."'.'■,:' (. . ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL BY THE UNIVERSITi' OF ILLINOIS \ VOLUME VII Urbana, Illinois 1922 Editorial Committee Stephen Alfred Forbes William Trelease Henry Baldwin Ward TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME VII NUMBERS PAGES 1. Studies on Gregarines, II. By Minnie Watson Kamm. With 4 plates 1-104 2. The Molluscan Fauna of the Big Vermilion River, Illinois. By F. C. Baker. With 15 plates 105-224 3. North American Monostomes. By E. C. Harrah. With 9 plates 225-324 4. A Classification of the Larvae of the Tenthredinoidea. By H. Yuasa. With 14 plates 325-490 / ? 7^ ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS Vol. VII January, 1922 No. i Editorial Committee Stephen Alfred Forbes William Trelease Henry Baldwin Ward Published under the Auspices of the Graduate School by THE University of Illinois Press COPVKIGHT, 1922 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF IlUMQIS Distributed June 30, 1922 STUDIES ON GREGARINES II SYNOPSIS OF THE POLYCYSTID GREGARINES OF THE WORLD, EXCLUDING THOSE FROM THE MYRIAPODA, ORTHOPTERA, AND COLEOPTERA WITH FOUR PLATES BY MINNIE WATSON KAMM Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of lUinois under the direction of Henry B. Ward, No. 195 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 7 Classification of the Tribe Cephalina with the Type Species 10 Group of Tables Showing the Phylogenetic Relationships of Gregarines 16 Table 1. Showing the Intermediate Position of the Two Families, Lecudinidae and Polyrhabdinidae 16 Table 2. Showing Relationships of the Families of the Tribe Cephalina 16 Table 3. Showing Relationships Between Genera in the Family Gregarinidae 17 Table 4. Showing Relationships Between Genera in the Family Actinocephalidae . ... 17 Table 5. Showing Relationships Between Genera in the Family Acanthosporidae . ... 19 Table 6. Showing Relationships Between Genera in the Family Stylocephalidae 19 Table 7. Showing Relationships Between Genera in the Family Dactylophoridae . ... 20 Synopses of the Gregarines from Various Groups of the Animal Kingdom 21 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Phylum Coelhelminthes 21 Family Lecudinidae Kamm (Nov. fam.) 21 Discussion of the New Family Lecudinidae 22 Family Polyrhabdinidae Kamm 1922 26 Discussion of the New Family Polyrhabdinidae 26 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Phylum Mollusca 30 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Class Crustacea of the Phylum Arthro- poda 31 Family Didymophyidae Leger 32 Family Gregarinidae Labbe 1899 34 Family Cephaloidophoridae Kamm 1922 36 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Class Acerata 49 Family Actinocephahdae Leger 1892 49 Family Acanthosporidae Leger 1892 53 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Class Malacopoda 54 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Order Thysanura of the Class He.xapoda 54 Family Gregarinidae Labbe 1899 54 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Order Isoptera 56 Family Gregarinidae Labbe 1899 56 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Order Hemiptera 57 Family Actinocephalidae Leger 1892 57 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Order Neuroptera 59 Family Gregarinidae Labbe 1899 60 Family Actinocephalidae Leger 1892 62 Family Acanthosporidae Leger 1892 70 Family Menosporidae L^ger 1892 71 6 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [6 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Order Lepidoptera 72 Family Gregarinidae Labbe 1899 72 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Order Diptera 73 Family Gregarinidae Labbe 1899 73 Family Actinocephalidae Leger 1892 75 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Order Siphonaptera 79 Family Actinocephalidae Leger 1892 79 List and Descriptions of Species Found in the Subphylum Tunicata 80 List of Hosts with Their Gregarine Parasites 82 Bibliography 86 Explanation of Plates 92 Index 101 71 STUDIES ON GREGARINES—KAMM INTRODUCTION This monograph constitutes the second half of a problem in which it is endeavored to bring together in small compass the more important facts ooncerning the systematic position of polycystid gregarines. The first part of the work (Watson, 1916a) was published in 1916 and included the polycystid gregarines recorded from the Coleoptera, Orthoptera, and Myriapoda of the world. The present paper comprises those from the remainder of the animal kingdom. It is designed chiefly for the use of workers on gregarines who do not have access to the vast literature which has developed upon the subject and with which the University library is so richly endowed. I wish to thank Professor Henry Baldwin Ward for kindly encouraging the publication of this paper, for his advice and judgment concerning some of the knotty systematic questions involved, and for the use of the labora- tory and library facilities in his Department. When the first paper was published Dr. C. W. Stiles, of Washington, informed me concerning the desirability of designating the type species of the various genera, and this has been done in the present paper. He also gave his opinion concerning the type species of the genus Cephaloido- phora, for which I wish to express my thanks. The larger groupings used in the present paper are made from the standpoint of the host-material rather than the parasite itself in order to facilitate work in the field. From the descriptions it can be at once determined whether or not a particular gregarine has ever been found in identical or similar material. If it has not been described from hosts in the same group and its position is definitely established from some one or more of the generic characters, one may turn to the index of this and of the preceding paper, where all the known species in each genus are ranged in alphabetical order under the generic name. From a comparison of all the known species with the species in hand it may be determined whether or not the latter has been described from some other group. It is true, however, that except in rare instances a species is confined to a single host or to nearly-related hosts, not being found in insects as far removed from each other as the Coleoptera and the Orthoptera. In this paper I have not tabulated a complete alphabetic list of the gregarine genera with their hosts or of the hosts with their parasites for this reason: Two such lists were given in the former paper covering the species 8 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [8 up to 1915, and those described since then are listed in the same manner at the end of the present paper. The previous monograph covers the species known from the Coleoptera, Orthoptera, and Myriapoda up to the year 1915. The gregarines parasitic in the remainder of the animal kingdom up to the beginning of 1920 are described in the present work. The arrangement of hosts in orders and classes of the Hexapoda follows that given by Comstock (1912). Because more and more species are being described in such great genera as Gregarina, Actinocephalus, etc., which are very similar in all their charac- teristics but yet are distinct species, I believe accurate and detailed measurements are necessary for the sporonts, trophozoites, cysts, and spores, or as many of these characters as may be determined. Measure- ments should be made of quiescent but not water-swollen animals while alive on the slide. These measurements must needs be made very quickly after the host is opened for a water medium is highly destructive to the ectosarc of the gregarine, at first causing it to swell out of all normal pro- portions and then to break, with the collapse of the animal. When the parasites do not die within a short time (e.g., the Stenophoridae) they at least lose their original proportions and measurements become valueless. Those taken on preserved material are far from accurate. Ratios used in this paper indicate length of protomerite to total length (LP:TL) and width of protomerite to width of deutomerite (WP:WD) as indicated in the author's drawings even though no measurements may have been made. One would like to make a clean-cut and sweeping statement that polycystid gregarines are parasites of the arthropods exclusively and unless an exhaustive study be made this may seem to be true. But just as higher animals cannot be placed under such definite groups, so it is with these simply organized forms. There is a gradual transition from simple to complex — from the unilocular to the septate forms, and from the simpler to the higher septate organisms. As shown in the group of tables in this paper, I believe there is an interesting and not entirely imaginary parallelism in the character of the hosts which harbor these developing parasites. The transitional forms between non-septate and septate gregarines are found exclusively in the polychaetes. The two lowest (and very similar) families of septate gregarines are found in lowly organized arthropods — the Crustacea and Diplopoda. These gregarines possess no epimerites or very rudimentary ones. The next higher family, in which the epimerite is a very simple struc- ture, is abundantly represented in the Orthoptera, but also in the Coleop- tera (which is not one of the lower orders), and is fairly general throughout the Hexapoda. Just as the line of evolution in higher animals may take a single track however aberrent it may prove to be, this is apparently 9] STUDIES ON GREGARINES—KAMM 9 true in gregarines, for many instances may be mentioned in which genera are found exclusively in a single order of insects; the genus most frequently present in the Acerata (Sciadophora) is found nowhere else and is highly specialized and unique along a particular line. A gregarine has even been found in Peripatus; and the Tunicates contain true septate forms. It would be interesting to know what becomes of these parasites above the Tunicates — whether they lose their gregarinoid and take on higher characteristics, continuing to develop in vertebrates, or whether the alimentary tract of the latter contain enzymes not suited to their continued existence and they are thereby extinguished. A suggested problem is that of the possibility of the existence of greg- arines in the insects found in Baltic amber; the insects being transparent their presence or absence should be easily determined, and possibly some of the generic characters. 10 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [10 CLASSIFICATION OF THE TRIBE CEPHALINA WITH THE TYPE SPECIES Order 1. Gregarinoidea Minchin 1912. Suborder 1. Eugregarinae L6ger 1900. Tribe 1. Cephalina Delage and Herouard 1896 (Intestinal parasites almost ex- clusively). Family 1. Lecudinidae Kamm 1922. Non-septate gregarines inhabiting digestive tract of polychaetes. Epimerite a simple knob. Genus 1. Lecudina Mingazzini 1891:469. Non-septate, epimerite simple, spores ovoidal with thickening at one pole. Tj'pe: Lecudina pellucida (Kolliker) Mingazzini. Family 2. Polyrhabdinidae Kamm 1922. Septate gregarines inhabiting the digestive tract of polychaetes. Epimerites varied. Genus 2. Polyrhabdina Mingazzini 1891 :229. Septate, sporonts flattened, ovoidal, epimerte a corona of hooks. Intestine of poly- chaetes of the family Spionidae. Type species: Polyrhabdina spionis (Koll.) Ming. Genus 3. Sycia L6ger 1892:52. Epimerite knobbed, bordered by a thick ring. Protomerite subspherical, deutomerite conical with many inclosures in adult. Type: Sycia inopinata Leger. Genus 4. Ulivina Mingazzini 1891: 235. Elongate-ellipsoidal, protomerite the more dense. Type: Ulivina elliptica Ming. '' Family 3. Cephaloidophoridae Kamm 1922. Sporonts associated in twos, no epimerite. Development intmcellular; cyst dehiscence by simple rupture, spores ovoidal with equatorial line. Parasites of Crustacea. Genus 5. Cephaloidophora Mawrodiadi 1908:101. Characters of the family. Type: Cephaloidophora communis Mawrodiadi. Family 4. Stenophoridae Leger and Duboscq 1904:361. Sporonts solitary, epimerite absent or rudimentary. Development intracellu- lar; cyst dehiscence by simple rupture, spores ovoidal with equatorial line. Confined to Diplopods. Genus 6. Stenophora Labbe 1899: 15. Characters of the family. Type: Stenophora juli (Frantz.) Schn. Genus 7, Fonsecaia Pinto 1918 : ? Like type genus except spores elongate- ellipsoidal, no endospore. Type: Fonsecaia polymorpha Pinto. Family 5. Gregarinidae Labbe 1899:9. Epimerite symmetrical, simple. Sporonts solitary or in association. Cysts with or without spore-ducts, spores symmetrical. (Confined to insects with two exceptions, development extracellular.) Genus 8. Leidyana Watson 1915:35. Sporonts solitary, epimerite a simple sessile knob. Dehiscence by spore-ducts. Spores barrel-shaped, in chains. Type: Leidyana erratica (Crawl.) Wats. Remarks in pareathesis are added by the writer. 11] STUDIES ON GREGARINES—KAMM 11 Genus 9. Gregarina Dufour 1828:366. Sporonts associated in twos, epimerite a simple globular or cylindrical papilla. Cysts with spore-ducts, spores barrel-shaped, extruded in chains. Type: Gregarina ovata Duf. Genus 10. Protomagalhaensia Pinto 1918: ? Sporonts in associations of several individuals, often attached laterally. Myonemes. prominent. Sporonts attenuate. (Cysts and epimerites unknown.) Spores barrel-shaped, spine at each corner. Type: Prolomagalhaensia serpentula (Magal.) Pinto. Genus 11. Gamocystis Schneider 1875:587. Protomerite only in tro- phozoite, sporonts in twos; sporulation partial, with spore- ducts, spores cylindrical. Type: Gamocystis tenax Schn. Genus 12. Hyalospora Schneider 1875:583. Sporonts in associations of two, endoplasm yellow-orange. Epimerite a simple globular knob. Cyst dehiscence by simple rupture, spores ellipsoidal. Type: Hyalospora roscoviana Schn. Genus 13. Hirmocystis Labb^ 1899:12. Sporonts in associations of from two to twelve (or more). Epimerite a small cylindrical papilla. Cysts spherical, dehiscence by simple rupture, spores ovoidal. Type: Hirmocystis venlricosa (L6ger) Labb6. Genus 14. Euspora Schneider 1875:582. Sporonts in twos. (Epimerite unknown.) Cysts spherical, dehiscence by simple rupture, spores prismatic. Type: Euspora fallax Schn. Genus 15. Sphaerocystis L^ger 1892:115. Protomerite only in trophic stages, sporonts solitary, subspherical. Cysts spherical, dehiscence by simple rupture, spores ovoidal. Type: Sphaerocystis simplex L6ger. Genus 16. Cnemidospora Schneider 1882 :446. Sporonts solitary, anterior half of protomerite gray, posterior half yellow-green. (Epi- merite not known.) Cyst dehiscence by simple rupture, spores ellipsoidal. Type: Cnemidospora lutea Schn. Genus 17. Uradiophora Mercier 1912 :198. Sporonts in twos, deutomerite with small appendix. Epimerite an elongate papilla. Cysts ovoidal, dehiscence by simple rupture, spores spherical or subspherical, extruded in chains. Development extra- cellular. Type: Uradiophora cuenoti (Merc.) Merc. Genus 18. Pyxinoides Tr6goubofif 1921: liii. Sporonts in associations of two, epimerite a slightly stalked globular papilla with sixteen longitudinal furrows, small cone at apex. Extra- cellular development. Type: Pyxinoides bcdani (Koll.) Treg. 12 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [12 Family 6. Didymophyidae L6ger 1892:105. Sporonts in associations of two or three. No septum in satellites. Genus 19. Did>Tnophyes Stein 1848:186. Epimerite a small pointed papilla. Cysts spherical, dehiscence by simple rupture, spores ellipsoidal. Type : Didymophyes gigantea Stein. Family 7. Actinocephalidae Leger 1892:166. Sporonts solitary, epimerites complex and varied. Cyst dehiscence by simple rupture, spores irregular, biconical, or cylindro-biconical. (Practi- cally confined to insects.) Genus 20. Amphoroides Labbe 1899:20. Protorperite cup-shaped, epimerite a globular sessile papilla. Spores curved. Type: Amphoroides polydesmi (Leger) Labbe. Genus 21. Pileocephalus Schneider 1875:591. Epimerite a lance-shaped cone on a short neck. Spores biconical. Type: Pileocephalus chinensis Schn. Genus 22. Stylocystis Leger 1899:526. Epimerite a sharply recurved cone. Spores biconical. Type: Stylocystis praecox Leger. Genus 23. Discorhjmchus Labb6 1899:20. Epimerite a large globular papilla with a thin collar at the base, neck short. Spores biconical, slightly curved. Type: Discorhynchus truncalus (Leger) Labb6. Genus 24. Steinina Leger and Duboscq 1904:352. Epimerite a short mobile digitiform process changing into a flattened disc. Spores biconical. Type: Steinina ovalis (Stein) L & D. Genus 25. Anthorhynchus Labbe 1899:19. Epimerite a large fluted flattened disc. Spores biconical, extruded in chains laterally. Type: Anthorhynchus sophiae (Schn.) Labb^. Genus 26. Sciadophora Labbe 1899:18 Epimerite a large sessile disc with crenulate periphery. Protomerite with numerous backwardly-directed vertical laminations. Spores biconical. Type: Sciadophora phalangii (Ldger) Labb6. Genus 27. Amphorocephalus Ellis 1913:462. Epimerite a sessile peri- pherally fluted disc set upon a short dilated neck. Proto- merite constricted superficially across middle. (Spores unknown.) Type: Amphorocephalus amphorcllus Ellis. Genus 28. Pyxinia Hammerschmidt 1838:357. Epimerite a flat crenulate crateriform disc from the center of which rises a long or short style. Spores biconical. Tjrpe: Pyxinia rubecula Hamm. Genus 29. Schneideria L^ger 1892:153. EpiAerite sessile, a thick hori- zontal disc with milled border, from center of which pro- jects up a short style. No protomerite in adults. Spores biconical. 13J STUDIES ON GREGARINES— KAMA! U Type: Schneider ia mucronata Leger. Genus 30. Asterophora L^ger 1892 : 129. Epimerite like Schneideria, with longer style. Spores cylindro-biconical. Type: Asterophora mucronata L6ger. Genus 31. Beloides Labbe 1899:27. Epimerite a short stout neck with spiny globule at af>ex. Spores biconical. Ty-pe: Beloides firmus (L€ger) Labbe. Genus 32. Actinocephalus Stein 1848:196. Epimerite sessile or with short neck, at apex of which are eight to ten short sharp or simple digitiform processes. Spores biconical. Type: Actinocephalus conicus (Duf.) Frantz. Genus ii. Taeniocystis Leger 1906:307. Epimerite small sessile sphere set with six or eight recurved hooks. Deutomerite divided by septa into many linear segments. Spores biconical. Tjrpe: Taeniocystis mira L^ger. Genus 34. Stictospora L^ger 1893:129. Epimerite with a short neck, a spherical crateriform ball with twelve backwardly-directed laminations set close to neck. Spores biconical, slightly curved. Type: Stictospora provincialis L6ger. Genus 35. Bothriopsis Schneider 1875:596. Epimerite sessile, small, ovoidal, set with six or more long slender filaments directed upward. Spores biconical. Protomerite wider than deutomerite, septum convex upward. Type: Bothriopsis hislrio Schn. Genus 36. Coleorh^nchus Labbe 1899:23. Protomerite a shallow disc with scalloped cape down over upper part of deutomerite. Spores biconical. Type: Coleorhynchus heros (Schn.) Labbe. Genus 37. Legeria Labbe 1899 :24. Protomerite broader than deutomerite, septum convex upward, spores cylindro-biconical. (Epi- merite unknown.) Type: Legeria agilis (Schn.) Labbe. Genus 38. Geneiorhynchus Schneider 1875:594. Epimerite a tuft of short bristles at apex of a long slender neck, spores cylindro- biconical. Type: Geneiorhynchus monnieri Schn. Genus 39. Hoplorhynchus Carus 1863:570. Epimerite a flat disc with eight to ten short digitiform processes at apex of a long neck. Spores biconical. Type: Hoplorhynchus oligacanthus (von Sieb.) Schn. Genus 40. Phialoides Labbe 1899:24. Epimerite a cushion set peripher- ally with stout teeth around the base a collar larger than the cushion, upon a long slender neck. Spores biconical. Type: Phialoides ornata (Leger) Labb6. Family 8. Acanthosporidae Leger 1892:167. Sporonts solitar>-, epimerites complex. Cyst dehiscence by simple rupture. Spores with equatorial and polar spines. 14 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [14 Genus 41. Acanthospora L^ger 1892:145. Epimerite a simple conical knob. Spores biconical with a row of equatorial and one of polar spines. Type: Acanthospora pileata L^ger. Genus 42. Corycella L^ger 1892:144. Epimerite globular, with eight large recurved hooks. Spores biconical with one row of polar spines. Type : Corycella armata L6ger. Genus 43. Prismatospora Ellis 1914:215. Epimerite subglobular with eight lateral recurved hooks. One row of spines at each pole. Spores hexagonal. Type: Prismatospora evansi Ellis. Genus 44. Ancyrophora L^ger 1892:146. Epimerite globular with five to ten backwardly-directed digitiform processes. Spores biconical with one row of equatorial and one of polar spines. Type: Ancyrophora gracilis lAgei. Genus 45. Cometoides Labb6 1899:29. Epimerite a globe with six to eight long slender filaments directed upward. Spores cylindro-biconical with one row of polar and two of equa- torial spines. Type: Cometoides crinitus (L^ger) Labb6. Family 9. Menosporidae L6ger 1892:168. Sporonts solitary. Epimerite a large cup bordered with hooks and placed on a long slender neck. Cyst dehiscence by simple rupture. Spores cres- centic, smooth. Genus 46. Menospora L6ger 1892:151, 168. Characters of the family. , Type: Menospora polyacantha L^ger. Family 10. Stylocephalidae Ellis 1912:25. Sporonts solitary, epimerites varied. Nucleus ovoidal. Dehiscence by pseudocyst. Spores hat- shaped, in chains. Genus 47. Stylocephalus Ellis 1912:25. Dilated papilla at end of a long neck. Spores hat-shaped. Cysts covered with minute papillae. Type: Stylocephalus oUongatus (Hamm.) Wats. Genus 48. Bulbocephalus Watson 1916b :66. Epimerite a dilated papilla in middle of a long slender neck. Type: Bulbocephalus wardi Wats. Genus 49. Sphaerorhynchus Labb6 1899:32. Epimerite a small sphere at the end of a long slender neck. Type: S phaerocystis ophioides (Schn.) Labb^. Genus 50. Cystocephalus Schneider 1886:99. Epimerite a large lance- shaped papilla at end of a short neck. Spores hat-shaped. Type: Cystocephalus algerianus Schn. Genus 51. Oocephalus Schneider 1886:101. Epimerite a sphere at apex of a short stout neck. Type : Oocephalus kispanus Schn. Genus 52. Lophocephalus Labb^ 1899:31. Sessile crateriform disc with crenulate periphery, set at the base with many short upwardly-directed digits. Type: Lophocephalus insignis (Schn.) Labb^. 15] STUDIES ON GREGARINES—KAMM IS Family 11. Dactylophoridae L^ger 1892:165. Sporonts solitary, epimerites highly complex, asymmetric, digitate. Cyst dehiscence by pseudocyst, spores eIongate-C}'lindrical. Parasites in Chilopods. Genus 53. Echinomera Labb6 1899:16. Epimerite an eccentric cone with eight or more short upwardly-directed digitiform processes, persistent. Cyst dehiscence by simple rupture, spores cylindrical, extruded in chains. Type: Echinomera hispida (Schn.) Labb€. Genus 54. Rhopalonia L^ger 1893 :1285. Epimerite a subspherical cushion with ten or more short thick outwardly directed digits. Pseudocyst. Spores cylindrical. Type: Rhopalonia geophili L^ger. Genus 55. Trichorhynchus Schneider 1882:438. Protomerite with long slender neck dilated at end in an eccentric cone. Cyst- dehiscence by pseudocyst, spores cylindrical to ellipsoidal. Type: Trichorhynchus pulcher Schn. Genus 56. Seticephalus Kamm 1922. Epimerite a dense tuft of short upwardly-directed brush-like bristles on top of the broad fiat protomerite. Type: Seticephalus elegans (Pinto) Kamm. Genus 57. Dactylophorus Balbiani 1889:41. Protomerite dilated laterally at the top and set with peripheral digitiform processes. Cyst dehiscence by pseudocyst, spores cylindrical. Type: Dactylophorus robustus Leger. Genus 58. Nina Grebnecki 1873: ? Protomerite two long lobes fused at one end, set peripherally with teeth and long filaments. Cyst dehiscence by pseudocyst. Spores long-ovoidal, in chains obliquely. Type: Nina gracilis Grebnecki. Genus 59. Acutispora Crawley 1903:632. Epimerite not described. Spores long, ellipsoidal with a lengthwise-directed rod at each end. Cyst dehiscence by pseudocyst. Type: Acutispora macrocephala Crawl. GENERA OF UNCERTAIN POSITION Genus 60. Metamera Duke 1910:261. Epimerite an eccentric cone set peripherally with numerous branched digitiform processes. Cyst dehiscence by simple rupture. Spores obese biconical. Type: Metamera schubergi Duke. Genus 61. Agrippina Strickland 1912:108. Sporonts solitary, epimerite a circular disc armed with peripheral digitiform processes, on a short neck. Spores long ovoidal. Type: Agrippina bona Strick. Genus 62. Ganymedes Huxley 1910:155. Sporonts associative. A motile stalked sphere at anterior end, cup at posterior end. No septum, no true epimerite. Cysts spherical. Ali- mentary tract of Crustacea. Type: Ganymedes anaspidis Hux. Genus 63. Nematoides Mingazzini 1891:233. Dicystid, no septum in sporonts. Epimerite forked, at apex of a long neck. T3rpe: Nematoides Jusijormis Ming. 16 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [16 A GROUP OF TABLES SHOWING THE PHYLOGENETIC RELA- TIONSHIPS OF GREGARINES Table I. Showing tht InUrmediate Position of Two Families, LECUDINIDAE AND POLYRHABDINIDAE Septum Epimerite, character Spores Host Habitat Tribe Acephalina Absent Absent Biconical or with dissimilar poles Ecbinoderms, ma- rine and terres- trial Annelids, a few ArthropKxls Generally coel- omic Family Lecudi- nidae Family Poly- rhabdinidae Tribe Cephalina Absent Present Present Present, simple Present, varied Present, varied Dissimilar poles ? All poles alike Marine Annelida Marine Annelida Arthropoda Digestive tract Digestive tract Digestive tract Table 2. Showing Relalionships of the Families of the Tribe Cephalina Family Sporont Epimerite Develop- Cyst de- Spores Host ment hiscence Remarks 1. Lecudinidae 2. Polyrhabdinidae See Table I 3. Cephaloidophori- Twos Absent Intracellular Simple rup- Ovoidal Crustacea dae ture with equa- torial line 4. Stenophoridae Solitary Absent or ru- dimentary Intracellular Simple rup- ture Ovoidal with equa- torial line Diplopods Solitary or Simple, sym- Extra-cellu- Spore-ducts Ellipsoidal Insects S. Gregarinidae in associa- tions up to 12 metrical lar or simple rupture chiefly 6. Didymophyidae Associations Small, simple (C Simple rup- Ellipsoidal Crustacea No septum of 2 or 3 papilla ture and Cole- optera in satellites 7. Actinocephalidae Solitary Complex ed Cysts covered with small papillae 2. Bulbocephalus Long neck, dilated papilla mid- way ? 3. Sphaerorhynchus Long neck, small sphere at apex ? 4. Cystocephalus Short stout neck, large lance- shaped papilla at apex Hat-shaped 5. Oocephalus Short neck with sphere at apex ? 6. Lophocephalus Sessile crateriform disc with cren- ulate periphery, set at base with many short upwardly-directed Hat-shaped digits I can see very little relationship between the genera of this family as a whole. (1), (2), and (3) are related, as are (4) and (5), but the three groups seem to bear no epimeritic rela- tionship whatever. The hat-shaped spores, however, connect the seemingly aberrant genus (6), with the type. 20 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [20 Table 7. Showing Relationships Between the Genera in the Family Dactylophoridae Genus Character of protomerite or epimerite Cyst dehis- cence Spores Remarks 1. Echinomera Epimerite an eccentric cone Simple rup- Cylindrical in with eight or more short up- ture chains wardly-directed digitiform processes, persistent 2. Rhopalonia Epimerite a subspherical cush- ion with ten or more short thick outwardly-directed dig- its Protomerite with long slender Pseudocyst Cylindrical No proto- merite in adult 3. Trichorhyn- Pseudocyst Cylindrical to chus neck dilated at end in an ec- centric cone ellipsoidal 4. Seticephalus A dense tuft of short upward- ly-directed brush-like bristles on top of a broad flat proto- merite ? ? 5. Dactylophorus Protomerite dilated laterally with peripheral digitiform processes Pseudocyst Cylindrical 6. Nina Protomerite two long lobes fused at one end, set peri- pherally with teeth and long filaments ? Long-ovoidal Spores in chains obliquely 7. Acutispora ? Pseudocyst Long-ellipsoidal with a length- wise-directed rod at each end 21] STUDIES ON GREGARINES—KAMM 21 SYNOPSES OF THE GREGARINES FROM VARIOUS GROUPS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM LIST OF SPECIES FOUND IN THE Parasite LECUDINIDAE Lecudina pdlucida (Kolliker) Mingazzini Type species Lecudina leuckarii Mingazzini Lecudina aphrodiiae (Lankester) Kamm Lecudina elongata (Mingazzini) Kamm Lecudina hekrocephala (Mingazzini) Kamm Lecudina polydorae (L^ger) Kamm Lecudina sp. Saint- Joseph Lecudina legeri (Brasil) Kamm Lecudina sp. Faria, Cunha, and Fonseca PHYLUM COELHELMINTHES* Host Nereis cullrifera N. beaucourdrayi Aud. Sagitta sp. Aphrodite aculeata Lumbriconereis impatiens Clap. Nephthys scolopendroides delle Chiaje Poly dor a agassizi Clap. P. ciliata Polymnia nehulosa M. Notomastus exserlilis N. S. Petaloproctus terricola Qfg. Glycera convolula Kef. Polydora socialis Schm. POLYRHABDINrDAE Polyrhabdina spionis (Kolliker) Mingazzini Tj^e species Polyrhabdina brasili Caullery and Mesnil Polyrhabdina pygospionis Caullery and Mesnil Sycia inopinata lAger Type species Ulivina elUptica Mingazzini Tj^e species Ulivina rhynchoboli (Crawley) Kamm Scolohpsis fuliginosa S. ciliala Spio martinensis Pygospionis seticornis Audouinia Lamarkii Audouinia filigera (d. Chiaje) A . tenlaculata Mont. Petaloproctus terricola Qfg. Nicolea venustula Mont. Polymnia nebulosa Mont. Rhynchobolus americanus Ver. GENUS OP UNCERTAIN POSITION Metamera schubergi Duke Type species Metamera sp. Ellis Clossosiphonia complanata Hemichpsis marginateger. After Leger 1892, Plate XIX, fig. 3. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII STUDIES ON GREGARINES II PLATE I 95] STUDIES ON CRECARINES—KAMM 95 PLATE II 96 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [96 EXPLANATION OF PLATE II Fig. 32— Menospora polyacantha L^ger. After L6ger 1892, Plate XIX, fig. 2. Fig. 33—Slylocystis praecox Leger. After L^ger 1899, fig. la. Fig. 34 — Taeniocystis mira Leger. After L^ger 1906, Plate XII, fig. 8. Fig. 35 — Taeniocystis mira L^ger. After L6ger 1906, Plate XII, fig. 7. Fig. 36 — Gregarina marteli L4ger. After Leger 1904, fig. 2. Fig. 37 — Gregarina marteli L^ger. After L^ger 1904, fig. 1. Fig. 38 — Gamocystis ephemerae Labb6. After Schneider 1882, Plate XIII, fig. 31. Fig. 39_ ? Frenzel. After Frenzel 1885, Plate XXVI, fig. 35. ! Fig. 40 — Geneiorhynchus aeschnae Crawley, After Crawley 1907, Plate XVIII, fig. 4. i Fig. 41 — Ancyrophora uncinate L6ger. After Leger 1892, Plate XIX, fig. 10. Fig. 42 — Ancyrophora uncinala L^ger. After Leger 1892, Plate XIX, fig. 9, I Fig. 43 — Asterophora elegans L6ger. After L6ger 1892, Plate XII, fig. 14. Fig. 44 — Actinocephalus brachydactylus Ellis. After Ellis 1913, Plate XVIII, fig. 33. Fig. iS— Actinocephalus brachydactylus Ellis. After Ellis 1913, Plate XVIII, fig. 31. Fig. 46 — Pileocephalus heerii Schneider. After Kolliker 1848, Plate I, fig. 11. Fig. 47 — Pileocephalus heerii Schneider. After Schneider 1887, Plate III, fig. 1. Fig. 48 — Coleorhynchus heros Labb6. After Labbe 1899, fig. 52. Fig. 49 — Coleorhynchus heros Labbe. After Labb^ 1899, fig. 53. Fig. 50— [? reduvii Ramdohr]. After Stein 1848, Plate IX, fig. 35. | Fig. 51 — ?Gregarina termilis Leidy, After Leidy 1881, Plate LII, fig. 27. ; Fig. 52— Gregarina lagenoides Labb6. After L^ger 1892, Plate VI, fig. 7. I Fig. 53 — ?Gregarina podurae L6ger. After L^ger 1892, Plate X, fig. 2. I Fig. 54—?Gregarina podurae L6ger. After L^ger 1892, Plate X, fig. 4. i Fig. 55— [? KoUiker]. After Kolliker 1848, Plate III, fig. 33. j Fig. 56— ?Gregarina termitis Leidy. After Ellis 1913, Plate XVII, fig. 6. j Fig. 57— Acanthospora repelini L^ger. After L6ger 1897, Plate III, fig. 16. i Fig. 58 — Anthorhynchus sophiae Labb6. After Schneider 1887, Plate X, fig. 11. '; Fig. 59— Sciadophora phalangii Labb6. After L^ger 1897, Plate III, fig. 2. ] Fig. ^y— Sciadophora phalangii Labb6. After L6ger 1897, Plate III, fig. 3. j Fig. 61— Bothriopsis claviformis Pinto. After Pinto 1919, Plate IV, fig. 65. | The following two figures are also included in this plate: \ Fig. 90— Gamocystis ephemerae Labb6. After Frantzius 1848, Plate VII, fig. VII, 1. j Fig. 99 — Prismatospora evansi Ellis. After Ellis 1914, fig. 6. j ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII KAMM STUDIES ON GREGARINES II PLATE II 971 STUDIES ON GREGARINES—K AM M 97 PLATE III 98 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [98 EXPLANATION OF PLATE III ) r ( Fig. 62— Sciadophora phalangii Labbe. After L6ger 1897, Plate III, fig. 4. ! Fig. 63 — Uradiophora cuenoti Mercier. After Mercier 1912 b, PI. XIII, fig. 1. I Fig. 64 — Didymophyes longissima Frantzius. After Kolliker 1848, PI. Ill, fig. 29, a. j Fig. 65— Pyxinoides balani Trdgouboff. After Frenzel 1885, PI. Ill, fig. 34. li Fig. 66 — Cephaloidophora conformis L6ger and Duboscq. After Frenzel 1885, PI. XXVI, i fig. 65. ' ; Fig. 67— [? gammari von Siebold]. After Kolliker 1848, PI. Ill, fig. 29, c. , Fig. 68 — Cephaloidophora tnaculata L^ger and Duboscq. After L^ger and Duboscq 1911, | fig. 4. I Fig. 69— [? clausii Frenzel]. After Frenzel 1885, PI. XXVI, fig. 57. Fig. 70— [? nicaeae Frenzel]. After Frenzel 1885, PI. XXVI, fig. 62. Fig. 71 — Cephaloidophora ampelisca Kamm. After Nowlin and Smith 1917, PI. I, fig. 11. Fig. 72, 73 — Pileocephalus heerii Schneider. After Frantzius 1848, PI. VII, fig. 1, 4, 6. Fig. 74 — Aciinocephalus octacanthus Frantzius. After Frantzius 1848, PI. VIT, fig. VI, 2. | Fig. 75 — Cephaloidophora conformis L^ger and Duboscq. After L6ger and Duboscq 1909 a, ; fig. 31. I Fig. 76 — Gregarina mystacidarum Frantzius. After Frantzius 1848, PI. VII, fig. VI, 2. j Fig. 77 — Cephaloidophora communis Mawrodiadi. After TrdgoubofF 1912, fig. lb. j Fig. 78 — Pyxinoides cthamali Tr^gouboff. After Tregouboff 1912, fig. 3, c. ] Fig. 79 — Cephaloidophora fossor Tregouboff. After L^ger and Duboscq 1909 a, fig. 29. Fig. 80 — Cephaloidophora ocellata Kamm. After L6ger and Duboscq 1909a, fig. 27. i Fig. 81 — Pyxinoides cthamali Tr6gouboff. After Tregouboff 1912, fig. 3, e. I Fig. 82 — Pyxinoides balani Tregouboff. After Tregouboff 1912, fig. 2, a. , Fig. 83 — Cephaloidophora olivia Kamm. After Watson 1916, PI. I, fig. 8. Fig. 84 — Cephaloidophora nigrofusca Kamm. After Watson 1916, PI. I, fig. 11. Fig. 85 — Cephaloidophora delphinia Kamm. After Watson, 1916, PI. I, fig. 1. Fig. 86 — Cephaloidophora talitri Mercier. After Mercier 1912, fig. 1. i Fig. 87 — Ganymedes anaspidis Huxley. After Huxley 1910, fig. 1. Fig. 88 — Pyxinoides balani Tr6gouboff. Tregouboff 1912, fig. 2, b. | Fig. 89— Gregarina clavata Kolhker. After Kolliker 1848, Plate I, fig. 10. ; Fig. 90 — See explanation of Plate II for figure 90. Fig. 91 — Coelomic spore of Pileocephalus heerii Schneider. After Schneider 1887, Plate XXXII, fig. 2. . Fig. 92 — Coelomic spore of Pileocephalus heerii Schneider. After Schneider 1887, Plate j XXXII, fig. 3. Figs. 93, 94 — Two forms of intestinal spores of Pileocephalus chinensis Schneider. After | Schneider 1875, Plate XVI, fig. 24. \ Fig. 95 — Prismatospora evansi EUis. After Ellis 1914, fig. 3. ' Fig. 96 — Prismatospora evansi EUis. After Ellis 1914, fig. 4. Fig. 97 — Prismatospora evansi EUis. After EUis 1914, fig. 5. j Fig. 98— [sp. Ritter.] After Ritter 1893, Plate III, fig. 22. Fig. 99 — See explanation of Plate II for figure 99. ; ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII KAMM STUDIES ON GREGARINES II PLATE III 991 STUDIES ON GREG ARINES— RAM M 99 PLATE IV 100 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [100 : > EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV Fig. 100 — Pileocephaltis striatus L6ger and Duboscq. After L6ger and Duboscq 1909 b, Plate II, fig. 1. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig- Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 01 — Agrippina bona Strickland. After Strickland 1912, fig. 5. 02 — Agrippina bona Strickland. After Strickland 1912, fig. 9. 03 — Agrippina bona Strickland. After Strickland 1912, fig. 31. 04 — Sciadophora goronowilschi Labbe. After Johansen 1904, fig. 1. 05 — Sciadophora goronowilschi Labb6. After Johansen 1904, fig. 3. 06 — Sciadophora phdlangii Labb6. After Leger 1896, Plate III, fig. 7. 07 — Acanthospora repelini L6ger. After L6ger 1896, Plate III, fig. 17. 08 — Anthorhynchus sophiae Labb6. After Schneider 1887, Plate X, fig. 16. 09— [Not named] Sokolow. After Sokolow 1908, fig. 8a. 10— Sciadophora fissidens Labb6. After Rossler 1882, Plate XLII, fig. 21a. 11 — Sciadophora fissidens Labbe. Protomerite from above. After Rossler 1882, Plate XLII, fig. 21b. 12 — Sciadophora catidatus Kamm. After Rossler 1882, Plate XLII, fig. 22a. 13 — Sciadophora caudatus Kamm. Protomerite from above. After Rossler 1882, Plate XLII, fig. 22b. 14 — Actinocephalus parvus Wellmer. After Wellmer 1911, text-figure 9a. 15 — Leidyana tinei Keilin. After Keilin 1918, Plate EX, fig. 5. 16 — Leidyana tinei Keilin. After Keilin 1918, Plate IX, fig. 6. 17— [? Frenzel]. After Frenzel 1885, Plate XXVI, fig. 39. 18 — Sycia inopinata Leger. After L6ger 1892, Plate V, fig. 12. 19 — Sycia inopinata L6ger. After Leger 1892, Plate V, fig. 14. 20 — Actinocephalus parvus Wellmer. After Wellmer 1911, fig. 9b. 21 — Steinina rolundata Ashworth and Rettie. After Ashworth and Rettie 1912, Plate I, fig. 3. 22 — Steinina rotundata Ashworth and Rettie. After Ashworth and Rettie 1912, Plate I, fig. 5. 23 — Steinina rotundata Ashworth and Rettie. After Ashworth and Rettie 1912, Plate I, fig. 8. 24 — Steinina rolundata Ashworth and Rettie. After Ashworth and Rettie 1912, Plate I, fig. 11. 25 — Lecudina aphroditae Labb6. After Minchin 1903, fig. 19, p. 177. 26 — Lecudina pellucida Leger. After Kolliker 1848, Plate I, fig. 31a. 27 — Ulivina elHptica Mingazzini. After Mingazzini 1891, 1st sem. fig. 2, p. 236. 28 — Polyrhabdina spionis Mingazzini. After Kolliker 1848, Plate I, fig. 7. 29 — Polyrhabdina spionis Mingazzini. After Caullery and Mesnil 1914, fig. 9. 30—Taemocystis legeri Cognetti de Martiis. After Cognetti 1911, Plate I, fig. 3. 31 — Metamera schubergi Duke. After Duke 1910, Plate XV, fig. 5. 32 — Metamera schubergi Duke. After Duke 1910, Plate XV, fig. 1. 33— Metamera schubergi Duke. After Duke 1910, Plate XVI, fig. 35. 34 — Lecudina elongala Labbe. After Brasil 1909, Plate IX, fig. 6. 35 — Lecudina elongata Labbe. After Brasil 1909, Plate IX, fig. 13. 36 — Gregarina pterotracheae Labbe. After Stuart 1871, Plate I, fig. 4. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII 126 ^loe KAMM STUDIES ON GREGARINES II PLATE IV 101] STUDIES ON GREGARINES—KAMM lOi INDEX Acanthospora pileata, 53 polymorpha, 53 repelini, 53 Actinocephalus brachydactylus, 64 caudatus, 76 fissidens, 51 goronowitschi, 52 octacanthus, 63 parvus, 79 sieboldii, 62, 70 sp., 75, 76 tipujae,- 74, 75 Acerata, List of Gregarines in, 49 Aeschna constricta, 65 sp., 64 Aeschnida sp., 65 Aggregata coelomica, 40 conformis, 38 nicaeae, 48 praemorsa, 47 vagans, 41 Agrion puella, 72 sp., 63 Agrippina bona, 80 Ampelisca spinipes, 44 Anaspides tasmaniae, 45 Ancyrophora uncinata, 70 Anthocephalus sophiae, 50 Anthorhynchus sophiae, 50 Aphrodite aculeata, 24 Astacus fluviatilis, 46 Asterophora elegans, 66 mucronata, 65, 66 Atyaephyra desmaresti, 34 Audouinia filigera, 29 Lamarkii, 28 tentaculata, 28, 29 Balanus amphitrite, 35, 40, 47 amphitrite pallidus, 47 eburneus, 35, 40, 47 improvisus, 40 improvisus gryphica, 40 perforans, 40 perforatus, 44 pusillus, 35 sp., 44 tintinnabulum, 35 tintinnabulum communis, 40 Bibio marci, 77 Bothriopsis claviformis, 65 Bullulina tipulae, 75 Calopteryx splendes, 70 virgo, 70 Cancer depressus, 39 pagurus, 39, 47 Cephaloidophora ampelisca, 43 communis, 40, 44 conformis, 38, 48 cuenoti, 34 delphinia, 43 fossor, 40, 42 maculata, 34, 42 nigrofusca, 43 ocellata, 41 oHvia, 42 praemorsa, 47 talitri, 42 Ceratophyllus fasciatus, 80 Ceratopogon solstitialis, 78 Ceratopsyllus fringillae, 79 gallinae, 79 Styx, 79 Chironomus sp., 77 Clepsidrina granulosa, 60 lagenoides, 54 longa, 73 nystacidarum, 61 podurae, 55 Clepsine elongata, 30 Coelhelminthes, List of Gregarines found in, 21 Coleophora heros, 57 Coleorhynchus heros, 57 Colymbetes sp., 70 102 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [102 Crustacea, List of Gregarines found in, 31 Ctenocephalus serraticeps, 74 Ctenophora pcctinicornis, 75 sp., 76 Cthamalus stellatus, 36 Didymophyes longissima, i2, 45, 46 Diptera, List of Gregarines found in, 73 Discorhynchus truncatus, 66 Doliocystis aphroditae, 24 clongata, 24 heterocephala, 25 legeri, 26 pellucida, 23 polydorae, 25 rhyncoboli, 29 sp., 25, 27 Dytiscus sp., 70 Eirmocystis polymorpha, 74 ventricosa, 74 Embia solieri, 61 Endrosis fenestrella, 72 Ephemera vulgata, 60, 62 Eupagurus prideauxi, 41 Frenzelina ampelisca, 43 conformis, 38 cthamali, 35 delphinia, 43 fossor, 40 nigrofusca, 43 ocellata, 41, 42 olivia, 42 praemorsa, 47 Gammarus marinus, 34, 42 pulex, 32), 45, 46 Gamocystis ephemerae, 60, 62 francisci, 60, 62 Ganymedes anaspidis, 45 Geneiorhynchus aeshnae, 65 monnieri, 64 Glossophonia complanata, 30 Glycera convoluta, 26 Gregarina balani, 35, 44 caudata, 76 clausi, 48 clavata, 60, 62 conformis, 38, 39 ctenocephalus, 74 ctenocephalus canis, 74 difBuens, ii, 46 dytiscorum, 70 ^ ensiformis, 81 ephemerae, 62 flava, 81 frantziusiana, 63, 68 gammari, Zi, 45, 46 granulosa, 60 heerii, 63, 68 lagenoides, 54 longa, 73, 74 longissima, Z2>, 46 marteli, 61 miliaria, 33, 46 mystacidarum, 61, 67 nicaeae, 48 oligacantha, 62, 69 ovata, 72 pellucida, 23 phallusiae, 80 phymatae crassipedis, 58 podurae, 55 praemorsa, 39, 47, 48 psocorum, 72 pterotracheae, 30, 31 putanea, ii, 46 reduvii, 58 salpae, 81 sieboldii, 62 soror, 58 sp., 3i, 40, 45, 46, 53, 54, 56, 81 spionis, 27 termitis, 56 tipulae, 75 valettei, 47 Hemiclepsis marginata, 30 Hemiptera, List of Gregarines found in, 57 Hirmocystis polymorpha, 74 ventricosa, 74 Hoplorhynchus oligacanthus, 62, 63, 69 Hyale ppntica, 49 Hyalospora psocorum, 72 reduvii, 58 Isoptera, List of Gregarines found in, 56 Kynotus pittarelli, 30 Lecudina aphroditae, 24 elongata, 24 heterocephala, 25 legeri, 26 leukarti, 24 pellucida, 22, 23 103] STUDIES ON GREGARINES—KAMM 103 polydorae, 25 sp., 25, 26 Leidyana tinei, 72 Lepidoptera, List of Gregarines found in, 72 Lepisma saccharina, 55 Libellules sp., 64 Libinia dubia, 43 Limnobia sp., 75 Limnophilus rhombicus, 70 Lumbriconereis inipatiens, 24 Lycosella phalangii, 50, 51, 52 Malacopoda, List of Gregarines found in, 54 Menospora polyacantha, 71 Metamera schubergi, 30 sp., 30 Monocystis aphroditae, 24 nereidis, 23 Mystacides sp., 61, 67 Nebalia serrata, 49 Nematoides fusiformis, 35, 44 Nepa cinerea, 57 Nephthys scolopendroides, 25 Nereis beaucourdrayi, 23 cultrifera, 23 Neuroptera, List of Gregarines found in, 59 Nicolea venustula, 29 Notomastus exsertilis, 26 Oecophora pseudopretella, 73 Ophioidina elongata, 24 heterocephala, 25 Opilio grossipes, 51, 53 Orchesella sp. 55 Orchestia littorea, 33 Oribata geniculata, 53 Pachygraspus marmoratus, 39 Pachyrhina pratensis, 74, 75 Peripatus capensis, 54 Perophora annectens, 81 Petaloproctus terricola, 26, 29 Phalangidae sp., 51, 52 Phalangium cornutum, 51, 53 crassum, 51 opilio, 50, 53 Phallusiae mamillaris, 80 Phronima sp., 48 Phronimella sp., 48 Phryganea grandis, 64, 66, 69 rhumbica, 70 sp., 63 varia, 69 Pileocephalus chinensis, 61, 67, 79 heerii, 64, 66, 68 striatus, 78 Pinnotheres pisum, 41 Pleurozyga phallusiae, 80 Podura villosa, 55 Pollicipes cornucopia, 44 polymerus, 47 Polydora agassizi, 25 ciliata, 25 socilis, 26 Polymnia nebulosa, 26, 29 Polyhabdina brasili, 27 polydorae, 25 pygospionis, 28 spionis, 27 Prisma tospora evansi, 71 Psocus sp., 72 Pterotrachea sp., 30, 31 Ptychoptera contaminata, 79 Pygospionis seticornis, 28 Pyxinoides balani, 35, 44, 47 cthamali, 35 Reduvius personatus, 57, 58 Rhyacophila sp., 66 Rhynchobolus americanus, 29 Sagitta sp., 24 Salpa aeruginosa, 81 confoederata, 81 maxima, 81 vagina, 81 Schneideria caudata, 76 coronata, 76 mucronata, 77 sp., 77 Sciadophora caudatus, 52 fissidens, 51 goronowitschi, 52 phalangii, 50, 53 Sciara nitidicoUis, 76 Scololepsis ciliata, 27 fuliginosa, 27 Scorpio indicus, 54 Sericostoma sp., 66, 67, 70 Siphonaptera, List of Gregarines found in, 79 104 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [104 Sminthurus fuscus, 56 Spio martinensis, 27 Sporadina clavata, 60 reduvii, 58 Steinina rotundata, 79 Stylocephalus caudatus, 52 Stylocystis praecox, 78 Stylorhynchus balani, 35 caudatus, 52 heerii, 68 oligacanthus, 69 phallusiae, 80 Sycia inopinata, 28 Sympetrum rubicundulum, 71 Systenocerus caraboides, 75 Taeniocystis legeri, 30 mira, 78 Talitrus saltator, 42 Talorchestia longicornis, 43 Tanypus sp., 78 Termes flavipes, 56 lucifugus, 56 Thysanura, List of Gregarines found in, 54 Tinea pallescentella, 73 Tipula oleracea, 74, 75 sp., 74 Tramea lacerata, 71 Tunicata, List of Gregarines found in, 80 Uca pugilator, 43 pugnax, 43 Ulivina elliptica, 29 rhynchoboli, 29 Uradiophora cuenoti, 34 Vibrio reduvii, 58 Zygocystis clavata, 60 ephemerae, 62 pterotracheae, 31 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS Vol. VII April, 1922 No. 2 Editorial Committee Stephen Alfred Forbes William Trelease Henry Baldwin Ward Published under the Auspices of the Graduate School by THE University of Illinois Press COPYMGHT, 1922 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF lUJNOIS Distributed August 5, 1922 THE MOLLUSCAN FAUNA OF THE BIG VERMILION RIVER, ILLINOIS With Special Reference to its Modification as the Result of Pollution by Sewage and Manufacturing Wastes WITH FIFTEEN PLATES AND ELEVEN TABLES BY FRANK COLLINS BAKER Curator of the Museum of Natural History University of Illinois Contributions from the Museum of Natural History of the University of IIliDois No. 22 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 7 Acknowledgments 8 Physical Features of the Big Vermilion Basin 10 General Biology of the Big Vermilion River 15 Plants 15 Worms 15 Crustacea 16 Aquatic Insects 16 Higher Vertebrates 18 Fish Fauna of the Big Vermilion River 18 General Distribution of the Mollusk Fauna 24 Ecological Variation 25 Comparisons with Other River Systems 28 Systematic Discussion of the Mollusca 31 Unionidae 31 Sphaeriidae 58 Pleuroceridae 59 Amnicolidae 60 Viviparidae 61 Ancylidae ... 63 Physidae 64 Planorbidae 64 Lymnaeidae 65 Pollution of the Salt Fork by Sewage and Manufacturing Wastes 67 General Nature of Stream Pollution 67 Sewage Pollution in the Salt Fork 72 Recent Examination of the Polluted Portion of Salt Fork 80 Summary of Salt Fork Conditions 88 Summary and Conclusions 90 Unfavorable Influences 90 Parasites and Pathologic Agencies 91 Economic Considerations 91 Bibliography 94 Explanation of Plates 97 105 ! FA UNA OF BIG VERMILION RI VER—BA KER INTRODUCTION The present paper embodies the result of investigations of the mollusk fauna of one of the smaller rivers of the State of Illinois, the Big Vermilion, carried on during the years 1918 to 1920. To this are added notes on another river, the Sangamon, for comparison. While all groups of mol- lusks were considered, special emphasis has been placed on the Unionidae or pearly fresh water mussels (Naiades), on account of their abundance, their significance in matters of geographic distribution, and their impor- tance from an economic standpoint, as raw material from which pearl buttons are made. For a number of years, the United States Bureau of Fisheries has been engaged in conducting a series of investigations of several rivers of Illinois and Indiana, for the purpose of ascertaining the mussel resources of these streams. In view of the rapid depletion of the supply in the larger rivers (Mississippi, Ohio, Illinois) it becomes necessary to search the smaller streams to replenish the older beds. The Maumee and the Kankakee (Wilson and Clark, 1912), as well as the Illinois (Danglade, 1914), have recently been rather carefully surveyed with interesting and important results. It was thought that a somewhat similar investigation of the Big Ver- milion River would be of value. The scope of the investigation included everything that appeared to affect the moUuscan life of the river, physical characters, pollution, general relation and number of species. It was believed, also, that the Big Vermilion, as well as other smaller streams in the State, might provide good breeding stock with which to carry on artificial glochidial infection of fish, and the results seem to warrant the assumption. It will be necessary to make more or less detailed surveys of all of the smaller rivers and their tributaries, and the present paper may be considered a contribution toward this end, covering fully the Big Ver- milion from its upper waters to the vicinity of Danville, a distance of about forty-five miles by stream. A portion of the Sangamon is considered, and this river may also prove a valuable source of mussel material. Little has been done by field naturalists in the study of the distribution of the molluscan fauna of a stream from the headwaters to the larger portions of these rivers. Perhaps the most thorough and notable study of this character was carried on by Adams (1900, 1915), on the genus lo in which the Tennessee River and its tributaries (Powell, Clinch, Holston, French Broad, Nolichucky, etc.) were studied from sources to Chattanooga. 8 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [106 Ortmann has made a study of the distribution of the Naiades in the streams of Tennessee from this standpoint, using material collected by Adams (Ortmann, 1918); and Wilson and Clark (1912) have added greatly to our knowledge of the comparative distribution of the mussel faunas of the Kankakee and Maumee rivers. Studies of this kind bring out thfe fact that certain species are charac- teristic of the upper reaches of a stream while others are found only in the lower part. Barriers, such as falls and polluted water, are also seen to have a large influence on the distribution of mollusks, especially river mussels. The same species may also vary in size or shape in dififerent parts of the stream, as noted by Ortmann (1920). In fact, a true picture of the charac- teristics of the fauna of a river or smaller stream can be gained only by this method, which the present paper clearly shows. The Salt Fork of the Big Vermilion is a striking example of the ill effect of sewage and other pollution on the fauna of a stream. It was carefully studied from this standpoint in order to determine accurately the distance that the polluted stream must flow before a normal fauna can establish itself, and to ascertain the relative effect of pollution on different species of mussels as well as on other aquatic animals. Mussels and cray- fishes are considered good indicators of the measure of pollution in a stream and the absence of both of these groups of animals from the upper part of the Salt Fork is ample evidence of the septic condition of this stream. The work was largely carried on during the months of August, Septem- ber, and October, when the water was low. Collecting was done by wading in the stream as deep as hip rubber boots would permit. In the shallow water (up to two feet in depth) the entire bottom was gone over with the hands, and the mussels and other mollusks thus picked from the bottom of mud, gravel, and sand. Samples of all mollusks, as well as associated a;nimals of the other groups, have been preserved in the Natural History Museum of the University of Illinois. The different areas of the region studied are covered by three maps of the United States Geological Survey, the Mahomet, Champaign, and Dan- ville FoUos, and on these the stations recorded in this paper may easily be located. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer is greatly indebted to Professor Frank Smith, not only for invaluable assistance in collecting much of the material upon which the paper is based, but also for many notes on the distribution of the Naiades and other mollusks in the two river systems. Professor Smith has studied the fauna of the Salt Fork and the Sangamon streams for many years, collecting from them at different times of the year. His classes in zoology have visited Homer Park yearly for a long period and thus the moUusk 1 107] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RJVER— BAKER 9 [ fauna of this locality is better known than that of any other part of the stream. To Professor Smith the writer is also indebted for the identification of the worms and crayfish, and the determination of the animal life in the samples of bottom sludge from the polluted part of Salt Fork. The sincere thanks of the writer are due to the persons noted below; the group of ani- mals or plants which they have identified is indicated: Dr. Charles P. Alexander, Coleoptera and other insects; Dr. Edward Bartow; Dr. Stephen A. Forbes; Mr. Calvin Goodrich, Goniobasis; Dr. George M. Higgins; Mr. John Malloch, Diptera; Dr. J. Percy Moore, Hirudinea; Professor James E. Smith; Dr. E. N. Transeau, Algae; Dr. Victor Sterki, Sphaeriidae; Dr. Harley J. Van Cleave; Dr. Bryant Walker, Ancylidae and other moUusks. 10 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [108 PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE BIG VERMILION BASIN The Big Vermilion River drains about 1,500 square miles in Champaign, Ford, and Vermilion counties in Illinois and a small portion of Warren and Fountain counties, Indiana. The North Fork also drains from a small territory in the southeastern part of Iroquois County, Illinois. The main stream, known as Middle Fork, rises in the southern part of Ford County near the town of Melvin, in the Bloomington morainic system, at a height of 800 feet above sea level. Its course is southeastward, between the hills of the moraine known as the Roberts and Melvin ridges, passing through the latter and uniting with a tributary known as the West Branch of the Middle Fork, which also rises at an elevation of 800 feet in the Roberts ridge. At Potomac, the stream turns southward, cuts through the outer ridge of the Bloomington moraine and crosses the plain of the Champlain till sheet, uniting with the Salt Fork about six miles west of Danville. The largest western tributary, known as the Salt Fork, rises in the till plain in the north-central part of Champaign County, near Thomasboro, at an elevation of about 740 feet above the sea. It drains the till plain lying between the Bloomington moraine on the north and the Champaign moraine on the south. It flows in a south and east direction for about 55 miles^ and unites with the Middle Fork as described above. A large tributary of Salt Fork, known as Spoon River^ rises in the northeastern part of Champaign County, in two branches, not far from the outer ridge of the Bloomington moraine. Its general course is southward for a dis- tance of about ten miles, where it unites with the Salt Fork near St. Joseph. Another large tributary is known as the North Fork, which rises in the southeafetern corner of Iroquois County in the inner ridge of the Blooming- ton moraine. It flows southward, cutting through the middle and outer ridges of the moraine, crosses a part of the Champaign till plain and unites with the Big Vermilion at Danville. This tributary has a length of about 40 miles. From Danville the larger stream flows southeastward for about 20 miles, crossing a part of Vermilion County, Indiana, and empties into the Wabash River 10 miles from the Illinois State line. The basin of the Big Vermilion River lies in or is surrounded by glacial moraines of the Early Wisconsin glaciation, the Bloomington moraine on 1 Length of rivers designates total length including all meanders. * Not to be confounded with Spoon River entering the Illinois River near Havana, Mason County. 1091 FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 11 the north and the Champaign moraine on the south. In its course it cuts through the Bloomington moraine in several places. The territory drained includes a small part of the Bloomington till plain and a considerable part of the Champaign till plain (Leverett, Illinois Glacial Lobe, plate VI.) As there are no outcroppings of rock in this area the streams have cut well defined, though meandering, channels. The upper, small, creek-like tribu- taries have sunk their beds but a few feet below the general level of the country, but lower down, the stream, after receiving several large tributa- ries, has cut its bed to a depth of ten or fifteen feet. In Middle Fork and North Fork, and in the Big Vermilion from above Middle Fork to the Wabash, the river has cut deep canyons upwards of 200 feet in depth, which produce some of the most picturesque scenery in the State of Illinois. This river valley varies from half a mile to a mile in width and in one place, about four miles below Danville, it widens to form a large amphitheater two miles wide and a mile long, with cliffs and hills rising on all sides to a height of over 150 feet. Outside of the stream valleys the country is a flat till plain, largely devoted to crop purposes. Ridges, made up of the Champaign and Bloom- ington moraines and their branches, occur and have been largely instru- mental in directing the course of some of the stream drainage. The Salt Fork turns to the north after leaving Urbana, and passes around Yankee ridge (a branch of the Champaign moraine) near the Brownfield woods, and spurs from the Champaign moraine occur in several places on the west and south banks of the Salt Fork, which are relatively high and the stream skirts their bases. The bottom of the main stream and its tributaries varies greatly. The small tributaries mostly have mud bottoms. In Spoon River the bottom is of mud in most places and the water is of considerable depth, even in summer (three to four feet maximum in August). In places there are riffles where the water is very shallow (a foot or less) and the bot- tom here is of sand and fine gravel. The Salt Fork below St. Joseph is made up of stretches of stream where riffles with sand and gravel bottom alternate with deeper back water with mud bottom. Near Muncie there are outcrops of rock, a small tributary. Stony Creek, flowing over a stony bed. In the Middle Fork, shale rock outcrops in several places, notably below the interurban bridge, where the whole bottom is composed of a sheet of rock with a thin coating of sediment in spots. The same conditions are found in patts of the North Fork and in the Big Vermilion. These varying conditions provide the most favorable environment for the growth of river mussels, a fact made evident by the large naiad fauna found in the stream despite the unfavorable effects of sewage and waste pollution. Natural dams occur in a few places in the Salt Fork, caused by the accumulation of debris which has lodged against the trunk of a tree that 12 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [110 has fallen across the stream. At Homer Park, an artificial dam about five feet in height causes slack water for several miles up the stream. This dam markedly affects the mollusk fauna, the tumbling of the water over the dam mixing air with the polluted water and providing the dissolved oxygen so necessary to naiad life. It is probable that the large number of species of mussels found at some stations above this dam is due largely to the presence of sections of the stream where rififles provide the oxygenating agent. Mussels were usually found in or near such habitats. The mussel fauna below the Homer Park dam numbers 28 species while above the dam, as far up stream as Sidney, only 17 species occur, 10 species not passing the barrier, although the environment does not differ essentially. The current in the river is rapid over the riffles but rather sluggish in the deeper places. The difference between high and low water (spring and fall) is about six feet. The streams usually vary in width from ten to thirty feet. In the late summer and fall the small tributary streams (creeks and rivulets) flowing into Salt Fork and other branches of the Big Vermilion are usually either dry or contain scattered pools of water throughout their length. They do not contribute any water, therefore, to the larger stream at this time of the year. The mollusks living in these tributaries bury themselves in the mud during this period of dry bottom and hibernate. Many die at this time. The banks of the stream valleys, exclusive of the small tributaries, are for the most part high and well wooded especially where the valley floor is wide enough to permit meandering, in which cases the flat floodplains are abundantly wooded. These flat areas vary from a few hundred feet to a half mile in width. About two miles above Sidney an island has been formed by the forking of the stream, the area embraced being about 650 by 1200 feet. At this place the right bank is 20 feet high and the left bank quite low. The presence of fossil shells indicates that the island was prob- ably the result of silt accumulation during a long period of time. The wooded banks of the stream alternate with farm lands, some in pasture and others in crops. Many of the crop lands have a fringe of timber border- ing the stream. That the stream is high and powerful during the spring when it is in flood is evidenced by the tangled mass of logs and other woody debris which thickly cover the flood plain areas along the valley. Such conditions were especially noted between Sidney and Homer Park. The current varies somewhat, being relatively sluggish in the backwater above dams and riffles, but quite swift over the shallow places. During the flood periods of spring and early summer the current is quite swift and in places becomes torrential. This condition is indicated by the large number of trees which have been thrown on the flood plains far above the margin of low water. As measured during the month of October the current in the Salt Fork at Urbana and a few miles down the stream had a velocity Ill] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 13 of from half a mile to a mile an hour. The water was very low when these measurements were taken by the State Water Survey. In its course of 90 miles to the Wabash River, the Big Vermilion River falls about 320 feet or ZV2 feet per mile. It thus has a greater fall than either the Kankakee, which is 300 miles long and has a fall of 250 feet, or less than a foot per mile, or the Maumee River, which has a length of 150 miles and a fall of 154 feet, or about a foot per mile (Clark and Wilson, 1912). The water in the normal parts of the stream is usually clear at depths of one to two and a half feet, especially on the riffles. This condition was noted in Salt Fork east of Sidney, and in the Middle Fork. Above Sidney, except where the water is very shallow, the stream is murky and laden with fine silt. During times of high water the stream is in this condition in all parts of the Big Vermilion. The upper part of Salt Fork, from Urbana to a point six or eight miles down stream is always more or less brownish in color from the large amount of sewage, equalling as much as a third of the total volume, and putrient matter as well as an oily scum is usually to be seen on the surface. The shore of the stream is rendered very unsightly by the mass of filth that is despoiled above the usual level by high water. At St. Joseph, ten miles from Urbana, much the same condition is found. The upper part of the Salt Fork has been greatly modified by ditching and dredging. North of Urbana for the distance of a mile and a quarter above Crystal Lake Park a large ditch carries the surface drainage in a straight line to the park thus cutting off the tortuous windings of the original stream bed, which have been left as long, narrow, shallow ponds, reminding one of the 'ox-bows' so common in the valley of the Mississippi River. The bed of this ditch is about six feet below the general level of the surface. For several miles above this ditch the original stream has been deepened by dredging and the bed is now pretty generally five or six feet lower than that of the original stream. From Crystal Lake Park, Urbana, to a point near St. Joseph, the stream has been ditched to straighten the bed, leaving numerous 'cut-offs' of the old stream bed. This canal permits a better flow of water for the disposal of the sewage. Where not ditched the stream bed has been deepened. The ditching has greatly modified the original stream bed, providing a new and different kind of environment for the mussels and other aquatic life. It is probable that all of the old fauna was exterminated during the ditching operations and the sewage pollution provides an unfavorable environment, which the aquatic bottom life does not seem able or inclined to enter. The effect of sewage pollution may be seen all the way down the stream from the source of contamination. At St. Joseph, where the stream bed has not been modified, conditions are very bad, the mud in the bottom being filled with gas forming bacteria which are constantly causing bubbles of gas to break at the surface of the water. Were it not for the sewage pollution, the stream 14 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [112 at this place would be quite normal for the life of mussels and other bottom animals. (See the chapter on sewage pollution.) Several other river systems have their beginning near Urbana and Champaign, on the southwest side of the Champaign moraine. These are the Embarras, which has tributaries rising south of Urbana; the Kaskaskia, which has its inception northwest of Champaign near the village of Rising; the Little Vermilion, which rises in the southeastern part of Champaign County; and the Sangamon, which rises in the extreme northwestern part of Champaign County not far from Gibson. Only the last stream has been examined for its mussel fauna for the purpose of making comparisons with the fauna of the Big Vermilion River. The Sangamon River has a length of about 180 miles and a drainage basin of some 5670 square miles. It rises on the south side of the Blooming- ton moraine in McLean County, "at an elevation of 850 feet above sea level, and cuts through two moraines in its course, the Champaign and the Shelbyville. The river channel is tortuous and meandering and the flood plain in many places very wide. The banks of the stream are low for the most part and wooded in spots. The stream has been examined carefully at only two points, Mahomet and west of White Heath, the first locality receiving the most attention. Near Mahomet the river is notably mean- dering, the banks are high, the Champaign moraine rising 90 feet above the water level near the village. The river bank is usually five or six feet above the stream, which has cut vertical clifif-like banks in many places. Below Mahomet the woodlands are abundant, extending well back from the river in some places. The river varies in width from 40 to 50 feet. The bottom alternates between riffles with sand and gravel bottom and deeper back water stretches with mud bottom. The former habitats are a foot or so in depth and the latter habitats two to four feet in depth in the summer. In the spring the river is ten to twelve feet deep and very swift, at times becoming torrential. The average fall of the stream is 2.3 feet per mile. Many logs and other debris thrown up on the flood plains attest the power of the river during spring floods. West of White Heath, for a mile above the I. C. railroad bridge to two miles below, the river has been examined, though no systematic collecting comparable to that carried on at Mahomet has been done. The stream in the portion of the river valley examined is similar to that near Mahomet in its general physiographic features. The banks of the stream are on the whole lower than farther up the river near Mahomet. Studies of this stream similar to those carried on in the Big Vermilion and its tributaries would doubtless yield interesting and valuable results. The Sangamon is a characteristic mussel stream and should contain a much larger mussel fauna than at present known and listed. 113] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER IS GENERAL BIOLOGY OF THE BIG VERMILION RIVER Although the chief purpose of the study of this stream was to ascertain the general conditions and distribution of the fresh water Mollusca, especially the Naiades or river mussels, such attention was given to other groups as came easily under observation. At least one of these groups bears an intimate relation to the Naiades in the matter of distribution as restricted by pollution, e.g., the crayfishes, and another, the fish, is closely related to the breeding habits of the mussels. Others, as some of the oligochaete worms, are especially characteristic of polluted waters. A few notes are given under each group. The Protozoa and other microscopic groups are omitted because given little or no attention, except in the polluted part of Salt Fork. These are mentioned in the section on sewage pollution. The Big Vermilion and its tributaries present a wide field for the study of other kinds of aquatic life that are especially characteristic of the upper reaches of a river system PLANTS The larger aquatic plants were notably scarce in most parts of the Salt Fork. In several places in Salt Fork, especially near Sidney, between the cement and railroad bridges, the shores are lined with the spatterdock, Nymphaea advena Ait (see Fig. 11). The cat-tail, Typha latifolia, Linn., is common in various stretches of the stream, bordering the shore. The arrow-head, Sagittaria latifolia Willd., and the larger blue flag. Iris versi- color, Linn., were observed along the shore in many places. The water willow, Dianthera americana Linn., is abundant in the shallows in many parts of the Salt Fork below Homer Park. Elodea canadensis Michx., was abundant at Homer Park. Filamentous algae occurs in many places, attached to submerged objects. Among these Cladophora and Spirogyra were noted. Septic algae growing in the polluted portion of Salt Fork are noted under the section on pollution of the stream. WORMS Nematoda. Gordius rohustus Leidy, was collected in several places in Salt Fork between the first bridge below St. Joseph and the bridge above Sidney. It was found in mud bordering the shore, in shallow water. A number of minute nematodes were observed in the sludges of the bottom in Salt Fork between Urbana and St. Joseph. These were not identified. 16 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [114 Oligochaeta. These aquatic earthworms were abundant in places along the shore of Salt Fork, Sparganophilus eiseni Smith occurred in abundance in the mud on the margin of Salt Fork at Homer Park, and immature worm of this genus, as well as cocoons, were collected from near the bridge below St. Joseph to the bridge above Sidney. A single specimen of Helodrilus chloroticus (Savigny) was collected in the Salt Fork near St. Joseph. This species has not heretofore been recorded from Illinois and its occurrence at this locality adds another species of earthworm to the State list (see Smith, 1915:557). Limnodrilus was abundant in bottom sludges from the Salt Fork, from Urbana to near St. Joseph. Tubifex was also found, but not as abundantly. Hirudinea. Two species of leeches occurred in several places in Salt Fork, below St. Joseph. They were nowhere abundant. The two species are: Erpobdella punctata (Leidy) Moore and Placobdella rugosa (Verrill) Moore. CRUSTACEA Three species of crayfish (Cambarus) were determined by Professor Smith from the material collected in Salt Fork and other parts of the Big Vermilion River. The most abundant was Cambarus propinquus Girard, which was found commonly from bench mark 655 to the Big Vermilion River below Middle Fork. It is especially abundant in the latter place where an individual may be found under every piece of stone. The same species was abundant in Stony Creek and in the Salt Fork near Muncie. Cambarus blandingi acutus Girard, both young and adult, occurred in the upper parts of Salt Fork, but preferred a mud bottom rather than a rock bottom. Cambarus immunis Hagen was collected only at bench mark 655 where it was rare. It will be noted that Cambarus is first met with about two miles below St. Joseph and twelve miles from Urbana. The only ones seen here were dead. Living crayfish begin to appear in abundance about six miles below St. Joseph or sixteen miles below Urbana. Crayfish and mussels both be- come common or abundant at about the same time, viz., fourteen and sixteen miles below the source of sewage pollution at Urbana. This agree- ment in distribution indicates the close relationship between these other- wise diverse groups of animals, as regards resistence to septic conditions, neither being able to thrive under pollutional conditions of the bottom. AQUATIC INSECTS Aquatic insects are doubtless abundant during spring and early summer in the lower parts of Salt Fork and in the Big Vermilion River. A few species were collected incidentally at some of the molluscan stations. These are listed in Table I, in the order of their occurrence in the stream. 115] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 17 It will be noted that the nymph and larval forms of most species appear coincident with the degree of sewage pollution. Chironomus and Libellula are, seemingly, able to accommodate themselves to the contaminated or polluted condition of the water in the neighborhood of St. Joseph. The adult beetles, breathers of free air, are not aflFected directly by these un- favorable conditions and occur in great abundance, even in the heavUy polluted parts of Salt Fork above St. Joseph. The Ephemerids occur for the most part far down the stream where the water is at most only con- taminated. The Neuroptera and Plecoptera are clean water forms and were found only in the Middle Fork which does not carry sewage. These are also to be found, probably, in the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork, but no attempt was made to discover these animals when that part of the stream was examined. Table I. Distribution of Insects • T3 lU M > o D o >—> Bridge below St. Joseph IS a x: a o o a in > 2 a o o a 0) a .'S 'in ■a o 1^ o 119] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 21 Table II — (continued) C -e > o < a m 4) > a o o a. > 5 a 8 a- 1) pq c nJ § u C 3 O o a Q o o Pomoxis annularis Raf . White crappie X X X X Pomoxis sparoides (Lacepede). Black crappie X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Lepomis megalotis (Raf.). Long-eared sunfish X X Lepomis humilis (Girard). Orange-spotted sunfish X Lepomis pallidus (MitchUl). Blue gill Micropterus dolomieu Lacepede. Small-mouthed black bass X X X Micropiertis salmoides (Lac). Large-mouthed black bass. Percina caprodes (Raf.). Log-perch X X X X X X X X X X X X Hadropterus pkoxocephalus (Nelson) Hadropterus aspro (C. & J.). Black-sided darter X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Diplesion blennoides (Raf.). Green-sided darter X Boleosoma nigrum (Raf.). Johnny darter X X Elheosloma jessiae (Jordan & Bray ton) X Etkeosloma coeruleum Storer. Rainbow darter X X X X X X X X X X 27 X Etheostomaflabellare Raf. Fan-taUed darter X Total SDecies from each station ,19 34 42 28 30 27 21 ?6 > z o g PK H > O o g o S5 O & 0 n ailtAn^d JB8N "^ : : Q ►i 00 • O boO j3Aiy noiiinija^ atg n m-> Q 08— • C8 d 00 t. - .J e. c : * & - a c C c b c 0 CM 05 61) u OS d u CN o— * 08 cs & cs V ' ^" d 08 — «-H wm - Cs • »-« d^^ • 09 *" ^ ^^ C-j U ^^ CO CM t- go 5[38J3 XnOIC! =~^ CO - C « ■-- : ; : •- « - 0 CO to txio apanjY jo q^nog cm m — Q 6 • «■- . d 08 t - d e. 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"a K 3 00 3 1 OO 3 5 3 R O 1 1 1 c _«o ■3 1 1 .1 Si a c ■§ ■a 2 00 3 S ■3 S 00 E s LampHlia luteola Eurynia lienosa Lasmigona complanata Fusconaia rubiginoaa Amblema undulata Quadrula vuatuloaa 09 c ■1 3 5 1 i 3 1 1 09 _3 e 3 1 1 1 5 § ft: 8 o s .1 d a s :§ .3 5 3 R ■§ 8 0 S § a. 8 R _ao s 0 ^00 1 •0 s ■§ 0 i E 8 g ■1 i 00 1 1 § _00 E 0 "S 3 g 00 E ,0{ S i § s R 0 R ■■s 0 .5 E i s St ■*«» 1 1 e a "a 0 3 tj K e 3 1 s c "3 03 3 0 3 g 3 03 c ■§ R 3 1 1 1 .0 S 1 .0 J i ■2 'So 1 > z o M >-) a » > a pq H Z M CO I-) •«: a Z < Q M < O O C.T m •< Q Z < t/T Q o 0. o 0$ H en < a < a OS u < o o t-H H S n 1-^ M H (/} n aO!itmjB;\ aig ^ ^^ q : : . . 0 . . y • . ;•■■■•■• OS ■* :!;;:!:;; :::::::"":::: jjjo^ 3[PP!IM OS &0(M 1 Q : : 1 iJ : -■ lid'.!!*. 0 Oi-« '. uopoant 3(ioj jjBg 00 bCO Q : jpajQAuo^s ^ ^o Q : J '■ : :- : -; :::::::*:::; '■ '• -^ Q : h-) : : • • ■ -«.... «-t jaraojj BAoqc saifoi ^ ]" '^ Q : J : . . . ! ; 0 ■ - ' -■ aSpuq psoijiBjj ?;"2 ! ^^ ;;;;«•••• CM '. d '.','.'.'.'. 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'. {. agpijq -^ijoj ?[Bg t» boo CO ^H Q : ; '.'.'.'. a) '■'■'■ '■ Z a3p!iq 'jjjoj ■jiBg qa^ip aSBuiBjQ 01 gCM Q : : • cj— ■■- • OS ■ ■ ■ >o V°d llBg iaddQ -as a : ; -■ Symbols a, abundant c, common (', infrequent 1,2, 3, specimens found L, living D, dead g, gravel m, mud », sand is ■i a^ !^ o -a Mollusca Goiia caperata Phyaa gyrina Muaculium truncatum Phyaa crandalli Planorbia trivolina Galba humilia modicella Sphaerium atriatinum, var Sphaerium atamineum Sphaerium aolidulum Musculiuvi partumeium Muaculium tranaversum Ferriasia tardua Gundlachia meekiana Campeloma rufum Ferriaaia rivularia Piaidium compreaaum Pleuroccra elevatum Gotiiobaaia livescena 60/60 par 10 Piaidium kirklandi Piaidium aplendidulum Sphaerium species "o a £ 8 Q. 00 ■s : ■ : : :3*i • : -^ :«- -■si-ss^-l- oS?o,33«„.gi;5 2-3^ 3.;5 a 0 oC c CtlO>JQ3C>0-JOOQ. i.-? i : : ig : : : ;^ :-s-...ca|-§,ri -.^ii liiriiiHiil 3 Cob N-g <5 0-0.0 H;!i.«.= il|-i III iiSl-Si Perla nymph Corydalia larva Benacua species 24 JLUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [122 GENERAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE MOLLUSK FAUNA It will be noted in Table III that the mussels were found in greatest abundance in a bottom composed of sand or gravel, or both, and were fewer in number of species, as well as in individuals, on a mud bottom. As a rule the mussels were found in abundance on the shallow riffles and were often absent from the deeper places in which the bottom was composed of soft mud. A notable exception to this rule occurs at Homer Park where the largest mussel fauna is found in a mud bottom, and where this kind of a bottom produced eleven more species (28) than did the sand and gravel riffles a short distance below (17). This station has been used by Professor Frank Smith for many years as a field habitat for his zoology classes and the mussel fauna is, therefore, better known than that of any other locality on the stream. Although visited several times a year for nearly a score of years, there seems no diminution of the fauna in either species or individ- uals. A day spent at this station, during which two collectors examined the stream, yielded 24 of the 28 species. This indicates the great abundance of the fauna, which may be due in large measure to the aerating influence of the dam situated just above the collecting grounds. The stream below the dam at Homer Park is an excellent place in which to study the ecological conditions governing the distribution of the mollusk fauna in a small stream. There is first a very shallow stream below the dam (Fig. 14) flowing over gravel and boulders, in which a few gastropods and small bivalves (Sphaerium) live in considerable abundance (Fig. 15). Mussels are rare. Then follows a comparatively deep area of the stream (2-3 feet) flowing over a bed of fine sand or mud in which mussels are abundant and gastropods rare (Fig. 13). This is followed by a moderately shallow stretch of the stream (1-2 feet) which flows over a bottom of coarse sand and gravel in which mussels are found in abundance, although not as numerous in species, as in the mud habitat. A few gastropods live here. These conditions are exceptional in Salt Fork and are not duplicated in any other part of the stream above Danville. Some species of mussels, as Anodonta, Anodontoides, and Uniomerus, prefer a mud bottom and thrive only in such situations, but the great majority of the naiades prefer a sand or gravel bottom in water with considerable current, and this is the reason they are so abundant in the riffles of all streams. Among the smaller bivalves (Sphaerium and Pisi- dium), the majority of species prefer a mud or fine sand habitat. Of the snails or gastropods, Pleurocera and Goniobasis are usually found in a 123] FAUNA OF BJG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 25 rocky (gravel) habitat while Campeloma prefers a mud or fine sand bot- tom. Physa lives in both mud and on rocks and Ancylus on vegetation or in empty shells of mussels. The ecological preferences of these species, as well as the associated animals, are shown in Table IV. ECOLOGICAL VARIATION The 35 species and varieties of Unionidae found in the Big Vermilion River west of Danville show an interesting distribution. Table III clearly indicates that there is a more or less gradual increase in the number of species as the stream increases in size. Taking into consideration both dead and living naiads and ignoring for the time the effect of sewage pollution on the distribution, the increase in species correlated with the increase in distance in miles from Urbana may be expressed in the following table: Table Number V. Increase in Species with Distance Station No. of Species Distance from Urbana Big bend 6 14.25 miles One mile north iron bridge 12 16.50 " Railroad bridge 15 20.00 " Two miles above Homer dam 14 24. 75 " Homer Park.. 28 27 .00 " South of Muncie 23 36.00 " Salt Fork junction 15 44.00 " Middle Fork 22 45.00 " Big Vermilion 21 46.00 " The sudden rise in number of species at Homer Park is noteworthy and is due to the exceptionally favorable environment, good depth of water, favorable bottom, plenty of food, and a fully normal supply of dissolved oxygen provided by the dam just above the Park. The dam appears to be an effective barrier to the migration of mussels, and it would also seem difl&cult for fish to pass the dam, except at very high water, and thus migration in the glochidial stage is rendered difficult or impossible. In the table it may be noted that 17 species occur at five stations, two to eight miles above the dam and 28 species occur below the dam. Seventeen species are common to both areas and 12 species are found below but not above the dam. This distribution is shown in Table VI. A striking feature of naiad distribution, noted repeatedly in several species, is the conspicuous change in the shape of the shell as the distance from the headwaters of the stream increases. Species that normally have swollen or globose shells in the larger rivers, occur as flat or compressed forms in the headwaters of these streams. An increase in length of shell as correlated with decreased obesity is also noted, and also, a decrease in tuberosity. Ortmann (1920) has recently ably discussed this matter and shows that the rule holds good for many species in widely separated areas; the writer cannot fully agree with Ortmann in reducing so many species 26 ILLINOIS BIOLOGIC A L MONOGRA PUS [ 1 24 of Naiades to varieties on the basis of compression in the headwaters of streams. The same species varies in obesity, but it is the same species, whether thin or fat. Other characters are usually present which separate the allied species. Table VI. Species of Unionidae Found Above and Below Homer Park Dam Both Above and Below Dam Below Dam Only parea anodontoides fcrussacianus dlipsiformis grandis ligamenlina imbecillis muUiradiata edenhdus lackrymosa pavonius melanevra luteola wardii lienosa R- tubercvlata complanala T. htherculata rubiginosa circulus undulata clava ptislulosa glans costata marginata cocsineum veniricosa compressa In the Big Vermilian this variation in compression is marked in several species. Thus Rotundaria tuberculata, Pleurobema coccineum, and Amblema are more compressed than are individuals from the Wabash River below the junction of the Big Vermilion with that river. Quadrula pustulosa is smaller than the same species lower down in the Salt Fork, and the same may be said of Alasmidonta marginata and Strophitus edentulus. That the rule does not always hold good is shown by the variation of Fusconia rubi- ginosa which is abundant in most parts of the Big Vermilion and its tribu- taries. Measurements are given in Table VII, showing the length and breadth of several species in different parts of the Salt Fork from below Urbana to the Big Vermilion. The percentage of width to length is also shown. It will be seen that the average index for the first lot is 42 per cent and for the last lot, 46 miles down stream, is almost the same, 45 per cent. These averages compare well with some of those given by Ortmann (1920: 283). It was observed, however, that in the Salt Fork and Big Vermilion the obese individuals occurred with tlie compressed specimens the former increasing in ratios as the distance down stream increased. The variety wardii of Quadrula metanevra occurred in two places in Salt Fork but always in company with the typical form. In the cases cited above ecological features cannot be called into account in locating the cause of the com- 125] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 27 pression of the shell, for all live in the same section of the stream under identical conditions. The rule cited by Ortmann, however, seems to be applicable in most cases. Several species increase in size toward the lower part of the river. This is especially true of Anodonta grandis, Strophitus edentulus, Alasmidonta marginata, Eurynia lienosa, Lampsilis luteola, Amblema undulata, and Lampsilis ventricosa. A few others show some increase at different stations. One species, Uniomerus tetralasmus, is apparentl)'' confined to the upper, smaller tributary streams of Salt Fork. It was common in the ditch north of Urbana; in Crystal Lake, Urbana, in Spoon River; and at Muncie in a small tributary. Two broken valves were found at the station called the natural dam, but these are believed to have been washed into this stream from a nearby tributary which was dry when this part of the Salt Fork was examined (September 25). Tetralasmus probably also occurs in the Table VII. Variation of Fusconaia Rubiginosa Length Width Per cent Station No. Distance from Urbana 58 23 39 17 15^ mUes 62 26 42 .. 61 31 SO .. 68 27 39 79 33 42 86 33 38 24 243^ miles 89 41 46 90 31 34 25 27 miles 82 35 42 .. 89 47 52 .. 71 30 42 26 36 miles 67 30 44 102 41 40 30 46 miles 65 30 46 .. 86 43 50 .. upper part of Middle Fork and in North Fork, but the upper parts of these streams have not been examined. The majority of the other species occur at several stations along the Salt Fork and its tributaries and no particular variation in distribution was observed except as already noted. Three mussel species and varieties were found in Crystal Lake that are exotic as far as the Big Vermilion River is concerned. These are Ano- donta grandis gigantea, Anodonta corpulenta, and Uniomerus tetralasmus sayii. These species were artificially introduced into this body of water about 1908 by a member of the zoological department of the University of Illinois. They originally came from a stream in western Indiana. That these mussels found a favorable environment and have thrived during these years is evidenced by the number of fine specimens recently collected when the lake was partly drained. Only the Uniomerus was rare, but one speci- men being found. As Crystal Lake is not connected with the Salt Fork 28 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 1126 stream, these species have not been able to enter the Big Vermilion drain- age. As has been noted in the Illinois River (Forbes and Richardson, 1919), the mussel fauna gradually increases as the distance from the source of sewage pollution becomes greater. In the Salt Fork the fauna becomes normal at about 20 miles from the source of pollution at Urbana. In the Illinois River a normal fauna is not found within 80 miles (Hennepin) of the source of pollution indicating that the quantity of sewage is so great that the river must flow this distance before purifying itself suflSciently for the residence of normal aquatic life. That a normal fauna should be found within 20 miles of the source of pollution in the Salt Fork, though a much smaller stream carrying a smaller amount of sewage, is quite sur- prising when it is remembered that no large tributaries enter the stream above Spoon River, and indicates that self purification is active. The shallowness of the water (less than a foot on the average in fall and winter) probably provides a larger quantity of dissolved oxygen than woiTld be possible in waters of a deeper stream. It was especially noted that Am- blema undulaia and Lasmigona complanata, of the larger species, withstood the absence of water better than any of the other comparable species. These mussels also resisted polluted conditions better than others and this fact is important in connection with mussel propagation for button shells. COMPARISONS WITH OTHER RIVER SYSTEMS It is of interest and value to compare the mussel fauna of the Big Vermilion River with that of some other rivers of comparable size and development. The United States Bureau of Fisheries has conducted mussel investigations of several of the rivers of Illinois and adjacent states and one of these, the Kankakee (Wilson and Clark, 1912), may well be compared with the Big Vermilion. The mussel fauna of the Sangamon River is also included, the data given being gathered from several sources, but principally from personal collections and from collections in the Museum of Natural History of the University of Illinois. Some species not listed by Wilson and Clark are included from Baker's Catalog of Illinois Mollusca (1906). These are indicated by an asterisk. Table VIII. Distribution of Unionedae in Three River Systems Length of river in miles Quadrula cylindrica " metanevra " metanevra wardii. . . " puslulosa " lachrymosa " ebena Trilogonia tuber ctUala Amblema unduleta " peruviana (plicata). Vermilion 90 X X X X X X X Kankakee 300 X X X * X Sangamon 150 X X X X X X X 127] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 29 Table VTII — (continued) Fusconaia rubiginosa " trigona " solida Rolundaria tuhercidata Pleurobema clava " coccineum Plethobasus aesopus Elliptio gibbosus Uniomerus tetralasmus " tetralasmus say it Slrophittis edentulus " edentulus pavonius Anodonta grandis " grandis gigantea " corpulenta " imbecillis Anodontoides fertissacianus " /. buchanensis Arcidens confragosus Lasmigona compressa " costata " complanata Alasmidonta marginala " calceola Ptychobranchus phaseolus Obliquaria reflexa Plagiola securis Amygdalonaias elegans " donaciformis Propter a alata Paraptera gracilis Obovaria circulus " ellipsis A ctinonaias ligamenlina " ligamenlina nigrescens. " ellipsiformis Caruncidina parva " glans Eurynia recta " subrostrata trts. " fabalis " lienosa Lampsilis fallaciosa " anodontoides " ventricosa " multiradiata " capax " luteola " higginsi Truncilla sulcata " perplexa rangiana . Total species in each river . Vermilion X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 38 Kankakee X X * X X X X X X X X X X X * X * X X X X X * X X X X X X X X X Sangamon X X X X X X X X X X X X 48 25 30 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [128 It is noteworthy that with a length of 300 miles and with two tributa- ries of large size (Iroquois River, 100 miles in length, Yellow River, 65 miles long) the Kankakee River has a mussel fauna only 21 per cent greater than the Big Vermilion River with a length of 90 miles and no very long tribu- taries. Other species will proably be found in the Big Vermilion below Danville, which was not examined during this survey, and these may bring the total nearer to that of the Kankakee River. The Sangamon River undoubtedly contains many more species than listed in the table, and these will be found when additional collecting is carried on. The table shows that the mussel fauna of the Big Vermilion River is of large size as compared with other streams of similar character. 129] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILIOIi RIVER— DAKER 31 SYSTEMATIC DISCUSSION OF THE MOLLUSCA In this chapter the species of mollusks, both Pelecypoda (mussels, clams) and Gastropoda (snails), are discussed in relation to their distribu- tion in the Big Vermilion River, special emphasis being given the Unionidae or river mussels on account of their economic importance. The influence of sewage pollution of the stream on the mollusk fauna is also referred to. The species collected in the Sangamon River at Mahomet and elsewhere are included for purposes of comparison. The classification followed for the Unionidae is that proposed by Simp- son (1900, 1914) and extended by Ortmann (1912, 1918). The sequence of groups is that set forth in Walker's Synopsis recently published (1918). It will be noted that the newer classification necessitates the adoption of several new names, both generic and specific, but these seem, on the whole, justified by the rules of nomenclature and are a natural result of the advancement of knowledge on the subject. For the purpose of providing reliable data on the particular character- istics of the mussels and other mollusks in this stream for comparison with similar features of this group of animals in other streams, a feature almost totally lacking in the literature, considerable space is devoted to descrip- tions of the minor variations and pathological conditions of each species in dififerent environments. This has been done, more or less extensively, in several reports on the mussel faunas of three or four of our Illinois, Indiana, and other streams (Wilson and Clark, Danglade). It will be noted that there are certain features characteristic of the species in one stream not shared by the same species in other streams, as, for example, Lampsilis ventricosa which differs markedly in coloration and even in shape in the two river systems herein considered. Similar data on our other rivers would provide a body of facts of considerable importance. FAMILY UNIONIDAE 1. Ouadrula (Quadrala) cylindrica (Say). Rabbits-Foot. This species was not found in the Salt Fork above a point about a mile west of its junction with the Middle Fork, 44 miles from Urbana. As it is not listed from the neighborhood of Muncie its westward extension in the stream lies somewhere between Muncie and Middle Fork. Even in this part of the river it is rare and the specimens obtained are small, of dark color and resemble the form called strigillatus by Wright. Cylindrica is not a widely distributed species in Illinois, if one may judge by the records at hand. Danglade (1914) did not find it in the Illinois River 32 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [130 nor is it listed by other students. It has been reported by several concholo- gists from the Wabash River (Baker, 1906:79) and the Ohio River, in which streams it is common and of large size and fine color. The species probably would not thrive in polluted water. It was not found in the Sangamon River at the places visited. Owing to its peculiar shape it is not adapted for the cutting of button blanks and is considered worthless by the mussel fishermen. 2. Quadrula (Quadrula) metanevra Rafinesque. Monkey-Face. This naiad is apparently a rare species in Salt Fork occurring sparingly from Homer Park to Middle Fork. It begins to increase in number of individuals near the Middle Fork, where the specimens are also larger and more brilliantly colored. All but one of the specimens collected are typical in form and coloring. Individuals from the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork are larger than those collected above this point. The species is also more abundant. It is found on both a mud and a gravel-sand bot- tom. Specimens from Homer Park are darker and less conspicuously rayed than those from Middle Fork, and are also less pustulose. Metanevra is rare in the Sangamon River, living on both a sand and gravel bottom. 2a. Quadrula (Quadrula) metanevra wardii (Lea). Two specimens referable to this variety have been collected from the Big Vermilion; one near Muncie, in the Salt Fork, and one in the Middle Fork, above its entrance into the Vermilion River. These individuals are more elongated and compressed than the typical form and the tubercles are not as heavy, in fact are reduced to large pustules. Professor Smith has found the variety more common in the Sangamon River than the typical form, and until these two specimens were found in the Big Vermilion drainage, wardii was supposed to be the predominant form in the Sanga- mon while the typical form was believed to be the only form of this species found in the Big Vermilion, at least above Danville. Wardii i^, as far as present material indicates, very rare in the Salt Fork and other tributaries of the Big Vermilion. 3. Quadrula (Theliderma) pustulosa (Lea). Warty-^&ack; Pimple-Back. This is the most abundant Quadrula in both the Salt Fork and the San- gamon River, rivalling in number any other mussel species in the lower part of the Salt Fork. It does not occur in any abundance above the Homer Park dam, but below this point it is common, of large size, fine color, and good nacre. The sewage pollution has evidently affected this species as others and, with rare exceptions, only dead shells could be found above the Homer Park dam. Below the dam it occurs commonly and the increase in number of individuals is largely due to the aerating effect of the flow of water over the dam which provides the dissolved oxygen so 131] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 33 necessary to these animals. The young shells (20mm. in length) are almost smooth with a broad dark green ray or stripe extending from the umbones to the ventral margin of the valve. No young shells were found in the stream above Homer Park dam and the species may not be breeding in this part of the stream at the present time. The pustulosa from Salt Fork exhibit some variation in the pustulosity of the surface, but all are referable to typical pustulosa. A few specimens from Homer Park are more quadrate than the average but are otherwise typical. The individuals from the Sangamon River, however, show con- siderable variation in both form and pustulosity, ranging from nearly circular to quadrate and from almost smooth to quite pustulose. On an average, however, they are less pustulose than the species occurs in Salt Fork. Individuals might be picked out that could be referred to both dorfeuillianus Lea and schoolcraftensis Lea, but the range of variation is so great that they seem better referred to pustulosa. In the Sangamon River pustulosa occurs on a sand and gravel bottom but in the Big Vermilion River it is found most abundantly on a mud bottom. The individuals from Homer Park and the Sangamon River, especially the later, are of good size, 70 to 80mm. in length, and the thickness of the shell combined with the clear pearly luster would seem to make them good shells for the button trade. No evidences of parasitism were observed in the shells examined. 4. Quadrula (Theliderma) lachrymosa (Lea). Maple-Leaf. This handsome shell is very rare in the Salt Fork and was not found at any of the localities in the Sangamon River. In the Salt Fork it has been found only at Homer Park below the dam, and only occasional speci- mens have been collected here. These are quite typical of the species. 5. Tritogonia tuberculata (Barnes). Buck-Horn; Pistol-Grip. The buck-horn first makes its appearance in Salt Fork at Homer Park below the dam where it is of large size (female 145, male 115 mm.) and fine quality. The shells are densely covered with tear-like pustules which in a few individuals cover the entire surface, though usually confined to the middle and anterior end behind the posterior elevated ridge. Of the speci- mens collected 40 percent are males. Young specimens 46 mm. in length were found at Homer Park. Individuals from Homer Park are larger than those collected in the Sangamon River, the largest specimens being found on a mud bottom, although it also lives on a sand and gravel bottom. Both the Salt Fork and Sangamon specimens are of good quality from the button makers standpoint. Abnormalities and pearly growths due to injuries or parasitism are rare in the specimens of this species examined. A few individuals from Homer Park had scattered pin-head pearls and a small patch of discolored 34 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [132 blister formation near the anterior and posterior end, one in each end of two specimens. 6. Amblema undulata (Barnes). Blue-Point; Three-Ridge. This characteristic mussel is the most abundant species in the Vermilion River, greatly exceeding (with the possible exception of Lasmigona com- planata) in number of individuals all other species. It is also able to resist much of the ill effects of sewage pollution and is the first shell met with in the polluted waters of the Salt Fork. Living specimens, however, were not seen above the station called bench mark 655, a distance of over 15 miles from the source of pollution. Empty shells and odd valves occur more or less abundantly from St. Joseph, 10 miles below Urbana, to the station mentioned. As the species lives in fair abundance in the tributary known as Spoon River, for a distance of over two miles up stream from near the mouth of the stream, it is evident that at one time its distribution was equally continuous in the Salt Fork below the junction of Spoon River with Salt Fork, where now there is a break of nearly six miles. This break in the distribution is in all probability due to the sewage pollution, for the stream is admirably adapted by nature as a habitat for this species and has not been disturbed by dredging. There is great variation in the form of the shell. Many specimens from the upper part of the stream, both Spoon River and Salt Fork as far down as the natural dam, are almost round with a broad 'wing' above the undula- tions, which may be reduced in number and form (Fig. 34). These shells may be inflated or rather compressed. Other shells are more quad- rate and in occasional individuals the umbones are elevated simulating Amblema peruviana {plicata of authors). These shells have a black or dark brown epidermis in the adult condition. In Spoon River young shells 25 mm. long were common, but few young specimens were found in the Salt Fork above the Homer Park dam. Shells from the lower part of Salt Fork, below Sidney, are as a rule cleaner, the epidermis is of a brighter, lighter brown and are more uniformly quadrate than those from above Sidney. The largest specimen collected measured 140 mm. in length and this seems to be the maximum size for the undulata in this stream. Many of this size were seen. In the Spoon River, and in the upper part of Salt Fork, injured shells are common. The injuries consist of breaks in the shells and subsequent repairs. In one specimen from the upper part of Spoon River, an injury had been received when the mussel was small which resulted in a deep channel across the right valve (Fig. 29) and a ridge, also slightly chan- nelled, on the left valve (Fig. 30). Another shell had nearly a hundred blister pearls on the edge of the posterior margin of the left valve (Fig. 28) and a large blister pearl about midway of the pallial line in the right valve 133J FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER—BAKER 35 (Fig. 27). Still another shell had covered a quantity of mud, which had gotten in between the mantel of the animal and the shell, with a thin layer of pearl, forming a large pad-like blister covering the greater part of the interior of the left valve (Fig. 26). The right valve was normal (Fig. 25). These blister pearls, as well as the more valuable free pearls, are believed to be caused by parasites, perhaps distomids. These injured shells are eagerly sought by the pearl hunters and mussel fishermen in the belief that they may contain pearls of value. The undulata from the Sangamon River also exhibit a wide range of variation in the shape of the shell, but not to the degree seen in the material from the Spoon River and Salt Fork of the Big Vermilion River. In the Sangamon, undulata is very abundant on a gravel and sand bottom. In the branches of the Big Vermilion it occurs on both a mud and a sand- gravel bottom. As this species is very successful in resisting adverse conditions it is a valuable mussel for propagation in the streams subject to pollution. It is probably not much affected by a moderate amount of sewage in its environment. The button manufacturers consider it a good shell when the undulations are not too heavy to render the cutting of blanks difi&cult. 7. Fuscunaia rubiginosa (Lea). Wabash Pig-Toe. This mussel is abundant in the lower part of the Salt Fork. It was not found in any abundance above the dam at Homer Park, where it is abun- dant, and the large number of dead, empty shells observed attest the presence of an unfavorable environment. As it is rare in Spoon River, where some other species are abundant, it is probable that this species requires fairly deep water and a large stream bed to attain good size and abundance in individuals. This characteristic of distribution was also noted by Wilson and Clark (1912:43) in the Kankakee River where ruhigi- nosa was found to be more common in the lower part of the river. There is considerable variation in the form of the shell; some examples are compressed, others quite inflated. Nearly all are distinctly quadrate, but in some examples the ventral margin is convex; in others it is some- what concave; while in a few it is straight. The individuals from the upper part of the stream, above Homer Park dam, are usually dark brown with a satiny sheen to the epidermis and are almost rayless. Those from the lower part of the river, especially from Middle Fork, are light yellowish brown, quite distinctly rayed. The nacre varies from white to pink or salmon, but is white in the great majority of specimens collected. Young shells 28 mm. in length were common below the Homer Park dam, but were apparently rare above the dam. This may indicate adverse conditions due to sewage pollution and the species may not now be breeding freely, possibly for lack of suitable fish for the glochidia. Young specimens were 36 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS ■ [134 also collected in the Big Vermilion River. One of the largest adult individ- uals found, below Homer Park dam, measured 95 mm. in length; another from the Big Vermilion River measured 103 mm. in length. The species occurs about equally on a mud or sand-gravel bottom. A single example from Homer Park is worthy of special note. It is large, inflated, almost twice as wide as the average shell of the same size, and is elongate-quadrate in outline. When viewed from within, the valves are basin-shaped. All of the muscle scars are very heavily impressed and the pseudocardinal teeth are much modified and heavier than in normal rubiginosa. The lateral teeth are very high, wide and massive. The shell was dead when picked up and badly discolored and notes on the ani- mal, which would have been very desirable, could not be made. The measurements of this shell, together with that of a normal shell of the species, from the same habitat, are given below: Length, 90; height, 59; width, 50 mm. Z11163 A, Variety. " 82 " 58 " 36 mm. Z11163 B, Normal. This species also occurs in the Sangamon River, but does not, appar- ently, attain the dimensions of the Salt Fork specimens, nor does it occur as abunantly. There is but slight variation in form in the Sangamon shells. No pathological specimens were observed in individuals from either river. Rubiginosa is not much esteemed by either pearlers or mussel fisher- men. Rubiginosa frequently closely resembles Pleurobema coccineum in the form of the shell and specimens occur which seem difiicult to place satisfac- torily. The animals diflfer in that in rubiginosa all four of the gills are used as marsupia while in coccineum only the outer gills are so used. As far as the Salt Fork and Sangamon River shells are concerned there has been no difficulty in placing any individual. In this material rubiginosa is always quadrate with the umbones large and full, the posterior end of shell is almost sharply truncated and there is a more or less distinct ridge extend- ing from the umbones to the posterior angle of the shell. In coccineum the outline is rather ovate, or rounded, there is no posterior ridge and the position of the umbones gives to the shell an oblique appearance which is very characteristic and is absent in rubiginosa. The ventral margin in coccineum is almost always convex and seldom straight or concave as in rubiginosa. The young shell in coccineum is also usually more distinctly rayed. The surface of the two species is also different, that of coccineum not being 'satiny' as is that of rubiginosa. The interior, and even the exterior, of coccineum is usually pinkish or salmon colored, although individuals occur with white nacre. 135] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 37 8. Pleurobema clava (Lamarck). Club-Shell. This species is rare in most parts of the Big Vermilion examined, and was not found in the Sangamon. It occurs sparingly at Homer Park, abundantly in the Salt Fork near Muncie, and sparingly in the Middle Fork. At Muncie the largest specimen measured 90 mm. in length. The specimens from the Big Vermilion are beautifully marked with broad green rays on young individuals and on the umbonal half of older specimens. Large individuals are almost rayless. This species has been previously known only from the Wabash River in Illinois (Baker, 1906:77) and the present records, although in the same drainage basin, extend the range of its distribution. 