QH 212 N 48 i V' . The New York Society of Electron Microscopists THE INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY VOLUME I 1950- 1955 \ THE INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY x= cor ■m = a s CD = □ VOLUME I 1950 - 1955 The New York Society of Electron Microscopists 2 East 63rd Strept New York 21, New York Copyright © 1959, by The New York Society of Electron Microscopists Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 59-11629 PREFACE This volume of The New York Society of Electron Micros- copists ' (NYSEM) International Bibliography of Electron Mi- croscopy ( IBEM) contains references to the literature published in the years 1950 through 1955. These were first published on edge-notch cards quarterly as they accumulated. References are also included that were found late and have been issued on the cards through June 1958. Republication in book form is intended to make the references again available now that com- plete sets of the cards have been exhausted and also to facil- itate accessibility to the 4,054 references that occupy more than three linear feet in card form. We have used this republication as an opportunity to check all references against the papers in the NYSEM reprint collection for accuracy of transcription and subject analysis-. The whole has been edited for uniformity of style. All known previous errors have been corrected and despite our pains to avoid them, we cannot doubt that some new ones have been cre- ated. We shall be grateful for users bringing these to our attention. The greatest problem in compiling the IBEM has been locating pertinent papers that are characteristically numer- ous and widely scattered in the total body of the scientific literature. We were fortunate in the performance of this indispensable task to have been able to enlist the assistance of several libraries. We are pleased to acknowledge the co- operation of Thomas P. Fleming and the staff of the Medical Library of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City; Anna M. Sexton and the staff of the Library of the Division of Laboratories, New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York; Jaqueline Felter and the staff of the Library of the Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases, New York City, with the collaboration of Frances M. Mottram; and more recently the Library of the Insti- tut ftfr Elektronenmikroskopie, DUsseldorf, F.D.R. We have fre- quently drawn upon the resources of the Libraries of Columbia University and the Library of The Rockefeller Institute, both New York City, in the routine of compiling and editing the IBEM and gladly acknowledge our indebtedness to these insti- tutions. Two regional efforts on our Jaehalf to attack the search problem at its source merit appreciative mention. The energy of W. Bernhard, Institute de Recherches sur le Cancer, Ville- juif (Seine) , in bringing the existence and needs of the IBEM iii to the attention of French electron microscopists has resulted in a freely flowing stream of reprints from authors of newly published papers. From Switzerland regular collections of re- prints from the entire country have been received at one time as a result of the industry of Alain Gautier, Secretary of the^ Section d'Optique et de Microscopie Electroniques of the Comite Suisse d'Optique. The widespread benefits of these endeavors is self-evident. We are grateful to the thousands of microscopists who have generously responded to our requests for reprints. These reprints are the raw material from which the IBEM is constructed. They help to assure accurate references and subject analyses. We continue to believe, however, that without being solicited, investigators should promptly submit their reprints for index- ing, feeling the same responsibility for securing bibliographic recognition of their work as they do for initially publishing their findings. The NYSEM and particularly the IBEM were fostered at their inception by The New York Academy of Sciences through its Executive Director, Mrs. Eunice Thomas Miner, whose assist- ance and counsel are appreciatively recalled. The IBEM was undertaken with a grant from the Li Ilia Babbitt Hyde Foundation. During the period that the number of subscribers was growing to the point where the IBEM would be- come self-supporting, the Hyde Foundation aided with further grants. This and the aid of the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged: Radio Corporation of America, Philips Electronics, Inc., Farrand Optical Co., Optical Film Co., and U. S. Public Health Service (Grant C-2725) . It is a pleasure to mention the following members of NYSEM whose personal contributions at various times have helped to assure the success of the IBEM: Harry M. Allred Councilman Morgan Chester J. Calbick George E. Palade A. R. T. Denues Keith R. Porter Robert M. Fisher Helmut Ruska Marlene Friedlaender Paul Skiba. Kenneth T. Morse, Bibliographer and Dan H. Moore, Chairman Bibliography Committee April 9, 1959 IV INTRODUCTION Scope This is a bibliography of the world literature on elec- tron microscopy for the use of practicing electron microscopists. We have attempted to include all papers that report or review original research with or upon the electron microscope. Elec- tron diffraction has been excluded, except for papers reporting instrumentation adapting the electron microscope for these studies, and for studies employing parallel diffraction and microscopic examination of specimens. Papers describing other types of microscopy not functioning with visible or ultra-vio- let have been included. This first volume of a series of projected cumulations of references published earlier on edge-notched cards contains all references to papers published from 1950 through 1955 that were issued on cards through June 1958. Not intended to super- cede the references currently being published on cards, the cumulations on pages, necessarily published after some delay to allow the fullest reporting of the most recent year's ref- erences, are a careful reworking of material published in haste previously, in a compact format. Titles .The titles of papers are rendered in the language of publication, except when that language is in a non-Roman alph- bet or is a minor western European language. In these in- stances the title has been translated into English and the language of the original noted in parenthesis. The titles of abstracts are followed by the designation: (Abstract) . Journals The titles of journals have been abbreviated accord- ing to the style found first in reviewing the following sources in the order listed: List of Periodicals Abstracted by Chemical Abstracts (Columbus, Ohio), Current List of Medical Literature (Washington, D.C.), and World List of Scientific Periodicals (London, Butterworth) . References A reference consists of author (s) , title, and an item number. The item number uniquely identifies a reference in relation to every other reference in the volume, and is the means of identifying the reference in the coauthor and subject indexes. In addition, when the reference is to a book, the place of publication, name of publisher, and year of publication are supplied. When the reference is to a paper in a journal, the abbreviated title of the journal is followed by the volume number, inclusive paging, and month and year of publication: 36:813-5. 9/53. Arrangement In the body of the work, the references are ar- ranged alphabetically by the name of the first author and then by additional authors if any. Two or more papers by the same author or sequence of coauthors are arranged chronolog- ically by year of publication. Two or more papers by the same author or coauthors and published in the same year are arranged alphabetically by title. Indexes Authors of works of multiple authorship, who are other than first authors, may be located by means of the Coauthor Index that follows the body of the work and iden- tifies each coauthor's work by its item number. The Subject Index at the end of the volume is a classified list of terms developed by NYSEM for the IBEM. The user should familiarize himself with the entire list before attempting to use any part of it, so that he will be aware of the logical relation- ship existing between terms. vx CONTENTS Preface iii Introduction v Author Index 1 Coauthor Index 145 Subject Index 159 General 159 Instrumentation 159 Techniques 159 Biological Applications 160 Non-biological Applications 164 75236 Vll ABELEV ALFREY #25 Abelev, G.I. & N.N. Solov'ev 1 Metod prigtvleniia preparatov diia elektronnoi mikroskopii iz solevykh rastvorov. Mikrobiolgia. 22:707-8. 1953. Abood, L.G. & R.W. Gerard Enzyme distribution in isolated particulates of rat peripheral nerve. J. Cellular Comp. Physiol. 43(3) : 379-92. 1954. Ada, G.L. & Beverly T. Perry The nucleic acid content of influenza virus. Australian J. Exptl. Biol. Med. Sci. 32:453-68. 1954. Adams, C.R. & W.O. Milligan Electron micrographic studies in the system BeO-In^Og. J. Phys. Chem. 58:219- 2 22 1954. Adolph, William E., Richard F. Baker & George M. Leiby 5 Electron microscope study of epidermal fibers. Science. 113:685-6. 6/15/51. Aebi , H . 6 Uber die chemische und raorphologische Natur der Stickstof f abgabe von Gewebs- schnitten im Warburg-Versuch . Biochim. et Biophys. Acta. 9:443-56. 1952. Afzelius, Bjorn A. 7 The fine structure of the sea urchin spermatozoa as revealed by the electron microscope. Z. Zellforsch. 42(6) : 134-48 . 1955. Afzelius, B.H. 8 On the fine structure of the pollen wall in Clivia miniata. Botan. Notiser. 108: 141-7: mss: Afzelius, B.A. y The ultrastructure of the nuclear membrane of the sea urchin oocyte as studied with the electron microscope. Exptl. Cell. Research. 8:147-58. 1955. Afzelius, B.M., G. Erdtman, & F.S. Sjostrand. 10 On the fine structure of the outer part of the spore wall of Lycopodium clavatum as revealed by the electron microscope. Svensk Botan .Tidskr . 42(1): 155- 61. 1954. Agar, A.W., F.H. Davis & R.S.M. Revell 11 The metallographic study of a low-alloy steel by the optical and electron microscopes. 1st Int. Cong. Electron Micros., Paris, 9/50, Proc. :365-79. Paris, Ed. Rev. Optique, 1953. Agar, A.W. & R.S.M. Revell 12 Replica techniques in electron microscopy. Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 2:8-11. 1/51. Agar, Hilda D. & B.C. Douglas 12a Electron microscopy of thin sections of yeast. (Abstract, Paper #16, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, University Park, Pa., 10/27-9/55.) J. Appl. Phys. 26:1393. 1955. Agar, Hilda D. & H.C. Douglas 13 Studies of budding and cell wall structure of yeast. Electron microscopy of thin sec- tions. J. Bacteriol. 70 (4) : 427-34 . 10/55. Agar, A.W. & R.S.M. Revell' 13a An investigation on the shape and resolution of Formvar replica films. (Abstract, Paper #A26, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Highland Park, 111., 10/14-6/54.) J. Appl. Phys. 25:1456. 1954. Albertsson, P. A. & H. Leyon 14 The structure of chloroplasts . V. Chlorella pyrenoidosa Pringsheim studied by means of electron microscopy. Exptl. Cell Research. 7:288-90. 8/54. Aleksandrowicz , Julian 15 Morphology of the smallest particles of granulocytes in the light of continuing re- search, (in Polish) Polskie Tygodnik Lekarski. 8(24): 1-3. 1953. 16 17 Aleksandrowicz, J. Elektronenraikroskopie in der Hamatologie. Acta Med. Acad. Sci. Hung. 6(Suppl. 1): 135-41. 1954. Aleksandrowicz, Julian Ultrastruktura granuloyctow badanych za pomoca raikroskopu elektronowego . Arch. Immunol. Terap. Doswiadfzalnej . 2:17-29. 1954. Aleksandrowicz, Julian, Julian Blicharski & A. Feltynowski 18 Contribution to the morphology of granulocytes in the light of electron microscope research. (in Polish) Polskie Tygodnik Lekarski. 7:17 65- 6. 1952. Aleksandrowicz, Julian, J. Blicharski & A. Feltynowski 19 Stany czynnosciowe krwinek plytkowych w mikroskopie elektronowym. (Functional states of blood platelets in the electron microscope.) Polskie Tygodnik Lekarski. 7 (45): 3-7. 1952. Aleksandrowicz, J., J. Blickarski & A. Feltynowski 20 Contribution a la raorphologie des granulo- cytes examines au raoyen due microscope electroni- que. Acta Haematol. 9(5):307-10. 1953. Aleksandrowicz, J., J. Blicharski & A. Feltynowski 21 Les ^tats fonctionnels des plaquettes sanguines, au microscope electronique. Le Sang. 25(1): 67-70. 1954. Aleksandrowicz, Julian, Julian Blicharski & Antoni Feltynowski 22 Mikroskopia elektronowa skladnikow postaciowych krwi. Postepy Hi I Med. Doswiadczalnej . 8:445- 616. 1954. Aleksandrowicz, Julian, Julian Blicharski & Antoni Feltynowski 23 Electron microscopy of the blood. (in Polish) Warsaw, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1955. 241 p. Aleksandrowicz, Julian, Julian Blicharski & Antoni Feltynowski 24 Elektronskopia postaciowych skladnikow krwi ze Szczegolnym uwzglednieniem plytek. Polskie arch. med. wewn . 25:143-7. 1955. Alfrey, Turner, Jr., E.B. Bradford 8. J.W. Vanderhoff 25 Optical properties of uniform particle-size latexes. J. Opt. Soc . Amer. 44:603-9. 8/54. ALIA #26 ANDERSON #52a Alia, M. , T. Alvira & M. Munoz Taboadela 26 ' Estudio geologico edaf ico de algunos suelos de la Guinea Continental espanola. Anales edafol. y fisiol. vegetal. Madrid. 11(1): 1-32. 1952. Allen, N.P. 27 The application of the electron microscope in metallography. In Metallurgical Applications of the Electron Microscope. Institute of Metals Monograph and Report Series No. 8.: 1-18. London, 1950. Allfrey, V.G. & A.E. Mirsky 28 On the supposed contamination of thymus nuclear fractions by whole cells. Science. 121:879-80. 6/17/55. Allred, Harry M. 29 The electron microscope in the petroleum industry. Lubrication. 39:141-52. 12/53. Aloisi, M., A. Ascenzi & E. Bonetti 30 Aspetti strutturali dell'actina studiata al microscopic elettronico nella distrofia rauscolare da avitarainosi E. Experientia. 8:266-9. 7/15/52. Aloisi, M., A. Ascenzi St E. Bonetti 31 Ricerche comparative al microscopic elettronico sul comportamento dell'actina estratta da muscoli di conigli normal! e da muscoli do conigli in carenza di vitamina E. Rend 1st super sanita. 15:430-8. 1952. Aloisi, M. , A. Ascenzi Si E. Bonetti 32 The fine structure of striated myofibrils. J. Pathol. Bacterid. 67 (2) : 475-83. 1954. Amakasu, K., M. Fukase, E. Sekine,M. Takahashi, H. Noaki & S. Hirota 33 Condition of the precipitation of carbonate and the crystal structure. Le Vide. 51:43-55. 1954. Amboss, K. 34 A simple reflexion-transmission stage for an electron microscope. J. Sci. Instr. 32:116. 3/55. Amboss, K., H.W. Emerton & J. Watts 35 A new approach to the electron microscopy of fibres. British Paper and Board Makers' Assoc. Proc. Tech. Sect. 35(3) : 487-510 . 1954. Amelunxen, F. 36 Cber die Strukturanalyse der Elwelsspindeln der Cactaceae. Protoplasraa. 45(2) : 228-40 . 1955": American Society for Testing Materials 37 Report of Subcoraraittee XI on Electron Microstructure of Steel, first progress report. In Report of Committee E-4 on Metallography. Preprint 103. Philadelphia, 1950. 49 p. Ames, J., T.L. Cottrell & A.M.D. Sampson 38 An electron miscroscope study of crystal surfaces. Trans. Faraday Soc . 46:938-41. 1950. Ames, J. & Avis M.D. Sampson 39 An electron-microscope study of plasticized nitrocellulose. J. Appl. Chem. London. 1:337- 41. 8/1/51. Ames, Ralph W. & H.H. Thornberry 40 Carnation mosaic virus: properties and electron microscopy. 42:289-91. 6/52. Phytopathology . Amman-Brass, H. 41 Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der physikalischen Reifung von Chlorsilberarmen photographischen Emulsionen. Z. Naturforsch. 6a(7):372-4. 1951, Amman-Brass, H. 42 Etude par nephelometrie et par microscopie electronique de la maturation physique des emulsions de gelatinochlorure d 'argent. Science et inds. phot. 23a: 161-7. 1951. Amott, Earl &. L.W. McLennan 43 Complexes in lubricating oil greases. Institute Spokesman. Natl. Lubricating Grease Inst. 14(12) :7-23. 3/51. Anacker, Robert L. & Erling J. Ordal 44 Study of a bacteriophage infecting the myxobacterium Chondrococcus columnaris. J. Bacterid. 70 (6) : 738-41 . 1955. Anderson, Everett 45 The elctron microscopy of Trichomonas muris. J. Protozod. 2:114-^¥; 1955. Anderson, Guy R. 46 Nitrogen fixation by psuedomonas-like soil bacteria. J. Bacterid. 70(2) : 129-33. 1955. Anderson, N.G. & I.M. Dawson 47 The study of crystal growth with the electron microscope III. Growth-step patterns and the relationship of growth- step height to molecular structure in n-nonatriacontane and in stearic acid. Proc. Roy. Soc. London. 218a: 255-68. 6/25/53. Anderson, N.G. & I.M. Dawson 48 The study of crystal growth with the electron microscope. IV. The nucleation and growth of n-proyl n-pentacontanoate . Proc. Roy. Soc. London. 