th alde eyuare adjoining


{pringteld, Milnolk Odlee, N

‘om ¢, W. Chattertan's

te AMES C. CONKEING, J yore, Springdeld, 1


AND, 0. athaldo P

io wat ate NAY, APTORNEY AT LAW,





Vioe Swell & Lind




Ny DENTIST corn of be



SUTH, SADDLE $8 MANUFAOTURER, Spnogaeld, Uilnole


Matheny § 1d, Ullacke

Las. Of

HOMCEPA- n Jesters: lon


CONRLING, Springdeld, Ullovla, ill

fecal extate, pay tax found,



crehatens| a peanons te eat FRANCIS, JUSTICE. OF Mee In Jouraa! Thalldtnys, where b

fo all business connected with ble | . HENING HAS REMOVED HIS OFPLOE to his rei dence, soath-oast oxrner of Sevealh aint tomes urect opposite tos uew Catholie Church, where io will prompt aiscal profecioual calle both in the country ancy nor lelawbes

D2 inticd PATUROP, ROMROP ATH Physician and Sargesa,

Dr. Adaias,) has Feoeeed and cedideace

nev ef Mfoarve, and four doors Pos.Odlea..



eTW.E TOLESALE DEAL ERS IN GROOE! » Liquors. Nalls, Glass, Oils, Dyeeats, Qu nd’ Glasaware,” Ales Agents far the New Yo E and Canton Tea Oomp ‘eld, TH

De auet RTH. TRAPP, OFFERS HIS J “seaviors 43 x PHYSICIAN to Springdeld, le wil bo found at Neteddeocava Washington

Ae y betweva Tenth and Eleveuth etrect

Vy & J. W. MOFFETT, ATTORNEYS AND Oounsellors at Las, peiaxdelt, Nllaola,—Oflce over ey & Coa store. They will alice to a rasted to them professionally, abd alse t realestate, paying taxen collectlag debse te R. ALEX. POLLOL OWecon the South ede Olathing Store, nelly and o

K, HOMGEOPATITIST the equare, over. 8. Little!

PARBER SHOP —TIIE U aa opened the fi cof Dandy $ Jon Tlovite all en vlad p

BELL HANGER AND SILVER PLATER, Moaroe treet, near Sixth, (0. Lewis, earrlaze maker. Tella bung Sliver Platlag of every descriptlon, Door P Bell Palla, malo bo on mor










W ihe corporation i BINA INSURANCE COSt at Harton, Con

Caphal ty Fiteea than

J Thousand Dollars, and tn

ASSETS, Par value, Market Val

fopany accured by

Viana ia bane Bands et agents aod ia y BEN § 14,000. ro 00

Dow Haetturd elty bonds 6 pore foul laterest £0,000 016 5 bonds, Oper cent, city bonds, 10'p ny bonila, 6 per ceul,

wal Milwaat New York

10,400 60 ate stocks, 8 per © esul-annual Interest

wks, BN per cent, 200 shares Ilarvord and Raitrond Co. stick eso shares Gotta. Iver Hall 107 an Todo and” Wercesier Rallrcall Co, atock 0 ahares Coonectleat iver Co


0,000. 209 alc

lage, Conn, "Engle Wank etock, RT shater Revéré Bank ton, Mass 100 sharea aiety Fubd Dank stock, Boston, Mass 200 shares Bank of th St, Teale, Mo, Mecchanta! Dank stock, 8 2 10,00 area Nicohanicy’ Dak sigek, Sk, Mo, 20,000, hates Farmers" and “Me + Phiiaitelphis, P oa Dank stock, Mart

10,680 ¢0 Sitio of Mile 21,600 60

= 10,000 60

0,060, 11,700... 32,80) 00 Disk’ oi Warliond County, sock, Marford, Conn shares Charicr Oak Dank stock, Marttord, Cone 3 City sak stock, Hartford,

200. 0,050 0

10,40. 10,800 69

23,000 00.

mo ai Mant Harttord, 10,000. ix Dank stock, Hare w 59,000 00 3 State Dank vicel, Har 2 440 00

0,780 00

M. CULLOM “AT LAW Odice Soath Side of the Square, over the store of E. | ies 8 Co., In Springdeld. “Will attend 19 all tegai | joesy catrasted tole tn the Cirealt and District Ooarts fox |

1 Olrealt Courts of






the meat approved aan

ric and

ws aidiuoaal lastallment of Leenty-dve per co of the eapltal exnck of aald Octapeay oa ot of Janary, ‘Shae of Ditecte JOUN 7 OAS:


Wwarrr, &

by Mase.) roperty nod changed itsexte e Tt has been mas new, aod

GAND TO Cost. 2 aalleactiog to the Roch fe aloas foand ats Vala a Anil. VARNEY QT. NIOMOLAS HOTEL co D JEFFERSON STREETB,

ILL sponauE Pe


Fed at LB OLAIRE'S Ohiea, Glass and Que Kart ede Square,

y, Jost Fe

7 Oook'e Hall



CANEDY'S DRUG STORE, WEST SIDE OF TUE SQUARE. Jan B-detf —— ANCING SCHOOL The next term of Mr. Wedgwood's Danclog Rehoc! wd

MONDAY EVENING, 21st INST. ree lessons will be given on Monday, lat, Westnes. ood Batantay, 26th oet Tone wlabing to wequiro the latest utyles danclog elit dwell 2 aft ‘TUITION—GENTS, Coeta, Jan. 19, 1861 At",

{ (

First th day, 84 lato and fancy



Thave on hand, aod ain constantly recelviag a large stock


Thave aleo a large and selseted assortment of


Wer ther Facies 8


DRIED Five Geslton an: nda nt Apples, Drled Biackterrirs, very OMG, Dried Ourrante


ry doe, Fine layer Ralslos Just recelved at my crocery store and for uslecheny,

nora) . rlsuen.

83,000 09


24,009 09

13,600 00

10,000 0

600 00

i 10,000, shares dniporten and Traders? “Shares. Slereantle Gusk Wisck

9,000 09 ,000 609


70,400 69 85,000 60

elt 10,000 60 tropolitaa Hank siock

45,¢00 00

Uank of Norib America xk, New Yurk ety mt Ocean Dank’ & York ety lis) shares Peoples’ Bank eck, New 10,000,

& 21,60. 0

15,500 0

10,109 ix Back ates 10/60 fhe’ Hlepabtle Nee

1009... $3,000 0

Miecellaneaus {eme. 92,2,1 scar Investments are held for ineorne, and oot cailmate ot folr ealues, aad not at the present rary panle rales LIABILITIES, llles Jue or not due to banks

Comes wijusted and not dae’ Cosses' unadjusted, Io curpense, walling proot ‘s

tre small for printing, nts fnstructed Lo lake’ no Fak execediog twenty (hoa Iilollars, elthout speclal permisdon. The greatewt armoant iosared In any one city, town, villag varies, and depeods open the coartractea, tiste d'the meana of arresting Ares,

ko Daace, Secretary


7. Marvtord, Jan. 1, 1881. f

ary Fowler, a Jostice

RIPLEY, President,

Won of the ¥ina Inearance Company is true

HENILY POWLER, Justloo of the Peace.

Bist day of January, 1661 rice, evare oF eum, | Springteth, Ju 12-1001. f Whereas, the Zina lnruesbee Company, located at Hat fold, ot so, bas Ged fo this odica a ion of ts aairs, a8 required by. Aa flasuranee companies Bot lacer, i'by the State of ilinoln* approved February 14,185 Ainendatory thereto, epproved dauuary 43" IS! ‘nd wheress sald company baa farnlabed satlitactory evidence that els pousemed of the required amouat of euplal lnveneed Io stocks and mortgages, id has fied ln this ee a writin Prealdeot. and Secretary thereof, Weory’0,. Lattam end’ bucus Cbapaun ef Sproat is agents (or the trapeaction of the Yactarss ot Sld'cooapaty, aod Tally and anreservediy: authorising tess to ackowwiedge nerve of proceat for aaa oa, bebal Sf ald company, coaseatiog thal ervice of proceas upon. theese {ld agents, shall be taken ad held to! Geen raha asitertred Spon the company, and walving allcater of error ty teats pach serve Row, therefore, 1p pursaanco of the prorlslooe aforesald, 1 Datolny Auditor of Pubile Azcouats of the State'of vols do hereby cerlly at the sald Henry ©. Lathes and ‘Chapa re authorized as agent or We eal coos tts baslness of lasuraoce lo this Bate goth ity-Qrat day of January, in tbe year elgbieen bundred and sixty-10, 0 fat aa they Bay be legally eupowered to do to by sald corspany Te ustisioey whersof. Iharebereunto rubseribed my nod afbxod the weal cfmy ollee at fed,

ened ty the


a ih day of January” Ase JeaL SEK. DUBOIS, Aaditer Pea


Chartered by the Legislature of Mitncla, Cash Capital, . +...» 8200,000. OFFICE—EXCUANGE BANK BUILDING, 8. W. Comer of Clark and Lake Btrcets, ChMeago, Tk.

Predident—RENJ. LOMDAUD, Vico Prealdent—\ AN H. HIGGINS Becretary—B. P. JOMNSON, ‘Tressurce—P, A. HOFFMANN,

Directors. BENJ. OMDARD. of Chicago, late of Cambridge, Mass. MATTHEW BOLLES, of M. Bolles & Oo., Bankers, Dost


Boston, Mass JAMES W. BTONE, MD,

VAN IU HIGGINS, Judge Saperlor Court, Ohtcago, 1 PuANCIs A, HUrPMANN, Hodwann & Gelpcke, Baakers, GEO W.UAGE, of Gago Bros, & Drake, Tremont House, MLD. GIESIAN, of Mt. D. Gllman & Co., Wholesale Grocers abd Laayorters, Chi FON V. FARWELL, of Cooley, Farwell & Ci biz Goods Mezeants and fiopneters, Chics FRANCIS B. PEADODY, Attorney at aw, Chicago. FHOMAS IL\ILESE, of Harleas & Parker, Commlugon Mer.

Moyt & Plerce, Wholesale Orocers and Im leap. MUNKD, Gen}. Ageot Union Ins, and Trust

iViS MARMOOD, Anoay Ul

108 AL .0MUARD, Cashier Pamet Bank, Griggrvilte, Ul.

ARLES CHANDL Il, of Charles handler & Oo., Baakers, Maccabi

OLIVEN WHITAKER, of Headerise & Whitaker, Attgpeys At Law, Foalon, IL

AHBHALL AYRES, Pree. Toalon Rank, Origgeritle, Ul,

Brealdent of Wheat Grower's Dank,

AJ ALLEN, Agent, sprioudeld, Office on North ede Bquare, in ihe oftice with EL. Gross,

N Grrr Quanx's Orrice, Bpringdetd, Feb. 6, Isa To Pascal P. Enos, Erastus Wright, Loa Damour, an all “Tn pureaance of an order of the Clty Coane of the ety of pared. | co. 80, 1880. 0 ely given to

wah line of sald 8B. taluing |

SC TSH feet

I aceese also the aathwest part of the

ofthe, E, ani the nonthwedt part of tes. W

ihe aald 8B, i oreald we, 25, tounde as fullowe, to

ploolog at the suthwen corner of sald NW. Af of the

‘abd Funning thence he wert Iino ul ald ‘thence east paralle!

109 teet; thence west paral: Aotthe 8. sald SW. Ae of the 8 E, ‘uorih W) feet to the plage of beginaing, cintalalng And to you, Beastas Weight owner oft efoilwing dee (rectot land: partotthes, Bly ofthe, W. of eald eee. 95, tounded ns follows, to-wit: beploning a! the nurtheast carne of all 8. E. X of the &. W. Gy uhence west with the arth AQ oF the BW. Wy DaIY feet toa tlone, the s\ corner of a traet of land tweard by Leon Darosars feouth with ue ext Il thence east parallel to the 0 Wo OB1Y feet La the east Ge naFAH AD feet to th Fea. Ando you, L ‘the fo: anit parvorihe 8, E. \ of 1 eee. 23, beyonalng at the pirthecst cer Mofthe 8. WW. thence east with the north, Mae of sali 8. E" of the S. Wy eet ta a stab; he west Ine of ald 8. BQ wt the S| inne of sata 8: west ioe of lace that. the! chty

the BW

MC of the 2. HY ioning, coataloiog

Sf Springaetd Intenda to

feverat ature described tu

betog la the tity of Springdeld, eoasty

State of Minnis (or whe

feet wide on the Vine, dieldi

the Fi uf the 8..W MQ of tee. 38, town 15, NeW

P.M. aol saline extended east Uo Whe" Interscellon

Salome Avihue, commencing at the weet end cf ald ne al “poration iolte, end running thence east with sald line

=the centre of sald proprsed treet, a and shown by a plat of surrey W tho City Sarecyor aud Engiocer. and approved by ‘he Oily Couocll Oct, 1) Tsa).) Algo, that on the kth day of yy Council of the eald cliy ‘ormmlssloners 10 a ges and expenses thereof on the real estate bep by. Ih proparilon a 10 each


Corner of Fifth and Jefferson Streets. ‘Thls popular Boarding House lanow open for the reception g boarders ani tranalent guests, Terme moderate.

M&3.N, DHERDMAN, _Sanasaioe MRA. 8! HOWARTH

Daily State Zourmall,


Post-Office Reguintions. Offce Opens at 180 4.3, und Oloves at 7:80 P.M. MAILE BY RAILROAD,

4:08 A.M Cis A’


GisPaM. |e Lees Pa


Anniv Peon—Peteribarg at 2 P.M. Man tays, Wednes- dayevand Fridayy; fo Uavann’ at 0 P.M, ‘Tuesday Thuredaye and. &atantays; from Tayloreitie at 4 PAM Blo: days, Wednesdaya and Peidaye; frum Wehland cis, at 6 eM sfondaye and Vedayn; from Paunee at€ PAL, Aster,

West th

North at 5:00 P.M

Wednesdays Tueslays, Thursdays PM Sun tayo, Wednes ele, at 8 P.M. Mondaye Ah Wedneatars, LINDSAY Post Master

ETRY. Tin We

hall Meet.

