e^- v) H''- $ Carr's Notebook * ■ * rJSR'iSt *• ■ - - . ggs $>'. , •- ,r. r .V ~:iyj3s4- Jit* ■•'•' v -4 "V- - €? : -r> YtfV 7 •-■> fit'- - ■ - , . •' • : fi V - 7 . : ** T. V ’ '"■ + - : ,• •- ■ p i l- ^ r- — T - <■ ,,- ’ / ~ vv; . ; v c - • - r ‘- &• V r 'ir- :i *' . ' v . • - 7 - * “ • v*-.**? • s i * . x, . -■' .' •' ' ' V .**l “• -V? 4 . -*. ft. ^ • a *’ '• »■ w. - '- »«• * ® *f» ,1 . 1 ; * 5 *^ 3 ? v t . THE IMPROVED FOOLSCAP AND V. NOTE BOOK FOR 1918 \ ?! CONTAINING > £1,000 ACCIDENT INSURANCE COUPON With £3 per Week Disablement Allowance, ( For details , see Coupon.) *#. - ;'Pfy ■ to . 1*3 id > •£« * i .■ ■ ; - . & A JANUARY— 1918. FEBRUARY— 1918. MARCH— 1918. APR!L-1918, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Day ot the Sundays, Festivals, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. (Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. I T 1 Circumcision I F 32 TCandlemas '1 F 60 S. David. Fly Fishing begins I M 91 Easter Monday. Bank Hoi, | Stock Exchange closed 2 S 33 Purification of B.V.M. 2 S 61 S. Chad 2 T 92 Easter Tuesday 2 W 2 ‘Barometer 29-806 in. 3 5 34 Sexagesima. S. Blasius 5 3 £5 62 3 rd in Lent 9 3 W 93 S. Richard 3 Th 3 4 M 35 < Last Quarter 7.62 a.m. 4 M 63 ♦Barometer 29-736 in. 4 Th 94 ( Last Quarter 1. 33 p.m. 4 F 4 \{ Last Quarter 11.60 a.m. 5 T 36 S, Agatha 5 T 64 5 F 95 Dividends due 5 S 5 Dividends due 6 W 37 ♦Barometer 29-790 in, 6 W 65 ( Last Quarter 0.44 a.m. 6 S 96 ♦Barometer 29-760 in. 6 & 6 Epiphany 1 7 Th 38 7 Th 66 S. Perpetua 7 S 97 Low Sunday 14 7 M 7 S. Distaff Plough Monday 8 F 39 Half Quarter Day 8 F 67 S M 98 [Old Lady Day 8 T S 9 S 40 9 S 68 9 T 99 Lady Day Fire Insur. ceases 9 W 9 Christmas Fire Ins. ceases IO s 4i QuinqOAgesima 6 IO 3 69 4 th in Lent 10 IO VV IOO L Easter Law Sittings begin JO Th IO II M 42 • New Moon 10.5 a.m. II M 70 f# New Moon 7.52 p.m. 11 Th IOI • New Moon 4.34 a.tn. II F ri Hilary Law Sittings begin 12 T 43 Shrove Tuesday 12 T 7 1 5. Gregory 12 F 102 12 S 12 © New Moon 10.36 p.m. 13 W 44 Ash Wednesday 13 W 72 Duke of Connaught married 13 S IO3 13 s 13 1 st after Epiphany 2 14 Th 45 5. Valentine 14 Th 73 [1879 14 s 104 2nd after Easter 15 [S. Hilary 15. F 46 Kimberley relieved 1900 15 F 74 ♦Temp. Day 49-7° Night 35-1° 15 M IOj' ♦Teinp. Day 57-1° Night 38-9° H M 14 * 16 S 47 ♦Temp. Day 45-4° Night 34-4° 16 s 75 Interest payable on f.i% i 5 T 15 ♦Temp. Day 43-2° Night 33-9° 17 S 48 1 st in Lent. Ember Wk. 7 17 S 76 Passion Sunday 11 War Loan, 1929-1942 16 W 16 I-S iM 49 5 First Quarter 0,57 a.m. IS M 77 S. Edward |S. Patrick 16 T 106 i7 Th 17 19 T 50 19 T 7S J First Quarter 1.30 p.m. 17 W 107 1) First Quarter 4.8 a.m. t 8 F 18 S. Frisco, 20 w 5i Ember Day zo W 79 18 Th I08 19 S 19 J> First Quarter 2.38 p.tn. 21 Th 52 21 Th So S. Benedict. Vernal Equinox *9 F 109 Primrose Day (18SI). 20 3 20 2 nd after Epiphany 3 22 F 53 Ember Day 23 F 81 20 S no [S. Alphege 21 M 21 5. Agnes [S'. Fabian 23 S 54 Ember Day 23 S 82 ♦Rainfall 1-63 in. 21 s in 3 rd after Easier 16 22 T 22 S. Vincent 24 s 55 2 nd in Lent. 5. Matthias 8 24 £5 53 Palm Sunday 12 22 M 1X2 23 W 23 ♦Rainfall 1-88 in. 25 M 50 O Full Moon 9.35 p.m. 25 M 84 Annun. B.V.M. Lady Day 23 T II3 S. George 24 Th 24 26 T 57 ♦Rainfall 1-54 in. 26 T 85 TO Full Moon 3.33 p.m. 24 W 114 25 F 25 Conversion of S. Paul 27 W 58 27 W 86 Hilary Law Sittings end 25 Th 115 S. Mark 26 S 26 Fall of Khartoum, 1885 28 Tii 59 28 Th 87 Maundy Thursday 26 F Il6 O Full Moon 8.5 a.m. 37 S 27 Septuagesima 4 29 F 88 Good Friday. 27 S 117 28 M 28 LO Full Moon 3.14 a.m. * 30 S 89 Easter Eve 28 s Il8 4 th after Easter 17 29 T 29 31 s 90 Easter Day 13 29 M 119 ♦Rainfall 1-57 in. 30 W 30 30 T 120 31 Th 31 * MAY— 1918. JUNE— 1918. JULY— 1918. AUGUST— 1918. Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. Mth.Wk . Yr, Astronomical Notes, &c. Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. I ! W 121 SS. Philip and James 1 S 152 S.Nicomede. Int. payable on 1 M 182 ( Last Quarter S.43 a.m. 1 Th 213 Lammas Dav <7 Th 122 £5% War Loan, 1929-1947 2 T 183 2 F 214 ♦Barometer .29-785 in. 3 F 123 ( Last Quarter 10.26 p.m. . : T ) Last Quarter 4.20 a.m. 3 W 184 ♦Barometer 29-801 in. 3 S 215 fWar dec. on Germauy 1914 4 S I24 'Barometer 29-792 in. 2 s 153 1 st after Trinity 22 4 Th 185 Tr. of S. Martin 4 i3 216 10th after Trinity 31 5 3 125 Rogation Sunday 18 3 M *54 King bom 1865 5 F 186 Dividends due 5 M 217 Bank Holiday FS. John Evangelist 4 T 155 6 S 187 218 r« New Moon 8.30 p.m. 6 M 126 Rogation Day. Accession 5 W rad S. Boniface 7 S 188 6th after Trinity 27 6 T T rans figuration 7 T 127 Rogation Day [1910 6 Th 157 ♦Barometer 29-814 in. 8 M 1834 • New Moon 8.22 a.m. 7 W 219 Name of Jesus 8 W 128 Rogation Day 7 F 158 9 T 190 Midsummer Fire Ins. ceases 8 Th 220 9 Th 129 Ascension Day. HalfQtr.D. 8 S 159 © New Moon 10,3 p.m. IO W 191 9 F 221 S. Lawrence, fill. Quar, Day 10 F 136 • New Moon 1.1 p.m. 9 s 160 2 nd after Trinity 23 II Th 192 IO S 222 II S 131 IO M 16 1 Ramadan begins 12 F 193 ♦Temp. Day 73-8'' Night 63-2° 11 s 223 11 th after Trinity 32 12 3 132 Sunday aft. Ascension 19 11 T 162 S. Barnabas 13 S 194 12 M 224 Grouse Shooting begins 13 M 133 ♦Temp. Day 64-1° Night 43-8° 12 W 163 14 s 195 7 tu after Trinity 28 13 T 225 1 H T 134 13 Th 164 ♦Temp. Day 71-1° Night 49-8° 15 M 196 S. Swithin 14 W 226 $ First Quarter 11.16 p.m. 15 W 135 Scotch Quarter Day 14 F 165 f 5) First Quarter 1.12 p.m. ID T 197 l First Quarter 6.26 a.m. 13 Th 227 16 Th 136 TJ) First Quarter 8.14 p.m. 15 S 166 17 IV 19S 16 F 228 17 F 137 Easter Law Sittings end 16 S 167 3 rd after Trinity 24 18 Th 199 17 S 229 ♦Temp. Day 72-7° Night 531° 18 S 138 hS. Dunstan 17 M 1G8 19 F 200 18 S 230 12 th after Trinity 33 19 3 139 Whitsun Day. Emb, Wk. 20; 18 T 169 Waterloo 1815 20 S 201 S. Margaret 19 M 231 20 M 140 Whit Mondav. Bank Hoi. 19 W 170 21 s 202 8th after Trinity 29 20 T 332 Black Game Shooting begins 21 T 141 Whit Tuesday 20 Th 171 Tr. of King Edward 22 M 203 S. Mary Magdalene 21 W 233 O Full Moon 5.2 a.m. 22 W 142 Ember Day 21 F 172 23 T 204 O Full Moon 8.35 p.m. 22 Th 234 23 Th 143 ♦Rainfall 1-91 in. 22 S 173 Longest Day 24 Yu 205 Gibraltar taken 1704 23 F 235 r (Massacre 1572) 24 F 144 Empire Day. Ember Day 23 S 174 4 th after Trinity 25 25 Th 206 S. James 24 S 236 St. Bartholomew FO Full Moon 10.32 p.m. [Prince of Wales born 1894 26 F 207 S. Anne 25 5 237 13 th after Trinity 34 [ 25 S 145 Ember Day 24 M r?5 S. John Baptist. Midsummer 27 S •208 ♦Rainfall 2-31 iu. 26 M 238 ♦Rainfall 2-35 in.’ 26 3 146 Trinity Sunday 21 Day. O F.Moon 10.38 a,m. 28 5 209 9 th after Irinity 30 27 T 239 f( Last Quarter 7.27 p.m. LQueen bom 18C7 25 T 176 20 M 210I ( Last Quarter 1.14 p.m. 28 W 240 S. Augustin 27 M 147 Veil. Bede 26 W 177 30 T 211 29 Th 241 Beheading of S. John Baptist 28 T 148 Trinity Law Sittings begin 27 Th 178 ♦Rainfall 2-03 in. 31 W 212 Trinity Law Sittings end. 30 1* 242 29 W 149 - 28 F 179 Annual and Nov. to July 31 S 243 Relief of Candahar 1880 30 Th I SO Corpus Christi 29 S 180 S. Peter Game Certificates and 31 F 15 r 30 £5 181 6th after Trinity 26 Gun Licences expire • SEPTEMBER— 1918. OCTOBER— 1918. NOVEMBER— 1918. DECEMBER— 1918. Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Day of the Sundays, Festivals, Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. Mth.Wk. Yr. Astronomical Notes, &c. I • 244 14 th after Trinity, 35 I T 274 Pheasant Shooting begins 1 F 305 All Saints I £> 335 Advent Sunday 48 IS. Giles 2 W 275 f published 2 S 306 All Souls [Q. Alexandra bora 1844 2 M 245 Partridge Shooting begins 3 Th 276 Charles Letts’s Diaries, 1919, 3 S 307 23 rd after Trinity 44 2 M 336 Interest payable on £5% 3 T 246 [Capitulation of Sedan 1870 4 F 277 r • New Moon 3,6 a.m. 4 M 308 [ © New Moon 9.2 p.m," War Loan 1929-1947 4 W 247 5 S 276 Dividends due 5 T 309 Inkeiman 1854 3 T 337 • New Moon 3,19 p.m. 5 Th 248 © New Moon 10.44 a.m. 6 S 279 19 th after Trinity 40 6 W 310 ♦Barometer 29-754 in. 4 W 338 ♦Barometer 29-761 in. 6 F 249 [S. Faifh 7 Th 311 5 Th 339 7 S 250 S. Evurtius. 7 M 280 Mohammedan Year 1337 8 Fl S 312 * 6 F 340 IJ ewish year 5679 begins 8 T 281 [begins 9 313 7 S 34i 2 nd in Advent 49 8 3 251 15 th after Trinity 36 9 W 282 S. Denys IO S 3*4 24 th after Trinity 45 8 3 342 9 M 252 IO Th 283 ♦Barometer 29-724 in. fj) First Quarter 4,46 p.m. ‘9 M 343 Grouse Shooting ends 10 T 253 ♦Barometer 29-825 in. it F 284 II M 3x5 Half-Quarter Day IO T 344 II W 254 - 12 S 285 Mich. Law Sittings begin 12 T 316 [Martinmas « W 345 D First Quarter 2.31 a.m. 12 Th 255 13 3 286 20tii after Trinity 41 13 W 317 S. Britius 12 Th 346 ♦Temp. Day 44-7° Night 35-4° 13 F 256 )) First Quarter 3.2 p.m. [ i) First Quarter 5.0 a.m. 14 Th 318 ♦Temp. Day 48-9° Night 37-8° S, Machutus 13 F 347 14 S 257 Holy Cross Day. 14 M 287 Mich. Fire Insurance ceases 15 F 319 14 S 348 3 rd in Advent 50 15 3 258 16 th after Trinity 37 15 T 288 Interest payable on £4% l6 S 320 Suez Canal opened 1869 15 S 349 16 M 259 lEinber Week War Loan 1929-1942 17 3 321 25 th after Trinity 46 16 M 35<3 [Ember Week 17 T 260 ♦Temp. Day 67-2° Night 49-Q : ’ 16 W 289 ♦Temp. Day 57-7° Night 43-6° 18 M 322 O Full Moon 7.33 a.m. 17 T W 35i O Full Moon 7.18 p.m. 18 W 261 Ember Day 17 Th 290 S'. Etheldreda 19 T 323 l8 352 Ember Day 19 20 Th F 262 263 f O Full Moon 1.1 p.m. Ember Day 18 19 F S 291 292 S. Luke O Full Moon 9.35 p.m. 20 21 W Th 324 325 19 20 Th F 353 354 Ember Day 21 S 264 S. Matthew. Ember Day 20 s z 93 21 st after Trinity 42 22 F 326 ♦Rainfall 2-26 in. 21 S 355 S. 2 homos. Ember Day 22 3 265 17 th after Trinity 38 21 M 294 Trafalgar 1805 23 S 327 26 th after Trin. (last) 47 356 [Mich. Law Sittings end 23 M 266 Autumnal Equinox 22 T 295 24 s 328 22 3 4 th in Advent. 51 24 T 267 23 W 296 .♦Rainfall 2-75 in. 25 M 329 ( Last Quarter 10.25 a.m. 23 M 357 [Shortest day 25 W 268 ♦Rainfall 2-04 in. 24 Th 297 26 T 330 24 T 358 f ( Last Quarter 6.S1 a.m. 26 Th 269 S. Cyprian 2 < F 298 j S. Crispin. 27 W 33i 25 w 359 Christmas Day 27 F 270 ( Last Quarter 4.39 a.m. 26 s 299 ( Last Quarter 5.35 p.m. 28 Th 332 26 Th 360 S. Stephen. Bank Holiday 28 S 271 [Michaelmas Day 27 s 300 22 nd after Trinity 43 29 F 333 27 F 361 S. John 29 3 272 18 tu after Trinity. 39 28 M ^OI SS. Simon and Jude 30 S 334 S. Andrew 28 S 362 Holy Innocents [ S. M ichaeland All Angels 29 T 302 29 s 363 1 st after Christmas 52 30 M 273 S. Jcrotn 30 W 303 Tcates expire 30 M 364 ♦Rainfall 2-04 in. 31 Th 304 Aug. to Oct. Game Certifi- 1 31 T ! 365 * The Monthly figures in the Calendar under the headings " Barometer," “Temperature," and “ Rainfall," show-the average of 77 years (1840-191(1) of the Height of Barometer, Mean Temperature (Highest by Day and Lowest by Night), and R aim all as taken at Greenwich Observatory. The heavy ruled line indicates the duration of the Law Sittings. r / f r M Stamp Duties, Land Values, &c., and Customs Duties. 3 SELECTED STAMP DUTIES. Inland Revenue Office, Somerset House ; House 10 to 4 (Sats., I). Stamp Office, 10 to 4 (Sats,, 2). Affidavit or Statutory £ s. d. Declaration . . . . .,026 Agreement or Memo. of Agreement, under fiand only and not otherwise charged ..00 6 A sixjfenny adhesive stamp may be used, but must be can- celled by writing date, &c,, across. EXEMPTIONS. — Agreements under ,£5, or for hire of servants, or sale ofgoodr, or between mas' er and crew of any ship for wages on any voyage coast-wise from port to port of the United Kingdom, do not require stamping. Agreement for any term less than year of fur. dwelling ho. or part, where rent for term exceeds £25 0 5 0 Allotment, Letter of Under £5 . Id £5 and over 0 0 6 Appraisement or Valuation of any X>roperty where amount does not exceed 5s. 10 s. 15s. £5 . 0s. 3d. £30 . Is. 6 d. £100 10 . 0s. 6 d. 40 . 2s. Od 200 20 . Is. Od. 50 . 2s. 6 d. 500 Exceeding £500 . . £l. Apprenticeship Indenture . . 0 Arms, Grant of . . . . . .10 Articles of Clerkship, to Attor- ney or Solicitor, Engl, or Irel., £80 ; Scotch Super. Courts ^ . .60 Awards . . . . . . . . 0 10 0 Bankers’ Cheques . . ..001 Bill of Exchange, payable on demand or at sight, or within 3 days after . . . . ..001 After date or sight of any other kinds, or Promissory Note, not exceeding- 2 0 0 Every additional £100 . . Is. Od. On demand, 0 s. Id. £5, Id. £50, 0s. 6 d. 10, 2d. 75, 0s. 9d 25, 3d. 100, Is. Od Bill of Exchange drawn and payable out of the United Kingdom when negotiated here. Exceeding £50 but not exceeding £ 100 , 6 d. ; exceeding £ 100 , 6 d. for every £100 or part. Foreign Bills and Notes chargeable with these ad val. duties require special adhesive stamps, called "Foreign Bill Stumps." Bills of Exchange due on a Bank Holiday are payable following day ; those due on Good Friday, Christmas Day or any Sunday, on previous day. Bill of Lading . . . . ..006 Bond, Covenant or Instrument — - Being principal security for any sum for a definite period. See Mortgage. For indefinite period — For every £5 or part ..026 For superannuation annuity — For every £5 or part .,006 Bonds, by Acts of Parliament or by Customs or Inland Revenue, where penalty does not exceed £150, ad val. duty as in Mortgage. In any other case On obtaining letters of adminis- tration (not exceeding £100 exempt) Charterparty Commission of Lunacy Companies — Registered Capital & any increase, for every £100.. 0 5 0 Contract Notes— “Where the value of the stock or market- able security is — 45. and docs not exceed £100 .. 6d. exceeds j?IOO 4s°c if t, OOO 41,500 ,S'-o *5.coo 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 6 0 , 4500. xs. 47,5«3 •• . . j£x,ooo. 2*. j£lO»OOQ . . .. 4'.5oo 35. 2*12,500 • 4 4a.5oo 4$, 415.000 .. 45.