Historic, archived document Do notassume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. > bag) one ad oo Leete ~~ cae a UNITED STATES {“ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Miscellaneous Publication No. 273 ° Issued February 1938 Washington, D.C. Slightly revised April 1939 | | OF WESTERN FORESTS es — jl HLA | LIBRARID ° aa ia “ee. ae ‘i. es 8 | Compiled by ReOkhi Vd sé F. P. KEEN ke JUN: 7 1930 lhe kr Jud Senior Entomologist fi SNe ee Division of Forest Insect Investigations): 8, Depa: HeHt OF AEPICL pure Bureau of Entomology and Plant Dee La A TREES CER OEE a ; fy é ! Fr | | ‘ fF ? ‘or sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. - - - - = Price 25 cents 2 SF AOA AN” Male OC 2S LOD TORT nears eae yl UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Miscellaneous Publication No. 273 Issued February 1938 Washington, D.C. Slightly revised April 1939 INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS | Compiled by F. P. KEEN, senior entomologist, Division of Forest Insect Investiga- tions, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine CONTENTS Page Page Introductions ae-es === aa Nea ss ie 2 Key to diagnosis of insect injury to young Kinds of forest insects and the losses they bRe@S see ee renee Moot cae Stace nie CAUSE emer a ae eet rk Teen Ne 2 Insects affecting twigs, terminal shoots, IDIREGE WOSSS Se at N Sa a aei 5 NOVO ONG Bes Rae oe ae ee ees See 29 Imdirocolossest tt fob Lo) 8 Sap-sucking insects_____.----_.-..-------- 44 Relation of insects to forest management___ 9 poeders on ue nner Dale of young trees-_- oe ar ay efoliators of young trees________________- Pe sae damage-___-- W Insects injurious to mature forest trees________ 57 nsects allecting seed production. _-__--------- 15 Key to recognition of insect injury to ma- Key to diagnosis of insect injury to cones TIT ORCL COS er ee oe Pk Su ans ieee 58 GUNG! SECO Ss See See ee ees 15 Leaf feeders and defoliators____._________- 58 Wonebec tlesteaies wl aes Sa need oe sk 16 Miners in the inner bark and phloem____- 95 GONE OLS Meee eee EW 16 | Insects injurious to wood and forest products__ 141 C@OnNeMNAT OTS ase en Se ey Se es 20 Key to diagnosis of insect injury to wood WOME DORE S ey ees eee oi 21 and: wood products: 22-2 2525 2.) 142 Syaegl GRAIG IR SE ieee ae ee 21 Insects working in unseasoned logs or lum- Nut and acorn weevils__...._.-.-.-------- 22 ber_------- Se as ata thal tee oe ee =-- 188 Neormmoth 23 ee working in seasoned or decaying oa CENA ek Eee PEE RMON Bh Mert VA OL OYO barat eS TSI eek ee Us Ear NN ie es 159 Bases OU. te. ees oS ee ea ae 23 Insects injurious to forest range plants____-__- 164 Key to diagnosis of insect injury to seed- Natural control factors_________- eR T EER EET 166 Wie! aoe 2.15 ik SR ois alge Ae ea 24 Climatic and environmental influences_-_ 166 VULGAR UTE = ato 7 coal I 24 Naturalienemies: 2! Ssc) Ves aaseae ee as 169 ROO GRWICC Wil S eee ee i IE 9¢ | Control of injurious forest insects_______------- 171 VAT CWOLITIGH meen tins Wan in GN Te) 26 Silviculturalicontrolas{ 222k ese. eee oe eases 172 Wily, ORI S meee ee te ae a PE 6 Biologicalicombrol: saa w se we eee aye 173 oo tbanlabectles meme wie eo See 27 Direct artificial or remedial control_-__---- 174 TRYOOU DY OMG GE et eRe os Qe Mviteracunre;Clbeda stews a 5e) a ames eee ye 197 Insects injurious to young trees (saplings and Indextof hostatreessa. 20 ee ee 202 OXON) os Sees el Po a D8 aN (Grete Tali Tn ClO ett cem a abat se talenss Sus alse ee te eee 205 1FKor many years entomologists of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine engaged in the study of forest-insect problems have considered compiling the great mass of records in their files so that it would be in more usable form. There has been a growing need for ae manual or handbook for use by forest rangers and others entrusted with the administration of forest lands and the prevention of insect losses. Recently the tremendous impetus given to forest conservation by the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps camps has made insect control an actuality in many forests where previously it had been impractical. This called for tke instruction and education of these men and of their leaders and has erystallized efforts toward bringing together the material in this handbook. In compiling this manual all sources of information have been drawn upon to make the presentation as comprehensive and up to date as possible. Published bulletins, records in the files, unpublished work of field men, and previously mimeographed manuals or instructions issued by the leaders of the forest-insect field laboratories of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine in the Western States have been used as needed. It is obviously impossible to give full credit to all the workers who have contributed to the making of this publication. F. P. Keen has taken the initiative in its compilation, with the assistance of J. M. Miller, J. C. Evenden, and J. E. Patterson, and, in fact, the entire technical personnel of the Bureau’s western forest-insect laboratories have contributed parts in their respective specialties. This manual is restricted to the insects of the western forests, although the general discus- Sion and control methods are in a large measure applicable to any part of the United States. It is planned to follow this with another manual covering the eastern forests.— F, C. CRAIGHEAD, in charge, Division of Forest Insect Investigations. 130643 °—39 1 1 2 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE INTRODUCTION Protecting forests from destruction is the first basic requirement in the practice of forestry. Important destructive agencies include not only fire but also insect pests, fungous diseases, animals, drought, flood, and wind. While damage from insects to timber is less spec- tacular than that caused by either fire or wind, timber losses from any of these three agencies may be of catastrophic magnitude. More- over, insects are constantly at work in the forest and are the cause of a steady drain on timber supphes. To allow fire or insects to run unchecked in our forests is to invite disaster and seriously to threaten the present and future timber supply. Protection from fire has been given intensive study, and notable progress has been made in fire control. Less attention has been given to the control of timber-destroying insects, partly because practical control methods have not always been available and partly because the expense of applying them has not been warranted in view of cur- rent timber values. Moreover, practicing foresters in the West have been handicapped by lack of a convenient reference manual, and as a result have considered insect control a specialized subject with which only the entomologists were prepared to deal. With the new emphasis on forest conservation, there is, however, an increasing demand by foresters for information on insects, as this information is intimately related to many phases of forest protection and man- agement (fig. 1). “Forest insects other than tree- killing species also present many special problems. They may be encountered in every operation, from the collection of seed through the planting, growing, and harvesting of forest trees, in the handling and pr otection of utilized wood prod- ucts, and ev en in the management of grazing lands. In all of these cases some special knowledge of the insects concerned and of their habits is required in order that suitable methods of prevention or control may be effectively applied. This field handbook has been prepared to meet this need. The dis- cussions are limited to the insects and the problems which they raise in the management and protection of the forests of the Western States, although the general principles of control are applicable to other forest regions as well. It is hoped that the information assem- bled will aid timber owners and foresters in recognizing the work of important western forest insects, in applying suitable control meas- ures, or in adjusting forest practices so as to reduce losses from this source to the lowest possible point. KINDS OF FOREST INSECTS AND THE LOSSES THEY CAUSE All forests are swarming with insect life. This insect population serves many functions and is as much an essential part of the com- plex association of living, growing, and dying organisms which we call the forest as are the trees themselves. Of the thousands of insect species found within our forests, many are harmless or even beneficial. A great many feed on dead trees and INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS FIGURE 1.—Insect control is one of a forest ranger’s many routine tasks. infested tree. Marking an 4 MISC. PUBLICATION 2738, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE on fallen limbs and other debris upon the forest floor, and thus hasten the disintegration of dead material and’ make room for new growth. Many others prey upon destructive insects and hold them in check. A certain proportion of the insect species, however, are distinctly harmful in that they attack healthy or partially weakened trees and impair their vitality or even cause their death. Of this group, bark beetles destroy more standing timber in our western forests than all other insects combined. Defoliators—insects which feed directly on the fohage of forest trees—are the next greatest destroyers of stand- ing timber. Other Insects, such as weevils, tip moths, pitch moths, and cone beetles, attack various portions of the oreen trees, often with serious results. In spite of the large number of insect species which prey upon the forests, compar atively few cause damage of eco- nomic importance. The injurious species of insects may be roughly classed as primary or secondary, depending on the health of the trees which they nor- mally attack. Thus certain species, such as the leaf-chewing insects, show a decided preference for perfectly healthy trees and are consid- ered primary in their attack. Others, such as most bark and wood- boring insects, can inhabit only those trees previously weakened by some other agency. From the standpoint of control it is important to know whetner an insect species 1s primary or secondary in its attack, as it is wasted effort to proceed against an insect, even if found apparently destruc- tive, if its presence is conditioned by previous injury or death of the tree from other causes. It is the primary injury that must be discov- ered and dealt with. There are, however, a number of species that are primary under certain conditions and secondary under others. Every species of western forest tree has its insect enemies. West- erm yew 1s probably as nearly free from insect attack as any other forest tree in the West; an occasional scale or caterpillar may be found on its foliage, and beetles on rare occasions enter its heartwood through wounds, especially if the wood is beginning to decay, but no serious enemy is known. The cedars, cypresses, redwood, and juni- pers have very few injurious insect enemies and none that threaten the life of ace trees. Larch also is comparatively free from insect pests. The broad-leaved trees are the favored hosts of many leaf- feeding species, but since these trees can readily replace their de- pleted foliage such feeding rarely results in any fatal injury. Some species, however, are much more subject to insect attack than others. Certain oaks are reported to be hosts for more than 1,000 species of insects. Pines, spruces, firs, and hemlocks suffer much, in the order named. Injurious forest insects are constantly at work, taking toll at every stage in the development of the stand, and even after the lumber has been manufactured into its final form. Some insects feed on the roots, others on the leaves, the terminal shoots, the branches, or the phloem and bark of the main trunk. Still others feed on the sap- wood, and even the heartwood. The fruits and the seeds also are subject to attack by many insect species. In certain types of old-growth timber stands, particularly those that are overmature, steady loss through insect activity is normal. INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 5 This loss is for the most part counterbalanced by new growth) n the other hand, epidemic insect outbreaks occurring from time to time definitely de- plete the forest capi- tal over large areas to such an extent that long periods are required for replace- ment (fig. 2). An- nual loss by forest insects in the West- ern States, includ- ing depredations on standing timber and damage to logs,sawed lumber, and finished wood products in use, is variously estimated at from $20,000,000 to $100,000,000. A considerable por- tion of this loss is as unavoidable as losses from lightning or windstorms. On the other hand, much of it can be prevented through silvicultural practices, proper for- est management, and direct control meas- FicurE 2.—Not fire but bark beetles destroyed this basin ures. of lodgepole pine in Yosemite National Park. DIRECT LOSSES In the mature timber stands of the West the largest single item of insect loss results from activities of bark beetles. Surveys indicate that these pests destroy annually 1 billion to 5 billion board feet of mature timber in our westerr forests. A survey made in California in 1931 indicated that losses of mer- chantable timber due to bark beetles in that year totaled about 1,250,- 000,000 board feet, which represents a loss of nearly $3,000,000 in stumpage values, aside from the regional asset represented by the manufacturing value of the lumber, In southern and central Oregon, during the 10 years ended with 1934, the western pine beetle caused a net depletion of the ponderosa pine stands (fig. 3) amounting to 2,240,000,000 board feet. A typical section in the Klamath Indian Reservation, carrying a stand of 11,074,000 board feet 1n%1921, lost 3,875,000 board feet through bark- beetle attack’ during the 11-year period 1921-31. Growth during the same period, which, owing to drought and to defoliation by the MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE 6 $ & to fecaggrss Shacy Mae en a Ome 5 DA ae ious f commercial ponderosa pine stands by bark beetles is a ser FIGURE 38.