COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE HEALTH SCIENCES STANDARD HX64089967 QP36 .M362 1891 The human body: RECAP 1HB$] I in ■B *m a&j CatholicaUniversitas Columbia (Mntoertfitp inttjfCttpoflruigork College of ^fjpgtcians nno burgeons ILibxarp The American Science Series., BRIEFER COURSE. ASTRONOMY. By Simon Newcomb, Supt. Amen- can Nautical Almanac, and Edwakd S. Holden, Director of the Washburn Observatory. $1.40. THE HUMAN BODY. By H. Newell Martin, Professor in the Johns Hopkins University. $1.50. ZOOLOGY. By A. S. Packard, Jr., Professor of Zoology and Geology in Brown University, Editor of the American Naturalist. $1.40. POLITICAL ECONOMY. By Francis A. Walker, President Massachusetts Institute of Technology. $1.50. BOTANY. By C. E. Bessev, Professor in the Iowa Agricultural College, and late Lecturer in the Uni- versity of California. $1.35. HENRY HOLT & CO., Publishers, NEW YORK. AMERICAN SCIENCE SERIES, BRIEFER COURSE THE HUMAN BODY ELEMENT A R Y TEXT-BOOK OF ANA TOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE INCLUDING A SPECIAL ACCOUNT OF THE ACTION UPON THE BODY OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER STIMULANTS AND NARCOTICS BY H. NEWELL MARTIN, D.Sc., M.D., M.A., F.R.S. Professor of Biology in the Jolms Hopkins University FOURTH EDITION, REVISED NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1891 QP36 mi Copyright, 1883, 1864, BY HENRY HOLT & OO. WT .^ PREFACE. This elementary textbook of Physiology has been pre- pared in response to many requests for a textbook framed on the same plan as the "Human Body," but abridged for the use of students younger, or having less time to give to the surject, than those for whom that book was designed. This demand, and the fact that a second edition of the " Human Body" was called for within twelve months of its publication, have shown me that I was not wrong in believing that the teachers of Elementary Physi- ology in the United States were ready and anxious for a textbook in which the subject was treated from a scientific standpoint, and not presented merely as a set of facts, useful to know, which pupils were to learn by heart like the multiplication table. That some instruction in at least one branch of Natural Science should form a part of the regular educational cur- riculum is now so generally admitted that there is no need to insist upon it. But if this instruction simply means teaching by rote certain facts, no matter how important these facts may be, the proper function of Natural Science in a system of education is missed. Mere training of the memory (no unimportant matter) is otherwise sufficiently iv PREFACE. provided for in the usual school and college course of study: the true use of Natural Science in general education is different. It should prepare the student in another way for the work of subsequent daily life, by training the ob- serving and reasoning faculties. As a department of science, modern Physiology is con- trolled mainly by two leading generalisations — the doctrine of the " Conservation of Energy" and that of the " Physio- logical division of labor." I have endeavored in this, as in the larger book, to keep prominent these leading principles ; and, so far as is possible in an elementary book, to exhibit the ascertained facts of Physiology as illustrations of or de- ductions from them. The anatomical and physiological facts which can be described in books of the size of the present, must be pretty much the same in all. Apart from the attempt above men- tioned to make elementary Physiology a more useful edu- cational instrument than it has frequently hitherto been, the present volume differs from most others of its grade in having, as foot-notes or as appendices to the chapters, simple practical directions, assisting a teacher to demonstrate to his class certain fundamental things. The demonstrations and experiments described necessitate the infliction of pain on no animal, and require the death of no creature higher than a frog, except such superfluous kittens, puppies and rats as would be killed in any case, and usually by methods much less merciful than those prescribed in the following pages. The practical directions are, for the most part, reprints from a series of such which I drew up some years ago for a class composed of Baltimore teachers; those ex- periments which required costly apparatus have, of course, been omitted. The interest which my "Teachers' Class" took in its work, and the good use its members subsequently made of it, have encouraged me to believe that others might be glad of a few hints as to things suitable to show to young students of Physiology. PREFACE. V It may be well to anticipate a possible objection. A few persons, some of tbem worthy of respect, assert that no ex- periments on an animal can be shown to a class without hardening the hearts of operator and spectators; even when, in accordance with the directions given in the following pages, the animal is anaesthetised and while in that condi- tion is killed or its brain destroyed. This from an experi- ence of more than fifteen years in the teaching of practical physiology, I know to be not so. So far as the experiments described in the present book are concerned, their effect is most certainly humanizing. Young people are apt to be, not callous, but thoughtless as to the infliction of pain. When they see their teacher take trouble to kill even a frog painlessly, they have brought to their attention in a way sure to impress them, the fact that the susceptibility of the lower animals to pain is a reality, and its infliction some- thing to be avoided whenever possible. As the question of size is no unimportant one in relation to textbooks designed for junior students with many other subjects to learn, I may be permitted to say that though tins volume contains more pages than most of those with which it will have to compete, I believe it is not really larger* The extra pages are due, in part to the above- mentioned appendices to the chapters, and in part to the great number and large size of the figures. My publishers had on hand electrotypes of the figures of the octavo edi- tion, and have been able to utilize them in illustrating this briefer one much better than most textbooks of its scope, without proportionately increasing its price. If I had relied solely on my own judgment the ques- tions at the foot of each page would have been omitted. But it was strongly represented to me by those whose opinion I had reason to value, that such questions were useful in enabling a student to test whether he had mastered his lesson, and that teachers who disliked such prearranged questions could and would ignore them. I hope that VI PREFACE. the pupils will use the questions and that their teachers will not. Before concluding, I must express my sincere thanks to Miss Frances T. Bauman, who has given me the benefit of her many years' experience as an eminently successful teacher. She kindly read a large portion of the manuscript, and gave me much advice of which I have been glad to avail myself. I have also to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. W. H. Howell, Fellow of the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, who has corrected most of the procf-sheets, and prepared the index. H. Newell Martin. Johns Hopkins University, August 10, 1883. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The second edition of this book differs from the first for the most part only in verbal alterations or typographical corrections. Chapter XXIII., however, is entirely new, and deals in some detail with the important question of the influence on health of alcohol and various narcotics. H. N. M. March 26, 1884. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE GENERAL STRUCTURE AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE HUMAN BODY. PAGE Human Physiology — Hygiene — Anatomy — Histology — Tissues — Organs — The general plan on which the body is constructed — Man is a vertebrate animal — The two chief cavities of the body — The limbs — Man's place among vertebrates — Sum- mary 1 CHAPTER II. THE MICHOSCOPICAL AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BODY. What the tissues are like — Cells and fibres — The physiological division of labor and its results — The chemical composition of the body — Albumens, fats, and carbohydrates 15 CHAPTER III. THE SKELETON. Bone, cartilage, and connective tissue — Articulations and joints — The bony skeleton — Uses of the mode of structure of the spinal column — Comparison of the skeletons of the upper and lower limbs — Peculiarities of the human skeleton 23 CHAPTER IV. THE STRUCTURE, COMPOSITION, AND HYGIENE OF BONES. Gross structure of bones — The humerus — Why many bones are hollow — Histology of bone — Chemical composition of bone — Hygiene of the bony skeleton — Fractures 47 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. JOINTS. PARE Muscles and joints — Structure of the liip joint — Ball and socket joints — Hinge joints — Pivot joints — Gliding joints— Disloca- tions— Sprains 59 CHAPTER VI. THE MUSCLES. The parts of a muscle — The origin and insertion of muscles — Varieties of muscles — How muscles are controlled— Gross structure of a muscle — Histology of muscle — Plain muscular tissue— The muscular tissue of the heart — The chemical composition of muscle — Beef tea and meat extracts 67 CHAPTER VII. MOTION AND LOCOMOTION. The special physiology of muscles — Levers in the body — Pulleys in the body — Standing — Walking — Running— Hygiene of the muscles— Exercise 80 CHAPTER VIII. WHY WE EAT AND BREATHE. How it is that the body can do work — The conservation of en- ergy— Illustrations — Why we need food — Why the body is warm — The influence of starvation upon muscular work and animal heat — Oxidations in the body — The oxygen food of the body — Appendix 93 CHAPTER IX. NUTRITION. The wastes of the body — Receptive and excretory organs — The organs and processes concerned in nutrition 105 CHAPTER X. FOODS. Foods as tissue formers — What foods must contain— The special importance of albuminous foods — The dependence of animals CONTENTS. IX on plants— Non-oxidizable foods — Definition of foods — Ali- mentary principles — The nutritive value of various foods- Alcohol— Tea and coffee— Cooking— The advantages of a mixed diet 110 CHAPTER XI. THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. General arrangement of the alimentary canal— Glands— The mouth— The teeth — Hygiene of the teeth— The tongue— A furred tongue — The salivary glands— The tonsils— The pharynx— The gullet — The stomach — Palpitation of the heart— The small intestine — The large intestine— The liver — The pancreas 128 CHAPTER XII. DIGESTION. The object of digestion— Uses of saliva— Swallowing— The gas- tric juice — Chyme — Chyle — The pancreatic secretion — The bile and its uses — The intestinal secretions — Indigestible sub- stances— Dyspepsia — Appetite — Absorption from the ali- mentary canal — The lacteals — Appendix 152 CHAPTER XIII. BLOOD AND LYMPH. Why we need blood — Histology of blood— The blood corpuscles — H&miaglobin — the coagulation of blood — Uses of coagu- lation— Blood serum — Blood gases — Summary — Hygienic remarks — Quantity of blood in the body — The lymph — Dialysis — The lymphatic or absorbent vessels — Summary — Appendix 174 CHAPTER XIV. THE ANATOMY OF THE CIRCULATORY ORGANS. The organs of circulation — Functions of the main parts of the vascular system — The pericardium — The heart — The vessels connected with the heart — How the heart is nourished — The valves of the heart — The main arteries of the body — The properties of the arteries — The capillaries — The veins — The course of the blood — The portal circulation — Arterial and venous blood — Appendix 192 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XV. THE WORKING OF THE HEART AND BLOOD VESSELS. PA3E The beat of the heart — Events occurring in each beat — Use of the papillary muscles — Sounds of the beart — Function of the auricles — Work done daily by the heart — The pulse — Blood- flow in capillaries and veins — Why there is no pulse in these vessels — The muscles of the arteries — Taking cold— Bathing — Appendix 216 CHAPTER XVI. THE OBJECT AND THE MECHANICS OP RESPIRATION. The object of respiration — The respiratory apparatus — The windpipe — Bronchitis — The lungs — The pleura — Pleurisy — Why the lungs remain expanded — How the air is renewed in the lungs — The respiratory movements — The respiratory sounds — Hygienic remarks— Appendix 233 CHAPTER XVII. THE CHEMISTRY OP RESPIRATION AND VENTILATION. The quantity of air breathed daily — Changes produced in Hie air by being breathed — Ventilation — When breathed air be- comes unwholesome — How to ventilate — Changes under- gone by the blood in the lungs — Appendix 250 CHAPTER XVIII. THE KIDNEYS AND THE SKIN. General arrangement of the nitrogen -execreting organs — Gross structure of 'the kidney — Histology of the kidney — The renal secretion— The skin — Hairs — Nails — The sweat glands — The sebaceous glands— Hygiene of the skin — Bathing — Appendix 261 CHAPTER XIX. WHY WE NEED A NERVOUS SYSTEM — ITS ANATOMY. The harmonious co-operation of the organs of the body — Co- ordination— Nerve trunks and nerve centres — The cerebro- spinal centre — The spinal cord — The brain — The cranial nerves — The sympathetic nervous system — The histology of nerve centres and nerve trunks — Appendix 279 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XX. THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOD8 SYSTEM. PAGE The properties of the nervous system — Functions of nerve centres and nerve trunks — Sensory and motor nerves — Classi- fication of nerve centres — Functions of the cerebrum — Of the cerebellum — Reflex nerve centres — Automatic ' nerve centres — Habits — Hygiene of the brain — Appendix 301 CHAPTER XXI. THE SENSES. Common sensation and special senses— Hunger and thirst — The visual apparatus and its appendages — The globe of the eye — The retina — The blind spot — The formation of images on the retina — Short sight and long sight — Hygiene of the eyes — Hearing — The tympanum — The internal ear — Touch — The localization of skin sensations — The temperature sense —Smell— Taste 314 CHAPTER XXII. VOICE AND SPEECH. The production of voice — The pitch of the voice — Speech — Structure of the larynx— The vocal chords — Range of the human voice — Vowels— Semi-vowels — Consonants 335 CHAPTER XXIII. ALCOHOL AND OTTIER NARCOTICS. Introductory — Is alcohol a food? — Composition and properties of alcohol — Alcoholic beverages — The direct physiological action of pure alcohol — Action of diluted alcohol — Absorp- tion of alcohol — Primary effects of a moderate dose of alcohol — Secondary effects of alcohol — Minor diseased con- ditions produced by alcohol — Acute alcoholic diseases — Delirium tremens — Dipsomania — Chronic alcoholic diseases — Deteriorations of tissue due to alcohol — Organs impaired or destroyed by alcohol — Moral deterioration produced by alcohol — Opium and morphia — Chloral — Tobacco 343 THE HUMAN BODY. CHAPTER I. THE GENERAL STRUCTURE AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE HUMAN BODY. Human Physiology is that department of science which has for its object the discovery and accurate de- scription of the properties and actions of the living healthy human body, and the detection of the uses, or (as physiologists call them) the functions, of its various parts. Physiologists endeavor to find out what the body, as a whole, does while alive, and what each part of it does, and how it does it; also under what conditions the work of the body is best performed; and, in connec- tion with this last aim, to furnish the basis of Hygiene, the science which is concerned with the laws and condi- tions of health. What is human physiology? What is a function? What do physiologists endeavor to discover? What is meant by Hygiene? 1 2 THE HUMAN BOLT. Anatomy. — Clearly, the first step to be taken towards finding out the use and mode of working of each part of the body is to find out what the parts are ; this study is known as Human Anatomy. Examined merely from the exterior, the body is quite a complicated structure : we can all sec for ourselves, head and neck, trunk and limbs, and even many smaller but quite distinct parts entering into the formation of these larger ones, as eyes, nose, ears, and mouth ; arm, forearm, and hand ; thigh, leg, and foot. This knowledge of its complexity, which we may all arrive at by looking on the outside of the body, is vastly extended when it is dissected and its interior examined ; we then learn that it is made up of many hundreds of diverse parts, each having its own structure, and form, and purpose, but all harmoniously working together in health. Summary. — Anatomy is concerned with the form and structure and connections of the parts of the body. Physiology with the uses of the parts, and the ways in which they work. Hygiene with the conditions of life which promote the health of the body. Microscopic Anatomy or Histology. — When we exam- ine the body from its exterior, we observe that a number of different materials enter into its formation. Hairs, nails, skin, and teeth arc quite different substances ; by feeling through the skin we find harder and softer solid What is human anatomy? Give illustrations of the complexity of the body in structure? Is its internal structure as varied as its external? State in a few words the subject matters of the sciences of Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Give examples of the variety of substances entering into the com- position of the body. What mav we feel through tlie skin ? MICROSCOPIC AXATOMY OR 3IST0L0GY. 3 masses under it ; while the blood which flows from a cut finger, and the saliva which moistens the mouth, show clearly that liquids exist in the body. If we were to go farther and examine closely, outside and inside, any one part of the body, the hand for in- stance, we should find it made up of quite a number of different materials. On its exterior we see skin and nails ; if the skin were dissected off we should find under it more or less yellowish-white fat ; beneath the fat would lie a number of red soft masses, the muscles (answering to what we call the lean of meat) ; under the muscles, again, would be hard, rigid, whitish bones ; at the finger joints, where the ends of different bones lie close together, Ave should find them covered by still another substance, gristle or cartilage. Finally, binding skin and fat and muscles and bone together, we should discover a tough stringy mate- rial, quite different from all of them, and which, since it unites all the rest, is called connective tissue. If we took any other portion of the body we should arrive at a similar result ; it, too, would be made up of a number of different materials, which materials might, as in the case of the foot, be identical with those found in the hand but ar- ranged together in a different way so as to perform another function (just as wood and nails may be used to build a house or a bridge, but are put together in a different man- ner in the two cases) ; or we might, as in the eye, find in addition to some materials found in the hand others quite unlike any of them. What different materials do we see on looking at a Land ? What others would be found on dissecting away the skin ? What is the technical name for the lean of meat ? What is the technical name of gristle ? What is connective tissue ? Are other parts of the body besides the hand made up of different substances ? Illustrate by an example ? 4 THE HUMAN BODY. The branch of anatomy which deals with the charac- ters of the materials nsed in the construction of the parts of the body is called histology, or, since it is mainly carried on with the aid of the microscope, microscopic anatomy. Tissues. — Each of the different primary building ma- terials which can be distinguished, either with or without the microscope, as entering into the construction of the body, is called a tissue ; we speak, for example, of muscu- lar tissue, fatty tissue, bony tissue, cartilaginous tissue, and so forth ; each tissue has certain properties in which it differs from all the rest, and which it preserves in what- ever part of the body it may be found. It also is charac- terized by certain appearances when examined with a mi- croscope, which are the same for the same tissue no matter where it is found. The total number of important tissues is not great ; the variety in structure and use which we find in the parts of the body depends mainly on the diverse ways in which the same tissues are combined together, over and over again, in different parts. Organs. — A portion of the body composed of several tissues, and specially fitted for the performance of a par- ticular duty or function, is called an organ ; thus, the hand is an organ of prehension ; the eye, the organ of sight ; the stomach, an organ of digestion; and so forth. Summary. — The human body is made up of a limited number of tissues ;* each tissue has a characteristic ap- What is histology? Give another name for it. What is a tissue? Give examples. How do tissues differ? Are there a large number of important 1 issues ? How is the variety in structure of the parts of the body produced? What is an organ? Give examples. Of what is the body made up ? * The various tissues of the body will be considered in more detail subsequently: the more important are— 1. Bony tissue. 2. Cartilaginous tissue. 3. White fibrous TISSUES AND ORGANS. g pearance, by which it can be recognized with the micro- scope, and some one or more distinctive properties which fit it for some special use ; thus, it may be very tough, and suited for binding other parts together ; or rigid, and adapted to preserve the shape of the body ; or have the power of changing its length and be useful for moving parts to which its ends are attached. The tissues are variously combined to form the organs of the body, of which there are very many, differing in size, shape, and structure ; some organs contain only a few tis- sues ; others, a great many ; some possess only tissues which are found also in other organs, others contain one or more tissues peculiar to themselves ; but wherever an organ is found, it is constructed and placed with reference to the performance of some duty ; the organs are the ma- chines which are found in the factory represented by the body, and the tissues arc the materials used in building the machines; or, using another illustration, we may, with Longfellow, compare the body to a dwelling-house ; and then go on to liken the tissues to the brick, stone, mortar, wood, iron, and glass, used in building it; and the organs to the walls, floors, ceilings, doors, and windows, which, made by combining the primary building materials in different ways, have each a purpose of their own, and all together make the house. How are tissues recognized ? Give examples of differences in properties of various tissues. How do organs differ from one another ? In what do all organs agree ? Illustrate the relation of organs and tissues to the body as a whole ? connective tissue. 4. Yellow elastic tissue. 5. Glandular tissue, of which there are many varieties. 6. Respiratory tissues. 7. Fatty tissue. 8. Sense-organ or irritable tissues. 9. Nerve cell tissue. 10. Nerve fiber tissue. 11. Striped muscular tissue. 13. Uustriped muscular tissue. 13. Epidermic and epithelial tissue. 6 THE HUMAN BODY. The general plan on which the Body is constructed. — When we desire to gain a general idea of the structural plan of any object we examine, if possible, sections made through it in different directions ; the botanist cuts the stem of the plant he is examining lengthwise and cross- wise, and studies the surfaces thus laid bare ; a geologist, investigating the structure of any portion of the earth's crust, endeavors to find exposed surfaces in canons, in railway cuttings, and so forth, where he may see the strata exposed in their natural relative positions ; and the archi- tect draws plans which show to his clients sections of the building which he proposes to erect for them ; so, also, the best method of getting a good general idea of the way in which the parts of the human body are put together is to study them as laid bare by cuts made in different direc- tions ; this gives us a general outline and the details may be filled in afterwards. If the whole body were divided from the crown of the head to the lower end of the trunk, and exactly in the middle line, so as to separate it into right and left halves, we should see something like Fig. 1, if we looked at the cut surface of the right half. Such a section shows us, first, that the body fundamentally consists of two tubes or cav- ities, separated by a solid bony partition. The larger cav- ity, b, c, known as the ventral or hamuli cavity, lies on the front side, and contains the greater part of the organs How do we start by preference to gain a knowledge of the struc- tural plan of any mass of matter? Give examples. Apply to the study of human anatomy. What shoukl we. see on examining the cut surface of a human body divided into right and left halves? What organs lie in the haemal cavity? What in the neural? How far does the haemal cavity extend toward the head ? GENERAL PLAN OF BODY. concerned in keeping up the blood flow (organs of circula- tion), in breathing (organs of respiration) and in digesting food (organs of digestion). It does not reach up into the neck, but is entirely confined to the trunk. The smaller cavity, a, a', is tubular in the trunk region, but passes on through the neck, and widens out in the skull; it is known as the dorsal or neural cavity, and contains the most important nervous organs, the brain, N', and spinal cord, N. In the partition between the two cavities is a stout bony column, the backbone or spine, e, e, which is made up of a number of short thick bones piled one on the top of another. Man is a vertebrate animal. — The presence of these two chambers with the solid par- tition between them is a prim- ary fact in tbe anatomy of the body ; it shows that man is a vertebrate animal, that is to say, is a back-boned animal, and belongs to the same great What lies between the hoemal and neural cavities? Of what is the spine composed? Fig. 1.— Diagrammatic longitud- inal section of the body, a, the neural tube, with its upper enlarge- ment in the skull cavity at a'; iV, the spinal cord; N', the brain; ee, vertebrae forming the solid parti- tion between the dorsal and vent- ral cavities; b, the pleural, and, c, the abdominal division of the ventral cavity, separated from one another by the diaphragm, d; i, the nasal, and o. the mouth cham- ber, opening behind into the pharynx, from which one tube leads to the lungs, I, and another to the stomach,/,- h, the heart; k, a kidney ; s, ' the sympathetic nervous chain. From the stomach, /. the intestinal tube leads through the abdominal cavity to the pos- terior opening of the alimentary canal. 8 THE HUMAN BODY. group as fishes, reptiles, birds, and beasts* : sea ane- mones, clams, and insects are invertebrate animals, and built on quite different plans ; sections made through any of them from the head to the opposite end, would show nothing like those two main cavities with a backbone between them which exist in our own bodies. Contents of the two chief cavities of the body. — Exam- ination of Fig. 1 shows that the ventral cavity is entirely closed itself, though some tilings which lie in it are hollow and communicate with the exterior. On the head we find the nose, i, and the mouth, o, opening on the ven- tral side ; that is on that surface of the body next which the haemal cavity lies. The nose chamber joins the mouth chamber at the throat, and from the throat two tubes run down through the neck and enter the ventral cavity. One of these tubes, placed on the ventral side of the other, is the windpipe, and ieads to the lungs, I ; the other is the gullet, and leads to the stomach, f. From the stomach, another tube, the intestine, leads to the outside again at the lower or posterior! end of the trunk. Mouth, throat, What fact in man's anatomy makes him a vertebrate animal? Name some other vertebrate animals. Name some invertebrates. How would sections made through invertebrates differ essentially from similar sections made througb a man? Is the ventral cavity open? Do any smaller cavities in it open on the exterior of the body? What openings do we find on the bead? What is the windpipe? To where does it lead? What is the intes- tine? What parts constitute the alimentary canal? Does this canal lie entirely within the haemal cavity? * The main groups in which animals are arranged are— 1. Yertebrata, or backboned animals. 2, MoUueea, including snails, slugs, clams, oysters. &c. 3. Arthropoda, including flies, moths, beetles, centipedes, lobsters, spiders, &c. 4. Vermes, includ- ing worms of various kinds. 5. Echinodermata (hedgehog-skinned animals), in- cluding sea urchins, star fishes, &c. 6. Calertterala, the sea-anemones and their allies. 7. The Protozoa ; all microscopic and very simple in structure. t In anatomy the head end of an animal is spoken of as anterior, and the oppo- site end as posterior, no matter what may be the natural standing position of the creature. TWO CHIEF CAVITIES OF THE BODY. gullet, stomach, and intestine, together form the aliment- ary canal, which, as we see, begins on the head quite above or anterior to the ventral cavity ; then, at the bot- tom of the neck, enters the ventral cavity and runs on through it, to }>ass out again posteriorly; just as a tube might pass quite through a box, in at one end and out at the other, without opening into it at all. In addition to the lungs and the greater part of the alimentary canal, the ventral cavity contains several other things of which we shall have more to say presently ; among the more important of them are, the heart, h; the kidneys, h ; the sympathetic nerve centers, s; and several large organs making juices which are conveyed by tubes into the ali- mentary canal and assist in digesting our food. Fig. 2.— A diagrammatic section across the body in the chest region, x, the dorsal lube, which contains the spinal cord; the black muss surrounding it is a vertebra: a, the gullet, a part of the alimentary canal; h, the heart; sy, sympathetic nervous system; 11. lungs; the dotted lines around them are the pleune; rr, ribs; si, the breastbone. If we examined a section made across the trunk of the body, say about the level of the middle^f the chest (Fig. 2), we would find, on the dorsal side, the neural tube, x, cut across, and in it the spinal cord, which is not repre- Name some organs, in addition to parts of the alimentary canal, which are found in the ventral cavity. Describe what would be seen on a section made across the body about the middle of the chest. 10 THE HUMAN BODY. sented in the figure. The thick black mass below the neural tube is part of the spinal column ; bounded by this dorsally, by a rib, r, r, on each side, and by the breastbone, st, on the ventral side (below in the figure) is the haemal cavity, containing the lungs, I, Ij the heart, hj the gul- let, a; and the sympathetic centers, sy. Fig. 3. — A section across the forearm a short distance below the elbow-joint. R and U, its two supporting bones, the radius and ulna; e, the epidermis and d, the dermis, of the skin: the latter is continuous below with bands of connective tissue, s, which penetrate between and invest the muscles, which are indicated by numbers, n, n, nerves and vessels. The Limbs. — If, instead of the trunk of the body, our section were made across one of the limbs, we should find no such arrangement of cavities on each side of a bony axis. The limbs have a supporting axis made of one or more bones (as seen at U and R, Fig. 3, which represents a section made across the forearm near the elbow joint), but around this axis soft parts, chiefly muscles, are closely packed ; and the whole, like the trunk, is enveloped by skin. The only cavities in the limbs are branching tubes, which are filled during life either with blood, or a watery- looking licpiid known as lymph. These tubes, the blood and lymph vessels respectively, are not, however, character- istic of the limbs, for they also exist in abundance in head, neck and trunk. How do the limbs differ from the trunk? How is each limb supported? Describe the parts exposed on a cross section of the forearm? What cavities exist in a limb? What do they contain? Are they found in other parts of the body? MAN'S PLACE AMONG VERTEBRATES. \\ Man's place among Vertebrates. — It must be clear to every one that although man's structural plan in its broad features, simply indicates that he is a vertebrate animal, yet he is much more like some vertebrates than others. The hair covering more or less of his body, and the organs which produce milk for the nourishment of the infant by its mother, are absent entirely in fishes, reptiles, and birds, but are possessed by ordinary four-footed beasts and by whales, bats, and monkeys. The organs which form milk are the mammary glands, and all kinds of animals whose females possess them are known as Mammalia *; man is, therefore, a Mammal. In internal structure one of the most important characters of the Mammalia is the pres- ence of a cross-partition, called th( phragm, which separates the heemal terior and a posterior division. Thii d in Fig. 1, where it is seen to divide into an upper and a lower story ; the^ the chest or thorax cavity ; the lower abdominal cavity. The chest contains the heart, lungs, and most of the gullet ; the abdomen contains the lower In what external characters does the human body differ from that of fishes, reptiles, and birds? Name some animals which agree with mankind in the possession of these characters ? What are the mammary glands? What is meant by Mammalia? To what di- vision of vertebrate animals does man belong? Point out a fact in internal structure in which the Mammalia differ from other vertebrates? Where does the diaphragm lie? What is the name of the cavity above it? What is the name of the cavity below it? Name some organs lying in the thorax. Some placed in the abdomen. Some which run throuirh both. * Zoologists classify vertebrate animals in five groups. 1. Pisas, including all true fishes, as sharks, eels, salmons, shad, perch, &c. but excluding the so-called shellfish, as oysters, clams, and lobsters, which are not vertebrates at all. 2. Am- phibia, frogs, toads, newts, salamanders &c. 3. ReptUia, lizards, alligators, turtles, snakes. 4. Jives, birds. 5. Mammalia. 12 THE UUMAX BODY. end of the gullet (which pierces the diaphragm), the stomach, (ho intestine, the kidneys, and most of the organs making digestive liquids. The sympathetic nerve Fig. 4.— The body opened from the front to show the contents of its ventral cavity, lu. lungs; h, heart, partly covered by other things; le. W, right and left liver lobes respectively; ma, stomach; ne, the great omentum, a membrane con- taining fat wiiieii hangs down from the posterior bolder of the stomach and covers the intestines; mi, spleen: zz. diaphragm. ZOOLOGICAL POSITION OF MAN 13 centers run through both abdomen and chest, and extend beyond the hitter into the neck. The ventral cavity, opened from the front, but with its contents undisturbed, is shown in figure 4. We there see the edge of the diaphragm, z, z; above this, in the chest, the lungs, In, hi, and the heart, h ; the latter partly covered by other things. Below the diaphragm is the abdominal cavity, containing in its upper part the liver, le, le'; the stomach, ma ; and the spleen, mi; hanging down like an apron from the lower border of the stomach is the omen- tum, ne, ne, which lies over and conceals the intestines. Summary. — Man is a vertebrate animal, because his body presents dorsal and ventral cavities separated from one another by a hard partition ; the dorsal cavity con- tains the brain and spinal cord, and reaches into the he;*d; the ventral cavity stops at the bottom of the neck and contains the main organs of circulation, respiration, and digestion. Man belongs to that subdivision of vertebrates known as Mammalia (1) because more or less of his surface is covered by hair ; (2) because of the presence of mammary glands ; (3) because the ventral cavity is completely sep- arated by the diaphragm into thorax and abdomen. That man is intellectually incomparably superior to any other animal, and stands supreme in the world, can Name the parts seen when the front wall of a man's trunk is cut away. Describe the relative positions of these parts. On what anatomical grounds do we call man a vertebrate animal? What lies in the dorsal or neural cavity? How far does the upper end of this cavity reach? What organs lie in the ventral cavity? Where does its upper limit lie? Why is man a Mammal? In what is man superior to any other animal? From what point of view have anato- mists to regard man's body? What sort of facts do they take into account in assigning man's position among animals? 14 THE HUMAN BODY. be doubted by no one; still greater is his supremacy when we consider his power of forming conceptions of right and wrong, and his knowledge of moral responsibility. But anatomists have only to deal with man's body as a mate- rial object, and as such they classify it among other ani- mal bodies according to the greater or less resemblances or differences which are found between it and them.* * It will be found very useful to accompany the teaching of this chapter with a demonstration on the body of a dead rat, kitten, or puppy. On opening the body the chest and abdominal cavities will be readily shown, and also the main organs in them. Then, on opening the skull, the brain will be seen, and on cutting across the spinal column with strong scissors, the slender soft spinal cord lying in its tube will come into view. CHAPTER II. THE MICROSCOPICAL AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BODY. What the tissues are like. — Having gained some idea of how the larger parts of the body are arranged we may next inquire what the tissues, its smallest parts which are combined to make the larger, are like. a k The simjflest tissues are known as cells : * '?