HURRICANE HEAT POTENTIAL OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC AND NORTH PACIFIC OCEANS Richard Francis Heffernan NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS NORTH HURRICANE HEAT POTENTIAL OF THE ATLANTIC AND NORTH PACIFIC OCEANS by Richard Francis Heffeman Thesis Advisor: Da. Le F. Le Lpper September 1972 T1A8519 Approved ^oh. puhtic nol.2.a.b> w Pi Pi u o - - r - 2 -J ; ■!-... -i - 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 A 0 N-M FIGURE (7): MONTHLY FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF TROPICAL CYCLONE OCCURRENCES (1901-1963) - NORTH ATLANTIC [CRY 1965] 19 2 o -3 O -3 > t"1 X • M CO o m o a S w cx> r-j o -3 • PO CO o ^ O >-3^ 33 n-3 O P3 *d o £3 f > o S2 ' — > >• a CO 01 X O CO 3 o a O M O **3 -3 W o M O > CO -3 o 3 to 8 o G W W M O M X O 50 CO o s 25 G ^ a S co CO x 33 a X o H SCO X t« CO i — r I I I 1 I t I 1 1 o o o CO CO CO o CO o o o o \ \\^ \ \ \ ttf 00 o O 20 and Volgenau found two areas, one just north of the western tip of Cuba and one midway across the Gulf of Mexico north of Yucatan, had potentials greater than 15,000 cal/cm2 in each of the four years observed. The mean heat potential plots had warm centers in excess of 12,000 cal/cm2 in two areas, one located off the western tip of Cuba and the other just northwest of the warm center that existed during the 1965-1968 period. The tongue of high potential (greater than 15,000 cal/cm2) that Leipper and Volgenau found running from the western tip of Cuba toward the Mississippi Delta in individual years was not apparent in the August mean heat potential plot. It is interesting to note that the September mean heat potential plot (Figure 21) had this characteristic warm tongue, although all values were less than 16,000 cal/cm . Analysis of the 12 monthly hurricane heat potential plots for the North Atlantic (Figures 13-24) reveals that south of Cuba sufficient heat exists in every month to support a hurricane for twenty - four hours. This is not true for the Gulf of Mexico where heat potentials of 4,000 cal/cm^ or greater exist only from June through November. In the North Eastern Pacific, warm centers migrate from month to 2 month. Starting in January, the warm center (greater than 4,000 cal/cm ) migrates in a southwest direction. By April this warm center has 2 increased in heat content (greater than 8,000 cal/cm ) and migrated approximately six hundred miles to the 120W meridian. From April to May the heat potential plot shows a dramatic change. The warm center has shifted direction and magnitude. It now migrates towards the Mexican coast in an easterly direction, moving over four hundred miles in one 2 month. The May heat potential values in the center exceed 12,000 cal/cm . The warm center continues to move eastward, but by July the center has 21 "cooled" to less than 12,000 cal/cm . The August warm center has migrated east of the 106W meridian and once again contains values in excess of 12,000 cal/cm . By November the center has cooled to less than 8,000 cal/cm^, but in December the 8,000 cal/cm^ center reappears. The migrating warm centers which characterized the Eastern Pacific were not typical of any other area. The Western Pacific was characterized 2 as having stable warm centers 24-32 thousand cal/cm east of the Philippine Islands during all twelve months of the year. The North Atlantic had warm centers which varied in magnitude seasonally (4,000-24,000 cal/cmz) but always remained south of Cuba. 22 B. CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PARAMETERS In an attempt to evaluate possible correlations between sea surface temperature (T) , heat potential (Q) , and depth of the 26C isotherm (Z) , a computer subprogram was used to plot combinations of T vs Q, T vs Z, and Z vs Q. If any such correlations exist they would provide a convenient means of estimating heat potential from the simpler and more readily available quantities T and Z. 1. Data Presentation At first data were selected geographically by 5 degree bands from 5N-30N extending across both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. The months of August and November were chosen for analysis. Since the results were encouraging, further analysis was made, this time by selected Oceanographic regions having fairly uniform water mass characteristics. Three areas in each ocean were selected; South China Sea (Lat 5-20N, Long 110-117E), Philippine Sea (Lat 15-25N, Long 120-135E), Eastern Pacific (Lat 10-20N, Long 110-120W) , Gulf of Mexico (Lat 20-30N, Long 100-85W) . Caribbean Sea (Lat 5-20N, Long 90-65W) , and Eastern Atlantic (Lat 5-20N, Long 45-15W) . A characteristic of the UTPLOT subprogram used in displaying the data in figures (9) through (11) is that multiple points are plotted, one on the other, so that there appears to be only one data point for a fix T vs Q (for example) when in fact there could be any number of points. In order to ascertain the true relationship, the LSQPL2 subprogram was used to determine a least square fit for all of the data, This curve, superimposed on the data, is represented by crosses. Tables (1) through (3) were constructed by selecting values for the independent variable (T) or (Z), then determining the corresponding dependent variable 23 0.0 ».2 2.5 3.7 5-0 „ :330 275 ? b>:220 :: : r '.': : ^ : : .. :: : * : ""•It- .. > . ....... 3* NO »— r o >i 165 110 PACIFIC OCEAN - LAT 15N-20N • • • it >**! •.:: s;p: :<;?: ::::::::3;r.:::: EXCESS T2iP - °C * : :: f \ • j* ! ' :+ : :' :. '. '. ♦: : .* *." .* ' eft o 9 >< "*♦■ '• AT 4*: iS:^I!lV.I~~7//.!S"!!"!!*""!!-?J?! 3.0 EXCESS TEMP - *C ..:v • : . t - - •• •.•*♦ « p s ... ^ \ • • 4 • . -^ • • • • ^. • • » • • • • • • 4 • • • X o ■ I f • J * 4* : 4 55 330 275 220 165 PHILIPPIC SSA 110 55 300 250 200 a iso CARIBBEAN SEA 100 50 FIGURE ( 9 ) : CORRELATION PLOT C? SEA SURFACE TEMP- ERATURE VS. H2AT POTENTIAL AUGUST 24 0,0 oo Jl.,2 2J5 3.7 BXCESS~TaTp"-"'«c""' 5.0 '• * * / ; ** • • T • • .... ..,♦.. .: •♦ f .. . . :• •: t. •: ■ .. . *-. .. •• , *. . •• »t ♦ • ... . .: *♦* >fSr 3} 1/3 2.0 "So* tftf EXCESS TEMP - *--C . ::::•«* f ♦ S • • * • • IT • T- .' .1 01 ♦ ♦' ♦♦ »' 1,0 2.0 :m: M EXCESS TEEP - gC • : • . * •;ti: ♦♦a ••3 tfw*:!""' 