—Destruction o problem in many Western States. INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 7 pandora moth, was only 48 percent of the normal, amounted to 294,- 000 board feet, leaving a net loss for the 11 years of 32.3 percent of the stand. The lodgepole pine forests of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, par- ticularly those in and around Yellowstone National Park, have suf- fered tremendous losses in recent years. It has been conservatively estimated that during the 10 years that ended with 1932 these losses amounted to 7,250,000,000 board feet, more than 36,000,000 trees hav- ing been killed in one national forest alone. Many mature lodgepole pine forests in regions 1, 4, and 6 have been completely destroyed during the last 20 years, or are in process of destruction, by the mountain pine beetle. During the 10-year period 1923-82 the mountain pine beetle is also estimated to have destroyed 110,000,000 board feet of valuable stands of western white pine in northern Idaho. It must be clearly understood that these loss estimates cover the normal as well as the unusual drain on the forest. In the surveys in the ponderosa pine type of California and Oregon, for example, all trees killed by bark beetles were tabulated. Normally, on the best sites but few trees (380 to 40 M board feet per section) are thus killed each year, but on poorer sites losses of 50 to 100 M board feet per section may not be unusual. In lodgepole pine stands normal losses by bark beetles are practically negligible, so any marked losses indi- cate abnormal conditions. Defoliating insects at times destroy considerable stands of mature timber. These outbreaks, however, usually occur at rather long in- tervals and are nearly always of short duration. In western forests some of the worst defohators are the pine butterfly, the Douglas fir tussock moth, the spruce budworm, and the hemlock looper. In 1893-95 the pine butterfly practically wiped out the mature ponderosa pine stand on 140,000 acres of the Yakima Indian Reservation in Washington. Since then less severe outbreaks of this insect have oc- curred from time to time. In the 3 years 1930-32 the Douglas fir tussock moth destroyed a high percentage of the Douglas fir stands on 300,000 acres of the Colville National Forest in northeastern Washington. Along the coast of Oregon and Washington the hem- lock looper appears at intervals of about 10 years and completely destroys the western hemlock and associated trees over large areas. In Pacific County, Wash., between 1930 and 1932 this insect killed approximately 200,000, 000 board feet of western hemlock and other species on an area of approximately 32,000 acres. An outbreak in 1919-21 covered 500,000 acres in Tillamook and Clatsop Counties, Oreg. Defoliators in general cause either little loss cr widespread destruction. Forest plantations are particularly subject to the destructive ac- tivities of insects, chiefly because a plantation is usually made up of a large planting of a single species. Then, again, many plantations are established on soils that are not especially suitable for the tree species used; in such cases soil-infesting insects, such as white grubs, wireworms, root maggots, and cutworms, play an important part by feeding on the roots. Young trees and second-growth stands are often seriously damaged also by insects that feed on the terminals. 8 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Bud and twig moths, tip weevils, and twig beetles not only damage and deform the terminal shoots but at times become so numerous as to kill out seedlings, saplings, and poles over large areas. Pine plantations in the Nebraska sand hills have been badly set back by tip moths. Many areas of second-growth pine near logging operations have been swept by aggressive infestations of engraver beetles. The destruction of trees especially valuable from a recreational or aesthetic standpoint has recently come into prominence because of rapid progress in the development of forest recreation. The impor- tance of forest cover on national parks, game preserves, and other recreational areas cannot be estimated in board-feet values. Insect: depredations which mar the beauty or destroy the protective value of the forest cover on park and other recreational areas justify higher expenditures for suppression than might be reasonable on a strictly commercial stand. Injuries to the wood of living trees are manifested in lumber as defects greatly reducing its value. Furthermore, all kinds of forest products, from the time the tree is felled and for many years after the wood is put into use, are subject to destruction by insects. Green sawlogs and storm-felled timber, green sawed lumber and seasoned lumber, rustic construction, poles, posts, cross ties, and all manner of finished products, from flooring to furniture, are attacked. Losses in finished products are particularly heavy, since they include cost of manufacture or replacement, or both. Losses of this class, it is estimated, amount to from 0.5 to 5 percent of the total value of vari- ous classes of finished products. INDIRECT LOSSES Besides direct damage through destruction of trees and forest products, forest-tree insects cause important indirect losses in the way of reduction in forest growth and alteration of the stand from valuable to inferior species. In some forest types insects often are one of the chief limiting factors in successful management. They frequently upset well-or- ganized plans aimed at the continuous production of forest crops. In the western white pine and lodgepole pine forests of the northern Rocky Mountain region bark beetles so affect the proportion of species as to convert many stands to entirely different composition. In Modoe County, Calif., a bark-beetle epidemic in a mixed second- growth stand of ponderosa pine and white fir killed out all the pine and converted the stand into pure fir. , Much less frequently the effect of insect activity on stand compo- sition is beneficial. In the Yosemite and Crater Lake National Parks, for instance, lodgepole pine stands completely destroyed by bark beetles have been succeeded by stands of the hemlock-fir type, which, for park purposes at least, is far superior to the lodgepole pine type. Certain defoliators, even though they do not kill the timber, may cause a cessation or reduction of growth which may increase the ro- tation period of the stand by from 5 to 10 or more years, or they may so weaken the trees as to make them easy prey for tree-killing bark beetles. Such defoliation may be local and confined to a single tree species. or may spread over an enormous area and involve sev- INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 9 eral species. For instance, an outbreak of the pandora moth in the ponderosa pine stands of southern Oregon, between 1918 and 1925, covered approximately 400,000 acres. Growth measurements on plots on this area showed that over a period of 11 years the normal forest increment was reduced by an average of 32 percent, or approximately 100,000,000 board feet. The weakening of these trees was followed by heavy bark-beetle killing, as much as 30 percent of some stands having been killed by the beetles. The spruce budworm, which is so destructive in the Northeast and in Canada, is present also in the Douglas fir and balsam fir forests of the northern Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Northwest. Out- breaks of this insect, besides resulting in destruction of extensive stands of Douglas fir in the Rocky Mountain region, have left many trees in a weakened condition that renders them susceptible to bark- beetle attack. Many other defoliators, by partially reducing the leaf surface of trees, adversely affect their growth; and in most cases the forester has little opportunity to prevent this damage. Another indirect result of bark-beetle and defoliator damage is increase in forest-fire hazard. The old snags of insect-killed trees scattered throughout mature forests, averaging on some ponderosa pine areas as many as 10 per acre, stand for many years and greatly increase the cost, difficulty, and danger in fire control. The felling of snags 1s now required in many sales of national-forest timber, and many private operators have adopted this precautionary meas- ure. The cost of controlling forest fires that have spread from burn- ing snags within fire lines would alone justify large expenditures for insect control. i After the defoliation of large forest areas, the debris beneath the stripped trees dries out quickly and becomes highly inflammable. A flash of lightning, or a carelessly handled match or cigarette sets off the mass, causing a widespread conflagration almost impossible to control. Heavy defoliations in Douglas fir and hemlock stands and epidemics of the mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine have put the forest in such a condition that, more often than not, forest fires have followed. The increased fire hazard is an added reason why forest-insect outbreaks should be controlled wherever possible. RELATION OF INSECTS TO FOREST MANAGEMENT Since the practice of forestry 1s concerned with the growth, pro- tection, and perpetuation of timber resources, it must take into con- sideration any agency having so important a bearing on the growth and development of forests as insects. As has already been pointed out, insects cause enormous losses in mature stands of timber which are being held in reserve for future needs; they affect the rate of growth of developing stands and lower the yields; frequently they so change the composition of a forest that a complete reshaping of the plan of management is necessary; they take a varying toll from crude and finished forest products; and they create serious fire haz- ards. For these reasons insect problems enter into nearly every phase of forest management and protection. Under virgin-forest conditions no checks were placed on the activi- ties of destructive agencies other than those imposed by Nature her- 10 MISC. PUBLICATION 278, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE self, Fires as well as insects and disease outbreaks developed, spread destruction, and ran their course. The whole process was very waste- ful but seldom resulted in the permanent destruction of the forests over any large areas. Natural checks were imposed and the processes of regeneration were brought into play. With the development of the country and a corresponding increase in values came the necessity for better protection and management. The first step in stopping Nature’s wasteful processes was the con- trol of forest fires. Later, with more intensive forest management and the development of control methods, attention was turned to the prevention of losses from forest insects and disease. As time goes on and forest values increase, more and more attention will be given to preventing or controlling forest-insect damage, and a greater re- finement in methods will become economically justifiable. In a managed forest the first objective of forest-insect control is to so regulate conditions as to maintain a natural balance between the insect population that is destructive and the beneficial predacious forms, as well as between the insects and their food supply, so as to prevent the development of destructive insect outbreaks. This ob- jective will be attained more fully in the future through silvicultural practices applied to growing stands whereby unfavorable conditions for the development of insects are maintained and a greater resist- ance of the stand to insect attacks is developed. This may involve such measures as prompt disposal of slash and correction of other insect-breeding conditions, the regulation of stand density and com- position, the regulation of environmental factors through drainage or other methods, and the selection of insect-resistant varieties and species of trees. When preventive methods fail to avert insect outbreaks, direct con- trol measures must be considered. The total elimination of a forest insect 1s quite impractical, but fortunately this need not be attempted. Instead, the objective of direct control is the restoration of the natural balance in which the destructive insects are not greatly out of propor- tion to their natural enemies. In such proportions the destructive species are relatively harmless, and the damage they do is insig- nificant. In view of present forest values it is hardly practical to attempt to control all insect outbreaks. Much of the insect damage to forest trees of low value will have to be allowed to run its course, for if a policy of combating all threatening insect outbreaks were adopted the cost would be enormous and in many cases would exceed the damage probable if Nature were allowed to control the epidemic in her own way. The older forests, as they stand today, are ripe and an easy prey to bark-beetle attack, and if we are not prepared to utilize such timber and are willing to wait for Nature to replace any losses by the slow process of growing a new crop of trees, no further consideration need be given to control. On the other hand, in the many cases in which timber is in demand and satisfactory control measures are available, failure to take the necessary protective meas- ures should be viewed in the same light as failure to control forest fires, INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS ial DETERMINING CAUSES OF FOREST-TREE DAMAGE Many agencies may cause injury or death to forest trees, so before observed damage is charged to insects, other possible causes should be investigated. Often several agencies, such as fire, insects, fungi, and physiological injuries, are so closely associated or interrelated that it is difficult to determine the primary cause of the damage. Injury by fire is usually easy to identify. Destruction of the ground cover, scorching of the bark, and reddening of the needles constitute ample evidence of fire damage. Usually bark beetles, either primary or secondary species, attack fire-weakened trees and complete their destruction. In some areas fire scars serve as impor- tant entrance points for fungi. Witches’ brooms and damage by mistletoe are frequently conspicuous in either killing small trees or so distorting them that they can never grow into timber trees. In- juries by fungi, bacteria, and higher parasitic plants are not so easily determined by the layman, and can rarely be identified without the assistance of a trained