°°° 6s. 1 417.500 .. •• 47.5oo 8s. X, 2 0,000 .. exceeds not exceeding 4i°.ooo 10s, 412,500 12s, 415.000 ms. 4 * 7.500 16ft, 420.000 lES. . . . . OOS. Conveyance or Transfer-— Bank of England Stock ..079 Canadian Stock and Colonial Stock, per £100 .. ..0 2 6 Conveyance or Transfer on Sale of any property except as above — Where amount of consideration does not exceed £5, Is, ; £10, 2s, ; £15, 3s. ; £20, 4s.; £25, 5s.; £50, 10s.; for every additional £25 up to £300, 5s. ; and for every additional £50 above £300, 10s. The above scale of duty was imposed by Section 73 of the Finance {190U- 10} Act, 1910, but in all cases of conveyance or transfer on sale of any property (other than stock or marketable security) or volun- tary dispositions of any property the rate of duty is one-half the above, provided the instrument contains a certificate in the form set out in the section above mentioned. The Act contains exceptions for marriage settle- ments, gifts of property for preservation of open spaces, and for conveyances to appoint new trus- tees or on retirement of a trustee (Section 74). STAMP DUTIES — contd. Conveyance or Transfer of Stocjcs or Marketable Securities on sale, or by way of gift — Where the amount of consideration does not exceed £5, 6 d. ; £10, Is. ; £15, Is. 6 d ; £20, 2s. ; £25, 2s. 6 d. ; and for every additional £25, 2s. 6 d., up to £300 ; if exceeding £300, then for every £50, 5s. For nominal consideration, or £ s. d. any not otherwise charged ..010 0 Transfer of Shares on Cost Book System . . ..006 Declaration of Tru.st . . , . 0 10 0 Deed of any kind whatsoever not otherwise charged . . . . 0 10 0 Duplicate of any instrument — Same duty as original, but not to exceed 0 0 Estate Duties — P ayable upon the prin- cipal value of all property — Where the principal value of the Estate exceeds jfiioo £i per cent £150,000 £11 per cent. 500 «. . . 2 M M 200,000 . . .. 12 1,000 .. • • 3 II II 250,000 . . .. 13 5*000 . . • • 4 ** II 300,000 .. . . 14 10,000 . . .. 5 1 * II 350,000 . . .. 13 20,000 . , .. 6 • 1 »l 400,000 .. .. 16 40,000 - , •• 7 I* II 500, oco . . .. 17 60,000 . , .. 8 600,000 .. .. s8 80,000 . , 9 II 1* 800,000 . . .. 19 1,000,000 . . ^Settlement Estate Duty is abolished, and relief in re- spect of settled property is given under the Finance Act, 1894. Relief is also given in respect of quick succession. Where the second death occurs within one year of the first death by 50 per cent. ■ . «. ,, two years 40 „ „ .. .. three „ 30 „ ,, .. .. four „ io „ „ ** ti ■ »i ti «i five — ,, 10 i« r> Gamekeeper’s, Appointment . . 0 10 Hire Purchase Agreements — Under hand, value £5 and above 0 0 Under seal, „ ,, ,, 0 10 Increment Value — Transfer on sale of fee simple of the land or any interest in land, or grant of any lease. For every full £5 of that value l Leases — 0 6 0 Not ex. 35 years or terra indef, s. d. Not ex- ceeding ioo years, s, d. 0 0 Ex- ceeding ioo years. £ s. d. 4s P e f annum O 1 0 . . 0 6 0 .. 0 12 0 io ,, 0 2 0 .. 0 12 0 X 4 0 IS ** 0 3 0 1. 0 x3 0 .. 1 16 0. 20 It 0 4 0 .. 1 4 0 .* 2 8 0 35 M 0 5 0 1 IO 0 3 0 0 50 <1 0 to 0 3 0 0 .. 6 0 0 75 H 0 15 0 .. 4 10 0 .. 9 0 0 IOO 4 * I 0 0 .« 6 0 0 .. 12 0 0 300 6 o 1 o Exceeding £100, for every fractional part of 450 .. o I Of any kind not otherwise described By Section 15 of the Revenue Act, 1911, the in- creased stamp duty imposed by Section 75 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, is not to apply to cases where the consideration, or any part of the consideration, consists of money, stock or security (other than rent) the amount or value of which does not exceed £500, provided the instrument contains a certificate (similar to that under the head "Conveyance”) shoving that the considera- tion, other than rent, does not exceed £500. Section 75 of the principal Act [ i . e . the Stamp Act, 1891) does not apply to the duty chargeable in respect of the consideration or part thereof, which consists of money, stock, or security, other than rent, but that the duty should be charged in re- spect thereof as if that Act had not been passed. Section 15 of the Revenue Act, 1911, however, does not apply to any case where part of the considera- tion for any lease or tack consisted of rent ex- ceeding £20 a year. Loan Capital, every £110 or part 0 Marriage Licence . . . . 2 Do. do. 2 0 0 Special, about 30 Marketable Security — (1) (a) Being a Colonial Gov.h ggtji Security . . . . . . s 3 (&) Being a security not j g a. transferable by delivery] o (2) Transfer, Assignment, Dis- position or Assignation of such security — (a) Upon sale. See Con- veyance, etc. (b) Upon Mortgage. See Mortgage, etc. In any other case (where not within the ad val. charge) . . (3) Marketable Security (except Col. Gov. Security), transfer- able by delivery, bearing date, or signed, before August 6 , I8S5. For every £10 (or fractional part) (4) Marketable Security (except Col. Gov. Security) as above, given in substitution for a like security, duly stamped. 0 10 0 Principal not s, d. : o 1 Do 150 Passport STAMP DUTIES — contd. Marketable Security— £ s. d (5) Foreign or Colonial and other Securities transferable by de- livery which (after August 1, 1899) are assigned, trans- ferred, or in any manner ne- gotiated in the United King- dom. For every £10 (or fractional part) . . ..02 0 Mineral Rights — In respect of capital value of minerals, for every 20 s. ..010 Excess Duty.- — A duty of C0% is now levied on the amount payable to any person as rent in respect of minerals subject to a mining lease after 4th August, 1914. — See Finance Act, 1916, sec. 46. Mortgage Bond, &c. — Principal not s, d. exc. £700 .. .... 5 c Do. 4*5° 6 7 Do. £300 76 Exc. 43 0<5 . for every 4wo . . a 6 ..006 Policy of Insurance — - Life, not exc. £10, Id. ; £25 . . 0 0 3 Do. £500, for every £50 ..0 0 6 Do. £1,000, for every £IQ0 . . 0 1 0 Exceeding £1,000, for every £ 1,000 or part . . 0 10 0 Accidental . . . . ..001 Marine, Voyage for every £100 0 0 1 Marine (Time) - for every £100 not exceeding 6 months ..003 „ „ 12 „ ..0 0 6 Containing continuation clause, additional duty of . . ..006 When premium does not exceed 2/6 per cent, of sum insured 0 0 1 By Section 18 of the Finance Act, 1912, provision is made for stamping of policies of sea insurance which are subject to a contingent increase of premium. Power of Attorney — For appointing proxy at any single meeting, or adjournment 0 0 1 For receiving wages or prize money . . . . ..010 Sale, transfer or receipt of Gov. Stock, not exceeding £100 ..0 2 6 Receipt of divs. or int. of any Stock, if for one payment only 0 1 0 Any other kind . . ..0100 Procuration, Deed of / . . 0 10 0 Protest, where duty on bill does not exceed Is., same duty as the bill. In any other case ..010 Receipt, for £2 or upwards ..00 1 Renunciation, Letter of — Less than £5, Id. £5 and upwards, 6 d. Revocation of any trust or pro- perty, not being a will ..010 0 Reversion Duty — On determination of any lease of land, duty is chargeable on the \>alue of the benefit accruing to the Lessor. For every full £10 of that value 10 0 Certain exemptions and allowances are made under Section 14 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. Scrip Certificate, Scrip or other document, of any share (or fractional part of a share) , . 0 0 l Settlement, for every £100, or part of £100, stock or security 0 5 0 Transfer of Marketable Securities not transferable on delivery. Same duty as on Mortgage Bonds. Undeveloped Land — Duty is chargeable in respect of site value of undeveloped land. For every 20 /-of such site value 0 0 0-J Certain exemptions and allowances are made under Section 17, and Section 18 exempts Small Holdings, total value not exceeding £500. — See Finance (1909- 10) Act, 1910. Voting Paper or Proxy ..00 1 CUSTOMS DUTIES. Beer, Mum, Spruce or Black Beer and Berlin White Beer — Of a spec. graV. not ex. 1,215 deg. . . per barrel of 36 gal. 5 2 0 Exceeding 1,215 deg. ,, 5 19 0 Of other sorts, spec. grav. 1,055 deg. . . per barrel of 36 gal. 15 6 Blacking, containing sugar. cwt. 0 3 1* Candied or Drained Peel >» 0 10 H 0 2 0 Caramel, solid > t 0 14 0 „ liquid ft 0 10 U Cherries, drained »» 0 7 Chicory, raw or kiln-dried 11 -1 19 8 „ roasted or ground lb. 0 0 6 0 1 0 „ excise duty cwt. 1 18 6 Ka - V 4 Postal Information— Inland. CUSTOMS DUTIES — contd. £ s. d. Chloral Hydrate lb. 0 1 9 Chloroform rt 0 4 4 Chutney cwt. 0 6 44 Cider or Perry . . gal. 0 0 4 Cigarettes lb. 0 8 6 Cigars 1 1 0 10 6 i Cinematograph Films — Blank . . . . per linear foot 0 0 04 Positive *1 0 0 1 Negative.. .. „ 0 0 5 J Cocoa and Cocoa Butter lb. 0 0 44 j Cocoa, husks and shells. . cwt. 0 6 0 Cocoanut, sugared n 0 6 44 Coffee, raw 99 2 2 0 ,, kiln- dried, roasted . . lb. 0 0 6 „ and Chicory mixed, roasted lb. 0 0 6 ,, substitutes, excise duty, every 4 -lb. 0 0 14 Collodion gal. 1 14 11 Confectionery— Hard, such as Sugared Almonds cwt. 0 14 0 Do., if Sugar duty does not ex- exceed 10 s. 1 M. the cwt. cwt. 0 10 14 Soft, A.B. Gums, if combined quantity of sugar and glucose does not exceed the rate of 6 s. 44d. the cwt. cwt. 0 6 44 Other A.B. Gums 1) 0 10 14 Confectionery, Fig If 0 10 6 Do. made from Sugar only 11 0 14 0 Currants >9 0 2 0 Ether, acetic lb. 0 2 7 ,, butyric gal. 1 1 10 „ sulphuric . . » r 1 16 6 Ethyl, Iodide of . . 1 1 0 19 0 ,, Bromide . . lb. 0 1 5 ,, Chloride . . > . . gal. 1 1 10 Fruit preserved — In pulp — „ In thin syrup cwt. 0 3 14 ,, ,, thick syrup 0 10 14 „ crystallised or preserved ,, 0 14 0 ,, canned or bottled — In thin syrup II 0 3 14 Do., if Sugar duty does not exceed Is. 104 d. the cwt. II 0 1 104 In thick syrup 1# 0 8 3 , imitation II 0 14 0 ,, if sugar duty does not exceed 11 s. 6 d. the cwt. . . 11 0 11 6 0 14 0 0 10 li 0 8 104 0 6 4f motor clocks, 0 10 0 4 0 15 1 1 0 8 „ Flowers in crystallised sugar . . . . ,, Ginger, in syrup . . . . ,, Glucose, solid . . . . ,, „ liquid Imported Goods. — M otor cars, cycles, and parts thereof, watches, musical instruments, and parts thereof, are to pay an ad valorem duty of 334 per cent. Jams and Marmalade , cwt. Licorice . . . . . „ Liqueurs, Cordials, etc., con- taining spirits, not sweetened (tested) . . . . per proof gal. ,, (not tested), liq. gal. in bots. Marzipan , . , , . . cwt. Matches, imported, in boxes not containing over 80 matches, per 10,000 ,, on excess per 10,000 Milk, condensed . . . . cwt. (separated or slummed, 6s. 4£d. ; slightly sweetened, 2s. 6d.) Milk Powder . . . . cwt, . ,, free if declared no sugar. ,, if declared 36% added . . JMolasses, cont. 70% or more of sweetening matter . . cwt. „ 50 to 70% „ 50% and under . . „ Nestd&'s Milk Food . . „ Patent Medicines, 3d. in the Is, Playing Cards . . per doz. packs 0 0 0 0 3 1 5 n 6 0 11 6 0 5 H 0 8 104 0 6 44 3 H 4 6 0 0 Plums, Prunes or Raisins cwt. Saccharin ... . . oz. Snuff, cont. over 13% of mois- ture . . , . lb. ,, not over ditto , . „ Soap, transparent, in manufac- ture of which spirit used lb. Soy, etc, . . . . . . cwt. t Spirits, British — per proof gal. „ Brandy and Rum ,, 3 0 10 0 4 9 6 6 n 0 0 3 3 4 0 14 9 0 15 1* CUSTOMS DUTIES — contd. f S pirits — 'Imitation Rum and £ s. d. Geneva, per proof gal. 0 15 2* (7 id. per gal. additional if sweetened.) „ unenumerated and sweetened per proof gal. 0 15 9J ,, do., not sweetened „ 0 15 2* ,, perfumed liquid ,, 14 1* J Sugar, polarization exc. 98% cwt. 0 14 not ex. 76% /o 0 6 Table lb. Imported, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 14 1 0 1 0 between 76% and 98%, Excise duties as per schedule. Waters with sugar, or fermented beverages, gal. 0 ,, other kinds Tamarinds, etc. . . T EA . . . , Tinder Boxes, etc., when spirit used In any other case . . Additional Excise Duty, similar amount, JTobacco, unmanufact., stripped or stemmed, cont. 10% or more of moisture, lb. 0 „ less than 10% . . „ 0 ,, unstripped or unstemd. 0 ,, less than 10% . . Ib. 0 manufact. Cavendish or Negrohead lb. 0 10 8 Tobacco, manufactured in Bond, Cavendish or Negrohead lb. Tobacco, manufact., other sorts Wine, not exceeding 30 deg. proof spirit . . . . gal. „ not exc. 42 deg. . . „ „ for each additional deg. or part of a deg. gal. 0 „ additional on Still Wine imported in bottles, gal. 0 ,, addnl, on Sparkling Wine imported in bottles gal. 0 * One Shilling additional if imported in Bottles, f Rates given are if warehoused 3 years or more. t Subject to special drawbacks. 7 44 8 24 7 4 8 2 0 0 0 0 9 9 1 3* 3 0* 0 3 1 0 2 6 POSTAL INFORMATION, INLAND. Secretary — G. E. P. Murray, Esq. Comptroller and Accountant General — Sir C. A. King, C.B. Solicitor — • C. LI. Davies, Esq., M.A. Controller of Sav. Bank — H. Davies,Esq., C.B., I.S.O. Controller, London - Postal Service — Sir R. Bruce, C.B. Controller of Money Order Office — F. Wickham, Esq. Controller, Central Telegraph Office — J. Newlands, Esq., C.I.E. LETTERS. — The rates for Letters are as follows : Not exceeding 1 oz., Id. ; not exceeding 2 oz., 2d; every additional 2 oz., id. No letter may exceed 24 in. long, 12 in. wide, or 12 in. deep. Letters posted unpaid are charged double postage on delivery ; those insufficiently paid, double the deficiency. CERTIFICATES OF POSTING.— Any person who desires proof that an un- registered letter, &c,, has been posted to a particular person should hand in the letter or other article at a Post Office and ask for a Certificate of Posting. The fee is 4d„ payable by means of a stamp. SINGLE LETTERS BY RAILWAY.— Single letters not exceeding 4 oz. in weight can be sent by railway. The ordinary postage must be paid by stamps, and a fee of 2d. for each letter must be paid to the railway servant to whom they are tendered. Such letters must be taken to a passenger station, and will be sent to destination by first available train. They may be addressed to the Parcel Office at the station of destination "to be called for,” or, if so desired, will be sent by special messenger, or posted in the nearest Post Office for delivery by ordinary post. EXPRESS DELIVERY.