CLS, a has Con : Cag Res. Geecks Kee. CERCA 2 TECHNICAL REPORT CERC-87-11 US Army Corps HURRICANE DANNY STORM SURGE DATA of Engineers Report 4 by Andrew W. Garcia, William S. Hegge Coastal Engineering Research Center DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers PO Box 631, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-0631 eanivaraanic NS oes, Institution August 1987 Report 4 of a Series Approved For Public Release, Distribution Unlimited Prepared for DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US Army Corps-of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000 Under Hurricane Surge Prototype Data Collection Work Unit 321-31662 Destroy this report when no longer needed. Do not return it to the originator. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. 2S nclassi ied SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Form A r REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMBING Oren olga Exp. Date Jun 30, 1986 la REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1b. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS Unclassified 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION/ AVAILABILITY OF REPORT 2b. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 4 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) Technical Report CERC-87-11 6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION USAEWES, Coastal Engineering Research Center . ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) PO Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL (if applicable) 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) . NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING 8b. OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) US Army Corps of Engineers . ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS See reverse PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT Washington, DC 20314-1000 Sige ins! | bic} a0 ACCESSION NO. TITLE (include Security Classification) See reverse Hurricane Danny Storm Surge Data 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Garcia, Andrew W.; Hegge, William S. 13a. TYPE OF REPORT Z 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT. (Year, Month, Day) ]15. PAGE COUNT Report 4 of a series} eroy 1985 qo 1986 August 1984 y 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, COSATI CODES SUBGROUP 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Hurricane Danny (LC) Storm surges (LC) Hurricanes (LC) Ocean waves (LC) 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) A summary of storm surge high-water mark, hydrograph, and wave data acquired during and subsequent to Hurricane Danny is presented. Of particular interest are the wave data taken from an offshore oil platform located only 10 miles from the track of the hurri- cane. The data were obtained and assembled as part of a long-term research effort by the US Army Corps of Engineers to establish a quantitative data set with the objective of providing, in a series of documents, the data necessary for simulation and verification of numerical surge models. The data contained herein were obtained primarily by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station and the US Army Engineer District, Galveston, with supplemental data from contributing agencies and institutions. Additional informa- tion is included in the form of photographs and descriptive narrative to aid investiga- tors in assessing the degree of importance of an individual measurement for the purpose of model verification. 20. