MAIN LIBRARY AGRIC. DEPT. LI. ILL I STR AT IONS -0^ NOR T II A M ERIC A X K X T 0 M 0 L 0 G Y , NAD A,) fiv TOWNEND GLOVER, WASHINGTON, D. C. ORTHOPTERA, CONTENTS: Introdnction Ill Arrangement of Families Plates Notes on Food and Habite of Orthoptera Parasites List of Substances Injured by Orthoptera List of Genera figured List of Species figured ' Ljst of Desiderata and Errata 11 \V.\ IL LUSTRATIONS OF NORTH AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGY, (UNITED STATES AND CANADA,) TO\VNEND GLOVER, WASHINGTON, D. C. ORTHOPTERA. CONTENTS: Introduction Ill Arrangement of Families V Plates Notes on Food and Habits of Orthoptera 1 Parasites 2 List of Substances Injured by Orthoptera 6 List of Genera figured 7 List of Species figured 9 List of Desiderata and Errata „ 11 WASHINGTON, D. C.: J. 8. TOMLINSON, PRINTER ASD BOOKSELLER, 1872. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by TOWNEND GLOVER, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. MAIN LIBBARY AGRIC. DEFT. Hagon, Stett.^rt.Zoit.j-wl.xlviiijp. 131- 142(1887), says there were but fifteen of these published, or rathor distributed. Six are in TCuropo and nine in this country. Five plates additional to the ones in this book v/ere printed in 1876.*- INTRODUCTION. It is not the design of the author in the following work, to present - or highly-finished engravings of North American Ortfaoptera, but merely figures, giving a general idea of their form, size, and color, to aid the young Entomologist in the identification of species. At the same time refer ence is made to their names in MR. SAMUEL H. SCUDDER'S "Catalogue of Orthoptera of North America," published by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 18G8, and to his "Materials for a Monograph of the North American Orthoptera," published in "Proceedings Boston Society Natural History, 1862," where many original descriptions as well as the names of their authors may be found. The REV. CYRUS THOMAS has described many new species in the "Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences," Philadelphia, 1870, and in the " Geological Surveys of Territories, made by DR. F. V. HAYDEN," 1870 and 1871. In some cases it has been found necessary to figure European insects, where no specimens of the allied genera or species could be procured in the 1' ni ted States. In all such instances, the figures will be marked as European, and due credit given to the original work from which they were taken. In the arrangement of the list accompanying each plate, the first name given is always that of the latest and best authority ; and the last, the name of the genus in which it was formerly placed by its first discoverer. As the works of SAY and HARRIS are most widely disseminated in the Northern and East ern states, their names will also be given as synonyms when deemed necessary. Some of the insects figured have been transferred from other orders to the Orthoptera, for the reasons given below, namely: — The Thripida: were formerly placed by WESTWOOD by themselves in Thysanoptera, and more lately by DR. PACKARD among the Hemiptera : 1 nit as WESTWOOD distinct ly says that "as they possess two setiform mandibles, and the disposition of the other parts of the mouth are those of a real mandibulatcd insect," they cannot properly be retained amongst the haustellate Hemiptera, and are therefore placed provisionally amongst the Orthoptera. Podura and its allies also possess small mandibles with minute teeth, and are not mentioned by MR. SCUDDER in his list of Orthoptera; but as LETM.