— Letters and parcels are accepted at most of the principal offices for express delivery, at a charge of 3d. for every mile or part, which includes cost of public conveyance (omni- bus, tramcar, or railway). The packet must be handed over counter at the Post Office, with fee affixed in stamps to a form provided, and "Express" must be boldly written at top left corner. For express delivery after conveyance by ordinary post, ordinary postage, in addition to a charge of 3d. per mile from delivering office, must be affixed, and the packet, which should be marked "Express," may be posted in a letter box. Letters must also be marked back and front with a broad perpendicular line from top to bottom. POSTAL INFORMATION — contd. NEWSPAPERS. — The rate for News- papers, unregistered, is a halfpenny for every 2 oz. For registered newspapers the rate is a halfpenny for every copy not exceeding 6 oz., and a further halfpenny for every additional 6 oz. ; these must be so folded that the title may easily be read, and must be posted either without a cover or in one open so as to admit of ieasy removal for examinatk n. Nothing in the nature of a letter may be written on a newspaper or its cover, except a reference to any part of the paper and a request for return in case of non-delivery. No packet may be above 2 lb. in weight, 24 in. long, 12 in. wide, or 12 in. deep. BOOK POST. —The rate for Book Packets is a halfpenny for every 2 oz. This rate is applicable to packets con- taining printed or written matter not of the nature of a letter ; on paper or other substance in ordinary use for printing ; books or literary publications, sketches, drawings, paintings, maps, plans, &c. ; invoices, advice notes, bills of lading, and similar commercial and legal documents, provided that nothing is written on them except entries proper to such documents ; proofs or manuscripts for press, and ex- amination papers under similar conditions, and circulars or printed notices. Circulars may be corrected in writing, and in the case of notices of meeting, the place, hour, date, and objects may also be inserted. (The word “ printed " is intended to cover only forms produced in numbers by ordi- nary mechanical means ; imitation type- written circulars are included if in identical terms and posted in numbers of not less than 20 specially handed over the counter at a Post Office and attention called to their nature.) Such packets may be posted either without a cover, or in one open so as to admit of easy withdrawal for examination. The ends may be secured with string, which must be easy to un- fasten, but stamps may not be fixed partly to the wrapper and partly on the publica- tion. Limit of size, 24 in. long, 12 in. wide or deep. Limit of weight, 5 lb. SAMPLES. — The rate for Samples is 4 oz., Id. ; 6 oz., 14d. ; 8 oz., 2d. Limit of weight, 8 oz., and of size, 12 in. long, 8 in. wide, 4 in. deep. Available solely for samples or patterns without saleable value. Packets must be marked "Sample Post,” and be made up so that contents can be easily withdrawn for examination. The name, trade, and address of the sender must be printed or stamped on wrapper. Written or printed matter admissible at Book Rate may be enclosed in same packet. STAMPS are issued at following values : 4d., Id., 14d., 2d., 24d., 3d., 4d„ 5d., 6d., 7d„ 8d., 9d., 10d., Is., 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s. and £l. Books containing 18 at Id. and 12 at 4d. are issued at 2s. each. EMBOSSED ENVELOPES. — Half- penny stamps : Commercial, 5^ by 34, 1 for Jd., 6 for 34d. Penny stamps : A, 4| : by 344, 1 for ljil., 5 for 6d. ; Commercial, 5^ by 34, 1 for ljd., 4 for 44d. NEWSPAPER WRAPPERS. — Half- penny stamp, £d, each, 7 for 4d., or Is. for a packet of 22 ; Penny stamp, l£d. each, 8 for 84d., or 2s. for a packet of 23. Sheets of halfpenny wrappers may be obtained at two days’ notice in packets of 120 sheets of 14 wrappers each at £3 16s, REGISTRATION & INSURANCE.— The fee for registering an Inland Packet of any kind is 2d. in addition to the postage, and in event of loss or damage this covers compensation up to £5, 3d. up to £20, and Id. for each additional £20 up to £400. The packet must be enclosed in a strong cover, securely fastened, and marked " Registered ” ; if containing coin, it must (to gain the benefit of the Post Office guarantee) be enclosed in a special Registered Letter envelope sold at all Post Offices at the following rates : — F, SJ by 34 , 34d, each, or 2s. 2d. for 8; G, 6 by 3£, 3^d. for 1, 2s. 6d. for 9; H, 8 by 6, or H2, 9 by 4, 3£d. each, or 2s. 6d. for 8 ; K, 114 oy 6, 4d. each, or 2s. for 6. A registered packet must be given to a Post Office official, and a receipt obtained for 5 Postal and Telegraphic Information— Inland and Foreign. POSTAL INFORMATION— contd. it, and if, contrary to this rule, a. packet marked " Registered ” is dropped into a letter box, it becomes liable, on delivery, to a fee of 4d., less any amount prepaid in excess of the postage. Letters contain- ing coin, jewellery, or watches, if posted without registration, are liable to a similar fee on delivery. The latest time for post- ing is usually half an hour before the box closes for the mail, but at all provincial head offices, and the chief offices in Edin- burgh and Dublin, packets bearing a late fee of 4d., plus registration fee, may be registered till the box closes. POST CARDS. — Xwo kinds are sold at the following rates : stout cards (4£ in. by 3£ in.), |d. for one, v 6d. for 1 1 ; thin cards (5£ in. by 3^ in.), |d. each, 6d. for 12. Bundles of 110 stout 5s., 240 thin 10s. Uncut sheets of stout cards can be obtained at any Post Office at two days’ notice in packets of 120 sheets (containing 42 cards each, or a total of 5,040 cards) for £1 1 5s. Reply Post Cards are issued at double these rates (stout 1 for lid., thin l for Id.), but are not sold in uncut sheets. The official Post Cards, or private cards embossed with a halfpenny stamp by Office of In- land Revenue, may be used for corres- pondence throughout the United Kingdom, and private cards bearing an adhesive halfpenny stamp may also be used, pro- viding they are composed of ordinary cardboard, and are of about the same size, not less than 4 in. by 2|- in. or more than 5£ in. by 34 in. Nothing may be attached except gummed labels (not ex- ceeding 2 in. Jong and £ in. wide) bearipg the address of the person for whom in- tended and of the sender, and engravings, photographs, &c. . on very thin paper ; nor may cards be cut, folded, or altered to reduce the size below 4 in. by 2£ in. LETTER CARDS. — Letter Cards are sold at Id. each. Is. for 12. GLASS, Liquids, Semi-Liquids, Greases, and Powders may only be sent by post if specially packed. PARCELS for conveyance within the United Kingdom may be posted at the -counter (not in the letter box) of any Post Office. The limit of length allowed is 3 ft. 6 in., and the maximum of length and girth is 6 ft., i.e., a Parcel 3 ft. 6 in. long may measure 2 ft. 6 in. in girth round the thickest part. The rates of postage, which must be prepaid, are as follows: — 10 lb. lid. 11 „ Is. 11 lb. is the limit allowed. PREPAYMENTS IN MONEY.— At the General Post Office (King Edward Street and Mount Pleasant), London, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., and at the principal District and Branch Offices in London between 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., as well as at Edinburgh and Dublin and some other large towns between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., inland Letters, Book Packets, Samples, and Parcels may be prepaid in money, pro- vided that the articles are chargeable with a uniform rate of postage, that the amount is not less than 20s., and that the Letters, Samples, and Book Packets are tied in bundles of postal value of 5s. each, with addresses arranged in the same direction. FOREIGN AND COLONIAL POSTAL INFORMATION. LETTERS. — The rate of postage on Letters addressed to British Possessions generally, to the United States, and to the places in Morocco where there are British Post Office Agencies, is Id. per oz. ; to all other Foreign Countries the rate is 2 £d. for 1 oz., and l£d. for each additional oz. No letter may be more than 24 in. long and 12 in. wide or deep. FOREIGN MAILS. For Newspapers, Books, Commercial Papers, and Samples to all places abroad. 1 lb. 4d. 41b. 7d. 7 lb. Sd. 2 „ 5d. 6 „ 7d. 8 „ 9d. 3 „ fid. 6 „ Sd. 9 „ lOd. Newspapers and Hooks. Commercial Papers, Samples. 2 oz. . . OJd. 10 oz. . . 2jd. 4 oz. Id. 4 „ Id. 12 „ .. 3d. 6 „ .. lid. 6 „ . . Hd. 14 „ S£d. 8 „ . . 2d. 8 „ 2A. 16 „ -• 4d, 10 „ . . 2jd. 10 „ .. 2£d. 18 „ .. 4Jd. 12 „ .. 3d. FOREIGN MAIL DATES. Under the conditions existing at the time of going to press, the Post Office was withholding from publica- tion the days and dates of despatches, and merely gave the frequency of the, despatches. In the subjoined table the number of despatches made per month from the G.P.O., London, is shown by figures in brackets — thus : (1) once a month, (2) fortnightly, and so on. An asterisk indicates a daily mail. The figures at end of line show days in transit (approximate) in normal times, but the time occupied in transit at present is generally longer. Aden (l) 10 Africa, W., Brit. (6 to 8) 12 to 20 Alexandria (sets Egypt) . . 5 Algeria" 2) Amsterdam' 4 Argentine Repub. (4 or 5) 22 Ascension (1) 14 Azores (2) 8 Bagdad (4) 24 Bahamas (8) 13 Barbados (4) 13 Bechuanaland {3 or 4} 21 Beigitun* 4 Bermuda (8) 13 Bolivia (8) 33 Borneo (4) 33 Brazil (4 or f») 17 British East Africa and Uganda (2 or 3) 17-19 Buenos Ayres (4 or 5) 22 fCannda, via U.S. (8) ; Di- rect (4) 8-13 Canary Islands* .5-8 Cape of.(ioodHone(3or4) 17 Cape Verd Islands (3) ....9 Ceylon (4) 16 Cluli (4 or 0) 26 1 China (5) 29 Colombia, Rep. of (8) 17 Congo, Belgian (2) 20 Copenhagen’ 1J Costa Rica (8) 16 Cuba (8) '..,12 Cyprus (4) 7 Uelagoa Bay (3 or 4) 21 Denmark* lj Dominica (4) 15 Ecuador (8) 24 Egypt (8! 5} Falkland 1 stands (4) ..... .25 Faroe Islands (irreg.) 10 Fiji, via Vancouver (1) 31 France* 4 Gibraltar* 31 Greece* 4 Guatemala (8) 27 Guiana (4) 15 Havana (8) 12 Hawaii, Honolulu (8) .,..20 Havti (8) 15 Holland" 4 Honduras, British (8) ..,,17 Honduras, Republic (-,) ..20 1 Hong Kong (4> 29 Iceland (irreg.)) 6 India (4) 14 Italy" 2 Jamaica (8) ..13 t Japan (5) ...26-38 Java (4) 27 Labuan (4) 32 Liberia (6 to 8) 22 Lisbon* 21 Madagascar (2).. 24 Madeira* 4 Madrid* 2 Malta" 3;! Mauritius (2) 21 33 Mexico (8) 12 Montevideo (-1 or 6) 21 Mozambique (3 or 4) 25 Muscat (4) 17 Natal (3 or 4) 21 tNew fouudl and (4 or 5) .. 9 New South Wales (2or3). .32 New York (3) 7 New Zealand, via Suez (2 or 3) 87 New Zealand. via San Frau- eisco (1) ; via Vancouver 0) 33 Nicaragua (8) . . — 27 Norway* . ..2j Nyas&hind (3 or 4) 26 Orange Free State (3 or 4) 19 Panama (8) .......19 Paraguay (4 or 5) 26 Penang (4) ‘..,..,...20 Peru (8) 30 Petrograd' 24 Philippine Islands (-1) ....31 Portugal' — 21 Queensland (2 or 3) 33 Reunion -.21 Rio Janeiro (4 or 5) 17 Rome* 2 Roumaula* 2| Russia* 24 St. Helena (1) 17 St, Pierre' et Miquelon (s:tme a3 Canada) A Salvador (3) 25 Serbia" 3 Seychelles (I).,... 19 Siam (4) 28 Singapore (4) 22 South Australia (2 or 3) ..30 Spain* 2 Sweden* 2 Switzerland* 1 Tahiti (1) 21 Tangier* 4 Tasmania (2 or 3) 32 Tenerilt'e* 5-9 Transvaal (3 or 4) 19 Trinidad (4) 14 Tripoli, Africa* • ■ 6 Tunis* 3 United States (S) 8 Uruguay (4 or 5) 21 Venezuela (8).... 19 Victoria (2 or 3) ....... .31 West Australia (2 or 3) . . '. .26 West Indies (4) 16 Zanzibar (2 or 3) 22 t Magazine post to Canada and Newfoundland : 6 oz. Id. | 14 lb. ljd. ; 2 lb. 2d. ; 24 lb. 2|d. : 3 lb. 3d. ; 3.) lb. 3jd. . 4 lb, 4d. ; 4) lb. 44 , 1 . ; 5 lb. 5(1. I Letturs rail post card * are sent via Siberia. The despatches are made daily (about 25, days to Shanghai, 27 days to Yokohama). Printed pairs', sample*, etc., are seLU via Suez as above, and also via Vancouver in the case of Japan. FOREIGN PARCEL POST. The parcels rates for places abroad, and the limits of weight and dimensions, vary. Each parcel must be accompanied by a Declaration (for the Customs) of the contents and value, and to a large number of countries they may be insured at the same rate as for letters, but the insured value is in some cases limited to £20. MONEY ORDERS, INLAND. Not exceeding £l .. .. .. 2d. Exceeding £l and not exceeding £3 3d. „ ' £3 „ £10 4d. £10 „ ,, £*20 6d. „ £20 „ ,, £30 Sd. „ £30 „ „ £40 lOd. No single Money Order may be issued for a higher amount than £40. Money may be transmitted by telegraph from any Money Order Office in the United Kingdom which is a despatching office for telegrams, and may be paid at any Money Order Office which is also an office for the delivery of telegrams. The charges are in addition to the ordinary rates for Inland Money Orders, the cost of official telegram to office of payment, and a further fee of 2d. for each order. MONEY ORDERS, FOREIGN. Foreign Money Orders are issued in the United Kingdom subject to the regulations of the country of payment. The rate for Orders payable in British Dominions, Colonies, Protectorates, &c., and in any of the Allied Countries or their Colonies, is 3d. for every £l or fraction. For Orders payable in Neutral Countries or their Colonies the rate is 4d. for every £l or fraction. The maximum amount allowed for a single Order is £40, but the limit for some countries is less than £40. POSTAL ORDERS. Postal Orders are issued at all Money Order Offices. The commission chargeable is: For Orders up to 15s. inclusive, Id.; from 15s. 6d. to 21s. inclusive, lid. Postage stamps for odd pence not ex- ceeding 5d. in value and 3 in number, may be affixed to the face of Postal Orders as value. TELEGRAPHIC INFORMATION, INLAND. The charge for Telegrams written in plain language in any European tongue or in Latin is 9d. for the first 12 words, and 4d. for every additional word ; name and address of receiver are counted, and those of sender also, if transmitted. TELEGRAPHIC INFORMATION, FOREIGN. Rates for Ordinary Telegrams. Per Word 1 . 