228a: 539-48. 1955. Anderson, Thomas F. 48a Destruction of bacterial viruses by osmotic shock. (Abstract, Paper #33, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10/6-8/49.) J. Appl. Phys. 21:70. 1950. Anderson, Thomas F. 49 A new technique for the study of biological structures in the electron microscope. Biol. Bull. 99:315-6. 10/50. Anderson, Thomas F. 50 The use of critical point phenomena in preparing specimens for the electron microscope. J. Appl. Phys. 21:724. 7/50. Anderson, Thomas F. 51 Techniques for the preservation of three- dimensional structure in preparing specimens for the electron microscope. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 13(4): 130-4. 2/51. Anderson, Thomas F. 52 Stereoscopic studies of cells and viruses in the electron microscope. Am. Naturalist. 86:91-100. 3-4/52. Anderson, Thomas F. 52a A technique for retaining three-dimensional structures in drying specimens for the electron -2- ANDERSON #52b AilCHARD #72 microscope. (Abstract, Paper #11, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Phila- delphia, Pa., 12/8-10/51.) J. Appl. Phys. 23:158. 1/52. Anderson, Thomas F. 52b Effects of Brownian motion on the structure of a three-dimensional specimen. (Abstract, Paper #41, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, 11/6-8/52.) J. Appl. Phys. 24:117. 1953. Anderson, Thomas F. 53 A method for eliminating gross artefacts in drying specimens. 1st Int. Cong. Electron Micros., Paris, 9/50, Proc . :567-76. Paris, Ed. Rev. Optique, 1953. Anderson, Thomas F. 54 The morphology and osmotic properties of bacteriophage systems. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol. 18:197-203. 1953. Anderson, Thomas F. 55 The structures of certain biological specimens by the critical point method. 1st Int. Cong. Electron Micros., Paris, 9/50, Proc. : 577-85. Paris, Ed. Rev. Optique, 1953. Anderson, Thomas F. 55a Report on the International Conference on Electron Microscopy. (Abstract, Paper #A1, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Highland Park, Illinois, 10/14-6/54.) J. Appl Phys. 25:1453. 1954. Anderson, Thomas F, 56 Some fundamental limitations to the preservation of three-dimensional specimens for the electron microscope. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 16(5):242-9. 3/54. Anderson, Thomas F. 57 Stereoscopic electron microscopy of phage particles and of their interaction with host cells. VI Cong. Int. Microbiol., Atti. 3- 403. 1955. Anderson, Thomas F. & Carl F. Oster Jr. 58 The critical point method for drying electron microscope specimens. (Abstract, Paper #18, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Pocono Manor, Pa. , 11/5-7/53 ) J. Appl. Phys. 24:1416. 11/53. Anderson, Thomas F., Catherine Rappaport , & Naomi A. Muscatine 59 On the structure and osmotic properties of phage particles. Ann. inst . Pasteur. 84- 5-14. 1/53. Andre, J. gQ Problemes de structures d'ultrastructures et de fonctions cellulaires. Paris, Masson et Cie, 1955. 358p. 61 que. Andre, R., B. Dreyfus & M. 3essis La ponction ganglionnaire dans la maladie de Hodgkin examinee au microscope electroni Presse med. 63:967-70. 1955. Angelico, R., A. Calo, A. D'Amore, A. Mariani, 0. Mariani-Marelli F. Scanga Ricerche suH'idrazide dell 'acido isonicotinico. Rend, ist . super, sanita 15: (9) : 627-703. 1952. Angulo, Juan J. fc John H.L. Watson 62a 62 Electron microscope study of isolated nuclei of liver cells from laboratory animals. (Abstract Paper #31, Electron Microscope Society of America ' Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10/6-8/49.) J AddI Phys. 21:70. 1950 ' ' 63 Angulo, Juan J. & John H.L. Watson An electron microscope study of isolated nuclei of liver cells from laboratory animals Science. 111:670-3.. 6/16/50. Angulo, Juan J., John H.L. Watson & Jorge Olarte ^ g^ Artifacts with other nonspecific appearances resembling virus particles, and the so-called filamentous forms of influenza and fowl pest viruses in human skin tissue fluid examined with la ^,0=-^''°" microscope. J. Bacteriol. 60:129- Angulo, Juan J., John H. L.^ Watson, C. Courtney Wedderburn, Francisco Leon-Blanco & Gerardo Varela ■» 64a Electronraicrography of treponemas from cases of yaws, pinta and the so-called Cuban form of pinta. (Abstract, Paper #28, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, 9/14-6/50.) J. Appl. Phys. 22:113. 1951. *"f"^^ ;!"^" •^■' *^°''" H.L.Watson, C. Coun.ney Wedderburn, Francisco Leon-Blanco & Gsardo Varela Electron micrography of treponemas from cases of yaws, pinta, and the so-called Cuban 7/51 Pi"t^- A""- J- Trop. Med. 31:458-78 65 66 66a Antal, John J. & A.H. Weber An electron-optical study on the surface of glass. Acta Cryst. 7:122-6. 1/54. Antes, Leland L. Electron diffraction studies of thin iron and chromium films. (Abstract, Paper #23 Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, 21?69"^ 195o''-^" ^«/«-8/49) J- Appl. Phys.^' Applemans, M. & J. Blockeel 67 Exaraen du vitr^ au microscope ^lectronique. Ophthamologica. 124(5) : 297-302. 11/52 and Bull. Soc. Beige d'Ophtalmol. 99:437-43. 1951. Appelmans, M. & E. Carlier , Alterations du corps vitre associees 5 s\ fa^r *!■ *'■'=*'• oPhtalmol. 13(6) :577- 85 1953, and Bull. acad. royale de med Beige. 18(5):270-9. 1953. 68 E. Carlier & H . de Appelmans, M. Muelenaere Altlrations^du vitre' associees a la retinite diabetique. Bull. soc. Beige i ophtalmol. 104:l-i0. 1953. Archard, G.D. Magnetic electron lens aberrations due to mechanical defects. J. Sci . Instr. 30:352- o. 10/53. Archard, G.D. Requirements contributing to the design of devices used in correcting electron lenses Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 5:294-9. 1954. Archard, G.D. Som drica 69 70 71 e properties of symmetrical slit ("cylin- 1") electron lenses. Brit. J. Appl. Phys. ARCHARD #73 BABUDIERI #99 5:395-9. 11/54. Archard, G.D. 73 A possible chromatic correction system for electron lenses. Proc . Phys. Soc. London. 68b:817-29. 1955. Archard, G.D. 74 Two new simplified systems for the correc- tion of spherical aberrations in electron lenses. Proc. Phys. Soc. London. 68b: 156-64. 1955. Archetti, Italo 75 II virus della raalattia di Newcastle visto al microscopic elettronico. Rend, ist. super, sanita. 13:3-7. 1950. Archetti, I. 76 Appearances associated with filamentous forms of influenza viruses. Arch, ges . Virusforsch. 6(1): 29-35. 1955. Arend, H., R. Broser-Warminsky & E. Ruska 77 Zur Verwendung von ZnS-Einkristallen als Leuchtschirme im Elektronenmikroskop. Z. wiss. Mikroskop. 62(1) : 46-64. 1954. Arnold, James S. & Webster S.S. Jee 78 The optical activity of collagen fibers and calcification of bone matrix. (Abstract) Anat. Record. 118:373. 2/54. Arwill, Tore & Gunnar Bloom 79 Some remarks on the structure of dentin as revealed by the electron microscope. Acta Odontol. Scand. 12(3-4) : 185-92 . 1954. Ascenzi, A. & E.L. Benedetti 80 Osservazioni sistematiche sulla struttura del raetaplasma osseo eseguite mediante il microscopic elettronico. Arch. sci. biol. Italy 38:234-47. 1954. Ascenzi, A. & A. Chiozzotto 81 Applicazione della tecnica della pseudo- replica alio studio della fine struttura dell'osso al microscopic elettronico. Rend, ist. super, sanita. 18:214-24. 1955. Ascenzi, A. & A. Chiozzotto 82 Electron microscopy of the bone ground substance using the pseudo-replica technique. Experientia. 11(4): 140-2. 1955. Ash, E.A. 83 Use of space charge in electron optics. J. Appl. Phys. 26(3):327-30. 3/55. Ashley, C.A., A. Arasimavicius & G.M. Hass 84 Enzymatic studies of changes in Adenosinetriphosphate during contraction of isolated skeletal myofibrils. Exptl. Cell Research 6(2): 271-82. 1954. Ashley, Charles A. , Keith R. Porter, Delbert E. Philpott & George M. Hass 85 Observations by electron microscopy on contraction of skeletal myofibrils induced with adenosinetriphosphate. J. Exptl. Med. 94(l):9-20. 7/1/51. Ashley, Charles A., Armin F. Schick, Albert Arasimavicius & George M. Hass 86 Isolation and characterization of maimalian striated myofibrils. Trans. 4th Conf. on Connective Tissues. 2/18-20/53. : 47-141. spons. by Josiah Macy Jr.. Found. Asmund, Berit 87 Electron microscope observations on Mallomonas caudata and some remarks on its occurence in Bot. Tidsskr. four Danish ponds. 1955. 52: 163-8. 88 Astbury, W.T. Applications of the electron microscope. Conf. of Electron Micros. , Delft, 7/49. Proc. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1950. : 27-34. Astbury, W.T. 89 The molecular structure of skin, hair and related tissues. Brit. J. Dermatol. 62:1-15. 1/50. Astbury, W.T. 89a Recent electron microscopic work at Leeds. (Abstract, Paper #30, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, 9/14-6/50.) J. Appl. Phys. 22:114. 1951. Astbury, W.T., L. Dmochowski & A. Millard 90 Some recent observations on the examination in the electron microscope of extracts of normal and malignant tissues of mice of strains with high or low incidences of breast cancer. (Abstract, Paper #39, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Pocono Manor, Pa., 11/5-7/53.) J. Appl. Phys. 24:1419. 11/53. Astbury, W.T. & N.N. Saha Structure of algal flagella. 171:280-3. 2/14/53. 91 Nature. Asunmaa, Saara 92 Electron microscope studies on sections of aspen sulfite pulp fibres. Svensk Papperstidn. 58(2): 33-4. 1955. Atherton, E. 93 Determinations of size of particles with the electron microscope. Nature. 171:350. 2/21/53. Austin, A. E. 9"* Application of new etchants for delineation of fine structure in steel. Symposium on techniques for electron metallography. Special Technical Publication, No. 155. Philadelphia, Amer. Soc. Testing Materials, 1953. Austin, A.E. & CM. Sdwartz 95 Modification of a positive-replica technique for electron microscopy. J. Appl. Phys. 22: 847-8. 6/51. Azarowicz, Edward N. , John 0. Erickson & Dorothy M. Armen 96 Information from the electronmicrograph . J. Biol. Phot. Assoc. 22(2):49-51. 5/54. Baas, G. 97 Demonstration of the austenite-pearlite transformation by means of the emission electron microscope. Philips Tech. Rev. 16(11) :337-9. 1955. Babudieri , Brenno 98 Ricerche di microscopia elettronica. IV. Studio morfologico del genere Treponema. Rend. ist. super. sanitJ. 15:711-22. 1952. Babudieri, B. & D. Steve-Bocciarelli 99 La tecnica delle repliche applicata all 'osservazione di oggetti biologici con il raicroscopio elettronico. Rend. ist. super. -4- BACHRACH #100 BAIRATI ffl23 sanita. 17:456-62. 1954. 3:485-8. 195ii. Bachrach, H.L. & C.E. Schwerdt 100 I>urif ication studies on Lansing poliomyelitis virus. II. Analytical electron microscopic identification of the infectious particle in preparations of high specific infectivity. J. Immunol. 72:30-8. 1/54. Backus, R.C. 100a Preparation of droplet patterns from infective suspensions. (Abstract, Paper #19, Electron Microscope Society of America Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., 12/8-10/51.) J. Appl. Phys. 23:159. 1/52. Backus, R.C. 101 Spraying of particulate suspensions containing infective materials for electron micrographic analysis. Science. 115:246-8. 2/29/52. Backus, RuLert C. 102 A new method for intracellular observations: adhesion partitioning. (Abstract, Paper #16, Electron Microscope Society of America Meet- ing, Pocono Manor, Pa., 11/5-7/53.) J. Appl. Phys. 24:1415. 11/53. Backus, Robert C. 103 Adhesion partitioning: intrasomatic observations on normal Escherichia coli and T2 bacteriophage. J~. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol. 1(2):99-110. 3/55. Backus, Robert C. & Robley C. 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Cell Research. 3:433-52. 6/52. Der-Shvarts, G. V. 897 The effect of destroying the radial symmetry of the focusing field on the resolution of mag- netic objectives of the electron microscopes. Zhur. Tekh. Fiz . 24:859-70. 1954. Desikachary, T. V. 898 Electron microscope study of the diatom- wall structure. J. Sci. Ind. Research, India. llB(ll) : 491-500. 1952. Desikachary, T. V. 899 Electron microscope study of diatom wall structure. V. and VI. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc. 73(3):274-7. 1954, and Mikroskopie. 9(5/6) : 168-78. 1954. Desikachary, T. V. & A. A. Aleem 900 Electron microscope study of diatom wall structure. VII. J. Sci. Ind. Research, India. 14C:42-6. 1955. Desikachary, T. V. & Kanwar Bahadur 901 Electron microscope study of diatom wall structure. II. Genus Chaetoceros Ehrenb. J. Sci. Ind. Research, InHTaT 13B(2) :92-4. 1954. III. Isthmia nervosa KUtz . Am. J. Botany. 41(8) : 616-9. 1954. Desikachary, T. V. & Kanwar Bahadur 902 Electron microscope study of diatom wall structure: IV. Triceratium dubiura Brightwell. J. Sci. Ind. Research, India. 13B: 240-3. 1954. Desjardins, P. R., C. A. Senseney & G. E. Hess Further studies on the electron 903 microscopy of purified tobacco ringspot virus. Phytopathology. 43 ( 12) : 687-90 . 1953. de Souza-Araujo, H. C. 904 Morfologia do Mycobacterium leprae hominis e do M . leprae muris . Estudo baseado na micro- ■ scopia electrfJnica e de contraste de fases. Mem. inst. Oswaldo Cruz. 53 (2-4) : 389-96. 1955. de Souza Santos, Helena & Persio, G. A. Edwards & Paulo Sawaya 905 Electron microscopy of insect tracheal structures. Anais acad. brasil. cienc. 26 (2):309-15. 1954. de Souza Santos, Persio 906 Recuperacao de grades metalicas de micro- scopia eletronica. (Recovery of metallic grids for electron microscopy.) Ciencia e cultura. 4(1-2) :46. 1952. de Souza Santos, Persio 907 Method for recovery of metallic grids for electron microscopy. Nature. 175:351". 2/19/55. de Souza Santos, Persio & Helena Brandao Lopes 908 A method of preparing crystals that under- go changes under electron bombardment in an electron microscope. Nature. 169:498-9. 3/22/52. de Souza Santos, Persio & Helena Lopes de Souza Santos ^ 909 Bibliografia sobre as aplicayoes do micro- sc<5pio eletrSnico au estudo de argilas. Brazil, Ministerio Agr . , Dept . Nacl. prod, mineral. Div. geol. e mineral., Notas prelim, e estud. 57. 11/52. lip. (see also 3470, 3471) Dessens, Henri & Charles Fert 910 Grilles supports en fils d'araign^e pour microscopie Slectronique. Compt . rend. soc. biol. 232:606-8. 2/12/53. Dettmer, N. 911 Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der elastischen Fasern im FlUgelband der Taube und ihre Beziehung zum flbrigen Bindegewebe. Z. Zellforsch. 37:89-100. 1952. Dettmer, Norbert 912 Entwicklung und Probleme elektroneniiikroskop- ischer Bindegewebsforschung. Aerztl. Wschr. 10(31) :709-13. 8/55. Dettmer, N. , I. Neckel & H. 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Swain The effect of Klebsiella aerogenes and Klebsiella cloacae polysaccharides on haemag- glutination by and multiplication of the in- fluenza group of viruses. Brit. J. Exptl. Pathol. 34(6) : 603-15. 12/53. McBrian, Ray 2257 Possibilities of burning lower cost diesel fuels. Am. Soc. Mechanical Engrs. Paper No. 54-A-250. 8p. 1955. McCartney, J. T. & R. B. Anderson 2258 Electron microscopic replica studies of porosity in fused iron catalysts. J. Appl. Phys. 22:1441-3. 12/51. McCartney, James T. , Bernard Seligman, W. Keith Hall & Robert B. Anderson 2259 An electron-microscopic study of metal oxides and metal oxide catalysts. J. Phys. & Colloid Chem. 54(4) : 505-19. 1950. McClung, Norvel M. 2260 Morphological studies in the genus Nocardia. J. Bacteriol. 59:589-602. 4/50. McCulloch, David 2261 Fibrous structures in the ground cytoplasm of the Arbacia egg. J. Exptl. Zool. 119(1): 47-63. 2/52. McCulloch, David 2262 Note on the origin of the cortical granules in Arbacia punctulata eggs. 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L. Brown, S. Fitton Jackson, F. C. Kelly, A. C. T. North, W. E. Seeds & G. R. Wilkinson 2930 Some physical and chemical properties of ex- tracted skin collagen. In Nature and structure of collagen. Ed. by J. TT Randall. : 213-31. New York, Academic Press, 1953. Randall, J. T. , R. D. B. Fraser, S. Jackson, A. V. W. Martin fe A. C. T. North 2931 Aspects of collagen structure. Nature. 169: 1033. 6/21/52. Randall, J. T. & M. H. G. Friedlaender 2932 The microstructure of ram spermatozoa. Ex- ptl. Cell Research. 1:1-32. 1/50. Rang, 0. 2933 Zur Frage der Obj ektbelastung im Elektronen- mikroskop. Optik. 9:19-32. 1952. Rang, Otto 2934 Fern-Interferenzen von Elektronenwellen. Z. Physik. 136:465-79. 1953. Rang, 0. 2935 Formbestimraung dflnner Einkristall-Lamellen mit Hilfe der durch Kristallgitter-Ref lexe hervorgeruf enen Scheinstrukturen. Optik. 10: 90-106. 1953. Rang, O. 2936 Elektronen-Interf erometrie. Physik. Bl. 10(10) : 452-60. 1954. Rang, Otto 2937 Interf erenzversuch mit Elektronen. Umschau Wiss. u. Tech. 54:619-23. 1954. Rang, 0. 2938 Zur Justierung elektronenoptischer Filter- linsen. Optik. 