TKe 1914 Instano



Cop))righted iqi4 hy


Spirit Publishing Co. Printers & Binders

Punxsuta'tOney. Pa.


I i i


i I



In tl-ie early sixties tKe plan of tKis institution was con- ceived and tKe first money, some tvJenty thousand dollars, v:'as subscribed in i86q. In 1871 it ^as recognized b^ tKe state, tKrougK an act of tKe General Assembly, but it was not opened until May 17, 1875. So tKeyears of Indiana no^ number tKirty- nine. TKe acKievements of tKose years make a long stor^). At times one marvels at tKe propKetic foresigKt wKicK tKe men r^\\o founded tKis scKool displa^^ed, vjKen tKey felt tKe need of sucK an institution and cKose its present location. Again one some- times wonders if it wlere not tKe Kand of God made manifest tKrougK tKe Kands of man. Be tKat as it may, one cannot but feel after Kaving lived Kere for a time, tKat no more advantageous location could Kave been cKosen. TKe beauty of its encircling Kills forms an appropriate setting for a scKool of tKis nature. To tKe cKance Visitor tKey offer an impressive scene. TKen tKere is anotKer conception to tKose vJKo linger witK us, wKo stay long enougK to feel tKe influence of an atmospKere pregnant uiitK true scKool life. To tKe latter class tKere comes, sooner or later, a mystic sometKing, invisible, indescribable, yet neOertKe- less potent and real. WKat tKis force ma>) be no one can tell. WKatsoever it may be it gives a love for Indiana tKat is un- doubtedly tKe most valued Keritage tKat its Alma Mater can transmit to Ker sons and daugKters. It is a birtK-rigKt vCKicK tKe>) may carr^) w^itK tKem to tKe end of life itsself, and v?KicK, if tKey ever Kold in due reverence, and listen to its teacKings,

will add new luster to Ker name.

J. n. A. B.


niie 1914 Instano

Pv>bl,sKec-l Annuall>) by rt^e Sen.or Class of {\^c Indmna State Normal School, Indiana, Pcnns>)l\)ania



Class of Nineteen Hundred Fourteen




wKose inspiring personality permeates tne school

life at Indiana and gives it democracy,

freedoni, nope and povi'er, this

Dook is respectfully


Histor)) of niie Instano

In the jlear of nineteen hundred eleven the need of a school annual vJas felt at this school, and the Senior Class--iQi2---decidod that they vJould put out a book. After a great many difficulties they succeeded in putting out the first vohinie of TTie Instano. This first volume was a success from every standpoint but a financial one. The debit, however, vJas overcome bx) the aid of additional taxation upon the Seniors, and the kindness of Dr. Ament, and The Instano launched forth upon its career. Undaunted by the difliculties that confronted the Class of 1912, the Class of 1Q13 set out to make a better and bigger book for the foUotOing ^ear. Through the untiring effort of Gladstone A. Carmalt they carried out their purpose, and the second \''olume made its appearance,— a handsomely bound book of 275 pages. This j'ear, the task of putting out a book has been far greater than either of the previous years. Great difficulties have unexpectedly appeared, and it is only after a great amount of hard labor that we are able to present for }?our approval this, the third volume of The Instano. We sincerelj) hope that its readers will o\'erlook the faults and enjoy the book.


° S2M@^@(^sii ° SSui?5i^s@(S o JFotLs^'SsiiS^



TKe 1C314 Girl

Title Page

A Dedication

Historj) of the Instano

TKe Board

Dr. James E. Ament

Jane E. Leonard

Historj) of the Scnool


The Trustees

The Faculty

The Alumni Association

Class History


Alma Mater





College Preps







o 22M(gi£©®5n^. ° '^W^s^'iSmsLo ^©ug-jgigSt^Snl.









Business Manager


DR. JAMES E. AMENT, Principal

K'ci-cnl ycjirs h:i\c shown :i ni;irl<nl ilc\rl()|i;rii'iil in Tlic l.'iili;in;i .\i(riiiiil Sclioiil. 'I'liis yniwlli. iill lii>nL;li i;rMiluMl. li:is liccn very stiMily. It has <;ro\vii I'roin lliirty inipils until iii.u it niiinlirrs ii\ci- lonrliM-n hnnilrcd on its roll l)Ook.

W'r arc Lihiil to say llijil :i irrcal purl of this i- nt ilcvrlopincnt is <llli- to

iMir pi'cscnl prii'ripMl, l)r. .I.iiih's K. Aniriit. Ilr has worki'i! sli'ailii.\' in placiiifr Iniliaiia N'lM-nial I'drrnii'sl anioni; llic Slalr Xnrniais.

iainrs Iv Aiiii'nl was Imrn al \V Ilmi-n, illiniis, Scplrnilit-r 2. iSli:!

lie is a son of Ihc KrvTi-cnil .lamrs lioc Aiiicnl. and a urcal-jTrandsori of 'I'llonias .Mcfralfc. rnitcd Slatfs Smatoi-, and tenth ( lovi'i-nm- ,d' Kcntncky. His an- rcslors w''i-c iniistly Sonth'Tncrs,

Dr. Aini'nI's early eilm-ation was i-eei'i\ed in llii' pnl)lic scIkmJs of liis nali\-e stale, and at \';dpai-aiso Inixersily. He was irradnated fntin Tllinois Stale .Normal 1 ' n i viM'sil \ in lS!l-_'. and in UKit; he rei-eived the dey;rec of Doelor id' Laws IVoni Kentne!;\ I niversily .

Dr. Anient "s teaidiiin;- eareer liei/aa in 1SS2. when hi- taiiirlit in the imlilic schools of Illinois. Since then, hi' has held the followinir petitions: the Sii- pt'riiitendeiic.\ of Ihe sch(!.ils <{' Can-oil. Iowa, ami later of Kock Islaiul. Illinois; the Presidency ( I' the State .\ornnd at .\lva. ()klah(,nia. and at Warreiisltiirsr. ?^lissonri. He cane to the India. la State Normal as Principal in lOOti. Dr. .Vmcnt h;is had ercat snceess in all his p sitions. caidi and every srhool having .shown a mark'id devclopmi'nl dnr'iiLr the period i)\' his ad.ninistration.

Dr. .\meiil has travelled extei'sively in all parts of Km'o|ie. He is the aiithm- if nninercns clucational articles, which show his kec.i insight into huniaii nature. His womlerfnl nnderstandine- of the pnpils has done niiich towards liuildinii- np this school. May he have still i;reater snecess in all his works.



]Miss .hiiir !•". rii'iui;iril is oiii' <>\' tlu' lnn^t wiili'ly known and honored women of Pciiiis\ l\;iiii:i. She li(ii-n in l.cnnai-d. ne.-u" Cleiii-ficld. Pennsyl- \;ini;i. l/cnnai'd "s shilioii,'UMi'd llrusr Mild llic Lconiii'd j;r;idc<l si'hool.s are triices (if the work .il' lici- r.-ilhrr :ind Iii-oIIi.ts.

Tile .■liiii ,nid \\nrl\ ol' .Miss I iKinl's life is llial nf a tcarlicr. She

has .s]iciit alni(,sl llir whdli' of hri- lairr lil'i' in \\\\, <<[' llir leading Xornial Schools of the Slalc: lii'.sl as a slndcnl. and llicn as a ti-acher in the Normal School af ^lillci'sxilli'. Laler when I lie Xornial Sclionl ;it Indiana was fonnded .sill' was railed llici'i'. and has rcniaiiicd cxTr sinrr. holdiiiii- the dtlii'i' of jirepep- tri'ss as well as ai-tinu' as iiisl riiclnr.

She has seen the selwml iirow gradually frmii thirty hoanh-rs the fii-st yeai* of its existence the winter cif 187.") 'to more than a thousand students now.

Xo one can ever estimate the intluenee that Miss Leonard exerts over the students, especially her (rirls. by whom she is atfeetionately termed "Aunt .l.aiic."' She has lu'lpi'd them to fi ;riii liifrher ideals and live better lives. Jliss Leonard looks upon what .she may have done for Indiana as her life's work, and the lionoi- and the esteem of its students as her life's reward.

The Pennsywania State ^sJormal School


'rile [ilari (>r this liisi itiilic :i w;\s ciuii-iMvrd in tlir sixtii's. the first money, some twenty tlionsjuiil (ioll;iiN. Iicinjr snhscrilicd t'of its t"i)nnilin^_' in IS(il). Tlii' first rciMiiriiition Wy the Stiiti- \\;is thriin,i;li :\n Mrt of tlir (!enrr;ii Assrnilil.v in 1>71. lint tlii' sell. id was n'>t o|i(MU'(1 nntil .May 17. 1S7"). Its tirst |)i'iiii-i|ial was Div K. B. Faii'fit'ld. wiio at'tcrwafd.s. as the tirst Chaiici'lloi- nf tln' I'ni- vi'i'sity of XehrasUa. so laf^ciy iiirliKMiccil thr fiifufc of that institution.

Ainoiiir till' notalilr men iin-sent npon the (i|ii'nint;- day nf the si-hool was one lit' I'l'iuisylvania "s must t'amifiis i-diiratm-s. then State Sn|ierinleiideiit nl' I'lililic Instui-tiiin. .lames I'. Wiekersham. who stated in his pnlilie address thai it was his opinion that lndi;ina"s first hnildinii- was the laruest. tiiiest and liesl- planned striietni'e de\-oteii tn noianal seluiol edneation in the I'nited Stales. .\ .'iionnment to its fnnnders. that hnildiiiLr still stands, and in Iuhhi!- nf the tirst pfesideid iif the hiiard of trustees, it is knnwn as .John Snttun Hall.

in 1SII:1 thei-e was ereeted npon iiur eampns a lirieh i-esith-m-e foi- men students. The hnildine- was forty \iy ime hundred feet, and eonsisted nf a basement and three sti^ries. Jn Fehruary. lIKlli. this huildine; Imrned to thi' jjroiUKl. There were exfell.'lit tire e.seapes. sd not <inl>- were no lives lost, hut (here were no serious injuries.

The ruins were enld hefore the tlMlstees Weri' plauuilie foi- :i lal-jrel' and hettei' dor-mitnr>' tor mir .\'ouii»i: men. a;iil in -lanuary. 1!HI7. the Indiana hi'ys took possession of one of the l)est .sehool resiilenri's foi- men in the State. The huildinir stands npim the siti id' the old one. hut is snmewluit lar<>:er. and is known as Clark Hall, in honor if the hoard's seennd president, the late Justiee Silas .M. Clark, nf the Supreme Uerieh.

In l>!i:!. alsit the heard ererinl. to the northward of the main huildinj;.


° SgM(^'S@®51^ ° SS'iU"]\^.^g@(fl^ ° lF'@Ug'g'£@@5T^ ° I

tlic Md.lrl Si-lhKil, ,111,1 ii.'iiiH'il il III honor of tlii'ir lliii-,| |h-sii|cnl. tin- A. W. Wilson ll.ill. This Imihlinu i-nnl.-iins I'iiihl hii'i^r. iiirv I'ljis-^rnciiis. uilli ;iin|ilc |il;iyi'(>nins in Ihr liMsriniiil lor use on sli.i-niv diivs.

The yi'MT llio:; nuii'ki'd .-i slnoiu' ndvanc'c in Iniliiiim's ni;ili'ri:il ciiniiinii'tit. Till' \driii;il 's l«'ri-il:ilioii ll.ill w:is I lien crcclrd. Il sliinds just lo llif soillll- \\,-ird of Wilson ll;ill. roiii|ilrliiii: llic ,asl win'^- of ihr .|nailrani:l.v A stately st nirl iiri' il is .iiiil oiii of the iiio>l lii-,-iiil i I'll! on Ihr (•.•unpns. Thr iliincnsions iii-r a iVonlaLir oF o ir liiiiidi'cd and Ihiily IVrl and a drplli of ( ,nr hnndrcd anil I \\rnl.\-l hrci', Tlir Imildini;' is thi' si-liool propn- of tlir Xornial and coii- laiiis I w I'lity four lari^v liraiilirnl rooms. Thi' Triislccs hono?'cd tiii''ivcs by nainini;' Ihis Iniildiin.:' al'ti'r oiir of llirir nn.^l widely kiuixvii and faithful trai"lirrs. .jane Iv Lc'inard.

Dni-iiii;- Ihal sainr Near tlicrc was cri'i-lfd lo llu' wi'stward of tlic smith winji' of .lolin Siiltoi: Hall another most lieanliful and imposiii;r striietnre. oni' hnndi'ed and I w eiit> -I hr<'e liy ninety Iwn feel in size and tlii'ee stories hiirh. In the liaseiiieiil ol' tins hnildinii is the l;iiindr\ and slora.i;i'. while on the first Hi or aie the kileliiih,. d i 11 i III;- I'l ii a lis. and I he Stew ard "s- ot'tiee ; the .Mnsieal ( 'oM.scrv- alory occupies the second anil third stcu'ies. This linildiiii;- is known as Tiioinas Snllon Hall, in honor of the {'resident cf the Hoard of Trustees.

Diiriim- the past livw years soini'thinii- more than ^liil. ()()() have heen spent in improvini;' the Institution's plant, the most noteworthy improvement being the erection of a cold storage jilant in con.ieetiin with the rcd'eetory. This eokl storage jilant is pi-onoiiiieed hy experts to In- one of the very best in all the country. Il eiiaiiles llii' si-ho<il to mannfaetiirc its own ice. and to fni'nish its stndeids at all limes with the choii-est fri'sh .neats.

Dnring the year ItilO two notable additions to onr bnilding liavi' been made an annex to the diMing hall, seating from eiglit\' to one hnndred and an annex to the girls' dormitoi'.w accommodating sixty-two girls. The dining-room annex c(.ntains a \iM'y lai-ge Hi-i'place. which promotes good cheer and lielps the ventila- tion materiall\. The annex to the girls' dormitory affords to each two girls occujiying it a suite consisting of a sitting-room and bedroom. T'here are two large wai-drobe doseis. i ,ne for each girl. Ill the bedroom each girl has her own


° S22si^(g'£®®STi ° 5M^tL2iM?S(g(S o 5F@U2^"£@@5a «

Ix'il, and tlii'i'c IS a |)(irvrl:iiii hivatm-v sii|)|ilic'(l with liot ami rold uatri-. Xo (]i>rniiti>i-y. liowivcr liiyli the cliarj^i's ol' I he scIkkiI. atVords its (M-nipaiits hcllci- I'ooiiis than tlu'sr. Tins Imildinu: is prai-ticallv liri'|)r( nt'. and its hathroiniis one on every Hoor are tiled and finishi'd in Italian niarhlc. Occupants of these rooms pay from seventy-five ccnt< to one dollar a wcrk extra.

Diirinfr the past year, the 'riustees liou>fht land otV the Cainpus and aeross the P. R. K.. and erected a Power Plant at a eiist of ;|;121).()(»0. This is one <vf t'he !iiost complete ]ilants owned liy a sehoivl. It pro\ides all heat and lii;hl and fur- nishes power for the elevators. ventilatiiiLr fans and culinary niaehinery.

Indiana's sttuh'nf i;fo\\th has never heen phenonienal. lint it has liecn steadx'. and has increased from :128. the total eui-ollnient of that lirst terin hai-k in ISTo to more than 1.500. the nuinl)er for tlu' \'ear just closed.




° S2SjfiL@'S@(^SiJ, ° ^W^si^'^msL o 5F@lLSB''£@^5ni. "


Wlii'ii limes arc hail aiwl I'lilk's ai-c sad.

All' iil'ioiiiy (lay \>\ day, dust iry y.iur Ih'sI al hx.kiii.L' dad.

An' whistle tiieiii a\va.\ .

Dim't mind how Irmihh's hristh'.

diisl lake a rose or thisHe; Imkl ymir own, .\iid idiaiiLie your tcnie.

.\nd whistle, whistle, wdiistle.

A .siMi^' i.s worth a world of .sigh.s. When rwl tho lightnings I'lay. Lo'ok for the rainbow in the skies. An' wliistle them away.

I'Lnh day eonu>s witli a life that's new, .\ strancje eontinnod story.

i'.nt still, lieneath the heiid (." hliie. '1 he world rolls on lo tjlory.

J. W. A. P..



Officers of the Board

I'll xidi III Thomas Sittdn

Vivf I'rrsitlriit John P. Ei.Kix

Scrrfarij -T. W > Ci.akk

Ti'dsiinr II\n:n- Wiirri'.. .hi.

Members of the Board

IluN. Sr.MMKKs M. -Jack. lOst^. Jl'DGE S. D. Tklforo Mr. W. R. LorciiRv .\lii. .1. ('. Wai.i.ack Mr. .1. Dkk Wilson- Mr. F,l)\V.Mill RoWK y\\{. (iRIFIIIll I'J.l.iS

Mk. John W. Si ttox

Mr. -John U. Scott. A. U.. Es(^ Senator .Ioiix S. Fismkr. I'li.H. Mr. Tom K. Hiijikb;; \ni)

.\1U. Trio.MAS SiTTOX. .\. 1!. .\, .M.

.Mr. J. Wood Clark, .\. U.. ,\. .M

IrsTicK .loiLv 1'. Klkix. I, L.I'... .\. .M

Mk. 1I\kkv W. Wilson. .\. 15.

(IkN. IlARin WllllK. .\. I>.. !v~(^

Mr. Wii.i.iA.M S. 1) MciiKin'v

° 22fei®i^s®sii ° T^wir^s§msL ° W@w^^m^^


Officers of tne Faculty

Principal _ .


Pnc, jilur

Pinchir (if Mi(sic ('iiits( rrnhn/ I'riiKijial (if IliixliK s.< Scliiiiil

!<iipi I visor (if Truiniiuj Silnml

Librarian , -

Ill flisl rar

'!(ni,i;iir (if liiidl: Di i.arhiiail .

.Iamks Fj. Ament Jaxk E. Leonard William J. Jack

I 1 \MLIN K. ( '(HiSWEI.L

Alva H.


Araminta McIjANE

Krn'Est H. Hack William !•'. Smith

Members of tne Faculty

.Tamks K. Am EXT. lJ,.i). Frank Dhhw. A. M.. I'h. D Elizabeth Stephenson, A.

Mattie M. Coeijns

]ii,ANCUE (". Filler Jane E. Fkoxaki). .M. S.

l-'.n.NA r>. Smith. .\. 11

Linda I-olisk CrTKi;. A. I?.. Anna 1>. IIlxt


William J. Jack. A. 1?.. .\. M, Im.i/.aultii ]•'.. ('KA\vnii;i>. A. I'.


Professor of Education

•).. M. A. Assistant in P<(la(jo()fi

Assishml ill I'si/i liohniil and I'ldafJOfJH

Assistant in PsiicU'ilogii and Pcdac/ouji

Profissor of Rnfjiish

Ass(niatt Proftssor of Enf/lish

\. M. Assistant in Eniilish

Assistant in Enf/lish

Sccniarji to Miss Leonard

Professor of acofiraphfi and Historii

Assistant in Historii

'i^^m^mm^ ° S^'iLgjn^g@(a^ ° gF@^g'£@@5il. ° 1

Members of tlie Faculty— -Contd.

i'.Ei-i.Aii A. .Mii.i.iNKi;. M. Iv. U.S.. A.l'... A.M. .I.«'/. /„ a<n,i,vplni and llish,ni

James C. S.mitii. I'h. B I'mfissor ,,f Malh, mnlirs

M. C. 6oi(i>ii.\. .M. S Aasnciati I'mfissnr ,,f Mulln mdliis

Ki>x\ S. WiNTKUs, A. B Asuislinil in M,ilh< matim

•I. 1'. Wil.KN Assislanl ill Mallh Hiillirs

.Inii.N K. Smith. IM. U Assi.s-hml in Mnlln mul iis

.Iaciii; K. 1'>ii\vm\n. a. 1> Professdi- (if Hinniin mill l-'n mh

.Makiannk I-'. I!ai .MhAcii Assixtaiil in (iiinnin

Mattie DrunKi.i. IJdin.M:. .\. I'., I'mfi ssm- nf La/in

F'.diiKNCE K. i'HArrs. A. I!. Asuis/anl in fjilin

Mabkij.e \i.\v. MrVEuiji, A. 1!

•In: I .\ .1 A .\i i:s. .\ . 1 !. Prof (SSI I r <if P In/si is

\i. L. 'I'M.liiiT I'nifi'ssiir iif ('In mislrii

Sis.w .\l'l'l.i:(; \i r, I nsl i mlnr in Piililir Sjinil.inii

i'',I,lZABETII K. H^'KE Olrirlor iif I'Inisiiiil Tniiiiini/ fur Wnmi n

Jean R. McEmianev, l\i. U - , I nslrm Im- m Dniirinij

Marion A. White

Kl.BERT -M. J.\(K,Sl)N IIkI.E.V ('. (jlooOSPEED

Ai,v.\ K. KiNsi.EV

1"k.\.\k -1. MK^ i;i;>

II XMI.IN Iv ('lli;SUKI...

I )(ll{(l■I•li^' ('(KiswKi.i, .

l-;i)\.\ Al.l..\\ ('(ICSWKI.I

.■^!n.-<. I{. J. Sa\v>kk Oki.ev See

Assisliiiil in Draicinii

I iistniilor ill A(jrii III/ iin anil Miiniinl ^[rls

I ii^li ililiir in Dniiiisli, Siiiiirr

Ill ml of Ciiiiiiiii riiitl Pi jiarliHinl

'I'l iivki r iif SI I niiijriiiihij

pill I lor iif Miisii- Ciiiisi rriihirii

Vdici Cull II n ami Ilislonj uf M nsir

PiaiiD mill Onjaii

I' id IK)


( )i{CA A. Keinecke Piam

.Matilda HAKTACK-Mr.MANrs Voici and J I (d inn

I.EMA FakI-IN Siiifjinij and Vuln C ill Inn


° Ii22si^(g'Sessii, ° SS-iLsii^s^ ° ^mw^(^/^^

Menmers of the Faculty— -Contd.

Sami-KI, (1. IIakT Siiniiiiil mill Vnni Ciilliiri

W. K'. |)(iii;l\ss Wih<l and Hd'iiKjcd lush iinn nls. I'iniiu and lliiniiuini

A HAM I MA McLwi: Liliniiuiii

^MARCiAHKT .M, Vai;\ai I. Assislaid l/ihnir'uiii

Jennik M. Acki;i(.\ia.\ . Supi rrisur <if Modi I Silm,,!

Maiaina (! Uiddi.k. 1M. 1!.. Crihr Tiiiilnr

Amy (iiiAV ('/•///,• Tiiiilnr

Mahi.i, K'i-.HKCCA liUDWX Crillc Tcachd-

l/niKi- M. Oku Crllir Trachir

Cni;, T.inhir

Ernkst H. Kack h'liiislriir

Ada Mak Best Axslslaiil Uiifislrnr

Wii. F. Smith Mrninnir of the Hon!,- I)i iKivi nu nl

JfAVKS RoHINSDX Siirihini In III, I'lillii/ial

AlAiiV K. Kelso ((Jradiuitc Nm-sc,).. In Cluiiyr of III, I iilinnarii

:\l\v A. Davis Sh mini

.1. A. II. LnM;\\il.l, Sii/ii riiili Hill III of liiiildiinis mid (IroHiuh


° 5S§STi(^'fes®STi f SSuiyj^^i^^d^ » 5F@^^^ef^

The Alumni Association

Officers of the Association

I'll sill) III Ki.iiiK K. Chki's. 1!I(I4. [iitliMii.i. I'.i.

\'ii( I'nsidiiil .Iamks 15. Sansiim. 1S!14 rittshni-^Hi. I'm.

Sirnlarii S.\ha K liurri-:. 11)04 liidijiii;!. Pa.

Triiisiinr Stki.i.a L. IlA.<i.Nia;i{. 1IM>4 Iiuliana. I'a.

T ne Association

Tilt' Class cA' 11)14 is llic Ihirty-iiiiit h ^i-ailiiatiiij^- class al Indiana .Xnriiial. From lS7(i to the pri'si-iit. i-ai-h si-liool year lias cndi-d with cnninicnci'iiiiMii r,\ci- i'isos, on which on-asion the Seniors aiv niairirallN- turned into alnniiu. '! hns the ln<li;ina Alumni Assiu-iation waxes jireater in nuniluT evei'v yeai'. nntil it n:iw inehnles thousands of L!ra(luat<'s. 'I'lir Alnnini i-i>t;is1i'r in the cataloiiiie reveals tile faet that Indiana irradnati's are to lie found in e\-ery part of the world and almost every ealliii^' in life. While nearly vwry ui-adnati' tra'-hrs on leavinsi' Normal, man.*' of Ihem pass on to other pursuits. We an- iilad to uotier iiiori' and mi re the leiideiiey toward hiiilier education anioiiL' oiii' alnnwii.

Every Normal frradiiate heeomes a nuMilier of the Alnnini Association upon irraiiiiation. the ehiss being reeeiveil as a uliole into the Association on thi' iiiorniii}; of Class Day. The Alumiu Unsincss .Meetinc- is "now held i.i Chapel. as so many wish to attend tliaf in other iMum is hircc eiioimli. .\t this nicetiiej eoniliiittee.s rejiort. alnnini ofi'<-ers are elected, and s|)ecches l).\- aluniiii are the order of the da.\ .

On Tuesday eveiiiiij;- of eoiiimenceineiit week the Alnnini l'.ani|Ucl and Dance is held. An elaliorafe iianqiiet is served al 7 o'cloi-k in the Normal Ke-

° '^m,<^^<^mif^ ° gSuggi^'ig@d^ ° 3r'@'iLS!gi^@@s^ ° I

I'ri'tnry. .Miisii- liy the ( 'i )iisiT\ ii 1 1 ir\ ( Irclicsl r,-i .-iikI ;i IVw sliorl l<<i.sls liy olTii-iTs ;,ii(l iiliiiiiiii mill III till' iirc;Kii II AI'liT llir I ill I H 1 1 ii'l coiiirs 1 lic^lii iici'. For wliicli a

.-|irri;ii (l;ii oi'clii'sl I'M is I'li iiiiicil. 'I'lic ,it Inn I;i.iit lias always Ix-cii llic iarfi^cst

iif llir iiiiniial (l.inci's. 'i'liis \i,ir slimilil |ii-ii\i' a rccord-lircjikcr. as all the I'itls- |i|irfi"ll tcai'liri's uill l>r alilr 111 allrllil lllis ycal''s ( 'i:liillirlirriili-lll . Alllllllli As- snciations arc I'miiKi in .si'Mt^iI nuiiilirs in \\'c-<lri-ii I'l'imsyhjinia. ^'l■al•ly liaii- i|iii'ls arr lirlil in .lulinslnwii. ( Irrrnslniri;. Kitlannini; and i'itlsliiirjrli. Willi si'\rn hnndiTil .dniii.ii in Alli'Lihrny ('iinnl\, llir I 'ittsl)ur<rli l>aii(|ncl is always wfW alli^nilrd, sonic tliicc hiiMili-cd and lil'ly Ihmiil' |)ri-scn1 nn April lliinl at the .NionoiiLi.ilicIa I lonsc.

In -Inly ol' each year liic Allcjihciiy Ciinnly Alniniii Pieiiic is held al the

hon f Diicliii' Slevens nil the ('aknionl Inlle.v line neai; Wilkiiislnu-jr. This

year I he dale will !ic Salnrdav ertcrniinn. .Inly eleventh. The alu.nni liriiit'' iiasket.s and eat sn|i|K'i in L;r nips. The Slevciis hospitality is faniinis. and all I lie Xoriiial uradiiates and IrieniU are nuidc niosl weleonic al their lieaiitifii! eoniilry place. Dancing enlivens Ihe c\cninii iiniirs. The allendance is nsiiallv" several liniidrcd.

Whili' all Indiana "radnalcs arc made wcleinne at ( 'i I'liincnccinent time, and shoulcl eiiiiie hack whenever piissihlc the ten, twenty and tweiity-fi\e yi-ar elassos are always espicialK" inviiiil. and ai'c the uncst^ nf the schunl I'ln- a W(ek at ihcii- anniversary ecichrat inn. The special classes this year are ISSi). 18M4. li)()4.

J.SMios 11i;rhkht Hi ssi:i,i.. l.Si).'). l!)(il.


^^m^B(^m> ° l^ws^'^msL ° 2F'@m^'£(^s=d,

Class History 19 14

WiMi thr fall (if 1!)1(1, llir (irst >rliiiipsc of (iin- Senior ('las-; was seen. This ■.vns the last tiinc stiidiiils c-oiild cm-iill in thr tlinr-yrar ciiursi'. hut a few dc- riih'd to taki' I'l 111' vi'ars, i,itth' is kiuiwii (if this year hci-aiisc dl' thr siiiail si/.c of thr ,-ia.>vs.

With thi' (ipniiii- of thr fall of 11)11, thr iirw four-yrai- roin-sr lii-st wrnt into (.■fJ'ccl. '!"hr Sii|ilioiiii ii-r class niiiiihrrrd only ahoiit foi-ty. Ilowrvrr. \vr wci-c proud of iini- little In dy. and ali-iad.\ iuaii\- wrrr lookinr- forward to tile rovrti'd ri,;i|. IHU. \V,. uviv also proud of the fai-l that \vr wriv nirinhrrs of tlic first Siiplionioi-r elass in thr liistoi-y of Indiana, .Many of lis wrrr gradu- ates of serond-idass lliirli Sr!u ,ols. whilr others riitrrrd with Irss credits. In the opeuiiiti' of the SpriiiL;' ami Winter trrins. a few iiiorr were addrd to our list. Kver\- day we wi'rr inn r,-|sinu' holli in nuinhrr and wisd;iin. Happily \\ r look hark ii\-rr thosi^ days when wi' rra<l of the tei'l'ihlr wars of Carsar and liiirnrd thr inidnir'ht 'riinustrn over our IMaiie Gee.nirtry. Faithful wrrr the li-arhi^rs who lironi;ht us safely throiiiih that yrar. In a Innly. we posed in front (d' thr caiiii-ra of the IMl'J instaiio. \Vr sinih' now as wr look' at thr ra,i;'rr farr-; < !' that pirtiirr. Happy Wr wrrr that wr did not have to taki> Statr I'x.ard iv\- aininat ions.

Our -lunior yrar was a plrasant one for all. We riadl.x wclciMni'd to our I'ttle l>od\- alioiit one hiindrrd new students who had heen irradiiated from elass lli^li Sidicils and had ci .iie to complete the course in two years. Straii.n'crs we were at lirst. hut vi'i-.x soon wr had a class mi'rtinr' and then wr hrcanir a real li\r i rsjaiiizat ion. IMiie and (iohl wrrr rlnisrii as our class colors; the yellow I'ose as our rhi^s llnwrr. and " \ow sihi. si'd omiiiluis"" as (,nr moti i. Iloinrr I.audriislairrr was rliosrn pivsidrnl ; IIi>ward Krint;', \'irr I'l-i'sidriit :


o 'i^M,<^^^mi. ° SSugS^g^cg^ o ^@'iL5g'£@@5AL

.\l;ii-v LiiMTii Sinilli. Ti-iMSiK-iT. Willi I'licsc iilViccrs in <-liMrj:r. \\r lirjiiiii a yryy siirrcssriil vrar. \Vr now Mssnnicd iicw r'i'S|iciii,siliil il irs ami nnilrrwi-nt IIMV experiences, l)es|iite tlic rain. \\r I'outi'ht bravely Tor our enlars in the color

We heeame heller aeiiiiainted w illi eaeli other at'tei- lioldiiij; our TTallow'en l»anee. Il was (nil' lii'st social funetioii. Kvervone spoke of il as the Im'sI ilanee of the year.

M'oiiths llew h.\- and at last we realized that «<• were iiearinLT Ihe time 1(1 take State IJoard examitiatioii.s. With anxious hearts we waited for the faenlt.v 1 1 eommi'iidations. (>iil.\ a few failed to mei't their re(|uirements. 'I'he State Hoard d(H'ision showed that all had |ii-o\ed themselves eapahle of |)a.ssiiig an- other mile stiMie in llieir livc's. How happ.\ \\r were, prohahl.x- the liHppiest in the sphcol. IV'r ircre Seniors!

We took lip our work in tlie Senior year witli (|uiet dignity, for as Seniore we wei-i' siii>po.s.d to S(M an example for all niiderela.ssmen. Teac^iintr in ^Vlodel added another dif;iiit.v and als.i another responsiliilit.x' to lis: hut. as loyal Seiiioi-s. we thoii^rlit always of the meaning of our motto and i-eali/.ed tliat a diflfieulty overi'oine makes one stronger.

We missed a few of the fai'cs cf the previous .\i'ar and were sorr.v not to ha\e thi'iii with us. A \'vw new ones came to .join us.

The hiisiness of our Senior yrtw has been siieeessfiilly conduetiMl by Homer Lamh'iislager. I'residi'iit : Howard Kriiifr. ^'iee {'resident; 1/iila Ksson. See- i'etar,\. and Daisy Zelt. Treasurt-r. A wiser choice c'ould not have heen made. .1. W. A. Brown was elected Kditor-iii-( 'liief and Earl 1). Matthews. l^iLsiness l\[anager of ciiir lltl4 Instano.

'I he Senior lia.\ -ride was a deei(ie<! siiccess despite the valiant ett'ort.s of tile .liinior class to make it otlierwise.

That lon^- looked for event, the Senior l'>all. was iindoubiedly a grand sne-


S2as=Q,(g"Se(SSTi ° SSuciny^^tS » SF'@usg'5@@5nv.

iH'ss. The il(>c(i!'iili()iis. iiiiisi", rclVi'^liiiiriils, pro^-iMiiis. mII wcic ImvuimI i-rili- fis'lii. Xi- Scuidi- will cvri- I'oi-i;-!'! il

l'i'rh,'i|is till' iiiiist iiili'iTsiiim ('\rnl uf (nii- Si'iiidi- vcmt w ms llir Sriiinr- I'acuily hiiskcl hull i;,iiiii'. Tln' niriilly cnlrrcil inln il with ui-i'mI viiri mihI I'urcc with t'lic ili'sirc to show tlic stiuli'iits tluil thi'\ cniihl not only insli'iirt thi-ni illcng till' line of IciirninL'. lint ;ilso |)ro\i' thi'insclvcs stars ( .' I aloni;' tln' line of athfetifs. The score, 11-1) in I'mvoi- of the Seniors. |iriivc'(i how I'l-uitlrss wci'r their atti'mpts.

Without oiR' I'cirrct we rct-oril this histoi-y of oni- rhiss and i-nly hope that in the futmv. \vi' can loolc back npon these <lays with contented remciii- hraiic'c and think that they i-ould have been spent in no more (h'sii-ahle place tiian Indiiina.

.Iank Hki,!„ "U.

^1- ^vv^r


JS^S^tg'Se^Si), ° JMI^US^W^'e^d^o 5F(2)U=S'i?'£@(i5nk


Tlici Diiv

IS IK) I mil I' iiir;ii 'rii''iil \i-\ si) s;iil

VVc toiled tii^^t't luT with mic j;oiil in virw. Eueh time our burden greater to renew. Oirr years ji.s days have vanished, so it seeiiis. in this i'iil(i!lnii'n1 of <nir <|eiirest <ii-eaiiis.

.Viiiniij; th'' hnndreds we our friends did elioose. To form sMvii hands, ah. nevermore to jiise! In kindly nearness we did live and work; Up to the <;oal, by vdiioh there seemed to lurk Sweet living voices telling of that day When, (liiiy-boiind in life, we t<H)k our way.

'Tis now when all is' o'er and friends do ]>art, We hvok into the ])ast with longing heart To live again da.\s of toil and zeal. And eall them i)leasant. althoug'h not as real And when we did our .io.vs and sorrows share. And thought owr student woes a world of eare.

Dear faees eome before us a.s df old.

In ea<'li the niem'ries of our work untold;

Forgotten lines on lips of .some return.

Kxtiii'guisjhed thoughts in other spirits burn;

thoughts in other spirits burn;

Oft times reeall those days but with nigret.

They're .just a dream. a dream, lest we forgot.

We .seatter in this world, our i)arts to take. Along in life the greatt>st aims to make. For 'tis the Class of Classes we uphold. This of Xineteeu fourteen. blue and gold. And eaeh to earh bid G<Hlspet>d. ah. Farewell!

I' Small,



° SSm@i^@®5i^ ° ^wif^'^^sL o W@vi'^^m^?i^ o 1




S2M@-S@@5i^ ° Saugg^g@(^ ° ^@ugg'5@@g^ ^ ]


Officers of tke Senior Class


C IloMKu LAir>i-:Nsi..\(ii:K

\'irf Pnxii

'oil _ _ IlnwAiii) S. KniNd


_ 1 . 1 I ,r 1 . Kss( )N

Tnasiiii r .

J Daisy 15. /ki,t


W'f i-(i;n-. Oiic-tiinc Oiit'-t'oiir.

We fdill'. Onr-Ilillc -Ollc-t'oiir.

K;ili: l{;ilil l.'nh!



N'oii Silii. Sc<l OniiiHms.


r.liK' ;in<l (ioht.


Yi'llou Uusr.





Wilda M. Adams "Dot" "'

Wilkinsburg. Pa.

WilUiii^l.iu-s: Ilijrli ScIkx.1. 1!I1:2

Sum hiiiir hir hiil hi Inn Ik r, .\iii(i iKUiiid III I hilt tn priiisr.

Florence Weltner Applegate

"Flossie" McKeesport, Pa.

.McK.-i-sport Hitrli Svl 1

V. W. <'. A.: "KcfiiH'd Sinii>l('toiis". 4 Till iiiilii irini III hari a fiiind Ix In lit mii


° 22Ss=4(g'Ss®s^ ° SS-iyiiAySsdcS ° '^mE^^m>'s^

Kathleen V. Baile;9

"KntK" Greensburg, Pa.

Ci-cciislMir- Ilijili Sclu«>l. iiirj

10r-(i(lcl|ilii:in ; 'rcniiis 'l'r;iiii ; Sriiioi- Kinf:; ( 'i iiiuiiitti'c- ;

.Music CoiMiiiitlcc, Si-nior UmII ;

Dcr Dciilsclw Litrnii-isclic Vcrciii

••//,/■« '.s- l„ Ih, m,iri,sl. Uu-i's l„ lln ,rill„st:

Jane Bell

"Janibus" Turtle Creek, Pa.