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Gd UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED =) same as RPT. (CJ oric users Unclassified 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) | 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL DD FORM 1473, a4mar 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE All other editions are obsolete. a Unclassified WOONONA 0 0301 OO91eb4 6 Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS WORK UNIT ACCESSION NO. (Continued). Hurricane Surge Prototype Data Collection Work Unit 321-31662 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE PREFACE The information and data presented herein were assembled and analyzed from 1985 to 1986 by authorization from the Office, Chief of Engineers (OCE), Coastal Engineering Area of Civil Works Research and Development, as a mission requirement of the Hurricane Surge Prototype Data Collection Work Unit 321- 31662. Messrs. John H. Lockhart, Jr., and John Housley are the OCE Technical Monitors for the Coastal Engineering Research Area. The work unit is a multiyear project of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC), under general supervision of Dr. James R. Houston, Chief, CERC; Mr. Thomas W. Richardson, Chief, Engineering Development Division; and Dr. Dennis R. Smith, former Chief, Prototype Measurement and Analysis Branch (CD-P). Dr. Charles L. Vincent is CERC Program Manager. Mr. Andrew W. Garcia, CD-P, is the Principal Investigator of the Hurricane Surge Prototype Data Collection work unit, and Mr. William S. Hegge, CD-P, is the engineer in charge of data collection activities. This report was prepared by Messrs. Garcia and Hegge and edited by Ms. Jamie W. Leach, Information Products Division, Information Technology Laboratory, WES. This report is fourth in a series. Reports 1-3 provided similar data on Hurricanes Chris, Alicia, and Elena, respectively. Commander and Director of WES during report publication was COL Dwayne G. Lee, CE. Technical Director was Dr. Robert W. Whalin. CONTENTS PINRDNGING 6556606000000000000000000000000006000000000000000000000009000500 CONVERSION FACTORS, NON-SI TO SI (METRIC) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT... cece cccccccvcvcccsccccrcscssscccscssececccas BART mes IONPUOW IG ON 6 6.566005000000000000000000000000000000000500000000 PART II: METEOROLOGICAL DISCUSSION... 2... ccc ccs crcccccrcscccccrcercccs PART TEI: HYDROGRAPHIC DATA... 2... ccc cw cere eee enc vce rece scvssccevcecs PART IV: WWANW3, IDYMIWN 5909 00060000000000000000000000000000000000500000000 PART V: LOSMESUOIY, WIV G 66a GgdodD00000DD0 G0 00000000000 000000000000500 PART VI: CONCLUSTON. 660 oo ccc cc wc vce cle oo v0 00 010 010010 01s 010 vs10.0 01s) 0 80) sees ele PHOTOS 1-10 PLATES 1-20 APPENDIX A: WAVE SPECTRA... 2... cccccvccccvccccccccccccccscvccscscecccens Al CONVERSION FACTORS, NON-SI TO SI (METRIC) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Non-SI units of measurement used in this report can be converted to SI (metric) units as follows: Multiply By To Obtain feet 0.3048 metres knots (international) 0.5144444 metres per second miles (US statute) 1.609347 kilometres millibars 100.0000 pascals HURRICANE DANNY STORM SURGE AND WAVE DATA PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. This report is the fourth in a series* providing a data base directed toward verification of numerical storm surge models. As such, the emphasis is on quantitative measurements of the hydrodynamic and meteorologic parameters of Hurricane Danny rather than on documentation of structural dam- age or changes in coastal morphology. The wave data contained in Part IV were obtained by a US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Coastal En- gineering Research Center (CERC), wave gage located on Shell Oil Company Plat- form Vermilion 22 located at latitude 29°28.2' N, longitude 92°33.0' W. The eye of Danny passed very near Vermilion 22, resulting in a rare opportunity to acquire locally generated hurricane wave data. These data are included to permit assessment and verification of hurricane-generated wave models. 