11:327-34. 1954. Rang, Otto & Fritz Schleich 2939 Ray, H. N-, N. N. Das Gupta, M. L. De & A. Guha 2946 A new structure observed in Trypanosoma evansi (Indian strain). Nature^ 175: 392. 2/26/55. Read, Harold J. & Rolf Weil 2947 KorngrOsse und HSrte von NickelniederschlSgen in Beziehung zum Glanz. Metalloberf lache. 5(7): 97-101. 1951. Reagan, Reginald L. 2948 Studies by electron microscopy of five New- castle disease virus strains. Poultry Sci. 30: 449-51. 5/51. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2949 Electron micrographs of negri bodies found in rabies. J. Infectious Diseases. 87:213-6. 11-12/50. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2950 Morphological observations by electron microscopy of the viruses of infectious bronchi- tis of chickens and the chronic respiratory dis- ease of turkeys. Cornell Vet. 40(4):384-6. 10/50. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2951 Electron micrographs of Newcastle disease virus preparations from chick embryos following infection by virus propagated in the short-tailed shrew. (Blarina brevicauda) . Proc. Soc. Ex- ptl. Biol. Med. 78:497-9. 1951. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2952 Morphologic observations by electron microscopy of the monkey-adapted Newcastle disease virus after culture in chicken embryos. Am. J. Vet. Research. 12:55-7. 1/51. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2953 Morphological studies by electron microscopy of the canine distemper virus. Cornell Vet. 41: 141-4. 4/51. Reagan, R. L. & A. L. Brueckner 2954 Morphological observations by electron micros- copy of West Nile virus after propagation in the -105- Swiss mouse. Proc . 630-1. 1951. REAGAN #2955 Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 78: Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2955 Studies by electron microscopy of five New- castle disease virus strains. Poultry Sci. 30(3) : 449-51. 5/51. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2956 Electron microscope studies of four strains of infectious bronchitis virus. Am. J. Vet. Re- search. 13:417-8. 7/52. Reagan, R. L. & A. L. Brueckner 2957 Electron microscope studies of Newcastle dis- ease virus. I. Growth of hamster-modified virus in intracerebrally injected hamsters. Poultry Sci. 31:39-41. 1/52. Reagan, R. L. & A. L. Brueckner 2958 Electron microscope studies of red blood cor- puscles of hamsters infected with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) . Poultry Sci. 31:544-50. 5/52. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2959 Morphological observations by electron micros- copy of the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus after propagation in the Swiss albino mouse. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 10(2):425-8. 1952. Reagan, Reginald L. and A. L. Brueckner 2960 Studies of dengue fever virus by electron microscopy. J. Bacteriol. 64(2):233-5. 8/52. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2961 Comparison by electron microscopy of the Ntaya and Zika viruses. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 11(2) :347-51. 1953. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2962 Electron micrographs of erythrocytes from Swiss albino mice infected with Semliki Forest virus. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc. 72(4):345-9. 10/53. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2963 Electron microscopy of yellow fever virus (17D strain) . Am. J. Pathol. 29(6) : 1157-9. 1953. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2964 Morphologic observations by electron micros- copy of Semliki Forest virus after propagation in the Swiss mouse. Am. J. Pathol. 29:773-7. 4/53. Reagan, Reginald L. & A. L. Brueckner 2965 Electron micrographs of erythrocytes from young dogs injected with rabies virus by rectal instillation: a preliminary report. Vet. Med. 49:339. 8/54. Reagan, Reginald L. and Arthur L. Brueckner 2966 Morphological observations by electron micros- copy of Bwamba fever virus after propagation in the Swiss mouse. Am. J. Vet Research. 15: 164-5. 1/54. Reagan, Reginald L. , A. L. Brueckner & Leo J. Poelma 2967 Morphologic studies of hog cholera virus by electron microscopy. Am. J. Vet. Research. 12(48) : 116-7. 4/51. Reagan, Reginald L. , Sing Chang & Arthur L. Brueckner 2968 REAGAN #2980 Studies by electron microscopy of a fixed (Pasteur) rabies virus, a street rabies virus and the egg adapted Flury strain of rabies. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 13(2) : 356-61 . 1955. Reagan, R. L. , Sing Chang, Mary Geumlek & A. L. Brueckner 2969 Electron microscopic studies of erythrocytes from hamsters infected rectally with the Mahoney (Brunhilde II) strain of poliomyelitis virus. Southwestern Vet. 8(3):242-4. 1955. Reagan, Reginald L. , Sing Chang, Sylvan E. Moolten, Ellen' Clark & Arthur L. Brueckner 2970 Electron microscopic studies of the Roseola infantum (exanthem subitum) virus. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 13 (4): 929-33 . 1955. Reagan, Reginald L. , William C. Day & A. L. Brueckner 2971 Electron micrographs of erythrocytes from Swiss albino mice infected with herpes simplex virus (strain P38) . Am. J. Pathol. 29:767-71. 4/53. Reagan, R. L. , W. C. Day & A. L. Brueckner 2972 Electron microscopy studies of four strains of chronic respiratory agents. Poultry Sci. 32(6):960-5. 11/53. Reagan, Reginald L. , William C. Day, Marilyn P. Harmon & A. L. Brueckner 2973 Electron micrographs of erythrocytes from cotton rats infected with the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus. Am. J. Pathol. 29:175-83. 1-2/53. Reagan, R. L. , W. C. Day, Marilyn P. Harmon & A. L. Brueckner 2974 Electron microscopic study of the virus of rabies. Am. J. Vet. Research. 14(50) : 111-2. 1/53. Reagan, Reginald L. , William C. Day, Suzanne Moore & A. L. Brueckner 2975 Electron microscopic studies of the virus of varicella (chicken pox) from monkey serum. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 11:74-8. Spring, 1953. Reagan, R. L. , W. C. Day, Suzanne Moore & A. L. Brueckner 2976 Morphological observations by electron micros- copy of the vole rickettsia. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc. 72(2): 185-8. 4/53. Reagan, R. L. , E. C. Delaha & A. L. Brueckner 2977 Electron micrographs of Negri bodies found in rabies. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 13(1): 157-61. 1955. Reagan, Reginald L. , Edward C. Delaha, Sue R. Cook & A. L. Brueckner 2978 Electron microscopy of erythrocytes from young chickens experimentally infected with the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 13(1) : 149-56. 1955. Reagan, Reginald L. , Edward C. Delaha, Sue R. Cook & Arthur L. Brueckner 2979 Electron microscopy of erythrocytes from young hamsters infected with rabies virus by rectal instillation. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc. 74: 68-73. 1/55. Reagan, Reginald L. , Edward C. Delaha, Sue R. Cook & Arthur L. Brueckner 2980 -106- REAGAN #2981 REAGAN #3003 Studies by electron microscopy of Newcastle disease virus after propagation in young cats. Vet. Med. 50(l):34-5. 1955. Reagan, Reginald L. , Edward Delaha, Sue Cook, Arthur Brueckner, James Porter & Irwin Moulthrop 2981 Electron microscopic studies of laryngo- tracheitis virus. Am. J. Vet. Research. 16: 147-8. 1955. Reagan, Reginald L. , Edward C. Delaha, Mil- dred T. Stewart & A . L. Brueckner 2982 Electron micrographs of erythrocytes from Swiss albino mice infected with the Aujeszky strain of pseudorabies virus. Am. J. Vet. Research. 15(54) : 166-70 . 1/54. Reagan, Reginald L^. , Edward C. Delaha, Mil- dred T. Stewart & A. L. Brueckner 2983 Electron micrographs of erythrocytes from young rabbits infected with the Wyoming strain of the infectious anemia (swamp fever) virus. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc . 73(3) : 263-7 1 . 7/54. Reagan, Reginald L. , Edward C. Delaha, Mil- dred T. Stewart & A. L. Brueckner 2984 Electron microscopic studies of the Bivins papilloma virus. Am. J. Vet. Research. 15(55) 323-4. 4/54. Reagan, Reginald L. , Edward C. Delaha, Mil- dred T. Stewart & A. L. Brueckner 2985 Morphological observations by electron microscopy of the Wyeomyia fever virus after propagation in the Swiss mouse. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc. 73(3):261-3. 7/54. Reagan, Reginald L. , Mary Geumlek, Sing Chang & A. L. Brueckner 2986 Studies of erythrocytes by the electron microscope. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc. 74 (2): 177-80. 4/55. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc. 74(3):252-5; 261. 7/55. Texas Repts . Biol. and Med. 13:470-4. 1955. Reagan, Reginald L. , Marilyn P. Harmon, William C. Day & A. L. Brueckner 2987 Electron microscope studies of the virus of measles (morbilli). Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 10:655-9. 1952. Reagan, Reginald L. , Jean W. Hickman & A. L. Brueckner 2988 Electron micrographs of the mouse-adapted Newcastle disease virus. Am. J. Vet. Research. 11:231-2. 4/50. Reagan, Reginald L. , Jean W. Hickman & A. L. Brueckner 2989 Morphological observations by electron microscopy of Newcastle virus in the spinal cord of hamsters infected by various routes. Cornell Vet. 40(4):392-7. 10/50. Reagan, R. L. , Mary G. Lillie, Jean W. Hick- man & A. L. Brueckner 2990 Studies of the virus of equine infectious anemia. Am. J. Vet. Research. 11(39) : 157-8 . 4/50. Reagan, Reginald L. , Eddy D. Palmer, Edward C. Delaha & A. L. Brueckner 2991 Study by electron microscopy of erythrocytes from a patient affected with sarcoidosis. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 13(2):350-5. 1955. Reagan, Reginald L. , Eddy D. Palmer, Edward C. Delaha, Sue R. Cook, Arthur L. Brueckner & Helen E. Nelson 2992 Electron microscopic studies of an egg-adapted virus isolated from a patient with a common cold. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. li! (4) : 1067-73. 1954. Reagan, Reginald L. , Delaha, Mildred T. Eddy D. Palmer, Edward C. Stewart & A. L. Bi ueckner 2993 Electron microscopic studies of erythrocytes from a patient affected with Hodgkin's disease. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 12 ( 1) : 178-81 . 1954. Reagan, Reginald L. , Eddy D. Palme*-, Edward C. Delaha, Mildred T. Stewart & A. L. Brueckner 2994 An unknown virus-like agent isolated from a patient affected with Hodgkin's disease. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 12(4) : 1061-6. 1954. Reagan, Reginald L. , Eddy D. Palmer, Mildred T. Stewart & Arthur L. Brueckner 2995 Electron microscopic studies of a virus isolat- ed from a patient with a common cold. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 12(l):174-7. 1954. Reagan, R. L. , J. E. Porter, E. C. Delaha, S. R. Cook & A. L. Brueckner 2996 Electron microscopy of erythrocytes from chickens affected with chronic respiratory dis- ease. Poultry Sci. 34:103-6. 1955. Reagan, R. L. , S. H. Qureshi & A. L. Brueckner 2997 Electron micrographs of Newcastle disease virus propagated in the green turtle (Pseudemys elegans) . Vet. Med. 48:493-4. 12/53. Reagan, Reginald L. , Frances M. Sansone, Suzanne Moore & Arthur L. Brueckner 2998 Electron microscopic studies of herpes simplex virus after propagation in the Swiss albino mouse. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 11:79-82. 1953. Reagan. Reginald L. , Dorothy M. Schenck & A. L. Brueckner 2999 Morphological observations by electron micros- copy of the Brunhilde strain of poliomyelitis virus. J. Infectious Diseases. 86:295-6. 5-6/50. Reagan, Reginald L. , Dorothy M. Schenck & A. L. Brueckner 3000 Morphologic observations by electron micros- copy of the Leon strain of poliomyelitis virus. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 77:42-3. 5/51. Reagan, Reginald L. , D. M. Schenck & A. L. Brueckner 3001 Electron micrographs of Newcastle disease virus propagated in the cotton rat. (Sigmodon hispi- dus) . Am. J. Vet. Research. 13(49) :57 5-^ TIT752. Reagan, R. L. , D. M. Schenck & A. L. Brueckner 3002 Electron microscope studies of Newcastle dis- ease virus. 2. Growth of embryo-propagated virus in embryonated chicken eggs. Poultry Sci. 31: 42-8. 1/52. Reagan, Reginald L. , D. M. Schenck, M. P. Harmon & A. L. Brueckner 3003 Morphological observations by electron micros- copy of "B" virus after propagation in the rabbit. Cornell Vet. 42(3) : 328-30 . 7/52. -107- REAGAN #3004 Reagan, R. L. , D. M. Schenck, M. P. Harmon & A. L. Brueckner 3004 Morphological observations by electron micros- copy of pseudorabies virus (Aujeszky strain) after propagation in the rabbit. Am. J. Vet. Research. 13(49) : 577-8. 10/52. Reagan, Reginald L. , Elizabeth J. Smith & A. L. Brueckner 3005 Electron micrographs of Newcastle disease virus propagated in the cave bat (Myotus lucifugus) . J. Bacterid. 61:37-^itr T/Sl. Reagan, Reginald L. , Ninalee Strand & A. L. Brueckner 3006 Comparison by electron microscopy of ano- pheles "A" and anopheles "B" viruses. Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 11 (3) : 508-11 . 1953. Reagan, Reginald L. , Ninalee Strand & A. L. Brueckner 3007 Electron microscopic studies of the virus of German measles (rubella). Texas Repts. Biol, and Med. 11(3): 502-7. 1953. Reagan, Reginald L. , Ninalee Strand & A. L. Brueckner 3008 Comparison by electron microscopy of Bun- yamwera , Uganda S, and Ilheus viruses. 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Aoshima, S. 4011. Aoyagi, S. 3607. Appelbe, B. 1905. Aral, S. 3643. Arakawa, M. 3532, 3533, 3534, 3535, 3536, 3537, 3538, 3560. Arasimavicius , A. 84, 86. Arber, W. 1923. Ariga, H. 674. Arima, J. 3606. Arrabruster, 0. 3221. Armen, D. M. 96, 1062, 1962, 2084, 2085, 2206. Arnold, S. M. 2034. Asadi, A. M. 693a. Asaeda, T. 3596, 3597. Asano, N. 1466, 1467. Asboe-Hansen, G. 1806. Ascenzi, A. 30, 31, 32. Astbury, W. T. 1771, 2700, 2701, 2702, 3703. Atanasiu, P. 2159. Avery, J. K. 3826. Baas, G. 2943. Bachmann, L. 760. Backus, R. C. 2251, 3915, 3916, 3917. Bahadur, K. 901, 902, 2693. Bahr, G. F. 249, 919, 2620. Bailey, G. W. 678. Baker, R. F. 5, 318a, 1356, 1369, 2718, 2719, 2720, 2721, 3762, 3763, 3764, 3765. Baker, W. W. 229, 230. Ball, F. L. 1544, 1544a, 1544b. Banfield, W. G. 2377. Bang, F. B. 456, 456a, 457, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1765, 2549, 2550, 3058. Barbu, E. 1323. Bardet, J. 1934. Barhite, M. 850. Barkan, S. 3567. Barlow, J. L. 1634. Barnes, G. 977. Barton, A.D. 2090. Baruch, P. 3348. Basset, G. A. 722. Bateraan, J. B. 1382, 1550. Bates, T. F. 2553. Bath, J. D. 3473, 3474, 3475. Baud, C. A. 1257. Bauer, A. 299, 300, 301, 302, 303. Bauer, S. H. 1557. Baumann , J. A. 214. Bayley, S. T. 1528. Beams, H. W. 1801, 3020, 3312. Bear, R. S. 443. Beard, D. 240, 987, 2439, 3360, 3362. Beard, J. W. 239, 987, 2439, 3358, 3359, 3360, 3362, 3363, 3364. Beeman, W. W. 2151. Beermann, W. 117. Begani, R. 2125. Behne, W. 2541. Behrens, 0. K. 1941, 1943, 3482. Beijer, J. J. 2673. Bell, L. G. 2091. Benard, J. 2448. Benedetti, E. L. 80. Bennett, B. M. 763. Bennett, S. H. 876, 877, 878, 879, 880. Berger, G. 3250. Berger, R. E. 3326. Bergold, G. H. 1169, 2455. Bernard, M. 1407, 1408, 1409. Bernard, R. 808. Bernard, S. 279, 280. Bernard, Y. 2412, 2413. Berndt, H. 522. Bernhard, W. 504, 1269, 1270, 1472, 1473, 1474, 1475, 2626, 2627, 2628, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2632, 2633, 2634, 2635, 3510. Bertaud, W. S. 3385, 3923. Berthold, W. 2559. Bertin, A. R. 3568. Besse, M. 3685. Bessis, M. 61, 223, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2811, 2812, 2813, 2814, 2815, 2845, 2846, 2847, 2848. Beutelspacher, H. 1171, 1172, 1173, 2283, 2284. Beutner, E. H. 1548, 1687, 2493, 2494, 2498, 2499, 2501. Bhattacharya, D. L. 798, 3332. Biberman, L. M. 2071. Biesele, J. J. 861, 1394, 1395, 1396, 3327. Bigelow, W. C. 563. Bills, A. E. 2112. Birbeck, M. S. C. 177. Birch-Anderson, A. 2270, 2438. Birdsall, D. H. 1749. Birdsall, H. A. 2265. Birks, L. S. 3902. Biryuzova, V. I. 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051. Bishop, F. W. 1086, 3096. Black, L. M. 491, 492. Blackovic, D. 616. Blank, H. 154, 724, 1377, 2916. -145- BLANQUET COY Blanquet, P. 627, 2080, 2360. Blayden, H. E. 463. Blicharski, J. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Blocked, J. 67. Bloom, G. 79, 1042. Blum, J. 2861, 2862. Bobalek, E. G. 2868, 2869. Bode, O. 2021, 2022, 2703. Boissier, J. 528, 944, 1182. BOke, W. 2210. Bolle, A. 2190. Bonanome , A. 2125. Bondi, A. 2759. Bonetti, E. 30, 31, 32. Bonifas, V. 1374. Born, S. 252. Borysko, E. 1309, 2581, 2582. Bosshard, H. H. 1217. Botty, M. C. 3101. Bouroncle, B. A. 1186. Bouteville, J. 658. Bowler, E. S. C. 698, 1232, 1232a, 1233. Boyce, J. F. 1368. Boyes, B. W. 594. Boyle, W. S. 1297. Bradfield, J. R. G. 3717, 3718. Bradford, E. B. 25, 925, 1618. Brandes, D. 3370. Brandes, J. 3872. Brauer, G. M. 723. Brauer, K. H. 366. Braun, GHnther 1332, 1333. Braunsteiner, H. 304, 305, 1103, 1857. Breese, S. S. 542. Breitling, G. 3065. Bressou, M. 2884. Breton-Gorius, J. 346, 347, 348, 349, 355, 356, 357, 1083, 2845, 2846, 2847, 2848. Bricka, M. 