I'liioii Hiph School

lii.sliuio Uoanl; Ki-<Kl«>lplii:iii

M mil si IIS iiiiiniiiiii."

o ']^m,(^^Bmf^ ° ^w^s^^j^msL ° If ©tLs^i^e^g^

Jennie Benson

Bennie" St. Mark's, Pa.

St. .Miirys Utirh SclKwl. liUli

■■Aiifl slill tluii ,,„:,. I.— ,111(1 s/ill III, ,i;>ii,l<r (inir. Tlifit oiii sill, ill li,,i,l i;nil,l iiirril nil sli., ii\"

Alnna Blackman

"Blackie" DuBois, Pa.

Diil'.ois lli<;ll Sclio.ll, nil-'

lliiy^liriiiaii ; Y. W. ('. A.

.1 /■(()■)• flic, irill iritliir: ii full , i/i irill irnx Imllmr. hiil 0 <i<io(l hiiirl i.s- III, sun and iii<>,)ii : nr r,iUi, r. Ill, sini ,111,1 mil III, mil, in: l',ir il shims hiiijlil nml in n r ihaiiiiis.--


S2^(g-fes®s^ ° S4gugg\y^g@(f^ ° IF'@ty5g'S@@s^

RacKel Blose t> A <^


GreensDurg, Pa.

(Iivciishm-ir Iliirh S<'liool, 11M2

iM'oili-liiliijiii. Iiisliino l'.ii;ii'(l

"Of still II !( lull. I lull I II iliniiiifi iriiiiiiiii."

Mary R. Bossick

"Curly" Scranton, Pa.

Srrjiiiton Ili-'li Sch(,;>l


■Bdtn- III III mill niul shim. Ihaii lo In liiii ami (■(/.'.■/ II .'ih<iil<iii-."


'^m.<^^(^mm^ ° SSu=25^s@(S o 5F@^!5'"£e(^5Ai= «

Alice Bostock

"Alle" Wilmerding, Pa.

Instniio liojinl; Senior Ball. ProfrrMiii ('(ininiitico •/ Idici iilirinis jin fi ir( <l <li((rfiilii(ss In inirlh."

Anna Audene BraKam

"Dene" Oil Cit>), Pa.

Oil ('if\- Ili!.'h School. 1912

lliiv!rliclii:iii: Y. W. ('. .\.: What-so-fViT Society

".I mini iiiiiiil."



22M(g"SsssTi o 'i^w^j^'}S^(sL° 5f@M^5if^

Marian Broderick I' H 15

"Brod" Johnstown, Pa.

.Iiiliiisldwii lliuh Sclioiil. \'.)]-2

llisl;inci Uojii-il : l']i-(i(lrl|ilii;iil

" W nil nil/ ia( 's iiiollii r iril . Anil iirl.-i inikimini liifnn."

Sarah C. Brosious

"Brodji" Sunbury, Pa.

Siiiilnu'v Ili-i'li Scliool, ]'.n-2

"Witliiiiil hiiltimi. iiiHiiiiit risl. Lifliiiij hi till- up III hisl.'-


° S22S^(g1^S(g5nl ^ 'i^Wmj^(^ » 5f'@^"i?*£@(^5nL «

J. Willard A. Brov^n n X

"Frogs" 'Alplinbeticnl ' "Doc" PittsburgK, Pa.

riiidii Ilijili S,-li(K)l. i:i(lS: ('Mr:irf.Mi- 'rccliiiical ScIuhiIs;

huli.-uiM Stale Noniial Sdiool. IIMl' H(li!.ii--iii-(liirr. 1!)14 Instaiio; Board llMl'-llH:! : Cliair-

mail I'rograiii ('oiiiiiiittct'. Senior Ball: Seiiinr Hinji

Cimniiittce : liiiieoln Dtihatitifr Club; Y. M. ('. A.;

"Brown of Harvard;"' Minstrel Varsit\' 'Pi'aek. 2.

:•. 4: Football S(iuad, 2. 4; Ch.-er Leader, :i. 4;

Cliain and I'.all Soriety ; Crooks" Clnb.

"//• liiiil (I 1(111(1 h) i(/((lr(C( . (I l(i(i(i((( Id i)( rsH(i(l( . (i(((l (I h(i(((l Id (.r((ul( anil iidscbu f."

Alice Burke * K II

"Biliie" Crafton, Pa.

Seninr b'iiig: Connnittec ; CiVMVks I'liib : Y. \Y. ('. A. "Smile and the world smiles icilh (/('((."


° '^M.(^^Bm^ ° SSue^jT^is^d^ o 'ii'^w.'is^^m^ °

Attie CaldvJell

"Caddie" CursJens-Oille, Pa. Curwciisvillc Ilifrli Scliool ■'^1 vIki rfiil (iiiil sKiiiiii ilisii()sili(

EtKel Campbell

Vandergrift, Pa.

lliiv'jihciiiMii S(H-i<'ty. Y. \V. C. A.

.\i rir do lii-ilaii irhal ijhh can do fa-iiKirroii-.


° S2m(gi^e®3i^ ^ S3M5MSS@(o?. o 5F@Ui5S"£@^5nl, °

Marie Catherine Cherry

"CKerr^p" Conemaugh, Pa.

CoiH'iiiailfrli llif^li ScIiihJ


"I'm (III iiuj Willi til iiitidil."

Eleanor Mae Clark

Munhall, Pa.

.Munlnill Ili-li Sell, Mil. 1!M-J

Sill i-iiiild irann ijini inlh n smih ur frci-i i/on irilli (I ylaiiii . "


l^^i^^mmr^ ° SS-iumiySs®^ ° ^©vns^m^^

Mary Irene Crusan

Happy" Peg" Wilkinsburg, Pa.

Wllki'ls'.Mir- II mil SriHMj Si'llidl- I'lMj^lMlil ( 'niiilllitti'C

" F'lf smii' iiiiiii hi/l: iiinl smiK miii/ shiji. Hill sill i/nis nil (nil VI r."

Bessie C. Dickie

"Bettie" Indiana, Pa.

Iiidiaiin Iliuh S.-liml. 11)12.

•W'hitl is hi fun IIS Is II liijhl irllh lli< inirlil. Ami I III sDinii r in hniiii ll'lln hilli r."

l^mm^m<m^ ° l^w^y^^^^ML » W@m'is^m^^

Flora DieKl "Flo"

Graceton, Pa.


'I hisi irlid liriiifi .■stilish i IK in I a I In I iris of iilhirs iiiiiiiiil 1,1 1 /I il (null llii iiisi In s."

Gertrude Rebecca Dinsmore

Scrubby" PunxsutaiCnej), Pa.

run.xsutawiii'y Iliirli Sclnxil. llllli .\ ' •■(/■ (/'/ hiiliii) irluil t/dii iHii jiiil off until liiiiiiirniir.


KJfei(g'£©(^S^ o IMEUi^Jn^S^S o ^FOtLS^l^ii^S^

Artie Doncaster A K <I> •T,c"

Mount Pleasant, Pn.

Moniil l'lc'as,ni| Iliuh Sduidl ' Lil,( siiii^liiii, ii'ir (/riiii /i(lils.

Margaret Dunlap, <^ K n

Dunny" PKiladelpKia, Pa.

IMlil.-lilclpluM lliji-h Srho.l

S,;|) Staff; Illstaiio HoiU\\. 'Fit tiiid Fair, siiiij>li (iml sii/firii iit.

° Si32sni®"S®(^5ni ^ SS"iL25i^^S@(S « 5f ©^LS^'S^dSnk »

Alma May Eberle

"Munts" Altoona, Pa.

Allonin lli-h Scliiiol. mil

Thi h ss (I iid'iiini Ih'nihs tir hiimrs iiIkikI ]ii }■ I'liiin I in h, //, r ir< Ilk, h, r."


Florence Eiseman


Lntrobe, Pa.

Crodclpliian. V. W. ('. .\.. (Jcniiaii Clul) ( niDiii. mill III III r .■iliiiiil hi fori uitr face.


° SgSjE@'feS@SiL ° SSmSt^/^S^iS o '^(^WiSt^m?!^

Hazel K. Elkin, II K i:

Hay" Jeannette, Pa.

||IS|;|||(^ I'.IKII'll

"Sh( hitil llidl iliriiK (I'tfl nf iiKtkiiKi friniils

Mary Rebecca Erhard

"Tin>)" Altoona, Pa.

Juniata Iliuli Sclioul, 1012

'Tiipi (if llii ii-isi irlio siiiir hill iiir<r nidiii. Tnii In I'niilnd poiiih <//' llninii ami llmii, ."


o 3^gjfQ.(^'S@@gnj. o IM?mIa^i^@(S o 5F@^l?i^@(15nl.

Gettie Blanche EsKbaugK

"Stub" Knoxdale, Pa.

ClMi-inn Slali' Niii'iiial SclioiJ, Iliiy^liciiian. Y. W. ( '. A.

\(i! v< rij hii-fii .

\,il n III siiiiill. Hill ill ii-iirl, iiiii (li mill I I'll

Sill III Ills I III III nil.

Lula Irene Esson, II K "Lu"

PittsburgK, Pa.

Instaiio I'.oai'd. Class Sicivtary. 4. V. \V. ( '. A.

'•//; liir fan I si i ii 11111/1 uf Iriilli. Iniiallii mill iiiiiii stij."


S22s=a,(^'S©®5A), o gSitgj^g@(a^ ° Wmm'^<m>'s^

Eleanor Faust "Petty"

I. S. N. S.. H,-nhir. IDI:',

" \Vi liiral h'l r as a n (jiihir.

And tliDunlil sIk loiihl iinl I, (in lis: Shi foiilid IIS ami cinin liack this finir. Si) ill jKiii iiri iinir is i/rii rolls."

Sara Francies

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Erodcl|)'lii:iii Socifty. Y. \V. C. A.

Siriji. ml. mill Ik iih nil for lo-iiiiirrniv \i<iii iimsl iriiil; hard (Uinlii. "

J^M><^^mm^ ^ ^Miw^j^^j^ML » 5f'(S«Ls^'&@(i5ni. »

Dana Alice Fr^?

Taters Ingram, Pa.

I'ittsliiii-jiii lli-h S,-li,„,l 1 luvyliciiiiiii

Sin /.s- II i/irl ii'liii liii-( s III, rii/lil.

A (/ill irliii's liniri irhi ii ihiiitiir's iiii/h. I,' (Iniiifi ,,u,„l sin funis ililiilhl.

.1 r/n7 /■-/;■ //<.,/ In ptill, ni hlj."

Virginia Lyn Gallaner <^ K II

"Lyn" Clearfielcl, Pa.

(•Ie;irfirl,| lliirh S,-li-,ol

.1/1/ lnr-<l_ iini Innnnir'il. nnnli i' .s/n rl, ,1 jrn 11(1."


°^^<^^ ° IMl'iL2!M?S(i(S o 5F@UGS"£@@5E

Lorene Garman

Rene" Berlin, Pn.

I'.i'flili lli^ii Srhiinl. IIKIII KroiirlplMMii. V. \V. C. A. (icririjiii CIul) '.I /'((/// SI t niij nil lliiil chiiinisl ]r<iiii (dm

MartKa J. Gibb,

"Mettie" Homestead, Pa.

.1 cliiirfiil hiiijxr, s<<is(iiii il ii-illi iiniocniri . icill iiiiili hiiiithi nil j-iirl ici mid iril ijdiiil-iKil idu il ."

I ° l^gjn^,@1^@(^Slj, o gSugjMEg@(fl^ ° 5F@U5g'£©@gn^

Emma Margaret Gieg

"Gieg" Altoona, Pa.

••// K llnt disirilhli In i/u mil nf „ll,'s irOjl hi ill

ijiiial: hill il is to in hii[ii<l thai il mail iii in (iiii's

Hazel Ginevan

E"Oan" Donora, Penn'a

Si) rill < rf III. ijuii mill hapjiji. Sii I'm friiiii nil n ml ion."


° S2SsT^.{gi^s®STi ° SSuii5^S(g(S o ^@ms^(m^°_

Margaret Garard GoodvJin <1> A ^\>

"Peg" GreensDiirg, Pa.

Orccn-ihuri;' IliL'h Sdinol. ll)l'_'

Ero(lrl])hiaii ; IiisImiio IJnjird

'Siriil (ii'.il siiiiliiKi iin III)/ ii-iijis: Such jiiK n s< ivi iiiid iiiilil( nlici uti ."

. Florence Hallam 11 K i


Wasliington, Pn.

Washington lliyli S,'Im..1, lltrj •<l(i(,(1 fiDiids (in (](ni( up in smiill jnulaiii


22MS'S©®5a1> ° W^V^^s^"^®^ o lF@Ugg'5@@gnJ. "

Emily Jane Hanson

"Buzz" Pittsburgh, Pa.

Allc<rlicii\ Iliii-li Schiiol


■■ Wtifliin SD Ik sji (I f/irl as sin th< r< iras. And III I sill siniiiil liisiir lliini shi inis,"

Frances Hardy

"Fran" Sharpsburg, Pa.

.\<]niiuiill Iliirh Srli,.,il, 1!tT2 Iliiyilhrnia!! li/lli Imniiiifi is II (lamii rolls lliiiifi.


o S2M(gi^s®STL ° 23uii5=w^s@(S ° 5F@uss'£(i^^

Curtis Harsha, A K <t'

"Curt" Cnnonsbiirg, Pa.

('mii(iiisI.iii-h- lliiih ScIidcJ, HII'.'

Y. \V. ('. A. Cjiliiiict. 4. Sriiloi'

" lldlipil (iiiil fn ( ii'illi iKi Clin far Ihi iiinrniif. Sill .■iiiiUns iliill iiiri mill i-iiiiisliis snrniir."

RutK Ella Hetterl))

"Het" Altoona, Pa.

AltnuiiM Ili-h S,-hool. V.tVl. Y. W. C A.

•Sh< walled cniisiii iiliniishi llimiiiili llir sd-riiis of tin dan. FldfiUiiiil I ri rii sirtinii tin iiii ii iiti st ."


° ^M,<^^m(^?f^ ^ ^wmj^msL o IF&ms^m^^

MartKa Hill, Til li

"Mart" Johnstown, Pa.\vii Iliu-I: Si'lionl. 1II1l>

Tn si, h,r is In Ini; Inf. (1 11,1 l„ Inn hill Inr fori rir."

Juniata King Ho>'t

"Neet9" Pnilipsburgh, Pa.

I'liilipslinru- Ili.uh SchodI, lllll!)


■Oin dm r is ii-nr'li <i Innidnil (In (1)11 1 rs."


o l^lmm^m'^'is^ ° SlgMjj^g@d^ ° '^ms.'^'^m^'s^ <>

Marian Frances Jackson

"Mary Ann" Girard, Pa.

(iininl Ili-li Scliocl. 1!I1-J

Sdpliisl Snli-iO'iplion ( 'iiimiiilli-r

"J iriiiiKiii i/isiiins alficlidii anil li'ninr. hicaiisi sin ix iKi' hiiiifi ill iniil f'lr //i(.s7."

Jemima Hugus

"Jim" Latrobe, Pa.

' Our sill lit nil iiihi i


S2^(g'SS(^STi ^ SSUilST^,<SS@(S o 5f (0)tLS'i?'£@(^Sil "

Clara WilKelmina Johnson

"Johnny" Titus%'ille, Pa.


TitusvilU- Iliuh Srhonl. 11)11

".\ii (iiK hill sin and ll<iir(ii Liioirs. (If irhiil sin's I li i iiki iifi. II itKHi III (illtir lioiihs III- III mil-. Fiiii sriioliirslili, III- sh/lish rhilliis. I'l III Ills iir jiriiikiiiii. "

Katnerine Jones "K"

Wilkinsburg, Pa.

Wilkiiishiiru- Ili-li Scluml. IIIIL'

Kroilclphian. V. \V. ( '. .\.. Instaiii Hoard

■/// iirilli "11 I ii mill /ilnisiis mir Knlln r'l m Is ii sliiiil,-. Hill irli. II a in, ins In i/niiriiiii. il is Ininl In nni'.i I In murk. "


o 1^M,<^^^B(^^ ° SattgJA^g@(a^° W@WiS^@m^ <=> I

Rutn Jones "Rudj)"

Homestead, Pa.

lloiricstcMd lli-li S,-liini|, lin-J

Iliiy-liriiiaii. V. W. ('. A.

linlits/ni Is III, s(nil of liiisiinss and III, hi tlshiiK iif iirnxjii ril II.

Margaret Kapple

"Peg" PittsburgK, Pa.

■For if sill mil. -sin irill.


° li2M(g^©(^5ni, o ^w^f^'S(ML o IF@^'i?"£e(gs^ °

Penelope Kennedy

"Penelope" BrooKville, Pa.

I'.i-nokvill,' Ili-h S,-h,,)l. llll-J

( liTiiKiii dull; I luyi^hcnian

I'niniil ami fiii/hfiil. <is llitil I'nnlnji, „f „l,l. Ami HI,-, Ik r. I, in. iimi liinu a Inarl <-/ ;inhl.

Gene\^ieve Kier A K II

Gene" Washington, Pa.

Washington High Sriiiioi. 1912


''SHU inili r runs di i p."


Sg5gi^(^'Ss(^5ii ° SSugj}i^g@d^ o 3F@^g'£@@gQ, o ]

Mary Katherine Kirk

"Kitt>i" Pliilipsburg, Pa.

I'hilips'nii-n- lli-h Si-hoil. Iltll' Knidrlpliiaii; V. W. ('. A. ■•Sill III sill ii-iiil. iiiijlirlfiil i,( 1,1, rhiinii

Howard S. Kring il X

Doc" Shrimp" Jonnstown, Pa.

['..■aver Iliuh SrliDiil tl):ill Sipi,-i(l. 1'; Scnili Captain. 2: ( 'hccrli'adrr. .!, 4; I'ri/c K-<sav. •2: Lincnln I )rliat iii^- Clnli; (" Vice I'l-csiiicnl. o. 4; Chain an. I Hall Sncidy. "<!il Ihi spiril. Ill, l„,liin,ii s/iiril."


° SSM(g1^(S®ffii, o l^wif^^^^^sL o 5F(0)^i?i^®^^

Helen Elfrieda Lange <l' K II

"Spooks" Fair Oaks, Pa.

Dirliiihi tall, and iiidmI tlirinih/ fair.'

Vera Elizabeth Lantz

"Betty" Altoona, Pa.

Altiioiia Ilif-'h SrlKx.l. V.)V2

Y. W. C. A.

Hut that is thr- (Uarrst all tht uhili. That wiars for us the strcctest smile'


'l^fm.i^^^mf^ ° l^'mj^^®3L ° ^@^g'£@@giL o I

Helen Lapsley II K S

Glassport, Pa.


TJii nicUitifi ruin IhrdKi/h iii(i:( .f niiniiiii) Unfirisliii;) all Ihi (liaina lluil lii Till hiddi u soul of harmonij."

C. Homer Laudenslager

"DutcK' "Bone" Girardville, Pa.

CImss Presidpnt. '■^. 4: Iiist.-ino linard; Ijiiicolii Debatinsr

L'lul). Presidi'iit: Y. .M. I', A.: Gcniiaii Cliil). I'rcsi-

dent, 4.

' Tin II mint linvi In i ii iinnlir nun Imni lltiiii iiii . hill I ihiiilil II.''


° J^SSi^,(g'Se(^5nl, ^ SSlUlSi^BdcS <=> 5F(MS^i^(g®5nl.

Gertrude Laugnlin II K i

Gert" "Fruadie" Eigh^J-Four, Pa.

W^ishiiiL'Inn Iliyh Srlic»,,l, 1!)1l>

Kl'ddrlpliiMIl ■• 117,,,/ l-'niihlii <hHSiri l.iinir Isiil ircirlli I; innr'uiil."

Mildred Jane LeecK <!' A 4>

LeecK" Greensburg, Pa.

Giveiishiii-vr Iliirh S.-h ,,,1. 11112

Iiistani) Bi'ini: lOrDdclphian

'Till irurld's iiu hilhr If iiu icdrri/. Lil('s III! Idihji r if IIU Inirrii."


S22sT^,(^'£(S(^5ni ° SStL&iA^B^d^ o Wms^^m^^

Frances Lonr

{•ran" Mt. Pleasant, Pa.

Ml. I'lrM^aiil lli-h S,-li.M)l. 1:112

'Slic (iiKiiilli Ik r iiiiiii/h irilli iiisihii Ami hrr h, 11,111, k Hi, l,iir ,,( kin, I,,,

Lily Lutman

Suffragette" Spangler, Pa.

Spaiigli-'r Iliii'h Schoiil Huygheninii : Y. W. ('. A.

Tlur, ,ir, liii/itl li,,irl\. Hi, r, ,11; sjiiril.^ hnir,.

Til, r, ,11; .v'j///,v //(((/ ((/•( piir, ,111,1 Ini, : Th, II ,tii; III, inirhl Hi, h, si i/iiu Inn; .

All,} III, h,sl sliiill ,;im, h,t,i; l,i ii„ii/'

_^M^'£@(g5n^ ^ SSUiMn^lS^d^ ° 5F(0)tLSSl^(^5nl «

Pearle Leonore Mann

Beaut^j" Punxsutawney, Pa.

Punxsiitiiwiicy Ilii;li Si'lmol

IIil\ tjlli'iiiaii

'//./• iiir. hi r mini III rx, nil irlm sine ml mi nil. Ci'inii Otis Ihiittijli Joihi. (iiiil i/i iilli lliDiiiili nlinil.

Mabel Jan.e Mason

Washington, Pa.

Washiimton Iliirh ScIkioI. 1912

Iv'oilrlphiaii : .Mailriu'iil CIiili

V. W. ('. A.: Choral Cluh

-.1/ /-/////(/ slorlis. shi's a slai: Al Inl'k sill 'II III VI r i/iihl: Bui whirl shi in Ihi hiip/iiisl Js oil I hi fool hull jicld."


S225Ti(g'SS(^Sii ° SSM5=i^S@d?, o 5F@U=S'i?"£@(iSil.

Earl Da-Ois MattKev?s


Toungstown, Oino

1!.-|VCM Ili-ll S.'lliiol, 11)1)11

liiisincss .MMiiaL;<T II'M liislaiio: l,iiii-iiln Dchalin^

('lull; Sciiidi' Uall lici'rcsliiiiciit ( 'mninit tec.

" Mdriji jioiniii mill In liaiijiii."

Cecilia McCann


Johnstown, Pa.

Alinn/s: iiiirrji. m rir ijlinn. iii(ihi>: a hriijJil mill ihi I rf III ill mil. "


° l^m.<^^iBmm. ° SS^y«i^B@d^ » 5f ©tLsi^'fieds^

Julia McCarthy "SopK"

Oil City. Pa.

•/ (/•-;/(/// niUi<r linn III, ,il],ili<nial, niinnl of Hill jiUdir nil II Hum I iiniilil liiii-i liiii/is mill mini K iif jiulil. "

Roberta McCrum

"Bert" AspinxOall, Pa.

Aspinw.ill Ilifrli S.-lio(il. 1:112 Y. \V. {'. A.

■■ XntllilliJ In (In I ill Inllliirrnir."


° S22ST^.(^'Ss®5m ° SS'iL25^H@(g o 5f@tLg"i?'£@@5n^

Marguerite McFeaters

"Peg" "Pegurite" Greensourg, Pa.

()|-c('iisl)iir-' lli-li ScIhk.I. mili

KiM(lrl|ilii,iii. InslMiiii I'.oaril

l\'/7/- In, III ,ii< ,ni,l ln,,l; hih ill. Ami III, nil, I I III- iilhnln-i hull. All, I liirl.s jliiiiii hiiik. ,111,1 lips iiimil. Lih'i (I iiiiiiiii III, III iif (In, Kill iirl."




I i-*

Angela McGee

"Angel" Mount Pleasant, Pa.

.Mount l'lr;is:int Ili^ll Srlidol, 1!»1-J 'Sli, IS iiiin; jti;,l,ius lh,ni riihiis.

° 5iS^(g'S@®5nii o Mw^j^^j^^isL o ^Fmsiii^e^s^

Mary Rose McGinity

' McGinis" BlaissOille, Pa

Uliiirsvillc Ili-rh Sch.iol, 1!)1L'

"Sihiiii is (ii)l(l(ii." .•iinis Miirii. •Tis foliii Id h, irisr, Sn sh, si'hlnii, hilks.- shf sliullis h lUil lh< /,<!, h, r Ihiiil.s sin //'/-.v."

Marguerite Louise McQuiston

"Peg" Butler,''Pa.

niitlcr Ili-li S,-liiiul ■•.1 .;'"////, (i<iii(l-iitiliiri<l fiirl."


° Ii2M(g'S©(^S=ft ° S3MS=i^.<SB@(S ° ^@UJlg'£@@Sik

EditK Winifred Montgomery

"Monty" Oil City. Pa.

Oil Cily Ilifrli Schdol IIliyu'liriiiMM; Y. W. C, A. Sli< hits Ihi isstiilidi iillrihidis of u ladji."


ce M. Nicolls "Nick"

SKaron, Pa.



IIi.U'll Srhnol, 1







lilficiin hi Ih,




° SSMs'Ss^siL ^ SS'iyMnySs@(S ° JF^ils'S'S^^s^ «

Marie F. O'Hare


SKaron, Pa.

Shiiroii Iliirli S,.|i.m,1. IDlii



IliiiJ. I'l jdivuiij . s<irniici III/, o thntugh lif( .sill i/ois."

1111(11 il

Henrietta Roline Parkins '1* A *

"Hen" McKeesport, Pa.

.MrK,TS|M,|-1 Ili-h Srh.ol

Y. W. ('. A.

'•.1 <l<,<hliss liiaiuiihi hriiihl. Mirriir <if iiran iniil iiiiijishi iHviin.


° S2Ss^(^1^S(^stl ° SS'imiTi^.^^d^ ° '^ms^^<m>'s^

Flora PitcKford


South Fork, Pa.

Sciith \-'urk iiiL'ii Sc-Ik.oI. mii;

1 1 iiviihniiaii

■A lirifihl HI 1 1, In, hi ml I,, I Fl„ Ciiiild Hill irnli nil issiiii.' Oh iiii. Thomih sill iiijihiriil llu j)ri:i . Shr pal, sis sill's mil irisi . Illil iV( rjimii kiiiiirs it's iinl sn."

Clara Pitzer

"Jonnnj)" VlaKoningtovJii, Pa.

V. W. C. A. lliiy-li.'iMaii 'Bill ill liir diilij priiiiiitl III I VI nj roll."


o SS2sii(g"Ss®SiL ^ ^W^j^^JQ^msL o 5F'@USSi^@(i5nk

E^vJa H. Pope

Pope>)" Sisteva" Corry, Pa.

('(iri-y lli.L'h Sclinol. IIIDS

Y. W. ('. A.

Fi,r Ih, <ilrl innlli irliih. Is Ihi (UK icliij inll siiiili Will u ( I'l riilliimi <l(i(s iirdiiij.'

Blanche Ralston

"Rustj)" Freeport, Pa.

FlVcport Ili-h Schnnl, 11112


•■To Ihns, irhn III, ir li, r lu si .— A friniil iiinst Inn niiil luiirly."


o Sl25Tl.(gT^(S®STi ° gEugs^g@(a^ ° ^@tyigl^@@5^ °

Amanda Davenport Renard A K 1 1

"Mmida" Alderson, Pa., R. D. No. i

Wilki'sliarrr lliuli School; Wyoiiiiiii:' Sciiiiii;ir> ; \\'yo;ii-

iliU' I'.iisiiicss Coll.'i^v; I'li-odclphiMli ; .Mai-(li'iL;al Cliili;

V. W. C. .\,, I'lvsiilriil. 4: l-;i-o,|.'lpliiaii I'lay. :'. :

liist,i:i( lioai'd.

",1 !•( riliilili Cdisiir >rlin cdiiK s <ni<l s( i s mid tdiKiin is < rt rij daij."


..eona rvodeers

Altoona, Pa.

.Mtoiiiia Iliyli Si'hool.

'Full iiKiiiii (I fl(iiC( r is Inn II III hhisli inisiin^ Ami ii-iish ils siri I III ss mi Ihi ilisiii air."


o S2m(gfts®sii ° SSugj/^g^ta^ ° W@vi'^^m^^ °

Ellen Amelia Rou) '^ K II


Clearfeld, Pa.

ClrarHcKl lli.t;h Srliool. "And thou. f!ic<ii Elh ii. fluiii l(irli(st nuiid.

Mildred RusK "Mid"

Washington, Pa.

Washinirt'm \VvA\ ScIkkV I linirlii'iiiim


Etirh mouth in chapd, you can Innr. Miss Mildred Hush, her record's ilmi

° 22M(gi^s®STi. o SSusm^s^S ° '^mjs^^^M's^

Marion Saltsman

''" Reeds-Oille, Pa.

n Isvill,. Ili-h Scluwil

Ki-iMlflphiaii. V. W. ('. A.

" A ii.iidKs Id Inini (liiil Ik friiiidhi. Clivir iiiid icilliiKi III inirk."

Fayetta ScKaffner

Snipe" Dubois, Pa.

Duliois Ilin-h Srhnol

EnHli'lphiiiii; V. \V. {'. .\.

'// iriix mil II It i/lfiil ijiiiiil iiiiiniliiii. As she passnl oIiiikj lln iraii. But it spread llir tiioniiiiii's ulnri), Ofcr fill livilitiii} (hi 11."


ls22si^(g'Ss(SSTi. o SSM5Ay^(^ ° W@'m§^w^is^

Elizabetn Sembower "BenS"

Uniontcwn, Pa.

riiiniilnun lliuli Schoiil. ]I)1-J

^■. W, C. A.: Iluyi;liciii;in

'llidil 1)11 Ik r lijts. iiiid soul irilhiii hi r ( iji Soft (IS hi r cliiiii and suniiij as hi r shiis."

Matel Scott

"Meb" Pittsburgh, Pa.

I'ilt.sliurtih Iliizh School. lUlL'


■■Sh. ilnir I rum I hi, a irhn! Itnii ihrirnl from III an , I."


1^m.^^m(^^ ° 'i^w^fN^'ismsL « 5F@u5^"£{g(i5E

Adelaide E. SKanahan

"SKiin" "Husky" Pittsburgh, Pa.

Allciiliniy lliuh School; Sc-ivtar.v, 4


••/,(/ ///- finu llfilil. hill hi III, 111,1 In lifihl. i-'iir II liijlil irifi iiiiikilli II hiiivji husband."

Rosemar9 Sneenan

"SKeeny ' Bradford, Pa.

l!|-;i(ll'n|-.l Ili-h Srhooi. 11112

llnviilic'uiaii ; Sophist Staff

•<>»/■ /;.-.« (( ha. Ill I- in, III, I h, . .\(rir III I in of (!, nfiniiilni."

5SS5n^(g'£e@5m o l^wi!)^^^®3L o 5F'm=s'i5''£@(is^ «

Mary Curll SKeridan

Sherry" "Mouse" Monessen, Pa.

Knidrlpluiiii: Y. W, ('. A.; Trrasiircr, 4; ("lass Secretary. 4

Ifir( <<iinis Slitriddii tin ill if niihs airnij.

Alice 5ig^\'ortK

Scrunt '

Indiana, Pa.


ion Stall" Xoriiial Sc



W. ('. .\.; Hni,lcl|.lii


.1 wi 1 . hull nil lilssii .


° ^M><^^Bm?fi> ° SSMin^is^d^ ° 5F@^^"£@@5a

Helen Marie Sisley

"Sis" Scottdale, Pa.

Scoti.iMic iiio-ii s,-ii(M>i. ]'.n-2


'//( (idic/rnplni ami Arilli m, lie. Our 'Sis' is (jiiili (I slur: Hill icliiii il ciiiiiis III iiiisrlii( f, III r till nil is k iiiiini afar.

Lillie Victoria Sjoden "Lill"

Titu5\'ille, Pa.

Tilnsvillc Ilio-h Sclio,,l. mil'

Y. W. ('. .\.

SopliisI Suhsi-i-i|>tiori ('(iniinitlci' 'Ami liir imiilisl niisiri r iiml iirurifiil nir. Shine liir irisi mid ijimil as sin is fair."


I o J^M,<^^mm^ ^ SS^Lgjn^,d^g@d^ ° ^^©uggl^s^g^

Amelia J. Skev^'is

"Truly" McKeesport, Pa.

.McKrcsport Ilitill SrluMil. IDlL'

V. \V. C. A.

'-l ii-nrtliiii fri( ml. "

Grace Elletta Slonaker

Pinky" Blairsville, Pa.

IJlailxvillr Ilijrli Srllnol. l:)ll


" /fci' Inn llii old sdi/iiifi is. Ilntl ii man iirrrr I,-iif)irs irhitt III Kill ill, It'll III Iriis."

° S2^®'£©(13iL ° SSM^ny^S^d^ o 5f@U=S!fi'"£@^5E

PKyllis Small

Hollidiij)sDurg, Pa.

Alld.iiiM lli-h IIMl'; Y. W. ('. A. 1 IllVLillclliilll

■■,1 /(!(■( irilli (jhidiKss iii'i rsprt 11(1."

Elsie Jane Smitn

"Smitt>)" EigKty-Four, Pa.

V. \V. ('. A.: F.n.,l,>l|.liiMn: Critic 4 ••.l//r/ .s7/« ',v siirli ,1 ,h,ir lil/h thiiiq."


SSS^^-Ss^STi ° SS'iui5j^s@d^ o 5F@us'i5''£s<^Sii »

Jane Anne Sn;))*^^''

"Jennie" Homestead, Pa.

il(llM,-slcM,l Iliti-ll S.-ll(l0l, li»12


'll<r lif( hds iiKiini a hajx mid aim, Diiliis I iioiiiih (111(1 liUI( cares.''

RutK Statler * A *


Latrobe, Pa.


Ili-h S.Oio,,]. 1!I12: Y. W. C. A

'• / shdiild iciirri/."


° S2fe^.(gi^e®5m o SS'iU?i7wSs@(S o 5F'(0)M^"S(i@sii

Mabel A. E. Steinke

"Bel" Oil City, Pa.

(til Cil^ Ili-li Sclioiil, 11112 !lnv--lii'iiiMii; Y. \V. ('. A.

•■ Ihr filuihsl hinl.s a r,,l/il;lr iil'ujhl (ulnni. Sin I I (IS III! prim rust /x i jis In inalh lln llinrii."

RacKael L. Stoner TUB


Mount Pleasant, Pa.

Mdlllll l'lr;is;nil Ilio-h Schixil

" Yini ii(j. i/aii. nuJiaiii , Adonitil ciilsiilt : n ]ii,ltl,ii t/nniiK] Of nuniijhl ami nf diish rili/ irilliiii."


° ls2M(^'S©®s^ o SSM5Ai,^@(S o 5F@^i?l^e@5a o

Flo StonesipKer T II M


Latrobe, Pa

L.llrolir lliu-h S,-hn,,l. IIIIL'

Till Sim's (iiihi ririil In /In nmiii i/ok innil brlf/hli si ."

Mary Stouppe Til H

Happ^)" Johnstovvln, Pa.

.Iilmslowii Iliu'h Schoiil. lOl'^

I'lrrdi'lplii.-iii : S(i|)his| SiilisciMpt ion ( 'oiiiiiiil tec

■(I run nils in all III I- sh fis. hniiislij in In r i i/i s. in (Virij (jiiiliin (lifjiiihi and love."


SSSsiKg'Se^aTL ° SSu=Gin):<^e@(S » 5F(0)'iLSS'£@^5a

Helen Marie Strickler

"Strick" Scottdale, Pa.

Si-nllilair lli-il ScIkmiI. IIIIL

1 1 iiyi;lii'ni;iii

■/;( ArilliiiK lie. (Did Chi mixlrii. Old- 'SI rick' is ill lirr nhirii. Hill irhni il ciniiis hi liisiiiils. II is II sail, sail sliirij."

Paul E. StucKell


JacKson-Jille, Pa.

'Sunn nil II inn Imni fur ifrial Ihiiiijs

Some in re born for small : Of sniiir il's not rrcordrd. Whji Ihifi wire born al all."


° S2M(g"Se®s^ p 'i^w^i^'^msL » SF^iLssi^^is^

Helen June Swan

Wannee" Indiana, Pa.

Diiii'l hiiiu (I slmii II III iiriK d."

Olive TKomas


UniontctOn, Pa.

I Iiiyiiliriiiaii 'A sin 1 1 lull rill iiDiis iiiiiidiii."


° S2SST^@i^(S@ST^ o gSMIn^g^a^ ° ^©Mg'S^^gQ,

RutK S. TKomas

"Rufus" "Peggj!" DravosDurg, Pa.

McKrr.;p()rt Ili-ll Srlio..!

llny-lii-niiin; Y. W. (". A.

'She Iidil (I siiiih (ill thi- ichilc. And solace and gladness. Much joy and no madness."

Leona Mae Tnompson

1 om Oil City, Pa.

Oil VWy Ilidi School. 11112

IIuySih.'iiiMii: Y. \Y. ('. A.

'How dolh Ih, litlh hnsii bee Iniproiu (acli shinin;/ hour. And gather h(nu g all Ihe dag From (rerg opi ning flower."


° S22s=i(gi^S(gaTi o SSimiA^i^^d^ ° 5f ©us^'Stg^s^ «

Grace E. Wagner

Grauc Dra'OosDurg, Pa.

.McK.'csiKii-t Ilij-ii s,-h,.;ii. i;ti:i lustaiio Hdard. Y. \V. ('. A.

Senior I'hiy ( 'oiiiiiiitti'c' A)iil nil / li iiil.s iiiiir I liiin ii iiiiiiil In if.

Emma E. Waigand

Quiet" Pittsburgh, Pa.

//( /■( is II iliiir mill Inn iiiiluslriuiis friiuiL


° ^m,<^^B<^Sf^ ° SSiL25i^'e(g(S ° ^ms.'^^^m^^ °

Grace I. Walters

"Wal" Altoona, Pa.

