SECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES AND WEEDKILLERS E.BOURCART, D.S PKOCESSI.Nu-CNt U.B.C. LIBRARY inwmwmomawwi'WWMiufttiwaM ^m*.". i&hxmm \bx Arrcr.iHUtt ^V. yc^vi ii-uu ivv. 5£>95(- B 64 • INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEEDKILLERS INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES AND WEEDKILLERS A PRACTICAL MANUAL ON THE DISEASES OF PLANTS AND THEIR REMEDIES, FOR THE USE OF MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, AGRICULTURISTS, ARBORICULTURISTS AND HORTICULTURISTS E. BOURCART, D.Sc. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, REVISED AND ADAPTED TO BRITISH STANDARDS AND PRACTICE BY DONALD GRANT WITH EIGHTY-THREE TABLES AND TWELVE ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON SCOTT, GREENWOOD & SON 8 BROADWAY, LUDGATE, E.C. '[The sole rights of translatiun into English remain with Scott, Greemvood 'ptogamic substances or fungicides ^ Examination of curative agents Action of chemical products on parasites ° Action of chemical products on plants Liquid products ---- Gaseous products - ---" 1q Indispensable properties of the chemical agents - - " , " . ' ' ^^ Methods of using chemical products in treating the diseases of plants - - XJ- Underground treatment - - ,, Aerial or above-ground treatment by gases ^^^ Clochage ' " " -19 Scalding or treatment by boiling -water ^ Use of chemical agents in the form of powder t^_^ Use of chemical agents in the liquid form ^-^ External treatment -.------■' ' Internal treatment -------■"" Prophylaxy ] 15 Therapeutic prophylaxy - - 15 Preventive surgical treatments " ' ' 16 Preventive treatment by means of chemical agents ' ' ' ' ' 17 Preventive summer treatment ----'"'" - „ Hygienic prophylaxy ' ' - 18 Growth stimulants Nutrition Exhaustion of the soil - 18 19 20 Choice of species -------"'" - 20 Meteorological influences - - - - ' • ■, a 91 92 United efforts to exterminate injurious insects, fungi, and weeas - vii Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Watbb, Hot and Cold — Submersion or Field, Forest, and Vineyard — Scalding — Hydrogen Peroxide. PAGE 1. Water, H2O - - ^ 23-24 Use 23 Cold Water. SubmerBion of fields and meadows ....... 24 Submersion of forests 24 Anti-phylloxeric submersion 25 Submersion in actual practice 26 A. Winter submersion ......... 27 B. Submersion during the active period of the vine - - . - 27-30 Spraying 30 Hot Water. Resistance of insects to heat --------- 31 Resistance of seed to heat -...----.31 Resistance of fungi to heat - 31 Action of dry and moist heat on seeds and spores 31 Use of hot water 32 Hot-water steeping of seed-corn to kill disease spores - - - . 32-36 Immersion of seed against insects, phylloxera 36 Hot-water spraying against cochylis, etc. - 37-40 2. Hydrogen Peroxide, H0O2 - - 40 Preparation - - - 40 Properties 40 Use - 40 CHAPTER II. Hydrogen Sulphide — Sulphur. 3. Hydrogen Sulphide (sulphuretted hydrogen, HjS) 41-2 Preparation ------------ 41 Properties - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 Action on plants 41 Action on insects ----------- 41 Use 42 4. Sulphur, S. Preparation ------------ 42-4 Use 44 How does sulphur act ? 44 How should sulphur be applied ? 46 The regulator sulphur bellows (illustrated) 47 The torpedo sulphur distributor 47 Use against bacteria (potato scab, etc.) ------- 47 Use against fungi (rusts and mildews) 48-50 Drawbacks to sulphuring - - . - 50 Use of sulphur against insects -------- 52 Use against acari 53 CHAPTER III. Carbon Disulphiue, CS.^. 6. Caiuion Dihulpiiide, CSj - - - 54 J'reparation ----- 54 Properties ........... 54. Action of carbon disulphide on plants - - 55 TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX PAGE Action of carbon disulphide on insects 56 Action on fungi - . . . - 57 Influence on fertility of soil 57-9 Use 59-77 History 59 Vaselinated sulphide 61-2 Instruments for applying carbon disulphide 62 Pal-gastine ------------ 62 Avant-pal 62 Pal-excelsior ...-.-.---- 62-3 Sulphurators - - 63 Disinfection in closed spaces - - - - 63 Destruction of aerial parasites ..--.--. 64 Use against cryptogamic diseases 64 Use against eel-worms -- - - - - - - - -65 Use against insects - ' 65-71 Underground disinfection .-.------ 71 Extermination treatment ...-.---. 71 ■Cropping treatment 72 Use of pure carbon disulphide 72 Use of carbon disulphide dissolved in water ------ 74 Insecticide irrigations ---------- 75 CHAPTER IV. 'SuLPHOBOus Acid — Sulphuric Acid (Oil of Vitriol) — Chlorine — Hydrochloric Acid — Nitric Acid. 6. Sulphurous Acid, SOj - - 78 Properties - - 78 Action on plants 78-80 Action on fungi ----------- 80 Action on insects - - - - - - - -. - - - 80 Us 9 in diseases treated by SOj in the open air - . - . . 80 Use in closed spaces - - - - - - - - - - 80 7. Sulphuric Acid, H^SO^. Natural occurrence 83 Properties ..-.-.-----. S3 Action on plants --83 Action on fungi ----------- 83-8 Use as pickle for seed-corn --------- 83-6 Use as weedkiller ----------- 85 Use against insects and eel-worms ------- 88 Use against wasps ----------- 88 8. Chlorine, Cl.^. Preparation ------------88 Use against dry rot 88 9. Hydrochloric Acid, HCl. Preparation 88 Use 88 Action of chlorine and hydrochloric acid on plants ----- 89 10. Nitric Acid, HNO3. Preparation ------ - 90 Properties . . . - 90 Action on plants - - - - . - - - - - - - 90 Use 90 Use against fungi -.--------- 90 Use against insects -..------- 90-1 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. Phosphorus — Phosphoretted Hydrogen — Arseniuretted Hydrogen — Arsenious Sulphide — Arsenious Acid — White Arsenic — Arsenic Acid — Boric Acid. PAGE 11. Phosphorus, P. ------- --.-92 Preparation ----.----..- 92 Properties ---92 Use 92 12. Phosphoretted Hydrogen, PHj. Preparation -----------.93 Properties - 93 Use 93 13. Arseniuretted Hydrogen, AbHj. Preparation 93 Properties 98 Use - - 93 14. Arsenious Sulphide, ASgSg. Use 94 15. Arsenious Acid, A82O3. Manufacture -- 94 Properties 94 Use 94 Use against insects - -. 95 Use against rodents 9& 16. Arsenic Acid, A82O5. Preparation -97 Properties - - - 97 Use 97 Use as pickle for seed-corn 97 17. Boric Acid, B3O3. Preparation --------- . - - 97 Properties 97 Use . 97 CHAPTER VI. Ammonia — Ammonium Sulphide — Ammonium Sulphocyanide — Ammonium Sulphate — Ammonium Carbonate — Sodium Hyposulphite — Sodium Sulphate — Sodium Chloride (Common Salt) — Sodium Nitrate (Chili Saltpetre) — Arsenite of Soda — Borax — Sodium Carbonate. 18. Ammonia, NH, 98- Preparation - - 98 Properties - 98 Use 98-9 19. AmmoiJiuji Sulphide (NH4)2S. Preparation 99 Properties - . . - 99 Use - - 99-lOa 20. Ammonium Sulphocyanide, NH4CNS. Preparation - 100 Properties 10ft Use 100 21. Ammonium Sulphate (NHJjSO^. Manufacture ------.----- 100 Properties --.-.--.---- 100 Use 100-1 22. Ammonium Carbonate (NH4)2C03. Manufacture - 101 Properties 101 Use - - ... ^ 101 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI PAGE 23. Sodium Hyposulphite, NaaSaO-SHsO. Preparation Vl'Z Properties - - " ' ino Action on plants |^^ Action on fungi " ' yr!^ Crouzel's anti-cryptoganiic ■^"*' 24. Sodium Sulphate, NaaSOj. Occurrence - ' ' ' lo'-i Preparation Properties Use - - - - " " 10^ Use as pickle for seed-corn - - auo 25. Sodium Chloride (common salt), NaCl. Occurrence --- in-i Properties - - - „_ Kole as manure lOfi Use as weedkiller - - jj^g Use to destroy moss jr^ Use against potato diseases jjj^ Use against insects Use to preserve green fodder during winter -l"' 26. NiTEATE OF Soda, NaNOg. Occurrence - - - - - - " " ' ' " 'inft Properties ^„„ Action on plants - - 108 Action on fungi ' " ' " ^^^ Action on insects --- .-- • '""lOft Use as weedkiller 27. Arsenite of Soda, Na4As205. _ Use as pickle for seed-corn "^ Use in preparations to kill locusts 28. Borax, Na2B407. ^^o Occurrence - - - - - - " " ' ' " " lOQ Preparation - - ' " ' inQ Properties - IIO Use 29. Carbonate of Soda, NagCOg. ^-^ Preparation ------ ' Properties - - - - - - " ' ' ' ' 'no. Action on plants - - - - ^..„ Action on fungi ^^ Action on insects iinil Use CHAPTER Vn. Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash)— Potassium Sulphides (Liver of Sulphur). —Potassium Chloride (Muriate of Potash)— Potassium Nitrate— Potassium Sulphocarbonate— Potassium Xanthogenate— Potassium Cyanide (Prussic- AciD).r-P01ASSIU.M SULPHOCYANIDE. 30. Caustic Potash, KHO - ^^t, Properties - no Use .----------"■ ^ 31. Potassium Sulphides, KjS to KjSg. Liver of sulphur - - " ' 1 1 h Properties - - - - - - " ' " " 1 1 S Use lU Use against bacteria - - ' ' 1 1 4 Use against fungi - - - -' Xll TABLE OP CONTENTS. c, ■ . -, PAGE bteepmg of seed-corn 114 Spraying with dilute solutions 115-6 Use against insects - - . - - - - . . 116-7 32. Potassium Chloride (muriate of potash), KCl ; Potassium Sulphate, K2SO4. Natural occurrence - - - - - - - . . -117 Properties -.-... 118 Action on plants 118 Use 118-120 Use as weedkiller --.--..... ng Use as pickle for seed-corn 119 Use against dodder . 119 Use against meadow horsetail 119 Use against insects 120 33. Nitrate of Potash, KNO3. OccuiTence -------..... 12O Preparation -------.... . 120 Properties ------...... 120 Action on plants 120 Action on fungi ---........ 120 Action on spores ----..-.... 121 Use against insects ----...... 121 34. Carbonate of Potash, KgCOj. Preparation 121 Properties -... 121 Action on plants - - 121 Action on fungi ---.... .... 122 Action on insects 122 35. Potassium Sulphocarbonate, KjCSjHjO. Preparation --.. 123 Properties .- 123 Action on plants 123 Action on fungi --.-.-..... 124 Action on insects - - - . 124 Use 126-9 Disinfection of vines and graft-bearers by 129 36. Xanthogenate of Potassium, C2HBOCSSK. / Definition 129 Preparation 129 Properties 129 Use 129 37. Potassium Cyanide, KCN. Preparation 130 Properties -- 130 Rapid toxic action - - .-...-.. 131 Action on plants 131 Trials on healthy vines 131 Trials as a weedkiller - - . 132 Action on fungi 132 Action on insects - - 132 Use - 133 Cyaniding of trees 133 Use against insects - - - - - - - - - - 134 Fumigating vines 134 Disinfection of vines - - 136 38. I'OTASSIUM SULPHOCYANIDE, KCNS. Preparation - - 136 Properties -..-. 136 Action on plants ---.....-.. 136 Trials as a weedkiller 135 Trials on healthy vines in pot - 137 Action on fungi ........... 137 Action on insects - - - - - ^ 137 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XUl CHAPTER VIII. Barium Chloride — Barium Sulphate — Barium Carbonate — Barium Sulphocar- BONATE — Calcium Oxide (Quicklime) — Calcium Sulphide — Calcium Chloride — Calcium Chloro-hypochlorite (Bleaching Powder) — Calcium Sulphate^ — (Gypsum Plaster of Paris) — Calcium Sulphite — Calcium Carbide — Calcium Phosphide — Calcium Absenite. page 39. Barium Chloride, BaClg 138 Preparation - - 133 Properties - 138 Action of plants ........... igg Action of insects 138 Use against plant diseases ..-...-.. 133 Use against insects - - - - - - - - . . 138-9 Use against rodents .......... 139 40. Barium Sulphate, BaS04. Use - - - - 139 41. Barium Carbonate, BaCOg. Preparation I39 Properties 139 Use against rodents . . , I39 42. Barium Sulphocarbonate, BaCSj. Preparation 139 Properties I39 Use - - 139 43. Calcium Oxide (Quicklime), CaO. Occurrence ............ 139 Preparation ..---..-.... 140 Properties 140 Use as manure -.-.-...... 14Q Action on plants .....-.-.-. 141 Use against fungi -.....--... 142 Use against gummosis of stone fruit trees ...... 143 Use against nematodes - - - - . - . - . . 143 Use against insects - - 144 Liming of trees 145 Use against mammals --........ 148 Use against late frosts 148 44. Calcium Monosulphide. Preparation 148 Properties ............ 148 Action on plants -....-.-... 149 Action on fungi - . . . 149 Action on insects -.-...-.... 149 Uses - - - 149 Use as weedkiller ........... 150 Use against fungi - - 150 Use against insects - - 151 45. Calcium Chloride, CaCl2. Preparation 152 Properties 153 Use 153 Use as weedkiller 153 46. Chloride of Lime (bleaching powder), CaCljO. Preparation 153 Properties 153 Use -' 1.33 Use as -weedkiller -- 1.53 Use against insects 153-4 47. Sulphate of Lime (gypsum), CaS04. Occurrence - 154 XIV TABLiS OP CONTENTS. PAGE Properties ---.--...... 154 Action on insects ---------- . 154 Use as a manure -- 154-6 Use against late frosts ---------- 156 Use against fungi - - -----..-. 156 Use against insects - - - . 156-7 Use against snails and slugs 157 Use against rodents --.-..--.- 157 47a. Splphite of Lime, CaS032H20. Preparation ----- 157 (Bi-sulphite of lime 157) Use 157 Use against vine rot 157 Use in dairies -- 157 Use in breweries ----------- 157 48. Calciuji Carbide, CaCj. Preparation 157 Properties .-. I57 Use 157 49. Calcium Phosphide, Ca3P.^. Preparation --- 157 Use 158 50. Arsenite of Lime, Ca2AB205. Preparation --- 158 Properties 158 Use 158 CHAPTER IX. Maonesittm Chloride — Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts) — Magnesium Bisul- phite— Magnesium Silicate (Talc Soapstone) — Alum — Aluminium Silicate (China Clay) — Zinc Sulphide — Zmc Chloride — Zinc Sulphate — Zinc Borate — Zinc Silicate — Zinc Ferrocyanide — Zinc Sulphocarbolate — Cadmium Sulphate. 51. Magnesium Chloride, MgClj 159 Occurrence ---.----.--- 159 Preparation ------------ 159 Properties 159 Action on plants 159 Trials as a weedkiller ---------- 160-1 Trials as a pickle for seed-corn - - - 161 Use as weedkiller . . - . I6I Use against charlock in corn crops ------- 161 Use in pine nurseries against yellow leaf of pine 161 52. Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom salts), MgS047HjO. Preparation ------- 161 Properties . - - 161 Use 161 Use to disinfect beet seed ----.---. 161-2 53. Magnesium Bisulphite, MgH2(S03)2. Preparation - 162 Use 162 54. Silicates of Magnesia. Occurrence ------------ 162 Use 162 55. Alum, A1jj.H(S04)K2S04, 24H.p. Preparation -------.---- 163 Properties -.-- 163 Action on plants 163 Action on fungi --..----.-. 163 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV pa(;e Action on insects 163 Use 163 56. Silicate of Alumina (china clay). Occurrence ------------ 164 Properties - - - - - . . 164 Use 164 Use against insects .-..------ 164 Use against rabbits 164 57. Zinc Sulphide, ZnS. Preparation 164 Properties ------------ 164 Use 164 58. Zinc Chloride, ZnClg. Preparation ------------ 165 Properties ------------ 165 Action on fungi ----------- 165 Trial as pickle for seed-corn 165 59. Zinc Sulphate, ZnSOJHjO (white copperas, white vitriol). Preparation ------------ 165 Properties .--- 165 Action on plants 165 Stimulating action of minimum doses 165-6 Action on cryptogamic parasites 166 Use 166 60. Borate of Zinc, ZnB407. Preparation ------------ 166 Use as bouillie for oats and wheat - - 166-7 Use against fungi 167 61. Silicate of Zinc 167 62. Zinc Ferroctanide 167 63. SuLPHocARBOLATE OF ZiNC (zluc Bulpho-phenats) 167 64. Cadmium Sulphate, CdS044H20. Preparation 167 Properties 167 Use 167 CHAPTEE X. Iron Peroxide — Iron Bouillies — Iron Sulphide — Iron Chloride — Green Vitriol — Ferric Sulphate — Potassium Ferroctanide— Prussian Blue — Borate of Iron. 65. Ferric Hydrate, Fe2(HO)6. 168 Preparation ------------ 168 Bouillies 168 Properties ------------ 168 Action on plants ----------- 168 Pellegrini's bouillie 169 Aderhold's bouillie 169 Sorauer's bouillie ----------- 169 Failure of ferric bouillies 169 Mixed cupric and ferric bouillies -------- 169 66. Sulphide of Iron (ferrous sulphide), FeSj. Preparation 169-70 Properties 170 Use 170 67. Iron Chloride, Fe2Cl55H20. Preparation ------------ 170 Properties -- 170 Use 170 Use as pickle for seed-corn 170 Use against chlorosis - - - - ------ 170 XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS. 68. Sulphate of Iron (green vitriol), FeS047H20. Manufacture 171 Properties ----.-.... .. 171 Action on plants -----...... 171.4 Action on fungi ---........ 174 Comparative action of blue and green vitriol on spores - - - . 174-5 Action on insects I75 Use - - 175 Use against chlorosis -----..... 175 Use as a weedkiller 17g Destruction of moss 177-8 On meadows and lawns -----... 177-8 On trees - - 173 On roofs -- 178 Destruction of dodder - - . . 173 Use against plant diseases 178-9 Application of greea vitriol to the soil - - 179 Use on aerial part of plant -----... 180-1 (a) As spray 180 (6) As a coating 180-1 Use as an injection in the trunk ----.... 131 Use against cryptogamic diseases of plants - - - - - - 182 Use against potato scab 182 Use against potato disease 182 Use as a pickle for seed-corn - 183-4, 185 Use against grape rot - - 185-6 Use against insects --....... 186-7 69. Ferric Sulphate, Fe2(S04)3. Preparation --------.-.. 187 Properties -.. 137 Use 187 70. Ferrocyanide or Potassium, K4FeCyg. Preparation --- 187 Use 187 Action on plants ----- 188 71. Prussian Blue (ferric ferrocyanide), FeyCy^g. Discovery ------..-..- I88 Preparation -.- 188 Use 188 Trial as pickle for seed-corn 188 Trial as spray for growing oats and summer wheat and pear-trees - - 188 72. Borate of Iron, FeB^O^. Preparation ------.----. 188 Properties 188 Use 188 Formula for bouillie 188 Trial of such against leaf spots of pear-tree and chestnut-tree - - 188 CHAPTEE XI. Potassium Bichromate (Bichuome) — Chrome Alum — Potassium Permanganate — Manganese Sulphate — Nickel Sulphate — Cobalt Sulphate. ( Tii. Potassium Bichromate, K.iCr.O, - - - 189 ( 74. Chrome Alum, KaS04Cr.j(SOj..24HaO 189 Preparation -- 189 Properties ............ 189 Action of chrome salts on plants -------- 189 Action on parasitic fungi ......--- 189 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XVll PAGE Trial as pickle for seed-corn - - - 189-90 Action on uredospores --------- 189-90 Use against fungi ----------- 190 Use against insects -..--..--- 190 75. Permanganate or Potash, KMnO^. Preparation ------------ 190 Properties ----------- - 190 Action on fungi 190, 191, 192 . Use as pickle for seed-corn --------- 190 Use as a disinfectant ------- ... 190 Disinfection of trees - - 192 Use against conifer disease .....---- 192 76. Manganese Sulphate, MnSO^SH^G. Preparation -- 192 Properties . - - - 192 Stimulating action of minute doses of manganese salts on plants - - 192-3 Use against fungi ----------- 193 77. Nickel Sulphate, NiS047H„0. Preparation ------ - 193 Properties ------------ 198 Stimulating action of minimum doses on plants ----- 193 Action on parasitic fungi ..---.--. 193 Use against fungi ---.------- 193 Use against grey rot of the vine - 194 78. Cobalt Sulphate, CoSOJHaO. Stimulating action of minimum doses on plants ----- 194 Action on parasitic fungi -..--.--. 194 CHAPTER XII. Red Lead— Lead Arseniate — Lead Absenite — Lead Carbonate (White Lead) — Lead Acetate (Sugar of Lead) — Silver Nitrate (Lunab Caustic) — Silver Chloride. 79. Red Lead, PbgO^ 195 Preparation -..--------- 195 Properties ------------ 195 Use 195 Use to protect seed-corn against birds ..---.- 195 Use to preserve pine and spruce fir seeds from birds .... 195 80. Arseniate of Lead, PbgAsjOg. Preparation -- 195 Properties - - - ......... 195 Action on plants .-.------.- 195 Action on insects ----------- 195 " Disparin," composition of -------- - 196 Use against insects .......... 196 Bouillies 196 81. Lead Ausenite, PbAs.^0^. Preparation - . - - . 197 Properties 197 82. Lead Carbonate. Use 197 83. Lead Acetate, Pb(C2H302)2, SHjO. Preparation 197 Properties - 197 Action of lead salts on plants . - - ..... 197 Action on parasitic fungi ......... 197 Trial 8 B pickle for seed-corn - 197 Bouillie with milk of lime - 197 b XVlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 84. Nitrate of Silver, AgNOg. Preparation ---------... 197 Properties -----.--.... 193 Action on plants ------..-.. igg Action on fungi . . . 198 Action on spores ----- - igg Use - - - - 198 85. Silver Chloride, AgCl. Preparation ------------ igg Properties -.. igg Use 198 "Puknos," composition of -----.... 193 Use against cryptogamic diseases in general ------ 193 CHAPTEE XIII. Copper Sulphide — Copper Nitrate — -Copper Chloride — Copper Sulphite — Copper Sulphate (Blue Vitriol). 86. Copper Sulphide, CuS. Preparation ------.--.-. 199 Properties -- -..-. 199 Use - - 199-200 Use as bouillies 199-200 Guillon's formula ----------- 200 87. Copper Nitrate, Cu(N03)o3H20. Preparation ------..--.. 200 Properties ------------ 200 Use 200 Use as a pickle for seed-corn --------- 200 Use as weedkiller 200 88. Copper Chloride, CuCl22H„0. Preparation ------ 200 Properties ------ 2OO Use 200-1 Use as a pickle for seed-corn - ------- -200-1 Recipes for bouillies --.--....- 201 89. Copper Sulphite, CuSO^. Preparation of bouillie ---------- 201 Properties ---.-..---.- 201 Action on plants - - - - - - -- - - - 201 Action on fungi --.--..--.. 201 90. Sulphate ob' Copper (blue vitriol, blue copperas), CuSOjSHoO. Preparation ------------ 201 Properties .---.-...-. 201-2 Toxic etfect of copper salts on human subjects ----- 202 Verdigris woikers immune to antemia ------- 202 Distribution of insecticidal and anti-cryptogamic copper between wine, lees, etc. (table) 203 Action on plants -.-.--.-.- 203-7 Action on alga; and saprophytic fungi ------ 207-8 Action on parasitic fungi ..--..-- 208-11 Use as pickle for seed-corn ------- 208-11, 217-24 Action on insects ---------- 210-11 Use as a weedkiller ---...--.- 211 Use to destroy dodder -----.---- 211 Use against mosses and lichens -...---- 211 Use against cryptogamic diseases of plants ----- 211-13 Use of mixtures containing blue vitriol 214-15 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX PAGE Composition of proprietary mixtures in powder for making bouillies, or to be spread with a bellows in a dry state : — "Poudre Coif,'net" 216 "Sulfatine" ------ 216 " Kupferschwefelkalk ---------- 216 Bouillie bordelaise in a single powder ------ 216 " Skavinsky's powder "--------. 216 " Skavinsky's sulphur ''--------- 216 " Kupfer Klebekalkmehl " - - - 216 " Kupferzuckerkalkpulver " -------- 216 " Cuprocalcit " . . - . - 216 " Cupreina ------------ 216 "Oocidine" - - - 216 Composition of powders to be diluted with water and used exclusively as bouillies ---------- 216-7 " Parasiticine " ---------- 216 " Antimildioidium " --------- 216 " Poudre Crochepeyre ---------- 216 " Gelatinous cupric hydrocarbonat'j " - - - . - - - 216 " Bouillie d'Azur " --------- 216 "Poudre Eclair" - 216 '• Fostitebriihe " - - 216 " Krystallazurin ----------- 217 " Kupferpreparat Gmund " -------- 217 "Kupfer soda" ..-------. 217 Use against root rot of vine --------- 224 Use against black rot of grapes -------- 224 Use against beet diseases --------- 225 Use against worms and snails ------- 225-6 CHAPTER XIV. Copper Hydrate— Bouillie Bordelaise — Bouillie Bourguignonne. 91. Copper Hydrate ----------- 227 Preparation of normal bouillie bordelaise ------ 227 Specifications for raw material -------- 227 1. Blue vitriol - - - - 227 2. Milk of lime --------- 227-8 Properties of copper hydrate --------- 228 Properties of bouillie bordelaise -------- 228 Tests to which it should respond -------- 228 Action of cupric hydrate on plants ------ 229-32 Stimulating action of infinitesimal doses of copper - - - 231-2 Action on fresh-water algae --------- 232 Action on fungi ----------- 232 Action of bouillie bordelaise --------- 232-3 Use of bouillie bordelaise -------- 233-60 History of bouillie bordelaise -------- 233 Practical spraying (illustrated) ------- 234-7 Use against mosses and lichens -------- 237 Use against bacterian diseases of plants ------ 237 Use against parasitic myxomycetes ------- 237 Use against parasitic fungi . - - ----- 237-8 Use against potato disease --------- 238 Treating the tubers --------- 238 Treatment of the stems - - -38 Effect of treatment on weight and| starch-content of crop, and per- centage of diseased potatoes ------- 239 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Cost of treatment . . . . 240 Time for spraying ---------- 240 Experimental data - - - _ - - - - - - 239-41 Use against vine diseases - - - - - - - - 242-3 Use against beet diseases ----..--. 243 Use against lettuce disease --------- 244 Use against mildew of the onion -------- 244 Use against cucumber disease -------- 244 Spraying against smut, bunt, and rust of cereals - - - - 245-6 Use against juniper disease --------- 246 Use against leaf curl of the peach - 246-7 Use against oidium of the vine ------- 248-50 Use against black rot of grapes ------- 250-3 Experimental data -...---- 250-3 Use against leal spot diseases ------- 254-5 Use against apple scab --------- 255-7 Use against pear scab --------- 255-7 Use against leaf scald of pear and quince-tree - - . . . 257 Use against various fungi -------- 258-9 Use against insects - - - - - - - - - 259-60 Carbolated, etc., bouillies --------- 260 CHAPTER XV. Eau Celeste — Copper Phosphate — Copper Borate — Copper Ferrocyanide. 92. Eau Celeste - - -..----. 261-268 Preparation 261 Audoynaud's recipe .---.-.-. 261 Bellot des Minieres' recipe -------- 261 Schweizer's cupro-ammoniacal liquor (cellulose solvent) - - - 261 Ammoniacal solutions of copper carbonate ----- 261 Mohr's recipe .--..----- 262 Properties of eau celeste -.---.-.. 262 Spraying vines, experimental results ..---.. 268 Eau celeste dissolves cellulose -------- 263 Solvent eau celeste mixture for silk ------- 263 Comparative action of blue vitriol and eau celeste on plants and fungi - 264 Use of to combat cryptogamic disease in full evolution - - - - 265 Use against potato and various other fungoid diseases - - - 265-7 Spraying growing wheat with eau celeste -....- 266 Galloway's eau celeste recipes -.--..-- 267 93. Phosphate of Copper, CUHPO4. Preparation -- 268 Properties - 268 Uses 268 Use against leaf scald of pear-tree ---...- 268 Use on growing grain crops --------- 268 Diminished yield of same --------- 268 94. Borate of Copper, CuB^O^. Preparation ------- 268 Uses 268 Use against leaf scald of pear -------- 268 Fairchild's bouillie for same -------- 268-9 Increased yield of grain by spraying with borate of copper bouillies - 269 95. Ferhocyanide of Copper. Preparation ---------.-. 269 Uses 269 Galloway's bouillies, recipes -----..-- 269 Results obtained on growing grain by use of same ----- 269 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Xxi CHAPTER XVI. Copper Aceto-Arsenite (Emerald Green, Paris Green), Copper Arsemte (Scheele's Green) — Copper Silicate — Copper Carbonate — Bouillie Borde- LAisE Celeste — Verdigris Copper Acetate — Various Bouillies. PAGE 9(). Aceto-Arsenite of Copper - - - - - - - - - 270 Definition ------.-.... 270 Manufacture ---------.-. 270 Properties (action on plants) ------... 270 Freshly prepared bouillies versus bouillies from commercial green in powder ------------ 270 Behaviour of arsenic in soil ----..--. 270 The aceto-arsenite free from sodium arsenite innocuous to plants - - 270 Whitehead's harmless doses, recipes for :— Apple-trees ------..-.. 271 Pear-trees --------.-. 271 Gooseberry bushes ---------- 271 Plum-trees ----.. 271 Currant bushes ---------- 271 Action on insects - - - - - - - - - - - 271 Uses -----... 271 Methods of use - - - - 271 1. In dry state -.-----.-. 271 2. As bouillies ----.---.. 271 Precautions in use ----- 272 Arsenic not absorbed by plant -------- 272 French law interdicts arsenious acid and compounds - . - . 272 Time of spraying ----------- 272 Spraying with arsenites during fertilisation kills bees, etc. - - - 272 Spraying with arsenites suitable for rainy countries . - - - 272 Profit incidental to use of arsenites ------ 272-3 Use against apple scab and potato disease ------ 273 Use against insects, apple weevil, cotton weevil, etc. - - - 273-6 Treatment by powders ---------- 274 Eecipe for same ----------- 274 Treatment with bouillies -----.-.. 274 Use of same inter alia against : — Colorado beetle, etc. --------- 274 Codlin mo h, etc. - . . . 275 Evesham moth, etc. - - - - - - - - - 276 Aeari ------------ 276 97. Copper .