. Ind. 1737. 6.6. S.Pj Martinico. 1758 S.Ij C. B. S. 1692. 7. G.k Jac.amer.51.t.37.f.l 53.t.38.f.l Lam .ill. 2. t,120.f.l. Sideroxyli species Willd. - N. Holl. 1772. . . . Sapoteae. B. P. Sideroxyli species Linn . G.k V-erbenaceae. J Rhamni. J. Rhamni. J. — N. America. 1758. 8. H.T?. Duham.avb.2.t. 68. — Carolina. 1765. 7.8. H. 1? . Jac. obs. 3. t. 54. — S. America. 1758 S. k • Cat. car. 2. t. 75. W. Ind. 1806 S.E. — Carolina. .... H-h- .... H.Tj . YTent. dioix. 22. — Missouri. 1812 H.lJ . E. Ind. 1777 S.fy. Roxb. cor. l.t. 6. — Morocco. 1711. 7. H.\ • Comm.hort.l.t.83. — Mauritius. 1771 S. Tj . Jae. ic. l.t. 48. N. S. W. 1796. 6.8. G. k • Vent. malm. 117- — England. .... 5.6. H.Ij. Eng. bot. 1629* — S. Europe. 1683. 6.7. Ardui.mem. 78.1.14 — Spain. 1752. 9.12. G.I2. Cav. ic. 2. t. 182. 6.7. h.i2. — Teneriffe. 1778. 3. G. k • — Europe. 1752. 5.6. H.Ij. Jac. aust. 1. 1. 53. — China. .... G.I*. C.B.S. 1816. .... G.T2 . — N. America. 1812 H. k • Switzerland. 1752. 5.6. Hall. hist. l.t. 40. — Carnioia. 7. II. k • Jac. coll. 2. t. 11. — Britain. 4.5. H. k • Eng. bot. 250. Azores. G 2 1778. 7. 44? PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 14 glandulosus. W. Madeira. 1 15 prinoides. W. Winter-berry-ld. 16 mystacinus. TV"; wiry. 17 alnifolius. W. Alder-leaved. franguloides. Ph. 1 8 hybridus. P. S. hybrid. ( broad-leaved \ 19 AlaternuS. W. eri. \ Alaternus. J 20 Clusii. W. eri. narrow-leaved. ZIZYPHUS. W. Zizyphus. 1 lineatus. W. lined. 2 volubilis. W. twining. 3 Paliuriis. W; Clnist’s-thorn. 4 Lotus. W. Barbary. 6 Napeca. W, Oblique-leaved. 4) Jujuba. W. bidnt-leaved. 7 vulgaris. W. fcortiftlort. CELASTRUS. W. Staff-TreR, 1 lucidus. W. shinirlg. 2 bullatus. W. Virginian. 3 octogonus. W. angular-leaved. 4 scandens. W. climbing. 5 fcasslrioides. W. crenated. 6 cernuus. W. drooping. 7 tetragonus. P. S. four-sided. 8 buxifolius. W. Box-leaved. 9 pyracanthus. W. Pyracmtha-ld. SENACIA. P. S. Senacia. undulata. P. S. wave-leaved. EUONVMUS. W. Spindle-Tree. 1 japonicus. W. Japan; 2 europasuS. W. European. 3 Verrucosus. W. watted. 4 latifolius. W. broad-leaved. 5 atropurpureus. W. purple. 6 americanus. W. evergreen. 7 angustifolius. Ph. narrow-leaved. HOVENIA. Th. Hovenia. dulcis. Th. sweet. CEANOTHUS. W. Ceanothus. 1 americanus. W. New* JerseyTea. 2 intermedius. Ph. intermediate. 3 sanguineus. Ph. red-stalked. 4 micropliyllus. Ph. small-leaved. 5 asiaticus. W. Asiatic. 6 colubrinus. P. S. f BahamaRedO 1 wood. f lihamnns colulrinus. If'7'. 7 reclinatus. P. S. oval-leaved. ftkamnus •ellipticus. TV. 8 africanus. W. African. 9 globulosus. H. K. round-headed. POMADERRIS. Lab. Pomaderris. 1 apetala. II. K. petalless. 2 elliptica. H. BL oval -leaved. 3 lanigera. B. M. woolly. PHYLICA. W. Phylica. 1 ericoides. W. Heath-leaved. 2 parviflora. W . small-flowered. 3 lanceolata. W. lance-leaved. 4 capitata. W. en. headed. 5 pubescens. W. downy. 6 eriophoros. W. pale-fiowefed. 7 rosmarinifolia. P. S. Rosemary-leAv’d. 8 axillaris. P. S. axillary-flowered. 9 plumosa. \V. feathered. 1 0 villosa. W. Villous. 1 1 stipularis. W. horned. 12 cordata. W. heart-leaved. 13 buxifolia. W, Box-leaved-, Rhamni. J. Canaries. 1785. C.B. S. 1778. Africa. 1775. N. America. 177&. — S. Europe. 1629. Rhamni. J. khamni. J. — China. — Carolina. — S. Europe. — Africa. — Ceylon. — E. ind. — S. Europe. 6.7. G.T* . Vent. malm. 84. 8.9. G. b . L’Her. sert. t. 9. 11. 5. H. b « 6.6. H-b- 4.6. H. b . H.h- i804. 1714. 1596. 1731. 1816. 1759. 1640. 6.7. G. V H-b H. h- G>h S.h s-h Osb. it. t. 7. Jac. ic. 2. t. 836. Pall. ros$. 2. t. 64. 1788.t.2l Rumph.amb.2. t.37 -2.t.36. 4.5. 8.9. G. b ; Pall. ross. 2. t. 5§. 1722. 1759. 1786. C.B.S. Virginia Peru. N. America. 1736. Canaries. 1779- C.B.S. 1815. — 1816. = * 1752. 1742. Rhamni. J. Rhamni. J. Celastri species tV ill'll. — Bourbon. 1785. 1 — Japan. — firitairh — Austria. 1804. 1763. * 1730. N. America. 1756. 1683. 1806. 4.9. G-b- 7. H-b- 10.11. G.b* 5.6. H. b • 8.9. G.lj. .... G.b,. .... G.T2. 5.6. G. b • ■ .... S.T*. 6.8. G. Tj . 5.7. f Lb- 5.6. H. b • 6.7. H-b‘ H. \ . H.T*. H.h. Meerb. ic. 1. 1. 12. Pluk. aim. t.28.f. 5. Schu.handb.l.t.47. L’Hei*.sert.6.t. iO. Mout.hat.h.t.21.f.l Bot. mag. 1167. Kaempf. ic. t. 8. Eng. hot. 362. Schmidt arb. t. 72. ■ t. 74. t. 73. t. 75. Rhauini. J. Rhamni. J. Japan. 1812. G. J* . Lam. ill. 1. 131. N. Aiherica. 17i3. — 1812. Missouri. N. America. 1806. Ceylon. 1691. Bahama. 7.10. H-b 6.7. H-b 5.7. H-b 1806. 6.7. G.b 1691. 7.8. S.Pj. 1726. 6. S-V Schmidt arb. 132. Pluk. alni.t,28.f.8. Cav. ic.5. t.440.f.l . Jac. vind. 3. t. 50. Jamaica. 1758. 8. fc-b- Brown.jam.t.29.f.2 RharnUi. J. C.B.S. 1712. N. Holland. 1803. N. Holland. 1803. . 1805. 1806. 4.6. G.Tj. 3.4. G. b- Pluk.phyt.126. f. 1. 4.5. G.b. Lab.nov.holl.l.t.85 5.6. G. b- Lab.nov.holl.l.t.87 5.7. G.b* Bot. mag. 1510. 1823. Rhamni. J. C. B. S. 1731. 1790. 1800. 1774, 1815. 1812. 1752. 1790. 1786. 1789. 1759. 9-4. 4.7. 4.5. 5.8. 2.4. 11. 5.6. 3.5. 5. 5.9. 5.6. 6.9. G* b • G. b • G. b • G. b • G.V G.b* G.b* G.b- G.b. G.b- G.b- G.b- Bot. mag. 224. V 7?/ Burm.afr.t.44. if.3. Pluk.amal.t.445.f.l Pluk.mant.t.34 2 .f.S Bhrm.afr.t.43. f.2. Comm.rar.62.t.l2. B'urm.afr.t. 44,f.l. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. iU spicata. W. spiked. 1 5 myrtifolia. P. S. Myrtle-leaved. 1 6 callosa. W. callous-leaved. 17 paniculata. W. panicled. 18 imbricata. W. imbricated. 19 cylindrica. W. eh. cylindrical. 20 racemosa. W. cluster- flowered. 21 pinifolia. W. Pine-leaved. BRUNIA, W. BuUnia. 1 nodiflora. W. imbricated. 2 paleacea. W. fchafl'y. 3 lanuginosa. W. woolly. 4 verticillata. W. ■whorled. 5 deusta. Tb. black-tipped. 6 microphylla. Th. small-leaved. 7 laxa. Th. spiked. 8 alopecuroides. Tb. Fox- tail. 9 abrotanoides. W. Thyme-leaved. 10 superba. W. superb. 1 1 fragarioides. W. Strawberry-like. 12 ciliata. L. •ciliated. STAAVIA. W. Staavia. 1 radiata. W. rayed. 2 glhtinosa. W. clammy. PLECTRONIA. W. Plectkonia. corymbosa. P. S. corymbed. ADENANDRA. W.en. Adenandra. 1 uniflora. W. en. one-flowered. 2 umbeilata. W. en. umbel-flowered. 3 fragrans. B. M. red-flowered. 4 ? tetragona. W. tetragonal. BAROSMA. W. en. Barosma. 1 serratifolia. W. en. saw-leaved. 2 latifolia. W. broad-leaved. 3 crenata. W. crenated. 4 ovata. W. oval-leaved. DIOSMA. W. en. Diosma. 1 oppositifolia. W. Opposite-leaved. 2 linearis. W. linear-leaved. S alba. Th. White-flowered. 4 hirsuta. W. hairy-leaved. 5 rubra. W. red-calvxed. ericifolia. li. R. 451. 6 pectinata. W. en. pectinated. 7 ericoides W. Heath-leaved. 8 cupressina. W. Cypress-leaved. 9 tenuifolia. W. en. slender-leaved. lo succulenta. W.en. succulent-1 eaVed AGATHOSMA.W.en. Agathosma. 1 liispida. W. rough-leaved. 2 ciliata. W. Ciliated. 3 capitata. W. pale purple. 4 villosa. W. shaggy. 5 imbricata. W. imbricated. 6 acuminata. W. en. acuminate. 7 marginata. Th. margin ate. 8 cerefolia. Ven. Chervil- scented. Rhamni. J. C.B.S. 1774. 11.12 1816 1774 1812, 1801. Rhamni ? J. C.B.S. Rhamni ? J. Rhamni? J. C. B. S. C. B. S. 1790. 1789. 1786. 1791. 1774. 17&4. 1804. 1805. 1816. 1787. 1791. 1794. 1812. 1787. 1793. 1816. 3.4. 4.6. 8.11. 4.8. 5.9. 5. 7.8. 6.8. Diosmeae. Diosmce Species Linn. C.B.S. 1775. 17819. 1812. — 1789. Diosmeae. Diosmce species Linn. C.B.S. 1789. 1774. 1790. Diosmeae. C.B.S. 1812. 1756. 1790. 5.7. 5.6. 4.5. 4.7. 5.7. 7.8. 3.6. 7.8. 1.3. 2.9. 3.7. 2.5. 4.6. 3.7. 6.7. 4.6. Diosmeae. JJiosmee species — C.B.S. 9 pubescens. W. en. 10 pulchella. W. LASIOPETALUM. \ Vent. / 1 parviflorura. L. T. 2 ferrugineutn. B.R. 3 purpureum. H. K. 4 arborescens. H. K. 5 solanaceiim. B. M. pubescent. blunt-leaved. Lasiopetalum. small-flowered. rusty. purple. Nettle- tree-leavd Solanum-like. Linn. 1786. — 1774. — ■ 1790. — 1786. — 1774. — - 1812. — 1806. — 1790. .0.\. G.T*. G.Pz. G. h • G.h. G. k . G.h- G -h- G -h- G.fz* G.h- ■G.^. G.^. G.k. G.h* G.Tj. G.h> ■G.k. ■ G-h • G.k. G.k • G.k • G.k> G.k. G.k • G.k. Gk . G.k. G.k. G.k. G.k. G.k • ■G.k. ■G.k. G.k. G.k. G.k. G.k . G.k. G.k. 6.8. 4.5. 5.6 6.8, 4.6, G.T*. G.k G.k G.k G.k G.k- G.k. G-k 1798. 5.8. G.Tj. 1787. 2.9. G.Tj, £ qtiercifolium. H. K. Oak-ieaned. N. Holland. 1810. 4.7. G.Tj. 1791. G.k. 1803. G. k. 1802. G,T*. 1803. G.Jj, G.k 45 Latn. ill. t. 127.f.3. Breyn.cent.22.t.l6 Pluk.alm. t.318.f.4. Burm.afr. 1. 1 00 .f. 1 . Breyn.cen.165.U82 Bot. mag. 273. 1271 1519. Bot. mag. 456. Bot. rep. 33. Bot. mag. 1616. Comm. rar. 1 . 1. 1. Comm. fair. 3. t. 3. 2. t. 2. Wen d .col 1 . pi . 1 . t .B. Mill. ic.l.t.l24.f.2. Pluk.alm. t.279.f.2. W end.coll . pL l . tA . Wend. coll. pi. l.t<®. pl.l.t.9. pt.l.t.28 Pluk.alm. t.41 1 .f.3. Vent. malm. 93. f Wend. coll. pi. 1. \ 1. 13 et 14. Bot. mag. 1357. {Linn, trans. v. 10. t. 19. f. 2. Bot. mag. 1766. • 1755. Bot. mag. i486. — 1485= 46 BURS ARIA. Cav. spinosa. Cav. BILLAEDIERA. Sm. 1 scandens. W. 2 mutabilis. H. K. 3 longiflora. B. M. PITTOSPORUM. W. 1 coriaceum. W. 2 viridiflorum. B. M. 3 Tobira. H. K. 4 undulaturu. H. K. 5 revolution. H. K. 6 ferrugineum. H. K. CYRILLA. L. caroliniana. Ph» BROSSiEA. L. coccinea. L. ITEA. L. virginica. W. GALAX. W. aphylla. W. CEDRELA. W. odorata. W. Bursaria. thorny. Apple-Berry. climbing. changeable. blue- berried. PlTTOSPORUM. thick-leaved. green-flowered. glossy-leaved. wave-leaved. downy-leaved. rusty-leaved. CyRilla. Carolina. Bross^a. scarlet. Itea. Virginian. Galax. heart-leaved. BastardCedar Barbadoes. pentandria monogynia. Pittosporeae. Br. Pittosporeae. Br. Pittosporeae. Br. N. S. W. 1793. 8.12. G. I2 . Bot. mag. 1767. Ericeae. J. Ericeae. Saxifrageae. P. S. Meliee? J. CALODENDRUM. W Calodendrum. capense. W. MANGIFERA. W. indica. W. HIRTELLA. W. americana. W» RIBES. W. 1 rubrum.W. 3 album. 2 petraeum. W. 3 procumbens. W. 4 prostratum. Ph. 5 resinosum. Ph. 6 alpinum. W. 7 spicatum. Sm. 8 nigrum. W. 9 aureum. Ph. 10 floridum.W. 1 1 laxiflorum. Ph. 42 hirtellum. Ph. 13 gracile. Ph. 14 triflorum. Ph. 1 5 Diacantha. W. 16 reclinatum. W. 17 Grossularia. W. 1 8 Uva-crispa. W. Cape. Mango-Tree. Indian. Hirtella. American. Currant. red. white. rock, trailing, glandulous. clammy. Alpine, acid, black, golden. Pensylvanian. loose-flowered, hairy, slender, three-flowered, two-spined. procumbent. {rough Goose- \ berry. J {smooth Gooseberry. J 1 9 oxyacantboides. W. Hawthorn-leavd. Cacti. J. 20 lacustris. Ph. 21 Cynosbati. W. Hedera.w. Helix. W. VITIS. P. S. 1 vinifera. W. 2 indica. W. 3 Labrusca. W. $ baccis albis. 4 vulpina. W. 5 cordifolia. Ph. 6 riparia. Ph. 7 rotundifolia. Ph. 8 laciniosa. W. LEE A. W. 1 sambucina. W. 2 aequata. W. swamp. prickly-fruited. Ivy. common. Vine. common Grape. Indian. downy-leaved. Bland’s Grape. Fox-grape. Winter-grape. sweet-scented. Bull-grape. Parsley-leaved. Leea. Elder-leaved. shrubby. Caprifoliae. J. Vites. J. Meliae. J. N. S. W. Van Diem. Madeira. C.B. S. China. N. S. W. Guinea. Carolina. S. America. 1790. 6.8. G. Jj 1795. 6.9. G.I2 1810. G.T* , 1787. 1806. 1804. 1789. 1795. 1787. 5. G.Jj, 5.6. G. ]•£ 3.8. G. 2.6. G.T2, 2.4. G. \i , 2.5. S.^, Bot. mag. 801. 1313. 1507. Bot. rep. 151. Bot. mag. 1684. 1396. Bot. reg. 16. 186. 1765. 6.8. G. Ij s.v N. America. 1744. 6.8. H. ^ lilandfordia. 13. Rep. Jac. ic. 1. t. 47. •' \ 0 Plu.gen.7.ic.6’4.f.2. T rew.eliret.5 5 . t .9 8 Terebintaceae. J. Rosaceae. J. N. America. 1786. 6.7. H.ty. Bot. mag. 754. W. Ind. 1730 U /Brown, jam. 158. 1739 \ t. 10. f. 1. C.B. S. 1789 G. Hout.nat.liis.4.t.22 E. Ind. 1690. 6.9* S.Jj. Bot. rep. 425. W. Ind. 1782 S. Aub. guian. l.t. 98. Britain. .... 4.5. H. I2 . Eng. bot. 12S9. England. Dauria. ^ .... 5. H. I2 • Eng. bot. 705. 1804. 5.6. H.J*. Pall. ross. 2, t. 65. N. America, Britain. England. Britain. Missouri. N. America 1777. 1800. Siberia. Germany N. America. Canada. Britain. Various. Indies. N. America. L’Her. stirp. 1. 1.2. Bot. mag. 1583. Eng. bot. 704. 1290. 1291. Bot. r eg. 125. Dill.elt.t.244. f.315 Will.lior.ber.l .t.6l Schmidt arb. t. 97. Eng. bot. 1292. 2057. E. Ind. 1705. 4.5. PI. Ti, 1812. H. 1759. 4. II. ^ 10.11. h.t2 .... 6.7. n.h 1692 S 1656 H. . .... H.^. 1806 H. J2 . 5.6. H.J*. .... H.h. 1648. 6.7. H-V s-h- s Dill.elt.t.l39.f.l66. Schmidt arb. 98. Jac. ic. 1 . t. 50. Rheed. mal. 7. t. 6. Jac. schoen. 426. 1790. 1777. — 425. — 427. Sclnnidelic.34.t.8. Cav. diss. 7. t. 218. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 4T 3 crispa. W. GRONOVIA. W. scandens. W. IMPATIENS. W. 1 Balsamina. W. 2 eoccinea. H. K. 3 biflora. Ph. 4 Nolitangere. W. LAGCECIA. W. cuminoides. \V. CLAYTONIA. W. 1 virginica. Ph. 2 caroliniana. H. K. 3 lanceolata. Ph. 4 sibirica. W. 5 alsinoides. Ph. 6 perfoliata. W. VIOLA. W. 1 palmata. W. 2 pedata. W. 3 pinnata. W. 4 sagittata. W. 5 lanceolata. W, 6 obliqua. W. 7 cucullata. W. 8 blanda. Ph. 9 priraulifolia. Ph. 10 sororia. Ph. 1 1 liirta. W. 12 papilionacea. Ph. 13 clandestina. Ph. 1 4 palustris. W. 15 odorata. W. a purpurea. 0 alba. ccerulea. t purpureo-plena. e albo-plena. £ ceeruleo-plenu. v pallido-plena. 16 canina. W. 17 lactea. E.B. 1 8 montana. W. 19 cenisia. W. 20 valderia. W. en. 21 canadensis. W. 22 striata. W. 23 pubescens. W. 24 mirabilis. VV. 25 biflora. W. 2 6 uniflora. W. 27 Nuttallii. Pb. 28 concolor. L. T. 29 Zoysii. W. 30 altaica. B. Reg. 31 arvensis. P. S. 32 tricolor. P. S. a 33 amoena. E. B. 34 rothomagensis, P.S 35 sudetiea. VV. en. 36 lutea. E. B. 37 grandiflora. L. 38 calcarata. W. 39 cornuta. W. 40 arborescens. W. IONIDIUM. Vent. polygdlaefolium. V. HELICONIA. W. 1 Bibai. W. 2 humilis. W- fringed-stalked. Gronovia, climbing. Balsam. garden. glandular-leaved two-flowered. Touch me not. Cumin. wild. Claytonia. Virginian. spatula-leaved. spear-leaved. Siberian. Chickweed-like. small-flowered. Violet. palmated. cut-leaved. winged-leaved. arrow-leaved. spear-leaved. oblique-flowered. hollow-leaved. white-flowered. Primrose-leaved. white-rooted. hairy. variegated. small-flowered. marsh. sweet. purple-flowered, white-flowered, blue-flowered, double purple, double white, doxible blue. Neapolitan. dog’s. cream-coloured. mountain. Alpine. fringed-leaved. Canadian. streaked. downy. broad-leaved. two-flowered. Siberian. Nuttall’s. green-flowered. crenated. Tartarian. corn. Heart’s-ease. purple. . Rouen, tooth-flowered, yellow- flowered, great-flowered, spurred, horned, shrubby. Ionidium. whorl-leaved. Heliconia. Plantain-leaved, dwarf. Meliae. J. Bengal. Cucurbitacea;. J. • Jamaica. Geranias? J. E. Ind, Umbelliferse. J. N. America. England. Levant. Portulacese. J. — - N. America. Violese. Siberia. Nootka Sd. N. America. N. America. S. Europe. N. America. England. N. America. Pensyl vania. Britain. Britain. — England. — Alps of Eur. ~ Mt. Cenis. N. America. — Germany. — Alps of Eur. ■- Siberia. — Missouri. — N. America. — Carinthia. — Siberia. — Britain. France. Britain. Switzerland, Pyrenees. Spain. Videos. Viola; ;pecies TV, g. America. Musaceae. P S. W. Ind. Caracas. 1676. 8.10. S.lf . 1731. 6.7. S.lf. 1596. 7.10. S.©. 1808. 6.9. H,©. .... H.©. .... H.©. 1640. 6.7. H.©. 1748. 3.5. H.lf. 1789. H .If. 1812. H.lf . 1768. 5.8. H.©. 1794. 3.6. H.©. 1794. 5.8. H.©. 1752. 5.6. H.lf. 1759- LI. If. 1752. H .If. 1775. 7. H.2f. 1759. 6.7. H.lf . 1762. 5.6. H.2f. 1772. 5.7. H.lf. 1802. H.lf. 1783. 4.6. H.lf . 1802. H.lf . 4.5. H. If . 1800. 5.6. H.2f . 5. H.lf . .... 5.6. H .If.. .... 3.5. H.lf , Bot. rep. 355. Jac. ic. 2. t. 338. Blackw. t. 583. Bot. mag. 1256. Eng. bot. 937. Lam. ill. t. 242. Bot. mag. 941. Par. lond. 71. Act.stock.l 746.t.5. Bot. mag. 1309. 1336. Bot. mag. 535. 89. Gmel.sib.4.t.49.f.4. Gmel.sib.4.t.49.f.2* Bot. mag. 1795. Willd.hort.ber. 24. Willd.hort.ber. 72. Eng. bot. 894. Eng. bot. 444. — — 619. .... 4.6. H.lf. Eng. bot. 620. .... 5. H.lf. • 445. 1683. 5.6. H.lf. Bot. mag. 1595. 1759. 6.7. H.lf. All.ped. 2.t.22,f.6. 1805. 5.6. H.lf. — t.24.f.3. 1783. ■H.lf. 1772. 6.7. H.lf. — H.lf. 1732. 6.8. H.lf. Flor. dan. 1045. 1752. 4.5. H.lf. 46. 1774. 6.7. H.lf. Gmel.sib.4.t.48.f.5. 1812. 5.6. H.lf. 1788. 6.7. H.lf. Linn.traos.6. t.28. 7.9. H.lf. Jac. coll.4.t.l l.f.L 1805. 3.6. H.lf. Bot. reg. 54. 4.9. H.©. • H.©. .... 5.7. H.lf. Eng. bot. 1783. 5.8. H.lf. Bot. mag. 1498, 1805. *H, 2f . .... ‘H.lf. Eng. bot. 721. ■H,lf . Hall.helv.566.U7 ' L752. 3.6. H.lf. 1776. 5.6, H.lf. Bot. mag. 791. 1779. 4.5. G. h . Barr. ic. 568. ;797. 4.8. G.lf. Vent. malm. 27. 1786. 4.5. S.lf. Swart.ob.96. t. 5. f.2 1798. 5.6. S.lf . Jac.schoe.l.t.4S.49 V 48 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 3 Psittaeorum. W. Parrot-beaked. STRELITZIA. H. K. Strelitzia. 1 augusta, H. K. august. 2 reginae. H. K. Canna-Ieared. 3 ovata. H. K. ovate-leaved. 4 farinosa. H. K. mealy-stalked. 5 angustifolia. H. K. narrow-leaved.' 6 parvifolia. H. K. rush-leaved. GOMPHRENA. B. P. ( Globe Am a- 1 (_ BANTU. J 1 globosa. W- annual. 2 perennis. W. perennial. 3 arborescens. W. tree. 4 interrupta. W. trailing. PHILOXERUS. B. P. PHILOXERUS. 1 vermiculatus. B, P. Creeping. 2 brasiliensis. B. P. upright. ACHYRANTHES.W. Achyranthes. 1 arjjentea. W. upright. 2 aspera. W. rough. 3 mnricata. W. prickly. 4 alternifclia. W. alternate-leaved. 5 porrigens. H. K, crimson-flowerd. 6 nivea. W. white. PUPALIA. Juss. Pupalia. 1 lappacea. J. Burry. 2 prostrata. B. P. prostrate. DEERINGIA, B. P. Deeringia, celosioides. B. P. Berry-bearing, Cock’s-Comb, CELOS1A. B. P. 1 argentea. W. silvery-spiked. 2 cristata. W. common. 3 comosa. W. tufted. 4 coccinea. W. scarlet. 5 cernua. B. R, drooping. 6 castrensis. W, branched. 7 Monsoniae. W. downy. 8 nodiflora. W. knotted. LESTIBUDESIA.B.P. Lestibudesia. 1 paniculata, B. P. panicled. 2 trigyna. B. P. oval-leaved. 3 virgata. B. P. wave-leaved. ALTERNANTHE- \ J Alternan-J RA. B. P. J 1 THERA. J 1 Achyrantha. B. P. creeping. 2 polygonoides. B.P. Persicaria-leaved. 3 sessile. B. P. sesile-ttowered. JEItUA. Juss. ASrua. 1 lanata. J. woolly. 2 javanica. J. spear-leaved. ILLECEBRUM. Juss. Knot-Grass. verticillatum. W. whorlej. PARONYCHIA. G. Paronychia. 1 nitida. G. mountain. 2 capitata. Juss. Spanish. 3 nivea. P. S. villous. 4 alsinifolia. J. Chickweed-leavd. ANYCHIA. Mich. Anychia. dichotoma. Ph. forked. Queria canadensis . TV. MOLLIA. W, Mollia. forked. 1 drffusa. H. K. 2 avistata. H. K. bearded. CHENOLEA.wl Chenolea, diffusa. W. silky. GLAUX. W. Blk. -Salt wort. ! maritiina. W. sea. MENYANTHES. B.P. Buck-Bean, trifoiiata, W, common- Musaceae. P. S. Musaceae. P. S. W. Ind, 1797. 8.9. S.lf. . Bot. mag. 56%, C.B.S, 1791. 4.5. 1773. 4.5. 1777. 4.4. 17,95. 4.3. 1778. 5.6. 1796. 5.7. s-h- s.*. s.y. S-V- s-V. s.lf.. Red. lil. 77. 78. Bot. mag. 119.120. Cf/& Amarantbaceae. B. P. India. S. America. W. Ind. Amarantbaceae. B. P. Gomphrenee species Linn. — > S. America. .... 7.10. S.lf. — Brasil. 1790 < S.^ 1714. 5.10. S.0 1734. 7.10,. S.2JL 1802. 17S3. 7.8. S. Jac. vind. 3. t. 15. Jac. ic. 2. t. 330. Dill. elfc. 8. t.7. f. 7«t Herm. par. 17. Rbeed.mal.lO.t.l 1. Mill. ic.l. t. 11. f.l, Burm.ind. t. 65. f.2, Amaranthaceae. Juss. — — r England. Aiparanthaceae. Juss. Jllecebri species TV. r — - — S, Europe. 1640. 5.8. Spain. 1683. 6.8. 1812. 7. H -If.. Eng. bot. 89,5. Amarantbaceae. J. Chenopodeae. B.P. Salicariae. J. Gentiane^ ? B. P. .... N. America. 1806. Polycarpasa. Lam. Canaries. 1779. 1780. ■ C.B. S. 1758. Britain, Britain, G-.V- h .©. 5,8, H,cf Lobel. ic, 420. f, 1. Scop. del. ins. 1. 13. Ort. dec. t. 15. f. 2, 5,6. H .If.. Eng. bot. 13, 7. Eng. ty)t. ^95. PENTANDRXA MONOGYNIA. 49 VILLARSIA. B.P. 1 nymphoides. W. 2 lacuuosa. V. 3 sarmentosa. B. M, 4 indica. W. 5 parnassiifolia. B.P. 6 ovata. V. LOGAN! A. B. P. 1 latifolia. B. P. 2 ^oribunda. B. P. Euosma alb flora. SPIGELIA. W. 1 Anthelmia. W. 2 marilandica. W. LISIANTHUS. w. 1 longifolius. W. 2 glaucifolius. Jac. 3 exsertus. W. 4 cordifolius. W. CHIRON I A. B. P. 1 jasmin oides. L. T. 2 Sychnoides. L. T. 3 linoides. W. 4 baccifera. W. 5 angustifoli-a. H. K. 6 frutescens. W. 7 decussata. H. K. SABBATIA. P. L. 1 gracilis. Ph. 2 calycosa. Ph. 3 chloroides. Ph. ERYTHEMA. P. S. 1 Centaurium. P. S, 2 pulchella. E. B. 3 littoralis. E. B. 4 maritima. P. S. EUSTOMA. P. L. silenifolium. P. L. SCOPOLIA. W. aculeata. W. BUTTNERIA. W. 1 scabra. W. 2 microphylla. W, AYENIA. W. 1 pusiila. W. 2 laevigata. P. S. STRYCHNOS. W. 1 Nux-vomica. W. 2 potatorum. W. GELSEMIUM. J. sempervirens. H.K. RAUWOLFIA. W. 1 nitida. W. 2 canescens. W. CARISSA. W. 1 Carandas. W. 2 spinarum. W. ARDUINA. W. bispinosa. W. CERBERA. W. 1 Ahouai. W. 2 Manghas. W. 3 maculata. W. 4 ovata. W. 5 Thevetia. W. ALLAMANDA. W. cathartica. W. VINCA. W. 1 hprbacea. W. en« 2 minor, W. Villaksia. fringed. smooth- flowered . running. Indian. tall. oval-leaved. Logan i a. broad-leaved, many-flowered. B. R. Worm-Grass. annual. perennial. Lisianthus. long-leaved. glaucoijs-leaved. oval-leaved. heart-leaved. Chironia. Jasmine-leaved. Lychnis-flowerd. Flax-leaved. berry-bearing. narrow-leaved. shrubby. ci oss-leaved. Sabbatia. slender. dichotomous. Chlora-like. ERYTHRjEA. common. dwarf-branched. dwarf-simple. procumbent. Eustoma. Silene-leaved. Scqpolia. prickly. Buttneria. rough-leaved. small-leaved. Ayenia. small. smooth. S'TRYCtJNOS. Poison-nut. Clearing-nut. Gelsemium. evergreen. Rauwolfia. shining. hoary. Carissa. Jasmine-flower*1. spiny. Arduina. two-spinec). Cerbera. oval-leaved. spear-leaved. waved-leaved. oval-leaved. linear-leaved. Allamanda. Willow-leaved. Periwinkle. herbaceous. lesser. England. N. America. C.B. S. _ N. S. W. C.B. S. Gentianeae. B. P. Euosma. B. Rep. N. Holland. 1816. ... N. S. W. 1797- 4.5 .... 6.7. H .If-. Eng. bot. 217. 1812. G.lf. . Vent, choix. 9. 1806. — G.lf.. Bot. mag. 1323. 1792. 5.8. S.ll. 658. 1805. 6.10. G 1029. 1786. 5.7. G. 2f. . Vent, choix. 9. Gentianeae. B. P. Gentianeae. B. P. Gentianeae, B. P. W. Ind. 1759. 7. N. America, 1694. 7*8. Jamaica. 1793. 6.7. W, Jnd. 1793 Jamaica. 1816 C.B. S. 1812. 4.7. 1816. . . : 1787. 7.9. 1759. 6.7. 1 80Q. 6.8. 1750. 0.9. 1789. Gentianeae. B. P. Chirouice species TV. — — - — — N. America. .... 7. 1812. 6.8, 1817 Gentianeae. B. P. Chirouice species TV. • — Britain. .... 7.8. England. .... 8.9. Britain. .... 6.7. S. Europe. 1777. 7.8. Gentianeae. B. P. Malvaceae. J. Majvaceae. J. Apocyneae. B. P. I. Providence 1804. 7. Toddalia P, S. E. Ind, 1790. ... , W. Ind. 1793. 7. S. America. 1816 Jamaica. 1756. 7.9. E. Ind. 1778 * — 1794. .... Apocyneae. B. P. Bignonice species L. — N. America. 1640. 6.7. Apocyneae. B, P. — S. America. 1752. 6.9. Jamaica. 1739 G-h. G.\. S.Q. S« 2/. . s.h. S.T*. G.f*. G.\. G.\. G« h <; G.^. G.Pz. G. h. H. S • H .6. H,6. 7.8. H Eng. bot. 229. — H.2f. Jac. aust. 1. 1. 71. 1. 1. 16. l.t. 72. Jac. vind. l.t. 61- — 1, t. 62. Schr.sert . han . 3 „t. 1 Umbellifereae. J. Umbellifereae. J. England. Europ.e. Siberia. Germany. Sicily. Carniela. Austria. Candia, England. Hungary, Italy. France. Siberia England. Austria. Canaria, . . . . 6,7. h .n. Eng. bot. 138. 1597. 7.8. H.ljL Jap. aust. 1. 1. 69. -H.^. ( Gmel. sib. 1. 1.40, 1771. { f. 1.2. 1773. 7.9. H.2A. Gouan.ill. 83. t.26. 1802. 7.8. n.n. 1768. -H.21. Jac. aifst. 1. 1. 68. 1686. 6.7. H.J*. Zanon.hist.70.t.4$ 1802. -H.71. Jac. ic. rar. 1. 1.57. 1596. H.2£. Jac. aust. 1. 1. 62. 1731. H.©. .... 5.7. H.2^. Eng. bot, 1767. 1816. 6.7. H.7/. . Pl.rar.liung.l.t.2(L .... 5.7. H.V. 1739. 6.7. H.21. 1804. ■H.V. Pl.rav.hung.l. t.60? .... 6.8. H.^. Eng. bot. 2142. 1774. •H.ll. Jac, aust. l.t, 70.' J779. 6. g.$9 . 55 Cj PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 57 CRITHMUM. W. 1 maritimum. W. 2 latifolium. W. CACHRYS. W. 1 Libanotis. W. 2 Morisoni. W. 3 sicula. W. 4 panacisfolia. W. FERULA. W. 1 communis. W. 2 sibirica. W. 3 glauca. W. 4 tingitana. W. 5 orientalis. W. 6 nodifiora. W. 7 persica. W. LASERPIT1UM. W. 1 latifolium. W. 2 trilob uni. W. 3 aquilegifolium. W. 4 gallicum. W. 5 triquetrum. P. S. 6 angustifolium. W. 7 prutenicum. W. 8 silaifolium. W. 9 peucedauoides. W. 10 Siler. W. 1 1 lucidum. W. 12 ferulaceum. W. 13 pi losum. W. en. 14 hirsutum. W. en. HEltACLEUM. W. 1 Sphondylium. W. 2 flavescens.W. 3 angustifolium. W. 4 elegans. W. 5 sibiricum. W. 6 Panaces. W. 7 austriacum. W. 8 alpinum. W. 9 pyrenaicum. W. en. 10 pumilum. P. S. LIGUSTICUM. W. 1 Levisticum. W. 2 scoticum. W. 3 peloponense. W. 4 austriacum. W. 5 cornubiense. W. 6 pyrenaicum. W. 7 candicans. W. 8 peregrinum. W. 9 balearicum. W. 10 longifolium W. ANGELICA. W. 1 Archangelica. W» 2 sylvestris. W. 3 Razoulii. P. S. 4 verticillaris. \V. 5 atropurpurea. W. 6 lucida. W. SIUM. W. 1 latifolium. W. 2 angustifolium. W. 3 nodifiorum. W. 4 repens. W. 5 Sisarum. W. 6 rigidius. W. 7 Falcaria. W. 8 siculuui. W. SAMPHIRE. sea. wedge-leaved. Cachrys. smooth-seeded. Morjson’s. hairy-seeded. Parsnep-leaved. Giant-Fennel. common. Siberian. glaucous. Tangier. eastern. knotted. stinking. Laserwort. broad-leaved. three-lobed. Columbine-leqvd French. winged. narrow-leaved. Prussian. Sulphurwort-ld. fine-leaved. mountain. shining. Fennel-leaved. sulphur-colourd. hairy. Cow-Parsnep. common. yellowish. narrow-leaved. rough-leaved. Siberian . Fig-leaved. Austrian. Alpine. Pyrenean. dwarf. Lovage. common. Scotch. Hemlock-leaved. Austrian. Cornish. Pyrenean. pale. Parsley-leaved. Minorca. long-leaved. Angelica. garden. wild. decurrent~leayd. whorled-fiowerd. dark purple, shining. WaterParsnep. broad-leaved. narrow-leaved. procumbent, creeping. Skiiiet. Virginian. decurrent. Sicilian. Umbellifereae. J. Umbellifereae. J. Umbellifereae. J. Umbellifereae. J. Britain. .... 7.9. H.l£ Canaries. 1780. 7. G.£ Sicily. 1570. 7.8. H.y. Europe. 171Q. Sicily. 1640. H.2C 1 752 H u S. Europe. 1597. 6.7. H.l/. Siberia. 1816. H.Tl Italy. 1596. H.Tf Barbary. 1680. -H.c? Levant. 1759. 7.8. H.2C S. Europe. 1596. 6.7. H.lf. Persia. 1782. 7-8. H.2JL Europe. 1640. 6.7. H.l/. Levant. — 5.7. H. 21 Austria. 1796. H .If. S. Europe. 1683. 6.7. H.2/. Umbellifereae. J. Umbellifereae. J. f Constan- 1 ( tinople. J • S. Europe. - Germany. - Italy. ■ Austria. - Switzerland. • Levant. - Alps. ■ Britain. ■ Austria. ■ Britain. ■ Austria, • Siberia. Austria. Switzerland. Pyrenees. Dauphin y. Italy. Britain. Switzerland. Austria. England. Pyrenees. Umbellifereae. J. Umbellifereae. J. Portugal. Minorca. Siberia. England. Britain. Pyrenees. Italy. Canada. Britain. China. Virginia. Europe. 1816’. —H.Jf-, 1738. — — H .If., 1759. 7.8. H.TjL. 1791. 6.7. H .If.. .... H.2JL. 5.7. H.^. 7. H. shade. J } Caryophylleae. J. Chenopodeae. B. P. Portulaceae. J. 4.6. H-V 16’40. 5.6. ll.Ji . 5.10. H.b. S.Tj. 1582. 6.9. H.TZ. 1735. 7-3. H H .h Jamaica. 1733. 6.9. S.Jj. ___ A Q SL America. - 1796. 7. S.Q. 1774. 6.10. H Q. . 1789. 7.8. S.©. S. Europe. 1658. 6.8. H. 2J. . England. .... 7.8. H^. Russia. 1771. 6. H.0. C.B.S. 1795. 5.6. G. \ . E. Ind. 1752. 7.8. S. \i . C.B.S. 1782. 5.10. G. \ . Italy. - 1783. 7. G.0. 1775. 6.7. H. Eng. bot. 1560. Schmidt arb. t. 80. Eng. bot. 1318. Vahl symb.2. t. 32. Mill. ic. t. 262. f. 2. Pall. it. 3. t.E. f. 2?. Hort. cliff, t. 10. Bot. mag. 281. Slo.jam.l.t.l27.f.^. Plum.ic. t.150. f.l. Jac. vind. 3. t. 94. Lam. ill. t. 213. Eng. bot. 668. Gmel.sib.3.t.20.f., 1731. 7.9. S. $ . Rheed.mal.7. t.24 1688.7.11. Pluk.alm. t.63. f.l. 1802. S.©. 1732. G. Ij . Jac. coll. 1. 1. 22\. PARNASSIA. W. 1 palustris.W. 2 carolihiana. Phi 3 Usarifolia. Ph. TETRAGYNIA. {Grass of 1 . T Parnassus./ cRppandes ? J. marsh. Carolina. Asarum-lcaved. Britain. N. Aineriea. .... 7.8. H.ljL. Eng. bot. 82. 1802. 5.6. H.lf. Bot. mag. 1459. 1S12, 7.8. H.l/-. Vent. malm. t. 39>. ARALIA. W. 1 capitata. W. 2 Sciodaphyllum. W* 3 spinosa. W. 4 bjspida. Ph. 5 racemosa. Ph. 6 nudicaulis. Ph. ARMERIA. W. en. 1 vulgaris. W. en. 2 maritima. W. en. 3 alpina. W. en. 4 arenaria. P. S. 5 littoralis. W. en. 6 alliacea. W. 7 denticulata. Sch. 8 plantaginea. W. en. 9 scorzonereefolia. J W. en. J 10 latifolia. W. en. Statice cephalotes. 1 1 fasciculata. W. en. Arabia. cluster-floweved. long-spiked. Angelica-tree. hispid. berry-bearing. naked-stalked. Thrift. common. sea-side. flat-stemmed. sand. ciliated. Garlic-leaved. toothed. Plantain-leaved. large-headed. broad-leavedi, W. bundUd. PENTAGYNlAi Araliae. J. W. Ind. Jamaica. Virginia. N. America. 1777. 1793. 1688. 1799. 1658. 1731. 8. 6.8. 9. 6.7. 6.9. 6.7. S.Tz. s.t2. h.t2. h.i2. ha;. H.2J., Smith ic. pict. 4. Bro.jam.t.l9.f.l .2. Comm .hort. 1 . t.47- Bot. mag. 1085. Moris, s.l. t.2. f. 9. Pluk.alm.t.238. f.5» Plumbagineae. B.P. Statices species L . Europei 6.8. h.t;. Britain. 5.7. H.2;. Eng. bot. 226. Carinthia. 5.8. H.lf. France. .... ha;. S. Euri/pe. h.t;. Spain. 1798. 5.6. H.i;. 1816. H.i;. Cav. ic. 2. 1. 109, S. Europe. H.yjr. H.2I. Algarbia. Portugal 1740. 5.7. H.2;. .... 4.8. H.l*, Jac. vind. l. t. 42* Vent, cels, t. 38. m PENTANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. STATICE. W. en. 1 graminifolia. W. 2 Limonium. W. 3 Gmelini. W. 4 scoparia. W. 5 latifolia. W. 6 oleaefolia. W. 7 auriculsefolia. 8 emarginata. W. en. 9 cordata. W. 1 0 scabra. W. 1 1 virgata. W. en. 12 reticulata. W. en. 13 caspia. W. en. 1 4 echioides. W. 1 5 spathulata. P. S. 1 6 speciosa* W. 17 conspicua. B. M. 1 8 tatarica. W. 1 9 flexuosa. \V. 90 purpurata. W. 9 1 minuta. W. Sea-Lavender. Plumbagineae. B.P. Grass-leaved, common. Gmelin’s. Broom, broad-leaved. Olive-leaved. Auricula-leaved emarginate. blunt-leaved, rough-branched, twiggy, matted. Caspian, rough-leaved, spatula-leaved. Plantain-leaved, showy. Tartarian, zigzag, purple. small. Siberia. England. Siberia. — - Italy. — Barbary. — Gibraltar. — S. Europe. — C.B.S. — Spain. — England. — Caspian Sea — S. Europe. — - Barbary. — Russia. 22 pectinata. W. triangular-stalk*. 23 suffruticosa. W. n arrow- leaved. 24 monopetala. W. Sicilian shrubby. 25 ferulacea. W. Fennel-leaved. 26 sinuata. W. scollop-leaved. 27 alata. W. en. winged. 28 mucronata. W» curled. LINUM. W. Flax. 1 usitatissimum. W. common. 2 perenne. W. perennial. 3 trigynum. H. K. three-styled. 4hirsutum.W. hairy. 6 hypericifolium.H.K. Mallow-flowered. 6' ascyrifolium. H.K. blue and white. 7 narbonense. W. Narbonne. 8 reflexum. W. reflex-leaved. 9 tenuifolium. W. slender-leaved. 10 angustifolium.H.K. narrow-leaved*. Caryophylleae ? J. Siberia. C.B.S. fM editor- t ranean Canaries. Siberia. Sicily. Siberia. Levant. Barbary. Britain. England. E. Ind. Austria. Caucasus. Portugal. S. France. S. Europe. Europe. England. 1780. 9.10. 1779. 5.9. 17al. 7.8. 1796. 5. 1629. 5.9. 1806. 6.8. 1784. .... 6.7. H.©. 6.8. H.4. 1799. 10.1. G-B. 1759. 7.8. H.4. 1807. 6.7. H.2| , 1800. 7.8. H-4. 1759. 5.7. F.4 • 1777. 7. 1759. 6.7. 7. H-4 H.2/. . H-4- Eng. bot. 102. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 90. Scop. ins. 1 . t. 10. Barr. ic. 805* Eng. bot. 328. Gmel.sib.2.t.89.f.£* Gouan. ill. t. 2. f.4. Bot. mag. 1617. 656. 1629. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 95i Pluk.alm. t.SOO.f.S; Gmel.s.2.t.8S.f.2.3. Boc. sic. t. 16. 17. Pluk.alm. t. 28. f.4. Bot. mag. 71. L’Her. stirp. t. 1$, Eng. bot. 1357. 40. Bot. mag. 1100. Jac. aust. 1. 1. 31* Bot. mag. 104S. — 1087. Jac. aust. 3. t. 213. Eng:, bot. 381. 11 gallicum. W. annual yellow. France. 1777. 7.8. H.©. Ger.prov. t.15. f.l. 12 maritimum. W. sea. Europe. 1596. H.4. Jac. vind. 2. t. 154. 13 alpinum. W. Alpine. Austria. 1739. II. 4. Jac. aust. 4. t. 321, 14 austriacum. W. Austrian. 1775. 6.7. H.4. Bot. mag. 1086. 1 5 virginianum. W. Virginian. « N. America. 1807. 7. H.(?. 16 rigid um. Ph. stiff-leaved. " Missouri. H.0. 1 7 flavum. W. yellow. — Austria. 1793. 6.8. H.4. Bot. mag. 31&. 18 tauricum. W. en. Taurian. — ■ — — Tauria. 1795. H.4. 4 9 campanulatum. W. glaucous-leaved. Europe. H.4. 20 strictum. W. upright. S, Europe. 1759. 5.7. H.>. . 1690. 3.4. S.T*. 1739 S.Pj. .... 2.3. S.J*. 1759. 5.6. S.^. 1785. 9.10. S.Jj . 1 , Jac. vind.l.t. 31.32, Bot. r eg. 203. Plum. ic. t. 64. f. I , Par. loud. 40. Rio Janeiro. S. America. Jamaica. Bromeliae. J. Jamaica. Santa Cruz. W. Ind. S. America. S. America. Jamaica. 1789. 3. S. \ . Jac. ic. 1. 1. 60. 1781. 1777. 1800. 1785. 1799. 1797. 1816. 1793. 6. 12.1. 8. 8.9. 4.5. 6.8. Bot. mag. 824. — - — - 1547. — ~ 1462. — 856. Redoutd liiia.73.74 s.b S.h s.h S.h S. 12. Bot. mag. 1416. s- h* S.2 /• S.2/. Plum.ic.63.t.75.f.p 3 lingulata. W. tongue-leaved. — - 1776. 6.7. S. . Jac. amer. t. 62. 4 flexuosa. W. flexuose. W. Ind. 1790. .... S.2/. 1.63. 5 nutans. VV. nodding. Jamaica". 1793. 8. S.2/. 6 stricta. B. M. stiff-leaved. — Brazil. 1810. 11. S.2/. Bot. mag. 1529. 7 recurvata. W. recurve-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 7. S.2/. Slo.jam.l.t.l21.f.: S xL'hioides. B. Reg. Air-plant. TRADESCANTIA.W. Spiderwort. Gommelineee. B. P. Buen. Ayres. S.2/-. Bot. leg. 105. 1 virginica. W. 2 rosea. Ph. 3 subasperk. B. M. 4 crassifolia. W* 5 erecta. W. 6 discolor. W. 7 malabarica, W. $ geniculata, W. 9 cristata. W. 20 Zanonia. W. common. rose-flowered. Lyon’s. thick-leaved. upright. purpierleaved. Grass-leaved. knotted. crested. Gentian-leaved. Zanonia bibracteata. Cramer ejium PONTEDERIA. W. Pontederia. 1 cordata. Ph. 2 angustifolia. Ph. 3 dilatata. H. K. HALMANTHUS. W. 1 coccineus. W. £ coarctatiis. W. pi. p. 75. Asphodeleae ? N. America. Carolina. N. America. Mexico, S. America. E. Ind. W. Ind. Ceylon. W. Ind. & rotundifolius. B. M. round-leaved. heart- leaved. — — narrow-leaved, spreading. — Blood-Flower. Amaryllide*. B. P salmon -coloured, compressed. N. America. E. Ind. 1629. 1802. 1812. 1796. 1794. 1783. 1776. 1783. 1770. 1759. 1759. 1 806. 5.10. H.2/ . H.2/ . ■ H. 2/ . 7. IQ. H.2/ . 7.8. H.©. 4.9. S. \i . Bot. mag. 105. Vent. cels. t. 24, Bot. mag. 1597. — 1598. 1340. 1192. 7.8. 7-9. 7-12. S.2/. S.2/. S.Q. S.2/. 6.8 H.2/. — H.2/, 5. S.2/. Rheed.mal. 9. t.63, Jac, amer. t. 64. Bot. mag. 1435. Red. lil. 192. Bot. mag. 1 Bot. rep. 49 4 pnniceus. W. 5% multiflorus. W. 6‘ tigrinus. W. 7 quadrivalvis. W. $ pubescens. W. 3 albijloa. JV. 9 (naculatus. J. 10 lanceaefolius. \Vr. 11 caiiuatus.W. 1.2 pumilio. W._ Bot. mag. 1' Bot. reg. 1 8 Bot. mag. 1 waved-leaved. many-flowered. tiger-spotted. four-valved. pubescent. white-flowered. spotted-leaved. spear-leaved. keel-leaved. dwarf. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 65 GALANTHUS. W. Snowdrop. nivalis. W. common. LEUCOJUM. W. Snow-flake. 1 vernurn. W. spring. 2 aestivum. W. summer. 3 pulchellura. P. L. neat. 4 autumnale. W. autumnal. 5 trichophyllum. P.S. winter. STRUM ARIA. Jac. Strumaria. 1 truncata. W. truncated. 2 rubella. W. pale red. 3 angustifolia. W, narrow-leaved. 4 linguaefolia. W. tongue-leaved. 5 filifolia. LI. K. fine-leaved. 6 spiralis. LI. K. spiral. 7 crispa. B. M. curled-flowered. 8 stellaris. B, M. starry. 9 gemmata. B. M. gynandrous. CRINUM. W. Crinum. 1 americanum. W. American. 2 erubescens. W. blush-coloured. 3 Commelini. K. R. Commeliu’s. 4 defixum. K. R. marsh. 5 amaenum. K. R. delightful. 6 surnatranum. K. R. Sumatra. 7 longifolium. K. R. long-leaved. 8 cruentum. K. R. red-flowered. 9 asiaticura. W. Poison-bulb. 10 amabile. K. R. beautiful. 11 bracteatum. W. bracteated. 12 canaliculatum.K.R. channel-leaved. 13 pedunculatum.B.R. long-peduncled. CYRTANTH US. H.K. Cyrtanthus. 1 angusiifolius. W. narrow-leaved. 2 collinus. B. Reg. hill. S spiralis. B. Reg. spiral-leaved. 4 obliquus. W. oblique-leaved. 5 uniflorus. B. Reg. one-flowered. BRUNSVIGIA. Ker. Bkunsvigia. 1 Josephinae. R. L. Josephine’s. minor. B. Reg, smaller. 2 multiflora. H. K. many-flowered. 3 marginata, H. K. red-margined. 4 Radula. H. K. rasp-leaved. 5 striata. LI. K, striated. 6 falcata. B. M. sickle-leaved. Amaryllis falcata. JV. 7 toxicaria. B. Reg. Poison-bulb, H re man thus toxicarius. JV. 8 ciliaris. B. Reg. fringed. H amianthus ciliaris. TF. AMARYLLIS. W. Amaryllis. 1 colchiciflora. K. R, Colchicum-flow4 2 Clusiana. K, R. 3 lutea. W. 4 chloroleuca. K. R. 5 Pumilio. W. 6 pudica. K. R. 7 tubispatha. K. R. 8 Atamasco. W. 9 formosissima. W. 10 aulica. K. R. 1 1 psittacina. B. Reg. 1 2 calyptrata. K. R. 13 equestris, W. (3 major. 14 reginae. W. ad vena. B. M. Clusius’s. yellow, one-leaved, dwarf, modest, tube-sheathed. Atamasco Lily. Jacob ea Lily, crowned, parrot-like, green-flowered. Barbadoes Lily. larger . Mexican Lily. streaked-flower4. Amaryllidese. B. P. Britain. Amaryllideae. B. P. * — Germany. England. ■ Portugal. * Barbary. Amaryllideae. B. P. C.B.S. Amaryllideae. B. P. — — S. America. * — — W. Ind. — — S. America. E. Ind. Sumatra. Bengal. E. Ind. China. E. Ind. Mauritius. ■ N. S. W. Amaryllideae. B. P. C.B.S. Amaryllideae. B. P. _ C. B. S, Amaryllideae. B. P. — Hungary. {Constan- tinople. J S. Europe. — — . C. B. S. S. America. N. America. S. America. Brazil. W. Ind. America. S. America, .... 1.3. H.2/. 1596. 1.3. H.7/. 4.5. LI. Tf.. .... H.l/. 1629. 9- H.2/. 1812. 1.2. H.2/. 1795. 4.5. G.2/ . — — — • 5.6. G.2/. 4.5. G .If.. .... G-h- 1774. 1 1. G.2/. 4.8. G.2/. 1790. G.2/. 1794.10.1 1. G .if.. 1812. 8. G.2/ . 1752. 7.8. S. 1/. . 1789. 6.8, S. 7/- . 1798. S.2 /. 1810 S.2/ . .... S. If. . — .... S. If. . .... s.2/. 6.8. S.2/.. 1732. S. 1/. . 1810. S.2/,. • S.2/. .... S.2/. . 1790. 6.8. G.2/. 1774. 5.6. G. 2/ , 1816, 5.8. G.2/. 1790. G. 2/. . 1774. G.2/. 1816. G.2 /. 1814. 6.8. G.2/. G.2/. 1752. G.2/. 1795. 9.10. G,2 /. 1790: 4.8. G.2/. 1795. 9.10. G,2/ . 1774. 5.6. G.2/, 9.10. G.2/. 1752 G,2/. 1816. 9.10, H, 2/. .... H.2/. 1596. H.2/. 5.8. G.2/. 1774. 11. G.2/-. 1795. 5.7, G,2/ . .... g.2/. 1629. 5.6. H.2/. 1658. G.2/. 5.8. S.2/. 1816. S.2/. 1710. 7.10. S.2/. 1725. 5.6. S.2/. 1807. S.2/, Eng. bot. 1 9. Bot. mag. 46. Eng. bot. 621. Par. lond. Bot. mag. 960. Red. lil. 150. f. 2. Jac. ic. 2. t. 357. 2.t. 358. 2. t. 359. 2. t. 356. 2. t. 361 . Bot. mag. 1383. 1363. Jac. sehoen.l. t. 71, Bot. mag. 1620. Bot. mag. 1034. * 1232. dae.sehoen.2.t.202. ^heed.mal.l l.t.88. Bot. reg. 171. Bot. mag. 1073. 1605, Bot. reg. 179. Bot. reg. 52, Bot. mag. 27 L Bot, reg. 162. 167. Bot. mag. 1133, Bot. reg. 168. Lil. 3i Redoutd, t, 370. 372. Bot.reg. 192 & 193, Bot, mag. 1619. Jac. schoen. l.t. 65, l.t. 68. — — — l.t. 70,. Bot. mag. 1443. Bot. mag. 1217. Breyn. cent. t. 39. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.157 Clus. hist. l.t. 163. Bot. mag. 290. Ker’s rev. pi. 8. f. 2, Ker’s 8. f. 8. Bot. mag. 1586. ■ — 239. — 47. Bot. reg. 1 99. 164. Bot. mag. 305. Bot. reg, 234. 453. - — - — — 1126, K m 16 reticulata. 'VV. netted-reined. $ major. K. R. striped-leaved. 17 crocata. K. R. saffron-coloured. 18 rutila. K. R. fiery. 19 fulgida. B. Reg. striped-tubed. 20 blanda. K. R. charming. 21 Belladonna. W. Belladonna Lily. $ pallida. pale-flowered. 22 vittata. W. superb. 23 purpurea. W. beautiful. 24 coranica. K. R. sickle-leaved. 25 aurea. W. golden. 26 curvifolia. W. Fothergill’s. 27 corusca. B. M. glittering. 28 sarniensis. W. Guernsey. 29 venusta. B. M. Toppy-coloured. 30 radiata. W. Snowdrop-leav’d 31 undulata. W. waved-flowered. 32 humilis. W. small. S3 fiexuosa. W. zigzag. 34 longifolia. W. long-leaved. 35 reroluta. W. revolute. 36 zeylanica. W. Ceylon. 37 ornata. W. Yucca-flowered. 38 gigantea. K. R. gigantic. 39 latifolia. W. broad-leaved. 40 hyacinthina. K. R. hyacinthine. NARCISSUS. W. Narcissus. 1 poeticus. Sal. Poet’s. 2 recurvus. H. S. drooping-leaved. 3 patellaris. Sal. spreading-flowd. poeticus. R. B. 4 angustifolius. H. K. narrow-leaved. 5 biflorus. W. two-flowered. 6 tenuior. H. K. slender. 7 crenulatus. L. T. Bazelman minor 8 Trewianus. B. M. Bazelman major. Hermione grandiflor a. II. S. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNXA. Amaryllideae. B.P. Brazil. 9 floribundus. Sal. 10 fistulosus. H. S. 1 1 cerinus. H. S. 1 2 Tazzetta. W. 1 3 orientalis. L. 14 papyraceus. B. M. 15 italicus. B. M. 16 tereticaulis. L. T. 17 compressus. L.T. 18 bifrons. B. M. 19 primulinus. H. S. 20 Jonquilla. W. j3 flore pleno. 21 viridiflorus. B. M. 22 serotinus. P. S. 23 calathinus. L. . Bot. reg. 657. Bot. reg. 38. . 23. . 226. . Bot. mag. 1450. . — 733. Red.lil.470. Bot. mag. 129. 1430. Bot. reg. 139. Amaryllideas. B.P. Japan. C.B.S. China. C. B. S. 9.10. G.Tf.. 6.7. G .11. G.fl. 4.6. G.fl. 6.7. G.lf. 9.10. G.ljL. 7. G.2JL Ceylon. Guinea. SierraLeone. E. Ind. Brazil. S. Europe. England. S. Europe. Britain. Spain Primo Citronier. hollow-stalked. waxen-cupped. Polyanthus. oriental. paper. Italian. round-stalked. flat-stalked. Jonquil-scented. Cowslip-cupped. Jonquil. double. green -flowered, late-flowered, great Jonquil. 725. 1089. • 294. • 1090. Bot. rep. 95. , Bot. mag. 369. — 72 6. Bot. reg. 172. Bot. mag. 661. 915. 1178. 1171.. a 1253. 923. Rheed.mal.l l.t.39. Bot. reg. 163. 5. H.fl. Park. par. 76. .... H.fl. .... H .2f. Eng. bot. 275. 1570. 4,5. H.ljL. Bot. mag. 193. . . . . H.TjL. Eng. bot. 276. H.TjL. Bot. mag. 379. H.^. Bot. mag. 940. 1789. odorus. B. M. Icetus. K. II. 24 odorus. L. sweet-scented. - — H.2£ . calathinus. B. M. 25 nutans. H. K. nodding. — — — — - 1789. 3.5. H.fl. irilobus. B. M. 26 infundibulus. funnel-flowered. — 27 puichellus. S. P. neat. Spain. .... H.^. 28 triandrus. B. M. Rush-leaved. Portugal. 1629. 4.5. H. If- . 29 capax. Sal. capacious. H.fl. 30 montanus. B. Reg. mountain. Portugal. ..... • — h4- 31 galanthifolius, H.S. Snowdrop-Ieavrt. 32 albicans. H. S. wbiteish. 1789. 3.4. H.lj. 33 Bulbocodium. W. Hoop-petticoat. — Portugal. 1629. H.ll . S4 inflatus. L.T. inflated. .... H.%. 35 lobulatus. M. N. lobed. 4.5. H .If.. 36 teauifolius. L. T. slender-leaved. — — — — — .... — H.2/L. Bot. mag. 92 5 i ■ 948. 947. • 1188. Bot. mag. 1 1 86. — 1299. 15. Bot. mag. 1687. Clus. hist. t. 252. Bot. mag. 78. Bot. mag. 945. Park. par. 92. Bot. mag. 126: Red. lil. }' Bot. reg. Park. par. Bot. mag. IIEXANDIilA MONOGYNIA. 37 incomparabilis. W. peerless. Amaryllideae. B.P. Portugal. 1629. 4.5. H .If-. 38 tortuosus. M. N. twisted-petaled. Spain. 4. H.5/.. 39 moschatus. L. musk. 1759- 3.4. H.2JL. 40 serratus. M, N. serrated. — S. Europe H.TjL. 41 spurius. H. S. spurious. England 4. H.2/.. 42 Pseudo-Narcissus. Daffodil. — .... 3.4. H.7/.. 43 tubiflorus. S. P. tube-flowered. 3.4. H .2f. 44 bicolor. B. M. two-coloured. Spain. 1629. 4.5. H.Tf. 45 obvallaris. S. P. Sibthorp’s. .... 3.4. H.Tf. major y. B. M. 1301. /. inf. 46 major. B. M. large. — 1629. H.2JL. 47 propinquus. S. P. allied. — - — H.2/.. major /3. B.M. 1301 ./i sup. 48 nobilis. H. S. noble. H.2f. 49 Ajax. great. . .... H.2/.. Ajax Telamon. H. S. 50 pumilus. S. P. low. Spain. .... H.lf. 51 minor. W. small. 1629. 3.5. H.2JL. PANCRATIUM. W. Pancratium. Amaryllideae. B. P. 1 zeylanicum. W. one-flowered. Ceylon. 1752. 6.7- S. 7f. 2 verecundum. K. R. Narcissus-leaved. E. Ind. 1776. 6.8. S. 1/. . 3 maritimum. K. R. sea. — — S. Europe. 1597. 5.7. H. 7f. 4 carolinianum. K. R. Carolina. — Carolina. 1759- 6.7. G.2f. 5 canariense. K. R. Canary. Canaries. 1815. G .If.. 6 illyricum. K. R. Illyrian. S. Europe. 1615. 5.6. H.lju 7 amboinense. W. heart-leaved. Amboyna. 1759. S ."If.. 8 Amancaes. K. R. Narcissus-flowd. Peru. 1804. 6.7. S.lf. 9 calathinum. K. R. cup-flowered. Brazils. .... S. If . 10 nutans. K. R. nodding. .... S.lf. 11 undulatum. K. R. wrave-leaved. S. America. .... S .21. 12 littorale. K. R. fan-leaved. 1758. 5.8. S.lj.. 13 Dryandri. K. R. tall. — S. If. 14 angustum. K. R. narrow-leaved. S .If. 15 rotatum. K. R. large-crowned. Carolina. 1803. 7-9. S. 2f. 16 mexicanum. K. R. Mexican. Mexico. 1732. 8. S .If. 17 caribaeum. K. R. Caribean. W. Ind. 1730. 5.8. S .If.. 18 amoenum. K. R. handsome. Guiana. 1790. — S.2f. 19 ovatum. K. R. oval-leaved. - — W. Ind. .... S.lf.. 20 speciosum. K.R. large. — 1759. — S.2f. EUCROSIA. B. Reg. Eucrosia. Amaryllideae. B. P. 1 bicolor. B. Reg. two-coloured. Cape Horn. 1816. 4.5. S.lf. DORYANTHES. B.P. Doryanthes. Amaryllideae. B. P. excelsa. B.P. gigantic. N. S. W. 1800. 7.8. G. 1^. GETHYLLIS. H. K. Gethyllis. Amaryllideae. B. P. 1 spiralis. W. spiral-leaved. C. B. S. 1780. 6.7. G.lf. 2 ciliaris. W. fringed. — 1788. G .If.. 3 villosa. W. hairy. 1787. G.lf. 4 lanceolata. W. spear-leaved. — 1790. 6. G.lf. RLANDFORDIA.B.P. Blandfordia. Hermerocallideae. B. P. 1 nobilis. B. P. noble. N. S. W. 1803. 7.8. G.2f. 2 grandiflora. B.P. large-flowered. 1812. G.2JL. AGAPANTHUS. W. African Lily. Hemerocallideae. B. P. 1 umbellatus. W. large-flowered. C. B. S. 1692. 8.1. G .If. 2 praecox. W. en. small-flowered. .... G. 2f . HEM EROC ALLIS. W. Day Lily. Hemerocallideae. B. P. 1 graminea. H. K. narrow-leaved. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. H.lfl. 2 flava. H.K. yellow. — 1596. 6. H.2J.. 3 disticha. B.M. fan-like. China. 1798. 5.7. H.1JL. 4 fulva. W. copper-coloured. Levant. 1596. 6.8. H.7/.. 5 Liliastrum. W. en. Savoy-Spiderwort.— — — Switzerland. 1629. 5.6. H.2/.. Ailthericum Liliastrum. L. 6 Japonica. B. M. white-flowered. — -Japan. 1790. 8.9. H.l/.. 7 caerulea. H.K. blue-flowered. 5.7. H.2£. ALETRIS. W. Aletris. Hemerocallideae. B. P. 1 farinosa. W. Colic-root. N. America. 1768. 6. H.7JL. 2 aurea. Ph. golden-tipped. 1811. 7.8. H.Tf . TRILOMA. B.M. Tritoma. Hemerocallideae. B. P. 1 Uvaria. H.K. great. C. B. S. 1707. 8.9. 2 media. H. K. lesser. — — 1789. 12.6. F. If. 3 purnila. H.K. least. - — — — — — 1774. 9.11. F.2jL, K 2 6T Bot. mag. 121. 924. 1300. Eng. bot. 17. Bot. mag. 1187. 1301.f.inf. 51. 1301.f.sup. Pass. hort. 8. Bot. mag. 6. Par. lond. 86. Rheed.mal.l l,t.46,. Bot. reg. 161. Cat. car. 3. t. 5. Bot. reg. 174. Bot. mag. 718. 1419. • 1224. Bot. reg. 215. Bot. mag. 1561. Bot. mag. ] 879. 825. Bot. r eg. 221. 0S2&827. Dill.elt.t.222.f.2S9 Bot. mag. 826. — 1467. Bot. reg. 43. Bot. mag. 1453. Bot. reg. 207. Bot. mag. 1685. Bot. mag. 1088. Jac. schaen. l.t.79* Exot. bot. 1 . t. 4. Lab.nov.ho.l.t.ll 1 Bot. mag. 500. Bot. mag. 873. • — 19. 7 2 Bot. mag. 64. 318. 1433. 894. Bot. mag. 1418. Willd. hort. ber. 8. Bot. mag. 758. 744. — 764. 68 HEXANDUIA MONOGYNIA. VELTHEIMIA. H.K. Veltheimia. 1 Viridifolia. W* 2 glauca. W. POLIANTHES. L. tuberosa. W. 0 /lore plena. SANS E VIERA. W. 1 glauca. H. S. 2 polyphylla. H. S. 3 guineensis. W. 4 lffite-viiens. H. S. 5 spicata. H. S. 6 zeylanica. W. 7 lanuginosa. W. green-leaved. glaucous. Tt/BEK03E. common. double. Sanseviera. spreads-glaucous. upright-glaucous. Guinea. light-green* spiked. Ceylon, woolly Hemerocallideae. B. P. - — — C. B. S. Hemerocallideae. B. P. E. Ind. Hemerocallideae. B. P. 1768. 1 1.4. G. 2(. . 1781. 1.4. G.y.. Bet. mag. 501. 1-091. 1629. 8.9. G.7}.. Bot. reg. 63. Guinea. 8 grandicuspis. H. S. large-pointed. 9 pumila. H. S. dwarf. 10 earn ea. H. K. flesh-coloured. sessiliflora. B. A/. TULBAGIA. W. Tulbagia. 1 alliacea. W. Narcissus-leav’d. 2 cepacea. W. Onion-scented. EUCOMIS. W. Eucomis. 1 nana. W. dwarf. 2 purpureocaulis.H.K. purple-stalked, two-leaved, tongue-leaved, waved-leaved, spotted, streaked. Fhitillarv. Crown Imperial. red-flowered, yellow-flowered. Persian. dwarf Persian. ohlique-leayed. cluster-flowered. Pyrenean, nerved-leaved. yellow-flowered, broad-leaved, chequered, spear-leaved. - E. Ind. - Ceylon. - E. Ind. C.B.S* China. Hemerocallideae. B. P. C. B. S. Asphodeleaj. J. S.%. 1690. 6.11. S.2£. S.1/.. 1790 S.!£. 1731. 6.11. S.7/.. s*v. S.V-. 1796 S 1792. 3.6. H.^. 1774. 5.7. G.Jl, 1795. 4. G.Tj., 3 bifolia. W. 4 regia. W. 5 undulata. W. 6 punctata. W. 7 striata. H. K. FRITILLARIA. W. 1 Imperialis. W. ec rubra. (3 flava. 2 persica. W. 0 minor. 3 obliqua. B. M. 4 pyrenaica. H. K. 5 nigra. B. M. 6 nervosa. W. en. 7 lutea. M. B. 8 latifolia. W. 9 Meleagris. W. 10 lanceolata. Ph. Lilian. J. Lilium camschatcense. TJr. L1LIUM. W. Lily. 1 candidum. W. white. 2 japonicum. W. Japan. 3 bulbiferum. W. Orange. 0 umbellatum. umbel-fld. Orange. 4 dauricum. Ker. Daurian. pensylvanicum. B. M. 872. 5 concolor. H. K. self-coloured. 6 Catesbaei. W. Catesby’s. 7 philadelphicum. W. Philadelphian. 8 canadense. W. Canadian. 0 rubra. red-flowered. 9 superbum, W. superb. 10 Martagon. W. Turk’s Cap. 1 1 chalcedonicum. W. ScarletMartagon. 12 pyrenaicum. W. en. Pyrenean. 13 potnponium. W. ScarletPompone. 14 monadelphum. B.M. monadelphous. Liliae. J. 15 tigrinum. H. K. 16 pumilum. R. L. TULIPA. W. 1 sylvestris. W. 2 turcica. W. en. 3 oculus solis. R. L. 4 Gesneriana. W. 5 suaveolens. W. tiger-spotted, dwarf. Tulip. wild. narrow waved-ld. Sun’s-eye. common. V m Toll. Liliae. J. Persia. Caucasus. Pyrenees. Caucasus. 1790. 6.12. G.2L 1596. 3.4. H.1L 4.5. H.2L 1605. 1596. Britain. Camtschatka Levant. China. Italy. Dauria. China. Carolina. 4. H. 2f. . 5.6. H.7^. 5. H.2|. 4.5. H.ty. — G.n. H.TjL* .... 3.5. n.y.. 1759. 5. H.l^. Bot. mag. 1180* Cav. ic. 3. t. 246. Bot. reg. 160. Rheed. 11. t. 42. Bot. rep. 361, Bot. mag. 806. Bot. mag. 1495. Bot. rep. 369- Bot. mag. 840. Dill. elt.t.92.f. 109. Bot. mag. 1083. 913. ■ 1539. Bot. mag. 194. — — 1215. « 1537. 962. 857. 1812. 1604. 1596. 6.7. H.2L 1804. 7.8. H .If.. 1596. 6.7. H.Tf. H.U- 1754. H.2£. 18Q6. 7. H 1787. 7.8. H.2/L. - 952. - 664. Bot. mag. 153S. — 853. Eng. bot. 622. Linn.trans.lO.t.l 1. Bot. mag. 278. — — 1591. 36. 1018. 1210, in note. Red. 111. 145. Bot. mag. 971. 1405. 1237. Bot. reg. 132. England. 4.5. Italy. Levant. S. Europe. H.7L Eng. bot. 63 .... H.n 1816. 4. H.ty 1577. 4.5. H.2J. 1603. 8.4. H.%. Bot. reg. 204. Bot. mag. 1 135. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 6 Clusiana. B. M. 7 Celsiana. P. S. S cornuta. R. L. 9 biflora. L. ERYTHKONIUM. W. 1 Dens canis. W. 2 americanum. H. K. GLORIOSA. W. 1 superba. W. 2 simplex. L. BULBOCODIUM. W. vernum. W. UVULARIA. W. 1 perfoliata. W. 2 flava. Phv 3 lanceolata. W. 4 grandiflora. H. K. 5 sessilifolia. W. 6' cbinensis. B. M. BRODIzEA. L. T. 1 grandifloi-a. L. T. 2 congesta. L. T. PELIOSANTI-IES. B. R. 1 humilis. B. R. 2 Teta. B. R. APHYLLANTHES \ W. J monspeliensis. W. SOWERB.EA. L. T. juncea. B. P. ALLIUM. W. 1 Ampeloprasum. W. 2 Porrum. W. 3 lineare. W. Clusius’s. Cels’s. horned. two-flowered. Liliae. J. Sicily. Levant. Russia. 1636. 6. H.2/, 6.7. H.2/. 1816. 5. H.2/. 1806. 4. H.2/, : j- Lilias. J. / Dog’s-tooth \ Violet. common, yellow-flowered Gloriosa. superb, blue-flowered. Bulbocodium. Melanthaceae. B. P. spring- flowering. Spain Europe. N. America. 1596. 1665. 3. H. 2/ , 4.5. H.2/ , Liliae. J. MethOnica. J. E. Ind. Senegal. 69 Bot. mag. 1390. 717- Bot. reg. 1 27. (Pall. it. 3. app. 86. t.D. f.3. Bot. mag. 5. 1 1113, Bot. reg. 77. UVU LARI A. perfoliate. yellow-flowered. spear-leaved. large yellow. sessile-leaved. brown-flowered. Brodi.ea. large-flowered. close-headed. Peliosanthes. small. green-flowered. Lily Fixk. Rush-like. SoWERBA3A. Rush-leaved. Garlic. f great round- \ headed. j Leek. linear-leaved. Melanthaceae. B. P. 1629. 2.3. H.lj.. Bot. mag. 153. Hemerocallideae ? N. America. 1710. 1710. 1802. 1790. China. 1801. B. P. Hookera. P. Georgia. 1806. Ex. bot. 1. t. 49* 1. t. 50. Corn, canad. t. 4 1 . Ex. bot. 1. t. 51. — 1. t. 52. Bot. mag. 916. 5.6. h.2/. — u.n. 6.8. H.2/.. 5.6. H.2/ . 6. H.2/, 9.11. G.3/. L. 6. G .21. Par. lond. t. 98. E. Ind. 5. G.2/. Linn.trans.v.lO.t. 1809. 5.6. S .21. Bot. mag. 1532. I 807 A S , 1 809 Asphodeleae. B. P. i 0\J 4 . -*• ~ lOu,* — France. 1791. 6.7. H.2/. . Bot. mag. 1132. Asphodelene. B. P. N. S. W. 1792. 5.7. G.2/. . B.ct. mag. 1104. Asphodeleae. B. P. England. 7.8. H.2/. Eng. bot. 1657- Switzerland. 1562. 4.5. H. (J. Blackw. t. 421. Siberia. 1752. 6.7. H.n. 4 suaveolens. W. sweet-smelling. 5 Victorialis. W. long-rooted. 6 subhirsutum. VV. hairy. 7 obliquum. W. oblique-leaved. 8 acutangulum. VV.en acute-angled. 9 magicum.B. M. Homer’s Moly. 10 tataricum. W. Tartarian. 11 roseum.VV. Rose-coloured. 1 2 spirale. W. en. spiral. 13 unequal- spathed 14 sativum. W. cultivated. 15 Scorodoprasum. W. Rocambole, 16 arenarium. VV. sand. 17 carinatura. W. mountain. 18 sphaerocephalon. W. smail-headed. 19 parviflorum. W. small-flowered. 20 carneum. W. en. flesh-coloured. 21 descendens. VV. 22 flavum. VV. 23 pallens. VV. 24 paniculatum. W. 25 caucasicum. B. M. 26 vmeale. VV. 27 oleraceum. VV. 28 nutans. W. 29 ascalonicum. W. 30 stnescens. VV. 31 gracile. W. inodorum. TV. Sf fragrans. Vent. 32 angulesum. VV. angular-stalked purple-headed. — sulphur-colour’d — pale-flowefed. — panicled. Caucasian, crow. purple-striped, nodding. Shallot. Narcissus-leavd. Carolina. Austria, Austria. Siberia. France. Germany. Sicily. Denmark. Britain. England. Europe. S. Europe. Switzerland. Austria. S. Europe. 1759. 1781. 1816. 1766. 1759. 1779. 1780. Jac. ic. 2. t. 364. Bot. mag. 1222. — 774. 1408- Bot. mag. 1148. 1142. 978- Moris.s.4.t,15.f.9. Eng. bot. 1358. 1658. Bot. mag. 1764, Bot. mag. 251. 1330. — 1420. — 1432. 973. Eng. bot. 1?)74. — 4S8. Bot. mag. 1143. Mor.his. s.4.t. 1 4 .f.S Bot. mag. 1150. 1129. Germany. 1739. 6. 7. H.2/, Bot. mag. 1149. 70 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA 33 oclnoleucum.W.en. pale yellow. 34 striatum. W. streaked-leaved 35 narcissiflorum. W. 36 canadense. W. Narcissus-flowd. Canadian. Ramson, triangular- stalkd Clusiqs’s. common Onion. tree Onion. great-yellow, three-seeded. Welsh Onion. 37 ursinum. W. 38 triquetrum. W. 39 Clusianum. W. 40 Cepa. W. $ bulb if era. 41 Moly. W. 42 tricoccum. W. 43 fistulosum. W. 44 Schoenoprasum. W. Chives. 45 sibiricum. W. Siberian. 46 setaceum. P. S. 47 cernuum. B. M. 4 8 stellatum. B. M. 49 bisulcum. B M. 50 baicalense. W. en. 51 rubens. W. en. 52 Chamse-Moly. W. ALBUCA. W. 1 altissima. W. 2 major. W. 3 minor. W. 4 flaccida. Jac. 5 viridi flora. W, 6 coarctata. W. 7 fastigiata. W. 8 caudata. W. 9 setosa. W. 10 vittata. B. M. 1 1 physodes. B. M. 1 2 exuviata. B. M. 13 Anthericoides. Anthericum albucoides. TT 14 fragrans. W. sweet-scented. 15 viscosa. W. 16 spiralis. W. XANTHOR- \ RHCEA. B.P. J 1 liastile. B. P. 2 minor. B. P. 3 bracteata. B. P. THYSANOTUS. B.P. junceus. B. P. ERIOSPERMUM.W. 1 latifolium. W. 2 lanceaefolium. W. 3 parvifolium. W. 4 folioliferum. B.R. GAGE A. Sal. 1 lutea. B. M. Asphodeleae. B. P. Hungary. 1816. America. 1800. France. .... N. America. 1739. Britain. .... Spain. 1759. S. Europe. 1803. 6.7. 5.6. 7.8. 6.7. 4.5. 5.6. h.2/. H.2/. H.2/. H .If.. H.2/. H. 2/ . 6.8. H. If. . 6.7. H.J. H.2/. 6. H.2/ , bristly. drooping. Missouri. furrowed. Baical. red. dwarf Moly. Albuca. tall. great. small. flaccid. green-flowered. channel-leaved. level-topped. upright-flowered bristly, ribbon. dingy-flowered. Adder-skin. stripe-flowered. clammy-leaved. spiral-leaved. Pl.rar.hun.2,t.l 86. Bot.m.1035 &1524 Vill. delph.2. t. 6. Eng. bot. 1 22. Bot. mag. 869* Clus. hist. 1 . p.192. Bot. mag. 1469. Bot. mag. 499. Bot. mag. 1 230. Eng. bot. 2438. Bot. mag. 1141. Fl.rar. hung. t. 68. Bot. mag. 1324. 1576. 1381. Bot. mag. 1203. Jac. ic. 1 . t. 63. Bot. mag. 804. 720. Jac. ic. 2. t. 444. Bot. mag. 1656. Bot. rep. 450. Jac, ic. 2. t.. 442. Bot. mag. 1481. Xanthorrhcea Asphodeleae. B. P. yellow-gum. small. long-bracted. Thysanotus. Rush-like. Eriospermum. broad-leaved, spear-leaved.' small-leaved, leaflet-bearing. Gagea. bundle flowered. N. S. W. 1791. 6.7. G.2/. 1779. 5.6. G. 2/ , 1795. 6. G.2/ . 1803. 4.5. G.2/ . 1804 G.2/. . 1810. G.2/. . Jac. schoen.l. t. 81. Jac. ic. 2. t. 445. 2. t. 439. Asphodeleae. B. P. Chlamysporum. P. L. N. S. W. 1804. 8.9. G.2/ , Asphodeleae. B. P. C. B. S. 1800. 6.8. G. 2/. . 1795. G.2/., G.2/. 1806. G.2/-. Par. lond. 103. Bot. mag. 1382. Jac. ic. 2. t. 421. 