^S INSECTA BRITANNICA. K 4. p MAiiL-, D I P T E R A. VOL. I. FRANCIS. WALKER, F.L.S. lTHso,^>, LONDON : REEVE AND BENHAM, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1851. PRINTED BY KEEVE AND NICHOLS, IIEATHCOCK COURT, STRAND. m^^^ .w-^^ ■'i- PREFACE, The following descriptions are prepai'ed from British or Irish specimens ; and the species which are doubtful natives of Great Britain and Ireland, or which I have not had the means of examining, are omitted. The Diptera are here divided into Sudoridea, Probosciclea, and Eproboscidea : the Proboscidea com- prise the Nemocera, Brachycera, and Hypocera ; and this volume contains the families of Brachycera in which the Diptera are most highly organized, or have their characters most developed. Mr. Haliday has contributed the characters and synoptical tables of the Diptera, of the Empida, and of the SyrphidcB, and the whole of the Dolichopida -, and I am also indebted to him for his kind assistance in other parts of the volume. The ten plates are prepared by Mr. Westwood ; two others, by Mr, Haliday, illustrating the wings of Diptera generally, will appear in the next volume. The last volume will contain an introduction and general observations on these insects. !Peancis Walker. December, 1851. EXPLANATION OF THE CONTRACTIONS IN THE REEERENCES. Ags. — Agassiz. Atr. f. e. aud fn. — Ahrens, Fauna lu- sectorum Europse. Be. — Bouclie. liiin. aud Bms. — Burmeister. BruUe exp. m. — Brulle, Expeditiou Scieutifique de la Moree. Carlier, ann. soc. ent. fr. — Carlicr, Annales de la Societe Entoniolo- gique de la France. Ct. b. e. — Cux'tis, British Entomology Den. and De. — Duncan. Dg. aud Dcg. ins. and i. — De Gcer, In- sectes, &c. Dmr. and Dml. — Dum(,'ril,Dict. Nouv. de I'Histoirc Naturellc. Dnv. and Dnvn. — Donovan, British Insects. Duf. and Df. — Leon Dufour. Fb. 8. e. ; sp. i., sp., and s. i. ; mut. ; e. s. ; s. a. — Fabricius, Systema Eutomologife, Species Insectoruni, Mantissa Insectorum, Entomolo- gia Systematica, Systema Antlia- torum. Fin. d. s. ; spl., sppl., snppl. ; antlu-. ; asil. ; del.; emp. ; str. ; syrph- — Fallen, Diptera Suecicc; Supple- ment; Anthracides ; Asilici ; Do- lichopodes ; Empidte ; Stratio- niydffi ; Syrphici. Fischer progr. — Fischer von Waldheini ; Programme. Ftr. aud Frst., s. sp., and ct. — Forstcr, Cent. ; Novfc Species Insectoruni. Gf. and Gfr. ; ins. cd. Fcry. — GeoflVoy, Histoire dcs Insects ; Insccta edente Fourcroy, or Entomologia Parisiensis. Gm. s. n. — Guielin, Systema Natime, ed. 13. Gmtl. — Gimmerthal. Gn., Gr., and Grn. ; ie. — Guerin, Ico- nographie du Regne Animal. Hal. and A. H. H. ; a. n. h. ; e. m. ; z. j. — Haliday, Annals of Natu- ral History ; Entomological Ma- gazine ; Zoological Journal. Harris, or Hrs. — Hams, Exposition of English Insects. Ilbst.— Herbst. Hms., Hfg., and Hffg. — Hoflfmanscgg in Meigeu. Illig. and 111. ; mag.— Illiger ; maga- zine. Kby. — Kirby. L. aud Lin. ; s. n. ; fn., and f. s. — Linnaeus, Systema Natura-; Fauna Suecica. Lch. ; comp., Sam. Comp., aud Sm. cp. — Leach in the Entomologist's Useful Compendium, by Samou- elle. Linn. ; n. act. ac. dec., and act. acaJ. dec. — Lehmanu, Nova Acta Aca- demiffi, Decade, &c. L. and Latr. ; f. n. ; d. h. n. ; g. c, and gen. ; h. n. ; r. a. — Families Nalm'elles ; Dictionnaire de I'His- toirc Naturellc ; Genera Crust, ct insectorum: Ilistoiie Naturellc dcs Inscctes ; Kegne Animal ; I'rccis dcs Caracteics, &c. Lm. — Laniarch, .\uimau\ sans Vcr- tebrcs. CONTKAOTIONS. L\v. ; d. b., and bytr. ; e. z. ; 1. e. — Loew ; Bcytriigc ; Entoniologische Zeitung ; Liimsea Entomologica. Mg. ; kl. ; zw. , ill. mag. — Meigen ; Klassifikazion, &c. ; Zweifliige- ligeu Insekten ; Illiger's Magaziu fiir lusektcukunde. Mgrle. and Mgle. — Megerle in Meigen. Mk. ; m. b. — Mikan ; Monograpliia Bombyliorum Bohemia;. Mir. ; pr. — Midler ; Fauna Friedrichs- daliliensis ; Prodromus Zoologitc Danicse. Mq. ; d., and d. i. ; d. n., and d. n. fr., emp. ; d. e. ; a. s. e. — Mac- quart ; Histoii'e Naturelle des Insectes Diptei-es ; Dipteres du Nord le la France, EmpiJes, &c. ; Dipteres Exotiques ; Auuales de la Societe Entomologique de la France, serie 2. Nwm. — Newman. 01. enc. — Olivier, Encyclopedie Me- tliodique. Prylsr. — Preysler, Insekten, &c. Pz. ; fn. — Panzer ; Fauna Insectoram Germanise. Rdu. — Rondani. Rfnq. and Rfn. — Rafinesque. Rgb. — See Leptis Ihieola, p. 66, in Errata. Rm, — Reaumur, Insectes, &c. Ro., Ros., and Rsi. ; etr. — Rossi; Fauna Etrusca ; edente Illigerio. Roser ; Wurt. zw. — Verzeiclmiss Wiir- temberg. Zweifliigcligen. Rs. — Rossi; Systematisches Verzeicli- niss der zweitlligelicliten Insecten (Diptera) des Erzherzogthums Oesterreieh. (Wien, 18-i8.) Rtz. — Ratzbm-g. Sch., Schf., Sclift"., and Shf. ; ic. — SchfclFer ; Icoues Insectorum, &c. Sd. ; ent. — Shuckard in The Entomo- logist. Shi., Schlb., and Schll.— Schellenberg Shr. ; i. a., and in.; f. b. and fn. — Schranck ; lusecta Austria; ; Fauna Boica. Sib.— Sahlberg. Spl. ; e. c., and i. c., and earn. — Sco ■ poll ; Entoaiologia Carniolica. St. and Steph. ; b. e. ; ill. — Stephens ; Illustrations of British Insects, Uaustellata ; Illustrations of Bri- tish Entomology. St. F. et Srv.— St. Fargeau et Serville in the Encyclopedie Methodique. Stg. and Stseg. ; e. z. — Stfcger ; Ento- niologische Zeitung, and in Kroy- er's Naturhistorische Tidsskrift. Stn. — Stannius in Oken's Isis. Wd., Wdm., and Wdn. ; z. m., and mag. — Wiedemann ; Zoologische Magaziu. Wlbg. ; act. holm. — Wahlberg ; Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar. Ofversigt, ditto. \VIk. e. m. ; c. d. b. m. — Walker, in the Entomological Magazine ; Ca- talogue of Diptera in the British Museum. Wtw. and Wstw. ; cl., elf., and class. — Westwood ; Classification of In- sects. ZU.; and Zlr. — ZeUer, in Oken's Isis. Ztt. ; d. s. ; i. 1., and lap. ; a. holm. — Zetterstedt ; Diptera Scandinavia; ; Insecta Lapponica ; Kongl. Sven- ska Vetenskaps Academiens Hand- lingar. INSECTA BRITANNICxL DIPT ERA. Os stictorium, proboscide, setis indusis, pcdimque. Aim hincB ; Jialteres bini pone alas. Tarsi pentmneri. Synonyma.* Oken, 1821. — Bm-meister ; Strauss Durckheim ; Ericlison ; Siebold. Antliata; Sdiioedte, 1811. Biptera et Stictoria : Degeer, 1778 ; Latreille, 1797 ; Savigiiy ; Dnges. Diptera et Aptera -. M'Leay, 1821. Biptera et Siphonaptera : LatreiUe, 1825. Biptera G.i A])Jianipter a : Kii'by, 1826; Westwood. Biptera, Omaloptera et Aptera: Leach, 1819. Biptera, Fupipara et Suctoria: Latr., 1821. Biptera, Homalojytera Qi Aphanipter a: Stephens, 1827; Curtis. Biptera, Omaloptera et Ftdicai'ii : Eondaui, 1811. * The synonyms are arranged in the follov\Tng gradations : — Lines. T -p • 1 i f 1, homonymous 1 1. ijqmvalent • •{ o o ^ '• Z, synonymous x, „ ^ 1, .. r 1 , in two members 3-0 z. Collective . . ■< o • ^i i ^r in >■ 3, in thi'ee members 7-l*J 3. Supiileraentary . An entire group and part of another co-ordinate . . 11-17 4. Indefinite . . . Portions only of groups . 18,19 5. Ancient, before the distinct gradations of groups were observed . . . 20-22 VOL. I. B 2 DIPTERA. Diptera et Aptera p.: Linnaeus, 1753; Geoff roy ; Miiller ; Olivier Cuvier ; Duineril ; (Meigeu ; Fallen ; Zetterstedt.) Halterata et Pedestria p. -. Scopoli, 1763. Muscoides et Oniscoides p . -. Laicharting, 1781. Halteriptera et Rophoteira p. : ClairviUe, 1798. Biptera et AntennkUa p. : Rafinesque, 1815. Aptera et Biptera p. : Lamarck. Angioptera p. : Linnaeus, 1735. AntVmta p. ai Rymjota p.: Fabricius, 1775; lUiger. Diptera et Aptera p. : Aristoteles. Bipennia et impennia p. : Fliniiis. Auelytra bipennia, &c. : Lister. MoutJi suctorial ; witli a proboscis, or sheath, closed on the under- side (Labium), usually shut above by a slighter piece (Labrum), and enclosing (generally an odd number of) lancets, varpng between one and five, (Lingua, MaxiUae, Mandilnda3 :) a pair oi palpi (maxillary); rarely there are the rudiments of another paii- (labial), or there are noue at all. Sometimes the mouth is obsolete, or even closed. Thorax compact ; prothorax very short, immovably attached to the mesothorax, which is the largest segment. A pair of icings (the anterior), the membrane not clothed with scales ; divided into a moderate number of areolets, by interlaced veins ; the base of the wing continued, more or less, in sinuous folds (Alidae), below the sides of the scutellum. A pair of small clavate appendages, filled with air (Halteres), behind them, in place of the posterior wings. Sometimes the wings, or both wings and halteres, are wanting. Tarsi pentamerous, rarely tetramerous.* No nipping jaws ; no wing-cases. This order is not liable to be confounded with almost any other, as regards the winged species, which form the vast majority. Only the male Coccidce, when they have compound eyes (some Borthesice, &c.), resemble Chironomida, with the proboscis ob- solete ; but their tarsi, of one joint and with a single claw, are sufficient to distinguish them. The very superficial resemblance which some Neuropteea {Cloiion spp. &c.), wanting the hind wings, bear to dipterous insects, is not likely to mislead : these have not halteres, and both the shape and the veining of the * Only two instances are recorded, viz., Bicera furcata (Germar), in which the posterior pairs, and Echitiomyia teiramera (Zctt.), in wliich all the tarsi, are tetra- merous. DIPTERA. wings differ from Diptera. Still more remote is the relation to the male Stijlopida, in which it is the metathorax, with the hinder wings alone, that are developed, and the position of the seeming halteres (fore wings) is relatively the inverse. Among Hymenoptera, the genus Mipnar has the hinder wings only rudimental, but they take the form of a bristle merely. The wingless species of Diptera may be distinguished from those of most other orders, (Hemipteua and Neuropteua p., sc. Forficulidce, Podurella, Mallophaga, Termitidce, Fsocidce, J^hii- sapoda, spp. &c.,) by the 5-jointed tarsi ; and where tliis mark fails (from Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, and the other wingless Neuroptera), by the want of nipping jaws, or of the maxillary spiral sucker (of Lepidoptera) ; without going into the other distinctive characters. In Diptera, the labium seems to be the true pump, or instru- ment of suction. Accordingly, where the fly merely imbibes excreted juices of plants, &:c., we find the labium much longer than the rest of the oral organs (e. g. Conojjs, Sipkona, Musca, Hydrotff.a, Tephrifis, and most of the Muscidfe, the Syrpihida, PipvAictilid(P, &c.). But where the fly preys on other insects, there is a borer (composed of labrum, tongue, and usually also maxillae) nearly as long as the labium [AsiUdce, Emjnda, Scaio- pharja, Coenosia, Cordi/lnra, &c.); and where they have to pierce the skin of larger animals, to make the blood flow to the sucker, this development is more evident {Stomox/js), sometimes the borer being reinforced with mandibular lancets [Talanida, Culex, Thlehotomus, Ceratopogon, Shmdium^). The comparative short- ness of the labrum and tongue in some of the family Bolichopridoi, which are all predaceous, is only apparently an exception ; see further under that head. The length of the labium is not an obstacle to the borer going deep; for while its extremity con- tinues to embrace and steady the lancets of the borer, the inter- mediate length may be detached from them, in a loop, allowing the liplets to slide back as the borer penetrates (e. g. Cidex). * The eutire mouth foi'miug a cuppiug apparatus. \ 53 i BIPTEEA. DIPTERA. lying flat in cavities at the sides of the head . 1. Suctoridea. 4. A ■ e i- c fclose side by side ... 2. Pkoboscidea. seated in front or I •' - ^^ ■ ® Idistant 3. Eproboscidea. SUCTOEIDEA. Suctoria, Degeer ; Latr. Aphaniptera, Kirby ; Stephens ; Curtis ; Westwood. Siphonaptera, Latr. Aptera, Lamarck ; M'Leay. Aptera p., Linn. ; Dumeril. Ehophoteira p., ClairviHe. Diptera p., Oken ; Burmeister ; Erichson; Siebold. Kyngota p., Fabr. Antliata p., Schioedte. Antennse pone oculos, laterales, distantes, recumbentes. Oculi bini, laterales, simplices. Mandibulse extricatae, serratas. Lingua nidla. Palpi labiales non semper obsoleti. Alfe et halteres nulla. Epiraera prothoracis libera, porrecta. Corpus compressum, ad juncturas thoracis cum capite et abdomine uou coustrictum. PKOBOSCIDEA. Proboscidea, Latr. Diptera, Leach; Meigen. Antenna} iu fronte inter oculos. Labium apice bilobo. Lingua labro inclusa. Palpi maxillis affixi, vel fulcro proboscidis. Alee et halteres in plerisque. Pedes cujusque pans inter se fere contigui. Head attached to the front of the thorax by a slender neck. Large compound facetted eyes at the sides of the head ; on the vertex often three simple eyes. Antennce inserted in front of the head, bettoeen the large eyes. Proboscis attached to a fleshy prop inserted in a cavity in DIPTEKA. 5 the lower and anterior part of tlie head. Labium ending in a thicker bilobed piece (the "labella"), traversed internally by radiating tracheae; sheathing the mandibles and maxilhx) when these are developed. La- . b7'um closing this sheath above, embracing the lingua. Palpi attached to the base of the maxillae, or, if these are wanting, seated on the prop of the proboscis. Prothorax very small, immovably joined to the meso- thorax, which is the largest piece. Wings and halteres developed, almost always. Abdomen at the base much more slender than the tliorax, its dorsal segments at least distinct (4 or more). Legs of each pair close together, and the posterior two pau's to each other ; the fore pair usually farther from the intermediate. Ungues and onychia symmetrical pairs. PROBOSCIDEA. with distinct joints, at least 6, (usually more than 10) ... 1. Nemocera. Lwith 3 to 10 joints; after the 3d closely united, or abruptly slighter. Pos- fbranched or inter- terior veins of the wing \ laced, more or less 2. Brachycera. Lsimple, detached, and veiy faint . 3. Hypocera. Nemocera, Latr.; Macq.; &c. Antenna} articulis discretis saltern sex saepius decem et idtra. Palpi plerumque deflexi, articulis pluribus exsertis. Areola analis in margiuem posteriorem aperta. Add. Antennae plerumque capite longiores, graciles, iiliformes aut setaceee. Alidae scuteUares obsoletae ; Lobus axdlaris quoque ut plurimum. K\cc venis multimodis, nee facile in typum redigendis. Ocelli ssepe desvuit. Ungues hand raro denticulati. Brachycera, Macq. Antennas articulis post tertium connatis, vel extremis (1-3) nimis attenuatis. Palpi porrecti, aut proboscidi iucunibcutes, quasi exarticulati. Areola analis ferme clausa. Venai posteriores ramosae vel anastomosi connexae. Figure usually stouter and more compact than in Nemocera, and the head broader, and more vertical. Cavity of the mouth at the underside DIPTEEA. rather than at the anterior part of the head, so that the eyes are always separated below in consequence of its interposition. Ocelli seldom wanting. The fiagellum of the antennce more compact, some- times in one piece (never having more than 8 joints in oui* native kinds), mualli/ terminating in (one to three) ahnqMy sligliter joints. Palpi short, projecting above the proboscis, or lying on it, appearing externally inarticidated, the first joints, if there be any such clistinct, being short. The veining of the wings is more easily reducible to one type than in Nemocera* The anal areolet is closed, often at a distance fi-om the margin, or if it reaches this, it is tapei-ed nearly to a point : rarely it disappears with the anal vein. The inner or scutellar alulae are often developed, sometimes so as to conceal the halteres. The ungues are not toothed. The empodium is usually more slender than the onychia. Hypoceea, Macq. == Trineuraj, Latr. Antennse prope epistoma, articulo uuo insigniore et arista. Mandibulse et maxiUse obsoletae. Palpi porrecti, exarticulati. Alee venis anterioribus vaHdis, ciun costale, circa medimn costae desi- nentibus ; posterioribus subtilissimis, simplicibus, disjunctis. Coxse et femora crassa, compressa. EPROBOSCIDEA. Omaloptera, Leach. Pupipara, Latr. Homaloptera, Steph. ; Curtis. Antennse foveolis immersae prope os. Labium tubidosmn, superne fissum, basi inflatum, lingua tenui iuclusa et labro incmubente inter palpos porrectos fere vaginatum. Pedes dissiti sterno lato. Abdomen coriaceum, vix insectum. ALse et halteres sgepius mutila vel luilla. Ungues duplicati, vel triplicati. Add. Palpi extra fulcrum labii siti, nee cum eo exserendi. Ocidi multiformes. Prosternum ultra capitis insertionem porrectum. Thorax de.pressus. Alae ubi completse fere ut in Brachyceris. Abdomen basi constrictum. Ungues et onychia imjiaria, utracpie ex adverso, i. e. unguis major arolium minus subjectum habet et vice versa. Ungues ad scan- sum apti. * The veins which run to the hind margin chiefly originate from an intermediate axis, which divides into tlirec branches uoai- the root of the wing, and tliese arc usually again subdivided, and connected by deflexion or by transverse veins. DIPTERA. SUCTORIDEA. Fam. 1. PuLiciD^. NEMOCERA. p with an angular transverse seam Fam. 10. Tipulid/E. -wanting . . g. Epidapus in ¥am. 2. two or three : Discal areolet -complete .none : Pronotiim consjiicuous Lincouspicuous . ■ ending near the fbroad, compressed . . tip of the wing : J Tibia; and Me- 1 tatarsi Lslender, suhcylindiical a -9 'd not more than six ovate or lanceolate, deflected or divaricated .... 2-S / ^ oblong, rounded at the tip, incum- bent : Hind mar- . gin fringed with 'scales chairs 11. Rhyphid.e. 4. BiBIONIDiF,. 2. Mycetophilid.e. 5. SiMULID.E.* 6. Chikoxomid.e. 3. CECIDOMyZID.E. 8. Phlebotomid/e. 7. culicid.e. 9. Heteeoclit^. * For SimuIiadtT', the proper etymological form (framed after the analogy of I)eucaUd(S ivom. Deucalion), to preserve the uuilbrmity of the termination idcr. And so in other cases following. DIPTEKA. BRACHYCERA. 13 covered by the Alulee : Head minute, nearly all eye ending near the tip of the f •' wing : Antennfe of | r Fam. 15. AckoceeidjE. 19. more than 3 joints r elevated II 12. 14. not out of proportion, small ,B< 13 ^ flnS hollowed 13. 16. slender and pointed 17. 18. ScENOPINIDiE. stbatiomid.e. Tabanid^. Xylophagid^. Asilid^. Leptid^. BOMBYLIDiE. short, and distant from the hind margin rounded : Brachial I reaching (some of them) to and anal areolets J the first third of wing . 20. Empid.e. L very minute, or indistinct . 21. pointed 22. each accompanied by a spurious vein . . . .25. ! > > u ' &-( pq ' forming a short style as its tip . 26. 23. S-H touching the peristoma 24. DoLICHOPIDiE. Lonchopteeid^. Sykphid^. CoNOPIDjE. Platypezid^. pipunculid.e. bounded by the cheeks 27- MusciD^. obsolete 28. (ESTEIDiE. abortive: 8rd joint of AntennEef 1 • • ■ bearing the arista | ., -, ° »-on its upper edge (20. Empidffi p.) (27. Muscidffi p.) ■DIPTERA. HYPOCERA. EPROBOSCIDEA. Fam. 29. PflORiDyE. proue, the neck lyiug on the prosteruum . . Fam. 30. Hippoboscid.e. Head [ turned back, aud upside down, over the niesonotum . 31. Nycteribid.t.. { Family I. STR ATlOMlDiE. Stbatiomyd^, LI. g. c. (1809) ; Fin.; Mg. ; Ztt. Siratiomi/des, Mq. Corpus magnum, medium, aut minus. Ocelli 3. Proboscis re- tracta. Labium crassum. Palpi ssepissime clavati. Antennae por- rectse, ^-l^-articulatce, basi approximatce, apice conicaj aut seta elongata aut stylo brevissimo terminatte ; articuK tertius et sequentes subaequales. Scutellimi muticum aut spinosum. Alte incumbentes, plerumque tenuiter et obsolete venos£C. Vena cubitalis fm"cata. Areola anaUs longa. Vena costalis prope alee apicem terminata. Alulse parvse. Abdomen depressum, 5-anuulatum, Stepissime latius- culum. Pedes bre\dusculi, simpbces, mutici, pubescentes. Mas. Oculi ssepissime contigui. Foem. Ocidi remoti. Body ratber flat, of large, middle, or small size. Ocelli 3. Pro- boscis withcbawn. Palpi most often clavate. Labium thick. An- tenna} porrect, approximate at the base, ^-lO-Jointed, ^ith conical tips, or terminating in a short style or in a long bristle ; third and following joints compact, almost equal, forming a flageUum. Scutellum unarmed or beset with spines. Wings incumbent, parallel ; veins crotvded together near the fore border ; cubital vein forked ; costal vein ending near the tip of the wing ; longitudinal veins generally slender, indistinct, not reaching the border; discal areolet small. iUulee small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen depressed, generally rather broad, with 5 segments. Legs simple, pubescent, unarmed, of moderate length. Tarsi with 3 onychia. Male. Eyes generally contiguous. Female. Eyes remote. The species of this family inhabit flowers, leaves of trees, meadows, or aquatic plants ; from the spring to the autumn their movements are slow. The larvae are aquatic, or live in decom- posing matter or in decayed wood. VOL. I. c 10 STRATIOMID.'E. ' armed with spines : Antennae { notstylatc: r almost obsolete . . . . 1. Berts. Palpi -^ ••long 2. AcTiNA. nnavmed : Epi stoma ' . sty] ate : Style short 3. Stratiomys. louc;; Antenna: 8-joiuted 4. Oxyceka. r ■9-jointed 5. Cliteli.aria. porrect 6. Nemotelus. i8-jointed ... 7- Pachygaster. 7-jointed ... 8. Chrysomyia. 6-jointed ... 9. Sakgus. Genus I. BERIS. Beuis, LI. g. c. (1809); Mg. ; Wd. ; Mq. ; Ct. ; Ztt. Musca p., L. ; Ftr.; Fb.; Slir. Stratiomys^., Fb. ; Ftr. ; Gm. ; Gf. ; Pz. ; Fhi. Actina, Mg. kl. Corpus oblongum, sat angustum. Color metallicus, abdomine interdum flavo ; pictura nulla. Talpi suI)ohsoleti. Antennce siihfusiformes ; jlcujellum subconicum. Scutellum spinis 4-8 armatum.. Alarum venae 3 longitudinales, preeter areolam analem longe retractam, in alse marginem interiorem descendentes ; vena cuhitalis siihrecta ; furca sat longa. Abdomen depressum. Tibite muticse. Mas. Oculi contigui. Foem. Oculi remoti. Body rather narrow, clothed with short hairs. Colour black or me- tallic, without spots, bands, or stripes ; abdomen of some species yellow. Head depressed. Lab rum very short, broad, hollow, emarginate at the tip ; the sides thickened. Tongue acute, rather longer than the labrum. Palpi almost obsolete. Labium large. AntenncB long-fusiform, pon-ect, approximate, diverging, 1 0-jointed, a little longer than the head ; first and second joints bristly ; first more slender at the base ; second cyathiform ; third and following joints forming a long-conical flagel- lum. Thorax oval, Avith some transverse sutures on the sides. Scu- tellum rounded, armed toith 4, 6, or 8 spines. Wings finely pubescent ; cubital vein almost straight, its fork rather long. Alulpe entire, very small. Abdomen flat. Legs slender. Male. Eyes contiguous. Abdomen linear; lateral lamella? of the hypopygium hooked, exserted. Hind metatarsus long, broad. ' Female. Eyes remote. Abdomen long-eUiptical. BERIS. 11 These insects inhabit flowers and herbage during the summer. B. clavi2)es and B. vallata frequent open meadows ; the otlier species are more often found in woods. a. Abdomen yellow. Species 1, 3. a a. Abdomen metaUic or black. Species 3-6. 1. clavipes, L. s. n. ii. 981. 12 (1767); Fb. ; Shr. ; Gm. ; Pz. ; Gf. ; LI. ; Mg. ; Flu. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; \.\N .—nigra, Gf. Nigra, scutello sex-spiuoso, aUs fuscis, abdomine luteo secjmtnlis fusco-fanciuiis, pedibus luteis, tarsis nigris, tibiis anterioribus fuscis basi liavis ; Mas. abdomine basi nigro. Long. 3^-3 ; alar. 5-6 lin. Black, thinly clothed with tawny hairs. Proboscis tawny. Scutcllum armed with 6 spines. Wings brown, dark brown at the base and along the fore border. Halteres yellow. Abdomen luteous ; a slender brown band near the hind border of each segment. Legs luteous ; tarsi black ; posterior tibise dark brown, yellow towards the base. Male. Abdomen black at the base. Hind metatarsus dilated. Generally distributed. The eggs are oval, and form a chain about an inch long, being connected, in an obHquc position, side by side. (E. S. I.) 3. vallata, Ftr. n. sp. i. I. 96 (1771); Gm. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt.; Lw. — nigrilarsis, LI. — clavipes, Mg. Nigra, scutello sex-spinoso, ab- domine luteo, pedibus flavis, tarsis nigris, tibiis fuscis basi flavis. Long. 2A-2f ; alar. 4i-5i lin. Black, thiidy clothed with tawny hairs. Proboscis tawny. AntennEe with the third joint sometimes ferruginous or tawny. Scutellum ai'med with 6 spines. Halteres yeUow. Abdomen luteous. Legs yeUovv ; tibiae dark browm, yellow towards the base ; tarsi black. Var. Hind tibias quite yellow ; hind metatarsus tawny. Male. Wings brown. Hind metatarsus sHghtly ddated. Fern. Wings colourless, yellow at the base and along the fore border as far as the stigma, which is brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. chalybeata, Ftr. n. sp. i. L 95 (1771); Mg. ; Mq. — sex- dentata, Fb. ; LI.; Mg. ; Ztt.; Lw. — obscura'? Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — jlavipes, Mq. — atra, Mg. Viridis, scutelli spinis. nigris, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis, metatarso postico fulvo ; Mas. alis nigro-fuscis, abdomiue atro ; Fcem. frontc lata, alis fulvo-subcincrcis, abdouune picco. Long. 3-3i ; alar. 4-5 lin. Antenuct! black. Scutellum armed with 4, 6, or 8 black spines. Legs tawny ; tarsi broxen. Male. Dark green, clothed with short black hairs. Proboscis yellow. Wings dark brown ; stigma very dark brown. Hal- teres brown. Abdomen deep black, not shining. Coxaj black. Hind metatarsi dark tawny. Fern. Bright bluisli-grccn, clothed with short taAvny hairs. Proboscis tawny. Wings pale <>rev, with a tawiiv tinge ; c 3 12 STUATIOMIDiE. stigma brown. Halteres tawny. Abdomen piceous, shining. Hind metatarsi tawny. Vm\ Fem. Antennae with the third joint feiTuginous. Generally distributed; the pupa has been found in moss. (E. S. 1.) 4. fuscipes, Mg. zw. ii. 8. 11 (1820); Lw. — nigra, Mg. ; Mq, Cyaneo-viridis, scutelU spinis 7iigris, abdomine nigro-ciipreo ; Mas. alis subcinereis, pi?f/i/5i2<5 nigro-fuscis geniculis tai'sorumque basi Jlavicantihus, metatarso postico incrassato ; Fcem. ahs limpidis, ped'ibus Jtavis femo- ribus ante apicem, tibiis apice tarsorunique articuUs secundo ad tertium fuscis. Long. 3|— 3 ; alar. 6-6-i- lin. Bright bluish-green, clothed with tawny hau's. Antennae black. Scutellum armed ivith 6 or 8 black spines. Halteres luteous. Abdomen coppeiy black. Legs tawny. Male. Wings slightly tinged with grey ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny at the base. Hind tarsi and tips of the hind tibire brown. Fem. Wings colourless; femora, tibics, and fore tarsi partly pale brotcn. Earej South of England. In Mr. Stephens's collectiou. (E.) 5. Morrisii, Dale, ent. 175. 75 {lS4!2).—pallipes, Lw. Cyaneo- viridis, scutelli spinis 7iigi'is, alis sublimpidis, abdomine nigro-ciipreo, pedibusflavis,tarsorum articulis secundo ad guintum fuscis ; Fcem. fronte angTista. Long. 3i-3|-; alar. 6-1—7 Un. Bright bluish-green, clothed with tawny hairs. Antennae black. Scutellum armed toith 6 or 8 black spines. Wings almost colourless ; stigma dark brown ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres luteous. Abdomen coppery-black. Legs pale yellow ; tarsi brown ; atiterior me- tatarsi tawny. Male. Tips of the tibiae brown. Fem. Front narrow. Hind metatarsi tawny. Eare; South of England. In the British Museum. (E.) 6. geniculata, Hal; Ct. b. e.! 837(1830). Cyaneo-viridis, capite nigro-viridi, anteuuarum articulo tertio ferrugineo, scutelli spinis viridi- bus, abdomine pedibusque nigris, gemibtis fulvis ; Mas. aUs nigiicanti- bus ; Fcem. alis cinereis. Long. 3-3i ; alar. 6-6i lua. Bright bluish-gTcen. Head greenish-black. Antennae black ; third joint dark feiTuginous. Scutellum armed loith 6 green spines. Halteres luteous. Abdomen black, clothed with white down. Legs black; femora, tibia, and tarsi at the base and knees tawny. Male. Wings blackish. Fem. Wings grey. Rare. (E. S. 1.) Genus II. ACTINA. AcTiNA, Ct. b. c. 337 (1830). Stratiomys p., Ftr. Actina p., Mg. ohm. Xylophagus I)., U. Z^ms p., Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. STRATIOMYS. 13 Corpus oblongura, angustum. Color metallicus, abdomine interdum pallido ; pictura nulla. Oculi remoti. Palpi longi, triarticulati. Scutellum spinis armatum. Alarum vensc 3 longitudinales, prseter areolam analem subrectangulam longe retractam, in marginem in- teriorem ala; descendentes ; vena quarta longitudinalis abbreviata ; vena cubitalis undulata ; furca brevis. Tibiae muticas. Body nan-ow. Colour mostly metallic. Eyes remote in both sexes. Head depressed. Palpi lonrj, triarticulate, somewhat thicker towards the tips. Antennae 10-jointed, loruj-fasiform, approximate, diverging, a little longer than the head ; third and foUomng joints fonning a long- conical flagellum. Scutellum armed with spines. Wings finely pubes- cent ; third, fourth, fifth, and sixth posterior areolets open to the border ; fomth and sixth more or less united ; anal areolet remote from the border ; cubital vein undulating, its fork sJiort. Tibiae without spurs. The flies of this genus inhabit woods ; they are nearly allied to Beris, and have the same habits. 1. tibialis, Mg. zw. ii. 3. 2 (1820) ; Lw. Viiidis, capite nigro an- tice albo, antennis nigris, articulis secundo et tertio fidvis, scntello spinis quatuor fidvis armato, pedibus flavis ; 31as. proboscide flava, ahs sub- cinereis, stigmate fusco, abdomine linear! piu'pureo subtus fulvo, tarsis fuscis basi flavis, femoribus posticis fnscis subtus et apice ful\'is, tibiis posticis fiiscis clavatis ; Foem. proboscide fulva, ahs limpidis, stigmate fidvo, abdomine fusiformi fulvo macniis fuscis bivattato, femoribus tibiisque posticis fuhis. Long. 2^ ; alar. 5 lin. Body slender, bright gi'een, clothed with very short tawny hairs. Head black, wliite in front. Antennae black. ScuteUum anned with fom' tawny spines. Halteres yellow. Legs yellow ; tarsi brown, yellow at the base. Male. Proboscis yellow. Antennae -^vith the second and third joints dark tawny. Wings pale grey ; stigma brown. Abdomen linear, dark pm-^^le, tawny beneath. Huid femora brown, ta\\Tiy be- neath and towards the tips. Hind tibiae dark brown, clavate. Fern. Proboscis ta^vny. Antennae with the second and tlui-d joints tawny. Wings colourless ; stigma tawny. Abdomen fusiform, tawny, with a row of triangular brown spots along each side. Hind femora tawny. Hind tibiae tawny, with brottir tips. Not common. (E.) Genus III. STRATIOMYS. Stratiomys, Gf. ins. ed. Fcry. (1784); Fb. ; Mg. ; Pz. ; LI.; Fin.; Mq. ; Ztt. Musca p., L. Hirtea p., Spl. Odouiomyla, LI. ; Mg. Corpus ovato-oblougum. Antenna) 7-8-articidata; ; articulus primus secundo longior ; lertius et sequentes ad septimum flagellum subfasiforme 14 STRATIOMIDjE, stylo terminali brevissimo Jingentes. Scutellum spinis duabus armatum. Alarum vense prsebrachialis, pobrachialis, et intermedise non usque ad summum marginem interioi'em descendeutes. Body oblong-oval, black, of large or middle size, slightly pubescent. Head semicircular. Epistoma convex, forming a keel. Ocelli 3. Eyes green, often with pm'ple bands. Peristoma small, circular. Proboscis withdrawn. Labrum linear, rounded in front, covering the labium. Lingua as long as the labium ? Maxillae very small, pointed, attached Avith the labrum to the base of the labium. Palpi triarticulate, diverging, seated on each side in front of the base of the labium ; joints cylindrical, of equal length ; third somewhat thickened. Labium almost cylindrical. Anteunee 7-8-jointed, poiTcct, contiguous at the base, diverging, inclined upward; first joint cylindrical, longer than the second ; second short, cyathiform ; third and all the following- forming a fusiform compressed pointed flagellum, which usually forms an angle with the second joint ; eighth joint like a very short style. Thorax oval ; scutellum semicircular, armed with 2 short spines. Wings lanceolate, not pubescent, incumbent, parallel, not covering the sides of the body. Alula? small, not covering the halteres. Abdomen oval, 5-jointed, flat or but slightly convex, pubescent or almost bare, often with yellow marks on each side, or partly green, which colour prevails chiefly in the smaller species, when it commences beneath and spreads thence over the sides of the back till it occupies the whole surface. Legs slender. Male. Eyes contiguous ; facets larger on the crown than in front. Thorax hairy. Female. Eyes remote. Thorax almost bare. These flies feed on the honey of flowers^ and appear in the spring and in the summer on aquatic plants : their flight in hot weather is very rapid but shorty and they quickly return to the spot whence they took wing. The larvae are aquatic, and the metamorphose of S. Chamaleon has been often observed. Its eggs from white become green, and then change to olive- green ; they are arranged like tiles on a roof, one laid partly over another, on the underside of the leaves of Alisma Plantago, the water-plantain. The larva often remains suspended by its radiated anus at the surface of the water, with its head down- wards. Its ganglions are so near each other as to appear like a string of beads. When it is disposed to sink to the bottom or to descend, by bending the sides of its tail so as to form a concavity it includes in them a bubble of air, in brilliancy resembHng silver or pearl, and then sinks with it by its own weight : when it would return to the surface it is by means of this bubble. If it moves upon the surface or horizontally, it bends its body STRATIOMYS. 15 alternately to the right and left, contracting itself into the form of the letter S, and then extending itself again into a straight line : by these alternate movements it makes its way slowly in the water. It has much resemblance to some of the Folypi vagi- nati. The last joint of the pupa retains the exact form of the larva-body, is extremely long, and terminates in an orifice to receive the air, which is surrounded by a circle of about thirty diverging rays, consisting of beautifully feathered hairs or plumes. The feathery hairs are so prepared as to repel the water, and thus to suspend the animal by its tail at the surface, and preserve a constant access of air. When it has occasion to sink, it turns these hairs in and shuts the orifice, carrying down with it an air- bubble that shines like qnicksilver, and, as is conjectured, enables it again to become buoyant when it wants to breathe. The dorsal vessel (series of hearts, or artery) is attenuated at both ends. The ovaries of the fly are agglomerate, and the egg-tubes form two bundles, in which the branches are not discernible. a. First joint of tlie autennse more than six times the length of the second. Species 1. a a. First joint of the antennae about fom* times the length of the second. Species 2-4. a a a. First joint of the antennaj more than twice the length of the second. Species 5-7. a aa a. First joint of the antennae rather longer than the second. Species 8-14. 1. longicomis, Spl. e. c. 999 (1703). — dr'ujata, Fb. ; Shr. ; Gm. ; LI. ; Pz. fh. ! xii. 20 ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — villosa, Mg. — nubeeulosa, Mg. — tJwracica, Fb. Nigra, aUs fuscis apice margineque postico cinereis, ventre fulvo-vittato, tibiis basi tarsisque fuhds, tibiis posticis fulvis nigro-cinctis ; Fcem. capite flavo-quaclrimaculato. Long. 5-64- ; alar. 10-13 lin. Black. Head and thorax most thickly clothed with ferruginous hairs : eyes very thickly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis dark brown. Antenna) more than twice the length of the head. Scutcllum armed with 2 tawny teeth. Wings brown, grey along the hind borders and at the tips. Halteres yellow. Abdomen clothed with hoaiy hau'S on each side, especially towards the base ; underside with 4 or 5 pale tawny bands. Tibiae at the base and tarsi tawny; hind tibiae tawny with a black band. Fern. Head with 4 yeUow spots, 2 between and 2 behind the eyes. Not common. (E.) 2. Chamseleon, Dg. ins. vi. 64. 1 (1752); Fb.; Gf. p.; Ro. etr. ; fig. Sch. ic. i. ix, 3, 4 ; Harris, exp. xi. 1. fig. ; Mg. ; Fin.; Mq. ; 16 STRATIOMIDiE. Ztt. — -potamida, Mg.; Mq. Nigro-senea, capite flavo-bimaculato, scu- tello flavo aut fulvo bidentato, alia subcinereis basi et ad costam sub- fulvis, abdomine nigro Jiavo-fasciato et utrinque maculato, ventre flavo, pedibus fulvis, femoiibus nigris, tibiis nigro-fasciatis. Long. 6-7 ; alar. 12-14 lin. j5]neous-black, thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Head with 2 yellow spots in front. Proboscis dark brown. Antennse black, about twice the length of the head. ScuteUum yellow or tawny, armed with 3 tawny teeth. Wings very pale_ grey, with a tawny tinge at the base and along the fore border. Halteres yellow, tcWi a brown ring near the base. Abdomen above deep black, marked with yellotv : a large trian- gular spot on each side of the first segment ; an often interrupted band on the second ; a band on the third, and a spot at the tip ; underside yellow, with 4 more or less interrupted black bands. Legs tawny ; femora black ; a black band on each tibia. Male. Spots on the front smaller than in the female. Fern. A narrow interrupted yellow band behind the eyes. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 3. furcata, Fb. e. s. iv. 264. 5 (1792); Harris, exp. xii. 2. fig.; Mg.; Mq. ; Ztt. — chamceleon, L. ; Shr. ; Pz. fn. ! viii. 24 ; var. Ro. etr. — panthaleon, Pin. Nigra, aUs subcinereis basi et ad costam fulvis, abdomine fulvo-l -maculato, ventre fiavo-quinquefasciato, tibiis basi tarsisque fulvis; Foem. capite flavo-unimaculato, scutello fulvo nigro- marginato. Long. 6-7 ; alar. 12-14 Un. Black, thickly clothed with tawny haii's. Proboscis dark brown. Antennae almost twice the length of the head. Wings pale grey, tawny at the base and along half the breadth beneath the fore border. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with 3 more or less triangidar tawny spots on each side and 1 at the tip ; underside with 5 yellow bauds. Tibiae towards the base and tarsi tawny. Fern. Head with a yellow spot behind. ScuteUum tawny, black along the fore border, armed with 2 tawny teeth. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 4. riparia, Mg. zw. iii. 138. 6 (1822); M.(\.—strigata, Mg. kl. Nigra, scutelli margine postico fulvo bidentato, alis fulvis, abdomine albido-1 -maculato, ventre flavo-quiuquefasciato, pedibus nigris, tibiis apice tarsisque fulvis, tarsis anticis obscure fulvis. Long. 4^-5 ; alar. 9-10 lin. Black, thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Proboscis dark brown. ScuteUum tawny along the hind border, armed with 2 tawny spines, whose tips are black. Wings tawny, paler along the hind borders and at the tips. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with 3 narroto tohitish spots on each side and one at the tip ; imderside with 5 yellow bands. Tibiae towards the base and tarsi tawny ; fore tarsi dark tawny. Eare. In Mr. Saunders's collection. (E.) STRATIOMYS. 17 5. microleon, Fb.; Dg.; L. s. n. ii. 980. 4 (1767). Nigra, capite flavo-quadrimaculato, thoracis latcribiis fulvis, alis sublimpidis, abdo- minis maculis 6 apice ventreque fidvis, tibiis tarsisque flavis. Long. 4i; alar. 8 lin. Black, clothed with whitish hairs. Borders of the peristoma and 2 large spots on each side pale greenish-yellow. First and second joints of the antennae, sides and spines of the thorax, tawny. AYings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow. Abdomen with 3 triamjtdar yellow spots on each side ; tip and underside yellow. Legs yellow ; femora black ; tips of hind tibia piceons. Rare. In Mr. E. Brown's collection. (E.) 6. argentata, Fb. e. s.iv. 266. 15 (1792); Pz. fn. ! xxi. 20. cviii. 10 ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Ztt. Nigra, abs albis, abdominis maculis 6 apice ventreque fulvis, tibiis tarsisque fulvis ; Mas. abdomine argenteo, tibiis nigro-cinctis ; i^cewz. capite antico ferrugineo-maculato. Long. 3-^-4 ; alar. 6-7 lin. Black, clothed with short tawny hairs. Scutellum armed with 2 tawny spines. Wings white ; veins tawny and clouded, brown and clouded about the discoidal areolet. Halteres tawny. Abdomen icith 3 tawny spots on each side ; tip and underside tawny. Leys tawny ; femora black ; tips of the tarsi dark brown. Male. Abdomen covered with silvery down ; a black band round each tibia. Fern. Head with a feiTuginous spot in front. Femora partly tawny. South of England ; not common. (E.) 7. connexa, n. s. Nigro-aenea, capite flavo-viiidi nigro-maculato, thoracis abdominisque lateribus scutelli margine postico ventreque favo- viridibus, alis cinereis ad costani fuscis, pedibus tiigris, tibiis tarsisque basi flavis. Long. 4-i- ; alar. 8 lin. Allied to S.flavissima, Fb. Dull aeneous-black. Plead yellowish- green, shining, black about the ocelli and about the base of the an- tennse, and with a black spot on each side of the crown. Sides of the thorax, hind border, and spines of the scutellum, yellowish-green. Wings grey, brownish towards the fore border, darkest along the costa as far as the stigma. Halteres apple-green. Borders and underside of the abdomen yellowish-green, which colour forms an angle on the hind border of each segment. Legs black ; tibice and tarsi toxcards the ba,se and tips of the femora yelloio. Very rare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 8. ornata, Mg. kl. i. 129. 1 (1804); LI.; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, antennis ferrugineis basi et ad apices nigris, thorace subchalybeo, scu- telli margine postico fulvo, alis albis basi et ad costam subfulvis, ab- domine fuho-1-maculato subtus vuidi, pedibus fulvis ; Mas. femoribus nigris apice fulvis, tibiis nigro-cinctis ; Fceyn. capite fulvo-bivittato bi- maculato et unifasciato. Long. 6-7; alar. 10-12 lin. VOL. I. D 18 STKATIOMIB.I^. Black. Head clothed in front with pale yellow hairs. Proboscis dark brown. Antennae dark ferruginous, black at the base and to- wards the tips. Thorax slightly chalybeous, very tliickly clothed with short tawny hairs ; hind border of the scutellum tawny, armed with 3 tawny teeth. Wings white, slightly tawny at the base and along the fore border ; veins tawny. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen with 3 more or less triangular tawny spots on each side; tip tawny; underside pale green. Legs tawny. Male. Femora black, with tawny tips ; a black band round each tibia. Fem. Head with 2 curved tawny stripes and 3 tawny spots on the crown, and with a tawny or yellow band behind the eyes. Generally distributed. (E.) 9. tigrina, Fb. sp. i. ii. 417. 6 (1781) ; Shr. ; Gm. ; Gf. ; Pz. fn. ! viii. 30 ; Mg. ; LI. ; Mq. — nigrita. Fin. ; Ztt. Cyaneo-nigra, antennis nigris, alls albis basi et ad costam subfuscis, ahdomine suhtus viridi, pedibus fidvis, femoribus nigris, tibiis nigro-cinctis, tarsis apice nigris. Long. 3i-li ; alar. 6-8 lin. Bltiish-black. Head clothed beneath with pale tawny hairs. Pro- boscis dark brown. Antennae black. Thorax clothed with ferruginous down. Scutellum armed Avith 3 tawny spines. Wings white, tinged with brown at the base and along the fore border; veins brown. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen green beneath on the disc. Legs tawny ; femora black ; a black band round each tibia ; tips of the tarsi mostly black above. Male. Head clothed in front with black hairs. Eyes haiiy. Fem. Eyes bare. Generally distributed. (E.) 10. hydropota, Mg. zw. iii. 147. 16 (1833); Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, capite hiteo, antennis ferrugineis aut nigris, scutello fidvo, abdominis late- ribus veidreque viridibus, pedibus fidvis. Long. 4-4-i- ; alar. 9-10 lin. Head luteous, shining. Antennae ferruginous or black. Thorax aeneous, covered with golden dowir. Scutellum and its spines tawny. Wings whitish ; veins ta\viiy. Halteres tawny, with apple-green knobs. Abdomen green, with a very broad dorsal black stripe ivhich is contracted on the hind border of each segment. Legs tawny. Eare. In the British Museum. (E.) 11. hydrodromia, Mg. zw. iii. 146. 15 (1833); Mq. Nigra, alis limpidis ad costam fidvis, abdominis maculis 6 ventreque flavls, tibiis piceis basi fidvis, tarsi fulvis apice piceis. Long. 4 ; alar. 9 lin. Black, thickly clothed with tawny down. Wings colourless, tawny along the fore border till near the tips ; veins and halteres tawny. Ab- domen adorned on each side with three someiohat triangular yellow spots, ichich s?(ccessively decrease in size from the base ; underside yellow. Ti- biae piceous, tawny towards the base ; tarsi tawny, with piceous tips. Rare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) OXYCERA. 19 12. hydroleon, L. s. n. ii. 980. 5 (1767); Dg. ; Fb. ; Shr. ; Gm. ; Gf. ; Pz. fii. ! viii. 21 ; Mg. ; LI. ; Fla. ; Mq. ; Zii.—angulata, Pz. fu. ! viii. 19 ; Mq. Nigra, antennis iiigris basi fiilvis, scutelli mar- ffine postico fiilvo, alis limpidis, abdomine fiilvo vitta dorsali nicjra, pe- (libus fulvis. Long. 5 ; alar. 9^ lin. Scapula ill front of tlie head ferruginous ; sides of the peristoma yellow. Mouth black. Antennse black ; first and second joints tawny. Thorax clothed above with tawny hairs, beneath with white hairs ; spines and hind border of the scutellum tawny. Wings colourless ; veins, alulae and halteres yellow. Abdomen taicnij, with a broad black dorsal stripe which is contracted toicards the hind border of each segment, and ends before the tip. Legs tawny. Male. Head black, clothed in front with white hairs. Thorax black. Tern. Head luteous. Thorax aeneous. Very rare. Tu the British Museum. (E.) 13. viridula, Pb. sp. i. ii. 418. 8 (1781); Shr. ; Gm. ; Pz. fn. ! viii. 18; LI.; Pin.; Mg.; Mq. ; Ztt.— 6Y/;«i«a, Pz. ; fn. ! viii. 23. Mg. — marginata, Pb. — dentata, Mg. Nigra, alis albis basi et ad costam sub- fidvis, abdomine viridi nigro-vittato, pedibus fidvis. Long. 2^-3 ; alar. 5-6 lin. Black, clothed with tawny hairs. Scutellum armed with 2 tawny spines. Wings white, with a sUght tawny tinge at the base and along the fore border ; veins tawiiy. Halteres tawny, with green knobs. Ab- domen green, with a black dorsal stripe which irregularly widens from the base to the tip, and varies in breadth. Legs tawny. Male. Head much larger than that of the female. Fern. Stripe of the abdomen much broader than that of the male, sometimes occupying the whole surface. Generally distributed. (E. S. 1.) 14. subvittata, Mg. zw. ! iii. 1.50. 19. pi. 26. f. 15 (1822). Nigra, alis albis l)asi et ad costam subfiilvis, abdomine viridi nigro-ma- ciilato, pedibus fulvis. Long. 3^ ; alar. 7 lin. Black. Antennae black or feiTuginous. Thorax clothed with tawny hairs; spines of the scutellum ta^vny. Wings white with a slight tawny tinge at the base and along the fore border ; veins tawny. Halteres tawny, with green knobs. Abdomen green, with a narrow, much inter- rupted black stripe which is toidened into two short bands towards the tip. Legs tawny. Rare. In the British Museum. (E.) Genus IV. OXYCERA. OxYCEBA, Mg. zw. iii. (1822); Mq.; Ct.; Ztt. ; Stg.; Lw. Musca p. L.;Spl. ; Dnv. St?-atiomgs 1^.,'Fh.; Gm. ; Prylsr. ; Pz. ; Fin. D 2 20 STHATIOMIDiE. Corpus minoris maguitudiiiis, oblongo-ovatum, tenuissime pubescens, abdomine depresso, rotundato. Color niger ; pictura thoracis vitta- tim, abdorainisqiie fasciatim vel ad latera maculatim, flava vel viiidi. Antenna '^-articulates, porrectae ; articuli tertio ad sextum flagel- lum fusiforme fingentes ; septimus brevis ; octavus longus, stylatus. Scutellum hispinosum. Man. Oculi conjimcti, pubescentes. Teem. Oculi remoti, nudi. Body oblong, pubescent, small, black and yellow, or green and black. Head semicircular. Ocelli 3. Proboscis withdrawn. Labrum short, broad, hollow, emarginate at the tip. Palpi short, linear, mem- branous, compressed, thickened, opake and pubescent at the tips. Labium terminating in 2 hairy transversely striated lobes. Antennce %-jointed, porrect, pubescent, somewhat shorter than the head, seated on the middle of the face, approximate at the base ; the hrst and second joints short, bristly, almost cylindrical ; third, fourth, fifth, and sixth joints forming a fusiform tiagellum ; seventh short, seated very near the tip of the sixth ; eighth forming a long style. Thorax oval. Sciitelliim armed with two spines. Wings lanceolate, incumbent, pa- rallel, very finely pubescent. Alulfe very small. Halteres uncovered ; club large. Abdomen with five segments, oval, somewhat convex, broader than the thorax. Legs slender, of equal size ; tibiae a little thickened in the middle, forming a slight notch on the inside ; onychia small. Male. Eyes contiguous, hairy, red and composed of large facets above, green and with small facets in fi'ont. Fern. Eyes remote, bare. These flies move slowly, and dwell on the leaves of trees and on flowers. 1. rara, Spl. e. c. 333. 912 (1763).— %j!?ofeow, Mg. ; Dnv. ;— Stg. pulchella, Mg. ; Mq. ; Stg. ; Lw. ! d. b. 14. 3. f. 5, 6. Nigra, scutello flavo, alis limpidis, abdominis maculis qiiinque ventreque flavis, pedibus fiavis, femoribus nujris ; Mas. autennis fuscis, thorace flavo-bivittato ; Foem. antennis fulvis, thorace flavo-quadrivittato. Long. 2^-2f ; alar. 5-6 lin. Black. Head and thorax clothed with pale hairs. Proboscis tawny. Thorax with a broad interrupted yellow stripe o)i each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings colourless. Halteres very pale yeUow. Abdomen with 2 yellow converging rays on each side and a yellow spot at the tip ; disc beneath yelloio. Legs yelloto ; femora and tij)S of the tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. Palleni, Stg. c. z. v. 410. 3 (1844) ; Lw. ! d. b. 13. 2. f. 3, 4. hypoleoti, Ztt. ; Dnv.? Gm. ? Nigro flavoque varia, pedibiis Jlavis, fe- moribus anticis basi nigris. Long. 2| ; alar. 6 lin. OXYCERA. 21 Black, varied with yellow. Legs yellow ; fore femora black at the base. Rare. In Mr. Halida/s collection. (I.) 3. dives, Lw. ! d.b. 15. 4.f. 7, 8 (IUQ>) .—hypoleon, Shr. ? Nigi-a, capite flavo-quadrimaculato, thorace interrupte flavo-bivittato, scutello flavo, alis subcinereis ad costam subfulvis, abdomine flavo-quiuque- macidato, pecUbus nip-is, tibiis basi apiceque fiilvis, tarsi-s fuscis ; Mas. thorace interrupte flavo-bi\-ittato ; Fcem. thorace flavo-quadrivittato. Long. 2^; alar. 6 lin. Black. Head and thorax clothed with pale hairs. Head with four large yellow spots, one on each side of the crown, and one on each side behind the eyes. Proboscis tawny. Antentia black. Thorax with a much interrupted yellow stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings pale grey, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen with 2 nearly round yellow spots on each side and with a transverse yellow spot at the tip. Legs black ; tibia taiony at the base and at the tips ; tarsi dark broicn. Fein. Thorax with. 2 slightly interrupted yellow stripes in the disc. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 4. trilineata, L. s. n. ii. 980. 6 (1767) ; Fb. ; Shr.; Pz. ! fn. i. 13 ; Mg. ; LI. ; Pin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. hypoleon v., L. Yiridis, peristomate nigi'o, antennis fuhas, thoracis disco nigro viridi-bivittato, metathorace nigro, alis albis, abdominis disco nigro viridi-trimaculato lateribus nigro-quinquemaculatis, pedibus fidvis. Long. 2-1—3 ; alar. 5-6 lin. Green, clothed with short whitish hairs. Head yellowish-green ; peristoma black. JCyes purple and gi-eeu. Proboscis yellow. Antennae tawny. Disc of the thorax black, with 2 green stripes. Metathorax black. Wings white ; veins pale yellow. Halteres bright green. Disc of the abdomen black, including 3 green spots, emitting 2 narrow black bands on each side, and succeeded by a narrow black band near the tip. Legs tawny. Male. Eyes above coppery, and composed of large facets. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 5. pardalina, Mg. ! zw. iii. 128. 6. pi. 25. f. 30, 31 (1822); Ztt. Nigi'a, antennis fulvis apice nigris, thoracis vittis maculisque duabtis scutelloqne flavis, alis limpicbs ad costam subfulvis, abdomine flavo- quinquemaculato, pedibus fulvis, tarsis anticis fuscis ; Fcem. capite flavo-bivittato et sex-maculato, thoracis disco flavo-bivittato. Long. 2i-2i- ; alar. 4^-5 lin. Black. Proboscis tawny. Antennfe tawny, with black tips. Thorax with a yelloio stripe on each side, and with a yelloto spot near the base of each wing ; scutellum yellotc, armed with 2 tawny teeth. Wings colourless, with a tawny tinge along the fore border ; veins tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with 2 pale yellow spots on each side and one at the tip. Legs tawny ; coxa?, fore tarsi, and tips of the other tarsi 22 STBATIOMID^. brown. Male. Eyes hairy. Fern. Head with 2 yellow stripes in front, with 4 yellow spots on the crown, and with a yellow spot on each side behind the eyes. Thorax with 3 yellow stripes on the disc. Not rare. (E. I.) 6. formosa, Wdn. ; Mg. zw. iii. 127. 5 (1822); Mq. Nigra, thoracis lateribus Interrupte flavo-vittatis, scutello flavo, ahs limpi- dis, abdominis apice pedibusqne flavis ; Mas. abdominis maculis utriu- que duabus connexis flavis ; F(jeM. capitis vittis duabus fasciaque inter- rnpta flavis, abdominis maculis utrinque tribus comiexis flavis, ventre plerumque flavo. Long, li-; alar. 3^ lin. Black. Head and thorax clothed with short wliitish hairs. Pro- boscis yellow. Thorax toith a broad interrupted yellow stripe on each side ; scutellmn yelloio. Wings colourless ; veins pale buff. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with a yellow spot at the tip. Legs yellow. Male. Abdomen vnW\ two yeUow connected spots on each side. Fern. Head with a yellow stripe on each side of the crown, and with an interrupted yellow band behind the eyes. Thorax with 2 slender yeUow stripes on the disc. Abdomen with 3 yellow connected spots on each side ; underside mostly yellow. Not rare. (E. I.) 7. muscaria, Fb. e. s. iv. 268. 21 (1794); Pz. ! Mg. ; Mq.— pyrjmmt, Fin. ; Mg. ; Ztt. — affinis, Dale ; Ct. Nigra, thorace flavo-bivit- tato, alls limpidis, abdomine flavo-cpiinqueniaciilato, ventre plerumque flavo, pedibus fulvis, tibiis posticis femoribusque nigris, tibiis anterio- ribus nigro-cinctis, tarsis nigris posterioribus basi flavis ; Fwm. capitis vittis duabus fasciaque interrupta flavis. Long, li ; alar. 3 lin. Black. Head covered in front with silvery down.* Proboscis yellow. Thorax with a yelloio stripe on each side. ScuteUum yellow, sometimes partly or wholly black. Wings colourless ; veins pale tawny. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen toltli 2 connected yellow spots on each side, and 1 at the tip ; underside mostly yellow. Legs tawny ; femora and hind tibiaj black ; a black band on each of the anterior tibise ; tarsi black ; posterior tarsi yellow towards the base. Fem. Head with two yellow stripes on the crown, and with a yeUow interrupted band behind the eyes. Not rare. (E.I.) 8. Morrisii, Ct. ! b. e. x. (1833). W\gri\, thorace interrupte albido- bivittato, scutelli apice ochraceo, abdomine flavo-quinquemaculato, pe- dibus flavis, tibiis posticis femoribusque plerumque nigris, tarsis nigris posterioribus basi albidis. Long. 2| ; alar. 5 Un. Black, shining, thickly and minutely punctured, covered with very short grey down. Proboscis ochreous. Thorax with a lohitish stripe on each side, forming a minute spot in front, a larger spot before the base of each wing, and a third spot behind it. Hind border and spines of the scutellmn ochreous. Wings colourless ; stigma yellowish-brown ; veins brown along the costa. Halteres white. Abdomen with an oblique CLITELLAHIA. 23 yellow spot on each side of the third and fourth segments, and with a triangular yellow spot at the tip. Legs yeUow ; femora black, yellow at each end ; hind tibire black, yellow at the base ; tarsi black ; pos- terior tarsi whitish at the base. Eare. (E. I.) In Mr. Curtis's and Mr. Dale's collections. 9. terminata, Mgrie. ; Mg. zw. iii. 130. 9 (1822). Nigra, ^/^o- race JIavo-bivittato, scutello flavo, aUs limpitUs, abdominis vittis duabus posterior ihus jlavis, tarsis posticis basi femoribusque fulvis ; Tceni. capite vittis 2 maculisque 4 flavis. Long. %\ ; alar. .5 lin. Black. Head and thorax clothed with a few short whitish hairs. Proboscis tawny. Thorax with a yellow cui-ved stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings colourless ; veins tawny. Halteres pale yeUow. Abdomen loith a narroto yelloio border from the middle to the tip. Femora tawny ; hind tarsi tawny towards the base. Tem. Head with a short yeUow stripe on each side of the antennae, and with 4 yellow spots behind the eyes. Eare. In Mr. Curtis''s collection. (E.) 10. analis, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 130. 10 (1822). Nigra, ^/^o?-«ce ad alas fidvo, alls subciiiereis fnsco nuimacnlatis, abdominis apice flavo, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis femoribusque nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Black. Head and thorax thickly clothed with short hoaiy hairs. Eyes hairy. Prol)oscis tawny. Thorax dark tatcvy at the base of each wing; spines of the scutellum yellow. Wings very slightly tinged with grey ; a brown spot on each beneath the stigma ; veins tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen loith a yellow tip. Legs yeUow ; femora and hind tibias black ; tarsi tawny towards the tips. Eare. In Mr. Curtis^s collections. (E.) 11. longicomis, (Hal. MSS.) Atra, nitens, antennis capite longio- ribns; thoracis vittis duabus lateralibus scuteUoque flavis, alls limpidis, pedibus piceis, tibiis basi femoribusque fulvis. Long. 1^; alar. 3|- lin. Black, shining. Antennse longer than the head. Thorax with a yellow stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow. Wings colourless. Hal- teres yellow. Legs tawny ; tibiae and tarsi piceous, the former tawny towards the base. Eare ; inhabits Dorsetshire. In Mr. Dale^s collection. (E.) Genus V. CLITELLARIA. Clitellaria, Mg. zw. iii. 119 (1822). Musca^., Sch. ; Hbst. ; Shr.; Gm. ; Gf. Stratiomys p., Yh. ; Shr. ; Pz. Ephippium, LI. ; Mq. Corpus oblongo-ovatum. Antennce 9-articulatag ; articuli primus et se- cundus ajquales; tertius et sequentes ad septimum flagcllum obclavatum 24 STRATIOMID^. fingentes ; octanis brevis ; nonns stylatiis. Alanim vena; longitu- dinales usque ad alte marginem summum descendentes. Mas. Oculi approximati. Foem. Oculi remoti. Body nearly oval, generally rather large, mostly black. Head almost semicircular. Proboscis withdi'awn. Labnim short, flat. Palpi tri- articulate, clavate, hairy. Labium short, thick, cylindrical. AntenncR ^-jointed., poiTect, almost as long as the head, approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; first and second joints bristly ; first short, almost cylindrical, somewhat thicker at the tip ; second cyathifonn, as long as the first ; third and following a long obclavate flagellura ; eighth short ; ninth long, stylate. Thorax almost oval ; scuteUum semicircular, armed with spines. Wings lanceolate, incumbent, parallel, finely pubescent. Alulae very small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen oval, with five segments, slightly convex. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fem. Eyes remote. These flies are rare ; they dwell on the trunks of trees ; their larvae Kve on decayed wood. 1. ephippium, Fb. sp. i. 417. 2 (1781); Sch. ; Hbst. ; Slir.; Gm. ; Gfr.; Pz. ! fn. viii. 23; Mg. — Inda, Shr. — thoracicum,lA. ; Mq. Atra, thoracis disco ferrugineo-hii'to, alis nigricantibus, halteribus flavis. Long. 5i; alar. 12 lin. Deep black. Body clothed with short black hairs. Head clothed above with dull tawny hairs. Thorax thickly clothed with bright fer- ruginous hairs. Wings blackish, palest along the hind borders. Hal- teres bright yellow. Very rare ; has been found in Coombe wood, Surrey, and in Darenth wood, Kent. In the British Museum, and in Mr. Des- vignes's collection. (E.) Genus VL NEMOTELUS. Nemotelus, Gfr. ins. ii. (1784); Fb.; Mg.; Pz. ; LI.; Fin ; Mq. ; Ct. ; Ztt. Musca p., L. ; Gm. Stratiomys p., Fb.; Shr. Corpus oblongum, minoris magnitudinis, tenuiter pubescens, nitidum. Color niger ; pictura albo fasciata vel punctata. Epistoma porrectum, conicum. Ocidi nudi. Antennse S-articulatse, poiTCctfe ; articidi tertius et sequentes flagellum fusiforme fingentes ; septimus brevis ; octavus stylatus. Scutellmn inerme. Alarum areola discoidalis venas 4 emittens, fere in marginem interiorem summmn descendentes. Body shining, oblong, rather small, finely pubescent. Colour black, often with white bands or spots. Head as broad as the thorax or nearly so. Epistonia porrect, conical. Eyes bare. Proboscis withdrawn. NE.MOTELUS. 25 Labnim homy, stout, small, liollow, acute. Labium long, slender, geniculated near the base, terminating in 2 very long lobes with mem- branaceous and slightly bristly edges. Antennfe 8-jointed, porrect, con- tiguous, seated close to the tip of the epistoma, diverging, shorter than the head, clothed with very short hairs ; first and second joints bristly, cylindrical or somewhat clavate ; second longer than the first ; third and following joints forming a fusiform fiagellum ; seventh sliort ; eightli stylate. Thorax almost quadrangular, very slightly convex. Scutellvm semicircular, unanned. Wings lanceolate, incumbent, parallel, not iiubescent. Alultc small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 5 segments, short, elliptical, flat or but slightly convex, incurved at the tip, broader than the thorax. Legs slender ; ungues short and stout. Male. Eyes approximate, I'ed and composed of large facets above, green and of small facets in front. Fern. Eyes remote, of small facets. Epistoma longer than that of the male. These flies are slow in their movements ; they inhabit flowers or rushes and grasses on marshy ground during the spring and the summer. 1. uliginosus, L. s. n. ]1. 982.22(1767); Fb. ; Mg. ; Flu.; Mq. ; Ztt. — mut/'cns,Yh. — bifascialus, Mg. ; Ztt. Niger, ihorace albo- bivittato, alis albis, pedibns fulvis, tibiis posticis femoiibusque nigris ; Mas. capite flavo unimacnlato, abdomine albo ad apicem nigro-bi- fasciato subtus nigro-marginato ; Foim. abdomine albo-marginato macuhs albis vittato. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Black ; a white irregular strife along each side of the thorax. Wings white; veins pale tawny. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; femora black, with tawny tips ; hind tibise black, tawny at the base and at the tips. Male. Head with a triangular yellow spot above the auteimae. Aljdo- men white ; 2 black bands near the tip ; underside, excepting the disc, black. Fem. Abdomen black above ; border white ; a row of white spots along the back ; sometimes a row of short white bands along each side. Generally distributed. Common in salt marshes bv the sea- shore. (E. S. I.) 2. pantherinus, L. fn. 1783 (1761); Gm. ; Mg. ! zw. iii. 11 .5. 2. pi. 25. f. 20 ; Mq. ; Ztt. — marginatus, Fb. ; Pz. ! LI. ; Fin. — uliginosus, Mg. ; LI. ; Pz. ! — muticus, Shr. — marginellus, Gm. ; Fin. Niger, alis albis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis posticis femoribusque nigris ; Mas. ca- pite flavo-unimaculato, abdomine albo ad apicem nigro-maculato subtus nigro-marginato ; Fcem. bdomine supra nigro albo-marginato maculis albis \ittato. Long. If; alar. 3-i- lin. Very nearly allied to A^. uliginosus. Black, ^^'ings white ; veins ])ale tawny. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; thighs black, with tawny tips ; hind tibifR black, tawny at the base and at the tips. Male. Head with VOL. I. E 36 STRATIOMTD.E, a triangular yellow spot above the antennse. Abdomen white, with a Mack spot near' the tip ; underside black, excepting the disc. Fern. Abdomen black above ; border white ; a row of white spots along the back, and sometimes a row of short white bands along each side. Not very common. 3. brevirostris, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 117. 6 (1822); Mq. Cy- aneo-niger, antennis nigris, thorace albo-bivittato, alis albis, abdomine macuUs fulvis trivittato, pedibus fulvis, femoribus nigris, tibiis nigro- ciuctis. Long. 2^ ; alar. 4 lin. Bluish-black. Proboscis and antennae black. Thorax toith a white irregular stripe along each side. Wings white ; veins pale tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with 3 ro/os of taicny spots, lohich are con- nected along each side. Legs tawny ; femora black, with tawny tips ; a black band on each hind tibia. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 4. nigrinus, Fin. str. 6. 3 (1814); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. ! b. e. 729; Ztt. — nigritus, Pz. ! fn. cvii. 17. Niger, alis albis, tibiis tarsisque basi fulvis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Black. Wings white ; veins pale tawny. Halteres yellow. Tibife and tarsi tawny towards the base. Generally distributed, but not common. (E. I.) Genus VIL PACHYGASTER. Pachygaster, Mg. kl. i. 146 (1804) ; Mq. ; Ct.; Duf.; Ztt. Vappo, LI. ; Fb. Nemotelus p., Pz. Sargus p., Fin. Corpus parvum, ovatum, glabriusculum, punctulatum. Color niger, absque pictura. Epistoma declive. Antennas 7 -articulatce, clavatse; articuli tertius et sequentes flageUum globosum tingentes ; octavus setiformis, subterminahs. Scntellum inerme. Alarum areola dis- coidalis venas 3 obsoletissimas fere usque in marginem iuteriorem descendentes emittens. Body small, oval, wholly black, shining, almost bare. Epistoma perpendicidar . Eyes dark green. Proboscis withdi-awn, shorter than the head. Labrum small, robust, cylindrical, hollow beneath, dilated at the base, obtuse and notched at the tip. Tongue acute, attenuated from the base, half the length of the labrum. Maxillae filiform, long, slender, acute, as long as the labrum. Palpi very minute, oblong, cylindrical, subclavate, shghtly pilose, diverging. Labium large, oval. AntenncB '^-jointed, hairy, porrect, approximate at the base, seated rather low on the head, not far from the peristoma, diverging upwards ; first and second joints veiy short ; first almost cylindrical ; second cya- CHRYSOMYIA. 