Of ail te porns, breathing conjagil love that death had love, witch eeniths air ng years falled to cong ver—of all bach paris, written In an ge (hit eltne-sed

erotlom han any tfore or elnce, thie loeplred com muolng of the Dlahop of CXlchovter with hla buried wife ja uh motte erate}, because lt la the utterance ef the truest and t nderest heart

ne vlctory 0}

Steep on, fo thy cald bet, Ni at wilt not wake, TH Tiny fate aha overtak Tillage, rgief of dckno w mast Ma ry my by to that due Weomach lor # an Ol theroom My bh art keepaeaapty la the tomb, Biny for mois ez will not fall ‘Tu macet thee tn that hal ow va 6 Aod think not much of my delay, Tam already And fol Desire can ms Eath ailn te Abd every b ura sep toward ihes. At oleht @hen I belake to res), fextmora when I the nearce my west Or lite, alavrat by hgh hours Tag whea Bashare | my sos Beats my approach, tel s tire T eomes | og howe! r my marches be, at last etd en by thee iis toe go en,

a thort degree

Dere (forgive This erime,) 1am co teot to Ive Die ded, with tat balf-a h art,

Til we dhall cet, wad vere part.”

ee i

T PRIVATE SALE—THE FURNITUE ing of Parlor and Chamber Seta, Carpets, Solas, ‘droves, “ureags, Debsteads, ‘Slave fare, Glaso, ete., ete, at he realdefice, oD tl of Eighth and Jackson’ streets, Ww efered at. priv sluicat reverve, For partieal SSIGNEF'S NOTICE.—ALL PERSONS ASS hereby notlfled thal the books, notes and accounts e€ ake drm of H. Coan & Nrother, have bean by them atsiued to me, and each persona knowing themselves Indebied fosmid rm are requested to call at the old tiand of Q. Coot. & Dr ‘nd settle eillboat delay, ip order Lo eave cose All persons, holding claims agaloet eald rm are aleo notified to. present the same noi have them adjusted acconling Jo lhe terms of sald asdgameat 3. K. LEWIS, Aeslenee. Jan. 29, 150, aut [Register copy.)

OURE COUGH, COLD, HOARSE em, Tafuensa, aay Irrttallcn or Borenem W tbo Throat, Helleve the Hacking Ooagh In joorumption, Droachitls, Asthma and Oa-

J arth. Clear’ aad give strength to the voles


ew aro atrare of the Jroportance of checking a Oough o ommmon Oold” te Its Bret stage, that which In the begining 4 sleld to a milld remedy, li neglected, noon attacks the lungs, " "Brown's Brooehial Trsches,” containing Jewalceat

\ngredientsallay Plmcoary and Urenchlal Irritatlos, BRowNs | ,,"That trouble In my Thrast, (for which the THOCUES | ‘Trochey’ are a epscife) having’ taade me oftes

s Nop. wits. | "1 recommend thelr aro to Public Speak

hs REV. F, M OHAPIN extremely’ eerriceable for

HENRY WARD DEEOUER, trellef lo the distressing labor | of breathing peculla to Asthma,

HEV. A. 0. EG “Contata po Oplam or anything In)


Chenilst, Hoetsn. “A dimple and pleasant combination for

Coaghs, ete.” browses DR. @. ¥, BIGELOW, TROCI Boa

Benefical to Bronchitis.” DR). P. W. LANE, Bostdn lent for Whooplog



nnowws TROOWES


nrowns TROCHES |



TROOIES | st have proved them exc

Cough.” REY, 1. W. WARK B

eveficlal when compelled to epeak,

Ing fro old.” REY, 8. J. P. ANDER: St Loale,

patcctanl in reroorlog hoarseness and Irrta.

| on of tbe Uhroat, v0 commca with epeakere and

stogera™ Prof. 4. 8TAOY JonD

nRowne | THOOHES





preaching, as Whey prevent Hoursenes. Fi Tete past eect f Ulink they wlll be of perea boot tdvantapelo me.” REV. E. ROWLEY, A. ML, Presideot of Athens Coll

EP Gold by all Drogelate at TWENTY-FIVE | CENTS A BOX. 4 deed dwal Gm oar.

B ¥. Xi




ch daw



YOR LADIES’, MISSES", MEN'S AND OHILDREN'S|WBAR, Purchased by coe of the firm, who has Jart retaraed from Now York. We are now prepared to ofr TILE MO8T EXTENSIVE BTOOK OF GOODS IN THE OITY AL prices as Cheap as tho Cheapest, MB SAGs eN vib: =F. 2. B. MAWLEY & 00


Nov. 18d&wim

EW FAMILY, PROVISION AND FEED BTORE, Bouth Glsth erect, two doors Bow of Pox one. 8. COOK HAMPTON, (ormerly witb 8. B. Fister) as Jost opened a naw and wel ploctod stock of


dlrect from Bt. Lidls, which be lotends Lo sell tothe commanl- ty at as low rates fer eaah or produce as they ten be bough 18 the eliy. “Amongst ey eisck can be found the fellowing anicies: Prime N. 0. Sagar, ‘larited do Growued da Powdered do Gransisted do Belchere If, Molasses, Piantatton do Golten Sirep, ‘Tobscoor,

1 Mackerel, Viealed Saien, Pickled He

Smoked tre God Fuh, Pret al ao to

Io tact, everything orsally kept Ina well regulated fart Tuy for east

Teas, all kinds, Fras, Gantt,


grocery, all tor sale as cheap a the cheapest Rod can afford to eels chenp as anybody, We Intend to kecp Preah Batter. Egya and Poaltry at al! dimes, Wasrep.—Corn and Oats, and In fact, all Kinds of Oountry the hiuhest Market price for eash or groceries, all aod 1 promise ta so right by you. N, B.—No trcable to show you throogh aod post you up Ip

red {0 aay part ofthe clty ree of charge 7 oun BanietoN,

bbit in the Moon. rk which has bo n taken in

1's house from my childhood, is a story ingly well told, exemplifying the virtues | of self-sacrifice. It was originally written in the: sacred language of the Hindoos, I trans. Jated it from the French for iny young friends, Who, like all others, ary ever ia need of the les son it conveys.

The Hindoos believe that they can seo a rab- bit in the moon. The Chinese, when they rep- resent the moon, paint, in its centre, a rabbit | pounding rico, “This singular belicf recalls a curious and touching legend, which, in early times passed from India to China,

There is near Benares a forest, in the middle of which is a religious monument, called that of the Throe Quadrupeds, ‘Tho following story explains to us the cause of its consecration.— Three animals, a fox,a monkey, and a rabbit lived most fricdly together in that forest. One | day the master of the gods, under the garb of a poor old man, appeared beforo them, and thus addressed them

“My children do you Jove this calm, retired place? Do yau never feel afraid ?"

"Tho tbick grasa WF our enrpet;” they. ap: awered. “We walk through the shady forests, and though of different families we live in bar. mony. We are peaceful and happy.”

T heard of it,” sad the old therefore. forgetting the burden of my age I came from a great distance expressly to sev yon. But to-day I sulfer greatly from hunger. Cou! you give me something to cat?”

Avonce the three quadrupeds, moved with compassion and love, leaped away in different directions to Reok the desired food

fter galloping by tho river's brink the fox seiz-da silver crab, fresh and dripping, and brought it between his teeth

1 nkey climbed the highest trees, and

with the most exquisite flowers and | the most luscious fruit.

Tho rabbit alone returned as ho had gone away, snd bad nothing to offer the old man

‘The Intter said with sadness—

“The monkey and tho fox have bad pity up- on me. Why bas the rabbit despised me.”

On hearing (hese words of reproach, the rab- bit said to the fox and the monkey

“My frionds, make here a pile of wood and dead ‘leaves, and you will soon. know shat’ I think.”

When they had finished tho heap of wood and leaves, the rabbit set it on fire, and then said

“Good old man, I am little and fecble. I have looked everywhere and | found nothing worthy to-bring to you But I dare offer my humble body for your repast.”

At these words ho jumped into the fire and and there met his death,

The God then oppeared under his real fea tures, gathered up the bones of tho poor little rabbit and, after a painful sigh, said to tho fox and the monkey

“Lam deeply touched by this sacrifice; and, asa reward I shall place the rabbit in the cen troof the moon, in order that his memory may nover perish,

Ina monthly 9 y fat!

man; “And

Struggle ofthe Poor.

Povorty falls most heavily on those who havo enjoyed a competence, and by some revulsion of fortune, or the death of those on whom they were dependent, aro reduced to penury. A trac christian benevolence loves to seek out and aid such sufferers. Herois an illustration taken from the New York Tribune:

“What! make fine shirts for nino shillings dozen?”

* Yos, si do!”

“Nino shillings a dozen, nine cents a piece, But how many can you make in a day?"

“One, sir; if Thayemy timo; but I havo my little boy, two years old, and he's quite fretful this warm weather, so that [can not always fio- ish it unless I can’ work at night.”

“And do you work nt night sowing on theso?"

would sir, and do, so long os T can afford to; but indeed, sir, with feeding my little oacs Tcannot afford to buy candles !

“Four children! Poor woman! I fear you have a bard task to pay the Iaodlord! What rent do you pay ?

“Four dollars a month, sir.

“And you earn fi/ty:four cents a week, How 1 ng bave you lived hero”

“My husband died in March last, Ho was 5 inanufacturer of daguerreoty po colora, Wo lived up town then, But his afckness consumed what little money ho bad; and when ho died T was obliged to gull most’ that we bad in the houso and come down hero with my four little ones.”


indeed Teun get nothing else to

ur oldest boy is nine yeaa; you can scarcely earn moro than will pay your r How do you get food for yourself?”

“This young woman pays three shillings a week for s pastof the roo, We had a silver to-pot, sugar bow), and such like, and some spoons, For these { gat nearly their value. I have sold nearly every thing-I had besides. I have no more to sell.”

Tho tears camo in her eyes conld not belp it.

“Indeed, sir, [would not have sent for you if the sight of my children in rags and huoger

not compel me to do so!"

Yout rent ia prid this month.” T knew it was or she would not be a tenant of that land. lord “Your children hegan to come at the House of Incustry last Monday, I believe, did they #

“Yes, sir; and Lam very thankful for your dnves to them.” “Send them every day. They shall be fed

Poor thing, she


| they are!

| with a steep.”

and clothed, and when rent day comes around Jot us know,"

God bless you, sir!” withdrew from the mind and a cloud from the face. Nive shillinga per dozen for makine shirts with plaited bosoms, linen wristhands ‘and to be well made; forifa’flaw can be picked out in the workmanship, all tho seamstress’ work gov’ for nothing

Do you believe it? Tt isa fact shirts today. Woe saw tho work-worn other and children. heard that such facts were plenty. We know Would somo charitable ladies like to see tho same? Let them go to the House of Industry any day or any hour, and if they du not return to tieir homes with the heartache, We aro no true prophets

A heavy load of care

Wo raw the eare-worn and We have

(Cf mnie ht ogo Journsl,) The Pleasant World.

This is a very pleasant world and very

pleasantly malo, curiously cootrived indeed

to keep life wide awake until we ‘round it

Thero is an arrangement effected in the Inst mag in the world we mortals should hav: thought of—just by rolling the globo over and over. Of courso we mean day and night—the Vights and shadows of life's. fn Avide froin thy necessity wa fol, dying now and then, we christen “sleep,” what could possibly afford a grander series of surprise than ‘tho alternations of night and day.

Day: nothing but n little something, we know not what. Night: ashort| dim hall that toads us to another, And on we go, through this grand suit of brilliant chambers with shadowy passage ways between, until wo have oxplored this wondrous castle of our mortal being

What if it wore ono great, unbroken day how dull 'twould grove in. life's long afternoon | How like a Monday would existence be! Noth ing mado over new; no twilight to muse in no dawning to await; no to-morrow to dream of, or to hope for,’ no surprise to quicken though ond heart, but just a stendy blaze of day—an Arabia the Rocky, without an the Blest."”

For our part, wo aro glad wo are ignorant glad we are not ubiquitous; se would not bn “tho wings of the morning," if we could. Thi opening and shutting of doors all tlirough the World, pleases us. IL is a poem without n pref- atory “arguinent;" a play without a programme. | Were life nud action “laid out," then life and action wonld Fpse, and all wo mourners should ‘go about the streets.”

ighted vestibule to |


S. LITTLE, CITY CLOTHING EMPO. RIUM, south ede of Onpliol &quare, Springfield,



The eabecriter woold announce to hls friends aod the pabile that he ls now recelviog and opealng hie Bret ehipment of

OLoTHING, Adapled to the proseot and approaching’ season. He etoes | eatraces ALL THE LATEST STYLES,

to endless variety, euch as eannot fall to mult ths tastes of ble customers

To my sasor.neot sill be found articles of the very ben manufacture, fally equal to the best

‘SustoM MADE WorK,

And al prio es to correspond with the Uee.

My auto cobrgre, tn sdditlca to many aciea woh ace aerated, the fel WINTER Coats,

Ta, LVET VESTA, OLoTH vests, BATIN VEST, OASSIMERE DO., ETO., ETO, ogether with a large and elegant stock of GENTLEMEN'S FORNISHINO GOODS, Bach aa Bhirts, Neck-Ties, Under Garments, Gloves, ete, AND OARPET DAGB, ry bedy Is respeetfolly Inn Having porchased roy eolite sock Ip the Fastern cities and selected the same with great care, I feel confidcat that] will please all wo ell favor me with cal. T. 8. LITTLE,


1 W cents each, at

oon LAMps,


Eatl sbde Square, wader Cook's Hal


O centa to



“AND: ch

K K EROS! AND 5Ogrsr

100 Packace


celred at

25 Doze




Tournal Buildings. |

a ee i)






From Twenty-Five centato One Dollar and Twenty-Five cents




ae T beg leave to {nform the eltizens of Springfield

tod sarronnding couniry, that Ihave taken the more foreerly Secupled by AW. Entabroak, Req,

Washington strest, fea doors aast of Ohenery Howse, And have recelveda now stack of PLAIN AND PINE FURNITURE. Oonslsting in part of

Wasbstands, Paooy Stands,



‘Caneseat and ‘common Wood seat,) All of which will be SOLB LOW FOR CAST.

Hoplog, by strict attention to business and the wants of oy cusiomers, to merit a share of pablle patronaze. No troable {o show goods: give cea call and rallnly yourselves,

GEO. H. ALCOKE, ‘Washlogton street, between 4th'and 6th.