- in his "Synopsis M7314' IV INTRODUCTION. der drei Naturreiche" places them under the head of "Division B, false or wingless Orthoptera," they have also been classed with the Orthoptera until a better place can be found for them. The Mallophaga or bird lice also possess distinct jaws instead of a sucking tube, (Verrill,) and have small and hook-like mandibles. Such being the case, they cannot be placed with the true Pediculina which are decidedly haustellate, and are, therefore, also placed provisionally in Division B, or Wingless Orthoptera of LEUNIS. The text to accompany these plates will consist of merely the latest name, and some of the principal synonyms of the insects figured, with a concise history of their habits as far as known; their food, habitat; the best remedies used to destroy them if injurious, and the name of the donor, with a very short description of the principal families, or genera, and in some instances a brief notice of the principal difference, or any striking peculiarity, which distinguishes closely allied species from each other, so as to call attention to that particularly in the comparison or arrangement of specimens in a cabinet. There will also be a full alphabetical list of the principal vegetable and animal substances injured by any species at the end of the volume, for the use of farmers who do not understand anything about Entomology, but who can thus be enabled to identify -any particular insect by referring to the plant on which it is generally found feeding. The thanks of the author are due to ME. S. I. SMITH, of Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut; MR. CHAS. E. DODGE, of Washington, D. C.; MR. C. V. BJLEY, of St. Louis, Mo. for specimens kindly given from their own private collections, and from which the original drawings were prepared. Especial acknowledgment is due to the KEY. CYRUS THOMAS, of Illinois, and MR. PHILIP R. UHLER, of Baltimore, Md., not only for type specimens, but also for their valuable aid in comparing them with others, and in determining doubtful species. It may also be well to observe, that the original type specimens have been carefully preserved in the Entomological cabinet of the Museum of the Department of Agriculture in Washington, for future refer ence by any Entomologist who may wish to work up or study the Orthopter- ous insects of the United States and Canada. This small pioneer edition of fifty copies is intended for distribution to Entomologists and Entomological Societies only. The plates have been etched and the text written either after or before the hours of official duty ; and it is also published at the expense of the author, and not by the Depart ment of Agriculture. If it should be approved of, it is proposed to publish yearly, or from time to time additional plates &c. of the same size and in similar style of any new or rare Orthoptera which may be added to our list by the exploring expeditions, or by private enterprise, as likewise eventually to illustrate all the other orders of insects in a similar manner. INTRODUCTION. The following table of the principal families of Orthoptfira has been temporarily arranged leu the us. ". 10 Labia (Leach) minuta. Scudd. " 1">. II"'. 11 Thftonotrizon (Fischer) dorsale. 9 Burm. o. o. \-l (in-llotalpa (Latr.) longipennis. J1 Scudd. J'.i. 4^i. 12 f Gryllns (Linn.) pennsylvanicus. $Bunn. ) .. .,(. .. |.u ( Acheta (Fab.) pcnnsylvanica Uhlcr. j 1.4 " J1 " .Hi. Us. ( Arridiura (Gooff.) americanum. !">•! Cyrtacanthacris(Walk.) " Walk. > I. lun. A.-n/./ii [ (iryllus (Linn.) Drury. ( Caloptenus (Serv.) bivittatus. $ Uhler. Hi< " femoratus. Burm. ( (iryllus (Linn.) biviuatus. Say. *Scndder's Catalogue and Monograph, SIT Intrc»lui-tinn. e u. i v . c t- r, ~ ', „' ! ~ PLATE II.— ORTHOPTKRA. MANTIS CAROLINA: (Linn.) Scudder's Catalogue, p. 48. f'hasmufa Fig. 1 Egg case. 2 Egg case with young escaping. 3 Young Mantis devouring another. 4 Young Mantis in the Nymph state. (Gray variety.) 