27 tliiform, broader than the first ; third and following much broader than the second, formiug a globose somewhat compressed flagellum ; seventh extremely minute ; eighth set'iforin, rather hairy at the base, seated near the tip of the flagellum. Thorax obovate, rather long, with a transverse suture. Scutdlum unarmed. Wings long, lanceolate, finely pubescent, incimibent, parallel ; veins indistinct. Alulae small. Halteres large, ovate. Abdomen with 5 segments, large, nearly glo- bular, bare, convex above, flat beneath, broader than the thorax. Legs slender. Male. Eyes contiguous. Tern. Eyes remote. Ocelli more in front of the head than those of the male. Tliese flies move slowly, and inhabit flowers, hedges, and thickets, in the summer ; their larvae feed on decayed wood ; one species on that of the elm, 1. ater, Eb. s. a. 254. 1 (1805); LI.; Pz. ! fu. iv. 5; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — pachygaster. Fin. Niger, aUs albiclis basi nigris, pedibus flavis, femoribus nigris ; Mas. antennis nigris ; Fcem. antennis fulvis. Long. \\ ; alar. 3 hn. Black, shining. Proboscis tawny. Wings whitish, tinged with black for half the length from the base ; veins pale yellow. Halteres dark brown. Legs yellow ; femora black. 2Iale. Antenna black. Feni. Antennae tawny. Eare. (E.) 2. Leachii, Ct. ! b. e. 1. 42 {lS2i). —paUipenuis, Mq.; Ztt. Ni- ger, antennis fulvis, alis albis, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis apice fusco- maculatis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 Hu. Black, shining. Proboscis and antennae tawny. JFings lohite ; veins and halteres pale yellow. Legs yellow ; a brown spot near the tip of each hind tibia. Rare. (E. I.) Genus YIIL CHRYSOMYIA. CHRYSOMYIA, Mq. d. 1. 262 (1834); Ztt. Musca^., Fb. ; Shr. Ne- motelus p., Deg. Rhagio p., Shr. Sargus p., Fb. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Ct. Chloromyia, Den. Corpus medicB aut minoris magnitudinis, oblongum, parum pubescens. Color metallicus, aureo-viridis. Pictura nulla. Epistoma declive. Ocelli in vertice approximati. Antenna) G-articulatse ; articuli tertius et sequcntes flagellum ellipticura fingentes ; sextus setiformis, termi- nalis. Scutellum inerme. Alarum areola discoidalis veuas 4 obso- letas emittens, vix in summum marginem interiorem extensas. Ab- domen ovale. Mas. Oculi contigui. Foim. OcuU remoti. 28 STRATIOMIDiE. Body of middle or small size, obloiig, smooth, shining, slightly pubescent, wholly metallic, bluish or golden green. Head semicircular, sometimes rather depressed in front. Epistoma perpendicular. Eyes large, green, often with purple bauds. Ocelli 3, close together on the crown. Proboscis concealed. Labrum very short, flat, hollow, rounded and emarginate at the tip. Palpi 3-joiuted, diverging ; first and second joints cylindrical, short; second thicker and shorter than the first; thii-d oval, pubescent. Labium large, cylindrical, short. Antennae 6-jointed, porrect, short, pilose, seated on the middle of the head in front, approximate at the base, inclined upwards, diverging towards the tips ; first joint almost cylindrical ; second cyathiform, bristly, somewhat compressed, thicker than the first ; third and three following formiug an elliptical flagellum ; sixth setiform, seated on the tip of the fifth. Thorax oval, pubescent ; scutelluiii semicircular, unarmed. Wings lanceolate, pubescent, incumbent, parallel. Alulae none. Hal- teres uncovered. Abdomen with 5 segments, flat, rather short and broad. Legs slender; metatarsus almost as long as the other 4 joints. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fem. Eyes remote. The C/mjsomi/ice are sluggish ; inhabit flowers and the leaves of trees ; the larvae of the second division feed on decaying vege- table matter^ and the flies are not uncommon about hot-beds. a. Body of middle size. Eyes hairy in both sexes. Species 1. a a. Body small. Eyes bare in both sexes. Abdomen nearly round. Male. Eyes reddish-cupreous and composed of large facets above, ffiueous and with small facets in front. Fern. Eyes wholly feneous and composed of small facets. Species 2-4. 1. formosa, Shr. ia. 899 (1781); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — cupraria, Spl. ? {\'lCi?j).--Jlavo-genicHlata,J)g. — aurata, Fb. ; Mg. — xanthoptera, Mg. ; Eb. ; Latr. ; Eln. Cyaneo-viridis, capite autennisque nigris, alls fulvis, pedibus nigris, femoribus apice tibiisque basi fulvis. Long. 3-4 ; alar. 6-8 liu. Head black. Eyes golden-green ; upper part purple, between which colour and the green there is a narrow blue and purple band. Pro- boscis and antennte black. Thorax bright bluish-green. Wings tawny ; veins darker. Halteres luteous. Legs black ; tips of the femora and tibite towards the base tawny. Male. Body thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Eyes thickly clothed with short black hairs. Ab- domen golden-green, dark green beneath. Fem. Less hairy than the maje. Abdomen purple, blue along each side ; rarely bluish-green, aeneous-green along each side. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. polita, L. s. n. ii. 894. 93 (1767); Fb. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt.— aurala, Deg. — splendens, Mg. — cyanea, Fb. • ^Eneo-viridis vel cyaneo- CHRYSOMYIA. 29 viridis, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, pedibus nigris, genuhus tarsisque fulvis, tihiis tarsisque anticis subfuscis ; Mas. proboscide fulvo ; Foetn. proboscide fusco. Long, lf-2 ; alar. 4-4-1- iju. Body bright coppery-green or bluish-green, clothed with very short whitish hairs. Eyes green, here and there reddish-purple. A)itenneB black. Wings colourless, sometimes pale brown along the fore border ; veins pale brown. Halteres yellow or tawny. Abdomen sometimes purple. Legs black ; knees and tarsi taivny ; fore tibia tawny ; fore tarsi pale broion. Male. Proboscis tawny. Fern. Proboscis brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. pallipes, Mg. zw. vi. 311. 31 (1S30); Zii.—poUtus var.. Fin. Viridis, antennis fuscis basi fulvis, thoracis lateribus flavo-vittatis, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus jmsterioribus nigris, tibiis posticis apice fuscis. Long, l-i— 1|-; alar. 3-^-4 lin. Bright green, sometimes coppery or bluish-green. Proboscis tawny. Antenna broicn ; first and second joints tawny. Thorax with a yellow stripe along each side. Wings colom'less ; veins pale tawny. Hal- teres yellow or tawny. Legs taiony ; posterior femora mostly black or greenish-black ; hind tibicB brown towards the tips. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 4. flavicornis, Mg. zw. iii. 112. 10 (1822); Mq.— /WiYa v., Ztt.— pallipes v., Ztt. Viridis, antennis fulvis, thoracis lateribus fiavo-vittatis, alis \\m])\(\\s,, pedibus fulvis, femoribns posterioribus nigris, tibiis posticis apice fusco-cinctis. Long. 1^-1^; alar. 3-3^ lin. Bright green or bluish-green. Proboscis and antenna taicny. Thorax zcith a yelloio stripe along each side. Wings colourless, some- times pale tawny along the fore border; vein pale tawn^y. Halteres yellow or tawny. Abdomen sometimes bright cupreous or ciipreous- black. Legs tawny ; posterior femora more or less black ; hind tibia most frequently with a brown band near each tip. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 5. cyaneiventris, Ztt. d. s. i. 156. 4 (1842). Aureo-viridis, antennis halteribus pedibusque flams, abdomine violaceo, femoribus pos- terioribus late nigro-cinctis ; Fatm. fronte violacea. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Golden-green. Antennae and halteres yellow. Abdomen violet. Legs yellow ; a broad black band on each of the posterior femora. Fern. Front \-iolet. Eare. In Mr. Halida/s collection, (i.) 30 STKATIOMIDJ^, Genus IX. SARGUS. Sargus, Fb. ; Mg. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Musca p., L. ; Spl. ; Fb. ; Gm. ; Gf. ; Shr. Nemotelus p., Deg. RJiagio p., Shr. Corpus elongatum, mediae maguitudinis, sublineare, abdomine basi sensim augustato, tenuiter pubescens, iiitidum, subdepressum. Color metallicus, virescens, aureo-splendidus ; pictiu'a nulla. Epistoma declive. Oculi nudi, remoti, ajnei. AntenncB ^-articulatce ; arti- culi tertius et sequentes flagellum fingentes suborljiculare ; sextus setiformis, subterniinalis. Scidelliim iuerme. Areola discoidalis venas 4 distinctiores emittens, fere usque in summum margiuem interiorem extensas. Mas. Oculi magis approximati. Abdomen angiistatum ; anus truucatus. Fcem. Ocidi magis disjuncti. Abdomen paullo latins ; anus obtuse rotundatus. Body of moderate size, long, narrow, smooth, shining, nearly linear, metaUic, somewhat depressed. Head semicircidar. Ej)istoma declining . Eyes large, gTeen, often with pm^^le bands, parted. Proboscis con- cealed. Labium veiy short, flat, hoUow, rounded and emarginate at the tip. Maxillse subulate, as long as the labrum. Labium short, large, cylindrical. Antennce ^-jointed, porrect, short, pilose, seated on the middle of the front, approximate at the base, inclined upwards, diverging towards the tips ; first joint almost cylindrical ; second cyathiform, bristly, some- what compressed, thicker than the first ; thii'd, fourth, and fifth forming an ahnost round flagellum ; sixth setiform, seated near the tip of the fifth. Thorax oval, pubescent. Scutellum semicircidar, unarnied. Wings lanceolate, pubescent, incumbent, parallel. Alulae none. Halteres un- covered. Abdomen with 7 segments, flat. Legs slender ; metatarsus almost as long as the other four joints. These flies are remarkable for the brilhancy of their colours and the elegance of their shape ; they inhabit flowers, leaves of trees, hedges, and bushes, from the spring to the autumn, and are partial to honey-dew ; they are indolent, and their flight is slow, and they quickly return to the spot whence they took wing. a. Ocelli seated on the front ; the fore one remote from the two liinder. Species 1-4. a a. Ocelli seated on the vertex ; equally apart from each other. Species 5. 1. cuprarius, L.? s. n. ii. 994. 92 (1767); Dg.; Fb.; Shr.; Fb. ; Mg. ; Latr. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt.— »/oZffm;«, Spl. 840. 915 (1703).— cupreus, GL—polik(S ? Shr. Cupreo-widis, antennis nigris, alis siib- cinereis fusco-semifasciatis, pedibus nigris, tarsis posterioridus tibiisque basi femoribusque apice fulvis ; Mas. capite fidvo-biraaculato, abdomine SARGUS. 31 seneo-viridi apice purpiu'eo ; I'cem. capite albo-bimaculato, abdomine cyaneo-purpureo basi ciipreo. Long. 4-4^ ; alar. 8-9 lin. Body bi'iglit green, tinged here and there with cnpreous, clothed with pale tawny hairs. Head clothed in front with black hairs. Pro- boscis tawny. Antenna) black. "Wings pale grey ; stigma dark brown ; beneath it a large irregular hroicn spot extends half across the ichuj ; veins black. Ilalteres tawny. Legs black ; tips of the femora, tibia, and hinder tarsi at the hose taicny. Male. Head with a dull tawny spot on each side between the eyes above the antenna). Abdomen a;neous-green, bright cupreous towards the tip, which is purple. Tern. Head with a white spot on each side. Abdomen bluish-purple, cu- preous towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. nubeculosus, Ztt. d. s. i. 157. 2 (1842). Cupreo-viridis, an- tennis nigris, alis subcinereis fusco-semifasciatis, abdomine cupreo-pur- pureo lateribus cyaueo-purpureo, pedibus nigris, genubiis fulvis. Long. 2|- ; alar. 5i lin. Bright green with a cupreous tinge here and there, clothed with pale tawny hairs. Eyes green, with purple bands. Proboscis tawny. An- tennae black. JFings pale greij ; stigma dark brown, beneath it a large irregular broion spot extends half across the wing ; veins black. Halteres yellow. Abdomen cupreous-black, bluish-purple along each side. Legs black ; knees dark tawny. Generally distributed. Perhaps a variety of S. cup-arius. (E. I.) 3. iridatus, Spl. i. c. 340. 914 (1763). — cuprarins, L. (in Linn. Coll.). — infuscatiis, Hms. ; Mg. zw. iii. 107.3; Ztt. — auratus,^lg. Cyaneo-viridis, capite albo-bimaculato, antennis nigris, alis cinereis, pedibus nigris, genubus fulvis ; Mas. abdomine cupreo- basi seneo-viridi ; Fcem. abdomine purpureo basi eeneo. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 8-10 lin. Body bright bluish-green, clothed with pale tawny hairs. Head with a white spot on each side above the antennae, clothed in front with black hairs. Eyes green, with a purple band. Proboscis tawny. Antennse black. Wings grey ; veins black. Halteres tawny. Legs black ; knees tawny. Male. Abdomen aeneous, green or seneous-green at the base, cupreous towards the tip. Fern. Abdomen purple, seneous at the base. Generally distributed, (E. S. I.) 4. flavipes. Pin. d. s. sppl. 9. 2-3 (1826); Ztt. Aureo-viridis, capite albo-bimaculato, antennis nigris, alis fusco-cinereis ; Mas. abdo- minis apice cupreo, pedibus nigris, tarsis posterioribus tibiisqtie basi fulvis ; Fcem. capite nigro, verticis carina pm-purea, abdomine cupreo ad apicem cyaneo-purpureo, pedibus fulvis, iibiis anticis fusco-cinctis. Long. 3-4 ; alar. 6-8 lin. Body golden-green. Head clothed in front with black hairs ; a 32 XYLOPHAGID^. white spot on each side above the anteniiEe. Eyes without bands. Proboscis tawny. Antennae black. Wings brownish-grey ; stigma darker ; veins black. Halteres tawny. Male. Body clothed with pale tawny hairs. Abdomen cupreous towards the tip. Legs black ; tib'i/e and liinder tarsi tawny towards the base. 'Fern. Body clothed with whitish hairs. Head black ; a purple ridge on the crown. Abdomen cupreous, purple towards the tip, which is tinged with blue. Legs tawny ; a black band on each femur ; tips of the tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 5. bipunctata, Spl.i. c. 341. 916 (1'1QS).—Iieaumuri, Fb. ; Mg.; Mq.; Ct. ! b. e. 305 ; Ztt. Antennis nigris, alis cinereo-fulvis, pedibus fulvis ; Mas. cyaneo-viridis, thorace cupreo-quadrivittato, abdomine seneo ; Fcem. viridis vel cupreo-viridis, abdomine purpureo-cyaneo basi rufo-fulvo. Long. 4-6 ; alar. 9-13 lin. Head with a shining white spot on each side above the antennse. Eyes bronzed. Proboscis tawny. Antenufe black. Wings pale greyish tawny ; stigina pale brown ; veins black, tawny at the base. ILnlteres tawny. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi brown. 3Iale. Body clothed with tawny hairs. Head bright bluish-green, clothed in front with black hairs. Thorax bright green, with 4 cupreous stripes ; hind part bluish-green. Abdomen seneous. Fern. Head clothed in front with tawny hairs. Thorax bright green or cupreous-green. Abdomen blue, with a purple stripe ; first and second segments reddish-tawny, with a purple stripe. Local. (E.S.L) Family 11. X YLOPH AGIDJG. Xylophagii p., Mg. zw. ii. 1 (1820); LI; Fin.; Ztt. Stratio- mydce p., Lm. XylophafidcB p. et Xylophatja p., Bms. Xylopha- gites p., Nwm. BtratiombuB p., Rdn. Xylophagei p., Ags. Corpus medium, angustum. Ocelli 3. Proboscis retracta, setis quatuor. AntenncE 10-articulat(S, porrectfe, basi approximatse, apice acutae ; articuli tertio ad decimum subaequales, flagellum cylindricnm fingentes stylo terminali nuUo. Scutellum muticum. Alae incumbentes. Ab- domen segmentis 7. Pedes simplices, nudi. Mas. Oculi cohferentes, aut approximati. Fcei7i. Oculi remoti. Segmenta anaha vaginata. Body of middle size or rather small, narrow, cylindrical. Ocelli 3. Proboscis withdrawn. Antennae 10-jointed, inserted in the middle of the face, porrect, approximate at the base, with acute tips ; joints from the third to the tenth compact, nearly equal, forming a cylin- drical flagellum without a terminal style. Scutellum unarmed. Wings XYLOPIIAGUS. 33 incumbent, parallel. Alulae small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments. Legs simple, bare. Male. Eyes almost contiguous. Tem. Eyes remote. Anal segments tubular. The species are few, and of rare occui'rence. The larvse live in decayed wood. The flies appear in the summer, and rest on the trunks of trees, and are sluggish except in fine calm weather. (longer than the second : Palpi clavate .... 1. XYLOPfUGirs. as long as the second : Palpi cylindrical ... 2. Subula. Genus I. XYLOPHAGUS. Xylophagus, Mq. i. 229 (1834). Adlus p., Sib. Emp'a p., Pz. RJiagio p., Pz. Xylojjhacjiis p., Mg. ; Fb. ; LI. ; Ztt. Palpi biarticulati, clavati. Antennae subflliformes ; articnlus primua secundo longior. Alai'um vense 4 longitudinales, pra-ter areolam analem acutam in marginem interiorem aire descendentes. Tibiae apice spinosa3. Body naiTow, cyhndrical, thinly clothed with short hairs. Colour black, often partly red or yellow. Head depressed. Eyes prominent. Labrum short, thick, with an obtuse tip, shorter than the labium. Palpi biarticulate, clavate, longer than the labium, curved up^\ ard ; first joint very small ; second lar(/e, oval, pubescent. Labium short, cyhndrical. Antennae subfihform, 10-jointed, porrect, approximate, diverghig ; first joint longer than the second, cyhndrical ; second cyatliiform, short ; third and foUowing joints forming a long almost cyhndrical flagellum. Scutelhmi semicircular. Alidae enthe, very small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen rather long. Tibiae armed with spines at the tips. Male. Abdomen cyhuchical. Feni. Abdomen obconical, with a tubular-jointed oviduct. 1. ater, Fb. s. a. 64. 1 (1805); Mg. ; Mq. ; Z\i. —subulata, Pz. ! fn. L. iv. 23. Niger, thorace chiereo-trivittato, alls fusco-fasciatis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus posticis apice tibus tarsisquc fuscis. Long. hn. 6 ; alar. 10 hn. Black, shining. First joint of the palpi yehow. Antennae a little shorter than the thorax. Thorax with three grey stripes. An inchs- tinct brown band across each wing. Halteres yeUow. Legs tawnv ; hind tibiae, hind tarsi, and tips of the hind femora Ijrown. Very rare. In Mr. E. Brown's collection. (E.) VOL. I. 34 XYLOPHAGID^. Genus II. SUBULA. SuBULA, Mgi-le. ; Mg. zw. 12. 15 (1820); Mq. Nemotelus p., Dg. Xylophagus p., Mg. ; Fb. ; LI. ; Ztt. Corpus angustum. Color niger ; pictura S8e]:)e rufa vel flava. Palpi biarticvilati ; articulus secundus lonc/us, cylindrlcus. Antennte subfili- formes ; articuli primus et secundus lin. 60 ASILID/E. Black, shining. Head clotlicd in front with shining yellowish-white down ; epistoma beset with yellowish-white bristles. Thorax with 3 grey stripes, more or less feiTuginons on each side. Wings colourless ; veins piceous, tawny towards the base and along the fore border. Halteres tawny. Hind borders of the abdominal segments ferruginous. Legs tawny ; tibife towards the tips and tarsi piceous. Eare. In the collections of Mr. Desvignes and of Mr. Stephens. (E.) 3. rufipes, Dg. i. vi. 97. 6 (1752); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw.— frontalis, Mg. kl. ; Fb. ; Ll.—Jlavijjes var., Fin. Nigra, tJiorace cano- hivittato, laterihus flavo-albo notatis, alis fulvo-siihcinereis, pedibus rufis, tarsorum articulis apice pedibiisque posticis nigris. Long. 5-7 ; alar. 8-10 hn. Black, shining. Head with a shining pale yellow covering, clothed beneath and behind with whitish hairs. Epistoma convex, clothed with long pale yellow hairs. Palpi clothed with tawny hairs. First, second, and the base of the third joint of the antenna? clothed with black hairs. Thorax clothed with short tawny hairs, tvith 2 Jioary stripes on the back, and with some yellowish-white shining marks on each side. Wings pale grey, with a very slight tawny tinge ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Legs red, clothed with short tawny hairs ; tibiae and tarsi armed with a few tawny spines ; tips of the joints of the tarsi and of the claws black ; hind legs black ; femora and tibi(B red at the base. Generally distributed. (E.) 4. flavipes, Mg. kl. i. 257. 2 (1804) ; Fin. ; Mq.; Ztt. ; hv^.—hya- lipenuis, Fb. — varipes, Mg. ; M^c^.— frontalis, Mg. ; Mq. — rufipes, Zll. ; Lw^ Nigra, thorace cinereo-trivittato, alis Umpidis, abdominis segmentis apice fulvis, pedibus fiavis nigro-variis, tarsis fulvis ; Mas. abdomine segmentis tertio et quarto basi fulvis. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 8-10 lin. Black, shining. Head clothed beneath and behind with short white hairs. Epistoma almost flat, silvery, beset with a few bristles. Palpi clothed with a few black hairs. First, second, and the base of the third joint of the antenna3 clothed with a few short black hairs. Thorax with 3 cinereous stripes, the middle one narrow and linear, the other 2 broad and irregular; sides cinereous. Wings colourless ; veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen very slender ; hind borders of the segments tawny. Legs yellow, armed with a few yellow spines ; tarsi tawny ; tips of the claws black ; hind legs thicldy clothed beneath with short pale yellow hairs ; hind femora striped with black above, with brown beneath ; hind tibia; black, yellow at the base. Male. Third and fourth abdominal segments tawny at the base ; appendages tawny. Generally distributed. (E.) DIOCTBIA. 61 5. fascipennis, Fbi. d. s. afsil. 7. 3 (1814); ZU. ; Ztt. ; Lw.— lUricapilla, Mg. ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Lw. — atrata, Mg. — nigripes, Mg. ; Mq. — FaUenii,lslg. — rujimana,\i\^ . — geniadata, Mg.; Lw. — -fuscipes, Mg. ; Mq. Nigra, capite antico utrinque feiTugiueo, tlioracu lateribus aureo- vittatis ; Mas. alls nigricayiiihm apice fuscescentihus ; Fern, thorace bivittato, alls fuscescentibus. Long. 4-5-^- ; alar. 7-10 lin. Black, shining. Head ferruginous on each side in front. Epistoma nearly flat. Palpi clothed with black hairs. First, second, and base of the third joint of the antenna) clothed with a few black hairs. Thorax with an oblique gilded stripe on each side. Veins of the wings black. Male. Head clothed behind and beneath with black hairs. Epistoma beset with 8 or 10 black bristles. Wings blackish for ftdl half the length from the base, broxcnish from thence to the tips. Hal- teres luteous, tawny towards the base. Legs clothed with very short tawny hairs, ai'med with black spines. Fern. Head clothed beliind and beneath with dark tawny hairs. Epistoma pale gold-colour or almost white, beset towards the peristoma with a few pale yellow bristles. Thorax clothed with very short tawny hairs, which are inter- rupted by 2 stripes. Wings brownish, darkest towards the base. Hal- teres tawny. Hind borders of the abdominal segments lurid. Legs thickly clothed beneath with very short pale yellow hairs, anned with tawny spines. Generally distributed. (E.) 6. Reinhardi, Wd.; Mg. v.w.l ii. 247. 13. pi. 19. f. 19, 24 (1820) ; Mq. ; ZU. ; Lw. Nigra, thorace cinereo-bivittato, alls subcinereis ad costam et ad venas sidjfuscis, femoribiis tibiisque basi fulc'ts. Long. 6 ; alar. 10 lin. Black, shining. Head clothed beneath and behind with tawny hairs. Epistoma slightly convex, partly gilded, thickly beset with pale yellow bristles. Palpi clothed with tawny hairs. First, second, and the base of the third joint of the antennae clothed with a few black hairs. Thorax with 2 cinereous stripes; sides and metathorax partly cinereous. Wings pale grey, slightly clouded with brown on the fore border and along the sides of the veins ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs. Legs armed with tawny spines, clothed with very short tawny hairs ; femora and tibice tawny at the base. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 7. Baumhaueri, Mg. zw. ii. 245. 9 (1820); Mq. ; Lw. Nigra, thoracis lateribus pectoreque argenteis, d'lsco cvnereo nigro-bivittato, alis subcinereis, ahdomine nigro-ceneo, segmentorum marginibus posticis apicem versus fulvis, pedibus rufis nigro-vittatis. Long. 4-.5 ; alar. 7-9 lin. Black, shining. Head clothed l)oneath and behind with short pale yellow hairs. Epistoma gilded, almost flat, beset with a fcAV pale 62 ASILlDiE. yellow bristles. Palpi clothed with tawny hairs. First and second joints of the antennae clothed with a few black hairs. Thorax silvery on each side and beneath ; the disc cinereous, with 2 slender black stripes. Wings very slightly grey ; veins black, slig-htly clouded with brown towards the base, where they are tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen bronze-black ; hind borders of the segments towards the tip dark tawny. Legs red, armed with tawny s])ines ; femora and anterior tibice striped with black ; hind tibice black, red at the base ; tarsi black at the base of each joint. Not rare. (E.) Genus V. LEPTOGASTER. LepTOGASTER, Mg. kl (ISO-i); Fin.; Mq. ; ZIL; Ztt.; Lw. Asilus p., Dg. ; Gfr. ; Fb. ; Shr. Basypogon p., Fb. Gonypes, LI. ; Mq. Corpus medium aut minus, glabriusculum, angustum. Color cinereus, opacus. Oculi virides, unicolores. Proboscis porrecta. Antennae quinque-articidatce, stylatce ; articulus tertius longus ; quartus brevis- simus. Alee breves ; areola mediastinalis aperta. Abdomen fragile, elongatum, sublineare. Pedes inermes, glabriusculi ; tibiae rectae. Onychia nulla. Body of middle size, slender, almost bare. Head flat, semicircular ; fi'ont contracted. Epistoma flat, furnished with a few bristles. Eyes large, green, in front nearly flat, and composed of large facets. Ocelli 3, seated on a tubercle. Proboscis short, horizontal. Labrum short, clavate. Lingua flat, narrow, pointed, as long as the labium, beset above towards the tip with retracted hairs. Maxillae flat, narrow, linear, pointed, as long as the lingua. Palpi calvate, almost bare, probably one-jointed ; the tips beset with some short bristles. Labium tumid, excavated above, somewhat dilated in the middle, obtuse and hairy at the tip. Antennce 'h -jointed, porrect, stylate, approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; flrst and second joints short, equally long, almost cylindrical, somewhat more slender at the base, hardly bristly; third long, clavate, compressed, bare; fourth very short; fifth cylindrical, hairy, pointed. Thorax nearly globose, almost without bristles. Whigs narrow, lanceolate, very finely pul)escent, with fringed hind borders ; mediastinal areolet open. Alulae small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments, bare, slender, very long. Legs slender ; hind legs long, with clavate femora and tibiae. Onychia none. Male. Abdomen cylindrical. Tem. Abdomen somewhat Avidened towards the tip. These flies inhabit meadows during the summer ; their move- ments are slow ; they are remarkable on account of the great length and slenderness of the abdomen. LEPTID^E. 63 1. cylindricus, Dg. i. vi. 99. 10 (1752) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; ZU. ; Ztt.; Lw. — Uvid/is? Gfr. — tipuloides, Fb. ; LI. ; Mg. ; Y\a..—fuscus, lA.g. ; Mq. Cervinus, capite subtus albo-piloso, epistomate aurato, tliorace fusco-trivittato, alis subcinereis, abdoraine fusco-univittato, pedibus fulvis nigro-vittatis, tibiis apice tarsisque nigris. Long. 2|— 6 ; alar. 4-7 lin. Fawu-colour. Head clothed beneath and behind with whitish hairs. Epistoma gilded, convex, beset with many pale yellow bristles towards the peristoma. Thorax with 3 broad brown stripes, beset with 2 or 3 black and yellow bristles. Wings very slightly tinged with grey, rather more than half the length of the abdomen; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny, with pale brown knobs. Abdomen striped with Ijrown along the back, about four times the length of the thorax. Legs tawny, more or less striped with black, beset with a few yellow bristles ; tips of the tibiae black ; tarsi black, tawny at the base. Generally distributed. (E.) Family VI. LEPTID^. Leptid.id, Wtw. elf. (1840). Leptides, Mg. ; LI. f. n. ; Mq. ; Ags. ; Ztt. Rhagionides, LI. gen. Tabanii p., Lm. Stratiomydce p., Rfn. Aplocera p., Dmr. Leptidoides, Brm. Leptltes, Nwm. Anthraeides p.. Fin. Rhag ion idee, Lch. ; Ct. Lepthice, Rdn. Proboscis et palpi porrecti. Ocelli 3. Antennae 4-ai'ticulat8e, por- rectcB, basi approximatse, setiformes. Abdomen segmentis 7. Ocelli 3. Proboscis and palpi projecting. Antennae 4-jointed, porrect, approximate at the base ; fourth joint setiform. Alulae small. Halteres uncovered. The genera of this family may be thus divided : — conical or round: f open . 1. Leptis. Anal areolet< [.closed . . 2. Chrysopii,.\. 4tli joint of^ the antennae long : 3rd joint. transverse 3. Atherix. {short 4. Ptiomna. long 5. Spania. 64 LEPTID^.. Genus I. LEPTIS. Leptis, Fb. s. a. (1805); Mg. ; LI.; Fin.; Mq. ; Ztt.; Lw.; Gmtl. Musca ])., h.; Gm.; Shr. Nemotehis i:).,'Dg. Rhagio ^.,Yh.; Shr. ; Mg. kl. ; Pz. ; LI. Corpus majoris vel medise magnitudinis, parum pubescens, elongatum, posterius attenuatum. Color obscurus, ferrugineus, vel cinereus. Oculi ccnei aut virescentes, uuicolores. Antennce articido tertlo conico vel rotundo ; quarto longo. Areola analis aperta. Abdomen pleruraque tlavcscens, subpeUucidum, fasciis vel punctis obscuris, Mas. Oculi conjunct!. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Oculi remoti. Anus acuniinatus. Body rather narrow, tapering, grey, ferruginous or black, of large or of middle size, rarely small. Head semicircular, somewhat depressed in front ; epistoma with 3 deep furrows, which are somewhat curved downward at the base of the antennae. Eyes generally green ; all the facets small. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis and palpi pro- jecting. Labrum lanceolate, stout, rather short, obliquely truncate at the tip. Lingua slender, very flexible, almost membranous, nearly as long as the labrimi. Maxillse slender, acute, as long as the labrum. Palpi subfusiform, biarticulate, very lai-ge, decumbent, curved, much longer than the maxiUse. Labium very thick, short, cylindrical, furrowed above. Antennae 4-jointed, small, porreot, approximate, seated in the middle of the face ; first and second joints bristly ; first short, cylin- drical ; second cyathiform ; third transverse ; fourth setiform, pubescent, much longer than the 3 preceding. Thorax globose, with a scapula on each shoulder, and with a transverse suture, which is interi'upted beneath ; most often with 3 or 4 darker stripes. Wings lanceolate, moderately large, finely pubescent, diverging ; anal areolet open. Alulse smaU, entire. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen long, obconical or tapering, pubescent, with 7 segments. Legs slender, moderately long ; tibise amied with 3 spui's ; tarsi with 3 onychia. Male. Eyes contiguous above. Abdomen obtuse. Feyn. Eyes remote. Abdomen attenuated towards the tip ; 3 apicnl segments tubuliform, retractile. These flies appear in summer, and dwell in meadows, hedges, thickets, and woods, and the larger and most common species may be often seen on the trunks of trees, sitting with their heads downward ; they sometimes feed on smaller insects. Their larvse live in the earth, in sand, in manure, and in decayed wood. The pupa of L. scolopacea is brown, cylindiical, bare, with 11 segments, of which the 5 posterior are furnished with a series of little teeth. LEPTIS. 65 1. scolopacea, L. fn. 1788 (17Glj ; Dg. ; Fb.; Shr. ; Gra. ; Pz. ! fn. xiv. 9; Mg.; LI. ; Fin.; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw. ; Gmtl. Cinerea, capite cano, anteunis fen'Ugineis apice nigris, scapulis flans, scutello apice fulvo, alls Impidls fusco-quadrmaculatls basi et ad costam suh- fuscis, apice et 'luargine postico cinereis, ahdomine fulvo interrupte nigro- vittato apice nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigiis ; Mas. thorace cinereo cano-trivittato ; Foem. thorace cervino fusco-trivittato, abdomine subtus pleruraque nigro. Long. 5-6 ; alar. 10-13. Grey. Head hoary, clothed beneath and behind with white hairs ; epistoma convex. Proboscis ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs. Palpi yellow, cun'ed, clothed with whitish hairs. Antenna; tawny ; fourth joint black. Thorax hoary ; scapula yellow, extending from the fore border to the base of the wing j tip of the scutellum tawny. Wings colourless, pale brown at the base and along the fore border, grey at tJie tips and along the hind border ; 4 brown spots on the transverse veins ; stigma dark brown. Halteres tawny. Abdotnen tawny ; an interrupted black stripe along the bacJc ; tip blacJc. Legs tawny ; tarsi black, dark tawny towards the base. Male. First and second joints of the antennae ferruginous. Thorax grey above, with 3 hoary stripes. Fern. Thorax fawn-colour, with 3 pale brown stripes. Abdomen beneath black, tawny towards the base and on the hind borders of the segments. Generally distributed. (E, S. I.) 2. tringaria, L. s. n. ii. 782 (1763); Gm. ; Fb. ; Shr.; LI.; Fin. ; ;Mg. ; Lm. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Gmtl. — scolopacea var., Dg. Cinerea, capite cervino, antennis ful^is apice nigris, thorace cervino-trivittato, scutello fidvo, alls subfulvis, abdomine maculis nigiis trivittato, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigris ; Mas. thorace subtus cano, abdominis apice nigi'o ; Fcern. thoracfe subtus cervino abdomine fulvo-fasciato apice cinereo. Long. 4-61; alar. 10-13 lin. Grey. Head fa%\Ti-colour, clothed beneath and behind with pale yellow hairs. Proboscis tawny. Palpi yellow, curved, clothed with pale yeUow hairs. Antennse ta\\Tiy ; tirst joint ferruginous ; fourth black. Thorax with 3 fawn-colom-ed stripes. Scutellum tawny, shining, darker towards the base. Wings pale tawny ; veins black, tawny towards the base and along the fore border. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with 3 rows of black spots, clothed with short black hairs. Legs tawny, clothed with very short black hairs ; tarsi black, tawny towards the base. Male. Thorax hoaiy beneath. Tip of the abdomen black. Fern. Thorax pale fawn-colour beneath. Spots of the abdo- men more variable and often less distinct than those of the male ; four last segments grey, v\dth tawny hind borders, much attenuated. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. vanellus,Fb.s. a. 76.3(1805); Fin.; Mg.; Ztt. Cincreo-ccrvina, antennis nigiis fulvo-cinctis, thorace flavo-bivittato, scapulis scuteUoque VOL. I. K 66 LEPTTD*. fulvis, aUs subchiereis ad costam fuhis, ahdomine ftisco fulvo-fasciuto, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis. Long. 4-i~5 ; alar. 11-13 lin. Greyish fawn-colour. Head clothed beneath with pale yellow hairs. Proboscis tawny. Palpi yellow, clothed with long pale yellow hairs. AntennEe black; third joint tawny. Thorax with 2 slender yellow stripes ; scapulae and scutellum tawny ; underside hoary. WingH pale grey, tawny aloruj the fore border. Halteres tawny. Abdomen brown ; land borders of the segments taimiy. Legs tawny ; tarsi, tips of the hind femora and of the hind tibiae brown ; spines of the hind tibiag red. Eare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 4. notata, Giirtl ; Mg. zw. ii. 95. 11 {\^2{)) .—Eeijshami, Ct. ! 1). e. xvi. 705. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quadrivittato subtus cano, alls subcinereis basl et ad costam fulvis, abdomine nigro lateribus basi fulvis, pedibus nigris, femoribus anterioribus apice fulvis, tibiis fulvis apice nigris. Long. 4 ; alar. 10 lin. Grey. Head cinereous, clothed beneath and behind mth whitish hairs ; epistoma slightly convex. Proboscis black. Antennae black. Thorax with 4 brown stripes, the inner pair hardly divided ; underside and scutellum hoary. Wings pale grey, tawny at the base and along the fore border ; stigma dark brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black, tatony on each side towards the base. Legs black ; tips of the anterior femora tawny ; tibite taAvny, black towards the tips. Rare. (E. S.) In the collection of the Entomological Club. 5. strigosa, Mg. kl. i. 299. 3 (1804); Mq. ; Be; Gmtl. Cana, antennis ferrugineis apice nigris, thorace fusco-trivittato, scu- tello apice fulvo, alls Umpidis basi et ad costam subfulvis, apice et mar- gine postico fuscis, venis transversis fusco-nebulosis, abdomine fidvo maculis nigris trigonis -sdttato subtus nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigris. Long. 4 ; alar. 9 lin. Hoary. Head clothed beneath and behind with white hairs ; crown cinereous ; epistoma slightly convex. Proboscis black. Palpi dark tawny, clothed with black hairs. Antennae ferruginous ; third joint tawny ; fourth black. Thorax with 3 brown stripes ; tip of the scu- tellum tawny. Wings colourless, pale brown at the base and along the fore border ; broton totcards the tips and along the hind border ; stigma dark brown ; transverse veins clouded with brown ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen tawny ; a large black triangular spot on each segment ; underside black, tawny towards the base. Not rare. (E.) 6. lineola, Fb. e. s. iv. 275. 17 (1792) ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Etz. ; Ztt. ; Egb. — albifrons, Mg. Cinerea, capite subtus albo, antennis nigris, thorace subtus cano, scutello fulvo, alls limpidis, abdomine CHRYSOPILA. ()7 fulvo maculis trigonis n'ujris vltlato apice nigro, fcmoiibus fluvis apice fuscis, tibiis fulvis a})ice iiigris, tarsis uigi'is. Long. 2^-3^ ; alar. 6-8 lin. Grey. Head white, clothed beneath and bciiiiid with white hairs ; epistoma convex. Proboscis black. Palpi black, clothed with white hairs. Antennae black. Thorax hoary beneath ; scutellum tawny. Wings colourless ; stigma large, dark brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen tawny, black towards the tip ; a large triangular black spot on the back of each segment. CoxtB hoary, femora yellow, with brown tips ; tibiae dark tawny, with black tips ; tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 7. inutilis, Wlk. c. d. b. m. i. 213 (18-18). Pulva, thorace fusco vittis tribus ])allidis, pectore cano, alis fulvo-subcinereis, ventre piceo bivittato ; Mas. abdomine maculis piceis vittato. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Tawny. Thorax pale dull browu, with 3 paler stripes , breast hoary. Wings slightly grey, with a tawny tinge along the fore borders ; wing- ribs and veins ferruginous ; no stigmata. Halteres tawny. Abdomen piceous at the tip and with 2 piceous stripes beneath. Tarsi ferruginous. Male. Abdomen with a small piceous spot on each segment. Fern. Thorax paler than that of the male. Rare. In the British Museum. (E.) Genus II CHRYSOPILA. Chrysopila, i\Iq. d. n. (1827) ; Ztt. d. s. Musca p., L. ; Fb. sp. ; Gf. ; Gml. ; Shr. in. ; Dnv. Bibio p., Shr. fn. Stgrex, Spl. Rhagio p., Vh.; Mg. kl. ; LI.; Shr. fn. Atherix \i.,Yh. Leptis ])., Mg. ; Fin. ; Ct. ; Ztt. i. 1. Corpus medife magnitudinis, tenuitcr flavo- vel aureo-tomentosum, elongatum, postcrius attenuatum. Color niger, cinereus, flavescens. Oculi aiuei, unicolores. AntenncB articulo tertio conico vel rotunda ; fpiarto longo. Areola analis claiisa. Pedes graciles. Mas. Oculi conjuncti. Anus obtusus. Foem. Oculi remoti. Anus acuminatus. Body slender, of middle or rather small size, black, grey, or tawny, attenuated towards the tip of the abdomen. Head transverse, broad, half elliptical. E])istoma convex. Ocelli 3, seated on a tubercle. Proboscis short. Labrum rather long, hollow, broad, rounded at the tip. Lingua nearly as long as the labrum, but narrower, thickened or reflexed on each side, obtuse at the tip. Maxilla; stylate, slightly curved, nearly as long as the lingua. Palpi exserted, cyUncb-ical, stout. 68 LEPTID.E. clavate, bristly, recurved, longer than the maxillae. Labium short, thick, composed of 3 large oval lobes with a few hairs or quite bare. Antennce inserted near the middle of the face, porrect, ap- proximate, compressed ; first joint cyathiform ; second transverse, much shorter than the first ; third short, conical ; fourth setiform, long, pubescent, seated on the tip of the third. Thorax ovate-qua- drate ; scutellum semiorbicular. Wings ample, diverging ; anal areolet closed. Alula3 small. Halteres long. Legs long and slender, espe- cially the hind pair ; tibiae longer than the femora, with 2 distinct spurs at the tips of the middle pair, and with 2 minute spurs on the hind pair. Male. Eyes large, contiguous, composed above of large facets. Abdomen rather short and slender. Fetri. Eyes smaller, remote ; all the facets small. Abdomen stout, obconical, with a tubuliform tip. Moist meadows, marshes, and the leaves of shrubs are the habitation of these insects. 1. holosericea, Spl. e. c. 998 {\l&Z).—aurata, Yh.; Mg. ; Mq. — atrata, Eb. (mas); Gml. (mas); LI. ; Fin.; Ztt. ; — tomentosa,'Fh. (foem.) — cingidata, Dnv. ! 465. fig. Antennis nigris, alis suhfuscis, pedi- bus fulvis. Mas. Atra, aureo-pilosa, pectore cinereo, femoribus nigris. Foem. Cinerea, thorace fusco-trivittato, femorihus fuscis. Long. 3-5 ; alar. 6-8 lin. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black ; palpi clothed with black hairs. Wings slightly tinged with hrown ; veins black, pale brown towards the base ; stigma dark brown. Legs tawny, clothed with very short dark tawny hairs. Male. Beep black, thinly clothed with gilded hairs. Thorax dark grey beneath. Halteres black. Tarsi towards tlie tips ?a\A femora black. Feni. Cinereous, thickly clothed with hairs. Thorax with 3 brown stripes, the middle one very slender. Wings often paler than those of the male. Halteres tawny, with black knobs. Femora brown, clothed with gilded hairs ; tips of the tarsi brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. aurea, Mg. kl. i. 302. 9 (1803).— f/zW■ , ^3 pQ S o cS o ^ >. g ~ ^ much longer than the head 1. about as long as the head, straight 2. S i^ ,ja C3 "« a 'S ^ a 53 ^ > a O '« ^ much shorter than the head, incui'ved . vanishing at the tip of the wing 4. , r interrupted by f oblong ovate, in- attenuated around ^ ^^^^^j^ ^^^J J clining forwards 5. the posterior J ^j^^ ._ ^^A ^^j^^^ spheroidal, margin: Cheeks^! [ ^^^^.J_ _ _ g_ -prolonged under the eyes § f shorter than the terminal arista . ^-. o =8^'C ^ jj f perpendicular ^ ^.2 rionger than the heads ' 2 ^ § J l- horizontal . " "^ shorter than 9. 10. g3 g ;i^ Lthehead: r curved, shorter than femora 11. ^ B Hind tibia3S '■ straight, as long as femora 12. 1st and 2nd forming a fork ; no discal areolet 13 o o < i} ' =! > O ■*J i=l pO - fi A r very short: rconical,withthearistaat the tip 14. 3rd joint of anten.j "^ oval, with the arista above the tip 1 5 . longer than the head, horizontal 16. apparent 17. shorter than pmuch shorter felongated. .none : Palpi, proboscis: I than pobrachial :J nical PreebrachialJ 3rd j. of anten. ] short ovate - as long as the femora : Cubital vein 18. short ovate, areolet I L or round 19. l-about as long as pobrachial . 20. as long as proboscis 21. simple 22. forked 23. 4 Empis. HlLARA. Rag AS. Brachystoma. Aedoptera. Heleodromia. Wiedemannia. sciodromia. P.hamphomyia. euthyneura. CEdalea. MiCROPHORUS. Cyrtoma. Leptopeza. Ocydromia. Hybos. Platypaxpus. Elaphropeza. Drapetes. Chersodromia. Tachydromia. Phyllodromia. Hemeeodromia. * The discal areolet is sometimes iucomplcte between the fii'st and second externo-medial veins ; so that these are detached, but the second and third are connected in a fork : the reverse of what happens in Cyrtoma. EMPIS. 89 Genus I. EMPIS. Empis, Mq. zw. iii. 15 (1822). Asilus p., L. Empis p., L. ; Dg, ; Fb. ; Shr. ; Fin. Empis et PacJiymerma, Mq. Corpus majoris, mediae, aut minoris magnitudinis, oblougum, saepe pilosum, parura nitidum. Color niger, raro testaceus. Caput rotunduin. Proboscis tenuis, cajnte imilto longior. Antennfe 5- articulatcB, porrectfe, capitis longitudine ; ariiculus tertius conicus, compressus, quiuto longior ; quartus brevissimus ; quintus setiformis. Thorax ovatus. Ala^ longte, obtusse ; vena tertia cuhitalis f areata ; areola discoidalis venas 3 in marginera interiorem emittens. Pedes plerumqiie simplices, non incrassati ; posteriores elongati ; coxce femoribus breviores. Mas. Oculi contigui. Abdomen cylindricum ; anus obtusus, sa3pe filatim appendiculatus aut vesiculosus. Pedes qnam in fcemina ple- nmique longiores. Fcem. Ocidi reraoti. Proboscis quam in mare saepe longior. Abdomen oblongum, apice acuminatum. Femora posteriora interdum pennata. Body of large, middle, or small size, oblong, often hairy, seldom shining, black, rarely testaceous. Head round, siuall, somewhat con- tracted behind. Ocelli 3. Proboscis much longer than the head, slender, perpendicular or inclined downward, most often applied to the breast. Labrmn arched, as long as the labium, or rather shorter. Lingua slender, as long as the labrum. I\laxilla3 Ijristly, shorter than the. labrum. Palpi clavate, short, recurved, hairy. Labium almost cylindrical. Antenna3 5-jointed, porrect, approximate at the base, as long as the head ; first and second joints bristly ; first cylindrical ; secoud cyathiform, about half the length of the first ; third subulate, compressed, longer than the fifth ; fourth very short ; fifth stylate. Thorax oval. Wings rather long, obtuse, very finely pubescent, incum- bent, parallel ; cubital vein forked, costal veiu vanishing about the tip of the wing ; discoidal areolet emitting 3 veins to the interior border. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 segments, with rows of punc- tures along the sides, sometimes four on each segment. Legs slender, of various structure ; coxce shorter than the femora. Male. Eyes contiguous. Abdomen cylindrical, obtuse, and often with long curved filaments at the tip, which is sometimes tumid. Legs generally longer than those of the female. Fern. Eyes parted by a nan'ow front. Proboscis often longer than that of the male. Abdomen oblong, acuminated at the tip, with an articulated oviduct. Hind femora sometimes feathered. These insects inhabit woods, hedges, fields, moors, and other localities, vi^here they find their prey, which chiefly consists of small Diptera ; they also feed on the lesser Ephemeridce, and the VOL. I. N 90 empidjE. female of the larger species is always preying on some little insect during the pairing. The species may be thus grouped : — a. Hind femora slender. h. Body black or gi-ey. c. Legs not fringed nor clavate. Body generally large. Species 1-6. cc. Legs fringed or clavate. Body small. Species 7-19. b b. Body pale. Species 30-24. a a. Hind femora thick. Species 25. 1. tessellata, Fb. e. s. iv. 405. 10 (1792); Fin.; LI.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt.; Ct. — livida, Fb. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace nigro- trivittato, ahs cinereis basi et ad costam ferrugineis, abdomine tessellato, pedibus ferrugineis. Long. 44—5 ; alar. 11-13 lin. Grey, thickly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black ; lancets ferruginous. Antennse bhack ; first and second joints cl'othed with bug black hairs ; third long-conical, much longer than the first and the secoud ; fifth about half the length of the third. Thorax with 3 Umar black stripes. Wings dark grey, ferrughious at the base and along the fore border ; veius black, ferruginous towards the base. Halteres bright ferruginous. Abdomen cinereous, tessellated. Legs ferruginons, clothed with long hairs and bristles ; tibiae beset with long stout bristles ; tips of the tarsi black. Generally distributed ; appears in the spring. (E. S. I.) 3. borealis, L. fn. 1895 (1761); Dg. ; Shr. ; Fb. ; Fin.; Mg. ; Ztt.; Mq. ; Ct. ! b. e. 18. Nigra, thorace cinereo nigro-qiuidrivittato, alls latis fernujineo-fiiscis, pedibus ferrugineis, femoribus tibiisque posterioribus apice tarsis posterioribus pedibusque anticis rufo-fuscis. Long. 3-3i ; alar. 7i-9 lin. Black, hairy. Lancets ferruginous ; palpi beset with a few black bristles. First and second joints of the antennae beset with black hairs ; third lanceolate, much more than twice the length of the first and the second ; fifth very short. Thorax grey, with 4 black stripes. Wings ferruginous-brown ; stigma dark brown ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs ferrugiuous, clothed with black hairs ; coxae grey ; fore legs, except the base of the femora, posterior tarsi, and tips of posterior femora and tibia; reddish-brown. Male. Whujs broad. Legs darker than those of the female. Fern. Wi7igs very broad, but varying in breadth. Eare ; appears in the spring ; has been found in Lancasliire and Wicklow. (E. I.) 3. livida, Lm. s. n. ii. 1003. 3 (1763); Dg. ; Shr.; LL ; Flu.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. — lineaia, Fb. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-trivitlato, halteribus pedibusque fulvis, tarsis nigris ; Mas. alls EMPIS. 91 ferrugineo-ciuereiSj abdomine ferrwjineo ; Fcem. alls limpidis, abdomine fuseo. Long. Z\; alar. 9 lin. Cinereous, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Lancets pale yellow. Antennae black. Thorax with 3 black stripes. Stigma dark brown, very slender ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny, clothed with short black hairs and bristles ; tarsi black, dark tawny at the base. Male. Facets of the eyes rather larger than those of the female. Proboscis black, much longer than that of the female, tawny towards the base. Wings ferruginous, grey. Abdomen ferruginous. Fern. Proboscis ferruginous, black at the base. TFings colourless. Abdomen brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 4. opaca, Fb. s. a. 138. 7 (180.5); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct.—rujipes, Fb. Cinerea, antennis nigris, tliorace nigro-quadrivUtato, alls subferrugineis, halteribus fulvis, abdomine nigro, pedibus rufis, femoiibus tibiisque apicc tarsisque nigris. Long. 3-3-|- ; alar. 8-8-|- lin. Cinereous, thinly clothed with black liaii's and bristles. Proboscis l)lack ; lancets ferruginous ; palpi yellow, beset with a few black bristles. Antenna) black ; first and second joints clothed with black hairs ; third lanceolate, as long as the first and the second. Thorax with 4 black slripes. Wings slightly ferniginous ; no stigma ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black and shining above. Legs pale red, thinly elothctl with black hairs and bristles ; coxae, tarsi, and tips of the femora and of the tibiae black. Generally distributed. (E. I.) The larva and the pupa live in the earth, and the latter is armed with spines. 5. unicolor ? Bndle', exp. m. 639 (1832) ; Mq. d. i. 327. 1 (1831). Nigra, tliorace cinereo-subtrivittato, alis subcinereis ad costam subfnhis, halteribus fulvis. Long. 3-4 ; alar. 6-8 lin. Black, shining. Thorax with 3 indistinct grey stripes. Wings veiy pale grey, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Male. Clothed with black hairs. Fem. Clothed with pale hairs. Very rare. In the collections of the Entomological Club aiul of Mr. Saunders. (E.) 6. lucida, Ztt. i. 1. 561. 3 (1840). Nigra, alis stdjftiscis, halteri- bus luteis. Long. 2-2^ ; alar. 5-6 lin. Black, slightly shining, thickly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Third joint of the antenna; lanceolate, very much longer than the first and the second ; fifth not more than one-fourth of the length of the third. TFings imle brown ; stigma black, very narrow ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres luteous. Metatarsi very slightly dilated. Generally distributed^ especially abundant on moors and moun- tains of the north. (E. S.) 92 EMPIDiE. 7. brunnipennis, Mg. zw. iii. 33. 80. (1822); Ct. Nigra, alls fuscis, halteribus fulvis, pedibus non clavatis vix ciliatis. Long. l|-2 ; alar. 3-i-4i lin. Black, slightly shining, very slightly tinged with grey, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. First and second joints of the antennae clothed with short black haii-s ; third longer than the first and second ; fonrth much more than half the length of the third. Winffs l/ro?m ; stigma dark brown; veins black. Halteres tawny. Male. Hind legs slightly ciliated, not clavate. Fern. Hind legs hardly ciliated. Not rare. (E.) 8. Bistortse, Mg. zw. iii. 29. 22(1822); Mq.; Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-qiiinquevittato, alls limpidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus nigro-fuscis, tarsis nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4i lin. Grey, thinly clothed with black hairs. Lancets dark ferruginous. Palpi pale yellow. Antennae black; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third much longer than the first and second ; fifth more than half the length of the third. Thorax with 5 broicn stripes. Wings colourless ; no stigma ; veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres pale yellow. Legs dark hroion ; tarsi black. Male. Hind tibipe slightly clavate. Hind metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 9. chioptera, Fin. d. s. emp. 21. 11 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. — crassipes, Shr. Cinerea, antennis halteribus pedibusque nigris; Mas. alls lacteis ; Foem. alls ci)iereis. Long, li-l^; alar. 3-3-|- lin. G?-ey, clothed with white hairs and a few black bristles. Proboscis and lancets black. Antemife black ; first and second joints thinly clothed with short black hairs ; third conical, longer than the first and second ; fourth and fifth like a short spine, not more than one-fourth of the length of the third. Halteres black. Legs black, thiidy clothed with whitish hairs. Male. Wings milk-white ; fore border black along nearly half the length to the tip ; veins pale yellow. Pore metatarsi and hind metatarsi dilated, fusiform. Fern. Whigs grey ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Hinder femora compressed, fringed. Generally distributed ; appears in the spring. (E. S. I.) 10. decora, Mg. zw. iii. 22. 9. pi. 22. f. 8(1822); Mq.; Ct. Ci- nerea, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, venis hasijlavis, ahdomine pedibusque nigris. Long. 2-i— 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Grey, clothed with white hairs. Proboscis black, much more than half the length of the body. Antennae black. Wings colourless ; veins bright yellow towards the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen and legs black, shining. Male. Tip of the abdomen clothed beneath with tawny hairs. Fem. Legs fringed with black hairs. Rare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) n. pennipes, L. s. n. ii. 1003. 2 (1763); Fb. ; Pz. ! fn. Ixxiv. EMPIS. 93 18; LI. ; Mg. ; Mq.; Ztt. ; Ct. — pennata, Shr. — ciUata,Mg. kl; Fin. — longirostris, Mg. kl. Nigro-cinerea, antenuis nigris, thorace nigrO' quadrlvUtato, alls nigro-fuscis, halteribiis fulvis, abdomine pedibusque nigris. Long. 1-^-lf ; alar. 4-i— 5 lin. Gregisk-dlack, clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis, lancets, and palpi dark brown. Antemife black ; first and second joints clothed W'ith short black hairs ; third longer than the first and second ; fifth like a spine, nearly half the length of the third. Thoi'ax ivith 4 black stripes ; outer pair indistinct. Wings dark brown ; stigma blackish ; veins black. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black, shining. Legs black, thickly clothed with short black hairs. Fem, Tibiae and posterior femora fringed with long black hairs. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 12. pennaria, Fin. d. s. emp. 20. 9 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, alis siiblimpidis, halteribiis flavis, pedibus nigro-fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Cinereous, clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black ; lancets pale yellow. Antennse black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third conical, much longer than the first and the second ; fifth stylate, hardly half the length of the third. Wings almost colour- less ; no stigma ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres pale yeUow. Legs dark brown, clothed with black haii's. Male. Hind tibiffi slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi slightly dilated. Fem. Posterior femora and hind tibia3 fringed. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 13. vernalis, Mg. zw. iii. 27. 19 (1822); Ztt.; Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, halteribiis flavis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis ; Mas. alis albo-kgalinis, pedibus posticis subincrassatis ; Fc^m. alis subcinereis, femoribus posterioribus tibiisque posticis ciliatis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Grey, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black; lancets tawny. Antenna? black ; third joint longer than the first and the second ; fifth much more than half the length of the third. Halteres yellow. Legs dark tawny, clothed with short black hairs ; tarsi brown. Male. Wings ichite. Hind legs slightly incrassated. Fem. Wings sligJdly grey ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Posterior femora and hind tibiae ciliated. Generally distributed. (E.) 14. lepidopus, Mg. zw. iii. 23. 12 (1822) ; Ct. Nigro-cinerea, antennis nigris, alis nigro-fuscis, halteribiis fidvis, pedibus nigris. Long. If ; alar. 3i hn. Greyish-black, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black ; lancets tawny. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third longer than the first and the second ; fifth more than half the length of the third. Wings dark brown ; stigma 94 empiDjE. blackish; veins black. Halteres tawny. Legs black, clothed with short black hairs ; posterior femora and tibia? deeply ciliated. Generally distributed. (E.) 15. albinervis, Mg. zw. iii. 26. 16 (1822). Cana, antennis nigris, alls albis, ahdomine nifjro nitido, pedlbiis piceis. Long. If; alar. 3iUn. Hoary. Proboscis black, near half the length of the body. An- tenna; black. Wings wJdte ; veins yellowish-white. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, sinning. Legs pitchy. Male. Fore metatarsus slightly dilated. Rare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 16. leucoptera, Mg. zw. iii. 27. 18 (1822); Ct. Cinerea, an- tennis nigris, halteribus fulvis, pedihis nigris ; Mas. alls albidis ; Foem. alls subfuscis. Long. 1^-lf ; alar. 3-3-i- lin. Bark grey, thinly clothed with black haii-s. Proboscis black. An- tenna? black ; third joint a little longer than the first and the second ; fifth nearly as long as the tliird. No stigma ; veins black, yellow to- wards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs black. Male. Wings wliitish. Hind tibiae veiy slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi very slightly dilated. 'Eem. Wings sliglitly tinged loith brown. Legs hardly ciliated. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 17. vitripennis? Mg. zw. iii. 25. 15 (1822); Mq. ; Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigi'is, alls subfuscis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis apice tarsisque nigris. Long, li-li; alar. 3^-4 lin. Cinereous, thinly clothed with black haii's. Proboscis black ; lancets dark ferruginous ; palpi pale yellow. Antennse black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; third longer than the first and the second; fifth more than half the length of the tliird. Wings pale brown ; no stigma ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny ; tarsi and tips of tlie tibiae black. Male. Hind tibise veiy slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi veiy slightly dilated. Fem. Posterior femora and hind tibife ciliated. Generally distributed. (E.) 18. pilipes, Mg. zw. iii. 31. 29 (1822); Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, tJtorace fiisco-quinqtievittato, alls limpidis, halteribus luteis, pe- dihus fidvis ; Mas. abdomine fulvo aut fusco. Long. 2-2i ; alar. 5-5i lin. LigM grey, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis dark tawny, with a black tip ; lancets tawny. Antenna? black ; first and second joints tawny, clothed with black hairs ; third as long as the fii'st and the second ; fourth very short. Thorax with 5 broton stripes. Wings colourless ; no stigma ; veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres luteous. Legs tawny. Male. Abdomen tawny or dark brown. Fern.. Abdomen black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) EMPIS. 95 19. nigritarsis, Mg. zw. iii. 32. 31 (1822); Mq. ; Ct. Nigra, alls Ihnpidk, halteribus flavo-albis, abdominis basi idrinqut albo-piloso, pedibiis fulvis albo-hirtis, coxis posterio7'ibus (/enubns posticis tarsis et tibiis apice nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Black, shining. Head and thorax thinly clothed with hairs, grey be- neath. Lancets ferruginous. Fii'st and second joints of the antennae clothed with a few short hairs ; third lanceolate, much more than twice the leng-th of the first and of the second ; fifth about one-fourth of the length of the third. Wrings colourless ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellowish-white. Abdomen clothed with long ichitish hairs on each side towards the base. Legs taicny, thinly clothed with long whitish hairs, wliich are most prevalent on the tibicE ; posterior coxa, hind knees, tarsi, and tips of the tibiee black ; hind tarsi towards the base and tips of the hind tibiae dilated, especially in the male. Not. rare. (E.) 20. stercorea, L. fn. 1899 (1761) ; Shr. ; Fb. ; LI. ; Fhi. ; Mg. ; Ct. Lutea, capite cinereo, antennis uigris, thorace tiigro-univittato, alls Umpidis, halteribus flavis, abdomine nigro-trivittato, pedibus flavis, tarsis ferrugineis. Long. 3-^ ; alar. 9 lin. Luteous, shining, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Head cinereous. Proboscis luteous, black towards the tip. Antennae black ; first and second joints clothed with black hairs ; first long, linear ; second very short ; third tapering much longer than the fu'st ; fifth about half the length of the tliii'd. Thorax with a black linear stripe. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown, veiy narrow ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with 3 black stripes. Legs yellow, long, slender ; tarsi ferniginous. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 21. ignota, Mg. zw. vi. 338 (1830) ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ci.— punctata. Fin. ; ^Ig. — dorsalis ? Ct. Lutea, capite supra cinereo, antennis nigris, thorace cinereo fusco-trivittato, alis subcinereis, halteribus flavis, abdo- mine nigro-trivittato, pedibus luteis, tarsis nigris. Long. 2f ; alar. 7 lin. Luteous, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Head grey above. Lancets luteous, with black tips. Palpi yellow. xVntennpe black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs. Disc of the thorax grey, with 3 brown stripes. IVings pale grey ; stigma very pale brown, very narrow ; veins black, taAvny towards the base. Hal- teres yellow. Abdomen with 3 black stripes ; the middle one much broader than the outer pair. Legs luteous, clothed with very short black hairs ; tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 23. trigramma, Hms. ; Mg. zw. iii. 38. 43 (1832) ; Ztt. — punctata \ ar. y, Pin. Lutea, antennis nigris, thorace cinereo-tiivittaio fusco- 9*3 EMPID^, unimttato, metatlioracis disco nigro-cinereo, alls sublmpidis, lialteribus flavis, abdomine nigro-trimttato, pedibus luteis, tarsis noununquam nigris. Long. 3-3 ; alar. 6-8 liii. Luteous, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Head with a large black spot behind the eyes. Proboscis black, lancets luteous. Anteunse black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs. Thorax with 3 greyish-black stripes ; the middle one including a broion stripe ; the side pair short. Disc of the metathorax greyisU-blach. Wings colourless or very pale grey ; stigma very pale bro'\\ai, very narrow ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen with 3 black stripes; the middle one much broader than the side pair. Legs luteous ; tarsi black, sometimes tawny, with black tips. Generally distributed. (E.) 23. testacea, Fb. s. a. 141. 20(1804); LI. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct.— scutellata'^ Ct. Lutea, antennis nigris basi flavis, thorace nigro-uni- vittato fer)-ugineoqiie bivittato, alis limpldis, halteribus flavis, abdominis segmentorum margiuibus posticis no7inunquam tzigris aut nigro-macidatis, pedibus fulvis. Long. 2 ; alar. 6 lin. Luteous, hardly shining, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black, tawny towards the base. Lancets luteous, with black tips. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; first and second joints yellow; third yellow towards the base. Thorax with a slender black stripe, on each side of which there is a slender ferruginous st)-ipe ; a brown spot on each side before the base of the wing. JFings colourless ; stigma tawny, very indistinct ; veins brown, yellow towards the base. Halteres pale yeUow. Fore borders of the abdominal segments sometimes black, or with a black spot on each side. Legs tawny ; tibice darker than the femora ; tarsi darker than the tibiae, theii- tips brown. Generally distributed. (E.S.I.) 24. lutea, Mg. zw. iii. 37. 