1 • • • * »-.-« i • • ; M .«• • • • ►-} * .* • : w 162 135 108 81 ATLANTIC OCEAN IAT 15N-20N 54 27 62 135 08 3, CARIBBEAN SEA 54 27 38 15 92- 69 PHILIPPINE SEA 46 23 FIGURE (10)1 CORRELATION PLOT OE SE'^ SURFACE TEMP- ERATURE VS. DEPTH C? 26C ISOTJEHH - AUGUST 25 O 0 25 _ 50 75 DSPTH*'(KEfEHS) '" 100 162 135 • -4 toe?. V *3 I " ESWh Ttt&TJ&'S) ...?, :.*• PE3 H D;xx;;.;;;;:;;;;;-,TO.."".".'.".'.'.";.'.'"r.t? . *.'.':.'.' D2PTH CMETERS)' :j:2o:, :.yso. .;? -•/. y PS *3 .*.- 81 GULF 0? MEXICO 54 27 300 250 200 150 100 50 330 2/5 220 110 55 CARIBBEAN SEA 153 PHILIPPINE SEA FIGURE. (11 )i CORRELATION PLOT OF DEPTH 0? 26C ISOTHERM VS. HEAT POTENTIAL AUGUST 26 TABLE. (1) - HEAT POTENTIAL (cal/cmz) FOR DIFFERENT VALUES OF SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE - AUGUST REGION BOUNDARY NO. DATA POINTS SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 27C 28C 29C 29. 5C PACIFIC SOUTH CHINA SEA 100E-117E 5N-10N 1033 10N-15N 914 15N-20N 537 20N-25N 271 25N-30N 137 5N-20N 124 370 8980 22500 27730 1480 7500 11760 30000 1110 5970 19120 30000 1110 5600 14630 25460 740 4120 13470 17590 _ 3250 7250 _ PHILIPPINE 15N-25N 168 10500 22130 SEA 120E-135E EASTERN PACIFIC 5N-20N 110W-120W 160 1125 - - - ATLANTIC 5N-10N 286 2250 7910 - - 10N-15N 392 1000 6400 15600 - 15N-20N 327 1110 8240 17220 26980 20N-25N 276 1110 5970 15375 * 24350 19490 25N-30N 2 71 1110 1710 8240 * 17590 16110 GULF OF MEXICO 20N-30N 100W-85W 128 - 1400 * 6400 2200 * 10800 3600 CARIBBEAN SEA 5N-20N 90W-65W 217 740 7130 18400 26620 EASTERN ATLANTIC 5N-20N 45W-15W 361 + 2270 1120 - - - *Two values were read from the plot due to recurvature 27 TABLE (2) - DEPTH 26C ISOTHERM (METERS) FOR DIFFERENT VALUES OF SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE - AUGUST REGION BOUNDARY NO. DATA POINTS SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 27C 28C 29C 29. 5C PACIFIC 5N-10N • 1033 37.0 66.60 104.6 142.6 10N-15N 914 - * 89.8 56.0 112.5 119.9 15N-20N 537 14.8 * 72.3 29.6 104.6 119.9 20N-25N 271 7.4 * 37.5 11.1 86.1 104.6 25N-30N 137 14.8 37.5 63.9 * 48.6 71.6 SOUTH 5N-20N 124 31.7 64.0 43.6 CHINA SEA 110E-117E PHILIPPINE 15N-25N 168 - 45.2 74.8 98.5 SEA 120E-135E EASTERN 5N-20N 160 38.1 31.7 - - PACIFIC 110W-120W ATLANTIC 5N-10N 286 30.0 58.1 60.0 - 10N-15N 392 28.0 50.0 74.0 - 15N-20N 32 7 34.8 64.1 95.8 117.4 20N-25N 276 36.75 53.3 61.4 61.4 25N-30N 271 21.8 35.0 46.8 50.0 GULF OF 20N-30N 128 - - 45.2 41.6 MEXICO 100W-85W CARIBBEAN 5N-20N SEA 90W-65W 217 24.0 58.7 101.4 120.0 EASTERN 5N-20N ATLANTIC 45W-15W 361 • 30.0 50.0 - - *Two values were read from the plot due to recurvature 28 TABLE (3) HEAT POTENTIAL (cal/cm2) FOR SELECTED DEPTHS OF 26C ISOTHERM (METERS) - AUGUST REGION BOUNDARY NO. DATA DEPTH OF 26C POINTS 30m 60m 100m 120m PACIFIC 5N-10N 1033 1850 8980 25460 29700 10N-15N 914 1850 9 350 19140 27730 15N-20N 537 1110 9350 20600 27360 20N-25N 271 1480 11500 22500 - 25N-30N 137 3380 11620 - - SOUTH 5N-20N 124 4100 11478 _ — CHINA SEA 110E-117E PHILIPPINE 15N-25N 168 3400 11550 22500 27500 SEA 120E-135E EASTERN 5N-20N 160 3700 5300 _ _ PACIFIC 110W-120W ATLANTIC 5N-10N 286 1800 7600 - - 10N-15N 392 2000 8000 16800 24000 15N-20N 32 7 1500 7000 18000 23500 20N-25N 276 2500 8500 19000 24500 25N-30N 271 3600 1000 - - GULF OF 20N-30N MEXICO 100W-85W 128 4000 7200 - - CARIBBEAN 5N-20N 217 2000 8500 18000 23500 SEA 90W-65W EASTERN 5N-20N 361 1600 7600 _ _ ATLANTIC 45W-15W 29 TABLE (4) - OCEANIC CHARACTERISTICS OF MAXIMUM TYPHOON INTENSIFICATION REGIONS OF THE NORTH WESTERN PACIFIC MONTH REGION LAT LONG HEAT DEPTH 26C LAYER SEA SURFACE POTENTIAL ISOTHERM DEPTH TEMPERATURE (CAL/CM2) METERS METERS " °C x 10 -2 JULY 13N-17N 152E-158E 160-280 120+ 60-75 28-29 AUGUST 12N-17N 162E-172E 5N-14N 130E-145E 160-200 90-105 240-320 105-120 60+ 28+ 60+ 29+ SEPTEMBER 5N-12N 161E-170E 180-240 90+ 60+ 28-29 5N-18N 156E-173E 160-240 90-120 60+ 28-29 OCTOBER 5N-11N 151E-132E 8N-12N 142E-150E 240-320 90-105 200-280 90-120 60-75 29+ 60 29+ NOVEMBER 5N-10N 132E-142E 240-320 105+ 60+ 29-30 8N-16N 200-320 90-120 153E-164E 60-75 28-29 30 TABLE (5) - OCEANIC CHARACTERISTICS OF LOW - LATITUDE TYPHOON WEAKENING REGIONS OF THE NORTH WESTERN PACFIC MONTH REGION LAT LONG HEAT DEPTH 26C LAYER SEA SURFACE POTENTIAL ISOTHERM DEPTH TEMPERATURE (CAL/CM^) METERS METERS " °C x 10-2 JULY 20N-30N 110E-130E 40-60 30-75 15-30 27-29 26N-30N 130E-150E 0-40 0-45 15-30 26-21 AUGUST 20N-30N 110E-130E 40-240 30-75 30-45 29 27N-30N 130E-158E 40-80 15-75 15-30 27-28 SEPTEMBER 18N-30N 110E-130E 40-200 60-90 30-60 28-29 23N-30N 130E-140E 40-120 30-60 30-45 28-29 22N-30N 150E-140E 40-120 30-60 30-45 27-21 OCTOBER 10N-30N 110E-120E 40-120 30-75 30-45 27-21 20N-30N 120E-140E 40-120 30-75 30-60 27-2i 25N-30N 140E-160E 40-100 45-60 45-75 27-28 NOVEMBER 18N-30N 110E-120E 0-40 0-75 45-75 24-27 15N-30N 120E-130E 0-200 0-105 45-75 24-29 18N-30N 130E-160E 0-160 0-90 60-75 24-28 31 (Q) or (Z) by reading from the plot the value at the intersection of the least square curve and the independent variable. Sea Surface temperature is plotted in degrees celsius for values in excess of 26 C. Heat Poten- 2 — 7 tial is plotted in (cal/cm ) x 10 . Depth of the 26C isotherm is in meters . 2. Description of Results T vs . Q As indicated in Table (1), knowledge of sea surface temperature does not lead to a positive determination of heat content in the ocean. The general pattern indicates an increase in heat content with increased sea surface temperature, however, a decrease in heat content is noted with increased latitude for a given sea surface temperature. The data when different regions are compared show no consistency in the relationship between sea surface temperature and heat content. The scatter diagrams of T vs. Q, Figure (9), show a wide, range of heat values for given values of temperature. It is interesting to note that the Pacific data for Lat 15-20N show a near linear least square approximation. Also a straight line can be used to approximate the upper boundary of the data point scatter. T vs . Z Table (2) shows trends similar to those shown in Table (1) . As a rule, the higher the sea surface temperature, the deeper is the 26C isotherm. For a given sea surface temperature, the depth of the 26C in the Atlantic does not show as regular a pattern of decreasing depth with increased latitude as is the case in the Pacific. The scatter diagrams for T vs . Z, Figure (10), show a wide spread of values about the least square curve indicating a poor correlation between sea surface temperature and depth of the 26C isotherm in all regions. 