2. Contained herein are coastal and inland hydrographs and basic meteo- rological data associated with Hurricane Danny. These data have been compiled from a variety of sources; consequently, they cannot be guaranteed to be abso- lutely accurate. Nevertheless, every reasonable effort has been made to en- sure the data are as consistent and complete as possible. * Thomas H. Flor. 1983 (Jul). ''Poststorm Reconnaissance of Tropical Storm Chris," Miscellaneous Paper HL-83-5, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Andrew W. Garcia and Thomas H. Flor. 1984 (Nov). "Hurricane Alicia Storm Surge and Wave Data," Technical Report CERC-84-6, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Andrew W. Garcia and William S. Hegge. 1987. '"'Hurricane Elena Storm Surge Data,'' Technical Report CERC-87-10, Report 3, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. PART II: METEOROLOGICAL DISCUSSION 3. Hurricane Danny was identified as a poorly defined tropical depres- sion on 12 August 1985 while located just south of the western tip of Cuba.* The minimum central pressure at the time was a relatively high 1010 mb.** During the next 24 hr, the central pressure increased slightly to 1011 mb., and the system showed little change in organization or strength. By the morn- ing of 14 August, the depression had passed through the Yucatan Straits into the Gulf of Mexico. The central pressure began dropping, and the winds rap- idly increased to tropical storm speed of 35 knots. During the following 24 hr, the storm intensified very rapidly, reaching hurricane intensity early on the morning of 15 August 1985. Danny was then located about 225 miles south of New Orleans, La., moving toward Port Arthur, Tex. During the day, the hurricane assumed a more northerly course and made landfall late during the evening of 15 August 1985, just east of Grand Chenier, La. 4. Danny was classified as a minimal hurricane, a Category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, which ranges from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 5. The hurricane attained its greatest intensity at the time of landfall with maximum sustained winds of about 90 mph and a minimum central pressure of 987 mb. Danny weakened rapidly after moving inland across Louisiana and within 20 hr had weakened to a tropical depression. An unusual feature of Danny's movement through the Gulf of Mexico was the remarkably constant speed of translation during the 2 days prior to landfall. From 1200 Greenwich mean time (Gmt) 13 August to 1200 Gmt 15 August, 12-hr averages of Danny's forward speed ranged from 13.2 mph to 14.2 mph. The distances traversed during four 12-hr intervals beginning at 1200 Gmt 13 August were 170, 159, 158, and 160 statute miles. Average speeds for these distances were 14.2, 13.2, 13.2, and 13.3 mph, respectively. Figure 1 shows the approximate track of Danny. Table 1 contains the preliminary best-track information. * The meteorological discussion and information contained in Table 1 are taken from the preliminary report on Hurricane Danny provided by the National Hurricane Center. *k A table of factors for converting non-SI units of measurement to metric (SI) is presented on page 3. LEGEND 0000 GMT 1200 GMT HURRICANE TROPICAL STORM TROPICAL DEPRESSION Figure 1. Approximate track of Hurricane Danny. Table 1 Preliminary Best Track - Hurricane Danny 12-20 August 1985 Time Position, deg Pressure Wind Date Gmt Latitude Longitude mb knots Stage 8/12 0000 1G65) 80.7 1010 DS) Tropical depression 8/12 0600 19) 2 81.4 1010 25 8/12 1200 18) 8) 82.1 1010 25 8/12 1800 20.5) 82.9 1011 25) 8/13 0000 Pil o ik 83.7 1011 DS) 8/13 0600 Dil oF 84.6 1011 DS 8/13 1200 DD 53) 85.6 1011 30 8/13 1800 23.0 86.7 1011 30 8/14 0000 2301 87.8 