0 44 24 6 6 a 8 0 9 5 G 2 6 44 0 2 1 1 8 3 1 3 n 8 9 9 0 6 3 2 Abyssinia iiO Aden 0 Albania 0 Algeria and Tunis 0 Annatu ......3s. to 0 •Antigua 2s, 2d. or 0 Argentine Repub. 2s. 6d. to 0 Ascension ........ 0 Australia .'. 0 Azores 0 •Bahamas 2s. Id. or 0 • Barbados 2s. 2d. or 0 Belgium 0 .0 •Bermuda 2 s. 2d, or 0 2 Bokhara 0 0 Bolivia 0 2 Borneo, British .. 0 3 Brazil.,.. Is. 7d. to 0 5 Burmah 0 ■California l8.2d.or 0 Cameroons 0 ♦Canada Sd., is. to 0 Canary Islands.. .. 0 Cape of Good Hone 0 Cape Verd Islands 2s. 2d. to 0 Caroline Islands . . 0 Ceylon 0 1 Chili 2s. 6d. to 0 2 China — 3s. fid. to 0 3 Cochin China .... 0 3 Cocos 0 2 Colombia Republic 2s. 8d. to 0 •Columuia, British is 2d. oris. 6d, to 0 3 2 Comoro Islands . . 0 2 8 Cougo, Belgian 2s. 9d. to 0 3 1 Corea ........ 0 3 11 Costa Rica 0 3 4 Crete 0 0 54 Cuba ....Is. 8d, to 0 1 10 Curasao 0 8 9 Cyprus 0 1 0 Denmark 0 0 2| •Dominica 2s. 2d. or 0 2 6 Dutch East Indies 0 3 2 E. Coast of Africa Is, 8d. to 0 Ecuador 0 Egypt Is. to 0 Falkland Islands., Fanning Island . . Faroe Islands .... 0 Fernando Pu 0 Fiji 2s. 8(L to 0 Formosa .......... o France 0 Gibraltar 0 Greece sjd. to 0 •Grenada 2s. 2d. or 0 Guadeloupe 0 Guam Island. 0 Gnatemola3s.ld.to 0 •Guiana, British 2s. 2d. or 0 2 6 Guiana. Dutch..,. 0 6 9 Guiana, French ..083 Hri.vfci 4s. 4d. to 0 8 5 Hcdjaz 0 2 8 2 9 2 9 1 4 0 8 11 0 2 6 0 3 B 0 2 11 3 11 0 2 0 0 2 4 4 3 8 6) 2 0 3 0 8 Per Word Mexico., is. 6d. to CO 2 4 Midway Island .. 0 4 0 •Montgerrat 2s. 2d. or 0 Morocco ,.,.3d. to 0 Muscat 0 Natal 0 New Britain o *New Brunswick S.I, or o New Caledonia 0 •Newfoundland 8d. or 0 1 0 New Guinea, Brit. 3s. 2d. to 0 3 3 •New York.. Sd. or 0 1 0 New Zealand 0 2 8 Nicaragua 33, id. to 0 3 4 Norfolk Island 02s Norway 0 0 24 •Nova Scotia Sd. or 0 i o Nyasaland Prot. • ■ 0 2 li Ocean Island 0 6 0 Orange Free State 0 2 6 Panama.. 3s, Id. t,> o 3 u Paraguay 2a. 6d. to 0 2 9 Peri in 0 2 0 Persia — Is. 6d. to 0 2 10 Persian Gulf 2s. 2d. to 0 2 8 Peru . . . .23. 9d. to 0 3 9 Philippine Islands 3s. 6d. to 0 4 8 •Porto Rico 2s. ad. or 0 3 1 Portugal 0 0 3 Poulo Coudore Is. 0 3 2 Reunion 0 2 8 Rhodesia, Northern 0 2 11 Southern o 2 8 Rodriguez 0 Roumauia o Russia... 0 Russia in Asia .... 0 Sal vador . . 3s. I d. to 0 Samoa , ,3s. Sd, to 0 San Domingo .... 0 •Sandwich Islands 2s. Sd., 2s. 7d. to 0 Seychelles o Siam 2s. 10(1. to 0 Singapore 0 2 10 Somaliland, Brit... o 2 8 Spain 3d. to 0 Spitzburgen D •St. Croix 2s. 9d. or 0 St. Helena 0 *St. Kitts.2s. 2d. or 0 *St. Lucia 2s. 2d. or 0 St. Pierre 4 jo Miquelon 'St. Thomas 2s. 8d, or •SL Vincent 2s. 2d. or 0 2 8 Sweden 0 0 24 Switzerland 0 0 2i Tahiti ............ 0 4 3 Togolaud. ......... 0 3 11 Tonquin 0 3 8 Transvaal 0 2 8 •Trinidad 2s. 2d. or 0 2 6 Tripoli, Africa..., 0 0 7 Tulagi 0 4 6 Tunis 0 0 24 •Turks island Os. 2d. or 0 •United States 8d., 18, to 0 2 7 Uruguay 2s. Gd, to 0 2 9 •Vancouver Island is. 2d. or 0 1 a Venezuela 0 5 0 West Coast of Africa. British 3s. 2d. to 0 4 6 Do., French is. 4}d. to 0 4 8 S.W. Africa 0 2 8 W. Afr., Portuguese S3. 6d. to 0 B 8 Western Australia 0 3 0 Zanzibar 2s. 6d. to 0 2 8 Zulnland 0 2 6 6 5 4i 44 4 8 4 0 10 0 3 1 2 6 Holland 0 0 2 Honduras, British o 2 6 Honduras Repub. 03 4 Iceland o 0 4 India 0 18 Italy 0 0 24 •Jamaica 2 s. 2 d. or 0 2 6" Japan 0 3 11 'Labrador.. lOd, to o 1 2 Labuan 0 2 10 Liberia 0 4 0 Madagascar ...... 0 2 8 Madeira 0 1 0 Malay Peninsula 2s. tod. to 0 3 9 Malta 0 0 4 Marie Galaute .... 0 4 9 Marshall Islands.. 0 3 3 Martinique 0 4 9 Mauritius 0 2 6 Mesopotamia .... 0 2 3 • The cheapest rate is via Marconi, when this route mast be stated on telegram. RADIOTELEGRAMS— WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Radiotelegrams may be sent to ships equipped with wireless telegraph apparatus via the Wireless Stations abroad. The service through Coast Stations in the United Kingdom is suspended. The charges for telegrams vary considerably, and can be ascertained on application at Telegraph Offices. For those sent through Coast Stations abroad there are additional charges per word, plus the charge for transmission to the Coast Station. The name of the ship and of the Wireless Telegraph Station or the word "Wireless' 1 should appear in the address. Example : " Edwards, Steamship New York, Lizard. The name of the Wireless Station is counted as one. word. 6 Parcels Rates, High Water Tables, &c PARCELS RATES MEAN TIME OF HIGH WATER AT LONDON BRIDGE, 1913. (corrected to time of going to press). Great Northern, Great Western, Midland, London and North Western, and London and South Western Railways. Weight. SO* tsoi 1001 Above 100 Over ii 2 lb. miles miles miles miles** charged 8. d. s. d. 8. d. 8, d. per lb. 7 0 6 0 8 0 9 0 9 14 0 6 0 9 l 2 i 4 •id. 24 0 6 l 0 i 7 2 1 28 0 7 l S l 10 2 5 t Id. 32 0 8 l 5 2 1 2 9 36 0 9 l 7 2 4 3 1 1 Id. 40 0 10 l 9 2 7 3 6 44 0 11 l 11 2 10 3 10 •• Id, 56 1 2 2 5 3 8 4 10 68 1 5 2 11 4 5 5 11 84 ...*.. . 1 9 3 8 5 6 7 3 92 1 11 4 0 6 0 8 0 96 2 0 4 2 6 3 8 4 112 2 4 4 8 7 0 9 4 South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Weight. 20* sot ooi Above B0 Every lb. miles miles miles mites** It ib. (nr 8. d. *. d. 8, d. g. d. part) over ? ... 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 9 112 lbs. 14 ... . g 0 6 0 6 0 9 1 1 24 ... • s o ■ 1 6 0 6 1 0 1 6 * 2d. 28 ... 7 0 7 1 2 1 7 32 ... .■gSo -2° o ■ *=8^ . , U 8 0 8 1 4 2 0 t 3d. 36 ... 9 0 9 1 6 2 0 40 ... 10 0 10 1 8 2 2 1i 4d. 44 ... 11 0 11 1 10 2 6 50 ... 0 1 2 2 0 2 9 •* Gd. 68 . . . • rtjjl 2 1 5 2 3 3 4 84 . . . .8-1 3 1 9 2 6 3 6 92 ... .£ i 4 1 11 2 9 4 0 96 . .. j 5 2 0 2 9 4 0 112 .. . 6 2 4 3 0 Booking fee, 2d. 4 6 Great Eastern Railway. Weight, 30 Weight. 30 to 50 Weight. Above lb. miles s. d. lb. miles s. d. lb. 50 miles s. d. i 0 4 1 ..0 4 1 ..0 4 2 0 4 2 ..0 4 2 ..0 4 3 0 5 3 . . 0 5 3 ..0 5 4 to 24 0 6 4 to 6 ..0 6 4 ..0 6 25 to 28 0 7 7 to 12 ..0 8 5 .. 0 7 29 to 32 0 8 13 to 15 ..0 9 6 & 7 ..0 8 33 to 36 . . 0 9 16 to 18 .. 0 10 8 to 16 .. 0 10 37 to 40 . . 0 10 19 to 21 .. 0 11 17 & 18 .. 0 11 Excess above 40 22 to 24 ..10 19 & 20 .. 1 0 lb., id. per lb. Excess above 24 lb„ Jd. per lb. Excess above 20 lb., Jd, per lb. Farm Produce in boxes, at owner's risk, not ex, 60 lb. : 20 lb., 4d, ; above 20 lb., 6 lb. Id. Fractions of a penny are charged as a penny. Each parcel is charged separately. Brighton and South Coast Railway. Weight. 20* sot BOH 100** Every lb. miles miles miles miles 14 ib, (or 8. ci. R, ■d. ft. d. I. d. part (over 7 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 9 112 lbs.. 14 0 6 0 6 0 9 1 1 24 0 6 0 6 1 0 1 6 •2d. 28 0 7 0 7 1 2 1 7 32 0 S 0 8 1 4 1 9 f 3d. 36 0 9 0 9 1 6 2 0 40 0 10 0 10 1 8 2 2 U 4d. 44 0 11 0 11 1 10 2 5 56 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 9 ** 5d. 68 1 ■2 1 5 2 3 3 4 84 1 3 1 9 2 6 3 6 92 1 4 1 11 2 9 3 9 96 1 5 2 0 2 9 3 9 112 ..... .. 1 6 2 4 3 0 4 0 Pickfords, Ltd. London and Suburban, and Home Counties Area. 4 lb. 7 14 „ 28 ., 6G „ 34 „ s. 0 0 0 0 1 1 d. 4 6 8 10 0 3 1 u H if 2 cwt. d. 6 9 G 3 6 Every additional 28 lb. (or part) 3d. These rates are subject to a War Levy of 25%. London Parcels Delivery Co., and Carter, Paterson & Co., Ltd. Not ex. s. d. Not ex. s. d. 4 lb. ... 0 4 1 cvvt . 1 8 7 „ ... 0 6 n 1 9 14 ,, ... 0 8 . . 2 0 28 „ ... .... 0 10 11 „ 2 3 50 '' ... 1 0 2" " 2 « 84 ... .... 2 3 Every additional 28 lb. (or part) 3d. These rates are subject to a War Levy of 25%, SCOTCH RAILWAY RATES. North British, Caledonian, and Glasgow and South Western Railways. Weight. 10 80 50 100 ISO 200 miles ib. mil les miles miles miles miles , 5r above. 8. d. 8. d. 8 . d. 0. d. 8. d. 8. d. 4 • • a • 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 6 • a ■ a 0 4 0 6 0 G 0 7 0 7 0 7 6 * a a a 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 7 * • * • 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 9 0 9 -0 9 9 . . a a 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 11 0 11 0 11 10 0 4 0 6 0 8 1 0 1 0 1 0 12 a a a • 0 6 0 6 0 10 1 1 1 3 1 3 BANK TRANSFER DAYS, &c. Transfer Days are Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. Instructions for Trans- fers received 9 a.ra. to 12.15 p.m. (12.15 to 2 p.m., fee 2s. 6d.) Transfers must be executed between 10.30 and 2 p.m. Transfers can be accepted 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (9 to 1 on Saturdays). Transfers can be -4-J d o as J ANUARY. MOR. AFT. February. MOR. aft. March. MOR. ART. April. MOR. AFT. May. MOR. AFT. J UNE. MOR. AFT. H. M. H. M. K. M. H. M. H. M. n. m. H. M. H. M. H. M, H. M, H. M. H. M, i 4. 3 4.36 4.43 5. 9 3.46 4.12 4.21 4.37 4.3S 4.52 6. 4 6.15 2 4.36 6, 8 5.12 5.37 4.15 4.38 4.54 5, 9 5.19 5.35 7. 0 7.11 3 5. 8 5.41 5,44 6.10 4.43 5. 5 5.30 5.47 6.10 6.28 8. 0 8.18 4 5.45 6.18 6.22 6.49 5.13 5.34 6.17 6.39 7. 9 7,29 9.10 9.32 5 6,24 6.57 7. 8 7.39 5.49 6.10 7.17 7.46 8.20 8.46 10,23 10.45 6 7. 9 7.43 8.10 8.60 6.33 6.58 8.38 9.13 9.44 10.10 11.29 • 11.48 7 8. 1 8.42 9.34 10.20 7.30 8. 5 10.14 10.44 11. 0 11.18 — 0.26 8 9.13 9.69 11. 8 11.46 8.55 9.40 11,31 11.50 11.58 0.46 1.17 9 10.34 11.16 — 0.25 10.3C 11.13 — 0.29, 0.12 0.46 1.40 2. 4 10 11,47 — 0.47 1.19 11.59 — 0.40 1.13 1. 0 1.30 2.29 2.49 11 0.19 0.45 1.33 2. 5 0.21 0.67 1.24 1.54 1.48 2.15 3.10 3.33 12 1. 8 1.33 2.16 2.50 1. 9 1.43 2. 8 2.38 2.38 3. 2 4. 0 4.12 13 1.53 2.19 2.57 3.33 1.51 2.24 2.54 3.21 3.26 3.45 4.40 4.49 14 2.36 3. 4 3.38 4.13 2.34 3. 5 3.39 4. 4 4.11 4.28 5.20 5.27 15 3.18 3.48 4.18 4.51 3.18 3.47 4.24 4.45 4.56 5.10 6. 3 6. 9 18 3,58 4.30 4.59 5.31 4. 0 4.26 5. 7 5.27 5,42 5.55 6.48 6.53 17 4.39 5.13 0.42 6.13 4.41 5. 6 5.55 6.18 6.32 0.45 7.35 7.43 18 5.23 5.06 6.29 7. 2 5.24 6.48 6.52 7.17 7.27 7.40 8.29 8.44 19 6. 8 0.40 7.27 8. 4 6.11 6.37 7.58 8.28 8.28 8.46 9.32 9.53 20 6.57 7.31 8.44 9.32 7. 8 7.40 9.18 9.50 9,36 9.58 10.40 11. 2 21 7.55 8.36 10.22 11. 0 8.23 9. 3 10.40 11. 3 10.45 11. 3 11.41 — 22 9.13 10. 1 11.50 * 9.57 10.38 11.45 11.59 11.41 11.56 0. 1 0.30 23 10.45 11.28 0.21 0.55 11.26 11.60 — 0.32 — 0.26 0.61 1.13 24 . 0. 6 1.11 1.39 — 0.26 0.41 1. 8 0.40 1. 5 1.35 1.52 25 0.36 1. 5 1.47 2.13 0.40 1.12 1.17 1.40 1.18 1.39 2.16 3.31 26 1.26 1.53 2.18 2.46 1.19 1.47 1.50 2.10 1.56 2,15 2.69 3.12 27 2. 6 2.33 2.48 3.17 1.50 2.16 2.21 2.39 2.34 2.49 3.41 3.50 28 2.41 3. 8 3.17 3.45 2.21 2.44 2.53 3.11 3.12 3.26 4,23 4,30 29 3.14 8.43 — — 3.50 3.12 3.28 3.44 3.62 4. 2 5. 7 5.14 30 3.45 4.14 — — 3.20 3.39 4. 2 4.16 4.30 4.40 5.64 6. 0 31 4,14 4.42 — 3.49 4. 7 — — 5.14 5.24 — — o5 go J ULY. August. September. October. November. December. MOR. AFT. MOR. * AFT. MOR. AFT. MOR. AFT. MOR. AFT. MOR. AFT. H. M, H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. II. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H . M. 1 6.44 6.50 8. 3 8.33 10.36 11.21 11.25 — 0.20 0.24 0.18 0.28 2 7.36 7.49 9.20 10. 1 11.52 — 0. 5 0.19 0.28 1. 0 0.55 1. 8 3 8.38 8,59 10.46 11.27 0.26 0.46 0.52 0.68 1.29 1.33 1.29 1.46 4 9.50 10.17 — 0. 3 1.14 1.26 1.29 1.31 2. 0 2. 6 2. 3 2.22 5 11. 4 11.33 0.37 1. 0 1.53 2. 0 1.59 2. 2 2.29 2.39 2.37 3. 0 6 0.11 1.29 1.44 2.27 2.31 2.28 2.33 2.57 3.13 3.12 3.37 7 0.40 1. 7 2.12 2.22 2.59 3. 0 2.57 3. 4 3,28 3.47 3.47 4.14 8 1.33 1.53 2.50 2.50 3.28 3.30 3.25 3.35 3.59 4.21 4.21 4.52 9 2.20 2.86 3.25 3.29 3.56 4. 0 3.52 4. 5 4.32 4.59 4.69 5.36 10 3. 4 3,16 3.59 3.59 4.23 4.29 •4.20 4.37 6.11 5.46 6.44 6.26 11 3.47 3.54 4.30 4.28 4.51 6. 1 4.51 5.13 6. 0 6.41 6.33 7.21 12 4.24 4.26 4.58 4.59 5.20 6.37 5.28 5.58 6.67 7.48 7.32 8.25 13 4.58 4.58 5.27 5.31 5,53 0.22 6.17 6.56 8. 9 9. 6 8.44 9.39 14 5.33 5.33 5.59 6. 8 6.40 7.20 7.19 8.11 9.28 10.24 10. 2 10,52 15 6. 8 6.11 6.3S 6.54 7.53 8.40 8.42 9.44 10.43 11.29 11,15 11.56 16 6.46 6,54. 7.25 7.64 9.20 10.16 10.10 11. 4 11.44 — — 0.18 17 7.28 7.42 8.33 9.16 10,51 11.37 11.19 — 0.22 0.35 0.49 1.14 18 8,20 8.47 10. 0 10.48 11.56 — 0. 2 0.12 1. 8 1.26 1.40 2. 6 19 9.29 10. 6 11.24 — 0.33 0.43 0.47 0.56 1.53 2.16 2.28 .2.57 20 10.47 11.24 0. 0 0.24 1.18 1.23 1.29 1.42 2.40 3. 4 3.14 3.43 21 11.56 — 0.55 1.10 2. 0 2. 6 2.13 2.29 • 3.24 3.50 3,54 4.24 22 0.28 0.60 1.39 1.51 2.41 2.50 2.57 3.17 4. 7 4.36 4.33 5. 5 23 1.18 1.32 2.23 2.33 3.24 J5.34 3.40 4. 2 4.50 5.22 5.11 5.46 24 2. 1 2.13 3. 0 1 3.13 4. 4 4.16 4.23 4.48 6.56 6.13 5.50 6.29 25 2.45 2.55 3.48 3.55 4.45 5. 2 5. 7 5.36 6.26 7. 7 6.32 7.15 26 3.29 3.44 4.27 4.37 5.27 5.80 5,66 6.32 7.19 8. 7 7.21 8. 6 27 4.10 4.14 5. 7 5.19 6.17 6.48 6.55 7.42 8.23 9.19 8.19 9. 8 28 4.52 4.56 5,50 C. 8 7.19 8. 1 8. 8 9. 2 9.36 10.31 9.32 10.21 29 5.33 5,40 6.40 7. 4 8.4.1 0.32 9.28 10.24 10.46 11.32 10.48 11.27 30 G.17 6.28 7.39 8.18 10.12 11. 0 10.44 11.32 11.42 11.61 — 31 7. 5 7.24 9. 