UNIVERSITY OF Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign UNIVERSITY Or AGRICULTURE ■ ■// 1982 Insect Pest Management Guide COMMERCIAL VEGETABLE CROPS AND GREENHOUSE VEGETABLES Restricted-use insecticides ore identified with an asterisk (*). You must be certified as a pesticide applicator to use restricted-use pesticides. See your county Extension adviser in agriculture for information. Commercial vegetable gardeners find it impossible to produce vegetables profitably unless they control insects at maximum efficiency and minimum cost. The housewife of today will not accept unsightly wormy vegetables; not only are wormy fruits and vegetables unappetizing but the waste from trimming increases food costs. Thus the com- mercial vegetable gardener must produce a quality product that is acceptable and safe to the consumer. Careful use of the right insecticides will enable him to do this. Insect pest-management programs, which include the wise selection of cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical methods, are suggested for the major insect pests of vegetable crops. Insecticides, though, are still the most efficient means of managing most insects. This suggested insecticide guide has been prepared for use by Illinois commercial vegetable farmers; it is not for home gardeners, who should use only those insecticides that are extremely safe to handle, apply, and store. Fur- thermore, the commercial vegetable gardener must use a wider variety of insecticides than the home gardener in order to obtain maximum insect control at the least cost. In using insecticides, read the label and carefully follow the instructions. Do not exceed maximum rates suggested; observe carefully the interval between application and har- vest, and apply only to crops for which use has been ap- proved. Make a record of the product used, the trade name, the percentage content of the insecticide, the dilution, the rate of application per acre, and the dates of application. Some of the insecticides suggested here can be poison- ous to the applicator. In using them, the commercial grower is expected to use precautions to protect himself, his work- ers, and his family from undue or needless exposure. In using this guide, always refer to the table on the next page, which lists the limitations and restrictions on use. These limitations apply to the vegetables as human food. If you use any portion of a vegetable for livestock food (tops, stalks, etc.), refer to the label for instructions as to the interval required between application and feeding. The chemical names used in these tables may be un- familiar to you. These names are the common coined chemical names and as such are not capitalized. Trade names are capitalized. In the table of limitations the com- mon names are listed first. If the trade name is more com- monly used, it is listed in parentheses following the common name. Throughout the tables of suggestions, how- ever, the common name is used if there is one. In case you have a question, refer to the table of limitations. These suggestions are subject to change without notifi- cation during the growing season. Requested label clearances for a few uses of insecti- cides, carriers, and solvents are uncertain for 1981, since many requests have not been officially cleared. Anticipating needed changes in labeling, we began modifying these sug- gested uses a few years ago. Check with your county Extension adviser if you are in doubt about the insecticide you plan to use. We will make announcements of label changes through newsletters and the news media to keep you up to date. Insecticides are being classified for general use or re- stricted use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. A person wishing to use an insecticide classified for re- stricted use must be certified as a private or commercial pesticide applicator by the Illinois Department of Agri- culture. Contact your county Extension adviser in agricul- ture for details on this program. A few insecticides have been classified at this time. More will be classified later. Suggestions for the effective use of insecticides from a practical standpoint are based on available data. Soil tex- tures, pH of the soil, rainfall, slope of the field, wind velocity at planting, method and accuracy of application, and other unpredictable factors affect efficiency. This publication was prepared by entomologists of the University of Illinois College of Agriculture and the Illi- nois Natural History Survey. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE In cooperation with ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY CIRCULAR 897 (revised annually) November, 1981 LIMITATIONS FOR FIELD VEGETABLES IN DAYS BETWEEN APPLICATION AND HARVEST AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF INSECTICIDES IN ILLINOIS (Blank spaces indicate that the material is not suggested for the specific use in Illinois) Insecticide Beans Peas 14 0 7E OE OE 1 1 1,5A 7 C Broc- Brussels Cab- Cauli- coli sprouts bage flower Horse- Rad- Tur- Egg- Pep- Toma- radish ish nip Onions plant pers toes acephate (Orthene) *azinphosmethyl (Guthion)2 Bacillus thuringiensis3 carbaryl (Sevin) carbofuran (Furadan) .... chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) . Dasanit *demeton (Systox) diazinon dicofol (Kelthane) dimethoate (Cygon) Dyfonate ethion malathion *methomyl (Lannate) *mevinphos (Phosdrin)2 Monitor naled (Dibrom) oxydemetonmethyl (Meta-Systox R) *parathion2 phorate (Thimet)2 rotenone trichlorfon (Dylox) 15 0 3 C 7 C 3 3 1 21 1 7 0 3 C 7 3 3 21 1 21 21 0 3 C 3 C 7 1 1 35 1 10 21 15 0 3 C 7 C 7 3 3 28 1 21 3 3, 14A C 10 15 10 14 3 3 4 10 28E C,D 10 C,D C 3 7F 15 1 0 21B 3 10 0B 15 1 21 10 1 21 Insecticide Pota- Col- Let- Spin- Swiss toes lards Kale tuce ach chard Sweet Cucum- Mel- corn bers1 ons1 Pump- Squash1 kins1 Winter Summer Bacillus thuringiensis3 carbaryl (Sevin) carbofuran (Furadan) . . , chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) diazinon dicofol (Kelthane) dimethoate (Cygon) .... Dyfonate fenvalerate (Pydrin).. isofenphos (Amaze) . . malathion *methomyl (Lannate) *mevinphos (Phosdrin)2 . . Mocap naled (Dibrom) *parathion* phorate (Thimet)' rotenone terbufos (Counter) trichlorfon (Dylox) 15 7 10 3F 15 15 * Use restricted to certified applicators only. 1 Apply insecticides late in the day after the blossoms have closed to reduce bee kill. 1 For use only by professional applicators or commercial gardeners. "The trade names are Bactur, Dipel, Thuricide, and Sok Bt. REENTRY INTERVALS FOR WORKER PROTECTION Insecticide Hours azinphosmethyl (Guthion) 24 demeton (Systox) 48 ethion 24 parathion 48 A. If tops or stover are to be used for feed. B. Not more than twice per season. C. Soil applications at planting time only. D. Do not use on green onion crop. E. Do not use tops for feed or food. F. Not more than 3 times per season. G. Not after edible portions or heads begin to form. H. Not more than 8 times per season. I. Crops other than corn and soybeans may be planted 10 months after application. J. Not more than once per season. Workers must wear protective clothing if they enter treated fields before the time intervals shown at the right. They must also wear protective clothing for all other insecticides applied if the spray has not dried or the dust has not settled. /\o?x CABBAGE AND RELATED COLE CROPS Insect Time of attack Insecticide Pounds of active ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Cabbage maggots1 All season (NHE-44) diazinon Dyfonate Broadcast Disk in just before planting. Use only for cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. diazinon granules Furrow At time of planting; on turnips a drench- ing spray of 1 lb. diazinon should be applied 30 days following treatment. *azinphosmethyl diazinon Lorsban Lorsban 3oz. W.P. or 2oz. E.C. per 50 gal. transplant water 4 oz. per 50 gal. transplant water 3 oz. 4E per 1,000 ft. of row 1 oz. 4E ; 1,000 ft. of row Furrow 6 fluid oz. transplant water per plant. Transplant drench to cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Radishes only. Aphids (NHE-47) All season Thrips (NHE-48) *azinphosmethvl dimethoate malathion •mevinphos *parathion H 0.3 1 H 0.4 Foliage When aphids appear, but before leaves begin to curl. Cabbage loopers All season (NHE-45); dia- mond-back moth larvae; imported cabbage worms Bacillus iJiuringiensis *methomyl *Monitor See rates Foliage When small worms first appear, and on label about every 5 to 7 days thereafter. Thor- 0.45-0.9 ough spray coverage of foliage i9 im- 1 portant. Cutworms At planting trichlorfon 1 Soil At planting, at base of plant or as needed when damage first occurs. Flea beetles and leafhoppers All season carbaryl IK Foliage As needed. E.C. = emulsion concentrate; W.P. = wettable powder. * Use restricted to certified applicators only. * Maggots are