RL take plearare In referring my frends and customers tothe ahore advertisement, and would be pleased tn have them continue with Mr. Alcoke the patronage eo liberally be-

stowed upon we. AW. ESTADROOR. N B.—My notes and accounts are lent with Mr. Alcoke for collection ; all persona Indebted to me will call co him for Ghee bile WB ‘oriodly


We ofter our






Oorner Fourth Breet and Washlngton Aveoae, 8, Loale

extant YAKPET MAKING. —THE UNDERSIGNED J We prepared to eat, eanke and pat Worn carpets of al

Aeseriptions.” Ordera may te left Grover Ayers

‘iy residence, East side of North fah street, te

Meynalds street. Deas af elty relerences oan te


The ondersigued paviog ted Profemor HUMPMRETS! APECIFIO HOMMOPATING BEMROUES lo oor farillen IU, the wort aatlstartory results, and baring fall cond. Genve In thelr genulneoe, parity, hod efBeacy, heertully Ho wish to have sais, co

nd eMeactous retsediag at hand for privale or do

Rev, Wm tonner, edlior of “The Northero Inde ‘ihe Rev, ETL Cressey, DD, Gharch, Aubara, N. Fi; the Mew. BC je Auburn Slate Prison; wie Mer, eer M. Hoe, Rector, New-Baiford, Mass, the Rev. wz-York"Canvereace, We Rey. Gavadd Nichola, East-Genesee Gonferense, NW; the Hav PR Pra 7 Whe Rev. Toho'E Robie, BuBalos A. NV. the Hoa Neal Dow, Portland, foo Betruyler Obiine, Saath Lend, Tod Whe Ite. Mumpirers N.Y. Henry D. Cook, Hay. Eaton of The Dll Suite Jodraa, Golumbes, Ohio: the isa AHL Granara, Moline, TIL Wie tis. Thormas 9. Chase, Moll cello, AL, tne Hoa “Joseph Benasica, Ques, NY; Wea Bristol, fxg., Cea, Ni Yo. A 8 Pond, Bag. Utica, N.Y, Jaci Planet, Bey, Nahellla, feon List © RECLNIO REMEDIES Farer, angestlon, ard sotscceatlas. Worm Fever, Worm Oolla, Wealna he Bot. Crying, Tesiblag, aad Wakefaluess of

No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Coolera Iofantam, and Bummer Plaine —Por Olle, Griplngs, Dysentery, of Bloody Flax. Vor Cholera, Cholera Morbas, Voraing


i and Bore Throak, Vicesche, nbd Searalsts, For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Pollness of the

WnS—Por Weak and Deranged jatlog, and Liver Corplalnt MALE Lnaeactiarvies, Rants, Palntnl, or Sappresied Fertoua. nm 12—-Por Leucorthea, Profise Menses, an Reart= Down of Females No. 18.—Por Croap, Moarse \oagh, Bad Dreathing. © No. 1 —Auty Muncy Puts For Eryalpelas, Eraptlons, Pimples op the Face No, IS —Rarcwano Pita —For Pain, Lameness, ar nest in the Chest, Back, Lalas, oe Uniba A—Vor Fever and Ague, Cnill Fever, Damb Amue, Old Miemanazet Aves P.—Por Plics, find ot Bleating, Ioteraal or Exteroal O.—For Sore, Weak, or Iadamed Ryes and Eyelids; Pall og, Weak, of Blarred Slat Cough, abating lus violence and

Ing or recen\, ether with W.G—For Wheeping ricrng la cour

cond, acd rendered leas Jangere his anit Colla, @hlet are

and vileh ao often’ lay the


uch frequent cecurrenes, abeatlon of lseas

as Dyspepal Puce

Care of 29 vials complete; In moraceo, and Beak, _ 85

‘als, and! Kook, plan.

owbered boxes and Book. 3

Se eee,

BO conta

2 vial for planters aod phyaiclana..- 810


Asnina oo Pirrussic.—Opprened, Diflcalt Labored

log, attended with Cough aod Expecterallea. Priea,

Fix Kan Discuapues aan Dearest. —Dlscharses from the

Bar, Use cesult of Searlet Fever, Mealea. of Mercurlals

Vor'Nelses Wh the Meat, Haniers of Tearing, and Raging lo the Bara, ancl Earache.” Price, 0 ceola per bor,

You ScrnrcL—Kularrel Glands, Enlarged and Foxtarat-

and Olt Ulcers Scrofalous Cacnexy af

or Nereoas Weakness

Torold Sretiiogs, ola

Scanty Secrelions cals per bok, Fon Ses-siceness—Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Nausea, Vouoltlug. Sickoes'trem riling or wouon Price, 60 cents

per hor

Poa Varese Dnsases—Por Grave, Renal Calcul itt

of the Kideasa. Prley 30

Extsucsa—Inrolantary Duchargea aot Debllity, Had Rests of By:

1 eflctest remedy Keown,

fas acura. Price, with full direc”

sat wha wish to place Unemselves under the profer Mooal care of to seek fulvice of Prof Hemrnse to, at his slice £63 Browtway, dally from 3 A.


look over the lst; siake ap a case of wh

Snceae, ani Iocleae the amount Ine curreat pris ct nalape Uy tall to cur addreen at No. 802 roadway, New-York, abd the medicine will bs duty returned by call cr express, {ee of charee.

AGENTS WANTED.—We desiree” ~ctlre,eMlclent Agent for the sale of oar Remelica la every torn or Ib ie Ualted Stiles Address Dr

Na. 2B

As asctdente will happen, even (n well regulated familie. ie tery dealotte to hare some cheap and coavenleat way for reraitog Paralture Toya Crockery, 8 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE

ieeta all such exrergreiea, asd no bousehold a wos ts be with atit, It always ready acd up tothe mtlcking pelst. There co lors a weceally for plang cbalr, suletered erecern beadleaa (olla asd broken cradles: It ls Just the artele for cour, hel acd

c preparation {s used cold, belng chemically beld Lo snlutlos, ard pounalay all tho valuable qualities ofthe bes! ea let maxen' glse. It may te ased In the place of erdlaury munlage,


ED, and for eale at wholesale and retall by sep 18 W-LAVELY 2 C0,

Frees oysters 111

comlaie those wbo OHEAP OYST we wlll henceforth SUPPLIED wiviihat kod, CENTS PER CAN. ‘And those ho are willing to pay fora FIRST RATE ARTICLE, can be eoppiied, wow dee. 8, 1860, (Repteer copy.) [FRESH OYSTAIR—£. DOUE TS RECEIV- ED FRESH OYSTERS EVERY DAY? Those bg Oysters you never sce. Pazlee eurpile cheap at Gah fanz hoe __ PHOTOGRAPH A. NOVELTY IN THE ART WORLD!


Te acc rant,




PON PORCELAIN. {Ip the United Staten, A Telglaca DE AMERICAN PiiaTouR OUMPAN No. 781 Mrondway, New York,

having ecard their) rt} and ingeclous toven\ton by Amer: rar anil European watenta are tally prepared to exteate all


Miniature Likenesses for Perzana on China, ng all the attractive and advubinceooe featarea of oF the brillaney and Batch of a water-colne to anaitalond quality of darabiltiy, by able as the oatural propentes of

tranclerred. i process of the enables the repr

lala wares of any descrip nm

nostd as ariicies of laxury er heasehold aulity, uch Ores, Vases, Breakfast Oupe, Tollet Articien, ete; by securing faith(al prortra

nd fornlsbiog 0

roaaseraation af articles tn d


© bop Woy Of the Pine Company

IN EVERY SKOTION OF THE UNION RTRAITS ON CHINA vo make the follosing proposition b sim are cable vow Persnos sendin shetorraph, ambetype, oF darnerre: Uy to the oftce® e Company.ia New Vork, wesompated

7 Five Dall

m by express, free of other charre,

FO AFFORD PEOP *2 opportu

revid ats In the country 1 personally the ateiler and Oallertes)a

writ resetve to

Dy tranem)tUng a laeuerreoty pe as


ANDSOMR. FRENCH VASE OR TOILET ARTICLE, ‘Fh the portralt revenduerd by the pateoled process. By seni og a palr of dasverrealypes acd

Fifteen Dollars, hay wlll recelve lo retora An Jo. Uke manner, portralta ean be Fp

VASke OF EVERY QUALITY OF FINISH, ranging ln price (rom TWENTY :


|. .8.--Be paricolar to ‘wrsig the «

soil siue didieety

| Ai! eters tote atremea to “iSiaager American Photograph

TANS THE PAIR, ees, Lown, county

lato Co., ; vy New Work,


Grev ER


NOISELESS tn Its cperatlons—it ts srcrua to easy managed and la



| te a

Beat Machine

EVER RIP, Tereqalres a0 rowindlog of thread, bat sews from two come co Fpools It Spenks for Itselt. FW. INGMIRE, Aren At the Oash Store of Grover Ayers, Springdeld


ANGintccnie er eee dihar ea et ac eeey see ceateat aad anand Hee eS oer epee nee rer Grice ect as


PISH fast receteed in price orderby





A reltable Newspaper, and a falthfal ade

nl} at Springteld, Ulloots, by

eof Repabiican

Prizelples, publi BAILUACUE & BAKER,

The eeaton for forming clubs ts at hand, and to onder to ris of eastern pbs

re hare deterolned (o offer the Wankty Joouma

enable cue frlendsta compe at the following tow rates for the next alzty days,

Terms to Clubs---Cash in Advance.

Six copies, one year Ten ecpl

Fittcen copies! Teeny caples'* Thirty coples

All persons rending clats of ten, ice and twenty eubscrt- bersat the above rales, wtll be eniltled tv an extra copy free; apd all persons eending a cldh of thirty sub crfbers, shall receive two extra coples of the paper (ree,

We ask Uhe ald of oar Repabllean (rlenis to enlarrlag our clrele of readers, and thus loerrasing the Influence of the paper, We need not asrare the readers of the Jorurat and, hose who may be Induced to eubscribe for It, that It will be found the coasisicot advocate and mupporter of the Cause 1a which I hax been engaged, and the Gm friend of all true Progress and Reforo—of all the humanltary movements ct the age—tavlog for thelr object our Intellectual, meral, soctal or material lvancemeot,

Weare determined to relax no efort to make lt a paper bleh will meet the wantsof Western readers roore fally than cap be done by any Journal {nsued at the East. Under oar Malllog System, sabecribers y are stamped apaa Ube papers by

t coarenlence to eube

naroce, mith tbe date of explra- oo of thelr abseript toeans of Prfoted lables, belng a gr scribers, Pouasters and Apeota, Satacriters may rely op- on receiving the general News aod Market Reports through WeJocasat trom two ho Ubree daze in advance of a arrival by the Eastern papera. Our mimmoary of the proceediogs of Concrem and be State Lerislatare willbe full and complete, lihoat trenching open the space d voted ta other alters Web peoar readers will respand iherally tn lew of the atoverelaciioa cf ruses” Money lacloscd la registered letters potas hii hat BAILHACHE & BAKER, Bvrineteld, Hlncta,

elog vunly mire acheive, “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE™ N.D—A brash sosmpanies rach boule. Paice 2 omte,

Wholesale Depot, 48 Cedar-st., New York

HENRY C. SPALDING & Co, Box No 3600 New York


Pat up for desece in canes cana besuufal lbograpac bow card aac

ea Fole of SPALDINGS PRE SUE @ wees canine up their lat whl mand =


Bramble's Paieat Spring Rockaway BHDSTEADS., The ladies are particulary Invited to call and exasioe oar sock, as tao trouble Ls thow car goods BR Monier prospuiy attended to, pon Waahingion street, opposite the Chenery Hoops, Springdeld, Muncie agai


OmneN ss H JES 38, Wholesale and Retail Contectioner,



WaT GO GN mates

JUST TO HAND 95 Boxes Prime Western Reserve Obsese. 8 Boxes Preah Orangea. 90 Boxes Freah Lemann, bo Boxes Raleins, mmorted,! 120 Drams and boxes Fis, (0 Boxes Pire.Cracters, 10 Boxes Cannco Crackers, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF VIRE-WORKS, TORFE- DOES, a0.,


