BLM LIBRARY 88057407 Idaho Standards for Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management FINAL SF 85.35 .12 1334 1997 c. 2 U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management August 1 997 After nearly two years of hard work, I am proud to announce the completion of "Standards for Range- land Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management" for Idaho. These standards and guide- lines, which provide the resource measures and guidance needed to ensure healthy, functional range- lands, went into effect on August 1 2 after they were, approved by the Secretary of the Interior. As you will recall, the BLM presented proposed standards and guidelines, developed by the 45 mem- bers of our three Resource Advisory Councils, to the public for feedback earlier this spring. We received 22 letters from individuals and organiza- tions suggesting revisions. We provided a copy of each letter, as well as a summary of comments, to our Resource Advisory Councils and asked them to carefully consider each suggestion and provide us with recommendations for changes. We used our Resource Advisory Councils' recommendations, as well as input from the BLM Washington Office and the Department of the Interior, to develop the final standards and guidelines. Subsequently, we conducted a comprehensive review of all of our existing land use plans in Idaho and found that the final standards and guidelines conform with them. We then prepared an Administrative Determination to that effect to meet National Environmental Policy Act requirements. Now, we turn our attention away from developing standards and guide- lines to implementing them. We are currently in the process of developing a strategy to prioritize our livestock grazing allotments and evaluate them to determine if standards and guidelines are being met or if significant progress towards meeting them is being achieved. As soon as this strategy is com- pleted, sometime in the next few weeks, we will provide you with the appro- priate detailed information. The final standards and guidelines are the product of extensive discus- sion, debate, and compromise by individuals and organizations represent- ing a wide variety of interests. Please be assured that we will offer many opportunities for interested parties to provide input as we implement the standards and guidelines and that your continued participation is critical to our success. * ' Sincerely, Martha Hahn BLM Idaho State Director' tAWM'b. lb: 880574^7 5F .^ s* r33$ 7#7 Table of Contents BLM Director's. Letter O Idaho Standards for Rangeland Health Q Idaho Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management Q Glossary .' 0 United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT - Washington, DC 20240 In Reply Refer To: 4180(220) MEMORANDUM To: The Secretary /-• ^ Through: Bob Armstrong AUG I 2 - Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management From: Director, Bureau of Land Management yjfojl*^ Subject: Approval of Idaho Standards and Guidelines In accordance with 43 CFR 4180.2(b), the Bureau of Land Management Idaho State Director is submitting the attached Idaho Standards for Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management for Secretarial approval. The standards and guidelines have been reviewed by the Departmental Review Team who found that they comply with the requirements of the regulations. The standards and guidelines were developed with full public participation and in consultation with Idaho's resource advisory council and are in conformance with the appropriate land use plans. I recommend that you approve the Idaho Standards for Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management. I concur with your recommendation and approve the Idaho Standards for Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management for immediate implementation. Disapprove Date AUG 12 1997 Attachment Prepared by: ext: Standards for Rangeland Health The Standards for Rangeland Health, as applied in the State of Idaho, are to be used as the Bureau of Land Management's management goals for the betterment of the environment, protection of cultural resources, and sus- tained productivity of the range. They are developed with the specific intent of providing for the multiple use of the public lands. Application of the standards should involve collaboration between the authorized officer, in- terested publics, and resource users. Rangelands should be meeting the Standards for Rangeland Health or making significant progress toward meeting the standards. Meeting the standards provides for proper nutrient cycling, hydrologic cycling, and energy flow. Monitoring of all uses is necessary to determine if the standards are being met. It is the primary tool for determining rangeland health, condi- tion, and trend. It will be performed on representative sites. Appropriate to soil type, climate, and