Alt i;i Ili-h Srli'0,,1. 1!)T_>

■,t III iiiillfiil (111(1 liiiiiiiii fiirl. Willi slips IIS liijht (Is sininiKi- air.

Lucretia E. Warnick

"Lou" JoKnsoriDurg, Pa.

.Tohnsonl.uri; lli-li Srli,i,,l, 11112

■■ .1 //)( /■/■;'( /• (jirl . Williiii till liiiiit'of hi, (1,11111,1 mirth. I III vir sjKiil (III liiiiir's lalk irithal.'


'\^km>^m<^m ^ SSM57iy^@(S » 5F@u=s^l^(i^5AL «

Marguerite E. Weinman

Wilkinsburg, Pa. Wilkiiisl.uri; lli-li S,-h,,.,l. I:il2

.1 IIKlilll I) lllnlhsl 1111(1 11(1 S( lf-l)(ISS( S.-<( (I.

Yddilifiil (ii((l U( (lilt if III (111(1 si III III 11 (lriss-((l."

Margaret R. Welty * A *

Greensburg, Pa.

rir.vMisl)iir._' Iliirh S.^lmol. 1111:2


.1 '/"■/ "■/'" Ji'i'! ■•<" iiiiiini ii-iilfiil irai/s.

Sin iraiihl liiin cdiisi (I Jail's imli, ii(( hi f(irs(il.( him.


KIM(g1^S®STi ° SSM5t^H®S o ^@U5'g'S@@5^ °

Helen ElizabetK Wentz ft' A cf)

"Betty)" Harrisburg, Pa.

V. W. ('. A.

SikIi h((iutii mill siii'li liniiiis go ixil ii'ill liu/i Ihi r."

Helen Mabel Wesley

"Kid" "Tunk" BelKvooJ, Pa.

l!('ll\v(uul lli-h Sch.i,,!. mil

Iliiy.uhciiijiii. Y. \V. ('. .\.

■Oiihi fi;, flinn fliilli riiii/s. Of liiiiil iiiirlh Ihiti siiiDii III iiiiasure, Tiihiiiij liiri f'lr III r rliiif jilidsiirt ."


° SS^(g1^S(^a^ c 5MJm5^b@(S o W^w.'is^m^^

Imogene Weston

Jim" Immy" T>'rone, Pa.

Tyrone Iliijii ScIhkJ

Ilcr blue eye's charms nn rain la hll. There are some yoidlis irlio kiiaif il ir<ll.

Anna Eliza WKite

Anne Altoona, Pa.

.rn!ii;it;i lli,-li Sdioi.l. ll)l-_>

<ln I'ikiil icliiili '(I- sill liiuktd till, and li)i r looks ivciil I n rijirhi re. "


° ^M.(^^B(^^ ° 'i^WIf^'^^(3L o 5F@M^"£(g@5ni. °

KatKryn WKyte

"Kitty" "Babe" JonnstovOn, Pa.

Miiihsi mill sliii/ili II 11(1 sifiil. Till nrij hjpi <// I'risiilla."

EstKer Julia Wilson

"Jew" Altoona, Pa.

Altnoiia llit;-h Svhoo\. I!n2 Willi liiirx mil] liniiilili r fur nil liiiif."


o ls2M(g'S©®sii o ESui^s^^.dfe(i(S o JFrns'S'Se^sii. «

Florence J. Wilson

"Floss" Canonsburg, Pa.

('nnciishin-L: I[it;|i S,-li,),,l, lurj

V. W. C. A.

"/Ill- ( jii s itiu shirs iif T nil it/Ill fail LIht Tiriliiilil's 1(1(1. ii( r dnskn luii

Mabel Olive Wilson

"Mab" Terrace, Pa.

IIciiic,tcMil Ili^h Scl|n„l. 1I)1L>

IIiiN 'jlic'iiijin

■'//</■ iriifls (!/■( iciii/s of ph ilsdiihli sx. And (ill Ik r jkiIIis aii p((ic(."


22M®i^@®STi o SSiL25rwSs(i(S ° '^mj!,'^^<m>^

EstKer KatKerine Winter

"Etta" Pittsburgh. Pa.

1!,.||CV11;' llllih S,-ll,:()l. lill-_> \. W. C. A. 'I'Ik hi"sI (ii'-fiil jxrsdii iidii < rn- siiir" holla's n rsiiiii.

Florence Young


Warren, Pa.

V. W, C. .\.


Inr.^ilf is IIk h,.<l i

1 irniil


MM,<^^<Bm?i^ ° 2SM5ni^®S o 5F(0)TLSi?'£(i<is^


Daisy Beatrice Zelt "D B"

WasKington, Pa.

Wiishiii>rt.>ii Ilitrh ScIkk)!. 1009

Washiiitrtoti Scmiiiarv, lyiO Tn'tisiircr. 4: Sriiii,r Iviiiji; ('inuiiiittc

Slu has two ii/is, .so soft (Did broirn, Take card She fjives a side ylauee and looks dotcn, Beware!"



1^M,(^^e>m^ ° l^w^j^'^moLo gFm5g'£@@sii.

AlhllllS, WildM

A'pplcfinlc. I'^hiri'iicc UiuU'v Kalhlccii


lic'M.soii. .Icimic IJliirkniilll. Allllil 151osr. Harhrl Hossick. Mai'\'

Ji(.sl(K'U, Alic'c

Hraliaiii. Aiulcne lirodi'i'irk. Marian Ui-iisius Sarali liniwii. Willanl l?iirUc, Alirr ("alihvi'll. Atlic ('ainp'lM'll. Kth.'l Clu'i-i'v. Maria. Clark,' Eleanor, ("riisan. ^Mary Dickie. Bossc Diehl. Flora Dinsmore. Gertrude Doneaster. Artie Duiilap. Marsraret Kl)erle. Alma Eiseniiian. Florence Elkin. Hazel Erhard. :vrary Ks'hl)au<rh. (iettie E.ssciii, Lulu Evans. Fanny Franees. Sara Fry. Dana Gallaher. Lyn Garnian, TiCj-ene Gilrh. :\rartha Gieg. Emma Ginevan. Hazel ftdodwin. ^Farg'ai-et ITallam. Floren<'e

Regular Seniors 1914

llaii.son. I'lniijy Hardy, Fraiicw llarslia. Curtis lletterlv. Until Hill, .Martha Iloyt. .Jnnila Hiisjns. Jeniiima Hull. .Tnnita .hu'k.son. Clarion .lohn.sDii. (Mara •Tones. Katherine Jiine.s. Kuth Kappell. Marjraret Kenned.v, Penelo|>e Kier. Genevieve Kirk, Katherine Krinu;. Hcward Land.vmore. Jessie Lanfje. Helen Lantz. Vera Lapsley. Helen Laudensilairer. Homer T,an^hlin, (iertrude 1 ohi', Fi-anees Leeeh. :\Iildred Lutnian, Lil,v Mann. Pearle ^lason. ]\Ia1)el MeCann. Ceeilia :\IeCrnni. Roberta JleCarthy. Julia ^FcFeaters. INFarsuerite MeCTe(>. Ansj.'la McGinit.v. :\rary McQnistiin. ^[arauerite l\ionti'omer\-. Edith XieoUs. Aliee O'llare. ihirie O'Xeil. :\rary Parkins. Henrietta

Pitcliford. Flora Pitzer, Clara Pope. Eve TJalstnn. P.lam-hr Keiiard. .Vnjanda lio.k'er.s. I>r,,na K.OW. Ellen Hush. .Mi Id rrd Saltsman. .Marion Sehatt'ner. Kaytta Sectt. Malile Senihower. P]lizal)eth Shanahan. Adeiai<le Sh(>ehan. Roseniarv Sheridan. Mary Simpson. Vera Sisle.v. Helen S.joden. Lillie Skewis. Amelia Slonaker. Grace Small. Phyllis Smith. Elsie Snyder. Jennie Stabler. Kuth Steinke. :\lalile Stoner. Raehel Stonesipher. Florence Stouppe. yiiivv Striekler. Helen Si^wx>rth. Alice Stnehell. Paul Swan. June Thomas. Olive Thompson. Leona Waanier. Grace Waisand. Ennna Walter. Grace Warniek. Lncretia Watkins. Dollie Weinman ^larsruerit''


° SSM@'5@(^St^ ^ S3UiM?W^@d^ o 5f ms'il''£(g<i5nk «

Farexv'ell NJormal

Xiiniial thiys ;irc pMsl t'oi'rvrr

Willi tlicir woi-k iiiul with llu'ir pla> ;

Diiys we ncvi'i' uiiiil In si>\cr

From iifc's ycMrs what n-c you sa\'.

Sdiiictiiiu-s clays were l)rijrlit and clicci-y Full of life ami hi ipe and joy : Others just a woe hit tear.\ Happiness must have •Mn\ .

One hy one we pass in silence O'er the thontrhts of "Lit" and "I'ed.' Analysis and art and science. Thoughts we ncetl no moi-e to dread.

How we love tile tliou<rhts of strivinjj; Workinir on with classniat<'s. dear: Anil the fun of friendly vieinsr When ('oiriini'neeiiient time draws near.

So while .strufr^linn with the steiMiest. \Vc have learned much to unfold: Life is real, life is earnest .\iid our lines are yet In innuld.

Dear old Xnrmal. tears ai'e falling: What we are we owe to thee: Other fields are i-allinfj— ealliiis; 'I'lins iiui' farewell now to thee.

Tt is lie.-*t to leave you thus Best for vou and hest for us.


° '^M,(^^^(^^ ° gSugST^g@(a^ ° "^©ms^w^^ o


Laura Jean Black

' Pickininn^)" Huntingdon, Pa.

Iluiitin^'ildn llijrh Selux)!

Hiniiiiiijliaiii Scliool for Girls

Tin /•( iras ii iiiilh r braiu (ind buhl. In siil( IIk rin r l)i i . "

Clarissa M. Bost

Homestead, Pa.

>rail!-i,i:;il Cliili: Allied Art.s Chili: Ki-cxlrlpliiiiii •■SIh .s ,iohl,sl hniin (in„d."


']^f^%^m<m^ ° SSttgiA^g@(a^ ° SFauflg'Ss^si^

Virginia Ross Bossart II K i

"Ginnie" Latrobe, Pa.

Allitxl Alls t'lul)

" />( / noiii pnsinne to wear an iniim served (lifliiil fl. "

Editn Dolores BucKanan A K <}i

"Boo" Indiana, Pa.

Iiidiaiiji StnU' Xoniial. liU'J

Allied Arts Clul); .Miidri<;al Chib

Men mail conn and iii> k man !/"■ ''"' i 11" "" forerer."


° li22STV,(g'i^e®sii ° 'i^w^j^^^^^sL » ^©^wSs^gE °

ZilpKa F. Cnristman

Zee East Washington, Pa.

K^isl \V;isliili-lnn lliiih Schoul, lUlJ

i:ro(it'li.liiiiii; .Mii(lri>,';il Cliiii. V. \V. ('. A.

" Shi 'x clianiiliK/ la inilh irilli. Ah, I rhnr h,' talk irllli. /Ill- riiici (N sir( I I iiiid (Idij. Hill !loii niininl kiiinr lln hi si of Zi„ I' III II ijiiii III III- III r iiliiij. "

Leak CKubbuck "CKubbt^"

Sunburp, Pa.

.M;i.iri-;il Clilli; Allifd Arts; Y. W. C. A

'77((.v iliarmiiifj ijoiiiii/ hnlji is u liiilnrnl ijirl sun Si) .■.-iUiit and silisihli ami sn ilinniri. AdupfiiHI hir.icif In < n rif uniisiuii . A luaccmaki r /<// In r run. i/i iilh i>i rsmislini."


° '^Mj^^^(^^ o 'iM!,W^s^'^(^ ° ^(^W.'^^aMlnk

Mary Erma Foster "Peggj)"

Tyrone, Pa.

Tyi'i.llr lliuh Schonl. mill

'Of I OIK ii'oikIi IS. lunr stiili iiiiisii' cilii (uiin frmii li, lull II r I ijis. "

Walter Franklin Gra})

"Walt" South Bro\vns%'ille, Pa.

(•(■ntci-villc Ili-ii Srlu.dl. 1!I1-J

(ilcr Cliili; .Minsti-fls; Senior r>all. .Music ('(iiimiiiti'c

'■.I ('(/■// j/i iilli hiiisl 1111(1 iif (/(iiiil iiiiixrii nil ."


I ° l^m@i^@(^5i^ o gS^t^^n^,^@d^° f@Mg'5@@S^ ^^ 1

RutK E. Holtz

Rufus" Titusville, Pa.

TilusviU.- Ilife'h School. 1912

lliiyglu'iiiaii ; Treasurer Madrigal Club

•//(>»• fingers shame the ivary keys They daiirr so light aiong, Till bhiinn upon hi r parted tips Is swtcttr than the soug."

DortKy R. Jenkins

"Dot" "Dotj)"

Bellefonte, Pa.

lifllol'oute High School, l'J12 ••She is supremely tall and divinely fair.


° ^^<g^mm^ ° 5M^uiyMEs(g(S ° 5F'(0)MS"£©i5a

Lydia E. Keefer

"Lidie" Washington, D. C.

I'i'abody Coiiscrvtitory itf Music, l?:illiiii<ii'i'. IHI:!

Vk't' President Ma<irifj;iil Ciiil)

"This fair maid, our \Va.ihiiiglo)i hillc, A (jfniiis is. u'f hnoir full ircll : Music hfith (harms, or so lh< i/ sat/. And Li/dia }rilh anal charm doth plai/."

La Vara Long

"Vary" Leechburg, Pa.

Indiana Ilis^h School

Mardigal Club, Glee Club, AIH.hI Arts Clul

"A charm attends her everywhere. The hard heart lores her unawnre."


MM,<^^m(^5f^ ^ ^w^])^j^msL o 5f @ui5'i?'£(i^s^ «

Mildred Margaret Lutz

Lutzie" Clariton, Pa.

Allied Arts ('lull; .M;i(lri,ir;il <1ul> \\'liiil(rir iiiiiiiiiK (ls( (l(i(s iir sails. I niiisl In i/oidI,

Florence Irene Mclntyre


Stoneboro, Pa.

Slonclinru Iliuli Schoul

Alli.'d Art^ ('lull

Tin jinlhs (if (jliirii IkkI IiiiI la llu rjravi.


W>mm^%<B^ ° 5ICtL25=i^S'(^ o 5f @us'i?"£@<g5AL «

Margaret Lois Miller

Freepoit, Pa.

Fivrpnrt lli-h Srli,„.|, 1:112

M.nlri-nl CliiU. V. W. C. A.

And lilt( lli( lir<iiik's hue smiii In r ruice, .1 son ml irlilcli cdiild mil <lii."

Eunice C Phillips

Uons, N. Y.

l>yoiis IliLsh SchiMiJ: S\ iMriKf rniviTsity

Uiiyg-hciiiMii; Y. W. ('. A.: .MM,li-ii;al Clnh

'•The rinhl's , harms I pri:, iii<i,,d. So modisl 'lis iiiid fiiir. And sm.lls so s,n,l.'-


o lMSfei(^i^e®sii ^ "i^w^j^^j^miL » JFms^'fi^^s^ °

Anna May Pope

"Poke>)" CorrP, Pa.

CoiTv Ilijrh Selux)l. 1912

Biisla-t J$iill S(iuiKi, 3. 4

' l.ltlh iKiipIr \liiii(l<l hf srni, tidl hidiil.

Louellen St. Clair Remmy

Louejl" LatroDe, Pa.

Lalrobc High School. 1. S. N. S. 'V^

1 1 uytrheuian ; Allied Arts Club; "Sophist" Bo.iid

" "fis frirndg irho make this dcsa-l inirUI. To blossom as the rose; Streir floirers o'er our nigtii'l pnlh. I'our sunshine o'er our we>es."


° I^^(^'S(S@st^ ° SlgiL["?iy^g@d^° ^©Mg'Seds^ ° I

EtKel Robinson A K <l> "Bobbj)"

SistersOille, W. Va.

Sisln-svilli' Ili.iih S.-liool ; Allied Ai-|s Cliih

.M;inlij;;il Chili

"Thin is iKilhiiifi lihi I'll II, is linn?"

Verona Grace Roller

Grace Devine" Williamsburg, Pa.

Williiiinsluii-L; lliiiii Srhocil Th' fhiKir of nil I km ss iinnrs on lln shin nf iiroci ."


° ^M,<^^m&>'ifi, ° SSMSi^'s^d^ o IF'(0)U5'i?"£e(^sii

Iris Scnoff "Ris"

Tarentum, Pa.

Tiiiviitiiin lliirh Scli(),.l. 1. s. N. s.. ll)l:i.

lliiy-iii'iii.-ui. Alllr,! Arts Clnli. .MiMli'i-al Chil.

".1 (/(/// far Idil, an htnir far s/Hirl. Iliil fur (I frl<ii(l—lif< is Ini, slinrl."

Saran Katrine Smith

"Tommj)" Tine" St. Marys, Pa.

St. .Mmi-.vs Ilifxh SchMol. Ii)(l9 Hid'.Mvay Iliirh School. liMl Choral S.x-irt.w Madri^r;,! Cluli

MnUiplitdliiiii is ri .nilioii,

Divisio)! is liiul. Thi ndr of Ihrii /h rph .,• s „i< .

I'lil jiriuliii (Inns tin iiKnl.'

° l^M.(^^m(^?f^ ° 5Cm5=^s@(sL o 5Fm5'i?'£@^5E

Mary Elisabetli Starr

"Pliinet" East Liverpool, O.

K.lsl l,ivrr|H,nl llii:li ScluMll

( Hiio WrsliTii I 'nivcrsil \-

.M:iilrit!:ii Cliili. Allird Ai'ls Cliili, 1 1 ii\ L;liriii;ui.

V. W. ('. A.

To Inuh ■■lillh (iiitrls'- is li,r soul ihlif/lil.

Helen M. Treible

Dallas, Pa.

Wyoniiiii;' Sciniiuiry

.Aradriunl Ciiih

Choral SiK'ictv. liistaiui I'.iiai-il

Sojior coiificliis (irhis ((imph el ihiis


° 22m(g-S(S(^sii o SSmiMSs@^ o 5r'@'iyi'i?"£@@s^ «

Lucille E. Zeitler

"B.llie" Punxsutav?ney, Pa.

M;ulrii;;il Chili, Allinl Arts CUvb ••Sh, /.v iiltnifjs jil(ii.<inil and hiippti."

']^Mj^^^m^ ° "^wir^^m^ ° ^©Mg-Ss^s^ ^ 1


Mar>) A. Jamison


Miirtiiis Ferry, Onio

MMI-lins ImMTV Ili--Il SrlHM.l. ]'.)]]

induiiia SiMtc Xorinal ScIi.m,1, IHTJ

■Iroilrlpliiaii ; Sccrctai-\- .'). Madi'iiral Cliil

I'ii.s1-(!railuati' in N'nicc

"h'i'(ni litssif hiK (I liiiltlu . S(i III! II sail hill I . Till II if II hnihi kiss a hmlil, Xiiil n liiidi/ crif'"

'Music hath Charms/'



° lsS2s=Q,(^'S(S(^sii ^ ^w^f!^^^®3L o 5r'@uiS'i?'£(g(i5Ak

Conservator}) of Music


.Ia.mks K. Amknt. a. .M.. I.1,.1).. I'riitripn}

IIa.mmn Iv ('ixiswiJ.i.. .Mils. .M . ... I>ir( itiir

Voice. 'I'licni-y. .M.-thnds. Vw'A'u- School .Musi,- .iiid Oi-cIicsIimI Irsli-iiniciits

^Iks. H. J. Saw VKK I'iaiiu

3I1SS liKi.iA Vdicr

Matilda I'.Airi'AK-MrM ants \'iii(( mid llnliiiii

;\li{s. Oiii.KY See I'idtid

}Z\A'/..\HKni Knight Eyre I'hijsical Train inn

Samiei. (i. IlAKf '. Voice

Okeev See _._ Violin, Viola mul Cilhi. Tfislnrii of Music

Kdna Ai.EAN CoGswEt.l riiiiifi. Oriimi mill Vnicc

WaI.TEK H. l)or(,EAS< I'lmn:. Iliiniinini. \V 1 ml mill Slrliiij I ii.'il nniii ill .■<

OkCA HeiXECKE _ I 'ill no

.Jacob K. Bowman. A. U Grrman mid Fnnch

.Ik\N I{. .MrHl.llANK', . IM. r. Dniiriiiii mid I'liiiilinil


]^M.<^^<^<m^ ° 5MgMg^g@(fl^ ° IF'@UJ5g'£@@gD.


Alice E. McCreary <l' A 'I'

"Mac" PittsburgK, Pa.

1'. ('. W.

Allied Alls Chili; V. \V. C. A.; Kroil.'liihiaii

"Loi'dii !.-■ Ilii liiilil (if II (hirk I fit in ironiaii."

Eleanor Pfordt * A <!>

Peach" Indiana, Pa.

I. S. .\. S.. l!)l:i .Mlicd Acts ('jiili; Hnxli'l-iiliiaii ■■A iru hiss, -bid Oh, —"


o '^M.(^^m(^s^ ° SSMgi^g@d^ ° gF@Mg'5@@5\k o

Margaret M. Ynrnnll

Sunny" Altoonn, Pa.

.\lt(M.ii.-i llijih Scl I, Illlll)

IimIimiim Noi'iiimI Srlidul. i:tlL'-i:{ lliiy^iicniaii; V. \V. C. A. ' lldl'ji'uK ss is <i innisi(l( j'hitn r IhnI (jrows aloiKj llh Iii(jli irdji iif iis( fiihi( ss."


° ^gjfQ.@'S@@5ii ° SSuggi^g@(a^ ° If ©uggj^e^g^i ° 1


CatKerine Anna Beatty

"Cath" McAlevy's, Fort Pa.

Allied Arts Chili: Y. \V. (". A. ''A [ilidsanl. tiiiis(i( III Kills (hiiiii is she."

Helen Carr

"Nen" NevOburgK, N. Y.

.\r\vliiir<rli Ai-;itl('iiiy "A t'lir ii'iiniii iirlisi fnnii Siir Ynrk."


lSM(!^-S@@Si^ ° g^-ilggi^g@(f^ ° gr'@tiS'gi^@@Si^ ° I

Vera A. Simpson * A <J)

Verdie" Indiana, Pa.

Ero(l<'li)lii;iii; Allied Arts Club miose lovdy fact Is bid her least and lowest grace.

Lena Sins

Sarcastic Sue" Pittsburgh, Pa.

'Thirf are shades in all good pictures, hut there an hijhts. too. if we choose to contemplate them."


I^m(g'S@®Si)> ° ^WIi^^J^^(QL° 3r'(0)'iLS'i5'i^e(i5AL



James E. Ament. A. M.. IJ..1).. I'riiuiixd Elhirs

,Iaxe E. Leonaku. .M. S.. l^ri<< ptnss Kiif/lish

Fkank DiiKw. A. .M.. I'll. I).

.Iean R. McKi.iianev. Dircrtor of Art

Critu TkkIki-

l'iibli( SiliodI DnnriiKi

.M AHiiiN A. White llixlorii iif Paiidiiifi. M( thuds. AdvaiicffI DnuiiiKj

MaHKI. \{. liUdWN

Sii 1)1 rrisiir of Dniiiiini Mod, I Schnol

l'j,ni:ui' .M. .Iackson

Miiiiiiiil TniliiiiKi. Hiisl;, I rif.

Muhunicid Dniiriiiti


° SiS^^-Sst^sii ° SS^u?s^s@(S o Wms,'^t<m^

Mabelle E. Burgi

"Mab" Oil City. Pa.

Oil City Hijrh SdiorJ. lilli; Hiiytfhi'iiiiaii 'She is such stuff As dreams are made of And her whole life is h'liitiided out with sleep."

J. Ellsworth Campbell



lana, ra.

Kiskiiiiiiietas Sijriiips School. 101: "Oh. how he can play that my.'



I^M.i^^mm^r^ ° SS-iui^^s^d^ o^@M^^ff^

Gladys Carmalt

Punxsutawney, Pa.

Wilkinsl.ur-; Ili-li Srli,,,,!

Y. \V. C. A.: Kr.Mli-lphiMii; Sophist Staff

r>liss((i icitli liiiillh. mid jiitKi. mill sin i I iiuiliiil.

Eleanora Faust

Indiana, Pa.

Iinlijiiiii State Normal, l{ci;uhir. l:M:i

Smi Hill iiliriiiis irliiil ijuii hiiuir. iiiil iilicinis kiimr irliiil ijiiii sill/."

" Cliiiiiliiis. liriif is 'ifi. lull Inn is liiiiij."


W>fmm^<^<^^ ^ S3iL[«^^,^@(S> o 5F{mLS!5''£®g5AL

Ruth E. Forr>)


Newark, Ohio

X.'WMi-k Ili-h School . 1 !)!•_'

Iluyti-hrniaii; Y. NV. C. A.

■/ irlll lin II, III, I'lisl. Ill, i'ns. III. ,111,1 lli, Fiiliin I iriH II, it shiil mil III, I,. •:.■<,, IIS III, if l,a,li."

Margaret Hilliard


Hoboken, Pa.

V. W. ('. A.

1\7m7( fill nils s,, ,l,,ir sun;, II 11,1 in, li. I,, I iiin . if III mil. ,,', rlitlii in,.'"


^M,m^mm?[^ ° g|^Ug5^g@(a^ ° Il"@Mg'S@@Si^ ° I

Stella Houston

"Ded" Indiana Pa.

I'itlsluu-h I'niilir S,-h,„,l. 1111(1

I. S. \. S. .Mn,|,.| <.r\uH<\. l!ll-_'

.V,' nin hill sh, mill lunn ii l.iiinr: Oj irliiil sh, 's thhihiiiil.

It iiiiiii hi lilhi I- hunks or hiini.r. r,r-ii Ills or pniihiiii,."

Pexr-^ F. Johnston

"Ville" Indiana, Pn.

Indian:! IIi,i:-li Srli,,.,!. 1!)1-J

Iliiy^luMiiMn ; KiidIIimII Si|n:i(l. :i. 4

■Fiuiiils 111 will lis I ,,n,w nhhr Bill ii'< hi I III- friinils Hum llusr. I.nhr iiiarx tiiinn lifoiis iiruirn inlili Larhiiifl (arliir iii< iiiiiriis."


SSSjA^^'SsSSil. ° S2MJ?^g@d^ ° IF'(0)M'ig'Se.@5nl, ° |

Ida Sara Kessler

Kesse" MillKeim, Pa.

.Millhriiij lli.<:li School

'I. ins iif Si iiliirs all r< mind lis, \Vi run siriri In il,, ,,„r In si. AikI ill iiiirl iiiij liiin hiliiiiil lis, \„lr-hi,i,hs'ti> h'llp III, risl.-'

Nannie Lattimer

"Nan" Punxsutawnej', Pa.

I'liiixsiilMwiic.v llijiii ScIkmiI

■Musi mil Hull I llnis smlil, iil if jinnnil. l-'ur irliiil I inll. I irill. iniil lli,n 's iin < ml.


° S2^S'S(S(^St)= ° St?M5^B@^ ° 5F'@^^"£@(iSil. «

Hazel McDevitt

"Devv>)" Punxsutawney, Pa.

I'lnixsnlawncy lli^:li School. IIH 1

Bill sih teas a snfl hniilsiiiii, .// nnhl mi III. W'lhii all ii-(is hiiniiniiii II 11(1 (III III (111(1 ([UK I."

JoKn Ro^? Meneely

"Mac" Valier, Pa.

Dayloii \'oi'in:il Institute

Y. M. (' .v.; Chaii-niini I'.ilili' Stmly ( 'oinniittiT ; Liiu-rlii

Dcltatiiii; Chili: Choral Cliili; Senior Hall ;

Deeora.lini;' ( 'oiniiiittee

"Faint hiaii lu'iv irmi fair ladii."


° 'i^M.i^^Bm^ ° 5Sugjj^g@(a^ ° IF^^^gi^e^s^i. °

Ida S. Miller

"De" Hastings, Pa.

Il.lstill^rs Iliirll School. I'.Hl^

'//,/■ pnllii iraii h, svlmul sin hilo s. A :<(// foi' lidininfi iiallMiifi sitikis Willi :(s> half iiiisriilif half (hiiiiii ihr i>nlhi irmi In srlu,ol sin hik's."

Howard R. Myers "Bud"

ParkvJood, Pa.

Iniliaiiii Coniilv I'niilic School. 11)01)

Tin Ihi irhiiiniil srlnmlh,ni. irllli Ins salrlnl. a,i<l shim n'li iiiiinniKj fiici . iiKiiiinl lih'i ii siiiiil. ii incill I iKjl if la srh.mi:'-


IsSMs-SessiL ° gSug5^g@(^ ° Wmm't^m^

Amy Rnule

"Amo" Philipsburg, Pa.

I'liili|isliiiru- Ili-h Sell, M, I. i:ii:!

V. \V. C. A.

\r/((() .v/(r ((■///. sIk irill —jiiiii fdii (hill lid nii'l. Win II sh, iniii'l sli, inni'l Ihi i; "x tin < ml oii'l.

Marion B. Sackett

"Sic" Corry, Pa.

(•(.ri-y lliiih S.-liool. IIU:!

.s7(i has hrti i i/is. sn snfl iiml hnnrii.

'I' ah I run .' Slu gins a siih -iiliiiin anil Utnhs ilmni.

Renin I .' Ill iran .'

I.? 7

° SS^@'5@(^gij. ^ IMiw^fN^'^misL o JF'atys!?"^®®^^

TKos. D. Sheriff

Shrimp" Blairs^?ille, Pa.

lilairsvillc Ilijrii Srliool. IHIL'

Frniii SKI f I Imitii . Ili( iiiiiniiiiii I ruin.

Hniifis In llii citii. Fin ilii'is II ifi I h . Ill sini nr niin.

A srhonl-hnll iriltll/'

Wm. J. TooKey ■■Bill"

Murtaysvillc, Pa.

Sli|i|ici'v IJiirk .\iifiii;il

V. .M. ('. A,

••Ti, llii i-iiliirs hih.iiii III, spnih.


5Sm(gi^©@5m ° IMEUggi^g®^ ° Sf ©^g'SSdgE

Tne Man of tne Hour

I i'rr;ill y(,ii. Sinilli. licl'orc I kru'W iriy Icllcl's.

Am! Inter uiicii «c l.nlli :i1 |cn(lc<l s.-liool. While III iiiMiiy wiiys I knew yon luiil your liellei-s.

\'nll wel-e il 1 isi i| 1 1 1 ely peerless ;is :i fool.

I rcMieiiilier how you shiu^rhtci'cd Knt;lish ;;iMiiiiiiiir.

Ilou you iMcklcd siiii|il(' fractions all in \Miii; How f;e()!j;ra|ihy the leaeher failed to liaiiinier

Into what was eaneil liy e( iirtesy, y(ui]' hraiii.

1 reiiiei.ilii'r that soiue 1 \\ cilty-oiie years latei-.

When you had attained at least a man's |ihysii|Ue. You Were toilinir lor your houoi-ahle pater.

And were over]iaid at lifteen liueks a week.

I renii'iiilii r that at every soeial function

^'|IU » ei-e al wa\s .just a .sort of staiidini,' .joke :

'I'lie worien kidded yiii without coinpiiuction. Oi- llicy let you sit alone mitside and smoke.

So I marveled at Ihe wonderful oxation

Yoi! recei\-ed upon your cut ranee here lo-uivrlif.

And I wondered hy what inasic transforinat ion Could contempt lie i-hanjred li- feminine delight.

To the riddle, thoiieh. I found a I'eaily answer.

Kre the orchestra had stnu-k- a do/.eu haiN: As a "trotter" I coulil sec you were .loiin dancer!

So I'm glad / brought along a few cigars.

Mnuriri !<trifz<r.


S2M(g'Ss(gSTi p 'i^w^]^'S®sL o 5F@U5^i^@(i5E

School of Business


.I.\.\ii:s Iv Amknt. a. .M.. I,I,.1)., I'riiiclixil

Alva K. KiNsl.r.v. Ilniil <if ('(niinn icinl l>( pdii im hI l',(iiiU<i < jiiiiil. IliuikiiHi. ('(iiiiiiK nidi Ijlir

.M. ('. GoKDON. M.

^1 r I III nil lie

Ei,izAUE-:'ni Chawi'iiud (lajri/nijilni. Cirlcs. (' . S. Ilistnrii

•luiiN K. Smith Alij.hrn

Anna S. Hint (Intniiiiiir

Frank -1. .\h khs SlmrlUiniil. Tiii>i I'lHiii;/. L' I h r-\V ri/lnii. O/I'i', Milhinh

JN|i\ l,cirlsK \ TVVM ('il)tll>"Sll inn


Hi.i'kkii I'imi. Slinr/liiiiiil

SrsAX Al'l'I.WiATE

li< iiiliiiii. Siiilliiii/


o Ii2M(g1^©@aTL o gfg'itgJ7i^g@d^ ° IF'@uggi^@@gQ. °









Gold nnd Black




"On to SeniorKood.


September Twen^-third, Junior Class officers elected.

October Thirteenth, Junior Class colors flying on all buildings; but lovO.

November First, some dance! The best e'Oer.

December Eleventh. Prof. J. E. Smith informs the Juniors that thej) get credit for everything the}? had in high school. All happ>).



Junior Class History

Hy A Senior.

Jii till' fall 111' !'.)11. i|ultc a thiittv-lookiii^' Imm-li of youn'f!:sters haink'd thcmst'lvos togt'tlu'i- mulci' thr iianii' of "Frcshies, "' and th<>y wnv \v\w to their 2iain(> (luring their Kres-liman year. Tli('\' behaved as all »ro<l ehildren shoulcl ,ind nothino: worthy of note hai>i)en<'(i.

In the fall of 1;H2. they appeared as Sojylioniores and with theii' enti-ariee their number was frreatly increased. During this year they .studied hard and paid little attention to soeial attains, for they were not yet out in the Soeiety World of Indiana, fui-lber than taUint; strolls in the "I'aii- On-hanr' and "hold- ing up" North dcior.

But it was only in llif fall of lit]:',, as .lunioi-.s. that they began to exist, for up to this time they created little e.\eilement. They now awakenetl and things began to bi-ighten. With the opening of this s<'h()ol year, their number was again increasetl, and this time by the number of High School Graduates who entei'ed. At the first of the year, a meeting of the Junior Class was called and (Akere elected for the c(miing year. After being organized, they made them- selves prominent in the .school life and we, the Seniors, were glad to welcome them. Life went on smoothly for awhile initil th<' <lay of th^' Senior Hay Hide and the Anniuil Color Rush between the .liiniors and Seniors. in this they did well, considei-ing their opponent.s.

In the Colc.r Rush, Joy Douglass starre<l for the .lunior.s. while .Mary starred for the Seniors. The Juniors put up a brave ti-rlit. but Ihe Seniors de- parted happily on their Hay Ride.

The next move on the part of the Junioi-s was of a social nature, namely, their debut into society, or their Coming Out Pai-ty. This was celebrated 'by the Junior Dance. The debutantes were charming: exeee(ie<l in this respect only by those of the Junic.r Dance of the ])revious yeai'. This was a most .-njoyalrle atTair.

The Juniors have Ix-en .struggling hard on their way up the ladder <>f ,su<'- cess: but looking nji at the Seniors, at the very top. they seem to have a long


Ji22sTi(g'£e@aT^, o l^w^j^'smoL « If @us"i?"£(^5ni.

and weary I'Oiul In triiM'l lifl'iu-r tlicy r'carli the i-niinciK-c for uliidi flicy ;ir-i' striving. lint i>1im1 on. .Iiininrs, you will ;,'rt thiTc yd.

Among scimc of the notorious nicinhfr.s of tlir clas-s. for iiftcr iill it i.s tin; mi'iubers who make llii' llisfory of a C' iruiy lie niciifioni'd : (JU'ia Craig. f!lareiice Fleck and "Xink" Tomb.

Craig, ii mem'lH^r of t'lic .Junior ( and likely to hi' for sonic time to eonii'. is a yoiuig man of eonsiderable leisure. In fa^-t. it is on'ly <luring his leisure that he goes to ela.sse.s. As .some on*' ha.s said of this young man : his spee*! limit exceeds his ainhition. The whole (Jlass History coidd he wi'itten on Mr. Craig alone, hut we uiust not neglect other famous characters of the class.

"Ohink" Fleck poses as the dignified president of the Jiuiior and as svu'h fills his ofifiee most woithily. Ask Clarence anything you wish U; know about PhjTsics: he will tell you. .\s an oi-ganist. ('Imimucc is truly a genius. Have j'ou ever heard hiiu .'- -well you've| a treat if you have not. For this yoiing man. I pi'rdict a brilliant carci r as an Organ Crimler.

Passing on to other illustrious cbaractei-s we c(nne to that of "Xink" Tejub. "Nink" is a fine fellow; iiis only faiult being that of his great coiisumiug ca- pacity. Other famous members, wlio-se names will go down in History are Joy Douglass. Peg Flegal, Marie Feick. Margaret ScibiTt and Ibli n llarts<«-k. who are famed tVr their starrins; in Basketball.

As a final gi'ceting. the Senior Class of 191.5 to the .lunioi-s all good luck and success. whi<-li they will have if they follow in the footsteps of their worthy predecessors.

S2a5ni(gi^e®s^ ° ^wmj^'^msL ° ^@Mg1^@@5iL

1 \\c Junior Class

Allsli(Mi>c, (IraiT AlliT. IsMJi.'llr Ainiiiciit, Ui'ssic AiidcrsoM, Aibilinr (I. Andrews, hin-illi' Anki'iiy. Koy II. Arnistrdiiu-. Hiilli (i. Aiikcnniin. Dorntliv ('. H:irtli()l. (ici-h'ndr t. Ui'ilin.iii. Anne Iv ncmictl. Adii Bi'iiiiett. Nellie K. l?os.seliiian. Gertnide Reswiek. T>ois V. ]V\sA. GrMce T{. Hlnek. Eniilv M.