forest pathologist. The discussion of diseases, decay, and wood rots caused by these various organisms is not within the field covered by this publication. Mechanical and physiological injuries are frequently the primary cause of sickliness, weakness, or death of forest trees. The insects that invade the wood after such injuries have occurred are usually only secondary enemies, and cannot be charged with primary respon- sibility under such circumstances. In some years a combination of weather conditions causes what is known as “winter injury”, “red belt”, or “parch blight”; that is, all trees of certain species on exposed hillsides within definite alti- tudinal limits turn a bright wine-red color. The injury is thought to be due to excessive transpiration during warm periods in winter when the ground, roots, and tree trunks are frozen and water cannot rise to supply the deficiency in the leaves. Twigs are sometimes killed, but the trees usually recover unless subsequently attacked by bark beetles or fungi. Sometimes the tender bark on the south and southwest sides of trees and the tops of branches is killed by the sun’s heat. This is referred to as “bark scorch” or “sun scald.” The bark breaks away from the wood and sloughs off. Such damage is rare under forest conditions but occurs more frequently in young trees grown in open plantations. Excessive quantities of dust in the air, as along dirt roads, causes a clogging of the stomata or breathing pores of leaves and results in partial suffocation of trees. In the Western States such injury is frequently followed by an attack of scale insects, which add to the injury and in some cases have caused the death of many young trees. Smelter smoke, and chemicals or oils deposited on the ground in some instances cause injury to trees which leads to attack by many species of insects. Mechanical injury to trees may result from a number of causes, such as logging operations, lightning, road building, and packing of soil or exposure of roots (as in camp grounds), or from the work of animals such as bear, beaver, and porcupines and that of sap-sucking 12 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE birds. Such injury is usually inconsequential in its effect upon a forest as a whole, and trees show remarkable powers of recovery from limited mechanical injury unless insects or fungi enter to complicate the situation. In most cases of damage by insects the source of injury is readily apparent from the very start, but even in such cases it is well to make certain whether other conditions are partly responsible before taking steps to control the insect pests. If insects are not the primary cause of injury, little benefit can be expected from the effort to control them. A forest officer should become familiar with the appearance and characteristics of those insects capable of killing or injuring trees and destroying wood products on the area under his care. The insects he really needs to know are comparatively few, but ability to recog- nize the injurious forms comes only after considerable study, not only of the insect stages but of their typical work, whether it be markings on the bark and wood, tunneling of needles, or deforming of termi- nals. In the following discussions special emphasis is placed upon the habits and typical work of the most injurious forms; for it is through these that the forester first becomes acquainted with the de- structive species, and only after considerable experience does he learn to recognize insect adults and larvae dissociated from their work and from typical host trees. Adult insects can be distinguished from other small invertebrate animals by the fact that they have jointed bodies of three parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), breathe through tracheae, and have one pair of antennae and three pairs of legs. The larval form is the one most frequently encountered by the for- ester; but unfortunately it is difficult to distinguish insects when in this form by any simple characters. Usually, however, for the for- ester’s purpose it is sufficient to be able to recognize the larvae as those of insects of a certain group. The forester easily acquires the ability to recognize some of the more common forms through becom- ing familar with their work. The insects most important from a forestry standpoint are in- cluded in seven main groups or orders under the large class Hexa- poda or Insecta. These common groups (fig. 4) include the beetles (Coleoptera), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), wasps (Hymenop- tera), flies (Diptera), scales and aphids (Homoptera), bugs (Hemip- tera), and termites (Isoptera). There are a number of other orders of insects, but these are less frequently encountered. Some small ani- mals closely related to insects, and frequently confused with them, are of importance in forestry. The mites, belonging to the class Arachnida, are sometimes injurious to trees. The spiders, belonging to the same class, are predacious and usually beneficial. The mil- lipedes and centipedes, belonging to the classes Chilopoda and Dipiop- oda, are occasionally of importance in the forest. Most insects pass through either three or four stages of develop- ment. The beetles, wasps, flies, butterflies, and moths pass through four such stages, and so are said to undergo “complete metamorphosis.” The adult female lays eggs, from which the second stage, the larvae, develop. The larvae usually are soft bodied and wormlike. The larvae of beetles are called grubs; those of moths and butterflies are INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FOREST FIGURE 4.—Examples of six groups or orders to which most forest insects belong. Flat- headed beetle (Coleoptera): A, adults; B, larvae. A moth (Lepidoptera) ; ©, adult; D, caterpillar. Wood wasp (Hymenoptera): H, adult female; F, adult male; G, grub. Flies (Diptera): H and K, maggots; J and L, puparia; J, adult fly. Scale insects (Homoptera) (drawings by Edmonston): M, adult male; N and QO, scales on pine foliage. P, termites (Isoptera). All natural size; except H. I, J, K, L, X23; NM, O, greatly enlarged. 14 ' MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE called caterpillars; those of flies with two clear wings are called mag- gots; and those of wasplike flies with four clear wings are called grubs, slugs, or false caterpillars. The larvae feed and grow, the final size which they attain being influenced to some extent by the abun- dance of food and moisture. As they increase in size they molt or shed their skins several times. The larvae transform to the pupal or resting stage, and the pupae in turn change to the fourth stage, the adult insects. Growth takes place only in the larval stage. Although some adult insects do some feeding, none of them increase in size. Their chief function in life is to mate and produce eggs, and thus initiate another life cycle. Scale insects, aphids, bugs, and termites undergo what is called an “incomplete metamorphosis”; that is, they have only three forms—the ego, the nymph, and the adult. Growth takes place during the nymphal stage, in which the insect has very much the form and ap- pearance of the adult but lacks fully developed wings. Certain insects, such as the termites, aphids, and ants, have several specialized adult forms. Thus, in addition to the usual stages, there may be workers, soldiers, and secondary sexual forms. Certain scale insects and aphids give birth to living young without producing eggs. Others are able to reproduce by means of eggs laid by virgin females, which develop without being fertilized. In some cases, as among the gall midges, larvae are able to give birth to similar larvae without passing through other stages. These are all exceptions to the general rule. Insect damage to trees may be caused in any one of several ways. Adults of some species cause injuries by feeding on the leaves, twigs, or tender cambium, or by slitting bark or leaves in order to deposit egos. Adult bark beetles do considerable damage in constructing egg tunnels under the bark. Most commonly, however, the damage is done by the larvae or nymphs in their feeding on various parts of the tree. No damage is ever done by the insects while in the egg or pupal stages. The principal methods of feeding by which insects injure trees are chewing, sucking, and gall forming. The great majority of forest insects belong to the chewing group, and in the larval or the adult stage, or both, these chew and ingest plant material. This group in- cludes the leaf eaters, the cambium miners, and the wood borers. Aphids, scale insects, and bugs feed by sucking plant juices by means of slender mouth parts which they insert into the tender portions of the tree. A group of specialized insects irritate portions of the tree and thus cause it to form a swelling or gall which encloses them. The method of feeding has an important bearing on the methods of control. The important forest insects might be classified, for the purpose of discussion, according to their natural relationships, according to the species of trees attacked, according to the parts of the tree affected, or according to the stage of the life of a forest tree upon which they inflict their greatest injury. For the purposes of this publication, it seemed that the last-mentioned arrangement would be the most helpful for the forest field man. In this publication, therefore, the western forest trees will be followed through their life cycle, from seed to final finished product, and at each step the insects that are of greatest importance in injuring them will be discussed. INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 15 INSECTS AFFECTING SEED PRODUCTION The natural reproduction of forests, the artificial reforestation of denuded areas, and the future supply of timber depend to a consider- able extent upon the production of a prolific supply of sound, unin- jured seed. In most instances insect damage to tree seeds 1s not sufficiently severe to be of any great importance; in some seasons, however, insects destroy practically all the seed of certain tree species in certain localities. Destruction of seeds may be caused by insects that attack the buds, flowers, or immature cones, as well as by those that attack the seeds themselves. Damage at these early stages causes wilting, bliighting, or premature dropping of the parts affected. The fruit or cones de- veloping after insect attack may be deformed or “wormy”, riddled by the borings of various grubs, caterpillars, or maggots. In many cases the cones show no damage, but the seeds are infested with the small white larvae of seed chalcids. Even the old, hard, dry cones of cer- tain pines are often mined by wood borers. ‘The insects that affect seed production in these various ways belong to a number of dif- ferent orders and families, of which some work only on cones or seeds while others work also in the bark or cambium of succulent growing shoots, stems, and twigs, or even in dry wood. ; Knowledge of the presence of seed-infesting insects will often pre- vent the disappointment and loss attendant on the collecting, han- dling, and sowing of insect-damaged seeds (58) .? KEY TO DIAGNOSIS OF INSECT INJURY TO CONES AND SEEDS A. Injuries to cones and coniferous seeds. 1. Cones wither and die before they are half grown. : a. Interior mined by small, white, curled larvae or by small dark-brown beetles; pine cones only, cone beetles, page 16. b. Cones deformed and interior mined by active cater- pillars; exterior with exudation of pitch or welbed-ADOTINgS= 2a eee cone moths, page 16. 2. Cones reach full growth but are riddled with insect borings. a. Borings made by active caterpillars which leave pitchy masses of boring and excrement within the cone and similar exudations at the point of en- trance, or larval mines in axis and mature seeds, without resinous exudations____-___ cone moths, page 16. b. Soft cones riddled by small white maggots which leave fine excrement in tunnels, but free from IMASSOS OL Olt = ee es cone maggots, page 20. c. Hard, dry cones of pine mined by slender, white, round-headed or flat-headed larvae, cone borers, page 21. B. Injuries to coniferous seeds, with or without injury to cone. 1. Seeds show no external injury, but interior is hollowed out by small, white, curled, legless grubs_____ seed chalcids, page 21. 2. Seeds swollen and galled, containing small pink maggots, seed midges, page 20. C. Injuries to nuts or seeds of broad-leaved trees. 1. Acorn showing no injury externally but mined by small, white cum] ed sorbose ce ss Seb he acorn weevils, page 22. 2. Interior of acorn mined by active caterpiller which discharges webbed frass through exit hole______-______ acorn moth, page 23. “Italic numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 197. 16 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE CONE BEETLES Pine cones which dry and wither before they are half grown (fig. 5), and either drop to the ground or are retained as blighted immature specimens, usually have been killed by the cone beetles, Conophthorus spp. (59). The adults are small, dark, shining cylindrical beetles, from one- sixteenth to five thirty- seconds of an inch in length. They bore into the base or supporting stem of the immature pine cones in the spring soon after the beginning of the second year’s growth. a, od ae a 9 eS IS pe a Pas 4 ES 2 Sw, : tor Z "3 : oe Hag} ceases ; Se (oS ee Mees a = SS LES Si By ta, y =! 4 z= SS ma ~ = S EX Grsue EK — EA Fah SN SASS = 2() MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Another group of small moths, belonging to the genus Laspeyresia, are destructive to fir, spruce, and other cones. The larvae are less than one-half inch in length when full grown, pink or white in color, with a few bristles. The moths are small and dull colored. They are of the following species: Species Hosts Laspeyresia bracteatana Fern___. White fir, red fir, and other firs. Laspeyresia youngana Kearf______. Spruce. Laspeyresia cupressana Kearf__--. Monterey cypress. Cones of incense cedar in Oregon are sometimes injured by the slugs of a sawfly (Augomonoctenus libocedri Rohw.) which does work similar to that of cone-feeding caterpillars. The adults are one-fourth to three-eighths of an inch long, shining blue-black, with the first five segments of the abdomen brick red. . FIGURE 8.