resistant to diazinon in some areas of Illinois. COLLARDS, KALE, LETTUCE, SPINACH, SWISS CHARD Insect Time Pounds of active of attack Insecticide ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Aphids (NHE-47) All season diazinon H dimethoate 0.3 *mevinphos X naled 1 *parathior> 0.4 Foliage As needed. Cutworms On seedling plants trichlorfon1 1 Base of plant and soil When first damage appears. Leafhoppers All season carbaryl dimethoate malathion IK 0.3 1 Foliage When first leafhoppers appear, and as needed. Caterpillars All season Bacillus See rates (NHE-45) thuringiensis on label *methomyl2 0.45 naled 1 Foliage When small worms first appear and every 5 to 7 days thereafter. Leaf miners All season diazinon dimethoate *parathion 0.3 0.4 Foliage When first miners are observed. Flea beetles All season carbaryl rotenone 1 Foliage As needed. * Use restricted to certified applicators only. 1 Do not use on spinach or Swiss chard. 1 Use limited to lettuce and spinach only. BEANS Insect Time of attack Insecticide Pounds of active ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Seed maggots (NHE-27) All season diazinon 50% W.P.1 3/5 oz./bu. Seed Lorsban 25% W.P.1 2 oz./bu. Seed Treat seed no longer than 3 months before planting. phorate granules 1}4 Soilband Place on either or both sides of row at planting but not in contact with seed. Bean leaf beetles (NHE-67) Early and late season carbaryl malathion Foliage When feeding first appears and weekly for 2 or 3 applications as needed. Leafhoppers All season carbaryl 1 (NHE-22) and dimethoate 0.3 plant bugs malathion 1 (NHE-68) *methomyl 0.45 Foliage Before plants become yellow and stunted. Repeat applications at weekly intervals as necessary. phorate granules m Soilband As for seed maggot. Mexican bean beetles Midseason and late season carbaryl malathion i Foliage When occasional leaves show lacework feeding. phorate granules IX Soilband As for seed maggot Aphids (NHE-47) All season dimethoate malathion 0.3 1 Foliage Usually applied when a few aphids can be found on each plant, but before leaves begin to curl and deform. phorate granules 1H Soilband As for seed maggot. Blister beetles (NHE-72) Midseason and late season carbaryl 1H Foliage As needed. Corn earworms (NHE-33) Corn borers Late season acephate carbaryl *methomyl *parathion 0.45 Foliage As needed, but usually after August 20. Worms may be present before bloom. Mites Midseason and dicofol 0.4 late season dimethoate 0.3 malathion 1 Foliage As needed, but especially during drouthy periods particularly if carbaryl has been used on crops. phorate granules 1H Soilband As for seed maggot. * Use restricted to certified applicators only. ' No restrictions when used as recommended. CUCUMBERS AND OTHER VINE CROPS1 Insect Time of attack Insecticide2 Pounds of active ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application1 Striped and spotted cucumber beetles (NHE-46) Seedling to mature plants carbaryl *parathion 1 y2 Foliage When beetles first appear; as often as necessary thereafter. Aphids (NHE-47) All season diazinon dimethoate2 malathion *parathion H 0.3 1 y2 Foliage When aphids become noticeable. Squash bugs (NHE-51) All season *parathion trichlorfon3 l Foliage Do not apply until first eggs are found hatching (about June 15 to July 15); con- trols only nymphs. Leafhoppers July-August malathion dimethoate2 1 0.3 Foliage As needed. Squash vine borers June- September carbaryl 1 Base of stem for 3 ft. Weekly applications when vines begin to run — usually 5 applications. Pickle worms August- September carbaryl 1 Foliage Weekly applications, beginning in late August. Mites July- September dicofol malathion *parathion l Foliage As needed. Cutworms (NHE-77) April-June carbaryl 2 Base of plants As needed. * Use restricted to certified applicators only. 1 Spray vine crops with insecticide only late in the day after blossoms have closed to reduce bee kill. ' Do not use dimethoate on cucumbers. • Pumpkin is the only vine crop for which trichlorfon can be used for squash bug control. TOMATOES AND EGGPLANT Insect Time of attack Insecticide Poun ingred ds of active ient per acre Placement Timing of application Cutworms (NHE-77) Early and midseason carbaryl trichlorfon 2 1 Base of plants or foliage As needed. Flea beetles May-June carbaryl rotenone 2 0.2-0.4 Foliage Apply every week as long as needed. Aphids(NHE-47) May-July diazinon Y dimethoate1 0.3 malathion 1 parathion 0.4 