40 (1822); Ci.—ochracea^ Ct. Lutea, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis. Long. 2-2i ; alar. 6-7 lin. Luteous, shining, clothed with a few black hairs and bristles. Pro- boscis brown ; lancets tawny, with black tips. Antennte black. JFings colourless ; no stigma ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; tibiae darker than the femora ; tarsi pale brown. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 25. femorata, Pb. s. a. 140. 14 (1804); LI. ; Mg. ! iii. pi. 22. f. 20. ; Mq. ; Ct. — ruralis, Mg. — Scotlca, Ct. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-quinquevittato, halteribus fulvis, pedibus ferrugi- neis, femoribus nigris crassis ; Mas. alis subfuscis ; Foem. alis Limpidis. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 bn. Cinereous, clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black, brown at the tip ; lancets ferruginous ; palpi black, Antenna) black ; IIILARA. 97 lirst and second joints clothed with bhick hairs ; third conical, rather broad, much longer than the first and the second ; fifth like a spine, less than half the length of the third. Thorax with 5 brown stripes. Stigina small, pale yellowish-brown ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs ferruginous, clothed with short black hairs ; femora black, with ferruginous tips ; hind femora thick, beset with black bristles ; knees tawny ; tips of the tarsi black. Male. Wings very slightly tinged with brown. Hind tibi;e and hind tarsi ])ale yellow. Fem. Wings colourless. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) Genus II. HILARA. HiLARA, Mg. zw. iii. 1 (1822); Ct. ; Mq. ; Hal.; Ztt. Emim p., Fb. ; Fin. ; Mg. Blbio p., Pz. Tachydromia p., Fb. Corpus parvum aut minutum, rare raedise raagnitudinis, oblonguni, subpilosum. Color niger vel cinerascens, rarissinie ferrugineus. Oculi in utroque scxu disjunct!. Proboscis crassa, recta, capitis lougitudine. Palpi recurvi. x\utenna3 S-artieulata;, porrectae ; arti- culus tertius subulatus, supra compressus, quinto longior; quartus minimus ; quintus setiformis, gracilis, brevis. Alarum vena costalis f areata ; areola discoidalis venas 3 in marginem interiorem emittens. CoxrB femoribus breviores. Mas. Oculi approximati. Abdomen cylindricum ; anus obtusus, crassus, appendiculatus. Metatarsi antici ssepissime incrassati. Fcem. Oculi magis remoti. Abdomen oblongum, apice acuminatum. Metatarsi antici simplices. Body small, rarely of middle size, oblong, slightly hairy, black or greyish, very rarely ferruginous. Head small, spheroidal. Eyes parted. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis straight, perpendicular, thick, about as long as the head. Labrum semicircidar, elavate, cleft at the tip, as long as the labium. Lingua lanceolate, as long as the labium. Maxilla3 flat, obtuse, thin along the edges, half the length of the labium. Palpi formed of one fleshy joint, elavate, curved up- wards, very pilose beneath, as long as the maxilhe. Labium long, large, very membranous on the u])per surface. AntenucC 5-jointed, porrcet, approximate at the base ; first and second joints bristly ; first short, cylindrical, longer than the second ; second cyathifonn ; third subulate, compressed above, more than twice the length of the second, longer than the fifth ; fourth very minute ; fifth setiform, slender. Thorax oval, with humeral scapuhie ; scutellum small. Wings cihated, incundjent, parallel ; cubital vein forked, costal vein attenuated around the posterior margin of the wing ; discoidal areolet emitting 3 veins to the interior border. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen with 7 seg- VOL. T. O 98 EMPID.E. ments. Legs slender, almost equal in length. Coxa shorter than the femora. Male. Eyes move contiguous than those of the female. Abdomen cylindrical, comjoressed and recurved at the tip. Fore metatarsi most ot^en dilated. Tern. Eyes more remote. Abdomen oblong, pointed at the tip. Fore metatarsi slender. The Hilarce feed on smaller insects^ chiefly on Biptera, and also on the nectar of flowers. They assemble in swarms, and dance together over water during the fine summer evenings ; sometimes myriads may be seen near the surface of a river, flying in continual succession and in opposite directions, and appearing like a stream of light. " The myriads of Hilara, which fill the air over rivulets in summer, form a pretty spectacle. Their evolutions in the air are graceful and regular. At one time they revolve in circles, horizontal or oblique, so that the spectator sees two or more streams crossing each other, and seeming to inter- lace. At another time, without j)erceptible cause, the whole multitude sweep away simultaneously in one direction (as if a rush of wind had borne them off), and then return more leisurely to their former station. It is difficult to single out any indi- vidual among the multitude, so as to trace its course.^^ — Haliday, M8S. The genus may be thus divided : — a. Fore metatarsus of the male incrassated. Species 1-19. a a. Fore metatarsus of the male simple. Species 20. 1. cilipes, Mg. zw. iii. 3. 1 (1822) ; Ct. ! b. e. 130. Nif/ro- einerea, antennis nigTis, alls fuscls, halteribus fuscis basi ftdvis, pedibus nip-is, genubus ferrugineis. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 hn. Greyish-hlach, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Wings brown ; stigma blackish ; vems black, tawny at the base. Halteres brown, tawny towards the base. Legs black ; knees ferruginous. Male. Fore metatarsus and following joint dilated, clothed with long black hairs. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. matrona, Hal. e. m. i. 158 (1833). — spinipes, Ztt. Nigricans, alis fumatis, halteribus et femorihus hiteis ; Mas. metatarso antico dilatato elliptico, mai'gine ciliato. Long. 2^; alar. 5^ lin. Black. Wings blackish-brown ; stigma darker. Halteres, coxa, femora, and half of fore tibia, as well as the base of the posterior tibia, dingy yellow. Male. Fore metatarsus and following joint dilated, clothed with long black hairs. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) 3. maura, Fb. s. i. ii. 471. 4 (1781) ; Fin.; Mg. ; Zii.—ghhu- UILARA. 99 lipes, Hms. ; Mg. Cinerea, aiitennis nigris, Ikorace nigro-trivittato, alls cinereis, lialteribus fuscis basi fulvis, pedlbus nigro-fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 lin. Grey, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna; black. Thorax with 3 black stripes, irings grey ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards tlie base. Halteres brown, tawny towards the base. Legs blackish- brown ; knees tawny. Male. Fore metatarsus and following joint dilated. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 4. chorica, Fin. d. s. emp. 24. 18 (1815) ; Mg. ; Ztt. Nigra, alis fuscis, lialteribus piedibusque nigro-fuscis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3-2 lin. Black, hairy. Wings brown ; stigma blackish ; veins black. Hal- teres and legs blackish -brown. Male. Fore metatarsus dilated, oval. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 5. clypeata, Mg. zw. iii. 4. 4(1822); Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, pectore cinereo, alls Ihnpidis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2^ lin. Black, hairy. Thorax tinged beneath with grey. Wings colourless ; stigma dark brown ; veins black ; apical transverse vein almost straight at the base. Male. Fore metatarsus dilated, oblong. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. I.) 6. nigrina, Fin. emp. 24. 19 (1815) ; Mg. zw. pi. 22. f. 5 ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra; Mas. alis nigricantibi(S ; Fcem. alissubUmpidis. Long. 1^; alar. 2|- lin. Black, hairy. Stigma dark brown; veins black. Male. Wings blackish. Fore metatarstis slightly dilated. Fem. Wings nearly colour- less. Hind tibice slightly clavate. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. I.) 7. manicata, Mg. zw. iii. 5. 6 (1822); Mq. ; Ztt. Nigro-fusca cinereo sujfusa, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis, lialteribus fuscis, pedi- bus ferrugineis. Long. 1^; alar. 3 1 lin. Blackish-brown, tinged with grey, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and au- tennte black. Wings slightly grey ; stigma dark brown; veins black, llaltcres dark brown. Legs ferruginous. Male. Fore metatarsus di- lated, oval. Not common. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 8. pilosa, Ztt. d. s. i. 342. 9 (1842). — interstincta, Mg. — senilis? Pz. fn. liii. 3. Nigra, thoracis vittis tribus j)ectoreque cinereis, alis sublhnpidis, halteribus fuscis, gcnubus ferrugineis. Long. \\ ; alar. 3 lin. Black, hairy. Thorax with 3 grey stripes ; underside grey. Whigs nearly colouAess ; stigma dark brown ; veins black. Halteres very dark brown. Knees ferruginous. Male. Fore metatarsi dilated, oval. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 100 EMPIDjE, 9. interstincta. Fin. d. s. emp. 24. 17 (1815) ; Ztt. — modesta, Mg. Nlgro-fusca, cinerascetis, anteniiis pedibusque nigiis, thorace fusco- trivittato ; Mas. alls limpidis ; Foem. alisfmcis. Long. 2^ ; alar. 6 lin. Blackish-brown, tinged with grey, hauy. Pi'oboscis, antennae, and legs black. Thorax indistinctly striped. Stigma blackish-brown ; veins black, tawny at the base, Halteres pitchy, with black knobs. Male. Wings colourless. Fore metatarsus slightly dilated. Feni. Wings hrown. Eare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E. I.) 10. fuscipes, Fb. e. s. iv. 4. 6. 14 (1792); Mg.; Mq.; Ztt.— phimbea, Fb. ; Mg. — albida, Mg. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-bivittato, alis suhcinereis, halteribus flavis ; Ma^. pedibus nigris ; Fcem. pedibus fuscis. Long. 1^-2; alar. 3-4 lin. Grey, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Thorax with 2 brown stripes. Wings very slightly tinged with grey ; stigma bro^vn ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs ferru- ginous. Male. Legs black ; fore metatarsi dilated, fusiform. Fern. Legs dark h'own. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 11. pruinosa, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 7. 10 (1823). Cana, antennis nigi'is, alis albidis, halteribus flavis apice fuscis, pedibus fuscis. Long, li; alar. 3^ hn. Fem. Hoary, slightly hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Wings tohitish ; stigma dark brown, long and narrow ; veins brown, yellow towards the base. Halteres pale yellow, with brown knobs. Legs pale brown ; knees yeUow. Generally distributed. (E.) 12. quadrivittata, Wd. ; Mg. zw. iii. 7. 11 (1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt.— intermedia, var. minor. Fin. Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco- quadrivittato, alis subcinereis costoe versus apicem obscurioribus, halteribus fuscis, pedibus nigro-fuscis. Long. If ; alar. 4+ lin. Lark grey, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Thorax with 4 brow7i stripes. Wings slightly grey, darker along the fore border towards the tips ; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres brown. Legs blackish-brown ; knees tawny. Male. Fore me- tatarsus dUated, long-oval. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. S.) 13. lurida. Fin. d. s. emp. 22. 13 (181.5); Mg. ; Zii.—Nigro- cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-bivittato, alis subcinereis, halteribus fuscis basi fulvis, abdomine basifulvo, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigris. Long. 1|-; alar. 5 lin. Greyish-black, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna? black. Thorax with 2 indistinct brown stripes. Wings ijale grey ; stigma brown ; veins black, dark tawny at the base. Halteres brown, fawny at the l)asc. HILARA. 101 Abdomen dull tawny towards the hase. Legs dull tatcmj ; tarsi black ; metatarsi dull tawny. Male, Fore metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E.) 14. litorea, Fin. d. s. emp. 24. 20 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt.— univitatta, Mg. Albo-cinerea, antennis nigris, alis Umpidis, halteribns fermgineis, pedibus fulvis. Long. If; alar. \\ lin. Cinereous-wMte, clothed mth pale hairs and black bristles. Proboscis dark fen*nginous. Antennas black. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres ferruginous. Legs tawny. Male. Fore metatarsus fusiform, dilated. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 15. tenella, Fin. d. s. emp. 25. 21 (1815); Mg. ; Ztt. Cana, antennis nigris, alis subferragineis, halteribus flavis apice fuscis, ubdo- viine cano-fulvo, pedibus fulvis vel Jlavis, tarsis fuscis. Long. 1| ; alar. 3 bn. Hoary, sbghtly hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna) black. Wings toitli a very slight ferruginous tinge; stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres pale yellow, with brown knobs. Abdomen dull tawny, with a hoary covering. Legs tawny, sometimes yellow ; tarsi hroion. Male. Fore metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E.) 16. nana, Mq. d. n. 111.4 (1827); Mg. Atra,alis nigricantibus. Long. \\; alar. 2^ lin. Beep black, hauy. Wings blackish ; stigma and veins black. Male. Fore metatarsi dilated, nearly round. Not very common. (E.) 17. recedens, n. Cinerea, capite antennisque nigris, thorace fusco-biviltato, alis cinereis, halteribus flavis, pedibus nigris. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Grey, slightly hairy. Head, proboscis, and antenna) black. Thorax with 2 brown stripes. Wings grey ; stigma and veins black. Halteres pale yellow. Legs black. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 18. rufipes? Mq. d. n. 114. 13 (1827); Mg. Nigro-cinerea, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis, halteribus fuscis basi fulvis, tarsis nigris; Mas. pedibus fuscis ; Fcem. pedibus fulvis. Long. 2-2^; alar. 5-5f lin. Greyish-black, hairy. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black. Wings pale grey ; stigma dark brown ; veins black, dark tawny at the base. Halteres brown, tawny at the base. Tarsi black. Male. Legs broton ; knees tawny ; fore metatarsi much dilated. Fern. Legs taicny ; tarsi tawny towards the base. llarc. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 102 EMPID^. 19. thoracica, Mq. d.ii. 115. 14 (1827); Mg. Fulm, antemiis nigris, alis cinereis, tarsis fuscis ; Mas. abdomine fusco. Long. 2 ; alar. 5 liu. Tmcny, shinimj, slightly hairy. Proboscis, palpi, anil antennse black ; fourth joint of the antennae, longer than the third. Wings grey ; stigma brown ; veins l)lack, tawny towards the base ; fork of the third longi- tudinal vein long, much curved near the base. Tarsi brown. Male. Abdomen brown. Fore metatarsi very long, slightly dilated. Gommon in woods ; not gregarious. (E.) 20. obscura, Mg. zw. iii. 11. 20 (1822). Nigra, alis suhlimpicUs, halleribus'pedibmque fmcis, tarsis nigris. Long, li- ; alar. 3 lin. Black, \\wrj. Wings almost colourless ; stigma dark brown; veins black. Halter es dark hr axon. Legs brown ; knees tawny ; tarsiblack. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) Genus III. RAGAS. Eagas, Wlk. e. m. iv. 229 (1837). Proboscis incurva, capite miilto brevior. Antennae ^-articulatae ; arii- culus tertius quhito longior. Alarum vena cubitalis furcata. Coxce femoribus breviores. Proboscis incurved, much shorter than the head. No maxilla. Palpi obovate. Antennae with the first joint shortest ; third joint longer than the ftfth. Wings with the cubital vein forked. Coxae shorter than the femora. Male. Proboscis shorter. Middle femora with an erect spine at the middle of the underside. 1. unica, Wlk. e. m. iv. 229. 1 (1837). Atra, pubescens, alis nigro-fuscis ad costam obscurioribus. Long, f- 1 ; alar. 1-|— 1^ lin. Black, dull, rather short, not hairy. Proboscis slender, twice the length of the head. Wings dark brown ; no stigma. Abdomen tapering, a little longer than the thorax. Legs moderately long. Rare ; appears in woods. In the collections of the Entomo- logical Club and of Mr. Haliday. (E. I.) Genus IV. BRACHYSTOMA. Brachystoma, Mg. zw. iii. 12 (1822); Mq. Br achy stoma]}., Ztt. Proboscis capitis longitudine. Antennae 4-articulat8e ; articulus primus cylindricus ; secundus cyathiformis ; tertius conicus, quarto brevior ; quartus longissimus, setiformis. Alarum vena cubitalis furcata; costalis ad alae apicem desinens. doxae femoribus breviores. ABDOPTERA. 103 Proboscis projecting, perpendicular, as long as the head. Antennae porrect, 4-jointed ; first joint cylindrical ; second cyathiform ; third conical, shorter than the fourth ; fouilh veiy long, setiform. Wings incumbent and parallel in repose ; cubital vein forked ; costal vein vanishing at the tip of the wing. Coxce shorter than the femora. 1. longicomis, Mg. ! zw. iii. 12. 1. ph 22. f. 6, 7 (1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, gracilis, subtus nigro-chalybea, alls subcinereis, haltcribus pedibusque fulvis, tarsis fuscis. Long. %\ '■> ^hir. 5 lin. Body veiy slender, black, with a slight tinge of chalybeous, wliich prevails most beneath. Proboscis dark ta\vny. Antcnnfe black, very long and slender. Wings pale gTcy ; stigma pale brown. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny ; tibia? much darker than the femora ; tarsi brown ; hind tarsi black. Very rare. lu Mr. Stephens's collection. (E. I.) Genus V. ARDOPTERA. AuuoPTERA, Mq. d. n. (1827). Leptosceles, Hal. Corpus gracile. Caput nutans, oblongo-ovatum ; gencp, sub ociilis inter - rupta; epistoma lineare, attenuatum. Oculi magni, ovati, approxi- mate Proboscis brcvis, crassa, palpis iucumbentibus. Antenna: 4-articulata3 ; articulus primus minutus ; fortius ovatus, compressus, quarto brevior ; quartus longissimus, setiformis, Ala? incumbcntes ; vena cnbitalis furcata ; vena costalis ■ma?'ginein posticiim attingens. Pedes graetles ; coxa femoribus breviores ; coxa? antica) longsc. Body slender. Head oblong-ovate, inclining forwards ; cheeks inter- rupted by a notch under the eyes ; epistoma linear, attenuated. Eyes large, oval, approximate. Proboscis short, thick ; palpi incumbent. Antenna? 4-jointcd ; first joint small ; thuxl oval, compressed, shorter than tlie fourth ; fourth veiy long, setifonn. Wings incumbent and parallel in repose; cubital vein forked ; costal veiu attenuated arouiid the posterior margin. Coxa shorter than the femora ; fore coxa? long ; onychia and cmpodium small, this scarcely thickened. 1. irrorata, Fin. d. s. emp. 13. 17 (1815); Hal.; Mg. Nigro-a?nea, capite argenteo, antennis nigris, thorace albo fasciato et utrinquc notato, alis cinereis albo-guttatis ad costam subfuscis, haltcribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis tarsisque apice fuscis. Long. 1-1 j; alar. 2-2^ lin. Body a3neous-black. Head silveiy. Eyes black when dead. Pro- boscis, palpi, and antcnnse black ; third joint of the antcnufe conical, compressed, a little longer than the two preceding ; fom'th more thau twice the length of all tlie preceding. A wliitish stripe on the thorax, and some white marks in front and on each side. Wings grey, brownish along the fore border, chequered with tohile spots, ichich are largest and 104 EMPID^. most distinct near the fore border, and are almost wanting in the middle of the disc; veins black, slightly waved. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; hinder coxae and tips of the tibise and of the tarsi brown. Inhabits damp woods. (E. I.) 2. guttata, Hal. — irrorata, Mg. zw. iii. 66. 9 (1822). — exoleta v., Hal. Nigro-senea, capite argenteo, autennis nigris, thorace albo fas- ciato et utrinque notato, alis cinereis, margine postico apiceque maculis sex limpidis, venis fusco-nebulosis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis tarsisque apice fuscis. Long. 1-li; alar. 2-2^ lin. Male and Fern. Body aeneous-black. Head silvery. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black ; third joint of the antennae conical, com- pressed, a little longer than the two preceding ; fourth more than twice the length of all the preceding. Thorax with a white stripe, and with some wliite marks in front and on each side. Wings grey, brownish along the borders of the veins, with 6 colourless spots along the hind border and at the tips. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; tips of the tibiae and of the tarsi brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) Genus VI. HELEODROMIA. Heleodromia, Hal.; Wtw. class. (1840). Empis p., Fin. suppl. Hemerodromia ■^., Mg. Heleodromia p., Hal. e. m. i. 159; Ct. Hydrodromia, Mq. Paramesia, Mq. Brachystoma p., Ztt. Caput verticale, oblato-orbiculatum, genis infra ocidos non continuis, epistomate indiscreto. Proboscis crassa, descendens, palpis incumbenti- bus. Antennce h-articulata ; articulus tertius qidnto brevior, apice attenuatiis ; quintus setiformis, breviuscula, ciirvata. Alee vena cubi- tali furcata, externo-mediis 3 ex areola discali oblongo hexagona excurrentibus. CoxtB femoribus breviores ; empodiiim incrassatum ut onychia. Body slender. Head small, vertical, oblato-orbiculate. Gena inter- rupted by a notch under the eyes. Face long, attenuated ; clypeus apparently divided. Eyes small, oval, remote. Proboscis thick, de- clining. Labrum transverse, very broad at the tip. Lingua broad, lanceolate, with an obtuse tooth on the upper side at the base. Palpi incumbent, large, clavate, pilose. Labium short, tliick, pubescent. Antennae 5-jointed, small, porrect, pubescent, inserted between the eyes near the middle of the face; first, second, and third joints stout; first clavate, obliquely truncate ; second cyathiform ; third nearly round, attenuated on one side of the tip, shorter than the fifth ; fourth very minute ; fifth setaceous, rather short, curved. Thorax almost fusiform ; scutellum semicircular. Wings long, narrow, incumbent and parallel IIELEODKOMIA. 105 iu repose; cubital vein forked; 3 externo-medial veins proceedincj from an oblong hexagonal cliscal avcolet ; costal vein attenuated round the posterior margin. Legs long, slender ; coxcb shorter than the femora ; fore coxa; large ; empodium thickened in a brush like the onychia. Male. Abdomen linear, terminated by a conical, compressed process. Fern. Abdomen fusiform, terminated by two small lobes. The HeleodromicB frequent moist ground^ ponds, lakes, and rivulets. The species may be grouped thus : — a. Wings with a stigmatical spot. Species 1. a a. Wings with dusky clouds. Species 2, 3. a a a. Wings immaculate. Species 4. 1. stagnalis, Hal. e. m. i. 159 (1833) ; Ct. — Westermanni, Ztt. Cinerea, subtus schistacea, epistomate subquadrato argenteo, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis, venis transversis obsolete fusco-limbatis, halteri- bus fuscis, abdomine supra nigricante maciUis cinereis bivittato, femori- bus apice testaceis. Long. 1|-; alar. 4^ lin. Male and Jem. Body olive, slate-colom' beneath ; epistoma silvery. Eyes red. Proboscis and antennaB black. Wings pale grey ; veins black ; transverse veins slightly clouded with brown. Haltcres brown. Abdomen blackish above, mth a row of grey spots along each side. Legs black ; thighs slate-colour, their tips pale red. The most common species ; appears in small flights, on ponds, swamps, and running streams, among the crowded starwort [Callitriche verna), and on duckweed {Lemna). (E. S. I.) 2. Zetterstedti, Fin. suppl. (1827); Zii.—bipunctata,\ia\.; Ct. Cinerea, subtus schistacea, vitta dorsali fusca, hypostomate lineari ar- genteo, alis puncto stigmaticali fuscescente, pedibus jmllide ferrugineis. Long. 11 ; alar. 4 lin. Cinereous. Hypostoma narrow, silvery. Antcnna3 black. Thorax with a dusky stripe down the middle ; sides pearly grey. Wings greyish, with a brown dot beyond the middle of the costa. Discal areolct more attenuate-elongated than in the other species, thus somewhat approaching the genus Wiedemannia ; anal areolet linear and not oval, with an abbreviated but distinct rudiment of the anal vein con- tinued from its apex ; stigmatical dot fusco-fcrruginous, somewhat oblong (not round, as in Wied. bistigma). Rare ; occurs about rivulets. In Mr. Halida/s collection. (L) 3. fontinalis, Hal. e. m. i. 160 (1833); Ct—JFesmfelii, Mq. ; Ztt. Olivacea, subtus schistacea, hypostomate subtrigono argenteo, tliorace vittato, alarum costa venisque transversis saturate fusco-limbatis, pedibus posterioribus et femoribus anticis testaceis, his basi fusca subtus trispinosa. Long. 1 .V ; alar. 4 lin. Front deep olive ; epistoma silvery. Antcnna> black. Thorax deep olive, with 2 chestuut stripes divided by a pale line ; midersidc schis- VOL. I. p 106 EMPID^. taceous. Wlngn dusky ; casta and veins of the tip bordered with a deep tinge ; small transverse veins of the base bordered with deep brown ; anotlier spot surrounds the fork of the apical vein, and a third includes the ordinary transverse vein ; these markings are rather diffused and cloud-like, but deeply coloured. Abdomen with a blackish indented dorsal stripe. Hinder legs and fore femora testaceous, the latter at the base dusky, glossed toith grey, with 3 spines beneath. Male. Hypopygium nearly as in K. stagnalis, with an elongated reflected style pale at the tip and terminated by a curved seta. Fore femora tufted with hairs beneath at the apex. Ill Mr. Halida/s collection. (S. I.) Common enough in many places, such as lakes, rivulets, and on the ground moistened by their overflow, under the shade of trees. (E. S. I.) 4. unicolor, Ct. b. e. (183-i). — Robertas Mq. — Bohemanni, Ztt. Olivaceo-fusca , subtus cinerea, femoribus apice coxisqne luteis, alis im- macidatis. Long. \\ ; alar. 4 lin. Olive-broivn, grey beneath. Face subqiiadrate, silvery -tchite. Coxae and tips of the femora luteous. Wings unspotted. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E. S.) Genus VII. -WIEDEMANNIA. WiEDEMANNiA, Ztt. i. 1. (1837). Heleodromia p., Ct. Corpus gracile. Caput infra oculos elongatum, epistomate angnlatim inflexo bifido. Proboscis crassa, descendens, palpis incumbentibiis. Antenure S-articulatfe; articulus tertius apice attenuatus, quinto brevior ; quintus setiformis, brevis, curvatus. Alee angustfe, vena cubitali furcata, externo-mediis 3 ex areola discali irregulariter pen- tagona excurrentibus, costali margimm posticum attingente. Coxce femoribus breviores. Body slender. Cheeks prolonged under the eyes. Epistoma bifid ; its inflection forming an angle. Proboscis thick, declining, with incumbent palpi. Antennaj 5 -jointed; third joint attenuated at the tip, shorter than the fifth ; fifth setiform, short, curved. Wings narrow ; cubital vein forked ; costal vein attenuated around the posterior margin ; 3 ex- terno-medial veins proceeding from the irregularly pentagonal discal areolet. Coxce shorter than the femora ; empodium thickened in a bi'ush like the onyclua. Ohs. Clinocera seems to differ from Wiedemannia chiefly in the form of the discal areolet, which is hexagonal, as in Heleodromia ; while in Wiedemannia it is nearly pentagonal, the first and second externo-medial veins springing almost together from the elongated anterior apical angle. SCIODROMIA. 107 1. bistigma, Ct. ! b. e. 513 (1834). — boreaUs, Ztt,, var. — -juvenilis ? Ztt. ydiistacea, disco fernigineo, alls suhcinerels macula costall fusca, lialtcriljus fulvis. Lono;. 2 ; alar. 5 lin. Opake slate-colour, slightly pubcsceut, ferruginous on the disc above, pale bluish beneath. Winga pale grey, %olth a round hroicn spot near the tip of the costa. Halteres tawny. Rare. Mr. Haliday has often found it about the edges of granite blocks bathed by a rapid rivulet, iu the county Wicklow. In Mr. Haliday^s collection. (E. I.) 2. lotse, llal. MSS. Clnerea, suLtus schistacea, hi/postomate ar- (jenteo, alls immaculatls. Long. 2^ ; alar. 5 lin. Half the size of TF. bistlgma. Slaty grey. Vertex, mesonotum, and Jess evidently the back of the abdomen cinereous, with a ferrugi- nous cast. Face silvery-white, head less elongated than in TF. hlstujma, and the antennae and proboscis shorter. Wings Ijroader iu proportion, obscure, hyaline, immaculate. Iladial vein not sinuated towards the end. Anterior branch of the cubital vein more curved. Mediastinal vein ferruginous, the others dusky. Halteres fuscous, the base ferru- ginous. Legs immaculate, Ijlackish-brown with a cinereous tinge. Male. Hypopygium dusky with a cinereous tinge ; the valves at the end of it pale ferruginous. Rare; in the county of AVicklow. In Mr. Haliday^s collec- tion. (I.) Genus YIII. SCIODROMIA. SciODROMiA, Hal; Wtw. cl. (1810). Heleodronila ^., Mq. Henie- rodromla p., Es. Mlcrocera, TAX. Antennarum articulus tertlus qulnto hrevlor. Vena cuhltalls simplex ; vena exlerno-medlce 3. Coxce femoribus breviores. Palpi altixed to the base of the compressed maxlllpe. Third joint of the a)Uennce shorter than the fifth. Cubital vein shnple ; externo-medlal veins 3, arislncj from a dlscal areolet. Costal vein attenuated round the posterior margin of the wing. Coxa; shorter than the femora. 1. iiumaculata, Hal. e. m. i. 159 (1833); Ct. — fusclpennls, Eoscr. — rostrata, Ztt. Cinerea, antennis nigris, alls subfeiTugineo- cinereis, halteribus fuscis, pedibus uigro-fuscis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2^ lin, Male and Fern. Body cinereous. Epistoma narrow, silvery ; a fer- ruginous tinge on the front and on the thorax. Eyes red. Proboscis and antcnnte black. Wings grey, with a slight ferruginous tinge. Veins Ijlack. Halteres brown, yeUow at the base. Hypopygium of tlie male reilected, ventricose. Legs dark brown ; coxfe cinereous. Not rare. (E. 1.) 108 EMPID^. Genus IX. RHAMPHOMYIA. Ehamphomyia, Hms. ; Mg. zw. iv. 43 (1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. Empis p., Fb.; Gm.; LI.; Pz. ; Mg. kl. ; Fin. Proboscis verticalis, capite loncjior. Antemm articulus tertius qjibito longlor. Vena cubitalis simplex ; vena externo-media 3 ; coxceftmo- ribus breviores. Head small, globose. Eyes large, elliptical. Proboscis long, vertical, perpendicular. Labrum stout, longer than the head. Lingua flat, lanceolate, as long as the labrum. Maxillse long, slender, acute, much shorter than the lingua. Palpi clavate, pilose, much shorter than the maxillae. Labium clavate, very slender at the base, as long as the labrum. Antennae inserted in the middle of the face, contiguous at the base, porrect, stout, pubescent, 5-jointed, not longer than the head; first and second joints bristly ; first liueal- ; second globose, not half the length of the first ; third long, tapering fi-om the base to the tip, longer than the fifth ; fourth minute, cyathiform ; fifth longer, slender, tapering. Thorax much broader than the head ; scutellum rounded. Wings ample, incumbent and parallel in repose ; cubital vein simple ; exter no-medial veins 3, arising from a discal areolet ; costal vein attenu- ated round the posterior margin, but very faint there in most species. Halteres rather large. Abdomen tapering. Legs longer ; hind legs lono'cr and thicker than the anterior ; coxce shorter than the femora ; tibife more or less clavate ; metatarsi sometimes dilated. Male. Eyes contiguous. Ocelli on a tubercle behind the eyes. Abdomen clavate at the tip. Jem. Eyes remote. Ocelli on the crown. Abdomen acuminated at the tip with 2 compressed hairy lobes. The RhamphomyicB resemble the Empides in habit, and the species have nearly the same variations of structure. They may be thus divided : — a. Body black or cinereous. b. Halteres white or pale. Species 1-6. b b. Halteres brown or black. Species 7, 8. a a. Body partly or wholly pale. Species 9, 10. 1. liigripesj Eb. e. s. iv. 405. 13 (1792); Mg. ! zw. iii. pi. 23. ■f. 2; Mq. ; Ztt. — crassirostris, Eln. Anteimis nigris, thorace nigro- qnadrivittato, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis. Mas. Cinerea, pedibus nigro-fuscis. Poem. Cana, pedibus nigris. Long. 2-1—3 ; alar. 6-7 lin. Clothed with black hairs. Proboscis, palpi, and antenna) black ; first and second joints of the antennfc cinereous ; third lanceolate, longer than the first and the second ; fifth about one-third of the length of the third. Thorax icith 4 black stripes, the outer pair indistinct. JJlngs colourless; stigma dark brown, narrow; veins l)lack, tawny RHAMPHOMYIA. 109 towards the base. Halteres pale yellow. Male. Cinereous. Legs hlackish-brown. Fern. Hoary. Legs black. Geuerally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. sulcata, Mg.kl. i. 229. 26 (1804); Fin.; Mq.; Ztt. Cinerea, antennis iiigris, thorace fmco-trivittalo, alls subcinereis basi et ad costani subfuscis, halteribus flavis, pecUbus nigrls. Long. 3 ; alar. 8 lin. Cinereous, clothed with black hairs. Antcunai black ; third joint lanceolate, more than twice the length of the first and the second ; fifth not more than one-fourth of the length of the third. Thorax tcith 3 dark hroion stripes, TFhujs pale grey, dull taivny at the base and along the fore border; no stigma; veins brown, black along the fore border, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs black ; hind femora armed with black spines ; hind metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E. S. 1.) 3. spinipes. Fin. d. s. emp. 26. 21 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt.— carbonaria ? llms. ; Mg. Cinerea, antennis nigi'is, thorace ftisco- trivittato, alis ferrugineo-fuscis, halteribus luteis, pedibus nigris ; Mas. femoribus posticis siibtus fasciculato-setosis ; Fcem. abdomine schistaceo, tibiis posticis siibciliatis. Long. 3-3i ; alar. 7-8 lin. Cinereous, clothed with short black hairs, and with a few black bristles. Proboscis and antennte black ; third joint of the antennfe much longer than the first and the second ; fifth not one-foui'th of the length of the third. Thorax Avith 3 very slender brown stripes. Wings feniigiuous-brown ; stigma dark brown. Halteres luteous. 31ale. Hind femora armed beneath with a cluster of bristles. Fern. Ab- domen slate-coloiu'. Hind tibiae slightly ciliated. Rare. (E. S.) 4. cinerascens, Mg. kl. i. 230. 28 (1804). Cinerea, antennis nigris, thorace fusco-trivittato, halteribus flavis, j9ef7i(5«s nigris ; Mas. alis allidis ; Fcem. alis subcinereis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Grey, clothed with short black hairs. Proboscis and anteunse black. Thorax with 3 b7-own stripes. Stigma brown. Halteres pale yellow. Legs black. Male. Wings tchitish. Fem. Wings pale grey. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 5. csesia, Hms. ; Mg. zw. iii. 56. 29 (1822). Cana, antennis nigris, alls sublirnpidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fuscis. Long. 1^-2; alar. 5-6 lin. Male. Hoary, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis black, reaching the fore coxae. Antenna? black ; fifth joint much shorter than the third. Wings almost colourless ; stigma brown. Halteres pale yellow. Legs brown; hind femora and hind tibiae slightly dilated, armed with teeth beneath ; hind femora hairy beneath. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 6. variabilis, Flu. d. s. emp. 29. 33 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. 110 EMPID.i:. Cinerea, anteimis nigris, thorace fusco-trivittato, halteribus fulvis, ahdo- mine ferniglneo, pedibus fiilvis ; Mas. alis ferrugiueis ; Fce)ii. alls limpidis. Long. 3 ; alar. 5 lin. Cinereous, clothed with black hairs and bristles. Proboscis black, reaching the fore coxae. Antenna3 black ; third joint lanceolate, very much longer thaii the first and the second ; fifth less than one-fourth of the length of the third joint. Tliorux with 3 Irown stripes. Stigma brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Haltercs tawny. Abdo- men ferruginous. Legs slender, tawny ; tarsi brown towards the tips. Male. Wings ferruginous. Fern. JFings colourless. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 7. longipes, Mg. kl. i. 231. 34 (1804) ; Mq. ; Mg. ; Ztt. Nigra, alis albidis. Long, lf-2 ; alar. 4-4 j lin. Black, shining, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Pro- boscis reaching the middle coxae. Third joint of the antennte lanceo- late, much longer than the first and the second ; fifth much shorter than the third. Wings whitish ; no stigma ; veins tawny, black along the fore border. Hind tibioe slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi slightly dilated. Generally distributed. (E.) 8. sethiops? Ztt. d. s. i. 436. 60 (1843). Nigra, alis subcinereis. Long. 1 ; alar. 3 lin. Black, shining, clothed with short black hairs. Proboscis reaching the hind coxfe. Third joint of the antennae very much longer than the first and the second ; fifth a little more than half the length of the third. Wings very pale grey ; stigma black, very narrow, llind femora and kind tibia ciliated on both sides. Not rare. (E.) 9. pennata, Mq. d. n. emp. 133. 6 (1837); Mg. ; Ct. ! b. e. 517. Cana, antennis nigris basi fulvis, thorace fusco-trivittato, alis subferrugineo-cinereis, halteribus flavis, abdomine pedibusque fulvis, femoribus tibiisque posterioribus ciliatis. Long. 3 ; alar. 5 lin. Fern, Hoary, thinly clothed with black hairs. Proboscis ferruginous, reaching the fore coxae. Antennae black; first and second joints tawny ; third nearly twice the length of the first and the second ; fifth much less than half the length of the third. Thorax with 3 brown stripes. Wings slightly ferruginous-grey ; no stigma. Haltercs pale yellow. Abdomen tawny. Legs tawny ; posterior femora and tibiae ciliated with brown hairs. Not common. (E.) 10. flava. Fin. d. s. emp. 30. 35 (1815); Mg. ; Ztt. Flava, an- tennis nigris basi tlavis, tliorace fiisco-univittato, metathoracis disco subcincreo, alis limpidis, liaUeribus fulvis, abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis apiceque fuscis, pedil)us llavis, tarsis fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4^ lin. (EDALEA. Ill Tellow, slender, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Head black. Proboscis pale yellow, blackish towards the tip. Antennae black ; first joint yellow ; second brown ; fifth rather more than half the length of the tliird. Thorax with an indistinct slender pale brown stripe; disc of the metathorax greyish. Wings colourless ; no stigma. Ilalteres tawny. Tip and hind borders of the segments of the abdo- men brown. Legs yellow, long and slender ; tips of the tibia) darker ; tarsi brown. Not common. (E. S.) Genus X. EUTHYNEURA. Edthyneura, Mq. a. s. e. iii. (1836). Proboscis porrecta, caplte loncjior. Antennarum articulns tertins qniiito longior. Alarum vena cnhlialls simplex ; vetKS externo-mcdice 3. CoX(X femoribus hreviores. Proboscis horizontal, longer than the head. Third joint of the an- tenna longer than the fifth. Cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 3, arising from a discal areolet. Coxce shorter than the femora. 1. myrtilli, Mq. a. s. e. iii. (1836). Nigra, antennis apice subu- latis, alis limpidis, tibiis basi femoribusque fulvis. Long. \~ ; alar. 3 Un. Black, shining, not hairy. Tips of the antennce snhdate. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brow^l. Tibiae towards the base and femora tawny. Eare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E. I.) 2. myricae, Hal., MSS. Nigra, gracilis, antennis apice obtusis, alis limpidis, abdomine attemiato, pedibns fuscis, tarsis nigris. Long. Ij ; alar. If lin. Black, long, slender, not hairy. Tips of the antenna obtuse. Wings colourless. Halteres tawny. Abdomen attenuated, about thrice the length of the thorax. Legs brown, long, slender ; tarsi black. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E. 1.) Genus XI. CBDALEA. (Edalea, Mg. zw. ii. 355 (1820) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Enqns p., Fin. XipJd- dicera, Mq. Corpus minutum, subelongatum, glabriusculum, nitidum. Color cor- poris niger, pedum pallidus. Proboscis capite brevior. Palpi dilatati, compressi. Antennpc S-articulatte, pon-ectai, capite longiores, basi 112 EMPID^. approximatee ; articvili primus et secuudus brevissimi ; primus sub- cylindricus ; secuudus cyatbifonnis ; tertius longus, compressus, subuliformis, quinto longior ; quartus et quintus bi'evissimi ; quintus stylatus. Thorax ovatus, gibbosus. Vena ciibltaUs simplex ; vence externo-medice 3. Alulse integrfe, angustae, ciliata?. Coxa; femoribus hreviores. Pedes postici auterioribus pauUo lougiores, femora postica subincrassata, subtus plerumque spinulosa; tibi(Z postica arcuatce, femoribus breviores. Mas. Oculi conuexi. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Oculi paullo discreti. Anus acuminatus. Body black, rather long, smooth, shining. Head round. Eyes red, parted above by a suture ; all the facets very small. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Proboscis horizontal, sliorter than the head. Palpi dilated, compressed. Antennse 5 -jointed, porrect, longer than the head, ap- proximate at the base ; first and second joints very short, of equal length ; first almost cylindrical ; second cyathiform ; third comjiressed, subuliform, longer than the fifth ; fom-th and fifth very small, hardly visible; fifth stylate. Thorax oval, gibbose. Wings large, obtuse, very finely pubescent ; cubital vein simple ; 3 externo-medial veins arising from a trapeziform discal areolet. Alulse entire, narrow, fringed. Halteres uncovered, with large knobs. Abdomen with 7 segments, cylindrical, pubescent. Coxa shorter than the femora ; anterior legs slender, of equal length ; hind legs long ; hind femora thick, bristly beneath from the middle to the tips ; hind tibia curved, shorter than the femora. Male. Eyes united. Abdomen obtuse at the tip. Jem. Eyes parted by a narrow interval. Tip of the abdomen acuminated. These flies inliabit the leaves of shrubs, and herbage iu woods ; they move slowly ; their flight is heavy, and they often hover in the air. The female lays its eggs in the decayed trunks of trees. The difi^erence between (Edalea and the typical Microphori con- sists in the shorter curved hind tibias, and somewhat thicker and spined hiud femora, and rather longer proboscis of the former. 1. stigmatella, Ztt. d. s. i. 216. 2 (1842). Nigra, antennis fuscis, alis subfnscis, abdominis basi fusca subtus fulva, pedibus fulvis, tibiis posticis tarsisque fuscis. Long. If ; alar. 3-1- lin. Black, shining, thinly clothed with tawny hahs. Proboscis and antenna brown. Wings slightly tinged with brown ; stigma brown. Halteres yellow. Abdomen glossy at the base, brown above, tawny beneath. Legs tawny, clothed with short yellow liairs ; hind femora armed beneath with black spines ; tarsi and hind tibiae brown ; an- terior tibia? sometimes dark tawny. Male. Abdomen silky. Hind femora brown on nearly half the length from the tips. Fern. Pleurae MICROPIIORUS: 113 partly pale. Abdomen glabrous, jiale beneatli. Tips of the hind femora brown. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. min-uta, Pin. d. s. emp. 32. 40 (1815); Mg.—favij)es,Zti. — tidialis? Mq. d. i. 321. 1. — r/'fpes? Mq. zw. Nigi*a, autemus fiiscis, alis limpidis ad costam fuscis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis ssepissime tarsisque fuscis. Long. 1^-1|-; alar. 3-3i lin. Black, shining, thinly clothed with tawny hairs. Proboscis and antenna hroicn. Wukjs colourless, more or less thujed with brown beneath the fore border ; transverse vein more oblicpie than that of CE. stig- VdateUa; stigma brown. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny; tarsi and posterior tibiae brown. Var. Fore tibias brown. Var. Hind tibiae tawny. Not very common. (E. S. I.) Genus XII. MICROPHORUS. MiCROPHORUS, Mq. d. n. (1827); Ztt. Trichina, Mg. Platypeza p., Mg. (Edalea p., Ztt. Corpus minutum, vel minutissimum, glabriculura, nitiduni. Color niger. Oculi connexi. Proboscis capite brevior, subocculta. Palpi cylindrici. Antennae 5-articulatae, capite longiores ; articuli primus et secundus brevissimi, contigui ; tertius longissimus, conicus, com- pressus, quinto longior ; quartus brevissimus ; quintus brevis, stylatus. Thorax gibbus. Alarum vena cuhitalis simplex ; vena externo-medits 8. Pedes aut simplices aut tibiis posticis dilatatis ; coxce femoribus breviores ; tibia posticce recta, femoribus non breviores. Mas. Anus obtusus. Fceni. Anus acutus. Body black, small, or very small, smooth, shining. Eyes red, con- nected. Proboscis shorter than the head, almost hidden. Palpi cylin- drical. Antennae 5-jointed, somewhat longer than the head ; first and second very short, approximate ; thii'd very long, conical, com- pressed, longer than the fifth ; fourth very short ; fifth short, stylate. Thorax gibbous. Wings lanceolate ; cubital vein simple ; externo- viedial veins 3, arising from a discal areolet. Legs either simple or with dilated hind tibia?. Coxa shorter than the femora ; hind tibia straight, shorter than the femora. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fein. Tip of the abdomen acute. This genus differs from (Edalea by the conical tliird joint of the antennae, by the longer and more distinct sc(a^ and by the simple and unarmed hind femora. The Microphori appear in VOL. I. Q 114 EMPID^. summer^ and frequent the leaves of shrubs, and herbage in fiekls and woods. 1. flavipes, Mg! zw. vi. 336. 1. pi. 60. f. 10 (1830) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Niger, abdomine basi fulvo, pedibus subfulms ; Mas. alls subfuscis ; Teem, alls Umpidis. Long, l-l^ ; fil^i'- 2i-2f Uu. Black, shining, clothed with a few hairs. Facets of the eyes rather large. Stigma brown ; veins of the wings black. Abdomen dark tawny towards the base. Legs pale tatony, slender, simple. Male. Wings pale brown. Halteres pale brown. Fern, Wings colourless. Hal teres tawny. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. clavipes, Mg. zw. vi. 336. 2 (1830); Mq. ; Ztt. — minutus^., Ztt. Niger, pedibus fuscis ; Mas. tliorace nigro-ceneo, alls halteribiisque fuscis, pedibus validis, femoribus anterioribus et tibiis intermediis fulvis, feuioribus posticis tibiis anticis et tibiis posticis basi fuhis, femoribus post ic is crassis, tibiis posticis clavatis ; Foern. alis limpid is, halteribus flavis, tarsis basi fiilvis, femoribus posticis tibiis anticis et tarsis non- nunqnam fulvis apice fuscis. Long. 1-1^ ; alar. 2i-2f lin. Black. Legs brown. Male. Facets of the eyes of moderate size. Thorax ameous-hlack. Wings brown ; stigma dark brown ; veins tawny towards the base. Halteres brown. Legs stout ; anterior femora and middle tibiee tawny ; hind femora, fore tibiae, and hind tibiae tawny at the base ; hind femora thick ; hind tibice clavate. Fern. Shining. Facets of the eyes very small. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown ; veins yellow at the base. Halteres yellow. Tarsi tawny at the base ; hind femora, fore tibiae, and tarsi sometimes tawny, with brown tips. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 8. velutinus, Mq. d. n. 140. 2 (1827) ; Mg. Antennis pcdibus- que nigris. Mas. Ater, alis cinereis, halteribus nigris. Foem. Cinereus, alis Umpidis, halteribus tibiis anticis genubusque fidvis. Long, l-l^- ; alar. 2i-3 lin. Proboscis, antennse, and legs black. Legs slender. Male. Deep black, clothed with black hairs and bristles. Wings grey ; stigma brown ; veins and halteres black. Legs clothed with black hairs. Fern. Grey. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres tawny ; knees and fore tibife dark tawny. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 4. crassipes, Mq. d. n. 140. 1 (1827); Mg. — anomala, Mg. — tarsella, Ztt. Mas. Ater, alis Umpidis, pedibus posticis subciliatis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque posticis basi dilatatis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2^ lin. Deep black, thinly clothed with black hairs and bristles. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown ; veins and halteres black. Legs clothed with short black hairs ; hind legs slightly ciliated ; hind tibia much CYRTOMA. 115 dilated towards the tips ; first joint of the hind tarsi very broad and lonu'. Very rare. In the collection of the Entoinological Club. (E.) 5. fuscipes, Ztt. i. 1. 540. 1 (1839). Gracilis, pedibiis fuscis. Mas. Ater, alls ni(/ro-fiiscis, ahdomine suhtus fusco, tarsis nigiis. Fcem. Niger, alis suLcinereis, ahdotnme fusco suhtus basi fulvo, femoribiis fulvis apice fnscis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 2i lin. Slender. Legs long, slender, dark brown, not hairy. Male. Deep black, tliinly clothed with short black hairs. Wings dark brown; stigma intUstinct ; veins and halteres black, the latter very large. Abdomen brown beneath. Tarsi black. i^'M. Black. Wings pale grey . Halteres brown. Abdomen dark brown, dark tawny beneath towards the base. Femora tawny, with brown tips. Not common. (E.) 6. pusillus, Mq. d. n. 140. 3 (1827) ; Mg. ; Ztt. Ater, alls limpi- dis, haltcribus fuscis, pedibus validis non pilosis, tibiis posticis sabclavatis. Long, f ; alar. 2 lin. Fem. Deep black, smooth, shining, clothed with very few hairs. Wings colourless ; veins black. Halteres brown. Legs rather stout, not hairy; hind tibice slightly clavate. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 7. minutus, Mg. zw. Aa. 336. 2 (1830); Mq. ; Zii. —elongatus, Hal. Niger, nitidus, gracilis, genubus fulvis ; Mas. alis fuscis ; Fwm. alis limpidis. Long. 1 ; alar. 1|^ Un. Slender, narrower than M. clavipes. Black. Legs slender ; knees tawny. Male. Thorax bronzed. Wings ])rown. Hind tibife some- what clavate. Fem. Wings coloiuless. Abdomen very much produced and ])ointed. Fore femora pale, as well as the base of the other femora and ol" the tibifc. Rare ; generally appears on larches. lu Mr. Ilaliday's col- lection. (I.) Genus XIII. CYRTOMA. Cyrtoma, Mg. zw. iv. 1 (1824); Mq. ; Hal.; Ztt. Empis p., Flu. Corpus minutum, molle, gibbum, totum pubescens. Color niger. Caput parvum, globosum. Oculi nudi, contigui. Proboscis decUvis, brevissiraa. Palpi compressi, ineumbentes. Antenna; B-articulatee, porrccta?, basi approximate ; articulus primus brevissiraus ; se- cundus parms, cylindricus ; tertius longus, obclavatus, compressus ; quartus et quintus stylati. Alae obtusps ; vena cubitalis simplex ; ven(B externo-medlce 3 ; prima et secunda furcam fmgentes ; areola discoidalis nulla. Cox^ femoribus breviores ; pedes postici longi, tibiis apice subincrassatis. 116 EMPID,^, Mas. Abdomen brevius ; anus obtusus, appendiculatus. Foem. Abdomen longius ; anus vaginatus. Body black, small, soft, pubescent. Head small, semicircular. Eyes contiguous; facets rather large. Ocelli 3, on the crown. Pro- boscis projecting, hardly perpendicular. Labrum narrow, cm-ved, tubercular at the base, as long as the labium. Lingua slender, curved, somewhat longer than the labrum. Labium cylindrical. Antenna; 5-jointed, porrect, approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; first joint very short ; second small, cylindrical ; third long, obclavate, com- pressed, pubescent ; fourth very short ; fifth sty late, curved npward. Thorax gibbous. Wings oblique, finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen long, cylindrical, pubescent. Legs slender; coxa sliorter than the femora; hind legs long. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse, with 2 short points. ¥em. Tip of the abdomen acute. The Ci/rtonm appear in spring and summer^ and inhabit herbage in woods and fields. 1. spuria, Fin. d. s. emp. 33. 43 (1815); Zii.—atra, Mg. ; Mq. Atra, opaca, pilosa, alls nigricantibiis, halteribus fuscis. Long, l^-lf ; alar. 3^-3 lin. Deep black, hairy, not shining. Wings blackish ; veins black. Halteres dark brown. Abdomen cylindrical, nearly twice the length of the thorax. Legs hairy; hind tibiae slightly clavate; hind tarsi slender. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 2. nigra, Mg. zw. iv. 3. 2 (1824); Mq. ; Ztt. Nigro-fusca, opaca, pilosula, antennis nigris, alis petUbusque fuscis. Long. l|-lf ; alar. 2^-3 lin. Brownish-black, clothed with a few hairs, not shining. Proboscis, palpi, and antennaB black. Wings brown, large. Abdomen rather more than twice the length of the thorax. Legs dark brown, rather hairy ; hind tibiae dilated ; first and second joints of the hind tarsi long-, dilated. Male. Halteres dark brown. Feni. Halteres pale yellow. Generally distributed. (E. L) 3. melsena, Hal. e. m. i. 158 (1833). Mas. Atra, alis cinereis, femoribm ferrngineis, tibiis posticis subclavatis. Fmn. Nigra, alis sub- limii'idis, iibiis poslicis gracillbus. Long. 1-j ; alar. 3 lin. Hind tibiae longer than in the two preceding species. Male. Deep black. Wings grey. Femora ferruginous ; hind tibiae slightly clavate. Fern. Black. Wings almost colourless. Hind libicc very slender. Eare. In Mr. Haliday's coUecfiou. (1.) LEPTOPEZA. 117 Genus XIV. LEPTOPEZA. Leptopeza, Mq. d. n. (1827) ; Ztt. Empis p., Fin. Ocydromia p., Mg. ; Ztt. Corpus parvuin, glabriculum, nitidum, subincurvura, molliculum. Color niger aut rufo-testaceus. Proboscis brevissima. Autenufc 4-articulat0e ; articuli primus et secundus breves ; tertlus couicus ; cpiartus longus, setiforrais, apicalis. Thorax gibbosus, glaber. Alae longcE, angustfe ; vena cubltaUs simplex ; vena exteruo-media 2. Pedes omnes simplices, tibiis anticis muticis; coxce femoribm breviores. Mas. Plerumque longior, magis pilosus. Abdomen lineare. Anus parum clavatus. Poem. Glabricula. Oviductus exsertus, compressus, gladiiformis, arcua- tim recurvatus. Body small, smooth, shining, soft, slightly curved, black or reddish- testaceous. Proboscis very short. Antennse 4-jointed ; first and second joints short ; tJiird conical ; fourth long, setiform, apical. Thorax gibbous, very smooth. Wings long, rather narrow ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2, arising from the discalareolet. Halteres clavate. Abtlomeu cylindrical. Legs slender, without spines or bristles ; hind tibite slightly clavate ; hind metatarsi long, stout ; coxce shorter than the femora. Male. Body generally longer and more hairy than that of the female. Abdomen linear, hardly clavate at the tip. Fem. Abdomen elongate-fusiform ; oviduct exserted. This genus may be distinguished from Ocijdromia by the short, oblique, or less perpendicular jiroboscis, by the thick, porrect, almost cylindrical palpi, by the oblong- couical third joiut of the autennte, by the setiform apical joint, and by the ensiform ovi- duct of the female. It is like Ocydromia in its habits. The structure of the veins is almost similar in both genera, but Lepioj)eza has more often the rudiment of a third externo-medial vein. 1. ruficollis, Mg. zw. ii. 353. 3 (1820); Zii.— glabricula /3, Fin. Nigra, thorace rifo-testaceo, alls sublimpidis, abdomine subtus testaceo, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque fuscis. Long. 2^ ; alar. 4i lin. Black. Thorax reddish-testaceous, very shining. Wings almost colourless ; veins and halteres tawny. Abdomen testaceous beneath and on each side. Legs yellow ; hind tibiie towards the tips and tarsi brown. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) 2. flavipes, Mgle. ; Mg. zw. ii. 353. 4 (1820) ; M(|. ; Ztt. Nigra, 118 EMPID^E. alls limpidis, ahdomine piceo, pedibus flavis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque obsciu-ioribus. Long. 2 ; alar. 4|^ liu. Black. Thorax very shining. Wings colourless ; veins tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen plceous. Legs yellow ; bind tibitie towards tbe tips and tarsi rather darker. Perhaps the male of L. rujicollis. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) Genus XV. OCYDROMIA. OcYDKOMiA, Hms. ; Mg. zw. ii. 351 (1820) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Tachjdro- mia p., Fb. Empis p., Fin. Corpus parvum, glabricidum, nitidum, subincurvum. Color niger aut rufo-testaceus. Oculi rufo-fusci, parum aeneo-micantes, in utroque sexu connexi. Proboscis brevissima, subocculta. Antennae 4>-arti- cidataj ; articulus tertiiis ovatus ; quartus setiformis, subdorsalis. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex ; vena externo-media 2 ; areola discoi- dalis una. Pedes aut omnes simplices, aut postici raro tibiis apicem versus incrassatis ; tibiis anticis latere interiore prope basin denti- culo minuto semper armatis ; coxce femorihus breviores. Mas. Corpus oljscurius, gracilius ; anus obtusus. Foem. Corpus paUidius, robustius ; anus acutior. Oviductus occultus. Body small, black or reddish-testaceous, smooth, shining, slightly incurved. Head round ; epistoma extremely narrow. Eyes large. Ocelli 3, on the crovpn. Proboscis very short, almost horizontal. Palpi small, cylindrical, hairy, obtuse. Antennae 4-jointed, porrect, shorter than the head, closely approximate at the base, diverging upward ; first and second joints almost cylindrical, beset with short bristles ; tJii7-d joint oval ; fourth setiform, seated on the third near the Up. Thorax oval, gibbous, depressed on the hinder part of the back, hardly bristly, without a suture ; scutellum narrow. Wings longer than the abdomen, incumbent and parallel in repose, rounded at the tips, finely ciliated, very finely pubescent ; cubital vein simple ; externo- medial veins 2 ; discal areolet one. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen pubescent, compressed, incurved. Legs simple, slender, pubescent ; coxce shorter than the femora ; hind legs somewhat longer than the anterior ; first joint of the tarsi almost as long as all the 4 following. Male. Eyes parted by a suture. Fem. Eyes parted by a veiy narrow interval. The Ocijdromics appear from the spring to the autumn, and inhabit meadows, flowers, the leaves of shrubs, and especially woods ; they are agile, but their flight is slow\ 1. glabricula, Fin. d. s. emp. 33. 42 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt.— ni(jripeuiLis, Fb. Mas. Juneo- vel purpureo-nif/ra, antcmus nigris, alis OCYDROMIA. 119 nigricantfbus, abdominis lateribus ventreque fuscis, pedibus M\'is, coxis flavis, tibiis anticis tarsisque fuscis. Fcem. Testacea, thoracc antico capiteque nigris, alis subfusco-cinereis, abdom'me macuUs nic/ris vittato. Long, l^lf; alar. 3-4 lin. Body clothed with very few tawny hairs. Proboscis and antennae black. Scutellum beset with a few black bristles. Legs tawny, clothed with very short black hairs ; tarsi and fore tibiaj brown. Male. Body (Tneoiis or purplish-black. Wings blackish, very iridescent ; veins and halteres black. Abdomen brownish on each side and beneath. Coxee yellow ; posterior tibias dark tawny ; hind tibiae long, slightly clavate. Fem. Body testaceous. Head and disc of the fore part of the thorax black. Wings very slightly tinged vdVa brownish-grey ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres yellow, with pale brown knobs. Abdomen icitJt a row of black spots. Posterior tarsi ta^vny at the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. scutellata, Mg. zw. ii. 3.54. 5 (1820); Mq. ; Ztt. N'ujro- fiisca, antenuis nigris, pectore pleuris scutclloque testaceis, alis fasco- cinereis ; Mas. abdomine maculis fidvis bivittato, pedibus fuscis, coxis flavis, femoribus fidvis ; F/Jcm. thorace testaceo, disco anleriore nigro- fusco, tibiis tarsisque posterioribus fuMs. Long. l|^-lf ; alar. 3|^-4 lin. Body blackish-broKii, clothed with very few tawny hairs. Head, proboscis, and anteuuce black. Thorax beneath, pleurse, and scutellum testaceous. Wings brownish-grey ; veins black, tawny at the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen blaclash-brown, having along each side a row of tawny spots which sometimes form bands. Legs brown, clothed with veiy short tawny hairs ; coxse yellow ; femora tawny. Fem. Tliorax testaceous ; disc of the fore part blackish-broion. Posterior tibiae and tarsi dark tawny. Generally distributed. (E.S.I.) \?kX. glahricula? 3. rufipes, Mg. zw. ii. 353. 2 (1820); Ztt. Foem. Testacea, capite anlennisque nigris, thorace nigro-vittato, pleuris scuteUoque flavis, alis subfuscis, abdomine maculis nigris vittato, pedibus fulvis, coxis flavis, tarsis fuscis. Long. If ; alar. 4 lin. Testaceous, clothed with veiy few tawny hairs. Head, proboscis, and antennae black. Thorax with a short black stripe. Pleurae and scutel- lum yellow. Wings very slightly tinged with brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with a row of large black spots. Legs tawny, clothed with very short tawny hairs ; hips yellow ; tarsi and tips of fore tibiae brown ; posterior tarsi tawny towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 120 EMPIDiE. Genus XVI. HYBOS. Hybos, Fb. s. a. (1805); LI. ; Mg.; Flu.; Mq. ; Ct. ; Ahr. ; Gr. ; Ztt. Mtisca p., L. Asilm p., Mbr. ; Gm. ; Slir. ; Fb. Empis p., Fb. Basypogon p., Fb. Stomoxys p., Fb. Corpus parvum, nigrum, subpilosum, incurvum, nitidum, firmum. Oculi in utroque sexu conjuncti. Proboscis porrecta, capite longior. Antennarum articulus tertius breviter conicus ; quartus setiformis, apicalis. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex ; vencB externo-medice 3 ; areola discoidalis una. Pedes ssepe flavi ; coxa femoribus breviores ; femora postica subclavata, subtus spinulosa. Mas. Anus subclavatus. Femora postica valde incrassata. Fcem. Anus acutior. Femora postica modice incrassata. Body black, slender, shining, slightly hairy. Head small, round ; face very narrow. Eyes large, dark red, slightly notched internally. Ocelli 3, on a tubercle of the crown. Proboscis horizontal, longer than the head. Labrum long, lanceolate, as long as the labium. Lingua setiform, as long as the labrum. MaxiUae rudimentary. Palpi fusiform, pubescent, with a few bristles mside, as long as the labrum, detached from the maxillte. Labium long, rather stout, tapering. Anteimse 5-jointed, porrect, approximate at the base, diverging upwards ; first and second joints cylindi-ical, somewhat bristly ; third oval ; fourth very minute ; fifth setiform, long, pubescent, bai-e at the tip. Thorax globose, gib- bous, without a suture, somewhat depressed on the hinder part of the back ; scutellum lunate, small, narrow. Wings obtuse, very finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 3 ; discal areolet one. Halteres uncovered. Ab- domen with 7 segments, cylindrical, incurved, pubescent. Legs slender ; ungues and onychia large ; coxee shorter than the femora ; hind legs long, with thick and spinose femora ; anterior tibias beset with bristles ; hinder tibiae stouter and more hairy ; hind tarsi shorter than the rest ; first joint long, very pubescent beneath. Male. Head larger. Eyes parted by a sutui-e. Abdomen clavate at the tip. Hind femora much incrassated. Fern. Head smaller. Eyes parted by a narrow interval. Abdomen more acute at the tip. Hind femora slightly incrassated. These flies appear in spring and summer in grassy spots, flowers, on the leaves of shrubs, and especially in woods ; they feed on small Diptera. -They move slowly, their flight is heavy, and they often hover in the air. 1. grossipes, L. s. n. ii. 988. 59 {U&l).—funebris, Fb.; LI.; Fin.; Mg. ; Ct.; Mq. ; Zii. — cidiciformis,Yh. ; Gm. ; Shr. ; Mg. kl. — clavipes, Fb. — pilipes, Ct. ! b. e. 661. Nigra, cinereo-suffusa, alis cinereis. Long. 3-3| ; alar. 4^-5 lin. Black, with a cinereous covering, thinly clothed with black hairs. PLATYPALPUS. 121 Labruin and lingua tawny. Palpi clothed with short blaclv hairs. Wiuf/s (jrejj ; stigma brown. Halteres yellow. Legs clothed with short black hairs, beset with black bristles. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. vitripennis, Mg. zw. ii. 348. 2 (1820); Ct. ; Mq. ; Zii.—fu- nebrU v., Flu. Niger, cinereo-suft'usus, alts limpidls, tarsis pedibusque auterioribus nonuunquam fuscis. Long. 1^2 ; alar. 4-4 1^ lin. Black, with a cinereous covering, thinly clothed with black hairs. Labrum and lingua tawny. Palpi clothed with very short black hairs. Whujs colourless ; stigma very pale brown. Halteres pale yellow. Legs clothed with short black hairs, beset with black bristles ; tarsi and anterior legs often brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. femoratus, Mir. pr. 213.5 {lll&).—Jlcmpes, Fb. ; Mg. ; Fin. ; Ct. ; j\lq. ; Ztt. ; Gr. ! ic. pi. 94. f. 0. Niger, cinereo-suilusus, alls lim- pldis, pedibnsftilvis, femoYihus tibiisqiie posticis nigris. Long. 1|— 2 ; alar. 4-4^ lin. Black, with a cinereous covering, thinly clothed with black hairs. Labriuu and lingua tawny. Palpi clothed with very short black hairs. JFbigs colourless ; stigma indistinct. Halteres pale yellow. Legs lawny; hind femora and hind tibi;e black, beset with black bristles, clothed with rather long whitish hairs. Generally distributed. (E, S. I.) 4. fumipennis, Mg. zw. ii. 319. 