Hl.-Ulkenln.uld.T Kli/.;ilielli Uleasli.v. Irene K. Hinclier. l.jinrM lioneher. I'.inl J. Rniden. Verda Hradv. ClMi-a Aladee Urisliane. Rntli Rroinbaeli Theresa Rrnwn. Olive Ri-iiwn. Rntli Hrvsiin. Savn Rilehanan. Tfnili Hurtsfiel.l. Zelali Cainirliell. AFahel ('anii)l>el1. Eli/alietli riinivh. TMen rienienson. Oli'nni II. Clowes. ^Farie Ci.ver. Editli Cowan. Porrinnp Craijr. (ilea Cnisan. Lillie rnith(>rs. Julia ("rytzer. T,illian Cunninyliani. Hnth Dale, Marv

l»al.\. .Mar^iaivl |)ai'iirliei-l.\. Delia Daiielierl.v, ilcwai'd Davies. .Mar^^arel Davis, Klvira Davis. (ira<'e .\. Davis, ({race .M. Davis, i,n.-ille Del Torehio. Ma Dennen. Kli/al>e11i Diven, Marie Donaliev. lia/rl Iv Dou.ulass, .lov Donirlntt. Klla Drewes. Trone Dnirfraii. IT<-len l'](hvai-ds. ^fai'tlia Kvaiis. Hiitli

Kwens, Ktllel Kails, Wilhelmina Faust. Winifred Fee. ITarrv Feiek, Mari.. Fei'«iusou. .Mnui Ferjrnson. (iladys Fii'eiuan. (li'iie Fislier. Katlirvn Fleek. Frieda Fleek. W. C. Fl.^sral. :\Iari:ai-el Fraiiee. Kthi'l M. I''ranee, Zurelta (iainlile, Mil.lred (iardner. K*utli (larrety. Ixoseniar.v Otty.Mary E. rriaminartitii. Adolc rrilehrist. 'Sl.wv Gleason. Mnr.jorie Goi-don. Helen Graff. Frances Grant. L. Louise

( ireenwo.Ml. Leah (;ririilli. Aliee Grove. Helen Hamilton. Mary Harsh. Lueille llartsoek. Helen llawle\. Genevieve lleniphill. Iva E. Henry. .Marie llerrnian. El.sie llitriroii. Anna Hileiiiaii. Alma Hill. .M. Eli/.alielli Hill. .Mai-L'arel A. 11 1, -an. .Mar-aretta Holmes. .Mar.iraret Holmes. (Jeoi-yiene Hol(|uist. Helen Honunel. .Mart:aiet Ilowland. Hulh Hunter. Helen

Huston. H. H.

Irvine. .\una E. .letl'ries. Hoatriep •lenkin.s. Ruth

Kamp. Julia

Kaplan. Esther

Keil'er. Beryl

Kell.x , Eo\iiso

Kerr, Haunali

Kiefer. Ernia

Kilkeuuv. Rose

Kirh.v'. Suzanne

Kline. Tipona

Kramer. Minnie

Knuik. Jessie ^1.

T>a Mere. Ruth

TiandviuiU'e. Jessie I-

Lindher..'. Eilv R,

TJovd. Mary A.

I/<iekar<l. Roberta

Lofran. Zella J[.

']^sis!^^(^(^^ o ?^1tr^Ay^@(g. ° ^©UJS-gl^e^g^ '' "1

The Junior Class Continued

Lidifl. (iracc V. Long. Myrtle M. I^onjrwill. Mary H. Luca-s, Floriiula Maclay. Margaret Man-US, Frieda Markel. Win. D. :MeCl(sk.-y. :Mary ilcConaughev. Ruth .^r(•C^ay. L. Hazel MeC'ue. Mereetles MeCunlv. Irene McLaughlin. F. Welty Me:Meekin. Marguerite ^k'Nanuira. JIargaret JfeXarv. Emily Jane ^feXeeJis. Rernadetta VpXz. Hazel ^fevers. Elsie K. "^filler. ^Fary E. "^I^oore. Florenee :\roore. Helen G. ^forsrart. Jessie 'SI. ^forrow. ^fargaret Arottarn. Zella ^rpvers. J. Paul Naser. Elizaibetli Neuf. ^Tarie A, ye\-i)is. E. ^Fav

r>'n..„..,>ii :\rii,iv,.,i Mju-

'^'ITeill. AFargaret Orn-iff. Ruth Ottosou. Edith Paterick. Elizal)etli A. Patter.smi. Mai-sraret Petted. Claude H. Pettifrew. AFildred PfoiNiek. TTaz<-l Power.s. Tiitrelta

1 'riilil,\ . X'irgiiiia l^uiiiii. (irace Hahn. Eniilv .M. Handall. VerM Kav. Elhie Reed. E. Clare Reese, Ernest A. R-egester. Ruth Repine. Helen X. Righv. Lelia B. Ritdiey. Ruth Robertson. Ida B. R(vhins(n. Emma Robinson. Ine/. ]\l. Robinson M;irgery Rogers. Anna P. Rossiter. .Vnna P. Roberts. Vida A. Saner. Lillian Saul, Alarip Saxnian. Isabel Sf'haller. Lena S<-hell. Jane F. Sfh'wab. Ruth Seibert. :\Iai-<rarct Sexton. ^ViHiaIll A. Sevier. X.41ie L. Sliiek. Irwin Sbott". Dovothv Sbuster. Florem-e Shuster. Oliv.' Simmons. Aliee P. Smith, aiadvs :\F. Smith. Oladvs R. f^'nith. Pauline A. Staw. T,ida n. Stenh<-ns. Ha'/i'l Stenhens. :\Fabel Sl.Miebraker. fiavnell

Stone. Haeiici

Slui-kie. Wiiiiiina Stumpf. Claudia Swartz. Cari'ie Swift. Gladys E. Tei'pe. Frank Theakstown. .M;irL;are1 T..111I). .1. Wavnr Varner. .Mabel E. X'arnei'. Editii Ven\ ilanola M. Voge'lev. Anna Louise Walker. Anna G. Wallace. Mai-getia Walsh. Agnes E. Walsli. C<'cilia Walt.^r. Helen E. Walter.s. Jane Watson. ^Farx' Aliee Weanier. Alpha Weaver. Ralnh West. Alice SI. Wlietstone. Emily P. Whiston. Walter C. White. :\Farv While. Fara Whitlcdtre. Bentlev Williams. Irwin G. Williams. "Mvfannv Wilson. AF. Vif<'-inia Wineman. :\Fvrtle Wineman. Sarah C. Winters. Ilazi-l AVov. AFa^i-daleiie AVri-.'ht. AFarie Wri"-ht. RcLnna Voun-'. Craci' YdUiiir. Ruth


° ^M,<^^mmm^ ° SStuL5Ay^s®S ° Wovi'is^m^^



The SopKomore Class Histor})

^"(■s. tllciT llic.\ ;iri' 111!' Wit illlH'ci'iil yiillllt,'-sl'T.s cjllli'il "siit'1 liii)n'<."" wlln

JirsI liiiiioi'i'd lliis iiiiiilc iiisl il III ion with tlirir pri'scncc in IIMl'.

Iliiw tlii'v lijivc 'jrmvn line liy ciir llic\- ;i|i|ic;ir with their hiiir " pilril up" iillcl UTJlcidlls. there .■Olhes oi:e who h;i,s ;itleinpteil 1o ImIsi' ;i iiiusliiehe. 'I'liink ol' those (le:ii' litth' things, why t he\' were just h'.'iriiini; to wulk whcti they cjiiiie here, liiit since they h:i\'e eiiiliired the tires of .1. ( '. Siiiitli's geoiiiefrv ola.'is (hey h;ive iiKiile nipiil strich's in int'Miit-hood. iind now Mri' :it llie sfjiiri' i)t" devcl- (ipinellt wliere enieker -soup cilll he dij;i'sted without h,-irin.

Some of thi'se dear litlh' thiims thoiii;lit to interfere with thi' Senior Iniy- riile liiit ill Iheii' eiideaviU' they were trampled liy tile hoi'ses. and it was iieees- !<ary to carry the cryinji' tots to their erihs. Since tlicn they liave heeii ;ic(|uii'ii)}r th( knowleile'e uhicli is necessary to admit them to a stronuer diet consistilljr ol' litcratni'e. whii-h is ilopcd out in hirtic (|iiaiitities in tlie .luiiior vcar.

We would lie^t he too severe with these tots, hut suutiest that tlley ki'ep ofl" thti fj'rass.

° J^feiig^essTi ^ ^w^j^'S'ML o IFms'is^^^^


AUsoloin. Anna Aiidt'i-son. Austin Aiulfi'son. Lillian M(vi<. .Ma^^^ll■<•t Hell. .Mai-ira.vttr Boni-lici-. Ixulli Hri<-l<lc.v. W. II. Brown. l\athar\ii Biish.vajri'r. llazrl ("onwa.N'. .Mar.\ ("oon. DaiTcU Coon. Flrironci' CcKtpcr. Malx'l Core.v. Joscpli Conch, (icnova Coy. Hntli Dang-lici-t y. .lames DanjrlnTty. M. Marirarrl Donainic. .Mar^an't Doulili'. .\liiia Duharrv. .Juliette Duff. Eleanor Duncan. ITarry Earl. Tone Elei'ssor. (ilad.xs Elliott. Edna Ei)|)le.\-. (lertrude Eve'iis. >rar\- E. Ewiufi. Caroline Fail.s. All<Mi Fennel. Crvra IMac Fleminsr. Vernon France. ^Tarie Frances. Elizabeth

KuituH. Flndie

(iates. Huth (leoru'C. Belle Ilaniill. Alir.. lianiilli II. Kiliin (larrison. (Ico. C. Ilawes. Zelda

lles.soll. Hl'la

.la(|uisli. Ella Keiiii. Freda

Keller. :\lelha

K.'lly. Maud Kelso. .Teaniielle Ki'i-r. Aijnes Kiiotts. Osier

LollLMVrll. lj„ra,-e Lovelace. Violet Lowiiian. Relieera

L\dii-. frwiii Mau'lll. Airnes Chilian. Flol-eliee Martin. ^Farv .Maxell. .Tean Mc.\iiiiltv. rSeiilah ^Ie(!a\v. ^Faura :\leClarv. Vera :M(d)onal(L Clias. Mid.aiiirliliii. :Mal)el Means. ^rart,Mrel Miller. Helen "\Iiirrav. Frances M\ei-s. .Tacoli rvl)erlvii. Evelyn Oliver. C.enctte

Oi-r. Uiilli Oshiirii. .Martha J'attcrson. .Mai-iroi'ie J'eteriiian. Clarence I'eter.son. .Mary .\L Poster. .Mahel " Kanisay. Katheriiie Hi>l)i:ison. Winifred Sals'river. Katheriiie .Schmidt. .Mary Seaiioi'. X'ilma Sharhanj;-!!. Helen SharhaUfrh. 'riielma Shea. Helen Small. Fna Smith. Katheriiie Snyder. Laura Seiii.'r. :\ra'hel Stoutrh. Ralph Tieriiiaii. Grace Turk. .Mary A. \'ariier. Lulu Weihie. Lillian WilUiiisoii. Lucille Willard. .Martha Wilson. Marcr't ricrtriuh Wil.son. ^fai'sraret Wilson, ^rarv :\L Wrisrht. ■^ralinda Zei-rler. IMai-tha

/elier. Euirelie

Smith. :\rary E.

I '.-'

S2M(g'Se@5ni ° 2Smst^b@(S° 5F@'iLS^tef^




allisdii, jiiscpli iiiuliTsdii. iii;ir\ cllicl :iii(lc|-s(iii. nissril llllUcil.v. ji'ssc l);iiirl);iri;cr. el lid li.MiT. Iiclcn k. I)rli(lcf. ailllM hclz, lirl.^n lii,-l<,-ll. rnirsl hlilc. paiil liothcll, cslhrr ,•. iirilliarl, cli/.ilirl h hiintiii. cliii'stiiia (•iiniplicll. rimnic cainp'l)!'!!. sai'a IkiviI ('hap'iiian. I'laii' a. cliiipiiian. iiicila clirisc. williain a. I'hi'nw. inarv coiisi-r, I'lcaiioi- ciiiiniiiuliain. cliarlrs li dull, JHTuirr (liiiilap, cli/.alii'lh .■llrlilMT-rr, ,l,v cnldw. cilitli rvaiis. pcai'l ranlhalii'i'. rdna ransl. Iirlcii I'i'i-iiusciii, riara h'oflich, ka(lii'\ii .ii:il)soii. ariiiilil tn-atr. ha/cll.- 1.

jii-ilVilh, jdvc' liaiiiilti 11. nancy lia\s, in V rill' hill, fa.v.' Iiill. niaJM-l llinc, clai-a licllr li()(i\c'r, rnlli a liorn. /.rnns .jiiliiiston. Iic.-ss jdi'don, inar\ kaslicr^rr, .inscphinc ki'nnril,\, rose knrpshii-l.l, Ihclnia lapor. .jainrs I. lanilcnsla^cr. w illmr l.'adrr, cli/.al.nli liin,u, ma ry lowinaii. pani lowry. cli/ahulh liiui'y, inar.\' aunt'H hnnsilrn. mac .ji'an niai'lin. lavina inccliirc. willir w. means, mai'uari't Ih'M niiTslidn. cilna mi'i'slmn. rdward moniv. rlla imn-i'iiw . I'li/.alii't li mi ri'ow . urai-f myiT-i, rdiinr nral, i'nli,\ o. orndolV. nora l('i>

pai-k. iliirotliy 1).

parni'il, L'illn'rt

pcrnar. kalliryn

rainrr. myrllr nni.v

itimI, .jiilin

ivid. david <1.

rii;'j;lc'. .sai'ali

risliiii'. mar\ hdcn

ritlrr. .ji'iiiiif

i-i)liin.s(in. winil'ri'd

yonW nrll

r()\M'. mill

srlirri.-k. Iliiyd

sharlian<;li. mildrfil

.shirk, niarj^rari't

shi'uni. faroliiu*

si<h's. IliiiY'iice

sinrlaii-, may

smith, alioe g;.

streams, orpha

hiwnsi-nd, lavriiia

li'imlile. liiira<'i' h.

Walton, emnia r.

wcamcr. lielcii

weaver, twila

whitesall. marie

whitiiiir. marioii

Williams, iiiargaivt .sraec

wilsrn. margaret ^ertrnde

zi'iirler. lielen

/Ciller, ella may

^^^.(^^i^mm^ o SS-iui^n^s^d^ o Wms^^m^^

Take it as you find it, Black or Deaming sky,

Smile, ana ne'v'er mind it. Little time to sign.

Fast tne clouds are creeping. O'er the neaven's blue.

Little time for weeping. Skies '11 weep for you.

Keep tke patnvJay steady, Heaven is not so KigK.

WKen God calls, say, "ready," Smile, and kiss good-bye.

—J. W. A. B.

SSfei^-Se^aiL ° SilMjny^g@d^° '^mE'^^(m^


College Preparatory

All. Ml. .Inllll II.

Alti'iinis. Li'ani I\. Banu'tt. .Icrrv Ueadliiifj. Wilfor.1 A. MiMiiictt. Ki.-lianI H. lirowii. Alrx Bu.-hhol/;. Tho. U. Callowa.w Charlfs II. ("alldwav. Mai'ion .M. ("alloway. Kohcrt W. ('ai-othri-.s. .1. Win. t'aiToll. K. A. Craincr. Clitt'onl H. Domii'lly. I'aiil Eppk'v. Gcrtnulc Epplev, RohiTt .1. Kppit'v. Ricbanl R. Kvaiis. Daviil R. Fli'iiiiiig. John II. Fowler. Clvde A. Gaiio. Gila Gi-aff. H.'iirv I, Hicks. K. Frank Hills. Lt'.. Huston. II. R. Kuiiklf. John ('. Lchr. Robert W. Mahon. Alex W. Marliii. Edna .Martin. Don

-Martin. Harry 1'. .Martin. Janus .Martin. .Marjorie -MeGregor. x'elle V. .MincLsky. .Mike .Moore. Dan. Morrow. Clitt'onl .Murrjiy. Franeis I'eelor. .Mnrray Pr\(le. Weslev Riehards. Paul V. Rufih. Charles F. Sheesley. Frank .M. Sienion. F. II. Smith. Everett .Speneer. Earl St. Clair. Fred C. St. Clair. Robert Stewart. Edwin L. Thayer. P. L. Thoma.s. Gravdon Tiniherlake. E. D. Warren. Clarence W. Watt. Sarah Wehh. Niles R. Weir. Paul Wisrsrins. Walter Wissinger. Jesse Woodhnrn. Charles S.

1 -^0

o SJM®'fe®®si^ o SC^yi5^^,<^®S o ]F@us^"£@@5Ak


IiROVY/i 1*



(hiii'-;\ Chi

I'hi AlplKI

I'lii K;i|)|)ii I'hi

I'i Kapp Alph^i K i'hi Drlt (lamina I'i I'x-la

1 Siirma ippa I'lii

Urta ChaptiT I.ila Cliapt.T (iaiiiiiia CliaptiT Zi-la Chaptci- Iota ChapliT

Est a Esta

Est a


l)lislu-< hlishci l)li.sli('( t)lislic( hlishc. i)lisli('( l)lisl

UtOS !)()2







Beta CKapter EstaDlisKed iqoq

Colors: Black and Gold

Fratres in Facultate

l-'niiikt .Ml. I'l.,i.s:ilil. I'll. l:. iMMiik .1. .Myers

Fratres in Urbe

William I'iciTc I ). l\aiiki:i Tmiili lliirr\ (iilrlirist

iMlwiinl II. Ldiiir Cluiric's .McClaiii CliMrlcs ("arna.haii

.Iosi'|)li Ii'oiis K. Hale 'rniil) .loscpli A. Doiiiifliy

Sam. W. liiiiii K'olirrt .M. Unicr .losi'pli Wilsmi

Sti'i'lr Swan

Honores Fratres

i'nv,. W. La;i,lci'

Fratres in Scnola 1Q14

Howard S. Kriiiii .1. \V. .\ r.njwii


Wayne Toml)


MilLirnc /I'licr

College Preparatory)

Claren.T Flc^k

JnliM .\1. 1;, Fl.M-U

Kdwai'd Ilick.s Paul noiiiicUv

i''raiicis .Muri-a\- Karl Spencer Kussell Wel.h

i;,.!iert RL.Mm

Dan .M -^^

.l...>eph famplMll

l<'rc<l Sicmoiis Williiir liaiidctislajjer Mike Meiio.sJNy

(!ila (la'id frwiii Sliiek HaymoMii Shirk

CKapter Roll

l<(,s, .lohn.s l\'aymi'.ii<l Carroll Charles SiiitTi




IZ"'IZ.IIIwr and J.

Conway Hall. Carlisle. Pa. liana Xormal. Indiana. I'a. Academy. W'ashin<rt<in. I'a.

Gamma E[)sil(in

Ml. Caniicl .Miirini CIj;


Keystone .\(


S( ad

ininarw Kingston. I'.i.

■my. l-'ai-torvville. I'a.

Ml. Carinel. I'a.



Iota Chapter

Estaolishea iqoS

Colors: Purple and Gold

Fratres in Facilitate Will. !•'. Siiiitli .lolui K. Siiiitli

.1. K. I'.ouinaii l^ilpli 1. TmIIioI

Fratres in Urbe

Linus .). Klkiiis l);ilr Iv .Marliii

Cui-lis II. KIkiiis T. Alhcil llail

N'l'wi-ll .M. l)i)u;ilass .lohu Tfnincr

Charlc-s K. Stewart

Fratres in Scnola Post Graduates Frank W. Cniiltfr l)<in. II. .MaHiii


Wiliii.r II. i'.rii'kl.'v P red St. Chi.)

Will. i). .Mark!.- Mca .M. Craii,'

(I. II. ( 'Iriiicnson

College Preparatory

.Mnrra.v i'lM'lor ('iilVnr.j .Morrow

(J. Win. {'aro';i, r.-; Roht. -I. Kpplcv

Klliic Kay Paul V. Uiclianis

(ii-avdon K. TlMiiias I'aul Wi'ii-

Hi.hanl H. Kppl.'v l.rr (I. imi.s

.\le\ W. Malion David H. Evans

I'aiil .la.-k .Max .M. raldwil

Chapter Roll

Alpha Geiit\ Xiiriiial. \. Y.

Beta. -. .\iii-i)nta .Norinal, .\. Y.

(Taiimia riattslnir^ .Xorinai. \. Y.

;Delta MansHfld Normal. Pa.

Ivpsilon Frc'doiiia N'orinal. .\'. T.

Zcta - Jamaica .Normal. N. Y.

Eta Hn rk|K)rt .Normal. X. Y.

Tlicta . New Pal/.a Normal. N. Y.

Tola Indiana Normal P-i.




Gamma Chapter

Organized IQ02

Colors: Pale Blue and Gold FloxOer: Yello'cO Dais^)

Sorores in Facultate

Miss .IiMiiiir M, Ai-krnii.iii Mrs, .T:iiiics Tv Anient

Miss i'lliz.-.lictli K. K.MT

Sorores in Urbe

Miss Ciinilini' (Jutlirii' Mi's. Win. A. SiiiipsiMi

Mrs. 11, .ward lloiu-k Mi's. S. \ivu I'ollocU


Ali.T S. Hiirkc \\r\,-n K. Laiisv

Miiru'iirct 1)iiiiIm|) Kllfii l\n\v

l,yii (l;ill;ili.T _ llrl.'ii M Tivililc


Miiri.' Fcirk y\-~n-w SmiiI

L. Louis,. (Ii-aiit l'.,Mi11y \Vhitl,Ml>>i>

lC)l6 •lipy Doii-rlass 1(i-Ii,'cim l.owirKin


Anna l'.iMi,l,'r Cai-iilvn S,-linun!i

College Preparatory) (;,-i-tni(lc Kppl.'y Tvlna Marlin




Zeta Chapter EstaolisKea iqoq


Mi^s.l.•lM^ Iv l.i'oiiMnl .Mrs. Win. .1. -hick


.Mrs, .M. ('. (iiii'don

Faculty .Mis. Kdii.i K. .<iiiilh .Mrs. S;iiiiii,'l (!, Ihirt

Active Members iqi4

Ihiz.-l Elkili Klnrcnr,. Il,-ill:,,ii

I>nl;i Ivssoil Helen lijlpsley

S:ir;i l''riineie.s (}erlr\i(le l.;iiij.'liliii


Delhi DflUirllel'lv Jess Liimh

.M;ir<tiiret Kle<rM'l Aniiii Walker

Irene Dri'wes I'aiiliiie Siiiilh

,\|IIKI li'viii

Chapter Roll

Alpha .. Ypsilanti. >ri<''h.

liota J Alva. Okla

Camilla ■CluMiey. Wash.

Delta .Ml. I'lea.sant. M'u-h.

Epsilon .Milwaukee, AVis,

Zcla Indiana, Pa.






Iota Chapter

Colors: Blue, White, Gold

Established iqio

Sorores in Facultate

Dnriilhv licsluii'x ( 'ipi;.s\\i'll ^Kl).siloll) Ahitlir Diii-rll I5i<liiif ( l-Ipsiloii )

Aiiiiii li. lliiiit (Al|)li;i) Kiliia Alhiii ( 'ofrswcll (Hpsiloii)

Ann (ii-av (Hta) Ki' I'tlcr (Iota I

.Mal)cllc Ihw .McV.-ifih (Icita)

Sorores in Uroe

Hli/alx'tli liiiWi'v X'iruiiiJM Scaiioi'

Etlitli Hiicliaiiaii N'^'liiui Scaiior

IJIaiK'lir Scaiior

Sorores in Schola 1Q14

Ilililh liiichiinan Curtis Ilai'sha .Marx .lainismi

Artie DoinMslcr (icncvicvc Kicr Ainamla Kcnard

J'^tlu'l fi()'l)insoii

iqi5 Kiilli Ai'iiisti'oii'.' Riilli Hrisliiiif Sara Wliitr

Helen Cliureii Helen lluntei' Dorotliy Aukei-niau

Adele (irainniaitini ICrnia Keifer .Mercedes Christie

(;la<lys Swift Helen .Moore

1916 .hiliette l)n liai'i'.v Maiy l-Ivaiis

Caroline lOwiiiu' . \'elnia Seanoi'

1917 HIi/.alii'tli l.o\vr\' .Meda Chatinan

Cnapter Roll

.Vipha Geneseo. \. Y.

Beta , ;. ( )neonta. X. V.

Gaiiiina _ _ _ Fredouia. X. Y

Delta : Plattshur^. X. Y.

Epsilou Mansfield. Pa

Zeta HroeUpoi-1. X. Y.

Kta „_ JHniaiea. Loii^ Island. X. Y.

Theta Cortla)i(l. Pa.

Coiiviieation. 11114. Int.liana. Pa. 182



EstaDlisned iqoq

Colors: Light Blue and Black

Flower: Pansy

Sorores in Facultate

.Miss II(i|ir Sti'Wiirt .Miss IvIiiM Winicrs

Ml-.. \{. .1. Sa\\>.T

Sorores in lirbe

.Miss 11,-lrli (■iilM|il..-ll .Ml'-. H.'ImmI Sill 1(111

Sorores in ScKola


nricn KlizMli.'lii W.'iilx .\liiT Eli/.iilirtli .M.-l 'ivcry M;irv:;nv1 (iii-iinl (in.!.luiii

Ilfiirirtln I\iiit'iic I'arkiiis \'it;i .\. Siiii|is(iii •IciiiiiiiM ZiiiiiiiiTiiuiii Ilii'/iis

KlcMiioiv IM'ordI ix'iirhcl K. U\<>sr |{ii1h Kllni Slalln-

KMa .Marfrucritr .McF.-iitcrs Mildiv,! .lane i.iri-li Knhcrta .Mrrriiin


K„ll, (iardciicr .Marian .M. Callnway

Marv .Mar.L'aiTt I'l'tcrsiin liiitii Kvaiis


Riiili (Jlaily.s Kl.M'ssr.r ( 'laiiT (icufltc Olivn-

Irriir lOrla Ilcssmi



Alpha Chapter Faculty

Miss S\is;m Appli'iriiti' Miss Ktiicj M. Orr


Katrine Sniitli LikiIIc /cilirr Martha Hill

GcrtiMidi- Diiismore Kli> Stonci-iphcr Marion Hroderick

Hac-lirl Stoncr Mary Stoiippo Gladys Cariiiall


Kiith Yoiiiit; lli'lni llarlsock MiMlora (irafl'

Ruth Ritc'lipy Julia Cruthi-rs Mary Alice Watson

Isahelle Siixinau I!i atricc JetVries Lois Beswiek

iqi6 l\alliar\n Broun Winifred Hohinson Maliel A^dyaujrhlin


f'lai'a Fei-<;iison Jvalh.rine Krnejiek



TKe Allied Arts..Club


•■('iilliin is Ihc I'd/liiciiii hi ,1 lli,jli,r Life."

'I'hc Allied Arl.s Chili, iis llir luiiiic implies, is coiiiikisciI hT inrinlicTs I'l-om tile sjji'ciiil tlcpiirtiiK'iits of the silmol.

Tlu' i)iiri><>,st' of the cluli is 1o inspire a love of llie heautil'iil in all llie arts.

Tile elul) holds its ineetiiiirs twice each month.

The pnijrrams are prepaf<'(l and rendei'ed liy memliers of iIh' farnlty ami studeiit.s. with (leeasioiial addresses by \)y. Anient and others. These i)roj;i;uns a IV varied in ehafaeter, eaeh one preseiitinfj .some phase of art. Some of the suhjeets jriveii have heeii : "American Women in the Arts." "Russian Music." "Nurenihnru; in Prose, Pneliy and Art." an<l Ijouirfellow's "l)ei-amos" with musical aeeonipaniment.

The elul) seal shows a 'Jreeian lit>ure rejiri'sentinir the unity of tin- arts. She lijrlits her lamp from the Divine fire, which siijiiitics the drawing of inspii'a- tion. Peace and X'ietory are repi-esenled as a [lalni liranch. A wreath t.vpifies earthl\- honors, while a sc( rpion within tin' wreath su^rgcsts the stini: contained •n such honoi-s. lv_\ lea\es typify death to which art is superior. A Delta re|)re- st nts perfection: a circle, the sha|)e of the seal, .symholizes eternity. Stai-s at the top of the design suf^fiest ideals above and beyond our reach. .\ haip de- jiicted in smoke typifies the elusive mystery of music.

The Allied Arts (,'lub of ]!)18 jiresented to the ( 'onsi-rvatoiw. .\lm.i Tadiina"s "Heading I leaner. " a verv famous pictui'c.

The officers of the ehib for ll)l:M4 arc Leah Chubbuc-k. presi.lent : .Mildred TiUtz, secretary, and Lottie Kemmy. treasurer.

The following is a represelltj'ti Ve prnnram, pi'eseuted by till' elub at the unvi'iling of tlu- above-inent in.Mi'd picture:

Allied Arts Club

Klormal ConseKJatory

I'iano Solo— Pipes of I'an Godard

Laura -lean Black

The Relate<l Arts - :\Ir.s. Cogswell

I'liveiling of the Picture. "HeadiuLr Homer"

Syinibolism of the Picture and Talk abiut the .\rtis1 Tadima .Miss Mi-Llliamy

Old (ireek Songs and their Origin: Fil-st Pythiiln Ode Ode to Calliope Ode to Helios

Mis-s Clnihbuek and Creek Singing, Girls with ii\ res

Prilish Artists Miss White

Concerts for Clarimi and Piano \V< Ixr

'Sir. and Miss King

SS25^^,(g■S(S(^S^i ° SS'^U15J^yg5s@dL » 5F@U=Sl5''£@(lS^

Indiana rJormal Glee Club

rifiiF. S. (i. Haut I'risiili III- Dira-hir

('has. ('aI,U)\VAY /.'((.v/ic .VN Mdliilili r

.1(11 IN Fi.KCK _ - _ _ Seen turn mul Tn nsttri r

DiANTiiA Sims _ \'ii,liii Sniolsl

(Irni-KiiiK Kpi' Hi mil r

M \in St. Ci.AiK KiNi: „..,; I'iaiin Snlnisl

'I'lu- liidiiina Niiriii;il dl'.- Cliil). foniiall.v kiKiwii ii-; tlir Apollo Siii>i(*rs. liMs |pfiiV('ii to !)!■ one of tlir sliMhiTi'sl :in(i most popnhif ori;,-iiii/;itioiis in the school.

'Ilir chil) will Ink.' An cxlrnili-il trip iliiriiii;- tlie Ivislci- \;ii-a1 ion.

Tlif viTv .sncci'ssfnl toni'. cn.jovi'il liy IIumii last yrai'. covered tin- rollowinu' itinerary :

Homer City. March L'T Latri.he. .\pril 1

I'n.ixsiitawiiey, .March "_'S l.iu'onier. .^pril J

(Ireeiishuri;'. .Mari-li :il .li'annette. April '■>

Irwin .\pril 4

First Tenor (T('i>i'<it» Clark .lolin Flpek

Fred. Ter|ie

Second Tenor Wiliiicr I'.ri.-kley ("larence Fl,.ck

Waltel Wlliston

First Bass

('has. Callowa.v X'crnon I''lcniin<;'

Waltei- (iray {^Vih- Lon;/well

Second Bass

•lames Danyrherty Rohert Kpiiley

I jorace Trinihle


TKe Y. W. C. A.

'rile Yituiiir Wdirijih ".s ( 'lii-istijDi Assiicijilioii wjis r<)ini(I.Ml in ISHT willi Miss .Mary II. Croiiiliic as first in-csidriit. and ilnri;i<r llic siNtccii yrai's nl' its rxist- ciicc. lias cxcrtod a helpful inlliiciici' u|iiiii tlir liii'ls ol' tlir si-hool. Its |uii'|i!«(' is to unite them in loyalty Id I heii' .Master ami Id liuild t hiMi up in I lie know jedue of Christ throiifrh l>il)le study and Chi-istian serviee.

One of the tlejjai'tnu-nts of the crgani/al ion is llie \\'halsii<'\ cr Soei<'1\-. founded in 1!)()1 by State Pre.sident Mrs. howry. lis palliway of I'l urleen year-; has heeil marked liy irood woi-!' anmUL:' the poor-, as well ,is liy nniny ai-ts nl' kind- ness hcstowed upon p;itienls in the seliiinl inlirrnarv. 'The inolln of I hi- i|ep,-i|-| ment is "What Woidd .lesus Do.'"

The Mission Study in the hands i \' .Mrs. Si-e imd .Mi.s-~ Kdna 1'.. Snnlh. is \-i-ry helpful and lis work is widely fi-ll lhroui;li the si-hinij.

.Man\- live su^jjestions for the past year \\i-i-e nlil.-iined li.\' tie- deleuales al the sivmnier eonfeivnee at Eaples ]\Iere. I'enua.. and al the Disli-iet Convention of Xornuil SehooLs and Colhjres at Oeneva Colleu-e. l'>eavei- h'alls. I'l-nna.

During its existem-e at this si-lmol, tin- \. W. ('. .\. ha^ inain1aine<l a mis- sionary in India, and iin- at ihe Southern Industrial Si-lmnl in .\shvill(-.

The pri-seni ofliei-rs are :

Prrxidmt Am.\nd.\ Renard

Vice Presiflful _ ; ^lAK(irKHrrK McMkkkin

Secretary Maui an Sm/ps.m.w

Trenxurrr M.\uv SiiKiin)A.M


° S2fe^,(g*S©®STi o S3u=25m^®S o S^m5g'5@@gQ.



TKe Y. M. C. A.

'1 lit- Voiin^ .Men's t'hi'isii.'.ti Associ.itioii was c.stablislii'il in tlif Imliana State Normal School in lS!t7. and sinee then a National {'harter has l>een stvured.

The piii'posc of the oT-ganizatioii is to train .\ouiiir .nen in Ciiristian work. ThoMfih they iiiav not take up speeial Ciiristian wm-k. the soiiet\ i-anml tail to exert a ^lood intlnenee in the later life of liie nun. and make tiieni nioi'e nsefni citizens of their eoninuinit y.

Anothei' of the association i.s to develop tlu' .spiritual siilc of the slw<lents' livi'.s anil thus prcNcnt tlw narrowness of ideas and sympathies thai wcuhl otherwise l-es\dt.

The spii-il of the soeiet> is kept alive li\ tile reiTidar pi'ayi-r ineetin;.is. whieii r.i-e heiil on Thur.sday an«l Sunday eveniuf^. Tiii'se nieetin'rs show an iui-reased r.ttendance and interest durini: the last \ear. In connection with the Y. .M . ('. .\. there is a liihle ('las.s. whose sessions are led liy students who ari' trained hy a member of the faculty.

The work of the association at the present time is filt. not only in the school, hut It is doing; eonsiderahlc f < .r the poor of the town, as it is foi- the Sahliath School -Mi.ssioii.

Every year ileh-iiates arc sent to the State ('onv<'iition. and the District '"onveiitio!! of Normal Scluiols and ('ollcfies. Tlu' State Convention of 1!IU, at which this chapter was w< il rei)resente<l. was held in the town of Indiana.

The ju'esent (tHcers of the orKaiii/.ation are:

Pirsideiil - Mh. Harry Fee

Vice I'rf'sid<iit -Mi' 11omi;k- I, ai nENsi,.\GER

Trraxiinr .Mn- 1-'ki.i> Sik.mon.'i

Sccrrlarii -Mn. luvi.\<: Wn.i.iAMS


ls2fe^.(gi^(S®s^ o SSM3T!>(^B(id^ o lr'@^g'£@@s^



Lincoln Debating Club

Till' Liiii'dlii l)i lijiliiiL' I'l'ili is M siuilriit iiruMiii/.iilioii I'm- llir Imvx oT llic S"ll(iol. Dlirilljl 111.- F:ill oF IIIDII. uilli llir :u\\\rr iiii.l llrlp of I'lMl'. Allici'l llr,'k,'l till' Cliil) was oi-jianizrd will: ;i diai-tri- infirilirrsliip oT IHi-l \ -li\f.

The liumltcr was ;il lii-sl liinilcil \n lifty. Init il has lati'lx lirrn i'imIiu-imI In lllirtv-fivc. So cajri'i- ai'c lii^' lioys Id licrdiiir niciiilnTs that thi'fc is always s niir- oiK' nil tlic wailiiij; iisl.

Tlu' ('lull holds iv^jiilar 'Ankly nicrtinii' at Id o'cloi-k on .Mnndax- iiiofiiiii'.'s. 'riic inciiilirrs arr ari'a.i^'rd ;ii IIii-im' scrtions. one of which drhatrs at i'a<-h iiicctiiiy;.

Followini; Ihr dvi)a1i', iiii|iroiM|itti spccchi's aiv made liy iiirmhc'iN of the olhri- sections, this srivinii' many thr advaiitafic of spcaUiiiiz.

'rile Cluh hulls ail aiiiiiial dcliatc' aii<l daiirc on l.inroln's liirthda.w On this ocrasion lour ( f the sliMii-vst s|iiaNi'i-s nf the Clnli arc srlci-trd for the de- bate. This siicial afi'air has al\va.\s lieeii a ver.\' (nic fni- the lu'.iers

<'f the dull and their uiiesls

'I his >car the ( Inli (•iialleii..:es tlii' Kiski Si-hool to a de'iati'. as Indiana was i-halli'imcd li\ Kiski last \car, tie Lincoln Clnli w iiiiiiii'.;-.

The oflieers \'i>r the Kal! term w.n-e: I'nsiihi,!

Si ii-i Itiru Triasiirrr



('. II. Lai iHiXsi.Acicn \Vii.Mi:u I'.HicKi.KV

. I''ni:i). SiKMON

Kkn'kst HkksI':

lldWAim KKIN(i

Wll.l.AUD liHdWN

The otiicers for the Winter term were;

l'r(si(l( III

Vicr I'nsidi til

Scrnliirfi Trrasiirc r C, iisnr

..\Vn.\ii:i; I '>l;l^Kl,l;^

IIai;!;-! KkI';

, I\(iiii:in' Ki'i'i.Kv

..(*!, I I'-I'OHI) Ck.vmek

Wll.l.lVM MAliKKI.