—Cone maggots (Lonchaea viridana) are commonly destructive to seeds of white fir. Pe. CONE MAGGOTS The insects encountered in seed collecting probably more often than any other group are small, white or pink, legless maggots which emerge from the cones in vast numbers as these are spread out to dry. These are the larvae (fig. 8) of tiny gnats, midges, or flies. A few cause considerable injury to cones and seeds, whereas others do no appreciable damage. Cone and seed midges (Cecidomyilidae) are found in cones as small pink maggots, the larvae of small gall gnats or midges. The adults are small and very similar in appearance to mosquitoes. They lay their eggs on the young, green cones, and the maggots work within and cause little masses of resin to form among the cone scales or cause hard resinous galls to form on the scales or in the seeds. The damage from these insects is usually insignificant. Of the many western species, only one, Janetiella siskiyou Felt, from the seeds of Port Orford cedar, has been named. INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS Dea The white fir cone maggot (Lonchaea viridana Meig.) is the com- mon white maggot found so abundantly in white fir and other bal- sam fir cones (fig. 8). These maggots mine through scales and seeds, often causing great damage. “The larvae leave the cones as soon as they fall and form small puparia in the ground. Here they overwinter, and in the spring some of them emerge as small, black, shining flies. The great majority of the brood go through a 2- -year life cycle, emerging “the second spring after pupation. CONE BORERS The hard, dry cones of certain pines are frequently attacked by the larvae of flatheaded and roundheaded borers which riddle the interior and destroy the seeds. The roundheaded cone borer (Paratimia conicola Fisher) has the habit of boring tunnels through the hard pitch and scales of knob- cone pine cones. It works also in the dry limbs of the species. The adults are a rusty reddish brown, and one-half inch in length. The flatheaded cone borer (Chrysophana placida Lec.) has been found boring through the hard, dry cones of knobcone and ponde- rosa pine. It also bores in the dead limbs, branches, trunks, and stumps of practically all western pines and firs. In the adult stage it is a small green or greenish-red beetle, about one-half inch in length. SEED CHALCIDS Seeds of many conifers are attacked by small wasps of the genus Megastigmus (71), which drill through the young green cones with their long ovipositors and lay their eggs within the immature seeds (fig. 9). The small, white, legless larvae feed on and destroy the tissue within the seeds. The normal outer shell is formed later and shows no evidence on the surface that the seed is infested. The feeding habits of these insects are similar to those of the gall makers. In the following spring the larvae reach maturity and emerge as small yellow or nearly black wasps. Each adult leaves a smooth round emergence hole in the seed coat. Some hold over and emerge the second or even the third year. The damage by these seed-in- festing insects is an important factor in seed collecting, and often a high percentage of cleaned commercial seed will be found to have been ruined by these insects. There appears to be no practical means of preventing this damage; but to avoid the introduction of this insect into other countries, 1n- fested seeds should be fumigated in a tight container with carbon disulphide. As this fumigant has a deleterious effect upon the ger- mination of the seed if used in excessive dosages, not more than 1 ounce of fumigant should be used to 100 pounds of seed, and the fumigant should be completely removed by thoroughly aerating the seeds after they have been in the container for 48 hours. Carbon disulphide vapor mixed with air is explosive, and fire should be pues against. Calcium cyanide may prove to be a more satis- actory fumigant, but which form of it should be used and how it affects the germination of seeds has not yet been fully determined. Since the gas evolved from calcium cyanide is a deadly poison this material should be used with caution, preferably by persons who have had experience with it. 29 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE The different species of this genus and the hosts from the seed of which they have been reared are as follows: Species Hosts Megastigmus albifrons Walk-____ Ponderosa _ pine. Megastigmus lasiocarpae Crosby_— Alpine fir. Megastigmus picea Rohw_____-__ Blue spruce, Engelmann spruce, and Sitka spruce. Megastigmus pinus Parfitt _~___. Silver fir, lowland white fir, white fir, Shasta fir, and bristlecone fir. Megastigmus tsugae Crosby____— Mountain hemlock. Megastigmus spermotrophus Wachtl (60) ___________________ Silver fir, bristlecone fir, grand fir, red. fir; white fir, Douglas fir, and other conifers. NUT AND ACORN WEEVILS Nuts and acorns of various western hard- woods are frequently infested by the curled white grubs of the nut and acorn weevils, belonging to the genus Balaninus. The adults are me- dium-sized, yellow, brown, or nearly black weevils with robust bodies, long legs, and prominent, slender, curved or nearly straight beaks. The adults appear in the summer. With their beaks they gnaw holes in the shells of new acorns or nuts and in these they place their eggs. The larvae feed on the meat and destroy the seed. The win- ter is passed in the larval stage, either within the acorn or in the ground. Pu- pation occurs the FicuRE 9.—A and B, Adults of the ponderosa pine seed chal- yext spring, and the cid (Megastigmus albifrons) laying eggs through small : green cones into seeds (drawings by Edmonston). En- adults emerge 1n the larged. OC, Larvae, pupae, and adults of same species of Megastigmus, X 8. Female above, male below. summer, Several INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS De species of Lalaninus are found in the Western States. These are listed below: Species Hosts and distribution Balaninus uniformis Lee __— Oak acorns. New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, California, Oregon, and Washington. Batamnus ,caryae, Horn 22.8 Hickory, pecans. Eastern States and west- ward into Colorado. BOUGRURAUS a GECUUS: ) SAY ts Chestnuts, acorns. Eastern States and westward into Arizona. BALaninws NASICUS Say. 2 Oak acorns. Eastern States and westward into New Mexico and Arizona. Balaninus q-griseae Chittn__ ~~~ Griseous oak acorns. Arizona. ACORN MOTH Small white or pinkish caterpillars, about three-fourths of an inch in length when full grown, the immature stage of the acorn moth (JZ elissopus latiferranus Ws. ), may at times be found boring through acorns and throwing out larval castings, which are held together by a web, at the entrance hole. They also infest the seeds of Catalina cherry i in southern California and may likewise be found in the large green cynipid galls formed on various oaks. There 1s only one brood a year, and the larvae hibernate in cocoons within the ground. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO SEEDLINGS IN NURSERY OR FOREST In nurseries and plantations, and even in natural forests, young seedlings are the easy prey of a great variety of insect enemies. In seedbeds the nurseryman must “guard against insects as well as against damping off, rodents, heat injury, and unfavorable soil con- ditions. In transplant beds insect damage may be more severe than in the seedbeds. In some cases white grubs alone have destroyed 90 percent of seedlings planted in badly infested soils. In western nurseries the strawberry root weevils have occasionally taken a heavy toll in the transplant beds. Cutworms, grasshoppers, leafhoppers, and other insect pests become abundant at intervals. After planting in the forest, nursery stock is subject to damage by a great many insect enemies before 1t becomes well established and able to resist attack. So far, western forest nurseries have been more fortunate than those in the East in escaping troublesome insect pests. It is at these early stages in the tree’s life cycle that root-feeding insects do their greatest damage. After the trees have become fully established in the field and have developed a large root system there is less danger that soil-infesting insects will injure them seriously. Most of the soil-inhabiting insects that feed on the roots of seedlings show little preference for any particular tree species. Root bark beetles and root aphids are among the few that confine their feeding to the roots of certain host plants. White grubs, wireworms, root weevils, cutworms, and root maggots feed not only on the roots of forest seedlings but on the roots of many other plants. The stems of young seedlings may be attacked above ground by cutworms, grasshoppers, leafhoppers, and various bark- ‘chewing beetles ; and the leaves may be fed upon by caterpillars and sawflies and by varl- D4 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE ous scales, aphids, and bugs. Most of these insects, since they are enemies of larger trees as well, will be treated in later discussions. While the control of insect pests in forest nurseries is sometimes a difficult matter, the nurseryman, at least, has measures at his dis- posal which would be impractical to use under forest conditions. Some root-feeding insects can be controlled by applying a fumigant to the soil, or by using poisoned baits, but much can be done to avoid injury through regulating cultural methods. Transplant beds which have become heavily infested should be plowed and allowed to re- main fallow for a year. If they are cultivated often enough to prevent the growth of any weeds, most of the insects will have been starved out In a year’s time, and the beds can be used again for a short period without serious injury to the transplants. Leaf- feeding insects usually are easily controlled by the use of sprays. To protect seedlings from root-feeding insects after they are set out is not so simple, and, so far as is known, no attempt has been made to control soil-inhabiting insects in plantations or forests in the Western States. KEY TO DIAGNOSIS OF INSECT INJURY TO SEEDLINGS A. Roots of seedlings chewed, injured, or dying. 1. Rootlets completely bitten off or the bark badly chewed * by soil-inhabiting insects, appearing as a. Curled, white grubs with three pairs of prominent legs and with brown heads *______ white grubs, page 24. b. Small, curled, white grubs with small brown heads but owithout dees === 2s root weevils, page 26. c. Long, slender, hard-shelled, yellow or brown “worms” with feebly developed legs eae ss oe wireworms, page 26. d. Nearly hairless, soft, sluggish, dark-colored caterpil- lars working below surface of ground * cutworms, page 26. 2. Tunnels or borings under bark of larger roots root bark beetles, page 27. 3. Large, dark, soft-bodied aphids sucking sap from roots root aphids, page 28. B. Stems of young seedlings badly chewed or injured.’ 1. Stem bitten off, or bark badly chewed— a. Nearly hairless, sluggish caterpillars working at WAS fst oat ce Ps cs ee 2 eae cutworms, page 26. 0. Grasshoppers s22 2 228 2 ee grasshoppers, page 164. 2. Borings under bark of larger seedlings________ bark beetles, page 96. C. Leaves of seedlings either chewed, skeletonized, mined, discolored, or attacked by leaf-sucking insects_________--____-__~_ defoliators, page 58. WHITE GRUBS White grubs (29) are probably more common in forest nurseries than any other soil-inhabiting insects. These are the larvae of June beetles (Scarabaeidae), which are widely distributed and feed on the roots of a great variety of plants. The adults are voracious feeders and in the Lake States and elsewhere are often very injurious to the leaves of plants. °> Damage meeting this description is done also by root-feeding mammals such as gophers, moles, ete. : ; at SLE ee *These characters are not specific and sometimes noninjurious larvae of similar appearance may be confused with these forms. > Similar damage is often done by small animals, such as mice, squirrels, and porcu- pines, INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTDRN FORESTS DAS, The large, shining, brown “June bugs” (fig. 10) often lay their eggs in grassy places or where the ground vegetation is heavy. In the North, where the life cycle is 3 or more years in length, the small white grubs feed during the first summer on organic material and on small rootlets near the surface of the soil. As cold weather ap- proaches they burrow more deeply into the soil and hibernate. The second season the grubs are larger and do their greatest damage to the roots of seedlings and small trees. They again hibernate over the second winter and again feed during the following spring. The full- grown grubs are white, thick-bodied, with dark-brown heads and three pairs of well-developed legs. They always le in a tightly curled position and are familiar ob- jects to everyone who has dug for fish bait. In midsummer of usually the third season they reach full growth, transform to the pupal stage within a cell in the ground, and emerge the fol- lowing spring as full-grown beetles. In the Southern States the cycle may be completed in 2 years, or possibly less, while in the North and in Canada it may take 3, 4, or even 5 years. The prevention of white grub dam- age can be accomplished to a great extent through modification of cul- tural operations. New ground that is to be used for nursery purposes should be put under cultivation for 2 or 3 years to allow for the emergence of beetles already in the ground and to avoid new egg laying. If transplant beds are cultivated frequently in the seasons when they are lying fallow, and these periods of Figure 10.