\rsenite, CuoAsoO,. Preparation (Gaillot's recipe) 276 Properties - . - 276 Use - - 277 98. Copper Silicate, CuSiO... Preparation ------- 277 Properties 277 Use - ----- 277 99. Carbonate of Copper, CuCO;,. Preparation, formula for --------- 277 Tests for normal product --------- 277 Properties - - - - - - - 277 Neutral bouillie 277 Various maiiufacturing hints and instructions ----- 278 Uses 278-9 Use to disinfect purchased onions and tubers ------ 279 100. Bouillie Bop-delaish: Celeste. Preparation --.--.---... 279 Formula - - 279 XXll TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Action on fruit trees ---....--- 279 Good qualities of - . . . . 279 101. Basic Acetate of Copper (Verdiorig). Definition ------- 279 Preparation - - - - 279 Properties (action on plants) --------- 280 Analogies between various copper bouillies ------ 280 Perret's bouillie - 281-4 Use of verdigris against various cryptogamic diseases - . . . 281 Results by spraying growing corn (Galloway) ------ 281 Viala and Pacottet's bouillie (recipe fori -.-..- 281 Galloway's experiments on vines -------- 281 102. Copper Acetate Cu(CoH30o)-H„0. Preparation ------------ 281 Properties (action on plants) --------- 282 Uses ----------... 282 102a Perret's Bouillie Cupric Saccharate in Part. Preparation (formula recipe) --------- 282 Properties ----- - 282-3 Action 283 Ratio of sugar to blue vitriol -------- 283 Function of sugar ----------- 283 An ideal bouillie ----------- 283 Possible direct assimilation of saccharate of copper - . - - 283 Galloway's recipe ----------- 284 Bee-keeper's complaints unfounded ------- 284 Use ----- - 284 Deterioration of present product -------- 284 1026. Various Bouillies. Use of binders ----.-.-.-- 285 Action of binders on organoleptic properties of wine - - - - 285 103. Albuminous Bouillie ---------- 285 104. Lactocupric Bouillie (Crouzel's). Preparation ----- 285 Formula for - - - - - - 285 105. Bouillie Bobdelaise Modifi^e. A skim-milk bouillie ---------- 286 Use against poppy rust ---------- 286 Galloway's recipe ----------- 286 i06. Soapy Bouillies. Soap as a binder in bouillies - - - - - - - - - 286 Oil as a binder in bouillies 286 Copper soaps ...---.-.-. 286 Swingle's recipe - - - - 286 Galloway's recipe ----------- 286 Soapy eau celeste ----------- 286 American recipe for same --------- 286 Comparative adherence of soapy bouillies tested against various other bouillies -----. 287 Deterioration on storing -..-.--- 287-8 Condeminal's linseed-oil bouillie -------- 288 Addition of petroleum to render bouillie insecticidal as well as anti- cryptogamic ----------- 288 Stable bouillie, recipe for ..-.-.--- 288 Zacharewitsch's bouillie recipe -------- 288 Results from same ----...-.. 288 Copper soap (in ether, etc.), use of on wounds made by woolly apliis - 288 Insolubility of such coating in water ------- 288 107. Rksinouh (Cupuic Rosinatk) Bouillie. Porraud's recipe --...-.---- 288 Piecautions in making - - - . ------ 288 Olive oil and tui'ps bouillie - - - - - . - . . 288 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXlll CHAPTER XVII. Mercuric Chloride (Corro.sive Sublimate) — Tin Crystals. PAGE 108. Mercuric Chloride (corrosive sublimate), HgCla . . . . 289 Preparation ------------ 289' Properties - - - - . . 289* Action on plants ----------- 289' Action as weedkiller --.--..... 289 Stimulating action of intinitesimal dose ------ 28^^ Pickling of seed ----,-----. 289-90 Comparative dose of sublimate, green vitriol, and blue vitriol to kill spores ---------- . - 290 Action on insects ----------- 291 Uses - - - - 291 Use against lichens -..----.-- 291 Use against potato scab ------- - - 291 Use against beet jaundice --------- 291 Use against vine mildew ------ ... 291. Use against black rot of grapes -...-..- 291 Use as pickle for seed-corn -.-----.- 291 Disinfection of flower seeds --------- 291 Use against insects - . - . 291 Use against ants -------.--- 291 Use against rodents .....-..-- 291 109. Tin Crystals. SnCL. Preparation --- -- 293 Properties ----- - 293 Use -----..---.-. 293: CHAPTER XVIII. Derivatives or Carbon (Carbon Compounds). Products Derived from the Fatty Series : Petroleum (Burning Oil) — Petroleum Sprays — Petroleum Oil Emulsions — Petroleum Soap Emulsions — Petroleum Spirit — Vaseline. — -\cetylene. 110. Pftroleum -- 295 Occurrence --.-.-...... 295 Commercial products 295 1. Petroleum ether ......... 295 2. Light oils 295 3. Petroleum oil ----- - - . . . 295 4. Heavy petroleum oils -------- 295 5. Crude paraffin wax scale -------- 295 Petroleum oil, burning oil - - ------- 295 Action on plants 295 Action on insects ----------- 295 Use in pure state - - - - - 295 Sprays - 295 Directions (specifications) for spraying -....-- 295 Time for spraying - 296 Action on pear and apple-trees -..----. 296 Use against insects ---.-.--.. 296 To be used against San Jose louse 296-8 Petroleum emulsions 298-301 Preparation and formula; 298-301 Sand emulsion 298 XXIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Water emulsion i - 298 Salt-water emulsion - - -....-.. 299 Example 299 Ingredients of several emulsions -.-.---. 299 Ingredients of four stable emulsions - - 300 Fish-oil emulsion ----.-----. 300 Milk emulsion 300 Insecticide and metallic salt emulsion .--.-- 300-1 Use of petroleum emulsions against : — Fungi -----..--.-- 301 Coleoptera ......---.. 301 Hymenoptera .......... 302 Lepidoptera - - 303 Hemiptera ........... 304 Homoptera --.-...-.-. 304 Woolly aphis 305 Coccides ........... 3O6 Dipteia 306 Acari 307 111. Petroleum Spirit. Preparation - - 307 Action on plants . - - - - 307 Action on insects ---..-.--.- 307 Use - - 307 Petroleum spirit emulsions - - 307 Formula, recipe for - - 307 Use against insects ......... 307-8 112. Vaseline. Action on plants ---...-..-. 308 Action on insects 3O8 Uses - - - - 308 Ward's recipe for vaseline emulsion - - 808 Use against insects .......... 308 113. Acetylene, C„Ho. Preparation ------..-.- 308-9 Properties .----...-... 309 Action on plants ---......-. 309 Action on fungi 309 Action on insects --.-...-..- 309 U&es 309 Use against fungoid diseases -....-... 309 Destruction of insects by 310 CHAPTER XIX. Carron Co.mpounds {continued) — Chloroform — Carbonic Oxide — Methyl Alcohol — Ethyl Alcohol — Amylic Alcohol — Glycerine (Tri-Hydric Alcohol) — Etheu — Mercaptan — Formic Aldehyde — Acetic Acid — Oxalic Acid. 114. Chloroform, CHCl., .... ----- 311 Preparation -----.------ 311 Properties ............ 311 Action on plants ..-.-----.. 311 Trials to disinfect seed-corn against formol and ammonia - - - 311 Stimulating action of small doses .----..- 311 Mrs. Ijatham's experiments .-.-..... 311 Johanssen's experiments ......... 311 JJlooming by ........... 311 Action of vapour on spores ......... 312 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXV PAGE Tests, comparative, on seed-corn 312 Action on insects ----------- 312 Uses ------------- 312 114a. Carbonic Oxide, CO. Preparation ..---------- 312 Properties ------------ 312 Action on red corpuscles ...--.--- 312 Uses ----- 312 Alcohols ------------ 312-15 115. Methyl Alcohol, CH3OH. Preparation ------------ 313 Properties ------------ 313 Use in admixture ----------- 313 German recipes ----------- 313 Another recipe ----------- 313 116. Ethyl Alcohol, C0H5OH. Preparation ------------ 313 Properties ------------ 313 Action on plants - - - - 313 Use against insects ---------- 313 Disinfection of flower seed --------- 313 117. Amyl Alcohol, CjHuOH. Preparation ------------ 314 Properties ------------ 314 Action on plants ----- . . . . - 314 Action on insects ----------- 314 Uses ------ 314 Proprietary insecticides into which amyl alcohol enters with their ingredi- ents : — " Nessler's," " Aphidin," " -\ntivermin," " Amylocarbol," Fichet's composi- tion of " Nessler's " - --------- 314 Composiiion of " Knadolin" --------- 314 Composition of mixed amyl alcohol insecticides ----- 315 Another recipe ----------- 31o 118. Glycerine, CH2OHCHOHCH2OH. Preparation - - - - . - 315 Use - - - ----- 315 118a. Ether. C.H, . 0 . C.,H5. Preparation ------------ 315 Properties ----- - 31-5 Action on plants ----------- 315 Uses ------------ 315-6 Stimulating action of small doses on plants similar to chloroform - - 315 Audebei-t's recipe for ethereal insecticide (bordelaise insecticide) - - 316 119. Mercaptax, CoHjSH. Preparation ------------ 316 Properties ------------ 316 Mouillefert's experiments against phylloxera ------ 316 120. Formic Aldehyi>e (formaline, formol). Manufacture by Trillat's process - - - 316 Commercial solutions - - - - - - - - - - 316 Formol pastilles ----------- 316 Properties of formic aldehyde -------- 31b Action on plants - - J^l" Trials as pickle for seed-corn - 317-19 Tabulation of results ------ 317-19, 320, 322 Action of formol on fungi --------- 318 Action of formol on insects --------- 319 Uses ^p3 Use against potato scab -------- 319-23 Use against grey rot of vine --------- 320 Use against other fungoid diseases ...---- 320 XXVI TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Practical disinfection of seed-corn -------- S2d 121. Acetic Acid, CH3COHO. Preparation ------------ 323 Properties 323 Action on fungi and their spores -------- 323 Uses ------------- 324 Use as pickle for seed-corn --------- 324 Use against gum of stone fruit trees ------- 324 122. Oxalic Acid, COOH . COOH. Properties ------ - 324 Action on fungi ----------- 324 Uses - - - - - - 324 Uses against canker of pear-tree -------- 324 CHAPTEE XX. Carbon Compounds [continued) — Oils and Fats — Soaps — Hard SoiP — Soft Soap — Whale Oil Soap— Fish Oil Soap 323-333 123. Natural Oils and Fats (Glycerides) - - - - - - - 325 P;operties ------------ 325 Colza oil ------------ 325 Poppy oil ----------- - 325 Olive oil ..-.-- 325 Linseed oil ----------- - 325 Whale oil - - - . - . 325 Action on plants - - - - - - - - - -- 325 Action on insects ----------- 325 Uses ----- - - 325-7 Uses against insects --------- 325-7 124. Soaps. Preparation ----------- 327-8 Solubility of soaps ---------- 327 1'. Hard soaps ---------- 327 Marseilles soap --------- 327 Soap boiling ---------- 327 2. Soft soaps - - - - 328 [a) Whale oil soaps --------- 328 (6) Fish oil soaps 328 (c) Black soap (green soap) .-.--.- 328 Insecticide preparations ..----.-. 328 Composition of (recipe, for) a few insecticides . . . . 328-9 Action of soap on plants --------- 329 Action on insects ----------- 329 Action of Mari^cilles soap .----.--- 329 Action of fish oil soap ---------- 329 Action of whale oil soap --------- 329 Uses 329-33 Use against cryptogamic diseases -------- 329 Use against insects ..--..--- 329-33 Halstfid and Kelsey's recipe - - - - - - - - - 329 Marlatt's recipes ----------- 329 Targioni's recipes . - - - - 330 Ducloux recipe ----------- 331 Ijowe's recipe .-.---.--- 331 Taschenberg's recipe ---------- 331 Delacroix recipe ----------- 331 Muhllxjrg's recipe ----------- 331 Nessler's recipe - 332 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXVll CHAPTER XXI. C.BBON Compounds (continue d)-FROi>vcTS of the Aromatic Sekier : Benzol- Coal Tau— Wood Tar— Naphthalene. PAGE ^ „ 334-7 125. Benzene, CgHg - - - ' " 33Y Preparation ----'''' gg-j 126. Tar - - - - " " " " " ; '. '. ".337 1. Coal tar ----'" 2. Wood tar -----■'■" " Action of tar on plants ----■""' Action of tar on insects - - 338"43 337 337 338 Uses 338 " Rubinia," composition of ----"""' _ [_^^^ Tetard's recipe ----""""'_ ggg Howard's recipe ----"'"'" _ 33g Balbiani's ointment, recipe -----"'" ggg Rathay's bouillie ----"""""_ ggg Use as weedkiller ---"""'' ggg Use against fungi -----"'' [ _ 339.43 Use on insects ---■''"" 342-3 De Quercio's recipes, - - " _ _ 3^3 Use against rabbits and mice ---;""'_ g^'g Use against birds -----'''' 3^3^ Use against birds, Howard's recipe -----' 343 127. Naphthalene, Cj^Ha Preparation -----""'' 344^ Properties - - - - 3^1^^ Balbiani'^ ointment, recipe ----"""' 3^^ Action on plants ----■'""' _ 3^^^ Action on seed germination -----'"'] g^^ Action on insects ----"""'' 344-7 Uses 346 Naphthalenized sawdust ----""'' g^g^ Pradel's naphthalene mixture -----'"] ^^g Taschenberg's mixture -----""'' 3^^ Mixtures to kill woolly aphis -■"'"""]' 347 Guozdenovic's mixture ----•--"' g^^ A German mixture against phylloxera ----""" ^^^ Guozdenovic's mixture against cochineals ----•" CHAPTER XXII. Carbon Compounds (c.«iin«. J)-Terpenes-Oleo Resins-Galipot-Turpentine-- RosiNS-RosiN Soaps-Rosin Emulsions-Metallic Rosinates-Coppeb Rosin ate — Camphor. - 348 Terpenes ------- 348-52 128. Turpentine ------■■ 3^^ Action on plants -----■■■■_ 348-9 Action on insects ■ " _ g^g Recipe for grafting wax - ■ ] 348-9 Uses , ,, ' 349 Mouillefert's experiments against phylloxera ----- ^ ^^^ Use to drive off moles 129. Pine and Spruce Resin [? Rosin]. _ g^g Uses Use in soap emulsions 349 XXVni TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Use in coatings and bird-limes -...-.-. 349 Use in cupric bouillie as binders -------- 349 Rosin soap emulsions ---------- 349 Numerous recipes - - - - - - - - - - - 350 Action on plants ----------- 350 Action on insects ----------- 350 Uses 350 Bird-limes and coating compositions ....... 351 Numerous recipes for coating compositions ------ 351 Use of coating compositions --------- 351 Use of bird-limes as tar rings --..--.. 351 Clarac's composition against woolly aphis -..-.. 352 Rosin bouillie in which rosin is used as binder . . . . . 352 130. CAMpnoii, Cj„HigO. Natural occurrence ----...... 352 Sublimation - - 852 Refining - . - - - - - 352 Properties - - - . - - 352 Uses - - - 352 Use against insects - - - - - - - - - . - 352 Use to protect corn-seed, etc., against mice 352 CHAPTER XXIII. Carbon Compounds (continued) — Nitrobenzene — Carbolic Acid — Picric Acid — Cresol — " Sapocarbol" — Creosote — " Creolines " — " Lysol " — Potassium Dinitro-Cresylate— Thymol — /3-Naphthol — Methyl Violet. 131. Nitrobenzene, C„H5N0.3 353-4 Preparation ----- 353 Action on insects ----------- 353 Action on plants ----------- 353 Uses ----.-----.- 353-4 Papasogli's recipe ----------- 353 Use against insects --------- 353-4 Knadolin ---.---...-- 354 Composition of same ---------- 354 132. Carbolic Acid, CgHgOH. Preparation - - - - - - - - - - - - 355 Properties ----.--.---. 355 Action on plants ----------- 355 Action on fungi .---...--.. 355 Action on insects ----------- 355 Use as weedkiller -------- . . - 355 Use against bacterian, etc., diseases ------ 355-6 Use as steep for beet seed -.-.--.- 355-(5 Experiments in disinfecting beet seed ---.--- 35(5 Method of disinfection ---------- 356 Use against insects ......... 356-B 133. Tuinitrophenol or Picnac Acid. Preparation ------------ 358 Properties ............ 358 Use as picled to kill insects ; anticryptogamics or fungicides to combat parasitic fungi. To get the best results from the use of chemical reagents, it is desirable to know the properties of the curative agents and the right method of using them. Examination of Curative Agents. — The chemical products utilized in the struggle against parasites ought to respond to the following different requirements : (1) To destroy the parasite or arrest its evolution. (2) To be more poisonous to the parasite than to the plant. (3) To preserve their poisonous properties for a certain time and to adhere sufficiently to the organ of the plant. (4) To enter into inti- mate contact with the parasites or their elements of propagation. Action of Chemical Products on Parasites. — Most of the chemical agents employed against parasites act chemically on their vital substance. The most active are in general those which form inert derivatives with it, which precipitate the albumen or which modify the plasma ; such are corrosive sublimate, formol, copper salts, phenols, etc. They thus arrest, temporarily or definitely, the evolution of parasites or their elements of propagation. In the case of bacteria the phenomena of intoxication may be more easily observed. It is then observed that their evolution and reproduction are arrested by the formation of an inert layer around them. It suffices often by prolonged washing of these bacteria with appropriate liquids to re- move the immobilizing layer and to allow them to resume under normal Trayislator's Note, — As many as 150 wire-worms have been trapped by rape cake, etc., 2-3 inches underground close to one hop hill by Whitehead. INTRODUCTION. \) conditions the sequence of their uninterrupted evolution. The chemical agents do not therefore necessarily kill the parasites and their organs of propagation ; often they only paralyse for a certain time the normal evolution of the parasite. The more the therapeutic agent is capable of insolubilizing albumen, or of modifying the substances constituting the cells, the more active it is. Wuthrick (" Zeitschrift fiir Planzen krankeiten de Sorauer," 1892, p. 81) examined the comparative action of various substances on the different spores of fungi. His researches, in which mention is made of the relation which exists between the molecular weight of the chemical products and their action on parasites, leave no room for doubt on the subject of the sinihlarity of the action of various chemical products on the vital substances of parasites. Other poisonous chemical products act on parasites, some in virtue of their properties as solvents of organic matter, such as the caustic alkalies, alkaline soaps in aqueous or alcoholic solution, and certain acids, others by their dehydrating action exerted chiefly on the medium on which the parasite lives. No parasite living in an aqueous medium can develop except when the amount of water contained therein does not descend below a minimum. A disease may be stopped if the conditions of existence of a parasite be modified in this direction. Other chemical products are asphyxiants : impalpable powders, and oils and fats ; they obstruct the respiratory passages. Action of Chemical Products on Plants. — The chemical pro- ducts used to combat plant diseases have all, to a certain extent unless insoluble, an injurious action on plants. The plant is gener- ally less sensitive to chemical agents than the spores of fungi, and more sensitive than insects, their larvae, and their eggs. Liquids Spread on the Surface of Plants may penetrate therein by endosmosis, whilst gases and vapours do not appear to be, or ai*e with difficulty, absorbed by the plant. It follows that the treatment of plant diseases may be preferably done — 1. By products under the for yn of gas or vapour. 2. At a time when the organs which joermit endosmosis no lo7iger exist, and lohen the cellular activity of the plant is reduced to a mini- mum, that is to say, in unnter. At that time of the year chemical agents of any degree of concen- tration may be used without injuring the plant, whilst in summer infinite precautions must be taken not to destroy the organs of the infected plant at the same time as the parasites. Treatment by gas is very efficient, and is becoming more common every day, whether it be the treatment of the part of the plant above ground (aerial), or of that underground, the roots being infected as frequently as the stems by parasites injurious to their normal evolution. With this end in view injections of carbon disulphide, petroleum, benzene are made into the soil, and by enclosing [clochage) the part above ground, an atmosphere may be created charged with sulphurous acid, carbon disulphide, prussic acid, nicotine, etc. When solutions or emulsions of the chemical agents are to be used in spring and in summer, the sensitive- 10 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. ness of the plant towards these ingredients must be known. Each plant possesses its own particular sensitiveness towards substances poisonous to parasites, and it is desirable to use these substances, in each instance in an appropriate degree of concentration. When the sensitiveness of the plant is greater than that of the parasite, there is reason to abstain from the use of such substances, or it is then necessary to follow the spraying by washing with pure water, only giving them the time required to act on the parasite. This latter precaution allows the use of strong doses of toxic substances, doses which would kill the plants if the washing did not intervene to prevent prolonged contact. Indispensable Properties of the Chemical Agents. — The chemical agents should be of such a nature as to guarantee reaching the parasites. Certain insects and their larvee are covered with hair and down, or even with a coat of wax, which prevents aqueous solu- tions from reaching them. The insecticides which should be employed in such cases are alcoholic, ethereal, or oily solutions, soaps and caustic alkalies having a solvent action on the organs of protection, and capable of moistening them, so as to let the toxic sub- stances penetrate as far as the sensitive organs of the insect. The treatment should often be curative and preservative, and it is then necessary that the substances used should persist for the longest time possible on the surface of the plant. This problem would be easily realized if rain did not remove in a short time the deposit of substances created by spraying. Attempts have been made to protect plants from the effects of the natural washing by the use of substances of poor solubility in water, and with a perfect adherence to the organs of the surface treated. The agents only slightly soluble in water spread on the surface of the plant, m the form of bouillies, form deposits which the rain cannot remove owing to their own adherence, or to an adherence acquired artificially, by the incorporation of gluey substances, insoluble in water (silicate of soda, saccharates, soaps, gelatine, rosin). But care must be taken not to use too insoluble substances and in too great quantity, for there is a risk of covering the whole of the respiratory surface of the leaves with a layer rendering the exchange of gases impossible, which, if it does not cause asphyxia, produces at least an annoying disturbance in the growth (evolution). The insoluble, or the only slightly soluble products are, in general, of greater service than the soluble products. In addition to their less injurious action on the plant, they persist longer on the surface of the vulnerable organs and their action is of longer duration. The insoluble products are intended to poison insects through the stomach. A slight layer of arseniate of lead, or of arsenite of copper (Paris green), ^ on the leaves penetrates into the stomach at the same time as the leaf and kills the insect. In the case of cryptogamic parasites, slightly soluble substances are used, which in contact with the dew causes it to become toxic, owing to the traces of poison which it has dissolved, and to kill the spores, which require its aid for their evolution. Briefly, it is necessary in each particular case to choose ' Note by Tranalator. — Arsenite of copper is not Paris green but Scheele's green. Paris green is our emerald green, the iiceto-arsenite of copper. INTRODUCTION. ill the appropriate remedy and to use it with discretion. It is the most difficult side of vegetable therapeutics. The therapeutic store contains a great number of pi'oducts the action of which is analogous. Those which can be usefully employed can be reduced to a small number. The most interesting are carbon disulphide, bouillie bordelaise/ lime, sulphur, sulphate of iron, sulphuric acid, emerald green, soap-emulsions of petroleum and alcohol, tar, prussic acid, tobacco, and nitrobenzene. The greater number of the chemical products which have been the subject of .experiment against the diseases of plants are, nevertheless, dealt with in this treatise, and deductions drawn from the aggregate of the results obtained by the experimenters. The results which have been published are so very different, and the opinions expressed so contradictory, that the author has been obliged to control the facts by personal experiment before expressing au opinion. Laboratory experiments do not always permit of the conclusion that their results will be confirmed in actual practice ; parasites have natural means of protection which are awanting in the laboratory, but which enable them in a natural state to escape very often from the deadly action of the agents used. Experiments, therefore, to which most weight is attached are those made in practice. According to their mode of action and their nature, chemical agents are used and applied in very different ways. Methods of Using Chemical Products in Treating the Diseases of Plants. — Insecticides and anticryptogams are used in three forms : (1) As gas. (2) As powder. (3) In the state of solution or suspension in a liquid vehicle. Use of Chemical Agents in State of Gas. — Gases are used in closed spaces under a cloche''^ or in the soil. For this pur- pose there is utilized either liquids which evaporate at the ordinary temperature or solid products which disengage gas by heat, combus- tion, or chemical decomposition. In any case it is necessary that the gas mix perfectly with air and reach all the corners of the area to be disinfected. In closed spaces that is comparatively easy, in the soil it is more difficult to realize. Underground Treatment. — Injections of volatile liquids are made in the soil at suitable depths by means of an instrument called the pat injector (fig. 5, p. 63), w^hen by sprinkling the soil with water the gas which is disengaged is enclosed. When such treatment is carried out with the necessary care, so as to avoid the contact of the liquid sub- stance with the roots of the plant it yields perfect results. But diffi- culties are encountered due to the nature of the soil. If it be easy to disengage toxic gases in a friable soil it becomes difficult to spread the gases uniformly in a compact wet soil. Gases circulate with difficulty through certain soils, and are not retained long enough in others. Water creates an impenetrable barrier to the circulation of gases. ^ The translator has retained the original French term throughout. The usual English rendering of the term as " Bordeaux mixture " being, in his opinion, a poor rendering. All bouillies are perfoi'ce mixtures, but only a few mixtures are bouillies. - Note by Translator. — A bell- or dome-shaped glass vessel familiar to those who dab. le in the French style of gardening recently resurrected in Great Britain but well known to London market gardeners at least 150 years ago who even in those early days used them by the hundred. 