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 361, 2813, 2814, 2847, 2848, 3176. Briefs, A. 523, 523a. Brieger, E. M. 1339. Bringmann, G. 1733, 3168, 3697. Brockway, L. 0. 379a. Brodie, A. F. 2493. Broser-Warminsky, R. 77. Brown, A. L. 1563. Brown, G. L. 2930. Brown, Ray A. 1226. Brown, R. 3095. Brueckner, A. L. 1468, 2949, 2950, 2951, 2952, 2953, 2954, 2955, 2956, 2957, 2958, 2959, 2960, 2961, 2962, 2963, 2964, 2965, 2966, 2967, 2968, 2969, 2970, 2971, 2972, 2973, 2974, 2975, 2976, 2977, 2978, 2979, 2980, 2981, 2982, 2983, 2984, 2985, 2986, 2987, 2988, 2989, 2990, 2991, 2992, 299^, 2994, ■2995, 2996, 2997, 2998, 2999, 3000, 3001, 3002, .3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008. Brunner,"A. 994. Bryant, P. J. 3046. Bryant, S. H. 3672. Buch, A. 1234. Buckingham, M. J. 3361. Buj now , N . 1 . 771. Bunting, H. 161, 162, 162a, 1287, 237.7, 2380, 3506. Burger, W. C. 3399, 3478, 3479. Burraeister, B. R. 3363. Buse, A. 2913. Bussmann, H. 1535. Bussot, J. 3081. Bustraan, M. 3663. Butenuth, G. 1340, 1341. Buzon, J. 3026, 3080, 3081, 3082. Buzzell, A. 561. Byloff, R. 1234. Byrd, J. D. 3877 Bystricky,' V. 414-. Cady, J. G. 492a, 493. Calbick, C. J. 2265. Calish, S. R. 3503. Callan, H. G. 3675. Calo, A. 62. Campbell, R. 1196, 1197. Canivenc, R. 627, 2360. Canzani, R. 881, 882. Capot, L. 1068, 2080, 2360. Carasso, N. 1372, 1373. earlier, E. 68, 69. Carlsen, F. E. 564, 1519, 1806, 1831, 3266, 3267. Carr, P. H. 829, 2502, 2648. Carroll, K. G. 1163. Casarotti, H. 883. Casorati, V. 1125. Castagnoli, C. 178. Castelnuovo, G. 2732. Cateigne, G. 962. Cater, D. B. 476. Ceccaldi, P. F. 3067. Challande, R. 2704. Challice, C. E. 1015, 1176, 1177, 1358, 3725. Chang, S. 2968, 2969, 2970, 2986. Chanson, P. 2277. Chapman, G. B. 1504b, 1677, 1678, 1679. Chaudron, G. 610, 704, 705, 706. Chaume, G. 2172, 2623. Chayen, J. 571. Chidester, J. 694. Chiozzotto, A. 81, 82. Chiuma, E. 1238. Chopra, I. C. 3759. Chow, Fu Ho 675. Clark, D. 573, 574. Clark, E. 2970. Clarke, B. 2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2309, 2310, 2311, 2312. Clement, G. 670. Clemente, C. D. 3724. Clermont, V. 2005. Clews, C. J. B. 3691. Cochran, G. W. 1167, 2415, 3702. Coffer, H. F. 148, 149a, 3763, 3764. Cohen, C. 1417. Cohen, M. 645. Cohen, T. 1017. Coheur, P. 1465. Collet, A. 2815, 2816, 2817, 2818, 2819, 2820, 2821, 2822, 2823, 2824, 2825, 2826, 2827, 2828, 2829, 2830, 2831, 2832, 2833, 2834, 2835, 2836, 2837, 2838, 2839. Collett, A. R. 3193. Comer, J. J. 198, 1515, 1516, 3192. Common, I. F. B. 820. Commoner, B. 3791. Constantin, T. 219. Cook, M. L. 403. Cook, S. F. 174. Cook, S. R. 2978, 2979, 2980, 2981, 2992, 2996. Cooperstein, M. 1292. Corey, R. B. 2317. Cornuet, P. 2166. Corti, U. A. 3398. Cos, A. L. 1938. Cosslett, V. E. 543, 544, 545, 2617, 2618. Cottone, M. A. 2489. Cottrell, T. L. 38. Coutinho, L. M. 1002. Cowles, P. B. 1228. Cox, A. 572. Coy, 2482. -146- COYLE FELIX Coyle, R. A. 1260. Cramer, D. I. 1453. Cravath, A. M. 451. Croft, R. C. 245. Croissant, O. 218a, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2166, 2168, 3714, 3715. Csaky, T. Z. 239. Cuckow, F. W. 177, 1993. Cullel, R. 3989. Gushing, D. H. 1612. Cutter, P. R. 1645. Dahl, A. 0. 1123. Dalhamn, T. 3050, 3051. Dalitz, V. C. 3111. Dalton, A. J. 1265. D'Amore, A. 62. Daniels, C. W. 2240, 2241. Danon, D. 3133. Danon, M. 793. Danto, J. L. 3931. Dargent, R. 1133, 1134, 1135. Darnis, F. 618. Das Gupta, N. N. 668, 826, 827, 973, 1447, 2946, 3332. Daubeny, R. de P. 693. Davidson, J. N. 3441. Davis, F. H. 11. Davoine, F. 281, 282, 283. Dawes, F. 3304. Dawson, I. M. 47, 48, 184, 1746, 3441, 3725. Day, M. F. 2396. Day, W. C. 2971, 2972, 2973, 2974, 2975, 2976, 2987. De, M. L. 668, 799, 800, 973, 1447, 1448, 2946. De Greve, L. 3740, 3741. Deguchi, K. 4021. Degueldre, L. 841. Dekeyser, W. 3783. Delaha, E. C. 2977, 2978, 2979, 2980, 2981, 2982, 2983, 2984, 2985, 2991, 2992, 2993, . 2994, 2996. Delman, A. D. 3027. Delvigne, J. 1263. DeMarsh, Q. B. 1901, 1902. De Mendonca, I. A. 2410. de Monte, A. J. H. 3759. Dempsey, E. W. 1752, 2096, 3936, 3937. Dempster, G. 959. de Muelenaere, H. 69. Denues, A. R. T. 2446, 2481. De Robertis, E. 259, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1065, 1066, 1189. Dervichian, D. G. 2846. Dervichian, J. M. 218a. Deryugin, I. A. 2565. Descamps, J. 641. Desjardins, P. R. 3337, 3338. de Souza Santos, H. L. 909, 994, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 3470, 3471, 3814. de Souza Santos, P. 905, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1726, 3814. Dettmer, N. 1633, 3284. Deubner, B. 2561, 3105, 3239. Deubner, N. 1882, 1883. Deutsch, K. 693. Devaux, J. 380. Devine, R. L. 234, 235, 236. Dianzani, M. U. 2620. Dietrich, J. W. 2758. Diomede-Fresa, V. 1271. Dmochowski, L. 90, 2445, 2700, 2701, 2702. Dolan, W. W. 977. Dolch, M. E. 1962. Doraermuth, C. H. 1003. Don, P. A. 3725. Donald, H. B. 1166, 1799. Dong, L. 2798. Dontcheff, A. 306, 2627. Dorgelo, G. 3179. Dornfeld, E. G. 2793, 3032, 3033, 3034, 3035. Doty, P. M. 427. Dougherty, T. F. 693a. Douglas, H. C. 12a, 13. Downer, A. N. 589. Dragesco, J. 375, 376, 464. Dragsdorf, R. D. 1542. Drews, G. 2592. Dreyfus, B. 61. Duchateau, C. 1387. Duchateau, G. 1388, 1389. Duguid, J. P. 3445. DOker, H. 2434, 2435. Dulis, E. J. 1163. DuMond, J. 1613. Dupouy, G. 1136, 3600. Dupuy, A. 358. Dyson, J. 1480. Eaton, J. C. 946. Eaves, G. 769, 770, 822, 2701. Eckert, E. A. 239, 240, 2439, 3362, 3363. Eden, M. 1868, 1869. Edlinger, E. 1324, 1325. Edmunds, P. N. 959. Edwards, G. A. 751, 905, 1002, 3470. Edwards, M. R. 751. Edwards, 0. F. 466, 1432. Eguchi, I. 2332. Egyessy, D. M. 1851. Ehret, C. F. 2870. Einberg, E. 688. Einehand, J. 1342. Einstein, P. A. 1481 Eisenstark, A. 1542. Eisenstark, R. 1010. Fibers, P. E. 315. Fibers, P. F. 540. Elersich, V. A. 3762, 3765. Elford, W. J. 814, 1746, 3725. Ellinger, J. P. 1157, 1158. Elliott, R. L. 2296, 2299. Elliott, S. B. 404, 405, 406. Ellis, A. L. 1807. Ellis, S. G. 1680. Ellison, S. A. 2456, 2457, 2458, 2459, 2460, 2461, 2462, 2463, 2464. Elmes, P. C. 3880, 3881. Elschner, B. 985. Emde, K. H. 3260. Emerton, H. W. 35, 1565. EngstrOm, A. 118. Engstram, H. 422, 423, 630, 3868. Enoki, T. 3620, 3622. Epstein, B. 881, 882, 884, 885. Erdtman, G. 10. Erickson, J. O. 96, 1962, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2206. Esaki, T. 3521. Evans, A. S. 3044. Evans, T. C. 228, 229, 230, 231, 1801. Faber, J. E. , Jr. 2092. Fabricant, C. 2004. Fahnenbrock, M. 2384, 2385. Farnsworth, H. E. 565. Farquhar, M. G. 3070, 3071, 3072, 3073. Farr, W. K. 1727. Farrant, J. L. 820, 821. Favard, P. 1372, 1373. Fawcett, D. W. 600. Febvre, H. L. 304, 305, 505, 506, 2628, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2632. Felix, M. D. 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 1265. -147- FELLINGER HAASSER Fellinger, K. 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516. Feltynowski, A. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 978i 3123, 3124, 3386. Fenner, F. 1077. Ferguson, R. A. 1112. Ferris, W. 3863, 3864. Fert, C. 831, 832, 833, 834, 910, 3598. Fessler, J. H. 1809. Fiala, R. 984. Finter, N. B. 1614. Fischbein, E. 3965. Fischer, H. 1779. Fisher, H. W. 2177, 2178, 2179. Fister, G. M. 695. Fitz-James, P. 1524. Flaig, W. 495, 1777. Flewett, T. H. 655, 980, 981, 982. Florent, A. 3668. Florian, E. 3667. Florkin, M. 1387, 1388, 1389. Fluke, D. J. 3625. Fonseca, N. M. 1052, 1053. Fontaine, R. 1193. Forestier, H. 528. Forziati, A. F. 723. Fosdick, L. S. 1936. Fragstein, C. 3832. Frajola, W. J. 829a, 1987. Franchi, C. M. 886, 887, 888, 889, 889a, 890, 891. Franchini, A. 130. Frank, P. 1193. Franken, A. J. J. 3732. Eraser, D. 3918, 3919. Eraser, M. J. 1223. Fraser, R. D. B. 2931. Frechette, Van Derek 1796. Freeman, L. W. 2369. Freeman, M. W. 3810. Freixa, P. 361. Friberg, U. 424, 425. Friedlaender, M. H. G. 2932. Friedman, M. 1198. Friend, C. 3327. Frimer, A. I. 3502, 4051. Fripiat, J. J. 1263. Frisk, A. 1043. Froula, H. 1681. Fujii, H. 3621. Fujii, O. 3623. Fujita, T. 3539. Fujiwara, T. 1981, 2354. Fukami, A. 3585. Fukase, M. 33. Fukuda, M. 1871. Fukuda, S. 3200. Fukui, K. 4038. Fukumi, H. 2594. Fukushi, K. 3381. Fukuya, I. 4034a, 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040. Fuller, M. L. 805. Fulton, R. W. 1454. Funada, S. 3200. Furuzawa, Y. 3536, 3537. Gain, R. 2795. Gansler, H. 3134. Gard, S. 2188. Garfitt, R. G. 1485, 2678. Garten, G. 3704. Garvey, J. S. 3747, 3748. Garzo, T. 1915. Gasic, G. 881, 882. Gautier, A. 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 649, 1986, 2633, 2635. Gautier, P. 1137. Gauzit, M. 747, 748, 3347, 3348. Gaylord, W. H. 2377, 2378, 2379. Geach, G. A. 593. Geever, E. F. 850. Gelotte, B. 3468. Gentil, K. 2218. Georgi, C. E. 3882. Gerard, R. W. 2. Gessler, A. E. 1419, 1420. Gettner, M. E. 1508, 1682, 1683, 1684, 2666, 2842. Geumlek, M. 2969, 2986. Gey, G. 0. 170, 171, 1765. Gey, M. K. 1307, 1308. Gigante, D. 3510. Giltaire-Ralyte, L. 2815, 2816, 2817, 2818, 2819, 2820, 2821, 2822, 2823, 2824, 2825, 2826, 2827, 2828, 2829, 2830, 2831, 2832, 2833, 2834, 2835, 2836, 2837, 2838, 2839. Girard, H. 284. Girardi, A. J. 1287. Giuffria, R. 3687. Giuntini, J. 991, 3756. Glass, I. 1105, 1106. Glassbrook, C. I. 620. Glatthaar, E. 3769. Glauert, A. M. 543, 545, 546, 547. Glemser, 0. 612. Gochenour, W. S., Jr. 524. Goebel, W. F. 1835, 1836. Goedheer, J. C. 611. Gold, A. H. 745, 1832, 1833, 3959, 4013. G«nnert, R. 961. Gooden, E. L. 972. Goodman, J. R. 2798. Gordon, M. 758. Gorius, M. J. 359, 360. Gorrill, R. H. 656. Gralen, N. 2088, 2784. Grassmann, W. 1723, 1724, 2571, 2572. Graziosi, F. 633, 634, 635. Grecelius, G. 120. Green, I. 987. Green, T. D. 1550. Greenspan, G. 2020. Greenwood, A. D. 2309, 2310, 2311, 2312. Greider, M. H. 1186, 1187, 1188, 1987. Grein, A. 152, 153. Grelewicz, L. 1105. Grenon, M. 3083. Grey, C. E. 379, 3327. Grignolo, A. 131, 132, 133, 2346. Grinshpan, L. B. 3766. Grivet, P. 587. Gropp, A. 301. Gross, J. 1660, 1661, 2225, 2346, 3242. Grube, W. L. 3811, 3812. Grula, E. A. 466. GrUmm, H. 1334. GrUn, L. 3115, 3234. GrtJnholz, H. 1446. Grunsberg, L. 185. Guba, F. 155, 1486, 2894, 3263, 3264. Guelin, A. M. 1015. Guerin, M. 302, 2634. Guha, A. 800, 826, 827, 973, 2946. Guillaume, J. 669, 2623. Guinand, S. 932. Guinier, A. 2846. Gulinsky, E. 1897. Gupta, K. C. 3759. Gustafson, G. 3579. Gustavson, K. H. 426. Guyenot, E. 794, 795. Haagen-Crodel, B. 1615. Haagensen, C. D. 929, 929a, 930. Haasser, C. 1181, 1182, 1776. -148- HABRAKEN JAHN Habraken, L. 700, 701. Haefer, R. 1370. Hagawara, T. 2642. Hagedorn, D. J. 3436, 3478, 3479. Hagiwara, A. 3607. Haguenau, F. 301, 311, 312, 313, 689, 2633. HahQ, F. E. 3938. Hahn, M. 2146, 2147. Hall, D. A. 603, 3703. Hall, J. L. 3193. Hall, W. K. 2259. Hallen, O. 1012. Ham, A. W. 1768, 1769. Hamada, H. 3523. Hamid, S. 1452. Hamilton, J. F. 3244. Hamilton, P.-K. 805. Hamlin, A. 1537, 1538, 1539. Hamm, F. A. 712a, 713, 714, 1507a, 1716. Bammen , R. 3266. Handschuhova, 0. 1627, 1631. Hannoun, C. 962. Hansen, P. A. 1545, 1546. Hansen, S. 3443. Hanson, E. J. 225. Hanson, J. 1791. Hanson, R. P. 675. Hanszen, K.-J. 439. Hanzon, V. 3430, 3431, 3432. Hara, K. 3584. Harel, J. 303, 304, 305, 308, 314, 2628, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2632, 2634. Barker, D. 2245. Barman, J. W. 3853, 3854, 3855. Harmon, M. P. 2973, 2974, 2987, 3003, 3004. Harsewinkel 2372, 2373. Bartman, P. E. 368a, 369, 2493, 2494, 2706. Bartman, R. E. 1382. Bartman, R. S. 1551. Bartmann, J. F. 2102. Hartmann-Fahnenbrock, M. 2202, 2203. Bartsell, S. E. 1429, 1430, 1431. Basegawa, H. 3535, 3536, 3537. Hashimoto, H. 3630. Hashimoto, T. 4034a, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040. Bass, G. H. 84, 85, 86. Hata, D. 2885. Hauge, M. 3267. Bay, R. H. 2708. Hayashi, H. 3520. Hayflick, L. 2109. Heagan, B. 3127, 3128. Bebert, J. 701. Heckman, F. A. 3574. Hedman, S. 1038, 3235, 3236. Bedvall, J. 3847. Beller, L. 1258. Bellier, F. F. 1354. Belwig, G. 2032, 2033. Benderson, K. 2037. Hendricks, S. B. 492a, 493. Benin, S. M. 621, 622. Benkel, E. 951. Benle, W. 1149. BennesSen, W. 1441, 3178. Beremans, F. 3740. Bess, G. E. 903, 1382, 1550, 3337. Bess, W. M. 2081. Bickman, J. W. 2988, 2989, 2990. Bieber, F. 915. Bigashizawa, S. 4022. Bighberger, J. H. 1414, 1415, 1416, 3242. Biguchi, T. 1903, 3611. Bildebrand, F. A. 199. Sillier, J. 368a, 369, 663, 664, 1028, 1303, 1505, 1548, 2004, 2494, 2498, 2499, 3705, 3706. Birano, K. 4007. Hiratsiika, H. 3644. Hirota, S. 33. Birschfeld, F. L. 1205, 1838. Birst, W. 1482, 1504. Birts, J. 284. Bjorth, S. 3868. Bocart, R. 2624, 3139. Bodge, A. J. 949, 1078, 2398, 3373. Hoegen, K. 242, 243. Boffman, G. W. 1690. Hoffman, B. 647. Hoffman, J. F. 1685. Bofmann, U. 1070, 1376, 2571, 2572, 2573, 3857. Boge, A. R. 996, 3470. Bolt, A. S. 1817, 1818. Bolz, J. 559, 560. Boneycombe, R. W. K. 570. Bonjo, G. 1651. Bope, A. B. 1705, 2398. Borne, R. W. 2611, 2739, 3186, 3187. Horsfall, F. L. , Jr. 3708. Boshino, T. 3647. Hosier, P. B. 367. Bossack, J. 815. Boster, H. A. 1737. Botchin, J. E. 1015, 3725. Hounam, R. F. 3367. Bouston, B. R. 1349, 1352. Houwink, A. L. 918, 2041, 3112. Bowes, E. L. 2295. Bradecna, Z. 1627, 1628, 1629, 1630, 1631. Hubbell, H. H. 3705. Huber, L. 1924, 2411, 3135, 3136, 3137, 3138, 3172. Buber, O. 2561, 2562, 2564. Bubig, W. 2436. Huebner, R. J. 542. Buff, B. J. 2708. Hug, O. 1152. Bughes, A. F. W. 467. Bughes, K. M. 3495. Bume-Rothery, W. 807. Bunger, G. 1828. Butter, R. G. E. 1292. Huxley, H. E. 1526, 1527, 1706, 1707, 1708. Iberg, R. 1506. Ignesti, U. 3831. Ikeya, M. 3631. Imhof, K. 1739, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744. Inoi, S. 4038. Inokuchi, K. 3582. Inokuchi, T. 3582. Inoue, S. 3613. Inoue, Y. 1880, 3524. Isaacs, A. 937, 938. Ishii, M. 3603, 3604, 3605. Ishikawa, A. 1880. Isings, J. 3270. Itatani, T. 2472. Ito, Hirotomo 3646. I to, Kazuo 3524. Ito, Keiko 4023. Ito, R. 3621. Ito, T. 1802, 1803, 1804, 3524. Ito, Y. 1954. Itoh, K. 3599. Itoh, T. 3599. Iverson, F. K. 1020. Iwai, Shin-ichi 2554. Jackson, E. B. Jackson, M. L. Jackson, S. F. Jacob, L. 679. Jahn, B. 1600. 3938. 702, 1979, 1980. 571, 2930, 2931. -149- JAMES LEHBKE James, T. W. 1543. Janney, C. D. 3312. Jarmolinska, A. 3386. Jee, Webster S.S. 78. Jensen, D. D. 1350. Jensen, E. 628. Johann, I. 1229, 2204, 2205. Johansen, G. 628. Johnson, D. H. 3389. Johnson, F. H. 664. Johnson, P. 2702. Johnstone, K. I. 1529. Jominy, W. E. 3130. Jones, D. 738, 739. Jonquieres, E. D. L. 2291. Joubert , F. J. 2249 Joy, J. E. 2794. Juenker A. 1112. Jull, G W. 1255. Jung, H C. 3073. Kaesberg, P. 2151, 3056, 3057, 3479, 3480. Kafig, E. 2404, 2405. Kahle, B. 3513. Kahler, H. 789, 790, 989, 990, 2226, 2871. Kahn, R. P. 3338. Kakutani, I. 4034a, 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040. Kallman, F. L. 2863, 2864, 3920, 3921. Kambe, K. 1651. Karaijo, Y. 3620. Kane, D. J. 3577. Karzon, D. T. 2550. Kassanls, B. 220. Kato, N. 1466, 1467. Katsui, K. 2646. Katsura, S. 3616. Kawahara, Haruyuki 3609, 3610, 3611, 3616. Kawano, Hichitaka 1903. Kawano, Morikuni 2472. Kaye, W. 2723, 2724, 2725, 2726, 2727, 2728. Kedesdy, H. H. 1874. Keech, M. K. 603. Kehler, H. 1570, 1571. Keidel, F. A. 1557. Keidel, H. J. W. 2041. Kellenberger, E. 452, 452a, 795, 1925, 2191, 2411, 3135, 3136, 3172, 3849. Keller, E. B. 2225. Keller, F. 1787. Kellogg, D. S. 2442. Kelly, A. 1692. Kelly, F. C. 2930. Kern, R. A. 1942, 1943. Kern, S. F. 1940, 1941. Kerr, P. F. 805. Kienast, G. 3659. Kimball, W. A. 3066. Kinder, E. 1990, 1991. Kingkade, M. J. 1941, 1943. Kircher, H. 2604, 2605, 2606, 2607, 2608. Kirchgessner, W. G. 3466. Kirkpatrick, A. F. 3102. Kishimoto, N. 3197. Kissel, J. W. 2586. Kita, M. 3650. Kitaraura, M. 4009. Kitasaki, U. 3569. Kitasato, B. 3712. Klein, E. 1229, 1839. Klein, M. 1193. Klein, R. 305, 506, 1095, 2631, 2632. Kleineberger-Nobel, E. 767. Kleinschmidt , A. 1638, 1639. Klemperer, 0. 934. Kling, W. 1361, 1556. Kiatzer, F. 2559. Knappeis, G. G. 629. Knechtel, H. E. 1164. Knight, C. A. 1541. Knoch, M. 562, 3262, 3934. Knoll, M. L. 2253. Knowlton, K. C. 3390. Kobayashi, K. 1881. Koch, A. 1571. Koch, K. 612. - Koch, W. 1165. Koffler, H. 2293, 3075. Kahler, E. 431. Kohra, K. 2609. Koike, M. 3612, 3613, 3615. Koizumi, M. 1808. KOnig, H. 562, 1610, 1657, 2234, 3934. Kono, A. 4038. Koonce, S. E. 624a. Koprowski, H. 1224, 1225, 1226. Korda, F. H. 3063. KozouSkova, J. (Kozousco) 2039, 2040. Kramer, H. 2223. Kramer, J. 3734. Krasny, J. F. 3227. Krauze, S. 1107. Kreger, D. R. 1761, 3113, 3114. Krieger, W. 1601, 1602, 1603. Krisch, A. 3874. Krflger, F. 3944, 3945. Kubin, G. 2897. Kflchenhoff, O. 444, 445, 446, 447, 448. Kflchenhoff, T. 444, 2062. Kuchibaand, J. 3645. Kudo, K. 3651. Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf , D. 3927, 3928, 3929. Kukidome, K. 3623. Kummer, A. 1098. Kuno, T. 1466, 1467. Kuroda, T. 3197. Kurokawa, M. 1359. Kusakawa, T. 3693. Kushnir, U. M. 613, 3568, 4050, 4051. Kflster, E. 1173, 1777. Kusunoki, S. 4007. Kuyper, B. 2876, 3869. Kyle, T. S. 1011. Laborie, P. 642, 643. Lacour, F. 1476. Lacy, D. 657. Ladd, M. W. 2081, 2082. Laden, E. 2206. Lagasse, A. 3311. Lagerraalm, G. 1982, 2783, 2784. Lagerstedt, S. 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348. Larabe, M. S. 176. Lamont, J. L. 755. Lamp, H. 3660. Langlykke, A. F. 2020. Lanni, F. 3364. Lansing, A. I. 673, 845, 1641, 3862. Larson, C. 3372. Larson, R. H. 2083. Larsson, B. 425. Lauffer, M. A. 561. Lavand'homme, C. 1829. Lazarowitz, A. 1018. Leblois, J. 1298. Leblond, C. P. 688. LeBras, L. R. 429, 2868, 2869. Lecce, J. G. 2482. Lecuir, R. 917. Leder, L. B. 2329. Lees, C. S. 754, 2224. Lefker, R. 381. Leger, A. E. 3813. Lehmann, F. E. 134, 135, 136, 137, 138. Leiby, G. M. 5. LeBibke, A. 1064. -150- LEMOINE MITTWER Leraoine, P. 1829. Lendvai, A. 1915. Lenoir, G. 644. Lenz, F. 2094, 3225, 3226, 3779. Leon, J. 2666. Leon-Blanco, F. 64a, 65, 3809. Lepine, P. 765, 3714, 3715. Leplus, R. 312, 315. Le Poole, J. B. 247, 3743. Le Rutte, W. A. 2170. Lessler, M. A. 1987. Levavasseur, G. 1449. Levi, G. 892. Levin, R. 179. Levkin, N. P. 2071, 3568. Levy, E. 171. Lewis, C. R. 3636. Ley, A. C. 3938. Leyon , H. 14. Libby, R. L. 1062. Lichtenberg, S. 3327. Lieberraann, M. 1149. Liebmann, G. 958. Lillie, M. G. 2990. Lind, S. C. 3819. Lindberg, J. 2089. Lindemann , B. 2356. Linden, I. 2085, 2086. Lindner, E. 921, 2803. Lingen, C. 1038. Lion, K. S. 386. Lippert, W. 1152, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781. Little, K. 754. Litwak.A. A. 4053. Liu, C. 2706. Liu, 0. C. 1149, 1614. Lloyd, B. J., Jr. 789, 790, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869. Loeser, A. 2063. Logan, R. 3441. Lominski, I. 816. Longuet-Escard, J. 106. Loomis, W. E. 2502. Lopes, H. B. 908. Loriers, J. 750. Lovas, B. 1851, 2273, 3667. Love, R. 1126. Luborsky, F. E. 2382. LUdejitz, 0. 3253. Ludvik, Jiri 791, 792. Ludwig, K. S. 1346, 1347, 1348. Lundquist, D. 838. Lutz, G. 1343. Lyk 'yanovich, V. M. 2154. Lynch, V. 626. Lyons, S. C. 716, 2019. McCartney, J. T. 1717. McCarty, K. S. 1419, 1420. McClain, M. E. 3288. McCormick, M. J 3634. McCulloch, D. 1294. McFarland, M. E. 1561. McFarlane, A. S. 184. Mclndoe, W. M. 3441. McKenzie, F. F. 3966, 3967. McLauchlan, T. A. 3305, 3334, 3335. McLean, D, 3691. McLean, J. P. 1705, 1709, 1710, 1711, 2398. McLean, R. 2493. McLennan, L. W. 43. McMahon, K. J. 1010. McMillan, W. R. 1450, 1451. Maaloe, O. 385. Macdonald, K. D. 920. Mackinney, D. 2242. Mackowiak, D. 284. MacLennan, J. D. 2295. Maddin, S. 3931. Maeda, J. 3646. Magari, S. 2643, 2644, 2645, 2646. Magill, P. L. 619, 620. Magnan, C. 659, 660, 661. Mahl, H. 1361, 1643, 1644, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002. Majno, G. 3135, 3172, 3751. Majori, L. 3751. Malraros, H. 1258. Mandel, J. 3509. Mangini, H. 316, 317. Manogue, B. 1019. Mapes, G. 3. 3930. Marcus, T. R. 861, 862. Maresh, D. 1946. Mariani, A. 62. Mariani-Marelli , O. 62. Mark, H. 3389. Markali, J. 472, 1251, 1499, 1500, 1501, 1502. Markey, P. 693. Marotta, U. 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129, 2130. Marsico, G. 139, 140, 141. Martin, A. V. W. 2931. Martin, C. 2166. Martin, J. P. 1351. Martinez de Victoria, M. 2546. Marton, C. 2329. Marty, B. 1138, 1139. Maruse, S. 3201, 3584. Massari, F. 139, 140, 141. Mathieu-Sicaud, A. 106, 621, 669, 932, 2285, 2399. Matoltsy, G. 1417. Matsumiya, S. 3621. Mattheis, H. 1855. Matthews, J. M. 2358. Matthews, R. E. F. 2097. May, J. W. 3676. Mayer, G. 627. Mazia, D. 319. Mazza, E. 2365. Meinhart, J. 0. 2180. Melin, K.-A. 1038. Melnick, J. L. 161, 162, 162a, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1827, 2181, 3037, 3038, 3044, 3506. Mendlowitz, H. 2329. Menter, J. W. 665, 666, 667, 1692, 2363, 3307. Mercer, E. H. 1079, 1080. Mercer, F. V. 1705, 1709, 1710, 1711. Mering, J. 2343, 2344. Mernan, J. P. 3391, 3392. Meryman, H. T. 1561a, 2327. Meunier 2080. Meyer, A. 1194, 1195. Meyer, G. 2063. Meyer, H. 1100. Mezard, M. 1884. Michener, J. W. 2873. Miharaa, K. 1734, 1735, 3599, 3600. Mikami, H. 4011. Miles, J. A. R. 544, 740. Militzer, W. E. 3882. Millard, A. 90, 3016. Milligan, W. O. 4. Millot, P. 962. Milne, A. A. 185. Minato, H. 1808. Mink, J. 200. Mirimanoff, M. A. 2190. Mirsky, A. E. 28. Misra, S. S. 1452. Mitra, R. P. 2003. Mittwer, T. 180, 181, 182. -151- MIYAGAWA PA LAY Mlyagawa, H. 3653. Miyake, S. 1735. Miyata, J. 3196. Miyata, K. 2600. Miyazaki, Y. 1533. Mlczoch, F, 517. Moberger, G. 119. Modern, F. W. S. 148a, 2798. Modin, S. 2426. Mfllbert, E. 377, 1392, 1459. Mommaerts, E. B. 240. Monro, J. 3677. Monto, R. 3013, 3014, 3015. Moolten, S. E. 2970. Moore, A. E. 3327. Moore, Anna T. 3688, 3689. Moore, C. 2315. Moore, D. H. 929, 929a, 930, 1224, 1225, 12:^6 2455, 2456, 2457, 2458, 2459, 2460, 2461 2462, 2463, 2464, 2465, 2467, 2481. Moore, Roger 1356, 2798. Moore, R. J. 451. Moore, S. 2975, 2976, 2998. Morard, J.-C. 215, 216. Moreau, J. 254. Morgan, B. S. 1353. Morgan, C. 410, 1750, 1950, 2444, 2445 3143, 3144. Morgan, M. M. 2330. Morgenstern, W. 1367. Morgenthaler , P. W. 217. Mori, R. 3614. Morioka, T. 4024. Morita, F. 3695. Morlta, S. 4033. Morse, K. T. 2446. Morton, H. E. 3126. Moser, P. 1780, 1781. Mosley, V. M. 2074, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2078 Moss, M. S. 2297, 2298, 2299. Mosse, J. 218a. Mottlau, A. Y. 1180. Mottram, F. C. 861, 862, 863. Moule, Y. 649. Moulthrop, I. 2981. Mowry, R. W. 2466. Mudd, S. 368a, 369, 806, 1548, 1686, 1687, 2706. Muhlethaler, K. 1216, 1217. MOller, A. F. 2518. MUller, E. W. 952, 953. Mtlller, Walter 250. Mulvey, T. 1483, 1484, 1484a. Munari, P. F. 1362, 1363, 1364, 2547. Mundo Fuertes, A. 2546. Munk, K. 3220, 3221, 3224. Murakami, Y. 2595. Murray, R. G. E. 3093. Muscatine, N. A. 59. Naess, T. 1502. Nagai, T. 3648. Nagasaki, S . 40 10 Naito, Y. 3606. Nakamura , T. 3647 Nakayama , T. 3216 Nandi, S. 973. Narha, K. 3200. Narita, K 3200. 4006. Nasemann, T. 2744, 2745 Nechitailo, N. A. 3758. Neckel, I. 913, 3168. Neelands, L. J. 565. Nelson, F. E. 829. Nelson, H. 2992. Neraetschek, T. 1376 Nesbitt, E. A. 1580 Neuman , M. W. 2575. 2746. 1722, 1723, 1724. Newberry, S. P. 710, 2613. Newfang, D. M. 237. Nicolai, E. 2876. Nicolle, P. 1325. Niebylski, L. M. 2805. Nielsen, N. A. 2282. Nieudorp, H. 3733. Nikiforova, G. S. 3784. Nishi, Y. 1239. Nishino, K. 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039 4040. Nishitani, Y. 3522, 3523, 3524. Nixon, H. L. 220, 221, 1983. Nixon, W. C. 741, 742, 743. Noaki , H. 33. Noda, S. 3214. Noike, T. 3621. Nomiyama, K. 3613. Nordli, £. 472, 473. Norling, A. 3053. Norman, A. 3142. North, A. C. T. 2930, 2931. Nossal, P. M. 1525. Nutting, J. 744, 1792. Nye, W. F. 2112. Nygaard, O. 2090. Oatley, C. W. 3446. Obata, Y. 4025. Oberlin-Mathieu-Sicaud, A. 622, 1694 1695 1696, 1697, 2624, 3067, 3139. Oberling, C. 301, 302, 303, 306, 309, 311 313, 314, 318, 1270. Odate, Z. 4026, 4027. Oeters, F. 1900. Ogawa , K . 3607 . Ogawa, T. 1652. Ohlerich, G. 1725. Okada, K. 2353. Okado, S. 3654. Okamoto, H. 3197. Okimoto, S. 4028. Okita, T. 2639, 2640. Okuraoto, T. 3693. Okuro, I. 3647. Olarte, J. 64. Olney, M. J. 2619. Omura , H . 3995 . O'Neill, H. 3904. Onishi, E. 3620. Ono, T. 3801. Ono, Y. 4012. Onozaki, N. S. C. 2473. Opara, Z. 2036. Opderbeck, F. 3396. Opfer, G. 3779. Ordal, E. J. 44. Ornstein, L. 1304. Orth, E. 2895, 2896, 2897, 3174, 3175. Orthraann, H. J. 1604. Oskay, J. J. 2482, 2483. Oster , C. F. , Jr. 58. Oswald, J. W. 1349, 1352. Ota, Y. 4027. Otten, E. 2747. Ouboter, M. P. de Bruyn 2673. Ouellet, C. 3813. Owen, M. J. 2181. Ozaki, Y. 1954, 1955. Paasche, E. 2314. Page, R. S. 1485. Paine, T. 0. 2382. Pakesch, F. 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 518, 519, 520, 1103. Palade, G. E. 2691, 2692, 3180, 3181, 3955, 3956. Palay, S. L, 2688. -152- PAL IK ROULET Palik, E. S. 3746, 3748. Palmer, E. D. 2991, 2992, 2993, 2994, 2995. Pande, A. 1452, 3759. Pankow, G. 954. Pappas, G. D. 3078. Pardee, A. B. 3219. Paris. C. H. 3663. Parker. E. 1538, 1539. Parrack, A. L. 3125. Parsons, J. 3814. Paseyro, P. 893. Pasinetti, A. 2272. Passey. R. D. 931. Paul, H. L. 432. Pauling, L. 2317. Pazemenas , K. 170. Pearce, R. 807. Pease, D. C. 148, 148b, 149a. Peck, Virgil 1910. Peck, V. G. 1368. Peers, J. H. 1750. Pelczar, M. J., Jr. 2092. Pena, J. M. Gonzales 1124. Pernoux, E. 215, 216, 218, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 809, 3639, 3640. Perrin-Bonnet, I. 2343, 2344, 2399. Perry, B. T. 3. Perutz, M. F. 817. Petcher, R. H. 1248. Peters, 0. 2519, 2568, 3501, 3876, 3890, 3891, 3892. 3893, 3894, 3895, 3896, 3897, 3898. Peterson. R. R. 846. Peterson, W. H. 451. Pfefferkorn, G. 243, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 2057, 2733, 3870, 3871, 3946, 3947, 3948, 3949, 3950, 3951. Pfister, H. 3397. Pfisterer, H. 1636. Philip, B. 2087, 2088, 2089. Philpott. D. E. 85, 1250, 1978. Picard, R. G. 3035, 3297. Piccardo, M. G. 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320. Pierree, C. 3686. Pilod, P. 2105. Pitelka, D. R. 2406. Pitre, J. 2884. Piwkowski, T. 1106. Plakhov, A. G. 3568. Pluramer, N. 3578. Podolsky, M. 890. Poelma, L. J. 2967. Pohlit, W. 2219, 2220, 2221. Polley, M. H. 667a, 667b. Pollister, A. W. 2667. Poison, A. 1522. Poppa, H. 582, 583, 584. Pored, G. 1870, 2043. Porter, J. E. 2981, 2996. Porter, K. R. 85, 260, 1091, 1092, 1093, 2689, 3078, 3152, 3153, 3154, 3155, 3156, 3313, 3314, 3315. POschl, K. 1984. Post, L. C. 3664. Potter, C. 820, 821. Powell, A. S. 416, 417, 429, 2315. Powers, E. L. 1004. Pratt; A. W. 989, 990. Prebus, A. F. 3746, 3747, 3748. Preston, R. D. 151, 1619, 2414. Preuss, L. E. 3815, 3816, 3817. Price, P. R. 1770. Princivalle, M. 2732. Prokes, V. 3243. Propst, A. 1371, 2944. Pruvot, T. 3026. Puck, T. T. 2176. Puff„ A. 1959. Pungor, E. 3263, 3264. Quantz, L. 496. Qureshi, S. H. 2997. Rabaey, M. 1190. Rabatin, J. G. 1187, 1188, 1737. Rake, G. 154, 413, 724, 1377, 2484. Ramberg, E. G. 1688, 1689. Ramsfjell, E. 1251. Ranby, B. G. 3054. Ranc, G. 707, 708. Randall, J. T. 225, 599, 1227, 1528. Rang, 0. 2437. Rao, T. N. R. 1310. Rappaport, C. 59. Rast, N. 3881. Ratzenhofer, M. 1371. Rauterberg, W. 1855. Rawlins, T. E. 3959. Hay-chaudhuxi, S. P. 799, 1448. Read, H. J. 3850, 3851. Reagan, R. L. 1468. Reeber, H. E. 4054. Reed, R. 603, 604, 744, 1067, 1498, 1771, 2700, 2701, 2702, 3703. Rees, A. L. G. 753. Regenstreif, E. 1410. Reid, J. J. 1963. Reisman, E. 3393. Reissig, M. 893, 894, 1054, 1055, 1065, 1066. Renoll, M. W. 3747, 3748. Repina , L. 3567. Requardt, K. 1639. Revell, R. S. M. 11, 12, 13a. Reverdin, D. L. 2331. Rhoads, H. D. 591. Rhodin, J. 3433, 3434. Hibi, E. 2926, 3189, 3372. Rice, R. V. 1860. Richter, H. 1151, 1605, 1606. Rietz, L. 588. Rind, H. 1856. Rinehart, J. F. 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1074a. Ring, C. E. 1158a. Ringdal, K. G. 472. Rinker, J. N. 2293. Ripley, G. W. 1612, 1619, 2877, 2878. Ris, H. .2090. Ritchie, P. D. 1314. Roadknight, L. 2397. Robertson, R. H. S. 2373. Robertson, R. N. 1081. Robinow, C. F. 1169. Robinson, R. A. 3827. Rochow, E. G. 3103. Rochow, T. G. 461a, 805, 3099, 3100. R«ckl, H. 2563, 2564. Rodenberg, S. 719. Roelofsen, P. A. 1762. Rogers, G. E. 1081a, 1203. Rogers, G. L. 490. Rogers, H. J. 1529. Rollins, M. L. 3688, 3689. Rosberg, D. W. 2587, 2588. Rose, H. M. 2445, 2455, 2456, 2457, 2458, 2459, 2460, 2461, 2462, 2463, 2464, 2465, 2467. Rose, N. R. 2484. Rosenberg, M. 4042. Rosenthal, T. B. 2096. Ross, A. F. 3104. Ross, M. 975. Ross, S. T. 3637. Roth, L. E. 236, 1490, 2870. Rothbard, S. 3828. Rouiller, C. 310, 649, 1476, 1773, 1926, 3172. Roulet, Y. 142. -153- ROULT SMITH Roult, G. 1697. Rountree, P. U. 1082. Rouze, S. R. 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428. Row, 0. 2520, 2521. Rowe, F. G. 461a, 805, 3101, 3102. Rozsa, G. 2468, 3472. Rubin, B. 3939. Rubin, S. 620. Ruck, H. 1870. Ruppin, D. 2590. Ruska, E. 77, 2540. Ruska, H. 751, 913, 994, 1001, 1002, 3285, 3286, 3780. Russo, G. 1378. Rutishauser, E. 3135, 3136, 3137, 3138. Ruziczka, 0. 2669, 2670. Ryser, F. C. 829. Ryter, A. 1927, 3133. Sagik, B. F. 2176. Saba, 0. K. 828. Saba, N. N. 91. Sakaki, Y. 3584. Sakata, S. 3655. Sakurai, T. 2068. Salo, T. P. 443. Saloora, J. A. 1690. Sampson, A. H. D. 38, 39. Sand, L. 200. Sansone, F. M. 2998. Saporte, R. 1139, 1140. Sappa, B. 2125, 2131, 2132. Sapranauskas , P. 170, 458. Sarkarla, D. 2242. Sasaki, K. 3801. Sasaki, H. 3695. Sasaki, Y. 3561. Sass, S. 2327. Sauer, J. A. 1772. Saulnler, A. 3601. Sawaya, P. 905, 994, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 3470. Saxl, H. 603. Scanga, F. 62. Schachman, H. K. 2699. Scbafer, W. 1751. Scbaffer, F. L. 3288. Scbenck, D. 1468, 2999, 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004. Scheraga, H. A. 3391, 3392. Schick, A. F. 86, 1563. Schimmel, G. 585, 586. Schiske, P. 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338. Scbleich, F. 1930, 1960, 1961, 2939, 3106, 3258, 3259. Schlesinger, R. W. 3866. Schlipkoter, H. W. 1948, 1949. Schluge, H. 2940, 2941. Schmidt, C. G. 2063. Schraitt, F. 0. 1295, 1296, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1660, 1661. Schnauder, G. 2914. Schneider, C. 1788. Schneider, H. F. 4054. Schooley, C. N. 2802. Schrader, A. 3875. Schramm, G. 648, 3222. Schubert, D. C. 2330. Schubothe, H. 2356. Schuchmann, J. A. 248, 774, 775. Schuermann, H. 120. Schuetz, E. S. 143, 144. Schulek, E. 2894. Schultz, B. J. 2005. Schultz-Larsen, J. 1519. Schulz, R. A. 667b. Schumacher, G. 3251, 3252. Schtlmmelfeder, N. 1316. Schuster, G. 3168. Schfltz, W. 1099. Schwartz, C. M. 95, 695a, 696. Schwartz, W. 495. Schwarz, W. 914, 3021, 3169, 3657. Schwerdt, C. E. 100. Schwertz, F. A. 3957. Schwink, C. 3122. Science Museum, London, England 3293. Scott, D. B. 1521, 3469. Scott, G. D. 1029, 1030, 3335, 3336. Scott, N. W. 1562. Scott, T. F. McNair 724. Scudder, C. L. 2479. Seal, R. T. 391. Sedar, A. W. 231, 1801. Seeds, W. E. 2930. Seeliger, R. 1939. Seller, K. 3009. Sekido, E. 1800. Sekine, E. 33. Seligman, B. 2259. Selzer, G. 1522, 2843. Sennett, R. S. 3305. Senseney, C. A. 864, 903, 1382, 1550. Septier, A. 747, 748, 1278, 1279. Sernka, R. P. 3130. Setlow, R. B. 1198. Shah, J. R. 1815, 2330. Shapiro, J. E. 3699, 3700, 3701, 3702, 3965. Shapras, P. 1309. Sharp, D. G. 239, 240, 987, 1380, 2439. Sharpe, J. W. 758, 1314. Shaw, E. 2380. Shekhter, A. B. 3766. Shepard, C. 3055. Shibanuma, H. 3562. Shidaka, Y. 3644. Shiga, Y. 3594. Shikata, E. 1245. Shimadzu, S. 2009. Shimetani, S. 3648. Shimizu, T. 1956. Shimizu, Y. 3607. Shinoda, G. 1895. Shiota, N. 674. Shiota, O. 1239. Shoenberg, M. D. 1938. Shulman, S. 1861, 1862. Shurman, M. M. 1863. Siat, A. 1696. Siddal, G. 1729. Siegel, B. M. 3104. Siekevitz, P. 2690. Sifferlen, R. 706. Sikorska, E. 1107. Sikorski, J. 1034, 1830, 2108, 2522, 2707, 2917. Simon, R. E. 3394. Simpson, A. 1033. Simpson, J. A. 2329, 2330. Singh, K. 465. Sinitsyn, V. 3758. Sinn, L. 3482. Sitte, P. 3404, 3405. SjOstrand, F. S. 10, 385, 1044, 1045, 1146, 2270, 2672, 3498. Skidmore, J. W. 632. Skipper, S. J. 715. Smadel, J. E. 3938. Smith, A. G. 1686, 1687, 1844, 2495, 2496, 2497, 2498, 2499. Smith, E. J. 3005. Smith, G. C. 2619. Smith, I. W. 959, 960. Smith, J. R. 2885. Smith, L. E. 1021. -154- sMira TSUCH IKURA Smith, P. A. S. 3060.. Smith, R. H. 1812, 3746. Snellraan, O. 1573. Snowden, F. C. 1517, 1518. Sognnaes, R. F. 3298. Sohier, R. 2167. Sokol, A. 1018. Solov'ev, N. N. 1. Sotelo, J. R. 891, 895, 896. Soul, D. C. 338. Souza Santos (see de Souza Santos) SpShn, H. 3240. Spalla, C. 153. Sperling, F. G. 2109. Spicer, S. S. 3l45, 3146. Spink, J. A. 753. Spiro, D. 1706, 1707, 1708. Spitzy, H. 3438. Spoendlin, H. 1045. Spolarich, J. 175. Sproull, R. L. 3394. Stafford, E. 945. Stahmann, M. A. 1860, 3056, 3057, 3399, 3436. Stanier, R. Y. 2699, 3219. Stanley, W. M. 3288. Starr, M. P. 3194. Stecher, H. 1218. Steere, R. L. 3916, 3917, 3922.' Steigler, A. 1005. Stein, J. 1744. Steinhaus, E. A. 3799. Steinmann, E. 1146, 1219. Stelter, J. 1442. Stenstrom, S. 2672. Sterling, E. 1717. Stern, H. 816, 818. Stetson, H. W. 716. Steve-Bocciarelli, D. 99. Stevenson, P. C. 3704, 3706. Stewart, M. T. 2982, 2983, 2984, 2985, 2993, 2994, 2995. Stinebring, W. 2109. Stobbe, H. 1856. Stock, C. C. 1508. Stoeckenius, W. 2748, 2749, 2750, 2751. Stoker, M. G. P. 740. Stopka, E. 921. Storck, R. 3884. Storks, K. H. 1581. Strand, N. 3006, 3007, 3008. Strang, C. D. 605. Straumanis, M. E. 1837. Strauss, M. J. 161, 162, 162a, 2377, 2380. Striebich, M. J. 790. Stroraberg, R. R. 3575, 3576. Stuart, D. C. 3170. Stuart-Webb, J. 2091. Studer, H. 1100, 3396, 3397. Stflrmer, E. 2063. Sturrock, R. M. 2005, 3013, 3014, 3015. Styk, B. 617. Sugioka, Z. 4029. Suiter, J. W. 1261. Suito, E. 1800, 3617. Sumita, Y. 1872. Suneson, C. A. 1352. Sutton, R. M. 2253. Suzuki, A. 2554. Suzuki, K. 3649. Suzuki, T. 3607. Svaetichin, G. 2672. Svedmyr, A. 1982. Swain, R. H. A. 2256, 2945. Sweeney, W. T. 723. Swensson, A. 426. Swerdlow, M. 493, 1964, 2327, 2582, 3507, 3508, 3509. Swineford, A. 199. Syre, R. 3212, 3213. Szabolcsi, G. 1915. Szent-Gyargyi, A. 2468, 2789, 2790, 2791, 3143, 3144, 3147. Taber, D. A. 1618. Taboadela, M. Munoz 26. Tabuis, J. 357, 541. Tacquet, A. 1298. Tadano, B. 3624. Tahtnisian, T. N. 232, 233, 234, 235, 236. Takada, Y. 3623. Takagi, R. 1795. Takahashi, M. 33, 3547. Takahashi, N. 2638. Takahashi, S. 1653, 1654. Takahashi, T. 3584. Takaishi, K. 