2 9.51 — — 11.39 — — 0.20 0.45 Predicted Tides for London Bridge are calculated by Mr. Edward Roberts, I.S.O., F.R.A.S., by the method of Harmonic Analysis- of observed tides. Whilst every care, is taken in the preparation of these tables, the Publishers are not responsible for any inaccuracy. HIGH WATER AT OTHER PORTS. The following list shows the approximate difference of Time between London and some of th& ports of the United Kingdom, as well as a few foreign ports, and is derived from Local Tide Tables and the best books on Navigation ; — Aberdeen sub. Aberystwith . . add Alderney Pier „ Antwerp „ Banff sub. Ban try Harbour .... add Barnstaple Bar Bcacby Head sub. Beaumaris „ Belfast „ Berwick ......... add Blackpool sub. Blakeney Harbour - . . add Boulogne sub. Brest Harbour add Bridgwater Bar „ Brielle „ Brighton sub. Bristol add Calais sub. Cape Clear add Cardiff, Penartb .... „ Cardigan Bar „ Carmarthen Bar .... „ Carnarvon sub. Cherbourg „ Chichester Harbour . . „ Christchurch Harbour „ Cork Harb. (Queenst’n) add Cowes, West sub. Cromer add Cromarty sub. Cuxkavcn „ Dartmouth Harbour. . add Deal sub. Devonport Dockyard add Dieppe . . sub. Donegal Bar. add H. M. 0 58 59 48 30 30 50 33 38 3 28 3 16 20 46 33 30 50 52 2 51 15 9 3 58 1 46 21 58 28 58 0 43 2 2 10 19 49 46 50 20 Douglas Hb. (I. of M.) sub. 2 40 Dover „ 2 46 Dublin Bar „ 2 Duncansby Head .... „ 3 Dundalk Bar ,, 3 Dundee add 0 Dungeness sub. 3 46 46 44 1 35 17 Dunkerque sub. Eastbourne „ Eddystone Lighthouse add Exmcmth Bar Eyemouth „ Falmouth Harbour . . „ Flamborough Head . . „ Fleetwood sub. Flushing (Walcheren) „ Folkestone FoWey add Galway Bay Gravcnnes, France . . sub. Gravesend „ Greenock „ Grimsby add Guernsey Pier „ Hartlepool Harwich sub. Hastings „ Havre ,. Heligoland ,, Hellevoetsluis add Holyhead Harbour , . sub. Honfleur „ Hull add Ilfracombe „ Ipswich sub. Jersey (St. Aubyn) .. add Kingston Harbour . . sub. Kinsale Harbour .... add Leith Pier „ Lerwick Harbour sub. Littlehampton ...... ,, Liverpool „ Lough Foyle, L’nderry add Margate Pier sub. Milford I-Iaven, ent. to add Minehead „ Montrose - „ Mortals Road ...... „ Mount’s Bay „ Needles sub. H. M. 49 50 27 28 18 0 32 48 4 51 16 38 68 0 53 1 49 3 38 4 41 1 31 1 63 3 5 4 40 2 10 0 33 3 47 30 32 45 22 34 46 46 0 20 3 28 40 35 2 13 18 BO 19 56 43 10 34 42 Newport (Bris. Chan.) add New Sboreham Harb. sub. Nore Light „ Orfordness „ Ostend Pads tow add Peel Harb. (I. of M.). . sub. Pembroke Dockyard. , add Penzance Plymouth „ Poole Port Glasgow , Port Patrick „ Portland Breakwater „ Portsmouth Harbour sub. Queenstown add Ramsey Hrb. (I. of M.) sub. Ramsgate Harbour . . „ Scarborough add Scilly Islands (S.M.).. Selsea Bill sub. Shannon Mouth add Shoreham Harbour . . sub. Sligo Bay add Southampton sub. Southend & Sheemess „ Spithead „ Spurn Head add St. Ives „ St. Malo Stockton-on-Tees „ Stromness sub. Sunderland add Swansea Bay Tees Bar Torbay „ Tynemouth Bar Valentia „ Waterford Harbour . . „ Well* Harbour „ Wexford „ Weymouth „ Whitby „ Wigton Bay sub. Yarmouth Roads .... „ H, M, 20 24 31 43 32 30 50 15 34 39 8 39 12 3 17 4 46 14 2 14 2 30 2 10 IS 23 21 28 20 36 29 47 8 43 68 25 5 50 3 20 45 9 22 24 3 48 28 43 Newcastle-upon-Tyue add Newhaven sub. Note. — To find time of High Water at any of above places, add or subtract the time in above Table to or from that of High Water at London for the day required. Example , — On January 15th, afternoon, High Water at Lon. B. is 3h. 48m. ; High Water at Dover is 2h. 46m. earlier; subtract 2b. 46m. from 3h. 48m. ; and time at Dover on that day is shown to be lh, 2m. p.m. Bank Transfer Days, Taxes, Licences, &c., Weights and Measures, &c 7 BANK TRANSFER DAYS, &c .—contd. made on Sat. between 10.30 and 12.30, fee 2s. 6d. Transfers of Bank Stock are charged 9s. for sums of £25 and under. 12s. for sums over £25. Dividends are due and payable on dates below, from 9 to 3 (9 to 1 on Sat.). When due date falls on. Sunday or Bank Holiday, the Divi- dends are payable on the next business day. Dividends due January 1st and July 1st. Hull Corpn. £3 10s. Liverpool Corpn. £8 10s. ana £2 10s. New South Wales £4 (1938). Queensland £4, £3 10s., £3. Birmingham Corpn. Middlesex County £3. Londoa Corpn, £2 10s. (1927-1957). Eastern Bengal Ry. £4, Scinde Rail. Annuity (1968). Gt. Ind, Pen. Rail. £4. £3 Irredeemable. Metrop. Police Deb. (1920f. Swansea £8 10s. & £3. Thames Conservancy £3. South Indian Riy. £4 10s. Transvaal £3 (1968). New Zealand £3 10s, (1940). Guarani. 55s. Stock (1933). Do. £3 (1939), Guarani. Land (1921). Dividends due January 5th and July 5th. 10s. , £3, and India £3 £2 10s. Consolidated Stock £2 10s. per cent. Annuities. Local Loans £3. Terms of Years Ann. Metropolitan £3 10s, London County £3 10s. Dividends due February 1st and August 1st. London Corpn, £3 (1923), J West Sussex County £3 £3 10s. (1905-1966). 1 Metropolitan Corpn, £3 Ramsgate Corpn. £3. Manchester Corpn. £3 (1941). Bristol Corpn, £3. New Zealand £4 (1943-63). Hull Corpn. £3 10s. Redeemable. Middlesex County £3 10s. Dividends due March 1st and September 1st. N. S. Wales £3 10s. (1918). Metropolitan £2 10s. Hampshire £3 10s. and £3, Wolverhampton £3 10s. Chinese 4£ per cent. Lon. County £2 10s. & £3. War Stock £3 10s. (1925- 1928). Dividends due April 1st and October 1st. East Bengal Rail. Ann. N. S. Wales £3 (1935). N. S. Wales £3 10s. (1924). Liverpool Corpn. £3 10s. and £3, New Zealand £3 (1945). East Ind. Railway 4$, Dividends due April 5th and October 5th. Chinese 5 per cent. Greek £2 10s. • Birkenhead Corpn. £2 15s. Huddersfield Corpn. £8. Queensland £4 10s., £4 and £3 15s. Consolidated Stock £2 10s. per cent. London County £3 10s. £5 Exchequer Bonds (1919-1921). Annuities. Local Loans. Terms of Years Ann. Metropolitan £3 10s. Bank Stock India £3 10s., £3, & £2 10s. Dividends due April 15th and October 15th. War Loan £4 (1929-1942). Egypt £3 10s. Prof. Dividends due May 1st and November 1st. New Zealand £4 Consoli- ! Metropolitan £3 (1929). dated Stock. Transvaal £8 (1923*1953). Nottingham Corpn. £3. Dividends due June 1st aad December 1st. Metropolitan £2 10s. War Loan £4 10s. (1925- Lon. County £2 10s. & £3. 1945). £5 Exchequer Bonds (1920). War Loan £5 (1929-1947). Applications for Powers of Attorney must be lodged by hand at the Power of Attorney Office, between 9 and 4 (1 on Saturdays), or — if sale powers are re- quired same day— before noon, or 1.30 with fee of 2s, 6d. (Sats. 10.30, or 11 with fee). Executed " Powers ” must be left for examination before 1.30 p.m, (Sats. 11), and, if in order, may be acted on next day. Powers for Sale or Transfer cost 1 is, 6d. ; for Sale of Government Stock nil. BANK RATES OF DISCOUNT. 1911 1912 1918 1914 1916 1917 January 26th February ICth March 9th September 2nd February 8th May 9th August 29th October 17 th April 17 th October 2nd January 8th January 22nd January 29th July 30th July 31st August 1st August 6th August 8th July 13th January 18th 4 31 3 4 I 1 4 5 I* H 4 5 4 8 10 6 5 6 H FOREIGN MONEY. Value according to the rate of Exchange. Eng- lish , s. d. Sovereign so o Shitting i o Twenty franc piece 15 10 Franc 0 Twenty mark piece xg 6 Tha!er**3 Marks 3 11 Mark o tri Ten florin piece 16 4 Florin (English) 3 o Florin (Dutch) 1 ,| Imperial (Russian) .... 15 10 no Kroner piece ai 9 Kroner * 1 Dollar | American) 4 1 Dollar (Spanish) 3 S Peseta (Spanish) o 8 Amer- Got- ican French man F.C. M.P. IS iS 1 aS 20 o I o 24 70 3 65 I 22 20 80 a so a S 20 o 97 4o X 30 5 10 4 o O 80 D.C. 4 86 o 24 3 85 O XQ 4 74 o 70 o 24 3 o 48 o 40 3 8 S 5 ag o 27 x o O tSu o 16 20 45 O IlJ 16 13 0 80 20 O 3 o 1 0 16 60 a S t 70 16 13 32 20 ! 13 4 10 3 SO c 70 Hol- land F.C. 12 6 o 60 9 54 o 47 i 11 77 x 76 0 59 10 o 1 25 1 o 9 54 13 10 0 66 2 46 1 75 o 35 Ital- ian L.C. 25 o 2S o o 70 65 22 2Q 80 2 50 3 5 20 O 27 40 I 30 5 i° 4 o 0 80 &c. £ 1 2 s. d, I 0 2 0 1 1 0 15 0 15 0 7 0 0 0 6 Hull Corpn. £3 (1921- 1951). Metrop. Water (B). London Corpn. £3 (1927- 1957). Swansea £3 10s. (1930- 1970) Redeemable. TAXES, LICENCES, Armorial Bearings Do. on carriage . . Carriages — With 4 wheels or more, for 2 horses, 42s. ; 1 horse Less than 4 wheels . . Hackney Carriages . . Dogs, 6 months old or -more Entertainment — Where payment does not exceed 2d. „ 3 d. ,, lid. „ 18. 28, 3 a. .. 5 a. „ 7 s. <$d. „ ios. ea. ,i 16a. For every additional ea. or part thereof. Is. Game Licences . . ■ . . . . 3 Aug. to Oct. or Nov. to July. . 2 For period of 14 days . . . . 1 Gamekeeper’s Licence , . 2 Gun, licence to use or carry . . 0 10 House Duty (Inhabited). Shops, &c. :• ann. val. £20 to £40, 2d. in the £ ; to £60, 4d. ; exc. £60, 6d. Other Houses: £20 to £40, 3d. ; to £60, 6d. ; exc. £60, 9d. Income Tax. — The rate is 5s. in the £. An additional duty (called Super Tax) is leviable on incomes exceeding £3,000 as follows : Over .£9,500, for every £1 first £500 of ejeess next j&i.ooo „ 01 1 2 3 4 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Between jQ} t ooo and o to X 3 it • * X 6 •a .. I IO a 4 ,. 2 2 _ r Wf , __ as, xod. in the pound. Between ^9,; oo and ^io,ooo 3s, ad, t , Surplus of all Incomes above £ 10,000 3s. 6d. ,, Earned Incomes. — T he modifications made in re- spect of Earned Incomes, the total of which does not exceed £2,500, axe as follows; as. sri. in the £ if total Income docs noc ex :*-ed £500 2s. 6d. „ „ „ exceeds .£500 but not £1,000 3 s - °d. „ „ „ „ £1,000 „ jfc 1,500 3s. 8d. „ ,, £1,500 „ £2,000 4 s * 4". „ ,, ,, .£2,000 „ y, 5.300 Unearned Incomes. — T he modifications made in respect of Unearned Income up to £2,000 are as follows : 3s. .id. in the Xj if total income does not exceed £500 3’. 6d. ., „ „ „ £1,000 < s - «f- » - .. 2.1.590 45. 6d. „ £2.000 Relief given in certain cases in respect of children. Incomes under £130 exempt. Special relief is granted in respect of Colonial Income Tax, Tax- payers whose Incomes are payable on the quarterly instalment plan may, if they wish, pay weekly by means of stamped Income Tax Cards, Special Income Tax rates are made in the case of soldiers and sailors. Additional Tax on Income from certain Securities, 2s. in the £. Excess Profits, — A duty of 80 per ceut. is now levied on the amount by which the profits of any trade or business (with certain exceptions) for the period on or after Jan, 1, 1917, exceeds the pre- war standard of profits. Male Servants Match Manufacturer . Motor Cars. — N o£ exc. 12 h.p., 63s. ; 16 h.p., 126s. ; 33 h.p., 168s. ; 60 h.p., 420s. ; exceeding 60 h.p., 840s Registration, 20s. ; Drivers, 5s. Motor Cycles . . . . ..100 Registration . . . . ..050 Motor Spirit, Gd, per gal., plus licence 6d, . per gal. Motor Spirit Dealer . . Motor Spirit Manufacturer . . Table Water CALENDAR FOR 1919. each 0 15 0 ..100 6J h.p., 42s. ; 84s. ; 26 h.p., 40 h.p., 210s. ; 0 5 1 0 0 10 1 S’ i 1 V | | 1 s * S2 L a to © 1 g 2 1 Vi s V, 1 &■* ■5 St S 'I' 5 3 to JAN. .. • * i 2 3 4 JULY .. 1 2 3 4 5 a 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 21 22 23 ii 26 26 26 27 28 29,30 31 ■ • 27 28 29 30 SI FEB. .. 1 AUG. .. 1 2 2 3 4 5 fl 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 910 11 1213 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 17 18 19,20 31 22 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 , . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SI MAR. .. 1 SEPT. . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 30 31 .. ■ • OCT. .. 1 2 3 4 APR. . . i <2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 o 10 IX 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 35 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 23 23 24 25 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 23 29 30 NOV. . . i MAY .. 1 2 3 2 n 4 6 G 7 8 4 6 6 7i 8 9 10 0 10 ii 12 18 14 15 11 12 13 1415 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 2122 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DEC. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 1112 13 14 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 30 21 14 16 1617 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 21122 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 -■ 28 29 soisil*. .. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Measures of Capacity. 1 Minim (TI\ .) = 1 Drop. 1 Dram = 1 Teaspoonful. 2 Drams = 1 Dessertspoonful. 4 Drams .... = 1 Tablespoonful. 60 Minims (ITJ.) = 1 Dram, f 3- 8 Drams .... = 1 Ounce, f § - 20 Ounces .... = 1 Pt. (nearly h litre)*. 4 Gills* = 1 Pt. (34-659 cub. in.). 2 Pints = 1 Quart (1^ litre). 2 Quarts .... = 1 Pottle. 4 Quarts .... = 1 Gal. (277*274 cub. in.) 2 Gallons .... = 1 Peck. 4 Pecks (8 gal.) = 1 Bushel (l-2837cub.ft.) 2 Bushels . . . ■ = 1 Strike. 3 Bushels . . . = 1 Sack. 4 Bushels , . . = 1 Coomb. 8 Bushels . . . = 1 Quarter. 12 Sacks — 1 Chaldron, [cub. ft.). 5 Quarters ... = 1 Wey or Load (51-347 10 Quarters . . . = 1 Last. An Imperial Gallon of distilled water weighs 10 lb. Avoirdupois. A wineglass holds about 2 oz. ; a tea- cup about 3 oz. * In the North of England half a pint is called a gill and a true gill a " noggin.” Wine and Beer Measure. 9 Gallons = 1 Firkin. 18 Gallons = 1 Kilderkin. 36 Gallons = 1 Barrel. 42 Gallons = 1 Tierce. 54 Gallons = 1 Hogshead. 72 Gallons = 1 Puncheon. 108 Gallons = 1 Butt (Ale). 2 Butts — 1 Tun (216 gal.). Hogshead of wine = Half a pipe or butt (about 26 dozen). Quarter cask do. = £ pipe or butt (about 13 dozen). Octave do. = f- of a pipe or butt. Port, pipe of = 115 gallons (57 dozen). Sherry, butt of = 108 gallons (52 dozen). Hogshead of beer = 54 gallons. „ brandy = 60 gallons. „ French wine = 43 to 46 gal. „ rum = 45 to 50 gal. „ sugar = 13 to 16 cwt. Avoirdupois Weight. 16 Drams . . = 1 Ounce (437-5 grains*). 16 Ounces . . = 1 Pound (lb.). 14 Pounds. . — 1 Stone, f 28 Pounds . . = 1 Quarter. 112 Pounds.. = 1 Hundredwt. (cwt.). 20 Hundredwts.= 1 Ton. * A grain is the same in all weights, t Butcher's Stone is 8 lb. Troy Weight. Seldom used except by Assayere. 3-17 Grains — 1 Carat. 24 Grains . . . = 1 Pennyweight (dwt.). 20 Pennywts. = 1 Ounce (480 gr.), 12 Ounces . . = 1 Pound (5,760 gr.). 100 Pounds .