1010 35) Tropical storm 8/14 0600 24.4 88.8 1007 45 Tropical storm 8/14 1200 Zao 89.8 1004 50 Tropical storm 8/14 1800 2559 M067 1001 60 Tropical storm 8/15 0000 26.8 Qi 5 997 70 Hurricane 8/15 0600 278 922 995 15 Hurricane 8/15 1200 23-9) 92.6 988 80 Hurricane 8/15 1800 30.0 9267 988 70 Hurricane 8/16 0000 Sil 50 OD oth 992 50 Tropical storm 8/16 0600 32.0 92.0 997 40 Tropical storm 8/16 1200 32.9 91.4 1000 30 Tropical depression 8/16 1800 336 7/ 90.4 1002 30 8/17 0000 34.63} 89) 52 1004 30 8/17 0600 34.7 87.8 1006 30 8/17 1200 35.0 86.3 1008 30 8/17 1800 3543} 94.8 1010 30 8/18 0000 3550 83.4 1011 25 8/18 0600 3556) 82.0 1011 25 8/18 1200 36.0 80.6 1012 DS) 8/18 1800 36.3 V9) G2 1012 25 8/19 0000 BOo7/ V7 32) 1012 25 Extratropical 8/19 0600 37) oi 76.6 1012 725) 8/19 1200 SD UD oS 1012 25 8/19 1800 38.0 74.0 1013 25 8/20 0000 38.5 Vod 1013 20 8/20 0600 39) 5 1 TiS 1014 20 8/20 1200 S9Ry/ 70.4 1014 20 8/20 1800 40.4 69.4 1014 20 Minimum Pressure 8/15 1620 29.6 Poll 987 80 Hurricane Landfall 8/15 1630 29.6 Moll 987 80 Hurricane PART III: HYDROGRAPHIC DATA 5. The impact of the storm surge generated by Danny was minimal due to the relatively low intensity of the hurricane and landfall being in a remote and sparsely populated area of the Louisiana coastline. Moreover, much of the reach of coastline affected by Danny is shallow swampland which tended to dissipate the surge before it reached populated areas. Figures 2-4 show the locations of hydrographs covering the reach of coastline from Cameron, La., to the Rigolets near Slidell, La. Table 2 is the index to the tide gage loca- tions. The hydrographs are contained in Plates 1-20. Table 3 is a listing of the maximum water elevations recorded at each hydrograph location. 6. Significant increases in water levels associated with the storm were confined to approximately 60 miles of coastline extending westward from Atchafalaya Bay to Pecan Island, La. These increases are evident in Plates 3-10, all of which were obtained within the previous reach of coast-— line. The highest water level recorded was 7.7 ft, relative to NGVD, which occurred at Lukes Landing just north of Point Chevreuil, La. (Plate 7). Other high-water levels were recorded at Vermilion Lock, east (7.1 ft, Plate 5), Freshwater Bayou Lock (6.7 ft, Plate 3), and Atchafalaya Bay, Eugene Island (6.7 ft, Plate 9). IM V1 TLIHM j-y suorzeo0T surses) 5 yeaa” e= Shes a IE °Z ean3staq cE) Bujsseob sigan =, uoiaweg —~—O yeas slow Lf << ; ep a ongia u N-H suotTj}e00T Bur3e9 °¢ eANnsTY ) [ xe S| W Bl O | p-o5se) | i AVa All 4 iva ANNOFH fcld dl 39434 3417011M 4) TWNONLYN SA3M 173HS ($* Id punoyw qd 4ines i, / (ses =F uty ae : Joosdsaiem ; jomA|}O uaosaud + JHONY 14 Us a LSM Z CVATYS pue seu Caan (va ; Re f : = m7 5 \\ p a4 i . . 14 b uapyeo | ey TNC ER Ba ere | Joan of 2 , VA ee pay il i Oy UIPHUeL i YL SS a ; i i biewiany seq, am ah es a, : angi jainey Ss daibeqearz— ee eg) é Se pate vi p _ynao} page Ose | eres flee Apes : “\ ¥ \sexaien J { ; x hts . ; ( Wie 1S ; = Loca Ne ( A pais f AW Se AC EE ehgueuear Pues! Aron) ae , en , NK > ; 10 MM LAKE PO —_—oor a - eS oe oS |Comfort | =,Pt Lydia *\Chicot | Grand Gosier | Ag R 3 ~ — ea Sees = 2 ea: See aN Nene ~. & N AS / BRETON NATIONAL | = Port sulotun a) - S S CG 2 yf 7 WILOLIFE REFUGE | Bea eee DEK BESS SEE =< Tef SSS Breton | “SDEET A, AALIONS L STP apy i ast rimsauice’ iy NATIONAL wiLoLIE REruce Timbalier | © CG O Figure 4. Gaging locations O-U 11 Table 2 Index to Tide Gage Locations Figure No. Location Gage Title 2 A Calcasieu Pass, La. 2 B Vermilion 22 platform, La. 2 C Schooner Bayou control structure, La. 2 D Freshwater Bayou Lock (South), La. 2 E Vermilion Lock (West), La. 2 F Vermilion Lock (East), La. 2 G Vermilion River, at Bancker, La. 3 H Lukes Landing, La. 3 I Calumet, La. 3 J Atchafalaya Bay, Eugene Island, La. 3 K Eugene Island, N-62, La. 3} 1b Sweet Bay Lake, La. 3 M Round Bayou at Deer Island, La. 3 N Bayou Petit Caillou at Cocodrie, La. 4 O Bayou Lafourche at Leeville, La. 4 P Grand Isle, La. 4 Q Venice, La. 4 R Southwest Pass, La. 4 S Head of Passes, La. 4 T Port Eads, La. 4 U Lake Borgne at Rigolets, La. 12 Location Calcasieu Pass, La. Grand Chenier, La. Schooner Bayou Control Structure, La. Freshwater Bayou Lock 6. (South), La.