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040. Takamura, Jin-ichi 2595. Takeshige, Y. 3521. Takeuchi, S. 2641. Takeyama, T. 2016, 3599. Takiyama, K. 1800, 3540, 3541, 3542, 3543, 3544, 3545, 3546, 3547, 3548, 3560. Takuma, S. 2348, 2349, 2350, 2351, 2352, 2353. Tamamura, H. 2647. Tamamushi, Bun-ichi 2422. Tamm, I. 2865. Tanabe, Y. 3608. Tanaka, A. 4024, 4029. Tanaka, C. 2421. Tanaka, J. 2647. Tanaka, S. 4034a, 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040. Taoka, S. 2472. Tateishi, M. 3525. Tattersall, R. N. 3016, 3703. Tchan, Y. T. 1326. Tegawa, J. 4034a, 4035, 4036, 4037. Teichner, S. 291, 292, 293, 2736. Teuscher, G. W. 1936. Thiery, J. P. 362, 363. Thirsk, H. R. 462, 463. Thj6tta, T. 1845. Thomas, J. B. 611. Thompson, C. G. 1785. Thornberry, H. H. 40. Thornburg, W. L. 3877. Thorpe, W. H. 761. Thorsson, K.-G. 1982. Thouvenot, H. 2884. Thun, R. 441. Tikhonenko, A. S. 2052, 2053, 2054. Tikomirova, L. A. 3669. Tischer, W. 1443. Tischler, M. S. 976. Tobin, J. Oh. 3040. Toda, T. 3615. Toduda, M. 1659. Tokuyasu, K. 3612, 3615. Tomii, T. 3647. Toraita, A. 4021. Tomita, H. 2600, 3584. Toralin, S. G. 625, 1798, 2322, 2867. Torun, A. 1106. Tousirais, A. J. 1057, 1663. Treptow, K . -H . 2250. Tretyakov, I. I. 3368. Trillat, J. -J. 1891, 1892, 3601. Tripp, V. W. 3121. Troitzsch, H. 2172. Trolan, J. K. 977. Tsai, F. 3650. Tsuchikura, H. 20 68, 2350, 2351, 2352, 2353. -155- TSUTSUI WOOD Tsutsui, J. 2421. Tufts, B. J. 2232, 2233. Tui;Loch, G. S. 3350. Tunbridge, R. E. 603, 1498. Turkevich, J. 1262. Turley, J. W. 717, 718. Turner, E. S. 3878. Tutihasi, S. 3626. Tuynman, C. A. F. 3741. Twai, Shin-ichi 2554. Twiss, S. B. 3636. Uchida, T. 3613. Uchinoumi, Y. 2010. Ueda, R. 3197, 3198, 3199, 3200. Uerlings, I. 1855. Uhl, M. 1181, 1182. Ukai, H. 3620, 3622. Ultee, A. J. , Jr. 3270. Urteaga B. , O. 3898. Usami, S. 3651. Ussing, M. J. 3298, 3469. Uyeda, N. 3538, 3548, 3549, 3550, 3551, 3552, 3553, 3554, 3555, 3556, 3557, 3558, 3559, 3560, 3561, 3562. Vadasz, J. 1486, 1852. Vago, C. 2168. Vallejo-Freire, A. 996, 3471, 3814. Vanaraee, P. 3828. Van Antwerp, W. R. 3899. van Breemen, V. L. 229, 230, 237, 1381. Van Bronkhorst, A. 2327, 3400. Vand, V. 819. Vanderhoff, J. W. 25, 478, 478a. van der Knaap, W. 3179. Vandermeerssche, G. 840, 851, 852, 853, 1190, 3783. Vander Merwe, J. H. 2064. van der Scheer, C. 150, 2915. Vander Want, J. P. H. 2915. Vanderwinkel, E. 3884. Van Grunderbeeck, F. 3805. Van Iterson, W. 1760. Vanpee, M. 3818, 3819. Vanselow, R. 954. van Slogteren, E. 2673. Van Veelen, G. F. 3741. Van Winkle, Q. 1737. Varela, G. 64a, 65, 3809. Vatter, A. E. 678, 1817, 1818. Vatter, E. E. 492. Vela, M. A. 768. Verhoeff, A. 3733. Verlinde, J. D. 468. Vernon-Smith, S. 121, 2740. Vertregt, N. 3664. Vester, G. 3287. Viets, H. R. 3074. Vigier, P. 306, 1536, 2627. Vitkuske, J. F. 478a. Vogel, A. 3769, 3770. Vogel, t. 445, 446, 447, 448. Vogell, W. 1639, 1900. Voisin, C. 1298. Voisin, G. A. 3058. Void, R. D. 148, 149a, 3762. Volpers, R. 3292. Von Beust, F. 3398. von Borries, B. 3225, 3226. von Fischer, W. 429, 2869. von Wettstein, D. 2189, 3514. Vose, W. 2263. Votava, E. 840. Waddington, C. H. 3329. Wagner, E. H. 2589. Wagner, J. 1440. Wagner, S. 688. Wahl, R. 1323. Wahli, H. R. 2116, 2117, 3986. WakS, M. 1236, 1237. Walker, J. C. 2083, 2097, 3399. Walker, T. K. 1899. Wallace, G. I. 3879. WallhSuser, K . -H . 3661. Walsh, A. 454, 3881. Walter, F. 3488, 3489. Ward, C. B. 1011. Ward, J. P. 1962. Ward, R. 2842. Wardrop, A. B. 1712, 1713. Warren, J. 542, 3178. Warren, O. 148, 148c, 148d, 149, 149a, 318a, 2721. Watabe, Y. 3652. Watanabe, M. 1804, 3599. Watanabe, Y. 2011. Watson, J H. L. 62a, 63, 64, 64a, 65, 2882, 2883, 3141. Watson, M. L. 3097, 3098, 3940. Watson, R. F. 3078. Watts, J. 35, 1033. Weaver, R. H. 466, 1432. Weber, A. 214. Weber, A. H. 66, 591, 3046, 3047. Webster, J. 2367. Wedderburn, C. C. 64a, 65, 3809. Weickraann, H. H. 1874. Weigle, J. J. 795, 2191. Weil, R. 2947. Weinman, J. A. 1196, 1197. Weiser, H. B. 2418. Weiser, R. S. 2552. Weiss, A. 1070. Weiss, E. 2488. Weiss, J. M. 2885. Wellington, E. G. 268. Wengel, E. 3782. Werner, G. H. 452a. Werner, J. H. 1663. Wersail, J. 1043, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049. Wert, C. 1944, 2898. Westerraann, H. 2775, 2776, 2777. Westfall, J. A. 2406. Westphal, 0. 3253. Westphal, W. 1939. Wever, F. 3248. Whalen, M. M. 388, 389, 390. Whewell, C. S. 2108. White, J. C. 1031. White, L. S. 2099, 2100. Wiedemann, M. 3254. Wiester, H.-J. 3874. Wigand, R. 2568, 2752, 2753, 2754, 2755, 27 56, 27 57. Wijnman, C. F. 3111. Wilkens, M. J. 1081. Wilkinson, G. R. 2930. Wilkinson, J. F. 960, 2256, 3445. Williams, H. J. 2574. Williams, R. C. 103a, 104, 764, 1185, 1200, 1201, 2251, 3188, 3288, 3481, 3487. Williamson, K. I. 1143, 3385. Wilman, H. 2357. Wilsdorf, H. 2064, 2065. Wilson, D. F. 3316. Winfield, M. E. 246. Winsser, J. 3170. Winterrayer, A. M. 1964. Winterscheid, L. C. 2493, 2500, 2501. Wislocki, G. B. 847, 848, 849. Wohlfarth-Botterraann, K.-E. 2056, 2057, 2573, 2778. Wolf, F. A. 3365. Wood, J. L. 454. Wood, M. J. 603. Wood, W. A. 1261. -156- Woods , H . J . 2707, 2917. Wright, B. A. Wright, C.-S. Wright, K. H. Wrist, P. E. Wyburn, G. U. Wyckoff, R. W WCX)DS 1034, 1830, 2108, 2522, 2523, 2737. 3566. R. 185. 1034, 1565. 815, 1736. G. 410, 491, 765, 988, 1521, 1750, 1950, 2077, 2078, 2079, 2468, 2469, 2551, 2598, 2599, 2872, 3143, 3144, 3147, 3148, 3149, 3297, 3298, 3299, 3300, 3301, 3302, 3455, 3456, 3457, 34^69. Wynne- Jones, W. 3662. Wyss, 0. 2442. Xalabarder, C. 3720. Xeros, N. 3457, 3458, 3459, 3460, 3461, 3462, 3463. Yada, K. 1654, 1655, 1656. Yager, R. H.~ 524. Yakovleva, M. E. 1069. Yamada, M. 719. Yamaguchi, A. 3623. 4031, 4033. Yamaguchi , Y 3652 Yamaide, T. 3653. Yamamoto, K. 3606. Yamamoto, Y. 4030, Yamanaka, S. 1895. Yamanaka , T. 4032, Yanase, T 2355. Yasuda, H 3607 . Yokoyama , J. 4033. Yokoyama , T. 3645. Yoshihara , F 3995 Yoshioka, N. 3623. Yotsumoto, , H 3585 Youatt, J . B, 1529 4033. Yu, S. P. 2478. Zaffire, P. 796. Zagar, L. 3289. Zaitsev, P. V. 3568. Zamecnik, P. C. 2225. Zampi, G. 3831. Zapater, R. C. 2292. Zapf, K. 2008. Zehender, E. 3159. Zelander, T. 1012. Zelle, M. R. 939. Zemlianova, L. I. 2072. Zetterquist, H. 3369, 3370. Zillig, W. 3223, 3224, 3251, 3252, 3255. Zimmer, K. 497. Zimmerman, L. H. 3638. Zischka, W. 517. Zollers, S. M. 3036. Zollinger, H. U. 2518. Zuppinger, A. 3790. Zych, Z. 1108, 1109. -157- SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION — General — Bibliographies 909, 2327, 2446, 2480, 2481, 3779, 3780. Meetings and conferences 55a, 86, 88, 278, 308, 653, 654, 720, 730, 733, 744, 817, 916, 957, 958, 1013, 1403, 1455, 1479, 1568, 1569, 2195, 2543, 2851, 2887, 2888, 2889, 2890, 2892, 3077, 3079, 3082, 3238, 3272. Reviews and books 22, 150, 241, 278, 343, 413, 536, 538, 576, 581, 646, 652, 727, 732, 734, 736, 737, 781, 804, 850, 860, 869, 871, 955, 992, 1154, 1208, 1211, 1215, 1252, 1253, 1277, 1329, 1354, 1384, 1390, 1403, 1461, 1478, 1495, 1510, 1514, 1566, 1567, 1574, 1594, 1658, 1664, 1796, 1797, 1827, 1837, 1911, 2140, 2166, 2358, 2374, 2665, 2795, 2801, 2810, 2844, 3074, 3120, 3164, 3166, 3173, 3306, 3323, 3404, 3405, 3425, 3526, 3529, 3530, 3573, 3583, 3656, 3736, 3737, 3742, 3771, 3777, 3778, 3960, 3978, 3983. Other 503, 579, 584, 1635, 1846, 2254, 3416, 3581, 3773, 3833, 3834, 3982. — Instrumentation — Electron microscopes Theoretical papers 56, 71, 72, 74, 83, 172, 173, 269, 270, 271, 272 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 332, 334, 335, 336, 433, 437 525, 526, 527, 587, 597, 613 661, 679, 738, 747, 752, 823 934, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969 986, 1018, 1024, 1137, 1272, 1292, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1327 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336 1399, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407 1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437 1440, 1477, 1478, 1481, 1484 1604, 1689, 1690, 1802, 1803 1815, 1875, 1876, 1878, 1879 1924, 1931, 1984, 1992, 2006 2094, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2107 2134, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2139 2146, 2194, 2196, 2197, 2200 2220, 2221, 2255, 2328, 2329 2413, 2435, 2437, 2589, 2696 2941, 3017, 3018, 3043, 3122 3230, 3291, 3339, 3341, 3342 3382, 3383, 3396, 3502, 3524 3680, 3713, 3774, 3829, 3839 273, 276, 330, 331, 439, 453, 650 , 660 , 824, 897, 970, 971, 1273, 1330 1337 1408 1438 1494 1813 1880 2007 2118 2141 2217 2361 2935 3163 3345 3559 1274, 1331, 1338, 1409, 1439, 1520, 1814, 1881, 2073, 2119, 2145, 2219, 2412, 2938, 3228, 3346, 3671, Physical features Apertures 222, 367, 397, 399, 428, 810, 1078, 1302, 1485, 1654, 1688, 2215, 2449, 2677. Electron gun 187, 394, 437, 613, 824, 927, 1022, 1481, 1672, 1794, 2435, 3490, 3491, 3525, 3563, 3593, 3844. Lenses and polepieces 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 274, 275, 276, 330, 336, 406, 525, 526, 597, 598, 636, 638, 650, 679, 722a, 965, 966, 967, 968, 970, 971, 1063, 1137, 1138, 1232a 1292, 1311, 1331a, 1334, 1511, 1681, 1893, 2104, 2137, 2198, 2475, 3028, 3201, 1520, 1813, 1894, 2118, 2139, 2199, 2544, 3029, 1266, 1272, 1274, 1312, 1313, 1327, 1330, 1410, 1439, 1477, 1485, 1665, 1666, 1668, 1815, 1875, 1878, 2093, 2094, 2103, 1654 1814 1961 2119 2134, 2142, 2143, 2216, 2217, 2135, 2136, 2146, 2196, 2696, 3030, 3230, 3290, 2938, 3031, 3318, 2255, 3017, 3043, 3339, 2433, 3018, 3163, 3340, 3341, 3342, 3343, 3382, 3383, 3387, 3393, 3523, 3671, 3680, 3732, 3779, 3829, 3843. Power supply 395, 404, 1383, 1960, 1961, 2147, 2542, 2693, 2695, 2697, 2698, 3035, 3584, 4054. Stage 34, 393, 405, 454a, 1505, 2150, 2325, 2722, 3159, 3525, 3848, 3899. Vacuum systems 434, 435, 682, 1259, 1260, 1355, 3564, 3961. Effects of specimen on beam 261, 287, 288, 290, 943; 1014, 1017, 1025, 1051, 1255, 1341, 1494, 1496, 1557, 1881, 1912, 1940, 2141, 2142, 2145, 2214, 2430, 2431, 2737, 2850, 2933, 2934, 2935, 2941, 3225, 3228, 3256, 3345, 3493, 3774, 3806, 3870, 3907, 4021. Electron beam and image 226, 277, 285, 287, 290, 333, 380, 436, 438, 527, 669, 945, 1014, 1205, 1494, 1496, 2026, 2138, 2152, 2329, 2331, 2696, 2936, 2937, 3291, 3443, 3952. Electron diffraction instrumentation 366, 490, 574, 710, 750, 1483, 1584, 1645, 1692, 1695, 1803, 2357, 2520, 2678, 3117, 3158, 3375, 3552, 3564, 3630, 3772, 3845. General descriptions of electron microscopes 186, 364, 402, 575, 725, 964, 1127, 1129, 1130, 1328, 1402, 1410, 1485, 1635, 1804, 2169, 2386, 2413a, 2433, 2676, 2940, 3031, 3033, 3035, 3036, 3160, 3162, 3165, 3177, 3237, 3318, 3559, 3568, 3583, 3599, 3630, 3707, 3730, 3733, 3742, 3743, 3775, 3838, 3841, 3865, 4053. Hazards 2883, 3817. Installations 367, 1158a, 1517. Special types of electron microscopes 186, 366, 441, 565, 639, 738, 739, 741, 747, 950, 951, 953, 954, 1014, 1032, 1127, 1128, 1131, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1174, 1279, 1355, 1469, 1482, 1503, 1578, 1579, 1794, 1911, 1957, 2006, 2007, 2071, 2268, 2330, 2362, 2387, 2434, 2436, 2537, 2538, 2539, 2540, 2590, 3032, 3117, 3158, 3161, 3231, 3307, 3347, 3400, 3446, 3526, 2772, 2776. Other microscopes (x-ray, proton, reconstructed wave front) 105, 489, 490, 595, 659, 735, 742, 743, 748, 836, 952, 1075, 1136, 1164, 1220, 1253, 1254, 1275, 1276, 1279, 1480, 1895, 1966, 2081, 2245, 2274, 2275, 2276, 2277, 2294, 2538, 2576, 2578, 2596, 2597, 2612, 2613, 2886, 2927, 3116, 3390, 3365, 3925. Accessory devices Microtome mechanisms 147, 377, 534, 536, 695a, 696, 980, 989, 990, 1115, 1267, 1268, 1294, 1304, 1456, 1457, 1504b, 1567, 1671, 1675, 1677, 1678, 1684, 1706, 1708, 1770, 2009, 2068, 2337, 2579, 2582, 2591, 2787, 2861, 2862, 3402, 3411, 3414, 3709, 3711, 3801, 3822, 3854. Knives and accessories 116, 297, 396, 400, 845, 1012, 1120, 1572, 1609, 1669, 1670, 1675, 2102, 2788, 3059, 3426, 3709. Evaporators, freeze dryers, etc. 52, 281, 709a, 808, 1205, 1231, 2035, 2794, 2805, 2814, 3034, 3198, 3426, 3906, 3911, 3953, 3961. — Techniques — Reviews 958, 1027, 1132, 1577, 1715, 2164, 2385, 3830. Specimen preparation Bacterial culture 1, 48a, 156, 385, 1443, -159- 2909, 218a, 903, 1873, 2704, 2337 2580 3411 3921 317 2338, 2463, 2581, 2582, 3423, 3424, 480, 667a, 1207, 1502, 1963, 2004, 2178, 2193, 2495, 2583, 3258, 3259, 3717, 3876. Disintegration 1570, 3750. Dispersion 100, 100a, 101, 104, 202, 251a, 283, 386, 619, 695, 763, 890, 1167, 1236, 1382, 1550, 1565, 1663, 2067, 2172, 2249, 2340, 2601, 2671, ., 3040, 3118, 3183, 3245, 3353, 3355, 3359, 3361, 3394, 3911, 3953, 4015, 4020. Drying 49, 50, 51, 52, 52a, 53, 55, 58, 296, 1057, 1117, 1200, 1860, 2458, 2599, 3056, 3057, 3328, 3362, 3487, 3910, 3911. Embedding 148c, 149, 307. 383, 455a, 455b, 1176, 1283, 1588, 1590, 2248, 2711, 2801 3287, 3328, 3821. Fixation 49, 51, 107, 113, 114, 115, 138, 148a, 170, 204, 208, 211, 212, 307, 317, 383, 530, 532, 535, 540, 766, 778, 939, 973, 1283, 1348, 1472, 1687, 1844, 2074, 2117, 2239, 2438, 2496, 2599, 2681, 2813, 2814, 2864, 3048, 3131, 3151, 3265, 3328, 3612, 3860, 3986. Fractionation 1442, 1943, 3253, 3308, 3311, 3487, 3603, 3847. Microtomy 148, 148b, 149a, 297, 307, 396, 532, 533, 534, 695a, 1013, 1018, 1117, 1279a, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1303, 1304, 1324, 1394, 1667, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1675, 1678, 1682, 1683, 1770, 2011, 2464, 2465, 2509, 2579, 2788, 2862, 3132, 3133, 3623, 3852, 3873, 3920, Mounting 102, 156, 202, 731, 766, 809, 850, 955, 977, , , 2405, 2557, 2613, 3359, 3405, 3522,' 392l! 4026. Precipitation 1240, 1416, 1573, 2234, 2843. Replication 12, 81, 82, 95, 99, 248, 279, 359, 365, 378, 391, 429, 481, 482, 484 485, 486, 487, 488, 541, 569, 623, 623a, 624, 624a, 678, 708, 712a, 713, 718, 756 761, 773, 774, 775, 797, 813, 924, 926, 964, 1104, 1133, 1150, 1157, 1160, 1161, 1162, 1162a, 1163, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244 1247, 1359, 1370, 1380, 1425, 1426, 1427 1443, 1470, 1492, 1516, 1560, 1561, 1605, 1890, 2153, 2404, 2708, _ __ _ __ _ „ 2781, 2868, 2869, 3103, 3133, 3135, 3140 3216, 3247, 3257, 3258, 3259, 3275, 3317 3394, 3403, 3466, 3608, 3627, 3628, 3629, 3654, 3655, 3685, 3696, 3903, 3998, 4002, 4006, 4051. Shadowing 176, 248, 381, 635, 708a, 774, 775, 835, 1159, 1186, 1243, 1427, 1647, 1648, 1864, 1942, 2224, 2556, 2785, 2879, 2880, 2881, 3305, 3635, 3690. Sputtering and evaporating 480, 481, 606, 1029, 1135, 1458, 1610, 1729, 2032, 2905. Staining 111, 119, 142, 143, 144, 148a, 206, 509, 554, 628, 847, 848, 914, 939, 1496a, 1497, 1752, 1798, 1921, 2091, 2231 2584, 2741, 2928, 3061, 3072, 3093, 3151 3370, 3442, 3612, 3724, 3830, 3859. Supports (grids, screens, films, substrates) 398, 479, 482, 612, 712a, 713, 837, 906 907, 910, 979, 1028, 1246, 1549, 1560, 1728, 2617, 3041, 3054, 3118, 3243, 3349, 3741, 3825, 3832. Surface preparation 94, 1110, 1423, 1428, 2675, 3103, 3579, 3596, 3696, Tissue culture (organ cultures, 361, 444, 458, 655, 892, 895, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1353, 2018, 2322, 2417, 2549, 2550, 2863, 3038, 3377. 