12 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. The gases produced in the soil should not enter into reaction therewith and be fixed by the substances in the soil. From this point of view carbon disulphide is the best substance. Other substances, such as tar, petrol, benzene, sulphuretted hydrogen, are retained by the capillarity and chemical action of the soil which often energetically opposes their distribution. To avoid failure it is well to give the preference to insecticides in dilute solutions in winter, and to volatile insecticides in summer, when the soil is dry. Aerial (or above ground) Treatment by Oases. — Clochage, or treatment in a closed space, gives the most certain results, and does not exert an unfavourable influence on the development of the plant. Highly poisonous gases may be used against parasites, because they do not generally have a deadly action on the plant, especially when con- tact with the plant is not prolonged beyond measure, which result is obtained by aerating after a predetermined time. Clochage is used to disinfect the vine by sulphurous acid. The stock is covered with a cloche made of a tun (cask) cut through the middle, or with a zinc receiver fitted with two handles. Under the cloche the gas is disengaged by combustion or by chemical decomposi- tion of certain salts : sulphur is burnt, or potassium cyanide is decom- posed by sulphuric acid. The operation is finished in ten minutes. In greenhouses or in closed spaces made around fruit trees or against espaliers with waterproof awning, the operation is performed in the same way. In all case^ where disinfection by gas is possible, it ought to be applied as a process sure to disinfect without injuring the plant treated. It is the only process applicable to food warehouses. Treat- ment by gas is always curative. When this treatment is not applicable recourse is had to treatment by boiling water, or solutions of toxic substances, emulsions, or pulverulent products. Scalding or treatment by boiling water finds a very extended use in winter to kill by heat all parasites and their germs lodged along the trunk of a plant. But that is a winter treatment which cannot be applied in summer, the delicate organs of the plant not being able any more than the parasites to support contact with hot water. J | Use of Chemical Agents in the Form of Powder. — Non- poisonous but asphyxiant powders are used such as they are ; toxic powders are reduced more or less according to the intensity of their insecticidal or sporicidal capacity with flour, talc, chalk, or any other inert matter, finely divided and cheap. The powders are projected on to the plant by means of bellows called sulphurators (figs. 3 and 4, p. 47). Powders may be projected where liquids cannot penetrate. Liquid treatments are sometimes alternated in the struggle against stubborn diseases with pulverulent treatments of the same composition. Use of Chemical Products in the Liquid Form. — Poisonous substances in a state of solution are used in both the external and internal treatment of plants. In the external treatment the poisonous substance is spread on the plant, whilst in the internal treatment it is introduced into the juice, either by causing it to be absorbed by the roots or by injecting it into the trunk. External treatment is most INTBODUCTION. 13 generally used, and it is from it that the most successful results are to be anticipated. External Treatment : Liquids. — Solutions, bouillies, emulsions are much more used than gase'? and powders owing to their easy use. These preparations are distributed by the spraying machine (figs. 8-12) when the treatment is general, and by the brush when it is local. The efficiency of the treatment by liquids depends to a great extent on the mode of application. The substances should be projected in a finely divided state, best in the form of a mist, because it is less important to accumulate large quantities of substance in a given point than to spread a little everywhere in a uniform manner, above as well as below the leaves, on the twigs and on the trunks. The largest number of points of contact between the spores of the fungi or the insect and the poisonous solution must be secured. The appliances which attain this object are the spraying machines which have reached a high degree of per- fection. The liquid preparations must possess a certain degree of concentration to be active. It is injurious to increase this concentra- tion, and dangerous to diminish it. When a liquid preparation has a poisonous action on the plant, or if it has no adherence, these draw- backs may be obviated by multiplying the treatments with a weaker preparation. It has been found that it is better to diminish the strength of the applications and to increase the number of spray- ings, for it is the abundance of these rather than the strength of the preparation which forms on all the organs, in proportion as they are developed, an extremely thin layer of a toxic substance capable of preventing the development of spores or of poisoning parasites. Experience has proven that periodically spraying at short mtervals with weak bouillies yields far better results than a single annual spraying with concentrated bouillie as formerly practised. The single spraying with a 4 per cent copper sulphate bouillie used some years ago has been replaced by three to seven treatments with bouillies prepared with 0*5 per cent of copper sulphate. Although the total amount of copper spread on the surface of the plant be mostly less than formerly, the result is better, because all the surface of the plant remains covered with a very thin pellicle of hydrated oxide of copper of which a trace dissolved in rain water or dew suffices, as has been found, to kill the spores which are germinated. This new process is the more efficient because it especially guarantees against disease all the young organs of the plant, which being more tender and more aqueous, are more easily invaded by parasitic fungi and have there- fore a greater receptivity for cryptogamic diseases. The perfection of the treatment is, therefore, an element as important to secure success as the properties of the product. When anti-cryptogamic substances are used, it is necessary to bear in mind that the external treatment of a plant cannot destroy the mycelium of the fungus which has penetrated into the plant, and its multiple ramifications in the interior of the latter are perfectly protected from all outside spraying. The ex- ternal treatments are intended to destroy the organs that disseminate the disease, the conidiophores and isolated spores, and thus prevent the extension of the disease to other plants. If for any reason the treat- 14 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. ment has beea deferred and the disease has assumed a great extension, it is well to remove before spraying the parts of the plant most seriously attacked and to burn them ; that is a surgical complement to the chemical treatment which may be of great service and which must not be neglected if one be anxious to suppress the disease. It is well to say that neglect of one factor may compromise the results of the treatment by liquids and rob the experimental effort of any beneficial result. I Internal Treatment. — From analogy, with the treatment of human diseases, attempts have been made to introduce into the sap of the plant toxic elements, intended to be carried through the plant, and to destroy the mycelium of fungi which have invaded it, or to kill xylophagic insects and those which suck the sap. The experi- ments of Laffitte and Henneguy have shown that a substance dissolved in water, absorbed by the roots, may ascend to the leaves and reach the extremities of the tree if it does not form insoluble compounds with the constituent elements of the sap ; however, the greater number of salts yield with the plasma insoluble derivatives, which prevent their entrainment by the sap towards the part of the plant attacked by the parasites. Numerous experiments have been made in this direction to combat the phylloxera. The method used, it must be confessed with mediocre success, consisted in making a hole in the vine stock from above downwards by a gimlet, and in introducing therein the chemical agents such as calomel, camphor, potassium sulphide. These were the first experiments carried out under very bad conditions, nevertheless carbolic acid, used by Green against lice, prussic acid against bugs, have given appreciable results. The first fortunate results were obtained by Mokretzki with injections of a dilute solution of sulphate of iron, and nutritive elements which he injected into the sap to cure chlorosis. These were crowned with complete success. But they must be executed in such a way that the air cannot penetrate into the wound, and a slight pressure is required to enable the liquid to enter into direct contact with the sap of the plant. However, when Mokretzki tried sulphate of copper under the same conditions, his experiments were a failure. It is possible, however, that organic salts of copper soluble in the sap may behave as indifferent salts, especially if used in small doses, and produce the satisfactory effects on the health of the tree given by dilute solutions of sulphate of iron, and by sprinkling the soil with sulphate of copper. Metals are capable of forming organic salts, which no longer precipitate albumen, and, injected into the sap, may behave in quite a different manner from the corresponding inorganic salts. These organic salts have found multiple applications in human therapeutics, and it is to be supposed that their use will extend in the domain of vegetable thera- peutics. The internal treatment discovered by Mokretzki will perforce extend further when it has been determined under what form poisons can be incorporated with the sap, and especially in what degree of concentration they should be used. These remedies will form a powerful instrument against all sucker-lice, and will be capable of arresting the internal evolution of the mycelium of parasitic fungi. INTRODUCTION. 15 But vegetable therapeutics will often yield imperfect results in spite of aill the attention brought to bear in the application of appropriate remedies, for it is difficult to dislodge or to destroy in the interior and on the exterior of a plant without injuring it the parasites which- develop there, surrounded by the very efficient means of protection which nature has given them ; and if we insist on this axiom, that a plant disease cannot be cured, but that it can only be diminished or its extension prevented, the important role which preventive methods play in the struggle against plant diseases will be understood. Prophylaxy. — Prophylaxy is that part of medicine which deals with the means of guaranteeing against disease and preventing it. Knowing the cause or the causes of the diseases it is possible to protect plants efficiently against them. The knowledge acquired as to the reactions of the organism, and the means by which it naturally arranges to defend itself against disease, have enabled prophylaxy to utilize physiological processes instead of agents destructive to parasites. It is necessary to differentiate between therapeutic prophylaxy and hygienic prophylaxy. The former utilizes therapeutic agents, surgical processes as well as antiseptic insecticides, fungicides. The latter employs dietetics, stimulants of growth, rational feeding, selection of vigorous and hardy species. Medicine in its application to plants is in fact as complicated as when applied to man, and it is not surprising to see it necessary to take at the same time prophylactic and thera- peutic measures in order to have crops free from disease. Therapeutic Prophylaxy. — When the cause of a disease is known, its evolution and that of the parasites which produce it, it is com- paratively easy to find the means of checking it by preventive measures. These treatments may be very often carried out at a time when the plant can bear them with impunity ; in winter when the delicate organs have disappeared and when the sap is at rest. One must never wait until a disease manifests itself, even if the possibility of its appearance is not absolutely certain. Preventive treatments if they are not always capable of removing all the effective and adjuvant causes of disease will minimize them. When the cause is a parasitic one, the object pursued is not to destroy all the parasitic elements, but to reduce them to their normal or natural number increased by our methods of cropping. In these conditions, parasites having always ex- isted and their complete destruction being as chimerical and as useless as a complete disinfection of the air which we breathe, with the object of destroying all microbes, disease is no longer to be feared, because it no longer causes us appreciable injuries. Preventive Surgical Treatments. — Operatory medicine may be of great assistance in the prevention of plant diseases ; in fact the suppression of everything which may transmit a disease from one year to another is often capable of giving radical results — excision of the diseased parts, removal of branches attacked or bearing spores or eggs, washing of the bark of the trunk and branches to suppress refuges formed by mosses and lichens for acari, aphides, and coleoptera. In- tervention by naked hand plays a role not less important, by the eollection and suppression of the old organs of plants, leaves, and 16 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. rotten and wormy fruit on which receptacles containing the spores of fungi serve as refuge to grubs and chrysales and as shelter to masses of insect eggs. The destruction of the parasites and their hiding-places by this simple means causes them to disappear completely after a certain time. Birdlime traps preventing insects and their larvae from reaching points that they might ravage, are likewise useful auxiliaries. The most usual trap is the ring of tar or of birdlime with which the trunk of trees is surrounded. The going and coming of apterous parasites between the leafy portion and the soil being along the trunk, the ring of sticky substance drawn round the trunk is intended to stop these often daily journeys and to retain all these parasites stuck fast. An examination of the habits of parasites demonstrates that almost all are forced to use this road ; some to seek a refuge in the soil for the night, others to ascend nightly from the soil in which they had taken refuge during the day. Thus the grub descends along the trunk to place itself as a chrysalis in the soil, and the butterfly, even when it is not apterous, ascends along the trunk to deposit the eggs which weigh down the female. The grey worm and many moth grubs go every morning to find a refuge in the soil, to re-ascend the trunk in the evening. This method, now very common, gives perfect results. In arboriculture it is a powerful auxiliary to the liming of the tree, but it is necessary to watch that this sticky substance pre- serves its adhesive qualities and to renew the ring when these have disappeared. Young fruit trees being sensitive and liable to perish after an application of a ring of tar or birdlime, it is well to fix round the trunk a strip of cardboard well fitted and to coat it with the sticky substance. The same result is thus obtained without injuring the health of the tree. Preventive Treatment by Means of Chemical Agents. — The general conditions as regards the properties of the chemical agents used in the preventive treatment of plant diseases are the same as in the curative treatment. The chemical products must destroy the parasites and be more poisonous to it than to the plant ; they must adhere and preserve their poisonous power for a certain time, and enter into intimate contact with the parasite or with its elements of propagation. When such treatments are applied, as is often the case during the repose of vegetation, the comparative insensibility of the plant enables them to be used in doses, deadly to the parasite without injuring the plant. Most fungi living protected in the interior of the tissue are sheltered from the action of the poisons spread on the surface of the organ attacked, and are evolved in spite of the curative chemical treatment. The important point io plant diseases is to destroy the spores which propagate the disease. To attain this result, different spores must be attacked by different methods. If it be a case of destroying winter spores, very energetic treatment must be applied in winter, for these spores have an extraordinary power of resisting chemical agents. If it is a case of killing summer spores, which, on the contrary, are very sensitive and delicate, a treatment with dilute, anticryptogamic solutions will suffice. Preventive winter INTEODrCTION. 17 treatment can thus be distinguished from preventive summer treat- ment. Preventive winter treatment consists in destroying by chemical agents all parasites, and the elements of their propagation. To obtain this result the trunks and branches are painted or washed, after a mechanical dressing with milk of lime, concentrated copper bouillies, 10 per cent solutions of sulphuric acid, hot concentrated solutions of sulphate of iron, boiling water, petroleum, and pure carbon disulphide. These chemical agents, used in such a high degree of concentration, do not injure the plant in winter, and permit of a radical destruction of the parasites. These preventive -vvinter treatments are, generally, sufficient to prevent the diseases from appearing in the following year, especially when care is taken to destroy the decayed organs scattered around the plant, and to disinfect the soil, the dung, and the seed. This last precaution is of an undoubted utility in preventing the diseases of plants cropped annually, and the methods usually em- ployed have now attained a gi'eat degree of perfection. Moreover, it is necessary to destro}' wild plants of the same species, which ai-e preferred by the parasites which it is desired to destroy, plants which form seats of infection which are necessary to the cyclic development of certain parasitic fungi, such as the rust of cereals, which search for nurse plants of different species necessary for their normal evolu- tion, and the destruction of which brings about the radical suppression of the pai-asite. These plants are the barberry and boragineae (''^ p. 22). Preventive Summer Treatment. — In spite of preventive winter treatments they must be completed by summer treatments. \Yorking so that the vulnerable organs of the plant are always protected by a fungicide very slightly soluble in the dew, the plant is prevented from succumbing to the incessant attacks of the spores, which the atmospheric currents lead to it. It is a case of very small doses of anticryptogamic agents, which suffice when the treatment is continued during the whole period in which the disease is to be feared. Weak injections of carbon disulphide in the soil and periodic washings of the stock with dilute solutions of potassic sulpho-carbonate have given the best results in the struggle against the phylloxera, without destroying all the parasites they so far diminish their number that they can nO' longer injure the plant. Sulphating every yeav with weak bouillies- yields analogous results and enables the trees to develop normally. Along with the rational and periodic use of chemical agents intended to kill the greater part of the germs of cryptogamic diseases and insects, it is well to use stimulants to furnish rational nutriment to the plants and to pay attention to their hygiene. Hygienic Prophylaxy. — Vegetable therapeutics does not consist, in fact, entirely in the struggle against the effective factors, but it ought likewise to suppress the adjuvant causes. Plants are restored like animals by the art of healing regarded in its widest scope. Hygiene which plays so great a role in human prophylaxy ought to receive equal attention in the case of vegetables. This hygiene is based on a knowledge of their organs, and their mode of gi'owth, on that of the environment where they live, and the climatic conditions which favour their development, and the mineral elements indispensable to 2 18 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEKS them. It is necessary to remove bad influences from plants, and to supply them, if need be, in a regular and abundant manner with the nutritive elements which they require. If it be asserted that a disease can be transmitted to a plant by artificial infection when placed in a laboratory where it has not all its means of reaction, it must not be concluded therefrom that this same plant will always succumb to this parasite in surroundings favourable to its develop- ment and in good hygienic conditions. Owing to a special immunity which is not acquired, except under certain conditions, the plant, on the contrary, will be able to resist the attempts .of invasion by the parasites and will issue victorious fx'om any struggle in all instances. Most cryptogamic parasites ai'e incapable of attacking the living vigorous and healthy cell. Certain insects, even xylophagic, such as the Scolytes, only attack a sickly tree, the intense motion of the sap being injurious to the development of their larvae. On the other hand, most parasites find an easy shelter in the plant when the latter is enfeebled by an adjuvant cause, or when organs capable of being invaded have been laid bare by a wound. Stimulants of Growth. — We know from the researches of Eaulin, Nageli, Pfeiffer, Eichard, and Ono the favourable influence which certain metallic salts absorbed by the sap can exercise on the health of plants. Salts of iron, copper, mercury, zinc, nickel, cobalt, manganese, lithium, fluorides, and arsenites have in a certain dose a stimulating action on the vital functions of the plant, analogous to that which arsenious acid exercises on our own organism. The use of these stimulants may often be a useful means of stimulating the vigour of the plant, and of rendering it more capable of resisting cryptogamic diseases. Nutrition. — The researches of Liebig, Boussingault, Deherain, and ■others have shown that the development of plants depends greatly on the mineral elements which they find in the soil, and nothing is more easy than to supply them when the soil is deficient therein. The result of these researches has been intensive farming, which by supplying in great abundance the elements necessary for the growth of plants has rendered it possible to double and triple the yield of crops. Encouraged by such success we have learned to prepare an exact account of the elements indispensable for each plant crop by the analysis of its ash, of the elements of the soil, and taking into account the nutritive elements that the preceding crop has removed and add- ing to the soil the elements in which it is deficient. It has been ob- served, however, that the plants obtained as a result of intensive manur- ing were more subject to diseases, and that such assumed a dangerous character. The great delicacy of the plants constituted a more favour- able inedium for their evolution, however little the climatic conditions favour their development, and predispose the plants to infection. It must be admitted that the intensive culture now practised does not produce a normal condition of the plant, but a cultivated condition, and that the parasites have acquired a greater vigour and become more virulent owing to the great richness of the plant in nutritive INTEODUCTION, 19 elements. Too abundant feeding of our cultivated plants has created a danger which the farmer of to-day must face. Formerly the method of cultivation gave a mediocre and irregular yield, and the farmer did not disturb himself. There was in the opinion" of our fathers, which was fatal, good years and bad years. Diseases existed even then, but they did not in their opinion contribute much to the annual variation in the yields. In our days they have a much more important role, for the cultivation expenses being higher, owing to increased attention and to the use of various chemical manures, the yield ought to compensate for the pecuniary efforts expended. Exhaustion of the Soil. — In spite of the annual supply to the soil of the elements required by the plant for its intensive growth, it is found that a time comes when the plant ceases to pi'ofit from the nutritive elements and thrives no longer. This is due to the fact that the enemies of the cultivated plant are accumulated in the soil. The ancient farmers attributed this condition to the exhaustion of the soil, and intercalated the bare falloic between the crops when this ex- haustion manifested itself. In bare fallow the fields remained several years without a crop. Without being aware of it they thus abolished the provision stores of the parasites, and these disappeared or became reduced to their natural proportion. By this time the field had acquired new vigour, and might be again cultivated. This method cannot be adopted to-day, because it is a loss of time and money. The alternation of crops or of different plants having consequently different parasites succeeded each other, and where the same plant did not appear in the rotation except at long intervals it caused a great improvement in this condition of the soil. Kotations would give perfect results in the absence of polyphagia parasites : Nematoides, Elaterides, grey and white worms which attack all our crops indiffer- ently, and the exaggerated multiplication of which operates through- out the most different crops ; the spores of Ustilaginece (smut, bunt, etc.), which resist the weather for several years, excepted. Against the exhaustion of the soil from the exaggerated development of these para- sites no efficient remedy exists, except disinfection of the soil by car- bon disulphide. This must be done either in a complete manner, and in massive doses every ten years, or in small doses each autumn. It frees our cultivated fields from all the parasites which our methods of cropping have allowed to accumulate in too great number. This method finds more adherents every day, as it enables rotations to be dispensed with and to cultivate the same plant intensively for several years in succession. Artificial manures as well as the metallic salts intended to stimulate the growth of plants should be used with dis- cretion, so as not to predispose the plant by a modification of the sap to certain diseases which formerly it escaped. Laurent found that bacteria, not parasites of the potato in a normal state, might invade it after manuring with lime. The Jerusalem artichoke becomes less resistant to the Sclerotina Libertiana ^ after phosphatic manure. These ^ Note by Translator. — Fungus which ravages potato, haricot beans, hemp, ououmbers, swedes, zinnias, petunias, chrysanthemums. Remedy. — Apply soot or lime to soil. 20 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. two cases are easily explained, the first by the fact that the bacteria seek an alkaline medium created by the lime, the second by the fact that the Sclerotina seeks, on the contrary, an acid medium created by the acid phosphate. Intense nitrogenous manuring favours the de- velopment of phytophora. It is thus essential to avoid the use of manures which may place the plant in a state of subjection in the struggle which it has to sustain against inimical factors. Choice of Species. — One species may be more subject to disease than another, and possess a predisposition for certain pathological con- ditions. That occurs when the conditions favourable to the develop- ment of the plant are also those which favour the evolution of parasites at the time when the plant is young and possesses delicate tissues just when the parasites are most virulent. Care must be taken in sowing a plant that the germination of the seed does not coincide with the virulent development of the parasite, with the ripening of the spores of fungoid enemies, or the hatching of the eggs of certain insects. It suffices to sow a little earlier or later. But in spite of all that can be done to eliminate parasites, they none the less exist and ravage the tissues. The cells of the plant, like those of the human organism, react, and it is found that after this constant struggle they undergo certain modifications which are opposed to the develop- ment of the parasite, and the plant acquires a certain immunity. It is acknowledged that the deposits of tannin and other materials in certain cells and the concentration of the sap are conditions resulting from the struggle of the plant against insects, and destined to oppose an unsuitable medium to any attempt of development. Plant diseases do not, therefore, depend solely on the presence of a parasite, but as much on the conditions predisposing the plant to a want of reactive energy, and it has been found that this predisposition was an atti'ibute of certain species or cei'tain varieties. Meteorological Influences.