landform, indicators are a list of typical physical and biological factors and processes that can be measured and/or observed (e.g., photographic monitoring). They are used in combi- nation to provide information necessary to determine the health and condi- tion of the rangelands. Usually, no single indicator provides sufficient in- formation to determine rangeland health. Only those indicators appropri- ate to a particular site are to be used. The indicators listed below each standard are not intended to be all inclusive. The issue of scale must be kept in mind in evaluating ihe indicators listed after each standard. It is recognized that individual isolated sites^ within a landscape may not be meeting the standards; however, broader areas must be in proper functioning condition. Furthermore, fragmentation of habitat that reduces the effective size of large areas must also be evaluated for its consequences. STANDARD 1 (WATERSHEDS) Watersheds provide for the proper infiltration, retention, and release of water appropriate to soil type, vegetation, climate, and landform to provide for proper nutrient cycling, hydrologic cycling, and energy flow. Indicators may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 . The amount and distribution of ground cover, including litter, for identified ecological site(s) or soil-plant associations are appropriate for site stability. 2. Evidence of accelerated erosion in the form of rills and/or gullies, erosional pedestals, 'flow patterns, physical soil crusts/surface sealing, and compaction layers below the soil surface is minimal for soil type and landform. STANDARD 2 (RIPARIAN AREAS AND WETLANDS) Riparian-wetland areas are in properly functioning condition appropriate to soil type, climate, geology, and landform to provide for proper nutrient cycling, hydrologic cycling, and energy flow. Indicators may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 . The riparian/wetland vegetation is controlling erosion, stabilizing streambanks, shading water areas to reduce water temperature, stabilizing shorelines, filtering sediment, aiding in floodplain development, dissipating energy, delaying flood water, and increasing recharge of groundwater appropriate to site potential. 2. Riparian/wetland vegetation with deep strong binding roots is sufficient to stabilize streambanks and shorelines. Invader and shallow rooted species are a minor component of the floodplain. 3. Age class and structural diversity of riparian/wetland vegetation is appropriate for the site. 4. Noxious weeds are not increasing. STANDARD 3 (STREAM CHANNEL/FLOODPLAIN) Stream channels and floodplains are properly functioning relative to the geomorphology (e.g., gradient, size, shape, roughness, confinement, and sinuosity) and climate to provide for proper nutrient cycling, hydrologic cycling, and energy flow. Indicators may include, but are not limited to, the foJ lowing: 1 . Stream channels and floodplains dissipate energy of high water flows and transport sediment. Soils support appropriate riparian-wetland species, allowing water movement, sediment filtration, and water stor- age. Stream channels are not entrenching. 2. Stream width/depth ratio, gradient, sinuosity, and pool, riffle and run frequency are appropriate for the valley bottom type, geology, hydrology, and soils. 3. Streams have access to their floodplains and sediment deposition is evident. 4. There is little evidence of excessive soil compaction on the floodplain due to human activities. 5. Streambanks are within an appropriate range of stability according to site potential. 6. Noxious weeds are not increasing. STANDARD 4 (NATIVE PLANT COMMUNITIES) Healthy, productive, and diverse native animal habitat and populations of native plants are maintained or promoted as appropriate to soil type, climate, and landform to provide for proper nutrient cycling, hydrologic cycling, and energy flow. Indicators may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 . Native plant communities (flora and microbiotic crusts) are maintained or improved to ensure the proper functioning of ecological processes and continued productivity and diversity of native plant species. 2. The diversity of native species is maintained. 3. Plant vigor (total plant production, seed and seedstalk production, cover, etc.) is adequate to enable reproduction and recruitment of plants when favorable climatic events occur. 4. Noxious weeds are not increasing. 5. Adequate litter and standing dead plant material are present for site protection and for decomposition to replenish soil nutrients relative to site potential. STANDARD 5 (SEEDINGS) Rangelands seeded with mixtures, including predominately non-native plants, are functioning to maintain life form diversity, production, native animal habitat, nutrient cycling, energy flow, and the hydrologic cycle. Indicators may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 . In established seedings, the diversity of perennial species is not dimin- ishing over time. 2. Plant production, seed production, and cover are adequate to enable recruitment when favorable climatic events occur. 