5 Young " " " (Green variety.) 6 Imago. Mantis Carolina. (Linn.) ^ 7 " " 9 (Gray var.) 9 (Green var.) 9 Egg case cut longitudinally to exhiliit structure. 10 " 11 " " transversely 12 Wings of c? 13, 14, 15 Base of Antennae, fore legs and tarsi. 16 Wings of 9 * 1 7 Sciara ? *This fly was popularly believed to be connected with the yellow fever whirli raged in Norfolk,. Va. in 1855. They were exceedingly numerous there during the whole time the yellow lever was prevalent in that year, and hence were known in Norfolk and its vicinity as "yellow fever flies." (See Sciara in Diptera.) "f I'tJ ff r r, - i j f PLATE III.— ORTHOPTERA. •,.• , j /F.dipoda (Latr.) eucerata. Uliler. 1 ., u n»«. en a i i \r 1 i Locusta (Linn.) Harr. } >""''L Mono- 472' '1'v.'/'/"- a 9 - •• so. 472. {.Kdipoda (Latr.) discoidea. tf Serv. ) Acridium (Geoff.) tuberculatum. Pal d* I " 5H. " 4(>9. Beauv. , ( Romalea (Serv.) microptera. $ Serv. 1 ( Gryllus (Fab.) centurio. Burm. ) f Ceuthophilus (Scudd.) maculatus. ?8cudd. Rhaphidophora (Charp.) maculata. Harr. 5 j Phalanjjopsis (Burm. Harr. 1 ^phippigera (Serv.) " day. MSS. 74. '21. " 484. (i Tridactylus (Oliv.) torminalis. Scudd. " «2. 425. GrylMr*. ( -Edipoda (Latr.) discoidea. £ Serv. •' Acridium (Geoff. ) tuberculatum. Pal de \ " .56. 468. Beauv. 8 Kdipoda (Latr.) corallipes. 9 Hald. ;j J Nemobius (Serv.) vittatus. $ Scudd. 1 I Acheta (f ab.) servilis. Harr. and Say MSS. 1(1 " T.4. 480. II Orochans (Uhlc-r.) ealtator. J I'ld.-r. " 58. 0 '- " cf " " 58. " o. ~ r, . M [' r r, - \ j r PLATE IV. — ORTHOPTERA. r CEcanthus (Serv.) niveus. 9 DP Gei-r. ) Fig. 1 •{ " " fasciatus. Fitch. t Scudd. Cat. 55. Scudd. Mono. 431. ( Gryllus (Linn.) niveus. Oliv. 2 " " J1 " " 55. 431. C Microcentrum (Scudd.) retinervis. 9 ) 3-^ Scudd. " 53. 43H. Locuntariae. ( Phylloptera (Serv.) " Burin. J ( Phylloptera (Serv.) oblongifolia 9 ") 4 Burm. " 68. 445. ( Locusta (Linn.) " De Geer. J I" (Ecanthus (Serv.) bipunctatua. 9 5 _De G,eer- " 55. 432. OrytKdet. } (Lcanthus punctulatus. Fitcii. [ Gryllus (Linn.) bipunctatus. De Qeer. J (i " " 9 " " 55. 432. 7 ( Orchelimum (Serv.) vulgare. 9 Harr. 1 ,. 59 „ «2. ioewtono*. ( Pterophylla (kirby MSS.) agilis. Harr. j 8 " " J1 " " 59. 452. f Mesops (Serv.) Thomas. | rroceedi Academy Natural Scieilce. 9 ]0poraala (Serv. emend.) Wyommgensis. ^ Philadelphia, 1871. A^rydii. ( Thomas. J iXyphidium (Serv.) fasoiatum. $ Serv. ] rterophylla (Kirby • MSS.) fasciata. Harr. I gcudd_ c t 84. Scudd. Mono. 451. LoetUtanac. Orchelimum (berv.) graeile. Harr. Locusta (Linn.) fasciata. De Geer. 11 Xyphidium (Serv.) brevipennia. 9 Scudd. 84. 451. ,„ ( Conocephalus (Thunb.) ensiger. 9 Harr. | ,, 1,9 " 449 " ( Locusta (Linn.) acurninata. Stoll. j 13 Stenobothrus (Fisch.) admirabilis. Uhler. " 77. 0. A<->y. " ( Gryllus (Linn.) bivittatus. Say. ) *A11 these so-called species of Harris, Ac., are said (by 'Scudder) to lie merely varieties of Tettix ornata, (Scudd.) (Acridium ornatum, Say.) and that the T." ornata of Harris is the T. granulatus ol Scudder's monograph, p. 414. " fi /' I II tl M K r r, - 1 J /• PLATE VI. — ORTHOPTERA. j" Philopterus(Nitzsch.) falcicornis. Nitzsch. y -i \ Europe. From *Leunis, p. 650. j Pediculus (Linn.) pavonius. Linn. Eu- [ rope. From Leunis. 2 Machilis (Latr.) variabilis. Say. Massachusetts. 3 Machilis (Latr.) variabilis. Say. Massachusetts. 4 Phlocethrips (Halid.) coriacea. Halid. From Westwood. 5 Thrips (Linn.) sp.? Europe. From Leunis, p. 648. 6 Lepisma (Linn.) saccharina. Linn. From Leunis, p. 650. 7 Podura (Linn.) villosa. Fab. Europe. From Leunis, p. 650. 7a. Smynthurus (Latr.) sp.? Not described. (Maryland, in fungi.) 8 Trichodectea (Nitzsoh.) latus. De Geer. Europe. From Leunis, p. 651. 