32 Z vs . Q By far the best correlation of data was found between the depths of the 26C isotherm and heat potential. Table (3) shows a consistent increase of heat content with increased depth. Further, the data reveals a close correlation of values between latitude bands and also a good correlation between oceanographic regions. Figure (11) shows that with the exception of the Gulf of Mexico, there is an excellent grouping of data about the least square curve. The correlation plot in the Gulf of Mexico might be taken to indicate that there is more than one water mass present in the upper layers which is indeed the case (Leipper, 1970). A study of the above mentioned relationships for other months (April, July, October) revealed the same pattern that existed for August. In a selected region, the correlation between parameters of T, Q, and Z remained nearly as good for the different months. This is not to imply that given a sea surface temperature that the corresponding heat potential and depth of 26C were the same for each month. On the contrary, it was found that August values for Z and Q were the highest for a given sea surface temperature and these values varied seasonally. C. SEVERE TROPICAL STORM INTENSIFICATION RELATED TO HURRICANE HEAT POTENTIAL Brand (1972) analyzed track segments of thirty typhoons in the Western Pacific (1945-1969) covering the period forty-eight hours prior to reaching the Philippines to twenty-four hours after leaving the islands. Brand noted an average increase in intensity during the period forty-eight to twenty-four hours prior to reaching the Philippines. Over water, winds reached and maintained a speed of ninety-two knots. Over land, the average intensity decreased to about sixty-two knots. After this 33% reduction, the intensity increased again in the South China and Sulu Seas. 33 In addition, Brand examined the average speed of movement of these typhoons and determined that there was a decrease in speed until about twenty hours before reaching the islands, then there was a slight (10%) acceleration when the Philippines were approached. There was a decrease in speed as the storm passed over the Philippines and moved into the Sourth China and Sulu Seas. These studies show distinct geographical and seasonal preferences for both rapid intensification (fifty knots or more in twenty-four hours) and low - latitude weakening (twenty - knots or more in twenty-four hours) of tropical cyclones. Table (4) gives values of various oceanic parameters for the respec- tive areas of maximum typhoon intensification. In all instances these areas were characterized by exceeding the following minima: hurricane heat potential of 16,000 cal/cm , depth of the 26C isotherm of ninety meters, layer depth of sixty meters and sea surface temperature of twenty-eight degrees celsius. Table (5) gives values of various oceanic parameters for the respective areas of low-latitude weakening of typhoons. These areas were characterized by the following minima: hurricane heat potential of 0-4000 cal/cm , depth of the 26C isotherm thirty meters or less in eleven of thirteen cases, layer depth forty-five meters or less in twelve of thirteen cases and thirty meters or less in nine and sea surface temperature of 27C or less in ten of thirteen cases. Comparative analysis of the maxima and minima of heat potential and depth of the 26C isotherm revealed that areas of typhoon intensification are characterized by deep, warm water and areas of low - latitude weakening of typhoons are characterized by relatively shallow, cool water. 34 Figures (58) and (59), historical plots of August severe tropical storms for the Western Atlantic and Pacific, give an indication of the "mean pattern" of the August storms. No obvious relationship was noted between these tracks and the August mean heat potential plots, Figures (20) and (43). D. CALCULATED CHANGES IN SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE AND CONVECTIVE LAYER DEPTH AFTER PASSAGE OF A SEVERE TROPICAL STORM The Sea Surface Temperature Modification Program was designed to calculate the range of sea surface temperature changes resulting from the heat loss to severe tropical storms under different initial conditions. The Convective Layer Program was designed to calculate the depth of the warm, highly mixed water generated in various regions in the wake of severe tropical storms assuming average initial conditions. This infor- mation would have much direct usefulness in such areas as Naval operations, weather forecasting and fisheries. The data from these two programs, when plotted, graphically demonstrate the extent of the geographic area of the ocean which can be changed due to heat lost to hurricanes and typhoons. It can be seen that researchers would arrive at different conclusions as to severe tropical storm affects to the thermal structure depending upon the area investigated. Analysis of the various monthly plots revealed that in areas of high hurricane heat potential there is less measureable affect upon the ocean thermal structure during the passage of severe tropical storms than in areas of low heat potential. Closer analysis revealed that areas of iso-heat potential may have dissimilar convective depths and sea surface temperature 35 FIGURE (58): HISTORICAL PLOT OF TROPICAL STORMS AND TYPHOON TRACKS, AUGUST - WESTERN PACIFIC [LIECHTY 1972] AUG Mb 1060-1069 ^~4 / / 36 FIGURE (59): HISTORICAL