1656, 1795, 1849, 2012, 2072, 2098, 2381, 2385, 2403, 2617, 2618, 2636, 1916, 1936, 1959, 2154, 2286, 2351, 2424, 2427, 2616, 2728, 2762, 2775, 642, 716, 756, 2775, 2779, 2907, 3888. transplants) 896, 1305, 1486, 1765, 2593, 2634, Microscopy Alignment 397, 810, 1302, 2120, 2476, 3734. Calibration 93, 181, 460, 478a, 1023, 1025, 1032, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1232a, 1299, 1301, 1651, 1942, 1988, 2151, 2722, 3140, 3141, 3358, 3405, 3793, 3811, 3812, 3903, 4000. Comparative microscopy (light and e.m.) 35, 194, 237, 242, 316, 369, 458, 538 551, 576, 579, 584, 668, 754, 961 1306, 1307, 1309, 1331, 1704, 1777, 1856, 1863, 2043, 2155, 2230, 2235, 2557, 3121, 2494, 2501, 2551, 2806, 2809, 2927, 3462, 3773, 3897, 3933, , 1177, 1397, 1933, 2310, 2667, 3229, 3934, 1248, 1264, 1558, 1700, 1945, 2008, 2387, 2407, 2708, 2740, 3404, 3442, 3993b, 4046. Correction of image defects 828, 1517, 1518, 1894, 1940, 2935, 2941, 3201. Counts and assays 93, 432, 562, 762, 763, 937, 940, 941, 942, 1230, 1700, 1799, 1904, 2106, 2144, 2176, 2234, 2251, 2427, 3094, 3104, 3361, 3485, 3486, 3704, 3717, 3718, 3805, 3916, 3921. Effects of beam on specimen 52b, 465, 591, 641, 665, 850, 908, 955, 1025, 1155, 1156, 1181, 1255, 1340, 1646, 1649, 1686, 1687, 1723, 1876, 1877, 1879, 2027, 2029, 2033, 2267, 2465, 2497, 3159, 3226, 3304, 3334, 3684, 3815, 3821, 3842, 3871, 3907, 3962. Electron diffraction and microscopy (combined studies) 428a, 460, 528, 573, 709, 709a, 738, 1024, 1026, 1144, 1460, 1576, 1581, 1613, 1820, 1884, 2033, 2521, 2734, 2735, 2793, 3129, 3157, 3301, 3551, 3787, 3808. Emission microscopy 97, 1786, 2577, 3731. Field locating 103a, 961, 1248, 1792, 2150, 2264, 3732. Focusing 1484, 2402, 2452, 3039, 4003. Image recording 77, 384, 392, 401, 403, 562, 669, 694, 759, 915, 945, 1050, 1159, 1376, 1504a, 1507, 1512, 1513, 1517, 1518, 1587, 1674, 1680, 1689, 1716, 1859, 1965, 2058, 2059, 2332, 2623, 2720, 2786, 2882, 2933, 3244, 3330, 3525, 3585, 3681, 3682, 3686, 3753, 3774, 3815, 3816. Reflection microscopy 666, 1033. Resolution 277, 298, 433, 438, 598, 897, 1175, 1240, 1484a, 1653, 1672, 2119, 2120, 2170, 2215, 2228, 3318, 3425, 3467, 3713, 3839, 1023, 1133 1674, 1680 2539, 2886 3840, 3844 Stereoscopy 1599, 1606 I 52a, 57, 601, 1174, 1583, 1596, 3159, 3366. — Biological Applications — Artifacts 1628 Biochemical substances Carbohydrates 39, 151, 251a, 255, 695, 714 1210, 1218, 1449, 1642, 1699, 1831, 2466, 2516, 2865, 2918, 3114, 3190, 3277, 3379, 3878. Lipids 1145, 1146, 1295, 1836, 2485, 3066. Proteins (lipoproteins) 30, 31, 107, 124, 216, 239, 251a, 355, 427, 677, 719, 811, 868, 992, 1076, 1166, 1167, 1178, 1179, 1187, 1238, 1258, 1291, 1389, 1417, 1491, 1551, 1643 1793, 1852 2394, 2419 2790 3194 3482 3860 1493, 1524, 1743, 1744, 2336, 2345, 2738, 2758, 3078, 3145, 3352, 3392, 3823, 3828, 3972, 3986, Enzymes 2, 1412, 1498, 2756, 3185, 1660, 1703, 1739, 1861, 1862, 2037, 2439, 2479, 2507, 2865, 2915, 3040, 3250, 3253, 3262, 3492, 3605, 3791, 3879, 3881, 3882, 2789, 3176, 3472, 3846, 4043. 242, 628, 1168, 1326, 1380, 1411, 1541, 1912, 1941, 2129, 2439, 3511, 3884, 3959. Nucleic acids (nuclear proteins) 3, 28, 224, 427, 492a, 1188, 1201, 1547, 1866, 1867, 2222, 2225, 2756, 3042, 3142, 3251, 3395, -160- I 3880, 3906, 3909. Other 411, 695, 949, 960, 1172, 1188, 1817, 1818, 1869, 2447, 2506, 2552, 2928, 3401, 3807. Viruses General and reviews 167, 240, 615, 699, 1566, 1827, 2166, 2319, 2375, 2558, 2560, 2743, 2911, 3453, 3456, 3912, 3913, 3968, 3974, 3978, 3981. Animal General and reviews 164, 2165, 2376, 2916, 3354, 3451. Arthropod-borne encephalitis 1221a, 2954, 2962, 2985. Coxsackie group 523, 523a, 542, 2157, 3091. Distemper group 2953. Encephalomyelitis 1287, 1305, 2182, 2183, 2188, 2961, 3647. Foot and mouth disease 284, 1052. Herpes simplex 163, 724, 2454, 2456, 2457, 2459, 2460, 2461, 2545, 2971, 2998, 3037, 3038. Herpes zoster and varicella 2039, 2040. Influenza 3, 76, 168, 445, 446, 447, 448, 602, 617, 649a, 814, 937, 938, 988, 1104, 1108, 1109, 1149, 1166, 1202, 1537, 1538, 1614, 1771, 2062, 2171, 2458, 2467, 2549, 2550, 2705, 3044, 3364, 3625, 3708, 3782, 3866, 3971, 3980. Measles none Holluscum contagiosum 161, 162, 162a, 412, 2375, 2377, 2561, 2562, ;i749. Mumps 1659, 2945. Myxoma 1054, 1055, 1077, 2226, 2585. Newcastle disease 75, 165, 166, 649a, 1751, 1799, 1950, 2171, 2594, 2948, 2951, 2952, 2955, 2957, 2958, 2980, 2988, 2989, 2997, 3001, 3002, 3005, 3220, 3224, 3362. Poliomyelitis 100, 1522, 1523, 2417, 2524, 2525, 2526, 2527, 2529, 2535, 2843, 2959, 2969, 2973, 2978, 2998, 2999, 3000, 3170, 3178, 3288, 3634. Pleuropneumonia group 740, 767, 1446, 1663, 1993, 2192, 2193, 2804, 2972. Pox group (ectomelia, canary pox, etc.) 163, 171, 468, 703, 981, 982, 1077, 1288, 1289, 1638, 1639, 1952, 1953, 1955, 2163, 2375, 2377, 2378, 2379, 2423, 2454, 2458, 2462, 2463, 2464, 2469, 2560, 2671, 2744, 2745, 2746, 2748, 2750, 2751, 2895, 2896, 2897, 2975, 3105, 3214, 3221, 3222, 3223, 3378, 3501, 3756, 3977, 3979. Psittacosis and related agents 184, 241, 762, 1285, 2038, 2421, 2488, 3572. Rabies 765, 1750, 2162, 2949, 2965, 2968, 2974, 2977, 2979, 2982. Rubella none Other 239, 675, 763, 764, 867, 884, 962, 1053, 1064, 1177, 1222, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1239, 1287, 1445, 1539, 1663, 1751, 1982, 2109, 2482, 2528, 2563, 2567, 2568, 2594, 2615, 2674, 2742, 2753, 2757, 2950, 2956, 2960, 2963, 2964, 2966, 2967, 2970, 2981, 2986, 2987, 2990, 2991, 2992, 2994, 2995, 3003, 3004, 3007, 3008, 3064, 3106, 3221, 3224, 3355, 3890, 3891, 3892, 3896. Bacterial General and reviews 54, 699, 1622, 1628, 1629, 1835, 1922, 2047, 2052, 2053, 2054, 2438, 2912, 3642, 3968, 3975, 4046. Bacillus 633, 634, 1378, 1925, 3882. Escherichia 54, 59, 103, 348, 368a, 369, 452, 561, 656, 826, 1200, 1358, 1548, 1616, 1620, 1621, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1630, 1634, 1919, 1920, 1923, 2037, 2077, 2078, 2177, 2178, 2179, 2251, 2270, 2350, 2401, 2470, 2494, 2599, 2909, 3142, 3499, 3648, 3676, 3849, 3918, 3919, 3969, 3970, 3976. Salmonella 991, 1112, 1323, 1325, 1441, 2911, 3642, 3643, 3644, 3645, 3646, 3650, 3651, 3653. Shigella 1836, 2471, 2909, 3642. Other and miscellaneous 44, 96, 648, 664, 829, 1015, 1082, 1198, 1228, 1616, 1628, 1693, 1745, 1746, 2020, 2036, 2347, 2442, 2730, 2732, 3125, 3373, 3649, 3652, 3923. Insect General and review 262a, 3447, 3450, 3452, 3456, 3458, 3494. Bollea (Polyhedrovirus) 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 387, 388, 389, 390, 820, 821, 1385, 1386, 1784, 2045, 2156, 2168, 2273, 2321, 2455, 3006, 3447, 3450, 3454, 3455, 3460, 3461, 3463, 3493, 3494, 3673, 3674, 3677, 3714, 3990, 3991, 3993. 3995. Bergoldia (Capsulvirus) 263, 266, 267, 1782, 1783, 1785, 2243, 2321, 3450, 3493, 3495, 3799. Sraithia (Globovirus) 267, 3455, 3457, 3459. Morator (Moratorvirus) 2625, 3798. Unassigned 262a, 387, 492, 1385, 1386, 3462, 3715, 3992. Plant General and reviews 430, 726, 1245, 1834, 1841, 2610, 3057, 3480. Mosaic disease 40, 218a, 220, 221, 409, 410, 431, 494, 496, 719, 745, 799, 825, 903, 940, 941, 1062, 1185, 1321, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1454, 1541, 1547, 1829, 1832, 1833, 1983, 2021, 2022, 2079, 2083, 2097, ;il67, 2585, 2586, 2588, 2673, 3056, 3249, 3251, 3252, 3254, 3255, 3337, 3365, 3399, 3436, 3448, 3449, 3478, 3484, 3486, 3487, 3602, 3603, 3604, 3605, 3744, 3745, 3791, 3907, 3908, 3916, 3917, 3922. Yellows disease 221, 409, 491, 492, 497, 2186, 2673, 3449, 3915. Unassigned 430, 432, 1352, 2083, 2202, 2587, 2703, 2893, 3104, 3338, 3435, 3476, 3477, 3479, 3784, 3872, 4013. Tumor General and reviews none Virus-like particles, associated with neo- plasia 90, 166a, 169, 219, 295, 299, 302, 303, 306, 308, 314, 318, 882, 929, 929a, 930, 931, 1060, 1184, 1285a, 1286, 1418, 1476, 1737, 1767, 1962, 2531, 2532, 2536, 2627, 2628, 2632, 2634, 2700, 2701, 2702, 3320, 3327, 3984. Avian erythroblastic leucosis 240, 987, 1380, 1536, 3356, 3357, 3360, 3362, 3363. Papilloma 298, 314, 596, 1865, 2377, 2380, 2871, 2984. Warts 3506. Rickettsia 184, 413, 972, 1898, 1956, 2044, 2046, 2754, 2976, 3504, 3876, 3893, 3898, 3938. Bacteria General and reviews 191, 1615, 1827, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2190, 2289, 2319, 2490, 2493, 3057, 3218, 3718, 3934. Schizomycetes Actinomycetaceae 152, 153, 552, 920, 1039, 1173, 2260, 2288, 3754. Mycobacteriaceae 62, 155, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 196, 442, 517, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 550, 553, 668, 771, 904, 1038, 1183, 1298, 1339, 1365, 1374, 1468, 1571, 2004, 2023, 2024, 2058, 2059, 2158, 2212, 2213, 2287, 2291, 2500, 2546, 2669, 2731, 2732, 3127, 3128, 3168, 3174, 3175, 3271, 3379, 3380, 3381, 3481, 3606, 3641, 3661, 3716, 3987, 3988, 3989. Nitrobacteriaceae 1010, 1011. -161- Pseudomonadaceae 46, 1003, 1141, 1249, 2583, 3045, 3725. Spirillaceae 382, 1147, 1148, 1366, 2252, 3126, 3188, 3668, 4043. Coccaceae 767, 816, 818, 1310, 1430, 1431, 1746, 1941, 1943, 2092, 2670, 3123, 3184, 3437, 3438, 3666, 3895, 4012, 4039. Bacteriaceae 103, 368a, 369, 414, 466, 521, 551, 554, 556, 557, 558, 616, 796, 806, 827, 959, 1005, 1324, 1326, 1353, 1429, 1432, 1447, 1542, 1545, 1546, 1617, 1679, 1753, 1850, 1851, 1917, 1918, 1921, 1924, 2074, 2177, 2190, 2253, 2256, 2271, 2272, 2401, 2494, 2499, 2564, 2706, 2849, 2912, 2913, 2914, 3055, 3235, 3236, 3253, 3256, 3372, 3376, 3444, 3445, 3697, 3735, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4044, 4045. Bacillaceae 180, 188, 452a, 522, 548, 594, 656, £63, 1168, 1169, 1466, 1754, 1805, 1845, 1954, 2269, 2548, 2584, 3092, 3115, 3188, 3386, 3759, 3847, 3884, 3889, 4007, 4034a, 4040. Spirochaetes 64a, 65, 98, 476, 524, 590, 769, 770, 978, 1391, 1392, 2158, 2252, 2429, 2483, 2484, 3234, 3239, 3571, 3809. Miscellaneous bacteria 555, 614, 697, 960, 1310, 1521, 1529, 1570, 1627, 1631, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1844, 1899, 1906, 2191, 2230, 2252, 2253, 2290, 2482, 2560, 2566, 2754, 2755, 2757, 2884, 2910, 3173, 3505, 3879, 3893, 3894, 3898, 4012, 4035. Cytology General and reviews 60, 154, 170, 310, 415, 474, 516, 537, 681, 720, 728, 781, 1058, 1211, 1215, 1306, 1475, 2114, 2115, 2210, 2300, 2374, 2508, 2513, 2630, 2812, 2844, 2855, 2859, 2860, 2916, 2928, 3321, 3422, 3425, 3788, 3790, 3914, 3943, 3985. Animal Nucleus (general) 28, 62a, 63, 117, 136, 168, 201, 210, 301, 313, 389, 456, 456a, 625, 662, 670, 863, 1102, 1122, 1152, 1188, 1256, 1280, 1281, 1318, 1319, 1373, 1475, 1543, 1553, 1902, 1982, 3156, 3441, 3613, 3823, 3824, 4018, 4029, 4031. Cytoplasm (general) 135, 1122, 1281, 3322, 3326. Chromosomes, mitotic fig^ures 229, 230, 249, 408, 455, 588, 794, 795, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 861, 862, 864, 883, 1280, 1294, 1448, 1637, 1763, 1764, 3076, 3148, 3265, 3267, 3320, 3675, 3746, 3747, 3748, 3974, 4016, 4017, 4020, 4021, 4023, 4026, 4027, 4030, 4033. Cytoplasm, particulate components, (includ- ing mitochondria) 6, 15, 124, 134, 138, 145, 146, 168, 177, 202, 213, 232, 233, 234, 236, 310, 353, 379, 419, 474, 519, 649, 670, 680, 689, 693a, 779, 783, 784, 786, 787, 889a, 919, 1059, 1074, 1074a, 1081, 1088, 1204, 1222, 1225, 1226, 1257, 1264, 1265, 1271, 1296, 1315, 1316, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1372, 1379, 1471, 1535, 1537, 1540, 1555, 1573, 1986, 2090, 2108, 2113, 2116, 2225, 2242, 2518, 2620, 2626, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2634, 2637, 2666, 2680, 2682, 2684, 2685, 2686, 2687, 2689, 2690, 2691, 2811, 2852, 2853, 2854, 2855, 2856, 2863, 3011, 3070, 3134, 3176, 3369, 3412, 3427, 3428, 3430, 3431, 3439, 3440, 3441, 3613, 3665, 3678, 3835, 3836, 3837, 3855, 3858, 3940, 3943. Golgi apparatus, centriole 782, 788. Endoplasmic reticulum 872, 3804. Cytoplasm, fibrillar components, (except myofibrils, neurofibrils) 140, 309, 311, 379, 564, 627, 785, 1225, 1226, 1265, 1271, 1296, 1372, 1471, 1473, 2261, 2360, 2441, 2629, 2633, 2637, 2689, 2737, 2852, 2855, 2856, 2946, 3070, 3266, 3428, 6431, 3432, 3434, 3951, 3973. Cell membrane (wall) 87, 134, 411, 564, 711, 849, 865, 1041, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1459, 1582, 1685, 1778, 1821, 1903, 1989, 1991, 2080, 2240, 2420, 2474, 2828, 2830, 3020, 3049, 3088, 3728, 3954. Cilia and flagella 373, 474, 531, 572,798 1040, 1046, 1089, 1091, 1092, 1269, 1369, 1714, 1715, 1801, 2306, 2309, 2406, 2519, 2731, 2867, 3153, 3312, 3679, 3719, 3941, 3946, 3947, 3948, 3949, 3950, 3965. Plant General bacterial cytology 46, 99, 180, 190, 385, 407, 475, 495, 498, 521, 545, 548, 663, 796, 806, 826, 887, 920, 959, 1005, 1010, 1011, 1169, 1173, 1214, 1324, 1366, 1430, 1431, 1466, 1467, 1524, 1548, 1631, 1679, 1687, 1758, 1760, 1851, 1918, 1919, 2685, 2815, 3609, 3616, 1093, 1126, 1951, 1990, 2829, 2866, 1627, 1850, 2008, 2253, 2492, 3093, 3376, 3697, 1920, 1924 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2077 2271, 2293, 2318, 2326, 2484 2496, 2498, 2849, 2915, 2922 3168, 3188, 3235, 3236, 3258 3444, 3445, 3505, 3511, 3676, 3678, 3712, 3738, 3759, 3809, 3885, 3894, 1805, 1927, 2133, 2491, 3075, 3372, 3932, 3933, 3934, 4011, 4036, 4045. Nucleus (general) 190, 407, 475, 1004, 1216, 1326, 1927, 2008, 2133, 3092, 3219, 3500, 3751, 3936, 3993, 4032. Chromosomes, mitotic figures 182, 1586, 2318, 2319, 3316. 3500, 3984. Cytoplasm, pariculate components (including mitochondria) 36, 469, 571, 1210, 1216, 1548, 2491, 2493, 2501, 2733, 2870, 3095, 3149, 3219, 3314, 3473, 3475, 3877, 3935. Cytoplasm, fibrillar compnents 36, 1212, 1530, 1532, 3475. Cell membrane (wall) 8, 13, 151, 181, 549, 818, 898, 899, 901, 902, 918, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1218, 1531, 1533, 1712 2181 2202, 1713, 1758, 2227, 2414, 3108, 3111, 3186, 3187, 3754, 3767, , 4035, 4036, 1761, 1762, 2075, 2415, 2440, 2502, 2504, 2505, 2508, 2512, 2515, 2611' 2648, 2875, 2876, 2878, 2923, 2925, 3052, 3092, 3093, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3149, 3189, 3407, 3408, 3483, 3885, 3886, 3959, 4008, 4037, 4038, 4039., 4040, Cilia and flagella 87, 1126, 1147, 1148, 2076, 2180, 2293, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2802, 2849, 3075, 3633, 3720, 3735, Chloroplasts and chromoplasts 14, 611, 626, 698, 751, 830, 1002, 1219, 1585, 1586, 1705, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1817, 1818, 2184, 2187, 2189, 3181, 3474, 3107 3185, 3615, 4034a 4052. 91, 498, 672, 887, 1366, 1755, 1760, 2075, 2300, 2301, 2303, 2304, 2308, 2309, 2310, 2367, 3444, 3481, 3505, 3571, 3846. 2186, 3180, 2185 2699 3497 3955 Histology General and reviews Animal Special structures, Protozoa 45, 87 3498, 3514, 3663, 3956, 3957. 2812. 2398, 3488, 3664, 2514, 3489, 3691, 2517, 3496, 3781, cells, and organs of 130, 134, 135, 136, 137, 375, 376, 469, 472, 473, 531, 559, 560, 572, 672, 800, 831, 832, 833, 834, 865, 866, 885, 922, 923, 947, 948, 1083, 1147, 1148, 1251, 1453, 1499, 1500, 1501, 1508, 1543, 1589, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1755, 1757, 1821, 1990, 1991, 2041, 2056, 2057, 2115, 2247, 2248, 2314, 2406, 2410, 2519, 2573, 2866, 2946, 3152, 3153, 3154, 3155, 3276, 3313, 3314, 3315, 3331, 3332, 3614, 3719, 3941, 3942, 3944, -162- 3948, 3949, 3956. Sponges (Porifera) none Coelenterates and Ctenophora 3331. Worms (Platyhelminthes, Neraathelrainthes , Trochhelrainthes) 879. Echinoderins 673, 1387, 1903, 2261, 2262, 2472, 3610, 3611. Mollusks, Bryozoa, and Brachiopoda 3250. Arthropods 227, 231, 234, 235, 662, 791, 792, 851, 852, 853, 905, 994, 995, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1785, 2088, 2095, 2218, 2320, 2396, 2747, 2760, 2787, 3062, 3063, 3510, 3632, 3678, 3699, 3700, 3701, 3702, 3993a. Chordates none Cell cultures (fibroblasts, ascites, HeLa) 1224, 1307, 1320, 1765, 3920. Various normal cells and tissues none Various experimentally altered and patholog- ical cells and tissues 1054, 1055, 3607. Various neoplastic cells and tissues 300, 1221a, 3322. Organs and tissues Blood (cells and platelets) Normal 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 251, 294, 304, 312, 315, 317, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 349, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355, 356, 358, 359, 360, 363, 416, 417, 419, 421, 426, 499, 500, 501, 502, 504, 505, 506, 507, 519, 520, 592, 829a, 868, 874, 893, 946, 973, 1052, 1095, 1107, 1179, 1318, 1319, 1356, 1385, 1386, 1395, 1396, 1472, 1534, 1643, 1685, 1778, 1780, 1781, 1788, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1857, 1861, 1901, 1989, 2080, 2101, 2416, 2428, 2479, 2716, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2811, 2813, 2814, 2834, 2845, 2846, 2847, 2982, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3044, 3068, 3124, 3146, 3229, 3250, 3391, 3566, 3695, 3698, 3803, 3804, 3958, 4014, 4022, 4028, 4031, 4042. Experimentally altered and pathological 16, 23, 57, 192, 194, 342, 345, 348, 353, 356, 357, 416, 417, 447, 448, 502, 506, 507, 510, 513, 518, 592, 671, 882, 884, 885, 946, 1107, 1186, 1258, 1317, 1452, 1459, 1582, 1788, 1855, 2005, 2171, 2356, 2428, 2439, 2525, 2528, 2529, 2530, 2534, 2742^ 2752, 2821, 2836, 2848, 2958, 2962, 2965, 2969, 2973, 2975, 2979, 2983, 2986, 2987, 2993, 2996, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3123, 3566, 3756, 3889. Neoplastic 23, 305, 345, 346, 347, 359, 362, 363, 507, 881, 1418, 2532, 2533, 2536, 2626, 2631, 2632, 2836, 3363, 3510. Bone and cartilage Normal 80, 81, 82, 174, 217, 243, 1193, 1715, 1773, 1811, 1926, 2266, 2323, 2324, 2575, 2621, 3096, 3097, 3098, 3135, 3136, 3138, 3172, 3803, 3827, 3900, 4047, 