— Adult beetle, eggs, and resting are interspersed between the larva or white grub of Polyphylla period of use, the damage by white FES SAE ot ea seal Se erubs will usually be comparatively light. Infestation in seedbeds is likely to give the most trouble, since the dense growth produces a favorable condition for egg laying, and the beds cannot be cultivated until the seedlings are taken up. Beds can be protected by covering them with a 14-inch mesh wire screen during the egg-laying period. If the beds become infested, the young seedlings should be dug the second spring to avoid heavy damage. Clean cultivation, screening of seedbeds, and rotation of transplant beds are first steps in holding white grub damage to a minimum, but even these are not always successful. Seedbeds which must be repeatedly used may become heavily in- fested. Recent experiments have indicated that the grubs can be killed by the use of 50-percent miscible carbon disulphide. A. satis- factory dosage consists of 1 quart of the miscible carbon disulphide to 50 gallons of water and an application of 3 pints of the emulsion to each square foot of soil surface. Care should be taken not to allow any of the solution to come in contact with the leaves of the young 26 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE seedlings, and in hot weather a weaker emulsion should be used to prevent injury to the roots. While this treatment has given satis- factory results in the experiments so far conducted, it should not be adopted on a large scale until it has been demonstrated that it is applicable on the particular type of soil at the nursery, and puddling of the soil should be carefully avoided. Treating some soils, especially hght sandy loams, with arsenical compounds has been shown to be destructive to seedlings, and in many cases it has left the ground in a toxic condition for 3 or 4 years. ROOT WEEVILS In forest nurseries of the Pacific Northwest the strawberry root weevil has proved to be one of the most serious insect pests. Three species are involved in this damage—rachyrhinus ovatus L., B. pugosostriatus Goeze, and B. sulcatus F. The adults are small, brown, hard-shelled, wingless beetles about one-fourth inch in length, with head extended into a snout. When the adult weevils emerge in the early summer they migrate on foot, crawling everywhere, in search of suitable places for egg laying. Eggs are laid only at the root crown of plants, and the small, white, curled grubs develop in the soil, where they feed on the roots of various plants. The life cycle is completed in 1 year, and the full- erown larvae pupate in the soil and emerge as new adults the follow- ing summer. | Seedbeds can be protected from infestation by encirchng them dur- ing the migration and egg-laying period with barriers, such as boards or metal strips placed on edge in the ground and painted with sticky substances, such as coal tar or sticky tree-banding material. Poi- soned baits have also proved effective in destroying the weevils in larger fields. An effective poisoned bait consists of 5 pounds of pow- dered calcium arsenate and 95 pounds of ground dried-apple waste, applied at the rate of from 50 to 70 pounds per acre. The most satisfactory method of control is through clean cultiva- tion and rotation of seed and transplant beds, allowing infested plots to remain fallow and be cleanly cultivated in alternate years. WIREWORMS Under certain conditions wireworms (Elateridae) (53) may prove to be troublesome nursery pests. They are most frequently found in heavy, moist soil, where they feed on undecayed plant material and small roots. These long, slim, cylindrical, hard-shelled “worms” with feebly developed legs are the larvae of click beetles, which are most easily recognized by the layman by their ability to flip into the air for several inches when turned on their backs. No satisfactory method of controlling wireworms has been de- veloped, and soils which are abundantly infested with them should be avoided for nursery purposes. CUTWORMS From time to time cutworms make their appearance in forest nurseries and do considerable damage to the young trees by feeding on the roots or clipping off seedlings at the ground line, INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS Di The adults of cutworms are the dull-colored, yellow, tan, or brown moths which collect around hghts at night and are commonly re- ferred to as “millers.” They fly at night, usually early in the spring, and lay their eggs on the ground where there is ample vegetation for larval food. The larvae or cutworms work underground, feeding on the roots of various plants, or during the night they often feed above- eround on the foliage or clip off the stems at the ground line. They are dull-colored, with very few or sometimes no hairs on the body, and some have a greasy, slimy appearance that 1s in keeping with their ground habitat. They reach full growth late in the summer or in the fall and overwinter in the soil as full-grown larvae or as pupae in earthen cells. Emergence takes place the following spring, or in some cases there may be several broods a year. Clean culture in the nursery to avoid the establishment of weeds or ground cover that would be suitable for egg-laying, and cultivation in the fall and winter to destroy the hibernating larvae, will do much to prevent cutworm damage. Where such methods fail, poisoned baits made of bran and white arsenic are effective. A good formula for this purpose is as follows: AV VALSNENEY 6 | Onc si A SO AiR le eA St ite Hee I s . 25 pounds. Wihitevarsenicior paris. 2reen—o_ = 2 - nije BERLE Bane eee 1 pound. BIACKSE AD MOlASSeS sess ase! 8 ae Eee alive Near OP KO 8 Ee BV Vea Weer eee ne ee Ee Pe 1 to 2 gallons. Where seedbeds can be flooded for a time without damage to the young trees, cutworms can be drowned. Such treatment is often both simple and effective. ROOT BARK BEETLES Although bark beetles (Scolytidae) are primarily enemies of large forest trees, a few species are of importance in killing large seedlings through attack on the roots. Species of the genera Hylastes and Hylurgops have been found doing this type of damage. Normally these are secondary bark beetles which breed in slash and under. the bark of trees killed by fire or insects, but they appear to be primary in attacking the roots of suppressed or weakened seedlings. The attacking beetles make entrance burrows at the ground line and con-. struct winding galleries which extend downward into the larger roots and are partly filled with frass. The larvae work through the cambium, away from the egg tunnels, and feed together without scor- ing the wood. Seedlings an inch or more in diameter are killed by the attacks. The species which have been found doing this type of damage are noted below: Species Hosts Hylastes nigrinus Mann_-____~-~-. Douglas fir, western white pine, western hemlock, and probably other conifers. TULGOSCESINUAGCCT WueCC ears i Engelmann spruce, ponderosa pine, and lodgepole pine. Hylurgops leconteti Sw____---- --- Lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine. Hylurgops porosus Lec____------ . Lodgepole pine, western white pine, and probably other pines. Pseudohylesinus granulatus Lee. Balsam firs. The general habits of bark beetles are more fully discussed in a later section (page 96). a8 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT..OF AGRICULTURE ROOT APHIDS Some aphids are root-feeders. One species, Cinara (Lachnus) curvipes Patch, was recently found feeding on the roots of small white firs in Oregon. The large carpenter ants (Camponotus her- culeanus var. modoc Wheeler) were carefully tending them. The ants had gnawed the outer bark and cambium of the fir roots, and colonies of aphids were feeding on the fresh wounds. They were observed working the full length of their beaks into the cambium and feeding on the juices. This same aphid has been found working on the bark of twigs of balsam firs and Cedrus atlantica. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO YOUNG TREES (SAPLINGS AND POLES) Trees in plantations and forests are subject to attack by a great many insect pests while they are growing from saplings to maturity. After having been at first beset by the root-feeding insects, they are later attacked by another group of injurious insects—those which feed on the rapidly growing terminal shoots, laterals, tips, or buds. This type of damage seldom results in the death of the young trees, but it often seriously deforms or stunts them. As buds and term1- nals are killed the tree throws out new buds and shoots, which results in much branching. ‘The tree becomes bushy in form, with the main trunk crooked and gnarled, and is often permanently ruined for commercial use. At this stage of the tree’s life, leaf-eating and bark-feeding insects also begin to be of importance. The control of insects affecting young trees rarely calls for the application of direct control measures. ret Ly: speaking, these are not insects, since they have bodies divided into two segments instead of three and have four pairs of legs instead of three. However, since they are so closely related to insects, and their work is so similar, they are considered in this discussion. The dam- age resulting from their natural habit of sucking the juices from leaves and tender stems of various plants, including many orna- mental, shade, and forest trees, is considerable. The leaves turn yellow and drop, and the trees attacked are often seriously weakened, rendering them susceptible to attack by tree-killing insects. This 52 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE type of damage, while important on shade trees, is seldom so on forest trees under natural conditions. The pine needle mite (Lriophyes pint Nalepa) is a very minute yellow blister or gall mite which has been found causing considerable injury to the needles of Monterey pine in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, and to Torrey pine and Jeffrey pine in other parts of California. It feeds within the basal sheath of the needle cluster and causes a premature shedding of the needles and a weakening of the tree. A 10-percent miscible-oil spray has given fairly satisfactory control, but the removal of badly infested pine may at times be necessary. Red spiders (ZV'etranychus spp.) are frequently the worst enemies of shade trees in the central valleys of California, especially during long, dry, hot seasons, when they attack the leaves and cause them to fade and die. One species in particular is found on incense cedar and another on Monterey pine. Many species are found on the broad- leaved trees. Both sulphur dusts and the combination oil and nico- tine sprays have given good control on shade trees. More than one applcation during a year is frequently needed. Oligonychus americanus Riley has appeared as a rather common pest of Douglas fir along the Madison River of Yellowstone National Park. It webs the needles and turns them a dirty brown. GALL MAKERS A very large group of insects and mites have the unique ability to irritate various plants so as to produce a gall, swelling, or peculiar malformation. The common oak apple is a familiar example. Some galls take the form of large, globular protuberances, others take the appearance of buds or flowers, while some are simply an enlarge- ment of the leaf or stem. These galls seldom are seriously harmful, however, and control measures are called for only where ornamental trees are made unsightly by such growths. On forest trees their presence can usually be ignored. Galls may be formed by several groups of insects. The cynipids, sawflies, gall midges, and gall aphids include most of the gall-form- ing insect species. Gall mites of the family Eriophyidae are also responsible for a large number of peculiarly shaped galls on broad- leaved and other trees. Other important plant galls are formed by fungi and various parasitic plants. On ornamental trees some of the gall-forming insects can be con- trolled by spraying at the proper season of the year, but for forest trees such treatment is impractical and seldom would be justified by the importance of gall damage. There are innumerable types of galls on the various species of western forest trees (32), particularly on the broadleaved trees, such as poplar and willow. Space in this publication would not permit even the listing of the various species. However, a few of the more important gall insects on commercially important forest trees will be mentioned, INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 53 KEY TO THE RECOGNITION OF SOME IMPORTANT INSECT GALLS A. Galls formed on coniferous trees. 1. Galls affecting pine needles. a. Needles greatly enlarged or swollen at the base gall midges, page 53. b. Needles blistered within the sheaths, causing pre- mature shedding__—-__ pine needle mite, page 52. 2. Twigs with dying and dead needle tufts; bark filled with res- inous pockets containing small red maggots pitch midges, page 54 3. Swollen twigs of western white pine covered with gray, cot- LOMVeSCCre WON 2 aGe eee ee 2 woolly pine louse, page 48. 4, Cone-shaped galls on terminal twigs of spruce spruce gall bark lice, page 47. 5). Prickly, burrlike or conical galls on juniper___ gall midges, page 53. B. Galls formed on broadleaved trees. 1. Galls inhabited by small, white, legless, apparently headless JIS VVEN BY Cc a 2 cynipid wasps, page 53. 2. Galls inhabited by small pink or red maggots__ gall midges, page 53. 