2. t. 422. Bot. rep. 521. Asphodeleae. B.P. Ornithogali species. TV. 2 sylvatica. W. en. 3 spathacea. W. wood. 4 minima. P. S. stellaru. Sat. 5 circinata. p. 6 serotina. B. M. mountain. Anthericum serotinum. E II. sheathed. starry. netted. ORNITHOGA- J LUM. W. J 'i unifiorum. W. * ixioides. PI. K. 3 niveum. W. 4 umbellatum. W. f Star op “1 \ Bethlehem j one-flowered. Ixia-like. snowy. common. Britain. 3.4. PI. 2/. Bot. mag. 1200. Europe. .... H.2/ . | Germany. 1759. 5. H.2/. | Sweden. H.2/. | Siberia. 1789. 5.6. H.2/. | Wales. .... 6. H.2/. I Siberia. 1781. 5.6. H.2/. ^ California. C. B. S. England, 1796. F.2/ . 1774. G.2/. I 4.6. H.2/. 1 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 71 b pyrenaicum. W. spiked . 6' stachyodes. W. close-spiked. 7 lacteum. W. milk-white. 8 revolutum. W. re volute -flowerd .9 elatum. B. R. tall. 10 latifolium. W. broad-leaved. 1 1 scilloides. W. squill-like. 12 prasinum. B. Reg. green -Ho we red. 13 comosum. W. short-spiked. 14 pyrumidale. W. pyramidal. 15 odoratum. W. sweet-scented. 16 barbatum. W. bearded. 17 juncifolium. W. Rush-leaved. 1 8 rupestre. W. rock. 19 arabicum. W. great-flowered. 20 thyrsoides. W. thyrse-flowering 21 aureum. W. golden. 22 flavissimum. Jac. great yellow. 23 coarctatum. W. close-flowered. 24 caudatum. W. long spiked. 25 unifolium. B. M. one-leaved. 26 Squilla. B. M. officinal Squill. Scilln maritima . TV. SC1LLA. B. M. Squill. 1 italica. W. 2 peruviana. W. 3 lusitanica. W. 4 Lilio-Hyacinthusl W. J Asphodeleaj. B. P.. England. S. Europe. C. B. S. 6.7. H.2J. . 4.7. H. 6.7. G.Tf. . 3.6. G.ljL. 6.7. G.lf.. F-4. G .If.. G.n. Italian. corymbose. Portugal. Lily^-rooted. Asphodeleae. B. P. Switzerland. Spain. Portugal. S. Europe. 5 amoena. W. nodding. * Levant. 6 sibirica. H. K. Siberian. Siberia. 7 praecox. W. early-flowering. 8 verna. W. vernal. Britain. 9 monophylla. Link. one-leaved. — Portugal. 1 0 hyacinthoides. W. Hyacinth. — Madeira. 1 1 autumnalis. W. autumnal. England. 12 bi folia. W. two-leaved. 13 campanulata. W. Spanish. Spain. 14 non scripta. W. Harebells. Britain. 0 earned. Jiesh-coloured. 1 5 brevifolia. B. M. short-leaved. — — C.B. S. 16 corymbosa. B. M. Cape. Massonia corymbosa. B.M. 991. 17 esculenta. B. M. Quamask. — ■ N. America. 1 8 romana. B. M. Roman. - Italy. Bellevalia operculata. Picot. MASSON! A. W. 1 latifolia. W. 2 muricata. H. K. 3 pustulata. B. M. scabra. H. K- 4 echinata. W. 5 pauciflora. H. K. 6 angustifolia. W. 7 undulata. W. 8 ensifolia. B. M. ASPHODELUS. W. 1 luteus. W. 2 tauricus. W. en. 3 ramosus. W. 4 albus. W. 5 fistulosus. W. 6 altaicus. W. ANTHERICUM. J. 1 frntescens. P. S. 2 rostratum. P. S. 3 alooides. P. S. 4 nutans. P. S. 5 latifolium, P. S. Asphodeleae. B. P. Massonia. broad-leaved. . prickly-leaved. ■ chagreen-leaved. rough-leaved. few-flowered. narrow-leaved. waved-leaved. — trumpet- flower’d. Asphodel. Asphodeleae. B. P. yellow. Taurian. branched. upright. Onion-leaved. channel-leaved. Akthericum. shrubby, beaked. Aloe-leaved, nodding, broad-leaved. C. B. S. 1811. 1596. 1775. 1790. 8.12.H.2JL, 5.7. H.^. 5. H.2J1. 3.4. G.^. 4.5. G.lj., 1.4. G.2f, 1775. 1791. — 1790. Sicily. 1596. Tauria. 1812. S. Europe. 1551. Asphodeleae. B. P. 1596. Siberia. 1800. Bulbing. TV. en. C. B. S. 1702. 1812. 1732. 1812. 5. 3.4. 4. 9.2. 5.6. 5. 6.9. 5.6. G.n. G.7J.. G.2f.. G.2f.. G. lf.. H. 2J-. ■H.y. H.2JL. H.7JL. H.^. H.*. 3.8. G. \i . G. ^ . 4.8. G.2J. . G G.3*. Eng. hot. 499. Renealm.spec. t.90. Bot. mag. 1 134. 653. Bot. rep. 528. Bot. mag. 87 6. Jac. schoen.l.t.888 Bot. reg. 158. Jac. ic. 2. t. 426. 2. t. 425. Bot. rep. 260. Jac. schoen. 1 . t.91. Bot. mag. 972. Bot. mag. 728. 1164. Bot. mag. 190. Jac. ic. t. 436. t. 435. Bot. mag. 805. 9 53 & 935 918. Bot. mag. 663. 749. llud. elys. 2. f. 4. Red. lil. 205. Bot. mag. 341. Bot. mag. 1325. Eng. bot. 23. Bot. mag. 1140. Eng. bot. 78. 24. Bot.mag.l 27&1 102 Eng. bot. 377. Bot. mag. 1461. 1468. f Bot. mag. 1478 in \ note. Bot. mag. 1574. — — 939. Bot. mag. 848. 559. — 642. Bot. mag. 736. Bot. mag. 554. Bot. mag. 773. Bot. mag. 799- Blackwr. t. 238. Bot. 984. Actpetr:i779.t.l0 Bot. mag. 816. Jac. ic. 2. t. 4 03. Bot. mag. 1317. Jac. ic. 2. t. 407. 2. t. 408. 72 annual. hairy-leaved. sweet-scented. flexuous-leaved. thread-leaved, thick-spiked. curled-flowered. afternoon-flow5. waved-leaved. three-dowered. channel-leaved. 6 pngioniformc. P. S. dagger-leaved. 7 asphodeloideg. P. S. upright-leaved. 8 longiscapnm. B. M. glaucous-leaved 9 annuum. P. S. 10 hispidum. P. S. 1 1 fragrans. W. 12 fiexifolium. W. 13 filiforme. W. 14 doribundum. W. 15 revolutum. W. 16 vespertinum. W. 17 graminifolium. W. 18 trifloruii). W. 19 canaliculatum. W. ARTHROPODIUM. \ , B.P. y paniculatuin. B. P. panicled. PH ALANGIU M. J. Phalangium. 1 ramosum. B. M. branching. 2 Liliago. P. S. Grass-leaved. CHLOROPHYTUM. \ B. M. J 1 inornatum. B. M. green-dowered. 2 datum. B. P. tall. Anthericum e latum. II. K. CASSIA. B. P. C.esia. vittata. B. P. nodding-flowerd. NARTHECIUM. B.M Narthecium. 1 ossifragum. E. B. {“* } 2 americanum. B. M. American. PIANELLA. B. P. Diaxelea. 1 ensi folia. W. sword-leaved. 2 ccerulea. B. P. blue. 3 divaricata. B. P. divaricated. EUSTREPHUS. B. P. Eustrefhus. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Asphodeleae. B. P. C. B. S. Bot. mag. 1454. Jac. vind. t. 181. Bot. mag. 1339. 1451. Jac. ic. 2. t. 409. Jac. schcen. 1 .t. 86. Jac. ic. 2. t. 412. Bot. mag. 1044. C.B.S. C.B.S. \rthropodium. Asphodeleae. B. P. Asphodelea*.. B. P, N. S. W. Anthericum S. Europe. S. Europe. Chloropiiytum. Asphodelea:. B. P. SierraLeone, C.B. S. latifolius. B. P. broad-leaved. ASPARAGUS. W. Asparagus. 1 officinalis. W. common. 2,sylvaticus. W. en. wood. 3 verticillaris. M. B. whorl-leaved. 4 declinatus. W. long-leaved. 5 decumbens. W. decumbent. 6' scandens. W. climbing. 7 fateatus. W. sickle-leaved. 8 racemosus. W. branching. 9 retrofractus. W. Larch-leaved. 10 asiaticus. W. Asiatic. 1 1 aethiopicus. W. angular-stalked. 12 albus. W. white. 13 acutifolius, W. needle-leaved. 14 dexuosus. W. dexuous. 15 apbyllus. W. prickly. 16 subulatus. W. awl-leaved. 17 capensis.W. Cape. 18 sarmentosus. W. linear-leaved. DRIMIA. Jac. Drimia. 1 altissima. B. M. tallest. 2 elata. B. M. tall. 3 ciliaris. B. M. ciliated. 4 pusilla. W. dwarf. 5 lanceaefolia. B. M. Copperas-leaved 6 revoluta. refiex-dowered. Asphodeleae. B. P. N. S. W. Asphodelete. B. P. Antherici Britain. N. America. E. Ind. N. S. W. N. S. W. Asphodeleae. B. P. Asphodeleae. B. P. Asphodeleae. B. P. 1803. 5.9. G.lf.. ■ 1040. - 1794. 6. g.h • Jac. ic. 2. t. 4 1 1 . - 1782. 8.10. G. H - 2. t. 410. 1774. 4.5. ( G.H • Bot. mag. 1124. 1800. 5.9. G.H. Bot. mag. 1421. . TV. en. 1570. 5.6. H. H . — 1055, 159S. 5.6. H 914. . . . . . 6.8. S .H- Bot. mag. 1071. 1751. 8.9. g.h • Red. lil. 191. 1816. 7.8. g.h- species II. K. 7.8. H.h. Eng. bot. 535. 1811. H.H-. Bot. mag. 1505. 1731. 8. S.H. Bot. mag. 1404. 1783. 5.8. G. H • — 505. • 1805. 7-8. G.H- 1S00. 6.7. G.H - Bot. mag. 1245. .... 6.8. H.H. Eng. bot. 339. Caucasus. C. B. S. E. Ind. Africa. Asia. C.B.St .Spain. C.B.S. S. Europe. C.B.S. Asphodeleae. B. P. Ceylon. C. B. S. 1752. 175,9. . . . . 1792. 5. 1795 1792. 1808 1759. 8.9. 1816 1540 1640 7-8. 1640 1811 1691. 4.5. 1710. 8. 1791. 8-9. 1799. 10.11 9. 1793. 5.6. 1800. 9.10. 1774. 8. Hx/acinthus revolutus. II. K. UROPETALON. B. Reg. 1 viride. B. Reg. 2 glaucum. B. Reg. 3 crispum. B. Reg. 4 serQtinum. B. Reg } UropetaloN. Asphodeleae. B. P. Zuccagnia. TV. en. — — C.B.S. green-dowered, glaucous-leaved curled-leaved, late- flowering. Spain. 1774. 8. 1816. 7.8. 1629. 6.S. H.ty g.h G-h- G.v-. s.-h- s-h. g. h ■ Cr.J2. G. h • F-h- F-h. G.lf., G.h- G.h- G.h- S* h • g.h- .G.lf. . G.H. G.lf., G.y., G.lf.. G.lf-. g.h. g.h. F.y., Pl.rar.hun.3.t.201. Buxb. cent. 5. t. 37 Jac. schccn. l.t. 97* Burm.zeyl.t.l3.f,2. Pluk.alm.t,375,f.3, Pluk.alm.t, 15.f.4. Moris. 8.1. 1. 1 . f. 3, Park, theat. f. 3. Moris, s. l.t. f. 2. Jac.schoen.3. t. 266. 1. 10. Bot. mag. 1074. . 822. 1444. Jac. ic. 2. t. 374, Bot. mag. 643. — - 1380, Red. lil. 203. Bot. reg. I 56, Bot. mag. 859, S-fulvum. tile-red. Hyacinthus fiilvus. Cav. HYACINTHUS. B.M. Hyacinth. 1 amethystinus. W. 2 orientalis. W. MUSCARI. B. M. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Asphodeleae. B. P. Mogador. 1808. 6.8. F.Tf. Bot. mag. 118b 73 } Amethyst-colourd. garden. ( Grape Hya \ CINTH. musk. yellow. purple. feathered. blue, starch. Lachenalia, sea-green. Orchis-like. pale-flowered. Hyacinth-flowerd. narrow-leaved. contaminated. spreading-flowerd. sweet-scented. self-coloured. glossy-leaved. starch. blistered. purple-blue. nerved-leaved. violet. cowled-leaved. rose-coloured. one-leaved. sessile-flowered. equal-flowered. three-coloured. yellow. Asphodelea;. B. P. ^ Asphodeleae. B. ’ S. Europe. Levant. 1759. 4.5. 1596. 3.4. Asphodeleae. B. P. 1 moschatum. B. M. £5 fiavum. B. M. 2 comosum. R. L. (3 monstrosum. 3 botryoides. B. M. 4 racemosum. B. M. LACHENALIA. W. 1 glaucina. W. 2 orchioides. W. 3 pallida. W. 4 hyacinthoides. W. 5 angustjfolia. W. 6 containinata. W. 7 patula. W. 8 fragrans. W. 9 unicolor. B. M. 10 lucida. B. M. 1 1 racemosa. B. M. 1 2 pustulata. W. 13 purpureo-caerulea, B. M. * 14 nervosa. B. M. 1 5 violacea. W. 16 bifolia. B. M. 17 rosea. B. R. 1 8 unifolia. W. 19 sessiliflora. B. R. 20 isopetala. W. 2 1 tricolor. W. 22 luteola. Jac. 23 quadricolor. B.M. four-coloured. ■ 24 rubida. W. dotted-flowered. 25 pendula. B. M. pendulous. - DRAC.ENA. W. Dragon-Tree. Asphodeleae. B. P. 1 Draco. W, common. — 2 ensifotia, H. S. sword-leaved. — - 3 umbraculifera. W. umbel-flowered. 4 cernua. W. drooping. — 5 ferrea. H. K. purple. — 6 fragrans. H. K. sweet-scented. 7 ovata. B.M. oval-leaved. ■ PHYLLOMA. B. M. Phylloma. Asphodeleae. B. P. aloiflorum. B. M. Aloe-leaved. ■■ - Draccena marginata. H. K. ALSTRCEMERIA. W. Alstrcemeria. Asphodeleae. B. P. Hyacinthi species L. Levant. 1596. 4.5. S, Europe. Italy. Britain. C.B.S. 1795. 3.4, 1752. 2,4. 1782. 3.4. 1812. * 1793. 4.5. 1774. 2.3. 1795. 4.5. 1798. 3.5. H.1JL, H.^. • u.n, ■ii.Tf. ‘H.Tf. H.2f. H.2». G.Tf. G.Tf. G.Tf. • G. Tf . G. Tf , G.Tf, G.Tf . G.Tf. Red. lil. 14. Bot. mag. 937 Bot. mag. 734. 1565. 133. Moris.s.4. t.l 1. f,2. Bot. mag. 157. - — — 122. Jac. ic. 2. t. 391. Bot. mag. 1269, Red. lil. 22. Jac. ic. 2. t. 382. Bot. mag. 735, 1401. Jac. ic. 2. t. 384. Jac.schoen. 1 . t. 82. 1806. 5.6. G.Tf. Bot. mag. 1373. 1798. 3.5. G.Tf. 1372. 1811. 5. G.Tf. — 1517. 1790. 1.4. G.Tf. • 817. 1798. 4.5. G.Tf. ■ 745. 1810. 6. G.Tf. — 1497. 1795. 3.4. 1813. 1800. 4.5. 1795. 3.4. 1804. 5.6. 1774. 4.5. E.Ind. Mauritius. China. Africa. Sierra Leone. G.Tf. G.Tf, G.Tf. G.n. G.Tf, G.Tf. G.Tf. g.t/.. 1789. 3.5. G.Tf 9.10. G.Tf 3.4. G.Tf 1803 1774 Jac. ic. 2. t. 394. Bot. mag. 1611. Bot. rep. t. 296. Bot. mag. 766. Bot. rep. 460. Jac. ic. 2. t. 401. Bot. mag. 82. Jac. ic. 2. t. 395. f Bot. mag. 588 and 1097. 993. — 590. •t 1640. 1800. 1788. 1771. 1768. 3.4. 2.5. 8,9. s.*- s ,Tz. s-h- S.k. Srh' s-h- S.h« Blackw. t. 358. Jac. schoen. 1. 1.95. — l.t. 96.' Red. lil. 91. Bot. mag. 1081. 1180. Bourdon. 1766. 4. S,]^. Bot. mag. 1585. 1 Pelegrina. W. 2 Ligtu. W. 3 Salsilla. B. M. PHORMIUM. W. tenax. W. HYPOXIS. W. 1 erecta. W. 2 sobolifera, W. 3 villosa. W. 4 decumbens. W, 5 obliqua. W. 6 aquatica. W. 7 alba. W. 8 obtusa. B. Reg, 9 ovata. W. 10 stellata. W. elegans. B. S. spotted-flower’ d. striped-flowered. eatable-rooted. Flax-Lily. Iris-leaved. Hypoxis. upright. creeping. villous, decumbent. oblique-leaved. water. white. obtuse, smooth-leaved, star-flowered. white star-flow' d. Peru. Asphodeleae. B. P. Asphodeleae. B. P. S, America- 1753. 1776. 1806. 6.9. G.2L. 2.3. S.lf,. 6.7. S.2JL Bot. mag. 139. 1613. NewZealand 1788. 8. G.Tf., Cook. it. v. 2. t. 96. N. America. C.B.S. Jamaica. C. B. S, 1752. 1774. 1755. 1795. 1787. 1806. 1816, 1806. 1752. 6,7. 6.9. 6.7. 2.5. 4.6. H.2/-. G.2t- ■ G.n. • S.2£ . G.Tf.. •G.^JL. G.Tf. ■G.Tf, G.Tf. G.Tf . ■G.Tf. Bot. ma^ Jac. ic. 2 Mill.ic.l Bot. rep. Jac. coll. Bot. reg. Bot. mag HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA, 1 1 vei'atrifolia. W. 12 linearis. B. R. 13 serrata. W. 14 juncea. \V, CURCULIGO. H. K. 1 plicata. H. K. 2 orchioides. W. 3 brevifolia. H. K. 4 latifclia. H. K. 5 vecurvata. H. K. CYANELLA. W. 1 capensis. W. 2 lutea. W. YUCCA. W. 1 gloriosa. W. 2 aloifolia. W. 3 draconis. W. 4 obliqua. H. S. 5 serrulata. PI. S. 6 recurvifolia. Ph. 7 filamentosa. W. 8 angustifolia. Pb. plaited-leaved. Asphodeleze. linear-leaved. saw-leaved. ■ — — rushy. CuRCULIGO. plaited-leaved. narrow-leaved, short-leaved, broad-leaved, recurved -lea\red. Cyanella. purple-flowered. yellow-flowered. Adam’s Needle Liliae. J. superb. Aloe-leaved. drooping-leaved. oblique-leaved. rough-edged. recurve-leaved. thready. narrow-leaved. Asphodelese. B. P Asphodeleai. J. BUONAPARTE A.F.P. B uonapartea. juncea. FI. P. Rush-leaved. ALOE. W. Aloe. 1 vulgaris. H. K. yellow7- flowered. 2 purpurascens. H.K. purple. 3 soccotrina. H. K. soccotrine. 4 arborescens. IT. K 5 ferox. H. K. 6 supralsevis. H. K. 7 flavispina. H. S. 8 picta. H. K. 9 latifolia. H. S. 10 saponaria. H. S. 1 1 serrulata. H. K. 12 mitraeformis. H Hemerocallideae. B.P, C.B.S 1788. 6.7. G.lf. Jac. ic. 2. t. 867. 1792. 4.5. G.lf. Bot. rep. 171. 1788. 6.7. G.lf. Bot. mag. 709. 1787* F.lj-. Smith spic. 15. t.16. Carolina. C. B. S. E. Ind. 1788. 6.7. G. If.. Jac. schoen.l. t. 80. 1800. S. If. Roxb. cor. 1. 1. 13. 1804. 5.7. S.lf. Bot. mag. 1076. 1804. 5.8. S .If.. Rumph.amb.6.t.53 1805. .... S.i. PooloPinang Bengal. C.B.S. 1768. 7.8. G.lf. Bot. mag. 568. 17QQ fz , 1252. I/OO* — — V7. £j. • d l Ad *0 America. S. America. 1596. 7-8. IT. h- Bot, mag. 1260. 1696. 8.9. G. \i . 1700. ttqo t. tkh pH t ait S.l, . Carolina. Georgia. Virginia. Missouri. 1808 G-h- 1795. 8. IT.h . Par. lond. 31. 1675. 9.10. H-h • Bot.mag.900. 1811. 7.8. H. \i . 'J" : Peru. 1800 S-h- FI. peruv. 3. t.242* 13 nobilis. H. S. 14 distans. H. S. 15 albispina. H. S. 16 brevifolia. H. K. 17 depressa. H. K. 1 8 suberecta. IT. S. 19 acuminata. FI. S. 20 tubercuhata. H. S. 21 humilis. H. S. 22 incurva. H. S. 23 striata. FI. K. 24 lineata. IT. K. tree. great hedgehog, upright hedgehog yellow-spined. great soap. broad-leavdsoap. common soap. saw7-leaved. S. common mitre, great mitre, small mitre, white-spined. short-leaved, flat-leaved, lesser hedgehog. ■ middle hedgehog. ■ ( tubercled \ i hedgehog. J dwarf hedgehog. • ineurv’ a hedgehog streaked. lined red-spined. • glaucous. spike-flowered. African. Apple-green. smooth-stemm’d. ■ fan. partridge-breast, broad-marbled. ■ narrow-marbled. {Aloe. Gasteria Sf Haworthia. II. S. Aloe Sf Apicra. W. en. supp. 1596. 5.8.D.^.k‘ Plant, grass. 27. 1789. 7.10. G-h . Bot. mag. 1474. 2.4. G-h- 472. 1306. Plant, grass. 32. Com. prael.7 1 • t.20i, Bot. mag. 1323. 1346. — 1460. D.S. If . 26 spicata. W. 27 africana. FI. K. 28 virens. FI. S. 29 dichotoma. W. 30 plicatilis. W. 31 variegata. W. 32 obliqua. FI. S. 33 maculata. H. K. Gasteria pitlchra. II. S, 34 nigricans. H. S. dark-tongue, 35 glabra. H. S. 36 carinata. H. S. 37 lingua. W. Gasteria latifolia. 38 angulata. H. S. 39 angustifolia. IT. S. 40 longifolia. FI. S. smooth-keeled. rough-keeled. common-tongue. H.S. retuse-tongue. narrow-tongue. long-ld. tongue. Africa. C.B.S. — .8. G *h- 1789. 3.6. G.Tf.. 1795. 3.5. G.Tf. 1796. -G.lf. 1731. 3.6. G.Tf. . 1796. -G.lf. 1795. . G.lf. 1789. . . . D.S .If. 1731. 1.9. G.h- 1795. . . . D.S.T-j. 1731. 7. G-h- 1790. 8.9. G.lf. 1780. D.S.Jj. 1723. 6.7. . G.T*. 1720. 3.9. , G.h. 1759. 6.8. D.S. h • — 7.8. D.S. h • 1790. 6.7. G.lf. 1796. - G.lf . 1731. - G.lf. .... 3.11 . G.lf. Bot. mag. 1270. n- G.Ij. Bot. mag. 1368. it. grass. 81. Plant, grass. 39* Bot. mag. 828. Bot. mag. 1273>. Bot. mag. 1355> Bot. mag. 457. 513. 979. 765. 1791. 1731. 1796. 838. G.if. G.2I-. Bot. mag. 1322, G.lf. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 4 1 obtasifolia. short-ld. tongue. Hemerocallideae.B.P. C. B. S. Gnsteria brcvifolia. H. S. 42 intermedia. H. S. middle-tongue. — 43 verrucosa. W. warted. 44 spiralis. H. S. great-spiral. 45 spirella. H. S. small-spiral. 46“ pentagona. H. S. five-sided. — — — 47 imbricata. H. S. rough-flowered. spiralis. B. M. 48 foiiolosa. H. S. small-leavedi — 49 tortuosa. H. S. twisted. — — 50 rigida. PI. gr. rigid. : 51 aspera. H. S. rough. — 52 viscosa. H. S. clammy. 58 albicans. H. K. white-edged. 54 cymbiformis. H. S. boat-leaved. 55 reticulata. H. S. netted. 56 recurva. H. S. recurve-leaved. 57 retusa. VY. smooth cushion. 58 mirabilis. H. S. rough cushion. 59 translucens. H. K. transparent. 60 pumila. H. S. small cobweb. 61 arachnoides. H. S. cobweb. 6’2 radula. H. S. raspy-pearl. 63 attenuata. H. S. chalky-pearl. radula. B. M. 64 minima. H. S. least-pearl. 65 minor. H. S. lesser-pearl. 66 margaritifera. H.K. larger-pearl. 67 Haworthii. largest-pearl. — Haworthia maxima. H. S. 1809. 7.8. G.lf, 1790. 3.11. G.lf 1731. G.y., 1790. 8.9. G-V 1808. 8. G. \i 1731. 6.7. G.Tj _ G.T2, AGAVE. H.K. Agave. 1 americana. W. common Amer. 2 Milleri. H. S. Miller’s. 3 flaccida. H. S. flaccid. 4 lurida. W. VeraCruz. 5 angustifolia. H. S. narrow-leaved. 6 Karatto. H. S. Karatto. 7 vivipara. W. viviparous. 8 virginica. W. Virginian. 9 geminiflora. pair-flowered. FURCRCEA. V. Furcrcea. 1 gigantea. Vent. gigantic. 2 tuberosa. H. K. tuberous. 3 cubensis. H. S. Cuba. 4 rigida. H. S. rigid. 5 australis. H. S. entire-leaved. STREPTOPUS. M. Streptopus. 1 amplexifolius. R. L. heart-leaved. 2 roseus. Ph. rose-coloured. 3 lanuginosus. Ph. CON V ALL ARIA. 1 Desf. J majalis. W. Bromelice. .1. S. America. 6.8. G.^. 5.9. G. 1 1 . G. \i . 6. D.S. Ji , 6.7. G.f*. 7. D.S.h 5.8. G.7/.. G.lf . 1795. 1797- 1795. 1727. 1795. 1795. 1794. 1795. 8. S.lf . 1720. 5.7. G.lf. 1795. 5.8. G.lf. D.S. 2/-. 1752. 5. G.lf . 8. D.S. If. G .If. 5.8. 1727. 1805. 1790. 1725. 1739. 1801. 5.9. 5.8. 5.9. G. If . G.lf . G.lf.. G.lf.. G.lf. Bromeliae. J. S. America. Vera Cruz. S. America. N. America. Aiyerica. S. America. 1640. 8.10. G. . 1768. .... G. \\ . 1790. . . . D.S.Jj • 1731. 6.7. D.S. Jj. 1790 G.I?, 1768. . . . D.S. If , 1731. 8.10.D.S.2JL , 1765. 9. F.lf. 1810. G.lf. 1690. 9.1. D.S.Jj. 1739. 8.9. D.S. ... D.S.k- . D.S. 1 1. . D.S .If, 1768. 1811. Smilaceae. B. P. TJvularice species TV. £ rubra. 7 Jlore pleno. SMILACINA. D. 1 umbellata. D, 2 borealis. D. 3 bifolia. D. 4 trifolia. D. 5 stellata. D. 6 racemosa. D. woolly. f Lily of the! \ Valley. J common. reel-lowered, double. Smilacina. umbel-flowered, oval-leaved, least. three-leaved. star-flowered. cluster-flowered. Smilaceae. B. P. Hungary. N. America. Britain. 1752. 1806. 1812. 5. 6.7. H. If . H. If- H.lf, 5.6. H.lf POLYGONATUM. D. SoLOMON’s-SEAL.Smilaceae. B. P. Smilaceae. B. P. Convallaries species TV. N. America. 1778. 5.6. H.2|, — : h.^. N. Europe. 1596* H.2£ N. America. 1812. 6.7. H.lf ; 1633. 5.6. H.TjL : 1640. -H .If, 1 verticillatum. D. 2 canaliculatuin. Ph. 3 pubescens. Ph. 4 vulgare. D. 6 multiflorum. D, 6 latifolium. D. whorl-leaved. channelled. pubescent. angular. coipmon. broad-leaved. L 2 Convallarice species TV. - Scotland 5.6. H.lf.. - N. Ameriea. 1812. 6. H.2/.. - 5.6. H.lf . -England. .... H.lf. - Britain. .... H. If . Germany. ' 1802. — — H.2f . 75 Bot. mag. S37. Bot. mag. 1338. 1455. Bot. mag. 1352. 1337. Plant, grass. 62. Bot. mag. 814. 1452. 802. 1 — 1314. 1353. 455. 1354. 1417. ■ 1361. 756. Jac. scboen. t. 35. Bot. mag. 1345. Bot. mag. 1360. Bradl. succ. 3. t.2l. Bot. rep. 438. Bot. mag. 1522. Comm, prael. t. 15. Bot. mag. 1157. Jour.ofsc.No.3.t.l, Plant, grass. 126. Jac.amer.t.260.f.25 Red. lil. 259. Bot. mag. 1489. 1490. Eng. bot. 1035. Bot. mag. 1155. 1403. — 510. Gmel. sib. 1 t. 6. Bot. mag. 1043. ■ 899. Eng. bot. 1035. Willd. hort.ber. 45. Eng. bot. 280. — 279. Jac. aust. 3. t. 232. 16 OPHIOPOGON. B.M. japonicus. B. M. LOPHIOLA. B. M. aurea. B. M. LAN ARIA. W. plumosa. Wi . ANIGOZANTHOS.l B. P. J fiavida. B. Pi LEONTICE. W. 1 Chrysogonum. W. 2 Leontopetalon. W. CAULOPHYLLUM \ Mi. j thalictroides. Ph. DIPHYLLEIA. ML cymosa. Mi. ACORUS. W. 1 Calamus. W. 2 gramineus. W. ORONTIUM. W. 1 aquaticum. W. 2 japonicum. W. TUPISTRA. B. M* squalida. B. M. TACCA. W. 1 pinnatifida. W. 2 integrifolia. B. M. CORYPHA. W. umbraculifera. W. L1CUALA. Wi spinosa. W. THRINAX. W. parvi flora. W. CALAMUS. Wi 1 albus. P. S. 2 Zalacca. W. JUNCUS. B. P. 1 acutus. W. 2 maritlmus. P. S. 3 congtomeratus. W. 4 effusus. W. 5 glaucus. W. 6 filiformis. W. 7 trifidus. W. 8 squarrosus. W. 9 gracilis. E. B. 10 lampocarpus. L. T. 1 1 acutiflorus. L. T. 1 2 obtusiflorus. Li T. 13 uliginosus. H. K. 14 supinus. W. 15 bulbosus. W. 16 bufonius. W. 17 triglumis. W. 18 biglumis. W. 19 castaneus. H. K. LUZULA. B. P. 1 pilosa. W. 2 Forsteri. E. B. 3 maxima. W. 4 lutea. W. 5 albida. W. 6 nivea. W. 7 campestris. W. 8 congesta. P. S. 9 spicata. W. PRINOS. W. I verticillatus. W. HEXANDRIA MONOGYN1A. Snake’s Beard. Japan. Lophiola. golden -flowered. Lanaria. woolly. Anxgozanthos. russet-green-flod. Leontice. Oak-leaved. Lion’s-leafi Smilaceae. B. P. Slateria. Desv. Fluggea. Japan. 1784. 6. Haemodoraceae. B. P. Conostylis. Ph. * N. America. 1811. 5.7. Haemodoraceae. B. P. Argolasixtk J. C.B. S. 1787 Haemodoraceae. B. P. N. Holland. 1803. 5.9- Berberides. J. CAULOPHYLLUM. Berberides. J. Coliimbine-leavd Diphylleia blue-berried. — Acorus. Sweet-flag, grass-leaved. Orontium. aquatic. Japan. Tupistra. Amboyna. Tagca. Salep. entire-leaved. Fan Palm. Aroideae. B. P. Aroideae. B. P. Levant. 1740. 3.6. — — ■ — 1597. 4.5. N. America. 1755. 5. N. America. 1812. 5.6*. Britain. .... 6.7. China. 1786^ 2. N. America. 1775. 6. Japan,- 1783. 1.4. Aroideae. B. P. * U.t O Amboyna. 1810. 4. Aroideae? B. P. great. Licuala. spiny. Thrinax. small. Calamus. common. Java. Rush. great sharp sea. lesser sharp sea. common. soft. hard. least. three-leaved. Goose-corn. slender. shining-fruited. sharp-flowered, blunt-flowered, little bulbous, supine. bulbous-rooted. toad. three-flowered. two-flowered. black-spiked. Luzula. hairy. Forster’s. wood. yellow. white. snowy. field. close-headed. spiked. Winter Berry. deciduous. Palmae. B. P. Palmae. B. P. Palmae. B. P. Palma?. B. P. Juncea?. B. P. E.Ind. 1793 1810. 5.7- E.Ind. 1742. E. Ind. 1 802. Jamaica. 1778. E.Ind. 1S12. Britain. Rick. F. l/.. Bot. mag. 1 06S. H.ty. Bot. mag. 1590. G. %. G. J2 . Bot. mag. 1 151. H. ty . Moris. s.3.t.l5,f.7. G. ty. * — - 1. 15.f.6. H. 2£ * Mich. amer. l.t.2I. H.l/.. Bot. mag. 1666. Hi H- . Eng. bot. 356. H.2/.. Smith spic.l5.t.l7. Lam. ill. t. 251. H.T/.. Bot. mag. 898. S.2£. Bot. mag. 1655. S .If.. Lam. ill. t. 232. S.lj.. BoUmag. 1488. 0 T f Rheed. mal. 3. t. s-*{ 1-12. S. \i< Rumph.amb.l.t. 9. S. ^ . Rumph.amb.5.t.52. S.J?. 2 . 1. 1 3 9 .f • 2 . Eng. bot. England. Britain. Scotland. Britain. Scotland. Britain. Britain. Scotland. Junceae, B. P. Junci species L> - Britain. England. — — Britain. Switzerland. Rhamni. J. Britain. France. Scotland. N. America. 1736. 7.8. Eng. bot. 736. — — — 129k Leers.herb.t. 1 3 .f.6“. Scheu.gram.t.7.f.7. Eng. bot. 672. H.J. Eng. bot. 1176. W. . Tliiham. arh.1 .t. 28. HEXANDHIA DIGYNIA. 77 ft ambiguus.Ph. 3 laevigatus. Ph. 4 lanceolatus. Ph. 5 glaber. W. 6 lucidus. W. BERBERIS. W. 1 vulgaris. W. (3 violacea. 2 canadensis. Ph. 3 ilicifolia. W. 4 cretica. W. 5 sibirica. W. 6 emarginata. W. en. NANDI N A. W. domestica. W. HILLIA. W. 1 longiflora. W. 2 tetrandra. W. RICHARDIA. L. scabra. L. CANARINA. W. Campanula. W. FRANKENIA. W. 1 l. H.ty. H. "U . H.V-. H.y.. H.Q. G. lf. ii.n. H. ll. H- 2/- . G. h • 1782. 6.7. 5.6. 1806. Britain. C. B. S. Britain. .... Narthecium. J. Britain. . . . . N. America. 1790. Medeola: sp. H. K. C.B.S. 1702. 1752. 7.8. 10. 5.8. 7.8. 4.5. 10.3. 12.3, Melanthaceae. B. P. s-h- H.71. H.2f. G. i/L. H. 2*. H.7J. . H.TjL. G.Tl. G.2/.. C.B.S. 1788. 5.6. G.2/. . Rush-leaved, side-flowering, spotted- flowrered. yellow, dwarf, branching. Smilaceae. B. P, virginica. W. TRILLIUM. W. 1 Sessile. W. 2 petiolatum.'Ph. j Indian ") ( Cucumber. J Trillium. sessile-leaved. Plantain-leaved. Virginia. 1759. 6. Smilaceae. B. P. N. America. 3 erytnrocarpum. Mi. painted- flowered. * pictum. Ph. uudulatum. TV. Jlort. Ber. 4 ovatura. Ph. 5 pumilum. Ph. 6 cernuum. W. 7 erectum. W. 8 pendulum. Ph. 9 grandiflorum. Ph. colChicum. w. 1 autumn ale. W. 2 arenarium. W. en. 3 byzantinum. B. M. 4 variegatum. W. HELONIAS. B. M. 1 lutea. B.M. 2 bullata. W. 3 laeta. B. M. 4 glaberrima. B.M. 5 bracteata. B.M. 6 tenax. Ph. 7 asphodeloides. W. S graminea. B. M. MOLINA. Mi georgiana. Mi. purple-flowered. - dw-arf. drooping-flowerd - stinking, pendulous, large-flowered, f Meadow 1 ^ \ Saffron. J common, sand. broad-leaved. chequer-flowerd. Helonias. spiked-flowering spear-leaved. channel-leaved. smooth. large-bracted. tough-leaved. Grass-leaved. pahicled. Nolina. Georgian. — Carolina. — N. America. 1759. 1811. 1812. 1758. 1759. 1805. 1799. 4.5. 5.6. 4.5. 4.6. H.y.. * . H.TjL. ■H.V-. H .Tf.. -H.21. ■G.2jL. H.Tf. H.71. H.2^. H.21. Melanthaceae. B. P. Eng. bot. 127. 1 1674. Jac. vind. 3. t. 93-. Red. lil. 257. Eng. bot. 1801. Bot. mag. 1445. Eng. bot. 255. Eng. bot. 53 6. Herm. lugd. t. Till.pis. 1 7- 1. 1 2 Bot. mag. 1291 Bot. mag. 694. Bot. mag. 558. Lam. ill. t. 269. f.2. Bot. mag. 767. 641. 994. Bot. mag. 1316. Bot. mag. 40. Bot. mag. 954. 470. W.hort.ber.l . t 35. Par. lond. 1. Eng. bot. 133. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l 79 Bot. mag. 1122. 1028. Bot. mag. 1062. 747. • 803. 1680. — 1703. Ph. amer. 1. 1. 9. Bot. mag. 748. 1599. Melanthaceae. B. P. Georgia. 1812. 7.8. H.2f HEPTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. r <9 APONOGETON. W. 1 monostachyon. W« 2 distachyon. W. 3 angustifolium. W. SABAL. P. S. Aponogeton. simple-spiked. broad-leaved. narrow-leaved. Sabal. Adansoni. B. M. Adanson’s. WENDLANDIA. W. populifolia. W. damasonium. w. indicum. W. ACTINOCARPUS. B. P. 1 minor. B. P. 2 Damasonium. ALISMA. W. 1 Plantago. W. 2 lanceolata. With. 3 trivialis. Ph. 4 natans. W. 5 ranunculoides. W. } Naiades. J. E. Ind. C.B. S. Palmse. B. P. Florida. 1803.8.10. S.2/1. Bot. rep. 406. 1788. 5.7. G.2/. . Bot. mag. 1293. 4.9. G. lj. . 1268. 1810. 6.8. S. 2/L . Bot.mag. 1434. Wendlandia. Poplar-leaved. Damasonium. Indian. AcxiNocARrus. small. common. {Water \ Plantain, j greater, spear-leaved, blunt-leaved, boating, lesser. POLYGYNIA. Menispermae. J. • N. America. 1759. 6\7- H. . Hydrocharideae. B. P. Ottelia. P. S. E. Ind. 1800. 7.9. S.2/L. Alismaceae. B. P. Damasonium . J. Alismce sp. L. Alismaceae. B. P. N. S. W. England. Britain. 5.8. 6.8. 6.7. g.2/.. H.2/. N. America. 1816. Wales. Britain. .... H .71. H. 2/ . H.2*. 7.8. H .71.. S. H.2/ . Wen.hor.her.3.t.l6 Bot. mag. 1201. Eng. bot. 1615. Eng. bot. 837. Eng. bot. 775. CLASS VII. HEPTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. TRIENTALIS. W. 1 europaea. W. 2 americana. Ph. DISANDRA. W. pr o strata. W. PISONIA. W. 1 aculeata. W. 2 nigricans. W. 3 grandis. B. P. PETIVERIA. W. 1 alliacea. W. 2 octandra. W. ^ESCULUS. W. 1 Hippocastanum. W 2 Pavia. W. S discolor. Ph. 4 hava. W. 5 glabra. W. en. 6 pallida. W. en. 7 parviflora. H. K, JONESIA. W. pinnata. W. DRACONTIUM. W. 1 polyphyllum. W. 2 spinosum. W. 3 pertusum. W. CALL A. W. 1 eethiopica. W. 2 palustris. W. LIMEUM. W. africanum. W. SAURURUS. W. cernuus. W. Winter-green. oval-leaved. spear-leaved. Disandka. trailing. Pisonia. prickly. black. superb. Petiveria. Garlic-scented. dwarf. HorseChesnut common. red-bowered. dwarf. yellow-dowered. smooth-leaved. pale-bowered. small-dowered. Jonesia. winged-leaved. Dragon. purple-stalked. prickly. perforated. Calla. Ethiopian. marsh. Limeum. African. Primulaceee. B. P. Pediculares. J. Nyctagines. B. P. Britain. N. America. Madeira. Jamaica. W. Ind. N. Holland. Chenopodese. B. P. Acerae. J. Aroidete. B. P. Aroideae. B. P. Jamaica. W. Ind. Asia. N. America. Georgia. N. America. E. Ind. . India. Ceylon. W. Ind. C. B. S. N. Europe. 5 6. H.2|. 1816. 7.8. H.2/., 1771. 5.8. G. 2/. . 1739. 1806. 1805. 3.4. 1^59. 6.7. 1737. S.Ij, S.h G.h S.Tz- S- h • 1629. 4.5. H.^. 1711. 5.6. H. 1$ . 1812. 5. H.lJ. 1764. 5.6. H.T2, 1812. — II. J*, 6. LI. 12 1786. 7.8. 1796 1759. 3.6. 4.5. 1752. 4.6. s.V S.2|. S-2A- S. 2/. . DIGYNIA. Portulaceae. J. C. B. S. 1731. 1.5. G.2/. . 1768. 7.8. H.2JL ■ 1774. 6.7. G. 2/. , TETRAGYNIA. Lizard’s Tail. Naiades. J. drooping. — • Virginia. Eng. bot. 15. Bot. mag. 218. Lam. ill. t. 861. Trew.ehret.33. t.67 Plum.ic.213.t.219. Schmidt arb.l.t.38. l.t.39. Sell. arb. 1. 1. 40. Rheed.mal. 5.t. 59- Herm. parad. 93. Jac. sell. 2. t. 184.5. Bot. mag. 832. 1831. 1759. 9- H„2/ . Lam. ill. t. 1. 80 SEPTA5. W. 1 capensis. W. 2 globifera. B. M. 3 umbella. H. S. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Septas. Cape. globe-flowered. skreen. HEFjTAGYNIA. Sempervivae. J. C. B. S. 1774. 8.9. G.2/. Bot. rep. 90. 1809. 3.4. G.2/. Bot. mag. 1472. 1800. 7. G.2/. Jac. vind. 2. t. 35?. CLASS VIII. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. TROPASOLUM. W. 1 minus. W. j3 Jlore pleno. 2 majus. W. (3 Jlore pleno, 8 peregrinum. W. 4 pinnatum. B. R. 5 hybridum. W. OSBECKIA. W. zeylanica. W. RHEXIA. W. 1 maviana. W. 2 ciliosa. Ph. S virginica. W. 4 aquatica. W. CENOTHERA. W. 1 biennis. W. 2 grandiflora. W. 3 parviflora. W. 4 muricata. W. 5 longiflora. W. 6 moilissinia, W. 7 odorata. P. S. S nocturna. W. 9 villosa. W. 10 sinuata. W. 1 1 tetraptera. W, 12 csespitosa, B. M. 13 missourensis. B. M. 14 glauca. Ph. 15 Fraseri. Ph. • 16 tetragona. Both. 17 fruticosa- W. 1 8 pumila. W, 19 rosea. W. 20 purpurea. W. 21 albicaulis. Ph. GAURA. W. 1 biennis. W. 2 coccinea. Ph. 3 fruticosa. W. 4 mutabilis. W. 5 tripetala. Cav. EPILOBIUM. W. 1 angostifolium. W. 2 angustissimum. W. 3 latifolium. W. 4 hirsutum. W. 5 pavviflorum. E. B. 6 villosupi. W. 7 montanum. W. 8 roseum. H. K. 9 alsinifolium. H. K. 10 tetragonum. W. 11 coloratura. Ph. Melastomae. J Melastomae. J. Indian Cress. Geraniae? J. small. doublc-jlowertd. great. double-flowered . fringe-flowered, pinnate-flowered hybrid. Osbeckia. Ceylon. Rhexia. Maryland. ciliated. Virginian. marsh. CEnothera. Onagrariae. J. common. -- ■ great-flowered. - — — small -flowered. prickly-stalked. long-flowered. soft wave-leaved. — — sweet-scented. night-smelling. villous. — scollop-leaved. white-flowered. — turfy. Missouri. — glaucous. Fraser’s. — — — — — obtuse-leaved. shrubby. — dwarf. — - rosy-flowered. - — — purple-flowered. — White-stalked. — Gaura. Onagrariae. J. biennial, — < scarlet. shrubby. - — changeable. — — three-petalled. Willow Herb. Onagrariae. J. Rose-bay. linear-leaved. Orache-leayed. — Codlins&Cream. * small-flowered. Cape. broad smooth-ld. pale smooth-led. Chickweed-leavd. square-stalked. Pink-flowered. •■■■ - ■ Peru. 1596. 6.10. H.Q. G. h • 1686. H.Q. G-h* 1775. G.©. .... G.2/. 6.8. G. $ . Bot. mag. 98, Bot. mag. 23. Bot. mag. 1351 Bot. rep. 535. Berg.acthol.32 • Ceylon. 1799. 7.8. S. $ . Pluk.alm.t.l' N. America. Carolina. N. America. S. America. N. America. Buen. Ayres. S. America. C. B. S, N. America. Mexico. N. America. 1759., 1812. 1759. 1793. 1629. 1778. 1757. 1789. 1776. 1732. 1790. 1791. 1770. 1796. 1811. 1812. 1811. 1737. 1757. 1783. 1794. 1811. 6.9. 6.8. 7.8. 7.9. Peru. N. America. N. America. Louisiana. S. America. Mexico. Britain. Alps of Eur. N. Europe. Britain. C.B.S. Britain. England. Britain. N. America. 1805. 6.8. H. 2/ . F.2/. H. 2/. . .... S.h. H. $ . H. $ . H. $ . H.c?. H.2 , .... 6.7. H.©. 1796. 7. S.L. Santalaceae. B. P. H.ty. Eng. bot. 346. H.2|. 2001, S. \i . Bot. reg. 30. G.Ij. Sm. nov.boll.l.t.2. 3. \ t. 188. S. 1 1 . Jac.amer pict.t. 1 07 1024. S. J*. Vahlsymb. 3. t. 61, Campanulaceae. J. Mindium. J. — — Levant. 1787. 6.8. Papaveraceae. J. G. $. Bot. mag. 219. N. America. 1792. 5. H .If., Bot. mag. 1513. Terebintaceae? J. > ■ — ■ ■ — S. America. 1690. 6.7. N. s, W. 1790. 6.8. C.B. S. 1758. 5.8. Salicariae. J. Egypt. E. Ind. 1759. Ericeae. J. Vaccinii species TV. - ■ Britain. .... 5.6. — N. America. 1760. — , ■ J 806. M S,^, Cav, t.327, G.J*. Bot. rep. 230. G. \. S. Ti . Rauw. ic. 60. t. 7. S.Jj* Rheed.mal. l.t.40. S.Jj. Eng. bot. 319. H. Ij. Hort. Kew. 2, t. 7* H.Ij., CALLUNA. W. en. vulgaris. W. en. f3 alba. 2.7. G.h- 4.7. G.h* 2.5. G-h. 5.6. G. h> 3.6. G. h • 4.9. G-h- 3.7. G.h* 4.8. G-h- 4.6. G. h « And. heaths, vol. 2. Bot. mag. 189. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 1 . vol. 2. vol. 1. — vol. 3. vol. 1. -vol. 5.8. 8.3. G.h G.h 1 0.5.G. h 9.10. G.h ■ 7.10. G.h> And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 2. vol. 1. vol. 1 . vol. 1 . Wen.eric. 1 .p.7.c.ic. And. heaths, vol. 1. vol. 1. Bot. mag 429. And. heaths, vol. 2. — vol. 1. Wen.eric.5.p.5.c,ic. And. heaths, c. ic. vol. 2. Wen.eric. 8. p. 5 c.ic. - 17. p. 69. And. heaths, vol. 1. And. heaths, vol. 2. ■ vol. 1. • — vol. 2. ■vol. 2. vol. 1 « OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 83 63 serratifolia. H. K. 64 transparens. W. 65 pellucida. H. K. 6‘6‘ glandulosa. W. 67 Sparrmauni. H.K. 68 Linnaeana. H. K. 6.9 erubescens. H.K. 70 Leeana. H. K. saw-leaved. transparent. pellucid. glandular-haired. Sparrmann’s. Linnaeus's. reddish. Lee’s. Ericeffi. J. C.B.S. 71 onosmaeflora.H.K,. Onosma-flowered.- 72 viridis. PL K. green-fitAvered. - 73 longifolia. H. K. long-leaved. 74 pinea. H. K. Pine-tree-leaved. - 75 aurea. H. K. gold-coloured. - 76 purpurea. H. K. purple-flowered. - 77 coccinea. H. K. scarlet-flowered. - 78 Archeriana. H. K. Lady Archer’s. - 79 Hibbertiana. H.K. Hibbert’s. 80 Massoni. H. K. Masson’s. 81 elata. H. K. tall. 82 exsurgens. H. K. quiver-formed. — 83 vestita. H.K. a alba. js incarnata. 7 purpurea. § rosea. e fulgida. £ coccinea. v lutea. 84 radiata. H. K. 85 rosea. H. K. 86 inflata. H. K. tremulous. white. flesh-coloured. purple. rose-coloured. bright-red. scarlet. yellow. radiated. rose-coloured. inflated. 1790. 1S00. 1800. 1801. 1794. 1790. 1800. 1788. 1789. 1800. 1787. 1790. 1799. 1789. 1783. 1796. 1800. 1787. 1790. 1792. 1789. 8.12. G. Ti 5. G. Tj 1 1.6. G. b . 5.6. G. Ij 87 ventricosa. H. K. Porcelain. . — 88 praegnans. A. H. swelled. — 89 blanda. H. K. charming. — 90 Monsoniae. H. K. Lady Monson’s. — 91 Halicacaba, H. K. bladder-flowered. — - 92 lanuginosa. H. K. large brown-flod. — 93 tetragona. H. K. square-flowered. — 94 jasminiflora. H.K. Jasmine-flower’d. — 95 ampullacea. H. K. flask. . — 96 retorta. H. K. recurved-leaved. — 97 ferruginea. PI. K. rusty. — - 98 princeps. H. K. fine red. 99 metulaeflora. PI.K. nine-pin. — - 100 cerinthoides. PI.K. Honey wort-flowd. — 101 tumida. B. Reg. tumid. - 102 tenuiflora. A. H. yellow slender-fld. 103 fistulajflora. L. T. white slender-fl". 104 Lawsoni. B. M. red slender-flod. — • 9.3. G-k- 1.5. G. . 3.7. G.1 2. 8.1. G.J2. 9.3. G. fj . 5.9. G, J2 . 2.7. G. k • 8.12. G.J^ . 7.9. G. . 1.12. G. h . G.h. 8.1 1. G. J* . 6.9. G.\ . 7.10. G. ^ . 7.9. G-k- 1.12. G.J*. G \ ftt' g'|'. 1798. 8.11. G.\. 6.10. G. fy . 1800. 5.9. G. \i . 4.9. G. \i. 5.7. G.J2. 4.9. G. J2 . G.^. 5.8. G.T2. 9.1. G. \i . 7.9. G.P*. 6.11. G.J*. 6.8. G. . Hyacinth-flow’d. awned. three-coloured. 105 Hyacinthoides. 1 H.K. / 106 aristata. H. K. 107 tricolor. aristata minor. A. II. 108 obbata. H. K. bottle. 109 acuminata. H.K. pointed-leaved. 1 10 Irbyana. A. H. Irby’s. 111 coriiolia. H. K. Coris-leaved. 112 glauca. H. K. glaucous. 113 andromedaeflora 1 J Andromeda- H. K. j \ flowered. 114 pyrolaeflora. L. T. Pyrola- flowered. 1 15 elegans. H. K. 116 triflora. H.K. 117 laxa. H. K. 118 lucida. H.K. 119 squamosa. H. K. 120 togata. B. M. 3 21 lachneaefolia.H.K } elegant, three-flowered, loose-flowered, lucid. scaly-cupped. large-cupped. Lachnea-leaved. 1787. 1796. 1800. 1787. 1780. 1803. 1789. 1794. 1790. 1787. 1798. 1800. 1798. 1774. 1812. 1800. 1802. 1798. 1801. 1803. 1796. 1800. 1774. 1792. 1 SOS. 1790. 1799. 1774. 1800. 1794. 1812. 1793. And. heaths, vol. l. And. heaths, vol. 3. And. heaths, vol. 3. vol. 1 . vol. 2. Icon. hort. kew. 4. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 2. vol. 1 . vcl. 2. Bot. mag. 386. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 1. And. heaths, vol. 1. vol. 2. vol. 2. vol. 1 . vol. 3. vol. 1 . ( Thunb. eric. 67. \ t. 2. f. 2. Bot. mag. 350. And. heaths, c. ic. vol. 3. Bot. mag. 1915. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 3. • vol. 3. vol. 1. 5.8. 5.7. G -h- G-h- G.J*. 6.8. G. Ji . 5.1 1. G .fy . 5.9. G, . 4.6. G. 1 1 . 9. G.Tj. 4.6. G. fy . 6.8. G.T i. 3.8. G. \ 1 . 7. G. Ji . 4.7. G.Ij. 7.10. G. fy . 6.10. 8.12. G.lJ . 5.7. G. J2 • 3.6. G. I2 . 5.7. G.J*. 11.3. G. li . 3.6. G. Ji . 9.2. 4.6. Bot. mag. 303. 362. And. heaths, vol. 3. vol. 2. Bot. mag. 612. — 220. Bot. reg. 65. And. heaths, vol. 3. vol. 3. Bot. mag. 1720. And. heaths, vol. 3. — vol. 3. — — — vol. 3. And. heaths, vol. 2. ■ vol. 3. — vol. 3. Bot. mag. 423. ■ 580. 1250. 6.7. 5.7. G- h • G.h- G.k- G.h • G.f*. Bot. mag. 966. Wendl.eric.l2.p,13 And. heaths, vol. 3. —vol. 2.. vol. 8. Bot. mag. 1626. And. heaths, voU 3. M 2 Sh OCTANDRXA MONOGYNIA. } 122 nigrita. H. K. 123 baccans. H. K. 124 oppositifolia. A.H. 125 tenuifolia. H. K. 126 canaliculata. H.K. 127 patens. A. H. 128 Thunbergii. H. K. 129 taxifolia. H. K. 130 petiolata. H. K. 131 capitata. H. K. 132 horizontal is. H.K. 133 globosa. H. K. 134 nitida. H. K. 135 ardens. H. K. 136 physodes. H. K. 137 obliqua. H. K. 138 resinosa. H. K. 139 Lanibertiana.H.K. 140 odorata. H. K. 141 flava. H. K. 142 Blandfordiana. H.K. 143 decora. H. K. 144 cinerea. H. K. |3 alba. 145 stricta. H. K. 146 Tetralix. H. K. 3 alba. 1 47 lutea. H. K. 148 urceolaris. H. K. 149 glutinos a. H. K. 150 ciliaris. H. K. 151 albens. H. K. 152 flexicaulis. H. K. 1 53 fastigiata. W. 154 primuloides. A. H. 155 daplinaeflora. L. T. 156 coraosa. H. K. a rubra.. 0 alba. 157 Muscari. H.K. 158 australis. H. K. 159 depressa. H. K. 160 nana. L. T. 161 propendens. H.K. 162 palustris. H.K. 163 pyramidal is. H.K. 164 cubica. H. K. 165 echiifiora. H. K. 166 viscaria. H. K. 1 67 filamentosa. H. K. 168 pulchella. H. K. 169 fonnosa. H. K. a alba. /3 rubra. black-tipped. Arbutus-flower'1. opposite-leaved. slender-leaved. channelled. spreading. Thunberg’s. Yew-leaved. Rosemary-leavd. downy-headed. horizon tal-leavd. globular-flowerd. nitid. ardent. sticky. oblique-leaved, varnished. Lambert’s, perfumed. three-led. yellow ■ Lord Bland ford’s. ■ graceful. fine-leaved. white-flowered. straight-branch11 cross-leaved. white- flowered. yellow. pitcher-flowered. glutinous. ciliated. pallid. crook-stalked. Walker’s. Cowslip- flowerd. Dapline-fiowerd. tufted. red-floivered. white-flowered. musk. Spanish, depi'essed. dwarf, pendent, marsh, pyramidal, cube-flowered. Echium-flowerd. clammy-flowerd. long-peduncled. neat, beautiful. whi t e-flower ed. red-flowered , Ericese. J. C.B.S. Britain. S. Europe. Britain. C. B. S. Portugal. C.B. S. Spain. C. B. S. reflexa alba. I/ort. reflexa rubra. Hort. 370 cernua. H. K. drooping-flowerd. 171 Solandri. H. K. Solander’s. 172 acuta. H. K. pointed-cupped. ■ 173 empetroides. H.K. close-flowered. • 174 pendula. H. K. pendulous. 175 turrigera. L. T. Cypress. 176 Bergiana. H. K. Bergius’s. 177 barbata. H. K. bearded. 178 empetrifolia. H.K. Crowberry-lead. 179 margaritacea.H.K. pearl-flowered. 1 80 lateralis. H. K. side-floweredr C.B.S. 8.10. G.h • 5.8. G-V- G.h. 4.7. G.h- 9.4. G-h- 1803. 3.6. G. h . And. heaths, vol. 1. Bot. mag. 358* And. heaths. Seb.mus.l.t.7S.f.6. And. heaths, vol. 3. vol. 3. Bot. mag. 1214. And. heaths, vol. 1. vol. 3. vol. 1. vol. 2* And. heaths, vol. 3. Bot. reg. 115. Bot. mag. 443. And. heaths, vol. 1. Bot. mag. 1 139. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 3. vol. 2. 1790. 11.1. G-h 6.9. H-h vol. 3. vol. 3. 1765. 8.11. H-h 6.8. H-h 1774. 1778. 1787. 1759. 1789. 1800. 1792. 1802. 1791. 1787. 2.5. G.^. 5.7. G.h . 7.10. G-h- 7.9. H-h- G. h • G- h • G. h - G-h G-h G.h- 3.8. 5.1. 2.7. 4.7. 4.5. 4.8. 5.10. G.h . 2.5. G-h- 4.7. G.Tj. 2.6. G. h - 3.7. G.h- 1.12. G. h • 6.9. G-h- G.h Eng. bot. 1015. And. heaths, vol. 2- Eng. bot. 1014. And. heaths, vol. 1. Icon. hort. kew. 16. 17. Bot. mag. 484. 440. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 1. Bot. mag. 1548. Icon. hort. kew. 18. {Wendl.eric. 12. p. 7. c.ic. And. heaths, vol. 2. • vol. 1. ■ vol. 3. vol. 2. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 2. Bot. mag. 866. And. heaths, vol. 1. vol. 3. Icon. hort. kew. 1. Bot. reg. 6. Thun.eric. n.24.t.4. — — -n.82.t.3. 1800. 1799. 1788. 3.9. 5.7. 5.8. 1791. 7-8. 1791. 6.12. G-h- G-h- G.^. G.h- G.h* G.h- G.h- G.h* G.h* G.h* G.h- 1796. 1787. 1799. 1774. 1775. 1791. 6.9. 4.8. 5.8. 4.6. 5.9. 3.7. f Montin. act. ups. \ 2. t. 9. f. 3. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 2. vol. 2. {Wend. eric. 10. p. 13. c.ic. And. heaths, vol. 2. vol. 2. Bot. mag. 447. And, heaths, vol. 1, n. vol, 1 . OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 85 181 retroflexft. H. K. jointed. Ericeae. J. C. B. S. 1787. 7.9. 182 planifolia. H. K. 1 83 thymifolia. H. K. 184 marifolia. H. K. 185 bicolor. H. K. 1 8 6 tenuis. W. en. 187 arborea. W. (3 stylosa. P. S. 188 paniculata. H. K. 189 pubescens. H. K. 190 hirta. H. K. 191 aincena. H. K. 193 racemifera. H. K. 194 imbecilla. gracilis. L. T. 195 gracilis. H. K. 196 persoluta. H. K. 197 ramentacea. II. K. 198 mucosa. H. K. 199 pilulifera. H. K. 200 hirtiHora. B. M. 201 cater vtrfolia. L. T. 202 tardiflora. L. T. 203 parviflora. L. T. 204 exigua. L. T. 205 fiorida. H. K. 206 mollearis. L. T. 207 cordata. H. K. 208 hispidula. H. K. 209 Passerina. H. K. 210 canescens. H. K. eriocepkala. A. H, 211 setacea. H. K. 212 absinthoides. H.K, 213 fragrans. H. K. 214 tenuissima. P. S. 215 campanulata.H.K. flat-leaved. Thyme leaved. Marum— leaved. - two-coloured, slender-flowered. - tree. lojig-stylcd. panicled. pale downy, hairy-leaved. feathery. dwarf downy. compact-flower’1. ■ feeble. gracile. garland. slender- branch*1. ■ mucous. ball-bearing. hairy-flowered. huddled- leaved, - pubescent. small-flo*1, downy. small downy. florid. soft-leaved. heart-leaved. bristly-stemmed. Sparrow-wort. hoary. bristly-leaved. Wormwood-like. fragrant. slender. bell-flowered. q ^ ^ Wendl. eric. 8. p 216 scoparia. H. K. small green-flo’1. 217 racemosa. H. K. racemed. 218 tenella. H. K. 219 conferta H. K. 220 viridipurpurea. W 221 regerminans. W. 222 phylicoides. W. 223 gnaphalodes. Th. 224 scariosa. Th. 225 bracteolaris. P. S. 226 rubens. W. 227 incarnata. Th. 228 lanceolata. P. S. 229 bracteata. Th. 230 calyeulata. P. S. 231 cephalotes. W. 232 pectinifolia. L. T. 233 incurva. W. 234 pallens. A. H. 235 Broadleyana. A.H. Broadley’s. 236 Caftra. A. H. sweet-scented. 237 Savilil. A. H. Savile's. 238 axillaris. W. axil-flowered. 239 fimbriata. A. H. fringed. 240 emargiaata. A. H, hairy-cupped. delicate. — — crowded-flowerd. — — green and purple. - — cluster- flowered. — Phylica-like. — Gnapbalium-like. - — many-flowered. - — many-bracted. — red-flowered. — flesh-coloured. - — spear-leaved. ■ — red-br acted. — rusty-flowered. ■ — purple-headed. — - pectinated. — — incurved. — — pale-flowered. — 1795. 1789. 1773. 1790. 5.8. 5.6. S. Europe. 1658. G.T*. G.h- G. h • 10.3. G. h . 10.2. G. h . 2.6. G. h . 7. c. ic. 16‘.p.59.c.ic. And. heaths, vol. 2., vol. 1 . C. B. S. 1774. 1790. 1795. 1775. 1803. 1793. 1794. 1774. 1786. 1787. 1789. 1790. 2.4. 2.12. 4.6. 3.7. 3.4. 4.6. 6.7. G.l*. G.V G. \ . Thun . eric. n.56.t.2. „ T ( Wendl. eric. 17- l». G^*i 73.c.ic. G. h • G. h ■ G -h 2.6. G.Ti. 2.5. G. h . 7.12. G.T* . 2.8. G.I*. 4.5. 4.6. 3.9. Portugal. C. B. S. 1803. 1799. 1791. 1800. 1790. — 1796. — 1792. 1803. g. h • G.l*. G-h- G.h. G.fc. G.h. 5.8. G.fy, 4.10. G 4.6. G. • 6.8. G. ^ . 11.5. G.T* . 5.8. G. Ij . And. heaths, vol. 2. Wen.eric.8.p.9.c.ic. Bot. mag. 342. And. heaths, vol. 1. ■ — — vol. 1 . Bot. mag. 481. Bot. mag. 4 SO. 2.4. 3.6. 1791. 1770. 1795. 1791. 1800. G-h G-h G-h- G* h • G. h • 4.5. F.Tj. 9.8. 4.8. 1791. 1800. 1812. 1800. 179S. 1791. 6.7. 3.7. 6.9. 5.8. G.h. 8.5. G.Tj. 10.2. G.T*. 5.8. G.lj. G. h . 4.6. G.^. 2.8. G.lj. G. h • G.T^. G. h • G- h . 1791. 6.12. G.lj . G-h G.h . G -h- G-h- G-h- G.h. G. 12 . G.^. G.h’ G.h. G.h • 6.10, G. h • 1800. 1812. 1800. 1802. 1801. 1806. 1774. 1800. 1798. 1800. 5.6. 5.8. 3.7. 1 1 .6 3.5. 2.5. 7-9. 8.£ 6.7. 5.7. 3.6. Thun.eric. n.64.t.6 Sehneerogt.ic.n.17. And. heaths, vol. 3. And. heaths, vol.2« And. heaths^ vol.l. And. heaths, vol. 2. Wen.erk.6.p,9.c.ic. And. heaths, vol. 1 . {Linn. eric. n. 14. c. fig. fl. {Wendl. eric. 10. p. 3.c. ic. And. heaths, vol.2i vol. 2. {Linn. eric. n. 9. u fig.fl. {Pluk. mant. 68. t, 346. f. 11. And. heaths, c. ic. {Wendl. eric. 8. p, 13. c. ic. Wen.eric.4.p.5.c.ic, And. heaths, c. ic. c. ic. — = — c. ic. - — — — c. ic, — — — — c. ic. And. heaths, c. ic, — c. ic. 86 OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. wrinkled. Swainson’s. dense. eared, plain-leaved. round-flowered. Carduus-leaved. Lavender-leaved. low. winged-anthered. > viscous-leaved, lyre- bearing1, broad-stigmaed. heap-flowered. Genista-leaved. 241 moschata. A. H. musk-scented 242 hispida. A. H. hispid. 243 magnifica. A. H. magnificent. 244 Sainsburyana.A.H Sainsbury’s. 245 Shannoni. A. H. Shannon’s. 246“ rugosa. A. H. 247 Swainsoniana. \ A- H. J 248 densa. A. H. 249 cinerascens. W.en. greyish. 250 coarctata. W. en . crowded. 251 divaricata. W. en. divaricate. 252 fugax. W. en. fugacious. 253 oxycoccifolia. L.T. Oxyeoccus-leavd. 254 sicaefolia. L. T. dagger-leaved. 255 fausta. L. T. bristly-leaved. 256 tomentosa. L. T. woolly-flowered. 257 auricularis. L.T. 258 helianthemi- \ folia. L. T. / 259 glomiflora. L. T. 260 cai duifolia. L. T. 261 tubercularis. L. T. tubercled. 262 lavandulajfolia. L. T. 263 humifusa. L. T. 264 corydalis. L. T. 265 azaletefolia. L. T. Azalea-leaved. 266 vesicularis. L. T. bladdered. 267 verniciflua. L. T. 268 lyrigera. L. T. 269 salax. L. T. 270 cunmliflora. L. T. 271 genistaefolia. L.T 272 periplocaefolia. L.T Periploca-leaved. 273 munda. L. T. neat-flowered. 274 fabrilis. L. T. tiled-leaved. 275 dianthifolia. L. T. Pink-leaved. 276* brevifolia. L. T. short-leaved. 277 cblamydiflora. L.T cloaked-flowered. 278 selaginifolia. L.T. Selago- leaved. 279 pannosa. L. T. cloth-flowered. 280 diotaeflora. L. T. Diotis-flowered. 281 nutans. W. nodding-flowerrt. 282 filiformis. L. T. filiform. 283 turgida. L. T. turgid. 284 vestiflua. L. T. clothed. 285 squamaeflora, L.T. scaly-flowered. 286 cassia. L. T. grey. 287 lasciva. L. T. imbricate-calyxd. 288 stylosa. L. T. long-styled. 289 diosmaefolia. L. T. Diosma-leaved. 290 palliiflora. L. T. pale-flowered. 291 tegulaefolia. L.T. tile-flowered. 292 modesta. L. T. modest. 293 holosericea. L. T. velvetty. 2.94 sacciflora. L. T. sack-flowered. 295 cyrillaeflora. L. T. Cyrilla- flowered. 296 velitaris. L-T. javelin- flowered. 297 cuspidigera. L. T. cuspidate. 298 stagnalis. L. T. stagnant. 299 cerviciflora. L. T. stag’s-horn-flo'1. 300 pulviniformis.L.T. cushion. 301 sceptriformis. L.T. sceptre-like. 302 brachialis. L. T. armed. 303 doliiformis. L. T. tun-bellied. 304 nolaeflora. L. T. bell-shaped. 305 festa. L. T. angular-stalked. 306 fallax. L. T. viscous flowered. 307 parilis. L.T. matched. Ericeae. J. C. B. S. 1805. 5.7. G.h. 1791. 7-9. G.h. 1800. 6. G.h. 1804. 7-9. G.h. 1800. 6. G.h. 7.11. G-h- 6.7. G.h. 1804. G. h • 5.9. G.h. 1801. ■G.h. 1800. 3.5. G.h . 3.4. G.h. 1791- 2.5. G.h. 2.7. G.h. 1795. 4.6. G. h . 2.4. G.h. .... 3.7. G.h. 1796. 6.9. G.h. 4.9. G.h* 1806. 5.9. G.h. 1790. 2.4. G.T-j-. 1795. 5.8. G.h. 6.7. G.h* 2.5. G-h- 5.8. G.h- 1796. 2.8. G.h* 1804. 3.9. G.h. 1790. 2.5. G-h- 1796. 5-9. G.h. 1801. 5.9. G-h- .... 10,5. G.h* .... 8.12. G.h. 5.7. G.h. 1791. 4.8. G.h. 1796. 3.8. G.h* 8.1. G-h. 1801. 5.9. G.h. 2.6. G.h. .... G. T? . 1795. 3.8. 1790. 2.6. 2.5. 1S00. 3.6. 5.11 1795. 2.5. 1S00. 1.4. 1789. 1792. 3.6. 2.S. .... 1.5. .... 3.8. .... 2.6. 3.6. 1800. 2.8. 1790. 1.6. 2.5. .... 3.6. 2.5. 1790. 5.9. 1792. 3.8. 1798. 5.9. 2.5. 3.5. . ... 11.3. 1789. 5.8. G.h G- h • G.h G-h- G.h. G.h. G.h G.h. ■G.h G.h G.h. G.h. G.h. G.h. G.h- G.h. G.h- G.h. G.h. G.h. G.h- G.h- G.h* G.h. G.h. G.h- G.h. G.h- And. heaths, c. ic, c. ic. c. ic. c. ic. c. ic. c. ic. c. ic. Wen.eric.3.p.5.c.ic, OCTANDRIA DIGYNIA, 308 pubigera. L. T. 309 pusilla. L. T. 3 1 0 tragulifera. L. T. 31 1 curvirost.ris. L. T. 312 intervallaris. L. T. 313 turbiniftora. L. T. 314 squarrosa. L. T. 315 embothriifolia.L.T 316 capax. L. T. 3 1 7 pavettaefiora. L. T. 3 1 8 nidi flora. L. T. 319 borboniaeflora. L.T 320 hyssopifolia. L. T. MENZIESIA. Sm. 1 ferruginea. Ph. 2 globularis. Ph. 3 polifolia. H. K. 3 nana. 4 caerulea. L. T. LAGETTA. J. lintearia. P. S. DAPHNE. W. 1 Mezereum. a rubrum. 3 album. 2 Thymelaea. W. 3 Tarton-raira. W. 4 alpina. W. 5 Laureola. W. 6 pontica. W. 7 tinifolia. W. 8 Gflidium. W. 9 odora. W. 10 C neorum. W. 1 1 altaica. W. 12 oleoides. B. M. 1 3 colliua. W. DIRCA. W. palustris. W. GNIDIA. W. 1 pinifolia. W. 2 imberbis. H. K. 3 simplex. H. K. 4 capitata. W. 5 oppositifolia. H. K. ■ 6 sericea. H. K. STELLERA. W. Passerina. W. PASS ERIN A. W. 1 filiformis. W. 2 hirsuta. W. 3 tenuiflora. W. en. 4 capitata. W. 5 uniflora. W. 6 grandiflora. W. 7 spicata W. 8 laxa. W. LACHNiEA. W. 1 conglomerata. W. 2 eriocephala. W. 3 purpurea. H. K. 4 glauca. H. K. 5 buxifolia. Lam. GALENIA. W. africana. W. MCEHRINGIA. W. muscosa. W. ST Rhodoraceae. J. Thymelaeae. B. P. pubescent- flowd. Ericeae.J low. broad- an thered. declined, distant-leaved, top-flowered, squarrose. Embothrium -led. capacious. Pavetta-flowered nest-flowered. Borbonia-flowd. Hyssop-leaved. Menziesia. ferrugineous. globular- flowerd. Irish. dwarf. Yew-leaved. Lagetta. lace-bark. Daphntb. Mezereon. red-flowered, white-flowered. smooth-leaved, silvery-leaved. Alpine. Spurge Laurel. Pontic. Bonace-bark. Flax-leaved, sweet-scented, trailing. Altaic. Olive-leaved, hairy. Leather-Wood. marsh. Gnidia. Pine-leaved, smooth-scaled. Flax-leaved, purple-twigged, opposite-leaved, silky. Stellera. Flax-leaved. Sparrow-wort. filiform, shaggy. slender-flowered, headed, one-flowered, great-flowered, spiked, loose. Lachn.ea. clustered, woolly-headed, purple-flowered, glaucous, green Box-leavd. N. America. — Ireland. 1811. 5.6. H.Jj. 1806. -H.b- 6.9. H. b ■ .... H.b Sm. ic.ined.l.t. 56. Par. lond. 44. Eng. bot. 35. Thymelaeae. B. P. Thymelaeae. B. P. Thymelaeae. B. P. Thymelaeae. B. P. Thymelaeae. B. P. Scotland. 6.7. H.T*. Eng. bot. 2169. Dap knew sp. W. Jamaica. 1793. 12.1. S. Jz . Lam. ill. t. 289. England. .... 2.4. H. . Eng. bot. 1381. Spain. 1815. H.b- Pluk.alm.t.229.f France. 1640. 5.7. H. ^ . t.318.f Italy. 1759. H.h. Schmidt arb.l.t.l Britain. 1,3. H.lj. Ping. bot. 119. Pontus. 1759. 4.5. H. \i . Bot. mag. 1282. Jamaica. 1733. .... s.h. Spain. 1597- 6.8. H. J* . China. 1771. 12.3. G.f*. Bot. mag. 1587. Austria. 1752. 4.9. H. \ . 313. Siberia. 1796. 4.5. H. h . 1875. Crete. 1815. 1.12. H-b- 1917. Italy. 1752. 1.6. H.Tq. ■ — 428. Virginia. 1750. 3.4. H-h- Lam. ill. t. 293. C.B.S. 1768. 5.6. £. Bot. r eg. 19. 1792. 8.4. G. b. Bot. mag. 1463. 1786. 5.6. 1788. 6.7. 1783. 5.7. 1786. G-b G.h G.h G.k S. Europe. 1759. 7.8. H. \ C.B.S. S. Europe. C. B. S. Bot. reg. 2. Bot. rep. 2S Jac. ie. 1. 1. Wendl.obs. 1752. 6.8. G.Pj 1759. 6.9. G.^ G. \i . 1789. 6.10. G. . Wendl.o 1759. 4.5. G. \i 1789. 5.6. G.J* 1787. 1804. 6.7. G.Tj Bot. mag Wendl.ol C.B.S. 1773. 6.7. G.Tj 1793. — — G . Fj . 1800. G. \i , 5.7. G.T* ■ G-h- Bot. mag. 1295. ■ 1594. 1658. — 1657. Gaeentia. African. Mcehringia. mossy. DIGYNIA. Chenopodeae. B.P. Caryophylleae. J. C.B.S. 1752. 6.8. G.Tj. Lam. ill. t. 314. S. Europe. 1775. 6.7. H.^. Scbku.han.l.t.108 OCTANDRIA TETRAGYNTA. 8$ POLYGONUM. W. 1 frutescens. W. 2 erispuluui. B. M. 3 Bistorta. W. 4 viviparum. W. 5 lapathifoliurn. W. 6 amphibium. W. 7 ocreatum. W. 8 Hydropiper. W. 9 tinctorium. W. 10 virginianura. W. 1 1 minus. W. 1 2 Persicaria. W. 13 incanum. W. 14 orientate. W. & album. 1 5 aviculare. W. 16 arenarium. P. S. 17 elegans. H. K. 1 8 erectum. W. 19 divaricatum. W. 20 undulatum. W. 21 acidulum. W. en. 22 salignum. W. en. 23 chinense. W. 24 sagittatum. W. 23 arifolium. W. 26 tataricum. W. 27 emarginatum. W. 28 Fagopyrum. W. 29 Convolvulus. W. 30 dumetorum. W. 31 scan dens. W. COCCOLOBA. W. 1 uvifera. W. 2 latifolia. Lam. 3 pubescens. W. 4 excoriata. W. 5 punctata. W. 6 barbadensis. W. PAULLINIA. W. 1 pinnata. W. 2 curassavica. W. 3 barbadensis. W. 4 polyphylla. W. 5 caribaea. Jac. SERI ANA. W. 1 sinuata. W. 2 caracasana. W. CARDIOSPER- MUM. W. 1 Halicacabum. W. 2 Corindum. W. SAPINDUS. W. J Saponaria. W. 2 marginatus. W. en. 3 rigidus. W. TRIGYNIA. Polygoneae. B. P. } Persicaria. shrubby, upright. Snake’s-weed. Alpine Bistort, pale-flowered, amphibious, spear-leaved. Water Pepper, dyer’s. Virginian, small, spotted, hoary, common. white-Jlowered. Knot-grass, sand, elegant, upright, divaricated, wave-leaved, narrow-leaved. Willow-like. Chinese, arrow-leaved. Arum-leaved. Tartarian, notch-seeded. Buck-Wheat. {common climbing, bush. {American climbing. Seaside Grape. round-leaved, broad-leaved, downy, oval-leaved, spear-leaved. Barbadoes. Paullinia. winged-leaved, shining-leaved. Barbadoes. Supple-Jack. Caribaean. Seriana. sinuate-leaved, tooth-leaved. Heart-Seed. Sapindi. J. smooth-leaved. Parsley-leaved. Soap-Berry. common, marginated. Ash-leaved. Siberia. Polygoneae. J. .... 5.9. H.©. 1803. H.©. 1749. 7.9. H.7/.. — W. Ind. — S. America. — W. Ind. 1690. 1812. 1690. 1733. Barbadoes. 1790. . Sapindi. J. Sapindi. J. Sapindi. J. W. Ind. S. America. W5 Ind. S. America. Caracas. India. Brasil. W. Ind. Carolina. America. 1752. 1739. 1786. 1739. 1816. s.h s. h s.k S* h ■ S-h‘ S* h s.h- s-h- S-h. s.h. s.h. s.h. s.h. 1594. 7. S.©. 1750. 7.8. S.©. 1697. 1759. .... S.h .... G. h ■ 7.9. G. h - TETRAGYNIA. CALANCHOE. P. S. Calanchoe. 1 laciniata. P. S. cut-leaved. 2 Verea. P. S. Vere’s. Verca crenata. B. rep. 2 1 . 3 acutitlora. H. S. white-Jlowered. BRYOPHYLLUM. P.L. ealycinuih. P. L. large-cuppcd, Sempervivae. J. Bryophyllum. Sempervivae. J. Verea. B. R. Cotyledonis sp. L. - E. Ind. 1731. 7.8. D.S. h* - SiirraLeone. 1793. 7.9* D.S.h • - E. Ind. ? 1806. D.S. h • Cotyledonis sp. L. • E.Ind. 1800, 4,7. D, S.h V Bot. reg. J55. Bot. mag. 1065. Eng. bot. 509. — ^ 669. 1382. 436. Gmel. sib. 3. t. 8. Eng. bot. 989. Park.theat.857. f .6. Eng. bot. 1043. 756. Pet. H. Brit. t.3.f.S. Bot. mag. 213. Eng. bot. 1252. PI. rar. hung. t. 67. Gmel.sib.3.t.l l.f.l. 3. t. 10. Burm.ind.t.SO.f.S. Linn.hort.cliff.t. 1 2. Pluk.amal.t.398.f.3 Gmel.sib.3.t.l3.f.l. Eng. bot. 1044. — — 941. Flor. dan. t. 759. Pluk.alm.t.l77.f.7. Jac. amcr. t. 73. Lam. ill. t.316.f.4. Pluk.phyt. 222. f.8, Plum.ic. 1. 146. f.l. Jac.amer.l 14. t.77. Jac. obs. 1. 1. 8. Jac.obs,3.t.62.f.l2. * 1. 61. f. 8. 1. 62. f. 9. 1. 61. f.10. t. 62. f. 7. Jac. obs. 3.t.6'l.f.2. Jac. schoen.l. t. 99. Bot. mag. 1049. Comm. hort. t. 94. Pluk.alm.t.217.f.7. Plant, grass. 