TIMOTHY UEARY d Corner Book PLATE I. Entamoeba histolytica. Chilomastix mesniii omonas hominis. Entamoeba coli Some of the Intestinal Protozoa of Man, as they appear when alive and active. THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN EY CLIFFORD DOBELL, and F. W. O'CONNOR, M.A., F.R.S., Protistologist to the Medical Research Council, National Institute for Medical Research, London. R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.T.M. & H. Wandsworth Scholar, London School of Tropical Medicine. TIMk,. uEARY ' ' O, wonder ! ' ' How many goodly creatures are there here " How beauteous mankind is ! 0 brave new world, " That has such people in't ! " — Shakespeare, Tempest, V. i. NEW YORK. WILLIAM WOOD & CO /oAT/ PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN. To OUR MUTUAL FRIEND Charles Morley Wenyon Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Open Knowledge Commons and Harvard Medical School http://www.archive.org/details/intestinalprotozOOdobe PREFACE. The following treatise is addressed to all Zoologists and Medical Men who are interested in the Intestinal Protozoa of Man, but more especially to those whose professional duties demand an intimate practical know- ledge of these organisms. During the recent Great War the need for such a work became urgent : and although the War is now ended, and interest in the subject has waned, there must still be many workers, especially in the tropics, to whom a work of this character would be — if properly executed — of very great service. It appeared to the present authors that such a book — touching upon the two fields of Zoology and Medicine — ought to be written jointly by a zoologist and a medical man : for by such collaboration many mistakes, due to the limited knowledge of either, might obviously be avoided. This consideration, and a mutual interest in the subject, prompted the authors of the following work — Captain O'Connor and myself — to enter into partnership. It was originally agreed between us that we should write the book together, though one of us should be specially responsible for the medical parts, the other for those parts which were purely protozoological. Unfortunately, it proved impossible to carry out our original inten- tions. The work was first planned at the end of 191 8 : but in the autumn of the following year, when the book had only been sketched out and begun, Captain O'Connor left England on a scientific expedi- tion to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Further collaboration thus became impossible, and the completion of the work consequently devolved entirely upon me. As many papers on this subject have been published recently, and as I have continued my own researches during the last few years, it will be understood that the book, as it now appears, is in many ways very different from that originally planned. For several sections of the book I am solely responsible. The most important of these are : the Introduction (Chap. I) ; the section dealing PREFACE with the coprozoic organisms— based largely upon hitherto unpublished researches ; the lists of synonyms, and keys for the determination of genera and species, together with all discussions of systematics and classification ; the references at the end of the volume, and the general bibliographic work throughout. I have also drawn all the illustrations, with the exception of figs. 97-102 (PI. VI), which I have merely redrawn from Captain O'Connor's originals— these having proved unsuitable for reproduction. Footnotes which contain my personal opinions are dis- tinguished by bearing my initials, whenever it has seemed desirable or necessary to indicate their authorship. I have thought it right to narrate these particulars here. But my object in so doing is not that I may claim the greater share of credit— if any there be— for our joint performance, but to exonerate my partner from blame for the mistakes which have doubtless been made. During the last eighteen months, whilst I have been engaged in writing and revising the book, and in passing it through the press, I have been entirely deprived of his counsel. I have been unable to discuss with him any of the new work which has appeared. I have changed my views on various subjects as I have learned new facts, and I have had no means of ascertaining whether his views have undergone corres- ponding changes. Consequently, although Captain O'Connor permitted me — in fact besought me — to make any alterations which appeared to me necessary during the progress of the work, I feel that I have been compelled to take far greater liberties with his contributions than any ordinary collaborator would have a right to take. And while it is my hope that I have not, in the following pages, expressed any views from which Captain O'Connor would dissent, yet I feel it incumbent upon me to point out here that, for any mistakes which have been made, a far greater share of responsibility lies upon my shoulders than upon his. During the preparation of this work I have fortunately been able to consult Captain S. R. Douglas, I. M.S. (ret.), on medical matters outside my competence. He has also had the kindness to read through Chapters III, VII, and VIII, which have profited by his help and criticism. For these services we offer him here our sincere thanks. I wish also to thank Professor W. Bulloch, F.R.S., for supplying me with a number of references to works which I should else have overlooked. We are further indebted to the Editor of Parasitology, Professor G. H. F. Nuttall, F.R.S., for permission to republish fig. 28 (PI. Ill); and to Lieutenant-Colonel W. Byam, R.A.M.C., and the Oxford University Press, for allowing us to use figs. 27 (PI. Ill) and 109-111 (PI. VII), PREFACE VII. which were drawn originally for Byam and Archibald's forthcoming treatise on The Practice of Medicine in the Tropics. I would point out here that the figures have all been drawn — unless the contrary is expressly noted — from actual specimens, with the aid of the camera lucida. They are not diagrammatic. But the figures on the Frontispiece (PI. I), though not intended to appear schematic, were drawn from memory and imagination. They are composite pictures — made accurately to scale, and as correct as possible in their details, but not copied from any particular specimens. It is impossible to draw an actively moving protozoon with the camera lucida ; and the artist who professes to depict such an organism " from life " must always, in reality, first observe it accurately, and then make his drawing from memory — combining the thousands of changing images which have fallen upon his retina into a single fixed and lifeless picture. The figures on Plate VIII are frankly " diagrams " of the same sort, so drawn for a special purpose. They are attempts to show to others, as accurately as is possible by means of single images, the appearances which I have seen upon innumerable occasions. Not one of these figures has been copied from any particular specimen, but each is a general description — with the brush instead of the pen — of the thousands of similar individual objects which have passed before my eyes. It is really impossible to convey an exact impression of such objects by means of drawings ; and when such drawings have been more or less effectively executed, it is almost impossible to overcome the difficulties involved in the process of reproduction. The methods by which I have, in the present case, " faked " the figures into a semblance of reality, are too obvious to require comment. It has been our aim, throughout this work, to be as brief and accurate as possible. We have made no attempt to treat the subject in an encyclopaedic manner, but have aimed rather at producing a practical handbook — a book which will help the beginner, and at the same time assist more serious students in the prosecution of their studies. A work of this character would be of little use if it did not contain full and accurate references, and I have therefore devoted special attention to the bibliographic aspects of the subject. Every work cited has been consulted in the original, and every effort has been made to insure accuracy in quotations and references. Those who have any knowledge of the subject, and who are acquainted with the almost endless bibliographic errors in most works dealing with it, will realize the toil which this has entailed. The references represent, Vlll. PREFACE indeed, the intermittent labour of many years : but I think the time taken over them has not been mis-spent, for it has enabled us to avoid the repetition of many text-book traditions of the unfounded but long-lived type familiar to all students of scientific literature. It has not been possible to take notice of many works which have appeared in the last few months, but an attempt has been made to incorporate at least a reference to every work of importance which has come to my notice up to the time of going to press. No effort has been made, however, to cite every work that has been written on the subject, since this would have made our references run into many thousands. Hundreds of references have, indeed, been weeded out in the final revision. Judicious selection, rather than compendious collection, has been aimed at in this respect. It seems to me that it is the duty of every scientific worker to study and weigh what his predecessors and contemporaries have written, and that he should be as careful in quoting them as he is in making and recording his own observations. To neglect to notice the work of others, or to misquote it, is often something more than incivility : it easily leads an author to claim — or to appear to claim — as his own a discovery or observation to which he has no title. But in dealing with the works of others one must constantly note their errors — no less than their good parts. To summarize without criticizing is not possible in a work which aims at being scientific. Error and truth cannot be added together. Consequently, criticism also is a duty to every collector of facts. I have often been taken to task, by reviewers of my previous publications, for the "severity" of my criticisms of the work of others. I wish, therefore, to make this explanation. All my criticisms are directed against opinions or interpretations — not against persons. If a statement is true, it will withstand the severest criticism. If, on the other hand, it is false, it cannot be too severely condemned. I thus see no reason to reproach myself for the severity of any criticisms which I may have made, unless they have unwittingly been unjust to persons or unjustified in matters of fact. But it is easy to destroy and hard to build, and I would therefore end with the words of the ingenious Dr. Edward Tyson,* who long ago excused himself to perfection upon a like occasion : " My design here," said he (and it is ours also), " is not the raising of any Hypothesis, * See his once celebrated memoir on the Tape-worm, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, 1683. No. 146. PREFACE IX. but the enquiring into the truth of those of others. It being much easier to spy others faults, then to avoid them our selvs. In what I have said I have done the former ; but can no ways secure my self as to the latter. But in the whole, if I have not hit the mark ; I have fairly aimed for it, and it may be some help, and direction to others in the prosecution of this subject." Clifford Dobell. London, April, 1 92 1. " E ben piu facile insegnare una veritk, che stabilirla sopra le rovine di un errore ; e ben piu facile l'aggiungere che il sostituire." — Leopardi. CONTENTS. Chapter I. Introduction. The Intestinal Protozoa of Man II. The Intestinal Amoebae of Man III. Amoebiasis IV. The Intestinal Flagellates of Man. " Flagellosis : V. The Intestinal Coccidia of Man. Coccidiosis VI. The Intestinal Ciliates of Man. Balantidiosis VII. The Diagnosis of Intestinal Protozoal Infections VIII. The Treatment of Intestinal Protozoal Infections IX. The Coprozoic Protozoa of Human Faeces ... References Index ... Plate I, Frontispiece. Plates II — VIII, at end of Volume. *9 40 5S 94 ic6 125 148 164 187 205 ; Reade not to Contradict, and Confute ; Nor to Beleeve and Take for granted ; Nor to Finde Talke and Discourse ; But to weigh and Consider." — Bacon, Of Studies (ed. 1625). THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN. TO speak of Man as a Microcosm — " an abstract or model of the world," as Bacon has it — is an ancient and familiar figure of speech. But the modern scientific writer can hardly stop short at this metaphor : he knows that, within this microcosm, there is a less poetic and still smaller world which has been revealed to the inquiring eye of the microscopist. Man's body is, indeed, itself a macrocosm for in- numerable micro-organisms ; and it is to one of the microscopic com- munities inhabiting one small province of this very little world — the Protozoa living in the intestine of Man — that the following treatise is devoted. The object of this first chapter is to introduce the Intestinal Protozoa of Man to the reader. In the following chapters he will have an opportunity of cultivating their acquaintance more closely ; but this acquaintance cannot ripen into intimacy unless he combines the perusal of this book with a study of the organisms themselves. Historic Note. — In the year 1681, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, the illustrious Hollander who discovered the Protozoa and is rightly regarded as the Father of Protozoology, described a " little creature " which he had observed, with the aid of magnifying glasses, in his own stools.