4048. Experimentally altered and pathologic 1871, 1971, 2621, 2944, 3900, 3905. Neoplastic 352. Cardio-vascular system Normal 320, 321, 322, 509, 516, 1362, 1364, 1498, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 2125, 2208, 2683, 2835, 2885, 3049, 3281, 3284, 3429, 3856. Experimentally altered and pathologic 3016, 3468. Neoplastic none Connective tissue (serous membranes collagen fibers) Normal 78, 80, 107, 108, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 143, 144, 157, 158, 159, 209, 238, 255, 257, 337, 599, 603, 604, 822, 911, 1067, 1189, 1238 1376, 1411, 1413 1417, 1633, 1660 1773, 1798, 1809 1863, 1872, 1904 1970, 1981 2125, 2126 2132, 2175 2323, 2393 2598, :i679 2930, 2931 3098, 3119 3277, 3278 3319, 3470 3674, 3703, 3864, 3931, 2089 2127 2206 2477 27 37 3051 3137 3279 3508 3726 3945 1360 1414 1661 1810 1913 2096 2129 2211 2547 2851 3078 3164 3280 3521 3800 3974 109 110, 118, 139 141, 142, 159a, 160, 373 424, 443, 912 913, 1363 1375, 1415 1416, 1723 1724, 1811 1812, 1914 1935, 2121 2122, 2130 2131, 2223 2295, 2569 2572, 2872 2929, 3079 3097, 3169 3242 3283 3284, 3575 3576 3828 3863 4015 Experimentally altered and pathologic 120, 1826, 1872, 1913, 2123, 2124, 2533, 2571, 2822, 2825, 3016, 3058, 3931. Neoplastic 157, 361, 1086, 2126, 2128, 2209, 2626, 2631. Embryonic tissues, membranes Normal 160, 457, 467, 677, 844, 849, 1293, 1902, 2116, 2547, 3326, 3860, 3986. Experimentally altered and pathologic 163, 164, 165, 166, 171, 988, 1950, 2457, 2469, 2549. Neoplastic none Endocrine glands and placenta Normal 311, 467, 508, 514, 516, 627, 776, 783, 846, 849, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1074a, 1381, 2011, 2173, 2174, 2335, 2360, 2441, 2614, 2625, 3070, 3072, 3789, 3790, 3831, 3862, 3936, 3937. Experimentally altered and pathologic 846, 1073, 2174, 2335, 3790. Neoplastic 1474, 2625. Gastro-intestinal system (pancreas, sali- vary glands, etc.) Normal 539, 657, 676, 776, 778, 779, 780, 789, 790, 995, 1271, 1369, 1774 1776, 2320, 3090, 3415, 3430, 3432, 3632, 3665, 3804, 3823, 3858, 3860, 3861. Experimentally altered and pathologic 2207, 2334, 3091, 3859. Neoplastic 2792. Liver (gall bladder and ducts) Normal 62a, 309, 311, 313, 509, 512, 618, 779, 790, 1016, 1087, 1088, 1090, 1103, 1315, 1474, 1668, 1768, 1987, 2011, 2210, 2338, 2466, 3441, 3802, 3835, 3836, 3993b. Experimentally altered and pathologic 711, 1017, 1987. Neoplastic 301, 1474, 1768, 1769. Lymphatic system, spleen, thymus, etc. Normal 140, 255, 256, 312, 511, 1737, 2716, 3674, 3958. Experimentally altered and pathologic 61, 2822, 2944. Neoplastic 305, 1737. Mammary gland and milk Normal 215, 216, 1419, 1420, 1738, 1739, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1744, 1793, 2249, 2485, 3567. Experimentally altered and pathologic 1743, 3320. Neoplastic 299, 302, 928, 929a, 930, 1419, 1767, 1962, 2701, 2702, 3770. Muscle, myofibrils, etc. -163- Normal 32, 84, 85, 86, 209, 258, 260, 321, 449, 629, 662, 949, 993, 994, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1080, 1291, 1526, 1527, 1540, 1563, 1564, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1707, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1978, 2208, 2444, 2468, 2688, 2738, 2739, 2787, 2789, 2790, 2791, 2803, 2857, 2885, 3019, 3087, 3145, 3147,' 3167, 3191, 3429, 3472, 3721, 3722, 3853, 3855, 3856. Experimentally altered and pathologic 31, 32, 1806, 2445. Neoplastic 1586. Nervous system Normal 2, 123, 203, 204, 205, 207, 212, 213, 214, 218, 228, 237, 259, 647, 793, 815, 847, 867, 870, 872, 873, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 886, 888, 889, 889a, 891, 892, 894, 895, 896, 963, 1065, 1066, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1118, 1119, 1121, 1122, 1145, 1146, 1250, 1293, 1295, 1296, 1535, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1555, 1640, 1641, 1736, 1822, 2018, 2155, 2159, 2160, 2359, 2160, 2359, 2408, 2409, 2688, 2692, 2717, 2720, 3019, 3084, 3085, 3086, 3087, 3088, 3089, 3143, 3144, 3241, 3409, 3410, 3413, 3420, 3421, 3666a, 3672, 3723, 3724, 3752, 3830. Experimentally altered and pathologic 1555, 2409, 3641. Neoplastic none Reproductive system, female (ducts, ovary, ova, uterus) Normal 9, 337, 794, 935, 936, 1257, 1662, 1903, 2261, 2262, 2472, 2474, 2637, 2842, 3610, 3611, 3954, 3994. Experimentally altered and pathologic 673, 2207, 3769, 3994. Neoplastic 1308 Reproductive system, male (testes, auxil- iary glands, ducts, spermatozoa) Normal 7, 223, 225, 232, 233, 319, 450, 515, 529, 600, 651, 688, 785, 787, 1084, 1085, 1152, 1221, 1223, 1227, 1290, 1393, 1519, 1528, 1691, 1779, 1838, 2244, 2668, 2932, 3265, 3266, 3329, 3616, 3820, 3966, 3967, 4019. Experimentally altered and pathologic 515, 1838. Neoplastic none Respiratory system (lungs, gills) Normal 235, 423, 684, 685, 686, 687, 851, 852, 853, 961, 1040, 1538, 1885, 1886, 1973, 2237, 2239, 2240, 2241, 2364, 2365, 2819, 2820, 2824, 2826, 2829, 2831, 3050, 3063, 3232, 3577, 3679, 3821. Experimentally altered and pathologic 804, 921, 988, 1031, 1371, 1445, 1847, 1885, 1948, 1949, 2031, 2764, 2768, 2816, 2817, 2832, 2833, 2837, Neoplastic none Sensory organs Normal 67, 68, 69, 2818, 2822, 2827, 2944, 3067, 3233. 112, 131, 132, 133, 420, 422, 630, 691, 692, 1042, 1045, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1125, 1146, 1190, 1397, 1398, 1417, 1801, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1981, 2210, 2316, 2345, 2346, 2354, 2555, 3133, 3196, 3262, 3278, 3279, 3282, 3285, 3286, 3308, 3309, 3310, 3311, 3410, 3417, 3418, 3419, 3421, 3657, 3726, 3727, 3728, 3729, 3867, 3868. 369, 3021, 3196, 3657. Neoplastic none Skin, annexes, exoskeleton, skin glands Normal 5, 89, 177, 712, 791,792,1019, 1044, 1067, 1354, 1377, 1388, 1726, 1914, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2089, 2211, 2218, 2296, 2369, 2394, 2489, 2570, 2672, 2709, 2725, 2747, 2760, 2784, 2858, 2930, 3020, 2062, 3276, 3286, 3324, 3325, 3326, 3350, 3398, 3508, 3667, 3699, 3700, 3701, 3703, 3750, 3863, 3864, 3965, 3993a. Experimentally altered and pathologic 120, 154, 724, 2369, i!370 , 2563, 3105, 3703, 3768, 3979. Neoplastic 162, 162a, 412, 425, 712, 2369, 2871, 3506, 3770. Teeth and gingiva Normal 79, 318a, 1191, 1192, 1194, 1600, 1936, 2148, 2348, 2349, 2351, 2353, 2383, 2384, 2710, 3096, 3138, 3294, 3295, 3296, 3297, 3298, 3299, 3300, 3302, 3385, 3469, 3579, 3618, 3619, 3622, 3623, 3826, 4025 Experimentally altered and pathologic 1192, 1194, 1195, 1598, 2148, 2149, 2348, 2349, 2350, 2352, 2353, 3296, 3301, 3619, 3620, 3621. Neoplastic none Urinary system Normal 148d, 234, 252, 298, 777, 778, 789, 790, 1167, 1269, 1270, 1487, 1488, 1489, 1490, 1934, 2088, 2635, 2712, 2713, 27X4, 2715, 2718, 2719, 2721, 2823, 2838, 2839, 3022, 3048, 3049, 3069, 3071, 3073, 3182, 3433, 3434, 3792, 3802, 3859, 3993c. Experimentally altered and pathologic 2798, 3048. Neoplastic none Plant Thallophyta (fungi, yeast, algae) 12a, 13, 14, 91, 179, 181, 182, 411, 464, 470, 471, 473, 487, 549, 626, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 1043, 1251, 1499, 1500, 1501, 1525, 1589, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1611, 1612, 1755, 1761, 1915, 1930, 2181, 2227, 2229, 2292, 2302, 2303, 2306, 2309, 2311, 2312, 2367, 2440, 2506, 2650, 2651, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2656, 2657, 2658, 2659, 2660, 2661, 2662, 2876, 3102, 3107, 3189, 3260, 3401, 3488, 3639, 3640, 3667, 3694, 3793, 3955, 4008, 4009, 4010. Bryophyta (mosses) 1068, 2308. Pteridophyta (ferns) 1235, 2878. Spermatophyta (flowering plants) 773, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1150, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533, 1585, 1619, 2201, 2502, 3797, 3869. Members Root Leaf Stem Experimentally altered and pathologic 2510, 3095, 3149, 3796. 1235, 2510. 459, 1009, 1217, 1235, 1619, 2201, 2203, 2204, 2205, 2366, 2510, 3749, 3794, 3796, 3797, 3869. Reproductive system 8, 10, 1061, 1123, 2227, 2305, 2307, 2311, 2367, 2507, 2511, 2515, 3202, 3406. — Non-biological applications — Solid surfaces Poly-crystalline metals General applications in metallurgy 27, 247, 248, 262, 371, 391, 462, 563, 582, 690, 729, 739, 749, 775, 953, 1020, 1182, 1243, 1278, 1402, 1423, 1424, 1426, 1427, 1461, 1463, 1577, 1807, 2014, 2015, 2278, 2279, 2389, 2638, 2675, 2740, 2779, 2796, 2799, 2841, 2908, 2943, 3024, 3204, 3210, 3274, -164- 3344, 3347, 3631, 3785, 3851, 3888, 3926. Ferrous metals 11, 12, 37, 66a, 94, 97, 483, 589, 605, 645, 700, 701, 704, 706, 755, 1021, 1161, 1163, 1165, 1196, 1244, 1300, 1368, 1428, 1451, 1462, 1464, 1465, 1503, 1579, 1896, 1944, 1958, 2015, 2055, 2258, 2282, 2368, 2426, 2448, 2616, 2619, 2638, 2729, 2780, 2898, 3118, 3130, 3197, 3206, 3246, 3247, 3248, 3631, 3636, 3637, 3638, 3693, 3710, 3810, 3874, 3875, 3883, 3904, 4034. Non-ferrous metals Copper base 637, 772, 807, 842, 843, 1099, 1244, 1819, 1868, 2065, 2072, 2473, 2643, 2644, 2646, 2905, 2907, 3207, 3208, 3212, 3240, 3273, 3595, 3598, 3601, 3813, 3850, 3928. Aluminum base 262, 566, 570, 593, 607, 608, 609, 610, 637, 640, 642, 643, 644, 757, 1139, 1261, 1575, 1787, 1929, 1932, 1979, 2016, 2042, 2064, 2065, 2236, 2278, 2473, 2595, 2602, 2840, 3204, 3205, 3208, 3209, 3211, 3212, 3598, 3601, 3631, 3814, 3927, 3928, 3929. Miscellaneous alloys (including magnetic 121, 254, 280, 593, 722, 926, 1576, 1580, 1929, 2065, 2069, 2382, 2574, 3213, 3997. Miscellaneous pure metals 183, 377a, 378, 1094, 1297, 1692, 1786, 1843, 2386, 2565, 2609, 2906, 2947, 3009, 3179, 3216, 3593, 3850, 3926. Metal single crystals 1544b, 1694, 2382, 2422, 2473, 3532, 3554, 3556, 3557, 3690, 3996, 3999, 4005. Glasses (including glazes, porcelains, etc.) 66, 372, 374, 577, 580, 583, 584, 585, 586, 1069, 1556, 1939, 2028, 2154, 2873, 3171, 3289, 3371, 3578, 3654, 3655. Crystalline solids (other than metals) Ceramics (see also soils and clays) 917, 1322, 1796, 1884, 2019, 2777, 2781, 3150, 3384. Metallic oxides, carbides, nitrides, etc. 254, 283, 286, 289, 454, 461, 573, 678, 723, 729, 746, 750, 760, 840, 940, 942, 985, 1097, 1098, 1158, 1342, 1343, 1421, 1422, 1450, 1451, 1504, 1544, 1544a, 1559, 1561a, 1581, 1608, 1649, 1651, 1652, 1655, 1676, 1696, 1729, 1800, 1870, 1876, 1947, 1979, 2013, 2030, 2098, 2152, 2259, 2363, 2388, 2425, 2448, 2478, 2600, 2609, 2761, 2769, 2772, 2773, 2898, 3099, 3215, 3292, 3348, 3374, 3542, 3570, 3574, 3586, 3588, 3589, 3592, 3594, 3755, 3783, 3814. Sintered substances 1421, 1422, 2013, 2258, 2782. Dielectric materials (barium titanate) none Miscellaneous crystalline solids 38, 47, 48, 621, 702, 813, 838, 1697, 1808, 1905, 1937, 2232, 2342, 2603, 2622, 2663, 2664, 2727, 2762, 2763, 2765, 2777, 2894, 2908, 3025, 3139, 3264, 3307, 3692, 3787, 3807, 3881. Organic solids other than fibers or films Rubbers 25, 440, 477, 667b, 693, 758, 925, 1037, 1180, 1444, 1618, 2082, 2315, 3027, 3292, 3507, 3509, 3531, 3537. Miscellaneous plastics 418, 461a, 1598, 1772, 2283, 2284, 2355, 2647, 3080, 3100, 3358, 3389, 3513, 3590. Carbon surfaces 1908, 1909, 3081. Thin films and fibers Science and technology of thin films and fibers 66a, 89a, 122, 476a, 488, 667, 957, 1144, 1158a, 1387, 1551, 1632, 1831, 1868, 1869, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1897, 1933, 1946, 1996, 2001, 2010, 2110, 2281, 2336, 2358, 2453, 2694, 2726, 2874, 2924, 3303, 3333, 3334, 3582, 3760, 3761, 3813, 3960. Structure of evaporated or sputtered films (including hal^des) 176, 418, 479a, 591, 623, 707, 754, 1029, 1030, 1101, 1105, 1151, 1160, 1401, 1458, 1562, 1608, 1648, 1656, 1657, 1728, 1766, 1840, 2112, 2246, 2267, 2906, 3046, 3047, 3081, 3171, 3268, 3335, 3336, 3580, 3600, 3601, 3739, 3740, 3901, 3902, 4001. Thin oxide films (including replicas) 286, 645, 704, 705, 706, 1096, 1134, 1559, 1561a, 1562, 1608, 2388, 2432, 3273, 3924, 3998, 4000, 4002. Structure of thin plastic films (including replicas) 13a, 39, 368, 429, 477, 624a, 1056, 1591, 1592, 1593, 1595, 1597, 1928, 1946, 2283, 2284, 2453, ;i726, 2728, 3066, 3082, 3580, 4004. Inorganic fibers 200, 984, 1868, 2607, 2608, 2767, 3289, 3659. Plant fibers (cellulose, etc.) 35, 92, 122, 716, 956, 1008, 1033, 1034, 1209, 1212, 1213, 1361, 1644, 1698, 1700, 1727, 1762, 1828, 1891, 1892, 1899, 1910, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2010, 2172, 2202, 2265, 2280, 2355, 2450, 2451, 2506, 2507, 2522, 2523, 2723, 2724, 2877, 2918, 2919, 2920, 2922, 2923, 2925, 2926, 3053, 3054, 3109, 3110, 3120, 3121, 3395, 3396, 3397, 3683, 3687, 3688, 3689, 3749, 3760, 3761, 3795, 3796, 3842, 3959. Animal fibers (wool, silk, leather, etc.) 122, 175, 443, 1019, 1081a, 1203, 1359, 1361, 1830, 1935, 1996, 2087, 2286, 2296, 2297, 2298, 2299, 2317, 2390, 2391, 2392, 2395, 2397, 2411, 2707, 2724, 2783, 2917, 2919, 2920, 2921, 3120, 3227, 3269, 3270, 3397, 3521, 3575, 3683. Synthetic 476a, 693, 1591, 1632, 1644, 1887, 1888, 1892, 1998, 2000, 2452, 2503, 2724, 3053, 3397, 3512, 3597, 3683. Particulate materials Science and technology of particles 29, 178, 185, 282, 283, 293, 371, 451, 461a, 1516, 1642, 1721, 1747, 1874, 2066, 2341, 2357, 2368, 2400, 2478, 2624, 2640, 2649, 2874, 2939, 3024, 3099, 3101, 3203, 3528, 3530, 3538, 3561, 3639, 3640, 3757, 3758, 4049. Soaps In aqueous media 1701, 1994, 2002, 3658. In non-aqueous media (lubricating greases, etc.) 29, 43, 149a, 768, 1748, 1749, 1858, 2111, 2333, 2487, 2759, 3083, 3103, 3503, 3762, 3765, 3930, 3939. Colloidal suspensions In aqueous media (sols, gels, latices, etc.) 4, 41, 42, 89a, 106, 368, 426, 478, 478a, 535, 628, 683, 714, 932, 1100, 1301, 1357, 1507a, 1515, 2082, 2232, 2315, 2339, 2341, 2399, 2422, 2647, 2727, 2833, 2834, 2942, 3060, 3351, 3471, 3507, 3515, 3527, 3539, 3544, 3546, 3549, 3550, 3553, 3554, 3556, 3558, 3560, 3562, 3617, 3624, 3660, 3704, 3706, 3763, 3764, 3805, 3815, 4041. In non-aqueous media (oils, asphalts, etc.) 451, 463, 721, 1206, 1696, 1747, 1870, 1908, 1909, 2257, 2407, 3023, 3195, 3757, 3758, 3764. Powders artificially produced (including single crystals) Metallic 37, 246, 605, 917, 1021, 1182, 1196, 1197, 1460, 1655, 1697, 1735, 1907, 2042, 2250, 2339, 2368, 2382, 2476, 2478, 2565, 2641, 3065, 3150, 3200, 3464, 3540, 3561, 3810, 3902. -165- Non-metallic 338, 465, 528, 753, 1906, 2371, 2372, 2373, 2418, 2645, 4050. Aerosols (dusts and smokes) 113, 338, 620, 631, 632, 753, 801, 802, 803, 839, 933, 1233, 1234, 1509, 1847, 1949, 2233, 2770, 1735, 1938, 2073, 2764, 1816, 1948, 2161, 2768, 3367, 3548, 3570, 1607, 1650, 1652, 1848, 1849, 1873, 2025, 2063, 2066, 2371, 2639, 2640, 2774, 2816, 2821, 3589, 3591, 3670, 1199, 1655, 1874, 2067, 2649, 3094, 3899. Pigments (other than carbon black) 429, 721, 1870, 1946, 2099, 2100, 2313, 2601, 2771, 2939, 3293, 3533, 3534, 3535, 3555, 3993a. Carbon blacks and graphite 245, 370, 440, 944, 1035, 1036, 1180, 1400, 1401, 1673, 1725, 2012, 2250, 2285, 2600, 3215, 3465, 3534, 3535, 3536, 3587, 3693, 3819. Soils and clays (silicates, asbestos, gar- nets, etc.) 26, 197, 198, 199, 200, 493, 622, 658, 717, 718, 805, 832, 841, 974, 975, 976, 1070, 1124, 1142, 1143, 1170, 1172, 1236, 1237, 1263, 1314, 1444, 1506, 1720, 1980, 2344, 2606, 2900, 1701, 1848, 2061, 2553, 2800 , 2904, 3517, 3887, 1722, 1734, 1808, 2003, 2019, 2060, 2399, 2432, 2541, 2763, 2765, 277 6, 2901, 2902, 2903, 3384, 3388, 3516, 3569, 3705, 3857, 1262, 1884, 2258, 2762, 2766, 2775, 37 66, 3786. 1718, 1719, 1900, 1964, 2263, 2343, 2554, 2605, 2837, 2899, 3026, 3192, 3261, 3519, 3520, 3551, 3963, 3964. Catalysts 29, 528, 983, 2736, 3705. Minerals 64, 250, 291, 292, 323, 658, 975, 1849, 2070, 2604, 2642, 2939, 3193, 3518, 3540, Physical properties and reactions of solids Growth spirals 48, 97, 715, 812, 819, 909, 1905, 1928, 2034, 2486, 3574. Photographic processes 178, 1229, 1394, 1515, 1716, 1839, 1985, 2256, 2559, 2797, 3626, 3681, 3682, 3684, 3686. Thermionic and photoelectric emission and photo-conductance 565, 977, 1105, 1106, 1579, 2434, 3739. Structure after plastic distortion, cold work, etc. 568, 637, 700, 757, 842, 843, 1086, 1261, 1932, 2600, 2602, 2617, 2618, 2638, 3654, 3655, 3690, 3875, 3883, 3928, 3929, 3997. Friction studies, abrasion and wear, surface flow during polishing 253, 566, 578, 583, 1111, 1504, 2250, 2907, 3227, 3596. Absorption studies 244, 292, 1615, 1947, 2017, 2099, 2100, 3263. Chemical reactions (precipitation, etc., nucleation and growth) 4, 33, 106, 246, 262, 379a, 462, 674, 706, 723 , 1096 , 1097, 1153, 1157, 1158, 1171, 1367, 1389, 1636, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1716, 1717, 1842, 1980, 2259, 2339, 2405, 2443, 2565, 2644, 2647, 2708, 2767, 2773, 2841, 2902, 2906, 3009, 3065, 3179, 3199, 3203, 3217, 3368, 3471, 3540, 3541, 3543, 3545, 3546, 3547, 3561, 3562, 3595, 3659, 3662, 3684, 3786, 3808, 3818, '3851, 3929, 4004. Artifacts ; 170 , 749, 864, 1033, 1472, 1756, 2033, 2778, 4024. -166- i