4 (1820); Ahr. ; Ct. Niger, cinereo-suffusus, alls suhfusco-chtereis, pedibus falvis, femoribus tibiisque posticis nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4|^ Un. Black, with a cinereous covering, thinly clothed with black hairs. Labrum and lingua tawny. Palpi clothed with very short black hairs. Wings pale brow idsli-fjrey ; stigma pale brown. Halteres tawn3^ Legs tawny ; hiud femora and hind tibiae black, beset with black bristles, clothed with rather long whitish liairs. Generally distributed. (E. I.) Genus XVIL PLATYPAL.PUS. Platypalpus, Mq. s. n. (1 827). Musca p., Fb. Enipis p., Fb. Tacliy- dromia p., Mg. ; Fb. ; Fin. ; Ztt. Corpus parvuui, saepe minutissimum, oblougum, glabiiim, parura setu- losum. Color corporis niger, fuscus, flavus; pictura propter annulos pedum nulla. Caput parvum. Oculi fusci, unicolores, interdura teneo-micantes, in utroque sexu remoti. Proboscis capitc brevior. Palpi compressi, squanitieformes, incumbentes, apice ciliati. Antenna! '1-articulatse, capitc SEepius breviorcs ; articulus tcrtius ovatus, acutus, K 123 EMPiD^ii:. aut conicus ; quartus longus, setiformis. Ala3 subdilatatse ; vena cubitalis simplex ; vencc externo-medice 2 ; vena subanalis apparens ; areola discoidalis nulla. Pedes cursorii ; coxce femoribus breviores ; femora auteriora crassa, intermedia subtiis spinidosa. 3Ias. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Anus acutus ; oviductus bifidus. Body small, often very minute, oblong, smooth, liardly bristly. Colour black, brown, or yellow; legs most often banded. Head small. Eyes brown, sometimes seneous, remote. Proboscis shorter than the head. Palpi flat, broad, almost conical, ciliated at the tips. Antennae 4-joiuted, generally shorter than the head ; third joint oval, acute, or conical ; fourth long, sctiform. Wings slightly widened ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2 ; subanal vein apparenl ; dis- coidal areolet none. Legs formed for running ; coxts shorter than the femora. Anterior femora thick; intermediate femora generally pec- tinated beneath. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fern. Tip of the abdomen acute. Oviduct bifid. The Flatijpaljn dwell among herbage, and on the leaves of shrubs and of trees, from the spring to the autumn ; they are very active, and run with great swiftness. The species may be grouped thus : — a. Antennae shorter than the head ; palpi pale yellow or white. h. Legs for the most part all yellow. c. Thorax cinereous or hoary. Species 1-32. c c. Thorax black, shining. Species 33, 34, c c c. Thorax tawny or yellow. Species 35-31. b b. Legs for the most part black or obscure. Species 33-36. a a. Antennae longer than the head. Species 37-41. 1. flavipes, Pb. e. s. iv. 406. 19(1794); LI.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — vulgaris, ]\Ig. kl. Cinereus, capite cano, antennis nigris, alis lim- pidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus Jlavis, tarsorum articulis apice (jenubus(jne posterioribus nigris. Long. l|^-li; alar. 3-i— 4 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, clothed above wdth black hairs, beneath with white hairs. Eyes red ; facets larger on each side than above. Palpi yellow. Antenna, black, nearly as long as the head. Wings colourless ; veins brown, tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Abdo- men black, shining. Legs yellow, clothed with very short black hairs ; tips of the tibiai darker ; hinder knees and tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved, tips of their apical spines black. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. maculipes, Mg. d. iii. 79. 37 (1822) ; Ztt, Cinereus, anten- nis nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, segmenlormn suturis canis, pedi- bus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3^ lin. PI,ATYPALPUS. 123 Grey, .beset with a few blaok bristles. Palpi yellow. xVntennse black ; third joint broad, conical, a little shorter than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the tliird. Wings colourless ; stig- ma brown, long, narrow ; veins brown, tawny at the base. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen black, shining ; sutures of the segments lioary. Legs tawny, stout ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora very thick ; midcUe tibia; curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 3. agilis, Mg. zw. iii. 80. 29(1822); Ztt. Cinereus, capite an- tico albo, antennis n'ujris, aUs limpidis, abdomine nigro, pecUbiis fulvis, tarsis fuscis basi fulvis, femoribus anterioribus fusco-vittatis, femoribus posticisfuscis. Long, li-1^; alar. 3^-4 lin. Grey. Head sliming white in front. Palpi yellow. Antennaj black; third joint conical, rather short ; fourth much longer than all the pre- ceding. Wings colourless ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; tliird and fourth longitudinal veins very slightly curved towards each other. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tmony ; tarsi broion, tcmny towards the base ; anterior femora slightly striped with brown ; hind femora mostly brown ; fore femora nearly as thick as the incrassated middle femora. Not very common. (E.) 4. bicolor, Fb. s. a. 143. 2 (1804); Mg. ; Mq. ; Zii.—flavi- pes, Fin. Cervinus, capite cano antice albo, antennis fuscis basi flavis, pectore cano, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis, tarsorura ar- ticulis apice nigris. Long. 1-1 i ; alar. 3-3^ lin. Head hoary, white and shining \\\ front. Palpi yeUow. Antennae hrown ; first and second joints yellow ; third short ; fourth black, slightly pubescent. Thorax fawn-colour, clothed with pale yellow hairs, hoary beneath. Wings colourless ; veins yellow, tawny towards the tips. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen black, shining, with a triangular cinereous spot on each side of every segment. Legs yellow ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved ; tips of their apical spines black. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 5. pallidiventris, Mg. zw. iii. 82. 3.5 (1822); Mq. ; Zii.—flavipes var. minor. Fin. — Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis fuscis basi fulvis, pectore cano, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro siibtus fulvo, pedibus flavis, tarsorum articulis apice fuscis. Long, l-i ; alar. 3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Palpi yellow. Antenna brown, slender, rather short ; first and second joints tawny. Thorax hoary beneath. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightly curved towards each other. Abdomen black, shining, tawny beneath. Legs yellow ; tips of the joints of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibia) slightly eui-ved, tibia^ rather thick. 124 T5MPID.E. Rare. In Mr. Saunders's collection. (E.) (). albicooiis, Ztt. d. s. i. 279. 9 (1842). Canus, capite antico albo, antennh alls halteribusque alhis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis, tarsorum articidis apice obscurioribus. Long, l^-l^; alar. 3^ liu. Hoary. Head shining white in front, clothed behind with white hairs. Palpi white. Antennce white; third joint conical, a little shorter than the first and the second ; fourth darker and longer than the third. Wings tchitisJi; veins pale yellow; third and fourth longi- tudinal veins nearly parallel. Halteres wldte. Abdomen black, shining. Legs pale yellow ; tips of the joints of the tarsi darker ; tip of the fifth joint blackish; middle femora rather thick; middle tibise slightly curved ; fore femora nearly as thick as the middle femora. Not rare. (E.) 7. cursitans, Fb. s. i. 11. 447. 60 (1781); Mg.; Mq._; Ztt. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, ardennis nigris basi luteis, alis siib- fuUis, ahdomine subtus fulvo, pedibus fulvis, tarsornm articidis apice nigris. Long, li-2 ; alar. 4i-5 lin. Cinereous, thinly clothed with pale yellow hairs. Head hoary, shining, white in front, clothed beliind with whitish hairs. Palpi yellow. Antennae black, pubescent ; first and second joints 'luteous ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth very much longer than all the preceding. Thorax grey beneath. Wings sliglithj tawny ; veins tawny ; fourth longitudinal vein slightly curved, not parallel with the third. Halteres yellow. Abdomen tawny beneath. Legs tawny, clothed with tawny hairs, and with a feAV black bristles ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved ; fore femora rather thick ; fore tibise slightly curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 8. calceatus, Mg. zw. iii. 87. 45 (1822); Mq. ; m.—jlavipes var. y. Pin. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis lim])idis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis, tarsis apice nigris. Long, f-1 ; alar. lf-2i Hn. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Palpi white. Antennce black ; first and second joints tawny ; third conical, a little shorter than the first and the second ; fourth as long as the three pre- ceding. Thorax beset with a few black bristles. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; thii'd and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibia3 curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 9. ecalceatus, Ztt. i. 1. 550. 6 (1839). Ciiiereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis flavis apice nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2^ lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Palpi white. I'LATYPALrUS. 125, Antenna; yellow ; third joint conical, as long as the first and the second ; fourth black, longer than the third. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; tliird and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Legs yellow ; middle femora thick ; middle tibipe curved. Not common. (E.) 10. articulatus, Mq. d. n. 98. 10 (1827); I^Ig. ; Ztt. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis niyris hasi ftdvis, pectore cano, alis limpidis, abdoniiue nigro, pedibus Jlavis, tarsorum articnlis apice nigris. Long, li-li ; alar. 2^-3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front, clothed behind with white hairs. Palpi white. Antennce black, pubescent ; first and second joints tawny ; third conical, longer than the first and the second ; fourth a little longer than the third. Thorax beset with a few yellow bristles, hoary beneath. Wings colourless; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Legs yellov) ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibias curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 11. candicans, Fin. d. s. emp. 10. 11 (1815); Mg. ; Ztt. — fnsciata ? Mg. Cinereus, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, segmentis anterioribns utrinque cinereis, pedibus fiavis. Long. \\-\\ ; alar. 2^-3 lin. Cinereous. Palpi white. AntemifB black ; first and second joints pale yellow ; third joint conical, longer than the first and the second ; fom'th much longer than the third. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres pale yellow ; fourth longitudinal vein slightly curved, not parallel to the third. Abdomen black, shining ; anterior segments cinereous on each side. Legs pale yellow ; tips of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibise slightly curved. Not rare. (E.) 12. fulvipes, Mgi-le. ; Mg. zw. iii. 78. 25 (1822). Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris, alis siiblimpidis ad costam stib- fulvis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice fuscis. Long. \\ ; alar. 4 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front. Palpi yellow. Antennce black ; third joint conical, a little longer than the tu'st and the second ; fourtli much longer than the third. Wings almost colour- less, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border ; veins tawny, brown towards the tips ; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightly converging. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi brown; middle femora thick, more or less brown; middle til)ia3 curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 126 EMPID^. 13. infascatus, Mq. ; Mg. d. iii. 84. 39 (1822) ; Mq. Cinereus, capite cano aiitice albo, anfennis nigris hasi fulvis, alis ftisco-cinereis ad costam flavis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long. 1-1 i ; alar. 2^-3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, stining white in front, clothed with white hairs behind. Palpi yellow. Antenna black ; first and second joints tawny ; third tapering, much longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Wings hrownisli-grey , yellow along the fore border for tico-tliirds of the length from the base ; veins black, yellow along the fore border. Halteres yellowish-white. Abdomen black, shilling. Legs tawny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibicB curved. Generally distributed. (E.) 14. varius, n. Cinereus, capite albo, palpis flavo-albis, antennis nigris hasi flavis, pectore albido, alis limpidis, abdomine fidvo maculis fuscis bivittato, pedibus flavis. Long. If ; alar. 4 lin. Hoaiy. Head white. Palpi yellowish-white. Antenna black ; first and second joints yellow ; third tapering, much longer than the first and the second ; fourth as long as all the preceding. Thorax beset with a few yellow bristles, whitish beneath. Wings colourless ; veins pale yeUow ; fourth longitudinal vein much curved towards the third. Halteres yeUowish-white. Abdomen tatony, loith 2 rows of brown spots, which are sometimes united and cover the ichole back. Legs yellow ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae slightly curved ; fore femora a little tliicker than the hind femora. Not commou. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 15. fascipes, Mg. zw. iii, 78. 22 (1822). Cinereus, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis, femorihis inter- mediis fusco-cinctis, femorihis posticis fulvo-cinctls, tibiis apice non- nunquam fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice nigris. Long, li; alar. 3ilin. Grey. Palpi yellow. Antenna black ; third joint lanceolate, longer than the first and the second ; fourth as long as the third. Wings colourless ; veins brown, yellow towards the base ; fourth longitudinal vein very slightly curved towards the third. Halteres yellow. Abdo- men black, shining. Legs yellow ; a broad broion band on each of the very thick middle femora, and a narrow taiony band on each of the hind femora ; fore femora thick ; tips of the tibiae sometimes tawny ; middle tibiae curved ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black. Generally distributed. (E.) 16. fasciatus, Mg.l zw. iii. 86. 43. pi. 23. f. 22 (1822). Cer- vinus, capite cano antice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis limpidis, abdomine cinereo nigtv-fasciato, pedibus fulvis, tarsorum articulis apice fuscis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Fawn-colour. Head hoary, shining white in front, clothed with PLATYPALPUS. 127 white hairs behind. Valpi tawny. Antennce black, pubescent ; first ami second joints tawny ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than all the preceding joints. ^Vings colourless ; veins and haltercs yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightly converging. Abdomen cinereous, with a more or less interrnpted shining black stripe alonr/ the back. Legs taicny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibia? curved ; fore femora nearly as thick as the middle femora. Rare. (E. T.) 17. laticinctus, n. Cinereus, capite antico albo, antennis nigris basi fulois, alis siiblimpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fidvis, femoribus fusco-cinctis, tarsis apice fuscis. Long. 1|- ; alar. 4 lin. Cinereous. Head shining white in front. Palpi yellow. Antemife black, pubescent ; Jirst and second joints dark tawny ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth mucli longer than the third. Thorax beset with a few tawny bristles, grey beneath. TFings nearly colom'less ; veins brown, yellow towards the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightly converging. Haltercs pale yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawiny, stout ; tips of the tarsi brown ; femora broicn, tawny at the base and at the tips ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae hardly curved ; fore femora rather thick. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 18. dichroa, Mg. zw. iii. 83. 36 (1822). Cinereus, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, haltcribus flavis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fidvis, tarsorum artieulis apice genubusque intermediis nigris. Long. \\; alar. 3i lin. Grey. Palpi yellow. AntemKB black ; third joint long-conical, longer than the first and the second; fourth longer than the third. Thorax beset with a few black bristles. Wings colom-less ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Haltercs yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; middle legs with thick femora, black ' knees, and curved tibiEe. Not rare. (E.) 19. divisus, u. Cinereus, capite cano autice albo, antennis flavis apice nigris, alis subflavis apice subcinereis, abdomine nigro, pedibus favis. Long. \\ ; alar. 3 lin. Cinereous. Head hoary, shining white in front, clothed behind with white hairs. Palpi white. Antennce yelloio ; third joint black towards the tip, conical, longer than the first and the second ; fourth black, longer than the third. TFings tinged with pale yelloio, slightly grey at the tips ; veins and haltercs pale yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nea7-ly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Tjcgs yelloio ; tips of the tarsi black; middle femora thick ; middle tibia- curved. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (K.) 128 EMPiD.?*;. 20. coimniles, n. Cinereus, cmtennis n'ujris, alls sublinipidis, ahdomine nigro subtiis fulvo, pedibus fulvis, tarsis fuscis basi fulvis, genubus posteriori bus fuscis. Long. IJ-lf ; alar. 3|^-4 lin. Grey. Head clothed above with black hairs, beueath with white hairs. Palpi yellow. Autennoe blacl\ pubescent, nearly as long as the head ; fourth joint long, slightly pubescent. Wimjs uearlj colour- less; veins brown, tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen clothed with short whitish hairs, black and shining above, tawny beneath. Legs tawny, clothed with very short pale yellow hairs ; tarsi brown ; first joint tawny, with a brown tip ; second joint tawny at the base; tips of the hind tibiae dark tawny ; hinder knees brown. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 21. compungens, n. Cinereus, capite cauo, antennis fuscis apice nigris, alis limpidis, abdoinine nigro basi subtus fulvo, pedibus fiavis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Cinereous, clothed with pale yellow hairs. Head hoary. Palpi yellow. Antennae brown; third joint as long as the first and the second ; fourth black, longer than all the ])receding. Wings colourless ; veins brown. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shining, tawny towards the base beneath. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora very slightly thickened ; middle tibiae very slightly curved. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 22. robustus, Wlk. e. m. iv. 228 (1837). Cinereus, capite cano, palpis albidis, antennis nigris basi fulvis, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedihus fulvis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Cinereous, rather stout. Head hoary. Palpi whitish. Antennce black ; first and second joints tawny ; third tapering, longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the tliird. Wings co- lourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins very slightly converging. Abdomen black, shining. Legs tawny, stout ; middle femora very thick ; middle tibiae curved ; fore femora thick. Hare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 23. ciliaris. Fin. d. s. emp. 33. 1,2 (1815); Mg. ; Ztt. Niger, thoracis lateribus canis, alis sublimpidis, halteribirs albis, 2)edibus fiavis. Long. 1-H; alar. 3-4 hn. Black, shining, slender. Palpi pale yellow. Antennaa pubescent ; third joint tapering, longer than the first and the second ; fourth longer than the third. Thorax hoary on each side. Wings nearly colourless ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein nearly straight ; third and fourth almost parallel. Halteres white. Legs ■yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora very little thicker than tiie other femora; middle tibici) veiy slightly curved. Generally distributed. (E. 8.) PLATYPALPUS. 129 24. mundus, Wlk. e. m. iv. 228 (1837). Niger, palpis flavis, alis lirapidis, pedlhus fnlvis, femoribiis posterioribus nir/ris, tarsis apice fiiscis. Long. 1\ ; alar. 2 liu. Black, shilling. Proboscis rather long, Palpi yellow. Thii'd joint of the antennae short-conical, broader but not longer than the first and the second; fourth longer than all the preceding joints. Wings colour- less ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein almost straight ; third and fourth nearly parallel. Halteres pale yellow. Legs tmoiy ; posterior femora black ; middle femora thick ; midtlle tibiae curved ; tips of the tarsi pale brown. Rare, In the collection of the Eiit. Club. (E.) 25. luteus, Mq. ; Fin. d. s. emp. 10. 10 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Luteus vel ferrugiueus, antennis fuscis basi flavis, alls limpidis, venls 7iigris, pedibus fidvis, tarsorura articulis apice obscurioribus. Long. H-2; alar. 3-4i lin. Luteous or ferruginous, stout, smooth, shining. Head yellow. Proboscis luteous. Palpi yellow. Antennae brown ; iirst and second joints yellow ; thii'd conical, a little longer than the first and the se- cond; fourth black, pubescent, much longer than all the preceding joints. Wings colourless; veitis black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Legs tawny ; tips of the joints of the tarsi darker; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 26. glaber, Mg. zw. iii. 89. 52 (1822); Ztt.? Luteus, capite cano, antennis fuscis basi flavis, alls limpidis, venis fulvis, pedibus flavis. Long. 1^; alar. 3 lin. Pale luteous, smooth, shining. Head hoary. Proboscis tawny, with a black tip. Palpi whitish. Antennae brown ; first and second joints pale yellow ; third conical, a little longer than the first and the second ; fourth pubescent, a little longer than the third. Wings colourless; veins tawny; third and fom'th longitudinal veins parallel. Halteres yellow. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora a little thickened ; middle tibiae slightly curved. This species does not quite agi'ee with Zetterstedt's P. glaber, whose middle femora are described as being very thick. Rare, In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 27. pectoralis, Fin. d. s. emp. 9. 8 (1815); Ztt. — gilvipes, Mg. Luteus, capite cinereo, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-vittato, alis su6- cinereis, stigmate nigro, abdomine fusco vel nigro subtus nonnunquam fulvo, pedibus fulvis. Long. \\-\^; alar. 3-3| lin. Luteous, smooth, shining. Head grey. Proboscis black. Palpi whitish. Antennae black; tliird joint conical, as long as the first and the second ; fourth pubescent, as long as all the preceding joints. Thorax with a black stripe. Wings slightly grey ; stigma black, long and narrow; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. VOL. I. s 130 . EMPID^.. Abdomen hroicn or black, sometimes tawny beneath. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 28. stramineipes, Ztt. d. s. i. 396. 29 (\^i2).—pectoraUs, Mg. ; Mq. Luteus, capite ciuereo, antennis nigris, thorace nigro-vittato, alls Impidis, stigmate flavo, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis. Long. \\ ; alar. 3 lin. Luteous, smooth, shining. Head grey. Proboscis black. Palpi whitish. Antennte black ; thii'd joint conical, a little shorter than the first and the second ; fourth pubescent, longer than all the preceding. Thorax icith a black stripe. Wrings colourless ; stigma gelloic, long and narrow ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres tawny. Ab- domen black, sometimes tawiiy towards the tip. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Not rare. (E. 1.) 29. flavipennis, n. Luteus, capite cano antice argenteo, an- tennis fuscis basi fulvis, alis Jlavescentibiis, pedibus fulvis. Long. 1:^ ; alar. 3 lin. Luteous. Head hoary, silvery-white iti front. Proboscis tawny, with a black tip. Palpi pale yellow. Antemiae brown ; first and second joints tawny ; third conical, as long as the first and the second ; fourth black, pubescent, longer than all the pi'eceding. JFings yellowish, especially along the fore borders ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins parallel. Legs tawny ; tips of the tarsi black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Eare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 30. pulchellus, n. Luteus, antennis nigris basi fulvis, thorace nigro-vittato, alis sul)limpidis, abdomine nigro cano-quadrivittato, pedibus fulvis. Long, li ; alar. 2i lin. Luteous. Head and proboscis black. Palpi whitish. Antennae black ; first and second joints dark tawny ; third conical, as long as the first and the second ; fourth very much longer than all the pre- ceding joints. Thorax with a broad black stripe on the back, partly black beneath. Wings nearly colourless ; veins brown, pale yellow to- wards the base ; fourth longitudinal vein very slightly inclined towards the third. Halteres y ell omsh- white. Abdomen black, loithfour broad hoary bands. Legs pale tawny ; tips of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved ; fore femora rather slender. Eare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 31. formalis, n. Fulvus, antennis apice nigris, alis limpidissimis, pedibus Jlavis. Long. 1^; alar. 3 lin. Tawny, slender. Proboscis with a black tip. Palpi pale yellow. Antennae tawny ; third joint brown towards the tip, as long as the first and the second ; fourth black, pubescent, as long as all the ])re- PLATYPALPUS. 131 ceding. Wings quite colourless, very transparent; veins black, yellow towards the base. Halteres yellow. Legs yellow; tips of the tarsi brown ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Rare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 32. annulatus. Fin. emp. 7. 2 (181.5); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Cine- reus, capite cano autice albo, antennis nigris basi fulvis. pectore cauo, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fulvis, femoribus tibiis apice tarsorunuiue articuUs plerumque apice nigris. Long. IJ-li; alar. 3-31 lin. Cinereous, Head hoary, clothed behind with white hairs ; epistoma shining white. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae black, pu- bescent ; tirst and second joints tawny ; third conical, a httle longer than the first and the secontl ; fourth longer than all the preceding- joints. Thorax hoaiy beneath. Wings colourless ; veins yellow, brown towards the tips ; fourth longitudinal vein inclined towards the tliird. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shining. Legs taicny ,- anterior femora mostly black ; hind femora slightly tinged loitli black, sometimes quite black ; middle femora very thick ; middle tibioe curved ; tips of the hind tibice and of the joints of the tarsi black, the latter, especially the hind pair, sometimes all black excepting the base. Male. Fore femora and fore tibiae thick ; fore tibia3 black at the tips, some- times all black excepting the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 33. minutus, Mg. zw. iii. 76. 20 (1822); Mq. ; Zii.— annula- tus var. /3, Fin. Niger, capite thoracis lateribus pectoreque canis, alis limpidis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus nigro-ciuctls, tibiis posteriori- bus basi apiceque nigris, tarsis flavis nigro-cinctis. Long. 1-1 i; alar. 2-2* lin. Black, shining. Head hoary. Palpi yellow. Third joint of the antenufe conical, nearly as long as the first and the second ; fourth as long as all the preceding. Thorax hoary on each side and beneath. Wings colourless ; veins black, yellow at the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins very slightly converging towards the tips. Halteres tawny ; femora black, taicny at the base and at the tips ; middle femora thick ; fore femora rather thick ; tibiee tawny ; posterior tibi(B black at the base and at the tips ; middle tibiae curved, sometimes black ; tarsi yellotc ; tips of the joints black. Male. Fore tibiic thick. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 34. castanipes? Mg. zw. iii. 79. 26 (1822). Cinerens, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, abdomine pedibusque nigris, tibiis posterioribus fuscis, tarsis basi tibiisque anticis fulvis. Long. \\; alar. 2^ lin. Grey. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antenure black; third joint conical, as long as the first and the second ; fom"th a little longer than the third. Wings colourless; veins black, tawny at the base; third and fourth longitudinal veins slightlv inclined towards each other. 132 empiBjE. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, shiuiiig. Legs black ; posterior femora thick ; posterior tibice brown ; middle tibiae slightly curved ; fore tibia lawny ; tarsi tmony at the base. Eare. In the collection of the Eut. Club. (E.) 35. exiguus? Mg. zw. iii. 81. 31 (1822). Niger, palpis flavis, thorace subcinereo, ahs limpidis, halteribus albis, pedibus fulvis, femo- ribus nigris, tibiis posticis apice fuscis, tarsis basi fulvis. Long, f; alar. 2 lin. Black, shining. Palpi yellow. Third joint of the antennae conical, a httle longer than the first and the second ; fourth much longer than the third. Thorax slightly grey. Wings colourless; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins almost parallel. Halteres white. Legs tawny ; femora black ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae slightly cuiTed ; tips of the hind tibia brown ; tarsi black, tawny totvards the base. This may be distinct from Meigen's P. exiguus, whose tarsi are ferruginous, with black tips to the joints. Rare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 36. dubius, n. Cinereus, capite pectoreque canis, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, halteribus albis, abdomine pedibusque nigris, tibiis anticis basi genubusqiie anterioribm fulvis, tarsorum anticorum articulis basi flavis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3^ lin. Grey. Head hoary. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; third joint conical, longer than the first and second ; fourth much longer than the third. * Thorax hoary beneath. Wings colourless ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; fourth longitudinal vein slightly inchned towards the third. Halteres white. Abdomen black, shining. Legs black ; middle femora thick ; fore femora rather thick ; anterior knees tawny ; middle tibiae slightly curved ; fore tibia tawny at the base ; joints of the fore tarsi yellow at the base. Rare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 37. pallipes. Fin. d. s. emp. 8. 6 (1815); Mg. ; Ztt. Canus, antennis nigris, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis. Long. 1 ; alar. 3 lin. Hoary. Proboscis black. Palpi yeUow. Antennae black ; third joint tapering, longer than the first and the second ; fourth longer than the third. Abdomen black, shining. Wings colourless j veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining. Jjegs pale yelloic ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae slightly curved. Not rare. (E. S.) 38. comptus, Wlk. e. m. iv. 228 (18^1).— stigmatellus, Ztt. d. s. i. 306. 41. — pallipes, var. a, Ztt. i. 1. 553. 16. Niger, palpis flavis, alis limpidis, pcdiba.s fulvis, femoribus posterioribus tibiisque posticis apice tibiis anlicis tnrsisque nigris. Long. 1-li ; alar. 2^-3 lin. PLATYPALPUS. 133 Black, smooth, shining. Palpi yellow. Antennae long ; second joint a little longer than the first ; third linear, about twice the length of the first and the second ; fourth much shorter than the third. Wings colourless ; veins black, tawny at the base ; third and fourth longitudinal veins almost parallel. Halteres pale yellow, black towards the base. Legs taicny ; femora compressed; tips of the posterior femora and of the hind tilji/e black ; middle femora very broad ; middle tibiae curved ; fore tibire black ; tarsi black, tawny towards the base. Male. Antennae longer than those of the female. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 39. nigritarsis, Mn. d. s. emp. 34. 1, 2 (1815); Mg.; Ztt. Niger, alis subcinereis, pedibns fidvis, femoribus posticis apiice tibiis anticis tar- sisrpie idgris. Long, -g— f ; alar. l|-2 lin. Black, shining. Palpi yellow. Antennae slender; fourth joint rather short. Wings very slightly tinged with grey ; veins black ; third and fourth longitudinal veins almost parallel. Halteres yellow. Legs tawuy ; tarsi, fore tibice, and tips of the hind femora black ; posterior tarsi taicny at the base ; middle femora thick ; middle tibiae curved. Not rare. (E. I.) 40. dissimilis, Flu. d. s. emp. 9. 9 (1815) ; Mg. ; Ztt. Cinereus, capite cano antice albo, antennis fuscis, alis limpidis, abdomine nigro basi et subtiis fulvo, pedibns flams, tarsormn articidis apice nujris. Long. \\ ; alar. 3 lin. Cinereo^is. Head hoary, shining wMte in front. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennce brown. Wings colourless ; veins and halteres yellow ; third and fourth longitudinal veins nearly parallel. Abdomen black, shining, tawny beneath and towards the base. Legs yelloio ; tips of the joints of the tarsi black ; ra\AA\e femora a little thicker than the fore pair ; middle tibiae slightly curved ; fore femora rather thick. Eare. In the collection of the Ent. Club. (E.) 41. longicornis, Mg. zw. iii. 73. 12. pi. 23. f. 17 (1822). Canus, antennis nigris, ahs limpidis, halteribus flavo-albis, abdomine nigro, pedibns fidvis, tar sonmi articidis apice fuscis. Long. 1^; alar. 2|^-3 lin. Hoary, clothed with pale yellow hairs. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae black ; third joint pubescent, linear, conical at the tip, longer than the first and the second ; fourth half the length of the third. Wings colourless ; veins brown, yeUow at the base ; third and fourth longituchnal veins ahnost parallel. Halteres yellowish-white. Abdomen black, shining. Legs pale tawny, pubescent ; tips of the joints of the tarsi pale brown ; middle femora very slightly thickened ; middle tibiae very slightly curved. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 134 EMPID.E. Genus XVIII. ELAPHROPEZA. Elaphropeza, Mq. d. n. (1827) ; Ztt. Tacf/i/dromia i^., ¥\n. Heme- rodromia p., Mg. Corpus miuutum, oblongura, glabnim, parum setulosura. Color luteus. Oculi fere connexi. Proboscis brevis, verticalis. Paljn lati, pro- boscide breviores. AntenuEe 4-articulat8e ; articulus tertius lonyus, conicus ; quartus setiformis. Alee sublatiores ; vena ciibitalis sim- plex ; vencB externo-iuedirE 2 ; areola discoidalis ei vena subanalis nullce ; areola prcebracJdalis pobracJdali multo brevior. Pedes sim- plices, valid! ; coxce femorihis breviores. Mas. Anus obtusus. Foem. Anus acutus. . Body minute, oblong, smooth, shining, luteous. Head globose. Eyes almost connected beneath and above. Proboscis short, perpen- dicular. Palpi broad, sJiorter than the jyroboscis. Antennae 4-jointed ; first and second joints short ; third lonff, conical, much longer than the first and the second ; fourth setiform, a little longer than third. Wings rather broad ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medlal veins 2 ; discoidal areolet and subanal vein none ; preebrachial areolet much shorter than the pobrachial ; longitudinal veins simple ; second short ; third and fourth very slightly diverging from each other ; fifth slightly curved to the hind border. Legs simple, slender ; coxa shorter than the femora. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fern. Tip of the abdomen acute. Maphropeza and Platj/palpus seem to be alike in habit. 1. ephippiata, Fin. d. s. emp. ii. 14 (1815); Mg.; Ztt. Lutea, . capite nigro, antennis fuscis basi flavis, thoracis vittis duabus scutel- loque nigris, alls limpidis, abdomine nigTO, pedibus flavis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 hn. Luteous, smooth, shining, thinly clothed with very short black hairs, beset with a few black bristles. Head black. Proboscis yellow, with a brown tip. Palpi yellow. Antennaj brown ; first and second joints yellow ; third yellow towards the base. Thorax Avith 2 broad short black stripes ; scuteUum black. Wings colourless ; veins tawny, yellow towarcls the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black. Legs yellow ; tips of the tarsi pale brown. Generally distributee!; appears in summer on herbage and on the leaves of shrubs. (E. I.) DRAPETIS. 135 Genus XIX. DRAPETIS. Drapetis, Mg. z\v. iii. 91 (1822); Mq. ; Hal.; Ct. ; Ztt. Tachj- dromia p., Fin. ; Mg. Corpus minutissiraum, atrum, oblongo-ovatum, nitidum, glabrum. Oculi hirsutuli, in utroque sexu parum remoti."" Proboscis verti- calis. Palpi latl, compressi, prohoscide breviores. Antennae 4-arti- culatte, capite breviores, ascendentes ; articulus tertius brevi-ovatus vel rotundatus; quartus longus, setiformis. Thorax gibbus, non lobatus. Ate sublata3 ; vena cub'dalis simplex; vence externo-medice 2 ; areola discoidalis et vena subanalis nulla ; areola prcebrachialis pobrachiali multu brevior ; vena3 lougitudinales simplices ; secunda brevis, incurva ; quinta in marginem intcriorem descendeus. Pedes nudi, simplices ; coxcb femoribus breviores. Mas. Abdomen subcyliudricum. Anus obtusus. Fcem. Abdomen subovatum. Anus acutus. Body very small, oblong-ovate, black, smooth, shining, beset with a few black bristles. Head ahnost round ; epistoma very narrow. Eyes somewhat parted in both sexes. Oculi 3, on a tubercle of the crown. Proboscis very short, perpendicular. Palpi broad, shorter than the proboscis. Labrum long, very stout, broad-ovate and convex at the base, lanceolate and curved at the tip. Palpi incumbent, large, ovate, furnished with a few bristles, shorter than the proboscis. Labium rather small. Antennae 4-jointed, porrect, inserted between the eyes in the middle of the face, approximate at the base, diverging, curved upwards, as long as the head ; first joint very short ; second slightly cyathiforni, bearing a few bristles ; third short-oval or round, compressed ; foui-th setiform, pubescent, as long as all the preceding, forming an angle with the third. Thorax gibbous; scutellum semicircular. Wings rather broad, inciunbent and parallel in repose, finely pubescent, roiuided at the tips; cubital vein sitnple ; externo-medial veins 2; discal areolet and subanal vein none ; prcebrachial areolet much shorter than the pobrachial ; longitudinal veins simple ; second short, incurved, scarcely extending beyond the middle of the fore border ; fifth de- scending to the interior margin. Legs long, simply pubescent, beset with a few black bristles ; coxce shorter than the femora ; femora rather thick ; tibiae slender ; anterior tibiae with spines at theii* tips ; hind tibiae slightly curved. Male. Abdomen rather long, almost cylindrical ; tip obtuse. Pern. Abdomen more oval, acute. These flies appear from the spring to the autumn ; they run with extreme rapidity, and frequent herbage, trunks of trees, hot- beds, and sea-weed. In hot-beds tliey are much infested with mites. The genus may be thus divided : — a. Third joint of the antennae ovate. Eadial vein extended beyond 136 EMPID^. the middle of the costa. Hind tibife ending in a spoon-shaped lobe. Species 1-4. a a. Third joint of the antennae small, orbicular, much more com- pressed than the second. Radial vein ending about the middle of the costa. Hind tibise simple. Species 5, 6. 1. aterrima, Hal.; Ct. ! b. e. 397 (1833). Atra, alis sublimpidis, halteribus flavis, genubus fernigineis. Long, f ; alar. \\ lin. Broad, deep black. Wings nearly colourless ; veins black, nearly equally distant from each other. Halteres yellow. Eiiees ferriigbmis. Rare. (E.I.) 2. nigra, Mg. zw. vi. 344. 2 (1830); Mq. Nigra, alis limpidis, halteribus flavis, tiblis basi apiceque fulvis, tarsis anferioribus fuscis. Long, i-f ; alar. 1-1 i lin. Black. Wings colom'less ; veins black. Halteres yellow. Tibia tawny at the base and at the tips ; anterior tarsi broion. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 3. exilis, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 91. 1. pi. 23. f. 27. 28(1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, abs limpidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus nigris, tibiis posticis nonnunquam fuscis. Long. \-\; alar. \-\\ lin. Black. Wings colourless , veins black. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; femora black, with tawny tips; hind tibia sometimes brown. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 4. assimilis. Fin. d. s. emp. 8. 5 {\%lh).—JJavip)es, Mq. ; Mg. — exilis var., Mg. — minima, Mg. ; Ztt. Nigra, alis limpidis, halteribus pedibusque fulvis. Long. |-; alar. 1 J lin. Black. Wings colourless ; veins black. Halteres and legs tawny. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 5. graminum, rin.d.s. emp. 15.31 (1815); Mg. ; Hal. Nigra, antennis fuscis basi flavis, alis albidis, halteribus flavis, abdominis basi pedibusque fulvis. Long. \; alar, f lin. Body black, hardly shining. Epistoma white. Proboscis black. Palpi yellow. Antennae brown ; first and second joints yellow ; third nearly round, harcUy longer than the second ; fourth nearly four times the length of all the preceding. Wings whitish ; veins brown ; second lon- gitudinal vein much nearer to the third than the costa ; third and fourth almost parallel ; fifth slightly curved to the hind border. Hal- teres yellow. Abdomen tawny towards the base. Legs taiony ; fore femora thick ; fore tibiae rather thick. On herbage. (E. I.) 6. lunata, Hal. MSS. — graminum var. ^3, Fin. Fusco-cinerea, an- tennis basi abdomine pedibusque ferrugineis, aUs fusco-ferrugineis basi apice et litura costali pallidis, femoribus anticis crassissimis. Long. \ ; alar. ^ bn. Differs chiefly in its figured wings from C. graminum. Brownish- CHERSODROMTA. 137 grey. Eyes contiguous beneath the antennae. Antennse ferruginous at the base ; third and fourth joints brown. Wings brownish-feiTugi- nous, pale at the base and at the tips, and with a pale costal mark ; prsebrachial areolet verj' naiTOW, three-fourths of the length of the po- brachial. Abdomen and legs ferruginous ; fore femora very thick. Rare. On sandy coasts near Dublin. In Mr, Haliday's col- lection. (I.) Genus XX CHERSODROMIA. Chersodromia, Hal. MSS. Tacky droniia p., Fin. Empis p., Ztt. Palpi proboscide hreviores. Alarum vena cuhitalis simplex ; vena exter- no-media 2 ; areola discoidalis et vena stihaualis nidlce ; areola prce- brachialis pobrachiali aqualis. Coxcr femoribus breviores. Palpi shorter than the proboscis. Wings often short ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2 ; discal areolet and subanal vein none ; prabrachial areolet about as long as the pobrachial. Legs formed for running ; coxcE shorter than thefentora. The Chersodronua mostly inhabit the sea-shore, and in their habits resemble Drapetis ; they may be thus divided : — a. Third joint of the antennae ovate-orbiculate, as long as the second. Species 1-3. a a. Third joint of the antennae orbicidate, shorter than the second. Species 4. a a a. Third joint of the antennae more acute, almost as long as the second. Species 5. 1. hirta, "VMk. e. m. iii. 180 (1836). Nip'a, antennis nigris, alis albidis ad costam subfnscis, halteribiis ferruyineis, pedibus nigris. Long. If ; alar. 3^ lin. Black, hardly shining, clothed with black hairs and with a few black bristles. Proboscis and palpi black. Antennae black; third joint nearly round, a little longer than the second ; fourth twice the length of all the preceding. Wings whitish, indistinctly tinged with pale brown along the fore border ; veins dark brown ; second lougitu- dinal vein much nearer to the costa than to the third ; third and fourth very slightly diverging from each other ; fifth straight. Halteres fer- ruginous. Legs black, stout, hairy, beset with a few black bristles ; an- terior femora and fore tibiae rather tliick. Eare. Appears in summer and autumn on sandy sea-coasts, among fuci. (E. I.) 2. cursitans, Ztt. a. holm. 82 (1819); Fin. Nigra, obsciu-a, alis infumatis fusco-venosis, halteribus fuscis, tibiis posterioribus praesertim pilis longioribus. Long, f ; alar. 2 lin, VOL. I. T 138 EMPID^. Black, dull. Wings clouded ; veins and haUeres brown. Posterior tibiae bristly. Eare. Inhabits the sea-coast. (E. I.) 3. incana, Hal. MSS. Canescens, facie et palpis alhicantibus, alls albis, abdomiue nudo, pedibus fuscis. Long, i; alar. 1 lin. Hoary. Face and palpi whitish. Antennte with the second and third joints of equal length ; fourth a little longer than all the preceding. Thorax with a thin and very fine pubescence. Whujs tvJdle ; veins yellowish. Halteres pale, with brown tips. Abdomen bare. Legs brown ; tibiae with a few hairs towards the tips. Rare. On sandy coasts of the sea and of lakes. In Mr. Ha- liday's collection. (I.) 4. arenaria, Hal. e. m. i. 161 (1833). — brevipennis, Zii. Nigra, antennis nigris, alis brevissimis fuscis ad costam albidis, pedibus piceis. Long, i-f ; alar, -j lin. Ilale and Fern. Body black, not shining. Proboscis black. Palpi brown. Antennae black ; third joint nearly round, not longer than the second ; fourth full twice the length of all the preceding. Wings ru- dimentary, brown, whitish along the hind border ; veins black ; second longitudinal vein a little nearer to the third than to the first ; third and fourth almost parallel ; fifth shghtly inclined to the hind border. Legs pitchy, stout. Local, but very abundant on some parts of the sea-coast in the autumn. (E. I.) 5. speculifera, Hal. MSS. Cana, facie alba, antennis basi palpis pedibusque totis flavis, pleuris macula rotunda atra nitida supra coxas medias, alis hyalinls. Long. 1 ; alar. 2-| lin. Hoary. Face of the head white. Eyes very minutely pubescent. Palpi yellow. Antennae yellow at the base ; third joint almost oval, as if trianniJated ; fourth joint long, setiform, on the tip of the third. Thorax with a few scattered hairs. Pleurce loith a black round sliining spot above the middle coxes. Wings colourless ; veins very pale. Hal- teres pale, with brown tips. Legs yellow, pubescent, with a few scat- tered hairs ; hind tibiae furnished with some longer hairs. Very rare. In Mr. Halida/s collection. (1.) Genus XXI. TACHYDROMIA. Tachydkomia, Mq. d. n. (1827) ; Ct. Tachydromia p., Fb. ; Fin. ; Mg. Musca^.,\j.; Yh. Calobata ■p.,'Fh. Sicns ]).,L\. Tacliypeza, Mg. ; Ztt. Corpus minutum, elongatum, glabnim. Color niger, nitidus ; pictura alaiTim interdum fusco-fasciata. Ocidi fusci, aeneo-micantes, in utroque sexu supra paullo disjuncti, infra conjuncti. Proboscis TACHYDROMIA. 139 capite brevior. Palpi oblougi, proboscidis longitudine. Antennae 4-articvilat£e, parvfe; articulus primus brevissimus iucouspicuus, tertius compressus, ellipticus ; quartus longus, setifonnis. Alarum vena cubitalis simplex ; vence externo-media 2 ; areola discoidalis et analis null(B. Pedes cursorii ; coxa femoribus breviores ; femora antica crassa. Mas. Anus obtusus. Fceni. Anus acutus. Body black, minute, long, slender, smooth, shining ; dull in the last two species. Head oval, narrower than the thorax. Eyes Eeneous or green, slightly parted above, connected beneath. Ocelli 3, in front. Proboscis perpendicular, shorter than the head. Labrum acute. Lingua setiforra. Maxillae setaceous, as long as the lingua. Palpi generally as long as the proboscis, oblong, large, drooping, bristly at the tips, fringed on the outer border with short hairs. Labium cylindrical. AntennfE 4-jointed, porrect, inserted in the middle of the face, ap- proximate at the base, diverging upwards, as long as the head ; first joint verv short, inconspicuous ; second short, cylindrical, somewhat bristly ; third rather long, elliptical, compressed, hairy beneath ; last long, setiform. Thorax long-oval ; scutellum semicircular, rather nar- row. AVings pubescent, obtuse, incumbent, longer than the body ; cubital vein simple ; externo-medial veins 2 ; discal areolet and anal vein none. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen cylindrical, rather long. Legs slender ; coxce shorter than the femora ; fore femora incrassated, with a double row of minute spines beneath ; fore tibiae clavate, with a series of spines on the inside ; tarsi longer than the tibiae ; meta- tarsus as long as all the other joints ; ungues and onychia distinct. Male. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fem. Tip of the abdomen acute. The Tachydromice run with great swiftness, aud appear from the spring to the autumn, on trunks of trees, paHngs, stones, leaves of shrubs, and about the shores of lakes aud the bauks of rivers. The species may be thus distributed : — a. Palpi as long as proboscis. Species 1-4. a a. Palpi shorter than proboscis; a trace of subanal vein. Sp. 5, 6. "The last two, according to the synoptic table of the genera, w^ould belong to Platypalpus. They do not perfectly agree with either of the two genera, and perhaps require the formation of a new one, to wliich Meigen's name Tacliypeza might be applied restrictedly." — A. H. H. 1. arrogans, L. fn. 1857 (1761) ; Fb. ; Gm. ; Fin.; LI. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. ! b. e. 477. Nigra, antennis basi fulvis, thorace ni- gro-aeneo vel nigro-viridi, nlis albis fiisco-bifasciatis, venis secnnda, ter- tiaque approximatis, halteribus flavis, coxis femoribus anterioribus basi subtusque genubusque fidvis, tarsis Jlavis apice nigris. Long, j- 1 ; alar, li-2 liu. 140 EMPIDiE. Black, shiuing. Head and thorax beset with a very few bristles. First and second joints of the antennae tawny; third nearly round, very little longer than the second ; fourth very long, more than four times the length of all the preceding joints. Thorax more or less ceneous or greenish-black. Wings white, with 2 very broad, dark broion bauds ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein hardly more remote from the third than from the costa. Halteres yellow. Coxpe tawny ; anterior femora tawny beneath and at the base ; knees tawny ; tarsi yellow, black toioards the tips. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. cimicoides, Fb.? sp. i. 447. 61 (1781); Gm.; Mg. — mnbrarum, Hal. — albitarsis, Steeg. ; Ztt. d. s. i. 313. 2. Nigra, antennis basi fulvis, thorace nigro-teneo, alls albis fusco-bifasciatis, venis secunda tertiaqiie remotis, halteribus flavis, coxis femoribus anterioribus basi subtusque genubusque fulvis, tarsis flavis apice nigris. Long. 1^ ; alar. 2i lin. Black, shining. Head and thorax beset with very few spines. First and second joints of the antennae tawary ; third nearly round, very little longer than the second ; fourth very long, more than 4 times the length of all the preceding. Wings white, with 2 brown bands, which are rather ftarrotoer and paler than those of T. arrogans ; veins black, yellow towards the base ; space between the second and third longitudinal veins ttcice that between the second and the costa. Halteres yellow. Coxa3 tawny ; anterior femora tawny beneath and at the base ; knees ta^vny ; ta^'si yellow, black towards the tips. The male has the intermediate tibiae at the tip produced into a compressed lobe, and the legs more black. Hare. In the collectious of the Entomological Club and of Mr. Haliday. (E. S. I.) 3. connexa, Mg. zw. iii. 70. 3. pi. 23. f. 24 (1822); Mq.— cimicoides, Mg. kl. Nigra, antennis fuscis basi flavis, thorace nigro- ccneo, alarum fasciis dtiabus comiexis fuscis, halteribus albis, pedibus fulvo flavoque variis. Long. \\ ; alar. 2 lin. Black, shining. Head and thorax beset with very few black bristles. Antennae brown ; first and second joints yellow ; third nearly round, very little longer than the second ; fourth more than 4 times the length of all the preceding. Thorax aeneous-black. Wings ivhite, mostly occupied by 2 very broad dark broimi bands, rohich are connected beneath the costa, and nearly so on the hind border ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein as near to the third as to the costa. Halteres white. Coxae, posterior femora and fore tibiae at the base, and fore femora tawny; anterior tibiae, excepting the tips and anterior femora, sometimes tawny. Legs sometimes yellowy excepting the hind femora and liind tibia", which are brown. Generally distributed. (E. 1.) PHYLLODROMIA. 141 4. morio, Ztt. i. 1. 546. 2 (1839). Nigra, alls hyalinis fiisco- bifasciatis, tarsis ftiscis basi supra Jiavis. Long. |- ; alar. \\ lin. Black, shining, very small. Palpi whitish, covered with whitish pubescence ; apical bristle black. TFings colourless, with 2 broad broicn bands, parted by a broader colourless interval. Anterior coxae brownish- ferruginous, with silverv-wliite pubescence ; tibiae brownish-black, ferru- ginous at the base ; tips of middle tibire unanned ; tarsi bro2ai. yelloio at the base. Male. Hypopygium terminated by a stout obliquely reflexed claw without cirri. Tem. Vagina with 2 contiguous small linear valves, which proceed from the last oblong slender segment. Rare. A pair found among shingle in the bed of the river Dodder^ near DubHn. In Mr. HaKda/s collection. (I.) 5. fuscipennis, Fin. d. s. emp. 14. 19 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, antennis fuscis basi flavis ant fuhis, alis fuscis apice albidis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis tarsisqne posticis fuscis. Long. 1-1 i; alar. U-^ lin. Black, hardly shining. Head and thorax beset with very few black bristles. Palpi yellow ; their bristles black. Antennae brown ; first and second joints yellow or tawny ; third joint short-conical ; fourth nearly 4 times the length of all the preceding joints. Wings broicn, whitish at the tips ; stigma black ; veins brown, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein as near to the third as to the costa ; tliird and fourth almost parallel ; fifth slightly curved downward. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; fore femora very thick ; fore tibige and middle femoi'a rather thick, the former slightly curved ; hind tibiae and hind tarsi brown, tawny towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 6. nervosa, Mg. zw. iii. 72. 8 (1832) ; Ztt. Nigra, antennis fuscis basi flavis, alis albis fusco-vittatis, halteribus flavis, pedibus fulvis, feraoribus nigro-vittatis, tibiis apice nigris. Long. li-l|^ ; alar. 2i-3 lin. Black, hardly shining. Head and thorax beset with very few black bristles. Palpi yellow; their bristles black. Antennae brown; first and second joints yellow; third conical, longer than the second; fourth black, nearly 4 times the length of all the preceding. Wings tchitish, brown along the borders of the veins ; stigma black ; veins black, tawny towards the base ; second longitudinal vein as near to the third as to the costa ; third and fourth almost parallel ; foiu'th slightly curved to the hind border. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; femora striped with black ; tips of the tibiae black ; fore femora thick ; fore tibiae and middle femora rather thick. Generally distributed. (E. S. 1.) l-iS KMPID.E. G^nus XXn. PHYLLODROMIA. Phyllodromia, Ztt. d. s. i. 269 (IS4^). i.'i«/;j.s p., Fb. Tack^droMta p., Fb. ; l\. Hemerodromia p.. Mg. ; Mq. : Ztt. Corpus minutum, angustum, subcyliiidrioum, jxirum uitidum, glabrum, moUe, teuermii. Color flavus, raix» uiger. Proboscis; capite pauUo brevior. Anteuutv arlieulo tortio ovato ; qiuu"to setiforuii, lougissimo, detlexo. T'lena c?/^?Vrt7w stsnj}l4^x. Coxa aHtiae femoribH^ mom bre- riores : femora antica crassa. Body miuute. narrow, nearly cyliudric^il, hardly sliining, smooth, soft. Proboscis a little shorter than the head. Anteuniv with the third joint oval: the fourth setiform: very long, deflexed. Cubital vetM smpli?. Fore cojtiT as /<)« ^ , § neai-ly unarmed « "? ' [ very short and rounded ° i» ° 8 tapering to a point : f ^^""^''"^^ '^"^^'S'^'^ o -2 .a a the base | , abruptly enlarged ' neai- the hind margin of the wing a « .2 3 C -= 5-; to 3 s o depressed : Face very narrow 14. Medeteeus. 13. Chrysotus. 8. Rhaphium. 9. Mach^rium. 5. Hydropfiorus. G. Campsicnemus. broad ■ 1 fdistant on the front conical or com- pressed : Eyes-j .meeting on the front of the male Li ^more than one-third of the length of the wing completely free : Proboscis shorter than the head ; I ^ Ilypopygium of male|pgj^ lunger than the head . . . 7. Thinopiiilus. 11. porphyrops. 12. DiAPIIORUS. 10. Argyra. 3. dolichopus. 2. Sybistroma. 4. Ortoochile. 150 doliciiopid.t;. Genus I. PSILOPUS. PsiLOPUS, Mg. zw. (1824); Mq.; Ztt. Leptojms, Mn. Sciajms, Zlr. Dolickojnis Y)., lA.; Fb. s. a ; Wd. z.m; Lliin. 3fusca ]).,'Fh.; Gm. Atitennce articulo tertio imtelliformi, ante apicem arista dejtexu. Oculi glahrl. Vena p7'cebrac]iialisfurcata, ramo a^iteriore uhlique flexo prope cubitalem exeunte. Hypjopygiuni maris extricatum, appendicibus tenuibus. Very slender. Eyes apparently glabrous, separated in both sexes ; tlie lower orbit fringed with soft white hairs ; the face usually broad, more so in the female. Third joint oftlie antennae short and rounded, the slender pubescent arista pilaced on its upper edge ; the penultimate joint short, but usually extending beyond the end of the third, and forming an angle Avith the last, which is drooping and often very long. (In P. platyptenis the fourth joint is particularly short, and less distinct.) Wings usually broad, with the anjil angle rounded away : the prabra- cldal vein in its last or subapical tract forked, the posterior brancli running on straight, but becoming faint, and usually vanishing before the margin, the anterior hrancli distinct (in P. platypterns faint), in- clined forwards, with a strong flexure, and reaching the margin close to, without however meeting, the cubital vein. The alulpe have a narrow denticulated black edge and a radiating fringe of hairs. The aljdomen of the males is very long and slender, nearly cylindrical, and a little arched, showing six segments above ; the hypopygitim disengaged from the ventral cavity, broad, compressed, with a number of slender ap- pendages of various form and length. In the female the spines of the vagina are longer than usual. The legs are very long and slender, the spines of the tibife few and slight. In the females of aU, the fore coxse, and the lower edge of the fore femora in their first half, are pectinated with a few long pale spines ; which are slighter in the males, if found at aU in this sex. The warmer climates of both hemispheres abound in the species of this genus ; some of them, with variegated wings, among the handsomest of the family. The few species that occur in the British islands have the wings spotless, the first two joints of the antennas and the greatest part of the legs pale yellowish. They may be distributed as follows : — a. First joint of hind tarsi twice as long as the second. Species 1. a a. First joint of hind tarsi little longer than the second. b. Abdomen with narrow indistinct bands only. c. Fore tarsi with peculiar marks in the male. Species 3, 3. c c. Fore tarsi alike in both sexes. Species 4, 5. b b. Abdomen with broad dark bands. Species 6. ■1. platypterus, Fb. s. a. 270. 20(1805); Mg. ; Mq. ; Zh-. ; St. ill. h. pi. 45. f. 4 ! — tipidarius. Fin. ; Ztt. Pallide eeneo-viridis, eapite albido, jjedibus pallidis, metatarsis omnibus elongatis ; Mas. alis divari- catis, femoribus anticis sub apice crinitis, tarsis intermediis ante apicem atrunt albis. Long. 2-3; alar. 5 lin. PSILOPUS. 151 Pale metallic greeit, somewhat shining. Pront and face glossy white. Face long and narrow, in the male very narrow. Witujs broad, in the male very broad, rounded and divaricated. Abdomen with dusky incisures. Hypopygium of the male with a pair of hairy oblong valves shorter than itself, the other appendages veiy minute. Lecjs pule yellow, only the tips of the tarsi darker. In the 7)iale the fore femora are fringed beneath with fine soft hairs, particularly towards the tip, the third and fourth joints of the fore tarsi are each longer than the second, the fifth veiy short ; the middle tarni have the third and fourth joints compressed, ichite, the ffth with the tip of the fourth black. The first joint of the hind tarsi is twice as lomj as the second, scarcely so much in the female. The most abundant species in these islands ; fond of resting on the shady side of gates and palings, in small troops, chasing each other about very playfully. 2. "Wiedemannii, Fin. d. s. dol. 24.2 (1823); Ztt. Pallide ceneo-viridis, capite i}S!o\i\o, pedibus pallidis, tarsis fuscis ; Mas. tarsorum anticormn articulo quarto lobato, femoribus anticis suhtiliter pilosis. Long. 2-3 ; alar. 5 lin. Pale metallic green, somewhat shining. Face glossy white, rather broad, front yellowish-white. Abdomen with dusky incisures, the transparent pale colour of the belly sometimes extending to the sides in spots. Hypopygimn of the male with four appendages that end nearly at the same length, the uppermost (" aculeus," Zh".) very slender, spiinging almost from the base, then a pair of incurved ones forming the forceps, the undermost one compressed and dilated towards the base ; under this last again a shorter obtuse one, with some longer hairs at the tip of it, as well as of the forceps. Legs pale yellow ; tarsi dusky, except at the base ; the first joint of the hind pair scarcely longer than the second. The male has the tip of SXxa fourth joint in the fore pair compressed, and produced in a lobe over the fifth, and black like it, and there are a feio long fne hairs on the underside of the fore femora towards the base, llie female is usually more yellowish-green, sometimes almost ochre, with little of metallic tinge. Not uncommon on some tracts of sandhills close by the sea. (E.S.I.) 0/js. P. ncrvosHS, Lhm. (Nov. Act. Acad. dec. 2. xii, 242), as synonymous with which Mcigen cites P. IFicdemanuii, Fin., erroneously, is distinguished by the strongly bent discal trans- verse vein, and the longer first joint of the hind tarsi : the male has a tuft of five long hairs at the base of the fore femora, the first of them longer than the thigh, and the hypopygium furnished with a pair of very long liairy appendages. This species has been introduced into British lists, probably by error for P. U iedemaiiuii. 3 52 DOLICHOPID/E. 3. obscurus, Mg. zw. iv. 39. 7 (1824). yEueo-viridis, fronte el hypostomatc albo-micantibus, j^edidm palUdls, iarsoruvi anticorum arti- culo ultimo albo-micaute, Mas. Long. 2 lin. Shilling metallic green ; like P. lugeu-s, but the fore legs are entirely yellow, only the last joint of the tarsus glossed with ?c/ute in the male, which has the fore femora pectinated. The other legs are yellow, with the tarsi somewhat brownish. This description is derived from Meigen, who received his spe- cimen from England. In the collection of Mr. Clifton. (E.) 4. longtdus, Fin. d. s. dol. 24. 4 (1823); Mg. ; Ztt. Obscure mieo-viridis, hypostomate parum ulho-micante, pedihus palUdis, tarsis fuscis simpUcihus,femoribus anticis pectinatis. Long. 1^-2; alar. 4f lin. Dull metallic green, shining. Face very broad, with a faint shifting white gloss; front green or cyaneous. Abdomen not distinctly banded, belly pale. Legs pale yellow, posterior coxas with the base grey in the male only ; tarsi dusky except at the base ; they are simple, and the fore femora pectinated, in both sexes. Eare. In Messrs. Curtis and Haliday^s collections. (E.) Obs. The number and length of the appendages of the hypo- pygium, in this and the species which follow, are nearly as in P. Wiedemannii, with some differences in form and pubescence. 5. lugens, Mg. zw. iv. 38. 6 (1824); Mq. ; Ztt. Lcete ceneo- viridis, fronte et hypostomate alho-micantihus, pedihus pallidis, tarsis fuscis simpUcibus, femoribus anticis pectinatis. Long. 1^-2 lin. Like P. longidus, but of a brighter metallic green ; the face with a decided white gloss extending to the front also. The differences seem scarcely sufficient to separate the two. Eare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 6. contristans, Wd. z. m. i. 72. 19 (1817) ; Fin.; Z\i.—regalis, Mg. {foem.) Opacus glaucus, capite albido, abdomine nigro-fasciato, pedibus 2)(dlidis, tarsis fuscis simjilicibus ; Mas. femoribus anticis nudls. Long. 1^-2; alar. 4 Im. Greenish-grey, almost without metallic shine. Face and front glossy wliite. Abdomen with determinate dusky, or purplish-ZiZac'^- bands, which are broader in the middle. The colour of the legs, and of the base of the antcnnee, is a dull yellowish ; the ta7'si are dusky, except the base, and simple in both sexes. The fore femora of the male are bare of spines or long hairs. Not common ; but extant in the principal collections of British Diptera. (E.) Obs. P. contristans, Mg. (zw. iv. 37. 4), is not the same spe- cies, but rather resembles P. Wiedenianmi, with which it agrees ill the character of the fore legs of the male ; but the structure of the hypopygium is diil'ereut, the undermost of the four appen- SYBISTROMA. 153 dages disappearing, according to the description and figures given by Zeller_, in the 'Isis' of 1842. Introduced into the British catalogues, probably by confusion with P. contristans, Wd., or else for P. Wiedemannii. P. lobipes, Mg. zvv. iv. 38. 