— Although we are still badly equipped to struggle against atmospheric influences, each day brings new dis- coveries from which agriculture knows how to benefit. Thus hail and morning frosts may be effectively prevented — hail by artificial per- cussion of the atmospheric layer where hail is formed, morning frosts by means of artificial clouds. Without neglecting therapeutic methods it is necessary to take incessant prophylactic measures to prevent the evolution of diseases and their propagation, to treat the seed, the plant, the soil, and the crops by toxic products, to destroy the plants invaded, which form hot-beds of infection, to avoid the im- portation of plants from districts notoriously infected. Effoi't must be made to apply a general treatment to the plant, to remove as far as possible all conditions favourable to the growth of parasites. The hygiene of the plant must receive careful attention ; sowing retarded or advanced ; the plants protected against eventual frosts and hail ; drain and lime the soil against humidity, the great predisposing cause of cryptogamic diseases ; apply appropriate strengthening manures ; choose hardy species obtained by crossing or by selection, and create new varieties combining great resistance to plant diseases with the necessary properties of production. So that the struggle may be sue- INTRODUCTION. 21 cessful measures must be general. Each cultivator ought to be able to work in full knowledge of the cause ; he ought to be able to obtain information on the nature of the diseases which he observes, and the _ means which should be used to combat them. All interested should be able to act simultaneously over a large extent of territory, a con- dition which will alone crown any individual effort with success. There now exist in certain agricultural centres laboratories where all questions are solved gratuitously. These institutions are intended to help cultivators, and to supply them with the means of combating the diseases which ravage or menace their crops. The movement in favour of these institutions where all phytopathologic questions are studied, and which centralize all the observations made by interested parties on the diseases, the presence of which they have observed, is especially accentuated in Germany. When the prosperity of a country is threatened by the appearance of a disease and by its generalization it is necessary to take general measures. These are made imperative in many cases on cultivators by arretes [an arrete is possibly equivalent to our Order in Council]. If one considers that the damages caused annually to French crops bj" injurious insects, according to the calculations of authorized persons, amount to several hundreds of millions (a million francs = £40,000), that the loss due to cryptogamic disease reaches a still higher figure, an idea can be gainsd of the great necessity there is to generalize the methods of struggling against parasites, and the neces- sity of simultaneous action by all under the control and the direction of official agents. The first order dealing with the protection of crops against injurious insects is that of the Parliament of Paris of date 4 February, 1732 ; then came the Act of the 26th Yentose Year lY, which rendered obligatory the destruction of grubs in general (modi- fied by the Act of 24 December, 1888). It especially prescribes the destruction of the grubs of Liparis chrysorrliea, the brown-tailed moth, the agglomerations of which in winter and in spring form silky wrappers between the branches of fruit trees. The Order declares that " After the date fixed by the Prefect, farmers who have not submitted to the prefectoral order, will be liable to a fine of six to fifteen francs, and obliged to pay to the administration the expenses incurred by it in grubbing on their domains ". The panic created by the appearance of the phylloxera in 1863 was followed by an effect which has made itself felt in all branches of cultivation. Examination Commissions were formed, a National Agronomical Institute was founded in Paris. Chairs of Agriculture were created, new laws were passed, the Ad- ministration is working with equal solicitude at all cultural pests, and it has enacted the measures required to cope against the ex- tension of diseases. As a consequence of the International Phyl- loxeric Convention held at Berne, an order of 10 September, 1884, interdicted the exportation and importation of rooted-up stocks and of sprouts (shoots). Then the destruction of insectivorous birds has been forbidden. Cultivators too often misconstrue their precious collaboration in the struggle against parasites. Societies for the destruction of parasites have been formed in 22 IXSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND AVEED KILLERS. cantons, bureaux of gratuitous information opened, enabling interested parties to know the disease which ravages their fields, and how to prevent it, or combat it, in the most economical conditions. These syndicates are cantonal or communal ; their bye-laws must have pre- fectoral sanction ; their budget consists of the subscription of adher- ents, individual subscriptions, communal, and Government grants. The Council of Administration places the instruments, the insecticides, and the anticryptogamic products at the disposal of those interested ; it publishes the right times to use preventive or curative processes, and gives the detail of the methods to follow ; it directs itself at propitious seasons all the operations tending to the destruction of parasites, and to restore the fertility of the fields through the intermediary of an executive committee which has the direction and the responsibility of opei'ations. Societies have been formed against the ' Apple-blossom Weevil," against the may-bug (cockchafer, Hanneton). The annual results obtained by some may-bug societies in a year are as follows : — Seine et Marne . destroyed 282,500 kilogrammes.^ Brie Comte Eobert ,. " 101,000 Aisne ... „ 13 thousand million cockchafers. Bernay dans Eure ,, 148,500 kilogrammes. These figures are eloquent. However, if they show the useful inter- vention of the syndicates established for the destruction of injurious insects, they enable us to foresee the results that these syndicates would be capable of obtaining if their programme was a broader one, and comprised all which concerns vegetable pathogenesis, prophylaxy, and therapeutics. Common action organized in this way under wise direction will be a perfect method to combat agricultural pests and blights so long as no medical specialists for cultivated plants, with the same rank as veterinary surgeons, exist. But there is much ground to be traversed before getting so far as that ; the science which should guide these medical specialists is only in its infancy, and the most important problems are still to be solved. It is, however, necessary to reach this goal so that this younger sister of medicine applied by special practitioners may render inestimable services to cultivation and increase the prosperity of the country. ' Note by Translator. — From the peculiar style of numeration of French writers it is impossible to say whether '28*2, -500 means 282^ kg. or 282,500 kg., that is 282^ metric tons, which seems impossible. Yet even in this country so gi'eat were the ravages of Bombyx chrysorrJiea in 1782 that prayers were offered up in some churches for deliverance from the scourge and Is. per bushel was offered for the webs, and bo abundant were they in Cl'ipham parish that 80 bushels were collected in one day in that parish alone ! * Note by Tnntshitor (p. 17). — The tendency of present-day authorities is as regards evolution of rust of wheat to discard the theory of an intermediate host (barberry) in favour of Eriksson's theory of hereditary infection. CHAPTER I. COLD WATER— SUBMERSION— SPRAYING HOT WATER— IMMERSION— SPRAYING— HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. I. Water, H,0. — Water is necessary to the plant (1) as food, (2) as solvent of nutritive matters. To a certain extent crops increase in proportion to the water used in the cultivation. Want of water injures the plant, causes deformities, anomalies, and troubles of which the chief are : ])ilosis, excess of hair on the stem and leaves, formation of tart substances (piquants), stony pears, lignification of the roots ; nanisme, potatoes with filiform rhizomes, fall of flower-buds, pre- mature drying of the leaves, honej^-dew, barren flowers in the case of cereals. But on the other hand, if water is useful and even necessary to the plant, in excess, however, it is injurious thereto. In the latter case it is the cause of the following diseases : frisolee of the potato, rhytidome of the potato, germination of the same plant before potato lifting, hollow fruits, stems and roots, prematui'e formation of seeds, dropsy, gourmands, hypertrophy of the roots, cellular rottenness, frondescence, phyllodia or chloranthia, asphyxia of the seeds and roots, putridity of the seedlings. Use. — Water serves as a solvent or vehicle for most of the agents used to combat plant diseases ; but it can by itself alone serve as an insecticide in many cases, and as it is cheap it is profitable to use it. Cold or hot water is used as follows, accoi'ding to circumstances : Cold water : Submersion ; spraying. Hot icater : Immersion ; spraying. (a) Cold Water," Submersion. — Submersion or artificial inunda- tion asphyxiates the insects living or refuging in the soil. It consists in placing the area of the ground to be treated under water for a period of from two to sixty days, according to the nature of the soil and the kind of parasites to be destroyed. The soil must only be slightly per- meable, the ground must not be on a slope, and it must be near a source of water capable of furnishing 6000-30,000 cubic metres per hectare (24 acres), and to maintain it at that for a certain time. Submersion is not efficient unless it be complete, so that it may soak deeply into the inundated ground and be executed under certain conditions. The submersion of fields and vineyards is in use in different countries of the globe, and everywhere gives encouraging results. The costs of submersion are not great when near a river from which the water can be led ; the expense in that case only amounts to 41 francs per hectare, say 13s. per acre. But when the water has to be brought by elevating machines then it may amount to 200 francs (£8) per hectare, say €'3 4s. per acre. To this amount must be added the co=t of manuring, 24 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. which must be abundant as the immersion exhausts the soil. Sub- mersion was recommended for the first time in France in 1864 for the destruction of insects in meadows and fields. In 1870 the same treat- ment was applied to vineyards attacked by the phylloxera, and lately it has been used to render forests wholesome. Submersion of Fields and Meadows. — The inundation of meadows and fields destroys the larvas of Coleoptera (beetles, weevils, etc.) and the grubs of the Lepidoptera, of which the following are the most important : (1) Melolontha vulgaris (white worm), larvae of the may-bug (cockchafer). — Artificial inundations have been in general use in Hungary since 1888 to destroy this larva. The meadows are sub- mersed for eight days, and after that time all the white worms have disappeared. De la Blanchere has, however, seen water remain more than a month on ground infested with white worms without these being destroyed. That is explained by the fact that the larva of the cockchafer, very sensitive to moisture, to avoid contact there- with buries itself at such a depth as protects it from inundations. But it is only in impermeable ground that the white worm has the time to withdraw itself from the action of water. In such ground recourse should not be made to artificial inundation but to carbon disulphide. During the two years of its evolution, the white worm descends into the soil in October, to a depth of about 2 feet, so as to pass the winter, beyond the reach of cold, and it is only in spring that it ascends to the level of the roots to gnaw at them. Ac- cording to the habits of this insect it is, therefore, in spring and in' summer that the ground should be flooded. (2) Phytonomus punc- tatus, Fb. — The larvae of this weevil are destroyed by flooding almost at the very outset. In America the cotton plantations are flooded to destroy the numerous parasites in the soil. (3) Agrotis segetum, W.V. (grey worm grub of the dart moth). — Flooding to destroy this insect ought always to take place in summer. In many cases flooding of the fields by the excess of moisture exerts a vexing effect on plants by retarding the ripening of the crops, or by developing adventitious plants or parasitic fungi. It is not so, however, with all crops, and it has been observed that submerged beets have more vigour and resist the fungi which ravage them better during drought, such as the Phonia tahifica, the disease of the petiole of the leaves, the Pleospora j)idrefaciens or the heart rot, and the bacillus of the bacillary gummosis of vine. These diseases being less intense after submersion the method is advantageous. Submersion of Forests. — Anderlind has shown the great service which the submersion of forests can render in the destruction of the" insect ravagers of woods, the larvae of which find a shelter under the moss and humus surrounding the stocks. In the different countries where submersion is in use the most dangerous insects only occasion insignificant damage, it is therefore one of the most powerful preven- tive measures against great invasions of certain forest parasites. The following insects are destroyed by submersion : MelolontJia vulgaris, L. (common cockchafer). Weevils injurious to conifers : Ilj/lobivs Abistis, L. (lai-ge spruce fir weevil). The Scolytides so injurious to deciduous * SUBMERSION OF FIELD AND FOREST. 25 trees : Hylesinus ater, F. ; H. ojmcus, Er. ; H. augustatus, Hb. ; H. cunicularius, Kn. The saicflies, very injurious to coniferae, because their larvae not only attack the adult needles but prefer to devour the young shoots : Lyda campestris, L., and L. pratensis, L., the larvae of which bury themselves in August in the moss at the foot of trees to pass the winter there. L. erijthrocephala, L. (red-headed Lyda), the larvae of which hide at the foot of trees in the month of June. Lophyrus Pini, the larvae of the second generation metamorphose into grubs in the humus of the forest after passing the winter there. Gryllotaljm vulgaris, Latr. (mole cricket). Winter submersion has little action on it, because like the white worm it descends deeply into the ground at the approach of cold. The following Lepidoptera : Lasiocampiia Pini (or bombj^x of the pine), the grub of which hibernates as chrysalis in moss at foot of tree. Trachea piniperda and Fidonia jnniari, L., both hibernating in ground in the state of chrysalis. Submersion also frees the forest from the rodents which undermine it, and which in winter nibble the bai'k of young trees. But if on the plain the difficulties of submersion are not great, on the slopes where it is necessary to trace a series of parallel channels which flood the ground, by overflowing, this method becomes very costly, especially if it is necessary to raise the water by means of turbines or pumps. Antiphylloxeric Submersion. — In the beginning of the phyllo- xeric invasion in 1868, the sands of the dunes (sandhills) were found to be unfavourable to the propagation of this dangerous homoptera. The fact was observed at Aigues-Mortes, where vines planted in the dunes remained flourishing, whilst those planted in the neighbourhood died without exception. According to Foex the sands exhibited a certain immunity to the phylloxera when they contained at least 80 per cent of silica, but a small amount of clay or limestone sufficed to deprive the soil of this precious property. This immunity, studied by Van- nuccin at the viticulture laboratory of Montpellier, would appear to be due to the asphyxia produced by the water retained by capillarity between the grains of sand. Is that water sufficient to cause the asphj'xia of the insect ; is it not rather the physical constitution of the sand which hinders the passage of this insect from one stock to another? That is a point which has not yet been proven. Balbiani disputes the theorj- of the asphyxiant action of water in permeable ground consisting almost exclusively of silica ; he has in fact caused young phylloxera which he had hatched in a sand medium to live under water for fifteen days. On the other hand, Faucon has observed that it takes forty-five daj's' immersion in water to kill the phylloxera. Now, sands are never impregnated so long by rain-water. Be that as it ma}', it was this immunity of the sands which gave the idea of submersion for the destruction of the phylloxera. It had formerly been remarked that long-continued rain was unfavourable to it, and that it shunned moisture by burying itself in the soil at great depths, only dying when the soil was thoroughly soaked. Eminent vine- growers, Faucon and P. Castelnau, concluded that submersion might be efficient, and since 1870 have submitted a part of their vines to this treatment. The results obtained were surprising. The following 26 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. table prepared by Faucon gives an idea of the improvement in the crop by the submersion of the vine : — TABLE I. — Showing the Effect of the Systematic Immersion of Vineyards on the Volume of Wine Produced. Year. 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 Refnarks. Year before the phylloxera invasion First year of invasion vines fumigated, non-sub merged ....... Second year of invasion vines fumigated, non-sub merged ....... First year with submersion without manure . Second „ ,, ,, Third year with submersion and manure Fourth ,, ,, „ (frost) Fifth Sixth Wi?ie in Wine in hectolitres. gallons. 925 20,350 40 880 35 770 1-iO 2,640 450 9,900 849 18,678 736 16,192 1135 24,970 2680 58,960 Henceforth submersion was not slow in finding numerous partisans. It has been practised a little all through France, and its use has ex- tended to abroad. At the present time its efficacy is entirely accepted, and also the manner in which it is necessary to operate without injur- ing the submerged plants. In many districts the vines have been saved from complete destruction, and in other districts, formerly un- cultivated, productive and flourishing vineyards have been created. Camargue is an example. In this district, where, however, the inun- dation water is charged with salt, submersion presents special difficul- ties, and good outfalls must be organized if it is wished to avoid seeing the salt appear at great distances. Submersion in Actual Practice. — To submerge certain privileged vineyards the water of a neighbouring river may be deflected in part and brought on to the land by a natural slope. In countries where water is scarce it has to be propelled on to the land by powerful cen- trifugal pumps working day and night. In all cases of winter submersion the vineyard is divided into compartments of 4-6 hectares (10- lo acres), separated from each other by small dams and communicatory through small ditches. Before running on the water, care must be taken that the surface is well levelled so that the water spreads regularly. In very windy districts, such as Vaucluse and I'Aude, Barral advises the vineyard being divided into more numerous compartments, the divisions between which serve to break the waves raised by the wind before they attain too great an amplitude. Duponchel, an advocate of underground irrigation, advises, in execut- ing the latter, to excavate around each stock so as to lay bai-e the roots of the tree, thus forming as many closed basins which communicate with each other by small channels. Water is made to flow therein and is imbibed to a gieat depth by the soil around the stocks. When the ground is siifliciently wet and all the water has been absorbed, all SUBMERSION OF VINEYARDS. 27 that has to be done is to fill in the excavation with the dry soil placed on one side, to spread it and rake it. Submersion is performed either in winter or during the active period of the vegetation of the vine. A. Winter Submersion. — Winter submersion is a process which cannot evidently be applied everywhere, and which i^equires special conditions, of which the following are the principal : (1) The ground must be slightly permeable, or very permeable but with an imper- meable subsoil, such as is met with in the low plains of the French coast, and in isolated spots in the river alluvial soils of some of the chief water- courses. It is evident that too great a permeability of soil would require too large a volume of water. The daily decrease in the level of the water should not exceed a maximum of 10 centi- metres (4 inches), a centimetre in depth corresponding to 100 cubic metres of water per hectare, say 1404 cubic feet per acre. (2) The ground ought to be perceptibly flat or very slightly inclined, a slope of 3 centimetres per metre (3 in 100) rendering submersion impracticable. (3) The vineyard should be situated, if possible, near to a stream of water, to an abundant spring, or to an artesian well, for it requires at least 6000 cubic metres of water per hectare, 84,780 cubic feet per acre. During the duration of the submersion, there is a daily loss of water, not only from absorption by the soil but also from evapora- tion into the atmosphere. The amount of water absorbed daily and the duration of the submersion have been studied by Chauzit and L. Tronchaud-Verdier, who have prepared the following table : — TABLE II. -Showing the Daily Loss of Water by Absorption by Variotis Soils during Submersion. Soil. Duration of Autumn. Submersion. Winter. Daily Loss of Water. Slightly permeable Fairly „ 1 ermeable .... Very permeable . 50-55 days 55-60 „ 65-70 „ 90 55-60 days 60-65 „ 70-75 „ 90 „ 1 centimetre 1 to 4 centimetres 4 to 7 8 to 9 Evaporation into the atmosphere averages 6 millimetres in twenty- four hours in winter, though it reaches 10 millimetres in summer. (That is at the rate of an output of 1 litre per second per hectare, which is calculated in general as the general output of the channels serving to irrigate meadows.) (4) The duration and efficiency of the submersion, moreover, depends on the climate. It is known that in France it can only be practised in the centre and south. In the north the vines would have to pass the winter surrounded by ice, which would seriously injure them. The duration of the submersion should average sixty days in south and thirty days in central France. B. Submersion During the Active Period of the Vine. — Where large quantities of water are deficient, summer irrigations, recom- 28 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. mended by Duponchel, Chauzit, and Dr. Debray, may be adopted. Deb ray has, in fact, remarked that the phylloxera is killed more easily during the active period of the vine, and that the dm-ation of the submer- sion can be reduced to eight days in September, while fifteen to twenty days are required in October, and forty to sixty days in winter. In this connexion the underground irrigation described by Duponchel produces the best effect. So that submersion may be complete and efficacious, i.e. so that the water can penetrate 2 feet into the soil, it requires 1000-1200 cubic metres of water per hectare, say 250-300 litres (55-66 gallons) of water per stock. It is executed during dry periods, when vegetation is not very active. It has been found, on the other hand, that short, rapeated irrigations lasting forty-eight hours in summer, especially if underground, are as injurious to the phjdloxera ag long winter irrigations. Whilst even three days' immersion in cold districts are injurious, underground irrigations of forty-eight hours in the dry regions of the South have a favourable action on the development of this plant. The causes, which in the exceptional con- ditions of the French climate insure the prosperity of the vine and the quality of French wines, are none other than the climate itself and the method of culture applied, the hoeing of the soil. It creates on the surface of the soil a shallow layer of friable earth, which by break- ing the continuity of the capillaries arrests all evaporation from below. The rain-water thus imprisoned in the soil without com- munication with the exterior air constitutes that lasting store of underground moisture, which can only be evaporated by the plant which aspirates it by the roots and which loses it by the leaves. The sap thus elaborated acquires that peculiar property of being specially apt to develop fruits, whilst in moist districts submerged too often the more aqueous sap perfectly produces herbaceous vegetation and yields few grapes. To produce grapes of superior quality the fruits must be developed in a warm medium, and the roots be in a moist and warm medium. These essential conditions are awanting when prolonged superficial submersion is practised, but are not greatly affected by the underground irrigations recommended by Duponchel. Superficial sprinkling of the soil never gives useful results as regards grapes, but develops branches full of leaves {pampres). The super- ficial evaporation of the water so sprinkled by cooling the soil must retard the ripening of the crop. Submersions would therefore in general be rather prejuiicial to the quality of the crop of a healthy vine. As a curative agent, they produce, on the other hand, two effects equally advantageous, they enable the vine to reconstitute its radicular apparatus (root hairs) more or less atrophied by the gnawing of this lous3. From this point of view, the irrigation of the vines may be regarded as of practical utility, but it should be executed with the greatest of precaution so as to modify as little as possible the special conditions which insure the quality of the grape. A sufficient imbibition must be created to be injurious to the phyl- loxera, and favourable to the development of root filaments, avoiding all loss of heat by superficial evaporation. These conditions are realized by underground irrigation, especially if it be accompanied by SUBMEESION OF VINEYAEDS. 