PLOT OF HURRICANE TRACKS, AUGUST - WESTERN ATLANTIC [CRY 1965] 3^Vx? i 37 modification depending upon the initial thermal gradient. The thermal gradient must be considered when computing hurricane affects. An analysis of August values was performed. August was selected because it marks the beginning of the main severe tropical storm season. Depths to which heat loss to the storm affects modified the thermal structure varied from fifteen to sixty meters for a twelve hour storm. Given a twenty-four hour storm, or two successive twelve hour storms, then the depths affected extend to a maximum of seventy-five meters - with thirty to forty-five meters being the most prevalent over the area. The maximum sea surface temperature reduction due to. this storm passage was a little over three degrees celsius but this also varied monthly. These tropical storm affects can persist for several weeks according to Leipper (1967) and Hazelworth (1968) . This time probably depends on such factors as the speed, size, and intensity of the storm as well as the initial mixed layer depth and the temperature gradient of the ther- mocline (and a few other atmospheric features) . 38 IV. CONCLUSIONS 1. Areas of typhoon intensification are characterized by deep, warm water and areas of low-latitude weakening are characterized by presence of some relatively shallow, cool water. 2. In areas of high hurricane heat potential the calculated affects upon the ocean thermal structure during passage of tropical storms was less than in areas of low heat potential. 2 3. Twenty-four hour affects of 4,000 cal/cm /day heat consumption caused the sea surface temperature to drop a negligible amount in some areas to more than three degrees celsius in others depending upon initial sea temperature structure. The thermal affects reached a depth of over ninety meters in some areas - and in other areas only depths less than fifteen meters were affected. 4. The known tropical storm development regions were characterized by a heat potential maximum in August and sufficient heat to sustain a hurricane in each month of the year. 5. There existed only a poor correlation between sea surface tempera- ture and corresponding heat potential for a particular area. 6. Warm, deep centers of water with heat potential values in excess of 32,000 cal/cm2 existed east of the Philippine Islands during the months of July through November. In the Western Atlantic warm, deep centers in excess of 24,000 cal/cm2 existed south of Cuba during the months of August- through October. 7. In comparing the August mean hurricane heat potentials with those calculated by Leipper and Volgenau (1972) for the individual years 1965-1968 it was found that the mean values were much lower. They 39 found heat potentials as high as 32,000 cal/cm2 in the Gulf of Mexico whereas mean values did not exceed 15,000 cal/cm2. 8. In the North Eastern Pacific, warm centers of hurricane heat potential (4,000-12,000 cal/cm2) migrated from month to month. 9. The Western Pacific was characterized as having stable warm centers of hurricane heat potential (24,000-32,000 cal/cm2) east of the Philippine Islands during all twelve months of the year. 10. The North Atlantic had warm centers of hurricane heat poten- tial (4,000-24,000 cal/cm2) which varied in magnitude seasonally but always remained south of Cuba. 40 V. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that: 1. A pattern of airborne expendable bathythermographs be strat- egically dropped across tropical storm tracks, before and after passage of storms, in order to increase the present completely inadequate data base on thermal structure modifications due to severe tropical storms. 2. Continued studies be made using the hurricane heat potential concept. The monthly mean values should be compared with values in selected years to determine if significant yearly variability exists and if differences in severe tropical storms from year to year are associated with ocean differences. 3. Mr. James N. Perdue 's Ocean Plot Program used extensively for this theses at Fleet Numerical Weather Central be adapted for the IBM 360 computer so that Naval Postgraduate School students can have an ocean plot program. 41 o H rc: o t3 CM E- W O CO a CO U < CM r-i W a: o 42 43 44 45 o H O c w S S O 3 1-3 CC O 46 x \£ VTX'k 47 48 49 50 M u < o 55 <: 1 O H fC re c-j 8 W GO cv 51 o < X E- O »-3 o n re O o CM CM W B u 52 o < re E- O S a a o 63 O M 53 o 5t o NO O W s o -3- CM g o >-< 54 o •< E- o O c/5 o :=> W 55 ^ < cl CzSi >-« w en 5 3 <; o o O o H < • rr; o :--) M tx, h s ^ 3 H W < o < X t-^ H g O to +— < m w r- in O w 5= L-- CO w •£, H g CO O TD ZC o ^v£ ■< o *• vC t\J w « s o 56 re o « o to 10 I 5£ o M H 5 M f*. M Q O «vr" w g c-* «i! • f>: c> ! -i i H !-. fc ^ - W ■rf f- .4 H w < L> — ^ ;ij L ■. H b5 O 0") K -^ •» u) H to O ►^ ,-.* fi. fcj M p^, K f» ::> to O *. 3 :-: c < 3 ». c^- C\J W K D o M &u 57 g M OS. o w o < CO to M Q O W c5 o W < o < x :=> o co Ja to 7Z u3 w CO S3 o < C\J CO w OS o 58 M O w o to 8 c-< n Q O H W re: f-< re it: s o to ^ to o w to o rD ~ Bvo CM to 'J o 59 < o 1-1 rc X x o w o < to X w X M • Q O H cr; e- W z eq > x E- cr p o o e- X o o <: o o 5 o 60 o M w o w o < en O O O H cc: en o §3 o H 61 63 < u M O 63 O < tn en S5 cr: w C-i 63 • Q U M Is 63 < £■ X M H H O O 63 63 ■Si O 63 g 62 g < o n OS o o < CO CO 2 E o o > o 3 CO < O O ^ H o 63 vr\ O n 5 < H cr: o 3 C-3 00 cS M PC 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 r— •< IT. v v— j — -. v «, ■, _ V-~^ -:": n < ■'■ \ \ \ V- ■■'1 76 77 o n M O cr. O s CO o r-. o u r.O u .'*• «J." J* -J*- »A» *A» -.'» <■*- J. an oceanTheat potent ing mean temperature gion by one degree s , ■_ i, „' ■ v- O* -"^ -J* -J- -V -J- -X- »■- ,,..,... 2f. -.. -», -,-. -.- -,t ,,-. *r- -,- ' -r* *P -r -c ^r n* *!* *r 'i* t -f ^r *r -tt ~r* -v «nr -•- or- ^* **r» ',- •*,- *r *** *m ^ *tt -> T - IAL COMPUTATIONS FOR ATLANTIC DATA COMPUTED BY M.K.ROBINSON QUARES ■jt* .J- J, j„ O, V, j^ , J/ y, -x. o- «v -<- -J' «JL- sU 0/U"JixXXXXXX ^ s 0* ^ — ,- ,,- ,, . -p, j^ v ' • n* -v -i ■- *i* «i n" -r -r Ji ^* -^ **.