‘All fer uate cheap at Janet





3 186


= a a Au Illustration Vor the tino State (OAD ES‘ TEL EGILA Lt XXXVIL ConzresseeSecoud Session. Jas, and th f #); Stato F e N tris Zr ts action Insurauce Legislation | =" w ; isthe, ¥ f ties, w Daily State Sonrrval. Peoria 7 ¥ er mason, We aah ine Ves Democratic Convention excites aston df. iPITOnS oni From Washington. mr Shin OF : 4 ; rithe GF Whe Nettberns nrticlon< Doge Insur z ¢ $ MONDAY, PEBRUARY Uy 1861. Gover the North, How North 1 NESnDE my § menage trent: | air a . a er sbrrenilering to Mio dla lens ov-}} " 0 of W fel ipeelal Dlepateh to the New York Tribe ; epender obe,.| tai wr i : : 1 Mr. Lincoln's Departur ¥ principle they had; worth pregervingyslould | titra Be | re Wannsoros, Feb 8 : : Tt a ar N L heir have t Vront tot VF a L a at a t Tho news tel that It was a Dux to V b with’ the | if re demands w Ya truce bas ti enant t i tH n a r | da. is A i fi 1 T excit j = | \ 1 ! Whey Hare Hot dated to mtu Teocyck D } jreat V VT | Pac not da t 7 arty will probabl f per 7 sons, vine Mr. I Rob't T. I J a noted ti t i purpose t a N r t art Tl ro ony t t uot i, Nicolay Lit ELE Wane of {eA V > tion wounts t f i Hy kia 7 v nor, Uy S. Ag Major D: | : . Tho differer nt i t 7 : 7 S. Ag Judga’ Da c a i ‘ist t I : po it non, Hon, Jesso K. Dubois, Hon, 0. nantly. proved nes of 1 tho other t te : erful ita ing, I. Trewin, Esq, Dr. Wallace, Mr. y to ABE EY i a ! H r, 4 i i} lI a and Ka Th S ropor! i Mh maa ee it ( mbled t ae aon oo. N Sup rs. Gi papers: will Cf Mr. I u ng aN Insurance," to t 7 ft UT hor ringabouts:.'Then 3 , Tileskeen fi . (rs. Slem ; f The Leuin will-oousistf-onorear"and: bags 4, hs it f.and "Quaker: City of Philadelphi acted with the Rep ty | 4 : pot ita undoaied¥ ma Pa o ar, and will bo drawn by & magnificent Rogers | trae that you-atlowed that 2 Cotton: (0°) Tight have named tnany uefa) "alt of . T Pe ani locomotive, under tl al direction of Pi haul you out of your cabin Inst night and cow- | filed terri How cmany thous: needy. retr Ther oal fa E pot their prope {ent Tilton and Sur lent Bowen, The | hido y Yes," deliberately answered, the | lars in promfum money anil unpaid) \ ti th lig! ight Thoy wer t | : (ho citizens ato lost by: the insolvency. [or ignifican ff doubts f f r from 1 Comaiind engineer will bo Mr, E. H, Fralick other, “Did he mako you take off your coat ho citizens of toto | | a ; #1 Tire put nisin’ Ice z naan caution ‘has ‘been 30800 for th | line Weaucteead y And | atid frau of theso eonopanies? Ty what rncang. | tera t 7 than common civility wiaente andl ten + train, [willbe fl ie Fantaloons!") -'Yes.? And your ahirty" | ean "HNO Tasses Hevavolded ? avo wo {he} : becheane of atonal : This waa very reluctad ie } " r i power to preyout (hom t risks SECESAIOS SCH oss ; h Pesalettotitrarast direction of Mr. Wil ndant of the | "No, by jingo !" roared the fellow; “Tf he bad | powsrito.Rs 5 i rae , \ | ko \ A sullicignt doposit of undoubted keouritied In]. th lonistsyaro, alrenily well sickened, Not y Thoy then bad to pasa th Tel Jing; will bo telegraphed from station | tried to make ino pull off my shirt I'd bay a Pathe Jot their bargain uverysehere, and the med i oth 1 muander, after some hesit to station and re-tejographed to. head-quart in tho all-firedest lickin, ver got”| thorhands ofthe Auditor of Publ unts, {oF firm treatment de all» that is- dom: do . ith pn pla \ ; : 1 Ge abane thtet ————— | and a series of intirrogatories, in rund to the Hand ther in disgraceful discomMture. As a sa j iby t aT Estos *ath . The Jounsat. yesterdas he forego: ndition of nsurnn ou) cither |Jending Republican cbesorved today,-they wil ated that Inquiry also bot sto | wasn Tho undiscig n miles per hour argued front it that nourd "be'| Trou or Fonstay vsing to transact tho [al bo running fromm tha country to avoid Tin prety br arredel 4 | or their understrappers nd brok Mra. Lixcous, with her ebildren au m promise or conce ik iaviio if OMe sof FON Pee ws a on SF rn beater Rat teirrprtesaey ntamnicett tics, will not leave for Wash Thu Niscu: of adjustment," that*} business oftinsuranco! fovithis: Stato, would th} 44,0008 Avent Hay OF th Treasury Dip | robo and household relics of Col. W day, and will overtake Mr. t New eo sh o-inatheir mipht,"~nd np °] sono mensore, aflont: protection, to)" Insured r Jusion of Andrew Jolson ch Hitndosan elected toto con | Commander, probabl I i 1 York to th 1 nould conquer tho | and also to othors, in chsd of followed Wy | atiraetod ee TaneainatbooSennt i Ovchrans § oo Ma f 1 Ind _—_—_—-— g Stat R icy. OF runny »pa wermeudly applaudeds Tt was etn ath F and fi ¢ atter President Li gister knows full well that we did not.) Ty gddition to: thi ver tho Auditor {altogether tho, moft scathing roviow of th a departenenta at Ue i 1 Mr. Lixe leaves for Washington, this eday,” nor havo Wont any timo talked } samninrily to suspend any company froin doinge|Sectssionists and thelr schemes yet. henrds in ct fate fo wiithir ay eileer of aH onquering seceding States, We hay : fe dB) Congress, and will exorta powerful innsneo.on in execa ae have lately Ys golly of | i" morning, for the pu f assuming t 2 bu in thi Ato, W lop H i election, if ciroulated fn'tinv i ma af Xe rope Laverterea any election penile personally, fr P boon in favor of retaking stolen property belon; ( A alt M i neat Sboubl bls sal i " f aad: | § isner re, Perec ver cause, i a 1 Mr. Wigfall, who had beon k- | ¢ i ; ra dr . al Goverument—placing o¥eF | ayount required ; or of whose gol¥en: notes for two days, t Noor, intending | {ning 8 ie i | whom” dliscig bp ha i by the votes of tho Ameri American flag—colleeting |e assnable cauxoitosdoubli’andlyousat onco |loveply, but muled..olf by: tho Executiy | Inthe letese of Davis and thera voloen ther i | contr c bout t r ting traitors. Would. thi i. Mr also, will iry to defend his | § pecially: duc ina olny tthe p Tact 5 ; carp rT about t ri trnit Would this | protect honest nna rosy i 1 Bae Ley eal | Yi diced. hola'the p i vd ti ligcand’and tr conquer seceding States? | their offorts t tnt ; \ surd position n- | a i y , Teal bead ; ata time w nil (reasor . f 5 r 1 aainess at paying | tor ai would like to join in t put | o ty I areintent tearin nto di = and Tob: us ki what | rat they think silence 81 di Mr | ¢ het keerg aouete pup macell 1. A ul i hi mean- by conquering States= We have ¥ nt: th * 1 ternble zakin | : a bya feaire, Ie | Thurede fi ta hoir , Arse the midst of a. p ympathy ‘with s mand 1 iran tats veel séAreh AvrA{HS AT PENSA | tae te ditcatt 5 a | “Me. Cralg tas * r a non th test heart begining to | J syt 3 with them 1, for | 4 ‘fet by i . When tho stars and st ldown*} a aera tape ry peed [tsreg a pottp k 3 | despite Repul So President was over | the purpose’of ind 'comfoytl emit] heres] a Siena ea te Pensa Paerlcaol | Sect slasoa' is popes pa) kt oeger tall oa , I : | eareiestaa nie eT t ps to tho disreputable. work of misr introduce.a Lillo coropel até: forsign<ti conls:3 te | Saker Sin cae at altopt autandeny eforita | siting Pe is could gate : \ ae SA peers EN «_| ing a friendly and honorabloncighbor, | We are) con before bel Fas ty doh it as, it descended from: t fF Te] here y acel- | uit | rt tho S 5 f in fayor of * conquc ding St ji a a lynch tu tion | ben a the Presiient ls at Joss |-question ‘wears Ivy ‘i : Administration b98.} we gre not in favor of war)andt a tek: can perteen pect so de hahha gor fen declared, | business i nator Trumbull, on Compromi: er hail to meet sach yast and délicat n- | ding of fraternal blood"—but we m |. Why ia it’ Uaat O B Liout. Stem r negot | ¥ a pas t fr. ° . ; 2 We belive Mr. Lrscots bas the cour: | favor of having TweHE. compel)) jog sane Wnaetaarrdall ie : Tae aie eae rl Neyshaaied a ne : i nile MOE ji tho nerve and the undaunted intr to | Sbedionen to” its 1 P r itsiau | tw (3h v (histanding the | ise) Admietaeation fort 2 eid | “Sa ester f i t t | sie his Wak*and7el 4 1 «_ | thority. Af individuala wil! Violate its laws'| yor Tfowr lost i his 2 and forte "s fool , ] _ ' oe nreede We betiere, a eee eran I NETL let them & |” Aro the people off Illinois’ less'entifled esses: PuoMisEnS UG paaatt of the oa wera pce . one let | penalty attached to their crime.’ We chal elt if Y Huleza the "E ¢ sath ¢ i Port | " : bo ceesions wv rink and hearted, that be | the Reg a single sentence f a sei : . Hamenatelis bas A iogal | o t f t DoUF-baspanies, than th Y 1 Ob fion agninst coenion. alls, and thus plunge cur. coma ° and | t a ¥ | never d(sert the cau . files’ ditectly timating that What 627 uc! Bos dale to the Cotton States by, dep m of eArtwar, Uae apa em dnd te ered up he pian of wt | (BOAT BT after thoy shall have my t Dut that under all cireum-,|! favor m ate. Why v hat Siizor . f Government, and et ng. War \uf rhe tnpresdon hese ara9ee ; ip jt é in th mae Saws | tho Rez nt maufilly in favor of the | hu present aysteus of publish ‘doh hoitt resist The Kentucky comm inlvet ste ak ? H ¥ r - Nan wes Tnfouy the Constitution’ and! the enforcement we tet Wav the Rata i ME a ae ananes the. Syath, Caraliea autborit | ane Getoa ny ( : th ty of that Constitu Vth | ee r For exump 1 at oft thine ? for) ¢ ss a ' of the lnws;""and cease to. prostitateit < Se blianalse i hi thoy U will ptable..t | . hat Union, ihe has been elected |'to Hie work of aiding and R Ec Weare atte TO RTaBe tite Ne ; ander of princi ésand atl, Caiilles aro to, 4, | wos ' to p ld ya rter of a} ‘s Hi be offered ai ded con ares ; ; 1 if Congressional Apportionment Bit the purpose of procuring bi , ‘ont 2 or abc lsersoe ot century ago, here in S u |. Minois has boen declared entitled to thir act | i Vell) | strength, may | a 1 peel es | as wwe. quote from the spcech-in the files of this |’ Represéntatives ia Congress,‘and tho fol what do we find it The "Peace Congr at tivo b ot te susan tein scaly all | f against it. 1 think our 1 tloranee tot : | has been introduced in th Fj A Wt o€ acta 3 Withdut! making apy vin Tho-} Eemterg tabs Vireo bm 4 jl a JOURSAL, gave nv men al n introd a Legislal A atau tof Mab ¢ mitthe or Orga Hou. HoPe-2] Capt rm We Mt: f "lo the Gayy, aod 8 | vy 1 ¥ nid propheti Acfine Mheé Lounds of fhe new diste Id bialution appoihtne Lavo mssist aad] Beaber oF he LR: Noase seaed, comolited alclde la al- | yj pry te Sid |. déubtless pass both branches; and 1 Fide Vin Vthe nuunbor to f a eal ; \ f r 1 ‘countr ; yy | esnetion bi te Gov 0 Rhoile Tslanch rc f the C ‘iasiondra* | a - i f and ours may loso hers; b f be it] AN AOD to establish Mchnete yt ted and Jand Mr. f New Jersey, w I. | t the ¢ fron a9 carly a2 Dec. | my p ne, not that I tode-| Districts, and to provide for the election ante ht ar frumeed! This modo of ad pecial, outsiders, ani at ¢ ato | MMH ect : ; | Seat! that Geetehatecrt T kaon le Represtn atives to tib'Go tthe A q ter pal ling ¢ T is justly con- | percep mare 7a earn : that the reat Volcano at Washin, a, AT | States, under the census. the y eer i ut Hem a vidi li i . No | " i ay, Tha p rf | tt Peat . a ni 6 | thousand eight huodred and sixty The creates Si br i te presented, a ral States seoaresece’ 7 ape ay | se Js 1 . nd directed by the oyil spirit that | ° ni depends ap 1 not ted, but soveral delegat H Priced ed onda, a ff _ Bo it enacted by the people of tho Stato | fla en : a, Toptuse enrages : ie b trom 30.t is belching forth the lava of political c F ingen tho ref ritilated r isin i iy 0d beard tho parolled ; 1 noig, represented in the General Assem- | an. 1,. 131 4 i 3 and wornco Teach F and p Sto a in a current 1 whi That for the purpose of voting th Pe Benn ea a i piratory she Isto by evar | Fret ath : itself in , i with frightful v 1 | representatives to the Hou Ttepresentative I archon) tee wh arch paeed bt | a #3 @ InoFo Pro" | poeta Fa Frain | “ine conu A 1 \eee eeaalieec Une an Dlddtne (ate ath ue Congress of the United States, to which ona ade u pal Dn tho Gall Sa i Ae rellt of 1h \ f aes | number the State of Illinois, is entitled, papi Lf Uo dale of this/slath>") The Soke S hey ; | fetid rerio i y i i : i 1s,taken t th ment; nor of th tof premiums’ paid ,| 12 to 10 bich.0 ! Stent Lieut i ' om din : v u tof the Un r |e which -if-mnde, some’ iden 11 r : c steal sre ee ras ifateeie Meaver ineroagset ni t tho imps of that nd f t | thousand eight hundred n ty, the f fc t of bi C eal i tiny | allore y nib sae A N S n Mth h oF ro ie ae 1 ast vd Ueots by S Se teal Meat . r i. red vat, ¥ a E Hee |2 a ‘Cut ath T edob nd Uecok st ) SP. C S. BAe with {bo hop f their efforts neh aed ht | casti c ; ; r | NDAY NIGHUS DISPATCH and knowing this, I cannot deny that oll way thir: | received promiunis Uoreon, averaging of t 5 j ' iin pestenaly en “| Southern Convention: : b pt away. I : 1 y . Wave dina pNoDe: ; y Leap wench ‘eal . rns tbe’ p Jom ork 1 bow it I never will, Tho posit dof for ill. thin Sw2 (rom hed ped ‘o'may used | 3 i Praaee et paral ny . ia hi p aa nay fal ain t t ment. It h paid, i I di beth a : t . 