5, which has also found its way into the list, resembles P. contristans, but it, too, has the fourth joint of the fore tarsi bilobed in the male, and the fore femora slightly pectinated beneath towards the base. The fore coxce, and the first half of the fore femora beneatli, are pectinated with a few long pale spines, iu the females of all the species ; and in the males of some, but more slightly. Genus II. SYBISTROMA. Sybistroma, Mg- zw. (1824); Mq.; Stg.; Zlr. DoUcJioptis \).,Y\i\.; Lhm.; Ztt. ; Stn. ; Zlr.; Ahr. llypopUyllus, Hal. Medeterus '^., Mq. Antenn(E articulo tertio apice attenuato, arista dorsali sinuata. Pro- boscis capite hrevior. Hypopyyiuni maris palUdmn pdiolatuin, appen- dicibus temdhm apice fimbriatis. Eyes pubescent, separated in both sexes ; face very narrow in the male ; lower orbit with fine pale cilia. Proboscis very short. Third joint of the antenna; taperiny almost to a point ; arista inserted above near the middle of it, slender, almost naked, the 'penultimate joint ex- tending beyond the end of the third, sometimes very long, curved and forminy a sliyht anyle with the last joint. Wings with the pra3brachial vein approaching the cubital towards the end in a gentle sweep (as in many of the Dolichopi). Abdomen rather slender, tapering; in the male somewhat compressed, mth the sixth segment about as long as the fifth, but destitute of bristles ; the inflected hypopyyium pale except at the base, oblong, somewhat compressed, suspended on a petiole formed of the slender seventh segment, and furnished with several appendayes frinyed at the tip ; the outer pair not much enlaryed nor freely movable. Legs with few spines on the tibiae, and none on the hind metatarsus, which is shorter than the following joint. 1. discipes, Ahr. fn. iv. 24 (1817); Lhm. ! Mg.; Stg. — patellata. Fin.; Ztt. — patelUpes, Mg. — ventralis, Ztt. {foeni.)'^ Obscure miea, capite albido, palpis ferrugineis, pedibus pallidis, alulis palUdo-ciUatis ; Mas. arista articulo primo lonyissimo, tarsormn anticorum articulo ultimo pateUifornii atro. Long. 2^; alar. 5 Hn. Brassy-olive, not shining ; face white, front duUer whitish. Palpi ferruginous. Antennai black ; third joint, except the base, brown or fer- ruginous, long and })ointed in the male, which luis i\\Q penultiinate joint of the long arista thrice the lenyth of the last joint, while it is short in VOL. I. X 154 DOLlCHOPID.i:. the female. Wings Ijrovvnish ; fringe of the alula pule. Ap])cndagxs of the hypopygium black at the tip, with pale curled hairs. Belly pale. Ler/s pale yellow ; tarsi dusky, except the first joint. In the male the legs are excessively long, the fore tarsi pale, with the last joint black, compressed, 'pallet-shaped. Rare. In the British Alaseum and otlicr collections. (E.) 2. obscurella, Fin. d. s. dol. 13. 11 (1823) ; Stn.; Hal. ; Ztt.— appendiculata, Mq. ; Stg. — pleheja, Mg. {fcem.). Obscure /cdlow in male, yellowisli-?(7/«7e in female. Antennce tawmj yellow, third joint blackinh above and at. the tip. fFings hyaline, with the hind edge sinuated in the male ; more obscure hyaline in female. Black edge of lamclUi! narrow, somewhat jagged at the tip. Leys and fore coxfc yellow ; tarsi blackish, the base yelloioish, that is, the tirst two joints of the anterior tarsi, and the metatarsus of the hind pair. Hind ft^iaora usually with three spines (in male), or tioo (in female). In the male the third and fourth joints of tlw middle tarsi are dilated awA feathered, deep black, the last joint white. Pretty common and generally diffused. (E. S. I.) 19. claviger, Stn. isis, xxviii. 56. 9 (1831) ; Stg. ; Ztt. Aitreo-vi- ridis, hypostomate albo, antennis niyris basi snbtus luteis, pedibus pallida flavis, tarsis apice posticis totis niyris, femoribus posteriorihus plurispino- sis ; Mas. tarsis anticis tibia sesquilonyioribus, articulo tdtimo patelli- formi atro, femoribus anticis et alulis pallido-ciliatis, alls lineola costali niyra. Long. 2-| ; alai*. 5 lin. Gilded-yreen. Face glossy white in male, dull white in female. An- tenna black, loicer edge of the first joint tawny yellow. Winys hyaline ; the flexure of the subapical vein very faint ; in the male with a black costal stcelUng. Fringe of alida pale in male, partly black in female. Black edge of lamella} broad, and jagged at the tip. Legs and fore coxfB pale yellow, the latter with a grey spot at the base ; the tip of the hind tibije, the hind tarsi, the middle pair except the metatarsus, and the tip of the fore pair, black. Posterior thighs toilh three spines (rarely two or four). In the male, the fore tarsus is half as long again as the tibia, the joints decreasing in length to the fourth, the fifth joint about as long as this, dilated, rounded, deep black ; the fore femora are fringed toilh pale hairs beneath towards the tip, and the black tip of the hind tibia contains a pale streak. Eare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 20. discifer, Stn. isis, xxviii. 57. 10 (1831); Stg.; Ztt. d. s.— patellatus, j\Ig. ; Hal. — confnsus, Ztt. lap. Aureo-viiidis, hypostornate albo, antennis niyris basi sidjtus luteis, pedibus pallide fiavis, coxis anticis immaculatis, tarsis apice posticis totis nigris, alis voia subapicali levis- sime fiexa ; Mas. tarsis anticis tibia plus duplo longioribus, articulo ultimo brevissimo dilatato atro basi puncto albo. Long. 2^ ; alar. 4^ lin. Gilded-green. Face glossy white in male, dull white in female. An- tennee black, the lower edge of the first joint taioiy yellow. Wings liyaline and rather narrow in male, broader and In-ownish in I ho female ; 164 DOLIOHOPTD.E. the subapical vein with a very faint Jlexure, ending in tlie costal mart^in farther from the tip of the wing than is usual in this section. Black edge of lamellae narrow, jagged at the tip. Legs pale yellow, foi-e coxae pale yellow, immaculate ; the hind tarsi, the middle pair except lite me- tatarsus, and the last joint of tlie fore pair , with a small spot at the tip of the hind tibiae, hlacK-. The legs of male are veiy long, the fore coxae naked and glossed with white, the/ore tarsus more than ttoice as long as the tibia -^nd very slender, the intermediate joints of equal length, the first rather longer, the last Joint extremely short, dilated, deep black, with a white speck at the base. Not common, in moist spots in elevated woods. (I.) 21. confusus, Ztt.d. s. 535. 29 {lS4!3).—patellatus, Stn.(1831). JEneo-viridis, fronte subcyanea, hyposiomate albo, antennis nigris basi subtus liiteis, pedibus flams, coxis anticls basi cinereis, tarsis apice posticis totis nigris, alls vena subapicali geniculata ; Mas. tarsis anticis tibia sesquilongioribus, articulo ultimo dilatato atro. Long. 2-|- ; alar. 4| lin. Brassy-green ; front bluish-green ; face white. Antennce black, the lower edge of the first joint tawny yellow. Wings obscure hyaline, darker in the female ; flexure of subapical vein obtuse-angled, sometimes with a rudiment of a branch. Black edge of lamellae of moderate breadth, deeply jagged at the tip. Legs yellotv ; fore coxce yellow, ^vith the base grey ; hind tibiae dusky at the tip ; hirul tarsi, middle pair except the metatarsus, and the tip of the fore pair black. In the male, the fore tarsus is fully half as long again as the tibia, the joints decreasing in length to the fom'th, which is a little compressed and pale, the fifth joint as long as the fourth, compressed, much dilated, somewhat trian- gulai", deep black. Rare. In the collections of Messrs. Curtis and Clifton. (E.) Obs. B.pluniit arsis, Fin. dol. 10. 4, which lias been introduced into the British lists also, has the twist of the subapical vein almost rectangular, and the fore coxae immaculate yellow ; the last two joints of the fore tarsus in the male are dilated and feathered, black. I have not seen a native specimen of it. 22. longicorms, Stn. isis, xxviii. 53. 7 (1831) ; Ztt. — acuticornis, Mn. ; Mg. ; ^Iq. ; Hal.; Stg. Pallide ceneus, antennis acuminatis fiavis supra apiceque nigris, pedibus pallide flavis, tarsis apice posticis totis nigris ; Mas. antennis capite longioribus, tibiis posticis apice foveo- latis, alis lineola costali nigra, alulis palUdo-ciliatis, hypostomate flaves- cente; Foera. hypostomate albido. Long. 1\; alar. 3 lin. Brassy-green, rather pale. Face in male pale yellowish, with silvery gloss ; in female white. yintenn(B pointed, yellow, blackish on the upper edge, and to the tip of the third joint ; i)i the male as long as the head is broad, the third joint lanceolate, as long as the two preceding together, the tip curved upwards. Wings in the male hyaline, narrow, the anal DOLICIIOPUS. 165 anojle being uiiicli rouTuled away, with the black costal smelling stronger than in tlic next two ; in female brownish-hyaline ; bend of snbapical vein very slight. Fringe of alulce pale in male. Legs very pale yellow ; middle coxaj outside and the base of the hind pair grey ; tij) of the anterior tarsi dusky, and hind pair Mack. In the male, only the last joint of the fore tarsns is dusky, the fore coxec denuded of black pu- bescence, the ti|) of the hind tibia thickened and foveolated, sometimes dusky. Not uncommon. (E. S. I.) 23. acuticornis, Wd. mag. ii. 7-t. 33 (1818); Stn. ; 7Ai.—rii- ralis, Mg. ; Mq. ; Stg. Pallide apneas, hypostornate candido, antennis acuminatis nigris basi subtus luteis, pedibus pallide Jlavis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque nigris, nietatarso antico Jlavldo ; Mas. antennis cajnte lon- gioribus, alis lineola costali nigra, alnlis jjallido-ciliatis. Long. 1^; alar. 3 lin. Brassy, with a jjale bloom. Front usually bluish-green. Face silvery-white. Antenna; pointed, black, with the under edge of the first joint tawny yellow, spreading into a spot at the tip ; in the male about as long as the head is broad, the third joint lanceolate, curved upwards at the tip, almost as long as the preceding two together. Wings brownish-hyaline ; in the male rather narrow, with a black costal swelling ; bend of subapical vein very slight. Fringe of alulce pale in male. Forceps and internal appendages of hypopygium slender and longer than usual. Legs very /'a/e yellow ; posterior coxa? grey out- side ; hind tibice black at the tip ; fore tarsi dusky with the metatarsus pale yellowish ; posterior tarsi black, base of middle metatarsus pale brown. In the male the fore coxte are denuded and glossed with white, and the intermediate joints of the hind tarsus a little com- pressed. Not commoUj on sandy coasts. In Mr. Halida/s collection. (I.) 24. linearis, Mg. zw. iv. 84. 17 (1824) ; Hal. — Foem. parmlus, Ztt. VaUlde teneus, hypostomate candido, antennis nigris basi luteis, pedibus pallide Jlavis, tarsis apice posticis totis nigris ; Mas. alis lineola costali nigra. Long, li; alar. 3 lin. Brassy, with a pale bloom. Face silvery-white. Antemue black ; i\\e first joint yellow, us long as the second and third together ; the third somewhat triangular. TFings dark hyaline ; rather narrow in the male, with a black costal swelling ; bend of subapical vein very slight. Fringe of alute chiefly black. Legs very pale yellow, middle coxae with grey spot outside ; hind tarsi, and the tips of the anterior tarsi and hind tiljife, black. Fore coxaj denuded in the male. Nearly allied to the preceding two, but the antenna? not longer than in the next ; from which it tliffers, besides its inferior size, by the coxjc and anterior tarsi more largely yellow, the slighter flexure of the suljapical vein, the clear white face, and by the several characters noticed as |)(!culiar to the male. 166 BOLICHOPID^. Very rare, on sandy coasts. In Mr. Haliday's collection. ([,) Obs. D. agilis, Stn. ib. 127. 33, seems to come very near to this, differing, however, by the stronger bend of the subapical vein, the anterior tarsi black with only the metatarsus pale, and the thickened tip of the hind tibiae; but see Ztt. d. s. 3081. 35. simplex, Mg. (inm.) zw. iv. 85. 20 (1824); Stn.; Mq. ; Stg.; Ztt. — tJialassbms, Hal. JErieo-viridis, antemils nip-is basi lutcis, i^edihus Jlavis, tarsis nigris, metatarsis anteriorihus Jtavidis, hypostomate fia- vescente, Mas. ; aiit cano, Fcem. Long. 3 ; alar. 4 lin. Brassy-green. Front usually bluish-green. Pace in male pale yellowish, ^nth silver gloss, in female dull whitish. Antenna blacJdsJi, the first joint (and in the female the second also) entirely taiony yellow. Wings dark hyaline, rather brownish in female. Legs, fore coxfe en- tirely, and the tip of the hind pair, pale yellow ; hind tibise with a blackish spot at the tip ; tarsi blackish, anterior metatarsi yellowish, rather dusky in the second pair. Fore coxae in male not entirely denuded. Pretty common. (E. S. I.) 36. lineatocornis, Ztt. d. s. 538. 33 (1843). F'i?'idi-(snetcs, an- temils nigris basi siibtus luteis, pedibus jiavis, tarsis nigris, metatarsis anteriordjus Jtavidis, hypostomate flavido, Mas. ; aut cano, Fcem,. Long. 3 ; alar. 4 lin. Brassy-green. Face ochre-yellow in male, dull whitish in female. Antennce black, lower edge of first joint tawny yelloiv. Wings dark hyaline. Legs and fore coxae didl yellow ; tip of hind tibia and the tarsi blackish ; anterior metatarsi yellorcish. Rare. In Mr. Dale's collection. (E.) 37. sabinus, Hal. a. n. h. ii. 184 (1838).— ^^/cifws, Stg.; Ztt. jFneus, hypostomate candido, a7itennis nigris basi subtus luteis, pedibus flavis, tibiis jwsticis apice tarsisque nigris, his basi fiavidis ; Mas. alis lineola costali nigra, maculaque subajncali fusca. Long. 1| ; alar. H lin. Brassy. Front metallic green. Face silvery-Avhite. Antennce black, the lower edge of the first two joints tatcny yellow, extending to the base of the third. Wings dark hyaline, immaculate in the female, in the male with a dusky spot along the fore edge in the outer half, and the black costal stcelling siiort. Legs and fore coxae yellow, hind tibiis blackish at the tip; tarsi black; base of the metatarsi yelloic, more largely in the anterior pairs. Hind tibia rather thick in the male, with an imjn-ession behind above the middle. Eare. In Mr. Hahday's collection. (I.) 38. nubilus, Mg. zw. iv. 76. 39 (1834); Stn.; Stg.; Ztt.— inquiuatus, Hal. Obscure ceneo-viridis, hypostomate candido, anfennis nigris puncto infero lutescente, pedibus finvis, femoribus tibiisque posticis uoLiciiopus. 167 apice tardsqne niyris ; Mm. alls versus apicem antice iufuscatis, aliiUs pallido-ciliatis. — Var. palUpes, Mq. — actcem, Hal. FlriJi-cyanem, alis immaculatis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Bark brassy-f/reeii. Front bhiish-green, with a faint hoary shade. Face silvery-white in male, dull white iu female. Antennce black, with cm ochre-brmon dot benmtlt at the tip of the first joint. Wings dark hyaline ; in the male clouded with brown along the fore edge iu the outer half. Fringe of alidce pale in male. Lamelte dingy white, trun- cated at the end, not jagged and scarcely ciliated, with a very narrow dusky edge ; forceps prominent, with broad, foliaceous, curved, obtuse arms. Le(js yellow ; fore coxce yellow, usually with a grey spot at the base, in the male glossed with white ; hind femora with a dusky spot at tip ; tip of hind tibia and the lard black, anterior metatarsi yellowish, tijiped with black. The variety is usually smaller ; dark bluish-(jreen ; wings immaculate ; legs paler yellow, fore coxse immaculate. Common on the sea-coast. (E. S. I.) 29. clavipes, Hal. z. j. v. 365. 23 (1831). — vitripennis, Stg. — trochauteratns, Ztt. — Foem. fuscipes, Hal. Obscure aneiis, hypostomate candido, antennis nigris basi siibtus hdescentibus, pedibus fascis, trochan- teribus tibiisque fiavidis, tibiis posticis apice niyris ; Mas. tibiis posticis incrassatis, femoribus posticis pallido-ciliatis. Long. If; alar. 3|^ liu. Dull brassy-brown ; front sometimes greenish. Face silvery-white. Antenn(B black ; lotoer edge of the first joint ochre-brown, more largely at the tip. Wings hyaline, darker in the female ; black costal swelling in male reduced almost to a dot. Coxce and femora dusky ; the tip of fore coxEc, and a line down the middle of the hind femora, sometimes paler; trochanters, tibice, and anterior metatarsi pale ochre, tip of the latter and of the hind tibice, and the rest of tlie tarsi black. In the male, the hind tibice are thick, especially about the middle, with a denuded and slightly impressed streak behind, the black extending over more than half their length ; the hind femora fringed with pale bristles. Not rare on the sea-coast. (E. S. I.) 30. punctum, Mg. zw. iv. 85. 19 (lS2-i); Stn. ; lit.— signifer, Hal. Chalybeus, hypostomate candido, antennis nigris puncto infero lutescente, pedibns fitscis trochanteribus genubus tibiisciue fiacidis, tibiis posticis apice nigris, alis hyalinis macula apicali nigricante, femoribus posticis nicjro-ciliatis, Mas. Long. \\; alar. 3^ lin. Steel-blue, or brassy-green. Face silvery-wliite. Antenna black, with a tawny yellow spot beneath at the tip of the third joint. Wings hyaline ivith a blackish spot occupying the tip, the costal swelling scai'cely marked. Coxce and fore femora dusky, the latter yellowish at the tip ; posterior femora tawny yellow, with the upper edge almost entirely, the lower at the base, dusky ; hind femora fringed with long blackish hairs ; trfjchanters, tibice, and anterior metatarsi, tawny yellow ; the tip of the 168 DOLICHOPID.E. latter, and of the hind tibice (to nearly the half length), and the rest of the tarsi, black. Female unknown, wings probably immaculate. Rare. On a saudy islet off the western coast. In Mr. Hali- day's collection. (I.) 31. arbustorum, Stn. isis, xxviii. 125. 20 (1831). Viridi-atireus, hypostomate albido, antennis luteis supra apicecpte fuscis, pedibus pal- lid is, tarsis nigris, metatarsis anterioribus pallidis ; Mas. femoribus posticis pallido-ciliatis, tarsis iviberbibus. Long. 3 ; alar. 4 lin. Gilded-green. Front bluish-green. Face yellowish-white, with silvery gloss in the male. Antenna tawny yellow, the upper edge of the first two joints dusky ; the third joint short triangular, rather obtuse, almost entirely dusky. Wings smoky-hyaline, without costal swelling. Legs very pale yellowish, posterior coxa; greyish at the base outside ; tarsi blackish, anterior metatarsi pale. In the male, the fore coxa3 are denuded of black pubescence; the /ore tarsus about half as long again as the tibiae, loith no peculiar pubescence; the hind femora fringed with long pale hairs. Eare. In Messrs. Stephens and Walker's collection. 32. virgultorum, (Hal., MSS.) — arbustorum, Ztt. d. s. 551. 42. Viridi-aureus, hypostomate albido, antennis luteis apice fuscis, pedibus pallidis, tarsis nigris basi pallidis ; Mas. femoribus posticis pallido- ciliatis, tarsorum anticorum articulis intermediis subtiliter hirtis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Gilded-green. Face yellowish-white, with silvery gloss in the male. Antennre tatony yellow ; third joint triangular, rather longer and more acute than in the preceding, dusky at the tip. Wings smoky-hyaline, without a costal swelling. Legs very imle yellowish ; middle coxse with a greyish spot at the base outside ; tarsi blackish, the metatarsi, and the second joint also of the fore pair, pale. In the male, the fore coxte are denuded; the /ore tarsus half as long again as the tibia, the third and fourth joints, with the tip of the second, clothed in front with very short erect pubescence, without any longer hairs; the hind femora fringed with long pale hairs. Extremely like the preceding. Eare. In Mr. Walker's collection. (E.) 33. trivialis, Hal. z. j. v. 363. 18 {l?>'i\).— inter medius, Stg. ; Ztt. jDneo-viridis, hypostomate albido, antennis nigris basi subtus luteis, pedibus flavis, tarsis nigris, metatarsis anterioribus ftavidis ; Mas, femoribus posticis pallido-ciliatis, tarsorum anticorum articulis intermediis subtiliter hirtis, alis lineola costali nigra. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Brassy-green. Face yellowish-white. Anlennce black, first joint tawny yellow beneath ; third joint in male oblong-ovate, almost as long- as the first. Wings smoky-hyaline ; with, a black costal swelling in the male. Legs yelloiv ; fore coxa3 yellow, sometimes a little dusky at the base, not denuded in the male; tarsi black, anterior metatarsi yellowish. DOLICIIOPUS. 169 tipped with black. In the male, the hind femora ixxG frinr/ed with long pale hairs ; the/ore tarsus is not much longer than the tibia, the three inter- mediate joints clothed in front with very short erect pubescence, and the first joint has a ])ristle at the tip. Common. (E. S. I.) 34. festivus, Hal. z. j. v. 361. 10 {\'i'i\).—Macquarti, Slg.—cili- femoratus, Ztt. — f^ar. Mq. ; Stn. Aureo-viridis, hypostomate candido, antennis luteis supra apiceque fuscis, pedibus Jlavis, tibiis posticis apice fuscls, iarsis nigris, metatarsls anteriorihus Jlavis, alls vena subapicali obtuse (jeniculata ; Mas.femoribus posticis jnillido-ciUatis, tarsorum anti- corum articulls intcrmediis hirtis subarcuatis, alis lineola costali 7iiijra. Long. 3|^ ; alar. 5 lin. Gilded-green. Front bluish-green. Pace silvery-white in male, more dull in female. Antennae tawny yellow, a little dusky on the upper edge, the third joint short, triangular, rather obtuse, and dusky at the tip ; arista rather long, the penultimate joint not more than one- fourth (while in those preceding it is fully half ) the length, of the last joint. TFings broad, smoky-hyaline ; the bend of the subapical vein strong, but still obtuse-angled ; the black costal swelling hi the male short. Legs yellow ; fore coxre yellow, not quite denuded in the male ; hind tibia brown at the tip, with a slight pale streak in the male; tarsi black, anterior metatarsi ydlow tipped with black. In the male the hind femora are fringed with long pale hairs ; the fore tarsi are not half as long again as the tibia, the three intermediate joints are a little curved, concave in front, and clothed willi long erect pubescence, and the first and second have besides a curved bristle at the tip. Not uncommon. (E. S. T.) Ohs. B. cilifemoratus, Mq. ; Stg. — nitidm, Stn., has the bend of the sabapical vein rectangular without a branch, the antennas blackish only at the tip, the third joint longer than in D. festivus, and the fore tarsus of the male not bearded. 35. nitidus, Fin. dol. 12. 9 (1823); Ztt.— orwr/Z/w, Mg. ; Stn.; Stg. — jucundus, Hal. Aureo-viridis, hypostomate candido, antennis luteis supra apiceque nigris, pedibus Jlavis, tibiis posticis apice tarslsque fuscis, his basi pallidis, alis vena subapicali reclangulatim fracta appen- diculata ; Mas. alis lineola costali nigra. Long. %\ ; alar. 4-| lin. Gilded-green; front often bluish-green. Face white, silvery in male. Antenna taiony yelloio, the upper edge and the tip blackish ; third joint short triangular. Wings broad, hyaline, darker in female ; the bend of the subapical vein rectangular, with a little branch ; in the male a black costal swelling. Black edge of lamella; broad, denticulated, the cilia long. Legs and fore coxje yellotc, tibiae and tarsi paler ; anterior tarsi dusky at the tip ; hind tibia with a blackish spot at the tip ; hind tarsi black, t/ie metatarsus pule tipped with black. — Very rarely, the female has black antenna), only the lower edge of the first joint a little VOL. 1. z 170 DOLICHOPID^, tawny ; still differing from D. griseipennis, fwm., by the colour and more numerous spines of the hind metatarsus. Not rare. _(E. S. I.) Obs. D. nitidiis, Mg., which came to him from Eiighind, is re- ferred by Stannius to his ]). nitens, a species which has black antennse with only the underside of the first joint dull yellowish, and entirely black hind tarsi : while it dili'ers from the next by the beardless hind thighs ; and from B. dladeuui, by the black fringe of the alulae and the yellowish face of the male, as well as by the colour of the antennae. I know none such. 36. griseipennis, Stn. isis, xxviii. 49. 4 (1831); Ztt. — nitidns, Hal. ; Stg. OLscnre ccneiis, liypostomate albido, antennis nlc/ris hash subkis lutels, pedlbm JIavis, tarsis nip'is, metcUarsis anterioribus Jkivis, alls vena subajncall rectangidcdim fracta ajjpendiculata ; Mas. feiuoribus posticis m(/ro-cUiatis, alis lincola costali nigra. Long. 2-|; alar. 4f lin. Bras&y-(jreen, with little shine. Face yellowish-white. Antennce black, underside of the first joint taicny yellow ; third joint rather acute, and in the male oblong. Thorax with coppery stripes more marked than usual. Wings rather broad, dark greyish-hyaKnc ; bend of sub- cqncal vein rectanyular, ivitli a little branch ; a black costal swelling in male. Black edge of lamella3 narrow ; ciliated, jagged at the tip. Legs rather dark yelloio ; fore coxffi yellow with the base dusky, glossed with white in male ; hind tibia black at the tip, in the male at least ; tarsi black, anterior metatarsi yellowish tipped with black. Hind fe- mora in male fringed with black hairs. Common in wet places. (E. S. I.) 37. diadema, Hal. z. j. v. 361. 11 {l%2,^).—fraternus, Stg.— Stannii, Ztt. — bifurcaius, Mq.? Obscure ceneus, thorace oUvaceo, hyposto- mate elongalo argenteo, antennis nigris, pedibus fiavidis, tarsis nigris, metatarsis anterioribus fiavidis, alis venu stibapicali rectangidatbn fracta appendicidata ; Mas. tibiis posticis ingricantibns, alidis pallid o-ciliatis, alis lineola costali nigra. Long. 2-| ; alar. 4-| lin. Bark brassy, scarcely shining, l^'ace silvery-white, j}rojecting down- wards over the mouth, especially in the male, but not very narrow. Palpi pale at the tip. Antenna black ; third joint short oval, rather pointed; arista naked. Thorax above blackish-o/i(;e. Wings dark hyaline ; bend of snbapical vein rectangular icith a little branch ; trans- verse discal vein distant from the margin by its own length ; black costal swelling short in male. Fringe of aluhe pale in male. Lamelte oblicpiely truncated at the tip, with a narrow black edge, scantily ciliated, except at the jagged outer angle. Legs hrownish-yellow ; fore coxse yellowish glossed with white, dusky at the base; tarsi black ; an- terior metatarsi yellow tipped with black, the liind one a little yellowish at the base in the female ; fore tarsus not longer than tibw. In the mule, the fore coxdc arc partly denuded, the femora du^ky at the base noMciiorus. 171 beneath, with the pubescence white, the hind tibia blackish except the base. — -Rarely, the male, with immaculate femora, has merely a blackish stripe down the back of the hind tibia ; were this also eilaced, Mac- ([uail's description would apply, so far as it goes, but he docs not notice the rectangular vein in this case. Common on tlu^ surface of pools overgrown with watcr-plauts. (E. S. I.) 38. latipennis, Fin. dol. 8. 1 (1823); Mg. ; Stn. ; Mq. ; Stg. ; Ztt. Nigro-rPiieJis, frojite cyanea, hjposlomate elongato arfjodeo, autoniis (•(ipite loiii/ioribu.'i alris, pedibm Jlavis, larsis nigris ba-si J/avis, fvmoribuH po-iterioribm pluri-spinosis ; Mas. alis rotundatu-dilu talis, sliijniale cos- tali atro. Long. 2i ; alar. 4f lin. Brassy-black, or olive. Fro7it shinw(j steel-blue. Face elongated, silvery-white, in the female duller. Palpi pale silvered. AntemKB black, elongated, in the male much longer tlian the head is broad ; the first and second joints of equal length, oblong, the first very hairy above in the male ; the third joint shorter, especially in the female, oval, the tip ascending in a point ; arista rather thick. Wings short, hyaline, t!ie bend of subapical vein obtuse-angled ; in the male very broad rounded, tlie discal arcolet long, the transverse vein distant from the margin by scarcely its own length, the black costal swelling very thick. Legs and fore coxa? yellow ; tarsi black ; metatarsi yellow tipped with black ; fore tarsus uot longer than tibia ; from three to Jive spines 0)1 the hind femora, not so many on the middle pair. In the male the fore coxaj and the femora are glossed with white, and nearly denuded of pubescence. Rare^ on the sea-coasts. (E. I.) OLs. The number of spines on the hind metatarsus may afford some specific characters, being pretty constant in each species, except that there are sometimes more in the male tlian in the female. Counting only those in the uppermost row, we find them many in Sp. 1 m., 2. four in Sp. 15 m., 19 m., (10, 34 m.) three in Sp. 1 f., 4 m., 7, 8 m., 9 m., 10 m., 11 m., 12, 15 f., 17m., 20, 31,28,33 m., 34. Iwo in Sp. 8 f., 9 f., 10 f., 13 m., 14, 10, 17 f., 18, 22, 23, 24 ra., 25, 26, 27 ra., 31, 32 m., 33 f., 35, 37, 38 m., (1 f., 34 f.) one in Sp. 29, 30 m., 36. Obs. There are three species introduced into the British lists, yet unnoticed, whicli may probably belong to this section, viz., D. relictus, Mg., a doubtful species, unknown to Stannius, and given as British without grounds ; — and D. rusticus, Mg., whicli may perhaps be the female B. atripes, as it does not seem to agree with the species described by Stannius as D. rustims, m 173 DOLICHOPID/E. the following section. Lastly, B. azurens, Mq., a species pro- bably allied to D. niiidus, if distinct. Section A A. H'md metatarsus unarmed. Pirst come the species (39-46) with the cilia of the lower orbit pale ; the first joint of the hind tarsus (spineless except beneath) not much shorter than the second ; the lamellae of the male broad, generally dusky, and fringed at the tip. Stamiius has made a peculiar genus of those (sp. 39-42) which have the face elongated, descending in front of the proboscis lower than the eyes. In these the arista is glabrous, slender, curved only at the thickened base, tlie penultimate joint far shorter than the last ; the four exterior joints of the fore tarsus compressed, and together not longer than the metatarsus, in tlie males dilated, and often feathered above ; the femora rather hairy beneath, the posterior, or at least the hind pair, with several spines in front ; the subapical vein oblique, ending some distance before the tip of the wing, and approaching very close to the cubital ; its slight flexure and the discal transverse vein usually shaded with brown ; the alulfe fringed with black hairs and pale pubescence. The colours also are rather peculiar ; the thorax being coated above, especially in front, with a yellowish dust, composed of round, flat, microscopic scales; the abdomen che- quered with a changeable hoary gloss, the dorsal stripe and the incisures being blackish. 39. insignis, Stn. isis, xxviii. 270. 3 (1831); Stg. ; Ztt. Mies- cens, tltoracc opaco flavido-clnereo, antenyiis 7ii(jris, artkulo prbno liiteo, femorlhus ajrice, tibiis, metatarsis aiitlcis tarslsque posterlorihns Jlavis, geniculis liorum nujris, femoribus posticis pluri-spinosis, alis liyalinis ; Mas. metatarso antico artlculls reliquis atris pennatis sesqu'dongwre, hypostomate ochraceo ; Fcem. hypostomate alho. Long. 2i; alar. 4^^ lin. Greenish-brassy. Fi'ont with an ochreous tinge. Face oclire-yelloio ill, male, yellowlsh-wJdte in female. Antennoi black, first joint latvny yelloto, third somewhat ovate. Thorax opake, (jreenislt-grey , with coppery streaks and ochreous dust. Wings hyaline ; in the iemale darker, with the transverse vein and a dot faintly brownish ; tlie latter about the middle of the subapical vein ; the transverse vein undulated. Abdomen chequered. Lamellae dusky, rather oblong-obovate, with long cilia ; internal appendages prominent, forceps narrow triangular ; outer lobe of aculeus short and broad. Legs long and slender ; coxa) and base of femora blackish-green with a hoary shade ; the tip of the femora largely (the michlle pair almost entirely), the tihi(E, posterior tarsi and fore metatarsus, light yellowish ; the lips of the tibia' and joints of DOLICHOPUS. 173 the tarsi, and tlie exterior joints of the fore tarsus entirely, blaclchh ; the femora vvith long hair, the middle pair with a single spine in front, the hind pair 4-6. In the male the fore metatarsus is 'glossed with white, very slender, dilated at the tip, nearly/ tioice as long as the suc- ceeding joints together ; these deep Jjlaclx, dilated, strongly feathered above with black, the tip of the last with white, hairs. On sandy coasts. (E. I.) 40. ammobates.— ??Z«»M>s, Fin. dol. 14. 13 (1823) ; Stn. ; Stg. ; Ztt. Obscure cenescens, thorace ferruginoso, untennis nigris, articulo primo siibtus luteo,femoribus apice, tibiis et metatarsis flavo-forrugineis, fcmoribus posticis pluri-spinosis, alis vena transversa punctocpie fiiscis ; Mas. tarsi antici articuUs exterioribus ati'is pennatis, hjpostomute ar- genteo ; Foem. hypostomate cano. Long. 2^ ; alar. 4-i- lin. Bark brassy. Face silvery-white in male, dull tvhitish in female. Antennrp. black ; first joint tawny yellow, blackish on the upper edge; third rather ovate. Thorax dusted with ferruginous. Wings dark hyaline ; the slightly eurved discal transverse vein shaded with brown, and a brownish dot on the flexure which lies beyond the middle of the subapical vein. Abdomen chequered. Lamellcc dusky, rather oblong, the cilia long ; forceps prominent. Coxa3 and femora greenish-black with hoary gloss ; femora at the tip, the middle pair to the half-length, ferruginous-yellow ; tibia; and metatarsi the same, tipped with black ; femora with long hairs, middle pair with 1 or 2 spines in front, the hind pair 4-6. In the male the fore metatarsals is a Utile longer than the following joints together ; these deep black, feathered above. Inhabits sandy shores of the sea and lakes (in Sweden and Germany). As it is very likely it may occur in these islands, though not hitherto precisely distinguished from the allied species, I do not venture' to expunge it from the British lists. Obs. Since it has become necessary to change the original trivial name, being preoccupied (see sp. 16), I have chosen to substitute the name used by Stannius as generic, which cannot be retained in that application, as it is preoccupied in Hijmeno- ptera. Should the group be still thought to claim generic rank, the name Tachjtrechus, applied to it by Stannius elsewhere {j,b. 261), might be restored instead. 41. consobrinus,(Ct. Guide). — plumipes, Mg.zw.iv.87.23(lS24); Mq. ; Hal. e. m. Obscure miescens, thorace ferruginoso, antennis lu- teis, articulo tertio nigro, femoribus apice, metatarsis anterioribus tibiisque flavoferrugineis, fcmoribus posterioribus pluri-spinosis, alis vena trans- versa punctoque fuseis, lineola costali atra prope basim ; Mas. tibia antica viutica, tarsi antici articulis exterioribus latissimis atris antice argentatis, hypostomate argenteo ; Fmm. hypostomate griseo. Long. 'i\ ; alar. 4^ lin. 174 roLiCHoriB.E. Blaclnsli-hrassy . Face silvery-wldte in male, yellowish-grey in female. JntemKB with the first two joints tawny yellow, the third black ; tliis short, as also the penultimate joint of the arista. Thorax above dusted with ferruyinons. Wings dark hyaline ; costal vein near the base loith a black swelling, not reaching to the junction of the subcostal ; discal transverse vein very faintly curved, shaded with brown, oblique in the male ; a brownish dot on the flexure which lies before the middle of the subapical vein. Abdomen chequered. Lamelltc dusky, broad and rounded at the end ; forceps nearly hidden by the obtuse dilated edge of hypopygium ; acideus as it were bifid, the outer lobe being nearly as long as the internal spine-shaped one, slender, the tip pointed and slightly incurved, outside before this a recurved spine-shaped tooth, and between the two a small obtuse one. Coxfe and femora olive- black, with hoary gloss ; femora ferruginous at the tip, the middle pair to the half-length ; these with 3 or 4 spines in front, the hind pair 4 or 5 ; tibia; and anterior metatarsi ferruginous, tipped with black, hind tibise with a dusky spot at the base. In the male i\\cfore tibia is des- titute of spines, and glossed with white as well as the metatarsus, which is as long as the succeeding joints together ; these are much dilated (the third and fourth broader than long), deep black, silvered in front, fringed above with black, the tip of the last with white, hairs. On moory uplands of Wicklow. In Mr. HaKday's collec- tion. (I.) 43. notatus, Stn. isis, xxviii. 369. 3 (1831); Ztg. ; ^ii.—plu- mipes, Hal. z. j. — litoreus, Hal. e. m. Obscure cenescens, thorace fe^'ru- ginoso, antennis basi subtus, genubus, tlbiis et inetatarsis anterioribus basi, tibiisque posticis medio fe?rugineis, femoribus posterioribns pluri-spi- nosis, alis vena transversa punctoquc fuscis, lineola costali atra prope basim ; Mas. tarsi antici articulo ultimo antice argentato, hypostomate ar- genteo; Fcem. hypostomate cano. Long. 3|^ ; alar. 4-| lin. Blackish-brassy. Face silvery-white in male, dull white in female. Cilia of the lower orbit whitish (yellow in the allied species). Antenme black, the lower edge of the first joint and base of second reddish-ferru- ginous; the third joint short, as is the penultimate. Thorax above dusted with ferruginous. Wings dark hyaline ; costal vein 7iear the base with a black swelling, not reaching to the junction of the subcostal ; diseal transverse vein straight and perpendicular, shaded with brown, a brownish dot on the flexure which lies before the middle of the sub- apical vein. Abdomen chequered. Lamella; dusky, broad, rounded at the end ; forceps nearly hidden ; aculeus as it were bifid, the outer lobe being nearly as long as the inner one, broad, compressed, notched at the tip, with the inner tooth acute incurved, the outer broad rounded, outside before this a recuiTed spine-shaped tooth. Coxaj and femora olive-black, a little hoary ; tips of anterior femora (a mere dot on the hind pair) and basal half of the tibice and anterior metatarsi reddish-ferruginous, the base of the hind tibice again blackish ; the middle DOLICIIOPUS. 175 femora with 3 or 4 spines in front, tiie hind pair with 4 or 5. In the male, the spines of the fore tibia are slighter, the first joint of the fo7'e tarsus gradually dilated to the tip, the following joints somewhat di- lated, the last joint silvered in front. Among sedges on the shores of estuaries and lakes. (E. S. I.) Obs. 1). alpinus, Mg., which Stannius conjectures to belong to this group, the wings being marked in the same way, remains problematical, perhaps not of this genus. In those which follow (species 43-46) the face is shorter, scarcely extending as low as the eyes, mostly yellowish-white with silvery gloss in the male, dull whitish in the female ; the thorax in front has a shifting hoary gloss with darker stripes ; the inci- sures of the abdomen are not blackened ; the subapical vein con- verges less strongly towards the cubital (sometinies they are almost parallel) ; the fringe of the alulpc is usually black ; the posterior femora have a single spine in front ; the first joint of the hind tarsus is barely shorter than the second, sometimes even becoming the longest [B. Saldbergi, Ztt.). 43. nobilitatus, L. s. n. i. 995. 98 (1767); Fb. ; Esi. ; Shr. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; M(j. ; Stn. ; Stg. ; Ztt. — ]\Ias. ciliatus, 'Mh. — cnpreus, Gf. — -joco, Hrs. ! — Shf. ic. pi. 206. tig. 5 ! — Fo-m. sericetis, Gf. — ludi- criis, Hrs. ! — plimiicornis, Mg. ; INIq. Aiireo-viridis, antennis niffris, arista villosula, pedibus Jlavis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque nigrls, meta- tarsis anteriorihus Jlavidis ; Mas. lamelUs trigonis acuminatls fuscis, alis ante apicem album nigris ; Fos7n,. alis versus apicem ivfuscatis. Long. 2^ ; alar. 5 lin. Gilded-green, sometimes coppery-red. Antennce black, arista with the last joint long, verg pubescent. Wings narrowed towards the base, the anal edge being sloped away without any approach to an angle ; hyaline; broivnish in the onter half, in female ; blackish in male, more deeply so at the fore edge, the glabrous tip forming a defined white spot ; the anterior veins are waved within the blaek patch. Lamellce large, triangular, broicnish-black, paler towards the base, the apical margin strongly pectinated and ciliated, the outer angle acutely elon- gated. Legs and fore coxa3 yellow, the tip of the hind tibia and the tarsi black, anterior metatarsi yellowish tipped with blaek ; the middle femora have a spine near the tij) behind, as well as one (rarely two) in front. Among water-plants, about large ponds. (E. S. I.) 44. gracilis, Stn. isis, xxviii. 255. 44 (1831). Prasinus, antennis nigris, arista nuda, pedibus pallide flavis, tarsis apice nigris, ahilis pallido-ciliatis ; Mas. lamelUs albidis. Long, 2; alar. 4 lin. Bright grass-green. Antennce black, arista nearly naked. Wings nearly hyaline, with a slight black costal swelUng in male. Fringe of alulce pule. Abdomen gilded. LamelUe obtuse, dingy white with a 176 DOLICHOPIDiE. narrow black edge. Legs pale yellow ; posterior coxae grey at the base, fore pair nearly denuded, glossed with white in male. Anterior tcusi dusky toicards tJie tip ; hind pair blackish, the metatarsus yellow except the tip ; hind tibipe sometimes with a dusky spot at the tip ; the middle femora have a small spine behind also. Found near Thetford, in Norfolk. In Mr. Curtis's collec- tion. (E.) 44*. germantis, Wd. z. m. ii. 71. 17 (1818); Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Stn. ; Stg. ; Ztt. FiricU-aneus, antetmis nirjrls, arista nuda, pedibiis luteis, tibiis posticis apice tarsisqiie niyris, vietatarsis anterioribiis luteis alisfuscis; Mas. lamelUs nigris. Long. 1^-3; alar. 3-4 lin. Brassy-green. Antenna; black, arista nearly naked. Wings sooty- brown, darker along the fore edge. Lamella; small, obtuse triangular, blackish, slightly ciliated. Legs and fore coxse tatvny yelloio ; hind tibial at the tip, rather largely, and tarsi black ; anterior metatarsi yelloio tipped with black. Eare. (E.) 45. nigriplantis, Stn. isis, xxviii. 250. 39 (1831) ; Ztt. Obscure viridi-ceneus, antennis nigris, arista nuda, femoribus apice, tar sis anteri- oribus basi tibiisrjue fiavis, alis antlce infuscatis ; Mas. lamellis fuscis, tarsi intennedii articulo ultimo atro ciliato. Long. 2^ ; alar. 5 lin. Bark brassy-green. Antennce black ; arista neai'ly naked, the penulti- mate joint little shorter than the last in male. Wings hyaline, dusky along the fore edge ; the cubital and subapical veins a little sinuated. LamellcB somewhat rounded, dusky, edge blackish. Coxae and femora olive-black ; trochanters ferruginous ; ///« of femora and the tibice yellow ; hind tibise blackish at the tip ; fore tarsi yellow, dusky toicards the tip) ; middle tarsi blackish, tvilh the metatarsus yellowish tipped with black, the last joint in the male a little dilated and ciliated, deep black, the onycliia appearing as a white tip ; hind tarsi black, the first and second joints nearly equal in length. Eare. In Mr. Clifton's collection. (E.) Obs. B. nigrimacnlatus, Mq. (Ct. Guide, 1258. 2), is doubt- less a misprint for D. nigrilamellatus, Mq. (Brassy- green, an- tennre black, arista naked, legs black or piceous, wings smoky- hyaline ; male with black lamella?. Length 2,h lines.) Obs. D. chalybeus, Wd. (Blackish-green, front and thorax steel-blue, antenna? black, first joint tawny yellow beneath, arista very pubescent, legs yellow, tip of hind femora, hind tibiae ex- cept the base, and tarsi black, anterior metatarsi yeUow, wings blackish, the cubital and subapical veins nearly parallel ; male with yellowish lamella; edged with black. Length 2 lines), has been admitted into the Britisli lists, perhaps by mistake for 1). chali/beus, Mg., which is treated as a vaiiety of species 9, in the first section. DOLICHOPUS. 177 46. nigripennis. Fin. dol. 15. 16 (1823); Mg. ; Mq. ; Stn. ; Hal. ; Stg. ; Ztt. Atro-virens, hypostomate flavescente , probosclde elon- gata, genubus tibiisque anterlorihm ferriigineis, alls nigi'icantibus, vena subapicali alee apicem attinyeute ; Max. lamellis nigris. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Metallic blackish-green. Face straw-colour in male, more grey in female. Antennae black, long ; third joint oblong in male ; arista nearly naked, penultimate joint half as long as last in male. Proboscis half as long as the head in female, not so long in male ; palpi oblong, black. Wings sootg-brown, darker at the fore edge ; cubital nearly parallel witli subapiml vein, which runs almost straight to the tip of the iiiing. Lainell(B short, obtuse triangular, pubescent, black-broicn . Legs pitchy-black; anterior tibire, with the tip of the femora, ferruginous. Common. (E. S. 1.) The remaining species, with the cilia of the lower orbit black, are mostly small, and have the hind metatarsus short, seldom much more than half the length of the next joint ; the antennse, and usually the palpi, are black; the subapical and cubital veins parallel, or but slightly converging, the former nearly straight ; the alulffi fringed with black. In those (species 47-49) which have the lamellre of the male broad (as hitherto) the disc of the scutellum is somewhat pubescent. Northern Europe produces many of this character ; some of which have probably been over- looked among us, the distinctive marks being very fine. 47. cvipreus, Fin. dol. 15. 1.5 (1823); Mg. ; Mq. ; Stn.; Stg.; Ztt. Obscure ceneus, hypostomate albido, pedibus nigris, femoribus apice tibiis et metatarsis Jlavidis, alis fuscanis ; Mas. lamellis nigris, tibiis in- terrnediis incrassatis, alis vena costali subincrassata. Long. 1^ ; alar. 4 lin. Da7-k brassy. Front dull greyish-yellow. Face yellowish-iohite. Arista finely pubescent, the penultimate joint short. Wings brownish ; discal transverse vein waved ; costal vein rather thicker in the male, from the end of the subcostal. Lamellm dusky black. Legs dusky black; trochanters, /e;«o;*a«/ tlie tip, metatarsi except the tip, and tibice yelloioish ; hind metatarsus not much shorter than the next joint. In the male, the middle tibia is thickened, towards the tip curved, and armed inside with a few short spines. Not rare. (E. S. I.) 48. celer, Mg. zw. iv. 84. 18 (1824); Mq. ; Stn.; Stg.; Ztt.— sarus, Hal. Obscure viridi-aneus, hypostomate cano, arista villosula, femoribus tibiis et metatarsis flavis ; Mas. lamellis flavidis, alis lineola costali atra prope basim. Long. \\ ; alar. 3|- lin. Dark brassy-green. Front yellowish-grey. Face dull whitish. An- tennae short ; arista very pubescent, the first joint very short. Wings VOL. I. 2 a 178 dolichopidvt:. long and rather narrow, light brownish ; the subapical and cubital veins nearly parallel ; the costal vem in male tcith a hlack siceUiuy near the base, not reaching to the junction of the sxibcostal. Lamellce dingy yelloicish ; arms of forceps slender, the tip incurved and spatulate. Legs yellotv ; coxce dushy ; tarsi duski/, metatarsi yellow with dusky tip ; hind metatarsus not much shorter than the next joint ; the fore tibia?, be- sides the two or three small spines in the upper half, are veiy minutely pectinated, in front, along the outer edge, in the last two-thirds of their length. Not rare. (E. S. T.) 49. aerosus, Fin. dol. 15. 17 (1823); Mg. ; Mq. ; Stn. ; Hal.; Stg. ; Ztt. Obscure viridis, j^cdibus flams, femoribus j)osticis svpra et tarsorum articuUs exterioribus fuscis, alls subhyalinis, venis cubitali et sxd)apicali parallelis ; Mas. laniellis et Jrypostomate niyris ; Fcem. Jiypo- stomate caiio. Long. \\; alar. 3 lin. Bark metalllc-rireen . Front yellowish-grey. Tace in male narrow, black, greyish at the mouth ; in female dull grey. Arista very finely pubescent ; penultimate joint more than half the length of the last, in male. TFings rather long, dark hyaline, the subapical and cubital veins nearly parallel. Lamella dusky-black ; arms of forceps very slender, subulate, with the tip incurved. Legs yellow; coxse dusky, fore pair paler at the tip ; tarsi dusky, fore pair paler, metatarsi yellow ; the hind femora, sometimes also the fore pair, brownish on the upper edge ; the fore tibia more faintly pectinated than in the preceding. Common in shady places. (E. S. I.) In the rest, the lameilse are attenuated ; the inner appendages lengthened, sometimes fringed at the tip with long pale hairs ; the arista is nearly naked, the penultimate joint long in the males at least; the subapical vein nearly straight, converging slightly to the cubital ; the hind metatarsus not much more than half the length of the following joint ; the disc of the scutellum is naked in general, but D. nanus prepares the transition to those last preceding. It might, perhaps, be better to place them with Si/bistroma, as Stseger has done, I have followed Zetterstedt in limiting that group to the species with the hypopygium of the male light-coloured, and the cilia of the lower orbit whitish. 50. nanus, Mq. emp. 66. 15 (1827). — minimus, Ztt. Obscure viridi-cjenens, hypostomate albido, pedibus flavis, femoribus tibiisque pos- iicis apice, tarsisqiie fuscis, ynetatarsis anterior ibus flavis ; Mas. lamellis oblongisflavidis. Long. \\ lin. Dark brassy -green. Front a little hoaiy. Face s\\\er^ -white and very narrow in male, yellowish-white in female. Scutellum very faintly pubescent on the disc. Wings dark hyaline. Lamella dingy yellow, oblong. Legs yellow ; posterior coxae dark grey ; a sjwt at the tip of OKTHOCHILE. 179 hind femora, tip of hind VibicB more largely, and the liiud tarsi eutu'ely, blackish-brown ; anterior metatarsi yelloicish. Rare. In Messrs. Dale's and Walker's collections, (E.) 51. parvilamellatus, Mq. emp. 66. 16 (1827). Atro-virens, tibiis et tarsorum hasi Jlavidis ; Mas. lamellis linearibm flavidis, hy- postomatefusco-Jiavescente; Fcem. hypostomate cano. Long. \\; alar. 3 lin. Blackish-green. Front with an ochreous shade. Face in male dusky, with dull oc/ fringed with fine pale hairs. Halteres usually pale, sometimes with a dusky spot at the end. Abdomen in general not longer than the thorax, depressed, finely pubescent, with the incisures not ciliated ; five segments, the first not shorter than the following ; the foveolai of the inflected lateral margins very conspicuous. In the male the abdomen is a little compressed behind, with the fourth ventral segment prominent ; the hi/popi/gium for the most part imbedded, tcith a single inflected appendage beneath (not always visible), composed as if of two lamcllce muted by the hind edge to form a keeled vessel (except sp. 1, 3). Fore legs short ; the coxcb but little compressed, very freely articulated, little shorter than the femora, which are swelled towards the base, and form with the cm-ved tibia a strong pincer, the spines of the contiguous edges interlacing ; the posterior legs long and slender, the coxre usually unarmed, the femora and tibia armed tvith short scat- tered spines, the hind metatarsus unarmed, little longer than the second joint ; (except sp. 1, 2.) The species of this genus^ as the name imports, live mostly on the surface of the water, of ponds and lakes, or even of the sea. Some of them have been found on pools frozen over in winter. The British species are not numerous, and may be arranged thus : — a. Posterior femora with a single spine in front near the tip. b. Abdomen banded. Species 1. b b. Abdomen not banded. Species 2. a a. Posterior femora with scattered spines. c. Fore tibia obliquely produced at the tip inside. Species 3. c c. Fore tibia with a straight tip. d. Arista deflected at a rectilineal angle. e. Wings with numerous dusky spots. Species 4. e e. Winffs with two duskv dots. 182 DOLICHOPID.*;. /. Upper part of the face burnished. Species 5. ff. Upper part of the face tarnished. Species 6. e e e. Wings not spotted. g. With cheeks under the eyes. h. Pubescence of the abdomen above blackish. Sp. 7. li h. Pubescence of the abdomen pale. Species 8. (J (J. Without cheeks. Species 9. d d. Arista decurved. Species 10. The first two species depart in several points from the typical character. The third joint of the antenna is obtusely triangular, not toothed, the arista long and slender; the abdomen longer than the thorax, and convex, the first segment shorter than the second, the hind margin of it (in particular) ciliated at each side, the sixth segment more or less exserted above in the male ; the fore femora not much thicker than the others, and unarmed below, as well as the inner edge of the tibia ; the posterior coxse with a bristle on the outside. 1. virens, Spl. earn. 921 (1763); LI. ; ^?,i.—regins, Fb. ; Fin.; Mg. ! Mq. ; Ct. ; Ztt. — Fcem. festivus, Dnvn. ! PalUde viridis, ahdo- mine nigro-fasciato, alls macula 'mterstitiali fusca ; Mas. alls ante ajncem album infuscatls, hypopygii corniculis geniinis inflexis, tarsi antici arti- culo secundo bre\dssimo incrassato. Long. 3 ; alar. 7 lin. Blimli-green with a hoary tinge. Face glossed with white below in male, bluish in female. Thorax with two blackish stripes down the middle, and an irregular one at each side above the wings. Scutellum with six bristles. Wings hyaline, with a broion spot between the cubital and prsebrachial veins a little above the line of the transverse vein, which is oblique and sinuated, and lies very close to the hind margin ; subapical vein obliquely converging towards the cubital, with a very faint bend before the middle ; the cubital a little sinuated. In the male the wlitgs outwardly are clouded broion, with a defined white spot at the tip between the cubital and subapical veins. Abdomen tclth the hinder edge of the segments (except the last) blackish, forming four bands ; the sixth segment exserted more than tlie fifth in the male, glossed with white, but not pubescent ; the hypojiyglum large, tvlth the lamella not detached, bearing at the tip a pair of dusky, linear, curved and hairy appendages. Legs dark green, femora with white pubescence beneath, tarsi l)lack. In the male the second joint of the fore tarsus Is very short, a little thickened, with some minute glandular hairs at the inner edge, and tomentose below, as are also the two following joints. About the shaded face of cliffs wetted by the spray of water- falls. (E. S. L) 2. lacustris, Spl. cam. 924 (1763). — vlrcns, Vz.—forinosus, Hal. — vlrldlpes, M(|. VlruJl-fPneus, genubus fulvls ; Mas. vena subaplcall fere rectangulatlm fexa. Long. 2-| ; alar. 6 lin. HYDROPHORUS. 183 Brassy-green, varying to coppery-red, somewhat hoary beneath. Face silvery-white in male ; hoary in the female, as well as the front. Thorax faintly striped. Wings hyaline, usually tinged with feiTu- ginous towards the fore edge, the subapical vein strongly bent in the middle, in the male nearly forming alternate right angles. Abdomen of the male with the sixth segment but little exserted ; lamella oblong, compressed, broad at the tip and truncated. Legs brassy-green, the femora and tibia at their junction bright fulvous ; tarsi black, posterior metatarsi glossed with green ; fore tarsus not longer than the tibia. On waters^ both fresh and brackish. (E. I.) The next species is the only native representative of a peculiar group, with longer antennse, the first joint as long as the next two together, the third very slightly toothed at the lower edge ; the prosternum with several spines at each side ; the wings coloured, with the base pale yellowish, extending along the fore edge to the half of the wing ; the hypopygium of the male, besides the keeled lamella beneath, furnished with a longer pair of pale yellow mem- branous lobes in an unusual position, arising one at each side close to the margin of the fifth segment, and extending backwards and outwards, so as to be entirely visible from above, contracted at the end into a slender incurved style ; the fore tibia obliquely produced at the tip inside, forming in the male a compressed lobe there and armed with some teeth higher up, the thick fore femora very spiny below. In the same sex the intermediate femora and tibise are garnished with long hairs and spines. 3. notatus, Fb. sp. ii. 448. 6.5 (1781); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. ! Ztt.— armiger p., Fin. Obscure eeneus, thorace fusco-Uneato, alis hyalinis, venis fusco-lhnbatis, basialbida; Mas. appendicibns analibus flavidis im- maculatis intus ciliatis, tibiis anticis dente interno bifido, intermediis apice pectinatis et cirrosis, metatarso pectinato. Long. 2f ; alar. 6 lin. Dull brassy. Front opake blackish-brown. Face naiTOw, in the male white, in the female grey. Thorax icith four duslicoloribus, caplte albldo, pedibus pallide flavis, tarsis apice fuscis, alls hyaUnis, vena 'prrebracliiull leviter Jlexa ; Mas. angiistior, hypostoraate angiisto, ano crasso atro nitido, appendicibus tribus, qua- rum duabus iuterioribus subdeiitiforiuibus, ultima magna rotundata tumida ; Fcem. hypostomate nonnihil latiore, ano simplici. Long. 3 ; alar. 51 lin. Ferruginous. Face and front icJdtish. Middle of tlie vietathorax and the mesosternuni dusJey. Hypopygium of the male black, preceded by a dusky band of the fourth segment. Legs long, pale yelloto ; tarsi dusky totoards the tip ; femora unarmed; posterior tibice finely spiny, posterior metatarsi more slightly so beneath. Rare. In Mr. Dale's collection (E.) 2. suturalis. Flu. dol. 21. 32 (1823); Mg. ; Ztt. Capite thora- ceque cinereis, antennis brevissimis, scuteUo abdomineque flavis, incisuris angustis fuscis, pedibus pallidis, alis subhyalinis basi angustissimis, vena prabrachiali quarta parum subarcuata in sum.mo apice excurrente, cubitalique parallelis, transversa pone medium ala3 sita ; Mas. hyposto- mate angustissimo argenteo, ani clava deflexa nigra, alis subpetiolatis, tarsis vix infuscatis ; Foim. hypostomate latiore cano, ano simplici Have, alis basi minus angustatis, tarsis apice fuscis. Long. 2^ ; alar. 4 lin. Head cinereous. Face white. Antennae yellow. Thorax cinereous, scutellum yellow. Wings darker at the fore edge, nan-owed at the base, almost petiolated in the male, the subapical and cubital veins nearly parallel. Abdomen yellow, with dusky incisures forming narrow trans- verse lines, more distinct in the female. Hypopygium of the male black. Legs pale yellow ; tarsi dusky towards the tip, more distinctly so in the female. Rare. In Mr. Dale^s collection. (E.) 3. Erichsonii, Ztt. d. s. 613. 100 i:\%\V).—quadrifasciatus^., Fin. Ferrugineus, antennis brevissimis concoloribus, capite albido, incisuris ab- dominis nigricantibus, pedibus pallide flavis, alls hyalinis, vena prcebra- chiali leviter ftexa in apice excurrente, ibique cum cubitali paululum con- vergente, transversa in medio alae sita. Long. 2^ ; alar. 4 lin. Ferruginous. Face and. front whitisli. Eyes of the male meeting below the antennae. Metathorax with only a dusky line down the middle. Wings hyaline. Abdomen with blackish-brown incisures, which are broader in the female. HyjDopygium of the male black. Legs pale yellow ; fore tarsi in the male short, with the metatarsus longer than the other joints together. Rare. In Messrs. Curtis's and Clifton's collections ? (E.) 4. quadrifasciatus, Fb. sp. l.ii. 448. 69 (1781) ; Gm. ; Mg. ; M(j. ; Flu. p. ; Ztt. — fasciatus. Dull. Capite cinereo, antennis brevissi- mis, scutello abdomineque flavis, hoc fasciis quatuor nigricantibus, pedibus pallida flavis, tarsorum articulis tertio et quarto apicalibus 212 DOLICHOPIDiE. plumatis atris, alls Jiyallnis, vena prcehracldali flexa in apice excnr- rente, ibique cum ciibitali paululnm converg-ente, transversa in medio alee sita ; Mas. tJiorace cinereo vittis iluabus obscurioribns, pedihus auticis longisslmis ; I'oem. tliorace ferriujineo. Long. 2i; alar. 4^ lin. Head cinereous behind. Pace and front white. Antennse yellow. Thorax in the male cinereous above with two darker lines, in the female ferruginous with sometimes a cinereous spot before the scutellum, which is yellow, with the base dusky in the male. Metathorax entirely cinereous. JFings hi/aline. Abdomen ferruginous, with the base of the segments blackish, forming transverse bands, which in the female are broader and notched behind at the middle so as to be almost interrupted. Hypopygium of the male black. Legs pale yellow ; in the male the first two joints of the fore tarsus very lomj and slender, the rest short, the third and fourth dusky f ringed at each side ivith black bristles, the fifth joint tohitish. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E.) 5. aulicus, Mg. zw. iv. 48. 6 (1824) ; Ztt. — Fcem. vividus, Mg. Thorace cenescente, fronte cyanea, hypostomate albido, antennis capite transversa pa.ulo brevioribus nlgris, abdomine ferrngineo, fasciis quatuor obscuris, pedibus pallide flavis, tarsis fiiscis, alis subhyalinis, prccbra- chiali levissime fiexa in summo apice excurrente, cubitalique subparallelis ; Mas. hypostomate angustissimo argenteo, antennis capite paulo tantum brevioribus, metatarso postico intus in medio subexciso et fascicule spinularum armato ; Fcem. hypostomate latiore cano, antennis cajjite fere dimidio brevioribus, metatarso postico breviter pubescente simplici et inermi. Long. 2-1- ; alar. 5 lin. Head brassy-green, duller in the female. Front blue. Face white, of the female hoary, concave under the antennae. AntemuB black ; third joint short, deeply notched at the base, receiving the tip of the second ; arista deflected before the tip. Thorax brassy-green, duU in the female ; scutellum bluish. TFings almost hyaline ; discal transverse vein distant by little more than its own length from the hind margin. Alula with a narrow black edge, the fringe yellowish in the male, blackish in the female. Abdomen pale yellow with dusky incisures, transparent in the male, with the small hypopygium not prominent ; in the female usually brownish above. Legs pale yellow ; middle coxse grey outside ; posterior femora with more than one spine about the tip ; tarsi dusky, except the base ; hind metatarsus sJ'orl, notched below in the male, with a tuft of bristles before the notch. — Allied to Rhaphium pallipes, &c., more than to any other gioup, though the antennee are so short even in the males. Not rare. (E. I.) 6. bicolorellus, Ztt. d. s. 617. 104 (1843). Thoracis postici itnpressi dorso nigro setoso, scutello fronteque virescentibus, hypostomate alba, atitennis brevissimis testaceis apice fuscis, abdomine pedibusque albo- PORPHYROPS. 213 flams, illofasciis t?-ibus obsairis, alls Jiyalinis, venis preehracMali et cubitali paralleUs, transversa in medio alse sita ; Mm- liypostomate angustissimo, abdoinine angusto cylindrico, ano rotundato vix incrassato ; Fcem. liy- postomate latiore, abdomine subdepresso. Long. \\; alar. 2 lin. Head mid thorax metallic green, the long bristles blackish. Face white. Antennae yellow, with the tip dusky. Abdomen pale yelloto, with the posterior incisures dusky, forming usually three narrow bands. Ilypopy- gimn of the male small. Legs and cox(B very pale yellow. Not common. In Mr. Haliday^s collection. (E. 1.) 7. tenellus, Wd. z. m. ii. 73. 20 (1818); Mg. ; ^l^.—flavellus, Ztt. Flavo-ferrugineus, thorace postico foveola viridi, fronte cana, hypostomate albo, antennis brevissimis, ore subexserto pedibusque pallida flavis, alis flavescenti-hyalinis, venis prcebrachiali et cubitali versus apicem subconvergentibiis, transversa fere in medio alee sita ; Mas. hypostomate angustissimo, ano rotundato parum incrassato ; Foem. hypostomate latiore, ano simplici. Long. \\; alar. 2 lin. Yelloto, inclining to ferruginous. Face and front white. Antennae often dusky at the tip. Thorax with a inetalUc green spot on the depressed space before the scutellum, the long bristles ferruginous. Abdomen of the male clavate, the hypopygium being thick and scarcely inflected. Legs pale yellow, with the last joint dusky, the hind metatarsus rather longer than the following joint. Not common. In Mr. Haliday^s collection. (E. I.) 8. ornatus, Hal. z. j. v. 358. 17 {\%^\).— tenellus, Pin. p. ; Ztt. Flavo-ferrugineis, capite thoraceque supra viridibus, pedibus pallide flavis. Long. \\ ; alar. 2 lin. Yellow, inclining to ferruginous. Head and thorax metallic green above, the long bristles ferruginous. Abdomen of the male clavate, the abdomen being thick and scarcely inflected. Legs pale yellow ; the hind metatarsus rather longer than the following joint. Not common. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E.) 9. flaviventris, Mg. zw. iv. 58. 28 {\%1\).—bifasciellus, Ztt.? Nigro-a)ieus, thorace subtus flavescente, antennarum \articulo tertio elongato apice fulvescente, pedibus [jaUide flavis ; Mas. abdomine flaves- cente basi et apice fusco, femoribus anticis subtus tibiisque anticis intus ciliatis ; Fcem. abdomine supra nigro-cnpreo. Long. ^•, alar. 1^ lin. Brassy-black. Face white. Antenn(B with the third joint somewhat tawny at the tip, elongated, triangular in the male, shorter in the female ; arista near its base, long, the joints of nearly equal length in the male. Thorax yellowish beneath. Fringe of alulae; black. Abdomen of the male yellowish, with the flrst segment and the last one dusky above, tlie intermediate ones dark at the incisures. Abdomen of the female blackish- bronze above. Appendages of the hypopygium short, nearly linear, blackish. Legs and coxce pale yelloto ; in tlie male the under side of the 214 DOLICHOPID^. fore femora and the inside of the fore tibice ciliated ; the other femora more slightly so, arid only toi^rds the base. Not common. In the collection of Mr. Haliday. (E. I.) 10. pulicarius, Fin. dol. 20.28 (1833); Zii. —atimdipes, Mg.