- * - *v *,- -,- ^r *r- -.* *r *r -r- *r *.- ?r~ *.- Jr *r i- T- *.- --- <- t V -r -r i- 2001 201 205 206 SV DO MA RE FO IF RE CO IC GO IC DO DO A( ME ST TE = 0 TT X = Z = 06 12 24 36 LL AD It RM LO C X AD RM (L AD NT NT T NT 1 1 I , NSICN A( 12 ,6) ,TEMP (12),QI( 12) ,DIFF( 1 GER P, CLRY,Z111,TT (12,6) ,TEMP2 (12) , Q( 12 ) , KCNT ( 12 ) , 2) ,Z1( 12) ,X( 12,6) 1 = 2 .0 20 = 1 -z = 4 = 6 R (4 12 AT NG 01 VA (4 AT ON (9 IN = J 0 = J J I J) 6.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ERE ,20 ) (12 = LO J = LUE ,20 (12 Gl. 9,2 UE 0 0 0 0 AD 0,END=2) LAT XI ,L0NG,IY,LVL,(TEMP(I,LVL + 1 ) , 14, Al , I2,12F4.1,22X) ,A1 NG 2,6 FOR PACIFIC CD LAT1,X2,L , Al , 14, Al, 12, NE.SVLONG) GO 00) LAT,X1,L0 IS 5 LEVELS 0NG1 ,1 Yl ,LVL1 70X) TO 205 NG,I Y,LVL,(TEMP(I , LVL+ 1 ) , I =1 , 12 ) 206 -1 =1,ICNT = 1, 12 =(TEMP(I J)-32.0 )*(5 ./9. ) 94 c c c 699 C C 25 700 1090 703 17 44 1091 1092 19 13 X( I, J) CONTIN DO 300 CP=1.0 RH0=1. Q(I)=0 1111)= TEMP2( P=0 NA=ICN IF(X(I IF(NA. GO TO THIS C ONLY S WATER. KCNT( I ZI=15. JCNT=K DIST (I DO 25> 12=11/ Zl (I ) = P=P+1 TEMP2( QI (I ) = IF(QI ( Q( I) = Q IFCTEM CONTIN GC TO THIS I GREATE CONTIN DO 13 IF(X{I IF(X{ I IF(X(I DIFF( I CONTIN KCNT( I ZI=30. IF(KCN GO TO CONTIN QI (I ) = Q( I) =G Z1(I)= CONTIN GO TO CONTIN JCNT=K DIST(I P = 0 DO 19 P=P+1 IF(X(I IF(X( I TEMP2( CONTIN Z2 = DIS Z1(I)= I F ( X ( I IFtXU QI ( I ) = CONTIN IF (XXX Q( I) =Q IF (TEN CONTIN CONTIN IFtXU = A( I ,J)-26.0 UE 1 1=1,12 0 .0 0.0 I) = AU, 1) T-l , 1 J .LT.O. ) GO TO 3001 EG.O) GO TO 699 700 GASTAL REGION SUBPROGRAM IS FOR THE CASE WHEN EA SURFACE TEMP. IS REPORTED DUE TO SHALLOW )=ZZZ*X( 1,1) 24 CNT( I) }=ZI/KCNT( I ) J=l, JCNT ZZZ Zl (I )+Z2 I)=TEMP2( I )-XXX (RHO*CP*DIST ( I ) )*(X( I,1)-XXX*P) I ) .LT.O. ) GO TO 3001 (IJ+QKI) P2(I ).LT.TTTT) GO TO 3001 UE 3001 S THE MAIN ANALYSIS PROGRAM FOR OCEAN DEPTHS R THAN 30 METERS. UE K=l , MA ,KJ .LE.O.) GO TO 3001 ,K + 1 ).GT.X( I,K) )DIFF( I )=X( I,K+1)-X(I ,K) ,K+1J .GT.X( I ,K))GO TO 1090 )=X( I, K)-X(I ,K+1) UE )=ZZZ*DIFF(I) 4 3 T(I) .EO.O) GO TO 703 44 UE ZI*X(I,K) (D + QHI J Zl( I ) + ZI UE 13 UE CNT( 1) )=ZI/KCNT(I) L=l, JCNT ,K+1J.GT.X(I ,K) ) TEMP2U )=TEMP2( I )+XXX ,K+1).GT.X(I,K) ) GO TO 1091 I )=TEMP2( I J-XXX UE T( I) ZKI )+Z2 ,K + 1 ).GT.X( I ,KJ JQI { I )=DIST(I }*(X(I tK)+XXX*P) ,K+1).GT.X(I,K) )G0 TO 1092 (RHO-CP-DI ST (I ) )*(X( I ,K)-XXX*P) UE *P.GT.DIFF(I ) ) GO TO 13 ( D+OI ( I ) P2( I ).LT.TTTT) GO TO 3001 UE UE ,NA+1) .GT.O. ) GO TO 701 95 701 24 3001 1100 900 901 GO TO KCNT( I ZI=15. JCNT=K DISK I P=0 DO 24 P = P+1 TEMP2( Z2=DIS Zl( I )= QI (I ) = IF(QI ( Q( I )=Q .IF (TEM CONTIM CO NT IN TT1 = 0 CLRY=1 Zlll=2 MM=MM+ IF(MOD WRITE( WRITE ( WR I T E ( CO NT IN FORMAT WRITEt WRITEt WRITE( FORMAT IF( ICN MAX VA READ(9 GO TO CONTIN STOP END 3001 )=ZZZ*X( I ,NA+1) 24 CNT( I) )=ZI/KCNT( IJ J=l , JCNT I )=TEMP2( I J-XXX T(I) Zl( I )+Z2 (RHC*CP*DIST ( I ) )#(X( I ,NA+1)-XXX*P) I) .LT.O. ) GO TO 3001 ( IJ+QI (I ) P2(I ).LT.TTTT) GO TO 3001 UE UE (MM, 10 6,900) 6,900) 6,900) UE (IX, 12 3, 901) 3,901) 3, 901) ( IX, 12 T.EQ.6 LUE FO 9,200) 203 UE ) .NE.OJ GO TO 1100 LATf XltLONGfI Y,TT1, (A(I,1),I=1,12) LAT,X1,L0NG,IY,CLRY,(Q( I) , 1 = 1, 12) L AT, XI, LONG, I Y.Z111 ,(Z1(I),I=1,12) i> LtVtLb IY,LVL,(TEMP( I,LVL+1) ,1=1,12) C C THIS JCL COMPUTED IS FOR VALUES READING A ONTO DATA 7 TRACK CELL TAPE, AND DUMPING //G0.FT04F001 DD UN IT = 2400-1 , LA B EL= ( 1 ,NL ) ,D I SP= ( OLD, KEE P) // V0L = SEP.=HEFATL,DCB=(DEN = 1 , R EC FM = F , BLKS I ZE = 80 , T RTCH= ET ) //G0.FT03F001 DD DSN AME= SI 149. TQZ , UNI T=232 1 , // VOL=SER=CEL002,DISP=(NEW,KEEP),SPACE= ( CYL , ( 40, 1 ) , RL SE ) , // LABEL=EXPDT=722 86,DCB=( RECFM=FB, BLKSI ZE=2 000 , LR ECL=CO ) 96 //HEFD1149 J03 ( 1 149 , 052 1FT , OP12 ) , ' HEFF ERNAN. . BOX .H» ,T I ME = 6 // EXEC FORTCLG //FORT.SYSIN DD * C MEAN OCEAN HEAT POTENTIAL COMPUTATIONS FOR ATLANTIC C USING MEAN TE^dpra TURE DATA COMPUTED BY M.K.ROBINSON C REGION BY ONE DEGREE SQUARES C PURPOSE: C l.TO COMPUTE (DL — ),THE CHANGE IN SEA SURFACE C TEMP DUE TO PASSAGE OF A TROPICAL STORM. C ARGUMENTS: C Q-CUMULATIVE HEAT CAL/CM2 C ZI-SEQUENTIAL 30.48 METER DEPTH INTERVAL C HR()-NUM3ER OF CALORIES IN HUNDRE DS, TROP I C AL C STORM OBTAINED FROM ThE COLUMN OF WATER C FDR A FIXED PERIOD ( 6 , 12 ,24, 36 HRS.). C 1300 CAL/CM2 PER FOUR HOUR PERIOD TAKEN C AS CONSTANT. C TEMP2-CALCULATED SEA SFC TEMP AFTER PASSAGE C OF TROPICAL STORM. C DIST-VARI ABLE NUMBER OF INCREMENTS BETWEEN 30 C METER LEVELS. C XXX-INCREMENTAL TEMPERATURE CHANGE. C ZZZ-CONSTANT MULTIPLE FOR INCREASING NUMBER C OF INCREMENTS. C Z2-INCREMENTAL DEPTH CHANGE DIMENSION A( 12,6) , TEMP (12,6) ,TEMP2( 12) ,Q( 12) ,KCNT(12) , 1DISTQ2) ,QI(12 ),DIFF( 12) ,Z1( 12 J ,X( 12,6) DIMENSION DLOS (12) , DL12Q2), DL24112) ,DL36( 12) INTEGER DT06,DT12,DT24 ,DT36,P MM = 0 TTTT=26.D XXX=.l ZZZ=10. HR06=10. 30 HR12=20.C0 HR24=40.00 HR36=6D. 33 CALL REREAD 204 READ(4,200, END=2 ) LAT, XI , LONG, I Y, L VL , ( TEMP ( I , LVL+ 1 ) , 11=1,12) 2 00 F0RMAT(I2,A1,I4,A1, I 2 , 12F4. 1 , 22X) 203 SVLONG=LCNG 229 DO 201 J=2,6 C MAX VALUE FOR PACIFIC IS 5 LEVELS RE AD (4, 2001) L ATI , X2 , LONG 1, IY1,LVL1 2001 FCRMATl I 2 , Al , I 4, Al , I 2 , 70X) IF(LDNGl.NE.SVLONG) GO TO 205 RE AD (99, 20 3) LAT , XI ,LONG , I Y , LVL , ( T EMP( I t LV L+ 1 ) , I = 1 , 12 ) 201 CONTINUE ICNT=J GO TO 236 205 ICNT=J-1 206 DO 1 J=l, ICNT DO 1 1=1,12 A( I, J)=(TEMP(I , J)-3 2.0)*(5./9.) X( I , J)=A( I,J)-26.0 1 CONTINUE DO 3001 1=1,12 CP=1.0 RH0=1.0 Q( I)=0.0 ZKI )=0.0 DL06( I )=0. DL12( I )=0. DL24(I ) =0. 97 DL36(I )=0. TEMP2( I)=A( 1,1 P = 0 NA=ICNT-1 IFtX ( 1,1 ) .LE.O IF(NA.EQ.O) GO GO TO 700 ) GO TO TO 699 3001 C THIS COASTAL REGION SUBPROGRAM IS FOR THE CASE WHEN C ONLY SEA SURFACE TEMP. IS REPORTED DUE TO SHALLOW C WATER. 699 KCNT (I )=ZZZ*X( 1,1) IFlKCNTt IJ.LT. 1) KCNT (I J =1 ZI=15.24 JCNT=KCNT( I ) DIST(I) =ZI/KCNT( I) DO 25 J=1,JCNT Z2=ZI/ZZZ Zl( I)=Z1(I )+Z2 P=P + 1 TEMP2(I )=TEMP2 ( IJ-XXX QI (I )={RH0*CP*Z1(I ) )«XXX Q(I)=Q{ I )+OI(I i IF1TEMP2U ) .LT.TTTT) GOTO IF(Q{ I ).LE.HR06) DL06(I)=(A[ IF(Q( I) .LE.HR12) IF(0(I ) .LE.HR24) IF(0( I J.LE.HR36) IF(Q(I ) .GT.HR3 6) 25 CONTINUE GO TO 3001 DL12( I ) = (A( I D 1.24 (I i = ( A ( I DL36( I )=(A( I GO TO 3001 3 001 I ,1)-TEMP2(I ) )*10. U-TEMP2C I ) ) *10. 