* This little creature was the flagellate protozoon now known as Giardia intestinalis, and its discovery marks the beginning of our knowledge of the Intestinal Protozoa of Man. The discovery excited but a passing interest, and lay almost forgotten for over a century and a half. Then, in the year 1854, two * See Dobell (1920), where these observations are considered in detail. 2 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN similar little animals were found in human stools by the French parasit- ologist Davaine, who subsequently named them " Cercomonas hominis A " and " C. hominis B." These have since been rediscovered, redescribed, and renamed Chilomastix and Trichomonas. Other forms belonging to the same group of organisms have also been found and studied by Davaine's followers down to the present day. A much larger animal was found in human stools by the Swedish physician Malmsten in 1856. His organism differed so strikingly from those already mentioned that it clearly belonged to a different group. It is now called Balantidium and has been studied and redescribed by many later workers. About the year i860 another Swede, Kjellberg,* discovered yet another different kind of organism, this time living actually in the tissue of the human bowel. This was the first of the animals now called Coccidia to be described in the human gut ; and its discovery has been followed by the finding of several similar forms which have received the attention of many subsequent investigators. Finally, a fourth kind of "little creature" was discovered t in human stools by two Anglo-Indian medical officers, Lewis and Cunningham, in the years 1870 and 1871. Soon afterwards — in 1875 — a similar discovery was made by Losch in Russia. The organisms which these observers studied are known as amoebae, and belong to a different group of animals from any of those previously noticed. They have now been very thoroughly studied by later workers, and their numbers have been augmented accordingly. The discoveries briefly related above are all landmarks in the subject with which the present work deals. They mark the beginning of our knowledge of four different groups of microscopic animals which inhabit the human bowel : and the following up of these several discoveries has resulted in the accumulation of an immense mass of facts which now almost form a special science by themselves. It is now known that all these animals belong to one great group of the animal kingdom — the Protozoa — of which they form, however, an almost infinitely minute part. That they have attracted so much attention is due to the circum- * The discovery was reported by Virchow in i860. See Dobell (1919) for further details. f This discovery is usually incorrectly attributed to Lambl (i860). Cf. Dobell (1919 a, pp. 8-9, and 71 et seq.) where additional details will be found. INTRODUCTION 3 stance that sonic of them — like the organisms found by Malmsten and Losch — are associated with human diseases : and although only a few- can claim this unenviable distinction, it has inevitably invested the others also with a particular human interest. Some conception of the present magnitude of this branch of Protozoology can be formed from the scope and size of the present volume. Having made the foregoing brief allusion to the history of our subject, by way of introduction, we shall attempt in the rest of this chapter to define, very briefly, the Protozoa : to survey, very rapidly, the forms which live in the human intestine : and to point out how these various forms live in this environment. Detailed descriptions will be given in later chapters. The Protozoa. — The Animal Kingdom is usually divided into two main groups, or sub-kingdoms — Protozoa and Metazoa. The latter group comprises all the animals whose bodies are built up of the morphological units called " cells," and may accordingly be defined as consisting of all the multicellular animals. The former group is usually defined, in contrast, as comprising the "unicellular" animals. For reasons discussed elsewhere (Dobell, 191 1) the term "unicellular" appears objectionable and misleading ; for it implies that the body of an individual protozoon is homologous with a single cell in the body of a metazoon, and not with a whole metazoal individual. If we regard the whole organism as an individual unit, then a whole protozoon is strictly comparable with a whole metazoon, and not with a part of it. But the body of a protozoon, though it often shows great complexity of structure, is not differentiated internally into cells — like the body of a metazoon. Consequently, it differs from the latter not in the number of its cellular constituents, but in lacking these altogether. We therefore define the Sub-kingdom of the Protozoa as the group which contains ALL NON-CELLULAR ANIMALS. This is not the place to define " cell" and "animal " : and we shall therefore entrust the comprehension of the foregoing definition to the common sense of the reader. Classification of the Protozoa. — The Protozoa are classically subdivided into four main groups, which are generally called Classes, but which probably correspond more closely, in systematic status, to the groups called Phyla among the Metazoa. Various names have been proposed for these main groups, but we shall follow the usual conven- 4 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN tion and call them (i) Rhizopoda, (2) Mastigophora, (3) Sporozoa, (4) Ciliophora. These four groups, or Phyla, of the Protozoa, can be roughly dis- tinguished by means ot the characters supplied by the external organs of locomotion of the animals placed in them. These characters have been used for classifying the Protozoa ever since 1773, when they were first used for this purpose by the Danish zoologist O. F. Miiller. Modern protozoologists have found such simple characters inadequate, when used alone. Nevertheless, they will suffice for our present purpose, and will enable us to distinguish the four main groups as follows : — (1) The Phylum Rhizopoda comprises those Protozoa whose external organs of locomotion are typically pseudopodia — temporary prolongations or extensions of the protoplasm of the body, familiar to everyone as the means of movement in Amoeba. (2) The Phylum Mastigophora consists of all those Protozoa which move, in their fully developed and typical condition, by means of whip-like filaments or flagella — familiar to all who have studied Euglena, or any other common flagellate. (3) The Phylum SPOROZOA contains a number of exclusively para- sitic forms, which in their motile stages — when present — move without the aid of any special external locomotory organs. The several common species of Monocystis, parasitic in earthworms, supply familiar examples — with their slow, worm-like motions, performed by the body as a whole. (4) The Phylum Ciliophora contains all the Protozoa which move, in their typical active stages, by the agency of many little hair-like threads or cilia — exemplified in the familiar Paramecium and other common ciliates. Each of these Phyla contains a vast array of species, variously collected into genera, families, orders, and higher groups. It will be unnecessary, however, to discuss their classification in detail here, and we shall limit ourselves to a consideration of the systematic position of those species alone with which the present work is concerned. It will suffice to note the general grouping of our forms, and their more obvious relations to one another. The human intestine harbours protozoa belonging to all the four Phyla just enumerated. As these groups contain organisms as different INTRODUCTION 5 from one another and as distantly related as the members of different Phyla among the Metazoa, it will be clear that many of the intestinal protozoa of man have little but their habitat in common. Among themselves they show great diversities, which are expressed by placing them in different systematic groups. The Rhizopods in the human gut, for example, are closely related to the Rhizopods in the guts of other vertebrates and to those leading an independent existence in water : they are but remotely related to the Ciliates found in man, though they chance to share the same habitation. In other words, the organisms with which we have to deal form, as a whole, an "unnatural" group- in the systematist's sense — and are treated together merely because Nature has assembled them in a common domicile. The Rhizopoda are represented in the human intestine by five species of amoebae belonging to four different genera — (1) Entamoeba, with two species E. coli and E. histolytica ; (2) Endolimax, with one species E. nana ; (3) Iodamoeba, and (4) Dientamoeba, each also with but a single species — /. biltschlii and D. fragilis respectively. All these belong to the Class called Amoebaea, which comprises all the naked rhizopods resembling the well known Amoeba and its allies. Among the Mastigophora, we find five distinct species — each be- longing to a different genus — and several other doubtful forms which require further investigation. All of these belong to the Class Flagellata — a very large group containing many families and genera. The genera and species found in the human gut are : (1) Trichomonas hominis, with several varieties, (2) Chilomastix mesnili, (3) Giardia intestinalis, (4) Embadomonas intestinalis, (5) Enteromonas hominis. To these some still uncertain forms may ultimately have to be added. The Sporozoa of the human bowel all belong to the group known as theCocciDiA, and are represented by four species placed in two different genera: (i) Eimeria, with the species E. wenyoni, E. oxyspora, and E. snijdersi, and (2) Isospora, with the single species /. hominis. The Ciliophora found in man all belong to the Ciliata, a very large Class containing numerous species. Those of man belong to the genus Balantidinm, represented by the species B. coli and B. miniitum (some- what doubtful), and possibly by others also. A species of another genus — Nyctotherus — has also been described, but its existence appears still rather uncertain. All the organisms just mentioned will have to be considered in detail 6 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN in the ensuing chapters : but it will be convenient here to notice certain general characters which all the members of our " unnatural " group have in common. These concern chiefly their lives and habits, their distribution, and their relations to man. Life-histories. — So many wonderful life-histories have been de- scribed— and even proved to occur — in the Protozoa, that the mere mention of the name often leads the less instructed to expect some marvellous revelation. It will be well to state at the outset, therefore, that the intestinal protozoa of man all lead — so far as we know at present — comparatively simple lives which can be understood, in their main outlines, by anybody. Most of them develop in a straightforward manner, and their development can be described without the use of numerous technical terms. Many of the exciting doings which have been attributed to these animals are now known to rest upon mal- observation, misinterpretation, and unscientific use of the imagination ; and no excuse will be needed, therefore, for ignoring these mistakes at this point, and omitting to use some of the superfluous terms which they have introduced into biological language. From the most general standpoint, the life of an intestinal protozoon consists typically of two main periods — a period of freedom or activity (often curiously called a "vegetative" stage) and a period of rest. It may be noted, in passing, that the first period can hardly be called one of "freedom" and "activity " in the case of the Coccidia ; for during the corresponding stages in these organisms, the individuals are intracellular and sedentary — only the young forms being free and motile. But it is characteristic of all the intestinal protozoa that during this first period of relative freedom and activity they feed, grow, and multiply actively — multiplication being effected always by a process of simple or multiple fission. This period is, moreover, invariably passed — in the case of the organisms under consideration — within the human bowel. On the other hand, the resting period is always passed outside the human body, within a special protective capsule or cyst. The " free " forms, living and multiplying in the body of man, give rise to the condition called infection : while the resting or encysted forms, capable of external existence, serve to convey infection from one man to another. Infection with any intestinal protozoon is, in nature, always acquired through the mouth, by swallowing a living cyst containing the resting form of the particular organism. In ordinary INTRODUCTION 7 circumstances the free forms cannot live outside the body for more than a very short time, and they die if swallowed — in other words, they are non-infective. The two periods or cycles of development alternate, more or less regularly, with one another. When a cyst is