00 fist i en bret 6 4 not to deter us from t P " iof t f % pald i , Neg b we A hat the Cherokees b ut i 1 cause b we b to be just. It it roll, : rebelled, t a from its capital. “Ite n ay have Soar oe 82 I oat! : deter If ever T foul’ thi bia o \ i ; + YY tal lative Mead ¢ said Teese " A econ . i | The third district shall be 1 of Lextravags mnicaled f ane. docislse a8 a Plogd.. te asserted what er f . 1 8 i Ms I % 2 the counties of Rock Island, Mercer ron, | weritions bothing \ hich in regard tothe © niga | by | Be decae afetlentally wuare of meapace of eu | wholly unworthy of Alm A Wa Han and “Adar vaya emoet OW, ‘| i AEE eg jmoreards Playa Youed Urea Va the amount of | ,. The President was 1 ittece | pr ut Uni is when I contemplat a | gb: ‘Phe fourth district shall be composed of | G90 to $20,000. All-tlia bata will x eecaeiion, a . ; : | ize aduira, one : f 7 <p doserted by all the world , r unties of Heary, Kn ton, MeDon: aut : : re aVedeadea tug, | eas tant ee eal Leal ted a a tea Scene ip boldly d hurling defines at her aichilare ae * roying the cbanne! for Ieoa best : bem ALS tet . : . imposed of hid : fer 4 i H Seceate sire 1 ar Marshall ispate cof 817 1 > ! 2 ines a ' aplati ! y the best of it, thia is rather a Pl ad ‘8 L t h of] bi vulrto'tbe 4 rae ae : the face of the world, I composed of ae he its : 4 1 ; ( " 7 coal” Baelity'to’t RVean en Ulan Grundy, D afemen o* Insbr ; A y , an R ¢ eng "hn, thei ft! nj give w wt , ‘titnigid » Fesponsibil 3 | Negetry fn tha Saori Q as the Jand.ofsmy jile; my lh Palos, Orland, | that f nocd. f Ms 3 cout Co: i eve i Mr it ri uid ; tt ny love. And wh : Pr | ay oils ; 9 b o i yess hog ism the Ua not fearlessly adopt the oat Let whee a La eae ea s Generat Wool, New ¥ totheresce ¢ ; = SSS Hann Jaltec’ 6 ks I iw h district sball bo composett rie nf atte Taner HcweAAay 1 eit demande te Witaexed re att DIBI a7 ae s jn “the “eddinty’ 6f" Cook, |-¢3" Whichawa "ein; most in nnd a and cifec-| b i f + Butj(Alter all; wo shall fail, be it go- | vAVeat Chicago, North Chi y trust non the etl y i Neste. Bucheln eo nt red EvNTsi| Cones sba ball hy proud Jation of | cago, Lake View, Evanston, New Trier, North- | "Will our I applyrant eMleient Jattention, “Ho expressed hia p ve y r con nd to the departed | field! Wheeling, Palatine, Barrington, Hanover, | q.. ¢ Petit ek iat ibuto by cyery a i i ! = a ic Grove, Maine, Niles, Leyd : reg puerender any J te Féralng tobe Vone, F Tha masicts teed F id ita ea 5 5 ver /robsthi cena ties ors Kemer eo Ir Ford, | ippis is a now freight -line, established under’ | r HEME. C Acaxcy f : nich as ‘way ba. | afrlved t faltered in defending. Chomp Vertuilion, Do (i Edgar az 7 u ou : ant sot wpe ‘i i 7 B it : __ | Cumberland and Olark the auspices of the United States Express Cou lr de Bla i sal mage Ray }t 4 iat D . = byte | 10, ‘I'he ninth district sball be composed | pany, It will undoubtedly be a popular inst Se Oona uue Enea Be 5 c Mrs Eiscotn is about t residence, | of the eounties of Menard, Livingston, McLean, | tution, and will Tanger aharo of wester rE ees hore I 4 : : ee a * the midst | DOWith Logan, Sangamon, Cristian, Mazon, | yu, 1 1 edt, mal ean anon, ineladipg. i hi magistr of ation, ho midst Aoiilfrip and Dubai Its facilitis A epde 1 on a a u : at 5 “5 a) of this ‘great yoleano at, Washington,” now | $11. ‘Tho hall bo comp the quickest and_most-roliable dispatch Tino in7[s'x ors a Pea preSeaecierwae fk rete - see ee thicq,.., [of tho counties of Macoupin, Jersay, Greene, | existepce.. All United Statos expressagontsard |e er tae tuck oui roncent eran! | Ont eixe, eb, 0.-The Camltie a T moro actively than ever belching forth the Java | Caihoun, Morgan, Scott, Pike and Broyn ie the G. W. Dispa See eee ie ere Aen nuriisviavey: eri ink Sal ew of political ¢ a; but. th of the | §12. Tho eleventh district shall be io, Senate last weeks and much surpriss is pottan ava ) 2 >, times to refund ‘over charges and pay over, | cited that he sbouldexposea friend to uaneecs. ier recog Cent me r American Union may rest a that the oath | Posed of the ‘counties: of Washington, Perr Bee eaTndatyeeneleal | | ton ec the preseot, Dosioes, vail te ts | Montgomery, Bodd,"‘Clin(on, Madison, St. Clair | damages withoot-delay, The Lafayette | dary.c nor i ea a eae eee che tecarrorth hhereaCur called, shall fora y neat. : ' : of otornal fldclity be thus propheticaily recorded | and Monros. Lspeaks of it as follo pen six uonths,qnd nove won the Cron of the ih fem tlon bays ap nat] New AN eee em aral EAT & Sopreine Court is nearly over, undo d- a Meat eal an ae ea ser Beeer of Loe’ ; ean Ceara dco. has woveF Beantha River | 5. Pho twelfthiaiattict shall bo composed ing over ,tho, rogister) of the SS eau ECom T eonst thee | Awl 9 \ 7 ony rey 2 of the counties of Wabash, ‘ards, Wayne, | House yesterday, we found the nam ministration sige ORE MURG RTE 1 : pace oem = will be broken by him. He calls upon every | Shelby, Fayetlo, Jeter: , Laywronc nd rellublo trangportntion friend, C jidéntspropeses'to five? andiceprive Os sere | saydoas Ve F ~ vy swho haa yet remaining any affection for this | Richland, Clay, Crawford, Jasper aot, lng | Hulbert, Io will updoubtedly duly Jor of a Ms appoi ame ssect oe entra |) A acute ses salu Sooday non for Licerpos), owing to 5 » Be. our nicretiants, bil wo nuticipate tho ¢ Val & Pettit nation is in ainie eat a | : land of this Jiborty, his life and his love,” now |” $14. ‘Pho thirteenth district shall be com: | stay will baehort, for fe Had but littl ONE ee EMULE at TR f a BO ee ao andireoncaniwan egded bi | Cast ih the great, emorgoncy, which threatens it, to | TP! ed of the coantes of Ae motley Pula ki, | do in Lafayette, -a'heefact ig, thoreputation th EO ey ie " £ ggyatiensth yatentay en abvel, ani the ease te or Aout i aseac, Union, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Gallatin, | Gréat Western Dispatch ured for Ik iA fonts ninstersGehe: i } ttuhfs west, bat voi : take the same patriotic oath, and’ swear with | Solin, Willinson, Jackson,” Eranklin, Hail | prowptananner of ding business, contd not'bo | twas no ae yeilree vertu Jad cree witht Ce ee k Vioj to resist the destroying course! of trai- | ton, Whito and: Randolph, ned to any bighgr position, Yiough they ,| Tl Ws Mr. Buchanan | staded te the deca TROT : Fteen t a J rar | 5115,” Ona Reprosentativesto the Congre hod thollaqucnad of &'Glny- or Unihoun. to ra-" |! Ke Mr. ‘Buchanan | Gol: apne, karl ie the ay ela yaElreMes ne | unat Q)7 21; Slive BID. tors) mhd. of those who arc Uy giving | the UnitedSiates shaliite clocted in each of tho | present thetn, ‘Tho merchants of I tt | c ra ToUeneniuoncet AesEieS TF | Te ¥ retry reat Rogllt oglist owfort to-treasone Let the people in thema- | districtsibefora“enunerated op thé Tuasday af: | jind'aa additional proof of tho prompt manner grab Ling OvOrD TNA ene q t i jeety’ oF th 7 tor,the first. Bonday of November, ‘tiv the year | tho Gront Westérn ‘Dispatéh fas pt manner af hisabxpiring dytinstys 7 » , { : fedty’ UP UHGIF Kovercign power, but rally around | of ong Lord’ onepthonsandyoight bundred and | jusiness. On the 0th of N ea St ecaiie drasicht : ber srenomler of : - himin this hour of peril’ to constitutional liber- | sixty-two, and One in cach of said: districts | thoy unfortunately ad. car-load of i Mo foll ol from Henry Clay’s cor yorts free 13 ay coreerée,’ 300, Coctirane, of New ee a ty, and give, hin every two years thetvattor, “Such election shall | destroyed"by fire. What did they Tad He: 3 y Tork, wilt Monday, and pret to n passage, (ue DI | Pets 10.—Ths oark Epbralan Williaa pat 5 ro : y, and give, hima generoug and unselfish sup- | ju-beld and return thereof mado apd ckrivassed | Wait for merchants to get the information that |T°sPO™ vith Danjel Ult ingu | Rifehwo nereteure ty Mn prong ani M be ere oH port to his administration, und the crisis which | 2315 now provided hy law in,snch ca ir goods wore burocd 7, No. , Thoy.gaveour | ny interest just, now re ten TaN ted nowy ehrouds all patriotic bsarLs with foreboding] tho en¢liest not ailerequest: | ; * neve Reel th, aad 8 Sth Reve York couch hare bern relemed : : HoULp hearts with forebodive) yesay Cuav-ron . Guzuoioxd—In-1850,°Mr them to send Tirtt of sich good of RETO obs at es Bue I tale theerhood ywill once. more bind together with | "Ty H action jardoing- business with’ di ase TG Iprptelh , seal ae 4 ce. more bind together with | “Now MrePresifanty dT stahO2hore ir patch like that Wallawey sth, Diteil, tat ra Leider i | Thos f a stronger tits thatl e¥ér’ all Geclions of out com- | placoy meaning to be Ie bya 3,\ | Pepress Comphy be proud of, her fast_freigh' Vert Sumpter. ¢ would r » Supply, with the wif ' on country whethitr thoy camo from individual tom | \jon—for-by tho.Vuited.Stales; Express Com ay eh fy n nmander a I and = - }-States”” T'should deplore, as much os any man | gy fe tho Great W 7 t nevy,0 , jpg aires jeolved | oficer Warrington A S| }ii ad, ar Nd. bo--raised | contr tor tres : ba of C af i 8S , Senator Tramball ou the Crisis. ecihs aathorit aT ole 7 i) Bro i 4 ; the | e982 ildog « ha 1 telegraph We commend to our readers “the patriotic re- | individuals or by States, ' But, after all th by th rinteh *to"eal tites of the U a rate will | p fae Tottoritiesthere to | 5 f at : roarkamnpio:by Sonator Tuuneut, a few days | oceurred; if any-ono-State, or a portion of the | Freight, Agent, M. HT i ! p t from ue, and : y = ais 1 of prpsenting a petition,in | Peopleof any State, cbt peinse ww York, wt r sell | a distin ni p " r ; x . : aferencé'to-the present aspeel y ue Y nent nd t nt: Tet) pt 1 iat a coor Mrs I 5 rofer E p laf: | Uy, aeiier f at 1 \ UK ur 1 \ . psooMhey are Uriof but exactly to the p at I wet cs spon>alt MY I t ; : Gilman, ¢ = hi aod such os Will rcovve the hearty. indor have a government lor riot practical, be settled at on q any circumstance ti h righ th i of the people of Tilin pable of walntsining its author thvie patro roodé i Ui \ > that G : x a holding the: p forest teen r a Jie = 1 - t { t i b —————— Nast - ntand 1 cates Delvidets (Ill) Standat Ag, | toa government r, alarm ; , which they’ h ly} paladin ut We | crdissuinded from any such course by intimations |.» L¥rem ths 1k \ 3, bat 18a eal mn stHa a Fatet br fell’on moro- | of the spill blood: \If blood is to be spilt A ho many epparent trifles cont Tha doubt, with you, that many of : poblle property P ing4asti-nbout two miles from Sy onthe | by whose fault is it? Upon’ tho supposition, I | being.broughtto the surface from th i tive, they f ted f int rond’to;Gonoa It fell with su asto | maintain it will be the fault of those who choose | derworld of the nr ny, therd af us peasur abet of. a } ! * jor the ground Ii n earthquake on a srhell to raiso the standard of disunion, and endeayor imopl rlicles, ¢ ing but in d t -F e report her they arrived bs mae A the mall | to prostrat rment; and, sir, when | whose combined.beneflts, usofulr cor 9 often, ae ol Sek Darcancas (FOr scale, and with'A-bbie like thunder. Lho report | thisiis done, Fo,long as it pleases Godito. giye | my of time ond m rogate on ,the-b t sre thatthe an : Terhere : was heard by soveral in’gqur sill ‘The stone | ms a voico to express my sentiments, or Afi arm, | of millions,’ Such anjarticle- ts Spalding’s Pi pen xan he eneral Lopes = MitTa Siena excep Una Rel y is judged to way about g'toh; And is teported | eak and enfecbled as it-may* be ‘by-ngo, that | pared.Gluc. =Its uses are miraerablo, and resol ot ahich avery dalecble of their a to look asif voice nad Wat arnt will Bo On the Bhto_of | its cost is nextto,nothing, tho demand is uni- | ill present a noyy form of trial 90 my |} dite by the part, | ee i s5c4 a sei 7 my:country for the! supportof the géneral du; | versal.» It is prepared with chemicals;and used | but T entertain uy doubting confiden: 6 sth alle, Inearrereee es Svemea| eeainee al F H with jen hE cotertak ng srb tHe riod THUCSURARE | , eseemreesat te Mralemeert sector arto ety | FabTeating. Womedl and : a | f Prvlvas a ; | and peaceable breaking up of so many peaceful | nigh wines a