1)-TEMP2(I ) )*10. 1)-TEMP2(I ) )*10. C THIS IS THE MAIN ANALYSIS C GREATER THAN 30 METERS. PROGRAM FOR OCEA.N DEPTHS 700 CONTINUE DO 13 K=1,NA IF(X( I ,K} .LE.O.) GO TO 3001 DIFFt I )=X( I,K)-X( I,K + 1) KCNT (I J=ZZZ-DIFF(I ) ZI=30.43 IF ( KCNT ( I) .EQ.O) GO TO 703 GO TO 44 SUBROUTINE FOR CASE WHEN ISOTHERMAL CONDITIONS EXIST DL36 ( GO TO 703 Zl( I)=Z1 ( IJ+ZI QI (I)=Z1 ( I )*XXX Q( I)=Q( I )+QI (I ) IF(Q( n .LE.HR06) IF(Q(I ) .LE.HR12) IF(Q( I J .LE.HR24J IFCQf I ) .LE.HR36) IFCQl I) .GT.HR36) GO TO 13 44 CONTINUE JCNT=KCNT( I ) DIST (I )=ZI/KCMT( P = 0 DO 19 L=1,JCNT P=P + 1 TEMP2U ) =TEMP2l I ) Z2=DIST( I) Zl( I)=Z1 ( I)+Z2 QI (I ) = (RH0*CP*Z1 ID) DL06( I ) = ( A( I DL12(I) =(A(I DL24( I ) = ( A( I I ) = ( A ( I 3001 1)-TEMP2( I ) )*10. 1)-TEMP2( I ) )*10. 1)-TEMP2(I ) )*10, 1 )-TEMP2( I ) )*10. I) XXX =XXX 98 IF(XXX*P.GT.DIFF(I ) ) GO TO 13 Q(I)=Q(I)+QI(I) IF(TEMP2(I ). LT.TTTT) GO TO 3001 C DL VALUE IS MULTIPLE OF 10 TO FACILATATE PLOT PROGRAM IF(Q(I ) .LE.HP06) DL06( I }=( A( I , 1 )-TEMP2( I ) ) *10. IF(Q( I ) . LE.HR12) D L12 ( I ) = < A ( I , 1 ) -T EMP2 ( I ) ) *10 . IF(Q( I ) .LE.HR2 4) DL24 ( I ) = ( A ( I , 1 ) -TEMP2( I ) ) *10. IF(Q(I ). LE.HR36) DL36 { I ) = ( A { 1 , 1 )-T EMP2 ( I ) ) *ld . IF(Q( I ) .GT.hR36) GO TO 3001 19 CONTINUE 13 CONTINUE IF(X( 1 ,NA+1) .3T.0. ) GO TO 701 GO TO 3001 701 KCNTd )=ZZZ*X( I,NA+1) ZI=15.24 IF(KCNT{ I) .LT.l) KCNT(I)=1 JCNT=KCNT{ I) DIST(I)=ZI/KCNT( I) P=0 DO 24 J=1,JCNT P=P+1 TEMP2U ) =TEMP2 ( I )-XXX Z2 = DIST( I) Z1U) = Z1(I )+Z2 QI (I )={RH0*CP*Z1 ( I) )*XXX 0( I)=Q( D+QI (I ) IF1TEMP2 ( I ). LT.TTTT) GO TO 3001 IF(C( I ) .LE.HR06) D L06 ( I ) = ( A ( I , 1 ) -T EMP2 ( I ) ) *10 . IF{Q( I ).LE.HR12) DL 12 ( I ) = { A( I , 1 ) -TEMP2 ( I ) ) -10. IF (Q{ I ) . LE.HR2 4) DL24( I)=( A( I,1)-TEMP2( I ) )*10. IF(Q{ I ) .LE.HR36) DL36 ( I ) = ( A( I , 1 ) -T EMP2 ( I ) ) *10 . IF(Q( I ) .GT .HR36) GO TO 3001 24 CONTINUE 3001 CONTINUE DT06=0 DT12=1 DT24=2 DT36=3 90 0 FORM AT ( 1X,I2,A1 , I4.A1, I2f12F5.1) 1100 CONT INUE WRITE (3, 901 ) L AT, XI, LONG t IY,DT06, ( DL06( I ) , 1 = 1 , 12) WRITE (3,901) LAT,X1 , LONG , I Y , DTI 2 , ( DL12 ( I ) , 1 = 1 , 12 ) WRITE (3,901) LAT,X1,L0NG,IY,DT24,(DL24( I ) ,1=1,12) WRITE (3, 901) LAT,X1 ,LONG, IY,DT36, (DL36( I ), 1 = 1, 12) 901 F0RMAT(I2,A1,I4,A1 ,I2,12F5.1,10X) IF( ICNT .EQ.6) GO TO 204 C MAX VALUE FOR PACIFIC IS 5 LEVELS READ (99, 200) LAT, XI ,LONG , I Y , L VL , ( TEMP( I , LVL+1 ) , I =1 , 12 ) GO TO 203 2 CONTINUE STOP END C THIS JCL IS F3R READING A 7 TRACK TAPE, AND DUMPING C COMPUTED VALUES ONTO DATA CELL //GO.FT04F001 DD UN I T =2400-1 , LABEL= ( 1 , ML ) , DI S P= ( OL D, KE EP ) , // V0L=SER=HEFATL,DCB=(DEN=1,RECFM=F,BLKSIZE=80,TRTCH=ET) //GO.FT03F001 DD CSN AM E=S 1149 . DLT , UN IT =2321 , // VOL =SER=CEL 002, DI SP=( NEW, KEEP) , SPACE =( CYL ,( 40 , 1 ) ,PLSE) , // LABEL=EXPDT=7 22 86, DCB= ( RECFM=FB, BLKS I ZE=2000, LRECL=80) 99 //HEF11149 JOB ( 1149, 0521FT,OP12) ,'HEFFERNAN. .BOX. H' ,TIME=6 // EXEC FORTCLG //FORT.SYSIN DD * C MEAN OCEAN HEAT POTENTIAL COMPUTATIONS FOR PACIFIC C USING MEAN TEMPERATURE DATA COMPUTED BY M.K.ROBINSON C REGION BY ONE DEGREE SQUARES £ *i # & * >■: # # A £ :£ ;}e # £ # jfc ;$; £ * fc £ :£ ;k # ***&#*^^ iz^^^^^X^^*****^**^*******^** C PURPO S E I C l.TO COMPUTE (Zl — ),THE DEPTH OF THE MIXED C LAYER EFFECTED BY TROPICAL STORM PASSAGE. C STORM IN AREA F0R6 t 12 , 24 , 36HR S OR SEQUENCE C OF FOUR STORMS CROSSING AREA. C ARGUMENTS: C Q-CUMULATIVE HEAT CAL/CM2 C ZI-SEQUENTIAL 30.48 METER DEPTH INTERVAL C HRO-NUMBER OF CALORIES IN HUNDRE DS,TROP ICAL C STORM OBTAINED FROM ThE COLUMN OF WATER C FOR A FIXED P ER IC D( 6 , 12 , 24, 36 HRS.). C 1000 CAL/CM2 PER FOUR HOUR PERIOD TAKEN C AS CONSTANT. C TEMP2-CALCULATED SEA SFC TEMP AFTER PASSAGE C OF TROPICAL STORM. C DIST-VARI ABLE NUMBER OF INCREMENTS BETWEEN 30 C METER LEVELS. C XXX-INCREMENTAL TEMPERATURE CHANGE. C ZZZ-CONSTAMT MULTIPLE FOR INCREASING NUMBER C OF INCREMENTS. C Z2-INCREMENTAL DEPTH CHANGE DIMENSION A(12,6),TEMP( 12, 6 ) , TEMP 2 ( 12 ) ,Q( 12) , KCNT( 12) , 1DISTC12) tQIClZ) t 0lFF(12)iZl(l2)tXI12ff6] DIMENSION Z106(12) , Z112(12) ,Z124( 12) ,Z136( 12) INTEGER Z206,Z212, Z224,Z23o,P MM=0 TTTT=26.0 XXX=.l ZZZ=10. HR06=10.00 HR12=20.00 HR24=40.00 HR36=60.00 CALL REREAD 204 READ(4,200, END=2 ) L AT ,X1 ,LONG, I Y , LVL , (TEMP ( I , LVL+ 1 ) , 11=1, 12) 200 FORMAT ( I 2 , Al , I 4, Al , 12 , 12F4 . 1 , 78X ) 203 SVLONG=LCNG 229 DO 201 J=2, 5 C MAX VALUE FOR PACIFIC IS 5 LEVELS RE AD (4, 2 001) LAT1 , X2 , L0NG1 , I Yl ,LVL1 2001 FORM AT ( I 2, A 1,1 4, A 1,1 2, 126X) IF(LONGl.NE.SVLCNG) GO TO 205 READ (99, 200) LAT,X1 ,LONG , I Y , L VL , (TEMP (I , LVL + 1 ) , I =1 , 12 ) 201 CONTINUE ICNT=J GO TO 206 205 ICNT=J-1 206 DO 1 J=1,ICNT DO 1 1=1,12 A(I,J)=(TEMP(I,J)-3 2.0)*(5./9.) X( I , J)=A(I ,J)-26.0 1 CONTINUE DO 3001 1=1,12 CP=1.0 RHO=1.0 Q( I)=0.0 ZKI )=0.0 Z106( I )=0. Z112( I )=0. Z124( I )=0. 100 Z1361 I )=0. TEMP2(I)=A(I,1) P = 0 NA=ICNT-1 IF(X(I tD.LF.O.) GO TO 3001 IF(NA.EQ.O) G3 TO 699 GO TO 700 C THIS COASTAL REGION SUBPROGRAM IS FOR THE CASE WHEN C ONLY SEA SURFACE TEMP, IS REPORTED DUE TO SHALLOW C WATER. 699 KCNT (I)=ZZZ*X< 1,1) IF(KCNTd).LT.l) KCNT(IJ=1 ZI=15.24 JCNT = KCNT( I ) DIST( I) =ZI/KCNT( I) DO 25 J=1,JCNT Z2=ZI/ZZZ Zl( I)=Z1(I )+Z2 P=P + 1 TEMP2U ) =TEMP2 (I J-XXX QI (I )=(RHG*CP*Z1(I ) )*XXX Q(I)=Q( IJ+QKI ) IFCTEMP2U J .LT.TTTT) GO TO 3001 IF(Q(I) .LE.HR06) Zl 06 ( I ) =Z 1 ( I ) IF(Q( I) .LE.HR12) Zl 12 ( I J = Z 1( I J IF(Q( I) .LE.HR24) Zl 24 ( I ) =Z1 ( I ) IF(Q(I) .LE.HR36) Z 136 ( I ) = Z 1 ( I J IF(Q( I) .GT.HR36J GO TO 3001 25 CONTINUE GO TO 3001 C THIS IS THE MAIN ANALYSIS PROGRAM FOR OCEAN DEPTHS C GREATER THAN 30 METERS. 