— 'pygmceus, ]\Iq. — ciiierellns, Ztt. i. 1. 705. 88. Cinereo-xmidis, parum nitidus, fronte obscure anea, hypostomate albido, antemiis brevibus niyris, pedibus pallide flavis, coxis cinereis anticis apice pallidis, femoribus anticis in medio late posticisque apice fuscis, tarsis omnibus obscuris, metatarsis anterioribus flavidis, alls siibfnscis. Long. \\ ; alar. 2 lin. Greyish-green, hardly shining. Front somewhat brassy. Ilypostovia tohitish. Antenna short, black. Legs pale yelloio ; coxce cinereous, fore coxa with pale tips ; fore thighs in the middle, hind thighs at the tips, brown; ta?'si dusky; anterior metatarsi yellotvish. Wings slightly brown. Male. Hypostoma very naiTow, silvery. Antennse acute, a little shorter than the head. Mouth withdrawn. Abdomen narrow, compressed-cylindrical. Hind tarsi with the tlu'ee first joints compressed, the third fringed behind with long bristles. Fem. Hypostoma moderately broad, whitish. Antennae oval, half the length of the head. Mouth decumbent ; palpi pale. Abdomen compressed-conical. Tarsi bare. Not common. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E. I.) 11. cirripes, (Hal. MSS.) Obscure ceneus, pedibus nigris, alls fuscanis ; Mas. tarsoruni posticorum articulo tcrtio cdiato. Long. 1^ ; alar. 2 lin. Bark brassy, not shining. Face white. TFings dusky. Abdomen of the male somewhat compressed ; hypopygium small, without external appendages. Legs black, femora slightly brassy, trochanters brownish. In the male the first three joints of the hind tarsi compressed, the third fringed behind with long bristles. Very like P. pulicarius, of wliich it takes the place on the wet slopes of mountains. (E. I.) 12. spinigerellus, Ztt. d. s. 604.90(1843). — nigricosta'^ Koser (fJhrysotus) Wurt. zw. (1840). Viridi-aneus, nitidus, fronte cyanea, hypostomate angusto albo-micante, antennis brevissi7nis nigris, pedibus et coxis pallide favis, alls hyalinis ; Mas. stigmate basali crasso atro, tibiis posticis sinuatis apice subdilatatis pilosis. Long. -1; alar. \\ lin. Brassy-green, shining. Front blue. Hypostoma narrow, shining white. Antennae black, very short. Wings hyaline ; third and fourth longitudinal veins parallel ; the fourth ending in the tip of the wing ; discal transverse vein in the middle, upright. Legs and coxa pale yel- low ; tarsi with brown tips. Male. Mouth withdrawn. Costal vein thick and black at the base of the auxiliary vein. Abdomen narrow, cylindrical. Intermediate femora with a tid"t of long hairs in the mid- dle beneath ; hind tibice sinuated, spinulose, subclavate, brown and hairy at the tips. Fern. Mouth slightly decumbent. Abdomen conical. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (1.) DIAPHORUS. 215 Genus XII. DIAPHORUS. DiAPHORUS, Mg. zw. iv. 32 (1824); Mq. ; Ztt. DoUchopns p., Fin. ; Mg. Antennce articiilo tertio j^atellcefornii, arista dorsali. Ocnli maris fronte contigui. Hypodoma latum. Vena prfebracJdalis simplex, transversa ab alee margins distans. Ilypopygium maris subimmersiim, subtus ap- pendicibus binis angustis defiexis. Antenna? short, with the first joint naked, the third joint broader than long, rounded : the arista placed on its upper edge, long, slender, finely pubescent. Eyes finely pubescent, meeting on the front in the male, distant in the female. The face broad in both sexes, and rather short, especially in the male, the antennfe being luore distant from the vertex than usual. Occiput with a whitish beard behind the lower orbit. Proboscis very short, projecting a little forwards. Wings like those of Argyra, being broad about the anal angle, and the subcostal vein longer than in other genera ; the pra^brachial vein simple as in most, not forked as in Psilopus, and the subapical portion of it straight and parallel with the cubital, the discal transverse vein distant by much more than its own length from the hind margin. Tringe of the alulae black. Abdomen conical in the female, in the male rather compressed behind, with the sixth segment exserted, the small hypopygium partly imbedded under the lip of it, armed behind with some spines, and beneath with two slender, deflected, pubescent appendages, besides the stouter forceps which is for the most part hidden in the ventral cavity. The structure differing little from Argyra, and not much from Chry- sotiis. The hind margins of the abdominal segments are a little ciliated at the sides. Legs rather long and slender, the spines of the tibiae few and slender, the fore pair with scarcely any, the femora much more hairy in the male, the hind metatarsus unarmed, about as long as the following joint. The males are at once known from every other genus by the eyes meeting on the front ; the females may be more easily confounded with other genera, but the form of the third joint of the antennae and the insertion of the arista in connection with the length of the subcostal vein will help to separate them. The colour is usually dark. 1. oculatus, Fin. dol. 28. 22(1823); ZiL—JIavocinctus, Mq. ; Mg. — Fann. tuberculatus, Mg. JEneus, capite cinerascente, a)itennis pe- dibusqiie nigris, alis suhfuscis, Jialteribus paUidis, femorum anteriorum apice lato tibiisqne omnibus Jiavis ; Mas. abdomine in basi fascia pallida subpeUucida. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Brassy. Head with a grejash covering. Mouth and antennae black. Wings sliglilhj brown. Halteres pale. Legs black ; anterior femora yellow towards tlie tips ; tibice yellow. Male. Hypostoma broad, veiy short, whitish. Eyes bluish-violet, with brassy borders. Palpi small, ferruginous. Abdomen with a yellow semipellucid baud on the second 216 DOLICHOPID^. segment. Ungues of the fore tarsi whitish, slightly lengthened. Feyn. Hypostoma as broad as the front, short, hoary, with a transverse suture in the middle. Palpi black, with ferruginous tips, larger than in the male. Ungues short. Rare. (E. I.) 2. obscurellus, Ztt. i. 1. 706. 2. d. s. 492. 2 (1843). Nigro- ceneiis, antennis hypodomate lialteribus pedibusque nigris, alls hyalinis ad costam subfumatis. Long. 1—1^; alar. 2|— 3 lin. Black, dull. Thorax in certain aspects loitli a slight brassy hue, especially on the hinder part, slaty-black beneath. Wings smoky-brown towards the costa. Halteres black. Legs brownish-black. Male. Abdominal appendages very short. Ungues of the fore tarsi a little longer than the others. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E. I.) Genus XIII. CHRYSOTUS. Chkysotus, Mg. zw. iv. 40 (1824); Mq.; Ztt. Dolichopiis ^.,Yh. s. a. ; Wd. ; Fin. Musca p., Fb. AntenncB articulo tertio patellceformif arista apicali. Oculi fronte dis- tantes, infra antennas contigul in mare. ■ Alee dlvaricatcB, vena trans- versa a marg'me distante. Hypopygium maris subimmersum, subtus appendicibus binis oblongis dejiexls. Tibice sphmlosce. Antennce short, the first three joints nearly of equal length, the first naked, the third joint broader than long, rounded, with the arista at the tip. Eyes almost glabrous, distant on the front, meeting below the an- tennae in the male, divided by a rather narrow face in the female. Proboscis short and obtuse. Wings divaricated in repose, the discal transverse vein very distant from the hind margin, lying usually rather nearer the base than the tip of the wing, the long suljapical vein nearly straight and parallel with the cubital. Abdomen rather conical ; in the male compressed behind, with the sixth segment exserted ; the small hypo- pygium. partly imbedded xlvAqx the tip of it, armed behiad with some very short spines, and beneath with a pair of oblong deflected appendages. Tibia, at least the posterior ones, armed tvith some spines. The species of this genus are among the smallest of the family ; the body is usually of an uniform bright metallic hue. They chiefly frequent the leaves of trees, in the sunshine, and are active and restless. The few species at the end, wliicli have the bristles of the thorax yellowish and the abdomen at least partly yellow, seem to compose a distinct group, but from their extreme tenderness they shrivel up so much when dried, that it is difficult to make out the characters. DIAPHORUS. 217 a. Body uniformly metallic ; bristles of the thorax black. Species 1-4. a a. Abdomen at least partly yellow ; bristles of the thorax yellowish. Species 5, 6. 1. nigripes, Fb. s. a. 269. 12 (1S05); Mg. ; Mq. — f/mm'meus, rin. ; Ztt. — copiosus, Mg. ; Mq. j.'Eiieo-viridis, antennis nigris, alis hyaliuis, halteribus flavis, pedlhm ceneis, tih'us ferruc/ineis, larsis uif/ris ; Mas. tihiis posficis ohscuris. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Brassy-green or bluish-green. Eyes golden-green. Mouth black. Thora.K schistaceous beneath. Coxfo cinereous, with pale or ferruginous trochanters ; anterior metatarsi pale. Male. Hind tibiae blackish, brown in the recently disclosed insect. Fetn. Hypostoma moderately narrow, whitish. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. Isesus, Wd. z. m. iii. 73. 21 (1818); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. .-Eneo-viridis vel viridi-caerulescens, antennis nigris, alis hyaliuis, hal- teribus flavis, pedihus ni(jricuntihus,ffimorihm reneis, geiiubus ferrngineis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Green, or blue, or with the thorax blue and the abdomen green ; a little smaller than C. niyripes, and with the third joint of the antenuce larger. Tibice quite black ; knees pale, especially in the female, whose hypostoma is glaucous- green. Not common. (E.) 3. viridulus. Flu. dol. 18. 23 (1823); '/.ti. —neglectus, Wd. ; Mg. ; Mq. iEneo-viridis, antennis nigris, alis hyaliuis, halteribus pedibusqiie Jlavis, tarsis apice nigris ; Foem. femoribus medio nigris. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Brassy-green. Front green. Antennae black. Scutellum of the male sometimes blue ; pleurae schistaceous. Wings hyaline. Halteres and legs yellow ; tarsi with black tips, Male. Posterior coxae cine- reous. Fern. Hypostoma narrow, white. Coxae cinereous ; femora brassy-black, more or less yellow at the base and at the tips. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 4. cilipes, Mg. zw. iv. 41. 3 (1824). Aureo-viridis, antennis nigris, alis hyaliuis, halteribus pedibusqae Jlavis, femoribus tibiisque pos- ticis apice nigris, tarsis posticis nigris, auterioribus fuscis basi Jlavis. Long, f ; alar. 1^ lin. Golden-green. Antennfe black. Wings hyaline. Halteres and legs yellow ; hind femora and hind tibia with black tips ; anterior tarsi brown, with the metatarsus yellow ; hind tarsi black. Not rare. (E. I.) 5. moUiculus, Fin. dol. 23. 35 (1823); Zii.—latus, Mg. Aureo- viridis, antennis nigris, alis cinereis, venis pallidis transversa discali in medio aire sita, halteribus pedibusque flavis ; Fcem. abdomineflavo, dorsn macula basali viridi, ano nigro. Long, f-1 ; alar. 2-2| lin. VOL. I. 2 F 218 DOLICHOFID.'E. Golden-green. Front green. Hypostoma greenish -white, narrow in the male, a little broader in the female. Thorax glaucous-green beneath. Atitemi(B small, black. Wings grey ; veins yellowish, espe- cially towards the base ; dlscal transverse vein in the Middle of the wing. Halteres yellow. Legs yellow, without bristles ; jifth joint of tJie tarsi black. Male. Abdomen yellow beneath. Fem. Abdomen yellow, with a green spot or band at the base, and with a black dot on the second seg- ment, last segment black. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (E. 1.) 6. concinnus, Ztt. d. s. 489. 11 (1843). Aurco-viridis, antennis flams, alis cinereis, venis pallidis transversa discali ante medium ala: sita, halteribus pedibusque flavis ; Fwm,. abdomine flavo, ano viridi. Long, f ; alar. If bn. Golden-green, smaller than the preceding species. Antenna less, yellow tolth the third joint brotvnish. Wings gTey ; veins yellow ; dis- cal transverse vein more withdrawn towards the base than in C. molli- culus. Halteres yellow. Legs without bristles, yellow to the tips of the tarsi. Male. Abdomen yellow beneath. Fem. Abdomen yellow, with the last segment g^'een. Rare. In Mr. Walker's collection. (E.) Genus XIV. MEDETERUS. Medeterus, Fischer progr. (1819). Hydrophorus, Mq. Twchobates, Hal. Orthobates, Wlbg. Hydrophorus p., Fin. ; Ztt. Medeterus p., Mg. DoUchopus p., Fb. s. a. Musca p., L. ; Fb. Antenna; articulo tertio ovato, arista apicali. Oculi glabri, distantes. Proboscis protiiberans, crassa, obtusa. Abdomen depressiim, tomentosum, muticum. Hypopygium maris elongatum, inflexmn, appendiculatiim. Pedes mutici. Antenna short, the third joint ovate ; arista slender, apical. Eyes glabrous, distant. Face broad in both sexes, divided by a transverse line. Proboscis protuberant, thick, obtuse. Thorax with a large depres- sion before the scutellum. Wings with the subapical vein obliquely converging towards the cubital, the distance of the transverse discal vein from the hind margin vaiying. Abdomen depressed, finely tomentose, without longer hairs, the first segment as long as the second. Hypopy- gium of the male inflected under the abdomen, and elongated nearly to the base of it, with the appendages dcvelojjed, the outer ones not much dilated. Legs long and slender, nearly unarmed, the middle tibia having only two very minute spines between the base and middle, and the hind pair sometimes a single one in the same place ; hind metatar- sus much shorter than the following joint. In some small species, which can scarcely be separated from this genus, the hind metatarsus MEDETERUS. 219 becomes longer, while the subapical and cubital veins are parallel, and the discal transverse vein is very distant from the hind margin of the wing. The typical species of this genus frequent dry places, running in the sunshine on walls ami trunks of trees, with a peculiar gait, the legs being nearly erect and the fore part of the body elevated, while they move with seemingly equal ease in any direction without turning. The bulky proboscis opens into a very large orifice, so as to admit a prey large in proportion. 1. diadema, L. s. n. xii. 982. 19 (nQl).—rosiratus, Fb. ; Fhi. ; Mg. ; Mq.; Ztt. iEneo-ciuereus, hypostomate aureo-viridi ;^<7/(/m«wo, ore antennisque nigris, thorace vittis tribus cu])reo-fuscis, alis hyalinis, halteribus albis, pedibus ierrugiueis. Long. If; alar. 4 liu. Brassy-einereous. Hypodoma hr'ujld f/olden-greeu, sometimes chaly- beous below, naked, with a snow-white transverse suture in the middle. Antennce quite black ; third joint oval. Thorax loith three bright coppery -br 01071 stripes, slightly pubescent beneath. Wings hyaline. Hal- teres white. Legs ferruginous ; femora and tarsi more or less brotcn. Rare. (E.) 2. jaculus. Fin. dol. 5. 7 (1823) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. .Eneo- cinereus, hypostomate virescenti-cano, ore nigro exserto, autennis nigris, thorace vittis tribus asueo-fuscis, alis hyalinis, vena transversa discal i elongata ad marginem interiorem subretracto, halteribus albis ; 3Ias. hypopygio magno, crasso. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3 lin. Brassy-cinereous. Hypostoma hoary green, broad. Crown bristly. Mouth large, prominent, black. Thorax with three brassy-brown stripes, slightly hairy on each side. Wings hyaline ; cubital and pra?brachial veins approximating towards the tip ; transverse discal veins rather long, inclining towards the interior margin ; pobrachial veiu incHning beyond the transverse veiu to the hind border, which it does not at- tain ; axillary aluhe and halteres whitish. Legs cinereous-black, some- times brown or ferruginous, naked, unarmed ; knees ferruginous ; hind femora pubescent on the outer side. Male. Hypopygium large, long, inflected, black, sinning, with brown filiform appendages at the tip. Not rare. (E.) 3. truncorum, Mg. zw. iv. 67. 15 (1834); Mcp ; Ztt. ^Eueo- cinereus, hypostomate ceneo latei'ibv^ virescenti-pruinoso inferne viridi aut cganeo, ore nigro exserto, autennis nigris, thorace vittis tribus i«neo- fuscis, alis hyalinis, vena transversa discali elongata ad marginem in- teriorem subretracta, halteribus albis ; Mas. hypopygio modice crasso. Long. 1 J ; alar. 2\ Ihi. Brassy-cinereous, rather smaller and darker than the preceding species, which it much resembles. Hypostoma rather narrow, brassy, yellowish, hoary on oacli side, green or blue below, ('rown bristly. 220 DOLICHOPIDiK. Moutli largo, prominent, black. Thorax with tlirce brassy-brown stripes, slightly hairy on each side. Wings hyaline ; cubital and pr?e- brachial veins approximatnig towards the tip ; transverse discal vein rather long, inclining towards tire interior margin ; pobrachial vein inclining beyond the transverse vein to the hind border, which it does not attain ; axillary alula; and halteres whitish. Legs black, naked, unarmed ; knees ferruginous ; hind fcmoi'a pubescent on the outer side. Male. Hypopyglum rather smaller than that of M.jacidas. Not rare. (E. 1.) Genus XV. APHROSYLUS. Antennae articulo tertio ajjlce attenuato, arista apicali. Proboscis incur- va, apice wujidculata. Vena transversa propc ynaryinem ales. Hypo- pi/gium inaris subglobosum, laynellis geminis injlexis. Coxes anticce muricatce. Antennm with the first joint naked, second transverse, the third joint attenvaled to the tip ; arista apical. Occiput convex, with a pale beard behind the lower orbit. Eyes pubescent, distant on the front, ap- proaching closely below the antennae in the male at least. Palpi pro- truded, oval, very large in the male. Proboscis shorter than the head, conical, somewhat compressed, incurved towards the prosternum, receding from the palpi, and armed at the tip toith a short stout sjnne (the projecting extremity of the tongue). Wings oblong, the dis- cal transverse vein distant by much less than its oicn h'ngth from the hind margin, the subapical vein nearly straight and parallel with the cubital. Abdomen finely pubescent, with the first segment not longer than the second ; in the female, of five segments and somewhat conical ; in the male, of six segments, a little compressed behind, rounded at the tip, and enlarged by the protuberance of the hypopygimn ; this is nearly globose, deflected, furnished at the tip beneath tvith two broad injluted lamellce, and some slender appendages between them. Legs long; the outside of the tibiae, and the femora towards the tip, armed with some spines ; the whole anterior surface of the fore coxfe and the under side of the fore trochanters beset with spines ; the fore tibia armed with a strong spine or spur at the tip inside ; the third metatarsus longer than the following joint ; the onychia more thickened to the tip with pubes- cence than is usual in this family. The form of the head, the antennBe, and the direction of the proboscis, resemble some of the EmpidcB, as the genus Chersodro- mia. In tlie general form and the wings, the strongest likeness is to Ihjdrophorus, and the fore legs are armed yet more formidably than in that genus. The known s])ecies both i're(|uent the verge of the sea. LONCHOPTEBIDiE. 221 1. raptor, (Hal. MSS.) Cbierem, antemds 7iigris, pedibus ferrurji- neis. Long. 2|- ; alai*. 5 lin. Cinereus. Palpi straw-colour, silvered in the male. Antennce black ; the third joint twice as long as the two preceding together in the female, yet more in the male, very slender except at the base, where it is suddenly thickened ; arista about as long as the antenna!, naked, thick at the base, very slender at the tip. Wings brownish-hyaline. Lamella of the male oblong-ovate, yellowish-brown, fringed at the tip with very long hairs. Lec/s ferrugmous, the coxfe and sometimes the base of the femora greyish-black ; hind femora a little dusky before the tip ; tarsi much longer than the tibife, dusky towards the tip. The fore femora are strongly pectinated in a double row beneath, the posterior pairs only so towards the tip, and have three or four long spines in a row in front ; the fore tibiaj are minutely pectinated in a double row inside, and slightly dilated at the tip. In the nude the base of the second joint of the fore tarsus is a little dilated. Eare^ on rocks and shingle by the sea. First found at Torquay by Mr. Dale j it has occurred also at Dundrum Bay. (E. I.) 2. ferox, (Hal. MSS.) Cinereus, antennls bad pedibusque ferriKji- neis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2i lin. Cinereous. Palpi dusky, in the male silvered. Eyes meeting below the antenniB in the male, nearly so in the female. ArdenncB loiih the fird two joints ferruginous, the third joint as long as these together, conical, black ; arista more than twice as long as the antennae. Wings nearly hyaline. Lamella? of the male broadly ovate, blackish-brown, almost naked. Legs ferruginous; the posterior coxte and the base of the fore pair grey ; tarsi dusky towards the tip, the posterior pairs scarcely longer than the tibiae, the last joint a little dilated ; spines of the tibia? slender, femora with only a few scattered ones ; fore tibia lengthened at the tip inside into a slender process, which bears the spur. In the male, the fore tarsus is compressed and dilated from the tip of the first joint, the exterior joints becoming oval, and the hind metatarsus is fringed in the middle with a few long erect hairs. Not rare on the southern coast of England. Eound by Mr. Walker. (E.) Family XXII. LONCHOPTERID^-. LoNcuoPTERiD^, Ct. OxyptercE, Mg. Phytomyidce p.. Fin.; Ztl. Lonchopterince, Mq. Proboscis distincta. Genae vibrissatce. Ociili dislautes. Alec apice acu- minata ; vena cubitalis simplex ; areola disealis nulla ; lobus axil- laris obsoletus. 222 LONCHOPTEBID.E. Proboscis distincl. Cheeks bristly. Eyes distant. Tip of the wiiuj pointed; cubital vein simple ; discal areolet wautiwj ; axillary lobe obsolete . Genus I. LONCHOPTERA. LoNCHOPTERA, Mg. ill. mag. (1803); Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. i>«>sa, Flu. Corpus angustum, lineare, raro setosum. Oculi valde conspicui. Antennae articulo tertio suborbiculato, compresso ; quarto tertii apice insidcnte ; sexto longo, setiformi, pubescente. Ala; angusta?. Pedes cursorii. Body narrow. Head transverse, almost oval, as broad as the thorax, somewhat lengthened beneath ; front broad, rather fiat, l^esct with a few long stout bristles ; cpistoma nearly straight, short, depressed, con- tracted, bristly on each side ; peristoma round, large, bristly on the border. Proboscis hardly projecting, tumid at the base. Labruui stout, sublinear, obliquely acuminated, as long as the labium. Lingua setiform, very slender, half the length of the labium. Maxilla? none. Palpi large, clavate, flat, pubescent ou the fore border. Labella narrow, elongated, somewhat hairy. Antenna? 6-jointed, porrect, remote at the base ; third joint broad suborbicidate ; fourth and fifth very short ; fourth apical ; sixth long, setiform, pubescent. Thorax oval, bristly ; scutellum transverse, semielliptical. Wings lanceolate, narrow, finely pubescent, without the usual transverse veins, incumbent, fiat and parallel in repose ; praebrachial vein forked ; alulse very small. Haltcres uncovered, with large oval knobs. Abdomen with 6 segments, long, linear, depressed ; first segment largest. Legs long, bristly, formed for running ; claws and onychia small. Male. Anal vein of the wing joining the hind border. Sixth abdo- minal segment curved beneath, with two hairy lamellae. Fern. Anal vein united to the pobrachial vein. The veining of the wings may be compared to that of Opetia ; but the praebrachial vein appears displaced, an oblique transverse vein arising in its place and running to meet the cubital near its origin, while the prsebrachial arises from the pobrachial far beyond this, and is soon after parted into two branches. If the wing be viewed in a particular light, however, a fold of the membrane is visible in the usual place of the prfebrachial vein at its base, as if this portion were obliterated, and the vein, where it commences distinctly, bent back to join the following. The anal vein takes its rise nearly as in Opetia, but in the female it runs in a curve to join the pobrachial vein before the margin. The short sub- . costal vein is minutely pectinated, as are also the pobrachial and PLATYPEZID^. 323 anal veins and the posterior brancli of the prsebrachial. Tlie mediastinal vein is very faint and close to the subcostal. These flies are small, very active, and abound from the beginning of spring till the end of autumn on shores, marshy woods, and in most grassy spots. 1. lutea, Pz. ! fii. cvoii. 20, 21 (1815 ?) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Zti.—furcata, Fin. Tedacea, alls sullimpidis. Long, li-li ; alar. 3-3^ lin. Testaceous. Eyes and antennte black. Whujs almost colowless. Haltorcs pale yeUow. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 2. flavicauda, Mg. zw. iv. ]07. 2 (1824); Mq. ; Ct. ! b. e. 701. — rlpar/a? Mg.; Mq. — rivalis? Mg.; Mq. — uiffrimana? Mg. ; Mq. — tkoracica ? INIg. ; Mq. Lutea, alls subfulvis, ahdomine supra fusco late- ribus apiceque luteo. Long, l^-l^^; alar. 3^-4 liu. Luteous. Eyes and antennae black. Wings slightly tawny. Ab- domen brown above, luteous on each side and towards the tip. Generally distributed. (E. S. I,) 3. lacustris, Mg. zw. iv. 107. 3 (1824); M([.—2mlustris? Mg. Lutea, alls subfulvis, abdomine supra n'ujro-fusco . Long. li-l|^ ; alar. 3i-4 lin. Luteous. Eyes and antenna' black. Wings slujhtly tawny. Ab- domen blackish-brown above. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 4. punctum, Mg. zw. iv. 110. 9 (1824). Ferrur/inea, thorace niyro- vittato, scutello apice albido, alis subfidvis, abdomine nigro-fusco apice luteo. Long, li-1-^ ; alar. 3|— 4 lin. Ferruginous. Thorax with a black stripe; tip of the scutellum, whitish. Eyes and antenna? black. IFings slightly tawny. Halteres and legs tawaiy. Abdomen dark brown above. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 5. tristis, Mg. zw. iv. 110. 10 (1824) ; Mq. Obscure ferrnginea, alis cinereis, abdomine supra fusco, pedibus palUdioribus. Long. 1 J-l|^ ; alar. 3|-4 lui. Dark ferruginous. Eyes and antcnufe black. JFings grey. Hal- teres tawnv. Abdomen brown above. Legs pale feiTuginous. Not rare. (E.) Family XXIIL PLATYPEZIDJi]. Bolichopodes p., LI. Flatypezince, Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. DoUchopida; p., Lch. Proboscis brevis, inaxillis uuUis. Antennae articulo tertio compresso, arista 324 PLATYPEZID^. apicali. Ala vena ambiente nulla, cubitali simplici ; areola brachiali utraque et anali completis, hac oblique acuminata, lobo axillari ro- tundato (iu Opetia et Platy enema fere obsoleto). Abdornen segmen- tis sex. Proboscis distinct. Antennce with the last joints forming a slender arista, lohich is attached to the third Joint as its tip. TTing tvith the axillary lobe rounded, nearly oljsolete iu the genera Platycnema and Opetia ; cubital vein simjjle ; brachial veins without a spurious vein ; mediastinal vein usually distinct and distant from subcostal, the latter extending far beyond the middle of the costa, (but in Platycnema less distinct and nearer to the subcostal.) The species of this family are all of small size. The genera may be thus arranged : — 'distinct: fforked .... 1. Platypeza. Prsebrachial vein < tsimple .... 2. Callomyia. Discal areolet none : fforked .... 4. Opetia. . Praebrachial vein < [simple .... 3. Platycnema. Genus I. PLATYPEZA. Platypeza, Mg. ill. mag. (1803) ; Fin. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Gr. Dolichopus p., Fb. ; LI. ; Lm. Al(e areola discali completa, vena prfBbrachiali furcata, ramo anteriore obliquo prope cubitalem exeunte. Tarsi postici compressi. Oculi maris fronte contigui, fcem. distantes. Body velvety. Head semicirculai-, somewhat depressed in fi-ont. Labrum clavate, very short. Palpi spathulate, pubescent at the tips, as long as the labium. Labium short, cylindrical. Antenna3 6-jointed, small, straight, porrect, approximate ; first and second joints almost cylindrical ; third somewhat longer, elliptical, compressed ; fourth and fifth very small ; fourth apical ; sixth long, setiform. Thorax oval ; scutellum almost quadrate. Wings rather large, incumbent, flat and parallel in repose ; middle transverse vein very near the base ; apical transverse vein formed by an oblique anterior branch of the prabrachial, approaching very near to the cubital at the end, without meeting it. Discal areolet complete. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen elliptical. Anterior legs slender ; hind legs broad, especially the tarsi, whose joints are almost equally long ; first and second somewhat shorter ; fifth slender. Male. Eyes approximate. Fern. Eyes remote. The FlatypezcB inhabit woods, and are scarce ; their larvrc live in fungi. PLATYPEZA. 225 a. Posterior branch of prsebrachial vein not reaching the margin. b. Anterior branch almost straight. Species 1. b h. Anterior branch curved. Species 2-6. a a. Posterior branch reaching the margin. Species 7-10. 1. furcata, Phi. sph 2. 4(1827); Mg.; Mq. ; Ztt. Ni(/ro-fusca, alls fn&cnnh, vena subapicalis ramo antico subrecto, postico ahbreviato. Ijon"-. 14 ; ahir. 4 lin. Dusky black. Head and thorax with a dull cinereous gloss in the female. Antennaj with the first two joints dvdl yellowish, darker in the male, the third joint black, tlie arista placed rather towards its upper edge, straight. JFings narrow, smoky-hyaline in the female ; more dusky in the male, with the mediastinal areolet darker. Anterior branch of fJie prfpbrachial vein almost straujht, ^//e 0(^/'6'r considerably abbreviated. Discal and anal areolets distant from the hind margin, the terminal portion of the pobrachial and anal veins being nearly twice the length of the discal-transverse and subanal veins respectively. Halteres blackish-brown with the base pale. Abdomen with the hinder seg- ments from the fourth somewhat glossy ; in the male ending with an incurved hypopygium (nearly as in Callomyia, but the forceps at the tip small and indistinct). Legs dusky, paler in the female ; tarsi except the tip (and fore tibiae in the female) dull yellowish. Hind tarsi nearly as in P. boletina, viz., the joints nearly equal in length and the first three dilated in the male ; third joint longest, fourth also dilated with the external angle of the tip produced, in the female. Rare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) 2. boletina. Pin. plat. 4. 1 (181.5): Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Cana, an- tennis piceis, thoracis disco lurido, alis limpidis, ahdoniine pedibnsque fnlvis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 4^ lin. Hoary. Antennae piceous. Disc of the thorax lurid. Wings colourless. Halteres, abdomen, and legs tawny. Eare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 3. fasciata, Pb. s. a. 271. 22 (180.5); LI. ; Pz. ! fn. ciii. 20; Pin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Cana, antennis pedibnsque piceis, alis Vnn- pidis,abdomine basifasciisque cauis,tarsisfuhis. Long. \\; alar. 5 lin. Fem. Hoary. Antennae piceous. Wings colourless. Halteres tawny, with piceous knobs. Abdomen black at the base and along the fore bor- der of each segment. Legs tawny ; femora and tibite mostly piceous. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 4. aterrima, Wlk. e. m. iii. 181 (1835). — brunnipemiis'^ Mq. Atra, alls fuscis, pedibus nigris vel niyro-piceis. Long. 1|-; alar. 5 lin. Male. Deep black. Wings dusky. Halteres and legs black or dark piceous. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Clnb. (E.) 5. atra. Pin. plat. 6. 3 (1815); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Atra, alis lim- pidis, pedibus piceis, tarsisfulvis. Long. \\ ; alar. 4 lin. VOL. I. 2 G 226 PLATYPEZID^. Male. Deep black. Wings colourless. Halteres tawny, with piceous knobs. Legs piceoKS ; tarsi tarcny. Rare. (E.) 6. infumata, Hal. a. n. h. ii. 184 {\%'^%).—vittata, Zii.—ornaia'^ Mg. zw. vii. 145. 11 (1838). Atra, ano cinereo,Mas.; ^MtCasia, tho- racis vitta lata postice tricuspidata, abdomiuisque fasciis prima et secunda medio connexis atris, Foem. Long. 2 ; alar. 4w lin. Male deep black, the last segment of the abdomen cinereous. Female bluish-tchite ; antennse and tubercle of the vertex black ; mesonotum with three deep black longitudinal bands, in front confluent, the lateral ones shorter, behind pointed, and not reaching to the scutellum. Ab- domen with the second and third segments deep black, the latter icith a bluish-white spot on each side ; the fourth and fifth at the base, the sixth entirely deep black. Wings hyaline, veins blackish ; second branch of the prfebrachial vein little abbreviated, the terminal portion of the pobrachial and anal veins, respectively, only half the length of the discal-transverse and the subanal veins, wliich they adjoin, so that the discal and anal areolets approach the hind margin ; mediastinal areolet faintly yellowish in the male. Halteres blackish in the male, in the female dusky, with pale base. Legs dusky, in the female inclining to testaceous, the base of the tibiee paler ; tarsi dull yellowish at the base, dusky towards the tip. Not common. May. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) According' to Meigen^s description of P. ornata [foem.), the second branch of the prsebrachial vein is not abbreviated, and the black markings of the abdomen are somewhat differently distri- buted ; so that, with Zetterstedt, I hesitate to cite it, altliough the agreement in the marking of the thorax seems to be complete. 7. picta, Mg. zw. vi. 358. 9 (1830); Ztt. d. s.—fasciata. Fin.— fumipennis, Ztt. i. 1. Mas. Atra, antennis basi pedibusque lividis, alis fnscis, abdominis apice cinereo. Fcem. Cana, antennis basi pedibusque fla- vescentibus, thoracis pictura dorsali abdominisque fasciis incsqualibus atris. Long. 2-3 ; alar. 4-6 lin. Male. Beep black, rather hairy. Head greyish-black. Antennas black, livid at the base. Wings pale brown. Halteres brown, with black knobs. Tip of the abdomeyi grey. Legs brown ; knees and tarsi paler. Fem. Hoary, almost bare. Antennce brown, testaceous at tJie base. Thorax with 2 black stripes in front, and 3 blackish-brown con- fluent spots on each side. Wings colourless. Halteres whitish, with brown knobs. Abdomen whitish, with black bands ; some of them short. Legs yelloioish. Rare. In the British Museum. (E.) 8. dorsalis, Mg. zw. iv. 7. 5 (1824); Mq. Alis limpidis, pedibu» fuho-fuscis ; Mas. atra ; Fcem. thorace cinereo 7iigro-vittato, abdomine cano fasciis confluentibus atris. Long. 1|-; alar. 4 lin. CALLOMYIA. 227 Wings colourless. Halteres tawny. Legs brownish ; tarsi with a tawny tinge. Male. Beep black. Fern. Thorax hoary, with 4 black stripes. Abdomen hoary, with confluent black bauds. Rare. (E.) 9. holosericea, Mg. zw. iv. 8. 6 (1824); Mq. Alis I imp id is ; 3Ias. atra, abdominis apice cine7'eo ; Foem. thorace cinereo fusco-vittato, abdomine cano fasciis macxdaque dorsali atris. Long. IJ ; alar. 4 lin. Wings colourless. Male. Deep black. Halteres and legs piceous. Abdomen hoary at the tip. Fem. Front dull gTey. Thorax brownish- grey, with darker stripes. Halteres tawny. Abdomen hoary, with an elliptical black spot extending from the second to the fifth segment ; first segment grey ; sutures black. Legs brown. Eare. (E.) 10. fumipennis, Wlk. e. m. iv. 181 (1835). Mas. Atra, alisfuscis, pedibus piceis,tarsisfulvis. Long. If; alar. 3^ lin. jl/a/^. Deep black. Wings slightly brown. Halteres tawny, with piceous knobs. Legs tawny ; femora and tibiae mostly piceous. Eare. lu the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) Genus IL CALLOMYIA. Callomyia, Mg. kl. (1804); Pz. ; Fin. Bolichopus p., Fb. ; LI. Al(B areola discali completa, vena prcebrachiali simplici. Tarsi articulo primo longissimo. Abdomen maris apice iucurvum. Oculi maris fronte contigui, foem. distantes. Body velvet}'', convex. Head semicircular. Proboscis very short. Palpi cylindrical. Labium very slender and obliquely furcate at the tip. AntenuaB 6-jointed, porrect, straight, approximate ; first and second joints almost cylindrical, somewhat bristly ; tliird oblong, acute ; fourth and fifth very short ; fourth apical ; sixth long, setiform. Wings large, finely pubescent, incumbent, fiat and parallel in repose ; discal areolet long ; prcebrachial vein not forked; middle transverse vein very near the base. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen oblong, cylindrical. Hind legs longer and thicker than the anterior legs; tarsi broad; me- tatarsi as long as the other 4 joints. Male. Colour generally black. Eyes contiguous. Abdomen compressed, narrow at the tip. Fem. Colour brighter, more varied. Eyes remote. The CaUomijice inhabit hedges and woods; all the species are scarce. 1. elegans, Fb. s. a. 271. 21 (1805); Pz. ! fn. ciii. 18, 19; LI.; Lm. ; Mg. ; ]\lq. ; Ztt. — leptiformis {mas.). Fin. Atra, halteribus fulvis, pedibus fiavis posticis nigricantihus ; Mas. abdominis segmentorum tertii quartique marginibus posticis interrupte albo-fasciatis ; Foem. thorace macnlis 3 argenteis, abdomine fasciis antice luteis poslice ar- genteis. Long. If; alar. 4 hn. 228 VLATYFEn-DM. Black. Wings coloui'less. liuUeres tawny. Legs yellow ; hind legs blackish. Male. Hind border of the third and fourth abdominal segments with interrupted lohite bands. Fem. Thorax with 3 silvery spots. Ab- domen tvith 2 luteous and 2 silvery bands. Eare. In the British Museum. (E. I.) 2. amcena? Mg. zw. iv. 12. 2 (1824); Mq. ; Zii.—leptiformis var. c, Fhi. Atra, antemiis pedibusque piceis, ahs limpiclis, halteribus luteis, tibiis tarsisque anterioribus fulvis ; Fcem. thorace maculis 3 argen- teis, abdomine antice fulvo postice fascia argentea. Long. 1^ ; alar. Si lin. Male. Deep black, velvet-like. Antennce piceous. Wings colour- less. Halteres luteous. Legs piceous ; anterior tibice and tarsi taicny , the latter piceous towards the tips. Fem. Thorax with 3 silvery spots. First, second, and third abdominal segments luteous ; fifth tvith a silvery hand. Femora tatcny. Eare. In Mr. Stephens^s collection. (E. I.) 8. speciosa, Mg. zw. iv. 14. 6 (1824); Mq. ; Ztt. d. s.—lepti- formis var. /3, Ztt. a. h. Atra, alis limpidis, halteribus piceis apice nigris, tibiis tarsisque anterioribus ferrugbieis ; Foem. thorace maculis Z argenteis, abdomine fasciis 1 lutea 2>que argenteis, femoribus ferrugineis. Long. 1|-; alar. 4 lin. Deep black. Wings colourless. Halteres piceous, zcith black knobs. Legs black ; anterior tibice and tarsi ferruginous. Fem. Thorax with 3 silvery spots. Abdomen with 1 luteous and 3 silvery bands. Femora ferruginous. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) Var. Male with a silveiy spot at each side of the third segment. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (I.) 4. leptiformis, Fin. raeth. d. 25. 2 (1810); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Aterrima, halteribus fulvis, alis hyalinis ; Mas. abdominis strigis 3 lateralibus argenteis ; Fcem. thoracis maculis tribus argenteis, abdominis fasciis 3 interruptis, prima lutea, seqiientibus et quarta Integra argenteis. Long. 1^ ; alar. 3i lin. Male. Beep black. IFings hyaline. Halteres fulvous, with ;i dusky streak. Abdomen with a. silvery streak on each side of the secotttl, third, and fourth segments. Legs dusky ; fore tibiae and metatarsi yellowish ; hind tibiiie and tarsi blackish. Fem. Black. Head silvery. Thorax with three silvery spots. Halteres fid vous, immaculate. Second segment of the abdomen tvith a broad interrupted luteous band, third and fourth with interrupted, sixth with entire silvery band. Legs luteous ; the tips of the tarsi," the hind pair entirely, with the hind tibiae and knees, dusky. Legs (especially hind pair) shorter and thicker than usual. Eare. In Mr. Ilaliday^s collection. (I.) .5. antennata, Ztt. a. h. (1819). 79. 32; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. Mas. Atra, alis subfuscis, halteribus pedibusque nigro-piceis. Foem. Nigra, alis PLATYCNEMA. 229 limpidis, Jialteribus fulvis apice piceis, pedibus fulois femorihus apice tarsisquefuseis. Long. li-l|; alar. 3| lin. Male. Deep black. JVbigs slightly brown. Halteres and legs piceous or almost black. Fern. Black. Wings colourless. Halteres taivny, with piceous knobs. Legs tawny ; tarsi and lips of the femora brown. Eare. In the collection of tlie Entomological Club, (E. I.) Genus III. PLATYCNEMA. Platvcnema, Ztt. d. s. i. 332 (1842). Empis p., Flu. Cyrtoma p., Ztt. i. 1. Atelestus, Wlk. Alee areola discali nulla, vena prabrachiali simpUci. Oculi fronte con- tigui in utroque sexu. Body minute, black, soft, gibbous, pubescent. Head small, globose. Eyes bare, contiguous. Proboscis declining, very short. Palpi com- pressed, incumbent, very minute. Antenna? small, very short ; third joint oval. Costa of the wing distinctly ciliated from the base to the middle; anal areolet short ; prabrachial vein not forked. Hind tibia and hind tarsi broad. Male. Abdomen obtuse at the tip. Fem. Abdomen longer, acute. 1. pulicaria, Pin. d. s. emp. 33. 44 (1815) ; Ztt. — sylvicola, Wlk. Nigro-cinerea, antennis nigris, alis cinereis, halteribus pedibusque nigro-fuscis, genubus fulvis. Long. |- ; alar. 1^ lin. Male. Greyish-black, hairy, hardly shining. Proboscis, palpi, and antennae black ; third joint of the antennas short-conical, a little longer than the preceding ; fourth about thrice the length of all the preceding. Wings grey; stigma brown; veins black, dark tawny at the base. Halteres blackish-brown. Legs blackish-brown, hairy ; knees tawny ; hind tibise much dilated ; hind metatarsi long, dilated. Very rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. I.) Genus IV. OPETIA. Opetia, Mg. zw. vi. 357 (1830); Mq. ; Ct. ; Ztt. Corpus parvum, elongatum, rectum, subpubescens, opacum. Color niger. Proboscis subexserta. Antenn;ie 5-articulata3, porrectaj, longitudine capitis; articulus primus subcyathiformis ; secundus subovatus ; tertius fusiformis ; quartus minutus ; quintus setiformis, pubcscens. Thorax gibbus. Ala3 incumbeutes ; areola discali nulla, pobrachiali et anaU minutis ; vena prcebrachiali furcata. Alulae minimse, subovata). Pedes subnudi, iuermes, simplices ; tibia) apice spinosa?; tarsi graciles ; metatarsi postioi articulo secundo fere duplo 230 PIPUNCULID^. lougiores. Oculi maria fronte contigui,foem. dlstantes. Foem. Abdomen apice incurvo lamelliformi. Body small, slender, pubescent, black, dull. Head transverse : face orbicular, with a row of bristles on each side. Eyes large, ovate, with a few bristles on each side. Ocelli 3, seated on a tubercle. Proboscis slightly projecting. Palpi bare, clavate, shorter than the labium. Labium short. Antennae 5-jointed, subsetaceous, pubescent, inserted near the middle of the face, approximate at the base, nearly as long as the head ; first and second joints beset with a few bristles ; first some- what cyathifoim ; second larger, nearly oval ; third fusiform ; fourth minute ; fifth long, setiform, hairy to the tip. Thorax subglobose ; fore part very gibbous, and projecting over the head ; scutellum a little elevated. Wings incumbent and parallel in repose. Alidse very small. Halteres large, uncovered. Abdomen vnih six segments. Legs simple, unarmed, almost bare ; tibise subclavate ; tips of the tibiae slightly spurred ; hind tarsi slender ; hind metatarsi very long ; onychia small, hairy. Male. Eyes connected. Tern. Eyes remote. Abdomen ending in a recurved oblong plate. The Opetia appear in summer and autumn on leaves of slu'ubs. 1. nigra, Mg. zw. vi. 357. 1 (1830) ; Mq. ; Zii.—lonchopteroides {fcem.), Hal.; Ct. ! b. e. 489. 2. Nigra, alis cinereis ad costara fuscis, abdomine nigro-fusco. Long. 1 ; alar. 2\ lin. Black, thinly clothed with black hairs. Eyes red ; facets of mo- derate size. Wings grey, brown beneath the fore border ; veins black. Halteres and abdomen dark brown. Legs clothed with very short black hairs. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) Family XXIV. PIPUNC UL ID JE. PiPUNCULiD^, Ct. SyrpliicE p., LI. Megacephali, Mg. CepJialopsides p., LI. Syrphici, Eln. Pipunculini, Ztt. Caput hemisphcericum, oculis niaximis peristoma stringentihus, fronte et epistomate angustissimis. Proboscis brevis, maxillis nuUis, palpis erectis. Autennce articnlo tertio compresso dejiexo, arista dorsali sub- erecta. Alee vena ambiente nulla, cubitali simplici, areola brachial! utraque completa, lobo axillari rotundato. Tibiae apice muticae. Abdomen segmentis sex. Head large, hemispherical, with concave occiput versatile on a pro- jecting slender neck of prothorax. Eyes very large, bordering the narrow peristoma, unarmed ; face and front narrow linear, the eyes in the male sometimes meeting on the front. Ocelli three in a triangle on the vertex. AntenncB shoit, the third joint compressed and dejlected, hearing above a slender ascending arista, 3-jointed, the first two joints VIPUNCULUS. 231 very minute. Proboscis short, scarcely projecting ; the labella pouting, the labrura and tongue very short ; the palpi slender, erect ; maxillse none. Thorax subglobose ; no suture of the mesonotum before the wings; sides of the prothorax with defined callosities. Wings long; the costal vein tiot continued round the hind rnurjjin ; mediastinal dis- tinct ; cubital simple ; prsebrachial outwardly bent towards the cubital, and ending close to it, so that the subapical areolet tapers almost to a point ; brachial areolets both complete, the posterior reaching to about the tliird of the wing's length, the anterior longer ; anal areolet tapering to a point close to the hind margin. (In some the prsebrachial and anal veins are imperfect, and the subapical, discal, and anal areolets consequently undefined.) Axillary lobe rounded; alulae inconspicuous. Abdomen cylindrical or depressed, of six segments, besides the hypopy- gium, vvhicli in the female forms an incurved pointed horny ovipositor. Legs rather short ; fore pair but little removed, their coxje reaching to the intermediate pair ; tibia? without terminal spines ; tarsi with the first joint longest ; onychia large ; empodium setaceous, recurved. a. Wings with a discal areolet. Genus 1. Pipunculus. a a. Wings without a discal areolet. Genus 2. Chalarus. Genus I PIPUNCULUS. Pipunculus, LI. h. n. xiv. (1810); Mg. ; St. F. et Sw. ; Hal.; Mq. CepUalops, Fin. Microcera, Mg. Al(B vena cubitali undulata, preehrachiali et anali integris ; areoUs subapicali et anali apice attenuatis. Head semicircular, large ; epistoraa small, linear ; peristoma narrow. Proboscis short, concealed. Labrum horny, triangidar, very short. Lingua horny, pointed, extremely small. Palpi clavate, somewhat curved, bare, with 2 little bristles at the tip, as long as the labium. Labium short, thick, fleshy, cylindrical. Antenna? approximate, small, 5-jointed ; first joint extremely small ; second short, cyathiform ; third deflcxed, compressed, generally pointed ; fourth seated on the base of the third ; fifth setiform. Thorax oval ; scutellum semicircidar. Wings long, pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; cubital vein undu- lated; froibrachial and anal veins complete; alula? very small. Halteres micovered. Male. Eyes contiguous. Tip of the abdomen obtuse. Fern. Eyes parted. Tip of the abdomen horny, pointed, cuiwed beneath. The Pipimcnli inhabit woods and fields, and often hover in the air. The species may be thus grouped : — a. Prsebrachial vein simple. b. Abdomen cylindrical. c. Wings without a stigma. Species 1-3. c c. Wings with a stigma. Species 4-6. 232 pipunculidtE. b b. Abdomen flat. Species 7, 8. a a. Prsebraclual vein forked. Species 9. 1. maculatus, Wlk. e. m. ii. 264. 1 (1834). — lateralis, Mq. M)ieo-ater , abdominis lateribns pedibufique fulvis ; Mas. alisfuscis; Foem. alis subciuei'eis. Long, l^-lf; alar. 2|— 3^ lin. jEu eons-black. Head silvery. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with the second and third segments taiony on each side. Legs tawny. Male. Wings broion. Fern. Wings pale grey. Not common. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. L) 2. sylvaticus, Mg. zw. iv. 20. 3 (1824); Mq. ; Wlk.; Ztt. Nigro-viridis, gennbus tarsisqiie fulvis ; Mas. alis subfuscis ; Foem. alis chiereis. Long. 1;5:-1-| ; alar. 2-2;^ lin. Oi^eenish-hlack. Head silvery. Halteres tawny. Knees and tarsi tatvny. Male. Wings broicnish. Fern. Wings grey. Not rare. (E. I.) 3. geniculatus, Mg. zw. iv. 30. 2 (1824); Mq. ; Wlk.; Ztt. Niger, qenubiis fulvis ; Mas. alis subfuscis ; Foem. alis subcitiereis. Long, ii-f ; alar. 2^-3^ lin. Black. Head silvery. Wings rather short. Halteres tawny. Kitees tawny. Male. Wings slightly broion. Fem. Wings pale grey. Not rare. (E.) 4. flavipes, Mg. zw. iv. 21. .5 (1824); Mq. ; Wlk.; Ztt. Niger, alis cinereis, pedibus fulvis. Long. 1|— 2 ; alar. 4^-5 lin. Black. Head silvery. Wings grey. Halteres and legs tawny. Not rare. (E. S. L) 5. pratorum, Eln. d. s. syrph. 15. 1 (1816) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. ! b. e. 757 ; Wlk.; Ztt. Nigro-cinereus, alis subcinereis, pedibus fulvis, fe- moribus nigro-fasciatis. Long. 1^; alar. 4 lin. Black, tinged with grey. Head silvery. Wings pale grey. Halteres yellow. Legs tawny ; femora loith broad black bands. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 6. campestris, LI. h. n. xiv. 392(1810) ; Mg. ; Lch. ; Mq. ; Wlk. ; Ztt. — cephalotes, Bosc. Niger, thoracis lateribus abdomineque basi canis, alis subcinereis, tibiis basi genubusque Jtavis. Long. l-|-2 ; alar. 4-5 lin. Black. Head silvery. Sides of the thorax and base of the abdomen hoary. Wings slightly grey. Halteres tawny. Tibi(S towards the base and knees yellow. Generally distributed. (E.I.) 7. modestus, Hal. e. m. 1. 162 (1833) ; Wlk. Ater, opacus, anten- nis acuminatis, abdominis maculis lateralibus cinereis. Long. 2; alar. 5 lin. Black, dull. Front silvery, glossed above with black. Antenna; acuminated. Wings dark grey. Halteres piceous. Abdomen with lateral grey triangular spots almost meeting in the middle. Knees and CHALAIIUS. 233 base of fore tarsi yellowish. Fem. Hypopygium short, globular, with a blackish spine. Not rare. (E.) 8. ruralis, Mg. zw. iv. 22. 8(1824); Mq. ; Wlk.; Ztt. Cinereus, alis subcinereis, ahdominis lateribus cano-macidatis, genubus fulvis, iarsis piceis. Long. 1^-2 ; alar. 4|^-5^ Lin. Cinereous. Head silvery. TFbujs pale grey . Haltcres piceous, with whitish bands. Abdomen loith triangular hoary spots along each side. Legs black; knees tawny, tarsi piceous. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 9. auctus. Fin. d. s. syrph. 61. 1. 2(1816); Mg. ; Mq. ; W^.; Ztt. Cinereus, alis subcinereis, abdominis lateribus cano-maculatis, genubus fulvis, tarsis piceis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4^ lin. Cinereous. Head silvery. Wings pale grey. Hulteres ferruginous. Abdomen with triangular hoary spots along each side. Legs black ; knees tawny ; tarsi piceous. Not common. (E. S. I.) Genus II. CHALARUS. Chalarus, Wlk. e. m.ii. 269(1834). Plpunculus p., Mg. Cephalops p., Fin. Ateleueura, Mq. Al(E vena cubitali fere recta, prcebrachiali et anali abbreviatis. Antennffi with the third joint oval. Wings of moderate length ; third cubital vein almost straight ; prabrachial and anal veins imperfect. Abdomen depressed. Male. Eyes parted. 1. holosericeus, Mg. zw. iv. 34. 12 (1824); Mq.; Wlk.; Ztt. Niger, thoracis lateribus ahdoniineque nigro-fuscis, alis subcinereis, pe- dibus fuscis ; Frcin. tarsis flavis. Long. 1 ; alar. 2 lin. Black, dull. Sides of the thorax and abdomen blacMsh-broicn. Wings pale grey. Male. Halteres and legs brown ; knees and tarsi paler. Fem. Halleres and legs yellow ; femora and tibice mostly brown. Not common. (E. I.) 2. spurius, Fin. d. s. syrph. 16. 3 (1816); Mg. ; Wlk.; Ztt.— velutinus, ]\I([. Niger, alis cinereis ; Foam, abdomine tarsisque nigro- fuscis. Long. 1-1 T ; 'ih^i*- 2-2i lin. Black, dull, hairy. Wings dark grey . Fem. Wings imler. Abdomen and tarsi blackish-brown. Not common. (E. I.) 3. exiguus, Hal. e.m. 1. 162 (1833). Cinereus, alis limpidis, hal- teribus albis, pedibus fusco-pallidis. Long, f ; alar. 1-| lin. VOL.. I. 2 n 234 SYRPHID^. Obscure cinereous. Wings colourless, with a faint brown costal spot. Ilalteres white. Legs dusky yellow ; femora and middle of hind tibia brotcn. Rare. (E.) In Mr. Haliday's collection. Family XXV. SYRPHIDiE. Syrphid^, Lcli. ; Wtw. Syrphice, LI. g. e. ; Lm. ; St. F. et Srv. ; Mq. Syrphii, Mq. Syrphides, LI. r. a. Hyrphidia p., Efnq. Syrphici, Flu. ; Ztt. ; Ags. Sclerostoma p., Dmr. Aplocera p., Dmr. Chetolona p., Dmr. SyrpUina, Nwm. Syrphoides, Bmr. Sirphina, Rdn. Proboscis porrecta, hasi geniculata, maxilUs et palpis basi connatis. An- tenna articido tertio compresso, arista B-articulata, articulis pe- nultimis minutis aut indistinctis. Ala lobo axillari rotundato ; vena ambieute nulla, cubitali simplici, spuriis binis ; areola altera completa juxta discalem propi^is apicem, bracliiali utraque et anali alse dimidium circiter attiugeutibus. Abdomen segmentis 5 (raro pluri- bus). Tibiae mnticse. Body large or middle-sized ; ovate, oblong, or linear ; more or less covered with short pubescence or soft hairs, very rarely a few stiff bristles intermixed on the thorax ( Volucella, Chrysoclamis) ; colours often brilliant, sometimes metallic, yellow predominating in the markings. Head about as broad as the thorax ; eyes not touching the peristoma, often meeting on the front in the males, but distant in the females. Occiput concave ; neck ligament very slender, so that the head is ver- satile. Ocelli three in a triangle on the unarmed vertex. Face ample, unarmed ; ofteu elongated downwards or forwards, and gibbous below. Peristoma usually oblong, expanded, with a prominent margin, to con- tain the prol)oscis Mdien retracted. jMentum developed, membranous, forming a flexible fulcrum jointed at an angle with the porrected pro- boscis. Labella pouting, fleshy. Labrum stout, strongly notched on each side near the tip. Palpi slender, more or less connate with the se- taceous maxillae, their relative length being variable, rarely very minute {Microdon). Antennse ])orrected or droophig, the third joint large, bearing on its upper edge, but rarely at the extremity (Ceria, CalUcera), the slender terminal joints which form the arista or style ; these nor- mally are three, but the first two are very short, and often become in- distinct. Thorax rather depressed ; the mesosternum little sloped, not entirely concealed by the fore coxa3 ; sutm'e before the wings, inter- rupted in the middle ; scutelliun rather large, usually semicircidar, over- hanging the metathorax. Lips of metathoracic spiracles, and a twisted filiform appendage oh each side between them and the base of the SYRPHIDiE. 235 alulae, lanuginose. Wings incumbent or divaricated in repose ; hind margin veinless, the costal vein ending at or before the tip of the wing, where it receives the cubital, or radial in case the cubital is previously merged in this {VoluceUa, EristaUs) ; mediastinal vein distinct, ending about the middle of costa, subcostal continued nearer to the tip ; me- diastinal areolet (contained between the two) often coloured, appearing as a narrow stigma ; tcrnate areolet long, viz., the prtebrachial extend- ing to about the half-length of the wmg, the pobracliial not much shorter, the aual again longer, tapering to a ])oint nearly at the hind margin ; discal approaching tlie liind margin ; a transverse vein connecting the cubital with the praibrachial vein near the margin, forming a complete sul)apical areolet, often like the discal in size and shape, rarely divided into two by another transverse vein about the middle {Microdon) ; ex- terno-niedial veins not quite reaching the margin. Two spurious veins, one before the praebrachial, another behind the pobracliial. The lon- gitudinal creases of the Aving are particularly strong in this family, the elevations being crowned by the subcostal, the first spurious, the pobra- cliial veins, and the axillary axis, respectively. Axillary lobe usually ample and rounded, rarely indistinct (see table of genera). Alulae mo- derately large, rarely so large as to cover the halteres (EristaUs), or very small {Baccl/a, &c.). Abdomen seldom showing more than five seg- ments externally, the first short, but complete below as well as above ; the sides sometimes margined ; the sexual appendages not very obvious : the abdomen is often nearly filled with air, and-- partly diaphanous. Legs of moderate length ; fore pair distant from the intermediate, and the coxcG not so long as to reach these; iiiud femora sometimes enlarged, and toothed or spined; tibia? without terminal spurs, posterior pairs rarely with a few bristles at the sides (Ckri/soclamis); tarsi with the first joint sometimes enlarged ; onychia broad, membranous, hairy beneath ; empodium recurved, slender, pointed, pubescent. The coalescence of the palpi with the maxillse, and the marked spurious veinsj are characters almost peculiar to this family. They differ besides, from the Plafj/pezicke bv the length of the ternate areolets, and the closed subapical areolet, — from Pipmictilida; by the same characters in a less degree, and also by the ample face, — from Conopidce by the long pobrachial areolet, — from the " calyp- trate " Muscidce by the length of the anal also. The flies of this family are not predaceous, feeding mostly on the nectar of flowers. They love to hover in the air over one spot, their wings almost invisible through the rapidity of their vibration, accompanied with a shrill hum ; if alarmed they dart away with astonishing velocity, but soon resume a similar station. The larvae are among those with a flexible head (" leech-like," Bouche), usually broad behind, attenuated before, otherwise vary- ing much in figure, as they do in their food and habitation. The 236 sykphidjE. larva of one (Microdon) has been described as a Gastropod mollask {SciitelUgera, Spix) ! The pupa is enclosed in the har- dened skin of the larva ("coarctate"), Scopoli (a. u. 1763) first distinguislied this group from the rest of the Liuusean Muhccb, by an essential character taken from the structure of the proboscis with the development of the maxillary lancets (Ent. Carn. p. 351. g. Conops) ; but having overlooked the slender tongue in Rhhigia rostrata, lie was led to constitute a distinct genus for this insect (ibid. 358), and he left a few species of the family still in the genus Mvsca. Fabricius (a. d. 1775) defined the contents more successfully (Syst. Ent. g. Sp'p/ms), but retained the distinction of the genus Uhingia. Harris, in his 'Exposition of English Insects' (a. d. 1782), ex- hibited the distinctive characters of the wings of this family under three sections, which may be exemplified by the genera Volucella, Eristalis, and Sijrplms respectively. Latreille (Precis, A. D. 1797) added the genus Ceria, and in 1802 gave the denomi- nation to the family ; in which fifteen genera were characterized, the year following, by Meigen (Illiger's Magazine, vol. ii.). In the ' Systema Antliatorum,' the latest work of Eabricius, bearing date 1805, the genera Syrphus and RJunyia of his previous arrangements are distributed under twelve genera. The disposition is faulty in many respects, and as he did not attend to the prior ap])hcations of the generic names, the book is an authority only as regards the species described in it. In 1809 LatreiUe gave a more detailed character of the family, wliich he divided into sections and fourteen genera, but still including in it the genus Pijmnculns (Gen. Or. et Ins. tom. iv.). Eallen, in his first arrangement of the family (a, d. 1810), included not only Tipun- culus, but Scenopinus also, in the Sp-pJdci, following Eabricius in the application of the generic names : in 1816 he described the Swedish species, and hmited the family by the removal of Sceuo- 2nnus. Meigen's first work on the species of European Diptera, published in 1804, was not continued so far as to the present family ; but liis arrangement in the third volume of the ' Syste- matische Beschreibuug ' (a. d. 1822), Anth additions in the later volumes, has not been superseded by any other. Macquart (Ins. Dipt, du Nord de France) and Zetterstedt (Diptera Scandinavise) have contributed much to the illustration of this family ; and Loew (Entom. Zeitung) has subjected several of the genera to a thorough critical investigation, and has enriched them with many new species. SYRPHID^. 23 SYRPHIDiE. r abruptly narrowed in the middle 1. with a terminal style : subajjical (ireoleti t gradually widened from the base outwards 2. bisected transversely 3. meeting before they reach the f covered by the alulee 5. margin: hallKresi I, uncovered 13. feathered 14. . 16. I -(.S as long as the lireadth of f near the middle of the third joint the head: arista < (.near the base of the third joint Ceria. Callicera. MiCKonoN. Eristalis. volucella. Sericomyia. PSARDS. Chrysotoxum 'descending straight 4. impressed lo. keeled : ridge under ' fnarrowed in the middle : ep idge ("angular . . hind femoriii. L curved . . the f istoma < J > 3 elongated and tubcrculated . 6. short and even 7. shaggy with soft hair 12. merely pubescent 11. c Ji 5= a :=;-i SJ'O "rt clJ-S c I with stiff bristles interspersed amons^ % * Ltl-a'S oS the pubescence 24. drawn out into a horizontal cone, as long as the rest of the head 23. ■ descending straight 19. 'close together at the base : ("undulated lower transverse vein-^ ^straight diverging f somewhat convex ; margin undefined 22. from the J posterior ( flat, with a sharp ("linear . . . .20. margin : edge : third joiiit< scutellum L 0/ aMiis articido tertio fusiformi, alis cinereis indistincie semifasciatis, tarsis fulvis, metatarsis posticis nigris. Long. 2^-3; alar. 5-6 lin. Male and Female. Bluish-black. Antenna with the third joint fusiform, not much broader than the second. Wings grey, a large inde- finite dark grey spot extending from the stigma to the middle of the disc ; stigma yellowish-brown ; veins black. Halteres yellow. Knees and tarsi tawny; the tarsi somewhat piceous above; hind metatarsi black. Not common. (E.) 11. vitripennis? Mg. zw. iii. 254, 29(1822); Mq. Nigra, an- tennis subtns fernigineis, alis siibcinereis, ahdomine siibtus fiiscescente, gemibus tar sisque fulvis. Long. 2^-2|-; alar, 5|-6 lin. Black, clothed with hoary hairs. Body punctured. Antenna) ferru- ginous beneath. Wings pale grey ; stigma pale brown. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen yellowish-brown beneath. Knees and tarsi tawny ; anterior tibise tawny at the base and at the tips. Not rare. (E.) 12. virens, Fb. s. a. 186. 12 (1805); Mg.; St.F, et Srv. ; Mq, — campestris. Fin. ; Ztt. — geniculata, Ct. b. c. 593. Nigro-cenea, capite nigro-chalybeo, antennis piccis, alis fusco-subcinereis, tarsis anteriorihus basi genubusque fulvis. Long. 2|— 3 ; alar. 5-51 lin, jEneous-black, clothed with hoary hairs. Body punctured. Third ORTnONEURA. 273 joint of the antenuse piceous, slightly increasing in breadth towards the tip, which is obliquely truncated, rather broader and very much longer than the first and second joints. Wings pale grey ; a large indefinite pale brown spot extending from the stigma to the middle of the disc ; stigma pale brown. Halteres tawny. Knees tawny ; anterior tarsi tawny at the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 13. interrupta, Hal. e. m. i. 165 (1833). Ohacure (Enea, anten- nis capite longioril^us, alls limpidis, vena transversa apicis interrupta, genubus ferrugineis. Long. 2 ; alar. 4^ lin. " Half the size of the small variety of P. vlrens, which it resembles, but the body is much less pubescent, and the front and face have only a few very inconspicuous greyish hairs ; third joint of the antennse more oblong than in that species." Eare. In Mr. Haliday's collection. (T.) Genus XX ORTHONEURA. Orthoneuua, Mq. d. n. (1827). Erktalis p., Fin. Chrysogaster p., Mg. ; St. F. et Srv. ; Lw. Epistoma vix elongatum, ad os proniinens. Antenna basi disjimcta, ca- pitis latitudine conjiinctim breviores ; artieulns tertius linearis ; quar- tus dorsalis ; quintus nudus. Sctitelluni depressxim, ad marcjinem acutum. Aim areola discali ah margine posteriore divaricata, areola subaplcall Integra, lobo axillari distincto, venis subcostali et radiali ad marginem disjunctls, vena transversa prcebracJiiali ante areola discalis medium inserta. Body almost bare. Colour metallic. Head semicircular ; epistoma but little elongated horizontally , protuberant towards the mouth. Anten- na 5 -jointed, porrect, nutant, separated at the base, jointly shorter than the breadth of the head, seated on a tubercle of the front ; first and second joints small ; third linear ; fourth seated on the back of the third ; fifth setiform, bare. Scutellum flat, with a sharp edge. Wings finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; discal areolet diverging from the posterior margin; subapical areolet entire; axillary lobe distinct ; subcostal and radial veins ending separately in the margin ; transverse prabrachial vein placed before the middle of the discal areolet. Abdomen oblong, depressed. Legs slender. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fern. Eyes remote. 1. elegans, Wd.; Mg. zw. iii. 272. 14 (1832); Mq.; Lw. ; Ztt. ^Enea, antennis ferrugineis, alls subcinereis, genubus tarsisque fulvis. Long. 2i ; alar. 5 lin. Fem. Jllneous. Vertex slightly transversely furrowed on each sitle. VOL. I. 2 N 274 SYKPIIID.T2. Antennee ferruginous. Disc of the thorax cupreous. Wings slightly grey ; stigma hirid. Halteres luteous. Knees and tarsi tawny, the latter black towards the tips. Not common. (E.) 2. nobilis, Pin. syrph. 57. 17 (1816); Mg. ; Mq.; _Lw_. ; Ztt. iEueo-viridis, anteunls articulo tertio piceo subtus ferrugineo, alls cinereis, tarsis uigris. Long. 2^ ; alar. .5 lin. Male. iEneous-green. Antennee black ; third joint piceons, ferruginous beneath. Disc of the thorax cupreous. Wings grey. Halteres luteous. Tarsi black. Rare. In Mr. Stephens's collection, (E. I.) Genus XXI. OHRYSOGASTER. Cheysogasteb, Mq. d. n. (1827). Musca p., L. ; Gm. Syrphus p., Fb. e. s. ; Pz. Eristalis p., Fb. s. a. ; Fin. Milesia p. ? LI. Chry- sogaster p., Mg. ; St. F. et Srv. ; Ztt. ; Lw. ; Edn. Epistoma vix elongatum, ad os pj'ominens. Antennee basi disjunctie, ca- pitis latitudine conjunctim hreviores ; articulus tei'tius ovatiis vel orbi- culatns ; quartus dorsalis ; quintus nudns. Sciitellum depressum, ad marginem acutum. Ala areola discali ab margine posteriore dlvaricata, areola siibapicali integra, lobo axillari distincto, venis siibcostali et ra- diali ad marginem disjunctis, vena transversa prcebrachiali ante areolae discalis medium inserta. Body almost bare. Colour metallic. Head semicircular ; epistoma protuberant towards the mouth, hut little elongated horizontally ; peri- stoma prominent, oblong, naiTOwer in front, inclined upwards. Eyes bare. Labrum notched at the tip. Lingua acute. Maxilla) subidate, not half the length of the palpi. Palpi curved, filiform, somewhat clavate at the tips, slightly hairy, longer than the labrum. Labium semicylindrical. Antennee 5-jointed, porrect, nutant, seated on a tubercle of the front, separated at the base, jointly shorter than the breadth of the head ; first and second joints small ; third oval or round ; fourth seated on the hack of the third ; fifth setiform, bare. Scutellum flat, with a sharp edge. Wings finely pubescent, incumbent and pa- rallel in repose. Discal areolet diverging from the posterior margin ; suh- apical areolet entire ; axillary lobe distinct ; subcostal and radial veins ending separately in the margin ; transverse prfebracliial vein placed before the middle of the discal areolet. Abdomen oblong, depressed. Legs slender. Male. Epistoma most often with some tubercles. Eyes con- tiguous. Thorax beset with fine hairs. Feni. Eyes remote. Front with a row of oblique transverse furrows on each side ; these are CHRYSOGASTER. 275 sometimes inteiTupted, and in some species are replaced by indistinct wrinkles. These flies chiefly frequent tlie Ranuncidi and Caltlia paludris on moist ground during the spring and the summer. The species may be thus grouped : — a. Thorax with three longitudinal striae. Species 1. a a. Thorax without stria\ h. Third joint of the antennae round. c. Epistoma with tubercles. d. Wings at the base and stigma yellow. Species 2, 3. d d. Wings at the base not yellow. e. Antenua3 with the third joint red. Species 4. e e. Anteimai piceous. Species 5. c c. Epistoma without tubercles. /. Eroiit transversely furrowed. Species 6. //. Front without furrows. Species 7. b h. Third joint of the antennae almost linear. Species 8. 1. splendens, Mg. zw. iii. 266. 1 (1822); Mg. ; Lw. Viridi- £enea, antennis ferrugineis, thorace striato, scutello marginato, alls subcincreis, abdomine atro lateribus cuprco apice et subtus a^neo. Long. 3i-3i ; alar. 7-8 lin. Greenish-ffiueous. Head greenish-black, punctured. Antenna? fer- ruginous. Thorax with three very slight furrows ; a transverse furrow near the tip of the scutellum. Wings pale grey. Halteres tawny. Abdomen deep black, cupreous along each side, aeneous at the tip and beneath. Not rare. (E. I.) 2. chalybeata, Mg. zw. iii. 267. 4 (1822); Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt.— cupmria ? Mg. ; Mq. Antennis rufin, alls cinereis, abdominis disco purpureo ; Mas. aureo-viridis, thoracis disco cupreo-purpureo ; Foem. aenea, alis ad eostam luridis. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Antenme black ; second and third joints red ; third round. Wings grey. Halteres yellow. Disc of the abdomen dark pm*ple. Tarsi black. Male. Golden-green. Disc of the thorax cupreous-purple. Fern. JEneous. Vertex broad, transversely fuiTOwcd on each side. Wings with a lurid tinge along two-thirds of the costa. Rare. In the collections of the Entomological Club and of Mr. Stephens. 3. famipennis, Stph. Cuprea, capite nigro-viridi, antennis pedi- busquc piceiH, alis subcincreis ; Mas. abdomine basi lurido. Long. 2^-31; alar. 6-7 lin. Cupreous. Head greenish-black, Antenna? piceous. Wings pale grey, brownish beneath the stigma, which is tawny. Halteres tawny. 376 SYRPHIDiE. Legs piceoiis. Male. Abdomen indistinctly lurid towards the base, t^rruginous along each side beneath. Fein. Front somewhat ob- liquely striated across each side. Anteunse brighter than those of the male. Not rare. (E. S.) 4. coemeteriorum, L. s. n. ii. 992. 8 (1767); Fb. ; Gm.; Pz. ! fn. Ixxxii. 17; Mg. ; Mq. ; Zw. — solstUialis, Yin. ; Ztt. Antennis genubusque ferrugineis, alis nigricantibus ; 3Ias. ater, scutello ab- dominisque lateribus apice ventreque cencis ; Fcem. thorace cuprco, scutello nigro-viridi, abdomine nigro. Long. 3^-3^ ; alar. 7-71 lin. ^ Antennte ferruginous. Wings blackish, darkest about the stigma. Legs black ; femora reneous ; knees ferruginous. Male. Deep black. Head seneous-black. Scntellum aeneous. Halteres piceous. Abdomen peneous along each side, at the tip and beneath. Fern. Head black, with slightly oblique furrows on each side of the vertex ; face aeneous. Thorax cupreous ; scutellum blackish-green. Wings paler. Alulae white. Halteres ferruginous. Abdomen black. Not rare. (E. I.) 5. viduata,* Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. Nigro-a^nea, antennis piceis, alis cinereis, pedibus nigris ; Mas. capite nigro-cyaneo, abdo- mine atro. Long. 2^-3 ; alar. 5-6 lin. iEneous-black. Antennae piceous. Wings grey. Halteres ferru- ginous. Legs black. 3Iale. Head bluish-black. Abdomen, except the tip, deep black, velvety. Fem. Vertex almost smooth ; a transverse impression above the antennae. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 6. metallica, Fb. s. a. 246. 67 (1805); Fin.; Mg. ; Mq.; Lw.; Ztt. — melallina, Fb. s. i. ; Gm. Cyaueo-viridis, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis ad costam subfulvis, tarsis piceis. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Metallic-green. Head and thorax slightly tinged with blue. An- tennte black. Wings pale grey, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border as far as the stigma, which is tawny. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with an aeneous tinge. Tarsi piceous. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 7. discicornis, Mgrle.; Mg. zw. iii. 270. 8 (1822). Cyaneo-viridis, aeneo-varia, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Bluish-green, here and there asneons. Peristoma very prominent. Antenna; black ; third joint very large, nearly round, a little broader than long. Wings very slightly grey ; stigma lurid. Halteres tawny. Legs clothed with tawny down. Not rare. (E. S. L) * Mhscu viduata, L. I'u. 1852 (17C1), is a species o{ Parar/us. BIIA.CIIYOPA. 277 8. splendida, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 271. 11 (1822) ; Mq. ; Lw. Mnea, autcimis nigris, alis subcinereis, pedibus piceis, femoribus seneis, tibiis basi genubusque fulvis. Long. 3i-2f ; alar. 5-5 i lin. iEneous. Antemia3 black ; third joint long and slender. Wings greyish. Haltercs Intcous. Legs piccous ; femora aeneous ; tibia? and tarsi clothed with ferruginous hairs; tibiae at the base and knees tawny. Not commou. (E.) Genus XXIL BRACHYOPA. Brachyopa, Mg. zw. iii. 260 (1822); St. F. et Srv. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. ; Edn. Oscinis p., Fb. ? Miisca p., Pz. ; Fb. ? RJungia p., Fk. Ejnstoma vLv dowjatum, ad os /;ro>«i«e«s. AnteniKB basi disjunctce, cajntis latitudiue conjunctim breviores ; articulus quartus dorsalis ; qulntm mulus vel pubescens. Scutelhim convexiuscidimi, marglne non bene determinato. Ala areola discali ab maryine poster lore divaricata, areola subapicali integra, lobo axiUari distindo, venis subcostali el ra- diall ad marginem disjunctis, vena transversa pr(ebrachiali ante ureolic discalis medium locata. Head semicircular, narrower than the thorax ; ejnstoma bid lillle elongated horizontally, protuberant towards the mouth, much impressed, truncated ; peristoma oblong, refuse in front. Eyes bare, almost round. Labrum narrow, notched at the tip. Lingua acute, as long as the labrum. Maxillse subulate, half the length of the palpi. Palpi filiform, curved, clavate towards the tips, as long as the labrum. La- bium long, semicylindrical, hairy and bUobed at the tip. Anteunte 5-joiuted, poiTCct, nutant, seated on a tubercle of the fore front, «e/ja- rated at the base, jointly shorter than the breadth of the head ; first and second joints small ; second larger than the first ; tliii-d almost ellipti- cal ; fourth very short, seated on the base of the third ; fifth setiform, bare or pubescent. Thorax oblong, pubescent, somewhat widened in the middle ; scutellum semicircular, somewhat convex ; margin undefined. Wings twice the length of the abdomen, lanceolate, finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; discal areolet diverging from the 2)osterior margin ; suhapical areolet entire ; axillary lobe distinct ; sub- costal and radial veins ending separately in the margin ; transverse pra- brachial vein palced before the middle of the discal areolet. Haltercs uncovered. Abdomen oval, convex, pubescent. Legs simple ; hind legs somewhat longer than the anterior ; hind femora broad ; hind libite curved, Male. Eyes nearly contiguous. Fern. Eyes parted. 1. bicolor, Fin. syrph. .3-3. 2 (1816); Mg. ! zw. iii. 262. 2. pi. 278 SYRPHID/E. 30. f. 6 ; Mq, ; Lw. ; Ztt. Testacea, antennis luteis, thoracis disco cinereo, alis Umpidis, abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis nigri- cantibus, pedibus fiilvis. Long. 4 ; alar. 8 lin. Testaceous. Peristoma very prominent. Mouth piceous. Antennae luteous ; fifth joint pubescent, black, tawny at the base. Disc of the thorax grey above and partly grey beneath. Wings colom-less ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Halteres pale lemon-colour. Hind borders of the abdominal segments blackish. Legs tawny ; tarsi black, ferruginous at the base. Not common. (E. S. I.) 2. conica, Pz. ! fn. Ix. 20 (1815?); Mg. ; Mq. — t/orsa^a ? Ztt. Testacea, alis suhcinereis, abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis nigris. Long. 4 ; alar. 8 lin. Testaceous. Fourth joint of the antennse black. Wings slightly grey ; hind borders of tlie abdominal segments black. Tarsi brown. Rare. In the British Museum. (E.) Genus XXIIL RHINGIA. UniNGiA, Fb. s. i. ii. 460 (1781); LI. ; Pz. ; Fin.; Mg. ; St. F. et Srv. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. ; Ct. ; Rdn. Conops p., L. ; Shr. Musca p., Dg. Stomoxgs p., Gm. Epistoma productiim, porrectum, conicum, capitis posterioris Jongitudine. AntenncB capitis latitudine conjuuctim breviores ; articulus tertius dor- salis ; quintus pubescens. Alee areola subapicaU integra, lobo axillari distincto, venis subcostali et radiali ad margiuem disjunctis, vena trans- versa prabracliiali ante areolcB discalis medium locata. Head almost semicircular, somewhat compressed in front ; epistoma slightly impressed, drawn out into a liorizontal cone, as long as the rest of the head; peristoma very narrow. Eyes bare; all the facets small. Labrum narrow, long, thin, curved, trilobed at the tip. Lingua thin, acute, trans])arent, setiform, almost as long as the labrum. Maxillae slender, setiform, acute, as long as the lingua, longer than the palpi. Palpi filiform, somewhat clavate and hairy at the tips, half the length of the labrum. Labium semicylindrical. Antenna; 5-jointed, porrect, nutant, jointly shorter than the breadth of the head, seated on the epistoma ; first and second joints of equal length ; first small ; second larger, cyathiform ; third conical ; fourth very short, seated on the base of the third ; Mi\\ pubescent, setiform. Thorax convex, pubescent; scuteUum semicircular. Wings lanceolate, finely pubescent, inciunbent and parallel in repose, extending beyond the abdomen ; siibapical areolel entire ; axillary lobe distinct ; subcostal and radial veins ending separately in the uiargin ; Iransverse pr(cbrachial vein placed before the CIIRYSOCLAMIS. 279 middle of the ducal areolet. Halteres half-covered. Abdomen oval, pubescent, slightly convex. Legs slender; hind metatarsi dilated. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fern. Eyes parted. 1. rostrata, L. s. n. ii. 1004. 1 (1767); Dg. ; Fb. ; Shr. ; Gm.; Pz. ; EIn. ; ^Mg. ; INIq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — cmnjjestris, Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. ! b. e. 182. Nigro-aenea, capite antico scutello abdomine pedibusque pallidis, thorace cinereo-quinquevittato, alls subciuereis. Long. 3^-4|^ ; alar. 7-10 lin. Black. Head tawny in front. Antennrc pale red, seated on a tubercle. Thorax sencous-black, clothed with black hairs. Scutellum dark tawny, clothed with yellow haix's. Wings pale grey, with five cinereous stripes, which are most distinct in the female, with a tawny tinge at the base and along the fore border as far as the stigma, which is tawny. Halteres tawny, their knobs partly brown. Abdomen testa- ceous, generally black at the base, the tip, and along each side, and with a black dorsal band, which is frequently indistinct towards the tip ; hind borders of the segments more or less dark. Legs tawny ; a black band round each tibia, a black stripe on each of the anterior tarsi ; hind tarsi black. Geuerally distributed. (E. S. I.) Genus XXIV. CHRYSOCLAMIS. CiiRYSOCLAMis, Eondaui, MSS.* C'o??o/?s p., Spl. Si/rphns \^.,'Eh. ; Pz. ; Rsi. ; Mg. ; St. F. et Srv. ; Ct. Mtisca p., Gm. ElopUllus p., LI. Emtalis p., Eb. ; LI. ; Eln. ; Ztt. Cheilosia p., IVIq, Ferdinandia, Rdn. Epistoma ttiherctilatum. Antennce breves, capitis latitudine conjunctim breviores, articiilo tertio suborbiculato, articulo quarto dorsali, qitinto nudo. Thorax pubescens, setis aspersiis. Sctitellum convexiusculuni, margine non bene determinato. Alee areola subapicali Integra, basi ad apicem gradatim latescente, lobo axillari distincto, venis subcostaU et radiali ad marginem disjunct is, vena transversa prabrachiali areolce discali media inserta. Pedes simplices. Maxilla3 very short. Palpi longer than the labrum. AntennfB jointly shorter than the breadth of the head ; foicrth joint dorsal or seated on the back of the third ; fifth naked or pubescent. Thorax pubescent, with some stiff bristles among the putjescence. Scutellum somewhat con- vex, with an undefined edge. Wings with the subapical areolet entire, gradually icidened from the base outwards ; axillary lobe distinct ; sub- * Substituted for Ferdinandia, Kdii., which offeuds against a canou : see L. FhLl. Bot., pp. 236, 237. 280 SYRPHID.E, costal and radial veins ending separately in the margin ; transverse prce- brachial vein placed at or heyond the middle of the discal areolet. 1. cuprea, Spl. e. c.(1763); Edn. — n^corwis, Fb.; Esi.; Gm.; Pz.! fii. Ixxvii. 20 ; LI. ; Flu. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Gmtl. Nigricans, epi- stomate luteo immacidato, antennanim articulo tertio testaceo, thorace vittis quatiior cluereis, abdomine (Eneo, epistomate sciitello antennanmi articulo tertio pedihusque Uiteis, alis fiisco-bhnuculatis. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 9-12 lin. Black. Head tawny ; crown black. Proboscis piceous. Antennae red, black above ; fourth joint black. Thorax with four grey stripes, beset on each side with black bristles ; scuteUum greyish-tawny. Wings pale grey, slightly tawny along the fore border, with two brown spots on the veinlets in the disc. Halteres yellow, with brown knobs. Ab- domen ceneous, thickly clothed with short tawny hairs. Legs tawny. Generally distributed. The larva feeds ou fungi. (E. S. I.) Genus XXV. CHEILOSIA. Cheilosta, Mg. ; Lw. ; Edn. Musca p., L. ; Dg. ; Gm. Syrphus p., Pb. s. i. ; LI. ; Pz. ; Pin. ; Mg. ; St. P. et Srv. Eristalis p., Pb. s. a. ; Ll. ; Ztt. Milesia p., Pb. s. a. Conops p., Spl. Frons crihrata vel canalictdata. Epistoma vix elongatum, ad os promi- neus. Antenna capitis latitudine conjunctim breviores, basi disjunctce; articulns qiiartm dorsaUs, quintus nudus vel pubescens. Ala areolis discali et sidiaplcali margine posteriore fere cequallter remotis et illi parallelis, areola siihapicali hitegra, lobo axillarl distiticto, venis sidjcostali et radiali ad marginem disjunctis, vena transversa prccbra- chiali ante areola discalls medium locata. Abdomen segmentls 5 {pel 6) tantum conspicuis. Head semicircular ; fro7it pitted or channelled ; face concave ; epii- stoma but little elongated horizontally, a little compressed beneath the antenna;, with a slight tubercle above the i^QYistovaa, protuberant towards the mouth, notched in fi'ont. Peristoma oval. Eyes hairy. Labrum long, stout, terminating in two lobes wliich have a spine between them. Lingua attenuate, acute, shorter than the labrum. Maxillae slender, curved, nearly as long as the lingua. Palpi slender, nearly linear, pubescent, slightly pilose, rounded at the tips, as long as the labrum. Labium large, rather long. Antenna 5 -]o'mted, Joi7itly shorter than the breadth of the head, separated at the base, seated on a slight projection in front ; first and second joints bristly ; first long, clavatc, obliquely truncate ; second subcyathiform, shorter and broader than the fii'st ; third large, elliptical, velvety ; fourth very minute, sealed on the third near the base ; fifth setiforra, pubescent, bare at the tip, of moderate CIIEILOSIA. 281 length. Thorax oval, convex, hairy ; scutcUum semicircular. Wings lanceolate, finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; disced and siibapical areolets nearly equidistant from, and parallel to, tlie pos- terior margin ; snhapical areolet entire ; axillary lohe distinct ; subcostal and radial veins ending separately in the margin ; transverse prcehrucldal vein placed before the middle of the discal areolet. Haltercs uncovered. Abdomen with only five or six segments apparent. Legs slender ; hind legs longer than the anterior ; anterior femora a little thickened at the base ; tibire slightly curved ; hind tarsi long. The Cheilosm are generally of rathci- large size ; they frequent meadows and woods. The species may be thus grouped : — a. Wings spotted. Species 1, 2. a a. Wings unspotted. b. Abdomen unspotted. c. Body very hairy. Species 3-5. c c. Body slightly hairy. Species 6-16. b b. Abdomen spotted. Species 17. 1. lucorum, L. fn. ii. 1803 (1761) ; Fl). ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw. ; Ct. ! b. e. 753 ; St. ! ill. 47. I.~prrsci7icta, Spl. ; tig. lirs. xxiv. 28. NigTO-cinerea, scutello fidvo, alls macula dimidiata fusca, abdo- tnine basiflavo. Long. 5 ; alar. 12 lin. Black. Head tawny on the crown, whitish with a black stripe in front, clothed with tawny hairs and with white hairs beneath. Thorax dark green, clothed with ferruginous hairs ; scutellum tawny. Wings colourless, with a very large brown spot extending from the fore border to the disc. Alula; grey. Halteres brown. Abdomen yellow towards the base, chalybeous towards the tip, clothed with hoary hairs and in the middle with black hairs. Femora at the tips and tibia; towards the base yellow. Generally distributed ; inhabits woods. (E. S. I.) 2. cestracea, L. s. n. ii. 985. 34 (1767) ; Dg. ; Fb. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — rnpestris, Pz. ! fn. lix. 13. Nig?'o-(enea, a\is macula dimidiata fusca. Long. 5-5^; alar. 11-12 lin. Black, clothed with short pale tawny hairs. Antennae pitchy ; first and second joints ferruginous ; fourth black. Thorax reneous-black, clothed with long hoary hairs beneath and on the scutellum. Wings pale grey, colourless towards the base, with a large pale brown spot extending from near the middle of the fore border to the disc. Alula; white. Halteres yellow, with brown tips. Abdomen clothed ?rith hoary hairs at the base, with black hairs in the middle, and with luleous hairs at the tip. Legs black ; tibiae towards the base and tarsi beueatii ferruginous. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. grossa, Fin. syrph. 53. 7 (1816); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigro- VOL. I. 2 o 283 SYT5PHID.E. nenea fulvo-liirta, antennis nigris, alis sublimpidis ad costam subfulvis, ano nigro-hirto, tihiis fulvis. Long. 5-6; alar. 10-12 lin. iEneous-black, thickly clothed with tawny hairs. Antenna3 black. Wings almost colourless, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border. Alula? white. Halteres tawny. Tip of the abdomeu clothed with black hairs. Legs black ; tibise tawny. Not common; appears in the spring. (E.) 4. chrysocoma, Mg. zw. iii. 280. 4 (1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt.? Nigro- Eenea omnino fulvo-hirta, antennis nigris, alis sublimpidis ad costam subMvis, tibiis fulvis. Long. 5^ ; alar. 11 lin. ^neons-black, thickly wholly clothed with tawny hairs. Antennse black. Wings almost colourless, with a slight tawny tinge along the fore border. Alulfe white. Halteres yellow, with brown knobs. Legs black ; tarsi beneath and tibii3e tawny. Eare. Tn the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 5. flavipes, Pz. ! Fn. liv. 10; Mg. (1822); Ztt. Nigro-Eenea fvdvo-hirta, antennis f err wjineis, alis subcinercis, pedibtis fulvis, meta- tarsis posticis basi nigris. Long. 5 ; alar. 11 lin. yEneous-black, clothed with tawny hairs. Antennce ferruginous. Wings pale grey, very slightly clouded about the veinlets. Alulse white. Halteres yellow. Legs taiony ; hind tarsi black towards the base. Not common. (E.) 6. means, Fb. e. s. sppl. 562. 63. 64 (1794); Mg.; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. Nigro-aenea, antennis ferrugineis, alis cinereis ad costam fulvis, pedibiis fulvis, femoribus nigris, tibiis subfasciatis. Long. 4-4|^ ; alar. 9-10 lin. iEneous-black, clothed with pale tawny hairs. Antenna bright fer- ruginous ; fourth joint black. Wings grey, tawny along the fore border. AlultB white. Halteres yellow, with ferruginous knobs. Legs tawny; femora black ; tibicB with indistinct bands. Not common. (E. S.) 7. chlorus, Mg. zw. iii. 284. 11(1823); Mq. ; Ztt. Nigro-fcnea, antennis ferrugineis, alis cinereis ad costam subfulvis, pedibus nigris, tibiis fulvis nigro-cinctis. j3i]neous-black, clothed Avith pale tawny hairs. Antennce ferruginous. Scutellum transversely foveolated. Wings grey, tinged with tawny beneath the fore border. Alulae slightly greyish. Halteres tawny. Legs black ; tibia taiony, loith a black band. Fern. Front trisulcate. Not common. (E. S. I.) 8. variabilis, Pz. ! fn. Ix. 10; LI. (1810); Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — atra, Fb. — nigrita, Fb. Cyaneo-nigra, albido-hirta, anten- nis nigro-piceis, alis cinereis ad costam ?>\x\:>h\'&c\s, , pedibus nigris. Long. 3-5; alar. 7-11 lin. CIIEILOSIA. 283 Bluish-black, clothed with short tohltish hairs. AntcnncB black ; third joint piceoiis. Wings grey, brownish beneath the fore border. Alulae white. Halteres yellow; sometimes with a brown spot on the knob. Lef/s black ; tarsi clothed beneath Avith ferrugiuous down. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 9. nigrina, Mg. zw. iii, 283. 7 (1822). Nigra ni(jro-hirta, alis cinereis, abdoiuine ulbo-hlrto. Long. 5 ; alar. 10 lin. Black, clothed with black hairs. Eyes hairy. Wings grey. Halteres tawny, their knobs mostly black. Abdomen clothed with white hairs. Rare. lu the collections of the Entomological Club and of Mr. Stephens. (E.) 10. albitarsis, Mg. zw. iii. 290. 23(1832); Mq. Atra, abdo- mine albido-hirto, pedibus piceis, tarsis pallldls. Long. 3^ ; alar. 9 lin. Male, var. ? Deep black, clothed with black hairs. Eyes hairy. Wings almost colourless. AlultC white. Halteres pale yeUow. Ab- domen chalybeous along each side and at the tip, clothed on each side with rather long whitish hairs. Legs piceous ; second, third, and fourth joints of the fore tarsi yellow, of the posterior tarsi ferruginous. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. S. I.) 11. mutabilis. Fin. syrph. 54. 10 (1816); Mg. ; Mg. ; Ztt. Nigra albido-hirtu, antennis piceis, ahs subcinereis ad costam subfulvis, abdomine nigro-ajneo, tibiis basifulvis. Long. 4-41^ ; alar. 8-9 lin. Black, clothed vAth ichitish hairs. Antennce piceous. Wings pale grey, with a very shght tawny tinge beneath the fore border. Alulae white. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomen eeneous-black. Tibia taicny towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 12. scutellata. Fin. syrph. 55. 13 (1816); Mg. ! zw. iii. pi. 30. f. 29, 30 ; Mq. ; Ztt. Wi^xo-?&\\e>x, antennis ferriighieis, scutelli margine postico fulvo, alis subcinereis, abdomine nigro, pedibus fidvis piceo- cinctis. Long. 3^-4; alar. 7-8 lin. iEneous-black, clothed with pale tawny hairs. Antenna bright fer- ruginous ; fourth joint black. Scutellum tawny along the hind border. Wings pale grey. Alida; white. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black. Legs tawny ; femora and tibia) with broad piceous bands ; tarsi partly piceous. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 13. nigripes, Mg. zw. iii. 282. 8 (1822); Mq. \Ni(jra albido- hirta, antennis piceis, alis cinereis basi obscurioribus, abdomine chalybeo. Long. 3-3 i ; alar. 6-7 lin. Black, clothed with short whitisli hairs. Antenna piceous. Wings grey, darker toicards the base. Alulae wdiite. Halteres yellow. Ab- domen chalybeous. Not common. (E.) 284 SYRPHID.E. 14. chalybeata, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 294. 32 (1822). Nigra albido-Jiirta, autennis piceis, alis siibcinereis, abdoiiiine subchalybeo, tibiis fulvo-piceis. Long. 2^-3 ; alar. 5-G lin. Black, thinly clothed with short whitish hairs. Antenna piceous. Wings slightly tinged with grey. Alulae white. Halteres yellow. Ab- dotneu slightly chalybeous. Legs black ; knees tawny ; tibia piceous, tatony towards the base, or taiovy loith a piceous baud. Male. Abdomen more chalybeons than that of the female. Legs paler. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 15. vulpinus, Mg. zw. iii. 292. 27 (1822). Nigra, antennis piceis, thoracefusco-hirto, alis cinereis basi et ad costam siibfuscis, abdoiiiine fer- rugineo-hirto. Long. 4| ; alar. 9 lin. Black. Head hoary in front. Eyes hairy. An teniia piceous. Thorax clothed with short brown hairs. Wrings grey, brotvnish at the base and along two-thirds of the costu. Halteres tawny with piceous knobs. Abdomen clothed with ferrugiuoiis hairs. Knees ferruginous. Eare. In Mr, Stephens's collection. (E.) IG. funeralis, Mg. zw. iii. 292. 26 (1822). Nigra tiigro-hirta, antennis piceis, alis cinereis, abdomine albido-hirto, tibiis basi ferrugineis. Long. 3 ; alar. 6 lin. Black, clothed toith black hairs. Eyes hairy. Antenna piceous. Wings grey. Halteres brownish. Abdomen clothed with whitish hairs. Tibia at the base and knees feri'uginous. Eare. In Mr. Stephens's collection. (E.) 17. maculata, Eln. syrph. 52. 0 (1816); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigra, autennis luteis, alis cinereis, abdomine maculis sex cinereis. Long. 4 ; alar. 8 lin. Black, slightly shining, thinly clothed with short pale tawny hairs. Antennae luteous, black at the base and at the tips. Wings dark gi'ey. Alulag white. Halteres tawny, with brown knobs. Abdomen with three large transverse grey spots on each side, the hind pair almost united. Not common ; frequents the flowers of the Wild G arlic. (E. S .L) Genus XXVL SYRPHUS. Musca p., L. ; Dg. ; Mir. ; Shr. ; Gm. Syrphus p., Fb. s. i. ; LI. ; Mg. ; St. F. et Srv. ; Mq. ; Kdn. Conops p., Spl. Eristalis p., Fb. s. a. Elophilus p., LI. Scava p., Fb. s. a. ; Pz. ; Fin. Scava, Ct. ; Ztt. Vlatychehms (inch), St. F. et Srv. Didea (inch), Mq. Erdca (iircl.), Mg. Syrphus, Spazigaster, et Lauopthicus, Rdn. Frons lavis, convexa. Epistoma vix elongatum, ad as prominens. An- tenna capitis latitudine conjunctini breviores, basi disjuncta ; articulv.s sYiiPHUS. 285 quartus dorsalis, quintus nudus. Thoracis latera immaculata. Alee areolis dlscaU et siibapicali margine posteriore fere eequaliter remotis et • ilU parallelis, areola sudajjicnll intef/ra, loho axiUari distincto, venk subcostali et radlali ad marcjinem disjunctis, vena transversa prcehra- cJuali ante areolce discalis medium inse7'ia. Abdomen segmentis 5 {pel 6) tantum conspicuis. Head semicircular ; front even, convex ; epistoma hut little elongated horizontally, a little compressed beneath the autenuaj, with some slight tubercles above the peristoma, protuherant towards the mouth ; peristoma oblong', straitened in front, directed upwards. Eyes bare or hairy. Labrum curved, notched at the tip, much shorter than the labium. Lingua pointed, nearly as long as the labium. Maxillai and pal])i of vaiious length. Labium rather long, semicylindrical. Antenna) 5- jointed, yom^(y shorter than the breadth of the head, seated a little above the middle of the face, porrect, mitant, separated at the base ; first and second joints small, bristly ; first clavate ; second short, transverse, subeyathiform, oblique ; tliii-d large, oval ; fourth very small, seated on the base of the third; fifth setiform, bare. Thorax oval, convex, hairy; sides immaculate ; scutellum semicircular. Wings lanceolate, finely pu- bescent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; discal and subapical areolets nearly equidistant from and parallel to the posterior margin ; sicbapical areolet entire ; axillary lobe distinct ; subcostal and radial veins ending separately in the margin ; transverse praibrachial vein placed before the middle of the discal areolet. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen depressed, elliptical or linear, with only five {or six) segments apparent. Legs slender. Male. Eyes contiguous. Fern. Eyes remote. The flight of the Syrphi is swift ; they often hover motionless in the air, and then dart away. The larvte of many species feed on Aphides ; they are oblong, depressed, narrow in front, broad behind; the mouth is armed with a trident or three points, on which they transfix their prey, and then raise it in the air, and devour it. The larva of S.pyrastri feeds on the Aphis of the Eose; it has six rows of tubercular feet, and seven feet in each row. "The dorsal vessel of the fly (e. g., S. pyrastri), instead of the usual form which it had in the larva, assumes the shape of a flask, having its long end directed towards the thorax ; the pulsation and transmission of the fluid in it is manifest. This vessel extends in length from the junction of the trunk with the abdo- men to about the termination of the second segment. The in- cluded fluid is propelled at intervals by drops, first from the wide end towards the trunk, and then in the contrary direction. It is conjectured that the neck of this vessel is composed of two or more approximated tubes, and that the blood is conveyed forward by the outward ones, and backward by the intermediate one ; also 286 SYRPHiDJi:. that there is a kind of secondary heart, at the extremity next the thorax, for the purpose of causing the reflux. This structui-e has been observed in many of the genera alhed to Sueva, and it is sup- posed to be also widely diffused among the Mtiscidce." The species may be grouped thus : — a. Abdomen oblong-oval, with straight or arched yellow bauds. Legs simple. h. Wings with the fourth longitudinal vein curved in the disc. c. Eyes bare. Species 1. c c. Eyes hairy. Species 2. (j h. Wings with the fourth longitudinal vein not or hardly curved. d. Eyes bare. e. Scutellum pale. Head yellow. /. Bands of the abdomen simple. g. Bands of the abdomen straight. Species 3-6. g (J. Bands of the abdomen arched. SjDecies 7-9. //. ]3ands of the abdomen double. Species 10. e e. Scutellum a3ueous. Species 11. d d. Eyes hairy. h. Bands of the abdomen straight. i. Intermediate bands of the abdomen entire. Species 12, 13. i i. All the bands of the abdomen interrupted. Species 14-17. h h. Bands of the abdomen arched or lunidate. Species 18. u a. Abdomen narrow, linear ; the yellow bands always straight. k. Scutellum yellow. Epistoma white or yellow. I. Bands of the abdomen interrupted. Species 19, 20. I I. Intermediate bauds of the abdomen entire. Species 21, 22. k k. Scutellum and epistoma aeneous. m. Tarsi of the male dilated. Fore tarsi of the female short, serrated. n. Abdomen with interrupted bands or quadrate spots. 0. Epistoma long, conical. Species 23. 0 0. Epistoma tuberculate, not long nor conical. Species 24-28. n n. Abdomen ferruginous-red. Species 29. m m. Tarsi simple in both sexes. Species 30-33. 1. alneti, Eln. syrph. 38. 4 (1816); Mg. ; Mq. ; Zii. —glaucius, Pz. ! fn. lix. 17. Nigra, scutello fulvo, alls subcinereis, abdomiue flavo-quinquefasciato, pedibus luteis, femoribus basi nigris, tibiis pos- ticis piceo-cinctis. Long. 6 ; alar. 12 lin. Black, clothed with tawny hairs. Vertex bluish-black; epistoma yellow, with a black scapula. Scutellum dull tawny. Wings slightly grey, brownish at the base and along the costa; stigma dark brown. sYBPiius. 287 Abdomen with five yellow bands ; first inten'upted ; second and third half interrupted or notched on the hind border ; fourth and fifth en- tire. Legs lutcous ; femora black towards the base ; hind tibiae with piceous bands ; tarsi piceous towards the tips. Very rare. In Mr. Stephens's and Mr. Desvignes' collections. (E. I.) 2. pyrastri, L. s.n. ii. 987. 51 (1767) ; Fb. ; Shr. ; Gm. ; Rsi. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — rosa, Dg. — selenitica, Mg. ; Lw.; Ztt. — unicoJor, Ct. ! b. e. 509. Nigro-cyaneus, scutello subfulvo, alis limpidis, abdomine albo- vel flavo-trifasciato, pedibus flavis femoribus basi nigris. Long. 5J-7 ; alar. 11-14 lin. Blackish-blue, clothed with j^ale hairs. Head whitish, with a black stripe in front. Maxdlfe more than twice the length of the palpi. Palpi cylindrical, obtuse, extremely short. Antenna) piceous, tawny at the base. Thorax with an indistinct tawny stripe on each side ; scu- tellum dull tawny, more or less tinged with blue. Wings colourless. Alula) white. Halteres luteous. Abdomen with three interrupted whitish or yellowish bands, which are sometimes, but rarely, wanting ; hind borders of the fourth and fifth segments whitish. Legs yellow ; femora l)lack towards the base ; hind femora black ; tarsi feiTuginous. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. grossularise, Mg. zw. iii. 306. 4.8 (1822); Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — errat'ica, L. — ribesii, var. major, Fhi. Viridi-a3neus, antennh n'ujris, ahclomine n'ujro fascm qnatuor rectis latis prima interrwpta rdiquis in- tegris luteis, pedibus luteis, femoribus basi nigris. Long. 6 ; alar. 13 lin. Head yellow ; vertex black ; a triangular black spot about the ocelli. Antenna; black. Thorax ajneous-grccn, clothed with tawny hah's, slightly tawny along each side ; scutellum tawny. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown. Alula) yellowish-white. Halteres yellow. Abdo- men almost linear, black, clothed with black hairs, adorned with fotir broad luteous bands, wliich are clotJied with tawny hairs ; first band in- terrupted, forming a triangular spot on each side ; the other three entire, linear, and parallel. Legs luteous; femora black at the base; anterior tarsi ferruginous, luteous at the base ; hind tarsi browm, ferruginous at the base. Rare. In Mr. Saunders's collection. (E. S, I.) 4. ribesii, L. s. n. ii. 987. 50 (1767); Dg. ; Fb. ; Shr.; Gm. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Viridi-a^neus, antennis piceis subtusfe^-- rugineis, abdomine nigro fasciis quatuor rectis siibangnstis prima inter- rupta secunda et tertia leviter emarginatis pedibusque luteis. Long. 4i-6 ; alar. 9-12 lin. Head yellow ; vertex seneous-green. Maxillae half the length of the palpi. Palpi half the length of the labrum. Antennce piceous, ferru- ginous beneath, tawny at the base ; fourth joint ferruginous. Thorax a)neous-green, clothed with tawny hairs, sometimes with a tawny sti'ipe 288 SYKPHID^. along eacli side ; sciitellum dingy yellow. Wings almost colonvless ; stigma lurid. Alulse white. Halteres yeUow, with lutcoiis knobs. Abdomen fusiform, clothed with short black hairs, and on each side of the base with long pale hairs, adorned with four luteous hands wldcli are oblique at each end ; first band interrupted ; second and third notched on the hind borders ; fourth with a black disc or wholly divided. Legs luteous ; anterior tarsi ferruginous ; hind tarsi piceous. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 5. vitripennis, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 308. 50 (1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lav. — confinis, Ztt. Viridi-seneus, antennis piceis subtus ferrugineis, ab- domine nigro fasciis quatuor rectis siihangiistis prima i^derrupta secunda et tertia leviter emarginatis pedibusque luteis, femoribus bast nigris, tibiis posticis piceo-cinctis. Long. 5-5|-; alar. 10-11 lin. Head luteous ; vertex seneous. Antenna piceous, ferruginous be- neath. Thorax peneous-green ; scutellum yellow, clothed with black hairs. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown. Alula; yellowish-white. Halteres yellow. Abdomen black, fusiform, clothed with black hairs, adorned with four luteous hands, which are clothed with tawny hairs ; first hand interrupted ; second and third notched on the hind border, ob- lique at each end ; fourth more or less divided by a narrow black band. Legs luteous ; femora black at the base ; hind femora black ; hind tibice with piceous bands ; tarsi ferruginous ; hind tarsi piceous. Generally distributed. (E. S.) 6. bifasciatus, Fb. e. s. iv. 303. 101 (178]) ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Ahr. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — interruptus, Gm. Viridi-feneus, antennis piceis subtus ferrugineis, abdomine nigro fasciis duahus pedibusque luteis. Long. 4^-5 ; alar. 10-11 lin. Head yeUow, with a black stripe above the peristoma ; vertex reneous- green. Antennpe piceous, ferruginous beneath ; fourth joint ferru- ginous towards the base. Thorax a3neous-green ; scutellum tawny with an Eeneous-green tinge. Wings colourless ; stigma lurid. Alulae white, with yellow borders. Halteres luteous. Abdomen black, fusi- form, adorned with two luteous hands ; the first broad and interrupted ; the second narrow and entire. Legs luteous ; hind tarsi brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 7. luniger, Mg. zw. iii. 300. 40 (]822); Mq. ; 7At.—areuata var., Flu. Viridi-a^neus, antennis nigris aj-ticido tertio subtus ferru- gineo, abdomine mgxo fasciis trihus latis arcuatis interrtiptis pedibusque luteis, femoribus basi nigris. Long. 5 ; alar. 10 Hn. Head yellow, with a short piceous stripe above the peristoma. An- tennce black ; third joint ferruginous heneath. Thorax aeneous-green; sciitellum fcneous-tawny. Wings pale grey; stigma pale brown. Alulfe whitish, with yellow borders. Halteres tawny. Abdomen fusi- form, black, adorned vnth three luteous spots on each side ; the first pair less lumdar than the second or the third ; a ferruginous spot on each SYRPHUS. 289 side at the tip ; under side luteous with large quadrate black spots in the disc. Legs luteous ; femora black at the base ; tarsi ferruginous, with piceous tips ; hind tarsi piceous, ferruginous at the base. Not common. (E.) 8. arcuatus. Fin. syrph. 43. 11 (ISIG) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Viridi- feneus, antenius jiiceis, abdomine nujro fasciis tribm angustis arcuatis interruptis Jlavis, pedibus luteis femoribus basi nigris, tibiis piceo- chictis. Long. 4-4 1 ; alar. 9-10 lin. Head luteous, with a black stripe above the peristoma; vertex yeneous-green. Antennfs piceom. Thorax seneous-green ; scutellum tawny. Wings pale grey ; stigma brown. Alulae white, with yellow borders. Haltercs yellow. Abdomen fusiform, black, adorned toith three transverse yellow spots on each side ; second and third pair Innular ; hind border of the fourth segment yelloio. Legs luteous; femora some- times more or less black ; hind tibia? with piceous bands. Not rare. (E.) 9. coroilae, Fb. e. s. iv. 306. 106 (1792) ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Lw.— pyrorum, Shr. — olitorius. Fin. Viridi-seneus, antennis fidvis apice et supra piceis, ahdomine nlgro fasciis quatuor latis, prima interrnpta, se- cunda tertiaque emaryinatis pedibusque luteis, femoribus basi nigris. Long. 4-4| ; alar. 8-9 lin. Head yellow, with a short black stripe above the peristoma ; vertex black. MaxillcB about one-third of the length of the labrum. Palpi as long as the maxilhe. Antennce tawny, piceous above and at the tips. Thorax a3neous-green, clothed with tawny hairs ; scutellum tawny. Wings colourless ; stigma brownish-tawny. AluUe white. Ilalteres yellow. Abdomen elliptical, clothed with short black hairs, and on each side of the base with long wliitish hairs, adorned with four broad luteous bands ; first band interrupted ; second and third oblique on each side, notched on the hind borders ; disc of the fourth sometimes black. Legs luteous ; femora black towards the base ; tarsi ferruginous, brownish towards the tips. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 10. balteatus, Dg. ins. vi. 52. 7 (1783); Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — alternatus, Shr. ; Grf. ; Gm. ; llsi. — canabinus, Gm. — nectareus, Fb. ; Pz. ! fn. Ixxxii. 19 ; Flu. ^Eneus, antennis ferrugineis, thorace cano-subtrivittato, abdomine nigro fasciis quatuor latis lineola trans- versa nigra iuscriptis luteis, pedibus fulvis. Long. 5-5^ ; alar. 11-12 lin. iEneous. Head luteous in front. Antennae ferruginous ; thii'd joint black above ; fourth black. Thorax with thi'ee indistinct hoary stripes ; scutellum dull tawuy. Wings colourless ; veins black ; stigma and halteres tawny. Abdomen black, with four broad variable luteous bands, each including a narrow more or less distinct black band ; tirst VOL. I. 3 r 390 SYRPHIDiE. band interrupted ; fourth rarely interrupted. Legs tawny, rarely shaded with pale brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 11. hyalinatus, Fin. syiim. 43. 13 (1816); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Nigro-cuprens, antennis piceis, alls subcinereis, abdomiue nigro luteo- sexuiaculato, pedibus piceis. Long. 5-5^; alar. 12-13 lin. Cu])reous-black. Head ehalybeous in front. Antennae piceous. Wings slightly grey ; stigma lurid. Alula? white, with yellow borders, llalteres yellow, with brown kuobs. Abdomen fusiform, black, with three luteous spots on each side ; the first pair of spots small ; the second and third pair subquadrate, very large. Legs piceous. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E. S. I.) 12. topiarius, Mg. zw. iii. 305. 47 (1822) ; Ztt. Viridi-ajneus, antennis piceis basi et subtus pallidis, abdomlne fasciis quatuor latis interniptm miaque inte(jrapedihHsque luteis. Long. 4-4i; alar. 8-9 liu. Head yellow, with a short black stripe above the peristoma ; vertex feneous-green. Antennaj piceous, partly ferruginous beneath, tawny at the base. Thorax aeneous-green, clothed with tawny hairs. Scii- tellum tawny, sometimes tinged with green. Wings almost colourless ; stigma pale brown. Alulaj white. Halteres yellow. Abdomen fusi- form, clothed with short black hairs, and on each side of the base with long pale hairs, adorned with four broad luteous bands ; first, second, and third bands interrupted ; fourth entire, its disc most often black. Legs luteous ; tarsi darker. Male. Femora black towards the base. Tern. Hind femora very rarely black towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 13. tricinctus. Fin. syrph. 41. 9 (1816); Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Niger, abdomine fasciis duahus, secunda interrupta, maculisqtie quatuor piedibusquefiavis. Long. 5 ; alar. 11 lin. Black, clothed with pale hairs. Vertex bluish-black ; epistoma with a broad yellow stripe on each side. Scutellum tawny. Wings colour- less, slightly tawny at the base ; stigma dark brown. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with two yellow hands; tlie second interrupted ; a yelloio spot on each side of the disc near the base, and a yellow marginal spot on each side near the tip. Legs yellow ; femora black towards the base. Rare. In Mr. Stephens^s collection. (E. S.) 14. glaucius, L. fn. ii. 813(1761); Spl. ; Gm. ; LI.; Fin.; Ztt. — nobilis, Mg. — leucozonins, Ahr. ! fn. ii. 25. Fiiscus, antennis nigris, thorace cano-subquadrivittato, scutello luteo, abdomine niyro fasciis tribua snbinterruptis canis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus basi niyris. Long. 5-6 ; alar, ll-\^ lin. Brown. Head luteous. Antennfe black. Thorax icith four indi^s- tiuct hoary stripes, clothed witli tawny hairs on each side in front. Scutellum luteous. Wings pale grey ; veins black ; stigma piceous. SYRPHUS. 291 Halteres yellow. Ahdomm black, with iJiree half-interrupted hoary bands ; first broad ; second and third narrow. Lerjs tawmj ; femora black at the base ; hind femora black ivith tawny tips ; liind tibiae rarely encircled with black. Fem. Crown with a black stripe. Not rare. (E. S. I.) 15. laternarius, IMlr. pr. 2040 (1776).— y/r/«ci«.s, Fb. ; Mg.— mutatus, Ztt. Ni(jer, abdomine fasciis una lata ftdca diiabusque cards angustls. Long. 4^-5 ; alar. 10-11 lin. Black. Head hoary, yellow in front ; disc of the crown jeneous. Wings pale grey ; veins black ; stigma piceous. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with three interrupted bands ; first taiony, very broad ; second and third hoary, narrow. Legs black. Not common. (S. I.) 16. albostriatus, Fin. syrph. 42. 10 (1816); Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. ^Eiieus, antennis fulvis apice fuscis, thorace cano-hivittaio, abdo- mine fasciis quatuor interruptisflavis, pedibus flavis, femoribus basi nigris. Long. 4-4i; alar. 8-9 lin. Body clothed with tawny hairs. Head yellow. Antennae tawnv, piceous towards the tips. Thorax aeneous, with two hoary stripes. Scutellum ajneous, tawny. Wings colourless, with a blackish-brown stigma. Alulae white. Halteres luteous. Abdomen ivith four inter- rupted yellow bands ; the fourth forming only a small spot on each side ; hind borders of the fourth and fifth segments yellow. Legs yellow ; femora black towards the base ; hind tibiae indistinctly banded with brown ; hind tarsi brown above towards the tips. Not rare. (E. S. I.) 17. venustus, Mg. zw. iii. 299. 38 (1822) ; Mq. ; 7M.— sol it aria, Ztt. Yiridi-aencus, antennis piceis subtus ferrugineis, abdomine nigra fasciis quatuor interruptis pedibusque Inteis, femoribus basi nigris. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 8-10 lin. Head luteous, with a short black stripe above the peristoma ; vertex Eeneous-green. Antennae piceous, ferruginous beneath ; fourth joint feiTuginous. Thorax aeneous-green. Scutellum dull tawny. Wings colourless ; stigma lurid. Alulae yellowish-white. Halteres luteous. Abdomen black, fusiform, adorned with four transverse luteous spots on each side ; hind borders of the fourth and fifth segments luteous ; under side luteous with transverse black spots. Legs luteous ; femora black at the base ; tarsi ferruginous ; hind tarsi piceous. Generally distributed. (E.) 18. lunulatus, Mg.zw.iii. 299. 39 (1822); Mq. ; Ztt. iEneus, epistomate flavo nigro-vittato , antennis fulvis supra fuscis, scutello ceneo- fusco, abdomine nigro-«nco lunulis bis tribus, pedibusque flavis, femoribus basi nigris. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 9-12 lin. iEueous. Vertex aeneous-black ; epistoma yellow, with a black sea- 292 SYRPHIDi?5. pula. AntemKB taiony ; tliird joint brown above. Scutellum aeneous- brown. Abdomen seneous-black, with three yellow l/mules on each side ; tip and legs yellow ; femora black at the base. Not rare. (E. S.) 19. umbellatarum, Fb. e. s. iv.^ 307. 107 (1792) ; Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — amcenus, Lw. ^Eneus, antennis nigris, abdomine nigro fasciis tribus ad qninque interruptls paUidis, pedibus anterioribus fulvis posticis nigris. Long. 4-4|^ ; alar. 8-9 lin. ^neous. Head tawny, yellow or whitish, with a black or aeneous scapula in front. Antenna black. Scutellum lurid. Wings slightly grey ; stigma grey or pale brown. Halteres tawny or yellow. Abdo- men black, with three broad interTiipted yellow or lohite bands ; hind borders of the apical segments yellow or white. Legs tawny ; anterior femora black towa.rds the base; hind legs black; knees tawny. Var. /3. Third joint of the antennfe ferruginous beneath. Abdomen with four interrupted yellow bands ; first and foui'th bands narrow. Far. y. Anterior tibiae with black bands. Eare. (E.) 20. decorus, Mg. zw. iii. 319. 66 (1833); Mq. ; Ztt. JEneus, antennis piceis, abdomine fasciis quatuor latis interruptis cyaneo-luteis, pedibus fulvis. Long. 4 ; alar. 10 Lin. iEneous, clothed with pale hairs. Head tawny in front. Aniennce piceous. Scutellum tawny. Wings colourless ; stigma tawny. Hal- teres luteous. Abdomen with four broad interrupted luteous bands, which have a bluish tinge. Legs tawny. Not common. (E.) 21. cinctus. Fin. syrph. 45. 18 (1816); Mg. ; Mq.; Zii.—cinc- tella, Ztt. iEneus, 5c«^e//o/«/i;o-^i7oso, abdomine fasciis quatuor pallidis secunda tertiaque integris. Long. 4-5 ; alar. 8-10 lin. j9ilneous. Head tawny ; vertex aeneous ; a triangular aeneous spot above the antennae ; a dark tawny scapula above the peristoma. An- tennae ferruginous ; third joint piceous above; fourth black. Scutellum tawny, clothed with tawny hairs. Wings slightly grey ; stigma grey. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black, aeneous at the base, adorned with four large siibquadrate tawny spots, which are broadest on the outer side, their hind borders being oblique. Legs tawny. Var. i3. Scutel- lum with an aeneous tinge. Wings colourless ; stigma pale brown. Abdomen with four tawny bands ; first and foiu-th interrupted, and forming a triangle on each side ; second and third of equal breadth ; a tawny dot on each side at the tip. Var. y. Head luteous. Antennfc piceous, ferruginous beneath and at the base. Halteres yellow. Ab- domen with four broad luteous bands ; first interrupted ; second 'and third with a deep angular indentation on the hind border. Hind legs black ; femora at the base and knees tawny. Var. 8. Head yellow. SYKPHUS. 293 Stigma pale tawny. Hind femora and hind tibiae tawny, with pale brown bands. Generally distributed. (E. I.) 22. auricoUis, Mg. zw. iii. 318. 64 (1822) ; Mq. ; Ztt. iEneus, scutello fasco-pihso, abdomine fasciis quatuor pallidis secunda tertiaque integris. Long. 4|^-5 ; alar. 9-10 Kn. /Eneous. Head yellow, with a ferruginous scapula above the peri- stoma j vertex PBueous. Anteunpe ferruginous; third joint piceous above; fourth black. Thorax tawny on each side in front of the wings ; scidelliim tawny, slightly seneous on the disc, clothed tcith brown hairs. Wings slightly grey; veins black; stigma brown. Hal- teres yellow. Abdomen broad, with four tawny bands ; first inter- rupted ; second and third broad ; fourth narrow. Legs tawny ; hind legs black ; hind femora tawny at the base ; hind knees tawny. Male. Middle femora in some cases black at the base. Var. ^. Head tawny ; scapula dark tawny ; an icneous triangular spot above the antennae. Halteres tawny. Second abdominal baud interrupted especially towards the hind border ; third with an angular notch on the hind border. Hind legs tawny, slightly tinged with brown. Not common. (E. S.) 23. manicatus, Mg. zw. iii. 336. 91 (1822); Mq. ; Ztt. ^neus, antennis nigris, abdomine maculis bis quatuor subquadratis fulvis. Long. 4-4A; alar. 9-10 lin. iEneous. Antennae black. Wings slightly lurid. Halteres yellow. Abdomen with four subquadrate tawny spots on each side ; first pair longer and narrower than the second or the third ; fourth very small. Legs black ; anterior tibiae towards the base aud knees tawny. Male. Fore metatarsi whitish. Var. /3. Wings grey. Hind tibiae tawny towards the base. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 24. peltatus, Mg. zw^ iii. 334. 89 (1822); Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt.— albimanus var., Fin. iEneus, antennis nigris, abdomine nigro maculis bis tribus subquadratis luteis,pedilms nigris ; Mas. (jenubusjlavis, metalarso antico dilatato albo, postico modice incrassato nigro ; Fosm. pedibtcs ante- rioribus fulvis. Long. 3i-4-i ; alar. 8-9 lin. iEneous. Antennae black. Wings slightly gi-ey ; stigma pale brown. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black, aeneous at the tip, adorned on each side with subquadrate pale yelloio spots. Legs taiony ; hind legs black ; femora at the base and knees taiony. Male. Abdomen with six spots. Fore metatarsi ivhitish. Fern. Abdomen toith eight spots ; fourth pair small, transverse. Var. /3. AntenniB with the third joint ferru- ginous beneath. Wings colourless ; stigma pale grey. Halteres yel- low. Hind legs piceous. Var. y First pair of abdominal spots trian- gular. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 294 BYRPHIDiE. 25. clypeatus, Mg. zw. iii. 335. 90 (1822); Mq. ; Lw.; Ztt.— albimanus var., Fin. iEneus, antennis nigris, ahdombie nigro maculis bis tr'ihus aut quatuor qiiadratls pedlbusque fulvls, pedibus 2}osticis plus minusve obscuris ; Mas. tibiis tarslsque anticis dilatatis flavo-albidis. Long. 3—1 ; alar. 6-8 lin. ^neous. Antennae black. Wings brown. Halteres tawny. Ab- domen black, seneous at the base and at the tip, with four pair of tawny spots ; first, second, and third pair large, ohlong-quadrute ; fourth pair small. Legs tawny ; hind legs black ; tibia at the base and at the tips and knees tawny. Var. ^. Head and abdomen bluish-black. Wings slightly grey. Abdomen with three pair of luteous spots ; first pair small, nearly round. Anterior legs and bands of posterior legs Inteous. Var. y. Legs piceous ; tibice towards the base and knees tatvny. Var. d. Wings almost colourless. Halteres yellow. Abdomen toith four pair of large subquadrate tawny spots ; fore angles of the first pair and hind, angles of the other six truncate on the inner side. Hind femora and hind tibia and hind metatarsi ivith irregular piceous bands. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 26. ferrugineus, Mq. d. n. syrph. 81. 7 (1827) ; Mg. ; Ztt. .^jneus, antennis nigris, abdomine fulvo linea dorsali media fasciisque angustissimis nigris, pedibus fulvis, metatarsis posticis nigris ; Mas. tibiis anticis evidenter tarsisque nonnihil dilatatis. Long. 4-4-i ; alar. 8-9 lin. ^neous. AntennEe black. Wings slightly grey ; veins black ; stigma brown". Halteres tawny. Abdomen aeneous, 7oith four large subquadrate tawny spots on each side ; fore angles of the first pair, and hind angles of the other six, truncated ; tip tawny. Legs tawny. Llind metatarsi black. Var. j3. Hind femora, hind tibia, and hind metatarsi with irregular piceous bands. Eare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 27. scutatus, Mg. zw. iii. 333. 88 (1822); Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt.— albimanus var.. Fin. iEneus, antennis nigris aut fuscis subtus luteis, abdomine nigro bis tribus maculis quadratis flavidis (mas.) aut albidis (foem.), pedibus anterioribus paUidis nigro-)naculatis posticis nigris, fe- moribus basi genubusque pallidis. Long. 3|-4i-; alar. 7-9 lin. iEneous. Antennse black. Wings slightly grey. Stigma brown. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black, aneous at the base and at the tip, with three large subquadrate spots on each side. Ljcgs tawny ; anterior femoi-a piceous or black above ; hind legs piceous, with tawny knees. Male. Abdo- minal spots yellotvish. Fem. Abdominal spots whitish. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 28. cyaneus, Mir. fn. 761 (1764). — albimanus, Fb. ; Gm. ; Mg. ; Fin; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. Mneus aut subcarulescens, antennis nigris, ab- domine maculis bis tribus aut quatuor subquadratis glaucis aut aneis, pedibus nigro-piceis, tibiis tarsisque anterioribus p)idlidis horum anticis mare dilatatis. Long. 3^-4 ; alar. 7-8^ lin. SYKPHUS. 295 Maxillse nearly as long as the palpi. Palpi half the length of the labium, subclavate. Antennse black. Male. JEneous. Wings grey ; stigma pale brown. Halteres piceous. Abdomen black, aeneous at the tip, adorned on each side with three ceneom-tawny suhtrianujular spots whose hind sides are oblique. Lecjs piceous ; knees and anterior tarsi pale taimiy ; fore femora tufted with black hairs at the base. Fem. Bluish-black. Winfjs almost colourless. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with three jiair of glaucous spots on each side, and a glaucous band at the tip. Legs taimiy ; anterior tibice tcith piceous bands ; hind legs black with tawny knees. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 29. granditarsus, Fstr. cent. i. 99 {im).—ocymi, Fb. ; Pz. ! fn. Ixxxii. IS ; Pin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — brassicarius,Vz.\h\. XX. 20. — lobatus, Mg. yEneus, antennis nigris, capite scutcUoque nigi'o-cyaneis, abdoraine rufo-ferrugineo basi apiceque teneo ; Mas. alls fiiscis, pedibus nigris ; Fa^m. alis cinereis, abdominis apice ferru- gineo-biinaculato, pedibus ftUvis. Long. 3f-4^ ; alar. 7-9 lin. ^neous. Head bluish-black. Antenna black. Scutelluni more or less tinged A\dth blue. Halteres tawny. Abdomen ferruginous-red, tieneous at the base and towards the tip. Male. Wings brown. Legs black ; tibiae towards the base and anterior femora towards the tips tawny. Fem. Wings grey, their discs slightly clouded with brown. Abdomen w4th two large ferruginous spots on each side towards the tip. Legs tawny ; anterior tarsi brown, tawny at the base; hind tibia; encircled with black ; hind tarsi brown. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 30. rosarum, Fb. e. s. iv. 307. 109 (1792) ; Gm. ; Pz. ! fu. cviii. 14 ; Pin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Lw. ; Ztt. — noctilucus, Pz. ! fn. Ixxii. 24. — melUnus, Mg. iEneus, antennis nigris, capite scutelloque cyaneis, alis fusco-cinereis, ahdomine luteo interrupte fasciato, pedibus piceis fulvo-cinctis ; Mas. abdomine atro apice feneo ; Foem. abdomine basi apiceque cyaneo. Long. 4-4i ; alar. 7-8 lin. jS^neons. Head dark blue. Maxillfe half the length of the palpi. Palpi halfthe length of the labium. Antenna) black. Scutellum dark blue. Wings grey, brown from the middle of the costa to the disc. Halteres luteous. Abdomen with a luteous interrupted band at the base of the second segment. Legs piceous ; knees and parts adjoining and tarsi tawny. Male. Abdomen deep black, aeneous at the tip. Fem. Abdo- men blue at the base and with two blue bands towards the tip. Generally distributed. (E. S, I.) 31. mellinus, L. s. n. ii. 988. 55 (17G7); Dg. ; Spl. ; Pb. ; Shr. ; LI. ; Pin. ; Ztt. — mellarius ? Mg. — mellittirgus ? Mg. jEneus, antennis nigris subtus ferrugineis, alis subcinereis, abdomine nigro maculis bis quatuor subquadralisflavis, pedibus fulvis aut piceis. Long. 4^ ; alar. 8 lin. /Eneous. Antenna; black ; third joint ferruginous beneath. Wings 296 SYBPHIDiE. slightly grey ; veins black ; stigma brown. Halteres tawny. Abdo- men black, peneons at the tip, adorned with four pair of large S2ibqitadrate yellow spots, whose hivd sides are slightly obliqne ; fourtli pair smaller than the others. Legs tawny ; hind legs black ; hind femora and hind tibiag tawny at the base. Var. /3. Head slightly tawny on each side in front ; first pair of abdominal spots almost triangular ; fourtli transverse. Legs piceous. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 32. scalaris, Fb. e. s. iv. 108. 312 (1792); Pz. ! fn. xlv. 20. —gracilis, Mg. zw. iii. 228. 80 (1822) ; LI. ; Mg. ; Zii.—meUinnsyM-., Fin. iEneus, antennis fulvis aut piceis, alls subcinereis, abdomine nigro macidis bis quatuor suhtrigonis fulvis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis tar- sisque posticis piceo-cinctis. Long. 3-4 ; alar. 6-8 lin. ^Eneous. Antennae tawny or piceous. Wings slightly grey ; stigma grey. Halteres tawny. Abdomen black, aeneous at the tip, with four pair of tatvny spots ; first pair nearly round ; second and third pair sub- triangular, slightly nndnlating on the outer side ; fourth pair transverse. Legs tawny ; hind tibiae and hind tarsi with piceous bands. Generailj distributed. (E. S. I.) 33. concolorj n. yEneo-viridis, antennis nigris articulo tertio sublus ferrugineo, alis limpidis, abdomine macnlis sex subquadratis vix conspicuis canis, pedibus fulvis. Long. 31- ; alar. 7 lin. iEneous-green. Antennfe black; third joint ferruginous beneath. Wings colourless. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with three large sub- quadrate very indistinct hoary spots on each side. Legs tawny. Eare. lu the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) Genus XXVII. DOROS. DoRos, Mg. ; Mq. d. i. 5 (1834) ; Ztt. ; Edn. 3Iusca p., L. ; Dg. ; Shll. ; Shf. ; Shr. ; Gf. ; Gm. Syrphus p., Fb. ; Pz. ; LI. ; Mg. Mulio p., Fb. Milesia p., Fb. Eristalis p., Fb. Scceva p., Fin. Baccha p., St. F. et Srv, Frons lavis, convexa. Epistoma vix elongatuni, ad os prominens. AntenncB capitis latitudine conjunctim breviores, basi disjunctce ; arti- culus quartus dorsalis ; quintus pnhescens. TJioracis latera flavo- mactdata. Aim areolis discali et subapicali margine posteriore fere ceqvaliter remotis et parallelis, areola subapicali integra, lobo axillari dislincto, venis subcostali et radiali ad marginem disjunctis, vena trans- versa prabrachiali ante areolce discalis medium locata. Abdomine segmentis 5 {vel 6) tantum conspncuis. Head semicircular ; front everi, convex ; epistoma but little elon- gated horizontally, a little comprcssetl beneath the antenn;r, with some slight tubercles above the peristoma, protuberant towards the mouth. DOROS. 297 Peristoma oblong', straitened in front, directed upwards. Eyes bare or hairy. Labriim curved, notched at the tip. Lingua acute, as long as the labrum. Maxillae as long as the palpi. Palpi hardly one-fourth of the length of the labrum. Labium rather long, semicylindrical. Antenna) 5-jointed, porrect, nutant, Jointli/ shorter than the hreadtlt. of the head., separated at the base ; first and second joints small ; tldrd round or oblong; fourth very small, seated on the base of the third; fifth setiform, pubescent. Thorax oval, convex, hairy ; sides variegated with yellow ; scuteUum semicircular. Wings lanceolate, finely pubes- cent, incumbent and parallel in repose; discal and siibapical areolets nearly equidistant from and parallel to the posterior margin ; subapical areolet entire ; axillary lobe distinct ; subcostal and radial veins ending separately in the margin ; transverse prabrachial vein placed before tlie middle of the discal areolet. Aluhe small. Halteres uncovered. Ab- domen depressed, with only five {or six) segments apparent. Legs slender. Male. Front distinctly convex. Eyes connected. Fein. Eront slightly convex. Eyes remote. 1. conopseus, Pb. s. i. ii. 429. 38 (1781); Gm. ; LI.; Pin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — conopsoides, Mg. kl. — coarctatiis, Pz. ! fn. xlv. 22, Niger flavo-vittatus, antennis piceis, scutello fulvo, alls sublimpidis ad costam fuscis, abdomine flavo-fasciato basi coarctato cylindrico, pedibus luteis, femoribus basi nigris. Long. 7 ; alar. 14 lin. Black. Head with a yellow stripe on each side of the crown and of the front. Antennae pitchy, black at the base. Thorax with a yellow stripe on each side ; scuteUum tawny. Wings almost colomless, brown along the fore border. Halteres tawny. Abdomen coarctate and cylin- drical at the base, with three yellow bands ; the third ridged in the middle, prominent in front ; a very oblique short yellow stripe on each side near the base. Legs luteous ; femora black towards the base ; a brown, sometimes indistinct band on each tibia. Rare. (E.) 2. citrofasciatus, Dg. i. vi. 118. 