ingested, it passes intact through the stomach into the intestine. Here it hatches and liberates its contained organism (or organisms), which seeks its appropriate place in the bowel and there begins its development as an active or free form. After living and multiplying for some time in this form, its offspring secrete cysts round themselves, and then pass out of the intestine with the stools. The cycle of events is repeated if these cysts are fortunate enough to get swallowed again by a human being. The above is a brief outline of the life of each of the intestinal protozoa of man. Each has its own peculiar structure and mode of life, and each its own characteristic encysted form, which can be recognized in the faeces by the trained microscopist. Individual details of structure, and complications in the mode of development, will receive attention later. It is only necessary here to take a very general view, and to emphasize the two main stages in the life-cycle — the " active " form and the cyst. When these are understood, the details are easily learned : but failure to understand these simple generalities has led, unfortunately, to many errors in the past, and for this reason it seems necessary to stress these elementary points. When they are clearly and generally comprehended it will become impossible for certain current but inaccurate expressions to survive. It will no longer be possible for a writer to describe a patient as " infected with cysts," or to speak of "cyst-carriers," or to ask for methods of medication which will " kill the cysts " in preference to the active forms — all which expressions, and others akin to them, are obvious absurdities. It will be noted that the life-cycle as a whole requires but two environments — the human bowel, and some suitable resting place outside it. No secondary or intermediate host is necessary for the completion of the developmental cycle of any of the intestinal protozoa of man. In this connexion, however, it must be noted that other animals may assist in the dispersal of the cysts, and thus aid in spreading infections : and this leads us to consider the usual modes of dissemination of the intestinal protozoa of man in nature. Dissemination. — The cysts of all the intestinal protozoa of man 8 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN are comparatively delicate structures, and their contents are incapable of withstanding desiccation. In damp faeces, however, or in water, the cysts can usually survive and remain infective for several weeks. It thus seems probable that, in nature, water plays an important part in their dissemination : and it may be assumed that the swallowing of water, or damp uncooked foodstuffs, accidentally contaminated with faecal matter containing cysts, is the usual means whereby infections spread from man to man. All unhygienic conditions which favour con- veyance in this manner must, accordingly, be regarded as contributing to the dissemination of infections. Food and drink may, of course, become contaminated with faeces in innumerable ways. It is impossible to discuss them all here, but we must mention one of them which is of special interest — namely, con- tamination by flies. It has been demonstrated by Wenyon and O'Connor (1916, 1917), Flu (1916), Buxton (1920), and others, that house-flies are able to spread the cysts of the common species of in- testinal protozoa. Wenyon and O'Connor have shown that a fly, when it feeds upon human faeces containing cysts, does not digest them, but passes them alive and unchanged through its alimentary canal, and voids them again — still living — with its own faeces. The time taken in passing through the fly is, sometimes, astonishingly short — cysts taken in at the fly's mouth being redeposited within as little as 5 to 30 minutes. A large number of flies, after feeding upon a stool containing numerous cysts, might therefore disseminate them over a comparatively wide area in a short space of time. Each speck of such fly faeces, if swallowed with food or drink before it has time to undergo complete desiccation, is capable of infecting a human being. It is thus clear that the part played by flies in the spread of infections is not negli- gible, and may be of prime importance : and it is also evident that the destruction of flies, as a prophylactic measure against the spread of infections, merits serious attention. It has recently been urged by Roubaud (1918) that the fly may, in reality, do more good than harm in this respect. He argues that, since the minute quantity of faecal matter deposited by a fly readily dries up, and any protozoal cysts which it may contain are thus killed, the fly may, in reality, contribute to the destruction rather than to the dispersal of cysts in nature. Infective faeces, when devoured by flies, is reduced to a fine state of division ; and the prompt desiccation which results renders the contained cysts non-infective in a very short time. INTRODUCTION 9 This consideration is, no doubt, of importance when we are con- sidering what happens under hot and dry atmospheric condition-,. When the air is humid, however, or when there are opportunities for the flies' faeces to be deposited in or on damp comestibles intended for human consumption, it is clear that we cannot— without further evidence — regard the activities of the fly as beneficial, or even as harm- less. Recently Woodcock (1918) has attempted to show that the part played by flies — in the dissemination of amoebic cysts — is compara- tively unimportant. He considers the humidity of the atmosphere to be the factor of primary importance determining the survival and dispersal of cysts. It is evident, however, that dampness of the air is the very factor which would prevent the faeces of flies from drying too rapidly ; and consequently, even if it were proved that humidity is of great importance, it would in no way invalidate the conclusion that flies play a most important part in the dissemination of the intestinal protozoa of man. Both factors are, doubtless, intimately connected, and deserve careful consideration. It may be noted here that Stiles (1913) had earlier suggested that the prevalence of intestinal protozoa in a community might be used as a criterion of the extent to which their food and drink are exposed to contamination with human faeces — as a measure of the effectiveness of the sanitary arrangements within the community : and Stiles and Keister (1913) have already attempted to utilize this criterion in the special case of the carriage of Giardia cysts by house-flies. Geographical Distribution. — It is now certain that most of the intestinal protozoa of man are cosmopolitan in their distribution. They are not restricted, as is often assumed, to the tropics, but are known to occur in human beings in all parts of the world where search has been made for them. In all probability the gaps in our present knowledge, in this respect, make the distribution of some forms wrongly appear discontinuous ; though it is possible, or perhaps even probable, that future work will show that some species — for example, the Coccidia — are limited to certain geographical areas. On the other hand, although all races of man have not yet been examined with this object in view, it is reasonably certain that most races of man harbour Entamoeba coll and E. histolytica — and probably the other intestinal amoebae — and all the common species of flagellates. These are known to occur in such widely separated places that it can hardly be doubted that their real 10 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN distribution is world-wide. It is also reasonable to conclude that all the common intestinal protozoa of man have lived in man for ages. They are not recent intruders but age-long companions of the human species. There is nothing very novel in this wide geographical distribution, though it has but recently become evident : for the cosmopolitan occurrence of the Protozoa generally has long been a commonplace observation to zoologists. One of the most interesting of the facts which have emerged from the recent activity in the study of the intestinal protozoa of man, is the demonstration that all the commoner forms occur, apparently indi- genously, in the British Isles. Even Entamoeba histolytica — previously assumed to be more or less restricted to the tropics — has been shown to occur in no inconsiderable proportion of the inhabitants of these Islands. We owe the establishment of this fact chiefly to the work of Matthews and Malins Smith,* but their observations have been confirmed and extended by others. One of us has recently reviewed and sum- marized all the investigations undertaken to elucidate this problem, so that it will be unnecessary to deal with it in detail here.f It will suffice to note that most of the commoner species of known human intestinal protozoa occur at the present day in Britain — the most noteworthy forms which have not yet been recorded being Balantidium and the Coccidia. It is clear that Britain cannot occupy an isolated position in this respect, and that further investigations will show that all the intestinal protozoa of man are much more widely distributed than was generally supposed until quite recently. Hitherto the greatest attention has been paid to the distribution of E. histolytica, but there are already sufficient records available to show that most of the other intestinal protozoa are at least as widely dispersed.^ But we cannot discuss this subject in * See especially Yorke, Carter, Mackinnon, Matthews, and Smith (1917), Matthews and Smith (1919, 1919a), Dobell (1921). tSee Dobell (1921). % Among more recent contributions to this subject the reader may be referred to the following : Galliard and Brumpt (1912), Paviot and Garin (1913), Landouzy and Debrd (1914), Bloch (1916) — French cases; Kuenen (1918) — Dutch cases; Fischer (1920) — German cases; Yakimoff (1917)— Russian cases; Kofoid, Kornhauser, and Plate (1919), Cort and McDonald (1919) — United States cases. There are also numerous other works dealing with the occurrence of intestinal protozoa in the inhabitants of temperate climates, but it would lead us too far to discuss — or even to attempt to cite — all of them. See also the papers on French cases of Balantidiosis cited on p. 119 infra. INTRODUCTION I I detail here. We must pass on to the consideration of another impor- tant and equally large subject. Incidence of Infection. — The recent Great War has fostered an immense amount of research upon the intestinal protozoa of man, and has led to the publication of a very large volume of records from all the chief theatres of military operations. It is impossible to attempt to summarize this work here, where we shall merely note what seem to be the most important general conclusions to be drawn from it. The recorded findings as a whole — after due allowance has been made for the very considerable but inevitable proportion of errors con- tained in them — tend to show that intestinal protozoa are far commoner in man, in all parts of the world, than had previously been supposed. But at the same time they have revealed that these organisms are of less importance, from a medical standpoint, than was formerly believed. It has now become clear that the majority of the intestinal protozoa occur comparatively frequently in human beings everywhere ; but that very few species are responsible for the causing of human diseases, and that none give rise to epidemics of such diseases. In the War, the amount of disease due to intestinal protozoa was, in all probability, when the number of individuals involved is taken into account, almost negligible. Nevertheless, the hundreds of thousands of cases of intestinal disease which occurred in the course of the War afforded great opportunities for studying intestinal organisms of all sorts ; and it is partly because so much importance was at first attached to the intestinal protozoa that the fact of their comparative unimportance has emerged. By far the most important intestinal protozoon, from the medical standpoint, is Entamoeba histolytica — the organism which " causes " the disease known as amoebic dysentery, and other pathological conditions. Special attention has therefore been directed to this parasite, and as a result we now have fuller information about it than about most of the other intestinal protozoa. It is certain that this amoeba occurs in a very considerable percentage of persons all the world over, and it is probable that at least 10 per cent, of the entire population of the globe is infected. The number may, indeed, be much higher. The majority of the other intestinal amoebae, and most of the flagellates, occur with at least equal frequency : and in the case of some of them — such as Entamoeba coli and Giardia — there is evidence to show that they are even more com- monly present in mankind generally. These conclusions, by themselves, 12 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN indicate that intestinal protozoa must have relatively little pathological significance. There is, however, some indication that all the intestinal protozoa of man occur with greater frequency in tropical aud subtropical countries than in temperate and cold ones. But it is still questionable whether this inequality of distribution has any direct relation to climate or tem- perature : it is probable that it depends primarily upon the more insanitary conditions and greater opportunities for the spread of infec- tion which are present in hotter countries generally. We can say no more on this subject here, and will make no attempt to summarize the published records dealing with the incidence of intes- tinal protozoa in the various races of man, and in the various armies engaged in the War.