700 CONTINUE DO 13 K=1,MA IF{X(I .KJ.LE.D. ) GO TO 3001 DIFF( I) = X( I,K)-X(I ,K+1) KCNTC I) = ZZZ*DIFF( I ) ZI=30.48 IF(KCNT( I) .EQ.O) GO TO 703 GO TO 44 C SUBROUTINE FOR CASE WHEN ISOTHERMAL CONDITIONS EXIST 703 Zl( I )=Z1( I )+ZI QI (I)=Z1 (I )*XXX Q(I)=Q( I )+QI(I ) IF(Q( I) .LE.HR06) Z 1 06 { I ) =Z 1 ( I ) IF(Q( I) .LE.HR12) Zl 12 ( I ) = Z 1 ( I ) IF(Q(I) .LE.HR24) Z124(I)=Z1(I) IF(Q( I ) .LE.HR36) Z 136 { I ) = Z 1( I ) IF(Q(I) .GT.HR36) GO TO 3001 GO TO 13 44 CONTINUE JCNT=KCNT(I) DISTII )=ZI/KCNT( I ) P = 0 DO 19 L=1,JCNT P = P + 1 TEMP2( I )=TEMP2 ( I J-XXX Z2 = DIST( I) Zlt I )=Z1(I )+Z2 QI (I )=(RH0*CP*Z1 (I ) )*XXX IF(XXX*P.GT.DIFF(I ) ) GO TO 13 Q{ I J=Q( I )+QI(I ) 101 19 13 701 24 3001 1100 904 901 IFCT IF(Q IFO IF(Q IF(Q IF(Q CONT CONT IF(X GO T KCNT ZI = 1 IF(K JCNT DIST P = 0 DO 2 P = P + TEMP Z2 = D ZKI QUI Q(I) IFCT IF(Q IF(Q IFIQ IF(0 IF(Q CONT CONT Z206 Z212 Z224 Z236 CONT WRIT WRIT WRIT WRIT FORM FORM IF ( I MAX READ GO T CONT STOP END EMP2 (I) . (I) . ( IJ . II) . 1 I) . INUE INUE ( I»N 0 30 ( I) = 5.24 CNT( = KCN (I) = (I ) .LT.TTTT) GO TO 3001 LE.HR06) Z106 (I )=Z1 ( I ) LE.HR12) Z112( I )=Z1( I) LE.HR2 4) Z124(I)=Z1( I ) LE.HR36) Z136 (I )=Z1(IJ GT.HR36) GO TO 3001 A+l) .GT.O. ) GO TO 701 01 ZZZ*X( I tNA+1) D.LT.l) KCNT(I)=1 T( I ) ZI/KCMT( I) J=l, J 4 1 2( I) IST( )=Z1 ) = (R = Q( I EMP2 (I). ( I) . ( I ) . (I) . II) . INUE INUE =0 = 1 = 2 =3 INUE E(3t E(3, E( 3, E(3, AT( I AT( 1 CNT. VALU (99, 0 20 INUE = TE I) (I) HO* )+Q (I ) LE. LE. LE. LE. GT. CNT MP2( I J-XXX + 12 CP*Zld ) )*XXX Id) .LT. HR06 HR12 HR24 HR36 HR3 6 TTTTJ GO TO 3001 ) Z106U )=Z1( I) Z112( I ) = Z1( I) Z124{I)=Z1(I) Z136(I)=Z1( I) GO TO 3001 904) 904) 904) 904) 2,A1 X,I EQ.5) E FOR 20 0) 3 i 2, LAT,X1,L0NG,IY,Z2 0 6,( Z106(I),I=1»12) LAT,X1,L0NG,IY,Z212,(Z112( I ), 1 = 1, 12) L AT, XI, LONG, I Y,Z224, ( Z124 ( I ) , I =1 , 12 ) LAT,X1,L0NG,IY,Z236, ( Z1361 I ) , 1= 1 , 12 ) 14, Al ,I2,12F5.1;10X) Al, 14, Al, I2,12Fb.l) GO TO 204 PACIFIC IS 5 LEVELS L AT, XI, LONG, I Y,LVL, (TEMP{ I ,LVL+1) ,1 =1,12) C C THIS JCL COMPUTED IS FOR VALUES READING A ONTO DATA 7 TRACK CELL TAPE, AND DUMPING //GO.FT04F001 DD UN IT=2400- 1 , LAB EL= ( 1 , NL ) , D I SP= ( OL D , KE EP ) // V0L = SER=HEFPAC,CCB=(DE;M = 1 , RECFM = F , BLKS I ZE=1 36 ,TRTCH= ET ) //GO.FT03FC01 DD DSN AME = P 1 149. MXL, UNI T = 232 1 , // VOL=SER=CEL002,DISP=(NEW,KEEP),SPACE=(CYL,(40,1) ,RLSE) , // LABEL=EXPDT=722 86,DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=20 0 0,LRECL=8 0) 102 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Brand, S., "Geographic and Monthly Variation of Rapid Intensifica- tion and Low-Latitude Weakening of Tropical Cyclones of the Western North Pacific", Environmental Prediction Research Facility Report 5-72, May 1972. 2. Brand, S. and J.W. Blelloch, "Changes in the Characteristics of Typhoons Crossing the Philippines", Environmental Prediction Research Facility Report 6-72, May 1972. 3. Byers, H. R. , General Meterorology , Mc Graw - Hill, 1959, 540pp. 4. Cry, G. W., "Tropical Cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean", United States Weather Bureau Report No. 55, 1965. 5. Gentry, R. C. , Hurricanes — one of the Major Features of Air-Sea Interaction in the Caribbean Sea, paper presented at Symposium of Investigations and Resources of the Caribbean Sea and Ad- jacent Regions, Willemstad, Curacao, N.A., 18-23 November 1968. 6. Gray, W.M., Global View of the Origin of Tropical Distrubances and Storms , Department of Atmospheric Science Paper No. 114, Colorado State University, p. 1-14, 1967. 7. Hansen, H.L., The Climatology and Nature of Tropical Cyclones of the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. Masters Thesis, Naval Post- graduate School, Monterey, Calif., 1972. 8. Hazelworth, J.B., "Water Temperature Variations Resulting From Hurricanes," J. Geophys . Res., v. 73, no. 16, pp. 5105-5123, 1968. 9. Jensen, J. J., Calculated and Observed Changes in Sea Surface Temperature Associated with Hurricane Passage., Master's Thesis, United States Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif., 1970. 10. Landis, R.C., and Leipper, D.F., "Effects of Hurricane Betsy Upon Atlantic Ocean Temperature, Based on Radio-transmitted Data.", J. Applied Meteorol., V. 7, p. 554-562, 1968 11. Leipper, D.F., "Observed Ocean Conditions and Hurricane Hilda," Jour. Atmos. Sci., Vol. 24, March 1967, pp. 182-196. 12. Leipper, D.F., and J. Jensen, "Changes in Energy Input from the Sea into Hurricanes," Bulletin American Meteorological Society, Vol. 52, no. 9, September 1971, p. 928. 103 13. Leipper, D.F., and D. Volgenau, "Hurricane Heat Potential of the Gulf of Mexico", Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 2, No. 3, July 1972, pp. 218-224. 14. Liechty, K.R., Intensity Changes of Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific Ocean During 1960-1969, Master's Thesis, Naval Pastgraduate School, Monterey, Calif., 1972 15. Perlroth, I., "Effects of Oceanographic Media On Equatorial Atlantic Hurricanes," Tellus, Vol. 21, 1969, p. 230-244. 16. Volgenau, D. , Hurricane Heat Potential of the Gulf of Mexico, Master's Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif., 1970, 58 pp. 17. Robinson, M.K. and Bauer, R.A., Atlas of Monthly Mean Mean Sea Surface and Subsurface Temperature and Depth of the Top of the Thermocline- North Pacific Ocean, Fleet Numerical Weather Central, Monterey, Calif. Interim Report, May 1971. 