100. Bot. mag. 1436. Bot. rep. 560. Par, lond. S. PARIS. W. quadrifolia. W. ADOXA. W. Moschatellina. W. ELATINE. W. Hydropiper. W. HALORAGIS. W. Cercodia. W. FORSKOHLEA. W. 1 tenacissima. W. 2 Candida. W. 8 angustifolia. W. LAURUS. W. 1 Cinnamomum. W. 2 Cassia. W. 3 Malabatrura. P. S. 4 Camphora. W. 5 Chloroxylon. W. 6 glauca. W. 7 nobilis. W. (3 uhdulata. 7 salicifolia. 8 indica. W. 9 foetens. W. 1 0 canariensis. W. en. 11 Persea. W. 12 Borbonia. W. 13 carolinensis. P. S. 14 geniculata. Ph. 15 Dmspyrus. Ph. 16 Benzoin. W. 17 Sassafras. W. ANACARDIUM. W. occidentale. W. ERIOGONUM. Mi. 1 tomentosum. Ph. 2 sericeum. Ph. RHEUM. W. 1 Rhaponticum. W. 2 undulaturn. W. 3 palmatum. W. 4 compactum. W. 5 tataricum. W. 6 Ribes. W. 7 hybridum. W. BUTOMUS. W. unabellatus, W. ENNEANDRIA MONOGYNIA, &c. Srailaceae. B. P. 89 Paris. herb. Moschatel. tuberous. * Water-wort. small. Haloragis. whorl-flowered. Forskohlea. clammy. rough. narrow-leaved. Saxifrageae. J. Catyophyllese. J. Onagrariae. J. Urticere. J. Britain. .... 5.6. H.2/.. Eng. bot. 7. Britain. 3.5. H.ty. Eng. bot. 453. .... 8. H.Q. Eng. bot. 955. 1772. 4.9. G. Ti . Jac. ic. 1. 1. 69. Egypt 1767- 7.8. H.©. Jac. vind. l.t. 48. C. 13. S. 1774. 6.7. G.2/.. Teneriff'e. 1779. 7.8. H.0. England. Cercodia. J. — N.Zealand. CLASS IX. ENNEANDRIA MONOGYNIA. } Laurel. Cinnamon. {Bastard Cin- namon, tall. Camphire-tree. Cogwood tree, glaucous. Sweet Bay. wave-leaved. Willow-leaved. Royal Bay. Madeira, or Til. Canary. Alligator Pear, f broad -leaved Carolina. J long-ld. Carolina, flexuose. twiggy. Benjamin-tree. Sassafras-tree. Cashew-nut. common. Eriogonum. woolly. silky, Laurinae. B. P. Terebintaceae. J. Polygoneae. J. • Ceylon. ■ E. Ind. 1763. 6.9* S.Jj« 1768. 5.9. S.Ij. 1805 S.Ij . 1727. 3.6. G.T*. 1778 S. \i . 1806 G.I7. 1561. 4.5. H.^. ■ Japan. ■ Jamaica. - Japan. ■ Italy. • Madeira. 1665. 10.3. G.Ij. i7Gn ri Ti ■ Canaries. • W. Ind. 1 / O \J • " vJ. rj e 1815 G.Jj. 1739 S.Tj. ■ N. America. 4.5. G.Ij. i q nc - C- T_ loin II L 1 /? o o U T- ■ 1633. 5.6. H. Ij . S. Tj. Rheed.mal. 5.t.53, Jac. coll. 4.t. 3.f.2» Zorn. ic. 52. Pluk.alm.t.304.f.l, India. Carolina. Missouri. 1699. Bot. mag. 1471. 1470. Com. hort. 1 . t. 97. Cat. car. 1. 1. 55. S.Jj. Cat. car. 3. t. 1811. 5.6. H.2/L. Mich. amer. t. 24., — — 7. H.2JL. Rhubarb. common. waved-leaved. officinal. thick-leaved. Tartarian. warted-leaved. bastard. TRIGYNIA. Polygoneae. J. Asia. China. Bucharia. Tartary. Levant. Asia, 1573. 5.6. H.2£. Sabb. hort. 1 . t. 34. 1734.— — H.2JL. Amoen. acad. 3. t. 4. 1763. 4.5. H.2/. . Lin. fasc. 7- 1. 4. 1758. 5.6. H.2/.. Mill. ic. 2. t. 218. 1793. H. 2/. . 1724. H .2f., Ann. mus. 1. t. 49. 1778. H»2|-. HEXAGYNIA. {Flowering 1 T1 , ... T> T) Rush i Hyarocharidese. P* nmbelleck - Britain, 6.7. H.2JL. Eng. bot. 65 L N QO DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA* CLASS X. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA EDWARDSIA. L.T. Edwardsia. 1 grandi flora. L. T. large-flowered. 2 chrysopliylia. L. T. golden-leaved. 3 microphylla. L. T. small-leaved. SOPHOltA. H. K. Sophora. 1 tomentosa. W. downy. 2 japonica. W. Japanese. 3 alopecuroides. W. Fox-tail. 4 flavescens. W. Siberian. ORMOSIA. L. T. Ormosia. dasyearpa. L. T. smooth-leaved. ANAGYRIS. W. Bean-trefoil. 1 foctida. W. stinking. 2 iatiiolia. W. en. broad-leaved. THERMOPSIS. H. K. Thermopsis. lanceolata. H. K. sharp-leaved. Podalyria lupinoides. TV . VIRGINIA. H. K. VlRGILIA. 1 lutea. Ph. yellow- flowered. 2 aurea. H. K. great-flowered. 3 intrusa. H. K. small-flowered. 4 capensis. H. K. Vetch-leaved. CYCLOPIA. H. K. Cyclopia. genistoides. H. K. Genista-leaved. BAPTISIA. H. K. Baptisia. 1 perfoliata. H. K. perfoliate. 2 villosa. Ph. villous. 3 australis. H. K. blue-flowered. 4 alba. H. K. white-flowered. 5 tinctoria. H. K. dyer’s. PODALYRIA. H. K. Podalyria. i myrtillifolia. W. Myrtle-leaved. 2 sericea. H. K. silky. 3 cuneifolia. V. wedge-leaved. 4 biflora. W. two-flowered. 5 calyptrata. H. K. one-flowered. 6 styracifolia. B. M. Storax-leaved. 7 buxifolia. W. Box-leaved. 8 oleaefolia. P. L. Olive-leaved. 9 hirsuta. H. K. hairy. 3 0 cordata. H. K. heart-leaved. CHORIZEMA. H. K . Chorizema. 1 ilicifolia. H. K. Holly-leaved. 2 nana. H. K. dwarf. 3 rhombea. H. K. few-flowered. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguniinosae. J. Sophorce sp. W. N. Zealand. 1772. 5.6. 1772. 16'9Ck 1753. Levant./ 1731. Siberia. 1785. Sophorce sp. TV. 1793. India. Japan. W. Ind. 8.9. 7.8. 5.7. F.Tj. •F.h. F .h. S-h- H-h- H.2/.. Bot. mag. 167. CT 1442. Trew. ehret. t. 59. Bot. rep. 585. Pall. astr. t. 87. Spain. Teneriffe. Siberia. 1570. 1815. 6.7. S. h* Linn.trans.lO.t.26. Lam. ill. t. 328. 4.5. F.V G-h 1776. 6.7. H.2£. Bot. mag. 1389. Leguminosae. J. Podalyrice sp. TTr. N. America. 1812. Abyssinia. 1777. — C. B. S. 1790. 1767. Leguminosae. J. Ilbetsonia. B. M. * C. B. S. Leguminosae. J. Podalyrice sp Carolina. N. America. 6.7. 7. 5.8. 7.8. H.J*. G-h. G.h- G. h * Leguminosae. J. 1787. 7.8. G.Ij. TV. 1732. 8. G. IJ. . 1811. 6.7. H.2/L. 1758. — — H.2£. 1724. H.ty . 1759. 7.8. H.2/.. Mich. arb. c. ic. L’ .t.75 Vi z&n Bot. mag. 1 590. Bot. mag. 1259. Dill.elt.t.l02.f.l 22 Bot. mag. 509. 1177. — 1099. N. Holland. 1803. 3.10. G. Jj ■ G.h — — 4.6 PODOLOBIUM.H.K. Podolobium. Leguminosae. J. Chorizemce sp. Smith. common. OXYL0BIUM. tall. oval-leaved. heart-leaved. Callistachys. spear-leaved. oval-leaved. trilobatum. H. K. OXYLOBIUM. H. K. 1 arborescens. H. K. 2 ellipticum. H. K. 3 cordifolium. H. K. CALLISTACHYS. V. 1 lanceolata. V. 2 ovata. B. M. BRACHYSEMA.H.K. Brachysema. latifolium. II.K. broad-leaved. GOMPHOLOBIUM.\ QqjvjpholobiuM. Leguminosae. J. H. K.. ) 1 latifolium. H. K. broad-leaved. 2 grandiilorum. L. T. large-flowered. 3 marginatum. H. K. small-flowered. 4 polyinorphum.H.K. vaiiuble. - 1 ■■ — » - ■" N. S. W. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. 1791. 4.7. Van Diem. 1805. 4.6. ■ 5.9. N. S. W. 1807. 4.9. N. Holland. 1815. 6.S. G.k G.h G.h G*h G-h G.h G. h Bot. mag. 1923. Vent. cels. t. 99.( Bot. mag. 753. Bot. mag. 1580. Lam. ill. t. 317.f.4 Par. lond. 114. Lab. voy. 1. 1. 21. Bot. mag. 1032. Bot. mag. 1477. tyz *34 Lab.n.holl.l.t.136 Bot. rep. 492. Bot. reg. 216. Bot. mag. 1925. N. Holland. 1803. 4.7. G.J*. Bot. reg. 118. N. S. W. N. Holland. 1803. 3.9. G.J* G.h — G.^ 1803. 3.8. G.h' Par. lond. 6. Bot. mag. 1 533U DECANDR.IA MONOGYNIA. 5 minus. L. T. hairy-stalked. 6 tomeutosum. H. K. tonientose. 7 vcnustum. H. K. BURTONIA. H. K. scabra. H. K. JACKSONIA. H. K. 1 scoparia. H. K. 2 spinosa. H. K. VIMINARIA. H. K. denudata. H. K. purple-flowered. Buetonia. rough-leaved. Jacksonia. Broom-like. spinous. Rush-Broom. leafless. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. SPHyEROLOBIlLM. | Sph,erolobium. Leguminosae. J. 1 vimineum. H. Iv. 2 medium. H. K. AOTUS. H. K. villosa. H. K. DILLWYNIA. H. K. 1 floribunda. H. K. 2 ericifolia. H. K. 3 glaberritna. H. K. 4 parvifolia. B. M. EUTAXIA. H. K. myrtifolia. H. K. SCLEROTHAM- \ NU-S. H. K. J microphyllus. H. K. GASTROLOBIUM. J H.K. J biiobum. H. K. EUCHILUS. H. K. obcordatus. H. K. PULTENA3A. H. K. 1 daphnoides. H. K. 2 obcordata. H. K. 3 scabra. H. K. 4 retusa. H. K. 5 stricta. B. M. 6 linophylla. H. K» 7 paleacea. L. T. 8 stipularis. H. K. 9 vestita. H. K. 10 villosa. H. K. 1 1 flexilis. H. K. DAVIESIA. T. L. 1 acicularis. L. T. 2 ulicina. L. T. 3 corymbosa. L. T. 4 mimosoides. H. K. 5 latifolia. H. K. MIRBELIA. L. T. 1 reticulata. L. T. 2 dilatata. H. K. CERCIS. W. 1 Siliquastrum. W. 2 canadensis. W. BAUHINIA. W. 1 scandens. W. 2 racemosa. W. 3 aculeata. W. 4 divaricata. W. 5 aurita. W. 6 porrecta. W. 7 parviflora. W. 8 variegata. W. 9 Candida. W. 10 purpurea. W. 1 1 tomentosa. W. 1 2 acuminata, W. yellow-flowered, red-flowered. Aotus. villous. Dillwynia. close-flowered. Heath -leaved, smooth, small-leaved. Eutaxia. Myrtle-leaved. — — ScLEROTHAMNus.Leguminosae. J. small-leaved. Gastrolobium. Leguminosae. J. two-lobed. Euchilus. Leguminosae. J. heart-leaved. PuLTENiEA. Leguminosae. J. Daphne-leaved. heart-leaved. — rough-leaved. blunt-leaved. — — upright. Flax-leaved. — — chaffy. — — scaly. • awned. — — — - - — villous. shining-leaved. Daviesia. Leguminosae. J. needle-leaved. Furze-leaved. — - — — — — glaucous-leaved. green-leaved. broad-leaved. — — Mirbelia. Leguminosae. J. reticulated. lobed-leaved. — — — - — — Judas-Tree. Leguminosae. J. European. American. • — — — {Mountain- Ebony. small-ld.climbing.- great-leaved, prickly-stalked. - dwarf, long-eared, smooth-leaved, small-flowered. - variegated, white-leaved, purple, tomentose. acute-leaved. N. S. W. N. Holland. 1812. 3.8. G.I *. 1803. 4.7. G.I* . G.I*. N. Holland. 1803. 5.7. G.I* N. S. W. N. Holland. 1803. 6.8. G.I* • 4.9. G.I* N. Holland. 1789. 6.9. G.I* Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. N. Holland. 1802. 5.8. G.I* 1803. 6.8. G.I* ffl Lab.n.lioll.l.t.134. Lab.n.holl.l .t. 136. Bot. mag. 1190. Bot. mag. 969. N. Holland. 1790. 4.6. G.I*. Bot. mag. 949. N. S. W. 1794. 4.7. G.I* 3.7. G.I* 1800. 3.7. G.I* G.I* Exot. bot. t. 26. t. 25. Bot. mag. 944. 1527. N. Holland. 1803. 3.6. G.I*. Bot. mag. 1274, N. Holland. 1803. 5.6. G.I* N. Holland. 1803. 3.5. G.I* Leguminosae. J. N. Holland. 1803. 3.6. G.I* N. S. W. Van Diem. N.S. W. N. S. W. N. Holland. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. Holland. S. Europe. N. America. E.Ind. W. Ind. Jamaica. W. Ind. E. Ind. 1792. 1808. 1803. 1789- 1803. 1789. 1792. 1803. 1790. 1801. G.I*, G.I* G.I* G.I* G.I*, G.I* G.I* G.I* G.I* 4.5. G.I* 4.6. G.I* 6.7. 5.7. 4.5. 4.6. 5.7. 4.7. 4.7. 1804. 6.7. 1792. 4.8. 1804. 5.8. 1809. 6.8. 1805. 5.8. G.I*, G.I* G.I* G.I* G.I* 1792. 5.8. G.I*. 1803. G.I* . 1596. 5.6. H.I*. 1730. —H.I*, Bot. mag. 1394. Bot. rep. 574. Bot. mag. 1588. Schrad.s.han.3.t.l! Bot. mag. 435. Bot. mag. 967. Bot. rep. 304. Bot. rep. 526. Bot. mag. 1757. Bot. mag. 1211. Bot. mag. 1138. 1799 1790 1737. 6.8. 1742. 6.9. 1756. 9. 1737. 7. 1808. 1690. 6.7. 1777. 5.6. 1778 1808 N 2 S.I* S.I* S.H S.I* S.I* S.I* S.I* S.I* S.I* S.I* S.I* S.I* . Rheed.mal.S.t. 29. . Vahl.symb.3.t. 62. . Plum. ic. t.44. f. 1. . L. Hort, clif. t. 15. . Mill. ic. 1. 1. 61. . Bot. mag. 1708. . Rheed.mal. l.t.32. . Rheed. mal.l.t. 33„ . j 9a HYMENiEA. IV. 1 Courbaril. W. 2 verrucosa. W. CYNOMETRA. W. cauliflora. W. CASSIA. W. 1 diphylla. W. 2 Absus. W. S viminea. W. 4 Tagera. W. 5 Tora. W. 6 bicapsularis. W. 7 mollissima. W. en. 8 emarginata. W. 9 obtusifolia. H. K. 10 sennoides. W. 1 1 corymbosa. W. 1 2 sericea. W. 13 occidentals. W. 14 laevigata. W. en. 15 patula. W. 16 arborescens. W. 1 Senna. II. K. 1 8 brientalis. P. S. 1 9 ruscifolia. W. 20 biflora. W. 2 L chinensis. W. Locust-Tree. leathery-leaved, waited -podded. Cynometra. stem-fio\ Cassia. two-leaved, four-leaved, twiggy, long-podded, oval-leaved, six-leaved, soft-leaved, notch-leaved, blunt-leaved. Senna-leaved, corymbose, silky-leaved, occidental, smooth, shining, tree. Senna. oriental. Ruscus-leaved. two-flowered. Chinese. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. W. Ind. Madagascar. E. Ind. W. Ind. India. W. Ind. E. Ind. E. Ind. W. Ind. S. America. Jamaica. 1688. . 1808. 1804. 1781. 1777. 1786. 1803. 1693. 1739. 1816. 1759. 1732. E. Ind. 1808. BuenosAyres. 1 796. Jamaica. 1731. W. Ind. 1759. S.TZ. S.Tz- S -h- 22 multiglandulosa.W. glandulous. 23 hirsuta. H. K. 24 ligustrina. W. 25 stipulacea. W. 26 alata. W. 27 marilandica. W. 28 frondosa. W. 29 Sophera. W. 30 auriculata. W. 31 C h am ae crista. W. 32 mimosoides. W. 33 capensis. Th. 34 nictitans. W. 35 procumbens. W. CATHARTOCAR- PUS. P. S. 1 Fistula. P. S. 2 javanicus. P. S. PARKINSONIA. W. aculeata. W. POINCIANA. H. K. 1 pulcherrima. H. K 2 elata. H. K. CiESALPINIA. H. 1 bijuga. W. 2 brasiliensis. W. 3 Sappan. W. 4 Crista. Sw. 5 mimosoides. W. 6 Nuga. H. K woolly. Privet-leaved, large-stipuled. broad-leaved. Maryland, smooth-shrubby, round-podded, eared, dwarf. Mimosa-leaved. Cape. Virginian. procumbent. HCathartoO CARPUS, j purging. Java. Parkixsonia. prickly. Poinciana. Flower-fence, smooth. K. Brasiletto. broad-leaved, smooth, narrow-leaved, oval-leaved. Mimosa-leaved, acute-leaved. W. Ind. E. Ind. Egypt. Levant. Madeira. W. Ind. China. Teneriffc. America. Bahama Isl. Chili. W. Ind. N. America. W. Ind. E. Ind. America. Ceylon. C.B.S. N. America. 1778. 8-9. 1800. 6.7. 1640. 7.8. Leguminosae. J. Bactyrilobium. W. en. E. Ind. 1731. 6.7. 1779 Leguminosae. J. S.Ji S*h W. Ind. 1739. .... S.Ij, Leguminosae. J. Ccesalpinice sp. TP'’. E. Ind. 1691. 6.9. 1778 Leguminosae. J. Jamaica. 1770. .... ■ 1739. ... . . E. iad. 1773. .... ■ Jamaica. E. Ind. 1806. ... . 1801. . .. . GUILANDINA. H.K. Nicker-Tree. Leguminosae. J. Bonduc. H. Iv. hyperanthe-\ RA. W. J Moringa. W. HOFFMANSEG- GIA. Cav. falcaria. Cav. ADEN ANTHER A .W 1 Pavonina. W. 2 falcata. W. CADI A. W. purpurea. W» } oval-leaved. {Horse-ra- 1 dish-Tree. J smooth. f Hoffman- 1 \ seggia. J sickle-leaved. Adenaxthera. yellow-dowered, woolly-leaved. C’adia. purple. Leguminosae. J. Moringa. P. S: Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. India. 164Q. .... Moringa E. Ind. 1759. •> S* h • S-h s-h- S-h' S.h S-h S.Il Chili. 1806. 7.8. S. Tj , E. Ind. 1759. 5.8. — 1812. . . . . S.Tz S.Tz. Arabia. .755. 7.1. S.Tz Lam. ill.t.SSO. f.l. — t. 330. f. 2. Lam. ill. t. 331. Cav.ic.5.t.6’00.f. 1. Bttrm. zeyl. t. 97- Sl.jam.2.t.l89.f.67. Dill. elt. t.63.f.73. Plum. ic. t. 76. f. 1. Sl.hist.2.t,180.f.l.4 Dill. elt. t. 62.f. 72. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 70. Bot. mag. 633. Jac. ic. 3. t. 459. Bot. leg. 83. Rheed.mal.6.t.9.10 Tabern. ic. 507. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 71. Bot. mag. 810. Jac. ic. 1: t. 73. l.t. 72. Bot. reg.109. Feuill. per. 3. t. 42, Jac.obs.2.t.45.f.2. Dill.elt.t.260.f.339. Jac. ic. 1 . t. 74. Rheed.mal. 2.t. 52. Pluk.alm. t.3 1 4. f.4 . Bot. mag. 1 57. Pluk.alm. t.3 1 4.f.5. Comm. pet. t. 1 1 . Rheed.mal. I.t. 22. Com. hurt. l.t. 111. Jac. amer. t. 80. Bot. mag. 995, Sl,hist.2.t.l 8 1 .f.2.3 Roxb. cor. l.t. 16. Plum. gen. t. 68* Rheed. mal. 6. t. 8. Rumph.amb.5. t.50 Lam. ill. t. 336. Jac. ic. 3. t. 46L Cav. ic. t. 392. Jac. coll. 4. t. 23. Rumph.amb .3 . 1. 1 1 Pic.hort.pan.9.c.ic. PROSOPIS. Rox. spicigera. L. H.EM ATOXY- \ LON. W. J campechianum. W. COPAIFERA. W. officinalis. W. SCHOTIA. W. 1 speciosa. H. K, 2 tamarindifolia.H.K. 3 stipulata. H. K. GUAIACUM. W. officinale. W. ZYGOPHYLLUM.W. 1 cordifolium. W. 2 Fabago. W. 3 foetidum. W. 4 maculatum. W. 5 album. W. 6 Morgsana. W. 7 sessilifolium. W. FAGONIA. W. 1 cretica. W. 2 arabica. W. TRIBULUS. W. 1 maximus. W. 2 terrestris. W. 3 cistoides. W. PICTAMNUS. W. Fraxinella. P. S. a alba. 3 rubra. RUTA. W. 1 graveolens. W. 2 montana. W. 3 chalepensis. P. S. 4 angustifolia. P. S. 5 pinnata. W. 6 pubescens. W. en. 7 lmifolia. W. CROWEA. L. T. saligna. L. T. CODON. W. Royeni. W. GOMPHIA. W. 1 nitida. W. 2 laevigata. P. S. QUASSIA. W. 1 amara. W. 2 Simaruba. W. LIMONIA. W. 1 monophylla. W. 2 citrifolia. W. en. 3 frifoliata. W. 4 crenulata. H. K. 5 pentaphylla. W. 6 arborea. W. MURRAYA. W. exotica. W. COOKIA. W. punctata. W. GiERTNERA. W. racemosa. W. TRICHILIA. W. 1 glabra. W. 2 odoi ata. B. R. EKEBERGIA. W. capensis. W* DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA* m 1812..... S.Ij. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 63. Prosopis. eatable-podded. Leguminosae. J. ■ E. Ind. Logwood. PAm mnn Leguminosae. J. ■ Amprira f Balsam of \ Cape vi. J officinal. Schotia. small-leaved. Tamarind-leav’d. large-stipuled. Leguminosae. J. o# ximci it(ti _ C A TYiPvira Leguminosae. J. Oo XjLIUCI ltdii C.B.S. 1724. S.Ij. Cat. car. 2. t. 66. 1774. .... S.Ij . Jac. amer. t. 86. Rutaceae. J. Rutaceae. J. {Lignum- 1 Vit^e-Tree. J officinal. — Bean-Caper. Rutaceae. J. heart-leaved-. - — — — — common. — foetid. spotted-flower’d. white. four-leaved. — — sessile-leaved. Fagonia. Rutaceae. J. Cretan. Arabian. — — — Caltrops. Rutaceae. J. great. small. ■ — — Cistus-like. Fraxinella. Rutaceae. J. common. ■ — — — — white flowered, red-flowered. Rue. common. — mountain. - broad-ld. African. narrow-leaved. ■ — winged-leaved. pubescent. — — - — — Flax-leaved. — — - Crowea. Willow-leaved. - — Codon. prickly. — — - BuTTON-FLOWER.Guttiferae. J. glossy-leaved. obtuse-leaved. — Quassia. bitter. winged-leaved. Limonia. simple-leaved, various-leaved, three-leaved, crenulate. five-leaved, tree. Murraya. Ash-leaved. Wampee-Tree. Chinese. Gartner a. clustered. Trichilia. smooth, sweet-scented. Ekebergia. Cape» 175f). 7.12. S.Pj. 1795. 5.9. S 1794. S.J2 Bot. rep. 348. Bot. mag. 1 1 53. Aurantiae. J. Aurantiae. J. Malpigliiaceae. J. Meliae. J. Meliae. J. W. Ind. C. B. S. Syria. C.B.S. 1694. 7.9. S.J*. Lam. ill. t. 342. Canaries. C.B.S. Candia;. Arabia. Jamaica. S. Europe. S. America. 1774. 10. G.^. 1596. 7.9. H.7£. 1790. 6.8. G.Ij. 17S2. 10.1 l.G. J-I . 1779. D.S. Jz . 1732. 5.9. G.T*. 1713. 7.8. G.Tj. 1739- 6.8i G.©. 1759. G.J. 1728. 6.7. S.©. 1596. H.Q. 1752. 7- S.2J-. Lam. ill.t. 345. f. 1. Bot. mag. 372. Linn. dec. 1. 1. 6. Dill.elt. t.l 16.f.l4l t.l 16.f.l42. Bot. mag. 241. Jac. ic. 3. t. 462. Lam. ill.t. 346. f.l. Jac.schaen.l.t.103, Germany. 1596. 5.7. H.ty. Jac. aust. 5. t. 428. Magnoliae? J. Aurantiae. J. S. Europe. Africa. Canaries. Spain. N. S. W. C.B.S. Jamaica. Guiana. W. Ind. E. Ind. China. E. Ind. India. China. E. Ind. W. Ind. 1562. 1596. 1722. 1780. 1816. 1752. 1790. 1801. 1803. 1790. 1787. 1777. 1787. 1308. 1790. 1796. 1771. 1795. 1796. 1794. 1801. 6.9. H.T2. 8.9. H.2jL. 6.9. G. \ ,G.h- 3.8. G-V 5.8. H.2f, 6.9. H.lj. 7.12. G. Ji . 9. G. ..... S 6.7. S.P*. .... S.h. .... S.Fj 6.8. S. 12 . 7.8. S.^, .... S.h, 6.7. S-Tj. 5.8., 8.9., G.^. .... S.Jj. 3.4. S .Jj. 6.7. : S.T*. S. Jz . Lam. ill. 345. 1. 1. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 76. M ox. hist. 2 .t.35 . f. S . Bot. rep. , Bot. mag, Bot. rep. ; Bot. mag. 497. Aub.gui.2.t.331,< Rox. cor. 1. 1. 83, Bot. rep. 143. Rox. cor. 1. 1. 86, 1. t. 84 — 1. 1. 85 Lam. ill. t. 352, Jac.schqen.l.t.10 Bot. rep. 600. Jac.amer.t.l75.f.3 Bot. rep. 637. C.B. S» 1789. 7.8. G.^. Lam. ill. t. 358. 94 DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. HEYNEA.Rox. trijuga. B. M. MELIA. W. 1 Azedarach. W. 2 sempervirens. W. 3 Azadirachta. W. SWIETENIA. W. 1 Mahagoni. W. 2 febrifuga. W. MONOTROPA. W. Hypopitbys. W. DIONiEA. W. Muscipula. W. GARUGA. Rox. pinnata. H. K. JUSSIEUA. W. 1 grandiflora. W. 2 suffruticosa. W. 3 octovalvis. P. S. 4 erecta. W. 5 scabra. W. en. GETONIA. Rox. floribunda. P. S. QUISQUALIS. W. 1 indica. W. 2 pubescens. DAIS. W. cotinifolia. W. MELASTOMA. W. 1 aspera. W. 2 velutina. W. 3 trinervia. W. 4 octandra. W. 5 tetrandra. W. 6 hirta. W. 7 Acinodendron. W. 8 cymosa. W. 9 rubra. W. 10 purpurea. W. 1 1 grossa. W. 1 2 malabathrica. W. 13 corymbosa. H. K. 14 ecostata. H. K. 15 Fothergilla. 1 6' albicans. P. S. 1 7 laevigata. W. 18 discolor. W. ACISANTHERA. J. quadrata. P. S. KALM1A. W. 1 latifolia. W. 2 angustifolia. W. $ rubra. 3 glauca. W. 4 rosmarinifolia. Ph. 5 hirsuta. W. LEDUM. W. 1 palustre. W. $ decumbens. 2 latifolium. W. 3 buxifolia. W. Hevnea. Walnut-like. Bead-Tree. common. evergreen. Ash-leaved. (Mahogany- Tree. common. Febrifuge. {Yellow Bird’s-nest common. DlONiEA. Venus’s Flytrap. Garuga. winged-leaved. Jussieua. great-flowered, tall. spear-leaved. upright. rough. Getonia. many-flowered. Quisqualis. Indian. pubescent. Dais. Cotinus-leaved. Melastoma. rough. velvetty-leaved. three-nerved. octandrous. tetraqdrous. hairy. oval-leaved. cvme-flowered. red. purple. large-leaved. bristly. corymb-flower’d. ribless. Fothergill’s. white-leaved. smooth. two-coloured. Acisanthera. four-sided. Kalmia. broad-leaved. narrow-leaved. red-flowered. glaucous. Rosemary-leav’d hairy. Ledum. marsh. dwarf. broad-leaved. Box-leaved. Melia:. J. Meliae. J. Meliae. J. Napaul. 1812. 9. S.h- Bot. mag. 1738. Syria. 1656. 6.8. G-h- Bot. mag. 1066. Jamaica. S.h. Com. hort. t. 176. E. Ind. 1759. - — - S.h. Cav. dis. 7. t. 208. W. Ind. 1734 S.h* Cav. dis. 7. t. 209. E. Ind. 1796 S-h- Rox. cor. l.t. 17* Onagrese. J. Britain. Carolina. E. Ind. Carolina. India. S. America. Combretaceae. B.P. E. Ind. Combretaceae. B.P. Thymelaeae. Melastomeae. J. E. Ind. C. B. S. — E. Ind. — W. Ind. — Jamaica. — ■ Ceylon. — Jamaica. S. America. 1792 Guiana. S. America. .... E. Ind. 1793. Sierra Leone. 1792. Jamaica. 1793. S. America. 1815. Jamaica. S. America. W. Ind. Salicariae. J. .... 6.7. H.l£. Eng. bot. 1768. 7.8. G.ty. Bot. mag. 785. 1808 S.fy. Rox. cor. 3. t. 208a 1812. 7.10. G.fl.’ / ■* 2 < 1808. 8.9. S.^. Bot. rep. 621. 7.9. S., Lapey. Fl. t. 3 1 . — Scotland. 6. H.2/. Eng. bot. 2276. — Siberia. 1802. 5.6. H.2/. — -■ Britain. 4.5. H.Q* Eng. bot. 501. — Norway. 1752. • H.2/. Fl.dan.6S; — Pyrenees. 5. H.2/. Jac. ic. l.t. 81. — • Germany. .... ■H.2/. — Scotland. 6. H.2/. Eng. bot. 2291. Britain. .d Wales. Siberia. Britain. Scotland. Wales. Scotland, 5.6. H.2/. H.2/. t. 455. Pyrenees Scotland. Saxifrageae. J. Saxifrageae. J. Caryophylleae. J. Wales. Pyrenees. N. America. Carolina. N. America. 782. Eng. bot. 2277. Eng. bot. 454, Lapey. Fl. t.37, H.2/ . Eng. bot. 2214, H.2/. 794. 7. H.2/. Lapey. Fl. t. 19. 6.6. II. 2/. . — - t. 34. Siberia. Caryophylleae. J. Levant. Magdeburg. Siberia. Huugary. Spain. Germany. Spain. Germany. France. Germany. England. 731. 4.5. H.2/ . Bot. mag. 1589. .812. H.2/. — 5.6. F.2/. 1731. 4.5. H.2/. . Bot. reg. 166. 1612. II.2/. Lam. ill. t. 373. f. S 1758. 6.8. H.2/. t.373.f. S Bot. mag. 1448. 1281. Jac.aust. 5.t. ap. 1» Mur. com. g. t. 3. Gmel. sib. 4. t. 60. PI. rar. hung. t. 41. Bar. ic. t. 119. Gmel.sib.4.t.61 .f.l . Dill. clt. t. 27 6. Bar. ic. t. 1002. Lam. ill. t. 375. f.l., Ex. bot. 2. t. 90. 1739. 6.10. 1769. 6.8. 1774. 7.8. 7.10. H-2/. Eng. bot. 1060. 9 vaecaria. W. 8 porrigens. W. 4 ocymoides, W. 5 oricntalis. W. 6 lutes. W. DIANTHUS. W. 1 barbatus. VV. * carthusianorum. W. 3 colljnus. H. K. 4 atrorubens. W. 5 latifolius. W. en. 6 asper. W. en. 7 ferrugineus. W\ 8 Armeria. VV. 9 japonicus. VV< 10 prolifer. W. 1 1 suffruticosus. W.en. 12 sylvaticus. W. en. 13 diminutus. VV. 14 Caryophvllus. W. 0 f lore plena, fruticosus. 1 imbricatus. 1 5 carolinianus. Ph. 16' fruticosus. VV. 1 7 pomeridianus. VV7. 1 8 leptopetalus. W, en. $9 campestris. M. B. 20 procumbens. P. S, 21 virgineus. VV. 22 deltoides. VV. 23 glaucU6. P. S. 24 albens. VV. 26 crenatus. 26 chinensis. W. 27 guttatus. W. ei), 28 rigidus. M. B, 29 monspeliacus. W. 30 caucasicus. H. K. 31 discolor. H. K, 32 petraeus. H. K. 33 hortensis. VV. eu. 34 fragrans. P. L. 35 plumarius. VV. 36 serotinus. W. en. 37 fimbriatus. VV. en. 38 superbus. W. 39 pungens. W. 40 orientalis. H. K. 41 caesius. VV. 42 alpipus. W, perfoliate. hairy. Basil-leaved, small aunual. yellow. Pink. Sweet-William.. Carthusian. hill. dark-rjed. broad-leaved. rough-stalked. rusty. Deptford. Japanese.- proliferous. shrubby. wood. small-flowered. Clove. Carnation . tree Carnationf wheat-ear. Carolina. fleshy-leaved. afterpoon. narrow-petalled field. procumbent. virgin.. maiden. glaucous-leaved. Cape. long-cupped. China. rough-leaved. rigid. Montpelier. Caucasian. two-colourefl. DECANDRXA TRIGYNIA Caryophylleae. J. Caryophylleae. J. Germany. Levant. France. Levant. Switzerland. 1596. 7.8. H.©. 1680. H.©. 1768. 5.7. H.ty. 1732. 6.8. H. If . 1804. H.lf. Germany. 1573. Hungary. Italy. Switzerland. Italy. England. China. England. Siberia. Ratisbon. S. Europe. England. 1756. 1804. 1804. 1815. 1771. 99 .Tac. vind. 2. t. 109. Bot. mag. 1 54, Dill.elt.t. 1 67. f.204 Smith, spic. t. 5. Bot. mag. 207. Loes. pruss. t. 7. Par. lond. 62. Jac. ic. 3. t. 467. Mill.ic. 1. 1. 8 l.f. 1, Eng. bot. 317. Thunb.jap. t. 23. Eng. bot. 956. Eng. bot. 214. Bot. mag. 39. CUCUBALUS. H. K. baccifer. H. K. SILENE. H. K. 1 inflata. H. K. 2 fabaria. H. K. 3 pilosa. W. en. 4 viscosa. H. K. 6 stellata. H. K. fi aegyptiaca. H. K. 7 italica. H. K. 8 multiflora. H. K. 9 tatarica. H. K. 10 sibirica. H. K. Campion. berry-bearing. Catch fly. bladder. thick-leaved. pilose. clammy. four-leaved, Egyptian. Italian. many-flowTered. Hyssop-leaved. Siberian. TRIGYNIA. Caryophylleae. J. China. Caucasus. Caspian Sea. Moptpelier. Caucasus. -H.lf. Bot. mag. 1622. 6.9. F. 2/.. — — G. . Tourn. it. 1 . t. .9 . 6.7. H.ty. Par. lond. 57. 7. H.ty. Bot. mag. 1739. 7.8. H,!/.. 1876, 6. 7. H. If . Vent. eels. t. 39. rH.TJL. Bot. mag. 1740. 6.10. H. If . Eng. bot. 61. H .If. Dill.elt.t.298.f.348« 8. G.2f. 8. G.lf. Bot. reg. 256. 7-9. H. $ . Bot. ipag. 28, Bot. mag. 795. 1162. rock. — r— — - Hungary. 1804. 7.8. H.lf. — 1204. garden. — - 1805. — H.lf, fragrant. ■ Austria. 1804. 6. H.ty. Par.lond. 112. ^ feathered. — rr— — — Europe. 1629. 6.8. H.R. late-flowering. — - * Hungary. 1804. 7. H.ty. PI.rar.hung.2.t.l71 fringed. — — — — — Iberia. 1815. 6.8. H.J*. superb. — Europe. 1596. 7-9. H.lf. Bot. mag. 297. pungent. ■ — — — —— — * Spain. 1781. 8.10. H.R. Georgian. — Russia. 1802. 6. 7. H. Ij. Bot. mag. 1069. mountain. — — • Britain. .... — — H. If . Eng. bot. 62. Alpine. - ■ ■ - ■ ' — - Austria. 1759. — -H.^. Bot. mag. 1205. England, 1 2 eatholica. H. K. panicled. 13 mollissima. H. K, velvet. 14 Otites. H. K. Spanish. Caryophylleae. J. Silene. TV. et Cucubali sp. TV, Britain. Sicily. Hungary. Levant. N. America. Egypt. Italy. Hungary. Russia. Siberia. Italy. 6,7. H,lf. Eng. bot. 1577. — England. O 2 1773. 1711. 7.9. H.R 1739. H.lf .... 7.8. H.lf Eng. bot. 1 64. Boc.mus. 133.L92 Tourn. it. 2.p.36l Bot. mag. 1107. Jac. obs. 4. t. 79. Pl.rar.hung.l.t.56 {Hall, goett. 1 . p 1 50. ic. Jac. vind. XVt. 59. . Eng. bofc 85. 100 15 parviflora. H. K. 16 reflexa. H. K. 1 7 anglica. W. 18 lusitanica. W. 19 geminiflora. W. en. 20 quinquevulnera. W. 21 nyctantha. W. en, 22 nocturna. W, 23 ciliata. W. 24 gallica. W. 25 cerastoides. W, 26 linifolia. W. en. 27 jeniseensis. W. en. 28 mutabilis. W. 29 chlorantha. W. 30 supina. M. B. 3 1 maritima. W. 32 nutans. W. 33 aipoena. W. 34 paradoxa. W. 35 tenuis. W. en. 36 fruticosa. W. 37 bupleuroides. W. 38 longifiora. W. 39 saxatilis. H. K. 40 livida. W. en. 41 infracta. W, en. 42 gigantea. W. 43 crassifolia. W. 44 viridiflora. W. 45 reticulata. P. S. 46 conoidea. W. 47 coniea. W. 48 bellidifolia. W, 49 dichotoma. W. 50 disticha. W. en, 51 vespertina. W. 52 Behen. W. 53 stricta. W. 54 pendula. W. 55 noctifiora, W. 56 ornata. W. 57 undulata. W. 58 pensylvatiica. Ph. 59 virginica. Pin 60 regia. B. M. 61 antirrhina. W, 62 rubella. W, 63 sedoides. W. 64 apetala. W. 65 clandestina* W. 66 inaperta. W. 67 portensis.W. 68 fimbriata. H. K. 69 cretica. W. 70 Muscipula. W, 71 polyphylla, W. 72 Armeria. W. 73 orchidea. W. 74 aegyptiaca. W. 75 chloraefolia. W. 76 fiavescens. W. en. 77 pusilla. W. en. 78 alpestris, W. 79 rupestris. W. 80 Saxifraga. W. 8 1 sericea. W. 82 vallesia. W, 83 acaulis. W. BECANDRIA TRIGYNXA. small-flowered, reflexed. English. Portugal. twin-flowered. variegated. various-leaved. spiked, ciliated, French. Cerastium-leavd. • Flax-leaved. two-coloured, changeable. pale-flowered. trailing. sea. Nottingham. Tartarian. Dover. slender. shrubby. spear-leaved. long-flowered. stone. livid. smooth. gigantic. thick-leaved. green-flowered, netted, conoid. corn. Daisy-leaved. dichotomous, two-ranked. evening. bladder. upright. pendulous. night-flowering. dark-coloured. wave-leaved. Pensylvanian. Virginian. splendid. Snap-dragon. small red. Sedum-like. petalless. hidden-flowered. unopen-flowered Oporto. fringed -flowered Cretan. Spanish. many-leaved. Lobel's. Orchis- flowered. Egyptian. Armenian. yellowish. dwarf. Austrian. rock. Saxifrage. silky. woolly-leaved. stemless, Caryophylleae. J. Hungary. - S. Europe. — — ----- Britain. — — — - Portugal. 1796. 1726. 1732, 1816, 7.8. 6.7. England. S. Europe. Crete. F ranee. S. Europe. Siberia. S. Europe. Germany. Caucasus. Britain. Tartary. England. Baical. Sicily. Persia. Hungary. Siberia. Carniola. Hungary. Africa. C. B. S. Spain. Barbary. S. Europe. England. Hungary. Barbary, Crete. Spain. Sicily. England, C.B.S. N. America. Portugal. Crete. C. B. S. Madeira. Portugal, Caucasus. Candia. Spain. Germany. England. Levant. Egypt. Armenia. Hungary. Austria. Switzerland. France. S. Europe. Switzerland. Britain. 1688. 1732. 1804, 1779. 1816. 1629. 1801. 1793. 1800. 1816. ■ 1738. 1774. 1739. 1804. 1683. 1794. 1791. 1817. 1796. 1713. 1802. 1731. 1773. 1806. 1783. 1811. 1732. 1804. 1801. 1732. 1759. 1803. 1732. ■H.0. 1596. 7.8. H.©. Magn.mons.171.ic. Eng. bot. 1178. Dill.elt.t.31 l.f.401 Eng. bot. 86. Dill.elt.t.3 10. f.400 Dill.elt,t.31 0.f.399 ■ t.309.f.397 Dill.elt.t.3 1 6. f.408 Eng. bot. 957. — 465. Jac. vind. 3. t. 84. Com. hort. t.-33. Tourn. it. t. 154. Fl.rar. hung, l.t.8. Bot. mag. 689. Pl.rar.liung.3.t.213 Walt, hort 3 2. 1. 11. Herm.par. 199. Desf. atl. 1. 1. 99. Mor. s. 5. t.36. f.6. Eng. bot. 922. Jac. vind. 3. t. 81. PI. rar. hung. t. 29. Bot. mag. 677. Dill.elt.t.397. f.409 Bot. mag. 1 14. Eng. bot. 291. Bot. mag. 3S2. Bot. reg. 247. Pluk.alm.t.203.f.l. Bot. mag. 1724. Dil.elt.t.313.f.403. t.314.f.406. Jac. col. s. t.14. f.l. Jac. col. s. t. 3. f. 3. Dil.elt.t.3 1 5 . f.407. Bot. mag. 908. (Dil. elt. t. 314. f. 404, 5. Clus.hist. l.t.2^0. Eng. bot. 1398. Jac. vind. 3. t. 32. Bot. mag. 807* Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l75 3.t.212 Jac. aus. 1. 1. 96. FI. dan. 4. Pl.rar.hung.2.t,4 63 All. ped. t. 79. f. 3. Boc. mus. t. 54. Eng. bot. 1081. DECANDRIA TRIGYNIA. 101 STELLARIA. W. 1 nemorutn. W. 2 latifolia. P. S. 3 dicbotoma. W. 4 Holostea. W. 6 graminea. W. 6‘ glauca. H. K. 7 media. E. B. Alsine media. TV. 8 uliginosa. H. K. 9 cerastoides. W. 10 multicaulis. W. 1 1 Arenaria. W. 1 2 scapigera. W. ARENARIA. W. 1 peploides. W. 2 tetraquelra. W. 3 trinervis. W. 4 ciliata. W. 5 balearica. W. 6* multicaulis. W. 7 serpyllifolia. W. 8 procumbens. W. 9 montana. W. 10 triflora. W. 1 1 saxatilis. W. 1 2 vema. W. 13 stricta. Ph. 14 austriaca. W. 15 grandiflora. W. 16 cherlerioides. P. S. 17 juniperina. W. 18 laricifolia. W. 19 striata. W. 50 fastigiata. H. K. 2 1 tenuifolia. W. 22 rostrata, W. en. 23 filifolia. W. Stitch-wort. wood. broad-leaved. forked. greater. lesser. glaucous marsh. Chickweed. bog. Alpine, many- stalked, sand. naked-stalked. Sandwort. Sea Chickweed. square. Plantain-leaved. fringed. Majorca. many-stalked. Thvme-leaved. procumbent. mountain.. three-flowered. rock. vernal. upright. Austrian. great-flowered. Cherleria-leaved Juniper-leaved. Larch-leaved. striated. level-topped. fine-leaved. beaked. thread-leaved. Caryophyllese. J. 24 graminifolia. W. en. grass-leaved. 25 fasciculata. W. dense-flowered. 26 pendula. W. en. pendulous. 27 segetalis. Vai. corn. Alsine segetalis. TV. 28 mucronata. Alsine mucronata. 29 media. W. 30 pubesccns, H. S. 31 marina. E. B. 32 canadensis. Ph. 33 rubra. E. B. CHERLERIA. W. sedoides. W. BRUNNICHIA. W. cirrhosa. W. GARIDELLA. W. Nigellastrum. W. MALPIGHIA. W. 1 glabra. W. 2 punicifolia. W. 3 polystachia. H. K. 4 media. H. K. 5 glandulifera. H. K. 6 glandulosa. W. 7 nitida. W. 8 fucata. B. reg. 9 urens. W. 1 0 angustifolia. W. 1 1 canescens. W. 1 2 crassifolia. W. bristly. TV. downy. pubescent. marine. Canada. purple. Cherleria. dwarf. Brunnichia. Carolina. Garidella. Nigella-leaved. ( Barbadoes 7 ( Cherry. J smooth-leaved. Pomegranate-ld. many-spiked. intermediate. quadriglandular. biglandular. glossy-leaved. painted. stinging. narrow-leaved. downy-leaved, thick-leaved. Britain. Germany. Siberia. Britain. Scotland. .... 4.6. n.n. 1816. 6.8. H.^. 1774. H.7JL. .... 4.6. H. 2J. . .... H. 7f. . 5.8. H.lf. . 1.12. H.©. Eng. bot. 92. Sm. ined. t. 14. Eng. bot. 511. 803. 825. • 537. 6.7. H.Q. - — H .21. - 1074. 911. Caryophylleas. J. Caryophylleae. J. Polygoneae. P. S. B-anunculaceae. J. Malpigbiaceae. J. Carinthia. 1815. 6.8. H.l^. Jac. col. 1 . 1. 19. Spain. 1799. 6. H.Q. Scotland. .... 6.7. H.2£. Eng. bot. 1269. Britain. .... 5.7. H.l/. . Etog. bot. 189. Pyrenees. 1731. 8. H.lfL. All. ped. 2. t.8.9. f.l. Britain. .... 5.6. H.Q. Eng. bot. 1483. Ireland. 3.8. H.V-. 1745. Majorca. 1787. -II.HL. L. H. stirp. 1. t.15. Europe. 1794. 7.8. h.hl. Jac. col. 1. 1. 17. f.l . Britain. 6.7. H.Q. Eng. bot. 923. Egypt. 1801. 7.8. G Vahl. sym. 2. t. 33. France.- 1800. 4.7. H.ljL. Bot. mag. 1118. S.- Europe. 1816. H.^. Cav. ic.3.t.24.9. f.2. Gerniany. 1732. 7.8. H.^. Gmel.sib.4.t.63.f.2» Britain. .... 5.8. H.y. Eng. bot. 512. N. America. 1812. 5.6. H. !/■ . Austria. 1793. 6.9. H. 2/. . Jac. aus. 3. t. 270. Switzerland. 1783. -H.y.: All. ped. 10. f. 1. France. .... 7.8. h.u. Armenia. 1800. 6.7. h.u. Sm. ined. 1 . t. 35. Britain. .... 8. Ha. Jac. aust. 3. t. 272. Switzerland. 1683. 6.8. h a. All.ped.2.t.26.f.4. Scotland. 6. H.Q. Eng. bot. 1744. England. 6.7. H.Q. — 219. Hungary. 1816. -Ha. Arabia. -na. Vahl. sym. 1. 1. 12. Siberia. 1815. -Ha. Austria. — ■ H.0. Jac. aus. 2. t. 182. Hungary. 1816. -Ha. PI. rar.hung.2.t.87« France. 1805. 6.10. H.Q. Vail. par. t. 3. f, 3. S. Europe. 1777. 6. H. (J . Hall. hist. 1 . t. 1 7. France. 1795. 7. H.Q. England. .... -H.Q. Britain. .... 6.7. H.l^. Eng. bot. 958. N. America. 1812. ■ H.©. Britain. .... 6.8. H.0. Eng. bot. 852. Scotland. — 7.8. H.^L. Eng. bot. 1212. Carolina. 1787. — G.h- Ggert.s. l.t. 45. f.2 France. 1736. 6.7. H.Q. Bot. mag. 1266. W. Ind. 1757. 3.7. s.h- Bot. mag. 813. S. America. W. Ind. S. America. 1690. .... 1806. 3.5. 1790. 1 S06. 1804 1733. 3.8. 1814. 1737. 7.10. 7.8. 1742 1793. 8. S.h- S.h- s.v. S- h • s-h- s.h. S.h. S.P*. S. h • S -h- s.h. Plum.ic.t. 166. f. 2. Bot. rep. 604. Jac. ic. 3. t. 469. Cav.dis.8. t.239-f.2. t.239.f.l. Bot. reg. 1 89. Cav.dis.8. t.236.f.l. Aub. gui. l.t. IS 2. 102 13 lucrda. W. 1 4 coriacea. W. 15 volubilis. H. K. 16* aquifoliuru. W. 1 7 cnccifera. W. BANISTERIA. W. 1 ciliata. W. 2 purpurea. W. 3 chrysophylla. W. 4 laurifolia. \V. 5 nitida. W. 6 sericea. P. S. 7 fulgens. W. * heterophylla. W. 9 brachiata. W. wedge-leaved. leathery-leaved. twining. Holly-leaved. Kermes’ Oak-1*1. Banisteria. ciliated. purple. Star-apple-leavd. Bav-leaved. glossy. silky. shining-fruited. various-leaved. cross-branched. DECANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. Malpighiaceae. J. Malpighiaceae. J. W. Ind. Jamaica. W. Ind. S. America. W. Ind. Brazil. W. Ind. Brazil. Jamaica. S. America. Brazil. W. Ind. S. America. W. Ind, 1759. 5.8. 1814. 1793. 8.9. 17.59. 1733. 179(7. 1759 1793. ... 1733. 7.8. 1809 1810. . . . 1759. ... 1812. . . . 1759, ,, . S. Tj . S.H- Slo.his. 2. {.1 ffS.f.l. S. li . Bot. mag. 809. S. J? . Cav.dis.8.t.236.f.t. S. Ij. Jac. ic. 3. t. 470. Cav. dis. 9. t. 254. T- t.24(7.f.l. S.Ti. s.h. S. ^ . Jac.schaen.l.t.105. S-h- S. li . Car. diss. t. 244. S. J? . 9. t. 258. s .\. S. Vi . Cav. disa. t. 212. AVERRHOA. W. 1 Bilimbi. W. 2 Carambola. W. SPONDIAS. W. 1 Mombin. W. 2 Myrobalanus. W. 3 dulcis. W. COTYLEDON. W. 1 orbiculata. H. S. 2 ovata.-H. S. 3 oblonga. H. S. Avf.rrhua. Bilimbi-tree. Carambola-tree. Hog Plum. flat-stemmed. yellow. Otaheite Apple. Navel-wort. round-leaved. ovate-leaved. oblong-leaved. PENTAGYNIA. Terebintarea'? J. Terebintaceae. J. Senipervivae. J. E. Ind, W. Ind. Society Isles. C. B. S, 17.91. 5.7. Mj, 1793 S. k- 1817 S,b- 1739. .... S, b 1793 S. 12 4 ramosissima. H. S. manv-branched. 3 fascicularis. W. € hemispluerica. W. 7 spuria. W. cluster-leaved. thick-leaved. narrow-leaved. 8 caespitosa. H. S. tongue-leaved. — California. 1796. 6.8. G.lf. . linguaformis. H. K. 9 serrata. W. notch-leaved. — Siberia. 1732. 6.7. H,^. 10 hispnnica. W. Spanish. — - Spain. 1796. H. .v,., r. i a ; • Q 1 '7QA* fl 1795. 8.9. G. J*. Bot. mag. 1367. i 7qk --- - n ii 1 / *7 O o 1 1 1 1 U« Xj. t Britain. N. America. Austria. America. N. America. .... 7.8. H.ty. Eng. bot. 1061. 1759. 7.9. H ,2f.. 1776. 6.9. H.ty. Bot. mag. 1003. 1802. 8. H. 2/. . 1812. 5.11. G.ljL. Bot. mag. 1812. _____ y , 8 . H . 2(. . England. 8. H.Q. Eng. bot. 292. America. Mexico. 1776. 7-8. G. . Jac. vind. 2. t. 177. 1816. 7.9. G.©. Bot. leg. 182,^ ./' 1796 S. . pendulous. 1808. ...D.S.}?. Myrtle-leaved. S. America. 1699. 6.7. D.S. ]?. Laurel-leaved. D.S.}?. small heart-lea11, 1795. . .. D.S.]?. various-leaved. W. Ind. 16*90. 4.9. S.J?. tree-like. . Italy. 1768 H.l?. coloured. S. America. 1806. 7.8. S. • waved. E. Ind. 1808. 8. S. $ . twin-glanded. Is. Bourbon. 9. S.l?. naked-flowered. — 7 1800. 8. S. 1? . Cotinus-leaved. S. America. 1690. 7.8. S. 1? . long-stalked. W. Ind. 1 800. 5.6.D.S. }? . honey-bearing. — 7 — Madeira. 1784. 4.5. G. }? . Toad-flax-leaved — — 1794 S.l?. pye-balled. Louisiana. 1811. 9. H.0. Plum-leaved. 1799. 6.7. G. $ . Basil-leaved. — — — S. America. 1733. 6.8. S.0. toothed. N. America. 1806. 6.7. H.Q. Hypericum -lead. — — - America. 1727. 6.9. H. ©. Humboldt's. - — — — — S. America. 1809. 7.10. S. 2/.. trailing red. VV. Ind. 1758. S.0. rosy. E. Ind. 1808. 8. S.0. spotted. * S. America. 1660. 7. H.0. painted. 1789. 5.7. S.ty. globular. E. Ind. 1800. 6.8. S. If.. Hyssop-leaved. — W. Ind. 1787- 8.9. S.0. Thyme-leaved. India. 1699. 7.8. S.0. scollop-leaved. — S. Europe. 1752. H.0. purple. England. .... H.0. Knot-grass-lead. — — » N. America. 1704. 6.7. H.0. Ipecacuanha. 1812. — — H.2}. petty. -rr-T Britain. .... 7.8. H.0. sickle-leaved. — - S. Europe. 1699. 6.8. H.0. dwarf. : Britain. .... 7. H.0. least. * ... 1800. 7.9. H.0. small-flowered. Persia. 1803. H.0. tuberous. Ethiopia. 1800. 10.12.G. T? . Caper. -England 5.10. H. S . Spanish. Spain. 1804. 7.8. H.0. diffuse. — — Austria. 1798. H.0. Pear-rooted, — > > ■ — Candia. 15.96. 6.7. H.2}, P 2 naked, officinal, many-angled. — Oleander-leaved. — * Porcupine. variable-stemm’d. great-leaved. — — Cucumber-like. — — Melon-like. - — f GreatMedu- 1 _____ ( sa’s Head, J Chequer’d M. Hd. Small M. Head. — Least M. Head. -- — Euphorbiae. J. C. B. S. Africa. C. B. S. India. C. B. S. E. Ind. SierraLeone. C. B.S. Africa, C. B. S. 107 Burm. afr. t. 9.f. 3. Plant, grass. T~ . Plant, grass. 46. Jac.schccn.2.t.207. Vail. it. t. 5. Bot. rep. 617. Com. prael. t. 7. Plant, grass. 150. Burm. afr. t.l Of. 1. Plant, grass. 144 Jac. ic. 1 . t. 85. Jac.schnen.l.t.H)6. Dill. elt.t.289.f.373 Burm. afr. t. 6. f. 3. Jac. frag. 1. 120. Rheed.mal.2. t.44, Jacschoen.2. t.276. Herm. par. 234. Dil.elt.t.298.f.372. Plum. ic. t.25l. f.3 Jac. ic. 3. t. 480. Jac. ic. 3. t. 470. Com. hort. 1. 1. 15. Bot. mag. 883. 1305. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 86. Bot. mag. 1747. Jac.schoen.3.t.277. Com. prael. t. 10, Jac. vind. 2. t. 186. Jac. ic. 3. t. 477. — 3. t. 478. Pluk.alm.t.j 1 3.f.2. Moris.s.l 0.t.2.f.l 9. Eng. bot. 2002. Jac. col. s.t.13. f.3. Bot. mag. 1494. Eng. bot. 959. Jac. aust. 2. t. 121. Eng. bot. 1336. Burm. afr. 9. t. 4, Eng. bot. 2255. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 88=. 108 DODECANDRIA DODECAGYNIA. 77 laeta. W. 78 genistoides. W. 79 spinosa. W. 80 nummulariaefolial W. en. J 8 1 epithymoides. W. 82 dulcis. W. 83 carniolica. W. 84 Pitliyusa. W. 85 portlandica. 86 Paralias. W. <3 suffruticosa'. 87 rigida. H. S. 88 juncea. W. 89 aleppica. W. 90 segetalis. W. 91 biumbellata. P. S. 92 angustifolia. H. S. 93 multicorymbosa. H. S. } Mezereon-leaved. Euphorbise. J. Genista-like. prickly. Moneywort-ld. broad-leaved, sweet. Carniolian. Juniper-leaved. Portland, sea. shrubby sea. rigid, rushy. Aleppo, corn. double-umbelled narrow-leaved. many-flowered. 1758. 6.7. G.Tj. Jac. ic. l.t. 87. C.B.S. Levant. 1808. 7.8. . 1710. 5.9. F.I*. Herm. lugd. t.601 Austria. 1800. 7. G.^. 1805. 5.6. H.2/ . Bot. rep. 616. S. Europe. 1759. H.2/. Jac. aus. 3. t. 213. Carniola. 1795. 8. H. If. . Scop. earn. t. 21. S. Europe. 1741. 6.7. F. ii . Bocc. sic. t. 5. Britain. 5.9. H.2/ . Eng. bot. 441. England. Madeira. Crete. S. Europe. Barbary. — 195. 1805. u.n. 94 provincialis. W. linear-leaved. — S. Europe. 1800. 8.11. H.©. 95 juncoides. H. S. Rush-like. • 7. S.Q. 96 helioscopia. W. Wart wort. — — Britain. .... 7.8. H.©. 97 serrata. W. narrow notch-ld. — — S. Europe. 1710. 7. G. If. . 98 cretica. H. S. Cretan hoary. Levant. 1768 H.2/ . 99 punicea. W. scarlet- flowered. Jamaica. 1778. 1.9. S 100 verrucosa. W. ■waited. France. 1800. 6. H .If., 101 corollata. W. great-flowered. N. America. 1803. 7-9. H. If. . 102 spathulsefolia.H.S. spatula-leaved. 1800. 8. G. . 103 corallioides. W. Coral-stalked. S. Europe. 1752. 6.9. H. 2f. . 104 androsvemifolia. H. S. J Tutsan-leaved. — — — Hungary. 1804. 7-9. H.2/.. 105 pilosa. W. hairy. Siberia. 1758. 5.8. H.2/. 106 oriental is. W. oriental. Levant. 1739. 6.7. PL 2/. 107 platyphyllos. W. annual warty. — - England. .... 7.8. H.©. 108 stricta. E.B. upright warty. — .... H.©. 109 literata. W. blotch-leaved. .......... 1790. 8. H.©. 110 Esula. W. leafy-branched. Britain. 5.7. H. 2/ . Ill sylvatica. W. wood. S. Europe. 1768. 7.9. F.Jj. 112 Gerardiana. W. Gerard’s. — — — Germany. 1801. 7. H.2 /. 113 Cyparissias. W. Cypress. England. 5.9. H.2/. 114 virgata. W. en. twiggy. Hungary. 1807. 7. H.2/. 115 myrsinites. W. glaucous. • ■ S. Europe. 1570. 4.6. H.2/. 116 imbricata. P. S. imbricated. Portugal. 1804. 8.9. F.J*. 1 1 7 nicaeensis. W. sharp-leaved. Spain. 1809 F.2 /. 3 18 palustris. W. marsh. ■ — Sweden. 1570. 5.8. H.2/. 119 emarginata. W. freckled. Italy. 1758. 7.8. H.2/. 120 hiberna. W. Irish. Britain. 5.6. H.2/. 121 salicifolla. W. Willow-leaved. Hungary. 1804. H.2/. 122 amygdaloides. W. Almond-leaved. — — England. 3.6. H.2/. 123 Characias. W. upright red. - .... -F.h- VISNEA. W. Visnea. Ebenaceae. J. Mocaiiera. J. Mocaiiera. W. Canary. Canaries. 1815. G. \ . Jac.schoen.l. t.107. Alp. exot. t. 64. Jac. aus. 5. t. 450. t.l . Eng. bot. 883. Jac. ic. 3. t. 483. Bot. reg. 190. Moris.s.10. t.3. f.3. t.446.f.3 Gmel. sib. 2. t. 93. Jac. aust. t. 376. Eng. bot. 333. Jac. ic. 3. t. 482. Eng. bot. 1399. Jac. aust. t. 436. Eng. hot. 840. PI. rar. living, t.l 62. Jac. ic. 3. t. 485. FI. dan. 866. Eng. bot. 1337. PI. rar. hung. t. 55. Eng. bot. 256. 442. TETRAGYNIA. CALLIGONUM. W. Calligonum. Polygoneae. J. Pallasia.L, Pallasia. W. Caspian. Caspian Sea. 1780. 8. H.Jj. Pall.ros.2.t.77.7S. GLINUS. W. lotoides. W. Glinus. hairy. SEMPERV1VUM. W. Houseleek. 1 arboreum. W. 3 variegata. 2 canariense. W. 3 glutinosum. W. 4 glandulosum. W. 5 ciliatum. W. en. PENTAGYNIA. Fieoideae. J. S. Europe. 1788. 7. G.©. Boc. sic. 21. t. 11. tree. striped-leaved. Canary, clammy. glandulous-leavd white-flowered. DODECAGYNIA. Sempervivae. J. ■ Levant. Canaries. Madeira. 1640. 12.3. G.J* . Bot. reg. 99- Teneriffe. 1699. 6.7. 1777. 7.8. 3.5. 1815. .... G.T*. G-h • G-h- G.h. riant, grass. 141 . Bot. reg. 6 tortuosum. W. 7 villosum. W. 8 stellatum. L. T. 9 tectorum. W. 10 africanum. H. S. gouty. villous. starry. common. African. ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA Sempervivae. J. 109 . j j i i f smooth-leaved*) 1 1 dodrantale. W. en. annuai f' 12 hirtum. P. S. hairy. 13 soboliferum. B. M. Hen & Chicken. ■ 14 globiferum. W. globiferous. 15 montanqm. W. mountain. 16 arachnoideum. W. cobweb. 1 7 monanthos. W. one-flowered. Canaries. Madeira. M. Baldo. Britain. C.B.S. Teneriffe. Italy. Germany. Switzerland. Italy. Canaries. 1779. 7.3. 1777. 6.7. 1790. 7.8. 6.9. 1768. ... 1815. 7.8, 1804. 6.7. Bot. mag. 296. 1809. Eng. bot. 1320. G .h- H.Q. G.Q. Hi/-. G.2f. G. Q. H. 4 . Schmidt, ic. t. 1 7. - H.2/L. Bot. mag. 1457. II. 7i. 507. .?//, H .4. Plant, grass. 105. H.4. Bot. mag. 68. G .4. —93. CLASS XII. ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CACTUS. W. 1 Melocactus. H. S. 2 depressus. H. S. 3 gibbosus. H. S. 4 nobiiis. W. 5 intortus. H. S. 6 mammillaris. W. 7 proiiferus. H. S. 8 discolor. H. S. 9 stellatus. W. en. 10 viviparus. Ph. 1 1 cylindricus. W. 12 serpentinus. W. en. 1 3 heptagonus. W. 14 hexagonus. W. 1 5 tetragonus. W. 16 speciosus. W. en. 17 speciosissimus. 18 pentagonus. W. 19 prismaticus. W. en. 20 repandus. W. 21 fulvispinosus. H. S. 22 griseuS. H. S. 23 lanuginosus. W. 24 peruvianus. W. 25 multangularis. W. en. 26 Eoyeni. W. 27 grandiflorus. W. 28 flagelliformis. W. 29 triangularis. W. 30 quadrangularis.H.S 31 trigonus. H. S. 32 triqueter. H. S. 33 brasiliensis. W. en. 34 monacanthos.W.en. 35 Opuntia. W. 36 stricta. M. n. stricta , TV. en. is a 37 maxima. H. S. 38 Ficus-indica. W. 39 elatior. H. S. 40 Tuna. H. S. 41 Dillenii. B. ?eg. 42 nigricans. H. S. 43 bumilis. H. S. 44 polyanthos, H. S. } Cactus. Turk’s Cap. depressed, gibbous, crook-spined. twisted. small red-spined. ■ white-spined. two- coloured, starry, viviparous, cylindric. serpentine, seven- angled, six-angled, four-angled, purple-flowered, beautiful, five-angled, prismatic, wavy-angled, tawny-spined. grey-spined. woolly. Peruvian. many-angled. nine-angled, night-flowering, creeping, great triangular, quadrangular, small triangular, least triangular. — — thin-branched. —— single-spined. — Indian Fig. — oval upright. • — very different species. great oblong. — - white-spined. — — {great black- ) spined. J yellow-spined. Dillenius’s. {lesser black-") spined. J humble, many-flowered. Cacti. J. W. Ind. 1688. 7.8.D.S.J*. Plant. grass. 112. S. America. 1789. 1S08. 7.8.D.S. } 1 . Bot. reg. 137. Mexico. 1796. . . . D.S. li . Antigua. 1768. . . . D.S. \ . W. Ind. 1688. 7.8. D.S. Ji . Plant. grass, ill ■ D.S. h . 1800. . . . D.S. \ • S. America. 1815. . . . D.S. k . Louisiana. 1811. ... D.S. \i . Peru. 1799. . . . D.S. \ . . . . D.S. h . W. Ind. 1728. 7. D.S. h- Surinam. 1690. 7.8. D.S. \ . Bot. r ep. 513. S. America. 1710. 7- 1816. W. Ind. S. America. W. Ind. Peru. S. America. 1816 1769 1816. 1728 1795 1809 1690 1728, Jamaica. Peru. W. Ind. S. America. Brazil. S. America. S. Europe. S. America. S. America. D.S.Iz. D.S. h . D.S. . ... D.S. I*. 8. D.S. I*. ... D.S. I*. 9.10.D.S. \i . 7. D.S. Ij . 8. D.S.J*. ... D.S.Jj. 1728. .. . D.S. 1 1. 1700. 6.8. D.S. I2 . 1690. 3.6. G.J^. 1690. 7.8. D.S. I*. 1809 D.S. Ij . D.S. I*. 1794. . . . D.S.Tj . 1816. 7.8. D.S. - . . . D.S. \ , 1596. 7.8. G.Jj. 1796. D.S. I*. 1768 D.S. \ , 1731. 7.8. D.S.V — D.S.J* D.S. I* .... D.S.V 1795. 8.D.S-V . . . D.S. Jj 1811. 7.8. D.S. Jj, Trew.ehret.3. t.14. Herm. par. t. 115;. Plant, grass. 58. Bot. rep. 508. Bot. mag. 1 7. — 1884. • t.200.f.2. Knor.thes.l. t.F. a* Plant, grass, c. ic» Dill.elt. t.294.f.379 Plant, grass. 138. Bot. reg. 255. Bot. mag. 1 557. Plant, grass, c. ic. ne ICOSANimiA MONOGYNIA, 45 cochinillifcr. W. Cochineal Fig. 46 triacanthos. W. en. three-spined. 47 lanceolatus. M. n. spear-shaped. 48 ferox. W. en. ferocious. 49 spinosissimus. W. cluster-spined. 50 pusillus. M. n. Small Indian Fig. 51 curassavicus. W. Pin-pillow. 52 foliosus. W. en. glaucous. 33 alatus. W. en. winged. 34 Phyllanthus. W. Spleen wort. 35 Pereskia. W. f Barbadoes *) ( Gooseberry. J 56 longispinus. H. S. long-spined. 57 portulacifolius. W. Purslane- leaved. RHIPSALIS. Gaert. Rhifsalis. 1 CassuthrmG. naked. Cactus pendulus. TV. 2 parasiticus. H. S. parasitic. 3 fasciculatus. W. en. bundled. BARTON I A. Ph. Bartonia. 1 ornata. Ph. naked-seeded. 2 nuda. Ph. winged-seeded. PHILADELPHUS.W. Syringa. 1 coronarius. W. common. $ nanus. dwarf. 2 inodorus. W. scentless. 3 grandiflorus. Ph. large-flowered. LEPTOSPERMUM.W Leftosfermum. 1 scoparium. W. NewZealandTea 2 flavescens. H. K. yellowish. 3 attenuatum. W. fine-branched. 4 lanigerum. H. K. lioary. 5 pubescens. W. pubescent. 6 grandifolium. L. T. large-leaved. 7 parvifolium. W. small-leaved. 8 stellatum. P. S. short-leaved. 9 araclmoidemn. W. cobweb. 3 0 juniperinum. W. Juniper-leaved. 1 1 baccatum. W. berry-fruited. 12 imbricatum. L.T. imbricated. 13 triloculare. V. trilocular. 1 4 ambiguum. W. hook-leaved. FABRICIA. W. Fabricia. 1 mvrtifolia. W. opposite-leaved. 2 laevigata. W. smooth-leaved. METROSIDEROS.W. Metrosideros. 1 hispida. W. rough. 2 floribunda. W. many-flowered. 3 costata. W. ribbed. 4 glomulifera. W. cluster-flowered. 5 angustifolia. W. narrow-leaved. 6 marginata. P. S. margined. 7 linearis. W. linear-leaved. 8 pinifolia. W. en. Pine-leaved. 9 viminalis. W. long-leaved. 10 saligna. W. Willow-leaved. 11 lanceolata. W. spear-leaved. 12 speciosa. B. M. splendid* PSIDIUM. W. Guava. 1 pyriferum. W. white. 2 pomiferum. W. red. 3 aromaticum. W. aromatic. 4 cordatum. B. M. spice. 5 montanum. W. mountain. EUGENIA. W. Eugenia. 1 malaccensis. W. f MalayAppleO l tree. j 2 Jambos. W. narrow-leaved. 3 baruensis. W. many-flowered. Cacti. J. S. America. Jamaica. S. America. Curassao. S. America. Jamaica. S. America. W. Ind. S. America. ] 796*. 1817. 1732. 1805. Cacti. J. Cacti sp. TV. W. Ind. 1688. 7.9. D.S.V D.S.V 7. D.S.V ... D.S.V 7. D.S.V 6. D.S.h 1690. 6.7. D.S.f* . 1817. ... D.S.V ... D.S.V 1710. 6. D.S.V 1696. 10.11. S.T* . s.v S.v Bot. rep. 533. Knor.thes. 2. t.0.2. ,4 ? A /, v 1808. 1806. S. America. Loaseae. J. in Ann. mus. — Missouri. Myrti. J. S. Europe. Carolina. 1758. 9. D.S.V 1800. . . . D.S.V 1817. . . . D.S.I2 . 1811. 7.9. G. Bot. rep. 400. N. Holland. N. S. W. fZ u Lab.nov.bol.l.t.13. Cav. ic. 4. t. 341. N. Holland. .... Lr. . 1803. 4.7. G. ^ . G U N. S. W. Van Diem. N. S. W. 1788 G. ^ . 1774. 7.8. G.J*. 1788 G.J* . 1804 G. ii . 1803 G.Ij. Par. lond. 15. Cav. ic, 4. t. 340, N. Holland. Lab. voy. 1. t. 20, W. Ind. S. Europe. 1723. 7.9. G.Ij. 1548. 6.9. H. \ . Bot. mag. 634. ■ 1832. Persia. Barbary. 1562. 4.5. H -h- Russia. Caucasus. Levant. Africa ? Primus sinensis. P* S', 1548. 3.4. — H.h 1683. H.J* .... _H.h 1 756. — — G. Tj T633, 5.6. H.%. Bot. rep. 96. Trew.ehret. t.7 1 .f# Blackw. t. 195. Bot. mag. 16 U Pall. ross. 1. 1. 7 Pluk.phyt.t.l l.fA llS ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA, PRUNUS. W. 1 Padus.-W. 2 rubra. W. 3 virgin iana. Ph. 4 serotina. W. 5 occidentals. W. 6 lusitanica. W. 7 caroliniana. W. 8 Laurocerasus. W. 9 Mahaleb. W. 10 pumila. W. 1 1 hyemalis. P. S. 12 Chamaecerasus. W. 13 Cerasus. W. 14 avium. W. 15 pensylvanica. W. 16 nigra. W. 17 japonica. P. S. 18 domestica. W. 1 9 insititia. W. 20 cerasifera. W. 21 depressa. Ph. 22 Chicasa. Ph. 23 maritima. Ph. 24 Susquehanna. Ph. 25 spinosa. W. 26 prostrata. W. ARMENIACA. P. S. 1 vulgaris. P. S. 2 sibirica. P. S. CHRYSOBALA- \ NUS.W. J 1 Icaco. W. 2 oblongifolius. Ph. Plum&Cherry. Rosaceae. J. Bird Cherry. Cornish Bird. Virginian. American Bird. West Indian. Portugal Laurel. Evergreen Bird. common Laurel. perfumed. dwarf. ■ — — mountain. bastard Cherry. common Cherry. pubescent-leav’d. Pensylvanian. black. Japan. common Plum. Bullace-tree. Myrobalau. depressed. Chicasaw. sea. glaucous-leaved. Sloe-tree. Birch-leaved. Apricot. Rosaceae. J. common. Siberian. Britain. Virginia. N. America. Jamaica. Portugal. Carolina. Levant. Austria. N. America. Austria. England. N. America. Japan. England. Britain. N. America. Britain. Crete. Pruni sp. 7Fr. Levant. Siberia. Cocoa-Plum. Rosaceae. J. West Indian. American. W. Ind. Georgia. 4.5. H. b • .... H.h- 1724. 5.6. H. b • 1629. H-b- 1784. 12.1. S. b • 1648. 6. H. b • 1759. 5. H. b • 16'29. 4.5. PLb- 1714. H-b • 1756‘. 5. H.b • 1805. H.b • 1597. H.b • 4.5. H.b- .... H.b. 1773. 5. H.b* 4.5. H-b- 1810. 3.5. G. b ♦ 4. G. b • .... H.b- 1629. 4.5. H.b- 1805. 5. H-b* 1 806. 4 .5. H. b * 1800. 5. H.b. 1800. H-b • .... 3.4. H.b- 1802. 4.5. F. b . 1548. 2.-8. Il.b. 1788. 4. H.b* 1752 S.b • 1812 G. b • WALDSTEINIA. W. g-eoides. W. MESP1LUS. Sm. 1 coccinea. W. en. \ 2 cordata. W. en. 3 pyrifolia. WT. en. 4 elliptica. W. en. 5 glandulosa. W. en. 6 fiava. W. en. «j 7 parvifolia. W. en. 8 laevis. Til. 9 glabra. PI. K. 10 arbutifolia. PI. K. 1 1 punctata. W. .12 Crus-gal li. W. »3 pyracanthifolia. 7 snlicifolia. 13 indica. W. 14 Pyracantha. W. 15 spathulata. Ph. 16 apiifolia. Ph. 17 Oxyaeantha. E. B. 0 rosea. 7 major. % preecox. e plena. £ aarea. 1 8 monogyna. W. 19 Azarolus.W. 20 tanacetifolia. B. R. 21 odoratissima. B. R. 2*2 germauica. W. Waldsteinia. Avens-like. Mespilus. Scarlet-fruited 1 Hawthorn. J Maple-leaved. Pear-leaved, oval -leaved, hollow-leaved, yellow Pear- J berried. J Gooseberry-leavfl. shining-leaved, smooth-leaved. Arbutus-leaved, spotted-fruited, Cockspur-thorn. • Pyracan thus- Id. IF 7 llo iv- leaved. Indian. Evergreen-thorn. ■ spatula-leaved. Parsley-leaved. comm.Hawthorn. red-ftowered. great-fruited. Glastonbury . double-flowered. yellow-berried. one-styled. Azarole. Tansy-leaved. sweet-scented. cpmxpon Medlar, DI-PENTAGYNIA. Rosaceae. J. Hungary. 1804. 6. 7. PL2JA Rosaceae. J. Cratcegi et Mespili, sp. L. — N. America. 1683. 4.5. H-b 1738. 5. H-b 1765. 6. H.b 5# H.b - 1750. 5.6. H.b 1724. 5. H.b 1704. 5.6. H. b — China. 1812. G.b 1804. 4.7- G. b •— California. 1796. 7.8. G.b — N. America. 1746. 5. H.b — . — 1691. 5.6. H-b China. S. Europe. N. America. Britain. 1806. 5.6. G-b- 1629. 5. H.b- 1806. 5.6. H.b- 1812. H.b* .... -H.b- S. Europe. Greece. Crimea. England. 1816. PI-b • 1640. H.b. 1789. 5.6. H-b- .... H.b- .... 5.7. H-b- Eng. bot. 1383. Willd.arb.t. 4.f. 2. t. 5. f. 1. t. 5.f. 2. Mill. ic. 1. 196. f. 1. Duliam.arb.l.t.133 Jac. aust. 3. t. 227* Mill. ic. t. 89. f. 2. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 90. Eng. bot. 706. Blackw. t. 425. Willd. arb. t.3. f. 3. Bot. mag. 1117- Bot. reg. 27- Eng. bot. 1783. 841. Eng. bot. 842, Bot. reg. 136. Lam. ill. t. 431. Pall. ross. 1 . t. 8. Jac. amer. t. 94. Bartr. iter. c. ic. Pl.rar.bung.l . t.77. 'Frf, tfrajT Pluk.alm.t. 46.f.4. Mill. ic. t. 179. Moench.h .weis. t. 2. Pall. ross. 1. 1. 11. Moench. weis. t. 4. %/ * $'* • f l < Jac. vind. 1. 1. 28. Trewpl.rar.2.t.l7. Bot. mag. 1726. Schmidt, arb. t. 90. Eng. bot. c. ic. Jac.aust.3.t.202.f.l Bot. rep. 579. Ex. bot. 2. t. 85. Bot. rep. 590. Eng. bot. 1523. ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA. 113 23 gran di flora. H. K. large-flowered. Rosaceae. J. 24 Clninitt'-Mespilus.W. Bastard Quince. 25 Cotoneaster. W. 26 tomentosa. W. 27 iaponica. W. PYRUS. Sm. 1 arbutifolia. Ph. 2 melanocarpa. Ph. 3 Botryapium. W. Mcspilus canadensis 4 ovalis. W. 5 Amelancliier. W. 6 edulis. W. en. 7 sanguinea. Ph. 8 communis. W. 9 Pollvoria. W. 10 salicifolia. W. 11 nivalis. W. 1 2 Mains. W. 13 spectabilis. W. 14 prunifolia. W. 15 baccata. W. 16‘ coronaria. W 17 angustifolia. W. 18 Aria. W. 1 9 intermedia. W. 20 torminalis. W. 21 hybrida. W.en. 22 pinnatifida. E. B. Sorbus hybrida. TTr. 23 domestica. PE B. 24 aucuparia. E. B. 25 americana. Ph. 26 microcarpa. Ph. CYDOMA.J. 1 vulgaris. W. en. 2 japonica. P. S. 8 speciosa. dwarf. Quince-leaved. Loquat. Pyrus. red-berried, black-fruited, snowy. .L. oval-leaved. Alpine, eatable, red- branched, common Pear, woolly-leaved. Willow-leaved, white-leaved. Apple-tree. Chinese Apple. Siberian Crab, small-fruited, eet-scented Crab. J narrow-leaved. — White Beam-tree. — Swedish. — Wild Service. — hybrid. ■ — Bastard Service. — Pyrenees. Europe. Rosaceae. J. rs« l c Japan. Pyrus et, Sorbus. N. America. S. Europe. France. N. America. England. Germany. Russia. Austria. Britain. China. Siberia. 1800. 5.6. 1683. 1656. 4.5. 1759. 1787. 10. IF. 1700. 5.6. H.T* -H.T* 1746. 4.5. H. Tj . Ex. hot. 1. 1. 18. H. li . Schmidt, arb. t. 87. H.f*. t. 89. H -h' F. \i . Arent. malm. 19. Mill. ic. 100. Schmidt, arb. t. 86. t. 84. 1780 1758 1784 True Service. Mountain Ash. purple- berried, small-fruited. Quince. common, solitary-flowered cluster-flowered. Virginia. 1724. 5. H.Tj . N. America. 1750. H.P*. Britain. 