29 the addition of nitrogenous manures. In spite of the good results obtained by submersion and underground irrigation, these can only be regarded as a palliative and not as a curative method. Long winter submersions, short summer irrigations, do not kill all the phylloxeras which ravage the roots, and a new invasion always occurs ; thus the treatment should be annual. To diminish the number of the insects and stimulate the vegetative energy of the plant is not a sufficient remedy, and to re-establish the health of the plant it is well to destroy the parasites by powerful insecticides, such as carbon di- sulphide and sulphocarbonates, at the same time as the radicular system of the vine is strengthened by subterranean irrigations. Simple submersion along with strong manuring, by stimulating growth by moisture and fertilizers perceptibly diminishes the action of the phyl- loxera ; but it only creates, in reality, a modus vivendi between the parasite and the plant. In these conditions the latter may produce abundant growth of leaf, but it will only give in the majoiity of cases a mediocre grape. It follows from the interesting researches of Maquenne and Deherain, that when a soil is withdrawn from the action of oxygen, as happens when it is covered by a sheet of water, the nitrates which it contains disappear rapidly, owing to the action of certain reducing ferments. On the other hand, Muntz has tried to find out how the roots of vines immersed for two months can respire. This long privation of air ought to be injurious. To prove it, Deherain and Vesque submitted vines for fifteen days to immersion in distilled water, and found that they rapidly died, whilst others placed in aerated water were in perfect health. It is, therefore, the want of oxygen which in submersion may well prove fatal to vines, and that more readily when it is practised during the period of activity of the sap. Eiver water used for submersion is the best, because it always contains air and nitrates, and vines submerged in these conditions resist for two months at least. That is an established fact which it is interesting to explain. The above-named scientific observers believe that the nitrates reduced by the ferments are converted into laughing gas which contains oxygen, and may support the respiration of the roots. This reduction observed in submerged land may become useful to vegetation, as it prevents the asphyxia of the vine. It is thus necessary to spread on the land an appreciable amount of nitrate if it be desired that the submersion should not injure the vine. French vine growers use in fact 600 kilogrammes of nitrate per hectare (528 lb. per acre), which is in no way exaggerated, but appreciably increases the cost of immersion. Certain muddy waters, such as those of the Dordogne and Garonne, for example, enable the amount of manure to be reduced a little. However, in spite of all the care brought to bear on immersion, there are vines which do not support the treatment. Espitalier cites the following species which die very rapidly : La Carignac, le Grenache, le Mourvedre, la Clairette, le Malbec, le Merlot, and in general all the valuable species, whilst the Cabernet, the Petit Bouschet, and I'Aramon accommodate themselves well to it. This explains why simple immersion has been replaced in large vine-growing countries like the Gironde by irrigations with 30 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. sulphocarbonate. Another drawback of submersion is that the vines planted in low grounds are attacked by all the cryptogamic parasites which multiply in moist districts and suffer more therefrom than anywhere else. Moreover, the following, according to Tisserand, is the increase in the use of immersion and of insecticides in the treatment of the vine :-^4 TABLE III. — Showing the Increase in Area of the Sub))iersion atid Insecticidal Treatment of Vines in France. Year. Stibmersion. Carbon Disulphide. Potassium Sulphocarbonate. Hectares. Hectares. Hectares^ 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 8,093 8,195 12,543 17,792 23,303 24,339 24,500 33,455 30,336 32,738 5,547 15,933 17,121 23,926 33,446 40,585 47,215 66,705 57,887 62,208 1472 2809 3033 3097 6286 5227 4459 8089 8841 9377 . To sum up, submersion, if of undeniable efficacy, is a barbarous pro- cess, with many drawbacks, which should be advantageously replaced by irrigations with sulphocarbonate or with carbon disulphide. Amongst the antiphylloxeric treatments we should advise, according to circumstances, the following choice : Annual submersion may be applied where exceptional conditions combine, accompanying it, however, by very abundant manuring. Irrigations with sulpho- carbonate and carbon disulphide are reserved for de luxe vineyards, such as those of Bordelais, Burgundy, and Champagne. Carbon disulphide, applied by means of the Pal injector, to be adopted pre- ferably in small and medium cultures, and especially where the want of water rendfirs submersion too costly. Spraying. — Spraying with cold water destroys the following parasites : Capnodium {Fumagine or smut of fruit trees). — Sorauer re- commends playing a jet of cold water on the crown of the trees after pruning that part. However, this operation must be repeated every evening in summer. Capnodium salicinum, Mntgn. (hop black), may be prevented by spraying the leaves with cold water and repeating the process several days (Niajels). Tingis Pyri, Fb. — The pear tiger- beetle is fought against in the same way by spraying night and morn- ing under the attacked leaves with cold water, or with a little soap ^ A heotare is 2^ aores approximately. — Tu. ACTION OF DEY AND MOIST HEAT ON SEEDS AND SPORES. 81 added (Montillot). Tetranychus telarius, L. (red spider), which forms on different plants a disease called " la Grise," is veiy sensitive to moisture and does not stand repeated cold-water spraying long (Thomas). Bryobia rihis (gooseberry acarus) may be fought against' by frequent sprinkling of the leaves. Spraying with water can thus be used as a preventive against different species of Fumagine or smut {Gajinodium), as a means of killing acari, of which the Tetranychus (red spider) is the most widespread and injurious. (b) Hot Water acts very energetically on insects and fungi, which die in contact with boiling water. Plants and their seeds generally stand heat better. That enables their parasites to be destroj'ed with- out injuring themselves. Resistance of Insects to Heat. — All insects in seed are destroyed below 100° C. (212° F.). Bruchidege (small weevils, pea-weevils) die in five minutes at 60^ C. (140° F.). Ordinary weevils do not stand 50° C. (122° F.). Grubs touched by water of 50°-80° C. (122°-176^^ F.) die without exception. Coleoptera (beetles) which sometimes stand great heat never bear 100° C. (212° F.) (Schribaux, Bussard, and Etienne). Resistance of Seed to Heat. — Seeds can undergo a dry heat without injury, whilst the action of moist heat, and of water above 60" C. (140° F.) is often injurious. Seed-corn, with the exception of maize, can support a heat of 100° C. for an hour without its germination being affected. In spite of the considerable loss in water which the grain undergoes in such conditions, seed-wheat, for example, which contained 13 per cent of water before being heated lost 9'4 of water during the operation. Their vitality is not diminished. Of Japhet seed- wheat heated for an hour in a stove at 105° C. (221° F.) 97 per cent still germinated; at 115° C. (239° F.) 95 per cent; at 116° C. (240-8° F.) 93 per cent ; at 120° C. (248° F.) 56 per cent ; at 125° C. (257° F.) 4 per cent. [Potatoes dipped in boiling water do not germinate.] During researches on the Alucite Doyere likewise succeeded in heating seed-wheat dried in vacuo to 100° C. (212° F.) without it losing its faculty of germinating. By previously drying seeds at a low temperature Jodin heated grains of seed- wheat to high temperatures without alteration. Peas and garden-cress seed heated directly to 98° C. (96-4 F.) for ten hours were no longer capable of germination, whilst others submitted to the same heat for the same time stood the heat perfectly, after being heated for twenty-four hours to 60° C. (140° F.). The peas retained a germinating capacity of 60 per cent. Therefore, if seed be heated in such a way as to allow the water to evaporate pre- viously, by heating in an open vessel or in presence of such substances as sulphuric acid, calcium chloride, and quicklime, they undergo no alteration. Seed-peas under such conditions stood heating for 206 days at 40° C. (104° F.). Resistance of Fungi to Heat. — Fungi spores are generally re- markably sensitive to moist heat, but per contra they stand dry heat well. Schindler found that the spores of the Ustilaginea which re- sist very great dry heats, are rapidly injured if the hot medium is saturated with water vapour. In these conditions the spores of black 32 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. rust perish at 60° C. (140° F.), those of brown rust at 45°-o0° C. (113°- 122° F.). Herzberg has compared the resistance of spores of different ages to the action of heat, and found the following temperatures as those at which they succumbed : — TABLE IV. — Showing the Temperattires at tchich the Spores of different Species of Ustilago are Killed. U. Jensenii. U. Avence. U. Perennans. U.Hordei. U. Tritici. Old spores . Young spores °C. 47 -50 J 50-53 °C. 45i-47i 50|-53i °C. 40^-42 47^-50^ °C. 43J-45 45^-471 46-47* 45i-47| It follows that the young spores are more resistant than the old ones, and that the temperature required to destroy the vitality of a spore is not the same for spores of different species. Use. — The sensitiveness of parasites to hot water and the com- parative resistance of plants have permitted the use of different treat- ments, especially preventive, to free plants from certain diseases. Immersion or Steeping. — This consists in dipping seeds or plants in hot water to free them from disease germs adhering to their surface. Hot Water Steeping of Seed-Corn to Kill Disease Spores. — Steeping seed-corn in hot water is practised before sowing to destroy the dormant spores of smut and bunt, which adhere to their surface and help to propagate these diseases. Brefeld, observing that cold water was injurious to the development of the spores of bunt, tried washing seed with cold water, and so obtained an appreci- able but incomplete result. On the other hand, hot water has been recognized as deadly to the spores of these fungi, and treating the seed by hot water would wholly suppress cryptogamic diseases if the seed formed the sole factor of their propagation. To get satis- factory results steeping the seeds in hot water should be done in a strictly scientific manner. It is only efficacious if the temperature of the bath has been rigorously maintained at a certain degree. A greater heat than that required to kill the spores should be avoided, for it will appreciably diminish the germiuative capacity of the seed, and may even destroy it. If there be a difference of sensitiveness between the seeds and the spores as regards heat, it is so small that a difference of a few degrees may be fatal. A low temperature should also be avoided, as it favours the disease instead of preventing it. Warm moisture helps, in fact, a premature development of the spores. The promycelium and the sporidia formed then attack the young plant as soon as hatched. It is a known fact that bunt as well as smut are more injurious to the plant the younger they attack it. When well done, steeping in hot water imparts to the seed in many cases a ' To bring to Fahrenheit, multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32. HOT WATER STEEPING OF SEED-CORN. 33 greater germinative capacity, so that the phxnt has acquired a certain development when the spores which have escaped the treatment germinate. That is one reason in favour of steeping ; the other methods of treating seed general!}' retard their germination. Steeping gave in certain cases results which it had been impossible to obtain by sulphat- ing (Kuhn's), and it is in such particular cases that its use is prescribed, in spite of the difficulties of carrying it out which the farmer has to face in a peculiarly complicated plant, and the minute practical care required to secure a good result. B. Prevost was the first to observe that steeping seed-corn in hot water diminished the power of contagion of smut. In 1888 Jensen studied this treatment with great care and perseverance. The researches of Kuhn and Sorauer in Germany, J. Eriksson in Sweden, Linhart and Mezey in Hungary, Kellermann and Swingle in America, Prillieux and Schribaux in France, confirmed Jensen's very precise observations and conclusions. The follow- ing, according to Eriksson, is the manner in which Jensen's method should be applied on the large scale. The operation requires (1) A boiler or large pot in which to boil water. (2) Three tubs : No. 1 for hot water, No. 2 for tepid water, No. 3 for cold water. (3) Two willow baskets, completely lined inside, including the lid, with bolting cloth. (4) A thermometer. After having prepared a certain amount of boiling water, 50 litres (11 gallons) are withdrawn and run into the first tub, which is cooled to the desired temperature with 40-50 litres (9-11 gallons) of cold water. In the second tub about 20 litres (4-4 gallons) of boiling water are mixed with 80 litres (17'6 gallons) of cold water so as to get a temperature between 25° or 30° C. (57°-86° F.). Cold water is run into the third tub. The seed to be treated is placed in baskets, the lids of which are carefully closed so as to enable them to be completely immersed. Each basket contains about half a bushel of seed. After firmly attaching the basket to a stick it is plunged, first in the cold water to moisten the grain completely, then the same operation is repeated in the tepid water, taking care to raise up the basket .and re-dip it several times. Finally it is dipped for five minutes in the hot water, raising and lowering the basket. The operation is finished, and the grains so treated can be immediately sown by hand, or they may well be spread out to dry. It goes without saying that it is neces- sary to disinfect the boards on which the grain is spread perfectly, as well as the bags to contain it, by hot water, bouillie bordelaise, or simply a solution of sulphate of iron. With three men and two baskets 400- 500 litres (11-13| bushels) of grain may be disinfected in an hour, at the expense of 25 centimes per hectolitre, or about Id. a bushel. Kellermann and Swmgle have simplified this process by dispensing with one of the three tubs, the cold water one. They only use a tub of water at 43°-54° C. (109-4°-129-2° F.) and a tub of water at 56° C. (132-8° F.). They use a basket of wire gauze of a capacity of 36 litres, say 8 gallons, which they only half fill with grain or simply a canvas bag. They first dip the basket for a minute in tepid water to warm the grain, then fifteen minutes in hot water at 56° C. They consider it useless alternately to raise and lower the basket into hot water. Each cereal is attacked by one or several species of rust, and it is necessary to 3 34 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. examine the action of Jensen's treatment on each of its parasites, Ustilago Hordei, Bref., on barley (Hordeum vulgare) and Ustilago Jensenii, Eost., on barley (Hordeum distichum). The steeping of grains of barley exhibits certain difficulties when these are still sur- rounded with glumes. By ordinary steeping, the spores between the gi'ains and the glumes are not killed even if the water is raised to 60° C. (140° F.), whilst in an atmosphere containing the vapour of water, Jensen has observed destruction to be complete at 524^° C. (1264" F.). Eriksson got excellent results by softening them for four hours in cold water before steeping, and allowing them to swell for four hours in an aerated place, afterwards bagging them up. It suffices, therefore, to immerse the grain for five minutes at 52-5° C. (1264^° F., Jensen), at which heat aU the spores perish. The water can, withotit fear of diminishing the germinative capacity of the seed, be heated up to 60° C. (140° F.), barley standing that heat without injury. According to Kuhn, it is injurious to leave the grain for twelve hours in cold water before proceeding to the (hot) steep, but by not exceeding four hours. Sorauer found that such was in no way injurious to the development of the seeds. Kellermann, Swingle, and Kirchner dispense entirely with the first immersion in cold water, and claim to have obtained satis- factory results by one dip in hot water at 52*5° C. (126-^° F.), even if the grains be glumed. Kirchner found that after a dip of five minutes in water of 56° C. (132"8° F.) grains of seed-barley germinated thus : — TABLE V, — Shoioing Effect of Steeping Seed-Barley in Hot Water on Germin- ative Capacity. Germijiated Germinated after tivo days. after ten days. Per cent. Per cent. Treated .... 74-5 98-0 Untreated .... 69 -TS 97-0 Besides the disinfectant action there is thus an evident increase in the germinative capacity of the seeds. Whilst the I'esearches of Kellermann, Swingle, Jensen, Linhart and Mezey, Prillieux and Schribaux confirm this observation, Hollrung is of a contrary opinion. Ustilago Tritici, Jensen (smut of wheat, Tritimmi Sativum) ; Til- letia caries, Tul., " stinking smut " or " bunt " of wheat ; Tilletia levis, Kuhn (loose or flying smut of wheat). — According to Herzberg, the spores of Ustilago Tritici are destroyed at a temperature of 48° C. (118'4° F.), and those of Tilletia do not germinate after immei-sion in water of 55°-56" C. (131°-132-8° F.). By treating w^heat grain by one immersion of five to fifteen minutes in water of 56° C. (132"8° F.), Sorauer obtained the following results : — TABLE VI. — Result of Steeping Seed-Wheat i7i Hot Water diiring different Periods of Time. Untreated grain ..... 87 per cent of plants which gave 5-17 per cent of " bunted " ears. Grain treated five minutes . . .91 per cent of plants which gave 0-2'25 per cent of " bunted " ears. „ ten minutes . . .87!; per cent of plants which gave 6-157 per cent of " bunted " ears. ,, fifteen minutes . . 87n per cent of plants which gave 0-071 per cent of " bunted " ears. HOT WATER STEEPING OF SEED-CORN. 35 By treating the grain with O'O per cent of blue vitriol he obtained S6^ pel' cent of plants. It may therefore be inferred that an immersion of five minutes suffices, and that it has an advantage over blue vitriol because it stimulates germination instead of retarding it like the latter. Klebahn, however, is of opinion that immersion has no advantage over vitriol steeping, and Kirchner asserts that it diminishes the germinative power. Selby found that the same result was got by immersion as by treatment for twenty-four hours with a solution of 0"O per cent of blue vitriol, 0"2 per cent of formaline, and 0'75 per cent of potassium sulphide. When wheat is immersed on the large scale against bunt it is well to dip the grain first in water, skim it, and cast aside all those grains which float. These are precisely the bunt-infested ones. Those which lie on the bottom of the water are alone dipped in the hot water. Ustilago Avenae, Eost. (loose smut of oats, Arena sativa) ; Ustiiago perennans, Eost. (smut of oats. Arena elatior). — The spores of Udi- lago Avenae stand air heated to 52° C. (125 '6" F.), but they do not stand dipping in hot water at 54°-56° C. (i29-2°-132-8° F.) (Sorauer). Kirchner found that seed-oats treated in that way gave the following result against untreated : — TABLE VII. — Slioioincj Effect of Steepuig Seed-Oats in Hot Water on Germin- ative Capacity. Germinated Gerjninatfd OT two days. in ten ciay^. Per cent. P(r cent. 24-75 P4-.5 6-75 81-7.5 Treated Untreated . Treatment on the large scale lowers the percentage of diseased plants:- to about 0'2-0-7 per cent (Eriksson). According to Kellermann and Swingle, a fifteen minutes' dip in water at 55*6° C. does not alter the germinative power of oats, and all authors agree in saying that the- immersion of seed-oats is better than treatment with blue vitriol, because it stimulates instead of retards the germination. It is therefore from this point of view a useful discovery, and Klebahn is of opinion that this treatment, general for all other cereals, is prescribed for oats. Urocystes occulta, Eabenh. (smut of the stems of rye). — By im- mersing seed-rye for five minutes in hot water Kirchner obtained against untreated grain the following results : — TABLE VIII. — Shelving Effect of Steeping Seed-Eye in Hot Water oti Germin- ative Capacity. Germifiated Germinated in ttvo days. in ten days. Per cent. Per cent. Treated .... 91 95-5 Untreated .... 95-25 98-0 Trials on a large scale by Klebahn did not give better results. The immersion of seed-rye presents no advantage in this case over treat- ment with blue vitriol, because it retards germination like the latter. Ustilago Panici-Miliacei, Wint. (smut of millet). — Treatment with 36 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. blue vitriol or immersion may be employed indifferently, as they both give the same result. The millet seeds must be left seven and a half to twelve minutes in water at 55° C. (131° F.). Ustilago Maydis, Corda (smut of maize). — Nijpels prescribes the immersion of maize bj^ Jensen's method ; it gives good results. Ustilago bromivora, Fisch. (smut of brome grass, Bromus arvensis). — According to Eostrup immersion has also been tried with success against this disease. Sphaerella Tuiasnei, Junez (black of cereals, CladosjMrium her- harimn). — Giltay prevented the development of this disease by immersion in hot water. Kolpin Kavn prevented it entirely on barley and oats by Jensen's immersion at 52°-53° C. (125'6°-127"4° F.) for five minutes, after previously softening the grain for fifteen minutes in cold water. Piiccinia (rust of cereals). — The numerous experiments of Galloway in America to diminish the rust of cereals by dipping the seed for fifteen minutes into water heated to 56° C. (132"8° F.) have not given the result anticipated. The treated seed gave as many •diseased plants as the untreated. That is due to the method of development of the fungus, which does not appear, in fact, to propagate itself through the seed. Immersion has also been used to prevent beet diseases, due to fungi propagated through the seed. These diseases are Pythium de Baryanuin, Hesse; Bhizoctonia violacea, Tul. (beet Ehizoctone) ; Phoma tabifica, Pril. et Del, (disease of the petioles of the leaves) ; Pleospora ■putrefaciens, Frank, (rottenness of the heart). Jensen's method has given excellent results, and it follows from the trials made by Hollrung that immersion, instead of injuring the seed, on the contrary stimulates their germination. Treatment with cold water greatly increases the germinative capacity of beet seed ; but it must not be kept ninety days after immersion before sowing, because the effect gradually disappears. If the seed be sown soon after immersion an excellent result is obtained with very few diseased plants. The procedure is as follows : The seed, in a wire-gauze basket, is immersed for six hours in cold water, left to drain ten to twelve hours in an airy place, then dipped for five minutes into water heated to 53-5° C. (128'3° F.), taking care to dip and raise the basket at regular intervals. Nothing further is required but to pass the seed into a bath of cold watei', and it may be sown at once, or after standing for not more than ninety days. Summing up, Jensen's method sometimes gives results inferior to treatment by blue vitriol, because it scarcely ever diminishes the germinative capacity of the seed treated ; it is only really prescribed for the disinfection of seed-oats, for the results are undoulitedly superior. For all other cereals blue vitriol, bouillie bordelaise, or potassium sulphide may be prescribed. The latter process was recommended by Jensen himself in 1895 (" Ceres " powder) as capable of replacing immersion. Fmmersion of Seed against Insects. — Phylloxera. — Balbiani's re- searches on resistance of phylloxera eggs show that non-rooted buds can be treated preventively by one dip of five to ten minutes in water heated to 45°-50° C. Experiments renewed in 1887 by G. Couanon, G. Henne- HOT WATER SPRAYING AGAINST MILDEW. 37 guy, and E. Salomon confirm the results obtained. This method is currently used to-day. Not only does it cause no prejudice to slips catching root, but it seems, on the contrary, to facilitate it. And the importance of this treatment is so much the greater as it follows from determinations made in Algeria (1885), in Champagne (1890), and in Lorraine (1894), that new phylloxera hot-beds have no other origin than plants coming from countries infested with this foi'midable insect. G. Couanon and J. Michon resumed the same experiments and ex- tended them to rooted plants which are most frequently used in the reconstitution of vineyards. Eooted Noah plants, dipped for three, four, and five minutes in water at 53° C. (127'4° F.) (51° C. at the exit, 123-8° F.), were planted at the same time as test samples. They took root completely, as well in the greenhouse as in the open air, and the vines grew very finely. Dipping in water at 53° C. (127'4° F.) is thus a practical and economic method for disinfecting vines, rooted or not, for it kills at the same time both the insects and their eggs. It has also the advantage over the sulphocarbonate treatment recom- mended by Mouillefert, that it does not require, like this latter, two to three hours, and has no injurious action on the plants (Balbiani). Disinfection by hot water gives very satisfactory results ; the same pro- cess has been used for other fruit trees intended for sale, and cochineals, the woolly aphis, and other injurious insects, have been simultane- ously destroyed. According to Danesi, all fruit trees, the peach excepted, stand very well being dipped for five to ten minutes into water at 53° C. (127"4° F.). To ensure complete disinfection the whole plants must be entirely dipped into the water at 53^ C. (127'4° F.), and dried in the air on a copper grating. They can then be packed in disinfected moss and despatched. Britchus Pisi, L. (pea-weevil). — To kill this insect Fletcher recom- mends the following method : A vessel is taken which is half-filled with the infested peas, and boiling water poured on until they are entirely submerged. The vessel is then filled with cold water, and left to stand for twenty-four hours. The peas which do not suffer from the treatment and which are entirely freed from the insects they sheltered can then be sown. De la Bonnefon advises to drop the peas into water and leave them there for some hours. The peas which remain at the bottom are put into an oven the temperature of which is 60° C. (140° F.). After some time they are taken out and then sown. Hot Water Spraying. — Spraying plants with hot water has not only been used to destroy injurious insects, but also to cause certain fungi to disappear, such as the ErysiphecB or mildews, which crawl on the surface of the epidermis without ever penetrating into the interior of the tissues. It is owing to this peculiarity that they can be destroyed by hot water. The leaves of plants stand without injury sprayings of 77°-85° C. (170-6°-185° F.), whilst at that temperature the mildews disappear entirely. The roots alone of the plant must be protected, because they suffer from contact with water at that temperature. Hot spraying has been used against the follow^ing mildews : Unc inula Americana, How. (oidium of the vine) ; Sjihaerotheca j^annosn. Lev. 38 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. (mildew of the rose bush) ; S2)haerotkeca Castagnei, Lev. (mildew of the hop). Hot water has found numerous applications against insects very sensitive to heat. Galeriica of the elm ; Formica, ants ; Pierides of the cabbage ; Cochylis Pyralis of the vine ; Cabbage lice ; Diaspines, Cochineals, red spider. Galeruca Cahnariensis (Galeruca of the elm). — To destroy this insect, Eobert sprays the stock and the lower part of the trees with boiling water. The time for doing so is selected when the larvae are being transformed into grubs around the stock, i.e. about the end of July or beginning of August. Formica (ants). — Boiling water destroys ants. It may be used each time that there is no risk of touching the roots, which do not stand hot water at that temperature. Pier is [Pierides of the cabbage). — When they are not destroyed when they are small, the grubs of Pierides (white butterflies) so ravage cabbage as to render them unsaleable. Eiley has observed that the grubs die when they are sprayed with water at 55° C. (131° F.), whilst cabbage leaves do not suffer at that temperature. Conchylis AmbigneUa, Hubn {Cochylis of vine) ; Tortryx vitana {Pyralis of vine). — Scalding is the best method of destroying these in- sects. It consists in spraying the stocks with boiling water when vege- tation is arrested, and when the insects have chosen the fissures in the bark as a common refuge. This process, discovered in 1828 by Benoit- Eaclet, vine grower at Romaneche (Saone et Loire), was not known until 1838. Raclet experimented on the same vines for ten years, and after having found all the advantages of scalding, he advised its use, preferably in Mai'ch or April. According to the researches published in 1868 by Terrel des Chenes, it has been definitely de- cided : (1) That scalding, even when applied ten years running, did no harm. (2) That it not only destroys Pyralis, but also many other insects of the vine. (3) That it also destroys the vegetable parasites of the vine, mosses, lichens, etc. (4) That it stops the growth of ad- ventitious buds along the old wood which is a loss of sap for the stock and thus saves pruning. However, in spite of the excellent re- sults, this method is practised very little, and that because it requires a litre of boiling water per stock, and it is not easy to use such large quantities in the middle of a field. For some years scalding of vines has become common by an improvement in the apparatus. The water is now heated in a portable boiler (fig. 1) fitted with two lugs by which it can easily be carried. It costs 30-50 francs (24s. -40s.). When the water boils the workman is warned by a whistle on the safety valve. He then fills a sort of tinned-iron coffee-pot (fig. 2", holding a litre, and covered with cloth, or better still with a double jacket, so as to prevent cooling. The water must be at 80° C. (176° F.) at the time it touches the stock for the destruction of Pi/ralis, and 90^-100° C. (194°-212° F.) for Cochylis, so that it may penetrate the silky cocoons which protect the small grubs. To increase the temperature of the water carbonate of soda may be added; 5° or 6° C. (9°-10-8^ F.) extra are tius obtained which makes up for the exterior cooling. In em|)tying the coffee-pot entirely on each stock the workman must HOT SPRAYING AGAINST COCHYLIS. •39 act rapidly. He should with the drawn-out spout of the coffee-pot pour the hot water on the stock, rising in a spiral from the bottom, so that the water at the required temperature penetrates into all the interstices of the bark. The operation must be performed from below upwards, for if scalding was begun from the top of the stock the excess of water, perforce cooled, would flow over the lower parts and fill the interstices ; the boiling water poured afterwards would have no mortal effect on the insects on the bottom of the stock, because they would not receive it directly. This precaution is parti- cularly necessary in treating old vines, because these are generally the refuge preferred by grubs owing to the rugosity of the stock. Two workmen suffice to carry out the scalding ; one feeds the fire and fills the boiler as the boiling water is drawn off, the other runs the hot water into the coffee-pots and pours their contents on the stocks. Working thus, 1500-2000 stocks can be treated per day. The boiler Fig. 2. — Coffee-Pot for Scalding Vines with Hot Water. Fig. 1.