Foliage As needed, but before leaves curl. Cabbage loopers July- September Bacillus thuringitnsis *methomy! See rates on label 0.45-0.9 Foliage When loopers are present. Corn earworms Corn borers Hornworms July- September carbaryl •methomyl1 2 Foliage Add to weekly applications of fungicide 0.45-0.9 sprays beginning at first fruit set when first small worms appear. Mites July- carbophenothion 1 September dicofol Yi malathion 1 •parathion 0.4 Foliage As needed. Russet mites July- September •parathion sulfur dust1 sulfur spray2 0.4 10 10 Foliage As needed. Blister beetles (NHE-72) June- September carbaryl •parathion \y2 Ya. Foliage As needed. Fruit flies and picnic beetles August- October carbaryl diazinon 2 Y Foliage When flies or beetles first appear. • Use restricted to certified applicators only. ' Use cleared only on tomatoes. ' No limitations on use. Insect Time of attack Insecticide PEPPERS Pounds of active ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Aphids (NHE-47) May-July dimethoate 0.3 demeton V% •methomyl 0.45 oxydemetonmethyl Yi acephate Yt Foliage Only when aphids are present. Add to borer spray when it is being used. Corn borers Late season carbaryl acephate Foliage and When fruit is present on plant. Apply fruit every 5 days when borers are present. carbofuran 2-3 Soilband to Make 2 applications; first, 3 weeks after transplant transplant, second, 5 weeks later. • Use restricted to certified applicators only. ASPARAGUS Insect Time of attack Insecticide Pounds of active ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Asparagus beetles (NHE-49) Early and mid- season on spears and ferns carbaryl1 malathion1 i Spears and ferns As needed, not more often than every 3 days. rotenone1 0.2-0.4 Spears As needed. 1 One-day restriction between last application and harvest. SWEET CORN Insect Time of attack Insecticide Pounds of active ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Soil insects (NHE-26, 27, 43) April-August Amaze Counter diazinon 1 1 1 Dyfonate Lorsban 1 1 Mocap phorate 1 1 Row Apply on soil surface behind planter shoe and ahead of press wheel. Rootworm con- trol may be needed if the corn was not sprayed the previous year. Cutworms (NHE-38) April-June carbaryl1 Lorsban 4E 2-3 1% Base of plants Broadcast When first damage appears. Flea beetles (NHE-36) April-July carbaryl1 IH Foliage As necessary. Japanese beetles (NHE-32) July- September carbaryl1 1 Ear zone As necessary. First-generation corn borers June carbaryl1 2 Foliage Make first application when tassel ratio is 30 to 40. Repeat in 4 to 5 days. Second-generation corn borers and corn earworms2 (NHE-33) June- September carbaryl1 *methomyl 2 Ear zone Fresh market corn: At first silk and every 0.45 2 to 3 days for 5 to 8 applications. Can- ningcorn: Observe light traps for earworm and borer adults, or keep a record of the heat units. When 1,500 or more heat units have accumulated, begin a spray pro- gram. As an alternative, begin at 30 to 50% silk and every 3 days thereafter until the corn is within 8 to 12 days of harvest. Sap beetles July- carbaryl1 2 (NHE-10) September diazinon 1 Picnic beetles malathion 1 *parathion V2 Foliage When adults first appear in field; usually between pollen-shedding and silk-drying. Corn leaf aphids (NHE-29) July- September malathion *parathion Foliage As needed to produce attractive ears for fresh market. Fall armyworms July- September *methomyl *parathion 0.45 Foliage Apply to ear zone when whorl feeding is Yi evident. * Use restricted to certified applicators only. 1 During pollen shed, apply carbaryl as late in the day as parathion or 0.25 to 0.45 pound of methomyl to carbaryl possible (preferably after 4 p.m.) to reduce bee kill. * Adding 0.5 to 0.75 pound of improves earworm control. ONIONS Insect Time of attack Insecticide Pounds of active ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Onion maggots (NHE-50) All season diazinon W.P. ethion W.P. 3^-1 for 40-50 lb. of seed 1 for 40-50 lb. of seed Seed Seed treatment for set onions only. Use lighter dosage of diazinon on sandy, highly mineral soils. Dasanit granules 1 diazinon granules H-l Dyfonate 1 ethion granules J^-2 Use 1 lb. active ingredient per acre for Furrow rows 12" apart; % lb. for rows 18" apart; Yz lb. for rows 24" apart. Up to twice these amounts are needed for ethion on muck soils. Do not use Dasanit or Dyfon- ate on green onions. diazinon Broadcast Preplanting; disk into upper 