5.6. H.J?. Sweden. 1789. 4.5. . England. H .h. H. h . England. .... 5.6. H.Ti. t-T t. Britain. n. vi . H.T2. Canada. 1782. H.T*. N. America. .... H.h* Rosaceae. J. Pyri sp. Linn. Austria. Japan. Pyrus japonica , Bot. mag. not of Thunberg. 1573. 5.6. H. Tj 1815. F.J? 1796. 1.12. F. V SPIRAEA. W. 1 laevigata. W. 2 salicifolia. W. en. 3 alba. 3 carpinifolia. W. en. 4 tomentosa. W. 5 alpina. W. 6 hvpericifolia. W. 7 chamaedrifolia. W. 8 ulmifolia. W. 9 betulifolia. Ph. 1 0 crenata. W. 11 oblongifolia. W.en. 12 triloba. W. 13 thalictroides. W. 14 obovata. W. en. 15 opulifolia. W. 16 sorbifolia. W. 3 nana. 17 Aruncus. W. 1 8 Filipenduia. W. 3 plena. 19 Ulmaria. W. 3 plena. 20 lobata. W. 21 trifoliata. W. 22 stipulacea. Ph. SESUV1UM. W. Spir.^a. smooth-leaved. Willow-leaved. white-flowered. Horn beam-lea vd. tomentose. Alpine. Hy peri cum -leavd. Germander-leavd. Elm-leaved. Birch- leaved. Hawthorn-leavd. oblong-leaved. three-lobed. Meadow Ruc-ld. obovate-leaved. Guelder-Rose-ld. Service-tree-ld. dwarf. Goat’s-beard. Dropwort. double-flowered. Meadow-sweet. double-flowered. palmated. three-leaved. large-stipuled. Sesuvium. Rosaceae. J. Siberia. N. America. .... H.2/L, 1765. 7.8. H.2£. 1713. 6.7. H.2/.. 1805. H.2/. . Ficoideae. J. Schmidt, arb. t. 85. J, Eng. bot. 1784. Pall. ross. 1. 1. 9. Jac. aust. 2. t. 107 • Eng. bot. 179- Bot. mag. 267- Mill. ic. 2. t. 269. Pall. ros. 1. 1. 10. Eng. bot. 1858. FI. dan. 301 . 298. . Eng. bot. 2831. Jac. aust. 4. t. 342. Bot. mag. 622. Schmidt.arb. 1 .t.49. Eng. bot. 1468. Mill. ic. t. 257. f. 2. Schmidt.arb. l.t.51 . Pall. ros. 1. 1. 20. Schmidt.arb. 1 .t.26. Pall. ros. 1 . t. 15. Jac. vind. 2. t. 140. Pall. ros. 1. 1. 16. Schmid, arb. l.t.55. Pl.rar.liung.3.t.235 Pall. ros. 1. 1. 17. 1. 1. 18. Schmidt.arb. 1 .t.5 2. l.t.58i Pall. ros. 1. 1. 25. l.t. 26. Eng. bot. 284. 960. 1 Portulacastrum. W. Purslane-leaved. 2 sessile. P. S. sessile-flowered. W. Ind. 1692. 6.8. s.y., S.7f. Jac. vind. 1. 1. 88. Bot. mag. 489. Lam. ill. t. 434. f.l Plant, grass. 9. Q 114 ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA. 3 revolutifolium.W.en.revolute-leaved. 4 longifolium. W. en. long-leaved. 5 repens. W. en. TETRAGONIA. W. 1 expansa. W. 2 crystallina. W. 3 fruticosa. W. 4 decumbens. W. 5 Tetrapteris. H. S. 6 spicata. W. Ficoideae. J. } creeping. Tetragonia. horned. Diamond. shrubby. trailing, winged-seeded. spiked. herbaceous. Hedge-hog. Fig-Mar vgold. Ficoideae. J. minute. small. — obcordate. conical. Nut-shaped. short white-lea*1. cleft-leaved. obtuse cloven. Pea-shaped. bracelet. great awl-leaved. Daisy-flowered. pale Daisy-flow*1. quill-shaped. reverse-quilled. turgid. cylindrical. round-quilled. finger-leaved. robust. compact. quadrifid. bifid. 7 herbacea. W. 8 ecliinata. W. MESEMBRYAN- THEMUM. 1 minutum. H. S, 2 minimum. H. S. 3 obcordellum. H. S. 4 obconellum. H. S. 5 truncatellum. H. S. truncated. 6 fibuliforme. H» S. cloth-button 7 nuciforme. H. S. 8 testiculare. H. S. 9 fissum. H. S. 10 obtusum. H. S. 1 1 pisiforme. H. S. 12 moniliforme. H. S. 13 acutum. H, S. 14 bellidiflorum. H. S, 15 subulatum. H. S. 16 calamiforme. H. S. 17 obsubulatum. H. S 18 teretiusculum. H.S 19 cylindricum. H. S. 20 teretifolium. H. S. 21 digitatum. H. S. 22 robustum. H.S. 23 compactum. H. S. 24 quadrifidum. H. S. 25 bifidum. H. S. 26 bibracteatum. H. S. double-bracted. 27 rostratum. H. S. heron-beaked. {small heron- 1 beaked. J 29 denticulatum. H. S. toothed. 30 tigrinum. H. S. tiger-chap. 31 felinum. H. S. cat-chap. 32 murinum. H. S. mouse-chap. 33 caninum. H. S. dog-chap. 34 vulpinum. H. S. fox-chap. 35 hybridum. H. S. bastard. S6 albidum. H. S. white. 37 canum. H. S. hoary. 38 dolabriforme. H.S. hatchet-leaved, 39 scalpratum. H. is. great tongue. 40 latum. H. S. blunt tongue. 41 adscendens. H. S. ascendingtongue. 42 depressum. H. S. depressed tongue. 43 rufescens. H. S. rufescent tongue. 44 linguaeforme. H.S. common tongue. 4$ Jongum, H. S. long tongue. 46 angustum. H. S. slender tongue. 47 prajpingue. H. S. soft tongue. 48 taurinum. H. S. Bull’s horn. 49 cruciatum. H. S. cross-leaved. 50 difforme. H. S. deformed, 61 semicyUndncum. j|in(Jr;c. 52 heterophyllum. H.S. various-leaved. 53 gibbosum. H. S. gibbous. 54 luteo-viride, H. S. yellow-green. Bot. mag. 1701. Plant, grass. 1 1 3. 2 Mill.ic.2.t.263.f.2. Plant, grass. 23. Com. hort. 2.t.I02. Plant, grass. 113. C. B. S. 28 ramulosum. H. S. 1795. 1776. 9.11. 9.12. G.n. Bot. mag. 1376. 1794. G.y.. 1795. G.2/. . — 11. G.n. 1790. .... G.2J.. 1774. 11. G.ty . Bot. mag. 1573. 1776. .... an- 1792. 3.4. G.n • 1796. .... G.n. 1791. 3.4. G.n- 1793. 11.4. G.n. 1717. 6.8. G.n . Dill. elt. 224.1.223, 1768. .... G.n. Plant, grass. 41. 1717. 7.9. G.n. • 5. 1796. .... G.k. 1794. .... G.n. 1792. 9.2. G.n. 1794. — G.n. 1775. .... G.n. 1795. .... G.n. 1780. 11. G.k . ■ 1795. G.k. . ■■■— G.2JL. • 1803. 4.11. G.ft. 1732. 4. G.n. Dill.elt.t.l86.f.229 1791. 3.1 1. G. k . 1793. 4. G.n. 1790. 9.11. G.n . Bot. reg. 260. 1730. 8.11. G.n. Plant, grass. 152. • 1790. 9. G.n. • 1717. 8.10. G.h . Plant, grass. 95. ■ 1795. G.k. .... G.n. 1714. 7.8. G.n . Bot. mag. 1824. ■ 1795. .... G.n . 1705. 5.11.* Plant, grass. 6. ■ 1714. 8.10. G.n. Dill.elt.t.l83.f.224 ■ 1732, 8.11. G.n. t.l 84.f.225 - 1 SOS. — G.n. 1795. 9.11. G.n t Bot. mag. 1866. - 1804. .... an. • 1732. 1 1.3. G.n • • 1725. G.n . Plant, grass. 71. - 1790. 3.10. G.n. ’• :>’H$ i - 1792. 8.10. G.n. - 1795. 9.11. G.k. ■ 1792. 5.11. G.lj . • 1732. 8. G.k. Dill.elt. t.l 94.f.242 . 3.11. G.Tj . t,194.f.241 1795. 1780. 1795. .... G.y., 1.4. G.ty, 1. G.Jj, 115 ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA. dark green, downy. dwarf tuberous, short dagger-led. 55 perviride. H. S. 56‘ pubcscens. H. S. 57 elongatum. H. S. 58 capitatum. H. S. 59 pugioniforme. H. S. long dagger-led. 60 lore uni. H. S. leathery- stalked. 61 diversifolium. H. S. short horned-led. 62 diminuturn. H. S. diminished. 63 dubium. H. S. round-stalked. 64 corniculatum. H. S. long-horned. 65 tricolorum. H. S. 66 acinaciforme. H. S. 67 laevigatura. II. S. 68 rubro-cinctum.H.S, 69 edule. H. S. 70 subalatum. H. S. 71 dimidiatum. H. S. 72 glaucescens. H. S. 73 virescens. H. S. 74 requilaterale. H. S. 75 sarmentosum. H. S 76 filamentoeum. II. S. thready. 77 serrulatum. H. S. saw-leaved. 78 rubricaule. H. S. red-stalked. 79 spectabile. H. S. showy. 80 conspicuum. II. S. dark showy. 8 1 australe. H. S. New Zealand. 82 crassifolium. H. S. thick-leaved. 83 clavellatum. H. S. club-leaved. 84 reptans. H. S. creeping. 85 crystallinum. H. S. Ice-plant. 86 pinnatifidum. H. S. jagged-leaved. 87 glabrum. H. S. smooth-leaved. 88 Helianthoides. H.S. Sun-flower. 89 pomeridianum.H.S. great yellow-Hd. 90 pilosum. H. S. hairy yellow. ,91 limpidum. H. S. transparent. 92 lanceolatum. H. S. spear-leaved. 93 sessilifiorum. II. S. sessile-flowered. 94 Aitonis. H. S. Aiton’s. 95 Tripolium. II. S. Aster-h aved. 96 liumifusum. H. S. parrow-lead icy. 97 cordifolium. H. S. heart-leaved. 98 expansum. H. S. Houscleek-lcad. 99 anatomicum. H.S. skeleton-leaved. 100 varians. H. S. varying. 101 tortuosum. H. S. twisted-leaved. 102 pallens. H. S. pale-flowered. 103 nodifiorum. H.S. knot- flowered. 104 apetalum. H. S. dwarf spreading. 105 caducuin. H. S. deciduous. 106 tuberosum. H. S. tuberous-rooted. 107 spinuliferum. H.S. spinulescent. 108 grossum. II. S. gouty. 109 viridiflorum. II. S. green-flowered. 110 nitidum. H. S. nitid. 1 1 1 canaliculatum. Ficoideae. J. C. B. S. 1792. 1.5. } H.S. 112 villosum. H. S. 113 brachiatum. H. S. 114 geniculifloruni. H. S. 115 junceum. H. S, 116 ciliatum. H. S. 117 fastigiatum. H. S. 1 1 8 reflexum. H. K. channel-leaved. villous. three-forked. joint-flowering. Rush-leaved. ciliated. level-topped. reflexed. 119 micranthon. H.S. small -blossomed. 120 flexuosum. H. S. zigzag. 121 splendens. H. S. shining. 1793. 5. 1717- 7-9. 1714. 1732. 9. 1726. 3.10. G.lf. 1789. 4. G. 2/. , 11.5. G .If., Gi%> G.n, G -h- G. h ' G. h 1 G-h ■ 1800. 1732. 3.5. G.lf.. pn ft 0 ft U 1 ono ff G hr 1311 G h ^ fion n 8 G T-r 1 0 r\a C - r. f Lesser Hot- } \ tentot's Fig. J XT Wnllnnr? 1 ftfM 7 ft Tr (J Gfj _ g h sarmentose. 1805. 4. G-h- C. B. S. N. Zealand. C.B.S. N. Holland. C.B.S, Greece. C.B.S. 1732. 1795. 1802. 1787. 1806. 1773. 1727- 1803. 1774. 1727. 1774. 1787. 3.4. G. V 11.12. G.h 12.2. G.h 5.8. 9-10. 7.8. 5.8. 6.7. 7-8. 5.8. 5.10, 7.8. G-h- G.h • G.h ■ G.f*. G.k- G.h. G •©. G.0. G.0. 1774. 8.10. G.©. 7.8. G.©. 7.10. 6.10. G. h • 7.8. G.h- 8.10. G.©. 7.8. G.0. G.©. .10. G.J*. G.h- 8.10. G. h . 7.11. G.h< 1790. 7.10. G. h ■ 1794. 7.10. G.J*» 1759. 7. G.T*. 1774. 6.8. G.h« 1727. 7.9. G.h . 1800. 8.10. G.h 1774 1794. 7.9. 1792. 8.9. 1804 1795. 7.8. 1716. 6.8. a 2 G.h G.h G.h G.h G.h G.h Brad. sue. 2. t. 14. Plant, grass. 72. Dill.elt.t.200.f.255 t.l98.f.252 Brad. sue. 4. t. 40. Plant, grass. 108. Bot. rep. 508. Dill.elt. t.2 1 2X272 Dill.elt.t.2 12.f.273 Bot. mag. 396. Dill.elt. t.201.f.257 Plant, grass. 128, Bot. mag. 67. Bot. rep. 57. Plant, grass. 135. Bot. mag. 540. Jac. ic. 3. t. 488. Jac. vind. 3. t. 7. Dill.elt. t.l 79X220 Plant, grass. 102. 94. Pet. gaz. t.78. f.10. Dill.elt. t.l 81X222 Plant, grass. 47. 88. Jac. vind. 3. t. 6. Plant, grass. 78, Bot. mag. 326. Plant, grass. 17. Plant, grass. 35, lltf ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA. 122 veruculatum. H.S. spit-leaved. 123 Ficoideae. d. 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 242 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 purpureo-cro- 1 f purple and ceum. H.S. / F saffron. j noctifforum. H.S. night -flowering, stramineura. H. S. straw-coloured, horizontale. H* S. horizontal-leavd. molle. H. S. sofc-leaved. strictuni. H.S. erect, cymbiforme. H. S. boat-leaved, graniforme. H. S. grain-leaved. C. B. S. 1731. 5.6. G.T* , — — 1780. 8.10. G.J* aureum. H. S. glaucum. H. S. aurantium. H.S. coccineum. H. S. bicolorum. H. S. inaequale. H. S. variabile. H. S. golden -flowered. glaucous-leaved. Orange -flowered. scarlet-flowered. two-coloured. unequal-cupped. variable. tenuifolium. H. S. slender-leaved. scabrous. changeable-flod. copious-flowered. specious. glittering. spotted-stalked. dusty-leaved. scabrum. H. S. versicolor. FI. S emarginatum.H.S. notch-flowered, retroflexum. H. S. white-barked, deflexuni. H. S. deflexed. polyanthon. H. S. speciosuin. H. S. micans. FI. S. maculatum. H.S. pulverulentum. d H.S. j brevifolium. H. S. short-leaved. subglobosum.H.S. globular, hispidum. H. S. hispid, floribundum H.S. pale bristly, hirtellum. H. S. dwarf bristly, striatum. H. S. striped bristly, echinatum. H. S. hedgehog, barbatum. H. S. trailing bearded, stelligerum. H. S. lesser bearded, hirsutum. H. S. small bearded, densum. H. S. dwarf bearded, geminatum. H. S. tvvin-shooted. forficatum. H. S. scissar-leaved. perfoliatum. H. S. great perfoliate, uncinatum. H. S. lesser perfoliate, viride. FI. S. tenellum. H. S. rigidum. H. S. parviflorum. H. S. small-flowered, vaginatum. H. S. sheathed, curturn. H. S. short-sheathed, imbricatum. H. S. imbricated, multiflorum. H. S. many-flowered, foliosum. H. S. leafy, tumidulum. H. S. tumid, unibellatum. H. S. umbel-flowered, bracteatum. H.S radiatum. H. S. patulum. H. S. compressum. H.S. compressed, anceps. H. S. two-edged, stellatum, H. S. starry, virgatum. H. S. twiggy, curvifolium. FI. S. crooked-leaved. green perfoliate, least perfoliate, rigid. bracted . rayed, spreading. spiniforme. H. S. aduncum. H. S. filicaule. H. S. maximum. H. S. lacerum. H. S. serratum. H. S. Thorn-leaved. hook-leaved. thread-stalked. moon-leaved. purple serrate. saw-keeled. 5.10. G. Ji , 7.10. G. b 8. G.\, 5.10. G.T-i 5.8. G. 1^ . .... G.h- 5. G.Ij, 7.10. G.Ti . G. I2 . 5.10. G. l^ . G.h. 5.11. G. Ji . 5.10. G. \ . 7.10. G.Tj. 6.8. G. 1 2 • hetcropetaluai.H.S.vanoui-petaled, Plant, grass. 36, Plant, grass. 10. Brad. sue. 2. t. 20. Bot. mag. 262. Plant, grass. 146. Bot. mag. 59. Dill.elt.t.202.f.258 Brad. sue. 1. f. 7. Plant, grass. 82. Dill.clt. t.l 97-f-25 1 Dill.elt. t.l97.f.250 Bot. mag. 448. Plant, grass. 66. Dill.elt. t.214.f.280 Dill.elt. t.215.f.231 Plant, grass. 24. 28. Bot. mag. 70. Plant, grass. 29. Bot. mag. 1220. .Jac. vind. 1. 1. 26. Dill.elt. t.l 92.f.240 Plant, grass. 54. Pluk.phyt.t.1 1 7 - f . 1 Dill. elt.t. 209. f.266 Dill.elt.t.l97.f.249 Dill.elt.t.l92.f.8S8 ICOSANDRIA POLY GYNI A. 190 routabile. H. S. changeable. 191 marginatum. H.S. white-edged. 192 inclaudens. H. S. open-dowered. 193 caulescens. H. S. smooth delta-111. • 194 deltoides. H. S. great delta-leavd. - 195 muricatum. H. S. small delta-leavd. • 196‘ microphyllum. H.S. small-leaved. 197 mucronatum. H.S. mucronated. 198 pulchellum. H. S. neat. 199 falcatum. H. S. sickle-leaved. 200 glomeratum. H. S. clustered. 201 falciforme. H. S. sickle-shaped. 202 decumbens. H. S. decumbent. 203 incurvum. H. S. incurved. 204 confertum. H. S. crowded-leaved. ■ 205 stipulaceum. H. S. upright-shrubby. 206 Haworthii. H. S. Haworth’s. Ficoideue. J. C.B. S. 207 laeve. H. S. 208 spinosum. H. S. 209 dilatatum. H. S. A1ZOON. W. 1 canariense. W. 2 glinoides. W. 3 bispanicum. W. 4 lanceolatum. W. white- wooded. thorny. dilated. AizOom. Purslane-leaved. hairy. Spanish. spear-leaved. 1792. 1793. 1805. 7.9. G.h G.h 6.9. G. b 1731. 5.7. G. Ti . 5. G.Tj. — G.h. -G.h G.h. G.h- Ficoideae. J. Canaries. C. B. S. Spain. C. B. S. 1795. 1794. 1793. — 1727. 6.8. 1732. 1805. — 1759. 1802. 1805. G.h- G.h. 7.8. G.Ti 5.10. G-h- 6. G.h 9.10. G.h 1723. 5.6. 1793. 1774. 1714. 1795. 1731. 1774. 1728. 1752. 6.1. 7.9. 6.9. 7. G.h G.h G.h G.h G.h 7.8. G.©. 6.8. G.h- 7.8. G.0. 8. G.£. ROSA. W. 1 berberifolia. W. 2 lutea. W. 3 bicolor. B. M. 4 sulphurea. W. 5 Banksiae. H. K. 6 blanda. W. 7 cinnauiomea. W. 3 plena. 8 Kamchatka. H. S. 9 arvensis. W. 10 spinosissima. W. Rose. Berberry-leaved, single yellow, red and yellow, double yellow. Lady Banks’s. Hudson’s Bay. Cinnamon. double. Kamtschatka. white dog. Scotch. 3 striped-Jlc wered Scotch. 1 red Scotch. <> double Scotch. t tall Scotch. £ marbled Scotch. 1 pimpinellifolia. W. /^mnet r 1 ( frage-ieaved. J 12 altaica. W. en. 13 hispida. R. M. 14 involuta. E. B. 15 lutescens. Ph. 16 nitida. Ph. 17 parviflora. Ph. 1 8 lucida. Ph. 19 gemella. Ph. 20 Lyonii. Ph. 21 setigera. Ph. 22 Carolina. W. Pallas’s hispid-stemmed Dr. Walker’s, window, glossy. small-flowered. shining-leaved. twin-dowering. Lyon’s. marsh. Carolina. a single Burnet-leaved. 3 — — double Burnet-leaved. 7 single Pensylvanian. 2 double Pensylvanian. « — ■■ spreading Carolina. £ upright Carolina. 23 rubifolia. H. K. 24 villosa, W. $ plena. Bramble-leaved. Apple-bearing. {double Apple- bearing. POLYGYNIA. Rosaceae. J. Persia. — — — Germany. 1790. 1596. 6.7. 6. Levant. 1629. China. 1807. Newfoundld. 1773. England. 117 Plant, grass. 60. Bot. rep. 388. /Dill. elt. t. 195. f. t 243, 4. Plant, grass. 53. Dill.elt.t. 1 95. f.246 /Dill. elt. t. 213. f. \ 275,6. t.213.f.274 /Dill.elt.t. 209. f, l 267, 8. Dill.elt.t. 208. f.26i Bot. rep. 201. Plant, grass. 30. Par. lond. 101. Bot. mag. 363. 1077. Bot. leg. 46. Bot. mag. 1954. MissLawr.ros. t.27. Eng. bot. 2388. MissLawr.ros. t.34 . Vent. cels. 68. Eng. bot. 188. — 187. MissLawr. ros. 1. 1 5, t. 62. t. 63. t. 19. t. 78. Pall. ross. 2. t. 75. Bot. mag. 1570. Eng. bot. 2068. Dill.elt.t.245. f.3 1 6 Dill,elt.t.245.f.3 3S MissLawr. ros.t . 24 , t. 3. t. 68, t. 66. t. 54. t. 36. Eng. Bot. 583. MissLawr ros, t.29. 118 ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 25 hibemica. E. B. Irish. 2 6 sinica. H. K. three-ld China. 37 provincialis. H. K. Provins. a common Provins. (Z scarlet Provins. •y — — blush Provins. 2 white Provins. t Rose de Meaux. £ Pomponc. 7> Rose de Rheims. Childing's Provins. Blandford, or Portugal. Rose St. Francis. Shailer’s Provins. p. muse os a. single Moss. y common Moss. f white Moss. 28 ferox. H. K. hedgehog. 29 dumetorum. E. B. bushy. 30 scabriuscula. E. B. roughish. 31 rubella. E. B. reddish. 32 micrantha. E. B. small. 33 mollis. E. B. soft. 34 reversa. W. en. reversed. 35 pulchella. W. en. neat. 36 adenophylla. W. en. glandulous. 37 centifolia. W. hundred-leaved. a Dutch hundred-leaved. (3 blush hundred-leaved. 7 Singleton's hundred-leaved. 2 — — - Burgundy . s single velvet. £ double velvet. t) Sultan. . $ ■- — Stepney. » — — Lisbon. * Bishop. X Cardinal. p. blush royal. y petit hundred-leaved. % Pluto. o monstrous hundred-leaved. it fringe. f plicate. a two-coloured hundred-leaved. v shell. 38 gallica. W. officinal. a red officinal. {3 Mundi. 7 marbled. S royal virgin. s Giant. 39 laevigata. Ph. smooth-leaved. 40 damascena. W. red damask. $ blush damask. 7 . York and Lancaster. 2 red monthly. s white monthly. £ blush Belgic. 7) great royal. S' blush monthly. t red Belgic. x — — - Goliath. X imperial blush. 41 sempervirens. W. evergreen. 42 repens. W. en. creeping. 43 polyphylla. W. en. many-leaved. 44 purnila. \Y. dwarf. 45 turgida. P. S. turgid. 40 tuibmata. W. Frankfort. Rosace®. J. Georgia. .... S. Europe. 1573. 6.7. Germany. 162.9. 6.8. Hungary. 1817. Eng. hot. 2196. Miss Lawr.ros.t. 8. t. 22. t. 1. t. 4. t. 31. t. 50. t. 71. t. 43. t. 21. t. 88. t. 76. Bot. reg. 53. Bot. mag. 69. Bot. reg. 101. MissLawr.ros.t.42. Eng. bot. 2579. 1896. 2521. 2499. 2459. MissLawr.ros. 1. 1 6. t. 13. t. 57. t.7. t. 49. M issLawr. ros. t.3 8; H.h. t. 52. H.h. t. 10. H.h- t. 5. H.h- t. 17* H.h- t. 70. H.h- ■ 1 — t. 58. H.h- — t. 18, H.h* t. 83. H.h* t. 80. H.h- t. 90. H.h* t. 45. Austria. 1773. 6.7. . .... 6.8. * 1639, H-h- H.h H .h- H.h. H.V Jac. aust. 2. t. 198. M issLawr. ros.t.69. ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 119 47 suavis. W. en. sweet. 48 rubiginosa. W. Sweet-briar. 3 Semidouble Sweet-briar. — — Dotible mossy Sweet-briar. § Manning' s-blush Sweet-briar. t Double-red Sweet-briar. £ Royal Sweet-briar. 49 suaveolens. Ph. Rosace*. J. Britain. {American *) Sweet-briar, j 50 moscbata. W. musk. 3 plena. double musk 51 alpina. W. Alpine. 3 red Alpine. f smooth pen- 52 pendulina. W. 53 multitiora. W. 54 caesia. E. B. 55 canina. E. B. 3 plena. 56 tomentosa. E. B. 57 collina. W. 58 caucasica. M. B. 59 parvifolia. W. 60 fraxinea. W. en. 61 semperflorens. W* 3 plena. 62 Lawranceana. s *1 \ dulous. j Bramble-flowerd gray-leaved, dog, or Hip. double dog. downy-led. dog. hill. Caucasian. small-leaved. Ash-leaved. ever-blowing, dark Chinese. MissLawrance’s. semperflorens *y minima. B. M. blush Chinese. small Chinese, large Chinese, white Chinese. sweet Chinese. And. ros. Macartney. 63 indica. W. 3 minor. «y centifolia. § albiflora. 64 odor at a. indica odorata 65 bracteata. W. 66‘ alba. W. 3 double white. 7 Cluster Maiden' s-blush. f? Great Maiden' s-blush. BUBUS.W. Bramble. Rosace*. ,1. 1 rosajfolius. Sm. Rose-leaved. 3 coronarius. double-flowered. 2 pinnatus. W. pinnate. 3 Idieus. W. Raspberry. — — 4 occidentals. W. Virginian. 5 cuneifolius. Ph. plaited-leaved. 6 canadensis. \V. purple-stalked. 7 hispidus. W. bristly. 8 caesius. W. Dewberry. 9 corylifolius. E. B. Hazel-leaved. 10 fruticosus. W. common. 3 albus. white-fruited. 7 plenus. double-flowered. 5 inermis. smooth. —■ 1 1 tomentosus. W. en. woolly-leaved. — 12 glandulosus. W. en. glandulous. 13 hirtus. W. en. hairy. — 14 laciniatus. W. en. jag-leaved. — 15 trivialis. Ph. procumbent. 1 6 villosus. W. shaggy. 17 stiigosus. Ph. strigose. — 18 Hagellaris. Ph. shining-leaved. 19 inermis. W. en. smooth. 20 odoratus. W. doweling. - — 21 suberectus. E. B. upright. — ■— Molucca. — — ■ 22 moluccanus. W. 93 saxatilis. W. 24 pistillatus. Ph. 1817. 6.7. H-h- 5.6. H-h- .... H.h* .... H-h- .... —H.h* .... H. h • .... H.h- .... H.h* 1596. 7.10. H.h* , H.h- 1683. 6.7. H.h- H.h* N. America. 1726. 5.6. H.h* N. Amei'ica. Barbary. Switzerland. China. Scotland. Britain. England. Britain, Caucasus. Europe. China. Mauritius. China. 1804. 6.7. H. h * .... H.h- .... H.h- .... H.h- .... H.h. .... H.h- 1798. — — H.h • .... H.h. .... H.h* 1789. 1.12. F-h- — F, h « 1810. G, h* 1789. H.h • H.h. H.h* H.h- 1810. 2.8, G. h- Europe. 1795. 8.10. 1597. 6.7. Mauritius. 1811. 10.4. C. B. S. 1789. 6.7. Britain. .... 5.6. N. America. 1696. 1811. 6.7. Canada. 1768. 8. Britain. .... 6.7. ... 7. 6.9. Germany. Hungary. 1816. stone. close-styled. N. America. 1789. 6.7. 1777. 7.8. 6.7. 1789. 1805. 1700. Britain. .... 6.9. E. Ind. Britain. Labrador. H.h- H.h- H.h- H.h. H.h- G. h * G. h- g. h • H. h. H.h- H.h- H.h- H.h. H.h- H.h- H.h. H.h- H.h. H.h. H.h. H.h. H.h. H.h. H.h H.h. H.h H. h H.h H.h H.h 1810. 7.8. S-h .... 6. H.2£ 1802. 6.7. H.lf. Eng. bot. 992. MissLawr.ros. t.65. t. 72. t. 41. t. 61. t. 74. Andr. ros. c. ic. MissLawr. ros.t.64. ■ t. 53. t. 30. t. 75. t. 9. Bot. mag. 1059. Eng. bot. 2367. 992. MissLawr.ros. t.60. Eng. bot. 990. 1895* Exot. bot. 2. t. 91. Bot. mag. 284. Bot. mag. 1762. MissLawr. ros.t.26. Andr. ros. c. ic. Bot. mag. 1377. MissLawr.ros. t.37. t. 25. t. 23. t. 32. Smith ic. 3. t. 60. Bot. mag. 1783. Eng. bot. 2442. Dill.elt.t.247 . f.3 1 9 Eng. bot. 826. 827. 715. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l41 W.hort.ber.2.t.82. Bot. mag. 323. Eng. bot. 2572. {Rumph.amb. 5. t. 47. f. 2. Eng. bot. 2233. Exot. bot. 2. t. 86. ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 120 25 arcticns. E* B. 26 Chamaemorus. W. DALI BARD A. Mi. 1 violaeoides. Mi. repens. Ph. 2 fragarioides. Mi. FRAG ARIA. W. 1 vesca. W. 2 monophylla. W. 3 collina. W. 4 elatior. W. 5 canadensis. Ph. 6 virginiana. Ph. 7 grandiflora. W. 8 chiloensis. W. 9 indica. H. K. COMARUM. W. 1 palustre. W. 2 fragarioides. W.en. Fragaria sterilis. POTENTILLA. W. 1 fruticosa. W. 2 floribunda. Ph. 3 Anserina. W. 4 hispida. W. en. 5 serieea. W. 6 multifida. W. 7 fragarioides. W. 8 ruthenica. W. 9 rupestris. W. 10 bifurca. W. fl pimpinelloides. W. 12 pensylvanica. W. 13 sapina. W. 14 recta. W. 1 5 argentea. W . 16* intermedia. W. 17 adscendens. W. en. 18 hirta. W. 19 stipularis. W. 20 opaca. W. 21 verna. W. 22 aurea. W. 23 astracanica. W. 24 alba. W. 25 caulcscens. W. 26 Clusiana. W. 27 lupinoides. W. 28 nitida. W. 29 reptans. W. 30 sarjmcntosa. W. en 31 diffusa. W. en. 32 molpspelicnsis. W. 33 nivea. W. 34 norvegica. W. 35 tridentata. W . 36 grandiflora. W. TORMENTILLA. W. 1 reptans. W. 2 erecta. W. officinalis. E. B. GEUM. W. 1 strictum. Ph. 2 agrimonoides. Ph. 3 album. Ph. 4 virginianum. Ph. 5 macrophyllum. W. en. 6 urbanum. W. 7 intermedium.W. en dwarf crimson. Cloud-berry. Dalibarda. Violet-leaved. Rosaceae. J. Scotland. Britain. Rosaceae. J . Rubi species JT7'. N. America. 1768. Rosaceae. J. StTawberry-leav*1. Strawberry. Rosaceae. J. wood. one-leaved. Alpine. Hautboy. Canada. scarlet. Pine. Chili. yellow-flowered. Comarum. Rosaceae. J MarshCinquefoil Strawbeny-like. E. B. Cinquefoil. shrubby, cluster-flowered. Wild Tanscy. hispid, silky. cut-leaved. Strawberry- lea'1. Russian, rock. bifid-leaved. Burnet-leaved. Pensylvanian. trailing, upright, silvery. various-leaved, ascending, hairy, stipular. small rough, spring, golden. Astracan. white. Alpine. Clusius’s. close-flowered, shining. Common, sarmentose. various-leaved. Montpelier, snowy. Norwegian, trifid-leaved, great-flowered. Septfoil. large-flowered, common. Britain. Rosaceae. J. } Avens. upright. Agrimony- leavd. white-flowered, small white-flo'1. large-leaved. common. wood. Germany. Britain. N. America. Surinam. S. America. India. Britain. Rosaceae. J. 1803. 1773 1768, 1629. 1759 1727, 1805. 5.8. H .If. 5.6. H.lf. 5.6. H.if. H.^. 4.5. H.if. 5.6. H.lf. 4.11. H.2/., 4.5. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf., 5.6. H.lf. 5.10. H.lf, 6.7. 3.5. H -If, England. .... N. America. 1811. Britain. .... Dauria. 1797. Siberia. 1780. 1759. 1773. — 1799. England. Siberia. Levant. N. America. Siberia. S. Europe. Britain. Switzerland. Hungary. S. Europe. Siberia. S. Europe. Britain. Scotland. Siberia. Wales. Austria. Alps of Eur. Austria. Britain. N. Amei'ica. France. Siberia. N. Europe. Scotland. Siberia. Britain. N. America. 1773. 1758. 1725. 1696. 1648. 1786. I 806. 1725. 1797. 1680. 1787. 1759. 1S06. 1739. 1798. 1804. 1817. 1680. 1816. 1764. 1640. 1778. 1811. 1730. Kamtschatka 18o4 Britain. .... Europe. 1794. 6.8. H.I*. 6.10. H.T* . 5.9. H.2£. 7.8. H.lf. 5.6. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. 5.9. H.^. 6.7. H.lf. 6.8. H.ty . H.^. 7.8. H.lf- 6.7. H.2£. 6.8. H.lf. 5.9. H.lf. 6.7. H.^. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf . H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H. If . 6.7. H.lf. 6.7. H.lf. 6.9. H.lf. 7. H.lf. 6.8. H.lf. 7.8. H.lf. 6.8. H.lf. 6.7. H.J. H.^, H.lf. 6.7. H.lf. 5.10. H.lf. 5.6. H.lf. 6.7. H.^. 7.8. H.lf. H.lf 6.7. H.lf 5.8. H.lf, H.lf, 5.9. 7.8. 5.6. 3.5. 5.7. 6.8. 2.8. 5.6. 7.8. Eng. bot. 1 585. — 716. Mich.amer. 1 . t.27. l.t. 23. Eng. bot. 1524. Bot. mag. 63. Eng. bot. 2197. Duham.arb. 1. 1. 5. Mill. ic. 2. t. 288. Duham. arb. 1. 1. 3. Bot. reg. 61. Eng. bot. 172. 1785. Eng. bot. 88. Amm.ruth.t.l8.f.U Eng. bot. 861. Gmel .sib .3 .t.3 4 .f. 2 . Moris, s. 2. t.20. f.2. Eng. bot. 2058. Gmel. it. 1. 1.27. f.l. Buxb. cent. 1. 1. 48. Jac. vind. 2. t. 189. Jac. aust. 5. t. 406. 4. t. 383. Eng. bot. 89. Jac. ic. l.t. 91. Eng. bot. 37. 561. Jac. ic. l.t. 92. Eng. bot. 1384. Jac. aust. 3. t. 220. Bot. mag. 1327. Jac.aus. 5. t. ap.25. Eng. bot. 862. Moris. h.s.2.t.20. f.2 Gmel.sib.3.t.36.f.l. FI. dan. 171. Eng. bot. 2389. Bot. mag. 75. Eng. bot. 864. 863. Jac. ic. l.t. 93. Jac. vind. 2.t. 175. Eng. bot. 1400. W.hort.ber.l.t.69» 8 rivale. W. 9 hybridum. Jac. 10 pyrenaicura. W. 1 1 potentilloides. W. 12 montanum. W. (3 minor. « 13 reptans. W. DRY AS. W. octopetala. W. CALYCANTHUS. W. 1 floriclus. W. 2 glaucus. W. en. 3 laevigatas. W. en. 4 prsecox. W. k lutea. CAPPAR1S. W. 1 spinosa. W. 2 ovata. W. 3 frondosa. W. 4 ferruginea. W. 5 jamaicensis. W. 6 odoratissima. W. 7 cynophallophora. W 8 saligna. P. S. 9 linearis. W. 10 Breynia. W. MARCGRAVIA. W. umbellata. W. ACT^A. Pb. 1 spicata. W. en. 2 americana. Ph. a alba. (3 rubra . SANGUINARIA. W. canadensis. W. PODOPHYLLUM. W. peltatum. W. CHELIDONIUM. W. 1 majus. W. 2 laciniatum. W. en. GLAUCIUM. J. 1 luteum. H. K. 2 fulvum. H. K. 3 phoeniceum. H. K. 4 violaceum. H. K. PAP AVER. W, 1 hybridum. W. 2 Argemone. W. 3 alpinum. W. 4 nudicaule, W. # lutea. 5 Rhoeas. W. 6 dubium.W. 7 caucasicum. M. B. 8 floribundum.B.Reg. 9 somniferum. W. 10 cambricum. W. 1 1 orientale. W. ARGEMONE. W. 1 mexicana. W. 2 armeniaca. P. S. POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 121 water. hybrid. Pyrenean. Siberian. mountain. small mountain. creeping. Dryas. mountain. Allspice. Carolina. glaucous -leaved. smooth- leaved. Japan. yelloiv-jlowcved. Rosaceae. J. Rosaceae. J. Rosaceae ? J. Britain. Europe. Pyrenees. Siberia. Austria. Switzerland. Britain. Carolina. N. America. Japan. .... 6.7. H.lf.. .... H.:y. 1804. H.Tf.. 1780. 6. H.2j-. 1597. 5.9. H.^. H.V. 1775. 6.8. H.2/. . Eng. bot. 106. Jac. ic. ] . t. 94. Lam. ill. t. 44. Jac. vind. 3. t. 68. Jac. aust. 4. t. 373. Bar. rar. t. 399. Jac.aus. 5. t. ap. 22. 6.8. Ho If.. Eng. bot. 451. 1726. 5.8. H. b . .... H. b . 1806. 5.7. H-b. . 1766. 12.3. H-b . f ••• “ H. b • Bot. mag. 503. Bot. rep. 539. Bot. mag. 466. CLASS XIII. POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Caper-Tree. common. acute-leaved. large-leaved. ferrugineous. Jamaica. sweet-scented. Bay-leaved. Willow-leaved. linear-leaved. Oleaster-leaved. Marcgrayia. umbelled. Actjea. Bane-berry. American. white-berried. red-berried. PUCCOON. Bloodvvort. Duck’s-foot. May-Apple. Celandine, common. jagged. Horn-Poppy, yellow. orange. red. violet. Poppy. mongrel., rough. Alpine. naked-stalked. yellgw-ftowered. common Corn. smooth. Caucasean. many-flowered. garden. Welsh. oriental. Argemone, Mexican. Armenian, Capparides. J. S. Europe. Carthagena. Jamaica. Caracas. W. Ind. Santa Cruz. W. Ind. Capparides ? J. Ranunculaceae. J. W. Ind. Britain. N. America. Papaveraceae. J. Papaveraceae. P. S. Papaveraceae. J. Papaveraceae. J. Papaveraceae. J, N. America. N. America. Britain. S. Europe. Britain. S. Europe. England. Papaveraceae. J. R England, Britain. Austria. Siberia. Britain. Caucasus. Levant. England. Levant. America. Armenia. 1596. 5.8. Bot. mag. &91. .... ■ S. b • Boc. sic. t. 42. f. 3. 1800. .... s-b- Jac. amer. t. 153. .... . . . . S.b* Brown, j. t. 28. f.l. 1793. S-b- Jac.amer. e.p.t. 101. 1814. . . . . S.b- Jac.schoen.l. t.lio. 1752. .... s,b. Jac. amer. t. 98. 1807. • « • • S.b. 1793. • tit s.b. Jac. amer. 1. 102. 1752. .... G* b • t. 103. 1792. .... S- h • Jac. amer. t. 96. « • o e 4.6. H.lf.. Eng. bot. 918. t ? ■ ? H.V. Com. canad. t. 77, 1680. 3.4. H.y. Bot. mag. 162. 1664. 5. H.2f. Bot. mag. 1819. , , , , 4.10. H.2/. . Eng. bot. 1581. .... ■H.V. Mill. ic.l. t. 92. f.2. 6.10. H.0. Eng. bot. 8. 1802. 8.9. H.2 . H. b . Mich. arb. t. 1 . N. America. 1688. 6.9. H. . H .h t. 2 ff jit ; China. N. America. F .Jt- F.h* F.h. i.12. G.^. 4.5. aij. — o.h. 1801. 6.7. H.lj. 1736. 5.7. H. h- 1752. 5.6. H.P*. 1800. 6.7. H.l^ . Bot. mag. 1621. 390. Par. lond. 87- Bot. mag. 977. 1008. Par. lond. 5. Mich. arb. t. 4. t.3. V\ — — - t. 5. t. 7. Magnoliae. J. Annonae. J. Annonae. J. Carolina. 1786. ■ 1811. 4.5. H. \. Bot. mag. 1206. — ri. tj « E. Ind. 1779. .... S. Ij. Rheed.mal.l. 1. 19. E. Ind. 1794. .... S.Ij. Rlieed.mal.2. t.10. Jamaica. 1793. .... S,Jj. Java. 1804. 5.7. S. 1 2 . Rumph.amb.2.t.65 AV. Ind. 1656. .... S. Ji. Jac. obs. 1. 1. 5. S. America. 1739. I7OI 7-8. S. J* • Trew. ehvet. t. 49. .... S. . Rheed. mal.3.t.29. 1 / Oli Guiana. 1803. .... S. . Aub. gui. 1. t. 246. S. America. 1690. .... S. . Rheed.m.3.t.30,31 China. 1758. 6.7. S. : AV. Ind. 1731. .... S. b • Pluk.alm. t. 2^0. f.6. Carolina. 1774. 7.8. S.T-*. Cat. car. 2. t. 64. Annonae. J. Orchidocadpwm. Mich. Annonce sp. TV. Annonae. J. N. America. AV. Ind. Jamaica. 1736. 1806. 1812. 1793. 8. 4.5. Ranunculaceae. J. Anemonis sp. TV. — — Europe. 1573. 2.4. H-h- H-h- H-h- S-Ti. S.T2. h.u. CatJcar. 2. t. 83. Bartr. trav. t. 1 . Brown.jam. t.5.f.2. Pluk.alm. t.233.f.4. Bot. mag. 10, Ranunculaces*. J. Levant. 1596. 4.5. H.ty. Bot. mag. 841. 2 hortensis. W. a palmata. W. 4 sibirica. W. 5 baldensis. W. 6 sylveatris. W. 7 virginiana. W. 8 pensyivanica. Ph. 9 dichotoma. Ph. 10 trifolia. W. 1 1 nemorosa. W. 12 apennina. W. 13 ranunculoides. W. 14 narcissifiora. W. 15 thaiictroides. W. PULSATILLA., 1 alpina. W. en. 2 pratensis. W. en. 3 obsoleta. 4 vulgaris. W. en. 5 Halleri. W. en. 6 vernalis. W. en. 7 cernua. W. 8 patens. W. en. ATRAGENE. W. 1 au§triaca. H. K. 2 sibirica. H. K. 3 americana. H. K. 4 capensis. W. 5 zeylanica. W. CLEMATIS. W. 1 cirrhosa. W. 2 florida. W. (3 fore plena. 3 Viticella. W. <3 plena. 4 Viorna. W. 5 reticulata. Ph. 6 cylindrica. H. K. 7 crispa. B. M. 8 calycina. W. 9 orientalis. W. 1 0 virginiana. W. 1 1 dioiea. W. 12 aristata. B. Reg. 13 brachiata. B. Reg. 14 Massoni. 15 Vitalba. W. 16 Flammula. W. {3 latifolia. 17 maritima. W. IS erecta. W. 19 angustifolia. W. 20 ochroleuca. W. 2 1 integrifolia. W. (3 angustifolia. THALICTRUM. W. 1 alpinum. W. 2 foetidnm. W. 3 tuberosum. W. 4 Cornuti. W. 5 dioicum. W. 6 elatum. W. 7 majus. W. 8 medium. W. 9 minus. W. 10 concinnum. \V. en. 1 1 rugosum. W. 12 sibiricum. W. 13 squarrosum. W. POLYANDHIA POLYGYNIA. 127 Ranunculaceaj. J. J Virgin’s *) \ Bower. J Ranunculaceae. J. .star. Ranunculaceas. J. palmated. Siberian. Strawberry -like. Snowdrop. Virginian. — Pensylvanian. forked. three-leaved. wood. — blue mountain. — yellow wood. — Narcissus-flow51. Meadow-Rue-1 d. — — PanqoeFlower. Ranunculaceae. J. Alpine. meadorv. pale-flowered. common. Haller’s. spring. * drooping. spreading. Atragene. Austrian. Siberian. American. Cape, Ceylon. "irgin's Bower. evergreen . large-flowered. double-fowered. purple. double purple. leathery-flower'1, netted. long-flowered, curled-flowered. Minorca, oriental. Virginian. Jamaica, awned-anthered. armed. Masson’s. Traveller’s Joy. sweet-scented. broad-leaved. sea. upright, narrow-leaved, silky. entire-leaved. narrow entire-le. Meadow-Rue. Alpine, foetid. tuberous -rooted. Canadian, dioecious, tall, greater, middle, lesser, neat, rough. Siberian, squarrose. 1597. 1804. Italy. Portugal. Siberia. Switzerland. 1792. Germany. 1596. N. America. 1722. France. 1597. Britain, .... England. .... Siberia. 1773. N. America. 1768. Anemonis sp. TF. Austria. 1658. Germany. 1731. England. .... Switzerland. 1816. 1752. Japan. Siberia. 1806. 1752. Austria. 1792. , 5.7, Hf V Siberia. 1753. 6.7. H.Jj, N- America. 1797. 5.6. H.fy, C, B. S. 1795. 3.4. G. Vi Ceylon. 1796* • • • • S. V . Bot, mag. 123. . Bot. reg. 200. . Jac. ic. 1. 1. 1Q&, . Bot. mag. 54. . Herm. par. t. 18v . Lin. fil. d. 2. t. 15.. . Moris, s.4. t.25. f.l. . Eng. bot. 355. . 1062. . 1484. . Bot. mag. 1 120. , . ■■■ ■ — 866. . . Jac. aust. 1. t. 85.0/ .. FI. dan. t. 611. . . Bot. mag. 1863. . . Eng. bot. 51. . All. ped. t. 80. f. 2. . . FI. dan. t. 29. . Breyn.cent. t. 61. Bot. rep. 180. Pall. ros. 2. t. 76. /i Boti mag. 887. — - 716. Rox. cor. 2. t. 1 88, Spain. Japan. Ranuncujaeeae. J. — Spain. 1596. 3.4. H.T* 1776. 4.9. H-V 1569. 6.9. H.Jz N. America. Minorca. Levant. N. America. W.Ind. N. Holland. C.B, S. England. France. 1730 1812 1802 1726, 1783, 1731 1767, 1733. 1812. 1596 H.I*. H.k. 7.9. H.T7. H.Ti. 2.3. G.I*. 7.10. H.^. 6.8. H.I*. 5.6. S; il . 5.8. G. \i . 10.12. G.l2 . .... G.^. 7.9. H. \ . 7.10. H.I* S. Europe 6.9. H.2f, Austria. 1597. 6.8. H. If . 1787. 5.9. H.2f. N. America. 1767. 6.7. H.2f. Hungary. 1596. 6.8. H.2f . Britain. France. Spain. N. America. .Hungary. England. Hungary. Britain. N. America. Siberia. 1640. 1713. 1640. .1759, 1794. 1789. 1774. 1775. 1806, 5.7. H.2f . ■ h. y.. 6. H. If . 5.7. H.2f. 6.7. H.lf., 6.8. H. 2/. . 6.7. H.lf. 6.8. H.2f . 6.7. H.lf. H.lf, 7. H.lf, 6.7. H.lf. ~ H.lf: Bot. mag. 1070, S34. 565. Pill.elt.t.l 1 8.f,144 Bot. mag. 1 160, 1892. 959. Dill.eit.t.l 19. f-1 45 t.379.f.4 Slo.janul .t.l 28.f,l. Bot. r eg. 238. Bot, reg. 97. Eng. bot. 612. Knor. thes. 2.t.C.9 Jac, aust. 3. t. 291 - Jac. ic. 1. 1. 104. t.379.f*5 Bot. mag. 65. Eng. bot. 262. 2-2 Pl.rar.hun.2.t.l 74, Mill.ic.2. t.265. f.2« Corn- can. t. 187. Jac. vind. 3. t. 95, Eng. bot. 611. Jac. vind. 3. t, S6., 128 POLYANDMA POLYGYNIA. 14 pubescens. Ph. 15 purpurascens. W. 16 angustifolium. W. 17 lucidum. W. 1 8 fiavuin. W. 1.9 nigricans. W. 20 speciosum. W. en, 2 1 ranunculinum. W. en. 22 simplex. W. 23 aquilegifolium. W (3 atro-purpureum. 24 galioides. W. en. 25 contortum. W. 26 petaloideum. W, ADONIS. H. K. 1 aistivalis. W. 2 autumnalis. W. 3 flammea. W. 4 vernalis. W. pubescent, purple. narrow-leaved, shining, common, black. glaucous -leaved. H Ranunculus- J leaved. j simple-stalked. Columbine-lead. dark purple. sweet-scented, crook-seeded. Daurian. Adonis. tall. Pheasant’s-eye. flame-coloured, perennial. Ranunculaceae. J. N. America. Germany. Spain. Britain. Austria. Spain. N. America. Sweden. Austria. Alsatia. Siberia. Dauria. Jac. vind. 3. t. 43,. Pluk. alm.t. 65.f.5. Eng. bot. 367. Jac. aus. 5. t. 421. FI. dan. 244. Jac. aust. t. 318. Bot. mag. 1818. Ranunculaceae J. KNOWLTONIA. H.K. Knovvltonia. Ranunculaceae. J. 1 rigida. H. K. 2 vesicatoria. H.K. FI C ARIA. P. S. verna. P. S. (3 plena. RANUNCULUS. W. 1 Flammula. W. 2 reptans. W. 3 Lingua. W. 4 nodiflorus. W. 5 gramineus.W. 6 parnassifolius. W. 7 amplexicaulis. W. 8 bullatus. W, 9 Thora. W. 10 creticus. W. 1 1 cassubicus. W. 12 auricomus. W. 13 abortivus. W. 14 sceleratus. W. 15 aconitifolius. W. $ jlore pleno. 16 platanifolius. W. 17 pedatus. W. en. 1 8 illyricus. W. 19 asiaticus, W. 20 gregarius. P. S. 21 rutaefolius. W. 22 glacialis. W. 23 nivalis. W. 24 montanus. W. 25 alpestris. W. 26 pensylvanicus. W. 27 bulbosus. W. 28 hirsutus. H. K. 29 marylandicus. Ph. 30 repens. W. (3 flore pleno. 31 polyanthemos. W. 32 acris.W. |3 flore pleno. 33 lanuginosus. W. 34 sericeus. W. cn. 35 parvulus. W. 36 hederacCus. W. 37 aquatilis. W. 38 rigidus. P. S. 39 fluviatilis. W, 4Q arveosis. W. thick-leaved. blistering. Pile wort. vernal. double-flowered . Crow-foot. Lesser Spearwort. Least Spearwort. Great Spearwort. knot-flowered, grassy. Parnassia-leav’d. Plantain-leaved. Portugal. kidney-leaved. Cretan. Cassubian. wood. three- flowered. Celery-leaved. Aconite-leaved. double-flowered. Plane-tree-leavd. pedate. Illyrian. S. Europe. Britain. Austria. Europe. Anamenia. C. B. S. 1629. 1800. 1629. Vent. 1780. 6.7. H.0. 5.10. H.©. 6.7. H.0. 3.4. H. 2/., Knor.thes.2.t„A.12 Eng. bot. 308. Jac. aust. 4. t. 355. Bot. mag. 134. 1691. 3.5. 2.4. Ranunculaceae. J. G.V-. G.l/, Vent. malm. 22. Bot. mag. 775.^ Rannueidi sp. TV. Britain. .... 3.5. H.l/ . Eng. hot. 584. Ranunculaceae J. Britain. 6.9. Sicily. Wales. S. Europe. Pyrenees. S. Europe. Austria. Candia. Siberia. Britain. N. America. Britain. Alps of Eur. H.l/. .... H. If. . .... 6.8. H. 1/ . 1714. 5.7. H.0. . . , . 4.6. H.l/. 1769. 6.7. H.l/. 1633. 4.5. H.l/ • 1640. 5.6. H.l/. 1710. - — -H.l/. 1658. 4.5. H.l/. 1794. 6.7. II. 1/. 4.5. H.l/. 1713. 5.8. H.l/. .... 5.6. H.©. 1596- H.l/. Eng. bot. 387. FI. dan. 108. Eng. bot. 100. Pl.rar,hung.2.t.l7C 2. 1 / Eng. bot. 2306. Bot. mag. 386. 266. Jac. aust. 5.t. 442. Loes.prus.t. 72, Eng. bot. 681. villous. Rue-leaved, two-flowered, snowy, mountain. Alpine. Pensylvanian. bulbous, pale hairy. Maryland, crci ping. double-flowered. many-flowered, upright. double-flowered. woolly-leaved, silky-leaved, little upright. Ivy-leaved, various-leaved, rigidrieaved. lorig-Jeava. water, corn. Germany. Hungary. S. Europe. Levant. Portugal. Austria. Lapland. s Scotland. N. America. 1785. ■ Britain. .... — England. .... N. America. 1811. Britain. .... N. Europe. 1596. ■ Britain. — S. Europe. 1683. ■ Caucasus. 1816. - England. ■ — Britain. .... ' 1769. 6.7. H.l/. 1806. 5-6. H.l/. 1596. — H.l/. ~ H. 1/ . .... H.l/, 1759. 5.7. H.l/. 1775. 6.8. H.l/. — — H.l/ . ■ H.l/. — .Ha- 6.7. H. S • 5.6. H.l/. 6.10. H.0. 5.7. H.l/.. 5.8. H.l/. Bot. mag. 204. FI. dan. 111. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l08 Jac. aust. 3. t. 222. Mill. ic. 2. t. 216. Jac. col. 1. t. 6, 7. FI. dan. 19. FI. lap. t. 3. f. 2. Jac. aust. t. 325. 6* Eng. bot. 2390. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 105? Eng. bot. 515. — 1504. 5.6. H.l/, 6.7. H.l/. Lob. ic. 666. Eng. bot. 652, Bot. mag. 215. FI. dan. 397. Col.ecphr.t.3 1 6.f. I . Eng. bot. 2003. — - 101. FI. dan. 37 6. Eng. bot. /35. 41 muricatus.W. 42 parviflorus. W. TllOLLIUS. W. 1 laxus. Ph. 2 europseus. W. 3 asiaticas. W, /3 intermedins. 7 hybridus. ISOPYRUM. W. 1 fumarioides. W. 2 thalictroides. W, ERANTHIS. L. T. hyemalis. L. T. HELLEBORUS. W, 1 niger. W. 2 viridis. Wt 3 purpurascens. P. S, 4 odorus. W. en. 5 dumetorum. W. en. 6 foetidus. W. 7 lividus. W. COPTIS. L. T. trifolia. Ph. CALTHA. W. 1 radicans, L. T. 2 palustrjs. W* (i f ore •plena. HYDROPELTIS. HK purpurea. H. K. HYDRASTIS. W. canadensis. W, AJUGA. B. P. 1 orientalis. W. 2 pyramidalis. W. 3 alpina. W. 4 genevensis. W. 5 reptans. W, /3 «/6a. 7 rubra. 6 Chamaepitys. W. 7 Iva. W. ANISOMELES. B. P. ovata. H. K. TEUCRIUM. W. 1 campanulatum. W, 2 orientale. W. 3 Botrys. W. 4 nissolianum. W, 5 trifidum. W. 6 fruticans. W. 7 latifolium. B. M. 8 Marum. W. 9 multifiorum. W. 10 regium. W. 1 1 Laxmanni. W. 12 sibiricum. W. 1 3 asiaticura. W, DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 129 prickly-seeded. small-flowered. Globe-flower. American. European. Asiatic. intermediate. hybrid • Isopyrum. Fumatory-leav’d, Meadow-Rue-ld. {Winter- \ Aconite. / common. Hellebore. Christmas-Rose, green, purplish, sweet-scented, bushy. Rear’s-foot. three-lpaved. Coptis. three-leaved, f Marsh "} \ Marygold.J creeping, common. double-flowered. , Hydropeltis. purple. Hydrastis. Canadian. Ranunculace®. J. R.anunculace®. J. Ranunculaceae. J. S. Europe. 1683. 7.8. H.©. England 5.6. H.©. N. America. 1805. 5.7. H.2jL. Britain. .... 5.6. H.2f. Siberia. 1759. H.2£. Alp. exot. t. 262. Eng. bot. 120. Eng. bot. 28. Bot. mag. 235. Siberia. 1 74 1 . 6. H.© w Italy. 1759. 3.4. H. 2/. Ranunculaceae. J. Hellebori sp. TV. — Italy. 1596. 1.3. H.TjL. Bot. mag, Am. ruth. 74. 1. 12. Jap. aust. 2. t. 105. 3. Ranunculaceae. J. Ranunculaceae. J. Ranunculaceae. J. Ranunculaceae. J. Ranunculaceae. J. Austria. 1596. 1.3. H.2|. Britain. .... 3.4. H.2f Hungary. 1817. — — r H. . • H.lf. H.lf., England 2.4. H.2f. 1710. 1.5. F. 2/. . Hellebuti sp. TV. N. America. 1782. 6.7. H.2JL. Scotland, Britain. 4.5. H.lf. Brasenia. Phi N.Anierica. 1798. 7.8. F.lf Canada. 1759. 5,6. H.^. Bot. mag. 8. Er)g. bot. 200. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l( Eng. bot. 613. Bot. mag. 72. FI. dan. 566. Linn, trans. 8.t. 17. Eng, bot. 506. Bot. mag. 1147. Mill. ic. 2, t 285, CLASS XIV. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. Bpgle. Labiatae.J. oriental. - — — — Levant. 1732. 5-6. H.2JL. Dill, elt.t. 53. f. 61. pyramidal. Britain. .... H.2/.. Eng. bot. 1 270. Alpine. England. .... 5.7. H. 2/.. 477. Geneva. — r-r— Switzerland. 1666. 5.6. H.2/.. Bull. herb. t. 361 . common. — — r — -Britain. . .., H.2JL. Eng. bot. 489. white-flowered. red-flowered. Ground Pine. • — — —England. . ... 4.7. H,©. Eng. bot. 77. musky. — —— — — S. Europe. 1759. 7.8. H.0. Cav. ip. 2. t. 120. Anisomeles. Labiat®. J. broad-leaved. ? ■ - E.Ind. 1783. 7.8. S.©. Burm.zeyl,t.71.f.l. Germander. Labiat®. J. small-flowered, — — — Levant. 1728. 7.8. H.Tf. grpat-flowered. 1752. — — H .If.. Bot. mag. 1 279. cut-leaved. S. Europe. 1633. 7-9. H.©. Ger.emac. 525. f. 2. Nissole’s. Spain. 1752. 6.7. F.lf. Mor.s.l l.t.22.f.l9. trifid-leaved. — =■ — C. B. S, 1791. 6.8. G. ij . narrow-ld. tree. — — —Spain. 1640. 6.9. G.l^. Dill.elt.t.284.f.366 broad-leavd.trce. — G. L • Bot. mag. 245. Cat-thyme. — — Spain. 1640. 7-9. F. L. Park, theat. 17. f. 2. many-flowered. — — — 1731.— — -H.lf. Bocc. mus. t. 1 17. royal, — — — — 1699. 5.10. F, L . Pluk.alm.t.65.f. 1. Laxmann’s. —Siberia. 1800. 6 8. H. 2JL . Pl.rar.hung.l.t.69. Siberian. — — — — — 1804. 7. H.2f. Asiatic. — — ~ — — 1777. 6.10. G. L . Jac. vind. 3. t. 41, S ISO DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 14 cubense. VV. Cuba. Labiatae. J. Cuba. 1733. 5. S.<^. Jac. obs. 2. t. 30. 15 c&nadense. W. Nettle-leaved. — — N. America. 1768. 8.9. H .21-. 16 virginicum. VV. Virginian. - — — 5.6. h.2/. 17 inflatum. W. thick-spiked. • — — Jamaica. 1778. 8.10. s.y. 18 byrcanieum. VV. Betony-leaved. — Persia. 1763. H.2/.. Arduin.spec. 134.4.7 19 Abutiioides. VV. Mulberry-leav’d. — ■ Madeira. 1777. 4.5. G. . Jac.schoen.3.t.358. 20 Scorodonia. VV. Wood Sage. — Britain. 7. H. 2/. . Eng. bot. 1543. 21 betouicum. VV. hoary. — Madeira. 1775. 5.8. G. • Bot. mag. 1 1 14. 22 fesUpi natuin. VVr. resupinate. <■ — Barbary. 1801. 7-8. H.©. Desf. all. 2. t. 117* 23 massiliense. W. sweet-scented. — — — = — — * — — France. 1731. 6.7. F. ■ Jac. vind. 1. 1. 94, 24 Scordium. VV. water. — England. 7.8. H. 2/ . Eng. bot. 828. 25 Charmedrys. W. wall. 26 heterophyUum. W. various-leaved. 27 lucidum. W. shining. 28 flavum. W. yellow-flowered. 29 inontanum. W. dwarf mountain. 30 supinuto. W. procumbent. 31 thymifolium. P. S. Thyme-leaved. 32 pyrenaicum. W. Pyrenean. 33 aureum. W. Golden Poley. 34Polium.VV. Poley. 35 flavescens. P. S. Yellow Poley. 36 gnaphalodes. P. S. woolly-calyxed. 37 Pseudohyssopus. W. Hyssop-leaved. 3S cupitatum. VV. round-headed. 39 pycuopbyllum. P. S. clustered. 40 pumilum. W. small. 4 1 spin os uni. W . thorny. 42 subspinosum. VV.en. Minorca. VVESTRINGIA. B. P. Wbstkingia. 1 resmariniformis. 2 Dampieri. B. P. SAT U RE J A. VV. Madeira. S. Europe. Austria. Spain. Pyrenees. S. Europe. Spain. Italy. Spain. 1562. 1816. 1804, 1731. 1816. 5.8. H.2/ 6.7. G.J* 6.9. FI. 2/ 7.9. F.h 7.10. F. \i 6.10. H.T2 — h.2/ 6.8. H.2/ 6.7. F.h 7-9. F. \ — F.h F.h 6.7. H.^ 7.8. F.^ H. If. F.l 2 680. . Magn. hort. 52. . Park. theat. 109. f.l . . Jac. aust. 5. t. 417. Cav. ic. 2. t. 117. Barr. rar. t. 1074. t. 1073. t. 1083. Col. ecphr. 1. 1. 67. Cav. ic. 2. t. 119. Barr. rar. 1096. t. 1092. Labiatae. J. Labiatae. J. j uliana. W. 2 Tliymbra. W. 3 gra:ca. W. 4 niontana. W. 5 rupestris. W. 6 hortensis. W. 7 capitata. W. 8 viminea. VV. THYMBRA. VV. 1 spiral a. VV. 2 verticillata. VV. HYSSOTUS. VV. 1 officinalis. VV. 2 orientalis. W. en. 3 Lopbanthus. VV. 4 nepetoides. VV . 5 scrophularifolius. PYCNANTHE- 1 MUM. Pli. J 1 incanum.Ph. 2 aristatum. Ph. 3 linifolium. Ph. Thymus virgiuicus. 4 lanceolatum. Ph. Is' E PET A. VV. 1 Cataria. VV. 2 angustifolia. VV. 3 crispa. VV. 4 pannonica. VV. 5 caerulea. VV. 6 vioiacea. VV . 7 longiflora. H. K. 8 Mussini. H. EG 9 incana. VV. 1 0 ucranica. W. 11 Nepetella. VV. 12 graveolens. W. Labiates. J. Labiatae. J. Rosemary-leavd. Dampier’s. Savory. linear-leaved, whorl-flowered. Grecian, winter, rock, summer, ciliated. Pennyroyal-tree. Thymbra. spike-flowered, whorl- flowered. Hyssop. common, oriental. Mint-leaved, square-stalked. Figwort-leaved. PrcNANTHEMUM.Labiataae.-J. Pycnanthemum 8f hoary. — — N. America. awned. Flax-leaved. JV. spear-leaved Catmint. common. — narrow-leaved. • — curl-leaved. - — Hungarian. — blue. — violet-coloured. — long-flowered. — scolloped-leaved. — hoary. — - Uliranian. — small. — stiong-rsmelling. — Minorca. 1640. 5.6. H.©. Cav. ic. l.t. 31. 1816 G. h . N. S. W. 1791. 5.8. G. \ . Bot. rep. 214. N. Holland. 1 803. 5.7. G. I2 . Italy. 1596. 5.9. F.2/. Lam. ill. t. 504. f.l. Candia. 1640. 5.7. G .\i. Barr. ic. t. 898. Greece. 1759. 6.7. F.l/. Alp. exot. t. 264. S. Europe. 1562. — — H. . Carniola. 1798. H.2/. Jac. ic. 3. t. 494. Italy. 1652. 6.8. H.©. Lam. ill. it. 504. f.l. Levant. 1596. 6.10. H. 1? . Barr. ic. t. 897. Jamaica. 1783 S. ii . Levant. 1699. 6.7. G. \i . Pluk.alin.t.l IG.f.b, Spain. 1702. G. 1 2 . S. Europe. 1548. 6.9. H.T2. Jac. aust. 3. t. 254. Caucasus. .... H.J?. Siberia. 1752. 8.9. H. 2/ . Jac. vind, jfct. 182. N. America. 1692. 8.10. FI. 2/ . l.t. 68. 1800. 7.8. FI. 2/. FIerm.parad.t.l06*. Hr achy sternum. Mich. 1732. 7.10. H.2/.. Dill.elt. t. 74. f. 85. Mich. amer. 2.t.33. Labiatae. J. 1752. 8. H.2/. 1739. 7.8. H.2/. 1812. ———H.2/. — Britain. .... 7-9. H. 2/. — Spain. 1798. 6.7. H.2/. — Levant. 1800. 7.8. H.2/. ■ — Hungary. 1683. 8.10. H.2/. — . . . 1777. 5.6. H.2/. — Spain. 1723. 7.9. H.2/. — Persia. 1802. 6.8. H.2/. — Siberia. 1804. 5.8. H.2/. — Levant. 1723. 8. H.2/. — Ukraine. 1789. 7-8. H.2/. — S. Europe. 1758. H.2/. 1804. — H.2/. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPEItMIA. 13 nuda. W. naked. 14 colorata. W. en. Nettle-leaved. 15 melissaefolia. \V. en. Balm-leaved. 16 italica. W. Italian. 17 marrubioides.W.en. Horehound-letf. 18 reticulata. W. netted. 19 lamiifolia. W. en. Lamium-leaved. 20 teucriifolia. W. en. Teucrium-leavd. 21 tuberosa. W. tuberous-rooted. 22 lanata. W. woolly. 23 multifida. \V. multifid. 24 botryoides. VV, annual. ELSHOLTZIA. W. Elsholtzia. cristata. W, crested. LAVANDULA. W. Lavender. 1 Spica. W, common. Labiat®. J. Labiatae. J. Labiatae. J. B alba. 2 latifolia. W, en. 3 Stoechas, W. 4 viridis. W. 5 dentata- W, 6 pinnata. W. 7 multifida. W, 8 abrotanoides, W. 9 carnosa, W. SiDEIUTIS. W. 1 canariensis. W. 2 candicans. W. 3 mo a tana. W. 4 elegans. W, 5 roman a. W. IS syriaca. W. 7 perfoliata. W, 8 incana. W. 9 ilicifolia. W. en. 1 0 spinosa. W. en. 1 1 hyssopifolia, W, 12 scordioides. W. 13 hirsuta. W. 1 4 crispata. W. en. BYSTROPOGON. W. 1 plumosum, W. 2 origanifolmm. W. 3 canarjense, W, 4 punctatum. W. MENTHA. W. 1 Aurjcularia. W, 2 villosa. W. 3 sylvestris. W. 4 nemorosa. W. en, 5 rotun difolia. W. (3 variegata. 6“ gratissima. W. 7 balsamea. W. en. 8 niliaea. W. 9 capensis. W. 10 viridis. W. 1 1 palustris. S. M. 12 piperita, W. 13 crispa. W. 14 crispata. W. en. 1 5 glabrata. W. 16 incana. W. en. 1 7 undulata. W. en. 18 odorata. H. K. 19 hirsuta. H. K. 20 acutifolia. H. K. 21 sativa. W. 22 rubra. H. K. t } Labiata'. J, whi te-flower °d, broad-leaved. French, Madeira., tooth-leaved, pinnated, cut-leayed. / Sojithern- wood-leavd thick-leaved, Jeonwort, Canary. Mullein- leaved. mountain. dark-flowered. Roman, — >■, — Syrian. 5—^ — — perfoliate. Lavender- leaved Holly-leaved. - spiny. Hyssop-leaved. * scollop-leaved. - — - hairy. curled-leaved. — — Bystropogon. Labiatae. J. woolly- flowered, entire-leaved. Canary. — cluster-flowered. — Minx. Labiatae. J. Indian. - — horse. wild. — : wood. — von nd-leaved. variegated. oblong-leaved. Balsam-scented. Egyptian. Cape, spear, marsh, pepper, curled, crumpled, smooth, hoary, wave-leaved. Bergamot, hairy water, sharp-leaved, tall red. common red. S. Europe. - Caucasus. - Candia. ■ Italy. 1710 7.8. H.^. 1 Qf\ft r - — T-I i oUO* "r 1 XI* Zf • iffgo - T4 “V 1 V O Z * — — x 1 • Zf. • 1640. 6.8. H.2|. .... H .if.. - Morocco. 1801. 7-8. H 2/1. - Armenia. 1806. H.y.. 1 c l a H 11 . - Spain. 1683. 6.8. H.i. - S. Europe. 1774. 5.6. H.2/.. - Siberia. 1796. 7-8. H.2/.. 1779. 6-7. H.©. - Siberia. 1789. 5.7. H.©. - S. Europe. 1568. 7.9. H. \i . h. \ . 1562. 5.7. G.Ij. - Madeira. 1777. G.1^ • - Spain. 1597. 6.9. G.J* . - Madeira. 1777. 4.8. G.Jj. - Canaries. 1597. 7.9. G.U RA NT A. smooth. , prickly. Verbenaceae. P. S. W. Ind. 1739. Jamaica. 1763. St. Domingo. 1784. Portorico. 1815. Jamaica. 1759. S. America. 1733. W. Ind. 1739. 10. S-h S. Jz S .fc. S ,h S -h S -h S.k Jac. amer. t. 1 18. Jac. ic. 3. t. 501. - — l.t. 118. Vent. cels. t. 47. Jac. vind. 1. 1. 22. Bot. reg. 244. Bot. mag. 1759. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA, 137 LANTANA. W. Lantana. 1 mista. W. Nettle-leaved. 2 trifolia. W. three-leaved. 3 annua. W. annual. 4 stricta. W. narrow-leaved. 5 Radula. W. Rasp-leaved. 6 Camara. W. various-coloured. 7 involucrata. W. round-leaved. 8 recta. W. Upright. 9 odorata. W. sweet-scented. 10 melisssefolia. W, Balm-leaved, 1 1 scabrida. W. rough. 12 nivea. P. S, white-flowered. 1 3 aculeata. W. changeable-cold. SPIELMANNIA. W. SPIELMANNIA. africana. W. Iiex-leaved. ZAPANIA. J. Zapania. 1 stoechadifolia. P. S. oval-spiked. 2 nodiflora. Ph* knot-flowered. PRIVA. P. S. Pp.iva. 1 mexicana. P. S. Mexipan. Verbena mexicana . TV. 2 leptostachya. P. S. rough. Tortula aspera. TV. Streptium asper\ ALOYSIA. P. S. Aloysia. citriodora. P. S. Lemon-scented. Verbena triphylla . B.M. VERBENA. B. P. Vervain. 1 bonariensis. W. cluster-flowered. 2 hastata. W. halberd-leaved. 3 pauiculata. P. S. panicled. 4 angustifolia. H. K. parrow-leaved. 5 caroliniana. W. Carolina. 6 urticifolia. W. Nettle-leaved. 7 stricta. Ph. upright. 8 Aubletift. W. Rose. 9 bracteosa. Ph. Ion g-br acted. 10 spuria. W. jagged-leaved. 11 oftipinalis. W. common. 12 supina. W. trailing. 13 prostrata. H. K. prostrate. MYOPORUM. B. P. Myoporum. 1 ellipticum. B. P. smooth-leaved. 2 acuminatum. B. P. pcuminate. . 3 paryifolium. B. P. small-leaved. 4 tuberculatum* B. P. tubercled. 5 viscosum. B. P. viscid. 6 debile. B. P. procumbent. 7 diffusum. B. P. diffuse. 8 oppositifolium.B.P. opposite-leaved. STENOCHILUS. B.P. Stenochilus. glaber. B. P. smooth-leaved. BONTIA. B. P. Bonita. daphnoides. W. Barbadoes. AVICENNIA. B. P. Avicennia. tomentosa. B. P. downy-leaved. PEDALIUM* W. Pedalium. Murex. W. prickly-fruited. BIGNONIA. W. /Trumpet- \ l Flower. J 1 Unguis. W. Barbadoes. 2 aequinoctialis. W. equinoctial. 3 alliacea. W. / Garlick-scented. • 4 lauvifolia. W. Laurel-leaved. 5 paniculata. W. panicled. 6 crucigera. W. pross-bearing. 7 uncata. B. M. hooked. 8 capreolata. W. four-leaved. 9 pubescens. W. downy. Verbenaceae. P. S. W. Ind. W Ind ' 1 T . W Ind 1732. 1733. 8.10. 6.9. 7.8. Verbenaceae. J. 1803. 1 69 1 . 1690. 1758. E. Ind. W. Ind. 4.9. 5.7. 6.8. 5.11. 7-9. 9. 7.9. 1692. 4.11. 1732. 1774. S.Jj. s*h. s.©. S.J*. s.h? S*h . s*h* S,h- S *h* S*h« s.h. S. h • s-h- Dill.eltt.56. f.64. Bot. mag. 1449. 1022. Slp.jam.2.t.l95.f.4, Dill.elt. t. 56. f. 65. Pluk.alm.t. 1 14.f.5. Jac.schqpn.3.t.360. Plqm. ic. t. 71. f. 2. Dill, elt.t. 57. f. 66. Vent. malm. t. 8. Bot. mag. 96. 1710. 2.1 1. G. h . Bot, mag. 1899. „■ ..... , c. B. S. Verbenaceae. B. P. Verbence sp. Linn , . W. Ind. 1732. 8.9. S.2f.. — America. 1664. 7.8. G .If.. Verbenaceae. P. S. Biter ia. Gcert. * — Mexipo. 1726. 8.9. S.Tf.. Brown.jam.t.3.f.l. Lam. ill. l.t. 17.f.3. Dill.elt. 1.302.1.389* Rox. cor. 2. t. 146.. — — E-Ind. 1799.7.8. S.Tf •urn. Roxb. Verbenaceje. P. S. Verbence sp . TV. - — Chili. 1784. 5.9. G-h* Dot. mag. 367. Verbenaceae. B. P. — — Buenos Ayres. 1732. - — _ — Canada. 1710. N. America. 1800. — — — 1802. 1732. — 1683. — — 1802. ■ — 1774. _ 1812. • — 1731. — — - Britain. .... — — Spain. 1640. • — N. America. 1794. Myoporinae. B. P. Pogonia. Bot. rep. — — _ N.S.W. 1789. — — — 1812. N. Holland. ’ 303. — _ 1803. Myoporinae. B. P. Myoporinae. B. P. Myoporinae. B. P. Pedalinae. B. P. N.S.W. 1793. N. Holland. .... — 1803. 7.10. H. spinosum. W. 7 tortuosum. W, 8 minimum. W. 9 maritimum. W? TETR ADYNAMIA SILICULOSA. Candy Tuft. broad-leaved. narrow-leaved. Gibraltar. rock. smooth-leaved. ciliate-leaved. purple. blunt-lcd purple, bitter. Flax-leaved. SAveet-scented. wing-leaved. Pepperwort. broad-leaved, lyre-leaved. Whitlow. bushy. diandrous. close-spiked. narrow-leaved. Buenos Ayres. Spanish Cress. awl-leaved. South Sea. various-leaved, prickly, hoary-field. Common Cress. Curled Cress. Virginian. Aleppo. Scurvy-Grass. pommon. English. Danish. Woad-leaved. Greenland. rock. large-capsuled. Horse-Radish. Awlwort, water. j Whitlow- \ \ Grass, j .common, rock. twisted-podded. Speedwell-leaved. wood. sen-green. ciliate-leaved. Petrocalus. Pyrenean. Camelina. cultivated. tooth-leaved. Austrian. Madvvort, calycipe. field. mountain. rock. Italian. thorny. twisted. small. sweet. Cruciferae. J. Cruciferce. J. Cruciferae. J. Cruciferae. J. Cruciferae. J. Britain. Levant. Europe. Germany. C.B.S. Britain. S. America. Spain. 1759. 15.96’. 1683. 1793. 1774. 1732, 1789. 1739, 6.7. u.n. PI.©. 5.6. H ,2f.. S.9. H.JJL. 7.8. H.©. 5.8. G,k- I-I.©. H.©» F.J. F* h • 6.7. 5.6. 6.7. 7-8. Society Isl. Austria. Levant. Britain. 1779. 9. H.©. 1640. 7. H.©. 1787. 9- FL©. .... 6.7. H.©. 1548. — . — H.©. America. 1713. 1?.©. Aleppo. 1798. 5.7. H.©, Britain. .... 4.5. H.©. Germany. .... 5. H.©. 5.6. H.©. 1648. 5.7. H. Crete. — - Spain. Desf. atl. 2,t. 160. l.p. 242. Vent. cels. 85. Bot. mag. 126*. 1739. 4.6. H.2C 5.8. H.2*. 1596. 4.6. H. (j Bot. mag, 130. Alp. exot. t. 118. Germany. Crucifers. J. 1596. 5.6. H.2JL. 1570. H. . Lam. ill. t. 561. f. 1. t. 561. f. 2. Egypt. 1757. 6.7. H.0. Bot.rcg.49. SILIQUOSA. HELIOPHILA. W. 1 incana. W. 2 filiformis. W. 3 platysiliqua. H. K. 4 pilosa. H. K. 0 incisa. 5 amplexicaulis. W. 6 foeniculacea. H. K. 7 pinnata. H. K. 8 crithmifolia. W. en. 9 coronopifolia. W. CARDAMINE. H. K. 1 enneaphylla. H. K. 2 pentaphylla, H. K. 3 pinnata. H. K. 4 bulbifera. H. K. 5 polyphylla. P. S. 6 glandulosa. P. S. 7 diphylla. P. S. 8 asarifolia. W. 9 bellidifolia. W. < 1 0 trifoiia. W. 11 africana. W. 12 chelidonia. W. 13 grsca. W. 14 amara. W. 15 latifolia. W. 16 pratensis. W. 0 plena . 