— Portable Boiler. consumes about 200 kilogrammes (4 cwt.) of coal per day. To diminish the labour, large boilers are also used, with taps to which india-rubber tubing is attached ending in a nozzle, with intermittent jet. This nozzle which projects the water on the stock has the advantage of penetrating deeply into the cracks of the bark. This process, though preferable to others, is only used in large vineyards. Scalding should be done after the vintage when the grubs have taken refuge in the bark, and before they have assumed the chrysalis form, for the latter is not so sensitive as the grub. It is carried out as soon as pruning is finished and preferably in calm, fine weather. To combat the Cochylis it is necessary to operate in October or November, whilst the grub has not yet finished its cocoon ; against the Pyralis, which re- mains all winter as a grub, proceedings can be taken all winter up to May before escape from the cocoon. In districts where props are used these are boiled by placing them in cases, into which steam is injected for eight to ten minutes, or by steeping them in boiling water 40 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEKS. for five minutes. Scalding carefully done with water at the tempera- ture indicated is always efficacious, and has no injurious action on the vines if care be taken to perform it before the appearance of the bud. It is recognized that of all the treatments adopted against the Pyralis, scalding is still that which succeeds best. But it must be carried out with a certain regularity each year, otherwise the butter- fly would again appear. This is the treatment which succeeds best against the Cochylis, provided it be done from October to November. Margantia histrionica, Hahn (the red cabbage bug). — Murfeld has shown that these small bugs do not stand water heated to 6o'5° C. (150° P.), a heat which does not alter cabbage leaves. Cochineals also suffer much from treatment with hot water. Eeh found that generally they did not stand a great heat. Water at 54° C. (129"2° F.) kills them in forty minutes and water at 55° C. (131° F.) in twenty- two minutes ; water at 60°-65° C. (140°-149° F.) kills the apple cochineal, Asjjidiottts ostreaformis, and the pear cochineal, Dias2)is jji^icoki, but most cochineal stand a greater heat. The scalding of trees in winter is, therefore, an excellent method of freeing them from all these parasites. Tetranychus telarius, L. (red spider). — In November this acarus takes refuge under the bark of the stock. The hot-water treatment can then be applied. The scalding executed as described above to destroy Pyralis can at the same time get rid of the red spider. 2. Hydrogen Peroxide, HoO^. — Prejmration. — By decomposing barium peroxide by hydrochloric acid in the cold and then precipitat- ing the baryta by sulphuric acid. BaO^ + 2HC1 = BaCL, + HoO, Barium Hydro- Barium Hydrogen peroxide. chloric chloride. peroxide, acid. Pro23erties. — Hydrogen peroxide is a colourless syrupy liquid. A heat of 27°-30° C. (80-6°-86° F.) and light decompose it into water and oxygen. Aqueous solutions are very unstable but a small amount of sulphuric acid gives them stability. Use. — The numerous applications of hydrogen peroxide in human medicine led to the expectation of good results in the treatment of plant diseases with this product. Hitchcock and Carleton tried hydrogen peroxide in solution of different strengths on the uredo- spores of Puccinia, but a solution of — TABLE IX. — Result of Ti-eatincj Puccinia Uredospores with Hydrogen Peroxide of Various Strengths. 0-1 per cent acting during 7 hours on spores of Puccinia graminis, Pers. 1-0 ,, ,, ,, 17 „ „ Puccinia Rubigo vera, Wint. ii"0 ,, ,, „ 14 ,, „ Puccinia coronata, Corda. far from destroying these spores rather favoured their development than otherwise. CHAPTEE II. HYDROGEN SULPHIDE— SULPHUR. 3. Hydrogen Sulphide (Sulphuretted Hydrogen, H.S). — Pre- paration.— By decomposincr sulphides by a dilute acid. Iron sulphide is generally used. It is dropped in pieces into a Wolff's flask, two-thirds filled with water. By running in dilute sulphuric acid through a funnel there are produced (1) iron sulphate and (2) sulphuretted hydrogen, which is collected in a gasometer. Properties. — Hydrogen sulphide is a colourless gas with the odour and taste of rotten eggs. It burns with a blue flame. It is very poisonous and treacherous, for it acts without any other warning than a bad smell. A small bird perished in an atmosphere which contained yjy ^ith ; a horse does not live long in an atmosphere containing o^o^th of this gas. Under its influence the globules of blood are unable to fix oxygen. Action on Plants. — Hydrogen sulphide is also injurious to plants ; in its presence the leaves are coloured with yellow spots, which en- tirely invade them, then the plants die. Schroder and Kerns found that to be the case in the neighbourhood of factories which disengage a certain amount through their chimneys ; gasworks amongst others, for coal gas always contains a certain quantity. An atmosphere only containing ^^j^th of hydrogen sulphide, that is to say, an amount scarcely perceptible to the smell, but slightly blackening paper steeped in lead acetate, is poisonous to the plant. However, the toxic dose varies greatly with the species of plants. Even roots themselves are capable of absorbing it, and take a blue colour (Kny). Action on Insects. — -Mouillefert has examined the action of hydro- gen sulphide on the phylloxera. "On roots exposed in a flask filled with this gas these parasites died in three minutes, but whilst at the end of that time the adults were dead, the larvae and the eggs did not appear to suffer. In an atmosphere containing 1 volume of H_,S in 150 volumes of air the phylloxeras were found dead after twenty- four hours. If it contained 1 volume of H^S in 150 volumes of air it took forty-eight hours to desti'oy these lice completely. Now, as a litre of sulphuretted hydrogen weighs 1*5 gramme, an atmosphere con- taining 1 per cent of this gas by volume only contains by weight 0'0015 per cent of that acid. As that amount represents the limit of toxicity of this gas for the phylloxera, and as it requires 0-0016 gramme of car- bon disulphide in 100 c.c. of air, it may be concluded that hydrogen sulphide is as poisonous to insects as carbon disulphide. (41) 42 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. Use. — Phylloxera. — To utilize this property, therefore, of hydrogen sulphide, it only remains to discover a process capable of giving rise to the formation of this gas in the layers of soil round an infected vine. The alkaline sulphocarbonates fulfil this object. They decom- pose in the presence of moisture and the acidity of the soil into alka- line carbonate and hydrogen sulphide. K2CS3 + HoO + CO, = KXOg + CS, -^ H,S Potassium Water. Carbonic Potassium Carbon Hydrogen sulpho- acid. carbonate. disul- sulphide, carbonate. phide. Mouillefert tried ammonium sulphide, which acts perceptibly on the phylloxera in the same way as hydrogen sulphide. He buried around the roots, after having laid them bare, 500 grammes {l^xy ^•) per stock of a mixture of 36 parts of calcium sulphide and 66 parts of sulphate of ammonia. Under the influence of moisture these two salts dissolve in the ground, and yield by double decomposition ammonium sulphide and calcium sulphate. The result was negative. Melolontha vulgaris (cockchafer). — The insecticide property of hydrogen sulphide has been utilized to destroy numerous injurious insects, living in the soil, especially the ivhite loorm. Dr. Precht has taken out a German patent to claim a process of formation of this gas in the soil. Prior thereto Roy had recommended the burying in the ground of cinders rich in iron sulphide. In Italy good results are obtained against the white worm by ploughing in white mustard, more especially mixed with oae ton of gypsum per acre. The decomposition of these plants would appear to produce much sulphuretted hydrogen. Heterodera Schachtii, Schm. — The ploughing in of crucifers and gypsum did not give the result expected. ■ Cochineals — Co ]uillet did not succeed in destroying the cochineal of the lemon by covering this tree with an awning, and disengaging sulphuretted hydrogen under this improvised " cloche ".^ 4. Sulphur, S. — Sulphur, in combination with metals and metal- loids, is very widely distributed in nature. It is chiefly met with as sulphides of iron, copper, lead, mercury, zinc, antimony, and arsenic. Native it is found in lacustrine deposits associated with marl, and especially in the precincts of volcanoes as a product derived from volcanic emanations. It is found in the mines of Vesuvius of Lateria, near Rome, in those of Etna and Stromboli. Preparation. — When sulphur forms 50 per cent of the mass in which it is incorporated, it is fused in cast-iron pots at a heat not ex- ceeding 140" C. (284° F.). The fused sulphur flows into horizontal retorts — exposed to the direct heat of a furnace — in which it is brought to the boil and the vapours conveyed into a large masonry chamber, ' Note bji Transla'nr. — But it must not be forgotten that sulphuretted hydrogen is heavier than atmospheric air in the proportion of 87 to .^1, that is, 100 cubic inches of the former weigh 87 grains, and of the latter SI grains. This difference in density must retard diffusion, so that the bottom of the plant would get an undue shar and the top less than its share. Instead therefore of placing the generating vessel on the ground it should be at least well up the tr.e. PREPARATION OF SULPHUR. 43 in which flowers of sulphur are first collected before the chamber becomes heated. The sulphur which follows comes in contact with the more hot sides, and when these have reached a temperature of 110^ C. (236^ F.) it coadenses in the liquid state and runs into wooden moulds through an opening for the purpose. Brimstone is so ob- tained. For agricultural purposes sulphur is prepared under different forms: (1) Sublimed sulphur, or Flozvers of sulphur, is an extremely fine powder of a yellow straw colour, which, examined under the microscope, appears as small rounded grains, studded with small points. It often contains sulphurous acid and sulphuric acid in the proportion of 1 per cent. (2) Ground sulphur is obtained h\ the pulverization, grinding, and sifting of brimstone. Ground sulphur can now be obtained, the fineness of which almost equals flowers of sulphur. It has the advantage of being neutral and cheaper. It con- sists of angular gi-ains, and is paler than sublimed sulphur. (3) Wind- hloivn sulphur is of a bright colour, absolutely neutral, and can be passed through a 100 sieve, which proves that it is almost as fine as pre- cipitated sulphur. It shows branching particles under the microscope and grains of regular dimensions. Like ground sulphur, it neither contains sulphm-ous nor sulphuric acid. It is dearer than gi'ound sulphur. (4) Precipitated sulphur is impalpable. It is extracted from the spent material used for gas purification ; when it is imperfectly purified it still contains tar, c^'anides, and, as it is somewhat hygi'o- metric, it burns the leaves. Hence its restricted use in the sulphuring of plants. It is obtained, also, by a chemical method : alkaline poly- sulphides, treated by hydrochloric acid in aqueous solution, give off hydrogen sulphide, and deposit at the same time a precipitate of almost white sulphur. This precipitated sulphur is dearer than the foregoing ; it contains sulphuretted hydrogen and alkaline sulphides. (5) Mix- tures containing sulphur. — In nature sulphur often occurs mixed with gypsum, carbonate of lime, sand, in proportions varying from 5 to 40 per cent. Such minerals are ground finely and marketed as Apt sul- phur and Briabaux sulphur. The " Minerale Greggio " extracted in Sicily is an earth containing 40 per cent of sulphur, 2 per cent of alkaline carbonate, 11-8 per cent of carbonate of lime, 42 per cent of maguesia, 36 per cent of sulphate of lime, a little iron, clay, and arsenic. The value of these mixtures depend on their sulphur con- tent; the gypsum and carbonate of lime have no anticryptogamic property. In many cases they are preferred, and that is what has contributed to the preparation of artificial mixtures containing 10- 50 per cent of sulphur only. The Fonta powder, used since 1857, contains 10 per cent of sulphur and 90 per cent of talc. A marble worker of Saint-Beat, having tried a mixture of 50 per cent of ground marble, and 50 per cent of sulphur, found that this very efficient treatment occasioned no scorching on the vine, even during great heat. Neutral mixtures have, therefore, been prepared for this purpose, con- taining 50 per cent of sulphur and 50 per cent of gypsum, carbonate of lime, or clay. Now that cryptogamic diseases, like mildew and black rot, have invaded the vine already attacked by oidium, attempts have been made to reduce the multiplicity of treatments by mixing 44 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. sulphur with cupric powders. These powders, such as " Cupro-Calcite," will be dealt with when treating on oidium and mildew. Use. — The use of sulphur goes back to 1846. It was by rule of thumb that the remedy was first discovered by the gardener Kyle, in experimenting in the greenhouses of Lyton with mixtures of sulphur and lime. At that time sulphur was already known as capable of curing mildew, and some gardeners used it. But when, in 1848, the oidium appeared, destroying the crops in the neighbourhood of Paris, J. B. Dumas, the Minister of Agriculture, ordered the disease known as Oidium Tuckeri to be examined, and the different remedies recom- mended to combat it to be tested. It ■was thus that Duchartre, Professor of Botany at the new Agronomical Institute of Versailles, aided by Hardy, the gardener of the palace, undertook the study of the action of sulphur, and that he decided it to be efficient against the oidium. Gouthier, horticulturist at Montrouge, constructed at this time a bellows for sulphuring, which contributed much to spread the use of sulphur around Paris. Henceforth, owing to this use of sulphur it was pos- sible to contend against the oidium, and in 1852 and 1853 the vines of Chasselas and Thommery were entirely preserved. Sceptical vine- growers, persuaded that the oidium could only develop on perishing vines, sought at the same time a remedy by improving the culture. The good results obtained in 1852, 1853, and 1854, by Lafforgue, Eose, Charmaux, Eendu, and Mares, were disputed by Cazalis AUut, who, after six sulphurings, executed on 140 hectares (350 acres), did not sup- press the oidium. There were long gropings in the dark, unsuccessful years, nevertheless, owing to the persevering efforts and profound study of Mares, a vine-grower of Herault, the action of sulphur on oidium was not long left in doubt. From 1857 sulphuring has spread more and more, and owing to this treatment oidium is no longer propagated to such an extent as to cause serious damage in vineyards. To contend against this disease France alone consumes 100,000 tons of sulphur. How does Sulphur' Act ? — The different kinds of sulphur sold in commerce have not the same anticryptogamic value. In a general way that value is proportional to their pure sulphur content and to the fineness of division. Precipitated sulphur and blown sulphur are the products which attain the highest degree of fineness ; sublimed sulphur and ground sulphur come very near them. In the manufacture of ground sulphur great progress has been realized of late years ; formerly, in fact, it required 80 lb. to obtain a result analogous to that got from 40 lb. of sublimed sulphur, whilst now equal weights of these two products have the same anticryptogamic value, The adherence of the sulphur to the leaves depends on its fineness. From this point of view blown sulphur and precipitated sulphur are much superior to sublimed and ground sulphur, but the former are too dear. In extensive exploitations where they used sublimed sulphur almost exclusively, they have begun to replace the latter by ground sulphur, which has the advantage, like blown sulphur, of containing neither sulphuric acid nor sulphurous acid, and thus does not burn the leaves during great heat. To obviate the HOW SULPHUE ACTS. 45 drawbacks which sublimed sulphur has of grilling the leaves and irritating the eyes of the operators, it has been ground with inert bodies capable of neutralizing the acids which it contains. Neutral mixings, with a much more gentle action on the plant, and which. act in the same way as the neutral sulphur above described, are thus obtained. It is thus that mixtures containing gypseous, bituminous, calcareous ingredients are met with, which have at the same time the advantage of favouring adherence in rainy weather. Many pre- parations are used in the south of France, and in Algeria, where they are specially applied for August treatment ; but a larger amount must be used in inverse proportion to the sulphur content. It was in- teresting to know the action of sulphur on fungi living as parasites on plants, and several scientists devoted themselves to this study. It is recognized that the destruction of the parasite is more rapid the warmer the weather. With a temperature of 30°-40° C. (86°-104° F.) destruction occurs in one to three days ; from 25° C to 30° C. (77°-86° F.) it is already slower and takes four to five days ; below 25° C. (77° F.) it is still more slow. According to Mach, Vesque, Sorauer, Hollrung and Dufour, this action of sulphur on the mycelium of fungi results from the formation of sulphurous acid, formed by the slow combustion of sulphur under the action of the sun and heat. Pollacci, on the other hand, believes that the sulphur is transformed into sulphuretted hydrogen, the vapours of which have a very energetic action on fungi. The third opinion is that of Mares and Mohr, who believe that the sulphur acts of itself, i.e. by its own vapour. The first hypothesis seems in fact inadmissible, for the simple reason that the sulphur cannot be transformed into sulphurous acid except at high tempera- tures and only by its combustion. But the sulphur does not act only on the mycelium of the fungi where it is in contact with it ; sulphur placed at a distance acts equally well. Spread on the soil around the plant, it acts perfectly well if the temperature reaches 25°-30° C. (77°-86° F.). This observation was noted as regards greenhouses by Bergmann, Lord Eothschild's gardener in 1853, and by Viala, for vines in the open air. If it be therefore recognized that sulphur acts by the vapours which it emits, the nature of such vapours remains to be examined. Sulphurous acid must not be dreamt of ; jo^^^th of this acid in the air would burn the leaves. In warm and cold greenhouses where the plants are unceasingly .exposed to the vapours of the sulphur emitted from the sulphur spread on the soil, these would not resist long if the ambient air contained sulphurous acid. The effects of this acid, to be examined further on, are disastrous to plants, and if it be admitted that sublimed sulphur burns plants, this drawback is only due to the presence of sulphurous and sulphuric acids. The formation of sulphuretted hydrogen is equally impossible. To determine of what the nature of the vapours emitted from sulphur when it is spread on the leaves and the soil and exposed to the action of the air and the sun may be at temperatures of 25°-40° C. (77°-104° F.), the author (Bourcart) made a series of laboratory experi- ments. Sulphur mixed with dry or moist soil with or without humus was placed in flasks with a tubulure. After having arranged these 46 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. flasks on a water-bath heated to So'^-50° C. (95°-122° F.), pure oxygen or a simple current of ah' was passed over these mixtures and the experi- ments kept up for eight days. At the exit from the flasks the gas passed through a series of bottles containing substances to retain sulphurous acid in some, hydric sulphide in others. Analyses made of the liquids collected and of the soil mixed with sulphur gave no trace of sulphurous acid, nor of hydrogen sulphide, hyposulphite, or sulphuric acid. Between 25° and 50° C. (77°-122° F.) therefore sulphur undergoes no chemical modification, and if it acts at this tempera- ture on fungi it is by its own vapours. The odour of a greenhouse or a vineyard is in fact never that of sulphurous acid or hydric sulphide but that of sulphur. There is another reason in favour of the sulphuring of vines. Sulphur would appear in fact to have a direct action on vegetation which it renders more vigorous ; it favours fecundation and otherwise stimulates the maturity of the grape which generally ripens eight days earlier. It is therefore advantageous to sulphur the vine even in the absence of cryptogamic parasites. How should Sulphur be Applied ? — Sulphur is generally used as a curative agent, and sometimes as a means of prevention. There is no absolute rule for applying sulphur, the essential point is to do it at the right time. The adhesion of sulphur can, in fact, be increased by applying it when the plants are still covered with dew, or after artificial moistening, but that is not indispensable, for dry sulphur generally adheres well enough on the leaves, and chiefly on the diseased parts. The mycelium of the Erysiphecs retained, in fact, lumps of sulphur, which persist longer on the spots attacked than on the healthy spots. If a persistent rain comes on or a storm in twenty- four hours after sulphuring, it is well to repeat the operation. Sulphur- ing may be done at any hour of the day. The dose of sulphur should suffice to cover entirely the diseased parts. During great heat it suffices to spread the sulphur on the ground at the foot of the plant. Sulphuring has been used preventively in greenhouses to prevent all cryptogamic diseases from appearing. The sulphur is spread on the soil, or on the heating pipes once a year. The plants thus live in a special atmosphere containing sulphur, which is opposed to the development of fungi, without injuring the plant. Different utensils- have been used to spread the sulphur. The most simple is the Sablier ordinaire, a vessel of tinned iron, the bottom of which is per- forated. It is filled with sulphur and shaken above the diseased plant. This instrument, however, much used in the south, has the drawback of spreading the sulphur very irregularly, and in too large quantity on the diseased plant. The Sablier houjjjje is constructed on the same style, but it contains meshes of wool which sift the sulphur and distribute it more regularly. But these primitive instruments have been almost everywhere replaced by bellows or blowers. The first was constructed in 1852 by Gonthier, and greatly helped to popularize sulphuring. This is the bellows still used in gardens. It consists of a box to contain the sul])hur, which is fitted with a flat pipe at one of its extremities and an ordinary bellows at the other. For large vine- yards there is a more practical instrument, which carries a larger HOW SULPHUR IS APPLIED. 47 quantity of sulphur. It is a sort of hood, called a sonfreuse, which the workman places on his back, and which can contain 10-12 kilo- grammes (22-26-4 lb.) of sulphur. It is filled by an air-pump, with fan, which is wrought by a lever and a projector, the extremity of which, ending in a Eaveneau jet, distributes the sulphur as a mist. The complete apparatus costs 28 francs (22s. 4-8d.). It can treat 1-2 hectares (2-^-5 acres) a day. It must be perfectly cleaned after each operation, so that the sulphuric acid of the sulphur does not damage the metal part. The action of the sulphur on the Erysij^hecB is un- questionable, the mycelium of which, crawling on the surface of the organs attacked, is quickly disorganized. All the mildews may there- fore be effectively overcome, and it suffices for the purpose to sulphur at each approach of these parasites. But the use of sulphur does not stop there. In certain cases, in fact, where the mycelium cannot be destroyed, as the plant itself protects it, it destroys the external organs Fig. 3. — Ths Regulator Sulphur Bellows. Fig. 4.— The Torpedo Sulphur Distributor. of fructification, such as the Conidio-pliorea, and prevents the disease from assuming too great an extension by that alone. It is thus that sulphur acts on certain Pero^iosjMrecs and Black blights. Diseases of a bacterian nature may sometimes be contended against preventively by the disinfection of the seed by sulphur. Sulphur also acts ener- getically on certain insects with a soft skin, and, according to Berlise, its action is rendered more efficient by steeping it in wood tar and then drying it. It has been found, however, to have no action on plant lice or cochineal. Use against Bacteria. — x^mongst the bacterian diseases of plants the following can be treated with svilphur : — BoUenness or Moist Gangrene of the Potato ; Potato Scab ; Botten- ness of the Siveet Potato {Batates edulis). — Nijpels and Stone recom- mend the use of sulphur preventively against these diseases. They advise that the potatoes intended to be planted be rolled in flowers of sulphur after being completely moistened so that the flowers of sulphur adhere more completely. They also recommend flowers of sulphur to be spread in the fuiTOWs in which the potatoes are planted. 