££ they are so small that a separated cell can | ' \ only be seen with the help of a microscope. 'm! , In a fully formed cell (Fig. 5) we find three % .£*jgf parts : (1) a cell body made up of a soft granular substance ; (2) a smaller and less f meat".' What power do muscles pos- sess? What happens when they exert it? To what are the ends of most muscles attached? What happens when the muscle contracts/ Name the chief motor apparatuses of the body? * In many animals some muscles are much redder than others, and it is then found that the deeper colore! are those which are kept most constantly in use ; the leg muscles of a chicken, for example, are redder than those of the wings and breast, and as the coloring matter is turned brown by heat, they form the "dark meat" after cooking ; in birds which fly a great deal the breast muscles | which chiefly move the wing?) are also dark. The heart, which is a muscle always at work, is deep red, even in fishes, most of whose muscles are pale. t As an example of a muscle not attached to the skeleton, we may take the orbic- ularis oris, which forms a ring around the mouth-opening beneath the skin of the lips ; when it contracts it closes the mouth, or if it contracts more forcibly purses out the lips. The orbicularis palpebrarum forms a similar ring around the eye opening, and when it contracts closes the eye. 62 THE HUMAN BODY. on the head of the thigh-hone lies close against that lining the acetabulum, so that practically there is no cavity left in the joint. This close contact is not maintained by the ligaments (which are much too loose, and serve mainly to prevent such excessive movement as might roll the femur cpiite out of its socket), but by the many strong muscles which pass between pelvis and thigh-bone and hold both firmly together. In addition, the pressure of the atmosphere is transmitted by the skin and muscles to the exterior of the air-tight joint, and helps to keep its surfaces together. If all the muscles be cut away from around the hip-joint of a dead body, it is found that the head of the femur is still held in its place by the pressure of the air ; and so firmly that the weight of the whole limb will not draw it out ; but if a hole be pierced into the bottom of the acetabulum, and air be thus let into the joint, then the thigh-bone falls out of place as far as the ligaments will let it. In all joints we find the same essential parts ; bones, articular cartilages, synovial membrane, synovial liquid, and ligaments.* Ball and socket joints. — Such a joint as that at the hip Is there in health any definite space between the bones of the hip- joint? What is the chief use of the ligaments? How are the bones held together? What in addition to muscles helps to keep the bones of the joint in contact? Describe an experiment illustrating the effect of atmospheric pressure in keeping the bones together? What essential parts are found m all joints? What is such a joint as the hip- joint called? * The structure of joints can be readily seen in those of a fresh calf's or sheep's foot. The synovial membrane is so thin and so closely adherent to the parts it lines that a microscope is needed for its demonstration ; but all the other parts are readily made out. BALL AND SOCKET JOINTS. 63 is called a ball and socket joint, and allows of a greater variety of movement than any other kind. Through movements taking place at it the thigh can (1) he flexed, that is, bent so that the knee approaches the chest, and (•2) extended or straightened again ; it can (3) be abducted so that the knee is moved away from the middle line of the body, and (4) adducted or brought back again ; by movement at the hip the limb can also (5) be circum- ducted, so that, with knee and ankle joints held rigid, the whole leg is made to describe a cone, of which the apex is at the hip-joint and the base at the foot ; and finally (6) rotated so that the whole limb can be rolled to and fro a little about its own long axis. All ball and sockets joints allow all these movements to a greater or less extent. Another important ball and socket joint is that be- tween the upper end of the humerus and the hollow {glenoid fossa) near the upper outer corner of the shoulder blade. The glenoid fossa being much shallower than the acetabulum the range of movement possible at the shoulder, is greater than at the hip-joint. Hinge-joints. — In this form the bony cavities and pro- jections are not spherical, but are grooved and ridged so that one bone can glide over the other in one plane only, to and fro, like a door on its hinges. The knee is a hinge-joint ; it can only be bent and straightened, in technical language, flexed and extended. "What kind of joints allow of the freest movement? "What is meant by flexion of the thigh? By extension? By abduction? By adduction? By circumduction? By rotation? What movements do all ball and socket joints permit? What sort of a joint is that at the shoulder? Why is more move- ment possible at it than at the hip-joint? What is a hinge-joint? Give an illustration. Name other hinge-joints. 64 THE HUMAN BODY. Between the phalanges of the fingers we find also hinge- joints ; another is found between the lower jaw and the cranium, allowing us to open and close the mouth. The latter is not, however, a perfect hinge-joint ; it per- mits also of slight lateral movements, and a gliding motion by which the lower jaw can be thrust forward so as to bring the lower range of teeth outside the upper.* Pivot-joints. — In this form one bone rotates about another. A good example is found between the first and sec- ond cervical vertebrae (Figs. 13, 14). The odontoid process of the axis reaches up into the neural arch of the atlas, and, kept in place there by the transverse ligament which does not let it press against the spinal cord, forms a pivot around which the atlas rotates, carrying the skull with it when we turn the head to right or left. A more complicated kind of pivot-joint is found in the forearm. Lay the forearm and hand flat on a table, palm uppermost; without moving the shoulder-joint at all the hand can then be turned over so that its back is upward. In this movement the radius, which carries the hand, crosses over the ulna. When the palm is turned up (supination) the radius and ulna are parallel (Fig. 27, A), and the radius on the outside ; place a finger of the other Is the joint of the lower jaw with the skull a perfect hinge joint? What movements can take place at it? What is a pivot- joint? Name an instance from the spinal column. Describe the joint between atlas and axis. What happens to the head when the atlas rotates on the odontoid process of the axis? Where do we find another kind of pivot-joint? Illustrate its action. What happens when we turn the hand so that the palm instead of being up shall be down? How can we observe the relative change in position of radius and ulna while making this movement? * The object of these minor movements is to allow us to chew our foo<1 ; in car- nivora, as cats, which bite, but do not chew, the Jower jaw forms a perfect hinge- joint with the cranium. DISLOCATIONS. 65 hand on it near the wrist, and then turn the hand over ; the lower end of the radius will be found to cross over the ulna and to be on its inner side (Fig. 27, B), when the movement is completed ; in this position the hand is said to be R in pronation. The lower end of the hume- rus (Fig. 21) has a large artic- ular surface ; on the inner two- thirds of this, Tr, the ulna fits, and the grooves and ridges of the bones interlocking form a hinge-joint, allowing us only to bend or straighten the elbow- jomt. The radius fits on the rounded outer third, Cpl, and rotates there when the hand is turned over, the ulna form- ing a fixed bar around which it moves. Gliding joints as a rule per- mit of but little movement. Examples are found between the closely-packed bones of the carpus and tarsus (Fig. 19), which slide a little over one another when subjected to pressure. Dislocations. — When a bone is displaced at a joint or dislocated, the ligaments are more or less torn and other B A Ficj. 27.— A, arm in supination ; B. arm in pronation ; II, humerus ; K, radius ; {/ulna. What movement is allowed between ulna and humerus? What between radius and humerus? Around what does the radius rotate when we turn the hand over? Do gliding joints allow free movement? Give instances of gliding joints. What is a dislocation? What parts are injured when a joint is dislocated ? 66 TUB KVMAlt BOD?. surrounding soft parts injured. This generally leads to inflammation and swelling, which make it difficult to find out in what direction the hone has been displaced, and also greatly add to the difficulty of replacing it, or, in sur- gical language, of reducing the dislocation. The muscles attached to it are, moreover, apt to pull the dislocated bone more and more out of place. Medical aid should therefore be obtained as soon as possible ; in most cases the reduction of a dislocation can only be attempted with safety by one who knows the forms of the bones and pos- sesses sufficient anatomical knowledge to recognize the direction of the displacement.* A sprain is an injury to a joint, accompanied by strain- ing, twisting, or tearing of the ligaments, but without dis- location of the bones. A sprained joint should get imme- diate and complete rest, continued for weeks if neces- sary ; if there be much swelling or continued pain, medical advice should be obtained. Perhaps a greater number of permanent injuries result from neglected sprains than from broken bones. What results from this injury ? What is meant by " reducing a dislocation ?" Why should medical aid be obtained as soon as possi- ble after a joint has been dislocated ? Wliat is a sprain ? How should a sprained joint be treated ? What should be done at once if there is much swelling or continued pain ? Are neglected sprains apt to lead to permanent injury ? * Dislocations of the fingers can usnaily be reduced by strong pulling, aided by a little pressure on the parts of the bones nearest the joint. The reduction of a dis- location of the thumb is much more difficult, and can rarely be accomplished with- out skilled assistance. EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. A view of the muscles situated on the front surface of the body, seen in their natural position. It must be understood that beneath these muscles many others are situated, which cannot be represented in the figure. Muscles of the Face, Head, and Neck: 1. Muscle of the Forehead. This, together with a muscle at the back of the head, has the power of moving the scalp. 2. Muscle that closes the Eyelids. The muscle that raises the upper eyelid so as to open the eye. is situated within the orbit, and consequently cannot be seen in this figure. 3. 4, 5. Muscles that raise the Upper Lip and angle of the Mouth. 6, 7. Muscles that depress the Lower Lip and angle of the Mouth. By the action of the muscles which raise the upper lip, and those that depress the lower lip, the lips are separated. 8. Muscle that draws the Lips together. 9. Muscle of the Temple (Temporal Muscle). 10. Miisseter Muscle. 9 and 10 are the two chief muscles of mastication, for when they contract, the movable lower jaw is elevated, so as to crush the food between the teeth in the upper and lower jaws. 11. Muscle that compresses the Nostril. Close to its outer side is a small muscle that dilates the nostril. 12. Muscle that wrinkles the Skin of the Neck, and assists in depressing the lower jaw. 13. Muscle that assists in steadying the Head, and also in moving it from side to side. 14. Muscles that depress the Windpipe and Organ of Voice. The muscles that elevate the same parts are placed beneath the lower jaw, and can- not be seen in the figure. Muscles that connect the upper extremity to the trunk. Portions of four of these muscles arc represented in the figure, viz. : 15. Muscle that elevates the Shoulder. Trapezius Muscle. 17. Great Muscle of the Chest, which draws the Arm in front of the Chest (Great Pectoral Muscle). 18. Broad Muscle of the Back, which draws the Arm downwards across the back of the Body (Latissimus Dorsi). 19. Serrated Muscle extends between the Ribs and Shoulder-blade, and draws the shoulder forwards and rotates it, a movement which takes place in the elevation of the arm above the head (Serratus magnus) At the lower part of the trunk, on each side, may be seen the large muscle which, from the oblique direction of its fibres, is called, 30. Outer Oblique Muscle of the Abdomen. Several muscles lie beneath it. The outline of one of these, 21. Straight Muscle of the Abdomen, may be seen beneath the expanded tendon of insertion of the oblique muscle. These abdominal muscles, by their contraction, possess the power of compressing the contents of the abdomen. Muscles of the upper extremity. 16. Muscle that elevates the Arm (Deltoid Muscle). 22. Biceps or Two-headed Muscle (see also page 70). 23. Anterior Muscle of the Arm. This and the Biceps are for the purpose of bending the Fore Arm 24. Triceps, or Three-headed Muscle. This counteracts the last two muscles, for it extends the Fore-arm. 25. Muscles that bend the Wrist and Fingers, and pronate the Fore-arm and Hand— that is, turn the Hand with the palm downwards. They are called the Flexor and Pronator Muscles. 26. Muscles that extend the Wrist and Fingers, and supinate the Fore-arm and Hand— that is, turn the Hand with its palm upwards. They are called the Extensor and Supinator Muscles. 27. Muscles that constitute the ball of the Thumb. They move it in different directions. 28. Muscles that move the Little Finger. Muscles which connect the lower extremity to the pelvic bone. Several are represented in the figure. 29. Muscle usually stated to have the power of crossing one Leg over the other, hence called the Tailor's Muscle, or Sartorius; its real action is to assist in bending the knee. ^ 30. Muscles that draw the Thighs together (Adductor Muscles). 31. Muscles that extend or straighten the Leg (Extensor Muscles). The muscles that bend the leg are placed on the back of the thigh, so that they cannot be seen in the figure. Muscles of the leg and foot: 32. Muscles that bend the Foot upon the Leg, and extend the Toes. 33. Muscles that raise the Heel— these form the prominence of the calf of the Leg. 34. Muscles that turn the Foot outwards. 35. A band of membrane which retains in position the tendons which pass from the leg to the foot. 36. A short muscle which extends the Toes. The muscles which turn the foot inwards, so as to counteract the last named muscles, lie beneatli the great muscles of the calf, which consequently conceal them. The foot possesses numerous muscles, which act upon the toes, so as to move them about in various direc- tions. These are principally placed on the sole of the foot, so that they cannot be seen in the figure. Only one muscle, 36, which assists in extending the toes, is placed on the back of the foot. PLATE II.— THE SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES Or" THE FRONT OF THI 70 THE HUMAN BODY. seen and felt on the biceps in front of the humerus when the elbow is bent, or in the ball of the thumb when that digit is moved so as to touch the little finger ; when a muscle contracts its belly may also be felt to grow harder. The swelling and. hardening of a contracted muscle are daily illustrated when one schoolboy invites another to feel his " biceps." The Origin and Insertion of Muscles. — Almost invaria- bly that part of the skeleton to which one end of a mus- Fig. 29.— The biceps muscle and the arm-bones, to illustrate how, tinder ordi- nary circumstances, the elbow joint is flexed when the muscle contracts. cle is fixed is more easily moved than that part on which it pulls by its other tendon ; the less movable attachment is the origin, the other the insertion of the muscle. Tak- ing the biceps of the arm, we find that when the belly of the muscle contracts and pulls on its upper and lower tendons, the result is commonly that only the forearm is moved, the elbow joint being bent as shown in Fig. 29. How may ils thickening be recognized? What change besides thickening and shortening occurs in the belly of a contracted muscle? Give an example. What is meant by the origin of a muscle? What by the insertion*? Give an example. VARIETIES OF MUSCLES. 71 The shoulder is so much more firm that it serves as a fixed point, and so that end of the biceps is the origin of the muscle, and the radial attachment its insertion. The distinction is, however, only relative : if the radius were held immovable the muscle would move the shoulder towards the radius, instead of the radius towards the shoulder ; as, for example, in going up a rope " hand over hand." Varieties of Muscles. — Many muscles have the simple typical form of a belly tapering towards each end, as A, Fig. 30 ; others divide at one end, and are called two-headed, or biceps muscles, and there are even three-headed or triceps muscles. On the other hand, some muscles have no tendon at all at one end, the belly running right up to the bone to which it is fixed, and some have no tendon at either end. Some- times a tendon runs along the side of a muscle, and the fibres of the latter are at- tached to it obliquely (B, Fig. 30) ; such a muscle is called penniform or feather- like, from a fancied resemblance to the vane of a feather ; or a tendon may run gastric mubCle- down the middle of the muscle (0), which is then called bipenniform. Sometimes a tendon is found in the mid- dle of the belly as w^ll as at each end (Fig. 31) ; such a Fig. 30.— Diagrams il- lustrating, a. typical mus- cle with a central belly and two terminal ten- dons, b, a penniform muscle; c, a bipenniform muscle. Is the origin of a muscle under all circumstances its most fixed end? Give an example. What is the simple typical form of a muscle? What is a biceps muscle? What a triceps? Have all muscles tendons at each end? At either end? Describe a penniform muscle. A bipenniform. 72 THE HUMAN BODY. muscle is called two-bellied or digastric. Running along the front of the abdomen, from the pelvis to the chest, on each side of the middle line, is a long muscle, the straight muscle of the abdomen (rectus abdominis) ; it is polygastric, consisting of four bellies separated by short tendons. Many muscles are not rounded, but form wide, flat masses, as those which lie beneath the skin on the sides, of the abdomen. How the muscles are controlled.— Most of the muscles of the body are paired in a double sense. In the first place, to nearly every one answers a corresponding muscle on the opposite side of the body,* its true mate ; in addi- tion, most are paiitd with, or rather pitted against, an antagonist ; for example, to the biceps muscle (Fig. 29) which lies in front of the humerus and bends the elbow joint, corresponds the triceps muscle which lie* behind the arm bone and extends the elbow ; when the biceps contracts the triceps relaxes, and vice versa. This orderly working is carried out by means of the brain and spinal cord, which, through the neives, govern the muscles and regulate their activity. In convulsions these controlling organs are out of gear, and the muscles are excited to con- tract in all sorts of irregular and useless ways ; antagonists pulling against one another at the same moment the whole bodv is made rigid. A digastric. Where do we find a polygastric muscle? How is the rectus abdominis muscle constituted ? Where are flat wide muscles found ? In what two wavs are muscles paired? Give an example of antag- onistic muscles. What happens !o the triceps when the biceps con- tracts? How is the orderly working of the muscles guided and con- trolled? What parts are out of working order in a fit of convulsions? Why do the limbs often become stiff in convulsions? * The single muscles cross the middle line and are made up of similar right a»d left halves; examples are orbicularis oris and the diaphragm. THE GROSS STRUCTURE OF A MUSCLE. 73 The Gross Structure of a Muscle. — Each muscle is an organ composed of several tissues. Its essential constitu- ent is a number of fibres consisting of striped muscular tissue. These are supported and protected by connective tissue; intertwined with blood and lymph vessels, which convey nourishment and carry off waste matters ; and penetrated by nerves which govern their activity. A loose sheath of connective tissue, the perimysium, envelopes the whole muscle in a sort of case ; from it partitions run in and sub- divide the belly of the mus- cle into bundles or fasciculi which run from tendon to tendon, or the whole length of the muscle when it has no tendons. The coarse- ness or fineness of meat de- pends on the size of these **»■ frA sma!1" bi^ of "l"scl! com.' •i posed of four primary fasciculi. A, nat- fftsripnli ivlnVli mnv Tip ural size : .B, the same magnified, showing idhUCllll, WI11CU lint) ue the secondary fasciculi of which the pri- readily seen in a piece of ■«*■» «"»!»■*■ boiled beef. In good carving, meat is cut across the fasciculi, or "across the grain," as it is then more easily broken up by the teeth ; the polygonal areas seen on the surface of a slice of beef are cross sections of the fasciculi. The larger fasciculi are subdivided by fine partitions of connective tissue into smaller (Fig. 32), each consisting of a few muscular fibres enveloped in a close Is a muscle an organ or a tissue? What is the chief tissue in it called? What things exist in it besides striped muscular tissue? What is the use of each? What is the perimysium? How is a muscle divided into fasciculi? How far do the fasciculi extend? When is meat coarse in texture? Why is beef carved across the grain? Of what are the fasciculi com- posed? 74 THE HUMAN BODY. network of minute blood-vessels. Where a muscle tapers the muscle fibres in the fasciculi are less numerous and when a tendon is formed they disappear alto- gether, leaving only the connective tissue. Histology of Muscle. — The striped mus- cular tissue, which gives the muscle its power of contracting, is found when ex- amined by the microscope to be made up of extremely slender muscular fibres, each about one inch in length, but most of them less than jfa of an inch across. Each muscular fibre has externally a thin sheath or envelope, the sarcolemma, which envelops the contracting part of the fibre. This latter is soft and almost Pm. a3.— Asmaii semi-fluid, and under a microscope is seen piece of muscular , . - .„ fibre highly mag- to present a striped appeanince, as it nified. At a the x x . fibre has been made up ot alternating dimmer and crushed and twist- ed so as to tear brighter transverse bands (Fig. 33). its contents, while ° \ o / the tougher sar- After death the semi-solid contents of the colemma. else- Spited to the wit nbre son(lify and death -stiffening is pro- LmfLse untSIobrn duced ; at the same time the fibre often and conspicuous. ^j^ up ^ & lmmber 0f Yery fine threads or fibrillar, which were formerly regarded as true constituents of the living muscular fibre. Plain muscular tissue. — The muscles hitherto spoken of Of what is a tendon made ? Of what is striped muscular tissue composed ? Describe the form and size of muscular fibres? What is the sarcolemma? What is the consistency of the con- tractile part of a living muscular fibre? What appearance does it present under the microscope? What is the cause of death stiffening ? What arefibrillre? What do we mean by voluntary muscles? PLAIN MUSCULAR TISSUE. 75 are all more or less under the control of the will ; we can make them contract or prevent this as we choose ; they are therefore often called the voluntary muscles.* There are in the body other muscles whose contractions Fiq. 34.— The muscular coat of the stomach. we cannot control, and which are hence called involuntary muscles ; they are not attached to the skeleton directly, nor concerned in our ordinary movements, but lie in the What by involuntary? Which kind is attached to the skeleton? Where do we find the involuntary muscles? *No sharp line can be drawn between voluntary and involuntary muscles; the muscles of respiration are to a certain extent under the control of the will ; any one can draw a long breath when he chooses. But in ordinary quiet breathing we are quite unconscious of their working, and even when we pay heed to it our control of them is limited ; no one can hold his breath long enough to suffocate himself. In- deed, any one of the striped muscles may be thrown into activity, independently of or even against the will, as we see in the "fidgets" of nervousness, and the irre- pressible trembling of extreme terror. Functionally, when we call any muscle vol- untary, we mean that it may be controlled by the will, but not that it necessarily always is so. Structurally, the heart occupies an intermediate place : its striped fibres resemble much more those of voluntary than of invo.untary muscles, but its beat is not at all subject to the will ; though, as the exception proving the rule, it may he noted that there is an apparently well-authenticated case of a person wb.0 could by an act of will stop his heart. 76 THE BUM AH BODY. walls of various hollow organs of the body, as the stomach (Fig. 34), the intestines, and the arteries ; by their con- tractions they move things contained in those cavities Like the voluntary muscles, the involuntary consist of contractile elements, with accessory con- nective tissue, blood-vessels, and nerves ; but their fibres have a very different appear- ance under the microscope. They are not cross-striped, but are made up of elongated cells united by a small amount of cement- ing material. Each cell (Fig. 35), is flat- fish, and tapers off toward its ends ; in its centre is a nucleus with one or two nucle- oli. The cells have the power of shortening in the direction of their long axes. Heart muscle. — The muscular tissue of the heart is not under the control of the will ; it, however, is cross-striped, and more like the voluntary than the ordinary in- voluntary muscle, though it differs in some Fig. 35.— Unetriped respects from both. muscltj-cclls. Speaking generally, we may say that the movements necessary for the nutrition of the body are not left for us to look after ourselves, but are carried on by muscles which work involuntarily ; the blood is pumped round by the heart, and food churned up in the What is their function? What are they composed of ? What is seen when a cell from an involuntary muscle is examined with the microscope? Is the heart muscle voluntary? In what respect does it resemble voluntary muscle? What movements of the body docs nature not leave to our own control? Give examples. THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MUSCLE. 77 stomach and passed along the intestines, whether we think about it or not. The chemical composition of muscle. — Muscle contains about 75 per cent, of water ; and a considerable quantity of salines. Living, resting muscle is alkaline to test paper ; hard-worked or dying muscle is acid. Its chief organic constituents are proteid or albuminous substances (p. 21), and of these the most abundant in a per- fectly fresh muscle is myosin. Soon after death the myosin clots. Dilute acids dissolve myosin and turn it into syntonin, which used to be thought the chief pro- teid of muscle. Beef tea. — When lean meat is heated its myosin is converted into a solid insoluble substance much like the white of a hard-boiled egg. Hence, when a muscle is boiled most of its proteid is coagulated and stays in the meat instead of passing out into the soup. Even if beef be soaked first in cold water this is still the case, as myo- sin is not soluble in water.* It follows that beef tea as ordinarily made contains little but the flavoring matters and salts of the beef, and some gelatin dissolved out from the connective tissue of the muscle. The flavoring matters "What proportion of water does muscle contain? What other in- organic compounds do we rind in it? What is the reaction of living muscle? How is this changed by work or death? What are its main jiganic constituents?- Name the most abundant of these? What change occurs in it after death? What is syntonin? "What happens to the myosin when muscle is heated? When we boil meat does its myosin become dissolved in the soup? Can we get the myosin out of beef by soaking it in cold water? "What things are found in ordinary beef tea? * To get over this difficulty, various methods of making beef tea have been suggested, in which the chopped meat is soaked an hour or two in strong brine or in very dilute muriatic acid. In these ways the myosin can be dissolved out of the beef; but the product has such an unpleasant taste that no one is likely to swallow it, and least of all a sick person. 78 THE HUMAN BODY. make it deceptively taste as if it were a strong solution of the whole meat, whereas, it contains but a small propor- tion of the really nutritious parts, which are chiefly left behind in tasteless shrunken shreds, when the liquor is poured off. Some things dissolved out of the meat make beef tea a stimulant to the nervous system and the heart, but its nutritive value is small, and it cannot be relied upon to keep up a sick person's strength for any length of time. Liebig's extract of meat is essentially but a concentrated beef tea; from its stimulating effect it is often useful to persons in feeble health, but other food should be given with it. It contains all the flavoring matters of the meat, and its proper use is for making gravies and flavoring soups; the erroneousness of the common belief that it is a highly nutritious food cannot be too strongly insisted upon, as sick persons may be starved on it if ignorantly used. Various meat extracts are now prepared by subjecting beef to chemical processes in which it undergoes changes like those experienced in digestion. The myosin is thus made soluble in water and uncoagulable by heat, and a real concentrated meat extract is obtained. Before relying on any one of them for the feeding of an invalid, it would, however, be well to insist on having a statement of its Why does beef tea taste as if all the " strength " of the meat were in it? Where do the chief nutritious parts remain when beef tea is strained off the meat ? What is the action of beef lea on the system? What is Liebig's extract of meat? Why is it sometimes useful to invalids? What should be given them in addition? What is its proper use? Why is it important to know that it is not a nutritious food? How are some other meat extracts made? How is the myosin changed in preparing them? Are they all to be relied on indiscrimi- nately? What should he done before trusting the nutrition Qf a feeble person to any one of them ? MEAT EXTRACTS. 79 method of preparation, and then to consult a physician, or some one else who has the requisite knowledge, in order to ascertain if the method is such as might be expected to really attain the end desired. A CHAPTER VII. MOTION AND LOCOMOTION. The special physiology of muscles. — The distinctive prop- erties of* muscle are everywhere the same ; it has the power of contracting ; but the uses of different muscles are very varied by reason of the different parts to which they are attached. Some are muscles of respiration, others of swallowing; some bend joints and are called flexors, others straighten them and are called extensors, and so on. The determination of the exact use of any particular muscle is known as its special physiology, as distinguished from its general physiology, or properties as a muscle, without reference to its use as a muscle in a particular place. We may here consider the special physiology of the muscles concerned in standing and walking. Levers in the body. — In nearly all cases the voluntary muscles carry out their special functions with the co-oper- ation of the skeleton ; most of them are joined to bones at each end and when they contract move the bones, In what respect are all muscles alike? Have all muscles the same uses? Give instances of the employment of muscles for different pur- poses. What is meant by the special physiology of a muscle? What by its general physiologv? With what do the voluntary muscles co-operate? To what are the ends of nearly all muscles attached? What happens when a muscle contracts? [80] THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF LEVERS. 81 and, secondarily, the soft parts attached to these. When muscles move bones the latter are almost invariably to be regarded as levers whose fulcra lie at the joint where the movement takes place. Examples of the three forms of levers recognized in mechanics are found in the human body. Levers of the first order. — In this form (Fig. 3G), the fulcrum or fixed supporting point, F, lies between the weight to be moved and the moving power. The distance F P J^ W Fig. 36.— A lever of the first order. F, fulcrum ; P, power ; TF, resistance or -*- ight. PF from the power to the fulcrum is called the power- arm of the lever, and the distance WF is the weight- arm. When power-arm and weight-arm are equal (as in an ordinary pair of scales), no mechanical advantage is gained ; to lift a pound at W, P must be pressed down with a force greater than a pound ; and the end W will go up just as far as the end P goes down. If PF be longer than WF then a small weight at P will balance a larger one at W, the gain being greater the greater the difference in the length of the arms, but the distance through which W is moved will be less than that through which P moves ; for example, if PF be twice as How are the bones moved by muscles to be regarded? Where do the fulcra of these levers lie? How many kinds of levers are founrl in the body? Describe a lever of the first order. Define power-arm and weight- arm. When is a mechanical advantage gained by such a lever? G 82 TEE EUMAN BODY. long as W F then half a pound at P would balance against a pound at W, and just over half a pound laid on the end P would lift a pound on the end W, but FT would only go up half as far as P went down. On the other hand, if the weight-arm were longer than the power-arm there would be a loss in force, but a gain in the distance through which the weight was moved. Examples of levers of the first order are not numer- ous in the human body. One is found in nodding movements of the head, the fulcrum being where the occipital bone articulates with the atlas (Fig. 20). When the chin is raised the power is applied to the skull behind the fulcrum by muscles passing from the spinal column P F W Pig. 37.— A lever of the second order. F. fnfcnim ; P, power : W, weight The arrows indicate the direction in which the forces act. to the back of the head ; the resistance to be overcome is the excess in weight of the part of the head in front of the fulcrum over that behind it, and is not great, as the head is nearly balanced on the top of the spine. To let the chin drop does not necessitate any muscular effort. Levers of the second order. — In this form of lever (Fig. 37), the weight or resistance acts between the ful- crum and the power. The power-arm PF is accordingly What is lost when power is gained? Are there many levers of the first order in the body? Give an example of one, describing the action. Describe a lever of the second order. LEVERS IK THE BODY. 83 always longer than the weight-arm, WF, and so a com- paratively weak force can overcome a considerable resist- ance. There is, however, a loss in rapidity and extent of movement, since it is obvious that when /■* is raised a certain distance W will be raised less. As an example of this kind of lever Ave may take the act of standing on the toes. Here the foot is the lever, and the fulcrum is where its fore part rests on the ground ; the weight is that of the body, and acts downwards through the ankle joint at Ta, Fig. 19 ; the power is the great muscle of the calf of the leg pulling by its tendon, which is fixed to the end of the heel bone, Ca. Levers of the third order.— In these (Fig. 38), the power is applied between the fulcrum and the weight ; hence the power-arm FFt is always shorter than the W F Fig. 38.— a lever of the third order. F, fnlcrnm ; P, power ; W, weight. weight-arm, WF. The moving force acts at a mechani- cal disadvantage, but swiftness and range of movement are gained ; this is the form of lever most commonly used in the body. For example, when the forearm is bent up towards the arm the fulcrum is the elbow joint (Fig. 29) ; What is the mechanical gain in such levers? What is the loss? Give an example of employment of a lever of the second order in the body, pointing out fulcrum, point of action of the weight, and point of application of the power. Describe a lever of the third order. What is lost and what gained by it? Is it often used in the body? Give an example 84 THE HUMAN BODY. the power is applied at the insertion of the biceps muscle into the radius ; the weight is that of the forearm and hand and whatever may be held in the latter, and acts at the centre of gravity of the whole, somewhere on the far side of the point of application of the power. Usually (as in this case), the power-arm is very short, so as to gain speed and extent of movement, the muscles being strong enough to work at a considerable mechanical disadvantage. The limbs are thus also made much more shapely than would be the case were the power applied near or beyond the weight. Pulleys in the body — Fixed pulleys are used in the body ; they give rise to no loss or gain of power, but serve to change the direction in which certain muscles pull. One of the muscles of the eye-ball, for example, has its origin at the back of the eye-socket, from there it passes to the front and ends, before it reaches the eye-ball, in a long tendon. This tendon passes on to the margin of the frontal bone, which arches over the front of the eye-socket, and there passes through a ring and turns back to the eye-ball. The direction in which the muscle moves the eye is thus quite different from what it would be if the tendon went directly to the eye- ball. Standing. — We only slowly learn to stand in the year or two after birth, and though we finally come to do it without conscious attention, standing always requires the co»-operation of many muscles, guided and controlled by Why is the power-arm in the hody usually short? What kind of pulley is used in the body? Is any mechanical ad vantage gained from it? What is it used for? Give an example. Is standing a simple process? STANDING. 