9 Thrips (Linn.) sp.? (Maryland, in greenhouse.) Mallophaga. Apterous. \ Orthoptera. } Tlirijndfc. Orthoptera. Mallophai/a. Thripulce. , Q f Chloealtis (Harr.) conspersa. , ( Chloealtis (Harr.) abortiva. 1 , ( Chloealtis (Harr.) viridis. 9 Scudd. \ { Stenobothrus (Fischer. )viridis. 9 Scudd. j Scudd. Cat. 22. Scudd. Mono. 455. Acrydii. Scudd. Scudd. 12 Phylloptera (Serv.) rotundifolia. 9 Scudd. (" Nemobius (Serv.) fasciatus. 9 Scudd. 13-^ Acheta (Fab.) hospes. Fab. ( Gryllus (Fab.) fasciatus. De Geer. -, /, j Gryllus (Fab.) domesticus. 9 Pack. ( Acheta (Fab.) domestica. Thomas. 111. IStenohothrus (Fischer.) curtipennis. $ Scudd. Chloealtis (Harr.) curtipennis. Harr. Locusta (Linn.) " 16 Pezotettix (Burm.) borealis. 9 Scudd. 17 " " J> 18 •• " - Q 19 20 21 22 23 24 Forficula (Linn.) sp. ? From N. Y. Cryptocercus (Scudd.) punctulatus. Scudd. Stenobothrus (Fisch.) aequalis. 9 Scudd. Phyllopalpus (Uhler.) pulchellus. Uhler. (Edipoda (Latr.) eucerata. $ Erichs. f Opomala (Serv. emend.) bivittatta. 9 Serv. 22. 69. '55. 77. 63. 63. 63. 24. 77. 68. 50. 455. 445. 430. 0. 456. 464. 464. 464. 420. 459. 0. 472. Loctistarice. Gryllides. Acrydii. Forjicularice Blatta.riae. Acrydii. Gryllides. Acrydii. | Opsornala (Serv.) bivittatta. Serv. [ Acridium (Geoif.) De Haan. 25 Phrynotettix verruculata (Uhler. MSS.) From Pecos River, Texas. 2(5 f Opomala(Serv. emend.) bivittatta J1 Serv. ' { Opsomala (Serv.) 27 Stenobothrus (Fischer.) maculipennis. Var. Scudd. 76. 0 0 *Leunis. " Synopsis dor drei Naturreiehe." Hannover. 9OC? " r, <" r>~ U r PLATE VIL— ORTHOPTERA. (" Tettigidea (Scudd.) polymorpha. Scndd. ] Tetrix (Latr.) parvepennis._ Harr. \ Scudd. Cat. 79 Scudd. Mono. 477. Acrydii. ( polymorpha. Burm (Var. B.) J f Phaneroptera (Serv.) curvicauda. J1 2 J (Serv-) Phaneroptera (Serv.) augustifolia. Harr. [ Locusta (Linn.) curvicauda. De Geer. f Ceuthophilus (Scudd.) lapidicolus £ 4 (Scudd.) Bhaphidiphora (Charp.) lapidicola. Burm. [ Phalangopsis (Serv.) Burm. f Orchelimum (Serv.) vulgare. rP Harr 1 1 Pterophylla (Kirby MSS.) agilis. Harr. | f Copiophora (Walk.) mucronata Scudd. Chloealtis (Harr.) curtipennis J1 Harr. Locusta (Linn.) " " Harr. , , f Brachypeplus (Charp.) magnus. 9 ( Girard. 19 f Stylopyga(Fisch.)orientalis. ? Fischer, ' ' Blatta .(Linn.) ' f Gryllotalpa (Latr.) borealis. $ Burm. ] " brevipennis. Serv. ' " americana. Say. MSS. " " borealis. Burm. 14 Daihina (Hald.) brevipes. $ Hald. 15 " " " 9 ,o f Anabrus (Hald.) haldemannii. $ Girard. 1 { Pterolepia Thomas, j Gryllus (Linn.) abbreviatus. 9 Serv. ) Acheta (Fab.) abbreviate. Harr. j , „ f Nemobius (Serv.) exiguus. Q Scudd 1 18 { Acheta (Fab.) exigua. Say. } 65. 65. 21. 21. 57. 57. 23. 56. 77. 20. 78. 29. 24. 24. 3. 30. 55. 448. Locustariae. 448. 435. 435. 452. GryUidcs. 452. 0. Acrydii. 473. 456. 0. 416. Slattariae. 456. Gryllidcs. 443. Locustariae, 443. 0. 427. Gryllides. 429. ~ n ,v i K » t t i' r o " f J PLATE VIII.— ORTHOPTERA. Fig. 1 Caloptenus (Serv.) spretus. 9 Uhler MSS. Scudd. Cat. 0. Scudd. Mono. ? 1 ( Caloptenus (Serv.) femur-rubrum. 2 1 Burm. ( Acridium (Geoff.) " " Harr. f Scudd. in Hay- den's Geol. 3 CEdipoda (Latr.) atrox. \ Surv.Neb.253. I Hayden's Geol. [ Surv., 1871, 458. 4 f Pezotettix (Burm.) picta. $ Thomas. 1 | Proc. Acad. Nat. Scien., Phil. 1870. j (Thamnotrizon (Fischer.) trilineatus. 9 1 Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 443. Decticus (Serv.) trilineatus. J ( Hadenfflcus (Scudd.) subterraneus. $ 1 6 j Scudd. [ ( Rhaphidophora (Charp.) subterraneus. j (• Tettix (Latr. emend. ) lateralis (?) ? Scudd. ) 74 Tetrix (Latr.) Harr. I ( Acridium (Geoff) " Say. j 0 ( Ceuthophilus (Scudd.) Uhleri. 9 (affinis.) I | Scudd ] f Udeopsylla (Scudd.) robusta. J1 Scudd. ) 9 i Phalangopsis (Serv.) " Hald J. ( Daihinia (Hald.) " •• j , Q f Boopidon (Thomas.) flavofasciatum. 