3. Noxious weeds are not increasing. 4. Adequate litter and standing dead plant material are present for site protection and for decomposition to replenish soil nutrients relative to @ site potential. STANDARD 6 (EXOTIC PLANT COMMUNITIES, OTHER THAN SEEDINGS) Exotic plant communities, other than seedings, will meet minimum require- ments of soil stability and maintenance of existing native and seeded plants. These communities will be rehabilitated to perennial communities when feasible cost effective methods are developed.- Indicators may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 . Noxious weeds are not increasing. 2. The number of perennial species is not diminishing over time. 3. Plant vigor (production, seed and seedstalk production, cover, etc.) of remnant native or seeded (introduced) plants is maintained to enable re- production and recruitment when favorable climatic or other environ- mental events occur. 4. Adequate litter and standing dead plant material is present for site protection and for decomposition to replenish soil nutrients relative to site potential. STANDARD 7 (WATER QUALITY) Surface and ground water on public lands comply with the Idaho Water Quality Standards. Indicators may include, but are not limited to, the following: T. Physical, chemical, and biologic parameters described in the Idaho Water Quality Standards. STANDARD 8 (THREATENED AND ENDANGERED PLANTS AND ANIMALS) Habitats are suitable to maintain viable populations of threatened and endangered, sensitive, and other special status species. Indicators may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 . Parameters described in the Idaho Water Quality Standards. 2. Riparian/wetland vegetation with deep, strong, binding roots is suffi- cient to stabilize streambanks and shorelines. Invader and shallow rooted species are a minor component of the floodplain. 3. Age class and structural diversity of riparian/wetland vegetation are appropriate for the site. 4. Native plant communities (flora and microbiotic crusts) 'are maintained or improved to ensure the proper functioning of ecological processes and continued productivity and diversity of native plant species. 5. The diversity of native species is maintained. 6. The amount and distribution of ground cover, including litter, for identified ecological site(s) or soil-plant associations are appropriate for site stability. ' 7. Noxious weeds are not increasing. Guidelines for Livestock Grazing Management INTRODUCTION Guidelines direct the selection of grazing management practices, and where appropriate, livestock management facilities to promote significant progress ^ toward, or the attainment and maintenance of, the standards. Grazing man- agement practices are livestock management techniques. They include the manipulation of season, duration (time), and intensity of use, as well as numbers, distribution, and kind of livestock. Livestock management facili- ties are structures such as fences, corrals, and water developments (ponds, springs, pipelines, troughs, etc.) used to facilitate the application of grazing management practices. Livestock grazing management practices and guide- lines will be consistent with the Idaho Agricultural Pollution Abatement Plan. Grazing management practices and facilities are implemented locally, usually on an allotment or watershed basis. Grazing management programs are based on a combination of appropriate grazing manage- ment practices and facilities developed through consultation, coordination, and cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, permittees, other agencies, Indian tribes, and interested publics. 6 These guidelines were prepared under the assumption that regulations and -policies regarding grazing on the public lands will be implemented and will be adhered to by the grazing permittees and agency personnel. Anything not covered in these guidelines will be addressed by existing laws, regulations, Indian treaties, and policies. The BLM will identify and document within the local watershed all im- pacts that affect the ability to meet the standards. If a standard is not being met due to livestock grazing, then allotment management will be adjusted unless it can be demonstrated that significant progress toward the stan- dard-is being achieved. This applies to all subsequent guidelines. GUIDELINES 1 . Use grazing management practices and/or facilities to maintain or promote significant progress toward adequate amounts of ground cover (determined on an ecological site basis) to support infiltration, maintain soil moisture storage, and stabilize soils. 2. Locate livestock management facilities away from riparian areas wherever they conflict with achieving or maintaining riparian-wetland, functions. 