rebeot tbe laterents

2 Boutbera Confederacy 1a Earops,



CAL NOTIOT : Z Pe PROOERDINGS OF TIE hee on F \ Hr CASEY. Lull potlon j l —| Daily State Honrwal. uecrivows ceewswavwre, | Hees echce a]. amend ot eae 4 TH CITY. TWENTY OND ASSHMMLY Pater tr a | oreo : lyase ‘2 if = t ¥ ces, B r 1 = Bars inters. hi 1 r : : ae | : th Hedin Washlogt 4 Peees ' ~ 1 wear wh : f th | 1 ep ttos W aT " i (er A 1 r t v J the Eogtao t ba | 1% Bags : t i! X Mi it a dand B V-tead P ur bt : Y noes v u paricl typ iN Ul f ~ { 1 i on \ \ foands Long f v ' ho bl, S x aa nn shen t : ry f : t Vt rates Tist?)"" . Job Cases, Blands, Tables, ie shape, that T i 1 bute at ght $1, a = Toy by I 3 hw . k P 4 ' 200 Founts of Job and Card Typo, TER, Thad hoped thia pasa r L T ial t of Prot 19 ie Hea a We Acale, ew ant eggnats yen [a thas undergon fous oles 4 7 | tha © We all ' f y pu b 1 lots (o ull parehasers at about ao | « E Saar bye woaleies | atiiced alier ins r a s at 1 t | Ie oft arc BMLTAOHE WAKER, | ¥iibtholndlridaal optnlen of ever ; 3 ypenury, 1 ve | Wa lteine : | j t, South DESTRUCTIVE DIRE t We afang portion of the # vate ante| 4 F ° wreelnet nn base 4 - po 5 = vy ut ths U p not rn haut b r ry Sk i toa sider, | 813,000 Worth of Property Destroyed 1! Bs hea | f for there fi < k: ~ hia the last foor'yeara, upon ‘whav clacs of onsisi TebN to ealtv 4 \ hitodhga! " es Last night, about balf past sevon o'clock, a fico Xe thew salby tbe fllowlOg gee ae isa as ae ee Mie tn ans tl ts Aa de . sent biwealet pp. | broke out in the work-shop of Dennis ¢ Beam, on th uve wl - | tor Merry, ledge, ator Ok ba euake | Is ator froin Jem at. } carts inthe mary RRYAN?’S : i in | Market street, betiveen Fourth and Finth, and it} i fy, tice, edgers, Underwood). : iting res r ieaieabaneupoa y t ha az i WAFER ; ; ve particular | CoMMOnIcated Lo the cabinet shop of M | Ape | passed tt \ ij for, th ; ° Carmehe ip. | Williams and 1 a brick building in the rear, ured ret ye . i / t ven monat in ale, | t0lally destroying both bnilding: if d Pesta 1m ti that Waly wa i | hope jessr nnis & Beam contained 1 Hl 1 cL 1 ~ apEd 7 p of Mi Dennis & Be tained | ter in , tronrhiye. I f f i 1 amountof lumber and tools, waking tho 1 Fa (3 L a loss, including the building, over $5,000. In | eG OF a ta v F Dieu Bi a ee be for $2,500 in the Mlinois Mutunt [avo mensdia worded b sili | } se th thine OF the Th fie ear 5 the *' i The building of Messrs. Williams & Link was | 29h the it de pel the ih laued Ul net te DA RBS bap i -! Wirean y 1 tory brick, containing a large amount of | 1M thes wilheranta ahteed “i int Lage : naterial, lomber, ready mado furniture | tawny . 2, and tho i Pinte r r promptly on Betti i uF I OFFICE | hand a noticed soveral a : thé, who | Tio toga, tre CAMMION. I 3 worked thi 10g. | Rregs Torey, “Var ; . t 2 7 na t [reer Nene ai 13 i : a T 5 we haven include soveral 4 . ; t - , {buildings connected with the work shops, teen riven rt at Had it not been for the strent in 5 en ' Kyes, L i Ie, | th companies, several ather b Mii Aeuesl Mepoet ot tbe uh Vite l | Siesgay é | + x Ir t 1 th hborhood would haye been destroyed. | 7 so aie é 5 oe y perealta * { i F F ——_————_ Ie i" ted 00 Feet i * ¥ fi bleact, c 4 i a x k A Splendid Work of Art. Me URED r c f tho p re t i v The fi if ever | gem trGsaniiseces ts | ; fe. Mateoto oe.| 18 : p w ind in this A pack a Hele Saving baad folons of'ts = : " ~ u try cr « a Yras—M. 5 F IS Oo fF M Pt} country Ve Ursalin the G. ei a : ; : . ents Sok feos. Adams ephenssa , th iat Ungtoa, Uesior, I f seer ateeacatn stack ear 3 ir, Weis y i ie oat nthe Sf jars od 4 seth . ht i r [MeO MeN EAL called fee tho p r s M a Bill to prov = ce 4 me A | | date motion t he rall was cal | certainis voters, 204 (0 p | y “4 Ho unt is d. F : ] leat yotlay. } iu a proviai ! ay J deadiog. . S aoe ces fh n, relying for its satisfao- | "it se fllomiog Cuarend coo Ea dpne | isnt ss 94 % : = tory disp generous spirit of tho cit- | cra'x, Gromusrce. 1 lo, Pabst Hale, | prepare f arster of Uie| {atrators ta pay Laxes oo (hs lan Js of decased peste | 7 et 5 : i Springheld._ 1 Ppanibipol this ; an, | | : : L to tl nd of the b i s te APLINGE ; i } | the result of 4 srablo‘anrisoment of | Baldo Drandeelt, Bure, roe 1 English or Scotch lords,.viz, “Tho Chas q peipy Nich ree a i T = : Reaciek y a B | tea ‘Goamo.y snl | a tlem brow stamped nobility, con- | Vaairteer, Walker * ad: 8 j Jeliratcd Serine I inplate. with plensuro and pride, the\fime deoes [Ate orewinteey as itl 0a st sijeara. WF aac: 7 he fore then, one of which is" being weighed By |S P-teby Reneson, Tyan, Suen fhe ti . gat : : = a ntly humorous dutcbman, who, in ex- &UROTES mone and was re be p rt ; I. = De ve attitude, would say, "You dit nober Deteg te) te ACs Rae pa : ici betther yun, bim yust vat Etought.” | se ea eset LE =I 8 : M 104 4 on = 1] Beside the huntsinen are their dogs; noble vane f f f an For | 2oking animals, though scemingly exhausted |),\ff,0t pres Tilda Ana x a wnat 38 mona (ek taIE TOPE i : | feptte : ed rat 3 Nt 1 pla u 2 Tl » five other figores whose ocew arte i t t ! r ; s pations are vividly portrayed. ‘The entire piece | ar. BOAMMON, fro Uh Htis9 oa Fa 4 | ease © Legislature the p KER r f | of tapestry, will no doubt, elicit npplause J rartcmeurred fu uaa wutetiute acdated to ioral Pept mn wa in : reese i 5 f ist aT 108 1a the chile 7 the Goveendr la f ; Kan idious artistic ndwirer, H enol Gee. : xreodlye, m Governor : } 1 roposed, we understand, by means of [ations rep2cted Ya parr, We Fllowlag bill i in "aot 1" i A Aipaiten E oan v n tributions among tho personal friends” | “Act E:tacscvor y tou: T Mr. SOHOLPIELO rresented hy Temand} der, Hnsiieh t Ne Y é n it on to him at Washington, as a present and. | ust Wire emten Tae Ka : : : T \ z Tp TATE OAR DS. | omament forthe White House, It would be a [Lavin 5 (Sete : fat i ae i H ¢ a no gift, and at the same time would bo fiat T f fered 10 nth ; stzmalier was neccssar aca Lfrom velech gone i , - ga 0. } See. go: i Cir Ds t of lots on | 86 itegat cums ! u h the « fanpaid for }O> ny : a Vos 3 NYE! BAIR DYRL em cl fit ‘Ondered 7 1 u ; A 5 A DRO! a par 1] = fs, and tel ‘ded oe. }| BE L—W Esq., of State Central | yo Say' u ILLS ITN, \ 1 of California, JR, MeDonald and | r t ! A ) Fitch, of California, were in town Sat- | al tay the: Taek F a S u y Al, Judge Ch f St. Louis. u | y C ¢ 1 rp » prods —_—_—— ues inka oad! eth F tih 7 ) ( St. LOUIS RAIL- | ~ Cook's Hare To-xicur.—The well-known and] "sy 4: x | tle pas : 7 f s Afr : ( popular Koupe of Ethiopian Minstrels, under. | Agdcaltors Ae] cortoany of elas: Toebel eee Be oS ee : ; : F 1 tore 2, br he charg & Baker, will give Y ? By Me. KEIPRR. Act to a: aT 1 . 's oan ste f their teriainmants at Co u COOK 4 " Winter A. . . | Hall to night. ‘Tickets for salo at G. W. Chat aE eeny Ts POS HORS ners ; Tut Se a i r The Peoria nism gives them tho pruperettvo, ne , dont vio Reorcectay iran se : : i How on f 4 au ! mute tH S DY s ag Tae Cra r As was he Stal A le were't + n ms 1 L ert m Sones) expected by th nded tho porform- te pee ; c a day ROD! SHASOS | of this band ¢ on' Monday night; 0 i y F i TRINGTON, A ; —— AGS En "s Hall was er 1 Jast night to ite 2 avbU/hxoy tu the Qvuaty cfCook Labtioa | Ata I: nose roa ; i Propel c LES t capacity with an intelligent audien ARENT les In x n G % : Pf = rs | We haye d iost of the operatic troupes aed) tos wend, Uo att reves a th Bi ¢ % IVES.— TH ADVE } | Ethiopian order, that bnve visited th Le eogrons Reece th ner : I es West within tho past twenty years, and feel no Miabedy ot eter tend cede eee ee Jan. 2}, or ie i c n tbat our statement will be doubted Toil, Cowualttee ovat Bx Me. OTOH. ae DU or oar ¢ aa »: | by any, ¥ ay that these minstrels stand | OMe. bosu thee 3 of the Ualted States rt t b | unr das a whole, in the line of their pro- iulver upc] Piatned hy Mr st aeas pat | io fe W r space to : | Tnecuin Andiew B for balding : ~ 5 T F 2 & I eserinté a there gbt's. enter: C r i t " f 3 | of the 3, would seein | act r head : tattise pavers on the, Wivchottor aad J a Tee AS 7 f Mine now ovap iy. nrasde| ehh j The managers and their performers deserv ui oa t 5 ¢ 1 Sy are f Jeseat noatter ef inore than ordinary credit for the, chaste andi) ugha 'e°M teutogs nud pomopateances, ech wep x reteren 1 pe t 2 will ny o. tyle in which tho performancesiof the, | Alt. MsNKUy (com the commit» od Oountier, Fozorted’ | ed toh : x thin pany are conducted, as well-as for thejudi-, [2 vis thy fal<miog:Senatetily whlch werv orsered to 0 | ana wa witleam wt prem oanttg 13 sclection and combjnation of the vori At\ fpr iom wablp aupport Jf qu npers In’ eary Coun eet acd : TAN piece sented. Seldom hag: there been a {4 Ast fo reiatiou to Couuty Halttiogy Io the county vf t ythatn ba 5 ty, New York OF ILINOIS SANC in Peoriaand. tho oft-repeated malemppateasions._|patiyyeerie Ast FibeWlioging | Hf: OGGEN EO Ree D I Tt oT TY, 44, Of Whe Ap marks f approbation during tho "projress,of tg, cont” Vis Much wery so reerrw 17 sats sud corporatloan a they have We waco la © fi rincesldp Ay Cire rt; gave unroistakable asmarancor that. all renti| maceroardaiat taste ak eet ehttbsacl ef acer: ane ean eg gure an deta 8 eae | t d Me : : PLCDASCERT tired highly gratified, We commend this oper- | ¥° k faluod county | lito retattont ads of eocatables, rth | ose Ae vaetea o aug dd { r f et ¥ = J atic band to all who haven soal for io) NUR UNO Ma weace; and tote providing a Retief 61,000 for} yan, Kicton Towasshy Orgxbleatt i 4 7: f te : voine | Mirth, or an ear for exquisite music, and prom;, }lop Uyed roading, ute ant deaise ot the peape; Remed. Yes Fi] yr, REAMION Act to ctabilah the yore apd 00 13 nt ; Z iso'a treat that th ny never. hay dd fe U6 dl hcharg etl foot Jn meatloned, approp iy Me. VANDEVEER, Act to axichithiet to !thebeparate| Want, reported’ to amend aod c for an'aev to |" ZOUNTEANNES! panciare tie vwites a) potiidiut. So yelyeed (to pay bim for trayeling |g : Ral 4 f 4th Teland & Alten, Tallr f Wo Mat Spportunity. of-¢ bg T Also act tortie te tho en coding the Bate prison ithe ni rong Doman a Pet vn A HE OLD PLACE.- cay, St aE Ss nea oe elt ayo KUYKENDALG opp-eed the, ae, Ratherord| MLbrary Atoeates, To] THe auaaiment real tack ert by canta to ve =i } , ' As Bxoutsn View or Muse Patrnaioy Bosa- 08 m5 Wea fie SATII (he regen bag dlp Tewrgaty secu shite ba eau, Uatacar | Gals gets orTobia Maywodd's) wadn/reaihg. | eB ek : sant, x a cpesataiiate Wine deata titel tibveby: Melle wud p 5 bn year, 04 Supzrintendentof Pepltentinay, ay 1 FARO lotro \ tha the of quare, Springdeld;1llnol,) aig baanvery bas beta “so.agaloet 504, | pvurc—The London Vers coucludesan article aly i {ating w trp or two, he chargey us B19 16 : ; \ th ain wee Patan | jay ie 1 | on the! coming trinl ja" Paris tidiweeu: the heirs | gluten Nystesn tate con eee eT Bstbdy of mince: children’ ta] RON oe eaited ntact tay. th it seroun support Ube past Seasad, 43d ry TMorisy lu ihe mautt et | of Prince Jerome, with these reworks arta Sat teey ected Avyorn MANSHATL sald tho ill bad been exrelutly ride or te. publication of y y “! hes! ( i rene one: Ho co Feoltvallar ths dean lnwe tn the newapaperd oe thts Beet i j " se, | RuaettOTe i . that 300 Phere is something truly noble and touching. | (MF MeNu1f. fcou @ ansfority ° . z am | VANDEY ERE f he anes. ae p 4 mainoa Qoreeal, and | in tho cortstancy and c af of the Femarkable | {Arne real ad Ht Pen aetht Ty Me, HURD. Act to Incorporate Danby | petal sin f colt ehh Va] p th ot fees, ae bays z Vardeuree en: | Wotban who forms not. tho Teast conspicuous | (ys a's, be the niluerliy to J accordance sca Impaaed on ma by th Dy Ne JOUNGON, Ackles thee et he eos Towatht a i tbe bard Umea. h fab eemence, oe, | Portow of the singular fly pictur thus x=” {#5 Sire iev0n,cooseratm or therajort | _M. RUYIRESPALL Tike fa oppo tho in| {emt Cel end Ooaby sats ot Wer Mion, reported. Act toca atl PINE ALE |SORIFTIONS CATLEFCLLY COMFOUNDED unset ited to the world: Young, gifted and'benu-_ | eaeyenijenrd not 9 wctoo. nt Sarundhy Mr. MUOKMASTER contd not yote Gr all the bill, Me] YA ore w) part of certain Btateroad |. by tticand touted realy alan a vt be Pet. Tb 1A 1, she found horself deserted by a worthless nit PASaED. sated at ten ng to Ity as an unjust claim, de) entrcin na; ‘avd third. tuoes -by Ul Also, actto ataeod ew 2 0 WILTIAM IL CON FOR | husband, qnd her place opealy given (g another” oil tin rep fied tcl Ac eat to heer srate toes | pretest oa wht ag, Teh He eriginated, and the)’ aod paed : ve ral I jOrorge tht fists Metre, | {row motives of tho-merest nzubitiop, = No-Jure Tor. Coy Fan tones al Ui (othe Cmaluice pn Potilo| ,,BY NF_NEWPONT, 9 UU fin artto proridonfon tbe) QC EATS : EW D bP 0a | could'induct:her to accept. rank “and "tiches at He PRS Ey Ne tale blocks, atreeefsTOWFaSA alt Test, Can, aad ts Tot , r to sie pdtotim vintasetedetc.) his hands;or those of his all powerfal’brother. | ae- PATCH from th i eines by the Biase Ae Ie veesani ee SL | x ited 5 ioe No teinptation could bepuile her fato parting [0 ooion ura _ = . savart Ss Ret ak mas i : | * son, who, nj seems to n - fr ascertalnieg. the qos 4 s , ein it piri se nian i ra untll Moaday at tex fr. UUMSIENOS, t0 suspend tbe role to read rt ' ih “Sou : = , | In vindication of her own insulted hgpor and hs Y i tthe fol " 2 | that of lier family, the Legislature of Marylan fr TNOKER fntraduead the y x ip-weet-of the 64°|"passed an act of divorce, by wh aye in » | fr hile in the bloom of wom bali a 5 another eboice for life. She did r pei VANDAVEER way 7 HEARING grown to m: tate, and her grandson ty MARIE ely I ara ay Y oe T 4 EA r the army of E to win distinction , os + « a hie h outlived th ; ra sire’ 1 the pric ho . bax ths & ma ete =e i her ivod to th 1 A ea Z A v a : ring of her Dg0 aft \ A Cros i sears, asthe lawfully born kinsiwan of the Em i : at cate cof the French; and she now only wait . 3! , i 3 = to hear tho jul nt of a French court of Ia s re ~ eee ; Aa hort dug that Taienpld reed uid not amend new, u 1 prestyare| esa tye tion which she never ceased to claim. A char ie Laat u v's actoristic ait may be mentioned of this Sipgu- .| 2k ant nual a A i ree, T TION FREE rine nr woman; (that taui at’once tho Ydralland a| patmecateas aes oti ¢ : “i Santer to Chats mingraty ad. | jatelfectial naturo combined in. hier, When [Mt TAYNE sald th (9 apc _ 1 thé estate and title aboyo igntioried in aris a pe Chiat Fasllog, Hoa. W B?. PA OF ¥ her answer was> "Westphalia may, in ed any : aser ; First Autstant Becretary ° : his opinion, be a great kingdom, but in tine it betog op the pamage of thy billy and no q\ i : ‘5 wave & _| is not large enough. for two queens,” It were Of Leejmaved'a call of the Senate. H t2| ° : =f JMUSTSBE—300D AND STRONG—AT_ | 20 intolerable wrong if such ha, Higbee, Keykendal and May rd =e ATEW SHOKED HANS=F ‘OORSEAU & DILLES -; | pass away beforo tho battlo of her life was won, on leave, pendlog the call, from Oona Abas 4 ruslatlca to grant the c oo! Noyes



Aasenton ayo Coutrer yp ‘Springteld, Fedruary 4th, 1581.” {

PRIVATE MEDICAL AID.— " a Mea Baber tat of tag tog 106 See a bona @00

the XE commer of 1 ‘N Elwatde LUNTER. rth isp Uoty the yeare dev 0

Clapk Tax Sewer Tax

Notice Is hereby gireo, Wat the undersigocd, In parsaanee of the warrant for the collee Thé subscribers hare Jus received e Large add tion of ibe lanes, Aid of An ohlerof the ciiy coanell ef the elty of Spriogteld, passed on the Jost recelved « large ada Cecoty fist day'of January 156), willon Monday the eleventh day of March neat between the S13 |_ f 41NTS, eck Horr ten lock Ara and alr ovlock Fam, at his efice in Ihisclly, sel at publle taetlen,| yom qlamw Valnlacalte : ileated NEW AND SEASONAQLE 00008, the smallest perion of exch of Ihe 1 Arid precolnes Nereinaiter Ho ; NS: : ratmient of, Kiabracing a fine asoru Ueseribel ta he taken frou the east ade thereof, Take the same and i LOWS ADDITION. d ene aldicuit caves | the times, nod at - ay Ue veral pares wt oppeaite tacach, being thetaxes evi, Abdcharged Wrere-| Chas Kouchl - z a bey (esl exventarch tp ie the eli coabell of taety, for the weveral purposes named, for the kv cipal year}. cr * J : luce they adopted SD. 182), together with the eosth of averusing Ihe matse fur eale, to wt