3. Galls inhabited by small bugs with cottony wax secretions 4 gall aphids, page 47. . Galls inhabited by microscopic eight-legged mites gall mites, page 52. GALLFLIES OR CYNIPID WASPS (Cynipidae) One group of small, four-winged, usually somber-colored yellow to brown or black, antlike wasps are responsible for the formation of a great variety of galls on the different parts of various forest trees, but particuarly on the oaks. These galls may be large, round, and shiny, like the common oak apples, or very irregular i m shape and splny, or may consist of just a tiny swelling on ‘leaf, twig, or root. The larvae that inhabit these galls are white, legless, and without a distinct head. There are over 200 species described from various ie in the Western States. Only a few, however, do any appre- ciable damage. GALL MIDGES The gall midges belonging to the family Cecidomyiidae are re- sponsible for the formation of a great variety of small galls on many different forest trees and plants. The adults are tiny “pink flies re- sembling mosquitoes and are called midges. The larvae are small pink or red maggots, without legs or definite head, but with a dark “breastbone.” Almost any part of the tree may be affected, but most galls are formed on the needles or leaves, in the cones or seeds, or in the bark of twigs. A few species on forest trees are of some economic importance. The Monterey pine midge (V’hecodiplosis pini-radiatae S. and M.) works at the base of the newly formed needles of Monterey pine in central California and causes them to become swollen and shortened (fig. 24). Sometimes heavily infested twigs are killed and the orna- mental value of the trees seriously impaired. Other species that produce swellings at the base of needles on pines include /anetiella coloradensis Felt on pines in Colorado and Utah, and 7'hecodiplosis cockerellt Felt on Pinus edulis in Colorado, 54 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Apical, budlike swellings are formed on ponderosa pines in Colo- rado by Contarinia coloradensis Felt and Dicrodiplosis gilletter Felt. Several of the Juniper galls are caused by species of gall midges. Walshomyia juniperina Felt causes a shghtly enlarged fruit of Juniperus californica, also a purplish, apical bud gall with three or four diverging lobes. Oligotrophus betheli Felt forms reddish, api- eal, conical galis on Juniperus utahensis. Allomyia juniperi Felt produces a prickly, burrlike bud gall with numerous short, nearly straight, leaves and none reflexed. Rhopalomyia sabinae Felt attacks Juniper in Colorado and Utah and pro- duces thick-walled, purplish, apical bud galls which split open in four sections when the midges emerge. PINE PitcH MIDGES Some of the pitch or gall midges attack the tender twigs or terminals of young trees and, by form- ing pitch pockets un- der the bark, either cause their death or the deformation of the wood. Their work can be recog- nized by the small pink or red larvae found imbedded in pitchy pockets or galls under the bark. The adults are frail, two-winged flies or midges resembling mosquitoes. Many FIGURE 24.—Monterey pine needles galled by the Monterey of the western forms areas (Thecodiplosis pini-radiatae). Insert, adult have not been named as yet. The birdseye pine midge (Retinodiplosis sp. near inopis O. 8.) isa common species in southern Oregon, where for many years it has killed the lateral tips of many young ponderosa pines (fig. 25). In some years this damage has been so severe as to deform and in some cases actually kill the trees. The damage is first noticeable very early in the summer, when the new lateral shoots fade, droop, and gradually turn yellow and die. In some cases nearly every new shoot is affected. On examination of the dying tips the bark will be found to be pitted with small resinous pockets, in each of which are small INSECT EN IMIES OF WESTERN FOREST ay) bright-red maggots. If the pockets are not numerous enough to kill nes terminal the injury heals over, but for several years the annual rings are distorted into a peculiar w “horl until the pocket is completely FIGURE 25.—Work of the birdseye pine midge (Retinodiplosis sp.) : A, Twig tips killed by midge attack; B, pitch gall in cambium; C, birdseye effect in pine lumber. covered. This produces a defect in the grain of ponderosa pine lumber known as “birdseye pine” which actually enhances its value for finishing purposes, 56 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE The Monterey pine resin midge (Retinodiplosis resinicoloides Wms.) is another small pitch midge which inhabits the resin exuda- tions of Monterey pine but apparently is not injurious to the trees. FEEDERS ON THE INNER BARK OF YOUNG TREES The most frequent damage to young trees by insects that feed on the inner bark is that suffered by intermediate or suppressed trees growing under crowded conditions or those weakened by drought, fire, or mechanical or other injury. Vigorous, young, dominant trees in the stand have a good chance to escape damage from these insects, except under conditions where they become epidemic. Usually the normal damage of this character in the virgin forests is of more benefit than other wise, since it represents a natural thinning process and the release of the more dominant trees from competition. At times, however, such damage may become serious when outbreaks of bark beetles or other cambium- or root-feeding insects sweep through the young stands and kill a high percentage of thrifty as well as weakened individuals. The insects which feed on the inner bark of trunk or roots of young trees are usually those which also feed on thin bark of older trees. These include certain groups of bark beetles, bark borers, and bark weevils. Since most of these insects do their greatest damage to older, mature trees they will be discussed later under another heading (p. 95). Many species of bark beetles (Scolytidae) inflict their greatest damage on small or thin-barked trees. Many of these are rarely, if ever, primary and aggressive in their attacks upon large trees, but may breed in windfalls, slash, or large trees that are dying or have been attacked first by other bark beetles. Breeding in such trees or felled material, they may emerge in large numbers and become very destructive to the small trees in the stand. In pines, the pine engraver beetles of the genus /ps are the ones most frequently responsible for this type of damage. Less frequently species of Pityogenes or Pityophthorus are involved. In young stands of Douglas fir Pseudohylesinus nebulosus Lec. and Scolytus unispinosus Lec. frequently kill groups of small trees, particularly in the vicinity of slashings. Small balsam firs are similarly affected by species of Scolytus, Pseudohylesinus, and Pityoktemes. Young spruce and hemlock also may be killed by species of these and other genera. Young redwoods, cedars, cypresses, Junipers, and related cupressine trees are frequently killed by species of Phloeosinus, which breed in the trunks and limbs of dying or dead larger trees. DEFOLIATORS OF YOUNG TREES The insects that feed upon the leaves of young trees are in nearly every instance the same species as those that feed on the leaves of older trees. Defoliating insects usually show no particular choice as to the age or size of tree that they attack, and young trees in the forest may be fed upon by almost any leaf-feeding form. In some cases the young trees in the stand are actually avoided by defoliating insects. This was particularly noticeable in the case of the hemlock INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 57 looper outbreaks, where heavy defoliations ceased when stands of young growth were reached. Since the damage done by defoliators to mature forest trees is usually of greater importance than that done to young trees, this group of insects will be discussed in the following section (p. 58). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO MATURE FOREST TREES The insects that prey upon young forest trees and that may, during the formative years, cause serious injury through stunting, deform- ing, or halting growth are of little importance after the trees have FIGURE 26.—Ponderosa pines severely defoliated by the pine butterfly. reached maturity. The mature trees may still be fed upon by root- feeding or terminal-feeding insects, but such damage within reason- able limits can be borne without fatal consequences, and the small loss in. growth increment on mature trees is of minor importance. In general, there are only two large groups of insects that may bring about the death of mature trees, (1) those that feed on the leaves and cause severe defoliation and (2) those that bore into the inner bark of the main trunk and cut off the supply of moisture and food. In many ways the defoliators are the most dangerous. They are primary and aggressive in their activities and attack healthy, vigor- ous trees as quickly as undernourished, weakened ones (fig. 26). The injury they cause does not always result in the immediate death of the tree but often so greatly weakens it that it becomes readily sus- ceptible to bark-beetle attack. On the other hand the miners of the 58 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE inner bark usually direct their attack against trees previously weakened through drought, defoliation, fire, or some other cause. Most of the bark beetles are decidedly. scconseyy and only attack trees already in a weakened or dying condition. A few species, how- ever, are aggressive and primary in “their attacks, It is true that the destruction of older, mature trees in the forest through attack by insects is more or less of a natural process. It is nature’s way of disposing of the old decadent trees to make room for the younger, thriftier, growing individuals. Although a natural one, this is a “most wasteful process from the economic standpoint, since the old trees carry a large volume of high-grade lumber. The pre- vention of this type of damage, therefore, is an important phase of forest protection. When more of our forests come under intensive management, and mature trees are utilized before they become decadent, much of the present loss in virgin forests will be avoided. Until such a time, the only alternative is the application of the direct-control methods dis- cussed at the end of this section. KEY TO RECOGNITION OF INSECT INJURY TO MATURE TREES A. Foliage fed upon; partially or wholly stripped from trees; or turning yellow or red. Trees sickly or dying. No insects working on Main cLwnk, DrANChes, OF WOOtS= ee a= ee ee defoliators, page 58. B. Terminal shoots, laterals, or tips deformed or killed. Remainder of tree appearing: health yos-2o 32-2 See oe ee twig feeders, page 29. C. Entire tree, or a large part, sickly, dying, or dead; foliage fading, turning yellow or red. Bark and phloem of main trunk or roots mined by Mmsects and killed [eee bark miners, page 95. LEAF FEEDERS AND DEFOLIATORS No part of a forest tree offers nourishment to such a host of insects as do the leaves. There are literally thousands of insect species that feed on them in one way or another. Some mine within the needles, some skeletonize the leaves, and others eat the entire leaf tissues or suck the juices. Trees can withstand a great deal of such feeding without being seriously affected, and some such insect work is going on more or less constantly. If the feeding is heavy, the growth of the tree is retarded. If a high percentage of the leaf surface is de- stroyed, death of the tree may result. The damage done to the forest by. defoliators is difficult to estimate since a large part of it involves only a loss of increment and not the death of trees. On the other hand, when epidemics of defoliators occur, their ability to destroy timber, especially coniferous timber, over large areas in a short time places them at the top of the list of destructive forest insects. Defoliation. affects very vital functions in a tree’s life processes. Without leaves a tree is unable to regulate its moisture content, to acquire its carbon supply from the air, or to throw off its waste gases. When these important functions of transpiration, assimilation, and respiration are greatly retarded the tree dies. Death does not take place at once but only after a lapse of time in which certain peculiar changes take place. Craighead (25) has shown that spruce bud- worm defoliation of fir and spruce not only results in a general reduction of growth but that this reduction is not evenly distributed (SE), Gr owth is greatly retarded at the top of these trees, as shown INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 59 by the annual rings, while for the year of defoliation the ring at the base of the tree is enlarged over that of the previous year. Unable to throw off the excessive moisture brought up by the roots, the water and sap accumulate under the bark and ferment. Often this sets up an attractive influence that draws the bark beetles into the area, and trees are then killed which otherwise might have recovered. The extent to which a tree may be injured by defoliation will de- pend upon the tree species, whether evergreen or deciduous, the posi- tion of the tree within the stand, its general health, the insect species involved, and the time of year when the defoliation occurs. Since evergreens cannot replace their leaves as readily as deciduous trees, they are much more seriously injured by defoliation than those that normally shed their leaves each year. One year of severe defoliation may be enough to kill such trees as Douglas fir, hemlock, and pon- derosa pine. Alders and oaks, on the other hand, can sometimes withstand several seasons of defoliation without fatal injury. Domi- nant trees are more resistant than their suppressed neighbors, and vigorous trees have a better chance of resisting attacks than those weakened from one cause or another. Defoliators usually show little preference for weakened trees as do many of the bark beetles and are more apt to feed indiscriminately on whatever foliage of their favorite hosts happens to be at hand, Outbreaks of defoliators are characteristically sporadic. For many years the forester may not observe a single specimen of some important leaf-feeding insect, and then without warning a sudden outbreak may occur and. the forest 1s swarming with millions of caterpillars or slugs that devour everything in their path. Such outbreaks usually go through a 3- to 5-year cycle. First, there is a preepidemic stage in which the insect becomes unusually numerous, Then there is the epidemic stage, which usually lasts for 3 years, the first year showing evident damage, the second year a peak of damage, and the third year one of declining numbers but still with evident injury. Third, there is the post-epidemic period in which the insect returns to a normal or quiescent status. This decline in the epidemic is brought about by natural control factors such as an increase in parasitic enemies and disease or through some climatic condition which is unfavorable to a continued activity of the de- foliators. The aim in control is not to eradicate the insects but to protect the forest from heavy and concentrated feeding during the height of occasional epidemics. Although more expensive methods can always be used on individual trees of high value, such as ornamental, park, and shade trees, spraying and airplane dusting are the only methods now used to protect large timber stands during outbreaks of defoliat- ing insects. These methods are discussed under the heading ‘‘Con- trol of defoliating insects” (p. 175). The leaf-eating insects include all of those leaf-feeding forms that have biting mouth parts and actually bite into and swallow their leafy food. They may be divided into three groups: (1) the leaf chewers, that feed externally upon and devour any part of the leaf, (2) the leaf skeletonizers, that eat out the green chlorophyll and leave only the network of veins and midribs, and (3) the leaf miners, that bur- row through and feed between the surfaces of the leaves or needles. 