17 impatiens. W, 1 8 hirsuta. W. 19 resedifolia. W. ARABIS. H. K. 1 caemlea. W. 2 nutans. W. 3 bellidifolia. W. 4 caucasica. W. en. 5 grandifiora. W, 6 alpina. W. 7 crispata. W. en. 8 verna. H. K. 9 stricta. W. 10 ^renosa. H. K. 1 1 hispida. H. K. 12 thaliana. W. 13 piliata. H. K. Turritis alpina, E. 14 hirsuta. H. K. 15 pendula. W. 16 Turrita. W. Heliophila. hoary. awl-podded. broad-podded. hairy. cut-leaned. opposite-leaved. Fennel-leaved. wing-leaved. Samphire-leaved Buck’s-horn-lec‘. Lady’s Smock. nine-leaved. five-leaved. seven-leaved. bulbiferous, many-leaved. glandular. two-leaved. kidney-leaved. Daisy-leaved, tbree-leaved. African. Celandine -leavd. Grecian. bitter. 'broad-leaved. Cuckoo-liower, ( lotible-Jloxvered. impatient. hairy. Rocket-leaved. Wall Cress. blue. nodding. Daisy-leaved. early-flowering. naked-stalked. Alpine. curled-leaved. vernal. Bristol. purple. short-podded, common. ciliated. B. hairy. pendulous, tower. Crucifers. J. C. B. S. 1774. 5.8. G.Jj. — 1786. 7.8. G.©. — 1774. G.I2. 1768. 5.9. H.©. 1774. 6.9. Crucifers. J. Cardamine et Uentaria. Austria. Switzerland. 1656. 1683. England. Hungary. N. America. Italy. Scotland. Switzerland. C.B. S. Italy. S. Eiurope. Britain, Spain. Britain. 1629. 1691. 1739. 1710. 1710. Crucifers. J. Germany. 1658. Switzerland. 1793. Caucasus. Siberia. Switzerland. Carniola. France. England. Germany, Britain. 1798. Ireland. Britain, Siberia. U .... 5.7. H,V- 1759. H.©. .... 4.5. H.^. Jac. 1c. 3. t. 526. Bot, mag. 496. Vent. malm. 1. 1 18» Herm.lugdb.t.367. Jac. aust. 4. t. 3 16. Garid. pror. t. 29. t. 28. Eng. bot. 309. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l69 Bot. mag. 1465. 1735. Eng. bot. 2355# Bot. mag. 452. Herm. parad. 202. Pl,i*ar.hung.2.t.l4Q Boc. sic. t. 44. f. 2* Eng. bot. 1000. Herm. parad. 203* Eng. bot. 776. 80. 492. All.ped.l. t.57. f.2* All.ped.l,t.40.f.2. Jac. aust. 3. t. 281. — 3. t, 280.,4.f.20 Bot. mag. 226. Barr. ic. 476. Eng. bot. 614. Scop. earn. t. 40, Eng. bot. 469. 901. 1746, Jac. vind. 3. t. 34, Eng. bot. 178, } 146 17 canadensis. W. 18 lucida. W. en. 19 incana. W. en. MACROPODIUM. H. K. nivalis. H. K. TURRITIS. H. K. 1 arvensis. H.K. S glabra. H. K. 3 stricta. W. 4 Loeselii. H. K. BARBAREA. H. K. 1 vulgaris. H. K. 2 praecox. H. K, NASTURTIUM. H.K. Nasturtium. TETRADYNAMIA SILIQUOSA. sickle-podded. shining-leaved, hispid-stalked. Macropodium. Siberian. {Tower ") Mustard. J Cabbage-flowd. long-podded. Upright. Loeselius's. Winter Cress. common, early. C ruci ferae. J. N. America. 1708. 5.7. — Hungary. 17.90. 6.7. II. 2JL . Switzerland. 1816. 5.6. H. ysimi sp. TV. Canaries. 1779. 8.9. G.©. • S. Europe. 1573. 4.7. H.fe. 1816. H.h- Bot. reg. 219. Britain. .... - H,h. Eng. bot. 1934, C. B. S. 1802. 7. G.T2. Madeira. 1777. 3 5. G. \\ . Bot. mag. 195. 1815. 9.12. G.Tj. Teneriffe. • 3,7. G.Pj. Vent. malm. 88* 1815. 3.8. G.h* TETRADYNAMIA SILIQUOSA. 8 limfolius. W. en. Flax-leaved. 9 semperflorens.W.en ever-blowing. 10 silcnifolius. W. en. Catch fly-leaved. 1 1 tenuifolius. H. K. fine-leaved. 12 armeniacus. B. M. Armenian. 13 ibericus. W. en. Barbarea-leaved. MATHIOLA. H. K. Stock. Cruciferae. J. Spain. — — — Barbary, Cruciferae. J. Madeira. Armenia. Iberia. 1815. 3.8. G. ^ , 1.12. G.J* G. 1777. 5.6. G. li 1803. 5. H.2£. 1816. 5.8. H.7JL, 1 incana. H. K. Gilly Flower. — - — England. .... 5.11. H-h- 0 coccinca. Brompton. 7 alba. white branching. 2 annua. W. ten -week. — S. Europe. 1731. H.©. 3 graeca. P. S. Wall-llower-led. - .... H.Q. 4 fenestralis. H. K. window. 1759. 7.8. G. PATERSONIA. B. P. Patersonia. Irideae. B. P. 1 sericea. B. P. silky. * N. S. W. 1803. 5.7. G ,2f. 2 glabrata. B. P. smooth. 1814. G.Tf. . FERRARI A. Ker. Ferrari a. Irideae. B. P. 1 undulata. W. curled. C. B.S. 1755.3.4. G.Tf. 2 antherosa. Ker. variegated. — * 1800. 3.7. G.Tf. TIGRIDIA.J. Tiger Floweii. Irideae. B. P. Ferraries sp. Tf-r. pavonia. P. S. Mexican. Mexico. 1796. 5.9. H.2f. GALAXIA. W. Galaxia. Irideae. B. P. lovata. W. oval-leaved. C. B. S. 1799- 5.9. G.Tf. 2 grandifiora. B. R. great-flowered. * G. If . 3 mucronularis. Sal, mucronated. - - ■ C. B. S. G. If. 4 versicolor. Sal. various-coloured. G.lf . 5 graminea. W. narrow-leaved. 1795. 7.8. G.2f. WALTHERIA. W. 1 americana. W. 2 indica. W. 3 elliptica. W. HERMANNI A. W. 1 althaeifolia. W. 2 plicata. jW. 3 candicans. W. 4 disticha. W. 5 salvifolia. W, 6 micans. W. Waltheria. American. Indian. woolly. Hermannia. Althaea-leaved. plaited-leaved. white. round-leaved. Sage-leaved. glittering. PENTANDRIA. Tiliaceae? J. S. America. 1691. 5.10. S. Britain. .... 5.6. H.2/. Eng. bot. 121. small-flowered. : 1816. H.2/. marsh. — Germany. 1732. 6.8. H.2/. Flor. dan. 596. Aconite-leaved. Switzerland. 1775. 5.6. H.2/. L’Her. g«r. t. 40. hill. — Siberia. 1815. 5.8. H.2/. Crowfoot-leaved. Britain. .... 5.7. H.2/, Eng. bot. 404. spotted. N. America. 1732. 5.8. H.2/. Cav.diss.4. t.86.f.2; silky-leaved. C. B. S. 1787- 5.6. G.2/.. L’Her. ger. t. 38. hoary multifid. — 1701. 5.7. G.2/. Cav.diss.4. t.82.f.2, silvery-leaved. S. Europe. 1699. 6.7. F.2/. Bot. mag. 504. grey. — Pyrenees. .... 6.8. H.2/. L’Her. ger. t. 37. mountain. Britain. .... 5.8. H.2/. Eng. bot. 405. naked-stalked,. Hungary. 1804. 6.9. H.2/. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l24 Bohemian. Bohemia. 1683. 6.8. H.©. Cav.diss.4. t.8 1 .f.2. straddling. Hungary. 1799. 7-8. H.Q. Pl.rar.hun.2.t.l23. shining. — Britain. .... 5.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 75. Dove’s-foot. .... 4.8. H.©. 778. spreading. N. America. 1725, 7.8. H.©. Cav.diss.4.t.84.f.l. upright. .... H.©. Jac.sclioen. 2.L140 long-stalked. Britain. .... 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 259. jagged-leaved. — .... 5.7. H.©. 753. round-leaved. — England 6.7. H.©. 157. small-flowered. .... 6.9. H.©. — — — 385. Herb-Robert. Britain. .... 4.10. H.Q. 1486. purple. — .... — H.©. Vill. delph.3. t. 40. Brownea. Leguminosae ? J. scarlet-flowered. - — W. Ind, 17.93. 7.8. S. Tj . Jac. amer. t. 121. DODECANDRIA. Monsonia. Geraniae. J. large-flowered. ■ — C. B. S. 1774. 4.5. G.2/. Bot. niag. 73. hairy. — 1778. 7.8. G.2/. Bot. rep. 276. broad-leaved. ■ 1774. 4.5. G.2/. Bot. mag. 385. oval-leaved — ■■ 8. G. . L’Her. ger. t. 40. thorny. • — — - — — — — — — — — — 1790. 5.6. G. . — t. 42. Screw-Tree. Malvaceae. J, small-fruited. W. Ind. 1739.9.10. S. » Jac. amer. t. 149. great- fruited. Jamaica. 6.7. S. Tj • Jac. vind. 2. t. 143. East-Indian. • — E. Ind. 1733. * S. 1^ •,l. DoMbeya. Malvaceae. J. ferrugineous. —Mauritius. 1815..... S. Ij . Cav.diss.3.t.42.f.2, Pentapetes. Malvaceae. J. scarlet-flowered. * — India. 1690. 7-8. S. Mill. ic. t. 201. oval-leaved. — ■ . ■ New Spain. 1805. 6.9. S. Fj • Cav. ic. t. 433. X 154 monadelphia polyandkia PTEROSPERjMUM.W.Pterospermum. Malvaceae. J. 1 suberifolium. W. various-leaved. 2 acerifolium. W. Maple-leaved. E. Ind. 1783. 9.10 S.T*. Bot. mag. 1 526. 1790. 7-9. S.Tj. — C20. CAROLINE A. W. 1 princeps.W. 2 minor. H. K. 3 insignis. W. ADANSONIA. W. digitata. W. BOMBAX. W. 1 pentandrum. W. 2 Ceiba. W. 3 heptaphylhim. W. LAGUNEA. W. lobata. W. NAP/EA. L. 1 laevis. P. S. 2 scabra. P. S. SIDA. W. 1 angustifolia. W. 2 spinosa. W. 3 carpinifolia. W. 4 suberosii. W. 5 rhombifolia. W. 6’ alnifolia. W. 7 ciliaris. W. 8 periplocifolia. W. 9 hernandioides. \V. 1 0 nudiflora. W. 1 1 periptera. B. M. 1 2 triquetra. W. 13 reflexa. W. 14 patens. H. K. 1 5 bumilis. W. 16 foetida. W. 17 crispa. W. IS arborea. W. 19 mauritiana. W. 20 occidentalis. W. 21 americana. W. 22 Abutilon. W. 23 asiatica. W. 24 populifolia. W. 25 indica. W. 26 molliss'-. ia. W. 27 Sonneratiana. W. 28 arguta. W. 29 oilosa. W. 30 alba. W. 31 cord i foli a. W. 32 urens. W. 33 umbellata. W. 34 paniculata. W. 35 vesicaria. W. 36 hastata. W. 37 cristata. W. 38 Dilleniana. W. 39 triloba. W. 40 sericea. P. S. 41 jatvophoides. W. CRISTARIA. Cav. coccinea. Ph. PALAVIA. W. malvifolia. W. MALACHRA. W. 1 capitate. W. Carolinea. digitated. lesser. great-flowered. Adansonia. Sour-Gourd. ( Silk-Cotton- } Tree. j five-stamened. five-leaved, seven-leaved. Lagunea. Maple-leaved. Nap.® a. smooth, lough. Si da. narrow-leaved. prickly. Hornbeam-leavcl. corky. rhomboid-leaved- Alder-leaved. ciliated. Periploca-leav’d. Hernandia-leavd. naked-flowered. Shuttlecock. triangular. reflex’d-flower’d. spreading. dwarf. stinking. curled. great-flowered. Mauritius. downy. woolly. broad-leaved. small-flowered. Poplar-leaved. rough-capsuled. soft-leaved. Sonnerat’sj smooth sharp-lrt. pilose. white-flowered. heart-leaved. stinging. umbel) ed. panicled. bladdered. halberd-leaved. crested. Dillenius’s. three-lobed. silky. Physic-Nut-like. Cristaria. scarlet. Palavia. Mallow-leaved. Malachra. headed. POLYANDRIA. Malvaceae. J. Malvaceae. J. Malvaceae. J. W. Ind. Guiana. W. Ind. Senegal. E. Ind. India. America. Malvaceae. J. Solandra. Cav. Bourbon. Malvaceae. J. Side sp. TTr. Virginia. 1787. 1798. 1796. 1724. 1739. 1692. 1699- 7.8. S-V s-h- -S-h* Aub.gui.2.t. 291 .2. Bot. mag. 1412. Cav. diss. 5. t. 154. S. I2 . Cav. diss. 5. t. 157. s-h. S* h • s-h- Jac.amer.pict.t.176 Cav.diss.5.t.l52.f.2 Pluk.alm.t.l88.f.4. 1787. 7.8. S.©. Cav.diss.5.t.l36.f.l Malvaceae. J. 1748. 1759. 8.9. U.%. Brazil. E. Ind. — Canaries. — Hispaniola. India. E. Ind. Cav.diss.5.t.l 32.1 l 5.t.l32.f.2. L’Her. stirp. t. 52. Cav. diss. l.t.l.f. 9. Jac. ic. 1 . t. 135. L’Her. stirp. t. 54 Cav.diss.l .t.3.f.l2 Dill. elt.t. 172. f.2 1 1 Jamaica. 1759. 6.9. s. J ^ flowered. J 1 pceonijlora. P oeony-flowered k variegata. double-striped. X pomponia. Kew blush. ,, f Hume's- 1 fhflavesccna. | Uush or tuff. J v albo-plena. double white. % lougifolia. long-leaved. . rubncanhs. j Campbell’ s.) BARRINGTONIA.W. Barringtonia. 1811. 11.2. 1739. 12.5. G.Ti. G. h ' G-h. G* h G .h' G. h Cav.diss.3.t.68.f.2. Rheed.mal.6. t. 46. Jac. ic. 1 . t. 142. 1. 1. 143. Cav.diss.3.t.64. f.2. Bot. mag. 209. Bot. mag. 436. Jac. vind. 2. t. 103. Cav.diss.3. t.47.f.l- 3.t.48. f.3. Jac. ic. 3. t. 522. Cav.diss.3. t.48.f.2. Cav.diss.3.t.48.f.l., ; Bot. mag. 668. Vent. malm. t. 1. Bot. rep. 397. Exot. bot. 2. 1. 110, Bot. mag. 998. Hill exot. t. 22. Bot. reg. 1 2. Bot. mag. 42. Bot. rep. 559. ■ 199. G.Tz G. G.Jj G.k G.T2 G.h G. \ G.Tz G. . Bot. rep. 25 — G .\. — G.\. Bot. mag. 1670. Bot. mag. 1654, f * Bot. rep. 91. Bot. reg. 22. r 112, Myrti. J. Butonica. Lam. speciosa. W. Laurel -leaved. E. Ind. 1786 S.Ij. 14 GUSTAVIA. W. Gustavia. Myrti. J. Pirigari. J. augusta. W. august. — — — Guiana. 1794....., Aub.gui. 1. t. 192. CAREYA. Roxb. Careya. Ucrbacea. Rox, herbaceous. E. Ind. 1808. 7.8. S.U , Rox. cor, 3, t. 217, N*> 158 DIADELPHIA PENTANDRIA, CLASS XVII. DIADELPHIA PENTANDRIA. MONNIERIA. W. Monnieria tri folia. W. three-leaved. — PETALOSTEMUM 1 T t r* / j* Petalostemum. Leguminosae. J. TJalece sp. Jf . 1 candidum. Ph. white. 2 carneum. Ph. flesh-coloured. 3 violaceum. Ph. purple. — 4 torymbosuin. Ph. corymbose. — I)alea Kuhnistera . JV. Guiana. 1792. 7.8. S.©. Aub. gui. 2. t. 29?- N. America. 1811. 7.8. H .2f.. H. If. . 7-9. H.^. H.4. Bot. mag. 1707* CORYDALIS. Vent. Corydalis. 1 Cucullaria. P. S. naked-stalked. 2 formosa. Ph. blush. 3 eximia. B. lleg. choice. 4 fungosa. Ph. spongy-flowered. 5 nobilis. P. S. great-flowered. 6 bulbosa. P. S. hollow-rooted. 7 fabacea. W. en. Bean-leaved,. 8 Halleri. YV. en. solid-rooted. Fumaria solida. B . mag. 23 1 . 9 sempervirens. P. S. glaucous. 10 aurea. W, en. golden. I i lutea. P. S. yellow. 12 capnoides. P. S. white-flowered. 13 claviculata. W. climbing. CYSTIC APNOS.W.en Cysticafnos. africana. W. en. African. Fumaria vesicaria. H. K. FUMARIA. P. S. Fumitory. 1 enneaphylla, P. S. . nine-leaved. 2 officinalis. P. S. common. 3 capreolata. P. S. ramping. 4 parviflora. P. S. small-flowered. 5 spicata. P. S. narrow-leaved. HEXANDRIA. Papaveraceae. J. Fumaria? ftp. L. — N. America. 1731. 6.7. H .2/., 1796. H .Tf.. 1812. H.ll. 1778. 6.9. H. $ . 1783. 5. H.^, 1596. 2.4. H.2JL, 1815. H.2JL 2.5. H.7/-. Papaveraceae. J. Papaveraceae. J. — Siberia. — Europe. — Germany. — Britain. N. America. England. S. Europe. Britain. C.B. S. Spain. Britain. England. 1683. 7.8. H.Q. 1812. 5.7. H.(?. .... 4.10. H. 2f., 1596. 5.10. H.(j . .... 6.7. H.©. 1696. 6.7. H.©. 1714. 5.7. H.2/.. 5.8. H.©. .... 5.9. H.©. .... 8.9. H.©. Bot. mag. 1127. — 1335. Bot. leg. 51. Vent, choix. t. 19. Bot. rep. 614. Bot. mag. 232. Eng. bot. 1471- Bot. mag. 179. Bot. leg. 66. Eng. bot. 588. Eng. bot. 103. Boerh.lugd.l.t.SOQf Boc.mus.2.t 73.f. i> Eng. bot. 5S9- 943. — 590. S. Europe. 1714. 7*8. H.©. POLYGALA. W. 1 incarnata. W. 2 amara. YV. 3 vulgaris. W. 4 major. W. 5 paucifolia. W. 6 bvacteolata. W. 7 speciosa. B. M. 8 teretifolia. W. 9 purpurea. H. K. JO virgata. Th. 1 1 myrt-i folia. W. 12 oppositifolia. YV. 13 cordifolia. YV. J4 tomentosa. W. 1 5 spinosa. W. 16 Cbamaffiuxus. W. 17 alopecuroides. YV. 18 Heistevia. W. 19 mixta. W. 20 filiformis. W. 21 micrantha. YV. 22 stipulacea. YV. 23 Senega. YV. 24 lutea. YVj. 25 viridestens. YV. Milkwort. flesh-coloured. bitter. common. large Austrian. naked-stalked. spear-leaved. showy. columnar-leaved purple. twiggy. Myrtle-leaved. opposite-leaved. heart-leaved. woolly-leaved. spiny. Box-leaved. Fox Tail. Furze-leared. Heath -leaved. filiform. small-flowered. stipuled. Rattlesnake Root, golden. greenish-flowerd. OCTANDRIA. Pedicu lares. J. N. America. Europe. Britain. Austria. N. America. C.B.S. N. America. C. B. S. Austria. C. B. S. N. America. 1812. 1773. 1815, 6.7. H.©. 6. H.2L. 5.6. II. Tf.. 7.8. H.Tjt. 5.8. H.1JL. 5.10. G. \i . G.h. 5.8. G. . 5.6. H-h- 5.8. G. « g.t2. G.k- 3.8. G.T2. G. h • 1.5. G. \ . 5.6. H.I7. 5.8. G.Fj. 1.12. G. I7 . G. \i . 5.12. G.I7. 1.12. G.b • 4.9. g.t2. 7. h.tjl. 6.7. H.©. 7.80 Ji.©. Jac. aust. 5. t. 4 1 2. . Eng. bot. 76. Jac. aust. 5. t. 413, Bot. mag. 345. Bot. reg. 150 J7<90 Bot. rep. 370. Com. hort. 1. 1. 46. Bot. mag. 492. Bot. mag. 316. 1006. 340. 1714, Bot. rep. 324. Bot. mag. 1715. 1051. Plttk.amaW.438. 1 ft 0 DIADELPHIA DECANDR1A, 26 sanguinea. W. 27 verticillata. W. 28 cruciata. W* SECURIDACA. W. volubilis. W. NISSOLIA. W. fruticosa. W. DALBERGIA. W. 1 latifolia. W. 2 rubiginosa. W. 8 paniculata. W. PONG AMI A. Vent. glabra. P. S. PTEROCARPUS. W. 1 Marsupium. W. 2 lunatus. W. S santalinus. W. 4 Ecastaphyllum. W, AMERIMNUM. W. 1 Brownei. W. 2 latifolium. W, 3 E ben us. W. DIPTERIX. W. odorata. W. ABRUS. W. precatoTius. W. ERYTIIRINA. W. 1 herbacea. W. 2 carnea. W. 3 Coraliodendrupi. W 4 indica. W. 5 fusca. W. 6 caffra. W, 7 p'cta. W. 8 speciosa. H. K. 9 Crista-galli. WP BUTEA. W. 1 frondosa. W. 2 superba. W. PISCIDIA. W. Erythrina. W. BORBONIA. W, 1 ericifolia. W. 2 trinervia. W. 3 lanceolata. W. 4 perfoliata. W. 5 undulata. W. 6 cordata. W. 7 crenata. W. SPARTIUM. W. 1 junceum. W. 3 fiore pleno. 2 monospermum. W. 3 sphaerocarpon. W. 4 procerum. W. en. 5 congestum. W. en. 6 virgatum. W. 7 purgans. W. 8 umbellatum. W. 9 Scorpius. W. 10 sericeum. Vent. 1 1 multiflorum. W. 1 2 angulatum. W. 13 patens. W. 159 purple-spiked. whorl-leaved. four-leaved. Securidaca. climbing. Pediculares. J. N. America. Nissolia. shrubby. Dalbergia. broad-leaved. climbing. panicled. Pongamia. smooth-leaved. Pterocarpus. emarginate-leart. crescent- podded. Red Sandal Wood oval-leaved. Amerimnum. Browne’s. broad-leaved. Jamaica Ebony. Leguminosse? J. DECANDRIA. Leguminosse. J. 1739- 7.9. H.Q. 7.8. H.Q- 6.7. H.Q. t.438.f.4 W. Ind. 1739 S.I^. Jac.amer.t.l83.f.3S Leguminosse. J. Leguminosse. J. S. America. 1766. 7.11. S. Pj . Jac. vind. 2. t. 167. E. Ind. 1811. sweet-scented. ( Wild \ \ Liquorice./ Jamaica. Coral Tree. herbaceous. flesh-coloured. smooth-leaved. Indian. brovvn-flowered. Cape. prickly-leaved, large-dowered. Cock’s Comb. Butea. downy- branched smooth-branch'1. PlSCIDI A. /Jamaica 1 \ Dogwood. / Borbonia. Heath-leaved, three-nerved, many-nerved. perfoliate, wave-leaved, heart-leaved, notch-leaved. Broom. Spanish. dnuble-Jlowcred. / white single- ) \ seeded. J / yellow 1 \ single-seeded / tall. close-branched. long-twigged. purging. umbelled. Scorpion. silky. white Portugal, small-dowered, woolly-podded. Leguminosse. J. Leguminosse. J. Leguminosse. J. S-h s. k Rox. cor. 2. t. 113. 2. t. 115. Leguminosse. J. Leguminosse. J. Leguminosse. J. 0. rL . -z. 1. n't. Dalbergue sp. TV. — E. Ind. 1699. — S -h- Vent. malm. t. 28. — E. Ind. 1811. S -h- Rox. cor. 2. t. 116. — S. America. 1792. S-k- Lam. ill. t.6‘02.f. 5. — F^. Ind. 1800. S-h- W. Ind. 1733. . ... S-h- Brown.jam.f.32.f.l, W. Ind. 1793. • • • • S-h- Jac.amer.t.l80.f.58 — S. America. 1814. .... S -h- t.l77.f.50 - W. Ind. 1713. 7.8. S-h- Brown.jam.t.3 1 .f.2 Bdryosma. Gcert. — Guiana. 1793. . . . . s.h- Aub.gui. 2. t. 296. - W. Ind. 1680. 3.5. S-h- Rlieed.mal.3.t,39. — Carolina. 1724. 6.9. G- h • Bot. mag. 877. — Vera Cruz. 1733. 5. S-h- Ti e w. eh ret. t. 8. , W. Ind. 1690. 5.6. s-h- Comm.hort. 1 .t. 1 OS E. Ind. 1814. S-h- Rbeed.mal. 6.t. 7. , j 800 S b Rumpb.amb.2.t.78. C.B.S. 1816. G- h • E. Ind. 1696. S-h- Rumpb.amb.2. t.77 - W. Ind. 1805. 8.10. s-h- Bot. rep. 443. — Brazil. 1771. 3.7. S-h- Exot. bot. 2. t. 95. E. Ind. 1796. • • • • S-h- Roxb. cor. 1 . t. 21. ■ 1798. S. h • 1. t. 22. W. Ind. Leguminosse. J. 1 690 S. Ji . Lam. ill. t. 60S. PI uk. aim. t. 297-f.4, Jac.schoen.2.t.217. Jac.schoen.2.t.218. Bot. mag. 274. S. Europe. 1548. 7-9- H.l?. Bot. mag. 85. Portugal. Teneriffe. Madeira. S. France. Barbary. S. Europe. Mogadore. Portugal. Levant. Portugal. 1690. 6.7. G.Ti "G -h 683. 1731. 1816. 1777. 1768. 1799. 1570. 1812. 1752. 1739. 1752. 4.7. 3.6. 6.7. 4.6. 3.4. 5.8. 5. ■G-k. G-h G-h' H -h< G-h H.k G-h • H -h- 5.6. H.J* 6.7. H.h Renealm.spec. t.33. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 147. Bulliard herbj.l 15 Desf. atl. 2. t. 180. Vent, choix. t. 17. Duham. arb. t. 2$. Vent. cels. 87. Cav.ic. 2. t. 176° 160 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA, 14 nubigenum.W. 1 5 linifolium. W. 16 scoparium. W. 17 radiatum. W. 18 ferox. W. 19 spinosnm. W. GENISTA. W. 1 eanariensis. W. 2 candicans. W. 3 viscosa. W. 4 triquetra. W. 5 sagittalis. W. 6 triangularis. W. 7 ti'nctoria. W. 8 sibirica. W. 9 ovata. W. 10 fiorida. W. 1 1 procumbens. W. 1 2 decumbens. W. 13 pilosa. W. 14 diffusa. W. cl aster- flowered. Leguminosae. J. Flax-leaved. common. starry, fierce. prickly. Genista. Leguminosae, J. Canary. hoary. clammy. triangular. jointed. • three-sided. Green Weed. — Siberian. oval-leaved. Spanish. procumbent. trailing. hairy green- weed. diffuse. 15 sericea. W. 16 anglica. W. 1 7 germanica. W. 1 8 hispanica. W. 19 iusitanica. W. LEBECKIA. W. 1 contaminata. W. 2 sericea. W. 3 cytisoides. W. RAFNIA. Th. triflora. W. ASPALATHUS. W. 1 Chenopoda. W. 2 albens. W. 3 pcdunculata. H. K. 4 ericifolia. W. 5 asparagoides. W. 6 carnosa. W. 7 crassifoiia. B. R. 8 ciliaris. W. 9 uniflora. W. 10 subulata. W. 1 1 globosa. B. R. 12 araneosa.W. 13 indica. W. 14 argentea, W. 15 candicans. H. K. 16 callosa, W. 17 mucronata. W. SARCOPHYLLUM \ silky. Petty Whin. German, dwarf prickly. Portugal. Lebeckia. narrow- leaved, silky. Cytisus-leaved. Rafnia. three-flowered. Aspalatiius. Goose-foot, silky. small-leaved. Heath-leaved. Asparagus-leavd. fleshy-leaved. bristle-pointed. ciliated* single-flowered. awl-leaved. globular. cobweb. • — — Indian. * silver-leaved. white. oval-spiked. thorny-branch’d. Sarcophyllum. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. jointed -leaved. HStauracan- \ THUS. J carnosum. Th. STAURACAN- THUS. W. en aphyllus. W. en ULEX. W. 1 europaeus. W. 2 nanus. W. AMORPHA. W. 1 fruticosa. W. |3 emarginata. 2 microphylla. Ph 3 pubescens. Ph. 4 canescens. Ph. PLATY LORIUM . Sm. Flat-Pea. 1 formosum. H. K. large-flowered. 2 parviflorum. IT. K. small-flowered. 3 triangulare. IT. K. triangular-leav’d. Leguminosae. J . leafless. Furze. common. dwarf. Bastaru-Indi go. Leguminosae. J. shrubby. emarginate-leav. dwarf. pubescent. canescent. — Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Teneriffe. 1779. 5.8. G-h- Spain. 1739. 1.6. G.V Bot. mag. 442. Britain. 4.6. H -h- Eng. bot. 1339- t Italy. 1758. 6.7. H.I2. Mill. ic.2.t.259.f.l« Barbary. 1800. G.k, Desf. atl. 2. t. 182. S. Europe. 1596. G-h- Lob. ic. 2. p. 95. Canaries. 1656. 5.9. G-h- Bot. leg. 2 17. Spain. 1735. 4.7. IT. \ . Canaries. 1815. - G.h* Corsica. 1770. 5.6. H. h . Bot. mag. 314. Germany. 1570. ■H.h. Jac. aust. 3. t. 209. Hungary. 1815. h.t2. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l53 Britain. 6.8. !!• h. • Eng. bot. 44. Siberia, 1785. h.t2. Jac. vind. 2. t. 190. Hungary. 00 O' GO h.i2. PI. rar. hung. t. S3-. Spain. 1752. •H Hungary. 1816. H.Pj . France. 1775. 5.6. H-h- England. .... H. h • Eng. bot. 208. Italy. 1816. H .h- Jac. ic. 3. t. 555. Austria. 1812* IT. \ . 3. t. 556. Britain. .... H. h • Eng. bot. 132. Germany. 1773. 6.8. H. h • Spain. 1759. 6.7* H.fz. Cav. ic. 3. t. 21 1. Portugal. 1771. 3.5. H-h- Bot. rep. 419- C. B. S. 1787. 4.5. G-h • 1774. 4. G-h* G. h . Comm.hort.2.t,10t C.B. S. 1786. 6.7. G.$. Bot. mag. 482. C.B. S. 1759. 1 7 7 A 7.8. G-h* G. k . G.h. G.h- Q ' Breyn. cent. t. 1 1. 1 / Z’4:. 1 *7 7 \ Bot. mag. 344.;6, l / / o, 17QQ 1 / Oj7 • 1812. 5.6. G. h - T^nt mntr 1 OQQ I / . 1800. 1799- 1 Q I C) 7.8. G-h- , a t. uwt* uia*^ • l £ O is • Bot. rep^ 351. AT. i2 . CL T. I O 1 4 . 1 *7 Q o At. 12 . G.h* 6.7* G-h- 1802. 1795. 1759. Bot. rep. c. ic. Bot. mag. 829- Rheed.mal. 9.t. 37. E. Ind. C. B. S. “ Ar. • 7.8. S. h • r: r. 1774. 1812. 1796, ' r. y\ . 6.7. G.h. 7.8. G.h- 6.7 * G-h •,t,345.f.4. C.B.S. 1812. 5.8. G.h* > A f) Portugal. 1815. 6.7. F.'h • Britain. .... 4.5. H. T-? . Eng. hot. 742. 8.12. H. T2 . 743. Carolina. 1724. 6.7. IT. h* Schmidt.arb.l.t.30. Missouri. 1811. 7.8. F.h*» Carolina. 1803. 6.7. F. h- Missouri. 1812. 7.8. F. \ . N.S.W. 1790. 6.8. G.Ij. Bot. mag. 469. 1792. 5.9. G. \i . 1520. VanDiem.Isl. 1805. 6.9. G. h- ■ ■ ■ — 1508. DIADELPHXA DECANDRIA. 161 BOSSI/EA. Sm. Bossi^ea. 1 Scolopendrium.H.K.Plank-plant. 2 rufa. H. K. 3 heterophylla. V. 4 linophylla. H. K. 5 prostrata. H. K. 6* cinerea. H. K. 7 microphylla. H, K. SCOTT! A. H. K. dentata. H. K. red-flowered. various-leaved. narrow-leaved. procumbent. downy-sharp4d. small-leaved, ScOTTIA. tooth-leaved. Leguminosae. J. Platylobii sp. B. R. N.S.W. 17.92. N. Holland. 1803. — N. S.W. 1792. N. Holland. 1803. N. S. W. VanDiem.IsL 1 805. N. S. W. 1 803. Leguminosae. J. 5.7* G. I i> 6 9. G. Tj 5.12. G.fy . 7.9. G.Jj. G.f*. 5.7. G. Ti . 5.S. G. {2 . N. Holland. 1803. TEMPLETONIA.H.K. Templetonia. retusa. IT. K. GOODIA. P. L. 1 lotifolia. H. K, 2 pubescens. H. K. LODDIGESIA. B. M. oxalidifolia. B. M. WIBORGIA. W. sericea. W. CROTALARIA. W. 1 sagittalis. W. 2 prostrata. W. en. 3 rubiginosa. W. 4 anthylloides. H. K. 5 tetragona. IT. K. 6 benghalensis. P. S. 7 juncea. W. 8 fenestrata. B. M. 9 sericea. W, 1 0 retu9a. W. 1 1 verrucosa. W. 12 pulchra. IT. K. wedge-leaved. Goodia. smooth. downy. Loddigesia. Oxalis-leaved. Wiborgia. silky. Crotalaria. Virginian, prostrate, ferrugineous. ge-flower- 1 :upped, / square-stalked. Bengal. striated-stalked. window-calyxed. silky. wedge-leaved, blue-flowered, short-podded f lar< ( cn 13 semperflorens. P. S, ever„blowing. 14 hirta. W. en. 1 5 biflora. W. 16 pan icu lata. W. I 7 lotifolia. W. 1 8 laburnifolia. W. 1 9 cordifolia. W. 20 purpurea. IT. K. 21 pulchella. IT. K. 22 Saltiana. B. R. 23 axillaris. W. 24 orixensis. W. en, 25 incanescens. W, 26 incana. W. 27 pallida. W. 28 angustifolia. W. 29 quinquefolia. W. HOVEA. H. K. 1 linearis. H. K. 2 longifolia. H. K. 3 lanceolata. B. M. 4 ovata. L. T. ONONIS, W. 1 antiquorum. W, 2 spinosa. W. 3 hircina. W. 4 repens. W. 5 Columnae. W. 6‘ mitissima. W. 7 alopecuroides. W. 8 variegata. W. 9 pubescens. W. 10 cernua. W. I I geminata. W. 12 reclinata. W. 13 cenisia. W. 14 vaginalis. P. S. hairy. two-flowered. panicled. Lotus-leaved. Laburnum-leavd, heart-leaved, dark-purple, large-flowered. Salt’s. axil-flowered. strigosc. spreading. hoary. pale-flowered. narrow-leaved. five-leaved. Hovea. linear-leaved. long-leaved. spear-leaved. oval- leaved. Rest-Harrow. tall. Cammock. stinking. creeping. small-flowered. cluster-flowered. Fox-tail. variegated. downy. hanging-podded. two-flowered. spreading. narrow-leaved, sheathed. Bot. rep. 191, Bot. mag. 1 144. 1 U ■ i r Bot. mag. 1493. Bot. mag. 863. Vent, malm. 53.- { > site, '1 *k Bot. mag. 958. 1310. . Bot, mag. 965. Pluk.alm.t.l 69. f.6. Bot. rep. 593. Pluk.alm.t.l 69. f.5, Bot. rep. 422. Bot. mag. 1933. Bot. reg. 253. Bot. rep. 308. ■ 601. Vent. cels. t. 17. Burm.ind.t.48.f.2. Dill.elt.t.l02.f.l21 Rheed. mal. 9.t.27. Bot. reg. 128. Bot. mag. 1699. Bot. rep. 648. Jac. vind. 3. t. 64, Jac.schoen.2.t.21.9. Rheed. mal.9.t. 28. Leguminosae, J. N. Holland. — _ 3.7. G -.Tt. Bot. mag. 1 624. 1817. •G.J*. S. Europe. 1790. 6.7. H.7£. Britain. 6.8. H.2JL. Eng. bot. 682. Italy. 1596. 5.8. H-V- Jac. vind. 1. t. 93. Britain. 6.8. H.^. Dill, elt.t. 25. f. 28. S. Europe. 1732. 6.7. H-V. Jac. aust. 3. t. 240. Portugal. 173a. •H.©. Dill. bit. t. 24. f.27. 1696. 7.8. H.0. Lap. pyr. 1 . t. 9. Spain. 1784. — H.©. Desf. atl. 2. t. 185. S. Europe. 1680. 6.8. H.©. C.B.S. 1774. 7.9. G. h • Comm.hort.2.t,82. 1787. — ■ G. 2/- . S. Europe. 1800. 6.8. H.0- Italy. 1759. H .71. All. ped. I.t.l0.f.2, Egypt. 1815. Gh- Vent. eels. t. 32, *b4t 162 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. i - ^ 15 Cherleri. W* dwarf. 16 viscosa. W. clammy. 17 ornithopodioides.W. Bird’s-foot. 1 8 pinguis. W. greasy. 19 Natrix. W. yellow-shrubby. 20 hispanica. \V. .Spanish. 21 tridentata. W. three-toothed. 42 crispa. W. curl-leaved. 23 fruticosa. W. shrubby. 24 votundifolia. W . round-leaved. ANTHYLLIS. W. Kidney-Vetch. 1 tetraphylla. W. four-leaved. 2 Vulneraria. W. common. $ rubra. red-flowered. 3 montana. W. mountain. 4 sericea. W. wing-leaved. 5 cornieina. W. horny. 6 lotoides. W. Lotus-like. 7 Gerardi. W. Gerard’s. 8 Barba-jovis. W. J upiter’s-beard. 9 cretica. W. Cretan. 1 0 heterophylla. W. various-leaved. 1 1 evtisoides. W. downy-leaved. 12 Hermanniae. W. Lavender-leav’d. 13 tragacantboides.P.S. , Goat’s-thorn-like. 14 Erinacea. W. prickly. ARACHIS. W. Earth-Nut. hypogfea. W. American. LUPINUS. W. Lupine. 1 perennis.Ph. smooth perennial. 2 nootkatensis. Ph. hairy perennial. 3 albus. W. white. 4 Termis. W. Egyptian. 5 varius. W. small blue. 6 hirsutus. W. great blue. 7 pilosus. W. rose. 3 angustifolius. W. narrow-leaved. 9 linifolius. W. Flax-leaved. 10 luteus, W. yellow. 1 1 villosus. W. villous. 12 arboreus. II. K. tree. CARPOPOGON. Rox. Carpopogon. 1 giganteum. Rox. gigantic. 2 inibricatum. Rox. imbricated. PHASEOLUS. W. Kidney-Bean. 1 vulgaris. W. common. 2 muitiflorus. W. scarlet. 3 lunatus. W. cimeter-podded. 4 inamoenus. W. various-coloured. b farinosus. W. mealy. 6 vexillatus. W. sweet-scented. 7 lielvolus. W. pale-red. 8 semierectus. W. dark-red. 9 alatus. W. winged. 10 Caracalla. W. Snail-flower. 11 aconitifolius. W. Aconite-leaved. 12 trilobus. W. three-lobed. 13 stipularis. W. large stipuled. 14 nanus. P. S. common dwarf. 15 radiatus. W. rayed. 16 Max. W. hairy-podded. 17 Mungo. W. small-fruited. 18 diversifolius. P. S. various-leaved. trilobus. Ph. Glycine angulosa. JV. < 19 lathyroides. W. Lathyrus-like. DOLICHOS. W. Dolichos. 1 Lablab. W. black-seeded. 2 sinensis. W. Chinese. 3 luteolus. Ph. yellow. Leguminosae. J. S. Europe. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Sicily. S. Europe. Spain. Leguminosa;. J. Leguminosae. J. S. France. Switzerland. S. Europe. Britain. S. Europe. Barb ary. Spain. Provence. S. Europe. Candia. S, Europe. Spain. Levant. Barbary. Spain. 1771. 1759. 1713. 1739. 1 683. 1799. 1752. 1739- 1680. 1570. 1640. 1759. 1786. 1759. 1739. 1806. 1640. 1737. 1768. 1731. 1739. 1759. 6.7. H.Tf.. 7.8. H.Q. Barr. ic. 1289. H.Q* Cav. ic. 2. t. 194. 7. G.k 5.9. r- n- G. Bot. mag. 329. G. \ . Barr. ic. 775. 6.8. G.T*. Cav.ic. 2. t. 152. — — G. J* . Magn. mens. 1. 17. 5.6. H.Tj. Bot. mag. 317. 5.7. H.T* . 335. 7.8. H.Q. Bot. mag. 108. 5.8. H.2/.. Eng. bot. 104. 6.7. H.ll. 7.8. G. . H.Q. H.Q. H.Q. G.h* G.h. G.V G.Tj. F.h. G -h- F-h- 6.7. 6.8. 3.5. 4.6. 4.7. 6.7. 4.5. Jac. aust. 4. t. 334. Desf. act.par.l. t. 3. Cav.ic. 1. 1. 39. f. 2. l.t. 40. Ger. prov. t. IS. Bot. mag. 1927. 1092. Barr. ic. 1182. Alp. exot. t. 26. Desf. atl. 2. t. 194. Bot. mag. 676. S. America. 1712. 5.6. S.©. 3. t. 3. N. America. NootkaSound Levant. Egypt. S. Europe. Spain. Sicily. Carolina. E.Ind. 1658. 1794. 1596. 1802. 1596. 1629. 1710. 1686. 1799. 1596. 1787. 1793. 1815. 5.7. 6.8. 7.8. 6- 7. 7- 8. H.n. H.Q. H.©. H.©. H.©. H.©. H.©. ■H.0. H.©. • F.ty . • F. Vi . S .h- S-h- India. 1597. S. America? 1633. E. Ind. 1779. Africa. 1794. Leguminosae. J. E. Ind. W. Ind. Carolina. W. Ind. Carolina. India. E. Ind. • Peru. • India. China. India. N. America. Jamaica. Egypt. India. America. 1759- 1732. 6.9. 7-9. 6.7. 7.8. 7. H.Q H© s-O H.Q ' S.2A S.0 H.Q S.0 • S.© ■{ Bot. mag. 202. 1311. Knorr. del.2.t. L.7. Roth.abhand. 1 4.t*5 Bot. mag. 140. Bot. mag. 682. Lob. ic. 2. p. 59. Schk.han.2f.t.l99.?*. Ho.n.h.l0.t.63.f.l. Jac. vind. 1. 1. 66. Niss. act.par.l 730. t. 42. Jac. vind. 2. t. 1 02. Dill.elt.t.233.f.300 t.233.f.301. -t.235.f.303» 1690. 8.9. S. If. . Bot. rep. 341. ; 1731. 6.8. s.0. Jac. obs. 3. t. 52. 1777. 7.8. s-O- Burm.ind. t.50.f.l. 1805. H.©. .... 6.9. H.©. 1732. 6.7. H.©. Dill.elt.t.235.f.3Q5 1758. — H.Q. 1790. ■H.©. 1806. H.©. 1786. 7.8. s.©. Slo.jam.l.t.U6.f.l. 1694. 6.7. S.0. Bot. mag. 896*. 1776. 7.8. H.©. Jac. vind. 3. t. 71;* 1805. — H.Q. Jac. hert. t. 9®. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 163 4 nnguiculatus. W. 5 tranquebaricus. W. 6 gladiatus. W. 7 tetragonolobus. W. 8 sesquipedalis. W. 9 hirsutus. W. 10 pilosus. W. 1 1 minimus. W. 1 2 tetraspermus. W. 13 scarabaeoides. W. 14 reticulatus. W. 1 5 bulbosus. W. 16* purpureus. W. 17 lignosus. W. 18 luteus. W. 1 9 ensiformis. W. 20 Soja. W. 21 Catiang. W. 22 biflorus. W. 23 roseus. W. STIZOLOBIUM.P.S. 1 altissimum. P. S. 2 urens. P. S. 3 pruriens. P. S. GLYCINE. P. S, ] sannentosa. W. 2 monoica. W. 3 angustifolia. W, 4 debilis. W. 5 comosa. W. 6 tomentosa. Ph. 7 reniformis. Pb. 8 suaveolens. W. 9 reticulata. W. 10 caribaea. W. 1 1 bituminosa. W. 12 parvifjora. P. S. 13 sagittata. W. en. 1 4 rhombifolia. W, APIOS. Ph. 1 tuberosa. Ph. 2 frutesceus. Ph. KENNEDIA. Vent. 1 rubicunda. V. 2 coccinea. V. 3 prostrata. H. K. 4 Comptoniana. B.R. 5 monophylla. V. CYLISTA. W. 1 villosa. H. K. 2 albi flora. B. M. 3 scariosa. W. CLITORIA. W. 1 Ternatea. W. 2 heterophylla. V. 3 brasiliana. W. 4 virginica. W. 5 mariana. W. 6* arborescens. H. K. 7 Plumieri. B. reg. GALACTIA. Mi. pendula. B. reg. PISUM. W. 1 sativum. W. 2 arvense. W. 3 matitimum. W. OCHRUS. P. S. pallida. P. S. Pisum Oc/irus. TV. Bird’s-foot. Tranquebar. sabre-podded, square-podded, long-podded, hirsute, hairy-podded, small. four-seeded, silver-leaved, net-leaved, bulbous, purple, woody. yellow-flowered, cimeter-podded. Soy. small-fruited, two-flowered. Rose-coloured. Cow-Itch. tall. broad-podded, common. Glycine. sarmentose. pale-flowered. narrow-leaved, hairy, tufted, downy. kidney-leaved, sweet-scented, net-leaved, trailing, clammy, small-flowered, arrow-leaved, rhomb-leaved. Apios. tuberous-rooted, shrubby. Kennedia. dingy-flowered, many-flowered, single-flowered. Comptonian. simple-leaved. Cylista. Cape. white-flowered. Coromandel. Clitoria. wing-leaved, various-leaved. Brazilian, small-flowered. Maryland, tree. Plunder's. Galactia. pendulous. Pea. common, field, sea. OCHRUS. yellow-flowered. Lathyrus Ochrus, Dec. Leguminosae. J. W. Ind. E.Ind. 1780. 1801. 1790. 6.7. 6.7. 8. s.0. S.©. s.0. Jac. vind. 1. 1. 23. Jac. vind. 3. t. 70. Jac. ic. 3. t. 560. Leguminosae. J. - W. Ind. - China. - E. Ind. ■ Jamaica. - E. Ind. 1 O 1U* 1 1 • u. • 1781. 8. S.©. Jac. vind. 1. 1. 67. 1802. 6. G. h* Kaempf. ic. t. 41. 1790. 8. S.©. 1776. 7.8. S.©. Jac. obs. l.t. 22. 1816. 5.8. S.(?. 1773. 6.7. S.©. Pluk.alm.t.53.f.3. 1781. — G. h . ~ — Tinning n vn ^ f 1 Q£) ■ N. S. W. • W. Ind. E.Ind. /• o* xf • IvUHJlUJ.alll.O.L. lO. Cm 1790. 8.9. Exot. bot. 2. t. 74. « 177 6. 7.8. G.J2. Bot, mag. 380. 1812. S.J*. 1778. S.©. Jac. ic. 3. t. 559. 1790. — S.©. l.t. 145. 1 *7 0 0 "R hoorl m til Q t A 1 ■ Jamaica. - E. Ind. • Jamaica. 1812. S.0. Negretia. FI. Per. • Martinico. 1779 S. h» Jac.amer.t.l82.f.85 - VV. Ind. 1691. 6. 7. S. Plum. arner. 1. 107. -India. 1680 S. h • Jac. amcr. t. 1^2. - Carolina. ■ N. America. - C. B. S. - E.Ind. - N. America. 1805. 6.8. H.©. 2.t.2 „ TT ( Wendl. in Rcem. 1781. 9. Arch. 8. t. 2. 1795. 6.8. G -h- Jac.schoen.2.t.231. 1778. 6.7. S.^. 1812. 7-9. H.2JL. 1732. 6.9. Dill. elt. t. 26. f. 29. Leguminosae. J. - Carolina. - E.Ind. - Jamaica. - W. Ind. - C. B. S. - E. Ind. - Havannah. - E. Ind. Glycinis sp. TV. - N. America. 1640. - 1724. f.t/. . s.h* s-h- S. h . Jac. ic. 1. 1. 146. G. h* Bot. reg. 261. Leguminosae. J. Glycinis sp. TV. 8.9. H.2£. Bot. mag. 6.9. H. h- Hort. ang Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Clitorice sp. IV'. N. S. W. 1788. 3.8. G.I*. Bot. mag. 268. N. Holland. 1803. 5.8. G. 1 1 . Vent. malm. 105. N. S. W. 1790. 3.6. G.T2. Bot. mag. 270. N. Holland. 1803. G-h- Bot. rep. c. ic. N.S. W. 1790. g.t2. Bot. mag. 263. C. B. S. 1776. 4.5. S. h . Bot. rep. 446. Mauritius. .... ■ S.^. Bot. mag. 1859. E. Ind. 1806. .... S.h. Rox. cor. 1. t. 92. E. Ind. 1739. 1 Q I O 7.8. S.h- C (7\ Bot. mag. 1542. Vent, choix. t. 26. I Ol 4* Brazil. 1759. S.©. Breyn. cent. t. 32. America. 1732. S.lf. Par. lond. 51. N. America. 1759. 8. H.2/.. Trinidad. 1804. .... S.h- W. Ind. 9.11. S.h. Bot. reg. 268. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. Jamaica. 1794. 7.8. S.h S. Europe. England. 6.9. H .©. — H.Q. 7. H.ty. S. Europe. 1633. 6.7. H.Q. Bot. reg. 2 69. Lam. ill. t, 6 33. Eng. bot. 1046. Schk.hand.2.t.28 M ill.ic. 2 . t. 2 8 9 . f . 1 • ' Bot. mag. 258. Jac. vind. 1 . t. 25. | Gajrt. de fr. 2. t, l 153. f. 3. Eng. hot. 369. Cav.dc. 1 . t. 4 ! . l.t. 37. Lam. ill. t. 631. f. 2. Lam. ill. t. 630. Schk.hand.2. t.206. Bot. mag. 427. Eng. bot. 31. Mov.hist.2.t.l 1 .f.3. 2.t,l l.f.4. DIADELPHIA BECANDRIA. 16T } three-flowered, four-flowered. Smith i a. annual. ASschyxomene. Leguminosse. J. shrubby. rough-stemmed. hispid. hairy. Indian. Hallia. long-leaved. heart-leaved. imbricated. Lespedeza. shrubby. sessile-flowered. slender-branch’d, headed. hairy. Violet-flowered. 3 sulcata. W. 4 subvillosa. W. SMITHIA. W. sensitiva. W. ASSCHYNOMENE H. K. 1 sensitiva. W. 2 aspera. W. 3 hispida. W. 4 americana. W. 5 indica. W. HALLIA. Th. 1 flaccida. W. 2 cor data. W. 3 imbricata. W. LESPEDEZA. Mich. 1 fruticosa. P. S. 2 sessiliflora. Ph, 3 juncea. P. S. 4 capitata. Ph. 5 polystachia. Ph. 6 violacea. Ph. 7 lagopodioides. P. S. Hare’s-foot-like. HEDYSARUM. W. Hedysarum. 1 Alhagi. W. prickly-stevnm’d. 2 bupleurifolium. W. Hare’s-ear-leavd. 8 nummularifolram.j Moneywolt_kaa. 4 styracifolium. W. & gangeticum. W. 6 triquetrum. W. 7 maculatum. W. 8 vaginale. W. & sagittatum. P. S. 10 vespertilionis. W. 11 tomentosum. W. 12 umbellatum. W. 13 biarticulatum. W. 1 4 gyrans. W. 15 trigonum. W. I'd canadense. W. 17 canescens. Ph. 1 8 marilandicum. W. 19 obtusum. Ph. 20 capltatum. W. 21 tortuosum.W. 22 viridiflorum. VV. 23 paniculatum. W. 24 tuberosum. W. 25 cuspidatum. W. 26 glutinosum. W. 27 serotinum. W. en. 28 triflorum. W. 2.9 pictum. W. 30 argenteum. W. 31 fruticosum. W. Leguminosae. J. Leguminosae. J. S. Europe. 1596. 6.7. H.0. 1 701 it E. Ind. 1785. 7.10. S.©. W. Ind. 1733 S.Ij. E. Ind. 1759. 6. 7. S .©. N. America. 1803. 8. H.Q* Jamaica. 1732. 7.8. S.:J. E.Ind. 1799. 6.7. S.0. C. B. S. 1789. 8.9. G. Calothamnus. Myrti. J. 1 quadrifida. H. K. four-cleft. N. Holland. 2 villosa. H. K. hairy. 3 gracilis. H. K. slender-leaved. • BEAUFORTIA. H.K. Beaufortia. Myrti. J. 1 decussata. H. K. splendid. N. Holland. 2 sparsa. H. K. alternate-leaved. — — — — 1739. 8.9. S. Tj - 1770. 8. S-h- 1800.6.10. S-h. 1796 S. \ . 1798 G. I2 . 1803. 7.9. G. h . .... G. h . 1794. 6.7. G.I i. 1793. 5.6. G.h* .... G.h. 1803 G. h . .... G. h • 1805. 6.7. G.Tj. 1790. G.h* 1788. 7.9. G 6.7. G. h . 1803 G. h . 6.7. G. h* — - 6. 9* G. h . 1792. 2.9. G. h . 1803. 6.9. G.h- G.k. 1793. 7.9. G. h • 1792. G-h- 1794. 6.8. G.Ij. 1803. G.I*. .... G.k- 1804. 6.9. G-h- 1798 G.h- 1805. 7.9. G.h- 1803. 7.9. G. \ . G. h . 1803. 7.5. G.T*. .... G.h. HOPEA. L. Hopea. tinctorid\ Ph. Laurel-leaved. Sr/mplocos tinctoria. TV. POLYANDBIA. Ebenaceae. J. CITRUS. W. 1 acida. Rox. 2 limonia. 3 Aurantium. P. S. 4 sinensis. P. S. 5 buxifolia. P. S. 6 nobilis. H. K. j3 minor. 7 decumana. W. XANTHOCHY- MUS. Rox. pictorius. H. K. HYPERICUM. W. 1 balearicum. W. 2 Kalmianum. W. 3 monogynum. W. 4 calycinum. W. 5 ascyroides. Ph. H Ascyron. W. Orange-Tree. Aurantiae. J. Lemon-Tree. Lime-Tree. * common. Myrtle-leaved. Box-leaved. Mandarin. smaller. Shaddock-Tree. \ f Xantho- 1 CHYMUS. J painter’s. St.John’sWort. Hypericinae. J. warted. — Kalmia-leaved. Chinese. large-flowered. large-capsuled. Siberian. - — ~ ■ - n Carolina. 1780 G.I*. Asia. 1648. 5.7. G.I*. India. China. Q. ^ > 1595. G.h . .... G.h. n .... VJ.. rj . ion- f'' T louo* u. »2 • ci y. India. v,. rL . 1724. — — G.h • E. Ind. 1796. . S. h • Majorca. N. America. China. Ireland. N. America. Siberia, 1714. S.9. G.h- 1759. 6.7. H. h • 1753. 8.9. G.h* .... 6.9. H-h • 1812. 6. 7. H. 2f. . 1774, 6.9, H.2 1. Trew. ehret. t. 76. Jac. vind. 3. t. 1. Par. loud. 102. Rumph.amb.2.t.l6» Cav. ic. 4. t. 333. Bot. rep. 476. Lab.nov.ho.2.t.l65 2. t.16'7 2.t.l6» Ex. bot. 1. 1. 35. — l.t. 34. Bot. rep. 175. Bot, mag. 1863, Bot. reg. 103. Exot. bot. 1 . t. 56. Bot. rep. 200. Bot. mag. 1935. Bot. mag. 1051. Bot. mag. 1506. Bot. r eg. 18. Cat. car. l.t. 54, Gaer.fru.2. t.l 21 .f.2 Blackw. t. 362. Lam. ill. t. 639. f.2. Tourn. inst. t.390. ' Bot. rep. 60S. Bot. reg. 211.,2,t.24.f.2„ Roxb. cor. 2. t.l 96. Bot. mag. 137. Bot. mag. 334. Eng. bot, 2017, Gruel. sib. 4, t. 6$, 174 7 pyfamidatum. W. 5 Androsaemum. W. 6 olympicum. \V. 1 0 foliosum. H. K. 1 1 fioribundum. W. 12 csnariense. W. 13 aegypticum. W. 14 elatum. W. 15 frondosum. Ph. 16 amoenum. Ph. 17 hircinum. W. (3 minus. 1 8 prolificum. W. 3 9 canadense. W. SO angulosum. Ph. 21 setosum. H. K. 22 mutilum. H. K. 43 virginicum. W. JSlodea campanulata. Ph. 44 Isevigatum. H. K. smooth. 25 nudiflorum. Ph. naked-panicled. 2 6 glaucum. Ph. glaucous. 27 rosmarinifolium.W. Rosemary-leaved. 28 aspalathoides. W. Aspalathus-like. 29 fasciculatum. Ph. 30 reflexum. W. 31 quadrangulare. W. 32 dubium. W. S3 maculatum. Mi. corymbosum. TV. 34 perforatum. W. 35 humifusum. W. 36 crispum. W. 37 undulatum. W. en. 38 barbatum. W. 39 perfoliatum. W. t 40 heterophyllum.P.S. various-leaved. 41 ciliatum. W. fringe-lowered. 42 montanum. W. 43 glandulosum. W. 44 hirsutum. W. 45 elodes. W. 46 tomentosum. W. 47 pulchrum. W. 48 serpyllifolium. W. 49 Coris. W. 50 verticillatum. W. ASCYRUM. W. 1 pumilum. Ph. 4 Crux Andreae. Ph. 3 hypericoides. Ph. 4 stans. W. tmnlejcicaule. Ph , SYNGENESIA POL YG AMI A .EQUAL IS. Hypericins. J. pyramidal. Tutsan. Olympian. shining. many-flowered. Canary. Egyptian. tall. green. elegant. stinking. small st viking. prolific. Canadian. toothed-flowered unbranched. small-flowered. Virginian. clustered, hanging-leaved, square-stalked, imperforate, spotted. perforated, trailing, curl-leared. wave-leaved, bearded, perfoliate. mountain, glandulous. hairy, marsh, woolly, small upright. Thyme-leaved. Heath -leaved, whorl-leaved. Ascyrum. dwarf. f St. Andrew’s 1 \ Cross. j Hypericum -like, large-flowered. Hypericinae. J. Canada. Britain. Levant. Azores. Madeira. Canaries. Egypt. 1759. 7.8. 7.9. 1706. 1778. 8. 1779. — — 1699. 7.9. 1787. 6.7. H • Tf. . H.y. H.h* G.k. G-h- G.'h. G.^. N. America. 1762. 7.8. H ,h‘ T QC\R T-T L Carolina. S. Europe. i QUO • 1812. 1640. 7.9. ti. . H.Ii. H.Tj. H-h . H- \ • H.y.. H .If., f.tjl. F.Tf. H.1+. N. America. 1758. 6.8. 1770. 7-9. 1812, 6.7. 1759. 7.8. 6.9. 1800. 7.9. Carolina. N. America. f_T 1811. 9.10. 1812. 7.8. 6.8. 1 Qll ri. 4 . F.k. F.k- F.k. Carolina. N. America. Teneriffe. Britain. loll. — 1806. 7. 1778. 6.9. 7.8. n • F.h. g.t2. H.^. I-T V N. America. 1789. 11. 4. F.ljL. Britain. .... ■H.U. T4 V Greece. Barbary. 1688. 1802. 11. 4 . • F-2JL- ■ F.n* Scotland. Italy. Persia. Levant. Britain. Madeira. Britain. S. Europe. Britain. Levant. C. B. S. Georgia. N. America. 6.10. U. If., F .If.. G. h- F.ljL. H .11. G-h ■ H. n. H.lf. . F. Tf. . H.y., H.h G- h • G. y.. 1785. 1812. 1739. 1777. 1648. 1688. 1640. 1784. 5.6. 7.8. 7. 7-8. 5.8. 6.7. 7.8. 7.9. 7. 7.8. 5-9- 6.8. 1806. 6.3. G .If., 1759. 7. G.k 7.9. G.Tj 1 806. G.V CLASS XIX. SYNGENESIA POLY G AMI A iEQUALIS. GEROPOGON. W. 1 glaber. W. 2 hirsutus. W. 1 calyculatus, W. {Old Man s 1 , T „ > Cichoraceae. J. Beard. J smooth. — Italy. 1704. 7-8. K.0, hirsute. — 1759. —— — tL0. perennial. »- — - -- » 1774. 6,8. Vent. malm. 1 1 Eng. hot. 1 22'5. Exot. bot. 2. t. 96. Com. hort. 2. t. 62, Bot. reg. 196. {Juss. in ann. mufi. 3. t. 17.. Dill.elt. 1. 1 5 1 .f. 1 8 2 t.l 5 l.f.l 81 Jac.seboen.3.t.299. Pluk.alm.t.245.f.6, Bot. rep. 552. Eng. bot. 37 CL 2 96. Eng. bot. 295. — 1226. Bocc. mus. t. 12, Eng. bot. 1985. Vent. cels. t. 68. Bocc. mus. t. 127. Eng. bot. 371. Eng. bot. 1 156. ■ — 109. Eng. bot. 1227. Mor.hi.2.s.5.t.6.f,2 Bot. mag. 178. Vent. malm. §«, Bot, mag. 47®. Cel. c:t hr. ‘ ,v 05 1. SYNGENESIA POL YG AMI A JEQUALIS. *TRAGOPOGON. W. Goat’s Beard. Gichoraceae. J. 1 pratensis. W. yellow. — ? - — Britain. 5.6. H.. H.21. H.2/. H.2/. H.2/ . h.2/. H.2/. H.2/. H .4. H .2/. H.2/-. PI. 2/. H.2/. H.2/. . H.2/. . H.2/ . H.2/. H.2/. . H.2/. . H.2/. H.2/. . H. 2/. . H.2/. H.2/. . H.2/.. H.2/. Mill. ic. 2. t. 157. Jac. aust. 5. t. 427. Jac. aust. 4. t. 317 Bot. mag. 1079. Pluk.ahn.t.3 1 7. f.2. Park.theat.804. f.7. Jac. aust. 1 . t. 9. Eng. bot. 457. Eng. bot. 510. Pl,rar.l:ung.2.t.ll4 Eng. bot. 553. Jac. aust. 1. 1. 93. 2. t. 164. 232. f. 1. Jac. anst. 3. t. 287. Eng. bot. 1 1 09. 830. Vill. dauph. 3.t. 25. Eng. bot. 554. Pl.rar.bung.g.t.l 1 3 Eng. bot. 555. Eng. bot. 196. L’PIer. stirp. t. 82, Moris. s.7.t.5.f. 17, Jac. aust. 3. t. 297. Eog. bot. 1110. Eng. bot. 1093, Eng. bot. 2332. 236S. Col.ecphr. l.t.249. Vill. dauph. 3.t. 27. Jac. ic. t. 578. Eng. bot. 1469. Gmel.sib. 2.t.8. f.2. Eng. bot. 2083. ri.rar,bung.3.t.217 Jac. aust. 5. t. 429- W. hort. ber. 10. Jac. aust. 2. t. 190, 3. t. 286. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 1S3. Eng. bot. 2210. ■ 2082. • 2121. 29 pulmonarium. E.B. 30 sylvaticum. W. 31 ramosum.W. 32 paludosum. W. 33 lapsanoides. W. 84 lyratum. W. 35 cerinthoides. W. 36' flexuosum. W. 37 cydoniaefoliuiu. 1 W. cn. J 38 ampiexicaule. W. 3.9 pyrenaicum. W. /3 pilosum . 7 austriacum. 40 sibiricum. W. 41 grandiflorum. W. 42 intybaceum. W. 43 villosum. W. 44 Halleri. W. 45 echioides. W. 46 undulatum.W. 47 glutinosum. W. 48 Kalmii. W. 49 fasiculatum. Ph. 50 foliosum. W. 51 fallax. W. en. 52 sabaudum. W. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA zEQUALIS. Cichoraceae. J. 1T7 Lungwort. wood. branching. Succory-leaved. Lapsana-like. Lyre-leaved. Honey wort-lead. bending-stalk’d. Quince-leaved. heart-leaved. Pyrenean. pilose. Austrian. Siberian. great-flowered. Endive-leaved. shaggy Alpine. Halier’s. Viper’s-bugloss. wave-leaved. clammy. Kalm’s. bundled. leafy. hairy spear-leavd. shrubby. Scotland. Britain. Hungary. — Britain. Pyrenees. — Siberia. — Scotland. — Hungary. — France. Siberia. — Switzerland. — Europe. — Scotland. — Europe. — Hungary. — Spain. — S. Europe. — Pensylvania. — Canada. — Hungary. 53 denticulatum. E. B. small-toothed. 54 prenanthoides. W. rough-bordered. 55 umbellatum. W. 56 laevigatum. W. 57 fruticosum. W. CREPIS. W. 1 nemausensis. W. 2 leontodontoides.W 3 alpina. W. Britain. Scotland. T. narrow-leaved. smooth. shrubby. Crepis. Palestine. Dandelion-like. Alpine. small-flowered. rigid. bristle-leaved. purple. rough. Hawk weed-like. hispid. smooth. red-stalked. field. biennial. Britain. Madeira. Cichoraceae. J. S. Europe. Italv. green. Endive-leaved. Dioscorides’s. 4 pulchra. L 5 rigida. W. 6 rigens. W. 7 rubra. W. 8 aspera. W. 9 hieracioides. W. 1 0 hispida. W. 1 1 tectorum. P. S. 12 cinerea. P. S. J3 agrestis. W. 14 biennis. W. 15 virens. W. 1 6 intybacea. W. en. 17 Dioscoridis. W. 1 8 raphanifolia. W. en. Radish-leaved. 19 coronopifolia. W. fleshy-leaved. 20 filiformis. W. HELMINTHIA. J. echioides. W. TOLPIS. W. barbata. W. ANDRYALA. W. 1 chciranthifolia. W. 2 pinnatifida. W. 3 crithmifolia. W. 4 nigricans. W. 5 ragusina. W. 6 lanata. W. Hieracium verbascifolium, . P. S. ROTHIA. W. Rothia. 1 andryaloides. W. Andryala-like. 2 cheiranthifolia. W. Stock-leaved. 3 runcinata. W. hoary. Scotland. Hungary. Azores. Italy. Sicily. Hungary. S. Europe. Britain. Hungary. England. Switzerland. Portugal. France. Madeira. fine-leaved. Helminth ia. bristly. Tolpis. purple-eyed. Andryala. various-leaved, wing-leaved. Samphire-leav’d. dark-flowered, downy, woolly. Cichoraceae. J. Picridis sp. L Britain. Cichoraceae. J. Crepulis sp. L. 1 S05, 1812. 1777. Pyrenees. 1 r 1805. 1816. 1804. 1785. 1794. 1804. 1739. 1805. 1778. 1632. 1797. 1816. 1798. 6.7. H.Q. 7.8. H.c?. 7. H.Q. 6.9. H.Q. 5.7- II 7.8. G.lf.. 6.7. H.Q. 7.8. LI.©. H.y. H.Q. H.0. 6.9. 1801. Eng. bot. 2307. — 2031. Eng. bot. 1 094. Gouan. ill. t. 21.f.3. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 9. Eng. bot. 2378. H.^. All.ped. 1 . 1. 1 5. f. 1 . Herm.parad.t. 184. Jac. aust. 5. t. 441. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 1 0. Pl.rar.hung.l.t.99., Eng. bot. 2379. Vill.dauph.3. t.26. Pl.rar.hung.l.t.85, Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l45 Eng. bot. 349. 2122. 2235. Eng. bot. 1771. W. hort. ber. t. 16. All.ped. l.t.75.f.l. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 5. Eng. bot. 2325. Pl.rar. hung.l.t.19. Pl.rar.hung.l.t.70. l.t. 43. Eng. bot. 1111. . 149. Desf.act.par.3S.t.9. 6.7* H.0. Eng. bot. 972. Cichoraceae. J. France. 1620. 6.7. H.©. Bot. mag. 35. Madeira. 1777. 5.10. , g.v. L’Her.stirp.SS.t. 1 8 1778. 7-8. G.a. ■ 6.8. G. $ • Barbary. 1804. ■H.©. Archipelago. 1753. ■G.%. Mill.ic.l.t.l46.f.2, S. Europe. 1732. 5.6. H.lf., l.t. 146. i.l. Cichoraceae. J. Andryalee sp. P. S. Spain. 1810. S. Europe. 1768. 1711. 8. H.Q. 7.8. H.©. H. $ . Gaert. sem.2. t.174. A a 178 KRIGIA. W. virginica. W. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA yEQUALIS. Cichoraceae. J. Hyoseridis sp. P. S. Kkigia. Virginian. HYOSERIS. W. f Swine’ s- \ Succory. 1 radiata. W. starry. 2 lucida. W. shining. 3 scabra. W. rugged. 4 arenaria. W. sand. HEDYPNOIS. W. Hedypnois. 1 monspeliensis. W. branching. 2 rhagadioloides. W. Nipplewort. 3 cretica. W. Cretan. SERIOLA. W. Seriola. 1 laevigata. W. smooth. 2 aethnensis. W. rough. S urens. WT. stinging. HYPOCILERIS. W. Cat’s-Ear. 1 helvetica. W. one-flowered. 2 maculata. W. spotted. U minima. W. least. 4 hispida. W. en. bristly. 5 glabra. W. smooth. 6 radicata. W. long-rooted. LAPSANA. W. Nipplewort 1 foetida. W. stinking. Hyoseris foetida 3 pusilla. W. Hyoseris ‘minima. 3 communis. W. 4 crispa. W. 5 lyrata. W. en. ZACINTHA. W. P.S. least. E. B. common, curled, lyrate. Zacintha. verrucosa. W. RHAGADIOLUS. W. 1 stellatus. W. 2 edulis. W. 3 Koelpinia. W. CATANANCHE. W. 1 caerulea. W. 2 hitea. W. CICHORIUM. W. 1 Intybus. W. 2 pumilum. W. 3 Endivia. W. 4 divitricatum. W. 5 spinosum. W. SCOLYMUS. W. 1 maculatus. W. 2 hispanicus. W. ARCTIUM. W. 1 Lappa. W. 2 Bardana. W. SERRATULA. W. 1 tinctoria. W. 2 coronata. W. 3 quiuquefolia. W. 4 pygmaea, W. 5 alpilia. W. 6 angustifolia. W. 7 saiici folia. W. 8 centayroides. W. CARDUUS. W. 1 leucographus. W. 2 crassifolius. W. en. 3 arabicus. W. 4 nutans. W. carlinoides. W« - I TLE. J Cichoraceae. J. Cichoracese. J. Cichoracese. J. N. America. 1811. 5.7. H.©. iLam> j°urn' h'Isfi w \ nat. l.t. 12. S. Europe. Levant. Sicily. Morocco. 1640. 6.7. II. 71. Pluk . aim . t. 3 7 . f. 2. 1770. 6.8. IE.TjL. Schmid, ic. t. 39.41 . 1789. 7.8. IE.©. Boc.mus. 1 46. 1. 106 1S00. EI.©. S. Europe. 1683. 6.7. H.©. ■ 1773. 7.8. EI.©, Cav. ic. 1. 1. 43. 1731. 6.1. EL©. Candia. Cichoracese. J. - — Candia. — Italy. ■ S. Europe. Cichoracese. J. Switzerland. England. Barbary. S. Europe. Britain. Italy. Britain. Britain. Caspian Sea. 1772. 1763. 1773. 1799. 1797. 1 S04. 7.3. IE.©. H.Q. H.0. 6.7. H.ljL. H.2£ . 7.8. H.Q. H.2I-. EI.©. 6.9. H. 4 . 1722. 7.S. H .21. 5.6. H.Q- Desf. atl. 2. t. 216. Jac. obs. 4. t. 79. Schmid, ic. t. 32. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 165. Eng. hot. 225. W.hort.ber.l.t.46. Eng. hot. 575. — — -- SSI. Pl.rar.hung.l.t.49. Eng. bot. 95. 1799. 1816. 6.7. 7.8. warted. R-HAGADIOLUS. starry. heart-leaved. small. Catananche. blue. yellow. Succour. wild. dwarf. Endive, branching, prickly. {Golden- Thistle. annual, peiennial. Burdocic, smooth-headed, woolly-headed. Saw-wort. common. Siberian, five-leaved. Pigmy. Alpine* narrow-'?1 wed. Willow-leaved. Centaury-like. Thistle. white-spotted. thick-leaved. Arabian. musk. Pyrenean. Cichoracese. J. Lapsance sp. L. - S. Europe. 1633. 6.7* Cichoraceae. J. Lapsance sp. L. ■ S. Europe. Levant. Cichoraceae. J. Cichoraceae. J. S. Europe. Candia. Britain. Cichoraceae. J. — E. Ind. — Barbary. — Candia. 1633. 1633. 1788. 1596. 1640. 1799. 1548. 1798. 1633. 6.7. 6.7. 7. 7-10. 6.7. 6.8. 7-8. H.©. Eng. bot. 844. H.Q. ■H.2JL. ^ f Gaert. sem. 2. t. ^ \ 157. f.7. H.Q. El.©. Scbk.hand.3 t.225. EI.Q. Pall. it. 3. t. LI. f. 2. EI.2£ . Bot. mag. 293. IE.©. Alp. exot. t. 236. IE. 'll . Eng. bot. 539. IE.©. Jac. obs-4. t. SO. -IE.©. ' ■IE.©. ■ F. Bauh. prodr. t. 62. S. Europe. Cynarocephalae. J. Britain. Cynarocephalae. J. Cynarocephalae. J. Britain. Siberia. Persia. Austria. Britain. Siberia. Italy. Arabia. Britain, Pyrenees, 1633. 7.8. EL©. Lam. ill. t. 659. 1658. 7.9. H.ty. 7.8. H. $ , Eng. bot. 1228. H. $ . — 2478. .... 7-10. H.7£ . Eng. bot. 38. 1739. 7.8. EL 71 . 1804. H.l/.. 1816. H. 11 . .... H .21. 181 6. H.2f . 1796. EI. 11 . 1804. — — H.2JL. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 20. Bot. mag. 1871. Jac. aust. t. 440. Eng. bot. 599. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 33. — 2.t. 27. ■ • 2.n.38.t.l7« 1752. 6-7. H.©. Jac. vind. 3. t. 23. 1805. 7. H.2JL. 1789. 7.8. EI.©. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 166. H.©. Eng. bot. 1 112. 1784. LI- • Gouan. ill. t. 23* SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^EQUALIS. 179 6 cnrlin&folius. W. 7 acanthoides. W. 8 term i floras. W. 9 crisp us. W. 10 bannilosus. W. 1 1 candicans. W. 1 2 personata. W. 13 polyanthemos. W. 1 4 oriental is. W, en. I 5 panieulatus. W. 13 pyenocephalus. W. 17 argentatus. W. 18 cyanoides. W. 19 arctioides. W. 20 alpestris. W, 21 defloratus. W. 22 pannonicus. W. 23 parviflorus, W. 24 radiatus. W, 25 marianus. W. 26' nitidus. W. 27 cerinthoides. W. CNICUS. W. 1 palustris. W. 2 can us. W. 3 Acarna. W. 4 monspessuIanus.W. 5 lanceolatus. W. 6 ferox. W. 7 ciliatus. W. 8 eriopborus. W. 9 discolor. \V. 10 altissimus. W. II pratensis. \V. 1 2 heterophyllus. W. 13 helenioides. \V, 14 serratuloides. W. 15 arvensis. Pb. Serratula nrvensis. 1 6 rivularis. W. 17 pauciflorus. W. 1 8 tataricus. W. 19 rigens. W. 20 carniolicus. W. Carlin e-leaved. Cynarocephalae. J. welted. slender-flower’d. curled. spiny-hooked. hoary. cut-leaved. ■ — — many-flowered. — — - oriental. panicled. Italian. — White Egyptian. blue-bottie-lead. pinnated. Alpine. various-leaved. • — . Hungarian. — — small-flowered, rayed. — — ■ milk. — — — glossy. Honey wort- lead. — HorseThistle. Cynarocephalae. J. marsh. : hoary. yellow. — — common. ■ prickly. . fringed. woolly-headed. — two-coloured. = giant. meadow. — melancholy. — Elecampane-led. Saw- wort-like. — corn or way. — — ~ — 7V. Carduus arvensis. E. B. . Pyrenees. Britain. Europe. Hungary. Hungary. Austria. Rome. Iberia. S. Europe. Egypt. Siberia. Carniola. Croatia. Austria. S, Europe. Hungary. Britain. Hungary. S. Europe. Cardni sp. Britain. Austria. Spain. Montpelier. Britain, S. Europe. Siberia. Britain. N. America. 1 804 1804, 1802, 1805. 1776. 1739. 1804, 1781. - 1739. 178.9. 1778. 1804. 1805. 1570. - 1816. 1781. 1800. 1806. 1739. P.S. 1633. 1683. 1596. 1683. 1787. 1803. - 1726. Britain. Siberia. 1804. 1752. Britain. 7.8. H.J. 6.8. H.Q. H.Q. 7.8. H.J. 6.7. H- , Jac.schosn.2.t.l5Q, Eng. bot. 32. 748. Barr. rar. 401. Dil.elt.t.l52.f.lS4. Pl.rar.hung.i. t.24, 2.t. 128 A,f a* i Bot. mag. 238. Eng. bot. 600. Bot. reg. 41. All. ped. t. 17.f. 8. Pluk.alm.t.39. f.6. Jac. aust. 1. 1. 79. Eng. bot. 574. 1130. 1131. Jac. ic. 3. t. 587 » Jac. coll. 5. t. 6. f. 1. Eng. bot. 650. Jac. aust. 2. t. 1 84. Eng. bot. 2211. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. 187 45 umbrosus. W. en. various-leaved. 46 coriaceus. W. leathery-leaved. 47 Doria.W. broad-leaved. 48 Doronicum. W. Leopard’s Bane. 49 lanceus. W. spear-leaved. 50 longifoliti3. W. long-lea\ed- 61 halimifolius. W. succulenfc-leav’d. 52 ilinifolius. VV. Ilex-leaved. 53 rigidus. XV. hard-leaved. ASTER. W. Starwort. 1 refiexus. W. Yeflexed-leaved. 2 tomentosus. W. tooth-leaved. 3 sericeus. W. silky-leaved. 4 Cymbalariae. W. Ivy-leaved. 6 liratus. B. M. fluted-stemmed. 6 argophyllus. H. K. Musk-scented. 7 angustifolius. W. narrow-leaved. 8 villosus.Tb. villous. 9 obtusatus. W. obtuse-leaved. 10 fruticulosus. W. shrubby. 1 1 filifolius. V. thread-leaved. 12 alpinus. W. Alpine. 13 caucasicus. W. Caucasian. 14 altaicus. W. en. dwarf. 15 tenellus. XV. slender. 16 nemoralis. H. K. wood. ledifolius. Ph. 17 liyssopifolius. W. Hyssop-leaved. 1 8 punctatus. W. dotted. 19 acris. W. acrid. 20 canus. W. hoary-leaved. 21 solidaginoides. W. Solidago-like. 22 rigidus. Ph. stiff-leaved. 23 linariifolius. Ph. Toad-flax-leav’d. 24 linifolius. W. Flax-leaved. 25 pilosus. W. hairy. 26 foliolosus. W. leafy. 27 tenuifolius. W. slender-leaved. 28 dumosus. W. bushy. 29 ericoides. W. Heath-leaved. 30 multifiorus. XV. many-flowered. ,31 ciliatus. W. ciliated. 32 canescens. Ph. canescent. 33 sparsiflorus. Ph. scattered-flowerd. 84 coridifolius. W. Coris-leaved. 35 squarrosus. W. ragged. 36 argenteus. H. K. silver-leaved. 37 concolor. W. self-coloured. 38 reticulatus. Ph. netted-leaved. 39 Cornifolius. W. Cornus-leaved. 40 humilis. Ph. low. 41 amygdalinus. Ph. Almond-leaved. umbellatus. TV. 42 salicifolius. W. Willow-leaved. 43 aestivus. W. summer. 44 pannonicus. W. Hungarian. 45 Amellus. W. Italian. 46 novae angliae. W. New England. 0 rubrus. red-Jlowcred. 47 spurius. W. beautiful blue. cyaneus . Ph. rubricaulis. Lam. 48 paludosus. W. marsh. 49 carolinianus. W. tall. 50 grandiflorus. W. great-flowered. 51 plilogifolius. W. Phlox-leaved. 52 patens. W. spreading-hairy. 53 undulatus. W. wave-ieaved. 54 paniculatus. W. panicled. 55 cordifolius, W. heart-leaved. 56 coryrabosus, W. corymbed. Coryrabiferse. J. Hungary. Levant. Austria. S. Europe. C.B.S. Corymbifera. J. C. B. S. N. S. W. Missouri. C.B.S. N. S. W. Van Diem Isl C. B. S. — Alps of Eur. — Caucasus. — Siberia. — C. B. S. — N. America. — Hungary. - — S. Europe. — Hungary. — N. America. Hungary. Italy. N. America. Carolina. N. America. 1815. 7.8. H.7/. 1728. -H.2/. 1570. 7.9. H.2/. 1705. H .21 . 1774. 7.10. G.^ . 1775. 8.1 1. G. ^ . 1723. 7. G. li . 1731. 