48 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. Halsted estimates that manure with 170 kilogrammes of sulphur per hectare, say 150 lb. per acre, especially if it be accompanied with a manuring of 175 kilogrammes per hectare (154 lb. per acre) of kainit, gives resiilts quite as satisfactory as the usual disinfection of the tubers by corrosive sublimate. Nijpels, who controlled these experiments, found, however, that his own process gave a better result. Use against Fungi. — Amongst the Peronospora we may quote Cystojnis candidiis, Lev. (white rust of the Cruciferae) ; Cystojnis cubicus, de By (white rust of the Compositae). The sulphuring re- commended by Weiss to combat white rust can have no effect, except preventively, at the time of lifting the seed. Then several sulphurings are applied, working preferably in the morning during the dew. UredinecB (rusts injurious to cereals). — Sulphur has no action on these diseases, the mycelium of which grows exclusively in the body of the nurse plant, and the spores of which are generally formed under the epidermis of the plant. The failure of Galloway, Hitch- cock, Carleton, and Kellermann, was, therefore, to be foreseen. To disinfect the soil of these fields, as well as the wheat seed already sown, and prevent rust, Galloway tried burying sulphur in large quantities underground, but there was no improvement. These ex- periments, in fact, had no chance of succeeding, for it is known that the fungi of rust are heteroic, that is to say, they possess different methods of reproduction, which succeed each other during the course of the year on different plants in a determined order. Thus the barberry carries a form of fructification of the rust of wheat known under the name of Aecidium. The infection of the fields does not come from the seed but from the neighbourhood of certain special plants. Amongst the Erysijihe we may quote Erysiplie communis, Wallr. (mildew of the pea and bean). We can efficiently contend against this fungus, either by the use of sulphur or of sulphur and lime. Prillieux holds that sulphuring done as soon as the first spots appear may completely save the crop invaded. In the same category the most important of all the diseases, that which has caused the greatest ravages, is, without doubt, the disease known under the name of Uncinula Americana, How. (oidium of the vine). Since the decisive researches of Mares, vine-grower of Herault, it has been possible owing to the use of sulphur to contend victoriously against this plague without, however, causing it to dis- appear completely. It is quite as lively as when it first appeared, but by the rational application of sulphur its development can be circum- scribed and its action on crops prevented. The disease always assumes new vigour when vine-growers are negligent in the execution of this treatment. But so that the latter may be absolutely efficient, it must be practised in special conditions. It is evidently difficult to fix in a precise manner for all regions the number of sulphurings to apply and the proj)er times, so as to protect the vine from invasion. Mois- ture and heat are, in fact, important factors of the development of the oidium ; the question of climate, of .exposure, of the year itself, have a great influence on the time of treatments and their number. There APPLICATION OF SULPHUR. 49 are two methods of sulphuring vines : (1) The rej^ressive method, which consists in sulphuring each time the disease appears on a certain part of the vine. That requires great attention on the part of the vine-grower, who should not let the disease extend too far. (2) The preventive method, which is most in use, consisting of three sulphurings at fixed intervals. The first sulphuring is applied when as yet no oidium has been observed at the time when the young branches reach 8-10 centi- metres (3'2-4 inches) in length. The second at the time of flower- ing, and the third some days before veraison, taking care to sulphur the grapes chiefly. A supplementary sulphuring may be intercalated between the second and the third if special conditions are favourable to the reappearance of the disease at that moment. Dufour advises two treatments before flowering, the first, before the complete expansion of the leaves, the second a little before flowering. Spring sulphurings in no way injure the plant, and they may be executed at any hour of the day. But those which must be made in the hot season may in- jure the vines, the leaves of which are burned by the sulphur under the action of the sun. It is then necessary to comply with the follow- ing indications : — (1) To use neutral sulphurs, chiefly mixtures, containing but little sulphur, instead of flowers of sulphur, always slightly acid, and because the former have a much more gentle action than pure sulphur. (2) To spread the sulphur preferably on the soil, instead of projecting it directly on the plant. This process is not only efiicient, but without the drawbacks described above (Viala). When these few precautions are neglected, a large part of the crop is liable i;o be lost, owing to the corrosive action of the sulphur. The dose to apply at each sulphuring depends on the state of growth of the vine and the system of planting. For the first treatment it is well to use 15-20 kilogi-ammes (33-44 lb.) of flowers of sulphur per hectare (13-2-17'6 lb. per acre). At the time of flowering the dose is raised to 30 kilogrammes of flowers of sulphur (66 lb. per hectare, 26"4 lb. per acre) or 50 kilogrammes (110 lb. per hectare, 44 lb. per acre) of ordinary ground sulphur. Finally for the third opera- tion it is necessary to spread 40 kilogrammes of sublimed sulphur (88 lb. per hectare, 35*2 lb. per acre) or 60-70 kilogrammes of ground sulphur per hectare (52*8-61"6 lb. per acre) and about 100 kilogrammes of Apt sulphur (220 lb. per hectare, 88 lb. per acre). When the ground sul- phur is as fine as the sublimed, the quantity to use will be the same as for the latter. To preserve hothouse vines it suflices to spread sulphur on the soil once a year ; any invasion is prevented by this single treatment. Since other cryptogamic diseases — mildew, black rot, and others — have ravished the vine, attempts have been made to reduce the multiplicity of treatments, and cupric powders have been mixed with the sulphur, the isolated action of which is recognized as effica- cious against these diseases. It has been advised to add 5 per cent of blue vitriol to the sulphur, or to incorporate sulphur in the cupric bouillies. There is even on the market a preparation known under the name of " cuprocalcite," which has in Germany the reputation of being at 25° more active than sulphur (Mohr). This product would appear to form a protective coat on the leaves, and by its adherence preserves 4 50 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. the plants longer against new invasions of oidium. But this opinion is not accepted, and it is generally believed that sulphur does not act in the presence of common salt. Pollacci and P. Viala condemn these mixtures, the first, because he believes that sulphur is not oxidized in the presence of copper salts, the second, because the experiments made at the Montpellier schools showed tbat these mixtures could neither prevent nor arrest the oidium and mildew. Mach and Mares agree upon that point, and this is the explanation : Copper salts have, in fact, the drawback of catching the vapours of sulphur, converting them into insoluble and inactive copper sulphide. If it be taken that sulphur acts by its vapours, it is evident that the action of the product is destroyed. These remarks are also of value in regulating the double treatment with sulphur and cupric bouillies. Since the intro- duction into viticultural practice of sulphating against mildew and black rot, the question of ascertaining whether siilphuring should be done before sulphating, or vice versa, has been often discussed. Laurent advises to precede the first sulphuring by the first sulphating, the second sulphating being done after flowering. But as the sulphur acts for four to five days, it is well to let this interval elapse between sulphuring and sulphating, so that these two treatments do not mutually destroy the effects of each other. Drawbacks to Sulphuring. — Workmen engaged in sulphuring with sublimed sulphur sometimes have bad eyes, especially if they do not take the precaution to work with the back to the wind. To obviate this drawback, it is well to make them wear spectacles with cloth side- pieces, and to make them bathe the eyes several times a day with fresh water. Sulphur also gives sometimes a slight taste to the wine, owing to hydrogen sulphide, formed during fermentation. But this drawback is always caused by too dilatory sulphuring. If the wine still contains sugar, and is fermenting, it must be drawn off after fining in a cool cellar. If it does not contain sugar and already drawn off, it must be protected from any new production of hydrogen sulphide by the following treatment : In the case of wine with a feeble taste, one or two drawings off, during which the liquid is allowed to flow in a thin stream into a tank, may suffice to let the hydrogen sulphide escape into the air. L. Mathieu advises to run the wine in a stream over a plate of polished copper, so that it runs into a film : one part of the gas escapes into the air, the other is fixed by the copper. The copper plate must be cleaned from time to time with emery paper when it is blackened. If these methods do not suffice, sulphurous acid must be added to the wine as bisulphite of potash (metabisulphite of potash), about 10 grammes per hectolitre, say 7 grains per gallon. The two gases mutually destroy each other with the deposition of sulphur, which simple fining after a few days will completely carry down into the lees. By using for the last operation only 40 kilogrammes of sublimed sulphur per hectare (35"2 lb. per acre) or a stronger dose of Apt sulphur or any other product of low sulphur content, this draw- back need not be feared. Oidium Fragarice, Harz (oidium of the strawberry). — Sulphuring USE OF SULPHUE AGAINST FUNGI. 51 gives excelleat results (Sorauer) ; Phyllactinia suffulta, Eebent. (mildew of the hazel and the ash-tree) ; ^licrosjylKera Gross idar ice, Wallr. (mildew of the gooseberry leaf). Nijpels and Sirodot affirm the success of sulphuring. Spharotheca Castagnei (mildew of the hop). — Nijpels recommends to fight it, like the oidium of the vine, by three sulphurings, the first before flowering, the second during flowering, and the third when the cones are completely developed. SpharotJicca jjannosa, Lev. (mildew of the rose and the peach). — By methodical sulphuring, applied as soon as the disease appears, the rose bushes, most sensitive to this mildew, may be quickly cured. Vesque, Briosi, and Eegel regard sulphur as the most sure and efficient method. The curative treatment of the peach miller (meunier du pecher) also consists in two or three sulphurings applied after ten days' interval. Fiimagine (smut of fruit trees). — Sulphur has the same action on capnodium as on mildews, but to be completely successful it is necessary to fight the lice and the cochineal, which are the first cause of the fumagine. Amongst the Sphaeraceae capable of being fought with sulphur there may be mentioned : — Dematophora necatrix (white root rot of vine, etc.). — Narbonne has tried sulphur against vine rot. He advises to pull up the most badly attacked stocks ; to lay bare the stocks not so badly attacked as deep as possible, and dust the roots abundantly with sulphur. It is useful to renew this operation several times before the stocks are covered up. again. Black Blights, the mycelium of which is in the interior of the plant, are more difficult to reach by sulphur, but as their organs of fructifica- tion, the conidiophores, are formed on the surface of the leaf, those- organs can be got at by sulphur. The propagation of the disease is thus fettered. In this class are : — Sphcerella Fragarice, Sacc. (spots of the leaf of the strawberry). — This very common and often harmless disease may, when it is intensely severe, stop the development, and entail the death of the plant. Nijpels recommends sulphur mixed with Hme to prevent the disease on young plants. Septoria Petroselini, Dmz. (var. Ap. Br. et Cav.), injurious to celery, is fought by sulphuring, like the Cercospora Apii (Duggar, Baily, and Sturgis). Gloeosporium avipelophagum, Sacc. (grape rot). — This disease may be fought by sulphuring, but to succeed it must be applied in the beginning of the attack, so as to hinder the germination of the spores. To stimulate the action of the sulphur it is mixed with pul- verized iron sulphate or lime. Paul Sol advises a very abundant first sulphuring before flowering, to distribute them plentifully in the same spots, and then to sow ferrous sulphate broadcast, 50 kilogrammes per hectare (44 lb. per acre). If the epidemic be not arrested it is necessary to renew this treatment. Viala obtained good results from mixture of sulphur and lime applied in the following proportions : — 52 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. TABLE X. — Shoiving Proportions of Sulphur and Lime used in Mixtures against Anthracnose at Different Stages of Treatment. First Second Third treatment. treatment. treatment. Sulphur ... 4 parts 3 parts 2 parts Lime . . . 5 „ 2 „ 3 „ The first treatment is applied when the shoots are 8-10 centimetres (3-2-4 inches), the succeeding treatments every fifteen days. Briosi tells us that this sulphur and lime treatment is in actual use to fight anthracnose in the provinces of Pavia, Cuneo, and Messina. Solutions of sulphate of iron are reserved for winter treatment. Cercosjiora Apii, Fr. (celery leaf blight). — Sturgis, Duggar, and Baily agree as to the efficacy of sulphur in fighting this disease when applied on a hot day, in which case sulphur is superior to all other ■chemical agents. Scribner dissents, and asserts that sulphur has little ■or no action. It is evident that sulphur cannot reach the fungus developed in the interior of the leaf, but in destroying the organs of fructification it may stop the propagation of the disease. Cladospori'um fulviwi, Cooke (tomato leaf rust). — Mohr and Nijpels found that sulphur acts more effectively than copper salts to arrest this disease. Clematite {large flowered), variety of Clematis patens, lanuginosa et florida, disease of. — This disease, to which many fine ornamental plants succumb, is attributed to the Aecidium clematidis or Aecidium engleria- num, sometimes to Nematodes. The clematites disease cannot be circumvented by copper salts. But Fourrat found it possible to pre- vent it by laying bare the root, which he dusted with sulphur and afterwards covered with soil. The author's (Bourcart) experiments did not confirm this result. Use of Sulphur against Insects. — Crioceris Asparagi, L. — Miss ^ Ormerod killed these insects by a spray consisting of 1 lb. of soap, 1 lb. of sublimed sulphur, and 1 lb. of soot, in 10 gallons of water. Haltica nemorum, L. (earth flea). — These minute Coleoptera gnaw the leaves of young plants, and, owing to their numbers, cause great damage. Their destructive work may be stopped by dusting the plants, whilst still small, with a mixture consisting of 3 kilogrammes (6-6 lb.) of sublimed sulphur, 5 kilogrammes (11 lb.) of soot, and 50 litres (If bushels) of quicklime per hectare (2-^ acres). In the author's opinion the quicklime would have a preponderant action. Haltica ampelop)haga, Guer. (altise of the vine). — D'Aurelles de Paladines proposes to fight them with sublimed sulphur, or better, pre- cipitated sulphur from gasworks. A more energetic method consists in using a mixture of black snuff, 12-15 kilogrammes, and Apt sulphur, 85-88 kilogrammes per hectare (10-4:-13-2 lb. and 74-8-77-4 lb. per acre). A mixture of Apt sulphur and newly slaked lime may also be used. Ephippigera Bitterensis {Ephippiger of Beziers), Ephippigera Vitium (vine ephippiger). — These grasshoppers devour the leaves, the ' Not M. (= Monsieur as in original). USE OF SULPHUR AGAINST INSECTS, 53 young vine shoots, and the grapes. The crop is sometimes seriously- compromised in the South of France by the great number of these Locustides. The grapes may be protected from their voracity by dusting the bunches in June, at the time when the Ephippigeres- appear, with a mixtiire containing equal parts of sulphur and lime (Valette). Eriocampa adumbrata (slug worm, or slimy caterpillar of pear-tret saw-fly). — Goethe recommends ground sulphur against the sticky larvae of this saw-fly. This treatment is in common use in the Tyrol (Fischer). Carpocapsa Po^nonella, L. (codlin moth), the grub of which renders apples wormy. The sulphuring of apple trees, after flowering, is very ef&cient in drawing off the butterfly and preventing it laying its eggs on the young apples. Phylloxera vastatrix (phylloxera of the vine). — Two processes have been used ; that of Saintpierre, tried unsuccessfully, is quoted as a matter of history. It consisted in making a hole in the vine with a gimlet and in introducing 3 grammes of sulphur, then in re-closing the hole with a plug. The second process, that of Aman-Vigie, consisted in injecting into the soil, by means of a special bellows, a mixture of sulphur and sulphurous acid. But these vapours do not diffuse well in the soil and only penetrate it imperfectly. Henneguy, after trying this process, concluded that, applied in July and August, it exerted an unfavourable action on the propagation of this insect. If it be not capable of entirely freeing the vine from its parasite, it kills a sufiicient number to allow the plant to live normally. Use against Acari. — Tetranychus telarius, L. (red spider). — In hothouses it may be fought with sulphur. Maynard advises to heat the sulphur in a pot till it gives off fumes without inflaming. This operation should be renewed two or three times a week for several months. Sturgis asserts that this process destroys at the same time the Peronospora, De By, which resists repeated sulphurings in the open air. Tetranychus hiocidatus, W.M. (red spider of tea). — Playfair recom- mends to destroy it to spread on the tea before cutting 50 to 60 kilo- grammes of sulphur per hectare (44-52-8 lb. per acre). Eriophyes Vitis, Land., syn. Phytoptus Vitis (erinosis of the vine). — Erinosis may be arrested by repeated sulphuring, commencing some- time after the formation of the buds, when the branches are 8-10 centimetres ('3'2-4 inches) in length. Couderc advises a hot day in spring for the operation. Eriophyes Malinus, Nal., syn. Eriniuin Malinum (erinosis of apple and pear). — Sulphuring applied from bottom to top produces a satis- factory effect. Eriophyes Piri, Pgst. C. (brown rust of the pear), syn. Phytoptus Piri. — Repeated sulphurings are efficacious if applied before the ap- pearance of the disease. . Phyllocop)tes Schlechtendali, Nal. (browning of leaves of pear and apple trees). — This fungus is readily accessible to insecticides, and sulphur acts in a sure manner. CHAPTER III. CARBON BISULPHIDE, CS^. 5. Carbon Disulphide. — Preparation. — By projecting fragments of sulphur on to red-hot coals. On the large scale, vertical cast-iron cylinders built in masonry are used. They are filled with charcoal, which is kindled. As soon as it has reached a sufficient heat, the sulphur is introduced, gradually, through a side pipe. The sulphur melts, then vaporizes, and combines as vapour with the incandescent carbon. The gas escapes through a top pipe which communicates with two reservoirs, the first of which retains entrained sulphur, the second, which is cooled by a bath of cold water, condense? the vapours of carbon disulphide. The uncondensed gases, which are hydrocarbides, escape through a top pipe. Carbon disulphide flows into zinc reservoirs, where it is preserved under water. It may be rectified by drying it over fused calcium chloride and finally distilling it on a water-bath. For agricultural purposes, this rectification is useless ; carbon disulphide in that case is led directly from the tank into the wrought- iron barrels, in which it is dispatched. The annual production of this product in France exceeds 2000 tons, almost the whole of which is used in agriculture. Properties. — Carbon disulphide is a colourless liquid w^ith a pleasant smell when it is pure, but almost always fetid on account of impurities which it contains. It is a very mobile liquid, which boils at 45° C. (123° F.j, and consequently vaporizes with rapidity in an open vessel. Its vapours form with air mixtures capable, like coal gas, of detonating at the approach of a flame or an incandescent ob- ject. Owing to its ready inflammability the manipulation of carbon disulphide necessitates great precautions, and should be carried out far from any source of heat or flame, and wholly in the open air. Smoking is therefore forbidden in the sheds where it is handled, and when it is employed in the field the iron barrels containing this pro- duct should be deposited far from dwellings, and protected from the sun. To prevent the losses which would result from the evaporation from a cask being emptied, a good precaution is to run a small quantity of water into the cask. The water forms on the surface of the carbon disulphide a protecting layer, for the density of the water is lower than that of the sulphide. To ascertain the quantity of this liquid left in a barrel, a rod coated with tallow may he dipped into it. The rod will come back clean on all the part which touched the carbon disulphide, this product being a solvent for all fats. Carbon disulphide (54) ACTION OF CARBON BISULPHIDE ON PLANTS. 55 is almost insoluble in water ; the latter can dissolve at 1000th part of its weight. On the other hand, it is miscible, in all proportions, with absolute alcohol, and with a great number of organic bodies rich in carbon,. such as fats, resins, camphors, vaselines. It exercises a very . decided deleterious action on the animal economy ; it produces head- ache and nausea, and after a certain time it may debilitate the nervous system. Its intoxications are not generally dangerous, for they cease by the simple removal of the cause. The workmen who handle this product are subject to its effects if precautions are not taken to protect them from the vapours. A dose of 120-150 grammes absorbed by the alimentary canal kills a dog. Carbon disulphide is used in medicine as an antiseptic against typhus, cholera, tuberculosis (Chiandi-Bey), against cancers (Whittaker), intestinal catarrh, and especially infectious diarrhoea (Dujardin Beaumetz), finally as an emmenagogue and anaesthetic. In the form of vapour it is used against helminthiasis and different diseases of the skin (Lewin). Action of Carbon Disulphide on Plants. — Carbon disulphide is poisonous to plants. According to Sandsten it stops the movements of the protoplasm as soon as the plant comes in contact with even a very small dose of this agent. It is more injurious to the plant the more its application corresponds with a greater activity of the sap. The same doses used in winter without prejudicing the plants may become deadly in spring or in summer. Carbon disulphide is as in- jurious to the roots as to the part above ground. Plants should never therefore come in contact with pure carbon disulphide, nor into an atmosphere too highly charged with vapours of this insecticide. According to the experiments of Boiteau the roots may die if they are 4 inches from the spot where the carbon disulphide was injected into the soil. At the dose of 5 c.c. of carbon disulphide per 4 litres of soil, say at the rate of 5 oz. measures of carbon disulphide per 4000 oz. measures {B^ bushels) of soil, the vine would inevitably die ; 2 c.c. of the same product injected into the same quantity of soil (4 litres) might be injurious to a potted plant. The moisture of the soil tones down to a certain extent the injurious action of carbon disulphide ; its effect is so much the more injurious to the soil the more dry the soil and the higher the temperature. Just as much as con- tact with carbon disulphide and its vapours in strong doses are deadly to plants, so also to a like extent are weak doses indifferent to them when they are brought into contact with the roots either in 1 per cent solution in water, or in the form of vapour. The strong doses applied at the beginning of the phylloxeric invasion always entail the death of the vine, as well as that of its formidable parasite, whilst the cultural doses now used not only do not injure the vine but impart to it exceptional vigour. However, carbon disulphide prodvices even in a small dose, as Vincey has observed, an injurious action on the plant ; but this action is only a passing one and hardly perceptible. In this way vines treated with small doses of carbon disulphide before the unhairing of the buds are thrown back seven to eight days beyond those not treated. Summer treatment always entails a passing slackening in the growth of the plant. Different plants vary in their 56 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES, sensitiveness to this reagent, and it has been observed, for example, that trees generally support larger doses than annual plants. The aerial part of the plant also withstands carbon disulphide up to a certain limit, soapy emulsions and fumigations of carbon disulphide which, according to Morren, are not toxic up to y-gVo- Goethe has observed that the vine can stand fumigations for twelve hours at 20° C. without suffering. Before the ascent of the sap the vapours of carbon disulphide may be prolonged without injury, and the dose in the same way. Targioni-Tozetti found that the dose of 2 per cent of carbon disulphide in soapy emulsion was the limit without injury to the leaves, whilst with petrol the dose was 2'5 per cent. A strong dose of carbon disulphide dries the leaves without altering the colour. Seeds like- wise undergo the toxic effect of this insecticide, but according to Prillieux their power to withstand it varies with the species. Cereals, for example, lose 50 per cent of their germinative capacity alter eight days of fumigation, whilst beet seeds undergo no alteration after three weeks of this same treatment. Coupin, who examined the action of this agent on grain compared with ether and chloroform, found that these two last bodies had no injurious action on wheat grain when the protoplasm is at rest, whilst carbon disulphide is always in- jurious thereto. However, if owing to moisture there is swelling and the protoplasm is active, ether also becomes injurious to the grain in the dose of 3-7 c.c. for 10 litres of air (3'7 in 10,000). According to Fantecchi's experiments seed corn dipped two minutes in carbon disulphide and afterwards dried in the air loses 10 per cent ; dipped for one minute only in this insecticide then exposed after- wards for twenty-four hours in an atmosphere of carbon disulphide, it undergoes a loss of 50 per cent. The grain suffers the same loss if exposed for twenty-four hours in a closed vessel at 30° C. (86° F.) ; in an atmosphere containing 2 kilogrammes of carbon disulphide per cubic metre if the heat be raised to 40° C. (104° F.) the loss will be 100 per cent. Action of Carbon Disulphide on Insects. — Carbon disulphide is one of the most efficacious of insecticides ; it diffuses very rapidly in virtue of its great mobility and its very low boiling-point. Its anaesthetic and asphyxiant properties act very rapidly on the vitality of the insects which die paralysed in breathing it. Insects are gener- ally more sensitive to the action of carbon disulphide than plants, so that by only using doses injurious to insects they can be overcome without hurting the plant. When an atmosphere saturated with the vapour of carbon disulphide can be created around the insects or their larvae they die in a few seconds (Mouillefert). Phylloxera is so killed in thirty seconds. If the atmosphere only contains 0'5 per cent of carbon disulphide vapours (say 0-0016 of liquid sulphide) the action must last twenty-four hours to kill the phylloxera. An atmosphere containing 0'4 pei' cent of CS._, vapour easily kills, in fifteen minutes, grubs, butterflies, grasshoppers, lice, and Coleoptera (balls). Injected into the soil to a depth of 4 inches doses of 40 grammes per square metre (say 1., oz. pur square yard) for heavy ground and 30 f:,ram:nes (say 1 oz. per square yard) for dry, light soil, suffices INFLUENCE OF CARBON BISULPHIDE ON FERTILITY. 