■ . = J Hundredweight. The standard for gold coin is 22 carats fine gold and 2 carats alloy; for silver, 11 oz. 2 dwt. silver and 18 dwt. alloy. Apothecaries’ Weight. 20 Grains = 1 Scruple, 9 3 Scruples (GO gr.) . . = 1 Drachm, 3 ■ 8 Drachms (480 gr.) =1 Ounce, 3 , 12 Ounces (5,760 gr.) = 1 Pound, lb. Drugs are compounded by this weight. Measures of Length. 3 Barleycorns (obsolete) = 1 inch. 12 Lines ........ = 1 Inch (25^ milli- 2J Inches ....... = 1 Nail. (metres), 3 Inches = 1 Palm. 4 Inches ....... = 1 Hand. 9 Inches ....... = 1 Span. 12 Inches == 1 Foot (^ of a 18 Inches == 1 Cubit. (metre). 3 Feec I Yard (36 in.). 5 Feet = 1 Pace.* 6 Feet = 1 Fathom, [perch. 6 $ Yards (198 in.) = 1 Rod, pole, or 4 Poles (100 Ik.) . = 1 Chain (66 ft.). 10 Chains (220 yd.) = 1 Furlong. 8 Furlongs = 1 Mile (1,760 yd.).f- 3 Miles = 1 League. [Mile. 1-151 Miles = 1 Knot J or Nautical 69£ Miles (60 Geograph.) = 1 degree. *A military pace is 2J feet; an itinerary pace 5 feet. J The old Irish mile was 2,240 yards, and the Scotch 1,973 yards. J The Admiralty knot is 6,080 feet; 1 mile^l^ kilometres. 8 Ready Reckoner, Income and Wages Table, &c WEIGHTS AND MEASURES— contd. / * Square Measure. 144 Sq. Inches = 1 Square Foot. 9 Sq. Feet = 1 Square Yard. 30* Sq. Yards = 1 Square Perch. 40 Perches = 1 Pood. 4 Roods = 1 Acre {4,840 sq. yds.). 640 Acres = 1 Square Mile. Surveyors’ Measure. 62-7204 Sq. Inches = 1 Sq. Link, 025 Sq. Links .... = 1 Rod, Pole, or Perch. 10.000 Sq. Links = 1 Chain. 25.000 „ =1 Rood. 10 Sq. Chains .... = 1 Acre. Cubic Measure. 1 728 Cubic Inches = 1 Cubic Foot. 27 Cubic Feet = 1 Cubic Yard. ^ (* of a Cubic Metre.) 40 Cubic Feet unhewn timber, or 50 Feet squared = 1 Ton or Load. 108 Feet = 1 Stack. 600 Sq. feet 1 in. plank, 400 1* in., or 300 2 in. =1 Load. Yarn Measure. 2 Yarns = 1 Thread. 40 Threads = 1 Lea or Warp. 7 Leas = 1 Hank. Wool Measure. 1 Clove «= 7 lbs. 1 Stone = 2 Cloves, 14 lbs. 1 Tod = 2 Stone, 1 qr. 1 W'ey = 6* Tod 1 cwt, 2 qrs. 14 lb. 1 Pack = 240 lbs. I Sack = 2 Weys 13 qrs. 1 Last = 12 Sacks 39 cwt. Angular Measures. 60 Seconds (*) . . = 1 Minute. 60 Minutes (') . . = 1 Degree. 30 Degrees (°) . . = 1 Sign. 90 Degrees ..... — 1 Quadrant. 360 Degrees ..... = 1 Circle, Miscellaneous. Bread, quartern loaf = 4 lbs. Bricks, load of = 500, Butter, firkin of = 661bs ; barrel = 2241bs, Coals, Sack, 2 cwt. ; Small do., 1 cwt. Coke, Sack= 1 cwt. (about 3 bushels). ,, Chaldron = 12 sacks (12 cwt.). Flour, barrel, 196 lbs. ; sack, 280 lbs. ; peck, 14 lbs. Glass, Seam of= 120 lbs. Hay, Old, load= 36 trusses (18 cwt.). „ „ truss=561bs. [32 lbs.). Do., New, Ioad= 36 trusses (19 cwt. „ „ iruss=601bs. Hops, pocket of= 1* to 2 cwt. Paper, quire = 24 sheets. , , ream = 20 q uires . Parchment, roll of = 60 skins. Potatoes, sack of = 108 lbs. Raisins, box of = 56 lbs. ,, barrel =112 lbs. Soap, soft, firkin = 64 lbs. „ „ barrel =256 lbs. Straw, load= 36 trusses (11 cwt. G41bs.). „ truss of = 36 lbs. Tea, chest of, Congou = 80 to 100 lbs. „ „ Hyson = 60 to 80 lbs. FRENCH WEIGHTS & MEASURES. 1 Gramme ... *= 15-43 grains. 1 Kilogram . . . = 2 lbs. 3* ozs. 1 Ounce Troy. = 31-1 grammes. 1 Ounce Avoir. = 28* grammes. 1 Pound ..... = 453* grammes. 1 Quarter . . . . = 12-70 kilogr. 1 Ton = 1016 kilogr. 1 Metre = 39f inches. 1 Kilometre .. = 1 0 93 $- yards, 1 Yard ■ = 91* centimetres. 1 Aune (interdicted) = 47 inches. 1 Litre = If pints. 1 Pint = 56|- centilitres. 1 Gallon = 4-54 litres. 1 Franc per Kilogr. = 4fd. per lb., or 40s. 7fd. per cwt. Is. per Pound = 2 fr. 76 c. per kilog. I Franc per Metre = 8*d. per yard. Is. per Yard = 1 fr. 37 c. per metre. 1 Franc per Litre = 3s. 7fd. per gallon. Is. per Gallon = 274 cts. per litre. 1 Franc per Aune = 7|-d. per yard READY RECKONER AND MARKETING TABLE. No. *d. id. id. Id. 2d. 3d. 4d. od. 6d. 7d, Sd. 9d. 10d. Ud. No, s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. S. d. 1 0 01 0 04 0 Of 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 G 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 1 2 0 0.4 0 1 £> 14 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 10 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 l 8 i 10 2 S 0 0? 0 li 0 n 0 3 0 6 0 9 l 0 1 3 1 G 1 9 2 0 2 3 2 6 2 9 3 4 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 S 1 0 l 4 1 8 2 0 2 4 2 8 3 0 3 4 3 8 4 5 0 H 0 n 0 Sf 0 6 0 10 1 3 1 8 2 1 2 6 2 11 3 4 8 9 4 2 4 7 5 6 0 4 0 3 0 41 0 6 1 0 1 6 2. 0 2 6 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 6 5 0 5 6 6 7 0 If 0 31 0 Sf 0 7 1 2 1 9 2 4 2 11 3 6 4 1 4 8 5 3 5 10 G 5 7 8 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 8 1 4 2 0 2 8 3 4 4 0 4 8 5 4 6 0 6 8 7 4 8 9 0 21 0 4i 0 Of 0 9 1 0 2 3 3 0 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 0 6 9 7 6 8 3 9 10 0 2i 0 5 0 71 0 10 1 8 2 6 3 4 4 2. 5 0 5 10 6 8 7 6 8 4 9 2 10 11 0 2} 0 51 0 Sf 0 11 ' 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 6 5 7 4 8 3 9 2 10 1 11 12 0 3 0 C 0 9 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 G 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 13 0 31 0 ej 0 n 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 IS 14 0 3i 0 7 0 101 1 2 2 4 3 6 4 S 5 10 7 0 8 2 9 4 10 6 11 S 12 10 14 15 0 3? 0 74 0 Hi 1 3 f) 6 3 9 5 0 6 3 7 6 8 9 10 0 11 3 12 6 13 9 15 16 0 4 0 8 1 0 1 4 2 8 4 0 5 4 6 8 8 0 9 4 10 8 12 0 13 4 14 8 16 17 0 41 0 8f 1 Of 1 6 9 10 4 3 5 8 7 1 8 6 9 11 11 4 12 9 14 n 15 7 17 18 0 44 0 9 1 li 1 6 3 0 4 6 6 0 7 6 9 0 10 6 12 0 13 6 15 0 16 6 18 19 0 4j 0 9i 1 2i 1 7 3 2 4 9 6 4 7 11 9 6 11 1 12 8 14 3 15 10 I? 5 19 20 0 5 0 10 1 3 1 8 3 4 5 0 C 8 8 4 10 0 11 8 13 4 15 0 16 8 18 4 20 21 0 61 0 104 1 H 1 9 3 6 5 3 7 0 8 9 10 0 12 3 14 0 15 9 17 6 19 3 21 22 0 6 h 0 11 1 41 1 10 3 8 5 6 7 4 S 2 11 0 12 10 14 8 16 6 IS 4 20 2 22 23 0 5? o m 1 51 1 11 3 10 5 9 7 8 9 7 11 6 13 5 15 4 17 3 19 2 21 1 23 24 0 6 1 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 8 0 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 0 18 0 20 0 22 0 24 25 0 61 1 04 1 6J 2 1 4 2 6 8 8 4 10 6 12 6 14 7 16 8 18 9 20 10 22 11 25 26 0 61 1 1 1 71 2 2 4 4 0 6 8 8 10 10 13 0 15 2 17 4 19 6 21 8 23 10 26 27 0 6f 1 li 1 81 2 3 4 0 6 9 9 0 11 3 13 0 15 9 18 0 20 3 22 6 24 9 27 28 0 7 1 2 1 9 2 4 4 8 7 0 9 4 11 8 14 0 16 4 18 8 21 0 23 4 25 8 28 29 0 71 1 21 1 9J 2 5 4 10 7 3 9 S 12 1 14 6 16 11 19 4 21 9 24 2 26 7 29 30 0 7i 1 3 1 101 2 0 5 0 7 6 10 0 12 6 15 0 17 6 20 0 22 6 25 0 27 G 30 31 0 n 1 3| 1 lli 2 7 5 2 7 9 10 4 12 11 15 6 18 1 20 8 23 3 25 10 28 5 31 32 0 8 1 4 2 0 2 8 5 4 8 0 10 8 13 4 16 0 18 8 21 4 24 0 26 8 29 4 32 33 0 81 1 41 2 Of 2 9 5 6 8 3 11 0 13 9 16 6 19 3 22 0 24 9 27 6 30 3 33 34 0 84 1 5 2 H 2 10 5 8 8 6 11 4 14 2 17 0 19 10 22 8 25 6 2S 4 31 2 34 35 0 Si 1 51 2 2.1 2 11 5 10 8 9 11 8 14 7 17 6 20 5 23 4 26 3 29 2 32 1 35 36 0 9 1 6 2 3 3 0 6 0 9 0 12 0 15 0 18 0 21 0 24 0 27 0 30 0 33 0 36 37 0 91 1 01 2 3j 3 1 6 2 9 3 12 4 15 5 IS 6 21 7 24 8 27 9 30 10 33 11 37 38 0 91 1 7 2 41 3 2 6 4 9 6 12 S 15 10 19 0 22 2 25 4 28 6 31 8 34 10 38 39 0 91 1 74 2 61 3 3 0 0 9 9 13 0 16 3 19 6 22 9 26 0 29 3 32 6 35 9 39 40 0 10 1 8 2 6 S 4 6 S 10 0 13 4 16 8 20 0 23 4 26 8 30 0 33 4 36 8 40 41 0 10i 1 81 2 0? 3 5 6 10 10 3 13 8 17 1 20 6 23 11 27 4 30 9 34 2 37 7 41 42 0 lOi 1 9 2 71 3 0 7 0 10 C 14 0 17 6 21 0 24 6 28 0 31 6 35 0 38 6 42 43 0 10? 1 04 2 81 3 7 7 2 10 9 14 4 17 11 21 6 25 1 28 8 32 3 35 10 39 5 43 44 0 11 1 10 2 9 3 8 7 4 11 0 14 8 18 4 22 0 25 8 29 4 S3 0 36 8 40 4 44 45 0 111 1 104 2 Of 3 9 7 0 11 3 15 0 18 9 22 6 26 3 30 0 33 9 37 6 41 3 45 46 0 HI 1 11 2 104 3 10 7 8 11 6 15 4 19 2 23 0 26 10 30 8 34 6 38 4 42 2 46 47 o ill 1 114 2 lli 3 11 7 10 11 9 15 8 19 7 23 6 27 6 31 4 35 3 39 2 43 1 47 48 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 8 0 12 0 16 0 20 0 24 0 28 0 32 0 3G 0 40 0 44 0 48 49 1 01 2 04 3 Of 4 1 8 2 12 3 16 4 20 5 24 C 28 7 32 8 36 9 40 10 44 11 49 50 1 01 2 1 3 H 4 2 8 4 12 6 16 8 20 10 25 0 29 2 33 4 37 6 41 8 45 10 50 51 1 Of 2 31 3 21 4 3 8 0 12 9 17 0 21 8 25 6 29 9 34 0 38 3 42 6 46 9 51 52 1 i 2 2 3 3 4 4 8 S 13 0 17 4 21 8 26 0 30 4 34 8 39 0 43 4 47 S 52 53 1 H 2 n 3 3j 4 5 8 10 13 3 17 8 22 1 26 6 30 H 35 4 39 9 44 2 48 7 53 54 1 H 2 3 3 44 4 0 9 0 13 6 IS 0 22 G 27 0 31 fi 36 0 40 6 45 0 49 6 54 55 1 If 2 31 3 5* 4 7 9 2 13 9 18 4 22 11 27 6 32 1 36 8 41 3 45 10 50 5 55 56 1 2 2 4 3 0 4 8 9 4 14 0 18 8 23 4 28 0 32 8 37 4 42 0 46 8 51 4 56 57 1 2.1 2 41 3 Of 4 9 9 0 14 3 19 0 23 9 28 C 33 3 38 0 42 9 47 6 52 3 57 58 1 n 2 6 3 74 4 10 9 8 14 6 19 4 24 2 20 0 33 10 38 8 43 6 48 4 53 2 58 59 1 21 2 54 3 8* 4 11 9 10 14 9 19 8 24 7 29 6 34 5 39 4 44 3 49 2 54 1 59 60 1 3 2 6 3 9 5 0 10 0 15 0 20 0 25 0 30 0 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 65 0 60 70 1 51 2 11 4 44 5 10 11 8 17 6 23 4 29 2 35 0 40 10 46 8 52 6 58 4 64 2 70 80 1 8 3 4 5 0 6 8 13 4 20 0 26 8 33 4 40 0 46 8 53 4 60 0 66 8 73 4 80 90 1 m 3 9 5 74 7 6 15 0 22 6 30 0 37 6 45 0 52 6 60 0 67 6 75 0 82 6 90 100 2 1 4 2 0 3 8 4 16 8 25 0 33 4 41 -8 50 0 58 4 66 8 75 0 83 4 91 8 100 INCOME AND WAGES TABLE. Per Year £ s 0 10 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 Per Mth. 0 10 2 10 0 3 3 10 4 0 4 4 4 10 5 5 5 10 6 6 6 10 7 7 0 7 10 8 0 8 8 8 10 9 0 9 9 10 0 s. 0 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 d. 10 8 6 4 6 2 0 3 10 8 0 6 4 712 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 2 0 6 10 8 3 6 4 0 2 03 Per j Per Per Week Day Year d. 2* s. d. 0 0 * 4*0 0* ‘ 1 7 9 91 Ilf 0 if 0 24 -4*0 2*14 2 6* H H n o* 3i 5 6 8* 10 10*0 1 0 £ 10 11 11 0 1*12 1*12 1*13 2 13 2 14 0 2 * 15 0 2*15 0 3 16 0 3*16 0 3*17 1*0 3* 4 18 4* 18 4*19 4*20 4*25 5 30 5 * 35 2*0 5*40 3*0 5*45 5*0 6 7* 0 6* 10*0 64 17 s. 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 181 01 01 50 55 60 02 03 0 04 04 05 Per Month s. 17 18 19 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 9 10 11 li 13 1 10 18 6 15 3 11 0 d. 6 4 3 0 0 8 9 4 60 Per Week s. 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 d. 0*0 2*0 5*0 7*0 10 * 0 0 0 0 4*0 7* -9* 0* 0 0 0 1*0 5*0 6*0 10*0 11 0 3*1 3*1 8*1 7*1 641 5*1 4*2 3* 2*2 1*3 1 II Per Day d. 7 7 * 7 * 8 8*j 8* 9 9* 9* 9* 10 * 10* 11 11 * 11* 11 * 0* 0* 1* 4* 7* II 2* 6* 9 0 3* Per Year £ s. 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 85 0 90 0 95 0 100 0 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 450 0 500 0 550 0 600 0 650 0 700 750 800 850 0 900 0 950 0 1000 0 Per Month £ 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 12 16 20 25 29 33 37 41 45 50 54 58 62 66 70 75 79 83 s. d. 8 4 Per Week Per Day 16 5 13 1 10 0 18 6 8 10 0 13 4 16 8 0 0 3 4 6 8 10 0 13 4 16 8 £ l 1 l 1 l l 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 s. d. 5 0 6 11 8 10 10 9 * 8 7*0 6 12 14 1G 18 17 8*0 16 11 16 1*0 15 44 14 7*0 13 10*1 13 0*1 0 011 12 13 14 3 4 6 8 10 0 13 4 16 8 0 0 3 4 6 8 15 16 17 18 19 12 11 10 10 9 8 7 3 * 6 11 6 i* 5 4 * 2 4 7*2 3*1 0*1 9*1 0 2*1 K s, d. 3 6 .', 3 10 4 1* 4 4 4 7 * 4 11 * 5 2 * 5 5 * 8 2 * 10 11 * 13 8 * 16 5 * 19 2 1 11 4 7 * 7 4 * 10 1* 12 104 15 7 * 18 4 * 1 1 3 10 6 6 * 9 3 * 12 04 14 9 * The rates for 2 to 18 guineas are given in the table ; above this add to the pound rate Id. per month or *d. per week for each guinea. \ 6 JANUARY, 1918, JAN. 9 to 13 FERTh I. A T 1 0 K Of C HII II FRIDAY [il— 354] Hilary Law Sittings begin . BUL80PHYLU • Section $f r S7QCH / LL'S , sp> JL (&/L A *&€ JL^+^EpL /t'-y **&- . cr-( O f'P •w ? A'v'i • - : tsiCy t r*v ^ p£f 6 imM^ x-<^ ' C yft(*rr**-V (edits* /Vvt 4kO> E-r^sj /tvivi\A*A // ^ £ ^ ^A^PA-^tA* £ ^ /y^u. £ ?WA < *41 ; <. lsf j : ^ L\r<. 9^-4A.\ j ’ /% /s f ^ j4 *^- 4’ -£- /OCC < «- V- f/-tf /t /■ r / 6 ^ A 4 v< <^*y^fL-0 1^(1 -// - -’-T- V ^ r. ft “ /<“ C -•»">- Tx^-r’f d 'fijLsJL . J T V' 'ffp — ^-*-v ’ “* ' t ’' l > i ‘ j/' 4c ^aa/ y/u(V6Uiif A*A l or^” t<*C ^ ,tyj v.fi , 4 A" « ^b cM- Cmk . d\* _ -/Lt^, n. /-L y o ~ o ' Z yi ^ '^Ac d fji v t?-*A,vr ^ f f- u> Z/vt. /^wt» JE*y'~ -<* H >vC#t«-v' ,y vt At./it A «./V^AV ( i A.(V*^ ■^»«- (.«, /AT! ■&L ' (/ 1 o^t A -' ,£ d+y* Jtt V<4 a. 6 ? y(v<.-<_* C ^4v-U’A,/» A^nV ^ M%V I /^. 'TYA. *0^ f(j J A , I -I^Vt. '■ jr fO*<-Z/ -*54 J i,-nriT 1 b a r» » p -/^VrfJLy' 4^^ ■ ti / (■ <- A.,- f»> ' 12 SATURDAY [12—353] • A r i?w Moon, 10.36 p.tri. s.R. S. 5 , s.s. 4.12. /? . ’, ■ AjPM* Kt L(a. V3 ^ ii\A^ I 11^1 n rY; 11 r^jj ^ 4Haoc< V» ^ ^ /& j(^/ sjL»JEd*£ « £[Wv' 41 ^ / 4w- -^<-<»i./v .<■> >-^L « /t #C *4 >^v£ o ft /j.*At. i.»v/ i4Ui-' d TV^t/ „ ^ <4d.*\ C 4^v# XnvunV 4*»> /Ow.^pY am.# a*j fd-+*- S~~ •y^L 4 m !n^ y 4 Ci vWtc y*M.c«- **"«- '- y^C. C#4 m\ 4 v ^ 4r/" . ^i -••' /4«W. yd /0**^W /(s*-L Us t ff*/ ^.V^t -/^A y^HOvc /tydt**s yf (*Cdt<4 ^ , >C, r ^4. ^Pur% W vt^v A * « # p» Mt 4 , ^*vt AtX ./Cc 'Aaux- /4f D(no( ^Lv^Ay ■Ctv (f^d^sML _>#C< / 1> jV (i*A(t^ ^4, jt«^> 4r ^*- ^^HUi j A.iv4^ 4im«< ^dts, -P Hmo c^ <^MdttA'-iv ^t/ a4v i-t V+^+y**. 'uM.t^ey 6-C s^SylZi y JJ 9 +*m.k m a tiddly r CVn^ « £>--* v- /'t av} [13—352] /.v7 after Epiphany. i > 1 - 31/5 BILLS DUE WITH GRACE, 30 Days — Deb. 16. 60 Days — Mar. 18. 90 Days — April 17. JANUARY, 1918. 14 MONDAY [14—351] , 1st Month, 8 31 Days. y- yu pc ■t' JANUARY, 1918, OBERONIA 1 6 WEDNESDAY [16—349] 1 I ^ JAN. 14 to 17. > . / • " ^ T * - jV " mJL * > A' iLs tU-jxU f Jxt \ WfrVvLl/., v Wl'A*, 1 ! x 1 I . " <7 ■ ' S' ’■ l »v ' ' . J, — — A * c:, -"A**- A -j * £«* uk . ,. ,.i tiw { i— * I - ■ '■ • Sk-Y- tit, k* -^»Uv\ A , 'fv., Y^t«v. ' • , fer% 0*-^r i Aj^k , p W 1 # /b • (« a ■ ■ * y* * Lf,f / '7 . U.i - it / K. -fr ly.'-'f k - . e 17 THURSDAY [17—348] f . JSe'* /. - ‘ fA- *-’»*■* ^ ^ ■K. +’ ( M ( <\Wt W . T - £. I. Iv * IS ✓ • / ( <■( OVVi < ‘ ‘ ■ 4 * jy .n-vwt I ^ 1 ^ i ***^ - j i uv * l_ „ -* 'A* Y <■* *' £ cJ ^r^-f r *3 A..C *A W-if fb BILLS DUE WITH GRACH. 30 Days — Feb 20. GO Days — Mar. 22. 90 Days- — April 20. JANUARY, 1918. 