- Our space is circumscribed, and we have yet to consider some other topics of importance from a more general standpoint. The Relation of the Intestinal Protozoa to Man.— It is most important that all who begin the study of the intestinal protozoa of man should rid themselves of any prejudices that they may have against so-called " parasites." This term is loosely used, in common speech, for any organisms that live inside other organisms ; and preconceived notions derived from this reproachful name have been responsible for much misunderstanding and confusion in discussing the protozoa of man. A few general remarks on this subject will therefore be made here. Animals which live inside other animals are called collectively Entozoa, and those which harbour them are called their Hosts ; and a moment's reflexion will show that such an association of two organisms may be of divers kinds. It is clear that such an association may be beneficial to both host and entozoon, or harmful to both : or it may be beneficial or harmful to one member of the pair, and indifferent to the other. Let us consider each of these possibilities in turn. * Numerous references will be found in the Tropical Diseases Bulletin. The reader interested in this subject may be referred to the following recent works, which will also supply him with numerous further references to the immense literature dealing with the incidence of intestinal protozoal infections : Aubert (1917), Bahr and Young (1919), JBaylis (1920), Bentham (1920), Boney, Crossman, and Boulenger (1918), Brumpt (1918), Chatton (1918a), Derrieu (1920), Dobell (1917), Dobell, Gettings, Jepps, and Stephens (1918), Dobell (1921), Flu (1918a), Lebceuf and Braun (1916), MacAdam and Keelan (1917), Mackinnon (1918), Matthews and Smith (1919^), O'Connor (1919), Ravaut (1917), Smith and Matthews (1917, 1917a), Wenyon (1916), Wenyon and O'Connor (1917). Hundreds of additional papers could easily be cited. INTRODUCTION 1 3 (1) When the association benefits both parties, the condition is one of Symbiosis — a not very frequent state in nature. An example is afforded by some of the flagellates living in termites ("white ants"). In return for the food and lodging which the termite gives to the flagellate, the latter helps the former to digest its own food. No such symbiotic arrangement appears to exist between man and any of the protozoa which he harbours in his gut. (2) When the entozoon lives at the expense of its host, the phenomenon is known as Parasitism. The entozoon is a Parasite — in the biological sense — and is always more or less harmful. When the harm done becomes manifest, the host is said to suffer from a Disease, of which the parasite is colloquially— and therefore inaccurately — termed " the cause." The intestinal protozoa of man furnish several instances of parasitism, and illustrate several different degrees of this condition. Entamoeba histolytica, for example, is a truly parasitic rhizopod, which lives upon its host's tissues. The man who harbours it never derives any benefit from its presence, but the amoeba itself is always vitally benefited. Sometimes the parasite, by its inroads into the tissues of the body, makes its host ill. He then suffers from a disease — dysentery — which is said to be "caused" by the parasite, and is called, in consequence, Amoebic Dysentery. A comparable condition is seen in the case of Balantidium coll. This ciliate also attacks the tissues, and "causes " the disease distinguished as Balantidial Dysentery. In addition to the two organisms just mentioned there are all the Coccidia which live in the human bowel. All of these also are parasites — living at the expense of human tissue. But as a rule they do not " cause " any clearly recognizable disease, and their harmfulness is therefore less obvious. It should be remembered, moreover, that E. histolytica and Balantidium coli often appear to cause no obvious symptoms of disease, because their pathogenic capabilities are masked and therefore overlooked. There is at present no clear evidence that any of the other intestinal protozoa are truly parasitic in man. (3) There is a third condition which may be called Commensalism, in which the entozoic organism benefits from the association while its host is neither distinctly benefited nor harmed. This state is well illustrated by Entamoeba coli and other intestinal amoebae of man, 14 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN and by the common flagellates Trichomonas and Chilomastix. These animals feed chiefly upon the waste food-products and bacteria in the human colon. Lazarus-like they live upon the crumbs from the rich man's table. The food eaten by the host ultimately provides nourishment for the entozoic organism also, and in this sense the two feed in common. But although the association here is a vital necessity for the entozoon, it is of no moment to its host. It probably makes no difference to a man whether his faeces serve to support a Trichomonas inside his body or a brood of putrefactive bacteria outside of it. It will be obvious that to stigmatize such inoffensive dependents as " parasites," and to regard them as dangerous producers of disease, is not warranted. By far the greater number of the so-called " para- sitic protozoa " of the human bowel probably belong to this class of harmless commensals. It is, indeed, even possible that some of them are not merely inoffensive, but actually beneficial to their hosts : for in consuming waste products and bacteria in the large bowel they may play a useful part as scavengers. In this connexion we need not discuss the view, which is sometimes advanced, that they probably injure their host by the "toxins" which they excrete. It will suffice to note that the " toxins " of intestinal protozoa exist, at present, only in the imagination of those who regard with horror any organism which can be loosely termed a " parasite." The organisms which we here call commensals are sometimes described as Saprozoic, because — like certain free-living (i.e., not entozoic) forms — they feed upon decomposing organic matter. More often they are quaintly called " saprophytic " — a botanical term obviously inappropriate to animals. These terms have a significance too wide and inexact to denote the precise relation which we wish to imply here by the word "commensalism." Between the true tissue-parasites and the commensals or scavengers like E. coli, there is a group of entozoa which may be called food- robbers.* These do not wait for the crumbs to fall from the rich man's table, but seize and claim a share of what is still — so to speak — on his plate. Among the intestinal protozoa of man, Giardia is a good example of this kind of hanger-on. This animal lives in the small intestine, and obtains its nourishment by absorbing a small We borrow this term — a very apt one — from Minchin (19 12). INTRODUCTION *5 share of the food which has been partly digested, in this situation, by its host, for his own sustenance. It is questionable how far Giardia disturbs, in this manner, the bodily oeconomy of its host : but the amount of harm which it does is probably negligible, in ordinary circumstances, and it is clearly not easy to justify the contention that such an organism is a " dangerous parasite." (4) The remaining possible types of entozoic habit may be dismissed in a few words. If both entozoon and host suffer ill consequences from their association, the combination cannot long survive as a normal and natural state. An individual instance of such a condition would be called a " disease " ; and it would be pathological for the entozoon as well as for its host. As a normal relation between two species, it clearly could not become established. On the other hand, if the association positively benefited neither entozoon nor host, the relation would be casual, and not such a one as Nature would be likely to perpetuate. Since the state of being infected with an entozoic protozoon is some- times strikingly manifested by its results — for example, when the condi- tion can be regarded as constituting a human disease — it has been found convenient to invent words to denote these states. Infection with amoebae is thus called Amoebiasis ;'* infection with Coccidia, Cocci- DIOSIS ; infection with Balantidinm, BALANTIDIASIS. We shall use these terms in discussing these conditions : but we would here make it clear that we do not use them necessarily to denote diseases — as is often done. Infection is not necessarily accompanied by clinical signs of disease ; and to restrict the use of such terms to certain consequences of infection, rather than to the condition of infection generally, is not only inconvenient but also leads frequently to a misunderstanding of the true relations existing between an entozoon and its host, and their joint relations to the diseases which may result. Infection with flagellates is sometimes called " Flagellosis," and some writers have gone so far as to distinguish infections with different genera of flagellates by distinctive terms. For example, infection with Trichomonas is sometimes called (horribile dictu) " Trichomonosis " or " Trichomoniasis " ; whilst infection with Giardia — otherwise known as Lamblia— is called " Giardiasis " or " Lambliasis." Such terms are not * This term — introduced by Musgrave and Clegg (1904) — is now in general use. and we therefore employ it. " Amoebosis " would be a more orthodox word, and philologically less objectionable. l6 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN only clumsy contraventions of the laws of language but also super- fluities. At the present time it appears unnecessary to employ more than a single term for each type of infection — the types being deter- mined by the zoological groups to which the particular infecting organisms belong. We shall therefore use a term such as Amoebiasis to denote infection with any kind of amoeba, and Coccidiosis for infection with any kind of coccidium. It would be absurd to subdivide Cocci- diosis into the two conditions "Eimeriosis" and " Isosporosis " because man happens to be parasitized by coccidia belonging to the two genera Eimeria and Isospora. Coprozoa. — The protozoa which live in the human intestine are usually seen, of course, in human faeces discharged from the body. Such material, however, forms a suitable medium for the growth and development of some of the free-living protozoa which usually live in decomposing organic infusions. These protozoa, which show a preference for faecal matter, but which do not live entozoically in the faeces while it is still in the intestine, are termed Coprozoic or Coprophilic. They cannot be regarded as parasitic or commensal, and their occurrence in human faeces is largely a matter of chance : for they occur at least equally often in the faeces of other animals, and in decomposing organic substances of many kinds. These copro- zoic protozoa are of importance, however, because their occasional presence in stale human faeces has led to their confusion with the true intestinal forms. Human faeces, after leaving the body, may contain coprozoic amoebae, flagellates, and possibly even ciliates : and every worker en- gaged in the study of the intestinal protozoa should make himself familiar with the commoner species. A brief account of some of these will be given in Chapter IX, and no further mention of them will therefore be needed at this point. We shall now conclude this introductory chapter with a Table (p. 17), which gives a synopsis of the chief intestinal protozoa of man, and indicates at a glance their relations to one another in the zoological system as briefly noted in the preceding pages. The Table will also serve as a rough table of contents to the ensuing chapters. INTRODUCTION 17 Sub- Kingdom Phylum Class Genus Species < O SI O h 0 OS Oh < Q O Oh O N 5 Oh <: w <: CQ w 0 < Entamoeba coli histolytica Endolimax nana Iodamoeba biltschlii Dient amoeba Jvagilis Oh O E Oh O O H CO < 2 H Normal sodium hydroxide solution 2-00 c.c. Distilled water ... ... ... ioo'oo ,, (Sterilize in autoclave. After sterilization, reaction approximately neutral.) * See especially the useful resume of Wiilker (191 1). t See Walker and Sellards (1913), p. 265. l68 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN Amoebae grow best on media containing plenty of water, or in a moist atmosphere. For this reason it is a good plan, after the inoculation of an agar plate with faeces or other material containing amoebae, to invert the Petri dish and pour a little water in the lid. In many liquid media — such as 5 per cent, egg-albumin solution — amoebae often thrive wonderfully. It should be remembered that in such cultures the organisms are usually present in the surface film or on the sides and bottom of the vessel. (Amoebae — unless they possess a free-swimming flagellate stage — can only creep on a more or less firm surface. They are unable to swim in a liquid.) In