9. Pleurobema coccineum (Conrad). Thin Niggerhead. The shell known as coccineum attains large size in certain parts of the Salt Fork. It is common, however, only at one place, below the dam at Homer Park. No shells of this species were observed above the station called bench mark 655, which is about 15 miles below Urbana. The shells from habitats above the dam at Homer Park exhibit evidence of an un- favorable environment, the shells having heavy lines of growth which on some specimens are raised to form ridges. These are especially marked at the rest periods (seasonal). The individuals from the upper part of the stream are also more or less pathologic, 50 per cent of the shells being abnormal in form or with pearly growths on the inside of the valves. Coccineum is found on both a mud and a sand-gravel bottom. There is considerable variation in the outline and general shape of the shells from Salt Fork. The outline varies from quadrate to roundly ovate and the ventral margin from nearly straight to strongly convex. Young and half-grown shells seem more uniform than large adult shells. The quadrate individuals may easily be confounded with Fusconaia ruhiginosa. In the last species, however, the shell is more inflated {coccineum is com- pressed), the umbones are directed upward and not backward, as in coccineum, and the posterior portion of the shell has a depressed area and a strong ridge which are absent in coccineum. The nacre of coccineum is pink of various shades, only two specimens from the Salt Fork having white nacre. In this respect the coccineum of the Big Vermilion drainage differ almost constantly from rubiginosa which has white nacre. The epidermis in specimens from the upper part of the stream (Homer Park and above) is usually very dark brown with faint evidences of rays. In some specimens, especially from the station three and a half miles above Homer Park dam, the whole shell, inside and outside, is of a delicate pink shade. Individuals from the Middle Fork and the Big Vermilion, where the species is rare, are lighter in color. The two largest specimens collected from the Big Vermilion drainage measure as follows: Length, 96; height, 75 mm. Quadrate form above Homer dam, Z11114 A. " 96 " 80 mm. Rounded form, Homer Park, Zl 1164 A. 38 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [136 In the Sangamon River coccineum is a most abundant and variable mussel, having a smooth, polished shell on which the rays are many and distinct. It also attains a large size, though not as large as specimens from the Big Vermilion drainage. The shape of the shell is more oblique and eliptical than is the species as it occurs in the Big Vermilion and the shell is a trifle more inflated on the average. So marked is the difference that it is comparatively easy to say from the shape of the shell and the surface markings what drainage a particular individual may have come from. The twelve sets of coccineum in this collection indicate in a marked degree the fact that species may differ conspicuously in both sculpture and form in different river systems. The nacre of the Sangamon River coccineum is more often white than in the Big Vermilion shells. Pearly secretions or pathologic malformations have not been observed in the specimens from the Sangamon River, indicating, without doubt, a more favorable environment than is provided by the waters of the Salt Fork. Young specimens (25-30 mm. long) are more abundant in the Sangamon River than in the Big Vermilion River, and these individuals are beautifully marked with dark green rays on a yellowish or light brown background. Occasional shells are pinkish. The beak markings on the umbones are especially well preserved in these young specimens. A large right valve from Mahomet is very peculiar. In outline it is ovate, a trifle oblique. The posteroir portion of the valve is much elongated the hinge line is long and straight, and the posterior margin is sharply, obliquely truncated. The umbonal region is near the anterior margin of the valve. The lateral tooth is longer and straighter than in normal coccineum. The shell recalls Pleurohema clava but is much larger and differently shaped. The valve measures as follows: length 92, height 70 mm. Ortmann (1918:549) considers coccineum a variety or race of obliquum (Conrad), together with solidus{ = catillus Conrad), which is also rated as a variety of obliquum. To this disposition the writer cannot agree, the forms here listed as varieties being quite as much entitled to specific rank as are many other forms recognized as distinct species which have marked variation and a similar facies. The whole group of obliquum- solidum- coccineum are closely related, but I have seen no good reason after examining a large series in the Hinkley and other collections in the Museum collections, for lumping these species as varieties of obliquum. As far as Illinois specimens of obliquum and coccineum are concerned, the two species seem sufficiently distinct for recognition. 10. Rotundaria tuberculata Rafinesque. Purple Warty-Back. This species was found at but two places in Salt Fork, at Homer Park and South of Muncie, and in the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork. At 1371 FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 39 the first two places it is very rare, only a few individuals having been found by Professor Smith in a number of years. In a days search at Homer Park by two experienced collectors, only two living specimens and odd valves of two others were found. The largest specimen from Homer Park measures 72 mm. in length and 63 mm. in height. This species is one of the most abundant of shells in the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork, where specimens measuring 100 mm. in length are common. The distri- bution of this species is a good example of the progressive development of a species in the downward course of a stream, for in the course of about twenty miles the size nearly doubles. Beginning as a rare form at Homer Park it becomes one of the most common forms in the Big Vermilion, twenty miles downstream. All of the Big Vermilion tuherculata are of the compressed type, and the shell is covered posteriorly and ventrally with large tear-like pustules. The anterior third of the valve is free from pustulation. The nacre of all shells seen is rich purple, which renders the species valueless for the button makers. Tuberculala does not occur in the portions of the Sangamon River examined. 11. Elliptic gibbosus (Barnes). Lady-Finger; Spike. This mussel does not occur in Salt Fork, nor in any tributaries of the Big Vermilion above Danville that have been examined. It is fairly com- mon in the Sangamon River at Mahomet on a sand and gravel bottom. Young and immature shells are distinctly rayed. The nacre of all speci- mens examined has been purple, no white-nacred individuals being seen. In the Kankakee River white-nacred specimens occur and become the dominant form in the lower part of the stream (Wilson and Clark, 1912 :45). In the Illinois River beds of shells occur which have either a white or a pur- ple interior. (Danglade, 1914:42). This familiar shell will probably have to be known as dilatatus (Rafinesque) if the original description is definite enough to identify it as the gibbosus of Barnes. Dilatatus was described in 1820. It is a pity that these names of Rafinesque could not have been applied earlier to these shells and thus saved the confusion which is now resulting from the changes of the old familiar names which zoologists in our universities have used for years in connection with their classes in systematic zoology. 12. Uniomerus tetralasmus (Say). This species has been found living only in the upper waters of Salt Fork and in Stony Brook near Muncie. It occurs in fair numbers in the stream above Urbana and in Spoon River. Two broken valves were found in Salt Fork at the station called natural dam about 12 miles below Urbana. No living mussels could be found in the stream at this point and it is believed that the odd valves were washed into Salt Fork from a small 40 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [138 tributary nearby which was dry at the time of our examination. Tetralas- mus is a species of the small, mud-bottom tributaries and seems not to occur in the larger part of the stream with the larger and heavier mussels. The largest specimen collected measures 55 mm. in length. The colors of the shells are yellow, black, and greenish, the latter in indistinct ray-form. 12a. Uniomerus tetralasmus sayi (Ward). Among the Anodontas collected in Crystal Lake is a specimen of the shell known as variety sayi. It is large for the species but seems otherwise typical. The dimensions are: length, 123; height, 58; breadth, 38 mm. (No. Z 11369). As only tetralasmus is found in the Salt Fork and its tributaries it is probable that this form was introduced with the Anodontas described on a subsequent page. 13. Strophitus edentulus (Say). Squaw-Foot. This mussel once occurred in nearly all parts of the Big Vermilion River but it is now found in any number only below the dam at Homer Park. No living specimens were found above a point four miles above Homer Park dam or 22 miles below Urbana. It occurs, rarely, living, in Spoon River and its absence in a living state for a distance of 12 miles between this tributary and the first habitat in which it was found alive in Salt Fork is striking and suggestive of the harmful effect of sewage pollution. This species reaches its greatest perfection below the dam at Homer Park on a gravel bottom. Edentulus also occurs in the Sangamon River, but the individuals from that stream are not as large and are more compressed than the specimens from Salt Fork, which are as a rule quite corpulent. It is also not as abundant in the Sangamon as in the Big Vermilion. Meas- urements are given below of the largest specimens from the Salt Fork and the Sangamon. Length, 90; height, 54; width, 41 mm. Salt Fork, Z11174. " 89 " 57 " 32 mm. Sangamon, Z11227 A. There is great variation among the shells referred to this species. Typical edentulus is rhomboid in form, rather inflated, with prominent, inflated umbones; the posterior margin of the shell is usually sharply, obliquely truncated, and the ventral margin is straight or even slightly convex. The color is usually black without rays. From this t3^e the shell varies to an ovate or elliptical outline, a more or less compressed form, with a rounded, convex ventral margin and with an almost total absence of the strong posterior ridge so characteristic of the usual form. The variation is, as would be expected, toward the variety known as pavonius. The shells from Salt Fork are very thick and solid, much more so than in specimens from the Sangamon River. The nacre of the majority of specimens is yellowish in color. 139] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RJVER— BAKER 41 13a. Strophitus edentulus pavonius (Lea). This variety is described by Simpson (1914:348) as "Shell generally long elliptical; epidermis yellowish-green, more or less covered with green or brownish-green rays." In its typical form pavonius is easily separable from edentulus. The variety is almost as common in Salt Fork as is the typical form and there are many intermediate individuals. It is possible, however, to separate all of the edentulus from the different stations, 17 lots, into two groups; one with rhomboid or long-ovate outline and with black or brownish, rayless surface; and the other with long-elliptical outline, brownish surface, and many distinct rays. In pavonius the height is less as compared with the length than in edentulus. These two forms of Strophitus were almost always associated together, indicating their close relationship. On the whole pavonius is much less variable than typical edentulus. Specimens from the Sangamon River at Mahomet are brilliantly rayed with patches of bright green on the ventral margin of the shell. Wilson and Clark (1912:48) state that the "question of rays appears to be closely related to clearness of water; in turbid streams mussels are usually dull colored, while in clear streams they are usually brightly rayed." This has been our observation in many cases, but the rayed pavonius in Salt Fork occurs with the rayless edentulus in quiet water on a mud bottom; both also occur in riffles on a sand-gravel bottom. Pavonius is credited by Simpson to Ohio and Indiana; it is probably widely distributed in Illinois, but has most likely been listed under edentu- lus in most cases. It is known from^ Cook County, Will County, and the Wabash River (Baker, 1906:72). Its presence in the Sangamon River indicates that it is also an inhabitant of the Mississippi River drainage, as well as the Wabash and Ohio drainages. It is quite probable that the distribution of the variety is coincident with that of edentulus. The nacre of both edentulus and pavonius is usually yellowish or salmon colored al- though white-nacred specimens occur. Pearly growths are not as common among the shells of this species as found in the region under consideration as among the same species from other places. A few individuals had blister and pin-head pearls. A specimen each of the type and the variety had a peculiar pearl formation on the pallial line at or near the posterior end of the shell. These are somewhat dome-shaped, about 5 mm. in diameter and 4 mm. in height and evidently were caused by an effort on the part of the mollusk to cover some irritating object, possibly a nematode worm (Figs. 31, 32). As both shells were without the animal {pavonius had been alive very recently) this point could not be determined. The edentulus was from the railroad bridge east of Sidney (No. Z11098) and the pavonius from below Homer Park dam (No. Z11144 A). 42 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [140 14. Anodonta grandis Say. Floater. The floater or paper-shell is more or less abundant in Salt Fork and other parts of the Big Vermilion drainage. In Spoon River it is common, livijig in the lower part of the stream. From this station to the station called bench mark 655, over five miles below, not a living Anodonta could be found, and the species does not become abundant until the cement bridge east of Sidney is reached, nine miles below Spoon River. This distribution is again indicative of the harmful influence of sewage on the bottom inhabiting animals. From the cement bridge to the Homer Park dam grandis is fairly common. It was very rare below the station at Homer Park, at which place it is common. The best habitat observed appears to be between the cement and railroad bridges east of Sidney, where the water is fairly deep in summer (three-four feet) and where there is a soft mud bottom and not much of a current in the stream. The species is t3q)ically a pond-inhabiting mussel. Gravid individuals were collected on September 13, 1918. At Mahomet, on the Sangamon River, grandis is abundant and of large size, and occurs on a fine sand bottom. The Sangamon specimens are on the whole more cylindrical in form than those from the Big Vermilion and have a brown or brownish-green epidermis. The Big Vermilion specimens are mostly grass-green in color and are more elongate-ovate in form, the ventral margin being almost universally rounded while in the Sangamon shells this margin is nearly straight. The Sangamon River grandis are on the whole more solid than the same species from Salt Fork. The nacre of the great majority of the Salt Fork specimens is bluish- white, while that of the Sangamon specimens is salmon-colored for the most part. A few individuals from both streams have salmon-colored patches and small pearl growths indicating that the animals had suffered from the attack of distomid worms, possibly the distomid of Osborn, which is known to infest this species in other places (Wilson and Clark, 1912). These shells, however, were rare and infection from this source seem uncommon among the grandis of these streams. No Unionicola {Atax) or other water-mites were observed in this species. These parasites are common in grattdis irihabiting other streams (Wilson and Clark, 1912: 61-71). An empty shell from the big bend in the Salt Fork showed evidences of distomid infection in the form of elongated blisters on the ventral margin of the valves, near the pallial line. In the right valve, near the anterior adductor muscle scar, there is a large blister, 8 by 12 mm. which evidently covered a distomid. The left valve of this specimen had suf- fered an injury when the animal was about two-thirds grown, which has caused a part of the antero-ventral margin to become folded inward, a part of the folded portion having the epidermis well preserved. The animal 141] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 43 continued its shell formation so perfectly that from the outside no evidence of an injury is visible. This shell indicates plainly a case of a hard struggle for existence against both mechanical injury and heavy parasitism. The interior of the shell is spotted with grayish patches and salmon-colored streaks (No. Z11029-A). (Figs. 22,23.) 14a. Anodonta grandis gigantea Lea. Floater. Specimens of an Anodonta from Crystal Lake, Urbana, are apparently referable to Lea's gigantea. Simpson (1914:420) diagnoses this variety as "Shell large, ovate or sabrhomboid, a little higher in proportion to the length than the type; beaks full and high." The specimens from Crystal Lake agree with this diagnosis. The largest individual measures 152 mm. in length and 92 mm. in height. The umbonal region is more corpulent than in the grandis from the other parts of the Salt Fork. The color is brownish or greenish, the two colors frequently in alternating zones on the same specimen. Evidences of distomid infection are common in the form of salmon or pink discolorations and ridges. One individual has many long, thin, curved ridges on the interior of the shell, principally in the left valve. One of these ridges measures 93 mm. in length and 1 . 50 mm. in height (Fig. 24). Another individual has a round pearl attached to the posterior end of the shell, measuring 5 mm. in diameter. This variety has not been observed in any collections from the Big Vermilion or Sanga- mon rivers. Marsh has recorded gigantea from the Big Vermilion (Baker, 1906:73) but the exact location is not known, and must have been below the points examined by the writer. 15. Anodonta corpulenta Cooper. Floater, The large Anodontas from Crystal Lake are divisible into two groups; one is the variety of grandis described above; the other seems to be the corpulenta of Cooper, although the shells are smaller than examples of this species from other rivers. The shells referred to corpulenta are sub- rhomboid, somewhat elongated in a few of the individuals. The umbonal swelling is very pronounced, extending well downward on the shell. The anterior end is broadly rounded and the posterior end is distinctly plow- shaped and rather strongly biangulate. The epidermis is olive or brownish. The surface is very rough, the growth lines in some specimens being elevated into longitudinal ridges. As in gigantea, the inner surface is ridged and salmon-colored in many specimens due to the presence of distomid worms. No specimens of this species were seen which did not in some degree show evidences of the work of this parasite. Characteristic measurements of this shell ate given below (Z11368): Leegth, 127; height, 82; breadth, 53 mm. " 119 " 71 " 58 mm. " 128 " 70 " 50 mm. " 111 " 64 " 50 mm. 44 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [142 The large Anodontas in Crystal Lake are apparently not members of the original Salt Fork fauna. Neither grandis gigantea or corpulenia are found anywhere in the Big Vermilion drainage, at least above Middle Fork, 45 miles below Urbana. Since these shells were planted in the lake (see p. 27) they have evidently thrived and multiplied. Anodonta grandis foot- iana is parasitic in the glochidial stage on the Johnny Darters {Boleosoma nigrum, Hankinson, 1908:235) and as this fish also inhabits Crystal Lake it may have been the medium for the propagation of the alien fauna. That this fauna should have been so easily detected as alien is due to the method of examining a stream from its source to its mouth and the distinguishing of the foreign population is a striking recommendation of this mode of stream study. 16. Anodonta imbecilMs Say. Paper-Shell. This beautiful paper-shell occurs abundantly in but one place in the Salt Fork — near the cement bridge east of Sidney. Here it is of good size, grass-green in color, the rest periods showing as black longittidinal bands. The shell is easily known from all others in this State by the very flat umbonal region which is flush with the upper or dorsal margin of the shell. The largest specimen in the collection measures 75 mm. in length. Imbe- cillis was not collected or observed above the cement bridge, 19 miles down stream from Urbana. It was, also, not seen below the bed at Homer Park and it appears to inhabit only that portion of the stream between these points, a distance of about 8 miles. This mussel thrives best on a mud bot- tom in quiet water and it is not found, normally, on a sand or gravel bottom. It did not occur in our Sangamon River collections. All of the individuals from Salt Fork bear evidences of distomid infec- tion. In nearly all of the valves there are many small pearl-like blisters about the size of a pin head which are in all cases confined to the posterior two-thirds of the shell. None were noted near the anterior end. The species is peculiar and almost unique among naiades in being hermaphroditic and in carrying the glochidia within the gills until they are ready for independent life, there being no parasitic stage encysted on fish as in the case of most Unionidae (Howard, 1914:353). It has an almost continuous breeding season, glochidia or embryos having been found in the gills during almost every month of the year. The Salt Fork specimens were gravid on August 26 and contained well formed glochidia. In this mode of reproduction imbecillis is parallelled by Strophitus edentulus, which also passes through its metamorphosis without parasitism. 17. Anodontoides ferussacianus (Lea). Paper-Shell. This small naiad was found abundantly in but two places — the Middle Fork and Stony Creek near Muncie. It occurred infrequenty at all other stations. In the upper Salt Fork, north of Urbana, it was common at one 143] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER—BAKER 45 time, near Lincoln Avenue, and in Crystal Lake. Two summers collecting failed to find it common at the present time at these places. Living speci- mens were not found in the Salt Fork betwen Spoon River and the big bend below the natural dam, a distance of over four miles, and it did not occur even infrequently above Homer Park dam, a distance of 17 miles. All of the specimens collected are fresh, bright colored shells, greenish or olive with distinct grass-green rays. All but one specimen were normal in form and coloration. An individual from the cement bridge station was thicker than usual, had a short truncated posterior end and somewhat resembled small specimens of Strophitus edentulus. The beak sculpture was characteristic of Anodontoides. Pearly growths and abnormalities are rare in the shells collected. Gravid females were found September 26 and October 8. It seems to be rare in the Sangamon River, only a stray valve being found in this river near White Heath. 17a. Anodontoides ferussacianus buchanensis (Lea). Specimens from the Salt Fork near Muncie and from the Big Vermilion are referable to this variety, long known under the name subcylindracea of Lea. The variety in the Big Vermilion drainage is more elongate, more cylindrical, and has a less height in comparison with the length than in the typical form. It is also decidedly biangulate behind, a characteristic lack- ing in the typical form. At the two localities it is associated with, ferussacia- nus, but at Muncie it is the prevailing form. 18. Arcidens confragosus (Say). Rock-Shell. This species is a rare inhabitant of the Sangamon River and is not found in the Big Vermilion River. It was reported from the Sangamon River at White Heath and Monticello by Mr. James Zetek, about ten years ago. Professor Smith has not found it at Mahomet during many years of col- lecting. Recently (September 1920) a single specimen, dead, was picked up by the writer in the Sangamon River at a point about four miles above Mahomet, thus establishing its presence above White Heath. It probably lives sparingly in the river and may inhabit water too deep for examination. It has been reported from the Sangamon at Springfield (Baker, 1906:74). 19. Lasmigona (Platynaias) compressa (Lea). This characteristic species is rare in the Big Vermilion River. Several fine specimens were collected from the station three and a half miles above Homer Park in rifiles on a sand-gravel bottom. One of these shells is pathologic, the umbones being almost in the center of the shell, the anterior end having a strong depression in front of the umbones. The posterior end is much shorter than usual and is rounded instead of broadly truncate. The interior shows distomid parasitism near the posterior end with a large elongated blister near the postero-ventral margin. The pseudocardinal in 46 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [144 the right valve is elongated and thinner than in normal individuals and the lateral teeth in both valves are scarcely visible. In the left valve there is an abnormally high, long and narrow tooth under the beak. There is a pronounced lunule in front of the umbones which is absent in typical compressa. This species occurs infrequently in mud at Homer Park. In the Middle Fork a single dead and broken shell was found. No represen- tatives of this species were found in the Sangamon River. 20. Lasmigona (Lasmigona) costata Rafinesque. Fluted Shell. This characteristic mussel is fairly common at most stations visited from bench mark 655 (fifteen miles below Urbana) down the stream to Middle Fork. It probably inhabits the lower Big Vermilion to the Wabash River. Living specimens, however, were not seen above the station four miles above Homer Park dam, nearly 23 miles from Urbana. From Homer Park down stream it is a common mussel. The individuals are for the most part fine, large, heavy shells with good clean lustre. The shells from Homer Park have an olive epidermis beautifully marked with green rays. The largest individual collected measured 145 mm. in length and was found at the station three and a half miles above Homer Park dam (Z11116A). The majority of the specimens of this species are colored light salmon on the interior of the shell. Pathological individuals are rare in the collec- tions. One specimen from Salt Fork near Middle Fork, found on a sand bottom, has a large pearl blister on the posterior margin. A shell from Homer Park, taken from a gravel bottom, has an injury in the form of a crack in the shell on the outside which had been repaired on the inside by the addition of pearly matter forming a long, raised blister, 45 mm. long and 2 to 5 mm. wide (Fig. Z2)). This nodulous blister reaches almost to the center of the shell (Z11192 A). Gravid individuals were collected on October 8 and 13, 1920. The costata from the Sangamon River, where the species is common, are somewhat heavier than those from the Big Vermilion River. The shell is also less high in comparison with its length. Young individuals of this species from either river di'ainage are very rare, judging by our collec- tions. 21. Lasmigona (Pterosygna) complanata (Barnes). White Heel-Splitter. This large, roundish, flat mussel is the most abundant species in the Big Vermilion River, occurring commonly or abundantly in all parts of the stream, excepting a small stretch of about five miles near St. Joseph, from Spoon River to the neighborhood of Danville. It also probably occurs in equal abundance below Danville. The abundance of this species in Spoon River and below the station bench mark 655, with the break of five miles between the beds of living mussels, is strong evidence of the effect of sewage pollution. In this barren area only empty shells and odd valves could be 145] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 47 found after careful search; in one place, below the first bridge south of St. Joseph, dead, empty shells were abundant, but a careful search, conducted on two days, failed to discover a single living specimen. The largest and finest shells occur at Homer Park on a mud bottom in water from two to three feet deep. The largest shell from this station, a female, measured: length, 185; height, 130 mm. The species was observed to be gravid on the 6th of November, in 1918, and on October 8, in 1920. The shells of complanata are very uniform in general shape, nacre, and condition. Pearly growths or pathological forms are rare. A few specimens contained small pin-head pearls and an occasional individual had suffered slight injury to the posterior part of the shell. The presence of many young and immature specimens indicates that the species is now breeding well and that the glochidia are finding suitable fish hosts. Young shells from the Sangamon River, where the species is abundant, are more of an olive color and not as green as those from the Salt Fork and other parts of the Big Vermilion River. Old shells from both drainages are dark brown or black. 22. Alasmidonta (Pressodonta) calceola (Lea). This species has been recorded by Mr. Zetek from west of White Heath in the Sangamon River. No specimens were observed during the recent survey. As far as known it does not occur in the Big Vermilion River. 23. Alasmidonta (Rugifera) marginata Say. Elk-Toe. In the big Vermilion River, this species is found, infrequently, at most stations from bench mark 655 as far down as the stream has been examined. It is not abundant anywhere and common at but three stations — below the dam at Homer Park, south of Muncie, and in the Big Vermilion. The first station where living specimens were found is four miles above the Homer Park dam. Individuals, both above and below the dam, are of good size and fine color, the characteristic green rays being very brilliant. Specimens from Middle Fork have many black spots on the shell. The largest specimen collected from the station two miles above the Homer dam, measured 80 mm. in length and 45 mm. in height; one from the Big Vermil- ion measured 96 mm. in length and 48 mm. in height. Marginata exhibits little evidence of parasitism or abnormalities. One specimen collected from two miles above the Homer dam had several pearly growths and blisters indicating distomid infection. Gravid females were collected on October 8 and 13, 1920. This species is rare in the Sangamon River, only one specimen being found at Mahomet during a days search. Marginata is a species more com- mon in the upper waters of rivers and streams and is not, as a rule, found in any number in the larger rivers. 48 ILLINOIS BIO LOGIC A L MONOGRA PHS [1 46 24. Amygdalonaias elegans (Lea). Deer-Toe. But one specimen of this peculiar species was found. This individual was collected by Professor Smith at the big bend below the natural dam. The specimen was an empty shell, iron stained outside and inside, and apparently had not been living for a considerable time. It is typical in form but not as large as individuals from the larger rivers. The measure- ments of this specimen are: length, 57; height, 47; width, 27 mm. That but one specimen of this species should have been collected in this river drainage seems quite surprising, indicating, probably, that the species has not been able to become established. It is not found in the Sangamon River as far as known. 25. Obovaria circulus (Lea). This nearly circular mussel was collected at but five stations in the Big Vermilion River; Homer Park below the dam, near Muncie, Salt Fork near Middle Fork, in Middle Fork, and in the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork. It is infrequent at the first place and abundant only in Middle Fork, near its junction with Salt Fork, on a gravel and sand bottom, in fairly shallow water (September) and in the Big Vermilion (October). In the Big Vermilion this species is very uniform in shape and size, the ratios of height to length ranging between 70 and 90 per cent. The shells are usually nearly circular and have a distinct light yellowish-brown zone at the pos- terior margin. The nacre is pearly and there are no evidences of discolora- tion from injury or parasitism. It has not been found in the Sangamon River. As in the case of so many of our mussels whose names have become familiar, this species may have to be changed to that of siibrotunda Rafin- esque (1820). 26. Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck). Mucket. This mussel was not found above the Homer Park dam. It occurred infrequently (almost rarely) below the dam on both a mud and a gravel bottom. In the Salt Fork near its junction with Middle Fork but one dead shell was found in half a days search for a distance of nearly a mile up stream. In Middle Fork, between the interurban bridge and the mouth of the stream, it was fairly common on a gravel and fine sand bottom in shallow water near riffies. In the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork it is the most abundant mussel, attaining a length of over 135 mm. The individuals of this species are all normal specimens; the young and half-grown shells are greenish with many dark green rays of various width. Older shells are yellowish with few rays. In an old shell measuring 120 mm. in length and 75 mm. in height the rays showed but faintly (Z 11216). Evidences of distomid enfection were rare in this species in the Big Ver- 147] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 49 milion specimens. A long narrow pearly blister on the posterior margin of one specimen might have been due to the presence of the marginal distomid described by Kelly. Clark and Wilson (1912:62) found this distomid com- mon as cysts in ligamentina from the Maumee River. A specimen from the Big Vermilion had a large pearl-like blister at the lower edge of the posterior adductor muscle scar. (Z 11482 A). An abnormal shell without the animal, was found in Middle Fork. The posterior end is sharply trun- cated and bent inward in the right valve and bent outward in the left valve. The hinge teeth are much more elevated and heavier than in normal speci- mens. This abnormality was due to an injury received when the shell was about three years old. It must have lived upward of two years after receiving the injury, judging by the rest marks on the shell. This individual measures length, 84, height, 52 mm. (Z11216A). The Middle Fork and Big Vermilion shells are thick and of good, clear, peerly- white lustre. The mucket is one of the most valuable shells for the cutting of button blanks and the Middle Fork and Big Vermilion speci- mens appear to be of excellent quality for this purpose. The species from this stream could be used for glochidial infection of fish. Gravid females were collected on September 26. Ligamentina was not found in the Sanga- mon River. 27. Actinonaias ellipsiformis (Conrad), This small naiad occurs rarely at three places in the Big Vermilion River; below the dam at Homer Park, in the Salt Fork south of Muncie, and in the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork. Whether this rarity is due to a real scarcity of the mussel or to the inability of the collectors to find it, is not known. Diligent search was made in the various places visited, and the fact that but few specimens have been found by Professor Smith after years of constant collecting at Homer Park, leads to the conclusion that the species is rare in this stream. Ellipsiformis is common in the Sangamon River at Mahomet where it occurs on a sand and gravel bottom, more commonly on rifiles, where the current is rather swift. The shells from this station are not large (maximum size, length, 63, height, 31 mm.) but are very thick, with pearly- white nacre. The shape is normal, the posterior end being sharply pointed with a narrow truncation. The color is yellowish or greenish with many dark green rays, often wavy. Rest periods show as elevated longitudinal ridges, especially near the ventral mai"gin of the shell. A half-grown specimen, length 38, height 23 mm., resembles in outline young shells of Actinonaias ligamentina and if found with that species would probably be so identified. Ligamentina, however, is not found at Mahomet, and this specimen is doubtless referable to ellipsiformis. Utterbach's reference of the species to the genus Nephronaias ( = Actinonaias) is strengthened by the similarity of these shell characters, which this author has also noted (1916: 142). 50 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [148 In the largest specimen of this species, from the Sangamon River, the right valve has a large blister parallel with the postero-ventral border, measuring 17 by 7 mm., and anterior to this blister a group of twenty of more 'pin-head' pearls. There are several of these small pearls in the center of the valve. The left valve has a number of 'pin-head' pearls bordering the pallial line and one larger (1 mm.) black pearl in the center of the valve. (Z11230 A). These may have been caused by distomid parasites, although none were observed in the animals of this species. Only one shell in a dozen were thus afifected. 28. Carunculina parva (Barnes). This diminutive mussel is characteristic of the smaller tributaries of the Big Vermilion River. It occurs commonly in the ditch above Urbana and also in Spoon River. No living specimens were found between the Spoon River tributary and the station one mile above iron bridge north of Sidney, a distance of over six miles. From this station to the railroad bridge east of Sidney, a distance of three miles, this species was abundant or common. It is infrequent at Homer Park and was not found in the Salt Fork below Muncie or in Middle Fork. Its normal habitat in the Salt Fork is on a mud bottom in quiet water. At Homer Park, however, it occurs sparingly on a gravel bottom in very shallow water. The species as found in Salt Fork is normal in form but not of large size, the largest specimen observed, from the railroad bridge east of Sidney, measuring 30 mm. in length and 18 mm. in height (Z11096). The surface in the Salt Fork specimens is rayless, the color being brown from the um- bones to the center of the valve, the balance of the shell being black. Specimens from Spoon River were smaller than those from farther down the stream. Parva occurs infrequently in the Sangamon River at Mahomet on a mud or sand bottom. 29. Carunculina glans (Lea). This small mussel, which is much higher in proportion to its length than parva, is very rare in Salt Fork, where it was found at but three stations, living individuals being collected only below the dam at Homer Park. Like parva, it is a species of the smaller tributaries and its norm.al habitat is on a mud bottom. It was not found in the Sangamon River at any station examined. Frierson (1914: 7) has identified Lea's glans with the shell called Unio (Toxolasma) lividus of Rafinesque, changing the generic, name, accordingly, to Toxolasma Rafinesque. In this he is followed by Ortmann (1918:572, 573). Should these names be plainly identifiable from the original descriptions, these small shells will bear the names Toxolasma parvum (Barnes) and T. lividum Rafinesque. The writer wonders whether 149] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 51 some of these Rafinesquean names have not been adopted too hastily and whether the fact of the identified specimens in the Poulson collection has not unduly influenced the references, which, without these identifications, are not as clear. The test must be, it would seem, a clear case of identifi- cation from the writings of Rafinesque alone. 30. Eurynia (Micromya) lienosa (Conrad). The distribution of this small mussel seems to be coincident with that of Lampsilis luteola in the Big Vermilion and its tributaries. It occurred infrequently living in the Spoon River. It was not again collected in a living condition above the iron bridge north of Sidney, seven miles below Spoon River. At this place only one living specimen was found, and as far down as the cement bridge it is only infrequent. Between this point and the station three and a half miles above Homer Park dam no living specimens were found after diligent search in favorable habitats. It does not occur in any abundance above Homer Park dam; but below the dam the species is abundant and of large size. The largest specimens from Homer Park measure: length, 65; height, 31; breadth, 28 mm. (male); length, 55; height, 34; breadth, 25 mm. (female). In Salt Fork near its junction with Middle Fork it is abundant and in the Middle Fork it is common. The species varies somewhat in coloration. From Homer Park up- stream the color is black or dark brown with rarely faint indications of rays. Specimens from Middle Fork and Salt Fork near Middle Fork are more of a chestnut color, slightly reddish, often with quite distinct rays. By arranging the different lots by consecutive stations down the river it may be at once observed that there is a marked and striking increase in size, the increase being in some cases as much as 50 percent between Spoon River and Homer Park. The Homer Park shells are on the average some- what larger than those from farther down the stream and from Middle Fork. The shells of many individuals of this species contain pearly growths in the form of blisters and 'pin-head' pearls. These occur near the margin of the valve, more frequently near the posterior end near the siphonal region. Gravid females were collected at Homer Park on July 30. Lienosa was not collected from the Sangamon River and no records have been seen of its occurrence in that stream. 31. Eurynia (Micromya) iris (Lea). A broken valve of this species was found in Middle Fork below the interurban bridge. The rays are distinct and the shell seems typical. It measures, length 37, height 21 mm. It appears to be a very rare shell in the parts of the Big Vermilion examined but may be more abundant 52 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [150 below the stations examined where the river is larger. Iris has not been recorded from the Sangamon River. 32. Lampsilis luteola (Lamarck). Fat Mucket. The mussel known among fishermen as the fat mucket is common or abundant almost everywhere in the Big Vermilion and Sangamon rivers. It has been killed by the sewage of the Salt Fork from St. Joseph to bench mark 655, a distance of five miles down the stream, but the number of dead and empty shells found almost everywhere between these points indicates that at one time, not very remote, it was common continuously from Spoon River, where it now lives in some abundance, to the Wabash River. Below the dam at Homer Park it is very common and of large size, and this abun- dance continues down the stream and was also noted in the tributary Mid- dle Fork. At Mahomet on the Sangamon River it is also abundant. There is great variation both in form and coloration among the shells of this species in all of the habitats examined. The male shells are usually pointed at the posterior end and are elongated and somewhat compressed. From this form they vary by being quadrate in outline with a distinctly plow-shaped posterior end, corpulent and almost cylindrical, or flattened and oval, in this form greatly resembling Actinonaias ligamentina, from which they may be distinguished by the numerous double-looped ridges on the umbones. The female shells do not differ so greatly in shape, the post-basal swelling for the accommodation of the enlarged branchial marsu- pium giving more uniformity to the shell, the variation being principally in the width o f the shell, which in old specimens is very pronounced. Male shells greatly predominate in the collections. In color there is every gradation between a bright yellow shell with distinct, narrow dark green rays, to a shell that is dark yellowish or brownish without rays or with the rays only faintly developed. A few specimens are dark brown or even pinkish with narrow, greenish rays. Young shells are very brightly rayed, the rays being dark grass-green on a light yellowish background, forming a beautiful surface ornamentation. The rays on the adult shells may be narrow or broad, or the broad rays may be made up of many fine rays, which may also be a trifle wavy. The nacre in all specimens examined from the two rivers here considered is pearly white, unmarked by color of any kind. The largest specimens seen occur at Homer Park; measurements of these are given below: Length, 110; height, 59; breadth, 35 mm. Male " 116 " 68 " 40 mm. Male " 116 " 69 " 46 mm. Female " 100 " 65 " 48 mm. Female Pearly growths were observed in many of the specimens collected. Occasionally a few pin-head pearls occur in a valve but the greatest number 151] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 53 of abnormalities consist of cyst-like pearly growths near the posterior end, in or near the adductor muscle and pallial line. These may occur in one or both valves. Occasionally the anterior adductor scar is almost wholly changed in character by these abnormal growths. In several shells the space between the pallial line and the margin of the valve is stained purple or brown, accompanied by few or many blisters of various sized. The posterior end of the shell may also be affected so that it ceases to grow, forming a blunt posterior end marked by blisters and discolorations. Whether this condition is due to distomid infection as mentioned by Wilson and Clark (1912 63) as occurring in Actinonaias ligamentina from the Maum^ee River is not known definitely, but the inference is strong that it is. It is noteworthy that the largest number of individuals affected by parasitism or other injurious agencies occurred in the upper part of the Salt Fork above Homer Park dam. Specimens collected from stations below the dam, including Middle Fork, were as a whole remarkably free from pearly growths or discolorations. Occasional individuals from Maho- met, on the Sangamon River, have round, pin-head pearls in the shell. Though no distomids were observed in the animals of luteola it is quite probable that these pearls and blisters, which were observed for the most part in empty shells, were caused by distomid larvae, possibly the mar- ginal cyst described by Wilson and Clark (1912:62). Many young shells of luteola were collected and many more observed, indicating that the species is breeding freely from the Homer Park section of the stream down- ward. No young shells were seen above the Homer Park dam. Gravid females were observed at several places in September and October. A specimen collected at Mahomet (Z11223 A) somewhat resembles Actinonaias ligamentina in the form of the shell, absence of strong umbonal markings and heavy hinge teeth; it seems to be one of those individuals which has led many students to say that ^^ligamentina runs into luteola.'^ The shell is free of all abnormalities and has a clear pearly-white nacre. It measures, length 87, height 54, breadth 30 mm. 33. Lampsilis ventricosa (Barnes). Pocket-Book. This large fine species was not collected in Salt Fork above the station about two miles north of Sidney, 16 miles below Urbana. As it does not occur in Spoon River (as far as known from our collections) it is probably a species that does not inhabit the smaller tributary streams. From the station mentioned as far down stream as the river has been examined, including Middle Fork, ventricosa is common or abundant in most places. Below Homer Park dam it is abundant and of large size, and more or less ponderous. The largest female shell was found at Homer Park and the largest male shell in Salt Fork near Middle Fork. These shells measure as follows: Length, 138; height, 60; breadth. 56 mm. Male " 117 " 60 " 60 mm. Female 54 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [152 Shells from the Sangamon River are equally large. The shape of the shell is fairly constant and there is little variation except in the females, which are rounder posteriorly and have a large post- basal swelling for the enlarged marsupia. In color the Big Vermilion shells are all yellowish with dark green rays on the posterior slope. No specimen was seen in this river that was rayed all over. Very old specimens are entirely rayless. At Mahomet, on the Sangamon River, the yellow shell occurs and also another form in which the shell is yellowish-green with bright, grass-green rays, often of considerable width. One specimen is in outline like Actinonaias ligamentina and the surface is densely covered with dark green rays. Two other specimens have green rays on a pink background, have pink hinge teeth, and the whole interior of the shell is pinkish. These bright colored shells are the form called occidens by Lea. These pink shells and the specimens with the numerous green rays are so strikingly different from the ventricosa as found in the Big Vermilion and also from the other shells found in the Sangamon, that the name occidens might be retained for these shells for ecological purposes. The color is not an age stage, for young yellow ventricosa were found associated with these distinctly rayed forms, and the rayed forms were collected at Mahomet and were not found at White Heath in the Sangamon. The river below Mahomet has not been carefully searched, however, and the occidens form may occur in some of this unexplored territory. It is also to be noted that, as far as the material from these two rivers is concerned, the beak sculpture of the occidens type of shell is very much larger and coarser than in the ventricosa iyp^ {ZWlll). This form falls under the group of individuals called mutations by DeVries and others. Ortmann (1918:583) makes ventricosa a variety or race of ovata (Say). As far as the authors' experience goes, this seems unwarranted, the two species being as easily separable as many other closely allied species. Individual specimens from Illinois localities approach ovata in that the posterior ridge is somewhat accentuated, but no specimens have been seen that could not be placed readily in one species or the other. Ovata is reported from the Ohio River in Illinois by Marsh but this species is more southern in its distribution, reaching its maximum development in Ala- bama and Tennessee. Ventricosa is a more northern species attaining its maximum development in the rivers of Illinois and Indiana. Ventricosa is subject to the attack of distomid worms as well as to parasitism by mites (Unionicola) and the material of this species from the Big Vermilion have suffered more or less from this cause. Blisters, pin- head pearls and various abnormalities occur in many individuals. Among the shells collected at the station one mile above iron bridge north of Sid- ney there are several individuals of this sort. One has a large blister ex- tending nearly the whole length of the ventral margin and covering the 153] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 55 space between the margin and the pallial line. This was evidently formed by distomid parasites (Z11058 A). Another specime i from the same lot (Z11058 B) has a large group of pearls (over 100) filling the space between the ventral margin and the pallial line over an area of about two inches. Other specimens have an abnormally thickened ventral margin in addition to blisters, indicating the presence of some irritating material between the shell and the mantle lobes, probably mud or sand (Z11149 A). A specimen from Mahomet had suflFered a curious injury which had caused a large blister extending from the upper third of the posterior end to the center of the ventral margin, a distance of about three inches. This was plainly due to the presence of a quantity of mud getting in between the shell and the mantle, a small amount of this material being retained under the cylindrical blister on the ventral margin. The outside of the shell was so perfectly repaired that there was no evidence of the pathologi- cal condition within the shell (Z11202 A). Fig. 35. This injury was only in the left valve, the right valve being normal. Nearly all of these pearly growths, blisters, and abnormalities have been noted to occur almost universally without the pallial line, between this muscle attachment and the ventral, anterior, and posterior margins of the shell. This limited area is easily understood when it is remembered that the adductor muscles and the pallial line form a barrier to the entrance of foreign material because the muscles at these points are firmly attached to the shell and parasites or foreign material cannot readily gain entrance to the interior of the animal between the mantle and the shell. This is true of all the shells of other species examined from these two river systems. It was noted that pearly growths and abnormalities were rarer in the shells from the Middle Fork and from Salt Fork near the Middle Fork than from Homer Park and up the stream from this habitat. The shells from the Sangamon River at Mahomet were much less subject to parasitism or abnormalities than those from the Big Vermilion River. Young shells of ventricosa were common only in Middle Fork, in Salt Fork near Middle Fork, and in the Sangamon River at Mahomet. No young shells were collected from the stream above the dam at Homer Park. Gravid females were observed on Septem.ber 26 in the Salt Fork near Middle Fork in the act of spawning. The shells were buried in the sand, only the tips of the siphons showing above the general level of the bottom of the stream. The bright yellow siphon fringes, which are enlarged during the spawning period, were observed to wave about with graceful undula- tory motion. The movements were more or less intermittent, a waving period being followed by a resting stage. These mussels had well formed glochidia and were evidently discharging the embryos from the marsupia. These glochidia are of the bookless type and develop in the mouth of fish and the undulatory motions possibly attract these fish which may be thus 56 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [154 more easily infected with the glochidia, as suggested by Wilson and Clark (1912:13, 14). This undulatory motion of the siphon fringes is so striking that it at once attracts the attention of an observer,even if this person is not interested in the study of these creatures. Its habit of burying itself so deeply in the mud or sand of the bottom (four to seven inches) renders this species difficult to collect, especially if the sand be packed rather hard and the water is eighteen or more inches in depth, as frequently occurs. This condition was found in several of the Salt Fork habitats. Gravid females were also collected from other localities in October. 34. Lampsilis multiradiata (Lea). This handsome mussel occurs rarely at but three stations, Homer Park, near Muncie, and in Middle Fork. It is common in the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork. The specimens from the Salt Fork Stations are all small for the species, being not over half the size of individuals from White River, near Muncie, Indiana, and the hinge teeth are much weaker than those from Indiana streams. This is especially true of the pseudo- cardinal teeth which are narrower and more elongated than the speci- mens examined from other streams. Individuals from Homer Park are brilliantly rayed, grass green on a yellowish ground. Middle Fork specimens are not as brilliantly rayed, the general color being yellowish with scanty rays. The largest specimens collected measure as follows, a specimen from Muncie, Indiana also being included for comparison: Length, 34; height, 22 mm. Homer Park. " 43 " 31 mm. Middle Fork. Male " 69 " 55 mm. Big Vermilion. Female " 85 " 64 mm. Muncie, Ind. Female This species is rare in Illinois waters, judging by the few records available. These indicate, however, a wide range over the State, from Cook County to southern Illinois (Baker, 1906:64). Ortmann (1918:584, 1920:309) adopts the na.Tne fasciola of Rafinesque (1820) for this species, stating that the original description of Rafinesque is definite enough to indicate without much question a shell of the multiradiata type. If this be so, then Lea's very appropriate name must give place to the one used at an earlier date by Rafinesque. The species has not been recorded from the Sangamon River. 35. Lampsilis anodontoides (Lea). Yellow Sand Shell. This fine shell, which is usually abundant throughout Illinois waters, was collected at only three stations in the Big Vermilion River, all of which were below the dam at Homer Park. The largest and finest in- dividuals occur at Homer Park and the smallest were collected in Middle Fork. Specimens from the first named station have a yel- 155J FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 57 lowish shell with little or no indication of rays. Middle Fork specimens include yellowish shells without rays, as well as, more rarely, individ- uals with rather bright, wide rays, approaching in this respect the related species fallaciosa of Simpson. The largest specimens from the two localities measure as follows: Length, 124; height 57; breadth 47 mm. Male, Homer Park. 90 " 41 " 33 mm. Female, Middle Fork. The nacre is tinted with pinkish or salmon color. Pearly growths are not uncommon in specimens from the Big Vermilion. These are in the form of blisters and pin-head pearls, which are usually confined to the margin of the shell between the pallial line and the external margin of the valve. One individual from Homer Park had the entire area between the pallial line and the ventral margin of the shell abnormally enlarged and thickened, due possibly to the presence of distomid larvae and to some extent to the intrusion of small amounts of soil between the mantle and the animal (Z11147A). Specimens from Middle Fork are, as a rule, free from pearls and abnormal growths. Gravid females were found on September 26 in Middle Fork, and on July 30 in Salt Fork at Homer Park. Anodontoides has not been recorded from the Sangamon River at Mahomet or in the other places examined. The early writers. Say, Conrad, and others, have identified this species with the Elliptio teres of Rafinesque (1820) and if the shell is clearly identi- fiable from the description of Rafinesque the familiar name of Lea must become a synonym. 36. Truncilla (Pilea) perplexa rangiana (Lea). Four specimens of this race of perplexa are in the naiad collection of the Museum of Natural History, University of Illinois, collected by Mr. A. A. Hinkley, in the Big Vermilion River at Danville. Three are females and one is a male. They are much smaller than specimens from Florence, Alabama, where the species attains its greatest develop- ment. The miale and largest female shell measure as follows, corre- sponding measurements being also given for the Alabama shells. Length, 41; height, 29; breadth, 22 mm. Danville, male, Z3770. " 44 " 34 " 20 mm. Danville, female, Z3770. " 55 " 43 " 32 mm. Alabama male, Z3947. " 73 " 53 " 35 mm. Alabama female, Z3947. As no specimens of Truncilla were found in the Big Vermilion or its tributaries as far down as Middle Fork, which is but a few miles west of Danville, this species evidently does not inhabit the stream above the locality from which Hinkley collected his shells. Truncilla perplexa as well as its variety rangiana is known in Illinois only from the Ohio 58 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [156 and Wabash rivers. The small size of the Danville specimens may be due to the fact of their inhabiting the upper part of their distributional range, in a rather small river. Rafinesque's name torulosa has been used by Conrad, Agassiz, Reeve, and Ortmann for Truncilla perplexa and if the original description is clear enough to reasonably fix the shell as Lea's perplexa this form will stand as Truncilla torulosa rangiana (Lea). Neither perplexa or rangiana are known from the Sangamon River. FAMILY SPHAERIIDAE 37. Sphaerium striatinum (Lamarck). Variety. This finger-nail clam occurs abundantly only in the ditch north of Urbana. It also occurred infrequently in Spoon River, and near the iron bridge in Salt Fork north of Sidney. Dead specimens were found at bench mark 655 and below the Homer Park dam. Sterki remarks of this form "possibly a form of striatinum Lam; apparently the same as a Sphaerium from Iowa and other places which for many years has been left unnamed, except in manuscript. It still seems impossible to say where the limits of striatinum are." The writer fully agrees with Dr. Sterki regarding the variation in this common species. This variety appears quite distinct from the ordinary specimens of the species and it is to be hoped that Dr. Sterki will give it a name. It is noteworthy that the form occurs commonly only in the drainage ditch above Urbana and was not found in any numbers below this place. A Sphaerium identified as striatinum byZetek some years ago, occurring in Crystal Lake, was doubtless this form. 38. Sphaerium stamineum (Conrad). This small mussel is abundant at several places in Salt Fork above Sidney. It occurs only infrequently at two other places. Reported by Zetek from Crystal Lake. Some of the shells are typical but others are similar to straitinum and it is difficult to separate some specimens from that species. At the station called bench mark 655 a form of this species occurs that is somewhat like the variety forbesi Baker, described from Mason County, Illinois. 39. Sphaerium solidulum (Prime). An abundant species in the Spoon River and in the Salt Fork above Sidney. Occurs rarely at other places. Reported by Zetek from Crystal Lake. On the whole this species is quite uniform in characters, 40. Sphaerium species. A Sphaerium occurs abundantly in Salt Fork below the Homer Park dam which is thought by Sterki to be possibly a new species. It is related to solidulum but is larger and more robust (mus. no. Z11383). It lives in 157] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 59 shallow water on a more or less rocky bottom a short distance below the dam. 41. Musculium transversum (Say). This fragile finger-nail clam is apparently rare in Salt Fork and its tributaries, occurring only in Salt Fork near Sidney, It has been reported from Crystal Lake by Zetek. The specimens are typical. 42. Musculium truncatum Linsley. This very small clam was found only in the old river bed near the cemetery north of Urbana. Here it is common and typical. 43. Musculium partumeium (Say). Reported by Zetek from Crystal Lake. It has not been found recently. 44. Pisidium compressum Prime. This small clam occurs in abundance only at the iron bridge north of Sidney. A few specimens were found below the natural dam in Salt Fork. The individuals are quite typical. 45. Pisidium kirklandi Sterki. A single specimen of this species was foumd at the iron bridge north of Sidney. It is apparently very rare. 46. Pisidium splendidulum Sterki. A few specimens of this tiny species were found in the Salt Fork near Muncie. The individuals are young and not quite typical. The distribution of the Sphaeriidae in Salt Fork is interesting and significant in connection with the sewage pollution of the stream. It will be noted that no Sphaeriidae were found in the Salt Fork between the Urbana ditch and the station called natural dam, 14 miles below Urbana. These mussels are characteristic mud dwellers and their absence from the intervening territory in the stream is striking evidence of the unfavorable conditions on the bottom. They were not found in abundance above bench mark 655. It will also be noted that Sphaerium appears, living, before Pisidium and is also found in abundance higher up the stream. This may mean that Sphaerium is better able to withstand these adverse conditions than Pisidium, which is more of a mud dweller. Pisidium is much less common everywhere in the stream and but one species occurs abundantly at one place (Table IV). FAMILY PLEUROCERIDAE 47. Pleurocera elevatum (Say). This long-spired snail is rare or wanting in most parts of the Big Vermilion River. Two white, weathered specimens of this species were found below the natural dam in Salt Fork. They may have been washed 60 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [158 from a post-glacial fossil deposit. None were found either alive or dead in any other part of the Big Vermilion examined, excepting the two speci- mens mentioned above. In the Sangamon River, at Mahomet, elevatum is very abundant on a sandy bottom in water a foot in depth (low water period). The speci- mens are large (maximum length 35 mm.) and vary in color from light yel- lowish to black or dark chestnut with a light zone below the suture. The characteristic peripheral keel is developed on the majority of specimens and ascends the spire just above the suture. In a few individuals this keel is absent and the body whorl is rounded. Many intermediate forms occur connecting these rounded shells with the more distinctly keeled forms. Usually there are from one to six spiral ridges on the base of the shell extend- ing longitudinally parallel with the peripheral keel. The strongly carinate whorls of the young shell are six in number and these lose their sharpness more or less abruptly on the seventh whorl. No individuals were seen in which the protoconch or nucleus of the first whorl was preserved. Young and half-grown specimens have two brown bands on the spire whorls and four bands on the body whorl and base of the shell. This species also occurs in the Sangamon at White Heath, and it has been found in several Pleisto- cene deposits near Mahomet, the white shells of the fossils being washed out of the bank by periods of high water. 48. GonJobasis livescens Menke. This river snail occurred in but four places in Salt Fork, It was infrequent at bench mark 655 and abundant just below the dam at Homer Park and near Muncie. It is abundant in the big Vermilion below Middle Fork. It has been identified by local naturalists as Goniohasis pulchella Anthony and has been reported as this species by other students as from the Big Vermilion River (Baker, 1906:98). Specimens were sent to Mr. Calvin Goodrich, who is making a study of this family, and were identified as livescens. I quite agree with Mr. Goodrich that they are livescens rather than pulchella. Young and immature specimens are banded like Goniobasis depygis Say. Goniohasis semicarinaia Say is reported from the Big Vermilion River by Marsh (Baker, 1906:98) but no specimens have been seen from this stream. The species may live in the river below Danville or the citation may be based on long-spired livescens. FAMILY AMNICOLIDAE 49. Pomatiopsis lapidaria (Say). This tiny snail is abundant in small, cold streams flowing into the Sangamon River. At one locality, about three-fourths of a mile below Mahomet, it was extremely abundant in a small brook about two feet 159] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 61 wide and not exceeding six inches in depth. The bottom was of mud and fine sand. The largest specimen measures 7 mm. in length. This spe- cies was not collected from streams flowing into the Big Vermilion River. 50. Amnicola limosa (Say). This common Amnicola occurred at three stations, only two of these yielding living specimens. At the station above the iron bridge north of Sidney, the shells were secured by sweeping the vegetation bordering the shore with the Walker dredge. The lifnosa from the Salt Fork are rather corpulent but are not as globular as the variety known as porata (Say). It is noteworthy that this species (and in fact the genus) should be found only in a stretch of the stream three miles in length, from 16 to 19 miles below Urbana. None were seen below the dam. Individuals were rare and difficult to find. Near the cement bridge east of Sidney, dead shells occurred among water plants {Nymphaea advena) but no living specimens could be found. Limosa was not collected at the stations in the San- gamon River. 51. Amnicola (Cincinnatia) clncinnatiensis (Anthony). This Amnicola occurred rarely, but living, at but two stations in the Salt Fork, 16 and 17 miles below Urbana. The largest and only adult individual collected measures 6 mm. in length. Several half-grown shells were found. About two years ago Mr. James Zetek found cincinnatiensis near St. Joseph. A careful search of this region, both in the Salt Fork and in the small streams flowing into Salt Fork, failed to produce a single specimen of this species. During the intervening ten years the species appears to have died out, either from the effect of sewage pollution or from some other unknown cause. FAMILY VIVIPARIDAE 52. Campeloma rufum (Haldeman). The Campelomas of the Big Vermilion all appear to be referable to Haldeman's rufum. The shell is more or less pinkish, especially on the spire. One specimen from the iron bridge north of Sidney resembles Haldeman's figure 1 on plate 3 of the Monograph, which is the type of rufum. Specimens from Homer Park, below the dam, are strongly suggestive of integrum (Say), many of the individual shells being like Binney's figure 96 which represents Say's integrum. With these are short-spired shells recalling the obesum of Lewis as figured by Binney (figure 95). These are not quite like the figures of Lewis (1875, pi. 23, figs. 4-5) which are rather broader. Variation in rufum seems to parallel that of integrum in the length of the spire. Typical integrum has a white aperture and a bright green shell devoid of the peculiar pink tint of rufum. 62 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [160 The rujum from Homer Park have the spire whorls more or less gibbous, strongly shouldered, the first three whorls seeming to be telescoped into the later whorls. In this respect they resemble integrum ohesum as sug- gested above. Measurements of a few of the Homer Park specimens are given below (Z11168): Length, 37; breadth, 24; aperture length, 21; breadth, 14 mm. " 33 " 22 " " 19 " 13 mm. " 30 " 21 " " 18 " 12 mm. To this and other lots of Campelomae from the Big Vermilion River the statement of Lewis may be well applied: "These and many other forms in my collection, all part of a series, go far to show that it is unsafe to attempt to decide the limits of species from a few individuals" (1875:337). The distribution of this species in Salt Fork is interesting and sug- gestive. Living specimens, small and few in number, were found over two miles upstream in Spoon River. Dead, mostly old and bleached shells, were collected at nearly all stations in the Salt Fork, but living shells of rufum were not seen above the station two miles north of Sidney. Here only one living specimen could be found. A mile farther down the stream another living specimen was collected. The presence of so many dead shells with so few living individuals above the Homer Park dam indicates clearly an unfavorable environmicnt. There are many normal and favor- able habitats for this moUusk in this stretch of nearly twenty miles in Salt Fork and the unfavorable agencies must be wholly those contributed by Man — the disposal of sewage and other wastes by means of this stream. Below Homer Park dam the species is abundant and as fine as can be found anywhere. Rufum is rare on a sand and gravel bottom and abundant on a mud bottom. The Campelomae from the Sangamon River at Mahomet are also refer- able to rufum. The spire is longer and the shell narrower, however, than in the Salt Fork specimens, and there is no tendency to vary toward the obesum form of shell. The interior of the aperture is slightly pinkish. One specimen from Mahomet has a very heavy shell recalling the subsoUdum of Anthony, a common species in most parts of Illinois but absent from either of the rivers under consideration. Reversed individuals are rare, only one specimen being found in the Sangamon River, a mile below Mahomet. This is a young individual. The air-breathing snails, belonging to the genera Physa, Ferrissia, Planorbis, and Galba, are better able to withstand the ill effects of sew- age and other stream pollution than are their relatives, the snails and clams that take their oxygen directly from the water (dissolved oxygen). They were therefore found in Salt Fork in places where the water breathers were entirely wanting, as at St. Joseph and the first stations below. It has 161] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 63 been observed in other places, notably in the Genesee River, at Rochester, N. Y., where sewage pollution was at one time very severe, that these pulmonate water snails were the last to succumb to the toxic influences of pollution and they have been known to live in water that was filled with putrescent matter and also in water strongly impregnated with arsenic. When these snails begin to disappear, conditions must indeed be deplorable. FAMILY ANCYLIDAE 53. Ferrissia rivularis (Say). River Limpet. The tiny limpet-like shell known as Ancylus {Ferrissia) rivularis was very abundant in parts of Salt Fork, its usual habitat being the inside of empty valves of the naiades. The individuals are large (6.4 mm. in length) and fine and apparently normal in form. This species was found alive at St. Joseph where pollutional conditions are bad, and was also abundant at the stations lower down the stream where living mussels or pectinibran- chiate snails were very rare or absent. Ancyli were not observed in Spoon River, in Middle Fork, or below the dam at Homer Park. Found by Mr. Zetek in the Sangamon River at White Heath. 54. Ferrissia tardus Say. River Limpet. This Ancylus is in the author's collection from White Heath and Monticello, Sangamon River, and from the Salt Fork near Urbana, col- lected by Mr. Zetek and identified by Dr. Bryant Walker. No tardus were collected during the present survey. 55. Gundlachia meekiana Stimpson. Specimens of this characteristic mollusk are in the author's collection from Crystal Lake, Urbana, collected by Mr. Zetek in August 1904, and identified by Dr. Walker. None were seen during the present survey. In the catalogue of the Mollusca of Illinois (Baker, 1906: 101, 102) Ancylus {Ferrissia) shimekii Pilsbry is recorded from Salt Fork, Urbana, and Ancylus {Laevapex) kirklandi Walker from Crystal Lake, Urbana. These species were contained in the collection of the State Laboratory of Natural History. A recent examination of the material upon which these records are based indicates that there has been an error in the habitat given. None are from the Salt Fork or Crystal Lake. Ancylus kirklandi, identified by Walker, is in the laboratory collection from Havana, Illinois River (Nos. 13792, 13811, 24123) and Elizabethtown, Illinois (No. 24527). Ancylus shimekii (No. 24541) is in a bottle with Ancylus rivularis, both identified by Walker. The bottle is without locality and no record was found in the laboratory catalogs of the specimens bearing this number. It is evident, therefore, that these species of Ancylus must be eliminated from the list of the fauna of Salt Fork. 64 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [162 FAMILY PHYSIDAE 56. Physa gyrina Say. Tadpole Snail. This snail is usually abundant wherever found. In the old cut-offs of the Salt Fork above Urbatia, as well as in the ditch north of Urbana, it is abundant and quite typical with long, slender shell and spire, the immature individuals with a short, dome-shaped spire. Below St. Joseph, where it occurs sparingly, the shell is broader and even in adult ''specimens the spire is more or less dome-shaped. Gyrina is more common above than below the dam at Homer Park. The species is more characteristic of slow- moving, pond-like bodies of water than of larger streams. It occurs also in Stony Creek near Muncie, in a small pond near Middle Fork, and in the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork. 57. Physa crandalli Baker. Specimens of a Physa with a shouldered whorls, a wide body whorl, the shell thick and heavy for the genus are referred to crandalli. This mollusk is abundant in the drainage ditch above Urbana associated with gyrina. None were found in the cut offs of the old stream and the species probably does not inhabit the pond-like habitats in which gyrina is usually found, preferring running water. The specimens referred to sayii Tappan, from Urbana (BakeT, 1906:99) are also this species. It is noteworthy that living specimens of this species were collected at St. Joseph where polluted conditions are bad. None were found below the iron bridge one mile north of Sidney, or in any part of the Salt Fork below this point. Charac- teristic specimens were collected in the Big Vermilion below Middle Fork, on a stony bottom in riffles. FAMILY PLANORBIDAE 58. Planorbis (Helisoma) trivolvis Say. Wheel Snail. This species of wheel snail is apparently not common in Salt Fork, only scattering specimens being found along the stream. It occurred more abundantly in a small stream, dry in summer, which runs through low. swampy ground on the east bank of Salt Fork south of the interurban bridge at St. Joseph. Living trivolvis were not found in the stream above the first bridge below St. Joseph, twelve miles below Urbana. Even this air-breathing snail seems to be unable to live in any abundance in the polluted water of South Fork. 59. Planorbis (Helisoma) pseudotrivolvis Baker. This recently described wheel snail (Baker, 1920:123) occurs abun- dantly in the old stream bed (cut-offs) of the Salt Fork near the Woodlawn cemetery, Urbana, and it is here the predominating species of the genus, true trivolvis being rare. The differences between this species and trivolvis 163] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 65 have been clearly pointed out in the paper referred to above. Two speci- mens, one living, referable to this species were found in Salt Fork about two miles below St. Joseph, associated with typical trivolvis. 60. Planorbis (Helisoma) antrosus Conrad. A single, small, bleached shell of this species was found near the cement bridge northeast of Sidney. It may have been washed from a Pleistocene fossil deposit near by. None were collected living. 61. Planorbis (Gyraulua) parvus Say. This small species was found in limited number associated with Planor- bis trivolvis and Galba parva in the low ground subject to spring overflow south of the interurban bridge at St. Joseph. It was typical in form as compared with authentic specimens collected near Philadelphia by Dr. H. A. Pilsbry. None were found in Salt Fork or in the Sangamon River. FAMILY LYMNAEIDAE 62. Galba parva (Lea). This tiny pond snail was found at but one place in the Salt Fork. A dead shell was obtained at the iron bridge, a mile north of Sidney. In the low ground south of the interurban bridge at St. Joseph before referred to, parva occurs abundantly in the bed of a small stream which has water in it only in spring and early summer. On the Sangamon River, this species was noted in abundance on wet mud flats bordering the margin of the stream. This locality was about three-fourths of a mile below Mahomet. The polluted water at St. Joseph appears to have little effect on this species or the other pulmoniferous mollusks associated with it. It is probable that at the times of high water so much oxygen is mixed with the upper layer which overflows these low places that the ill effect of sewage pollution, from decomposition of organic matter, is so reduced in quantity and quality as to be little noticed by these air-breathers. 63. Galba humilis modicella (Say). This is usually a very common species where it occurs at all. It is rare, however, in the Big Vermilion, scattered specimens, mostly dead shells, being found at four stations. It was collected living in the drainage ditch above Urbana, in Crystal Lake (Zetek), and a large typical individual was found alive on the mud bordering the stream a short distance below the mouth of Spoon River in Salt Fork west of St. Joseph. The species occurs sparingly in the Sangamon River associated with Galba parva at the locality mentioned under that species. In a small pond in the gravel pit north of the interurban tracks west of the Middle Fork, modicella occurs living among cat-tails {Typha) associated with Physa gyrina. 66 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [164 64. Galba obrussa (Say), Obrussa occurs in Stony Creek near Muncie, collected by Mr. John R. Malloch, May 29, 1919. The specimens are typical though small. 65. Galba caperata (Say). This species occurs abundantly in swampy woodlands bordering the Salt Fork about three miles north of Urbana, the ground in dry weather being almost paved with the dead shells of this snail. Some of the snails escape the dry period by crawling into cracks and holes and there hiber- nating. This species has not been found in or near Salt Fork or the other tributaries of the Big Vermilion River. Because of its preference for small, summer-dry ponds and pools this Galba will not be found, probably, in any part of the streams herein considered. 165] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 67 POLLUTION OF SALT FORK BY SEWAGE AND MANUFACTURING WASTES GENERAL NATURE OF STREAM POLLUTION Stream pollution may be broadly divided into two main divisions: contamination by organic sewage from cities and towns and by chemical wastes from factories and mines. Both are inimical to life but the latter is especially fatal to animal life, causing wide stretches of otherwise fertile streams to become veritable deserts. Organic sewage, in a crude or highly concentrated form, is also very injurious, effectually eliminating most forms of life from the polluted body of water. The importance and seriousness of the problem of stream pollution in its effect on the life of the rivers and streams into which the contaminating material is discharged has not until very recently been given the attention the subject demands. The diminishing fish supply, and in many places the very objectionable physical character of the polluted waters, have caused the authorities of several states to pass laws governing the discharge of these wastes into streams and the establishment of penalties for dis- regarding these laws. New York and Massachusetts have led in the fram- ing of these laws and other states are following the good example set by these two older commonwealths, where the conditions seem to have reached a maximum of harmfulness (see Ward, 1918, 1919). During recent years stream pollution has enormously increased and the problems arising from this condition have been investigated by many biologists and sanitary engineers. The former have studied the problem from the viewpoint of its effect on the useful animal life, especially fishes and river mussels, and this phase probably bears as close a relation to human welfare as any other. Of course, from the standpoint of health, the pollution problem is of paramount importance because of its bearing on such diseases as typhoid fever which may be caused by a polluted water supply. Perhaps the worst effect of chemical pollution is to be found in the streams of western Pennsylvania, where water heavily loaded with oil or acid water from coal mines is permitted to flow into the rivers and streams of this part of the state. Studies by Ortmann (1909) show that whole stretches of the Allegheny, Ohio, and Monongahela rivers have been made into deserts, as far as the animal life is concerned, by the large amount of poisonous substances discharged into these streams by the mines, oil indus- 68 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [166 tries, and chemical and other factories that border these rivers. In the Susquehanna River the same condition prevails in many places (Leighton, 1904). Such pollution causes a complete extermination of the fauna (and largely of the flora) and leaves the streams in such condition that restocking by either natural or artificial means is practically impossible. Pollution by sewage, when the polluting material is of small percentage as compared with the pure water of the stream (as 200 to 1), causes little inconvenience to the animal life and is doubtless of some benefit because of the additional food material that is added (Forbes and Richardson, 1919: 146). But the streams seldom remain long in this innoxious condition, the sewage becoming more and more concentrated until the whole stream may be supersaturated with noxious substances, the amount of oxygen in saturation reduced, and the biota finally driven out or killed. The Illinois River is one of the most striking examples of the effect of sewage pollution on the life of a stream. Under the direction of Dr. S. A. Forbes, studies of this river have been carried on for more than forty-two years (since 1877) and a mass of reliable data has been gathered. The open- ing of the Chicago Drainage Canal in 1890 produced most revolutionary changes in the life of the Illinois river, by the discharge into it of the sewage of Chicago as well as commercial wastes from this city and other places along the river (Forbes and Richardson, 1913, 1919). The effect of this sewage pollution has been to cause the animal life to be almost excluded from the upper parts of the river. That the polluted condition is creeping down stream is shown by comparisons of collections made in 1911 with those made in 1918. In the earlier years a foul-water fungus disappeared from the river near Starved Rock; in 1918 it v/as found at Henry and Lacon, 35 and 41 miles farther down the river (Forbes and Richardson, 1919:145). At the present time (1919) optimum conditions and a normal river fauna are not encountered until Peoria is reached, a distance of about 120 miles from the chief source of pollution at Lockport. Sewage from the towns and cities along the river also contribute to the general septic condition. A striking example of the deadly effect of sewage pollution on the mussel life of a stream is given by Wilson and Clark (1912:34) in their study of the Kankakee River mussel fauna. "The DesPlaines River, which joins the Kankakee to form the Illinois River, is simply an immense sewer bringing down the Chicago sewage. Both rivers, but especially the DesPlaines, are full of the characteristic algae and other vegetation whicli grow in such waters^ and the combination of a copious vegetation with the sewage has effectually killed off all the mussels in the vicinity. Not a single living specimen could be found in either river; but there were hun- dreds of dead shells along the banks, most of these old and well bleached, but still capable of identification." This statement, of course, applies only 167] FAUNA OF BIG VERMIUON RJVER— BAKER 69 to the lower part of the Kankakee River where the influence of the polluted DesPlaines has worked upstream for some distance. The Kankakee River for the most part is a highly productive stream with a high rate of dissolved oxygen, in fact, the water is supersaturated with this life-giving element. In the Maumee River (Wilson and Clark:1912, 26, 28) shell beds were found which had probably been killed by the refuse from gas works near the junction of the St. Mary's and St. Joseph's rivers. "Spots of tar were found on dead mussels some distance below this point. The water was covered with an oily scum in places and a tarry odor was perceptible for several miles down the river." Lower down the river the mussels were showing the effect of increased pollution of the river by sewage. The pollution is worst and usually the most deadly to animal life during periods of low water and in winter when the amount of water in the stream is small and the decomposing organic material has less water to deprive of its dissolved oxygen. During times of floods the putrescent material is also carried down the stream for many miles and contaminates areas not previously affected. While all clean-water forms of animal life are more or less affected by sewage pollution, the decomposition of organic matter abstracting dissolved oxygen from the water and rendering it unsuitable for aquatic life, the fish, river mussels and crayfish are particularly affected, most fish being especially sensitive to contaminated water. Some fish (as the brook silversides, Labidesthes sicculus) are notably sensitive, while others (as the black bullhead, Ameiurus mclas) will endure water that is badly polluted (Shelford, 1918:27; Wells, 1918:562-567). The young fish are relatively more sensitive than the adult fish. It is noteworthy that the more resistant species of fish are inhabitants of sluggish bodies of water, as ponds and shallow lakes, while the least resistant species live in running streams. It seems to be a question of the amount of oxygen necessary for the well being of the fish. The ill effect of sewage pollution is most marked on the bottom of bodies of water, where a sludge is formed, often of great thickness (as much as ten feet in some instances), consisting of a mass of soft, black, sediment with a high content of organic matter, in which only a few organisms, normally inhabitants of polluted streams, can live (e.g., septic Protozoa and Rotifera, foul- water algae, and slime worms, Tubificidae). This effect on the bottom is perhaps the most serious phase of stream pollution because the septic condition of this area continues in operation long after the original source of contamination ceases to operate. This sludge formation renders the bottom unfit for clean-water life upon which many fish depend for food. The effect of sewage pollution on the fish population of the upper Illi- nois River has been marked, many species, such as catfishes, red-horse, 70 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [168 buffalo, and sheepshead, which were formerly very common and taken in quantity by the fishermen several years ago, are now either wanting, or greatly reduced in numbers. Other fish, not bottom feeders, such as sunfishes, crappies, and the basses, are reported to be decreasing in recent years as polluted conditions are creeping down the river (Forbes and Richardson, 1913:544). It has been observed that fish entering a polluted stream from a clean-water tributary soon die if unable to return to clean water. The fauna of a polluted stream also becomes gradually of greater size as the distance from the source of pollution increases. This has been observed by Forbes and Richardson in the Illinois River, by Ortmann in the Allegheny River, and by the author in the Big Vermilion River. The time necessary for the recovery of the normal biota of such a stream will in most cases be of long duration and in the case of a stream polluted by wastes from mines and chemical manufacturies, there may never be a return to the original condition. In New York State, the Genesee River, at Rochester, has afforded a striking example of stream pollution, of the effect of this pollution on cer- tain animal life in the river, and of the return of this life when the amount of pollution has been largely reduced. This stream has been under observa- tion by the writer for a period of twenty-seven years (1892 to 1919) and collections of the molluscan life have been made from time to time, both before the period of maximum pollution and since that time. The portion of the river studied lies below the lower falls north of the city, and about a quarter of a mile below the outfall of several trunk sewers, the sewage being discharged into the river in a crude condition. Refuse and other waste matter, both liquid and solid, also enter the stream from gas works, tanneries, and manufacturing plants above the lower falls. Collections made in 1892, before pollution became notably apparent, included nine species of gastropod moUusks, three being water breathers and six air breathers. These species included: Musculium iransversum Physa sayid Musculium partumeium Physa oneida Bythinia tentaculala Galha calascopium Planorhis Irivolvis Galba caperata Physa gyrina Individuals were notably abundant, thickly covering the rocks and the shore. In 1897, it was observed that the sewage was increasing in volume and pollution was becoming more noticable, the water appearing like very heavy, greasy dish water. The river was visited and examined at short intervals from 1898 to 1919. Each year it was noted that pollu- tion was rapidly increasing. In 1907, the water-breathing moUusks, Musculium and Bythinia, had succumbed and none could be found. The air-breathers, Galba, Planorbis, and Physa, still held out, though 169] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 71 reduced in number of individuals. An examination made in 1910 failed to discover a single living moUusk of any species. Apparently the water had reached such a state of concentrated pollution that even the air-breath- ing mollusks, which normally come to the surface to take free air, could not adapt themselves to this unfavorable environment and were either killed or compelled to migrate down the river to a point where pollution was less deadly. During the following years, 1910 to 1913, the river was visited but no mollusks were found. During the summer of 1912, G. C. Whipple, made a study of the effect of the sewage pollution on certain animal and vegetal life in the Genesee River (Fisher, 1913:179-200). This study was made when pollution was at its maximum and during the period when molluscan life had disappeared from the lower part of the river. The dissolved oxygen in the lower river, below the trunk line sewer, in July and August, when the temperature was high and the water low, varied from 5 to 41 per cent of saturation. The water at the bottom of the river almost always contained less oxygen than that at the surface. On one day in August, the percentage of satu- ration in a distance of three miles did not exceed 5 per cent from the surface to the bottom of the stream, which has a depth of a.bout twenty- six feet. The number of bacteria per cc for this period was 1,650,000 near the source of pollution and but 67,000 per cc near the mouth of the river where the influence of the pure water from Lake Ontario increased the amount of dissolved oxygen. In 1917, a large part of the city sewage was diverted to a disposal plant situated near the shore of Lake Ontario. Here an average of 32 million gallons of sewage are treated daily and the treated sewage is dis- charged into Lake Ontario in deep water at some distance from shore. It is at once apparent that when this large amount of sewage was discharged into the Genesee River in a crude condition, it could not but render the water totally unfit for animal life and a menace even to the inhabitants who visited the beautiful parks bordering both sides of the lower Genesee River. The result of the diminution in the amount and character of the sewage discharged into the river has been that the molluscan fauna, as well as other forms of aquatic animal life, have returned and are rapidly taking possession of the favorable environments which were in use previous to the maximum period of pollution. Collections made in September, 1919, contained six species, two being water-breathers and four air- breathers. Musculium transversum Planorbis trivolvis Bylhinia tentaculata Physa Integra Galba catascopium Physa oneida 72 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [170 It will be noted that of the returned species, one is different {Physa integra), while four are missing, Galba caperata, Physa gyrina, Physa sayii, and Musculium partumeium. It frequently happens that when a fauna returns to a habitat from which it has been driven by unfavorable conditions, it is made up of a different aggregation of species (see Ortmann, 1909, for additional notes on this subject). The Genesee River is a striking example of the history of a polluted stream and its effect on one group of animal life. Previous to the stage of greatest pollution there is a varied fauna of mollusks very numerous in individuals. In the course of eleven years the gill-bearing species are forced out and after a lapse of fourteen years all molluscan life ceases to live in this part of the river. Seven years later the greater amount of sewage is diverted to another outlet. Two years after this change the mol- lusks have returned in as great numbers as before the maximum stage of pollution. The significance of all this lies in the fact of the early return of this life and strikingly indicates that streams may become restocked with life in a short period after pollution has ceased to be of an unfavorable character, provided, of course, the bottom of the stream has not been made permanently untenable by the deposition of poisonous substances that cannot be washed away by ordinary river currents. It is quite prob- able that the large fall of water, some 60 feet in height, immediately above the sewage outlet, has had a marked effect in the return of these favorable conditions. No additional data are at hand indicating the changes in a polluted stream after septic conditions have ceased or become greatly modified. It is probable that similar beneficial results would be obtained in other streams if the sewage was diverted or treated to remove the large amount of organ,ic matter. In the case of a stream like the Salt Fork, the septic condition of which will be discussed in the following pages, it would probably not require a very long time to reduce the septic conditions if the sewage from Urbana and Champaign were properly treated. While the putrescible matter at present covers everything, in some places to a considerable depth, the high water during the spring would in several seasons remove a large part of this material, and i£ no additional matter was permitted to flow into the stream, the lapse of a few years v.^ould enable nature to bring the stream back to a normal, healthy condition, and make it a place to seek for recreation instead of a place to avoid on account of its filth, as at present. SEWAGE POLLUTION IN THE SALT FORK The sewage and other wastes of the Twin Cities of Urbana and Cham- paign are discharged into the waters of the Salt Fork by separate systems, that of Urbana emptying into the Boneyard near the Big Four shops, while 171] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 73 the S€wer outlet of the Champaign system is situated on the Salt Fork about a mile below th,e Urbana outlet. There are two systems for each city, one for dome3tic wastes and the other for the care of storm water, the sanitary sewage. Septic tanks were installed with the systems, about the year 1894, to reduce the amount of putrescible matter, but at the pres- ent time the sewage receives little treatment and practically enters the Salt Fork in a crude condition.* The population in 1914 was estimated to be 13,750 for Champaign, and 9,252 for Urbana, or a total population of about 23,000 for the Twin Cities. At the present time, 1920, six years later, the increase has probably brought the total up to nearly 30,000. The sewage system, therefore, provides disposal for this population, and is all discharged into the waters of the Salt Fork, It is estimated by G. C. Haber- meyer, that the total flow of sewage from the Urbana plant is about 500,000 gallons per day and from the Champaign plant about 1,000,000 gallons per day.** The flow of the Salt Fork below the Champaign sewage disposal plant is 3,000,000 gallons per day. These figures indicate that the sewage forms one-half of the total water flowing down the Salt Fork. These data were taken in October, when the stream was low, and may be a trifle too high for those periods when there is a rise of water following a period of rainy weather. During a greater part of the year, however, the water is low and these figures will be approximately correct. The fresh water added to the sewage is derived from the stream north of Urbana which contributes 250,000 gallons per day, and the Boneyard, which adds 1,500,000 gallons per day, about two-thirds being clear water. "In October, 1917, the flow in the Boneyard below the Urbana tank was about one-third sewage and probably contained considerable other waste and sewage discharged above the Urbana sewage outlet. The flow in Salt Fork below the Cham- paign sewer outlet was probably one-half sewage." H. E. Babbitt,*** thus describes the condition at the Champaign dispo- sal plant at this date. "The appearance of the efiQuent from the Champaign septic tank is that of fresh sewage, having the typical color of sewage, and carrying fecal matter and paper. The appearance of the Salt Fork at the point of entrance of the sewage from the tank is good. It is about twenty * New septic tanks have been installed at the Champaign sewage disposal plant on Salt Fork and a portion of the sewage is well treated before it enters the canal. ** Data for the sewage conditions, stream flow, chemical analyses, etc., of the Salt Fork are taken from an unpublished report of G. C. Habermeyer (assisted by S. D. Kirkpatrick, assis- tant chemist, and J. F. Schellbach, engineer) made for the State Water Survey Division of the Department of Registration and Education, of Illinois, and here used by permission of the late Chief of the Division, Dr. Edward Bartow. *** From unpublished Report on the Champaign-Urbana Water Works System, prepared June 23, 1914. Extracts here published by permission of Edward Bartow. 74 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [172 feet wide, fifteen to eighteen inches deep, clear, colorless, and odorless. The stage of water at the time of inspection was low. No septic action was present except in the open ditch through which the sewage flows from the tank into the stream. There is a large sludge bank in the stream immediately below the outlet and a most obnoxious odor." Effluent from the Urbana tank appeared as typical fresh sewage, but was not representa- tive of the ordinary effluent as the tank had been cleaned only the day previous to the visit (page 9). The stream known under the name of the ''Boneyard" carries both waste and sewage. This stream is about three and a half miles in length and rises about half a mile beyond the northern limits of the City of Cham- paign. The stream flows southward to near Third and Green streets, where it abruptly turns eastward, emptying into the Salt Fork near the Big Four shops in Urbana. This stream has a drainage area of about eight and a half square miles. Sewage enters the Boneyard near Goodwin Avenue and at the old high school on Stoughten Street, Urbana. Water bearing wastes, presumably from business houses near by, enters the stream north of Main Street. The banks close to the water line near Main Street culvert are slimy and green (data from G. C. Habermeyer, 1918). The Boneyard is subject to great fluctuations of water level, due to the severe storms of spring and summer when heavy rains occur. At such times a rise of three or four feet in a few hours is not unusual and the waters overflow all adjacent low land. At one time (reported very bad in 1915) chemical wastes in the form of oil and tar were discharged into the stream from the gas works of the Champaign Street Railway, Gas and Electric Company, situated at the corner of Fifth and Hill streets, Champaign, east of the Illinois Central tracks. The oil at one period extended the entire length of the Boneyard, covering lawns, when the water was high, with an unsightly layer of heavy oil. The shores and bottom of the stream in many places were covered with tar, which has not subsequently been removed and also cannot be removed by the natural flow of water, but must be artificially taken from the stream bed.* The oil discharged from the gas works, as well as from some other points along the Boneyard, is absolutely inimical to any life in the stream. The tar, if carried down stream, finally settles to the bottom and unless artificially removed, will remain there and render the stream unfit for bottom inhabiting life of any kind. Fortunately, such pollution is confined to the upper part of the Boneyard. Waters charged with sewage may become purified in a year or two after pollution ceases, but they will sel- dom or never recover from chemical pollution such as is produced by tar * From Ralph Hilscher, Report on Contamination of the Boneyard in Champaign by Gas House Wastes August 28, 1915. Here published by permission of Edward Bartow. 1731 FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 75 and similar wastes. Ortmann's work on the rivers of western Pennsylvania clearly indicate the baneful results of such pollution (Ortmann, 1909). The Boneyard is apparently now barren of all clean water life. Fre- quent examinations made during 1918 failed to supply any life of this character. Fresh water pulmonate mollusks, and Cambarus and other smaller Crustacea were once abundant, but appear to be wanting at the present time. A large snapping turtle was observed in the Boneyard near Lincoln Avenue, in 1918. The ditched portion of Salt Fork above Urbana, is a clean water stream, filled with aquatic life, which abruptly terminates at the junction of this stream with the Boneyard, with its load of sewage from Urbana. From here to a point fourteen miles below Urbana not a living mussel was found, and no air breathing snails were observed, except in one instance, believed to have been introduced from a near-by portion of the old river bed, which still retains clean water life, above St. Joseph, a distance of ten miles below Urbana. The large number of empty valves and paired shells of the river mussels below St. Joseph indicate an environ- ment that has become, more or less recently, inimical to these creatures. Crayfish were also absent from the same area. Habermeyer's report of Salt Fork, October 1, 1917, describes condi- tions as follows: "The stream below the Champaign outlet to the north line of section 10, one and a half miles below the outlet, was in very foul condition. At tb^ east line of section 11, four miles below the Champaign sewer outlet, the stream appeared to be quite clear and there was no offensive odor noticeable. At the outlet of the west branch of Salt Fork, the water was clearer than that in the north branch (Spoon River). A resident near the junction of the two branches stated that at times when the creek flow increased, foul matter was washed down from above and there was considerable odor in the vicinity for a day or two." The dredging of a new channel has been responsible for the water being clearer at times in Salt Fork than in Spoon River, providing a sand bottom which is hard and resistant and has not yet silted up to any degree. Spoon River has a mud bottom and the waters are turbid a large part of the time. In a photograph of the Salt Fork taken some eight miles below Urbana (two miles northwest of St. Joseph), the water was so clear that the ripple marks on the sandy bottom may be distinctly seen in the picture (Fig. 45) yet the stream at this point was totally barren of clean water life and the water was laden with masses of decomposing matter, made up of foul water algae and Protozoa, and the bottom was filled with slime worms (Limnodrilus). Below the junction of these two branches, bottom conditions are still very bad, and clean water life does not appear for a distance of several miles, as has already been shovvn. The people mentioned in the report were interviewed in 1918. They reported that no trouble was experienced during periods of low water, but 76 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [174 that after rains, when the stream rapidly rose, putrescible matter was washed down stream, cast on shore, and the odor was then very bad. This lasted until the water subsided. In the fall of 1920, the same people were again interviewed and conditions were reported to be much worse than previously, the unusually low stage of the water causing the putrescible matter to decay on the exposed sand bars in the river, from which some odor was noticed. Stream measurements of the velocity of the current were made by the Water Survey at several points along the Salt Fork. These were made by Habermeyer on October 1, 1917, when the water was low in the stream. All data given in feet. Table IX. Mouth of the Boneyard Distance from east bank 1 2 3 Depth of water 0.6 0.7 0.4 Flow per hour 4608 4500 4320 Salt Fork, Four Miles below Champaign Sewer Outlet Distance from bank 2.9 2.4 1.8 2.2 Flow per hour 3888 4320 4212 2412 These measurements indicate a very slow current, from about one half to nearly a mile an hour. At high water the rate of flow is undoubtedly several times as great. Tliis slow rate of flow would cause much of the heavy matter in the sewage to be precipitated to the bottom and form sludge banks, and this has occurred at many places below both the Urbana and Champaign outlets. High water and more rapid current probably moves some of this sludge farther down stream, also carrying the fresh sewage farther down at such times. A recent examination made at very low water indicates that this has been the case, for hundreds of bars were observed out of water, each covered with a sludge formation of greater or less size. Analyses of water from various places in the Salt Fork and tributary streams have been made by the Water Survey. The two tables that fol- low, taken from Habermeyer's report, indicate some of the conditions of the upper waters of Salt Fork (Tables X and XI). In Table X the low percentage of dissolved oxygen (saturation) in the ditched stream above Lincoln Avenue is noteworthy as compared with the larger amount at Cunningham Avenue. At both localities, however, the water is relatively pure, there being little or no pollution. The sample from a mile and a quarter below the champaign outlet is striking because of the total absence of oxygen. The sudden rise in saturation at four and eight miles is also notable, and indicates that at these points on this date little decomposition was taking place. The sample from Salt Fork near Spoon River shows a marked fall in the amount of dissolved oxygen, 1751 FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER 77 Pi o H < Q < a < Z O P5 a o « tn H »-l < o >< X o Q w > o t/J o z < < H CO H > t— I H < i-l H O H < g <: X H p-i <: u I— ) o o 1-4 o w H O < 1-1 < i 3 s 1 a ( a a o 3 T3 o < a o % C _> -Ij in _g o c .2 a "1 UI O r- r^ CN * t^ X o 3 lO Tf o <3 Ov "* 00 to d Id lO 00 o O CO LO \0 CS ^-< ^3 I) ■if c/) g t-» to o O LO r-- O in o »— t t^ o T-< o O CO T* o Q d lO r- O vO OO lO O r^i *— < rH o ^ o o o o »-l c o "^ CO Q s ^ o C rt £? T— t o o o o ♦ * M o '5 .,— ( c O o o « » * «-(-< o tn o *-H o c * * ♦ * *-H o * * * * ^ 1— i • * * * * jf * * d ^ r ^ c o c J ^ ) c c O C > o u c: CN C ) c ) c c O C > o \C CN C > c I c c o c > o o ^ aS; rj CN C r c r CN <:: o" c J LO l/~ ) "" r<- CN C > OS §- o •^ LT — . 1^ .s rt •£: .4_) C o c ) c > c C o c ) O ■^ ■" oc ) o c ) c ) c > c o c > O O -1-1 Cv ' "*. ^ >_ c )_ c ) t- o c I o_ H ^ '-T c r c r cv CS r o" c 3 *~4 -Q a O ) t- c<- ) -*§ > OO 1 Ui c ) -^ "■ > v: 5 t^ oc ) CN C > »-< U4 O h ^ t~ - <^ r- I-- r- t-- »^ oc 3 00 i-i s ^— i •.-1 — ^ ^M 4 «- < ^-1 w- 1 »-H ^ O « 3 00 OC 3 a 3 S ) oc ) 00 oc 3 00 oi •4-* 3 r<- 5 ro r<- 5 r' > C ) c ) ro f 3 ro 1- -J (3 1 o OO 00 I-l o XI ji IH d C 03 fcfl >> o tn (U 78 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [176 o M l-l 1^ W CM H < p< O P-, H i-l < o < Q H < W O m m H a o 1-1 s < Pm O [« M < < < u H K U X! •-; < ' 1 • 1 I 1 >-l ■>-> t 1 p coin Ave Ave. ow Cham E U 6 ta U oon Rive ver ge outlet C o 60 lU e close to Ur wage tank. 5 D .S S ID -Ft tn In O paign sewer Mouth of Sp Up Spoon Ri Urbana sewa C bO a West of Cunning Hi mile: c -Si c ^ & 00 o o ir-l '3 ex S u manhol bana se >> ■4-J " — 1 M fN o o 00 OO \0 00 •<* lO -^ VO o CN r^ lO •^ ■rt ^* "0 I^ OO a kA fN CN -^ t^ <^ r^ CN •«* CO ■<* ■*< "< C ^ u D lO o o o o O CN O o o Jh o r^i !^3 O lO o lo o o o o o o o CN rO CN O O o o 2-1 trogen itrate trogen r-1 •^ O CO O O O OO NO NO J^ \0 tN '^ O rq -^ ■* rn lO r-l Csl i^ ^ '^ 73 o o o o Q) o o o o o ."2 T Pvl !M O \o O rt< fo O rfl NO mino rogen p tn CN CN tH y—^ ^ o ^ o ^ ■* o o r^ o o o o O 3 *-> c3 tN in CN O O o o a c *J CN »-^ IN t^ 1-- f- CN -^ TT' -* O <: H ro •^ CN NO ■g 1 ■H rsi O) O o O o o o o o u ^ r^ O o O O CO o o o 11 -> ■^ O O OO o O O CN '^ o CO Tt< t^ ro C\ NO CN tM ^H (N »-i CO < < ^ , T3 vO o o o (VI CN O O (N CN S TJH Tf Tt* CN t^ O CN CO A c "rt \0 o o CN 00 O 00 00 •<* CO O o (J o -* ^ o *-H t^ 00 NO 00 H *— ( ''"' T— ( -H VO CO CO .s )-H <> 5 1 Tt< rO CN «-H vO On O \0 CO lO ^ •- -H VO lO iO in lo NO 00 -fl s u CJ . T 3 c c S J 1> o o i 3-5 O O O o lO lO o o lO o tn *^ C t^ 0\ 00 lO •* "* O cs NO NO t/3 •!— « Ci ■-H -r-l tN CM CN CN 1-H ro CN CO i-J .W)^ 5 ^ 1 -O lO lO lO o o lO o «o o «iO t/3 1> 'o en vo r-- •* o Ov CO 00 1^ 00 (M (5 ro lO \0 o lO lO rr> >0 >o 00 Residi evapoi rj ir> o in lO ID O O O IT) o ■4-J lO OO Tji o ro O CO ■* NO O ■* lO t^ o vO NO "* OO NO i -1 , c 3_§ 3 E <^ ■>* lO vO t^ 00 OS O »-l (N ■4. J^ t^ 1^ r^ J^ 1^ t^ 00 OO OO a ^-H ^— ( vH T-l ^-H <^^ ■^^ -r^ *-4 y—i 00 OO 00 00 CO 00 OO 00 00 00 ^ 3 «^ species have been observed. It is noteworthy that immediately above the dam the largest number of species found at one habitat was 14, while below the dam, at Homer Park, 28 species have been collected. It is probable that the fall of water over the dam aerates the stream and provides an especially favorable environment for the mussels. UNFAVORABLE INFLUENCES Sewage pollution has killed all clean water life for a distance of fourteen miles below Urbana and has made the stream an unfavorable environ- ment for a distance of twenty miles. Below this point the fauna is normal and is not affected by sewage conditions. In the desert area between St. Joseph and Urbana, slime worms and septic Protozoa were observed among the animals and foul water algae among the plants. A few beetles, breathing free air, were observed in the stream near St. Joseph and for some distance above this locality. Many of the old pond-like bodies of 189] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 91 water left on either side of the new drainage ditch are inhabited by clean water animals that occasionally get into the ditch during periods of high water. Fish, mollusks, and insects have been observed which doubtless came from this source. PARASITES AND PATHOLOGIC AGENCIES As a rule, parasites, either distomids or Unionicola (Atax) were rare in the naiads collected in the Big Vermilion and Sangamon rivers. Some of the Anodontas had marginal cists of distomids and many shells of this genus were discolored from this cause. Clark and Wilson (1912:61), in their study of the Maumee River fauna, observed distomids in various mussels which were believed to be the distomids described by Osborn and Kelly. The affected mussels were Aciinonaias ligamentina, Obovaria cir cuius, Elliptio gibbosus, Lampsilis ventricosa, Amblema undulata, Las- migona costata (thought to be the distomid of Kelly), and Anodonta grandis (thought to be the distomid of Osborn). It is probable that these flat-worms also infest many of the mussels of the rivers investigated, but they were not observed in the specimens collected. Cotylaspis insignis and forms of Unionicola were also found by Clark and Wilson, but these parasites were not seen in the mussels examined from the area under con- sideration. Pearls, usually of small size, were frequently seen attached to the shells of mussels, and many pearly growths cause by injuries were also observed. A large round pearl was found in a shell of Anodonta grandis gigantea from Crystal Lake, which measured almost a quarter of an inch in diameter (5 mm.). It has been suggested that many of these pearls and pearly growths attached to the mussels may have been caused by parasites, such as the distomids before mentioned. The same is also true of the round pearls found in the animal tissues of the mussels. Crippled shells, those individuals have abnormal valves, were not com- mon in either of the rivers examined. Mud was found to cause trouble in many cases, getting in between the mantle and the shell below the pallial line and causing large blisters. ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS The shells known as river mussels or Naiades are used in the manufac- ture of pearl buttons. As this industry, the making of pearl buttons, has reached large proportions it is imperative that the raw material be con- served for the maintenance of the industry. The continued fishing of the mussel beds in the larger rivers has greatly depleted the amount of avail- able raw material — the mussel beds — , and the whole industry, shell collect- ing and button making, is threatened with disaster if means are not found to restock the depleted beds (see Coker, 1919:44). The United States Bureau 92 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [190 of Fisheries has conducted many interesting experiments on the propaga- tion of mussels by the artificial infection of fish with mussel glochidia and the means and methods for restocking these cleaned-out areas are at hand. It only remains for proper laws to be passed and enforced, by the states or federal government, or both, regulating the time and place in which shelling operations may be carried on. Reasonable time must be given, at least three years, for the recovery of a depleted mussel bed. In this connection it would seem that the mussel fauna of such a stream as the Big Vermilion River might form a reservoir from which the depleted beds farther down the stream might be restocked by fish which had been infected with glochidia from the commercial species living in the smaller stream. The Big Vermilion contains eleven species that are used for cutting button blanks and are considered valuable for this purpose by the button manufacturers. These are: Amblema undulata Blue point Lampsilis luteola Fat mucket Lampsilis anodontoides Yellow sand-shell Lampsilis ventricosa Pocket-book Trilogonia iuberculata Buckhom Quadrula pustulosa Warty-back Quadrula lachrymosa Maple-leaf Actinonaias ligamentina Mucket Fusconaia rubiginoas Wabash pig-^;oe Lasmigona coniplanata White heel-splitter Lasmigona costata Fluted shell Several of the smaller shells are also used when shells are scarce, as Lampsilis compressa, Quadrula metanevra, Obovaria circulus, and Strophitus edentulus. In the Sangamon River about the same number of species suit- able for the button industry occur and these are usually of fine quality. In their survey of the mussel fauna of the Kankakee basin, Wilson and Clark (1912:35) recognize the value of these smaller streams, with a fauna too small in individuals to be used by the shell fishermen, but containing many of the essential species from which good button blanks may be cut. These authors say: "The most valuable species are all good breeders throughout the basin. This, taken in connection with the excellent quality of the shells they produce and the good railroad facilities everywhere available, makes this basin one of the best yet examined for the supply of glochidia to be used in artificial mussel propagation." This statement might apply with almost equal force to the Big Vermilion, which may sometime be needed for a reservoir from which to propagate the mussels in the larger rivers. Whether all of the fishes which have proved the most satisfactory hosts for glochidia are abundant here is not known, but as young of nearly all the 191] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 93 commercial shells were observed, it follows that the fishes carrying the glochidia must also be present. The Big Vermilion River is seen, therefore, to be a valuable asset to the State, containing a fauna of both biologic and economic importance, which should be conserved for possible use as a restocking reservoir for the larger rivers. Pollution should be reduced to a minimum and the timber along the banks, especially of the headwaters, should be conserved in order that the water may be held in the ground and gradually flow into the streams, instead of running off in floods, causing excessive high water in the spring and extremely low water in the fall and winter. It would be possible to reforest many parts of the upper branches of the streams, where they are low or irregular places unfit for farming operations. 94 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 1192 BIBLIOGRAPHY Adams, C. C. 1900. Variation in lo. Proc. Amcr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 49:208-225. 1915. The Variations and Ecological Distribution of the Snails of the Genus lo. Mem- oir Nat. Acad. Sci., 12, 184, pp. 61 pi. Baker, F. C. 1906. A Catalogue of the MoUusca of Illinois. Bull. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 7:53-136. 1920. Animal Life and Sewage in the Genesee River, New York. Amer. Nat., 54: 152-161. 1920. A New Planorbis from Illinois. Nautilus, 33 :123-125. BiNNEY, W. G. 1865. Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. Part 11, 161 pp., 261 figs.; part III, 120 pp., 232 figs, Clark, H., and Wilson, C. B. 1912. The Mussel Fauna of the Maumee River. Bureau Fish., Doc. 757, 72 pp., 2 pi. CoKER, Robert E. 1914. The Protection of Fresh-water Mussels. Bureau Fish., Doc. 793, 23 pages, 2 pi. 1919. Fresh-water Mussels and Mussel Industries of the United States. Bull. Bur. Fish., 36:11-89, 46 pi. Danglade, Ernest. 1914. The Mussel Resources of the Illinois River. Bureau Fish., Doc. 804, 48 pp., 5 pi. Eldridge, John A. 1914. The Mussel Fishery of the Fox River, op. cit., 8 pp. Forbes, S. A., and Richardson, R. E. 1908. The Fishes of Illinois. Nat. Hist. Surv. 111., Vol. Ill, Ichthyology. 357 pp. Many plates and an Atlas of maps. 1913. Studies on the Biology of the Upper Illinois River. Bull. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist. 9:481-574, 21 pi. 1919. Some Recent Changes in Illinois Biology. Bull. 111. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 13: 137-156. Haldeman, S. S. 1842-1844. A Monograph of the Fresh-water Univalve Mollusca of the United States. Philadelphia. Many colored plates. Howard, Arthur D. 1914. Experiments in the Propagation of Fresh-water Mussels of the Quadrula group. Bur. Fish., Doc. 801. 52 pp., 6 pi. 1914. A Second Case of Metamorphosis without Parasitism in the Unionidae. Science, 40:353-355. Iseley, Frederick B. 1911. Preliminary Note on the Ecolog>- of the Early Juvenile Life of the Unionidae. Biol. Bull., 20:79-115. 1914. Experimental Study of the Growth and Migration of Fresh-water Mussels. Bur. Fish., Doc. 792, 24 pp., 3 pi. LeFevre, Geo., and Curtis, Winterton C. 1908. Experiments in the Artificial Propagation of Fresh-water Mussels. BuU. Bur. Fish., 28:615-626. 193] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 95 1910. Reproduction and Parasitism in the Unionidae. Journ. Exper. Zool., 9:79-115, pi. 1-5. Leighton, Marshall O. 1904. Quality of Water in the Susquehanna River Drainage Basin. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 108, U. S. Geol. Surv., 76 pp. Leverett, Frank. 1899. The Illinois Glacial Lobe. U. S. Geol. Surv. Mon. 38. Marsh, M. C. 1908. Notes on the Dissolved Content of Water in its Effect upon Fishes. Bull. Bur. Fish., 28:891-906. Ortmann, a. E. 1909. The Destruction of the Fresh-water Fauna in Western Pennsylvania. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 48:90-110, 1 pi. 1912. Notes on the Families and Genera of the Najades. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8:222- 365. 1918. The Nayades (Fresh-water Mussels) of the Upper Tennessee Drainage, with Notes on Synonymy and Distribution. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 57:521-626. 1920. Correlation of Shape and Station in Fresh-water Mussels (Naiades). Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, 59: pp. 267-312. 1920a. A Monograph of the Naiades of Pennsylvania. Part III. Systematic Account of the Genera and Species. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 8:1-384, 21 pi. Pennsylvania. 1918. Industrial W'aste Survey of the Clarion River Basin. Ann. Rept. Commis. Health, Penn., 10:1279-1316. Shelford, V. E. 1917. An Experimental Study of the Effects of Gas Waste upon Fishes, with Especial Reference to Stream Pollution. Bull. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 11:378-425. 1918. Ways and Means of Measuring the Dangers of Pollution to Fisheries. Bull. 111. Nat. Hist. Surv., 13:23-42. SmpsoN, C. T. 1914. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Naiades, or Pearly Fresh-Water Mussels. Bryant Walker, Detroit, Mich. 1540 pp. Smith, Frank. 1915. Two New Varieties of Earthworms with a Key to Described Species in Illinois. Bull. State Lab. Nat. Hist. 10:551-559, 1 pi. SUREER, ThADDEXJS. 1912. Identification of the Glochidia of Fresh-water Mussels. Bur. Fish. Doc, 771, 10 pp. 3, pi. 1913. Notes on the Natural Hosts of Fresh-water Mussels. Bull. Bur. Fish., 32: 101-116, 3 pi. .1915. Identification of the Glochidia of Fresh-water Mussels. Bur. Fish. Doc, 813,9 pp. 1 pi. Utterbach, W. I. 1916. The Naiades of Missouri. Amer. Midland Nat., 4, nos. 1-10, 200 pp., 29 pi. 1916. Breeding Record of Missouri Mussels. Privately printed, 8 pp. Walker, Bryant. 1918. A Synopsis of the Classification of the Fresh-water MoUusca of North America north of Mexico, and a Catalogue of the More Recently Described Species, with Notes. Univ. Mich., Mus. Zool., Misc. Publ., no. 6. 213 pp., many cuts. Ward, H. B. 1918. The Elimination of Stream Pollution in New York State. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc, 48:25 pp. 96 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [194 19 19. Stream Pollution. Jour. Amer. Water Works Assoc. , 6 :823-83 1 . 1919. Stream Pollution in New York State. A Preliminary Investigation of the Prob- lem from the Standpoint of the Biologist. New York Conserv. Comm., 79 pp., 3 pi. Wells, M. 1918. The Reactions and Resistance of Fishes to Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide. BuU. lU. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 11:557-571. Wells, W. F. 1920. Conservation of the Quality of Water of New York State as a Natural Resource. Science, 52:279-284. Wilson, C. B. and Clark, H. W. 1912. The Mussel Fauna of the Kankakee Basin. Bur. Fish. Doc, 758, 52 pp., pi. and map. 1914. The Mussels of the Cumberland River and its Tributaries. Bur. Fish. Doc, 781, 63 pp., 1 pi. 195] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 97 PLATE I 98 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [196 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 1. Drainage ditch above Urbana, east of cemetery. Station 2. Fig. 2. Salt Fork south of Muncie. Note water willow in center of stream bed; also numerous bare portions of stream bed, the river appearing as a series of pools. October, 1919. Station 26. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE I 197] FAUNA OF BIG VERMIUON RIVER— BAKER 99 PLATE II 100 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [198 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 3. Old stream bed of Salt Fork in Busey woods, north of Crystal Lake, Urbana. Original habitat for Planorbis pseiidolrivolvis. Station 3. Fig. 4. Junction of Middle Fork with Salt Fork to form the Big Vermilion River. Look- ing south from road bridge crossing Middle Fork. September 26, 1920. Fig. 5. Middle Fork a fourth of a mile above junction with Salt Fork. Bed of river exposed in foreground. Station 29. September 26, 1920. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII .MS^^ BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE II 199] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 101 PLATE III 102 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [200 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fkj. 6. Spoon River, seven-tenths of a mile above Salt Fork. Station 10. September 28, 1918. Fig. 7. Spoon River, riffles below bridge, same locality as Fig. 6. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE III 201] FA UNA OF BIG VERMILION RI VER—BA KER 103 PLATE IV 104 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [202 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 8. Bench mark 655, Salt Fork, above road bridge. Station 17. September 13, 1918. Fig. 9. Salt Fork two and a half miles north of Sidney, looking north, the Champaign moraine on the left, a flood plain on the right. Station 18. September 13, 1918. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII .5. -im ' ' ' - - ■ -^ 8 ■ I ^'^^"' -• ■*^ BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE IV 203] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 105 PLATE V 106 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [204 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 10. Iron bridge one mile north of Sidney. Station 19. August 26, 1918. Fig. 11. Cement bridge northeast of Sidney. Note large area of water lily, Nym- phaea advena. Station 20, August 26, 1918. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE V 2051 FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 107 PLATE VI 108 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [206 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 12. Salt Fork three and a half miles above Homer Park, Station 23. October 4, 1918. Fig. 13. Salt Fork. Deep pool below dam and rapids. Professor Smith's field laboratory during a period of twenty years. Station 25. November 4, 1920. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE VI 207] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 109 PLATE VII no ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (208 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 14. Daxn in Salt Fork at Homer Park. The dam is just below the interurban bridge and is five feet high. November 4, 1920. Fig. 15. Salt Fork below dam at Homer Park. Shallow water and rocky bottom. No- vember 4, 1920. Part of Station 25. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE VII 209] FA UNA OF BIG VERMIUON RI VER— BAKER 1 1 1 PLATE VIII 112 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [210 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 16. Salt Fork and mouth of Spoon River. Rowboat marks outlet of Spoon River through bar. September 24, 1920. Fig. 17. Valley of Big VermUion River from crest of bank at Gray's Siding. October 8, 1920. Fig. 18. Cutting through shale rock covered with glacial deposits. Big Vermilion River one mile below mouth of Middle Fork. Station 30. October 8, 1920. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE VIII 211) FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER} 113 PLATE IX 114 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [212 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 19. Rock bed of Big Vermilion River one mile below Middle Fork. Station 30. October 8, 1920. Fig. 20. Sandbar in center of riverbed, several hundred feet below fig. 1. Station 30. October 8, 1920. Fig. 21. Junction of Boneyard with Salt Fork. Boneyard on right above ice. December 20, 1919. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE IX 213] FA UNA OF BIG VERMILION RI VER— BAKER 1 15 PLATE X 116 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [214 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 22. Anodonta grandis. Fig. 23. Anodonta grandis. Fig. 24. Anodonta grandis. Fig. 25. Amblemaundulata. Fig. 26. Amblema undulata. Fig. 27. Amblemaundulata. Fig. 28. Amblema undulata. margin of shell. Right valve with pearly growths at anterior end. Left valve with injured portion folded inward. Pearly formation in left valve. Right valve uninjured. Left valve with large blister inside pallial line. Left valve with abnormal pallial line. Left valve with pin-head pearls between pallial line and Pathologic mussels from Salt Fork. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII 24 £6 BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE X 215J FA UNA OF BIG VERMILION RI VER-BAKER PLATE XI 117 ' 118 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [216 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 29. Amblema undulata. Left valve with channel due to injury. Fig. 30. Amblema undulata. Right valve with ridge due to same injury. Fig. 31. Strophitus edentulus. Right valve with pearl near posterior end. Fig. 32. Strophitus edentulus. Left valve with distomid discoloration. Fig. a. Lasmigona costata. Right valve with repaired injur}' near posterior end. Fig. 34. Amblema undulata. Spoon River form with rounded shell. Fig. 35. Lampsilis venlricosa. Left valve with injured postero-ventral margin. Pathologic mussels from Salt Fork. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII 29 94 BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE XI 217] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 119 PLATE XII 120 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [218 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fio. 36. Junction of Boneyard with Salt Fork canal, looking west. Note high bank on left where mussel shells were found, indicating bottom of bed of Salt Fork stream before the canal was dug. Sludge bank in foreground. September 14, 1920. Fig. 37. Salt Fork canal three-fourths of a mile below first iron bridge east of Urbana. December 31, 1919. Fig. 38. Farmer's bridge across Salt Fork canal, one-half nule below Brownfield Woods bridge. December 31, 1919. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE XII 219] FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 121 PLATE XllI 122 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [220 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 39. Boneyard just below Urbana septic tank outlet. September 14, 1920. Fig. 40. Salt Fork canal west of Cottonwood's road bridge. Note bare sand bars with stream meandering between. Bars are covered with green putrescent matter dried by the sun. September 14, 1920. Fig. 41. Salt Fork canal at entrance of small ditch from Champaign outfall pipe. Note sludge bank in foreground and sewage indicated by dark color of water in center of picture. September 14, 1920. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE XIII 2211 FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER— BAKER 123 PLATE XIV 124 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [222 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 42. Salt Fork canal looking east from Cottonwood's road bridge. Note bare patches of bottom. September 14, 1920. Fig. 43. Salt Fork canal looking southeast from last north and south road bridge. September 24, 1920. Fig. 44. Salt Fork canal looking west from last farmer's bridge above St. Joseph. Sep)- tembcr 24, 1920. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII L. BAKER 1 -^I^^^^^^H^I^ % ''T^^^^^^^^^BI^HH FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE XIV 223] FA UNA OF BIG VERMILION RI VER—BA KER 125 PLATE XV 126 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [224 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 45. Salt Fork canal looking south from last east and west road bridge west of St. Joseph. September 28, 1918. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII — W^^M w * '?* 1 If \ M^^H ^^^HhhhL-jbhH^ ^ k ^Bh . f^ 4^H i BAKER FAUNA OF BIG VERMILION RIVER PLATE XV ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS Vol. VII July, 1922 No. 3 Editorial Committee Stephen Alfred Forbes William Trelease Henry Baldwin Ward Published under the Auspices of the Graduate School by THE University of Illinois Press Copyright, 1922 by the University of Illinois Distributed December 31, 1922 NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PRIMARILY FROM FRESH WATER HOSTS WITH NINE PLATES AND TWO TABLES BY E. C. HARRAH Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Illinois under the direction of Henry B. Ward No. 208 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ZOOLOGY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1922 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 7 Methods of investigation 8 Material 8 Historical data 10 Species previously described from North America 11 New species described in this paper 12 Families of Monostomidae 13 Key to families 13 Description of families 14 Cyclocoelidae validity of the older name 14 Diagnosis 14 Key to subfamilies and genera 16 Cyclocoelum 15 Historical 16 Structure of the genus 20 Key to species of cyclocoelum 34 Description of species 35 Cyclocoelum leidyi nov. spec 35 Cyclocoelum pseudomicrostomum nov. spec 37 Cyclocoelum halli nov. spec 38 Cyclocoelum wilsoni nov. spec 40 Cyclocoelum cuneatum nov. spec 41 Cyclocoelum obscurum (Leidy) 42 Cyclocoelum macrorchis nov . spec 44 Cyclocoelum triangularmn nov. spec 46 Cyclocoelum vicarium (Arnsdorff) 47 Notocotylidae 48 Diagnosis of family 49 Key to subfamilies and genera 49 Notocotylinae 50 Notocotylus 50 Notocotylus urbanensis (Cort) 51 Stages in the life history 52 Notocotylm quinqueserialis (Barker and Laughlin) 53 Catatropis 54 Catatropis filamentis Barker 54 Paramonostomum 55 Paramonostomum echinum nov. spec 55 Nudocotylinae 56 Nudocotyle novicia Barker 56 Heronimidae 57 Heronimns chelydrae MacCallum 57 CoUjTiclidae 60 Collyriclum colei Ward 60 Diagnosis 60 Remarks on the life history 64 Species inquirendae 66 Clinostomum (?) incotnmodum Leidy 60 Monostomum ornatum Leidy 66 Monosiomum spatulalum Leidy 68 Monostomum affine Leidy 68 Monostomum asperum Vaillant 69 Monostomum amiuri Stafford 70 The polyphyletic origin of the monostomes 72 Introduction 72 Interrelationship of the monostome famihes 74 Apparent relation of these families to other groups 75 Summary 80 Bibliography 82 Description of plates 88 225] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES INTRODUCTION The study of the Monostomata was undertaken four years ago following the suggestion of Professor Henry B. Ward, who expressed the need for a thorough study of the group. A preliminary survey of the available mate- rial served to convince me that a more complete and comparative study of the group was desirable and that such a study would prove of value to helminthologists. This study seemed more desirable since but two com- parative studies of the group had been made in the last twenty-five years. The first of these was that of Stossich (1902) which is based wholly on European material; the second that of Kossack (1911) is based largely on the same material. The fact that very Httle had been done on this group in America and that no comparative study of the American fauna had been undertaken furnished further incentive for this work. The writer undertook an investigation of the group which should be comprehensive in scope and at the same time comparative. For this pur- pose he had free and unUmited use of the large personal collections of Professor Ward secured thru extensive field work as well as obtained by exchange. These had been augmented, with a view to getting a complete series, by loans of material from European and American investigators. Unfortunately specimens of certain originals could not be secured either because they had been lost or because they could not be removed from the collections. Thanks are due to the following investigators who at the request of Professor Ward kindly sent material from valuable collections for study and comparison; Professor Anton Collin, University of Berlin; Professor Theodor Pintner, University of Vienna; the curator of the Museum, University of Gottingen; Professor Fr. Zschokke, University of Basel; Dr. C. W. Stiles, Hygienic Laboratory, Washington, D. C; Dr. B. H. Ransom, Bureau of Animal Industry. Dr. John C. Johnson has also very kindly loaned the writer material for study. For the study of Cyclo- coelum halli and Cydocoelum wilsoni, use has been made of the field notes of W. C. Hall filed with the records of that series. Especially to Professor Henry B. Ward under whose supervision the work has been done, the writer desires to express most sincere thanks for the use of his extensive collections and of his library, as well as for his efforts to secure rare material and for the continued deep interest and hearty cooperation which have given the inspiration to finish this work. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [226 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION The methods employed in this study are those ordinarily used with similar material. No special technique has been found necessary. In general sections were stained in toto with Erlich's acid hematoxylin and counterstained in section with alcoholic eosin. Sections were cut 10 to 20 micra in thickness. Frontal, sagittal, and transverse sections were used. In order to obtain a clearer perception of more minute and obscured parts wax reconstructions were made. These were employed particularly to find the relationship and constancy of form of the female genital organs. MATERIAL The material on which this study is based is composed of various collec- tions from different regions of the United States. It is limited to that obtained from North American fresh water hosts and in each instance is listed with the species description. However for comparison with the Amerian material the following specimens were secured from the sources indicated. EUROPEAN MATERIAL From the Zoological Museum, Berlin Species Cyclocoelum problematicum Cyclocoelum problematicum Cyclocoelum problem alicmn Cyclocoelum ovopunctatum Cyclocoelum braziiianum Cyclocoelum tringae Haematolrephus similis Haemalolrephus similis Monostomum vanelli From the Zoological Museum, University of Gottingen Host Cat. No. Collector Totanus glottis 2449 Ehrenberg To tonus glottis 2455 Ehrenberg Canis vulpecula 2454 1342 Ehrenberg Scolapax ftavicepa 2494 V. Olfers 2495 Ehrenberg Himantop. atropterus 2486 Ehrenberg 2309 Ehrenberg Vanellus cristalus 1326 Rudolphi Cyclocoelum (Monosiomum) mutabile (Zed.) Monostomum verrucosum Monostomum attenuatum Monostomum attenuatum 284 Gallimila chloropus Taken at Claustal Anas bernicla Mergus merganser Anas fuligula From the Zoological JSIuseum, University of Vienna Monostomum mutabile Totanus flaviceps IX 552 Taken in Brazil 234 238 220 Mehlis Mehlis Mehlis Mehlis From the Collection of Henry B. Ward, University of Illinois Collyriclum faba Passer domesticus 21 . 764 Taken in Switzerland Zschokke Cyclocoelum leidyi {Monostomum mutabile Zeder of Leidy) NORTH AMERICAN MATERIAL From the Leidy Collection GalUnago wilsoni 160 Leidy 227] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES Species Host Cyclocoelum pseudoniicrostomum Fulica americana (Monostomum miUabilc Zeder of LeidjO Cat. No. Collector 186 Leidy From the collection of the Army Medical Museum Cyclocoelum ohscuriim Stereolepsis sp? 1035 Leidy From the collection of the Bureau of Animal Industry Notocotylus urbanensis Dafila acuta 5772 Stiles & Hassall (Monostoma sp. Stiles & Hassall) Notocotylus urbanensis Fiber zibethicus (Monostoma sp. Stiles & Hassall) 5769 5770 Stiles & Hassall Notocotylus urbanensis Aix spotisa (Monostoma sp. Stiles & Hassall) Notocotylus quinqueserialis Arvicola riparius (Monostoma sp. Stiles & Hassall) 5771 Stiles & Hassall 5773 Stiles & Hassall From the Collection of Henry B. Ward, University of Illinois Cyclocoelum pseudomicrostomum Cyclocoelum cuneatum' Cyclocoelum obscurum Cyclocoelum obscurum Cyclocoelum niacr orchis Notocotylus quinqueserialis Paramonostomum echinum Heronimus chelydrae Collyriclum colei Cyclocoelum halli Cyclocoeluvi wilsoni Cyclocoelum triangularum Wild duck Gallinago deli^ata Symphaemia seviipalmata (unknown) Straight billed curlew Fiber zibethicus Fiber zibethicus Snapping turtle Emys blatidingi Chrysemys marginata Kinosternon odoratus Cinosternum pennsyhanicum Graptemys geographicus Passer domesticus Totavus melanoleucus Totanus solitarius Gallinago delicata Tringa maculata 10.41 08.172 08.179 08.183 08.180 15.120 21.91 08.176 12.161, 162, 163 N.B. 15,21.760,22.169 16.425 22.40,41 22.166 11.11 L.J.Cole 11.12,21.961,762 21.90 W.C.Hall 21.763 W.C.Hall 21.89 W.C.Hall 21.88 W.C.Hall 10 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [228 HISTORICAL DATA More than a century ago the first of the Monostomata were described. Since that time many helminthologists have contributed to the study of this group. Most notable of the older authors are Zeder, Rudolphi, von Siebold, Van Beneden and Diesing. In more recent times Brandes, Stos- sich, Looss, Liihe, Monticelli, Kossack and Odhner have contributed materially to our knowledge of the European forms. Apart from the work of Goeze (1782) who described two species which he believed to have only one sucker and that of Schrank (1788) which was a mere catalogue of species, Zeder (1800, 1803) was the first to establish this group. In 1800 he created the genus Monostoma based on five species; Monostoma ocreatum, and Monostoma bombynae which have since been removed to the distomes; Monostoma verriicosum a Notocotylid; and Monostoma prismaticum and Monostoma mutabile which are now trans- ferred to the genus Cyclocoelum. Rudolphi in his Synopsis Entozoorum served in the early organization of the group. While a number of species were imperfectly known at this time it was not until the work of von Siebold (1835) was published that the anatomy of these worms was clearly understood. In this work the author gave a good description of Monostoma mutabile Zeder along with the early stages of the life history as shown in the development of the egg before it is discharged from the uterus. Diesing (1850) reorganized the genus including all species described up to this time. Following this Van Beneden (1861) reviewed the anatomy of Monostomum mutabile and added a description of the anatomy of Mono- stomum verrticosum Frdlich with a study and description of a cercaria which he believed to be the larval form of this species. The next important contributions to the knowledge of this group were those of Monticelli (1892) in which he gave a complete account of the genus Notocotyle Dies- ing and in a second paper in the same year a similar account of Monosto- mum cymhium Diesing. Closely following these was the Revision of Brandes (1892) in which he proposed the new genus Cyclocoelum to include Mono- stomum mutabile, M.flavum, M. arcuatum, M. tringae and M. elUpticiim. In more recent time the work of Stossich (1902), Odhner (1905, 1907) and Kossack (1911) stands out as important contributions to the knowl- edge of this group. Looss and Liihe have likewise had a share in the organization of the group as a unit. The most recent European work on members of this group is that of Jegen (1917) in which he presents data on the life history and relationship of Collyriclum faba Bremser. 2291 NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 11 In North America little has been done on this group of trematodes and aside from the systematic arrangement of species by Pratt (1902) and the descriptive key of Ward (1918) only isolated descriptions of species have appeared. The earliest report of species which have been assigned to this group are those of Joseph Leidy (1856-1895) the descriptions of which are so meager that some of the forms must remain as species inquirendae. MacCallum (1902) found and described Heronimus chelydrae from the lungs of the snapping turtle. Barker and Parsons fifteen years later re- described this form without reference to the work of MacCallum under the name Aorchis extensus. Barker and Laughlin (1911) described Notocotyle quinqueserialis from the intestine of Fiber zibethicus and later Barker (1916) described from the same host the new genus and species Nudocotyle novicia. These with the report by Cole of Monostoma faba (later named Collyricum colei by Ward) are the major items from North America. More recently Stunkard (1919) has shown that Heronimus chelydrae of MacCallum and Aorchis extensus of Barker and Parsons are identical, and Tyzzer (1918) from the study of Collyriclum colei Ward and comparison of it with the description of Collyriclum faba Bremser by Kossack, provisionally regards them as identical. Tyzzer's paper affords a detailed account of the anatomy of this species and a study of the maturation, fertilization and development of the miracidia within the eggs. His views regarding the identity of the two forms are discussed in detail later (p. 62-65). SPECIES PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED FROM NORTH AMERICA Most descriptions of North American species of this group are inade- quate and as a result of this it is impossible to determine with any degree of accuracy their rightful systematic position without re-examination of the material. This has been lost in a number of cases and in other instances all effort to locate certain specimens has proved futile. The following list is an attempt to bring together all references to date on the species pre- viously described from North American fresh water hosts. Names in- dented represent later descriptions of the same form arranged in chrono- logical order. Monostomum ornatum Leidy 1856:43 Monostomum ornaHim Brandes 1892:504-510 Haematoloechus? Stafford 1902:724 Monostomum incommodum Leidy 1856:43 Distoma oricola Leidy 1884:47 Distoma oricola Leidy 1891:414 Monostomum affine Leidy 1858:43 Notocotyle? affine (Leidy 1858) Barker 1916:183 12 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [230 Monostomum spatulatum Leidy 1858:111 Monostomum spathulatum Leidy of Diesing 1859:426 Monostomum asperum Vaillant (nee. Nitzsch) 1863:6-7; 1863:347-348 Monostomulum asperum Vaill. of Brandes 1892:504-511 Monostomum aspersum Vaill. of Pratt 1902:966 Monostomum aspersum Vaill. of Pratt, Ward 1918:382 Monostomum mutabile Zeder of Leidy 1885:9 Cycloccelum leidyi nov. spec, of this paper Monostomum obscurum Leidy 1887:24 Cyclocoelum obscurum (Leidy) of this paper Monostomum amiuri Stafford 1900:402 Cyclocoelum vicarium (Arnsdorff 1908) Kossack 1911:518 Monostomum vicarium Arnsdorff 1908:362 Notocotyle quinqueserialis Barker and Laughlin 1911:261-274 Catatropis filamentis Barker 1915: PI. I, fig. 6 Catatropis fimbriata Barker 1915:190 Nudocotyle novicia Barker 1916:175-184 Eeronimus chelydrae MacCallum 1902:632-636 Aorchis extensus Barker and Parsons 1914:193-194 Collyriclum colei Ward 1917:2-3 Monostoma faba Cole 1911:42-48 Collyriclum f aba Tyzzer 1918:267-292 NEW SPECIES DESCRIBED IN THIS PAPER CyclocoeHdae Cyclocoelinae Cyclocoelum leidyi nov. spec. Cyclocoelum pseudomicrostomum nov. spec, Cyclocoelum macrorchis nov. spec. Cyclocoelum wilsoni nov. spec. Cyclocoelum halli nov. spec. Cyclocoelum triangularutn nov. spec. Cyclocoelum cuneatum nov. spec. Notocotylidae Notocotylinae N otocotylus urbanensis (Cort) (Cercaria only known previously) Paramonostomum echinum nov. spec. 231] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 13 FAMILIES OF MONOSTOMIDAE Altho in another section of this paper the monostomes are shown to be more closely related to other groups than to each other it is thought best to preserve the group classification until further evidence is secured which definitely proves the suggested relationship. For this reason the key to the monostome families is included and it is expected to serve only for the rapid determination of specimens rather than to furnish full diag- nostic characters. KEY TO FAMILIES 1(2) Intestinal crura anastomosing in the posterior end Family Cyclocoelidae 2(1) Intestinal crura ending blindly near the posterior end 3 3(4) Testes lateral to crura Family Notocotylidae 4(3) Testes within crura 5 5(6) Excretory pore posterior and terminal .... Family CoUyriclidae 6(5) Excretory pore dorsal; in anterior body half . Family Heronimidae 14 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [232 DESCRIPTION OF FAMILIES Validity of the older name. — The question raised by Liihe (1901) regarding the use by Looss (1899) of the family name Monostomidae Cobbold 1866 [erroneously credited to MonticelH by Llihe (1901) and by Stossich (1902)] without a type genus Monostomum and the extended discussion of Looss (1902) is a needless one if the rules of the International Code be applied. Article V of this code deals specifically with the family name which by the acceptance of the genus name Cyclocoelum becomes Cyclocoehdae. CYCLOCOELIDAE Kossack 1911 Diagnosis. — Endoparasitic trematodes of large to middle sized muscu- lar bodies. Mouth opening terminal or subterminal surrounded by muscular sucker usually much reduced. Ventral acetabulum sometimes present, pharynx large, muscular; esophagus long. Intestinal crura simple or possessing internal ceca, anastomosing in the posterior end of the body. Excretory bladder between posterior intestinal arch and end of body with median dorso-terminal pore. Genital pore median, usually ventral to pharynx. Copulation organs present, well developed; seminal vesicle in cirrus pouch. Vitellaria in general lying between body wall and intestinal crura, sometimes surrounding the latter. Genital glands between intestinal crura, simple or lobed, forming the points of a triangle. Laurer's canal wanting; receptaculum seminis present. Uterus strongly developed lying in more or less regular folds between intestinal crura over which they sometimes extend, usually filling entire space between crura. Eggs numer- ous, without polar filament, usually containing well developed miracidia with characteristic double eye spots. Parasitic in body cavity, lungs and nasal cavities of water birds. Type and only American genus Cyclocoelum. Other genera Haemato- trephus, Hyptiasmus, Typhlocoelum, Tracheophilus, Ophthalmophagus, Spaniometra and Bothriogaster. The foregoing diagnosis differs from that of Kossack in noting that an oral sucker and a receptaculum seminis have been found in two genera of this family, namely Cyclocoelum and Haematotrephus. In the genus Cyclocoelum these organs have been found in the species described in this paper as well as in the following European species: Cyclocoelum prohlema- ticum Stoss., Cyclocoelum ovopunctatum Stoss., Cyclocoelum brazilianum Stoss., and in Cyclocoelum tringae (Brandes) as well as in Haematotrephus similis Stoss. 233j NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 15 During the study of the Cyclocoelidae and the attempt to prepare a key the writer was impressed with the segregation of the genera into dis- tinct groups. These groups are here designated as sub-families. The group composed of Cyclocoelum, Haematotrephus and Hyptiasmus are according to this grouping left in the sub-family Cyclocoelinae created by Stossich (1902) for the entire group. A second group is that formed by Typhlocoe- lum Stossich and Tracheophilus Skrjabin (1913) which on the basis of the strongly developed vitellaria and diverticula of the intestine deserve rank as a distinct sub-family to which I desire to assign the name Typhlocoeli- nae. As stated in a later section of this paper Cohn (1904) would ally this group with the Fasciolidae on the basis of a rudimentary sucker found in Typhlocoelum flavum (Mehlis). A third group is that formed by Ophthal- mophagus and Spaniometra and is based on the position of the ovary in the intestinal arch with the testes anterior thereto, and on the position of the vitellaria which in these genera are ventral to the intestine. Bothrio- gaster is also placed in this group although it presents some striking differences, especially with respect to the vitellaria which in this genus are markedly like those of Cyclocoelum. However with respect to the repro- ductive glands it conforms more nearly to Spaniometra. Other peculiar- ities of this genus will be discussed elsewhere in this paper. KEY TO SUB-FAMILIES AND GENERA 1(11) Ovary between testes or on a level with posterior testis 2 2(8) Intestinal crura without diverticula Sub-family Cyclocoelinae Stossich 1902 .... 3 3(6) Right and left sides of vitellaria separated at posterior end. . . .4 4(5) Uterus loosely folded; long loops surrounding genital glands. . . . Haematotrephus Stossich 1902 5(4) Uterus compact; loops short not surrounding genital glands. . . . Cyclocoelum Stossich 1902 6(3) Right and left sides of vitellaria continuing into one another at posterior end 7 7 Uterine loops extending laterally over intestinal crura and vitellaria to body wall Hyptiasmus Kossack 1911 8(2) Intestinal crura with distinct diverticula Sub-family Typhlocoeline .... 9 9(10) Testes strongly lobed Typhlocoelum Stossich 1902 10(9) Testes round Tracheophilus Skrjabin 1913 11(1) Ovary posterior to testes, situated in intestinal arch Sub-family Ophthalmophaginae .... 12 12(15) Vitellaria ventral to crura 13 13(14) Testes in posterior body half .Ophthalm.ophagus Stossich 1902 14(13) Testes in anterior body half Spaniometra Kossack 1911 16 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [234 15(12) Vitellaria lateral to crura Ventral acetabulum conspicuously developed Bothriogaster Fuhrman 1904 Up to the present the only genus in this family represented in North America is Cyclocoelum and for this reason the other genera are not dealt with in the following pages. CYCLOCOELUM Historical. — The question of the type for this genus is indeed a com- plicated one and as Stiles (1908) has said "well represents a ship without a rudder." Liihe accepts the designation of Hoyle (1888) and takes issue with Looss who by elimination accepts Monostomum prismaticum as type. Stiles (1908) presents a third view in which he says that the name Mono- stomum is a synonym to Festucaria by priority rule, since Zeder deliber- ately renamed the genus Festucaria Schrank (1788). A critical study of the literature involved brings to light certain facts on this point which seem to the writer to be worthy of space here. The name Festucaria was proposed by Schrank (1788) for two species Festu- caria anatis and Festucaria strigis. These species were described by Goeze (1782) in Klasse II of his family (genus) Planaria as "rundlichte oder walzenformige Plattwurm" of which he says there are two genera. Only one of them is of concern here and is described by Goeze (1782:173-174) as having a single mouth, ("mit einfacher Mlindung"). From the context of the description one is led to believe that these worms were collected by Goeze since he says, "Ich, * * * habe sie nur in zwo Arten von Vogeln gefunden; in einer zahmen Ente, und in einer grauen Weideneule." He follows this with a description of the worms in situ as well as when he placed the intestine of the host in water where the worms "loosed themselves." The type of the genus Festucaria becomes by page precedence Festu- caria anatis Schrank (1788). This purports to be the same worm described by Goeze (1782:174) as follows: — "In den Dedarmen einer Ente sassen hin und wieder kleine gelbliche Knotgen. Da ich einige abnehmen wollte, merkte ich, dass sie vest anklebten. Als ich sie ins Wasser brachte, gaben sie sich los, und ich erkannte sie fiir rundlichte Plattwiirmer mit einer Miindung." The description of his figure 9 plate 13 adds "(a) die einfache Miindung mit 2 Punkten; (b) eine Art von Maul dariiber." From the description and the figures this appears to be the crown of spines which Goeze mistook for a mouth. The description of Schrank (1788), based on Goeze (1782), runs as follows : — Splitterwurm — Festucaria Ein langlichter, einformiger Wiirm vorne mit einer einzigen Sauge- miindung. 235] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 17 "Enten Sp. 54, Cylindri-formed, columnar, walzenformig." "Zween erhabene Punkte in der Mundoffnung, Festucaria anaiis." "Goeze Eingew. 174 tab. 13, figs. 8-11; in Enten." Gmelin (1790) classifies the same worm as Fasciola anatis. Zeder (1800) renames the genus Festucaria, Monostoma, and includes under the name the following species; Monostoma elaphi Monostoma prismaticum Monostoma ocreatum Monostoma miitabile Monostoma verrucosum Monostoma bombynae In the same work the species of Schrank {Festucaria anatis) (Fasciola of Gmelin) is described as an Echinostome (Distoma anatis). Rudolphi (1801) recognized the same genus Festucaria Schrank with Monostoma Zeder as a synonym and later in the same paper (p. 62) stated that he permits the name Festucaria to stand even though Zeder had proposed a new one. This name he retained until 1809 when he rejects it for the denomination of Zeder which he says "omnino praeferenda sit." In his later paper (1819) Rudolphi still adhered to the genus name of Zeder. Subsequent to this time helminthologists have accepted without comment the genus Monostoma of Zeder. Consequently Hoyle (1888) de ignated Monostoma mutabile as type of this genus. Four years later Brandes (1892) in his Revision der Monostomiden grouped together what he beheved to be members of this genus, "als gute Arten," Monostoma mutabile Zeder, M. flavum Mehhs, M. arcuatum Brandes, M. tringae Brandes and M. ellipti- cum Rudolphi and suggested their separation from the remaining species under the name Cyclocoelum with the following diagnosis: "Diese fiinf Spezies scheinen ihrer Organisation und Lebensweise nach zusammenzu- gehoren, jedenfalls die ersten 4, die sammtlich in der Leibes- oder Infra- orbital-hohle von Wasservogeln schmarotzen, wahrend M. ellipticum in der Lunge von Rana maculata gefunden wurde, * * * . Die Enden der Darmschenkel mit einander verschmelzen, sodass der Darmtractus einem Ring darstellt." Looss (1899) accepted the revision of Brandes and named M. mutabile as type of the genus of Brandes. Later in the same notable work the author used the term Monostomidae to characterize a certain group of worms. But his contemporary Liihe (1900) in a re- view of the work of Looss objected on the ground of the nomenclature law to the use of the family name Monostomidae without a type genus Mono- stoma and called attention to the priority of the "vollig verschollenen" genus Festucaria Schrank. One year later Looss (1901) in explanation and confirmation of his earlier work showed by elimination that Mono- stomum prismaticum is type of the genus Monostoma Zeder. In regard to 18 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [236 the right of priority of Festucaria Schrank he stated that he found no reason to call back from oblivion that absolutely meaningless name. "Ich habe mich bisher nicht veranlasst gef uhlt, diesen auch mir bekannten, aber in der That ganzlich der Vergessenheit anheimgefallenen und prak- tisch absolut bedeutungslosen Namen wieder ins Leben zuriickzurufen; ich empfinde dafur auch heute noch keine Neigung und iiberlasse deshalb die Entscheidung der Frage mit Vergnugen denjenigen, die sich mehr dafur interessieren," Liihe continued the discussion on the basis of the priority of Festucaria Schrank and the deUberate renaming of Zeder. He stated, however, that he believes Festucaria anatis Schrank (based on Goeze 1782, Taf. 13, Figs. 8-11) to be Echinostomum echinatum. However Liihe continued to use the genus name Monostoma Zeder. Stossich (1902) accepted Monostoma mutahile Zeder (1800) as the earhest record of the group and approved its removal by Brandes (1892) to the genus Cyclocoelum. He does not consider the priority of Festucaria or the renaming by Zeder (1800) but Zeder says distinctly that Schrank (1788) placed those worms with one sucker in a genus under the name Festucaria and that he (Zeder) in conformance to the German system of nomenclature wished to introduce the Greek term Monostoma which he considered a more appropriate and characteristic name. Kossack (1911) cited the positions of Hoyle, Luhe, Looss and Stiles previously mentioned; he then avoids the real situation by accepting only the more generally recognized works and thus believes himself dealing with a necessity, and also to be in full accord with the law of priority. On this basis he omits from the discussion the genus name Festucaria and substitutes for the old name Monostoma the more significant name Cyclocoelum. It seems to the writer that the case at hand is clearly covered by Article 32 of the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature; and after a careful study of the case the writer is led to accept Stiles' view and to abide by the ruling of the International Commission according to which the genus Monostoma Zeder (1800) becomes a synonym of Festucaria Schrank (1788). The fact that Zeder did not include the original species, Festucaria anatis, in his genus does not affect the case since the genus name would remain with the type species; hence the redescribing of this form by Zeder under the name Distotna anatis does not change the case since in that event Festucaria falls with Monostoma into synonomy. Then Festucaria strigis having been removed to the genus Strigea, whether Festucaria anatis, is a distome (Zeder 1800), or an echinostome (Zeder 1803, Rudolphi 1809, and Liihe 1901), the case remains the same and can be analyzed only as a direct renaming of the original form. Accordingly the species of Monostoma Zeder fall in the genus Festucaria Schrank 1788. The type is clearly Festucaria anatis. 237] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 19 The opinion expressed by Liihe (1901) that he believes Festucaria ana- tis to be an echinostome, is indeed not a new view for in fact it is suggested in the description of Goeze when he describes the orifice as having above it a sort of a mouth. As was mentioned earlier in this work Goeze probably erroneously described the crown or ring of spines for the mouth. Also his description of the worms in situ in the intestine of a domestic duck suggests the probability of an echinostome. Zeder (1800) evidently recognized the distome nature of these worms for he described in his group Echinis under the name Distoma anatis worms which he terms identical with Cucullanus conoideus Bloch (1782), Planaria enten sp. Goeze (1782), Festucaria anatis Schrank (1788) and Fasciola anatis Gme- lin (1790). Characteristic points of his description are the large aceta- bulum and the ring-like swelling around the head armed with spines. In 1803 this worm was described by the same author as Distoma echinatum. Rudolphi (1809) described Cucullanus conoideus Bloch, Planaria (teres poro simplici) Goeze, Fasciola anatis Gmelin, Festucaria anatis Schrank, Distoma anatis Zeder (1800) and Distoma echinatum Zeder (1803) as identi- cal. Likewise Diesing (1850) and Baird (1853) interpret Festucaria anatis as identical with Distoma echinatum. This with the opinion of Liihe already given appears to be sufficient evidence to determine the probably Echinostome nature of Festucaria anatis Schrank. In any event the species described by Zeder (1800) as Monostoma mutabile which we now know as Cyclocoelum mutabile is quite strikingly different anatomically and hence clearly not closely related to Festucaria anatis based on the opinions of Zeder (1800, 1803), Rudolphi (1809, 1819), and Liihe (1901). From a study of the literature the writer is in agreement with the opinion of Liihe, Rudolphi and Zeder that Festucaria anatis is probably Echinostomum echinatum Rud. (1809). Whether these authors studied the same material can be only a matter of conjecture. An additional fact, however, is furnished by our present knowledge of the normal habitat of these worms which with few exceptions are confined to partially closed cavities of the body, the infraorbital sinus, and areal sacs for Cyclocoelum and Hyptiasmus, and the trachea for Typhlocoelum. As has been previously noted the habitat of Festucaria anatis is the intes- tine of a domestic duck. The genus Cyclocoelum Brandes (1892) was formulated to include the following species Monostoma mutabile, M. flavum, M. arcuatum, M. tringae, and M. ellipticum with the following description: first four species collected from the body cavity and infraorbital sinus of water birds the fifth Monostoma ellipticum, from the lungs of Rana maculaia, with intes- tinal crura anastomosing in the posterior end. In the acceptance of the genus name Cyclocoelum Brandes (1892) the writer realizes that he is subject to criticism on account of the genus 20 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [238 Cyclocoela Dujardin (1845) and in view of this fact calls attention to the recommendation of the International Zoological Commission in the Inter- national Code which reads: — "It is well to avoid the introduction of new generic names which differ from generic names already in use only in ter- mination or in a slight variation in spelling which might lead to confusion. But once introduced, such names are not to be rejected on this account." Structure of the Genus The description of Stossich (1902) states that these worms are covered with spines which that author interprets of sufficient importance to be a specific characteristic. Although Zeder (1803) observed these granula- tions he was not able to determine their real nature and suggests that they are either cellular structures or glands underlying the thin cuticula. It was not until the work of Fuhrmann (1904) was published that the true nature of these, which are really pits became known. This author de- scribed and figured these pits as found on the ventral surface of Bothrio- gaster variolaris and stated that he has observed similar depressions on both the dorsum and venter of Cyclocoelutn mutabile. However, he raises the question whether these are not a product of preservation. Kossack (1911) verified the work of Fuhrmann by similar observations on several species belonging to at least three distinct genera of this family. He sup- ported the view of Fuhrmann as to their origin and added as evidence of their nonexistence in living material that the authors who had opportunity to study living material — notably von Siebold and Van Beneden — did not mention their presence. There can be no doubt that Zeder (1800, probably also 1803) made observations on living material. That the particular observation men- tioned above was made from living material of course is only a matter of conjecture. It is evident, however, that at least one author who studied living material did observe these pits. Hence the lack of mention by von Siebold and Van Beneden is not sufficient evidence to prove their non- existence in living material. That the state of contraction at the time of fixation is responsible for the degree of depth and apparent frequency of these pits remains unques- tioned. But unless they occur in the living specimen it would be impos- sible to find them so regularly in preserved material. In addition if they are artifacts of preservation one would expect to find them in other trema- tides of similar size and structure. While the writer has not had opportunity to study living Cyclocoelidae he has found the above mentioned "Grubchen" of Kossack, the "ovale depressionen" of Fuhrmann, constantly in more than one hundred and fifty specimens belonging to at least nine species of the genus Cyclocoelum and in Eaematotrephus similis. While in the study of more than a hundred 239] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 21 Specimens of Heronimtis chelydrae MacCallum (1902) both living and pre- served not a single instance has been found. For these reasons the writer feels safe in saying that these pits are characteristic of the living animal and are only emphasized by the state of contraction at the time of preser- vation. The various worms being fixed in different states of contraction would consequently show these pits more conspicuously in the more con- tracted specimens. The body wall is composed of at least five layers. From outside inward they are as follows, cuticula, basement membrane, circular muscle, longi- tudinal muscle, and epithelium (Fig. 25). These compose what is com- monly known as the dermomuscular sac. The disposition of the parts of the dermomuscular sac of this group agrees in most respects with the inter- pretation of Monticelli (1888) and Blochmann (1896). It differs however from the observation of Fuhrmann (1904) in which he says that the body musculature is differentiated into outer longitudinal, inner circular muscle layers and inside of this the layer of bands of diagonal muscles, in that the outer muscle layer is formed by circular muscles (Fig. 25). The single statement of Fuhrmann mentioned above is so strikingly different from all comprehensive works on this subject that the writer is lead to believe that it is a lapsus calami and that in reality the muscle layers of Bothrio- gaster variolaris are identical with those of other trematodes. Zeder (1803) states that these worms have a single sucker on the for- ward end. His description of this organ is scanty and lacks the points which distinguish the sucker from the pharynx so that one is lead to believe in the light of present knowledge that he interpreted the pharynx in the Cyclocoelidae to be the same as the sucker in the Notocotylidae. Von Siebold (1835), the first to give a clear account of the anatomy of the Monostomidae in his description of Cyclocoelum {Monostomum) mutabile (Zeder), speaks of the mouth as a transverse oral opening leading to a funnel shaped canal which narrows gradually posteriorly and terminates in the so-called pharynx. No trace of a sucking organ was observed by this author. Following this Van Beneden (1858) referred to the above work fre- quently but stated that the monostomes have only a mouth sucker situated in the anterior region. In another paragraph of the same work he speaks of the digestive system of Trematodes as showing generally an anterior sucker in the bottom of which is situated the mouth. This he says opens into a second enlargement similar to the preceding sucker, the pharyngeal bulb. In his figures of Cyclocoelum {Monostomum) mutabile (Zeder) the structure termed pharyngeal bulb above is indexed as buccal bulb. These show the pharyngeal bulb with no anterior sucking musculature surround- ing the mouth opening. In a later paper (1861) the same author describing again this same species spoke of the bulb and the region preceding it which 22 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [240 he said is seen with difficulty. A little later in this work in the description of Notocotyle {Monostomum) verrucosunt he employed the term "la ven- tuose anterieure ou plutot le buccal," applying it to the spherical muscular bulb at the extreme anterior of this worm a Notocotylid, evidently mistak- ing this structure for the same structure termed the pharyngeal bulb in the earlier work. His descriptions show clearly that the same organ which in the distomes is termed pharynx is here termed anterior sucker or buccal bulb. Some years later Monticelli (1892) described the mouth as small in Monostomum mutabile and Monostomum expansum; of greater or less size in Ogmogaster plicatum and Monostomum galeatum; circular in Monostomum hippocrepis and Monostomum trigonocephalum ; ellipsoidal in Monostomum cymhium and Monostomum ornatum. It is usually ventral and generally situated in the extreme anterior end. When present a prepharynx of variable length is situated directly in front of the pharyngeal sucker, the "anterior sucker or buccal bulb" of Van Beneden. Monticelli thus dis- tinguishes between the funnel shaped tapering canal of von Siebold (1835) and the adjoining posterior structure; and designates it as a prepharynx. He says that in Notocotyle and some other genera of this family the prepharynx is wanting and that then the pharynx is anterior and plays the role of an anterior sucker. For this reason he designates this structure in these genera as a sucker pharynx. Braun one year later, refers to the description of Monticelli and sug- gests that a sucking organ has been developed out of the pharynx. In 1901 the same author refers to the "bulbus buccalis" of Van Beneden, or pharynx of Monticelli, as a Mundsaugnapf which he says is followed by the esophagus. In another paragraph of the same work when describing Monostomum trigonocephalum Rud. (since removed to the genus Prono- cephalus by Looss) collected from the intestine of the sea turtle he says that the sucker is 0.12 mm long and 0.09 mm broad and again states that it is followed by a straight esophagus 0.3 mm long, without a phar- ynx. Thus Braun has construed the muscular structure at the extreme anterior in the Notocotylidae, Pronocephalidae and other families of this group to be a development of a structure similar to that termed pharynx by Monticelli in the Cyclocoelidae. Barker and Laughlin (1911) accept this view without comment and describe the worms Notocotyle quinqueserialis as clinging to the intestine of the muskrat tenaciously with the well developed oral sucker. They found no evidence of a pharynx. Taschenberg (1879) describes the mouth in the genus Didymozoon as an opening followed by a funnel shaped duct leading to the pharynx. This he states to be generally characteristic of the entire group. Lonnberg (1891) found in Didymozoon lampridis the well developed sucker (pharynx of 241] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 23 Taschenberg) and just posterior to it a very small muscular bulb the phar- ynx. Odhner (1907) finds in Didyniozoon scombri Tschbg. a similar pharyn- geal bulb which he figures and proves beyond doubt that the pharynx of Taschenberg is a very strongly developed sucker followed by an extremely small pharynx. In this same notable work he says that in Cydocoelum (Monostomum) mutabile (Zeder) and other parasites where only a pharynx is present that there is always a region anterior to it which he terms the "Mundrohr" or "Mundhohle" (prepharynx of Monticelli), a structure which by the contraction of the inner walls changes the pharynx into a sucker. This same region is shown in the figures of Odhner for Didynio- zoon scombri Tschbg. Looss (1899) speaks of the mouth sucker but gives no equivalent for the pharynx of Monticelli. Later, however, he interprets the swelling at the beginning of the esophagus in Microscapha reticularis as a pharynx. Cohn (1904) calls this to account when he states that this swelling is nothing more than the esophageal sphincter which is present in many species. The same author interprets the oral sucker of Looss, or buccal bulb (anterior sucker) of Van Beneden, as a pharynx and adds that it is his opinion that soon monostomes will be found with a well formed sucker adjoining a typical pharynx. The evidence given in support of this con- sists of the statement that Haplorchis cahirinus Looss has a strongly devel- oped pharynx preceded by a rudimentary sucker and that he has observed in Cydocoelum (Monostomum) mutabile (Zeder) and in one other species (to be published later) a rudimentary sucker. On the contrary Looss (1899) figures Haplorchis cahirinus with a well developed but small oral sucker followed by a somewhat smaller but perfectly developed pharynx and in his description of this species states specifically that the oral sucker and the pharynx are well developed structures. He regards the rudimentary structure occurring on the ventral side as an acetabulum. He adds also that the nerve commissure which according to Braun lies in all the Digenea more or less bent around the dorsal side of the oral acetabulum and the pharynx, is in front of the muscular sucking organ in the Monostomidae and therefore that organ is a true pharynx, tho this organ serves both as a sucker and a pharynx. Stossich (1902) calls the pharynx of Monticelli an "inner sucker" which he says serves the same function as the mouth sucker of other trematodes. Odhner (1907) states that those that acquire holdfast organs in the least degree are the parasites of the respiratory organs; the group contain- ing Cydocoelum mutabile being entirely suckerless. Kossack following the decision of Monticelli says that the question can be determined only by a study of the position and distribution of the nerve ganglia. Conse- quently he termed the anterior muscular structure a true pharynx. Ward (1918) calls the same structure the oral sucker and says that no pharynx is 24 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [242 present. The interpretation of Braun, Looss, Ward and others is indeed well exemplified in many cases where the anterior region is telescoped posteriad over the opened anterior portion of the pharynx (Fig. 46). Records of an oral sucker in this group are few, aside from that found in Cyclocoelum mutabile by Cohn (1902). Wedl (1857) gives an ac- count of the oral sucker in Monostomum lanceolatum as follows: — "Der kleine Mundnapf liegt an der Bauchseite des zugeschmalerten Vorder- theiles des Thieres (Fig. 15a) und ist nach riickwarts von einem dickfleisch- igen Bulhus oesophagus (b) begrenzt, * * * >' These with the account of the writer (Harrah 1921) in which the oral sucker was described in two species of this genus constitute the evidence produced to demon- strate the presence of the oral sucker in this group. In the light of the foregoing the question brought out by a long con- tinued controversy remains unsettled. Is the structure termed the phar- ynx by Monticelli (1892) phylogenetically a pharynx or an oral sucker? While Monticelli attempted to prove by the distribution of the anterior nerves that the muscular bulb, or pharynx as he termed it, was a true pharynx, this has not been generally accepted and hence remains a matter of much controversy. In the opinion of the writer the brain commissure which lies distinctly anterior to the pharynx (Fig. 8) can be used as a land mark only and in a different state of contraction might have its relative position changed. The innervation is no doubt distributed to the other anterior structures as well. Although the nerve commissure has the same relative position in the distomes this alone does not prove the phy- logenetic origin of the pharynx, and when a muscular sucking apparatus is found and proof established of such an organ anterior to and adjoining the pharynx, as predicted by Cohn (1904), then and only then can these organs be safely designated as oral sucker and pharynx. In this study the writer has examined more than one hundred speci- mens of the genus Cyclocoelum Brandes comprising at least fifteen different species. In this material different conditions are found. In Cyclocoelum obliquuni Harrah 1921, Cyclocoelum halli nov. spec. Cyclocoelum obscurum (Leidy), Cyclocoelum triangiilarum nov. spec, a very weak and scarcely distinct oral sucker is present. The concentration of tissue is scarcely discernible except under the best optical conditions and even in sections there appears only a concentration of tissue at this point (Figs. 36-42). The outer circular band or sheath is found to be very light and not a con- tinuous band as in Cyclocoelum elongatum. The above condition has been found to obtain in Cyclocoelum problematicum Stoss. and Cyclocoelum tringae (Brandes). In these species the sucker musculature is easily over- looked and when not taken into account the mouth opening agrees well with the structure so clearly described by von Siebold (1835) and van Bene- den (1858) and that named prepharynx by Monticelli (1892), On the 243] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 25 Other hand in Cyclocoelum pseudomicrostomum an intermediate condition is found. On first observation the mouth opening appears like the one just described; however, on more careful scrutiny a light but well formed sucker is discernible. In this case, however, the longitudinal and oblique muscles are actually increased immediately surrounding the buccal duct which leads inward toward the very muscular pharynx (Fig. 43). From this more or less muscular wall, radial muscles extend outward having their origin in a weak band of circular muscles. This outside covering of the sucker is held in place by the same sort of transverse muscles as in the distomes. Were this the only case found one could perhaps accept Cohn (1902:715) who has observed what he terms a rudimentary mouth sucker in Cyclocoelum mutabile (Zeder). The maximum condition observed by the writer was that found in Cyclocoelum elongatum, in which posterior to the opening of the mouth, which is downward as before, is seen a large weak oral sucker scarcely vis- ible in toto preparations. It is from one-third to one-half larger than the pharynx posterior to it and extends from the extreme anterior of the animal to well over the anterior portion of the pharynx. It measures 314/i in length by 463/z in width. The musculature is much less strongly developed than that of the pharynx and consists of an outer circular layer connected by radial, longitudinal, and oblique muscles to a much heavier inner circular band which forms the muscular walls of the mouth (Figs. 44, 45, 47, 48). This muscular body is suspended by much lighter strands of transverse muscle having their origin in the musculature of the body wall and their insertion at times in the outer circular band of muscles covering the sucking musculature and again in the radial muscles of the sucker itself. In general the position of this sucker is such that it opens downward but suspended as it is a slight contraction of the dorsal sus- pensory muscles and at the same time a relaxation of the ventral ones could easily give to the sucker a different position so that its aspect would be changed from that of its true antero-ventral one (Fig. 29). In all specimens studied the writer has found evidence of the oral sucking mechanism and believes it to be a universal character in this family. In a study of Eaematotrephus similis Stossich a sucker almost as heavy as that of Cyclocoelum elongatum was found (Fig. 28), and in the former species the sucker is considerably more prominent than in Cyclo- coelum pseudomicrostomum and Cyclocoelum mutabile. Cyclocoelum micro- stomum could not be obtained for study of this feature. Following the oral sucker is a thin walled, lightly muscular tube extend- ing posteriad and ventrad to the pharynx and opening into it on the ventral side. The writer believes this to be a condition due to the state of contraction at the time of preservation and that in a fully extended speci- men the oral opening would enter the pharynx from the anterior face, 26 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [244 thus leaving some 150 to 200 ju between the oral sucker and the pharynx. This portion is termed the prepharynx (Fig. 29). As will be seen by the description which is to follow later the structure of the pharynx is practically identical in many of the species of this and other families and therefore must necessarily have developed from a similar tissue in a similar manner. This being the case there remains the functional differentiation which may come about in the absence of a well developed oral sucking structure. No doubt the pharynx aids the weak sucker in drawing in food and it is highly probable that the suction pro- duced by these heavy muscular walls is indeed very great. As was stated earlier in this discussion the position of the oral sucking apparatus relative to the pharynx in all those species which do not possess a strong oral sucking apparatus strongly indicates this view. As was stated before the muscular bulb, or pharynx of Monticelli, is identical in structure and has no doubt arisen in the same manner in all the species of this family. Even though it may function as a sucking organ in some instances this structure has not been modified and does not appear to be typical sucker tissue as it has been described in other trematodes. If, however, this muscular organ is present in one or more species of this genus at the same time with a distinct anterior musculature which is typical of that tissue as found in other groups of trematodes and is con- stant in these species, then one is justified in designating the anterior musculature a sucking organ or oral sucker and the musculature posterior to it a pharynx as it was termed by Monticelli (1892). Immediately posterior and dorsal to the prepharynx is a muscular structure developed around the wall of the posterior prepharynx or an- terior esophagus. On first observation the pharynx appears as two bean- shaped halves lying one on either side of the anterior portion of the esophagus. On more careful study, however, it is found to consist of heavy muscular halves bound together on the edges by smaller bands of fibers so that in the true cross section it appears as a cylinder with an elongated dorso-ventral slit passing through it. The pharynx is variable in size and form within the species as well as in different species, and may be in some species distinctly elongated while in others it is noticeably expanded laterally and still in others it is spherical. It measures in Cyclocoelum pseudomicrostomum 77SiJ. and is slightly longer than broad. In Cyclocoelum ohscurum it is in general spherical and meas- ures 215 to 298 )U. In Cyclocoelum macr orchis it is distinctly longer than broad and measures 264 to 314;u in length by 198 to 248/x in width. In Cyclocoelum elongatum the pharynx is oblong measuring 264 to 331^1 in length by 215 to 281 /x in width. While the range of measurements gives a general idea of the size and shape of the pharynx this study has shown 245] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 27 that th,e individual which has the longest pharynx is not always the one which has the narrowest one and vice versa. As stated above the size and form of the pharynx is not constant as might be indicated by an average or range of measurements. Cydocoelum ohscurum shows eight instances in which the pharynx is round, two with a greater width than length, one with a greater length than width; this gives an average for eleven specimens of 230/i in length and 231 )u in width, agreeing closely with the record that eight of the eleven cases cited show the pharynx to be spherical. From the range one would infer from the maximums that the pharynx is spherical but from the minimums of less transverse diameter than longitudinal. In Cydocoelum macrorchis and Cydocoelum elongatum every specimen measured shows for the pharynx a greater length than width while in Cydocoelum pseudomicrostomum and Cydocoelum ohscurum some were spherical while the majority have a greater length than width. From this comparison one can see readily that the pharynx possesses such variability in size and form in this genus that it can be termed at best only spheroidal. The musculature of the pharynx is, as stated previously, similar in all the species of this genus and consists of numerous fibers bound into bun- dles that are so interlaced as to make a very powerful organ and in the absence of the strong oral sucker it is quite probable that it serves as a sucking organ as was stated earlier in this work. The musculature is quite characteristic of this organ as it has been described in other trematodes and consists of circular, radial and longi- tudinal fibers. The circular muscles are most numerous and constitute approximately 75 percent of the entire structure. They are pierced by bundles of radial muscles which have their origin in the outer layer of circular muscles and their insertion in the inner layer of the same muscles whose fibers intertwine all the muscles of the circular and radial type, par- ticularly at their origin and insertion. In most cases this muscular bulb stands with the anterior end open thus forming a continuation of the funnel shaped mouth opening to the posterior end of the pharynx which in all instances observed by the writer is closed just anterior to the esophagus that leads caudad from this organ. The esophagus is a thin walled tube of varied length. In Cydocoelum elongatum it measures 347 to 463/x; in Cydocoelum ohscurum 331 to 662)u; in Cydocoelum halli 483ju on the average. The wide range of variation in length is due to the fact that the esophagus takes an S-shape (Fig. 29) which is no doubt due to a state of partial contraction taken at fixation. This condition makes it impossible to secure the exact length of this organ. Because of the different states of contraction the esophagus is more sinuous in some specimens than in others and consequently shows a much greater variation in length. In view of this fact the writer can place very little 28 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [246 weight on the exact length of the esophagus as a specific characteristic. In fact in some cases where the toto specimen showed the esophagus to be very short, sections of the same specimen gave evidence of a relatively long but much folded tube due no doubt to contraction. In the case of Cyclocoelum obscurum stated above the length varies from 298 to 662/i making an average for the eleven specimens of 419m. Under the conditions mentioned the average does not represent the actual length of the esophagus. It was noted from a study of this collection that the esophagus of one individual was more than twice as long as that of another. However, the maximum length of the esophagus is not repre- sented by the maximum measurements secured since in no case has the writer observed the esophagus when it could be said to form a straight line from the oral sucker to the pharynx. The normal condition is repre- sented in figure 29 where the esophagus arises at the dorsal portion of the pharynx and from there takes a winding course both laterally and dorso- ventrally to the intestinal bifurcation into which it empties directly from the ventral side of the latter organ. The esophagus bifurcates at the posterior portion of the first body sixth to form the intestinal crura. One branch passing to the right, the other to the left side of the body, thus forming an arch which lies in the anterior one-sixth of the body. The crura extend from this parallel to the body wall, being separated from it only by the vitellaria, to the extreme posterior end where they anastomose forming a posterior arch. This is separated from the posterior body wall by the excretory bladder. The crura are usually large with a Ifirge lumen. However, in some cases they are extremely irregular and show in a few instances more or less distinct pouches which in some individuals appear as distinct diverticula and in fact are as strongly exemplified as some of those shown by Stossich (1902) and Kossack (1911) for the genus Typhlo- coelum. This feature, however, is not constant for any species of the genus Cyclocoelum observed by the writer and is probably due to the pressure produced by expanded uterine loops which fill out the space between the crura and in many instances reach over the crura. Anterior to the intes- tinal bifurcation in Cyclocoelum macrorchis and Cyclocoelum obscurum there is an evagination which makes a pronounced undivided neck to the crura into which the esophagus opens. This appears in every specimen of the fifty-six in the two collections. This condition is in decided contrast to the other species studied. In these specimens, however, the intestinal crura are comparatively empty and show a generally relaxed condition whereas in most of the other specimens the crura are well filled and appar- ently well extended. It is probable in view of the relaxed and empty condition of the crura of the former species that the neck of the bifurcation is the result of the condition rather than a constant character for the species. 247] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 29 The excretory system of these worms cannot be fully made out in preserved material and at most one can obtain accurate knowledge of only a small part of this system without having had opportunity to study developmental forms while living. In general the excretory bladder can be made out in all species as a simple flattened sac, except in Cyclocoelum elongatum, lying between the posterior arch of the intestine and the body wall, usually closely approached on either side by the posterior extremities of the vitellaria. It opens to the exterior on the median dorsal surface by a small duct surrounded at its exterior opening by a strong sphincter. Two main branches of the system open into the excretory bladder one on either side. These branches follow in general the course of the intestinal crura and are joined by many secondary branches which anastomose freely forming a vast net-work ramifying the entire body. The ducts of the system are composed of relatively heavy muscular walls which aid in the movement of the excretory products toward the bladder. The nervous system so far as has been made out from the material at hand does not diiifer materially from the description of Lang (1880). The cephalic ganglia are situated one on either side of the pharynx and are connected by a dorsal commissure which spans the anterior alimentary organs between the pharynx and the sucker. In the miracidia are seen the beehive-shaped eye-spots first observed by Van Beneden (1861) and later described by Faust (1918). The vitelline glands in this family are very much alike in all genera being composed of two main canals which lie parallel to and usually outside of the intestinal crura. From these main stems side branches go out both dorsally and ventrally. The glands are made up of small follicular bodies arranged around the ducts so as to form grape-like clusters. The develop- ment of these glands is constant within a species and may be built up on the main stem with relatively few branches. The strongest development of the secondary branches is found in Cyclocoelum niicrostomum and Cyclo- coelum pseudomicrostomiim and in the genus Hyptiasmus where the branches of the vitelline glands form a net-work closely applied to the intestinal crura. The vitelline substance is conveyed to the ootype by a duct from each side in the region of the ovarian complex; these pass to a point posterior to the shell gland where they unite. At the point of union is usually found an enlargement, the vitelline reservoir. The duct then passes to the dorsal side of the shell gland where it becomes embedded in the latter organ; however, it emerges from this to re-enter it on the anterior dorsal surface and just after its entry joins the oviduct at the point of its enlargement to form the ootype. The cirrus pouch as stated by Kossack (1911) shows little variation. It is a clubshaped muscular pouch containing a relatively large vesicula seminalis to which unites a short weakly developed pars prostatica. This 30 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [248 gives rise to a relatively large cylindrical unarmed ductus ejaculatorius. In most individuals the ductus ejaculatorius and pars prostatica are much coiled inside the cirrus sac and can be made out only with considerable diflSculty. The writer has had the good fortune to have for study two specimens of Cyclocoelum brazilianum Stoss. one of which has the ductus ejaculatorius protruded from the body. The other one with the ductus ejaculatorius extended into the uterus in a case of evident self-copulation. (Figs. 31, 35). In these specimens the ductus is in excellent position for study and appears as described above. Through the union of the end portion of the cirrus pouch and the uterus a relatively large genital atrium is formed. The form of the genital glands throughout the family is in general very similar. They are usually round or elliptical, sometimes flattened from pressure of the surrounding parts, with the exception of Cyclocoelum vicar- ium (Arned.) and in the genus Typhlocoelum in which species the testes are lobed. The genital glands of the genus Cyclocoelum, the only Amer- ican genus thus far known belonging to this family, are spherical in form. The testes are located so the posterior is in or near the posterior intes- tinal arch and the anterior, a greater or less distance from this, separated often by uterus loops. Exceptions to this are found, however, in Cyclo- coelum oculobium (Cohn) and Bothriogaster variolaris Fuhrmann in which the ovary occupies the posterior intestinal arch while the testes are situ- ated in the middle region of the body. The vasa efferentia given off from the testes unite a short distance anterior and median to the anterior testis in Cyclocoelum obscurum, to form the vas deferens which makes its way between the uterine loops to the cirrus pouch previously described. The ovary is spherical and communicates by a short duct to the compact closely lying shell gland. The presence of the receptaculum seminis and Laurer's canal have been held in question since the earliest accurate work on the anatomy of these worms, that of von Siebold (1835) who described in Monostomum mutabile as organs contributing to the formation of the egg four distinct glands, the vitellaria, which he interpreted as the ovary as follows: — "Die Ovarien bilden kurze blinde Schlauche, die unter einander anastomosiren und den Darmkanal, nachdem er vom Oesophagus aus die Seitenrander des Leibes erreicht hat, in seinem ganzen weiteren Verlaufe wie ein Netz umgeben. Es ist dies eine eigenthiimliche Anordnung, die ich bis jetzt noch bei keinem anderen, zu den Trematoden gehorigen Wurme angetroffen habe." The three other parts having to do with the formation of the shell are de- scribed by the fo]lowing characteristic statements: — "An der zweiten Abtheilung der weiblichen Geschlechtstheile, die zur Bildung der Eier- haute bestimmt zu sein scheint, lassen sich deutlich drei eigenthiimliche Organe erkennen. a) Erstens fallt hier ein runder, weissgelber Korper 249] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 31 in's Auge, der zur rechten Seite dicht neben und vor dem hinteren Hoden liegt, und an Umfang etwas kleiner als dieser ist. b) Diesem runden Korper hangt zweitens nach innen ein ovaler, noch kleinerer und ebenfalls weissgelb gefarbter Korper an, der mit ersterem durch einen kurzen, an- fangs weiteren, nachher engeren Kanal in Verbindung steht. c) Endlich liegt drittens, theils unter diesen Organen, theils zwischen dem runden Korper und dem hinteren Hoden eine durchsichtige, fast farbelose und unregelmassig umgranzte, feinzellige Masse, in die der gemeinschaftliche kurze Ovariengang einmiindet, und aus der der eierfiihrende Uterus her- vortritt. Es ist mir bis jetzt nicht gelungen, eine Verbindung dieses un- regelmassigen Organes mit dem grosseren runden Korper bestimmt nach- zuweisen; doch bin ich iiberzeugt, dass eine solche wirklich existirt." Van Beneden (1861) in his study of Monostomum mutahile after character- izing the vitellaria (vitellogene Van Beneden, Ovarien von Siebold) and the ovary (germigene Van Beneden, one of the shell forming organs of von Siebold) says (p. 74), that besides the testes and the ovary only one other organ has been observed by him in the posterior region i.e., the vitelline duct which dilates to form the vitelline reservoir. In regard to the other organs described by von Siebold (1835) he says "Sont-ce la les deux autres organes que M. von Siebold signale et qui contribuent a la formation des oeufs? Cela est probable!" More recently Braun (1892) stated that he is able to find the recep- taculum seminis only in Aploblema, Cephalogonimus and in the dis- tomes, and that on the basis of his own research Laurer's canal is wanting in Monostomum mutabile. One year later he states that in the monostomes a Laurer's canal appears to be wanting. Cohn (1902) reported the absence of both these organs in Monostomum oculobium. On the contrary Stossich in the same year after a thorough study of the group confirmed the pre- sence of these organs in several species belonging to at least three genera of this family. Arnsdorff (1908) describes for Monostomum vicarium a small receptaculum seminis. Kossack (1911) after a study of a large number of specimens belonging to different genera of this family, viz: Cyclocoelum, Typhlocoelum, Haematotrephus, Hyptiasmus, states con- trary to the finding of Stossich that both receptaculum seminis and Laurer's canal are wanting in this family. S. J. Johnston (1916) makes no mention of either the receptaculum seminis or Laurer's canal in any one of the three genera studied, Cyclocoelum, Haematotrephus and Hyptiasmus. In a study of a considerable number of specimens belonging to several species of the genus Cyclocoelum the writer has observed the presence of the receptaculum seminis. In addition to the observations made on the American material the writer has been given the opportunity through the efforts of Professor Henry B. Ward and the courtesies extended him by the Curators of the museums of Berlin, Gottingen, and Vienna, to study Cyclo- 32 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [250 caelum mutabile, Cyclocoelum problematicum, Cyclocoelum ovopunctatum, Cyclocoelum brazilianum, Cyclocoelum tringae, and Haematotrephus similis. In all of these species a small spherical receptaculum seminis has been found, in position median and dorsal. to the ovary (Figs. 20-24, 26 and 27). On the same dorsal level with the receptaculum semnis and posterior to the latter and the ovary one finds the compact shell gland, in size ap- proximately equal to the ovary. It is composed of unicellular glands closely packed together, each of which empties its secretion into the ootype by means of a short straight canal; these ducts form the inner portion of the gland. The ootype in the central portion of this gland gives rise to the uterus which in turn expands, immediately upon emerging, into a large receptaculum semnalis uterinum. During the sexual activity of the worm this pouch is filled with spermatozoa. In the genus Cyclocoelum, the uterus forms relatively short closely packed loops, in general going out from the middle line of the body. Relatively few stretches go directly across the body. The uterus fills out the entire space between the crura, then by a relatively straight stretch it spans the distance to the genital atrium in the region of the pharynx. In lateral extent the uterus reaches in general to the middle or outer wall of the intestine or rarely even out to the body wall, as in Cyclocoelum halli. This species differs in this respect from other species of the genus and according to the generic limits of Kossack does not belong here if this condition is a diagnostic factor. Cyclocoelum halli, however, conforms so closely to the genus in other respects and does not conform to the genus Haematotrephus in that the uterine loops do not bend around the genital organs so that the writer feels justified in placing it in the genus Cyclocoelum. Evidently there is little justification for the creation of a new genus based largely on the extent of the uterus and hence the limits of the genus Cyclocoelum have been extended to include this species. The condition known as a situs inversus is a common feature of this family. Looss (1899) asserted that in all forms in which the genital pore is median there is a possibility that sexual amphitypy will occur and suggested that in Monostomes where this is the case situs inversus will probably be found. Cohn (1902) was the first to record this condition in the group when he found in Spaniometra oculobia (Cohn) a situs inversus of the genital glands in a ratio of 9:5. Kossack (1911) added to this by his observations on Cyclocoelum problematicum. Stoss., Cyclocoelum ovopunc- tatum Stoss., and Cyclocoelum vicarium (Arnsd.) in which he says that on the average the right and left positions are equally frequently present. The writer has found a similar condition to exist in all species of Cyclocoelum represented in North America as well as being able to verify the observations of Kossack on Cyclocoelum. problematicum and Cyclocoelum ovopunctatum. Reference to the following table shows that the right and 251] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 3Z left positions are on the whole equal in number and where significant differences occur they are perhaps due to the small number of individuals studied. In Cyclocoelum ohscuriim with sixty specimens in the lot the difference is relatively small. The total of ninety-four specimens in all show an approximately equal count for each arrangement. Ante- rior testis Cirrus pouch Number of uterine loops between testis Total uterine loops on side of anterior testis Rt. Lt. Rt. Lt. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 C. obscurum . . . 34 26 28 32 1 1 5 4 6 3 1 9 23 22 5 C. elongatum . . 4 4 .1 4 1 5 1 1 2 3 7 C. pseudomicro- stomum. . . 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 C. macrorchis . . 8 14 7 15 1 6 3 6 1 3 2 1 4 12 5 Total numbers . 49 45 40 54 III ■ 1 The variation in the position of the testes from one another is equally of little importance from the standpoint of specific diagnosis. However, since Stossich used this as the means of separation of species in Cyclocoe- lum and Haematotrephus the writer feels it worth while to give here the result of observations on American material. Kossack raised objections to the importance assigned this point by Stossich and showed that the variation within a species was even greater than that between the genera before mentioned. The study of the American material has served to substantiate the view of Kossack (1911) reached by study of the European material. Reference to table shows the number of uterine loops to vary from none where the testes lie contiguous to one another to nine while the entire number of uterus loops, counted always on the side of the anterior testis, is likewise variable and appears to bear no relation to the total number of uterine loops between the testes of the individual since the specimen which showed nine loops between the testes has in all only 38 loops while in another individual of the same lot of Cyclocoelum obscurum, which had a total of 40 loops only 3 could be found between the testes. Other examples are 8 and 43; 3 and 44; 7 and 39 as compared to 1 and 39. These are a few examples taken from Cyclocoelum obscurum. Other species show the same to be true except in Cyclocoelum lialli and Cyclocoelum triangularum where the relative positions of the genital glands appear to be constant. How- 34 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [252 ever, since the number of specimens here is small the writer is inclined to attach relatively little importance to this feature. The life history of this group is relatively unknown, although the ear- liest record of a monostome larva is said to date from 1817. An early account is found in Filippi 1859. This author obtained from Bythinia tentaculata (L) [= Paludina impiira of Filippi] a larva he named Cerceria lophocerca which he described (1859:5) as follows: "EUe est caracterisee par un bulbe pharyngien assex fort, par la presence de deux yeux ou taches pigmentaires semilunaires avec une petite lentille dans la concavite, et par une queue munie d'une crete membraneuse longitudinale. Dans I'in- terieur du corps on voit des rudiments d'organes sexuels sous la forme de trois masses vesiculaires." According to Luhe (1909) the determination of Filippi is doubtful since the description and figures show a close resemblance to Cercaria fuhopunctata Ercol. which is an undoubted distome larva. Cort (1915) on the other hand recognized distinct features in this larva and stated that it is "entirely different from all other monostomes known." As such it stands alone and unidentified. While the description of Filippi is meager and bereft of many diagnos- tic characters a few outstanding features point to its alliance to this group. This relationship is shown by the absence or at most only poorly devel- oped oral sucker (Filippi, pi. I, fig. 3), by the presence of a strongly devel- oped pharynx, and by the position of the three "rudimentary" sex organs. Key to species of Cyclocoelum 1(6) Uterus restricted to the intercecal zone 2 2 (5) Testes unequal in size 3 3(4) Pharynx larger than oral sucker; ratio of posterior testis to ovary 2:1 Cyclocoelum mutabile (Zed.) 4(3) Oral sucker and pharynx small, approximately equal in size; ratio of anterior testis to ovary 4:3 Cyclocoelum cuneatum nov. spec. 5(2) Testes equal in size. Oral sucker larger than pharynx; ratio of testes too vary 3:1 Cyclocoelum leidyi nov. spec. 6(1) Uterus not restricted to intercecal zone 8 7(26) Uterus folding around the crura both dorsally and ventrally . . . 9 8(21) Cental glands separated by uterine loops 10 9(16) Testes equal in size 11 10(13) Pharynx larger than sucker; vitellaria extending laterally beyond medial wall of crura 12 11(12) Ratio of testes to ovary 5:2 Cyclocoelum pseudomicrostomum nov. spec. 12(11) Ratio of testes to ovary 4:3. . .Cyclocoelum microstomum (Crepl.) 253] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 35 13(10) Sucker larger than the pharynx 15 14(15) Vitellaria strongly developed, extending to inner wall of intestine; ratio of testes to ovary 2:1 Cyclocoelum macrorchis nov. spec. 15(14) Vitellaria weakly developed, rarely reaching middle of crura; ratio of testes to ovary 2:1 Cyclocoelum vicarium (Arnsd.) 16(9) Testes unequal in size 18 17(20) Oral sucker twice as large as pharynx 19 18(19) Ratio of posterior testis to ovary 2:1 Cyclocoelum ohscurum (Leidy) 19(18) Ratio of posterior testis to overy 3:1 Cyclocoelum ovopunctatum Stoss. 20(17) Oral sucker not twice the size of pharynx. Ratio of poste- rior testis to ovary 3:1 Cyclocoelum problematicum Stoss. 21(8) Genital glands contiguous, not separated by uterine loops. . .24 22(25) Testes unequal in size; oral sucker twice as large as pharynx 25 Cyclocoelum wilsoni nov. spec. 24(23) Ratio of posterior testis to ovary 2:1 Cyclocoelum tringae (Brandes) 25(22) Testes equal in size; oral sucker and pharynx approximately equal. Ratio of testes to ovary 10:7 Cyclocoelum triangularum nov. spec. 26(7) Uterus passing dorsally over intestinal crura and vitellaria to body wall; vitellaria moderately developed, rarely ex- tending beyond middle of crura 30 27(28) Sucker \]/2 times pharynx; testes unequal; ratio posterior testis to ovary 3:2 Cyclocoelum brazilianum Stoss. 28(29) Sucker and pharynx equal in size; testes equal; ratio of testes to ovary 2:1 Cyclocoelum halli nov. spec. Description of species CYCLOCOELUM LEIDYI nov. spec. [Figures 1, 2, ZZ] Syn: Monostomum mutabile Leidy 1885, nee Zeder 1800 This collection contains five specimens described by Leidy (1885) as follows: "From the thoracic cavity of a Gray Snipe, Gallinago wilsoni, Dr. Warren (of Westchester) obtained five Flukes, 18mm long, by 4mm broad. These appear to be Monostomum mutabile." These specimens are readily recognized as belonging to the genus Cyclocoelum Brandes (1892) but are distinctly different from Cyclocoelum mutabile and represent a new species. The following description shows the characteristic differences between the two species. 36 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [254 These flukes are 16 to 18 mm long by 4 to 4 . 5 mm broad. The margins of the body are practically parallel in the posterior two-thirds of the body. The anterior one-third tapers to a weakly rounded point. The subterminal mouth is surrounded by a weakly developed sucking musculature which is approximately three times the size of the small pharynx. The small ovoid pharynx measures 231 /i broad by 281 ^ long. The slender esophagut which is curved in the form of an S measures 331// in length. It opens inso the middle of the dorsal side of the intestinal bifurcation. The voluminous intestinal crura run parallel to the margins of the body throughout their entire course. The vitellaria are moderately developed and occupy the region lateral to the crura. They extend laterally to the inner wall of the crura and fold both dorsally and ventrally around them. They extend an- teriorly not quite to the most anterior portion of the intestinal bifurcation and are separated at the posterior end only by the excretory bladder. The uterus fills the entire space between the intestinal crura. It lies in the mid dorso-ventral region, is profusely coiled and does not extend out beyond the inner wall of the intestine. Genital glands are confined to the posterior intestinal arch. The posterior testis is situated in the middle line of the body and lies directly in the arch formed by the intestine. The anterior testis is a little removed and is contiguous to the crura. They are equal in size and measure 877 to 910^t in diameter. The much smaller ovary lies on the side of the body opposite to the anterior testis and in a transverse plane between the two testes. It is spherical and measures from 380 to 390/z in diameter. Dorsally and on the inner posterior side of the ovary is a small spherical receptaculum seminis 82 to 99/i in diameter, which joins by a short duct the oviduct shortly after its emergence from the ovary. Laurer's canal is not present. As the oviduct passes poste- riorly into the adjacent shell gland aggregate it is joined by the vitelline duct. At this point the oviduct enlarges to form the ootype. Just after the uterus emerges from the compact shell gland a second enlargement is seen, the receptaculum seminalis uterinum. It extends posteriorly to the crura where it doubles on itself and pursues its coiled winding course to the genital pore which is situated ventral to the middle region of the pharynx. The cirrus pouch is 182)u broad by 331^ long and reaches to the middle of the intestinal crura at their bifurcation. The genital pores open sep- arately into a small genital atrium. Eggs thick shelled ovals, 66 by \\1 n when fully mature. They contain in the anterior portion of the uterus well developed miracidia as evidenced by the dark eye spots. Habitat: Thoracic cavity Host: Gallinago wilsoni Locality: Westchester, Pa. Date: 1885 Collector: Dr. H. W. Warren No. 106 Leidy Collection. A comparison of this material with the data given by Stossich (1902: 13) and by Kossack (1911:510) for Cyclocoelum mutabile (Zeder) as well as 255] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 37 comparison with specimens of Cyclocoelum mutabile obtained from the Gottingen museum demonstrates clearly that this is a distinct species. It is similar to Cyclocoelum mutabile in the size and form of the body, in the lateral extent of the uterine loops, the extent and development of the vitellaria, the size of the ovary, and the size and shape of the eggs. It differs from this species in having a much smaller pharynx, a much larger sucker, a longer esophagus, larger testes, and a relatively heavier and more irregularly folded uterus. This species is similar to Cyclocoelum prohlematicum Stossich in the size of the testes and the extent of the vitellaria but differs from that species in having a smaller pharynx and a broader, thinner and less muscular body in proportion to its length. For comparison with this species a figure (Fig. 3) of Cyclocoelum mutabile (Zed.) is placed beside that of Cyclocoelum leidyi. CYCLOCOELUM PSEUDOMICROSTOMUM nov. spec. [Figures 4, 27, 30, 43] Large monostomes 13 to 14.5 mm in length by 4 to 4.5 mm in greatest width which is found at the beginning of the posterior body third. From this point forward the side walls taper gradually to the end of the anterior body third, at which point they bend inwardly more sharply to form a small obtusely rounded end. The posterior end is bluntly rounded. The mouth is subterminal, surrounded by an external banding musculature which measures 662 to 745 ju in diameter. This is followed by a large heavy slightly elongate pharynx 778 to 910ju in length by 745 to 844/i in width. The genital pore lies median and ventral to the forward end of the pharynx. From this point the cirrus pouch stretches posteriad almost to the posterior wall of the intestinal bifurcation. The vitellaria extend from the posterior end of the cirrus pouch to the excretory bladder in the posterior end of the body. It is even more strongly developed than that of Cyclocoelum microstomum and in its lateral extent passes the inner wall of the crura and over the lateral folds of the uterine loops which in this species rarely pass over the inner wall of the crura. The testes as in other species of this genus lie in the posterior region of the body and within the intestinal crura. The posterior testis does not fill the entire intestinal arch, is antero-posteriorly flattened and measures 827 to 910m in width by 993 to 1192)u in length, while the anterior testis which is separated from it by uterine loops meas- ures 745 to 993 ;u in width by 1076 to 1324/x in length. The ovary lies on a level with the anterior margin of the posterior testis and adjacent to the cecum opposite to the anterior testis, is much smaller and spherical, measuring 413 to 496;u in diameter. Dorsal to the ovary is the spherical receptaculum seminis 148 to 165 /x in diameter. The shell gland is similar in size to the ovary and occupies a position dorsal and posterior to that structure. As was stated above the uterus does not usually pass over the 38 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [256 inner wall of the intestine and fills out entirely the space between the crura. The eggs are thick shelled ovals, 51 to 66/x in width by 102 /x in length. Habitat: Lung Host: "Wild duck" Locality: Omaha, Nebr. Date: 1903 Collector: C. E. Stringer No. 1041 Ward Collection This species is also found in the Leidy Collection vial no. 186 which has been dried out and is in a poor state of preservation. John C. Johnson collected this species from Fulica americana taken at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Cal. in January 1919. Cydocoelum pscudomicrostomiim finds its nearest relative in Cyclocoe- lum microstomum (Crepl.). The two species are of nearly equal size. The pharynx of the former is distinctly larger, the testes are not of equal size as in C. microstomum and are slightly broader than long probably due to pressure from the closely packed uterus. The ovary of Cydocoelum pseudomicrostomum is noticeably smaller than that of Cydocoelum micro- stomum, while the lateral extent of the uterus in the former species is more restricted. With respect to the development of the vitelline glands Cydocoelum pseudomicrostomum presents the heaviest development found in any known species of this genus. CYCLOCOELUM HALLI nov. spec. [Figures 5, 11, 20, 36-42] Large monostomes varying in length from 11 to 14 mm in width by 3 to 4 mm in greatest width which is found slightly posterior to the middle of the body. From this point the body tapers anteriorly to almost a point and posteriorly only a little, forming an obtusely rounded end. The body is muscular, dorsally convex, and ventrally flat or slightly con- cave. The body wall is entirely covered with numerous small pits ob- served by Zeder (1803) in Monostoma mutahile. The subterminal mouth leads by a funnel-shaped tube to the pharynx. This tube or mouth proper is surrounded by a concentration of musculature which on the outer margin is formed into circular bands, the outer covering of the sucker (Figs. 36 to 42). The sucker is spherical in form and measures 387/1 in diameter. It is separated from the smaller (263 /x) but more heavily muscu- lar, spherical pharynx, by the nerve commissure. The esophagus is 483 /x in length and extends from the posterior portion of the pharynx to the dorsal side of the intestinal bifurcation. The latter a simple tubular struc- ture lies along the margins of the body for its entire length and anasto- moses at the posterior end. As previously described the excretory system is composed of a system of tubules ramifying the entire body in this species, as in Cydocoelum elongatum. These tubules anastomose and empty into the excretory bladder. In this species a single thin walled sac 257] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 39 which opens to the exterior by a small dorsal pore. The genital glands are situated in the posterior fifth of the body where they are closely packed in the posterior arch of the intestine, the posterior testis almost entirely filling this space. It is slightly flattened antero-posteriorly and measures in its greatest dimension 1052 /z and in an axis at right angles to this, 894^. The anterior testis situated a short distance cephalad to the posterior, is spherical in shape and a little smaller, having a diameter of 894//. The two testes are separated by a particularly long loop of the uterus which extends to the intestinal arch, and in some instances even beyond, and usually folds back part way forming a double loop. The vasa efferentia given off from the anterior margins of the two testes unite cephalad and mesad to the anterior testis to form the vas deferens which takes a fairly straight course to the cirrus pouch with which it unites. The cirrus pouch is a rather large oblong sac extending from the pharynx to a short distance beyond the anterior wall of the intestinal bifurcation. It opens into a small genital atrium which in turn opens to the exterior, ventral to the pharynx. The ovarian complex is situated opposite to and on a level with the anterior testis. The ovary is very much smaller than the testes, measuring 434/1 in diameter. Dorsal to this is the receptaculum seminis, the duct from which joins the oviduct before it enters the shell gland. The shell gland, a compact spherical organ, is situated dorsal and posterior to the ovary. It has a diameter of 388 /i. The vitellaria lie between the lateral body wall and the external wall of the digestive crura over which they seldom pass. They extend from the posterior pharyngeal region to the extreme posterior end where they are separated by the excretory bladder. The vitelline glands are made up of small follicular grape-like clusters arranged along a main stem, which in the region of the anterior testis gives rise to the vitelline ducts. These pass mesad and unite a short distance posterior to the shell gland to form the common duct which passes straight to the shell gland. It enters this at the posterior side and passes through the outer portion of this organ to its union with the oviduct just after the entrance of the latter into the shell gland. The oviduct then enlarges to form the ootype. On emergence from the shell gland the uterus enlarges to form a large pouch, the receptaculum seminalis uterinum. From this the uterus makes a few short loops and then the long loop, previously mentioned, which separates the testes. From this point forward it lies in more or less regular transverse folds which extend out to the vitellaria, tho in some instances, particularly in the posterior three-fifths of the body, these loops extend to the body wall. In the anterior fifth of the body the uterine loops are not so long and here fill out entirely the space between the intestinal crura. From the 40 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [258 bifurcation of the intestine the uterus reaches in a relatively straight stretch to the genital atrium. The eggs are large, thick shelled ovals, measuring 161 /z in length by 99 /u in breadth. The double, dark eyespots give evidence of the developing miracidium within the eggs before they have passed in their course anterior to the middle region of the body. Habitat: Abdominal air-sacs. Locality: host taken in Raleigh Host: Totanus melanoleucus (?) N. C. Date: April 7, 1894 Collector: W. C. Hall No. 21.90 Ward collection Habitat: Liver? or Lung? Locality: Creston, Iowa Host: Totanus soUtarius Collector: W. C. Hall Date: Aug. 30, 1895 No. 21 . 