57 to kill all the insects in that layer of earth. But solutions and emul- sions of CSo do not act so rapidly nor so energetically as the vapour in a closed space. A 1 per cent solution does not kill the phylloxera until after twenty-four hours' immersion. Grubs strongly resist it. • Those of the gypsy moth, Ocneria dispar, L., resist soapy emulsions containing up to 10 per cent CS.,. Burleso Dufour came to the same conclusions after trying to kill the cochylis {Conchy lis ambignella, Hubn) by emulsions containing 3 per cent and 10 per cent of CSg. Action of CS^ on Fungi. — This insecticide only acts on fungi in very strong doses, and is only used to kill root rot. Influence of CSo on Fertility of Soil. — Carbon bisulphide, far from injuring the soil into which it is injected, as believed at the out- set of its use in vineyards invaded by the phylloxera, exerts even in strong doses a favourable influence thereon. Aime Girard was the first to observe that carbon disulphide injected into the soil produced salutary effects on the soil treated, and greatly improved exhausted soils. In Alsace-Lorraine, where the antiphylloxeric treatment to extinction has so long been used, the marvellous action of carbon disulphide has been remarked by Oberlin. The latter, who has more especially studied the soil cure, has obtained surprising results. The culture of the vine being rigorously forbidden during the next ten years after the extinction treatment, the laud was utilized for other crops. Now it was found that in all these soils all species of plants developed in a surprising manner, and that the rotatiois in use on non-disinfected ground were unnecess-ary on the former ; CS^ re- generates exhausted soils and allows continuous growing of the same crop. All papilionaceae may be profitably cultivated on lucerne ground ; for example, if the soil of the latter is previously tilled and disinfected, whilst in ordinary cropping one plant cannot usually be grown after another of the same nature without intermediate crops ; CSg therefore renders rotations unnecessary, and enables the same plant to be cultivated for several years in succession. Oberlin, who has greatly helped to popularize carbon disulphide, got, like Girard, a double crop of trefoil after disinfecting the soil, and an appreciably increased yield with grain crops, beets, potatoes, and farm crops generally. In a tares (Vicia villosa) experimental field, treated with CS2, Oberlin obtained, in 1893, 45 tons of green fodder per hectare (18 tons per acre), whilst in a non-disinfected field, used as a test, the yield was only 19 tons per hectare (7"6 tons per acre). He also ex- perimented with haricots, and obtained by weight per are 85 kilo- grammes in non-treated ground, and 125 kilogrammes in treated ground. Oberlin disinfects the soil as follows : Holes about 12 inches deep are excavated by an iron bar and 25 grammes of CSg run into each hole and the holes quickly closed ; 10 kilogrammes of carbon disulphide must be buried per are. Three weeks after this treatment sow the seeds. Practical experiments on vines gave equally good results. Oberlin first, then Dufour, found that vineyards, before being replanted, have no need, as generally believed, of a rest, nor of any improvement by an intermediate crop after treatment with CS2. The new vine can, in fact, be replanted as soon as the old stocks have 58 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED EILLEES. been extirpated if the following procedure be adopted : Trench the ground to 65 centimetres (2 feet 2 inches), then at a distance of 50 centimetres (20 inches) apart in every direction dig holes of 50-60 centimeters (20- 24 inches) deep. Eun into each 100 grammes (say 3^ oz.) say 40 kilogrammes (88 lb.) per acre, and close the holes quickly ; the soil must remain in this condition until the spring, when the new planta- tion will be made. In vineyards reconstructed in that way the young vine stocks yielded in the third year 30 hectolitres (660 gallons) ; the fourth yeai', 110 hectolitres (2200 gallons) ; whilst the test vineyard non-treated only gave 74 hectolitres (1528 gallons). Here is, by a re- port of the Baden Botanical Station, a curious result obtained in onion- growing. Soils, completely exhausted by the culture of this plant, were appreciably improved by disinfection by carbon disulphide. Holes 40 centimetres deep, bored 50 by 50 centimetres (20 inches) in every direction, received 100-300 grammes of carbon disulphide, and the produce, which had fallen to 14 units per square metre, was raised to 22 by the dose of 400-800 grammes per square metre, and to 26 by a dose of 1000 grammes (2-2 lb.). These improvements, due to carbon disulphide, are very surprising, and efforts have been made to ascertain how this product acts on the soil, since it is void of any nutritive function, and how it can be the cause of intense yields in an exhausted soil.^ There are a large number of parasites, both insects and fungi, which live in the soil at the expense of the plants, and looking at their grand opportunities for multiplying when the same plant is grown continuously for several years the exhaustion of the soil, it will be readily understood, is due solely to this accumulation of parasites which, attacking the plant by the roots, remove from it the means of nourish- ing itself. Carbon disulphide, injected into the soil, by destroying all these parasites, restores to the soil its primitive purity, and the plant, undisturbed by parasites, develops normally, and profits, by fertilizers, to give large crops. Carbon disulphide acts like the bare fallow, which also remedies soil exhaustion. By suppi'essing food from the parasites accumulated in the soil for a certain time the latter greatly disappear. Carbon disulphide is more effective than bare fallow, and gives com- plete and immediate results, because it enables the soil to be com- pletely disinfected and to utilize it at once for a new crop. The in- fection of the soil is caused by fungi : Dematophora necatrix, Hartig ; Armillaria Mellea, Quelet ; Boeslerm hypogaea, Thum. et Pass. ; by the AnguilluLides, Heterodera SchaclitH, Schm., and H. Radicola, Gr., and insects, the larvae of which take several years to accomplish their evolu- tion, such as the Elaterides (click beetles), cockchafers, etc. All these parasites multiply greatly, especially when they are omnivorous and not disturbed by rotations ; they are, in themselves alone, capable of pre- venting a plant from producing normal crops. Carbon disulphide in large doses creates in the soil a sufficiently poisonous atmosphere to kill them, and so sterilize the ground being cropped. Contrary to Foex, Dufour, Oberlin, and Couanon, whose researches leave no doubt as to the action of carbon disulphideon the mycelium of different cryptogams, ' Note by Translator. — The onion is a sulphur-loving plant. The reason for increase in crop is obvious. HISTORY OF CARBON BISULPHIDE. 59 Perrault does not admit so great a destructive action on cryptogams. He holds that if CS„ acted in that way on insects and cryptogams, it would also act on the useful micro-organisms, which live, in symbiosis, with a great number of our cultivated plants. There exist, in fact, in the soil microbes indispensable to the formation of nitrates, to the decomposition of organic matter ; and microscopic organs which, pro- ducing small nodosites on the roots, fulfil the function of conveying atmospheric nitrogen under an assimilable form (Wilfahrt, Nobbe, Hiltner, and Hellriegel). If PeiTault's contention were well founded the fertilizing action of carbon disulphide would be illusory, because that state of things would have to be remedied by applying to the soil a strong dose of nitrogen, not as organic manure, but in the form of saltpetre. It has, however, recently been shown that carbon disul- phide only temporaril}^ affects the bacteria useful to agriculture, and Wollny formulates the results obtained up to now as to the action of carbon disulphide thus : — (1) The introduction of carbon disulphide into arable land during the period of vegetation has the effect, according to the quantity ap- plied, of either completely destroying vegetable life, or of causing tem- porary trouble. (2) When the sulphide is applied several months before cultivating the soil, the fertility of the soil is greatly enhanced. This action of the sulphide extends, according to the quantity used, over one or more periods of vegetation, and it is followed, if manure be not employed, by an important decrease in the yield of the field treated. The lower organisms which play an active role in the decomposition of organic matter and in the formation of nitrates in the soil, as well as the bacteria of the radicular nodosites of the leguminosae, are not killed even by strong doses of carbon disulphide ; their activity only receives a temporary check, to resume afterwards all its energy. Use, — History. — Baron Thenard was the first who drew attention to the services which carbon disulphide might render in destroying the phylloxera of the vine, but his experiments, made in 1869, owing to the then defective methods of applying this insecticide, did not give the result expected. The method of application and the doses used play, in fact, a role of very great importance in the success of this treatment, and it was not until after the researches of Monestier, Lautaud, and Ortoman that carbon disulphide gave some good results. In 1873 these scientific observers concluded that carbon disulphide i3 not injurious, except in the liquid state, when it is brought into direct contact with the roots of plants ; it is necessary therefore, so as to remedy this drawback, to inject the liquid at a certain distance from the plant in such a way that the vapours disengaged form around the roots an atmosphere sufficiently toxic to kill the parasites. With this end in view they recommended that the carbon disulphide be caused to act from below upwards by depositing this agent in holes pierced to a depth of 80 centimetres (3H inches) ; although based on an excellent principle, the use of carbon disulphide too often caused the death of the vine, for the doses used, which varied from 150-375 grammes per stock, were too strong. Experiments by the Montpellier Agricultural Society, due to the initiative of the Yiticultural Associa- 60 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLERS. tion of Libourne, lad to a gradual deci-ease in the dose, which was definitely regulated to 12-20 grammes only per square metre, say 24-28 grammes per stock. Dumas' researches showed that even 3 grammes per square metre (y^ oz. per square yard) were sufficient to attain the object in view. Owing to the support of the Paris-Lyon- Mediterranee (? Eailway), and the Minister of Agriculture, who estab- lished a superior Phylloxera Commission and Vigilance Committees in the districts invaded, carbon disulphide was employed on the large scale. The efficacy of carbon disulphide in the struggle against the phyl- loxera was determined accurately, and the conditions under which it acted were determined by the learned researches of Crolas, Marion, and Jaussan. At the present time the utility of carbon disulphide is no longer in doubt ; it has rendered, and renders, undoubted services, and its use has become universal. To give an idea thereof it will sufiice to say that, in 1895, 60,000 hectares (150,000 acres) of vines were treated with carbon disulphide. This product is, moreover, destined to render the same services in agriculture and horticulture, and owing to its remarkable insecticide properties it may become, like manures, an indispensable auxiliary to farmers. It is already used against a great number of insects whose larvae live underground at the expense of the roots, and the good results obtained have led to its use against the ravagers of the aerial part of the plant. There, how- ever, its success has not been so great. Its method of use varies according to the parasite to be destroyed. The best results are got when an atmosphere containing a dose poisonous to insects and their larvae can be produced. This condition is easily realized underground, in granaries, hothouses, and under tents of impermeable cloth, with which small-sized trees may be covered. In these different cases liquid carbon disulphide is always used, and acts by evaporation. When an asphyxiating atmosphere has to be produced underground, the carbon disulphide is introduced to a certain depth by a pal-injector, which is regulated for the desired dose. In soils favourable to the diffusion of gases, such as those which are not too compact nor too moist, the vapours of carbon disulphide, in a dose of 20 grammes (307 grains) spread within a radius of 30-35 centi- metres (10-12 inches) around the spot where it has been poured. These vapours remain long enough in the soil for the toxic atmosphere to produce its effect. According to the parasites to be got rid of the dose is diminished or increased, and injected to a variable depth. There are cases where the roots of the vme descend so deeply that the carbon disulphide must be injected to 80 centimetres (314 inches), whilst to kill the larva3 living a few centimetres from the surface, one does not go down more than 20 centimetres (7"8 inches). To use carbon disul- phide it is therefore necessary (1) To ascertain the exact spot where the parasites to be killed are, first making a trench and making it at about 20 centimetres (7 "8 inches) below the invaded zone. (2) To choose the moment when the soil is in such condition as to allow the diffusion of carbon disulphide vapours into the interior of the mass, whilst at the same time it places the greatest possible obstacles in the HISTORY OF CARBON DISULPHIDE. 61 way of their loss. This moment varies with the nature of the soil to be treated. A clay soil, for instance, cannot realize favourable condi- tions when it is saturated with water, or when it is cracked by drought. On the contrary, a sandy soil, after a slight rain, is in favourable con- dition. The most propitious moment is when the soil presents a certain interior mobility and a great enough density on the surface. In these conditions the vapour of carbon disulphide easily diffuses around the roots, and remains imprisoned by the hard surface, which forms a sort of envelope. Those advantageous conditions may be realized artifically by injecting carbon disulphide into a very dry soil and watering the surface soil, after having carefully plugged the holes. (3) Never to stir the soil after treatment, for the carbon disulphide, already very volatile, would, in certain instances, escape into the a'r without producing its effect ; it is therefore necessary, so as to employ it with success, to maintain it as long as possible in the infected zone. To attain this end recourse has been had to two preparations, which allow a less rapid evaporation of carbon disulphide. Vaselinated Sulphide. — In 1874 Bouttin proposed a mixture of carbon disulphide and nut oil. Cubes of wood, imbibed with sulphide, and covered with silicate of soda have been tried but neither of these processes have given good results. Vaselinated sulphide was invented in 1887 by Dr. A. Meunier and examined by Cazeneuve : vaseline forms an emulsion with carbon disulphide and prevents it from evaporating rapidly. It was hoped, owing thereto, to lessen the chances of evapora- tion into the atmosphere and to prolong its action in the soil. Mixtures were tried of equal parts of the two substances, or of 30 per cent of vaseline and 70 per cent of carbon disulphide. In 1890, 250 metric tons of these substances were used in viticulture. It has been observed by Vermorel and Jossinet that the dose of 20 grammes of liquid carbon disulphide placed in each hole 35-40 centimetres round the vine suffices to kill the phylloxera, but when mixed with vaseline this quantity is not enough. However, if the holes be brought to within 10-15 centi- metres of the stock, the conditions favourable to the action of this preparation are improved. Marion and Gastine conclude that there is no advantage in this mixture, since the dose of sulphide must be greater to give the same result. They further remark : If more than 50 per cent of vaseline be incorporated in the carbon disulphide, the evaporation which is produced during injection is as great as when employed pure, and finally the vaseline retains about 15 per cent of sulphide which it only cedes very slowly, and which remains without effect. Wooden cubes impregnated with sulphide as well as mixtures of carbon disulphide and heavy oils, tested by Marion and Gastine as far back as 1877, gave no advantageous results, and the pure sulphide should be preferred to all these preparations. It is a great error to imagine that carbon disulphide must develop slowly to produce a salutary effect. For the action of the sulphide to be effective, what is required, above all, is to create almost instantaneously an atmosphere highly charged with poisonous vapours around the radicular system invaded by the parasites and to maintain it there as long as possible. To slacken the evaporation of the carbon disulphide is to remove from 62 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. it one of its most precious properties, that of its great diffusibility. A slower evaporation will not create an atmosphere sufficiently toxic t3 kill the parasites. A great number of volatile substances, very poisonous to the phylloxera and used in the same conditions as carbon disulphide, have never been able to equal it, as their diffusion in the soil was too slow. To avoid the loss of carbon disulphide in the usual treatment with the pal-injector, the use of gelatinized capsules con- taining a dose has been tried. These capsules are arranged in holes made with a pal-injector, and afterwards plugged. Under the action of the moisture of the soil the gelatine finally dissolves, the sulphide flows out into the soil and rapidly evaporates, The operator has thus a convenient time without fearing loss of the sulphide to plug the holes and to water the surface of the soil to imprison the vapour after the rupture of the capsules. In spite of the apparent advantages of this process, it has had to be renounced in viticulture because the disengagement of sulphide was too irregular and not simultaneous in the zone treated. In horticulture these capsules are handy because they are easy to use and as they avoid the purchase of a pal-injector. (4) To distribute uniformly the sulphide in all the soil to be treated. This is done by placing the holes at equal distances from each other, and by using instruments which enable equal doses of this substance to penetrate into the soil. Carbon disulphide may be injected into the soil during almost the whole year. However, it is less injurious to the plant if the operation be performed during the time vegetation is- at rest. In any case, its use should be avoided during the flowering period and when the fruit approaches maturity. Instruments Necessary for applying Carbon Disulphide. — The pal-injector already mentioned must be placed in the first rank of instruments intended for this purpose. It is a sort of compression pump, intended to convey a known dose of carbon disulphide to a certain depth. The loal-Gastine, which may serve as a type, consists of a reservoir, in zinc or copper, intended to contain carbon disulphide. This instrument possesses, in its interior, the body of a pump in which a piston moves. Under the pressure of the latter a valve opens and closes the opening of a long channelled tube, which penetrates into the earth. An aperture near the shai'p end lets the sulphide escape. Two handles and a pedal serve as a point of suppoi't to the workman. The output can be regulated at will. In hard and gravelly soils the workman is preceded by an assistant, who pierces the holes with an iron crowbar called Avant-pal, the tube of the pal-Gastine not being, sufficiently solid for this purpose. To avoid this drawback, Vermorel has improved this pal and has invented the pal- Excelsior, which differs from the foregoing by the fact that the valve is placed in a lateral tube by which it is possible to have a much stronger perforating tube. To regulate the quantity of carbon disulphide it suflices to give a longer or shorter course to the piston, by intercalating washers in the body of the pump. By this means the jja^-JSxcc/iior can be regulated at will for an output of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 grammes of carbon disulphide at each injection. In actual sulphurization the pal is seized by the two handles, then sunk in the ground by the help of DISINFECTION BY CAEBON BISULPHIDE. 63 the pedal. By pressing on the rod of the piston the carbon disulphide is projected into the soil, then the rod re-ascends of its own accord, under the action of an inside spring. The pal is withdrawn from the soil, and an assistant rapidly fills up the hole with a wooden rod ending in a rounded piece of iron or lead. To hasten the operation, which ought to be done very rapidly, it is well to employ three work- men, and to possess two pals. A workman fills the container of the pal by a tap fixed on the barrel, whilst the second injects, and the third plugs the holes. In vineyards arranged for the work the pal is replaced by sulphide wagons or traction injectors, which do the work much more rapidly, and thus economize manual labour. The mechan- ism of these machines comprises a roll, acting like a pump, which after drawing the carbon disulphide into a reservoir, spreads it into a hollow traced by the sock of a plough, which immediately covers the hollow which has just been excavated. Amongst the different systems of instiruments the most common are those of Gastine of Marseilles, Vernetteand Satui-nin of Beziers, and Cobal of Toulouse. Fig. 5. — Pal-Excelsior. In other appliances the organs of distribution of the carbon disulphide are fixed to some sort of plough. Such are the Salvator vitis of Audebert of Bordeaux and the Sulfureur Uhournais of Defontaine of Izou. These machines are blamed for not depositing the sulphide deep enough in the soil. To secure a good distribution of the carbon disulphide through the layer to be disinfected, recourse is often had to 1 per cent aqueous solutions. At that strength the carbon disulphide is not injurious to the plant, but perfectly capable of killing subter- rannean parasites. Disinfection in Closed Spaces. — It is used in granaries where food-stuffs are stored. It suffices in that case to spread on the floor a certain dose of carbon disulphide, after having closed all the vents in the place. A toxic atmosphere must contain 0*5 per cent of carbon disulphide. When it is required to disinfect a small quantity of corn, it suffices to enclose the grain in a cask containing 0-5 per cent of sulphide, and to keep the cask hermetically closed for twenty-four hours. The grain sometimes retains a bitter taste after this treatment, but this is removed by stirring the grain with a shovel, or by passing it through the fanners. What is important to be pointed out is, that the grain suffers no alteration and retains its germinative and ali- mentary faculty. Carbon disulphide therefore presents real advantages 64 INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, AND WEED KILLEES. over sulphurous acid employed in like conditions, the latter having the drawback, according to Balland, of removing from the gluten the special qualities which enable it to be used in bread-making. Destruction of Aerial Parasites. — When the plant attacked is of no great height it is covered with a tent of imper ueable oil- cloth, or by a zinc bell, or better still, by half a barrel (petroleum), as is done in the treatment of vines by sulphurous acid. By this means an atmosphere containing vapours of carbon disulphide can be created around the tree, capable of rapidly destroying the parasites without injuring the plant, whilst, according to Eitter and Moritz, the phylloxera under its gallicole form and its winter egg, is killed in half an hour at a temperature of SO^-SO" C. (68°-86° F.) in an atmosphere containing a sufficient dose of sulphide. The vine supports without suffering the action of this gas for twelve hours at 20° C. (68° F.). It is, however, to be observed that the longer the duration of the treatment, and the higher the temperature, the greater is the action of the sulphide on the plant. The dose of sulphide to use ought never to be greater than 0"5 to 1 per cent. For this purpose 50-100 grammes of sulphide per cubic metre are placed in a cloche or in a flask hooked to a branch, or on the soil in a saucer. In hothouses the atmosphere must not contain more than 0*5 per cent of carbon disulphide. To destroy the larvae of xylopiiages, such as the larvae of the Saperdes, the grubs of Cossus, and of Sesia, a poisonous atmosphere is formed in the burrows they make in the trunks of trees. To imprison the vapours it is necessary to close the burrows with some sort of mastic. This treatment is in no way prejudicial to the plant. Where fumiga- tion in an enclosed space is impracticable, recourse is had to pul- verizations with soapy emulsions, made in the same way as those with a petroleum basis, and containing 2 per cent of sulphide, the limit of innocuity on the tender parts of the plant. In certain cases the in- vaded spots are plastered with the pure sulphide by means of the brush, and that chiefly when it is a case of the destruction of the woolly aphis [Schizoneura lanigera). The action of the sulphide employed in this way is not so perfect as in a hothouse, or under a cloche, its rapid evaporation not allowing of a sufficiently long action which thus often allows the parasite to escape death. Use against Cryptogamic Diseases. — Dematophora necatrix, Hartig. — Jean Dufour, Director of the Station Viticole de Lausanne, succeeded in arresting lihizoctinia of the vine by applying carbon disulphide at the rate of 200 grammes per square metre (say about 7 oz. per 40 inches square), after having removed the diseased roots. According to this eminent observer carbon disulphide not only acts by destroying the mycelium of the fungus in a great measure, but it also imparts greater vitality to the vine. The latter, rendered more vigorous, resists afterwards the action of the fungus which may have escaped the destructive treatment. Oberlin and Foex believed that the improvement in soils got by the use of the exterminating treat- ment ag