old cultures the amoebae encyst, but the cysts usually hatch readily on transference to new medium. Cultures can thus be kept going indefinitely ; or the cysts can be kept for months, or even years, and used to prepare new cultures at any time by merely sowing them in fresh medium. (1) DlMASTlG AMOEBA GRUBERI (Schardinger) Alexeieff, 1912. Chief synonyms : Amoeba grub eri Schardinger, 1899. Amoeba diplomitotica Aragao, 1909. Amoeba punctata Dangeard, 1910. Vahlkampfia punctata (Dangeard) Chatton & Lalung-Bonnaire, 1912. Amoeba tachypodia Glaser, 191 2. Naegleria punctata (Dangeard) Alexeieff, 1912. Vahlkampfia soli Martin & Lewin, 1914. Naegleria gruberi (Schardinger) Wilson, 1916. Wasidewskla gruberi (Schardinger) Zulueta, 1917. This amoeba is one of the most easily recognized of the species which may occur coprozoically in human faeces, from which it was first obtained by Schardinger (1899) in Vienna. It has often since been studied — usually from soil — and almost as often renamed. The foregoing list of probable synonyms is not complete, but indicates the chief names under which the organism has previously been described.. The most detailed account which has yet appeared is that of Wilson (1916), to whose work the reader is referred for a more complete description than is here possible. THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OF HUMAN FAECES I' 9 The active amoeba of this species (PI. IV, fig. 49) is small, measuring as a rule from about 7/4 to 15/x in diameter when rounded. Each animal possesses a single vesicular nucleus, about 3-4/x in diameter, with a large central karyosome and rather sparse granules of "peripheral chromatin" in the clear zone between it and the nuclear membrane ; and each amoeba also has a single contractile vacuole, formed by the fusion of several smaller ones. During locomotion the amoeba usually displays several large pseudopodia, composed chiefly of clear ectoplasm, at its anterior end. The endoplasm contains food vacuoles enclosing ingested bacteria. The NUCLEAR division of this species shows a number of very characteristic mitotic figures — one of which (equatorial plate stage) is shown in fig. 51* (PI. IV). The process has been studied in detail by Glaser (191 2), Ford (1914), Wilson (1916), and others. One of the most striking characters of the species is its ability, in certain circumstances, to assume a free-swimming flagellate stage (PI. IV, fig. 50). The amoeba contracts into an oval shape, and its nucleus takes up a position at the more pointed anterior end. From the anterior pole of the nucleus two long flagella develop, of equal length and both directed forwards. They appear to grow out of basal granules situated on the nuclear membrane. In these flagellate forms the contractile vacuole always occupies a posterior position (fig. 50). The amoebae can usually be made to assume the flagellate condition by simply flooding the culture with an excess of water. After a variable time the flagellate forms lose their flagella and again become amoebae. A similar flagellating amoeba has been described from human faeces by Whitmore (1911a), and named by him Trimastigamocba pliilip- pinensis. It appears to differ from D. gruberi only in having — according to the description — 3 flagella instead of 2 in its flagellate stages. The CYSTS (PL IV, fig. 52) are spherical structures, measuring 8-i2yu, in diameter — their average being about io/x. They are uninucleate, and when first formed contain numerous rather large, spherical, deeply staining chromatoid bodies. Their walls are double— the outer layer being the thicker, and presenting a variable number (usually 3-8) of * Note the "polar caps" of chromatin, and the persistence of the nuclear mem- brane. Cf. fig. 54, of Hartmannella. LJO THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN pores, each of which is surrounded by a slight thickening of the cyst wall.* The amoeba emerges through one of these pores during ex- cystation, and the pores themselves are most clearly visible in empty cysts. They are characteristic of this species. D. gruberi appears to be one of the commonest species of the small free-living amoebae. It probably occurs in soil and water almost every- where, and is easily cultivable in hay and soil infusion, in diluted egg- albumin, or on agar plates (see p. 167). (2) Eartmannella hyalina (Dangeard) Alexeieff, 191 2. Synonyms : Amoeba hyalina Dangeard, 1900. ? Amoeba hyalina (Dangeard) Brodsky, 1910. ? Amoeba hyalina (Dangeard) Hartmann & Chagas, 1910. The amoeba here described under the above name is not referable to Dangeard's species " Amoeba" hyalina with absolute certainty. It is also doubtful whether the organisms referred to the same species by Brodsky (1910) and by Hartmann and Chagas (1910a) are identical either with Dangeard's species or with ours. It is not improbable, however, that all belong to the same species, since it is one which appears to be common and widely distributed. As regards the generic name there is more certainty, since the amoeba in question appears to be undoubtedly a member of the genus originally named Hartmannia by Alexeieff (1912) but subsequently changed by him to Hartmannella (1912a) — the former name being preoccupied.f It is probable that the organism obtained in cultures from liver- abscess pus, air, and water by Wells, in India, and described by Liston and Martin (1911) and Martin (191 1) as the "large amoeba from liver abscesses," really belongs to this same species. It is also likely that it is identical with one of the species of amoeba cultivated from human faeces by Whitmore (1911a), and collectively designated by him "Amoeba Umax subspecies M. II." The organism has also probably been obtained from similar sources by others. * Two of these pores are shown (in optical section) in the wall of the cyst depicted in fig. 52. t Alexeieff (1912a) has named H. hyali?ia Dang, as the type, but has not amended the diagnosis by any adequate redescription of the actual organism. And it is still doubtful to what animal the name was originally given — the observations of Dangeard being far from complete. (C. D.) THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OF HUMAN FAECES 1/1 This organism differs considerably from D. gruberi. The amoeboid form is closely similar, but the method of nuclear division is entirely different. Moreover, it possesses no flagellate stage,* and its cyst is larger, and has a thick crinkled wall. (There are many other closely related species with similar characters.) The AMOEBA (PI. IV, fig. 53) is usually slightly larger than D. gruberi, measuring from about 9 [x to 17 p in diameter when rounded. It posseses a single contractile vacuole. Its nucleus is closely similar to that of D. gruberi — and of most other small amoebae — and consists of a spherical vesicle with a large central karyosome, and somewhat abundant "peripheral chromatin" granules in the clear zone. Multiplication occurs in the usual way by fission into two. The stages of nuclear division are highly characteristic. The division is a typical mitosis,-}- with the formation of a sharply pointed achromatic spindle, and tiny spherical chromosomes (PL IV, fig. 54). The nuclear membrane disappears during the process, and there are no " polar caps " of chromatin, and no connecting chromatin strand is present in the telophases — as in D. gruberi. The cysts (PI. IV, fig. 55) are uninucleate, and double-walled. They usually measure from io/a to 14/u. in diameter. The inner wall is thin and smooth, the outer — when fully formed — very thick, wrinkled, and brownish in colour, with no pores. Small spherical chromatoid bodies are present in newly-formed cysts, and are sometimes very abundant. As in other species, these bodies disappear in older cysts. This species is readily cultivable on agar (see p. 167) and in many other media. It may be added that the process of "endogenous bud-formation" described in this species (?) by Liston and Martin (191 1) has never been observed by us : but we have seen the phenomenon so interpreted in other species, and believe that the "internal buds" are merely small amoebae of a different species which have been ingested as food. We believe there is no good evidence of reproduction by internal budding in any of the small amoebae. * Numerous attempts to obtain flagellate forms by the methods successful with D. gruberi have always been completely negative. (C. D.) t I have studied all stages, but it is impossible to give a complete series of figures here. (C. D.) 172 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN (3) Sappinia diploidea (Hartmann & Nagler) AJexeieff, 191 2. Synonyms : Amoeba diploidea Hartmann & Nagler, 1908. Vahlkampfia diploidea (Hartmann & Nagler) Calkins, 191 2. We follow Alexeieff (19120) in referring this very interesting amoeba to Dangeard's genus Sappinia. Its generic designation is still, however, open to question (cf. Chatton, 191 2). We have seen the organism but rarely as a coprozoic inhabitant of human faeces, and it appears to occur more commonly in the excrement of several other animals (lizard, ox, etc.). The amoebae (PI. IV, fig. 56) are of moderate size, measuring some 10-30//, when rounded and at rest. They usually display but slow movements. Their distinctive characters are the possession of a com- paratively thick, though smooth and hyaline, skin or pellicle — sometimes more or less wrinkled, as in "Amoeba" verrucosa (or "A." terricola) — and two nuclei. These nuclei are identical in structure, and usually closely apposed. They are vesicular, and each contains a large central karyosome surrounded by a clear zone containing " achromatic " granules. A single contractile vacuole is present, but it pulsates very slowly. The life-cycle has been described by Hartmann and Nagler (1908) and Nagler (1909), but certain points in it require further elucidation. These authors obtained their material from the excrement of lizards. Multiplication is effected by division into two — the two nuclei undergoing mitosis simultaneously, side by side. The daughter in- dividuals are thus binucleate from the moment of their birth (cf. Dientamoeba, p. 37). The cysts of this species are very remarkable structures (PL IV, fig- 57)- Before encystation, two individuals come together ; and after creeping round one another for some time, they form a single cyst in common. Newly formed cysts thus always contain two individuals, in close contact. The cysts themselves are spherical, with fairly thick but uniform walls, and measure from about 1 2/ul to 18//, in diameter. According to Hartmann and Nagler, a remarkable sexual process takes place inside the cyst. The two nuclei first fuse in each individual, so that the cyst comes to contain a pair of uninucleate amoebae. " Reduction " THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OF HUMAN FAECES 173 phenomena are then said to occur, after which the two individuals fuse. Only their cytoplasm fuses completely, however, their nuclei coming in contact, but remaining separate. The cyst thus contains, at this final stage, a single binucleate individual. When the cyst hatches later, this individual emerges and begins life anew as the ordinary binucleate free form. It will be noted that, if this account is correct, the nuclei of the free forms must be regarded as unfused gamete nuclei from a previous incomplete conjugation. This account still requires confirmation, and we are by no means certain, from our own observations, that the foregoing interpretation is correct. It appears certain, however, that two binucleate individuals enter into the formation of each cyst, and that only a single binucleate form ultimately emerges from it. Like the other coprozoic amoebae, S. diploidea is easily cultivable on agar (p. 167). (4) Chlamydophrys stercorea Cienkowski, 1876. Synonyms : Troglodytes zoster Gabriel, 1876. Platoum stercoreum (Cienkowski) Butschli, 1880. ? Leydenia gemmipara Schaudinn, 1896. Chlamydophrys is one of the shelled amoebae (Thalamophora or Thecamoebae), and differs considerably from the naked rhizopods previously described. We have never succeeded in finding this organism in human faeces, though we have looked for it innumerable times : but according to Schaudinn (1903) it is very common in this situation. One of us has studied it, however, in the faeces of frogs and toads (Dobell, 1909) — the figure here reproduced having been drawn from a specimen found in the excrement of one of these animals (Bufo vulgaris L.). The organisms which we have studied (PI. V, fig. 96) possess oval shells, measuring, in well-grown individuals, about 20 /x by 14^. The shell itself is thin, white, and smooth, resembling porcelain. It has an opening at its more pointed end, through which the protoplasm and pseudopodia project in the living animal. The pseudopodia are filose and sometimes branched, and serve to capture food. There is a single large vesicular nucleus in the dense protoplasm at the opposite (closed) 174 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN end of the shell. It possesses a voluminous and deeply stainable spherical karyosome. The protoplasm is much vacuolated towards the more pointed end, and sometimes contains one or more contractile vesicles. In younger stages the animal is devoid of a shell, and closely resembles the so-called " Umax " amoebae. It creeps