6.7. G.J*. 1704. 6.9. G. ^ . 1759. 2.9. G.T*. 1793. 5.7. G.I*. 1802. 5.1 1. G.^ . 1786. - — - G. • 1812. 5.7. . 1804. 5.7. G. \ . — ~G.h- 1812. G.Ji. 1793. 1759. 3.7. G.lj. 1812. G. . 1658. 5.8. H-2/. 1804. 7.8. H.2/. 5.8. H.2/. 1769. 4.10. G. . 1778. 8.9. H.2/. 1683. 9.10. H.2/. 1815. 8.9. H.2/. 1731. H.2/.. 1816. H.2/. 1699. H.2/.. 1759. 8.10. H.2/. 1699. 9.10. H.2/. 1739. 7.8. H.2/. 1812. 8.10. H.2/. 1732. 10. H.2/. 1725. 9.10. H.2/. 1734. H.2/. 1758. 9. H.2/. 1732. 9.10. H.2/.. .... H.2/. 1812. H. 2/ . 1798. 9-11. H.2/.. 8.11. H.2/. 1801. 6.7. H.2/. 7.9. H.2/. . 1759. 8.1 1. H.2/. 1812. 8.10. H. 2/ . 1811. H.2/.. 1699. — — H.2/. 1759. 7.9. H.2/. 1760.9.10. H.2/. 1776. 7.8. H.2/. 1815. H.2/ . 1596. 8.9. H.2/. 1710. 9.10. H.2/. 1812. H.2/. 1789. H.2/. 1784. H.2/. 8.9. H.2/ . 1720.10. 11. H.2/. 1797. 7.10. H.2/. 1773. 9.11. H.2/. 1699. 8.10. H.2/. 1640. 9.10. H.2/. 1759. 7.8. H.2/. 1765, 9. H.2/. Dill.elt. 1. 105. f. 125 Jac. aust. 2. t. 185. 5. t.ap.45. Comm.hort. 2. t.7 1 . Dill.elt, 1. 1 04 .f. 1 24 Comm. rar. t. 42. Cora. hort. 2. t. 75. Bot. mag. 884. Bot. rep. 61. Vent. cel. 33. Vent. malm. 95. Bot. mag. 1509. 1563. Jac.schoen.3. t.370. Jac. frag. 9.t.5. f.4. Vent. malm. t. 82. Bot. mag. 199. Bot. mag. 33. Dodart. mem. t. 60. Pl,rar.hung.2.t.l09 Pluk.alm.t.271.f.3 Pl.rar.hung.l. t.30. Pluk.alm.t.7.9. f.2. — t. 14. f. 7. Dil. elt. t. 35.f.39. Pluk. alm.t.78.f. 5. Herm. parad. 95. Dill. elt. t. 36. f.4Q. Willd.hort.ber. 6 7* Rob. ic. 307. Jac. vind. 1. t. 8. Jac. aust. 5. t. 425. Bot. reg. 183. 183. f.inf, HofF.phyt.l.t.B.f.l, Bot. reg. 273. Herm. parad. 96. Corn. canasL t. 65. B b 2 188 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA } 57 macropbyllus. W. 58 heterophyllus, W. en." 59 chinensis. W. 60 Tripolium. W. 6‘1 salignus*W. 62 puniceus. W. 63 hispidus. W. 64 sibiricus. W. 65 elegans. W. 66 amplexicaulis. W. 67 adulterinus. W. en. 68 laevigatas. W. 69 longifolius. P. S. 70 versicolor. W. 71 mutabilis. W. 72 laevis. W. 73 concinnus. W. en. 74 floribundus. W. 75 pallens, W. en. 76 novi-belgii. W. 77 bellidiflorus. W. en. 78 praecox. W. en. 79 spectabilis. W. 80 serotinus. W. 8 1 tardifiorus. W. 82 bland us. Pli. 83 acuminatus. Ph. 84 conyzoides. W. 85 Radula. W. 86 strictus. Ph. 87 Tradescanti. W. 88 recurvatus. W. 89 eminens. Ph. 90 laxus. Ph. 91 simplex. W. en. 92 polyphyllus. W. en. 93 junceus. W. 94 lanceolatus. W. 95 dracanculoides. W. 96 fragilis. W. 97 miser. W. .98 divergens. W. 99 diffusus. W. 100 pendulus. W. SO LI DAGO. W. 1 canadensis. W. 2 fragraris. W. en. 3 procera. W. 4 serotina. W. 5 gigantea. W. 6 ciliaris. W. 7 reflexa. W. 8 lateriflora. W. 9 aspera. W. 10 altissirna. Ph. 11 rugosa. Ph. 12 villosa. Ph. 1 3 scabra. W. 1 4 nemoralis. W. 15 patula. W. 16 ulmifolia. W. 17 arguta. W. 18 juncea. W. 19 elliptica. W. 20 recurvata. W. en. 21 sempervirens. W. 22 odora. W. 23 pauciflosculosa. Ph 24 bicolor. W. large-leaved. Corymbiferse. J. various-leaved. — Chinese. sea. Sallow-leaved. red-stalked. rough-stalked. Siberian. elegant. stem-clasping. bastard. smooth-stemm’d. long-leaved. various-colour’d. changeable. smooth. neat. abundant-flowT8. pale-flowered. New York. Daisy-flowered. early-flowering. showy. late-; flowering. spear-leaved. charming. acuminate. Conyza-like. rasp-leaved. upright dwarf. MichaehnasDaisy. recurved. eminent. loose-stalked. single-stalked. many-leaved. slender-stalked. lanceolate. Tarragon- like. brittle. m e age r-fl o weT d . spreading downy. diffuse. pendulous. Golden-Rod. Canadian. fragrant. great. upright smooth. gigantic. ciliated. hanging-leaved, lateral- flowered, rough-leaved, tall. wrinkle-leaved. villous. rough. woolly-stalked. spreading. Elm-leaved. sharp-i)otclied. Rush-stalked. oval-leaved. recurved. evergreen. sweet-smelling. slender- flower ed . two-coloured. 2 N. America. 1739. 7-9. H. If. 1811.. H. If . China. Britain. Germany. N. America. China. Siberia. N. America. N. America. Corymbiferas. J. 1731. 7.9. H.©. 8.9. H.lf . 1815. H.lf. 1710. 7-10. H.lf. 1804. 9.10. H.lf. 1768. 7.10. H.lf. 17.90. 8.10. H.lf-. 9-11. H.lf. .. .. 8.10. H.lf. 1794. 9.11. H.lf. 1798. 10. H.lf. 1790. 8.9. H.lf. 1710. 9.10. H.lf. 175S. H.lf. 1800. H.lf. .... H.lf. .... H.lf. H.lf. ■ H.lf. 7.8. H.lf. 8.9. H.lf. 9.11. H.lf. 1775. 7.9. H.lf. 1800.10. 11. H.lf. 1806. 8.10. H.lf. 1778. 8.9. H.lf. 1785. 9.1 1. H.lf. 1806. H.lf. 1633. 7.9. H.lf. 1800. 8.9. H.lf. 9.11. H.lf. .... H.lf. 8.10. H.lf. H. If . 1758. 9.1 0. H.lf . 1811. 8.11. H.lf. 9.11. H.lf. 9. H.lf. 9.10. H.lf,. H.lf. 1710. 1800. 1777. 1800. 1759- 1758. 1777. 1758. H.lf H.lf N. America. 1648. 7.9* H.lf .... H.lf 1758. 9.10. H.lf 7.8. H.lf 8.9. 1758. 1 81 L. 1758. 9. 8.9. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. 9. H.lf. 1805. 9.10. H.lf. 8.10. H.lf. 1758. 7.8. H.lf. 1769. 8.9. H.lf. H-lf. 9.11. H.lf. 9.10. H.lf. 7.8. H.lf. 1811. 8.10. H.lf. 1759. 8.9. H.lf. 1732. .1686. 1732. 1811. 1769. 1759. 1699. DilLelt. t. 34. f. 38, Eng. bot. S7. Herm. lugd. t.651 . Ic. Kaempf. t. 29. Gmel.sib.2.t.80.f. 1 ° Herm. lugd. t. 6 7. Herm. lugd. t. 69. Moris.s.7.t.21.f.42 Schk.handb.8, f. 246. Dill.elt.t.305.f.392 Mart. cent. 14. Dill.eit.t.308. f.396 Corn, canad.t. 169. Pluk.alm.t. 1 1 0.f.6. Pluk.alm.t.ll4.f.8c SYNGENESIA POL YG AM I A SUPERFLUA. 189 25 petiolaris. W. late-flowered. 26 stricta. W. Willow- leaved. 27 lan ceo lata. Ph. Grass-leaved. 28 tenuifolia. Ph. slender-leaved. 29 caesia. W. Maryland. 30 livida. W. en. livid. 31 birta. W. en. hairy. 32 lithospermifolia.Ph. Gromwell-leav’d. S3 laivigata. W. fleshy-leaved. 34 mexicana. W. Mexican. 35 viminea. W. twiggy. 36 erecta. Ph. upright. 37 macrophylla. Ph. large-leaved. 38 flexicaulis. W. crook-stalked. 39 latifolia. broad-leaved. 40 ambigua. W. angular-stalked. 41 axillaris. Ph. axillary. 42 Virgaurea. W. common. 43 cambrica. W. Welch. 44 multiradiata. W. . Labrador. 45 minuta. W. least. 46 humilis. Ph. dwarf. 47 elata. Ph. tall hairy. 48 rigida. W. hard-leaved. CINERARIA. W. Cineraria. 1 geifolia. W. Kidney-leaved. 2 parvi flora. II. K. small-flowered. 3 aurita. W. purple-flowered. 4 lactea. W. en. milk-coloured. 6 cruenta. W. purple-leaved. 6 hybrida. W. en. hybrid. 7 populifolia. H. K. Poplar-leaved. 8 lobata. W. lobed. 9 malvaefolia. W. Mallow-leaved. 10 petasites. B. M. Butter-bur-leavd. 1 1 discolor. W. wliite-leaved. 12 sibirica. W. Siberian. 13 gigantea. H. K. gigantic. 14 glauca. W. glaucous-leav’d. 1 5 palustris. W. marsh. 1 6 campestris. W. mountain. inttgrifolia. E. B. 1 7 longifolia. W. long-leaved. 1 8 cordifolia. W. heart-leaved. 19 alpina. W. Alpine. 20 maritima. W. Sea Ragwort. 21 canadensis. W. Canadian. 22 linifolia. W. Flax-leaved. 23 humifusa. W. trailing. 24 viscosa. W. clammy. 25 lanata. W. woolly. 26 amelloides. W. blue-flowered. INULA. W. Inula. 1 Helenium. W. Elecampane. 2 Oculus-Christi. V/. lioary. 3 britannica. W. creeping-rooted. 4 dysenterica. W. meadow. 5 undulata. W. wave-leaved. 6 indica. W. Indian. 7 Pulicaria. W. Small Fleawort. 8 squarrosa. W. net-leaved. 9 viscosa. W. clammy. 10 tuberosa. P. S. tuberous-rooted. Erigeron tuberosum. TJr. 1 1 salicina. W. Willow-leaved. 12 glandulosa. W. glandulous. 13 Bubonium. W. Austrian. 14 hi it a. W. hairy. 15 suaveolens. W. woolly-leaved. 16 Vaillant-ii. W. Vaillant’s. Corymbiferae. J. N. America. N. America. Britain. Wales. Labrador. Pyrenees. N. America. Corymbiferae, J. C. B. S. Madeira. Canaries. — Canaries. — C.B.S. — Azores. — Mexico. — Jamaica. — Siberia. — Cape Horn. Siberia. England. Austria. S. Europe. Canada. C.B.S. Canaries. C.B.S. Corymbiferae. J. Britain. . Austria. Germany. England. Egypt. E. Ind. England. Italy. ■ S. Europe. — N. Europe. Georgia. — Austria. S. Europe, France. 1758. 10.12.H.^. 9. H.2/.. — 10. H.2£. 9.10. H. 7j- . 1732. H.2jL. .... -H.n. .... H.2JL. 1811. 8.10. H. 2/. . 1699. 10.1 1.H.2JL. 1683. 7.10. H.ty. 1759. 9. H. 2/. . 8.10. H. H- . ■ n.n. 1725. 9. h. n . — — H.2jL. 1759. 7.8. IL 2/. . 1811. 8.10. H.2JL. 7.9. H.2£ . 7.8. H.2JL. 1776. H.n. 1772. — H.n. 1811. 8.10. ■H.n . H U 1710. 9. n* H- • H.2£. 1710. 4.8. G-h- 1790. ■G.h- 1777. 6.7. G-h- 1816. — G.h- 1777- 2.5. G.h* G b . 1780. 6.9. G.h. 1774. 6.8. G.h* 1777. 8. o.n- 1812. 12.2, G.h. 1804. 7.8. s.h* 1784. 6.8. H.n> 1801. 7-8. n.n. 1790. 6.7. h. n * .... — H.n. 5.6. H.n • 1792. 6.8. H.n . 1739. 7-8. H.2JL. 1683. 6.8. H.2^. 1633. 7-9. F.h- 1739. 6.8. H.n. •G.h. 1704. 7.8. g. n - 1774. 6.8. G.£ . 1780. 5.9. G.h- 1753. 2.9. G.h. 7,8. n.n. 1759. 7.9. n.n . — — n.n • 8.9. n.n. 1739. 7.10. H.Q. — S.Q, .... 8.9. H.Q. 1768. 7.9. H.n. 1596. 7.8. o.n. 1640. 7.8. n.n • 1648. 8.9. H.n. 1804. 7.8. n.n . 180] . 7.9. H.n. 1759. 6.9. n.n . 1758. 6.8, H.2^. 1739. 6.8. H.n. Dill.elt.t.307. f.395 Dodart.act.4.t.2l9. Herm. parad. 244. Pluk.alm.t.235.f.4. Eng. bot. 301. Dill.elt.t.306.f.393 Herm. parad. 245. Herm. parad. 243. Comm.bort.2. L73. Bot. mag. 1786. Bot. mag. 406. Vent. malm. 100. Bot. mag. 1536. Bot. mag. 1 869. Exot. bot. 2. t. 65. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 74. Eng. bot. 151. — 152. Jac. aust. 2. t. 181, 2. t. 176. 2. t. 177. Lob. ic.t. 227. f. 2. Jac.schoen.3.t.308. Jac.frag.l2.t.7. f. 2. Bot. mag. 53. Eng. bot. 1546. Jac. aust. 3. t. 223, FI. dan. t. 413. Eng. bot. 1115. Burm.zeyl.t.55.f.2, Eng. bot. 1196. Pluk.alm.t. 16.f. 1. Jac. vind. 2. t. 165. Moris.s.7.t.l9.f.20. FI. dan. t. 786. Bot. mag. 1907. — 4. t. 358. Jac, viud. 3, t, 51. 190 17 mariana. W. 18 germanica. W. 19 ensifolia. W. 20 crithmifolia. W. 21 provinciaUs. W. 22 montana. W. 23 bifrons. W. - 24 saturejoides. W. 25 foetida. W. GRINDELIA. W. en. 1 glutinosa. H. K. 2 inuloides. W. en. 3 squarrosa. Ph. PODOLEPIS. H. K. 1 rugata. H. K. 2 acuminata. H. K. ARNICA. W. 1 montana. W. 2 scorpioides. W. 3 Doronicum. W. 4 Bellidiastrum. W. DORONICUM. W. 1 Pard alianches. W. 2 scorpioides. W. 5 austriacum. W. 4 altaicum. W. 5 orientale. W. en. 6 plantagiueum. W SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA StfPERFLUA. Corymbiferae. J. American. German. sword-leaved. Samphire-leav’d. oval-leaved. mountain. Italian. Savory-leaved. stinking. Grindelia. glutinous. Inula-like. Snakes-headed. Podolepis. wrinkle-scaled. sharp-scaled. Arnica. mountain. alternate-leaved. Alpine. Daisy-leaved. I.eopard’s-Bane, great. mountain. Austrian. Siberian. oriental. N. America. * Germany. — — — Austria. — England. — France. . S. Europe. — — — Vera Cruz. Malta. Corymbiferae. J. Donia. H. K. Mexico. Missouri. Corymbiferae. J. Scalia. B.M. N. Holland. N. S. W. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. Europe. Austria. 1742. 1759. 1793. 1778. 1759- 1713. 1733. 16'8S. et Ph. 1803. 1815. 1811. 1803. 1731. 1710. 1816. 1570. Mill. ic. 1 . t. 57.f l- Jac. aust. 2. t. 134. — 2. t. 162; 7.8. H.2/. 6.7. H.lf 7.9. H.2£ 8.9. H.l|. . Eng. bot.63. 7.8. H rlf. H.lf 6.8. H.2jL .... S.h 6.8. H.Q Garid aix. t. 10. Ilerm.parad.t.127. Rdiq.Houst.8.t.l£ Boe. sic. 26. t. 13* 1.12. G.I* 6.9. G. Ji . 7.9. G .Ji.. 7.8. G.1L. 5.8. G .If.. 7.8. H.lf. • — H.n. H.lf. 6.8. H.2JL, Bot. reg. 187. - 248. Bot. mag. 1706. Bot. mag. 956. Bot. mag. 1749. Jac. aust. 4. t. 349. l.t. 92. Bot. mag. 1196. Plantain-leaved. Perdicium. Siberian. HTetragono-1 THECA. j heliantlioides. W. Sunflower-like. PERDICIUM. H. K. Anandria. H. K. TETRAGONO- XIMENESIA. W. Ximenesia. encelioides. W. Mexican. HELENIUM.W. Helenium. 1 autumnale. W. smooth. 2 pubeseetis. W. downy. 3 quadridentatum. W. wing-stalked. JSELLIS. W. Daisy. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. 1 perennis. W. $ kortensis. 7 fistulosa. 6 prolifera. 2 sylvestris. \V, 3 annua. W. BELLIUM. W. 1 bellidioides. W. 2 minutum. W. DAHLIA. Cav. 1 superflua. H. K. st purpurea, d lilacina. 7 pallida. 3 alba. e ochroleuea. t^flava. v fulva . 2r cuprea. » latcritia. x rubra. X atro-rubra. ft. punicea. * atro-purpurea. % nigra. a variegala. n r nana. f purpureo-plena. common. large double, double quilled. Hen and Chicken. large Portugal, annual. Bellium, small. dwarf. Dahlia. fertile-rayed. purple flowered. rose-coloured. pale-flowered. white-flowered. sulphur-coloured. yellow-flowered. tawny . copper-coloured. brick-coloured. redflowei'ed. dark-red. {Pomegranate- 1 coloured. j dark-purple, very dark, stripe- flowered, double-lilac, doubler-purple , Britain. .... 5. H.2£ . Eng. bot. 630. Germany, 4.6. LI. If. . Austria. 1816. H.2JA Jac. aust. t. 130. Siberia. 1783. 6.8. H.Jf. rMact.pct.177S. Caucasus. 1815. H.lf. S. Europe. 1570. 5. H.lf. Siberia. 1759. 3. H.2£. Gmcl.sib.2.t.68.f.l„ Virginia. 1726.8.10. H.lf.. Schk.hand.3.t.263, Mexico. 1795. 6.11. G.. Eng. bot. 424. Corymbiferae. J. Portugal. S. Europe. Italy.- Levant. 97. 5.7. H.ty. H.2,L H.lf. H.lf.. Corymbiferae. J. Georgina. 7V - — — — — - Mexico. 1759. 3.7. H.©. 1796. 6.9. H.0. 1772.6.10. H.lf. 1789. Bot. mag. 223. Cyril, neap. 2. t. 4. Bocc. mus. t. 35. Lam. ill. t. 684. ( I. t. 5. f. 2. H.lf.. Cav. ic. l.t. 80. H.lf.. Arm.mus.3.t.37.f.l H.lf. Par. lond. 16. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf . H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. H.lf. Bot. mag. 1685. A. H.lf. ■H.lf. Bot. reg. 55. ■H.lf. - H.lf . ■H.lf. • H.lf • Bot. rep. 4SS. Bot. mag. 1885. Be SYNGENESIA POL YG AMI A SUPERFLUA. 2 frastranca. H. K. a coccinea. fi fulgent, •y aurantia. 5 crocea. t lutea. TAGETES. W. 1 lucida, W. 2 patula. W, 3 erecta. W. 4 minuta. W. 5 tenuifolia. W, HETEROSPER-\ / MUM. W. / 1 pinnatum. W. SCHKUHRIA. W. abrotanoides. W. PECTIS. W. 1 ciliaris. W. 2 linifolia. W. LEYSERA. W. 1 gnaphalodes. W. 2 squarrosa. W. RELHANIA. W. squarrosa. W, ZINNIA. W. 1 pauciflora. W, 2 multiflova. W. 3 verticillata. W, 4 elegans. W. 5 tenuiflora. W. CHRYSANTHE-r \ f MUM. W. j \ barren-rayed. Corymbiferae. J. Mexico. Tagetes. Corymbiferae. J. sweet-scented. ar r S. America, Mexico. Chili. Peru. New Spain. Mexico. Hispaniola. Jamaica. C.B.S. } Corymbiferae. J. Schkuhria. Corymbiferae. J. Wormwood-lea5*. • * Pectis, Corymbiferae. J. ciliated. * — - — Leysera. Corymbiferae. J. woolly. — — — ■ Relhania. Corymbiferae. J. cross-leaved. Zinnia. Corymbiferae. J. C.B.S. Peru. N. America. Mexico. Chrysanthet J „ ... j mum. j Corymb, ferae. J. 1802. 9.11. H.2/-. — — H.^. - H'lf., H.2f.0 ■ -—H.y. 1798. 7.11. G.2f.. 1573. 7.10. H.©. 1596. 6.9. H.©. 1728. 8.10. H.©. 1797.7-10. H.©. 1799. 8.9. H.©, 1793. 7.9. H.©» 1793. 7. s.©. 1.732. 7.8. S,©. 1774. 7.9. G.I*. 1815. G.Jj . 1774. 5.6. G.I*. 1753. 7.8. H.0. 1770. 6.10. H.©. 1789. 7.8. H.©. 1796. 6.9. H.0. 1799. 7.8. H.©. 1 pinnatifidum. W. 2 atratum. W. 3 heterophyllum, 1 W. en. J 4 Leucanthemum. W. 5 montanum. W. 6 ceratophylloides. 7 gramiuifolium. W. 8 monspeliense. W, 9 Achillege. W. 10 argenteuin. W. 1 1 arcticqm. W. 12 carinatum. W. 13 pumilum, W. en, 14 sylvestre. W. en. 15 segetum. W. 16 Myconis. W. 1 7 itaiicuru. W. 18 coronal ium. \V. PYRETHRUM. W. 1 foeniculaceum.W.en 2 crithmifolium.W.en. 3 anethifolium.W.en. 4 frutescens. W. en 5 coronopifolium W. en. '} cut-leaved. fleshy-leaved. various-leaved, Ox-eye Daisy, mountain. Buck’s-horn. Grass-leaved. Montpelier. Milfoil-leaved. silver-leaved. northern. three-coloured. small. field. corn. tongue-leaved. Italian. garden. Feverfew. Fennel-leaved. Samphire-leaved. Dill-leaved. shrubby. Buckshorn-leavd. Madeira. 1777. 5.8. G.JZ. Austria. 1731. 7.8. H.l£. • —Switzerland, 1806. H .Tf.. — Britain 6.7. H.2J-. — France. 1759. H .If.. Piedmont. 1803. H.7/.. Montpelier. 1739. 5.7. H.7£. 6.9. H.Tj. Italy. 1775. 6.8. H.l£. = Levant. 1731. 7.8. H.ty. Kamtschatka 1801. 6.8. H.ljl. Barbary. 1796.7.10. H.©. 1806, H.©. 1804. 6.7. H .11. - Britain. .... 6.8. H.©. Italy. 1775. 7.8. H.©. 1796. 6.7. H. If. . Sicily. 1629. 7.9. H.©. Corymbiferae. J. Ckrysanthemi sp . Pi S. Teueriffe. 1816. 1.12. G.Tj. -G.J*. Canaries. 1699. G.Ij. .... G.\. 6 grandiflorum.W.en. great-flowered. 7 speciosum. W. en. large-flowered. 8 ptarmicaefolium.W. Sneezewort-Iead, 9 serotinum. W. creeping- rooted. 10 uliginosum. W. marsh. 11 alpinum. W. Alpine. 1 2 Balsamita. W. various-leaved. 13 macrophyllum. W. large-leaved. 14 roseum. W. en. scarlet-flowered. Chrysanthemum coccineum. B. M. 3 5 corymbosum. W. mountain. 1815. G.T7. G. h . — Caucasus. 1803. 7.8. — N. America. 1731. 9.10. H. 2/.. — Hungary. 1816. 7-9. H.lj.. — Switzerland. 1759. 7.8. H.2JL. ~ Levant. 1779. H.2£. — Hungary. 1803. — — -H.ty. — * Caucasus. 1804. 8.5. H. 2 f.. — » Germany. 1596. 6.8. H.3JL. 191 Cav. ie. t. 266. Bot. mag, 762. Bot. mag. 740. 150. Lam. ill. t. 684. Dil!.elt.t.280.f.362 Cav. ic. 2. t. 169. Cat.ic. 3. t. 267. Schk.han.3.t.250.b Plum. ic. 151. f. 2. Slo.jam.l.t.t49.f.3. Jac. ic. 3. t. 588. Pluk.alm.t.302.f.3. Mill. ic. l.t. 64, Bot. mag. 149. Bot. rep. 189. Bot. mag. 527. 555, Eng. bot. 601. Jac. obs. 4. t. 91. All.ped.l.t.37.f.!„ Jac. obs. 4. t. 92. 4. t. 93. Mich.gen.34.t.29. W. hort. ber. 33. Bot. tuag. 508, Eng. bot. 540. Jac. obs. 4.t. 94. Lam. ill. L678.f.6. Bot reg. 272. Jac. ob«. 4. t. 9* Jac. obs. 4.4. 99. Pl.rar.hung. 1 . t.94» Bot. mag^l080. Jac. aust. 4. t. 37f. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. 192 16 pulverulentum. 1 W. en. J 17 Parthenium. W. /lore pleno. 18 parthenifolium. W. 19 caucasicum. W. powdered. common. double-flowered. Parthenium-led. Caucasian. 20 tenuifolium. W. en. slender-leaved. scentless, sea. Milfoil-leaved, wing-leaved. Indian. Matricaria. sweet. Wild Chamomile Cape, small. Boltonia. Starwort-fl owerd . glaucous-leaved. Lidbeckia. silver-leaved. Cenia. turbinated. Cotula. Anthemis-like. .Buck’s Horn, clammy. Tansy-leaved. Grangea. wedge-leaved, least. Corymbiferae. J. Iberia. ■ Britain. 21 inodorum.W. 22 maritimura. W. 23 millefoliatum. W. 24 feipinnatum. W. 25 indicum. H. K. MATRICARIA. W. 1 suaveolens. W. 2 Chamomilla. W. 3 capensis. W. 4 pusilla. W. en. BOLTONIA. W. 1 asteroides. W. 2 glastifolia. W. LIDBECKIA. W. pectinata. W. CENIA. J. turbinata. P. S. COTULA. W. 1 anthemoides. W. 2 coronopifolia. W. 3 viscosa. W. 4 tanacetifolia. W. GRANGEA. J. 1 cuneifolia. Lam. 2 minima. W. 3 maderaspatana. Lam. / 4 latifolia. Desf. Cotula bicolor. TV. ANACYCLUS. W. 1 creticus. W. 2 orientals. W. 3 aureus. W. 4 valentinus. W. ANTHEMIS. W. Corvmbiferae. J. Caucasus. Britain. Siberia. E.Ind. Europe. Britain. C. B. S. Corymbiferae. J. N. America. 1806. 6.8. H.lf. 6.9. H.lf. Eng. bot. 1231. 1804. 6-7. H .If.. Vent. cels. t. 43. 7.8. H.2jL. 1806. H.lf. 8.9. H.©. 6.10. &. If.. 1731. 5.9. H.TjL. Mill. ic. 1 . t. 9. 1796. 6.7. H.^. Gmel.sib.2.t.85.f.l, 1 S 10. 6.9. H.Q. Bot. mag. 1521. 1781. 6.8. H.Q. .... 5.7. H.Q. Ping. bot. 1232. 1699. 7.9. G. 1 frutescens. W. shrubby. 2 arborescens. W. tree. 3 sericeuni. W. silky. 4 spinosum. W. prickly. 5 aquaticum. W. sweet-scented. € maritimum. W. sea. 7 salicifolium. W. Willow-leaved. 8 grandiflorum. W» great-flowered. 9 cordifolium. W. heart-leaved. Corvmbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. America. E. Ind. W.Ind. India. Peru. S. America. N. America. W. Ind. Virginia. N. America. Mexico. E. Ind. Ceylon. E. Ind. W. Ind. 1690. 1732. 7.9. H.©. S.©. Dill.elt.t.l 13.f.l37 • t.ll3.f.l3S 1768. 6.7. S.©. Swa.obs.314.t.8.f.l 1730. 8.10. H.©. 1784. 6.7. H.©. 1699. 5.10. G.lf.. 1812. 7-9. H. If. . 1758 S.^. 1731.10.1 1. H. If.. 1640. 9-11. H. If. . 1803. 7.10. G.lf. . 1806. 8.9. S.©. 1739. 7-9. S.©. 1789. 6.7. S.©. 1759. 6. Corymbiferae. J. Verbesina sp. TV. W.Ind. 1726. 6. Corymbiferae. J. s.h- s.©. S. America. Peru. 1796. 5 1797. 8. Corymbiferae. J. Spilanthi et Anthemidis - Mauritius. 1768. 7. Corymbiferae. J. Anthemidis sp. TV. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. Uelianthus Icevis. L. Corymbiferae. J. S. America. 1798. 7.9. TV. 1798. 7.9. 1799. 6.8. 1714. 7.10, Mexico. Chili. N. America. H.©. H.©. TV. S.©. H.©. Y.%. U.lf.. H.n. America. Bermudas. Canaries. Spaiu'. S'. Europe. Sicily. Austria. Hungary. Schk.hand.3.t.256. L’Her. stirp. t. 19. Bot. mag. 1716. Jac.ic. l.t. 175. Jac. vind. 2. 1. 110. Cav. ic. 3.t. 214. Bot. mag. 1017. Burm.zeyl.t.22.f.l. f Murr. com. goet. ( 1779. t. 4. Plum. ic. t. 52. Dill.elt. t.45. f. 53. Cav.ic. 3. t. 281. Bot. mag. 1895.„ Jac.schoen.2.t.l51. Bot. rep. 549. L’Her. stirp. t. 45*. Dill.elt. t. 2S.f.44. t. 38. f. 43« . Bot. mag. 1836. Breyn. cent. t. 77. Bocc. nuts. t. 129. Jac. aust. 4. t. 370* Moris. s.6.t.7.f.52. Pl.rar.hung.2.t.l 13 IIELIANTHUS. W 1 annuus. W. 2 indicus. W. 3 tubaeformis. W. 4 dentatus. W. 6 multiflorus. W. £> plenus. 6 tuberosus. W. 7 angustifolius. Pb* 8 macrophyllus. Ph» 9 moilis. Ph. 10 decapetalus. Ph. 1 1 prostratus. Ph. 12 struraosus. Ph 13 altissimus. Ph. 14 giganteus. Ph. 1 5 longifolius. Pli Son Flower. annual, dwarf annual, tube-flowered, tooth-leaved, many-flowered. double-Jlowered. f Jerusalem 1 \ Artichoke, j narrow-leaved, large-leaved, soft. ten-petalled. rough. Carrot-rooted. tall. gigantic. long-leaved. FRUSTRANEA. Corymbiferae. J. S. America. Egypt. Mexico. N. America. Brazil. N. America. 1596. 6.10. H.0. 1785. H.©. Tabern. ic. 764. 1799. 7-8. H.©. Jac.schoen.3.t.375.; 1798.9.11. G .If.. Cav. ic. 3. t. 220. 1597. 8.10. H.^. Bot.mag.227. 1617. 9.10. H.2/. . Jac. vind. 2. t. 161. Georgia. U.lf.. 10. H.^- 10. H. If- . 11. H .If.. .9. U.lf.. — H — H.y.. 10. U.lf.. 10. Meerb. ic. 1. t. 49. W.hort.ber. t. 70. Rob. ic. 235. Bocc. sic. t. 27. f. 4. Jac. vind. 2. 1. 160. Moris. s. 6. t.?.f.66. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA FRUSTRANEA. 195 16 divaricatus. Ph. 1 7 pubescens. Ph. 1 8 atrorubens. Ph. GALARDIA. W. bicolor. W. RUDBECKIA. W. 1 pinnata. Ph. 2 digitata. Ph. 3 laciniata. Ph. 4 columnaris. Ph, 5 subtomentosa. Ph. 6 triloba. Ph. 7 hirta. Ph. 8 fulgida. Ph. 9 laevigata. Ph. 10 amplexifolia. Pb. 1 1 purpurea. Ph. COSMEA. W. 1 lutea. B. M, 2 sulphurea. W. 3 bipinnata. Wr 4 parviflora. VV. COREOPSIS. W. 1 ferulaefclia. W. 2 verticillata. W, 3 tenuifolia. W. 4 chrysantha. W. 5 aurea. W. 6 tripteris. Ph. 7 senifolia. Ph. 8 amplexicaulis. Cav, 9 foetida. W. 10 alba. W. 1 1 incisa. B. reg. 12 reptans. W. 13 auriculata. W. 14 latifolia. W. 1 6 arguta. Ph. 16 lanceolata. W. 17 crassifolia. W. 1 8 angustifolia. W. 1.9 alata. W. 20 procera. W. OSMITES. W. camphorina. W. PALLASIA. W. halimifolia. W. SCLEROCARPUS. W. africanus. W. CULLUMIA. H. K. 1 ciliaris. H. K. 2 setosa. H. K. 3 sqnarrosa. H. K. BERCKHEYA. H. K 1 cynaroides. W, 2 obovata. W. 3 incana. W. 4 cuneata. W. 5 palmata. W. <6 grandiflora. W. 7 uniflora. W. 8 cernua. H. K. DIDELTA. H. K. 1 carnosum. H. K. 2 spinosum. H. K. GORTERIA. H. K. personata. H. K. GAZANIA. H. K. 1 rigens. H. K, Corymbiferse, J. N. America. Corymbiferae. J. Cosmos. Cav. ic. Mexico. Corymbiferae. J. divaricate, downy. dark-purple-eyed. Galardia. Corymbiferae. J. Virgilia. Smith two-coloured. * - Rudbeckia. Corymbiferae. J. fragrant, narrow jagged-ld broad jagged led. high-crowned, downy-lobed. three-lobed. great hairy, small hairy, smooth, stem-clasping. PWrple, Cosiyiea. yellow-dowered, Southernwood-ld. purple-flowered, white-flowered. Coreopsis. Fennel-leaved, whorl-leaved, slender-leaved, Angelica-leav’d. Hemp-leaved, three-leaved, sessile-leaved, stem-clasping, stinking. Climbing, jagged-leaved, trailing, car-leaved, broad-leayed. sharp-notched, spear-leaved, thick-leaved, narrow-leaved, wiqg-stalked, tall. OSMITES. Campbire-scentd Pallasia. downy-leaved. SCLEROCARPUS, African. CuLLUIWIA. ciliated. 17-59, 1795, 1732 8.10. H.2/.. 7.10. H.2/1. • H.2*. Dill.elt.t.94. f.l 10. It l* thill* AJJ/lH/l* Carolina. 1787. 7.10. H. 2/.. Bot. mag. 1602. Exot. bot. 1. 1. 38. Moris, s,6.t.6.f. 54. s.6*.t.6\ f.53, Bot. mag. 1601. Corymbiferae. J, Mexico. N. America. W. Ind, N. America. Mexico. Jamaica. W. Ind. N. America. Carolina. N. America. Mexico. N. America. 1811. 1799. 10.1 1.G.0. 7.8. H.©. — — G.lf. 1800. — r-H.Q. 1799. 1759." 1780. 1752. 1785. 1737- 1812. 1806. 1799. 1699. 1792. 1699. 178$. 1724. 1786. 1778. 1803. 1765. 10.11. F.2*. 7.10. H.2/.. 7.8. H.2£. 7-9. S. S' • 8.9. H.2*. 8.10. H.2*. — H-2*. 7.8. H.2* . H.Q. 6.7. S. 2* . 9.12. S. 2*. 7.9. S.0. 8.10. H. If. . 8.9. H.2*. H. If. . 7.9. H.lf-. 8.10. H.2*. 6.8. H.2*. 7.8. H.2/.. 9.10. H. 2/. . : C.B.S, Corymbiferae. J, Encelia. P. S. — Peru. 1786, Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. ■ Guinea. 1812. Gorterice sp. L. -C.B.S. 1774. f recurved *1 | smooth-lead. / recurv’d awl-lead. • Beuckheya. Corymbiferae. J. Articboke-cuppd. smooth shrubby, hoary. wedge-leaved, palmated. large-flowered, single-flowered. drooping-flowerd. Didelta. Corymbiferae. J. alternate-leaved. opposite-leaved. Gorteria. Corymbiferae. J. procumbent. — Gazania. Corymbiferae. J. great-flowered, Gorterice sp. L, C. B. S. C.B. S. C. B. S. Gorterice sp. JF. C.B.S. 1755 1774. 7.8. G.Q. 5.9. G.k Pluk.alm. t.22. f.2. Dill.elt.t.218.f.285 Jac. ic. 3, t. 592. Bot. mag. 2. Bot. mag. 1689- Jac. ic.3. t. 595, Bot. mag. 1535. Jac.schoen.3.t.374. Jac.schoen.3.t.373, Bot. mag. 156. Plum. ic. 53. f. 1. Moris, s. 6.t.3.f.44. Cav. ic. 1. 1. 77, Heim. parad. 124. Bot. reg. 7. Smith spie. t. 22. Schk. han.3.t. 260. Dill. eXt. t.48.f. 56. Cav. ic. 3. t, 260. Seb.mus.l.t.90.f.2, Jac. ic. 3. t. 594, Jac. ic. 1. 1. 176. Burm. afr,t.54.f.l. .3 £ Th.act.hafn.3.t.5. Hout.nh.6.t.34.f.2 Jac. ic. 3. t. 591. Th.act.hafn 3. t.10. — * 3. t. 13. Bot. mag. 1 844. Th.act. hafn.3.t.7. Meerb. ic. 1. 1. 40. L’Her. stirp. t. 28. Wendl.obs.t.4.f.32. Jac.coll.4.t.21.f, 1, Bot. mag. 90, C C 2 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA FRUSTRANEA. 196 2 Pavonia. H. K. Peacock. 3 subulata. H. K. awl-leaved. CRYPTOSTEMM A 1 H. K. j 1 calendulaceum H.K. Corymbiferae. J. Cryptostemma. Corymbiferae. J. ^ Marygold-flowd. 2 hypochondria- 1 diridcd.r d. cum. H. K. J C. B. S. 1804. 6.7. G .If., ■ 1792. 7.8. G. 2f. . Arctotidis sp. W. • C.B.S. 1752. 6.8. H.©. . 1731. 7.8. H,©. 3 runcinatum. H. K. Daadelion-leavd. 1794. ARCTOTHECA. W. Arctotheca. Corymbiferae. J. Arctotidis sp. Jac. repens. AY. creeping, — C.B.S. 1793. SPHENOGYNE.H.K. SphenoGYNE. Corymbiferae. J. Arctotidis sp. TV. 1 anthemoides. H. K. white-crowned. ■ C.B.S. 1774. 2 crithmifolia. Ii. K. Samphire-leav’d. 1768. 3 scariosa. H. K. scaly-cupped. — 1774. 4 abrotanifolia. H. K. Southernwood-ld. 1789. 6 dentata. H. K. small-Jeaved. 1787. 6 odorata. H. K. smooth-seeded. . ... — — 1774. ZCEGEA. AY. Ziegea. Cynaroceplialae. J. ■ H.Q. 7.8. G.y., 7.9. H.Q. 4.8. G. . G. \ . 5.8. G.lj. 6.7. G. Ji. 4.6. G.Ti' Bot. reg. 35. Jac,schoen.2.t.l57. Jac.schoen.3.t.306, Bot. mag. 544. Burin, afr.t.6’5 .f.l. Burm. afr. t. 64. Leptaurea. AV. yellow-flowered. — Levant. CENTAUREA. AY. Centaury. Cynaroceplialae. J. 1 Crupina. \V. black-seeded. Italy. 2 Lippii. W. Lippi’s. — - — Egypt. 3 moschata. AY. Sweet Sultan. — Pei'sia. 4 glauca. AY. glaucous. Caucasus. 5 suaveolens. AY. Yellow' Sultan. Levant. 6 alpina. AY. Alpine. Italy. 7 Centaurium. AY. great. 8 ruthenica. AY. Russian. - — Russia. 9 phrygia. AY. feathery-calyx’d. Switzerland. 10 rivularis. P. S. river-side. — Portugal. 11 austriaca. AY. Austrian. Austria. 1 2 pectinata. AY. pectinated. France. 13 nervosa. AY. en. nerved. — S. Europe. 14 triclioeephala. AY. dovvny-calyxed. Siberia. 15 hyssopifolia. AY. Hyssop-leaved. Spain. 16 coronopifolia. AY. Buck’s-horn. Levant. 17 nigra. AY. Black Knapweed. Britain. 1 8 nigrescens. AY. dark. Hungary. 19 ochroleuca. AY. Caucasian. Caucasus. 20 montana. AY. mountain. — — — Austria. 21 Cyanus. AV. Blue-bottle. Britain. 22 pullata. AV. various-coloured. S. Europe. 23 ovina. AV. small-flowered. Caucasus. 24 paniculata. AY. panic-led. — Europe. 25 intybacea. H. K. Succory-leaved. S, Europe. 26 spinosa. AY. prickJy-branclied. Candia. 27 ragusina. AY. white-leaved. 28 Cineraria. AV. hoary-leaved. Italy. 29 cinerea. AY. gray. — 30 dealbata. AY. mealy. Caucasus. 3 1 argentea. AY. silver-leaved. — Candia. 32 maculosa. P. S. spotted-calyxed. — — - Siberia. 33 sempervirens. AY. evergreen. ■ — Spain. 34 coriacea. AV. leathery -leaved. — Hungary, 35 Scabiosa. W. } Britain. 36 tatarica. AY. Tartarian. Tartary. 37 Stoebe. AY. wing-leaved. — — Austria ? 38 Fischeri. AY. en. Fischer’s. — — Siberia. 39 macrocephala. AY. large-headed. — — Caucasus. 40 alropurpurea. AV. dark-purple. Hungary. 41 calocephala. AY. en. smooth-stalked. — Levant. 42 canariensis. AV. en. Canary. — — Teneriffe. 43 orientals. AY. oriental. — Siberia. 44 sibirica. AV. Siberian. — 45 diluta. H. K. pale-flowered. S. Europe. 46 alata. AY. winged-stalked. — — — Tartary. 47 Behen. AY. saw-leaved. — — v- — — Levant. 48 repens. AV. creeping. - ■■ - ■ 1779. 7.8. H.0. 1596. 6.7. H.Q. 1739. H.Q. 1629. 7-10. H.Q. . 1805. 6.7. H.2JL. 1683. 7.10. H,0. 1640. 7.8. H. 2/. . 1596. — r— H. If. . 1806. H.2£. 1633. 6.10. H.2/.. 1812. 7.9. H,i. 1815. 6.10. H.2/ . 1727- 7.10. H. 14. 1815. 6.9. H.2/ . 1805. 7.8. LI. 2 /. 1812. F. Vi . 173 Bot. mag. 768. 306. Jac.schoen. 2vt.242. Bot. reg. 108. Jac.schoen.3.t.376. Comm.bort.2.t.70, Bot. reg. 266, SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SEGREGATA. Corymbiferae. J. C. B. S. 8 crassifolia. W. thick-leaved. 9 denticulata. W. tooth-leaved. 10 heterophyila. W. various-leaved. 1 1 Lingua. W. tongue-leaved. 1 2 filicaulis. W. Yam-rooted. 13 bulbosa. W. bulbous. 14 perfoliat.a. Jac. perfoliate. 15 parviHora. W; small-flowered. 16 ericoides. W. Heath-ieaved. 17 tenuissima. W. fine-leaved. 18 arborescens. W. tree. 19 cacalioides. W. tuberous. HIPPIA. W. Hippia. 1 frutescens. W. shrubby. 2 integrifolia. W . annual. GYMNOSTYLES. J. Gymnostyles. anthemifolia. J. Chamomile-lead PSIADIA. W. PsiADIA. glutinosa. W. glutinous. ERIOCEPHALUS.W, , Eriocephalus. 1 africanus. W. cluster-leaved. 2 racemosus. W. silver-leaved. FILAGO. W. Cotton Rose. pysmaea. W. pigmy. MICROPUS. W. Micropus. 1 supinus. W. trailing. 2 erectus. W. upright. PARTHENIUM. W. Parthenium. 1 Hysterophorus. W. cut-leaved. 2 integi’ifolium. W. entire-leaved. IVA. W. IVA. 1 annua. W» annual. 2 frutescens. W. shrubby. Cory m bi ferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae.. J. C.B. S. E. Ind. S. America. Mauritius. C.B. S. Corymbiferae. J. Evax. Gcert. S. Europe. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae ? J. S. Europe. Jamaica. Virginia. 1710. .9.10. 1774. 4.7. 1812. 1787. 5.9. 1791. 4.5. 1774. 5.6. 1789. 5.7. 1704. 7.8. 1815. 1759. 4.7. 1723. 7.8. 1774. 5.9. Corymbiferae ? J. S. America. — N. America. G-h- G-h- G.h- G .If..> G.y.. G.y. G- h • G.k. G-h- G.h* G.2/.. 1710. 2.8. G. Fj . 1777. 7.8. S.©. 1812. 4.12. G.©. 1796. 6.8. S.Tj. 1732. 1.3. G.^. 1739. 3.4. G. . 1629. 7.8. H.©. 1710. 6.9. H.©. 1683. 6.9. H.©. 1728. 7.10. H.©. 1661. 6.10. H.lf. . 1768. 7.8. S.©. 1711. 8. H.Tj, ELEPHANTOPUS.l f Elephant’s \ W. J \ Foot. j 1 sCaber. W. 2 carolinianus. W. 3 tomentosus. W. tEDERA. W. prolifera. W. STCEBE. W. 1 aethiopica. W. 2 cinerea. W. NAUENBURGIA. W. trinervata. W. CASSINIA. H. K. aurea. H. R. SPH7ERANTHUS. W. 1 ilidicus. W. 2 africanus. W. ECHINOPS. W. 1 sphaerocephalus. W. 2 spinosus. W. 3 Ritro. W. 4 strigosus. W. 5 lanuginosus. W. ROLANDRA. W. argentea. W. BROTERA. W. corymbosa. W. {JUNDELIA. W. Tournefortii. W. SEGREGATA. Corymbiferae, J. rough-leaved. Carolina. woolly. CEdera. proliferous. Stcebe. Juniper-leaved. Heath-leaved. Nauenburgia. three-nerved. Cassinia. yellow. , Sph^eranthus. Indian. African. Globe-Thistle great. thorny-headed. small. annual. woolly. Rolandra. silver-leaved. Brotera. umbelled. G-undelia. Turnefort’s. Corymbiferae. J. Corymbiferae. J. ■ E. Ind. ■ America. • W. Ind. C.B.S. Seriphium. ■ C.B.S. 1695. 6. 9. 1732. 7.9. 1733. 7.8. s G.V-. G.n. 1789. 5.6. G.l^ .5. 1759. 8. 1774. 7.9. G.h G. h Corymbiferae ? Brotera. P. S. — ..... ■ S. America. 1799. 7.8. H.Q. — N. Holland. 1803. 7.8 Cvnarocephalae ? J. — E. Ind. — C.B.S. G.y., 1699. 8.12. 1759. 7.8. Cynarocephalae ? J. Austria. - Egypt. Europe. — Spain. — ■ ■■ - ■ Levant. Cynarocephalae? J. W. Ind. 1714. 7. Cynarocephalae ? J. Cardopatum. P. S. — — - S. Europe. 1640. 6.7. Cynarocephalae? J. Levant., 1739. 6.8. 199 Mill.ic.S.t. 245. f.2. Jac.schoen.2.t.238. 2. t. 241. Breyn. cent. t. 66. Bot. mag. 1312. Volk, norib. t. 226. Jac.schoen.2.t.239. Dil.elt.t. 1 03. f.123* Bot. mag. 1855. Hout.nat.h.t.6'7.f.2 J.ann.mus.t.61.f.l. Jac.schcen.2.t.l52. Bot. mag. 833. Cav. ic. 1. 1. 86. Schk.liand.3.t.267. Loef. hisp. t. 1. f.3. Cav. ic. 4. t. 378. W. hort. ber. 4. Sclimidel. ic. t. 16. Pluk.alm. t.27.f. 1, Rheed.mal. 10.t.7. Dill.elt.t.l06.f.l2« Bot. mag. 1637. {Schrad. bot. j. 1800. 2. t. 5. Burm.zeyl.t.94.f.3. Moris. s.7.t.35.f.4. Bot. mag. 932. Herm.parad,t.224« Sloan.jam.l .t.7.f.S. Moris.s.7.t.33.f.l7» Mill. ica. 287. 200 GYNANDRXA MONANDRIA, ORCHIS. B. P. 1 Morio. W. 2 longicornu. P. S. S mascula. W. 4 ustulata. W. 5 fusca. W. 6 militaris. W. 7 acuminata. W. 8 globosa. W. 9 pyramidalis. W. 10 liircina. W. 1 1 latifolia. W. 1 2 maculata. W. 13 spectabilis. W. 14 papilionacea. W. GYMNADENIA. H.K conopsea. H. K. ACERAS. H. K. anthropophora. HERMINIUM. H. K. Monorchis. H. K. HABENARIA. B. P. 1 nigra. H. K. 2 viridis. H. K. 3 bracteata. H.K. 4 albida. H. K. 5 hyperborea. H. K. 6 bifolia. H. K. 7 herbiola. H. K. 8 fimbriata. H. K. 9 cristata. H. K. 10 ciliaris. H. K. BARTHOLINA. H.K. pectinata. H. K. SERAPIAS. H. K. 1 Lingua. W. 2 cordigera. W. OPHRYS. B. P. 1 apifera. W. 2 tenthredinifera. W. 3 aranifera. W. 4 muscifera. H.K. SATYRIUM. H. K. 1 cucullatum. W. 2 carneum. H. K. DISA. Sw. 1 cornuta. W. 2 spatliulata. W. 8 prasinata. B. reg. PTERYGODlUM.Sw. 1 volucris.W. DISPERIS. Sw. secunda. W. GOODYERA. H. K. 1 repens. H. K. 2 pubescens. H. K. 3 discolor. B. reg. NEOTTIA. B. P. 1 speciosa. W. 2 orcbioides. W. 3 picta. H. K. 4 e/ata. W. CLASS XX. gynandria monandria. Orchis. meadow. fiat-spurred. early purple. dwarf. brown. military. pointed-flower’d. round-spiked. pyramidal. Lizard. marsh. spotted palmate, showy. papilionaceous. Gymnadenia. fragrant. Aceras. Green man. Herminium. musk. Habenaria. dark-Howered. Frog. long-bracted. small white. northern. Butterfly. American. purple-fringed. yellow-crested. yellow-fringed. Bartholina. pectinated. Serapias. tongue-lipped. heart-lipped. Ophrys. Bee. Saw-fly. IfRIUM. llate. t-flowered. spoon-lipped. green-flowered. Pterygodium. arrow-lipped. DisrERis. side-flowering. Goodyera. creeping. downy. purple-leaved. Neottia. showy. frosted-flowered. Lemon-scented. tall. Orchideae. B. P. Britain. Barbary. Britain. England. Barbary. Austria. Britain. England. Britain. 1815. 1815. 1792. N. America. 1801. S. Europe. 1788. Orchideae. B. P. Orchidis sp. TV. Britain. .... Orchideae. B. P. Ophrydis sp. IV. England Orchideae. B. P. Ophrydis sp. TV. England. .... Orchideae. B. P. Orchidis sp. TV. Austria. 1759. — — Britain. .... X. America. 1 805. Britain. .... — Iceland. 1805. - Britain. .... N. America. 1789. Canada. • — — N. America. 1806. 1796. 6.7. H.2£. H.2f. 5.6. H.2/. . 6.7. H.2f. ■ H.2/, 5.6. H.2/-. 6.7. H.2/. . H.2/. . 9. H.2/. , 6.7. H.2/. Orchideae. B. P. Orchidis sp. TV. C.B.S. 1787. 10. G.2 /. Orchideae. B. P. Helleborinis sp. P. S. S. Europe. 1786. 1806. Eng. hot. 2059* Bot. reg.' 202. Eng. bot. 631. 1873. Bot. mag. 1932. i • Jac. aust. 3. t. 265. Eng. bot. 1 1 0. — 34. 2308. 632. Eng. bot. 10. Eng. bot. 29* Eng. bot. 7 1 . Flor. dan. t. 998. Eng. bot. 94. Par. land. 110. Orchideae. B. P. England. Barbary. 1815. Orchideae. B. P. Diplecthrum. P. S. C.B.S. 1787. 5.6. G.2/.. 7.8. G,2/. 6.7. H.2/L, 4.5. G.2/., H. 2/. . 5.6. H.2 6.9. G.2/. . ■ — -G.y.. Orchideae. B. P. Orchideae. B. P. Orchideae. B. P. Orchideae. B. P. C.B.S. 1805. 6.7. G.2/.. G-2/. . 1815. — G.2/.. Eng. bot. 22. Bot. mag, 1668. {Journ. Sc. & Art% v. 4. t. 8. f. 2. Mor.s.l 2.t.l4.f.21. Bot. rep. 475. Eng. bot. 383. Bot. reg. 205. / Eng. bot. 65. 64, Bot. rep. 315. Bot. mag. 1512, {Journ. Sc. &Avts3 v. 4. t. 8. f. 3. Bot. reg. 209. C.B. S. 1797. 6.7. G.2/.. C.B. S. 1797. 6.7. G.2/. . Neottiw sp. TV. Scotland. 7.8. H.2 J.. Eng. bot. 289. N. America. , 1802. 7. H.2/.. S. America. , 1815. 11.12. S.2/L. Bot. reg. 271. W. Ind. 1790. 4.6. S.2 /.. Bot. mag. 1374. Jamaica. 1806. 5. S.2/.. 1036. Trinidad. 1805. 4.6. S.2/-. 1562. W. Ind. 1790.-=— S.2|. Red.lil. 164. ? GYNANDEIA MONANDRIA. 201 6 cernua, W, 6' spiralis. W. PONTHIEVA. H. K glanduiosa. H. K. DIURUS. B. P. aurea. B. P. THELYMITRA. B ixioides. B. P. LISTERA. H. K. 1 ovata. H. K. 2 cordata. H. K. EPIPACTIS. Sw. 1 Nidus-avis. W. 2 latifolia. W. 3 palustris. W. 4 pallens. W. 5 ensifolia. W. 6 rubra. W. POGONIA. H. K. 1 ophioglossoides. B. reg. 2 divaricata, H. K. CALADENIA.B. P. alba. B. P. GLOSSODIA. B. P. major. B. P. nodding-flower’d, Ladies-traces. PoNTHIEVA. glandular. Biurus. golden-flowered. P. Thelymitra. spotted blue. Listera. Twayblade. beart-leaved. Epipactis. bird’s ne^t. broad-leaved, marsh, white. narrow-leaved. purple. POGONIA. Orchideae. B. P. N. America. 1796. 7. H.l/A Britain. .... 8.9. H.lf. Orchideae. B. P. Neottiae sp. B. M. - W. Ind. 1800. 1.2. S .2/.. Orchideae. B. P. N. s.W. 1810. G.lf.. Orchideae. B. P. , N.S.W. 1810 G. 2/.. Orchideae. B. P. Ophrydis sp.E.B. * Britain. Orchideae. B. P. Serapias. E. B Britain. Orchideae. B. P. Arethusa sp. Ph. 5.6. H I/.. 6.7. H.2J. . 5. H. If. . 7.8. H. If.. H.2JL. 6. H.lf. — H.lf. 6.7. PI .If.. Bot. mag. 1568. Eng. bot. 541. Bot. mag. 842. Exot. bot. 1. 1. 9. Exot. bot. 1. 1. 29- Eng. bot. 1548. Adder’ s-tongue. Lily- leaved. Caladenia. white. Glossodia. larger. Orchideae. B. P. Orchideae. B. P. PTEROSTYLIS. B. P. Pterostylis. Orchideae. B. P. obtusa. B. P. CALEYA. II. K. major. H. K. CALOPOGON. H. K. pulchellus. H. K. blunt-lipped. Caleva. smooth-lipped. Calopogon. tuberous-rooted. Limodorum tuberosum. B. M. ARETHUSA. H.K. bulbosa. H. K. BLETIA. H. K. 1 Tankervilliae. H. K. 2 verecunda. IP. K. 3 florida. H. K. 4 hyacintliina. H. K. 5 capitata. H. K. GEODORUM.H.K. 1 purpureum. H. K. 2 citrinum. H. K. 3 dilatatum. IP. K. CALYPSO. P. L. americana. H. K. MALAXIS. H. K. 1 paludosa. W. 2 Loeselii. W. 3 lilifolia. W. COR ALLORRHI- ' ZA. H. K. ” jnnata. PI. K. } Arethusa, bulbous. Bletia. Tankerville’s. tall. purple. byacinthine, headed. Geodorum. purple. Lemon-colour’d. shovel-lipped. Calypso. American. Malaxis. marsh. Loesel’s. Lily-leaved. Orchideae. B. P. Orchideae. B. P. Orchideae. B. P. - N . America. 1816. 6.7. G. lf.. H. If. . . 1 787* — - - - N.S.W. oo u o 00 G.lf.. - N. S. W. 1810. .... G.lf.. - N. S. W. 1810. 7.8. G.lf.. Caleana. B. P. - N.S.W. 1810 G.lf-. Cymbidii sp. TV. - N. America, 1771. 7.8. F.lf. — N. America. .... 5.6. G .11. Limodori et Cymbidii sp. TV. - China. 1778. 3.4. s.if. - W. Ind. 1733. 1.5. S.2JL. - 1786. 7.8. S .if.. - China. 1802. 3.6. - W. Ind. 1795. 6.7. S.lf. Limodori sp. Roxb. - E. Ind. 1600. 6.8. S.lf. in 19.S 1! . 5.8. S. If 358. Eng. bot. 48. 269. 270. 271. — 494. 437. % Bot. reg. 148, Lam. ill. t, 72.9. f.3. Bot. mag. 116. Bot. mag. 1924. 930. Redoute lil. 83. Bot. mag. 1492. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 40. Bot. rep. 626. P Roxb. cor. l. t. 39. N. America. 1805. 5.6. H.2f. Par. lond. 89. England. 7. H. If. . 7. H.lf. Eng. bot. 72. — 47. Bot, rep. 65. spuvless. ISOCHILUS. linear, proliferous. ORNITHIDIUM.H.K. Ornxthidium. coccineum. H. K. scarlet-flowered. STELIS. H. K. ISOCHILUS. H. K. 1 linearis. IP. IP. 2 prolifer. IP. K N. America. 1758. 6.7. H.lf. Co kallorriiiza. Orchideae. B. P. Ophrydis sp. E. B. Scotland 6. 7. H.2/.. Eng. bot. 1547* 1 ophioglossoides. W 2 micrantha. W. PLEUROTHAL- \ LIS. H. K. J xuscifolia. H. K. OCTOMERIA. H. K. Stelis. ( Adder’s- P { tongue-lead. J small-flowered. Orchideae. B. P. Cymbidii sp. TV. W. Ind. 1791. 5.7. S.lf.. Jac.amer.t.l31.f.L 1793 S.lf.- Orchideae. B. P. Cymbidii sp. TV. W, Ind. 1790.1.12. S. If. . Bot. mag. 1437. Orchideae. B. P. W. Ind. Jamaica. 1791. 5.6. S.lf, 1805. 11.12. S .If., { Butcher’ s- braom-leavtl Octomeria. graminifolia, H, K. Grass-leaved, Pleurothallis. Orchideae. B. P. Epidendri sp. Jac. — W. Ind. 1791.5.6. S.Tf., } Orchideae. B. P. Dendrobii sp. TV. — , W. Ind. 1793, 6.7. S.lf, Jac.amer.t. 1 33. f. 2. Exot. bot. 2. t. 75. Jac.amer.t,133.f.3. Plum, ic, 176. f. I. Dd SOS gyNandria diandria. AERIDE8. Sw, 1 paniculatum. B.reg. 2 odoratum. H. K. 3 arachnites. Sw. CRYPTARRHENA \ B. reg. J lunata. B. reg. DENDROBIUM.H.K 1 speciosum. B. P. 2 linguiforme. B. P. 3 Barringtoniae. W. GOMES A. B. M. recurva. B. M. CYMBIDlUM. H. K. 1 aloifolium. W. 2 ensifolium. W. 3 sinense. W. 4 praemorsum. W. 5 tripternm. W. BRASSIA. H. K. maculata. H. K. ONCID1UM. Sw. 1 altissimum. \V. 2 carthagenense. W. 3 bifoiium. H. K. 4 triquetrum. II. K. CYRTOPOD1UM. \ H.K. j 1 Andersonii. H. K. 2 Woodfordii. B. M. BRASS AVO LA. H.K. cucullata. H. K. BROUGHTON I A. \ H.K. / sanguinea. H. K. EPIDENDRUM. H.K. 1 cochleatum. W. 2 fragraUs. VV. 3 secundum. W. 4 fuscatum. W. 5 elongatum. W. 6 umbellatum. W. 7 nutans. W. 8 conopseum. H. K. 9 ciliare. W. VANILLA. Sw. 1 aromatica. H. K. 2 planifolia. H. K. Air-Plant. panicled. fragrant. common. Orchideae. B. P. Epidendri sp . L . - — China. .... — 1800. Japan. 1793. 5.S. s.y., Bot. reg. 22CL Orchideae. B. P. Orchideae. B. P. CRYPTARRHENA. Orchideae. B. P. crescent-lipped. — Dendrobium. showy. tongue-leaved, large-flowered. Gomesa. recurved. Cymbidium. Aloe-leaved, sword-leaved. Chinese, snip-leaved. triangular-fruitd. Brassia. spotted-flower’d. Oncidium. sharp-petaled. Spread-eagle, two-leaved. triangular-leavd. Cyrtopodium. W. Ind. 1815. 5.8. S.ty. Bot. reg. 153. N. S.W. 1801. 1810. Wi Ind. 1790. 6.8. G.Tf. . .... G.7J-. 6.8. S.Tf., ■ Brazil. 1S14. 5.6. S.2f. Orchideae. B. P. Epidendri sp. L. E. Ind. 1789. 5.6. S.2|. China. 1780. 6.10. S-ty. 1793.9.10. S .if.. E. Ind. 1800. 6. S.2J.. — Jamaica. 1790. 6. 7- S.2/-. Exot. bot. 1. 1. 10* 1. 1. 11. Smith ic. picC25* Bot. mag. 1748. Bot. mag. 387. — 1 7 5 1 i 888. Orchideae. B. P. Jamaica. Orchideae. B. P. Epidendri sp. A. W. Ind. 1793. i79i. • S. America. 1811. Jamaica. 1793. 1806. 6.7. S.^. 8.9. S.7J., 5.6. S.Tf- ■ 7. S.Af. 7.8. S .If.. Orchideae. B. P. Anderson*s. Woodford’s. Brassavola. W. Ind. 1804. 5.8. S.Tf., S. America. 1814. 10. S. 2/., Orchideae. B. P. Cymbidii sp. IE. W. Ind. 1793. 6.9. S.Tf.. ” ■■ — o o o . Roxb. cor. 1 . t. 43 Smith ic. pict. 14. Bot. mag. 1691. Jac. amer. t. 141. Bot. mag. 777- 1491. Bot. mag. 1800. — 1814. Rroughtonia. Orchideae. B. P. Dendrob'ii sp. TV. * Jamaica. 1793. blood-coloured. Epidendrum. dark-purple. sweet-scented. side-flowering. brown. long-stalked. umbelled. nodding. Florida. fringed. Vanilla. aromatic. fragrant. Orchideae. B. P. W. Ind. 1786. Jamaica. 1778. W. Ind. 1793. 1790. ■ 1798. ■ Jamaica. 17.93. 6.7. S .If.. Slo.jam.l.t.l21.f.2 12.2. S.Tf. 10. S.2J. 6.7. Bot. mag. 672. 1669. Jac. amer. t. 137. Bot. reg. 67. Bot. mag. 611. Bot. reg. 80. 17. Florida. W. Ind. 1775. 1790. S .% S.V 5.8. S .If. 6.7. S. If. S .if. 8. S .If.. 3.8. S. If . Bot. mag. 463 Orchideae. B. P. Epidendri sp. L. — j — — S. America. 1739. * — W. Ind, 1800, 6.8. 4.6. s* h s.k Plum.ic.l83.t.l! Bot. rep. 538. DIANDRIA. CYPRtPEDIUM. W. Ladies-Slipper. Orchideae. B. P. common, small-flowered, yellow-downy, white petalled. two-leaved. Ram’s-head. Stylidium. 1 Calceolus. W. 2 parviflorum. W. 3 pubescens. W. 4 spectabile. W, 5 huraile. W. 6 arietinum. H. K. STYLIDIUM. B, P. 1 graminifolium. B.P. Grass-leaved. 2 fruticosum. B. P. shrubby. 3 scandens. B. P. climbing. GUNNERA. W. Gunnera. {Marsh-mary- 1 gold-leaved, j Eng. bot. 1 . Bot. mag. 911. W. hort. ber. 13, Bot. mag. 216. 192. 1569. Stylideae. B. P. Veiltenatia. Ex. B. Candollea. Lab. perpensa. W. Urticeae? J. N.S. W. 1803. 4.8. G.U. Bot. reg. 90. N. Holland. — 5.10. G.V Par. lond. 77. ■ 7.8. G.y.. C.B. S. 1688. • • • • G.y. Pluk.alm.t. 18.f.2. ARISTOLOCHI A. W. Birth wort. 1 trilob ata. W. three-lobed. 2 maxima. W. greatest. HEXANDRIA. Aristolochiae. J. — S. America. 1775. 6.7. S-h- — New Spain. 1759. 7. S. lj» . Jac. amer. t. 146, 4 Sipho. W. 4 tomentosa. B. M. 5 odoratissima. W. 6 barbata, W. 7 jndiea. W. 8 boetica. W. 9 glauca. W. 10 sempervirens. W. 1 1 loriga. W. 12 Serpentaria. W. 13 bracteata. W. 14 Pistolochia. W. 15 rotunda. W. 16 pallida. W. 17 hirta. W. 1 8 Clematitis. W. 19 acboresceus. W. ZANNICHELLIA.W. palustris. W. CHA11A. W, 1 yulgaris. W. 2 gracilis. H. K. 3 hispida. W. 4 tomentosa. W. 5 tiexilis. W. 6 translucens. H. K. 7 nidifica. H. K. CERATO CARPUS. W arenarius. W. ARTOCARPUS. W. 1 incisa. W. 2 integrifolia. \V. CASUARINA. W. 1 equisetifolia. W. 2 stricta, W. 3 distyla. W, 4 torulosa. W. h quadrivalvis. P. S. ANGURI A. W. trilobata. W, LEMNA. W, 1 trisulca. W. 2 minor. W. 3 gibba. W. 4 polyrhiza, W. TYPHA. W. 1 latifolia. W. 2 minor. W. 3 angustifolia. W. SPARGANIUM. W. 1 ram os tun. W. 2 simplex. W, 3 natans. W. MONCECIA MONANDRIA. 203 broad-leaved. downy-leaved. sweet-scented. bearded. Indian. Spanish. glaucous-leaved. Italy. Ohio. England. America. 1737. 7. s.h. Slo.jam. I .t.l 04.f.l , 1796. S.Tf. Jac. ic. 3. t. 608. 1780. 6.7. S.l2. Rheed.mal. 8.f . 25. 1596. 5.6. H.lf. Moris.s.l2.t.l7.f.6 1785. 7. G.h- Bot. mag. 1115. 1727. 5.6. G.h. 1116. 1548. 6.10. H. 2f . Mill. ic. t. 5 1 . f. 2. 1632. 6.7. H.lf. Jac.schcen.3.t,385* 1793. 7. S-7f. 1597. 6.7. H. 2f . 1596. 3.10. o.n. 1640. 5.8. H.2f. Moris.s.l 2.t.l 8. f.2. 1759. 5.6. G.2f. Tourn. it. 1 . t. 147? . . . . 5.8. H.lf. Eng. hot. 398, 1737, 6.7. G.h. Aristolochise. J. N. America. 1763. 6.7. H.T2. Bot. mag. 534. 1799. H.I2. 1369. Jamaica. , Caracas. E. Ind. — : Spain. Barbary. — Candia. — — S. Europe. N. America. E. Ind. S. Europe. evergreen. long-rooted. Snake-root. bracteated. small. round-rooted, pale- flowered, hairy, common, tree. CLASS XXI. MONCECIA MONANDRIA. Naiades. J. Pond Weed. Naiades. J. horned. — Chara. common, slender. prickly. tomentose. smooth. — great transparent proliferous. C'eratocarpus. Chenopodeas. B. P. sand. — * — Bread Fruit. Urticeae. J. true. — — Jaca Tree. - — — — — Casuarina. Horse-tail, upright. two-styled. Cork-barked, four-valved. Britain. Britain. England. Britain. England. Coniferae. J. Tartary. S. Sea Isi, E. Ind. S. Sea Isl. N, S. W. N. Holland. N. S. W. 7. H.©. Eng. bot. 1844. 7.8. H.©. • H.0. 6.9. H ©. 6.7. H.Q. 7.8. H.0. ■ H.0. — H.Q. Eng. bot. 336. 2140. 463. Moris, s.l5.t.4.f.9» Eng. bot. 1070. 1855. 1703. Lnguria. hree-lobed. )uck Weed. vy-leaved. esser. ;ibbous, greater. Cat's-Tail, great. dwarf. lesser. Bur Reed. branched, unbranched, floating. DIANDRIA. Cucurbitaceae. J, Naiades. 1757. 6.7, H.Q. 1793. .... S. J? . Rumph.amb.J.t.33 1778. «. S.h.{R^dsma'-3- '• 1766. 10.1 1 . G. T2 . Rumph.ainb.3.t.57 1775. 11.2. G. h . Bot, rep. 346. 18,2 G^.|VenWeSC.Pl,Bov. 177? G 18,2 G.h. boU- 3- Carthagena. 1793. 6.7. S,lf. Jac. amer. t. 156„ Britain. 5.6. H.0. 6.7. H.©. H.0. 5.9. H.©. Eng, bot. 926. 1095. TRIANDRIA. Aroideae. B. P. Aroideae. B. P. Britain. England. Britain. Britain. D d 9 England. 7. H. If. Eng. bot. 1455. 7. H.lf. 1457. 6.7. H.lf. 1456. 7.8. H.lf. Eng. bot. 744. -H.2f . 745. 7, H.2f . — 273- £04 ZEA. W. Mays. AV. TRIPSACUM. AV. 1 dactyl o ides. W. 2 monostachyon. W. 3 hermaphrodi- ^ turn. W. J COIX. W. 1 Lachryma. AV: 2 agrestis. W. OLY11A. W. paniculata. AY. CAREX. W. 1 dioica. VV. 2 Daval liana. AV. 3 Fraseriana. H. K. 4 pauci flora. W. 5 pulicaris. W. 6 cyperoides. AY. 7 fqetida. AV. 8 incurva. AV. 9 atrata. W. 10 areuaria. W. 1 1 intermedia. W. 12 Sebreberi. W. 13 oralis. W. 14 lagopodioides. AV. 15 seoparia. W. 16 vulpina. W. 17 appressa. B. P. 18 divisa. AV. 19 brizoides. W. 20 muricata. W. 21 divulsa. W. 22 stelluluta. AV. 23 rosea. W. 24 axillaris. W. 25 remota. W. 26‘ elongata. W. £7 curt a. W. 28 straminea. W. 29 teretiuscula, W. 30 paniculata. W. 31 ciandestina. W. 32 digitata. W. 33 plantaginea. AY. 34 pilulifera. AY. 35 prsecox. \\7. 36 tomentosa. AY. 37 extensa. AV. 38 flava. AAr. 39 (Ederi. E. B. 40 fulva. AY. 41 distans. AY. 42 binervis. AAr. 43 rigida. AY. 44 pulla. AA’. 45 aipestris/ AY. 46 nitida. AV. 47 Mielichhoferi. AY. 48 depauperata. AY. 49 granularis. AV. 50 anceps. AV. 51 panicea. AAr. 52 cae>pitosa. AY. 53 stricta. AV. 54 pendula. AY. 55 strigosa, AY. MONCECIA TR1ANDRIA, Indian Corn. common. Tribsacum, rough-seeded. single-spil;ed. hermaphrodite. Job’s Tears. common. round- fruited. Olyra. broad-leaved. Carex. dioecious. Davall’s. Fraser’s. few-flowered. Flea. Bohemian. stinking. curved. black. sand. soft brown. Schreber’s. oval-spiked. Hare’s Foot. Broom. great-spiked. close-spiked. bracteated. Briza-likc. greater prickly. gray. little prickly. Rose. axillary. remote. elongated. white. slender- stalked. lesser-panicled. great-pan icled. dwarf silvery. fingered. broad-leaved. round-headed. vernal. downy-fruited. long-bracted. yellow. (Ederiau. tawny. loose. green-ribbed. rigid. russet. Alpine. glossy. loose-spiked. starved ivood. grain-seeded. two-edged. Pink-leaved. tufted bog. straight-leaved. great pendulous. loose pendulous. Gramineae. J. Gramineae. J. Gramineae. J. America. Virginia. N. America. Jamaica. E. Ind. J 562. 6.7. H.0. Lam. ill. t. 749. 1640 1815 . H.7|. 1776. 8.9. S.Q. Gramineae. J. AV. Ind. Britain. Cyperaceae. B. P. ■ N. America. ■ Britain. 1596. 1812. 1783. .7. S.TjL. S.lf.. Lam. ill. t. 750. AY. hort. her. t. 1< Humph .am . t.7,5 .f.2 G.t^.f.I. S.TjL. Sloa.jam.l.t.64.f.2 5. 1809. H.%, H.lf.. 4.6. H.2/,. . . . . 6. H.Tf. . .... 6.7. H.TjL. 1801. -H.2JL. 1791. 7.8. H.2f. 6.7. 1800. 1805. 1812. Bohemia. Switzerland. Scotland. Britain. Germany. Britain. N. America. Britain. N.S.AY. Britain. Germany. Britain. N. America. 1812.— — H.lf. England H.ljL . Britain. .... England. .... 5.6. H.2/,. Britain. .... 6. II. 1/. . N. America. 1803. 6.7. H.2/., Britain. England. Eng. hot. 543. — 2123. Bot. mag. 1391. Eng. bot. 2041. — 1051. Schk. caric. t. A.f.5. J 1. Hh. i f. 96. Eng. bot. 927. 2044. 928. 2042. Host. gram. 1 . t.4S, Eng. bot. 306. t.Xxx.f.175 Eng. bot. 307- Eng. bot. 1096. Host. gram.36.t.47 Eng. bot. 1097. — 629- — 806.,f.l79 Eng. bot. 993. 832. 1920. 1386. f Schk. car. t. Xxx \ f. 174. ling. bot. 1065. 1064. 2124. 615. Schk. car.t. U. f.70. Eng. bot. 885. — I 1099. England. Britain. England. Britain. Scotland. Europe. Austria. Scotland. England. N. America. Britain. England. 2046. 833. 1 294. 1773, 1295. 1 234. 1235. 2047. 2045. 5.6. H.Tf. H. %. 7.8. II. 2/. 6.7. H .If. H.n 7.8. H.7JL Schk. car. t.G.f. 35. Host, grain. 1. 1.7 1. Eng. bot. 2293. — 1098. vv.f. 1 69 t.Fff.f.128. 56 capillaris. W. 57 pallescens. W. 58 ustulata. W. ■59 limosa. W. 60 raridora. E. B. 61 laevigata. W. 62 Pseuda-Cyperus.W. 63 flexuosa. W. 64 sylvatica. E. B. 65 recurva. W. 66 nutans. W. 67 salina. W. 68 filiform is.' W. 69 crinita. W. 70 acuta.' W. 7 1 paludosa. W. 72 riparia. W. 73 ahiblcocarpa. W . 74 vesicaria. W. 75 ampullacea. W. 76 bullata. W. 77 hordeiformis. W. 78 hirta. W, COMPTON I A. W. asplenifolia. W. AXYRIS. W. 1 amaranth aides. W. 2 hybrids. W. 3 prostrata. W. TRAGI A. W. 1 volubilis. W. 2 involucrata. W. 3 urens. W. 4 Chamselea. W. 5 canmtbina. W. HERNANDIA. W. sonora. W. AUCUBA. W. japonica. W. EMPLEURUM, W. serrulatum. W. SERP1CULA. W. repens. W. L1TTORELLA. W. lacustris. W. ALNUS. W. 1 glutinosa. W. 0 laciniata. 2 oblongata. W. 0 elliptica. 8 incaha. W. 0 angulala. 4 undulata. W. 5 serrulafca. W. CICCA. W. disticha. W. BUXUS. W. 1 balearica. W. 2 sempervirens. W. 0 angytstifolia. URTICA. W. 1 pikilifera. W. 2 balearica. XV. 3 Dodartii. W. 4 grandifolia. W. 6 reticulata. W. 6 rufa. W. 7 urens. W. 8 dioica. W. 9 cannabina. W. 1 0 rugosa. W. 1 1 nudicaulis. W. 12 gracilis. W. 13 Parietaria. W. 14 ciliata. W. 1 5 microphylla. W. 16 scabvella. Rox. 17 aestuans. W. 18 canadensis. W. 19 nivea. W. 20 baccifera. W. BtEHMERIA. W. 1 cylindrica. W. 2 rubescens. W. MORUS. W. 1 alba. W. 2 tatarica. W. 3 nigra. W. 4 rubra. W. 5 tinctoria. W. MONCECIA PENTANDRIA. Nettle. Roman. Balearic. Dodart’s. great-leaved. net-leaved. rusty. small. common. Hemp-leaved. rough-leaved. naked-stalked. slender-stalked. Pellitory-leaved. ciliated. small-leaved. rough. Surinam. Canada. white-leaved. berry- bearing. Bcehmeria. cylindrical. tree. Mulberry. white. Tartarian. common. red. Fustick-wood. Urticeae. J. Urticeae. J. Urticeae. J. • England. Balearic Isl. S. Europe. Jamaica. Jamaica. Britain. Siberia. Jamaica. Huds.’s Bay. Jamaica. W.Ind. E. Ind. Surinam. Canada. China. S. America. Virginia. Canaries, China. Tart ary. Italy. N. America. W. Ind. 1731, 1683 1793. 1793. 1749, 1793 1782, 1793. 1815. 1793. 1815. 1803. 1656. 1739. 1793. 6.3. H.Q 6.7. H.0 7.8. H.0 S.J* 6.8., 6.9. S.TV 6.10. H.0 7.9. H. 71 , H.lf 5.7. S. .... s.h. Plum. ic. 26. t. 37. Caracas. 1796. 6.7. S.Tf. Jac. ic. 3. t. 613. Madeira. 1773. S.Tf. Bot. mag. 820. E. Ind. 1800 S.Tf. .t.29. America. 1739 S.Tf. Slo.jam.l.t.l06‘.f.l. W, Ind. 1710 S.Tf. Jac. vmd. 2. t. 157. Caracas. 1817 S.Tf. Jac.schcen.2.t.l 87. America. 1759. 5. S-h- Mill. ic. 2. t. 295. ; Caracas. 1803. 5.7. S.h. Jac.schoen.2.t.l89. W. Ind. 1759. 6.7. S.h- Plum.amer.44. t,60 Caracas. 1816 S-h- Jac.schoen.2.t.l90. America. 1739. .... S.h* ■ 2. t. 191. Cayenne. 1808 S-h* Aub. gui. 2. t. 337- E. Ind. 1788. .... S-h • Rheed. mal. l.t.Zl. ARECA. W. 1 Catechu. W. 2 liumilis. W. 3 oleracea. W. PINUS. W. 1 sylvestris. W. 2 Pumilio. W. 3 Laricio. P. S. 4 pungens. Ph. 5 Banksiana. Ph. 6 Pinaster. W. 7 Pinea. W. 8 maritima. W. 9 halepensis. W. 10 inops. Ph. 11 rtsinosa. Ph. 12 variabilis. Ph. 13 Taeda. Ph. 14 serotina. Ph. 15 rigida. Ph. Cabbage-Tree. medicinal. dwarf. esculent. Pine or Fir. Scotch. Mugho. Corsican. pungent. Hudson’s Bay. cluster. stone. maritime. Aleppo. Jersey. pitch. two and three-lcl. frankincense. Fox-tail, three-leaved. MONADELPHIA. Palmee. B. P. E. Ind. Coniferee. J. 23 rubra. Ph. 24 nigra. Ph. 25 canadensis. Ph. 26' Picea. W. 27 Balsamea. W. 28 Fraseri. Ph. 29 lanceolata. H. K. 30 Larix. W. 31 pendula. W. 32 microcarpa. W. 33 Cedrus. W. 34 Dammara. W. THUJA. W. ■ W. Iud. • Scotland. - Carniola. Corsica. • N. America. ■ Hudson’sBay. ■ S. Europe. Levant. N. America. 1690. 1814. 1656. 1779. 1814. 1804. 1785. 1596. 1548. 1759. 16S3. 1739- 1756. 1739. 1713. 4.5. 5.6. 4.5. 5.6. 5. 5.6. 1759. S -h' s-h- s.h H -h H-h H -h H.h. H-h H. h H-h- H. h . H-h- H.h H -h H.h I-I.h H.h. Box. cor. 1 . t. 75. Rumph.amb.l.t.-7« Jac. amer. t. 170. Lamb. pin. 1. 1. 1. 5. t. 2. Mich.arb.l .p.6l .t/3 Lamb. pin. 7. t. 3. 9. t. 4. 5. — — ■ ll.t.6y7.8» 13. t. 9. 10. — — 15. t. 11. 1 S. t. 13. 20. t. 14. 22. t. 15. 23. t, 16. 17. Mieh.arb.l.p.86.t.7 Lam . pin. 2 5. 1. 18.19 16 palustris. Ph-. swamp. — 1730. H. h • — 27. t. 20. 17 canariensis. Canary. ■ — Canaries. 1815. .... G. h • 1 8 longifolia. W. long-leaved. E. Ind. 1 801. .... G. h ■ — — 29. t. 21. J 9 Strobus, W, Weymouth. — N. America. 1705. 4. ILh- 31. t. 22. 20 Cembra. W. Siberian. Siberia. 1746. 5. H.L-. 34. t. 23.24. 2 1 Abies. W. Norway Spruce. — _ — _ n. Europe. 1548. 4. H.T2- 37- 1. 25. 22 alba. Ph. White Spruce. — — N. America. 1700. 5.6. H-h- 39- 1. 26. Red Spruce. — — Black Spruce. HemlockSpruce. Silver Fir. Balm of Gilead. Double Balsam. lance-leaved. — Common Larch. — Black Larch. — Red Larch. — — Cedar of Lebanon. Dammar. — Arbor-ViT33. Conifer®. J. Germany.- N. America. Pensylvania. China. Germany. N. America. Levant. Amboyna. 1755. 