* Table 3 Times and Heights of Maximum Elevations Max. Water Elev., Vermilion Lock (West), La. 2 Vermilion Lock (East), La. 7 5 Vermilion River at Bancker, La. Lukes Landing, La.* Calumet, La. Atchafalaya Bay, Eugene Island Eugene Island, N-62 Sweet Bay Lake, La. Round Bayou at Deer Island, La. Bayou Petit Caillou at Cocodrie, La. Bayou Lafourche at Leeville, La. Grand Isle, La. Venice, La. Southwest Pass, La. Head of Passes, La. Port Eads, La. Lake Borgne at Rigolets, La. Note: CDT NGVD CE NOS Corps Central Daylight Time. National Geodetic Vertical Datum. of Engineers. National Ocean Service. * Incomplete record. ft 13 Time, CDT/Date 0630/15/08/85 Unknown 1600/15/08/85 1230/15/08/85 1800/15/08/85 1400/15/08/85 1700/15/08/85 1000/15/08/85 1200/15/08/85 1000/15/08/85 1100/15/08/85 1230/15/08/85 1230/15/08/85 1000/15/08/85 1300/15/08/85 0830/15/08/85 1000/15/08/85 0830/15/08/85 0900/15/08/85 0900/15/08/85 1130/15/08/85 Datum Source NOS PART IV: WAVE DATA 7. Wave and tide gages on the Shell Oil Company platforn, Vermilion 22, were being operated by CERC during Danny's passage through the Gulf of Mexico. The location of Vermilion 22 latitude is 29°28.2' N, longitude 92°33.0' W, and the water depth is about 9 m. At the point of clos- est approach, the eye of Danny was within 10 miles of Vermilion 22. Figure 5 is the hydrograph of observed and predicted tides at the location of Vermil- ion 22. Figure 6 is a plot of observed minus predicted water levels. 8. Wave measurements were made using a self-contained, internal- recording pressure gage. The wave data were spectrally processed via a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm and corrected for depth attenuation effects ac-— cording to linear wave theory. Figure 7 is a plot of the significant wave height for 13-17 August 1986, corresponding to the approximate time of passage of Danny. The greatest significant wave height occurring during Danny's pas-— sage was 9.71 ft with a period at the spectral peak of 9.5 sec. Appendix A contains plots of the wave spectra observed at 1030 on 14 August 1985 to 1030 on 16 August 1985. The spectra contained in Figures A2-Al3 are characteristic of the evolution of a storm-generated sea state. 14 DIFFERENCE, FT DEPTH, FT VERMILION 22 OFFSHORE OIL PLATFORM 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AUGUST 1985 Figure 5. Hydrograph, observed and predicted tides, Figure 6. Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, La. VERMILION 22 OFFSHORE OIL PLATFORM AUGUST 1985 Difference between observed and predicted tides, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, La. 15 3.000 M 2.250 1.500 SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT, 0.750 0.000 13.0 Figure 7. RESULIS FRGM PROGR SP it HURRICANE SURGE PROJECT VERKIULITGNS S/N ES), JUN = RUG S&S 14.0 SO 16.0 L75@ 18. CALENDAR DATE AUGUST, ISes Significant wave height, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, La. 16 PART V: POSTSTORM SURVEY 9. The poststorm survey of high-water marks and damage caused by Danny was conducted during 10-17 August 1985. The photos contained herein include both ground-level and aerial views. 