(HVieers for Kali term. 1!)1 I: I'nsui.iit Vir, I'r.siihu! Sirri liliil Tn II sun r Crilir Cnistir

..GiiK.wii'. ( 'i,i;mk\si)N

Wll.l.lAM Markk'.

Cl.M KNCI-; Fl-EfK

Ki;i':i). SiKMoN

Fi.i:i. St. Ci.aiu

lIiinAci'; Tui.Mi'.i.i:


JSM^-feis^sii ° S3ugg\)i^g@d^° ^m5g'£@@SQ.







W ^1




Tne ErodelpKian Literary Society

Motto: Per Aspera ad Astra Colors: Blue and White

Tlir i'ln <lrl|iliiaii Si)cii't_\ wjis iiri,';iiiix,i'(l in 1S7.") sluirlly :it'tii' llic I'^hililisil- inclit of Iniliiiiia .\oi-iii;il. Its |)iii-|i()sc was Id help llir Ii1rrar\ li'iiilriii-ics (if tlic stiulcnts of tlu' .\oi-iii;!l.

Any stiuii'!it .joininir llic socifty iinimiscs to appfar twicr. I think ivrry out' si-i far tliis year lias <l(iiii' his pari to rurtlicr tlu' society in it^ iiileiTst to ilit> student Ixuly.

Several farces have been '^i\en at the society "s open mcelinjis. namely ■''Ihe Ilai'teville Sliakes]>ei'i-e Cluli" ami '"Ihank (io(i<lness the Ta'l)le is Spicjnl." "Hiv)\vii of Harvard." was presented li\- the socii>t\ in Lihrarx' Ihill, March





Vii( I'n sidi III

h'i((inliii<i Si < rrlaiif

Finiiniinl Si crdnrii




M usual Dlnilnr


TiiiM nrciiiKiLZ

IIahhv Fki:

M \uv .Iamisox

M \BKi, .Mason

(lEt). Cl.AHK

Ki.siK ^Mrru


Amanda Hionakd


Winter Term.

I'nsidi III _ \Vm. Cauothkks

Vii( I'nsidi III _ \V.\i. Maukki.

luriirdiiKj Sicri liirii Adei.aidk Siianaiian

Tnasinir .Makcis Ki-KITZkh

Crilir ;.., R. -Ionks

Editors R. E. Hanson, Adklahii. Siianaiian

Musical Director .Mahv .Ia.misun

Censor - \V.\i. Smi'i'ii

Spki.xo Term.

I'nsidi III _ Wm. Maukki,

Viir I'nsidijnt N\' m ' ' \i;ni'iii:ns

liirordiiiii Sri rfdarii KAtiiKi, Hi.ose

Finaurial Sriritnrn Kathleen Raii.ev

Trcnsiirir James ^Iaktin

Critic Maria.v I.kodeukk

Editors Mahv Stki'I'I'e. .M. Leech. M. .Masdn

Musical Dim lor Zii.riiA ( 'iiuistman

Censor _ _ _ _ K. L. 'Pai.hut


SI2sTi(g'£©(^aTi o SS^i25^S(g(S o ^@U5g'£@@s^

TKe Hu3)gKenian Literan? Societj)

"SearcK for Truth" Organized 1875

'I'llr IlnyKlu'lliilll I/itiTili'V Society was DrtTJilli/rd in 1ST."), till ir11\ Mt'tcl' llir M-li(M I wiis i-stalilislu (1.

They have irrowii from a few i'r,tliusiastic. lianl-woi'lviiit;; iiiciiiUiTs. oni' ol' whirh is dill' pri'sciit i^'ecepircss. to a lar<re ami (•ai)ahl(' society, that takes an important placi in the life of the school. They now nnmlier ovei- one hniidi-ed. This in meml)erslii|i is due to the ]>ei-se vera nee of their aluiiini and to the present memlx'rs.

They do nvt rank high as a social organization, hut are known I'oi' their untiring cflf'oi-ts to raise the litoi-ary standaitl. This does not nuan that thc\ lave no sociid s'de. for at the beginning of each term they hokl an open meeting, to wiiich all are invited. At that time they present a regular program, which sliows the kind of work they do.

It has always been their custom to prwenl. sometime diii-ing the \eai-. a ih-ainatic entertainment in erder to bring before the pnlilir thi' taienl (d' their menibei'ship.

The linyu'lienians of today look forward to a loyal devotinn from tin' Iluy-ghenians of tomorrow. Hoping that wlien their ideals ai'e realized theii- Koeietv will irrow lai'iii'r and lieltcr each suece<'ding year.


l'\\i,i. Tkk.m

l'r)si(l( III Fhed II. SiKMoN

Vici I'lusiflt III _ _ Giio. .MiM.KK

HicordiiH) S<( rddi-ji Loi'Kllen KkMiMV

Financial Secretari) Jeannette Kei^so

Treasurer Iris Schoef

Critic - - -_ Hazel Ginbvan

Censor JIiss Bodine

Winter Term.

Prrsidi III Charles JIcDonalo

Vicf I'nsident Mr. W'rEEi.E

h'( cord inn Sanlarif : Zheretta Fkanz

Finanridi S<cr( turi/ Jeannette Kels( 1

Tnasnrrr '. Iri^ RniKiFK

Crilic LonELi.KN Rkm ji ^

Ciiisor Miss Ktkimikxso.n

Filil'irs Mh. Tekpe. Pearl Mann, Doimtiiv Sciiiifk

-Spring Term

President Glenni Clemensilv

Vice President - Joseph Cokkv

Rirordinn Secretary JIary Stakk

Financial Secretary ..,.. Jeannette Kelso

Treasurer _ ....: - Iris Sciiokk

Critic Ai'dene Braiia.m

Censor Miss Yarnall

Edilars Mi;. .\rnoi.i>. iliss S.mall. ^Iiss West


S23Jn^,(^'Ss@STi ° SCUi^lA^S^S ° ^@'i!=5g'£@@5^

Der DeutscKe Literariscne Verein

of tile various orsrani/alioii^ n\' whirh Imliiina is prdiid llic (Ici-iiiaii Clnli siaiids out anioiijr tlu- foremost. 'I'lir duli was (iriraiii/,('<l in tlir uiulri- term of ]U].i. ami is iiiidci' till' al)i(' i'-adiTsliip of .Miss .Marianne F. Ilauniliacli. inslfnctur of (ii'rnian.

The fimdaMicntai |)uri)os(' of tlic <'inli is to cultivate (iernian e( nversation, so that the nieinliers may heconip more lliieiit speaker'-; of llie laufiuafre. (Jiiinan !> .spoken e.xelusively and a small Hni' is imposed on thosi' who aeeidenlally use anv Kurdish. The pr;ietieal)ilit\' of the elui) can hardly he overestimated; it provides the daily (iermaii ne\vs|)apei's and periodieaLs foi- its members, thus familiariziiiji thi'm with the lanu;uafre as used in everyday life.

The memhei'.ship of the chih now numlxM-s thirty and new memliei's nvf lieiug admitted. Tlie meetings are held on M< .nday evening of oaeh week in the Iluyghenian Hall. I'rograms consisting of readings, essays and music are given 1)\- the lalenteti memhei-s of the club. These are e.\cee<linglv en.joyaible and l)rofitable. At Christnuis. this year, an ontei'tainnuMit was given by the eluh. o|)en to all students and the faculty. Each mc'inber was presented with a small tfiken in keejiing with the Christmas ^s])irit and i-efi'eshmeuts wei-e served to the members and to the faculty remaining after the entertainment.

'1 he club an1ici|)ates giving a nuisical entertainment tluring the school year, the entertainci- being Mrs. Baumbach, of Pittsburgh, whose ahility as a pianist is well known to the jiecvple of Indiana.

The club h'ls had a very pris|)ei-ons past and is now establislu'd on a firm basis, having the sanction of all those ol'tiiMall\- coiniecfcd with lln' sc-hool.

f]very indication points to a su<-<M'ssful future

Oflficers K.M.i, Tkkm

I'n si<l(lll (_'. 11. L.\II)ENSI,.\(JER

Vice Prrsidrnt M.^rcus V. Flkitzek

S( erf tar 11 Jknnie Rk.sson

Trrasurcr Freo II. Sn;Mnx

Winter Term.

I'r(siflt III Fkki) II. SiE.Md.N

Vice President H. Gi.enni Clemexson

Secret'irij Jennie Benson

Trrnxurer _ Frances Lohr

Critic and Censor M.\khi.\nne F. Baumbauch


^m,(^^mm}^ ° 'M!,w^i^'^ML ° Wmsi§^(m^



JWABROWrt 191.4


Rookie's Cafe

Frank J. Myers, Proprietor

Auditorium Monda>l E-Cening, MarcK 23, 1Q14


l):iir. I. Dill. M .sulistitute .jiistici' Willard lirowu

Coll. .M. AltiiiiT. M pro.sei-utiiig altorr.ey Jaim-s l)au!ili<'i'',v

Kopt- M. Inu. a shyster attorney Dan Moore

Wood H. Tuff, a had citizen _ Fred Sienion

llcUleni I'pp, who works night Ah-x Itrowii

Litth- i'liil. who steals for his niother'.s sake Wesley l'i\\(le

Otfieer I'lineh. not one of "Ihe fiimst" I'.iiil .lark

Klla (ilanee. a stage favorite Delos Caniphell

Misis Lightfinger. a dark shoi)lifter Karl liieli

Con 1). Hoeka'fellow. who ste,-,! thiiig.s _ _....„ Dnve Williams

.Ms,, til,' .lui-y.

"Coontown justice

Scene ^Conrt I\ooiii in Coontuwn Time— The l'ies,Mit



Hdwanl IIi,-ks •-.Mo.x" K. 1- Tall,, tl ' ' I larry •"

Gravdon Thomas— •Tommy " :..RolMrt Kpphy •• Aitliur"

P.elf Hoy- Paul llii-iiards. "!)i,-k" l',,rt,-r -Cht'loii I'.iirlan.l " .'"'

I5LACK A.\i) wiirn-: si'ukkd

.Mav,'s K,,l,iii.s,.ii Raymim I'.olil

.lol'in Fl,'ek Kai'l l.iel,

l),'l,,s Camplii'll -laNH's I )aii,>.'li,'r1y

lliirrv \'\-i- Walt,-r (iray

Dan .Moore Willard lirowii

Ir\-in Willia.iis Hess Johns

Fre<l Siemoii Gh'iini Clemeiisoii

Paul Hawthorn,' Dave Williams

Clari'ii,-,' l''l,-,-k Kdward Doraii




Brown of Hansard

A Play ill Four Acts Bj) Rida Johnson Young

Monda}) E%'ening, March 30, 1914

Cast oi' ( '11 akactkhs

Tom l>i-o\vii l{oli<rl Kppli'v

(tci'.iiil 'riiornc Clarence Flwk

Wilfoid Kcii.Miii Earl Mathews

C'luxtdii Madden _ ". Gila Gano

.John ("artwri^hl .....Charles Calloway

'"rnliln" .Vndcrstin Joseph •Campbell

'■llapp\ " 'I'hurstoii William Carolhers

AVallrr' Uarnard Clifford Morrow

Wai'U.T I'iei'ce I'aid Weir

Tliniiipscn Covne Clirion lioiirland

Uuil Hall ••Mox" IIi<-l<s

Vietor Cotton Can Moore

Codino:ton. Managerof P'nglish Crew Panl Riehanls

lOllis. Manager of Varsity Crew -laek Fleek

('apt. Hodges William Markel

George Suliown Raymond Shiek

.James Van Kenselan - -James Martin

Arthnr Blake : .Tames Daugherty

A\istin lian-horn ....- - Wilmer Briekley

Old Clothes .Man W'illard Brown

O'Uara Willard Brown

I'rogramme Bey Kiehard Bowman

.Mrs. Keiiyon - Gertrude Eppley

Evelyn Kenyon _.... .Mary .Jamison

.^larion Thorne Mary Stouppe

Kdilli Sinclair Margai-i't (Joodwin

Kxtra studtMits.

Plaet Cambridge. Ma:


Act T. Tom l>rown and Claxton Madden "s .\partments in Weatherby.

Act II.— The Yard at Harvard.

Act III. Varsity lioat ( l\ib on the day of the raee.

Act. IV.— Same iis Act 1.


SS^(g^S(gsii ^ SStyi5TySs@(S o 5F@u=s^"£@(i5nL °

E^NJening of CKamber Music

Monday', }Aa^ 18, 1914

l']|i\ \ .\l.l.i:\ ( 'ncsw 1.1,1.. I'iiiiici .lllil \'iol;i

.\l \in Sr. ('i..\in Kixd. l'i:iiio

DiA.vniA Sims, X'idlin

Om.ia- Skk. \'iii|iii

Wai.ti'h Doici.ass. niid ■('(•llo

QrAHTi:r. F



Molto VivM.'C


Tkki. i-i,, 4:1

.Molt., Allr-n. Aiuiaiiti' Ti'Mii(|uill(i

IToRX Thk). o|). 4()

Adiitrio Mcsto

Alli'L!i'o cmi lirio

QriNTKf. op. 44 Allegro

Tn ]\lorio (I "1111,1 M;iri'in Shci/o




Si h iniuiini

o ']^kim>^m<m^ ° SSu=25A^B@d^ o 5f (S)U=S"i?"S(g@5nl.

You Never Can Tell

Bernnrd SnnxO Gi^Jen b>) the Senior Class, Monday, June 2q, 1914

Mrs. Ljdifit'rcy ('Ijiridon, iiii ;iiilluiri'.s.s ol' fircal rf|>iitt' lailii Esson

(Jlori;!, her (l.niuliln- Adelaide Shanidiaii

Dully, another da uj; liter _ Ifeiirietta Parkins

Miiid Zilpha Chi'istnian

Valentine, a self-satistied denrist .1. \V. .\. limun

.Mr. Philip Clandon, a sun of the ,int li()res.s Kllswortli Caiiipliejl

Mr. ("rani|)1on. Iinsliand of tiie authoress Joseph Wilson

Waller Virfrii ('<sta

.MeConias. a solicitor Raymond Sliick

r.oliun. a law.Nci- .■.„... How, 1 id K'rinir

SYNOPSIS Act I. In a dentist's operafinjr room on a line morning in .\nirnst. Act Il.~On tlu' terrace of the Marine Hotel. Act. 111. The ('l.-nid<ins' si'tinu' room in the lioiel. Act. 1\'. The s.-nne room. Xim o'clock.

Recital by Mr. Dan Jones

The piano ri^cital. iiiven by that ln'illiant nuisician. Dan Jones, was without a doubt (>ne of the best heard in Indiana for a long time. While all his niim- 'bere were well rendered, still in two of them he showed wonderful te<'hnique and thoreugrh mu.siei,inship : Polonaise. Opus ;i3, by Choi)in. aii<1 Pai-aphrase on Ruijen Oneo-in h\- 'Isi'haikowski-Pabst.


BSMig-Se^sii o 5jS^u?iA^s@d^ » W@m'^^m^

Monday, 8:15, April 20, 1C514 Auditorium

"The Japanese Girl"

By tKe Madrigal Club Of the Normal School Conservatory

( ' \S'|- 111' ( 'II MiAC'I'KKS.

O Ilanu San. a .la|iiii:csc <.iil nl' po^irKiii ^lary .laiiiisoii

(Hcaiitit'iil Flower) () Kito s n (uTtruJr K|i|)li'y

(Swfi't Ciirysaiitlu'iiuuii) 0 1\'\() San lii 1 tousui Zilplia C'liristmaii

(Tears of Bliss) Chayo. tea server Ijotiellcii Renimy

Koto, tea server _ C'orimie LanilKiur

N'nra Twiiix ..Lucille Zeitler

|)iiia Twinx ..Katrine Smith

(American Oirl.^;. traveling with their Governess. ■>

.Mis.s .Miiici'va Kiiawall, the iidviTiiess lOthcl Kohinsoii

The Mikado Mary Starr

'I'oi'i Kayo. I!ir,l of l,n\v By Iliiiwcif

CiiiiKrs OK .J.\i'.\NESE M.\ins.

Ai-t 1. (lardrn at llic h of () llaiiii San. .Mornin<r.

.\r\ 11. Same. Kxiiiiiii;- o; the same day. Time The present.

Sei'iiery paintecl hy .1. \V. .\. i'.rown.

( "iioiiis .Me.mheus .Misses Nede Allison. I'm >t. hanra -lean Black. Edith I'.iieha.ian. /ilpha

Christman. Klizahclh Doiiehoo, Oertriidc Kpi)lcy. Knth Hultz. Dorothy

.lenkiiis. ("orinnc Laml)o\ir, Lavai-a Lon}:. Lytlia Keefer. .Mahlc .Ma.son.

.\raminta .McLiine. l/ois Miller. Knhy Xeal. Eunice Phillips. Orea Kienecke.

Louie Himmy. ICthel lloliinson. li'is Schotf. Elizahelh Shrimp. Katrine

Smith. Maiy Slacr. Helen Ticihle. Lucille Zeitler. (li;i.sii.\ (iiiji.s. .^li.sscs Lavara' Loiiii. (;iad>s Carmalt. Hnth I'.rown. .Mercedes Christy. Helen

Weaiiiei'. .Irsephiiic .Ma-hcl .Mas( n. Wadiel Stoiier.

(-''rs'l'IVAi, OE THE VeiI,.

.Mi.sses .\leda Chapm.iii. Caroline Kwintr. Adele ( iia.nmartini. .lulicttc DuBarry. Marv I'lvaiis. (IciicTte Olivi'r. (iladys Swift, Anna I'.endei'. Lois Beswirk.


5£SM(g^(^(g5ni ° ^W^y^'SmoLo If@^g-£@@gn!,


Normal Y. M. C. A. Entertainment


Saturday Evening, Nov. 15, 1913

E.ght O'Ciock

Part I


IImitv iJoiidci-, Ciiiirl ('(>iiir(li:iii tn llic Kini: oT (Ix^ri

( 'li;ir:ictii-istii- Sony's

Part II STOKY ol' 'rjiniiliMiisi'i' Miiil its s\ iiilidlisiu ■SCENES in llic X'cniislici'i;- uilli " IJaccliMiiMlr" imisii'. 'SON<J WoltVa Ill's l(i\,- son^' Id Eli/Ml)ftii. the " Evi'iiiiijr Star luuiiain-f" ■SCENE'S at thr castle dT Wartluiri;-. willi music of the .Miimcsinjrfr's sdii-j: cuiitcst SONG "Elizabeth's I'rayer" at thi' wavside shriiu'

rilXiKIMAGE of 'I'aniihausei- and scimics in Kcuu-. with ninsie < .\' the '• I'ih.n-im "s Chorus"


'^M,(^^mm^ ° gSMJAy^g@(a^ ° ^^©iLsig-Se^Sik ° |

"Tnank Goodness, tKe Table Is Spread"

January 17, 1C514

Il.-iiry Ihirtrord .M;iri;Mcritc .Mcl-ValiTs

.ii-ssii' Ilartfcrd his wile .Miir^Mrct (iooduiii

.Mr. Ilai-\vo(Kl, 1 lait lord's fatlicr-in-law Kathlfcii liailcy

-Mrs. Ilanvood. llartl'nid 's iin>tlicr-i:i-la\v .Mildred Ivimh-Ii

.fames. 1h(" l)utlci' HaehelBlose

Lucy, a mai<l 1 Icmirtla I'arkins

Glee Club Home Concert


pril 25, 1(514








Winter SoMjr ,. Iliilhinl

Glee Ciuh

Iniprouipt II (' sliai-p iniiioi- !,'< iiihnhl

.Mai-.\ St. Chiii' King

<'all -Inhn Ilniillitini

Glee Ciuh

lu'adiu-r Srhrhil

Gertrude Epple.s- "('a\atiue"" "Tis Ldvi'! Ah. "Tis Iv<ive from " Hdiiiro and .]u\'u't" (IhiukxI Pmf. Hart Th. ■!■,■: Little (iirl; Don't Crv' Wcslnidorf


X'ocal ('(unhat

S< 11 of the I'ustxa..

i'.\irr II.

Glee Club


l\i I) r Hi la




Diaiitha Sims ■• Inllaniniatus." i'roiii Sfahat .Mater, ari'. h\ S. (!. Hart Klli n (<irrii r-llurl Glee (;iuh

Ki'adinji Sdcrird

(Jerti'iidi' Kppley

I'assaire Hird's Farewell . ' llihlnrh

.Mr. and .Mrs. Hart

(a) Spirit of Indiana IT E. Cofrswell

(h) Ahna .Mater Mis. II. K. Co-swell

(e) Indiana Mi's. Hart


° SSM®ft@(^STi. ° SMEikgg^g@d^ ° ^©^gj^^^gQ. o

Song Recital

I'lllcii carrier lliirl, S(i|hmii(i. Snimirl (i. Iliirl. Ti iinr

Monday Evening, MnrcK 2, 1914



" I'dWcl-lcss Id IJrprrs^" U.i-it. i I I iTik li;i( Ir i "F;iiv V,. Well," An.i I^Hl.M

.Mr. Il:ir1

" Ril.irii.-i \'iiiciii)r" lu'i-it. 1 .\i(l;i 1

'■ Ijiiisaiia r.-irohi " .\rl:i ( .\;(la 1

.Mrs. Hart

^l) '■('rli'sic Aula" IJrcil. and .Xi'ia 1 .\i(la)

('!)) '•Aiiiorc 0 (ii-iil" I .Madame I'.iillcrlh 1

.Mr. ilart

la I Stillc 'I'raiicn Op. :!.") X,i. Ill

(Ill '•('aii/.onclla" 1 .Maruilla )

Mrs. Ilarf DlK'tl : ".\ \ii;iil in X'cnicr"

Mr. and Mrs. llarl (a 1 l''iii' .Mnsik (I)) l'cai-1 and Soni: ((•) Tlic iiirlii of M.rn

Mr. Hart

(ji) Xoctiiriic

,1)) Daddv's Sutvlhcarl

(r) Stacrald I'lilka

.Mrs. TTnrt Uiirll : ".Xdlluni" ( Dnn l'asi|nal. 1

.Ml-, and .Mrs. Hart

Mass( III I




S(li iiiiiiiti II

Miilir Ihliinnul



Li hmaiiii


J), 11:11

Li Ii maun



Other Musical Entertainments

l''r'liniai-y SixliTnlli

, Sni' \'arvai-d. Soprano; l^clia Fai'lin. Soprano. .Mr. Oi'ley Sec.

March Si^vcnlli .Madam dc Sylva. Soprano

Marrh Nlnlli .Inlcs Falk. Violinist -Innc FiiNt

Mi's. Mc.M.inns, S. prnno; Mr. Walter Do-iilas. Ciarin.'t :

Mrs. On-a lu'inicki', i'iano

° SSm(g'S@(t-Sil p SS'iL£5n^1§@(S o 5f @MG'"^®@5aL °




Farce in Nine Courses By Sol Spencer

SVNOI'SIS Til.' Indijiiiii Stjilr Ni)niial Diiiiiiji Kdihii.

Vc>;clalil.' Chilli Cliowil.T

MIx.mI I'irkl.'S

Olives lint I !• Cold liiHlillnli

K'ailisllrs I'rpprr Hash

Fl-ird Sill, '11.

'rmiialii Sauce i'.aki'd Maearoiii. Sdiitheni Sl\l,

I'nlato Chips

i-'i'ilil Sherherl

\'eal Cutlets Saule. II e l-'asliioii

llaked Su^'ar Cured Ilaiii Wiiii' Sauce

Koast Hihs of I'riiiic lleef Dish Cravy

.Ma.slii'd Potatoes Spinach h'hu-ida Sipiash

Stewed Tomatoes Stewed Corn

LelUlce Sidad— Kfeuch Pfcssiiif; liiTmuda Onions

Amefiean Swiss ami I'iueaiiple Cheese

I'lMch Ice Ci-eani

N'anilla Ice ('nam

Fresh Hhilharh I'i. Choci late Cake



SS^@1^(^@5iJ. ° SSUiMny^g^c^ ° ^@^g'£@@5i^ ° 1



Tne Sopnist

'I'hr SopliisI has lullillrr Ihc cxpirt :it ions of tlir slmli'iit lindv al liidiiina ami is iii>\\ liiilh a |il<':.siirc and a iiiTcssit y.

Ill .laiiiiar.\ . al llu iiprpiip^ ol' Ihr liiinl year nl' The S(i|iliisl. Mr. Iliicli-

hoi/, who liail sill ^sl'iillv cilitrc! Ihr |ia|ici- sim-c it was lirsl st.iiiril, riiiiiil it

iiccfssar>' to ri'sifiii. Win. 1). .Markh'. who was rlcctril rditor-iii-i-hicr to suc- ceed .Mr. Iliiclihi I/, has taken hold of Ihe wnrk willi sin-li zi'ai and eiier^iy as to insure llie eoiit iiuianee ol' a student paper that will lie the homir and pride of all noriiialites.

EdtloriiiClii, j \\\\. I), .Makkki,

As.sisldiil lulHiir .M.\.\i)Ij.\ \'ioui)

Manaijhiii F.dihir Gk.\ vddn Tiiom.vs

CirciilaliiHj Manager IIakrv Pee


Jokes r>i;i;.\ \iii;'i"!'i': .Mc.\i;i,is

Alumni -. (tL.vdvs Swift

Clubx Louise Gi{.\nt

Afhlffie Ei.BiE Ray

L'lrals _ _- ;\lAl{(i.\KET DONLAP

Music I)i ANTiiA Sims


Sgjn^,(g'S@@Snl, ° 5M^Ugg\y^@(f^ ° 5F@U5'g'5@@S^ ° I

TKe Kformal Herald

Till' XoiMUil IIcimIiI .slnrl (i jiIidiiI ISSS. Il \v;k iliiriiijr the adiiiinisl r;it i m or J)r. Z. X. Sny.liT. and .1. C. .Mr.Mii'li;i.>l. I'l-ol'i'^s ir i.l' .Miitlicliuitics. was il< first filitor-iii-i-lui'f. 'I'lic sin-rcssDrs of I'mf. .Mi-.M iduirl have lircii Miss .Mans- field. Prof. Ellint Owens, no v uf the State N'oi-iiial Si-lio 1. ( 'niirtlaiid. .\. Y.. anil its present editoi-. I'rnf .lolm .lames.

'I l:e original plan was In iwake the Herald lai-i,n'ly an I'dneatiniial and iilerary niaira/.ine, and llie earlii-i' nnnilnTs eunlain sdnie excellent articles on snh.jects. As time went (in the edncatiimal and literary idi'a was alian- iloned. a.s tht> less pretentions ene (I makiuf: our little paixi- primaril\ the means of comiininieation with the ainmni and |)iist students ami frienils <if the school, .seemed In he <d()ser in mir n 1.

We. who have made the llirald and with intent kept it to its siTiipler pnr-

pnse. have n<it cinly marveh'd at the satisfaction r ived I'rom it rnrsel\-es. hut

alsK at the pleasui'e it has alVdrded uur old students. It is a commim ex- piTJence for us tn ha\'e letters fmm these in distant lauds and of many years" ali.sence assuring us that they put aside everythiu'r when the Herald cnmes. an<l never stop nntil they have it thi-oujrh from cover tc co\-er. and that they dwelt linfreriiicfly. not alone :>n the editnrial matter ami news, hut mi the ailver- ti.senieiits as well. I'atton's neuly paperi'd ice-cream pai-hir interests them as ntlieh as the aeciiunf of the newi\ ele<-ted Principal.

The Herald ijladly pnhlishes news from its old students i:iviuir an a<-c(iunt of their promotions, mari'iafres er any matters of persoind interest. Duriu'r the 2ij years of its history it has sadl\ recoided nian\- deaths of hived Xormalites and ehan<res in trustees and faculty. So it renunns a reccu'd of tlii' passinir of the old and the eomiii}; of th" new.

Every time a niemher of the class of 1914 I'eads this little sketch wr hope he will he reminded 1<- make a note for the llerahl and to scud it at (ince to the editor-in-ehii'f.


° Sggjnyg'S©@5Tj, ° ^'mrN^'sm^ o 5Fmssi^@@s=Q.







\Vo,„l Chirk

Tne AtKletic Association

Committee of tne Board of Trustees T. Iv llild.'l.nin.l

Criflith Kllis

.Mr. Win. .1. .[;i<-k

Committee of the Faculty .Mr. Win. F. Smilli .Mr. FiMiik Mdiiiil l'lca^;inl


Kootliall Frank Mt. IMrasant

Track William .1. .hick

P.ascliall Frank :Mt. Pleasant

Tennis William .). Jack

P.a.skct i5all William K. Smith

The Athletic Committee

This Comniitti'c >liall have ucnci'al supervision iiver all public athletic fiames. exhibitions arul cDntests, and shall ha\e c:intri)l over the arranneineuts for such <>:aines. exhibitions and contests with oilier schools < r associations.

It shall ]ia\e control over the linani-es and projicrty id' the Atlilctii' Asso- I'iation. and over the |)nrcha<e of iK'ciled athletic -supplies.

It shall (h'ciilc \vhat candi<lates for membership on teams or for admis- sion to athletic jrcames. exhiliiiions and contests sliall be eliu:iblc. and it shall "•xehule fi'om participation tliose whom it Hmls below the standard in their Mudics. or ineliirible for a,i\ other cause.


° ^M,(^^Bm^ o SS"iu«M?s@(S o 5F'@^^'£@@5nk


Football and Baseball Coach Dickinson College, iqio Carlisle Indian School


Track and Tennis Coach Yale, iqoi


Basket Ball Coach Graduate Mgr.

Indiana's CnampionsKip Teams Season iqi3-iQi4

Football Xnniuil Srhiiol C'haiiipiousliip

Basket Bal

Enstcrri Oliio ( 'liniiipiMnshii

I'l'imsylvMiiiM ('hiiiii|iionship


One ]\Iil(' Ri'hiy ('liainpii)iishii) of America

(Xiiniial Schoiils) Winiirr.s of l'ciins\ 1\ ania Slalc Schnlastic ('liaiiipi(iiishi|)s.


° S2fei(g'Ss®s^ ° Mw^s^'s^^'^ Wms.'is^m^isik °

Wearers of tKe "I" Football

Vf.iuk S. While. C.-ipliiiri

Kdwanl I licks

.lohn D.'cds

Fr'cd SiciiKin

Mike .Mcnosky

.loscpli Cori'v

.T;i('k Fleck

ClilTdnl .MiMTow (Jriiydoii 'I'lioni.h

(iilil (JilllO

Irvin Sliick Williiini ^fiirkli- Frimk (icDi-f^e

l,e,. Hills

Ffed SeiiMon, ('M|)1;iiii (iilii (;aiu> ("liffonl Mcrrow William ('arolhers Francis .Miii'i-a\


TJayniond Steeh Base Ball

Wilnior P.ricklcy.C'apt'iiH Cliffoi'd Morrow Oelinonl Xotle\ Frank Hicks John A, TraiiKT

TJavniond Carrull J. \V. A. nn.wn I'^ne'ene Zener .loseph Wilsnn Wilnier llrickjev

Don Martin Albert Hart :\Iax Taldwell

Joseph Hel'l'ick-

Josepli Wilson. ( 'apfain


Elhel Gray Basket Ball

l\rarotai'ot Fleii'al. Taplain Kolieooa Lownian INfarfraref Seiliert

(JladstDHc Cariiiall

J<.y Douglass Helen Hartsoek l""iiiil\ McXarv


SK?gjnJ.@'S@®5T^ ° SSugS^g@^ ° ^@U5g'S@@gnL ° |



Bea^)er Falls, Pa.

Captain Elect





i I

i i


1 3



Captain IQ14




Clifford Morrow <1' A


Clymen, Pa.


■".1 lin II clKiriii/. h'lrii, an hmniinil i>iiiiinis."

Gila Gano H X

"Fats" Woodlawn, Pa.


'//( ( OIK/IK rs icIkj iikIiiixs.


° SSSSiyg'S^SSi^ o S2u<2lA^B(gd^ o 5F@"iLSl?"£@@Sil.

Graydon T nomas '^^ -^

Toinnij)" Beaver Falls, Pa.


''(U>ura<i< ill (htiKjir is half llii IjoIIIv."

Fred Siemon ^ -'^

Sims' Traegar, Pa.


"A V( ritiibli sloiK irall.

° SSM(g'S@(g5n), ^ '^wmj^^isL o SF^^^'S^^s^

Mike Menosky nX

"Mike" Arcadia, Pa.


■L,l\ ///,,/ ,nnl , illnr ,ln ,„■ ,li, .■■

John M. Deeds 12 X

Hecker" Ligonier, Pa.


'/ II' i-i r lliiiili I liiin liil hard iiiihss il nlioiiiids

5^M(g'S@@5nl, ° SM^'iU"n^g@(^ " 5F@UJ5g'S@@5il.

William Markle 'I' A "Bill"

Butler, Pa.


•M loin r i,r sin iiiilh."

Irvin SKick ^- ^

"Little Boy" Indiana, Pa.


■■(>, (/ is LSciiUni la hart a ijidiil's .sli( injlli.'


o SS2Si^(g'SS(^3ii o SS^U?5i^.^®S o ^FOUS'S'St^SAL

Joseph Corry

"Jo" Indiana, Pa.


"Plus potest qui phis valet.

JohnM. R. Fleck nx

"Jack" Indiana, Pa.

Substitute Halfl)aek

"AH fnrnifi and aclwilij."

S2Ssn^,(g'i^(S(^5m ° SSuG5i^.d?H@(S » '^(ms^^<m>'^

Frank George *l> A

Hank" NJevJ Kensington, Pa. Substilutr Kiu\ ''I came, I naic. I nn n-diiic.'

Lee Hills *A

"Gilbert" Clearfield, Pa.

Siihstituti' Tackk'

' lir /ire ti-ith fire."


'^m>(^^(B(^?^ ° Mwi:^'^®sL ° W@vr[§^m^^ '^



Raymond A. Carroll O X "ButcK"

Coraopolis, Pa. ll)()-220-44n

" To I hi/ sjxkI add ii-iiif/s."

Eugene Zener H X

Hap" Indiana, Pa.

Ilalf-nnlr Mil,'

" 'Ilioiujli hi III (III spidl.


Gila Gano il X

"Fats" WoodlaiOn, Pa.


"We arc oflrii alilr h(c(nis( in Ihiiil; ire urr nhlo.

William CarotKers * A



'The noblest spirit is most strongly attracted by th( love (if ijlory."


° '^ksm^mms^ ° SS'iLe5^B@d^ o 5F@^!?"£@^s^

J. W. A. Bro^n n X

"AlpKabetical" Pittsburgh, Pa.


((•< iidrdi


ill III I

hum Ik, liiiiil of

JosepK Wilson H X


Indiana, Pa.

Juilips Ilui-tllrs

Who liors Ihi In si his lininiislniiris alhni:


° '^k[m^^(^'s^ ° SS'iui^Ay^s^d^ » 'ii^ms.'istm^^ °

Ramon Bofill

"Bull Fighter" Mexico City ".I <jiH„l li,„rl is inirlh (/ohl.


° Sg^@'5@(g5TJ. o SSuiL5n^>^(gd^ o 5F@tLS^"£©S5a «

Track and Field Records

Evcr.t Old Record

60 yds. (indoor).. 6 3-5 sec. 1909

6 3-S sec. 1910 6 3-5 sec. 1911

100 yds _ 10 sec. 1909

10 sec. 1910

10 sec. 1911

220 yds 21 4-5 sec. 1909

440 yds 51 1-5 sec. 1909

880 yds 2:05 3-5 1912

One Mile 4:52 2-5 1912

Two Mile 10:45 1912

120 Hurdles 15 3-5 sec. 1910

220 Hurdles 24 sec. 1913

High Jump 6' 1-2" 1911

Broad Jump 22' 1913

Shot Put 44' S" 1913

HuiniiKT Throw. ... l.vS' ,S" I'Ki:

l)isru.s IIS' 2" 1913

Pole Vault 10' 1913

Mile Rclav 3 :,?5 2-5 1911

* Worlds Record.

Xew Record




*5 1-5 sec.









10 sec




Freshmen Meet




21 2-5 sec





50 sec.




Freshmen Meet






Freshmen Meet


4:50 2-5










Freshmen Meet






46' 7" .




Freshmen Meet


140' 2"





142' 11. Vi"




144' S"




Freshmen Meet


123' 2"









Freshmen Meet


10' 6"






3 :35












22^(gi^©(^Sil, ° SSiyiln^B^S o ll'^Vi'S^m^^

Interscnolastic Records

Best Interscnolnstic Records of tke United States

50 yds. rim— 5 ,i-5s., K. ('. Ji-ssup. St. I.ouis, M<i., July 4, V)I)A.

f)() yds. run— 6 los., K. .\. Carroll, Indiana Stale Normal School. I'ill.sbursli, I'cli, 21, l'M4. 10(1 yds. run— y 4-5s., Enust E Nelson, \'olkmann School, CamhridKe. May 2, 1908; Charles

Hoyt, Greenfield High School, Chicago, III., June 7, IQl.i. 220 yds. run— 21 2-5s.. K. .\. Carroll, Indiana State Normal School, Ithaca. N. Y., May 9. 1914. 440 yds. run— 48 4-5s., Janus i;. Meredith, Mercersburg .\cademy. Philadelphia. Pa., May 18, 1<)12. 880 yds. run— im. ,55s., James E. .Meredith, Mercersburg .\cademy, Princeton, X. J., May 4, 1912. 1-mile run— 4m. 2h 4-5s., I. 1). .McKcn/ie. I'hillii.s l-.xrkr .\iademv. Cambiidgr. Mass., Mav

20, I'M I. 2-mile run— 9m. 51 j-5s., Cliarlcs Koughton, Newark Higli Scliool, i'rincelon. X, J.. May 24, 1914. 120 yds. hurdle— 15 2-5s., H. Whitted, Citrus Union School, Chicago, 111. Jum- S, 1M12; II. W'hil-

ted, Citrus Union School, Stanford, Cal., April 1,!, 1912. 220 yds. hurdle 24s., F. J. Meyers, Indiana State Normal School, Penn. State College, May .?, 191.^. Running high jump 6ft. ,5 5-8in., \V. JI. Oler, Jr., Pawling .School, Cambridge, Mass.. Mav 25.