763 Ward collection Filed among the records of Hall is a statement that he collected 5 specimens from the air sacs of Totalnus flavipes Sept. 4, 1895, which he believed to be this species. The material from this host has not been found. This species is most closely related to Cyclocoelum brazilianum Stossich and resembles that form in the lateral extent of the uterus, the relative position of the genital glands, and in the size of the ovary. It differs, however, in the size of the testes, the more weakly developed vitellaria, and relative size of the oral sucker and pharynx, these being of equal size in C. halli while in C. brazilianum the sucker is distinctly larger than the pharynx. CYCLOCOELUM WILSONI nov. spec. [Figure 6] Medium sized monostomes 12 mm long by 3 mm wide in maximum which is found at the beginning of the posterior one-fifth of the body. Posterior and bluntly rounded. Anterior to the point of greatest width the body tapers gradually to a blunt but relatively small point. The mouth sucker measures 374^i in diameter and is one-third larger than the oval pharynx which measures 298/x in length by 269/1 in width. The esophagus is relatively long and gives rise by bifurcation to the simple intestinal crura, which as in other species run parallel to the body wall and anastomose in the posterior end of the body. The genital aperture is ventral to the middle of the pharynx. The cirrus pouch extends from this point to the middle of the intestinal bifurcation. The follicular yolk glands extend from the anterior wall of the intestinal bifurcation almost to the excretory bladder at the posterior end. In lateral expanse they pass over the external wall of the intestinal crura to the middle of that organ where they meet the furthest expanse of the uterus. The uterus in this species lies entirely anterior to the anterior testis and fills out the space between the crura, folding both dorsally and ventrally over the walls of 259] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 41 these to the middle region of the same. The genital glands lie contiguous to one another in the posterior arch of the intestine. The posterior testis lies a little posterior to and a little more nearly in the middle of the arch than the anterior one which is smaller and contiguous to the former, filling out the opposite portion of the intestinal arch. The testes are not separated by uterine loops as is generally true in this genus. The anterior testis is spherical, 910/x in diameter while the posterior testis is slightly elongated and measures 992) jj. in length by 910^ in width. The ovarian complex lies anterior to and adjacent to the posterior testis. The ovary and shell gland are spherical, equal in size, and measure 413 to 447 ^ in diame- ter. The small spherical receptaculum seminis lies partially embedded in the shell gland and measures 150/i in diameter. The eggs are thick shelled ovals and measure 150;u in length by 76/x in width. Habitat: Intestine Host: Gallinago wilsoni Locality: Creston, Iowa Date: August 4, 1894 Collector: W. C. Hall No. 21.89 Ward Collection The direct relationship of this species is not so readily apparent. As to position of the genital glands it holds a place close to Cyclocoelum tringae (Brandes) and Cyclocoelum triangularum nov. spec, and tho it is much larger presents in general the same characteristic features namely: genital glands contiguous, uterine loops directed backward, vitellaria moderately deveoped, oral sucker larger than pharynx. However, in the size of the body and the relative size of the pharynx and sucker as well as the relative size of the genital glands Cyclocoelum wilsoni is clearly distinct and must be recognized as a proper species. CYCLOCOELUM CUNEATUM nov. spec. [Figures 7, 24] Medium sized worms 10.5 to 12 mm in length by 2.5 to 3.5 mm in greatest width which is found at the beginning of the posterior body fourth. From the point of maximum width the margins of the body run approximately parallel to the level of the anterior testis at which point they narrow abruptly to form the obtusely rounded posterior end. From the point of greatest width the margins of the body converge cephalad in almost straight lines to a very narrow and pointed anterior end, which gives the impression of a well formed wedge. At the pointed anterior end is found a very small weakly developed sucker, 198 to 215/i in diameter. This is followed by an oblong pharynx of approximately the same width as the sucker. It measures 150 to 198^t in width by 215 to 231 /x in length. The esophagus is three and one-half to four times the length of the pharynx. The intestinal crura are simple. The vitelline glands extend from the middle region of the bifurcation of the intestine to the excretory bladder 42 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [260 in the posterior end. In lateral extent they rarely traverse the outer wall of the crura. The genital opening is located anterior to the pharynx. The cirrus pouch extends to the anterior wall of the intestinal bifurcation. The uterus fills out the entire space between the crura and its loops occa- sionally span the outer wall of the same organ. The genital glands are relatively small and occupy the positions so common to the species of this genus. The posterior testis, not filling out the intestinal arch, is antero- posteriorly flattened and measures 413ju in width by 496 to 612)U in length. The anterior testis is separated from the posterior by several uterine loops and is smaller and spherical, measuring 331 to 413^1 in diameter. The spherical ovary is situated in a transverse plane anterior to and about equally distant from the two testes. It is one-fourth smaller than the testes measuring 215 to 331/x in diameter. The shell gland lies median and posterior to the ovary, is spherical or only slightly ovoid and equal in size to the latter organ. The receptaculum seminis although indis- tinguishable in toto mounts is clearly seen in sections. It is anterior and dorsal to the ovary. Wax reconstructions show it to be spherical and approximately one-half the size of the ovary, measuring ISO^t in diameter. The ovarian complex is separated from the testes by uterine loops. The eggs are thick shelled ovals, 66 ^ wide by 115;u to 122 ju long. Habitat: Abdominal cavity Host: Gallinago delicata (Oid.) Locality: ? Date: ? Collector: ? No. 08. 172 Ward collection. The relationships of this species is not so evident as it partakes of the characteristics of a number of species. With respect to the lateral extent of the uterine loops it is more nearly like Cydocoelum mutahile and Cyclo- coelum leidyi while in development of the vitellaria it simulates Cydocoelum halli. The pharynx and oral sucker are noticeably smaller than in any known species of this genus and this is a feature of this species as is also the small size of the genital glands and the proportionate size of the testes to the ovary, a ratio of 4:3. CYCLOCOELUM OBSCURUM (Leidy) [Figures 8, 21] Syn: Monostomum ohscurum Leidy 1887 This species was described by Leidy as follows: "Elongated, elliptical, flattened, obtusely angular in front, obtusely rounded behind, oral and genital and other aperatures scarcely distinguishable. Length 4 to 8 Hues; width 1 line." "Numerous specimens in the stomach of a Jew-fish, Megalops thris- soides." The host name Megalops thrissoides used for the Jew-fish by Leidy 1887 is evidently a lapsus calami. However this is corrected by Stiles and Hassall (1894) to Stereolepis sp? 261] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 43 Brandes (1892) enumerates this among other species which he has not had opportunity to study and he justly says that it is inadequately described. Monticelli (1892) and Braun (1893) in spite of the meager description retain it as a valid species. The original material of this species is found in the Army Medical Museum under Number 1035 Comparative Anatomy Series with the description "Flukes Monostotnum obscurum from the stomach of a Jew- fish (Stereolepis)." From this I have written the following description. Monostomes of medium size measuring from 6 to 13 mm in length and from 1.5 to 3 mm in maximum width which is found a little posterior to the middle of the body. The margins of the body are almost parallel for the greater part of their length, tapering gently to the more pointed anterior end and abruptly to form the obtusely rounded posterior end. As in most species of this genus the body is convex dorsally and flat or slightly concave ventrally. The subterminal mouth is surrounded by a weakly developed sucking musculature which measures 115ju in diameter. This leads to the spherical or slightly elongated pharynx, measuring 115 to 264 /x in width by 115 to 298 ^t in length. Following this the slender esopha- gus, 500 to 750/i in length, leads to the intestinal bifurcation. The crura are quite variable in size as well as in the character of the median wall. In some cases they show a tendency to the formation of internal ceca; these appear to be due to the pressure from the closely packed uterus which fills the space between the crura. The excretory system in this species has not been made out except for the single termnal excretory vesicle situated as in the other species of this genus between the posterior arch of the intes- tinal crura and the posterior body wall. It opens to the exterior by a single dorsal pore. The genital organs lie within the intestinal crura in the posterior end of the body. The posterior testis, filling the posterior arch of the intestine, is flattened anteriorly by the closely packed uterine loops and is slightly larger than the anterior being 300 to 877/1 in width by 480 to lOOOju in length. The anterior testis is usually more nearly spherical and measures 380 to 82 7 /i in width by 462 to 827ju in length. It lies obliquely anterior to the posterior and adjacent to the crura. The vasa efferentia are short and unite a short distance anterior to the anterior testis to form the vas deferens which for the most part passes dorsal to the uterus to the cirrus pouch. This organ is of medium size 248 to 579 fx in length by 115 to 199 /z in width. In general its posterior limit lies on a level with the middle of the intestimal bifurcation. The ovarian complex lies between the testes and on the side opposite to the anterior testis. It is composed of a spherical ovary, 275 to 463;u in diameter, a spherical receptaculum seminis, 132 to 148/x in diameter, and a shell gland in size and form similar to the ovary. The position of these is clearly shown in figure 21. Beginning in the shell gland the uterus immediately upon 44 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [262 emergence enlarges to form the large receptaculum seminalis uterinum. It fills the intercecal space with more or less regular loops which in general go out from the middle of the body. These loops fold around the inner surface of the crura and usually do not pass beyond the outer wall of the latter organ. The vitellaria for the most lie outside the crura and extend from the pharynx to the excretory bladder. Laterally they reach to the middle of the crura and in exceptional instances to the inner wall of that organ. Habitat: Stomach Host: Stereolepis sp? Locality: ? Date: ? Collector: ? Cat. No. 1035 Comparative Anatomy series. Habitat: ? Host: Symphaemia semipalmata Locality: Lincoln, Nebraska Date: ? Collector: ? Cat. No. 08. 179 Ward collection Habitat: ? Host: Unknown Locality: Spokane, Wash. Date: ? Collector: W. E. Allen Cat. No. 08 . 183 Ward collection Cyclocoelum obscurum is most closely related to Cyclocoelum ovopuncta- tum Stossich and differs from that species in the more slender form, the more heavily developed vitellaria and the relative size of the testes to the ovary which in Cyclocoelum obscurum are twice as large as the ovary while in Cyclocoelum ovopunctatum they are three times as large. CYCLOCOELUM MACRORCHIS nov. spec. [Figure 9] This species varies in length from 7 to 15 mm and in maximum width, which is found just posterior to the middle of the body, from 2 to 4 mm. From this point the body tapers towards both ends, the posterior being obtusely rounded while the anterior is considerably more attenuated. It forms a moderately rounded point. The margins of the body lie nearly parallel in the middle region of the body. The subterminal mouth is sur- rounded by a weakly developed musculature, the oral sucker, which is only a little larger than the well developed pharynx just posterior to it, and measures 255 ju in diameter. The pharynx is oval in shape being about one-fifth longer than wide and measures on the average 271 m long and 238/x wide. The esophagus in this species is on the whole well extended and ranges from 331 /i in the state of least extension to 662 /z in that of greatest extension exhibited in preserved material. At its posterior end the esophagus turns ventrad and bifurcates forming the voluminous crura present in this species (Fig. 9). These as in other species of this genus lie parallel to the margins of the body and anastomose at the poster- 263] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 45 ior end. The excretory system as far as can be made out in preserved material conforms in this species to the description given previously in having a single thin walled vesicle in the extreme posterior end of the body into which the anastomosing tubules empty. It opens to the exterior slightly dorsal to the posterior end. The genital glands in general occupy the intercecal zone and fill entirely that space. The posterior testis occupies the intestinal arch, is usually spherical in form and measures 783 to 984^t in diameter. The anterior testis is usually removed from the posterior by several uterus loops. It is spherical and approximately the same size as the posterior measuring 730 to 860;u in diameter. As in other species of this genus the vasa efferentia unite cephalad and mesad to the anterior testis. From this point the vas deferens takes its course among the uterine folds to the posterior end of the cirrus pouch which is situated at the middle of the intestinal bifurcation. The cirrus pouch extends from the genital atrium caudad to the middle of the intestinal bifurcation. From this point the club-shaped cirrus pouch extends cephalad to the genital atrium and lies ventral to the anterior end of the pharynx. The ovarian complex is situated between the testes and adjacent to the crura opposite the anterior testis. The ovary is spherical and measures 413 to 463 ju in diameter. Dorsal and posterior to the ovary is the spherical receptaculum seminis, 165 ju in diameter. The duct of this unites with the oviduct before it enters the shell gland. The shell gland is approximately the same size as the ovary and is situated posterior and dorsal to that organ (Fig. 9). The well developed follicular yolk glands occupy the region of the body lateral to the intestinal crura and extend from the anterior-most part of the intestinal bifurcation to the posterior end where they are separated only by the small excretory bladder. The follicles are arranged in clusters on secondary branches from the main stem and in this manner extend laterad around the crura both dorsally and ventrally, in many cases reaching out as far as the inner wall of the crura. The vitelline ducts are given off in the region of the shell gland and pass mesad to a point just dorsal to the shell gland where they unite to form the vitelline reser- voir. From this the common vitelline duct passes dorsal to the shell gland and joins the oviduct just before its entrance into that organ. Immediately upon entering the shell gland the oviduct enlarges to form the ootype. Upon emergence from this the uterus enlarges to form the receptaculum seminalis uterinum. From this point the much folded uterus fills out the entire space between the crura and passes over the bifurcation in a relative- ly straight stretch to the genital atrium. The numerous eggs which fill the uterus are thick shelled ovals, measuring from 122 to 153/* in length by 56 to 66 n in width. In general the eggs are smaller in the beginning of the uterus than they are near the genital orifice. The eggs in the anterior region show well developed miracidia with double dark eye spots. 46 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [264 Habitat: In lung and along the Host: Straight-billed Curlew back in the abdomen. Collector: W. E. Allen No. 08.180 Ward collection Cyclocoelum macrorchis differs from Cyclocoelum mutahile in that the uterus in the former is not restricted to the intercecal space and that the oral sucker is larger than the pharynx, where as in Cyclocoelum mutabile the vitellaria are more heavily developed and the genital glands are smaller. Cyclocoelum macrorchis, however, has a much more muscular and much thicker and heavier body. CYCLOCOELUM TRIANGULARUM nov. spec. [Figure 10] Medium sized worms 8 mm long by 2 . 5 mm wide in maximum. Body lanceolate in form. Oral sucker weak, 260ju in diameter, only a little larger than the pharynx which is longer than broad, measuring 248 ^u in length by 215 ;u in breadth. The length of the esophagus is approximately one-tenth of the entire body length. Intestinal crura simple. Genital pore ventral to the posterior end of the pharynx. Cirrus pouch extending to the middle of the intestinal bifurcation. The vitellaria extends from the posterior end of the cirrus pouch almost to the excretory bladder at the posterior end of the worm. In lateral extent they pass over the wall of the crura to the middle of that organ. The genital glands lie in the posterior arch of the intestine and are not separated by uterine loops. The two testes lie on the same level, one in either side of the arch, are spherical and equal in size. They measure 41 3 ^t in diameter. The ovary lies anterior to the testes and in the middle line of the body. It is a little more than one-half the size of the testes, is spherical in form and measures 248 M in diameter. The shell gland lies between the ovary and testes also in the middle line of the body and measures 264 ju in width by 314 jj. in length. The receptaculum seminis is situated anterior to the shell gland and dorsal to the ovary. Like the ovary the receptaculum seminis is spherical in form and measures 132^t in diameter. The eggs are thick shelled ovals 132 ^Li long by 75 /z wide. Habitat: Abdominal air sacs Host: Tringa maculata Locality: Creston, Iowa Date: September 4, 1895 Collector: W. C. Hall No. 21.88 Ward collection As was stated in another section of this paper Cyclocoelum triangularum shows a striking similarity to Cyclocoelum wilsoni and is distinguished from that species by the generally smaller body, the more nearly equal sucker and pharynx, the testes of equal size and the relative size of the testes and ovary which in Cyclocoelum triangularum have a ratio of 10:7. It is more nearly equal in size with Cyclocoelum tringae but is distinguished from [265 NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 47 this species by the larger pharynx, smaller sucker, the testes being equal in size and also smaller in proportion to the size of the ovary. CYCLOCOELUM VICARIUM (Arnsdorff 1908) Kossack 1911 Syn: Monostomwn vicarium Arnsdorff The writer has not had opportunity to study specimens of this species and hence must rely upon the descriptions of Arnsdorff (1908) and Kossack (1911). Since the description of Kossack made after having studied the original material is at variance with the original description only in minor detail the writer has based the following description on the work of Arns- dorflf. Monostomes varying between 10.5 and 14.4 mm in length and 3 to 3.1 mm in maximum breadth. The body is opaque, flattened; ventral surface flat, dorsal slightly swollen. The sidelines of the body diverge from the small pointed anterior end to the height of the testes. From here they form the bluntly rounded posterior end. The dorsal surface of the body is quite wrinkled. These folds appear in optical section to form pap- pillae. The mouth opening is terminal. The strongly muscular pharynx is an elongate oval with a long diameter of 460/i and a breadth of 270/t. The thickness of its wall is 130^1. The esophagus, 640 ^i long, leads to the intestinal crura which run parallel to the side walls of the body and anas- tomose in the posterior end. The genital organs lie in the broad hinder end. The posterior testis is flattened antero-posteriorly and measures 1190 /i in length by 732 /z in breadth. It lies in the middle line of the body with its forward margin reaching to the vitelline duct. The anterior testis is spherical in form with a diameter of 835 to 878 /z. It is removed anteriorly from the posterior end and lies adjacent to the intestinal crura. The ovary lies adjacent to the crural wall, opposite to the anterior testis and between the positions of the testes. It is spherical and has a diameter of 402 /z. Between it and the posterior testis is found the relatively small recep- taculum seminis. The vitellaria are composed of numerous follicles which lie parallel to the body wall and between that and the intestinal crura; they extend from the region of the intestinal bifurcation to the posterior end where they are separated by a short interval. The numerous transverse uterus loops fill out the space between the crura and in the posterior half of the body overlap them. The genital pore is situated just posterior to the pharynx. The club-shaped cirrus pouch is small and does not reach the intestinal bifurcation. The eggs are numerous, elliptical in form and measure 102 ju in length and 68 /i in breadth. The ripe eggs hold a well developed embryo as can be recognized by the black eye spots in the miracidium. 48 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [266 The comparison of Arnsdorff with the figures and description of Stos- sich for closely related species show a striking similarity to Cyclocoelum problematicum. Cyclocoelum vicarium differs from this species, however, in the relative size of the worms, the extent of the cirrus pouch and the size of the eggs. Habitat: Intestine Host: Arquatella maritima mari- tinia Locality: North East Labrador Date: September 14, 1906 Collector: Hantzsch Konigsberg Museum NOTOCOTYLIDAE Luhe 1909 Of the monostome families which have up to this time been widely studied no other family is of greater interest than the Notocotylidae. It is in this family that the earliest records of the monostomes are found in Catatropis verrucosa (Frolich 1789) collected from the rectum of A7ias domestica. These worms were classed by Frolich and Gmelin as Fasciola. Ten years later Zeder (1800) removed them to the genus Monostoma. They were later separated from the remaining monostomes by Diesing (1839) and placed in a new genus Notocotylus which genus remains as the type of the family. Although Diesing included this earliest known form in his genus Notocotylus, it has been found in more recent time by Odhner (1905) to be distinct from the Diesing type species, Notocotylus triserialis, and was removed to the new genus Catatropis which place it holds at pre- sent as type of that genus. A further study of Notocotylus triserialis Diesing by Kossack (1911) revealed its identity with Monoslomuni attenuatum Rud. 1809. Thus the species name becomes a synonym to Notocotylus attenuatus. In regard to the early records of this family in America there still remains a question. Some authors notably Barker and Laughlin would place Monostomum affi-ne Leidy 1858 as the earliest American record while others doubt this determination and still others reserve opinion on the matter. Barker (1916) questions the determination of Leidy and expresses the opinion that Monostomum affine Leidy belongs to the genus Notocoty- lus. While the description of Leidy (1858:110-112) is insufficient for an accurate determination of the systematic position of this species certain facts given in his description are distinct and seem sufficient to show that this worm is not Notocotylid in character. The length of Monostomum affine as given by Leidy is 6}/^ lines or 13.5 mm which is two and one-half to three times longer than any known species of this family. Likewise on the same basis the Leidy species is at least three times wider than the largest known Notocotylid. However, more important, intrinsic charac- ters are the presence of a pharynx, an echinate penis and eggs prolonged at one pole only. In addition these worms were taken from the gall-bladder 267J NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 49 and bile ducts of the muskrat while the Notocotylidae are normally- inhabitants of the intestine and rectum. It is not impossible that a Noto- cotylid species may have ascended the gall-duct of this host and become modified and adjusted to the new conditions. Yet on the basis of the facts noted above the writer cannot agree with the opinion of Barker regarding the Notocotylid character of these worms. More recently Hassall (Stiles & Hassall 1894) collected from Arvicola riparius and Fiber zibethiciis taken in Maryland in 1892 specimens deter- mined as Monostomum sp. and one year later from Aix sponsa and Dafila acuta worms also determined as Monostomum sp. On observation and study by the writer the specimens taken from Aix sponsa, Dafila acuta and Fiber zibethicus have been found to be distinctly different from forms previously described and on the basis given in a later section must be recognized as a new species. On account of the similarity to the immature stages of Cercaria urbanensis Cort it is believed to be the adult form of this species. The material taken from Arvicola riparius has been found to agree with Notocotylus quinqueserialis (Barker and Laughlin 1911). Other American records are those of Barker (1915, 1916) in which he records Catatropis filamentis from Fiber zibethicus taken in Nebraska and Nudoco- tyle novicia from the same host taken in the same region. Additional records presented in this paper are Notocotylus urbanensis (Cort 1914) from the black and domestic swan taken at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Cahfornia by John C. Johnson in February 1919 and Paramonostomum echinum nov. spec, from the intestine of Fiber zibethicus taken at Wray, Colorado by C. H. Gable, October 1916. DIAGNOSIS OF FAMILY Small monostomes tapering at both ends, posterior end broadly rounded, anterior slightly more attenuated. Generally with rows of papil- lae formed of unicellular dermal glands. Esophagus short, without pharynx; intestinal ceca with short diverticula, extending entire length of body. Genital pore median, except in Nudocotyle where it is distinctly lateral, usually near oral sucker. Cirrus sac elongate. Testes symmetrical, extracecal, near posterior end. Ovary between testes. Vitellaria lateral, anterior to testes. Uterine coils between cirrus sac and genital glands, transverse, regular, usually not extending outside intestinal crura. Eggs small with long p olar filament on each end. KEY TO SUBFAMILIES AND GENERA 1(5) Genital pore anterior median. . .Sub-family Notocotylinae . . 2 2(5) With ventral glands 3 3(4) Ventral glands protrusible Notocotylus Diesing 1839 4(3) Ventral glands not protrusible Catatropis Odhner 1905 50 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [268 5(2) Ventral glands wanting Paramonostomum Liihe 1909 6(1) Genital pore marginal posterior without ventral glands .... Sub-family Nudocotylinae . . 7 Uterus in anterior body half Nudocotyle Barker 1916 The Notocotylidae are up to the present represented in North America by two species of Notocotylus and one species of each of the other genera in this family. The Notocotylidae were subdivided by Kossack (1911) into two sub- families; Notocotylinae including Notocotylus Diesing (1839) Catatropis Odhner (1905) and Paramonostomum Liihe (1909), and Ogmogasterinae represented by a single species Ogmogaster pUcatus (Creplin 1829) Jager- skiold 1891. A third subfamily Nudocotylinae was created by Barker (1916) to hold Nudocotyle novicia. In this Barker would include Barisomum erubescens Linton (1910). NOTOCOTYLINAE Kossack 1911 Small to medium sized Notocotylidae with thin cup-shaped body; two to five rows of prominent papillae on ventral surface. Genital pore median, near intestinal bifurcation. Cirrus pouch enclosing only a small part of seminal vesicle. Vitellaria well developed occupying a region posterior to middle portion of body anterior to testes and lateral to intestinal crura. Ovary and testes symmetrical, in extreme posterior part of body. Ovary between testes and separated from them by intestinal crura. Uterus regu- larly coiled, between intestinal crura. Type genus Notocotylus. Other American genera Catatropis and Paramonostomum. NOTOCOTYLUS Diesing 1839 Syn: Notocotyle Diesing 1850 The genus Notocotylus was formed by Diesing in 1839 to include Fasciola verrucosa Frolich, Fasciola anseris Gmelin, Festucaria pedata Schrank and Monostoma verrucosum Zeder. It was characterized by the author as follows: "Corpore oblonga-ovato, depressiuscula, antice parum attenuate, postice rotundato, ore terminali orbiculari; acetabulis suctoriis dorsalibus numerosis, serie triplici longitudinali; cirro longo spirali ven- trali." In 1850 the author changed the name to Notocotyle with only a slightly modified diagnosis as follows: "Corpus oblongum depressum. Caput corpore continuum. Os subterminale anticum. Acetabula numerosa (24-50) juxta totam dorsi convexiusculi longitudinem treseriata sissilia, orbicularia, limbo callosa. Penis ventralis superus longi spiralis. Porus excretorius .... In avium intestinis crassis et coecis endoparasita!" Under this caption Diesing included his former genus Notocotylus. Altho Monticelli, Barker and others adhere to the more recent form of the name 269] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 51 the writer feels justified under Article 32 of the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature in accepting with Kossack, Ward and others the older name Notocotylus. This genus is up to the present represented in America by a single spe- cies Notocotylus quinqueserialis (Barker and Laughlin). Altho Barker (1916) would place Monostomum affine Leidy in this group, his determina- tion seems to be unwarranted on the basis of the description of Leidy which shows distinct anatomical differences namely a small pharynx, echinate penis, a well marked excretory canal traceable to the beginning of the oviduct, and sub-pyriform eggs prolonged at one pole only. In addition to the anatomical differences Monostomum affine was found parasitic in the gall bladder and gall ducts of Fiber zibethicus whereas Notocotylus has been taken only from the intestine and ceca of the muskrat and water birds. NOTOCOTYLUS URBANENSIS (Cort 1914) [Figures 12, 14, 17, 18, 19] Syn: Monostoma sp. Stiles and Hassall 1894 Medium sized worms 2.5 to 3 . 5 mm long by 0 . 5 to 1 mm wide, having three rows of ventral glands each row containing 13 to 14 glands. Oral sucker strongly muscular 112 to 153ju followed by a short esophagus with- out pharynx; intestinal crura provided with numerous short diverticula both externally and internally. Genital pore just posterior to intestinal bifurcation. From this point the cirrus pouch extends caudad to the end of the first body third or a little beyond this level. Vagina one-half the length of the cirrus. Usually about ten uterine loops anterior to the most anterior part of the vitellaria which as in other species of the genus lie lateral to the ceca and extend from the middle of the body to the lobed testes in the posterior end. The irregularly lobed ovary is situated between the testes and is separated from them by the crura. Eggs numerous pos- sessing two long polar filaments. Eggs without filaments measure 20^1 in length, and are approximately one-half that in width. Habitat: Intestine Host: Dafila acuta Locality: Maryland Collector: A. Hassall Date: January, 1893 No. 5772 U.S.N.M. Habitat: Cecum Host: Fiber zibethicus Locality: Maryland Collector: A. Hassall Date: June 23, 1892 No. 5769 & 5770 U.S.N.M. Habitat: Intestine Host: Aix sponsa Locality: Maryland Collector: A. Hassall Date: August, 1893 No. 5771 U.S.N.M. Notocotylus urbanensis agrees with Notocotylus attenuatus in size and form, and in the relative length of the cirrus pouch and vagina. With respect to the number of papillae in each row it conforms more closely 52 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [270 to Notocotylus aegyptiacus; it diflfers, however, from this species in the relative length of the cirrus pouch and vagina. In the position of the genital pore it agrees with Notocotylus seineti Fuhr. and in this respect it dififers from other known species of this genus. Stages in the Life History Three collections No. 5769, 5770, and 5771 of the United States National Museum contain immature forms of this species. Collection No. 5771 contains both immature and sexually mature worms. The very young stages found in the two collections from the muskrat agree so well with the immature forms from Aix sponsa that it is impossible to differentiate the two forms and consequently they are taken to be identical. The most immature specimens have apparently just burst out of the cysts since the pigmentation can be seen quite as perfectly as in most Notocotylid oercariae. The pigmentation in this species agrees generally with that described by Cort (1914) for Cercaria urbanensis. The pig- mentation remaining is arranged around the lateral eye spots (Fig. 19) and the lateral pigmented lines extending from the eye spots to near the posterior end. Aside from this there is a very diffuse pigmentation through- out the entire body. From the time of encystment of the cercaria to the youngest stages at hand considerable change has taken place. The anterior eye spot has been lost and the general pigmentation as described above is generally much reduced as compared with the heavily pigmented Cercaria urbanensis. The locomotor pockets have been resorbed so that no trace of them exists in the youngest stages at hand. Development of the ventral glands is the most conspicuous change which has taken place. Figure 14 shows diagrammatically the youngest stage studied in which three ridges or keels are thrown out on the ventral side. The median one being about twice as high as the lateral ones which are ventral in position to the intestinal crura (Fig. 12). Along the median ridge the papillae altho only partially differentiated are clearly seen. The lateral ridges show indistinct irregularities which in section are clearly the beginnings of the papillae. No trace of the outer rows of papillae which occur in Notocotylus quinqueserialis have been observed. In more mature stages the ventral papillae are distinctly seen (Figs. 17, 19). Faust (1918) stated that in the Monostomata the paired ceca are filled with a jell and are nonfunctional in the cercaria stage. In contrast to this the ceca in the youngest stages studied, which are of course well past the cercaria stages Faust studied, show that changes have taken place in this feature. The ceca in these stages show the intestine as a tube (Fig. 12) whose walls are surrounded by large nucleated cells. Totos in this stage of development also show distinct but small internal and external diverticula (Fig. 19). 271] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 53 The genital glands show little development over that of the cercariae. The ovary and testes are made out readily in the toto mount as well as the cords of cells which are to dififerentiate into uterus, vagina, vas deferens and cirrus. In more mature stages differentiation of the cirrus and vagina is well started so that the relative length of the two organs can be deter- mined. In the more mature specimens represented in figure 17 the genital glands have made a tremendous growth and appear very much as in the sexually active worm. The uterus, however, is less distinct and probably still non-functional. It is in this stage that the vitelline glands make their first appearance and here appear as single celled isolated follicles. The ducts of these follicles cannot be traced so that it is impossible to determine if the relation found by Faust (1918), namely that the vitellaria of Notoco- tylids are composed of five inner and three outer portions, obtains in this species. Of the seven larval Monostomata described from North America, viz. Cercaria hyalocauda Haldemann 1842 Cercaria konadensis Faust 1918 Glenocercaria lucania Leidy 1877 Cercaria aurita Faust 1918 Cercaria urbanensis Cort 1914 Cercaria rohusta Faust 1918 Cercaria pellucida Faust 1918 the immature stages described above resemble more closely Cercaria ur- banensis Cort (1914) than any other known monostome cercaria. Based on the similarity of the excretory system, of the genital organs, on the pig- mentation and on the late differentiation of the vitellaria, no trace of which has yet been found in Cercaria urbanensis, it seems highly probable that these forms can be actually connected. Hence while demonstration of the life history by experimental methods has not at this time been given, it seems justifiable to accept Cercaria urbanensis as the larval form of this Notocotylid. NOTOCOTYLUS QUINQUESERIALIS (Barker and Laughlin) Syn: Monostoma sp. Stiles and Hassall 1894 Notocotyle quinqueseriale Barker and Laughlin 1911 Medium sized to large Notocotylids with wedge shaped body 2 . 5 to 4 mm long by 0 . 66 to 1.33 mm in maximum width which is found at the level of the ovary. Anterior end more or less pointed, posterior end rounded. Dorsal surface smooth, convex, ventral concave, unarmed but possessing five longitudinal rows of adhesive glands or papillae. Each row containing from 16 to 18 distinct wart-like projections. Mouth sub- terminal, spherical 200 to 450^t in diameter; esophagus short without phar- ynx. Intestinal crura irregular in shape and size with short internal and external diverticula. Genital pore between mouth and intestinal bifurca- 54 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [272 tion. Cirrus pouch extending from this point into the beginning of the second body third, being approximately one-third the length of the entire body. Vagina two-thirds the length of the cirrus pouch. The much lobed testes are situated in the posterior end, external to the intestinal crura. Ovary irregularly lobed, on a level with and between the testes, intracecal in position. Vitellaria extracecal, anterior to the testes, extending to the middle of the body. Habitat: Intestine Host: Arvicola riparius Locality: Maryland Collector: A. Hassall Date: 1892 No. 5773 U.S.N.M. Habitat: Intestine Host: Fiber zihethicus Locality: Baker Lake, Washington Collector: H. E. Metcalf Date: August 13, 1915 No. 15.120 Ward collection The description of Barker and Laughlin while adequate states that the intestinal ceca are simple. A careful examination of the material at hand shows small, short diverticula both externally and internally throughout the length of the ceca. The writer has not had opportunity to study the material described by Barker and Laughlin. CATATROPIS Odhner 1905 Body elongate, anterior and posterior ends usually equally rounded. Anterior half of ventral surface covered with three rows of non-protrusible papillae; median row set on a ridge or keel; lateral rows each containing 8 to 12 glands. Vagina strongly developed, usually as long as the cirrus pouch. This genus was created by Odhner to hold Catatropis verrucosa (Fro- lich) which Odhner found to differ from Notocotylus in the character of the ventral glands, those of Notocotylus being protrusible while those found in Catatropis verrucosa were very much reduced, being in the form of a median ridge or keel in the median row and small embedded papillae or glands in the outer rows. It is similar to Notocotylus in its inner organiza- tion and differs from that genus in the fact that the ventral glands are not protrusible. CATATROPIS FILAMENTIS Barker 1915 Syn: Catatropis fifubriata Barker 1915 Thin flat worms, gradually tapering anteriorly, 2.2 to 3.3 mm long by 0 . 56 to 0 . 7 mm wide at the level of the testes. Anterior half of the body covered with needle like spines arranged in oblique rows. Three rows of flattened papillae on the ventral surface, 12 to 13 in each row. Oral sucker spherical, 66 to 99 /j. in diameter. Esophagus 105 to 132 ;u in length. Pharynx wanting. Intestinal crura undulating. Testes two to four lobed, external to the intestinal crura. Ovary globular or oval 132ju long by 105 273] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 55 to 112/i wide, margin irregular. Shell gland ovoid, anterior to and a little larger than the ovary. Cirrus pouch tubular, elongate, extending to the beginning of the second body third. Prostate gland and cirrus covered with papillae. Vagina straight, muscular, as long as the cirrus pouch. Vitellaria external to the ceca, extending from the middle of the body caudad to the testes. Excretory bladder forked, opening to the exterior just dorsal to the posterior end. Eggs thick shelled, 20 to 22/i long by ll/>i wide, having two long polar filaments, one at each end. Habitat: Duodenum Host: Fiber zihethicus Locality: Nebraska Collector: ? PARAMONOSTOMUM Liihe 1910 This genus, created by Liihe to hold Monostomum alveatum (Mehlis) Creplin, is characterized by Liihe as follows: Body compressed, egg shaped, greatest breadth a little caudad from middle of body, posterior end broadly anterior tapering and pointed; anterior half of ventral surface thick set with short heavy spines. Ventral glands absent. Cirrus pouch weakly muscular. Vagina usually one-half length of cirrus pouch. Type species: Paramonostomum alveatum (Mehlis) Crepl. American representative : Paramonostomum echinum nov. spec. Barker (1916) criticises the erection of a new genus on the basis of the absence of the ventral glands on the ground that the number of rows vary from two in N otocotylus diserialis Ssinitzin to five in N otocotylus quinqueser- ialis Barker and Laughlin. Yet the same author accepts the genus Catatro- pis of Odhner founded on the non-protrusible character of these same glands. There is apparently as much reason to accept the genus of Liihe based on their absence as that of Odhner founded on their non-protrusi- bility. PARAMONOSTOMUM ECHINUM nov. spec. Thin cup-shaped worms, 2 to 2.5 mm in length by 0.6 to 0.7 mm in maximum width which is found at the beginning of the posterior third of the body length. No ventral papillae have been found on these worms, the anterior half of the ventral surface being covered with heavy spines 5ju in length. These curve caudad and are thick set according to the definite pattern shown in figures 13 and 16. Mouth terminal, spherical, 102 to 125/i in diameter, followed by a short esophagus which bifurcates to form the intestinal crura; these follow an undulating course to the posterior end of the body where they end blindly. Crura provided with short but definite internal and external diverticula. Genital pore situated just posterior to the intestinal bifucation. Cirrus pouch extends from this point into the beginning of the second third of the body. Vagina one-half as long as the cirrus pouch. Prostate gland and cirrus without papillae. 56 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [274 Testes four lobed, extracecal, lying at the same level in the posterior end of the body. Ovary between the testes and separated from them by the intestinal crura. The three to four lobed ovary is usually elongated antero- posteriorly. The uterus as in other members of this genus is coiled trans- versely between the crura and extends from the level of the ovarian com- plex to the posterior end of the cirrus pouch at the beginning of the second body third. The vitelline glands occupy an extracecal position and extend from the testes to the middle region of the uterine coils which is found in the caudal portion of the second body third. Eggs numerous, medium thick shelled, 20 /i in length and approximately twice as long as wide. They possess a long polar filament at each end. Habitat: Intestine Host: Fiber zibethicus Locality: Wray, Colorado Collector: C. H. Gable Date: October 30, 1916 No. 21.91 Ward collection NUDOCOTYLINAE Barker 1919 Small cup shaped Notocotylidae with thick bodies, without ventral glands. Genital pores separate, ventral, lateral, in posterior half of body. Cirrus pouch pear-shaped, enclosing small portion of seminal vesicle. Vitelline glands strongly developed compact masses, lateral to ceca and anterior to testes. Uterus in transverse folds, in anterior half of body, extending laterally over intestinal crura. Type genus: Nudocotyle Barker 1916 Barker would include Barisomum Linton 1910 in this sub-family. This is a doubtful decision since in the genus Barisomum the genital pore is in the anterior body third and the shell gland lies posterior to the ovary. It possesses in fact certain Notocotylid characters but conforms more close- ly to the Pronocephalidae than to the Notocotylidae in the position of the genital pore, and the character and position of the genital glands. NUDOCOTYLE NOVICIA Barker 1916 Small thick oval worms, 709 to 899 )u in length; 500 to 657)u in breadth. Anterior end tapering gradually, posterior markedly truncate. Dorsal surface strongly convex, ventral concave. Body smooth, devoid of ventral papillae or spines. Oral sucker subterminal, spherical 50 to 65 yu in diame- ter; pharynx wanting; intestinal ceca undulating but without diverticula. Male and female genital pores separate, ventral, lateral, in beginning of posterior body third. Cirrus pouch large, club-shaped, about one-third of body width in length. It lies transversely and median in anterior portion of posterior body half. Cirrus without spines. Testes extracecal in posi- tion, lying in same level in posterior fifth of body, frequently 2 to 5 lobed. Ovary elongated, convoluted or lobed, in extreme posterior end of body between testes and separated from them by intestinal crura. Shell gland 275] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 57 compact, anterior to ovary. Laurer's canal and receptaculum seminis were not observed by Barker. Eggs oval, twice as long as wide, 20 to 24 )u long 10 to 13^t wide. With long polar filament on each end about five times as long as egg itself. HERONIMIDAE Ward 1917 This family was created by Ward (1917) to hold the two aberrant genera Heronimus MacCallum (1902) and Aorchis Barker and Parsons (1914). Ward called attention to the close resemblance of the two forms and suggested that they might prove to be identical. He characterized the family as follows: ''Moderate sized monostomes with thick, elongate, soft body, slightly flattened, tapering toward both ends. Oral sucker weak; pharynx large; esophagus short or absent; ceca simple, narrow, extending to posterior tip but not united. Vitellaria compact, tubular. Uterus with four longitudinal regions; genital pore ventral to oral sucker, near anterior tip. Testis tubular, small; copulatory apparatus poorly developed. In lungs of turtles, northern North America." One year later (1918) the same author restated the family diagnosis with the following addition: "Vitellaria compact tubular, shaped like an inverted V. Testes tubular, lobed or with short branches, united into a V-shaped organ with the apex anteriad," and again stated that the two forms probably belonged to the same genus. About a year later Stunkard (1919) presented a paper in which he showed that the apparent difference in the two forms was due largely to the partially diagrammatic figure of MacCallum (1902) and to the discrepancies in the description of Barker and Parsons (1914) and that the two forms are identical, thus not only belonging to the same genus as suggested by Ward but representing a single species, Heronimus chelydrae MacCallum. HERONIMUS CHELYDRAE W. G. MacCallum 1902 Syn: Aorchis extensus Barker and Parsons 1914 Aorchis extensus Ward 1917 Monostoma sp. Stiles and Hassall 1894 The genus was created by MacCallum (1902) to include worms collected from the lungs and bronchi of Chelydra serpentina. The genus stands according to MacCallum "in many respects far apart from the other genera," especially in the position and nature of the genital opening, in the complicated structure and course of the uterine tract, in the unusual formation of the yolk glands, in the presence of but one testicle and in the position of the excretory pore. The genus may be recognized by the following diagnosis: Medium to large monostomes with semicyclidrical body tapering slightly towards both ends; strongly muscular. Mouth 58 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [276 opening terminal, oral sucker small, pharynx weak but distinct. Esophagus very short; intestinal ceca simple, ending blindly in the extreme posterior of the body. Genital pore inconspicuous, median, ventral to the pharynx. Ovary situated in the anterior one-fourth of the body, lateral, usually intracecal; shell gland smaller than the ovary and posterior to that organ. Receptaculum seminis present, usually about two-thirds as large as the ovary. Laurer's canal absent. Uterus, except for the four longitudinal loops, coiled around the intestinal crura from the level of the ovary to the posterior end of the animal. Vitelline gland a coarse, compact U-shaped, closed tubular structure, dorsal to the intestine. Testis U-shaped, closed portion cephalad, about one-fourth the body length from the anterior end. The tubular, irregularly lobed testicular mass extends caudad to a level about one-eight the body length from the posterior end. Protrusible, non-muscular cirrus present. Excretory pore median, anterior, dorsal to the pharynx. Eggs large, ovoid, thin shelled, containing fully developed miracidia in the metraterm. The anatomy of this form is well described by MacCallum (1902) and Barker and Parsons (1914, 1917), and with the additions and corrections of Stunkard (1919) calls for no further anatomical discussion here. The writer has been given an opportunity to examine the type specimen of this species deposited in the United States National Museum and can verify the statements of Stunkard on the specific identity of the two species. MacCallum reported the original material from Chelydra serpentina taken in the Grand river at Dunville, Ontario, Canada. Barker and Parsons (1914) report from Chrysemys marginata taken in Lake Emily, Minnesota, and the Mississippi river and later (1917) in the same host taken in the Mississippi river near Fairport, Iowa. At this time they call attention to the distribution in Illinois. Ward (1917) reports this species from "various turtles" taken in Michi- gan, Indiana, Illinois and Nebraska. Stunkard (1919) collected this species from Chelydra serpentina taken in Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina and Texas; in Chrysemys marginata taken in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Kentucky; in Pseiidemys elegants and Malacoclemmys geographicus in Illinois; Aro- mochelys odoratus and Kinosternum pennsylvanicum in North Carolina. The specimen listed by Stiles and Hassall (1894:253) as "Monostoma sp. — Chelonia gen. sp. (bronchi) — Illinois-Forbes-Leidy" belongs here. The writer has found this species in Chelydra serpentina and Chrysemys marginata taken in the drainage ditch at Urbana, Illinois; in Chrysemys marginata taken in the Mississippi river near Fairport, Iowa; in Graptemys geographicus taken near Chicago, Illinois; in Chelydra serpentina and Chrysemys marginata taken in Minnesota and in Kinosternum pennsylvani- cum, Kinosternon odoratus, and Chrysemys picta, a new host, taken in North Carolina. 277] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 59 While this species was reported by MacCallum as "not by any means a constant parasite," he having found it in only one host infected of a number examined, more recent data show this worm to be rather constantly present. In seven specimens of Chrysemys marginata collected in the summer of 1911 from Lake Emily, Minn., Barker and Parsons found five infected, one of them yielding thirteen worms from both lungs. The same authors (1917) found that female turtles were more than three times as heavily infected as males, Stunkard (1919) from the examination of "about three hundred turtles" reports the heaviest infection in one host as six. On an examina- tion of "more than fifty turtles" he found no difference in the relative in- fections of males and females. The writer has examined one hundred and two hosts of six different species and of these forty-four showed infection with these worms. The highest percentage of infection for any species was found in Cinosternum pennsylvanicum from North Carolina in which 34 out of 45 specimens or approximately 75 percent were infected. The highest number of individuals from a single host of this species was eleven while a single individual of Graptemys geographicus, and the only one of eighteen which showed infection, carried twelve worms in both lungs. During the past four years the writer has had opportunity to examine more than one-hundred turtles as stated above. It was noted early in the investigation that the collections made in different seasons showed no striking difference in percentage of infection. It was then undertaken to determine if possible the length of life of this parasite in the definite host. It is generally understood that most intestinal paraties have an annual cycle and depend on this for continuity of the species. However, data on this point seems lacking in this group. The work on Heronimus chelydrae consisted in the examination of a number of turtles collected in the same region, Raleigh, North Carolina, at various seasons of the year. Some of these dissected on arrival showed relatively heavy infections, others which were kept in the laboratory aquaria for periods of six, twelve and eighteen months still carried infection, and a single specimen of Chely- dra serpentina which had been kept in an aquarium for more than three years yielded two specimens of Heronimus chelydrae and a single nematode, probably Camallanus americanns. As was stated above hosts examined when taken, usually carry intestinal forms in addition to the lung fluke already mentioned, while those which have been kept in aquaria for a period of six months or more show a marked reduction in the number of the intestinal forms. There is no apparent change in the number of the lung flukes present. Little is known regarding the condition of parasites during hibernation of the host. Blanchard (1903) records that hibernating marmots do not contain any intestinal parasites. Ward (1909) reports observations carried out on the frog, Rana virescens. In this he says that parasitic infection increases steadily up to hibernation, and does not decrease during the latter 60 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [278 period; that the parasites reach the climax of sexual maturity soon after the host emerges from the winter quarters. They discharge their eggs and pass out from the body of the host soon after the time of spawning, and at the close of this period the hosts are relatively free from infection. Observations of the writer verify the sexual inactivity of the parasite Heronimus chelydrae during the early part of the winter and the copious discharge of mature miracidia in early spring. On the other hand these turtles did not become free from infection at any time during the period of the experiment. It must be kept in mind however that the turtles used were not subject to natural conditions, i.e., no opportunity was afforded for hibernation and no eggs were deposited during this time. That trema- todes adapted to partially closed cavities can live longer than for a single reproductive phase is evident, since in the instance reported above in which the host has been kept for a period of more than three years, the two para- sites found were sexually mature, and were producing large quantities of ripe eggs when the host was examined; this is true also in one other case in which the host was kept for more than eighteen months. COLLYRICLIDAE Ward 1917 This family was created to hold the genus Collyriclum of Kossack and is circumscribed by Ward as follows: "Small to moderate sized monostomes with discoidal compressed, not muscular body, broader than long. Oral sucker weak; pharynx present; ceca simple, long, capacious, not united. Genital pore ventral near center of body. Vitellaria follicular, scanty, antero-lateral; ovary much lobed, symmetrical. Uterus posterior, in irregular coils which show an antero- posterior tendency, terminal region enlarged. Testes oval, symmetrical, behind ovary. Eggs very small. Adults parasitic in dermal cysts on abdo- minal surface of the skin of birds." In the light of our present knowledge of these forms the family diagnosis must be modified with respect to the condition of the testes. Tyzzer (1918) has shown the testes of the American species to be irregularly lobed and not oval as described for the European species, Collyriclum faba by both Kossack (1911) and Jegen (1917). The writer has examined a number of specimens of Collyriclum colei Ward and has found the observation of Tyzzer stated above to be correct. Type and only genus: Collyriclum Kossack 1911. American representative: Collyriclum colei Ward 1917 COLLYRICLUM COLEI Ward 1917 Syn: Monostoma faba Cole 1911 Collyriclum faba Tyzzer 1918 Diagnosis: Small hemispherical worms, 4 to 5 mm in length and breadth by 3 mm thick. Cuticula covered with spines 35 fx in length, arranged in groups which form rather regular rows around the worm. Mouth terminal 279] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 61 or slightly dorsally placed, surrounded by a muscular sucker 220/i long by 375 )u wide. Pharynx smaller 140^1 long by 125 m wide, adjacent to the sucker, followed by short esophagus which bifurcates to form the large voluminous simple intestinal crura; these end blindly at the end of the middle body third. Genital orifice ventral, near center of body. Testes near the ends of the crura, lobed, the main portion pear-shaped. Ovary in intestinal bifurcation, three branched, each division containing from 5 to 10 lobes. Vitellaria well developed, imperfectly symmetrical with 5 to 7 groups on the left and 7 to 9 on the right. Uterus much coiled, generally in the posterior half showing a tendency to antero-posterior coiling. Eggs small, 19 to 22ju long by 10 to 12^t wide, containing in the end portion of the uterus a fully formed miracidium. The anatomy of these worms has been so thoroughly discussed by Tyz- zer (1918) for the American species, and by Kossack (1911) and Jegen (1917) for the European species that it does not seem necessary to enter into a detailed discussion here. I desire instead to give a comparison of the two forms since Tyzzer found reason based largely on the inconsistency of Kossack's description and figures to declare the American material identical with that found in Europe. Ward (1917) after examination of the material reported by Cole (1911) as Monostoma faba pointed out distinct differences between this and the European form described by Kossack (1911). The following is his state- ment, "As a cause of an epidemic among sparrows at Madison Wisconsin, Cole (1911) reported under the name of Monostoma f aha a trematode that in reality differs distinctly from the European species. The form of the ovary, the extent of the vitellaria, the dermal spines, and other details of structure disagree with the recent description of Kossack who, moreover, assigned Rudolphi's species." [erroneously attributed to Rudolphi, really Bremser (1831) ] "to his new genus Collyriclum. The American form constitutes a new species in this genus and to it the name Collyriclum colei may be given." One year later (1918) the same author restated the differences in the two species as follows: "These specimens differ clearly from the European form in numerous minor details, such as ovary, yolk glands, dermal spines, etc., and demand recognition as a distinct species under the name given here." Tyzzer (1918) made a comparison of the two forms based on Kossack's description of Collyriclum faba and concluded that the two species were identical despite certain distinct differences which he explained away on the basis of the discrepancies between Kossack's description and figures. The work of Jegen (1917) which reached America after Tyzzer's had appeared verifies in a large measure the description of Kossack and leaves little doubt that the American material is distinct from Collyriclum faba. The following is the diagnosis of this species as given by Jegen: "In Cysten 62 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [280 Table I. Comparison of Collyriclum faha with C. colei After Tyzzer, 1918, with additions from Jegen, 1917 European Material Collyriclum faba American Material Collyriclum colei Shape Somewhat hemispherical. The same. Minor additional points noted. Size 4.2-4.8X4.5-5.46 mm Jegen from P. domesticus 4.4-5.2X6-5.4. 4.1X4.8X2.9 mm. Mouth Ventrally placed. Dorsal to margin of body. In flattened specimens appears ventral from over-riding of larger dorsal surface. Uterus Similarly arranged in both. Intestine Identical in form. and extent. Vitellaria Symmetrical, each with seven rarely six or eight, follicle groups. Not perfectly symmetrical, five to seven on left and seven to nine follicle groups on right side. Ovary T-shaped, each of three divisions with four or five branches. Jegen reports 5-7 lobes. Of similar form, each division from 5-10 lobes. Testes Oblong or saber-shaped. Showing three or more large processes and other minor irregularities, and curved over the blind ends of the intestine. In gross specimens seen only in part, appearing oblong or saber shaped. Measurement not feasible. Genital orifices General agreement in both. Oral sucker 0.204,5 to .441, 2 mm. Jegen, 0.3 to 0.45 mm. Average, 0.219,8X0.375,3 mm. Pharynx 0.129,1 to 0.193,7 mm. Jegen, 0.113 to .145 mm. Average 0. 140X . 124,5 mm. Spines "Arranged in lines, with the in- dividual spines apparently widely separated from one an- other." Up to 35m in length. Jegen: in groups of 4 to 8, 28 to 35m. Set in annular rugae; maximum distance separating latter, .45 to 53m. Up to 35,5m in length. Average dorsal, 27,9m long. Ova 19,8X9,7m. 19 to 21,4X10,6-11,6m. Average 20,5X1 1,3m. 281] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 63 zu zweien vorkommende Trematoden. Korperform annahernd rund. Dorsale Flache stark gewolbt, ventrale weniger gewolbt bis flach. Haut mit Stacheln besetzt, die in Gruppen von vier bis acht Einzelstacheln stehen. Mundsaugnapf endstandig. Darmschenkel einfach und zwei Drittel der Breite des Korpers einnehmend. Bauchsaugnapf fehlt. Ter- minal am Hinterende eine muskelreiche Partie, die bei der Fortbewegung als Saugorgan Wirkt. Genital pori auf einer papillenartigen Erhohung, median etwas vor der Korpermitte gelegen. Excretionsblase birnformig und bedeutend uber die Mitte hinausreichend. Dotterstocke aus zwei seitlich gelegenen Follikelgruppen (7) bestehend. Hoden dorsal, den Darmschenkelspitzen genahert. Keimstock vor den Hoden, im ersten Korperdrittel, aus drei lobosen Gruppen bestehend. Schalendriise unmit- telbar neben und unter dem Keimstock. Laurersche Kanal vorhanden. Receptaculum seminis fehlt. Uterusschlingen hauptsachlich im hinteren Korperteil. Eier ohne Filamente, mit scharf abgesetztem Deckel und einer kleinen, seitlichen Spitze am entgegengesetzten Pol, sehr zahlreich." Because of the distinct differences shown by Tyzzer his table is incor- porated with Jegen's corrections to Kossack's description of Collyridum faba. It is printed on preceding page of this paper. A study of the table shows clearly that the species in question differ with respect to the asymmetry and extent of the vitellaria and the form of the testes. In regard to the agreement of the American material with Kossack's description Tyzzer says: "that the American material agrees very closely in most respects with Kossack's description, there being similarity of size and shape, in the appearance of the alimentary canal and uterus, and in the position of the genital orifices. The measurements of the oral sucker, pharynx, esophagus, spines, and ova correspond rather closely, and such differences as occur appear to be within the limits of species variation." Regarding the grouping of the spines Kossack (1911:574) "Die Haut ist mit Stacheln bedeckt, die in regelmassigen Reihen angeordnet sind. Die einzelnen Stacheln sind ziemlich weit voneinander entfernt und durchschnittlich 0.035 mm lang." Jegen describes the spines as being arranged in groups in rows. Four to eight spines in a group, and says, "Kossack erwahnt (S. 574) dass die Stacheln in regelmassigen Reihen ange- ordnet seien. Ich glaube nun nicht, wie Odhner dies ausspricht, dass er die Stachelgruppen iibersehen hatte, wenn sie iiberhaupt in seinem Mate- rial vorhanden waren. Vielmehr liegt die Moglichkeit vor, dass er ein Entwicklungsstadium vor sich hatte, bei dem die Gruppen noch nicht vollstandig gebildet waren." Tyzzer calls attention to the ovary which he says "presents more lobules than was noted by Kossack." Jegen states that the ovary is very strongly lobed and found: "An jedem der drei Aste sitzen fiinf bis sieben 64 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [282 solcher einzelner KnoUen." Tyzzer states further that "the basis for differ- entiation of an American species at the present time appears therefore to be rather inadequate." That he is dealing with the same species as that reported by Cole (1911) and later named Collyriclum colei by Ward (1917) cannot be doubted and according to his statement his material "is un- doubtedly of the same species," Although Tyzzer failed to find any difference which would warrant a second species of Collyriclum the present investigation has shown that except in minor detail the work of Jegen agrees with that of Kossack, and on the basis of the descriptions of these investigators the American mate- rial is distinct from Collyriclum faba in that the testes are lobed and in the asymmetry and extent of development of the vitellaria. It is impossible to explain away these differences either as "artefacts in preservation" or as "individual variation," nor is it probable that both Kossack and Jegen have overlooked these features. On the basis of these difference the Amer- ican material must be recognized as a distinct species under the name Colly- riclum colei Ward. A preliminary study of specimens of Collyriclum faba secured by Pro- fessor Ward bears out the description of Kossack and Jegen as well as the conclusions of the writer drawn from the study of their papers and compari- son with American specimens of this genus. A more thorough study of the European material is not feasible at this time but is anticipated at an early opportunity. REMARKS ON THE LIFE HISTORY The life history of Collyriclum faba is doubtfully known. Tyzzer gives a careful description of the development of the egg of Collyriclum colei from the time of fertilization to maturity in the end portion of the uterus. Regarding the mature eggs he says "The eggs stored in the terminal por- tion of the uterus evidently contain miracidia, the morphological features of which are not clear in fixed material owing to imperfect preservation and shrinkage." He continues with a description of the "hair-like" structures which have been distinguished. This adds evidence that a miracidium is present. The work of Jegen (1917) which is an attempt at the life history of Collyriclum faba differs radically from the statements of Tyzzer in that he finds the eggs contain two embryos which are not miracidia but young trematodes; these need only to be incubated in the intestine of the host that they may break out of the egg shell and freed with the excrement, may wander into the feather follicle. He found also cysts (Dauercyste) which after a longer period of incubation break open and the worm enters the follicle of a feather. Jegen summarizes his work as follows: "Die Eier von Collyriclum faba werden durch den Wirt mit dem Parasiten aufge- 283] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 65 pickt und gelangen in den Vogeldarm, wo die Embryonem ausschliipfen. Mit den Excrementen werden letztere ins Freie befordert, wo sie, sofern die Moglichkeit zur Infektion vorhanden ist, direkt in die Federfollikel der jungen Vogel einwandern. Im andern Fall bilden sich Dauercysten, die nach langerer Entwicklungsruhe such auflosen und den eingeschlos- senen Organismus frei lassen, so dass er ebenfalls in die Federfollikel ein- wandern kann." This summary of Jegen is supported by experimental evidence gained by incubation of the eggs in a portion of the intestine of an infected bird as well as by numerous attempts to incubate the eggs which had not passed through the intestine of the host altho he says these gave negative results. The "Dauercysten" he found in excrement of infec- ted birds, which was dried by exposure to air, and at other times in the nest and on the feathers of young sparrows. The outline of Jegen gives essentially a direct development which omits the parthenogenetic stages observed in all cases where the life history of digenetic trematodes is known. Observations of the writer support the view of Tyzzer that a miracidium is present in the mature egg in the uterine egg sac. The fully developed miracidium shows well devel- oped germ balls. This is in direct contrast to the findings of Jegen who says that the embryo contains two well developed germ balls with numer- ous others which disappear later in course of development. Jegen found that the eggs would develop only in the intestine of the host and when fed to uninfected birds empty egg shells and embryos were found on the second and third day. He neither states nor demonstrates that these experimental birds became infected with the adult parasites. The work of Jegen dealing with the life history of Collyriclum is full of gaps. The life history as given is bridged over by supposition. The infection of the sparrows by feeding of eggs is not demonstrated, only the presence of embryos which may well be miracidia. Jegen does not demonstrate beyond doubt that these cause the formation of the cysts in the sparrow. The "Dauercysten" which h'C says infect directly the host based on his experiment of the dried excrement certainly serve to protect the parasite from dessication until it can reach the intermediate host; nothing indicates whether this be a miracidium or another infective stage; and the periodicity of occurrence of the adult parasite in correlation with a rainy season tends to show that the former is the correct interpretation. The work of Jegen is apparently a misinterpretation of the life history and leaves much to be done in order to demonstrate the facts. The only clear contribution of this author to the life history of this form lies in the discovery of the "Dauercysten" which he apparently misinterpreted. Many more extensive and careful experiments must be carried out in order to demonstrate conclusively the complete life history of this form. 66 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [284 Species Inquirendae CLINOSTOMUM (?) INCOMMODUM (Leidy) Syn: Alonostomum incommodum Leidy 1856 Distoma oricola Leidy 1884 Distomum incommodum Leidy 1890 Monostomum incommodum Leidy 1904 Monostomum incommodum is described by Leidy as follows: "Body compressed, above convex, below concave, sides parallel anteriorly convex, posteriorly angularly convex. Head continuous with the body, obliquely truncated. Mouth round, surrounded with a wide circular lip which is emarginate below. Male generative aperature? communicating with a hemispherical cavity (acetabulum?) one-fourth the length of the body from the head. Length 9 lines, breadth 1^2 lines. Habitat: Fauces Host: Alligator mississippiensis Locality: Florida Collector: J. W. Bailey Date: Previous to 1856 Leidy (1890) places this species as Distomum incommodum and as a synonym of this species his Distoma oricola from the mouth of Alligator mississippiensis. On the basis of the later determination of Leidy (1890) his description of Distoma oricola is here included for the purpose of com- parison and as evidence for the disposition of Monostomum incommodum. Distoma oricola Leidy 1884 "Body elongated elliptical, moderately wider and thicker posteriorly and ending in a blunt, angular extremity, convex dorsally and flat ventrally, unarmed, smooth or minutely wrinkled transversely. Mouth subterminal, and enclosed with a reniform lip succeeded by a linear annulus. Acetabu- lum large, globular, included at the anterior fourth of the body, and open- ing ventrally by a conspicuous central aperature. Generative orifice ventral, at the posterior fourth of the body. Length, 15 to 20 mm; breadth, 3 mm. Eight specimens obtained from the mouth of the alligator, A. mississippiensis, in Florida, by Mr. Stuart Wood." Pratt (1902) surmises that this species is allied to the genus Clinosto- mum. This view is supported by Ward (1918). Then if, according to this view the determination of Leidy, that Distoma oricola is a synonym of Monostomum incommodiim which he determined later (1890) as a Distome, Distomum incommodum, be accepted, Monostomum incommodum is like- wise allied to the genus Clinostomum. 285] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 67 MONOSTOMUM ORNATUM Leidy 1856 Syn. — Monostomum ornatum Brandes 1892 Monostomum ornatum Braun 1893 Monostomum ornatum Diesing 1858 Monostomum ornatum Monticelli 1892 Monostomum ornatum Stafford 1902 This species was described by Leidy as follows: "Body slightly compressed ovoidal, anteriorly broad; yellow variegated with brownish red. Mouth infero-terminal, acetabuliform, transversely oval. Penis conical, protruding a short distance below the mouth. Female aperture a short distance below the penis. Length 1 to 1}^ lines, breadth 3^^ to ^ line, thickness }/ito}/2 Hne." Habitat: Body cavity Host: Rana pipiens Locality: Philadelphia Collector: H, W. Warren Stafford (1902) questions the determination of these worms and con- jectures that they belong either to the genus Haematoloechus sp. which is commonly found in the lungs of frogs or to Dist. quietum or Cephalogoni- mue amer. and have been liberated in the first case from the lung and in the other cases from the small intestine of the host. He inclines to the former view "on account of the ease with which the small ventral sucker may be overlooked and the readiness with which worms may be freed from the lungs without observation." He adds that, "it is unlikely to be Distomum quietum from the position of the genital openings" and that "it could scarcely have been Dist. retusum {Ceph. amer.?) since he reports it also in the same paper although he does not describe it there but in an earlier number." In regard to the habitat of Monostomum ornatum Stafford says that "of the hundreds of frogs I have examined I have never yet found a Trematode free in the body cavity and I doubt if anybody else has ever obtained one that did not first get there by the accidental cutting or tearing of some other organ." The above assumption of Stafford that trematodes do not occur free in the body cavity of frogs appears to be doubtfully correct. Osborn (1922) and Cort (1913) report encysted Clinostomum in the body cavity. The writer in examination of numbers of frogs has been able to observe these and has several times found some of these worms out of their cysts and free in the body cavity. These frogs were opened most carefully and worms that might have been freed by the cutting of the body wall could not have found their way to remote parts of the cavity in the time consumed by the operation and examination. On the other hand it is hardly prob- able that the dozen specimens recorded should escape from the lungs unnoticed as suspected by Stafford and none be left to show the normal habitat. However, as Stafford has noted and as was stated above, the worm could scarcely have been Distomum retusum {Cephalogonimus americanus?) 68 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [286 since it is recorded in the same paper, Stafford, however, has failed to note that Leidy recorded also in this same paper Distomum variegatum from the lungs of Rana pipiens which he also describes in the same "earlier number" in which he describes Distomum retusum. Hence Haematoloechus is ruled out as well. From the habitat of these worms the writer suspects that it may possibly be a larval stage of a species of Clinostomum. The descrip- tion is so meager that it is impossible to place it in any definite manner. MONOSTOMUM SPATULATUM Leidy 1858 Syn: Monostomum spathulatum Diesing 1859 The following description given by Leidy includes the only available data. "Body flat, oblong ovate, narrowing anteriorly, obtuse posteriorly, color white, with brown tortuous lines indicating the course of the oviduct. Mouth acetabuliform, circular. Testes three, alternating on each side posteriorly with the oviduct. Ovaries on each side finely lobulated. Generative aperture small a short distance behind the mouth. Penis undistinguishable. Length 3-4 lines: breadth }/2 line. Habitat: Gall-bladder. Host: Fish species unknown Locality: Eastern U. S. Collector: Jeffries Wyman MONOSTOMUM AFFINE Leidy 1858 Syn: Notocotyle(?)affi,ne Barker 1916 Leidy described this species as follows: "Body spatulate narrowest anteriorly, flat; posterior end obtuse, with an excretory orifice communi- cating with a well marked canal traceable as far forwaid as the commence- ment of the oviduct. Mouth round, oral acetabulum small, followed by a smaller pharyngeal bulb. Intestine simple, traceable on each side to the posterior end of the body. Testes four, posterior to the position of the distended oviducts. Ovaries finely lobulated, situated on each side exter- nal to the position of the intestine; oviduct transversely tortuous and dis- tended with brown ova. Penis ensheathed, long, tortuous, echinate. Generative aperture small, acetabuliform. Ova oval and prolonged at one pole, or sub-pyriform. Length of body 6}/^ lines; breadth 1 line." "Four specimens were obtained by Dr. J. N. Corse from the bile-ducts and gall-bladder of the muskrat (Fiber zibethicus). Closely allied to M. hippocrepis Diesing, but has no trace of the horse-shoe like collar to the head." As is stated previously in this work the suggestion of Barker appears to be a misfit on the basis of the pharynx, the echinate penis and the undivided excretory canal which Leidy says is traceable as far forward as 287] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 69 the beginning of the oviduct. These characters are fundamental dififerences such as are used to separate families and groups and on the basis of these differences the supposition of Barker (1916) seems untenable. MONOSTOMUM ASPERUM Vaillant 1863 Syn: Monostomulum aspersum Brandes 1892 Monostomum aspersum Pratt 1902 Vaillant described this species as follows: 1.4 to 1.9 mm long by 0.94 mm wide, elongated, both ends rounded; dorsal surface convex, ventral flat; cuticula in the anterior % densely covered with small spines regularly spaced and arranged in alternating rows. Mouth opening round. The digestive system composed of muscular esophageal bulb, followed by a long esophagus which extends to the middle of the body where it bifurcates to form the two ceca which extend to the level of the excretory bladder. The excretory bladder forms a semi-oval sac, which occupies the posterior end of the animal. The genital organs are between the excietory bladder and the ends of the intestinal ceca. The male organs are composed of a curved spinous penis, with a testicle, a vesicula seminalis and a deferent canal. The female organs are wanting or in some individuals incompletely devel- oped and consist only of a granular cell mass. Found in transparent sub-epidermal cysts of Siren lacertina. In a later paper the same author (Vaillant, 1863a :347) expresses doubt in regard to his interpretation of the sex organs which he says appear to be only poorly developed. On the basis of the descriptions of Vaillant, Brandes considered this as a larval form but attempted no further indication for the disposition of the species. Monticelli (1892) enumerates it without any attempt to determine its rightful place. Pratt assigns to it the same place as did Brandes. Both accounts of this worm are such that the inference may be readily drawn regarding its larval nature. Neither account gives evidence of any individual in a sexually mature state. The sex organs are poorly developed and no mention is made of a uterus or of eggs which would indicate sexual maturity. The exceptional habitat assigned to this worm by Vaillant which he says is comparable to that of Monostomum faba Bremser is not so rare in the light of the present knowledge of the life histories of distomes and is quite in contrast to what is now known of the m^onostome life history. Many distomes are known to pass a portion of their life cycle encysted in the skin and superficial layers of the body, while no such stage has yet been found in the cycle of a monostome. The description of Vaillant as well as his figures are so inadequate that it w^ould be hazardous to speculate on the systematic position of this form more than to say on the basis of the digestive system the cuticular spines and what has been given regarding the genital glands that it is probably the immature stage of a distome. 70 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [288 MONOSTOMUM AMIURI Stafford 1900 This trematode taken from the swim bladder of Amiurus nebulosus by Stafford, is described by him as follows: "About 5 mm long and 2.25 mm broad much flattened and is broadest in its posterior two-thirds, the anterior third narrowing towards the mouth-sucker. The living animals are very soft bodied, inactive creatures." "The integument bears a cuticle and is apparently very thin the sub- cuticular and glandular parts seem to have a similar structure to the same parts of the Distomes with which I am most acquainted. The intestinal system begins with the mouth whose thick muscular walls form the oral sucker. Following this is a muscular pharynx and a narrow esophagus which gives rise to two lateral intestinal ceca, extending as broad tubes to near the posterior end of the body where they end blindly." "The posterior excretory bladder unpaired." "The reproductive system is of the usual complex type. Each individ- ual dioecious. The testes are situated most posterior in the body, between the median expulsion tube of the excretory system and the ends of the intestinal ceca, the vasa efferentia rise out of their anterior ends and proceed, by a direct course, to near the middle of the animal where they meet in the vesicula seminalis. This runs forward and opens by a muscular penis on the ventral surface of the worm, about one-third from its anterior end. The ovary is located a little behind the middle of the animal. The uterus filled with eggs occupies most of the posterior two-thirds of the body and opens by a bulbous vagina immediately behind and to the right of the penis. The two lobular yolk glands lie outside of the forked intestine and extend from the level of the genital openings to the hind end of the animal. A longitudinal yolk duct receives the yolk cells from the numerous follicles on each side and conducts them, by a transverse tube in the region of the ovary, to a yolk reservoir that communicates with the oviduct close by the shell gland. The egg is 45 by 24ju in size and its blunt broader end is provided with a short hooked filament." The description and figure of Stafford shows a remarkable similarity to the Heterophyidae with which the worm agrees in having simple sac- like intestinal ceca extending to the posterior end, genital pore in immediate neighborhood of the ventral sucker if that organ is what has been inter- preted as the female genital opening by Stafford. Testes oval, symmetri- cally arranged near the posterior end, seminal vesicle S-shaped, ovary oval, median, anterior to the testes. Vitellaria lateral to the intestinal ceca; extending from the level of the testes. The eggs also fall within the size found in this family but differ in having a short hooked filament at the blunt end. It differs also in that scales have not been recorded for this species by Stafford. 289] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 71 In the above comparison the bulbous vagina of Stafford has been con- strued to be the ventral sucker and considering this as a sucker this species agrees in every important anatomical feature with the Heterophyidae. The absence of scales here if they have not actually been overlooked could be considered only of specific import and according to the findings of Ward and Hirsh (1915:148) "spines and scales are caducous in life and are easily lost also if the specimens lie in preserving fluid for some time. ^ The fact that this species was found in the swim bladder of Amiurus nebulosus is not sufficient reason for its separation from the Heterophyidae since three genera of that family are known to have larval stages in fish, namely, Metagonimus, Cryptocotyle, and Paracoenogonimus. Ransom (1920:530) surmises that "Heterophyes," the genus to -which. Mono stomu7n amiuri seems to be most closely related, "occur in their immature stages in fish," the adults thus far having been found in fish eating birds and mam- mals. Habitat: Swim bladder Host: Amiurus nebulosus Locality: probably near Toronto, Collector: Stafford Canada ■ i&[q biiii (i.O<^I,i A■Jl^cOi'6 irij no aaioaqa airlT .8n'->''+'^^' muW- 72 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [290 THE POLYPHYLETIC ORIGIN OF THE MONOSTOMES From the earliest records of the Monostomata up to the present time this group of parasites has served for a dumping ground for inaccurately studied species in which the acetabulum has been wrongly interpreted or overlooked entirely. Many species have since been studied more carefully and consequently have been transferred to other genera. Out of this has arisen the problem of the origin of the Monostomata. Accumulative evidence has lead to the belief that these forms are directly related to var- ious other groups. This evidence is presented below. Certain investigators of recent time have come to consider the trema- todes of polyphyletic origin. According to Faust (1918) these conclusions are the result of "lack of study and consequent inability to recognize the fundamental resemblance of the genital, excretory and nervous systems." The first to suggest relationship between the Monostomata and the Distomata was Monticelli (1893:149-150) when he called attention to the similarity of Kollikeria and Didymozoon. More recently Ariola (1906) reinforced this opinion by grouping Monostonia fillicolle Rud. and Distoma okeni Kolliker together on the basis of their anatomical similarity even though Monostonia fillicolle does not possess an acetabulum. MacCallum and MacCallum (1916) on the basis of anatomical similarity grouped together the two genera Kollikeria and Nematobothrium altho Kollikeria shows in many cases well developed acetabula while Nematobothrium is in that respect typically monostomatous. Cohn (1904) in his study of Monostomum flavum Mehlis, worked over by Stossich (1902) and placed in the new genus Typhlocoelum, found a well developed but small ventral acetabulum which he figures in sagittal sections. This species on the one hand is apparently very closely related to the genus Cyclocoelum and was placed by Stossich in the same sub- family, Cyclocoelinae. On the other hand Cohn would transfer this to the Fasciolidae because of the presence of the ventral acetabulum which he says is diminished and in other instances often lost because of the shut-in habitat under which these worms live. He adds as was stated previously the observation of a rudimentary mouth sucker in Cyclocoelum mutabile and in one other species of this group. Here he states that Cyclocoelum mutabile does not lack a primary sucker in many cases and like the Cestodarian Amphilina has lost hold-fast organs because of the lack of need for such organs in the cavities of the body of the host in which habitat these worms are wont to live. According 291] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 73 to this author Cyclocoelum mutahile and Typhlocoelum flavum are very closely i ".ted and because of different stimuli in their respective habitats, viz. : ?.\ veolar spaces, abdominal cavity and liver, occasionally the intestine for Cyclocoelum, and trachea and bronchi for Typhlocoelum, the acetabu- lum of Cyclocoelum has been lost while the oral sucker of Typhlocoelum has atrophied. In his earlier work (1902) Cohn described Monostomum oculobiiim collected from Vanellus melanogastrus as having neither oral nor ventral suckers and relates it to Cyclocoelum mutabile. Fuhrmann (1904) describes a species, Bothriogaster variolaris collected from the intestine of Rostrhamus sociabilis, a South American Falconid, which from his figures and descrip- tion appears to be very similar to Monostomum oculohium of Cohn. He states that in regard to the intestinal crura, absence of the oral sucker and the presence of only a pharynx it is like Cyclocoelum mutabile. The position of the genital glands is not the same but on the other hand is like those of Monostomum oculobium of Cohn. But it differs from Monostomum oculobium in that a ventral sucker is present which Fuhrmann believes Cohn had overlooked in his species. Fuhrmann would place Bothriogaster variolaris in the sub-family Syncoelinae of the Fasciolidae. Odhner (1907) supports the view of Cohn and cites a number of in- stances to demonstrate it. Chief among these are, first, his genus Apora- cotyle which is a blood parasite. He says that this suckerless form has its nearest relative in the distome Hapalotrema constrictum (Leared), a blood parasite of the sea turtle. Second, those inhabiting the airsacs have developed the hold-fast organs to the least degree. This includes the Cyclocoelidae in which Odhner says all species are without a ventral sucker except for the recent discovery by Cohn of an entirely rudimentary acetabulum in Typhlocoelum flavum. He adds that in the Holostomes and Hemistomes ventral suckers have been greatly reduced and in some instances have disappeared entirely. In further support of this view he cites the reduction of the sucker in the male Bilharzia with the complete loss of this organ in Bilharzia kovalewski, and notes also the Echinostome like genus Pegosomum which inhabits the gall duct and has lost entirely the oral sucker. Odhner believes that the Monostomata will be finally split up and appended to other trematode groups, i.e., to the Distomes, Amphistomes, Holostomes and perhaps others. In the light of the foregoing one may well ask, what is a Monostome? The question has been aptly raised as to what characters or combinations of characters afford a reliable and accurate basis for the natural classifica- tion of the trematodes. On the basis of the examples given above the presence or absence of an acetabulum can be considered of relatively little importance and if such be the case other factors must be looked for in an attempt to establish a natural s^'stem of classification. 74 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [292 In view of the facts stated above the writer believes that an accurate knowledge of the more fundamental systems of organs will reveal group relationships which have heretofore passed unnoticed. In the present systematic groups homology of organs is a factor which has been generally passed over. This can best be demonstrated by a careful study of the developing organs in the early stages of the life history of the individual. Up to this time little has been done on the life histories of the Monosto- mata. Von Siebold (1835) and Van Beneden (1861) studied the early stages of the parthenogenetic phase. La Valette St. George (1855) de- scribed under the name of Monostomum flavum a cercaria which he believed to belong to this species. From his descriptions and figures one can see diagnostic points which tend to show that this cercaria belongs to the Notocotylidae on the basis of the well developed oral sucker, the posses- sion of the locomoter pockets described by Looss, Cort, and Faust for Notocotylid species. The fact that La Valette St. George showed the intestine anastomosed posteriorly does not furnish evidence to the contrary since the crura of the Notocotylid approach each other in the posterior end of the worm and this may easily be mistaken for anastomosis or on the other hand the author may have misinterpreted the excretory ducts for the crura of the intestine. The characteristic features are the absence of the pharynx and the presence of the three eyespots which appear to be characteristic of the Notocotylidae. In addition to these Haldemann, Leidy, Cort and Faust have described some six or seven monostome cercaria from American hosts all of which have been referred to the Noto- cotylidae. While the writer has had opportunity to study immiature stages of N otocotylus urbanensis, the preserved material has yielded only few facts that can be interpreted as of phylogenetic importance. These will be discussed in a subsequent section of this paper. As yet no Mono- stome life history has been demonstrated experimentally and the develop- ment of the important systems of organs has not been followed in the life history of even a single species. This seems to the writer to be a necessary step to be followed out in the major families in order to demonstrate the phylogenetic relationships of the large groups. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF THE MONOSTOME FAMILIES Before entering into the discussion of the probable origin of the Mono- stomes it seems fitting to discuss the interrelationship of the families as a unit or natural group of Trematodes. A comparison of the family diagno- ses, given earlier in this paper, shows a striking contrast in each of the families discussed and of the families not included the same striking con- trast may be drawn. No system of organs is the same in all of the families save perhaps the nervous system, so far as it has been made out, which is essentially the same in all the trematodes. The excretory system differs 293] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 75 in these families; in the Cyclocoelidae it is composed primarily of a large half-moon shaped bladder and ramifying network of anastomosed tubules. In the Notocotylidae a single club-shaped bladder extends almost to the ovary and sometimes a little posterior to the excretory pore {Notocotylus quinqueserialis) ; at the anterior end of this bladder two branches are given off which pass lateral to the ovary and from these numerous side branches are produced. In the Heronimidae the bladder consists of a large median sac with the pore in the anterior dorsal region, while in the Collyrichdae the bladder is single, club-shaped, and branches near the center of the body. In regard to the digestive system equally striking differences appear. The Notocotylidae show no trace of a pharynx while the Cyclocoelidae, Heronimidae and the Collyrichdae possess both sucker and pharynx. The crura of the Cyclocoelidae anastomose in the posterior end of the body while in the other families under consideration the crura end blindly. Another characteristic difference is the presence of dermal glands in some of the Notocotylidae, while such organs are unknown in the other families. In the genital system are to be found equally great characteristic differ- ences in the position of the glands with respect to the intestinal crura as well as in the form of the glands themselves. These and other important differences seem to indicate that these families have arisen from different lines. THE APPARENT RELATION OF THESE FAMILIES TO OTHER GROUPS Since the great diversity of structure in this group seems to indicate that the monostomes have arisen from different sources, there remains to be considered in conjunction with this fact the close affinity of certain of these famihes to widely separated groups. The finding of a rudimentary acetabulum in Monostomum flaviim Mehlis by Cohn and of the well developed acetabulum in Bothriogaster variolaris by Fuhrmann in the same year together with the similarity in structure seems to indicate a relationship to the Fasciolidae through the Syncoelinae according to Fuhrmann (1904) to which Bothriogaster is most closely related. After a similar manner the Notocotylidae find their closest parallels among marine forms where the genus Notocotylus has anatomically a very close relative in Adenogaster serialis while those Notocotylids without the ventral glands appear more like the genus Glyphicephalus. The Heronimidae stand alone in their organization and do not show close relationship to any known trematodes. Attention was first called to the distome character of Collyriclum faba by Braun (1892) and again by Kossack (1911:577) who points out the relation of this species to Distomum gastrophilum but hesitates to decide whether it is a natural one, thus: "Indessen wage ich es vorlaufig noch 76 . ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [294 nicht zu entscheiden, ob hier natiirliche Verwandtschaft oder nur eine Konvergenzerscheinung vorliegt." More recently Odhner (1914) placed this genus in his new family Trog- lotremidae which he characterizes as follows: Mehr oder weniger abge- plattete "Distomen" oder "Monostomen" von gedrungener Korperform und 2-13 mm Lange. Das ausserste Hinterende als einkleiner "Schwanz- anhang" vorstreckbar. Bauchflache flach oder etwas ausgehohlt, Riicken- flache gewolbt. Haut iiber und iiber mit spitzen Stacheln bewaffnet. Muskulatur bei den Cystenbewohnern schwach entwickelt, auch in den Saugnapfen. Darmapparat mit Pharynx, nicht allzu langem Oesophagus and Darmschenkeln, die ein mehr oder weniger kurzes Stuck vor dem Hinterende endigen. Exkretionsblase Y-formig oder einfach schlauchfor- mig. Genitalporus dicht am Vorder- oder Hinterrand des ev. Bauch- saugnapfes, median oder leicht lenkseitig. Cirrusbeutel meist fehlend, [except Troglotrema] Pars prostatica und Samenblase immer unter- scheidbar. Hoden symmetrisch, in oder hinter der Korpermitte, langs gestellt. Ovar unmittelbar vor den Hoden, rechtseitig, [Except Paragoni- mus westermanni in which amphytypy occurs] meist stark gelappt [except Troglotrema]. Receptaculum seminis und Laurerscher Kanal vorhanden. Dotterstocke meistens sehr stark entwickelt [except Collyriclum] und dabei ausschliesslich oder hauptsachlich unter der Riickenflachs ausge- breitet, nur einen medianen Streifen frei lassend. Uterus bald sehr lang und stark hin und her gewunden, bald relativ kiirzer und mehr aufge- knauelt. Eier im ersteren Falle klein, 0.017-0.025 mm lang, im letzteren bedeutend grosser, von 0.063-0.085, nach einigen Angaben sogar bis 0. 12 (?) mm Lange. — Parasiten von carnivoren Saugetieren oder von Vogeln, meistens paarweise in cystenahnlichen Hohlungen." This family appears to be an unnatural grouping. Of the four genera included three of them, Troglotrema, Paragonimus and Collyriclum, show radical divergence from the family diagnosis as evidenced by the fact that exceptions must be made in order to include them. In an appen- dix the author adds to this new family Renicola pinguis which he says is the closest relative of Collyriclum fab a. Jegen (1917) cites the close relationship of Collyriclum to Brandesia turgida. This author emends the family diagnosis of Odhner for the new family Troglotremidae as follows in order to include these two genera, Renicola and Brandesia. "Die Haut entweder mit spitzen Stacheln oder mit Schuppen durchsetzt. Bauchsaugnapf entweder unmittelbar vor oder hinter der Korpermitte." The present investigations do not show the same close relationship for Collyriclum as found by Odhner and Jegen in the family Troglotremi- dae while it shows a distinct relationship to Brandesia. This genus is strikingly different from other genera in Odhner's family Troglotremidae. 295] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 77 Table II. Probable Relationships of Coll^Ticlidae Brachycoelinae Collyrididae Pleura genetinae Shape Egg-shaped or spheri- cal Hemispherical Small to medium slightly elongated Integument Naked rarely spinous Spinous-in rows Spiny or scaled Oral sucker Well developed Terminal small Weakly developed Acetabulum Well developed Wanting Weakly developed Pharynx Small Smaller than sucker Poorly developed Crura Thin, small Thin, voluminous Never reaching pos- terior end Excretory V-shaped Large Y-shaped V or Y-shaped Genital pore Ventral between suck- ers Center of ventral sur- face Between suckers, lat- eral Copulatory organs Present or absent Present, moderately developed Well developed Testes Symmetrical oval Symmetrical, irregu- larly lobed Symmetrical oval Ovary Lateral, near acetabu- lum Lateral, anterior, deep- ly lobed Lateral, near or an- terior to acetabulum Receptaculum seminis Present Wanting (?) Present Laurer's canal Present Present Present Vitellaria Single arborescent group Several arborescent groups on each side Simple arborescent group anterior to crura Uterus Usually posterior to testes In general in posterior body half Usually in posterior body half Eggs Numerous about 22ju long Numerous 19 to 21)u long 29 to 34m long 13 tol6M broad Host Mammals, birds and reptiles Birds, parasitic in pairs in cysts Amphibia and rep- tiles. Renicola and Loxogenes in pairs 78 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [296 The position of the genital pore as well as the organology depicts it as distinct from Collyriclum. This study confirms the systematic position of Brandesia given by Looss in that it is more closely related to the Pleu- rogenetinae. Collyriclum is in some respects closely related to the Pleuro- genetinae and in other respects to the Brachycoelinae. The diagnostic characters of Collyriclum are so evenly distributed between these two sub- families that it holds an intermediate place as shown in the table opposite. Whether the interpretation given above is the correct one remains indeed a matter of conjecture and certainly lacks much of confirmation. It is difficult to ascertain from an anatomical study of adult forms as to whether acetabula are vestigial. The most immature Cyclocoelidae studied by the writer show no trace of such organs. These forms belong to Cyclocoeluni ohscurum. In more advanced stages of Cyclocoelum halli the sucker is found practically as well developed as in the adult. Since the material of the immature stage of Cyclocoelum ohscurum was not well preserved conclusions cannot be drawn from it. In the immature stages of N otocotylus urhanensis studied by the writer the ventral glands were found to develop after encystment of the cercariae and to show no rela- tion in their development to an acetabulum. Much evidence on this point can yet be obtained by the elucidation of this and other life histories. It is worthy of note, however, that in the Notocotylidae the oral sucker is well developed in the cercariae as well as in the adult, but instead of a single well developed acetabulum the condition is somewhat varied. In N otocotylus quinqueser talis five rows of small sucking discs are pro- vided. In Notocotylus attenuatum three rows of similar organs are present, while in Nudocotyle and Paramonostomum no such sucking organs are present. These species Hve in a similar habitat (intestine of the muskrat) and under this condition have developed in the first instance different numbers of these organs while in the latter case no such structures have been observed. Nudocotyle novicia, however, presents other striking differ- ences which need not be considered here. In the cercariae of these forms described notably by Cort (1914) and Faust (1918) no such organs are found nor is there any indication of their early development, while in the immature forms of N otocotylus urhanensis studied by the writer these glands are found well along in development soon after being freed from the cyst. The other organs of these cercariae correspond so well to the adult struc- ture that there is little doubt as to the identity of the form. In this case then the sucking discs are developed after the organism enters the defini- tive host. A final decision of this question, however, must await further evidence and experimental demonstration of the life history. The cases of reduction of sucking musculature cited by Cohn (1904) and Odhner (1907, 1911) lead again to the question raised previously and in the light of the theory of Cohn and Odhner it is difficult to determine 297] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 79 if this reduction is of phylogenetic import or subject to rapid change under environmental stimuli. A comparison of similar worms under different conditions leads to the belief that the sucking musculature is not subject to such rapid and radical change as indicated by Odhner (1907). As shown in an earlier part of this paper, Cyclocoelum wilsoni and Cyclocoelum vicarium from the intestine of their host have poorly developed oral suckers and no trace of an acetabulum while Cohn has found a rudimentary aceta- bulum in Monostomum flavum, a species which inhabits the trachea. In the Heronimidae which inhabit the lungs and especially the larger bronchi of turtles, the oral acetabulum is well developed while any evi- dence of the presence of a ventral sucker has not been obtained. This stands in rather striking contrast to the statement of Odhner (1907) referred to above. Fuhrmann (1904) cites an interesting case in his Bothrio- ga.ster variolaris which was collected from the intestine of Rostrhamus sociahilis. This species according to the author has a ventral acetabulum but no oral sucker. A pharynx, however, is present. As stated pre- viously his species is strikingly similar to Monostomum oculobium Cohn taken from Vancllus mclanogastrus which Cohn (1902) says is devoid of sucking apparatus. Why has the oral sucker of Bothriogaster variolaris atrophied if reduction is due to habitat as stated by Cohn (1902) and Odhner (1907)? Another interesting correlation is found among the Notocotylidae and the PronocephaUdae both of which inhabit the intestine. Among the Notocotylidae are forms which late in life develop the ventral holdfast or adhesive glands and those without such glands, both types of which have been found in the alimentary tract of the muskrat. Linton (1910) reports a species Barisomum eruhescens from the intestine of three tropical fish which show no sign of any sucking organ save the oral. Of the several genera of the Pronocephalidae taken from the intestine of Chelone midas only Adenogaster shows any trace of accessory adhesive apparatus. On the other hand Odhner (1911) found reason to ally the Angiodictyidae a closely related family to the distomes on account of a weakly developed acetabulum found in Haplorchis carhinus Looss. As was stated previously Odhner (1907) proved beyond doubt the presence of both pharynx and oral sucker in Didymozoon scombri Tschbg. but found there no ventral sucker. Four years later Ariola (1906) asserts the Didymozoon nature of Kollikeria (Distoma) okejii (Kolliker) which he states is synonymous with Monostomum fillicolle Rud. In the Parona material reported as Kollikeria in which there were many distomes accord- ing to this author, he finds a single form without the acetabulum. On the other hand Collyriclum faha (Bremser) and Collyriclum colei Ward, other cyst living trematodes, have no acetabula but present, however, a well developed oral sucker. It is difficult to interpret how worms which 80 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [298 live under such similar conditions as the Didymozoonidae and the Colly- riclidae could by the effect of habitat alone become so totally different. That the habitat in which the worm lives is a factor in the modification cannot be disputed but is certainly only one factor which contributes to the modification. What makes up the aggregate of factors in a given case could be only a matter of conjecture. Recent experimental investigation, however, has shown that factors influencing modifications of an individual or race may be both external and internal and that the change produced may be gradual or occur as a mutation in which case little or no trace may be left to depict the ancestral route. While the writer is inclined to look upon the loss of sucking musculature as a gradual change brought about by a group of factors among which the habitat seems to have played an important part, there is every reason to believe that sudden radical re- arrangements have taken place and these are no doubt responsible for many of the variant forms. While there is good reason to believe that the Mono- stomata have arisen from highly divergent groups the evidence seems as yet about equally divided and the final decision must necessarily rest on further studies of the anatomy and life history of members of this and other groups. The systematic arrangement used in the earlier part of this paper is essentially that employed by Liihe (1909), Kossack (1911) and Ward (1918), which for the above stated reason it seemed best to preserve at least for the present. It is hoped that interest in this aberrant group will increase and that careful studies will result either in the preservation of these forms as a natural taxonomic group or in their separation and subse- quent distribution among other well organized units to which they are truly related. 299] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 81 SUMMARY I. Monostomes from North American land and fresh water hosts have been studied. II. Nine new species have been described in detail, III. The knowledge of their anatomy and life history is greatly increased. 1. Both oral sucker and pharynx are present in the Cyclocoelidae. 2. In the genera of Cyclocoelidae studied the receptaculum seminis is a constant feature while Laurer's canal is not present. 3. The origin of the ventral glands in Notocotylus urbanensis is clearly shown in early stages of development. IV. The discovery of well developed miracidia in Collyridum colei renders improbable Jegen's account of the life history of Collyridum fab a. V. A careful study of the anatomy of the Cyclocoelidae, the Notocotyli- dae, the Collyriclidae, and the Heronimidae demonstrates clearly that they are not immediately related. 1. The Cyclocoelidae are probably allied to the Fasciolidae. 2. The Notocotylidae are closely related to the Pronocephalidae not merely in general organology but especially in the presence of peculiar ventral glands. 3. A study of the organology of the Collyriclidae demonstrates clearly their direct relationship to the Pleurogenetinae. 4. The Heronimidae do not show immediate relationship to any known trematodes. VI. 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Collyriclum faba (Bremser) Kossack. Ein Parasit der Singvogel, sein Bau und seine Lebensgeschichte. Zeit. wiss. Zool., 117:460-553; 2 pi. Johnston, S. J. 1916. On the Trematodes of Australian Birds. Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. W., 50: 187-261; 11 pi. Kossack, W. 1910. Neue Distomen. Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. I, Orig., 56:114-120; 4 fig. 1911. tJber Monostomiden, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 31 :493-590; 3 pi. Lahille, F. 1918. Nota sobre Monostoma mutabile y la clasificacion general de los Trematodes. Buenos Aires. Physis: Rev. Soc. Arg. Ci. Nat., 4:328-331. Lang, A. 1880. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomic und Histologic des Nervensystems der Platyhelminthen. II. tJber das Ncrvcnsystem der Trematodcn. Mitt. Zool. Stat. Ncapel, 2:28-52; 3 pi. La Valette St. George, A. J. H. von 1855. Symbolae ad trcmatodum evolutionis historiam. Berolini, 39 pp.; 2 pi. Leidy, Jos. 1856. A S3Tiopsis of Entozoa ai^d some of their Ectocongeners observed by the author. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 8:42-58. 1858. Contributions to Helmintholog>'. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 10:110-112. 1877. On Flukes infesting Molluscs. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 29:200-202. 1884. Distoma and Filariae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 36:47^8. 1885. On some parasitic worms of birds. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 37:9-11. 1887. Notice of some parasitic worms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhQa., 39:20-24. 1890. Notices of Entozoa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 42:410-418. 1904. Researches in helminthology and parasitology. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 46:1-281. [Leidy, 1904, is an exact reprint of all his original papers.] Linton, Edward. 1910. Helminth Fauna of the Dry Tortugas. II. Trematodes. Carnegie Inst. Pub., 133:11-98; 28 pi. LONNBERG, E. 1891. Mitteilungen iiber einige Helminthen aus dem zool. Museum der Universitat zu Kristiania. Verb. biol. Ver. Stockholm, 3:64-78; 1 pi. Looss, A. 1899. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Trematoden-Fauna Aegyptens, zugleich Versuch einer natiirlichen Gliedcrung des Genus Distomum Retzius. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 12:521-784; 9 pi. 1901. Natura doceri, cine Erklarung und Begriindung einiger Grundsatze, wclchc mich bei meinem "Versuch einer natiirlichen Gleiderung des Genus Distomum Retzius" geleitet. Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. I, 29:191-210. 1902. tJber neue und bekanntc Trematoden aus Seescluldkroten. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 16:411-894; 12 pi. LtJHE, M. 1900. [Review of] Looss, A., Weitere Beitrage etc. Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. 1, 28:458-466. 1901. iihei Monoslomum orbiculare. Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. 1, 29:49-60; 5 fig. 1901a. Zwei neue Distomen aus indischcn Anuren. Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. 1, 30:166-177; 5 fig. 303] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 85 1909. Parasitische Plattwiirmer. Brauer, Die Susswasserfauna Deutschlands, 17, 217 pp.; 188 fig. MacCallum G. a. and MacCallum, W. G. 1916. The family Koellikeriadae (Didymozoidae) Mont. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 39:141- 168; 3 pi. MacCallum, W. G. 1902. Heronimus chelydrae, nov. gen., nov. sp. A new Monostome parasite of the American snapping turtle. Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. I, Orig., 32:632-636; 2 fig. MONTICELLI, F. S. 1888. Saggio di una morfologia dei trematodi. Tesi per ottenere la privata docenza in zoologia nella R. Universita di Napoli. 130 pp. 1892. Studii sui trematodi endoparassiti. Dei Monostomum del Box salpa. Atti. Accad. sci. Torino, 27:514-534; 1 pi. 1892a. Studii sui trematodi endoparassiti. Monoslomum cymbium Diesing. Mem. Accad. sci. Torino, 42:683-727; 1 pi. 1892b. Studii sui trematodi endoparassiti; sui genere Notocotyle Diesing. Boll. Soc. nat. Napoli, 6:28-46. 1893. Studii sui Trematodi endoparassiti. Primo contribute di osservazioni sui Dis- tomidi. Zool. Jahrb., Suppl. 3; 229 pp.; 8 pi., 3 fig. Odhner, T. 1900. Aporocotyle simplex n.g.n. sp., ein neuer T3T)us von ektoparasitischen Trematoden. Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. 1, 27:62-66; 1 fig. 1905. Die Trematoden des arktischen Gebietes. Fauna Arctica, 4:291-372; 3 pi., 4 fig. 1907. Zur Anatomie der Didymozoen; ein getrenntgeschlechtlicher Trematode mit rudimentarem Hermaphroditismus. Zool. Stud. TuUberg, p. 309-342; 1 pi., 6 fig. 1911. Zum naturlichen S3'stem der digenen Trematoden. I. Zool. Anz., 37:181-191. 1914. Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Trematodengattung Paragonimus Bm. Zool. Beitr. aus Uppsala, 3:231-245; 5 fig. OSBORN, H. L. 1911. On the Distribution and Mode of Occurrence in the United States and Canada of Clinostomum marginatum, a Trematode Parasitic in Fish, Frogs, and Birds. Biol. BuU., 20:350-366; 1 pi. Pratt, H. S. 1902. Synopses of North American invertebrates. 12. The trematodes. Am. Nat., 36:887-910, 953-979.^ Ranson, B. H. 1920. Synopsis of the Trematode family Heteroph\idae with descriptions of a new genus and five new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 57:527-573; 33 fig. RtTDOLPm, C. A. 1801. Beobachtungen iiber die Eingeweidewiirmer. Arch. Zool. Zoot., 2:1-65. 1809. Entozoorum sive vermium intestinalium historia naturalis. 2, 457 pp. 1819. Entozoorum synopsis cui accedunt mantissa duplex et indices locupletissimi. 811 pp. SCHSANZ, F. VON P. 1788. Verzeichniss der bisher hinlanglich bekannten Eingeweidewiirmer, nebst einer Abhandlung iiber ihre Anverwandtschaften. Miinchen, 166 pp. Seebold, C. T. E. von 1835. Helminthologische Beitrage. Archiv Naturg., 1 :4S-84; 1 pi. Skrjabin, K. I. 1913. Vogeltrematoden aus Russich Turkestan. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 35:351-388; 2 pi. 1913a. Tracheophilus sisowi n.g. n. sp. Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. I, Orig., 69:90-94; 1 pi. 86 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (304 Stafford, J. 1900. Some undescribed Trematodes. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 13:399-414; 1 pi. 1902. Cephalogonimtis americanus (new species). Centrlbl. Bakt. Par., Abt. I, Orig., 32:719-725; 1 pi. Stiles, C. W. and Hassall, A. 1894. A preliminary catalogue of the parasites contained in the collections of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Army Medical Museum, Biological Department of the University of Pennsylvania (Coll. Leidy) and in Coll. Stiles and Coll. Hassall. Vet. Mag., 1:245-253, 331-354. 1908. Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology; Subjects Trematoda and Trematode diseases. Hygienic Lab., Bull. 37 :401. Stossich, M. 1902. H Monostomum mutabile Zeder e le sue forme affine. Boll. Soc. adriat. sci. nat. Trieste, 21:1-40; 9 pi. Stxjnkard, H. W, 1917. Studies on North American Polystomidae, Aspidogastridae, and Paramphistomi- dae. 111. Biol. Monogr., 3-281-394; 11 pi. 1919. On the specific Identity of Heronimus chelydrae MacCallum and Aorchis exknsus Barker and Parsons. Jour. Par., 6:11-18; 2 pi. Taschenberg, O. 1879. Didymozoon, eine neue Gattung in Cysten lebender Trematoden. Ztschr. ges. Naturw., 5:605-617. Tyzzer, E. E. 1918. A monostome of the genus Collyriclum occuring in the European sparrow, with observations on the development of the ovum. Jour. Med. Res., 38:267-292; 4 pi. Vaillant, L. 1863. Note sur deux helminthes trematodes observ6s chez la sirfene lacertine. C. r. Soc. biol., 4:6-7. 1863a. Note sur quelques helminthes de la sirSne lacertine. Ann. sci. nat., Zool., 19: 347-350, 1 pi. Ward, H. B. 1909. The Influence of Hibernation and Migration on Animal Parasites. Proc. 7. Internat. Zool. Cong., 12 pp. 1917. On the Structure and Classification of North American parasitic Worms. Jour. Par., 4:1-12; 1 pi. 1918. Parasitic Flatworms. In Ward and Whipple, Fresh Water Biology. Pp. 365- 453; 114 fig. 1921. A New Blood Fluke from Turtles. Jour. Par., 7:114-129; 1 pi. Ward, H. B. and Hirsh, E. F. 1915. The species of Paragonimus and their diflferentiation. Ann. Trop. Med. Par., 9:109-162; 5 pi. Wedl, C. 1857. Anatomische Beobachtungen Uber Trematoden. Sitz. Akad. wiss. Wien., math.-naturw. CI., 26:241-278; 4 pi. WlLLEMOES-SUHM, R. VON 1873. Helminthologische Notizen III. (II Uber den Bau und den Embryo des Mono- stomum faba Brs.) Zeit. wiss. Zool., 23:332-335; 1 fig. Zeder, J.'G. H. 1800. Erster Nachtrag zur Naturgeschichte der Eingeweidewurmer, mit Zufassen und Anmerkungen herausgegeben. Leipzig. 320 pp. 1803. Anleitung zur Naturgeschichte der Eingeweidewurmer. Bamberg. 432 pp. 88 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [306 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS c Cirrus cm circular muscle cp cirrus pouch g ventral glands ga genital atrium i intestinal crura Im longitudinal muscle m mouth 0 ootype e esophagus om oblique muscle OS oral sucker ov ovary p pharynx pp prepharynx rs receptaculum seminalis ru receptaculum seminalis uterinum sg shell gland u uterus V vas deferens vd vitelline duct vr vitelline reservoir w wall of excretory tubule All drawings were made by the aid of either a camera lucida or an Edinger drawing apparatus. 307] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 89 PLATE I 90 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [308 PLATE I Fig. 1. CyclococlumleidyiyAoTS^ivitvf. Xl2. Fig. 2. Portion of the egg filled uterus of Cydocoebim leidyi. X45. Fig. 3. Cydocoeliim mutahile (Zeder). Specimen No. 284 from Mehlis Collection, dorsal view. Xl2. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE I 309] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 91 PLATE II 92 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [310 PLATE II Fig. 4. Cydocoelum pseudomicroslomu)n,wentT3\view. X12. Fig. 5. Cydocoelum halli, ventral view. X 12. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE II 311] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 93 PLATE III 94 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [312 PLATE III Fig. 6. CydocoelumwUsonifVexiX.rsS.vi&vr. X12. Fig. 7. Cyclocoelum cuneatum, dorsal view. X 12. Fig. 8. Cyclocoelum obscurum, ventral view. Xl7, ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE III ^^^' NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 95 PLATE IV 96 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [314 PLATE IV Fig. 9. Cyclocoelum macrorchis, ventral view. X 15. Fig. 10. Cyclocoelum iriangularum, ventral view. Xl2. Fig. 11. Cyclocoelum halli, young specimen, ventral view. X23. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII & v^!':l HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE IV 315] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 97 PLATE V 98 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [316 PLATE V ! Fig. 12. Cross section, immature specimen of Notocotylus urbanensis. X 190. ! Fig. 13. Spines of Paramonoslomum echinum, front view. X 700. Fig. 14. Notocotylus urbanensis, young specimen, partial lateral view. X95. < Fig. 15. Paramonostomum echinum, ventral view. X 87. Fig. 16. Spines oi Paramonoslonnmi echinum, lateral view. X700. Fig. 17. Notocotylus urbanensis, immature stage, ventral view. X150. Fig, 18. Notocotylus urbanensis, ventral view. X44. i Fig. 19. Notocotylus urbanensis, young specimen, dorsal view. XI 20. \ ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII 6 i 13 ^^ ijii^ Di J7 HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE V 317J NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 99 PLATE VI 100 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 1318 PLATE VI All figures magnified 92 times Fig. 20. Ovarian complex, Cydocoelum halli, drawing from wax reconstruction. Fig. 21. Ovarian complex, Cydocoelum obscurum, drawing from toto, same specimen as in figure 8. Fig. 22. Ovarian complex Cydocoelum ohliquum, drawing from wax reconstruction. Fig. 23. Ovarian complex, Cydocoelum problemalicum, drawing from toto mount of No. 2449 Berlin Museum. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE VI 319] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 101 PLATE VII 102 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [320 PLATE VII Fig. 24. Ovarian complex, Cydocoelum cunealum, anterior view. X92. Fig. 25. Frontal section, showing structure of body wall. X 435. Fig. 26. Ovarian complex, Haematolrephus similis, partial anterior view from above. X92. Fig. 27. Ovarian complex, Cydocoelum pseudomicrostomum, dorsal view. X92. Fig. 28. Frontal section, anterior end of Haematolrephus similis. X145. Fig. 29. Drawing of wax reconstruction of anterior end of Cydocoelum elongatum. X 108. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII cp 29 HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE VII 32 1 1 NORTH A M ERIC A N MONOSTOMES 103 PLATE VIII 104 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [322 PLATE VIII All figures magnified 44 times Fig. 30. Ventral view of anterior end of Cyclocoelum pseudomicroslomiim. Fig. 31. Ventral view of anterior end of Cyclocoelum braziliamim. Fig. 32. Dorsal view of anterior end of Cyclocoelum mutabile. Fig. 33. Ventral view of anterior end of Cyclocoelum leidyi. Fig. 34. Ventral view of anterior end of Cyclocoelum elongatum. Fig. 35. Ventral view of anterior end, of Cyclocoelum brazilianum, cirrus extruded. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE VIII 323] NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES 105 PLATE IX 106 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [324 PLATE IX j \ Fig.36-42. Inclusive. Consecutive 20 micra sections of oral sucker, Cyc/ocoetow AaWi. X71. ] Fig. 43, Cross section of oral sucker, Cydocoelum pseudomicrostomum. X90. ' Fig. 44. Cross section through anterior portion of oral sucker, Cydocoelum elongalum. X90. i Fig. 45. Cross section through genital atrium, Cyc/ocoe/wm e/oMgo^MW. Xl2. ; Fig. 46. VrontdX section, Cydocoelum elongatum. X105. i Figs. 47 & 48. Cross sections of oral sucker of Cydocoelum elongalum, posterior to that in i figure 44. X90. j ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII HARRAH NORTH AMERICAN MONOSTOMES PLATE IX COPYKIGHT, 1923 BY THE UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS DiSTKlEUTED FEBRUARY 9, 1923 A CLASSIFICATION OF THE LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA WITH FOURTEEN PLATES BY HACHIRO YUASA CoDtributioDS from the Entomological Laboratories of the University of Illinois No. 69 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOFHY IN ENTOMOLOGY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1920 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 7 II. Morphology 14 in. Taxonomy 35 Superfamily Tenthredinoidea 37 Families of Tenthredinoidea 38 Family Xyelidae 39 Family Blasticotomidae 42 Family Tenthredinidae 42 Subfamilies of Tenthredinidae 4^ Subfamily Diprioninae 45 Neodiprion Rohwer 46 Species of Neodiprion 47 Monoctenus Dahlbom 48 Diprion Schrank 49 Subfamily Emphytinae 49 Genera of Emphytinae 50 Subfamily Selandriinae 51 Genera of Selandriinae 52 Thrinax Konow 52 Species of Thrinax 53 Strongylogaster Dahlbom 53 Species of Strongylogaster 53 Selandria Leach 54 Subfamily Dolerinae 54 Dolerus Jurine 55 Species of Dolerus 56 Subfamily Phyllotominae 57 Tribe Phyllotomini 57 Genera of Phyllotomini 58 Endelomyia Ashmead 58 Caliroa Costa 58 Species of Caliroa 59 Tribe Phlebatrophini 59 Phlebatrophia MacGillivray 60 Subfamily Tenthredininae 60 Genera of Tenthredininae '. . . 61 Macrophya Dahlbom 62 Species of Macrophya 63 Subfamily Cimbicinae 64 Genera of Cimbicinae 65 Cimbex Olivier 65 Trichiosoma Leach 65 Abia Leach 65 Species of Abia 66 Subfamily Hoplocampinae 66 Genera of Hoplocampinae 67 Hemichroa Stephens 67 Marlattia Ashmead 68 Caulocampus Rohwer 68 Subfamily Dineurinae 69 Subfamily Cladiinae 70 Genera of Cladiinae 71 Trichiocampus Hartig 71 Sf>ecies of Trichiocampus 72 Priophorus Dahlbom 73 Species of Priophorus 73 Cladius Rossi 74 Subfamily Nematinae 74 Genera of Nematinae 75 Diphadnus Hartig 76 Pristiphora Latreille 77 Species of Pristiphora 77 Micronematus Konow 79 Lygaeonematus Konow 81 Pachynematus Konow 81 Species of Pachjoiematus 82 Nematus Panzer 82 Sj)ecies of Nematus 83 Croesus Leach 83 Amauronematus Konow 84 Species of Amauronematus 84 Pteronidea Rohwer 85 Species of Pteronidea 85 Pontania Costa 88 Species of Pontania 88 Subfamily Blennocampinae 91 Genera of Blennocampinae 92 Tomostethus Konow 92 Blennocampa Hartig 93 Erythraspides Ashmead 94 Monophadnus Hartig 94 Hypergyricus MacGillivray 94 Species of H>'pergyricus 94 Monophadnoides Ashmead 95 Isodyctium Ashmead 95 Subfaroily Fenusinae 96 Genera of Fenusinae 96 Kaliofenusa MacGillivray 97 Fenusa Leach 97 Subfamily Scolioneurinae 98 Metallus Forbes 98 Species of Metallus 99 Subfamily Hylotominae 99 Hylotoma Latreille 100 Species of Hylotoma 100 Subfamily Schizocerinae 101 Schizocerus Lepeletier 102 Subfamily Acordulecerinae 103 Acordulecera Say 103 Species of Acordulecera 103 Family Pamphiliidae 104 Species of Pamphiliidae 105 Family Cephidae 108 Genera of Cephidae 109 Janus Stephens 110 Species of Janus 110 Adirus Konow 1 10 Trachelus Jurine Ill Cephus Latreille Ill Species of Cephus Ill Hartigia Schiodte 112 Family Xiphydriidae 112 Xiphydria Fallen 113 Family Siricidae 114 Tremex Jurine 115 Family Megalodontidae 116 Family Oryssidae 117 Oryssus Latreille 118 IV. Phylogeny 120 V, Summary 133 VI. BibUography 135 Vn. Explanation of Plates 141 VIII. Index 169 325] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA I. INTRODUCTION That the cardinal principle of modern taxonomy is based on the funda- mental facts of evolution and that the essential problem of classification is the phylogenetic relationship of organisms need no argument. In order to ascertain genetic afl&nities, it is not sufficient to investigate the morpho- logical characters alone, but all other attributes, physiological and biolog- ical, must be considered. It is also evident that the immature stages of organisms should receive as thoro consideration as the adult if taxonomy of insects is to attain that degree of comparative perfection obtained in the classification of other organisms. Systematic entomologists, dealing as they do with animals of such diversity and complexity morphologically and biologically, have from early times recognized, at least to some extent, the taxonomic significance and value of the developmental stages of insects, but the practical difficul- ties in obtaining necessary materials, accurately determined and adequate in quantity and range, have made progress in this phase of insect taxonomy very tardy. A good start, however, has been made by recent workers as was pointed out by Brues (1919), and their results vindicate both the possibilitity and practicability of such investigations. There is, moreover, an urgent demand for such studies from economic entomologists, who are constantly confronted by the problem of identifying the immature stages of economic species. The present study is an attempt to deal with the larvae of the Ten- thredinoidea from the standpoint of synoptic and, to some extent, genetic classification. The systematic significance of the morphological charac- ters will be discussed in part two; the taxonomic treatment of the families, subfamilies, genera, and species will constitute part three; and, as full a discussion of the phylogenetic relationship of the families as is possible with the data at hand, will form part four. No one appreciates the inade- quacy of this study, both in thoroughness and comprehensiveness, more than the author, but it is hoped that he has opened a way for those who will advance our knowledge of this highly interesting group of insects to a more satisfactory condition in the future. The taxonomic literature dealing with the adults of the Tenthredinoidea is extensive. The historical development of the subject is interesting to students of this group of insects but a detailed account is out of place here. However, a brief statement of the history of the group is desirable. 8 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS {326 Linnaeus in the fourth edition of the Systema Naturae (1744) estab- lished the order Hymenoptera under the name of Gymnoptera and applied to the order its present designation in the first edition of the Fauna Suecica. The name Piezata was proposed by Fabricius (1775) for the order, but this name never came into general use. Latreille (1796), following Lin- naeus, divided the order into two sections, Terebrantia and Aculeata. The first section included two groups, Phytophaga, which comprises the Tenthredinoidea, and the Entomophaga or parasitic Hymenoptera. The Ditrocha and Monotrocha of Hartig (1837) correspond approximately with the two sections of Latreille. Gerstaecker clearly recognized the Tenthredinoidea as a unique compact group and proposed in 1867 to divide the order Hymenoptera into two suborders. He used the name Symphyta for the Tenthredinoidea and Apocrita for the remainder of the order. The term Symphyta thus antedates Konow's (1890) subordinal name Chalastogastra. Various terms have been proposed for this group of Hymenoptera and the following are coextensive with the superfamily name Tenthredinoidea as used in the present paper: Phytophaga, Ses- siliventres, Securifera, Serrifera, Symphyta, and Chalastograstra. Rohwer and Cushman (1917) proposed a third suborder of Hymenoptera, Idiogas- tra, for the family Oryssidae and placed it between the Chalastogastra and Clistogastra of Konow. Early students of the Tenthredinoidea divided the superfamily into two groups, Phyllophaga for the Tenthredinidae or "Tenthredo" of Linnaeus and Xyllophaga for the Siricidae or "Urocerus" of Geoffroy. With the exception of Stephens (1835) and Andr6 (1879), who recognized the additional families Xiphydriidae and Cephidae, respectively, besides the two families mentioned above, the old system was followed for many years. With the progress in studies of the world fauna of this group of insects, modern writers l^iave proposed many elaborate schemes of classi- fication. Konow in 1890 suggested one family and three subfamilies and Dalla Torre (1894) catalogued one family divided into eighteen subfamilies, while Ashmead (1898) proposed fifteen families and twenty-seven sub- families. Enslin (1911) criticized Konow's three divisions as unnatural and proposed four families, Oryssidae, Siricidae, Cephidae, and Tenth- redinidae, thus reverting to a considerable extent to the scheme of the old school as represented by Cameron (1882) and others. The recent and more important systems are those proposed by Konow (1905), MacGilliv- ray (1906), and Rohwer (1911). These systems, when compared, show a great discrepancy in the number and rank of the groups which formerly constituted the family Tenthredinidae, as is indicated graphically in Plate XIV. MacGillivray, whose classification is based on a thoro-going phylogenetic study of the wings, is of the opinion that the large complex of genera obtained in this family are readily separable into a number of 327] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 9 definite groups on structural differences, and that they are best dealt with by considering them simply as subfamilies. In general the systems of Konow and Rohwer are, with the exceptions noted below, more in accordance with each other in their essential features than either one of them is with that of MacGillivray. A comparison of these three schemes brings out various points of interest. As far as the major groups are con- cerned, (1) all are in agreement in associating Xiphydriidae with Siricidae; (2) Konow and Rohwer agree in placing Siricidae and Siricoidea closer to Lydidae and Megalodontoidea respectively than does MacGillivray, as also in associating Megalodontidae with Pamphiliidae and Xyelidae and Pamphiliidae with Cephidae; (3) Konow and MacGillivray agree in the relation of the Blasticotomidae to Xyelidae and Pamphiliidae; (4) Rohwer differs radically from them in his arrangement of the Blasticotomidea, which he places between the Argidae and Tenthredinidae in his super- family Tenthredinoidea; and, finally (5), Rohwer (1917) is unique in creating a third suborder of Hymenoptera, Idiogastra, for the Oryssidae, In respect to the arrangement of the subfamilies and tribes of the Tenth- redinidae, as restricted by MacGillivray, the striking dissimilarity of these authorities in assigning different rank to more or less related groups is well illustrated in their treatment of the Emphytinae, Selandriinae, and Lycaotinae. According to MacGillivray Konow's tribe Selandriades of his family Tenthredinini corresponds to the three subfamilies just mentioned, while according to Rohwer it embraces not only these subfamilies but also another — Allantinae; that is, Rohwer considers the Emphytinae related to the Tenthredmidae thru the tribe Allantini, which, together with the tribes Taxonini and Eriocampini, constitute his subfamily Allantinae. The Emphytinae and Lycaotinae are also related, according to Rohwer, to the Blennocampinae thru his subfamily Empriinae, which contains, besides Empriini and Lycaotini, the tribe Blennocampini. MacGillivray and Rohwer agree in regard to the Cimbicinae to the extent that they both consider it a compact group. Konow differs radically from these writers by associating his tribe Syzygoniides with the Cimbicides and Abiides. In regard to Konow's Nematides and Lobocerotides, the three systems agree fairly well. The affinities of the Blennocampinae, Fenusinae, and Scolioneurinae are recognized by MacGillivray and Konow. Rohwer and Konow agree, as do all other systematists except MacGillivray, in treating the Diprioninae and Monocteninae as allied groups inseparable into subfamilies. Konow's subfamily Lophyrini, however, is a hetero- geneous group and includes such widely separated groups as Acordule- cerinae and Diprioninae. The classification proposed by MacGillivray is based upon a critical investigation of an essential structure, the wing, and is a logical conclusion of the application of the taxonomic principles promulgated by Comstock 10 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [328 (1893). This system of classification is adopted in principle in the present paper, for the writer believes that by judicious discrimination between the palingenetic and the cenogenetic peculiarities, the characters manifested by immature insects may be interpreted as indicating the genetic affinities of the insects under consideration, and that in this sense the immature stages of insects are of systematic importance. A classification based upon such larval characters should agree in essential points with that based upon the adult characters chosen for their phylogenetic value, and there- fore it is interesting to see whether MacGillivray's alary system is justified by a study of the larvae. It must be stated here that Dr. MacGillivray does not accept all my conclusions as to the relation of the families based upon a study of the larvae. The immature stages of the Tenthredinoidea of more common occur- rence seem to have attracted the attention of naturalists from an early time. In Moufet's Theatorum Insectorum (1634) the adult saw-flies are referred to the group "Vespa" and what seems to be a Tremex to "Odonata," but no mention of the larvae is made. Goedart (1682) was the first naturalist to make observations on the larvae of a saw-fly. His records, rendered in interesting archaic terms, clearly indicate that he had under observation the larvae of Cimbex or Trichiosoma on Salix, and Arge on Rosa. Madame Merian (1730) pictured saw-fly larvae together with those of the Lepidoptera, as may be seen on her plates 22, 25, and H. Swammerdamm's (1737) figure 1, table XLIV, refers to galls on the leaves and stems of Salix apparently made by Pontania or Euura. He also figured a larva having fifteen segments with larvapods on abdominal segments 3-8 and 11. Frisch (1766) figured about seven species and recorded observations on their life-history. De Geer, as cited by Bergmann, on the authority of Le Peletier (1823), had seen a larva with twenty- two feet exclusive of the anal larvapods. According to the same authority, Reaumur observed certain larvae with twenty-four feet, indicating a xyelidan condition. Linnaeus (1758) recorded the food-plants of twenty- two species of saw-flies out of the forty species of "Tenthredo" enumer- ated, and spoke of the larvae in general of "Tenthredonis larvae pleraeque folia plantarum exedunt, polypodae, seu pedibus plus quam XVI com- muniter instructae," Following Linnaeus many students of the Tenthre- dinoidea contributed much to a knowledge of the immature stages, altho quite disproportionately to their larger contributions to that of the adults. Among those who have done much towards the progress of our knowledge of the larvae, either as original investigators or as compilers or as both, the following are the more important: Andre, Brischke, Cameron, Costa, Dahlbom, Dalla Torre, Dufour, Dyar, Fallen, Hartig, Kaltenbach, Kirby, Klug, Konow, Latreille, Leach, Middleton, Newman, Oliver, Panzer, Le Peletier, Snellen von Vollenhoven, Spinola, Westwood, and Zaddach. 3291 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 11 Still, our knowledge of the immature stages of the Tenthredinoidea is very meager in comparison to that of the adult. The larvae of only 418 species out of the total of 2701 species listed by Konow in his mono- graph (1905) were dealt with in his artificial table for the larvae. This was less than sixteen per cent of the described species of the world up to his time, and many larvae included in this sixteen per cent were known to this authority only thru literature. According to Dyar (1895) less than twenty-five per cent of the North American species have been recognized in the larval state. It is no exaggeration to say that the larvae of more than eighty per cent of the Nearctic species are yet to be described. Our knowledge of the physiology and morphology of the immature stages of the Tenthredinoidea is exceedingly meager. The following list includes most of the important literature: Graber (1890) on the embry- ology of Arge berherides; Doncaster (1907) on the gametogenesis and fertilization in Nematus ribesi; Buchner (1918) on the accessory chromo- somes in Tenthredo, Allantus, Arge, etc.; Frenzel (1885) on the epithelial regeneration of the alimentary canal of the larva of Cimbex; Holtz (1909) on the histology and physiology of the digestive cells in the larva of Nematus; Poletajew (1885) on the silk-glands of the larvae of Cimbex and Tenthredo; Cholodkovsky (1897) on the blood and reflex bleeding of the larva of Cimbex; and MacGillivray (1913) on the general external anatomy of the larvae. The biology of the Tenthredinoidea abounds in phenomena of great interest to experimental evolutionists and presents many problems of eco- logical importance. The list of papers dealing with the life-history and habits, especially of economic species, is fairly extensive. Cameron (1882) has published an excellent summary of general biological and ecological observations. The biology of the Nearctic Tenthredinoidea has been discussed in detail by MacGillivray (1913). Since the biological and ecological studies of the Tenthredinoidea are beyond the scope of the present paper, readers are referred to the last-mentioned publication. Materials. — Four collections, designated for convenience as the Cor- nell, Maine, MacGillivray, and Yuasa collections, contain most of the materials used in this study. The writer has examined more than 2500 alcoholic specimens of larvae representing at least 400 species during the course of this study. He has also, during the last few years, at Ithaca, N. Y., and at Urbana, 111., made observations on the life-history and habits of numerous species in his attempts to breed more than two hundred and fifty species. The Cornell collection consists of about forty species and belongs to the Cornell University. Most of the specimens were collected by Dr. MacGillivray and Mr. Chester Young in the vicinity of Ithaca, N. Y. They were in rather a poor state of preservation and proved useful only 12 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS |330 in checking up materials in other collections and in comparing the de- scriptions of Young with his own material. This collection is designated by the letter C. The Maine collection consists of about 200 species, many of which were bred and identified by Dr. MacGillivray. The collection belongs to the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and all the specimens were in excellent condition. They were collected by Dr. MacGillivray with the assistance of Mr. Earl Shaw during the summer of 1913 in the vicinity of Orono, Maine. This collection together with the collecting and breeding records were placed in the writer's hands, and they proved to be indis- pensable to the present study. The collection is designated by the letter M. The MacGillivray collection consists of about thirty-five species collected and identified by Dr. MacGillivray, together with larvae of some unidentified species. The specimens came from Ithaca, N. Y., Orono, Me., Onekama, Mich., Urbana, 111., and a few other localities. This collection is designated by the letter G. The Yuasa collection consists of about two hundred and thirty species including 98 bred species. A majority of the specimens were collected by the writer at Ithaca, N. Y., during the summers of 1917 and 1918. Some species were collected at Urbana, 111., and others came from different parts of the United States and Canada thru the generosity of various entomologists. This collection contains also the cocoons of practically all the bred cocoon-making species and eggs and pupae of a limited number of species. This collection is designated by the letter Y. Besides the four collections just mentioned, a number of rare speci- mens were generously loaned to me by several people, as subsequently acknowledged, and were of great value in the preparation of this paper. Identification. — All bred species in the Maine, MacGillivray and Yuasa collections were identified by Dr. MacGillivray. Some of the specimens in the Cornell collection bore labels, and when the larvae agreed satisfactorily with the published descriptions the identifications were accepted. In only a few cases has identification depended solely on published descriptions of larvae. Terminology and Nomenclature. — For the description of the external anatomy of the head and mouth-parts of the larvae the terms used in my paper (1920) dealing with the generalized insects have been used. Other terms, some new, are used in part II. Taxonomic names have been adopted from Rohwer (1911) and MacGillivray (1906). Bibliography. — Works on taxonomic units are omitted altogether. A complete bibliography of the Nearctic Tenthredinoidea was not under- taken owing to space limitations, but the most important literature on the subject is listed, as also that cited in the text. 3311 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA t3 Acknowledgments. — I am deeply indebted to various scientists who have assisted me by donation of specimens, by encouragement, and by criticism and suggestions. I am obliged to the former Director of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, C. D. Wood, and to Dr. Edith Patch of the same Station; to Dr. J. Chester Bradley, of the Cornell University, and to Professor S. A. Forbes, of the University of Illinois, for the loan of specimens and for the privilege of examining collections under their charge. I wish to thank Dr. J. G. Needham for the privilege of working in the entomological laboratories of Cornell University during the summers spent at Ithaca, and Mr. S. A. Rohwer, of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C, for his generous criticism and for the donation of valuable reprints. I am also indebted for separates to Dr. W. E. Britton, and to Messrs. H. E. Burke and William Middleton; for the donation of specimens, to Messrs. H. G. Crawford, Wm. Baerg, C. C. Hamilton, R. W. Harned, J. W. McCoUoch, J. R. Malloch, H. S. Smith, H. B. Weiss, and to Drs. W. E. Britton, C. H. Kennedy, Edna Mosher, and Alvah Peterson; and for the loan of rare specimens of Cephidae and Xiphy- dria, and of Monoctenus and Trachelus to Dr. E. P. Felt and Mr. S. A. Rohwer, respectively. I take pleasure in acknowledging my deep in- debtedness to Dr. Albert William Bellamy, of the University of Chicago, for constant encouragement. I am greatly obliged to Professor William Trelease, of the University of Illinois, and to Professor K. M. Wiegand and Mr. A. R. Bechtel, of the Cornell University, for the identification of the host-plants. It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge my lasting obligation to Professor Alexander Dyar MacGillivray, under whose supervision this work was undertaken, for his constant interest, encour- agement, and helpful suggestions thruout the entire course of this study and for identifying all of the bred specimens in my collection, as well as for the privilege of using his unpublished morphological terminology. 14 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS ^332 II. MORPHOLOGY The external anatomy of the larvae of the Tenthredinoidea has received but little attention from entomologists. The only important contribution on the subject is MacGillivray's study (1913), which deals with the anat- omy and coloration as well as with the biology of the larvae. The writer has made a comparative study of the external anatomy of the larvae of representative Nearctic Tenthredinoidea in order to find characters upon which both analytic and synoptic classifications of the larvae might be based. Since MacGillivray has treated the general aspect of the anatomy, only the more important structures and features will be discussed in the following pages. The larvae of the Tenthredinoidea (Figs. 1-25) are typically subcylin- drical, cruciform, caterpillar-like, slightly flattened on the ventral aspect, and usually taper slightly caudad. In the leaf-miners the body is de- pressed. The body in its metamerism is well differentiated into a head and a series of thirteen somites which are more or less similar in structure. The segmentation is distinct. The first three segments compose the thorax and are distinguishable on account of their position, form, and, in podous larvae, more readily by the presence of three pairs of thoracic legs. The abdomen consists of the ten remaining visible segments and in polypodous larvae the presence of larvapods gives a characteristic appear- ance to the uromeres. They are usually subdivided by transverse depres- sions into annulets. Head. — The head (Figs. 26-38) is typically subglobose, more or less circular in frontal contour, strongly chitinized, and usually setiferous. The mouth is directed ventrad or slightly ventro-caudad. In the leaf-min- ers it is directed cephalo-ventrad as in the Fenusinae (Fig. 34) or cephalad as in Phlebatrophia (Fig. 37). The surface of the head may be polished and shiny as in Neodiprion (Fig. 28), or roughened, verrucose, or granu- late, and divided into minute irregular areas as in Pteronidea (Fig. 30) and the Cimbicinae (Fig. 29), or, in life, thinly coated with a waxy secretion, as in some Emphytinae. It may be glabrous as in Metallus (Fig. 35) and Phlebatrophia (Fig. 37), or it may be variously setiferous as follows: microscopically and sparsely setiferous as in Tremex; with a few scattering setae as in the Phyllotominae; with minute stiff peg-like setae as in Neodi- prion; with numerous promiscuously distributed short setae as in Dolerus 3i3] TARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 15 and the Tenthredininae; with long setae as in Pteronidea; or with abund- ant conspicuous setae as in Monophadnoides and the Cladiinae. The setae tend to be more numerous and longer on the ventral portion of the head. The number and location of the setae on the head vary with the individuals, excepting those on the clypeus and labrum, but their general characteristics, such as relative abundance, manner of distribution, and the kind of setae, are constant within genera and subfamilies. The head may be pale, creamy white, or light brown, but oiften in life appears as green or greenish white on account of the greenish blood showing thru the cuticle, or it may be blackish or brownish with or without distinct color- markings. The darker color is due to a deposition of colored pigments in the cuticle and is generally permanent in alcoholic specimens. The color and the coloration of the head are generally constant specific characters. There are, however, ontogenetic changes in these respects. The very young stages may be lighter in color and later stages darker, or vice versa as in Cimbex, or all stages except the last instar may be darker and the ultimate stage greenish as in Pteronidea ribesii. The color markings may be diffuse in the young and become localized and definite in older stages, as in some species of Dolerus, or they may vary from faint spots to general contiguous markings as in certain species of Strongylogaster. The more common mark- ings are brownish spots on the dorsum of the vertex, on the front, and often caudad of each ocellera. There may be a stripe along the epicranial stem and vertical furrows or dorsad of the ocellarae. When the head is darkly colored the clypeus is usually lighter in color than the other parts of the head. The head is usually exposed, but there is a tendency in the leaf-miners,, wood-borers, and a few others to have the cephalic end of the prothorax produced into a broad fold on the dorsal and lateral aspects. This fold covers the caudal portion of the head as in Tremex, Metallus (Fig. 35), and Caliroa (Fig. 69). The structures of the head will be discussed under two sections, one dealing with the fixed parts, that is all the immovable parts of the head- capsule, and the other dealing with the movable parts — the antennae and mouth-parts. The fixed parts include the vertex, front, clypeus, labrum, occiput, and postgenae, together with their bounding sutures, ocellarae, and tentoria. Epicranial Suture. — The inverted Y-shaped median suture of the head is the epicranial suture. The stem (es) of the Y originates at the occipital foramen, extends cephalad, dividing the vertex into halves, and bifurcates on the cephalic aspect of the head. Each arm of the bifurcation (ea) extends obliquely laterad for a short distance and then bends ventrad to the ventral margin of the head, terminating near a precoila. The epicranial suture is present in all larvae except those of the Xiphydriidae 16 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [334 (Fig. 45), where it is in part indistinct, and in the Siricidae and Oryssidae, where it is obsolete. It is interesting to note that the most highly special- ized genus of the Tenthredinidae, Phlebatrophia (Fig. 37), possesses this suture. The relative length of the stem and arms varies in different families and subfamilies. There is a depression near the bend of the arm, as in Lygaeonematus (Fig. 31), which indicates the point of attachment of muscles {ma), and should not be confused with a true tentorina (/>«). Near the ventral end of each epicranial arm there is a thickening of the surface and a pit. This pit is a pretenorina {pn) and the thickened piece corresponds to the clypealia {d) of the larva of Corydalis. The preten- torina and clypealia are constant in position and universal in occurrence in the Tenthredinoidea. In the Siricidae the pretentorinae are distinct and sometimes mistaken for ocellarae. In ecdysis the head is split along the epicranial suture nearly to the ventral ends of the arms. Vertex. — The large area on each side of the epicranial stem is the vertex (»). It extends from the dorso-meson of the epicranium to the ventral margin of the head, laterad of the epicranial arm, and cephalad of the occipital suture when this is present, and bears an ocellara {o) and anten- naria (ar). There is on the dorsal part of the vertex on each side a distinct furrow which originates at the occipital foramen and extends cephalad for some distance onto the lateral aspect of the head. This is the vertical furrow {vf) and is characteristic of the larvae of the Tenthredinoidea. It is wanting only in the leaf-miners and wood-borers. The nature of this furrows is not known. There is a corresponding carina on the ental sur- face of the head, and the major muscles of the retractor of the mandible are attached to the ental surface of the vertex dorsad and ventrad of the vertical furrow. The furrows usually converge at the cephalic end, but sometimes are subparallel to each other. Genae. — The portion of the vertex ventrad of an imaginary line drawn ventrad of each ocellara parallel to the ventral margin of the head is a gena (g). The extent of the genae varies, therefore, according to the location of the ocularia. The setae on the genae are sometimes longer than those elsewhere. Ocularia. — The larvae of the Pamphiliidae, Xyelidae, Tenthredinidae, and Cephidae possess a pair of ocellarae (e), one on each side of the head. These organs of sight are remarkably uniform and constant in structure and location. With the exception of Phlebatrophia and the Cephidae, the ocellarae are usually clear, semiglobose or at least distinctly convex, and are located on or near the center of the ocularia {ou), which are usually circular and distinctly blackish. The ocularia are located on the vertex dorsad of the antennariae in the Tenthredinidae and caudad of them in the Pamphiliidae and Cephidae. In the Cephidae and Phlebatrophia the ocularia are obsolete and the ocellarae are indicated by pigmented 335) LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 17 granules showing thru the cuticle. The ocellarae are obsolete in the highly specialized families, Xiphydriidae and its allies. The life-habits are correlated with the presence and the degree of development of the organs of sight. Front. — The area bordered by the epicranial arms on the cephalic aspect of the head is the front (if). The ventral boundary is indicated by a transverse depression connecting the ventral ends of the epicranial arms. This depression is the fronto-clypeal suture (fcs). The depression is usually concave dorsad and often obsolete at each lateral end. The front is usually flattened or only slightly convex and bears scattered setae which vary in number and arrangement in different genera and in arrange- ment in different individuals. The extent of the front is determined by the length of the epicranial arms. The front is usually subquadrate, often wider than 1 ong, but in some cases, as in Caliroa (Fig. 53), it is much longer than wide. In the absence of the epicranial stem the lateral boundaries are indicated by the pretentorinae as in Tremex (Fig. 46). Phlebatrophia (Fig. 37) is unique in possessing a distinct median longi- tudinal furrow on the dorsal half of the front. Clypeus. — The area ventrad of the front is the clypeus (c). Its ventral boundary is the clypeo-labral suture (els), and the lateral margins are free, oblique, and converge ventrad. The clypeus is usually much wider than long and is divided usually into postclypeus (po) and preclypeus (pe) by a difference in color and by a transverse row of setae. Sometimes the clypeal suture (cs) is distinct, as in some Nematinae (Fig. 31). The clypeal setae vary in number from two to eight or ten but are constant within a genus and often within a subfamily. Four is the most common number. Lahrum. — The small lobe attached to the ventral margin of the clypeus is the labrum (/). It is usually transverse and has a median emargination on the ventral margin. This emargination is usually shallow and broad but occasionally very deep, as in Eriocampa and a few other Emphytinae. Dolerus (Fig. 42) is characterized by the distinct asymmetrical median emargination which makes the sinistral half of the labrum much smaller than the dextral. The cephalic margin is nearly smooth and slightly oblique in Tremex (Fig. 46). The labrum is very small in the Xiphydriidae (Fig. 45). From two to several labral setae {Is) are borne on each side of the meson, those near the meson being usually smaller than the lateral ones. The number of labral setae are as a rule constant within a genus. A row of setae which may be seen projecting from the ventral surface of the labrum belongs to the epipharynx. The labrum is often divided into halves by a distinct median longitudinal depression, as in Caliroa (Fig. 53), Endelomyia (Fig. 48), and some Tenthredininae. This character is generic in some subfamilies and only specific in others. The labrum in the Cim- 18 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [336 bicinae (Fig. 29) is unique in having a pair of longitudinal depressions on each half which converge ventrad and bound a small median piece. Postgenae. — The area mesad of the lateral boundary of the vertex on the caudal aspect of the head is the postgena {pa). The dorsal boundary is the vertical furrow and the mesal the occipital foramen. The ventral margin is concave and is connected with the labicoria {Ic). It is usually more or less flat and glabrous. The occipital suture {os) is sometimes distinct, as in Pteronidea. Tormae. — At each end of the clypeo-labral suture there is a chitinized rod which extends onto the ventral surface as far as the epigusta. This is the torma, present in all Tenthredinidae. Occiput. — The narrow area on the dorsal third of the occipital foramen between the vertical furrows is the occiput. The dorsal boundary is in- distinct since the occiput merges with the vertex without any indication of a suture. Maxillariae. — The very narrow chitinized sclerites which form a sub- circular collar around the dorsal and lateral margins of the occipital foramen have been identified as the maxillariae {my). They are usually only slightly developed and are continuous with the cervacoria. The identity of these sclerites with the maxillariae of generalized adult insects is uncertain, but they occupy the same position as the maxillariae and consequently are considered as homologous with them. The dorsal third of the maxillariae in the leaf-miners Metallus (Fig. 35), Phlebatrophia (Fig. 37) and Fenusinae (Fig. 34), are strongly chitinized, distinctly concave, trough-like, and produced entad. Along this ental margin a part of the muscles which control the movement of the head are attached. Occipital Foramen. — The large opening in the caudal aspect of the head thru which the internal organs of the head are connected with those of the body is the occipital foramen {of). The ventral margin of the occipital foramen is membranous and connected directly with the laba- coria and cervacoria {cc). Precoila. — The strongly chitinized acetabulum located near the ventro-mesal angle of the vertex or the dorso-lateral angle of the clypeus is the precoila {pr). The preartis of the mandible {py) articulates at this point. The precoila is distinct in all Tenthredinoidea. Mandibularia. — The small transverse whitish or light-colored area ventrad of the ventral margin of the head on the cephalo-lateral aspect is the mandibularia {mb). It is usually only slightly chitinized and merges with the mandacoria without any indication of a suture. The extensacuta {ec) of the extensatendon of the mandible is usually distinct. The mandi- bulariae are sometimes very large, as in the Xyelidae (Fig. 27). Postcoila. — The cup-shaped acetabulum on the latero-ventral angle of the postgena and caudal angle of the mandibularia is the postcoila 337J I^iRVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 19 {ptt), where the postartis of the mandible articulates. The occipital suture {os) when present originates in or near the postcoila. The postcoila is always present. Paracoila. — There is a slight projection at the mesal end of the caudo- ventral margin of the head where the cardo of the maxilla articulates. This is the paracoila {pi). It is not well developed but is present and discernible in nearly all tenthredinid larvae. Odontoidea. — The lateral cervical sclerite is articulated with the head capsule on the mesal margin of the postgena some distance ventrad of the origin of the vertical furrow. This point of articulation is an odontoidea {od) and is rather indistinct in the larvae of this group of insects. Tentorium. — The tentorium is very simple in tenthredinid larvae. It consists of the metatentoria (w/), corpotentorium {ct), and pretentoria. The supratentoria are apparently obsolete. The metatentorium is the strongly chitinized conspicuous ental bar extending into the head capsule from the ventro-mesal margin of each postgena. The two metatentoria fuse on the meson and form the bridge, the corpotentorium, which gives support to the caudo-ventral portion of the head. The position of each metatentorina is indicated by a pit- or slit-like depression {mn). The loca- tion of the pretentorinae {pn) has already been indicated. A strong ental arm, much smaller than a metatentorium, extends ventro-mesad from each pretentoria into the head capsule and fuses with the corpoten- torium near the middle of the latter. This bar is a pretentorium. In ecdysis the tentorium breaks in the middle of the corpotentorium, freeing the mesal ends of the pretentoria and metatentoria. The tentorium in the Xyelidae and Pamphiliidae is similar to that of the Tenthredinidae in structure and location. The movable parts of the head include all the appendages, that is, the antennae, mandibles, maxillae, and labium. Antennae. — The antennae are present in the larvae of all Tenthredin- oidea, but their structure, size, position, and number of segments vary in the different families and subfamilies. Each is borne by a distinct anten- naria {ar) which is located in the ventro-lateral portion of the vertex; in the generalized families they are located cephalad of the ocularia; in the specialized, ventrad of them. The antennariae are usually subcircular or subquadrate. The antacoria {an) is usually extensive, distinctly convex, and whitish in color (Figs. 143-153). It is only occasionally narrow and confined to the periphery of the antennaria, as in certain Nematinae (Fig. 154). The antennae of the Pamphiliidae (Fig. 26) are setiform, one-half as long as the head is wide, with seven cylindrical segments. There is a circular sensorium on the ventral aspect of the distal portion of the second, third, and fifth segments (Fig. 39). In the Xyelidae (Fig. 27) the segments are shorter but thicker, and vary in number from six to seven 20 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (338 according to the genus. The antennae of the Tenthredinidae (Figs- 145, 147, 149, 150, 153) apparently represent a specialization from those of the Xyelidae. They are much shorter and vary in number of segments from one to five. The antennae vary in shape and are conical in the Emphytinae and other generalized subfamilies, with five ring-like or limpet-shaped segments, with four more or less irregular, incomplete, often partly fused segments in the Nematinae (Fig. 145), or flattened and fused into a single segment in the Schizocerinae or button-like and one-segmented in the Cimbicinae, Fenusinae, and Metallus (Fig. 147), or subcorneal or irregular as in some Nematinae and Phlebatrophia (Fig. 150). When the antennae consist of five segments, they are usually cylindro-conical and remarkably uniform in shape. The antennal segments are usually strongly chitinized, more or less ring-like, successively smaller in diameter, and the distal segment is conical or occasionally erect and peg-like as in the Diprioninae. The segments do not always form a complete ring; one side may be reduced to a mere line, or be entirely wanting as in some Nematinae, in which cases the segment is said to be incomplete. Some- times fusion of all or some of the segments may take place. Certain segments are sometimes setiferous and also bear some sensoria. The number of segments is constant for a subfamily. The relative length and shape of the segments vary, but are constant in species in some cases, and in others constant in genera. The antennae of the Cephidae are small, with four or five segments, while in the Xiphydriidae they are three- segmented and in the Siricidae and Oryssidae single-segmented. It is possible, therefore, to arrange the families of Tenthredinoidea in an as- cending series according to the number and size of the segments of the antennae. The tenacity of the antennae is well Illustrated in the Oryssidae, which in spite of the extreme modification of other structures still retains one-segmented antennae. Mouth-parts. — The larvae of the Tenthredinoidea possess well-devel- oped mandibulate mouth-parts. They include the mandibles, maxillae, and labium, and are remarkably uniform and constant in structure in the different families. The modifications take place in the relative size of parts and in the number of segments of the articulated parts. Mandibles. — The mandibles (rnd) are always present, and are typically thick, strongly chitinized, and sharply dentate, the dextral dissimilar to the sinistral in the number and shape of the dentes, and in having one or two and occasionally more mandibular setae on the lateral aspect. The number and arrangement of the dentes, the number of mandibular setae, and the relative size and shape of the mandibles are constant for certain genera. The mandibles of the Schizocerinae are rather thin and flattened, and in Phlebatrophia very thin and elongated with one triangular blade- 339] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 21 like dentis. In this character the larvae of this genus are more specialized than all other larvae, even including Oryssus. Maxillae. — The maxillae (mx) are always present and typically consist of cardo, stipes, subgalea, palp if er, palpus (mp), galea (gl), and lacinia (la). The cardo is usually more or less chitinized and is divided into a small subcardo and a larger triangular alacardo. The subcardo articulates with the head in the paracoila. On the lateral margin of the alacardo the large stipes is attached. The stipes is usually less chitinized than the cardo, submenbranous, convex on the lateral aspect, and attached to the lateral margin of the alacardo. The cephalic aspect is membranous and is con- tinuous with the maxacoria. The caudal aspect along the mesal margin is strongly chitinized and continuous with the elongate triangular subgalea. The line of fusion is indicated by a distinct oblique chitinized ridge which extends from near the proximal end of the subgalea to the lateral angle of the lacinia. The latero-ventral angle of the stipes is often produced as a small triangular lobe, the stipal angle of Crampton (1921) as in the Tenthredininae. The palpifer is a more or less membranous, mound-like lobe attached to the distal end of the cephalic margin of the stipes and often bears one or more setae. The palpus is borne by the palpifer and typically consists of four more or less conical segments. The relative size and shape of the segments vary and afford good characters for the separation of genera and species. The galea is typically strongly chitinized, digit-like, conical or slightly curved mesad, bluntly pointed, unsegmented, and usually smaller than the palpus. The lacinia is located mesad of the galea and cephalo-ventrad of the subgalea. It is usually subtriangular, slightly flattened, lobe-like, and bears a row of setae on its oblique mesal margin. It is sometimes distinctly flattened, strongly chitinized, with a stiff row of setae, as in the Emphytinae, or rounded and with minute spi- nous setae as in Diprion, or with a sharp triangular compressed seta in addition to an ordinary row of setae as in the Xyelidae. The galea and lacinia are always present except in Oryssus but are reduced in size in Tremex. It is interesting to note that in the leaf-miners the palpi are reduced but the galea are usually normal in size and larger than the palpi. In Oryssus the maxillae are fleshy lobes with all the component parts obsolete and with a brownish area in which a few sensory papillae are lo- cated (Rohwer and Cushman, 1917). The palpi are apparently two- segmented in the Xiphydriidae and Siricidae. Labium. — The labium (li) consists typically of submentum, mentum, stipulae, palpiger, palpi (//>), and togaglossa — representing the fused glossae and paraglossae. The submentum (sm) and mentum (w) is typ- ically membranous, convex, with two or more setae, and very broad in the larvae of most species. In some cases, as in the Diprioninae, part of the mentum is chitinized. In the leaf-miners, such as Fenusa, Metallus. 22 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [340 and Phlebatrophia, the mentum is strongly chitinized and flattened. There is a distinct median longitudinal depression in Metallus. The palpiger is practically wanting. The palpus is typically three-segmented (Fig, 157). The relative size and structure of the segments vary, but are usually constant for a subfamily or a genus. In Tremex and Phlebatrophia the palpi are apparently two-segmented and very minute, while in Oryssus they are obsolete. The stipulae are typically membranous, broad, some- times bearing two setae, and fused with the mentum without any indication of a suture. The stipulae are flattened and chitinized in Metallus and the Fenusinae. Totaglossa is typically membranous, subglobose or bluntly pointed, fused with the stipulae without any indication of a suture. It is readily identified on account of its median position and characteristic shape and structure. There is a slit-like opening for the duct of the silk- gland, the sericos {crv) on the meson near the caudo-ventral aspect of the totaglossa. The shape, size, and location of the sericos vary but it is always present and chitinized. The cephalic or dorsal aspect of the totaglossa is strongly convex, membranous, and sometimes bears a few minute setae and sensoria. Prepharynx. — The prepharynx, the so-called "hypopharynx" of the larvae of the Tenthredinoidea, is very simple in structure and the bound- aries of the parts that can be identified in generalized insects (Yuasa, 1920) are obsolete. The propharynx consists of the epipharynx and epi- gusta. The epipharynx is membranous, is of the same size and shape as the labrum, and bears an oblique row of a few setae on each side slightly dorsad of the ventral margin. The epigusta is membranous and is sup- ported on each lateral portion by a torma. The ambipharynx is restricted and membranous. The parapharynx consists of the basipharynx and hypopharynx Qix). The basipharynx is subglobose or convex, often slightly chitinized on the sides, sometimes having a few minute setae, and usually converges ventrad. The portion ventrad of the constriction is considered as belonging to the hypopharynx, but is usually membranous and continuous with the cephalic surface of the totaglossa without any indication of difi^erentiation. The laciniae fit against the sides of the constricted part of the parapharynx. No striking modification in form of the prepharynx appears in the different families. Trunk. — The portion of the body caudad of the head is the trunk. It consists of thirteen segments which connect with the head by means of the cervacoria. The first three segments compose the thorax and the remainder the abdomen. Cervacoria. — The membrane {cc) which connects the thorax with the head is rather broad and usually folded under the protruding cephalic end of the prothorax. There is a chitinized sclerite on each side, the cephalic end of which articulates with the head against the odontoidea and the 341] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 23 caudal end with the epiraeron and coxa. This is the lateral cervical sclerite {Ics), which is always present and usually distinctly colored — brownish or blackish. The cervacoria is continuous with the submentura on the ventral aspect, and is often produced on the meson as a small mound-like setiferous protuberance, as in Strongylogaster. Thorax. — The prothorax is usually constricted on the cephalic portion, the dorsal aspect is declivous, and the lateral aspect is produced. The dorsum is typically divided into a narrow cephalic portion and a wide caudal one, which in turn may be subdivided into two or more annulets (Fig. 65). The first division is usually setiferous on the lateral aspect, while the second division is setiferous on the dorsal aspect. On the middle of the lateral aspect there is a large spiracle. This is the mesospiracle (fftsp), which has migrated onto the prothorax. There is another setiferous area cephalo-ventrad of the spiracle. The prothoracic leg is attached to the latero-ventral margin of the segment, ventrad of the setiferous sub- spiracular area, which is usually produced as a lobe and which Crampton (1918) has designated as the surcoxal plate. There is a small, usually strongly chitinized sclerite cephalad of the leg. This is the episternum- epimeron, or the eupleuron of Crampton. The dorsal aspect of the pro- thorax and often the lateral one may be chitinized and colored, forming shield-like areas as in the Xyelidae and certain leaf-miners. The proster- num is usually membranous, subdivided into two or more annulets, but sometimes it is flattened and strongly chitinized as in Metallus. There is usually a small pit or chitinized rod near the caudal part of the segment on the ventral aspect. This is the profurcellina {pfn) and marks the caudal limit of the prosternum. The mesothorax and metathorax are more or less similar in structure, frequently the largest segments in the body, more or less ring-like and often distinctly annulate. The metaspiracles (tsp) are located in the metacoria and are usually minute and f unctionless. The mesothorax and metathorax resemble the prothorax in other details. In the Fenusinae (Fig. 21) and Metallus (Fig. 22) the dorsum of the mesothorax and metathorax is provided with an ovoid, fleshy, sucker-like, low protuberance (scp) on each side of the meson. Its function is not known. Dimorphopteryx is characterized by the presence of a pair of prominent dorsal protuberances on the prothorax and a median protu- berance on the mesothorax. Thoracic Legs. — The larvae of the Tenthredinoidea, with the exception of the Oryssidae, possess three pairs of thoracic legs. They are the most persistent of all the thoracic and abdominal appendages and as a rule are very similar in structure, both facts indicating a common origin. A typical leg consists of five more or less well-chitinized segments: coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and a distal segment representing the fused tarsus and tarsal claw. 24 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (342 The coxa {ex) is usually the largest of all the segments, subcorneal, and articulated to the ventro-lateral margin of the segment. The cephalo- dorsal angle is strongly chitinized and articulates against the chitinized end of the episternum-epimeron. There is a distinct oblique depression extending from this angle to the middle of the dorso-distal margin of the coxa. The distal ends of the coxae are usually chitinized and form ring- like thickenings. The ventral half of the coxa is more or less mem- branous. The trochanter {tr) is usually small, longer on the ventral than on the dorsal aspect. The femur (Jm) is usually cylindrical and is often dilated at the distal end. Its ventro-distal portion is usually mem- branous and is sometimes produced, forming a pointed projection, the femoral process (Jp), as in Dolerinae (Fig. 135) and in related subfamilies. The tibia {t) is subcylindrical, narrower in diameter at the distal than at the proximal end, and either longer or shorter, than the femur or subequal to it. The distal segment is typically very short and claw-like. The apparent claw {cw) represents a fusion of the tarsus and tarsal claw, and is usually sharp and distinctly curved. The segments are usually setiferous and more or less membranous on the ventral aspect and at the joints. The general plan of structure of the legs is the same in a majority of the larvae, but there are variations in the shape, size, arrangement of setae, and in the number of apparent segments within the families and subfamilies. The variations usually consist in the suppression of the trochanter as in Phlebatrophia (Fig. 136) and the Fenusinae (Fig. 140), or in the modification of the distal segment as in the Pamphiliidae (Fig. 130) and Hylotominae, or in the reduction of the entire structure to a fleshy, subconical, indistinctly segmented clawless protuberance as in Phleba- trophia and certain highly specialized families. The absolute homology of the segments in a modified leg can not be established, but when the number of the segments is less than five it is probable that the trochanter is the first one to disappear. The Pamphiliidae are distinct from all other tenthredinoid larvae in having setaceous legs with all segments cylindrical except the distal ones. The distal segment is very slender, non-setiferous, straight, and sharply pointed without indication of a claw. The Xyelidae (Fig. 131) possess legs which are small but typical in structure and number of segments. It is quite possible to derive the normal tenthredinid legs from those of the Xyelidae. In the subfamilies of the Tenthredinidae, a series of modifica- tions of the legs is found, altho the majority of the subfamilies and genera are provided with typical five-segmented, well-developed claw-bearing legs. The Phyllotominae (Figs. 141, 142) are characterized by very short, stubby, chitinized legs which consist of four segments, including the large strongly curved claw. Phlebatrophia (Fig. 136) is unique among the Tenthredinidae in having fleshy, rudimentary clawless legs. The Fenusi- 343] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 25 nae (Fig. 140) also possess small four-segmented legs but, unlike the Phyllotominae, have simple and ring-like segments and claws normal in form. The Hylotominae differ from the other subfamilies in possessing apparently six-segmented legs. Their distal portion consists of a distinctly separated tarsus and claw and bears an empodium-like fleshy lobe on the caudal portion of the claw. The minimum number of segments is found in the legs of the Schizocerinae (Fig. 139), where the mesothoracic and metathoracic legs consist of only three simple cylindrical segments, while the prothoracic legs are composed of four. There is a well-developed fleshy subglobose lobe caudad of the claw. It is interesting to note that the gall-makers, for example, Pontania have essentially the same type of legs as the leaf -feeding Nematinae (Fig. 133), while the leaf-mining larvae of the Fenusinae, Schizocerinae, and others, have modified legs. The highly specialized families, Cephidae, Xiphydriidae, and Siricidae, possess fleshy, indistinctly segmented rudimentary legs which are never provided with claws. The most specialized family, Oryssidae, is entirely apodous. The legs present, therefore, very good characters for differentiating the families and the subfamilies of the Tenthredinoidea. The phylogenetic significance of the thoracic legs is quite evident. Abdomen. — The segments composing the abdomen, with the exception of the two caudal segments, are more or less similar in structure, ring-like, and usually subdivided into four to seven annulets. Segments 2-7 or 2-8 and 10 usually bear a pair of larvapods, the so-called "prolegs," on the ventral aspect. The first and ninth abdominal segments never possess larvapods except in the Xyelidae. The third abdominal segment is more typical than the other segments and least modified, and for this reason has been used as a type for description. In a typical larva this segment is subdivided into a number of annulets on the dorsum and latus dorsad of the spiracular line. The latus ventrad of the spiracular line is typically lobe-like, setiferous, and distinguishable as two areas, the subspiracular area {ssl) or the surpedal area {sdl) according to the location. When these areas are distinctly lobe-like they are designated as subspiracular lobe and surpedal lobe. The latter corresponds to the thoracic surcoxal plate of Crampton. The subspiracular and surpedol lobes sometimes fuse and extend the full length of the segment as an oblique fold, as in wood- boring larvae and the Hylotominae. In the latter this lobe is conspicuously produced laterad, making the segment distinctly flattened. The sub- spiracular and surpedal lobes, when fused, are known as the sublaterai lobe {sll). The larvapods are located on the ventral aspect some distance from the meson. The sternum is divided into two or more annulets, the annulation being usually distinct but its exact limits diflScult to determine on account of the presence of the larvapods. The intersegmental coria {cor) is distinctly indicated on the venter (Fig. 81). The segmentation 26 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [344 is distinct but the limits of the somites are not so readily determined. The cephalic limit of a segment is usually indicated by the distinct depression on the dorsal and lateral aspects and by the short ventro-lateral depressions which terminates at the cephalic end of the subspiracular lobe. Thus the cephalic limit of a segment is not a straight line, but curves caudo- ventrad and then slightly cephalo-ventrad of the subspiracular lobe. The typical annulation and arrangement of setae, tubercles, and glandubae on the typical abdominal segment are indicated elsewhere (Figs. 73-79). The ninth abdominal segment is readily distinguishable because of its location and shape, and by the absence of spiracles and larvapods. It is typically smaller than the preceding segments, tapers more or less caudad, and usually has one less annulet on the dorsum than have the preceding segments. Its caudal limit is usually distinctly indicated by a deep depression. The tenth, or the apparent ultimate, segment is modified and differs from the other abdominal segments because of the presence of the anus, anal larvapods, and other structures peculiar to this segment (Figs. 89-103). Tenth Urotergum. — The tergum of the tenth abdominal segment is usually convex and often setiferous. It sometimes bears numerous spinous processes, as in the Blennocampinae and Dimorphopteryx, or paired suranal protuberances as in certain genera of Nematinae, or a median suranal process {srp), as in the Cephidae and its allies. In these highly specialized families the tenth abdominal segment is produced cephalad and fits into the deep semicircular emargination of the ninth segment. The tergum possesses a distinct, deep, median longitudinal depression extending from the cephalic end of the tergum to the proximal end of the median suranal process. In the Xyelidae the tergum is produced distinctly hunch- like on the meson of the cephalic third caudad of the deep, broad transverse depression. The tergum is produced caudad in certain species of Pachy- nematus and forms a distinct caudal projection. In this genus the gland- ubae are very conspicuous. The size, convexity, number, and arrangement of the spinous protuberances, caudal processes, and setae are useful characters in recognizing different subfamilies and genera. Suranal Lobe. — The membranous lobe (srl) of the Tenthredinidae, which forms the dorsal wall of the anal slit may represent the rudiment of the dorsal half of the ultimate segment, the so-called "telson." It bears numerous setae of varying size and number and is usually fused with the tergum of the tenth segment. In the larvae of the Xiphydriidae and its allies, which possess a median suranal process, the suranal lobe is distinct, more or less chitinized in part, usually separated from the tenth tergum by a ridge or by an oblique suture which extends from the chitinized depres- sion dorsad of the suranal process to the lateral end of the anal slit (au). The area cephalad of this oblique suture is the pleuron of the tenth seg- ment. 345] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 27 Subanal Lobe. — The membranous lobe {shl) which forms the ventral wall of the anal slit may represent the rudiment of the ventral half of the ultimate segment or "telson." It is never distinctly chitinized, always indistinguishably fused with the tenth abdominal sternum, usually setifer- ous, and is rather restricted in extent. In the Tenthredinidae the subanal lobe is strongly convex and extends to the anal larvapods, the postpedes of Crampton. If the subanal lobe represents a part of the telson, and if the subanal appendages {sba) of the Pamphiliidae and Cephidae are the appendages of the ultimate segment, then the subanal lobe possesses a pair of genuine appendages. In the larvae of the Xyelidae there occur sometimes distinct subglobose setiferous swellings dorso-caudad of the anal larvapods. Their homology and function are unknown. Tenth Urosternum. — The sternum of the tenth abdominal segment is restricted in extent, more or less convex, and often glabrous. In the Xyelidae and Tenthredinidae the anal larvapods occupy the greater part of the caudal portion, which is thereby produced subconically ventrad. This sternum is usually glabrous and more or less flattened in apodous larvae. There are no annulations observable on this sternum. Suranal Process. — In boring larvae, the ultimate segment is provided with a strongly chitinized mesal suranal process {srp) oil the suranal lobe. This process, which has been variously designated by different writers, is characteristic of the families Cephidae (Figs. 108, 109, 112, 114, 115) Xiphydriidae (Figs. 107, 110), and Siricidae (Figs. 113, 120, 122). The size, shape, number, and arrangement of the dentiform tubercles and setae vary in different families but they are constant within species and often also within genera. It is undoubtedly an adaptive structure devel- oped in connection with the boring habit of the larvae. It is interesting to note that in some of the gall-making larvae of Pontania and leaf-stem boring larvae of Caulocampus, the tergum of the ultimate segment is produced on the caudo-meson and forms a distinct protuberance provided with chitinized points on its caudal end. The larvae of the Pamphiliidae also possess a minute hook-like process on the caudo-meson of the ultimate tergum. The genetic connection of this hook-like tubercle and the distinct suranal process of highly specialized families is doubtful, but it is not difficult to surmise a common origin for the suranal process of the Cephidae, Xiphydriidae, and Siricidae. The suranal process corresponds to the postcornu of Crampton. Caudal Protuberances. — In certain genera of the Nematinae and in a few other genera of the Tenthredinidae, the tergum of the ultimate segment is provided with two or more protuberances which vary in size, shape, number, and position in different genera. A typical condition in nematid larvae is found in Pteronidea (Figs. 126, 127), which possess a pair of conical, pointed, well-chintinized processes {srp), one on each side. 28 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (346 on the caudal margin of the tergum dorsad of the membranous suranal lobe. These processes are always two in number and more or less constant in position in nematid larvae, but vary in size and shape altho constant within species. They are conical, subconical, sharply or bluntly pointed, truncate, or distinctly swollen at the distal end as in Pteronidea trilineata. The tenth abdominal tergum of the spinous larvae of the Blennocampinae is provided with several symmetrically arranged conspicuous spinous processes on the caudal portion and in part along the caudal margin. The larva of Dimorphopteryx is unique among the Emphytinae in the possession of four very distinct, sharply pointed spinous protuberances along the caudal margin of the ultimate segment dorsad of the suranal lobe. In certain of the gall-making species of Pontania the caudal end of the tenth abdominal tergum is produced caudad and forms a median prominence which usually has two minute strongly chitinized points close together on the meson. A similar protuberance is found in the larvae of Caulocampus acericaulis. In the Siricidae a pair of minute sharply pointed solid chitin- ized spines occurs on the tergum of the ultimate segment, one on each side of the median longitudinal depression (Fig. 113). These protuberances have been variously designated. Crampton (1919) considers the paired protuberances and spines to be homologous with the cerci of Orthoptera and Ephemeridae. If they represent rudi- mentary cerci they must belong to the eleventh abdominal segment, the telson of embryologists, since the true appendages of the tenth segment are transformed into the anal larvapods. But this homology is open to question because these protuberances are mere projections of the surface and not at all appendages in a morphological sense, and, furthermore, because in other larvae the number and position of the protuberances vary considerably. No one would suggest that the caudal tubercles and spinous processes of Dimorphopteryx, Blennocampa, Hypergyricus, Caulocampus, and others are homologous with the cerci of generalized insects; yet, there is no reason to assume that the caudal tubercles of these larvae are differ- ent in origin, structure, and function — whatever that may be — from the suranal paired processes of the nematid larvae. These protuberances may or may not be at all related genetically to the suranal median process of the Cephidae and its allies. At any rate our present knowledge does not permit any definite conclusion regarding the true nature or homology of these structures. The interpretation advanced by Middleton (1921) seems more reasonable. He named these protuberances pseudocerci. Subanal Appendages. — The larvae of the Pamphiliidae (Figs. 91, 95) and Cephidae (Figs. 108, 109, 111, 116, 117, 118, 119) possess a pair of subanal appendages on the ultimate segment, one on each side ventrad of the lateral ends of the anal slit. These appendages are long, setaceous, and three-segmented in the Pamphiliidae, but are rudimentary, papilliform, 347] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 29 and only indistinctly segmented in the Cephidae. When the appendages are long and setiform, the relative length and color of the segments differ in different species. In the Cephidae the appendages may or may not be provided with accompanying setae near the proximal end, and these setae may or may not form a continuous group with the setae on the sternum. That these structures are true appendages of the segment is indicated by the segmentation and by the fact that they are invariably articulated at the proximal end against the surface, not being mere protuberances like the caudal processes of the tergum. Some embryologists consider these appendages to be homologous with the cerci of generalized insects and the anal "prolegs" of lepidopterous larvae, and, therefore believe them to be true appendages of the eleventh abdominal segment. It is obvious that they can not be homologous with the anal larvapods of other tenthredinoid larvae. Crampton (1919) designated them as arthrostyli on the ground that they are apparently homologous with the styli of the Ephemeridae and other insects. The opinions of entomologists differ, for example Middleton (1921) homologizes the subanal appendages with the post- pedes of Crampton. The homology and function of these appendages need further investigation. However, it is significant that long distinctly segmented appendages should occur in the Pamphiliidae and rudimentary ones in the Cephidae. Larvapods. — The embryological data seem on the whole to support the view expressed by Korschelt and Heider (1899), who say that "the abdominal appendages of the caterpillars of the Lepidoptera and Hymen- optera are to be regarded as true limbs," and that "limb-rudiments first form on all or most of the abdominal segments, but they very soon dis- appear on those segments which in the larvae have no limbs, while on the other segments they are transformed into the functional prolegs." Graber (1890) has shown that the so-called anal prolegs of Hylotoma are the appendages belonging to the tenth or true penultimate abdominal segment. They are, therefore, not homologous with the anal "prolegs" of lepidop- terous larvae, which are, according to Graber (1890), the appendages of the ultimate segment. The maximum number of larvapods {pig) occurs in the Xyelidae, where each of the abdominal segments is provided with a pair. The first and ninth pairs may be smaller than the others, as in Odontophyes, but they are always discernible. The number of larvapods present in the Tenthredin- idae varies from six to eight pairs. They are usually present on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10 or 2-8 and 10, rarely on 2-6 and 10. In the Fenusinae (Fig. 105) and Caulocampus the tenth pair is obsolete, and in Metallus (Fig. 103) they are fused together forming a median protuberance. Larvapods are entirely wanting in the other families of the Tenthredinoidea. 30 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [348 f A typical larvapod is a fleshy subconical protuberance narrowed toward the distal end, and is usually subdivided into a larger but shorter proximal portion and a smaller but longer distal portion. Sometimes the distal end is dilated and turned mesad, as in Neodiprion (Fig. 82), or the cephalo- ventral angle is pointed, as in Tenthredo. The larvapods are well devel- oped in most of the free-living larvae but in the leaf-miners and fruit-borers they are reduced and smaller. They are very small in the Hylo- tominae and rudimentary in the Fenusinae (Fig. 86) and Schizocerinae, while they are obsolete in Phlebatrophia. The degree of development of the larvapods is closely correlated with the habits of the larva. The larvapods are usually located on the middle of each lateral half of the sternum but occasionally are very close together near the meson, as in Neodiprion. The number of pairs of larvapods present is a convenient character for dififerentiating the subfamilies of the Tenthredinidae. The larvapods often bear a few setae on the cephalic and lateral aspects. The setae, when present, are confined to the mesal aspect. Lack of setae on the larvapods is often a generic character and the number and arrange- ment of the setae is typical of the species. Crampton (1919), with good reasons, proposed to substitute the term uropods for the long-used but misleading term prolegs. The term uropoda has been employed by students of the Crustacea in designating the abdom- inal appendages, especially one of the posterior pairs of pleopods, and according to Smith's glossary of Entomology the term refers to "any of the abdominal feet of Arthropoda." These facts indicate the necessity of a distinctive term, and the new term larvapods following the suggestion of Dr. MacGillivray, is used until a happier term is created for these true abdominal appendages of insect larvae. Metamerism. — Graber (1890) has shown that the number of somites which compose the body of the larvae of Hylotoma is fourteen exclusive of the head. The first three somites belong to the thorax and the remaining eleven to the abdomen. The ultimate segment, or the telson of the embry- ologists, is difiScult to discern in larvae. It is probably represented by the suranal and subanal lobes of the larvae, but the boundary between this segment and the tenth somite is so obliterated, and the ultimate segment, which is originally much smaller than the preceding somites, is in the larval stage so much more reduced, that it is permissible and also con- venient to speak of the abdomen as being composed of ten segments. For this reason the tenth abdominal somite, which bears the so-called anal prolegs, is designated as the ultimate segment in this paper. It is to be noted that Nelson (1915:111) considers that there are eleven segments and a telson in the abdomen of the embryos of Hymenoptera. In all the larvae of the Tenthredinoidea examined, it is always possible to count ten abdominal segments. The body is usually distinctly segmented. 349] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 31 The exact limit of the somite in a larva is not easy to determine. Entomologists seem to have paid little or no attention to this point. Castle (1900) has made an excellent study of the metamerism of the Hirudinea, but his conclusions are not directly applicable to the case of in- sect larvae tho they are pregnant with important suggestions. He found that the natural and true limits of a somite coincide with the limits of the neuromere, and that both reduction and increase in the number of rings, which correspond to the annulets in the saw-fly larvae, take place at the ends of the segment. The classical work of Lyonet (1762) and the recent study of Forbes (1914) on the musculature of lepidopterous larvae, as also a study of Boving (1914) indicate that the musculature affords a reliable criterion for determining the limits of a somite. From a careful examina- tion of the musculature of various types of tenthredinoid larvae (Fig. 129), the author has come to the conclusion that in these larvae the natural and accurate determination of the extent of the somites composing the body is best based upon the musculature. A detailed discussion of this subject is out of place here. It is sufficient to say that a majority of the longitudinal muscles, including the dorsal, lateral, and ventral retractor muscles, originate on the cuticular fold, or coria, which, on the exterior, is usually indicated by a deep depression (is). Only a few muscles of impor- tance cross this fold, nearly all the muscles being attached either to the cephalic or caudal part of the coria. This cuticular fold, therefore, is con- sidered as the cephalic limit of the somite, and the annulets into which the somite is subdivided are numbered consecutively, commencing at its cephalic end. To assume, a priori, the spiracular annulet, or the annulet which bears the spiracle, to be the first annulet is arbitrary and inaccurate inasmuch as this annulet, according to the criterion of musculature, cor- responds to any one of the first three annulets of the somite. The position of the spiracular annulet is constant and definite within a genus or sub- family as long as the number of annulets of the somite is constant. Some of the annulets are usually setiferous and often bear in addition transverse rows of glandubae. The position of such setiferous annulets is constant within the genus or subfamily when the annulation is constant. The number of annulets on the ninth abdominal segment is always smaller than that on the preceding segments. Since the setiferous annulets have a definite order, it is possible to determine which annulets are obsolete on the penul- timate segment. The first annulet to disappear is a caudal one, and ordinarily it is only the caudal annulet that is missing. The number of annulets of the sternum is less than that of the tergum. The length of the annulets varies but their relative size is constant within a species. The primitive number of annulets of the abdominal segments is unknown. If the annulation of the generalized Tenthredinoidea is assumed to be representative of the primitive condition, then four is the primitive num- 32 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [350 ber of annulets. In the specialized Tenthredinoidea the number varies from one to seven, but five to seven is of the most common occurrence. The number becomes smaller in the highly specialized families, being reduced to a single annulet in the Siricidae and Orysidae. Spiracles. — The spiracles {spi) are present on the prothorax and the first eight abdominal segments in all Tenthredinoidea. The pair on the prothorax are always the largest. The abdominal spiracles are usually uniform in size and shape except the last pair, which are often larger than the others. The spiracles are definite in location in regard to the annulets and are always situated on some one of the first three annulets of the segments. The spiracular line is usually located slightly ventrad of the middle of the lateral aspect of the body, but sometimes it migrates ven- trad to the latero-ventral line as in Caliroa. The spiracles (Fig. 155) are usually very simple in structure, vertical in position, never circular in outline but narrowly ovate, rounded or pointed at both ends. The peri- treme is narrow but strongly chitinized and brownish or blackish. The labiae are narrow and the spiracular opening is usually closed and appears like a dark line. The peritreme is sometimes distinctly thickened as in the Hylotominae. There is often a semicircular or irregular chitinized colored area on each side of the spiracles, as in certain nematid genera. These areas vary in size and shape but are constant within species, and their presence is usually constant within genera and often within a subfamily. When these areas are present, the spiracles are said to be winged. The true prothoracic spiracles are considered as wanting in adult and larval insects. The spiracles found on the prothorax of Tenthredinoid larvae are the mesothoracic spiracles {msp) which have migrated from the mesocoria onto the prothorax. The metathoracic pair {tsp) is usually functionless, very small, and located in the metacoria, or obsolete. In the Cephidae and Siricidae, however, the metaspiracles are distinct, functional, and as large as the abdominal spiracles. It is difiicult to explain the rudimentary condition of this pair in the Xiphydriidae, since other charac- ters indicate that they have a common origin with the Cephidae and Siricidae. It is possible, however, in the course of evolution, to have one structure of the body modified faster than another structure. Setae. — The surface of the body is usually provided with some setae, particularly on the head, thoracic legs, and the ultimate segment of the abdomen on the suranal and subanal lobes. The number, size, arrange- ment, and structure of the setae vary in different taxonomic units, accord- ing to their location; and to some extent according to the stage of larval growth. There is a tendency toward the loss of setae in the ultimate stage or the last instar, as is Pteronidea, or to have fewer and smaller setae in the leaf-mining and wood-boring larvae, as in the Fenusinae, Cephidae, and others. There seem to be no definite setal patters, as in lepidopterous 351] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 33 larvae, but when certain annulets of the segments possess setae their pres- ence on these annulets in successive segments is constant if not in precisely the same number and order. There is a tendency to have more and longer setae on the lower half of the head than on the upper half. The number and arrangement of the setae are variable on the vertex and front but are fairly constant on the clypeus, labrum, and mandibles. A spinal formula is an abbreviated expression of the arrangement of the tubercles or spines on the various parts of the body. The figures of the formula indicate the number of branches of a spine and are arranged in order, beginning with the mesal spine in the case of those on an annulet and with the cephalic spine in the case of the subspiracular areas. The spinal formula of the prothoracic segment represents the arrangement of the spines on the large or second annulet, on the first or smaller lateral annulet, on the subspiracular area, and on the postsubspiracular area respectively. The spinal formula of the third abdominal segment indicates the arrangement of the spines on the first tubercle-bearing (usually 2d) annulet, on the next small annulet if this is present, on the third tubercle- bearing (usually 4th) annulet, on the subspiracular area, and on the post- subspiracular or surpedal area, respectively. The number of branches of the spines sometimes varies and the arrange- ment of the spines also may show minor variations. The spinal formulae represent the most typical arrangement. Glands and Glandubae. — There are many types of glands opening to the exterior found on the various parts of the body of the larvae of the Tenth- redinoidea. The larvae of the Nematinae and Cladiinae are provided with a series of ventral glands on the ventro-meson of abdominal segments 1-7, Sometimes a pair of eversible glands is found in the cervical region, as in Megaxyela major. The larvae of the Cimbicinae possess a spiracular gland located dorsad of each spiracle of abdominal segments 2-8, It is from these glands that the yellowish fluid of these larvae is poured out when disturbed. A peculiar sucker-like protuberance with a depressed center occurs in the larvae of the Acordulecerinae on the sublateral area of abdominal segments 2-4 or 5 and 8. The function of this structure is not known but it is not improbable that it is secretory in nature. The wax glands of the wax-secreting larvae such as certain Tenthredininae, Emphy- tinae, Selandriinae, etc., are minute and located on various parts of the body of these larvae, but their detailed structure has not been studied. The most common type of these glands is found in the larvae of the Diprioninae, Emphytinae, Selandriinae, Tenthredininae, some Nematinae, and others. The cutaneous glands of these larvae are provided with chi- tinized rings about their external openings. These chitinized openings are known as glandubae. They may be located at the end of tubular protu- berances, and in such cases they are spoken of as being stalked, or they 34 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [352 may be found flush with the body surface, when they are spoken of as being sessile. The glandubae are especially conspicuous in the larvae of the Diprioninae and Pachynematus. The slime-glands of Caliroa have semi- sessile glandubae which are few in number. The glandubae are constant in their type, presence, general arrangement, and location, within genera and subfamilies. Formulae of Segmented Appendages. — For convenience in designating the size and relationship of various segmented appendages, the resort has been made to various so-called formulae. The segments of an appen- dage are numbered, beginning with the proximal segment. In a formula numbers of the segments are arranged in the descending order of magni- tude, and those of equal dimensions are placed in a parenthesis. For example, the expression "antennal formula: (2,5), 3, 4, 1" shows that the antenna is composed of five segments and that segments 2 and 5 are equal in length but longer than the others, and that segment 4 is shorter than segment 3 but longer than the first or proximal segment. 353] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 35 III. TAXONOMY Strictly speaking no classification of the Tenthredinoidea based upon larval characters has hitherto been proposed. Attempts have been restricted to the characterization of the different subdivisions included in the superfamily. Among the earlier writers Le Peletier's (1823) work may be mentioned. After a brief general account of the larvae, he gave a list of eighteen divisions in which he grouped the species of the Tenthredinoidea and stated whether the larvae of each division were known or unknown and, if known, the number of the thoracic and abdominal legs present. It is interesting to note that he mentioned a group of larvae the body of which he characterized as "donkey-form" (aselliform) which he was unable to place in any of his divisions. Dahlbom (1835) published careful descriptions and a synopsis of larvae of sixty-three species. A synoptic table for the larvae was compiled by Westwood (1840) from this work and was published with additions. The characters used are the number of abdominal legs and the feeding habits of the larvae. Norton (1867) republished Westwood's table without additions. In the table given by Cameron (1882) the larvae of more than ninety-five species are included. The major groups are separated on the number of thoracic and abdominal legs present. These subdivisions are segregated on biological characters such as reflex bleeding, types of cocoons, and, finally, genera and species, when known, are separated on the coloration, setae, food-plants, and feed- ing habits. In 1895 Dyar, the most prolific and the only important Ameri- can writer on the larvae of the Tenthredinoidea, published "A recognition table for the known sawfly larvae of the North Atlantic States." The larvae of one hundred and twenty-six species including forty-one not specifically identified were considered in this synopsis. The characters used are the number and location of abdominal legs, types of cocoon, feeding habits, food-plants, and coloration. This last character was employed extensively in separating different species. The next attempt along this line was undertaken by Chester Young (1898), who was the first to take into consideration the structural characters of the appendages of the head. Unfortunately this work remains unpublished, but it is on file as a baccalaureate thesis in the library of Cornell University. Konow (1901) summarized the taxonomic information concerning the known larvae of European and American species, four hundred and eighteen in all, in the form of an analytical table. The presence or absence of abdom- inal legs, number of antennal segments, and modifications and appendages 36 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [354 of the ultimate body-segment were used in separating the families and subfamilies. The number and location of abdominal legs, the food-plants, types of cocoon, and coloration furnished the basis for the separation of tribes, genera, and species. Middleton (1915, 1917) has characterized the larvae of the genus Dimorphopteryx and of the family Cephidae. It must be noted that these writers were concerned only in the preparation of recognition tables for the separation of the particular species they had in hand, and, with the exception of Middleton, no one has attempted to construct a synopsis of families, genera, and species as such. In the following pages, the author has attempted to define and describe, as far as possible with the materials at hand, families, subfamilies, genera, and species by the use of larval characters. With a few exceptions, no attempt has been made to incorporate data from previous writers for the reason that the characters recorded by them were found in most cases of little or no value for the present purpose — not because they were inaccu- rate, altho that was true in many cases, but chiefly because they were not of specific significance. For example, Dyar's descriptions of species are usually very accurate and dependable but most of the characters noted excepting coloration often proved to be only of family or subfamily sig- nificance. The definitions given here are correct for the materials actually studied, but it is not surprising if they do not hold good in many cases when more materials become available for examination. It is obviously impossible to attain perfection in the face of so many missing links in the series of genera and species. These missing links will be filled in as rapidly as accurately identified materials become available, but it must be remem- bered that absolutely correct identification is only possible, in the majority of cases, after carrying individual larvae of the species thru to the adult stage, exuviae being saved for each instar. In this study the classification of the Tenthredinoidea proposed by MacGillivray in 1906, with later additions, has been adopted in the main in arranging and restricting the families, subfamilies, genera, and species. For generic synonymy, Rohwer's "Genotype of the Sawflies and Wood- wasps" (1911) has been followed. In this section all references to the bibliography of the different divisions and subdivisions have been omitted. 355] [ARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 37 SUPERFAMILY TENTHREDINOIDEA Larvae with exposed, well diflferentiated head, trunk consisting of three thoracic and ten visible abdominal segments; spiracles always present on prothorax and first eight abdominal segments; antennae and chitinized dentate mandibles always present; ocellarae, when present, always one on each side of the head; thoracic legs, when present, always three pairs, a pair to each segment; larvapods, when present, always six pairs or more, and except the Xyelidae, are never on the first and ninth abdominal segments, but always on the second abdominal segment, and never with crochets; mouth-parts, when normal, with mandibles strongly chitinized with distinct dentes, dextral dentes differing in number, shape, and arrangement from sinistral; maxillae with cardo, stipes, palpifer, palpus, galea, and lacinia present, palpus typically with four segments, galea conical, digit-like, and lacinia usually flattened, its cephalic margin with a fringe of setae; labium with submentum, mentum, palpi, stipulae, and totaglossa, palpi typically with three segments, totaglossa membranous, bulbose, with a sericos on its meso-distal portion; general appearance of body caterpillar-like or grub-like; free leaf -feeders, leaf-miners, web- spinners, leaf-rollers, wood- and stem-borers, and parasitic larvae. Free Leaf-feeders. — Body caterpillar-like; thorax with well-developed, distinctly segmented legs, typically with five segments, coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus and tarsal claw; abdomen typically with a pair of larvapods on segments 2-7 or 2-8 and 10; ultimate segment sometimes with caudal protuberances but never with a distinct suranal process or with subanal appendages; head typically semiglobose; antennae typically mul- tisegmented, segments one to five in number; ocellarae always present, usually located dorsad of antennariae; mouth-parts well developed and typical in structure; abdominal segments usually with five to seven annu- lets, some of which bear transverse rows of setae and often some glandubae; head, thoracic legs, and anal area usually setiferous; majority of Tenthre- dinidae and Xyelidae. Leaf-miners. — Body somewhat depressed, head sometimes distinctly depressed and mouth-parts directed cephalo-ventrad; thoracic legs small, modified, number of segments reduced to four or to one, legs sometimes entirely fleshy, conical, or mamma-like, with or without tarsal claws; abdomen with very small larvapods or larvapods nearly obsolete; mouth- parts sometimes modified, labial and maxillary palpi with reduced number 38 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (356 of segments; annulation sometimes obsolete. A few subfamilies of Tenthredinidae. Nest-builders. — Thorax with seta-like segmented legs; abdomen without larvapods; antennae long, setaceous, seven-segmented; mouth-parts nor- mal; ultimate segment with distinct subanal appendages and a minute hook-like caudal process on caudo-meson of tergum; ocellarae present; web-spining leaf-rollers, Pamphiliidae. Borers. — Thorax with rudimentary legs, tarsal claws never present; abdomen without larvapods, ultimate segment with a distinct suranal process or with a pair of subanal appendages; mouth-parts somewhat modified, maxillary and labial palpi reduced in number of segments; ocellarae wanting or with vestigial eye-spots; metaspiracles sometimes functional, as large as abdominal ones; wood-borers and stem-borers, Siricidae, Xiphydriidae, and Cephidae. Parasites. — Body grub-like, thoracic and abdominal legs wanting; mouth-parts modified, maxillary and labial palpi obsolete; ocellarae wanting; antennae one-segmented; parasitic larvae, Oryssidae. The larvae of the typical Tenthredinoidea are readily differentiated from the larvae of other Entometabola by the presence of a single ocellara on each side of the head and, usually, six or more pairs of larvapods, none of which are provided with crotchets, and never occur on first and ninth abdominal segments. The characteristic mouth-parts include four- segmented maxillary palpi and three-segmented labial palpi. The character of the antennae, the number of ocellarae and larvapods, the charac- ter of the mouth-parts, especially maxillary and labial palpi, and the presence of thoracic legs distinguish the leaf-miners and wood-borers of the Tenthredinoidea from other leaf-miners and wood-borers, such as certain Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera. The larvae of Hymenop- tera other than Tenthredinoidea are distinguishable from those of the latter as follows: They are apodous, thoracic and abdominal legs being always wanting; the mouth-parts are vestigial, maxillary and labial palpi, if present, papilliform, never distinctly segmented; ocellarae are never present; and suranal process and subanal appendages are always wanting. The larvae of the Oryssidae are separable from other hymen- opterous larvae on the basis of the characters used in the definition of that family elsewhere. FAMILIES OF TENTHREDINOIDEA 1(6) Thoracic legs present, either normal in form, distinctly segmented, or modified, if modified, fleshy or conical, if conical, head and body distinctly depressed; larvapods either present or wanting 2. 2(5) Thoracic legs normal in form, not seta-like, rarely mamma-like; larvapods usually present; subanal appendages wanting; antennae usually with less than seven seg- ments 3. 357] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 39 3(4) Larvapods present on all abdominal segments; antennae with six or seven segments. XYELIDAE. 4(3) Larvapods not present on all abdominal segments; antennae never with more than five segments TENTHREDINIDAE. 5(2) Thoracic legs seta-like; larvapods wanting; subanal appendages present, setaceous; antennae very long, with seven segments PAMPHILIIDAE. 6(1) Thoracic legs vestigial, not distinctly segmented, mamma-like or wanting, if mamma- like, head and body never distinctly depressed; larvapods wanting 7. 7(12) Thoracic legs present; ultimate segment with suranal process 8. 8(9) Subanal appendages present, vestigial, papilliform; oceilarae present; antennae with four or five segments CEPHIDAE. 9(8) Subanal appendages wanting; oceilarae wanting 10. 10(11) Antennae with three segments; metaspiracles functionless, very much smaller than abdominal spiracles 11. XIPHYDRIIDAE. 11(10) Antennae with one segment; metaspiracles functional, as large as abdominal spir- acles SIRICIDAE. 12(7) Thoracic legs wanting; ultimate segment without suranal process and subanal appendages ORYSSIDAE. MacGillivray (1906) divided the superfamily Tenthredinoidea into nine families. They are the Xyelidae, Pamphiliidae, Blasticotomidae, Tenthredinidae, Xiphydriidae, Siricidae, Megalodontidae, Cephidae, and Oryssidae. The first two families constitute his Generalized Tenthredinoi- dea and the last six his Specialized Tenthredinoidea. Since the Blastico- tomidae and Megalodontidae belong to the Palearctic fauna and are not represented in North America, they are omitted from the foregoing table. Family Xyelidae Larvae (Fig. 6) of medium size, length 13-18 mm.; body caterpillar like, subcylindrical, flattened on the ventral aspect, uniform in diameter' except last two segments which are suddenly constricted, stout; segmenta- tion and usually annulation distinct; cuticle smooth, tuberculate and setiferous, but never slimy; color greenish, yellowish, whitish, or brownish; tubercles, when present, brownish or blackish and setiferous; prothorax sometimes with a pair of lateral eversible cervical glands in the cervacoria; head circular in frontal contour, moderately large, width usually more than one-half the diameter of the thorax; mouth directed ventrad; head slightly overlapped by the prothorax, if any setae, sparsely and inconspi- cuously setiferous; antennae long, conspicuous, with six, sometimes seven, segments; ocularia about one-fifth the diameter of the antennaria and located caudo-dorsad of it, elevated, oceilarae very small; epicranial suture and vertical furrows present; mouth-parts normal in form; pro- thorax with a large, often colored, shield-like area on the dorsum and lateral aspects; legs in comparison with the size of the body very small, normal in form, all three pairs subequal in size; larvapods present on all 40 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [358 abdominal segments including the first and ninth, where they are some- times reduced in size; typical segments with four annulets; spiracles on the second annulet; sublateral lobe produced ventrad, modified into a triangu- lar lobe laterad of larvapod which it resembles in form; ninth abdominal tergum with three annulets; tenth abdominal tergum constricted distinctly and transversely on its cephalic fourth and with a distinct hump-like protu- berance on the meson caudad of the cephalic constriction, concolorous with the head and setiferous tuberlces; anal larvapods and ventral or subanal lobes distinctly large, contiguous, forming a trilobate prominence on the meson of the tenth sternum; subanal lobe with a pair of setiferous protu- berances dorsad of larvapods; insects single-brooded, solitary, chiefly exposed-feeders; pupate in earthen cells in the ground. The Xyelidae is a small family consisting of seven genera and of a limited number of species, most of which belong to the North American fauna. The adults are readily distinguished from all other Hymenop- tera by the presence of the free part of the vein R2 in the wings. On venational characters, MacGillivray (1906) considers the members of this family to be the most generalized Hymenoptera known, having, "departed from the type of the wing assumed for the original progenitor of the Hymenoptera only in the loss of the free part of vein Cu2." The genera, at the same time, possess many features of prominent progressive speciali- zations which have proceeded in each case in a different sequence so that a linear arrangement of the genera does not express their true affinities. Over twenty-five species have been reported from boreal America. Of this number, four species belonging to as many genera have been recog- nized in the larval state. Another unidentified species, feeding on pecan, is added in this paper. Dyar (1898) described the larvae of Megaxyela major and Xyela minor and gave a definition of the family based on charac- ters found in these species. He pointed out that they are most nearly related to the Pamphiliidae. The larvae of Odontophyes aviingrata were described by the same author (1899). Konow (1901) overlooked Dyar's 1898 paper and gave in his analytical table for the larvae Odontophyes aviingrata as the sole representative of the subfamily Xyelini. That Konow was unfamiliar with any xyelid larvae may be reasonably assumed from the fact that he classified them with those larvae which had no larvapods and that he placed a question mark before the analytical item "ohne Afterborsten." The larvae of Pleuroneura, Paraxyela and Proto- xyela are unknown. The described larvae feed on the foliage of hickory, butternut, pecan, elm, and the staminate flowers of pine. The most important materials that I had in the study of this family were received from Professor R. W. Harned, of the Mississippi Agricultural College, but, altogether, the material at hand is so limited that it does 359] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 41 not permit a characterization of the genera. The following key will serve to separate the species: 1(8) Larvapods present on all abdominal segments, those on the first and ninth segment sometimes rudimentary; thoracic legs normal in form; body tuberculate, tubercles setiferous, concolorous with the head; head creamy or brownish or blackish; abdom- inal segments typically with four annulets, first annulet smooth, non-tuberculate, crescentic, and confined to the dorsal aspect, three following annulets convex, with transverse row of setiferous tubercles; not on staminate flowers of conifers 2. 