60 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Some leaf-feeding insects are skeletonizers in their early stages and then devour all of the leaf as they become more mature. Some mine the interior of the leaf when very young and then, later on, eat all of it. Outbreaks of leaf chewers do not always result in the death of the defoliated trees. Tor instance, Jarge forest areas in Washington, Canada, and Alaska have been badly defolated by the hemlock bud- worm for 2 or more years in succession and yet most of the trees have recovered. On the other hand, outbreaks of the hemlock looper, the pine butterfly, and the Douglas fir tussock moth have resulted in the death of billions of feet of standing timber, with a high per- centage of the stand killed over hundreds of thousands of acres. While the work of leaf feeders is easily detected, considerable injury frequently occurs before their activities are noticed. Since young caterpillars are more easily killed by poison than older ones, early detection and control are important. As these leaf chewers actually swallow and digest their leafy food, the method of artificial control is to spray or dust the folhlage with a stomach poison, such as an insecticide containing arsenic. Where small trees that can be reached with dusting or spraying machinery are involved, the apphcation of such a poison is a simple operation. Treating large forest areas is quite a different matter, and this usually can be done only by means of airplanes. Application of insecticides by this method is discussed in the section on forest insect control. Insects comprising the group of leaf eaters are mostly either cater- pillars (Lepidoptera) or sawflies (Hymenoptera), but a few beetles do similar work. No attempt will be made to list all the insects which under certain conditions may prove destructive, and in the following pages are mentioned only those that have proved particu- larly injurious and with which the forester should, if possible, become familar. KEY TO DIAGNOSIS OF INJURY FROM IMPORTANT DEFOLIATING INSECTS A. Foliage appearing thin or sparse. Leaves chewed, mined, skeletonized, or stripped from the trees. 1. Leaves chewed, and defoliated part of tree covered with silken web. Work of caterpillars with three pairs of true legs and less than six pairs of prolegs. a. Leaves and buds at tips of branches webbed together and fed upon by nearly hairless caterpillars, that wriggle violently backwards or fall to the ground when disturbed______ bud moths or budworms, page 78. b. Large, dense, conspicuous, silken tents formed at end of branches or in crotches; made by very hairy caterpillars with blue, red, or yellow markings. tent caterpillars, page 72. c. Loosely woven tents formed at ends of branches of broadleaved trees; made by yellowish-brown or gray caterpillars clothed with long white hairs, arising from black and orange tubercles. fall webworm, page 68. d. Defoliated portion or entire tree covered with a very light fine cobweb of silken threads. (1) Caterpillars nearly naked or with only fine hairs. aa. Dark-green caterpillars with fine, closely set hairs and two lateral white stripes on each side. Feed- ing on pine___-- pine butterfly, page 62. INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 61 bb. Caterpillars travelling with a loop- ing motion; with three pairs of true legs in front and two or three pairs of prolegs in the rear. loopers or measuring worms, page 74. cee. Olive-green caterpillars with black and yellow stripes on top and sides, brown or red heads; feed- ing on California oaks. California oak worm, page 68. (2) Caterpillars very hairy. aa. Caterpillars brightly marked with blue, red, or yellow spots and long pencils or distinct tufts of hairs like a toothbrush. tussock moths, page 69. bb. Caterpillars of dull colors, black, and yellow, feeding in masses on terminal branches. tiger moths, page 66. cc. Blackish caterpillars with row of nearly square, white blotches along the back, irregular white marks along the sides, and brown spines and longer, paler hairs. Feeding on poplar and willow. satin moth, page 72. 2. Leaves chewed, but defoliated part of tree not covered with silken webbing. a. Work done by caterpillars with seattered spines or hairs; three pairs of front legs, four pairs of median prolegs, and one pair of anal larvapods. (1) Yellowish-green or brown, ieathery cater- pillars with short dark hairs and seven or eight stout branched spines on nearly every segment ; feeding on ponderosa pine. pandora moth, page 64. (2) Black caterpillars with fine, branched spines on each segment, middle row of spines bright yellow; feeding on species of Ceanothus. California tortoise shell butterfly, page 165. (3) Large, stout caterpillars with sparse, stout tubercles; feeding on broadleaved trees ATL CLS STG SS Sans ee ees a giant silk moths. (4) Yellow and black caterpillars with branched spines; feeding on willow, popular, and other broadleaved trees and_ shrubs i brown day moth. b. Work done by naked slugs with three pairs of true legs and six to eight pairs of prolegs; sometimes covered with slime; one end of body frequently held in midair when disturbed_______ sawflies, page 87. 3. Leaves mined internally. a. Working inside of coniferous needles needle miners, page 85. Oa Workinie: in, broad leaves.) 220.2 leaf miners, page S6. 4. Leaves skeletonized, with midribs and veins still evident. a. Work on broadleaved trees done by active grubs with three pairs of true legs, or by hard-shelled peetles Wes yess ks See eatoheeties: page 92: B. Trees sickly, leaves not chewed but yellowing or covered with a sticky Ox Gd alioneoreblacks Smuts oe es sap-sucking insects, page 44. C. Leaves stunted, galled, or swollen_____.______.___ | ___ gall makers, page 52. _°Similar work is done on broadleaved trees by a great variety of caterpillars, saw- Hie CL, and to be certain of the insect responsible, specimens must be captured and identified. 62 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE MOST IMPORTANT PINE DEFOLIATORS The pine butterfly (Veophasia menapia Feld.) (37) is potentially one of the most dangerous enemies of ponderosa pine in the North- western States. One of the earhest recorded outbreaks occurred near Spokane, Wash., in 1882. Since that date several outbreaks have developed in the ponderosa pine stands of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and British Columbia. One of the worst of these occurred on the Yakima In- dian Reservation in Washington during the period 1893-95. Ponderosa pine over approximately 150,- 000 acres was af- fected and from 20 to 90 percent of the stand killed over this largearea. The total loss amounted to nearly a billion board feet, and the effects of this out- break are still evi- dent. A more recent outbreak severely de- fohated thousands of acres of ponderosa pine along the Little Salmon and Payette Rivers in Idaho in 1922 and 1923. Old, mature ponderosa pihes are more sus- ceptible to injury than the younger, thriftier trees. West- ern white pine and lodgepole pine, when FIGURE 27.—The pine butterfly (Neophasia menapia) : Eggs, 1 mixture with pon- alee pape’ Coes male above, female below. derosa pine, are also attacked, and Doug- las fir is reported to have been injured in outbreaks of the pine butterfly along the coast of British Columbia. The adult (fig. 27) is a white butterfly with black markings and a wing expanse of about 134 inches, resembling in general the common cabbage butterfly. The wings of the male are pure white except for some black markings on the tips. The forewings of the female have similar black markings, but have a distinct yellowish cast; the hind wings have the same yellowish cast but have a much heavier black marking than in the male. With many females, but not all, there are bright orange spots along the apical margin of the hind wings. These butterflies may be seen nearly every year flying about in pine and fir forests and hovering about the tops of trees. INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 63 Flight of the butterflies occurs in August, September, and October, and emerald-green eggs are laid on the needles a few hours after mating. These eggs are attached to needles near the tops of the trees and are laid in rows at an angle of 45°, with from 5 to 20 eggs in each row, and are firmly cemented together (fig. 28). The winter is passed in the egg stage, and the eggs hatch the following June, or about the time the new needles begin to appear on ponderosa pine. The larvae, as they hatch from the eggs, are very small, pale-green caterpillars, with shiny black heads. The young larvae feed in clusters, encircling the needle with their heads pointed toward the tip, forming a little ring of tiny black heads. Later on they feed FIGURE 28.—Progressive stages of the pine butterfly. (Drawings by Edmonston.) singly and reach maturity by the latter part of July. When mature they are approximately 1 inch long, dark green, and covered with fine, closely set hairs, and with two white lateral stripes down each side. The anal shield is produced behind into two blunt, well- separated projections. The head is pale green and covered with short hairs. The full-grown larvae lower themselves to the ground by silken threads and then ascend low-growing vegetation to trans- form to pupae, forming chrysalids attached to shrubs, grasses, limbs, and tree trunks. From 15 to 20 days are spent in the pupal stage, and then the insects emerge as mature butterflies. Normally there is one generation a year. Outbreaks of the pine butterfly seldom last for more than 3 or 4 years, for nature has provided a wasplike parasite (Theronia ful- vescens Cress.) which was apparently responsible for the reduction of past outbreaks of this destructive pest. In the recent outbreak in central Idaho, it was found that during the third year of the epidemic over 90 percent of the caterpillars were parasitized by this 64 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE beneficial insect, and during the following season it was practically impossible to find a lving caterpillar or butterfly within the de- folhated areas. Before natural control becomes effective, however, tremendous loss of timber may occur. In the future, artificial control by airplane dusting may prove useful in protecting the forests from heavy defoliation during the peak of the outbreak and until the defohator is brought under control by natural means. Even if only 50 percent of the foliage of a tree could be saved by such a method it probably would be sufficient to prevent its death. The Pandora moth (Coloradia pandora Blake) (68) (fig. 29) is an important defoliator of ponderosa pine in the forests of central and southern Oregon and in California east of the Sierra Nevada. This moth and closely related species and varieties have been re- ported from practically all Western States, where they feed upon various pines. The preferred hosts of the pandora moth are pon- - derosa and Jeffrey pines, though lodgepole pine may also be attacked during epidemics when in mixture with one of the preferred species. Though distributed over a wide area, it is only in pine forests grow- ing on loose pumice soil, where the caterpillars can easily bury themselves for pupation, that serious damage has occurred. The most recent destructive outbreak occurred on the Klamath Indian Reservation of southern Oregon from 1918 to 1925. Thou- sands of acres of ponderosa pine forest were heavily defoliated, with an accompanying serious loss of timber. Heavily defoliated trees were unable to recover and died after 2 or 3 years as a direct result of the injury. Others were greatly reduced in growth and re- covered only after a period of several years. The loss in growth throughout the defoliated area amounted to several million board feet. Even more serious was the bark-beetle damage which fol- lowed the defoliation and increased to alarming proportions in the weakened trees. While some infestation may be found every few years, the records indicate that epidemics occur at fairly regular intervals of 20 to 30 years and continue in intensity for from 6 to 8 years. During periods of abundance fairly heavy feeding may occur without serious consequences. This is due to the fact that the terminal buds are not eaten, and since the insect has a 2-year life cycle and the larvae feed only in alternate years, the trees have an opportunity to re- cover. For this reason the more vigorous trees survive the attacks, and only during the major outbreaks are heavy losses likely to be sustained. The adults are large, heavy-bodied, grayish-brown moths with a wing expanse of 3 or 4 inches, and a small dark spot near the center of each wing. The base and interior margins of the hind wings are clothed with pinkish hairs, which in the male shade to wine color. The males have large, feathery antennae, while the females have slender antennae and heavy bodies. During epidemics thousands of these large moths will be seen fluttering over the tree trunks and flying through the woods. The eggs, which are globular in shape and about one-tenth of an inch in length, are laid in clusters on the trunks or branches of trees or on litter on the ground, The INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 65 Figure 29.—The pandora moth (Coloradia pandora): A, Adult male, natural size; B, young larvae on pine needles ; C, eggs, X 3; D, pupa; H#, full-grown caterpillar, « 1.25. newly hatched caterpillars are about one-fourth inch in length, with shiny black heads and black or brownish bodies covered with short, dark hairs. When mature, the caterpillars are from brown to yel- lowish green and 21% to 3 inches in length, with each segment sup- porting a few stout branched spines. 