1912. Running broad jump 2.ifl,, 7 1-5 in., P. C>. Stiles, Culver Militarv .\cademv. Chicago, 111. May

12, 191,1. Pole vault 12ft. 6 1-lfiin., C. Uorgslrom, I'niversilv of Southern California I'reparatorv School,

Berkeley, Cal., .Vpril 4, I'd.i. Putting 12-11). shot— 55ft. 9in,, .\. M. Mucks, Oshkosh High School, Oshkosh, Wis., Jan. 19, 1<)12. Putting the 16-lb. shot— 45ft.. 6 l-4in.. Ralph Rose, San Francisco, Jl.iy 2, 190.?. Throwmg 12-lb. hammer Ui7ft l-2in., 1.. J. Talbott, Washington, Pa., May 25. 1907. Throwing discus— l.Wft. 5 l-2in., ]!. L. Kyrd, Champaign, 111., May 21. I'MO. 1-4 mile relay 16 4-5s., University High School, Chicago, HI.. June 11. I'MO. 1-2 mile relay Im. 32 2-5s., Lewis Institute, at Xorthwcstern University, May 2i, 190.?. 1 mile rela\ ,?m. 26 l-5s., Phillips. Exeter .Academy, Philadelphia. Pa., .\pril 26, 1913. Throwing the javelin 1.?4 ft. lOin.. W. P. Maxfield, Mercersburg .\cademy. Travers Island. N.

\.. lune 7, I'M.i.


S25sT^.(g'£©®si), o IIC^L25]^s(g(g, o 5F@Ufi!?"£®®Sii. °



TKe 1914 Track Season

()iir lr,-ii-k sc'isiiii I Ins \ I'.ir ]\;\s hci'ii ,111 iiiiiisiKi lly siH-ccssriil uiic. Si-vcmmI ri'i-- oril.s li;i\c lii'cii lii'dkiii. im-liiiliiiL;- (iiic WDi-ld's iiKirk. I{a\ iiKiinl A. Cjirroll i-s- lalilislicd ,1 iM'w iTiMiiil lur the (iO-vMi'd ilasli. His time was ti l-'i si'i-oiids. 'I'liis mark i^ ci iisidrri'd iiiiii-c rrmarkalilc a.s it was made 011 an iivdoor track. 'I'iif old M'hi\ record, made l)v llial raiiious (|uartct. Meyci-s. Smith, I5nic(-, Castciii'da. ill lull, was lowi'i-ed ll .') (if a second at the I'enii.s.vlvania St;itc Colh-fr*' Meet, by llami. Carolhcrs. Zeiier and Carroll. The other records that went are the 22(1- .\ard dash, the 44(>-.\-ard run. the hall' mile i-nn. the mih' run. the two-niih- inn. the shot pnl. the lianimer thnw. discus anti pole vault. The old mark in the Illll-yard dash, made 'li\- ".Mike" Ca.steneda. was ei|nalled liy "Hutch" Carnill. ,\s can he seen liy the amo\uit of reei .rds In-oken. Indiana has had tliis \ear the crealest a.ii'ii'rec'atioii ol' track athletes she ever had.

'I'lie Hrst meet of the sea.son was an indoor meet al |)ni|Uc-,iie (lardeii. I'lllslinruh. At this meet our i-i'lay team did'eated Ihc I'eiin Slate Iimhi hy sexcral yai'ds. In lliis raci' the Kiski team had a 2r)-yard liandiea|i and were lieateii li.v aliimsl a lap.

.\t Iht next iiH'ct. aeain al Diupiesne Garden. \\r handed the State bnxs their second del'eal. Altllou^ll this was the last time of the year we succeeded in defeat inii' the State team, the strength of our team can readily be ascer- tained a.s the State asiirei-'ation are considered the they have ever had.

The thii'il meet at i'ittslini-ii-h. saw enr team uudt-r a .severe handicap.^ two iiic'ii with had ankles and one with the grippe. We hatl to he satisfied with fourth place. This meet ended our indoor season.

.\l lln- I'enn Relays our team took Hi-st place without any trouhle. defeatiu'Z West Chesti'r. .Maustield. Kast Strondsliurg and Millersville. and establishing a new record foi' their event. This gave them the Xornuil School t'hainpion- ship I \' the conidr.N-. Carroll took fourth i)laee in the open hundi-ed. In his heal he ilefeated Patterson, the Cniversity of Pennsylvania star, wlu) created such a sensation last xcar.

Tlu' Pennsylvania State College Meet was somewhat of a farce for our boys, they bringing home nearly all of the medals. The point score was: Indiana. 140: Rloomsburg Normal. 1:5; HelletVmte Academy. 3.

.\t the Cornell Inter.scholastics. the fe.llowing week, our team sutfered the hrst real defeat of the season. Robinson and Goelitz. the only two representa- tives of the Keewatin Seminary, carried off first honors with 2.") points. Mer-" cer.s'i)urg was seecnid with 281. j points. Indiana third with 22' j points. Forly- fwo ranging from Boston to Chicago, t^ompeted. Kiski with three points was far down the list.

Our last meet of the year was with the Penn State Freshmen at Indiana. This meet was hotly contested and the most interesting of the year. We suc- ceeded in defeating flic "I'p Staters" by a .sccn-e of T^ii. to 'i2^ k

Of this year's team only .Morrow and Brown will be lost next year. Willi the addition of several new stars, we predict a record-breaking team ne.\t season.

.7. W. A. B.


5SS5i^,(g'S@®a^ ^ '^v3^f!^'^msL ° 5f @u=s"i?'£@@^«

Sa\^, Lue'ue ©ot a. c^ood, tecLTrv. tKis ycctr!'


Base Ball Schedule 1914

.M;iy 1^ I'.jii-iirslion.

.M.iy 7 Slippci'v IJ.ick

.May \-2 I'ittslmryii Sdiohislirs

.M;iy U SI. Ki-:incis ('iillc.uv

.M:iy 1.") I'.cllcrdiitc .\.-;nlciii.\'

.M;iy -H] Dihiiifsiic rni\crsit.\-

.May 2] I'.i'llcl'untr .\ca.lcniy

May llT Si. l-'raiiris Cullciiv

.Ma.\- :iii Ita.vcii llii;li Sclmol

.Iniic 1' Cliini'sc rni\ci-sit.\-

.liiiic 4 l)ii(|iir,siii' I'liivcrsit.N-

.liiiir li \'an<lrri:i-il'1

.lime V-> St. N'iiMTiil

.liiiH' K; Si. X'iiirciil

.)uiu: IS l'itlsl)iu-,L:h Collcuiaiis


Ma.\ -•') At Indiana

rhuic !l At Saltsliiii'i;


Clifford Morrow


Clj'mer, Pa.

(';iti-ll.T ■■.1 /////( /;// <,f , n riilli'nifi suits him."


Jonn Trainer

Taen}J Indiana, Pa.


•■//( ii-hn sails linn is iki sik Ii lliiiifi as an limn si iiuni is liiiiisi If II LiHiri . "


Kenetn Rneam

BeleuOe, Pa.

h'irst l!;isr

.1 siiilili r mill II irisi r iinin II, riis, III, iiinrrnir iimn


° Sg^@'S@@gii. ° SSugjA^-^^dL ^ SF'@ugg'£@@5^ ° I

Mike Menosky

"Mike" Arcadia, Pa.

Onl Ki.'l.l ■Oithi so nnnli do I l.jmir. as I linn lirol."


EdvJard Hicks

"Mox" Be£,^^er Falls, Pa.

SccdlHl Has.' (/ l(iir( IIS h isiin III III (jnoil.


Donald Martin

"Piggy" HigKwood, Pa.

Thin! liasr

Till iKiiiii . Iliiil ihrills nil iriril Iniiijiu, y II iiiiiisl ri I III I (Is. "



J^&5ni@1^®(^ST^ ° 'i^W^j^'^^oL ° 5F'@^'i?"£©g5ni


AdolpK Font

"Cintura" Havana, Cuba

Olll Field / (■(///;/ III, ih ril. an, I h, ,;im.


Albert Hart


Clarksbur{<, Pa.


Ytiii liiitiic III, . Al.


Gladstone Carmalt

"Wooky" Brookville, Pa.


' //■ lliri) 111,1111 s'ntii i; iiiiiii. irhij n,il , r< rii, h, lino.'"

,f It.-,


° 'i^m><^^m(3m, ° IM^tms^BdcS, o w@u'&^(m^°_

Fred Siemon

Sims" Traegnr, Pa.

Siil)s1itulr Cjilchcr And il lifJinii((l r'ujhl o/f Iiis Ixaii."


° SSm^'SessiJ. ^ IjSugg^g@d^ ° Wms.'^^<m>'^ °





Wiisnll. Illilijill.'l

llciwinan, Chirioii WrMV.T. Cal.

Men's Singles

Wilson {\-:\. S-(i


\Vils,,n (1-:^. (i-:?. 7-


Ladies' Singles




Klc-al li-:!, s-d



1. J






■J-(i. 11-:!. S-(i


Men's DouUes

\Vils(]ii & hiiiidrnsliijirr. Iiiili.-ma

Weaver 1.^ .loluisoii, ( 'al. IJowmiiu & Weaver. Claricni


V]rii:i\ & DiPU' Iiidiaiia

, Weavci' lie .lolinsdii ' ■J-(i. 7-."). li-4

■> [_ Weave!' 6c .Jdhlisnli

2-(l. (i-:!. 4-(i. 7-."),

I H(i\\ mail i^ Wi'aver .

Ladies' Doubles

Kaslon & DillV. Cal. J

Saii.^oni ^: ( 'nlliier. ( 'lai-inn )

e'ial 1.^ Douglass (i-:i. 4-(i. f)-2

}- Sanson i.^ ('iillner :i-(i. 7-.-,. s-d

Sanson v^ Cnllner i


° J^M>(^^<Bm^ ° S2u=c5=i^s^(So 'ii'^ms^m^^

Till' clKhiiiiiiirisliiiis if Ihc N(ii-iiijl Si-liiMil Trunin Li-;ii;nr u.-n rmi^'lit •nil on till' .■(Mii-U ,il liidiiin.i iM .liiiic lii-st ;iihI sccihkI. AI'Iit ;i Ii.ii'<I ^ll•ll•JLH.■ Cljiridii Willi l\\(i ni;ili-lics .'iiiil llii' i'ii|i. I liniiiiih lln' ^|l|ll■^ill|•ily of Iht j^ii'ls.

'I'll! Iiiiys' siiiylrs |ir()\iMl ;i rnllliT i';i<y iiiati-li l'(i|- Wilsiii nl' liiili;in;i. In Ihc liiiiils he (Ic-rcMti'il ill si raijilit scls WcasiT nl' ( ':il i rornia. wiiiiicr <A' iIp- siiiLilcs last \rar. 'I'lir outi-i iiii' ol' hoys' doiililrs was a irKap|iiiiiit iin-nl to In iliaiia liiiliaiia was ilcrcalnl in llir iMTJiiiiiiiary roiiinl ai'lrr lakiiiir tin- lirsl set easily, 'i'lir liiial was a lonu ami iMl her slow nialrh linally won li\' ( 'alil'orni;i.

Iiiiliana Inul i'\|icc|i'(l lillli- from the jzii'ls' iiiatcln-s. so was ajrri'i'alily siii-iwiM'd when Miss I'Mn/al and .Mis> Doiiirlass won liotli preliminary matelics liy |ila\iiii; far alio\r their pre\iou> forni. 'I'lie liiials in liotli siiifrles Mild diailili's wire lioll\ ronlrsted, 'Hie fealiire of the play was the lirilliant work (f .Miss h'lenal. 'The \ielory i i lioth inatehes went linall\ to ('larioii lieeaiisc- ol' .Misv Sansoiii's lonn e.xperienee.

'I he loiirnanieiit for next \ear will lie held at ( 'alil'ornia earl\ in -iiine.

° S2SST^,(g'S©S5nl. ° SStL25^B@(S o 5F'(0)'iLS'i?'£©@5Al= «




Cnpt.iin, IC)I4






Miwrrs^fggrggryj^vyr'^^^'^ ^ ^

^-^ ^-

Rebecca LovJman <!' K II

"Becky" Bell Vernon, Pa.

(iiiard ■• 'I'IkiI siiiiliiin (l<ii((ihli r iif IIk shinii.

Margaret Seibert

"Peg" Wilkinsburg, Pii.


Hnrii iirniliKliiiii af ii( iiiiis iiiiis/ hi I li< jirddiicl icii of ( iillnisidsiii."


° SSm(gi^©(SSTi ° SII"yis=^s@(S o 5f (0)'iL5'i?'£@^^°

Helen Hartsock r II U

"Hnrd^" Holicliivsburg, Pa.

I''iir\\ ai'il "lime (/(Kfiliii ss III iijlih )is IkiiiiIii.

Joy Douglass ff- K 11 "Joy"

Indiana, Pa.


Tin sniil's nihil sinisliiiii . mill llii lunrlfilt jnij.'


° S2m(g'i^©®si^ f= SIS^ui5]^s@(S o 5F@^i?"£e€5a «

Marie Feick 't' K II

"Re" Avnlon, Pa.

Siilistiliitc ('.■nici- ■r;,v(r, !s h, III, hnihi irhal ,,,,,,,1 s, iis, is In lli, ,„


Emily McNary

"Mac" Crafton, Pa.

Siihstitutc (;ii;ii-(l " I'l rsi ri raiKi is d h'niiKiii cirh


o l^g^Aysi^@(g5TJ, o 'i^VT^J^'^msL o gF@USg'i^@@5n^ *> I






Minor Sports

Branches of Sport Other Than Football, Track, Etc. Black "I's" are a^wardecl to all whjf decnr-Oe tKevJ

Aiitimiiiliilr K.-iriiii; Tcji.ii l'"riiiik .1. .Mcvrrs. Drix-rr

l-"it'1y .Mci-li:iiiics

l-'r.-ini'; oiil\ nild'cd mic race lliis \'>iir and lir liad a Iul; Irad ii\ci' lln- lirld wlini tlir lioltoiii dropiicil mil cd' his caf. I>y llir tiim' he yot a raUc and izatli- rri'd his nottoiM t(ii;cthi-r Ih.- ■[])>■]■ nilra.ds ucn- so far ahead thai it was iiiipiissilih' to catch lip. CM II 111 a Met/. Thi'V toxM'd liiiii hniiic.

Hull Fiuditiiii:- Tcaii

.Ross .Idhiis. Cantain

Sol Spciicci" Uiick Doi-aii Dan Mooi'c

Murray I'ccior

Tliis is a wonderful aiiure^at ion. Tiiey do not meet tlii' hull as in the days of the .Matad<M-. hut pursue the ancient luiiian method, they ii\-;i<\t llie iiuU iiy the horns and throw it. as' did the iiiiehty I'l-siis. They have hecii pfactii'insr on the seven hills surroiindiiii; Indiana (tiiey praetiei^ on eows' for the past year ami surely hax'e a winiiine team.

'Pile ■•Klim-h" ( .' i Teaii

.*.lohii Wliili

^John Williams

*.John Do.

^'Johii Jones

*'John Smith

'.lolin lirown

*'[ llcse are all assuiiieil names. The iiiemhers of this team are all pro- fcssii'liiils ami it is necessary to i;eip their rielit names silent or we will hi' witlioul llieir serviei's. This is a wiiuine- auurcuatiou. ^'oll should sci' the pennies Hill. I mean .lo'in Doe. has e\ery .Moiidaw ;


Ildxiny- 'ri.iin I lr;i\ \ wci^rlii .\1J|<(. Li)Uiii;iil

\Vrllrr\v,'lnll( |lnn-> Fr<-

.Mhl.llcwcifiht WiiltcT Wliisioii

Lllihluciy^llt lio'll l{llr;|lll

l^'cjltllrl-wcitrht Dor Kriiiy'

This is ;i iirw lii;iiii-li of sporl at tlir " I'nivci-sity.'" hut it proinisi's to be a liif;' tliiiiii ii-'xt yen'. c's|iri-ially since .Mike expects to <ri't some fi<;litint: expci-iriici' ill the Mrxicui Wai'. ( I lliink he woiihl make a better tra<-k man when he rniiics hack, if he's ciuntiiiu' (III experience helpiiifr hiiii. I Harry and WaltiT were ' 'ileiiuins"' in the class-tight so vmi kimw wiiat they will lid. lioh. in his past cxpericiici'. has only lost one hatth'. In (ine of the iiard- csl lii;lits e\-er staiicil hi- was i;i\en tlic <-iiunt by Kid Lownian. I'.ob says ln' wants to meet her auaiii. Doe is a "• blackdiorse. "'

Swiniiinne- I cam

After sevi'i'al atlempts to est;iblish a swiinmini;- Icaiii the idea had td be abaiidi ned for the folldwinu' reasons:

1. It has a ^reat similarity to taking: a hath.

2. It is incomcnient to swim in a bath t\ib. es|)eciall.\- when an excit-

iii>;- race i^ on. '■]. Every caiulidate has a tendency to swim on the bottom. this is an- noying tn spci'tators when the water is mnddy.


° ^w^(^^mms^ ° SSMjM^dt^ ° ^©usg'Se^s^ "> 1




Senior Hay-Ride

On lliiit Si'iitcnihcr inoriiintr. iour li;iy wiifri>ns carritd the iiicrry Si'iiiurs :i\v;iy from the scenes of I'uiii and destruction Mnionj,' tlu' nndi-r cl;issiiicii. Id the ni( re ph'iising sites of Idlewood I'ark.

The continuous i-ain in tlu' f'orcnjion neither faded the I'.lue and Gold, ""r did it wash away the hijih sjiirils of all present.

At n-nn some members of the faculty jiarticipated with the Seniors in a^ appeasing luncheon. During the afternoon the party enjoyed to the fullest extent, dancing in the rustic pavilion. At four c 'clock all returned to the hay- wagons and rode back to the Normal, enjoying the beantifid scenes of au- tumn and feeling that this shoidd be counted among the many enjoyabh- events of their life at Indiaiui.

With >"lls Mild son-^-s of mei-rinii'nt the Seniors marrhinl tlirough the dining I'oom to diiunT and thr lia|)|)y day was ended.


S2m(g"£e(^sii ° S2M5=iySs@(a?, « W@w,'is^m^^

Junior Promenade

.The jiniiuiil lliillt w I'cii daiici'. ^iveii liy tlic chiss of Ifll"). was one of the decided soeiiil ^ueeesses ol' tile \car.

Ill the receiving line were ^liss Li'onard. ilrs. Jack. Mr. Jack and Mr. Will. I-'. Siiiiih. representing the faculty; I\Iiss Watson. secretary, and Mr. i-'leck, class |)resideiit. representing the class.

'['lie dance was vei'y en.joyable in spite of the fact that the Tang<i and Rag were under the hall. The music was furnished by the Conservatory Or- chestra. 'I lie (iiit-df-town guests were made to feel at home and enjoyed the evening verv much.


^M.m^Bm^ ^ l^wii^'^msL o Wms'is^m^^

"I" Banquet

For iiwiiiy yi'iirs it has hcfii the cuslnin for thnsc who have (!< iif successful work ill any (jc'parliiiciil ol' alliii'lic^ and wild have riM-civcil the mucli coveted ••1" I" liiild a liaiKpirt at tlic diKr of liir fodl-liall season.

'I'liis \car \\a^ no r\i-c|it ion. A scoi' nu it of vouiiy iiii-n and "tlicir

tail- (•oiiipanioiiN" were <;ivrn this honor on the niiilit of 1 )ccc.nhcr 4tli.

Kvrr> one fi'lt proud and happw and laniriitcr riMyiicij supreme. There was no end of .{dkes and fuiin.\ stories. .Ml fiiriiialit.\' was hiid aside and I'iU-h seemed determined to surpass the otiiers in ealliliir forth peals <f hiu<rhtei\

'I'he later part of tlie eveiiini;' was spent in dalieine. which all en.ioyed to the fullest extent.

PKi Delta PKi LuncKeon

'I'lie memliers of the IMii Delta i'lii Sorcn'ity enlortained at a lieaiit ifiilly ajipointed hincheoii on April eleventh. Covers were laid for twent\ in the

Wisteria Hooiu of tlle Fort Pitt Hotel. The deei)rali(|| in aeenr<lai|ee with the sea,s(]n. were earrii'd out in lavender and .xcllow. The eirl.s weiv snrprise<l and deli>.'hte(l to i-onirrat ulat<' two of their nuinher. .Miss .Mar.\ .McWreatli and .Miss .Iiianita Aikeiis. upon the aiiiioiineeinent of their ene;aeeincMits. '1 he liinelieoii was followed hy a liox part.x' at the Nix( ii Theater.

SSfei^®"S®®sii> o SSuiiiAy^s^S o 5f@^g1^@@SQ.

TKe Agonian of AlpKa Kappa Pni Con\)ention

'I'lic ".\i;iis" if Alplin l\:i|i|i;i I'lii lii'lil t licir ;jnnii:il i'oiiv<'lltioil May Kil'st jiiid Srcdiid, ciiiix I'liiiin with llic |i]|;i ('ImptiT (if ihc Indiana Xoniial. Delc- uati's wi'i'c |ircscnl rniin I lie \;iriiiiu diniilcrs. inchiiliii^r those of 1hi' Grand


Miss l)irkh(inl of Ni'w Yoi-k, |l|■l•^lll(■d :i1 the hnsincss sessions, wliicli. 1iiriiui;h llii' coiii-lc'^x of tln' 11 u\ tzln'n i:ins. wci'i' lirld in their room.

.\iii;inihi Iven.-ird. nF iil:i ('h;iplcr. \\,-is elcclcd I'rcsidenI of tlie (irand ( 'li,-i|i|('r for I III' cnsiiiiit^' yv:\r.

The li;in(|ni'l was in I lie Diiiiiit:' ilall .\nne\. wliieh was converted into a "I'al.ii K'ooin" lor llie occasion, willi decorations oi' sniihi.x. wild elieriw hlos- sonis and the '•[•'rat" (lower, the velhiw rose. .Miss Hciiard acted as toastniis- tiess. and al'tei' I lie toasts. .Miss i.i'onard. the hriior <niest. responded to a rc- ipiest for a talk, which was lireatly appreciated liy the trirls.

.\ ni'w coiiipiial ion of th.e soniis :nid yells ol' the or<ler has lieeii recciitly pnlilislied anil a copy was placed at each cover. Durine tile evenini.' many of them were lustily siiiie.

.Mr. iu'lnii. the -,chon| chef. pri)\idiil a line dinner. iMrryini;' out the color scheme and the einhlems.

The daiici- ni ■■\lrr. Hall'" closeil the convicalion festivities." In the center of the hall was a Moral liowcr foi' the orchestra, other ileeorations heing larjr"' lianiii'rs of the ".Veos." the I'lii Alpluus and the Oniejra ('his.

The |ialroiiesscs weri' teacher re|)reseiitatives fi'oni the local soi'oritie.s and .Mrs. lloraee Lowry. .Mrs. (xeorjje Buchanan. .Mrs. Hcdine. .Miss Davis anil ^liss Leonard. .Mrs. ('oeswell. of Kpsilon Cliaptei'. also acted as a patroni'ss.

.\ few of the alnmiiae memliers wci'e present for the occasion and niori' would ha\e ciMic had the time not interfered with school duties. The visiting girls were lavish in their praises of the splendid Indiana sehi ol and the life in it.

Iota Chapter feels more than ever the need of a chapter house or room. after listenine- to the reports from the other ehaptei's of their fraternity homes.

The next convocation will he at Urnckporl. \. V.. the seeond week in ^lay. 1111."). The maua/.ine will lie pnlilisheil hy ihc .\lpha Chapter and will be a iiuaiicrly.

What is that which sound-s so clearly.

Clearly on the evenintr air.'

"Tis the siiiir of happy "Agos" singing:

^^1U c;in liear them everywhere.

( )n I he silent night it lingers.

Can you ask the i-eason why.'

"I is the song of happv '" .Agos" siiiiriiiir

In old Alpha Kappa Phi.


° 'l^m,<^^mm^ <=> 5]SM5fD:^(g(S o 5F'@tLS^'£@@5a

Sororit)) Dance

I'i I\:ip|i;i Siirma

I'hi Kappa l*i

(_)ii the iiialil of .Maivli I\vciity-s(>v(Mi1li I'i Ka|)pa Siunia aiul I'hi Kappa Pi Sororities gave a liaiirc.

Ill the reeeivilifr line wtc: Mrs. .lack. Miss Aekci'iiiaii, Miss ( iei-1 rude liiiutrhlin anil Mins Edna Marlin.

Tile hall was deenratcd in the i-nloi-s of hntli siii-orities. hlue and yuld. and the iiiusie was furnished hy Mucire's Orele-stra. Afti'r thi' dauciu':. all with- drew Id the (Hnilifj: roOiii where a deliei( us .sup|ier was served.

.Many of the alumni nirmliers wen' present and this helped to niaUe the oeeasiiin (lUe of the most eu.i(i.\alile of the season.

Tne Senior Ball

The jrr<' <'Vent of the yi-ar. the annual ^^cuim' Daiire. was lu'ld i-'eh. 21. The reeeiviiiy: line. eoiii|H)sed of Miss .\i'krianan, .Mr. iind .Mrs. .lack, Mr. Uow- iiian. ]-ula Kssnii, elass seeretar.\'. and Homer Laudensla^-er. elass pri'sident, formed at 7 o'clock.

Recreation Hall, decorateil with the class cilors. l)lue and gold, and daintily gowned maidens with their escorts, fm-mcd an eiiehanting .si)eetacle. The jiiu.sie for the oceasi(ui was furnished by the St. Claire orchestra. whi<-h was sur- roundetl by a l»)wer of palms and ferns. The music was hcyoud descrip-

liiui. Ask aii\' Senior! The lilu-ary. whiidi ser\-ed as a rest imhnu. was at- tractively tilted up with divans, pennants, etc. The dance was a good rejiresentation of the class and faculty and (Uily the alisent ones have for re-rret. Dancim:' starti'd at 7 and In iTdock we retii-ed to the din- ing l-ooiil. where we wtu-e served with an appeasiuL;' Inuc'h l'.\- the umler class L'irls.

The dining mom wa.s pretlil.\ and tastefully adm-ned with the I'lass colcrs. palms and ferns, .\ftei- n^f reshments the dancing was continued until 11:80. The ))rograms were a striking feat\u-c of the occasion and for further indi- vidual information see the memories on any program.


o Ii2S5n^®{^©@ST^ ° SSMinySs^d^ » 5F@U5S"£(^5a

Swing Out Da))

.luilc lllc lentil. \\;iN a w iiikIci'I'iiI ilii\.

"rwas I hen \\r iTMwnnl oiir (^)iii'cii i<\' .May.

The raeiilly lil'led tlleii- iveulaiioii

And ya\'e ns Ihis (la.\ I'l r (iiir eeleliratimi.

Willi liani'v's liell \M' were ii|i ami alioni.

We had niir caps and i^owns laid nlll.

We dri's.sed thai aKD'n with the "reatest r;ivv.

We pdlished dill' shdis an<l we eriin|ied oiir half.

At last the aiTanticnii'nts all were iiiade.

W.' were ready then fur the piDnienade.

Ill soniher liles we iiiai'ehed lliriini;li tdwn

With edii.seidiis pridi' df dur cap and yinvn.

The day w a.s hut as liel'i re we said.

'Iliose ^(iwiis wciuhed a tdii. tlmse caps were like h'iid.

Willi elad. warm hearts and wariiiei- faces

We marched t<i the campus a. id lonk our placis.

A crash frnm the hand, a wild ap|)lanse.

We craned our ni'ck.s to see the cause.

Our .May (|ueen ap|M-daehed. a wonilrous sit;iit.

Sweet .Mai-y Stdiipe. in i;ai-ments white.

And guardiuii her heauly. enhancing her grace.

Ten nuiidens attended her. of fair form and face.

There were Hazel and .Martha and near them was l.u.

ilarie. Elizabeth, yes. Elsie dani' too.

There were Mandy and Helen. ]>ily and i'eai-l.

Their white rolies were llowint;-. their hair was in curl.

To the .sound (d' the music ins|)ii-ini;- and sweet.

They marelied to the thrdlle where the (pieen tdok Inn-

Then from the class, our rivals since fall.

Came a hevy (d' stdionl eirls td entertain all.

A fold (lance in eistume. a minuet stately.

Were danced witli such "race that they pleased us all pre

They then wound the may-|>ole with its colors ^ay.

The ci'dwnine' featuiv cd' rhi.s festive day.

And when all was dver \m' each felt regret.

liut that wonderful da.\ we shall never forget.

° ^m,<^^mm^ « S3tt2iA^B@d^ ° W^w^^m^^

Tne world Kad all gone wrong that day,

And tired and in despair, Discouraged v?itn the x^'ays of life,

I sank into m}) chair.

A soft caress fell on m^ clieek,

M.^ hands vJere thrust apart.

And two big s^'mpatnizing e^Jes Gazed down into m^ heart.

I had a friend. What cared 1 now

For fiftj) u'orlds? I knew One heart was anxious w'hen I grie%)ed,

My love's heart, lo^'al, true.

"God bless her," breathed I, soft and low, And hugged her close and tight.

One lingering kiss upon mj) lips, And vJe vOere happy, quite.

Then, life to me xOas one svv'eet dream.

And nov^, I loved it well. But some poor simp gave me a kick,

"Wake up, there is the bell."

II, M. T.


S2Msl^©(^siL ° SStLC^^s^S o ^@ws^^^?i^ °



Calendar 1913-1914

Sc|)1. li— .Mciiilicrs 1)1' Ihc l'":iiMilty i-.miic rAv\y tn MVoid the rusli. I rn|i()i-1aiit

I'Mrlllly iriri't illU'. Sept. 7 All Icnclins iMiridUsly Mwnil Id-iiHiri'nw. Si|)1, S Sprciiil ti-Mi iiirs thr( u^^li from I'ittslnirirli lirint-'in^: carloiuls oC

s:i(l-c> I'll anil iilad-cyi'd girls. iScpt. !)— 'I he miriiiliim pnircssion docs not ci-asi'. IldiMi arrivrs -also I'.rowii. Scpl. 10 Classes lii'^in. iMiTyhody happy ( .' i J'lTniam'nt srat.s assi^'iird in

Ihr dining' i-ooin. Si'pl. 11— Thry all waiil llirir littli' yi-llow slips idiaugcd. Sr|,.l. r_'— All thr lish in till' si-a aiTu't di-ad yvt— Friday.

Si-pl. l:i— Srnini-s hi'uin trarhinii' in .Molrl. "Things aiv nut what Ihry .si-oni." Sept. 14- Cuntiniiiins proiTssinn to Miss Lronard's itiuh for I'M-usrs I'min

rhiirrh. Si'pt. l.')— Y. W. ('. A. rcrcnlion lor <;ii-ls. Sept. lli Mct'ting id' all girls in rliapcl. Miss Leonard still insists that no

girl shall I'ide in an\- vidiicle whatsoever. Sept. 17 ^lae Goi-don disappi-ovrs of "ragging it." Sr|)t. 18 First Senior Class ;Meeting and nut a very praret'id one. LoMg ti

'be reniemhered. .fi^^pt 19 Class spirit aroused. Most largely attrnded nieiting ever held l)y

1914 elass. Affairs settled. First meeting of Instano l>oard. Sept. 20 First football game of the season. I. S. N. S. 74 Patton. 0. Iluy-

ghenian open meeting. Y. 'SL C. A. reeeption for boys. Sejit. 21 Eight big linsk\ fi'llows tiiiall\ sui-reeded in huuling "Ilwker"

Deeds ill i-hnn-h Snnday cxeni'.ig. foi- the tirst time since his stay

at Indiana. Sept. 22 Girls cet "Tin .Miu-h Mustard" and not emiuirh " Sxiniiath.v " in

Rer'. Hall. Sept. 2:^ ;\[r. (iiirdon's famous tii'st Arithmetic exam. Se|)t. 24 Final warning to gii'ls. "Dance nothino- but the plain waltz, two-

strp. and schottisehe without the dips." Sept. 2.'i Evcrybodx pernnttcd fo attend "The ^Master Mind" downtown. Sept. 26 The German Club reorganized. Sept. 27—1. S. X. S. 21 -Apolln 0.

Sept. 28 Everybody gels wanned for the color rush.

Sept. 29 Coll r rush "^Man-eater Fee" partakes. Senior colors wave triuni- |)hantly on all sidev. Senior hay-ride a big success despite the rain.


S2M(g'Ss®Sii ^ 'iM!.WmjQi'S®QL ° 5F(0)U=SS"£@<i5nL

Oi-I. 1-

()<•!. 2—

Oct. :?-

Oct. 4-

( )ct (H-t

Oct Oct

Oct Oct


( Vet














Oct. Ill

Oct. 2(1-

Oct. 21-

Oct. 22-

Oct. 2:i-

Oct. 24-

Oct. 25-

Oc-t. 2(1-

Oct. 27-

SiMiii>r-s I'csl.

■Kciisoii uliv .Ml'. ,11.(1 .Mix. (iiiril III did iml adriid the Senior li;i> -ride.

Tlic .luiiiiir iiii'iiili'-r cd' llir rainily iiilcrlVrcd. (■|i:i|icl lia-i liccii made i|uile i iteresl iliir the pa^l Iwd iiinriiiiiLis li\ talks

dcliveiv.l In Dr. .\. L. Wiley. .Iniiiiir yirls licLriii iiiakiiiu: onl pru^'rain.s fur I lie daiiee iiii .\'()\'. 1st. ■Faculty cirii Mr. .iacksoii ""liiuks (i\-er" the new I'aciilty and

decides that "■ .\<;i'iciilt(ire"' and " I'liysiohijry "' would iro "ell lo-

ircther. \Vc won another t;anii Diiqiiesiie .'). I, S, N. S.. :57. Typiral Indian Siiniiiier <iay. -Sciiioi's pose at Springer's I'or the Instaiin.

-Kverylmdy hl■t;•i.l^ record for the new month with a liii;' "ten." ( /) h'eeilal i:i\eii liy Daniel .lilies, concert pianist. .1. W. .\. IS. eel a hair-cin. The meledii us tire whistles had •<oiije of the I r " l''i'eshics'" in hys

tcrics at noon. Opeiiiiiji- i>( the I'ana.iia Canal. Facidt.\' picnic. First real football Lianie. 1. S. N. S.. 27— Si. ISoneventure. -l Sunday, Seemed to lie \-isitinLr d;\y at .Normal. Was your friend

(diaseil home .' -The ■■ .\rm.\-\avy " .Liaiuc. Score went so fast that no one attempted to keep it.

Alpliahetical soup I'or lunch today.

.1. ('. Smith's ".Mixies" in chapel.

Who's this \oiini;- widow. .Ml'. Smith.'

-Miss Leonard's new car arrives. Faculty look ira.x'.

We all credited (iertrude l)in-.more with haviiie- a knack at hoiise-

keepinir this year. Iiut to-da\ she proved her.self incapalih; liy <'ar-

petinir the ceilin.L' of a room in .\rilhiiietic Fxaiii. .\ most hi'illiaiit description of the I'assion l'la\ ei\eii in chapel li.\'

.\rchliishop Wehlier. of P.iston. When .Mr. .Iacksoii informed Curtis Ilarsha that hi' wanted to tutor

her. ('nrtis said in her innocent wa.w "What in.'" .\ little snow.

Would you .-all it slan.ehter on the I'ootliall lield. Why not .jiist turn the hoys' dorm, into an iiifirmar.\' .' -Mass mei'tiiiu'. (lirls' rootiu.L!: team i ri:ani/ed. •Hi",' victor.v. 1. S. N. S. 12— State Freshics (t. All dance. -And tile liirhts went out. .\ot .iinch confusion. .Ml the ponies were

hitclied. .Mary .Mc(!i lity impiirine' ah(uit her pii-tnre I'or the liistano •'Has my

I'ditioii of the comic section come out \ct.''"


° ^fej^'5@(g5il o SSlLgS^g^d^ ° Sf@Ug'g'£@@5iL ° ~~\










Nov. Tv Nov. (i- X(.v. 7- \ov. S

\(.V. II-

Nov. 1(1

Nov. 11

Nov. l-i-

Nov. IH-

Nov. U-























.liiiiior (I,' iMMi- :\\ liMiid. I'InciIcimi'iiI niii-. hiL'li,

.\|-c \oii '^> \]i'4 to \\r:w ji slil skii-l .'

I,;ilcsl |-,-it;v lire (I nil.

.M.iss iiicrlini;' ('III ,ii-onsi' ^|iii-il for I iic .hliiior ilaiii'c '.').

-Illllioi' (lailrr.

.Many sad I'Vi^ when llir "):L'il Irani loaves.

"Sellli' clown now. tlii' exeil .•nieiit 's all over."'

St ael of ■'. Madam de I'ortemenl s Seliool'" e;ivcn in chapel this iiiciriiini;'. l'ni-|H:se .Ni 1 to i-ntc|-taiii the amlieiice liut i 1 i 'I'd lake up Mi-^ .\pphuale"s inoiadni: I'or a talk, and (2 I To <.'ct Public Speaking' otV.

Were \on repcule.l .'

It look Willai'.l to ■■hu^t up the show."

Tui-nei- .\i'l Isxhiliit inn.

.\notlier i;aine in the iMin. Indiana :i4— \V. and -1. Scruhs 7.

We calenlale as lo how winter has set in.

Display id' Indiana baskets in .Miss Leoiuii'd's i-ooms.

Come to your meals on time. Dinini; roo.u is no "Short ord<T.''

■Mr. dames -■■ .Miss IJalslon. How dies the time yon spi'nd in sludy- ini;' yoni' physics. \Tir,v with the way >ou recite.'"

.Vu awful noise lii'ard in north hall on thii'd floor. What w,is it .' (). Jane I'.ell is condne- up froiu Drim-stii.- Scieticc class. carr>-iii;^ a loaf of lu-ead that she had baked, and she droppi'd if.