about in an amoeboid fashion, is able to encyst, and can probably reproduce by fission in this form. The shelled forms multiply by the process of " budding division " characteristic of shelled rhizopods generally. They are also able to encyst — their cysts being uninucleate, and furnished with very thick, irregular, and brownish or yellowish walls. Schaudinn (1903) made some remarkable statements concerning the life-history of Chlamydophrys, and briefly described its division, con- jugation, etc. Figures of the various phases originally described were published later in his posthumous works (Schaudinn, 191 1), but his descriptions are still unconfirmed and not sufficiently detailed to carry conviction. Some of his statements, indeed, are almost certainly in- correct. He stated, for example, that it is necessary for the cysts to pass through the intestine before they can hatch in human faeces, and that sometimes they even hatch in the intestine, where the organisms are able to live and multiply as naked amoebae. He claimed to have found these amoebae in perfectly fresh human faeces, but nobody has yet confirmed this observation,* and we have never succeeded in finding them. It should be remembered, in this connexion, that Schaudinn was not acquainted with several of the species of amoebae living in the intestine of man, and held incorrect views about the development of the two species which he did know. But the most remarkable statement made by Schaudinn (1903) is that " Leydenia gemmipara" is an abnormal amoeboid form of Chlamydophrys which has gone astray in the peritoneal cavity. There is good reason to believe, however, that "Leydenia," described by Leyden and Schaudinn (1896), is not an amoeba at all. The "amoebae" were probably cells belonging to the human body (cf. Dobell, 1919a). At all events, no confirmation of Schaudinn's extraordinary assertion has hitherto been forthcoming, and it is still unsupported by any evidence. * The "Chlamydophrys" amoebae found by Elmassian (1909) were probably Endolimax nana. Cf. Dobell (1919a), p. 135. THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OF HUMAN' FAECES 1 75 It should be noted that Schaudinn's posthumous figures of Chlamydophrys differ in some respects from those of other workers. The shape of the shell, for example, differs from that shown in our figure (PI. V, fig. 96) — the shell, in Schaudinn's specimens, being drawn out into a neck at the pointed end, with the margin of the opening everted, so that it is flask-shaped rather than oval. The dimensions are not stated. It thus seems not improbable that Schaudinn's form belongs to a different species from that which we have studied. (B) Coprozoic Flagellates. (5) Bodo CAUDATUS (Dujardin) Stein, 1878. Chief synonyms : Amphimouas caudata Dujardin, 1841. Bodo uriuarius Hassall, 1859. Diplomastix caudata S. Kent, 1881. Bodo asiaiicus Castellani & Chalmers, 1910. Prowazekia cruzi Hartmann & Chagas, 1910. Proivazekia weinbergi Mathis & Leger, 19 10. Prowazekia asiatica (Castellani & Chalmers) Whitmore, 191 1. Prowazekia javanensis Flu, 1912. Prowazekia urinaria (Hassall) Sinton, 1912. Prowazekia italica Sangiorgi & Ugdulena, 1916. This is the commonest of all the coprozoic flagellates found in human faeces. It is also very common in organic infusions of many kinds. The organism named Bodo urinarius by Hassall (1859), and found by him in human urine, almost certainly belongs to this species — as is evident from the more recent account of it given by Sinton (191 2).* Almost every worker who has studied this organism seems to have given it a new name, so that the above list of probable synonyms is by no means exhaustive. It may be added, however, that many of the published accounts are not sufficiently precise for it to be possible to identify the described organisms with absolute certainty. The genus Bodo, originally proposed by Ehrenberg, has often proved a puzzle to protozoologists ; but as a result of the work of Klebs (1892), * Woodcock (1916) is of the same opinion. 176 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN Stiles (1902), Alexeieff (19116, 1911c, 1912c/, etc.), Kiihn (1915), and others, it may now be regarded as definitively established. The following are its distinctive characters : The organisms are all small, more or less elongate or oval, and possess two flagella, both arising at the anterior end — one directed forwards, the other trailed behind. There is a vesicular nucleus, with a large central karyosome, near the middle of the body. A small permanent mouth is present at the anterior end, and near it is a minute contractile vacuole. Furthermore, at the anterior end of the body, and closely associated with the roots of the flagella, there is a conspicuous rounded and deeply stainable body. This structure is usually called a " kinetonucleus," and is homologous with the structure to which the same name is applied in the Trypanosomes (so-called " blepharoplast " of German writers — though not a blepharoplast proper). We consider that this structure is not a nucleus, but homo- logous with those bodies in other flagellates — of doubtful function — to which Janicki (1911) has given the name "parabasals." We shall adopt the name "kinetoplast" proposed for it by Alexeieff (1917a). All species of Bodo multiply by simple longitudinal fission, and form oval cysts containing a single individual (as a rule). B. caudatus displays the following features. The active flagellates (PI. V, figs. 78-80) are polymorphic, and may be long and slender or of a plump oval form. They vary much in size, but seldom exceed 18/j in length.* In fixed and stained preparations they are usually much shorter and more globular than when alive. (Cf. figs. 78 and 80.) The body is usually pointed posteriorly during life, and is compressed laterally, so that its general form is lanceolate or leaf-like. It is usually broadest at the anterior end. At the anterior extremity there is a small snout-like structure, which projects slightly over the small mouth aperture (fig. 78). The contractile vacuole — seen as a clear spot in fig. 78 — is very minute, and lies dorsal to the mouth. Food vacuoles, containing ingested bacteria, are present in the protoplasm, chiefly towards the hind end of the body (figs. 79, 80). The nucleus is more or less central (figs. 78, 79), and has the typical structure. The kinetoplast is oval, and lies at the anterior end — behind, and dorsally to, the mouth. The two flagella are of unequal length, the anteriorly directed one being of about the same length as the body, * 11-19M according to Klebs (1892), 8-18 /j. according to Alexeieff (191 ic). THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OK HUMAN FAECES 1 77 while the posteriorly directed one is much longer— often about twice as long. The flagella arise from a pair of tiny blepharoplasts, situated close to the anterior end of the kinetoplast, and lying side by side (fig. 79). In this species the trailing flagellum is often adherent to the body at the anterior end — a point first noted by Dujardin (1841). The cysts of this species are small oval structures, with thin walls (fig. 81). They measure 5-7 //, in length, and contain, as a rule, a single nucleus and kinetoplast. When first formed the remains of the two flagella can usually be made out within them also. Occasionally the nucleus and kinetoplast divide, so that these two structures appear paired inside the cyst. Small deeply stainable granules are also generally present — sometimes in great abundance (cf. fig. 8i). B. caudatus is easily cultivable in many liquid media (hay infusion, etc.) or on agar plates (see p. 167). Like all the other species of the genus which we have studied, it appears to be a strictly aerobic organism. It is also unable to live long in cultures at 370 C. These two facts appear to prove that it cannot live within the human body, and a number of records of this animal — or other species of the genus — found living " parasitically " in man appear to us, consequently, to be erroneous. Abnormal forms — giants, dwarfs, amoeboid forms, etc. — sometimes occur in old cultures.* (6) Bodo ED ax Klebs, 1892. This species of Bodo may also occur coprozoically in human faeces ; but it is far less common than the preceding, from which it may be distinguished by the following characters : — The flagellates (PI. V, fig. 82) are typically slightly smaller (6-14 //,, when alive), and are of a more regularly oval shape. As a rule the body is not laterally compressed, and bulges on the dorsal (aboral) surface. The flagella are approximately equal in length — the posterior one being sometimes slightly longer — and are both considerably longer than the body. The kinetoplast is massive and often almost spherical. The "snout " is conspicuous. In most other characters B. edax closely resembles B. caudatus. Its CYSTS are closely similar. * A process of "fertilization'' has been described in " Prowasekia crust" (? = B. caudatus) by Chagas and Torres (1916). But at present there seems to be no good evidence — in this or any other paper — to prove that conjugation occurs in any species of Bodo. Cf. also Woodcock (19 16). 12 178 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN This species has recently been well redescribed by Kiihn (1915), to whose paper the reader may be referred for further details. It should be noted that some of the names given on p. 175 as synonyms of B. caudatus, may belong really to B. edax. The organism, for example, called " Prowazekia cruzi " by Hartmann and Chagas (1910) may perhaps have been the present species — not B. caudatus. In most of the pub- lished descriptions of the various "species" of Bodo (= Prowazckia), the characters requisite for accurate specific determination are not sufficiently considered, and the identification of these forms is therefore largely a matter of guesswork. Possibly other species of Bodo also occur in human fasces ; but up to the present we have not identified any but the two just described, nor can we find conclusive evidence of the existence of any but these two in the publications of other workers. (7) Cercomonas longicauda Dujardin, 1841. Synonyms : ? Cercomonas longicauda (Dujardin) Stein, 1878. Cercobodo longicauda (Dujardin) Senn, 1900. Cercomonas longicauda (Dujardin) Wenyon, 1910. Cercomonas parva Hartmann & Chagas, 1910. Cercomonas longicauda (Dujardin) Alexeieff, 191 1. Flagellates belonging to the genus Cercomonas Dujardin, 1841, are common in infusions, and occur occasionally in human faeces : but they never live — so far as is known at present — within the human body. Until recently there has been much doubt regarding the interpretation of this generic name, and many of the species are still very difficult to determine exactly. All species of this genus (cf. PI. V, figs. 83, 84, 86, 87), are dis- tinguishable by the following characters : The flagellates are all small, of changeable " amoeboid " form, and possess a single anterior nucleus with a large central karyosome. They possess, in addition, two flagella having a very characteristic arrangement. Both arise from minute blepharoplasts, placed side by side at the anterior pole of the nucleus — the nuclear membrane being drawn out into a conical process at this pole, with the flagella thus arising from its apex. One flagellum is free, and directed forwards. The other is directed THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OF HUMAN FAECES 179 backwards, and adheres for the greater part of its length to the surface of the body — becoming free, as a rule, for only a short distance at the hind end. A kinetoplast is not found in this genus. Food, consisting chiefly of small bacteria, is ingested in an amoeboid manner by the surface of the body — especially at the posterior end. There is no permanent mouth, and no contractile vacuole has been demonstrated. Ingested food is contained in the usual food vacuoles in the cytoplasm. Multiplication takes place by longitudinal fission, in the typical flagellate manner. The CYSTS are spherical and uninucleate, and contain numerous brightly refractile granules which stain deeply with iron-haematoxylin. They are able to survive desiccation (Wenyon, 1910a). Cercomonads are easily cultivable in many liquid media, such as hay infusion, and on agar plates such as are used for the cultivation of amoebae (see p. 167). Wenyon (1910a) specially recommends "hay infusion to which a small quantity of faeces has been added." Cercomonas longicauda has been specially studied by Wenyon (1910a) and Alexeieff (191 ib). The distinctive characters of this species are the following: Length from about 5/x to 10 /x — or more, in greatly drawn- out individuals. Anterior flagellum very long (about three times as long as the body). Posterior flagellum much shorter, only slightly exceeding the body in length. Karyosome relatively small. Cysts 4-6 p in dia- meter. (See PI. V, figs. 83-85.) (8) Cercomonas crassicauda Dujardin, 1841 {emend.). This is another very common species of Cercomonas, and occurs coprozoically — though in our experience less often than the preceding — in human faeces. It has recently been carefully studied and described (from infusions) by Alexeieff (191 16), and may be distinguished from C. longicauda by the following characters (see PI. V, figs. 86-88) : Length up to 10-14 /i. The two flagella short, and approximately equal in length, being equal to, or only slightly longer than, the body. Karyosome relatively large. Cysts usually 5-6 yu, in diameter.