130643°—39——_5 66 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Two years are required for this insect to complete its life cycle. Adults appear during the latter part of June and in July, and the females deposit eggs that hatch in August. The young larvae crawl up the trees and during the early molts feed in groups on the new foliage. At the end of the season they are about 1 inch in length. The first winter is spent by these immature larvae hibernating in clusters at the base of the needles. Feeding is resumed in the follow- ing spring, and the caterpillars reach full growth by the last of June. When mature, they crawl down the trees and enter the soil to a depth of 1 to 5 inches, where they form elliptical cells, some- times sparsely lined with a silky material, in which they transform to the pupal stage. The pupae are dark reddish brown and from 1 to 11% inches in length and about one-half inch in width. The pupal stage lasts a full year, and the moths are not ready to emerge until the following June and July. An interesting side light on the economic importance of this in- sect is that the larvae or pupae form a delectable food for certain Indian tribes. The Mono Indians of California dig trenches around the infested trees and build smudge fires which cause the cater- pillars to drop to the ground in great numbers. They are caught in the trenches, killed, dried, and subsequently cooked with vege- tables to make a stew. The Klamath Indians in Oregon prefer the pupae, which, when dug from the ground and roasted or boiled, are considered a great delicacy. Epidemics of the pandora moth are brought under control by a number of natural enemies. Probably the most important is a wilt disease that attacks them at about the time they reach full growth and start to descend the trees. Once this disease becomes well estab- lished it runs rampant through the hordes of caterpillars, and very few of the insects escape. Ground squirrels and chipmunks dig up and destroy large quantities of pupae. Birds feed only sparingly on the caterpillars, which appear to be distasteful to most of them. Four or more species of insect parasites attack the caterpillars and dispose of a large number. This defoliator could be held in check by spraying or dusting trees with arsenicals during the spring period of maximum feeding, provided such insecticides could be applied at a reasonable cost. Airplane dusting is about the only way in which such poisons could be applied to large forested areas, and because of the cost it is ques- tionable to what extent such a method could be used. Another method of control which was tried by a private timber company on a large tract of privately owned land in southern Oregon is ight burning. In the fall of 1922, fire was run through this tract while the pandora caterpillars were feeding. The smoke and heat caused them to drop to the ground, where they were de- stroyed. On account of the damage and danger which may ensue in the use of fire, this method is of questionable benefit. The remedy may easily be “worse than the disease.” TIGER MOTHS (Arctiidae) The tiger moths are so named on account of the contrasting colors shown by many. Some of the species are without markings, but the majority are unusually beautiful. The caterpillars are robust INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 67 and very hairy, some of them being referred to as “woolly bears.” Most of the family are important as leaf feeders. The silver-spotted halisidota (Halisidota argentata Pack.) (fig. 30) is a strikingly colored yellowish-brown moth with a wing spread of about 2 inches and a body covered with long yellow hairs. The forewings are reddish brown with numerous uniform silvery-white spots. The hind wings have a few brown marks near the outer FiGuRE 30.—The silver-spotted halisidota; A, Full-grown caterpillar; B, eggs on needles; C, adult male; D, adult female. All natural size. margin. The large moths emerge, fly, and mate during July and August. Pea-green eggs are deposited in clusters on the twigs and needles of the host trees. As many as 325 eggs have been laid by one moth. The caterpillars, which are densely clothed with long brownish to black hairs, congregate and feed heavily on the needles of young Douglas fir, balsam firs, pine, and spruce and are often 68 MISC. PUBLICATION 273, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE found in dense clusters on the twigs, where they hibernate during the winter. In June the mature caterpillars spin cocoons, which are composed of silk and larval body hairs, and attached to the needles or twigs of the defoliated trees. In these cocoons they pupate. The species is distributed from Colorado to California and Oregon. Contro: measures under forest conditions are not likely to be justifiable. There are several closely related species of the genus which are also forest-tree leaf feeders. Halisidota ingens Hy. Edws. feeds on the needles of ponderosa and pihon pine in Colorado. HT. maculata Harr. and its various varieties are found in all of the Western States, feeding on willow, oak, maple, alder, poplar, and a variety of other trees and shrubs. /. sobrina Stretch feeds on Monter ey pine in California. The fall webworm (//yphantria cunea Drury) is a common defoli- ator of broadleaved trees, such as madrona, alder, willow, cottonwood, and various other shade trees, fruit trees, and ornamentals, but it is of little importance from a forestry standpoint. The caterpillars, when full grown, are pale yellow to brown but appear grayish be- cause of the long whitish hairs that arise from black and orange tubercles. They spin very large webs, within which they feed upon the foliage. These tents often enclose an entire branch and are very conspicuous late in the summer. Feeding takes place from July 1 to September 15. Maturity is reached late in the fall, and the winter is passed as pupae in dark-brown cocoons on the ground or attached to the tree trunks. The following spring the adult moths appear. These are nearly white, with a few black spots on the wings and orange markings on body and legs. 3] t-4 { 4 i \ ft. i A ay — s x } / 4 -, o> a \B TS SRA 2 \ eye | DS ae t = ae Y oy, S 7 * > FicurRE 45.—Lodgepole sawfly (Neodiprion burkei): A, Egg pockets in needle and very young caterpillars feeding, X 1.5; B, larvae at_work, natural size; C, hibernating prepupa, X 5; D, pupa, X 5; £#, adult female, X 7; F, adult male, X 7 Other species of the genus Veodiprion which feed on the needles of western pines include the following: Species of Neodiprion Host and distribution IN. SUUUICEDS .CrOSS = = ee tee Ponderosa pine. California. N= gitlette: McGill 22-2 2e = = Ponderosa pine. Colorado. N. edwardsiu- Nortona__=— = _ =: Sugar pine, western white pine. California. N > -vrohwer, Nh = 2 ee Pifon and singleleaf pine. New Mexico and California. INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS QO] The Monterey pine sawfly (Ztycorsia sp.) attacks only the Monterey pine in its native habitat, near Pacific Grove, Calif. The larvae are so prevalent at times as to completely defoliate the trees, either killing or seriously weakening large numbers of them. The larvae are dark green or brownish, with black heads. A characteristic of their work is that the needles are sawed off or chewed into a mass, and these broken needles and brownish excrement pellets are webbed together with silken threads. The hemlock sawfly (Meodiprion tsugae Midd.) occasionally be- comes epidemic and defoliates extensive areas of western hemlock in Oregon and northward into Alaska. The adults are small, about one-fourth inch in length. The males are dark brown to black, and the females are larger and green to yellowish brown. The larvae are green and about 1 inch in length when full grown. The papery cocoons are attached to the needles and to debris on the ground. In the northwestern part of the United States there are two species of sawflies that feed on the foliage of western larch. So far they have not caused damage of any great economic importance. In 1921 an outbreak of these two insects occurred throughout the larch stands of northern Idaho and western Montana. This is the first and last record of their appearance, and although they occurred in countless numbers in 1921, it was practically impossible to find a single larva in 1922. This isa marked example of how rapidly an outbreak can disappear. The larvae did their heaviest feeding from the middle of July to the last of August, and either devoured the foliage or killed it by chewing on the fleshy portion of the needles anywhere between the tip and base. The larvae leave the trees when they are mature and spin small silken cocoons under the duff, in which they pupate. Small pebbles and grains of sand adhere to these cocoons, giving them the appearance of small lumps of dirt. The winter is passed in the cocoon, and the new adults emerge the following spring about the time the larch foliage appears. Adults of the two-lined larch sawfly (Platycampus laricis Roh. and Midd.) are small, black, wasplike insects, a little less than one- fourth inch in length. The folded wings have a blue-green metallic sheen. The larvae are rather slender, about three-eighths inch in length when full grown, with eight pairs of prolegs on the abdomen and are brownish-green with two narrow dark-green stripes along the sides, dark-brown heads, and black, shiny eyes. The western larch sawfly (Platycampus laricivorus Roh. and Midd.) closely re- sembles the foregoing in the adult stage, but the larvae have a single green line down the center of the back. The larch sawfly (Vematus (Lygaeconematus) erichsonii Hartig) which is a native of Europe and was first found in New England about 1880, has spread westward through the Lake States and Canada into northern British Columbia. Its progress has been disastrous inasmuch as it kills trees rapidly, ‘and has left vast areas of dead and dying larch in its ‘wake. Only recently it has been reported at- tacking western larch in southern British Columbia and in the north- western part of the United States. The cypress sawfly (Susana cupressi Roh. and Midd.) feeds on the foliage of Monterey cypress in California. O2 MISC. PUBLICATION 2738, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE SAWFLIES ON BROADLEAVED TREES There are a large number of sawflies that feed on the leaves of broadleaved trees. Some of these produce galls, and many others feed externally on the leaves and cause a varying amount of damage. Only a few will be mentioned here. The elm sawfly (Cimbex americana Leach) is commonly found in the Middle West as well as in the Eastern States, but ranges west into Colorado and British Columbia. These sawflies are active feeders on the leaves of willow and elm, and also attack poplar, alder, maple, and other trees. The adults are large, steel blue to black, broad- waisted sawflies about three-fourths of an inch in length with three or four yellow, oval spots on each side of the body, short knobbed antennae, and smoky wings. They girdle the bark on twigs and kill many of them, especially in the tops of trees. The larvae are naked, wrinkled, and pale yellowish with a median black stripe down the back, and have eight pairs of prolegs. They usually lie coiled and are from 1 to 2 inches long when full grown. The adults fiy in May and insert their oval eggs in the leaves. The larvae reach full growth in July or August, and overwinter in cocoons in the debris on the ground or just below the surface. Pupation occurs in the spring, only a few days before emergence and flight. At least three other sawflies attack willow in the West. Cimbex pacifica Cress., which has similar habits to the preceding, is found in Oregon and Washington, where the larvae feed on willow leaves. The adults are large, about 1 inch in length, and are brownish red. It is known as the Pacific sawfly. Cimbea rubida Cress. is found in the sierras of California and Nevada and along the coast, feed- ing on various species of willow. The adults are about three-fourths of an inch in length, reddish brown, with black stripes on the abdo- men and wings of metallic blue or smoky brown. Another species, Lrichiosoma lanuginosa Norton, also feeds on willow in the Cali- fornia and Nevada sierras. The adults, which are velvety or shiny bluish black, with dense pale-yellow hairs on head, thorax, and base of abdomen, look very much like large bumblebees. They are about three-eighths of an inch in length and have short knobbed antennae and smoky brown wings. The cottonwood sawfly (Pteronidea sp.) although common, has not been identified specifically as yet. The larvae, which are slender, about one-half inch in length, green, with brown head and black eyes, and six pairs of prolegs on the abdomen, feed on the leaves of black cottonwood in northern Idaho. During the early feeding period the larvae skeletonize the leaves, eating only the fleshy part, but in the later stages of larval development the entire leaf is con- sumed. When mature the larvae construct small, parchmentlike cocoons that are attached to the leaves. The complete seasonal his- tory of this insect has not been determined, but it appears to have one generation a year. LEAF BEETLES There are a number of beetles that are leaf eaters in the larval or adult stage or in both. None of these have been responsible for any noticeable injury to western coniferous forest trees, but the skeletonizing and defoliation of broadleaved trees by beetles is a INSECT ENEMIES OF WESTERN FORESTS 93 common occurrence. Most of these beetles belong to the family Chry- somelidae. The adults of this large family of destructive beetles are small, rather short, somewhat oval in outline, and of variegated colors, some with bright metallic green or blue and others dull brown or black. The larvae are rather stout, humpbacked grubs. Some are armed with spines, while others partially cover themselves with excrement. In western forests the alder flea beetle is probably the most common repre- sentative of this family. No control appears practical or war- ranted, under forest conditions, but on park and shade trees leaf beetles can be controlled by spray- ing with powdered acid lead arsenate at the rate of 4 pounds to 100 gallons of water. The spray should be applied as soon as the leaves unfold in the spring. The alder flea bee- tle (Altica bimar- ginata Say) (fig. 46) is a native species found throughout the Pacific Coast States, where it feeds on and skeletonizes the fohage of alder, poplar, and willow, both as larvae and as adults. The adults are small, dark shiny blue, and about one- fourth inch long. — Fievre 46.—Alder flea beetle (Altica bimarginata) : A, Adult hee mature larvae eee nate eags, x 4 55C, larva, * - a . * st i t .