18. Whitaker, W.D., Quantitative Determination of Heat Transfer From Sea to Air during Passage of Hurricane Betsy, Master's Thesis, Texas A&M University, 1967, 65 pp. 104 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Defense Documentation Center 2 Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 2. Library, Code 0212 2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 3. Oceanographer of the Navy 1 The Madison Building 732 N. Washington Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 4. Dr. D. F. Leipper, Code 58Lr 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 5. Margaret K. Robinson 1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California La Jo 11a, California 92037 6. Dr. N. E. J. Boston, Code 58Bb 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 7. Chairman, Department of Oceanography 3 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 8. Chairman, Department of Meteorology 1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 9. Commanding Officer 1 Fleet Numerical Weather Central Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 10. Graduate Department 1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography Box 109 LaJolla, California 92037 105 11. Dr. H. Burr Steinbach Dean of Graudate Studies Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 12. Associate Professor K. Oyama Department of Meteorology and Oceanography New York University University Heights Bronx, New York 10453 13. Dr. Richard A. Geyer Head, Department of Oceanography Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 14. Dr. J. Namais ESSA, Extended Forecast Division National Meteorological Center Washington, D. C. 20233 15. Dr. C. L. Jordan Department of Meteorology Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 16. Mr. I. Perlroth National Oceanographic Data Center Washington, D. C. 20390 17. Dr. R. Cecil Gentry National Hurricane Research Laboratory Box 8265 Coral Gables, Florida 33124 18. Mr. Peter G. Black National Hurricane Research Laboratory Box 8265 Coral Gables, Florida 33124 19. Dr. Robert H. Simpson National Hurricane Center Box 8286 Coral Gables, Florida 33124 20. Commanding Officer U. S. Fleet Weather Central COMNAVMARIANAS, Box 12 FPO San Francisco 96630 106 21. Commanding Officer Fleet Weather Facility P. 0. Box 85 Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida 32212 22. Mr. R. E. Stevenson Scientific Liaison Office, ONR University of California San Diego, California 92037 23. Professor G. H. Jung, Code 58Jg Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 24. LCDR Jack J. Jensen, USN 3915 West Calumet Road Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209 25. LCDR Richard F. Heffernan, USN U. S. Naval Facility, Guam FPO San Francisco, 96630 26. LCDR Douglas Volgenau, USN 4955 Shimerville Road Clarence, New York 14031 27. Dr. N. A. Ostenso Code 480D Office of Naval Research Arlington, Va. 22217 28. Professor William Gray Department of Atmospheric Sciences Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 29. Typhoon Research Laboratory Meteorological Research Institute Koenji-kita 4-35-8, Suginami-ku Tokyo, Japan 166 30. Mr. Samson Brand Environmental Prediction Research Facility Monterey, California 93940 31. Of ficer-in-Charge Environmental Prediction Research Facility Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 107 Unclassi f ied Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA -R&D ^Security c las si I ic ation of title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall report is classified) 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1 originating activity (Corporate author) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Unclassified 2b. GROUP 3 REPORT TITLE Hurricane Heat Potential of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans 4 DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and, inclusive dates) Master's Thesis; (September 1972) S AU THORIS) (First name, middle initial, last name) Richard Francis Heffernan 6 REPOR T D A TE September 1972 8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 6. PROJEC T NO. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 109 7b. NO. OF REFS 9«. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) 9b. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assigned this report) 10 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited, It. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES t2. SPONSORING Ml LI TAR Y ACTIVITY Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 9 3940 13. ABSTRAC T Mean monthly ocean temperature data provided by Fleet Numerical Weather Central were used as a basis for computation of quantity defined as hurricane heat potential. Warm, deep centers with heat potential values in excess of 32,000 cal/cm existed east of the Philippine Islands during the months of July through November. In the Western Atlantic warm, deep centers in excess of 24,000 cal/cm existed south of Cuba during the months of August through October. Correlation studies were made between sea surface temperature and heat potential. A weak correlation was found, leading to the conclusion that sea surface temperature at least at times is a poor indicator of oceanic heat content. Computations were made to determine the effect of average heat loss during a severe tropical storm passage to the ocean thermal structure. Twenty- four hour average losses would cause the sea surface temperature to drop as much as three degrees celsius under certain initial conditions . The effects of heat loss on convective layer depth ranged from less than fifteen meters to over ninety meters DD FORM 1^-70 I NOV 66 I *V / *J S/N 0101 -807-681 1 (PAGE 1 ) 108 Unclassi f ied Security Classification A-3140B Unclassified Security Classification KEY WO R D» Hurricane Typhoon Heat Content Sea Surface Temperatures Air-sea Interaction Hurricane Heat Potential DD FORM i nov e .1473 1 Hurricane heat poten- tial of the North Atlan- ti c and North Pacific Oceans . ■ 4 fcUG73 2 l 6 u n The s i j H4215 c.1 Heffernan Hurrican heat poten- 136172 tial of the North Atlan- tic and North Pacific Oceans . thesH4215 Hurricane heat potential of the North At Mi; nl i 3 2768 002 08691 0 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY ' ''*, ''■:''■' "■'<:■ "■-:'■ % 7 s 9 10 70 ■ 11 - if - - • . • i . X y4| x. . pfl ' ' W f ' i, Jm^l&r^ tf*t'*>r 0 OREGON RULE CO. 1 - U.S.A. % 2 %. 3 yp^||pi)|[Ul^lip||lipplU||llf|^ ; 11 ■ • ■ ■ ■ ™ ■ ■■ 1 < ^r*V r * ■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■ J; ^ 5 60 C C G «i u m w. ( m m m m i n or » w v Q IBS IB vfc- « pi 0O0 «■ » IB 01 IS - 63 «8 «8 I ^ ess e* ts taj t» of es m m mm mm - it « ffi 0 (9 w « a L. f£ »:«».:«'■ 428 Off 0j l_ i~ i^ m. 0 » •& c t » w « I fc; b *i 0 0 09 U •» 0*«» < » •*--:** w:;pT¥- K ti t O ■» J0 i l:> L Q to t.i f£ I •£ t£ 63 0 l» t I » d t*'i fci 9 0 0 0K 09 I 01 01 01 01 01 :1 01 011 m 01 1 t