Hvei'\liody to see "'rile Chiciilate Soldier" plavi'd iu town to cele- brate our victory from i'itt Freshies. Indiana. 2<l I'itt. 0.

Kcal moviiii;- picture sliow in Chapel fi r the beiietit of the Y. .M. C. A.

As .1. W. A. l'>. sanu' -" lic.iuliful Sunday. T wish it wouKl never come :\!ouday."'

Ail excitement ! ! ! (iirls g-et the Spirit.

What's the matter with the cheer leader .'—Slic's all riirlit. Who's all rie-ht .' I'.ecky -.

We'll see the Weather Kureaii about a good day foi- Saturday.

.\s Dniiiiy says: "If wishes wei'e horses, and llorses were trots, and tn ts wci'e ponies, we'd all ,uet throuuh."

Uic- Mass .Meelinu-.

The uionotom was broken the first time iu four \-cars. Kiski M Indiana. 7.

Quiet day at Nor.nal.

Will wondci-s never cease.' (lirls allowed to <ro to tile "Nick."

l>lue Tuesday.


I ° Sggjn^@'S@®giJ, ^ ^W^f^'^®iL°WmSi§^(m^~^

Nov. 2t;— All daiicc.

Nov. 27 Thanksjiiviiii; Day. 'Piirke.x'.

Nov. 28 lii'iiifr iiK'Vfd by a very toiichiii;.' nuiiilirr nii tiic liiirp at tiir V. .\l.

(". .\, ciitcrtaiiimi'iit. Lulu K^son cM-laiiiicil, "O. wlicrc is iii\-

waiuli'i-in^' buy toui^lit." Nov. 2!)— Y. W. C. .\. .■utcrtaiunii'iit. Nov. 80— Kvrryl.iMly to clunvh. Dee. 1 Ouly li-rlitcfu iinn-i' 'la.\s. Dec. 2 .New month cviTynnc rcsnlvr-. to woi'k. Ovrrhrai-il. "11' I iiiakr an

avcraL'f of IIS 'iu .\rithnict it- tlicsr two \vccl«. Til .uct it oil'." !>{'(•. ."i In what \vci-r \iiu i'f|)ort('(l .' Scnirr.s .Vfithniclic .Iiinioi's (Icol-

otry. Colh-r I'lvps.— - 1 . .'. Di'c. 4 .Mr. Coirswi'll saiiL^ I'oi' us in ('ha|ifl. 'ruition may br i-aisod next

year. For what .' '1 o ini'Uil thr ohl clcxatoi- ulirri' (Ji'acr Waiiiicr

ini't hrr "iliwn I'all. " Dec. ;") All arc Ihinkinu ol' where they will be in two weeks, Dec. (j I.iivc stock shipped to Di'avo.sbur": via liaj;',irajre ear. l-"ootball liaiupiet.

^Ux Hicks elected cai)taiii. Dec. 7 Every'l)ody 's doin' it. What.' Bealin" it when the new third floor

(noi'th hall) tejiehei- appeal's on the seeiie. Dee. 8 Seniors have irone back- to ehildl 1. Phiyinj;- bbx-ks in .Mae's .\rith-

metie room. Dec. 9 It has come at last. No fancy danciny at Indiana. Dec. 10— ()\vin<r to Miss Eyre's absence. Hill Smitli stai'ted bjislo'tball prac-

tii-e. (^nite a lot of s|)irit was sIk \\n l)> the turn -out. Dec. 11 Breakfast served at all hours, especially in the Domestic Scieni-c Din-

inir Room at 4:4.") I'. .M. Dec. 12 Only r)lS4()() .sc<-oiids more. Howard meets Cui-t in the libi'ary. Dec. l:i .\s Elsie Smith sa\s. "Yes. .Mr. (Joi-don. it nnikc^s it hard w!ien the

men leave." Dec. 14 Whose name did yon yet at the table.' Dee. 15 Der Di'ut.schc \'erein war schr irnt. nicdit wahr.' Dec. It) ■'^Vhat do you ha\'e to teach ne.xt Icrni.'" No nau'e wori'yins.^ ivcr

Arithmetic exams. T)ec. 17--Will Howard Krinir have a better at the frat. danc<- if he doesn't


Dec. 18— Mr. (iurdon to .Miss Wesley. "Don'l >;et discourajred even if you do fall up stairs btd'oi-e .\'mas." "Can a jrirl cat 1 fial. ice cream.'" r)ec. 19— The last day at I. S. N. S. ui '1:;. The ()ine<ra ('-hi dance in Kec. Hall. Jan. H ".Mu'ri.'in" l)a\ at Indiana.

o ^^<^^mm^ ° ISMS^iySS^d^ o 5F@tLS^"£eS5nl. °

























Jan. 7 Si'niiirs arr viewed liy (heir " ( 'rit irs. "' (Ji-rat t remlilin).' I'or lln' ncu' sindcnl tea. •hers.

I''ii-s1 ilay .i1 .Moilil. .Many frail and wan Icokiiif; Seniors a.s result.

The lioy.s draw I'lir new 1al)les, Did IIo\var<l scIkmhc .'

I';\i>r.\ lidily may danee ihis e\c thai is, who can ^'el in.

Will we ever 'J:^'\ (i\'er il .' Chneiilate iee el'eain and ehiekell I'm- dinner.

ir yon were nevei' " frozen" liefoi'e. yon wi'i'e to-da\'.

What w.inld yon .say. aftei' ynn had reeili'd < ne of those tei'rilile laws

in I'hysies. if .Mr. Janii's shcndd say to yon. "1 don't think yon"n;

ri^hl." ■Wel'e yon alisent from eritii-isms. .\sk Sai'a h'i'aneies ivyardine' .Mi-, .lames 'lielief that a studi'iit ha.s

to repeat the detinilion of power I'd times liefori- he knows it. dirls' l^askethall team oi'^anizeil. "I'eu" Pleural chosen Captain.

l)isap|)ointed ^ifls as resnlt cf .Miss Leonard's nicetiiiL' no nioi-c

movies no more IIan.\lnirst.s ^^hut more breakfast, dirls' first ba.skelliall eanu'. I. S. X. S., IS -p^de-ewood lli<.di. S. Did <'\-eryone live np to the eommandment .Miss Leonard had us repeat. Onr friend Oi'aee Wauner was welcomed hack today. Knijrht Eyre

lilows east. Jan. 20 What ails the "Smiths".' Why is Miss Liter wearinji "The siiiih- that won't come off:'" Is it youi' tni-n to take the evld tish ont foi' a walk.' Why is Liter so sad .'

Karl ^Matthews is the new Imsiness manaiici- of the Instano. Another success I'or onr liasketliall team. 1. S. N. S.. 2(>--Windl)er. 0. ■We g'ladly welcome anothei' da\' of rest. ■Bii;' victory. 1. S. X. S.. :!4 Wilkinslmi-e- lli-h. 12. All were jier-

mitted to attend "Lee o' .My lleai-t" downtown. Jan. 27— Collins tells Ilerr .Miller that his case is difl^'erent. We thou,i:ht

Laura Jean was just like the rest of us. Ts it your week te lie .ianitor at ]\Iodel School .' "The lliily City" moved to Indiana. \ .Moore is no nii»re. Oui' hoys added a few more honors to their .store at the track meet

at DuqnesTie (iarden. Feb. 1 ^Church going not re(|nired. .Ml hear Dr. Wi'ildei-spoon in chajiel in

th(> evening. Feb. 2 If the ground hog had enly forgotti'u to come ont of its hob'. Miss

Eyre sails carrying a ((uiri' of Indiana Stationery. Feb. :] Long expected rings arrive. Miss Leonard invites twelve people

for eight places. Be careful: who's going to sit. two on a chair?






















KIgjfQ.@1^@@5i^ ° gSugJn^g@(fl^ ° ^©tLGgl^eSg^^ ° I

I'Vb. 4 l.iin>r UM.s ihc clear record li^t I Is vmn- naiiir wi'iUrii tliiTc'

Pel). 5— -Dr. \Vr<l(liTs|iiH.n di'livcrnl liis last aililrcss. Soi-i-y to scr him Iravc us.

Feb. 6— No cu.l to limits, lio.vs take licfd 1 Stay away IVom the Main liuildiiii;'.

Ppl). 7 1_ s. N. S.. •_'(! Loii'^wood. li. You may Taui^o liut not in Koc. Hall.

Fi'i). 8 Sabbath ]>rnry.

Feb. 9 We wci-i' hiuhl.v .•utcrtaiiUHl by a ma^'ician in ('hapcl.

Fcl). ID- Hcsull pnliiislu'd in ('hapel conciMMiiiitr the cliift' oftViidcfs of the liiii-

pa.ssi'd by thf lacult.x- ri'U'ai-tiiuir Tan<z:o daiifinH'. Ft-b. 11- .\ii(l I had planned so unieh to uo to the Liiieolii Debating Club and

Seiiioi- danees! Feb. 12 We were ai;ain reminded that hineoln was boi-n on this day Id.")

yr.s. a<:o. Feb. IS Was yi ur pai-eel's post sniaslied .' Or >()ui- lieart .' Feb. 14--i'.asketball .uirls leave to eai>ture some laureN. Result : l, S. N. S..

L'O (leiu'va Colleuc 4. Annua'. Lincoln Debatinu Club dance in

Hec. Hall. Feb. 1.").— .Maiiv i;-rieve while mauv re.joice. Over the result of Dan Cupid's

choice. K,.h. Iti. 'I hose who went to Cha|)el to be entertained by Farlin were not

disappointed, the music beiim lovely. 1. S. X. S.. 12— Wilkius-

iMiry Hi-h. 11. Fc-b. 17.— The oidy resort for i'.ill Smith after chaperonine- tile eirls" liasket-

ball team to i'ittsburjih. was the infirmary. Fel). is. Seme S<'ni()i' fussers receive iinexpecteil publicity in chapel. Feb. lil. Teleir|-|,,K. lele|)hone. messages, and special delivery letters tell us

that our friends are in readiness for Saturday. Feb. 20. Has your dress come yet .' Do you like it .' What color is it .' Feb. 20.— "Scnioi' Kail." "Was there ever a ni<;ht like this?" Fell. 22. ^Hss Le(jnai'd awa.\. Did you take your friend to Church.' P>b. 2:5. George was born on the 2:3rd this year. .\nothcr victmy for ( ur

basketball team. 1. S. X. S.. 24— Alliance. 12. Our uirls are now

cliampions of Ohio and Western Teiina. Fel). 24. Poor lessons as i-csull of excitement of dance. Feb. 25. Have yoti siib.scribed fiu' the S( ])hist .'

Feb. 26. "Bookie's" i)atronized by ma;iy jiarties from the Xormal. Feb. 27. The Instano Board meet and ri'port as to their work. Xo cinch! Feb. 28.— Alleghi'tiy High i-eceivc a defeat from our niris. 47-12. ^lar. 1. The lion surely did show his power toda.w

:Mar. 2.— Basketball girls go to Wiiulbci' Hiuh and win from them. 10-."). ^lar. '-i. Suspense gi'cat 1 If .Mis.; Leonard would onl\- come home!


° JSms'Sss&ii. ° SS^uuJ^^^S(ld^ o '^mw.'is^m^^

Aliir. 4.

.M;ir. .-) Mill-, ti

Miss .\cki'l'iri;lll ;ills\M'rs lllr i|ncsliiili U|r|icniliJsl ill our llliliil: "II<p\V

shall \\r sri-iirr ,i I'nsil idii .' " lli'MVv Si'iii(r iTpDrl. Til wliiiiii sli.'ill I ,ui\'' iii\ iT'-iiiiiiiiriiilal iciij .' liislaiKi Txiai'il is lliiiikmi; of lioliliiit;' their ]i liiijis in IIh' (irovc

liri-aiisr dl' Willianl llrow ii 's rxih'. .Miir. 7.-.\iil many attcniliMl I hr i^aiiic tiidas-. h'nr hnlics (inl\- 1 (iciicva 1.

I. S. N. S., L'li. Maihiiii Sylva sinus in ('haprl. .Mar. S.- IJaiii Xn Cliuivh. Thanks to Miss Lconank

Maf. I).- 'I'hr \irlinisl, .liiirs Kalk, ami Miss Sue llarxanl. soloist, were ap-

pivrial.'.l hy all. Mai'. 10.— Whciv shall 1 lind a ilrsi-n for iii\ lionk covrr .'

.Mar. 11. They follow us W hcrr'cr Wf i;o ! Oh. those Sueeessor's Plans!

Jlar. 12.— Team uiies to lilairsville and reliinis with another \-ictor\-. 1. S. X.

S., Kk-Ifairsville. 4. Mar. l:). -Fl'iday the loth. Init no t I'aevdies. Mar. 14.— Oiir li'am del'eats Kane liiizh. :i2-4. Iliiis eapturinj: the ('ha.iipionshi|i

ol' Xi llhei'U I'elllia.

Mar. I"). Sjirine' si^enis tn he eiimiut:. .\ll eaiididates I'or the elass in '_'rovolo>.''\' hand their names tn Willard llrowii, Coaeh. Sti'anire faces seen in ('hapel. Kindness of Mr. -laek-.

;\lar. If). Mr. and ^Ivs. Ilaii entei'laiiied us delightfully by eiving a soMir reeilal in Chapel.

i\rar. 17. Senior elass meetini;-.

^Far. 18. Miss Slie|ipard from South .\mei-iea made Id niin. ealls u|)on the eirls in their ro(»ins.

^far. 19. The last time the Seniors meet with ;\Iiss .Aekerman ahmt their pro- grams, h'ooms e-iven out li>' .Mis,s Leonard.

~Slnr. 2(1 (ieneral e.xehanging of rooms. Anna Render thinks she can stndv better if she romns in a eottagi'.

]\Iar. 21. Piano reeital jiivei\ 1)\ .Madam .^^a!•ianne P.auniliaeli in ('hai)el for the benefit of (lerman Club, .\notlier vietorv : I. S. N. S.. 24 niairsvilh'. 9.

.Mar. 22. Spi-inii- is doini;- its duty.

.Alar. 2;]. Ureat minstrel show by the Xormal lnys. Woe unto the faeulty !

.Mar. 24. The faeulty ui'eatly excited. The ureatest events of the .sea.son. Senior-Faculty basketball eame. Of course the Seniors Avon hy a .score i)f ll-!l. Anil the History of Ivl. Questions were clnunjrecl.

Mar. 2,'i. Will those write-ups e\cr come in.'

.Alar. 2(i.— Our basket'oall girls win fi'om the Model School Ixys.

.Mar. 27.- P: Kappa Signia. Plii Kajiiia Pi lldure in Ree. Hall. -Mai'. 28.— Crafton High. 9, 1. S. X. S.. 24.



^s@(S ° W^@w,mm^^ «

•Mar. 29.— I'ackinir .hi.v.

.Mar. 30. Wiiiiicis a^'aiii.

-Mar. ."!]. Pli'asant amiiimiciMiinit coiK-crniiif; llu' special fraiii that carrii's

w'.'ary -lirls to a "Ilavcu of Rest." Apr. ]. report day.

Apr. 2. A.s Mis-s Kallcr .say.s. "I .s.r a man lor iii\.stlf." Apr. a— All ahi.anli:


^m,<^^Bmm, ° SSiigiA^B@(£ o 3Fms"i?-£@(gsit «


Mutt and Jeff at Indiana

Ijari'v A rciiiarkalilc statistir. hen

old chap, showing that breathe some one dies. Harry— Great Scott.

(h)n "t \ oil cllcw cloves '

■\i'r\- tiiiii' I


■'I think so" very thonghtfully. lie's got iii.s things ott' 1"

The ( rder which the comely young

(jrci'man woman handed in at the

oliKce .savings bank was made jiayable

■lit addi- to Gretcheii II. Schmidt, and she had

ticn to tile famil.v. and riislied out of signed it simply Gretchcn Schmidt. The

the house lo tell tile iiews to a [lassing man of the counter called her back to

neighbor. rectify the mistake just as .she was turn-

"Oh. vou don't know what we've got ing away.

Doris was radiant over a r(

upstairs!" she cried.

"What is it.'"

"It's a new bab.v brother!" And ex- ])ectantly she watched the ett'ect id' her announcement.

"You don't sav so! Is he going to stay?"

"See. you have forgotten the II."' he explained.

The young woman l(M>ked at her re- ceipt and then blushed a rosy red.

-Vch. .so I liaf. " she mnrmured. and wrote hurriedlv :

"Age 23." '


° SSm(g"S@(gsii ° SSiUMA^Sdd^ o 5F'@'iLS"i?'£@®STi.

One pr.Mli.-ls ;i future for the school- K.l dx'U was n l)utclirr with fniisid-

l)oy who wrote the fohiwinu; terse liar- erable unlive wit. One day .just l)e-

i-jilive nUmit Klijah: fore diiiiier. when his slioji was full of

■■Tlieiv was a man named KHjah. lie '•"•^l'"""';^. a man whom he di,l not like

had some l„.ars and he live,! in a eave. very uvll eame in and ask,.! Inr a

S,.me 1.0VS l.,rme„Ie,Miiin. lie said: 'If 'I'""' « "'"■"' "' ''"- ""■■''•

you keep ,111 thniwin^ si,,ni's at in,', ril ■'AH riylit." sai,l K,l; "wdl y,Hi liav,'

turn til,' liears mi yon ami th,'.\'ll ,'ai it wi^appi'il np m- .inst ,'al it her,'.''" ymi lip." And tii,'\ ili,l ami h,' ,li,l and

the hears did." s s is

An oil! farmi'i' wlm liad drixi-n inte

,,,,,■. ,-,.;., \';,. the ni'iirhhiiriim' vilhmi- to make a few

Last ( hristmas ev,'. in a town in \ ir- , . ,' , , •,, i .1

i:i„ia an ol.l n,..M'o ha,l h,.,.,, out Mr- purehases tenk ha,'k with liim ra he r

hratin^. ami. onh.,ar.l a iW hnun, '•""•'' l"»-<! /"'^ '■'; ."'^'" was eonsistent

hiittl,' of "in til th,' "'<'' ''andiil driviiit:-. W hih' umiiy:

he drepped a ipiart ])aveini-id.

Mournfull.v survi'yine' tlu' shatti-reil fra.srnieiits. he exelaiim-il : "Dahl Christ- "P

mas doiio come an' from' I'

,l,nvn a sl,','p hill his Imrs,' stiliiihli'd. fi'll Hal in 111,' roa,l, an,l r,'fiisi'<l to uvt 'I'll,' farnii'i- lonk,'d at liim a iim- i-nt over 111,' ,lashhoai'il, tlu'ii ,'\,-laim- ',1:

•■(iit up. .\-oii iihl fool! (iit lip. or . 'II ilrivi' riulit ovi'i' villi I"

'I'll,- lati' .Mauri, -e Barrxiiior,' was the

idol of the ••Lamhs" durinfr his lif,'- « * # time, and even now tlu' memhers of that

,.lnh tak,. ih'li-ht in idtin- instan,-es of ^^^ .,li,.„isl. whih' -„in- tlir, u-h th.-

his r,'a,ly sympathy .n'spr.-htly wil. j^^^.^^^,, ,^^^,|,,,^^ .,, j, ,,„,,,,, ,. , „„,

One day. so th,' sliu'y •roes, liarrym ire i^^^^^. .^^.^^ ^,.^^^^^, |,|„,|| ., ii,.,,! sittinu' in a

was swinjrinfr down l-'ifth .Vvi'uue wln'ii |,|-,i\vn slii,l\ ,111 a lii'in-h.

Sidnev Kosenfeld. the pla\wri,>;hl. rush- ' ...... ,.

ed up' to him. all exeitemenl. . ••I""" '1" >■•"';"• -:'■■ ^^'"1 ''"■ ^''"■"•

-Oh. Mauri.-..." he wail.Ml. "hav,' y.n. '^' J^;',"."-^' " ^^ ''=" '^ >'"''' "^'""■' '"''■^'

h.'ar.i iif my nnsfortun.' .'" '"'" '

■•\.," liarrvm.M-e svmpathize.l ; "is "My iiaiiie.'" sai.l the "ther. frown- there ii' in' your fandly .'" ii'Si- ti''n;''l.v. "Wliy. Kmir (i.'oru,'. .il "Not that." said Kos.'uf.'hl ; "hut al- ''"i"'-*''-

most as had. My litth' lioy. tiv.- y.'ars of "Iml 11" repli,'.! the ali.'iiist. " But

afrc. trot hold of my 11, 'W play ami tor,' it th,' last tiai,' 1 was h,'r,' ymi w,'r.' Tlii'O-

\<> tatters." ill re Himsi'Velt . "

"I didn't know th,' ,'hil,l eniild read." " Y,'s. ,if e.uir.s,'. " aiiswi'i'.'.l the ,ilh-

said Harrymer. aii.l .•.intinii.-.l his ,.i' ipii,-kly. "Iiiit that was li\ m\' tirst

walk. ' wife."


JSM^-feeSSTi ° Sg^!JJA^g@d^ ° ^m/S-jg-SS^SiL <>

A liit;li-scli(ii)| IVrsliiiuin, :isl<i'il Id ri'- ,i \m.,'I< ;ift.'i- inv t:r;niiliiiot li^-r li-t't Irc-

cilc on the liTc of Ali'XMiiili'i- tlii' (IivmI. land." cxtciniinrizcd as follows:

" Alrxaiidi'i' was a i|iiicl<-ti'iii|ici-rd » # » man. ()ncT when lir lia<l takrn loo

nmcli wine he -ot an-ry at his 1.,'st ^-^ '•:«'"•» "•'Ito.M—

I'riend and killrd hini. Ajcxandci' was Teacher "What is the r.-ininin<- of

very ninch grieved, and did cverythiiif:- the noun monk.'"

he conld III help hnry his IViend.'" Hi-i<;lit licy (after- a few nionieiits'

eonsidei-ation ) ".Monkey 1" H. M.

:^ * *

* * *

Keilly "i'at was di'owned \cslri'-

day.'' I've failed in English, flunked in fMieiii..

Fitzpatrirk "('unldnt' hr swim.'" They heard liini softly hi>vS:

1\imI1\ -" ^^■s, lull he was a union I'd liK'e to find the man who said

man. lie swam Uiv eiy-ht luni's and That itiimi'a! is Miss. Kx.

Ill''" M"'l"' , . ^


" Ksse is the infinitive >ised in the

^"^•*"'*^'- clause of indirect di.seord .'■'

II. 11.^" I unre read of a scientist Translation— "After hi.s death they

who claimed that he could perform an i-ompelled Orgetorix to plead hi.s in

operation on a man which would make chains."

him forget all he ever knew. How

could he do that, \)f. Drew .'"

1)1-. Drew ■•('ill his head oft'." ,„ . . . ...

Ten Thiiiss Kvei y Man Would Like To Do.

* * * 1. Own a thousand shares of Penn-

sylvania stock. .Mahel Mason (after listening to :Mr. 2. Be captain of the football team.

(iiirdon's explaiuitien of a problem) :i. Take Gaby out to dine.

"Oh. now I get you." 4 Dpi^,. ;, ,.;„• Jik,. Bob Burman.

Mr. (iordon " Xo. \ou don t. I m - i. 11 » ^ j 1 -^i

.), Be able to get good marks witli-

■■"' ' out working.

s « » (). Be a "lion among ladies" (always

vigorously denied).

.NAHltow KS«'.\PK. "• Look like an ".\rrow Collar" ad.

n 1. ..M 4' .1 It ^- 1^0 the Castle well.

Small l>o\" .M\- father was almost an Irishman " "■ Hi'^'P a cutting Chajiel monitor.

Tracher— "Is that so.'" in. Kmbrace "Billie" Burke.

Small Bov "Yes. he was born just Reeord.


°^^m^mm?f^ ° S3MSi^S(i(S » 5F@u=s"i?l^@@5AL


Son ( I' sunny Italic -

]■]]•<■ vdii slia\i' tlii.s Ix-ard from mo: Kic ynii liraw your wlicttt'd sti'i'l

.Ma<lc of UcsscnuT's licst anneal; With a niolion. hold and free -

( )'(■!• Miy pliysiojriioniy : Ilrcd lliis one (lii'i'ct ion. .John

lii-avc my <ri-o\vinir niustarhr on.


The Itule, Tlic FimiI uikI the Drpaiii.

Yes. she was a [Ji'rfi'ct dream I "The ijirl lie had sought so lony;!"' You .sec he was just about .seventeen ; He tho't .slie was .sixteen hut he tho't Avrong.

He tliou<rht he'd take lier to a |)lay. Knt .Miss Leonard had made a ruli' That no hoy eonld iro with a iiii'l that

way. \Vho didii't helont;- to tlie school.

Of course "she was vcr>' sorry" At that's what she .said— Unt he liad heard sncli thintrs hef< re. So he siinlcd. and turned his liead.

Laily Tliat's all rijrht, sir. My Ims- hand owns tlie .saloon ne.\t door. (.'oIuju- hia .lester.


"Where is tlie center of population around here.'"

'■ Wha 'd 'ye mean .' "

"Where is the po|)ulation di'uscst'.'"

What's that .'"

"Oh. nevei' mind 1 I fjuess it's thick- est I'ight liere." Columhia Jester.

so fAIJiKI).

I{ae What's the tecluiii'al name for snoring .'

Ray— I hite.

liae Sheet music. PriniM'ton Tiger.


Sizzei' -Oucli 1 I've got a sliver in my tongue !

'l?ill— Well. thiMv was a stick in the puneh. Wi.sconscin Sphinx.

And they hoth think well of the rule; Siu' thougiit liim a fool, it seems. And the bo.v has learned her age ;nid

says, "No more twenty-year-old dreams I" Not Shakespeare.


Man ma\' he his ( wn worst enemw hut he certainh' follows the Uihlical injuuc- lion. " Lo\i' \'onr enemies."" ('alifornia I'elican.

K.\( I SKI).


l-'irst Chorine One of tl:e aci'ohats Gciith-nian (in theater, who for the proposed to me last nie-ht. fourth time had wormed himself out Second Chorine -Tliat's nothin'I

from the middle row) Lady. F am sorry Those tum'hlers fall for aiythiii'.'. < 'or- to disturb yen so often. nrll \\'idow.


M^i^^mm^ ° Mwif^'^^^ ° 5f@^^"£(i^5Ai. °

<;<>si'i;i. Tiai'H.

W'lii'ii I 111' ^iiii shiiirs warm.

And thr skies ai'c liliii'. And llir liirds piTl'drni

As I hey 1 u^ilil Id do. .\nil liic lirlds alti-K-l

l^cli and piKir \n Inrk. F state a fact

I nli.jccl In wnrk.

When till' uras-i slinus ^■rccn.

And on all the trci's liiidding- ll■a\■l'^ arc si'cii ;

When the li'cntlc hl-ocze Brings a touch of sweet

From a perfumed run. Lei me Ihi'ii repeat

This work 's no fun.

Detroit Frc

HI.S ('1,.\SS.

First Loafer— Ilnllo. Rill ! fi,,t a new <)V(>n"oat, I sec. What did it cost ycr :'

Swrnd Ditto Si.\ mont 's. 1 never wears phca|i duds. l^oston Ti'anso'ipt.

* * *


"So you lirand as a lie your nppon- emt's statement that \-ou have yvinr l)i-i('e;'" asked the interviewer.

"Yes." I'xplaincd Senator Bunconvhe. "Payment was held up. "— Bufifalo Ex- |)ress.


AVife John. 1 must have a new hat and o;owii !

Ilushaud— That's g-nod !

Wife And "loves, shoes, silk stock-

ings. iipci'a-cl( ak 1

llu.shaud - Tliat 's j^ood I

Wife Wake up, you wretch I You're dreaiiiiu^ vou're in a |)oker game! I'uck.

CultiiiK K<'|iiirlcc al llic Daiisant.

Dcmmy Kid you incd this Miss Kipjiy.' Some sharp-willed little <rii'l I

Tassc So I perceived. So sharj) that she out one of ymir dances. Princeton Tisor.

(-OX(K|{\IN(; \Vi:\K TK.\.

"Waiter, relurn this tea wheuee it came." said the sad-looking individual, "if I drank much of that. I would get so that rrdinary watci- would make me drunk." I'l'un State Froth.

* »


She (nestling closer) Have you nev- er, never, done this hefore, dear?

lie (doing likewise) No. never!

She (sighing) Oh. George, are you sure you haven't ?

Ill I only met you last night. Stan- ford Chaparral.

Senior (on Swinur Out I)av) : This is the hottest i)lacc I'll ever he in.

Ann: Rather sure of yourself, aren't \ou .'

Model School I'npil: Rohins eat licrries, clicrrics. and other little hugs.


° SISsi^,(gS<S®5n^ ° ^W^s^'S^^ o 5f @tLSS'£@(i5Al.

1,1 1,1 i:sso\.

A u'lrl will) uMs rallcil Liilii Kssoii Had trtmlilc willi Iht (icriiian lcs.son.

Said shr: ■•()li, lllr dcllrc.

I don't sri' the use.

Icli wcnli' rs siiirli'icli vcr.iii-isrn."


.loiifs raiiililcd into a eatf m a inetro- jxilitaii city and Uund his I'riciid Jolm- son seated alone at a table. There Ava.s a sound like ordering sontetliinir and then eanie the (|Uesiion as lo wliei-e .lohnson had heen.

••'I houiriit 1 wiinlil liivc myself a treat,"' answerr;! .iolinson. "and weid to the opera. "

•'The deuiT yon did 1" was the in- terested reioindc'i'. •■What did yi n hear.'"

•• r heard." iTtiiiiie,! .jdlmson. •'that the Brifrhtdirowns ai'i' aliout to fret a divoree: that the Snyder-Sharps are {roinir to .separate, and that the Renton- Sweet.s intend spendin>r a season in Ku- roi)e." -Philadeli)hia Teletrraph.

•onrse. as usual, and pul in .-i I'ortniirhl il a t wrivi'-dollar Atlantic City hoard- uy-hi use." '" Kxcliaiine.

NOT .\T Alil,.

First llrad .My wife's t?one to the West Indies.

.■^( nd (jrad Jamaica .'

i'"ii'st (Irad-Xo she wanted to gii, --The (hMliji-e I'eel.


.Miss Younji- In seieetiuii' a husii;Md. what would you consider lirst :'

.Miss p;iderleiiih— A pf posal. -■ P>os- tim Transcriiit.

THK l,<)(;i(AL FINISH.

Dayton--! know the tan.iro and the turkey-tret. h\it what's the St. Vitus'

Doyle It's the one you do with a trained nurse. —.Tndye.

THK Mlimi.K COl ItSK.

Senator Hoot, at a reception, was dis- eussinjr the .Mexican situation.

"Sti-er a iniddli' eo\u-se." he said to an extremist. ••These I'Xtrcine ideas are alwa.Ns wron<r. ""

••'i'hus. at a tea. one younfi' i:irl asked another :

" "And where are .\nu eoin^' this summer, dear?"

" 'Fi-om the way nnjther talks." was the replv. 'you'd think we were goiufr to Newport. Frim tlie wav father talks \ou"d tliiid< we were iroin<r to starve. Hut 1 supposi' we'll steer a middle


"'i"hey are shiftinu' consuls (ii tiie merit system." said Jerome S, .Mi' Wade, the Duluth collector. '■Ilei'e's a man in Shan-rhai at .t4.r)nO act I in: -.hifteil to liiireelona at f(;:i.<i(>(l. .\no1i'ir consul with a Warsaw .jnh at .+4.01)1) is shifted on the merit system to Flume at $:i.()()0. .\ few more such shifts, and where will the poor fellows land .' "

'• 'Shiftiiifj eeiisuls on the merit s,\s- tem---that's a jrond wa.\- to express it. It reminds me of Bilson :

" 'Have vou heai'd of the le|-ril)l


^^(^^mmm^ ^ Sa^igg^g^d^ ° ^©u^g-Ss^s^ ° I

lIlisFdl'llllir ll;is lirrallcii Holies.'' liri'TINCi -I'W:) |{llil»S.

I'il^oii ■'^;iii' In inc. ^ •■S,, iiiN loniicr In-ni'n.iian rcliuscs 1.)

^' ' said. 'No! (ilii'v nil': ' cxi-iaiiiu'd the iioss. "Uriiif^

•■ ■lii.iics. [KKir IVMdw.' saiil ililson. ,n,.'iii\ tnisl\ wliitcwaisli lirush:" 'has cldpcl Willi my wilr,'" St. Lmii. ■■Siirrh \..u arc luif trc.iiii.' to -.'iv..'

(II. he Dciiinrl'al. Ili,,, ,1,,, |'„.,|,.|i1 of il I"'

"No. I'll Iri the whitcwa.sli sjilasli ** * * my way while I use the reverse end as

a eliili." \\'asliin;:liiii


lie Do yiiii know miu-li almiit t^oll' .' She Absolut el \- notliiiii,'-. 1 wruldirt oven know how to hold my eaddy i)rop- l'i;«»\ llUvNT l'.\.

erly. Huston Traiisei-ipt. .Mr. Rural llamlei itu ministerial

iment'— "Do lia\'e somi' im re of the

* eoi'ii. Dr. Kifihthly; il eame out of our

own grinleu."

.\\ .WVl'Tl. ()\l<;. Little Hnttiii Hamlet "Yes. 'n' the

., , , ,,. . . i-hieken eiime oiiti'i' oui' own uarden, too,

^ oil say her love allairs liave |,ro- ,,., ^,,,,| j,,, ,,,., ,,,,. |.,,,,^ „..^| ,i„or w„uld

eressed I remi ahst rae( to eonerele. ^ ,,,,.;,. ,,,.,, ^ ^,, |,,,^,„ ^,|.,,.,. ,,,. ,.^,,j^,|„

•^es; she jilted a t it le-uaninty man ^., ,.,^^ „„„.,, „,. •,„,.-•_._., ,„|^„,

o t;il<e on a huililer.

« * #

( I! AMI'KI).


How liiiu- ha.s this restaurant been

"\\li:it s the matter with this .'leva- open.'" asked the wouUldu' diner. tor.' ask.'d the nervous man. "^on ■■Two vears." said the iiroprielor.

ke..|. tryme 1. run it throni>:li the root.' •■] .„„ ^„rrv [ did know it." said

■■You'll have to exellse me." replied the uuest. "'l shouhl he better oil' if I the operator. "1 m n,,t used to one of |,.„| ,.,,„„. |„.,.,. then." these htlle t weiity-story linihlmes."-- ■■Yes.'" smiled th,- proprietor, verv

Washington Star. miieh pleased. ■■ How 's that .' "

"I should |)rolialily have been served by this time if T had." said the iruest. and t)ie entente eordiale vanished. UK.AL H.AHl) V.-<»HK. I'hiladelphia l'ul>lie Ledger.

"1 sav. Reeinald. \'vi- foreolteii in\- ,-ar,l-ease," ' « « *

"N'evah miiul. deah boy. I'll lend ymi .some of mine." CERTAIXTA .

"15nt— ah— the name^ would be dif- .Mr. Smith (in Arith. >.. -H' a briek is

ferent. doneherknow . " 2 by S iiiehes what part is exiwsi'd in

"So they wi ulil ; what a ln'ad .\on this sidewalk .' have e-ot. Aley!" -London .Miss :\[e("arthy.— The outside.


° ^gjni,(^'5@@5i^ ° 5jSuggAy^ig@(^ ° lF'@^g'S@@5^ ■> I

ITT HIS K(M)T IX IT. M,.. (Jnnl.Mi. Sonu' pr,,plr kiu.w tllcv

lir.'fiitly .loiics attciulctl a l'ii.sliicmali:c '"^'Vi' I'i^; IV'-l. nilins wear wliilc sliocs. hall. Duriiiy: llic cvctiiiii; he met a ()ret- ty yciiiifT woiiiaii drcs-sed in soft tiliny wliite. and wi'ariiii; the i-utest little slip-

per.s that ever eiiea.setl a dainty foot. -lane -Why does he hmk the pieliire

In.staiitly the .loiie.s eye dfopi)etl in that "I' niisery .' diri'etion. Hetty -He sa>s he's a vietiin of a

"I'ar«lon. me." apolo-ri/.ed Jones. frame-np. I)lushin,irly. "it was very I'ude of me. I know, hnt I couldn't help notieinir yinif slippefs. '"

"I see."" smiled the .\oun<; woman. Diiteli Doi;"<i()iie. .someone swiped my

•;ood natni'edly. "What do yon think safety razor. ( f" Sims— What "(iillette"" him do it

"What do 1 think of them.'" exclaim- for.'" ed .Idiie.s, wilh lai'i;f empha.sis: "they are simply iirimensi'I" « * »

* * * "IlaN'e y(iU seen m\' wife.' I ean"l

find her, and \'\f ferirotten what eohir MI<;HTY l,(»N<J STOP. wii;- she Wears." Lifj'.

.\ traveler on a south of Knijiand railway recently a.sked the guard wheth- er, eonsideriiiir the speed of the train.

he mi»rht he allowed til alit,'ht and LM'hi-r There ain't nothin>i- on this earth,

some tiowers. I, ike a irirl. iioiid and tl'ne.

Th.> -uanl. how,.v..r. had heard :t he- -Sprciallv whm ver IVelin" had.

tore, and I'lMilied that thiwei's were not .... ^, . , , ,,

,•.,'• 1 *i -^ eVerNtllini;' Imiks hlni'; Vet lint, it lienij;- earl\- in tlie year.

I'.iit the passeiiLn'r was iinile'nnahash- '•'^" ""' '•'"nils, 'pilars like, won't hreak ed. away.

"It's all riulit. irnard,"" said he: "I've ",\' yer tronhle's hanl ter stan<l,

,o'(.t a few packets lit" ^^■^ nii'.dity nice and comfortin".

^ ^ ^ I''!' have some (me t' hold yer hand,

•T. W, .\. |{.

"Well, why did yon crme to eollecte « « «

anywa,\' .' Yun are not stnd.ving." said the Professor.