1700. 1736. 1603. 1696. 1811. 1804. 1629. 1739. 1760. 1683. 1804. 3.4. H.h- H.h- ■H-h- ■H-h- ■H.h ■H.h G. h H. h. H.h -H.h H-h S.h. 43. t. 28. 41. t. 27. 50. t. 32. 46. t. 30, 48. t. 31.. Lamb, pi • 53 56 1 occidental^. W. American, -f- N. America. 1596. 5. H-h* Mich.arb.3.p.29.t»S 2 orientals. W. Chinese. • — — — China. 1752. — H.h- Lam.ill.t.787.f.2. S articulata. W. jointed. — Barbary, 1815. 2.5. F. h* Vahl.symb.2.t.4S. 4 cupressoides. W. African. — - C. B. S. 1799. .... G-h. CUPRESSUS. W. Cypress. Coniferae. J. 1 sempervirens.- W. common. — — — Candia. 1548. 5. H.h* rail. ros. 2. t. 53. a striata. upright. 3 horizontalis. spreading . 8 lusitanica. W. — Goa. 1683. 4.5. F-h* Lamb,pin.95.t.42» MONCECIA MONADELPHIA. 4S distlcha. W. 3 nutans. 4 thyoides. W. 5 juniperoides. W. £ australis. P. S. deciduous. long-leaved. White Cedar. African. slender-brancl/d, Coniferae. J. H. America. 1640. 5. C.B.S. N. Holland. 1 736. 4.5. H. h . 1756. G. h« .... — G.h. £11 H. h* Mich.arb.3.p.4.t.l. — 3.p.20.t.2. PODO C ARP U S . L’ Her . Po n o c a rp u s . Coniferae. J. Taxi sp. IV. 1 macrophyllus. W. long-leaved. * China. 1804. 7.8. G-h- Kaempf. ic. t. 24, 2 verticillatus. W. whorl-leaved. Japan. G.h* 3 elongatus. P. S. African. C.B.S. 1774. 7. G.h. PLUKENETIA. W. Peukenetia. Euphorbiaceae. J. volubilis. W. twining. W. Ind. 1739. 7.8. s.h- Plum.ic. 220.t.226. DALECHAMPIA. W. Dalechampia. Euphorbiaceae. J. scandens. W. climbing. W. Ind, 1739. 6.7. S«h • Jac.ainer.252.t.l60 ACALYPHA. W. Acalypha. Euphorbiaceae. J. 1 virginica. W. Virginian. N. America. 1759. 7.8. H.0. Schk.hand.3. t.3 11. 2 caroliniana. W. 3 ciliata. W,. 4 pauciflora. W. en. Carolina. ciliated. few-flowered. 5 brachystachya.W.en. saw-leaved. 6 indica. W. 7 alopecuroidea. W. CROTON. W. 4 variegatum. W, 2 lineare. Jac. 3 maiitimum. W. 4 palustre. W. 5 glabellum. W. 6 tinctorium. W, 7 argenteum. W, 9 Tiglium. W. 9 Eluteria. W. 10 micans. Sw. 1 1 pungens. W. 12 penicillatum. W. 13 aromaticum. W. 14 liumile. W. 15 moluccanum. W. Alearites ambinux, £6 Astroites. W. 17 lobatum. W. JATROPHA. W. 1 gossypifolia, W. 2 integerrima. W, 3 panduraefolia. W. 4 Curcas. W. 5 multifida. W. 6 Manihot. W. 7 urens. W. 9 herbacea. W. RICINUS. W. 1 communis. W. 2 viridis. W. 3 africanus. W. 4 lividus. W. 5 inermis.W. € armatus. B. R. 7 Tanarius. W. OMPHALEA. W. triandra. W. HIPPOMANE. W. Mancinella. W. SAPIUM. W. aucuparium. W. PHYLLANTHUS.W. 1 obovatus.W. 2 maderaspatensis. W. 3 grandifolius. 4 virosus. W. 6 turbinatus, R. M. Euphorbiaceae. J. — E. Ind. — China. 1811. 1799. 1816. H.©. s.0. PI.©. H.©. Lam. ill. t.78,0.f. 2. Vahl.symb. 1. t.20. Indian. Fox-tail. Croton. variegated. Willow-leaved. sea-side. marsh. Laurel-leaved.. officinal. silver-leaved,. - purging. Sea-side Balsam. glittering. pungent. - — — — pencilled. — — •aromatic. humble. Molucca. «—■ — — P. S. woolly. ■ ■ — — — — — various-leaved. Physic-Nut. Euphorbiaceae. J. Cotton-leaved. — : spicy. fiddle-leaved. — — angular-leaved. * multifid. Cassava. - — stinging. annual. — Palma-Christi. Euphorbiaceae. J. Castor-oil plant. — — green. African. livid-leaved. — — smooth-capsuled. — — — rough-capsuled. scollop-leaved. ■ — - — ~ Omphalea. Euphorbiaceae. J. long-leaved. — — Manchineel. Euphorbiaceae. J. common. — Sapium. Euphorbiaceae. J. two-glanded. — Phyllanthus. Euphorbiaceae. J. annual. — — Madras. great-leaved. — venomous. — shining-leaved, — E e 2 E. Ind. 1759. 7.9. S.©. Rheed.mal.lO.t.81, Venezuela. 1804. — — H.©. Jac. ic. 3. t. 620. E. Ind. 1804 S.h- Rheed.mal.6.t.6l. W. Ind. 1733. 7. S.h • Jac.amer.t.l62.f.4. Carolina. 1786 G-h • Vera Cruz. 1731. 7.8. S.Q. Mart. dec. 4. t. 38. Jamaica. 1778 S.h • Slo.jam.2.t.l74.f.2, S. Europe. 1570. 7. tt ^ f Nis. ac,t. par. 1712. \ t. 17. S. America. 1733. 7.8. S.0. E.'lfluJ. 1796. 8.9. S. \i . Rheed.mal.2.t.33. Jamaica. 1748 s.h. Caracas. Cuba. Ceylon. Jamaica. Ceylon. 1815. . . . 1791. . . . 1799. 7.8. 1793. . . . 1799. ... 1 803. . . . h • S-h- S-h* s.v s-h- $ -h< Pluk.alm,t.220.f.5, Jac. ic. 3. t. 622. Vent, choix. 12. W. Ind. 1782. 7.8. S-h- VeraCruz. 1730. S.Q. Mart. dec. 5. t. 46. W. Ind. 1690. 5.8. Cuba. 1809. — - — — — 1800. — •S. America. 1731 1696. 6.8. ■ — — 1739. 7.8. Brazil. 1690. 5.7. Vera Cruz. 1759. 7.8. S.2f.. Sloan, jam. l.t. 84. S. \ j . Bot. mag. 1464. S. * 604. S-h- Jac. vind. 3. t. 63. S. h. Par. lond. 91. S. h . Sloan, jam. 1 . t. 85. S. 1 1 . Jac. vind. 1. 1. 21. S.©. Reliq.hous.6.t. 15. E. Ind. Africa. C. B. S. India. Malta. E, Ind, Jamaica. 1548. 1802. 1795. 1753. 1807. 1810. 7.8. 8. 7.8. 7. 7.8. 7.9. 1763. 6.7. s. h • Lam- ill. t. 792. W. hort. ber. 49. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 196. 1. t. 195. Bot. rep. 430. Cat. car. 2. t. 95. W. Ind. 1690. Hippomanis sp. L. W. Ind. 1692. .... S, h • Jac. amer. 1. 158. Phyllanthus. L. et Xylophyllce sp. L . N. America. 1803. 7.8. H.©. E. Ind. 1783. 7. S-h* America. 1771 S,h* E. Ind. 1802 S.h • China. .... 7. S. h . Bot. mag. 1862, MONGECIA MONADELPHIA. 6 Conami. W. 7 racemosus. W. S Niruri. W. 9 polyphyllus. W. 10 Emblica. W. 11 latifolius. W. en. 12 angustifolius. W.en 14 falcatus. W. en. STILLINGIA. W. 1 sylvatica. W. 2 ligustrina. W. 3 sebifera. W. ALEURITES. W. triloba, W. HURA. W. 1 strepens. W. en. 2 crepitans. W. en. STERCULIA. W. 1 Balanghas. W. 2 crinita. W. 3 urens. W. 4 platanifolia. W. 5 foetida. W. HERITIERA. W. littoralis. W, TRICHOSAN- \ THES. W. / 1 Anguina. W. 2 cucumerina. W. 3 tuberosa. W. MOMORDICA. W. 1 Balsamina. W. 2 Charantia. W. 3 opereulata. W. 4 Luffa. W. 5 Elaterium. W. CUCURBITA. W. 1 lagenaria. W. 2 aurantia. W. 3 Pepo. W. 4 verrucosa. W. 5 Melopepo. W. 6 Citrullus. W. CUCUMIS. W. 1 Colocynthis. W. 2 proplietarum. W. 3 Anguria. W. 4 acutangulus. W. 5 Melo. W. 6 Dudaira. W. 7 Chate. W. 8 pubescens. W. 9 sativus. W. 10 flexuosus. W. 1 1 maderaspatanus.W BRYONIA. W. 1 scabra. W'. 2 verrucosa* W. 3 grandis. W. 4 epigaea. W. b scabrella. W. 6 latebrosa. W. 7 dioica: W. 8 alba. W. 9 cretica. W. 10 quinquelpba. Th» 1 1 ficifolia, W. Euphorbiaceae. J. W. Ind. — e. Ind. Brazilian, racemed. Indian annual, many-leaved, shrubby. Sea-side Laurel, narrow-leaved, sickle-leaved. Stillingia. wood. Privet-leaved. Tallow-tree. Aleurites. three-lobed. Sandbox-Tree. Euphorbiaceae. J. unequal-toothed. equal-toothed. Sterculia. coronet-flowered, hairy-capsuled. stinging. Plane-tree-1 eavrt. fetid. / Looking- -Glass Plan Laurel-leaved. Euphorbiaceae. J. Euphorbiaceae. J. Jamaica. Bahama Isl. Carolina. N. America. China. 1791. 7. 1793. 7-8. 1692. 6.9. 1805. 7.9. 1768 1783. 8.10. 1789. 7-8. 1699. 7.8. 1787. 7vS. 1812. ... 1 7Q3. 9. S ^ s. ij s.G S -h s.k S -h S. Pj • Bot. rep. 331. Aub. gui. 2. t. 354, Rheed.mal.l0.t.l5. Rhecd.mal. 1. 1.38. Bot. mag. 1021. o.n H.h s.ij, Society Isl. 1 793 S. b S. America. Sterculiaceae. Vent. 4 common. Cucumber-like. tuberous. Momordica. Balsam Apple. hairy. rough-fruited. Egyptian. {Squirting 1 Cucumber. J Gourd. bottle. Orange-fruited. Pumpkin. waited. squash. Water Melon. Cucumber. hitter, globe. round prickly. acute-angled. Melon. Apple-shaped. hairy. pubescent. common. Snake. Madras. Bryony. globe-fruited. rough. great-flowered. umbel-flowered. bristly. hairy. red-berried. white. Cretan. five-lobed. Fig-leaved, Cucurbitaceae. J.- Cucurbitaceae. J. Cucurbitaceae. J. E. Ind. W. Ind. E. Ind. China. E. Ind. E. Ind. Snake-Gourd. Cucurbitaceae. J. Cucurbitaceae. J. 1733. .... 1787. 6.9. 1793 1757. 7. 1690. .. . . S -h S* h ' $.h. s-h. S .h. G.k S-h- Plu.amal.t.390X2. Lam. ill. t. 793. Bot. reg. 185. Aub. gui. 2. t. 279. Rox. cor. 1. 1. 24. Cav. diss. 5. t. 145. Rheed.mal.4. t.36. 1780 S.lj. Rheed.mal.6.t.2U Bot. mag. 722. Rheed.mal. S.t. 15. Plum. ic. t. 24. Rheed. mal. 8. t. 9. Comm. rav. t. 22. Bot. mag. 1914. . Moris, s. l. t. 8. t.146 Jac. vind. 1. 1. 9. Mill. ic. l.t. 33. Jac.vind.3.t.73.74. Bot. rep. 548. Alp. aegypt. t. 117- Ger. herb. 763. f. 3. Pluk.alm.t.l70.f.2. ■ China. 1755. 5.6. F.Q. ■ E. Ind. 1804. 6.7. F.©. ■ W. Ind. 1310. . s a- ■ India. 1568. 6.7. F.0. ■ E. Ind. 1710. ■F.Q. • W. Ind. 1731. 6.9. F.Q. ■ E. Ind. 1739. 7.8. F.Q. - S. Europe. 1548. 6,7. H.^. ■ India. 1597. 7.9. H.©. 1802. 6.8. F.©. Levant. 1570. •H.©. 1658. 6.7. H.©. 1597. 5.9. H.©. • S. Europe. ■ — F.©. ■ C.B.S. 1551. 5.S. F.Q. • Levant. 1777. 6.9. F.©. ■ Jamaica, 1692. 7.8. F.©. ■ India. 6.9. H.©. 1570. 5.9. F.0. Levant. 1705. 7.8. F.©. 1759. 6. F.©. 1815. 6.9. F.©. E. Ind. 1573. 7-9. H.0. 1597. 5.9. F,©. . — 1805. 7.8. F.©. ■ C.B.S. 1774. 9.10. G.lf.. ■ Canaries. 1779. G.n. E. Ind. 1783. 5.8. S.2J-. 1815. » « • • S.2JL. 1781. 5.7. S.©. Canaries. 1779. 6. G.%. Britain. .... 5.9. H.2/. • Europe. 1807. 6.7. H.l/-. Candia. 1759. 7.9. G.2f.. C.B.S. 6.10. G.2I-. EuenosAyres ,1726, IH 1 e.v. {Rumph. amb.5. t, 1 66. f. 1 . Eng. bot. 439. Lam. ill.t. 796.,17 Bot. reg. 82. Dill, elt, t, 50, f. 58, J 2 palmata. W. 13 laciniosa. W. 1 4 africana. W. 1 5 dissecta. W. SICYOS. W. angulata. W. ANDRACHNE. W. telephioides. W. p AND ANUS. W. 1 odoratissimus. W. 2 utilis. W. en. 3 spiralis. B. P. 4 humilis. W. CECROPI A. W. peltata. W. SALIX. W. 1 triandra. W. 2 lanceolata. E. B. 3 amygdaiina. W. 4 decipieus. E. B. 5 Russelliana. W. 6 tetrasperma. W. 7 nigra. Pli. 8 lucida. Ph. 9 pentandra. W. 10 nigricans. W. 1 1 pbylicifolia. W. 12 laurina. W. 13 tenuifolia. Wo 14 hastata. W. 1 5 petiolaris. Ph. 16 myricoides. Ph. ] 7 prinoides. Ph. 18 discolor. Ph. 19 angustata. Ph. 20 cordata. Ph. 21 rigida. Ph. 22 vitellina. W. 23 fragilis. W. 24 babylonica. W. 25 pupurea. W. 26 Helix. W. 27 Lambertiana. W. 28 Forbyana. W. 29 rubra. W. 30 Croweana. W. 31 malifolia. W. 32 prunifolia. W. 33 vacciniifolia. E. B. 34 venulosa. E. B. 35 mysinites. W. 36 carinata. W. 37 arbuscula. W. 38 Houstoniana. Ph. 39 falcata. Ph. 40 pedicellaris, Ph. DICECIA MONANDRIA. 212 palmated. lacmiated. African. smooth-leaved. {Single-seed- ) edCucumber / angular-leaved. Cucurbitaceae. J. Cucurbitaceae. J. Ceylon. E. Ind. C. B.S. N. America. 1778. 7.8. S.ty. 1710. S.l/.. 1759. 7.8. G.2J., 171 Q. -G.ljL. 1710. 7-9- H.0. Herm. ludg. t. 97. Herm.parad.t.708. Lam. ill. t. 796. GYNANDRIA. BASTAREOuriNE.Euphorbiaceag. J. annual. -Italy. 1732. 7.§. H.©. Lara. ill. t. 797. CLASS XXII. DICECIA MONANDRIA. Screw-Pine. green-spinedo red-spined. spiral. dwarf. Snake-Wood. peltated. Willow. long-leaved. sharp-leaved. Almond-leaved. varnished. Bedford. four-seeded. black. shining. Bay-leaved. dark broad-lead. Tea-leaved. two-coloured. thin-leaved. halbert-leaved, dark long-leavd. Gale-like. Prinos-like. Ibrown-branch’d. narrow-leaved. heart-leaved. rigid. yellow. crack. weeping. bitter purple. Rose. Boyton. Basket Osier. Green Osier. Crowe’s. Apple-leaved. Plum-leaved. Bilberry-leaved. veiny-leaved. Whortle-leaved. folded-leaved. little-tree. Houstoun’s. sickle-leaved. pedicellated. Pandanese. B. P. — — E. Ind. 1771 N. S. W. Mauritius. DIANDRIA. Urticeae. J. Jamaica. Amentaceae. J. Britain. England. Britain. England. E. Ind. N. America. 1805 1778. .... 5.8. 4.5. 5. 4.5. 1796 1811. 5. Britain. England. Scotland. England. Britain. Lapland. N. America. Pensylvania. N. America. . . . . 3.6. 4. .... 5. 4.5. 5.6. 1780. 5. 4. 1811. 4. * 3.4. 4. ■ 3.4. — 4.5. England. Britain. Levant. England. Britain. England. 16 92. 3.5. 4.5. 5. 3. 3.4. 4. 4.5. Scotland. .... 4.5. Virginia N. America. 1811. 4.6. 4.5. 4. 4.5. 4, S. ^ . Roxb.cor.l .t.94-6. S. . Jac,frag.t.l3.14.f.l S.T*. S. • Jac. frag, t, 1 4. f. 2. s.h. Lam. ill. t. 800. H.P*. Eng. bot. 1435. H. h . 7 1436. H.T*. — 1936. H.J2. 1937. H.h. 1808. S.J*. Rox. cor. 1. 1. 97. H.h. Ann. bot. 2.t.5.f.5. H.T*. 2.t.5.f.7. H.h. Eng. bot. 1805. H-h- — 1213. H.^. 1958. H.J*. 1806. H. \ • 2186. H.T*. L.ti.lap.354.t.8.f.g. H.J*. Eng. bot. 1 147. H.J*.,t.5.f.2. H.fz. H-h- Ann. bot. 2.t.5.f.l. H-h . H-h- H.h. 2.t. 5.f.4. H- • Eng. bot. 1389. H.T?. — — 1807. H.^. Rauw. it. 183. t. 25. Eng. bot. 1388. H.T,. - — 1343. H.h. — — 1359. H* h • 1344. H. \i . — 1145. H.^. — — - 1146. H. h • • 1617. H- h • 1361. H.Tj. ■ — 2341. H-h- 1362. H.h. — ■ — 1360. H.h. 1363. H.^. 1366, H-h- H-h- £14 41 planifolia. Ph. 42 rupestris. E. B. 4>3 Andersoniana. E. B. 44 Forsteriana. E. B. 45 Stuartiana. E. B. 46 fuscata. Ph. 47 herbacea. W, 48 Uva-ursi. Ph. 49 retusa. W. 50 reticulata. W. 5 1 nayrtillordes. W. 52 recurvata. Ph. 53 cordifolia. Ph. 54 glauca. W. 55 arenaria. W. 5 6 cinerea. W. 57 tristis. Ph. 58 Muhlenbergiana 1 Ph. J 59 argentea. W. 60 paiwifolia. E. B. 61 adscendens. E. B. 62 repens. W. 63 fusca. W. 64 prostrata. W. 65 hirta. W. 66 Dickson iana. W. 67 incubacea. W. 68 rosmarinifolia. W, 69 aurita. W. en. 70 uliginosa. W. en. aurita. E. B . 7 1 aquatica. WV 72 oleifolia. W. 73 cotinifolia. W. ”4 sphacelata. W. 75 caprea. W. 76 acuminata. W. 77 conifera. Ph. 78 viminalis. W. 79 Smithiana. W. en. mollissima. E. B. 80 stipularis. W. 81 Candida. Ph. 82 alba. W. 83 caerulea. E. B. BORYA. W. 1 porulosa. W. 2 ligustrina. W. 3 acuminata. W. JDIGECIA TRIANDRIA. fiat-leaved, silky-rock. Anderson’s. Forster’s. Stuart’s, brown-stemmed . least. Bearberry-like. blunt-leaved. wrinkled. Myrtle-leaved. recurved-flowd. cordate-leaved. glaucous. downy mountain. gray. linear-leaved. Muhlenberg’s. silky sand. small-leaved. .ascending. creeping. brown. prostrate. hairy-branched. Dickson’s. trailing. Rosemary-lea vd. eared. marsh. water. Olive-leaved. Quince-leaved- withered-poiuted great round-led. acuminate. Cone-bearing. Common 0§ier. Smith’s. auriclod. hoary. common white, blue. Borya. Florida. Privet-leitved. pointed. Amentaceae. J. Labrador. 1811. Scotland. N. America. Britain. Labrador. Italy. Britain. Sweden. N. America. Scotland. Britain. N. America. Britain. England. Britain. Scotland. Europe. Britain. Europe. Britain. Scotland. Britain. N. America. Britain. England. N. America. Britain. England. 1811. 1763. 1772. 1811. 1765. 1311. 775 800. 181 4. 4.5. 7.8. 4. 6. 4.5. 5. 6.7. 5. 4. 5. 5.6. 5. 4. 5. 4.5. 5. 4.5. 4. 5. 4.5. 4.6. 4. 3. 4. 4.5. 4. 5. 4.5. 3.4. 4.5. Euphorbiaceee. J. A delice sp. Mich. - — - — — - Florida. 1806. -t—t — — N. America. 1812. H-h- H -h- H.h- H.h. H-h- H- h • H -h- H.h. H.k- H.h* H. h • H.I2. H-h- H.Iz . H- h • H.Ij. ■U.k. H.h- H.Pj. ■H.Iz. H. h • ■H-h- H-h- H, h • H. \ • H*h* •H, ,h- U.k- H.h- H f\. H.Iz. H.h- H-h- H.h- H. h • H.h. H , h • H-h- ■H.h- ■ H • h . H* h H-h* , H.h TRIANDRIA. EMPETRUM. W. Crow Berry. Ericeae? J. 1 album. W. white-berried. — — — - — ■ — Portugal. 1774. 4.6. G.Jj* 2 nigrum. W. black-berried. — Britain. 4.5. H.h* STILAGO. W. StlLAGO. 1 Bunius. W. Laurel-leaved. — — E. Ind. 1757. 8. S.h* 2 diandra. W. diandrous. - 1800. .... S-h. OSYRIS. W. Poet’s Cassia. Santalaceae? B. P. alba. W. white. — S. Europe. 1739 G. Ij • WILLftENOVIA. Th. WlLLDENOVIA. Restiaceae. B. P. teres. W. round-stalked. — _ C.B.S. 1790. 6.7. G.ty. RESTIO. W. Rope Grass. Restiaceae. B. P. tectorum . W. thatch. C. B. S. 1793. 5.6. G.2/L. ELEGIA. W. Elegia. Restiaceae. B. P. 1 juncea. W. Rusli-like. C.B.S. 1789- 7-8. G.ty. 2 racemosa. W. racemed. — — — - 1804. 5.6. G.2/.. Eng. bot. 234*. 2343. 23/14, 2586, Eng. bot. 1907. Eng. bot. 1908. Vil.dau.3.t.50.f.l 1 Eng. bot. 1810. 1809. ■ — 1897. Ann. bot. 2.t.5.f.9, Eng. bot. 1364. 1961. — 1962. ■ 183. • I960. 1959. * 1404. 1390, Eng. bot. 1365. Hoff. sal.l.t.22.f.l» Eng. bot. 1487. — 1437. — 1402, * 1403. — 2333. • 1488. 1434. Wan.ame.t.3 1 .f.72f Eng. bot. 1 898. — 1509. ■ 1214. — — 2430. — 2431. Mieb.amej.2.t. 28 Eng. bot. 526. Rheed.mal.4.t.56. Rox. cor. 2. t. 166. Lam. ill. t. 802. {Tb. in act. holm. 1 790. t. 2, f. 2. Rot.gvam. 1 0.t.3.f.2 Rott.gram.8.t.3-f.4 Lam.ill.t»884,f.4. DICECIA TETEANDRIA. 215 PHCENIX. W. 1 dactylifera. W. 2 veclinata. W. 3 farinifera. W. ANTHOSPER- MUM. W. aeihiopicum. W. TROPHIS. W. 1 araericana. W. 2 as per a. VV. MONTINIA. W. caryophyllacea. H. K. VISCUM. W. album. W. SCH/EFFERIA. W. completa. W. BRUCEA. W. ferruginea. W. Date Palm. reclining. small. Palnise. B. P. } TETRANDRIA. Amber Tree. Rubiaceee. J. Ethiopian. Ramoon Tree. American, rough-leaved. Montinia. H Sea-Purslane 'l leaved. j Misseltoe. common. ScH^EFFERIA. white-flowered. Brucea. Ash-leaved. Onagrariaj. J. Caprifoliae. J. Terebintaceae. J. BROUSSONETIA. W Broussonetia. Urticese. papvrifera. W. HIPPOPHAE. W. 1 rhamnoides. W. 2 canadensis. W. MYRICA. W. 1 Gale. W. 2 cerifera. W. 3 carolinensis. Ph. 4 pensylvanica. Ph. 5 Faya. W. 6 aithiopica. W. 7 serrata. W. 8 laciniata. W. en. 9 quercifoiia. W. en. 10 cordifolia. W. AULAX. L. T. 1 pinifolia. L. T. 2 umbellata. L. T. LEUCADEN- 1 DRON.L.T. j 1 argenteum. L. T. 2 plumosum. L. T. 3 imbricatum. L. T. 4 buxifolium. L. T. 5 Levisanus. L. T. 6 linifolium. L. T. 7 stellatum. Paper Mulberry. SeaBuckthorn. Ekeagni. J. common. — — Canadian. {Candles er- ") ry Myrtle. J Sweet Gale. Amentaceae. J. common, broad-leaved. Pensylvanian. Azorian. African, saw-leaved, smooth Oak-led. hairy Oak-leavd. heart-leaved. Aulax. Pine-leaved. — — umbelled. — — — — - Leucadendron. Proteace®. B. P. 8 tortum. L. T. 9 cinereum. L. T. gray. . 10 corymbosum. L. T. corymbed, 1 1 decorum. L. T. decorous. 12 coneolor. L. T. one-coloured. 13 grandiflorum. L. T. great-flowered. 14 decurrens. L. T. decurrent. 15 strictum. L. T. upright. 16 virgatum. L. T. slender. 17 adscendens. L. T. pale. 18 concinnum. L. T. neat. 19 salignum. L. T. Willow-leaved. 2-0 uliginosum. L. T. swamp. 21 floridum. L. T. florid. 22 eemulura. L. T. incurved. 23 abietiuum. L. T. Pine-leaved. 24 scabnsm, L. T, rough. Silver Tree, feather-flowered, imbricated. Box-leaved. short-leaved. - 1 1 Flax-leaved. starred. Kn. P. Protea stellar is. B. M. twisted-leaved. — Levant. C.B.S. E. Ind. 1597 G.k. 1792 G.J* . 1800 S. ij . fKaempf. amoen. 1 686. t. 1. 2. Jac. frag. 27. t. 24. Rox. cor. 1. t. 74. C. B.S. 1692. 6.7. G.k- Pluk.alm.t.l83.f.I. W. Ind. E. Ind. 1789. 4.5. S.T*. 1802 S.lJ. Brown.jam.t.37.f.l C.B. S. 1774. 7. G. k . f Smith spic. 14. t, X 15. England. .... 5. II. k . Eng. bot. 1470. W. Ind. 1793 S. k • Lam. ill. t. 809. Abyssinia. 1775. 4.5. S.^. Lam. ill. t. 810. Japan. 1751. 2.9. H.Jj. Bot. rep. 488. England. N. America. 4.5. H.k . 1759. H.l*. Eng. bot. 425. Proteaceee. B. P. Britain. N. America. Azores. C.B.S. 5. H.I^. Eng. bot. 562. 1699. 5.6. H.Jj. Cat. car. 1 . t. 69. 1730. 5. H. . 1. 1. 13. . . . . H.l^ . Duh.arb.e.n.2.t.55, H.Tj . — 2. t. 56. G. Ij . Pluk. alm.t.48.f.8. G. k- Burm.afr.t. 98. f. 1. G. k . J ac. frag. 2. 1. 1 . f. 4. 1759. 5.7. G.Tj. Pluk.alm.t.34 9.L7« 1777. 1795. 1793. 1752. 6.7. 6.7. C.B. S. 1780. 1774. 7.9. 6.8. Protea. jEuryspermum , ^ C.B.S. 6.8. 1693. 1774. 1790. 1812. ... 1774. 4.6. 5.6. 1790, 1774 1790 1774. 1800. 1774. 1795. 1789. 1812. 6.8. 4.6. 6.9. 7.9. G.k< G.h- c; Kn. G.k. G.k G.h- G.k' G- k • G.k - G.k- G.k. G-k • G.k. G.k ■ G. k . G.k - G.k. G.k. G.k. G.k. G.k. G.k- G.k. G.TZ. G.k. G.k. G.k- Bot. rep. 76. — 248. P. Lam. iJJ. t. 53. f.l. , Burm.afr.t.lOO.f.2. Jac. scboen. l.t.2 6, Bot. mag. 881. Bot. rep. 495. Bot. rep. 307. Par. lond. 105. Par. lond. 75. Boer, lugd.2. t.204. Breyn.cent. 21.t.9* Bot. rep. 572. 429. — 461, i 216 PISTACIA. W. 1 officinarum. H. K. 2 reticulata. W. 3 Terebinthus. W. 4 atlantica. W. 5 Lentiscus. W. 0 massiliensis. iZANTHOXYLUM.W 1 emarginalum. W. 2 Clava Hereulis. W. 3 fraxineum. W. 4 tricarpum. H. K. SECURINEGA. J. nitida. P. S. PICRAMNIA. W. Antidesma. W. ANTIDESMA. W. 1 alexiteria. W. 2 paniculata. W. IRESINE. W. celosioides. W. SPINACIA. W. oleracea. W« a spinosa. |3 inermis . ACNIDA. W. cannabina. W. CANNABIS. W. sativa. W. HUMULUS. W. Lupulus. W. SMILAX. W. 1 aspera. W. <3 auriculata « 2 excelsa. W. 3 zeylanica. W. 4 quadrangu laris. W. 5 Sarsaparilla. W. 6 China. W. 7 rotundifolia. \V. S laurifolia. W. 9 tamnoides. W. 10 australis. B. P. 1 1 caduca. W. 12 Bona nox. W. 13 latifolia. B. P. 1 4 herbacea. W. 15 lanceolata. W. 16 glycipliylla. B. P. 1 7 pubera. W. 1 8 Pseudo-china. W. 19 peduncularis. W. j 20 glauca. B. M. TAMUS. W. 1 communis. W. 2 Elephantipes. W. 3 cretica. W, RAJANIA. W. cordata. W. DIOSCOREA. W. 1 pentaphylla. W. 2 aculeata. W. 8 alata. W. 4 bulbifera. W. 5 saliva. W. 6 quateynata. Ph. DKECIA HEXANDEIA, PENTANDRIA. PistachiaTree. Terebintaceae. J. officinal. Levant. net-deaved. — — — TurpentineTree. — = S. Europe. Atlantic. — Mastick Tree. - — — — narroiv-leaved. . TooxH-ACHTREE.Terebintaceae ? J. notch-leaved. Lentiscus-leav’d. — — common. three-capsuled. — Securinega. Euphorbiaceae. J. Otalieite Myrtle. Picramnia. Ash-leaved. * Antidesma , . Laurel-leaved. — panicled. — Iresine. Amaranthaceae.B.P Florida. * — ~ Spina ge. Chenopodeae. B. P. common. prickly, round. f Virginian „ { j J Chenopode*. B.P. common. — Hemp. Urticeae. J. common. Hop. Urtice&e. J. common. * — — 1570. 4.5. II. ^ 1752. 4. H.lJ 1656. 6.7. H.J2 Raiuw. it. 72. t. 9. Barbary. 1790. Ah- S. Europe. 1664. 5. G>h- Bot. mag. 1967- Jamaica. 1739. &h‘ Slo,jam.2.t.l68.f.4. W. Ind, ■ 4J. G.h< Cat. car. 1. 1. 26. N. America. 1759. 3.4. H .h- Duham. arb.l.t.97i — 1806. H -h- Otaheite. 1793. 8.8. S.T^, Jamaica. 1793. — s Slo.jam.2.t.208.f.2w E. Ind. 1793. 5.6. 9-h- Rheed. mal.S.t.l 1. ) 1 800. .... S-h- America. 1733. 7.8. F.U. Lam. ill. t. 813. 1568. 3.10. H.©< Schk.hand 3.t.524« N. America. 1640. 6. 7< H.Q. Smilax. Rough Bi ear-leaved, g tall. Ceylon. square-stalked. medicinal. Chinese. round-leaved. Laurel-leaved. Tam us-leaved. oblong-leaved. deciduous. ciliated. broad-leaved. herbaceous. spear-leaved. Botany Bay Tea. downy. Bastard Chinese. long-peduncled. glaucous-leaved. Black Bryony. common. Elephant’s-foot. Cretan. Rajania. Tamus-leaved. Dioscorea. five-leaved. prickly-stemmed wing-stalked. bulb-bearing. Yam. four-leaved. HEXANDRIA. Smilaceie. B. P. India. .... 6. 7. H.©. Schk.hand.3.t,325^ Britain. .... 6.8. H.2JU Eng. bot. 427^ S. Europe. 1648. 9. H.Ij. Scbk.hand.3.t.328‘rf - -- IJ T- T>111L ottrt H 1 A 4’ 0 Syria. E. Ind. N. America. ’ Ju« pj • rillK.dim. i.l lU.I.a 1739. 8.9. G. Ti . Buxb. cent. 1 . t. 27. 1778 S. 1^. Rum,amb.5.t.l6T. 1812. 6.7. H. T-i . 1664. 7.8. H.Ij. 1759 G.Tj. Kaempf.amce.t.782, 1760. 7.8. II. ij. 1739. 7. H. h . Cat. car. 1 . t. 1 5. China. N . America. A . t. 52, Pluk.alm.t.l ll.f.l. Bot. mag. 1920 ? Cat. car. 2. t. 84. Smilacese ? Dioseoreae. B. P. Dioscorea? . B. P. England. C.B.S. Candia. W. Ind. E.Ind. India. E. Ind. W. Ind. N. America. 1774. 1739. Slo.jam.l.t.l43.f.l Bot. mag. 1 846. 5.8. H.2£. Eng. bot. 91. 7.8. G. \i . Bot. mag. 1347. — H.^L. 1786. 7. S.2JL. Plum.ic. t.155. f.l 1768. 1803. 1739. 1692. 1733. 1811. 7.8. 8. 7. S.T*. s.y.. s.v.. s s.y.. Rheed.mal.7.t.35. 7.t.37. 7.t.38. Par. lond. 17. Rheed.inal. 8.t.5L 7 villosa. Ph. 8 oppositifolia. W. MABA. J. buxifolia. P. S. ELAIS. W. guineensis. W. CHAMiEDOREA. W. gracilis. W.. BORASSUS. W. fiabelliformis. W. POPULUS. W. 1 alba. W. 2 canescens. W. 3 trepida. VV. 4 tremula. W. .5 laevigata. W. 6 grreca. W. 7 nigra. W. 8 betulifolia. Ph. 9 dilatata. W. 10 monilifera. W. 1 1 angulata. W. 1 2 balsamifera. W. 13 candicans. W. 14 heterophylla. W. RHODIOLA. W. rosea. VV. MERCURIALIS. W. 1 perennis. W. 2 ambigua. W. 3 annua. W. 4 elliptica. W. 5 tomentosa. VV. HYDROCHARIS. W. Morsus-ranae. W. CARICA. W. 1 Papaya. W.. 2 caulidora. W. 3 microcarpa. W. GYMNOCLADUS W. canadensis. W. KIGGELARIA. W. africana. W. SCPIINUS. W. 1 Molle. W. 2 dentata. H. K. 3 dependens. H. K. Atnyris poli/gama. CORIARIA. W. myrtifolia. W. STRATIOTES. W. aloides. VV. HYiENANCHE.H.K. globosa. H. K. EUCLEA. W. 1 racemosa. VV. 2 undulata. W. DATISCA. W. cannabina. W. MENISPERMUM. D, l canadense. VV. DKECIA DODECANDRIA. 217 pubescent. Dioscoreae. B. P. N. America. 1752. 8. H.1Q Jac. ic. 3.t. 626. opposite-leaved. E. Ind. 1803. . S. if. . Pet. gaz. t. 3 1 . f. 6. Mara. Ebenacese. B. P. Ferreola. TV . et Roxb. Box-leaved. E. Ind. 1810 , S.T2? Rox. cor. 1. t. 45. Oily Palm. Palmas. B. P. Guinea. . Guinea. 1730 S.Q Jac. amer. t. 172. Cham^edorea. Palmas. B. P. Borassi sp. Jac. slender. Caracas. 1803 , S.Q Jac.schoe.2.t.247.3 Borassus. Palmas. B. P. fan-leaved. E. Ind. 1771. . . S.Q Roxb.cor.l.t.71.72. PoTLAR. Abele Tree, gray. j Trembling J \ American. J Aspen, smooth. Athenian, black. Black American. Lombardy. Canadian. Carolina. Tacamabac. heart-leaved. OCTANDRIA. Amentaceae. J. Britain. .... England N. America. 1812. 3.4. H.V - — h.t2. Eng. hot. 1618. • 1619. . ...H.T*. Mich.arb.3.t.8.f.l, Britain. .... 3.4. H. Ti . N. America. 1769. H . Ti • Archipelago. 1779. 3.4. H.lj. Britain. .... N. America. .... — H. T i . Italy. 1758. ~ H.Q Canada. 1772. 5. H.Q Carolina. 1738. 3. H.Q N. America. 1692. 4. H.Q 1772. 3. H.Q Eng. bot. 1909. Mich. arb. 3. t. 1 1 . Duha.arb.l 84.t.54. Eng. bot. 1910. Mich.arb.3.t.l0.f.l, Mich. arb. 3.t.l0.f.2. 3.p.302.t.l2; 3. 1. 13. t. 1. Cat. car. 1. 1. 34. * cvl lUUo"lC{l> CU« Rose Root. Sempervivese. J. l/uu. -x.u. n • - — .. — • — - common. — — — — — Britain. 5.7. H.2Q Eng. bot. 508, ENNEANDRIA. Mercury. Euphorbiaceae. J. perennial. Britain. .... 4.5. H. Q Eng. bot. 1872. doubtful. — — Spain. 1806. 7-8. H.Q. Lin. fil. dec.l. t. 8. annual. — Britain. 7.9. H.Q. Eng. bot. 559. oval-leaved. Portugal, 1802. 5.7. G.Q Vent. cels. 12. woolly. Spain. 1640. 7.9. H.Q Frog-bit. Hydrochavideae.B.P. .... 6.7. H.2jL. Eng. bot. 808. common. — Britain. DECANDRIA. Papaw Tree. Cucurbitaceae ? J. common. — — India. 1690. 7. stem-flowering. Caracas. 1806 small-fruited. — «... Gymnocladus. Leguminosae. J. Guilandince sp. L. — Canada. 1748 H. \ Euphorbiacese. J. C. B. S. 1683. 5.6. G. \i , Terebintaceee. J. s -h' s.Q Canadian. Kiggelaria. African. Sciiinus. Peruvian, tooth-leaved, entire-leaved. TV. CORIARIA. Myrtle-leaved. Peru. Owhyhee. Chili. 1597. 7.8. G.T2 1795. 5.7. G. \i 1790. H.L. . Ehret pict. t.3. f.l. Jac.schoen.3.t.31 1. 3.t 309.10. Mich.amer. 2.t.51. Lam. ill. t. 821. Mill. ic. 2. t. 246. Bot. rep. 620. Cav. ic. 3.t. 239. S. Europe. 1629. 5.8. H >Q Schk.hand.3.t.334, DODECANDRIA. Water SoLDiERHydrocharidese.B.P. Aloe-like. - — — — — — England. HYiENA Poison Toxicodendrum . TV. Cape. Euclea. round-leaved. wave-leaved. Datisca. Hemp-like. Moon Seed, Canadian, Menispermeae. D. F f 6.7. H.2Q Eng. bot. 379. C. B.S. 1783. 4.9. G. Q Lamb.cinc.52.t,10. C. B. S. 1722. II.I2.G.J2 . Jac. frag.S.t. l.f.5, — 1794 G.JZ . Candia. 1640. 7.9. H.3Q Schk.hand.3. t.3 6. N. America. 1691. 6.7. 21S 2 virginieum. W. Virginian. 3 smilacinum. D. Smilax-leaved. Cissampelos smilacina. JF. bICECIA MONADELPHIA. Menispermcae. D. N. America. 1732. 6.7. H.Jj. Dill.elt.t.l78vf.21S> COCCULUS. D. 1 Plukenetii. D. 2 orbiculatns. D. 3 villosus. D. /3 hirsutus. FLACOURTIA. W. .. Itamontchi. W. 2 flay es cens. W. & cataphracta. W. 4 sapida. W. &ELONIUM. Rox. bifariunj. W. ROTTLERA. Rox. tinctoria. W. TREWIA. W. nudiflora. W. EMBRYOPTERIS. glutinifera. W. CLIFFORTIA. W. 1 euneata* W. 2 iMcifolia. W. 3 tridentata. W. 4 ruscifolia. W. 5 cinerea. W. 6 pulchella. \V. 7 crenata. W. 8 ericaefolia. W. 9 obcordata. W. 10 trifoliata. W. 1 1 sarmentosa. W. CYCAS. W. 1 circinalis. W. 2 revolwta. W. ZAMIA. W. 1 pungens. W. 2 cycadifolia. W. 3 angustifolia. Jac. 4 media* Jac. 5 debilis. W. 6 integrifolia. W. 7 pygmaea. B. M. 8 furfuFacea. W. 9 spiralis. B. P. 1 0 liorrida. W* 11 Cycadis.W. ARAUCARIA. J. 1 imbricata. W. 2 excelsa. H. K. JUNIPERUS. W. ] thurfera. W. 2 bermodiana. W. S cbinensis. W. 4 excelsa. W. 5 Sabina. W. 6 tamariscifolia. 7 prostrata. P. S. 8 daurica. H. K. 9 virginiana. W. 10 communis. W. 11 suecioa. Cocculus. officinal. round-leaved. villous. hairy. Carolina. 1776. . . .. G.k. Jac. ic. 3. t, 629. MenispeTmi sp. TV. ■ E* Ind. 1790. . . .. s.k. .. S.k. .. s.k. .. s.k.,2. Rheed.mal. 1 l.t. 62. Pluk.amal.t.384.f*3 t.384.f.7 ■ 1 ftOO ICOSANDRIA. Flacourtia. Tiliaceae.J. shining-leaved. Madagascar. yellow-flowered. Guinea. many-spined. — E. Ind. esculent. - — — — — — - — Gelonium. oval-leaved. E. Ind. Rottlera. dyer’s. — E.Ind. POLYANDRIA* 'J'rewia. naked-flowered. — E. Ind. W Embryopteris. Ebenaceae. B. P. Diospyri sp. Indian. — E. Ind. Cliffortia. Rosaceae. J. wedge-leaved. — C. B. S. Ilex-leaved, three-toothed. Ruseus-lcaved. cinereous, beautiful, notched-leaved. Heath-leaved, heart-leaved, three-leaved, twiggy. Cyca&. 1775. 6.7. 1780. . . . . 1894. 1800 1793. 6.8. 1810. .... 1796. P.S. 1796. S.R. S.R. S.R. S- h- S.R. S.R. S. h s.t2, L’Her.stirp.59.t.30 Roxb. cor. 1 . t. 62. Roxb. cor. 2. t.16’8. Rheed.mal. l.t.42. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 70. Dill.elt. t.31. f. 35. L. hort* cliff, t. 3 1 . . Pluk,alm.t.3 19.1.4. broad-leaved. narrow-leaved. Zamia. needle. Cycas-leaved. narrow-leaved. intermediate. long-leaved. dwarf. least. broad-leaved. spiral. gray. Cycas-like. Cycadeae. B. P. Cycadeae. B. P. E. Ind. China. C. B. S. Bahama Isl. W. Ind. N. S. W. C.B.S. 1700 1737. 7.8. 1775 .... 7.8. 1777. 1768. i. 1691. 7*8. 1796. 1800 1775. .... s.k G.Tj. G.R . s-k S.k s.k ■ s.k. s.k s.k. G.k G.k. G.k- {Rheed. mal. 3. t. 13. 21. Linn, trans. 6. t.29. Till. pis. 129. t. 45. Jac.frag.l.t.25.26, Jae. ic. 3. t. 636. Bot. mag. 1838. Comm. hort. l.t.58. Bot. mag. 1851. Trew ehr MONADELPHIA. Araucaria. Coniferae. J. Dombeya. Lam. imbricated. — - Chili. Norfolk Island. Norfolk Isl. Juniper. Coniferae. J. Spanish. S. Europe. Bermudas Cedar. — — Bermudas. Chinese. * China. tall. — — — Siberia. Common Savin. S. Europe. Tamarisk-leav’d. — ~ prostrate. ■ — N* America. Daurian. Dauria. Red Cedar. * N. America. common. — — — Britain. Swedish. — * — N. Europe, 1796 G.R 1793 G. k • 1752. 5.6. H. k 1683. F.R . 1804. F.R , 1806 H.R 1548. 5.6. H. k 1562. — H. k .... - — H.R. 1791. 6.8. H.R. 1664. 5.6. H.R. .... H. k . .... — H.V Jac.frag.27.t.27.28- Th. aet. ups. 2. t. 5. Lam. ill. t. 328.>r Herm. lugd. t*347„ Bot. rep. 534. Mich. arb. 3. t. 5... Eng. bot. 1100, 12 natia. W. 13 Oxycedrus. W. 14 phaenicea. W. 1 5 lycia. V/. 16 barbadensis. W. TAXUS. W. 1 baccata. W. 2 nucifera. W. EPHEDRA. W. 1 distachya. W. 2 monostachya. W. CISSAMPELOS. D. 1 Pareira. D. 2 Caapeba. D. 3 capensis. D. EXCCECARIA. W. serrata. H. K. ADELIA. W. 1 Bernardia. W. 2 Ricinella. W. 3 Acidoton. W. LOUREIRA. W. glandulosa. W. MYRISTICA. W. 1 moschata. W. « fatua. W. NEPENTHES. W. distil latoria. W. RUSCUS. W. 1 aculeatus. W. 2 laxus. L. T. 3 Hypophyllum. W. 4 Hypoglossum. W. 5 androgynus. W. 6 racemosus. W. LATANIA. J. rubra. W. CLUYTIA. W. 1 alaternoides. W. * polygonoides. W. 3 daphnoides. W. 4 erieoides. W. 5 polifolia. W. 6 tomentosa. W, 7 pulchella. W. 8 collina. W. MUSA. W. 1 paradisiaea. W. 2 sapientum. W. 3 rosacea. W. 4 coccinea. W. VERATRUM. W. 1 album. W. 2 viride. W. POL YG AMI A MONCECIA. 819 mountain. Coniferae. J. Siberia. «... 5.6. H.Tj. brown-berried. — Spain. 1739. H.T^. Phoenician. S. Europe. 1683.— — H.I^. Lycian. — — 1693. H.Tj. Barbadoes Cedar. — - - — Florida. 1811 G. ^ . Yew-Tree. Coniferae. J. common. ; — — Britain. .... 2.4. II. b . Acorn-bearing. - — — — — China. 1764 G.I^. Ephedra. Coniferae. J. great. — — — France. 1570. 6.7. H.J?* small. Siberia, 1772. 9. 11. H.^. Cissampelos. Menispermeae. D. velvet-leaf. — S. America. 1733. 7.8. S.lf.. nervous-leaved. — — — S. If. . Cape. » C.B.S. 1775 G.I*. Exccecaria. Euphorbiaceae. J. saw-leaved. Chili, 1796. 11.2. G.Tj. Adeliat Euphorbiaceae. J. villous-leaved. Jamaica. 1768. 7.8. S.Tj. smooth-leaved. — .... — 6.8. S. 1 j'. Box-leaved. 1= — — Jamaica. 1768. 6.7. S. jj . Loureip.a. Mozuina. Or teg. glandulous. — — Mexico. 1799 S. . Nutmeg. Myristjcaeae. B. P. true. — — E.Ind. 1795 S.Ij. tasteless. - — — — — Surinam. 1812. .... S.J-j. Pitcher-Plant Chinese. China. 1789. 4,5. S.2f. {Butcher’s- 1 ^ , Broom. ) Sm.lace*? prickly. • — — England 12.6. H.fy. loose. Portugal 1.6. H.J*. broad-leaved. — ■■ Italy. 1640. 5.6. H.Tj. double-leaved. — — — — - — 1596. 4.5. H. . climbing. - — Canaries. 1 7 13 . G.jj. {Alexandrian \ „ *. 1 „ TT t Laurel. j PortuSa1' ’ «• Bourbon Palm. Palmae. B. P. jred. — - — - — — ■ ■" Mauritius, 1788. .... S.T^. GYNANDRIA. Cluytia. Euphorbiaceae. J. narrow-leaved. C.B.S. 1692. 12.3. G. . Polygonum-like. — — — 1790. G. tj . Daphne-leaved. — • — 1731. 5.6. G. . Heath-leaved. — — 1790. 4.6. G. ^ . Poley-leaved. — — — - — — G. I7 . tomentose. - — — — — 1812. — — • G. * broad-leaved. — — — — 1739. 1.6. G.l^. hill. — -1— — -E.Ind. 1807- .... S.l*. (Pall.ross. 2. t. 54. f. A. B. Duhara.arb.2.t.l 2S Pall. ross. 2. t. 57. 2.t. 56. Pluk.alm.t-. 197* f.4 Eng. bot. 746. Kaemp.amoen.t. 8 1 b Schk. han.3.t. 339. Pall. ross. 2. t. 83. Lam. ill. t. 830. rium. ic. 67. f. 2. Cav. ic. 5. t. 430. Lam. ill. t. 832. Pluk.alm.t.250.f.6. Burnj.zeyl.42.t.l7. Eng. bot. 560. Col.ecp.l.t.l65.f.l . 0 -yfj Schk.liand.3. t.340. Bot. mag. 1898. Herm. ludg.t. 681. Jac. frag, 13. t. 8. Bot. mag. 1321. W. hort. ber. 51. — - 52. A Jac.scboen.2. t.50 Bot. mag. 1945. lloxb, cor. 2. 1. 1 69 CLASS XXIII. POLYGAMIA MONCECIA. Plantain-Tree. Musaceae. J. common. Banana-tree. Rose-coloured. scarlet-flowered. Veratrum. white. greep-flowered. — — — — in , India. — — _ W. Ind. — — — - — - Mauritius. * — China. Melanthaceae. B. P. — --- Europe. — — — — N. America. 1690.10.12.S.IJ.{Tir'W'bret'3-t 1729. 10.3. S. Ti . S-h- S.h* 1805. 3.6. 1792. 12.3. 1548. 6.8. 1742. 7.8. u.%. H.V. 20. 4. t. 21.23. Jac.schoen.4.t,445. Bot. mag. 1559. FI. dan. 1 1 20. Bot. mag. 1096. Ff 2 %20 POLYGAMIA MONCECIA. Virginian. dark-flowered. small-flowered. Andropogon. nerve-glumed. twisted. Lemon-grass. two-spiked. smooth-spiked. woolly. Chloris. flat-stalked. ciliated. many-spiked. bearded. short-spiked. Gramineae. B. P. Gramineae. B. P. S virginieum. H. K. 4 nigrum. W. 5 parviflorum. W. ANDROPOGON. W. 1 striatus. W. 2 contortus. W. 3 Schoenanthus. W. 4 distachyos. W. 5 muticus. W. 6 Ischaemum. W. CHLORIS. W. 1 petraaea. W. 2 ciliata. W. 3 radiata. W. 4 barbata. W. 5 curtipendula. Ph. PENICILLARIA. \ W. en. J 1 spicata. W. en. 2 ciliata. W. en. Alopecurus indicus. TV. SORGHUM. W. en. Sorghum. 1 Gryllus. purple-flowered. Andropogon Gryllus. TV. Holcus Gryllus. B. P. 2 bicolor. W. en. two-coloured. Melanthaceae.B.P. N. America. — Siberia. Carolina. 6.7. H.2/ cor. mag. — E.Ind. S. Europe. C.B. S. S. Europe. Jamaica. Penicillaria. Gramineae. B. P spiked. — ciliated. W. Ind. E. Ind. Illinois. E. Ind. Jamaica. 1768. 1596. 1809. 1793. 1805. 1794. 1768. 1779. 7.8. S .If.. Vahl. symb.2.t. 27. 7.9. S. 2/ . 1739. 8.9. S.©. Moris. s.8.t.3.f. 15, 1777. 6.7. S.©. 1808. 6.8. H.2 j.'. 1592. 6,7. S.©. Pluk. aim. t. 3 2 . f. 4 » 1739. 7-10. H.©. H.2/. — 963- H.2/. 8. S.2/. 7.9. S.2/. Sphk.han.3.t.342.a, .... S.2/. 7.8. H.2/. FI. gra;c. 1. 1. 69. 7.9. G.2 8. FI. 2/. Schreb.gram.2.t.33 Gramineae. B. P. Holcus. B. P. 3 vulgare. W. en. 4 rubens. W. en. Indian Millet, red-seeded. Gramineae. B. P. Gramineae. B. P. Gramineae. B. P. Gramineae. B. P. Rubiaceae. J. 5 saccharatum.W.en. yellow-seeded. 6 lralepense. P. S. panicled. HOLCUS. W. en. Soft-Grass. 1 mollis. W. creeping. 2 lanatus. W. meadow. 3 avenaceus. W. en. Oat-like. 4 bulbosus. W. en. bulbous-rooted. 5 odoratus. W. sweet-scented. ISCH7EMUM. W. ISCH43MUM. 1 aristatum. W. bearded. 2 rugosum. W. rough. ^GILOPS. W. Hard-Grass. 1 ovata. W. oval-spiked. 2 triuncialis. W. long-spiked. 3 cylindrica. W. cylindrical. 4 squarrosa. W. rough-spiked. 5 candata. W. Cretan. MANISURIS.W. Manisuris. granularis. W. round-grained. VALANTIA.W. Valantia. 1 cruciata. W. Crosswort. — 2 muralis. W. wall. — — — 3 liispida. W. bristly. 4 filiformis. W. least. - — 5 pedemontana, W- Piedmont. 6 Cucullaria. W. hooded. — 7 Aparine. W. warty-fruited. - — — Galium verrucosum . E. B. 8 articulata. W. jointed. — 9 glabra. W. smooth. lOaspera. W. rough. PARIETARIA. W. Pellitory. Urticeae. J. 1 indica. W. Indian. * — 2 officinalis. W. wall. 3 judaica. W. Basil-leaved. 4 urticcefolia. W. Nettle-leaved. 5 lusitanica. W. Chickw,eed-leacl. — 6 polygon oides. W. Polygonum-lead. — ATRIPLEX.W. Orache. Chenopodeae. B. P. 1 Halimus. W. tall shrubby. 2 portulacoides. W. dwarf shrubby. — — - — — — S. Europe. 1791. 6.7. FI, 2/ . FI. graec. 1 . t. 67. Persia. 1731. 7. T. „ TMieg. act. lielv. 8. ■ \ t. 4. f. 4. India. 1596. 7. H.0. 8.t.4.f.3. Africa. 1817. ■FI.©. India. 1759. 7-8. C Aid. act. ac. pat. 1 . 0 • \ t. 4. f. 2. Syria. 1691. ■H.2/. FI. graec. 1 . t. 68. Britain. 7.8. H.2/. Eng. bot. 1 170. 6.7. H.2/ . — 1169. N. America. 1777. ■u.n . ■H .2/. H.2/. 813. E. Ind. S. Europe. Hungary. Levant. Candia. E.Ind. Britain. S. Europe. Canaries. Hungary. Levant. Britain. ' Egypt. S. Europe. • Siberia. - E. Ind. ■ Britain. • Germany. - Bourbon. • Spain. • Armenia. 1803. 6.7. S.Tf. 1791. 7.8. S.©. Sal.stirp.rar. l.t.l. 1683. 6.7. H.©. F!. graec. 1. 1. 93. 1739. 7.8. H.©. 1 .1. 1 0.f. 1 1805. 6.7. H.©. Host. gram. 2. t. 7. 1794. - — — H.2/. 1739.- H.©. FI. graic. 1. 1. 95. 1784. 6.7. S.©. Roxb.cor. 2. 1. 1 IS. Eng. bot. 143. Col. eeph. t. 297. Pl.rar.lmng.l.t.33. .... 5.6. H.2! • 1739. 5.7. H.©. 1768. ~ H.©. 1780. 7.9. H.©. 1799. 7. H.©. 1780. 5.6. H.©. Bux.cent. 1 .t .19. i.% .... 6.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 2173. 1752. 7.8. H.0. 173.I. — H.2/.. Pl.rar.hung.l.t.32. 1804. 6.7. H.2 JL. 17.90. 4.5. S.2 /. 6.9. H.2/. 1728. H.2/. 1700. S.©. 1710. 7.8. H.©. Bocc. sic.t. 24.f.B. Eng. bot. 879. Schk.liand.3.t.346. 1728. H.©. Spain. Britain. 1640. 7.8. H.Ij. Park.tbeat.724.f,2» ,,es H.Ii, Eng. bot. 261. 4 POLYGAMIA MONCECIA. 3 glauca. W. 4 albicans. W. 5 rosea. W. 6 sibirica. W. 7 tatarica. W. 8 hortensis. W. (3 rubra. 9 laciniata. W. 1 0 patula. W. 1 1 angustifolia. W, 1 2 erecta. W. 13 littoralis. W. 14 pedunculata. W. 15 microsperm a. W. RHAGODIA. B. P. hastata. B. P. TERMINALIA. W. 1 Catappa. W. 2 moluccana. W. 3 Chebula. W. 4 angustifolia. W. FUSANUS. L. compressus. H. K. BRABEJUM. W. stellulifolium. W. FERONIA. L. T. elepkantum. W. AILANTHUS. W. 1 glandulosa. W. 2 excelsa. W. CLUSIA. W. 1 rosea. Wo 2 alba. Wo 3 flava. W. 4 venosa. W. OPHIOXYLON. W. serpentinum. W. ACER. W. 1 heterophyllum. W. 2 tataricum. W. 3 Pseudo-Platanus. 4 rubrum. W. 5 dasycarpum. W. 6 barbatuim Ph. 7 saccharinum. W. 8 nigrum. Ph. 9 platanoides. W. (Z laciniatum. 10 striatum. Ph. 1 1 montanum. Ph. 1 2 campestre. W. 13 Opalus. W. 14 monspessulanum W. 15 creticum. W. 16 Negundo. W. CELTIS. W. 1 australis. W. 2 Tournefortii. W. 3 occidentalis. W. 4 crassifolia. Ph. 5 pumila. Ph. 6 micrantha. W. 7 aculeata. W. GOUANIA. W. 1 domingensis. W. 2 tilieefolia. glaucous. white. Rose. Siberian. Tartarian, garden. red g arden. frosted sea. spreading, narrow-leaved, upright. Grass-leaved, pedunculated, smali-seeded. Rhagodia. halberd-leaved. Terminalia. broad-leaved. Molucca, oval-leaved, narrow-leaved. Fusanus. flat-stalked, f African- 1 \ Aliviond. j common. {Elephant- \ Apple. J Indian. Ailanthus. Chinese. Indian. Balsam-Tree. Rose-coloured. white-flowered. yellow-flowered. veiny-leaved. Ophioxylon. red-flowered. Maple. evergreen. Tartarian . Sycamore. scarlet-flowered. SirChas. Wager’s. bearded. Sugar. black. Norway. cut-leaved. striped-barked. mountain. common. Italian. Montpelier. Cretan. Ash-leaved. Nettle-Tree. European. Tournefort’s. American. thick-leaved. dwarf. smooth. prickly. Gouania. Chaw-stick. Lime-tree-leav’d. Chenopodeae. B.P. S. Europe. C.B.S. * S. Europe, • Siberia. Tartary. 1732. 7.3. G.Tj. 1774. 6.7. G.b. 1739. H.©. 1783. 7.8. H.0. 1778. H.0. 1548. H.0. Britain. ■ Britain. . . . . England 1800. Chenopodeae. B. P. N. S. W. 1 8103. Combretaceae. B.P. — E.Ind. 1778. — - 1804. — T 1796. — 1692. Santalaceae. B. P. Thesii sp. W. C.B.S. 1776. H.Q. 6.9. H.Q. 6.8. H.Q. 8. H.Q. 8.9. H.Q. 7.9. H.Q. — H.Q. 6.7. G.h* .... S-h- .... s.h. .... S.Tj. .... S.Tj. — G-h- Proteaceae. B. P. C.B, S. 1731. 3.4. G-h • E. ind. Terebintaceae. J. — . — — China. E. Inti. Guttiferae. J. Carolina. S. America, — — Jamaica. S. America. Apocyneae. B. P. — E. Ind. Acereae. J. Levant. Tartary. — — Britain. N. America, Europe. N. America. Britain. — — — — ■ — Italy. — — France. Levant. -■ ■■ — N. America. Amentaceae. J. S. Europe. Levant. N. America. Jamaica. Rhamni ? J. • — W. Ind. e. Ind. 1804 S. Tj . 1751. 8. H.Jj . 1800 S.I*. 1692. 7.8. S.l?. 1752 S.I?. 1759. 9. S. . 1733 S.Ij. 1690. 5.6. S.Ji. 175 9. 5.6. H. \ . — H.^. 4.5. H.0. 1656. H.Ti . 1725. H. . 1812. H.Ti . 1735. H.^. 1812. H.T2 . 1683. 5.7. H.I2. H.h. 1755. 5.6. H.Ji . 1750. 4.5. .... 5.6. H.Ji • 1752. ■H.h. 1739. 5. h.t*. 1752. 5.6. H. Ti • 1688. 4. H.h. 1796. 5. H.h- 1739. . . . . H-h- 1656. 4.5. H.h- 1812. H.h- — 5. H.h- 1739. 8.9. S. h • 1791. — S.h- 1739. 9 •• • S-h • 1810. .... s.h. Dill. elt.t.40.f. 46. Schk.liand.3. t.350. 3.p.538.t.360. 3.p.539.t.349. Eng. hot. 165. — 936. 1774. 2223. — 708. 232. Jac. ic. l.t. 197. Roxb. cor. 2. 1. 197. Jac. vind. 3. 1. 100. Berg.cap.3 8 .t. 1 ,f. I . Breyn. cent. 1. 1. 1. Roxb. cor. 2. t.141. L’EIer. stirp. 1. 84. Roxb. cor. 1. 1. 23. Cat. car. 2. t. 99. Jac. amer. t. 166. Bot, rep. 223. Plum. ic. 87 - f. 2. Bot. mag. 784. W.arb. lO.t. l.f.i. Schm. arb. 1. 1. 9. Eng. bot. 303. Mich. arb. 2. t. 14. 2. t. 13. Mich. arb. 2. t. 15. - — 2. t. 16. Schm. arb. l.t. 3. 4. l.t. 5. Midi. arb. 2. t. 17. Schm. arb. l.t. 11. Eng. bot. 304. Schm. arb. l.t. 14. ■ — l.t. 15. — 1. t. 12. Tourn. it. 2. t. 41. Mill. ic. l.t. 88. Dubam. arb. 2.t.9. Plum. ic.t. 206. f. 1. Pluk.alm.t.20 1 . f.4. Roxb. cor. 1. 1. 98. FOLYGAMXA M ONCE CIA. HERMAS. W. Hermas. 1 depauperata. W. hairy. 2 gigantea. W. gigantic. INGA. W. Inga. 1 dulcis. W. sweet. 2 Unguis-Cati. IV. four-leaved. 3 mierophylla. W. en. small-leaved. 4 vera. W. common. 5 rhoifolia. W. en. villous. 6 alba. W. white. 7 marginata. W. Beech-leaved. 8 nodosa. W„ knobbed. 9 latifolia. W. broad-leaved. 10 purpurea. W. Soldier Wood. 1 1 circinalis. W. spiral-podded. MIMOSA. W. Mimosa. 1 viva. V/. lively. 2 casta. W. chaste. 3 sensitiva. W. Sensitive Plant. 4 obtusifolia. W. en. blunt-leaved. 5 pudica. W. Humble Plant. 6 pigra. H. K. straight-spined. 7 rubicaulis. W. Bramble-stalked 8 concinna. W. neat. 9 polystacliya. W. en. many-spiked. SCHRANK1A. W. Schrankia. 1 aculeata. W. 2 uncinata. W. DESMANTHUS, W. 1 natans. W. Umbelliferae. J. Leguminosae. J. C.B.S. 1795. 6.7. G.lf.. 1794. — G Mimosa sp. L. - E. Ind. - W. Ind. - Cumana. - W. Ind. - Brazil. - E. Ind. . W. Ind. - Ceylon. - W. Ind. Leguminos®. J. 1800. 1690. 1815. 1739. 1815. 1804. 1752. 1690. 1768. 1733. 1726. 7.8. 3.4. 3.J*. S* h • S-. h • S-h- s-h- s-h- s* h ■ S .Vi. s-v s.lj, Burm.afr. t.71.f. 2, {Th. in act. pet. 14. t. 11. Pmxb. cor. 1. t. 99. Jac.schoen.3.t.392. Sl.jam.2.t.l83.f.l. Pluk.alnr. t.141 .f.2, t.21 l.f.5. Plum. ic. t. 9. Bot. reg. 129. Plum. ic. t. 5. Jamaica. 1739. 7.9. S.ty. Slo.jam.2.t.l82.f.7. E. Ind. 1741. 7. S.Tj - Comm.hort.l.t.28. Brazil. 1648. 4.9. S. stricta. W. 1 0 longifolia. W. 11 falcata. W. 12 laurifolia. W. 13 melanoxylon. H.K. 14 Sophorae. II. K. 15 marginata. H. K. 16 myrtifolia. W. 1 7 hispidula. W. 18 decipiens. H. K. 19 biflora. H.K. 20 armata. H. K. 21 alata. H. K. 22 scandens. W. 23 pulcliella. H. K. 24 ciliata. H. K. many-flowered. Flax-leaved. double-headed. long-leaved. sickle-leaved. Laurel-leaved. black-wooded. Sophora-pmlded. marginate-leav’d. Myrtle-leaved. little harsh. paradoxical. two-flowered. simple-ld prickly wing-stalked. climbing. zigzag spiny. ciliate-winged. ciliata. TV. en. is a different species. 25 nigricans. H. K. unequal-winged. 26 guianensis. W. 27 Houstoni. W. 28 odoratissima. W. 29 venusta. W. cn. 30 arborea. W. Guiana. Houstoun’s. fragrant. charming. tree. . Jac.schoen.3.t.39l« Vent, choix. 13. Bot. rep. 394. 53. ■ 207. 2\ Bot. mag. 1659. Lab.nov.ho.2.t.237 Bot. mag. 302. Sm.n. holl.53. t.l 6\ Bot. mag. 1745. Bot. mag. 1653. Rheed.mal.9. t.77. Lab.n.hol.2.t.233. Aub. gui. 2. t.357. Bot. reg. 98. Roxb. cor. 2. t.l 20. POL YG AMI A DICE CIA. SI Julibrissin. W. 32 speciosa. W. 33 latisiliqua. W. 34 discolor. W. 35 pubescens. H. K. 3 6 lophantha. W. 37 bracbyloba. W. 38 glandulosa. W. 39 decurrens. W. 40 pernambucana. W. 41 peregrina. W. 42 grandittora. \V. 43 glauca. W. 44 reticulata. W. en. 45 julifiora. W. 46 GirafFae. W. en. 47 Cafra. W. 48 Chundra. W. 49 Catechu. W. 50 leucophloea. W. en. 5 1 cornigera. W. 52 eburnea. W. 53 hcematoxylon.W.eil 54 farnesiana. W. 55 vera. W. 56 caesia. W. 57 pennata. W. 68 Intsia. W. 59 Ceratonia. W. 60 tamarindifolia. W. RHAPIS. W. 1 flabelliformis. W. 2 arundinacea. W. GLEDITSCHI A. W. 1 triacanthos. Ph. (2 inermis. 2 bracbycarpa. Ph. 3 monosperma. Ph. 4 horrida. W. 5 sinensis. P. S. CERATONIA. W. Siliqua. W. FRAXINUS. W. 1 simplicifolia. W. 2 excelsior. W. (3 pendula. 3 sambucifolia. W. 4 oxycarpa. W. 5 lentiscifolia. W. 6 americana. W. acuminata. Ph. 7 caroliniana. Ph. 8 pubescens. W. 9 juglandifolia. W. 10 aurea. W. en. 1 1 nana. W,en. 12 atrovirens. P. S. BROSIMUM. W. 1 Alicastrum. W. 2 spurium. W. DIOSPYROS. W. 1 Lotus. W. 2 virginiana. W. 3 pubescens. Ph. 4 sylvatica. W. 5 Ebenum. W. smooth tree. splendid. broad-podded. two-coloured. hairy-stemrued. two-spiked. Illinois. glandulous. decurrent. slothful. white-flowered. great-flowered. glaucous. netted. long-flowered. camelopard’s. Hottentot. hook-spined. medicinal. panicled. Cuckold Tree. ivory-thorned. hoary. Sponge Tree. Egyptian Thorn, gray. fine-leaved. angular-stalked. round-leaved. Tamarind-leavd. Rhapis. creeping-rooted. simple-leaved. 6 Kaki. W, Gleditschia. three-thorned. smooth. curved-spined. single-seeded. strong-spined. Chinese. Carob Tree. St. John’s Bread. Ash Tree. various-leaved. common. weeping. Elder-leaved. Caucasian. Aleppo. white. shining. black. Walnut-leaved. yellow-barked. dwarf. green curled-Ied. Bread Nut. Jamaica. Milkwood. Date Plum. European. American. pubescent. wood. smooth. Japan. DICECIA. Leguminosae. J. N. America. 1700. 6.7. H.Ij China, Leguminosae. J. Oleinae. B. P. Levant. England. Britain. N. America. Caucasus. Aleppo. N. America. 1723. 1774. 1812. H.V H.Y H.f* F.h 1570. 9.10. G.Ji , 4.5. H.J*. .... H.fc. 1800 H. , 1815. .... H.J*, 1710. 5.6. H. \i , 1723. 5. H.Tj. Ebenaceae. B. P. Jamaica. Italy. N. America. E.Ind. 1811. 1783. 1776. 1789. 1596. 1629. 1812. 5. 5.6. 6.7. 4. Japan. 1792. 1789. .. . H.V H.k H.V Uh U.h H-h S .h- S -h H.Ij, H.k S-h' s-h- G.h Scop. in. 1. 1. 8. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 198. Plum. ic. 3. t. 6. Bot. rep. 235. Bot. mag. 1263. Bot. rep. 563. Vent, clioix. 27. Vent. malm. 61. Pluk.alm. t.307.f.3. Bot. rep. 592. Cat. car. 2. t. 42. Pluk.alm. t.l23.f.2« Roxb.cor. 2. t.175. * 2. t.l5U. Roxb. cor.2. 1. 199. Duh.arb.ed.n.t.28. . Burm. zeyl. 2. 1. 1. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 4. Plum. ic. t. 8. Jac.schoen.S. t.396. Bot. mag. 1371. Duham.arb.l.t.195 Cat. car.i. t. 43. Bot. rep. 567. Eng. bot. 2476. — 1692. Pluk.alm.t.l82.f.4, Du Roi.ed. 2. 1. 1, Svv.fl.ind.oc.l.t.l.fl Mill. ic. t. 1 16. Cat. car. 2. t. 76. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 47. fRotb. in act. hafn. \ 2. t. 5. Ksempf.amce.t.SOS, »4 POLYGAMIA BKECXA, 7 cortlifolia. W* 8 obovata. W. MYRSINE. B. P. 1 africana. W. 2 retusa. W. 3 Samara. heart-leaved. four-seeded. Myrsine. African. round-leaved. oval-leaved. Ebenacese. J. Myrsineae. B. P. Samara pentandra. JfT. 4 melanophleos. Laurel-leaved. Sideroxylon melanophleum. TF~. E. Ind. W. Ind. G. B. S. Azores. C.B.S. C. B. S. 1794. 1796'. S.Tz S-h 1691. 3.5. G.T2 1778. 6. G. \ 1770. 11.2. G. Roxb. cor. 1 . t. 50. Jac.schcen.3.t.312. Comm.hort.l. t.64’ Vent. cels. 86. NYSSA. W. 1 villosa. W. 2 biflora. W. 3 capitata. H. K. 4 candicans. W. 5 denticulata. W. HAMILTONIA. W. oleifera. W. LAUROPHYLLUS \ W. / capensis. W. BURSERA. W. gum m if era. W. ARCTOPUS. W. echinatus. W. PANAX. W. 1 quinquefdlium. W. 2 trifolium. W. 3 aculeatum. W. 4 fruticosum. W. FICUS. W. 1 Carica. W. 2 aquatica. W. 3 nymphaeifolia. W. 4 religiosa. W. 5 benghalensis. W. 6 venosa. W. 7 coriacea. W. 8 costata. W. 9 lucid a. W. TurELO. hairy-leaved. mountain. round-headed. hoary. water. Oil Nut. Olive-bearing. Laurophyll'us. Cape. Bursera. Jamaica. Arctotus. rough. Panax. Ginseng. lesser. prickly. shrubby. Fig Tree. common. rough-leaved. Water-Lily-1 ead. Poplar-leaved. Bengal. vein-leaved. leathery-leaved. rib-leaved. shining-leaved. Santalaceae? B. P. Terebintaceae. J. Umbel life ne? J. Araliau J. Urticeae. J. N. America. Pyrularia. N. America. C.B. S. W. Ind. C.B.S. N. America. China. Ternate. S. Europe. E. Ind. 1783. 1806. 1739. 1806. 1812. 1735. Mich. 1800. G. Jj. Jac. vind. 1. 1. 7L 5. 4.5. H.R H .h H -h Hi H.h G-h Mich. arb. 21. Mich. arb. 20. Cat. car. 1. 1. 60. 1801. .... G.Ij , 1690 S.Tj. Jac. amer. t. 65. 1774. G.2J.. Burm. afr. 1. 1. 1. 1740. 6. H.7/-, 1759. 5.6. H.2JL. 1773. 1 1. S.T2. 1800. 8.9. S.Jj. 1548. 1758. 1759. 1731. 1690. 1763. 1772. 1763. 1772. 6.7. 4. H.Y s-h- S.h- S.R S.k- s.Y S .Ti« Bot. mag. 1333. 1334. Jac. ic. 3. t. 634. Bot. rep. 595. Trevv. ehret.t.73.4. Rheed.mal.3. t. 62. Rheed.mal. l.t.27. -l.t.28. W.hort. ber.l. t.36’. k 10 martinicensis. W. round-fruited. — W. Ind. 1759. .... S.T?. Sloan. jam.2.t.22.3. 1 1 infectoria. W. veiny. E. Ind. 1763. .... S.Jj. Rheed.mal. 3. t. 64. 12 pedunculata. W. Willow-leaved. — — S. America. 1776. . ... S.R. P!uk.alm.t.l78.f.4. 1 3 cordata. W. heart-leaved. — C.B.S. 1802. .... G.b. Thunb. diss. c. ic. 1 4 macrophylla. P. S. large-leaved. — N. Holland. .... G. \ . 15 australis- W. ferrugineous. — N. S. W. 1789. 3.6. G.J2. Vent. malm. 1. 114. 16 clastica. Rox. elastic-gum. E. Ind. 1815. .... G.Tz. 17 stipulata. W. trailing. — China. 1771. .... G.Tz. 1 8 purnila. W. dwarf. 1759. . . . . G. I2 . Kaemp.amoen.t.804 19 tinctoria. W. Otaheite. — — Society Isl. 1793. 5.6. S.l 20 benjamina. W. oval-leaved. — — E. Ind. 1757. . ... S. 1^. Rheed.mal. 1. 1. 26. 21 pertusa. W. Laurel-leaved. — — — S. America. 17S0. .... S.Ij. 22 nitida. W. glossy-leaved. — — E. Ind. 1786. 3.6. S. Ti . Rheed.mal. 3. t. 55. 23 indica. W. 24 racemosa. W. 25 retusa. W. 26 repens. W. 27 aspem. W. 28 oppositifolia. W. scabra. P. S. 29 capensis. W. CJHAMASROPS. W. 1 humilis. W. 2 serrulata. W. 3 Hystrix. Ph. 4 Palmetto. W. Banyan Tree, clustered, blunt-leaved. creeping-stemmd. rough -leaved, opposite-leaved. ■ Cape. — — — Cfiamasrops. Palmae. B. P. Dwarf Fan Palm. saw-leaved. Porcupine. smooth-stemmed. — — - — — — N. Holland. E. Ind. C.B. S. S. Europe. N. America. Georgia. Carolina. 1759. . . . . 1793. 1805. . . . . 1807. 3.6. 1802 1816'. 1731. 1809. 1801. 1809. 2.8. s -h s.h S.Tj S> h • G.h S-h- G.Tz, G.J*. G.Tj. G.Tz. G-h- — 3-t. 63*. — 1 . t. 25. Roxb. cor. 2. t.124. Bot. rep. 599. CRYPTOGAMXA SCHISMATOPTERIDES, m CLASS XXIV. CRYPTOGAMXA GONOPTERIDES. EQUISETUM. W. 1 arvense. W. 2 fiuviatile. W. 3 sylvaticum. W. 4 limosum. W. 5 palustre. W. 6 varicgatum. W. 7 byemale. W. Horse-tail. corn. great water, wood. smooth naked, marsh, variegated. Shave Grass. Britain. Scotland. Britain. 3.4. H.\. 4.5. H.2f. — H.^. 6.7. H. 2jL. H.l/. . — H.2JL. 7.8. H.2/.. Eng. bot. 2020. - — 2022. 1874. 929. -- 2021. ■ 1987. 915. LYCOPODIUM. W. 1 clavatum. W. 2 complanatum. W. 3 alpinum. W. 4 dendroideum. W» 5 annotinum. W. 6 inundatum. W, 7 Selaginoides. W. 8 ornithopodioides.W. 9 helveticum. W. 10 denticulatum. W. 1 1 Selago. W. PSILOTUM. Sw. triquetrum. W. QPHIOGLOSSUM.W. 1 vulgatum. W. 2 reticulatum. W. BOTRYCHIUM. Sw. 1 Lunaria. W. 2 fumarioides. W. 3 dissectum. W. 4 virginicum. W. Club-Moss. common. Arbor-vit3e-lead Savin-leaved. fan. interrupted. marsh. prickly. Bird’s-claw, Swiss. toothed. Fir. PsiLOTUftf. triangular. Adder’s-tongue. common, netted. Moonwort, common. Fumitory-leav’d cut-leaved, Virginian. STACHYOPTERIDES. Lycopodineae. B. P Britain, .... — ■ N. America. 1770. ^ Britain. .... — N. America. 1770. — Britain, .... 1812. Switzerland. 1779. ... — Britain. .... Lycopodineae. B. P. Bernhardia. TV. • — W.Ind. 1793. Filices. B. P. 7.8. 8. 7. 6.8. 6.7. 8. 6.8. 7, 8. Ha. Ha. na - Ha- Ha- Ha. Ha- Ha - Ha- Ha . Eng. bot. 224. FI, dan. 78. Eng. bot. 234. Schk, fil. t. 164. Eng. bot. 1727. 239, 1148. Dill.M.t. 66.f.l,B, — t. 64. f. 2. ■ — t.66. f.l.A. Eng. bot. 233, Britain. W. Ind. 7.8. S.ljL. Sphk.fil.t. 165, b 1793. Filices. B. P. Osnfiundos sp. L . • — — - Britain. .... Carolina. 1 806. - — — - — ■*-— N. America, — 1790, 5.6. 5.6. 7.8. 7. 8. Ha- va- na- na- na- na - Eng. bot. 108, Plum. fil. t. 164. Schk. fil. t. 157. * t, 158. t, 1 56. POROPTERIDES. MARATTIA. Sw, Marattia. Filices. B. P. Myriotheca.Jo alata. W. winged. — — — 'Jamaica. 1793. .. %a • Sm. ined. t. 46. LYGODIUM. Sw. seandens. Sw. ANEMIA, Sw, 1 hirsnta. W. 2 adiantifolia. W. OSMUNDA. B. P. 1 cinnamomea. Ph, 2 regalis. W. 3 Claytoniana. Ph, 4 interrupta. Ph. 5 spectabilis. Ph, 6 barbata. B. P. Todea africana, TV. {Snake’s- 1 Tongue, f climbing. Anemia. hairy. Maiden-hair-ld. Osmunda. woolly. Flowering-Fern. Clayton’s. interrupted. showy. African. SCHISM ATOPTERIDES, Filices. B. P. Hydroglossum. TV. Ugena. Cav, _____ E. Ind. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Jamaica. W, Ind. Britain. C.B. S, 1793. 5.9. sa° 1794. sa- Plum. fil. t. 162. 1793. 8.9. Sa- t . 158. 1773. 6. na- Schk. fil, t. 146. 7.8, na - Eng. bot. 209. 1772. 8. Ha- . . . . 6.7. Ha- Schk. fil. t. 144. 1811. 7. Ha- Pluk.alm.t. 1 84. f.4 1805. 5.8, Ga- Schk. fil, t. 147. ACROSTICHUM. W. Acrostichum. FILICES, Filices. B. P. 1 simplex. W. simple. — Jamaica. 1793. .... sa- 2 lingua. W. tongue-leaved. — — — China. 1817. 5.7. G.2f. • Jap. t. 33. 3 crinitum. W. hairy. - > ■ ■ W. Ind. 1793. Sa- Plum. fil. t. 125. 4 alciconae. B. P. Elk’s-horn. N. S. W. 1808. 8.10. G. 2J. , Bot. reg. 262-3. 5 soi bifolium. W. Sorbus-leaved, W. Ind. 1793. S.lf.- Plum. fil. t. 1 1 7. 6 velleum.W. woolly. Madeira. 1778. 8.9. G.lf.- Desf. alt. 2. t, 256, 7 calomelanos. "VV. mealy. — — ~ . W.Ind. 1790. 7.8. Sa. W. hort. ber. 4 1 . Gg n6 CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. HEMIONITIS. W. 1 lanceolata. W. 2 palmata. W. 3 rufa. W. MENISCIUM.W. reticulatum. W. GRAMMITIS. Sw. Ceterach. Sw. POLYPpDlUM. Sw. 1 piloselloides. W. 2 lycopodioides. W. 3 phyllitidis. W. 4 aureuni. W. 5 vulgare. W. |3 cambricum. 6 virginianum. W. 7 pectinatum. W. 8 asplenifolium. W. 9 inoanum. Ph. 10 Phegopteris. W. 1 1 hexagonopterum.W. 12 pruinatum. W. 13 effusnm. W. 14 Dryoptiris. W. 15 calcareum. W. WOODSIA. L. T. 1 hyperborea. Ph. 2 ilvensis. Ph. NEPHRODIUM. B.P. 1 trifoliatum. W. 2 Lonchitis. Wv 3 auriculatum. W. 4 exaltatum. B. P; 5 unitum. B. P. Hemionitis. spear-leaved. palraated. rusty-haired. Menisci um. netted. Grammitis. common. Polypody. Mouse-ear. Club-moss. Hart’s-tongue. golden, common. Welsh. Virginian. comb-leaved. Spleenwort-lead. hoary. Sun-fern. triangular. white-leaved. spreading. tender-branch’d. rigid-branched. Woodsia. hairy Alpine. rock. Kidney-Fern. three-leaved, rough Alpine. eared. lofty., smooth-united. Filices. B. P. W. Ind. 1793. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. i / yj* Filices. B. P. W Iml 1793, Britain. — 1742. Filices. B. P. — N. America — - W. Ind. 1793. — Martinico. 1790. - — N. America. 1811. — Britain. .... — N. America. 1811., Jamaica. 1793. — . - — 1769. Britain. — - Scotland — - ■ — N. America. 1812. Filices. B. P. Aspidii sp. W. Aspidium W. Ind. 1769. — Britain. .... — E. Ind. — Jamaica. — E. Ind. 6 propiuquum. B. P. pubescent. 