3. Use grazing management practices and/or facilities to maintain or promote soil conditions that support water infiltration, plant vigor, and perme- ability rates and minimize soil compaction appropriate to site potential. 4. Implement grazing management practices that provide periodic rest or deferment during critical growth stages to allow sufficient regrowth to achieve and maintain healthy, properly functioning conditions, including good plant vigor and adequate vegetative cover appropriate to site potential. 5. Maintain or promote grazing management practices that provide sufficient residual vegetation to improve, restore, or maintain healthy ri- parian-wetland functions and structure for energy dissipation, sediment capture,, ground wafer recharge, streambank stability, and wildlife habitat appropriate to site potential. 6. The development of springs, seeps; or other projects affecting water and associated resources shall be designed to protect the ecological functions, wildlife habitat, and significant cultural and historical/archaeo- logical/paleontological values associated with the water source. © 7. Apply grazing management practices to maintain, promote, or progress toward appropriate stream channel and streambank morphology and func- tions. Adverse impacts due to livestock grazing will be addressed. 8. Apply grazing management practices that maintain or promote the inter- action of the hydrologic cycle, nutrient cycle, and energy flow that will sup- port the appropriate types and amounts of soil organisms, plants, and ani- mals appropriate to soil type, climate, and landform. 9. Apply grazing management practices to maintain adequate plant vigor for seed production, seed dispersal, and seedling survival of desired species relative to soil type, climate, and landform. 1 0. Implement grazing management practices and/or facilities that provide for complying with the Idaho Water Quality Standards. 1 1 . Use grazing management practices developed in recovery. plans, con- servation agreements, and Endangered Species Act, Section. 7 consultations to maintain or improve habitat for federally listed threatened, endangered, and sensitive plants and animals. 1 2. Apply grazing management practices and/or facilities that maintain or promote the physical and biological conditions necessary to sustain native plant populations and wildlife habitats in native plant communities. 1 3. On areas seeded predominantly with non-native plants, use grazing management practices to maintain or promote the physical and biological conditions to achieve healthy rangelands. 14. Where native communities exist, the conversion to exotic communities after disturbance will be minimized. Native species are emphasized for rehabilitating disturbed rangelands. Evaluate whether native plants are adapted, available, and able to compete with weeds or seeded exotics. 1 5. Use non-native plant species for rehabilitation only in those situations where: a. native species are not readily available in sufficient quantities; b. native plant species cannot maintain or achieve the standards; or c. non-native plant species provide for management and protection of native rangelands. Include a diversity of appropriate grasses, forbs, and shrubs in rehabil- itation efforts. 16. On burned areas, allow natural regeneration when it is determined that populations of native perennial shrubs, grasses, and forbs are suffi- cient to revegetate the site. Rest burned or rehabilitated areas to allow recovery or establishment of perennial plant species. 1 7. Carefully consider the effects of new management facilities (e.g., water developments, fences) on healthy and properly functioning rangelands prior to implementation. 1 8. Use grazing management practices, where feasible, for wildfire control and to reduce the spread of targeted undesirable plants (e.g., cheatgrass, medusa head, wildrye, and noxious weeds) while enhancing vigor and abundance of desirable native or seeded species. 19. Employ grazing management practices that promote natural forest regeneration and protect reforestation projects until the Idaho Forest Prac- tices Act requirements for timber stand replacement are met. 20. Design management fences to minimize adverse impacts, such as habi- tat fragmentation, to maintain habitat integrity and connectivity for native plants and animals. Glossary ACCELERATED EROSION — Soil loss at a rate in excess of natural or geo- logic erosion as a result of human-caused disturbance. AGE CLASS — A classification of woody plant species according to relative age, e.g., seedling, young, mature, or decadent. ALLOTMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN — A documented program which ap- plies to livestock grazing on public lands, prepared by consulting, cooperating, and coordinating with the permittee(s), lessee(s), or other interested publics. ANIMAL HABITAT — T he place and environment where an animal lives including all biotic, climatic, and edaphic factors. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP) — A component practice or com- bination of component practices determined to be the most effective, practi- cable means of preventing or reducing the amount of pollution generated by nonpoint sources to a level compatible with water quality goals. (Idaho Agricultural Pollution Abatement Plan, August 1993) COMPONENT PRACTICES — Approved practices, used alone or in combi- nation with other practices, are used to develop BMPs. (Idaho Agricultural Pollution Abatement Plan, August 1 993) CONNECTIVITY — The state of being functionally connected by movement of organisms, material, or energy. The opposite of habitat fragmentation. ® CONSULTATION, COORDINATION, AND COOPERATION — A process prescribed by the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of involving the permittee(s), lessee(s), federally recognized Indian tribes, and interested publics in the development of allotment management plans and other man- agement programs on public lands. The process also includes trust respon- sibilities to Federally recognized Indian tribes. COLLABORATION — T o work jointly with others. COVER — (See Ground Cover) DEFERMENT — Nongrazing, either by delay or discontinuance of graz- ing, from the beginning of plant growth until the seed is set or the equiva- lent stage of vegetative reproduction. DIVERSITY — (1 ) The absolute number of species in a community, species richness; and (2) a measure of the number of species and their relative abundance in a community; low diversity refers to few species or unequal abundances, high diversity to many species or equal abundances. ECOLOGICAL SITES — A kind of land with specific physical characteristics that differs from other kinds of land in its ability to produce distinctive kinds and amounts of vegetation and its response to management. Ecological site is synonymous with range site and ecological type. ENERGY FLOW — The capture of sunlight energy by plants and the con- version through photosynthesis to biomass. EXOTIC PLANT COMMUNITIES, OTHER THAN SEEDINGS — Assemblages of plants that are not indigenous to the area, such as cheatgrass, yellow star thistle, and medusa head rye. FRAGMENTATION — The process of dividing habitats into smaller and smaller units until their utility as habitat is lost. GRAZING MANAGEMENT PRACTICES — Techniques used to manage live- stock and include season, duration (amount of the time grazing occurs), intensity of use, numbers of livestock, kind of livestock, and distribution, (e.g., salting, herding, and water development). © GRAZING PLAN OR PROGRAM — A combination of grazing management and/or facilities used to ensure an expectation of meeting or making signifi- cant progress toward meeting the Standards for Rangeland Health. GROUND COVER — The percentage of material, other than bare ground, covering the land surface. It may include live-and standing dead vegetation, microbiotic crust, litter, cobble, gravel, stones, and bedrock. Ground cover, plus bare ground, totals 1 00 percent. HUMAN ACTIVITIES — Any activity that is initiated or controlled by people, such as recreation, timber harvest, livestock grazing, road and other con- struction, and mining. HYDROLOGIC CYCLE — The circulation of water in the atmosphere, on the surface of the earth, in the soil, and in the underlying rocks. INDIAN TREATY — A contract in writing between the United States Govern- ment and Indian tribes formally signed by duly authorized representatives and ratified by the United States Senate. INDICATOR — Components or attributes of a rangeland ecosystem that can be observed and/or measured that provides evidence of the function, pro- ductivity, health and/or condition of the ecosystem. » INFILTRATION — A soil, as influenced by soil texture, aspect, slope, and vegetation cover. LANDFORM — A naturally formed element of the landscape that controls or influences hydrologic, physical, and ecological processes. LANDSCAPE — Landform of a region in aggregate. LAND USE PLAN — Land use plan means a resource management plan or management framework plan, developed under the provisions of 43 CFR 1600. These plans are developed through public participation in accor- dance with the provisions of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1 976 and establish management direction for resource uses of public lands. (43 CFR 4100) LIFE FORM — Characteristic form or appearance of a plant species at ma- turity, e.g., tree, shrub, forb, grass, etc. © LITTER — Dead plant or animal material on the soil surface. LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT FACILITIES — Physical facilities, such as fences, water developments, and corrals that are used to handle and control livestock. MICROBIOTIC CRUST — Community of non-vascular