2(7) Head daik-colored, brownish or blackish; tenth abdominal tergum always and prothoracic and ninth abdominal terga usually with dark-colored patches; tenth tergum brownish or blackish; subanal lobe with a pair of wart-like brown tubercles which bear blackish brown setae on the dorsal and lateral aspects, less densely on the ventral aspect; dorsal tubercles arranged typically as follows: the second and third annulets with four to five, the fourth annulet with two or three; the subspiracu- lar and surpedal lobes, each with a tubercle; the dorsal tubercles of the second annu- let with one to three setae 3. 3(6) Tubercks of typical abdominal segment arranged as follows: second and third annulets with four tubercles above the spiracular line, each tubercle bearing one seta, the fourth annulet with two tubercles, one on the spiracular line with two setae, the other, dorsad of the line, with one seta; on hickory and pecan 4. 4(5) Prothoracic tergum with a large dark brown, median patch whose lateral margins converge toward the cephalic margin, which is one-half as long as the caudal margin; the ninth abdominal tergum with a large dark brownish patch on each side of the meson, the patches converging toward the caudal margin so that the caudal halves are nearly confluent on the meson with a pair of brownish tubercles btween the cephalic halves; tenth abdominal tergum almost completely dark browTi in color; the first annulet of typical segment v/ith the dorsal pair of tubercles quadrate, one- half as long as the annulet; abdomen with a brownish, cloudy, longitudinal dorso- lateral line involving the dorsal pair of tubercles and extending usually from the second abdominal segment to the seventh; on hickorj^ and pecan; Y-226, G Megaxayela major Cresson. 5(4) Prothoracic tergum without a large dark brownish median patch, but with a pair of small blackish patches distinctly separated on the meson of the first and second annulets, the cephalic pair larger, triangular, and their apices directed laterad, the caudal pair subquadrate, further apart than the cephalic pair; the ninth abdominal tergum without a pair of large dark brownish patches but with two pairs of small blackish patches, distinctly separated on the meson, the cephalic pair smaller and slightly further apart than the caudal pair; tenth tergum blackish, with its cephalic constricted portion pale or creamy; first annulet of typical abdominal segment with the dorsal pair of tubercles subcircular, one-third as long as the annulet; abdomen without a brownish, cloudy longitudinal dorso-mesal lines; on pecan; Y-227 Megaxyela sp. 1. 6(3) Tubercles of a ty'pical abdominal segment arranged as follows: second and third annulets with four to five tubercles above the spiracular line, each tubercle bearing two setae; the fourth annulet with three tubercles, one on the spiracular line and the other two dorsad of it, each tubercle with two setae; on hickory and butternut; Y-228 Odontophyes aviingrala D\-ar. 7(2) Head light in color, creamy white or pale brown; the prothoracic and the ninth and tenth abdominal terga without dark-colored patches; tenth tergum light brown; subanal lobe with a pair of wart-like creamy tubercles which bear long light brown 42 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS |360 setae, uniformly distributed on all aspects; tubercles arranged as follows: the second and third annulets with four tubercles dorsad of the spiracular line, the second tubercle dorsad of the ventral one sometimes rudimentary and often represented by a single tiny seta, the fourth annulet with two tubercles, one on the spiracular line and the other dorsad of it, the sublateral area divided into three lobes and each with one tubercle; the dorsal pair of tubercles of the first annulet with four to five setae; on Ulmus; G Macroxyela ferruginea Say. 8(1) Larvapods very small; thoracic legs rudimentary; body not tuberculate; head creamy whi te ; abdominal segments typically with three annulets ; on staminate flowers of pine (Dyar in 1898 described no larvapods) Xyela minor Dyar. Family Blasticotomidae The Blasticotomidae contains a single genus and species, Blasticotoma filiceti Klug, which is confined to central and eastern Europe. It is an archaic type. The systematic position of this unique species has been considered differently by practically every writer who has studied it. MacGillivray (1906) has shown, however, that it is in certain of its charac- ters closely allied to the Xyelidae and Pamphiliidae, while in others it approximates the Tenthredinidae, and that, it is intermediate in position between these two groups. Because of its taxonomic position, it is highly desirable to know the characters of the larvae of this species, but unfortunately the literature is void of information in regard to the immature stages, and this interesting quest must await future discoveries. Family Tenthredinidae Larvae (Figs. 7-25) very small to very large, length 10-40 mm.; cater- pillar-like, leaf -feeders, leaf-miners, or fruit-borers; body cylindrical, thorax usually largest in diameter, body tapering caudad, sometimes flattened on the ventral aspect, leaf-miners depressed; greenish or variously colored with or without distinct markings; smooth, glabrous, setiferous, tuberculate, or spinous; segmentation usually and annulation sometimes distinct; third abdominal segment with 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, or 2 annulets, men- tioned in the order of frequency; some of annulets usually setiferous and often with glandubae; thoracic legs always present, usually well developed, typically with five segments, sometimes with three, four, or six segments, but always with distinct tarsal claws; legs rarely rudimentary, fleshy, indistinctly segmented, and without tarsal claws; larvapods present usually on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10 or 2-8 and 10, occasionally the seventh and tenth pairs wanting, rarely with all larvapods obsolete; head typically semiglobose, setiferous, with or without distinct markings or uni- formly brownish, blackish, or greenish; antennae always present, never with m,ore than five segments; ocellarae always present, one on each side; 361] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 43 maxillary and labial palpi typically with four and three segments respec- tively, never obsolete, number of segments rarely reduced; clypeus usually with two or three setae on each side; mandibles usually with one to four setae; tenth abdominal tergum without suranal process and sometimes with caudal protuberances; subanal appendages never present; epicranial suture and vertical furrows usually present; metaspiracles functionless, obsolete, or very much smaller than abdominal spiracles; various glands sometimes present. The family Tenthredinidae according to MacGillivray contains twenty- four subfamilies of which five are not represented in the Nearctic fauna. The subfamilies found in the United States and Canada are as follows: Diprioninae, Emphytinae, Selandriinae, Dolerinae, Phyllotominae, Lycaotinae, Tenthredininae, Cimbicinae, Hoplocampinae, Dineurinae, Monocteninae, Cladiinae, Nematinae, Blennocampinae, Fenusinae, Sco- lioneurinae, Hylotominae, Schizocerinae, and Acordulecerinae. Of these, Lycaotinae and Dineurinae have not been available for study. SUBFAMILIES OF TENTHREDINIDAE 1(42) Thoracic legs normal in form, five-segmented; if modified, tarsal claws always present; larvapods usually well developed 2. 2(23) Larvapods present on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10; antennae elongate, conical, usually with five segments 3. 3(20) Thoracic legs with five segments, normal in form 4. 4(11) Third abdominal segment with six annulets on dorsum 5. 5(10) Antennae conical, with five segments 6. 6(9) Labrum bilaterally symmetrical; legs with tibia shorter than femur, tarsal claws short, strongly curved 7. 7(8) Body rather slender, tapering caudad, without small distinct tubercles; tenth abdominal tergum without small tubercles; head never shiny, jet-black, body never yellowish white EMPHYTINAE (in part). 8(7) Body rather robust, uniform in diameter thruout, with small distinct tubercles; tenth abdominal tergum with several small protuberances, if without, head shiny, jet- black, body yellowish white BLENNOCAMPINAE (in part). 9(6) Labrum not bilaterally sjonmetrical, but distinctly asymmetrical; legs with tibia longer than femur, tarsal claws slender, only slightly curved DOLERINAE. 10(5) Antennae not conical, with three segments, the third segment erect and peg-like. DIPRIONINAE. 11(4) Third abdominal segment with more or less than six annulets on dorsum 12. 12(19) Third abdominal segment with seven annulets on dorsum; body without conspicuous branched spines or tubercles 13. 13(18) Antennae conical, with five segments; labrum without secondary longitudinal sutures 14. 14(15) Larvapods setiferous; clypeus with three setae on each side; mandible with two setae; labrum without a median longitudinal depression. .SELANDRIINAE (in part). EMPHYTINAE (in part). 15(14) Larvapods glabrous; clypeus with two setae on each side; mandible with 1-4 setae; labrum with or without a median longitudinal depression 16. 44 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [362 16(17) Legs with tibia minute, distinctly shorter and smaller than femur; maxillae with stipes without cephalo-ventral triangular projection; mandibles with two setae; labrura without a median longitudinal depression 17. SELANDRIINAE (in part). 17(16) Legs with tibia large, usuall}^ subequal to or longer than femur; maxillae with stipes with cephalo-ventral triangular projection; mandibles with 1, 2, or 3-4 setae; labrum with or without a median longitudinal depression TENTHREDININAE. 18(13) Antennae not conical, with one segment; labrum with secondary longitudinal sutures; small but distinct crescentic glandubae dorsad of spiracles. CIMBICINAE. 19(12) Third abdominal segment with five, rarely three or four, annulets on dorsum; body with conspicuous branched spines or tubercles. BLENNOCAMPINAE (in part). 20(3) Thoracic legs with four segments, modified .21. 21(22) Tenth urotergum and prothoracic and mesothoracic tergites with conspicuous fleshy pointed protuberances; body not tadpole-like EMPHYTINAE (in part). 22(21) Tenth urotergum and prothoracic and mesothoracic tergites without conspicuous fleshy pointed protuberances; body often distinctly tadpole-like. PHYLLOTOMINAE (in part). 23(2) Larvapods on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10, rarely on segments 2-7 or 2-6 and 10 24. 24(39) Thoracic legs with five segments, normal in form; larvapods on segments 2-7 and either with or without anal larvapods 25. 25(36) Larvapods present on the ultimate segment, either normal and separated or fused on the meson, forming a single prominence 26. 26(35) Anal larvapods normal and separated 27. 27(28) Antennae with five segments; third abdominal segment with six annulets; tenth abdominal tergum with several caudal protuberances. HOPLOCAAIPINAE (in part). 28(27) Antennae with four, rarely three, segments; third abdominal segment usually with less than six annulets; tenth abdominal tergum with or without caudal protu- berances 29. 29(32) Abdominal segments 1-7 on ventro-meson with an eversible gland; body often with numerous conspicuous setae, setae arising from distinct tubercles; antennae with four segments 30. 30(31) Body with numerous conspicuous multisetiferous tubercles, each tubercle bearing several long setae, some of which are distinctly longer than others; third abdominal segment with four annulets, annulet 1 with a transverse row of setae, annulets 2 and 3 with a transverse row of setiferous tubercles; tenth abdominal tergum never with caudal protuberances altho with numerous long setae; setae barbed .CLADIINAE. 31(30) Body without numerous conspicuous multisetiferous tubercles, if tubercles present, they do not bear several long setae some of which are distinctly longer than others; third abdominal segment with varying number of annulets; tenth abdominal tergum sometimes with caudal protuberances; setae not barbed NEMATINAE. 32(29) Abdominal segments 1-7 on ventro-meson without an eversible gland; body never conspicuoush^ setiferous; antennae with three or four segments; third abdominal segment with three or five annulets 33. 33(34) Antennae with four segments; third abdominal segment with five annulets; abdom- inal segments 2-4 and 8 or 2-5 and 8 without a postsubspiracular sucker-like pro- tuberance HOPLOCAMPINAE (in part). 34(33) Antennae with one segment; third abdominal segment with three annulets; abdominal segments 2-4 and 8 or 2-5 and 8 each with a postsubspiracular sucker-like protuber- ance ACORDULECERINAE. 363] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 45 35(26) Anal larvapods united on the meson forming a single protuberance; antennae with one segment; third abdominal segment with two annulets; prothorax often with dorsal and ventral shields; vertical furrows wanting; head and body depressed, glabrous SCOLIONEURINAE. 36(25) Larvapods wanting on ultimate segment; vertical furrows wanting 37. 37(38) Antennae with three segments; third abdominal segment with four annulets, annulets 2 and 3 setiferous; tenth abdominal tergum with a caudo-mesal protuberance; body- not depressed HOPLOCAMPINAE (in part). 38(37) Antennae with 1-2 segments; third abdominal segment with two annulets, annulets glabrous; tenth abdominal tergum without a caudo-mesal protuberance; body depressed FENUSINAE. 39(24) Thoracic legs with 3-4 or 6 segments; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10 or 2-6 and 10, very small 40. 40(41) Mesothoracic and metathoracic legs with six segments; prothoracic legs with six segments; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10 and occasionally with a rudimentary eighth pair, or 2-6 and 10; body dilated laterad, sublateral lobe pro- duced and conspicuous, often with numerous setiferous tubercles. HYLOTOMINAE. 41(40) Mesothoracic and metathoracic legs with three segments; prothoracic legs with four segments; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10 with an occasional rudimentar)' eighth pair; body not dilated laterad, sublateral lobe not produced and conspicuous; body never with numerous setiferous tubercles but with minute protuberances SCHIZOCERINAE. 42(1) Thoracic legs not normal in form, but fleshy, indistinctly four-segmented, tarsal claws wanting; larvapods vestigial on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10, ultimate pair united on the meson, forming a single protuberance PHYLLOTOMINAE (in part). Subfamily Diprioninae Larvae (Fig. 7) moderately large, length 18-25 mm.; body cylindrical, somewhat robust, tapering gradually caudad; segmentation and annula- tion distinct; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets 1, 2, and 4 or 2 and 4 with setae and glandubae; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10, close together on the meson; thoracic legs normal, well developed, with five segments; prothoracic legs distinctly smaller than other legs; color of body usually yellowish or greenish, with grayish, or brownish stripes or rows of black spots; antennae with three segments, seg- ments 1 and 2 minute, flat, irregular, incomplete, segment 3 erect, peg-like, strongly chitinized; head and legs usually with spinous, stiff setae; glandu- bae prominent and numerous; ventral glands wanting; spiracles not winged; cuticle microscopically spinulate; larvae feed on conifers. The subfamily Diprioninae is represented in North America by three genera, Diprion, Neodiprion, and Monoctenus. The Neartic species formerly placed in the genus Diprion (Lophyrus) are placed by Rohwer (1918a) in Neodiprion. Diprion simile Hartig of Europe has recently become estabhshed in the United States. With the exception of Mac- Gillivray, systematists agree in associating the genus Monoctenus with Diprion and its allies. 46 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (364 The three genera studied can be separated as follows: 1(2) Body large, stout, longer than 24 mm.; markings mottled with dark brown and yellowish irregular spots, without brownish stripes or black spots; setae on head small, slender, those on genae similar to other setae, not spinous; head blackish. Diprion Schrank. 2(1) Body smaller, slender, usually shorter than 24 nam. ; markings not mottled, but with brownish longitudinal stripes or rows of black spots 3. 3(4) Third abdominal segment with annulets 1, 2 and 4 with setae and glandubae; setae on head stiff, long, spinous, those on genae often very large and spinous Neodiprion Rohwer. 4(3) Third abdominal segment with annulets 2 and 4 with setae and glandubae; setae on head microscopic, and very few in number Monocknus Dahlbom. Neodiprion Rohwer Larvae rather large; length about 19-24 mm.; body slender, with longi- tudinal brownish stripes or rows of black spots along subdorsal, supra- spiracular, and sometimes subspiracular lines; head round in contour, cephalic and caudal margins parallel in profile; front flattened, subpenta- gonal, as high as wide; ocularia large; antennaria subequal in diameter to ocularia, their own diameter apart; labrum semicircular, with small crescentic median emargination; mandibles sharply dentate, the dextral with four dentes and the sinistral with five; maxillary palpi large, four- segmented, segments 1-3 ring-like, successively diminishing in diameter, segment 4 suddenly and distinctly smaller than the preceding segment, conical, bluntly pointed; galea chitinized, digit-like, smaller than palpi; lacinia thick, lobate, bearing a minute triangular blade-like seta on ventro- mesal angle, a stiff seta on dorso-mesal angle, and a row of three to five minute setae on the oblique cephalo-mesal margin; labial palpi normal, segment 2 usually longest, segment 3 conical, suddenly and distinctly smaller than preceding segment; totaglossa with dorso-cephalic depression on the meson and with several minute sensory pits; parapharynx distinct, linguiform, constricted dorsad of the middle by a pair of chitinized pieces; thoracic legs well developed, normal in form, usually blackish, segments strongly chitinized, coxae largest, trochanter ring-like, chitinized on the caudal two-thirds, with a whorl of setae, distad of setae membranous, femur smaller than trochanter in diameter, entirely chitinized, wider than long on dorsal aspect, increasing in diameter distad, tibia subequal in length to femur but smaller in diameter, tarsal claws small, basal portion of claw undeveloped, all segments of leg membranous on the ventral aspect, prothoracic legs one-half the size of metalegs, mesolegs slightly smaller than the latter; third abdominal segment with annulation formula, 2, 1, (3, 5, 6), 5; spiracle on annulet 2, annulets 1, 2 and 4 with a transverse row of slender, cylindro-conical glandubae, annulet 2 with a few micro- scopic setae; substigmatal and surpedal lobes large, with several glandubae 365] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 4.1 and a few setae; larvapods well developed, distal surface incurved mesad, rather dilated, not pointed, distance between the pair at the base less than the length of larvapod, venter with four annulets; tenth abdominal tergum gradually convex, with glandubae; anal setae numerous, small; spiracles elongate and oblong. SPECIES OF NEODIPRION 1(10) Head black, light grayish or brownish, never uniformly reddish brown or orange; body longitudinally striped or spotted 2. 2(3) Body with four longitudinal rows of black spots along subdorsal and supraspiracular lines; tenth abdominal tergum with cephalic two-thirds entirely black; spots on each side of dorso-meson elongate, wider at cephalic end; spots on supraspiracular line large, subquadrate; spots on prothorax obsolete; body yellowish white ; length, 22 mm. ; on Pinus; Y-221, G-573, C-1, 1-4101 abhotii Leach. 3(2) Body without four longitudinal rows of black spots along the subdorsal and supra- spiracular lines, but with longitudinal colored bands along each side of the dorso- meson; latus with longitudinal row of independent segmentally arranged blackish or brownish spots or with continuous brownish bands 4. 4(5) Body with a row of brownish spots along supraspiracular lines, spots segmentally arranged, one on each segment, often those on middle segments obsolete, sometimes all spots obsolete; tenth abdominal tergum with a pair of large blackish or brownish spots which are all sometimes contiguous on meson; subdorsal bands narrower than the distance between them; larvapods marked faintly along pedal line when supraspir- acular spots are distinct; head black; length, 23 mm.; G-1686-2, -5. Neodiprion sp, 1. 5(4) Body with broad longitudinal bands along supraspiracular lines, instead of rows of segmentarly arranged spots 6. 6(7) Subspiracular lines with broad brownish bands; head black; pedal lines also marked brown; tenth abdominal tergum faintly marked; subdorsal bands much wider than the distance between them; these bands much lighter in color than those on latus; body dull greenish; length, 21 mm.; on spruce; G-791 abielis Harris. 7(6) Subspiracular lines without brownish bands; head light brown, brown, or pale creamy yellow; subdorsal bands very narrow or very wide; pedal lines with or without bands 8. 8(9) Pedal lines with distinct brownish bands; tenth abdominal tergum unmarked except along caudal margin; subdorsal bands very much wider than the distance between them, lighter in color; head blackish or brownish with brown marks on vertex and front or pale brown; length, 19 mm.; G-156 Neodiprion, sp. 2. 9(8) Pedal lines without distinct brownish bands; tenth abdominal tergum marked, entirely concolorous with head ; subdorsal bands very narrow, usually narrower than the distance between them; head light brown or pale creamy white with vertex shaded grayish; length, 19 mm.; G- 1686-3, -6, -7 Neodiprion sp. 3. 10(1) Head reddish brown or orange; body spotted; subdorsal and supraspiracular lines with black spots 11. 11(12) Subspiracular and pedal lines with black spots; spots on subdorsal lines tapering caudad, partly broken between annulets; spots along supraspiracular lines large, subquadrate; spots on subspiracular lines smaller, sometimes very small but never obsolete; spots on pedal lines very small, sometimes obsolete; tenth abdominal tergum with a pair of large black spots which sometimes fuse on the meson; length, 25-28 mm.; G-1554, -1686-8, -593, C-cue-315, C-Young-37 lecontei Fitch. 4S ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [366 12(11) Subspiracular and pedal lines without black spots; spots on subdorsal lines small, often not distinctly tapering caudad; tenth abdominal tergum with a pair of large black spots; length, 20 mm.; G-133 Neodiprion, sp. 4. MONOCTENUS DaHLBOM Larvae rather small; length about 15 mm.; body slender, dorsum with difiFuse brownish shade or with longitudinal stripes; third abdominal segment with annulets 2 and 4 with setae and glandubae; head as in Neo- diprion except that setae are minute and sparse; clypeus and labrum with two setae on each side; labrum with small crescentic median emargination; maxillary palpi large, rather slender, segments 1-3 ring-like, subequal in length but successively smaller in diameter; galeae and laciniae as in Neo- diprion; labial palpi rather slender, its segments subequal in length; man- dible with one mandibular seta; antennae with segment 1 complete, very narrow, oval, segment 2 flat, incomplete, irregular, segment 3 peg-like, erect; glandubae conical, distinct; setae microscopic; sublateral lobes not well developed; annulation typically (1, 2), (3, 4, 5, 6), anal setae numer- ous, short, and minute; telson with glandubae obsolete. MacGillivray established in 1906 the subfamily Monocteninae for the genus Monoctenus associating it with the Cladiinae and Nematinae, thus deviating from the universal practice of regarding the genus Monoc- tenus as a member of the subfamily Diprioninae or its equivalent. On the basis of the venation, MacGillivray's contention is quite justifiable, and it is most interesting to know what larval characters would indicate in regard to the relationship between Monoctenus and Diprion and its allies. Marlatt (1887) published notes on the immature stages of Monoc- tenus unicolor but his descriptions do not touch the detailed anatomy necessary for the definition of the genus. Recently, however, I was fortunate enough, thru the courtesy of Mr. Rohwer, to examine a speci- men belonging to the United States National Museum which Rohwer considered to belong to a new species of Monoctenus. A careful study of this larva convinced me that [so far as this species is concerned] there are no essential differences between the larvae of Monoctenus and those of the typical Diprioninae to justify the creation of a new subfamily. For this reason I have followed the universal practice and decided to treat Monoctenus as a member of the Diprioninae. Monoctenus n. sp. Rohwer. — Length, 14 mm., head- width 1.5 mm.; head brownish; body on dorsum dorsad of spiracular lines, segments of legs, episternum and epimeron, deep brown; glandubae elongate, conical, minute, brownish at tip; on cedar. A specimen bearing the label "5419 Sawfly on cedar, Cadek, Mo., June 10, 1892." 367] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 49 DiPRION SCHRANK As far as known, only one species is represented in North American fauna. An examination of D. simile shows that this genus is not very different from the other genera of Diprioninae but may be separated from them by the characters of the setae and coloration of the head, and certain minor points. It is not possible to characterize the genus with the material at hand. Diprion simile Hartig. — Body robust, length, 25 mm.; latus with a series of yellowish or whitish spots on a uniformly grayish brown background, dorso-meson with a narrow yellowish stripe bordered on each side by an equally narrow grayish brown band; dorso-lateral lines broadly yellowish, interrupted at each annulet by fine transverse lines; supraspiracular lines with three yellow spots, size of spots increasing caudad; dorsad of these, three smaller spots with the middle one largest and subequal to cephalic spot of supraspiracular lines; three spots on subspiracular lines, the middle one being the largest; pedal lines with a large spot on each segment; larvapod with a brownish spot; tenth abdominal tergum and sternum marked with grayish; the tergum with a deep constriction dorsad of suranal lobe; head setae small, slender, hair-like, never spinous or stiff; setae on genae similar to those on front, never stiff and spinous; legs with femur sometimes longer than wide on the dorsal aspect; head black; body yellow- ish gray, mottled; G. Subfamily Emphytinae Larvae (Fig. 8) small to moderately large, usually greenish, sometimes striped; body cylindrical, slender, tapering caudad; segmentation distinct, annulation fine, indistinct; third abdominal segment usually with six, rarely seven, annulets, annulets 2 and 4 or 1, 3, 5 and rarely 1, 3, and 6 setiferous; head greenish or brownish; sometimes with spots on vertex and front; labrum with or without a mesal longitudinal depression, with 4-5 labral setae on each side of the meson; clypeus with 2 or 3 setae on each side; mandibles with one seta rarely with two; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10, well developed, usually glabrous, rarely setiferous; ventral glands wanting; glandubae small, conical, on annulets 1 and 3 or rarely on 2 and 4; tenth abdominal tergum usually setiferous but without paired caudal protuberances, rarely with conspicuous spines on the caudal margin, if spines present, then prothorax and mesothorax on dorsum with two and one protuberances respectively; antennae elongate-conical, with five seg- ments, segments ring-like; thoracic legs usually normal in structure, with femur subequal in length to or sHghtly longer than tibia, tibia well devel- oped and normal, femur with its disto- ventral angle produced; legs, when modified, short, stout, and trochanter obsolete; mouth-parts normal in form, spiracles not winged; larvae leaf -feeders. 50 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [368 The Emphytinae is a large subfamily embracing a number of genera and numerous species. MacGillivray considers this the second subfamily of his generalized Tenthredinidae and places it between the Diprioninae and Selandriinae. The larvae of this subfamily are found readily and in general appearance and habitus resemble very closely the larvae of the Selandriinae and Tenthredininae, but they can be separated by the number of annulets, which in this subfamily, with the exception of Hemitaxonus and Epitaxonus, is six, while in the other two subfamilies it is seven. The two genera mentioned are characterized by the presence of seven annulets on the typical abdominal segment and also by the setiferous larvapods, thus resembling in these two particulars the larvae of the Selandriinae. It is of interest to note that Rohwer would associate Hemitaxonus with :;uch genera as Selandria, Eriocampoides, etc., in the tribe Selandriini of his subfamily Selandriinae. Middleton (1915) has published a definition of the genus Dimorphopteryx together with a key for the separation of three species. The writer has collected a large number of larvae belonging to this subfamily, but on account of the difiSculty of breeding adults many species remain unidentified. In the preparation of the synoptic key to the genera and in discussions following, only bred or otherwise identified species have been considered, the consequence being that future study may require much modification in our conception of the various genera dealt with. GENERA OF EMPHYTINAE 1(4) Third abdominal segment with 7 annulets; larvapods setiferous 2. 2(3) Larvapods with 5-3-1 setae on cephalic, lateral, and caudal aspects respectively; thoracic legs with femur longer than or subequal to tibia; labial palpi with segment 2 longer than segment 1 ; maxUlar>' palpi with segments subequal in length Hemitaxonus Ashmead. 3(2) Larvapods with 8-5-1 setae on cephalic, lateral, and caudal aspects respectively; thoracic legs with femur shorter than tibia; labial palpi with segments subequal to each other in length; maxillary palpi with segment 2 longer than segment 1 Epitaxonus MacGillivray. 4(1) Third abdominal segment with 6 annulets; larvapods glabrous 5. 5(26) Tenth abdominal tergum and prothoracic and mesothoracic tergites without con- spicuous fleshy pointed protuberances; thoracic legs normal in form, with trochanters distinct 6. 6(9) Annulets 1, 2, and 4 setiferous 7. 7(8) Antennae with segment 5 longest; legs with femur longer than tibia; head usuall}' without markings; labial palpi, if segments not subequal, segment 2 longer than segment 1 Empria Lepeletier. 8(7) Antennae with segment 1 longest; legs with femur subequal to tibia; head usuallj' with markings; labial palpi, if segments not subequal, segment 2 shorter than seg- ment 1 Parataxonus MacGUlivray 9(6) Annulets 2 and 4 setiferous 10. 3691 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—VUASA 51 10(11) Clypeus with three setae on each side of meson; mandibles with two setae; maxillae with palpifer produced dorsad as a triangular lobe; labrum with a deep median emargination with a row of secondary setae caudad of the emargination Erlocampa Hartig. 11(10) CI>-peus with two setae on each side of meson; mandibles with one seta; maxillae with palpifer not produced dorsad as a triangular lobe; labrum without a deep median emargination 12. 12(13) Thoracic legs with trochanter longer than tibia. . . .Strongylogaslroidea Ashmead. 13(12) Thoracic legs with trochanter distinctly shorter than tibia 14. 14(15) Body spotted or transversely striped; head dorsad of ocellarae entirely blackish or brownish; very large and robust larvae Macremphytus ISIacGillivray. 15(14) Body never spotted or transversely striped; head dorsad of ocellarae not entirely blackish or brownish; smaller larvae 16. 16(17) Labial palpi with segment 1 longer than segment 2; legs with femur always longer than tibia; tibia usually twice as long as trochanter; body rather robust; head not marked distinctly with brown; annulet 4 longest on third abdominal segment Monoslegia Costa. 17(16) Labial palpi with segment 1 shorter than segment 2; legs with femur not alwaj's longer than tibia; tibia always more than twice as long as trochanter; body rather slender; annulet 4 not longest on third abdominal segment 18. 18(19) Head entirely pale, no markings; legs with femur longer than tibia; body on dorsum not shaded darker than the venter; tenth abdominal tergum not marked Monosoma MacGillivray. 19(18) Head not entirely pale, usually with brown spots or markings; legs with femur not always longer than tibia, often subequal; body on dorsum sometimes shaded darker than the venter; tenth abdominal tergum often marked 20. 20(21) Legs with femur always longer than tibia; tenth abdominal tergum usually marked ; body on dorsum usually shaded darker than the venter Emphytus Klug. 21(20) Legs with femur subequal to or shorter than tibia; tenth abdominal tergum usually unmarked; body on dorsum not usually shaded darker than the venter 22. 22(23) Tenth abdominal tergum marked with a spot; body on dorsum shaded darker than the venter; labial palpi with segment 2 longer than segment 1 Unitaxomts MacGillivray. 23(22) Tenth abdominal tergum unmarked; body on dorsum not shaded darker than the venter; labial palpi with segment 2 subequal to or shorter than segment 1 24. 24(25) Labrum with a distinct median depression Taxonus Hartig. 25(24) Labrum without a distinct median depression Phrontosoma MacGillivray. 26(5) Tenth abdominal tergum and prothoracic and mesothoracic tergites with con- spicuous fleshy pointed protuberances; thoracic legs not normal in form, with trochanters obsolete Dimorphopteryx Ashmead. Subfamily Selandriinae Larvae (Fig. 9) small to fairly large, length 18-26 mm.; body cylindrical and gradually tapering caudad; segmentation and annulation distinct and fine; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10; third abdominal segment with seven annulets, annulets 1, 3, and 5 setiferous, annulets 3 and 5 with glandubae; thoracic legs normal in form except tibia sometimes very minute; body uniformly greenish, without colored markings; head with or without brownish spots; antennae with five segments, long, conical; 52 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [370 mouth-parts normal in form, well developed, palpi large; mandibles with two setae; clypeus with three, sometimes four, setae on each side, rarely with two; stipes of maxillae with triangular cephalo-ventral projection; glandubae minute, stalked; spiracles not distinctly winged; larvapods setiferous, with about ten setae, rarely glabrous. The Selandriinae includes a limited number of genera. On the basis of the venation this subfamily is placed next to the Emphytinae where practically all systematists have placed it. Rohwer's conception of this subfamily is somewhat different from that of MacGillivray and therefore he differs from the latter in the disposition of some of the genera. For example, Hemitaxonus is assigned to the tribe Selandriini while Mac- Gillivray placed it, together with Epitaxonus, in the Emphytinae. It may be said that the larvae of these two genera are very closely related to the Selandriinae and differ from all other Emphytinae in the typical number of annulets. GENERA OF SELANDRIINAE 1(4) Thoracic legs with tibia normal in form, never greatly reduced, usually subequal in length to femur; larvapods setiferous; clypeus with three or four setae on each side 2. 2(3) Tenth abdominal tergum with brown spots; larvapods usually with ten or more setae; clypeus usually with three and often four setae on each side; labium deep brown, with four to six setae on each side; glandubae slightly longer than one-half the length of adjacent setae; spiracles not winged; larger larvae; length more than 24 mm Thrinax Konow. 3(2) Tenth abdominal tergum not marked with brown spots; larvapods usually with less than ten setae; clypeus with three, rarely with four, setae on each side; labium pale brown or whitish with three to six setae; glandubae usually' subequal in length to adjacent setae; spiracles faintly winged; smaller lai-vae; length less than 24 mm. Slrongylogaster Dahlbom. 4(1) Thoracic legs with tibia reduced, very much smaller than femur; larvapods glabrous; clypeus with two setae on each side Sdandria Leach. Thrinax Konow Larvae comparatively large, long, length more than 24 mm.; body slender, finely annulate, uniformly greenish; head and tenth abdominal tergum with brown markings; thoracic legs normal, tibia and femur cylindrical, tapering caudad, subequal in length; larvapods with about ten setae, distributed as follows: 4-5 on cephalic and lateral aspects and one on caudal; clypeus usually with three and often with four setae on each side; labrum with four to six setae on each side, deep brown, without median longitudinal depression; glandubae small, very short, slightly longer than one-half the length of adjacent setae; spiracles not winged; maxillary palpi with segments 2 and 4 subequal in length; labial palpi with segment 4 longer than segment 3 ; ninth abdominal tergum with six annulets, annulets 1, 3, and 5 setiferous, annulet 6 a little shorter than the second. 371] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 53 SPECIES OF THRINAX Head pale brown with vertex marked with brown on dorsum and caudad of ocellarae, front with a round brown spot contiguous to ventral apex of the dorsal marking on the vertex, frontal spot not reaching the fronto-clypeal suture; antennae, mouth- parts, femur, tibia, and tarsal claw deep browm; tenth abdominal tergum with a pair of small brown spots; annulation formula, 1, (5, 4, 3), 2, (6, 7); antennae, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ; labial palpi mth distal two segments subequal; legs with trochanter, femur, and tibia with lengths to each other as 12, 15, and 16 respectively; tarsal claws with the proximal portion shorter than the distal narrow curved portion; length 26 mm.; wadth of head 2 mm.; on fern; M-18 impressatus Provancher. Head pale brown with vertex marked with brown on dorsum and caudad of ocellarae, front with a subquadrate spot contiguous to the ventral apex of dorsal marking of the vertex, frontal spot reaching the fronto-cl3Tjeal suture; antennae, labrum, mouth- parts, femur, tibia, and tarsal claw deep brown; tenth abdominal tergum with a pair of large brown spots; anmJation, 1(5, 4, 3, 1), (6, 7); antennae, 5, 4, 1, 3, 2; labial palpi with distal segment longer than the preceding; legs with trochanter, femur, and tibia with lengths to each other as 12, 15 and 16 respectively; tarsal claws with the proximal portion as long as the distal curved portion; length 25 mm.; width of head, 2 mm.; on fern; Y-20-3-1, -20-1 pulatus MacGillivray. Strongylogaster Dahlbom Larvae small comparatively speaking, length less than 24 mm.; body slender, finely annulate, uniformly green; head pale or light brown or sometimes with a few spots; tenth abdominal tergum never distinctly marked; larvapods usually with less than ten setae; thoracic legs normal in form, femur and tibia subequal to each other or one longer than the other; labrum pale brown or whitish, with three to six setae on each side; glandu- bae usually subequal in length to adjacent setae; spiracles often faintly winged. SPECIES OF STRONGYLOGASTER 1(2) Head with blackish brown markings, vertex with a pair of diverging spots over the vertical furrows directed toward ocellarae and a spot caudad of each ocellara; vertical markings sometimes faint, sometimes very distinct and large, merging into a continuous vertical marking; front never with spot; antennae, labrum, and mouth- parts light brown; tenth abdominal tergum usually without markings, rarely with a pair of faint spots; annulation, 1, 4, (2,3, 5), (6, 7,) ; antennae, 1, 5, (2, 3, 4); maxillary palpi, 2, (1, 4), 3; labial palpi with two distal segments equal in length to each other, shorter than distal segment of maxillary palpi; labrum with three or four setae on each side; mandible with two, rarely three, setae; legs with trochanter, femur, and tibia with lengths to each other as 10, 10, and 12 respectively; uropods with about eight or nine setae, five on cephalic, 3-4 on lateral, and one on caudal aspect; glandu- bae long, slender, subequal in length to adjacent setae; spiracles not winged; length 18 mm.; width of head 1.8 mm.; on Pteris aquilina; Y-21 annulostis Norton. 2(1) Head without blackish brown markings, uniformly pale brown 3. 3(4) Trochanter distinctly shorter than femur; labial palpi with distal segment as long as the preceding segment; head uniformly pale; body and legs uniformly green without markings; annulation, 1, (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 2); antennae slender, 5, 1, (4, 3, 2); maxillary palpi, (2, 1), (4, 3), distal segment longer than that of labial palpi; labrum 54 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (372 and clypeus with four and three setae respectively on each side; larvapods with about 6-8 setae, 4-5 on cephalic, 2-3 on lateral aspect; glandubae subequal in length to adjacent setae; spiracles with faint brown wings; thoracic legs with trochanter, femur, and tibia with lengths to each other as 8, 13, and 15 respectively; length, 19 mm.; width of head, 1.6 mm.; on Pteris aquilina; Y-168-4 tacilus Say. 4(3) Trochanter not distinctly shorter than femur; labial palpi with distal segment shorter than the preceding segment; head uniformly pale, rarely with a pair of faint spots on dorsal part of vertex; body uniformly green; legs distad of trochanter brownish; annulation, 1, (5, 4, 3), (2, 6, 7); antennae, slender, conical, (5, 1), 4, (2, 3); maxillary palpi, 2, (4, 1), 3, distal segment subequal to that of labial palpi; labrum and clypeus with four and three setae respectively on each side; thoracic legs with trochanter little shorter than femur, tibia usually almost as long as femur; length, 21-23 nun.; width of head, 1.8 mm.; on Pteris aquilina ;Y-l8-l, M-32 (in part), M-86. politm Provancher. Selandria Leach Larvae comparatively small, length less than 24 mm., usually about 15 mm.; body slender, finely annulate; head pale; body green; tenth abdominal tergum unmarked; larvapods glabrous; legs very short, with tibia conspicuously reduced in size, femur distinctly dilated at distal end, bearing rudimentary tibia on dorsal margin; clypeus with two setae on each side; mandible with two setae; labrum with three setae on each side; glandubae very small; spiracles not winged. Selandria flavipes Norton. — Legs with trochanter ring-like, femur dilated at distal end, with ventro-mesal projection only slightly narrower in diameter than trochanter; tibia very small, much smaller in diameter than femur, appearing as if surrounded by fleshy part of the latter, deep brown in color; trochanter, femur, and tibia with lengths to each other as 7, 11, and 6, respectively; annulation, 1, 4, 2, (3, 5, 6, 7); antennae slender, coni- cal, 5, (1, 2, 4, 3); maxillary palpi, (4, 1, 2), 3; labial palpi with distal segment subequal in length to segment 1, longer than distal segment of maxillary palpi; length, 15 mm.; width of head 1.3 mm.; on Pteris aqui- lina: Y-168, M-70, C-S.f. Subfamily Dolerinae Larvae (Fig. 10) moderately large, length, 15-25 mm.; body slender, cylindrical, tapering uniformly and gradually caudad, either uniformly greenish or brownish, or dorsum colored darker than venter, never with bright and distinct patterns; segmentation and annulation distinct; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 on dorsum seti- ferous and with glandubae; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10; thoracic legs well developed; head large, as wide as thorax or nearly so; vertical furrows distinct; antennae five-segmented, conical; labrum distinctly asymmetrical, dextral part larger than sinistral; head, legs, larvapods, tenth abdominal tergum, and sternum moderately setiferous; glandubae present; spiracles not winged; cuticle distinctly, uniformly, micro- 373] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 55 scopically verrucose on the dorsum and latus between spiracular lines; on monocotyledonous plants. The Dolerinae is a well-defined subfamily with a distinct habitus and is closely allied to the Emphytinae and Selandriinae. The most important adult character for differentiating the group from other sub- families of the generalized Tenthredinidae is the coalescence of the cells Ri and R5 due to the atrophy of the free part of the vein Ro. The sub- family contains two genera, the old genus Dolerus and the recently de- scribed genus Loderus. Leach separated, under the name of Dosytheus, all those species having certain antennal peculiarities and, according to Stephens, also having bright colors on the abdomen. This differen- tiation was considered invalid by Hartig and his view was endorsed by Norton and Cameron. Norton described a species under the name of Dorytheus apricus var. alhijrons which is now placed in the genus Loderus. The monobasic genus Pelmatopus of Hartig, based on P. minutus, is now considered as congeneric with Dolerus. Since the larvae of Loderus are unknown, the genus Dolerus alone is considered here. Dolerus Jurine Head viewed from cephalic aspect circular in contour in mature specimens, epicranium semiglobose, front distinctly flattened; mouth- parts directed caudo-ventrad; antennaria never circular, with obtuse corners at the angles of their dorsal side; antennae with formula, 5, (3, 4, 2), 1, distal segment conical, apex less chitinized and obtusely rounded, never sharply pointed, segments 2-5 well chitinized, segment 1 narrow but distinctly larger in diameter than distal segments; front distinctly wider than high; labrum asymmetrical, dextral part always larger than sinistral or with pointed ventro-mesal angle; mandible very thick, large, dextral with four distadentes and one curved sharp proxadentis, sinistral with four distadentes and mesal surface deeply emarginate; parapharynx with apex dilated and chitinized; maxillary palpi, galea, lacinia, and labial palpi normal in structure and well chitinized; thoracic legs with femur often produced papilla-like on its disto-ventral angle, tibia long, cylindrical, tapering uniformly distad, distinctly longer than femur, tarsal claw rather slender and straight; abdominal segments with six annulets, typical formula, (1, 2), 3, 4, (5, 6), 1 =5-|-6; spiracles on annulet 2; annulets 2 and 4 with conical glandubae and tiny cylindrical truncate setae with large calices; tenth abdominal tergum semiglobose, anal setae numerous; ventral glands never present. The genus Dolerus is represented in North America by more than thirty species but none of them had been identified in the immature stages until the writer reared the adult of D. similis Nort. at Ithaca, N. Y. The 56 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (374 larvae of this genus are easily obtained and readily identified because of the marked asymmetry of the labrum. The following key will serve to separate the species studied: SPECIES OF DOLERUS 1(6) Head uniformly pale, creamy, or pale brown; body uniformly whitish or greenish, without distinct dorsal band 2. 2(3) Body with small black spots on each segment along supraspiracular and pedal lines; head pale brownish yellow; spots on ninth abdominal segment much smaller than preceding ones; length, 25 mm.; on wheat and grasses; Y-11 7-1-1, G-d-1. Dolerus sp. 1. 3(2) Body without small black spots on each segment along supraspiracular and pedal lines; head creamy; length less than 25 mm 4. 4(5) Distance between antennaria and mandibularia subequal to distance between anten- naria and ocularium; length, 20 mm.; on Carex Irichocarpa; Y-24-5-2, -145-1 (?),-147. Dolerus sp. 2. 5(4) Distance between antennaria and mandibularia twice or more than twice the distance between antennaria and ocularium; length of prothoracic spiracles in relation to vertical diameter of antennaria variable; femur with or without disto-ventral pro- jection; front with or without pale brown spot; length 18-20 mm.; on grasses, sedge, timothy; Y-29-11,-32-1, M-7, H,-41-l,-63,-225 Dolerus sp. 3" 6(1) Head spotted, banded, or distinctly brown, black, or purple; body uniformly longi- tudinally banded or striped on dorsum, especially along dorso-lateral lines, rarely uniformly whitish or greenish 7. 7(8) Head with a distinct blackish semicircular band extending from gena to gena dorsad of front and involving ocellarae; body with a very fine brownish line along latero- dorsal lines, more distinct on caudal segments; thoracic legs uniformly pale; length, 15 mm.; on grasses; Y-41-l-l,-41-2,-41-3,-8.47(?) M-41,-235 Dolerus sp. 4. 8(7) Head without distinct blackish semicircular band, but with spots or dark-colored areas; thoracic legs with femur, tibia, and claws brown, not concolorous with coxa. .9. 9(12) Head pale brown, vertex with brown spots; body uniformly whitish or with light dorsal band 10. 10(11) Vertex with two small spots, one dorso-mesad of each vertical furrow, variable in size but never linear along the furrow; body uniformly whitish or creamy; length. 21 mm.; on Carpinus and Pkris aquilina (both doubtful) ; Y-74-1-1, M-82 Dolerus sp. 5. 11(10) Vertex with one minute spot at the origin of epicranial stem; light brown spot along epicranial suture to ocellarae; body with dorsal band lighter on dorso-meson and darker on supraspiracular lines, more distinct on caudal segments; length, 15 mm.; on Equisetum arvense; Y-145-2 Dolerus sp. 6. 12(9) Head brownish with purplish or brownish markings on vertex, only rarely light brown or yellowish, then vertical furrows with brownish streaks; body with distinct dorsal band 13. 13(14) Head deep purphsh black with following parts whitish: proximal half of epicranial stem, vertical furrows, vertex caudad of ocellarae to the middle of epicranial stem very narrowly, epicranial arms, clj^ieus, and labrum; dorsal band lighter on dorso- meson; pedal lines with a row of grayish patches; legs with femora without disto- ventral projection; length, 19 mm.; on Equisetum arvense; Y- 146-1- 2. .similis Norton. 14(13) Head usually brownish or yellowish, vertex deeply brown, at least along vertical furrows; tj^jically pale on vertex ventrad of vertical furrows and caudad of ocellarae; front with or without brownish spot; tenth abdominal tergum on both sides usually 375] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 57 more brownish than on meson; legs with femora without dis to- ventral projection; length, 20-23 mm.; on sedges; Y-28-l,-27-l-l,-30,-210-l-8.32(?)-l-l, M-7,-8,-9,-35, -64,-193,G-d-3 Dolerus sp. 7. Subfamily Phyllotominae Larvae (Fig. 11-12) small, length usually less than 15 mm.; body sub- cylindrical or depressed, without colored patterns; larvapods on abdominal segment with two or six annulets; antennae with 3-4 or 5 segments; thoracic legs with four segments, short, stubby, with or without tarsal claws. The Phyllotominae can be divided into two distinct tribes on the basis of the larval characters. The tribes can be separated as follows: Thoracic legs with tarsal claws; head normal in form, not depressed; third abdominal segment with six annulets; external feeders Phyllotomini. Thoracic legs without tarsal claws; head depressed; third abdominal segment with two annulets; leaf-miners Phlebatrophini. The Phyllotominae is a distinct group and includes four genera, Phyl- lotoma, Caliroa, Endelomyia, and Phlebatrophia. In the Nearctic region, the last three genera are represented by a limited number of species. MacGillivray considered this family as one of the five generalized sub- families of the Tenthredinidae, quite apart from the Fenusinae and Scolioneurinae, but Rohwer would associate them in his subfamily Mes- sinae while Konow would include Hoplocampinae and Phyllotominae in his tribe Hoplocampides. The subfamily is divisible into two distinct groups according to the characters of the larvae. The remarkable speciali- zation of structures due to the leaf-mining habit of the larva in one genus where specialization has proceeded much further than in any of the other leaf-miners, makes the division of the subfamily into two tribes desirable. Tribe Phyllotomini Body practically subcylindrical, thorax distinctly swollen, some- times distinctly tadpole-like, tapering caudad; segmentation and annu- lation indistinct, fine, subequal in length; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 microscopically and sparsely setiferous or minutely tuberculate; tenth abdominal tergum with or without tubercles; thoracic legs as long as head is wide, subequal in size, short, modified, with four segments, stubby, with distinct tarsal claws, coxa conical, femur cylindrical, as long as wide, tibia convex, wider than long, distal segment very minute, with sharp incurved claw; larvapods on abdominal segment 2-8 normal in form, glabrous, distal lobe with a minute point on its cephalo- ventral angle; ultimate segment with a pair of normal larvapods or without any; head small, normal, not depressed, sparsely setiferous, longer than 58 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS {376 wide, slightly pointed at dorsal apex; mouth directed slightly ventro-caudad; antennae with four or five segments, slender, elongate, conical, or sub- conical; mouth-parts normal in form; spiracles with or without wings; ventral glands wanting; prothoracic glands sometimes present; glandubae present, conical, tuberculate or sessile; cuticle usually microscopically verrucose; larvae in life sometimes distinctly slimy; subgregarious; leaf- skeletonizers. GENERA OF PHYLLOTOMINI Body without minute tubercles, tadpole-like, slimy; glandubae sessile Caliroa Costa. Body with minute tubercles, not tadpole-like, not slimy; glandubae conical, tuberculate. Endelomyia Ashmead, Endelomyia Ashmead Larvae small, length less than 15 mm., greenish yellow; body sub- cylindrical, apparently almost glabrous, not tadpole-like, thorax thickened, tapering caudad; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 tuberculate; tenth abdominal tergum with eight to ten conical tubercles arranged approximately in three transverse rows; suranal and subanal lobes with several rather long stiff setae; thoracic legs with distinct tarsal claws; larvapods on ultimate segment normal in form, separated; antennae with five segments, slender, elongate-conical; mandi- bles with dentes; spiracles not winged; spiracles on sublateral lines; pro- thoracic glands wanting; glandubae conical, tuberculate; body not slimy. Endelomyia aethiops Fabricius. — Length, 13 mm, ; width of head, 1.2 mm. ; head light brown; mouth-part's, labrum, and tarsal claws deep brown; body greenish yellow to yellowish white; tubercles concolorous with body; typical tubercular formula on prothorax: 3-6 on first annulet, 2-3 on pro- subspiracular lobe, 2-5 on annulet 2; third abdominal segment with 2 and 3 tubercles on annulets 2 and 4 respectively, 1 on annulet 3 near the spiracle, 1 each on subspiracular and surpedal lobe; annulation, 1, 2, 3, 4, (5, 6); antennae, 1, (2, 3, 4), 5; maxillary palpi, (1, 2, 3), 4; labial palpi, 1, 2, or (1,2); subgregarious; on Rosa; Y-2, M-127. Caliroa Costa Larvae small, length 6-12 mm., whitish; body distinctly tadpole-like; thorax conspicuously swollen, rounded on dorsum and flattened on venter; tapering distinctly caudad; third abdominal segment with six indistinct annulets, annulets 2 and 4 with a few glandubae; tenth abdominal tergum without tubercles; suranal and subanal lobes often with a number of stiff rather long setae; thoracic legs with distinct tarsal claws; larvapods on ultimate segment obsolete, their position indicated by a small median swelling; antennae with four segments, rather thick, elongate, distal segment microscopic; mandibles with dentes; spiracles usually winged; 377] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 59 spiracular line abnormally low in position, coinciding with latero-ventral line; prothoracic glands present, large, triangular, fleshy, attached cephalo- mesad of prothoracic legs; glandubae sessile; SPECIES OF CALIROA 1(2) Anal setae not all of same type and length, longer ones arising from minute but distinct tubercles, brown, apparently barbed, curved at tips, as long as labrum, ten to twelve in number, arranged in a transverse row on suranal and subanal lobe; spiracles distinctly winged, brown; clypeus light brown; head deep brown; thoracic legs and antennae deep brown; smaller setae on anal area normal in form, much shorter than the long barbed ones, scattered be3'ond the transverse rows; lengths of front, cl>T)eus, labrum, and width of labrum to each other as 23, 10, 8 and 12 respec- tively; length of body, 11 mm.; width of head, 1 mm.; on cherry, plum, Crataegus; Y-209, M-260,-249,-115, C-551,-552 cerasi Linnaeus. 2(1) Anal setae all of same type and length, none arising from distinct tubercles and barbed, all of normal tj-pe, much shorter than labrum; spiracles usually not winged .3. 3(8) Head blackish, deep brown, or brownish; legs brownish in part, not concolorous with body 4, 4(7) Head blackish or dark brownish 5. 5(6) Head black or dark brownish black; anal setae scattered, pale, subequal in length, about three-fifths as long as labrum; prothoracic legs distinctly lighter in color than other legs, which are brownish; spiracles of cephalic segments faintly winged; clypeus whitish; lengths of front, clypeus, labrum, and width of labrum to each other as 22, 9, 8, and 11, respectively; length of body, 10.5 mm.; width of head, 1 mm.; on oak; M-157,-200,-245, G-553c, Y-mck Caliroa sp. 1. 6(5) Head deep brown; anal setae scattered, subequal in length; prothoracic legs higher in color than other legs; spiracles never winged; anal setae about one-third as long as labrum; clypeus pale brown; lengths of front, clypeus, labrum, and width of labrum to each other as 18, 10, 8, and 11 respectively; length of body 6 mm.; width of head, .9 mm.; on wild cherry; C obsokta Norton. 7(4) Head brov.nish or light brown; all legs pale brownish; anal setae scattered, subequal in length, about one-third as long as labrum; clypeus pale brown; lengths of front, cljijeus, labrum, and width of labrum to each other as 10, 9 ,7, and 11, respectively; length of body, 8 mm.; width of head 1 mm.; on white oak and Crataegus; C-7, M-230 quercus-alba Norton. 8{3) Head pale brown or whitish; legs whitish, concolorous with body; spiracles not winged; anal setae scattered, subequal in length, about three-fifths as long as labrum; lengths of front, clypeus, labrum, and width of labrum to each other as 21, 9, 7, and 10, respectively; length of body, 10.5 mm.; width of head, 1 mm.; Y-121, G-553c, M-143,-201,-231,-236-242 quercus-coccinea Dyar. Tribe Phlebatrophini Body viewed from the side distinctly depressed, venter flattened, thorax thickened, broadest on mesothorax, prothorax declivous cephalad, caudal segments distinctly tapering; segmentation and annulation distinct; third abdominal segment with two annulets, annulet 2 sparsely and incon- spicuously setiferous; tenth abdominal tergum without tubercles; tenth sternum small; thoracic legs modified, fleshy, indistinctly four-segmented. 60 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [378 tapering to distal end, distal segment microscopic, mamma-like, without tarsal claw; larvapods vestigial, located on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10, anal larvapods united on the meson, forming a single sucker-like pro- tuberance; head distinctly depressed, pointed, subtriangular in contour, partly overlapped by protruding prothorax; mouth directed cephalad; vertical furrows obsolete; antennae with 3-4 segments, segments 1 and 2 large and conical, segments 3 and 4 subcylindrical and much smaller and less in diameter than proximal segments; mouth-parts modified, mandibles slender, sharply pointed, without dentes, blade-like; labium flattened and large; spiracles not winged; ventral and prothoracic glands wanting; glandubae obsolete; body not slimy; leaf-miners. Phlebatrophia MacGillivray Larvae very small, whitish; length less than 10 mm.; body distinctly depressed, tapering much caudad, broadest on mesothorax, prothorax declivous cephalad; lateral lobes somewhat prominent; tenth abdom- inal tergum convex, almost glabrous, about half as wide as mesothorax; suranal and subanal lobes semiglabrous; third abdominal segment with two annulets, caudal annulet about four times as long as the cephalic, microscopically and sparsely setiferous; thoracic legs fleshy, tarsal claws wanting; larvapods rudimentary; ocularia protruding, located laterad of antennariae; epicranial suture in part obsolete; spiracles not winged; spiracular line normal in position; maxillary palpi with four segments, labial palpi with two segments; totaglossa roundly protruding; stipes elongate, subgalea long, slender, with distinct chitinized carinae; labrum flattened; mandibles slender, sharply pointed, without dentes, blade-like; leaf-miners. Phlebatrophia mathesoni MacGillivray. — Length, 7 mm.; width of head, 1 mm.; mesothorax, 2.4 mm. wide; head light brown, mandibles and carinae of subgalae deep brown; maxillary palpi typically 2, 1, 3, 4, distal segment very minute; antennae with proximal segment or segments larger in diameter and fleshy, conical, two distal segments together smaller and shorter than the other two segments, but longer than labial palpi; distal segment of labial palpus very minute; leaf-miners of birch; C and G. Subfamily Tenthredininae Larvae (Fig. 13) of medium to rather large size; body cylindrical, slender, tapering uniformly and gradually caudad; segmentation and annulation distinct, fine; third abdominal segment with seven annulets, annulets 1, 3, and 5 setiferous and 3 and 5 with transverse row of glandu- bae; abdominal segments 2-8 and 10 with larvapods; antennae with five segments, slender, cylindro-conical; body uniformly greenish, with dark 379\ LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 61 dorsal band or with complicated color-patterns; tenth abdominal tergum convex, suranal or caudal protuberances wanting; ninth abdominal tergum with six annulets, annulet 6 as long as annulet 2; thoracic legs normal, well developed, femur with ventro-distal, conical membranous projection; clypeus with two setae on each side; labrum with 3-5 setae on each side, with or without a median longitudinal depression; maxillary palpi slender, normal; galea digit-like, large; lacinia flattened, with a row of 10-15 setae on the oblique, truncate cephalic margin; stipes with a sharp triangular cephalo- ventral projection; labial palpi long, slender, with segment 2 longer than segment 1; mandible with 1, 2, or 3-4 setae; head variously marked, distinctly and densely setiferous; spiracles on third annulet, not winged; larvapods glabrous; glandubae distinct, slender, elongate cylindro- conical, sometimes longer than adjacent setae; cuticle microscopically and densely spinulate; ventral glands wanting; larvae free leaf -feeders. The Tenthredininae constitutes, according to MacGillivray, the second subfamily of the series of specialized Tenthredinidae. Rohwer (1911) would divide the subfamily into two tribes, Perineurini and Tenthredinini, using the position of the propodeal spiracles and shape of the cephalic margin of the scutellum as characters for differentiating them. In many cases the larvae resemble those of the Emphytinae. GENERA OF TENTHREDININAE 1(4) Mandibles with more than one seta; labrum with median longitudinal depression; legs with dorsal aspect of femur usually less than twice as long as trochanter, but often subequal to it 2. 2(3) Mandibles with two setae Macrophya Dahlbom. 3(2) Mandibles mth four, occasionally three, setae Tentliredo Linnaeus. 4(1) Mandibles with a single seta; labrum without median longitudinal depression; legs with dorsal aspect of femur usually twice as long as trochanter 5. 5(6) Body with complexly patterned markings on the dorsum; distal segment of maxillary palpi usually longer than that of labial palpi; head nearly black . . Tenthredopsis Costa, 6(5) Body without complexly patterned-markings on the dorsum; distal segment of maxillary palpi usually not longer than that of labial palpi; head pale or light brown Neopiis MacGLUivray Tenthredopsis semilutea Norton. — Body on dorsum with complexly patterned purplish-black markings extending to supraspiracular lines; two lighter colored spots on dorso-meson, their apices directed cephalad, cephalic one much larger than caudal; large spot with caudal emargination on latus and contiguous to mesal triangles; subspiracular lobe with faint, minute spots; otherwise ventral half of body including legs and larvapods whitish; head purplish black excepting the following parts, which are white: genae including antennae and antennariae, lower fourth of front, vertex narrowly, laterad of vertical portion of epicranial arms, clypeus, labrum, and mouth-parts except tips of mandibles, which are black; 62 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [380 fronto-clypeal suture sometimes black; in young specimens, head grayish and body entirely whitish-green; in life head and body coated with a waxy bloom; annulation, (3, 5, 1), (2, 4), 6, 7; antennae, 5, 2, (1, 3, 4); maxillary palpi, (4, 2), 3, 1; labial palpi with distal segment twice as long as the pre- ceding segment, but subequal in length to or shorter than distal segment of maxillary palpi; labrum usually with three setae on each side and without median longitudinal depression; mandible with one seta; legs with trochanter one-half as long as tibia, femur slightly longer than tibia; glandubae half as long as adjacent setae; length, 18 mm.; width of head, 1.8 mm.; on Thalictrum polygamum; Y-8,-92-1-1. Neopus 14-punctatus Norton. — Head pale creamy-white with brown spots on dorso-meson of vertex, caudad of ocellarae, and on front, frontal spots much darker; body whitish green, dorsum with a grayish shade, bor- dered along supraspiracular lines with narrow grayish bands, dorso-meson, especially on thorax, with fine double bands; venter including legs and larvapods whitish; annulation, (1, 5, 3), (2, 4, 6, 7); antennae, (5, 1), 2, (3, 1); maxillary palpi, 4, 2, (3, 1); labial palpi with distal segment one- fourth longer than preceding segment, but subequal to distal segment of maxillary palpi; labrum with three setae on each side, median longitudinal depression wanting; mandible with single seta; legs with trochanter nearly one-half as long as femur, tibia equal in length to femur; glandubae more than half the length of adjacent setae; length of body, 18 mm.; width of head, 1.8 mm.; on Podophyllum peltatum: Y-205-1-1. Tenthredo bilineata MacGillivray. — Head whitish green with vertex brown dorsad of genae except narrow line along epicranial stem, vertical furrows, and caudad and dorsad of ocularia; body on dorsum with series of triangular brownish markings; triangle with apex directed cephalad and with minute deep brown spot at each basal angle, the triangle divided on meson by a faint light line; supraspiracular line with light brownish in- definite band; venter including legs and larvapods whitish; annulation, (3, 1, 5), (7, 6, 2, 4); antennae, 5, (1, 2, 3, 4); maxillary palpi, (4, 2), 1, 3; labial palpi with distal segment nearly twice as long as the preceding seg- ment and shorter than distal segment of maxillary palpi; labrum with five setae on each side and with median longitudinal depression; mandibles with four setae; legs with trochanter nearly as long as femur, tibia longer than femur; glandubae conical, large, subequal in length to adjacent setae; length of body, 21 mm.; width of head, 2 mm.; on Geranium maculatum: Y-175-2. Macrophya Dahlbom Body usually whitish green, on dorsum with or without grayish band, latus sometimes with small black spots; head usually marked on vertex; antennae with segment 1 or 2 longest or all segments subequal in length; 381] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 63 maxillary palpi usually with segments 2 and 4 subequal in length; mandible with two setae; labrum with three setae on each side, with median longitu- dinal depression; trochanter distinctly shorter than femur; head and body in life usually coated with a thin whitish waxy bloom; dorsal vessel usually showing thru cuticle as a dark fine line; setae microscopic; glandu- bae shorter or longer than adjacent setae; length, 16-21 mm. SPECIES OF MACROPHYA 1(4) Head pale brown, with or without a minute brown spot at the caudal end of epi- cranial stem; body on dorsum with light or pale grayish band, darker along supra- spiracular lines, band sometimes obsolete; venter whitish, including legs and larvapods; tenth abdominal segments unmarked; labial palpi with distal segment twice as long as the preceding segment; glandubae very small, shorter than adjacent setae; setae microscopic; head and body coated with thin waxy bloom; on Prunus serotina; subgregarious 2. 2(3) Larger species, length, 20 mm.; width of head, 1.8 mm. ; annulation, (1, 5), 3, (4, 6, 7), 2; antennae, (2, 1), (3, 4, 5) ; maxillary palpi, 2, (1, 3, 4) ; Y-126,-126-3-C-l flicta MacGillivray. 3(2) Smaller species, length, 16 mm.; width of head, 1.8 mm.; annulation, (5, 1, 3), 4, 6, 2, 7; antennae, 2, (5, 1, 4), 3; maxillary palpi, (2, 4), (3, 1); Y-59-3- 1,-59-4-1 fistula MacGillivray. 4(1) Head with a large blackish spot on dorsal part of vertex, often with black spots caudad of ocellarae; body with or without distinct grayish dorsal band, on latus with rows of black or yellowish spots; venter usually whitish; pedal line sometimes with fine gray markings 5. 5(8) Body entirely whitish; head on vertex usually with a dorsal spot not expanding distad ; without spots caudad of ocellarae 6. 6(7) Body with a row of small black spots along supraspiracular lines, two spots to each segment, cephalic spot larger than caudal; tenth abdominal tergum unmarked; annulation, (1, 3, 5) (4, 7), (6, 2); antennae, (4, 1), 2, 3; legs with femur more than twice as long as trochanter, tibia shorter than femur, coxa with grayish marking; glandubae longer than adjacent setae; length of body, 22 mm.; width of head, 2.3 mm.; on Sambucus; Y-8. 11,-11 tibiator Norton. 7(6) Body without a row of small black spots along supraspiracular lines, but with yellowish spots on latus instead, which are obsolete in alcoholic specimens; annula- tion, (3, 5, 1), (2, 7, 4, 6); antennaCj 1, (2, 3, 4, 5); maxillary palpi, (4, 2), (1, 3); labial palpi with distal segment only one-fourth longer than the preceding segments; legs with trochanter slightly shorter than tibia, femur sUghtly longer than tibia; length of body, 22 m.; width of head, 2.2 mm.; on Sambucus racemosa; Y-8. 11 -2(?)-3 epinota Say. 8(5) Body not entirely whitish, dorsum with dark dorsal band; latus with one or more rows of distinct black spots; head on vertex with a dorsal spot expanding distad, broadly T-shaped, caudad of ocellarae with spots; tenth abdominal segment with a minute black spot on caudo-meson; venter lighter in color 9. 9(10) Body on latus with grayish band darker in color than dorsal band and with only one row of distinct black spots; supraspiracular lines with a row of distinct spots; dorso-lateral lines with a row of smaller, inconspicuous spots; subspiracular line with very faint grayish spots, nearly obsolete ; pedal lines with grayish linear markings ; annulation, 1, (3, 5), (7, 2, 4), 6; antennae, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); maxillary palpi, (2. 4), 1, 3; labial palpi with distal segment not quite twice as long as the preceding segment; 64 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [382 legs with femur twice as long as trochanter and slightly longer than tibia; length of body, 19 mm.; width of head, 2 mm.; on Aster prenanthoides ; Y-8, 81(?) lineata Norton. 10(9) Body on latus with grayish band lighter in color than grajdsh-purple dorsal band and with three rows of distinct black spots; dorso-lateral and supraspiracular lines with rows of small spots, two spots to each segment, with caudal spot much smaller and sometimes nearly obsolete; spots on supraspiracular line largest; pedal line with a row of spots, two to each segment, with cephalic spots smaller than caudal; head with black spots on vertex large, sometimes coalesced, covering entire vertex except genae and vertical furrows; front with faint gray spot; annulation, (3,5, 1), (7,2,4,6); antennae, 2, (1, 5), (3, 4); maxillary palpi, (4, 2), (1, 3); labial palpi with distal segment not quite twice as long as the preceding segment; legs with trochanter more than one-half as long as tibia, femur equal in length to tibia; length of body, 21.5 mm.; width of head, 2.1 mm.; on Solidago juncea and Rudbeckia laciniata; Y-160-2, -160-1 pulchdla Klug. Subfamily Cimbicinae Body cylindrical (Fig. 14), tapering uniformly caudad, apparently glabrous, pro thorax narrowed; segmentation indistinct; annulation fine, 7, (2, 3, 4), (1, 5, 6), annulets 2, 4, and 7 microscopically setiferous; thoracic legs normal in form, with five segments, femur slightly longer than tibia; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10, divided into two unequal lobes on the distal surface, few setae on the dorso-caudal aspect, and none on the cephalic aspect as viewed from side; tenth abdominal tergum with- out suranal protuberances; suranal and subanal lobes with several short setae; head large, rather thickly setiferous, normal in form; labrum sub- divided by diverging depression into median lobe and two lateral lobes, sometimes asymmetrical; antennae with a single segment, button-like but chitinized; ventral glands wanting; glandubae microscopic or minute and stalked, sometimes distinct conical tubercles; spiracles distinctly winged; conspicuous spiracular glands located dorsad of each spiracle of abdominal segments 2-8; cuticle microscopically and densely spinulate or verrucose; mouth-parts normal in form, maxillary and labial palpi rather slender, galea very thick, curved mesad at distal end, sericos large, distinctly chitinized, pear-shaped, U-shaped, or V-shaped; stipes with a distinct triangular projection on the dorsal or cephalic margin; body covered with waxy bloom in life; larvae ejecting yellowish fluid from spiracular glands when disturbed; free leaf-feeders, sometimes semigregarious. The Cimbicinae is a small compact subfamily consisting of few genera and a limited number of species in the Nearctic region. Systematists are in accord in the general conception of the group, but Konow includes the Perginae in his subfamily Cimbicini. Cimbex americana, with its several varieties, is a well-known representative of this subfamily. 383] LARVAE OF THE TENTH REDINOIDEA—YU ASA 65 GENERA OF CIMBICINAE 1(4) Body in general whitish, without minute colored spots 2. 2(3) Dorsum of body with a black median stripe Cimbex Olivier. 3(2) Dorsum of body without a black median stripe Trichiosoma Leach. 4(1) Body in general not whitish, but with minute colored spots Abia Leach. Cimbex Olivier Larvae very large, distinctly robust, largest of all saw-fly larvae, 40-50 mm. in length; body whitish with a distinct dorso-mesal black line; labrum distinctly asymmetrical, dextral portion larger than sinistral, median cephalic or ventral emargination distinct and deep; body with distinct minute warts or conical glandubae, cuticle microscopically verrucose; spiracular glands semicircular; sericos of labium pear-shaped with its nar- row neck directed dorsad or cephalad; lateral lobes small but prominent with several conical tubercles; maxillary palpi, 2, 4, 3, 1; labial palpi, 1, 2; antennae mound-like, wider than high Cimbex amerkana Leach. — Length, 50 mm.; head, 5 mm. wide; head white, creamy, microscopically brownish verrucose; black median stripe on dorsum extending from prothorax to the middle of eighth abdominal segment; conical tubercles or glandubae on sublateral lobes larger than elsewhere and 4-7 in number; larvae solitary; on willow, elm, poplar, maple, alder, linden, etc.; Y-68, -8, -182, M-99. Trichiosoma Leach Larvae very large, somewhat slender, entirely white; labrum slightly asymmetrical, right side larger than sinistral, median ventral emargina- tion deep, but not reaching the median lobe; body not warty; glandu- bae microscopic, stalked, arising from very low swellings; cuticle micro- scopically verrucose; spiracular glands semicircular; sericos of labium U-shaped, narrower on dorsal or cephalic end; lateral lobes not prominent, without conical tubercles; maxillary palpi 2, 4, 3, 1; labial palpi, 1, 2; antennae conical, longer than wide. Trichiosoma sp. — Length, 38 mm. ; width of head, 4 mm. ; head creamy white, body whitish; solitary; on willow, poplar, alder, wild cherry; M-78, -44. Abia Leach Larvae large, rather plump, greenish or grayish green with minute yellowish or blackish spots; labrum symmetrical, median ventral emargi- nation only slightly indicated, broad; body without warts or tubercles; cuticle microscopically and densely spinulate; glandubae stalked and minute, not arising from swellings; spiracular glands semicircular; sericos of labium V-shaped, widest at dorsal or cephalic end; sublateral lobes 66 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [384 inconspicuous, with several glandubae; maxillary palpi, (4, 2) 3, 1; labial palpi with segments subequal; antennae conical, usually as wide as long. SPECIES OF ABIA 1(2) Body with a broad dorso-mesal yellowish stripe between subdorsal lines; dorsum above supraspiracular lines shaded brownish gray; head brownish gray except front, genae, clypeus, and labrum which are lighter; ocellarae white; body dorsad of supraspiracular lines shaded grayish or brownish, venter pale whitish-green; dorsum between subdorsal lines yellowish white; body with four rows of minute black spots; middorsal row with a large spot on annulet 7 and a smaller spot on annulets 2 and 4; subdorsal row with a large spot on annulet 7, with a bright yellow spot between two black spots mentioned above; supraspiracular row with a spot on annulets 2 and 4 and a very small spot on annulet 7; subspiracular row with a spot at the ventral ends of annulets 3 and 4; a yellow spot caudad of each spiracle; length, 26 nam.; width of head, 2.7 mm.; on honeysuckle; semigregarious; Y-8.13 americana Cresson. 2(1) Body with a broad dorso-mesal yellowish stripe between subdorsal lines; dorsum above supraspiracular lines not shaded brownish-gray, but body generally greenish . . 3. 3(4) Pedal line without distinct more or less continuous smoky brownish gray band; black spots directly ventrad of spiracles never present; second annulet without minute but distinct spots dorsad of lateral large spots; head grayish brown except front, genae, and clypeus, labrum lighter; ocellarae white; body entirely grayish green, dorsum between subdorsal lines concolorous with other parts, the dorso-meson with a narrow yellomsh line; five rows of minute black spots: meso-dorsal row with a larger spot on annulet 7 and a smaller spot on annulets 2 and 4; subdorsal row with a larger spot on annulet 7 und very minute and often obscure spot on annulet 2, and larger, distinct, often subdivided, spot on annulet 4, the latter two nearer to meson than the regular subdorsal spots; lateral row with a large spot between annulets 2 and 3; supraspiracular row with a smaller spot on annulets 4 and 7; subspiracular with a larger spot at the ventral end of annulets 3 and 4; a bright yellow spot between mesal and subdorsal black spots on annulet 7; length, 28 mm.; width of head, 2.8 mm.; on Triosleum aurantiac-nm; Y-8.13-2, M-196 inflata Norton. 4(3) Pedal line with distinct, more or less continuous smoky brownish gray band; black spots directly ventrad of spiracles always present, at least on majority of segments; one or two minute black spots on second annulet dorsad of large lateral spots always present; length, 30 mm.; width of head, 2.9 mm.; on honeysuckle; Y-104, G-583, both from Urbana, 111. ; larvae resemble A . inflata in markings and general appearance but differ as above Abia sp. 1. Subfamily Hoplocampinae Larvae (Fig. 15) small; body cylindrical, slender; segmentation and annulation sometimes obsolete; third abdominal segment with four or five annulets, annulets 2 and 3 or 2 and 4 setiferous or all annulets glabrous; larvapods present on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10, glabrous or setiferous, sometimes very rudimentary; ventral glands usually present on the meson of abdominal segments 1-7; body greenish or yellowish, striped or spotted or without any markings; tenth abdominal tergum with or without suranal protuberances, if present, often more than two in number; antennae 385J LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 67 conical, with five segments, or flattened, with four, sometimes apparently with three; larvae free leaf -feeders and borers in fruits or petioles of leaves. The Hoplocampinae as defined by MacGillivray contains at present five genera, Marlattia, Hoplocampa, MacGillivrayella, Hemichroa, and Craterocercus, and represents, together with Dineurinae, a series in which the anal veins have been modified before the loss of the radial cross-vein. Formerly Rohwer (1910, 1911a, 1913b) considered Hoplocampa and MacGillivrayella as constituting a subfamily Hoplocampinae but later (1918c) he abandoned this idea and united these genera with six other genera and subgenera to form the tribe Hemichroini of his subfamily Nematinae, as others have done. With the exception of two genera, Platycampus and Anoplonyx, Rohwer's tribe Hemichroini becomes coextensive with our Hoplocampinae. Cameron (1883) considered this subfamily as forming "a connecting link between the Selandrides and Nematides." There are reasons for indicating a close relation between this subfamily and Nematinae. A study of the larvae confirms the con- tention of Rohwer (1918c) that the grouping of Caliroa and Phyllotoma with the Hoplocampinae, as was done by Konow and Enslin, is untenable. It must be stated here that since only three genera, each represented by a single species, were available for this study, the preceding definition of the subfamily is necessarily incomplete. GENERA OF HOPLOCAMPINAE 1(2) Tenth abdominal tergum without caudal protuberances Marlattia Ashmead, 2(1) Tenth abdominal tergum with caudal protuberances 3. 3(4) Caudal protuberances more than two in number; larvapods well developed; third abdominal segment with five annulets; free leaf-feeders Hemichroa Stephens, 4(3) Caudal protuberances two in number on caudal projection; larvapods rudimentary; third abdominal segment with four aimulets; leaf-petiole borer. Caulocampiis Rohwer. Hemichroa Stephens Larvae small, greenish; length less than 18 mm.; body slender, tapering uniformly caudad; third abdominal segment with five annulets 2 and 4 setiferous; tenth abdominal tergum with several conical caudal protuber- ances on its caudal margin; antennae distinctly conical, with five segments, as long as the longest diameter of antennaria; antennal segment 1 cres- centic, dorsal in position, extending nearly the entire length of antennaria, segment 2 complete or incomplete, reduced to mere line on cephalic aspect, segments 3 and 4 ring-like tho reduced in length on cephalic portion, segment 5 conical or peg-like, bluntly pointed at apex; thoracic legs with tibia subequal in length to femur; larvapods glabrous; spiracles faintly winged; glandubae distinct and large; larvae free leaf -feeders. Hemichroa dyari Rohwer. — Larvae yellowish green; length, 16 mm.; head blackish; body with blackish dorso-lateral lines and interrupted 68 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [386 blackish lines on subspiracular and pedal lines; tenth abdominal tergum with six to seven conical protuberances, suffused with brown; surpedal and subspiracular lobes with two setae and two glandubae; glandubae with diameter twice that of anal setae; annulation, (1, 2, 4) 3, 5; on alder; Y-39- -1-1,-8.73 (?) -l,-8.73(?)-2, C-8. Marlattia Ashmead Larvae comparatively very small, greenish, with or without stripes or spots; body cylindrical, tapering caudad; third abdominal segment with five annulets, annulets apparently glabrous; tenth abdominal seg- ment without caudal protuberances; antennae with four segments, flat- tened; segment 1 small, incomplete; segments 2 and 3 complete but reduced to narrow line on cephalic aspect; segment 4 minute, mamma- like; head sparsely setiferous, setae increasing in length on the lower portion; thoracic legs normal in form, tibia subequal in length to femur; lar- vapods with a few setae; spiracles minute, unwinged; glandubae micro- scopic. Marlattia laricis Marlatt. — Head pale yellowish, body greenish with faint subdorsal lines; third abdominal segment with five annulets, (1, 2) 4, 3, 5; larvapods with three setae; suranal lobe with a few setae on caudo- ventral aspect; small larvae, length, 10 mm.; M-57. Caulocampus Rohwer Larvae very small; length less than 10 mm.; body subcylindrical, taper- ing at prothorax, constricted suddenly on the ultimate segment, not spotted or striped, but whitish, sparsely and microscopically setiferous; third abdominal segment with four annulets, annulets 2 and 3 with very minute setae; thoracic legs minute, with five segments, tibia longer than femur; abdominal segments 2-7 with rudimentary larvapods represented by spinulate swellings; tenth abdominal tergum much smaller in diameter than preceding segments, strongly converging caudad, caudal margin produced and chitinized, a pair of minute brownish caudal protuberances on the caudal margin of the projection; head small, sparsely and minutely setiferous; ocellarae represented by pigmented spots, distinct, ring-like, ocularia wanting; antennae apparently with three segments, conical, seg- ments 1 and 2 incomplete, segment 3 slender, peg-like; mouth-parts normal and conspicuous tho small; spiracles not winged; glandubae obsolete; in young specimens dorsum of abdominal segments 1-7, with a pair of protuberances on annulet 2; larvae borers in leaf -petiole. This genus is monotypic and unique in the reduction of larvapods and ocellarae and in the possession of modified caudal projection on the ultimate segment with rudimentary caudal protuberances. In this last 387] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 69 character the larvae of this genus resemble those of certain species of Pontania. The modifications of the body are undoubtedly correlated with the boring habit of the larvae. MacGillivray still considers this genus as without question belonging to the Cladiinae, but Rohwer regards it as belonging to his tribe Hemichroini. It is dealt with here under the Hop- locampinae because the larvae more closely resemble larvae of this sub- family than they do those of the Cladiinae. Caulocampiis acericauUs MacGillivray. — Length, 8 mm.; width of head, .8 mm.; head light brown, body straw-yellow; resembles larvae of weevils in general appearance; mouth-parts normal in form; in young specimens head yellowish and body whitish; annulation, 2, 1, 3, 4; maxillary palpi, 3, 2, 1, 4, segments brown, slender; galea digit-like, very small; thoracic legs with very small tibiae, tibia subequal in length to maxillary palpus; tenth abdominal tergum with many minute setae evenly and promiscu- ously scattered, not concentrated on subanal lobe; larvae bore into the petioles of maple-leaves; Y (generosity of Dr. W. E. Britton, New Haven, Conn.). Subfamily Dineurinae Larvae small; body subcylindrical, flattened on venter or cylindrical, usually tapering toward the caudal end, greenish or yellowish, often with dorsum darker, never with bright-colored markings; glabrous or setiferous; head small, light greenish or yellowish, never with distinct markings; ocellarae blackish; mouth-parts usually brownish; thorax wider than the remainder of body, thoracic legs well-developed, caudal pairs larger than the cephalic, directed laterad; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10, sometimes rudimentary; intersegmental coria often distinct and whitish; larvae feed on under side or upper side of leaves, eating the parenchymatous layers only or feeding on edges of leaves or mining in the leaves; ultimate stage glabrous and yellowish; pupation in single-layered parchment-like cocoons in the ground; some species with nauseating odor. The Dineurinae as limited by MacGillivray contains three genera, Dineura, Mesoneura, and Pseudodineura, and includes not over twenty- five species, which are mostly distributed in Europe and North America. This subfamily resembles in wing-type the Hoplocampinae. Systematists do not agree in the exact position of the small European genus Pseudo- dineura. Konow would place Dineura in his tribe Nematides but both Mesoneura and Pseudodineura in his tribe Blennocampides. Rohwer, on the other hand, would associate Dineura and Mesoneura in his tribe Nematini, and is not quite certain whether Pseudodineura also belongs to this tribe or not. Cameron, who described the larva of Pseudodineura parvulus under the name of Dineura despeda, altho aware of the differences 70 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [388 between this species and its allies and other species of Dineura, hesitated to agree with Thompson in associating it with Blennocampa. The vena- tion certainly indicates close relationship between Dineura and Pseudo- dineura. The latter is characterized in its larval stages by the leaf-mining habit and structural modifications due to this mode of life, altho appar- ently these do not constitute very striking distinctions if one may judge from published records. Since previous authors failed to study the structures of the head more carefully, and since these are of great taxonomic im- portance, and also on account of the discrepancy between the larval habits of the three genera in question, it is impossible to pass judgment on their affinity until more is known with regard to their larval structures and habits, particularly in the case of Pseudondineura. The life history of the subfamily has been recorded by Girard, Cameron, and Brischke and Zaddach. The larvae of the American species are un- known, and as none of the European species have been available for study the definition of the Dineurinae here given is tentative, and is based on descriptions and figures published by Cameron (1882) and by Brischke and Zaddach (1883). Subfamily Cladiinae Larvae (Fig. 16) of small to medium size; body rather flattened, wider than high, slightly tapering caudad, conspicuously hairy, greenish or with segmen tally arranged spots on dorsum darkly shaded; segmentation and annulation usually distinct; third abdominal segment with four annulets, annulets 1, 2, and 3 setiferous, setae, especially on annulets 2 and 3, arising from wart-like tubercles, long, often curved, always microscopically barbed, never branched, some of the setae distinctly longer than others; annulet 4 narrow and glabrous; larvapods present on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10 well developed, long, distal portion often dilated, appearing as if subdivided, often curved mesad, always with few setae; ventral glands small but always present on abdominal segments 1-7; tenth abdominal tergum without caudal protuberances but with many setae of varying length; thoracic legs spreading flat laterad; femur with a ventro-distal projection, subequal in length to tibia; antennae with four segments, subconical, large; segment 1 complete or incomplete, segment 2 complete, thicker, dorsal or caudo-dorsal portion with clear spaces, segment 3 smaller and narrower than segment 2, segment 4 minute, conical; spiracles never winged; glandu- bae small or obsolete; sericos usually very wide, occupying nearly four- fifths of the width of the totaglossa; larvae external leaf -feeders. The Cladiinae is a small subfamily and according to MacGillivray consists oi six genera; Anoplonyx, Platycampus, Priophorus, Cladius, and Trichiocampus. The first three genera are placed in the tribe Hemichroini of his subfamily Nematinae by Rohwer (1911, 1918), who states that 389] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 71 "the characters of both the adult and the larva pomt out subfamily difference between Caulocampus and Priophorus" and that the former superficially resembles Hoplocampa in all stages but is really related to Craterocerus. The diflference of opinion is due to the different value placed by these two writers on the presence or absence of the radial cross- vein in differentiating the subfamilies. The genus Caulocampus has been discussed in connection with the Hoplocampinae because the larvae of this genus are very different from those of the Cladiinae both morphologically and biologically and because they are more naturally associated with the larvae of the Hoplocampinae. Anoplonyx is represented in the Neartic region by a single species. Platycampus includes four American species, two of which have been recognized in the immature stages. P. americana feeds on Populus and P. juniperi on juniper. None of these larvae have been examined. GENERA OF CLADIINAE 1(2) Body spotted, with a row of blackish or brownish spots on subdorsal, supraspiracular or subspiracular lines; setae usually recurved exceedingly long, longest ones longer than one-half the height of the head; annulet 1 usually with one seta on each side of meson Trichiocampus Hartig. 2(1) Body never spotted; setae usually straight, long, but the longest ones never distinctly longer than half the height of the head; annulet 1 always with more than one seta on each side of meson, usually with four to six setae 3. 3(4) Head with spots, usually with blackish patches on dorso-meson of vertex and caudad of each ocellara; body dorsad of spiracular lines usually shaded darker than the venter; body sometimes pinkish; postsupraspiracular tubercles usually with three setae, never with more than four Priophorus Dahlbom. 4(3) Head never with spots, usually uniformly greenish; body dorsad of spiracular lines never shaded darker but concolorous with venter; body never pinkish but greenish yellow or whitish; postsupraspiracular tubercles usually with six setae, never with less than four Cladius Rossi. Trichiocampus Hartig Larvae small to moderately large, length from 10 to 25 mm., distinctly hairy, with segmentally arranged spots; body with a longitudinal row of blackish or brownish spots along subdorsal, supraspiracular, or subspiracu- lar lines; annulet 4 shortest, annulet 1 usually with one and sometimes two setae on each half of body, annulet 2 with tubercles bearing 2-5 setae, annulet 3 with three warts, two dorsal ones bearing 4-5 setae and ventral one with 6-9 setae, postspiracular tubercle usually with two setae, sub- spiracular lobe v/ith 8-9 setae, surpedal lobe with 6-10 setae; setae usually recurved, variable in length, longest setae nearly subequal in length to the height of head; warts or tubercles with setae of varying length, those on annulet 1 among the shortest. 72 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [390 SPECIES OF TRICHIOCAMPUS 1(2) Body with three pairs of longitudinal rows of blackish or brownish segmentally arranged spots along subdorsal, supraspiracular, and subspiracular lines; tenth abdominal tergum not entirely black but white except a pair of minute spots; head light brown with brownish spots, with following parts dark brown : dorso-meson of vertex, dorsal two-thirds of front, and vertex dorso-caudad of each ocellara including gena; preclypeus whitish, other parts pale, including occiput between vertical furrows; a row of brownish spots from mesothoracic to ultimate segment along each side of dorso-meson; a row of larger spots along supraspiracular line from prothoracic to penultimate segments; another row of much smaller spots along subspiraciJar lines from mesothoracic to eighth abdominal segment; mesothoracic and metathoracic subspiracular spots more than twice as large as supraspiracular spots of same seg- ments; the former with circular white areas around the proximal end of setae; prothoracic supraspiracular spots small and indistinct; third abdominal segment with following setal map: 1, 3, 5, 1, 2, 5, 4, 8, 9-10, 8-9; tenth abdominal tergum white, except a pair of minute spots; subdorsal spots not involving tubercles 2 and 3; supraspiracular spot involving tubercles 4 and 5; subspiracular spot on caudal half of subspiracular tubercle; maxillary palpi (2, 3), 1, 4; head in younger specimens black- ish except near the mouth; body without spots; in older specimens, supraspiracular spots appear first, then subspiracular, beginning with caudal segments, setae on tuber- cles sometimes one or two less than in mature specimens; on Populus; length of body, 12 mm.; width of head, 1.5-1.6 mm.; G-Onekama and Orono on oak, length of body, 13 mm.; width of head, 1.7 mm., M-207. (The latter resembles the former so closely and indistinguishably, altho its setae may be slightly fewer in number, that they are considered as identical.) />aeiw/i« MacGillivray. 2(1) Body with two pairs of longitudinal rows of blackish or brownish segmentally arranged spots along supraspiracular and subspiracular lines; tenth abdominal tergum entirely black; head blackish, with paler areas 3. 3(4) Mesothoracic supraspiracular spots subequal in size to subspiracular spots; supra- spiracular spots of abdominal segments not involving postsupraspiracular tubercles; prothoracic supraspiracular spots minute and indistinct; preclypeus, labrum, and genae blackish; metathoracic subspiracular spots with minute but distinct circular whitish areas around proximal end of setae; head blackish, paler along vertical furrows, epicranial arms, and postclypeus; body with a row of blackish spots from mesothoracic to penultimate segment along supraspiracular and subspiracular lines; tenth abdominal tergum black; third abdominal segment with the following setal map: 1, 3, 3, 0, 2, 4, 4, 5-6, 8-9, 6-8; subspiracular spot involving few setae directly ventrad of spiracles; head in younger specimens entirely blackish and spots on subspiracular lines wanting; maxillary palpi, (2, 3), 1, 4; length of body, 18 mm.; width of head, 1.3 mm.; on SalLx; Y-151-1-1,-151-1-3; M-100,-261. (The specimens in the Maine collection are practically identical with my specimens except in the number of setae on subspiracular and surpedal lobes, which may exceed the number given byoneor two) /lo/cAice MacGillivray. 4(3) Mesothoracic supraspiracular spots not subequal to but distinctly larger, twice or more, than subspiracular spots; supraspiracular spots of abdominal segments in- volving postsupraspiracular tubercles; prothoracic supraspiracular spots large and distinct; preclypeus, labrum, and genae not blackish but pale brown; metathoracic subspiracular spots without minute but distinct whitish circular areas around the proximal end of setae; head black, paler along vertical furrows, epicranial arms, clypeus, labrum, and genae; body with a row of blackish or brownish spots from prothorax to penultimate segment along supraspiracular and subspiracular lines: 391 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA — YUASA 73 tenth abdominal tergum black; third abdominal segment with the following seta I map: 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 4-5, 7-8, 8-9, 9-10; mesothoracicsupraspiracular spot more than twice as large as subspiracular spot; prothoracic supraspiracular spots moderately large and distinct; subspiracular spot involving few setae in caudal portion of sub- spiracular tubercle; mesothoracic and metathoracic subspiracular spots without circu- lar whitish areas around the proximal end of setae; maxillary palpi usually 3, 2, 1, 4; head in young specimens pale brownish, with a row of very smaU supraspiracular spots; head in older larvae blackish, body spotted like mature specimens but spots smaller; on Populus; length of body, 21-23 mm.; width of head, 2-2.1 mm.; Y-172-1-1. Trichiocampus sp. 1. Priophorus Dahlbom Larvae small, hairy; length less than 17 mm.; body with dorsal half, at least in part, usually with grayish or olivaceous shade; never with spots; annulet 1 with a transverse row of several setae; annulet 2 with two warts, each bearing 4-5 setae; annulet 3 with three warts, dorsal two bearing 5-6 setae each, ventral with 8-10 setae; postsupraspiracular wart usually with three setae; subspiracular lobe with 12-15 setae and sur- pedal lobe with 6-9; setae usually more or less straight, usually of two dififerent lengths, longer ones usually less than one-half the height of the head; warts bearing setae of two varying lengths, those on annulet 4 being among the shortest setae. SPECIES OF PRIOPHORUS 1(2) Front with a distinct blackish or fuscous spot; vertex with a dorso-mesal fuscous spot occupying nearly the entire space between vertical furrows; body never pinkish but whitish; head caudad of ocellarae fuscous; body dorsad of spiracular lines from meso- thorax to penultimate segment olivaceous or grayish, color becoming dilute on caudal segments; third abdominal segment with following setal map: 4-5, 4, 5, 1, 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 8-9; maxillary palpi 2, (3, 4), 1; in younger specimens dorsal grayish shade con- fined to cephalic segments; on hazel; length, 15 mm.; width of head, 1.5 mm.; M-109. modestius MacGiUivray. 2(1) Front without a distinct blackish or fuscous spot, but with a light or pale brown spot; vertex with a dorso-mesal fuscous or blackish spot, not nearly occupying the entire space between vertical furrows; body sometimes pinkish; not on hazel 3. 3(4) Head brown ; vertex with blackish spot occupjing about one-half the distance between vertical furrows; body pinkish; head with blackish spot caudad of ocellarae; dorsum of mesothorax to first abdominal segment shaded gray, prothorax whitish; tliird abdominal segment with the following setal map: 5, 4, 4, 1, 3, 5, 5, 10, 10-12, 6-2; maxillary palpi, 2, (3, 4), 1; in younger specimens body whitish; length, 14 mm.; width of head, 1.2 mm.; on SalLx; Y-154-1-2 palliolatus MacGillivray.* 4(3) Head pale brown; vertex on dorso-meson with blackish spot occupying two-thirds the distance between vertical furrows; spot also caudad of ocellarae; body not pinkish but whitish, dorsad of spiracular lines from mesothorax to penultimate *This species was described as Trichiocampus palliolatus n. sp. by Dr.MacGillivray in the Entomological News, vol. XXXII, 1921, page 49, but the characters of the larva place it in the genus Priophorus. Upon reexamination of the adult specimens. Dr. MacGillivray agrees with me in the change I here make. 74 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (392 segment distinctly and uniformly olivaceous-gray; third abdominal segment with following setal map: 5-6, 5, 5, 1-2, 3, 6, 6, 10, 15, 8-9; maxillary palpi, 2, 3, (4, 1); in younger specimens black spots on head larger and olivaceous shade on dorsum of body restricted to cephalic segments; length, 16 mm.; width of head, 1.6 mm.; on Prunus virginicus; Y-138-3. (This species resembles P. solitaris according to Dyar's description but the latter feeds on Alnus, Prlophorus sp. 1. Cladius Rossi Larvae rather small; length less than 15 mm.; body slightly flattened, greenish or yellowish green; never with spots or shaded on dorsal half; annu- let 1 with a transverse row of several setae, annulet 2 with two warts bearing 5-6 setae, annulet 3 with three warts, dorsal two bearing 6-7 setae, ventral with 10 setae; postsupraspiracular tubercles with 5-6 setae; subspiracular lobe with 14-17 setae, surpedal lobe with 10 setae; setae usually straight, usually of two lengths, longer ones less than half the height of head; setae on annulet 1 among the shortest. Cladius pectinicornis Fourcroy. — Length, 12-14 mm.; head pale brown- ish or yellowish, microscopically verrucose, with brownish spots; front touched with light brown; body hairy, uniformly greenish or greenish yellow; third abdominal segment with the following setal map: 5-6, 5, 6, 1, 5-6, 6, 7, 10, 14-17, 10; maxillary palpi, (2, 3), 1, 4; on Rosa; Y-3, M-244. Subfamily Nematinae Larvae (Fig. 18) small to moderately large; body cylindrical, slender, or abdomen increasing in diameter; segmentation and annulation usually distinct; third abdominal segment with 4, 5 or 6 annulets, annulets 1, 2, 3, or 1, 2, 4, or more usually 2 and 4, setiferous; larvapods present on abdom- inal segments 2-7 and 10, setiferous or sometimes glabrous; ventral glands present on the meson of abdominal segments 1-7; thoracic legs normal in form; body uniformly greenish or darker colored, striped or spotted, tuberculate, setiferous or smooth; antennae with four segments, conical, subconical, limpet-shaped, or flattened; antennal segments sometimes incomplete or in part fused together; tenth abdominal tergum with or without a pair of caudal protuberances; glandubae sometimes distinct, conspicuous, and stalked; spiracles winged or not; larvae free leaf -feeders, gall-makers, and leaf-rollers. The Nematinae is a large subfamily of several genera and numerous species and is characterized by the coalescence of the cells 2d A and 3d A due to the atrophy of the free part of the 3d anal vein. The absence of the radial cross-vein and the cell 1st 2d A distinguishes the adults of this subfamily from those of the Hoplocampinae and Cladiinae respectively. Rohwer (1912), who would unite the Nematinae, Hoplocampinae, and three genera of the Cladiinae in one subfamily, Nematinae, states that the 393] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 75 subfamily contains two types of larvae and that most of the aberrant larvae belong to his tribe Hemichroini. It may be pointed out that the Nema- tinae as defined by MacGillivray also contains two types of larvae, which are separable on the presence or absence of the caudal protuberances on the ultimate segment. There are, however, other morphological and biological characters of the larvae which suggest that this subfamily con- tains a number of genera of wide diversity, and that such genera as Ptero- nidea and Pontania might profitably be subdivided into more genera. GENERA OF NEMATINAE 1(18) Tenth abdominal tergum without caudal protuberances 2. 2(11) Antennae conical or subcorneal, antenna! segments 2 and 3 always complete, segment 4 peg-like or conical, at least as long as wide at proximal end; third abdominal segment always with six annulets 3. 3(4) Annulets 2 and 4 glabrous; larvapods glabrous; glandubae obsolete; thoracic legs with coxae in part always colored brownish Nematus Panzer. 4(3) Annulets 2 and 4 not glabrous; larvapods usually not glabrous; glandubae usually not obsolete; thoracic legs with coxae usually in part not colored 5. 5(6) Antennae with segment 3 ring-like, its cephalic portion subequal in length to caudal portion, segment 2 complete, its cephalic portion not reduced to a mere line; body increasing in diameter to abdominal segments 5-6; spiracles usually winged; larva- pods glabrous or with 2-4 or more setae as viewed from lateral aspect PrisHphora Latreille. 6<5) Antennae with segment 3 not ring-like, its cephalic portion not subequal in length to caudal portion; segment 2 usually complete but its cephalic portion reduced to a mere line 7. 7(8) Body increasing in diameter to abdominal segments 5-6, not uniformly cylindrical; spiracles usually winged; larvapods with 4-6 setae as viewed from lateral aspect. Diphadnus Hartig. 8(7) Body not increasing in diameter to abdominal segments 5-6 but uniformly cylindrical; spiracles never winged; larvapods with 1-2 setae as viewed from lateral aspect 9. 9(10) Thorax distinctly swollen; head pale brownish green; maxillary palpi with segment 2 as long on its lateral aspect as on its mesal aspect; legs with femur and tibia con- colorous with body, whitish; body with dorsum not shaded bluish green Pkronidea Rohwer (in part). 10(9) Thorax never distinctly swollen; head not pale brownish green but blackish; maxillary palpi with segment 2 three times as long on its lateral aspect as on its mesal aspect; legs with femur and tibia not concolorous with body but blackish; body with dorsum shaded bluish green Lygaeonematus Konow. 11(2) Antennae not conical or subcorneal, but flattened; antennal segments 2 and 3 not always complete, segment 4 never peg-like or conical, never as long as wide at proximal end; third abdominal segment not always with six annulets 12. 12(13) Segments with four annulets, annulets 1, 2, and 3 setiferous; gall-makers Pontania Costa (in part). 13(12) Segments with more than four annulets, annulet 1 not setiferous; not gall-makers . . 14. 14(15) Segments with five annulets, annulets 2 and 3 setiferous; antennae with all segments fused together; larvapods with two setae as viewed from lateral aspect; body-setae very long Micronenmlns Konow. 76 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [394 15(14) Segments with five or six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 setiferous; antennae usually not with all segments fused together; larvapods usually with many more than two setae as viewed from lateral aspect; setae on body not very long; glandubae usually conspicuous and stalked 16. 