"Well." said Willie. "I don't know exactly m,\self. Mother sa\s it is to fit niP for the rresideiicy : I'licle 15111. to sliel" I'emarked Von More, sow m,\- wild oats: Sis, to irct a chiim "Thin.'" responded De "why

for her to marry, and I'a. ti hank'rniit she's .so lilamed thin that if she'd only tlie family,"' lunrnal. close one ryr she'd look- likT a needle!'

'Vonr cousin is dreadfnlh' thin, isn't


° '^m,<^^m<^^ ^ SS'iU?5=i!^s@d^ « 5F@UiJ^"£®^5a

<i Ill's »»l r <M' IT.

'I'lir Siiiilhs' I)mIi\ Wiis liui' 1 a

( 'linsl mas iiinrii, and it was tlir lirsl 'lialir (if llir Sinillis. anil it was cxactl) a year < lil on the ( 'lirist mas l)a.\ w lu-n a partv was held Id (■clcliralc llir lime. 1 1 is name was .lnlin. liut ln' was li'rn- rraily called '■.loliinnic " I'nr \'<\t'j:. and llii'i'i' was iic\cr such an ini'ani in tln' wide world.

"He is a thoi-iinyh treniiis," cxclaiinrd Mrs. Smith. " 1 'm sni'i' of i1.""

"lie will liccc nie an invcntm'." said .Ml-. Snutli. " I'oi- he is so orijrinal."'

■'.Mayhe an aetoi-,"' sijihed Mrs. Smith, "for he is so Ijcadtiful. "

"Of a iniisician, '" piped in Mr. Snnth. "for his voice i-eminds inc of .Mendels- srhn."

"Oi- a izcnoral in the army." <;uessed .Mi's. Smith, "he is so active."

"Or a iiTcat politician!" e.xclaiiiied ?>Ir. Smitli. with enthusiasm.

"l>ut wliy a politician.'" ipiericd the wife, in disappointed tones.

"Uecanse. my dear." came the reply. "he .seems to crawl out of everythinir .so casilv. "

Sludent Cwho j:( cs lo see {firl down town, lo .scrxani at Ihc door) .Mias I !row 11 .'

Sei-\alil She's eiiiia;.'ed.

Student I know. I'm wlial .she's i-ii- -a-ed to.


'1 inulerstaiid th;it the youiifr man in the house iK'xt to yon is a Mnished coi'- netist .'"

"Oh. is he.' T was .just ><Tewin'_' up

m\' courasre to tinish him ni\'self. W'lio did it .'" '

VAT AX I) ikm; mtk.

"What do you mean li.\- a <-at-an(l- dotr life.'" said a hushand to an anirry wife. "Look at Carlo and Kitty asleep on the rug. 1 wish men lived half as happy with their wive.s. "

"Stop." said the lady. "Tie tlieni to- U'ether and see how the\- will airree. "


Of all sad werds that l)i'in<;' us soi'-

She Must Have Heeii Out Last Nijilit. Dr. Di-ew". (live an example for |)er-


'■""■ Marion Wheeler (thinkin<r of the

The saddest arc. "Written test to- ,iesk i .— When I hok at von I .see a block morrow." „f „.,,„^|^

Dlf-THK-DirS. JluUiner— .Mr. .M,d)onald. what do they raise in Illinois '

^Fr. ileDonald Grain. Ilax. and all Alma Hensell. to Luella. after the olv

kinds of eattle. servation plans were triveii out. Oh.

^ Mulliner How do you know well, everyone has his ups and downs.

they raise cattle.' Luella ' Russel.— That 's ri^rht. hut

Jlr. ilcDouald Hecaiise 1 came from iust now I'm down |)ri'tty low because

there. I'm hard up.


o 22aS^^,S'l^S®S^l ^ SSlUMJ^SCgd^ <=> 5f'@^T^'5(^5aL °


Miss I'll. -I-, -Will) \v:is Tcniiysoirs A MISTAKK.

I'iitlirr.' As iiiir ilay I sal a thiiikiiif;.

.lull.' Ii'olliT -1 r. i-ir.'t his nam.'. With a s|'.iril that was sinking'.

or a i-iiiiiposiliiMi in Litci'alni'c Ihat * * * was .hi.' til.' fiiliowiuf; dav.

Caiiii' thi' s.Miii.J oi' soiiu'oiii' rappiuir, XoriMar-l.iva.l" may 1h' a finir year's ^ol't'y lai'i'lni;. ta|)piii'r. tappiiifr. ),,;,f "Fuas a siiini.l I '.I li.'ar.i so ot't.'ii in

lliat saiiii' .ihl i-antiiiiis way. » * *

" "I'is s.iiiii' I'l'liiah'." liii'li I nnitl.T.'.]. I!u1 1 s.-ar.'.' ha.l tho.' w.inls iill.T.'il. Till airaiii 1 h.'ai'd Ihi' ra|ipiiii;' at my (Tiiiie S:4(l A. -M. Sun. lay. 'i huiiilil.' iiltl.' <i.)ir;

L. S. (just ha.-k I'min hr.'aki'asl. aii.l ^'iH in Mh'n.v 1 .sal \vaitiii<r. h.-ariim an ah-inn .•l.M-k.-W.'ll. I'.l u-t With my h.'arl a-palialin-

.. I ill till' sil.'iii-i' ixvrw oppi'.'ssi VI' anil I

"!• '"<> 'I ' "'■'''■ >•""■ ,.„ul,l n.,1 slanil it inor,..

!,. l;. ( still ill lii'il tryiiiL:- In ili-riiii' 1.1

ai'is.' in tim.' t'nr rliapri Siiiula.x iiiu-lit). "C'onn'." I w hisprri'il with I'liiolinn,

\VI„, ivil .' For t hail a s.irt nf nulinn

Twa.s somi'oni' willmnt lu' I'.nn-

iiiff tlnis 1.) seek Fi r aid. lint to my snrprisi' Ihi' maid.'n. Kiitcri'd not as I'd pi'rsna.l.-n. l'-Acll,TVs I'-AVOKITI': I':.\I'<)\. i^„| vomain.'.l in ntiimst sil.'in-i'. and no

Miss \Vint.'r.s.— Good llvav.-ns: •"'■'^"■'■'' ^'''1 ^'"' "'•"^'■■

Miss Smith. Don't vmi liki- lliat .' . , , ,. . t . i

I I't ".• le-irii it ' Vui.'kl\' Irom ni.v chair I hasl.'ii.-.l.

'.Mr. .ianK.s.-.\ow v..ii v. iiiier pe.,pli> T„ tlir door which xvasn '1 faslrn.'d.

must srind awav. ' ' 'I''"'''" '' "'."'." "'''^ " i-onli'iiain-.. that .Miss Baiimhach.-Wir spi.Tlim """''I '■"" ""' "'="'1''" f'"'^c^P-

* *

Dt'Utschi' in dics.'i- Klassc

lint. alas. iii\ fi'.iwu wa-; in'cdless.

Mr. .lai'kson. Wi'ini'i.thuslh'alonu'- '^'"'' "I"'" ""' '"""''''; '"■'''•l''^^^- . . .

St'iiil till' iiliiiiili.'r will was wailiiii; .just

as pali.'iil ;is you pl.'asi'.


.Mr. 'I'alhol That's ri^iht.

Miss (■.illiiis.— What!

.M iss .\ pplctratc. Yes ves ves.

.Mr. M.'yers.— !?x ?!!?!!'.

.Miss M.diain. Are you librarian he or am I ?

Jliss Crawford. -No. that isn't just .Miss Winl.'i-s. t.i .Miss West, who was

it. at the hoard haviiiir a dit'lieiilt tim.' with

.Mr. .Idliii Smitli.-- Some peoph' think r.'fra.'tion : Now. Miss West, iilease iret I'm a i-ineh. hut Ihroiiirh with oiii- "sun' before \nu

.Miss Stei)henson.--(!.'t tliat ! ta.-kle anolh.'r."



° '^M.i^^i^m^ ° SSMS=i^e(i(S ° 'is'@w,'is^iBB^

i\ iiiK <;i;k.m.\\ ( i-.\ss.

.1. W. A. Urowii, rcadiiif,' jilninl in (icniiMii. Kli.'li! Klirli! Foldlicri' 1

(To hiinscir). 'I'liciv arr tun |l,•a^ here I


A inaidrii ladx. Miss riickcr, and lici iiii'L'o, whii hcai's 111!' sanir naiiii'. wciil one evening' to a i-ci-c|iti(ii at the Ihmisi of a friend.

•'Wliat n; plrasc.''" iii(|uiri'd liu


"Miss Cocker."' answered tlie eldi'i lady.

•'Miss Cocker, tno. " .jnilled till- nice


Whereupon llie man nf plush and liut- tons opened the drnwius room door and with all the diirnity of his iirefession ushered them into the midst of the com pany «ith the i-(invulsive announce ment :

"Miss Cnekei' and Miss Cockati'ol""


Givi' nie a da.\- in a shady nook.

Deep in some drowsy dell. A clear, cool sprinu'. and its woodland hro.k

With a s.iund like a silver hell.

Give ine a .scat on the softest moss.

Par from the world and all. Where sunheams |)lay when the treetops toss. And the irossipinsi' lihicja.N's call. Give Hie m\' Sweet with her lovelit eyes.

Her crown of radiant hair. And never a nook neath the ai-chiuir ski.'s Will hold a happier i);nr.

IT. P. S.

As A I I -.11?

" 1 cannot luidcistand u h\- a man -liould want ti di-iuk iiito.xicatin'.^ liipiors." .said (hveiis to a eompan.v of hoys. not considered jroodies.

"Why." said .lohu. "simply heeause the tcniperence societies are not aeeoni- plishin<r a jri-eat deal and so men with a sense of duty 1r>- to consume all thev can se as to L'et it out of the country."

"Then why do they not buy out the saloons ami I'lnptv thi' lieveracre into the river?" asked Owens.

And Paul. ri'i>li<'d. "Uecause it would nialce the fish drunk."

Win iiii:iti'. AKi: so >ia\v.

.Miss .Mnlliiicr. -It 's snowiiiir. ^'irls. Boys, lookintr out of the window. Where are they.'


Oh. the clauirine and the liansiuL' of the

bells. What a world of expectation their

nu'li'dy foretells. Of the breakfast .steaming hot. Which to miss is e'er my lot. Of all physics pnvblems done. Which in-epared T have not one: Of the German verbs not h'arned. And .iust then inv thouirhts have turned To the them.' I did not write: Well. I nevcf do things right. So I rise with hesitation. \iul have sort of a temptation 'I o call forth a headache awful. Hut I k low "twculd be unlawful. So I rise about ti :.")(). Don m\ 'xarnu'Uts rather swiftlv .\nd Uii down and face the music which is sure to wait for me.


W,m.<^^mm^ ° SS^LUUfiy^s^d^ ° 5F@iy?^"i^s^5ni. «

AM> TllliV AUK liUOTUKKb TllO i'asllinll

of iiiiiiiiiijr coloivil cliiUUvii after tlic FnlhiT of Mis Country swiiis to l)i' chaiiiriiiir. 1 am incliiu'd to bclicxc that many olorctl parents an- namiiii: their I ffsprinjr after Pullman cars. Tliis tlu'ory is altosretliei- rea.soual)h'. consiil- erinu; the fact tliat so many of the proud fathers are porters. I know of one sueh father on the I'enns.xlvania lines whom I i-efer to as (ieoi'ge. (Jeorge lias quite an interestini; family, eonsistinjr of .Mareeile, (ionzella and I'oineiana. Mar- eella. I hasten t( inform you. is a boy. and when his school i)rincipal recently suggested that he change it to Marcellus. there was an iiulignant protest from his mother.

Which i-amlilini:' tliouiilits lead nic to a stor.\- I must tell you. Clitt'oi'd Barnes, ol' the Sunday Evening Club, was leav- inu- his otfice in the Otis Building when he encountered in the hallway two little |)icUaniiinies. evidently the children of one of the sub.jauitors.

" Wliat "s your mime.'"" he denuinded cf the older'of them.

'•Ma nam<'."' replied the little fellow, "is Hubert (iladstoiii' St. Ignatius Brown."

■'.\nil viiiir brother's name.'"" a.sked


Long, level rays of mellow, golden light pispel llic rhillilig lilisis of lleeing

niirht : 1 awaki'. while \ ct the world is \\r\ with

dew. .\nd start adowii the <la\ with lliots of

you. But now 1 feel the dl' god of sleep. Feel all his subtle siothing o'er me

Yet. en- 1 sink to sluiiibcr ncath his

iinght. .My heart to your heai't sends a sweet

irood-iiight. y\v tliots trail dind\ at his siliMit call. .My weai'X- e,\,'li(U, softly weighted, fall. .\ii(l all the wcii'ld slips froiii me fai'. it

seems. When lo. 1 lind .\<ni present in in>-

dreams. ' - II. i'. S.


.Marw .^lar,\'. (piite conti'ary.

How does pe|-S|)ective gO ?

With vanishing points .Viid tanirential .joints.

.\nd diminishing desk's in a r<i-w.

"His name am .jes" Pieface.'" Chicdfjii lull r-Oi I iin.

The big i-ed tnui-ing car strui-k a pedestrian, rolling him in the mud and nialtreatiuL' him in general. The < wner ran back, greatly excited, after stop|)ing his ear. "Is he dead.'" hi' asked anx- iouslv of the physician who was work- ing over the victim. "Oh. no. " replied the i)hvsieian cheerfully. "lie's not dead: Iw's merelv run down."'

NKW sciiioni'i.i': The i'ailwa.\- train hail .just put in a tango pla.\ ine machine.

■'.Vri' wi' i-uiniing on eastern or cen- tral time.'" asked a passenger.

".\either."' re|>lied the <'Olldnct()r wearih'; "rag time." -Witshiiif/liiii Slar.

She : Will Vim have some |)ie .' lie: Is it eompulsiirx- .' She: \o. apple.


o 22^(gi^©(gaTi ° SEM5T^i3@d^ o gF@^g'£@@S\L °

liill Siiiil h I I 'iripirr j ; !•'( III. ( 'licslcr I liiiily ! : Wlirrr ;irc llir I'lsitll- crs .'

I'.ill: V,Mi liniic head, tlu> IS a pirknl

Ilislory Tcarhcr: Kiilli, liiiw loiii;' did llir Tliir'l.\ Years War lasl .' K'lll ll : I don 't Jllsl ri'llirnilirr.


1 t'cci no joy ill t;irt or iiaiii.

'I he sini>iiit;- of the birds is vain.

Tile dowel's liiid. mid bloom, and fall For iiic uiihccdt'd, and the call

Of friendship is a iiallini;' i-liain.

The vi'i'v haunt.s 1 held so deal' Ik'i'cUisc she shared them, now are drear. The memories that round tliein eliiii;- .\re biiti'i' mockeries, and brinsr K'edonliled pain instead cf cheer.

'riiis world is but a ]n'ison place

Whose hated c(n'i'idors I pace.

.Viid thru its narrow casements see ^ly world of love withheld from me.

With bars e'en time cannot efface.

ir. p. s.


I''iissy Wife. Do have anotiier one of thesi' biscuits, if you <raii eat Ihem. I didn't ^'et enoufrh lightning in them.

("I'lKh' Hired Man.— "I thoiijrht they tasted like Ihuiuler.

F. [I. W. -! ! !

.1. W. .\. UiTwii. to Harold Swift, who i'o(h' on horseback.— Where did you get I hat mule .'

Swift. In the .stable, of coui'se.

J, W. A. 15..— Oh. I was talkiiifr to the horse.


Mis.s Smith. Haven't any of you ever si'cn the Devil's Elbow? 6h. it's heau-


Geology Teacher: Are there many bluffs around here .'

Edna F. (after a hasty look around the elass^ : Ye.s. there are a great many.

Helen Boardman. reciting the lines from Hamlet which hegin. "He was a man. take him for all-in-all" He was n man Xo. take it from nic hi' was a man.

:Model Teacher: What is a .iungle .' Eager Youngster: Oh. I know, it's a

fellow who .jiggles a little round thing

on the end of his thumb.

Tlistory of Ed. Teacher: H" Mann sui)- ported this theory, who supported him ?

Jliss C: I heard that he had a rich wife.

English Teachei': Mr. Simpson, what does 'to stick in one's crcp' mean. Mr. Simpson: To plant grain.


"^MM^mmm^ o S3"iL25i^.(^@(S o 5F@^B'i^@(g5ni.

As Told hy a Tree

l)i> you tliiiik. oil liltli' cliildrcii. as ymi

piuss luMU'ath my hoiijrh The first 1< vi' word I ever lieard is tliat

you utt(>r now .' Do you think, niy little children, as you

linger near my shade. That vows so true as those you .speak.

have ne'er before been made?

More yeai's ago than yi u niiirht eount.

More time.s than y<iu might ken.

These .selfsame words, those selfsame

vows Have passed 'twixt maids and men.

When I was but a tiny sjjrig. >>earee taller than the grass. 1 had my first eneounter \Vith a lover and his lass.

.\i\d then two other lovers eame In .just a year or two: A Puritan swore the lover's vow And promised to be true.

The maiden eame again alone. Her eyes with weeping red; Alas, his vows in .jest were made. The faithless man had fled I

.\nd when I'd grown a little more. I'ei-haps was six feet high. .\ eontin(nital soldier with Tli.s bride eame wandering by.

He told her. as they all did. That he lived her more than life. He kept his word ; I saw her Wlien she was a well-loved wife.

He was an Indian tall and strong:

The words his lips eould frame

W'ei-e different far from yon

speak. Their meaning was the same.

His strong young arm arotmd her. He lo<ked on her with pride And feared she would o'er-tire lierself. This dark-haired Indian bride.

Again, when I beeame mature And stood here tall and bold. Another eouple wandered here To tell their story old.

But very soon. ah. all too soon. He eame with low bowed head And leaned against mv heart and groan- ed: His bride-to-be was dead.

T rai.sed mv head in wonder. It did me nnite amaze. So loving was his gentle voiee. So ardorous his gaze.

.^pain thev passed beside me I'd had not time to "row A heavv paek lay on her baek. Her step> were pained and slow.

Her lord n«h- fnsh b.fore her! I gasped and sazed with awe. And then T .slowly luidei-stord. The 'bride was now the sipiaw.

And many mere have passed this way. Have stood on this same spot. And all have told the selfsame tale; Some spoke the truth, some not.

So now vnu nndestand. mv friends. "Wliv I felt no surprise -\t the jiassion in voui- voiees or Tlie love-lieht in your eyes.

I have seen .some real affeetien Blessed and sent from Heaven above. But alas, (must I eonfess it?) I've seen more of "pupp.'^" ' love.


° SgM(^'S@(^gnl. ° SSlUJJAJ^g®^ ° 5r'm5g'5@@5n^ '^ I

Tne CKain and Ball Societ})

Sentenced 1914


I)!)!)!) I):ii:d Diiii .Mooiv lIl.KiM I-iltlc Diildi LaiHirii.slat-'iT

L'(I(I47 I'divh-cliiiili.M' .Mike .MciKisky :!:!77 ('...nhy I'.nli IJrliin

4S:{()1 V(.|l,)\\ .MiilTay inn I'.looily Itrd .|. liii.s

111:11 Slipiicry Sliick l:'l:ii:i .linnnic tlir Dip I'.rnwn

Life 1 i;hm.

■200] K'illrr |)nr Ivriug l:il Diilcli till' ('(111 l.aU(lciisla<.'<T

IMtiTM '1 (iiiiiiiy till' Skip 7(1441 Kissic Wissiiiiicr

:i:j:!:i .lo,. Camplicll llic \ifri


It K'osciitlial lli(4<s (II- Tz/y ."id.'id Wliitcy Doii'iilas

IHKIDII Si-alp I,i'vi4 Spciu'i'r 7!):i77 Siiii;- Siiii;- Marliii

*:{;',ri:) Ddnr-luislcr Sims 111 Ral ]\Iorro\v l:5t)L*7 Cral'ly Craii;'

The 1(I-ye\1! IJrxcii.

il'JDL' One riikiKiwii 717l.'i (J.xpsy -lark

■77:5 Mdciiishim' Mattv

71 ( l(i P>aiitaiu l>()iiclici-

'I'liE .M(iia;rK T>ist. Remains of Nil. li:!S:i7 Jihii I'aiil Alldii, alias Tlir Cral).

AUcst :

James H. Ajient. K. .1. .\1evi:hs. Cdiirl SI, inHjniiilur. SuiiniiK Courl.

AV II. I.I AM .1. Jack. STAVES UoKiNsdX. ■■Triishi." Circuit Court.

Wiiilrr 'P. Man. IHU.

* Si'iiti'iiiH' .siispciiiliMl. liilrrvriitioii of (Jiiv. J. ('. Smitli.


° SI25i^,(^'fe@(g5ni o W,W^s^^<^(^° Wm^'^^<m>'S^ °

"Wno is it and wKy for"

in the Senior Class

Tin In si slinhiil."


Th, pi-f tficsf <!irs."


Tlu tliiidKul."



o SSM^-Se^Jni ° 'i^w^j^'^^^ o ]Fm5B'"£@@5a

riu iii"si sidhh/."


Tlu /(///(>■/.•■


Til, s„n,



S22Si^,(^'S@®S^l. « SSu.25^S(gd^ » SFOtySSl^^^jAi, »

Th, pnllioil."


' Till (liiiiilii si . "


Till liiiiijiiisl.''



SSm,(^-Ss@5TJ. ° SSuggn^g^d^ ° IF'@^g'£@@5m. ° I

'I'lif hrxl (In )!<■()'."


Tile hcsl Ifiniis jildii' r."


■■The liiuij'"! I'lU'O:"



o '^m,(^^^m^ o SMJ'iLG^n^Sdd^ o ^fOtLS^-g^iiJnl,


SggJni,@'Se@gi^ ° IMguggi^g^d^ ° IF@UJ5g'£@@Sit. <> I



Tne Kelp eacn and e\)er>) one of our advertisers nas given us.


Has been puDlisnea under a great handicap

and it has been thru ^our help that v^e

have been able to make it the

book it is.


Our readers ^m patronize the merchants and professional men Nwhose advertisements appear in the follo^^'ing pages.






Ii2Ssil,(g'S(S(^Si^, ° 'i^WIf^'^^(QL ° ^©^glt^^s^ °

Advertisers in 1914 Instano

Anderson Millinery

Geo. T. Buchanan

Bucknell University

BrovJn's Boot SKop

Cunningham & Fisher

Electric City Engraving Co.

The Farmers Bank

First National Bank

Gem Studio

Jaj) D. Hill

Indiana Deposit Bank

Indiana Normal Book Room

Indiana Normal Business Schc


Paul Leib

Chas. Miller

Moore Cafe

Dr. Ruffner

Pitt Theatre

Savings and Trust Co.

Dr. Shaulis

Dr. Stevenson

Spirit Publishing Company

Springer's Studio

Walker & Watson

Wine & Wine


o 5silm(g4s(^5m <= IMI'yl5i^^s(ld^ o 5f ©us^'Se^s^


If trouble comes to call on you, Jus weep and he will stay,

But lift your voice in cneery song, Ana Ke vJill go aw'ay.

H. M. T.



Foot Facts

You don't require a great many pairs of snoes in a year— no other article of dress Kas more to do witK your comfort and apjiear- ancc than footv;'ear.

WKy not buy the best?

TKe best in footvJear bears tne name "Browns.

We offer our best service in carefully fitting you to the proper style and size.

BROWN'S Boot Shop

705 Philadelphia St. Indiana. Penna.

The City Bakery

Paul P. Leib, Proprietor

Pure FresK Bread, Cakes, Rolls, Etc.

Local 'Phone 19Y. Bell 222R 802 Philadelphia Street Indiana, Pa.

'■\Vh\ didn't \(iii send \oiir man to iriciid ni\- clci-lrii- licll.'" •"Ill' did ixi . iiiiid;iin; lull, as \\r! three times and ji'nt no answer, he conrhuhHl liiat there was noliody at hnme."

.\ Cliieaiician who emphivs a Swedish maid :i\ei-heard tile folhiwin.i: con- versation tile other (hi\- helween hi'i' eoiik and thi' maid iii'xt door, alsii a Swede:

■' How are you. Ilihla .'"

■"1 well. I Wkr my yi h. \Vc ent eri>mated eellai', eemetiT>- pliimhinir. elas- tic iic'lits and a "hoosit.' "

"What'.s a 'hoosit.' Hilda .' "

"Oh. a 'liell riiiiis. Yiui put a thine- in your ear and say ■Ilclln." and seme one says 'Ileno.' an' ycni say 'hoo.sit."



BELL 23 12 to 3 P. M




The State Mormal Business ScKool


Connection vJitK


Greatest Normal ScKool

TKe Commercial Teacher's Training Course

1 six terms

TKe Business Course

tnree terms

TKe SKortKand Course

tnree terms

Rates extremely loxO. Tuition and li^Jing sold at COST.

$220 covers all EXPENSES

3xcept books.

TKorougn, practical and up-to

-date in e'Oery particulai

For information address

A. E. Kinsle>)

Head of Business


Indiana, Pa.



Nut ii I'rcsidi'iitiiil l)rc. luit a piilit ii-al lire ol' any .sort. Init I he licr in yiiiii' iMimict should l)f the Icssmi lauulil hy the little hustlcT. 1hr lire ilscir. Th.' In-.' is a WM'krr. 11, is alsi, a siTapi'iM'. KVVAl (1 KT .\C-

<^)r.\i.\TKi) WITH HIS ursixKss

KM).' He Idoks out Inr his owii. stands n|> t'lir his riijlits. Imt alxixi' all. he works and S.\\'I\S. Ill' due, not >a\c in an in- di\idnal pile, rillirr. Hi- yoes in with iithiMs (d' his kind an<l 1!.\.\'KS his carninus

in Ihr hive. 'I he lici' has in all a^rs 1 n

c-iinsidc'rc<l a wise old l)i>.\ and hr is. j'nl his plan into yoiii' iHinnrl. lid, I'ainima. nr \\halc\iT l<ind < \' hcadpici-c yen happen In weal'. It will heat a pnlitieal liei' at h'ast

(;\piT-\E <& sL' ''■" ''■'''''■'■'■"' "■'•'■~^- '■'''■ "'"■ '••■'"'^ ''"' ■'"'"■







hivi' and <.'ct I'onr per eent. eninponnd in- terest (ill \(inr iniine\-.


I l(';i<l(|iMii('t'> lor l'li<iti>^ra|)li> iiml all kiiiiU ot

Pictures. Picture Framing. Cameras. Kodaks, Films and Photo Supplies

I'Min l*:i(k>— ( !<(|i\ iiij; and l'iiilar<riiii;. Second Floor 678 Philadelphia St.. Indiana. Pa,

lli'Icii Is il Irih' lli:il lilr;h-liiiiL; llii' li;iii' I'aiisrs msaiiit.v .'

.Marir Well. I kiiiMv many a I'rllow wlm is siiiipiv w.i/.y ovrr a lildiiilc


Slir- I iiiiilci-slaiiil ynii arc a lovri' of luu.sic. !lr- |)(ill'l .sli;|i (HI liiv aiTDllIlt . .Illiluc

"I'a. whrii is llir I'rcciliiin ol' tlic ci'iv irivcii In a man?" " W'ln-ii his wif'' iidi's til llic c'l iiiitry. iii\' smi." Iiuljri'.

('land Hilt Mill i-crt:iiiil\ riicoui'agi'd iiU' to |ini|iosr.

Clauilia- Well, 1 i-:mi1i1ii'| \-i'rv wcl! tui'ii \-mi down until \iiii did. cnuid I

.\ iTi'tain youiiL; lad\ i'mni Wlici'lino- grew wrnry ni' waltzing and rt-cling.

" It tango t'oi- nil'

It has action .\dn sec."

.\nd she .sinilcil w Iumi hci' ln'cls hit the ceiling.

.\ siiph. more in Sharkey's one clay. lie onlei'cd piiachcil eggs. Tliex had wishlioncs and legs, and the elite little thing ran awav.

lii'own— 1 got this Clip I'll' I'lnuiing.

Kring Who did you heat .'

Ili'iiw II- 'Pile owner and si.\ ])oliceiin'n.

On the (irir Links. Kntliiisiast misses the hall .six times. Small son. "Saw papa, what is that little white hall for.'"


Indiana's Leading Vaudeville & Picture House

The Home of Good, Clean Amusement— Matinee Every Day

Mackert & Co. Sole Owners

Thos. E. Mackert, Manager



First National Bank of Indiana

Indiana, Pa.


Surplus and Profits


Total Assets .

$ 200,000.00







President CasKier







Our policy is and vi'ill continue to be, to as- sist the business, financial and other interests of this community) in ever}) way consistent >with reason- able and sound business methods.

No discrimination is made eiher in favor of- or against, anj) individual or firm, all business mat- ters are treated as strictly confidential. 4 per percent paid on time deposits.




Mrs. R. E. Co



lark 1 liavr lirkcl.s I'uy \hr

lOlsio O'h rimkI ! I'll I'lm ami 5ivi I'caily I'i^lit away.

lai'k All riglit. 1 ,l:uis.s ynu'll Ik- ri-aily in linii' for om-c Tlic tit-kcts art- I'cr loiiKiri'ow niuhl.

.Inn I s.'iw all Kii'yptian sinokint;' an Ktivptian i-iyardti'.

Tom -! am a iicttrr liar than yon ai'r. 1 oih-c saw a Turk takin-,' a Turkisli


i'l'ssimist Hi.arij uoiiisi' up. I'oiiii rent jioiii!.r up. fee jroiiijr up. Xothini; in this liloomiiiLT nio'mal that't soing n\). Opiimisi -Surr! M \- s'rados !

irrlcii "iliss Kelso, wonld you kindly ijivc me a toiiie.'" .Miss l\(>lsr "We don't Ihiidc you need a tonie. You had a rejrulai In-ai'er in ''liapi'l last iiiii'ht."'.

Someoiii' was crmplainintr of tlie way lier man was treatinsr lier.

■■Spi'akiiii;' of ("liristmas n'ifls." said .lane. "Wliy don't yon trive him thi; mitliii .'■'

Grace ''It isn't a nutten he needs, it's a paii' of socks f(n- his i-old feet." .\nd it was!

Musie CIiM'k -What do you wish, madam? Lady- "Sino- m,. \o sh'cp." ph\-ise. .Tudsre.

t I*-

Nitrous Oxide and Oxvcen Administered for






air. Bkiiiii ■£. lliiffiicr



1 TO 5 p. M.

stoii:30a.m. 42 S. seventh ST.



,=:3DT0 5.3DP.M. INDIANA. PA.




HARRY WHITE, president TOM E. HILDEBRAND. cashier

HARRY WHITE. JR. v. president JOHN M. R. FLECK, teller


Capital $100,000 Surplus $1 50.000

Interest Paid on Dcpojiits

Your acroniit will hv apprccialt'd wliclhcr Laijir or Smal


After having added a nevJ pressroom, new and up-to-date machinery, including another nevJ press, making us three presses in all, vJe can safely say that we have

The Best Equipped Job Printing Plant in Indiana County

NORMAL STUDENTS KNOW US-That's vJhy we have been doing their Fratornitj), Sororitj) and Class Printing for the past jive ]?ears. Don't you think that is a good recommendation?


613 Church Street

.lohii ivliiriinl I,) his liriilc :il'tri- a I'cw days' ahsrncc in tlic city and found liri' cryin'^.

"Why. whal's rvcr the ti'DuKh'. in\ (h'ar'" lir asked in real alarm.

i'>r|\\(cn soils shi' Inhl hiai. "Thi\'\c awanh'd inc |ii'i/.c iiH'ihd t'oi' iri\ .sponii'r I'aki'."'

"Wh\. thai is s( thiiii;' li hi' prond of."

"I)nl." shi' \\r\\\ 1)11. "il was for the hesl s|)i'riinrn nl' nmcrclr. "

:\r. D.— '"The i'lai'l (if Kssrx hived Haenli."

.Martha "Millmi iiad ureal dmneslir irouhh'. he was inari-ii'<i Iwiee."'

Durinii- thi' moi-niui;' services in Chapel .jnst' before riiristiiias. the pranks of our ho.\s annoyed the insliaictor in charire very much. Finally he hurst out:

"Iloys. such condnci is displeasing- to (ioil: and what is more. I won't slanil it.""

(Question- ^Vilal is the difference between lii;htnin,>;' and elect ricity .' Aii.swer You don't have to pay for lig'htninu-.


Indiana's Up-to-Date Eating Place


Regular Meals at Moderate Prices

Al a carte Service as Desired

H. GILBS. Proprietor



The Savings and Trust Company

of Indiana, Penna.

Capital $ 2r)().(l(l().(l()

Surplus •. 'JOO.OUO.OO

Kcsoun-es over 2..")i H ).()( )( ).( »0



S^ M. .lACK



Vie,. I'lvsi,!,.. .Sec 'v. and Tvrix

.1. WILSH .Mr( AKTMIV Asst. Trea,


K. K. AVKLLS Asst. Trust ()ffi('(


John S. FishiT 1). P. Riiin

.Ii.lm A. Si-(itt (Ji-orLTc 'P. P.urhaiian

J. Elder Peelor James X. St("\vart Jrlni T. I'.fll llriirv Ifall

Dr. 11. L. .MfCullou-h C -M. Linjrl,'

J. W.mmI Clark II. W. Oherlin

L. F. Sutter S. .M. Jack

Jos. \V. elements




A Twentieth Geutur;\) Institution. Fixed and working capital o-Oer one and a quarter millions of dollars.

Fifteen Buildings.

COLLEGE-Courses in Arts, Pnilosopny, Jurisprudence, Science, Biology, Cnem- istrj). Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Courses.

ACADEMY- -Classical, Latin Scientific and Scientific Cources. INSTITUTE --Literary, Classical, Scientific, Music, Art, Domestic Science, Household Art and Home Economics Courses.

For catalogue, etc., address the Registrar

WALTER 5. WILCOX, Lewisburg, Pa.

Mrs. Kol)iiis()n And were you up the Rhine?

Mrs. de Joues I should think .so I'iurht tc the ver.v tup! \Vh:it a splendid view there is from the .suniinit !

A lea.'hn- in .Moih'i Sehi ni iveently received tiie FdllDwinK note from the mother of an alisent pupil :

■'Dear mam: e.xense Willy. He didii't have l)Ut une |)ear of ])ants an 1 kept liim home to wash Ihem and .Mrs. O'TooIes fjoat <-nm an et them oil' (if Ihr line and Ihi.s awl t.i lie egg.seuse enuflf, goodni'ss nosi'.

' ' Your.s vvitli respeek.

"Mrs. P.."

A Dutehman named .\ni;nst ran a saloon. One day in eame the land- loid and said: "On aeeount of Wilson's election I'll havi' to raise the r<'nt $10 on the tirst of necemher."' "".Ml ris;ht." said August.

Xe.\t day in came the wliiski'v salesman and said: "On Deeemlur 1st whis- key will he 10 per cent, hifrher." '.Ml riofht." .said August.

Next da>- the hartender said: '" l)ei-enrlier 1st .\on will have to raise my wages !|^10 a mcnilh." "All right." said .August.

Next day .\ugnst put up a sign in his saloon tiiat read: "Xotii-e: the first of December will he the last of August."

/^^ T_T \ /f TT T UQ Firie Tailored Clothes made to order


Full Dress Suits For Rent

Over Star Theatre




Will furnisK duplicates from Senior, Sorority and Group pKotos reproduced in tKis In- stano at very reasonable prices.






"The Wine and Wine Label is an assurance of correctness."

You've neara a lot about this shop here of late— it's on tne tip of ever;9oouy's tongue. But don't take Kearsa^— come in and investi- gate for ^'ourself. See tne clotnes that vJe build at $i8 and up. Over tvJo thousand woolens to select from.

E'i'etytKing in Fashionable Tailoring, Skirting, Haberdashery Hats and Caps for town and country use.









Headquarters for

Students' Supplies

and ScKool Souvenirs

Tne Nev? Book Room

JoKn Sutton Hall


NJev? Students Welcome.




Oldest nii«l lt«>s( in S<i»r«'kc>«'piiisi llcliiilth' <)iiiiliii('.s ScnsoiDiltIc I'ri<-«'s

OUR MOTTO: What you yet here will he riyhl. Tlir Kent in Ln<li<>N' iiiiil IVIi-ii'n Tiiil<>r-iiiii<lr ClitllifH

Ladies' Suits $12.50 to $50.00 Men's Suits $12.50 to $25.00

ETjerything you want in Dress Goods, Trimmings and Furnishings. Men's Togs in every line of furnishings.

If you go. ,1 here you vv.ll l,e pie.isea. iN. K. Loil&lir.V Co.

Model Again

SI riiuiiliiii;- Ti'.-iclici' ( H\|il;iiniiin' -,[ chu-k ) "A c-lm-k lijis a face, two Iiaiids iiikI :i |»iiiliiiuiii. Nitw. .liiliii. ixo {■) Ihr lioard and wi'itc a sentence a'bout a licndiilniii. "

•Idlin's snilciirc ran as lollows: " I'l'ndiilniii l''raMl<liii was a tii'i'at man liccaiKc hr disi'DviTtl litilil int:. '" Siiiilli "Wlial rlass is vdiii' son in?"

I'i'oiid l''alliri' "Why. my son. he is in II11' sycannu'c class."

Lit lie Kllii'l. aii'cd 4. askrd her mutUcr. if she might go over and pla>- witli thr litlK' ,i:irl next door. i\ccciving' no answri-. .she remarked. ■"Well manni. i{ S. V. P."


Wholesale Grocer Iiitliiiiiii, - - - Pemisvlvaiiia


th^ Electric City Engraving Co.






Tlie IQ14 Edition of tlie Instano Was Printed and Bound by

The Spirit Publishing Compan})

Puiixsutawne^', Pennn.

Our plant— one of tKe best equipped in Pennsylvania—is housed in the above building.

We are alwai,''! pleased to furnish estimates, dummies, layouts, etc.. on all kinds of »Jork. be it a pamphlet fine color job like the Instano.

If it s printed, litnograpnea or engra\'ea, our prices will interest ;9ou.



PoR1fTa3=n.Tr OF- O^-R.- EL-Dt T'O'R


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