primary producers that occur as a "crust" on the surface of soils and made up of a mixture of algae, lichens, mosses, and cyanobacteria (bluegreen algae). MONITORING — The orderly collection, analysis, and interpretation of resource data and information to evaluate progress toward meeting Stan- dards for Rangeland Health and/or management objectives. MULTIPLEUSE — The definition of multiple use is defined in the Federal Policy and Management Act of 1 976 as follows: "The management of the public lands and their various resource values so that they are utilized in the combination that will best meet the present and future needs of the American people; making the most judicious use of the land for some or all of these resource or related services over areas large enough to provide sufficient latitude for periodic adjustments in use to conform with changing needs and conditions; the use of some land for less than all of the resources; a combination of balanced and diverse re- source uses that takes into account the long-term needs of future genera- tions for renewable and nonrenewable resources, including, but not lim- ited to, recreation, range, timber, minerals, watershed/wildlife and fish, and natural scenic, scientific and historic values; and harmonious and co- ordinated management of the various resources without permanent im- pairment of the productivity of the land and the quality of the environment with consideration being given to the relative values of the resources and not necessarily to the combination of the uses that will give the greatest economic return or the greatest output." NATIVE SPECIES — Plants or animals indigenous to the area. NON-NATIVE SPECIES — Plants or animalsjhat are not indigenous to the area. NOXIOUS WEEDS — Exotic plants that are listed by the State of Idaho and subject to Idaho weed control laws. © NUTRIENT CYCLE — The cyclical process by which plants and animals use chemical compounds and elements in the soil, water, and atmosphere to produce plants and animals and the decomposition of plants and animals to return chemical compounds and elements to the soil, water, and air for future use. PRODUCTIVITY — The abifity of a site to produce vegetation. PROPER FUNCTIONING CONDITION (RIPARIAN) — "Riparian-wetland areas are functioning properly' when adequate vegeta- tion, landform, or large woody debris is present to dissipate stream energy associated with high water flows, thereby reducing erosion and improving water quality; filter sediment, capture bedload, and aid floodplain devel- opment; improve floodwater retention and ground-water recharge; develop root masses that stabilize streambanks against cutting action; develop diverse ponding and channel characteristics to provide the habitat and the water depth, duration, and temperature necessary for fish production, waterfowl breeding, and other uses; and support greater biodiversity." USDI. 1993, Revised 1995. Riparian Area Management, Process for Assessing Proper Functioning Condition, Technical Report 1737-9, p. 4. Bureau of Land Management, BLM/SC/ST-93/ 003+1 737+REV95, Service Center, CO. 51 pp. USDI. 1 994. Riparian Area Management, Process for Assessing Proper Functioning Condition for Lentic Riparian-Wetland Areas. Technical report 1737-1 1 . Bureau of Land Management, BLM/ SC/ST-94/008+1737, Service Center, CO. 37 pp. RANGELAND — A kind of land on which the native vegetation is predom- inately grasses, grass- like plants, forbs, or shrubs. Rangelands include natural grasslands, savannas, shrublands, most deserts, alpine communi- ties, riparian areas, and wet me&dows. RANGELAND CONDITION — The present status of a unit in terms of specific values or potential. RANGELAND HEALTH — The degree to which the integrity of the soil and ecological processes of rangeland ecosystems is maintained. National Research Council. 1 994. Rangeland Health: New Methods to Classify, Inventory and Monitor Rangelands. *■ # USE — Human activities (e.g., mining, forestry, livestock grazing, vegeta- tion manipulation, road construction and maintenance, other construction and maintenance activities, wild horses, recreation, habitat manipulation, and management facility construction and maintenance). WATERSHED — An area that collects and discharges runoff to a given point. It is often used synonymously with drainage basin or catchment. WETLAND — Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and which under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Typical wetlands include marshes, shallow swamps, sloughs, lake shores, bogs, wet meadows, and riparian areas. (Bureau of Land Management Technical Reference TR 1 737- 9 and 1 1 ) CM < qF 85 35 .12 1334 1997 c.2 SF 85io: 88057407 Idaho standards for rangeland health and £& S5*» B0225 CN o CO oo o T3 O CQ o I c c > •£- ^ .^ < <; — ^ ° s LU —f CO Q < o ^ ^ -D 3 ^ ^ o- oo > o — O co x < r- i= Z co U_ S ' ~ r> ^ + C-J o o o