85 the nervous system. The influence of the latter is shown by the fall which follows a severe blow on the head, which has fractured no bone and injured no muscle; "the con- cussion of the brain" stuns the man, and until it has passed off he cannot stand. When we stand erect, with the arms close by the sides and the feet together, the centre of gravity of the whole adult body lies at the articulation between the sacrum and the last lumbar vertebra, and a perpendicular drawn from it will reach the ground between the feet. In any position in which this perpendicular falls within the space bounded by a line drawn close around both feet, we can stand. When the feet are together the area enclosed by this line is small, and a slight sway of the trunk would throw a perpendicular dropped from the centre of gravity of the body outside it ; the more one foot is in front of the other the greater the sway back or forward which will be compatible with safety, and the greater the lateral distance between the feet the greater the lateral sway which, is possible without falling. Consequently, when a man wants to stand very firmly he advances one foot obliquely, so as to increase his base of support both from before back, and from side to side. In consequence of the flexibility of its joints a dead body cannot be balanced on its feet as a statue can. When we stand, the ankle, knee, and hip-joints, if not braced by the muscles, would give way, and the head also Illustrate the influence of the nervous system in connection with standing. Where is the centre of gravity of the body when we stand erect? Where does a perpendicular from it reach the ground? Why do we separate the feet when we want to stand firmly? Why cannot a dead body be balanced on its feet? What prevents our knee, and hip-joints from bending when we stand? 86 IRE HUMAN BODY. (L i fall forward on the chest. But (Fig. 39) muscles, 1, in front of the ankle-joint, and others, I, behind it, both contracting at the same time, keep the joint from yielding ; similarly muscles (2) in front of the knee and hip-joints are opposed by others (II) behind them, and when we stand both con- tract to a certain extent and keep those joints rigid ; and the muscles (III), rl which run from the pelvis to the back of the head similarly pull against others, 3 and 4, which run from the pelvis to the lower end of the breast- bone, and from the upper end of the breastbone to the anterior part of the skull, and their balanced contraction keeps the head erect. Since the degree to which each muscle concerned con- tracts when we stand must be accu- rately adjusted to the contraction of its antagonist on the opposite side of the joint, we may easily comprehend why it takes us some time to learn to stand, and why a stunned man, whose ",„„ muscles have lost guidance from the Fig. 39.— Diagram lllus- InatitSic^rabdk (1S nervous system, falls. ffind Phrj0intraBdab? Locomotion includes all movements JSuSZ^ngS of the body in space, dependent on the body erect. .^ ^ unaided muscular efforts, such as walking, running, leaping, and swimming. Explain how the different joints concerned are "braced" in stand- in?1. Why does it take a child some time to learn to stand? ° What, is meant in physiology by locomotion? WALKING. 87 Walking. — In walking, the body never entirely quits the ground, the heel of the advanced foot reaching this before the toe of the rear foot has been raised from it. In each step the advanced leg supports the body, and the foot behind at the beginning of the step propels it. A little attention will enable any one to analyze the act of walking for himself. Stand with the heels to- gether and take a step, commencing with the left foot. The whole body is at first inclined forwards, the movement taking place mainly at the ankle joints. This throws the centre of gravity in front of the base formed by the feet, and a fall would result were not the left foot simul- taneously raised by bending the knee a little, and swung forwards, the toes just clear of the ground and the sole nearly parallel to it. When the step is completed the left knee is straightened and the foot placed on the ground, the heel touching first ; the base is thus extended in the direction of the stride and the fall prevented. Meanwhile the right leg is kept straight but inclined forwards, carry- ing the trunk during the step while the left foot is off the ground ; at the same time the right foot is raised, com- mencing with the heel ; when the step of the left leg is completed only the great toe of the right is in contact with the support. "With this toe a push is given which .sends the body swinging forward, supported on the left leg, which now in turn is kept rigid except at the ankle joint ; the right knee is immediately afterwards bent and that leg swings forwards, its foot just clear of the ground, as the left did before. The body meanwhile is supported Is the body ever off the ground iu walking? Describe the act of walking. 88 THE HUMAN BODY. on the left leg alone. When the right leg completes its step its knee is straightened and the foot thus brought, heel first, on the ground ; while it is swinging forwards the left foot is gradually raised, and at the end of the step its great toe alone is on the ground ; with this a push is given as before with that of the right foot, and the left leg then swings forward to make the next step. Walking may, it fact, be briefly described as the act of continually falling forwards and preventing the completion of the fall by thrusting out a leg to meet the ground in front. During each step the body sways a little from side to side, as it is alternately borne by the right and left legs. It also sways up and down a little ; a man standing with his heels together is taller than when one foot is advanced, just as a pair of compasses held erect on its points is high- er when its legs are together than when they straddled apart ; in that period of each step when the advancing trunk is balanced vertically over one leg, the walker's trunk is more elevated than when the front foot also is on the ground. Women, accordingly, often find that a dress which clears the ground when they are standing sweeps the pavement when they walk. The length of each step is primarily dependent on the length of the legs, though it can be largely controlled by special muscular effort, as we see in a regiment of soldiers, all of whom have been taught to take the same stride, no matter how their legs vary in length. In natural easy walking, little muscular effort is employed to carry the rear leg forward after it has given its push ; it swings on At what part of a step is a man tallest ? Give illustrations. What primarily determines the length of a person's step? Can this leue;th be controlled? Illustrate. HYGIENE OF THE MUSCLES. 89 like a pendulum once its foot is raised from the ground. As short pendulums swing faster than long ones the natu- ral step of short-legged people is quicker than that of long-legged. Running differs from walking in several respects. There is a moment when hoth feet are off the ground ; the toes alone come in contact with it at each step ; and the knee joint is not straight at the end of the step. In running, when the rear foot is to leave the ground the knee is suddenly straightened, and the ankle-joint extend- ed so as to push the toes forcibly on the support and pow- erfully impel the whole body forwards and upwards. The knee is then considerably flexed and the foot raised some way from the ground, and this occurs before the toes of the front foot reach the support. The raised leg in each step is forcibly drawn forward by its muscles and not allowed to swing passively as in quiet walking. This increases the rate at which the steps follow one another, and the stride is increased by the sort of one-legged jump that occurs through the jerk given by the straightening knee of the rear leg, just before it leaves the ground. Hygiene of the Muscles. — The healthy working of the muscles is dependent on a healthy state of the body in general ; this is indispensable that they may be sufficiently supplied with proper nourishment, and have their wastes promptly carried away. Hence good food and pure air are necessary for a vigorous muscular system. Muscles also Why do short-legged persons tend to take a quicker step than others? How does running differ from walking? Describe the act of run- ning. How is the number of steps taken in a giveu time increased in running? How is the stride increased? How does the state of general health influence the muscular sys- tem? Why does an athlete need good food and air? 90 THE HUMAN BODY. should not he exposed to any considerable continued pressure, since this interferes with the flow of blood and lymph through them which is essential for their nu- trition. Exercise is necessary for the best development of the muscles. A muscle long left unused diminishes in bulk and degenerates in quality, as is well seen when a muscle is paralyzed and remains permanently inactive because of disease of its nerve ; although at first the muscle itself may be perfectly healthy, it alters in a few weeks, and when the nerve is repaired the muscle may in turn be in- capable of activity. The same fact is illustrated by the feeble and wasted state of the muscles of a limb which has been kept motionless in splints for a long time : when the splints are removed it is only after careful and per- sistent exercise that the long idle muscles regain their former size and power. The great muscles of the " brawn v arm" of the blacksmith illustrate the converse fact — the growth of muscles when exercised. Exercise, to be useful, must be judicious; taken to the point of extreme fatigue, day after day, it does harm. When a muscle is worked its substance is used up ; at the same time and afterwards more blood flows to it, and if the exercise is not too violent and the intervals of rest are long enough, the repair and growth will keep pace with or exceed the wasting: but excessive work and too short rest will lead to diminution and enfeeblement of the muscle just as certainly as too little exercise. Few persons can profitably attempt to work hard daily Why should muscles not be exposed to continuous pressure? What happens when a muscle is not used? Illustrate by examples. Why are the muscles of a blacksmith's arm large? When does exercise do harm? Why? Can most persons work hard with both brain and muscle at the same time? Varieties of exercise. 91 with both brain and muscle, but all should regularly use both; choosing which to work with, and which to simply exercise. The best earthly life, that of the healthy mind in the healthy body, can only so be attained. For persons of average physique, engaged in study or business pursuits of a sedentary nature, the minimum of daily exercise should be an amount equivalent to a five-mile walk. Time for Exercise. — Since extra muscular work means extra muscular waste, and should be accompanied by an abundant supply of food materials to the muscles, violent exercise should not be taken after a long fast. Neither should it be taken immediately after a meal ; a great deal of blood is then needed in the digestive organs to provide materials for digesting the food, and this blood cannot be sent off to the muscles without the risk of an attack of indigestion. Strong and hearty young people may take a long walk before breakfast, but others had better wait un- til after eating something before engaging in any kind of hard work. Varieties of Exercise. — In walking and running the muscles chiefly employed are those of the lower limbs and trunk ; these exercises leave the muscles of the chest and arms imperfectly worked. Rowing is better, since in it nearly all the muscles are used. No one exercise em- ploys in proper proportion all the muscles, and gymnasia in which different feats of agility are practiced so as to call different muscles into action have a deserved popu- How can the highest development of man, regarded merely as a thinking and moving machine, be attained? Why should we not exercise when fasting? Why not soon after eating? What muscles are chiefly used in walking and running!' WhbL are imperfectly exercised? Why are gymnasia useful? 92 THE HUMAN BODY. larity. It should be borne in mind, however, that the legs especially need strength; while in the arms delicacy of movement is more important to most persons than great strength: and the fact that gymnastics are usually practised indoors is also a great drawback to their value. Out-of- door exercise in good weather is better than any other, and every one can at least take a walk. The daily "constitu- tional " is very apt to become wearisome, especially to young persons, and exercise loses half its value if unattended with feelings of mental relaxation and pleasure. Active games, for this reason, have a great value for young and healthy persons; lawn-tennis, base-ball, and cricket are all attended with pleasurable excitement, and are excellent also as ex- ercising many muscles. What is chiefly needed in the muscles of arms and legs respec- tively? Point out conditions under which muscular exercise loses much of its value. Why are athletic games especially useful ? CHAPTER VIII. WHY WE EAT AND BREATriE. How is it that the body can do muscular work? — In the muscles we possess a set of organs capable of moving the body from place to place, of changing the relative positions of its parts, and of lifting external objects: as long as we are alive, more or fewer of our muscles are every moment doing some mechanical work. This fact suggests the question, where does this power of working come from ? In a few words, the answer is, it comes from the burning of parts of the body itself : in the burning, work-power or energy is set free and some of this is used by the muscles. The conservation of energy. — The different natural forces known to us are not nearly so numerous as the kinds of matter : we all, however, know several of them, as light, heat, electricity, and mechanical work. One of the greatest discoveries of the nineteenth century is that these different natural forces, or forms of energy, can be turned one into another, directly or indirectly : kinds of energy are transmutable, while,- so far as we know at pres- What are the functions of the muscles? Are all of our muscles ever at rest at the same time 1 What question does the constant activity of our muscles suggest? How may this question be briefly answered ? Name some forms of energy. Can they be turned from one form to another ? 94 THE HUMAN BODY. cnt, kinds of matter are not. "We cannot, as the alchemists hoped, turn iron or mercury into gold, but we can turn light into heat, and heat into electrical force, or into me- chanical work. When such transformations are made it is always found that a definite amount of one kind of energy disappears to give rise to a certain definite amount of an- other. In other words, it has been discovered that energy cannot be created : if we take a given epiantity of heat we can turn some of it into mechanical work ; if we then turn all this mechanical work back into heat we get again exactly the quantity of heat which disappeared when the mechanical work appeared : and so with all other transformations of energy from one kind to another, and back again. This fact that energy or work-power can he turned from one hind into another, and often bach again, but never created from nothing or finally destroyed, is known as the Jaw of the conservation of energy. Illustrations of the conservation of energy. — In a steam- engine, heat, which is the best known kind of energy, is produced in the furnace ; when the engine is at work all of this energy does not leave it as heat ; some is turned into mechanical work, and the more work the engine does the greater is the difference between the heat generated in the furnace and that leaving the machine. If, however, we used the work to rub two rough surfaces together we could get the heat back, and if (which of course is im- possible in practice) we could avoid all friction between Can matter be transmuted ? What is always found when energy is transformed ? Can man create energy ? Illustrate the fact that energy can be changed in kind but not created. What is meant by the law of the conservation of energy ? Give an illustration of the conservation of energy THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. 95 the moving parts of the machine, and have all parts of the engine at the end of the experiment exactly at the same temperature as at its beginning, the quantity of heat thus obtained would be exactly equal to the difference between that amount of heat originally generated in the furnace of the engine, and the quantity which had been carried off from it to the air since its fire was lighted. Having turned some of the heat into mechanical work we could thus turn the work back into heat again, and find it yield exac^.y the amount which seemed lost. Or we might use the engine to drive an electro-magnetic machine and so turn part of the heat liberated in its fur- nace, first into mechanical work, and this afterwards into electricity; and if we chose to use the latter with the proper apparatus, as now used for electric lighting, we could turn more or less of it into light; and so have a great part of the energy which first became conspicuous as heat in the engine furnace, now manifested in the form of light at some dis- tant point. In fact, starting with a given quantity of one kind of energy, we may by proper contrivances turn all or some of it into one or more other forms ; but if we col- lected all the final forms and retransformed them into the first, we should have exactly the amount of it which had disappeared when the other kinds appeared. Why we need food. — Energy, as we have seen, cannot be created from nothing ; since the body constantly expends energy, it must have a steady supply. This supply comes Give an example of the transformation of heat into electrical force. Of electrical force into li_rlit. Given a supply of one kind of energy what can we do with it? What would we find if we collected all the final manifestations of energy and turned them back into the original form ? Why must the body have a steady supply of energy J Where does the supply come from ? % TEE EUMAN BODT. from the energy liberated when parts of the body are burned, or, as the chemists say, oxidized, just as that used by a locomotive comes from the burning or oxidation of coal or wood in its furnace. In consequence of this constant oxi- dation, which destroys the tissues of the body as coal is destroyed in a furnace, new materials must constantly be supplied to make up for those used for oxidation. These new materials are provided in our food. One chief reason of our needing to eat, is that we may replace the parts of the body which have been burned in order to set free the energy which we spend in our muscular movements. Why the body is warm. — As a working steam-engine is warm so are our bodies, because all the energy which is set free when substances are burned in them, is not turned into mechanical work, but some of it appears as heat. This keeping warm is a very important matter, for experi- ment shows that no tissue of the human body works well when cooled down even a few degrees below 98.5° F., which is its natural healthy temperature. Careful experi- ments prove that when a muscle does work it becomes hotter, and we all know that exercise makes us warm. This shows that the oxidation or burning which takes place in a working muscle does not all become turned into mechanical work, but a good share of it appears as heat. What is true of muscle is true of all other organs of the body: when they work, no matter what their kind of work, their substance is oxidized, and some of the energy set free What is the chemical term for burning? What does food supply? Point out a chief reason for our need of eating? Why are our bodies warm ? Why is it important that they should be warm ? How is the temperature of a muscle affected when it works ? Do other organs resemble muscles in this respect? THE NECESSITY OF FOOD. 97 by the oxidation appears as heat, assisting to keep the body warm, and at its best working temperature. A second reason why we need food. — Since the body only works well at a temperature which is higher than that of the air around it (except nr>i11'i cava; 9, one of the large hepatic veins; X, uluuu Ilom TntJ Capilia placed in the right auriculq-ventricular groove, • » ,, diffprpnr or- points to the right or posterior coronary artery ; *-l^v ui nit; uintutJiiu ui X, X, placed in the anterior interventricular , ,, ,, groove, indicate the left or anterior coronary ganS, ana all tUeSe VemS artery. What artery arises from the left ventricle ? To what point does it run? What does it Fig. 61.— A small portion of the capillary network as seen in the frog's web when magnified about 2.3 diameters, a, a small artery feeding the capillaries; v, v, small veins carrying blood back from the latter. What arteries have valves? Where are these valves placed? How do veins differ from arteries in regard to the presence of valves m them? VALVES OF THE VEINS. 207 but are turned in the opposite direction, having the edge nearest the heart free and the other fixed. These valves permit blood to flow only towards the heart, for a current in that direction, as in the upper diagram, Fig. 62, presses the valve close against the side of the vessel, and meets with no obstruction from it. Should any back-flow be attempted, however, the current closes up the valve and bars its own passage, as indicated in the lower figure. These valves are most numerous in superficial veins and those of muscular parts. Usually the vein is a little dilated opposite a valve, and hence in parts where the valves are numerous gets a knotted look. On tying a cord tightly round the fore-arm, so as , , ,i a 'l i i Fig. 62— Diagram to illus- to Stop the flow 111 its SllbcutaneOUS trate the mode of action of , . . ti , i • the valves of the veins. C. the veins and Cause their dilatation, capillaiy, H, the heart end of tlitj vessel the points at which valves are placed can be recognized by their swollen appearance. The valves are most frequently found where two veins communi- cate. The Course of the Blood.— From what has been said it is clear that the movement of the blood is a circulation. Starting from any one chamber of the heart it will in time return to it; but to do this it must pass through at least two sets of capillaries; one of these is connected with the In what direction do the valves of the veins allow the blood to pass? Make a diagram illustrating the action of the valves. In what veins are the valves most numerous? Why does a vein with many valves appear knotted? How may we see the dilatations of the veins opposite the valves? Where are the valves of the veins most frequently placed? If we followed the blood course steadily from one chamber of the heart what would we find in time? Through what must blood pass before returning to the chamber of the heart which it leaves? 208 THE HUMAN BODY. aorta, and the other with the pulmonary artery, and in its circuit the blood returns to the heart twice. Leaving the left side it returns to the right, and leaving the right it returns to the left; and there is no road for it from one side of the heart to the other except through a capillary network. Moreover, it always leaves from a ventricle through an artery, and returns to an auricle through a vein. There is then really only one circulation; hut it is not uncommon to speak of two, the flow from the left side of the heart to the right through most of the body being called the systc7nic or greater circulation, and from the right to the left through the lungs the pulmonary or lesser circulation. But since, after completing either of these alone, the blood is not again at the point from which it started, but is separated frcm it by the septum of the heart, neither is a " circulation'' in the proper sense of the word, for a, circulation implies that any object at the end of its course is again exactly where it was at the com- mencement. The Portal Circulation. — A certain portion of the blood which leaves the left ventricle of the heart through the aorta has to pass through three sets of capillaries before it can again return there. This is the portion which goes through the stomach and intestines. After traversing the capillaries of those organs it is collected into the portal Through what does blood always leave the heart? To what does it return? How many circulation* are there really? What is meant by the systemic circulation? What by the pulmonary? Why is neither a true " circulation" in the proper sense of the word? How many sets of capillaries does some blood pass through in a complete circulation? What portion of the blood is it? What vessel does it enter after traversing the capillaries of the stomach and in- testines? THE PORTAL CIRCULATION. 209 vein, which enters the liver, and breaking up there into finer and finer branches like an artery, ends in the capillaries of that organ, forming the second set which this blood passes through on its course. From these it is collected by the hepatic veins, which pour it into the inferior vena cava which cur- ries it to the right auricle, so that it has still to pass through the pulmonary capillaries to get back to the left side of the heart. The portal vein is the only one in the human body which thus like an artery feeds a capillary network, and the flow from the stomach and intestines through the liver to the inferior vena cava, is often spoken of as the portal circulation. Diagram of the Circulation. — Since the two halves of the heart, although placed in proximity in the body, are actually completely separated from one another by an impervious partition, we may con- veniently represent the course of the blood as in the ac- companying diagram (Fig. 63), in which the right and Fig. 63 Diagram of the blood vascular systo m, show- ing that it forms a single closed circuit with two pumps in it, represented by the right and left halves of the heart, which are separated in the diagram, ra and rv, right auri- cle and ventricle; la and Iv, left auricle and ventricle ; ao, aorta; sc, systemic capilla- ries; vc, vena? cavae; pa, pul- monary artery ;pc,pulm onary capillaries; pv, pulmonary veins. Where does this vein carry it? In what does it end? Into ■what vessels is the blood of the capillaries of the liver collected? Where do they convey it? What chamber of the heart does it. first reach? Through what must it pass to get back to the left ventricle? How does the portal vein differ from all others in the body? What is meant by the portal circulation? 210 THE HUMAN BODY. left halves of the heart are represented at different points in the vascular system. Such a diagram makes it clear that the heart is really two pumps working side by side, and each engaged in forcing blood to the other. Starting from the left auricle, la, and following the flow, we trace it tli rough the left ventricle, and along the branches of the aorta into the systemic capillaries, sc; thence it passes back through the systemic veins, vc. Reaching the right auricle, ra, it is sent into the right ventricle, rv, and thence through the pulmonary artery, pa, to the lung capillaries, pc, from which the pulmonary veins, pv, carry it to the left auricle, which drives it into the left ventricle, Iv, and this again into the aorta. Arterial and Venous Blood. — The blood when flowing in the pulmonary capillaries gives up carbon dioxide (a waste product which it has gathered in its flow through the other organs) to the air, and receives oxygen from it; since its coloring matter (haemoglobin) forms a scarlet compound with oxygen, the blood which flows to the left auricle through the pulmonary veins is of a blight red color. This color it maintains until it reaches the sys- temic capillaries, but in these it loses much oxygen to the surrounding tissues, and gains much carbon dioxide from them. But the blood-coloring matter which has lost its oxygen has a dark purple-black color, and since this unoxidized or " reduced" haemoglobin is now in excess, the Why are we justified in diagrammatically representing the heart as made of two separated parts? Starting from the left auricle, describe the course of the blood until it returns there. What does the blood give up in the pulmonary capillaries? What does it receive? Why is it bright red when it enters the left auricle? How far in its course does it keep this color? What gases does the blood gaiu and lose in the systemic capillaries? APPENDIX. 211 blood returns to the right auricle of the heart by the venae cavae of a dark purple-red color. This color it keeps until it reaches the lungs, where the reduced haemo- globin becomes again oxidized. The bright red blood, rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide, is known as "arterial blood," and the dark red as "venous blood;" and it must be borne in mind that the terms have this peculiar technical meaning, and that the pulmonary veins contain arterial blood, and the pulmonary arteries contain venous blood. The change from arterial to venous takes place in the systemic capillaries, and from venous to arterial in the pulmonary capillaries. What color is the blood wheu returned to the right auricle? Why? What is muaut by arterial blood? By venous? What veins contain arterial blood? What arteries venous? Where does the change from arterial to venous occur? Where that from venous to arterial? APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XrV. 1. In the following directions " dorsal " means the side of the heart naturally turned towards the vertebral column, "ventral" the side next the breast-bone; "right" and "left" refer to the proper right and left of the heart when in its natural position in the body; " an- terior" means more towards the head in the natural position of the parts; and " posterior" the part turned away from the head. 2. Get your butcher to obtain for you a sheep's heart, not cut out of the bag (pericardium), and still connected with the lungs. Impress upon him that no hole must be punctured in the heart, such as is usually made when a slaughtered sheep is cut up for market. 3. Place the heart and lungs on their dorsal sides on a table in their normal relative positions, and with the windpipe directed away from you. Note the loose bag {pericardium) in which the heart lies, and the piece of midriff {diaphragm) which usually is found attached to its posterior end. 4. Carefully dissecting away adherent fat, etc., trace the vessels 212 THE HUMAN BODY. below named until they enter the pericardium. Be very careful not to cut the veins, which, being thin, collapse when enrply, and may be easily overlooked until injured. As each vein is found stuff it with raw cotton, which makes its dissection much easier. a. The vena cava inferior ; find it on the under (abdominal) side of the diaphragm; thence follow it until it enters the pericardium, about three inches further up; to follow it in this part of its course, turn the right lung towards your left and the heart towards your right. The vein just below the diaphragm may be seen to receive several large vessels, the hepatic veins. As it passes through the midriff, two veins from that organ enter it. Between diaphragm and pericardium the inferior cava receives no branch; but, lying on its left side, will be seen the lower end of the right phrenic nerve, ending below in several branches to the diaphragm. b. Superior vena cava : seek its lower end, entering the pericardium about one iuch above the entry of the inferior cava; thence trace it up to the point where it has been cut across; stuff and e'ean it. c. Between the ends of the two venae cava? will be i-ecn l lie two right pulmonary veins, proceeding from the lung and entering the pericardium; clean and stuff them. 5. Turn the right lung and the heart back into their natural posi- tions; clear away the loose fat in front of the pericardium, and seek and clean the following vessels in the mass of tissue lying anterior to the heart, and on the ventral side of the windpipe. a. The aorta : immediately on leaving the pericardium this vessel gives off a large branch; it then arches back and runs down behind the heart and lungs, giving off several branches on its way. b. The pulmonary artery : this will be found imbedded in fat on the dorsal side of the aorta. After a course, outside the pericardium, of about an inch, it ends by dividing into two large branches (right and left pulmonary arteries), which subdivide into smaller vessels as they enter the lungs. c. Observe the thickness and firmness of the arterial walls as compared with those of the veins; they stand out without being stuffed. 6. Notice, on the ventral side of the left pulmonary artery, the left pulmonary veins passing from the lung into the pericardium. 7. Up to this point the dissection may be made before the meeting of the class; on the preparation demonstrate the anatomical facts above noted and then proceed as follows: 8. Slit open the pericardiac bag, and note its smooth, moist, glis- tening inner surface, and the similar character of the outer surface of the heart. Cut away the pericardium carefully from the entrances of the various vessels which you have already traced to it. As this APPENDIX. 213 is done, you will notice that inside the pericardium the pulmonary artery lies on the ventral side of the aorta. 9. Note the general form of the heart — that of a cone with its apex turned towards the diaphragm. Very carefully dissect out the entry of the pulmonary veins into the heart. It will probahly seem as if the right pulmonary veins and the inferior cava opened into the same portion of the organ, but it will be found subsequently (13. a.) that such is not really the case. Note on the exterior of the organ the follow- ing points: a. Its upper flabby auricular portion into which the veins open, and its denser lower ventricular part. b. Running around the top of the ventricles is a band of fat, an offshoot of which runs obliquely down the front of the heart, passing to the right of its apex, and indicating externally the position of the internal partition or septum which separates the right ventricle, which does not reach the apex of the heart, from the left, which does. c. Note the fleshy "auricular appendages" — one (left) appearing below the pulmonary artery; the other {right), between the aorta and superior cava. 10. Dissect away very carefully the collection of fat around the origins of the great arterial trunks and that around the base of the ventricles. In the fat will be found — a. A coronary artery arising from the aorta close to the heart, opposite the right border of the pulmonary artery; it gives off a branch which runs in the groove between right auricle and ventricle, and then runs down the dorsal side of the heart on the ventricles. b. The other coronary artery, considerably larger, arises from the aorta dorsal to the pulmonary artery; its main branch runs along the ventral edge of the ventricular septum. c. The coronary reins and sinus: small coronary veins will be seen accompanying the arteries; for the coronary sinus see 11. c. 11. Open the right ventricle by passing the blade of a scalpel through the heart about an inch from the upper border of the ventri- cle, and on the right of the band of fat marking externally the limits of the ventricles, and noted above (9. b.), and then cut down towards the apex, keeping on the right of this line; cut off the pulmonary artery about an inch above its origin from the heart, and open the right auricle by cutting a bit out of its wall, to the left of the entrances of the venae cava?. On raising up by its point the wedge- shaped flap cut from the wall of the ventricle, the cavity of the latter will be exposed. a. Pass the handle of a scalpel from the ventricle into the auricle; 214 THE HUMAN BODY. and also from the ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and make out thoroughly the relations of these openings. b. Slit open the auricular appendage; note the fleshy projections {columnce cameo?) ou its walls, and the smoothness of the rest of the interior of the auricle. Observe the apertures of the tenm cava, and note that the pulmonary veins do not open into this auricle. c. Behind or below the entrance of the inferior cava, note the entrance of the coronary sinus; pass a probe through the aperture along the sinus and slit it open; notice the muscular layer covering it in. 12. Raise up by its apex the flap cut out of the ventricular wall, and if necessary prolong the cuts more towards the base of the ven- tricle until the divisions of the tricuspid valve come into view. a. Note the column* carneae on the wall of the ventricle, -and the muscular cord (not found in the human heart) stretching across its cavity. Also the prolongation of the ventricular cavity towards the aperture of the pulmonary artery. b. Cut away the right auricle, and examine carefully the tricuspid valve, composed of three membranous flexible flaps, thinning away towards their free edges; proceeding from near these edges are strong tendinous cords {chorda tendinece), which are attached at their other ends to muscular elevations {papillary muscles) of the wall of the ventricle. c. Slit up the right ventricle until the origin of the pulmonary artery comes into view. Looking carefully for the flaps of the semi- lunar valves, prolong your cut between two of them so as to open the bit of pulmonary artery still attached to the heart. Spread out the artery and examine the valves. d. Each flap makes, with the wall of the artery, a pouch, opposite which the arterial wall is slightly dilated. The free edge of the valve is turned from the heart, and has in its middle a little nodule [corpus Aranlii). 