9 1 { Thomas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1870. } , , | Stauronotus (Fischer.) Elliotti. 9 Thomas ) I Pr. Acad. Nat. Scien. Phil. 1870, 82. J 12 1 Caloptenus (Serv.) differentialis. 9 ) { Thomas. | f Acridium (Geoff.) alutaceum. 9 Harr. ] ,0 J (Small spec.) 1 I Acridium rusticum (Burm. only.) " torvum. Say. and Harr. f Copiopliora (Walk.) mucronata. 9 ] 1itJ Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr 1871, p. 444. [ Copiphora (Serv.) 15 Camptonotus (Uhler.) Scudderi. 9 Uhler. 20. 40. 79. 21. 83. 5. 4. 2H. 21. 0. Acrydii. 464. Locustariae. 440. 477. Acrydii. 435. Locustariae. 443. 466. 0. Locustariae, VI II c ~ - "fi ,\'f ICtJ r f i' r fi " f J /• s PLATE IX.— ORTHOPTERA. C Anabrus (Hald.) simplex. 9 Hald. ] Figl| Thomas Hayden's Geol. Surv.Terr. Ucudd. Cat. 8. Soudd. Mono. Q. Loeuttavcat, { 1871, p. 438. ( (Edipoda (Latr.) tenebrosa. ? Scudd. ] Thomas Geol. Surv. Terr. 1871, p. 459. I AerydK. 2 1 Tomonotus (Sauss.) mexicanus. Thomas. ( Pr. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1870. „ f Brachypeplus (Charp.) virescens. ? ) "20 0. 6 ( Charp. ) . f Caloptenus (Serv.) differentialis. c? J "5 0. 4 I Thomas. J ^ \ 5 Gryllus (Linn.) formosus. ? Ray. 34. 0. (fryllvie,. f CEdipoda (Latr.) triiasciata. ? Walk. } Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr. I 1871, p. 456. (Edipoda (Latr.) pruinoaa. Thomas. 39. 0. Ar,;,. 428. (li-ijlinlrs f Phylloptera (Serv.) oblongifolia. $ ] 9< Burm. " (>8. 445. LoCMtanat ( Locusta (Linn.) oblongifolia. De Geer. J {Traeocephala (Harr.) infuscata. r? } tfarr. " 82. 4«il. Arry./ii. Gomphocerus (Thunb.) infuscata. Uhler. J ., ( ffidijjoda (Latr.) sordida. tf Burrn. I Locusta (Linn.) nebulosa. Harr. H:irr. i „ .,0 . „ f Ghloealtis (Harr.) conspersa. 9 | " " abortiva. 13 Acridium (Geoff.) alutaceum. 9 Harr 4. 4iiH. ., f Stenobothrus (Fisch.) maculipennis. 9 ) .• 77 " 45^ { Scudd. j PLATE XI.— ORTHOPTERA. Fig. 1 Acridium (Geoff.) frontalis. 9 Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 448. ( Caloptenus (Serv.) occidentals. 9 "1 3J Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., \ Acrydn. ( 1871, p. 453. 3 Caloptenus (Serv.) viridie. $ Thomas. Hayden'sGeol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 450. Caloptenus (Serv.) Dodgei. J1 Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 451. Caloptenus (Serv.) Dodgei. tf Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 451. e f Caloptenus (Serv.} differentialis. tf 1 gcudd Ca(. 5 ( Thomas. (Dark var.) j {Opomala (Serv. emend.) bivittata. 9 ) Say. [ " 58. Opsomala (Serv.) J Mesops (Serv.) Wyomingensis. $ ] 8 Thomas. Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., ( 187.1. Opomala (Serv. emend.) 9 Caloptenus (Serv.) Dodgei. $ Thomas. (See above.) {Caloptenus (Serv.) Turnbullii. $ Thomas. (Var. A.) Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 452. 11 [ Ephippitytha (Serv.) gracilipes. $ ) Locustariat. \ Thomas. ) 12 Phaneroptera (Serv.) coloradensis. $ Thomas. MSS. (" Pezotettix (Burm.) obesa. 9 Thomas. ] 13-^ Hayden's Geol. Surv., Terr., 1871, \ Acrydii. ( p. 454. 14 Pezotettix (Burm.) obesa. 9 Thomas. 15 Ephippigera (Serv.) tschivavensis. ? (Hald.) Stansbury's Report. {Locusta (Linn.) occidentalis. 9 Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 444. (" Pterolepis (Serv.) minutus. 9 Thomas. ' 17< Hayden'sGeol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 441. J- LoetutariM, ( Anabrus (Hald.) mmutus. Thomas. , ; . • fi .V I KU r \\r.r.r,~\j r z PLATE XII.— ORTHOPTERA. Fig. 1 Nirmus argulus. From Rev. J. G. Wood. Nat. Hist., illustrated, p. 686. Mallophaya. 2 Menapon pallidum. Nat. Hist., Illustrated, p. 686. 3 Triohodectes longicornis. Nat. Hist., illustrated, p. 685. 4 Trichodectes equi. Nat. Hist, illustrated, p. 685. 