Selly, Je—A tract of Ia lik abe 1, chad th foo dlut Oboap Goods ple and Fancy Dry


orth, with ° nod Hint The highest market pelee pald for

; 1530 ani 180.0 10 Fe 2 h ps3 elias 10 a weatet | Lanphler & Walker | 19 13% and ISG), 20 2 | r § whe ence, wl y y Z miry Prostuce Grnemally a tab - " Joba Karden, bik a) i uty with 1 ie = isa A YATES & SMITH. = John Wilegeeaid Hebe = co went Mf ; = Ushio : othe p : 56 Jas cat = ep Re ram nl 2 é eatlonswiriealy contitental Michael Rit, 313 Silvester Ranooas : sIrtog Othe Nord nnd ins) Sletotin Chae M, Foster 3 vo Chats a i, | sirets bots

mom Jobe Cannel. hanior, " INAUD & GILBERT i M Carpenters bel a Caanelly.Jaal Wan iia a From Parla, = Chas tanger See se. CO my y PusoribLiAthOvrrees, RETAIL JD Freeman. Abraham Brower d | eat Sotlng thence i ° MEAN 1G. SIARERB, = een Yoho B Holt et ohi a1 ces ene 3 AND FEIVUMELS DRY GOODS % John Devarp ene br | ame ang, canlaiing 10. ler 7 Bir Catharine Estas naan sito Maria hep : @ | Pi Tanterat tact q ant °

wave ee } same N ; +ROCERIES Cintas + ra Wht 300) 8 a os e's teal CERIES

tin E Ral x 2 Lalohard. Fogie F sy Lalla tract of = . < ica | © PRING ey z MatyzAna Meakbace Shue X War, wectlen bt sole t iemacer to | © PRINC FIELD, ILLS, JUNE 21, H Coon & Tro HERNDON & EDWARDS! OUT-LOTS o my Tou, Moran & Slarbeny ae Sener 4 BD ee S panes ARRIVAL OF NEW Goons!

n of eveamur~ ki be Uni { fake notice, that Gre A. KESLER’S ADDITION. : the aa ithe haa

Valentine Lelobardt 14) 9% a8 ot No.1. Hoa tbe br DW Walter f . “Grocerien Thos Lewla hfe bn Wrancis Smith, 4 6 c . | No. 8. Prom ear to Boots and Shore, John Carmody et = br A. ELLIOTT’S SUBDIVISION 2 Oby of Notions and stra

ES Aer S F h the eertaloty of a perfect At, | tn the city, and at reduced prices 1 Oarpenter' 29 by Ne hfore son) | 243] Mash Krvenan ohits)..) 110) law hive be fh anid seadlog sample of bale Milalkadlenuaptanion ner einen sane . wh Plotco Barnes bi)04] Springdell, Febraary 8, BAILIACHE £ BAKER. ds | Indice dress goods, such as poplin, very, fine bereces tent RW Reach, wish Wotwai nefeimn 30] Pletoe, be 3 r wich as pony very Jato Ravasaegh eee teint eat | Wor Sides ul 4 4 Setscte, | chal, commer elaony, bleh fa Lanphier & Walker eOnerwon = = Bow ayle boanets, param Tao Meck. Cte hee Bt : P,P. BNOS' Subdivition No. 1, of the ceatral pt. W. Bf 8.E STION . SOT Y PEE = Misoades, eaahnaretin ‘cater fone ae Theodore Weaiward 8 { 0, N. Range, 5 W _AUOTION Si ewes AMBROTYPES. | CTS GOODMAN, (SUCCESSOR TO MORE, | siitis, vascty._ Scar beautiful sagten, Carpets ind aed JW Winters to Cusimias, Seaman & Co 1. 18 108 ao - a bark New Poul = okes a Leary & Ca::) wholeasle'deater in Everybody Ur loviied “to eall aed eeesiiee orto E P,P, ENOS' Subdivision No. 2, of tho central pt. W. hf 8.8, qr, ecc. 26, Town, REEVES |&| CUARK, PAPER, CARDS, and ally qosdn, cauabeS tf hoa anion, brlecy tytn 16, N Rage, 6 W AUOTION AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, MR. WOODWARD WRIGHT, CAD enRETS AND FRISTIRO (NED, Vf low prices and good goods, are any tndccement to port eRe beeen orlvona eorne Pile Gqeue, opt Dulin dec Mnnenererrmerisce, "lous roster Daler, cry Secotens Crate in, | OR rane gene ma JOMLN TAYLOR'S WEST ADDITION Saceie eee speeds esa acess ose eae ast paro ron madd, Utd kore, oUNMtEs, ae | EXP Sao" st, da sane Ut Gray voknowe wag) BO 2 TRAVELING IN CALIFORNIA AND MEXICO a a ST —__ | way eayto ibe coousry. A 2 ‘ane 3] os] 2 ; Wades to aay to Bis former fleas and patrons that be has Gas RER OF | Jase 2, 1840 GROVER AYERS. A witslanas Vets Saal win) | 8) 719 bls former frieada and patrons that bo b R. BOGGS, MANUFACTURER OF x GROVER AYERS Henry Carrigan Pe bor ail seL AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHAS' A. DUBOOE, baat 90 KIN o SSES EVOLUTION SFCESS ! F pabsaivisian David Miller 10) 63) . SOATE-WEST COMBED OF FUBLIO SQUARE OAPITOL GALLERY, turoatex or ab Gand dct sabividen! & } sme | _ al (Stoond, Door North of Metein's Drug Stor Where, with strict attentlon to bustocas, he bopes to eet ce a Leaking Glass Pa Thon J Knox's eatate : % Bpuingaed Mtoots aly hle lends, bat ap apprediative pad PLATE WINDOW ao a Wit attend ts eal: ate, Mershan | ER Views of Oatironsta and Mexico ween at the Oarizot Meney Car pan 3 SO) gamit Warner & | notitFurotvare vin the cy sresantty ofuteay, Wert Side ofthe Bqoare Mo, OT FOURTH STREET (BARLOW'S 5 UILDINGS) Nien | | "Ea ier vance ttngosente mehtO-daw DUBOOB & WRIGHT. aS, E. ROBERTS' ADDITION. - m1 BL 3 Son Cote ehort and tall, both great and small, Heel, Pltare Gland and Varna, ehr3 1 20 Thon} Koos’s entais, 233 5 THICAG See Been ia 2 Gun Hopkioe 3 60] $0 GOs: Ofevery creed, ehate'er the need Dealings L. EDWARDS’ ADDITION ‘eae “andl 2 tol at Both low and lefty stata, SEWING MAC re LAMMB 4 HICKMAN'S ADDITION tore, Lawyers and wood-sawyers, SE W ING M AC 16) 3] 13.00 eae ‘Ancipal Oice, Ko, 188 North Pourtboat Mary A Trent 3) iB 2 "on you eal, Ts P. ENOS’ ADDITIC Patek Titow 16| 8| 183] 1 09] at ga yy oar works,” ea SOU A ler desires to give notice to his friends aod the E Nils Sewing Machine witb tapor- | public gcocraly, that rec Sod ahee aie he se ke ALLEN'S ADDITION ‘i ind fo meet the demand fore pocd fara. | HEEL MS will eel goatee Michael Holtase 2 | hiked, wore ciple aud naahlog the tame a mc AU YDTTY- FIVE DOLLARS! "Phe logge, tect Tarled typesand sites, Boleelesmess and slopliclty of te tedaly a q 4 . 3 Gl 3 grace our large show-ease, | rtrength of ste, beleg allke on be oie touyed | STRIOTLY OAS M. L. KNAPP'S ADDITIC 5 grace Gar lara ti, and leariog a chain or ridge tn the unter aide, Ths Hine copie Bok, (o'er exe stock, hand aitaptabifity tothe thickest or ihiaeot and cases, fabvicy have redered thie the mon sacceaul and poraiat E. ILES' ADDITION. chy it there re each rized, “At oy oie, Puta


Jobo Kavanaugh ssl] 4

iN ofa eM ore TM




jarchascrs reare plenty! tibetan Ao breast tm 5, 20°Uripht and oe, | ‘That please the youth of twenty. call for a Clrenlar contalalng fall particulary, 3% 7 Not least bat last, the gifts Oy faat, testimonials, £¢, 4 X prenent with each cane rene ESEier: SHOX8, HATS, OAPS, BONNETS, ETO

Su Nintbeny: : ware ch cana = . HATS, OAPS, BONNETS, ETO., W PW Camptell 30] 10 x ; J TR oT ete pore ri Jos ES' COMMEROIA

soe manot take yea wero Washington ae. and Third st., 61. Lou large and well assorted, ( Francis Gavegan ms lnstitutlon bas just completed its (wenUleth annaal wio- ods witl = Care 7 Wright Himes te hearing’ bere, P foots wilnln Menry Kelly Q Tink tien aeracie ee —3 preston the most eiceeasfal, and in

Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpeting, Boots,

Catharine Latham,


Peser Field's extale Ira A Broen

vw Waye,) and will be


Jeremiah Mahoney | many respects, the most Important of the twenty, n'a quiet Ire 4 Brown Jr. Tesschar Hanes! . OAPITOL GALLERY, | and anobtrumre way it has pursued tho even tenor of ius | Fah : : ea Weebly econo | Pee emir see ale aga oy Wen Mae crtiwaunare | ae Scapalitg ett ttaw sult z tenet 1 | a, lg propertics of pare Old Dourdan WNaky, and are LS Don Oo ie = aorag wo tas ds css MABEED DoWSs Fro ts m) Big ccm 8 : : ; oS _____t. DUNOOE BE 2 TeNDRED AND TWO wine mame o ia FOR SALE OR RENT. seer aed "| and geld is Ci¥iiy seal edvaaes on eis Flas K Owen, @ Wo and all weatty peo i :- - smhenk af A Dake rece fi er NS ee Bet i moe Hh B acs of weak S lrraedata eles ESIDENCE FOR SALE, Swat eer Unie oe ee hee : Fo nities ee oaticg 28 STaetnantoay rainy waeatertcm kas | fe wenid Kuabava astied foaaierg ines ears g. ILES' WEST ADDITION OUT-LOTS Foy Gomillnt Beare: Grae Rete A. DWELLING HOUSE AND Lor jl ese ng an espeniend AN PARLY Sas irae: ; 4 BH! bacegt bn sfason greet Gert Deck cart af O. WTR. beta the acd b B. ILES’ SECOND ADDITION OUT-LOTS tap » Bprin re pled by J. W. Seach hott se} a{o:| 18 80[ 94 setts ‘JONSON, nD ORR ey | rn umeraney cralcl by te weal Jas HL Matheny D100 A Gl..| 21 10) 14.85 J rat, TO Siate a. Clears, FOR SALE—A RARR CIANOF has beeo Aled by the appolntment of Mr. Jauna E Wa 8 Foadey. Di! Fs MY BITT eRe RARF. TERMS.—An excellent two etory dwelling | late Teacher of Mathematica and Astronomy tn th

oo Sith ten eomoyailone roca, cellar, taht and all | igh School, and the Mat a Us

n TLES' 8 0, 11, 12, f eae scemsary nni-balldlngs, dtuated on lots No.1} ADA EIS Se oealeision of Laka ie, Xts 3) A = seccond hinck cant ot Great Wesera Railroad. og | pupils Wea B Fondey 200, 100 A ali ct Monine street. Terma. snr-8Ih cath, the balance Jno E Romite a ne, twa three nn trae years with Ioterest at ax per

pre S BAGS AND SACKS Arnly'nn the premtses, (2



ror Short Nouce | immer twee Son Sit teks “tranit Pascal Pho Thome Kely. : us Steams Th Eaarnme y= rine Os pan

R. GR N. z eit i TF I 1 , Jona Kelly a 3 rel arp paneran ert = = at a Nicholas Perine | Ay OR SAT OM RENT— & MOUSE r iit a SECOD N. ‘») - New nnd Appropriate | FEED inn Sournee us ter of Ua ely, th two d Pis/Tors oF

Walant Tenay. 2 3 £10] Joun Armstrong | \ANUERCTORY eters mana ROR

_ Kobert:Sanre = +2, 448 ESI R SIDENG

eas 00) ee < ARASH AVE a riccksst the Pohile Rqnare

Patrick Mesherry te) Mashiveysr ICAGOTL Apridawly—o. 0,8 almrat gre aod in gro wrder. covtal - ‘ave rs) ph Lie te fers Axtures all complete, alns gio) water, Ke, James Meldon, aan, Tow sbi on easy tern. by SW BATnT,

Sohn La | eee 5 aCe Rad St: Markel 8 el | et Lan % om ~ | THE MILLINERY DEPARTWENT!

rane 3 Fut TRADE, 1800 WERER WELTANS | ( NE HUNDRED RESIDENCE LOTS For - Bie vaur, nage Jbberpof Nate Cane | | WRAiE. The aplerdaned otters for we soe bane) | Ressihe enencied econ vent anil cost at” | 604 Sorin unat.ta eetaivigea! toaen aa Matar a Weed | CUAPES, VAULTS AND BANK LOCKS. Wa Piete z Urnattve stack of the love 1 eat"of New | Quaint Sprigg dA toog evel vee MALU, CARNOLL-£-CO., manatacturery of the eee | Petspen sre ark andar ily preparch ta compet in vadeny, qually | AUG a peWenct Land Diice of ie band howe Kove as “iia Watett Sve"ced. ume | {order axon Ger Tih thee ater Noun, and satel @ from Tupry 2s hare praredthersces in mee than


Wr Sherlow, Manuel Pelgara

Silas Motch

John Redman.