13. Open the left ventricle in a manner similar to that employed for the right. Then cpen the left auricle by cutting a bit out of its wall above the appendage. Cut the aorta off about half an inch above its origin from the heart. The aperture between left auricle and left ventricle can now be examined ; also the passage from the ventricle into the aorta, and the entry of the pulmonary veins into the auricle ; and the septum between the auricles and that between the ventricles. a. Pass the handle of a scalpel from the ventricle into the auricle; another from the ventricle into the aorta ; and pass also probes into the points of entrance of the pulmonary veins. Observe that no other veins open into this auricle. APPENDIX. 215 b. Slit open the auricular appendage; note the fleshy projections (columnce carnece) on its interior, and the general smoothness of the rest of the inner wall of the auricle. Notice the columnce came/? over the inner surface of the ventricular wall, also the considerable thickness of the latter, as compared with that of the right ventricle or of either of the auricles. c. Carefully raise the wedge-shaped flap of the left ventricle, and cut on towards the base of the heart, until the valve (mitral) between auricle and ventricle is brought into view; one of its two flaps will be seen to lie between the auriculo-ventricular opening and the origin of the aorta. Examine in these flaps their texture, the chorda? teudinese. the colu mnae carueae, etc., as in the case of the right side of the heart (12). d. Examine the semilunar valves at the exit of the aorta; then cutting up carefully between two of them, examine the bit of aorta still left attached to the heart, and note the valves more carefully as described in 12. d. Note the origins of the coronary arteries in two of the three dilatations (sinuses of Valsalva) of the aortic wall above the semilunar flaps. 14. Examine a piece of aorta. Note that when empty it does not collapse; the thickness of its wall; its extensibility in all directions; its elasticity. 15. Compare with the artery the tkiu-walled flabby veins which open into the heart. CHAPTER XV. THE WORKING OF THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. The Beat of the Heart. — It is possible by methods known to physiologists to open the chest of a living animal, such as a rabbit, made insensible by chloroform, and see its heart at work, alternately contracting and diminishing the cavities within it, and relaxing and expanding them. It is then observed that each beat commences at the mouths of the veins which open into the auricles; and from there runs over the rest of the auricles, and then over the ventricles; the auricles beginning to dilate the moment the ventricles start their contraction. Having finished their contraction, the ventricles begin to dilate, and then for some time neither they nor the auricles are contracting, but the whole heart is expanding. The contraction of any part of the heart is known as its sys'to-le, and the relaxation as its di-as'to-le, and since the two sides of the heart work syn- chronously, the auricles together and the ventricles to- gether, we may describe a whole " cardiac period " or "heart-beat" as made up successively of auricular systole, ventricular systole, and pause. In the pause the heart, if taken between the finger and thumb feels soft and flabby, What is seen when the beating heart of a living animal is exposed? When do the auricles begin to dilate? What is the state of the heart for a short time after the end of a ventricular contraction? What is meant by the systole of a part of the heart? What by the diastole? Of what does a cardiac period consist? How does the heart feel to the touch during the pause? [216] EVENTS DURING A CARDIAC PERIOD. 217 but during the systole it, especially in its ventricular por- tion, becomes hard and rigid, and diminished in size so as to force blood out of it. The Cardiac Impulse. — The human heart lies with its apex touching the chest-wall between the fifth and sixth ribs on the left side of the breast-bone. At every beat a sort of tap known as the "cardiac impulse," or "apex beat," may be felt by placing the finger at that point. Events occurring within the Heart during a Cardiac Period. — Let us commence just after the end of the ventric- ular systole. At this moment the semilunar valves at the orifices of the aorta and the pulmonary artery are closed bo that no blood can flow back from those vessels. The whole heart, however, is soft and distensible, and yields readily to blood flowing into its auricles from the pulmonary veins and the hollow veins; this blood passes on through the open mitral and tricuspid valves, and fills up the dilating ventri- cles as well as the auricles. As the ventricles fill, back cur- rents are set up along their walls, and carry up the flaps of the auriculo-ventricular valves, so that by the end of the pause they are nearly closed. At this moment the auricles contract; this contraction commences at and narrows the mouths of the veins so that blood cannot easily flow back from the auricles into them; the flabby and dilating ventri- cles oppose much less resistance, and so the general result is How during the systole? How is its bulk changed in systole? Where does the apex of the heart touch the chest-wall? What is the cardiac impulse? What is the position of the semilunar valves just after the end of a ventricular systole? What results from their closure? In what condition is the heart in general? What parts of it does blood enter? From what vessels? What cavities does this blood till ? What hap- pens as the ventricles fill ? What is the position of the valves at the end of the pause ? Where does the auricular con traction commence ? What is the main result of the auricular contraction? 218 THE HUMAN BODY. that the contracting auricles send blood mainly into the ventricles and hardly any back into the veins. The in- creased current into the ventricles produces a greater back current on the sides, which, as the auricles cease their con- traction, and the filled ventricles become tense and press on the blood inside them, completely closes the auriculo-ven- tricular valves. The auricular contraction now ceases, and the ventricu- lar begins. The blood in eacli ventricle is imprisoned be- tween the auriculo-ventricular valves behind and the semi- lunar valves in front. The former cannot yield on account of the chordae tendinese fixed to their edges; the semilunar valves, on the other hand, can open outwards from the ven- tricle and let the blood pass on; but they are kept tightly shut by the pressure of the blood in the aorta and pulmo- nary artery, just as the lock-gates of a canal are by the pres- sure of the water on them. In order to open the canal-gates water is let in or out of the lock until it stands at the same level on each side of them; but they might be forced open without this by applying sufficient power to overcome the higher water pressure on one side. It is in this latter way that the semilunar valves are opened. The contracting ventricle tightens its grip on the blood inside it. As it scjueezes harder and harder, at last the pressure on the blood in it becomes greater than the pres- sure exerted on the other side of the valves by the blood in What is the consequence of the increased flow into the ventricles due to the auricular contraction? What happens when the ventricle begins to contract? Why can- not the imprisoned blood escape back into the auricle? How are the semilunar valves kept closed? Illustrate. How might we force open the gates of a canal lock without bringing the water to the same level on each side? How are the semilunar valves opened? USE OF PAPILLARY MUSCLES. 219 the arteries, the valves are forced open, and the blood begins to pass out; the ventricle continues to contract until it has obliterated its cavity and completely emptied itself. Then it commences to relax, and blood to flow back into it from the arteries. This back current, however, catches the pock- ets of the semilunar valves, drives them back, and closes the valve so as to form an impassable barrier, and so the blood which has been forced out of the ventricle is hindered from flowing directly back into it. Use of the Papillary Muscles. — In order that the con- tracting ventricles may not force blood back into the auri- cles, it is essential that the flaps of the mitral and tricuspid valves be held together across the openings which they close, and not pushed back into the auricles. If they were like swinging doors and opened both ways they would be useless ; they must so far resemble an ordi- nary door as only to open in one direction, namely, from the auricle to the ventricle. At the commencement of the ventricular systole this is provided for by the chordae tendin- eae, which are of such a length and so arranged as to keep the valve -flaps shut across the opening, and to maintain their edges in contact. But, as the contracting ventricles shorten, the chordae tendineae would be slackened and the valve-flaps pushed up into the auricle. The little papil- lary muscles prevent this. Shortening as the ventricular systole proceeds, they keep the chordae taut and the valves closed. "What then happens? How long does the ventricle continue to contract? What then follows? How are the semilunar valves closed? What is essential in order that hlood may not be forced hack from ventricle to auricle? Illustrate. How is the pushing back of the valve-flaps between auricle and ventricle prevented at the beginning of a ventricular systole? When would the chordae tendinere be slack- ened? What would result? How is the slackening prevented? 220 THE HUMAN BODZ Sounds of the Heart. — If the ear be placed on the chest of another person over the heart region, two distinguisha- ble sounds will be heard during each round of the heart's work. They are known respectively as the first and second sounds of the heart. The first is of lower pitch and lasts longer than the second and sharper sound; vocally their character may be tolerably imitated by the syllables tub, dilp. The cause of the second sound is the closure, or, as one might say, the "clicking up" of the semilunar valves. The first sound takes place during the ventricular sys- tole, and is probably due to vibrations of the tense ven- tricular wall at that time. In many forms of heart disease these sounds are modified or cloaked by additional sounds which arise when the cardiac orifices are roughened, or nar- rowed, or dilated, or the valves inefficient. A physician often gets important information as to the nature of a heart disease by studying these new or altered sounds. Function of the Auricles. — The ventricles have to do the work of pumping the blood through the blood-vessels. Accordingly their walls are far thicker and more muscular than those of the auricles; and the left ventricle, which has to force the blood over most of the body, is stouter than the right, which has only to send blood around the compara- tively short pulmonary circuit. The circulation of the blood is, in fact, maintained by the ventricles, and we have to inquire what is the use of the auricles. Not unfre- Whatdo we hear on listening over the heart region of a living per- son's chest? What are the sounds called? How does the first differ from the second? What words give some idea of their character? What is the origin of the second sound? Of the first? What occurs as regards the heart sounds in many forms of heart disease? What work have the ventricles to do? How do their walls differ from those of the auricles? Which ventricle has the thicker wall? Why? What part of the heart maintains the blood flow? WORK DONE BY THE BE ART. 221 quently the heart's action is described as if the auricles first filled with blood, and then contracted and filled the ventricles; and then the ventricles contracted and drove the blood into the arteries. From the account given above, however, it will be seen that the events are not accurately so represented, but that during all the pause the blood flows on through the auricles into the ventricles, which latter are already nearly full when the auricles contract; this contraction merely completes the rilling of the ventri- cles, and finishes the closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves. The main use of the auricles is to afford a reservoir into which the veins may empty while the comparatively long-lasting ventricular contraction is taking place. The Work done daily by the Heart. — At each beat each ventricle pumps on rather more than six ounces (say four- teen tablespoonfuls) of blood. The elastic aorta and the pulmonary artery are full, and resist the pumping of more liquid into them, just as an elastic bag filled with Avater could only have more sent into it by force; to get more in one would have to stretch the bag more. The resistance opposed by these arteries to receiving blood from the heart has been measured in some of the lower animals, and calcu- lations made from them to man. According to these the work which the left ventricle does every day, sending 6£ ounces of blood seventy times a minute into the aorta, is enough to lift one pound 325,584 feet high; and the work done by the right ventricle would lift one pound 108,528 What parts of the heart does the blood enter during the pause? What is the condition of the ventricles as regards fullness at the end of the pause? What is done by the auricular contraction? What is the chief use of the auricles? How much blood does each ventricle pump out at every beat? What resists the ventricular emptying? Illustrate. How much work does a man's left ventricle do daily? How much the right? 222 THE HUMAN BODY. feet. The work done daily by the ventricles of the heart together is equal to that required to raise one pound 434,112 feet from the earth's surface, or, what comes to the same thing, more than 193 tons one foot high. If a man weighing 165 pounds climbed up a mountain 2644 feet high the muscles of his legs would probably be greatly tired at the end of his journey, and yet in lifting his body that height they would only have done as much work as his heart does every day without fatigue in pump- ing his blood. No doubt the fact that more than half of every round of the heart's activity is taken up by the pause during which its muscles are relaxed and its cavities filling with blood, has a great deal to do with the patient and tireless manner in which it pumps along, minute after minute, hour after hour, and day after day, from birth to death. The Pulse. — When the left ventricle of the heart con- tracts it forces on about six ounces of blood into the aorta, which, with its branches, is already quite full of blood. The elastic arteries are consequently stretched by the extra blood, and the ringer laid on one feels it dilating; this dila- tation of an artery following each beat of the heart is called the pulse; it is easiest felt on arteries which lie near the surface of the body, as the radial artery, near the wrist, and the temporal artery, on the brow. The arteries at their ends furthest from the heart lead How much both ventricles together? How high would a man have to climb in order to do as much work by the muscles of his legs as the heart does in a day? How may we account for the fact that the heart does not become fatigued and unable to work? What happens when the left ventricle of the heart contracts? What results in the arteries? What is the pulse? Name arteries or which the pulse is easily felt. THE PULSE. 223 into capillaries; before the next heart-beat occurs they pass on into these minute vessels as much blood as the aorta re- ceived during the preceding ventricular systole; consequently they shrink again during the pause, just as a piece of rubber tubing with a small hole in it, when overfilled with water, would gradually collapse as the water flowed out of it. The next beat of the heart again overfills and expands the arteries, and so on; at each heart-beat there is a dilatation of the arteries due to the blood sent into them from the ventricle, and between each beat there is a partial collapse of the ar- teries, due to their emptying blood into the capillaries. What may be learnt from the Pulse. — The pulse being dependent on the heart's systole, "feeling the pulse" of course primarily gives a convenient means of counting the rate of beat of that organ. To the skilled touch, howrever, it may tell a great deal more; as, for example, whether it is a readily compressible or "soft pulse," showing that the heart is not keeping the arteries properly filled up with blood, or tense and rigid ("a hard pulse"), indicating that the heart is keeping the arteries excessively filled, and is working too violently, and so on. In healthy adults the pulse rate may vary from sixty-five to seventy-five a minute, the most common rate being seventy-two. In the same in- dividual it is faster when standing than when sitting, and when sitting than when lying down. Any exercise in- Into what do the final arterial branches open? How much blood is sent into the capillaries during a cardiac period? What change takes place in the bulk of the arteries during the interval between two ventricular contractions? Illustrate. What happens in the arteries during each heart-beat? Why? What during each heart pause? Why? How may we conveniently count the rate of heart-beat? What does a soft pulse indicate? A hard pulse? What is the most com- mon pulse rate in health? Within what limits may it vary? How is it influenced by the position of the body? 224 THE HUMAN BODY. creases its rate temporarily and so does excitement; a sick person's pulse should not therefore be felt when he is ner- vous or excited (as the physician knows when he tries first to get his patient calm and confident). In children the pulse is quicker than in adults, and in old age slower than in middle life. The Flow of the Blood in the Capillaries and Veins. — The blood leaves the heart intermittently and not in a regular stream, a quantity being forced out at each systole of the ventricles; before it reaches the capillaries, however, this rhythmic movement is transformed into a steady flow, as may readily be seen by examining with a microscope thin transparent parts of various animals, as the web of a frog's foot, a bat's wing, or the tail of a small fish. In consequence of the steadiness with which the capillaries supply the veins the flow in these latter is also unaffected directly by each beat of the heart; if a vein be cut the blood wells out uni- formly, while a cut artery spurts out with much more force, and in jets which are more powerful at regular intervals corresponding with the contractions of the ventricles. The Circulation of the Blood as seen in the Frog's Web. — There is no more fascinating or instructive spectacle than the circulation of the blood as seen with the micro- scope in the thin membrane between the toes of a frog's hind limb. Upon focusing beneath the outer layer of the skin a network of minute arteries, veins, and capillaries, How by exercise? Why should an invalid's pulse not be felt when he is excited? How does age affect ihe pulse rate? In what manner does the blood leave the heart? How is its flow altered before reaching the capillaries? How may this be observed? Is the flow in the veins rhythmic or steady? Why? How does the bleeding from a cut artery differ from that of a cut vein? What comes into view on examining a frog's web with a micro- scope? BLOOD FLOW IN THE CAPILLARIES. 225 with the blood flowing through them, comes into view (Fig. 61). The arteries, a, are readily recognized by the fact that the flow in them is fastest and from larger to smaller branches. The smallest are seen to end in capillar- ies, which form networks, the channels of which are all nearly equal in size. In the veins arising from the capil- laries the flow is from smaller to larger trunks, and slower than in the arteries, but faster than in the capillaries. Why the Blood flows slowest in the Capillaries. — The reason of the slower flow of the capillaries is that their united area is considerably greater than that of the arteries supplying them, so that the same quantity of blood flowing through them in a given time has a wider channel to flow in and therefore moves more slowly. The area of the veins is smaller than that of all the capillaries, but greater than that of the arteries, and so the rate of movement in them is intermediate. We may picture to ourselves the vascular system as a double cone, widening from the ventricles to the capillaries, and narrowing from the latter to the auricles. Just as water forced in at a narrow end of this wTould flow quickest there, slowest at the widest part, and quicker again where it passed out the other narrow end, so the blood flows quick in the aorta and hi. 'How veins,* and slow in the capillaries, How may the arteries be recognized? In what are the smallest arteries seen to end? Do the capillaries vary much in size? What is the direction of flow in the veins? How does its rate differ from that in the arteries? From that in the capillaries? Why does blood flow slowest through the capillaries? Why in the veins quicker than in the capillaries, but slower than in the arteries? How may we picture the vascular system? Illustrate. How do capillaries differ in size from the large arteries? *A good illustration taken from physical geography is afforded by the Lake of Geneva, in Switzerland. This is supplied at one end by a river which derives its water from the melting glaciers of some of the Alps. From its other end the 226 THE HUMAN BODY. which, though thousands of times smaller than the great arteries and veins, are millions of times more numerous. The channel through which the blood flows in them is, therefore, when they are all taken together, very much greater than that to which it is confined in the large arterial and venous trunks. Why there is no Pulse in the Capillaries and Veins. — The heart sends blood into the arteries not steadily but intermittently; each beat forces in some blood, and then comes a pause before the next beat. Accordingly the flow in the larger arteries is not even and continuous, but jerky, as indicated by the pulse. But in the capillaries the flow is quite steady, and yet the capillaries are supplied by the smaller arteries. We have to inquire how this is brought about. The disappearance of the pulse is due to two things, (1) the fact that in the tiny capillaries the blood meets with considerable resistance to its flow, dependent on friction, and (2) that the arteries are very elastic. On account of friction in the capillaries the arteries have difficulty in passing on blood through them; blood there- fore accumulates in the aorta and its large branches and stretches their elastic walls. The stretched arteries press all the time on the blood inside them, and constantly keep squeezing it on into the small arteries and the capillaries; How in number? Is the total blood channel greater in arteries or capillaries? In veins or capillaries? Why is the blood-flow in the great arteries not steady? Name vessels in which it is steady. To what is the loss of pulse in the capillaries due? What results from friction in the capillaries? What is done by the stretched arteries? water is carried off by the river Rhone. In the comparatively narrow inflowing and outflowing rivers the current is rapid ; in the wide bed of the lake it is much slower. ABSENCE OF PULSE IN THE CAPILLARIES . 227 both while the heart is contracting and between two heart- beats. The heart, in fact, keeps the big elastic arteries over-disteuded with blood; before they have had time to nearly empty, another systole occurs and fills them up tight again: so all the while the walls of the arteries are stretched and keep pressing on the blood inside them, and steadily forcing it on into the capillaries. The heart keeps the arteries over-full, and the stretched elastic arteries drive the blood through the capillaries. As the arteries are always stretched and always pressing on the blood the capillaries receive a steady supply, and the flow through them is uni- form. This even capillary flow passes on a steady blood stream to the veins.* The object of having no pulse in the capillaries is to diminish the danger of their rupture. As we have seen, materials from the blood have to ooze through their walls to nourish the organs of the body, and wastes from the organs to soak back into the blood that they may be carried off. Their walls have therefore to be very thin; and if the When? What does the heart do? What happens before the arteries have had time to empty? What is the condition of the arterial walls all through life? What results from their stretched condition? What keeps the arteries tightly tilled? What sends blood through the capillaries? How do the capillaries get a steady blood supply? Why do we rind a uniform current in the veius? What is gained by having no pulse in the capillaries? What must food materials in the blood do before they can nourish the body? What must the wastes of the organs do? Why must the capillary walls be very thin? * "Every inch of the arterial system may, in fact, be considered as convert- ing a small fraction of the heart*s jerk into a steady pressure, and when all these fractions are summed up together in the total length of the arterial system no trace of the jerk is left. As the effect of each systole becomes diminished in the smaller vessels by the causes above mentioned, that of this constant pres- sure becomes more obvious, and gives rise to a steady passage of the fluid from the arteries towards the veins. In this way, in fact, the arteries perform the same functions as the air-reservoir of a fire-engine, which converts the jerk- ing impulse given by the pumps into the steady flow of the delivery hose." — Huxley. 228 THE HUMAN BODY. blood were sent into them in sudden jets at each beat of the heart, they would run much risk of being torn. The Muscles of the Arteries. — The arteries have rings of plain muscular fibre in their walls ; when these contract they narrow the artery, and when they relax they allow it to widen under the pressure of the blood in its interior. The vessel then carries more blood to the capillaries of the organ which it supplies. Blushing is due to a relaxation of the muscular layer of the arteries of the face and neck, allow- ing more blood to flow to the skin. Why the Arteries have Muscles. — The amount of blood in the body is not sufficient to allow of a full stream of blood through all its organs at one time: the muscular fibres controlling the diameter of the arteries are used to regulate the blood-flow in such a manner that parts hard at work shall get an abundant supply, and parts at rest shall only get just enough to keep them nourished. Usually when one set of organs is at work and its arteries dilated, others are at rest and their arteries contracted. Few persons, for example, feel inclined to do brain-work after a heavy meal; for then a great part of the blood of the whole body is led off into the dilated vessels of the digestive organs, and the brain gets but a small supply. On the other hand, when the brain is at work its vessels are dilated, and often the whole head flushed; and when the muscles are exercised, a great portion of the blood of the body is carried off to them ; there- What would be apt to happen if blood were sent into them in sudden jets? How are the muscles of the arteries arranged? What results from their contraction? From their relaxation? To what is blushing due? Why cannot all the organs have a full blood stream through them at the same time? For what purpose are the muscular fibres in the walls of arteries used? What is the usual condition of tilt' arteries Of a resting organ? TAKING COLD. 229 fore, hard thought or violent exercise soon after a meal is very apt to produce an attack of indigestion by diverting the blood from the abdominal organs, where it ought to be at that time. Young persons whose organs have a super- abundance of energy, enabling them to work under unfa- vorable conditions, are less apt to suffer in such ways than their elders. One sees boys running actively about after eating, when older people feel a desire to sit quiet or even to go to sleep. Taking Cold. — When the skin is chilled its arteries con- tract, as shown by the pallor of the surface. This throws an undue amount of blood into internal parts, whose ves- sels become gorged with blood or "congested," and con- gestion very easily passes into inflammation. Consequently, prolonged exposure of the surface to cold is very apt to be followed by inflammation of parts inside the body, and give rise to a so-called "cold" (which is really an inflam- mation) of the mucous membranes of the head, or throat, or lungs; or of the intestines, causing diarrhoea. In fact, the common summer diarrhoea is far more often due to a chill of the surface leading to intestinal inflam- mation than to the fruits eaten in that season, which are so often blamed for it. The best preventive is to wear when exposed to sudden changes of temperature, a woollen or at least a cotton garment over the trunk of the Why is it not wise to take hard exercise or do severe mental work soon after eating? Why do young persons suffer less from exercise soon after dinner than do their elders? What happens to its arteries when the skin is chilled' How does this manifest itself? What is its result on the blood-supply of in- ternal parts? What is congestion? Into what diseased state does it otten pass? What diseases are apt to follow a surface chill? What is the most frequent cause of summer diarrhoea? What should be worn wher. U»ble to exposure to considerable changes of temperature? 230 THE HUMAN BODY. body; linen permits any change in the external tempera- ture to act almost at once upon the skin. After an un- avoidable exposure to cold or wet, the thing to be done is of course to maintain the cutaneous circulation; movement should be persisted in, and a thick dry outer covering put on until warm and dry underclothing can be obtained. In healthy persons, a temporary exposure to cold, as a plunge in a bath, is good, since in them the sudden con- traction of the cutaneous arteries soon passes off, and is succeeded by a dilatation causing a warm healthy glow on the surface. If the bather remain too long in cold water, however, this reaction passes off, and is succeeded by a more persistent chilliness of the surface, which may last all day. The bath should therefore be left before this occurs; but no absolute time can be stated, as the reaction is more marked and lasts longer in strong persons and in those used to cold bathing than in others. Why does linen not form a good inner garment under such circum- stances? What should be done after unavoidable exposure to cold or wet? Why is a plunge in a cold bath useful to healthy persons? What results if a person remains too long in cold water? When should a cold bath be left? What persons may remain longest with safety in a cold bath? APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XV. 1. A frog may be used to illustrate the beat of the heart. Ana- tomically a frog's heart differs in many respects from that of a mam- mal, but the phenomena of systole and diastole are essentially the same. 2. Etherize a frog as before described. Cut off its head. Check bleeding and destroy its spinal cord by forcing a pointed wooden peg along the spinal canal. 3. Laying the animal on its back, carefully divide with scissors the skin along the middle line of the ventral surface for its whole length. Make cross cuts at each end of this longitudinal one and pin out the flaps of skin. , APPENDIX. 231 4. Next pick up with forceps the remaining tissues of the ventral wall near its posterior end, and carefully divide them longitudinally a little on the left side of the middle line; heing very careful not to injure either the viscera in the cavity heneath or a large vein {ante- rior abdominal) running along the wall in the middle line. 5. About the point where you see this vein passing from the wall to enter among the viscera of the ventral cavity, youwill come to the bony and cartilaginous tissues of the sternal region Raise the posterior cartilage in your forceps, make a short transverse cut in front of the vein, and, looking beneath the sternum, note the peri- cardium with the heart beating inside it. Divide the fibrous bands which pass from the pericardium to the sternum, and with scissors cut away sternum, etc., taking great care not to injure the heart. 6. Push a rod about half an inch in diameter down the animal's throat so as to stretch the parts, and then picking up the pericardium in a pair of forceps, open it and gently cut it away from about the heart; push aside any lobes of the liver which lie on the latter organ. In the heart thus exposed note — a. Its beat; a regularly alternating contraction (systole) and dila- tation (diastole). b. In consequence of the destruction of the spinal cord compara- tively little blood now flows through the heart, but during the con- traction you will be able to observe that the ventricular portion, which will be readily recognized, becomes paler; and during dias- tole again becomes deeply colored, getting more or less filled up with blood which shows through its walls. c. Observe that each contraction starts at the auricular end and travels towards the ventricular; this may be more easily seen by- and-by, when the heart begins to beat more slowly. 7. The specimen may be put aside under a bell-jar with a wet sponge, or a piece of flannel soaked in water. If kept from drying the heart will go on healing for hours. 8. To demonstrate the action of the valves of the heart, obtain two uninjured sheep's hearts from a butcher. Remove them from the pericardium, taking care not to injure the vessels. 9. Cut off the apex of one heart so as to open the ventricles. Then fill up the stumps of the aorta and the pulmonary artery with water. As the water is poured in the semilunar valves will be seen to close up and block the passage to the ventricle, so that the stump of the vessel remains full for some time. The valves rarely act quite per- fectly in a heart removed from the body and treated as rbove, but they will support the water column quite long enough to illustrate their action. 232 the n tTMAtf Bob t. 10. Carefully cut the auricles away from the other sheep's heart, taking great care not to injure the ventricles or the auriculo-ventric- ular valves. Then holding the ventricles, apex down, in one hand, pour water in a stream into them from a pitcher held about a foot above them. As the ventricles fill, the flaps of the mitral and tricus- pid valves will be seen to float up and close the auriculo-ventricular orifice, illustrating their movement as the ventricle fills during its diastole in the natural working of the heart. 11. The manner in which the elasticity of the arteries and the fric- tion resistance to flow in the capillaries together serve to turn a rhythmic into a steady flow may be readily demonstrated as follows: Take an elastic bag such as is commonly sold with enema appara- tus in drug-stores, and having an entry and exit tube provided with valves In the exit tube place a piece of glass tubing six feet long. Put the entry tube of the bag in a basin of water. On pumping, an intermittent flow of water, corresponding to the strokes of the pump, will be obtained from the glass tube. Connect a very fine glass nozzle with the end of the long tube; on pumping, less water can be forced through, and the outflow is still rhythmic. 