10. Wind damage was the most evident sign of the hurricane's passage in the western part of Louisiana. Photo 1 shows metal sheeting stripped from the sides and roof of the Crain Brothers building at Grand Chenier, La. Just east of Grand Chenier, near Pecan Island, La., utility poles lay on the ground alongside the road (Photo 2). Just north of Pecan Island on Highway 82E, the roof was torn from a mobile home and deposited alongside it (Photo 3). ll. Farther east in Louisiana, there was evidence of surge damage in addition to wind damage. At Intracoastal City, La., a line of debris ona fence indicated the high-water mark was approximately 3 ft above ground level (Photo 4). At the site of the air logistics base just north of town, 1 ft of water was still standing at the time of the survey (Photo 5). There was wide- spread wind damage in this area, as shown by the collapsed farm equipment shed that was located nearby (Photo 6). Combined wind and surge damage was also evident east of Intracoastal City. In Cypremort Point, La., the metal siding of a boathouse was wind damaged (Photo 7), and a nearby trailer sustained surge damage (Photo 8). The surge was estimated to be about 2 ft above ground level which was enough to tear the metal siding and displace the air conditioning unit on the trailer. 12. The aerial survey of Grand Isle, La., revealed a large amount of flooding, but it is uncertain if the flooding was caused by coastal surge or local rainfall. The most definite evidence of surge was seen on the beaches on the southern side of Grand Isle where debris lines and beach scarps were clearly visible (Photo 9). A closeup of the beach scarp (Photo 10) shows the height of the cut into the beach slope to be 3 to 5 ft above normal tide level. 17 PART VI: CONCLUSION 13. Hurricane Danny was the second Atlantic and the first landfalling hurricane of the 1985 season. Classed as Category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, it reached maximum intensity just prior to landfall with an estimated maximum windspeed of about 90 mph and observed windspeeds of 70 mph or more in all quadrants. The surge generated by Danny was confined primarily to Vermilion and Atchafalaya Bays. Eastward of Atchafalaya Bay, surge levels exceeded the predicted tide by about a foot or less. However, within Vermilion and Atchafalaya Bays, surge levels as much as 5 ft above the ex- pected astronomical tide were recorded. Surge levels diminished rapidly with distance inland, and the poststorm survey indicated only communities located on the periphery of Vermilion and Atchafalaya Bays to be significantly affected. 14. Wave data acquired at the Vermilion 22 platform during Danny should prove particularly useful for verification of numerical wave models. The close passage of Danny to Vermilion 22 resulted in rapidly varying wave condi- tions, a particularly severe test of the growth, propagation, and decay algo- rithms used in wave models. 18 Sanrereentaoe Sap tr AABN 8 0 AEN itis en St ee > Photo 1. Damaged metal sheeting on Crain Brothers building, Grand Chenier, La. Photo 2. Downed utility poles near Pecan Island, La. 19 Photo 3. Mobile home roof damage near Pecan Island, La. Photo 4. Debris line on fence, Intracoastal City, La. 20 Photo 5. Residual flooding of the air logistics base near Intracoastal City, La. Photo 6. Collapsed farm equipment shed near Intracoastal City, La. 21 Photo 7. Damaged metal sheeting on a boathouse, Cypremont Point, La. Photo 8. Surge damage to mobile home, Cypremont Point, La. 22 Photo 9. Debris line and beach scarp, southern shore of Grand Isle, La. Photo 10. Beach scarp, southern shore of Grand Isle, La. 23 S8 LSNSNG Sil Sil = —D = | yu) Iau Ge va <= aD) = © Zz ‘ 4 | “66H NalrGuaiws G8 LSN3NG oil Sl "W1 “SYNLONYLS TOYLNOD NOAYG YSNOOHIS = =D) ri (9) 0) Ga Gr ] a =) = S) Zz ‘o 7 =] PLATE 2 S8 LSN9Ne’ SI Sl C £ v = =) = eva 70 (] Fz ] <= =D) 4 (>) Zz mu A “© CE AMOS MAO MOE) SEIS ae PLATE 3 68 TSh3ie Sit Sl El (Sah) S07 NOMA c £ v S = —D 4 7 AO (]) a Gal < ald) = O ZS ‘o 4 Cae PLATE 4 “el 7 6 ( G8 LSN3Ne SII ISb4 ) Si M007 NOT TVIWYSA = —D — ]) A | eS [ea < —D Ce O rue 6 i PLATE 5 S8 ISN3Ne ST Gl "Y7 “YSNONUG LY YSATY NOITINYSA = —D YJ (3) A (ov) tS al <= —D Hj @S Zz 6 ie PLATE 6 S8 LSN3Ne Slt Si = —D 4 7 AO ]) i ] <= =D) = (S|) = ‘e Sal tae "47 “SNIONYT S3YNT Sie) JUSS Sil S| HT nw G £ v S 2 —D =| []) eo) ]) cS 1] <— —D 4 CO CE he PLATE 8 Se} ISAAK SI Sl 6 é ET INS IS I sINSISINS) ~ Nel) eYNel Tel stellate! = =D 4 (ea) 0) 7] er ™ < =D =] OS) ZZ ‘ 4 = PLATE 9 Sts) AES file = —D r4 (eva) AO ae) S&S Ga <= —D ial =) ZEB ‘o a Hj "b1 “@9-N “ONBISI SNISAT Sie} IESIMeiils oi Sl é te abil) Nets) JLSTSIMS = —D = [aul A ") a ol <= —D =) (©) a ‘ Wha PLATE 11 S8 ISNond Si SI "U7 “ONYISI Y399C LY NOAWE GNNOY Gg o v S = —D 4 ) A 7 = 7 <= —D cae] =) ZS ds PLATE 12 3 TSH3aie oil Sill "b1 “SIYCO909 LY NOVO LIL3d NOAvE = D 4 cm >a m aL m < 2D = ] 14 “NO PLATE 13 SS) IUSINSINE il SI eq) “2a iNe We SOMO nove = SD) a) [) AO (oy) ie fy) <= —D tone! S) Zz “o 7 —) PLATE 14 S8 LSN3INY QT Sl "47 “S1SI ONYNI 2S —D 4 tual Po) [") i | < —D Taal S Z “ a = PLATE 15 Se SAIS S)I, oa = —D 4 1) AO 77 Ce (C3) EE -D Loar &) ZZ ‘ “4 = "A SSN S8 ISN3Nb Sil Sl ET SSH LSEMEWUAOS = —D | (4 A a) = [aol =< —D ri Ss PE ‘oe 4 4 PLATE 17 S8 LSNgany S)) Sl "UT °S3iSSHd 40 OyaHy = —D re cu] 0) ] Ee Er] =< —D oe) — S) ZZ. ‘eo aaa 4 PLATE 18 Ge ISMN oi Sil = =) cies 0) om y 5 LBAS I g S ii Ne "EL PSG) Sted Si} US Neale "U7 “SISIO9IY Lb JNIYOY Jy PLATE 20 APPENDIX A: WAVE SPECTRA Al M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, RECORD NOS =438 DATE = 8-14-85 AT 1030 GiSiea Mes 0.6054 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.2383 PEAK PER, SEC = 4.1967 -000 BE, HZ = 0.0078 DOF = 16 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 , FREQUENCY, HZ Figure Al. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 1030, 14 August 1985 . 000 RECORD NOS =439 DATE = 8-14-85 AT 1330 Sh Mie= 0.8702 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.2617 PEAK PER, SEC = 3.8209 . 000 BE, HZ = 0.0078 DOF = 16 . 000 . 000 . 000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure A2. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 1330, 14 August 1985 A2 M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, M2/HZ ENERGY OENSITY, RECORD NOS =440 DATE = 8-14-85 AT 1630 HS, M = ho W977 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.1055 | PEAK PER, SEC = 9.4815 .000 BE, HZ = 0.0078 DOF = 16 -000 .000 “aaa een es sie ail J 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure A3. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platforn, Vermilion 22, at 1630, 14 August 1985 -000 - RECORD NOS =4U1 Figure A4. DATE = 8-14-85 AT 1930 HS, M = 1.1073 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.0898 L PEAK PER, SEC = 11.1304 ooo Bee iiZe— 0.0078 DOF = 16 - 000 ' bull 000 sf =I ——— | 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 1930, 14 August 1985 A3 M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, . 000 RECORD NOS =44e FREQUENCY, HZ DATE = 8-14-85 AT 2230 HS, M = 1.2892 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.0820 PEAK PER, SEC = 12.1905 .000 BE, Wz s 0.0078 DOF = 16 .000 - .000 | es eee ee 000 IC 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure A5. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platforn, Vermilion 22, at 2230, 14 August 1985 .000 — RECORD NOS =4Wu3 DATE = 8-15-85 AT 130 HS, M = 1.5654 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.0820 PEAK PER, SEC = 12.1905 +500 BE. Hze= 0.0078 DOF = 16 .000 | .500 .000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 Figure A6. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 0130, 15 August 1985 A4 M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY. 10.000 - RECORD NOS =444 DATE = 8-15-85 AT 430 HS, M = 2.15U7 Peel FiRte@, Fz = Oo iiss} PEAK PER, SEC = 8.8276 7.500 + BE, Hz = 0.0078 DOF = 16 5.000 2.500 - 0.000 0.000 0.100 g.