5 Docophorus cygni. Nat. Hist., illustrated, p. 686. 6 Haematopinus piliferup. Nat. Hist., illustrated, p. 685. (" Haematopinus suis. Denny Monog. an- ?•{ oplurum. Nat. Hist., illustrated, p. [ 685. 8 CEdipoda (Latr.) rugosa. $ Scudd. Scudd. Cat. 55. Scudd. Mono. 4G9. Acrydii. 9 Thnps (Linn.) cerealeum. Halid. From an English work. Thripidte. 10 11 Thloeothrips autumnalis. Uhler. Found on Oak, Md. 10 f (Edipoda (Latr.) montana. ? Thomas. 1 Arnirln 12 1 Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 462. } ( (Edipoda (Latr.) cincta. ? Thomas. 13^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 1870. 70. (. Hayden'sGeol.Surv.Terr.,1871,p.464. -. , ( Caloptenus (rierv.) griseus. ? Thomas. 1 ,, 11 \ Ilayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., 1871, p 454. ) - ( (Edipoda (Latr.) undulata. Thomas. \ „ ID1 Hayden'sGeol.Surv.Terr.,1871,p.460. ) 10 Mantis (Linn.) New sp. Manti>/?*. ( CEdipoda (Latr.) maritima. $ Scudd. 1 Scmld. Cat 56. Scudd. Mono. 472. { Locusta (Linn.) maritima. (Harr.) j f ( Stenobothrus (Fischer.) curtipennis. $ } I Scudd. .i iry .c 450 1 Chlosaltis (Harr.) curtipennis. Harr. ( [ Locusta (Linn.) " Harr. J (" Tettix (Latr. emend.) ornata. Scudd. 1 . 19 J Acridiurn (Fab.) ornatum. Say. (From V 79. 474. I Say's fig.) J 20. CEdipoda (Latr.) pellucida. ? Scudd. " 57. % " 472. f CEdipoda (Latr.) carlingiana. Scudd. Cat. 68. Scudd. Mono. 445. Locustariac, [ Locusta (Linn.) oblongifolia. De Geer. J 2 Pezotettix (Burm.) nebrascensis. Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr. , 1871, p. 455 Aerydii. „ f (Edipoda (Latr.) Haldemanni. Scudd. Hayden's Geol. Surv., Neb., p. 253. „ { (Edipoda (Latr.) corallipe*. Hald. Stansbury's Rep., p. 371, pi. 10, fig. 2. 4 (Edipoda (Latr.) longipennis. Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv., 1871, p. 463. 5 Batrachidea (prob.) pupa. From Md. r ( Thamnotrizon (Fischer) scabricollis. Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv. Terr., T , { 1871, p. 441. _ ( Stenopelmatus (Burm.) fasciatus. Thomas, (large sp. from Gal.) Hayden's Geol. ,, ' { Surv. Terr., 1871, p. 434. f (Edipoda (Latr ) aequalis. Uhler. ] 8 j Locusta (Linn.) " Harr. I Srudd. Cat. 55. Scudd. Mono. 470. Aerydii. [ Gryllus (Linn.) " Say. j 9 Pezotettix (Burm.) unicolor. Thomas. . Q ( Boopidon (Thomas) nubilnm. Thomas. Hayden's Geol. Surv Terr., 1870, p. 273. ,, { Boopidon (Thomas) nigrum. Thomas. Gryllus (Linn.) nubilus. Say. 11 Mantis (Linn.) missouriensis. Riley. MSS. Mantiha, Romalea. Hadenascus subterraneus, VIII, 6. Haematopinns piliferus, XII, 6. Haematopinus snis, XII, 4. Labia, minor, X, 3. Labia minuta, I, 10. Lepisma saccharina, VI, 6. Locusta fuligmosa, IX, 9. Locusta occidentalis, XI, 16. Locusta. See also Conocephalns, Gryllus. CEdipoda, Phaneroptera, Phylloptera, Ste- oobothrus, Xiphidium. Machilis variabilis, VI, 8, 3. Mantis (?) XII, 16, Mantis (?) XIII, 13. Mantis Carolina, II, 1, 2. 3, Ac. Micitis missouriensis, XIII, 11. Menopon pullidnm, XII, 2. Mesops Wyomingensis, IV, 9; XI, S. Microcentrum retinervis, IV, S. Microcentrum egg, IV, 16. Nemobius exigiuns, VII, IS. Nemobius fasciatus, III, 9, 10. Nemobius vittatus, VI, 13. Nirmus argulus, XII, 1. (Ecanthus bipunctatus, IV, S, 6. 8 CEcanthus niveua, IV, 1, S. (Edipoda aequalis, XIII, g. atrox, VIII, 3. ' carinata, X, 7. Carolina, V, 3. carlingiana, XII, SI. cincta XII, 13. coralipes, III, g. discoidea, III, 3, 7. eucerata III, S : V, 13 .VI S3. Haldemanii, XIII, 3. longipennis, XIII, 4. maratima, XII, 17. " marmorata, VII, 9. " inontana, XII, 13. pellucida, XII, 20. phcenicoptera, V, 4. rugosa, XII, g, eordida, X, 11. sulphurea, V, 6. tenebrosa, IX, 2. trifasciata, IX, 6. verruculata, X, 6. undulata, XII, IS. See also Tragocephala. Opomala bivittata, VI, 24 and 26; XI, 7. Opsomala. See Opomala, Mesops