12. Replace the glass tube by a rubber tube of the black, highly elastic kind: on pumping we get again a rhythmic outflow. Now connect your narrow nozzle to the end of the rubber tube, and pump: the outflow will be nearly constant, because the rubber tube not being able to empty itself as fast as the water is pumped into it, becomes stretched, and in the interval between two strokes of the pump it keeps on squeezing out the extra water accumulated in it. The longer and more elastic the tube, the quicker and stronger the stroke of the pump, and the narrower the exit, the more steady will be the outflow. In the body the heart keeps the arteries very tightly stretched all the time, and they keep up accordingly a steady flow into the capillaries. The experiment shows that to get such a steady flow two things are necessary : (1) that the tubes fed directly by the heart shall be highly elastic, and (2) that there shall be considerable resistance to the exit trom their outflow euua CHAPTER XVI. THE OBJECT AND THE MECHANICS OF RESPIRATION. The Object of Respiration. — Blood is renewed, so far as ordinary food materials are concerned, by substances either directly absorbed by tbe blood-vessels of the alimentary canal, or taken up by the lymphatics of the digestive tract and afterwards poured into the blood. But in order that energy may be set free for use by the tissues of the body (Chap. VIII.), oxidations must occur, and the continuance of these Tital oxidations depends on a constant supply of oxygen. As their result, waste substances are produced, which are no longer of use to the body, but detrimental to it if present in large quantity. The most abundant of these wastes is carbon dioxide gas. The function of respiration has for its objects (1) to renew the supply of oxygen in the blood, and (2) to get rid of the carbon dioxide produced in the different organs. The Respiratory Apparatus. — This consists primarily of two elastic bags, the lungs, placed in the thorax, filled with air, and communicating by the air -passages with the sur- How is the blood renewed as regards ordinary food matters ? What must occur that energy be set free for use by tbe body? What is necessary that the oxidations may continue ? What do the oxida- tions produce? Which is the most abundant waste substance of the body ? What are the objects of respiration ? Of what does the respiratory apparatus primarily consist ? [2331 234 THE HUMAN BODT. rounding atmosphere. In the lungs the pulmonary capil- lary blood-vessels form a very close network: through their walls the blood gives off to the air in the lungs carbon dioxide, and takes from this air oxygen. The air in the lungs consequently needs renewal from time to time: other- wise it would no longer have oxygen to give to the blood, and would become so loaded with carbon dioxide as to no longer take that waste product from it. This renewal is effected by the working of a system of muscles, bones, and cartilages whose co-operation brings about that alter- nating expansion and contraction of the chest which we call breathing. When the chest contracts, air deprived of its oxygen and polluted with wastes is expelled from the lungs; and when it expands, fresh air, rich in oxygen, and con- taining hardly any carbon dioxide, is taken into them. The respiratory organs are, therefore, (1) the lungs; (2) the air-passages: (3) the vessels of the pulmonary circula- tion, including the pulmonary artery bringing the blood to the lungs, the pulmonary capillaries carrying it through them, and the pulmonary veins conveying it from them; (4) the muscles, bones, and gristles which are concerned in producing the breathing movements.* The Air-Passages. — Air reaches the pharynx through the nose or mouth (Fig. 1) : on the ventral side of the pharynx "What vessels form a close network in the lungs? What takes place through the walls of these vessels? Why must the air in the lungs be renewed? How is the renewal brought about? What is breathing? "What happens when the chest contracts? What when it expands ? Enumerate the respiratory organs. Through what passages does air reach the pharynx? * To these should be added (5) the nerve centres and nerves which contro- the muscles of respiration, and which will be subsequently considered (see Chap. XX). THE AIR- PASS AGE8. 235 (Fig. 41) is an aperture through which it passes into the larynx or voice-box (a, Fig. 64), which lies in the upper part of the neck. From the larynx air passes on through the windpipe or trachea; this enters the chest, in the upper Fig. 64. Fig. 65. Fig. 64. — The lungs and air-passages seen from the front. On the left of the figure the pulmonary tissue has been dissected away to show the ramifications of the bronchial tubes. «, larynx ; b. trachea; d, right bronchus. The left bron- chus is seen entering the root of its lung. Fig. 65. — A small bronchial tube, a, dividing into its terminal branches, c; these have pouched or sacculated wails and end in the sacculated alveoli, b. part of which it divides into a right and a left bronchus. Each bronchus enters a lung, and divides in it into a vast number of very small tubes, called the bronchial tubes. The last and smallest bronchial tubes (a, Fig. 65) open into subdivided elastic sacs, b, c, with pouched walls. "What aperture is found on the ventral side of the pharynx? Where does the larynx lie? Where does the air so from the larynx? Into what does the trachea divide? Where? What are the bronchial tubes? How do the final bronchial tubes terminate? 236 THE HUMAN BODY. Structure of the Windpipe and its Branches. — The trachea, bronchi, and bronchial tubes are lined by mucous membrane, outside of which is a supporting stratum com- posed of connective and plain muscular tissues. Their Avails also contain cartilaginous rings or half-rings which keep them open. Below the projection on the throat known as Adam's apple (due to the larynx, see Chap. XXII.) there may readily be felt in thin persons the stiff windpipe pass- ing down to the top of the chest. The Cilia of the Air-Passages. — The mucous membrane of the trachea and its branches, down to almost the smallest, has a layer of ciliated cells on its surface. Each of these cells has on its end turned towards the cavity of the tube a tuft of from twenty to thirty slender threads which are in constant motion; they lash forcibly towards the throat, move gently back again, and then once more violently to- wards the outlet of the air- passage. These moving threads are called cilia. Swaying in the mucus secreted by the membrane which they line, they sweep it on to the throat, where it is coughed or "hawked" up. Imagine a man rowing in a boat at anchor. The sweep of the oars will drive the water back and not the boat forwards. So these little oars, the cilia, being an- chored on the mucous membrane drive on the secretion which bathes its surface. With what are the windpipe and its branches lined? What lies outside this lining? What do these walls also contain? What is the use of the cartilages? What is " Adam's apple"? What may be felt below it in front'of the neck? What lines the mucous membrane of the windpipe and its sub. divisions? What does each ciliated cell bear on its free end? How do the threads move? What are they called? What is the use of the cilia of the air-passages? Illustrate how they push on the liquid they move in THE LUNGS. 237 Bronchitis, or "a cold on the chest," is an inflamma- tion of the membrane lining the bronchial tubes, in con- sequence of which it swells, and secretes an extra amount of mucus. The swelling and secretion tend to close the tubes and interfere with the free passage of air in breathing. The Lungs consist of the bronchial tubes and their ter- minal dilatations, together with blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves, all bound firmly together by elastic tissue. The expansions called "air-cells" *at the end of each final branch of a bronchial tube (Fig. 66) are relatively very large, and their surface is still fur- ther increased by the pouches (a, b) which project from them. Their walls are highly elastic, and contain a close network of capillary blood-vessels, supplied by the pulmonary artery and emptying into the pulmonary veins. Through the extremely thin lining of the air-cell, and ■ i , i • nl c ,, •!, • Fig. 66.— Two alveoli of the lung the thin Wall 01 the Capillaries highly magnified. 6, 6, the air-cells, ,,,,.. . or hollow protrusions of the alveo- lmbedded in It, OXygen IS ab- lus, opening into its central cavity; c, terminal branches of bronchial sorbed by the blood from the tube. air in the air-cell and carbon dioxide given up to it. It What is bronchitis? How does an attack of bronchitis interfere with breathing? Of what do the lungs consist? What are the air-cells? How is their surface increased? What do their walls contain? By what are their capillaries filled, and into what do they empty? What inter- change between blood and air occurs in the air-cells of the lungs? * Cell is here used in its primitive sense of a small chamber or cavity (Latin, cellula), and not in its modern histological signification, as one of the distinct pieces of living matter recognized by the microscope as serving to build up the body by their accumulation and co-operation. 238 THE HUMAN BODY. has been calculated that if the walls of the air-cells were all spread out flat and placed side by side they would cover an area of 2600 square feet. This great surface, therefore, represents the area of the body by which oxygen is received and carbon dioxide given off. The Pleura. — The exterior of each lung, except where its bronchus and blood-vessels enter it, is covered by a thin elastic serous membrane, the pleura (Fig. 2). This membrane also lines the inside of the chest. Its surface in health is kept moistened by a small quantity of lymph. In consequence of its smoothness and moisture, during the breathing movements the chest wall and lung glide over each other with hardly any friction. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura. In its early stages it is usually associated with sharp pain on drawing the breath. Later on a large quantity of lymph is often poured out by the inflamed pleura, filling up the cavity which should be occupied by the lung, and pressing the latter up into a small mass, very inefficient for breathing purposes. The Elasticity of the Lungs. — The lungs are so elastic as to be like a thin india-rubber bag. If we tie a tube tightly into a bronchus and blow in air the lung will dilate, but as soon as we cease blowing and leave the tube open, it will shrink up again. Yet in the chest the lungs always remain so expanded as to completely fill up all the space left for them by the heart and other things contained in the thorax. How is this ? How large is the surface of the body set apart for oxygen recep- tion and carbon dioxide elimination? What is the pleura? What does it cover besides the outer surface of each lung? What is its condition in health? What is its use? What is pleurisy? What symptom usually accompanies its early stages? What happens later? What do the lungs resemble in their elasticity? How may this elasticity be demonstrated? What is the natural condition of the lungs in the chest? EXPANSION OF THE LUNGS. 239 Why the Lungs remain expanded. — We may best under- stand this by considering a thin india-rubber bag, such as a toy balloon. If the neck of the bag is open it collapses. Why ? Because the atmosphere, which pushes on all things near the earth's surface with a pressure of about 15 lbs. on each square inch (1033 grams on each square cen- timetre), presses equally on the outside and the inside of the bag. These pressures balance one another, and the bag collapses on account of its elastic contractility. We can expand such a bag in two ways. We may blow air into it forcibly, and so make the pressure inside suffi- ciently greater than the opposing aerial pressure outside to overcome the elasticity of the bag. But we can also dis- tend the bag, not by increasing the aerial pressure inside it, but by diminishing that outside it. Suppose (Fig. 67) we tie our rubber bag (d) on the lower end of the tube b, which, like the tube c, passes air-tight through a cork, and then fit the cork tightly into the glass bottle a. The air will then press with its full weight on the inside of the bag through b and on the outside of it through c, and the bag will remain collapsed. If now we suck air out through c we diminish its pressure on the outside of the ba^ without fig. 67.— Dia- r ° gram lllustrat- altering the atmospheric pressure on its inside: j-efaVioifshlpTof d will therefore begin to expand, because the thoraxgs in the pressure inside it is no longer counterbalanced by the pres- sure outside. The more air we suck out of c (that is, the more we diminish the atmospheric pressure on the exterior of d) Why does a thin rubber bag collapse when its neck is open? How can we expand such an elastic bag? Describe a model illus- trating the means by which the lungsare kept expanded in the chest- and explain its action? 240 THE HUMAN BODY. the more will the bag expand. Finally, if the rubber bag is distensible enough, when all the air in the bottle is sucked out d will be distended by the push of the air inside it until it completely fills the bottle, whose walls prevent it from going any farther. If now we open c and let in the outside air, the bag will again collapse to its original shrunken dimensions. Application to the Lungs.— The above experiment illus- trates very perfectly how the lungs are kept distended dur- ing life. The chest is an air-tight chamber containing, among other things, the elastic hollow lungs. On the interior of the lungs the weight of the atmosphere presses through the air-passages which lead to them, and answer to the tube b in Fig. 67. Outside the lungs in the thorax there is no air at all, and the uncounterpoised aerial pres- sure inside them overcomes their tendency to shrink, and expands them so as to completely fill all holes and corners of the thoracic chamber not occupied by other organs. If, however, we make a hole in the chest wall and let the air press on the outside of the lungs they collapse at once. How the Air is renewed in the Lungs. — Suppose in Fig. 67 that the bottle a has a movable bottom, by pulling down which its capacity can be increased, and that all air has been sucked out of the bottle through c, which is then closed. The elastic bag will then be distended by the weight of the atmosphere acting upon its interior so as to fill the bottle and press against its sides. If now the movable bottom of A be pulled down so as to make the cavity of the Apply to the lungs the facts illustrated by the model represented in figure 67. Suppose we have a bottle like that in Fig. 67. but with a movable bottom, what would happen when the bottom was pulled dowu V RENEWAL OF AIR IN LUNGS. 241 bottle larger, the bag would have a larger space to fill. The impediment on its outside being removed the atmospheric pressure on its inside would expand it still further, and the elastic bag would swell out to fill the extra space. As the movable bottom was pulled down, the bag would enlarge and receive fresh air Fig. 68.— The skeleton of the thorax, a, , root of hair; c, swollen part of root which fits on i, the dermic papilla at the bottom of the hair follicle; n, m. ?, iayerof skin which turn in to line and form the follicle; k. k, mouths of ducts of sebaceous glands. 272 THE HUMAN BODY. is called its matrix. Behind, this forms a groove lodging the root of the nail, and it is by new cells added there that the nail grows in length. The part of the matrix lying beneath the body of the nail, and called its bed, is highly vascular; new cells formed on its bed and added to its under surface cause the nail to increase in thickness, as it is pushed forward by the new growth at its root. The free end of a nail is therefore ifcs thickest part. If a nail is "cast" in consequence of an injury, or torn off, a new one is produced, pro- vided the matrix is not destroyed. The Glands of the Skin are of two kinds. The siceat glands or sudori- parous glands, and the oil glands or sebaceous glands. The Sweat Glands (Fig. 78) are microscopic tubes which reach from the surface of the skin to the subcu- taneous areolar tissue; then the tube often branches, and is coiled up into a little knot, intertwined with blood capillaries. These glands are found all Fig. ?8.— A sweat : ° gland, d, horny layer over the skin, but are most abundant on of cuticle; c, Malpighian cX^ftUTnfprope" the PalmS °f the h<™ds> tlie ^leS of the £££* JK£ fe ^et, and the brow. Altogether, there are low the dermis. ^^ twQ ^ & ha]f mil]ions of ^ The perspiration or sweat poured out by the sudoriparous "What is the matrix of a nail? When does the nail grow longer? What is the bed of a nail? How does a nail grow thicker? Which is its thickest part? What is necessary in order that a " cast nail" may be reproduced? What glands are found in the skin? Describe a sweat gland. Where are the sweat glands most numerous? How many are there on the whole skin? THE PERSPIRATION. 273 glands is a transparent colorless liquid, with a peculiar odor, varying in different races, and in the same individual in different regions of the body. Its quantity in twenty-four hours is subject to great variations, but usually lies between 10,850 and 31,000 grains (or 25 and 71 ounces). The amount is influenced mainly by the surrounding tempera- ture, being greater when this is high; but it is also in- creased by other things tending to raise the temperature of the body, as muscular exercise.* The sweat may or may not evaporate as fast as it is secreted; in the former case it is known as insensible, in the latter as sensible per- spiration. By far the most passes off in the insensible form, drops of sweat only accumulating when the secretion is very profuse, or the surrounding atmosphere is so humid that it does not readily take up more moisture. The perspiration in 1000 parts contains 990 of water to 10 of solids. Among the latter is, in health, a little urea, some sodium chloride, and other salts. In diseased conditions of the kidneys the urea may be greatly increased, the skin supplementing to a certain extent deficiencies of those organs. The Sebaceous Glands nearly always open into hair fol- licles. They are small compound racemose glands (p. 131). Each presents a duct, opening near the mouth of the hair follicle; when followed back this duct is found to divide into several branches which end in globular expansions. Describe the perspiration. How much is secreted daily? Point out conditions influencing its amount. What is meant by " insensi- ble perspiration"? Under what conditions do we find "sensible perspiration"? What percentage of solids exists in the sweat? What do they contain? When is the proportion of urea in the perspiration apt to be increased? Where do the sebaceous glands open? To what type of gland do they belong? * In fever the sweat glands are paralyzed, and we find a high temperature of the body with a dry skin. 274 THE HUMAN BODY. The latter are lined by secreting cells. The mouth of the ducts of a sebaceous gland is seen on one side of the hair follicle in Fig. 77. The Sebaceous Secretion is oily and semi-fluid. In healthy persons it lubricates the hairs and renders them glossy even Avhen no " hair-oil " is used. It is also spread more or less over all the surface of the skin, and makes the cuticle less permeable by water, which in consequence does not readily wet the healthy skin, but runs off it, as "off a duck's back," though to a less marked extent. The Skin as a Sense Organ. — Besides its functions as a protective covering and an excretory organ, the skin is of extreme importance, as being the seat of one of our most important senses — the sense of touch. (Chap. XXI.) Hygiene of the Skin. — The sebaceous secretion and the solid residue left by evaporating sweat form a solid film over the skin, which tends to choke the mouths of the sweat glands (the so-called " pores " of the skin) and impede their action. Yet these glands, minute though each is, have for their function to separate daily from the body a great amount of water* and some little urea and salines. Hence the importance of personal cleanliness. The whole skin, except that of the scalp, should be washed daily. Women cannot Describe the structure of a sebaceous gland. Describe the sebaceous secretion. Why is the hair of a healthy person, using no hair-oil, glossy ? Why does water run off the skin? Enumerate the chief functions of the skin. How are the mouths of the sweat glands apt to be choked up ? Point out functions of these glands. How much of the skin should be washed daily ? * The sweat glands not merely carry off some water from the body, but serve also to regulate its temperature. When water evaporates from the surface of any object it abstracts heat from that object; and when perspiration evapo- rates it takes more heat from the skin. HYGIENE OF THE SKIN. 275 well wash their hair every day, as it takes so long to dry; but there is no reason why a man should not immerse his head when he takes his hath. Except on parts of the skin especially exposed to contamination, soap should only he used occasionally — say once or twice a week: its employ- ment is quite unm cessary for cleanliness, except on exposed parts of the body, if frequent bathing is a habit and the skin be well rubbed afterwards until dry. Soap nearly al- ways contains an excess of alkali, which in itself injures some skins, and, besides, is apt to combine chemically with the sebaceous secretion and carry it too freely away. Persons whose skin is injured by soap, will find in cornmeal a good substitute. Xo doubt many folk go about in very good health with very little washing ; contact with the clothes and other external objects keeps the skin excretions from accumulating to any very great extent. But apart from the duty of personal cleanliness imposed on every one as a member of society in daily intercourse with others, the mere fact. that the healthy body can manage to get along under unfavorable conditions is no reason for exposing it to them. A clogged skin throws more work on the lungs and kid- neys than their fair share, and the evil consequences vmay be experienced any day when something else throws an- other extra strain upon them. Bathing. — One object of bathing is to cleanse the skin; How often should soap be used in the bath? Why is the too fre- quent use of soap not desirable? What is a good substitute for it in eases where soap is injurious to the skin ? How does an unclean skin influence internal organs? When are its results apt to show them- selves? The sweat glands secrete more vigorously when the body is heated, and the evaporation of their secretion cools it. In most fevers the sweat glands are para- lyzed: and the abnormally warm body is nut c<><>|h,1 i,y |,,s< 0f the beat, which in health would have been carried off by the evaporating sweat. 276 THE HUMAN BODY. but it is also useful to strengthen and invigorate the whole frame. For strong healthy persons a cold bath is the best; in severe weather the temperature of the water should be raised to 15° C. (about 60° F.), at which it still feels quite cool to the surface. The first effect of a cold bath is to contract all the skin-vessels and make the surface pallid. This is soon followed by a reaction, in which the skin becomes red and full of blood, and a glow of warmth is felt in it. The proper time to come out of the bath is while this reaction lasts, and after emersion it should be promoted by a good rub. If the stay in the cold water be too prolonged, the state of reaction passes off, the skin again becomes pallid, and the person probably feels cold, uncomfortable, and de- pressed all day: such bathing is injurious instead of bene- ficial; it lowers instead of stimulating the activities of the body. How long one may remain in cold water with benefit, depends greatly on the individual; a vigorous man can bear and set up a healthy reaction after much longer immer- sion than a feeble one; moreover, a person used to cold bathing can with benefit remain in the water longer than one not accustomed to it. Of course, apart from this, the temperature of the water has a great importance. Water which feels cold to the skin may, as shown by the ther- mometer, vary within very wide limits of temperature. The colder it is, the shorter the time which it is wise to remain in it. When to Bathe. — It is perfectly safe to bathe when warm, What ends are obtained by bathing? What sort of a bath should healthy persons take? What is the primary effect of a cold bath on a healthy person? What follows next? When should one leave a cold bath ? What happens if one stays too long in a cold bath ? Point out conditions which influence the time of remaining with benefit in a cold bath. SHOWER BATHS AND WARM BATHS. 277 provided the skin is not perspiring profusely; the common belief to the contrary notwithstanding. On the other hand, no one should enter a cold bath when feeling chilly, or in a depressed vital condition. It is not wise to take a cold bath immediately after a meal, for the afterglow of the skin tends to draw away too much blood from the digestive organs, which are then actively at work. The best time for a long bath is two or three hours after breakfast; but for a brief daily dip there is no better time than while the body is still warm from bed. Shower Baths abstract less heat from the body than a)i ordinary cold bath, and at the same time give it a greater stimulus, tending to set up the warm reaction. Hence they are valuable to persons in not very vigorous health. Warm Baths, except occasionally for purposes of clean- liness, are medical remedies, and not proper things for daily use. While promoting the tendency to perspiration (which it is often important to do in disease), they also, if often repeated, lower the general vigor of the body. Persons in feeble health, who cannot stand an ordinary daily cold bath, may diminish the shock to the system by raising the tem- perature of the water they bathe in to any point at which it still feels cool to the skin. Is it ever safe to bathe while warm? Point out conditions when a cold bath should be avoided. Why is it not wise to take a cool bath soon after a meal ? What is the best time for a prolonged cold bath? What the best time for a brief daily dip ? Why are shower baths better than immersion baths for persons in enfeebled health? Should healthy persons take daily warm baths? What is the con- sequence of frequent warm baths? How should persons in feeble health regidat0 the temperature of their daily bath ? 278 THE HUMAN BODY. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XVIII. To demonstrate the anatomy of the renal organs proceed as follows : 1. Kill a rat in any merciful way; placing it under a bell-jar with a sponge soaked in ether is a good method. 2. Open the abdomen of the animal, remove its alimentary canal, and cut away (with stout scissors) the ventral portion of the pelvic girdle. The dark-red kidneys will then be easily recognized on each side of the dorsal part of the abdominal cavity, the right one nearer the head than the left. 3. Dissect away neatly the connective tissue, etc., in front of the vertebral column, so as to clean the inferior vena cava and the abdom- inal aorta. Trace out the renal arteries and veins. 4. Find the ureter, a slender tube passing back from the kidney towards the pelvis : it leaves the inner border of the kidney behind the vein and artery; and lying, at first, at some distance from the middle line, converges towards its fellow as it passes back. 5. Follow the ureters back until they reach the urinary bladder; dissect away the tissues around the latter and note its form, etc. 6. Open the bladder; find the apertures of entry of the ureters, and pass bristles through them into those tubes. Note the mucous membrane lining the bladder. ?. Remove one kidney from the body and divide it from its outer to near its inner border ; turn the two halves apart (still leaving them connected by the tissues at the inner border), and examine the cut surfaces. 8. Note at the inner border (hilus) the dilatation (pelvis) of the ureter; the outer, darker, granular cortical portion of the kidney, and the inner, paler, smoother medullary portion; the papilla formed by a projection of the medullary substance at the hilus. contained in an expansion (calyx) of the pelvis of the ureter. 9. Obtain a fresh sheep's kidney. Divide it by a section made through it from its outer to its inner border. On the cut surfaces the cortex and medulla will be more readily demonstrated than on the rat's kidney. The pyramids of MalpigM will also be easily seen, and the offshoots of the cortex exteudiug between them. CHAPTER XIX. WHY AVE NEED A NERVOUS SYSTEM. ITS ANATOMY. The Harmonious Co-operation of the Organs of the Body. — We have already learned that the hody consists of a vast number of cells and fibres, combined to form organs; and that each kind of cell or fibre and each organ has its own peculiar structure, properties, and uses. Except in so far as the blood, passing from organ to organ, carries mat- ters from one to another, and indirectly enables each organ to act upon the rest, we have as yet seen no means by which all this collection of organs is made to work together, so that each shall not merely look after itself, but regulate its activity in relation to the needs or dangers of other parts of the body. That the organs do co-operate we all know. The lids shut when an object threatens to touch the eye, and (with- out our thinking about it at all) thrust themselves in the way so as to protect the more tender eyeball. When we are using the muscles of the legs vigorously the muscles of respiration hurry their action, and, consequently, oxygen is conveyed more rapidly to the blood for the supply of the working leg muscles, and the carbon dioxide produced in great quantity by these muscles is quickly removed. When the sole of the foot is tickled the muscles of the thigh and Of what is the body made up? How do the various kinds of cells, fibres, and organs differ? How does the blood enable each organ to influence the rest? Give an example showing the cooperation of the organs of the body. Give another example. A third. 280 THE HUMAN BODY. leg, which are not directly interfered with at all, contract and jerk the foot away from its tormentor. Everywhere we find this co-operation among the organs; and it is only by such co-operation that our oodies are able to continue alive. In JEsop's fable we are told how the arms and jaws declined to work any longer in providing and grinding food for the lazy stomach, and how they soon came to grief in consecpience. We might extend the fable, aud go on to state how afterwards the stomach made up its mind to digest and absorb just as much food as it wanted for itself, and not bother about supplying those cantankerous arms and jaws, and the moral would be the same: if the stomach ceased to work for the other parts they soon would cease to be able to send food to it, and so it would itself starve in turn. How a Man differs from a Collection of Living Organs. — Throughout the body, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, muscles, and skin, all need one another's aid to obtain food and oxygen, to remove wastes, and to avoid dan- gers. This co-operation makes the individual human be- ing; a mere mass of living organs, arranged together in the form of man's body, but each acting without reference to the rest, would no more make a man than a mob of strong men would make an army. As in the mob the reckless courage of some, the personal cowardice of others, the uncontrolled ambition of a few, would make the crowd nearly useless for military purposes in spite of the merits of its individual members, so in the body; if the organs were Is co-operatiou between its organs general throughout the body? Is it important? Illustrate the importance of co-operation between the parts of the body. For what purposes do the different organs need one another's help? Is the co-operation of organs necessary to make an individual human being? Illustrate. CO-ORDINATION. 281 not disciplined, controlled, and guided, so as to work to- gether for the good of the whole, death would very soon result. As a matter of fact this is the way in which death almost always does hegin. The body is not built like the deacon's "one-hoss shay," to run till every part of it gives out at the same moment. Some important organ ceases to do its part properly; as a consequence the whole complex mechanism is thrown out of gear, and deatn results. Co-ordination means controlling the activities of a num- ber of working things (whether men, or organs, or ma- chines) for the attainment of a definhe end. A pro- miscuous and undirected crowd of competent bricklayers, carpenters, hod-carriers, and so forth, would be quite in- competent to build a house. There might be present abundant energy and skill to construct walls and floors and roof; but if each man worked for himself and took no heed of the rest the result would be an odd building, if any at all. Ilencc the whole work is placed under the control of a master builder, who guides the activities of individ- uals according to the needs of the moment: undirected workmen, if conscientious, would work just as hard with- out supervision, but they would work un profitably. The healthy body may be regarded as made up of a number of conscientious workers, the organs, who are concerned in building it and keeping it in repair, each one acting so as to co-operate with the rest for the attainment of the com- mon end. The master builder, or "boss," if we may use How does death usually begin? What happens when some im- portant organ ceases to doits duty? What is meant by co-ordination? Illustrate. How may the healthy body be regarded when compared with the workmen con- cerned in building a house? THE HVMAN BODY. such a word, is represented by the nervous system, which is in communication with all the other organs, is influenced by the condition and the needs of every part at each mo- ment, and guides the activity of all the others accordingly. Part of this control is exercised consciously and with the co-operation cf the " will," but much more is carried on by the nervous system without our knowing anything about it. Nerve-Trunks and Nerve-Centres. — In dissecting the body numerous white cords are found which at first sight might be taken for tendons. That they are something else soon becomes clear, since a great many of them have no connection with muscles, and those which have, usually enter near the middle of the belly of the muscle, instead of being fixed to its ends as most tendons are. These cords are nerve-trunks : followed from the middle line of the body each (Fig. 79) will be found to break up into finer and finer branches, until the subdivisions become too small to be followed without the aid of a microscope. Traced towards the middle of the body the trunk will, in most cases, be found to increase by the union of others with it, and ultimately to join a much larger mass of different structure, from which other similar trunks spring. This mass is nerve-centre. The end of a nerve attached to the centre is, naturally, its central, and the other its distal or peripheral end. What is it in the body which represents the master builder? What are the relations between the nervous system* and the other organs of the body? Is the control of the nervous system always con- sciously exercised? How may we recognize that certain white cords found on dissect- ing the body are not tendons? What are they? What is found when nerve-trunks are traced towards the outer parts of tlie body? What when traced in the opposite direction? What is a nerve-centre? What is meant by the peripheral end of a nerve? DIAGRAM OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 283 FfG. 79,— Diagram illustrating the general arrangement of the nervous system, 2^4 THE HUMAN £01) F. Nerve-centres give origin to nerve-trunks ; these radiate all over the body, branching and becoming smaller and smaller as they proceed from the centre ; finally they end in or among the cells and fibres of the various organs. The general arrangement of the nerve-centres and of the larger nerve-trunks of the body is shown in Fig. 79. The Main Nerve-Centres. — The great majority of the nerve-trunks take their origin from the brain and spinal cord, which together form the great cerebrospinal centre. Some nerves, however, commence in rounded or oval masses, which vary in size from that of the kernel of an almond down to microscopic dimensions, and which are widely distributed in the body. Each of these smaller centres is called a ganglion. A considerable number of the iargest ganglia are united directly to one another by nerve- trunks, and give off nerves especially to blood-vessels and to the organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. These ganglia and their branches form the sympathetic nervous system (Figs. 1 and 2), as distinguished from the cerebro- spinal nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord and the nerves proceeding from and to them. The Cerebro-Spinal Centre and its Membranes. — Lying in the skull is the brain, and in the neural canal of the vertebral column the spinal cord or spinal marrow, the two being continuous through the foramen magnum To what do nerve-centres give origin? What becomes of nerve- trunks? From what organs do most nerves arise? What is meant by the cerebro-spinal centre? From what do those nerves arise which are not directly connected with brain and spinal cord? What are the smaller nerve-centres named? What is the sympathetic nervous sys, tem? Where is the brain placed? What organ lies in the neural canal of the backbone? Through what opening do brain and spinal cord unite? THE CEREBROSPINAL CENTRE. 285 (Fig. 20) of the occipital bone. This cerebro-spinal centre con- sists of similar right and left halves, incompletely separated by grooves and fissures. Brain and spinal cord "are very soft and easily crushed ; accordingly, both are placed in almost com- pletely closed bony cavities, and are also enveloped by mem- branes which give them sup- port. These membranes are three in number. Externally is the dura mater, tough and strong, and composed of con- nective tissue. The innermost enveloping membrane of the cerebro-spinal centre, in imme- diate contact with the proper nervous parts, is the pia mater, less dense and tough than the dura mater. Covering the out- side of the pia mater is a layer of flat cells ; a similar layer lines the inside of the dura mater, and these two layers are de- scribed as the third membrane Why are brain and spinal cord placed in bony chambers? How many membranes also support them? What is the outside membrane named? What are its mechanical properties? Of what is it composed? Wbat is the pia mater? 