NB Smallwood

Richard Price

Samuel © Morisa

Thoa Hf Rennett

Tease Mf Sealth's bein, aba nra 54]


; OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT! ook; UD Morris, Hiraza Jodkina


4 ioated near te reeldence of Joba Prtes, : sd to any pereon | Grices\eiwcrsaul capifece (Bucecasors to Satterlee, Cook & 00.) era Walley Raina nn ie ; oproerre | ep series “Fens -Oneiticd one Fear trom date of ele tha bale | cctenta in an soci the latest Paritian eglea, and: tun Oe WHOLESALD GROCHRS | citi equal annual paymeata, No payment reqdead jue geauine or relisal nd *iToIEa Patent | etaene gen rariuan sglea and rum te best ve A¥D DEALUAS by hv are ade teastfalty stitched. threughoot by our mech WOODEN W.nE Aoply at the Western Land OMlee, over N, H, Aldgely’« sg tunoutactarers of Lord's renowned | 'g Wilson's wabutactore aed etery rte nn c hark, west ade of the Potile Ba © pek—"'The Chasplon” HalPwirapcorcnen, | & UME nanalactare, DIUED FAUITS nuit TS. MATHER Re roparorty cua a ever pew a Lyra tare ee AND Fish, | te fees a aaope combination Wey, bul 50 Roy: | gqlt cus STEAL succem lo the atwre de PARM FOR SALE. TWO MILES AND A | |—This ladex Key operates oulalJe apo a coal Sen ene ees parrena/ 6 AND 18 STATA STREET, OUTCAGO. ti | Saget ardened ec arcerorrevevig aft anes none | cig azsanrne® Grctces | Me hare oor saravily ou GeeliteHor In cootorety with the adopted combioasinn. ed | MOGSUMMTITEL of the fasNonable “Saragoeny Chak “Fermoa, thirs-8re sollage per sere, <Aile hardened ste faced urbour, orrevolving aban ada | Miesgpe'e dregs wie eet collars and fringed Der = Sees nd Halanea oa time. Also, twelve tons of hay’ fer aa. Bo drawing out anna LavuilerltapeligbrokeaoB, apd thuapre: | tay Aer te raise and tebe ne ei ae Tit VaaVaiee BANKING HOUSES. fart. or further Inforsation please cal at the Arsen: | a cnluct ib—tae ar. | (cuveand teeulifal im dedgn ead oe eer We ame 3 ~ | isang, sprlandel tines, where tbe owotr aay bs ante lea) ef ib het Joba 0 Condos BUNN, BANKER AND DEALER IN| f marian 3M MONE” tape readers it poate wo be riven to pr “taias ORANOS,A BANKNOTES AND “COIN Tite HOLIDAYS “ARE” COMING 1— | eycodine fest ios ence tn weary aunt ad | yor hae S areand ve WELLE: came 2 Grarnarinc, eLiNo1, —_.- | ivolving pen its aia. t9 cenclanlon, we challenge the | KING'S MILLINERY AND CLOAK EMPORIUM,—Soath Jama Waldron a1 g i x THD CAPITOL GALLERY | eovtdtoptekt or dasings It to any way’ to as to Mader Ns | SING'S MILLINERY AND CLOAK EstPORIUM,—Soath nae Vaing onieeked or locked by the peassace of hokey and come | gee qe Say rosstdarc h & favorite place of resort as ever.— | Poation. a | cece promptly rom 7 - Baneines datearetarietacnsabenni ae tarccria | WeQgtite oll Bankers, © Merstanu and | FYOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW 5 : gre sien 40 call wade EARS GIFTS VISIT KING'S EMPORIUS IW Keach oi, PoladelpNs Bir bees at a eres WALL, OAMNOLL & 00., oe John E Rosette 67] 818) Watt ay i 6 ie Cieore Sct & Oo. Cheap. | Inet a cease aed meal No. 17, Maloss., Merchant's Exchange Bullding, St Loals EG Staples etabraionfilis| oo w P Claytorn, | | L. A. Renolet AGo. Bt, Laala, | 708 wast to make | ate ijgnd 17, Bes Golunbla , Otnelana, oi, : _ same three inkoowe | nuverae A Ga. New Nrieans, PLEASING OHRISTMAS GIFTS, ib aad 4 ELEGANT EMBROI aw’ earSne9 0 nft3hg Sas | = Now fs the Ue to | AMME & TOTTEN Magaltcent seta, collars and sleeren, of the most eaperb Vy ‘oknown jure | _ JE WELRY. HAVE YOUR PICTURES TARENI [rossamay w. w. Torres.) * : eck, all will be cleeed S. LEWIS div 5 " heynd | _ x ve belter way of testifying your r for your Wholveale dealers tp THOS. LEWIS Subdivision of Lote 14,15, 18, block 3, Welles & Pock’s a fescccnerd | Ne" AND GANT SSTOOK: /OF |, Therels2o better way of seatfyig. sear rorarater 3. |i PRINTERS MATERIALS Patek Birms ‘Our patrocs Wat have called oaee, are always willog to 2 p WATONED, SILVER, AND SULVER-PLATRD WARE, | all again. Not atiy do Chey get Ploe Preture, bal Dory a st bases ornanantat osaeviay bt | At Non ad Nerth Thind Street, Hey ecole Te ta bal wh ADAMS! A . e Guns, Pistols, Hunting Apparatus, A BEAUTIFTL GIFT! Real the Inc’ Post Offer, Bt, Loals,, Siscoort rf ret Nag Leora x : : H ) eet “4 PT bieb ls worth double the amount pald for thelr plctares, Having the exclave agcocy fot some of the largeet PAPER | 4p2 handsome t Wat mes 3 He Pate as Tis te cy etblobot of he nd in iv Weare |aHLURLS ie we we prparcs rlshey ase | EHS ° | ota Guard and Vest Obaios | Fa anit wt Pros equally of es = parley, tow BARRET’'S ADDITION OF OUT LOTS. Ledley Montag, Diamond and | Lapre sate of Truett Qapltel Gallery yoo will all tod a beastifl Pa PAPERAT MULL PRICE TO DEALERS | Toeraid Watches: ifpyand et Poa, Farle Tt Mee hae | J Jes H Welch fi Cty hor 2) 1) 299) 100 10 | Cotes’ Ohatelan and’ Gaard |” fuss, Necklaces, ~ DUWOCE AWRignt, | ‘Orders promptly filed PRETTY NOTIONS ‘ame a] al ate] cohaln, arsed Wertderbe tquare. | pe nigheet market prise paid io Oaah for RAGB, on oon Allen Francis | 16 8 Leonard Sob 3 | nondfo mta; Watery Beals & Oba or 5 | arnent salted to alleooiers, and al Lie bright eyed babe Bey Race eel aaa Foeiews a} a 1 t yond se Ploe and tar | Gold encida, Tehmetes aad | Sp STANDARD | Pap ricaw call ant sranioe oar fav Bfoce alvar oo Ge matured ved acomplia young ay SAUNDERS’ ADDITION. MARY TROTTER’S Subdi 5, la B, Des’ $4 addition out lots, | rears Va fall pnd half acta; »] Oold Pens and Pencils; ALES, = NEW YORK RATING HOUSE, | CU fe fative sama ct ie Saris ep 7 | Cameo, Ip fall ents; ot amall Lockets: a nu mA NG SI! many happy ones Io store for all, to visit IT. 1 0) Jobo L Milifon. p Gold Stone do ds, Collar and Bleeve ron ane at South ride Aduma St., & doors west of Bunn's 7 PAPPY CTNG'S EMPORIUM OF F eck + nile 3 ‘ame 3 6}.| Florentine Morales, tn fall | cine es N Groesbec 2 e pe sliver Hoqact Holders; MAS 8. DICKERSON, Sravsarrery, WeLiso1s 42019 EB, MITCHELL'S N. L, B. ADAMS! Bubdivision of Lots 16, 27 and 28, jn E. Ios’ 3d adi Fear nec and Fancy [ere on tae arte tert Gausrigg the ercter in vopue in Ohlcago and, New Yark, Aro A North. | 6 29) : | | Pe Paotng do: Pika es onan o Se eee AON Oro LORSODY ace crt Oel an’ ehealsuale wae reuscusta ied See Ike —___MUS: =< sore flare shi |. * Gal rakered i | ooraie aad Pansy Bets, with | Full wx steer Oobleta, Cups arent fl x ee) alent Wil PEARSO! yi 3 sernee a | oe [oe [Pei ervey oem Ome gene (ee Ses or zane FF ee rein Tiler og or SES! eee a DREARY AST AND THA the best makersle New York, vie: J BE. IDES’ 2D AD’ Particular attention jiald tothe manatactare of hipcon J. DRAKE HARPER RE | Beet Steak Fish Dall 10 ate bees maak tra Bee Nore, rier d4 Bs Dex Pork Blak Whrat Caics rewcianer viata Oates 8 bary'e I ailtacl aslow aa bey can be boogt at tbe Mune jiaten Sor mpacess leas facory, aad onrasicn en.” Netodsan, al mre | pried Tam abel Egrs.-15 | Rice and Silik..10 | esp hes Beal ASetedtoas! Sov res ZA: ENOSYAD! : ee dp erpaencd ana | Boveri Sondeteseers aware Oowelw | PASS Drache | Suge moss of al Weds a] KETS.—A V) NE AS- =, oO ise, : Ares ak ara occ | ANON SERIE AVP CINE AS. caer Sygate Sein ay |= jon Ker . | call and make sn examioation of coy splendid axcrt- | Gets, atone amual low prices , Coraed Beet Roust Turkey...18 | Beef Steak and HAT A BLESSING, TO FEEL VIGOR- A Se ioreasn Tapistae) Ti oiinan. «| teatstte ___. 0. MYERS 8 00. | perf Beans 10| tira Chlokea, 16 |" Onlona. = y18 008 tis season of the year, The way to do Nt La Z (()(Q) LAMB'S “SUGAR-CORED CAN {BES EEDA ccnp | Wallan get ne ef the Pure Wines Jaa recdlvedatibecld Joho B Rrans z SS SS vaszed {Tou fou sale at the Clty Grocery lore | Btrlcin Steak: 15 iy i 0.40 | Fried Oy and of Ooroeas & Diller, coating 0 JH Adams: anes = AB. PIGHER oneness = PURE JUICE OF THE GRAPE, Bie A NA RS OATAWHA WINE any gracilis, i a Nu A s : LDERDEKRY. WINE ene : Pies Padig...8| A le raptors. | Co RY WINE, samme . -% : Tava Sey | indian Padilog 5 0 Phe Furapkio Pe rilon, tre De RAEE WINE, JOHN TAYLOR'S NORTH ADDITION. James Crowley F INE OTARDUIBRANDY. Panenalcn, Chall boars, oard by the week sgreamasbletcras, | All warranted tre of etateratls 2G oeER Eaward Joyce aay 4c) Manin Conoety ae ew ta Solane, ant MLCERCRRYAD | See De wr ohn ¥ Basher D SAZARAO BRANDY u Se mune ob Pee Manoel A Defraies x QHOIOE MADEIRA. WISE, Tsperal Rega (CAREETING—Wie-aBE- RECEIVING 18, 3ILLIARDS. ame Oaty 1 Feat ae PONE PORT WINE. And other brandate Domeroastes tentlos. Alzo oe lot of large acd BILL S. " Tiraro Maker } 3 THOS. LEWIS’ 8D A Wire Virwola and Missoar! Chewlag and Brooking Tobacco ab | PRUNSWICK'S BILLIARD HALL, Moses Pileher pines ne Cmathe esol CTE


‘Thomas Smith Rrastus Bancroft Samuel Franke!

Joo B Press

Susan D Keedy ek nbrtoit ame sta he 1011 12

Maris Orined

John Lacy

Tames ‘Troy

WU Fora

Arthor Marpby

nknown, Jao a Harel


Tease It Sm



Maseerry Conta Pree

Tieary teres jeu Franch : : MAKONIG AND ODD-FLLOWN EMI! oe saree Z in Rosen & Bro., vey 4M ASONTO AND ODD-FELLOW EAMILEME SPECTFOLLY renews the tender of his profewdonal EL Fuse : sr vase HIE] al at whieh THY a vasteay eOnuanlly on haod services to the pave fo the praclice of Medicine aad Berger a locks and Watcher Repaired, Suit io the elty oF county prawpily allended. Ofer Ource



ee David ler. : : BPARKUINO OATAWHA WINE, Hi pens aoe wiytaseres HEIDSIECK OW AMPAGNE. (lve ua m call hafnre purchadng elmwhere. With ax of the Anest Roeewood, Marble nd Al Didiers

iano 44/1 : PRINOE INPHRIAL OMASIPAGNE, oct Ato, wae | Sp soft ane seerwoog, Magtit acd Kate of

a "1 : Z 5 NOE IMPPRIAL OFLAMPAGNE, c = aad bs Cocitee ;

fume D Keciy ea ieial'y F Peter Rickard... al a] 98) OLD JAMAICA RUM. GPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE : Tn ae te a


a Porat | watch was parchisnd before tbe tate advance ta price Doe S$ SUBDIVISION. OLD HOURNON WitISKY , | PL Donezan S P Pee 4 OLD SCOTCH WwinskY Por Sate ‘And Wil be 2014 Cheap. 1KoO 31 NeW eazy Stat OUNGRRRCPTCIL ALE sonsaow emranronrs, | ; ; an i fara 0 lt ooo: es A er | Rone ateantitg ronrin S ROEM AT | Reoelae ayita, wiekentaya co | * NEW BOOT, SHOE AND George Walker : EN ae aca LS PERINE DE Seat NGFIED FEMALR SEMINARY = z. Te eet LEATHER RMPORII. J jor ale hy bi he Rovio Term of this Tatitatton will commence oo ESI HOMINY POR SA at dia eiviap ai ‘lh thorough aay thetn, ove asd Ua ares ad well» = | poe VINEGAR AT u :


2 {oo fall and einicr wens LAVRLY #008 | of iviies mens’, Boye!, Mlasea and ¢ Baan,

iene ~ ¥ RESIT CAN PEACTIES—VERY CHEAP, | Sroceapt Rubbers: O°? IL. H. BROWN'S ADDITION, YRAD TINS ROOKI-TIE KPVELA x mt Toaly 84150 pee! deren sand serra oles! ial Vitchell's Paieni Metalle Tipped shoes for children ene Bo

of the pabite ponre, st ee og, | manily on and. A fall and ehtice arlealon of Preach Calf Jas J Eilat ceesee rah ee , Monga Slave Ruarier, telne the anvobiograny of Aiatara in Ualon county. I, aid caretally pat ap by ble = —_WLAVELY 4 CO'8._ | Cipeele Leather and other Kiods, which will be wld very 5 wu q Capt, Renard Drake ee ear ae eat Will he happy Wo eapply his treads and the pablle at OANGFS 2 BARRELS FRESH TA: | onap ay cktore H Sian ae praesas cane Neto Frain rea VANYA ONANOHS, Jas toad. fee Sew Tears | jC alioraty of Price! Seal Praia! Pele Aten Raywood & Oenioa BRAnVORD MRO, Wil ales practice Dec Sti Th OL MYERS 41CO.” | al, od s aril aterrose to the Cah Ryser, wil make I

aoe aisnrescrennsieoneye bribed S2h0 aE SS Kem Depo DENTISTR UR GTN TA TO BAO 0 0 |b salt er ics Cab Bue oe Son vas of Or We

: ia IS? To NA ad {n in ex! cadies fur tale cheap | Abd States Expreas Oftos. RES FIGSJUST TO HAND AT AEE rier, Omen ever BP. Raw, a Ao great variety and tert ttre sbooe dl or er ouuidE