and Pyrgo- morpha. Orchelimum vulgare, IV, 7, S; VII, 6. Orchelimum. See also Xiphidiutn. Orocharis saltator, III, 11, IS. Oxycoryphus obscurus, XIII, 13. Fediculus. See Phylopterus. Periplaneta americana, I, S. Pezotettix borealis, VI, 16. " nebrascensis, XIII, g. obesa, XI, 13, 14. picta, VIII. 4. " unicolor, XIII, 9. Phalangopsis. See Ceuthophilus, Udeopsylla. Phaneroptera coloradensis, XI, IS. curvicauda, VII, S, S, and V, 10. Philopterus falcicornis, VI, 1. Phlcethrips coreacea, VI, 4. Phrynotettix verruculata, VI, 25 Phylloptera (?) egg, IV, 16. Pbylloptera oblongifolia, X. 9; IV, 4; XIII, 1. rotundifolia, VI, IS. See also microcentrum. Platamodes pennsylvanica, I, 1 and 3 Platyphyllum. See Cyrtophyllus. Podisma. See Pezotettix. Pterolepis miuutus, XI, 17. Pterolepis. See Anabrus also. I'odura villosa. VI, 7. Pterophylla. See also Cyrtophyllus, Orcheli mum, Xiphidium. Pyrgomofpha brevicornis, IV, 14. PJiaphidophora, See Ceuthophilus, Hadenacus Romalea microptera, III, 4. Smynthurus, VI, 7. Spectrum. See Diapheromera, Anisomorpha Stauronotus, Elliotti, VIII, 11. Stenobothrus admirabilis, IV, 13; V, 14. aequalis, VI, SI. curtipennis, VI. IS; VII, 10; X 4- XII, IS. maculipennis, X, 14; VI, £7. longipennis, V, IS. Stenopelmatus talpa, I, 10. fasciatus, XIII, 7. Stylopyga orientalis, I, S, 6; VII, 12. Tettigidea polymorpha VII 1 Tettix lateralis, VIII, 7. ornata, V, 1 and S; XII, 19. Tetrix, Tettigidea, Batrachidea. Thamnotrizon, dorsale, I, 11. scabralis, XIII, 6. trilineatus, VIII, 5 Thrips(?) VI, 6, 9; XII, 11. cerealum, XII, 9, 10. Tomonotus. See (Edipoda tenebrosa. Tragocephala infuscata, X, S. viridifasciata, V, 9. Trinhodectes equi, XII, 4. latus VI, g. longicornis, XII, 3. Tridactylus terminalis, III, 6. Udeopsylla robusta, VIII, 9. Xiphidium brevipennie, IV, 11. fasciatum, IV, 10. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SPECIES FIGURED. abbreviate Gryllus, VII, 17. abbreviate Acheta. See Gryllus. abortiva Chloealtis. See C. consperea. acuminata Locusta. See Conocephalus, ensiger. aequalis CEdipoda, XIII, S. " LocuBta. See CEdipoda. " Gryllns. See " Stenobothrus, VI, SI. agilis Pterophylla. See Orchelimnm vnlgare. alutaceum Acridium, VIII, IS; X, 13. americanum Acridium, I, IS. " Cyrtacanthacris. See Acridinm. " Gryllo8. See Acridium. americana Periplaneta, I, g. " Blatta. See Periplaneta. americanus. Gryllotalpa. See G. borealis. augustifolia Phaneroptera. See P. curvicauda. arenosa Tetrix. See T. Oraata. argulua Nirmus, XII, 1. atrox CEdipoda, VIII, 8. bipunctatus CEcanthus, IV, S, 6. Gryllns. See CEcanthns. bilineata Tetrix. See T. ornata. bivittatus Caloptenus, I, 16; V, 16. " Gryllus. See Caloptenus. bivittata Opomala, VI, 84-86; XI, 7. Acridium. See Opomala. " Opsomala. See Opomala. bivittatam Spectrum. See Anisomorpha bn- prestoides. borealis Gryllotalpa, VII, 13, Pezotettix, VI, 16. brevicornis Pyrgomorpha, IV, 14, ' Opomala. See Pyrgomorpha. 1 Truxalis. See Pyrgomorpha. brev pennis Gryllotalpa. See G. borealia. Xiphidium, IV, 11. brevipes Daihinia, VII, 14, IS. buprestoides Anisomorpha, I, S. Phasma. See Anisomorpha. carinata CEdipoda, X, 7. carlingiana " XII, SI. Carolina " V, 3. Locusta. See CEdipoda. caroliniana Locusta. Carolina, Mantis II. 1, t, 3, Ac. centurio Gryllns. See Romalea microptera. cerealeum Thrip, XII, 9, 10. cincta CEdipoda, XII, 13. coloradensis Phaneroptera, XI, IS. concavus Cyrtophyllus, IV, IS. concavum Platyphyllum. See Cyrtophyllus. concava Pterophylla. See Cyrtophyllus. conspersa Chlcealtis, VI, 11; X, IS. corallina Locusta. See CEdipoda, phoemcoptera. corallipes CEdipoda, III, S. See also - taceum. radiata Tragocephala. See T. viridifasciata. saccharina Lepisma, VI, 6. paltator Orocharis, III, 11, IS. sayii Bacteria. See Diapherompra