* * According to Alexeieff (1911^) the cysts measure 9-iiM in diameter, but I have never found such large cysts in my cultures of this species. His figures of the cysts of C. longicauda, moreover (Alexeieff (1911^), figs. 6, 7, p. 513), are hardly recognizable as those of a Cercomonas. (C. D.) l8o THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN Probably other species of the genus Cercomonas may also be found occasionally leading a coprozoic life in human faeces; but up to the present the foregoing are the only ones that we have been able to identify.* (9) Copromonas subtilis Dobell, 1908. Synonyms : ? Monas pileatorum Perty, 1852. 1 Scytomonas pusilla Stein, 1878. ? Scytomonas pusilla (Stein) Klebs, 1892. Copromonas major Berliner, 1909. Scytomonas pusilla (Stein) Alexeieff, 191 1. ? Copromonas ruminantium Woodcock, 1916. Scytomonas pusilla (Stein) Schiissler, 1917. Under the above name a coprozoic flagellate was described some years ago by one of us from the faeces of frogs and toads. A closely similar — and probably identical — form occurs very rarely in human faeces, and the organism will therefore be briefly described here. There is still some doubt as to the correct name of this flagellate. As was pointed out when the generic name Copromonas was introduced (Dobell, 1908), the organism called Scytomonas by Stein (1878) is possibly the same. But of this flagellate we have only Stein's crude figures — unaccompanied by any proper description — and the identification is there ore very questionable. However, Alexeieff (19116, 19126) and Schiissler (1917) do not hesitate to assign Copromonas to the genus Scytomonas, though they give no reasons for so doing. In our opinion it is not now possible to ascertain what the organism really was to which Stein gave the name " Scytomonas pusilla" If his figures really * It should be noted that the foregoing descriptions do not agree in some points with those of Woodcock (1916). This worker considers that C. longicauda and C. crassicauda are the same species — a conclusion with which I can by no means agree. It seems possible that his view is partly due to his having worked with a mixture of species : but from a cytological point of view his figures leave much to be desired, and I am not prepared to identify them precisely. I may also note that Woodcock believes he has observed conjugation in " C. longicauda." I have not done so, and consider — from the account published — that there is little or no evidence that conjuga- tion occurs. The phenomenon observed by Woodcock appears rather to be an abor- tive or regressive fission ; and the ultimate " encystation " appears to be merely the rounding up of the degenerate product. I have observed such phenomena in several other flagellates, and believe they have nothing to do with conjugation properly so- called. (C. D.) THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OF HUMAN FAECES l8l depict the form which we call " Copromonas subtilis," then they are incorrect in several details. In our view the genus Scytomonas is not now identifiable, and should therefore be abolished. On the other hand, it appears probable that the flagellate which Klebs (1892) called "Scytomonas pusilla Stein" was a " Copromonas" : but how far Klebs was justified in his identification is open to question, and his species was apparently too small (4-8-6//,) to be C. subtilis. It seems probable that the organism named Copromonas major by Berliner (1909) was really C. subtilis, the distinctive features which he described being mostly due — as is evident from the original description of C. subtilis, and the more recent work of Schussler (1917) — to errors of interpretation. The earliest account of a Copromonas is possibly that of Perty (1852), whose similar flagellate was named Monas pileatorum. Up to the present we have found this organism in human faeces on only one occasion. The specimen containing it was sent to one of us (CD.) by Mr. A. G. Thacker, and was obtained from a military patient in the Kitchener Hospital, Brighton. The flagellates were easily culti- vated on agar plates (see p. 167), and numerous cultures were made and carefully studied. The most careful examination of living and fixed and stained specimens has failed to reveal any constant structural character* which enables us to distinguish this form from that occurring in the faeces of frogs : but it should be mentioned that in old cultures a number of very minute individuals made their appearance — a point first observed by Mr. Thacker. These very small individuals were never seen in the original cultures of C. subtilis from frogs. It is possible — but we think improbable — that they belong to a distinct species. Copromonas subtilis (PI. V, fig. 91) is an oval, uniflagellate organism, of relatively simple structure. Its length ranges from about 7 //. to 20 //,, averaging usually about 15/*,: but the smallest forms, observed in cultures, may measure as little as 4-5 //, (fig. 92). The body is subject to little or no change of shape during life : and this is correlated with the fact that the whole organism is invested with a relatively thick and rigid pellicle. At the more pointed anterior end there is a small sub- terminal aperture — the mouth — through which solid food is ingested. * In the majority of the individuals cultivated from human faeces the nucleus appears to lie slightly nearer to the anterior extremity than it does in specimens from frog faeces. This character, however, is not constantly visible. (C. D.) 182 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN Extending backwards from the mouth, usually for rather more than half the length of the body, and in a slightly spiral direction, is a long narrow gullet. The posterior half of the body, which is rounded terminally, usually contains conspicuous food-vacuoles, charged, for the most part, with bacteria. The single flagellum, whose length is rather greater than that of the body, arises at the anterior extremity. It is fairly thick, and as it moves as a rule but slowly — its lashing being particularly noticeable at its free end — it is easily visible during life. The flagellum arises from a minute blepharoplast situated in the wall of the gullet, and in close relation to another structure— the reservoir — at the anterior end of the organism. This reservoir is a clear vesicle, easily visible in the living animal. It is not contractile, but has at its base a very small pulsating vacuole which discharges its contents rhythmically into it. The nucleus is single and vesicular, more or less centrally placed, and contains a large central karyosome (fig. 91). It is bounded by a delicate nuclear membrane, between which and the karyosome there is a clear zone containing " achromatic " granules and crossed by radial " linin " threads. There is no structure (rhizoplast) uniting the bleph- aroplast to the nucleus, and no true centriole or centrosome is demonstrable (contrary to the assertions of Berliner, 1909). Multiplication takes place by simple longitudinal fission into two, the splitting beginning at the anterior end, and passing gradually back- wards. (See PI. V, fig. 93.) During this process the original flagellum is drawn in ; the blepharoplast then divides into two ; and finally the new flagella arise by outgrowth from the daughter blepharoplasts. The nucleus divides by amitosis or a simple form of mitosis — the finer details being difficult to make out. This flagellate is one of the few in which conjugation has been shown to occur (Dobell, 1908). Two individuals approach one another and become united at their anterior ends (fig. 94) ; the union gradually extending backwards until the organisms are completely fused. "Re- duction " divisions of the nuclei occur during this process, and the " reduced " nuclei finally fuse to form a single zygote nucleus. The flagellum of one individual is drawn in during the act of fusion (fig. 94), but the conjoined individuals continue to move actively throughout by the aid of the one which persists. When fusion is complete, the zygote may either become wholly remodelled into a single large flagellate — THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OF HUMAN FAECES 1 83 which continues to lead an active life, and ultimately divides — or it may encyst. Encystation also appears to take place without previous conjugation. The CYSTS (PI. V, fig. 95) are oval or rounded structures, with thin walls and clear contents. They contain a single nucleus, and measure about 7-8 fj, in diameter. On hatching, each cyst probably liberates a single small monad. For further details the reader may be referred to the accounts already published — especially to the original description of the organism (Dobell, 1908). (io) Helkesimastix faecicola Woodcock & Lapage, 1915. We refer to this species a minute coprozoic flagellate which we have so far cultivated from only a single sample of human faeces. The organism was found in a stale stool, several days old, and proved to be cultivable on agar, on which it grew very rapidly. It is closely similar to the form described from goat's faeces by Woodcock and Lapage (1915). The flagellate (PI. V, figs. 89, 90) is closely similar to a Cercomonas, but differs in possessing no anterior flagellum. There is only one flagellum, rooted at the anterior extremity, but which is directed back- wards and adheres to the surface of the body, becoming free at the posterior end. The nucleus is vesicular, with a central karyosome, and lies at the anterior extremity. A minute contractile vacuole is present in the middle or hinder part of the body. The organism is usually more or less oval in shape, but somewhat changeable — like a Cercomonas : but its anterior extremity, in front of the nucleus, is usually rigid and pointed. During movement this end is always in advance, and the flagellum is trailed behind. The organism is very small, measuring usually only about 4-6 fi in length. The length of the flagellum — from the point of origin, at the anterior end, to its free tip — is about twice (according to Woodcock and Lapage 2^ to 3 times) that of the body. The flagellum appears to be attached to the nucleus as in Cercomonas, but the exact insertion is very difficult to make out, owing to the very small size of all the parts. Multiplication is effected by simple longitudinal fission, but we have not been able, as yet, to make out the finer details. Moreover we 1 84 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN have not been able to identify the cysts of this flagellate with certainty : but according to Woodcock and Lapage (1915) they are spherical, uninucleate, and measure from 3 fi to 3'5/z- in diameter. The specimens found in human faeces, and those cultivated on agar, live on bacteria. They ingest these in the hinder region of the body — in the same way as a Cercomonas : and the ingested organisms are easily seen in stained preparations (cf. figs. 89, 90). Woodcock and Lapage, however, believed that their organisms did not take up solid food. The dimensions of their flagellates, also, appear to be slightly greater (6-7 yu.) than those of ours, and they observed a process of "conjugation" which we have not encountered.* It is possible that the form from human faeces belongs to a different species, but this seems unlikely. Unfortunately Woodcock and Lapage have not pub- lished a full description of the cytological characters of their organism, their account being based chiefly upon a study of living specimens, in which it is impossible to make out all the details. (11) " Copromastix prowazeki" Aragao, 1916. ? Synonym : Tetratricomastix intestinalis Sangiorgi, 19 17. Under the above name a tetramastigine flagellate has recently been described by Aragao (1916, 1916a). It was obtained in cultures^ made with egg-albumin (0*5 per cent.), from the faeces of a human being and a frog :f and it is evident, from the description, that the organism is a coprozoic form and not an inhabitant of the human body. The flagellate, 6- 1 8 /1, in length, is described as sub-triangular in outline, and much attenuated at the pointed posterior end. At the flattened anterior end four flagella, of equal length, arise from (?) a single blepharoplast. The nucleus is vesicular, with a large central karyosome, and lies near the anterior end. There is a short rhizo- plast, attached to the blepharoplast but not to the nucleus. A mouth, * The interpretation of the phenomena observed appears to be questionable. Cf. what has been said concerning the " conjugation " of Cercomonas^ p. 180 footnote, supra. tUp to the present I have never encountered this organism in cultures of human faeces, nor in any of the very numerous cultures (egg-albumin and other media) which I have made from the faeces of frogs and toads. (C. D.) THE COPROZOIC PROTOZOA OF HUMAN FAECES 1 85 in the form of a short and straight cleft, is present at the anterior end ; but it is stated that there are neither food vacuoles nor a con- tractile vacuole in the cytoplasm. A few dividing- individuals have been described and figured (Aragao, 1916a) but no cysts have yet been discovered. It appears almost certain, from the descriptions and figures, that this organism really belongs to the genus Tetramitus Perty, 1852 : but the previously described species of this genus require further investi- gation. Consequently, while it is probable that " Copromastix " is a synonym of Tetramitus, it is doubtful whether it belongs to any of the species already known. Certain of Aragao's observations, moreover, appear to be open to question. It would be remarkable, for example, if his flagellate really possesses no contractile vacuole, and it is difficult to believe that it can really possess a mouth but no food vacuoles. Aragao found "Copromastix" in cultures of the faeces of only a single human being, in Brazil ; and Leger (1918) states that he has also once observed it in Guiana. No other workers appear to have studied this organism, and further investigation of it — and, indeed, of all the species of Tetramitus — is needed before a satisfactory classifi- cation of these flagellates can be attempted. An organism which appears to be, similarly, some species of Tetramitus, has also been recently cultivated from human faeces by Sangiorgi (1917). To this organism, which is possibly identical with 11 Copromastix," he has given the name " Tetratricomastix iutestiualis." It is, at all events, probably a coprozoic species of Tetramitus and not an intestinal flagellate ; but from the published description it is im- possible to identify it more certainly. (12) "TOXOBODO INTESTINALIS" Sangiorgi, 1917. Sangiorgi (1917), in Italy, has recently described a "new" "intes- tinal " flagellate from man, and given it the above name. The organism in question was cultivated from human faeces, and is almost certainly a coprozoic form, and not an intestinal inhabitant. From the incomplete description published, it appears probable that it is really a Spiromonas Perty, 1852.