286 Ttiti HUMAN BODY. of the cerebrospinal centre, called the arachnoid. In the space between the two layers of the arachnoid is a small quantity of watery cerebrospinal liquid. The Spinal Cord (Fig. 80) is nearly cylindrical in form, being, however, a little wider from side to side than dorso- ventrally, and tapering off at its posterior end. Its aver- age diameter is about f inch and its length 17 inches. It weighs 1| ounces. There is no marked limit be- Fig. 81. — The spinal cord and nerve-roots. A, a small portion of the cord seen from the ventral side; B, the same seen laterally; C, a cross-section of the cord; D, the two roots of a spinal nerve; 1, anterior (ventral) fissure; 2, poste- rior (dorsal) fissure ; 3, surface groove along the line of attachment of the anterior nerve-roots; 4, line of origin of the posterior roots; 5. anterior root filaments of a spinal nerve; 6, posterior root filaments; 6', ganglion of the pos- terior root ; 7, 7', the first two divisions of the nerve-trunk after its formation by the union of the two roots. What is the arachnoid? What is the cerebrospinal liquid? What is the general form of the spinal cord? Its average diame- ter? Its length? Its weight? How does it connect with the brain? THE SPINAL CORD AND THE SPINAL NERVES. 287 tween the spinal cord and the brain, the one passing gradually into the other. In its course the cord presents two expansions, an upper, 10 (Fig. 80), the cervical en- largement, reaching from the third cervical to the first dorsal vertebrae, and a lower or lumbar enlargement, 9, opposite the last dorsal vertebra?. Banning along the middle line on both tlic ventral and the dorsal aspects of the cord are fissures which (C, Fig. 81) nearly divide it into right and left halves. A transverse section, C, shows that the substance of the cord is not alike throughout, but that its white superficial layers envelop a central gray substance arranged somewhat in the form of a capital EL Each half of the gray matter is crescent-shaped, and the crescents are turned back to back and united across the middle line by the gray com- missure. The Spinal Nerves. — Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves join the spinal cord in the neural canal of the vertebral column, entering the canal through the intervertebral fora- mina (p. 32). Each divides in the foramen into a dorsal and ventral portion, known respectively'as the posterior and anterior roots of the nerve (6 and 5, Fig. 81), and these are attached to the sides of the cord. On each pos- terior root is a spinal ganglion (6', Fig. 81), placed where What expansions are seen in it? Where is each placed? How are the right and left halves of the cord separated? Is the spinal cord alike all through? What are the colors of its outer and of it? inner portions? What is the form of the gray mat- ter of the cord as seen on cross-sections? How are the crescents united? How many spinal nerves are there? What do they join? How do they get into the neural canal? Where do they divide? What are the divisions named? To what are they attached? What is found, on each posterior root' 2S8 THE HUMAN BODY. it joins the anterior root to make up the common nerve- trunk. Immediately after its formation by the mixture of fibres from both roots, the trunk begins to divide into branches for the supply of some region of the body. The Brain (Fig. 82) is far larger than the spinal cord and more complex in structure. It weighs on the average about 50 ounces in the adult. The brain consists of three main masses, each with subsidiary parts, following one an- other in series from before back, and respectively known as the fore-brain, mid-brain, and hind-brain. In man the fore-brain, A, weighing about 44 ounces, is much larger than all the rest put together and laps over them. Fig. 82. — Diagram illustrating the general relationships of the parts of the brain. A, fore-brain; b, mid-brain; B, cerebellum; C, pons Varolii ; D, medulla oblongata; B, C, and D together constitute the hind-brain. What becomes of the common trunk formed by the mixture of the roots? Point out characters in which the brain differs from the spinal cord. Wbat is its weight? Of what main divisions is the brain Composed? Which is the largest division? Its weight? THE FORE-BRAIN. 289 It is chiefly formed of two large convoluted masses, sepa- rated from one another by a deep fissure, and known as the cerebral hemispheres. The great size of these is very characteristic of the human brain. Beneath each cere- bral hemisphere is an olfactory lube (I, Fig. 84), incon- spicuous in man but often larger than the cerebral hemi- spheres, as in most fishes. The mid brain, b, forms a connecting isthmus between the two other divisions. The hind-brain consists of three main parts: on its dorsal side is the cerebellum, B, Fig. 82; on the under side is the pons Varolii, C, Fig. 82; and behind is the medulla ob- longata, D, Fig. 82, which joins the spinal cord. In nature the main divisions of the brain are not sepa- Fig. 83.— The brain from the left side. Cb, the cerebral hemispheres forming the main bulk of the fore-brain; CM, the cerebellum; Mo, the medulla oblon- gata; P, the pons Varolii; *, the fissure of Sylvius. By what is the fore-brain chiefly formed? What lies below the cerebral hemispheres? Are the olfactory lobes ever larger than the cerebral hemispheres? What does the mid-brain form? Name the main divisions of the hind-brain? State their relative positions, What part of the brain joins the spinal cord? 290 THE HUMAN BODY. rated so much as has been represented in the diagram for the sake of clearness, but lie close together as represented in Fig. 83; and the mid- brain is entirely covered in on its dorsal side. Nearly everywhere the surface of the brain is folded, the folds, known as the convolutions, being deeper and more numerous in the brain of man than in that of the animals nearest allied to him zoologi- cally. The brain, like the spinal cord, consists of gray and white nervous matter, but somewhat differently arranged; for while the brain, like the cord, contains gray nerve-mat- ter in its interior, a great part of its surface is also covered with it. By the external convolutions of the cerebellum and of the cerebral hemispheres the surface over which this gray substance is spread is very much increased. The Cranial Nerves. — Twelve pairs of nerves leave the skull cavity by apertures in its base; they are known as the cranial nerves. Most of them spring from the under side of the brain, which is represented in Fig. 84. The first pair, or olfactory nerves, are the nerves of smell; they arise from the under sides of the olfactory lobes, /, and pass out through the roof of the nose. The second pair, or optic nerves, II, are the nerves of sight; they spring from the mid-brain, and, under the name of the optic tracts, run down to the under side of the fore-brain, where they unite Is the surface of most of the brain smooth? What are the folds called? How does a man's brain differ, as regards its convolutions, from an ape's? Of what does the brain consist? ITow does tlie arrangement of white and gray matter in it differ from that of the spinal cord? How is the surface bn which the gray matter is spread increased? How many cranial nerves are there? Where do most of them originate? Name the first pair. Where do they arise? Where do Uiey pass out? Name the second pair. What are the optic tracts? THE CRANIAL NERVES. 291 Fig. 84.— The base of the brain. The cerebral hemispheres are seen over- lapping all the rest. I, olfactory lobes; II, optic tract passing to the optic commissure from which the optic nerves proceed ; III. the third nerve or motor oculi; IF, the fourth nerve or patheticus; V, the fifth nerve or trigeminalis; VI, the sixth nerve or abducuns; VII, the seventh or facial nerve or portio dura; VIII, the auditory nerve or portio mollis; IX, the ninth or glossopharyngeal; X, the tenth or pneumogastric or vagus; XI, the spinal accessory; XII, the hypoglossal; ncl, the first cervical spinal nerve. to form the optic commissure, from which an optic nerve proceeds to each eyeball. All the remaining cranial nerves arise from the hind- brain. The third pair, III., (motores oculi, or movers of the What is the optic commissure? Where does each optic nerve go? How many pairs of cranial nerves arise from the hind- bruin? JTame the third pair. Whut is their distribution? 292 THE HUMAN BODY. eyeball,) are distributed to most of the muscles which move the eyeball and also to that which lifts the upper eyelid. The fourth pair, IV, (pathetici,) are quite small; each goes to one muscle of the eyeball. The fifth pair of cranial nerves, V, (trigeminals,) re- semble the spinal nerves in having two roots, one of which possesses a ganglion (the Gasserian ganglion). Beyond the ganglion the two roots form a common trunk which divides into three main branches. The first of these, the ophthalmic, is distributed to the muscles and skin over the forehead and upper eyelid; and also gives branches to the mucous membrane lining the nose, and to the integument over that organ. The second division (superior maxillary nerve) of the trigeminal gives branches to the skin over the temple, to the cheek between the eyebrow and the angle of the mouth, and to the upper teeth; as well as to the mu- cous membrane of the nose, pharynx, soft palate and roof of the mouth. The third division {inferior maxillary) is the largest branch of the trigeminal. It is distributed to the side of the head and the external ear, the lower lip and lower part of the face, the mucous membrane of the mouth and the anterior two thirds of the tongue, the lower teeth, the salivary glands, and the muscles which move the lower jaw in mastication. The sixth pair of cranial nerves, VI, (abduccntes,) arc distributed each to one muscle of the eyeball on its own side. What is the distribution of the fourth pair? Name the fifth pair of cranial nerves. How do they resemble the spinal nerves? What is the ganglion on one root called? Into how many main branches does the common trunk divide? Name the first branch. Slate its distribution. The second branch. Its distribu tion. The third main branch. Its distribution. Name the sixth pair of cranial nerves, Where do they go? NERVOUS SYSTEM. 293 The seventh pair (facial nerves), VII, are distributed to most of the muscles of the face and scalp. The eighth pair (auditory nerves), VIII, are the nerves of hearing, and are distributed to the inner part of the ear. The ninth pair of cranial nerves (glosso-phar yngeal), IX, are distributed chiefly to tongue and pharynx. The tenth pair (pneumogastric nerves or vagi), X, give branches to the pharynx, gullet and stomach, the larynx, windpipe and lungs, and to the heart. The vagi run far- ther through the body than any other cranial nerves. The eleventh pair (spinal accessory nerves), XI, do not arise mainly from the brain, but from the spinal cord by a number of roots attached to its upper portion, between the anterior and posterior roots of the proper spinal nerves. Each enters the skull cavity alongside of the spinal cord and, getting a few filaments from the medulla oblongata, passes out by the same aperture as the glosso-pharyngeal and pneumogastric nerves. Outside the skull the spinal accessory divides into two branches, one of which joins the pneumogastric trunk, while the other is distributed to muscles about the shoulders. The twelfth pair of cranial nerves (hypoylossi), XII, are distributed mainly to the muscles of the tongue. The Sympathetic Nervous System. — The ganglia which form the main centres of the sympathetic nervous system Name the seventh pair of cranial nerves. To what parts are they distributed? What is the eighth pair called? What are their functions? Where do they end? Name the ninth pair. State their distribution. Name the tenth pair. State their distribution. Name the eleventh pair. Where do they arise? How do they get into the brain-case? With what nerves do they leave the brain- case? State their distribution. Name the twelfth pair of cranial nerves. State their distribution.. 294 THE HUMAN BODY. lie in two rows (s, Fig. 1, and sy, Fig. 2), one on each side of the bodies of the vertebrae. Each ganglion is united by a nerve-trunk with the one in front of it and the one behind it, and so two chains are formed reaching from the base of the skull to the coccyx. In the trunk region these chains lie in the ventral cavity, their relative pDsition in which is indicated by the dots sy in the diagrammatic transverse section repre- sented on p. 9 in Fig. 2. Each sympathetic ganglion is united by branches to neighboring spinal nerves, and near the skull to various cranial nerves also; from the ganglia and their uniting cords arise numerous trunks, which in the thorax and abdomen form networks, from which nerves are given off to the or- gans situated in those cavities. Many sympathetic nerves finally end in the walls of the blood-vessels of various or- gans. To the naked eye they are commonly grayer in color than the cerebro-spinal nerves. By means of the junctions between the cranial and spinal nerves and the sympathetic system the brain is enabled to control the parts supplied by the sympathetic system. The Three Kinds of Nerve Tissue. — The microscope shows that the nervous organs contain tissues peculiar to themselves, known as nerve-fibres and nerve-cells. The How are the ganglia of the sympathetic system arranged? How is eacli united to others? How far through the body do the chains of sympathetic ganglia extend? Where are the sym- pathetic chains situated in the trunk of the body? How are the sympathetic ganglia united with spinal and cranial nerves? What arise from the ganglia? What do they form iu the trunk region of the body? Where do many sympathetic nerve- fibres end? How do sympathetic nerves differ to the unaided eye from spinal or cerebral nerves? How is the brain enabled to control the parts supplied by the sympathetic system? How many kinds of nerve-tissue are there? "What are the pecul- iar nerve-tissues called ? NMVB-FiB&m. 295 Cells are found in the centres only; while the fibres, of. which there are two main varieties known as the zohite and the gray, are found in both trunks and centres; the white variety predominating in the cerebrospinal nerves and in the white substance of the centres, and the gray in the sym pathetic trunks and the gray portions of the central organs. White Nerve-Fibres consist of extremely delicate threads, about s-gVtf inch in diameter, but frequently of a length Fig. 85. Fig. 86. Fig. 85.— White nerve-fibres soon after removal from the body and when they have acquired their double contour. Fig. 86.— Diagram illustrating the structure of a white or medullated nerve- M>re. I, 1, primitive sheath; 2, 2, medullary sheath; 3, axis cylinder. "Where only do we find nerve-cells? Where are nerve-fibres found? How many main kinds of nerve-fibres are there? Name them. Where do the white nerve-fibres predominate? Where the gray? Describe white nerve-fibres. 296 THE HUMAN BODY. which is in proportion very great. Each is continuous from a nerve-centre to the region in which it ends, so that the fibres, e.g., which pass out from the spinal cord and run on to the skin of the toes, are three to four feet long. If a perfectly fresh white nerve-fibre he exam- ined with the microscope it presents the appearance of a homogeneous glassy thread ; but soon it acquires a charac- teristic double border (Fig. 85) from the coagulation of a portion of its substance, as a result of which three layers are brought into view. Outside is a thin transparent en- velope (1, Fig. 86) called the primitive sheath; inside this is a fatty substance, 2, forming the medullary sheath (the coagulation of which gives the fibre its double border), and in the centre is a core, the axis cylinder, 3, which is the es- sential part of the fibre, since near its ending the primitive and medullary sheaths are frequently absent. At intervals of about -£j inch along the fibre are found nuclei. These are indications of the primitive cells which by their elon- gation, fusion, and other modifications have built up the nerve-fibre. In the course of a nerve-trunk its fibres rarely divide; when a branch is given off some fibres merely sepa- rate from the rest, much as a skein of silk might be sepa- rated at one end into smaller bundles containing fewer threads. Gray Nerve-Fibres have no medullary sheath, and con- sist merely of an axis cylinder and primitive sheath. Gray Is each nerve-fibre continuous from centre to end? Point out nerve-fibres three or four feet long. What is the appearance under the microscope of a quite fresh white nerve-fibre? How does it soon alter? Name the layers then seen and state their relative positions. Which is the essential part of the nerve-fibre? Give a reason for your statement. What are found at intervals along the nerve-fibre? What do they indicate? What occurs when a nerve-trunk branches? NBRVE-CELLB. 297 fibres are especially abundant in the sympathetic trunks; and they alone are found in the olfactory nerve. Nerve-Cells. — As far as our knowledge at present goes, all nerve -fibres begin as branches of nerve-cells. Fig. 87.— Different forms of nerve-cells from the spinal cord. 1, a cell from the anterior part of the gray matter, and believed to be connected with a motor nerve-fibre; 2. a cell from the posterior part of the gray matter, believed to be connected with sensory fibres. At 1, Pig. 87, is shown a nerve-cell such as may be found in the anterior part of the gray matter of the spinal cord. It consists of the cell body, or cell protoplasm, con- taining a large nucleus, in which is a nucleolus. From the Describe a gray nerve-fibre. Where are they especially numerous? Name a cranial nerve that consists entirely of them. How do nerve-fibres begin ? Of what does a nerve-cell consist ? 298 THE HUMAN BODY. body of the cell arise several branches, the great majority of which rapidly subdivide. One process of the cell (a), although giving off several very fine branches, retains its individuality, and is continued as the axis cylinder of a nerve-fibre in an anterior spinal root. At 2, in Fig. 87, is represented a nerve- cell from the posterior part of the gray matter of the spinal cord. It also has an axis-cylinder process, differing somewhat in its way of branching from 1, but probably ultimately giving rise to one or more cylinder- axes of sensory nerve-fibres. Cells such as those represented in Fig. 87 are found also in many parts of the brain. The Structure of Nerve-Centres. — These consist of white and gray nerve-fibres, of nerve-cells, and of connective tis- sue and blood-vessels, arranged together in different ways in the different centres. What arise from the protoplasm of a nerve-cell? What becomes of most of the brandies? How does one branch of some nerve- cells of the spinal cord differ from the remainder? As regards this branch, how do otlier nerve-cells differ from the above? Of what do nerve-centres consist? APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XIX. 1. The co-operation of the parts of the body may be illustrated as follows: a. Feign a blow at a person's eye; the lids will close involuntarily, even if he be told beforehand that he is not to be actually struck. b. Count a boy's pulse and breathing while he is sitting quietly, then let him run a hundred yards at full speed, and immediately afterwards again count pulse and breathing movements. Both will be found accelerated; the breathing, to carry off from the blood the carbon dioxide given it by the working muscles, and to bring in new oxygen to replace the large amount used by the working muscles; the heart-beat, to renew more rapidly the blood-flow through the muscles. c. Tickle the inside of the nose with a feather. This, in itself. APPENDIX. CHAPTER XIX. 299 does not interfere with the breathing muscles; but their action will be almost at once so changed as to produce a sneeze, tending to clear and protect the nose. 2. Kill a frog with ether (note, p. 68); open its abdomen and re- move the viscera. At the back of the abdominal cavity will be seen a bundle of white cords (nerve-trunks) passing back to each leg. They soon unite into one main stem (the sciatic nerve), which may be easily dissected along its course until it ends in fine branches in the hind limb. 3. Kill a frog and expose the origin of the sciatic nerve as above. With stout scissors then cut away bit by bit, and very carefully, the bodies of the vertebrae (which will be seen projecting in the middle line at the back of the abdominal cavity) until the neural canal is laid open and the spinal cord exposed. You will probably fail the first time, but on the second attempt succeed in doing this without cutting the nerve trunks as they pass between the vertebrae to join the spinal cord. On the specimen thus prepared the origin of the nerves from the spinal cord, and their division into anterior and pos- terior (ventral and dorsal) roots before they join the cord can be demonstrated, also the ganglionic enlargements on the posterior roots. 4. The general form, the cervical and lumbar enlargements, etc., of the spinal cord may be shown on a frog. Having killed the ani- mal, remove the skin and muscles on the dorsal side of the spinal column. With great care cut away the upper two thirds of the neural arches of the vertebrae. Then remove the upper half of the skull cavity. Gently raising piece by piece the exposed brain and spinal cord, divide the nerves which spring from them and lift out the whole cerebro-spinal centre and place it in alcohol for twenty- four hours. Demonstrate the origin of nerves from both brain and cord, the union of the brain and cord, etc. etc. The specimen may be preserved in alcohol for future use. 5. A frog's brain differs in many important points from that of man, as in the very small cerebellum, the comparatively small cere- bral hemispheres, the comparatively large mid-brain and the ab- sence of convolutions. To demonstrate the main anatomical fea- tures of the brain that of a mammal is necessary. a. Obtain a fresh calf's or sheep's head from a butcher. Dissect away the skin and muscles covering the cranium. Then with a small saw very carefully divide the bones in a circular direction, so as to cut off those of the crown of the head. Next carefully remove the loosened bones of the top of t lie skull, tearing them away 300 THE HUMAN BODY. from the dura mater lining them. So far the specimen may he pre- pared previous to the meeting of the class. b. To the class demonstrate the tough dura mater enveloping the brain; then cut it away, noting the processes which it sends between the two cerebral hemispheres and between cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres. Then cut the membrane away. c. Note its glistening inner surface, due to the arachnoid lining it; the pia mater full of blood-vessels and closely attached to the brain; the glistening arachnoid layer covering the exterior of the pia mater. Then put the specimen aside in alcohol for a day or two. This will harden the brain substance. d. When the brain has become somewhat hardened dissect away the pia mater on one side. Show the cerebral hemispheres and their surface convolutions, the cerebellum and its foldings, the medulla oblongata beneath the cerebellum. e. With bone forceps cut away the remainder of the sides and roof of the skull. The'n raise the brain in front, and cutting through the vessels, nerves, etc., which attach it to the base of the skull, en- tirely remove it from the skull cavity. On it demonstrate the cere- bral hemispheres (which overlap the cerebellum much less than in man"), cerebellum, mid-brain, etc. /. Attached to the base of the brain will be found the stumps of some of the cranial nerves, though most of these will have been en- tirely torn off unless the dissector has some technical skill. The optic commissure, with the optic tracts leading to it and the stumps of the optic nerves leading from it, will almost certainly be found. g. Make sections across the brain in different directions to see the gray matter spread over most of its surface, and the nodules of gray matter imbedded in its interior. CHAPTER XX. THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. The Properties of the Nervous System. — If one's finger unexpectedly touches a very hot object, pain is felt and the hand is suddenly snatched away ; that is to say, sensation is aroused and certain muscles arc caused to contract. If, however, the nerves passing from the arm to the spinal cord have been divided, or if they have been rendered in- capable of activity by disease, no such results follow. Pain is not then felt on touching the hot body nor does any movement of the limb occur ; even more, under such cir- cumstances the strongest effort of the Will of the individual is unable to cause any movement of his hand. If, again, the nerves of the limb have connection with the spinal cord, but parts of the cord are injured higher up, between the brain and the point of junction of the nerves of the arm with the cord, then contact with the hot object may cause the hand to be snatched away, but no pain or other sensation due to the contact will be felt, nor can the will act upon the muscles of the arm, either to make them con- tract or to prevent their contraction. From the compari- son of what happens in such cases (which have been observed again and again upon wounded or diseased persons), with what occurs in the natural condition of things, several im- portant conclusions may be reached: What usually results when a hot object is unexpectedly touched? Under what circumstances do these results not occur? Can the Will cause movement of the muscles of an arm whose nerves have been cut? When the arm-nerves are intact but the spinal cord is injured near the brain, what happens on touching a hot body? 302 THE HUMAN BODY. 1. TJie feeling of pain does not reside in the burned part itself; for it is found that applying a hot object to the skin or pinching it arouses no sensation if the nerves between the skin and the nerve-centres be diseased or divided. 2. The hot object when the nerves are intact originates some change which, propagated along the nerves, excites a condition of the nerve-centres accompanied by a feeling, in this particular case a painful one. This is clear from the fact that loss of sensation immediately follows division of the nerves of the limb, but does not immediately follow the injury of any of its other parts. The change propagated along the nerve-trunks and causing them to excite the nerve-centres is called a nervous impulse. 3. When a nerve in the shin is excited it does not direct- ly call forth muscular contractions; for if so, touching the hot object would cause the limb to be moved even when the nerve had been divided high up in the arm, while, as a matter of observation and experiment, we find that no such result follows if the nerve-fibres have been cut in any part of their course from the excited, or, in physiological phrase, the stimulated, part to the spinal marrow. It is therefore through the nerve-centres that the nervous impulse trans- mitted from the excited part of the skin is " reflected" or sent bach to act upon the muscles. 4. The preceding fact makes it probable that nerve-fibres How do we know that our feeling of pain does not reside in a burned or pinched part of the skin? What does a touched hot ohject originate when the nerves are healthy? What is a "nervous impulse"? Does a skin-nerve when excited produce directly a muscular movement? Give reason for your answer. What happens to the nervous impulse transmitted from the excited part of the skin? Is it probable that other nerve-fibres than those arising from the Skin are. connected with the nerve-centres ? FUNCTIONS OF NERVES AND NERVE-CENTRES. 303 pass from the centre to muscles as ivell as from the skin to the centre. This is confirmed when we find that if the nerves of the limb be divided the Will is unable to act upon its muscles, showing that these are excited to con- tract through their nerves. That the nerve-fibres con- cerned in arousing sensation and muscular contractions are distinct, is shown also by cases of disease in which the sensibility of the limb is lost while the power of voluntarily moving it remains; and by other cases in which the op- posite is seen, objects touching the hand being felt, while it cannot be moved by the Will. We conclude therefore that certain nerve-fibres when stimulated transmit something (a nervous impulse) to the centres, and that these, when ex- cited by the nervous impulse conveyed to them, may radiate impulses through other nerve-fibres to distant parts, the centre serving as a connecting link between the fibres whicJi carry impulses from without in, and those which convey them from within out. 5. Further we conclude that the spinal cord can act as an intermediary between the fibres carrying in nervous im- pulses and those carrying them out, but that sensations can- not be aroused by impulses reaching the spinal cord only, nor has the Will its seat there ; volition and consciousness are dependent upon states of the brain. This follows from the unconscious movements of the limb which follow stimu- lation of its skin after such injury to the spinal cord as prevents the transmission of nervous impulses farther on; Point out a fact tending to prove that the muscles are normally excited to contraction through their nerves. State facts showing that the nerves of sensation and those governing the muscles are distinct. What purpose does the nerve-centre serve? What further conclusions may we draw from the facts already considered in this chapter? Give reasons for your answer. 304 THE HUMAN BODY. from the absence, in such cases, of sensation in the part whose nerves have been injured; and from the loss of the power of voluntarily causing its muscles to contract. 6. Finally, we conclude that the spinal cord in addition to being a centre for unconscious movements serves also to I ran sin 1 1 nervous impulses to and from the brain; this is confirmed by the histological observation that in addition to the nerve-cells, which are the characteristic constituents of nerve-centres, it contains the simply conductive nerve- fibres, many of which pass on to the brain. In other words the spinal cord, besides containing fibres which enter it from, and pass from it to, the skin and muscles, contains many fibres which unite it to other centres. The Functions of Nerve-Centres and Nerve-Trunks. — From what has been stated in the previous paragraphs it is clear that we may distinctly separate the nerve-trunks from the nerve-centres. The fibres serve simply to convey im- pulses either from without to a centre or in the opposite direction, while the centres conduct and do much more. They take heed, some consciously and some unconsciously, of the impulses carried to them by the ingoing nerve-fibres, and then send out impulses along outgoing nerve-fibres; these impulses call into action the proper organs for the safety and well-being of the body in general. The centres do not merely transmit and reflect, they also co-ordinate. Classification of Nerve-Fibres. — The nerve-fibres of the body fall into two great groups corresponding to those For what is the spinal cord a centre? What else does it do? How does histology support the belief that the spinal cord is both a nerve-centre and a conductor of nervous impulses? What is the function of nerve-fibres? What is done by nerve- centres in addition to conducting nerve-impulses? Into what main groups may nerve fibres be classified? PSYCHIC NERVE-CENTRES. 305 which carry impulses to the centres and those which carry them out from the centres. The former are called afferent or sensory fibres and the latter efferent or mot or. The posterior roots of the spinal nerves contain only afferent, the anterior only efferent, nerve-fibres. Classification of Nerve-Centres. — Nerve-centres are of three kinds: (1) Automatic centres, which, without being excited by the action of any sensory nerve or by the Will, originate in themselves stimuli for efferent nerves. (2) Re- flex centres, which act quite independently of the Will and of consciousness, but are aroused by the action of a nervous impulse conveyed to them by a sensory nerve, and in turn excite one or more efferent nerves. (3) Conscious or psy- chic centres, whose activity, however aroused, is accom- panied by some kind of mental activity; as feeling, or willing, or reasoning. The Psychic Nerve-Centres lie in the fore-brain, and mainly in the gray matter of its convolutions. If the cere- bral hemispheres of a pigeon be destroyed and all the rest of its body left intact, the animal can still control its muscles so as to execute many movements, but it gives no sign of consciousness. Left to itself it will stand still until it dies; corn and drink placed before it arouse in it no idea of eat- ing; it will die of starvation surrounded by food. Yet it can move all its muscles, and if food is placed in its mouth will swallow it. If its tail be pulled it will walk forward; What fibres are found in the posterior spinal nerve-roots? What in the anterior? Name the main varieties of nerve-centres. What is done by automatic centres? What by reflex? What is the characteristic property of the psychic centres? Where are the psychic nerve-centres located? What may be ob- served in a pigeon whose cerebral hemispheres have been destroyed? 306 THE HUMAN BODY. if it be put on its back it will get on its feet; if it be thrown into the air it will fly until it strikes against some- thing on which it can alight; if its feathers be ruffled it will smooth them with its bill. The difference between a pigeon in this state and an uninjured pigeon lies in the absence of the power of form- ing ideas or initiating movements. It has no thoughts, no ideas, no Will. We cannot predict what an uninjured pigeon will do under given circumstances: we can say be- forehand what the pigeon with no cerebral hemispheres will do; it is a mere machine or instrument, which can be played upon. In such a pigeon the excitation of any given sensory nerve or nerves excites unconscious nerve-centres which set certain muscles at work, and the result of any one stimulus is always the same invariable movement. The animal exhibits no evidence of possessing any con- sciousness ; it has no desires or emotions ; it is like a piano which while untouched is silent, but when a given key is struck emits always the same note ; so the pigeon without its cerebral hemispheres stays quiet while left to itself, and responds to any one given stimulus always in one invari- able and predicable way. Functions of the Cerebellum. — The cerebellum is the great centre for co-ordinating the muscles of locomotion. Each step we take implies the action of many muscles and many thousands of muscular fibres; the actions of all must be very precisely graded as to amount, and very accurately arranged as to proper sequence. We do not, however, con- sciously think about the muscles to be used in every move- How does such a pigeon differ from an uninjured pigeon? What is the main function of the cerebellum? AVliat is implied in each step that we take? FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBELLUM. 307 ment of each step; if we do think at all about our walking the cerebral hemispheres simply send a message to the cere- bellum, and leave it (with the aid of the spinal cord) to regulate all the details. When we walk without thinking about it, the contact of the foot with the ground stimulates sensory nerves of the sole, which then stimulate the locomotor centres; these centres excite in proper order the nerves which control the muscles; and the co-ordinated action of the muscles produces the next step. A pigeon with its cerebellum destroyed and all the rest of its nervous system intact stands unsteadily, staggers when it attempts to walk, and flutters uselessly when thrown into the air. But, having its cerebrum, it wills and feels; it does not stand quiet until touched; it initiates movements when left to itself, though it cannot perform them properly. It wills, and feels, and thinks, but cannot co-ordinate the action of its muscles except for some simple movements, regulated by the medulla oblongata or the spinal cord. Automatic Nerve-Centres send out nervous impulses through efferent nerves without waiting to be excited by afferent nerves or by the Will. The most conspicuous are the small nerve-centres buried in the heart, which excite its beat even when it is separated from all the rest of the body. Auother automatic centre is that which lies in the medulla oblongata and stimulates the nerves which control the Do we have to think about using each muscle concerned in walk- ing? What happens when we think about our walking? What when we walk without thinking about it ? What do we see in a pigeon whose cerebellum has been destroyed? Does it initiate movements? Does it execute them well? What is its condition as regards willing, feeling, and thinking? What can it not do? What is done by automatic nerve-centres? Give examples of au- tomatic nerve-centres. 308 THE HUMAN BODY. muscles of respiration. When this centre is cut off from all sensory nerves it still acts, and its activity goes on even against the Will. We can voluntarily hold the breath for a short time, but not long enough to kill ourselves by suffo- cation. Although automatic nerve-centres act indepen- dently of impulses carried to them by nerve-trunks, they are nevertheless usually more or less subject to control by them. For example, stimulating the branch of the pneu- mogastric nerve (p. 293) which goes to the automatic heart nerve-centres slows the beat of the organ; and a dash of cold water on the skin makes us draw a deep breath. Reflex Centres are aroused to activity by nervous im- pulses conveyed to them through afferent nerves: they then excite efferent nerves and produce a movement or a secretion. Such nerve-centres do all the routine of the ad- ministrative control of the organs of the body, without troubling the psychic centres. They frequently act with- out the intervention of consciousness at all, and often in spite of the Will. When sugar is placed in the mouth it excites its sensory nerves ; these stimulate a centre from which nerves go to the salivary glands, and these nerves, aroused by the centre, make the gland-cells secrete and pour saliva into the mouth; no effort of the Will can stop this reflex action, so called because a nervous impulse sent to a centre by one set of nerve-fibres is turned back or reflected from it along another set. When a morsel of food enters the pharynx it excites the sensory nerves of the mucous Can a man commit suicide by holding his breath? Are the automatic centres entirely free from control ? Illustrate. How are reflex centres excited ? What is the consequence of their stimulation ? What sort of work in the body is executed by reflex nerve-centres? Are we always conscious of their action ? Can the Will always control them ? What happens when sugar is placed on the tongue? Why is it called a "reflex action "? USES OF AUTOMATIC NERVE-CENTRES. 