9. — festivus, Shr. ; Pb. ; Ksi. ; LI. ; Pin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — vespiformis, Gf. ent. ii. 479. — arcuatas, Dnv. ; Hrs. xv. 17. Niger, thoracis lateribus scutelloque flavis, aUs subcinereis, abdomine flavo-fasciato, pedibus luteis. Long. 5-5|^ ; alar. 10-11 lin. Black. Head yellow. Antennae luteous. Thorax with a yellow stripe on each side ; scuteUum yellow, brownish at the base ; pectus with a narrow transverse yellow spot on each side. Wings pale grey, tawny towards the base, brown along the fore border. Halteres brown, yellow or tawny towards the tips. Abdomen with four yellow inter- rupted bands ; hind border of the fourth and fifth segments yellow ; under side with four entire yellow bands, its margin mostly yellow. Legs luteous ; coxte black. Fern. Head with a black stripe in front. Not very common. (E. I.) VOL. I. 2 Q 298 SYRPHID^. 3. omatus, Mg. zw. iii. 298. 37 (1822); Mq. ; Ztt. ; Gmtl.— fest'wiis var., Fin. Niger, thoracis lateribus scutelloque flavis, alis subcinereis, abdomine tlavo-fasciato, pedihus Jlavis, femoribus posticis apice nigris, llbiis liodicls fusco-chicUs. Long. 3^-5 ; alar. 7-10 lin. Black. Head yellow or luteous in front. Antennfc ferruginous. Thorax with a yellow stripe on each side ; scutellum yellow towards the hind border ; pectus with a narrow transverse yellow spot on each side. Wings slightly tinged with grey, tawny along the fore border fi'om the base to the middle, where there is a short dark brown stripe. Halteres brown, with yellow knobs. Abdomen with four broad yellow interrupted bands ; the first very broad, forming a triangular yellow spot on each side ; under side with entire bands. Lec/s yellow ; coxa black ; Jdnd femora with black tips ; hind tibiae and hind tarsi tawny ; a slight hroron band, on each hind tibia. Fern. Head with a black stripe in front. Not very common. (E.) Genus XXVIII. MELITHREPTUS. Melithkeptus, Lw. btrg. Musca p., L. ; lira. ; Dg, ; Shr. ; Spl. Syrphus p., Fb. s. i. ; LI. ; Mg. Scceva p., Fb. s. a. ; Fin. Sp)h(e- rophoria, St. F. et Srv. ; Ztt. ; Edn. Corpus angtistum, fiavo-pictum. Eplstoma vix elongatum, ad as promi- nens. Aniennce capitis latitudhie conjimctim breviores, hasi disjunctcB ; articulus quartus dorsalis ; qidntus subnudus. Alee areolis discali et subapicali margine posteriore fere (equallter remotis et iUl parallelisy areola siibajncali integra, lobo axdlari dlstincto, veuis subcostali et radiali ad marginem disjmictis, vena transversa prcBbrachiali ante areola: discalis medium locata. Abdomen segmentis sepiem conspicuis. Mas. Ocidi connexi. Abdomen longum, cylindricmn. Fmm. Oculi modice remoti. Abdomen brevius, depressum. Body slender, rather small, almost bare. Head, sides of the thorax, scutellum, bands or spots of the abdomen, and legs, yellow. Head semicircular. Epistoma but little elongated horizontally, protitberant towards the mouth. Antenn/B 5 -jointed, porrect, nutant, jointly shorter than the breadth of the head, separated at the base; first and second joints small ; third almost round ; fourth veiy small, seated on the base of the third; fifth setiforin, almost bare. Wings rather short and narrow ; flight feeble ; discal and subapical areolets nearly eqiddistant from and parallel to the posterior margin ; subapical areolet entire ; axillary lobe distinct ; subcostal and radial veins ending separately in the margin ; transverse prabrachial vei7i placed before the middle of the discal areolet. Alulte small. Halteres uncovered. Legs slender. Male. Eyes connected. Abdomen long, cylindrical. Fern. Eyes parted. Abdomen shorter, depressed. MELITHREPTUS. 399 These flies especially frequent sweet-scented flowers ; their movements are slow. The yellow marks on the abdomen are very variable. The larvae feed on Aphides. 1. scriptus,L.fn.i. 1091(1749); Fb.; LL; Mg.; Mq.; Lw.; Ztt.— gemmatns, Spl. ? — menthastri var., Fin. iEneus, capite antennis tho- racis lateribus scutelloque flavis, peristomate pnncto nir/ro, alis sub- cinereis, ahdomine fasciis quatuor Jlavis prima et rpiarta subinterruptis, peiVihus jlavis . Long. 4-5 ; alar. 7-8 lin. /t]neous. Head, antennae, sides of the thorax, and scutellum yellow. Teridoma loith a black dot. Maxiflge nearly as long as the palpi. Palpi subclavate, half the lengtli of the labium. Wings slightly grey. Hal- teres tawny. Abdomen wltli four ydloio bands. Legs yellow. Male. Bands of the abdomen broad ; first sometimes interrupted ; second and third rarely interrupted ; third slightly notched ; fourth deeply notched, intersected by a black stripe. Fem. Bands narroio ; third notched ; fourth irregular and interrupted. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. menthastri, L. s. n. ih 987. 53 (1767); Dg. ; Fb. ; Sph ; Shr. ; Rsi. ; LI. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. iEneus, capite antennis thoracis lateiibus scutelloque flavis, epistomate linea media fusca, alis subcinereis, abdomine fasciis quatuor flavis interruptis secunda integra, pedibus flavis. Long. 3^-4 ; alar. 6-7 lin. i^Eneous. Head, antennae, sides of the thorax, and scutellum yellow. Epistoma with a brown stripe. Wings slightly grey. Halteres tawny. Abdomen with four luteous bands. Legs yeUow. Male. Bands broad, more or less interrupted and shortened ; very rarely entire ; fourth more or less marked loith black. Femora rarely black totcards the base. Fem. Bands narrow, interrupted, sometimes entire ; hind borders of the segments edged icith yellow. Generally distributed, (E. S. I.) 3. tseniatus, Mg. ! zw. iii. 325. 71. pi. 30. f. 55(1822) ; Mq. ; Lw.; Ztt. — menthastri var.. Fin. /Eneus, capite thoracis lateribus scutello- que flav'is, antennis fulvis, alis sublimpidis, abdomine fasciis quatuor luteis leviter ernarginatis, pechbus flavis ; Mas. pei'istomatis margine an- guste nigro, femoribus basi nigris ; Fosm. peristomate j^uncto nigro. Long. 4 ; alar. 6 lin. Metallic green. Head, scutellum, and sides of thorax yeUow. An- tennae tawny. Wings almost colourless. Halteres luteous. Abdomen with four broad entire luteous bands ; the fourth occupying the whole of the last segment, slightly spotted with black. Legs yellow. Male. Fore border of the peristoma with a narrow black band. Femora black totcards the base. Fem. Peristoma with a black dot. Generallv distributed. (E. S. I.) 300 SYRPHIDTE. Genus XXIX. BACGHA. Baccha, Fb. s. a. 200. 6 (1805) ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Ct. ; Rdn. Sijrphus p., Fb. s. i. Musca p., Gml. Bacclia p., St. F. et Srv. Corpus gracile. Antennce articulo quarto dorsali. Alee areola sub- apicall Integra, lobo axlllari indistincto. Abdomen petiolatum. Fe- mora postica gracilia. Body slender. Head semicircular ; epistoma slightly depressed, with a scapula ; peristoma oblong, narrow, straitened in front. La- brum large, broad, notched at the tip, with a spine in the middle and a smaller one on each side. Lingua stout, lanceolate. Maxillce short, slender, subulate, as loug as the palpi, slightly curved. Palpi clavate, membranous, hairy towards the tips, not half the length of the labrum. Labium short, stout, cylindrical. Antennse 5-jointed, small, approx- imate, porrect, mitant ; first and second joints small ; first cyathiform ; second much shorter and broader, bordered with stout bristles ; third almost round, somewhat quadrate, compressed ; fourth very minute, seated on the base of the third; fifth setiform, stout, rather short, slightly pubescent. Thorax oval. Wings large, with obtuse tips, very finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; suJjajiical areolet entire ; axillari/ lobe indistinct. Alula? small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen pubescent, long, very slender; first segment short, thick in front, narrower behind ; second cylindrical, very slender ; third and fourth somewhat widened. Legs very slender; hind femora not enlarged; hind tarsi hardly dilated. Male. Eyes contiguous. Abdomen obtuse at the tip. Fern. Eyes parted by a narrow linear front. Abdomen acute at the tip. The long slender petiolated abdomen is the most apparent dis- tinctive character of this genus. 1. elosigata, Fb.s.i. ii. 430. 42 (1781); Gm. ; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq.; Ztt. ; Lw. — sphegina, Mg. — tabida, Mg. ; Mq. ; Ct. — vitripennis, Mg. ^nea, antenuis nigris articulo tertio ferrugineo, scutello pcctoreque chalybeis, alis subcinereis, venis transversis fusco-nebulosis, abdomine cupreo, lateribus fulvo-trimaculatis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis posticis fuscis. Long. 4-4^; alar. 7-8 lin. iEneous, head covered with hoary bloom excepting a stripe on the crown and a black shining scapula OTi the epistoma. Antennfe black ; third joint ferruginous. Scutellum chalybeous ; under side of the thorax chalybeous, covered with hoary bloom. JFings slightly grey ; transverse veins clouded with brown ; stigma dark brown. Halteres tawny. Ab- domen cupreous, adorned with three pairs of tawny spots ; first pair suaall, at the base of the thii'd segment ; second pair large, quachatc, partly united, occupying from one-fourth to one-third of the fourth seg- ment from its base ; third pair small, at the base of the fifth segment. Legs tuwnv ; hind tarsi brown. Far. ^. First and second pair of ab- SPHEGINA. . 301 dominal spots equal in size. rar. y. Third pair of abdominal spots obsolete. Generally distributed. (E. S. I.) 3. obscuripennis, Mg. zw. iii. 199. 4 (1822); Ztt. — 7ii(jripennis, Mg. Viridi-a!nea, capite nigro-cyaneo, antennis nigris apice fuscis, alarum venis transversis fusco-nebulosis, abdomine cupreo fasciis dua- bns falvis ornato, pedibus fulvis, tarsis posticis fuscis ; Mas. alls fuscis, feraoribus ferrugineis; Foem. alls cinereis, abdominis apice fidvo-bima- culato. Long. 4—11^; alar. 7-8 lin. Greenish-feneous. Head bluisli-black, covered with hoaiy bloom excepting a stripe on the crown and a black shining scapula on the epistoma. Antenna? black ; third jomt brown. ScuteUum ffineous- black ; a blue tinge on the thorax behind the base of each Aving. Wings with a dark brown stigma ; transverse veins of the disc clouded with dark brown. Halteres yellow, with tawny knobs. Abdomen cu- preous, adorned with two tawny bands, one at the base of the third seg- ment, the other at the base of the fourth. Legs tawny ; hind tarsi brown. Male. Whujs broicn ; alula? tawny ; femora ferruginous. Abdominal bands narrow. Tern. Wings grey ; alula? yellow. Abdomen with broad bands and with a tawny spot on each side of the base of the fifth segment. Not common. (E. I.) 3. scutellata, Mg. zw. iii. 198. 2 (1822). ^nea, antennis piceis, alis fuscis, venis transversis nebvdosis, abdomine fascia pedibusque flavis. Long. 4 ; alar. 1\ lin. iEneous. Antennas piceous. Wings broion ; stigma dark brown ; transverse veins clouded with ('ark brown, Halteres luteous. Abdo- men with a yellow band on the base of the fourth segment. Legs yellow. Rare. In the British Museum. (E. I.) Genus XXX. SPHEGINA. Sphegina, Mg. zw, iii. 193 (1822) ; St. F. et Srv. ; Mq. ; Ztt.; Zll. ; Rdn. Milesia p., Fin. Antenna articulo quarto dorsali. Alee areola subapicali Integra apice rotundala, lobo axillari indistincto. Abdomen petiolatum. Femora postica crassa. Head semicircular ; epistoma contracted, with no scapula, obliquely truncated in front ; peristoma oblong, narrower in front. Labruni some- what narrower towards the tip, which is notched. Lingua acute. Max- iUic subulate, liardly half the length of the palpi. Palpi curved, cla- vatc, ])ubcscent, almost as long as the labrum. Labumi long, cylin- drical. Autenuie porrcct, somewhat nutant, 4-joiatcd ; first and second 303 SYRPHID^. joints very short ; third ahnost round, compressed ; fourth setiform, seated on the base of the third. Thorax oval. Wings large, obtuse, incumbent and parallel in repose ; subaplcal areolet entire, rounded at the tip be- hind; axillary lobe indistinct. Alulffi small. Halteres uncovered. Abdomen petiolated, obclavate ; first segment very short ; second long, very slender ; third and fourth dilated ; fifth small. Hind femora thick, armed beneath with slender spines ; hind tibiaj somewhat curved ; hind tarsi slightly dilated. Male. Eyes approximate. Tip of the abdo- men obtuse. Fem. Eyes more remote. Tip of the abbomen some- what acute. 1. clunipes, Eln. syrph. 12. 10 ; Mg. ! z\v. iii. pi. 28. f. 5 ; Mq.; Ztt. ; Lw. Nigra, epistomate fulvo, alis subcinereis, abdomine subtus flavo, pedibus fulvis, fenioribus posticis nigris, tibiis posticis piceo- cinctis, tarsis posticis piceis ; Mas. abdomine fulvo-fasciato. Long. 2|^-3 ; alar. 5-6 lin. Black. Epistoma and sides of the peristoma tawny. Wings slightly grey. Halteres yellow. Abdomen mostly yellow beneath. Legs tawny ; hind femora black, pale tawny at the base ; hind tibiae with piceous bauds; hind tarsi piceous.' Male. Abdomen with a broad, ferruginous band. Var. /3. Antennse piceous. Var. y, male. Antennae tawny. Var. h,fem. Abdomen with three ferruginous bands. Not common; partial to the flowers of the Wild Garlic. (E. S. I.) Genus XXXI. ASCIA. AsciA, Mgrle. ; Mg. zw. iii. 185 (1822) ; St. F. et Srv. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Kdn. Syrphus p., Eb. ; Pz. Musca p., Shr. ; Gf. ; Gm. Merodon p., Fb. Milesia p., LI. ; Fin. AntenncB articulo qtiarto dorsali. Ala areola subapicali Integra apice truncata, lobo axillari i7idistincto. Abdomen petiolatum. Femora jjostica crassa. Head semicircular; epistoma prolonged, acute and divided at the tip; peristoma long, narrow, straitened in front. Eyes parted. Pro- boscis elongate. Labrum somewhat narrower towards the tip, where it is notched. Lingua acute. Maxilloe subulate, curved, half the length of the palpi. Palpi as long as the labrum, cylindrical, capitate, beset with some short bristles at the tips. Labium cylindrical. Antennne 4-jointed, porrect, nutant, somewhat shorter than the head; fii'st joint short, cylindrical, bristly; second compressed, cyathiform, as long as the first ; third elliptical, compressed ; fourth setiform, seated on the middle of the third. Thorax convex ; scutellum semicircular. Wings obtuse, very finely pubescent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; snbapical areolet entire, truncated ; axillary lobe indistinct. .Vlxlomen ASCIA, 303 petiolated. Anterior legs slender ; Jund femora tJilcJc, clavate, armed beneath loitlt dender spines ; hind tibiae curved ; hind tarsi slightly di- lated. Male. Front narrow. Abdomen fusifonn. 'Fern. Front broad. Abdomen obclavate, broader than that of the male. 1. podagrica, Fb. sp. i. ii. 430. 43 (1781); Shr. ; Gm. ; Pz. ; LI.; Fin. ; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — icJmeumotiea, Shr. i, a. — elongata, Shr. f.b. Nigro-chalybea, antennis nigris articulo tertio subtus rufo, alls sub- cinereis fusco-semifasciatis, venis transversis fmco-nebulosis, abdomine fnlvo-bifasciato, pedibns fulvis, tibiis nigro-cinctis, femoribus posticis nigris. Long. 2-2| ; alar. 4-5 lin, Chalybeous-black. Head with a hoary tinge behind and beneath. Antennae black ; third joint red beneath. Wings slightly grey, with a brown band extending from the middle of the costa to the disc ; apical transverse veins clouded with dark brown. Halteres pale yellow. Ab- domen with tawny bands along the hind borders of the second and of the third segments ; fourth and fifth segments ffineous. Legs tawny ; hind coxa3 black ; hind femora black, yellow towards the base ; a black band round each tibia, that of the hind tibia much the broadest ; liind metatarsi browir alcove. 'Var.^,fem. A notch on the hind border of the second abdominal band. Var. b,fem. Abdominal bands intemipted. Var. y,fem. First abdominal band inteiTupted ; second notched. Generally distributed and very abundant. (E. S. I.) 2. dispar, Mg. zw. iii. 188. 4. pi. 27. f. 28 (1822); Mq.; Ztt. iEneus, antennis nigris, alis subcinereis hnmaculatls, abdomine non acii- minato, tibiis tarsisque fulvis, illorum fasciis metatarsisque anticis et posticis nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. iEneous. Epistoma covered with yellow down. Antennae black. Wings pale grey, not clouded; stigma brown. Halteres luteous. Tibiae and tarsi tawny ; tibiae with black bands ; tips of the tarsi brown ; fore and hind metatarsi black. Eare. In the British Museum. (E. I.) 3. hastata, Hms. ; Mg. zw. iii. 189. 5 (1822). MwQa, antennis nigris, articulo tertio subtus rufo, alis subcinereis immaculatis, abdomine acuminata, pedibus fulvis, femoribus anterioribus tibiisque nigro-cinctis, femoribus posticis nigris. Long. 2 ; alar. 4 lin. Body aeneous-black. Head with a hoary tinge behind and beneath. Wings slightly grey, not clouded ; stigma pale brown. Halteres pale yellow. Abdomeii slender ; last segment aeneous. Legs tawny ; hind coxae black ; hind femora black, yellow towards the base ; tibiae and anterior femora with black bands ; hind metatarsi brown above. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) 304 CONOPIDiE. Family XXVI. CONOPIDiE. CoNOPID^ p., Lch. (1819); Wtw. ; St. ConopsaricE p., LI.; Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Conopsidce p. et Conopites, Nwm. Compsince, Edn. Conopica, Brm, ; Ags. Conopsar'uB p., Lm. Proboscis dlstincta. Antemue apice stylatce. Vena cuhitalis simplex, spuria nulla ; lobus axillai'is rotmidaius. Proboscis distinct. Last joints of antennce forming a short style. Wings perfect ; cubital vein simple ; brachial veins without spurious vein ; axillary lobe rounded. Halteres uncovered. Genus I. CONOPS. CoNOPS, Fb. e. s. iv. 390 (1792) ; LI. ; Pin. ; Mg. ; Wd. ; Dral. ; Ct. ; Mq. ; Ztt. Conops ^., L. ; Fb. sp. i. ; Gf. ; Gm. Asilus p., Gf. Empis p., Spl. Brachiglossum, Conopceus, Conops, Bpariglossum, et Conopilla, Edn. Corpus medicB magnitudinis, sat gracile, flavo aut rufo sfepissime fas- ciatum. Caput vesicidosum. Oculi exserti, remoti. Ocelli uuUi. Antennae porrectsR, capite non breviores, basi approximatse et geni- culata? ; articuliis primus brevis, cylindricus ; secundus longus, sub- clavatus ; tertius conicus, secundo brevior ; quartus brevissimus ; quintus et sextus latiores; septimus stylatus. Thorax subquadratus. Alfe lanceolatse. Abdomen obclavatum.basi angustum, apice incurvum. Pedes siniplices, inermes ; tibiae posticse basi coarctatae ; metatarsi articulo secundo fere triplo longiores. Body of middle size, rather slender, generally adorned with yellow or red bands. Head thick, vesiculose; the crown especially with a transverse vesicular tubercle ; front broad in both sexes. Eyes promi- nent, oblong. Ocelli none. Proboscis long, porrect, stiff, clavate, horizontal or somewhat raised into a curve, geniculate at the base, making a single fold with its angle to the breast. Labrum slender, arched above, hollow beneath, obliquely notched at the tip, much shorter than the labium. Lingua slender, filiform, transparent. Palpi uniarticulate, short, very small, fringed at the tips with fine bristles. Labium obliquely porrect, cylindrical, twice the length of the lingua, naiTower towards the tip, most slender in the male, bilobed, slightly hairy, and with three shallow transverse furrows at the tip. Antennae about as long as the head, porrect, seated on a tubercle, approximate at the base, diverging thence ; first joint short, cylindrical, pubescent, foraiing an angle with the second ; second long, subclavate ; third conical, shorter than the second ; fourth very short ; fifth and sixth larger, widened on one side ; sixth and seventh like a little spine. coNOPS. 305 Thorax almost quadrate, slightly convex above, with a scapula on each side ; scutellum small, semicircular. Wings lanceolate, finely pubes- cent, incumbent and parallel in repose ; praDbrachial vein united with the cubital towards the tip ; praibrachial and discal areolets long, the latter closed near the posterior margin Ijy a transverse vein ; analareo- let long, distinct, complete. Abdomen arched, rather long, with six segments more or less slender towards the base, obclavate towards the tip, which is incurved. Legs rather stout ; tibife very slightly curved, compressed and dilated at the tips, in some cases with a transverse suture ; tarsi rather brood ; ungues and onychia distinct. Malt. Abdo- men with a projecting conical process on the fourth segment beneath. These flies frequent flowers ; their larvae are parasitic on those of humble-bees. The second abdominal segment is very variable in the degree of its contraction^ and the British species may be grouped thus : — a. Abdomen more or less sessile. Species 1-8. a a. Abdomen much petiolated. Species 9. Conopans, Edn., includes C. quadnfasciata and C.Jlavipes ; ConopSy lldn., contains C. macrocephala ; and C. cerioiformh belongs to Cono- jnlla, Rdu. 1. vesictdaris, L.fn. 1903(1701); Gf.; Fb.; Mg. ; LI.; Fin.; Ct. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — Mas. ci/lindrica, Mg. kl. Fern'.ginea, capite Jlavo ar(/enteo-quadrmttato, thoracis disco plceo, alis stihcinereis ad costam ferriujiueis, ahdomine flavo-imivittato busi piceo. Long. 6^ ; alar. 12 Un. Ferruginous. Head yellow above and in front, with four silvery stripes ; the outer pair along the eyes ; the inner pair diverging from the base of the antcnucC to the peristoma. Bisc of the thorax ^nceous. TTings slightly grey ; a ferruginous stripe occupying half the breadth from the costa includes a greyish spot near the tip. Haltercs yello\\'. Abdomen piceous towards the base ; hind border of the second segment yelloto. Eare. (E.) 2. flavipes, L. fa. 190-t (1761); Fb.; Gm. ; Pz. fn. ! Ixx. 21, 22 ; Flu. ; ]Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; Rdn. — trifasciata, Dg. — vesicularis, Hrs. ! — melanocephala, Mg. kl. — macrocephala, Sch. Sml. ! cp. Nigra flavo- varia, capite argenteo-biviltato, alis cinereis ad costam fuscis, pedtbusflavis, femoribus nigro-fasciatis. Long. 5-5-|- ; alar. 9-10 lin. Black. Head yeUow above and in front ; ttco silvery stripes diverg- ing from the base of the antennre to the peristoma ; vertex piceous, black towards the antennse. Thorax with two yellow nearly round humeral scapulcC ; scutellum yelloio along the hind border. Wings grey, brown along the costa. Haltercs yellow. Abdomen bluish-black ; first segment with a small yellow scapida on each side ; hind borders of the second and third segments yelloio. Femora yellow at the base and at the tips ; tibiiv. VOL. I. * E 306 coxopid.t:. yelloio ; tarsi tawny towards the base. Fern. Hind border of the fourth abdominal segment yellow. Ts^ot rare. (E.) 3. quadrifasciata, Dg. i. vi. 261. 1. pi. 15. 1 (1752); Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. ; ^An.—aculeata, Fb. ; Gm. ; Shf. ic. pi. 228. f. 8 ! Niff7'a, capite antico jlavo-aurato, tliorace JIavo-Mmaculato, alls sulicinereis ad costam suhfuscis, uhdom'me JIavo n'ujro-quadrifasclato; Mas. pedibus flavis, femoribus posterioribus uigro-fasciatis, tarsis fulvis ; Fcem. pedibus fulvis, femoribus ferrugineis. Long. 5 ; alar. 9 lin. Black. Head yellow and gilded in front ; a Irian fjxdnr yellmo spot on the vertex. Thorax with ttco yelloio nearly round ficapnlce ; metathorax gilded on each side. Wings slightly grey, tinged toith brown along tico- thirds of the costa. Halteres yellow. Abdomen yellow, slightly silvery ioioards the tip, toith a black band on the fore border of each segment ; fii'st and second bands broad, and, like the third and fourth, more or less angular on their hind borders ; first segment with a yellow scapula on each side. Male. Abdominal bands narrower than those of the female. Legs yellow ; posterior femora with black bands ; tarsi tawny. Fem. Legs tawny ; femora ferruginous. Generally distributed. (E. L) 4. aculeata, L. fn. 1906 (1761); Mg. ; Mq. ; TAX.—scutellata, Mg. kl. — macrocephala'^ Hrs. ex.! pi. 20. f. 2, 3. Nigra, capite antico flavo-aiirato, thorace ftavo-bimacidato, alis cinereis basi suhfulvis, abdomine fasciis apiceqtie flavis, piedibus fulvis, femoribus ferrugineis nigro- vittatis. Long. 5^ ; alar. 9 lin. Black. Head yelloto and gilded in front ; a triangtdar yelloio spot on the vertex. Thorax toith two yellow nearly round humeral scapida ; me- tathorax silvery on each side. Wings grey, slightly tawny at the base. Halteres yellow. Abdomen bluish-black, toith yelloio bands occupying the hind borders of the segments and the whole of the tip ; a yellow sca- pida on each side of the first segment. Legs tawny ; femora ferruginous, toith short black stripes. Rare. lu the collection of tlic Entomological Club. (E.) 5. ceriseformis, (Mgrle.) Mg. zw. ! iv. 132. pi. 36. f. 26 (1824) ; Mq. ; E,dn. Nigra, capite antico flavo-aurato, thorace flavo-hhnaculato , alis subcinereis ad costam fuscis, abdomine flavo-quadrifasciato, pedibus flavis, femoribus nigro-fasciatis, tarsis fulvis. Long. 5-i- ; alar. 9 lin. Black. Head yelloio and brightly gilded in front ; a triangidar yelloio spot on the vertex. Thorax with ttco yellow humeral scajndce ; metathorax silvery on each side. Wings slightly grey, tinged toith broton at the base and along ttvo-thirds of the costa. Halteres yellow. Abdomen long and narrow ; hind borders of the first, second, third, and fourth segments yellow. CoxsD silvery ; femora yellow at the base and at the tips ; tibiffi yellow ; tarsi tawny. Rare. In the collection of the Entomological Club. (E.) coNOPS. 307 6. strigata, (Wdm.) Mg. zw. iv. 133. lS(f(eM:){lS24').—tnfasciata, Mg. vii. 165. 23 (fcciu.) — auricincta, Lw. btr. iii. 10. 11. Nigra, epi- stomate Jlavo n'ujroqne, abdominis ser/mentis Iribiis margins flavis, pedibus ferrugineis, femoribus medio nigris, alis margine antico testaceis. Long. ^■, alar. 'J lin. Black. Face yellow, toilli a black streak down the middle, tapering upwards to a point, and a triangular black spot on each cheek, sometimes connected with a streak proceeding from a large black spot which occu- pies the portion of the yellow front immediately above the antennae ; the vertex is ferruginous ; the occiput black, wilh a narrow yellowisli orbit. The proboscis, palpi, and antennae black ; the first joint of these last ferruginous beneath. Thorax black, except the humeral scapulae, which are usually yellowish ; the pleura} partially glossed with dull golden tomentum, forming two oblique bands and a broader patch behind them. TFings hrown along the anterior margin, hyaline behind, yellowish at the base, witb the alute and halteres. Abdomen black, the hind margin of the second, third, and fourth segments glossed with golden tomentum, forming tliree narroxo yellow bands ; the two follow- ing segments in the male are nearly covered with a duller yellowish tomentum ; and in both sexes the sides of the abdomen are often spotted with brown. In the female the fifth ventral segment is not nearly so prominent as usual, merely forming a semicircular fold with a depression behind it. The coxre are black, the trochanters and tibia ferruginous, as also the base of the tarsi, and the base and tip of the femora ; the last more largely on the imder side, and the proportion of black in the femora varies. A single specimen (male) was found by Alfred Furlong, Esq., near Killarney, in the summer of 1850. (I.) Individual dcscri])tion of this specimen in full : — " Black. First jouit of antcmuc ferruginous beneath. Facial orbit yellow, a deep black dot above at its commencement, distinguished from the duller black gi-ound-colour. A bifid yellow band down the face, the arras of which diverge from the base of the antennae and are continued to the peristoma. Occipital orbit narrower, yellow with a silvery gloss, produced downwards to the peristoma, and there meeting the facial band, and also connected along the eyes with the facial orbit. Obs. The black band (rugose in its upper part) which divides the facial yellow band from the anterior orbit is greatly attenuated and almost interrupted in the middle (if this interruption were complete, there woidd l3e a triangular black spot on the cheeks, as described byLoew). Peristoma internally yellow. Thorax black ; the prothoracic tubercles fusco-ferruginous. The pleurae with markings of dull golden tomen- tmn. Halteres yellow. Wings dusky along the entire costal margin, hyaline behind, but at the base yellow, as are the alulae. Coxrc black, with the apex ferruginous. Tibia; yellow-ferruginous, the hind pair a little dusky at the internal apex. Tarsi black-brown, the base and the onychia ferruginous." — Ilaliday, MSS. 308 CONOPIDJ.. 7. macrocephala, L. fn. 467. 1902 (1761); Dg. ; Gf. ; Fb. ; Gm. ; Cqb. ic. ! pi. 27. f. 5 ; Fin.; Mg. ; Ct. ! b. c. pi. 377 ; Mq.; Ztt. ; lldu. Nigra, capite piceo anlice Jlavo fusco-viUato, antennis ferrugincis, alls flavescentibus ad costam fuscis, abdomine vLv sessili, seg- metitonmimargimdi{sargenteo-^avo-fasciaHs,pedibusfer)'ugmeis,femoribus hasl coxisqite fuscis. Long. %\; alar. 12 liu. Black, slightly cinereous. ITead piceous ; face yelloio, toitJi a brown streak from the vertex to the antennce, and a triangular brown spot beneath the antenntB. Proboscis piceous. Antennce ferruginous. Thorax with two silvery humeral spots. Wings yellowish, broivn along the costa. Halteres ochreous, black at the base. Abdomen hardly sessile ; margins of the segments silvery -yelloio ; secoyid segment slender. Legs ferruginous ; femora towards the base and coxce dark hroion. Rare. In Mr. Dale's collection, (E.) 8. nigra, Dg. 1. vi. 105. 4 (1752) ; Hbst. g. n. viii. 117. 5. pi. 70. f. 5 ; Mg. zw. iv. 126. 8. Nigra, capite antico luteo, antennis apice suMus abdominis(pie fascia ferrugineis, alis hyalinis ad costam fuscis, pedibHsfulvis,femoribusbasinigro-variis, taisis piiceis. Long. 6-i-; alar. 11 Hn. Black. Head luteons in front, with a black scapula extending from the base of the antcunas to the peristoma. Antennae ferruginous beneath towards the tips. Humeral scapulas piceous. Wings hyaline, tcith a broivji stripe occupying half the breadth, and extending from the base nearly to the tips, where it becomes narrow. Halteres tawuy. Se- cond abdominal segraent ferruginous towards the tip. Legs tawny ; femora streaked with black tmoards the base ; tarsi piceous. Very rare. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. (E.) 9. rufipes, Fb. sp. i. ii. 466. 3 (1781) ; LI. ; Gm. ; Fin.; Mg. ; Mq. ; Ztt. — petiolata, Dnv. ! i. xiii. 39, pi. 451. Nigra, capite antico flavo argenleo nigro-vittalo, thorace piceo-bimaculato, alls subciuereis ad costam ferrugineis, abdominis fasciis apiceque aiiratis, segmento secundo pedibusq^iie ferrughieis, tibiis basi fulvis. Long. 5-6 ; alar. 9-10 lin. Black. Head yelloio and slightly silvery from the vertex to the peristoma, with a black stripe from the vertex to a little beyond the base of the antcnnre, where it has three branches. Thorax with a piceous scapida on each shoulder. Wings slightly grey ; a ferrughious stripe, occupying half the breadth from the costa, becomes broion and in- cludes a greyish spot toioards the tip. Halteres yellow. Abdomen gilded on the hind border of each segment and at the tip ; second segment ferruginous, very slender. Legs ferruginous ; tlbice lawny toioards the base. Generally distributed. (E.) liNU OF VOL. 1. INDEX. Page. Page. Page. Acrocera . . . . 45 A. forcipatus . . . 52 C. antennata . . . 228 albipes . . . . 45 gerraanicus . . . 55 elegans . . . . 227 globulus . . . . 45 obscurus . . . 52 leptiformis . . . 228 ACROCEKID-E . . . 44 rufibarbis . . . 51 speciosa . . . 228 Actina . . . 12 rusticus . . . . 53 Campsicnemus . 187 tibialis . . . 13 varipes . . . . 50 alpinus . . , . 190 Antlirax , . . 76 Atherix . . . . 69 armatus . . . . 190 cingulata . 78 crassicornis . 70 curvipes . . . 189 fenestiata . . 78 Ibis . . . . . 69 loripes . . . 189 hotteutotta . . 78 marginata . . 70 pusillus . . . 190 lacchus . . . 77 scambus . . . 188 Aphrosylus . . 220 Baccha . . . 300 Ceria . . . . 238 ferox . . . . 221 elougata . 300 conopsoides . 238 raptor . . . 221 obscuripeimis . 301 Chalarus . . . 233 Ardoptera . 103 scutellata . 301 cxiguus . . . 233 guttata . . . 104 Beris . . . . 10 holosericcus . 233 irrorata . . . 108 clialybcata . . 11 spurius . . . 233 Argyra . . . 207 clavipcs . . . 11 Clieilosia . 280 argcntata . 2oy fuscipes . . . 12 .albitarsis . 283 argeutina . 209 geniculata . . 12 cbalybcata . . 284 confmis . . . 208 iSIomsii . . . 12 cHorus . . . 282 diapbaua . 208 vallata . . . 11 chrysocoma . . 282 elougata . . . 209 BOMBYLID.E . . 72 fladpes . . . 283 leucocepbala . 208 Bombylius . . 80 funeralis . 284 vestita . . . 209 ctenoptcrus . . 82 gi-ossa . . . 281 Ascia . . . . 302 major . . . 81 lucorum . . . 281 dispar . . . 303 mcdius . . . 82 macidata . 284 bastata . . . 303 minor . . . 82 means . . . 282 podagrica . 303 BUACHYCEKA . . 5 mutabilis . 283 ASILID-E . . . 40 Erachyopa . . 277 nigrina . . . . 283 Asilus . . . . 49 bicolor . . . 277 uigripes , . . 283 ffistivus . . . 54 coiiica . . . 27S CEstracea . . 281 albiceps . . . . 5() Brachystoma . 102 scutellata . . 283 atricapiUus . . . 53 longicoruifl . . 103 variabilis . 283 basalis . . . . 51 vulpina . . . . 284 ciiigulatus . . . 54 Callicera . . . 238 Cliersodromia . . 137 crabrouiformis . . 55 tcnea . . . . 239 arenaria . . . . 138 rristatus . 50 Callomyia . . 227 cui'sitaus . . 137 iiiiibriatus . . 52 auia'ua . . . 228 hirta . . . . . 137 310 INDEX. Page. Page. Page. C. iucana . . . . 138 C.oxyacantliffi . 259 D. nanus . . . 178 speculifera . . . 138 ranunculi . 258 uigripennis . . 177 Chrysoclamis . . 279 regula . . . 259 nigripes . . . 158 cuprea . . . . 280 Cyrtoma . . . 115 nigriplantis . . 176 Chrysogaster . 274 melajna . . . . 116 nitidus . . . 169 chalybeata . . 275 nigra . . . . 116 nobilitatus . . 175 coemcteriorum . 276 spuria . . . 116 notatus . . . 174 iliscicornis . . 270 nubilus . . . 160 fumipenuis . . 275 Dasypogon . . 50 parvilameUatus . 179 metallica . 276 brevirostris . . 58 pennatus . 102 splendens . . 275 punctatus . 57 pbaiopus . . . 101 spleudida . 277 Diaphorus . 215 picipes . . . 157 viiluata . . . 276 obscurellus . . 210 planitarsis . . 158 Chrysomyia . 27 oculatus . . . 215 plumipes . . . 102 cyaiiciventris . 29 Dioctria . . . 58 popidaris . 163 tlavieomis . . 29 Baumhaueri . 61 punctum . . . 107 fonnosa . . . 28 cothurnata . . 59 rupestris . . . 159 pallipes . . . 29 flavipes . . . 60 sabiuus . . . 166 polita . . . 28 fuscipennis . . 61 simplex . . . 166 Chrysopila . . 67 CElaudiea . . 59 triviaks . . . 108 aurea . . . 68 Reinhardi . . 61 urbauus . . . 161 holosericea . . 68 rufipes . . . 60 virgultorum . . 108 Chrysops . 42 DiPTERA . . . 1 vitripennis . . 101 Ctccutiens . 43 DOLICHOPID^E . 144 Doros . . . . 296 relictus . . 44 Dolicliopus . . 154 conopseus . . 2'J7 Clirysotoxum . 263 ac'uticornis . . 165 citrofasciatus . 297 arcuatuiu . 205 teucus . . . 159 oruatus . . . 298 biciuctum . . 204 ferosus . . . 178 Drapetis . . . 135 festivami . 264 ammobatcs . . 173 assi mills . . . 136 intermedium . 265 alutifer . . . 179 atcrriraa . . . 136 marginatum . 266 arbustorum . . 108 exilis . . . . 136 octoraaculatum . 265 atratus . . . 157 grauiinum . . 136 Clirysotus . 216 atripes . . . 101 lunata . . . 136 cilipes . . . 217 brevipenuis . . 100 nigra . . . . 136 concinuus . 218 celer . . . . 177 Iresus . . . 217 claviger . . . 103 Elapliropeza . 134 moUiculus . . 217 clavipes . . . 167 ephippiata . . 134 nigripes . . . 217 eonfusus . . . 164 Empid.e . . . 85 virididus . 217 consobrinus . . 173 Bmpis . . . . 89 Clitellaria . . 23 cuprous . . . 177 albincrvis . . 94 ephippiuin . . 24 diadcma . . . 170 bistortfe . . . 92 Conops . . . 304 discifer . . . 103 borealis . . , 90 aculeata . 300 equestris . . . 100 brunuipenuis . 92 ceriEefornus . . 306 fastuosus . . 151) chioptera . 92 flavipes . . . . 305 festivus . . . 169 decora . . . . 92 maerocepliala . . 308 fulgidus . . . . 158 femorata . . . . 96 nigra . . . . 308 germauus . 170 ignota . . . . 95 quadrifasciata . . 305 gracilis . . . 175 lepidopus . 93 rufipcs , . . . 308 , griseipennis . . . 170 leucoptcra . . 94 strigata . . . . 307 insignis . . . 172 livida . . . 90 vesicularis . . . 305 latipennis . . 171 lucida . . . 91 CriorMna . . 258 linearis . . . 105 lutca . . . . 90 asilica . . 259 lineatocornis , 100 uigriiarsis . . 'J5 bcrbcriua . 258 longicoruis . . 104 opaca . . . . 91 fcmojata . 259 mclanojjus , . 158 pcnnnria . 93 INDEX. 311 Page. Page. Page. E.pemiipcs . . . 92 Henops . . . . 46 L. llavipcs . . . 117 pilipcs . . . . 94 gibbosus . . . 46 ruficollis . . . 117 stercorea . . . 95 Hilara . . . . . 97 Lomatia . . . . 79 tesscUata . . . 90 chorica . . 99 Belzebul . . . 79 testacea . . . . 96 cilipes . . . . 98 lateralis . . . 80 trigraumia . . . 95 clypcata . . . . 99 Lonclioptera . 222 uuicolor . . . 91 fuscipes . . . 100 flavicauda . . 228 vernalis . . . 93 interstincta . . . 100 lacustris . . . 223 vitripennis . . 94 litorea . . . 101 lutea . . . . 223 Eproboscidea . 6 luiida . . . 100 puactum . 223 Eristalis . . . 242 maiiicata . 99 tristis . . . 223 acne us . . . 244 mafrona . 98 LONCHOPTERID^ . 221 arbustonira . . 245 uiaura . . . 98 cryptanun . . 244 nana . . . . 101 Machseriuin . . 206 floreus . . . 247 nigrina . . . 99 maritiiuEC . 206 fossarum . . . 24G obscura . . . 102 Medeterus . . 218 fumipcmiis . . 243 pilosa . . . 99 diadema . . 219 horticola . 24G pruinosa . . 100 jacidus . . . 219 intricai-ius . . 244 quadrivittata . 100 truncorum . . 219 nemorum . 245 rccedens . . . 101 Melithreptus . 298 rupiuui . . 24G rufipcs . 101 menthastri . . 299 sepixlcralis . . 244 tenella . . . 101 scriptus . . . 299 similis . . . 245 thoracica . 102 tiieniatus . . . 299 tenax . . . 243 Hybos . . . . 120 Merodon . . . 251 Eumerus . 240 femoratus . 121 clavipes . . 252 oruatus . . . 241 fumipennis . . 121 Microdon . 239 ruficoniis . 241 grossipes . 120 apiformis . 240 Selene . . . 242 vitripennis . . 121 mutabilis . 240 strigatus . 241 Hydrophorus . 180 Micropliorus . 113 Euthyneura . Ill balticus . . . 185 clavipes . . . 114 myricpc . . . Ill biuotatu3 . 184 crassipes . . . 114 myi'tilli . . . Ill bipunctatus . , 184 flavipes . . . 114 ina:qualipes . . 186 fuscipes . . . 115 Haematopota . 41 lacustris . . . 182 niinutus . . . 115 pluvialis . 42 litoreus . . . 186 pusiUus . . . 115 Heleodromia . 104 ncbuiosus . 184 velutinus . 114 fontinalis . 105 notatus . . . 183 Milesia . . . 256 stagnalis . . . 105 precox . . . 186 speciosa . . . 257 unicolor . . . 106 virens . . . 182 Zetterstedti . . 105 IIypoceka . 6 Nemoceea . 5 Heloptdlus . . 247 nSTemotelus . . 24 hybriilus . . . 249 Laphria . . . 47 brcvirostris . . . 26 liiieatns . . . 250 niarginata . . 48 nigrinus . . . . 26 huiulatus . 250 LePTID/E . . . . 63 pautherinus . . 25 pemlulus . . . 249 Leptis . . . . . 64 uliginosus . . 25 transfugus . . 251 inutilis . . . 67 trivittatus . . 249 lineola . . . . 66 Ocydromia . . . 118 versicolor . . 250 notata . . . . 66 glabricida . . 118 Hemerodromia . 142 seolopacca . . . 65 rufipes . . . 119 albicomis . . 144 strigosa . . . . 66 scuteUata . . 119 flavella . . . . 144 triugaria . 65 CEdalea . . . . Ill monostigma . 143 vauellus . . . . 65 miuuta . . . . 113 oratoria . . . . 144 Leptogaster . . . 62 stigmatcUa . . 112 precatoria . . . 143 cylindricus . . . 63 Opetia . . . . . 229 unilineata . . . 144 Leptopeza . . 117 nigra . . . . 230 312 INDEX. Orthoehile nigrocrerulea Orthoneura clegans . nobilis Oxycera . aualis dives . . Falleni . formosa . longicomis Morrisii . muscaria pardaliua rara . terminata triliueata Pacliygaster ater . . Leachii . Paragus . arcuatus . bicolor . femoi-atus obscurus . Phtliiria . gibbosa . Phyllodromia inelanoccpliala Pipiza . . bimaculata ilavitarsis guttata . iuterrupta lugubris . melanckolica uoctiluca notata quadriguttata quadrimaculata vireus vitrea vitripennis PlPUNCULlD^E Pipunculus auctus campestris flavipes . geniculatu3 maculatus modestus pratoi'um ruralis sylvaticus Page. . 179 . 180 . 273 . 273 . 274 . 19 . 23 . 21 . 20 . 22 . 23 . 22 . 22 . 21 , 20 , 23 21 2G . 27 . 27 267 268 268 268 268 S3 83 143 142 269 271 272 271 273 272 272 270 271 270 370 272 271 272 230 231 233 232 233 232 232 233 232 233 233 Platycnema pulicaria Platyijalpus agilis . albicornis anuulatus articulatus bicolor . calceatus candicaiis castanipes ciliaris commiles comptus . compungens cursitans dichroa . dissimilis divisus . dubius ecalceatus exiguus . fasciatua . fascipes . flavipeunis flavipes . formalis . fulvipes . glaber infuscatus laticiuctus longicomis luteus macidipcs minutus . mnndus . nigritarsis paUidivcntris pallipes . pectoi-alis pulcbellus robustus . stramiueipes varius Platypeza aterrima atra , . boletina . dorsalis . fasciata . fumipennis furcata . holosericca infumata ])icta . . Page Page. . 229 PLATYPEZID.E . . 223 . 229 Porphyi'opa . . . 210 . 121 aidicus . . . . 212 . 123 bicolorcllus . . . 212 . 134 cirripcs . . . . 214 . 131 Ericlisonii . . . 211 . 125 flaviveutvis . . . 213 . 133 ornatus . . . . 213 . 134 paUidus . . . . 211 . 135 pulicarius . . 214 . 131 quadrifasciatu , . .311 . 138 spiuigerellus . . 214 . 138 suturalis . . . . 211 . 133 tenellus . . . . 213 . 128 Proboscidea . . . 4 . 124 Psarus . . . . 266 . 127 abdominalis . . . 267 . 133 Psilopus . . . . 150 . 127 contristans . . . 152 . 133 lougulus . . . . 152 . 134 lugens . . . . 152 . 133 obscurus . . . . 152 . 126 platyptcrus . . . 150 . 126 Wiedemanuii . . 151 . 130 Psilota . . . . 269 . 133 antliraciua . . . 269 . 130 Ptiolina . . . . 71 . 125 immaculata . . . 71 . 139 mekcna . . . . 71 . 136 . 137 Hagas . , . . . 102 . 133 uuica . . . . . 103 . 129 Ehampliomyia . . 108 . 122 acthiops . . . . 110 . 131 cresia . . . . . 109 . 129 cinerascens . , . 109 . 133 flava . . . . . 110 . ]23 longipes . . . . 110 . 132 nigripes . . . . 108 . 129 pennata . . . . 110 . 130 spinipes . . . . 109 . 128 sulcata . . . . 109 . 130 variabilis . . 109 . 126 Khapliiuin . . . 193 . 224 antenuatum . . . 200 . 225 brevicome . . . 199 . 225 caligiuosum . . . 197 . 235 cinereuni . . 195 . 226 commuue . . 203 . 235 crassipcs . . . . 202 . 337 cupreuin . . . . 198 . 235 dcnticulatuni . . 204 . 327 clcgantulum . . . 201 . 236 fasciatum . . 197 . 236 fascipes . . . . 303 INDEX. 313 Page. Page. Page. R.fissum .... 198 S. maculata . . . 34 T.autnmnalis . . 37 flavicolle . . 195 varia . . . . 34 boviuu3 . . . 37 fulvipes . . 201 SUCTOKIDEA . . . 4 bromius . 38 gravipes . 200 Sybistroma . . . 153 cordiger . . . 40 longicoriie 19G discipes . . . . 153 glaucopis . 38 macrocerum 198 fulvicaudis . . . 154 glaucus . . . . 38 monile . 205 obscurcUa . 154 lui-idus . . . 39 nemoruni 199 Syritta . . . 253 rusticus . . . 40 pallipes . 204 pipieus . . . 253 sigiiatus . 39 pumilum . 205 Sykphid^ . . . . 234 tropicus . . . 39 tarsatum . 205 Syxplius . . 284 Taeliydromia . 138 Zelleri . 204 albostrialns . . 291 arrogaus . 139 B-Mngia . 278 alnet i . . . 286 ciniieoides . . 140 rostrata . 27^ arcuatus . . . 289 connexa . . . 140 auricollis . 293 fuscipenois . . 141 Sargus . . 30 bait eat us . 289 morio . 141 bipuiictatiis 32 bifasc'iatus . . 288 nervosa . . 141 cuprarius 30 einctus . . . 292 Thereva . . . 73 flavipes . 31 clypeatus . 294 annulata . 76 iridatus . 31 coucolor . 296 bipunctata . . 74 nubeculosus 31 corollffi . . . 289 cincta . . . 75 SCENOPINID.E 84 cyaueus . . . 294 fulva . . . . 75 Scenopinus 84 decorus . . . 292 funcbris . . . 75 fasciatus . 85 ferrugineus . . 294 plebeia . . . 76 feuestralis 85 glaiicius . . . . 290 TtLinopMlus . 191 Sciodromia 107 granditarsus . 295 flavipalpis . . 191 immaculata 107 grossularifc . 287 ruficoruis . 192 Serieomyia 262 byaliuatus . . 290 versutus . . 192 borcolis . 202 lateruarius . . 291 Tropidia . . 252 lappoua . 263 Imiiger . . . 288 milcsifomiis . 253 siipevbiens 263 luiiulatus . 291 Spania 72 nianicatus . . 293 Volucella . . 260 nigra . . 72 iiicUiiiLis . 295 bouibylans . . . 261 Sphegina . 301 peltatus . . . 293 inanis . . . . 261 clunipes . 302 pyrastri . . . 287 indata . . . . 261 Stratiomid.e 9 ribesii . . . 287 pellucens . 261 Stratiomys 13 rosarum . . . 295 argentata 17 scalaris . . 296 "Wiedemaiinia . . 106 chamajleou 15 scutatiis . . . . 294 bistigma . 107 connexa . 17 topiarius . . 290 lotic" . . . . . 107 furcata . . 16 tricinctus . . 290 liydrodromia . IS uiiibellataruiu . 292 Xylopiiagib.e . . 32 liydrolcon . 19 veiiustus . 291 Xylophagus . . 33 hydropota . 18 vitripeniiis . . 288 ater . . . . . 33 longicornis . 15 Xylota . . . . 254 niicroleou . 17 Tabanid.e . 35 bifasciata . . 256 oruata 17 Tabanus . . . . 36 lenta . . . . 255 riparia . 16 alpiuus . . . 41 luteola . . 256 subvittata 19 aiithracinus . . 37 ncraorum . . 256 tigriua . 18 atric^oi'iiis . . 3.S seguis . . 255 viridida . . 19 aiistnacus . 40 syl varum . 255 Svibiila 34 ERRATA. Page 9. The families Stratiomice to Ejipid/E (pp. 9-144), whict are numbered I. to IX., should be numbered XII. to XX., to accord with the Synopsis on p. 8. ,, 9, line 3 from bottom, for or aquatic plants ; from the spring to the autumu their movements are slow, read or aquatic plants, from the spring to the autumn ; their movements are slow. „ 20, line 30, dele Stg. at the end. „ 28, line 28, /or Hal. MSS., read Dale, MSS. „ 32, line V^,for bipunctata, read biptinctatus. „ 66, line 2 from bottom, dele Rgb. ,, 82, line 1] from bottom, /or Mikau, read Mikan. „ 107, line 14 from bottom, for veyia externo-media, read vena e.tlerno-media. „ 120, line 3,/or Mbr., read Mir. „ 121, line 8 from bottom, /or Mq. s. n., read Mq. d. n. „ 121, line 7 from bottom, add Sicus p., LI. „ 122, line 3 from bottom, /or Mg. d., read Mg. zw. „ 126, line 1,/or Mg. d., read Mg. zw. „ 137, line 9, after Empis p., Ztt., add Tachypeza p., Wlk. „ 141, head-line,/or phyllodkojiia, read tachydkomia. „ 144, Fam. XXI. Dolichopid.e. The hypostoma in the descriptions of this family is the epistoma elsewhere in the volume. ,, 157, line 10, /or Species 52, read Species 48-50. „ 157, line 12, /or Species 48, 49, read Species 52. „ 190, line IS, /or Mg. iv., read Mg. zw. iv. „ 231, line 20,/or St. F. et Sw., re)id St. F. et Srv. ,, 234, line 9, for Chetolona, read Chetoloxa. „ 237, Genus 25, for Chilosia, read Cheilosia. „ 239, line 9, for amea, read aurea. ,, 239, line 18 from bottom, /or epistoma very flat, convex? read epistoma flat. „ 245, line 5 from bottom, /or Dg. fig. Sch. i. e., read Dg. ; fig. Sch. ic. ,, 261, line 8 from bottom, dele Pz. „ 264, line 9 from bottom, /or lihs., read Hrs. ,, 284, line 10, /or vnlpinus, read viilpina. Priutcilljy Uccvi; anil Niiln>ls, Hi-atlitock Court, 414, StraniK PLATE I. Family XII. STRATIOMID^. Genus 1. Beris. Fig. 1. Beris chalybeata.* 1«, antenna; 15, ex- tremity of tarsus ; 1 c, 8-spined scutelium. Genus 2. Actina. Fig. 2 a, antenna of Act'ma tibialis (terminal joint showing indications of being formed of three joints coalesced) ; 2 b, 4-spined scutelium. Genus 3. Stratiomys. Fig. 3. Stratiomys chavicEleon, fern. 3 a, head of male ; 3 b, proboscis with its palpi ; 3 c, labrum and lingua (bifid at tip) ; 3 d, antenna (I0-Joi}ded). Genus 4. Oxycera. Fig. 4 a, head of Oxycera rara, sideways ; 4 b, antenna. Genus 5. Clitellaria. Fig. 5 a, antenna {\^-joiided) of CliteUaria epldppium. Genus 6. BTemotelus. Fig. 6 «, head of Nemotdus uliyinosus, side- ways ; 6 b, antenna. Genus 7. Pachygaster. Fig. 7 a, antenna of Pachyyasier ater. Genus 8. Chrysomyia. Fig. 8 a, head of Chrysomyia polita, male, from above ; 8 b, antenna. Genus 9. Sargus. Fig. 9. Saryus ci^prarius, male. 9 a, head of female from above ; 9 b, ditto, sideways ; 9 c, proboscis (palpus detached, after Meigen) ; 9 d, antenna {%-jointed). Family XIII. XYLOPHAGIDJC. Genus 1. Xylophagus. Fig. 10. Xyhplmym ater (fem.). 10 a, head, sideways, with antenna. Genus 2. Subula. Fig. 11 a, head of Subida maculata, sideways, with clavate palpi; \\ b, antenna (l2-Jointed : 2nd joint ve^y short, 11th joint very minute, 12th joint very slender). Fig. 12 «, cylindrical antenna of Subida varia. Family XIV. TABANIDiE. Genus 1. Tabanus. Fig. 13. Tahanusbovinm. 13 0, head of male, sideways; 13 5, proboscis of male; 13 c, head of female, side- ways ; 13 «', proboscis of female ; 13 e, antenna. Genus 2. Hsematopota. Fig. 14 a, head and antenna of Hmnato- pota pliwialis. Genus 3. Chrysops. Fig. 15 a, head and antenna of Chrysops cdBcutiens; 15 i, antenna, more enlarged (showing it to be com- posed 0^ twelve joints, those of the fiagellum being confluent). Family XV. ACEOCERID/E. Genus 1. Acrocera. Fig. 16. Acrocera ylohdus. 16 a, head, side- ways ; 16 5, antenna ; 16 e, extremity of tarsus. Genus 2. Henops. Fig. 17 «, head of Hemps yhbosus, sideways; 17 5, antenna. J, O. W. * The natural Iciigtli of the diifcrcut species figured, is rcprcseuleil by the lougi- ludinal lines drawn at the side or hcneath them. DTPTERA.Pl.I 3. ^•- PLATE 11. Family XVI. ASILID^E. Genus 1. Laphria. Fig. 1 a, head of Laphria marginata, side- _ways ; 1 b, antenna. Genus 2. Asilus. Fig. 2. Asilus crahromformis. 2 a, head, seen sideways ; 2 h^ extremity of antenna ; 2 c, proboscis ; 2 d, extre- mity of tarsus. Genus 3. Dasypogon. Fig. 3 a, head of Basypogon brevirostris, sideways ; 3 /;, antenna. Genus 4. Dioctria. Fig. 4, head and antenna of Dioctriaoelaiidlca, sideways. Genus 5. Leptogaster. Fig. 5 a, head of Leptogaster cylindricus, sideways ; 5 b, antenna ; 5 c, hind tarsus. Family XVII. LEPTID^. Genus 1. Leptis. Fig. 6. Leptis scolopacea, fern. 6 a, head, side- ways ; 6 b, antenna ; 6 c, extremity of tarsus. Genus 2. Chrysopila. Fig. 7 a, head of Chrysopila holosericea ; 7 b, wing. Genus 3. Atherix. Fig. 8 a, head oi Atherix Ibis; 8 b, antenna. Genus 4. Ptiolina. Fig. 9 a, antenna of PtioUna melana. Genus 5. Spania. Fig. 10 «, antenna ol Spania nigra, male; ]0 b, ditto of female. Family XVIII. BOMBYLID^. Genus 1. Thereva. Y\g.\\. Thertva cincta. 11 ff, antenna; \\ b, extremity of tarsus. Genus 2. Anthrax. Fig. 12. Anthrax hottentotta. 12 a, front of head ; 12 b, antenna. Genus 3. Lomatia. Fig. 13 a, head of Lomatia lateralis, from above ; 13 1^, antenna. Genus 4. Bombylius. Fig. 14. Bombylius major. 14 «, antenna; 14 b, extremity of tarsus. Genus 5. Phthiria. Fig. 15 a, antenna oi PJdhiria gibbosa. Family XIX. SCENOPINIDiE. Genus 1. Scenopinus. Fig. 16. Scempinus feneslraUs. 16 a, head, seen from beneath ; 16 ^, proboscis ; 16 c, antenna ; 16 c?, extremity of tarsus. .[. O. W. DIPTERA.Pl.n, PLATE III. Family XX. EMPID.E. Genus 1. Cmpis. Fig. 1. Empis Uvida. 1 a, head with antennre and parts of proboscis extended ; 1 b, antenna ; 1 c, extremity of tarsus ; 1 d, antenna of Euijns horealis. Genus 2. Hilara. Fig. 2 a, head of ITilara clllpes, sideways ; 2 h, tarsus of fore leg of male. Genus 3. Ragas. Fig. 8. Ragm unica. 3 a, head, sideways; 3 b, antenna ; 3 c*, proboscis of female, from side ; 3 6?*, ditto, en- larged; 3 e*, ditto, from above; 3/, labrum; 3 ^*, one of the palpi ; 3 h*, outline of head of male, from below, with small pro- boscis; 3 i*, proboscis of ditto, with palpi in situ and detached. Genus 4. Brachystoma. Fig. 4 a, head of Brachy stoma hngicornis, sideways; 4 b, antenna. Genus 5. Ardoptera. Fig. 5. Ardoptera irrorata. 5 a, head, side- ways ; 5 b, antenna. Genus 6. Meleodromia. Fig. 6. Heleodromia stagnalis. 6 a, antenna ; 6 i*, proboscis with one palpus, the latter seen ob- liquely and somewhat narrowed ; 6 c*, labrum ; 6 d. THE TOURIST'S FLORA. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the British Islands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and the Italian Islands. By Joseph Woods, F.A.S., F.L.S., F.G.S. 8vo. 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She bids them join in a ramble \ through the sylvan wilds, and at her command the fragile lichen, the gnarled oak, '< the towering beech, the graceful chestnut, and the waving poplar discoui'se elo- quently, and tell their respective histories and uses." — Britannia. POPULAR FIELD BOTANY; containing a familiar and tech- nical description of the plants most common to the British Isles, adapted to the study of either the Artilicial or Natural Systems. By Agnes Catlow. Second Edition. " The design of this work is to furnish young persons with a Self-instructor in Botany, enabling them with little diificulty to discover the scientific names of the common plants they may find iu theii' country rambles, to which are appended a few facts respecting their uses, habits, &c. The plants are classed in months, the illustrations are nicely coloured, and the book is altogether an elegant, as well as useful present." — Illustrated London News. *^* In one vol. royal 16mo, with twenty plates of tigm'es. IO5. &d. coloured. ZOOLOGY. {Under the Autlioritij of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralti/.) \ ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. SAMAEANG. \ Edited by Akthur Adams, F.L.S., Assistant-Surgeon, ll.N., \ attached to the Expedition. \ Vektebrata. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., Keeper of the < Zoological Department of the British Museum. \ Fishes. By Sir John Richardson, M.D., F.R.S. \ Mollusca. By the Editor and Lovell Reeve, F.L.S. In- \ eluding the anatomy of the Spirida, by Prof. Owen, F.R.S, \ Crustacea. By the Editor and Adam White, F.L.b. i *5^* Complete in one handsome royal 4to volume, containing 55 \ plates. Price, strongly bound in cloth, '61. 10«. REEVE AND BENHAM, HENRIETTA STREET. ORNITHOLOGY. THE NATURAL HISTOllY OF IRELAND. By William Thompson, Esq., President of the Natural History and Pliilo- sophical Society of Belftist. Vols. I. & 11.— BIRDS. " Our readers, if once they get hold of this volume, [Vol. I.] will not readily lay it down ; for while habits are dwelt upon in a manner so amusing that we have Icnowii extracts to be read aloud to a delighted circle of children, it contains the precise information which the ornithologist demands, and brings forward topics ^ both of jwpular and scientific interest, such as the geographical distribution of ; species, the causes which seem to operate on their increase and decrease, their ^ migrations, their uses to mau, the occasional injui'ies they inflict, and {he impor- i taut benefits tliey confer. * * * The space we have devoted to this volume ^ tells, more plainly than any commendation we could employ, our high approba- l tion of its merits. It is a standard woek, and will rank wilh those of our ; first ornithologists." — Hahlbi Qiiarterli/ Journal of Medical Science. \ *** 8vo. Vol. 1. Price IGs. Vol. 3. Price 12.s. \ Vol. 3 is nearJtj reaihj. \ CONTRIBUTIONS TO ORNITHOLOGY. By Sik William \ Jardine, Bart., F.R.S.E., F.L S., Sec. ; The "Contributions" are devoted to the various departments of Oriii- \ thology. They are published at intervals in Parts, and form an aniuuil A'olumc, ; illustrated by numerous Coloured and Uncoloured Plates, Wood Cuts, &c. \ The Series for 1848, containing ten Plates, price 9s. \ The Series for 18 i9, containing twenty-four Plates, price 21s. \ Numbers 1 to 7, for 1850, with Plates, price 3?. per Number. THE DODO AND ITS KINDRED; or, the History, Atliuities, \ and Osteoloo-y of the Dodo, Solitaire, and other extinct ^ birds of tlie islands Mauritius, Roch-iguez, and Bourbon. By ^ H. E. Strickland, Esq., M.A., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., President of \ the Ashmolean Society, and A. G. 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It is embellished by upwards of 70 figm-es of British bii'ds beautifully coloured." — Morning Herald. " Goes over evei7 month of the year, figures the birds naturally in coloured plates, describes them and their habits weU, and is a capital manual for youthful natm'alists." — Literary Gazette. *^^* In one vol. royal 16mo, with twenty plates of figures. 10«. 6f/. coloured. CONCHOLOGY. CONCHOLOGIA ICONICA ; or, Figures and Descriptions of the Shells of Molluscous Animals, with critical remarks on their synonymes, affinities, and circumstances of habitation. By LovELL Reeve, F.L.S. *** Demy 4to. Published monthly, in Parts, each containing eight plates. Price 10s. SOLD ALSO IN MONOGRAPHS : £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. Achatina . 1 9 0 Delphiuula . 0 6 6 Murex . . 2 5 6 AchatineUa 0 8 0 Dolium . . 0 10 6 Myadora . 0 1 6 Area . . 1 1 6 Eburna . . 0 1 6 Oliva . . 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CoNus Phouus Delphinula Pleurotojia Pectunculus Cypricardia Crassatella Cardita Harpa [122 Plates, price 71. l6«. 6d. half -bound.'] Vol. II. Corbula Glauconome Mitra Arca Myadora Cardium Triton Ranella Isocardia [1 14 Plates, price 71. 6s. 6d. half-hound.] Vol. hi, Murex Mangelta Monoceros Cypr^a Purpura Bullia Haliotis Ricinula Buccinum [129 Plates, price SI. 5s. 6d. half-bound.] Vol. IV. Chama FiCULA Fusus Chiton Pyrula Paludomus Chitonellus turbinella Fasciolaria Turbo [no Plates, price 71. Is. 6d. half-bound.] Vol. V. BULIMUS Cassis Oniscia ACHATINA TURRITELLA Cassidaria DOLIUM Mesalia Eglisia Eburna [147 Plates, pri ce 9/. 7s. 6d. half-bound.] The figures are drawn and lithograplied by G. B. Sowerby, Jimr., of the natural size, except those requhing to be enlarged. CONCHOLOGIA SYSTEMATICA ; or, Complete System of Con- I chology, in which the Lepades and IMollusca are described and classified according to their natm-al organization and habits, illustrated with 300 plates of upwards of 1,500 figures of Shells. By Lovell Reeve, F.L.S. " The text is both interesting and instriietive ; many of the pkites have ap- peared before in Mr. Sowerby's works, but from tlie great expense of collecting them, and the miscellaneous manner of their publication, many persons will uo \ doubt gladly avail themselves of this select and classified portion, which also > contains many original figures." — Athenceum. \ *^* In two quarto volumes, cloth. Price lOZ. coloured; G/. plain. > {Vuhlished at Twelve Guinecis.) 10 WORKS PUBLISHED BY ELEMENTS OF CONCHOLOGY ; or, Introduction to tlie Natural History of Shells and their animals. By Lovell Eeeve, E.L.S. "The work before us is designed to promote a more philosophical spirit of inquiry into the natm-e and origin of Shells." — Ecclesiastical Review. *^* To be completed in twelve parts, royal 8vo, with numerous illustrations, price 3s. %cl. coloured. Part X. recently published. CONCHOLOGIST'S NOMENCLATOR ; or, Catalogue of recent species of Shells, with their authorities, synonymes, and re- ferences to works where figured or described. By Agnes Catlow, assisted by Lovell Reeve, P.L.S. A catalogue of three hundred and twenty closely printed pages, serving as a register of all the known species. *^* In sheets for labels, 20s. Cloth, 21*. Half-bound in calf, cloth sides, interleaved with blank pages for remarks, 25s. CONCHYLIA DITHYEA INSULARUM BRITANNICARUM. I'he Bivalve Shells of the British Isles, systematically arranged. By William Turton, M.D. Reprinted verbatim from the original edition. The illustrations, printed from the original copper-plates, are distinguished for their accurate detail. *,j.* Large paper, 328 pp., 20 coloured plates. Price 2/. 10s. POPULAR HISTORY OF MOLLUSCA. By Mary Roberts. %* In one vol., royal 16mo, with twenty coloured plates by Wing. Price 10s. %d. ENTOMOLOGY. CURTIS'S BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY, being Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland, comprising coloured figures, from nature, of the most rare and beautiful species, and, in many instances, of the plants upon which they are found. By John Curtis, F.L.S. The ' British Entomology ' was originally brought out in Monthly Numbers, size royal 8vo, at 4s. Q>d., each containing four coloured plates with text. It was commenced in 1824, and completed in 1840, in 198 Numbers, forming 16 volumes, price ^43 16s. The work is now offered new, and in the best condition : — Price to Subscribers for complete copies in sixteen volumes £21. Price of the new issue, and of odd Numbers . . 3s. &d. per No. *** Vol. I. of the New Issue is now ready for delivery. \ EPISODES OF INSECT LIFE. Firsi Series. Crown 8vo. \ I Beautifully illustrated and bound, 16s. Coloured and bound I \ extra, gdt back, sides, and edges, 21s. i \ " A history of many of the more remarkable tribes and species, with a graphic < \ and imaginative coloimng, often equally original and hapjiy, and accompanied > 'i both by accurate figm^es of species and ingenious fanciful vignettes." — Annual \ \ Address of the President of the Eatomolo(jical Society . "i i "We have seldom been in company with so entertaining a guide to the Insect \ ! World." — Athenaum. ? "Rich veins of humour in a groundwork of solid yet entertaining information. \ Although lightness and amusement can find subject-matter in every page, the 't \ under-current of the ' Episodes ' is substance and accurate information." — Ladies' \ \ Newspaper. \ \ EPISODES OF INSECT LIFE. Second Series. 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The work is beautifully printed, \ and the figures nicely coloured, and will be quite a treasure to any one just com- \ mencing the study of this fascinating science." — Westminster and Foreign \ Quarterly Review. \ *jjj* In one vol. royal 16mo, with sixteen plates of figures. / 10s. (it/, coloured. \ 12 WORKS PUBLISHED BY | POPULAR HISTORY OF MAMMALIA. By Adam White F. L.S.J Assistant in the Zoological Department of tlie British | Museum. With sixteen coloured Plates of Quadrupeds, &c. I by B. Waterhouse Hawkins, F.L.S. One vol. Eoyal 16mo. | 10s. 6d. \ " The present increase of our stores of anecdotal matter respecting every kind of animal lias been used witli much tact by ]Mr. White, who has a terse chatty way of putting dowTi his reflections, mingled with that easy familiarity which every one accustomed daily to zoological pursuits is sure to attain. The book is profiisely illustrated." — Atlas. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. THE BRITISH PAL/EOZOIC FOSSILS, added by Professor Sedgwick to the Woodwardian Museum. By Professor M'CoY. In royal 4to, with numerous Plates. \Freparing for FiMication. THOUGHTS ON A PEBBLE ; or, a First Lesson in Geology. By Gideon Algernon Mantell, LL.D., F.R.S., Vice-Pre- sident of the Geological Society, &c. E'ujlitli Edition. " I have just procm-ed a little work for my young pupils, a most delightful introduction, entitled ' Thoughts on a Pebble, or a lli'st Lesson in Geology,' by Dr. Mantell, and I must request you to read it ; for although it does not consist of more than thirty pages [increased in the present edition to upwai'ds of a hun- dred] it will expand to your view a new world that will astonish and delight you." — Fhilosophi/ hi Sport. Considerably enlarged, with four coloured plates, twenty-eight wood- cuts, and Portrait of the Author engraved on steel, handsome cloth, gilt edges, pp. 1 03, price 5s. POPULAR MINERALOGY. 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The soft and delicate light of Christianity, too, falls with its sweet glow on the page." — Sogg^s Instructor. THE PLANETARY AND STELLAR UNIVERSE. By Robert James Mann. " A brief abstract of the discoveries of Newton clearly explained, and elegantly illustrated." — Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Revieto. *^* In one vol. 8vo, with 50 astronomical Diagrams and Map of the Circumpolar Constellations. Price 5s, cloth. ILLUSTKATIONS of the WISDOM and BENEVOLENCE of | the DEITY, as manifested iu Nature. By H. Edwards, LL.D. ' Cloth, 2s. Gd. I " A little excursion in the track of Paley and the broad road of the Bridge- i water Treatises. Animals, Atmosphere, Organic ]\Iatter, Light, and Electiicity i are the natural elements out of which the author deduces his pious lessons, ■ leading to a First Cause in wonder, admiration, and worship." — Literary Gazette. ^ MISCELLANEOUS. DEOPS OE WATER, a History of Animalcules. By Agnes j Catlow. Square 12mo. With coloured Plates. {Nearly ready. < INSTINCT AND REASON. By Alfred Smee, E.E.S., Author j of ' Electro-Biology.' One vol. 8vo. With coloured Plates > and Woodcuts. I8s. I " Mr. Smee is the inventor of a convenient and elegant voltaic battery, and his experiments on the physical process of nervous excitation are ciu'ious and ingenious. We give the author credit for his powers of patient observation, and ingeniously devised experiment." — Athenceum. " Mr. Smee's facts are extremely valuable, his manner is very unpretending, and he discusses his subject with a candour and freedom from prejudice which are above all praise. His work, moreover, is one of the most vivid interest. Enter- tainment and instruction are here combined in a very high degree, and the admirably executed coloured plates which adorn the work add essentially to its value." — Britannia. " Mr. Smee has done good service to the cause of rational philosophy." — Lancet. 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" The narrative of his varied adventures forms not only to the enthusiastic botanist, but to the general reader, an exceedingly entertaining and also in- structive book, fi'om the new view which it gives of the society of Brazil — particu- larly in its less known provinces." — Tail's Edinburgh Magazine. *^* In one volume octavo, with a Map of the Author's Route and View of the Organ Mountains. Price 12«. cloth ; ] 8«. bound. 16 WORKS PUBLISHED BY REEVE AND BENHAM. NOTES OF A TOUK IN THE PLAINS OE INDIA, the HiMALA, &c. ; being extracts from the private letters of Dr. Hooker, written during a Government Botanical Mission to those countries. Part I. England to Calcutta. Price 25. 6J. " A delightful sketch of Dr. Hooker's Journey to Calcutta with the suite of Lord Dalhousie." — Literary Gazette. London : Printed by REEVE and NICHOLS, Heathcock Court, Strand. U^*'