1st Month 1 8 FRIDAY [18—347] l I g SATURDAY [19—346] j) First Quarter , 2.38 p.m. s.R. 7.59, s.s. 4.23. 20 [20—345] 2nd after Epiphany. IO 11 jj , JANUARY, 1918, A \ . . M ' 0 C A^w -t 1 j V 2 %- MQNt)AY> {2i--^j44 1. — , A^vc C^U cr>. ^ 4 ' C«r^L- -4 Q~dS&*i . — e^'Ki&^Cwv**v # *~ p ^ ^ ,arCt«Ai d>- 5 0 L f u " J d-td v <0 ■c~+£ £ Cvisu^^ * -Vi< \ .i " «* - / vw^X^v ik , *w a' *sf yi ^dc to 4tcx— 4 , ^fk^J - . ) * *' #v P Jr Wi, 5 * 4p. =- r 2V- SWl ft^r *-4- c Tf *1 [«£££- CL»YaA£w^ , <^ , ~ * ^ •*■ c* . .Tj; _ }-/»- ^ffi^f'TVtV ttf'/^jnBT^I 1 - T'j) '”♦. -K . 4&.0L, ) fU^.4. ) ( /Ov V ?4 • " v-v/" 9 "5 £ * AX^^vjC-wo <22arfi v -v tAt ^ >" v 9ru.v^\ ' - * i /^LrJ^ ; e ' 3 -^u; c -jet JEZULa* . ■ !P ^ y . *~~4x Hr~ ^ k^^i. j -J" ,tU\b, hf 0 2. -XvwC-^.*^ *_ I 2^ SmiC)a^^i7r~35^ T ' j Sepft£ige ;ijtt,^. f ^ ^7 til "diofn , 3.14 a.m BILLS DUE WITH GRACE. *3 30 Days — -Mar. 2. 00 Days — April 2. 90 Days — May 1. JANUARY, 1918. \ ( {> C-, '.trw *• ' 1st Month. 2 '6 MONDAY [28—337] *-£» / - n 5" p r . n<,^»T rare r^.r 1 i , t i 2 l i .Y ”, f o I X. y. ft* 5 1 it- J 4- Z O t r 2. C*p»i-'lc * 4- 5 i 4i 33-33 2o- * 3 1 £ 00 IS 7J v 2 v -? 7 1 S • 7 4 Zo'rtO 2 £ - S V » *4. z.«r . 4 £ • <10 2.3 ■ S4 o * ♦ 2 S o & 2.C 3t 1 5 7 ip o- » • o c tWt^k . 1 J' Arva-eX; C •X C<„C_^mXc ' SXa a^xL mm i^L_4 a^Jit /W&>*w-e» JU~. ^ A* *» ^ VllAp tArvf UcJ^ .C -~r A 'LH a d &X .„: f , . . 4 . «rttu_. v . o/vi.C ' /\*i rt - 0 •&«'. X»£^ 10. £ €n >nsl *wi-V JL l — :.^V.~ ^ £4* 0 , "trr*o ■ m* 1““* ^Vi J + • ft J uSLtife; « fW.^X 44| , Y-.V 2-?- ^fc-Kpri^a - 31 Days. f VvvCvyv-Cl JANUARY, 1918, r 4 JAN. 28 to 31. 4 -"k'V* • <2*r^L„ ^ ^ ^ <^^pJ3_^vAi^ — n -^rWjft ''6~cV *- ? JJLl. , , C Cu*c|ftjfc'V »r ^ ■+», *~v j * . ^'- , c 4 *-». 4 x. 0 '\rir\e. V^i -V— -V I - >»■ £*-* ^ J^£> 'JZ3 '- .:■ - %jO» C^ / A— . J^Xty: i?. ' f ^ v y • (^'4 — J i a^, 1 ^ t ft ^ i f ^M- l£ 3 cr '■ ,1 *-«< =idf " 4 > 4 *“X h- ■j v ^tu 14. E> ^ # 4) gfejF "*~b ±. <* ; 4 • * >«iW Jit r^J l r% .Z*t Itl ..\ K *r s ^wS-rC: ^vCll jr^ -tv n — , V*~ « C-dK - w * v X* 4 t ^ •<-^C itrCcr ^ * \ >■, ' •i V » . * l 3 — M -Vfic * ■ I . « 32 ^lW‘ SS ^ * *■ ‘ . * .xa * • 1 cj BILLS DUE WITH GRACH. 30 Days — Mar. G. 60 Days— April 5, 00 Days — May 4. FEBRUARY, 1918, 2nd Month. i {* lb . £. cww ^ »Ss . N ^U_i2 "OLt /W*-w •> J-^X. _ ^ A, — 'A XXc lA, ur^JcA, L(-— 5 .X-JLe /y^tV ^TUS^y^, , a a <*jz* u WCsxcJL^ /U2^U2* ~€ «A I t | f n a — l ■ a-£c. LG. J i% 4 /-*- ow-Ci 1 -{i - > a wi UL f a +JL-'\s. n> ■■■■ ■ ^w l.. Jill „ * ‘ ' * >y%4£, ^ A. ° CULW^y^9 4^ JUU. a ^ 5 ££’«-£p . (i, t ‘d 4^~. 1 4- ‘&4* ' 1 "• * v U-. *->**■’' *1~LjJ ^-. jee&Q ps^y& 28 Days. 44 -trvT' .V«J}«^pJ^s-33o] I ^ ( Zflj/ Qnaijer, ' v ' 4*A-^L^w^ -.X *— *-^15 . * I ^ ^ jUu. ^ p. /1 ft : *. . f^e _, — 1 L+.-C^. j -cX&VaZ* ( ~ T> frA y^. >_• , .^Ct- . '. .’ o-uJjXL, ^ jpzzh l k^ *JLit : p ’ - ' !, ■-*-+■ / »- , . jC **^ a *y^ '{p*2 ''^ « ^ ^U-< X-f j* r^S -f^-S - V Vfi t . eLjjiXJ 1 SlH: yu-o-^c , % , w A J , . /X - ^i., w ♦X tT* «l j < c^Xu7 \ Uj-cV^Klij^ j- 3 ifei 'fl ^*- u-v *XTU ^ — : A-£-4* f U p/’ji _;■.« v v iRvTC^r J n ^ 4 ■ U, .?M>^ V? vrfw *- ,-*''/ v _ t .33- ZF. 3/^6, feC __ #“ * 7 /0 jUKkl^ 4U^Jl S 1 ; Gz_.ul*j 1 r^?f BILLS DUE WITH GRACE. 17 HO Days — Mar. 11. (50 Days — April 10. 90 Days — May 10. n ^ ^ ^2 /w * > ’ C, ^ Arf ^ vCam^ FEBRUARY, 1918, [37—32^^ EDNESDAY 2nd Month. JjL-A-o~co — ) Or | ft tL.U~ "y A,— A. • / Hf w “ t ^® ^ ■ *- - , *— £ 1 '*■ •• 1 ^L« I (7 ^ -4- cO-» jx. ^-9 ''vcJLfi*^ „ wX ^ fbu e^C-w, jCfc. CXC'X^oJU /., ci a < t_ , tl ^r u A, V. 1. Jz&jj. , A^rC^-^r, '^- a ^gC Xls A.<=-^5 . Xhl< -^vtxCvA^A w (— V*^4JI ?— «^tXu A« '■’3 tALuJ^ —Co^, — t:. ft ^ '^i ^ ‘ , * '4* ^*70 f«t ,- .^tifr.. v* ‘ ‘ 1 * 4 XV" L 4 , *- S" 7 1 Y y_ W"V ' f ^* 7 o '( 4 . a -1 W . i G ' * £^-w4. 0 Z? /) 0. IBs %>d-lu» CVC^k I- 2 - -Hr Mir t7*V^SS^3lf5Sl|?9 1 £S8r*3^- *-* ■ , | SL%s* Stt.-E. * t , ^ in#vhy«Vk kT^ 4 -XjI t V c rf^ il Di> *LY I j .. ZLtuL, 2.- 4^A , Jl~S' 0 ' 28 Bays. , $ £. , | *. A-VfcA f i S l^'3 - a >. ^ '•■^^jfcv' 1 V L »X AWpEBROARY tr v^ /uX* -CCc * CJ*^+S%' |a-£- A 1^4 — -4e> — # / -^CXXX. (2Asp ( psptu* ', i 4 »«Uuu AAlJPjL. *• ' n '^4 X' ** ’ -A <»* , '^~«i ! _„ **( < 5 >uziLjOP A 7 [ 39 — 326 ] Tlalj Quarter Day . g- « k/&r 1 **xX cJ!^^ -n « * .A I /w, ^yruj * -iiL — X*. c H r *■ -i — ^ v. m' *711.4* .|U*W.-w *UUX» - f 2- J,-lx. #jl£ *»a!Ajl dv — / K 1 Aji j! , * * » . k I C k “CL / t j C^-aAo AJ 2 — ^ |x-X U «rv -&ja 16 . t L-UaXuac cu. t^/'v/^l. rAnf.jFrr m* /• ^-tf fa^Ajh 4'^ . Xar'U, ^Ul 3 JUrta^ ». Avha^v cf^JVi .1 T’l * 2 - . «u , cyX ) /**«• *(_£crC~e qT^T^RDAY [40-325] s-5.0. ^ 'v ^ 4 . /« — 'P^M."- 1 C ^^a-Wp, a****cA*p _ v ; ^*O g Z , fk v»^ OitH j *sCL^_/- - X / J-V'( „Sj«_UjUiX. j /xka.-QE^-, ’* cAfoJC*++jr e^o A^A^vS^vr'C J\ 72 ii/i\ trtX-^, . _, 10 gflnPag [4.-334] ,tSM* a -4 ^ ^aAt, i r r-(U~~£cL..cr>. 3 s-6(, j -» . ilx.Ai’ . ♦ m** o-w» kj 'Iri* *jJLLA ; 4 r 4 ~< ^ Vs.au * a-> ^ -v.. 4 1 p^. 's Qo(J^ ^ BILLS DUE WITH GRACE. 19 30 Days — Mar. 10. GO Days — April 15. 00 Days — May 15. J> FEBRUARY, 1918, 2nd Month. (4-flU^UxC - j k-i^ h it* *(. . j v*a* 1 _ I I MONDAY [42—323] © New Moon , 10.5 a.rn. X. <*■... CL'*** ♦ 1 • . r*T . r ^ t^v ♦ | v . ^ At’ C 4i v *' ^ »• A V *'‘*' U ’ l-_la A kt-vv rn. i ifw.i y{m,**A' ’ 16 i* JL l« ^ 2 i *? * #■ c vu^A ■ \ Aii-Sf a L*+\ x >1 'Aj- 1- xv. I (e(o *}£ ■ r' r - ' %:Uf+*..SJc .*j O '.• '•; . A-,, " ' (SucY 4^u(«Mt 1 ’*$**■ 4 if ,. -,A ^ $*?'- *►'* .tuc.k-s-ju.- j* Lj* >~L4ui £ A‘*' m ,. k» -.. i.u *t Xt t-Y „ - -- - pw>v -j . wi r ~* - ) P . t. ^VlL^vV * ^nvw%Alwi. * ^ Jii A> >"- u | ?>;f ^ *t,t. ' - 1 . ' v r ’ **v’ .. t cL Ait b+^*U *t<- ©kr-^f 4 ■^W . *G^j. ^9 .(V.f . ^ *\ vtr,' /^nT * . L^r * it. ■> * ■'isTo4 V Uf twCLttL ^r'' 3 " -...■ • •, i ■ .1 -^i J 12 TUESDAY [43—322] ■ . Shrove Tuesday i . - . t i>yt j 5 **^' t *"* . 4 dtM s\tvi j 4 k Ah ^ > , / A»A i •f/ - 7 4. t .1 >1-, , x l|.( (vf 4 a 4 H\m 4 i < l |-«-Wt-~^ t— . '»Itt • ■ "" | ~ ■ ~ “_ w ^ *~ • t / 4YG«M^A K» 1*440 - ^''"VklA (s L ft l .k . ■■* H T 4 ““ Piksw... Ru.JU M Paff,4^ r % # .Ml * v^/h ; «-• - ?>r - \ i>t ^ ^ -t-iA jAa jW , ( 'y^t * "y fa* 1 ft Av°^a fj ^4*1 1 1 V;; — i W ^ iif ^ k - .* . y ■ 7 ICe, m J8 «.* 38 .3 IP’S- XI* *• i' „ 3 f 4 Ajt*v.^L’-E «*-<■ ^*av. rW'vv. *y « > . A '^ti . ’ W. *V 3 4. . . 4 ^ * A L i *VJ J^/V Ny v » W 2* & AS: ,- > L, , Evt t- 4 *4fV •T 4 " V ■ ifc j| 3* c jf 3i. 4. A.M4A1L4*. I t> ’ S ■ X W 4»* i- ' - ^ ^ A ^ , *“* -EkM . U*V. *4.*^ ^ . -< *« <-t-^« *V ^*4* .'■ ^ t ; SvE| A >. f* ^ U^vx 4 jl^v vx. 4^ _ . Ux* tlu r ( a ._*^ T W w e^’A, . 'Jk* r i_l 1 (v { t A »h> vx, * « ! ,-i-v. . . »~i-r. /I “° • 4 *+* >-**-•» u.j to. «*v W 1 A^k ,vj. r w* i-r> ft >ry > W- V „ .5t A ^ -* J. Ir f «t^ ^ - A ^ ^ . r~ ■ ■. . k jr* T * /* 1 ‘ 20 28 Days. FEBRUARY, 1918. FEB. 11 to 14. J>. 13 WEDNESDAY [44—321] Ash Wednesday. 1 . sotXjki ■* *-±*-*Gj -h i I n. u - * t ■*. (* <1^ M .7 * 4tw •' r>^viaiKV # 7f * lfi>. i % uXtuJ) A^rC, *dfjt4. »* it S' ^ B -A- (*>. I XJc /? /±*~J*- H^ c k£{t> «rx ^ a — A — '. -J f. it s**-XXZ+Si^ ‘m^Ji o»s. w -jSi- iSi. 14 THURSDAY [45—320] w, tVt i a^C ^ «*4 fc lu M . ty*^ |U*y,> . ] 1% d\.. ^ «'*vO tl fc. 4^ O w. , ^ ik*- t. • s M, Vcf > /y iU^a . J '4>* r tf •^i " ^ *i£&LZzX (*~Ci «U» "t 1 *^cJl U . -***^T iV^ < 4; K — .* A. ’ * ■» t -vMLttAri 4* ' L / VaNV*x» **A~J*n+.o**t 1)4 f > «HVnV- f - T, u» ri i C * fihtr-v ' n .. _ _ _ - *tii< ^ t^.u - u lUvUi *C ■ • •H/' .•' I'-- W* •' ‘ / *^'-' — ' ' if.'srU <| ^ a\a<^( 1 xwtt^/ ^ ( ^ • ;- * ^<1_ ,/&*■' ^ £*> ’ ’ ' 'ij ' ■ w*° A ?i * f 4 i -» ^ "*■ ’ f A . ,.t- t wAt-X vt - *•- ’ ^ ^ ^^r^ ytC, tcm- ^ f “i¥ iJ^ f * 11 ^ r^jj; ^ -c ^ «r,- ? A . 4fJU /ja^%^ * *& w*-, '*X f '~ ^ ^ ^ v-,|., ,4 ^ /cwtd.. ? v -»v-u^ Ah. ■ ' •— . . *y*~X , -k< 4 , t ^ v «-*»'-*.* ^ <1 -ft, .■(--* ■*-.* , l , f * i ■ •. : , • . , ‘^, ^ .C-Ai.*u*"tLvj K^W^' Cw^ . Xt «M (C(A>— . ^M. *w » -.- .-, » *-, • * . ^ v 4 -* ' ' * 4wC*t r ^ ^- /! (( ! - ,*_>-^»e^ v -V ^ | *vvi. ,-' ta;, A.-^- -' iv*. r o <•: lf - < •^L'v l' v ^>->.. (^m. C-wV^ *-">^ l»-'» ' - /> Wv'- 1 ^ k ^ **' r ‘-'*-v y s *^ ?r - f> ^ .4^ c 5 ..h A >.,., vmV,. 4^ -o -^u ^ — ■* .^. .4* > . ' j) n il J( * 4Um>W% «t T‘ *• ' r f *k-; - v] -• f^i T ^ , „ : a u± £ «1v*.Ca-w /t,< ^ ,» -vto — /• f r'-'> V^ 1 * | •■*'Vji--ii > (, -v* *^- A*- > **-■ •v. ; .y 1 • ,, H& .'w:- Jtsrc' •*■• • r i- : f>.. 'tV • -.r-^t **~*i!&- >'-- —■V * jf cO BILLS DUE WITH GRACE. 2 I 30 Days — Mar. 20. GO Days — April 19. 90 Days — May 18. FEBRUARY, 1918. 2nd Month. J). it. ^ l-j * l-li.ixl ' 15 FRIDAY [46-319] ' mm * * (i I- IsrCv vv»- e — -*• ^4 <\s*~€*r> *£. Ci?-^srC^JX < , x . ^La^tV, 0 ’ , - ,T, Ul ' VtJT'Y Z f sat* u^, a**. \Jt ^ ' ‘''7°*^* 5 ‘ • J>. J„ 1^ t *JL ^ Wi Vv* ^4. (, Li*,i,v, ^ || ^ •***. n%1 "-' | ^i#t J"C4# -. J **V K% AA*4 v 1 1 - 1 - Kv 'til^ i, jli #wa- IVi G*+*J^l h “AJ '^ttSwai^ n£L & - *A »:+, i <1 ■ i rftTi’if. ,4 *a IS^uf. « XcL^xf ,■ ^ ,1^. tJ . * ' 1 * ’t*- dV-*£ flyy{ - ,S*&' 'J- ** / A#!***** ' r x > 22 28 Days. FEBRUARY, 1918 . FEB. 15 to 19. J>. >• 1 8 MONDAY [49—316] J) First Quarter, o.j 7 a.m. J r , , U\' - *t »■ f -4v : t Z 5fw 3 ri^. # * a « . *4 ' 'H e s . %>. *w.. ^ ^ • (**-*{ < tj-j , ]k Ok Vii 4 JLL Kit:. ’ JaAfc/ L. .j >. . r .\*j . ■^V' " ** J ' Jl* iAa- «yuu< <^UMA 4A K p^Uv* i^>v. H 7?%> L*&mzr *“ “ W '- ! ' 7 - .■ l+L e ^ JC 7 !!., - V* -A**-* /* , * ^ ^, 4 ^ V My 1^* 4*^*|** < ”a .. I tv. , t. <■«•> **v An' “ « l 1 *^*"*** f*>^* j&r yg3t - 4^L q^Q •.« I ’ V |» ■ Wi^l | I ) •^V', ^ij 1 ' l^*vC'^ 4v 4. 1. *W^o j L*£**/'**w a^jk Ak At /Wt-Al A x| tL^ j-t rt>t v 1 r* ITT^fa Yn^“iy m^ir ^kf^XJf fl •*> i^pfrr ^t ** 4 * * in» ■ , - / * ,j i v Hx*wCcu?. # 'rfjjj* A ' V ii w ^ 1*^4. ^cfiL^iii^* At*i ■ . . . . j. ^/ .--. aifc? _^~*xi;. Y*4 l. ^- / ■jQ^ f y. ~* W->-f l-kb*. •tjA 4 itvvv ^ 6 *. .-i •T **** "iT ***** ♦ * ^ , ♦ J JC J.» V c** ft **» 2 f c; b> fi / 1 W 2 2 BILLS DUE WITH GRACE. 30 Days — Mar. 2o. GO Days — April 24. 90 Days— May 24. FEBRUARY, 1918, 2nd Month. m ^ - - '■ ■ • i 20 WEDNESDAY [ 51 — 314 ] Ember Day. «- L > >4 • ft V<% * ->valA * j£A* *2^ rx^- - , x * Jr 1^4 «. >*JL •j$E^ AW., ■ y dA^, „ JLer\^ -A-* G~^43 L *X-J^Au& f rv r ^t . g*y** ^-,1,^, rr* *C -££* '•**^4*— 45^ *«l A^-^y-^Xvy o. !■ -A*-CL_a , ° J / „ l9 i Ct £. A — _ J#1 #i * * aXsr^f^t J,^. §Kjj'*tJL~* r> ^Xp^SU *^' 3 •** * *— W4-V. |-&A* J 5 s ' (qn^at'fc - * '/ ^ s. * yi-J^*<3flrv. «4 */♦ T. 4-4, &£. ij«4^ £-«-*v t ^ r/. 2Ti Thursday [52— 31 3] ^ w J # -£jU-! Ajp /C % ~u vJU-3^ 4UrJC- x u ■r — ■■ 4AoJ-k^ A / 1 ^ ^ '?T- riW ^EzL*'z£‘h? % - Vr - ' O^q J it^A-**** 'IfX _ y A.j ^ 0 -* ^ ^ 4^4^ 4 * * * *H -^ *’**’ v C ^» A>iA U^-. J^-tc •>-»- _ /va-^4 — ' -£ . — cJCi ' “ \‘ JU ; O-etf^XToU^ /»-€~-i AT-t^v # * i $**&K W>®4 1 ^^*— w<2. ^JtwCsui — cltn. A^4. U * «» i d - ^ ■* ■« Jf 28 Days. FEBRUARY, 1918. 24 FEB. 20 to 24. 2 2 FRIDAY [53—312] Ember Day. r^L, j ) cVv%-c^ ^ c, L /CXc tfr C ^ a ^?*^' r ^ U, AE.'C^c^JL 'r IXi- ? iJ> ~ ‘Zdi- ^p«r* v « *> / - — * — iS© r§ u Q-"i 1 *• /I — -e /V^. A £ trv/^U^L 6 U^-vr w\. f. * _C (X**L~i£. ra^c^'wv , » - , w *-+* # ■»••,*. ^ > P*' — L*~CjC -#nv %,»S5 • ^/x- * cC t . 4^£« 'w.-ttA.Q t * «r BILLS DUE WITH GRACH, 30 Days — Mar. 30. GO Days — April ‘29. 90 Days — May 29, FEBRUARY, 1918* 2nd Month. X- . rs 25 MONDAY [ 56 — 309 ] / 0 . -e. . £_u. x- w fc 7 . ~ ~srr £» jf _ ^ w pc ♦ *- ^ «- *1" , S I 2- (j ' # ^Sn VV. T I 4^ ^ /i^^v^wauv X' 2*4 1, Cv T. 1 W , X-c^Ju^aJ . ^ 0 , T / £ *>" . b^vciA OrtX f*-%- *> - 3-°] *1 . . * ^4^tc-w^ . !$'£- ' 1 /f - rXy * 6^^rx-. l < 3'S'"-2. . 1 m ^ fj £j' 7'?"' ? f 4 ; » M *1 K, W ', ,. <£«^ ^ i M ^ *3 y, J» ™ " cW i . ^ ^ X * l 4»Lf * ^ few**' V/ 1 Z 2L *V€w, *&*. et^Si^fu. 3CT®tir^ s '^y ir, T ■ * It- ^ f2*L j% h?jX ‘XtXsis- » f+**t * \ , r* r4. illM^ r> W* - ' 1 fTF-w . ff^yJX^U — vu, 4q],‘^‘'a,,(^'' r « • A *~*f-‘ < r O *ru. VlX— .-A«;.((( 2.^ 26 28 Days. FEBRUARY, 1918, lij’Vuj t 1 *.'^1 tea*sg? area t «2 set*. A-U «L . C VC« 4JU*. % S) Q ova 6*-/- 19^4. "J ^'‘ 4 '- A — e r*£. AJtt, z% v. x vV ^ **• h*m11' ^ f&-*4. * '{* 9^ ^cn — - -**- / iflS < * .»»■ |v pb*>+Lf , ^ ^1*. V *1* ** V. * S» ->wvO. Sr + U ^ u ' * f; v ^ •* * fc r ^ a z^z.JiLvc'Mr **- • IP .T. - »**. ' - k * ' 4 . * - ? t 1 ’ ^ *v- *'“*'’ , *6 ; ' v , One 3?- ,: - - ^ * 4 ^x5* '* 1 to; / 'z^^-'^S i <3 r > *■'*' - *■*■ 1 ^ ♦■*■" ■ * * -~+t - i * ; , ,r % .ii 4 . Mil , >*a# tWw< * # t N ; . _ . f : » i * iO- *- ^ * • ►*' ■>" *»- > » w- *> -■ 3^ ’ •* 31 ^ -X *1 7 58 . - A — . — J j tvit . 6§f I ^ r a ■** ■ V - '* . t- 4>~ rnJ^M fr? **• r 4 '"^''■*£*^*1 ^ ^ ».. . ‘| ♦. — V*^** '—* f * f< f*-<> fii - l * /£_ iw-| •' * ivvil ^- 4 -^ “O BILLS DUE WITH GRACH. 29 3rd Month MARCH, 1918 '.’Y °w~ tU>vV- € A^/r| < 3JV' A 31 Days. MARCH, 1918. MAR. 6 to 10. C'f /Ot 'X\'p oL^ • • FRIDAY I e~JL. — , t^r£ " Y**+ **&*> - If*, hy — a £*f\ C ^rU' • iS’v / /v^ ! ^Vs.6 K ^ ; n. 'We. tit m %r* ' ^ . *fc , H * tre. 14 X 4 ^^ Cf^l ' ) ^ I t*z -f /\/,aA^ ^-~ |WCT*— §' 1 ‘~ a ' w '[ / ^ /Sj 8 — ^c>J \ J2 ' + < v<^C*v <«w £L_V«-JU(? ' WwK *V *Vt< '/’♦£(. >Ca- uiuaM BILLS DUE WITH GRACE. 3 1 30 Days — April 13. GO Days — May 13. 90 Days — June 12. MARCH, 1918, 3rd Month. i. 4- 1W T I ft | * V r 1 7 t x ‘ , 4autsC*JL* At' Lev • v -»~ — > L-JUe-^, -£~f 0 $»* ■ >. S » 1 /TW-^ ^vS ^ HA . >&-*■ r ' v-vtiiA^, ^ y*-)^ rw T1 yjr 1 ^ ' ( \ v rv C, OvC^c^£ / d, ^ — * , t Owa-4 rr *■ vi ^jue.fLp76 ( Q-r^Jr - &-*v . t?P ■ f,T , U-G. *& . Z^L^K * / (<| k-y JU^L ca^w^w, ) ^XU^'xM ‘ r A. *^*-cJL ss~£> r^pJLQ . • j. . * * il / K *r ^tO. * * f £Z*ZZ, 0 * / i *\ 3 _ — ' ' it jjsrt* — ^ g-*4 ^ £rj ^ xS ^ / ^ sjL c^ -* ^ # * ' ~3 _ «*^t4 ^r ©C- ^4* *a. u+jr.JZstz/ ** k - l3 ^'^LO * y-^n^-irv. -Qa — j- ^.JL'. r t~ ^r-*. w XstW . : ■ w *~— A>^-’— CL # <^2 C ^ a • > — '^•jr 8V‘ ■>$. ^#p, ' *3> m^^FT^'s^: yy a i r. t>o»: i j V^_ 'wA# > i£?