femorata. scabricollis Thamnotrizon, XIII, 6. scudderi Camptonotus, VIII, IS. semi-rubrum Acridium, XIII, 14. servilis Acheta. See Nemobius vittatus. simplex Anabrus, IX, 1. sordida CEdipoda, X, 11. Tettix. See T. ornata. spretus Caloptenus, VIII, 1; XIII, IS. subterraneus Hadensecus, VIII, 6. " Rhaphidiphora. See Iladen«cus. sulphurea CEdipoda, V, 6. " Locusta. See CEdipoda. " Gryllus. See (Edipoda. suis Haematopinus, XII, 4. talpa Stenopelmatus, I, 10. tenebrosa CEdipoda, IX, 8. terminalis Tndactylus, III, 6. torvum Acridium. See C. Alutaceum. trifasciata CEdipoda, IX, 6. " Gryllus. See CEdipoda. trilineatus Thamnotrizon, VIII, S. " Decticus. See Thamnotrizon. tschivavensis Ephippigera, XI, IS. tuberculatum Acridium. See A. discoidea. turnbullii Caloptenus, XI, 10. uhleri Ceuthophilus, VIII, S. undulata CEdipoda, XII, IS. unieolor Pezottetix, XIII, 4. variabilis Machilis, VI, S, 3. verrueulata (Edipoda, X, 6. " Locusta.. See (Edipoda. " Phrynotettix, VI, 26. villosa Podura, VI, 7. virescens Brachypeplus, IX, 3. virginianum Acridium. See Tragocephala viri difasciata. virginiana (Edipoda. See viridifasciata. viridis Caloptenus, XI, 3. viridis Chloealtis, X, §. " Stenobothrus. See Chloealtis. viridifasciata Tragocephala, V, 9. vittatus Nemobius, III, 9, 10. vulgare Orchelimum, IV, 7, S; VII. 6. wyomingensis Mesops, IV, 9 ; XI, S. " Opomala. See Mesops. LIST OF DESIDERATA TO FINISH THE WORK. ilapithus agitator, Uhler, (Md.) Gryllus augustus, Scudd., (Mass.) Xya apicalis, Uhler, (South Western States.) Tndactylns minutus, Soudd., (111.) Cyphoderris monstrosa, Uhler, (Oregon.) Platyphyllum perspHllatum, Serv. and Uhler in Harris (U. S.) Thyreonotus dorsalis, Scudd., (Mass, and Md.) Orchesticus americanns, Snuss., (Tenn.) (iryllacris carolinensis, Gerst, (Car.) Tropidi»chia xanthostoma, Scudd., (Oal.) Podisma (Acridium,) borkii Stal, (Cal.) A< ri'lium flavofascialum, Thomas, (dol.) Arcyptera lineata, Scudd. (Mass.) platyptera, Scudd., (New Eng.) " gracilis, (Bed River, Brit. Am.) Tragocephala radiata, Erichs, (Mass.) (nrob. syn. infuscata. ? .) Tettix cucullata, Burm. (Mass.) " granulata, Scudd., " " triangularis, " " Authenticated specimens of any of the above-mantioned Orthoptera will be most thankfully received, and, after being figured, will be returned if required. Also, any other new species not mentioned in the list of insects figured, if sent to the Author, will be figured and credited to the donor or sender and placed in an extra plate of addenda, whenever a sufficient number of speci mens are received to fill a plate. Tettix rugosa, Scudd., (Mass.) Batrachidea cannata, Scudd, (Cal.) Thespis, (Mantis,) parva, Drury, pi. II, 39, (Amer.) Philialosoma ploiaria, Western, (Western State.) Temnopteryx aeropeltiformis, Burm., (U. S.) virginiana, Burm., (Va.) Ischnoptera Uhleriana, Sauss., (U. S. Pa.,) or any in U. S. Platamodes unicolor, Scudd., (Mass.) Ectobia lithophila, Scudd. (Mass.) Paratrapes histrio, Saus., (U. S.) Pycnoscelis obscurus, Scudd., (Mass.) Brachylabris maratima, Dohrn, (Southern State.) Psalidophora brunneipennis, Serv., (Pa. and Va.) " bipnnctata Dohrn, (Mass.) Forficula pulchella (Serv.) (Magura.) Thrips (Limothrips) tritici, from Pack. Thrips (Hehothrips) hiemorrhoidalis, Burm. See Pack. Page V, and Plates III and IV; for "J?" in ,Eca; Plate IV, 10; for " X'/jihulium," read .\ Plate VII, 1 ; for " parvepennit," read parinjn ERRATA: " in Acanthus and .Edipoda, read fE. " parvepennit, Pago 2, line 16 ; for " lawae," read lan-ac. Page 2, line 33; insert commas after "food" and " Indians." Page 2, line 35; dele "which" after U. S. A. Page 3. last line; for " Chalcididea." read Chalcididae. Page 6, after swan ; for " Dacophorus," read Docophortm. Pago 9 ; for "auyititifolia," read anyustifolia. &