16(17) Segments with six annulets; larvapods with 7-10 setae as viewed from lateral aspect; surpedal areas at least in part always marked with gray; latus of abdomen never with numerous brownish spots; tenth abdominal tergum sometimes distinctly pointed and produced caudad and with many conspicuous glandubae near the caudal margin; larvae usually feeding on monocotyledonous plants. . .Pachynematus Konow. 17(16) Segments with five annulets; larvapods with 3-5 setae as viewed from lateral aspect; surpedal areas not marked with gray; latus of abdomen sometimes with numerous brownish spots; tenth abdominal tergum never distinctly pointed and produced caudad; larvae usually feeding upon willow ^«/aMroMewo/«^ Konow (in part). 18(1) Tenth abdominal tergum with a pair of caudal protuberances 19. 19(20) Gall-makers and leaf-rollers; segments with four annulets; annulets 1, 2, and 3 setiferous; antenae flattened; body setae more than twice as long as spiracles; caudal protuberances normal in form and position or loidimentary or borne on a small caudo-mesal projection, if normal in form and position, the tergum with paired colored markings Pontania Costa (in part) . 20(19) Free leaf-feeders; segments usually with five or sLx annulets, if four, annulets 2 and 4 usually setiferous; antennae conical or flattened 21. 21(22) Antennae conical, segment 2 complete, segment 3 ring-like, its cephalic portion subequal in length to caudal portion; body on latus with eleven conspicuous blackish- brown spots, surpedal and subspiracular areas of abdominal segments 1-9 and venter between larvapods of abdominal segments 2-8 similarly marked; spiracles not winged; caudal protuberances of ultimate segment small, blunt, not longer than wide at proximal end; segments with five or four annulets, with annulets 2 and 3 or 2 and 4 setiferous Croesus Leach. 22 (2 1 ) Antennae conical or flattened ; if conical, segment 3 not ring-like but reduced in length on cephalic aspect; body not marked as in Croesus; spiracles winged or not winged; caudal protuberances of ultimate segments not blunt, minute, but usually much longer than wide at proximal end 23. 23(24) Segments apparently with five annulets; annulets 2 and 3 setiferous; antennae flattened, with segment 3 complete; body-setae subequal in length to spiracles; smaller larvae, length, 13-15 mm Amauroncmatus Konow (in part). 24(23) Segments with four or six annulets; annulets 2 and 4, rarely 1, 2, and 3, setiferous; antennae conical or flattened, segment 3 complete or incomplete; body-setae often longer than the length of abdominal spiracles; small to moderately large larvae, length, 15-23 mm Pteronidea Rohwer (in part). DiPHADNUS HARTIG Larvae small, greenish; length less than 14 mm.; body cylindrical, in- creasing in size to abdominal segments 5-6, tapering at each end; thorax not swollen; tenth abdominal tergum without a pair of caudal protuberances; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 setiferous; spiracles distinctly and usually equally winged; head marked with black or brown streaks along epicranial stem and dorsad of ocellarae; somewhat compressed cephalo-caudad; labrum with median emargination broad and deep and with median longitudinal depression; antennae distinctly conical, 395) LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOWEA—YUASA 77 with four segments, segment 1 incomplete, segment 2 usually complete tho reduced to a mere line on cephalic part, segment 3 narrowed on cepha- lic part, segment 4 short, conical, or peg-like; larvapods setiferous, setae 4-6 in number as viewed from lateral aspect; anal larvapods rather large; glandubae sessile; cuticle microscopically spinulate; suranal and subanal lobes with numerous setae; larvae free leaf -feeders. Diphadnus append! culatus Hartig. — Length, 13 mm.; width of head, 1.35 mm.; body green, venter glossy white; tenth abdominal tergum not marked; head greenish white with blackish brown streak along epicranial stem, except near the occiput, and continuing to the dorsal two-thirds of front, vertex dorsad of each ocellara not quite reaching the epicranial suture; surface of head with minute brownish spots; following parts brown: mandibles at apices, antennae, cervical sclerites, coxae at proximal third, tarsal claws, and spiracles; setae minute, with conspicuous calices, blackish; glandubae smaller at distal end than the calyx of seta; larvapods on cephalic and lateral aspects with 4-6 setae and with a single ventral glanduba; annulation, 1, (6, 2), (3, 5), 4; subspiracular lobe with 5-6 setae and without glandubae; surpedal lobe with about 4 setae and one subsessile glanduba; on gooseberry; Y-158, -159, M-128. Pristiphora Latreille Larvae small, greenish; length less than 15 mm.; body cylindrical usually slightly enlarged at abdominal segments 5-6, tapering at each end; thorax not swollen; tenth abdominal tergum without the paired caudal protuberances; third abdominal tergum with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 microscopically setiferous, setae sometimes obsolete; annulet 1 always longest and annulet 3 and 4 always shortest; spiracles usually winged, caudal wing usually much smaller than cephalic; head marked usually with a blackish or brownish streak along epicranial stem, surface with minute brown spots; labrum with distinct mesal emargination and longitudinal depression; antennae conical or limpet-shaped, usually with four distinct segments, segment 1 always minute, incomplete on caudal side, segment 2 complete, but usually narrower on cephaUc side, segment 3 uniform in length, segment 4 short, conical; larvapods usually glabrous and with a single ventral glanduba, if setiferous, setae microscopic, 2-4 in number as viewed from side; anal larvapods rather conspicuous, glandu- bae sessile or stalked; cuticle microscopically spinulate, suranal and subanal lobes with numerous setae; tenth abdominal tergum as seen from side notched dorsad of suranal lobe; free leaf-feeders. SPECIES OF PRISTIPHORA 1(8) Larvapods setiferous; antennae always conical; head always with a brownish streak dorsad of each ocellara; spiracles always with cephalic wing distinctly larger than 78 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS |396 caudal wing; setae with calices surrounded by minute brownish areas; glandubae always sessile, sometimes microscopic, diameter never more than half the diameter of calices of setae 2. 2(3) Glandubae minute but distinct, about one-third as large as calices of setae or micros- copic in smaller specimens; annulation, 1, (5, 6), 2, 3, 4; subspiracular area with 3-4 setae; surpedal area with 3-4 setae; larvapods with 2-4 setae as viewed from side; head light brownish-green, marked with fuscous streaks on both sides of entire length of epicranial stem, front with dorsal two-thirds light brown; following parts light brown: labrum, antennae, mandibles, cervical sclerites, tarsal claws, and spir- cles; body greenish, caudal segments pinkish or bluish, dorsal vessel dark green with distinct fine white line on eash side; Length, 14 mm.; on Salix; Y- 143-2-2,-155, M-96. murtfddtiae Marlatt. 3(2) Glandubae microscopic, difficult to detect 4. 4(5) Second annulet of abdominal segments always longer than either fifth or sixth annulet; larvapods with about two setae as viewed from side; subspiracular areas with 4-5 setae, surpedal areas with 4 setae; annulation, 1, (5, 6), 2, 4, 3; on birch; M-24 Prisliphora sp, 1. 5(4) Second annulet of abdominal segments always shorter than either annulet 5 or 6; larvapods with 1-2 or 2-4 setae as viewed from side; subspiracular areas with four setae; on alder or willow 6. 6(7) Larvapods with 1-2 setae as viewed from side; annulation 1, 2, (4, 5, 6), 3; surpedal areas with 3-5 setae; body green, cylindrical; head pale brownish-green, marked with brown streak along entire length of epicranial stem and dorsal two-thirds of front and vertex, narrowly dorsad of each ocellara; following parts brown: antennae, labrum, mandibles, maxillary palpi, cervical sclerites, tarsal claws, and spiracles; antennae conical, segment 4 short, conical; spiracle with cephalic wing distinctly longer than caudal; setae without brown areas surrounding calices; glandubae minute, sessile, microscopic; M-74 Pristiphora sp. 2. 7(6) Larvapods with 2-4 setae as viewed from side; surpedal areas with 3-5 setae; annula- tion, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3; on wolly willow; M-90 Pristiphora sp. 3. 8(1) Larvapods glabrous; antennae conical or limpet-shaped; head with or without a dark I streak dorsad of each ocellara; spiracles winged or not winged, if winged, wings subequal in size, or cephalic wings larger than caudal; setae usually with calices surrounded by minute but distinct brownish areas; glandubae sessile or stalked, sometimes microscopic 9. 9(10) Head distinctly and uniformly brownish; spiracles indistinctly winged; all setae ventrad of subdorsal lines with calices surrounded by minute brownish areas; an- tennae conical; glandubae subequal to calices in diameter; annulation, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4; on birch; M-132 Pristiphora sp. 4. 10(9) Head never distinctly and uniformly brownish 11. 11(12) Body on dorso-meson from prothorax to fifth abdominal segment with a distinct blackish line; spiracles winged, cephalic wings usually larger than caudal; all setae ventrad of subdorsal lines with calices surrounded by minute brownish areas; an- tennae conical; glandubae minute, about half as large as calices in diameter; head with distinct line along epicranial stem; vertex without a dark streak dorsad of each ocellara; annulation, 1, 2, (5, 3, 4, 6) or 1, 2, (3, 4, 5, 6) ; on Prunus; M-128 Prisliphora sp. 5. 12(11) Body on dorso-meson from prothorax to fifth abdominal segment without a distinct blackish line 13. 13(14) Head entirely pale or light brown; vertex without dark streak along epicranial stem, antennae distinctly conical; spiracles winged, wings subequal in size; setae never with 397] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 79 calices surrounded by distinct brownish areas; glandubae probably obsolete, micro- scopic; annulation, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4; on oak; M-20 Pristiphora sp. 6. 14(13) Head never entirely pale or light brown; vertex always with a dark streak along epicranial stem, sometimes indistinct but never entirely wanting 15. 15(22) Spiracles winged ; setae ventrad of spiracular lines with calices surrounded by distinct minute brownish areas; antennae always conical; vertex with or without a dark streak dorsad of each ocellara 16. 16(19) Spiracles with cephalic wings always larger than caudal; glandubae always sessile; glandos microscopic, difficult to detect; setae on latus dorsad of spiracular lines with calices surrounded or not surrounded by distinct brownish areas 17. 17(18) All setae on latus dorsad of spiracular lines with calices surrounded by brownish areas; vertex dorsad of each ocellara with a brownish streak; annulation, 1, (5, 6), 2, 4, 3; body green; head marked as in P. hivittata; length of body, 12-13 mm.; on Salix; M-72 sychophanta Walsh. 18(17) All setae on latus dorsad of spiracular lines with calices not surrounded by brownish areas; vertex dorsad of each ocellara without a brownish streak, uniformly pale; annulation, 1, (2, 5, 6), 4, 3; body enlarged on abdominal segments 5-6, greenish, with dorsal vessel dark green with white line on each side; head greenish with brown- ish streaks along entire length of epicranial stem, expanding on the dorsal half of front; following parts brown: labrum, mandibles, antennae, cervical sclerites, tarsal claws, and spiracles; antennae conical, segment 4 elongate, conical; on Spiraea latifolia and S. iomentosa; M-4 Pristiphora sp. 7. 19(16) Spiracles with wings subequal in size; glandubae stalked ; glandos subequal in diameter to calices; setae on latus dorsad of spiracular lines never withcalices surrounded by distinct brownish areas 20. 20(21) Vertex with a distinct dark streak dorsad of each ocellara ; annulation, 1, 2, (5, 6), 4, 3; length, 16-17 mm.; body cylindrical, increasing in size to abdominal segments 5-6, green, dorsal vessel dark green with fine white line on each side of it; head green, slightly brownish, with fuscous streaks; following parts light brown : dorsal two- thirds of front, labrum, maxillary palpi and galea, labial palpi, and cervical sclerites; follow- ing parts brown: antennae, mandibles, spiracles, glandubae, and setae; antennae conical, distinctly with four setae, segment 4 conical; spiracles with wings; ven- tral glands subequal in size to larvapods; glandos in diameter subequal to or larger than calices of setae; setae on dorsimi very minute; on Spirea; Y, M-14,-88 bivittata Norton. 21 (20) Vertex without a distinct dark streak dorsad of each ocellara; annulation, 1, 2, 6, 5, 3, 4; on Potentilla; M-10 Pristophora sp. 8. 22(15) Spiracles not winged; setae ventrad of spiracular lines never with calices surrounded by distinct minute brownish areas; antennae limpet-shaped, segments indistinguish- ably fused; vertex always with a brown streak dorsad of each ocellara; glandubae sessile; glandos microscopic, difficult to detect; annulation, 1, (2, 5, 6), (3, 4); length 12-13 mm.; body green, with broad dark green dorsal vessel bordered on each side by a fine white line; head greenish brown; setae stifiF, comparatively long, without brown areas surrounding calices; on Geum canadensis; Y -2X2. .Pristiphora sp. 9. MiCRONEMATUS KONOW Larvae small; length less than 15 mm.; body subcylindrical, tapering at both ends; mesothorax distinctly and metathorax slightly swollen; lateral lobes prominent and swollen; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct; third abdominal segment with five annulets, annulets 2 and 80 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (398 3 setiferous; thoracic legs spreading laterad, normal in form; larvapods setiferous, normal in form, except the anal pair, which is reduced in size, only one-half as large as the other pairs; tenth abdominal tergum with- out the paired caudal protuberances; head circular, smaller than thorax in width and height, front flattened; antennae apparently with four seg- ments, flattened, all segments fused together; ventral glands very large; setae sparse, very long; spiracles not winged; suranal and subanal lobes multisetiferous; glandubae subsessile; free leaf-feeders. Konow in 1905 listed three species of Micronematus: abbreviatus, calijornicus, and monogyniae. The second species properly belongs to Diphadnus. Of the two remaining species, M. abbreviatus was recognized in the larval stages a long time ago by Snellen von Vollenhoven (1868). This genus is European and is represented in North America by a single species, Micronematus gregarius Marlatt. That this species does not belong to Pachynematus can be readily seen from the structure and biological characters of the larvae as was suggested by Dyar (1897) in his original description of the immature stages. Three facts distinguish this species from all other known species of Pachynematus: (1) the larva has five annulets instead of six; (2) the anal larvapods are very much reduced in size; and (3) the larva feeds on willow instead of grasses. On the other hand M. gregarius has certain characters in common with M. abbreviatus as recorded by Vollenhoven. Since this species can not be referred to Pachynematus or to any other known American genus, and since it has characters which are peculiar to Micronematus, and since the adult characters, according to Ashmead (1898), would place it in this genus, this species is here considered as belonging to Micronematus. If future study should prove this position untenable, a new genus should be erected, Micronematus gregarious Marlatt. — Length, 12 mm.; body shiny, yellowish white; alimentary canal showing thru as green tube; head pale testaceous with a broad blackish band across the front between ocellarae and a narrow band dorsad of each ocellara to and along vertical furrow; mouth-parts, cervical sclerites, and legs except coriae brownish; abdominal segments 1-8 with postspiracular and subspiracular areas swollen, mound- like, and tinted fuscous; abdominal segments 2-7 with colored postspiracu- lar areas larger than subspiracular areas; those on segments 1 and 8 much smaller; thoracic segments with two colored patches on latus, one larger and more ventral than the other; larvapods with about two setae on the cephalo-lateral aspect; ventral glands nearly three times as large as larva- pods; setae slender, at least twice as long as spiracles; spiracles not winged; subspiracular area with two setae and single glanduba, surpedal area with 3-4 setae and single glanduba; larvae gregarious; on Salix; Y. 399] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 81 Lygaeonematus Konow Larvae comparatively speaking moderately large, length 18-20 mm.; body cylindrical, tapering uniformly and slightly caudad; thorax not swollen; abdomen never swollen; dorsum grayish green and venter pale, head shiny black, only slightly narrower than thorax; antennae conical, with four distinct segments, segment 1 minute, incomplete, and with single sensory pit, segments 2 and 3 narrower on cephalic part than on caudal part, segment 4 conical; labrum with mesal emargination shallow and broad; maxillae with galea larger than labial palpi; maxillary palpi with segment 2 three times as long on lateral margin as on mesal; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulet 1 largest, annulets 2 and 4 setiferous; larvapods well developed, setiferous, with 1-2 setae and single ventral glanduba; glandubae sessile; glandos smaller than calyx of a seta; ventral glands subequal to or larger than larvapods in size; spiracles not winged; tenth abdominal tergum as seen in profile not notched dorsad of suranal lobe and without caudal paired protuberances; setae usually arising from minute fleshy mound-like protuberances; cuticle microscopically spinulate; free leaf-feeders. Lygaeonematus erichsoni Hartig. — Length, 18-20 mm.; body somewhat shiny, greenish gray dorsad of spiracular lines, ventrad of them opaque bluish- white, head black; following parts fuscous to blackish: mouth-parts, cervical sclerites, femur, tibia, and claws; following parts grayish: surpedal areas, coxa, and trochanter in part, swellings between legs, and abdominal surpedal areas faintly; annulation, 1, 2, 6, (3, 5, 4); glandos half as large in diameter as caUces of adjacent setae; surpedal areas on abdomen with 8-10 setae and two glandubae; subspiracular area with 6-7 setae, usually without glandubae; cuticle with distinct microscopic brownish spinulae; on larch; Y-162, M-105, -165. Pachynematus Konow Larvae comparatively speaking moderately large; length, 15-23 mm.; body cyhndrical, tapering uniformly and distinctly caudad; thorax rarely and abdomen never swollen; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 setiferous, annulet 1 longest, annulet 4 usually shortest; tenth abdominal tergum without a pair of caudal protuberance, and without a notch dorsad of suranal lobe as seen in profile; the tergum sometimes produced distinctly caudad and pointed; suranal and subanal lobes with numerous setae; head brownish or greenish, sometimes with fuscous streak along epicranial stem, semiglobose, subequal in width to thorax or only slightly narrower; labrum with median longitudinal depression, cephalic emargination shallow; maxillae with galea always larger than labial palpi, sometimes more than twice as large; antennae with four seg- ments, flattened, never distinctly conical, segment 1 usually minute, in- 82 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [400 complete, segments 2 and 3 with cephalic parts distincty reduced to mere lines, sometimes all four segments fused; larvapods always setiferous, with 8-11 setae on cephalic and lateral aspects and a single ventral glanduba; glandubae conspicuous, cylindro-conical, at least twice as long as wide at proximal end; spiracles usually not winged, if winged, rather indistinctly; setae stiff, brown, arising from fleshy mound-like minute tubercles; in younger specimens third abdominal segment with five annulets, annulets 1, 2, and 3 with stiff brown setae; glandubae obsolete; cuticle microscopi- cally spinulate; larvae usually feed upon grasses. This generic description is based upon two identified and several un- identified species. The known species can be separated as follows: SPECIES OF PACHYNEMATUS Head with narrow fuscous or blackish streak along epicranial stem and vertical furrows; tenth abdominal tergum with a broad fuscous streak on the meson and the caudal margin produced distinctly caudad and bluntly pointed, with many conspicuous glandubae; antennae with four fused segments; annulation, (2, 1), 6, (3, 4, 5); larvapods with 7-9 setae on cephalic and 1 seta on lateral aspect; subspiracular lobe with 5-6 setae and 1-2 glandubae; surpedal lobe with 5-7 setae and 1-3 glandubae; body on dorso-lateral lines with narrow, interrupted longitudinal fuscous, bands; head as wide as thorax; length, 20 mm. width of head, 2 mm.; on Carex; Y-150 subalbalus Norton. Head with narrow fuscous or blackish streak along epicranial stem and vertical furrows; tenth abdominal tergum without a broad fuscous streak on the meson, the caudal margin only slightly produced caudad, rounded, with many glandubae; antennae with four segments not fused; annulation, (1, 2), 6, (3, 4, 5) ; larvapods with about ten setae on cephalic and one se- ta on lateral aspect; subspiracular lobe with about six setae and a single glanduba; surpedal lobe with six setae and three glandubae; head as wide as thorax; length, 16 mm.; width of head, 1.6 mm.; on Carex; Y-177 repertus MacGillivray. Nematus Panzer Larvae comparatively small, length about 10 mm.; body cylindrical, uniform in diameter thruout the entire length excepting the caudal end, where it is tapering, dull green, apparently glabrous; annulation indis- tinct; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets glabrous, formula: 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 4; thoracic legs normal in form; coxa usually fus- cous on proximal half; larvapods small, diminishing in size gradually on the caudal segments, not setiferous; ventral glands subequal in size to larva- pods; tenth abdominal tergum without a pair of caudal protuberances, with a notch dorsad of suranal lobe as seen in profile, caudal margin trun- cate or slightly emarginate on the meson, not produced; suranal lobe with several minute setae on ventral aspect; subanal lobe with moderately numerous minute setae; abdomen with lateral lobes inconspicuously swollen; head circular in outline, rounded in profile on dorsal half, front flattened; ventral half of head with several longer and larger setae; dorsal half nearly glabrous or with microscopic setae; vertex usually with a fuscous 401] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 83 Streak caudad and dorsad of each ocellara; antennae four-segmented, subconical or sublimpet-shaped, sometimes in part fused; segment 1 minute, segments 2 and 3 reduced to mere line on cephalic aspect, segment 4 minute, subconical; mouth-parts and cervical sclerites fuscous to black- ish; maxillary palpi with two distal segments distinctly smaller than segment 2, which is sometimes longer than all the other segments taken together; galea larger than labial palpus; sericos distinct, circular; sub- spiracular and surpedal lobes with a few microscopic setae; glandubae probably microscopic, usually obsolete; spiracles usually winged; cuticle microscopically spinulate; free leaf-feeders. SPECIES OF NEMATUS 1(4) Vertex with a fuscous streak caudad and dorsad of each ocellara; maxillary palpi with segment 2 shorter than all the other segments taken together 2. 2(3) Vertex with fuscous streaks extending dorsad of vertical furrows; antennae with all segments fused and almost completely filling antafossae; spiracles distinctly winged; tenth abdominal tergum with caudal margin shallowly emarginate on the meson; head with dorsal half entirely glabrous ; length, 1 1 mm. ; on oak ; M-21 . . chloreus Norton. 3(2) Vertex with fuscous streaks not extending dorsad of vertical furrows; antennae with all segments distinct, but not nearly completely filling antafossae; spiracles not distinctly winged; tenth abdominal tergum with caudal margin not emarginate on the meson; head with dorsal half sparsely setiferous; length, 9 mm. ; Y-133. Nemalus sp. 1. 4(1) Vertex without a fuscous streak caudad and dorsad of each ocellara; maxillary palpi with segment 2 slightly longer than all the other segments taken together; antennae with four distinct segments; spiracles winged; length, 10.5 mm.; on oak; M-2. Nematus sp. 2 Croesus Leach Larvae moderately large, length about 25 mm., body cylindrical tapering caudad on abdominal segments 7-10 and also at cephalic end of prothorax; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct; third abdominal segment with four or five annulets, annulets 2 and 3 setiferous; tenth abdominal tergum with a pair of low, conical, bluntly rounded caudal protuberances, usually as wide as or wider than high; head flattened on front, rounded, shiny black; antennae distinctly conical with four segments: segment 1 incomplete, three times as long as wide, segments 2 and 3 usually complete and not reduced to mere lines on the cephalic aspect, segment 4 peg-like, bluntly pointed, longer than wide at proximal end; maxillary palpi with segment 1, 3, and 4 subequal in length, segment 2 twice as long as segment 1 ; larvapods setiferous; spiracles not winged, indistinctly colored; glandubae subsessile or with a short stalk, very wide in diameter more than three times the diameter of shaft of setae; maxacoria developed into a distinct triangular swelling dorso-caudad of cardo, and covered with dark spinulae. Croesus latitarsus Norton. — Length, 25 mm.; annulation, 3, 2, 1, 4 or 2, 1, 5, 3, 4; larvapods with 4-5 setae and a single glanduba as viewed from side, no markings; tenth abdominal tergum with dark-colored area 84 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [402 contiguous to concolorous suranal protuberances; suranal and subanal lobes with numerous setae, which increase in length with the distance from the anus; body yellowish green or brownish, with colored patches on subspiracular and surpedal areas and on subdorsal line from mesothorax to ninth abdominal segment; abdominal segments 2-8 on ventro-meson each with a large colored patch; in younger stages body fuscous with few distinctly delimited colored patches or none; M-1, -26,-50,-5 1,-48, Amauronematus Konow Larvae small to moderately large; length 15-20 mm.; body cylin- drical, often tapering distinctly caudad; latus with subspiracular and surpedal areas colored or with numerous, minute colored spots; head blackish, brownish, or greenish; third abdominal segment with five annu- lets, annulets 2 and 3 or 2 and 4 setiferous; tenth abdominal tergum with or without caudal paired protuberances; body setae much longer or shorter than the length of spiracles; larvapods with 2-3 or 3-5 setae as viewed from side; spiracles not winged; larvae free leaf -feeders. The larval stages of five species of Amauronematus have been described by Dyar. Of these, larvae of luteotergum, dyari, oregonensis, and similis have not been available for study, but according to Dyar's descriptions, the last three apparently lack the caudal paired protuberances. I have a large number of larvae collected on willow by Dr. MacGillivray which also lack the paired caudal protuberances and probably belong to this genus. The species may be separated as follows : SPECIES OF AMAURONEMATUS 1(4) Tenth abdominal segment with paired caudal protuberances 2. 2(3) Abdomen on ventro-meson with a row of blackish spots; caudal paired protuberances and head blackish; gregarious; on alder luteotergum Norton. 3(2) Abdomen on ventro-meson without a row of blackish spots; paired caudal protuber- ances and head not blackish but pale; solitary; on Azalea azaleae Marlatt. 4(1) Tenth abdominal segment without paired caudal protuberances 5. 5(6) Mature and also younger larvae with antennae flattened and their segments fused in part, with no discernible or with very small antacoria; younger larvae (14 mm. or less) with annulets 1, 2 and 4 setiferous; annulets 2 and 4 with transverse row of warty protuberances each bearing 2 or 3 stiiBf stout setae; older larvae (14 mm. or more) without numerous brownish spots on dorsum and latus and without brownish interrupted and diffuse dorso-mesal and dorso-lateral lines; on sweet fern; M-85. Amauronefnatus sp. 1. 6(5) Mature larvae with antennae whose segments are all distinctly separated by distinct antacoria ; young larvae with antennae like those of preceding species; younger larvae (14 mm. or less) with annulets 1, 2, and 4 setiferous; annulets 2 and 4 without transverse row of warty protuberances the setae being minute and arranged singly; older larvae (14 mm. or more) mth numerous brownish spots on dorsum and latus with brownish, interrupted, and diffuse dorso-mesal and dorso-lateral lines; on willow; M-10 virendus MacGillivray. 403] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 85 Another species, resembling the preceding very closely and, difficult to distinguish except by the colored spots which are more or less darker and shghtly more numerous than in virendtts: M-112 vescus MacGillivray. Pteronidea Rohwer Larvae small to moderately large; length 15-25 mm.; greenish, often spotted or banded transversely or longitudinally; body cylindrical, slender, uniformly tapering caudad, thorax rarely conspicuously swollen; head and trunk setiferous, often tuberculate; head blackish, brownish, or greenish; antennae with four segments, sometimes with segments in part fused, conical, subconical, or flattened; third abdominal segment with 4-6 annulets, more commonly 5-6, annulets 2 and 4, rarely 1, 2, and 3 setiferous; tenth abdominal tergum with or without a pair of small but distinct suranal caudal protuberances, if without, body swollen on thorax, protuberances pointed, bluntly rounded, truncate, or swollen at distal end; larvapods setiferous, setae few in number; spiracles winged or unwinged; glandubae subsessile or obsolete; leaf-feeders, sometimes gregarious. The genus Pteronidea is rich in number of species. The author has examined a large number of specimens representing at least thirty species and including much bred material, and has prepared the following synoptic key for differentiating species. It may be stated here that Pteronidea, together with a few allied genera, is readily separated from all other Tenth- redinidae by the presence of a pair of suranal caudal protuberances on the lateral portion of the caudal margin of the ultimate tergum. Pteronidea thoracica Harrington is unique in lacking the caudal paired protuberances, but is easily distinguished by its characteristic, somewhat elongate, tad- pole-like body, and also by its white head and body and its spreading legs. The color and coloration and the presence of setiferous tubercles and their arrangement are useful characters in separating species. SPECIES OF PTERONIDEA 1(2) Tenth abdominal tergum without suranal processes; thorax conspicuously swollen; thoracic legs spreading out flat laterad; body entirely greenish white; on Primus virginiana; Y-141 thoracica Harrington. 2(1) Tenth abdominal tergum with suranal processes; thorax not conspicuously swollen. ?>. 3(50) Head black or brov/n; body usually with numerous colored patches 4. 4(5) Body entirely blackish with distinct yellowish spots on latus; on Salix, Popitlns balsamifera, etc.; Y-8.45, M-104, M-182, Y-5-2 ventralis Say. 5(4) Body not entirely blackish, without distinct yellowish spots on latus 6. 6(7) Body entirely green; head light brown; suranal processes short, mere swellings; on Ribes sp.; Y-1 ribcsi Scopoli (ultimate stage) 7(6) Body not entirely green; suranal processes usuall}' distinctly pointed, more than mere swellings g. 8(9) Body yellowish with 11 transverse black markings extending between subdorsal lines across the venter. Young collection 55 Pkronidia, sp. 1. 9(8) Body not yellowish, without 11 transverse blackish markings 10. 86 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [404 10(17) Body without numerous small tuberculate areas, usually without fine longitudinal series of sub-adjacent patches; thorax, at least, always suffused on dorsum with darker shade 11. 11(12) Body shiny metallic fuscous; dorsum of all segments grayish brown; tenth abdominal tergum uniformly black; Y-132-2-1 (on Carpinus caroliniana), Y-132m-l-2 (on Morus alba), Y-193 (on Alnus rugosa), erylhrogaska Norton. 12(11) Body not shiny metallic fuscous; dorsum of none of segments grayish-brown; tenth abdominal tergum not uniformly black 13. 13(14) Abdomen on dorso-meson with a fine longitudinal line; tenth abdominal tergum fuscous on dorso-meson; suranal processes distinctly fuscous; on Alnus; M-114. Pteronidea sp. 2. 14(13) Abdomen on dorso-meson without a fine longitudinal line; tenth abdominal tergum not fuscous on dorso-meson; suranal processes not distinctly fuscous IS. 15(16) Tenth abdominal tergum with a fuscous triangular mark on each side of meson; head more or less uniformly brown; on Salix rostrata; Y-169, C-427-45. .Pteronidea sp. 3. 16(15) Tenth abdominal tergum without a fuscous triangular mark on each side of meson; head not uniformly brown but epicranial stem, vertex dorsad of ocellarae, front in the center, and labrum distinctly darker; on hazel (?); M-153 Pteronidea sp. 4. 17(10) Body with numerous small blackish tuberculate areas ; sometimes with fine interrupted longitudinal lines composed of irregular subadjacent colored areas; thorax on dorsum never suffused with darker shade 18. 18(27) Body on dorso-meson with a fine more or less continuous black line independent of greenish or pale dorsal vessel, line occasionally faint but never entirely obsolete; latus usually with fine more or less continuous longitudinal lines 19. 19(20) Abdomen on ventro-meson with fuscous spots; larvapods on cephalic surpedal areas never with fuscous spots; on Alnus; M-232 Pteronidea sp. 5. 20(19) Abdomen on ventro-meson never with fuscous spots; larvapods on cephalic surpedal areas often with fuscous spots 21. 21(24) Antennae with antacoriae distinct, not limited to periphery of antafossae; antennal segment 1 very minute, never more than twice as long as wide; segment 2 usually incomplete, if complete, ventral portion never more than a mere faint line; segment 3 usually complete, cephalic portion reduced to a line 22. 22(23) Larvapods on cephalic aspect with minute irregular blackish or brownish spots near setae; on Salix; Y-8.48(?)-l Pteronidea sp. 6. 23(22) Larvapods on cephalic aspect without minute irregular black spots near setae; on Salix spp.; Y-6-1, -6-6,-44-1-1, M-156 (in part), C-140, C-649 odoratus Dyar. 24(21) Antennae with antacoriae indistinct, limited to periphery of antafossae; antennal segment 1 complete, or if incomplete, never less than twice as long as wide; segments 2 and 3 always complete, their cephalic and dorsal portions never reduced to mere lines; segment 4 cylindro-conical; all four segments often fused together in part and filling antafossae almost completely; larvapods on cephalic aspect with irregular black spots near setae, spots sometimes very minute but never wanting from all larvapods 25. 25(26) Antennae with all 4 segments fused together in part and filling antafossae almost completely; on Salu spp.; Y-95-1-1, Y-8.45 (?)s-l-l cornelU Marlatt. 26(25) Antennae without all 4 segments fused together in part; segment 1 always dis- tinctly separated from the other segments; antacorriae always distinct; on Populus; M-156 (in part) Pteronidea sp. 7 27(18) Body on dorso-meson never with a fine more or less continuous black line independent of greenish or pale dorsal vessel; latus usually without fine more or less continuous longitudinal lines 28. 405J LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 87 28(29) Latus with distinct more or less continuous longitudinal lines; venter on meson without black spots; C-713 Pkronidea sp. 8. 29(28) Latus without distinct more or less continuous longitudinal lines; venter on meson usually with black spots 30. 30(31) Larvapods always with black spots on cephalic aspect; dorsum with setiferous black tubercles more or less uniform in size; abdomen on ventro-meson without black spots; on Ribes sp.; Y-1; M-135 ribesi Scopoli. 31(30) Larvapods never with black spots on cephalic aspect; dorsum with setiferous black tubercles never uniform in size; abdomen usually with black spots on ventro-meson.32. 32(33) Larvapods on abdominal segments 4-7 usually with minute black spots on mesal aspect, those on sixth abdominal segment never wanting; abdomen on ventro- meson without black spots; on Salix; Y-95-1; M-155 (in part); M-140 Pkronidea sp. 9. 33(32) Larvapods on abdominal segments 4-7 without minute black spots on mesal aspect; abdomen on ventro-meson with black spots 34. 34(47) Abdominal segments 7-9 on ventro-meson with black spots 35. 35(40) Ninth abdominal tergum with colored patches on first three annulets, 4, 6, and 4 patches respectively 36. 36(39) Dorsum not shaded grayish-browTi 37. 37(38) On Populus; G-14; M-158 effeia MacGillivray, 38(37) On hazel; M-110 effusa MacGillivray. 39(36) Dorsum shaded grajnsh-brown; on Salix; Y-8.45(?)-2-l Pteronidca sp. 10. 40(35) Ninth abdominal tergum with colored patches on first three annulets 41. 41(44) Colored patches on first three annulets 2, 6 and 4 in number respectively 42. 42(43) Body small, less than 13 mm. in length; Young-49 Pkronidea sp. 11. 43(42) Body large, more than 15 mm. in length; on Populus balsa in if era; M-182; G-pop. Pkronidea sp. 12. 44(41) Colored patches on first three annulets 2, 4, and 4 in number respectively 45. 45(46) On birch; M-139 emcrita MacGillivray. 46(45) On Populus; Y-45 lomhardae Marlatt. 47(34) Abdominal segments 2-8 on ventro-meson with black spots 48. 48(49) Large larvae, 20-23 mm. in length; dorsum without dark shade; head much smaller than thorax in width and height; on Salix; Y-8.45(?)s-5-2. .fulvicrus Provancher. 49(48) Moderately large larvae, less than 20 mm. in length; dorsum always with dark shade; head comparatively large, only slightly smaller than thorax in width and height; on Salix;M-119 CTaww/a MacGillivray. 50(3) Head not black or brown, usually greenish with few linear markings; body usually without numerous colored patches 51 . 51(54) Body with a pair of distinct fine latero-dorsal lines; larvapods with 1-2 setae as viewed from side 52. 52(53) Head with a black line extending the entire length of epicranial stem to the occiput; on Salix; M-12 eriidita MacGillivray. 53(52) Head without black line extending the entire length of epicranial stem to the occiput; on Salix; M-190 Pkronidea sp. 13. 54(51) Body without a pair of distinct fine dorso-lateral lines; larvapods usually with 3-5 setae as viewed from side 55. 55(58) Head entirely green 58. 56(57) Suranal process sharply pointed ; on Rhododendron canadense; M-46 Pkronidea sp. 14. 57(56) Suranal processes bluntly rounded; on Salix; M-133 Pt^onidea sp. 15. 88 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [406 58(55) Head not entirely green, usually with a blackish or brownish line along epicranial stem and one dorsad of each ocellara 59. 59(64) Suranal process sharply pointed 60. 60(61) Body tapering caudad uniformly and slightly; uniformly green; on Salix cordata; Y-153-1-1,-153-? mmdica Walsh. 61(60) Body not tapering caudad uniformly and slightly; abdomen swollen on segments 5-7; body not uniformly green 62. 62(63) Latus of each segment with a large fuscous patch; tenth abdominal tergum with caudal margin between suranal processes straight; on Alnus; M-71 equina MacGillivray. 63(62) Latus of each segment without a large fuscous patch; tenth abdominal tergum with caudal margin between suranal processes convex; on birch; M-61. Pteronidea sp. 16. 64(59) Suranal processes never sharply pointed but enlarged at distal ends 65. 65(66) Antennae with segment 3 complete, altho reduced to a mere line on cephalic aspect; on birch; M-60 Pteronidea sp. 17. 66(65) Antennae with segment 3 incomplete; Y-120 (on Gledilsia triacantkos); Y-143-1 on Salix cordata trilineata Norton. PoNTANiA Costa Larvae comparatively small, whitish or greenish, usually 10-15 mm. in length; gall-makers or leaf-edge-rollers; body cylindrical, thorax usually not swollen; tenth abdominal tergum usually with a pair of suranal pro- tuberances; when the paired caudal protuberances are normal in position, i. e., near the lateral ends of caudal margin of the segment, the tergum usually with paired blackish or brownish markings; caudal protuberances sometimes very minute and borne on the caudal margin of the produced median projection; spiracles winged or not winged; third abdominal segment with four annulets, annulets 1-3 setiferous; head usually dark brown or blackish in younger specimens and yellowish or pale brown in older specimens; labrum with mesal emargination shallow or obsolete; maxillary palpi with segment 2 longest, usually nearly equal in length to segments 3 and 4 taken together; antennae with four segments, segments fused or separate, segments 1 and 2 usuallly incomplete and separate, segment 3 sometimes complete, often fused with segment 4; larvapods setiferous, with four or more setae. Most Nematinae with gall-making or leaf-folding larvae belong to this genus. The different types of galls are supposed to be specific and are considered of systematic value. Many species are indistinguishable in the immature stages except by the morphology of the galls they produce. SPECIES OF PONTANIA 1. Gall-Makers 1(18) Tenth abdominal tergum with or without the paired caudal protuberances, if present, small, blunt, usually not longer than wide at pro.ximal end, sometimes borne on caudal projection of suranal lobe; tergum without paired blackish or brownish markings ; ninth abdominal tergum with distinct paired markings or transverse rows of minute spots 2. 407] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 89 2(3) Tenth abdominal tergum without paired caudal protuberances; tibia distinctly longer than femur; head brownish or yellowish with space between ocellarae across the front paler; Y-8-4- 1,-8-4-3,-8-6-1, C-y67, M-212; on Salix poynum Walsh. 3(2) Tenth abdominal tergum with paired caudal protuberances; tibia not distinctly longer than femur 4. 4(5) Suranal lobe not produced caudad, as a small mesal projection, but with a pair of caudal protuberances, small but normal in position, near the lateral ends of the caudal margin; head blackish or blackish brown, space along epicranial suture paler; spiracles usually not winged; dorsum of segments not transversely marked with gray; on Salix; Y-7-1,-7-4-1,-8.8, C-cu 201, M-92 hyalina Norton. 5(4) Suranal lobe produced caudad, forming a small m.esal projection which bears rudi- mentary paired protuberances; head light brown with front and vertex dorsad of each ocellara darker; spiracles usually winged; dorsum of segments transversely marked with gray; antennae with segments 3 and 4 fused; labrum with mesal emar- gination obsolete 6. 6(7) Gall not transected by the leaf, but attached to one surface, point of attachment showing as discolored scar; greater part of gall free from the leaf; two or more galls sometimes adjacent; woolly small-leaved willows; M-148 Pontania sp. 1. 7(6) Gall transecting the leaf; usually only one gaU on a leaf 8. 8(9) Gall involving the midrib; surface of gall irregularly constricted; sometimes 2 or more galls adjacent; M-226 devincta MacGillivray. 9(8) Gall not involving the midrib tho extending to it 10. 10(15) Long axis of gall parallel to midrib; leaf transecting the gall into two subequal parts 11. 11(12) Gall kidney-shaped, strongly convex, about 14 mm. in length; M-213. Pontania sp. 2. 12(11) Gall not kidney-shaped 13. 13(14) Gall bean-shaped, slightly convex; 12-14 mm. in length; Y-191-1-1 demissa McGillivray. 14(13) Gall bean-shaped, strongly convex; 14-15 mm. in length; M-262. .Pontania sp. 3. 15(10) Long axis of gall transverse to midrib 16. 16(17) Gall transected by leaf into two subequal semiglobose parts, surface not constricted by a furrow; M-211,-216 Pontania sp. 4. 17(16) Gall transected bj'^ leaf into two unequal parts; surface constricted by a furrow; M-93 Pontania sp. 5. 2. Leaf-folders 18(1) Tenth abdominal tergum always with the paired caudal protuberances which are sharply pointed, normal in position, and longer than wide at proximal end; tergum usually with paired blackish or brownish markings; ninth abdominal tergum with or without distinct paired markings or transverse rows of minute spots 19. 19(20) Tenth abdominal tergum without distinct paired blackish or brownish markings; head entirely yellowish; M-l 50 Pontania sp. 6. 20(19) Tenth abdominal tergum with distinct paired blackish or brownish markings 21. 21(26) Ninth abdominal tergum without any markings or spots; antennae with segment 3 sometimes incomplete 22. 22(25) Tenth abdominal tergum with markings extending entire length and dumbbell- shaped; antennae with segments 2 and 3 usually complete 23. 23(24) Folded portion of leaf irregularly wrinkled; usually both edges folded; M-175. 1-1 Pontania sp. 7. 24(23) Folded portion of leaf not irregularly wrinkled; usually one edge folded; Y-31-1-1, -8, 46(?)-2-2 Pontania sp. 8. 90 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (408 25(22 26(21 27(32 28(29; 29(28 30(31 31(30 32(27 33(34; 34(33 35(36; 36(35 37(42 38(39 39(38; 40(41 41(40 42(37 Tenth abdominal tergum with markings not extending the entire length and not dumbbell-shaped; antennae with segments 2 and 3 incomplete; folded portion of leaf irregularly wrinkled; often both edges folded; Y-139-1-1 Pontania sp. 9. Ninth abdominal tergum with some markings or spots; antennae with segment 3 usually complete 27. Ninth abdominal tergum with two transverse rows of minute colored spots 28. Tibia longer than femur; front concolorous with vertex; setae on abdominal terga more than three times as long as spiracles; Y-166-1-1 Pontania sp.lO. Tibia subequal in length to femur; front not concolorous with vertex but darker; setae on abdominal terga less than three times as long as spiracles 30. Head blackish; mature larvae 9 mm. in length; on Salix; Y-8.46(?)-l-2 Pontania sp. 11. Head brownish; mature larvae 11 mm. in length; on Populus; M-166 Pontania sp. 12. Ninth abdominal tergum without two transverse rows of minute colored spots .... 33. Ninth abdominal tergum with two pairs of transverse blackish or brownish markings, interrupted on meson; head brownish with area along epicranial suture distinctly clear and paler; Y-142-1 derosa MacGillivray. Ninth abdominal tergum with one pair of transverse blackish or brownish markings, interrupted on meson; head blackish or brownish in younger specimens, yellowish or light brown in older specimens with area along epicranial suture not distinctly paler 35. Tenth abdominal tergum with markings not reaching the paired caudal protuberances but broken on caudal half into minute spots; head yellowish with two minute brown spots on front; leaf-edge folder, folded edges not irregularly wrinkled; M-146. Pontania sp. 13. Tenth abdominal tergum with markings reaching the paired caudal protuberances, not broken on caudal half into minute spots; yellowish or brownish without two minute brown spots on front 37. Ninth abdominal tergum with paired markings on its cephalic half 38. Ninth abdominal tergum with a transverse row of minute spots caudad of paired markings; leaf-edge-folder; both edges often folded and folded portion irregularly wrinkled; M-145 Pontania sp. 14. Ninth abdominal tergum without a transverse row of minute spots caudad of paired markings 40. Antennae with segment 3 incomplete; only one edge of leaf-folded, folded portion not irregularly wrinkled; M-89,-147 Pontania sp. 15. Antennae with segment 3 complete; both edges of leaf folded, folded portion irregu- larly wrinkled; M-116,-144 Pontania sp. 16. Ninth abdominal tergum with paired markings on caudal half; antennae with segment 3 complete; single edge-folder, folded portion not irregularly wrinkled; Y-8.46(?)-2-2 (in part) Pontania sp. 17. Nematid genus 1. — Larvae small, greenish; body cylindrical, tapering uniformly toward caudal end; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct; third abdominal segment apparently with four annulets, annulets 1, 2, and 3 setiferous; thoracic legs conspicuously long, nearly as long as thorax, slender, with trochanter longer than femur; larvapods well developed, setiferous; tenth abdominal segment without the paired caudal protuber- ances; head circular, front flattened, smaller than thorax in width and 409] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 91 height; antennae with four segments, segments small, incomplete, with large sensory (?) pits, segments sometimes fused in part; spiracles not winged. This genus is represented by a single unidentified species collected by Chester Young on Salix at Ithaca, New York. The larva is unique in the character of the legs in that the trochanter is longer than the femur. That this species belongs to the Nematinae is unquestionable but it is not closely related to any genus in particular except perhaps to Pontania. It may represent an undescribed genus. Species 1. — Length, 10.5 mm.; body greenish; head brownish with dorsal half of front dark fuscous; labrum semicircular with slight mesal emar- gination; maxillary palpi with segment 1 nearly as long as segment 2 which is cylindrical and as wide at distal end as at proximal, segment 3 much smaller, segment 4 minute, peg-like, two distal segments curved mesad; galea conical, only slightly larger than labial palpi; thoracic legs with coxae subequal in length to tibiae, with trochanter slightly shorter than coxa, and as long on dorsal margin as on ventral, femur shorter than trochanter, cylindrical, three-fourths as wide as long, tarsal claws slightly curved; larvapods with 1-2 setae near cephalic aspect; setae slender, not stiff, rather sparse; tenth abdominal tergum rounded on caudal margin, with few setae; subanal lobe with several setae; abdominal segments with subspiracular areas with two setae and surpedal areas with a single setae; on Salix nigra; C-c.y.-77. Subfamily Blennocampinae Larvae (Figs. 19-20) moderately large; body subcyHndrical, sometimes rather robust, tapering uniformly caudad, venter more or less flattened, usually distinctly spinose; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct; third abdominal segment with five or six annulets, rarely apparently with four; thorax sometimes thickened; thoracic legs well developed, normal, tibia shorter than or subequal to femur; femur produced ventro-distad as pointed membranous projection; larvapods on segments 2-8 and 10, normal in form, glabrous, subsegmented, distal lobe truncate on distal margin and often curved mesad; tenth abdominal segment usually with several spines arranged in a transverse row along caudal margin; suranal and sub- anal lobes with several setae; head small, sparsely setiferous, narrower than thorax, front slightly convex; antennae with five segments, slender, elon- gately conical; ventral glands wanting; glandubae sometimes present; spiracles rarely winged; spines often very long, furcate, with two, three, or five branches, barbed, or represented by conical tubercles or sometimes reduced to short bifurcate tubercles; cuticle microscopically and densely spinulate; ultimate stage occurs, in which all setae and spines are lost and 92 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (410 body becomes colorless and glabrous; free leaf-feeders; sometimes gregari- ous. The Blennocarapinae as restricted by MacGillivray is a large sub- family rich in genera and species, and is related to Fenusinae and Scolion- eurinae. This is in agreement with Konow's statement altho this author makes his tribe Blennocampides the third in his subfamily Tenthredinini. Rohwer would group the majority of the genera under consideration in his subfamily Empriinae, but take out the genera Phymatocera and Tomos- tethus from the subfamily and place them in a subfamily by themselves. This arrangement has an advantage in classifying the larvae because of the fact that the larvae of Tomostethus lack the characteristic spines which readily distinguish the Blennocampinae from all other groups in the larval stages. The following key will separate the genera examined, with two addi- tional ones, Erythraspides and Periclista, whose diagnostic characters are taken from Dyar's paper (1898b). GENERA OF BLENNOCAMPINAE 1(2) Body without spines; with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 each with a transverse row of minute but stalked glandubae Tomostethus Konow. 2(1) Body with spines 3. 3(10) Third abdominal segment with six distinct annulets; spines usually unbranched but conical, if branched, very short and minute, tenth abdominal tergum with small conical unbranched spines 4. 4(7) Body spines conical and not bifurcate, blackish 5. 5(6) Spiracles with distinct black wings Monophadnus'H.a.xtig. 6(5) Spiracles without distinct black wings Ilypergyricus MacGillivray 7(4) Body-spines not conical but bifurcate, blackish or whitish 8. 8(9) Spines whitish; tenth abdominal tergum not marked Blennocampa Hartig. 9(8) Spines black; tenth abdominal tergum marked with black. .Erythraspides Ashmead. 10(3) Third abdominal segment with five annulets, rarely apparently with four; spines in part usually bifurcate, long, never short and conical 11. 11(12) Tenth abdominal tergum with a mesal spine cephalad of caudal marginal row of spines; subdorsal spines of prothorax with five branches; prothoracic spinal formula: 5-2-1:5:1-2; third abdominal segment:2-2-2:0:3-2-2:2-l:l-2; ultimate tergum 1-1-1: 2 :2 M onophadnoides Ashmead. 12(11) Tenth abdominal tergum without a mesal spine cephalad of caudal marg^al row of spines; subdorsal spines of prothorax with three branches at most 13. 13(14) Second annulet of third abdominal segment with three spines dorsad of spiracular line; host-plants not confined to Quercus species; prothoracic spinal formula: 2-2-2: 2-3:1-2; third abdominal segment 2-2-2:1:2-2-2:2-1:1:1 Isodictium Ashmead. 14(13) Second annulet of third abdominal segment with two spines dorsad of spiracular line; host-plants confined to species of Quercus; otherwise resembling the preceding genus Periclista Konow. Tomostethus Konow Larvae moderately large, length 17-21 mm., rather robust, yellow- ish white; body subcylindrical, tapering little caudad, venter flattened, 411) LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 93 without spines, sparsely and microscopically setiferous; head black, shiny, much smaller than thorax; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 each with a transverse row of few stalked glandubae; tenth abdominal segment without spines, truncate on caudal margin; spiracles not winged, but with a pair of faint ventral crescentic brown marks; antennae, (5, 4, 3), 2, 1 in older larvae and 5, (4, 3), 2, 1 in younger larvae; maxillary palpi, 4, 2, 1, 3, pointed; labial palpi rather slender, (1, 2); ultimate stage entirely whitish. Tomosthethiis bardus Say. — Length, 18 mm.; width of head, 1.9 mm.; body whitish with yellowish tinge, in older specimens yellowish white; head shiny black with clypeus alone lighter in color; legs blackish brown; larvae gregarious; on ash; G-2, Y-8.14. Tomostethus tnulticinctus Rohwer. — According to Sasscer's description (1911) the larvae of this species are indistinguishable from the preceding species but the bred adults have been assigned to this species by Rohwer. Larvae have not been examined. Blennocampa Hartig Larvae rather small, length 15-20 mm.; greenish; body subcylin- drical, slender, tapering uniformly caudad; spines small, bifurcate, tubercle- like or conical; head very small, third abdominal segment with six an- nulets, annulets 2 and 4 spinose; tenth abdominal segment spinose, spines conical, unbranched, numerous, arranged in four rows, 1: 1: 1-1-1: 1-1-1-1-1; typical prothoracic spinal formula: 2-2-1-1-1: 1-1-1: 1: 1-1; third abdominal segment, 2-2-1: 1:2-2-1: 1-1-1: 1-1-1; antennae, 5, (1, 2, 3, 4); maxillaray palpi, (2, 3, 4), 1, slender, pointed; labial palpi (1, 2), nearly equal to two distal segments of maxillary palpi taken together; legs with femur longer than tibia; larvapods normal in form, more or less rounded at distal end. Blennocampa spiraeae Dyar. — Length, 16.5 mm.; width of head, 1.2 mm.; body greenish; head pale brown; legs concolorous with body; ocel- larae entirely black, tips of mandibles and tarsal claws brown; maxillary palpi with segment 4 and labial palpi with segment 2 deep brown; pro- thoracic formula of spines variable, 2-2-1-1-1 or 2-3-1-1, or 2-1-1-1; ab- dominal segment on surpedal lobe with from 2-1 to 2-2 spines; tenth abdominal tergum with small, short, conical spines arranged in four rows as follows: (1) two pair of spines on each side of meson, (2) two spines on each side of the meson, near the center of the tergum, (3) lateral pairs sometimes with additional spines, and (4) the last and caudal row of five spines on each side of meson along the caudal margin of tergum, the three lateral spines closer together than the others; on Spiraea; not bred: M-28. 94 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [412 Erythraspides Ashmead Larvae comparatively speaking small, inconspicuously spinose, greenish; third abdominal segment with five annulets, annulets 2 and 4 each with three minute bifurcate spines. According to Dyar's Key (1898) the larvae of Erythraspides pygtnaeae is distinguished from those of Blennocampa spiraeae by the black head and spines of the former. Record is meager, and without specimens no adequate diagnosis can be given. MONOPHADNUS HaRTIG Larvae rather small, length less than 15 mm., spotted; body rather robust, only slightly and uniformly tapering caudad; tubercles conical, small, blackish, not furcate; third abdominal segments with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 tuberculate; tenth abdominal tergum with two rows of tubercles, some of which are bifurcate; prothoracic spinal formula: 1-1:1:1:1; third abdominal segment, 1-1-1:1:1-1-1:1:1; antennae 5, (4, 3, 2), 1; maxillary palpi (4, 2), 1, 3; labial palpi (1, 2); palpi rather thick and conical; spiracles with distinct black wings. Monophadnus nubilipennis Norton. — Length, 14 mm.; width of head, 1.3 mm.; head blackish brown, clypeus alone lighter; body dirty white with yellowish tinge; legs grayish; on hellebore; Y-42,-8.42. Hypergyricus MacGillivray Larvae rather large and robust, spotted; length 16-20 mm., body subcylindrical, tapering but slightly and uniformly caudad; tubercu- late, tubercles conical, short, stout, usually not furcate; third abdominal segment with six annulets, annulets 2 and 4 tuberculate; tenth abdominal segment with two rows of few tubercles; prothoracic spinal formula variable, but with a single tubercle on supraspiraculararea and two tubercles ventrad of it; third abdominal segment also with variable number of tubercles, only two on subspiracular area; tubercles not furcate; spiracles with faint ventral crescentic brown marks but without definite wings; antennae rather obtusely rounded, segments decreasing in diameter from proximal to distal, but increasing in length; suranal and subanal lobes strongly convex, with numerous short recumbent setae; legs with femur distinctly longer than tibia; distal portion of femur dilated and produced ventro-mesad. SPECIES OF HYPERGYRICUS Head bJack, genae, antennariae, ventral half of front and clj^^eus lighter in color; tubercles blackish; body whitish, faint grayish shade and yellowish tinge in older stages; legs grayish brown; antennae with segment 3 and 4 subequal in length; prothorax with spines, 2-2:1:1:1; third abdominal segment, 1-1:0:1-1:1:1; latus of body along supraspiracular lines with broken band of grayish shade, marks distinct and square 413] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 95 dorsad of each spiracle; on leaves and fruits of Smilacina racemosa; length, 18 mm.; width of head, 1.8 mm.; Y-73,-29-10,-8.73, M-181 fumtpennis Norton. Head brownish yellow; length, 17 mm.; width of head, 1.9 mm.; spots on dorsum variable; body whitish with faint yellowish tinge; legs concolorous with body; supraspiracular lines without smoky-black band; prothoracic spines 1-1-1 or 1-1-1-1:1:1:1 or 3; third abdominal segment with 1-1 ; 1 :1-1-1 :1 :1 ; any of the dorsal tubercles may be wanting; otherwise similar to the preceding species; Y; 20 specimens collected by Mr. J. R. Malloch on Smilacina in Illinois Hypergyricus sp. 1. MONOPHADNOIDES ASHMEAD Larvae small, distinctly spinose, greenish; length less than 17 mm.; body subcylindrical, tapering caudad, rather slender; spines furcate, with two, three, or more branches; third abdominal segment with five, apparently four, annulets, annulets 2 and 3 spinose; prothorax with spines, 5-2-l:(5 or 3):1:2; third abdominal segment, 2-2-2:0:(3 or 2)-2-2:2-l:l-2; tenth abdominal tergum with a mesal furcate spine cephalad of caudal marginal row of spines; legs rather slender, femur slightly longer than tibia, not dilated at distal end; spiracles unwinged; maxillary palpi, (1, 4), (2, 3); labial palpi, (1, 2); maxillary and labial palpi slender, pointed; antennae, 5, (1, 2, 3, 4), sharply pointed and slender; semigregarious. Monophadnoides ruhi Harris. — Length, 16 mm.; width of head, 1.6 mm.; head pale brownish green, distinctly setiferous, spines whitish, branches sometimes light brown; length of longer branches subequal to the width of head as seen in profile; tenth abdominal tergum with mesal spines with 2-3 branches, on the caudal third of the tergum cephalad of the marginal row of spines, sometimes another smaller unbranched spine cephalad of the furcate mesal spines; marginal row of spines, beginning with mesal spine, consists of two simple, one bifurcate and lower, and lateral simple spine on each side of meson; on Rubus and also on giant Ragweed; Y-8.17, M-19,-183, G-562, 500-3. ISODYCTIUM ASHMEAD Larvae rather small, usually distinctly spinose; length less than 17 mm.; body subcylindrical, tapering caudad, rather slender; third abdominal segment with five annulets, annulets 2 and 4 spinose, sometimes appar- ently four-annulate, with annulets 2 and 3 spinose; spines furcate, usually with two to three branches, branches usually conspicuously long, some- times small, short, but always sharply pointed at distal end; spiracles never winged; thoracic legs normal, femur subequal in length to or longer than tibia; head blackish or spotted on vertex and front or uniformly greenish; spines on prothorax, 2-2-2-1:2-2:1:2; on third abdominal segment 2-2-2:1: 2-2-1:1:1; tenth abdominal segment with a marginal row of spines, usually four on each side of meson. 96 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [414 Several species have been examined. None of the material has been identified altho the following larva may belong to /. suhgregarium. Isodyctium sp. 1. — Length, 15.5 mm.; head, 1.5 mm. wide; head marked on vertex and front with large confluent brownish spots, those on front sometimes separate; body uniformly greenish; legs concolorous with body, femur subequal in length to tibia; spines blackish, very long and furcate, with large proximal end, those ventrad of spiracular lines whitish; those one-half as long as head are wide as seen in profile; prothorax with spines, 2-2-2-1:2-2:1:2; third abdominal segment, 2-2-2:1:2-2-2:2-1:1-1; tenth abdominal tergum, 2-1:2:2, the mesal pair sometimes with confluent bases; maxillary palpi, (4, 2), 3, 1 ; labial palpi, 1,2; ultimate stage: entirely whitish, vertex pale brown, third abdominal segment with five distinct annulets, setiferous but not spinose; on oak; M-6. Subfamily Fenusinae Larvae (Fig. 21) very small; body semicylindrical, venter flattened, depressed, tapering caudad, glabrous; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct; third abdominal segment with either one or apparently 2-4 annulets; thorax slightly swollen, prothorax sometimes with dorsal and ventral shields; legs small, short, apparently with four segments, spreading cephalo-laterad; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-8, vestigial, merely mound-like; anal larvapods obsolete; tenth abdominal tergum glabrous without suranal processes or caudal protuberances, sometimes with small mesal projections; suranal and subanal lobes glabrous; liead sparsely setiferous, depressed, subtriangular in outline, wedge-shaped in profile narrower than thorax and overlapped on caudal third by prothorax; ver- tical furrows wanting; antennae apparently with single segment; antacoria large; ocellarae minute, located dorso-caudad of antennariae; ventral glands wanting; glandubae wanting; spiracles indistinctly winged; cuticle sometimes with microscopic but distinct chitinized dentiform spines; larvae, leaf-miners. The Fenusinae is a small subfamily represented by four genera in the Nearctic region. Systematists have always considered this group as closely related to the Scolioneurinae and Blennocampinae. MacGillivray is the only one who would assign them subfamily rank. Konow listed three European species, dohrni, ulmi, and pumila, under the old generic name Kaliosysphinga. The first two are now considered as types of distinct genera. They have been introduced into this country and are liable to do considerable damage at times. The genera studied are separable as follows: GENERA OF FENUSINAE Caudal end of body rounded, without a mesal suranal protuberance; sternum of ninth abdom- inal segment with a pair of swellings covered with distinct microscopic dentiform spines: 4151 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 97 tenth sternum strongly convex, much shorter than ninth sternum Kaliofenusa MacGillivray. Caudal end of body truncate, with a mesal suranal protuberance; sternum of ninth abdominal segment flattened, uniformly and microscopically spinulate; tenth sternum slightly convex, nearly as long as the ninth sternum Fenusa Leach. Kaliofenusa MacGillivray Larvae very small, greenish white; length less than 12 mm.; thorax broadest on mesothorax; declivous on dorsum from metathorax toward the head; head only slightly depressed, front convex; mouth-parts normal except labium, which is flattened; mandibles rather thick in profile; dorsum and venter covered with brownish, irregular, microscopic dentiform spines, larger on the center of segment and larvapods; caudal end of body rounded; tenth abdominal tergum without mesal protuberance; sternum of ninth segment with a pair of microscopically dentate swellings; tenth sternum strongly convex, much shorter than ninth sternum. Kaliofenusa ulmi Sundevall. — Length, 10 mm.; width of head, .9 mm.; head light brown, legs brown, ocularia, mandibles, maxillary palpi, deep brown; sternum of ultimate segment with transverse depression on the caudal third distinct; leaf -miners, on Ulmus, feeding on all tissues except upper and lower epidermis; Y-4-1, -4-2,-8.4, Fenusa Leach Larvae very small, length less than 12 mm., greenish white; body rather uniform in width except at caudal end which tapers suddenly and dis- tinctly; head strongly depressed; front flattened; mouth-parts protruding beyond the distal end of mandibles; body uniformly and microscopically spinulate; no distinct localized microscopic dentiform spines; caudal end of body truncate; tenth abdominal tergum with a distinct mesal coni- cal suranal protuberance; sternum of ninth segment rather flattened, without microscopically dentate swellings; tenth sternum slightly convex, nearly as long as ninth. Fenusa dohrni Tischbein. — Length, 10-11 mm., width of head, 1.1 mm.; head brown; prothorax with dorsal and ventral shields indicated; thoracic legs light brown, trochanter wanting, femur subequal in length to tibia; tibia with proximal end subequal in diameter to distal end of femur; tenth abdominal sternum with transverse depression in caudal fourth indistinct; body often greenish, green adipose tissues being visible thru the cuticle; dorsal vessel showing thru as light-colored line; leaf-miners on Alnus vulgaris, feeding habit similar to that of Kaliofenusa ulmi; Y-4. A, -43-1-2. 98 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [416 Subfamily Scolioneurinae Larvae (Fig. 22) very small; body semicylindrical, somewhat de- pressed, flattened on venter, broader on thorax, tapering caudad, glabrous, greenish, never with bright patterns; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct, third abdominal segment with two annulets; larvapods rudi- mentary, mere swellings on abdominal segments 2-7, the anal pair adjacent on meson, forming a single protuberance; thorax thickened, prothorax often with distinct dorsal and ventral chitinized shields; thoracic legs small, slender, distinctly five-segmented, directed laterad; head depressed, sub triangular, wedge-shaped in profile, narrower than thorax; mouth- parts flattened and protruding, labium large, with submentum and mentum strongly chitinized; antenna one-segmented; vertical furrows usually wanting; tenth abdominal tergum abbreviated, glabrous; spiracles usually winged; glandubae obsolete; ventral glands wanting; cuticle often with minute dentiform tubercles; leaf-miners. The Scolioneurinae is a small subfamily containing six genera, four of which are peculiar to the Nearctic region. All six genera are represented in the North American fauna. Prior to the recognition of the subfamily by MacGillivray, the species belonging to it were referred to the genera Fenusa and Blennocampa. Konow first segregated a species of Entodecta and later more of Scolioneura from Blennocampa, placing them, together with Fenusa and its allies, in other genera of his tribe Blennocampides. Rohwer would separate the genera of the Scolioneurinae from those of the Blennocampinae but unite them with those of the Fenusinae in the tribe Messini of his subfamily Messinae. The close affinity of the Fenu- sinae and ScoHoneurinae is evident from the fact that all known larvae of these subfamilies are leaf-miners and that they possess similar types of structural modifications. The definitions here given are based on obser- vations on two American species of Metallus supplemented by writings of European students — Cameron, Brischke, and Zaddach. Metallus Forbes Larvae small, length 10-13 mm., whitish or pale brownish; body de- pressed, rather stout, mesothorax broadest; pleuron of each segment tuberculate; cuticle with microscopic irregular chitinized dentiform tubercles, those on center of dorsum and venter largest; head directed ventro-cephalad, much narrower than thorax, attached to the ventral part of prothorax; vertical furrows wanting; front twice as long as wide, labrum subtriangu'ar, small; antennae mamma-like; ocellarae incon- spicuous, about one-fifth the diameter of the antennaria; mouth-parts small but distinct, slightly modified; mandibular dentes sharp; maxillary palpi three-segmented, stipes elongate, galea digit-like, slightly curved 417] LARVAE OF THE TENTUREDINOIDEA—YUASA 99 mesad and subequal in size to palpi, lacinia thin, small, plate-like; labium comparatively large, flattened; labial palpi inconspicuous, apparently 2-segmented; ligula globose and proturding; thoracic legs with coxa large, stump-like, following segments suddenly smaller and slender, trochanter ring-like, femur as long as wide, tibia longer than femur, cylindrical, chitinized, tapering gradually to distal end, tarsal claws broadly curved, sharp; mesothorax and metathorax with a dorsal membranous swelling on each side of the meson; spiracles distinctly and semicircularly winged; tenth abdominal tergum small, convex; anal setae wanting; subanal lobe small, prominently convex. SPECIES OF METALLUS Head browiiish, not concolorous with body, epicranial suture very distinct; dorsal and ventral shields distinct and brown; dorsal shield transverse, covering dorsum of prothorax, proventral shield very large, occupying entire venter between prothoracic legs caudad of and continuous with brown cervacoria, mesoventral and metaventral shields small, transverse, triangular between legs; labium with submentum strongly chitinized, brown with dark carina on meson and along caudal margin, mentum bro^vn, longer than wide; larvapods with crescentric brownish band on cephalic aspect; length, 11-12 mm.; on Rubus; Y ruhi Forbes. Head pale or whitish, concolorous with bod)', at least not distinctly colored; dorsal and ventral shields obsolete, only rarely faintly indicated; labium with submentum broad and without dark median longitudinal carina, depression on meson rarely present, never dark and distinct; larvapods without crescentric brownish band on the cephalic aspect; length, 10 mm.; on Rubus; Y bethunei MacGillivray. The larvae of Metallus rubi were described by Forbes, but the original specimens are apparently lost. The description given here is based on specimens in the Cornell Collection. Forty-three larvae of M. bethunei were examined thru the courtesy of Mr. H. G. Crawford of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Subfamily Hylotominae Larvae (Fig. 23) moderately large; body semicylindrical, venter flattened, distinctly wider than high, widest on abdominal segments 1-3, tapering caudad, caudal segments only one half the width of widest seg- ments; yellowish green, spotted or not; segmentation distinct; third abdominal segment with three annulets, all setiferous, often tuberculate; thoracic legs large, spreading laterad, apparently six-segmented inclusive of claws; claws sharply curved, large, distinctly separated from fifth segment by suture and with a large pulvillus-like swelling; larvapods setiferous, on abdominal segments 2-6 and with rudimentary 7th pair, or on 2-7 and 10 with rudimentary 8th pair; antennae one-segmented, either conical or button-like, if conical, larvapods on abdominal segments 2-6 and 10; spiracles distinctly winged; glandubae obsolete; tenth abdominal tergum without suranal processes. 100 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (418 The Hylotominae in the adult stage is closely allied to the Schizocerinae. but in the larval stages their affinities, if extant, are not so manifest. The laravae are peculiar in possessing six-segmented 'thoracic legs and varying numbers of larvapods. The shape and general appearance of the larvae are so characteristic that they alone are sufficiently reliable for identification in the field. Two genera are represented in the Nearctic region, the genus Atomacera, which includes only a few species, has not been studied. Hylotoma Latreille Head, conspicuously shiny black, brown or yellowish, or with a brown median streak; body with minute blackish tuberculate setiferous spots forming interrupted longitudinal rows along some or all of the subdor- sal, latero-dorsal, supraspiracular, subspiracular, and pedal lines; annu- lation usually 2, 3, 1; annulet 1 with a few minute setae, annulets 2 and 3 with a transverse row of a few stiff brown setae together with very minute setae scattered around the larger setae; subspiracular tubercles obsolete; pedal area prominent, produced laterad and oblique, extending entire length of segment; maxillary palpi normal, four-segmented, segment 1 flattened, with distinct mesal projection, segments 2 and 3 cylindrical, segment 4 minute, peg-like; labial palpi normal, three-segmented; larva- pods located close together near the meson, proximal portion chitinized, seti- ferous, distal portion small, membranous, non-setiferous, bluntly rounded, those on seventh or eighth abdominal segment lacking membranous distal portion. The genus is divisible into two sections by the structure of antennae and number of larvapods. Owing to the incompleteness of published records of larvae of this genus, involving in some cases confusion in specific identi- fication, it is not possible to determine many of the specimens collected. The following key will separate the species represented in the collections studied. SPECIES OF HYLOTOMA 1(10) Antennae distinctly conical or peg-like, twice as long as wide; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-6 and 10, seventh segment with rudimentary pair; head always uniformly blackish, brownish, or yellowish; body always with numerous minute blackish spots arranged longitudinally along subdorsal, dorso-lateral, supraspiracular and pedal lines 2. 2(5) Head always black, thoracic legs with all segments blackish; tenth abdominal tergum blackish 3. 3(4) Tenth abdominal segment on ventral half blackish; area between larvapods with minute colored spots; area ventrad of pedal folds with minute spots; latus of each segment with a few very minute secondary setiferous spots besides regular tubercu- late spots; on Crataegus Y-194-3 194-2; on Prunus? Y-194-5 Hylotoma sp. 1. 4(3) Tenth abdominal segment on ventral half unmarked , whitish ; area between larvapods without minute colored spots; area ventrad of pedal folds without minute spots; 419] LARVAE OF THE TENTH REDINOIDEA—YU ASA 101 latus of each segment without minute setiferous spots; on Alnus: Y-194-4 Hylotonia sp. 2. 5(2) Head not always blackish but usually yellowish or brown; thoracic legs not with all segments blackish, segments distad of coxa usually brownish or brownish yellow; tenth abdominal tergum not always blackish 6. 6(7) Head blackish; tenth abdominal tergum yellowish; subanal lobe yellowish; spots between larvapods numerous and brownish; latus of each segment with many very minute secondary setiferous spots; tuberculate spots of body yellowish with brown border; on oak; Y-214-1-2 Hylotoma sp. 3. 7(6) Head yellowish or reddish brown; tenth abdominal tergum blackish; subanal lobe whitish 8. 8(9) Area ventrad of pedal folds with many minute setiferous spots; area between larva- pods sometimes with spots; spots on body not uniformly blackish or brownish but blackish on cephalic and also usually on caudal portion of the body those on middle portion brownish or yellowish with brown border sometimes spots aU pale yellowish brown; head reddish or yellowish brown; on Crataegus; Y-222 scapularis Klug. 9(8) Area ventrad of pedal fold without spots; area between larvapods never with spots; spots on body uniformly blackish or brownish; head yellowish or yellowish brown; on elm; C-C.U. 668 Y-29-24 Hylotoma sp. 4. 10(1) Antennae button-like, usually wider than long; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10, eighth segment with rudimentary pair; head blackish brownish or with a distinct median streak from occiput to front; body sometimes not spotted except on each side of the meson on cephalic segments 11. 11(14) Head blackish or brownish; body distinctly and regularly spotted; tenth abdominal tergum and subanal lobe usually blackish; thoracic legs usually with coxae blackish or brownish and other segments brownish or grayish 12. 12(13) Tenth abdominal tergum and subanal lobe whitish; all colored areas or spots of body brownish; area between larvapods with few setiferous spots; area ventrad of pedal fold with many setiferous spots; on Salix discolor; C- Young 61 . . . .Hylotoma sp. 5. 13(12) Tenth abdominal tergum and subanal lobe blackish or brownish; all colored areas or spots blackish or brownish; area between larvapods usually without setiferous spots; area ventrad of pedal fold with varying number of spots; on Prunus; Y-1946-1 G-Onekama No. 23; Maine 1915; C-C.U. 656 C.U. sub. 64 Hylotoma sp. 6. 14(11) Head yellowish or light brownish with brown streak along epicranial stem; body not regularly and distinctly spotted except along dorso-meson on cephalic segments; tenth abdominal tergum never blackish or brownish; thoracic legs always con- colorous with body; Y-185-1-2 (Azalea) Y-185 (Willow) M-113 (birch bred) M-108 (hazel) macleayi Leach. Subfamily Schizocerinae Larvae (Fig. 24) small; body subcylindrical, flattened on venter, tapering caudad, mesothoracic and metathoracic segments somewhat swollen, prothorax distinctly tapering cephalad; whitish or creamy white, never spotted or striped; segmentation and annulation indistinct; third abdominal segment with three annulets, all annulets provided with a transverse row of tubercles; spiracles on annulet 1; tenth abdominal tergum without suranal or caudal protuberances; larvapods on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10, the venter of ninth segment with a pair of minute 102 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [420 protuberances; thoracic legs modified, prothoracic legs apparently four- segmented, distal segment pad-like, tarsal claws wanting; mesothoracic and metathoracic legs apparently three-segmented, distal segment pad- like with a sharp claw on cephalic side; antennae apparently one-segmented, segment large with several clear spots; antennaria ventrad or slightly caudad of ocularium; spiracles winged; glandubae obsolete; in younger specimens larvapods sometimes very indistinct; tubercles often indistinct; leaf-miners. The Schizocerinae is represented in the Nearctic region by a single genus, Schizocerus, and includes a limited number of species. Modern systematists have always associated this subfamily with the Hylotominae, the two being separated by the presence or absence of the free part of Sc2 in the front wing. The larvae of this subfamily are unique in having thoracic legs and maxillary and labial palpi modified by reduction in the number of segments. ScmzocERUS Lepeletier Larvae small, length less than 15 mm., creamy- whitish; head small, pale brown, higher than wide, sparsely and microscopically setiferous; annulation 1, 2, 3; annulets above spiracular lines with tubercles, 2 on annulet 1, four on annulet 2, and three on annulet 3, annulet 1 with a row of tubercles on venter; a row of tubercles between larvapods and surpedal area; subspiracular area not tuberculate or warty; tenth abdominal tergum small, only slightly convex, tubercules almost obsolete, with several stiff short setae on caudal margin; venter of ultimate segment with distinct anal larvapods, subanal lobe with a pair of long and short tubercles on each latero-caudal margin; maxillary palpi apparently three- segmented, distal segment very minute, formula, 2, 1, 3; labial palpi apparently two-segmented; mandibles as viewed from side narrow and slender; totaglossa of labium large; spiracles winged, wings small, oblong; spiracular line dividing the latus into two subequal dorso- ventral parts. Schizocerus zabriskiei Ashmead. — Head pale brownish-green, body whitish; in younger specimens head brownish, body with minute tubercles touched with brown; legs, and venter between legs brownish; tubercles ventrad of surpedal area and dorsad of larvapods usually three in number in mature larvae and two in younger larvae; mature specimen, length, 13 mm.; width of head, 1.3 mm.; on Portulaca; Y, G. Schizocerus sp. 1. — Larvae indistinguishable from the preceding species. This species was collected at Muncie, 111., by Dr. Edna Mosher, who bred adults. It is considered by Dr. MacGiUivray to be a new species. 421] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 103 Subfamily Acordulecerinae Body (Fig. 25) subcylindrical, tapering caudad, venter flattened, thorax distinctly swollen; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct, third abdominal segment with apparently three annulets, all annulets tuberculate, setiferous; thoracic legs 5-segmented, spreading laterad, distal segment consisting of a sharp recurved claw and caudal membranous globose swelling; prothoracic legs one-half as large as metathoracic; larvapods rudimentary on abdominal segments 2-7 and 10, increasing in size from cephalic pair to sixth pair; tenth abdominal segment truncate, small, without suranal processes; antennae flattened, apparently 1-seg- mented; abdominal segments 2-4 or 2-5 and 8 with crescentic sucker-like protuberances, one on each postsubspiracular protuberance; ventral glands wanting; spiracles not winged; glandubae wanting. The Acordulecerinae, according to MacGillivray (1906), is represented on the North American continent by a single genus, Acordulecera. Rohwer would divide the subfamily into two tribes, Acordulecerini and Conocoxini, the former including besides Acordulecera, Pantherix and possibly Thulea and the latter Conocoxa and Nithulea. A radically different arrangement is that of Konow who regarded Acordulecera as one of fourteen genera included in his tribe Lobocerotides which was one of four tribes constituting his subfamily Lophyrini. Konow seems to have been unfamiliar with the larvae of the Nearctic genus Acordulecera, for he speaks of the larvae of Lophyrini as "mit 16 Abdominalbeinen; an Coni- feren." — a characterization not at all applicable to the genus under consideration. The host-plant of two species of Acordulecera have been recorded, and one species recognized in the larval stage. I have examined larvae of several unbred species. Acordulecera Say Larvae very small, length less than 12 mm., greenish, never spotted or striped; head usually brownish or pale; annulation, 3, (2, 1); prothorax constricted; annulets with transverse row of slight tubercles, each bearing slender peg-like setae; lateral lobes distinct; tenth abdominal tergum with several setae; suranal and subanal lobes with several setae; maxillary palpi rather slender, uniformly tapering distad; mandible thick; labial palpi small; ligula dilated, rounded; free leaf-feeders; gregarious. SPECIES OF ACORDULECERA 1(4) Sucker-like protuberances on abdominal segments 2-5 and 8 2. 2(3) Head with vertex blackish brown, front distinctly lighter in color; legs whitish concolorous with body; sucker-like protuberances with three marginal setae; length 9.5 mm.; width of head 1.2 mm.; on butternut; Y-8.93(?)-2-2. . .Acordulecera sp. 1. 3(2) Head with vertex light brown, epicranial stem deep brown, front sometimes deep brown; in young specimens head entirely dark brown; legs brown; sucker-like 104 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [422 protuberances with three marginal setae; length 11 mm.; width of head 1.3 mm.; on chestnut and butternut; Y-93 C-cu 667 Acordulecera sp. 2. 4(1) Sucker-like protuberances on abdominal segments 2-4 and 8 5. 5(8) Sucker-like protuberances with three marginal setae; on oak 6. 6(7) Head light brown with epicranial stem deep brown or brownish with vertical furrows lighter in color; legs brownish; length 9 mm.; width of head 1.2 mm.; Y-131 -137, C-cu 680, M-37 Acordulecera sp. 3. 7(6) Head yellowish or light brown, with epicranial stem concolorous with body; length, 7 mm.; width of head, 1.1 mm.; M-239, M-243, C-yll dorsalis Say. 8(5) Sucker-like protuberances with five marginal setae; head deep brown, vertical furrows and epicranial arms lighter in color; legs whitish, concolorous with body; length, 9 mm. ; width of head, 1.2 mm.; on hickory; Y- 144-5 w«5/a MacGillivray. Family Pamphiliidae Larvae (Fig. 1) of medium size; body subcylindrical, slightly flattened on the ventral aspect; sublateral lobe on the ventro-lateral margin dis- tinct, moderately large; body slender to robust; segmentation and annula- tion distinct; cuticle microscopically setiferous, appearing smooth, often delicate, transparent; color usually greenish or creamy white; head semi- globose, prominent, as wide as thorax; color creamy or brownish or blackish; mouth directed ventrad; head completely exposed, sparsely setiferous; epicranial suture and vertical furrows present; antennae extremely long, setaceous, conspicuous, seven-segmented; ocularia located ventro-laterad of antennariae; mouth-parts normal, sericos produced and prominent; prothorax with shield-like, usually brownish, broad patches on the dorsal and lateral aspects; thoracic legs modified, setiform, sharply pointed, segments cylindrical, distal segment very long, slender, straight; third abdominal segment with four annulets on dorsal and ventral aspects; spiracles on the second annulet; larvapods wanting; eighth abdominal segment on the venter mesad of the lateral lobe with a fleshy protuber- ance resembling a larvapod, ninth segment cylindrical, smaller than the preceding; tenth segment depressed, rounded on the caudal margin, usually setiferous, sometimes conspicuously so, often with colored patches, always with a median hook-like suranal process near the caudal margin of the tergum; subanal lobe with a pair of setiform, three-segmented conspicuous subanal appendages; insects one- or two-brooded; spinning silken web or rolling leaves for their nests; solitary or gregarious; pupate in the ground. The Pamphiliidae is an easily circumscribed family of eight or nine genera and a large number of species which are peculiar to the Northern hemisphere. The adults differ from all other Hymennoptera except the Xyelidae in the preservation of the subcostal vein in the hind wings. In this character it is more generalized than the Xyelidae altho it is more specialized than this family in other features of venation. Brischke 423] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 105 and Zaddach (1865) discussed the immature stages and biology of eleven European species of the Pamphiliidae and pointed out that certain of their habits may be of taxonomic significance. The larvae of these species fall into one or the other of two groups according to the type of nests they build. The first group contains those whose larvae build nests by tying the leaves of their food-plants together with threads of silk and are either sohtary, as Lyda, or gregarious, as Cephaleia and Neurotoma. The second group consists of those whose larvae build nests by rolling the edge of the leaves of their food-plants and live inside the tubes so formed, as Pamphilius. Some of this latter group make portable nests out of detached pieces of leaves, as Pamphilius inanitus on Rosa. The adults, however, are so closely related to each other that Rohwer (1911) con- sidered such a subdivision impractical. Konow (1901), in his analytical table of the larvae, included sLxteen species, representing four genera, but did not register any Nearctic species. According to this writer (1905) the larvae of Lyda and Cephaleia feed on coniferous plants while those of Neurotoma and Pamphilius attack deciduous plants. Nothing is known concerning the biology of Anoplolyda. Dyar (1895) included in his table ten Nearctic pamphilids but, excepting Pamphilius ocreatus, all were uni- dentified and many were taken from descriptions given by Packard (1890). Of about fifty-five Nearctic species representing seven genera, Acan- tholyda, Itycorsia, Cephaleia, Caenolyda, Neurotoma, Pamphilius, and Anoplolyda, only five species have been identified in the larval stage, and the food-plants of about six species recorded. Four identified and several unidentified species have been examined. It is not possible to define the genera with this limited material; the species studied can be separated as follows. SPECIES OF PAMPHILIIDAE 1(14) Subanal appendages with the second segment longer than or subequal to the third segment, never distinctly shorter; head usually dark-colored; tenth abdominal tergum with colored patches 2. 2(3) Subanal appendages with the second segment subequal in length to the third, all segments black; first segment longer than the two distal segments taken together; head black; bodj' olive-green with yellowish lateral lobes; on spruce; Packard fl890)-35 Pamphiliid sp. 1. 3(2) Subanal appendages with the second segment longer than third, the third usually darker in color than the others; first segment longer than or nearly equal to the two distal segments taken together; head dark brown to green 4. 4(5) Head green; tenth abdominal tergum without colored patches; body green; subanal appendages with the second and third segments black; on Pinus strobus; Packard-83. Pamphiliid sp. 2. 5(4) Head not green, usually brownish; tenth abdominal tergum with or without colored patches; body not greenish, sometimes reddish or olivaceous; subanal appendages usually with segments brownish; on Pinus and Abies 6. 106 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [424 6(13) Head brown to yellowish 7. 7(12) Head dark brown 8. 8(9) Head paler along epicranial arms; subanal appendages with first segment as long as ail the other segments taken together; all segments pale to light brown; length,25mm. ; width of head, 3 mm.; body robust, large; following parts dark brown: head except along epicranial arms, prothoracic shields, thoracic surpedal lobe, coxae, sterna between thoracic legs, cervical sclerites, markings on the tenth abdominal segment, median suranal process, and antenae; ocellarae black; suranal process short and erect; tenth abdominal tergum with a pair of lateral patches, not connected along caudal margin; tenth abdominal sternum with a median brown patch, distinctly rounded on cephalic margin; subanal appendages light brown, first segment equal in length to other two taken together, segment 2 longer than 3; thoracic legs with fifth segment as long as fourth, and third taken together; antennal formula: (2, 5), 3, 6, 1, (4, 7); cuticle distinctly reticulate, each area brownish; three specimens in MacGillivray collection bearing label "Cephalaeia sp. No. 839? Maine." (The identification is open to question, but, since these larvae are readily distinguished from the larvae of Pamphilius and Neurotoma by the characters used in the table here, they may be considered, tentatively at least, as representing the genus Cephal- eia.) Cephaleia sp. 1 . 9(8) Head not paler along epicranial arms, but uniformly brownish 10. 10(11) Head pitch-brown; body pinkish to reddish brown; on spruce; Packard-36 Pamphiliid sp. 3. 11(10) Head horny brown; body horny brown; subanal appendages with first segment longer than other two taken together, third segment brown; on Pinus strobus; Packard-84 Pamphiliid sp. 4. 12(7) Head yellowish to brownish yellow; body pale brick-red or yellowish, each segment with a large reddish spot on the spiracular line; subanal appendages with first segment nearly equal in length to other two taken together; all segments blackish ; on Pinus strohus; Packard-85 Pamphiliid sp. 5. 13(6) Head pale red, with a black spot on the front; body reddish olive-green with purplish meso-dorsal line; on Austrian pine; closely related to Lyda campestris; Packard-82. Pamphiliid sp. 6. 14(1) Subanal appendages with the second segment distinctly shorter than the third; head variously colored, blackish to pale; tenth abdominal tergum either with or without colored patches 15. 15(18) Tenth abdominal tergum with a colored patch on each side, median triangular patch between the cephalic ends of the lateral patches wanting; lateral patches connected along the caudal margin of tergum; sternum with a large colord patch 16. 16(17) Head blackish or dark brownish, in younger specimens pale brown; subanal append- ages with first segment longer than other two segments taken together, third longer than second, all segments brown, the third darker; cervical sclerites pale brown, dorsal and lateral sliields of prothorax pale to light brown, patches on the ultimate segment brownish; body with a pink dorsal line on the meson; antennae in mature specimens with formula, (2, 3, 5), 1, 7, (4, 6) ; ocularium about one-third the diameter of antennaria; ocellarae small, eccentric, near the mesal margin of ocularium; mouth-parts brownish; length, 19 mm.; width of head, 1.9 mm.; on wild cherry; G Neurotoma fasciata Norton. 17(16) Head lighter in color, yellowish, sometimes brownish yellow; subanal appendages with first segment nearly equal to other two taken together, all segments black; following parts blackish: prothoracic shields, thoracic legs, markings on ultimate segment, subanal appendages, ocularia, thoracic sterna; the black markings of tenth abdominal 425] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 107 tergum connected along the caudal margin; black marking of tenth sternum large, completely covering the sternum, and with its cephalic margin between the subanal appendages straight; antennae with formula, (3, 5), 2, 1, 7, (6, 4); length, 18 mm.; width of head, 1.7 mm.; on plum; G NeuroiomainconspicuaNoTton. 18(15) Tenth abdominal tergum either with a colored patch on each side and with a median triangular patch between the cephalic ends of the lateral patches alwaj^s present, the lateral patches sometimes not connected along the caudal margin of the tergum, the sternum with a large colored patch; or the tergum without colored patches and the sternum either with a pair of small round spots ot without markings 19. 19(22) Tenth abdominal tergum with two lateral triangular patches and one mesal patch and sternum with a large colored patch 20. 20(2 1 ) Head blackish ; body greenish-white; subanal appendages with the first segment longer than the other two taken together, all segments pale brown, the third sometimes darker; following parts blackish: head uniformly, antennae, prothoracic shields, thoracic lateral lobe, markings on ultimate segment, suranal hook, cervical sclerites, and coxae; antennae with formula, (3, 2), 5, 1, 7, (4, 6); eighth uromere with a pair of marginal ventral glands near caudal portion of the sublateral lobe, both pale brown; in life, body glossy white with diffused fleshy-reddish tint; antennae and subanal appendages whitish; length, 19 mm.; width of head, 1.9 mm.; on Comus; nests made by rolling edges of leaves cut across from the margin to the midrib; gregarious; Y-125 Pamphilius sp. 1. 21(20) Head light brown, with a black spot on the apex of front; subanal appendages with the first segment nearly equal in length to the other two taken together, two proximal segments creamy, third deep brown; body whitish green; ocularia brown, a black spot at the origin of the epicranial arms; following parts brown: thoracic shields, cervical sclerites, and markings on the ultimate segment; tenth abdominal tergum with a median cephalic triangular patch between the lateral patches; subanal appendages with second segment longer than half the length of the third; thoracic legs pale or creamy; antennae, beyond the first segment, deep brown, vnth formula: (2, 3, 5), 1, 7, (4, 6); length, 19 mm.; width of head, 1.8 mm.; on blackberry; G Pamphilius dentatus MacG. 22(19) Tenth abdominal tergum without colored patches 23. 23(26) Tenth abdominal sternum without a pair of small colored patches 24. 24(25) Head unifomJy pale brown; subanal appendages wdth the first segment as long as other two taken together, the second shorter than the third, all segments pale brown; ocularia large, about one-third the diameter of antenaria, black; following parts blackish brown: narrow prothoracic shields, cervical sclerites, and antennae; suranal hook brown without colored base; antennae with formula, (2, 3), 5, 1, 7, (4, 6); length, 12 mm.; width of head, 1.5 mm.; host unknown; Y-163-3. (This species closely resembles P. persicus MacG.) Pamphilius sp. 2. 25(24) Head not uniformly pale brown, vertex brown, front with a brown spot; subanal appendages with the first segment as long as the other two taken together, distal two segments brownish; following parts brown: prothoracic shields, cervical sclerites, antennae, and suranal process; legs pale brown, darker in young specimens; length, 17 mm.; width of head, 1.8 mm.; on blackberry; M-69 Pamphilius sp. 3. 26(20) Tenth abdominal sternum with a pair of small colored patches; head pale to light brown, front sometimes with a brown spot, usually without it; subanal appendages with the first segment nearly equal in length to other two taken together, the second segment shorter than the third, all segments pale to brownish; ocularia and mandible at distal end blackish brown; suranal process brown with its base pale; antennae 108 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [426 brown; tenth abdominal sternum with small brown round spot on each side; length, 16 mm.; width of head, 1.6 mm.; larvae solitary, leaf-edge rollers on Comus; M. Pamphilius ocreatus Say. Family Cephidae Body (Fig. 2) cylindrical, sometimes slightly depressed, enlarged at thorax, slightly and uniformly tapering caudad, slender or moderately stout; segmentation usually distinct; annulation sometimes indistinct; cuticle smooth or verrucose, microscopically and very sparsely setiferous; color generallly pale or creamy white, never with distinct bright marks; head circular in contour, semiglobose, moderately large, narrower than thorax, caudal portion concealed by prothorax, pale brown or concojorous with body, sparsely setiferous; mouth-parts directed ventrad, normal in form, brownish; antennae with four or five segments, conical; ocellarae small, with ocularia less than one-fifth the diameter of antennaria and located latero-caudad of it; epicranial suture and vertical furrows present; mesothorax distinctly, and metathorax with dorsal and lateral aspects somewhat swollen; thoracic legs vestigial, fleshy, mamma-like, tarsal claws wanting; third abdominal segment with two or three annulets, sometimes indistinct; venter with three annulets; larvapods wanting, sometimes with slight swellings in normal position of larvapods; lateral lobes prominent, extending the entire length of the segment; tergum of ultimate segment with mesal longitudinal broad depression and distinct suranal process; sternum of ultimate segment with a pair of inconspicuous vestigial, papilliform subanal appendages ventrad of the cephalic end of the anal slit; internal feeders, boring into the stem of monocotyledonous and herbaceous plants and bushes; pupation in tunnels in the host-plants. The Cephidae contains about fourteen genera and is moderately rich in number of species, some of them of intercontinental distribution. Nine genera are represented in North America. Practically all systematists have considered this group as a distinct aggregate worthy of family rank. Rohwer (1911), however, has expressed the opinion that future studies may possibly make it advisable to unite this group with the Xyelidae and to treat each of them as subfamilies. There have so far been no facts or reasons brought to light which call for such a step. On the other hand, MacGillivray's study has emphasized the fact that "so far as the wings are concerned, they (Cephidae) are the most distinct of any group of the Tenthredinoidea, and are only indirectly related to any of the other families." They are generalized in the manner of the origin of media but are specialized in other features of the wings. On the basis of larval characters this family is related to the Pamphiliidae and is quite unrelated to the Xyelidae. The systematic position of the osculant genus Syntexis is unsettled. In the original description Rohwer (1915) stated that this genus has 427) LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 109 affinities with both the Cephidae and Xiphydriidae and on the basis of venation, it probably belongs to the latter as defined by MacGillivray. Certain features other than venation, however, led Rohwer to place it in the Cephidae. It is not safe to venture any opinion without careful examination of the larvae, but their antennae and their lack of papilliform subanal appendages suggest close affinity with the Xiphydriidae. At least six out of sixteen American species have been recognized in the larval stages and their host-plants recorded. Janus integer and Cephus cinctus are economic pests. Konow's tribe Macrocephides includes the species whose larvae bore into the pith of shrubs and woody twigs, and his tribe Cephides embraces those whose larvae bore into the stalks of Graminaceae. Middleton (1917) published descriptions and keys for distinguishing the larvae of five species representing four genera, Adirus, Janus, Cephus, and Hartigia together with a definition of the groups based on "characters common to all the genera studied and probably to the family." He reserved for future discussion the question of the systematic position of the Cephidae, but pointed out the obvious affinity of this group with the Siricidae on one hand and the Pamphiliidae on the other. Gahan (1920) described the larva of Tracheitis tabidus (Fab.) and added a key for sepa- rating this larva from that of Cephus cinctus and C. pygmaeus. M^ GENERA OF CEPHIDAE 1(10) Papilliform subanal appendages present on the ultimate abdominal segment 2. 2(3) Suranal process depressed on the distal portion, oval in cross-section, with strongly chitinized dentiform tubercles on the proximal portion; antennae five-segmented. Janus Stephens. 3(2) Suranal process not depressed on the distal portion, circular in cross-section, with or without strongly chitinized dentiform tubercles on the proximal portion; antennae four-segmented 4. 4(5) Suranal process proximad of distal cj^lindrical portion with strongly chitinized dentiform tubercles Adirus Konow. 5(4) Suranal process proximad of distal cylindrical portion without strongly chitinized dentiform tubercles 6. 6(7) Terga of eighth and ninth abdominal segments setiferous, each with a transverse row of distinct setae; tenth abdominal tergum as viewed from side strongly convex and truncate on the caudal aspect; suranal process with stiff setae not arising from distinct chitinized bases Trachelus Jurine. 7(6) Terga of eighth and ninth abdominal segments glabrous, each without a transverse row of distinct setae; tenth abdominal tergum as viewed from side not strongly convex and not truncate on the caudal aspect but gradually declivous caudad; suranal process with stiff setae arising from distinct chitinized bases 8. 8(9) Suranal process with distal chitinized portion very short and ring-like, or very long and cj^inder-like, more than twice as long as wide; suranal process with a single transverse row of setae proximad of the distal chitinized portion or with two or more whorls of setae; the distal margin of the distal chitinized portion not distinctly serrate Cephus Latreille. no ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [428 9(8) Suranal process with distal chitinized portion, as long as wide, cylinder-like; suranal process proximad of the distal chitinized portion with two or more whorls of setae; distal margin of the distal chitinized portion minutely but distinctly serrate Hartigia Schiodte. 10(1) Papilliform subanal appendages on the ultimate abdominal segment wanting. Syntexis Rohwer. Should Cephus and Hartigia (Middleton, 1917) and Trachelus (Gahan, 1920) prove to possess five-segmented antennae, as reported, contrary to the observations of the present writer, the genus Janus can be separated from them by the chitinized dentiform tubercles and Trachelus by the glabrous eighth and ninth abdominal terga. Janus Stephens Antennae distinctly with five segments; segments 1 and 2 short, ring-like, segment 3 longer, but half as wide as segment 1, segment 4 cylindrical, longer than wide, segment 5 elongate-conical, twice as long as wide, subequal in length to or shorter than segment 4; suranal process short, strongly chitinized, nearly as long as wide at proximal end, denti- form tubercles with circular rows of stiff setae on the proximal half, distal half small, depressed, narrowly oblong in cross-section; subanal appendages peg-like, with a minute seta at the distal end, apparently segmented, without setae near the proximal end; lateral area of suranal lobe with 2-3 setae; mandible with four dentes. SPECIES OF JANUS Subanal appendages distinctly two-segmented, segment 1 ring-like, much larger in diameter than segment 2; antennae with segment 5 about one-half as long as segment 4; bores in Salix and Populus abbreviatus Say. Subanal appendages indistinctly two-segmented, segments subequal in diameter; antennae with segment 5 subequal in length to or only slightly shorter than segment 4; bores in Ribes species (currant); C integer Norton. Adirus Konow Antennae distinctly with four segments; segment 4 long, peg-like, bluntly pointed, nearly three times as long as wide, twice as long as segment 3; suranal process large, distal fourth strongly chitinized, sud- denly constricted, circular in cross-section, with chitinized dentiform tubercles; subanal appendages peg-like, fleshy, apparently unsegmented, with setae near the proximal end, these setae separated from the remainder of the setae on the sternum; lateral area of suranal lobe with 20-28 setae. Adirus trimaculatus Say. — Middleton has described the larvae in detail. They bore in the stems of blackberry and rose. Thru the kindness of Dr. E. P. Felt, one mature and two young damaged specimens from 429] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 111 the New York State Museum, labeled "a 2766" and "a 2261" were exam- ined by me. Trachelus Jurine Antennae apparently with four segments — according to Gahan five segments present; body thickest dorso-ventrad in meso thorax, second and third abdominal segments widest, the ninth and tenth tapering suddenly; suranal process rather short, tapering caudad gradually, chit- inized dentiform tubercles wanting, with or without stiff short setae, if setae present they do not arise from chitinized bases; ultimate tergum setiferous on both sides of the median depression, convex as viewed from side, truncate on the caudal aspect, not declivous caudad; third abdominal segment with three annulets, annulet 2 largest and with a transverse row of setae; subanal appendages peg-like, unsegmented. Trachelus tabidus Fabricius. — Suranal process without distinct con- striction, with or without brownish setae, if present, setae arranged in a irregular circle in the proximal half; subanal appendages brownish with 2 minute setae at the distal end, and with 1 or 2 setae which are separated from the remainder of the setae on the sternum; lateral area of suranal lobe with 5-7 setae; antennae with segment 4 bluntly rounded, segments 2 and 3 ring-like, segment 1 narrow but large in diameter with a seta on the dorsal margin, segments all brown; bore in the stalks of wheat, rye, and barley (Gahan 1920). Cephus Latreille Antennae apparently with four segments — according to Middle- ton five segments present — segment 4 less than twice as long as wide; abdominal segments 5-8 with ventral swellings corresponding in position to larvapods; suranal process without chitinized dentiform tubercles, either with a narrow ring-like distal chitinized portion and a semicircular row of setae or with a long cylindrical distal portion and two or more irregular rows of whorls of setae on the proximal portion, the distal margin of the distal chitinous portion entire and smooth; subanal appendages papilla- like, cylindrical, more than twice as long as wide, bluntly rounded at the distal end, with one or more setae near the proximal end; lateral area of suranal lobe with 7-15 setae; mandible with three dentes. According to Rohwer (1917) only two species of this genus are known to occur in North America. They can be separated as follows: SPECIES OF CEPHUS Suranal process with the distal chitinized portion cylindrical, twice as long as wide, setae on the proximal portion arranged in two or three irregular whorls; subanal appendages with several setae; lateral area of suranal lobe with about 15 setae; the only true Nearctic species known; bores in stalks of Elymus, Agropyron, Phleum, and wheat, cinctus Norton. 