&~'£z!r >ft^, cHH &2 - * - . ^ ff? y i?- •/, i % l1 xJT %* r_— i — I 1/ / If WJW 1 * J# i 32 31 Days. MARCH, 1918. ✓ , / *WV fCiv MARCH 11 to 14. , ' 2 XmiCsw-^ jj / jtodne > U^T. *w* 44 *, ^ ckC^^CCwt-^ e.i^cx • v -o ) * "k%£. J 4— — -s^, r\*» tf>. f ‘fc :■' V Vi fc A iV^ ^ ^■♦JklXJwHx. , > -j- * T- *j*»- - a CV^-JUi ^ e-a» - •4 C-s £- ; xi 4 ,l 3 < 5 XLUvi 4~ ‘ *- 4 »-■ r - ,; <. * • ■s4* 4^0- 1 #**££- I * e-w -yrux , /^■Sj ^3 ,_ _ .3 x, tf IV V=— — t-- — 3 * ■' * rt ' 1 ' ^T~jl/ i$? ■*• /X '|'V U-\aL^(_ 0,, 7 a. UyAv^. OvA( , -x— » "tgtrv. , i3v£rT*A^"S I . I %-i-^- ^ ' a#**' dU ^ OVJXeX *uJr-»~ ' ... . »tv ^ jW X A 4 ?r ^■i ^ , x XJ Mf >*f - t*Jh*y 1 i? 4 * , ..g v -7 ^ *, — > yk^c-^Ur-f^OaO-^r -S 4 *ft T 4 ; - 1^ j y * 1 ^ 1 ^ - 4 T ^ , , 8 l 3 L« * *t - 4 5 -vJ*" » » *J$ y 1 Ut 4 .' "O'X cu. .7 4 k V . ■*& 0 T - A<<- ^ *J£i.-_, A.^ -X - t t[ «».( «•% 1 • 6 LjljJ * ^ -* ^ '.J - - tb?i*- 57 ^^*~' ‘ S» wi WTt, -l -wJc*». ^ ♦ iT a ^ 1 ~ V Xim 1'^ ' ^ 4 .-^-. '^ - 4 - V- . **u-*A*, xu x fc -* 'Oi > f Y 1 ez'^fX c BILLS DUE WITH GRACE* 33 30 Days — April 17. 00 Days— May 17. 00 Days — June 15. MARCH, 1018, 3 rd Month. r OvvA hJCL~+ / ( ; u ' w *4? 3 / ^ ' I ll^f’ ^- T ^ AAt. A* - I ^ *>N /C^C lj+ If ^ 29 M ' I uJ^Cv^c, €'\&ifbi)‘ - — *A , A. §-\jljJ, ‘Vrj - A_W /llQ. -~JC^ 'W, ^ ^ p( # ^ •? - ■?£- ‘‘IS’b }c-*rvC? oaI^-J ) v c*>«^ (fy+jL* — t 4^ -Ts- . / *>rr) VuurjpS* 4: V ^ ^ cl\^wT^w^. f /€Cx. '-- j?_/ ,/zf ' /+ * _ f . ^L-v. r? . . .• • - . . .4. *S* XTc ^ <4jW*4L* , * €1* ,/Jo , j “I ^V— ntout <'9 w | »-v*^ ^ •& _>,5 ^~— '—45 JCCc ^Jwp*»X ^Ir prfjft < 4_j.^i vfe#* . jgu ^ww^ ‘ ^SL-&X^ f irw *■ ^ ’C^r if ^ *» _*iJL. ‘ * * iT~~ »-*** * r fytmjk fifcfr i£ «*^&]Mg|U4 » i L* fi i W2x- clJE& 4 I I ' A a. — . A I » ikDiU' 2, sj.^.i,| s.s.,6j3. , fttaasfc, XT«^ . •j - ~*f' * /Cc T^rirr 4 l ucv~ . — — 4' (a~~**L*tJt~ 4jS**Jj' / *v i^e-juu ■• . ,‘J.: * '- ) ? ^ t J Uc Pe^U^ ™ U 1 * i- d % l Wei M :# ' T. ^*-f- ^LA^-l 4 JW-**-«. ht*^ ^ -^j — * * »> h i.V f Si arfilifetS 34 31 Days. MARCH, 1918. MARCH 15 to 19. v^w -,_ ~ JQ H— 1 8 MONDAY [ 7 Z- 28 S] , i r ♦. • ' A * TX-CC —A .Av— n fl-> '4- 0 ?-:4 ^w— . «JGL&^ . \/"\.£l_ / .>^4 »VC -^*»V-C ;u — ,c , «-4° ^-tx£-, Ta^-i-c^/.--.^ f j*Li*#vr^ Jfc*. / 6 /r-trif 6 • .-ti-l* ZCoZ~nM~K I G^fCiA^ *vA£-. 2 _ . CaJU^ '. „_ f CnhCT^A ) •'i-Jic 1—S4 , s tfv,. a. An-tZtjljz JL l? c yA— 4. ^-y^i i^V- fUg ' i ?a/ > 5 ^4 1 L*. C* ^ ■ it e ._ ^A_u» . _ (J| - /3T? / /:' # ♦ a^J^rw. 44— Jr 1 v . , # 1 - ^ r • — *4 i* 1 JQ ts: * i/ ’~*-j ;/ ^ < * o .M *-X Lrt^k * s * o Sr -a - HOT: i ^ a 1 p.m. wV^i! A 1 A 3 a- s \ ?x 7+5 -fi J * / l * a /i M &/ aJU XkQe^^'jQ ^ Q. — t A^v , O-^kU ^a4/ urtT**?-- a a .'v.w* fta* »U / IMU~ Jcu. • / s * C — «* •«/ Ax*-** P^jz A~*uJ C *^*G*\<-*U2 - r» ^ 47-&^ '^r%5^Vr .a. {V ^ *TK . 3^ - a /, . • m-w,%\ «»j » g ^H7 yWaXfv , r'. v/ ; 4 /?,' ^ CJ BILLS due with grace. ) k 30 Days— Ipril 22. /r , , „ 00 Days— May 22. ci^JA\r * ~ ~ ' 90 Days— June 21. ^ : v *-g> «'-*? C-£^Aj 2 » *'t tl'V ^-^5 ^ ^*1 V 1 Q -' /»— l -'V^ST^T i' .» ~r 1918, lr^ 3rd Months * 7 i iiiL ^HAve^L //i . ( A4 .&tv^ Wednesday [79— 2S6] 3 * f 7 - JLC >{ , *Rgf , (^ 3 y , (2 -* * % ' — r^-tV-U 5 « c-£( a^ ^ -,. * ** *T ^UJa >|Cli^’V ^ 0 i#. T* ^ « M W *t — -V ^^piXr 7 ' 31 Days. <3V *7 Mueuiv j aJCc+'~-4S& tf^r> 4 tx^iu. c ^JL CXJa^J^ “M, 1918 . C cu JIX-sr^ -^ A ; 4 X q - — - - j U^L^ 1D X3f 7 £LS-jC j pT* ** /- /aP' — - 4”W / . L (jJfc.X'iuii-* ^ « a X . 41*-/, 4 ^" ’Cfc.^.e-*'. s-a. •_ I <*- j^t 4 ^ ftwi <£srt\a at^l , - ./ At*.-? ,r* ***** " . » ^ 7 J . t+-~(* ^ ^ -( ( L, C # L # ^ /.rfe ^ . _ _ 0 .■* « t* |«C^MS(% /* , >t "3. ^ -s, 1 * A**. , Ijua v~. .%ri t>i. , \ fsfc 'fc^lUWw. { r X*w« y l^-*-*- ■> • I "X . „ , _v ^ *ri b£arl i 4 ^ -’ * if- % | - s - s - 1 l'f ; / . y 4jT* 4 J, -f-w ‘tr .K^> il/ \Lw ,L A* I* 9 ,-^oi • -J^U-. 3tU«7 ^4. > '“^f „»- ? , aj,v^-., J -y *••*•' feW -*^- A ■*aT ' 4X* *r> -LSi JU.nr- 7 ■ / 1 1 J^\ 0 J’T 6 * aS ‘\fi +4 ' 4 *j ; S- 58 MARCH, 1918. MARCH 25 to 28. •*. CSL S*W. * WEDNESDAY [86— 279] Hilai . 1 1 *jd^i£ ,"^- _ \ . • ... Sit* 04*. ^ L BILLS DUE WITH GRACE. 30 Days — May 1. 00 Days — May 31. 90 Days — June 29. MARCH, 1918 . 3rd & 4th Months. ■’('JeoS 29 FRIDAY [88—277] Good Friday. La t u— * - \\t : . 3 O JLAjL W\„ *>< ' 1 ; — v — ^ ■ — w * : I/' A— I fl 4- <•• *4®lLJ&*«wG: C--.' S ^ N> 4 < y ► *** 0--? a. ®u-e*ikJr.* A- Mr 4 /> 1 'C^A* /u. M f >vy itfktd^X 2. .. il , a 4*— ^-i ‘ A ** W w 4 f J 1% jLf i •VkJ !*_ id. tr A 5 /wl*» 31 & 30 Days. APRIL, 1918. 40 MAI},. 29 to APR. 2. Hvu, 'ft.. I MONDAY [91—274] Easter Afonday. Bank 'Holiday. -C ‘ iAJ*l 4. t X -In*— /Vx t C«VW . M &i~x>c 4 .«* it • : fi.^ 4 * j i -*-* r , 4 "* ™ - • ‘ «_< a V* “ • Mu r -0 f X f a — . 10Y ~X 30 Days. ^ *- X^\jsr^ — d Csy&~^£ V3U^i._.. w ^ «. , ft*-M-<».'l.)' < 3p£a; ( r^o i( i. , ?■ & »vi itvlniitv fttt iv.l \ £ \| £X-«-wA £* ^ r ^r Rl &j^ 8 b< ‘jMM > '^' ( ‘ — ; -a tf-m » r PDm*V r --2 7 Q] j_ £ I FRIDAY ro<— 2 ^ .„ - /A Dividends due. '" ” ' |p- *^T ♦ ^ | D i- f ^ $ $ * 1 ■ ■( : 1 , ^ . /aAmJ^w-v *■■--'? Us iu > n „ JJT’ (V >* Ju S~. ~33>3 » Vv*** 1 ' *'-‘*'4* « “ rW p 1 1" i •tV, • «J i />wvv»/ •:> ^ '" 4 ^ w~ £—144 - j *. ■ < ..^ ^■-•^-^ — /f~ ^u7; jL^T- Li-- J S4-^C* // 3 . A . *€ £ AJvh_jkl ' *A vlW ; ^-iw | ^iv.'= . j fLfrbmA. ^*—4 v e t.i.^^-oU4 USLiL ^ -fi. a, b' Day Fire Insurance ceases ~~— t 1 . 11 t Easter Lav) Sittings begin. '.■ — -HO-p^te c Dnr^ (Jt. - ""!• "'“V. -*..J2_i V *r 4A* AOt— «* , £^-4* ^ er4-i»w„ — / *f’ Ce - 4 • A 'T ,'^V A , V5^j, asgsbifisL m . I ^5TK . 1 jWS Pr 30 Days. (U-v«A tr £T- ^aprilT tKST . F— t i ^. | ^V'V^v- f . V ^ J*. r y iVCfiee^Gv ' Vj-££ * ^ P JT«J^ 4 l 4 ^ 'VJ^U t xWW fiS|B|||^|b A tf’i.aJ! -^, ‘z-r 3 f A ) 2CYY^Al ' "YYY^gYrA ~p a > ' r *3Kr- vUrrr 1 ^ ■ ' k •' r * . a.. a -/**>w. iS-j. » * */ \- , J | ^ ^ *> * *a/ £*— O ^ «r F r T_ +,J0kmd v-^fi^vL^ a f* — ^ .u ^ ^ / / JT^ ^ —L&\***+. ~ Pa*. * sxJESjJ^ JU * ^t-: 1 , ,^s? 4*g4^4y ; -"~*g? ? * Mi v. '*00^ J ^j **31 _ _.,-DUs-»- f w A~C—C--«rt <>U xrtj a vr^" 1 ^ I |*jse*~* 4 ,^ 4 . s ; *. ' ,n» 0 ai ^HU-? -*±C>L* S-! r, I-t&s L-rv!i &: v ; *£?* ^SlfcA- LDAYj S.R* .S! 6.50. n k 'AAa>, , P* x > +J ■a. 9IH r * M %i * i 4 't ~ **" i 4W 4* T ^ v / l^v*va\Dt/ , \v U , /k, • i 'JH *x t -'l /n ^ e&LtA *%ja*& * & <*!&£& 4 *J\< * .Gt, 4--G, -w IS?' u /'j' ‘ t ^IAOA •T A *3 *-» 1 '. fe3C<.. ti •*'* J '^>tV i , Awn J^ttuv^ G^r^Cn^>f A^^v^^Cwi«rvtf* 1 1 .yv c»-v^ -*k ^ < 4 L/viX£ ^ j r^fc I, Ii..yi *-■ *1^ A ^t- °- ■&—*-nJt. - -L^-€ «-'•-: PSfc i/* p** 30 Bays. APRIL, 1918. 46 APRIL 12 to 16. P' -«~G , d^Vo 0 ^ -^-j* ' * CT*w ' V»_V — V ■- as Lj£sr£^. 1jU£^. Kp'IU.'li £'JGu j W . f j» f f . o*j. p; ' '- T ^ — — — ^ Tj ^ — 1 w “ r * |S^>^ , V r. '^T r»^ TT - "* , ^ > w'* , *^- #s> "'’^ c* 'Tjsnr^ i?*% r I ■^ w ySC. iJV . , V --^ 2 . y*cxj. — JIq * * *1 ^ j 4* 1 . a i-’i -£.1 .. SJf « ■n7 . - ■ ^ £ HI * „ I £ -y | njfat /V f. f 1 „ / l/#W V* _ \ ‘v>. V* * *Y* — f 55«PhB8^ £a» f # w#, 1 i.V«t o , *St^^ ,-r ^ v, v _ } 1 \ Aw bills due with grace. 30 Days — May 21. 60 Days — June 19 90 Days— July 19. ■Y > cc /„ > Kw* i Li./ 'Iff APRIL, 1918. 4th Month. .. / . ' / , iCc I // if/' > A 1 U.. fi MHt> A. i _ l 1- jA fc&.f iy WEDNESDAY [107—258] j 4r-CU — _ — - j 1 _ z. •*» — ’ A.«v»C iff S rfe,AX^iw -w c , "'C* ' Mji ~ AXiTu t.. , ^>vLeU* *Cdte^ ^ (fcrA.C c * ) r*^f ■ — ■■ Jtr *w ~ VT gA*v» i S* - '•Cm f ilayfi : m X* %Y ’3^UL*V • A‘ •. ' ^ * (l 73m^ > Vr a!jSL t S ' "f~ iVA*. % . fifl' L* A^C.. ^2 ( Vi ((j, B . ■ w" f*. £t 0 /_ ' ^ « Q * I J 4 X* _ * V . mj$ *WjPr' f*** JX- *| A i ^ . - \ • <£ • J^f^A \/\ , ^0, 3c^-kcw.w- > 30 Bays. f ‘A ^ ^ ^ •* uV " ^ *-*■'"» I 4— ' r fe^-AElib. 't'iL^. vi“ 17 ’ 1(^X']S'-l^rrrA ^CZc .-*-*■•%.* *_4jfc> :! '^V ' K' ^rOi J-D 4. A Um. a' ■ y> ir» FRIDAY [109—25 y.i//g-ge DclvL 1 S 3 , _i . . I, t ^ ' L\ «. '\ 11 ' * V » J* > » 1 n )*. .',' /V^-‘. 'W'-p.t -*.V«rfc— -C a*. . ^r-Ar£v {T":'f} v , DWfryD a *t*i* ^ ^ BILLS DUE WITH GRACE, 4th Month iU, i 30 Bays. tx — tt n. CAA*^^t t£ rVi - £ ^'^ d ***r rx~&A^u. -w. jaL^P^j A cHri a-m. CjZ^J^Q ^-C £*<»/, 5 r ^, / TU*fc - J C £'' j* >~3~o \ ^~jn/* t .^^L J - r SHS -<2i -~C\Z (~^%<»^i ... * /I » _ 1 "» - (Tk^VC^' '^4- J)^V s J £* j>^*^ t 'SJ-Vf/tf , „,.j -V .— > S -. ■■. .K f^ss^jL * L . I ^nJ|.. 4 .-W L 1*1-2 '-b-tJjn-u ti 5 l BILLS DOE WITH GRAC H. ^ ^ ^7 i , AXC ^ Av ( 30 Days— May 29. 4 < , , „q *L*r -A- V *t . - 'wjl?' « 4^ 4 , ^ f 4- i • ^miMjtX jbc_ ,^£rv £ f xl*^. ( J mnC -i-u. l. XXX S>!i \ \ o y~h 3^*- C » .i*^ /* ?%> rfeLcj^H' /Uv^ Avv*« 4/VsA '^U t .c i } 4 ; ^Y* > - 5 2 30 Days. /0 • S. APRIL, 1918, APRIL 26 to 30. \j 2 ^Lt****^ ® ^ Cj-AA^Xvd^r 1 *. » J \ r y # jJ? NS( <- f ~\-tcl^ t crW ■>• -• -« ( . J i —4. v/yft~ it^e— ^v—.-s.s .' >rv «■ wW« ( t ( 1 4n — V (TV , i Uc .• T * ^H. r - V ■■£ *■ A- 4 t# '•/ -> /Oe-^ULe. - 4 -CXl — . £ IS * 5 - *>•*«* - r t M ■v * a£l. v^^., 4T~~ JCU ft >>—**** ** * [>->0—245] 4 NP Jo* N. 1 w l ^ li -( f^) Er> r « J- . # 4 T**»^- V if #- r } ivi* ■MUH . _ v^t jLhU. "t cJjj fflL . . P f*riTA r J A Tj 4^* r ttli, ' 4 , ‘ P. , * ? |N$r 6 t- J - 4 lL£i£i .a. as JL * i . aw : oAifi , *££** “TWr ” > * . ^ f&XQrf JUf! A A %>b 'KJUi.CuL » * ■ V *•** tScf It-ru -• £iV 62 - S f ? / iO r BILLS DUE WITH GRACE, 53 30 Days — June 3. 00 Days — July 3. 90 Days — Aug. 2, MAY, 1918. 'it-, 9 - . p ^T* * ^ ' \, * SS. Philip er 5 James. JS*' ■. - , 0 p m . VetX . ,w/,_ 7J i # ♦ •*"■ v • tr " .v- ' '^f j v»-X-€%^r ) 54 » I 2 j_, 42] ». i Last Quarter Jo. 26 p m. XU MAY, 1918. 31 Days. I ** \i ;■•• (JaT~\ .*■" '^T ' 4Ap *S.; f s*~*+L a je-*~«4-6s » «UrC g j £ > AvJ^ w ^ ft u&C+Xi SV/ erWd^ ; ^ f * % t "-m (%w L M -v I C? ; ' r' : AJ IK t^T^.i ,-£=4 #v rf ; Ju ;v< 4 -W P <1 A 'ir3 “A. -4 ,1 - A 4^/3 -OAa, 1 '. *“> ^ ^ DILLS DUE WITH GRACE < I 90 Days — Aug, '• I J Vf jC&c 4-tw ia ^ v ^ ^ jcu 5 io*TlA’ [i 26 — 239]^ ■*•^ 2 ^— - A^cesswn^ig^o. Wif* SV^ it* t€$A- * CU.C_ff-*^t«-Cc / 1A-2IC (Ig.'-vlX*. 2 7 ’' ' . &'’*«■' .. , (y\c-tj-r( ,/\ nj, X v^. -, 31 Days. MAY, 1918, MAY 6 to 9. %£ S. itW, J , Sr sC+Xjfr iJ&X — £ju*^r^J2. *** V * W v * jL • ' ^ WEDNESDAY [128^-237]^ >? - /o 'i— . *&Z Dv XZi& 1 V 4 NW (t,j/ ^ . /W <* 4 *M4 -Jfii- , (T-A— -t-C~^ 4 s Ca^» T&3_— \ * 1/ - id j*- . ^ ._^ l 'a- , fcu»e ;1K4« 1 'T~r-^L^C£. * Vr^ ^v> J ^ j( — tXi ^ Aj^lk^k * * i( P&l HQ 57 BILLS DUF. WITH GRACE. fl ^ OV • 30 Days — June 12. ® ^ * j>a GO Days— July 12. ^ / 90 Days— Aug. 10. 7 MA f <5 Z' , .4 • (}2juc^M L&^Y~fx < *r^ •& FRIDAY [130—2375] / > “ • «»*■ y*\ • •» •V £- /Vw i r " Vs AJj ^ __ fL Aa^O, £> 7 / J 7 7- * > , Ot.i W" /^4^SL , -4kA Ai>U/%wCi* r y y l / j* j** ■ v ►V 0A. lU . C: . 1 1 ,v> m h — 2rH trttoi :.a ol t a (AT i'.i' SRol *— t 31 Days. I~ >> *» ✓ ► J\*.+ . MAY, 191 8 1 , ; * 33 . ( ^ ^*1^* GU.^- fr^.vr. jo'j M0^AT^-«r ' 3 1»- vv^' »Y /at; V • Ai-*~ljjjf-'lC p- ^1 /. ^t r / C /^\ < £ '^V'V,, £< -» J - E MAY 10 to 1£. jKA+,*A aJu/j i l A jr\ _a x*t j'^-v «. jW ; 4 iuLdL*^. #■ Ufc_ « ' — * *■*-' — ^V A+++-* ’*r£&* '"}■ ! 3i. $ A^. 04^ ' <-*“*-* ,, . , ■ ,. f-vWK3U : . Um SMLs^—e I 'k?***^ aw ~i ^ t y' j , s & ++ # 4 '££) | »4nr/. ^X ^jJ- il H) » — .,♦ > »> w jl TL~tr ) # Avte^~ J j3*l jtJCTMuir * - i T «s 4 >c . I^J*-»-*«-v ri 7 Knt&fLr* , & ' • * , t+~ | ’fi^Jl^a |>^t^ — ^c ■ £2*- S^/33 t j« « # M _ S*L *X%V ^V /\i Au. / ■a€*^ jkftA* ^ . ; « *w^ *£*/ 5 9 bills due with grace 30 Days — June 17. 60 Days— July 17 *•- - ^ 00 Days — Aug. 10. V^ t ^ vC ^' ■ ^ 1 &1^T * y— -I ^1 ® ^ 4 - 4 | |lwn4(t Kfbrft^Lm} * w ' ud - -UU. ' , ; ^ ’ oL^r 11 ^ ii . a JL /W*A^ * .v, "T . 7-* ^V* ii*^r v ~jt ^ * a , a. -•■ f 4 ■•-»— »"®0* "^1,^1 ''t^r/' J vaJ. -i^ux^ < 1 ^ _ f ^pijijJiJt. ■ ’ ^ *8~cjIL. * ^ui^JUU^ X , <&/« — -JCc 17 FRIDAY [137—228] Easter Lcuufc SiTt ^vs en d, f rst <$iia?7er^8.Ttj*p , cs-^ ♦ .ft ^ ^ t» MAY 15 to 19 > C^n> 60 19. j c^r a •■ _ -< Jtr-w 'C. X Lv\ /Jr 6 . T' l"3 •^Vtrir 5 * c I ^ * I i % jp. % ,,j i ? 4 ^ ^ ^ • ■ , "4 ■•*■■ fe! % u«*p» , ^-rJLLL^ '/|0 Lix .( >*» *> Ax,-v-vvv i ^ £ ^ r •• £• A D*~ < . (s&^Jt 6 Y~ i ' 1 j' 7 y - % *•■-* l-i 0 ^ UwL .T.k E. 6 I BILLS DUE WITH GKACR 30 Days — -Tune 22. 60 Days — July 22. J 90 Days — Aug. 21. A 1 * # v , . Y ~ ti y, MAY, 1918 . ^ 0 U : i - « ^ ‘ f , 1 1 ^ a , d (is ■ t) ' r 5 th Month? V 1 t r 20 MONDAY [140—225] * fg/)// Monday. Bank Holiday. **?„. 1 , * 1 •m ' 7 * j • •A ■■ . . -r '■YW .& ►■w*.-* < su-.^ e m, *. / sr-w^ ■® > A V 4 1 . I I /T # ,'fcrwi -t 1 w? ' ■C -'if , Hu * 1 » Ji^ ; •* h.cV sy i/- 1 •— A /Al— H*- ft j • • , ._ U ^ 4 ,iC-* 4 bi VC * v*-< 'V t»; l fir f ;*s* 1 ; ! > / CTjTm *v A? . ar^x^, . .. r , ^ 4i2H .Vr' "V^V v*> ,w *^ < > / jBLttf ' \i+, tf 1 _ JLrt-^2 v A^tvv** v-C. 31 Days. (T\L H>> i-tf 3u-T &XZa- ( -- s^Y' I ■L&kt MAY 20 to 23. , 1918, l 1 * ~ *4; ^ y » v» ^ , 2 2 WEDNESDAY [142— 223] -*£ Ember Day. "~~ir 1 X ^ - ' '{ ^ 'Wtp-^C-y ., .? f T ‘ - A j C« - -pi% 4— C'N^er— . — „<»*. fe-e-h?« JL ,..’• .? * ~*P ■^- 1 -*s*At^*C:JP~y, CT^s^r / ,* r*. 6 -g - ^wt H- * TT^l f; »■ u, fN n* * ' ri ff ~ “ 4 *!t tip I ' D / * -A -* As* ** ^ ^ 4u. •s ij* , E M WJr »sf5^ * » 3r ‘4 ». ^ 6t « 3 4 s . » f. *2 /» 1 jvw - _ » 4< JT W ■» • ^ } ^‘ ^| JP f j^lr* * 4 '’-£ 4 ? 1 n ii iKlr >A£jr . -r f • <*■%*»* >/ v- * o; iW V “% ( . A- 5 ' Qk * 4* - .t£XC~JL 63 BILLS DUE WITH GRACE. U . Oa. 30 Days — June 20. (50 Days — July 2(5. 90 Days — Aug. 21. — JLa MAY, 1918. 5th Month. O A 24 FRIDAY [144— 221] Empire Day. Ember Day. 'i* 1^, » JU> 1 * '4^23 i ( A /» 'V-y Q/ 7 L ^ &e . ^Tj, : o-v*. 4fV -=4. . nin jJ , ; n tu% ./ -AU -£~-U, . .. A ■.-" ... • ^ ' r< ^KL . — * , JIIH -fc Vi3L ,.*£22^ ’, t*--W «■ I *- - <2-\^c “$L- — * * /kJ : ULi — , -Vttfi.1. fj£ • flkli I ^ t jl fl^k/v u.TA * fws # / / 7C . J&- SQL ‘fcj ' T&tZ: j /UvC &tJlr,j