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure A7. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 0430, 15 August 1985 10.000 -— RECORD NOS =445 DATE = 8-15-85 AT 730 HS, ft = 25 12S) PEAK FREQ, HZ = O. 1992 PEAK PER, SEG = 5.0196 7.500 = Ble, (d= 0.0078 DOF = 16 SOON 2.500 in 0.000 aS ile al ee a eee eee | 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure A8. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 0730, 15 August 1985 A5 10.000 M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, RECORD NOS =446 DAVE = Boils Fy Oso HS, M = 1.4370 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.1133 PEAK PER, SEC = 8.8276 7.500 Bea tliZen= 0.0078 DOF = 16 5.000 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure A9. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 1030, 15 August 1985 - 000 RECORD NOS =4U7 DATE = 8-15-85 AT 1330 WS5 tS 2.9588 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.1055 PEAK PER, SEC = 9.4815 - 500 BEraahZa= 0.0078 DOF = 16 .000 .500 - 000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure Al0. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 1330, 15 August 1985 A6 M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, . 000 -000 -— RECORD NOS =448 DATE = 8-15-85 AT 1630 nS, Il = 1.8056 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.1289 PER PER, SEC = 7. 7578 500 BE, HZ = 0.0078 DOF = 16 go00 - 500 if - 000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure All. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platforn, Vermilion 22, at 1630, 15 August 1985 RECORD NOS =4U9 DATE = 8-15-85 AT 1930 t= al HS, M = 1.2301 PEAK FREQ, Hz = 0.1523 L PEAK PER, SEC = 6.5641 ooo BE, Wz < 0.0078 DOF = 16 .000 F . 000 I .000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure Al2. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion, 22 at 1930, 15 August 1985 A7 M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, -000 — -000 .000 .000 .000 0.000 Figure Al3. -000 .000 -000 000 -- Figure Al4. 0.100 0.200 FREQUENCY, HZ RECORD NOS =450 DATES es —Somaleaeso HS, M = 0.7665 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.1836 PEAK PER, SEC = 5.4468 Bey Wz = 0.0078 DOF = 16 J 0.300 0.400 0.500 Vermilion 22, at 2230, 15 August 1985 0.100 0.200 FREQUENCY, HZ RECORD NOS =451 DATE = 8-16-85 iso. TM € PEAK FREQ, HZ PEAK PER, SEC BE, Hz = DOF = 0.300 0.400 Vermilion 22, at 0130, 16 August 1985 A8 Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, AT 130 0.8259 OFsIDNSS 8.8276 0.0078 1G Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, 4.000 - M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, RECORD NOS =4S2 DATE = 8-16-85 AT 430 WS. f= 0.9625 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.1992 i PEAK PER, SEC = 5.0196 000 BE, We = 0.0078 DOF = 16 -000 F 000 | -000 — — === 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure Al5. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 0430, 16 August 1985 . 000 RECORD NOS =453 DATE = 8-16-85 AT 730 HS, M = 0.8655 PEAK FREQ, Hz = 0.1914 PEAK PER, SEC = 5.22uS .000 BE, Hz = 0.0078 DOF = 16 - 000 . 000 . 000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 FREQUENCY, HZ Figure Al6. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 0730, 16 August 1985 AY M2/HZ ENERGY DENSITY, . 000 - O00NS -000 | RECORD NOS =45U DATE = 8-16-85 AT 1030 So Ml € 0.7316 PEAK FREQ, HZ = 0.1758 PERN Pet, SEG = So Sey) BE. Hz = 0.0078 DOF = 16 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 FREQUENCY. HZ Figure Al7. Wave spectrum, Shell Oil platform, Vermilion 22, at 1030, 16 August 1985 A10 7 Th : eres it ; ti aa vet Rh a i 7 Pine, Pp Bah Sg } 7 : i Hr! We. cry,