309 membrane; these arouse a reflex centre of swallowing, which sends out nervous impulses to the swallowing mus- cles, and the food is sent on into the gullet whether we wish it or not. Sneezing when something irritates the mucous membrane of the nose, and coughing where some foreign mass enters the larynx, are other instances of reflex actions. The Use of Automatic and Reflex Centres is to relieve the thinking centres of the vast amount of work which would be thrown upon them if every action of the body each moment had to be planned and willed. Were not the unconscious regulating nerve-centres always at work the mind would be overburdened by the mass of business which it would have to look after every minute. No time would be left for intellectual development if we had to think about and to will each heart-beat, each inspiration and ex- piration, and the swallowing of each mouthful of food. Moreover, during sleep, so necessary for the rest and repair of the psychic centres, the automatic and reflex centres carry on the actions essential for the nutrition of the body and the maintenance of life. If we had to reason concern- ing each beat of the heart and decide if it was time for it to occur and what force it should have, and then to make up our minds whether to will it or not, we could never sleep. Habits are Acquired Reflex Actions, distinguished from primary or those born with us, such as sneezing, coughing, and winking. Every time a nerve-centre acts in a given way it tends to more easily act in that manner again; as a result Give other examples of reflex actions. What is the main use of the automatic and reflex nerve-centres? What would result if the unconscious nerve-centres were not always at work? What are habits? What happens when a nerve-centre acts in a given manner? What is the result? 310 THE HUMAN BODY. many actions which are at first only performed with trouble and thought are after a time executed easily and unconsciously. The act of walking is a good instance; each of us in infancy learned to walk with much pains and care, thinking about each step. But the more we walked tbe closer became ingrained in the nervous system the connec- tion between the stimulation of nerves in the sole when a foot touched the ground, and the sending out by the reflex nerve-centres with which they were in connection, of impulses to those muscles which had to make the next step. At last the contact of the foot with the ground, stimu- lating some sensory nerves, acts so readily on the " nerve- centres of walking" that the cerebral hemispheres need take no heed about it: we walk ahead while thinking of something else. In other words we have acquired a reflex action not born in us. Other instances will readily come to mind: as the difficulty with which we learned to ride, or swim, or skate, thinking about and willing each movement; and the ease with which we do all these things after a little practice. The trained lower nerve-centres then do all the co-ordinating work and the Will has no more need to trouble about the matter. A habit simply means that the unconscious parts of the nervous system have been trained to do certain things under given conditions, and can only be restrained from doing them by a special effort of the con- scious Will. A practised rider will keep his seat uncon- sciously under all ordinary circumstances, and can only fall off his horse by taking some trouble to do so, by will- ing it in fact; an unskilled rider, on the other hand, must exert all his attention to avoid falling. So with what in Illustrate by the act of walking. Give other examples. What does a "formed habit" really mean? Illustrate. HYGIENE OF TEE BRAIN. 311 every-day language are called " habits": once we have repeat- ed an action so often that our bodies almost unconsciously do it, it becomes a habit, and needs special exercise of Will to deviate from it. TVe thus find, in the tendency of the nervous system to go on doing what it has been trained to do, a physiological reason for endeavoring to form good and to avoid bad habits of whatever sort, physiological, business, social, or moral. Every thought, every action, leaves in the nervous system its result for good or ill. The more often we yield to temptation the stronger effort of the Will is required to resist it. The knowledge that every weak yielding degrades our nerve-organs and leaves its trail in the brain, through whose action man is the "para- gon of animals," while every resistance makes less close the bond between the feeling and the act for all future time, ought surely to "give us pause"; on the other hand, every resistance of temptation helps to make subsequent resist- ance easier. Hygiene of the Brain. — The brain, like the muscles, is improved and strengthened by exercise and injured by over- work or idleness; and just as a man may specially develop one set of muscles and neglect the rest until they degenerate, so he may do with his brain; developing one set of intel- lectual faculties and leaving the rest to lie fallow until, at last, he almost loses the power of using them at all. The fierceness of the battle of life nowadays especially tends to produce such lopsided mental development. How often What happens when we have very frequently repeated an action? Point out why it is desirable, even on physiological grounds, to form good habits. How does every thought or act influence the nervous system? "What is the consequence of yielding to temptation? "What of resisting it? 312 THE HUMAN BODY. does one meet the business man, so absorbed in money- getting that he has lost all power of appreciating any but the lower sensuous pleasures; the intellectual joys of art, science, and literature have no charm for him; he is a mere money-making machine. One, also, not unfrequently meets the scientific man with no apj^reciation of art or literature; and literary men utterly incapable of sympathy with science. A good collegiate education in early life, on a broad basis of mathematics, literature, and natural science, is the best security against such deformed mental growth. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XX. 1. Place a frog on the table; note that it sits up and breathes (as shown by the movements of its throat), and either stays still or jumps around as it pleases; i.e., it has a Will of its own, and its actions cannot be predicted. 2. Etherize two frogs (note, p. 68), removing them from the ether- ized water the moment they become insensible. With strong sharp scissors cut off from one frog (a) all the head in front of the anterior margins of the tympanic membranes: in the other frog (b) remove the head along a line joining the posterior borders of the tympanic membranes. Place both frogs aside on a dish containing a little water for half an hour. The quantity of water should be such that while keeping the frogs moist it will not reach to the wounds. 3. The frog (a) which has lost its cerebral hemispheres, but re- tained its mid brain, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata, will be found after the above-stated time sitting up in a natural position, and breathing. Left to itself it will, however, never walk or jump; it shows no sign of possessing a will. Its heart continues to beat and its respiratory muscles to contract, but left alone it stays where it is. Turned upon its back it will regain its feet; and put into water it will swim: its muscles, and the nerves controlling them, are, there- fore, quite able to act. The animal stays still not because the parts of its body necessary to produce movements are injured, but because it can no longer will a movemeut. Such a frog shows very well the de- pendence of volition upon the presence of the cerebral hemispheres. APPENDIX. CHAPTER XX. 313 4. The frog (b) will have had its whole brain removed. Its heart will continue to beat, but its breathing movements will cease, be- cause the respiratory centre, which lies in the medulla oblongata, has been cut away. It will also lie down squat, instead of sitting up like a normal frog, because its most important muscle co-ordinating centres have been removed with the mid-brain and cerebellum. Left to itself the animal will, within half an hour of the removal of the head, pull up its hind legs into their natural position, but after this it will make no movement. It has no volition. 5. Such a frog can, however, perform many co-ordinated reflex actions, which may be illustrated as follows: {a) Pinch a toe; it will be pulled away, (b) Soak some blotting-paper in vinegar, and then cut the paper into small pieces about £ inch square. Put these bits of paper on different regions of the frog's skin, dipping the ani- mal in clean wTater after each application, to wash away the vinegar. It will be found that tbe brainless creature moves its limbs so as to wipe away the acid paper placed on its skin. The frog without its brain has no Will and no consciousness; but its spinal cord when ex- cited by afferent nerves, whose ends the vinegar stimulates, excites in turn efferent nerves which stimulate muscles, wrhose contrac- tion produces a movement calculated to rub away the irritating object. 6. Now run a stout pin down the frog's neural canal so as to de- stroy its spinal cord. It will be found that no subsequent pinchiugof the creature or putting of vinegar on its skin causes any movement. Its muscles and nerve-trunks are intact, but the spinal reflex centre, which in the previous experiments was excited by afferent nerves, and then in turn stimulated efferent nerves, is destroyed. The heart continues to beat, on account of the automatic nerve-centres in it; but no voluntary and no reflex actions are exhibited by the animal. 7. The nerve-trunks and the muscles are, however, still active. Turn the frog on its back and carefully expose (p. 299) the origins of the sciatic nerves. On pinching these, the muscles of the leg will be seen to contract. The irritation of the nerve by the pinch starts in it a nervous impulse which travels down the nerve -branches to the muscles. CHAPTER XXI. THE SENSES. Common Sensation and Special Senses. — Changes in many parts of our bodies are accompanied or followed by states of consciousness which we call sensations. All such parts (sensitive ]ja?'ts) are in connection, direct or in- direct, with the brain by sensory nerve-fibres. Since all feel- ing is lost in any region of the body when this connecting path is severed, it is clear that all sensations, whatever their primary exciting cause, are finally dependent on conditions of the brain. Since all nerves lie within the body as circum- scribed by the skin, one might be inclined to suppose that the cause of all sensations would appear to be within our bodies themselves; that the thing felt would be recognized as a modification of some portion of the person feeling. This is the case with regard to many sensations: a headache, tooth- ache, or earache gives us no idea of any external object ; it merely suggests to each one a particular state of a sensitive portion of himself. As regards many sensations this is not so; they suggest to us external causes, to properties of which, and not to states of our bodies, we ascribe them ; and so they lead us to the conception of an external universe in which we live. A knife laid on the skin produces changes in it which With what are all sensitive parts of the body in connection ? By what nerve-fibres? How do we know that all sensations finally de- pend on the brain? Why might we suppose that the causes of all sensations would seem to lie within the body? Name sensations merely suggesting to us a state of the body itself. What do some other sensations sug- gest to us? Illustrate. COMMON SENSATIONS. 315 lead us to think not of a state of the skin, but of proper- ties of some object outside the skin; we believe Ave feel a cold heavy hard thing which is not the skin. We have, however, no sensory nerves going into the knife and inform- ing us directly of its condition; what we really feel are the modifications of the body produced by the knife, although we irresistibly think of them as properties of the knife — of some object that is no part of the body. Let now the knife cut through the skin; we feel no more knife, but ex- perience pain, which we think of as a condition of our- selves. "We do not say the knife is painful, but that the finger is, and yet we have, so far as sensation goes, as much reason to call the knife painful as cold. Applied one way it produced local changes in the skin arousing a sensation of cold, and in another local changes causinga sensation of pain. Nevertheless in the one case we speak of the cold as being in the knife, and in the other of the pain as being in the finger. Sensitive parts, such as the surface of the skin, through which we get, or believe we get, information about outer things, are of far more intellectual value to us than sensi- tive parts, such as the subcutaneous tissue into which the knife may cut, which only give us sensations referred to conditions of our own bodies. The former are called Organs of Special Sense ; the latter are parts endowed with Common Sensation. Common Sensations are quite numerous ; for example, pain, hunger, nausea, thirst, satiety, and fatigue. "What is meant by "organs of some special sense"? What by parts endowed with common sensation? Name some common sensations. 316 THE HUMAN BODY. Hunger and Thirst. — These sensations regulate the tak- ing of food. Local conditions play a part in their produc- tion, but general states of the body are also concerned. Hunger in its first stages is due to a condition of the gastric mucous membrane which comes on when the stom- ach has been empty some time; it may then be tempo- rarily stilled by filling the stomach with indigestible sub- stances. But soon the feeling comes back intensified and can only be allayed by the ingestion of nutritive materials; provided these are absorbed and reach the blood their mode of entry is unessential; hunger may be stayed by injections of food into the intestine as completely as by filling the stomach with it. Similarly, thirst maybe temporarily relieved by moisten- ing the throat without swallowing, but then soon returns ; while it may be permanently relieved by water injections into the veins, without wetting the throat at all. Both sensations depend in part on local conditions of sensory nerves, but may be more powerfully excited by poverty of the blood in foods or water ; this deficiency directly stimulates the hunger and thirst centres of the brain. The Special Senses are commonly described as five in number, but there are at least six; namely, sight, hearing, touch, the temperature sense, smell, and taste. To what is the first stage of hunger due? How may it be tempo- rarily stayed? Need food enter the stomach in order to alleviate hunger? How may thirst be temporarily relieved? How permanently without swallowing water? On what do the sensations of hunger and thirst in part depend? How may they be more powerfully ex- cited ? Enumerate the special seuses. BlGiit. 317 Tho Visual Apparatus consists of nervous tissues immedi- ately concerned in giving rise to sensations, supported, protected, and nourished by other parts. Its essential parts are, (1) the retina, a thin membrane lying in the eyeball and containing microscopic elements which are so acted upon by light as to stimulate (2) the optic nerve; this nerve ends (3) in a part of the brain {visual centre) which when stimu- lated arouses in our consciousness a feeling or sensation of sight. The visual centre may be excited in very many ways, and quite independently of the optic nerve or the retina; as is frequently seen in delirious persons, in whom inflamma- tion or congestion of the brain excites directly the visual centre and gives rise to visual hallucinations. Usually, however, the cerebral visual centre is only ex- cited through the optic nerve, and the optic nerve only by light acting upon the retina. The eyeball, containing the retina, is so constructed that light can enter it, and so placed and protected in the body that as a general thing no other form of energy can act upon it so as to stimulate the retina. Under exceptional circumstances we may have sight-sensa- tions when no light reaches the eye; anything which stimu- lates the retina, so long as it is connected by the optic nerve with the cerebral visual centre, will cause a sight-sensation. A severe blow on the eye, even in complete darkness, will cause the sensation of a flash of light; the compression of the eyeball excites the retina, the retina excites the optic nerve, Of what does the visual apparatus consist? What are its essen- tial parts? What happens when the visual centre is stimulated? Is it only stimulated by the agency of light? Illustrate. How is the visual centre usually excited? Why is light the form of energy which most often stimulates the retina? Give an example of the production of a sight-sensation in the absence of light. What happens in the nervous system when a man "sees sparks" on receiv- ing a blow in the eye? 318 THE HUMAN BODY. the optic nerve the visual nerve-centre, and the result is a sight-sensation.* The Eye-Socket. — The eyeball is lodged in a bony cav- ity, the orbit, open in front. Each orbit is a pyramidal chamber containing connective tissue, blood-vessels, nerves, and much fat ; the fat forms a soft cushion on which the back of the eyeball rolls. The Eyelids are folds of skin, strengthened by cartilage and moved by muscles. Opening along the edge of each eye- lid are from twenty to thirty minute glands, called the Meibomian follicles. Their secretion is sometimes abnor- mally abundant, and then appears as a yellowish matter along the edges of the eyelids, which often dries in the night and causes the lids to be glued together in the morning. The eyelashes are curved hairs, arranged in one In what is each eyeball lodged? What does the orbit contain? What are the eyelids? The Meibomian glands? Why are the eyelids sometimes stuck together in the morning? What are the uses of the eyelashes? * The fact that sight-sensations may be aroused quite independently of all light acting upon the eye is paralleled by similar phenomena in regard to other senses, and is of fundamental psychological and metaphysical importance. That a blow on the closed eye gives rise to a vivid light-sensation, even in the absence of all actual light, proves that our sensation of light is quite a different thing from light itself. The visual sensory apparatus, it is true, is so con- structed and protected that of all the forces of nature, light is the one which far most frequently stimulates it. But as regards the peculiarity in the quality of the sensation which leads us to classify it as " a visual sensation," that pecu- liarity has nothing to do with any property of light. The visual nerve-centre when stimulated causes a sight-sensation, whether it has been excited by light, or by a blow, or by electricity. Similarly the auditory brain-centre gives us a sound-sensation when stimulated by actual external sound-waves, or by a blow on the ear, or by disease of the auditory organ. One kind of energy, light, excites more often than any other the visual nerve-apparatus ; another, sound, the auditory nerve-apparatus; a third, pressure, the touch nerve-organs. Hence we come to associate light with visual sensations and to think of it as something like our sight- feelings; and to imagine sound as something like our auditor}' sensations; and so forth. As a matter of fact both light and sound are merely movements of ether or air; it is our own stimulated nerve-centres which produce visual and auditory sensations; the ethereal or aerial vibrations merely act as the stimuli which arouse the nervous apparatus. THE TEAR APPARATUS. 319 or two rows along each lid and helping to keep dust from falling into the eye; and, when the lids are nearly closed, to protect it from a dazzling light. The Lachrymal Apparatus consists of the tear-gland in each orbit, of ducts which carry its secretion to the upper eyelid, and of canals by which this, unless when excessive, is carried off from the front of the eye without running down over the face. The lachrymal or tear gland, about the size of an almond, lies in the upper and outer corner of the orbit. It is a compound racemose gland, from which twelve or fourteen ducts run and open at the outer corner of the upper eyelid on its inner surface. The secretion there poured out is spread evenly over the exposed part of the eye by the movements of winking, and keeps it moist ; finally it is drained off by two lachrymal canals, one of which opens by a small pore on an elevation, or papilla, near the inner end of the margin of each eyelid. The aper- ture of the lower canal can be readily seen by examin- ing its papilla in front of a looking-glass. The canals run inwards and open into the lachrymal sac, which lies just outside the nose, in a hollow where the lachrymal and superior maxillary bones (L and Mx, Fig. 1G) meet. From this sac the nasal duct proceeds to open into the nose- chamber below the inferior turbinate bone (q, Fig. 41, p. 133). Tears are constantly being secreted, but ordinarily in such quantity as to be drained off into the nose, from which they flow into the pharynx and are swallowed. When the lachrymal duct is stopped up, however, their Of what parts does the lachrymal apparatus consist ? Describe the lachrymal gland. Where do its ducts open ? How is the front of the eyeball kept moist? Describe the arrangement by which the tears are usually carried off, 320 THE HUMAN BODY. continual presence makes itself unpleasantly felt, and may need the aid of a surgeon to clear the passage. In loeeping the secretion is increased, and then not only more of it enters the nose, but some flows down the cheeks. The frequent swallowing movements of a crying child, sometimes spoken of as "gulping down his passion," are due to the need of swallowing the extra tears which reach the pharynx. Fig. 8S. — The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. 1, scle- rotic; 2. junction of sclerotic and cornea; 3, cornea; 4, 5, conjunctiva; 6, pos- terior elastic Layer of cornea; 7, ciliary muscle; 10, choroid; 11, 13. ciliary pro- cesses; 14, iris; 15, retina: 16, optic nerve; 17. artery entering retina in optic nerve; 18, fovea centralis; 19, region whete sensory part of retina ends: 22, suspensory ligament; 23 is placed in the canal of Petit, and the line from 25 points to it: 24, the anterior part of the hyaloid membrane : 20, 27, 28, are placed on the lens; 28 points to the line of attachment around it of the suspensory liga- ment; 29, vitreous humor: 30, anterior chamber of aqueous humor; 31, poste- rior chamber of aqueous humor. Why do tears run down the face during a fit of weeping? Why does a crying child make frequent swallowing movements? TUB EYEBALL. 321 The Globe of the Eye is on the whole spheroidal, but consists of segments of two spheres (see Fig. 88), a portion of a sphere of smaller radius forming its anterior transpar- ent part, and being set on to the front of its posterior segment, which is part of a larger sphere. In general terms it may be described as consisting of three coats and three refracting media. The outer coat 1 and 3, Fig. 88, consists of the sclerotic and the cornea, the latter being transparent and situated in front ; the former is opaque and white and covers the back and sides of the globe and part ot the front, where it is seen between the eyelids as the white of the eye. Both are tough and strong, being composed of dense connective tissue. The second coat consists of the choroid, 9, 10, and the iris, 14. The choroid consists mainly of blood-vessels sup- ported by loose connective tissue, which in its inner layers contains many darK brown or black pigment granules.* Towards the front of the eyeball, where it begins to dimin- ish in diameter, the choroid separates from the sclerotic and turns in to form the iris, or that colored part of the eye which is seen through the cornea ; in the centre of the iris is a circular aperture, the pupil, through which light reaches the interior of the eyeball. The third or innermost coat of the eye, the retina, 15, is its essential portion, being the part in which the light produces those changes that give rise to nervous impulses in the optic nerve. It lines the posterior half of the eyeball. The Microscopic Structure of the Retina is very com- What is the form of the globe of the eye? Of what does it consist? Describe the outer coat. The second coat. What is the retina? *In Dink-eyed rabbits and in the pink-eyed ladies of "dime museums" this pigment is absent. 822 THE HUMAN BODY. plex ; although but -fa inch in thickness it presents ten dis- tinct layers. 10i Fig. 89. — A section through the retina from its anterior or inner surface. 1 in contact with the hyaloid membrane, to its outer. 10. in contact with the chc* roid. 1, internal limiting membrane; 2. nerve-fibre layer: 3. nerve-cell layer; 4, inner molecular layer; 5, inner granular layer; 6, outer molecular layer; 7. outer granular la5'er; 8, external limiting membrane; 9, rod and cone layer; 10) pigment-cell layer. Beginning (Fig. 89) on its front or inner side we find, THE RETINA. 323 first, the internal limiting membrane, 1, a thin structure- less layer. Next comes the nerve-fibre layer, 2, formed by radiating fibres of the optic nerve ; third, the nerve-cell layer, 3; fourth, the inner molecular layer, 4, consisting partly of very fine nerve-fibrils, and largely of connective tissue ; fifth, the inner granular layer, 5, composed of nu- cleated cells, with a small amount of protoplasm at each end, and a nucleolus. These granules, or at any rate the majority of them, have an inner process running to the in- ner molecular layer, and an outer running to, 6, the outer molecular layer, which is thinner than the inner. Then comes, seventh, the rod and cone fibre layer, 7, or outer granular layer, composed of thick and thin fibres on each of which is a conspicuous nucleus with a nucleolus. Xext is the thin external limiting membrane, 8, perforated by apertures through which the rods and cones, 9, of the ninth layer join the fibres of the seventh. Outside of all, next the choroid, is the pigmentary layer, 10. The nerve- fibres are believed to be continuous with the rods and cones. Light entering the eve passes through the transparent retina until it reaches the rods and cones and excites these, and they stimulate the nerves. The action of the light is probably in the first instance chemical. The rods are stained by a purple substance, which is bleached by light and regenerated in the dark. In the healthy eye the purple is reproduced nearly as fast as de- stroyed, by the pigment-cells of the retina. Parts of the retina which contain none of this vision purple can see, but they m ay possess uncolored substances which are changed by light. Describe the microscopic structure of the retina. On what con- stituents of the retina does light first act, in producing a sensation? With what are the rods of the retina stained? How is the pig- ment reproduced? 324 THE HUMAN BODY. The Blind Spot. — Where the optic nerve enters the re- tina it forms a small elevation (Fig. 90), from which nerve- Fig. 90. — The right retina as it would be seen if the front part of the eyeball with the lens and vitreous humor were removed. The white disc to the right marks the entry of the optic nerve (bliud spot); the lines radiating from this are the retinal arteries and veins. The small central dark patch is the yellow spot, the region of most acute vision. fibres radiate. This elevation is quite blind, because it pos- sesses neither rods nor cones. Its blindness may be readily demonstrated. Close the left eye and look steadily with the right at the cross (Fig. 91), holding the page vertically in Fig. 91. What is meant by the "blind spot"? Describe a method of demonstrating its blindness THE REFRACTING MEDIA OF THE EYE. 325 front of the face, and moving it alternately from and towards you. The eye must all the time be kept looking fixedly at the cross. When the book is about ten inches from the eye the white disc entirely disappears from view: its image then falls on the part of the retina where the optic nerve enters, and causes no visual sensation. Light consists of vibrations in an ether which pervades space. An object which sets up no waves in the ether does not excite the visual nervous apparatus, and appears black; an object which sets up ethereal vibrations capable of exciting the rods and cones of the retina appears white or colored when we look at it. The ethereal vibrations enter the eye through the cornea, pass on through the pupil, and reach and stimulate the retina. The Refracting Media of the Eye are three in number: (1) the aqueous humor; (2) the crystalline lens; (3) the vitreous humor. Their relative positions are shown in Fig. Sb. These media act like a convex lens, such as a common Fig. 92. — Illustrating the formation behind a convex lens of a diminished and inverted image of an object placed in front of it. burning-glass, and bend the rays of light which pass through them (Fig. 92), so that all those which start from one point of an external object meet again in a, focus on one point of What is light? When does an ohject appear black? Name the refracting media of the eye. State their relative posi tion. Describe their actiou. 326 THE HUMAN BODY. the retina. In this way a small ami inverted image of the things at which we look is formed on the retina, and stimu- lates its rods and cones. Accommodation. — In the healthy eyeball the crystalline lens is controlled by muscles which change its convexity, making this greater when we look at near objects, and less when we look at distant objects. When the lens is very Fig. 93.— Section of front part of eyeball showing the change in the form of the lens when near and distant objects are looked at. a, c, 6, cornea; A, lens when near object is looked at; B, lens when distant object is looked at. convex we cannot see a distant object distinctly, and when it is less convex we only dimly see a near object. For example, standing at a window behind a lace curtain we can look at the curtain and see its threads plainly, but while so doing we only see indistinctly houses on the other side of the street; because the convexity of the lens is then such as to focus light from the near object on the retina, and not that from the distant. We can, however, "look at" the houses over the way and see them plainly; but then we no longer see the curtain distinctly, because the lens has so changed its form as to focus light from the far object on the When we look at an object, -what is formed on the retina? How is the form of the crystalline lens controlled? When is its convexity greater? Can we see near and distant objects distinctly at the same moment? Illustrate. SHORT SIGHT AND LONG SIGHT. 327 retina, instead of light from the near. The power of chang- ing the form of the lens according as near or distant objects are looked at is called "accommodation" Short Sight and Long Sight. — In the normal eye the range of accommodation is very great, allowing light from objects infinitely distant up to that proceeding from those only about eight inches in front of the eye to be brought to a focus on the retina. In the natural healthy eve par- allel rays of light meet on the retina when the mus- cles controlling the crys- talline lens are at rest and the lens is at its flattest (A, Fig. 94). Snch eyes are emmetropic. In other eyes the eyeball is too long from before back; in the resting state paral- lel rays meet in front of the retina (B). Persons with such eyes cannot see distant objects distinctly without the aid of diverging (concave) spectacles; they are short-sighted or myopic. Or the eyeball may be too short from before back; then, in its resting state, parallel rays are brought What is meant by the "accommodation" of the eyeball? Where do parallel rays of light which have entered a healthy eye meet in a focus? Where do such rays meet when the eyeball is too long from back to front? What is the result as regards vision? What form of spectacle lenses do short-sighted persons require? Ex- plain what is meant by a hypermetropic or long-sighted eye. What sort of spectacles do long-sighted persons require? Fiq. 94.— Diagram illustrating the path of parallel rays after entering: an emme- tropic (A), a myopic (B), and a hyperme- tropic (C) eye. S28 TEhl HUMAN BODY. to a focus behind the retina (C). To see even distant ob- jects, such persons must therefore use muscular effort to increase the converging power of the lens; and when objects are near they cannot, with the greatest effort, bring the rays proceeding from them to a focns soon enough. To get distinct retinal images of near objects, they therefore need converging (convex) spectacles. Such eyes are called hypermetropic, or in common language long-sighted. Hygiene of the Eyes. — The healthy eye is so constructed that when its muscles are at rest distinct images of distant objects are focussed on the retina. To see near objects muscular effort is required; hence the greater fatigue which follows long gazing at them. In a hypermetropic eye more effort is needed to see near objects, and this results in muscular fatigue. Hyper- metropic persons can often read well for a while, but then complain that they can no longer see distinctly. This kind of weak sight should always lead to examination of the eyes by an oculist, to see if glasses are needed; otherwise severe neuralgic pains about the eyes are apt to come on, and the overstrained organ may be permanently injured. Children sometimes have hypermetropic eyes, and in that case should be at once provided with suitable spec- tacles. In old age another kind of long-sightedness (pres- byopia) is common: it is due to too great stiffness of the crystalline lens, which does not become convex enough during accommodation to focus on the retina the images of near objects. Short-sighted eyes appear to be more common now than formerly, especially in those given to indoor Why is the eye apt to be fatigued by the continued contempla- tion of near objects ? How does the hypermetropic eye differ from the normal in the above respect? What should be done at once if a child is found to have hypermetropic eyes? What is presbyopia? In what classes of persons is myopia most frequent? BEARING. 329 pursuits. Myopia is rare among those who cannot read or who live mainly out of doors. It is not so apt to lead to permanent injury of the eye as hypermetropia, but the effort to see distinctly any but near objects is apt to pro- duce headaches and other symptoms of nervous exhaus- tion. If the myopia becomes gradually worse, the eyes should be rested for several months. Hearing. — The auditory organ (Fig. 95) consists of three portions, known respectively as the external ear, the middle Fig. 95. — Semi-diagrammatic section through the right ear. M, concha. G, external auditory meatus. T. tympanic or drum membrane. P, Tympanum. o, oval foramen, r. round foramen. Extending from 7'to o is seen the chain of tympanic bones. R, Eustachian tube. V, B, 8, bony labyrinth: V, vestibule; B, semicircular canal; 8, cochlea, b, I, I', membranous semicircular canal and vestibule. A, auditory nerve dividing into branches for vestibule, semi- circular canal, and cochea. ear or tympanum, and the internal ear or labyrinth; of these the latter is the essential one, containing the ends of the auditory nerve-fibres. What is apt to result from short sight? Of what does the auditory organ consist? 330 THE HUMAN BODY. The External Ear consists of the expansion, M, seen on the exterior of the head, called the concha, and a passage leading in from it, the external auditory meatus, G. This passage is closed at its inner end by the tympanic or drum membrane, T. It is lined by a prolongation of the skin, through which numerous shiall glands, secreting the wax of the ear, open. The Tympanum, or drum chamber of the ear (Fig. 96 and P, Fig. 95), is an irregular cavity in the temporal bone, closed externally by the drum membrane. From its inner side the Eustachian tube (E, Fig. 95) pro- ceeds and opens into the pharynx. This tube allows air from the throat to enter the tympanum, and serves to keep equal the atmospher- ic pressure on each side of the drum membrane. Three small bones (Fig. 96) stretch across the tympanic cavity from the drum membrane to the laby- rinth ; they transmit the vibrations of the membrane, produced by sound-waves in the air, to the liquid of the Describe the external ear. What is the tympanum? The Eustachian tube? What is the use of the Eustachian tube? What bones lie in the tympanum? What is their function? Fig. 96.— The tympanic cavity and its bones, con- siderably magnified. G, the inner end of the ex- ternal auditory meatus, closed internally by the conical tympanic membrane: L, the malleus, or hammer-bone ; H, the incus, or anvil-bone ; £>', the stapes, or stirrup-bone. TOUCH. 