112 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (430 Suranal process with distal chitinized portion ring-like, shorter than wide, setae on the proximal portion arranged in a semicircular row on the dorsal aspect; subanal append- ages with one or rarely two setae, lateral area of suranal lobe typically with seven setae; introduced from Europe; bores in stalks of wheat pygmaeus Linnaeus. Hartigia Schiodte Antennae apparently with four segments — according to Middleton (1917) with five segments — segment 4 longer than segment 3, elongate, conical; suranal process twice as long as wide at proximal end, without strongly chitinized dentiform tubercles, with several whorls of spinous setae; subanal appendages two-segmented, sometimes segmentation indistinct, with accompanying setae separated from the remainder of setae of the sternum; lateral area of suranal lobe with 15-20 setae. Hartigia creisoni Kirby. — The larvae of this species have been described in detail by Middleton. They bore in the stems of Rubus in California. The preceding generic definition was based upon specimens obtained thru the courtesy of Mr. Harry S. Smith, of Sacramento, California, and does not quite agree with that given by Middleton (1917). Family Xiphydriidae Larvae (Fig. 3) small; body subcylindrical, thorax and two caudal seg- ments distinctly swollen; segmentation distinct; annulation obsolete; creamy white, no markings; glabrous; thoracic legs rudimentary, fleshy, mamma-like, without tarsal claws; larvapods wanting; ultimate segment with distinct suranal process, without subanal appendages; ocellarae wanting; mouth-parts modified; maxillary palpi apparently two-segmented; antennae apparently with three segments; metaspiracles functionless, very much smaller than abdominal spiracles; cuticle on dorsum smooth, on venter microscopically, sharply, and densely spinulate; tenth abdominal tergum with deep meso-dorsal depression; wood-borers. The Xiphydriidae contains four genera, Derecyrta, Brachyxiphus, Xiphydria, and Konowia, which may be divided into two groups on the presence or absence of the radial cross-vein in the wings. Systematists have generally considered this group as a subfamily of the Siricidae, but MacGillivray (1906) has elevated it to its present standing on the vena- tional characters, which he has proven to be the most generalized of the specialized Tenthredinoidea. Rohwer (1911) would divide the family into two subfamilies, Xiphydriinae and Derecyrtinae, the latter being monobasic. Of the four genera, two are represented in the Nearctic fauna. In a recent synopsis of the Nearctic wood-wasps, Rohwer (1918b) tabulates eight species of Xiphydria. He considers that X. walshii West- wood, which MacGillivray (1916) assigned to the genus Konowia belongs to the original genus, although the species was unknown to him, and states that "it is possible that it is provancheri Cresson." Rohwer suggests 431] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 113 that the specimens which Patten (1878) reared from Betula nigra and regarded as X. attenuata Norton do not belong to this species but are similar to an undescribed female bearing a Bradley manuscript name. Nothing is known concerning the immature stages of Konowia basalts Say. The larvae of Xiphydria are wood-borers and confine their attacks to dead and decaying wood of deciduous trees. European species infest willows, poplar, elm, and birch, and American species, maple, hickory, and birch. Konow (1901) listed four species, Xiphydria prolongata, X. camelus, X. longicollis, and X. abdominalis in his key to the larvae of Tenthredinoidea. Xiphydria Fallen Larvae comparatively small; thorax distinctly swollen, the meta- thorax being the largest segment of the body; abdominal segments 1-2 cylindrical, subequal in diameter; third abdominal segment with a single annulet; two caudal segments somewhat globose; sublateral lobe moder- ately large, extending the entire length of the segment; suranal process comparatively long, with dentiform tubercles near the base; tenth ab- dominal sternum much smaller than the tergum; head and ultimate segment with long setae; head semiglobose, vertical furrows present; epicranial suture in part indistinct; antennariae distinct; antennae three- segmented, segments 1 and 2 ring-like, segment 3 conical, longer but of much smaller diameter than the preceding segments; labium very small, without median emargination; mandibles with distinct dentes; maxillae with small modified palpi, apparently two-segmented; galea conical, smaller than palpi, lacinia fleshy, tubercle-like, with several setae; labium with submentum and mentum large, convex, membranous, palpi appar- ently with three segments, small, median lobe large, flattened on venter, suboblong; spiracles large, oblique, not winged; glandubae wanting. Xiphydria provancheri Cresson. — Length, 12 mm.; width of head, 1.6 mm.; body yellowish white; head creamy white; mouth-parts brownish; suranal process arising from large brownish strongly chitinized suranal lobe, deep brown, at proximal end, more than twice as long as wide, distal two-thirds suddenly and distinctly smaller in diameter than proximal third, with two circular rows of dentiform tubercles and setae on the proximal third and two distinct ventral dentiform tubercles on the distal third, one caudad of the other, these without setae; on birch. This description is based upon a rare specimen collected at Saranac Inn, New York State, Aug. 20, 1900, and generously loaned by Dr. E. P. Felt. The larva bores into partly decayed heartwood of standing birch and makes a gallery about 2.5 mm. in diameter. The burrows are invari- ably filled with the borings, except a short curved portion thru which the adult makes its way to the surface. A parasite, Pammegischia xiphydriae Ashmead, was reared by Dr. Felt from larvae of this species. 114 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [432 Dr. Felt (1906) also found another larva making moderately large cylindrical burrows in decaying birch and considered it as probably belonging to X. attenuata. He refers to the rearing of this species by Patton and suggests Rhyssa humida Say as its parasite. Since the identity of Patton's specimen is questioned and since the adult was apparently not reared, it is not possible to identify the specimen under consideration. If it were really X. attenuata, then it should be known as X. abdominalis as proposed by Konow (1905) and Rohwer (1918). Family Siricidae Body large, 30-40 mm., cylindrical, uniform in diameter thruout (Fig. 4), fleshy, plump; integument smooth, transparent, non-setaceous, light in color; head circular, half as high as thorax; mouth directed ventrad, mostly exposed, but slightly overlapped by pro thorax; antennae incon- spicuous, apparently one-segmented; ocellarae wanting; epicranial suture wanting and vertical furrow indistinct; mouth-parts not normal in form, light in color; prothorax large; mesothorax and metathorax short in comparison with abdominal segments; legs rudimentary, mamma-like, subequal in size, borne on fleshy conical lobes; larvapods wanting; typical segment with two indistinct annulets, sublateral lobe distinct but not prominent; tenth abdominal segment semiglobose in profile; tenth tergum distinctly depressed by a median furrow; suranal lobe on the meson with dark colored, chitinized, suranal process; subanal appendages wanting; in- ternal-feeder, bores in the trunks of deciduous and evergreen trees. The Siricidae contains five genera and about fifty species, most of which are confined to the northern hemisphere. The recognition of the fact that these insects constitute a well-circumscribed group dates back to the time of Linnaeus (1758) who described five species of Siricidae among those of his heterogeneous genus Ichneumon, three of the five having become the types of three modern genera. Systematists have universally agreed in considering this group worthy of family rank. The family falls into two natural divisions, Siricinae, including three genera, Sirex, Urocerous, and Xeris, and Tremecinae, embracing two genera, Tremex and Teredon. The genus Xeris was associated with the genera composing the Tremecinae both by Ashmead (1898) and Konow (1905), but Rohwer (1911) proposed a more natural arrangement, placing this genus in the Siricinae. Bradley (1913) definitely divided the two groups on the number of segments of labial palpi and the retention of cerci in the adults. According to Bradley (1913) there are twenty species reported for North America, representing all the known genera. The specific charac- ters of some common species, as Sirex nigricornis, -Urocerus cressoni, and Tremex columba, are subject to a wide range of variation and several varieties have been described. So far as known, the larvae of the Siricinae 433] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 115 are wood-borers attacking conifers, those of the Tremecinae boring in deciduous trees. Tremex columba, or three races of this species which infest maple, elm, apple, pear, beech, oak, and sycamore, are the best- known examples. The food-plants of only three American species are known, these including Slrex cyaneus and Urocerus albicornis. Larvae of the Siricinae have not been examined. Tremex Jurine Larvae conspicuously large; body cylindrical, slightly flattened on the venter; large, robust, usually bare except on head and tenth abdominal segment; whitish or creamy white; setae microscopic; head semiglobose, slightly wider than high on cephalic aspect, semicircular in profile, pro- duced to the ventral half of the front, then suddenly truncated, pale brown- ish; mandibles and coilae deep brown; antennae apparently one-segmented, conical; antacoria partly chitinized and bearing a few small setae; ocel- larae wanting; depression mesad of antennaria which is sometimes called the "eye" is a pretentorina; vertical furrows concealed by overhang- ing prothorax; clypeus small, light in color; labrum transverse, con- vex, thick, asymmetrical, without median emargination, but with a notch on the right third of slightly oblique cephalic margin; mandibles strong; mandacuta distinct, brown; mandibularia narrow, inconspicu- ous, maxilla fleshy except subgalea, stipes large; palpi two-segmented, small; galea conical, brown, small, arising from broad shoulder which bears a few tiny setae on the lateral portion; lacinia round, lobe-like, bearing three rows of brown setae, which decrease in length on cephalic or dorsal side; labium compact, submentum narrow, transverse, mem- branous, mentum convex, lobe-like, deeply emarginate on cephalic margin, ligula round, fitting into the emargination of mentum, palpi small, two- segmented, second segment much smaller than first, conical and brown, sericos large, transverse, distinct, crescentic; prothorax large, produced dorsad and cephalad, overlapping the caudal third of the head; mesothorac- ic and metathoracic segments about one-half the length of abdominal seg- ments except the first abdominal which is only little longer than the meta- thorax; thoracic legs rudimentary, mamma-like, short, tipped with tiny chitinized spot, borne on fleshy conical pedal lobe; cervical sclerites want- ing; sternum with transverse subtriangular lobes which meet on the meson in front of median lobe between and slightly cephalad of prothoracic legs; metaspiracles as large as abdominal spiracles; abdomen slightly and uni- formly tapering to the caudal end; annulation indistinct on dorsum, apparently with but one annulet, the venter with two annulets, the second annulet larger than the first; sublateral lobe prominent, extending the entire length of segment as a single oblique elevation; spiracles large, brown; ninth abdominal segment a little shorter than the eighth; tenth 116 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [434 tergum convex, lateral area of suranal lobe broad, suranal process promi- nent, deep brownish, strongly chitinized, compressed, with two pairs of small but distinct teeth. The foregoing definition of the genus is based on one species, Tremex columba. Tremex columba Linnaeus. — Length, 40 mm.; width of head, 4 mm.; ultimate segment with setae as follows: tergum near the caudal margin on each side of the median furrow with a small, brown, sharp, hook-like spine, with tiny setae which arise from large calices; ventral side of suranal lobe with such setae; tenth sternum small; small brown spot at the lateral end of anal slit; subanal lobe non-setiferous; subanal appendages wanting; 1-8396; G-. The eggs of the Pigeon Tremex are oblong-oval, pointed at both ends about 1.2 mm, in length, deposited singly, but in limited area, close to each other; oviposition takes place in early summer, female sometimes fails to withdraw ovipositor and dies in situ; larvae on hatching in the wood make a gallery and feed for probably one season; transformation takes place in the burrow; adults emerge thru circular hole, about 8 mm. in diameter. The larvae are parasitizec by Thalessa lunator and also by Megarhyssa atrata Fabricius, according to Champlain (1921), Felt (1906) suggests as remedial measure against this insect, the cutting down and burning of all trees badly infested. Keeping the trees in vigor- ous health is supposed to be sufficient to prevent injury as the larvae work only in weakened or partly decaying wood. Family Megalodontidae Antennae long, conspicuous, multisegmented, located above or near the ocellarae; larvapods wanting; last abdominal segment rounded, with a pair of bristle-like segmented subanal appendages; larvae feed on herba- ceous plants. This family contains four genera, Rhipidioceros, Megalodontes, Melanopus, and Tristactus, and about thirty-five species, which are distributed in Europe, Asia, and North Africa, Systematists have invari- ably associated this family with the Pamphiliidae, but that this position is unnatural has been conclusively shown by MacGillivray. He has pointed out that it represents a line of specialization very similar to that found in the Siricidae, and that while it is more closely related to this family than to any other, an abundance of characters justify one in considering it as a distinct group. Only one species, Megalodontes spissicornis Klug has been recognized in the larval stage. The larvae, according to Hiendlmayr (1878), are found on Lasperpitium latifolium L. in central Europe from the end of July to 435] LARVAE OF THE TENTH REDINOIDEA — YU ASA 117 the beginning of August. In the younger stages, they are gregarious and live in a common nest like many Pamphiliidae, but they spin an individual web when half-grown. There is one generation a year. This interesting species was not available for study, and the foregoing definition is abstracted from Konow (1901) and may be found by later students of Httle value in defining the family. This family, so far as the recorded larval characters are concerned, seems to be closely associated with the Pamphiliidae in possessing the bristle-like subanal appendages and long conspicuous antennae. Future observations, however, may possibly reveal more important characters, not given in the brief synopsis of Konow. Family Oryssidae Body (Fig. 5) eruciform, grub-like, subcyhndrical, slightly depressed, swollen in the middle of the abdomen, tapering at each end; segmentation distinct; annulation obsolete; creamy white, without colored markings; spiracles on prothorax and first eight abdominal segments; thorax increas- ing in size caudad, thoracic legs obsolete; larvapods wanting; fourth abdominal segment largest in diameter, size of segments decreasing rapidly caudad, last segment smallest; suranal process and subanal appendages wanting; head white, compressed cephalo-caudad, circular in frontal contour, narrower than thorax; antennae with a single segment, papilla- like; mandibles tridentate; maxillae and labium vestigial, fleshy, lobe-like, without palpi; ocellarae wanting; larvae parasitic on wood-boring larvae of Coleoptera; pupation in the pupal cells of the hosts. The Oryssidae contain six genera and a limited number of species distributed thruout the world. The genus Oryssus alone is represented in the Nearctic region. In former years the family has been associated with the Siricidae, but recently writers are in accord in regarding it as an extremely specialized compact group. MacGillivray (1906) came to the conclusion that "so far as their wings are concerned the presence of the second anal cell in the front wings is the only structure that would place the genus Oryssus in the superfamily Tenthredinoidea"; The group is not only highly specialized in the adult characters but a recent discovery of the parasitic habit of the larvae isolates these Hymenoptera from all other Tenthredinoidea as a unique class. In fact Rohwer and Cushman (1917) have gone so far as to propose a new suborder, Idiogastra, placing it "intermediate between the suborder Chalastogastra — where adult would place it — and the suborder Clistogastra — with which the larva would ally it." Whether this arrangement is acceptable or not, the fact that this group is remarkably well circumscribed and that it represents the summit of an extremely isolated line of specialization in the Tenthredinoidea can not be doubted. 118 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [436 Only one species, Oryssus occidentalis Cresson, has been recognized in the immature stages. The definitions given here are based on the descrip- tions and figures of this species published by Rohwer and Cushman (1917). It is quite possible that future studies may prove them inadequate for the identification of the larvae of other genera and species yet to be dis- covered. Oryssus Lateeille Larvae small; epicranial suture faint, arms obsolete; clypeus cres- centic, narrow; fronto-clypeal and clypeo-labral sutures distinct; labrum more than twice as wide as long, with shallow mesal emargination; an- tennaria distinctly elevated, antacoria extensive, mound-like; antennae small, mamma-like; mandibles strongly chitinized, curved, narrow mesal dentis larger than lateral dentes, these subequal in size, sharp; maxillae fleshy, sub triangular, unsegmented lobes; annulation on dorsum indistinct, with apparently two annulets, venter with one; sublateral lobes distinct, extending the entire length of the segments; spiracles visible from dorsal aspect; segments transversely raised and with a few minute tubercles. Orysius occidentalis Cresson. — Color white with mandibles and chit- inized ridges near the mouth brown; head one-third as wide as the widest segment of the body — the fourth abdominal segment; maxillae with minute brownish spots bearing about three sensory papillae; labium with about four stout setae on each side of meson; prothorax declivous toward the head, forming straight line with the latter in profile, on dorsum subequal in length to mesothorax; metathorax half as long as mesothorax; lengths of abdominal segments as follows: 8, (1, 9), (2, 7), (4, 6), 5, 10 on dorsum, (6, 7, 8), 5, 1, 3, (2, 4), 9, 10 on venter, 8, 7, 4, (1, 2, 5, 6), 3, 9, 10 on latus; tenth abdominal segment one-fourth as wide and one-third as high as the fourth and sixth segments respectively; dorso-cephalic margin of mesothor- acic and eighth abdominal segments distinctly, and of metathoracic and abdominal segments 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 slightly convex, and of abdominal segments 2 and 3 concave; ventro-cephalic margin of abdominal segments 1, 6, 7, 8 distinctly, and of 2 and 9 slightly, concave, of 3, 4, and 5 convex, of 1 and 6 with a distinct convex emargination on each side of meson; abdominal segments with the distance from spiracles to dorsal surface uniform on lateral aspect and much shorter than the distance from spiracles to the ventral surface, the latter variable and increasing caudad to the sixth segment and diminishing thereafter; "each thoracic and abdominal segment has dorsally at each side of the middle a low, transverse elevation sur- mounted by a transverse row of four or five short, stout back-pointing spines"; setiferous elevations on abdominal segments 1-7 and 9 and on metathorax near the caudal margin of the segments, those of prothoracic 437j LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 119 and mesothoracic and eighth abdominal segments being in the middle; tenth abdominal segment with small pointed protuberances directed cau- dad; venter of segments with brownish spots in place of legs; larvae para- sitic on the larvae of Buprestis confluens Say, B. laevenlris Le Conte, and possibly other species of Buprestidae. 120 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (438 IV. PHYLOGENY A classification based on phylogeny is one of the essential concerns of philosophical taxonomy. In order to ascertain the genetic relationship of organisms, synthetic as well as analytic, consideration of evidence drawn from all the branches of biological science is imperative. The indissoluble relation of morphology, embryology, and paleontology to tax- onomy is so manifest and familiar that no comments are needed. The time has come, however, when a critical examination of the phylogenetic significance and the taxonomic value of the physiological and biological attributes of animals must be made. Whatever evidence comparative physiology, biochemistry, and genetics may offer should be incorporated as far as possible with the data obtained in other more commonly ex- ploited fields of research. Only in this way is it possible to arrive at a comprehensive, systematic and complete summation of knowledge of animals. This is the primary function of philosophical taxonom}?^, and in this sense the saying of W. S. Jevons that "science can extend only so far as the power of accurate classification extends," is true. There are good reasons to believe, however, that even to-day morphol- ogy, as of old, holds its supreme place in systematic investigations as it offers fundamental assistance in determining the genetic affinities of organisms. The success of a study of phylogeny based on morphological evidences depends on the ability of the investigator to select the proper structures, to determine the direction and nature of changes undergone by these structures, and to draw legitimate conclusions by judicious interpre- tation of the facts observed. Data obtained from studies of the external anatomy of the larval stages of entometabolous insects are of necessity incomplete of themselves for determining the phylogeny of the group; yet, in the absence of other means of approach to the problem, they constitute essential facts significant enough to merit careful consideration. The opinions of scientists in regard to the systematic importance of the characters based upon the immature stages of Entometabola have been divided. There are some who ascribe no importance whatsoever to them and entirely ignore this phase of taxonomy. There are others who recognize the importance of the larvae from the viewpoint of synoptic classification as they are primarily interested in the practical purpose of 439] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 121 synoptic descriptions and keys. There are still others who believe in the intrinsic importance of the immature stages in the study of phylogeny. The reasonableness of the oft-repeated objection which was voiced by Comstock (1918) that the larvae of insects exhibit a cenogenetic develop- ment and, therefore their ontogeny bears little or no relation to the phylog- eny of the race, must be admitted in regard to certain structures which are entirely too adaptive and too much modified by environmental factors in meeting the trophic requirements of particular species or genera. But admission of this fact is not incompatible with a belief in palingenesis of other structures. Besides, the warning that the cenogenetic peculiari- ties, which may be of value as distinguishing characters, are of no phylo- genetic significance and must, therefore, be judiciously and discriminately distinguished from more important palingenetic characters, applies not only to the classification of the larvae but to the taxonomy of the adults as well. This objection alone does not invalidate a belief in the intrinsic importance of the immature stages from the phylogenetic point of view. While the writer does not minimize the danger of a too confident expecta- tion of finding phylogenetic indices in the successive ontogenetic stages in entometabolous insects, yet he is equally reluctant to abandon his hope in regard to the taxonomic value of the characters of immature insects. The present study is a partial justification of his contention. Students of the Tenthredinoidea have recognized the practical im- portance of the larvae in determining the systematic position of different taxonomic units. Norton (1867) stated that "Mr. Walsh has shown that in some species of Euura and Nematus bred by him, it was almost impossible to detect any difference in the imago, while the larvae varied greatly. Doubtless our opinion will be greatly modified by future dis- coveries." Cameron (1882) was of the opinion that the larvae were of great value in differentiating the tribes and subtribes altho they appeared to be of little use in regard to the genera. MacGilHvray (1913) goes further and states that "it was hoped from a study of the immature stages of the Tenthredinoidea that some information might be obtained as to the validity of the species based on obscure anatomical details." Rohwer also often uses the characters of the larvae as collateral evidence in decid- ing the systematic position of certain subfamilies and genera. Nothing definite is known in regard to the ancestors of the Hymenop- tera beyond the probability that they have somehow arisen from a primi- tive type of some neuropteroid-like Palaeodictyoptera. The order is considered to be one of the most, if not the most, highly specialized of all insects. Systematists are unanimous in regarding the Tenthredinoidea as the most generalized of the Hymenoptera. It is difficult, if not impossi- ble, to conjecture the primitive larval type of the Tenthredinoidea. Judging, however, from what are universally considered to be generalized 122 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (440 conditions in insects in general and in the Tenthredinoidea in particular, the probable ancestral type of larva may be characterized as follows: body cylindrical; segmentation distinct; annulation indistinct, annulets few in number; head exposed, subglobose, distinct from the trunk; thorax and abdomen more or less similar in structure excepting the three pairs of thoracic legs, which are well developed and consist of five segments, tarsal claws distinct; abdomen with twelve segments including the telson; larvapods present on abdominal segments 1-10; antennae long, composed of several segments; ocellarae present, one on each side of head; mouth- parts well developed, maxillary and labial palpi segmented; tenth abdom- inal tergum without caudal protuberances or suranal process; eleventh abdominal sternum with a pair of segmented subanal appendages; ten pairs of functional spiracles present, including metaspiracles; larvae free leaf-feeders. There are, as was pointed out by Comstock (1893), two kinds of char- acters of phylogenetic importance. "First, characters indicating differ- ence in kind of specialization; and second, characters indicating difference in degree of specialization of the same kind. The former will indicate dichotomous divisions of lines of descent; the latter merely indicate degrees of divergence from a primitive type." In determining the probable genetic affinities of the families of the Tenthredinoidea, the following structures have been taken into considera- tion: thoracic legs, larvapods, subanal appendages, ocellarae, antennae, mouth-parts, suranal process, and metathoracic spiracles. The list does not by any means exhaust the structures which might be employed for this purpose, but it is believed that the structures listed offer the most reliable and essential basis for the determination of a phylogeny based upon larval characters. The significant changes in these structures are: addition or reduction of parts; difference in degrees of development of existing parts; and modifications in length, size, shape, and degree of chitinization of the parts. These modifications have been interpreted according to the Comstockian principles quoted above. The thoracic legs are among the most persistent structures in the adult and larval stages of insects in general, and their absence is unques- tionably an indication of specialization by reduction. It is likewise reasonable to assume that any modification of the typical, simple, cylin- drical, five-segmented condition as regards the form or the number of segments is a sign of specialization. The legs of the larvae of the Pam- philiidae approximate most closely the primitive condition in the number, shape, and structure of the segments. The tarsal claw is straight and very slender. In the Xyelidae the legs assume a condition different from that of the Pamphiliidae. The differentiation of segments in size and shape has proceeded further and the tarsal claws have become distinctly claw- 441] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 123 ' I like. The legs are very small compared with the size of the body. The i Tenthredinidae present a series of conditions which illustrate beautifully cases of modification both by reduction and addition. The typical, well- developed, five-segmented legs undoubtedly represent the normal sequence i in development from the condition found in the Xyelidae. The apparently I six-segmented condition of the Hylotominae, four-segmented legs of the ! Fenusinae, and three-segmented condition of the Schizocerinae, together I with the development of distal fleshy lobes in the first- and last-named i subfamilies are cases of specialization. The fact that the specialization by reduction of segments has not proceeded at the same rate in the last , two subfamilies is indicated by the difference in the structure of the | segments. It is interesting to note that the prothoracic legs of the Schizo- i cerinae still retain four segments in spite of the fact that in the two caudal pairs the number of segments has been reduced to three. The osculant genus Phlebatrophia is unique among all other Tenthredinidae in having the legs modified to such an extent as to lose all resemblance to normal j segmented legs. They have become mere fleshy, indistinctly segmented, ; clawless protuberances. In this character this genus resembles highly | specialized families such as the Cephidae and its allies. The Cephidae, i Xiphydriidae, and Siricidae represent a series of modifications in which the i changes have resulted in fleshy, vestigial, entirely clawless legs with or with- I out indication of segmentation. Judging from the size and degree of ' segmentation, the Xiphydriidae is more generalized than the Siricidae j and more specialized than the Cephidae, The Oryssidae is entirely apo- , dous, and the fact that it is parasitic on buprestid larvae leaves no doubt as to its extreme specialization. The larvapods are considered as true appendages of the abdominal segments. Their presence is highly significant from a phylogenetic point of view. The larvae of the Tenthredinoidea are divisible into two types i according to the presence or absence of the larvapods. The Xyelidae i and Tenthredinidae represent the type with polypodous larvae and the ' other five families represent the type with apodous larvae. In the first j group the Xyelidae possess the maximum number, or ten pairs, of larva- j pods, while the Tenthredinidae are provided with six to eight excepting I certain specialized genera which possess very vestigial or no larvapods, ] It has not been possible to determine the reason for the invariable absence ' of larvapods upon the first and ninth uromeres in the Tenthredinidae. It i may be that the same mechanical factors which have caused the fusion i of anal larvapods in boring larvae like Caulocampus are also responsible : for this condition. The size and, to some extent, the structure and position i of the larvapods vary within the Tenthredinidae as in the Schizocerinae, ! Hylotominae, and Fenusinae. It is interesting to note that the gall-making , genus Pontania retains normal larvapods as well as thoracic legs, while the ; 124 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (442 leaf-miners have both thoracic and abdominal legs reduced in the number and size of their segments. The small size and reduced number of seg- ments are correlated with the well-developed thoracic legs of the Hylo- tominae. In this subfamily the claws are very large, sharply curved, and provided with empodia-like distal structures, indicating a great adapta- tion for clinging to leaves. This fact is sufficient to account for the reduc- tion of the larvapods. The Pamphiliidae and four specialized families in the same line of development are entirely without larvapods. It is highly desirable to determine whether this apodous condition signifies a common origin of all five families. Upon this question hinges much of the interpretation of the phylogeny of the Tenthredinoidea. In characterizing the larvae of the hypothetical primodial Ten- thredinoidea the abdomen was considered as provided with the maximum number of appendages, including ten pairs of larvapods and a pair of subanal appendages. This assumption is based upon the fundamental fact that the progenitor of insects having evolved from a typical arthro- podan organism possessed the typically arthropodan character, abdominal appendages. This assumption is justifiable in view of the following facts: (1) the possession of appendages on all of the abdominal segments is a fundamental arthropodan characteristic; (2) the embryos of practically all insects exhibit at some time during their development rudiments of abdominal appendages; (3) appendages are present on all or some of the abdominal segments in the postembryonic stages of the Apterygota; (4) the gonapophyses of the Exometabola represent the true abdominal appendages in this group of insects; (5) the larvapods and other appenda- ges are present in the larvae of the Mecoptera, Lepidoptera, generalized Hymenoptera, and, possibly, in some other orders, — all these facts indi- cating the wide occurrence and fundamental continuity of abdominal appendages in the Hexapoda. It is, therefore, not unreasonable to assume that the progenitor of insects, at least in some stage of its development, possessed appendages on all of the abdominal segments. The same argument supports the contention that the ancestors of the Hymenoptera undoubtedly closely resembled the remoter ancestors of the Insecta. The larvae of the progenitor of the Hymenoptera for this reason have been considered as provided with the maximum number, or ten pairs, of larvapods, a pair on each of the first ten abdominal segments and a pair of subanal appendages on the eleventh abdominal segment. If this assumption is true, the larvae of the Xyelidae, which possess ten pairs of larvapods, must be considered as representing the most primitive condition found in the Hymenoptera. Graber (1890) has shown that in the larvae of Hylotoma the larvapods arise from the embryonic limb-rudiments and are directly evolved from them during the development and, therefore, the larvapods are the true appendages of the abdomen, homodynamous 4431 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 125 with the thoracic legs and homologous with the abdominal appendages of generalized insects. There is no reason for considering the larvapods of the Xyelidae as embryologically and morphologically different from those of Hylotoma, consequently the larvapods of the Xyelidae must be the true appendages of the abdomen; and since the larvae of this family are provided with the maximum number of larvapods, they must be considered as the most generalized of the Tenthredinoidea. The Ten- thredinidae with six to eight pairs of larvapods and certain other mor- phological and biological characters are unquestionably related to the Xyelidae and probably represent a line of evolution from a xylelid-like ancestral stock. Among the Tenthredinoidea with apodous larvae, the Pamphiliidae, with a pair of segmented subanal appendages, is undoubtedly the most generalized of all five families. The origin of the Pamphiliidae is consequently an important question. For the reasons already stated in connection with the larvapods, the progenitor of the Hymenoptera has been considered as possessing a pair of subanal appendages on the caudal segment of the body. In this character as well as in all others the Pamphilii- dae approach most nearly the primitive condition and, except for the absence of larvapods, unquestionably represents the most generalized condition found in the Tenthredinoidea, ovitranking even the Xyelidae. The loss of larvapods in this case is just as difficult to explain as the loss of subanal appendages in the case of the Xyelidae. These structures, the larvapods and subanal appendages, must have been lost during the course of phylogeny since the progenitor undoubtedly possessed both of these structures, and these two families, in spite of their generalized conditions, must represent the end-products of evolution in their particular lines. It is, then, natural and proper to assume that there have taken place two distinct lines of development from the ancestral type of the Hymenoptera. In the one, the specialization consisted in the suppression of the develop- ment of larvapods, as in the Pamphiliidae, and in the other in the suppres- sion of the development of subanal appendages, as in the Xyelidae. These two families, then, represent two independent lines of evolution and are the most generalized families not only of the Tenthredinoidea but of the Hymenoptera. Whether the Xyelidae is more generalized than the Pamphiliidae, or vice versa, must, from the very nture of the case, remain a question till the advancement of our knowledge shall perhaps make the answer possible. There are, however, a few things that should be pointed out regarding this question. If the suppression of the development of larvapods is considered of equal phylogenetic significance with the sup- pression of the development of the subanal appendages, and if the head and the appendages of these two families alone are compared, there is no doubt that the Pamphiliidae are more generalized than the Xyelidae. But since the subanal appendages are true abdominal appendages homo- 126 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [444 dynamous with the larvapods, and since it is natural to believe that the process of reduction has taken place very slowly by gradual suppression of the appendages, it is not unreasonable to assume that the apodous condition found in the Pamphiliidae represents a much later stage of specialization than the condition of the polypodous larvae of the Xyelidae. The biology of the Pamphiliidae also indicates that this family is perhaps more specialized than the Xyelidae. However, these considerations counterbalance each other, and, when all is said, it is difficult to decide between the two families as to their relative degrees of specialization. This somewhat drawn-out discussion leads to the following conclusions: (1) the progenitor of the Hymenoptera possessed a pair of larvapods on each of the first ten abdominal segments and a pair of segmented subanal appendages on the eleventh segment; (2) the progenitor gave rise to dis- tinct stocks which resulted in the production of larvae with larvapods in one case and with subanal appendages in the other; (3) the Xyelidae represents the former line of evolution and the Pamphiliidae the latter; and (4) the question as to whether the Pamphiliidae is more generalized than the Xyelidae or vice versa is by its nature unanswerable. To the above conclusions it may be added that it is only natural and reasonable to consider the Tenthredinidae as representing the further evolution of the primitive stock from which the Xyelidae had evolved, and the Cephidae, Xiphidriidae, Siricidae, and Oryssidae, in turn, as evolving from the original stock which gave rise to the Pamphiliidae. The subanal appendages are present only in the Pamphiliidae and Cephidae. In the former they are rather long, setiform, well developed, distinctly three-segmented; in the latter they are minute, vestigial, often fleshy, papilla-like, and indistinctly segmented. Since the embryonic history of these appendages has not been studied, their true nature is not known. There is little doubt but that they are true appendages. If they represent the appendages of the ultimate segment, as has been suggested by certain writers, and correspond to the so-called style of generalized insects, then their presence is an indication of a primitive condition. There is hardly any question as to the common origin of the subanal appendages in the Pamphiliidae and Cephidae, and if these structures represent what they are assumed to represent these two families must have a close affinity. The ocellarae are present in the Pamphiliidae, Xyelidae, Tenthredin- idae, and Cephidae. They are well developed, and are usually accompanied by well-defined ocularia in the first three families. In the Cephidae the ocellarae are vestigial and represented by localized pigmented granules, and lack ocularia. It is significant that the ocellarae are unmodified in the gall-makers and leaf-miners of the family Tenthredinidae, except in Phlebatrophia, where they are reduced in size and the ocularia indistinct. The atrophy of the ocellarae is undoubtedly correlated with the mining habit of the larvae. 445] LARVAE OF THE TENTH REDINOIDEA—YU ASA 127 The antennae are present in all larvae of the Tenthredinoidea. Judg- ing from the condition obtaining in generalized insects, it is reasonable to consider the antennae of the Pamphiliidae as representing the primitive ancestral type. They are long and setiform in this family and consist of seven cyhndrical well-chitinized segments. The Xyelidae is closely related to the preceding family in antennal characters altho a shortening of the length has taken place. In the Tenthredinidae the antennae undergo much modification both in the number and form of the segments. They may be conical, limpet-shaped, or flattened, and the number of segments varies from five to one. The antennae of the Cephidae resemble those of the Xyelidae and some of the Tenthredinidae in shape and number of segments. The antennae undergo steady reduction in size and number of segments in the three remaining families, reaching the extreme of reduc- tion in the Oryssidae, where each is represented by a button-like swelling. The trend of specialization in the antennae is orthogenetic so far as the families are concerned but quite diverse in the subfamilies of the Ten- thredinidae. The mouth-parts, which include the mandibles, maxillae and labium, afford a fertile field for characters which are of interest from a systematic point of view. The mandibles, like the antennae, are the most persistent and ever-present structures in the head of all larvae of the Tenthredinoidea. The maxillary and labial palpi are typically four-and three-segmented respectively. The change is in the reduction in number and size of the segments. The Cephidae is normal in this respect but gradual change takes place in the Xiphydriidae and Siricidae, while in the Oryssidae the change has proceeded so far as to completely obliterate the maxillary and labial palpi. The palpi of Phlebatrophia resemble those of the specialized famihes. The families represent different stages of specialization, and their relative systematic position can be indicated by the degree of changes in the mouth-parts. The suranal process which is located on the meson of the suranal lobe or the tenth urotergum is characteristic of the larvae of the Cephidae, Xiphydriidae, and Siricidae. It should not be confused with the caudal protuberances of certain Tenthredinidae, as these two structures are of an entirely different nature. There is a minute hook-like process on the caudo-meson of the tenth abdominal tergum of the Pamphiliidae. It should be noted that in certain larvae of Pontania and Caulocampus the caudal portion of the ultimate tergum is produced caudad as a blunt more or less strongly chitinized protuberance which undoubtedly serves the same function as the suranal process of the specialized families. These two structural modifications of the caudal end of the body, however, are not homologous with each other. The suranal process is undoubtedly 128 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [446 an adaptive structure which has arisen in response to the habit of the larvae and does not represent the true appendages of the segment, to which the suranal lobe belongs. For this reason the caudal process is of less significance phylogenetically than the subanal appendages of the Pamphiliidae and Cephidae. The metathoracic spiracles of the larvae are either obsolete or vestigial in the majority of the Tenthredinoidea. The larvae of the Cephidae and Siricidae differ from all others in that the metaspiracles are functional and as large as the abdominal spiracles. It is important to ascertain the original condition of the metaspiracles in these families because upon the interpretation of their primitive condition depends their phylogenetic value and hence the relationship between these two families and also between them and other families. It is considered reasonable to assume that the progenitor of insects and hence the ancestor of the Hymenoptera possessed functional spiracles on all the segments of the body including the metathorax, and that their metaspiracles must have been as large as the abdominal spiracles. The closed minute functionless metaspiracles found in the Pamphiliidae, Xyelidae, and others, indicate a condition of atrophy rather than a rudimentary condition, and so far as this character is con- cerned the Cephidae and Siricidae represent the unmodified primitive condition and some sort of relation between these two families must be assumed. But on the basis of other characters it is not conceivable that these two families evolved one from the other in a linear sequence, apart from and independent of other families; they must have descended from a common stock which also gave rise to other families which exhibit vestigial metaspiracles. If this is true there must have taken place a series of dichotomies starting with functional metaspiracles, one line of development resulting in the loss of this primitive character and the other line of evolution retaining the original condition. By assuming four such successive dichotomies in the line of evolution, the origin and significance of the metaspiracles of the Cephidae and Siricidae can be reasonably explained. At each of the four successive dichotomous divisions which produced respectively the pamphiliid-like progenitor and Xyelidae, Pamphiliidae and the cephid-like progenitor, Cephidae and the xiphydriid- like progenitor, and Xiphydriidae and Siricidae, one line of descent always carried the original character and the other line lost it until this peculiarity was generally sifted out, being retained unmodified only in the Cephidae and Siricidae. In this way the metaspiracles are here considered to be the direct descendant of the primitive structures which remained unmod- ified thruout the course of evolution of these families. The two families are generalized in this respect indicating a close genetic relation. 447] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 129 The morphological characters discussed are summarized in the following table: CoMPA«isoN OF Various Steuctujies in the Families of the Tenthsedinoidea Structure Pamphi- liidae Cephidae Xiphy- driidae Siricidae Oryssidae Xyelidae Tenth- redinidae Thoracic legs S-seg- mented Fleshy Fleshy Fleshy Wanting S-seg- mented 5-, 4-. 3- «egmented Larvapods Wanting Wanting Wanting Wanting Wanting 10 pairs 6-8 pairs Subanal appendages Distinct, long Vestigial Wanting Wanting Wanting Wanting Wanting Ocellarae Distinct Vestigial Wanting Wanting Wanting Distinct Distinct Antennae 7-seg- 5- and 4- 3- seg- 1-seg- 1-seg- 7- and 6- 5-, 4-. and 1- mented segmented mented mented mented segmented segmented Moulh-parts Typical Typical Modified Modified Vestigial Typical Typical, rare- ly modified Suraual process Wanting Distinct Distinct Distinct Wanting Wanting Wanting Meta thoracic spiracles Vestigial Functional Vestigial Functional Vestigial Vestigial Vestigial The Pamphiliidae, with its long seven-segmented antennae, setiform three-segmented subanal appendages, setiform five-segmented thoracic legs, well-developed typical mouth-parts, together with the absence of larvapods, is unquestionably one of the most generalized families of the Tenthredinoidea. This family differs from the hypothetical type only in the absence of larvapods and reduced metaspiracles. The Xyelidae, with its fairly long seven-and six-segmented antennae, five-segmented thoracic legs, well-developed typical mouth-parts, together with the presence of ten pairs of larvapods and the absence of subanal appendages, is undoubtedly a very generaUzed family, quite different from the preceding. The only striking difference from the hypothetical type is the absence of the subanal appendages and functional metaspiracles. The Tenthredinidae, with its one- to five-segmented antennae, well- developed thoracic legs, and six to eight pairs of larvapods, together with the absence of the subanal appendages, is unquestionably related to the Xyelidae, and if it has not been evolved directly from the latter the two families must have arisen from a common stock. The Tenthredinidae is a phylogenetic complex in itself, and some of the more specialized genera are further removed from the more generalized genera, biologically as well as morphologically, than the latter are from the Xyelidae or their xyelid- like ancestors. The Cephidae, with its segmented antennae, vestigial subanal append- ages, vestigial thoracic legs, normal mouth-parts, absence of larvapods, presence of suranal process, vestigial ocellarae, and large functional metaspiracles, is considered an offshoot of the ancestral stem from which 130 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [448 the Pamphiliidae had previously evolved. The specialization is indicated by the vestigial condition of the ocellarae, subanal appendages, and thoracic legs, on the one hand, and the development of suranal processes on the other. The presence of the functional metaspiracles is of phy- logenetic importance. So far as the head characters are concerned, this family resembles the Tenthredinidae to a limited extent, and in some of the generalized genera of the latter the thoracic legs and the caudal portion of the tenth abdominal segment undergo some modifications which in a remote sense simulate the condition in the Cephidae. But since this family differs from the Tenthredinidae, and resembles the Pamphiliidae in the absence of larvapods and the presence of subanal appendages, it is considered more reasonable to ascribe to it a closer relationship to the Pamphiliidae than to the Tenthredinidae. The Xiphydriidae, with its somewhat modified mouth-parts, three- segmented antennae, fleshly thoracic legs, suranal process, absence of larvapods, the general shape of the body, and its biology, resembles the Cephidae but differs from it in theabsence of subanal appendages, ocellarae, and in the vestigial functionless metaspiracles. The absence of the subanal appendages may point to one of the two possibilities in regard to the origin of the Xiphydriidae. This family might have evolved from the cephid- like ancester but have lost the subanal appendages by the completion of the process of atrophy which had already reduced the original distinctly- segmented appendages (similar to those of the Pamphiliidae) to the vestigial papilliform appendages of the Cephidae. The two families under consideration might, on the other hand, have had a common stem which possessed subanal appendages, ocellarae, and vestigial metaspiracles. In the absence of positive support for the first possibility, it is more expedient to consider the second possibihty as nearer to the true rela- tionship of the two families, Xiphydriidae and Cephidae. The Siricidae, with its greatly reduced thoracic legs and mouth-parts together with certain other characters, is considered more specialized than the Xiphydriidae. The presence of the functional metaspiracles and its genetic significance have already been discussed. For the same reason which suggests a common origin for the Cephidae and Xiphy- driidae, the Siricidae is considered to have arisen from a common stock which gave rise also to the Xiphydriidae. In the degree of specialization by reduction as well as by addition, this family outranks the Xiphydriidae. The Oryssidae, with its vestigial mouth-parts, absence of ocellarae, thoracic and abdominal legs, subanal appendages, suranal process, caudal protuberances, and functional metaspiracles, together with its parasitic habit, is unquestionably the most highly specialized family of the Ten- thredinoidea. Its morphological and biological characters are so different from other families that it is not easy to ascertain the systematic position 449] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 131 of the family. There are, however, certain considerations which suggest a possible relationship between this family and the Siricidae. Morpho- logically the oryssid larvae are more closely related to the apodous boring larvae of the Cephidae, Xiphydriidae, and Siricidae than to the polypodous free-living larvae of the Xyelidae and Tenthredinidae. The siricid larvae are more closely related to those of the Oryssidae than to those of the Cephidae and Xiphydriidae. The parasitic habit also suggests a closer re- lation to the wood-boring larvae since it is more plausible to imagine the possibility of a wood-boring larvae becoming parasitic on other wood- boring insect larvae under some unknown but not entirely inconceivable circumstances than to imagine the development of a parasitic habit de novo in free-living leaf-feeders. Since the oryssid larvae are parasitic on the larvae of Buprestis inhabiting plants which are also infested by the larvae of the Siricidae, if any transformation of habit of the larvae has taken place, it is more natural to expect the larvae of the Siricidae or some siricid-like insect to become parasitic than any other larvae. The recent investigation by Baumberger (1919) on the role of microorganisms in the physiology of insect nutrition offers a valuable suggestion in regard to the possibility of radical changes in food habits. For these reasons it is considered reasonable to ascribe a common progenitor to the Siricidae and Oryssidae, at least for the time being. It may be added that it is not entirely unreasonable to assume an independent line of evolution for the Oryssidae apart from all other Tenthredinoidea and consider this family as having no close relation to any of the modern families of the Tenthredinoidea. In that case, the Oryssidae must have arisen from the ancestral stock before the Pamphiliidae and Xyelidae had their origin. There is, however, no clear evidence in support of such relation and since the relation is reasonably explained by associating the Oryssidae with the Siricidae, the former is considered the most highly specialized family of the Tenthredinoidea with a common origin with the ancestor of the Siricidae. The conclusions on the systematic position and relationship of the different families of the Tenthredinoidea based exclusively on larval characters and derived entirely independent of the opinions of the spe- cialists who have paid more attention to the adults are of necessity not the final words on the subject. The true significance of such conclusions lies in their complemental and collateral value. It is interesting on this account to compare the writer's opinion with the conclusions of the modern authorities on this group of the Hymenoptera. The relationship suggested here supports in its essential points the three more important systems of classification proposed by Konow (1905), MacGillivray (1906), and Rohwer (1911). MacGillivray considered the Xyelidae the most primitive because of the venational character but 132 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (450 recognized the Pamphiliidae as the most generalized from his study (1913) of the immature stages. Had he placed the Pamphiliidae before the Xyelidae and the Cephidae before the Xiphydriidae and Siricidae, his system would coincide exactly with the system based exclusively on the immature stages. Konow and Rohwer both associate the Cephidae with the Pamphiliidae and Xyelidae. This arrangement is partly supported if the afl&nity between the Pamphiliidae and Cephidae, as suggested in this study, is upheld. The genetic continuity of the Xyelidae and Ten- thredinidae is clearly recognized by MacGillivray (1913). The true systematic position of the Tenthredinidae or its equivalent is difficult to express in linear arrangement. The important point to be noted is the fact that these authors and also Morice (1919) consider the Xyelidae and Tenthredinidae as different and apart from the other families of the Tenthredinoidea. The Oryssidae unquestionably merits at least separate family rank. In the absence of requisite knowledge of the larval characters of the Hymenoptera other than the Tenthredinoidea, it is not expedient to venture any opinion on the suggestion made by Rohwer and Cushman (1917) to establish a third suborder, Idiogastra, for the reception of the Oryssidae. Enslin (1911) differs from the authors already mentioned not only in his arrangement of the groups in a descending order but also in treating the Xyelidae and Pamphiliidae as subfamilies of his Tenthredini- dae, on a level with the Cimbicini, Lophrini, and others. This study does not support his arrangement. Morice (1919) suggested that "the Lydini (Pamphiliidae Ensl.) may represent a primitive group of Tenthredinidae which had branched off from the main stock before it had develoi>ed certain characters," such as abdominal legs. Handlirsch (1908) considered the Siricidae as having evolved from the osculant Juracic group, Pseudo- siricidae. The antiquity of the Siricidae is accepted by Morice who expresses his idea of the relationship of the families of the Tenthredinoidea as follows: "We may suppose that the Siricidae are the earlier group, but whether the Tenthredinidae and Lydini had Siricid ancestors, or whether the Siricidae +Cephini+ Oryssidae and Tenthredinidae-!- Lydini are respectively earlier and later branches of a common stock are questions which must be left unanswered." 4511 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 133 V. SUMMARY The larvae of the Tenthredinoidea have proved to be of great value in aflFording important evidence in regard to the probable phylogenetic relationship of the families included in this superfamily. The more significant conclusions reached in this study are summarized in the form of a synoptic key as follows: FAMILIES OF TENTHREDINOIDEA Larvapods present, thoracic legs present, well developed, distinctly segmented. Larvapods present on all abdominal segments Xyelidae Larvapods never present on 1st and 9th abdominal segments Tenthredinidae Larvapods wanting, thoracic legs present or wanting. Thoracic legs present. Thoracic legs and subanal appendages well-developed and distinctly segmented. Pamphiliidae. Thoracic legs vestigial, indistinctly segmented. Subanal appendages and ocellarae present Cephidae. Subanal appendages and ocellarae wanting. Metaspiracles vestigial, much smaller than abdominal spiracles . . . Xiphydriidae. Metaspiracles functional, as large as abdominal spiracles Siricidae. Thoracic legs wanting Oryssidae. A synopsis such as the foregoing is necessarily inadequate and some- what misleading in indicating the aJEnities of the families. A better idea is gained by means of the customary phylogenetic tree, altho such a scheme also has its limitations. In the following diagram the relation between the families of the Tenthredinoidea is shown. Here the relative vertical positions are intended to represent approximately the degree of specialization; and the continuous lines, the affinities. The larvae of the Tenthredinoidea are thus divisible into two distinct groups. The first group includes the larvae characterized by the presence of both the thoracic and abdominal legs, and by the absence of the subanal appendages and suranal process, and is represented by the Xyelidae and Tenthredinidae. The second group consists of the five families, Pamphiliidae, Cephidae, Xiphydriidae, Siricidae, and Oryssidae, and is divisible into two subgroups. The first subgroup contains the first four families and is characterized by the absence of abdominal legs, by the 134 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 1452 presence of vestigial clawless thoracic legs in the last three families, and by the presence of either subanal appendages or suranal process or both. The second subgroup contains a single family, Oryssidae, which is charac- terized by the absence of both thoracic and abdominal legs, suranal Highly Specialised Oryssidae .^ ^. ^. .J Siricidae / Tenthredinxdae / / (specialiaed)l Xiphydriidae / / Specialized Tenthredijiidae / // (generalized) / // Oephidae Generalized '"■"xH i/""'""- Primitive 1 Fro-Syaphyta Pbylogenetic tree indicating the probable affinities of various families of the Tenthredinoidea process, subanal appendages, and segmented maxillary and labial palpi. 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The hibernation of nematids, and its bearing on inquilinous species. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 3, 263-267. 1887. Notes on a red cedar sawfly. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 1885-6, 10:80-83. 1890. The final molting of tenthredinid larvae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 2:115-117. Merian, Maria S. 1730. Histoire des Insectes de I'Europe, dessines d'apres nature et expliqu6s par Marie Sibille Merian, etc. La Haye. MiDDLETON, W. 1915. Notes on some sawfly larvae belonging to the genus Dimorphopteryx. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 48:497-501. 1917. Notes on the larvae of some Cephidae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 19:174-179. 1921a. LeConte's sawfly, an enemy of young pines. Jour. Agr. Res., 20:741-760. 1921b. Some notes on the terminal abdominal structures of sawfly. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 23:139-144. 1921c. Some suggested homologies between larvae and adults in sawflies. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 23:173-192. 1922. Sawflies injurious to rose foliage. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 1252. MORICE, F. D. 1919. Notes on Australian sawflies, especially the "authors' types" and other speci- mens in the British Museum of Natural History and the Hope Collections of the Oxford University Museum; with diagnostic synopsis of the genera and species, and photographs illustrating their structural characters. Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1918:247-333. 457) LARVAE OF THE TENTHNEDJNOIDEA—YUASA 139 MOUTET, T. 1634. Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum, etc. Nelson, J. A. 1915. The embryology of the honey-bee. Princeton Univ. Press. Norton, E. 1867-69. Catalogue of the described Tenthredinidae and Uroceridae of North America. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, 1867-69, 1: 31-84, 193-280; 2:211-242, 321-368. Packakd, a. S. 1883. Third Report U. S. Ent. Comm., 307, 324, 435. 1890. Fifth Rept. U. S. Ent. Comm., being a revised and enlarged edition of Bull. No. 7, on insects injurious to forest and shade trees. Parrott, p. J., AND Fulton, B. B. 1915. Cherry and hawthorn sawfly leaf-miner. Jour. Agr. Res., 5:519-528. Pearsall, R. F. 1902. Life history- of Lyda fasciata (Norton), Fam. Tenthredinidae. Can, Ent., 34: 214-216. Poletajew, N. 1885. Ueber die Spinndriisen der Blattwespen. Zool. Anz., 8:22-23. Riley, C. V., and Marlatt, C. L. 1891. Wheat and grass sawflies. Insect Life, 4:168. ROHWER, S. A. 1910. Hoplocampa. Can. Ent., 42:242-244. 1911. A classification of the suborder Chalastogastra of the Hymenoptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 13:215-226. 1911a. Genotypes of the sawflies and woodwasps, or the superfamily Tenthredinoidea. BuU. Tech. Series, U. S. Bur. Ent. No. 20, Part 2. 1911b. Additions and corrections to "the genotypes of the sawflies and woodwasps, or the superfamily Tenthredinoidea." Ent. News, 22:218-219. 1912. Notes on sawflies, with descriptions of new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 43:205-251. 1915. A remarkable new genus of Cephidae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 17:114-117. 1917. The American species of the genus Cephus Latreille. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 19:139-141. 1918a. New Sawflies of the subfamily Diprioninae. (Hym.). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 20:79-90. 1918b. Notes on, and descriptions of the Nearctic woodwasps of the genus Xiphydria Latreille (Hym.) Ent. News, 29:105-111. 1918c. Notes on, and descriptions of sawflies belonging to the tribe Hemichroini (Hym.). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 20:161-173. ROHWER, S. A. AND CuSHMAN, R. A. 1917. Idiogastra, a new suborder of Hymenoptera with notes on the immature stages of Oryssus. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 19:89-98. Sasscer, E. R. 1911. Notes on a sawfly injurious to ash. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 13:107-110. SCHWARZ, E. A. 1909. Illustrations of the life history of a sawfly (Hylotoma Pectoraiis Leach) injurious to willow. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 11:106-108. Snellen von Vollenhoven. 1868. Die inlandsche Bladwespen. Tijdschr. voor Ent., 11: Stephens, J. F. 1835. Illustrations of British entomology; or synopsis of indigenous insects, etc. London. 140 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [458 SWAMMERDAM, J. 1737. Biblia naturae, etc. Leydae. SWENK, M. R 1911. A new sawfly enemy of the bull pine in Nebraska. 24th Ann. Rept. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1911. TOWNSEND, H. T. ' 1894. Notes on the Tenthredinid gall of Euura orbitalis on Salix and its occupants. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc, 2:102. Walden, B. H. 1912. A new sawfly pest of the blackberry, Pamphilius dentatus MacGillivray. Rept. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1912, 236-240. Walsh, B. D. 1866. Imported insects; the gooseberry sawfly. Pract. Ent., 1:117-125. Webster, F. M. 1900. The purslane sawfly, Schizocerus zabriskei Ashm. Can. Ent., 32:51-54. Westwood, J. O. 1840. An introduction to the modem classification of insects. London. Young, Chester. 1898. The larvae of the Tenthredina. Baccalaureate thesis, Cornell University. 1899. Descriptions of sawfly larvae. Can. Ent., 31:41-43. Yuasa, H. 1920. The anatomy of the head and mouth-parts of Orthoptera and Euplexoptera. Jour. Morph., 33:251-307. 459] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 141 PLATE 1 142 . ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (460 EXPLANATION OF PLATE LARVAE OF TENTH REDINOIDEA Fig. 1 — Pamphiliidae. Pamphilius sp. Y-125. Fig. 2 — Cephidae. Janus integer. Fig. 3 — Xiphydriidae. Xiphydria sp. Fig. 4 — Siricidae. Tremex columba. Fig. 5— Oryssidae. Oryssus occidenialis (After Rohwer and Cushman, 1917). au anus msp mesothoracic spiracle sba subanal appendage spi abdominal spiracle srp suranal process //g^ mesothoracic leg tsp metathoracic spiracle ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII 8 S 10 „ YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE I 4611 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 143 PLATE II 144 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 1462 EXPLANATION OF PLATE LARVAE OF XYELIDAE AND TENTHREDINIDAE Fig. 6 — Xyelidae. Fig. 7 — Tenthredinidae. Fig. 8 — Tenthredinidae. Fig. 9 — Tenthredinidae. Fig. 10 — Tenthredinidae. Megaxyela major. Diprioninae. Neodipriron lecontei. Emphj^inae. Emphytus apertus. Selandriinae. Strongylogaster anmilosits. Dolerinae. Dolerus similis. au nisp Pk spi tig' tsp anus mesothoracic spiracle larvapod abdominal spiracle mesothoracic leg metathoracic spiracle ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE II 4dJl LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 145 PLATE III 146 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [464 Fig. 11 — Phyllotominae. Fig. 12 — Phyllotominae. Fig. 13 — Tenthredininae. Fig. 14 — Cimbicinae. Fig. 15 — Hoplocampinae. EXPLANATION OF PLATE LARVAE OF TENTHREDINIDAE Caliroa cerasi. Phlebatrophia mathesoni. Tenthredo sp. Ahia inflata. Hemichroa americana. au msp pig spi Ug' tsp anus mesothoracic spiracle larvapod abdominal spiracle mesothoracic leg metathoracic spiracle ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE III 465] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 147 PLATE IV 148 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [466 Fig. 16 — Cladiinae. Fig. 17 — Nematinae. Fig. 18 — Nematinae. Fig. 19 — Blennocampinae. Fig. 20 — Blennocampinae. EXPLANATION OF PLATE LARVAE OF TENTHREDINIDAE Cladius peclinicornis. Pkronidea ventralis. Pteronidea ribesi. Monophadnoides rubi. Tomostethus bardits. au anus tnsp mesothoracic spiracle pig larvapod spi abdominal spiracle srp suranal process tig* mesothoracic leg tsp metathoracic spiracle ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE IV 4671 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 149 PLATE V 150 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [4«8 EXPLANATION OF PLATE LARVAE OF TENTHREDINIDAE Fig. 21 — Fenusinae. Kaliofenusa ulmi. Fig. 22 — Scolioneurinae. Metallus rubi. Fig. 23 — Hylotominae. Hylotoma sp. Fig. 24 — Schizocerinae. Schizocerus zabriskei. Fig. 25 — Acordulecerinae. Acordulecera sp. a7i anus msp mesothoracic spiracle pig larvapod ' scp sucker-like protuberance spi abdominal spiracle tlg^ mesothoracic leg tsp metathoracic spiracle ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII 7 8 YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE V 469] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YAUSA 151 PLATE VI 132 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [470 EXPLANATION OF PLATE CEPHALIC ASPECT OF THE HEAD Fig. 26 — Pamphilius sp. Fig. 27 — Megaxyela major. Fig. 28 — Neodiprion leconki. Fig. 29 — Abia americana. Fig. 30 — Pteronidea ribesi. Fig. 31 — Lygaeonematus erichsoni. Fig. 32 — Endelomyia aethiops. Fig. 33 — Macremphytus varianus. Fig. 34 — Kaliofenusa ttlmi. Fig. 35 — Metallus rubi. Fig. 36 — Schizocerus zabriskei. Fig. 37 — Phlcbatrophia mathesoni. Fig. 38 — Dolerus similis. a antenna an antacoria or antennaria c clypeus cl clypealia els clypeo-labral suture crv sericos cs clypeal suture ea epicranial arm es epicranial stem f front fcs f ronto-clypeal suture si galea hx hyj)opharynx inl line of invagination I labrum ip labial palpus Is labral setae ma muscular attachment mb mandibularia md mandible mds mandibular setae mp maxillary palpus mx maxilla 0 ocellara ou ocularia pe preclypeus pn pretentorina Po postclypeus Pr precoUa py preartis V vertex vf vertical furrow ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE VI 471] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 153 PLATE VII 154 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS (472 EXPLANATION OF PLATE VENTRAL ASPECT OF THE HEAD AND PROTHORAX Fig. 39 — Pamphilus sp. Fig. 45 — Xiphydria sp. Fig. 40 — Megaxyda major. Fig. 46 — Tremex columba. Fig. 41 — Kaliofemisa tdmi. Fig. 47 — Lygeonematus erichsoni. Fig. 42 — Dolerus similis. Fig. 48 — Endelomyia aethiops. Fig. 43 — Neodiprion lecontei. Fig. 49 — Metallus rubi. Fig. 44 — Macremphytm varianus. a antenna I labrum an antacoria la lacinia c clypeus Ics lateral cervical sclerite cc cervacoria It labium cl clypealia ip labial palpus ds cljTpeo-Iabral suture mb mandibularia cm sericos md mandible cw tarsal claw mp maxillary palpus ex coxa mx maxilla ea epicranial arm 0 ocellara ec extensacuta Pfn profurcellina es epicranial stem pn pretentorina f front Pr precoila fcs fronto-clypeal suture py preartis fm femur t tibia S gena tr trochanter il galea Ug' prothoracic leg hx hypopharynx V vertex ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE VII 473] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 155 PLATE VIII 156 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [474 EXPLANATION OF PLATE VENTRAL AND DORSAL ASPECTS OF HEAD AND PROTHORAX Fig. 50 — Janus integer. Fig. 51 — Schizocerus zabriskei. Fig. 52 — Phlebalrophia matJiesoni. Fig. 53 — Caliroa cerasi. Fig. 54 — Pamphilius sp. Fig. 55 — Dolerus similis. Fig. 56 — Megaxyela major. Fig. 57 — Caliroa cerasi. Fig. 58 — Neodiprion lecontei. Fig. 59 — Endelomyia aethiops. a antenna la lacinia c dypeus le labicoria cc cervacoria It labium eg cervical gland IP labial palpus els cl3^eo-labral suture m mentum crv sericos mb mandibularia cw tarsal claw md mandible ex coxa tnp maxillary palpus ea epicranial arm msp mesothoracic spiracle ee extensacuta mx maxilla es epicranial stem 0 ocellara f front pfn profurcellina fm femur pn pretentorina g gena t tibia gl galea Ug' prothoracic leg hx hypopharynx ts tarsus is intersegmental line (limit of samite) V vertex I labnim vf vertical furrow ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MOXOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE VIII 4751 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 157 PLATE IX 15S ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 1476 EXPLANATION OF PLATE DORSAL AND LATERAL ASPECTS OF HEAD AND PROTHORAX Fig. 60 — Macremphytus varianus. Fig. 61 — Monophadnoides nibi. Fig. 62 — Meiallus ruhi. Fig. 63 — Fampkilius sp. Fig. 64 — Megaxyela major. Fig. 65 — Neodiprlon leconlei. Fig. 66 — Dolerus siniilis. Fig. 67 — Macreviphytus varianus. Fig. 68 — Endelomyia aethiops. Fig. 69 — Caliroa cerasi. Fig. 70 — Pteronidea ribesi. Fig. 71 — Lygeonematus erichsoni. Fig. 72 — Abia americana. a antenna Ics lateral cervical sclerite c clypeus li labium cc cervacoria IP labial palpus <-g cervical gland mb mandibularia cw tarsal claw md mandible ex coxa mp maxillary palpus ea epicranial arm msp mesothoracic spiracle cc extensacuta mx maxilla es epicranial stem 0 ocellara f front Pr precoila fm femur py preartis S gena t tibia hx hypopharynx tr trochanter is intersegmental line (limit of somite) V vertex I labrum vf vertical furrow la lacinia ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE IX 4771 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 159 PLATE X 160 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [478 EXPLANATION OF PLATE LATERAL AND VENTRAL ASPECTS OF TmRD ABDOMINAL SEGMENT Fig. 73 — Pamphilius sp. Fig. 74 — Endelomyia aethiops. Fig. 75 — Dolerus similis. Fig. 76 — Megaxyela major. Fig. 77 — NeodipHon lecontei. Fig. 78 — Macremphytus varianus. Fig. 79 — Caliroa cerasi. Fig. 80 — Pamphilius sp. Fig. 81 — Dolerus similis. Fig. 82 — Neodiprion leconki. Fig. 83 — Endelomyia aethiops. Fig. 84 — Megaxyela major. Fig. 85 — Caliroa cerasi. Fig. 86 — Kaliofenusa ulmi. Fig. 87 — Metallus ruhi. Fig. 88 — Macremphytus varianus. al-a7 annulets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. ch chitinized area. cor intersegmental coria pig larvapod sdl surpedal lobe or area spi abdominal spiracle ssl subspiracular lobe or area ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE X 479] LARVAE OF THE TENTH REDINOIDEA—YUASA 1«1 PLATE XI 162 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [480 EXPLANATION OF PLATE LATERAL AND VENTRAL ASPECTS OF CAUDAL ABDOMINAL SEGMENTS Fig. 89 — Megaxyela major. Fig. 90 — Megaxyela major. Fig. 91 — Pamphilius sp. Fig. 92 — Macremphylus varianus. Fig. 93 — Macremphytus varianus. Fig. 94 — Caliroa cerasi. Fig. 95 — Pamphilius sp. Fig. 96 — Dolcrus similis. Fig. 97 — Caliroa cerasi. Fig. 98 — Endelomyia aethiops. Fig. 99 — MetaJlus rubi. Fig. 100 — Neodiprion lecontei. Fig. 101 — Neodiprion lecontei. Fig. 102 — Dolerus similis. Fig. 103 — Metallus rubi. Fig. 104 — Phlebatrophia mathesoni. Ventral aspect of third ab- dominal segment. au anus al annulet 1 aZ annulet 2 a6 annulet 6 ch chitinized area pig larvapod sba subanal appendage sbl subanal lobe sdl surpedal lobe or area spi abdominal spiracle srl suranal lobe ssl subspiracular lobe or area ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE XI 481] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 163 PLATE XII 164 ILLINOIS BIOWGICAL MONOGRAPHS [482 EXPLANATION OF PLATE CAUDAL ASPECT OF HEAD, ABDOMEN, ABDOMINAL APPENDAGES Fig. 105 — Kaliojenusa ulmi. Ventral aspect of caudal abdominal segment. Fig. 106 — Phlebatrophia mathesoni. Fig. 107 — Xiphydria sp. Fig. 108 — Cephus pygmaeus. Fig. 109 — Adirus trimactilakis. Fig. 110 — Xiphydria sp. Fig. 1 1 1 — Hartigia cressoni. Fig. 112 — Janus integer. Fig. 113 — Tremex columba. Fig. 114 — Cephus pygmaeus. Caudal end of the abdomen enlarged. Fig. 115 — Adirus trimaculatus. Fig. 116 — Adirus trimaculatus. Subanal ap- pendage enlarged. Fig. 117 — Hartigia cressoni. Subanal appendage enlarged. Fig. 118 — Janus sp. Subanal appendage enlarged. Fig. 119 — Cephus Pygmaeus. Subanal appendage enlarged. Fig. 120 — Tremex columba. Lateral aspect of suranal process enlarged. Fig. 121 — Janus integer. Lateral aspect of suranal process enlarged. Fig. 122 — Tremex columba. Dorsal aspect of suranal process enlarged. Fig. 123 — Janus integer. Dorsal aspect of suranal process enlarged. Fig. 124 — Pteronidea ribesi. Ventral aspect of third abdominal segment. Fig. 125 — Pteronidea ribesi Lateral aspect of caudal end of abdomen. Fig. 126 — Pteronidea ribesi. Lateral aspect of caudal end of abdomen. Fig. 127 — Pteronidea ribesi. Dorsal aspect of caudal end of abdomen. Fig. 128 — Abia americana. Caudal aspect of the head. Fig. 129 — Neodiprion lecontei. Musculature of third abdominal segment, semidia- grammatic. Annulets numbered. au anus my maxillaria cc cervacoria od odontoidea ch chitinized area of occipital foramen cht chitinized tubercle OS occipital suture cor coria pa postgena ct corpotentorium Pgr postgenal ridge es epicranial stem Pl paracoila li labium pig larvapod IP labial palpus ptl postcoila Isr lateral area of suranal lobe pa postgena mb mandicoria sba subanal appendage mc maxacoria sbl subanal lobe mn metatentorina sll sublateral lobe mp maxillary palpus spi abdominal spiracle mt metatentorium srp suranal process mx maxilla ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII 129 127 YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE XII 4831 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 165 PLATE XIII 166 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [484 EXPLANATION OF PLATE ANTENNAE, LEGS, SILK-GLANDS , Fig. 130 — Pamphilius sp. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 131 — Megaxy da major. Metathoracic leg. \ Fig. 132 — Macremphytus varianus. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 133 — Pteronidea ribesi. Mesothoracic leg. Fig. 134 — Neodiprion lecontei. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 135 — Dolerus similis. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 136 — Phlebatrophia mathesoni. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 137 — Metallus rubi. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 138 — Pteronidea ribesi. Mesothoracic leg. Dorsal aspect. Fig. 139 — Schizocerus zabriskei. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 140 — Kaliofenusa ulmi. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 141 — Caliroa cerasi. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 142 — Endelomyia aeihiops. Metathoracic leg. Fig. 143 — Megaxyela major. Antena. Fig. 144 — Adirus trimaculattts. Antenna. Fig. 145 — Schizocerus zabriskei. Antenna. Fig. 146 — Cephus pygmaeus. Antenna. i Fig. 147 — Metallus rubi. Antenna. i Fig. 148 — Tremex columba. Antenna. j Fig. 149 — Kaliofenusa ulmi. Antenna. i Fig. 150 — Phlebatrophia tnathesoni. Antenna. | Fig. 151 — Janus integer. Antenna. ] Fig. 152 — Hartigia cressoni. Antenna. > Fig. 153 — Thrinax impressatus. Antenna. I Fig. 154 — Pteronidea ribesi. Antenna. j Fig. 155 — Tremex columba. Mesothoracic spiracle. ) Fig. 156 — Abia americana. Silk-glands. ' Fig. 157 — Abia americana. Labium, hypopharynx, and portion of silk-glands, enlarged. j Fig. 158 — Abia americana. Lateral aspect of cephalic portion of silk-glands. Fig. 159 — Abia americana. Dorsal view of silk-press, hypopharynx removed. i Fig. 160 — Abia americana. Cephalic view of labium and hypopharynx. oi-od antennal segments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 an antacoria li labium crv cericos Ip labial palpus cw tarsal claw M arrow pointing mesad ex coxa sd duct of sUk-glands D arrow pointing dorsad sgc cells of silk-gland fm femur sgd small duct of silk-glands fp femoral process slpr silk-press hx hypopharynx ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MOXOGRAPHS VOLUME VII YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE XIII 485i LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 167 PLATE XIV 168 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS I486 EXPLANATION OF PLATE Chart representing graphically the relationship of various taxonomic units or groups according to the more important modern systems of classification of the Tenthredinoidea as proposed by Konow (1905), MacGillivray (1906), and Rohvrer (1911-1918). ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS VOLUME VII "~S MORF. IMPORTANT MODRRN 8YSTKM.S OF CLASSIWCAnnHOFTHRTRmHRRDinOinRi KONOW 1903 MACGILLIVRAY ROHWER^ 19 11 ~l 8 CHALASTOGASTKA TENTHREDINOIDEA CHALASTOGASTRA I LYDIDAB Lydioi Me^Alodootidfs Lvdidcs CepKioi Xyelini & last! cotomi III ftSIRICID>iE Xiphydrmi Siricini Tieinccldes Ory^sini nrTENTHREOmiDAt Cimbicini Cimbicides Abi '\(\es 5yzygor\iid«s Ahjioi 5chizocerid«s j LophyHni Loboccrotid< Perrcyides Lophyr-ides TentKn?dinini HcmatidC^ Hap)<7cevinpid« 5|ennocam[ride SelandriadCi- Dolcridcs Teothrcdin^s 7 (I XYEUDAB la PAMPHILIIDAE /ID DLASTlCOTOrilDAE \crTEHTHRED)HIDAE /Di prion inae (fji^l /SelaodriioaC Dolerioac ^Pbyllotoininae / /Lyca«rfio&e /i JTen1*>fKhiliir>ae XYEUDAE CEPHIDAE ORmOIDEA-IDIO-TU SIRECOIPEA ('^'^^ittl XIPHYDRIIDAE. XipWdriinac Dcrecystinat? SIRECIDAE 5ii-ccina^ Sirecioi Kcri I oi \rvmec\nB>e TEHTHREDINOIDEA Hi CIMBECIDAE Cimbecini Pbenaiopfi^irti Z&t-arinae Rwudoclayffllar;,-,,^ PERREYIIDAE Perreyi iliac Phi I o masti^ i n >v^ ARGIDAE. Slericli phorinaff \BLASTICOTOniOAE \ \ NTHREDIrtlDAE , 1 DipriooinAc )«»iai \\ AlJantiDAc Y Taxonini EHocampirii ■ Allarrtini Dol^rioac Totbrcd inina^ P*riocurii>i TrnHirrdinini V P'TrMotomir*! \ * Messioi VAtbaliinat? V Empriir***' Empriini Lycatrlioi PJenimca mptni Pl>ytn&tacerinat> Sclaiwjfiioo^ Strtandriini 'Cladi inaf Ncrr>a+i_r»af Htina^iMi ... „, Henicht-oirtt (iqia) PTERY&OPHORIPAE Pt^ r-y^opKo ri r» »* Phyla<-topKa9ir\ae Euriinae 121 PERGIDAE ^LOBOCERIDAE YUASA LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA PLATE XIV 4871 LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—YUASA 169 INDEX Page abbotti 47 abbreviaius 1 10 abdominalis 113 Abia 65 Abia, species of 66 abietis 47 abdomen 25 acericaulis 69 Acordulecera 103, 104 Acordulecera, species of 103 Acordulecerinae 44 Acordulecerinae, subfamily 103 Adirus 109, 110 aethiops 58 albifrons 55 americana 65, 66 Amauronemaius 76, 84 Amauronematus, species of 84 annulosus 53 antennae 19, 127 appendicuiatus 77 apriciis 55 arthrostyli 29 attenuata 114 aviingrata 41 azaleae 84 bardus 93 basalts 113 bethunei 99 bilineata 62 bivUtata 79 Blasiicotoma 42 Blasticotomidae, family 42 Blennocampa 92, 93 Blennocampinae 43, 44 Blennocampinae, genera of 92 Blennocampinae, subfamUy 91 borers 38 Caliroa 58 Caiiroa, species of 59 caudal protuberances 27 Caulocampus 67, 68, 69 Page Cephaleia 106 Cephidae 129 Cephidae, family 108 Cephidae, genera of 109 Ceplius 109, 111 Cephus, species of Ill cerasi 59 cerv^acoria 22 ckloreus 83 Cimbex 65 Cimbicinae 44 Cimbicinae, genera of 65 Cimbicinae, subfamily 64 cinctus 109, 111 Cladkis 71, 74 Cladiinae 44 Cladiinae, genera of 71 Cladiinae, subfamily 70 clypeus 17 columba 116 cornelli 86 corpotentorium 19 cressoni 112 Croesus 76, 83 demissa 89 deniatus 107 derosa 90 despecta 69 devincta 89 Dimorphopteryx 51 Dineura 69 Dineurinae, subfamily 69 Diphadnus 75, 76, 77 Diprion 46, 49 Diprioninae 43 Diprioninae, subfamily 45 dohrini 97 Dolerus 55 Dolertis, species of 56 Dolerinae 43 Dolerinae, subfamily 54 dorsalis 104 %.. 170 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [488 Page Dorytheus 55 dyari 67 efeta 87 effliisa 87 emerita 87 Empkylus 51 Emphytinae 43, 44 Emphytinae, genera of 50 Emphytinae, subfamily 49 Empria 50 Endelomyia 58 epicranial suture 15 epinota 63 Epitaxonus 50 equina 88 erkhsoni 81 Eriocampa 51 erudita 87 Erythraspjdes 92, 94 erylhrogaslra 86 evanida 87 fasciaia 106 Fenusa 97 Fenusinae 45 Fenusinae, genera of 96 Fenusinae, subfamily 96 ferruginea 42 flida 63 filiceti 42 fistula 63 flavipes 54 formulae of segmented appendages 34 free leaf-feeders 37 front 17 fulmcrus 87 fumipennis 95 gall-makers 88 genae 16 glands 33 glandubae H gregarious 80 Hartigia 110, 112 head 14 Hemichroa 67 Hemitaxonus 50 Hoplocampinae 44, 45 Hoplocampinae, genera of 67 Hoplocampinae, subfamily 66 hyalina 89 Hylotoma 100, 101 Page Hylotoma, species of 100 Hylotominae 45 Hylotominae, subfamily 99 Hypergyricus 92, 94, 95 Hypergyricus, species of 94 impressatus 53 inanitus 105 inconspicua 107 inflata 66 integer 110 Isodictiutn 92, 95 Janus 109, 110 Janus, species of 110 Kaliofenusa 97 Konoma 113 labium 21 labrum 17 laricis 68 larvapods 29, 123 latitarsus 83 leaf-folder 89 leaf-miners 37 lecontei 47 lineata 64 lombardae 87 longicollis 1 13 luteotergmn 84 Lygaeonematus 75, 81 macleayi 101 Macremphylus 51 Macrophya 61 , 62 Macrophya, species of 63 M acgilliv-rayella 67 Macroxyela 42 major 41 mandibles 20 mandibularia 18 Marlattia 67, 68 mathesoni 60 maxillae 21 maxillariae 18 Megalodontes 116 Megalodonlidae, family 116 Megaxyela 41 mendica 88 Metallus 98 Meiallus, species of 99 metamerism 30 metatentoria 19 metathoracic spiracles 128 489] LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA—VUASA 171 Page Micronematus 75, 79, 100 minor 42 minutus 55 ftivdestius 73 Monoctenus 46, 48 Monophadnoides 92, 95 Monophadnus 92, 94 Monosoma 51 Monostegia 51 mouth-parts 20, 127 muUicindus 93 murtfeldtiae 78 musta 104 Nefnatus 75, 82 Nematus, species of 83 Nematinae 44 Nematinae, genera of 75 Nematinae, subfamily 74 Neodiprion 46, 47, 48 Neodiprion, species of 47 Neopus 61, 62 nest-builders 38 Neurotoma 106, 107 nubiUpennis 94 obsoleia 59 occidentalls 118 occipital foramen 18 occiput 18 ocellarae 126 ocreatus 105, 108 ocuiaria 16 Odontoidea 19 Odontophyes 41 odoratus 86 Oryssidae 130 Oryssus 118 Oryssidae, family 117 Pachynematus 76, 81 PachynematuSy species of 82 paetidus 72 palliolatus 73 pamphiliid 105 Pamphiliidae 129 Pamphiliidae, family 104 Pamphiliidae, species of 105 Pamphilius 105, 107, 108 parasites 38 paracoila 19 Parataxonus 50 parvuliis 69 Page patchiae 72 pectinicornis 74 Peridista 92 Phlebatrophia 60 Phlebatrophini 57 Phlebatrophini, tribe 59 Phrontosoma 51 Phyllotominae 44, 45 Phyllotomini 57 Phyllotomini, genera of 58 Phyllotominae, subfamily 57 poliliis 54 pomwn 89 Pontania 75, 76, 88, 98 Ponlania, species of 88 postcoUa 18 precoila 18 postpedes 29 pretentoria 19 prepharynx 22 Priophorus 71, 73, 74 Priophorus, species of . 73 Pristiphora 75, 77, 78 Pristiphora, species of 77 prolegs 29, 30 Prolongaia 113 postgenae 18 provanckeri 113 Pseiidodineura 69 Pkronidea 75, 76, 85, 86 Pteronidea, species of 85 pulatus 53 ptdchella 64 pygmaeae 94, 109, 112 quercus-alba 59 qu^cus-coccinea 59 14-punctalns 62 reperlus 82 ribesi 85, 87 rubi 95,99 scapidaris 101 Schizocerinae 45 Schizocerinae, subfamily 101 Schizocerus 102 Scolioneurinae 45 Scolioneurinae, subfamily 98 Selandria 52, 54 Selandriinae 43, 44 Selandriinae, genera of 52 Selandriinae, subfamily 51 172 ILUNOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [490 Page semilutea 61 setae 32 simile 49 similis 55, 56 Siricidae 130 Siricidae, family 114 spiracles 32 spiraeae 93, 94 spisskornis 116 Strongylogaster 52, 53 Strongylogaster, species of 53 Slrongylogastroidea 51 subalbaius •. . 82 subanal appendages 28, 126 suranal lobe 26, 27 suranal process 27, 127 sychophanta 79 Syntexis 1 10 tabidus Ill tacitus 54 Taxontis 51 Tenthredinidae 129 Tenthredinidae, family 42 Tenthredinidae, subfamilies of 43 Tenthredininae 44 Tenthredininae, genera of 61 Tenthredininae, subfamily 60 Tenthredinoidea, families of 38, 133 Tenthredinoidea, superfamily 37 Tenthredo 61, 62 Tenthredopsis 61 tenth urostemum 27 Page tenth urotergum 26 tentorium 19 thoracica 85 thoracic legs 23, 122 thorax 23 Thrinax 52 Thrinax, species of 53 tibialor 63 Tomostethus 92, 93 tormae 18 Trachelus 109, 111 Tremex 115, 116 Trichiocampus 71, 73 Trichiocampus, species of 72 Trichiosoma 65 trilineata 88 trimactdatus 110 tnmk 22 ulmi 97 unicolor 48 Unitaxonus 51 ventralis 85 vertex 16 vescus 85 virendus 84 Xiphydria 113 Xiphydriidae 130 Xiphydriidae, family 112 Xyela 42 XyeUdae 129 Xyelidae, family 39 zabriskiei 102 I -1 ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS Vol. VII January, 1922 No. i STUDIES ON GREGARINES II SYNOPSIS OF THE POLYCYSTID GREGARINES OF THE WORLD, EXCLUDING THOSE FROM THE MYRIAPODA, ORTHOPTERA, AND COLEOPTERA WITH FOUR PLATES ? < BY MINNIE WATSON KAMM Price $1.00 Published by the University op Illinois Press UNDER THB AUSPICES OF THE GRADUATE SghOOL Urbana, Illinois UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES PUBLISHED ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS The Illinois Biological Moijogsaphs is a serial published quarterly by. the Univer- sity of Illinois. It is the purpose of the publication to present in monographic form research contributions of especial merit and of somewhat extended character. Each volume will include about 500 pages and 20 or more full page plates. The series may be obtained at a subscription price of three dollars yearly. Individual numbers will be sold separately at prices determined by the size and amount of illustration contained in the particular number. , '.' ■ ■;/ ■■;.■',■ ■ 'Vol.1.,'; /,■: Nos. 1 and 2. A Revision of the Cestode family Proteocephalidae. With 16 plates. Ey G. R. LaRue. $2.00. No. 3. Studies on the Cestode family Anoplocephalidae. 6 plates. By H. Douthitt. 80 cts. No. 4. Some North American Larval Trematodes. With 8 plates. By W, W. Cort. $1.20. Vol.11 No. 1. Classification of Lepidopterous larvae. With 10 plates. By S. B. Fracker. $1,50. No. 2. On the Osteology of some of the Loricati. With5plates. ByJ. E.Gutberlet. 50 cts. No. 3. Studies on Gregarines, including twentyrone new species and a synopsis of the Eugregarine records from the MyriapOda, Coleoptera, and Orthoptera of the world. With 15 plates. By Minnie E. Watson. s$2.C0. No. 4. The Genus Meliola in Porto Rico. , With 5 plates. By Frank L. Stevens. 75 cts. Vol. Ill No. 1. Studies on the factors controlling regeneration. By Charles Zelen)'. $1.25. No. 2. The head-capsule and mouth-parts of Diptera. 25 plates. By A. Peterson. $2.00. No. 3. Studie« on North American Polystomidae, Aspidogastridae, and Pararrtphistomidae. With 11 plates. By Horace W. Stunkard. $1.25. No. 4. Color and color-pattern mechanism of Tiger Beetles. With 29 black and 3 colored plates. By Victor E. Shelford. $2.00. Vol. IV No. 1. Life history studies on Montana Trematodes. By E. C. Faust. 9 plates. $2.00. No. 2. The Goldfish as a test animal in the stydy of toxicity.. By E. B. Powers. $1.00. No. 3. Morphology and biology of some TurbeUaria from the Mississippi basin. With 3 plates. By Ruth Higley. $1.25. No. 4. North American pseudophyilidean Cestodes from fishes. With 13 plates. By A. R. Cooper. $2.00. Vol. V No. 1. The Skull of Amiurus. With 8 plates. By J. E. Kindred. ^1.25. No. 2. Contributions to the Life Histories of Cordhis robicslus I^idy and Pamgordius varius (Leidy). By Henrj' Gustav May. With 21 plates. $1.50, Nos. 3 and 4. Studies of M5rsosporidia. A Synopsis of Genera and Species of MyTcosporidia. By Rokusaburo Kudo. With 25 plates and 2 textfigures. $3.00. Vol. VI No. 1.; The Nasal Organ in Amphibia. By G. M. Higgins. With 10 plates. $1,00. Nos. 2 and 3. Revision of the North American and West Indian Species of Cuscuta. With 13 plates. By Truman George Yuncker. $2.00. No. 4. The'Larvae of the Coccinellidae. With 6 plates. By J, Howard Gage. 75cenis. Vol. VII No. 1. Studies on Gregarines, II. Synopsis of the polycystid Gregarines. 4 plat. Minnie Watson Kamm. $1.00. No. 2. The mollusk fauna of the Big Vermilion River, Illinois.. By F. C. Baker, . (In press.) No. 3. North American Monostomes. By E. C. Harrah. (In press.) '■ ' Entered as second-class matter July 27, 1915, at tlie post-office at Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1102 Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE The Studies in Language and Literature are designed to include monographs in gen- eral linguistics and comparative literature; the classical languages and Sanskrit; the Romance languages; and English, the Scandinavian, and other Germanic languages. The title of the ssries will be so construed as to admit the publication of such researches in the history of culture as may throw light on the processes of language and the interpretation of literar ture. This series is published quarterly; the annual subscription price is three dollars. ' Vol. IV No. 1. Madame de Stael's literary rfeputation in England. By Robert C. Whitford. 75 eta. No, 2, 3, 4. Index verborum quae in Senecae fabulis necnon in Octavia Praetexta reperiuntur a Guilielmo Abbott Oldfather, Arthuro Stanley Pease, Howardo Vernon Canter confectus. s$i.50. Part IL $1.50. Part IIL $1.50. VOL. V No. 1, 2. The influence of Christianity on the Vocabulary of Old English poetry. Part I. By Albert Kaiser. $1.50. No. 3. Spenser's Defense of Lord Gray, By H. S. V. Jones. $1.00. No. 4, Ysopet and Avionnct, Latin and French texts. Kenneth McKenzie and W. A. Oldfather. $1.50, Vol. VI No. 1. La Colleci6n Cervantina de la Sociedad Hispdnica de America (The Hispanic Society of America) : Ediciones de Don Quijote. By Horaero Seris. $1 . 50. No. 2, 3. M. Tulli Ciceronis De Divinatione. Liber Primus. With commentary. By A. S. Pease. $3.00. No. 4. De Fragmenti suetoniani de grammaticis et rhetoribus; codicum fide et nexu. By R. P. Robinson. (In press.) Vol. VII No. 1. Sir R. Howard's comedy "The Committee." With introduction and notes. By C. N. Thuxber. $1.50. No. 2. The Sepulchre of Christ in art and liturgy. By N. C. Brooks. With plates. $1.50 No. 3. The language of the Konungs Skuggsja. By G. T. Flom. (In press.) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES IN THE SOaAL SCIENCES The University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences are designed to afford a means of publishing monographs prepared by graduate students or members of the faculty in th« departments of history, economics, political science, and sociology. Each volume will con- sist of about 600 printed pages annually. The subscription price is three dollars a year. Vol. II Ito, 1. Taxation of corporations in Illinois, other than railroads, since 1872. By J. R. Moore. 55 cts. Nos, 2ajid3, The West in the diplomatic negotiations of the American Revolution. By P. C, PhilHps. $1.25. No, 4. The development of banking in Illinois, 1817-1863, By G. W. Dowrie, 90 cts. Vol. xll Nos. 1, and 2, The history of the general property tax in Illinois. By R. M. Haig. $1.25 . Vol. IV No. I. The Illinois Whigs before 1846. By C. M. Thompson. 95 cts. Nos. 3-4. The history of the Illinois Central railway to 1870. By H. G. Brownson. $1.25 , Vol. V No.l. Enforcement of infernatioru. I L'.v by mMnicipiiJ )...-^. ,.., ..QAVright $1.25. No.2. The life of Jesse W. Fell. By Frances ]vi Mor('.hut'5' Gustay May. With 21 plates. $1.50. Nos. 3 aOd 4. Studies of Myxosporidia. A Synopsis of Genera and Species of Myxosporidia. By Rokusaburo Kudo. With 25 plates and 2 textfigures. $3.00. Vol. VI No. 1. The Nasal Organ in Amphibia. By G. M. Higgins. With 10 plates. $1.00. Nos. 2 and 3. Revision of the North American and West Indian Species of Cuscuta. With 13 plates. By Truman George Yuncker. $2.00. No. 4. The Larvae of the Coccinellidae. With 6 plates. By J. Howard Gage. 75 cents. Vol. vn No. 1. Studies On Gregarines, JI. S3Tiopsis of the polycystid Gregarines. 4 plates. By Minnie Watson Kamm. $1.00. No. 2. The molluscan fauna of the Big Vermilion River, Illinois. By F. C. Baker. $1.25. No. 3. North American Monostomes. By E. C. Harrah. $1,25 No. 4. A Classification of the Larvae of the Tenthredinoidea. ByHachiro Yuasa. (In Press.) Entered as second-class matter July 27, 191S, at the post-office at Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1102 Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. ITNTVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE The Studies in Langu^e and Literature are designed to include monographs in gen- eral linguistics and comparative literature; the classical languages and Sanskrit; the Romance languages; and English, the Scandinavian, and other Germanic languages. The title of the series will be so construed as to admit the pubUcation of such researches in the history of culture aa may throw light on the processes of language and the interpretation of litera- ture. This series is published quarterly; the annual subscription price is three dollars. Voi.rv No. 1. Madame de Stagl's literary reputation in England. By Robert C. Whitford. 75 cts. No. 2, 3, 4. Index verborum quae in Senecae fabulis necnon in Octavia Praetexta reperiuntur a Guilielmo Abbott Oldfather, Arthuro Stanley Pease, Howardo Vernon Canter confectus. $1.50. Part n. $1.50. Part III. $1.50, VOL. V No. 1, 2. The influence of Christianity on the Vocabulary of Old English poetry. Part I. By Albert Keiser. $1.50. No. 3. Spenser's Defense of Lord Gray. By H. S. V. Jones. $1.00. No. 4. Ysopet and Avionnet. Latin and French texts. Kenneth McKenzie and W. A. Oldfather. $1.50. Vol. VI No. 1. La Colleci6n Cervantina de la Sociedad Hispinica de America (The Hispanic Society of America) : Ediciones de Don Quijote. By Homero Seris, $1 . 50. No. 2, 3. M. Tulli Ciceronis De Divinatione. Liber Primus. With commentary. By A. S. Pease. $3.00. No. 4. De Fragmenti suetoniani de grammaticis et rhetoribus; codicum fide et nexu. By R. P. Robinson. {In press.) Vol. VII No. 1. Sir R. Howard's comedy "The Committee." With introduction and notes. By C. N. Thurber. $1.50. No. 2. The Sepulchre of Christ in art and liturgy. By N. C. Brooks. With plates. $1.50. No. 3. The language of the Konungs Skuggsji. By G. T. Flom. $1.50. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES The University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences are designed to afford a meant of publishing monographs prepared by graduate students or members of the faculty in tht departments of history, economics, political science, and sociology. Each volume will con- sist of about 600 printed pages annually. The subscription price is three dollars a year. Vol.n h9o. L. Taxation of corporations in Illinois, other than railroads, since 1872. By J. R> Moore. 55 cts. Nos. 2 and 3. The West in the diplomatic negotiations of the American Revolution. By P. C. Phillips. $1.25. No. 4. The development of banking in Illinois, 1817-1863. By G. W. Dowrie. 90 cts. Vol. m Nob. 1. and 2. The history of the general property tax in Illinois. By R. M. Haig. $1.25 . Vol. IV No. !. The. Illinois Whigs before 1846. By C. M. Thompson. 95 cts. Nos. 3-4, The history of the Illinois Central railway to 1870. By H. G. Brownson. $1.25 . Vol. V No. 1 . Enforcement of international law by municipal law. By P. Q. Wright $1 . 25. No. 2. The life of Jesse W. Fell. By Frances M. Morehouse. 60 cts. No. 4. Mine taxation in the United States. By L. E. Young. $1 . 50. UNivERsrry of Illinois studies in the social sciences.— continued Vol. VI No6. 1 and 2, The veto power of the Governor of Illinois. By N. H. Debel. $1 .00. No. 3, Wage bargaining on the vessels of the Great Lakes, By H. E. Hoagland. $1 .50. No. 4. The household of a Tudor nobleman. By P. V. B. Jones. $1 .50, Vol. vn No. 4. The Journeymen Tailors' Union of America. By C. J. Stowell. $1,00. Vol. vm No. 2. Cumulative voting and minority representation in Illinois. By B. F, Moore, $0.75. No«. 3 and 4. Labor problems and administration in the United States during the World War. ByG. Watkins. $2.00. Vol. rx No. 1, 2. War powers of the executive in the United States, By C. A. Berdahl. $2.25. No. 4. The economic policies of Richelieu. By F. C. Palm. $1.50. Vol. X No. 1. Monarchial tendencies in the United States. By Louise B, Dunbar. (In press.) No. 2. Fixed Price Associations. By M, W. Nelson. (In press.) UNIVERSITY STUDIES GisNERAL Series, Vol, I, n, III, and IV Partly out of print. A detailed list of numbers will be sent on request. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Following is a partial list of the publications issued at the University: 1. The University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, Published quarterly. Three dollars a year. 2. The Illinois Biological Monographs. Quarterly, Three dollars a year. 3. The University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, Monographs in his- tory, economics, political science, and sociology. Quarterly, Three dollars a year, 4. The University Studies. A series of monographs on miscellaneous subjects, 5. The Journal of Engush and Germanic Philology. Quarterly. Three dollars a year. (For any of the above, address 161 Administration Building, Urbana, Illinois,) 6. The Bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Reports of the re- search work in the Engineering Experiment Station, Address Director of Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois. 7. The Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Address Director of Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois. 8. The Bulletin of the State Laboratory of Natural History. Address Direc- tor of State Laboratory of Natural History, University of Illinois. 9. The Bulletin of the State Geological Survey. Address Director of State Geological Survey, University of Illinois. 10. The Bxtlletin of the State Water Survey, Address Director of State Water Survey, University of Illinois. 11. The Report of the State Entomologist, Address State Entomologist, Uni- versity of Illinois. 12. The Bulletin or the Illinois AssoaATioN of Teachers of English, Address 301 University Hall, University of Illinois, 13. The Bulletin of the School of Education. Address 203 University Hall, University of Illinois. 14. The Law Bulletin. Address 207 Law Building, University of Illinois. 15. The general series, containing the University catalog and circulars of special depart- ments. Address The Registrar, University of Illinois. ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS Vol. VII October, 1922 No. 4 A CLASSIFICATION OF THE LARVAE OF THE TENTHREDINOIDEA WITH FOURTEEN PLATES BY HACHIRO YUASA Price $2.00 1 Published by the University of Illinois Press under the auspices of the graduate school Urbana, Illinois UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES PUBLISHED ILLINOIS BIOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS The IixiKOis Biological Monographs is a serial published quarterly by the Univer- sity of Illinois. It is the purpose of the publication to present in monographic form research contributions of especial merit and of somewhat extended character. Each volume will include about 500 pages and 20 or more full page plates. The series may be obtained at a subscription price of three dollars yearly. Individual numbers will be sold separately at prices determined by the size and amount of illustration contained in the particular number. Vol.1 Nos. 1 and 2. A Revision of the Cestode family Proteocephalidae. With 16 plates. By G. R. La Rue. $2.00. No. 3. Studies on the Cestode family Anoplocephalidae. 6 plates. By H. Douthitt. 80 cts. No. 4. Some North American Larval Trematodes. With 8 plates. ByW.W.Cort. $1.20. Vol. II No. 1. Classification of Lepidopterous larvae. With 10 plates. By S. B. Fracker. $1.50. No. 2. On the Osteology of some of the Loricati. With 5 plates. ByJ.E. Gutberlet. SOcts. No. 3. Studies on Gregarines, including twenty-one new species and a sjuopsis of the Eugregarine records from the Myriapoda, Coleoptera, and Orthoptera of the world. With 15 plates. By Minnie E. Watson. $2.00. No. 4. The Genus Meliola in Porto Rico. With 5 plates. By Frank L. Stevens. 75 cts. Vol. Ill No. 1. Studies on the factors controlling regeneration. By Charles Zeleny. $1.25. No. 2. The head-capsule and mouth-parts of Diptera. 25 plates. By A. Peterson. $2.00. No. 3. Studies on North American Polystomidae, Aspidogastridae, and Paramphistomidae. With 11 plates. By Horace W. Stunkard. $1.25. No. 4. Color and color-pattern mechanism of Tiger Beetles. With 29 black and 3 colored plates. By Victor E. Shelford. $2.00. Vol. IV No. 1. Life history studies on Montana Trematodes. By E. C. Faust. 9 plates. $2.00. No. 2. The Goldfish as a test animal in the study of toxicity. By E. B. Powers. $1.00. No. 3. Morphology and biology of some Turbellaria from the Mississippi basin. With 3 plates. By Ruth Higley. $1.25. No. 4. North American pseudophyllidean Cestodes from fishes. With 13 plates. By A. R. Cooper. $2.00. VolV No. 1. The Skull of Amiurus. With 8 plates. By J. E. Kindred. $1.25. No. 2. Contributions to the Life Histories of Cordius robtistus Leidy and Paragordius varins (Leidy). By Henrj' Gustav May. With 21 plates. $1.50. Nos. 3 and 4. Studies of Myxosporidia. A Synopsis of Genera and Species of Myxosporidia. By Rokusaburo Kudo. With 25 plates and 2 textfigures. $3.00. Vol. VI No. 1. The Nasal Organ in Amphibia. By G. M. Higgins. With 10 plates. $1.00. Nos. 2 and 3. Revision of the North American and West Indian Species of Cuscuta. With 13 plates. By Truman George Yuncker. $2.00. No. 4. The Larvae of the Coccinellidae. With 6 plates. By J. Howard Gage. 75 cents. Vol. vn No. 1. Studies on Gregarines, II. Synopsis of the polycystid Gregarines. With 4 plates. By Minnie Watson Kamm. $1.00. No. 2. The molluscan fauna of the Big Vermilion River, Illinois. With 15 plates. By F. C. Baker. $1.25. No. 3. North American Monostomes. With 9 plates. By E. C. Harrah. $1.25. No. 4. A Classification of the Larvae of the Tenthredinoidea. With 14 plates. By Hachiro Yuasa. $2.00. Entered ss second-class matter July 27, 1915, at the post-office at Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1102 Act of October 3. 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE The Studies in Language and Literature are designed to include monographs in gen- eral linguistics and comparative literature; the classical languages and Sanskrit; the Romance languages; and English, the Scandinavian, and other Germanic languages. The title of the series will be so construed as to admit the publication of such researches in the history of culture as may throw light on the processes of language and the interpretation of litera- ture. This series Is published qiiarterly; the aimual subscription price is three dollars. Vol. IV No. 1. Madame de Stall's literary reputation m England. By Robert C. Whitford. 75 cts. No. 2, 3, 4. Index verborum quae in Senecae fabulis necnon in Octavia Praetexta reperiuntur a Guilielmo Abbott Oldfather, Arthuro Stanley Pease, Howardo Vernon Canter confectus. $1.50. Part U. $1.50. Part IIL $1.50. Vol. V No. 1, 2. The influence of Christianity on the Vocabulary of Old EngL'sh poetry. Part I. By Albert Keiser. $1.50. No. 3. Spenser's Defense of Lord Gray. By H. S. V. Jones. $1 .00. No. 4. Ysopet and Avionnet. Latin and French texts. Kenneth McKenrie and W. A. Oldfather. $1.50. Vol. VI No. 1. La Colleci6n Cervantina de la Sociedad Hispdnica de America (The Hispanic Society of America) : Ediciones de Don Quijote. By Homero Sens. $1 . 50. No. 2, 3. M. Tulli Ciceronis De Divinatione. Liber Primus. With commentary. By A, S. Pease. $3.00. No. 4. De Fragment! suetoniani de grammaticis et rhetoribus; codlcum fide et nexu. By R. P. Robinson. $2.00. Vol. vn No. L Sir R. Howard's comedy "The Committee." With introduction and notes. By C. N. Thurber. $1.50. No. 2. The Sepulchre of Christ in art and liturgy. By N. C. Brooks. With plates. $1.50. No. 3. The language of the Konungs SkuggsjA. By G. T. Flom. $1.50. No. 4. The significant name in Terence. By J. C. Austin. $2.00. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES The University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences are designed to afford & means of pnblishing monographs prepared by graduate students or members of the faculty In the departments of history, economics, political science, and sociology. Each volume will con- sist of about 600 printed pages annually. The subscription price is three dollars a year. VoLH No. 1. Taxation of corporations in Illinois, other than railroads, since 1872. By J. R. Moore. 55 cts. Koi. 2 and 3. The West in the diplomatic negotiations of the American Revolution. By P. C. PhilUps. $1.25. No. 4. The development of banking in Illinois, 1817-1863. By G. W. Dowrie. 90 cts. Vol. m Nos. 1. and 2. The history of the general property tax in Illinois. By R. M. Haig. $1.25. Vol. IV No. 1. The Illinois Whigs before 1846. By C. M. Thompson. 95 cts. No*. 3-4. The history of the Illinois Central railway to 1870. By H. G. Brownson. $1.25. Vol. V No. 1. Enforcement of international law by municipal law. By P. Q. Wright. $1 .25. No. 2. The life of Jesse W. Fell. By Frances M. Morehouse. 60 cts. No. 4. Mine taxation in the United States. By L. E. Young. $1 .50. UNIVERSriY OF IIXINOIS STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES.— Continued Vol. VI No«. 1 and 2. The veto power of the Governor of IllinoU. By N. H. Dcbel $1 .00. No. 3. Wage bargaining on the vessels of the Great Lakes. By 11. E. Hoagland. $1 . 50. No. 4. The household of a Tudor nobleman. By P. V. B. Jones. $1 .50. Vol. VU No. 4. The Journeymen Tailors' Union of America. By C. J. StowelL $1.00. Vol. VIII No. 2. Cumulatire voting and minority representation in Illinois. By B. F. Moore. $0.75. Not. 3 and 4. Labor problems and administration in the United States during the World War. ByG. WatWns. $2.00. Vol. DC Na 1, 2. War powers of the executive in the United States. By C. A. Berdahl. $2.25. No. 4. The economic policies of Richelieu. By F. C. Palm. $1.50. Vol. X No. 1. Monarchial tendencies in the United States. By Louise B. Dunbar. (In press.) No. 2. Fixed Price Associations. By M. W. Nelson. (/» press.) UNIVERSITY STUDIES General Series, Vol. I, II, III, and IV Partly out of print. A detailed list of numbers will be sent on request. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Following is a partial list of the publications issued at the University: 1. The University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature. Published quarterly. Three dollars a year. 2. The Illinois Biological Monographs. Quarterly. Three dollars a year. 3. The University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences. Monographs in hia- tory, economics, political science, and sociology. Quarterly. Three dollars a year. 4. The University Studies. A series of monographs on miscellaneous subjects. 5. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Quarterly. Three dollars a year. (For any of the above, address 161 Administration Building, Urbana, Illinois.) 6. The Bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Reports of the re- search work in the Engineering Experiment Station. Address Director of Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois. 7. The Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Address Director of Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Illinois. 8. The Bulletin of the State Laboratory of Natural History. Address Direc- tor of State Laboratory of Natural History, University of Illinois. 9. The Bulletin of the State Geological Survey. Address Director of State Geological Survey, University of Illinois. 10. The Bulletin of the! State Water Survey. Address Director of State Water Survey, University of Illinois. 11. The Report of the State Entomologist. Address State Entomologist, Uni- versity of Illinois. 12. The Bulletin of the Illinois Association of Teachers of English. Address 301 University Hall, University of Illinois. 13. The Bulletin of the School of Education. Address 203 University Hall, University of Dlinois. 14. The Law Bulletin. Address 207 Law Building, University of Illinois. 15. The general scries, containing the University catalog and circulars of special depart- ments. Address The Registrar, University of Illinois. •'K MBl, WHOI UBRARV ^JH lASB U ■; !■»;;,' \:i:\ v.: ■■;v. 'l.i