7 patens. W. downy. 8 noveboracense. W. river-side. 9 Oreopteris,.W. Heath. 10 Tlielypteris. W. Lady-fern. 1 1 cristatum. W. lesser crested. 1 2 aculeatum. W. common prickly. 13 marginalc. \V. ntarginal-flower5. 14 Filix-mas. W. Male Fern. 15 lobatum. W. close-leaved. 16 spinulosum. W. crested prickly. 17 dilatatum. W. great-crested. 18 elongatum. W. cut-leaved. 19 villosum. W. villous. ALLANTODIA. B. P, Allantodia. umbrosa. B. P. Madeira. ASPIDIUM. B. P. Shield-Fern. 1 dentatum. W. toothed, 2 bulbiferum. W. bulbifereus. 3 axillare. W. slender. 4 fragile. W. brittle. 5 regium. W, laciniated. 6 rhaeticum, W. stone. 7 irriguum. E. B. brook. 8 Eemulum. W. dwarf. ASPLENIUM. B. P. Spleenwort. 1 fontanum. B. P. smooth rock. Aspidium fontanum . E. B. 2 Filix-femina. B. P. female. 3 Adiantum-nigrum^ 4 montanum. W. mountain. b lanceolatum. W. lanceolate. 6 fragrans, W. fragrant. Jamaica. N. America. Britain. England. Britain. N. America. Britain. England. Britain. Madeira* W. Ind. 7.9. H.2£. 6.7. H.2/.. , Spreng. 4.8. S.lf. 5.8. H.2jL. 1793. 7. S.lf. S.ijL. — .... S.^. .... S.lf. 7-9. S .If.. 7. H.2£. • — h.2*. 7.8. H.2/. . 6.8. H. 2/.. — H.2*. 6.9. H. If. . 1784, 1812. 177 1779. 1793. 6.8. 7.8. 7. H.2*, H. If. . H.2*. H.2*. G.2* S.lf-. Filices. B. B. Aspidii sp. JJr. ■ — ■ Madeira. 1779. 6.9. G.2*. Filices. B. P. At hi f Hum . Spreng. Wales. .... ■ — — N. America. 1638. — — Madeira. 1779. Britain. .... Schk. fil. t. 6. Plum. fil. t. 151. Schk. fil. t. 17.2L Plum. fil. t. 110. Eng. bot. 1244. Plum. fil. t. 1 18. Schk. fil. t. 8. c. p. Plum. fil. t. 130. t. 76. Eng. bot. 1 149. Bolt. fil. t. 2. f. 5. a. Plum. fil. t. 77. Schk. fil. t. 17. b. Plum. fil. 1. 102. A. Schk. fil. t. 1 1 . b. Eng. bot. 2224. Pluk.alm.t.284. f.2. SI oa.j am . 1 .t.5 7 .f.S. Eng. bot. 616. 1525. Eng. bot. 2023. Schk. fil. t. 19. Jac. ic. 3. t. 638. Eng. bot. 797. ( Burm. zeyl. 98. t. \ 44. f. 2. Schk. fil. t. 32. b. (Burm. zeyl. 98. t. 44. f. 1. Schk. fil. t. 334. t. 46. Eng. bot. 1019. 1018. 2125. 1562. Schk. fil. t. 45. b. Eng. bot. 1458. 1563. 1460. 1461. Schk. fil. t. 46. b. Schk. fil. t. 61. Eng. bot. 1588. Eng. bot. 1587. ■ — 163, Filices. B. P. — Madeira. — England. — Britain. 1779. 7. H.2*. 7.8. H.2*. 6.9. G .If.. 6.8. H .If.. 6. H.2*. 6.7. H.2* . — H.2*. .... G.lf.. 6.8. H.2 *. Eng. bot. 2024. N. America. 1812. England Jamaica. 1793. 6.9. H.2*. 4.10. H.2* 7. H. If. . 6.10. H.2/.. 7. S.lf, 1459. 1950, Eng. bot. 240. 7 Ruta-muraria. W. Wall-rue. 8 praemorsum. W. snip-leaved. 9 striatum. W. striated. 10 rhizophorum. W. root-bearing. 1 1 viride. W. green. 12 melanocaulon. Ph. black-stalked. 13 Trichomanes. W. Maiden-hair. 14 Breynii. Sw. alternate-leaved! 15 ebeneum. Ph. ivory-striped, 16 monanthemum. W. one-flowered. 17 marinum. W. sea. 18 angustifolium. W. narrow-leaved. 19 septentriouale. W. forked.. 20 Hemionitis. W. Mules-fern. 21 rhizophyllum. W. rooting-leaved. 22 serratum. W. saw-leaved. SCOLOPEN- \ ( Hart’s- 1 DRIUM. W. / 1 Tongue. J officinarum. W. common. 3 crisjmm. curled-leaved . «y undulatum. xvave-leaved. § multifidum. clustered. e ramosum. branching. DIPLAZIUM. Sw. Diflazium. grandifolium. W. large-leaved. PTERIS. W. Brake. 1 longifolia. W. long-leaved. 2 grandifolia. W. large-leaved. 3 scrrulata. W. various-leaved. 4 atropurpurea. W. purple. 5 arguta. W. sharp-notched. 6 crispa. W. curled. 7 aculeata. W. prickly-stemm’d. 8 esculenta. B. P. esculent. 9 caudata. W. American. 10 aquilina. W. common. 1 1 podophylla. W. pedated. VITTARIA. Sm. Vittaria. lineata. W. linear-leaved. ONOCLEA. Sw. Onoclea. 1 sensibilis. W. sensitive. 2 obtusilobata. Ph. obtuse-lobed. 3 Struthiopteris. Sw. Russian. BLECHNUM. Sw. Blechxum. 1 boreale. W. northern. 2 australe. W. Cape. 3 occidentale. W. American. WOODWARDIA. Sm i. Woodwardia. 1 onocleoides. Ph. Onoclea-like. 2 virginica. Ph. Virginian. 3 radicans. W » rooting-leaved. BOODIA. B. P. Doodia. aspera. B. P. rough-stalked. ADIANTUM. W. Maidenhair. 1 reniforme. W. kidney-leaved. 2 radiatum. W. radiated. 3 macrophyllum. W. large-leaved. 4 pedatum. W. Canadian. 5 villosum. W. hairy-stalked. 6 pulverulentum. W. dusty. 7 trapeziforme. W. rhomb-leaved. 8 Capillus-veneris. W. true. 9 tenerum. W. tender. CHEILANTHES. Sw. Cheilanthes. 1 vestita. W. hairy. 2 pteroides. W. Pteris-like. 3 fragrarts. W. sweet-scented. LONCHITIS. W. Lonchitis. Iiirsuta. W. hairy. CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Filices. B. P. Britain. Jamaica. W. Ind. Jamaica. Britain. N. America. Britain. Scotland. N. America. C.B.S. Britain. N. America. Britain. Madeira. N. America. W. Ind. Britain. 6.10. H.2/ 1793 S.^L 6.8. S.2/ 6.9. H.2/ 7. H. 2/. 6.10. H.2/ 6.10. H. 2/ 9. H.2/ 7. G.2/ 6.10. H. 2/. 1812. 6.7. H.2/ 6.10. H. 2/ 1779. 6.7. G.2 / 1680. H.2/ 1793. S.2/ 1812. 1779. 1790. 22T Eng. bot. 150. Pluk.alm.t.73.f.5. Plum. til. t. 1 8. 1 9. ( Sloan.jam.l.t.29. ( 30. f. 1. Eng. bot. 2257. Eng. bot. 57 6. 2258. Schk. fil. t. 73. Smith ined. t. 73. Eng. bot. 392. Schk. fii. t. 67. 69. Eng. bot. 1017. Schk. fil. t. 66. Pluk.alm.t.l 05.f.3. Schk. fil. t. 64. 7.8. H.2/. Eng. bot. 1150. H.2/. H.2/. Pluk. phyt. 248. f.l . — H.2/. H.2/. Pluk. phyt. 248. f.2. India. N. America. Madeira. Britain. W. Ind. N.S.W, ■ N. America. Britain. Jamaica. H.2/. 1778. G. 2/. . , . . • 7-8. H.2/. 1793 1815 G.2/. . 1777. 9.12. H. 2/. 7.8. H.2/. 1793. Jac.sch. 3.1.399. 400 Schk. fil. t. 89. t. 91. t. 101. Pluk. alm.t. 290. f.2. Eng. bot. 1160. Plum. fil. t. 5. et 11 . Lab.n.holl.2..t.244. Jac. ic. 3. t. 645. Eng. bot. 1679- America. 1793, Filices. B. P. Virginia. N. America. Europe. Britain. C. B. S. S. America. N. America, Madeira. N. S. W. Madeira. W. Ind. Jamaica. N. America. Jamaica. W. Ind. Britain. Jamaica. N. America. C.B. S. Madeira. W. Ind. 1799. 1812. 1777. 1812. 1774. 1779. 1793. 1793. 1793. 1812. 1778. 1793, 6.7. S,2/. Brown, jam. 89. t.l„ S.2/. Schk. fil. t. 101. b. 8. H.2JL. Schk. fil. t. 102. 7. H. 2/ . t. 103. 7.8. II. 2/. — t. 105. 7. H.2/. Eng. bot. 1 159. 3.9. G.2/. Schk. fil. t. 110. b. • S.2/. Jac. ic. 3. t. 644. 8. H.2/. Schk. fil, t. 111. 8.9. H.2/. Pluk.alm.t.l 79. f.2. 9. G.2/. Schk. fil. t. 112. 3.9. G.2|. 6.9. G.2/. Piuk.alm.t.287.f.5, 4.8. S.2/. Plum. fil. t. 100. S.2A. Brown.jam.t.38.f.l 8.9. H.2/. Schk. fil. t. 115. 6.9. S.2/. t. 120. . . . . S.2/. t. 119. S.2/. — t. 122. 5.9. H.2/. Eng. bot. 1564. 7. S.2/. Pluk. aim .t. 2 54 ,f. 1 , 7. H.2/. Schk. fil. t. 1 24. 7.9. G.2/. Hout.n.his.t.96.f,3. •••• G.2/. Sw. sym.fil.t.3.f.6. „ „ , . S.2/. Schk. fil. t. 86. G g 2 228 CRYFTOGAMIA HYDROPTERIDES. Davallia. shining. Hare’s-foot. Dicksonia. tree. DAVALLIA. Sin. 1 pyxidata. B. P. 2 canariensis. W. DICKSONIA. W. 1 arborescens. H. K. 2 Culcita. W. 3 dissecta. W. 4 pilosiuscula. W. CYATHEA. W. arborea. W. TRICHOMANES.B.P* Trichomanes. brevisetum. H. K. short-styled. Hymenophyllum alatum. E. B. HYMENOPHYL- 1 Filmy.Leap. cut-leaved. hairy. Cyathea. tree. LUM. Sm. tunbridgense. W. Tunbridge. } Filices. B. P. ■ — — * N. S. W. 1808. 4.9. G.J^. — Canaries. 1699. — G.ty. Jac. ic. 1. t. 200. Filices. B. P. St.Helena. 1786. 6.12. S.J*. ■ — — Madeira. 1779. 9.10. G.lf.. — — Jamaica. 1793. S.Tf. - N. America. ,1811. 7.9. H.2/.. Schk. fil. t. 131. Filices. B. P. — - — - — W. Ind. 1793..... S.2JL. Plum. fil. 1. 1. 1. 2. Filices. B. P. — —Britain 5.6. H.2£. Eng. bot. 1417. Filices. B. P. Britain. .... 5.6. H.^. Eng. bot. 162. ISOETES. W. lacustris. W. PILULARIA. W. globulifera. W. Quillwort. marsh. Pillwort. Pepper-grass. HYDROPTERIDES. Marsileaceae. B. P. Britain. Marsileaceae. B. P. — > — - Britain. .... 5.10. H.2/. . Eng. bot. 1084. *... 6.9. H.2J. Eng. bot. 521. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. GANNA. 8 iridiflora. P. S. ALPINIA. 7 spiralis. Jac. 8 Galanga. W. AMOMUM. monandria monogynia. Indian Shot. nodding-flowerd. Alpinia. spiral. loose-flowered. Amomum. Canneae. Scitamineae. Scitamineae. 3 augustifolium. Rox. narrow-cleaved. 4 Granum Paradisi.W. Grain of Paradise. - Peru* E. Ind. E. Ind. Madagascar. 1816. 12.1, S.y.. Bot. mag. 1968. 10.12. S. 2^. Jac. schoen. 1. 1. 1* S.2/.. Rumph.amb.5.t.6‘3 .... S.2/.. Sonn. it. 2. t. 137. 2.3. S.2/.. Rlieed. mal.ll.t. 6. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. JASMINUM. JasmiNe. Jasmineae. 14 simplicifolium.B.M. simple-leaved. • — - — - - CODARIUM. Vahl. Codarium. nitidum. Vahl. glossy-leaved. VERONICA. Speedwell. Scrophularinae. 63 polymorpha. W. en. variable. * WULFENIA. Jac. Wulfenia. Scrophularinae. carinthiaca. Jac. annual. — — — — Society Isles Dialii sp. TV. Guinea. 1800. 3.6. S. Ij. Bot. mag. 980. S.Ij. Roem.archiv.l. t.6. 1817. 6.8. H .If., Carinthia. 1817. 6 9. H.©. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 2. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. MARICA. B. reg. Marica. 9 Bermudiana. Ker. Iris-leaved. 10 anceps. Ker. narrow-leaved. 1 1 convoluta. Ker. convolute. 12 tenuifolia. Ker. slender-leaved. 1 3 spathacea. Ker. sheathed. Morcea spathacea. page 1 1 . GYROTHECA. Sal. Gyrotheca. tinctoria. red-rooted. Irideae. Marica and Sisyrinchium. H. K. — — — — Bermudas. 1732. 5.7. G.2/. Bot. mag. 94. - -= N. America. 1693. 6.7. H.2/.. 464. — S. America. 1816. 5.7. G.2/L. W. hort. ber. 91. - ■ ■ - * — G.y. — 92c — — C. B. S. 1798. 7. G.2/.. Dilatris tinctotia. Ph. Herietiera Gmelini. Mi. Haeinodoraceae. B. P. -N. America. 1812. 6.7. G.2/.. Mich. amer. 1. 1. 4. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Hedyotis. Rubiaceae. J. herbaceous. E. Ind. 1816. 6.9. S.©. I®"™* ^ S7* to China. 1805. 6.9. G.©, Th. jap. 69. t. 15, HEDYOTIS. G. herbacea. P. S. GONIOCARPUS. Th. Goniocarpus. Onagrariae. J micranthus. Th. small-flowered. — — — PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. ALDiEA. W. en. AlD^a. Boragineae. B. P. circinata. W. en. woolly. — - — — - - Magellan. Hydrophyllum magellanicum. Lam. Heliotropium pinnatum. Vahl, ANDROSACE. Androsace. Primulaceae. 10 obtusifolia. W. blunt-leaved. — — IPOMGEA. Ipomiea. Convolvulaceae. 46 coerulea. B. reg. Roxburgh’s. - - — — — 47 chryseides. B. reg. golden. — ■ - - — — — 48 Turpethum. B. reg. square-stalked. — — - GARDENIA. Gardenia. Rubiaceae. 12 campanulata. Rox. bell-flowered. 13 longispina. Rox. long-spined. — — — - SOLANDRA. Solandra. Solaneae. 2 viridiflora. B, M. green-flowered, — ■ 3 1S16. 6.10. H.’4.{Lia”'t;“Urn' hiS' Italy. — E. Ind. — - China. — Ceylon. — E. Ind. 1817. 4.7. H.©. All. ped. t. 46. f. 1, 1817. 6.10. S.©. Bot. reg. 276. - — - — - G. 2/ . — - — — 270. 1752. 3.4. S. 2/. . . 279. 1815. . . S -h S-h- S. America. 1816. 5.8. S. Ij. Bot, mag. 194af 230 SOLANUM. Nightshade. Solaneae. 55 decurrens. B. reg. decurrent. — — -- 56 aculeatissimum. W. prickly. — — — ARDISXA. Ardisia. Myrsineae. 8 crenata. B. M. crenated. — SCLEROXYLON. } ScLEE0XVL0S. Sapotea, Jacquini, spear-leaved ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. — S. America. 1816. 4.9. - China. 1809. 6.9. - C. B. S. 6.9. Sideroxyton mite. B. M. Manglilla Milleriana. P. S. SABBATIA. Sabbatia. Gentianeae. 4 paniculata. Ph. panicled. ECHITES. Echites. Apocyneae. 7 caryopliyllata. B.M. Clove-scented. — — N. America. 1817* 7.8. E. Ind. 1812. 10. G.V G.^. G.T*, G. \. H. lt S- h • Bot. reg. 148. Jac. ic. 1. 1. 41. Bot. mag. 1950. Bot. mag. 1858. Bot. mag. 1919. KAMA. L. jamaicensis. W. BUMALDA. Th. trifolia. Th. Nama. Jamaica. Bumalda. three-leaved. DIGYNIA. Convolvulaceae. .7. Rhamni ? J. Jamaica. Japan. 1812. 6.9. 1812. 6.9. S.Q. G.l*. Lam. ill. t. IS4<> PANCRATIUM. 21 guianenese. B. reg. long-tubed NARTHECIUM. p. 72. BUONAPARTEA. p. 74. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Pancratium. Amaryllideae. Junceae. B. P. Bromeliae. J. Guiana. 1803. 6.9. S.^. Bot.reg. 265. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CENOTHERA. CEnothera. Onagrariae. 22 corymbosa. B. M. corymbed. — Mexico. 1816. 9.10. G., 145. Azalea, 33. Borassus, 217. Acniella, 194. Alyssum, 144. Arachb, 162. Babiana, 11. Borbonia, 159. Acnida, 216. Amaranth us, 206, Aralia, 61. Baccharis, 185. Boronia, SI. Aconitum, 125. Amaryllis, 65. Araucaria, 218, Bactris, 207. Borya, 214. Acorus, 76. Ambrosia, 206, Arbutus, 96. Baeckia,. 81. Bosea, 53. Acrostichum, 225. Amellus, 193. Arctium, 178. Balbisia, 193. Bossiaea, 161. Actaea, 121. Amerimnum, 159. Arctppus, 224. Baljota, 133. Botryclnura, 225* Actinocarpus, 79. Amethystea, 5. Arctotheca, 196. Balsamita, 183. Bourreria, 32. Acynos, 134. Ammannia, £7, Arctotis, 198. Baltimora, 197. Bouvardia, 25. Adansonia, 154. Ammi, 56. Ardisia, 43. Bambusa, 77. Brabejum, 221. Adelia, 219. Amomum, 2. Arduina, 49. Banisteria, 102. Brachysema, 90. Adenandra, 45. Amorpha, 160. Areca, 210. Banksia, 22. Brassavola, 202. Adenanthera, 92. Amsonia, 50. Arenaria, 101. Baptisia, 90. Brassia, 202. Adiantum, 227. Amygdalus, 111. Aretliusa, 201. Barbarea, 146, Brassica, 147. Adina, 23. Amyris, 81. Aretia, 32. Barleria, 138. Briza, 18. Adonis, 128, Anabasis, 53. Argemone, 121. Barosma, 45. Brodiaea, 69. Adoxa, 89. Anacampseros, 106. Aristea, 11. Barringtonia, 157. Bromelia, 64. .Egilops, 220. Anacardium, 89. Aristolochia, 202, Bartholina, 200. Bromus, 15. JEgiphila, 25. Anacyclus, 192. Aristotelia, 105. Bartonia, 1 J 0. Brosimum, 223. iEgle, 123. Anagaliis, 33. Armeniaca, 112. Bartsia, 142. Brossaea, 46. ^Egopodium, 59, Anagyris, 90. Armeria, 61. Basella, 61. Brotera, 199. Aerides, 202. Anarrhinum, 140. Arnica, 190. Bassia, 105. Broughtonia, 202. JErua, 48. Anastatica, 143. Arnopogon, 175. Batschia, 30, Broussonetia, 215, JEschynomene, 167. Anchusa, 30. Artedia, 56. Baucra, 124. Browallia, 139. ^Esculus, 79. Andersonia, 34. Artemisia, 183. Bauhinia, 91. Brownea, 153. iEthionema, 143. Andrachne, 213, Arthropodium, 72. Beaufoilia, 173. Brucea, 215. -Ethusa, 58. Andromeda, 95. Artocarpus, 203, Beckmannia, 18. Baugmansia, 41. Agapanthus, 67. Andropogon, 220, Arum, 2Q9o Begonia, 207. Brunia, 45. Ag&thosma, 45. Androsace, 32. Arundo, 17. Bejaria, 105. Brunnichia, 101, Agave, 75. Andryala, 177. Asarum, 105. Beilis, 190. Brunsfelsia, 142. Ageraturu, 181. Anemia, 225. Asclepias, 51, Bellium, 190. Brunsvigia, 65. Agriin onja, 106. Anemone, 126. Ascyrum» 174. Berardia, 180. Bryonia, 212. Agrostepima, 104, Anethum, 59. Asimina, 231. Berberis, 77. Bryophyllum, 88. Agrostis, 14. Angelica, 57. Aspalathus, 160. Berckheya, 195* Bubon, 58. Ailanthus, 221. Anguria, 203. Asparagus, 72. Besleria, 139. Bubroma, 173, Aira, 17. Anigozanthus, 76. Asperugo, 31. Beta, 53. Buchnera, 142* Aitonia, 153. Anisomeles, 129. Asperula, 24. Betonica, 132. Bucida, 96. Aizoon, 117. Anona, 126. Asphodelus, 71. Betula, 209. Buddlea, 26. Ajuga, 129. Anomatheca, 10. Aspidium, 226. Bidens, 181. Buffonia, 28. Alangium, 123. Anthemis, 192. Asplenium, 226. Bignonia, 137. Bulbocodium, 69, Albuca, 70. Anthericum, 71. Aster, 1 87. Billardiera, 46. Bumalda, 230. Alchemilla, 28. Anthocercis, 142. Astragalus, 169. Biscutella, 143. Bumelia, 43. Alcina, 197. Antholyza, 11. Astrantia, 55. Biserrula, 16'9. Bunias, 143. Aldaea, 229. Anthospermum, 215. Astroloma, 34, Bixa, 122. Bunium, 56, Aletris., 6*7. Anthoxanthuaij 7. Athamanta, 56 Blseria, £6. Buonaparlfc&j 74* Hh 234 INDEX GENERUM, Buphthalmum, Page 194. Bupleurum, 55. Bursaria, 46'. Bursera, 224. Burtonia, 91. Butea, 159. Butomus, 89. Buttneria, 49. Buxus, 205. Bystropogon, 131. Cacalia, 182. Cachrys, 57. Cactus, 109. Cacucia, 230. Cadia, 92. Caesalpinia, 92. Caesia, 72; Caesulia, 182. Cakile, 142. Caladenia, 201. Caladium, 210. Calamagrostis, 17. Calamintha, 134. Calamus, 76. Calceolaria, 5. Caldasia, 36. Calea, 182. Calenchoe, 88. Calendula, 198. Caleya, 201. Calistaehys, 90. Calla, 79. Callicarpa, 25. Callicoma, 106. Calligonum, 108. Callisia, 13. Callitriche, 2. Calluna, 82. Calodendrum, 46. Calophyllum, 122. Calopogon, 201. Calothamnus, 17<§. Calotropis, 5 1 . Calt'na, 129. Calycanthus, 121. Calypso, 201. Calyptranthes, 111. Calystegia, 35. Camelina, 144. Camellia, 157. Cameraria, 50. Campanula, 36. Campborosma, 28. Canarina, 77. Canella, 105. Canna, 1 . Cannabis, 216. Capparis, 121. Capraria, 139. Capsicum, 42. Caralluma, 52. Cardamine, 145. Cardiospermum, 88. Carduus, 178. Carox, 204. Careya, 157. Carica, 217. Carissa, 49. Carlina, iso. Carolinea, Page 154. Carpesium, 185. Carpinus, 209. Carpopogon, 162. Carthamus, 180. Car urn, 59. Caryophyllus, 111. Caryota, 210. Cassia, 92. Cassine, 60. Cassinia, 199. Castanea, 209. Castilleja, 142. Casuarina, 203. Catalpa, 3. Catananche, 178. Catesbaea, 25. Cathartocarpus, 92. Caucalis, 55. Caulopbyllum, 76. Ceanothus, 44. Gecropia, 213. Cedrela, 46. Celastrus, 44. Celosia, 48. Celsia, 142. Celtis, 221. Cenchrus, 14. Cenia, 192. Centaurea, 196. Centunculus, 26. Cephaelis, 39. Cephalanthus, 23. Cephalophora, 181. Cevastium, 104. Ceratocarpus, 203. Ceratocephalus, 63. Ceratonia, 223. Ceratophylium, 207. Cerbera, 49. Cercis, pi. Cerintlie, 31. Cestrum, 42. Chaerophyllum, 58. Chamaedorea, 217. Chamserops, 224. Chaptalia, 198. Chara, 203.' Cheilanthes, 227. Cheirantbus, 146. Chelidoniuni, 121. Clielone, 138. Cbenolea, 48. Cbenopodium, 53. Cberleria, 101. Chimaphila, 96. Chiococca, 39. Chionanthus, 3. Cbironia, 49. Chlora, 81. Chloranthus, 28. Chloris, 220. Cblorophytum, 72. Chomelia, 25. Chondrilla, 176. Chorispermum, 148. Cborizema, 90. Cbrysanthellum, 193, Chrysanthemum, 1 9 1 . Chrysobaianus, 112. Chrysocoma,Pagel 82, Chrysophyllum, 43. Chrysosplenium, 97. Chrysurus, 18. Cicca, 205. Cicer, 165. Cichorium, 178. Cicuta, 58. Cimicifuga, 125. Cinchona, 38. Cineraria, 189. Circaea, 4. Cissampelos, 219. Cissus, 27. Cistus, 123. Citharexylum, 136. Citrus, 173. Cladium, 14. Claytonia, 47. Clematis, 127. Cleome, 148. Cleonia, 135. Clerodendmm, 13 6. Clethra, 96. Cliffortia, 218. Clinopodium, 134. Clitoria, 163. Clusia, 221. Cluytia, 219. Clypeola, 143. Cneorum, 8. Cnicus, 179. Coboea, 35. Coccocypsilum, 25. Coccoloba, 88. Cocculus, 218. Cochlearia, 144. Cocos, 207. Codarium, 229. Codon, 93. CofFea, 39. Coix, 204. Colbertia, 231. Colchicum, 78. Coldenia, 29. Collinsonia, 7- Columnea, 139. Colutea, 166. Comarum, 120. Commelina, 12. Commersonia, 63. Comocladia, 8. Comptonia, 205. Conium, 56. Conocarpus, 40. Convallaria, 75. Convolvulus, 34. Conyza, 185. Cookia, 93. Copaifera, 93. Coptis, 129. Corallorhiza, 201. Corchorus, 122. Cordia, 32. Coreopsis, 195. Coriandrum, 58. Coriaria^ 217. Coris, 40. Corispermum, 2. Comucopiae, 14. Cornus, Page §7. Cornutia, 136. Coronilla, 166. Coronopus, 143. Corraea, 81. Corrigiola, 61. Cortusa, 33. Corydalis, 158. Corylus, 209. Corypha, 76. Cosmea, 195. Costus, 1. Cotula, 192. Cotyledon, 102. Crambe, 143. Crassula, 63. Crataeva, 105. Crepis, 177. Crescentia, 142. Crinum, 65. Cristaria, 154. Crithmum, 57. Crocus, 9. Crossandra, 139. Crotalaria, 161. Croton, 211. Crowea, 93. Crucianella, 25. Crypsis, 19. Cryptarrliena, 202. Cryptospermum, 24. Cryptostemma, 196. Cucubalus, 99. Cucumis, 212. Cucurbita, 212. Cullumia, 195. Cuminura, 58. Cunila, 6. Cunonia, 97. Cuphea, 106. Cupressus, 210. Curatella, 124. Curculigo, 74. Curcuma, 2. Curtisia, 28. Cuscuta, 54. Cussonia, 54. Gyanella, 74. Cyathea, 228. Cycas, 218. Cyclamen, 33. Cyclopia, 90. Cydonia, 113. Cylista, 163. Cymbaria, 140. Cymbidium, 202. Cynanchum, 51. Cynara, ] 80. Cvnodon, 18. Cynoglossum, 30. Cynometra, 92. Cynosurus, 18. Cyperus, 13. Cyphia, 38. Cypripedium, 202. Cyrilla, 46. Cyrtanthus, 65. Cyrtopodium, 202. Cysticapnos, 158. Cytisus, 165. Dactyl is, Page 1$. Daemia, 51. Dahlia, 190. Dais, 94. Dalbergia, 159. Dalea, 170. Dalechampia, 211. Dalibarda, 120. Damasonium, 79. Dampiera, 38. Daphne, 87. Datisca, 217* Datura, 40. Daucus, 56. Davallia, 228. Daviesia, 91. Decumaria, 105. Deeringia, 48. Delphinium, 125. Dendrobium, 202. Dentella, 39- Desmanthus, 222. Dianella, 72. Dianthus, 99. Diapensia, 38. Dichondra, 54. Dicksonia, 228. Dictamnus, 93. Didelta, 195. Diervilla, 40. Digitalis, 140. Digitavia, 19. Dilatris, 13. Dillenia, 126. Dillwynia, 91. Dimocarpus, 81. Dionaea, 94. Dioscorea, 206. Diosma, 45. Diospyros, 223. Diotis, 205. Dipliylleia, 76. Diplazium, 227* Dipsacus, 23. . Dipterix, 159. Dirca, 87. Disa, 200. Disandra, 79. Disperis, 200. Diuris, 201. Dodartia, 139. Dodecatbeon, 33. Dodonaea, 81. Doliehos, 162. Dombeya, 153. Doodia, 227. Doronicum, 190. Dorstenia, 27* Doryanthes, 67. Dorycnium, 172. Draba, 144. Dracaena, 73. Dracocephalum, 134 Dracontium, 79. Drimia, 72. Drosera, 62. Dryandra, 23. Dryas, 120. Drypis, 61. Duranta, 136a INDEX GENERUM. §35 Echinaria, Page IS. Echinophora, 55. Echinops, 199. Echites, 50. Echiunx, 31. Eclipta, 194. Edwardsia, 90. Ehretia, 32. Ehrharta, 77. Ekebergia, 93. Elaeagnus, 28. Elaeocarpus, 123. Elaeocharis, 13. Elaeodendrum, 43. Elais, 217. Elate, 207. Elatine, 89. Elegia, 214. Elephantopus, 199. Elettaria, 1. Eleusine, 18. Elichrysum, 184. Ellisia, 32. Elsholtzia, 131« Elymus, 16. Elytraria, 4. Embryopteris, 218. Empetrum, 214. Empleurum, 2051. Enkianthus, 96. Epacris, 34. Ephedra, 219. Ephielis, 81. Epidendrum, 202. Epigaea, 95. Epilobium, 80. Epimedium, .27- Epipactis, 201. Equisetum, 225. Eranthemum, 5. Erantbis, 129. Erica, 82. Erigeron, 185. Erinus, 142. Eriocaulon, 20. Eriocepkalus, 199. Eriogonum, 89. Eriophorum, 14. Eriospermum, 70. Erithalis, 39. Erodium, 150. Ervum, 165. Erucaria, 147. Eryngium, 54. Erysimum, 146. Erythraea, 49. Erythrina, 159. Erythronium, 69. Ethulia, 182. Eucalyptus, 111. Euchilus, 91. Euclea, 217. Euclidium, 143. Eucomis, 68. Eucrosia, 67. Eugenia, 110. Eupatorium, 181. Euphorbia, 107. Euphrasia, 142, Euryale, 122, Eustoma, Page 49. Eustrephus, 72. Eutaxia, 91. Euthales, 38. Evolvulus, 54. Evonymus, 44. Exacum, 26. Excoecavia, 219. Fabricia, 110. Fagara, 27- Fagonia, 93. Fagus, 209. Falkia, 77. Farsetia, 145. Fedia, 8. Feronia, 221. Ferraria, 148. Ferula, 57. Festuca, 15. Ficaria, 128. Ficus, 224. Filago, 199. Flacourtia, 218. Flagellaria, 78. Flaveria, 197. Flemingia, 168. Fontanesia, 3.- Forskohlea, 89. Fothergilla, 124. Fragaria, 120. Frankenia, 77. Franseria, 206. Frasera, 26. Fraxinus, 223. Fritillaria, 68. Fuchsia, 81. Fumaria, 158. Furcroea, 75. Fusanus, 221. Gaertnera, 93. Gagea, 70. Galactia, 163. Galactites, 197. Galanthus, 65. Galardia, 195. Galax, 46. Galaxia, 148. Galega, 168. Galenia, 87. Galeobdolon, 132. Galeopsis, 132. Galinsogea, 194. Galipea, 3. Galium, 24. Garcinia, 105. Gardenia, 38. Garidella, 101. Garuga, 94. Gastrolobium, 91. Gaultheria, 96. Gaura, 80. Gazania, 195. Geissorhiza, 9. Gelonium, 218. Gelsemium, 49. Genipa, 38. Genista, 160. Gentiana, 54. Geodorum, 201. Geoffroya, 165. Geranium, Page 155 Gerardia, 141. Geropogon, 1 74. Gesneria, 138. Gethyllis, 67. Getonia, 94. Geum, 120. Gliinia, 5. Gisekia, 62. Gladiolus, 10. Glaucium, 121. Glaux, 48. Glechoma, 132. Gleditschia, 223. Glinus, 108. Globba, 2. Globularia, 23. Giossodia, 201. Gloriosa, 69* Gloxinia, 138. Glyceria, 17. Glycine, 163. Glycyrrhiza, 166. Gmelina, 136. Gnaphalium, 1S4. Gnidia, 87. Gomesa, 202. Gomphia, 93. Gompliocarpus, 51. Gompbolobium, 90. Gomphrena, 48. Goniocarpus, 229. Gonolobus, 51. Goodenia, 38. Goodia, 161. Goodyera, 200. Gordonia, 157. Gorteria, 195. Gossypium, 156. Gouania, 221. Grammitis, 22 6. Grangea, 192. Gratiola, 5. Grevillea, 22. Grewia, 122. Grias, 122. Grielum, 103. Grindelia, 190. Grislea, 81. Gronovia, 47. Guaiacum, 93. Guarea, 81. Guatteria, 230. Guettarda, 207. Guilandina, 92. Gundelia, 199. Gunnera, 202. Gustavia, 157. Gymnadenia, 200. Gymnema, 51. Gymnocladus, 217. Gymnostyles, 199. Gypsopliila, 98. Gyrotheca, 229. Habenaria, 200. Haemanthus, 64. Haematoxylon, 93. Haemodorum, 13. Hakea, 22. Halesia, 105. Hh 2 Halleria, Page 139. Hallia, 167. Haloragis, 89. Hamamelis, 28. Hamellia, 39. Hamiitonia, 224. Hasselquistia, 55. Hebenstretia, 136. Hedeoma, 6. Hedera, 46. Hedychium, l. Hedyotis, 229. Hedypnois, 178. Hedysarum, 167* Helenium, 190. Helianthernum, 123. Helianthus, 194. Heliconia, 47. Helicteres, 153. Heliocarpus, 106. Heliophila, 145. Heliopsis, 194. Heliotropium, 29. Helleborus, 129. Hellenia, 1. Helminthia, 177. Helonias, 78. Hemerocallis, 67. Hemidesmus, '50. Hemionitis, 226. Hepatica, 126. Heracleum, 57. Fleritiera, 212. Hermannia, 148. Hernias, 222. Herminium, 200. Hernandia, 205. Herniaria, 53. Herpestis, 139. Hesperantha, 9. Hesperis, 147. Heterospermum, 191 Heuchera, 54. Heynea, 94. Hibbertia, 125. Hibiscus, 156. Hieracium, 176. Hillia, 77. Hippia, 199. Hippocratea, 9. Hippocrepis, 166. Hippomane, 211. Hippophae, 215. Hippuris, 2. Hirtella, 46. Hoffmanseggia, 92. Holcus, 220. Holmskioldia, 136. Holosteum, 20. Hopea, 173. Hordeum, 16. Hornemannia, 140. Hosta, 136. Hottonia, 33. Hovea, 161. Hovenia, 44. Houstonia, 24. Hoya, 51. Hudsonia, 105. Huernia* 52. Humea, Page 182. Humulus, 216. Hura, 212. Hutchinsia, 143. Hyacinthus, 73. Hyaenanche, 217. Hydrangea, 97. Hydrastis, 129. Hydrocliaris, 217. Hydrocotyle, 55. Hydrolea, 54. Hydropeltis, 129. Hydrophyllum, 32. Hymenaea, 92. Hymenopappus, 181. Hymenophyllum, 228. Hyoscyamus, 41. Hyoseris, 178. Hypecoum, 28. Hyperanthera, 92. Hypericum, 173. Hypochaeris, 178. Hypoxis, 73. Hyptis, 13-2. Hyssopus, 130. Iberis, 144. Iclinocarpus, 50. Ilex, 29. Illecebrum, 48. Illicium, 126. Impatiens, 47* Imperatoria, 58. Indigofera, 168. Inga, 222. I nocarpus, 96. Inula, 189. Ionidium, 47. Ipomoea, 35. Ipomopsis, 36. I resine, 216. Iris, 11. . Isatis, 143. Iscliaemum, 220. Isnardia, 27. Isochilus, 201. Isoetes, 228. Isolepis, 13. Isopogon, 20. lsopyrum, 129. Itea, 46. Iva, 199. Ixia, 9. Ixodia, 182. Ixora, 25. JacksOnia, 91. Jacquinia, 43. Jambolifera, 81. Jasione, 37. Jasminum, 2. Jatropha, 211. Jefferson ia, 81. Jonesia, 79. Juglans, 208. Juncus, 76. Juniperus, 21$i Jussieua, 94. Justicia, 5. Kaempferia, 2. Kalmia, 94. Kennedia, 163. % 238 INDEX GENERUM. Kiggelaria, Page 217. Kitaibelia, 156. Kleinhofia, 106. Kleinia, 182. Knappia, 14. Knautia, 24. Knowltonia, 128. Kochia, 53. Kqeleria, 17» Koelreuteria, 81. Koenigia, 20. Krigia, 178. Kyllinga, 13. Lachenalia, 73. Lachnaea, 87. Lactuca, 175. Lagasca, 182. Lagerstrcemia, 123. Lagetta, 87. Lagoecia, 47* Lagunaea, 154. Lagurus, 18. Lambevtia, 22. Lamium, 132. Lanaria, 76. Lantana, 137. Lapeyrousia, 1 1 * Lappago, 18. Lappula, 30. Lapsana, 178. Larocbea, 62. Laserpitium, 57* Lasiopetalum, 45. Latania, 219. Lathraea, 138. Lathyrus, 164. Lavandula, 13 1 * Lavatera, 155. Lavenia, 182. Laurophyilus, 224. Laurus, 89. Lawsonia, 81. Lebeckia, 160* Lechea, 20. Ledum, 94, Leea, 46. Leersia, 20b Lenina, 203* Leonotis, 133* Leontice, 76. Leontodon, 176. Leonurus, 133. Lepechinia, 132. Lepidium, 144. Leptanthus, 13. Leptospermum, llO. Lessertia.- 166. Lestibudesia, 48. Leueadendron, 215. Leucas, 133. Leucojum, 65. Leucopogon, 34. Leucosperruum, 21. Leysera, 191. Liatris, ISO. Licualu, 76. Lidberkia, 192* Lightfootia, 36. Ligusucum, 57* Ligustruo)e 3. Lit ium, Page 68. Limeum, 79. Linnletis, 14. Limodorum, 232. Liruonia, 93. Limosella, 139. Linaria, 141. Lindernia, 139. Linnaea, 142. Linociera, 3. Linum, 62. Liparia, 165V. Liquidambar, 209. Liriodeodron, 126. Lisianthus, 49. Listera, 201. Lithospermum, 30. Littorella, 205. Lobelia, 37. Loddigesia, 161. Loefiingia, 9. Logan i a, 49. Loliurn* 16. Lomatia, 22. Lonchitis, 227. Lonicera, 39. Lopezia, 2. Lophiola, 76. Lotus, 171. Loureira, 219. Ludwigia, 27. Luffa, 206. Lunaria, 145. Lupinaster, 170. Lupinus, 162. Luzula, 76. Lychnis, 104. Lycium, 43. Lycopodium, 225. Lycopsis, 5. Lycopus, 31. Lygeum, 14. Lygodium, 225. Lysimachia, 33. Lysinema, 34. Lythrum, 106. Maba, 217. Macrocnemum, 39. Macropodium, 146. Madia, 185. Magnolia, 126. Maliernia, 63. Malachra, 1 54. Malaxis, 201. Malcomia, 147. Malope, 156. Malpighia, 101. Malva, 155. Mnmmea, 123. Mandragora, 41. Manettia, 25. Mangifera, 46. Manisuris, 220. Mannlea, 142. Maranta, l „ Marattia, 225. Marcgravia, 121. Marica, 12. Mariscus, 13. JUarrubium, 133. Marsdenia, Page 51. Marshal'ia, 181. Martynia, 138. Massonia, 71. Mathiola, 147. Matricaria, 192. Maurandia, 140. Mazus, 139. Medeoia, 78. Medicago, 172. Melaleuca, 173. Melampodium, 19S. Melampyrum, 141. Melananihera, 181* Meianthium, 78. Melasphserula, 1 1 . Melastoma, 94. Melhania, 149. Melia, 94. Melianthus, 142. Melica, 18. Melicocca, 81. Melilotus, 170. Melissa, 134. Melittis, 135. Melochia, 149. Melodinus, SO. Melothria, 9. .Memecylon, 81. Meuiscium, 226. Menispermum, 217. Mentha, 131. Mentzelia, 123. Menyanthes, 48. Men?iesia, 87. Mercurialis, 217. Mesembryanthe- mum, 114. Mespilus, 112. Metrosideros, 110. Meum, 58. Michauxia, 81. Michelia, 126. Microchloa, 20. Microloma, 50. Micropus, 199. Mikania, 1 80. Milium, 18. Milleria, 197. Mimetes, 21. Mimosa, 222. Mimulus, 139. Mimusops, 81. Minuartia, 20. Mirabilis, 40. Mirbelia, 91. Mitchella, 25. Mitella, 98. Moehringia, 87. Mcenchia, 29. Mollia, 48. Mollugo, 20. Moiuccella, 133. Momordica, 212. Monarda, 6. Monetia, 27. Monn.eria, 158. Monotoca, 34. Monotropa, 94. Monsoma, 153* Montia, Page 20. M-ontinia, 215. Moraea, 1 1 . Morin a, 7- Morinda, 39. Morus, 20 6. Mullera, 165. Muntingia, 122* Murraya, 93. Musa, 64. £ / Muscari, 78 *• Mussaenda, 38. Myagmm, 143. Myginda, 2S. Mylocaryum, 96. Myoporum, 137* Myosotis, 29. Myosurus, 63* Myrica, 215. Myriophyllum, 207- Myristica, 21 9. Myrodia, 157. Myrrhis, 58. Myrsine, 224. Myrsipbyllum, 78. Myrtus, 111. Nama, 230. Nandina, 77. Napaea, 154. Naravelia, 231. Narcissus, 66. Nardus, 14. Narthecium, 72. Nasturtium, 146. Nauclea, 39. Nauenbergia, 199. Nelumbium, 126. Nemesia, 140. Neottia, 200. Nepenthes, 219. Nepeta, 130. Nephelium, 206. Nephrodium, 226. Nerium, 50. Nicandra, 41. Nicotiana, 41. Nigella, 125. Nissolia, 159. Nitraria, 105. Nivenia, 21. Nolana, 32. Nolina, 78. Notelasa, 3. Notoceras, 146. Nuphar, 122. Nyctanthes, 2. Nymphaea, 122. Nyssa, 224. Ochna, 123. Ochroma, 140. Gclirus, 163. Ocymum, 135. Octomeria, 201. CEdera, 199. CEnantbe, 58. (Enothera, 80. Oldenlandia, 27* Olea, 3. Oliveria, 58. Olyra, 204. Omphalea, Page 211* Oncidium, 202. Onociea, 227. O.ionis, 161. Onopordum, 179. Onosnia, 31. Onosmodium, 30. Opercularia, 24. Ophioglossum, 223. Ophiopogon, 76. Ophioxylon, 221. Ophrys, 200. Orchis, 200. Origanum, 134. Ormosia, 90. Ornithidium, 201, Ornithogalum, 70. Ornithopus, 166. Ornitrophe, 81. Ornus, 3. Orobanche, 138. Orobus, 164. Orontium, 76. Ortegia, 9. Orthopogon, 19. Oryza, 77. Osbeckia* 80. Osmites, 195. Osmunda, 225. Osteospekmum, 19#* Ostrya, 209. Osyris, 214. Othonna, 198. Oxalis, 103. Oxyanthus, 39* Oxybaphus, 8. Oxycoccus, 81. Oxylobium, 90. Oxystelma, 51. Oxytrcpis, 168. Pachysandra, 205* Pffideria, 39. Pseonia, 124. Palavia, 154. Pallasia, 195. Panax, 224. Pancratium, 67. Pandanus, 213* Panichm, 19- Papaver, 121. Pardanthus, 12. Pariana, 210. Paiietaria, 220. Paris, 89- Parkinsonia, 92* Parnassia, 61. Paronychia, 48. Parthenium, 199* Pas cal ia, 194. Paspalum, 19. Passerina, 87. Passiflora, 149. Pastinaca, 59. Patersonia, 148, Pavetta, 25. Paullinia, 88. Pavonia, 157- Pectis, 191. Pedalium, 137* Fedicularis, 141. INDEX GENERUM. 237 $»cganum, Page 105. Plectronia, Page 45. Pyxidanthera, Page Salvia, Page 6. Seseli, Page 58. Pelargonium, 150. Pleea, 230. 33. Sambucus, 60. Sesleria, 14. Peliosanthes, 69. Pleurothallis, 201. Quassia, 93. Samoius, 38. Sesuvium, 113. Feltaria, 143. Plocama, 39. Quercus, 208. Samyda, 96. Sherardia, 24. Penaea, 26. Plukenetia, 211. Queria, 20. Sanguinaria, 121. Sibbaldia, 63. Penicillaria, 220. Plumbago, 34. Quisqualis, 94. Sanguisorba, 27. Sibthorpia, 142* Pennisetum, 19. Plumeria, 50. Ra liola, 29. Sanicula, 55. Sicyos, 213. Pentapetes, 153. Poa, 17. Rafnia, 160. Sanseviera, 68. Si da, 154. Penthorum, 103. Podalyria, 90. Rajania, 216. Santalum, 28. Sideritis, 131. Pentstemon, 138. Podolepis, 190. Ramonda, 40. Santolina, 182. Siderodendrum, 25. Pentzia, 183. Podocarpus, 211. Randia, 39. Sanvitalia, 193. Sideroxylon, 43. Peplis, 77. Podolobiura, 90. Ranunculus, 128. Sapindus, 88. Sigesbeckia, 194. Perdicium, 190. Podophyllum, 121. Raphanus, 148. Sapium, 211. Silene, 99. Pergularia, 51. Pogonia, 201. Rapistrum, 143. Saponaria, 98. Silphium, 197. Perilla, 132. Poinciana, 92. Rauwolfia, 49. Sarcophyllum, 160. Sinapis, 147. Periploca, 50. Polemonium, 35. Reaumuria, 126;, Sarcostemma, 50. Sison, 58. Perotis, 14. Pollichia, 2. Relhania, 19 K S&tracenia, 122. Sisymbrium, 146. Persoonia, 22. Polianthes, 68. Reseda, 106. Satureja, 130. Sium, 57. Petalostemurti, 158. Polycarpon, 20. Restio, 214. Satyrium, 200. Sloanea, 122. Petiveria, 79. Polycnemum, 9. Retzia, 35. Saururus, 79i Smilacina, 75. Petrea, 136. Polygala, 158. Rhagadiolus, 178* Saxifraga, 97. Smilax, 216. Petrocallis, 144. Polygonatum, 75. Rhagodia, 221. Scabiosa, 23. Smithia, 167. Petrophila, 20. Polygonum, 88. Rhamnus, 43. Sceevola, 38. Smyrnium, 59. Peucedanum, 56. Polymnia, 198. Rbapis, 223* Seandix, 58. Solandra, 41. Phaca, 168. Potypodium, 226. Rheum, 89. Schaefferia, 215. Solanum, 41. Phalangiuro, 7 Polypogon, 14. Rhexia, 80. Scheuchzeria, 78. Soldanella, 33. Phalaris, 19. Pomaderris, 44. Ithinanthus, 142. Schinus, 217. Solidago, 1 88. Pharnaceum, 61* Pongamia, 159. Rhipsalis, 110. Schisandra, 206. Sonchus, 175. Pharus, 207. Pontederia, 64. Rhodiola, 217. Schkuhria, 191. Sophora, 90. Phaseolus, 162. Ponthieva, 201 * Rhododendron, 94. Schoenus, 14. Sorghum, 220. Phellandrium, 58. Populus, 217. Phodora, 94. Schotia, 93. Sorocephalus, 22. Philadelphus, 110. Porcelia, 126. Rhopala, 22. Sclirankia, 222. Sowerbaea, 69. Philoxerus, 48. Portlandia, 38. Rhus, 59. Scbwenkia, 5. Spananthe, 55. Philydrum, t„ Portulaca, 105. Rhynchospora, 14. Scilla, 71. Sparaxis, 9. Fhleum, 18. iPortulacaria, 61. Ribes, 46. Scirpus, 13. Sparganium, 203. Phlomis, 133. Potamogeton, 29. Ricliaidia, 77. Scleranthus, 97- Sparrmannia, 122. Phlox, 36. Potentilla, 120. Ricinus, 211. Sclerocarpus, 195. Spartiuin, 159. Phoenix, 215. Poterium, 208. Ricotia, 145. Sclerothamrius, 91. Spatalla, 22. Phormium, 73. Pothos, 28. Rivina, 28. Scleroxylon, 230. Spathelia, 60. Phryma, 136. Prasium, 135. Robinia, 165. Scolopendrium, 227. , Spergula, 104. Phrynium, 1. Prenanthes, 176. Roella, 37. Scolymus, 178. Spermacoce, 24. Phylica, 44. Primula, 32. Rolandra, 199. Scoparia, 26. Sphaeranthus, 199. Phyllanthus, 211. Prinos, 76. Rondeletia, 39. Scopolia, 49. '■— * Sphaerolobium, 91. Phyllis, 54. Priva, 137. Rosa, 117. Scorpiurus, 166. Sphenogyne, 196. Phylloma, 73. Prosopis, 93. Rosmarinus, 6. Scorzonera, 175. Spielmannia, 137. Physalis, 41. Prostanthera, 135. Rothia, 177. Scottia, 161. Spigelia, 49. Fhyteuma, 37. Protea, 20. Rotthoellia, 19. Scrophularia, 140. Spilanthes, 181. Phytolacca, 105. Prunella, 135. Rottlera, 218. Scutellaria, 135. Spinacia, 216. Piaranthus, 52. Prurius, 112. Roxburghia, 81. Sebaea, 26. Spiraea, 113. Picramnia, 2l6. Psiadia, 199. Royena, 97* Secale, 16. Spondias, 102. Picridium, 175. Psidium, 110. Rubia, 25. Secamone, 50. Sporobolus, 14. Picris, 176. Psiiotum, 225. Rubus, 119. Securidaca, 159. Sprengelia, 34. Pilularia, 228. Psoralea, 170. Rudbeckia, 195. Securinega, 216. Staavia, 45. Pimelea, 3. Psychotria, 39. Ruellia, 139. Sedum, 102. Stachys, 132. Pimpinella, 59. Ptelea, 27. Ruizia, 156. Selago, 136. Stacbytarpheta, 5. Pinckneya, 38. Pteris, 227. Rumex, 77. Selinum, 56. Staehelina, 180. Pinguicula, 5. Pterocarpus, 159. Ruppia, 29. Sempervivum, 108, Stapelia, 51. Pinus, 2 10. Pteronia, 180. Ruscus, 219. Senacia, 44. Staphylea, 61. Piper, 7. Pterospermum, 154. Russelia, 139. Senecio, 186. Starkea, 193. Piqueria, 182. Pterostylis, 201. Ruta, 93. Septas, 80. Statice, 62. Piscidia, 159. Pterygodium, 200. Sabal, 79. Serapias, 200. Staur acanthus, 160t Pisonia, 79. Pulmonaria, 30. Sabbatia, 49* Seriana, 88. Stelis, 201. Pistacia, 216. • Pulsatilla, 127. Saccharum, 19. Seriola, 178. Stellaria, 101. Pisum, 163. Pultenaea, 91^ Sagina, 29- Serissa, 39. Stellera, 87. Pitcairnia, 64. Punica, 111. Sagittaria, 207. Serpicula, 205. Stemodia, 139. Pittosporum, 46. Pupalia, 48. Sagus, 207- Serratula, 178. Stenanthera, 34. Plantago, 26. Pycnanthemum, 130 . Salicornia, 2. Serruria, 21. Stenochilus, 137. Platanus, 209. Pyrethrum, 191. Salisburia, 209. Sersalisia, 43. Sterculia, 212. Platylobium, 160. Pyrola, 96. Saiix, 213. Sesamum, 138. Stevia, 181. Plectranthus, 135. Pyrus, 113. Salsola, 58. Sesbana, 166. S til ago, 214. INDEX GENERUM. £38 Stillingia, Page 218. Stipa, 15. Stizolobium, 163. Stobaea, 180. Stoebe, 199. Stokesia, 180. Stratiotes, 217. Strelitzia, 48. Streptopus, 75. Strumaria, 65. Struthiola, 28. Strychnos, 49. Stuartia, 157* Stylidium, 202. Styphelia, 34. Styrax, 96. Subularia, 144. Succowia, 143. Sutherlandia, 166. Swainsona, 166. Swertia, 54. Swietenia, 94. Symphoria, 40. Symphytum, 30, Synedrella, 194. Syringa, 3. Tabernaemontana^ 50. Tacca, 76. Tagetes, 191. Talinum, 106. Tamarindus, 148, Tamavix, 61. Tamus, 216. Tanacetum, 183. Tarchonanthus, 182. Taxus, 219. Tectona, 43. Teedia, 139. Teesdalia, 143. Telephium, 61. T^lopea, 22. Templetonia, Page 161. Teplirosia, 168. Terminalia, 221. Tetragonia, 114. Tetragonotheca, 190. Tetratheca, 81. Teucrium, 129. Thalia, 1. Thaljctrum, 127. Thapsia, 59. Thelygonum, 208. Thelymitra, 201. Theobroma, 172* Thermopsis, 90. Thesium, 40. Thlaspi, 143. Thrinax, 76. Thrincia, 176. Thuja, 210. Thunbergia, 138. Thymbra, 130. Thymus, 134. Thysanotus, 70. Tiarella, 98. Tigridia, 148. Tilia, 122. Tillaea, 29. Tillandsia, 64. Tofieldia, 78. Tolpis, 177. Tordylium, 55. Tormentilla, 120. Tournefortia, 31. Tourrettia, 138. Tozzettia, 19. Trachelium, 37. Tradescantia, 64. Tragia, 205. Tragopogon, 175. Trapa, 27. Trevirana, Page 139. Trewia, 218. Trianthema, 97. Tribulus, 93. Trichilia, 93. Trichodesma, 31. Trichodium, 14. Trichomanes, 22S. Trichonema, 9. Trichophorum, 14. Trichosanthes, 212. Trichostema, 135. Trientalis, 79. Trifolium, 170. Triglochin, 78. Trigonella, 172. Trillium, 78. Triodia, 17. Triosteum, 40. Tripsacum, 204. Trisetum, 15. Tristania, 173. Triticum, 16. Tritoraa, 67. Tritonia, 10. Triumfetta, 105. Trollius, 129. Tropaeolum, 80. Trophis, 215. Troximon, 175. Tulbagia, 68. Tulipa, 68. Tupistra, 76. Turnera, 61. Turritis, 146. Tussilago, 186. Typha, 203. Ulex, 160. Ulmus, 53, Uniola, 18. Unona, 231. Urania, Page 64. Urena, 156. Uropetalon, 72. Urtica, 206. Utricularia, 5. Uvaria, 126. Uvularia, 69. Vaccinium, 95. Valantia, 220. Valeriana, 8. Vanguiera, 39. Vanilla, 202. Velezia, 54. Vella, 143. Veltheimia, 68. Veratrum, 219. Verbascum, 40. Verbena, 137. Verbesina, 194. Vernonia, 180. Veronica, 4. Vesicaria, 145. Vestia, 36. Viburnum, 60. Vicia, 164. Villarsia, 49. Viminaria, 91. Vinca, 49. Viola, 47. Virgilia, 90. Viscum, 215. Visnaga, 56. Visnea, 108. Vitex, 136. Vitis, 46. Vittaria, 227. Volkameria, 136. Wachendorfia, 13. Waldsteinia, 112. Waltheria, 148, Watsonia, 10. Webera, 39. Wendlandia, Page 79 Westringia, 130. Wiborgia, 161. Willdenovia, 214. Witheringia, 25. Witsenia, 1 ] . Woodsia, 226. Woodwardia, 227. Wrightia, 50. Wulfenia, 229. Xanthium, 206. Xanthochymus, 173. Xanthorrhoea, 70. Xeranthemum, 184. Ximenesia, ' 190. Ximenia, 81. Xiphidium, 13. Xylomelum, 22. Xylophylla, 61. Xylopia, 126. Xyris, 13. Xysmalobiiim, 51. Yucca, 74. Zacintha, 178. Zaluzania, 194. Zamia, 218. Zannichellia, 203. Zanthorhiza, 63. Zanthoxylum, 216. Zapania, 137. Zea, 204. Zieria, 25. Zingiber, 1. Zinnia, 191. Zizania, 207. Ziziphora, 6. Zizyphus, 44. Zoegea, 196. Zornia, 168. Zygophyllum, 93. ENGLISH INDEX Abele Tree, Page 217. Adam’s Needle, 74. Adder’s-tongue, 225. African Almond, 22 1 . African Fleabane, 182. African Lily, 67. African Marygold, 19K, Agrimony, 106. Air Plant, 202. Akee Tree, 81.*, Alaternus, 44. Alder, 205. Alexanders, 59. Alexandrian Laurel, 219. Alligator Pear, 89. Allseed, 20. Allspice, 121. Allspice Tree, 111. Almond, 106. Althaea-frutex, 156. Amaranth, 206. Amber Tree, 215. American Cowslip, 33. Anchovy Pear, 122. Angelica, 57. Angelica Tree, 6 1 . Anise, 59. Aniseed Tree, 126. Apple, 113. Apple-berry, 46. Apricot, 112. Arbor-vitae, 210. Archangel, 132. Arrow Grass, 7S. Arrowhead, 207. Arrow Root, 1 . Artichoke, 180. Asarabacca, 105. Ash Tree, 223. Aspen, 217. Asphodel, 71. Auricula, 32. Avens, 120. Awl wort, 144. Azarole, 112. Bahama Red Wood, 44. Balia* 134. Balm of Gilead, Page 134. Balsam, 47. Balsam Apple, 212. Balsam Herb, 5. Balsam of Capevi, 93. Balsam Tree, 221. Bamboo Cane, 77. Banana, 64. Bane Berry, 121. Banyan Tree, 224. Barbadoes Bastard Cedar, 173. Barbadoes Cherry, 101. Barberry, 77. Barley, 16. Barrenwort, 27. Base Rocket, 106. Basil, 135. Bastard Balm, 135. Bastard Cabbage Tree, 165. Bastard Cedar, 46. Bastard Hare’s-ear, 54. Bastard Indigo, 160. Bastard Lupine, 170. Bastard Mangeneel, 50. Bastard Orpine, 213. Bastard Pimpernell, 26. Bastard Toad Flax, 40. Bastard Vervain, 5. Bastard Vetch, 168. Bawd-money, 58. Bay, 89. Bead Tree, 94. Bean, 165. Bean Caper, 93. Bean Trefoil, 90. Bear-bind, 35. Bear Berry, 96. BearVbreech, 138. Bear’s-ear Sanicle, 33. Bed Straw, 24. Beech, 209. Beet, 53. Bell Flower, 36. Benjamin Tree, 89. Bent Grass, Page 14. Berry-bearing Alder, 43. Betony, 132. Bindweed, 34. Birch, 209. Bird Pepper, 42. Bird’s-eye, 32. Bird’s-foot, 166. Bird’s-foot Trefoil, 171. Birthwort, 202. Bishop’s Weed, 56. Bitter-sweet, 41. Bitter Vetch, 164. Black Bryony, 216. Black Saltwort, 48. Black Snakeroot, 125. Bladder Nut, 61. Bladder Senna, 166. Blood Flower, 64. Bog Rush, 14. Borage, 31. Bourbon Palm, 219. Box Tree, 205. Box Thorn, 43. Brake, 227. Bramble, 119. Brasiletto, 92. Bread Fruit, 203. Bread Nut, 223. Bread Root, 1 70. - Brome Grass, 15. Brooklime, 4. Brook weed, 38. Broom, 159. Broom Rape, 138. Bryony, 212. Buck Bean, 48. Buckler Mustard, 143. Buck Thorn, 43. Buck Wheat, 88. Buck Wheat Tree, 96. Bugle, 129. Bugloss, 30. Bugwort, 125. Burdock, 178. Burnet, 208. Burnet Saxifrage, 5 Bur Parsley, Page 55. Bur Reed, 203. Butcher’s Broom, 219. Butter Bur, 186. Butter wort, 5. Button Tree, 40. Button Flower, 93. Button Weed, 24. Button Wood, 23. Cabbage, 147. Cabbage Tree, 210. Calabash Tree, 142. Calamint, 134. Calathian Violet, 54. Caltrops, 93. Camphire Tree, 89. Campion, 99. Canada Rice, 207. Canary Grass, 19. Candleberry Myrtle, 215. Candy Carrot, 56. Candytuft, 144. Canterbury Bell, 37. Cape Jasmine, 38. Caper Tree, 121. Caraway, 59. Cardamom, 1. Cardinal Flower, 37. Cardoon, 180. Carline Thistle, 180. Carnation, 99. Carob Tree, 223. Carrot, 56. Cashew Nut, 89. Cassava, 211. Castor Oil Plant, 211. Catch fly, 99. Cat Mint, 130. Cat’s-ear, 178. Cat’s-tail, 203. Cat’s-tail Grass, 18. Cat Thyme, 129. Cedar of Goa, 210. Cedar of Lebanon, 210. Celandine, 121. Celery, 59. Centaury, 196. . Chamomile, 192. Chaste Tree, Page 136. Chawstick, 221. Cheese Rennet, 24. Cherry, 112. Cherry Pepper, 42. Chervil, 58. Chesnut, 209. ChickPea, 165. Chickweed, 101. Chocolate Nut, 172. Christmas Rose, 129f Christ’s Thorn, 44. Chulan, 28, Cicely, 58. Cinnamon, 89. Cinquefoil, 120. Clary, 7. Clearing Nut, 49. Cleavers, 25. Cloud Berry, 120. Clover, 171. Clove Tree, 111. Clown’s All-heal, 132. Club Moss, 225. Club Rush, 13. Cock’s-comb, 48. Cock’s-foot Grass, 1 8. Cocoa Nut, 207. Cocoa Plum, 112. Codlins and Cream* 80. Coffee Tree, 39. Cogwood Tree, 89. Colewort, 143. Colpoon Tree, 60. Colt’s-foot, 186. Columbine, 125. Comfrey, 30. Common Acacia, 165, Common Dragon, 209. Contrajerva Root, 27. Coral Tree, 159. Coriander, 58. Cork Tree, 208. Cornelian Cherry, 27, Corn Flag, 10. Costmary, 183. Cotton, 156. Cotton Gi'ass, 14. Cotton Rose, 199, 240 Cotton Thistle, Page 179. Couch Grass, 16. Cowbane, 58. Co witch, 163. Cow Parsnep, 57. Cowslip, 32. Cow Wheat, 141. Cranberry, 8 1 . Crane’s-bill, 153. Cress, 144. Cress Rocket, 143. Crosswort, 220. Crowberry, 214. Crowfoot, 128. Cuckoo Flower, 145. Cucumber, 212. Cumin, 58. Currant, 46. Custard Apple, 126. Cypress, 210. Daffodil, 67. Daisy, 190. Dandelion, 176. Darnel, 16. Date Palm, 215. Date Plum, 223. Day Lily, 67. Deadly Carrot, 59. Deadly Nightshade, 41. Devil’s Bit, 23. Dill, 59. Dittany, 134. Dock, 77. Dodder, 54. Dog’s-bane, 50. Dog’s Cabbage, 208. Dog’s-tail Grass, 1 8. Dog’s-tooth Violet, 69. Dogwood, 27. Dragon, 79. Dragon’s-head, 134. Dragon Tree, 73. Dropwort, 113. Duck’s- foot, 121. Duck-weed, 203. Dumb Cane, 210. Dwarf Fan Palm, 224. Earth Nut, 56. Earth Pea, 164. Egg Plant, 42. Elder, 60. Elecampane, 189. Elephant Apple, 221. Elephant’s-foot, 216. Elm Tree, 53. Enchanter’s Night- shade, 4. Endive, 178. Eryngo, 54. Evening Flower, 9. Everlasting, 184. Everlasting Pea, 164. Eyebright, 142. Feather Grass, 15. ENGLISH INDEX. Felwort, Page 54. Fennel, 59- Fennel Flower, 125. Fenugreek, 172. Fescue Grass, 15. Feverfew, 191. Feverwort, 40. Fiddlewood, 136. Field Madder, 24. Fig Marygold, 114. Fig Tree, 224. Figwort, 140. Filmy Leaf, 228. Finger Grass, 19, Fir Tree, 210. Flax, 62. Flax Lily, 73. Flat Pea, 160. Fleabane, 185. Fleawort, 189, Flixweed, 146. Flower Fence, 92. Flowering Ash, 3. Flowering Fern, 225. Flowering Rush, 89. Fool’s Parsley, 58. Foxglove, 140. Fox-tail Grass, 18. Fraxinella, 93. French Honeysuckle, 167. French Marygold, 191. Friar’s Cowl, 209. Fringe Tree, 3. Fri till ary, 68. Frog Bit, 217. Fumitory, 153. Furze, 160. Galangale, 2. Garland Flower, 1. Garlick, 69. Garlick Pear, 105. Genip Tree, 38, Gentian, 54. Germander, 129. German Madwort, 31. Giant Fennel, 57. Ginger, 1. Ginseng, 224. Gladwyn, 12. Glasswort, 2. Globe Amaranth, 48. Globe Flower, 129. Globe Thistle, 199. Goat’s Beard, 175. Goat’s Rue, 168. Goat’s Thorn, 169. Goat Weed, 142. Golden Rod, 188. Golden Rod Tree, 53. Golden Saxifrage, 97. Golden Thistle, 178. Goldylocks, 182. Gooseberry, 46. Goosefoot, 53. Gourd, Page 212. Goutweed, 59. Grass of Parnassus, 61. Grape, 46. Grape Hyacinth, 73. Great Burnet, 27. Greek Valerian, 35. Green Dragon, 209. Gromwell, 30. Ground Ivy, 132. Ground Pine, 129. Groundsel, 186. Groundsel Tree, 185. Guelder Rose, 60. Gum Succory, 176. Hair Grass, 17. Hard Grass, 19. Hare’s Ear, 55, Hare’s Foot Fern, 228. Hare’s Tail Grass, 18. Hart’s Tongue, 227* Hartwort, 55. Hassagay Tree, 2S. Hatchet Vetch, 169. Hawkweed, 176. Hawthorn, 112. Heart’s Ease, 47. Heart Seed, 88. Heath, 82. Hedge Hyssop, 5. Hedge Mustard, 146. Hedge Nettle, 132, Hemlock, 56. Hemp, 216. Hemp Nettle, 132, Henbane, 41., 132. Herb Robert, 153. Heron’s Bill, 150. Hog Plum, 102. Hog weed, 2. Holly, 29. Hollyhock, 155, Honesty, 145. Honewort, 58. Honey Berry, 81. Honey Flower, 142. Honeysuckle, 39. Honey wort, 31. Hooded Milfoil, 5, Hop, 216. Hop Hornbeam, 209. Hornbeam, 209. Horned Poppy, 121. Horn wort, 207. Horse Cbesnut, 79. Horse Radish, 144. Horse Radish Tree, 92. Horseshoe Vetch, 166. Horsetail, 225, Horsetail Tree, 207. Horse Thistle, 179. Hottentot Cherry, Page 60. Hound’s Tongue, 30. Houseleek, 108. Humble Plant, 222. Hyacinth, 73. Hyaena Poison, 217. Hyssop, 130, Ice Plant, 115, Indian Corn, 204, Indian Cress, 80. Indian Cucumber, 78. Indian Fig, 109. Indian Madder, 27. Indian Millet, 220. Indian Shot, l. Indigo, 168 Iron Tree, 25. Iron wort, 131. Ivy, 46. Jaca Tree, 203. Jack in a Box, 205. Jalap, 35. Jasmine, 2. Jerusalem Artichoke, 194. Jerusalem Sage, 133. Job’s Tears, 204, Jonquil, 66. Judas Tree, 91. Juniper, 218, Kanguru Vine, 27. Kidney Bean, 162. Kidney Vetch, 162. Knapweed, 196. Knavvel, 97. Knot Grass, 48. Laburnum, 165, Ladies’ Mantle, 28. Ladies’ Slipper, 202. Ladies’ Smock, 145. Lady Fern, 226, Lamb’s Lettuce, 8. Lancashire Asphodel, 72. Larch, 210. Larkspur, 125. Laser wort, 57. Lavender, 131. Lavender Cotton, 182. Laurel, 112. Laurestine, 6Q Lead wort, 34. Leather Wood, 87. Lee Chee, 81. Leek, 69. Lemon Grass, 220. Lentil, 165. Leopard’s Bane, 191. Lettuce, 175. Lignum Vitae, 93. Lilac, 3. Lily, 68. Lily of the Valley, 75. Lily Pink, 69. Lily Thom, Page 25. Lime Tree, 122. Lion’s Tail, 133. Liquorice, 166, Lizard’s Tail, 79. Locust Tree, 92. Logwood, 93. Looking-glass Plan#, 212. Loose Strife, 33. Loquat, 1 13. Lovage, 57. Love Apple, 42. Love Grass, 17. Lousewort, 141. Lungwort, 30. Lupine, 162. Lychnidea, 36. Lyme Grass, 16. Macaw Tree, 207. Madder, 25. Madwort, 144. Mahogany, 94. Maidenhair, 227. Maiden Plum, 8. Malabar Nightshade, 60. Malabar Nut, 5. Malay Apple, 110. Mallow, 155. Manimee Tree, 123. Manchineel, 211. Mandrake, 41. Mangosteen, 105. Mango Tree, 46. Maple, 221. Mare’s Tail, 2. Marjoram, 134. Marsh Mallow, 155. Marsh Marygold, 129. Martagon, 68. Marvel of Peru, 40, Marygold, 198. Masterwort, 55. Mastick Tree, 216, Mat Grass, 14. May Apple, 121. Meadow Grass, 17. Meadow Rue, 127. Meadow Saxifrage, 58. Medick, 172. Medlar, 112. Melic Grass, 18, Melilot, 170. Melon, 212. Mercury, 217. Mignonette, 106, Milfoil, 193. Milk Parsley, 56, Milk Vetch, 1 6d. Milk Wood, 223. Milkwort, 153. Millet Grass, 1 8. Mint, 131. Misseltoe, 315. Molucca Balm, 133. ENGLISH INDEX. Moneywort, Page 33. Pea, Page 163. Monkey Flower, 139. Peach Tree, ill. Monkshood, 125. Pearlwort, 29. Moon Seed, 217. Pear Tree, 113. Moon Trefoil, 172. Pellitory, 220. Moonwort, 225. Pennyroyal, 132, Moschatel, 89. Pennywort, 55. Motherwort, 133. Pepper, 7. Moving Plant, 167. Pepper Vine, 27. Mountain Ebony, 91. Pepperwort, 144. Mouse-ear Chickweed, Periwinkle, 49. 104. Mouse Tail, 63. Mud wort, 139. Mug wort, 183. Mulberry, 20 6. Mule’s Fern, 227. Mullein, 40. Mustard, 147. Persicaria, 88 Phillyrea, 3. Physic Nut, 211. Pile wort, 128. Pillwort, 228. Pimpernell, 33. Pine Apple, 64. Pine Tree, 210. Rose Acacia, Page 166. Rose Campion, 104. Rosemary, 6. Rose ef Jericho, 143. Rose R.oot, 217. Rough Chervil, 58. Rue, .93. Rupturewort, 53. Rush, 76. Rush Broom, 91. Rush Nut, 13. Rye, 16. Rye Grass, 16. Sacred Bean, 1 26. Sage, 6. Sago Palm, 207. St. Andrew’s Cross, 174. Myrrh, 58. Pink, 99. Saintfoin, 167. Myrtle, 111. Pipe wort, 20. St. John’s-wort, 173. Naseberry Tree, 43. Pistacliia Tree, 216. St. Peter’s-wort, 40. Navelwort, 102. Pitcher Plant, 219. Salt Tree, 166. Nettle, 206. Plane Tree, 209. Saltwort, 53. Nettle Tree,- 221. Plank Plant, 161. Samphire, 57. New Jersey Tea, 44. Plantain, 26. Sandal Wood, 28. New Zealand Tea, Plantain Tree, 64. Sandbox Tree, 212. 110. Plowman’s Spikenard, Sandwort, 101. Nicker Tree, 92. 185. Sanicle, 55. Nightshade, 41. Plum Tree, 112. Sassafras Tree, 89* Nipplewort, 178. Poet’s Cassia, 214. Savanna Flower, 50. Nutmeg, 219. Poison Nut, 49. Savin, 218. Nut Tree, 209. Poison Oak, 60. Savory, 130. Oak, 208. Polypody, 226. Saw-wort, 178. Oat, 15. Pomegranate, 111. Saxifrage, 97. Oil Nut, 224. Pond Weed, 29. Scabious, 23. Oily Grain, 138. Poplar, 217. Scammony, 34. Oily Palm, 217. Poppy, 121. Scorpion Grass, 29. Old Man’s Beard, Potatoe, 42. Scorpion Senna, 166. 174. Primrose, 32, Screw Pine, 213 Oleander, 50. Oleaster, 28. Olive, 3. Olive-bark Tree, 96. Olive Wood, 43. Onion, 70. Orache, 220. Orange Tree, 17S. Orpine, 61. Osier, 214. Oswego Tea, 6. Otaheite Cliesnut, 96. Prince’s Feather, 207. Screw Tree, 153. Privet, 3. Puccoon, 121. Pumpkin, 212. Purslane, 105. Purslane Tree, 61. Quaking Grass, 18. Quillwort, 228. Quince Tree, 113. Radish, 148. Ragged Robin, 104. Ragwort, 198. Ramoon Tree, 215. Otaheite Myrtle, 216. Rampion, 37. Ox-eye, 194. Ramson, 70. Ox-eye Daisy, 191. Rape, 147. Oxlip, 32. Raspberry, 119. Ox-tongue, 176. Red Cedar, 218. Pseony, 124. Reed, 17. Palma Christi, 211. Rest Harro-w, 161. Panic Grass, 19. Rhubarb, 89. Papaw Tree, 217. Rib Grass, 26. Paper Mulberry, 215. Rice, 77. Tarsley, 59. Rocambole, 69. Parsley Piert, 28. Rocket, 147. Parsnep, 59. Rock Rose, 123. Pasque Flower, 127. Rope Grass, 214, Passion Flower, 149. Rose, 117, Scunk Weed, 28. Scurvy Grass, 144. Sea Buckthorn, 215. Sea Heath, 77. Sea Holly, 55. Sea Kale, 143. Sea Lavender, 62. Sea Parsnep, 55. Sea Rocket, 142. Seaside Grape, 88. Seaside Laurel, 212. Seaside Oat, 1 8. Self Heal, 135. Sensitive Plant, 222. Septfoil, 120. Service Tree, 113. Shallot, 69. Sheep’s Beard, 175. Sheep’s Scabious, 37. Shepherd’s Purse, 143. Shepherd’s Club, 40. Shield Fern, 226. Shoreweed, 205. Shrubby Trefoil, 27. I i Side-saddle Flower, Page 122. Silk-cotton Tree, 154. Silver Tree, 215. Single-seeded Cucum- bei', 213. Skirret, 57. Skull Cap, 135. Slipperwort, 5. Snake’s Beard, 76. Snake’s Tongue, 225. Snake Wood, 213. Snap Dragon, 140. Snap Tree, 5. Sneezewort, 193. Snowberry, 39. Snowdrop, 65. Snowdrop Tree, 105. Snowflake, 65. Soapberry, 88. Soap wort, 98. Soft Grass, 220. Soldier Wood, 222. Solomon's Seal, 75. Sorrel, 78. Sour Gourd, 154. Southernwood, 183. South Sea Tea, 29. Sow Thistle, 175. Spanish Elm, 82. Spanish Nut, 11. Sparrow- wort, 87. Speedwell, 4. Spiderwort, 64. Spignel, 56. Spike Rush, 13. Spinage, 216. Spindle Tree, 44. Spleenwort, 226. Spring Grass, 7. Spurge, 106. Spurrey, 104. Squash, 212. Squill, 71. Staff Tree, 44. Star Apple, 43. Star of Bethlehem, 70. Star of the Earth, 26. Star Thistle, 197. Starwort, 187- Stinking Horehound, 133. Stitch wort, 101. Stock, 147. Stonecrop, 102. Storax, 96. Stork’s Bill, 150. Strapwort, 61. Strawberry, 120. Strawberry Blite, 2. Strawberry Tree, 96. Stramonium, 40. Succory, 178. SugarCane, 19. Sulphurwort, 56. m Sumach, Page 59. Sundew, 62. Sun Fern, 226. Sunflower, 194. Sun Rose, 123. Supple Jack, 88. Swallow-wort, 51. Sweet Flag, 76. Sweet Gale, 215. Sweet Gum Tree, 209. Sweet Pea, 164. Swine’s Suceory, 178, Syrian Rue, 105. Syringa, 110. Tacamahac, 217. Tallow Tree, 212. Tamarind, 148. Tamarisk, 61. Tansy, 183. Tare, 165. Tea Tree, 157. Teak Wood, 43. Teasel, 23. Thistle, 178. Thorn Apple, 40. Thrift, 61. Throatwort, 37. Thyme, 134. Tickseed, 2. Tiger Flower, 148. . Tile Root, 9. Toad Flax, 141. Tobacco, 41. Tenquin Bean, 159. Toothach Tree, 216. Toothpick, 56. Tooth wort, 138. Touch me not, 47. Tower Mustard, 1 46. Treacle Mustard, 143. Tree Celandine, 105. Tree Mallow, 155. Trefoil, 170. Trumpet Flower, 137. Tuberose, 68. Tulip, 68. Tulip Tree, 126. Tupelo, 224. Turmerick, 2. Turnep, 147. Turnsole, 29. Twayblade, 201. Umbrella-wort, 8. Valerian, 8. Venus’s Comb, 58. Venus’s Flytrap, 94. Vervain, 137. Vetch, 164. Vine, 46. Violet, 47. Viper’s Bugloss, 31. Viper’s Grass, 175. Virginian Poke, 105. Virgin’s Bower, 127. Wall Cress, 145. Wallflower, Page 146. Walnut, 208. Wampee Tree, 93. Warratah, 22. Wart Cress, 143. Wartwort, 108. Water Caltrops, 27. Water Cbickvveed, 20. Water Drop wort, 58. Water Hemlock, 58. Water Horehound, 5, ENGLISH INDEX, Water Leaf, Page White Cedar, Page Winter Berry, Page 32. 211. 76. Water Lily, 122. W'hite Thorn, 112. Winter Cherry, 41. Water Milfoil, 207. Whitlow Grass, 144. Winter Cress, 146. Water Parsnep, 57. Whortle Berry, 95. Winter Green, 79. Water Plantain, 79. Widow Wait, 8. Witch Hazel, 28. Water Soldier, 217. Wild Basil, 134. Woad, 143. Water Starwort, 2. Wild Bugloss, 31. Wolfsbane, 125. Water Violet, 33. Wild Cumin, 47. Woodbine, 39. Waterwort, 89. Wild Liquorice, 150. Woodruff-, 24. Wax Tree, 3. Willow, 213. Wood Sage, 130. Wayfaring Tree, 60. Willow Herb, 80. Wood Sorrel, 99. > Wheat, 16. Winter Aconite, 1 29. THE END. Printed by S. Gosnell, Little Queen Street, London, Worm Grass, Page 49. Wormwood, 1^3. Yam, 216. Yarrow, 193. Yellow Bird’s Nest, 94. Yellow Rattle, 142. Yellow Root, 63. Yellow- wort, 81. Yew Tree, 219. Zedoary, 2. I %hii