1 to 2 inches of soil. Supplement with foliage spray below. diazinon malathion 1 Foliage Supplemental to soil treatment. Make first application when first adult flies are seen; make another 1 week later. From then on only as necessary. Thrips (NHE-48) Midseason and diazinon late season malathion *azinphosmethyl H 1 Foliage When injury first appears and every 10 days as necessary. * Use restricted to certified applicators only. 6 POTATOES Time Pound: s of active Insect of attack Insecticide ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Flea beetles May-July carbaryl 1 Foliage When damage first appears on the leaves. Repeat as needed. carbofuran granules 3 In furrow Planting time. carbofuran spray 1 Foliage As needed. fenvalei 0.1 Folii As mrded. •methomyl 0.45 Foliage As needed. Colorado potato May-July carbaryl 2 Foliage As needed. beetles; cutworms; carbofuran granules 3 In furrow Planting time. potato leafhoppers carbofuran spray 1 Foliage As needed. (NHE-22) dimethoate 0.3 Foliage As needed. fenvalerate 0.1 Foliage As needed. phorate granules 2-3 Soilband Place on either or both sides of row at planting, but not in contact with seed" Use the lower rate on sandy soils, the heavier rate on heavy soils. Do not use on muck soils. Aphids (NHE-47) AH season dimethoate *methomyl *parathion 0.3 0.45 Foliage As needed. phorate granules 2-3 Soilband Same as for leafhoppers. Blister beetles (NHE-72) All season carbaryl 1H Foliage As needed. Wireworms (NHE-43) All season White grubs (NHE-23) phorate granules 2-3 Soil Preplanting, disk in; or use as soilband at planting. Grasshoppers (NHE-74) July- September carbaryl dimethoate 0.3 Foliage As needed, control in fence rows, road- sides, ditch banks, etc., before migration. * Use restricted to certified applicators only. PEAS Insect Time of attack Insecticide Pounds of active ingredient per acre Placement Timing of application Caterpillars, including loopers June *methomyl y2-i Foliage Before harvest if worms are present. Aphids May- June dimethoate X Foliage As needed. * Use restricted to certified applicators only. FOR ADDITIONAL Obtain the following circulars on insect control from the Office of Agricultural Publications, 123 Mumford Hall, Urbana, Illinois 61801. Circular 899, 1981 Insect Pest Management Guide — Field and Forage Crops Circular 900, 1981 Insect Pest Management Guide — Home, Yard, and Garden Circular 1076, 1981 Turfgrass Pest Control INFORMATION Leaflets describing the life history, biology, and habits of some of the insects mentioned can be obtained from the offices of county Extension advisers or by writing to Ento- mology Extension, 172 Natural Resources Building, Ur- bana, Illinois 61801. These are indicated by an NHE number in the tables. FOR YOUR Always handle insecticides with respect. The persons most likely to suffer ill effects from insecticides are the applicator and his family. Accidents and careless, needless overexposure can be avoided. Here are a few easy rules that if followed will prevent most insecticide accidents: 1. Wear rubber gloves when handling insecticide con- centrates. 2. Do not smoke while handling or using insecticides. 3. Keep your face turned to one side when opening in- secticide containers. 4. Leave unused insecticides in their original containers with the labels on them. 5. Store insecticides out of reach of children, irrespon- sible persons, or animals; store preferably in a locked cabinet. 6. Triple-rinse and bury or burn all empty insecticide containers or take to an approved sanitary landfill. 7. Do not put the water-supply hose directly into the spray tank. PROTECTION 8. Do not blow out clogged nozzles or spray lines with your mouth. 9. Wash with soap and water exposed parts of body and clothes contaminated with insecticide. 10. Do not leave puddles of spray on impervious surfaces. 1 1. Do not apply to fish-bearing or other water supplies. 12. Do not apply insecticides, except in an emergency, to areas with abundant wildlife or to blossoming crops visited by bees. Avoid drift onto blossoming crops or onto bee hives. 13. Do not apply insecticides near dug wells or cisterns. 14. Do not spray when weather conditions favor drift. 15. Observe all precautions listed on the label. 16. To avoid bee kill, apply insecticides after bee activ- ity has been completed for the day; use the least toxic materials. Warn beekeepers that you are applying in- secticides. ,„„ed in fortune.