331 labyrinth. The outmost bone is the malleus ; the inmost, the stapes ; and the middle bone, the incus. The Internal Ear, or Labyrinth, consists primarily of chambers and tubes hollowed out in the temporal bone. The middle chamber, called the vestibule ( V, Fig. 95), has an opening, the oval foramen, o, in its outer side, into which the inner end of the stapes, or stirrup-bone, fits. Behind, the vestibule opens into three semicircular canals, one of which is shown at B, Fig. 95; and in front into a spirally coiled tube, S, the cochlea. In these bony chambers and tubes lie membranous chambers and tubes, in which the fibres ©f the auditory nerve (A, Fig. 95) end. All the labyrinth chamber outside these membranous parts is occupied by a watery liquid, known as perilymph; the membranous chambers are filled with a similar liquid, the endolymph. When sound-waves of the air make- the tympanic mem- brane vibrate, it shakes the tympanic bones; the stapes then shakes the liquids in the labyrinth, and sets up vibra- tions in them, which excite the endings of the auditory nerve. The stimulated auditory nerve then conveys a nervous impulse to the brain-centre of hearing and excites it, and a sensation of sound results. Touch, or the Pressure Sense. — Many sensory nerves end in the skin, and through it we get several kinds of sensa- Of what does the internal ear primarily consist? What is the vestibule? What is found on the outer side of the vestibule? Into what does the vestibule open behind? In front? What lie in the bony cavities of the labyrinth? What is the perilymph? The endolymph? What happens when sound-waves set the tympanic membrane in vibration? 332 TUB HUMAN BODY. tion; touch proper, heat and cold, and pain ; and we can with more or less accuracy localize them on the surface of the body. The interior of the mouth possesses also these sensibilities. Through touch proper we recognize pressure or traction exerted on the skin, and the force of the pres- sure; the softness or hardness, roughness or smoothness, of the body producing it; and the form of this, when not too large to be felt all over. The delicacy of the tactile sense varies on different parts of the skin; it is greatest on the forehead and temples, where a weight of T-f ¥ of a grain can be felt. The Localization of Skin Sensations. — When the eyes are closed and a point of the skin is touched we can with some accuracy indicate the region stimulated; although tactile feelings are alike in general characters, they differ in some- thing (local sign) besides intensity by which we can distin- guish them as originated on different parts of the skin. The accuracy of the localizing power varies widely in dif- ferent skin regions, and is measured by observing the least distance which must separate two objects (as the blunted points of a pair of compasses) in order that they may be felt as two. The following table illustrates some of the differences observed: Tongue-tip 04 inch Pnlm side of last phalanx of finger 08 " Red part of lips 16 " Tip of nose 24 " Back of second phalanx of finger 44 Heel 88 " What sensations do we get through the skin? Name another part of the body -which also gives rise to these sensations. What do we recognize by means of the sense of touch? Where is the tactile sense most acute? What is meant by the localization of skin sensations? Does the ac- curacy of localization differ in different regions of the skin ? Illustrate. SMELL. 333 Back of band 1.23 inches Forearm 1.58 " Sternum... 1.76 " Back of neck 2.11 " Middle of back 2.64 " The Temperature Senses. — By these is meant our faculty of perceiving cold and warmth; and, with the help of these sensations, of perceiving temperature differences in external objects. The organs are the skin, the mucous mem- brane of mouth, pharynx, and gullet, and of the entry of the nose. Burning the skin will cause pain, but not a true temperature sensation, which is quite as different from pain as is touch. Smell. — The olfactory organ consists of the mucous membrane of the upper parts of the nasal cavities; in it the endings of the olfactory nerves are spread. It covers the upper and lower turbinate bones (o, p, Fig. 41) (which are expansions of the ethmoid on the outer wall of the nostril- chamber), the opposite part of the partition between the nares, and that part of the roof of the nose (n, Fig. 41) which separates it from the cranial cavity. Odorous Substances, the stimuli of the olfactory apparatus, are always gaseous. They frequently act powerfully when present in very small quantity. A grain or two of musk kept in a room will give the air in it an odor for years, and yet at the end will hardly have diminished in weight, so infinitesimal is the quantity given off from it to the air and able to excite the sense of smell. While some gases or Wbat is the temperature sense? What are its organs? Of what does the olfactory organ consist? In wbat point do all odorous substances agree? Illustrate the efficiency, so far as producing smell sensations is concerned, of a very small quantity of an odorous substance. Do all gases stimulate the olfactory apparatus? 334 TnE HUMAN BODY. vapors have this powerful influence upon the olfactory organ, others, as pure air, do not stimulate it at all. Taste. — The organ of taste is the mucous membrane on the upper side of the tongue, and possibly on other parts of the boundary of the mouth cavity. The mucous membrane of the tongue presents innumerable elevations or papilla3 (Fig. 46) of three kinds (p. 139). The filiform papillae are organs of touch, for the tongue has the sense of touch as well as of taste. The circumvallate ;md fungiform papilla? contain the endings of brandies of the glossopharyngeal and trigeminal nerves (pp. *92, 2'j3), which, when excited by sapid bodies, stimulate the taste-centres in the brain. Many so-called tastes (flavors) are really smells; odorif- erous particles of substances which are being eaten reach the nose through the posterior nares and arouse smell sen- sations which, since they accompany the presence of ob- jects in the mouth, we take for tastes. Such is the case with most spices; Avhen the nasal chambers are blocked or inflamed by a cold in the head, or closed by pinching the nose, the so-called " taste" of spices is not perceived when they are eaten; all that is felt when cinnamon, e.g., is chewed under such circumstances is a certain pungency due to its stimulation of nerves of common sensation in the tongue. This fact is sometimes taken advantage of in the practice of domestic medicine when a nauseous dose, as rhubarb, is to be given to a child. What is the organ of taste? What is found on the mucou3 mem- brane of the tongue? "What papillae are concerned iu the tactile sen- sibility of the tongue? In the gustatory? What nerves supply the taste-papillae? What are many so-called tastes? Illustrate CHAPTER XXII. VOICE AND SPEECH. Voice consists of sounds produced by the vibrations of two elastic bands called the vocal cords. These cords lie in the larynx, which is situated between the pharynx and the windpipe, and is a portion of the passage conveying air to the lungs specially modified to form a voice-organ. The vocal cords project into the larynx so that but a narrow slit, called the glottis, is left between them. When the vocal cords are put in a certain position air driven through the glottis sets them vibrating and they give origin to sounds. The stronger the blast the louder the voice. The pitch of the voice is primarily dependent on the size of the larynx. The larger it is, or what comes to the same thing, the longer the vocal cords are, the lower is the pitch of the voice. In children, therefore, the voice is shrill; and, as the female larynx is usually smaller than the male, a woman's voice is usually higher pitched than a man's. About sixteen or seventeen years of age a boy's larynx grows very fast, and his voice "breaks," becoming about an octave deeper in tone. How is voice produced? Where do the vocal cords lie? Where is the larynx situated? What is the glottis? When do the vocal cords give origin to sounds? On what does the loudness of the voice depend? How does the size of larynx influence the pitch of the voice? Why is a woman's voice commonly higher pitched than a man's? Why does a youth's voice break? 336 THE HUMAN BODY. While every one's voice has a certain natural pitch which leads us to call it soprano, tenor, bass, and so forth, this pitch can be modified within limits, so that we each can sing a number of notes. This variety is due to the action of muscles in the larynx which alter the tension of the vocal cords; the more tightly these are stretched, other things being equal, the higher pitched is the tone which they emit. Speech. — The vocal cords alone would produce but feeble sounds. If a fiddle-string be attached to a hook on the ceiling and stretched by hanging a heavy weight on its lower end, we can get tones out of it when it is plucked or bowed; but the tones are feeble and deficient in charac- ter and fullness. In the violin the strings are attached to a hollow wooden box, and when the string is set in move- ment it causes the wood to vibrate, and this, in turn, the air contained in the cavity of the instrument; in this way the tone is intensified, and altered and much improved in quality. The air in the pharynx, mouth, and nose an- swers pretty much to that in the hollow of the violin; those cavities together form a resonance-chamber, and when the vocal cords vibrate they set this air in vibration also, and so the sound is made louder and is altered in character. By movements of throat, soft palate, tongue, cheeks, and lips, the size and form of the sounding chamber are varied, and with them the tone of voice; by movements of tongue, lips, and palate, the air-current, and therefore the sound, is interrupted from time to time; on other occasions the How is it that we can sing a number of notes of different pitch? Why is a hollow wooden box an essential part of a violin? How do the throat and mouth cavities influence the loudness and quality of the voice? How do tongue, lips, and cheeks cooperate in con- verting voice into speech? THE LARYNX. 337 air is forced through a narrow passage in the mouth, giving rise to new sounds added on to those originated by the vocal cords. In such manners the primitive feeble monotonous tone due to the vocal cords is reinforced and altered in various ways in throat and mouth, and voice is developed into articulate speech. The Larynx consists of a framework of nine cartilages, I'TG. 97.— The more important cartilages of the larynx from behind, t. thy- roid; Cs, its superior, and Ci, its inferior, horn of the right side: **. cricoid cartilage: t, arytenoid cartilage: Pv, the corner to which the posterior end of a vocal cord is attached : Pm , corner on which the muscles which approximate or separate the vocal cords are inserted; co, cartilage of Santorini. movably articulated together, and having muscles attached to them by whose contractions their relative positions are altered; the cartilages surround a tube, continuous below with the windpipe, and lined by mucous membrane. At one level in the laryngeal tube the vocal cords project and, Of what does the laryngeal framework consist? "What do the cartilages of the larynx surround? How is the glottis formed? 338 THE HUMAN BODY. pushing out the mucous membrane, leave for the passage of air only the narrow slit of the glottis, above mentioned. The largest cartilage of the larynx (t, Fig. 97) is the thyroid. It is placed in front and consists of right and left halves which meet at an angle in front, but separate behind so as to enclose a V-shaped space. The front of l lie thyroid cartilage causes the prominence in the neck known as Adam's apple. The epiglottis, not represented in the figure, is attached to the top of the thyroid cartilage and overhangs the entry from pharynx to larynx. It may be seen, covered by mucous membrane, projecting at the root of the tongue, if that organ be pushed down, while the mouth is held open before a mirror. It is represented as seen from behind at a, Fig. 98. The cricoid cartilage (%*, Fig. 97) has the form of a signet-ring, with its broad part turned towards the back of the throat, and placed in the lower part of the opening between the halves of the thyroid. The two arytenoid cartilages ( f, Fig. 97) are placed on the top of the wide posterior part of the cricoid; each is pyramidal in form. The remaining laryngeal car- tilages are of less importance. The Vocal Cords, which are rather projecting pads of elastic tissue than cords in the ordinary sense of the word, proceed, one from each arytenoid cartilage behind, to the angle where the halves of the thyroid meet in front. In quiet breathing the interval (glottis) between them (c, Describe the position and form of the thyroid cartilage. What causes "Adam's apple"? What is the epiglottis? How may you see it in your own throat? Describe th« cricoid cartilage. What carti- lages are set on top of the cricoid? What is their form? Between what points are the vocal cords stretched? Under what circumstances does air driven through the glottis not set them vi- brating? MUSCLES OF THE LARYNX. 339 Fig. 98) is narrow in front and wider behind: under such circumstances air driven through the opening dues not set the margins of the cords in vibration, and no sound is pro- duced. The Muscles of the Larynx, The laryngeal muscles Fig. 98.— The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its edges (11 ) turned aside. 1, body of hyoid; 2. its small, and 3, its great, horns; 4, upper and lower horns of tliyroid car- tilage; 5, mucous membrai)3 of front of pharynx, covering the back of the cri- coid cartilage; 6, upper end of gullet; 7, windpipe, lying in front of the gullet; 8, eminence caused by cartilage of Santorini: 9, eminence caused by cartilage of Wrisberg; both lie in, 10, the aryteno-epiglottidean fold of mucous membrane, surrounding the opening {aditua larynqis) from pharynx to iarynx. «. project- ing tip of epiglottis; c, the glottis, the lines leading from the letter-point to the free vibrating edges of the vocal cords. 6', the ventricles of the larynx: their upper edges, marking them off from the eminences 6. are the false vocal cords. 340 TUB HUMAN BODY. are numerous, and are arranged — (1) to pull the arytenoid cartilages towards one another and so narrow the glottis behind; then air forced through the narrowed slit sets the cords vibrating and produces voice. (2) To increase the distance between the arytenoid cartilages behind and the thyroid in front: as the vocal cords are attached to both, this action stretches and tightens them, and so raises the pitch of the voice. (3) To pull the front of the thyroid cartilage nearer the arytenoids and so slacken the cords and lower the pitch of the voice. (4) To separate the arytenoid cartilages, and with them the vocal cords, and thus widen the glottis and allow air to pass through it without pro- ducing voice. The Range of the Human Voice from the lowest note (/ of the unaccented octave) of an ordinary bass to the highest note (g on the thrice-accented octave) of a fairly good soprano is about three octaves: the former note is produced by 88 vibrations per second, the latter by 792. Celebrated singers of course go beyond this limit in each direction: bassos have been known to take a on the great octa\e (55 vibrations per second), and Mozart, at Parma, heard a soprano sing a note of the extraordinarily high pitch c on the fifth accented octave (2114 vibrations per second). Vowels are musical tones produced in the larynx and modified by resonance of the air in the pharynx and mouth. To get the broad a sounds, as ah, the mouth is widely opened and the lips drawn back; to get such vowels as State the uses of the muscles of the larynx. What is the ordinary range of the human voice? What notes have celehrated singers taken beyond the ordinary highest and lowest limits? What are vowels? Illustrate the influence of the shape given to the mouth-cavity in the production of different vowels. VOWELS AND CONSONANTS. 341 00 (moo?-) the lips are protruded and the mouth-cavity lengthened. The change in the form of the mouth may be noticed by pronouncing consecutively the vowel-sounds ah, eh, ee, oh, 00. The English i (as in spire) is a diph- thong, consisting of a (pfld) followed by e (ieet), as may be readily found on attenrpting to sing a sustained note to the sound 1. Semivowels. — In uttering true vowel-sounds the soft palate is raised so as to cut off the air in the nose, which then does not take part in the resonance. For some other sounds (the semivowels or resonants) the initial step is, as in the case of the true vowels, the production of a laryngeal tone; but the soft palate is not raised, and the mouth-exit is more or less closed by the lips or the tongue; hence the blast partly issues through the nose, and the air there takes part in the vibrations and gives them a special character; this is the case with m, n, and ng. Consonants are sounds produced not mainly by the vocal cords, but by modifications of the expiratory blast on its way through the mouth. The current may be interrupted and the sound changed by the lips (labials, as p and b); or, at or near the teeth, by the tip of the tongue (denials, as t and d); or, in the throat, by the root of the tongue and the soft palate (gutturals, as k and g). Consonants may also be classified by the kind of move- ment which gives rise to them. In explosives an interrup- tion to the air-current is suddenly interposed or removed (p, b, I, d, Jc, g). Other consonants are continuous (f, s, r) and may be divided into (1) aspirates, when the air Is the long i of English a true vowel ? What is meant by the semivowels ? What are consonants ? How raav they be classified ? 342 THE HUMAN BODY. is made to rush through a narrow aperture, as, for ex- ample, between the lips (/) or the teeth (s) or the tongue and the palate (sh) or the tongue and the teeth (th); (2) resonants or semivowels; (3) vibratories, the different forms of r, due to vibrations of parts bounding a constric- tion put in the way of the air-current on its passage. CHAPTER XXIII. THE ACTION OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER STIMULANTS AND NARCOTICS UPON THE HUMAN BODY. Introductory. — "We have already seen (p. 121) that alcohol is not to be regarded as either a tissue-forming or a force- giving food. By causing a transference of heat from internal parts to the skin, in which the main organs of the temperature- sense (p. 333) are located, it produces a temporary feeling that the body is warmer; but the final result is a loss of animal beat to the air, and a decrease of the temperature of the body as a whole. Experiments made on men under military regimen and discipline have proved that alcohol does not increase the power of sustained muscular work, though it may for a brief time stimulate to unhealthy activity. The relative amount of energy liberated in the body for its own use may be very fairly calculated by com- paring the amount of oxygen absorbed by the lungs on one day with the amount absorbed on another. We have learned that on the days when alcohol is taken the oxygen absorbed is not increased. Alcohol seizes some of the oxygen which the foods and tissues would have utilized in its absence ; and what it takes they lose. Most authorities even main- tain that alcohol prevents oxidation, and therefore tissue How does alcohol make one feel warmer? What is the result? What have experiments on soldiers shown as to the effect of alcohol on muscular work? How is the absorption of oxygen affected on days when alcohol is taken? What does alcohol do with some of the oxygen? Why do some authorities believe that alcohol directly checks tissue activity? [343] 344 TEE HUMAN BODY. activity, indirectly as well as directly; these experimenters find that it not only takes oxygen from the tissues, but so influences them as to diminish their power of using what it leaves. We may conclude that under ordinary circumstances alcohol is of no use as an energy-yielding food; although, since it is oxidized in the body, it would act as a real food to a starving man; or to a very sick per- son who might be unable for the moment to absorb and digest other substances. As regards tissue-formation, alcohol cannot build up proteid material, since it contains no nitrogen; and proteid material constitutes the essential part of muscular, gland- ular, and nervous tissues. There is even some evidence that alcohol leads to excessive waste of such tissues : several competent observers have found that its use increases the amount of nitrogen waste excreted from the body. The only tissues whose formation alcohol seems sometimes to increase are fatty and connective tissues; and we shall pres- ently learn that in most cases the superabundance of these tissues is deposited in places where it does harm. The study of alcohol as an article of diet le ids therefore to the result that (though a physician may find it useful as a medicine in a crisis of disease when the system needs urging to make a special effort) it cannot fairly be regarded as a food when taken by persons in good health and properly nourished. The whip applied to a horse will arouse him to call on "What 43; absorption of, 348; diseases produced by, 350> is it a food, 121. 343; mental Alcohol (Gontinuedfy, and moral deterioration due to, 353, 358 Alimentary canal, 9, 106; absorp- tion from, 166; anatomy of, 169; general arrangement of, 128; sub-divisions of, 132 Alimentary principles, 116; al- buminoid, 117: carbohydrate, 118; hydrocarbon, 117; inor- ganic, 118; proteid, 117 Amoeba, 179 Amyloids (see Carbohydrates) Anaemia, 185 Anatomy, human, 2. 17 Anatomy, microscopic (see His. tology) Anatomy, of alimentary canal, 132, 169; of circulatory organs, 192; of ear, 329; of eyeball, 321; of joints. 60; of larynx, 337; of liver, 149: of muscular system, 67; of nervous s}'stem, 282, 299; of respiratory organs, 233; of skeleton, 23;" of skin, 266; of urinary organs, 261, 278 Animals, classification of, 8 (foot- note) Animal charcoal, 55 Animal heat, 96 Ankle joint, 83 Aorta, 198. 212; thoracic, 202, abdominal, 202 Apex beat (cardiac impulse), 217 Apex of heart, 195 Appendicular skeleton, 26 Appetite, cause of, 165 Aqueous humor, 325 Arachnoid, 286 Arch of foot, 42. 45 Areolar tissue, subcutaneous, 268 Arm, skeleton of, 28 Arterial blood, 178, 211 366 INDEX. Arterial pressure, 227 Arteries, 195, 202; action of alcohol on, 357; aorla, 198, 212; axillary, 202; brachial, 202; coeliac axis, 202; com- mon iliacs, 204; coronary. 199, 202, 213; femoral, 204, hepatic, 150; left common carotid, 202; left subclavian, 202; mesenteric, 202; peroneal, 204; popliteal, 204; pulmouary, 199, 212; radial, 202, 222; renal, 202, 261; right common carotid, 202; right subclavian, 202; temporal, 222; tibial, 204; ulnar, 202 Arteries, course of the main, 201 ; muscles of the, 228: properties of the, 204; why placed deep, 205 Articular cartilage, 26, 48 Articular extremities of bones, 48 Articulations, 25 Arytenoid cartilages, 338 Assimilation, 108 Astragalus, 40 Atlantoaxial articulation, 32 Atlas vertebra, 32 Auditory nerve, 293 Auditory organ, 329 Auricles, 197; function of the, 220 Auricular appendages, 213 Auricular contraction, 217 Auriculo-ventiicular orifice, 197 Auriculo- ventricular valves, 201, 217; demonstration of their action, 232 Auscultation, 245 Automatic nerve centres, 307; use of, 309 Axial skeleton, 26 Axillary artery, 202 Axis cylinder of nerves, 296 Axis vertebra, 32 Backbone (see Vertebral column) Ball and socket joint(enarthrosis), 62 Basement membrane, 131 Base of heart, 195 Bathing, 230, 275; proper time for, 276 Beans, nutritive value of, 121 Beef-tea, 77 Beeswax, 118 Beverages, alcoholic, 346 Biceps muscles, definition of, 71 Biceps muscle, 69, 72 Bicuspids (premolars), 136 Bile, 150, 161; action of in fat absorption, 162, 172; uses of, 161 Bile duct, common (ductus com- munis choledochus), 150, 170 Bi-penniform muscles, 71 Bladder, urinary, 263, 278 Blind spot, 324 Blood, action of oxygen on, de- monstration, 259; arterial and venous, 178, 211; changes un- dergone by in the lungs, 257; circulation of, 207; coagulation of, 179; colorless corpuscles of, 179; compared with waler, 182; experiments with, 190; flow of in the capillaries and veins, 224; functions of, 174, 175; gases of, 183; histology of, 176; hygiene of, 184; quantity of in the bod}', 185; red corpuscles of, 177; whipped (defibrinated), 181 Blood plasma, 176 Blood serum, 180, 191; composi- tion of, 182 Blushing, 228 Body, centre of gravity of, 85; chemical composition of, 19; constructive power of, 112; cooperation of the organs of, 279; daily need of foods by, 124; general plan of, 6; levers in the, 80; movements of, 59; oxidations in, 99; oxygen food of, 103; pulleys in, 84; quan- tity of blood in, 185; tempera- ture of, 97; wastes of, 105 Boues, chemical composition of, 54; fractures of, 57; function of, 23; gross structure of, 47; histology of, 51 ; internal struerves, 291 Mouth-cavity, 133; absorption from, 165 Movements, at joints, 63; of the body, how effected, 59; in space, 86 Mucin, 164 Mucous coat, small intestine, 146 Mucous membrane, of air-pas- sages, 236; of alimentary canal, 123 Mumps, 140 Muscles, 59, 67; chemical com- positioi of, 77; contraction of, 69: gross structure of, 73; his- tology of, 74; how controlled, 72; hygiene of, 89; of arteries, 228; of heart, 76; A larvnx, Muscles (Continued). 339; of small intestine, 148; of stomach, 144; origin and in- sertion of, 70; papillary, 201. 214, 219; parts of, 67; rectus abdominis, 72; special physi- ology of, 80; varieties of, 71 Muscular fibres, 74 Muscular tissue, striped, 73; plain, 74 Muscular work, influence of starvation upon, 97; source, 93 Mustard, use of, as a food, 115 Myopia, 327 Myosin, 21, 77, 117 Nails, 271 Narcotics, 343 Nares, posterior, 38 Nasal bones, 38 Nerves, cranial, 290; kinds of, 294; spinal, 287 Nerves, inferior maxillary, 292; ophthalmic, 292; right phrenic, 212; sciatic, 299; superior max- illary, 292; sympathetic, 294 Nerve- eel Is, 297 Nerve centres, 282, 284; classifi- cation of, 305; functions of, 304 Nerve- fibres, afferent and effe- rent, 305; kinds of, 295 Nerve-ganglia, 284 Nerve-trunks, 382; functions of, 304 Nervous system, anatomy of, 282; properties of, 301, 312 Neural arch, 31 Neural cavity (see Dorsal cav- ity) Nicotin, 363 Ninth pair cranial (glossopha- ryngeal) nerves, 293 Nitrogen-excreting organs, gene- ral arrangement of, 261 Non-oxidizable foods, 113 Non-vascular tissues, 175 Nucleolus, 15 Nucleus, 15 Nutrition, 109 Nutritive value of different foods.. 119 INDEX. 373 Occipital bones, 37; condyles, 33 Odontoid (tooth like) process of the axis, 32, 64 Odorous substances, 333 (Esophagus (gullet), 8. 133, 142, 169; absorption from, 166 Oils (see Fats) Oil glands (sebaceous - glands), 273 Oleic acid, 21 Oleine, 21, 117 Olfactory lobes, 289 Olfactory nerves, 290 Omentum, 13, 170 Ophthalmic nerves, 292 Opium, 359 Optic commissures, 291 Optic nerves, 290, 317 Organ, definition of. 4; circula- tory, 107, 192, 194; digestive, 107, 128; uiirotrcii excreting, 261; of hearingr329; of sight, 317; of smell, 333; of taste, 334, of temperature sense, 3o:5; of touch, 331; receptive and ex- cretory, 105; respiratory, 108, 233 Organic constituents of the body, 20 Organs diseased by alcohol, 356 Origin and insertion of muscles, 70 Osiunominatum (see Innominate bone) Osmosis, 186 Oval foramen, 331 Oxidations in the body, 99 Oxidations, 99, 100 Oxygen, absorption of from the lungs, 258; in the blood, 184; influence of on the color of the blood, 259; quantity of taken up by the lungs in a day, 252 Oxygen food of the body, 103 Oxyhemoglobin, 258 Palate, 133 Palate bones, 38 Palmitic acid, 21 Palmitin.21, 117 Palpitation of the heart, 144 Pancreas, 151, 170 Pancreatic secretion, 159; action of on foodstuffs, 160, 172 Papillae of the dermis, 270 Papillae of the tongue, 139 Papillary muscles, 201, 214; use of the, 219 Parietal bones, 37 Parotid gland, 140, 169 Patella (kuee-cap), 29 Patlietici nerves, 292 Peas, nutritive value of, 121 Pectoral arch or girdle, 27; com- parison of pectoral and pelvic girdles, 38 Pedicle of velebrae, 32 Pelvic arch or girdle, 28; com- parison of pectoral and pelvic girdles, 38 Pelvis, 28, 45 Pelvis of kidney, 263 Penniform muscles, 71 Pericarditis, 196 Pericardium, 195, 212 Perilymph, 331 Perimysium, 73 Periosteum, 47, 51 Permanent teeth, 135 Peroneal artery, 204 Perspiration, 272 Pepper, use of as a food, 115 Pepsin, 157 Peptones, 157; absorption of. 167 Phalanges of fingers, 28, 51; of toes, "29, 51 Pharynx, 133, 141; absorption from, 166 Phosphate of lime, 20, 55, 57 Phrenic nerve, 212 Physiological division of labor, 17 Physiology, human, definition of, 1, 2, 17 Physiology of muscle, special and general, 80 Pia mater, 285 Pillars of the fauces, 141 Pivot joints, 64 Plain muscular tissue, 74 Plants, as food for animals, 112 374 INDEX. Pleura, 238 Pleurisy, 238 Pneumogastric nerve, 293 Poison, definition of, 116 Polysrastric muscles, 72 Pons'varolii, 289 Popliteal arteiy, 204 Pork, nutritive value of, 119 Portal circulation, 208 Portal vein, 150, 170, 208 Posterior nares, 38 Potatoes, nutritive value of, 121 Premolars (bi cuspids), 136 Primitive sheath of nerves, 296 Pronation, 65 Proteid alimentary principles, 117 Proteid substances (see Albumin- ous substances) Psychic nerve centres, 305 Pulleys in the body, 84 Pulmonary artery, 199, 212 Pulmonary circulation, 192, 208 Pulmonary veins, 199, 212 Pulp cavity of tooth, 136 Pulse, 222; disappearance of in capillaries and veins, 226; hard and soft, 223; rate of, 223 Pupil, 321 Pus, 179 Pyloric orifice of stomach, 143, 170 Pyloric sphincter, 144, 157, 158 Pyramids of Malpighi, 264, 278 Racemose (acinous) glands, 129, 131 Radial arteiy, 202, 222 Radius, 28, 51 Receptive organs of the body, 105 Reception and excretion, inter- mediate steps between, 106 Rectum, 149, 170 Rectus abdominis muscle, 72 Red blood corpuscles, composi- tion of. 183; function of, 178, 259; of man, 177, 190; of other animals, 177 Red -marrow, 50 Reduced haemoglobin, 210 Reducing dislocations, 66 Reflex centres, 308; experiments showing action of, 313; use of, 309 Refracting media of the eye, 325 Renal arteries, 202, 261 Renal secretion (urine), 266 Renal veins, 261 Respiration, 108; abdominal, 246; chemistry of. 250: costal, 246; experiments in, 248, 259; hy- giene of, 245, 254; object of, 233 Respirator}' organs, 108; anat- omy of, 233 Respiratory sounds or murmurs, 245 Retina. 317; histology of, 321 Ribs, 26, 34; action of in respira- tion, 244 Rice, nutritive value of, 121 Right phrenic nerve, 212 Potation at joints, 63 Round ligament, 61 Running, 89 Sacrum, 30, 34 Saliva, 152, chemical action of, 153, 171; influence of in diges- tion, 154; uses of, 152 Salivary glands, 140, 169 Salt, as a constituent of the body, 20, importance of as food, 118 Sarcolemma, 74 Scapula (shoulder-blade), 27, 51 Sciatic nerve, 299 Sclerotic, 321 Sebaceous glands (oil glands), 273 Sebaceous secretion, 274 Secretion, of gastric glands, 144, 156; of glands of small intes- tine, 163; of kidneys, 266; of lachrymal gland, 319; of liver, 150, 161 (see bile); of meibomi- an follicles, 318; of pancreas, 159 (see Pancreatic secretion); of salivary glands, 152 (see Saliva); of sebaceous glands, 274; of sweat glands, 272 Semicircular canals, 331 Semilunar valves, 201, 218; dem- onstration of actiou of, 231 Semivowels, 341 INDEX. 375 Sensations, 314; common, 315; localization of skin, 332 Senses, special, 316 Sensory (afferent) nerves, 305 Septum of heart, 197, 213 Serum (see Blood serum) Serum albumen, 21, 113; coagu- lation of, 183, 191 Seventh pair cranial (facial) nerves, 293 Shaft of bones, 48 Short bones, 51 Short sight (myopia), 327 Shoulder girdle(see Pectoral arch) Shoulder joint. 42, 63 Shower baths, 277 Sight, sensation of, 317; organ of, 317 Sigmoid flexure, 149 Simple fracture of bones, 57 Sinuses of Valsalva, 215 Sixth pair cranial (abducentes) nerves, 292 Skeleton, appendicular, 27; axi- al, 26; composition of, 23; of cranium, 37; of face, 37; of lower limb, 28; of upper limb, 28; peculiarities of human, 43 Skin, 266; action of alcohol on, 356; as a sense-organ, 274; glands of, 272; histology of, 266; hygiene of, 274; Vensa. tions, localization of, 332 Skull, 26, 35; peculiarities in the position of, 43 Small intestine, 133, 145, 170; absorption from, 167; glands of, 148; lymphatics of, 147; mucous coat of, 146: muscular coat of, 148; villi of, 146 Smell, 333 Sounds of the heart, 220 Sounds, respiratory, 245 Sound waves, action of on the ear, 331 Special physiology of muscles, 80 Speech, 336 Sphenoid bone, 37 Spinal accessory nerves, 293 Spinal cord, 9, 286; dissection of, 299 Spinal ganglia, 287 Spinal nerves, 287 Spine (see Vertebral column) Spinous process of vertebrae (neural spine), 31 Spleen, 170 Spongy (cancellated) bone, 49 Sprains, 66 Standing, 84 Stapes (stirrup bone), 331 Starch, 118; action of bile on, 161; of gastric juice on, 157; of pancreatic secretion on, 159, 172; of saliva on, 153, 171; sol- uble, 124 Starvation, death from, 98; in- fluence of on muscular work and animal heat, 97 Stearic acid, 21 Stearin, 21, 117 Sternum (breast bone). 27, 34 Stimulants, 115.122, 343 Stomach, 8 143, 170; absorption from, 167; action of alcohol on, 350, 356; digestion in, 157, 171; glands of, 144; muscular coat of, 144 Striped muscular tissue, 73, 74 Sub-clavian artery, 202 Sub lingual gland, 141, 169 Sub-maxillary gland, 140, 169 Succus entericus (intestinal juice), 163 Sudoriparous glands (sweat- glands), 131, 272 Suffocation, 104. 253 Sugar, cane, 118; grape (see Grape-susrar) Sugar of milk (lactose), 22. 118 Superior maxillary bone, 38 Superior maxillary nerve, 292 Supination, 64 Swallowing (deglutition), 154; as a reflex action, 309 Sweat. 272 Sweat (sudoriparous) glands, 131, 272 Sweetbread (see Pancreas) Sympathetic nerve centres, 9, 12, "284; ganglia of, 293 Synovial fluid, 61 Synovial membrane, 61 Syntonin, 77, 117 376 INDEX. Systemic circulation, 192, 208 Systole of heart-beat, 216 Tabular bones. 51 Tarsal bones, 29, 51 ; joints be- tween, 65 Tarsus, benefits of peculiar structure of, 45 Taste, 334 Taurocbolic acid, 161 Tea, 123 Tears, 319 Teeth, characteristics of indi- vidual, 135; general structure of, 134; hygiene of, 137; kinds of, 134 Temperature changes in respired air, 251, 259 Temperature of the body, 96; regulation of, 97: regulation by means of sweat glands, 274 (footnote) Temperature sense. 333 Temporal artery, 222 Temporal bone. 37 Tendons, 24. 67, 69 Tenth pair cranial (pneumogas- tric) nerves, 293 Thein, 115 Thigh bone (femur), 28 Third pair cranial (motores oculi) nerves, 291 Thirst, 316 Thoracic aorta, 202 Thorax, contents of, 11; dorso- ventral enlargement of, 244; structure of, 242; vertical en- largement of, 242 Thyroid cartilage, 338 Tibia. 28, 51 Tibial artery, 204 Tight lacing, evil effects of, 247 Tissues, classification of, 4 (foot- note); connective, 24; nerve, 294; non-vascular, 175; plain muscular, 74; striped muscular. 74; subcutaneous areolar, 268: ultimate structure of, 15 Tobacco, 363 Tonsrue, 139; furred, 140 Tonsils, 141 Touch, 331 Trachea (windpipe), 8, 235; dis section of, 247; structure of, 236 Transverse ligament of the atlas, 32, 64 Triceps muscle, 72 Triceps nmscles, definition of, 71 Trichina. 120 Tricuspid valve, 201, 214 Trigeminal nerves, 292 Trypsin, 160 Tubular elands, 129, 131 Turbinate bones, 38, 333 Turnips, nutritive valve of, 121 Twelfth pair cranial (hypoglos- sal) nerves, 293 Tympanic membrane, 330 Tympanum, 330 Ulna, 28, 51 Ulnar artery, 202 Unslriped muscle cells, 76 Upper jaw bone, 38 Upper limb, comparison of upper and lower limbs, 38; skeleton of, 28 Urea, 105. Ill, 266; useless as food, 112 Ureters, 263, 278 Urethra, 263 Urinarv bladder, 263. 278 Urine. '266 Uriniferous tubules, 265 Uvula, 134 Vagi. 293 Valsalva, sinuses of, 215 Valves, auriculo-ventricular, 201. 214. 217, 232; ileocolic, 149; of the heart, demonstration of their action, 231; of the veins, 206; semilunar, 201, 215, 218, 231 Valvulae conniventes, 146 Vascular system, function of the different* parts of, 193 Veins, 194, 205; absence of pulse in, 226; circulation in, 224; valves of the, 206 Veins, coronary, 199, 213; he- patic, 209, 212; hollow (venae cavae), 199, 212; portal, 150, INDEX. 377 Veins (Continued). 170,208; pulmonary, 199, 212; renal, 261 Vegetable casein, 117 Venae cavae (hollow veins), 199, 212 Venous blood, 178, 211 Ventilation, 253; methods of, 256 Ventral (haemal) cavity, 6; con- tents of, 8, 13 Ventricles, 197 Ventricular contraction, 218 Vermiform appendix, 148 Vertebrae, 30, 51; structure of, 30 Vertebral column, (spine, back- bone), 7, 26, 30, 34, curvatures of, 33; mechanism of, 33; pecu- liarities of human, 44 "Vertebrate animals, characteris- tics of, 7; classification of, 11 (foot-note) Vestibule of ear, 331 Villi of small intestine, 146, 170 Visual apparatus, 317 Visual centre, 317 Visual purple, 323 Vitreous humor, 325 Vocal cords, 338 Voice, 335; range of human, 340 Voluntary muscles, 75 (see also foot-note) Vomer, 37 Vowels, 340 Walking, 87 "Warm baths, 277 Wastes of the body, 105; removal of, 175 Water, as a constituent of the body, 20; as a food, 113, 118; as a force regulator, 115; as a waste product, 105; quantity of lost through the kidneys, 266; through the lungs, 251; through the skin, 273 Wheat, nutritive valve of, 120 Whipped (defibrinated) blood, 181 White blood corpuscles. 179, 190 White nerve fibres. 295 Windpipe (see Tnu-liea) Wisdom teeth, 135 Work, daily, of heart, 221; in- fluence of starvation upon muscular, 97; power of the body to do, 93 *S COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES This book is due on the date indicated below, or at the expiration of a definite period after the date of borrowing, as provided by the rules of the Library or by special arrange- ment with the Librarian in charge. *-m DATE BORROWED ?<&*■ ,\ A V C28(ll4l)M100 DATE DUE DATE BORROWED DATE DUE \ ^ QP36 Martin The human body. 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