* Coprozoic species of this genus — * Cf. also Saville Kent (1880), Woodcock (1916). 1 86 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN from goat dung — have recently been studied by Woodcock (1916). The flagellates are small, elongate, and more or less spirally twisted (" crescentic," according to Sangiorgi), and possess two free flagella — both inserted at the anterior end, one recurrent, the other directed forwards. The nucleus is central, and no kinetoplast is present. We have not been able to study " Toxobodo" ourselves, and merely note the foregoing points in order to call attention to the probability that Spiromonas occurs in human faeces. We may also note that another flagellate, recently found in the dung of a horse and the excrement of a tortoise by Alexeieff (1918), and by him named Alphamonas coprocola, probably belongs to the same genus. All these organisms require further investigation. 187 REFERENCES. ABRIOL, R. (1917). Amoebic abscess of the liver among Filipinos. Philippine Journ. Sci., (B, Trop. Med.) XII, 121. Acton, H. W. (1918). The significance of Charcot-Leyden crystals in the faeces as an indica- tion of amoebic colitis. Indian Journ. Med. Res., VI, 157. Aime, H. (191 7). Traitement combine de la dysenterie amibienne. Progr. Med., (No. 30) P- 253. Alexeieff, A. (1909). Les flagelles parasites de 1'intestin des batraciens indigenes. C. R. Soc. Biol., LXVII, 199. Alexeieff, A. (1910). Sur les flagelles intestinaux des poissons marins. Arch. Zool. Exp., (5 ser.) VI, (Notes et Rev.) 1. Alexeieff, A. (1911). Sur les "kystes de Trichomonas intestinalis" dans 1'intestin des Batraciens. Bull. sci. France & Belgique, XLIV, 333. Alexeieff, A. (1911a). Sur la nature des formations dites "kystes de Trichomonas intes- tinalis." C. R. Soc. Biol., LXXI, 296. Alexeieff, A. (19116). Notes sur les Flagelles, I & II. Arch. Zool. Exp., (5 ser.) VI, 491. Alexeieff, A. (191 if). Sur la morphologie et la division de Bodo catidatus (Duj.) Stein. C.R. Soc. Biol., LXX, 130. Alexeieff, A. (19 12). 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Histological observations on the possible pathogenicity of Trichomonas intestinalis and Chilomastix mesnili, with a note on Endolimax nana. Joum. Trop. Med. &> Hyg., XXIII, 125. Wenyon, C. M. & O'Connor, F. W. (19 16). Memorandum on the carriage of cysts of Ent- amoeba histolytica by house-flies, with some notes on their resistance to disinfectants and some other agents. Medical Advisory Committee, Mediterranean Area. (Alexandria.) Wenyon, C. M. & O'Connor, F. W. (1917). An inquiry into some problems affecting the spread and incidence of intestinal protozoal infections, [etc.]. Jottrn. Roy. Army Med. Corps, XXVMI, Nos. 1 — 6 (Jan.— June). Reprinted, with additions, as Human Intestinal Protozoa in the Near East. (London.) Whitmore, E. R. (191 1). Prowazekia asiatica. (Syn : Bodo asiaticus Castellani und Chalmers). Arch./. Protistenk., XXII, 370. Whitmore, E. R. (191 1 a). Studien uber Kulturamoben aus Manila. Ibid., XXIII, 81. Wick (1914). Uzara bei Amobendysenterie. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg., XVIII, 490. Willets, D. G. (1914). Preliminary report on the treatment of entamoebiasis with ipecac, emetine, and neosalvarsan at the Philippine General Hospital, Manila, P. I. Philippine Joum. Sci., (B, Trop. Med.) IX, 93. Willmore, J. G. & Shearman, C. H. (1918). On the differential diagnosis of the dysenteries : the diagnostic value of the cell-exudate in the stools of acute amoebic and bacillary dysentery. Lancet, II, 200. Wilson, C. W. (1916). On the life-history of a soil amoeba. Univ. California Publ. Zoo/., XVI, 241. Woodcock, H. M. (1916). Observations on coprozoic flagellates [etc.]. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, (B) CCVII, 375. Woodcock, H. M. (1917). Protozoological experiences during the summer and autumn of 1916. Joum. Roy. Army Med. Corps, XXIX, 290. 204 THE INTESTINAL PROTOZOA OF MAN Woodcock, H. M. (1918). Note on the epidemiology of amoebic dysentery. Brit. Med. Journ., II, 710. Woodcock, H. M. & Lapage, G. (1915). Observations on the life-cycle of a new flagellate, Helkesimastix faecicola n. g., n. sp. (etc.). Proc. Roy. Soc, (B) LXXXVIII, 353. Woodcock, H. M. & Penfoi.d, W. J. (1916). Further notes on protozoan infections occurring at the King George Hospital. Brit. Med. Journ., I, 407. Wulker, G. (191 1). Die Technik der Amobenziichtung. Centralbl. j. Bakt., I Abt. (Ref.), L. 577- Yakimoff, W. L. (191 7). La dysenterie amibienne en Russie. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., X, 125. Yakimoff, W. L., Wassilevski, W. J., & Zwietkoff, N. A. (1917). Sur la chimiotherapie de !a laml.liose. C.R. Soc. Biol., LXXX, 506. Yersin, Breaudat, & Lalung-Bonnaire (1914). La " Simaroubine " dans la dysenterie amibienne. Far East. Assoc. Trop. Med., C.R. Ill Congr. bienn. (Saigon, 1913), p. 101. Yorke, W., Carter, H. F., MacKinnon, D. L., Matthews, J. R., & Smith, A. Malins (1917). Persons who have never bean out of Great Britain as enniers of Entamoeba histolytica. Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasitol., XI, 87. Yoshida, K. (1920). Reproduction in vitro of Entamoeba tetragena and Entamoeba coii from their cysts. Journ. Exp. Med., XXXII, 357. Young, A. D. & Walker, O. J. (1918). Balantidium coli infection in Oklahoma. Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, LXX, 507. de Zulueta, A. (191 7). Promitosis y sindieresis, dos modos de divisi6n nuclear coexistentes en amebas del grupo " limax." Trab. Mus. Nac. Cien. Nat., Madrid, (ser. Zool.) No. 33, pp. 1 -55. 205 INDEX. Abscess (Amoebic), cerebral, 41, 47, 52, 53, 57; hepatic, 41, 45, 52, 57, 144 (of cat, 56 ; of dog. 56 ; of monkey, 57) ; pulmonary, 41, 46, 52> 53 ; splenic, 47. Adrenalin, for amoebiasis, 158. Agar medium, for cultivation of amoebae, etc., 167. Alcresta ipecac, for amoebiasis, 153 ; for balantidiosis, 162. Alphamonas coprocola, 186. Amebiasis (term), 4011. Amoeba (genus), 4, 19, 38, 166 n. Amoeba colt, 27. — diploidea, 172. — diplomitolica, 168. — gruberi, 168. — hyalina, 170. — Umax, 31, 165, 166, 170, 174. — proteus, 19. — punctata, 168. — tachypodia, 168. Amoeba coli, 21. felis, 21. — — mitis, 27. — dysenteriae, 21. — intestini vulgaris, 27. — urogenitalis, 47. Amoebae (of Lewis and Cunningham), 2, 27. Amoebae (intestinal) of man, 19-39 ; discovery, 2 ; genera and synonyms, 38, 39 ; key for determination, 39. Amoebaea (class), 5, 17, 19-39, 165-173. Amoebiasis, 15, 16,40-57, 151-159 ; account of, 40 sq ; aetiology, 40 sq ; definition, 40; immunity, 54 ; in animals, 55 sq ; incuba- tion period, 54 ; intestinal, 43, 49 sq ; mor- bid anatomy, 42 sq, 57; parasitology, 48 sq; pathogenesis, 40 sq ; pathology, 42 sq ; pri- mary, 41, 43, 49 sq ; secondary, 41, 45 sq, 52 sq ; symptomatology, 49 sq ; term, 15, 16, 40; treatment, 151 sq ; urinary, 47. Amoebic abscesses. See Abscess (Amoebic). — diarrhoea, 41, 49, 51, 144. — dysentery, 13, 41, 49, 51, 55, 148, 149, 150, 151 sq ; in cat, 56; in dog, 56; in monkey, 57 ; treatment of, 151 sq. See also Amoebiasis. Amoebic hepatitis, 41, 45, 52. — liver abscess. See Abscess, hepatic. Amphituonas caudata, 175. Apparatus necessary for diagnosis. 127 sq. Atoxyl, for amoebiasis, 158. Azure-chloroform stain, for diagnosis, 132. Balantidial diarrhoea, 122, 144. See also Balantidiosis. — dysentery, 13, 119, 122, 145 sq. See also Balantidiosis. Balantidicidal substances, 163. Balantidiosis, 15, 1 18-124, 162-163; account of, Il8 sq ; aetiology, 1 18 sq ; definition, 118; distribution, 119; in animals, 122 sq ; incidence, 119; morbid anatomy, 119 sq ; pathogenesis, 118; pathology, 119 sq ; symptomatology, 122 sq ; term, 15, 118; treatment, 162 sq. Balantidium (genu>), 5, 17, 106, 107, 114, 117, 118, 122, 123. Balantidium coli, 2, 5, 10, 13, 15, 17, 9210 107-110, in, 113, 116, 117, 11S, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 143, 144, 145, 146, 162, 163 ; account of, 107 sqj acquisition of infec- tion, no, 118 sq, 123 sq ; budding, no; cilia, 108 ; ciliate, described, 107 sq ; con- jugation, no; cysts, no; discovery, 2, 107 ; division, 109 ; experimental iufection, 123, 124; habitat, 109, 118 sq ; nuclei, 108; nutrition, 109, 120; sporulation, no ; synonyms, 107 ; vacuoles, 108. giganteum, 116. sp. Albanense, 117. variety Hondurense, 117. — giganteum, 116 n. — minutum, 5, 17, 1 11- 11 2, 1 13, 11511, nS; description, III sq. var. iialicum, 112. Benzyl benzoate, for amoebiasis, 158 ; for balantidiosis, 163. Best's carmine stain, 138. Bibliographic note, 18. 206 INDEX Bismuth salts, for amoebiasis, 158 ; for flagel- late infections, 160. Blastocystis (genus), 69, 141, 142 n. Blastocysts enterocola, 142 n. ■ — hominis, 37, 141-142. Blood-count, in amoebiasis, 51, 52 ; in balan- tidiosis, 122. Bodo (genus), 59, 175, 176, 178. Bodo asialicus, 175. — caudatus, 165 n, 175-177, 178; cultivation, 165 n, 177; description, 175 sq ; synonyms, 175- — edax, 177-17S. — intestinalis, 59. — urinarius, 175. Borax carmine, for cysts, 138. Bouin's fluid (formula), 138 n. Brucea sumatrana, 157. Carmine stains, 138. Carnoy's fluid (formula), 138 n. Carriers, of Balantidium, 1 18, 122, 144 sq ; of E. histolytica, 49 sq, 57, 144 ; contact, 50 ; convalescent, 50. Castela Nicholsoni, 157. Cat, amoebic liver abscess of, 48 n, %6 ; Balantidium in, I24n ; E. histolytica in, 56, 57 ; Giardia in, 92. Cautions in viewing objects (Baker), 147. Cebus caraya, flagellate of, 80. Cells mistaken for protozoa, 140. Cellular exudate, in diagnosis, 146. Cephaeline, 152. Cephaelis ipecacuanha, 15 1. Cercobodo longicauda, 178. Cercomonad A, 65, 69 n. — B, 70, 71- Cercomonas (genus), 58, 59, 65, 66 n, 71, 72, 86, 87, 161 n, 178-180, 183, 184. Cercomonas coli hominis, 65. — crassicauda, 179, 180 n. — davainei, 70, 72. — hominis, 65. A, 2, 65, 70, 71, 72. B, 2, 65, 71, 72. — intestinalis, 58, 59, 70, 71. — longicauda, 178-179, 180 n. — obliqua, 65, 72. — parva, 178. — sp. I, 70. — sp. 2, 65. Cerebral Amoebic Abscess. See Abscess, cerebral. Chaparro amargosa, for amoebiasis, 157. Charcot-Leyden crystals, 24 n, 146 n. Chenopodium, oil of, for amoebiasis, 158 ; for balantidiosis, 163. Chilodon (genus), 114. Chilodon dentalus, 1 14. — uncinatus, 114. Chilomastix (genus), 5, 17, 65, 87, 88 ; synonyms, 87. Chilomastix caulleryi, 73 n, 74 n. — davainei, 71, 72, — hominis, 72 n. — mesnili, 2, 5, 14, 17, 65, 66, 69, 70- 78, 79, 80, 88, 117; blepharoplasts, 73 sq ; cultivation, 76 ; cysts, 76 sq ; dis- covery, 2, 71 ; division, 76 ; flagella, 74 ; flagellate, described, 72 sq ; habitat, 76 ; mouth, 73, 74; neuromotor system, 75; nomenclature, 71, 72; nucleus, 73; nutri- tion, 74 ; parabasal and parastyle, 75 ; synonyms, 70. Chlamydophrys stercorea, 167, 173-175 ', des- cription, 173 sq ; synonyms, 173. Chromatoid bodies, of E. coli, 29 ; of E. histolytica, 24. Chromidial bodies, 24. Chromosome cycle in coccidia, 95. Cilia, 4. Ciliata (class), 5, 17, 106, 164 n. Ciliate dysentery, 119. Ciliates, 106-124; doubtful, 113 sq; key for determination, 1 17; life-cycle, 106. Ciliophora, 4, 5, 17, 106. Cimaenomonas (genus), 86. Classification of Protozoa, 3 sq, 17. Clinical interpretation of findings, 142 sq. Coccidia, 2, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 94-105 ; classification, 97 ; discovery, 2, 98 ; key for determination, 102 ; life-cycle, 94 sq. Coccidies intestinales, 98. Coccidiomorpha, 94. Coccidiosis, account of, 102 sq ; intestinal, 102 ; term, 15, 16 ; treatment of, 161 sq. Coccidium (genus), 97. Cocciaium bigenmium, 98. var, homznis, 98. — hominis, 98. — perforans, 98. Collection of material, 125 sq. Colpoda cucullus, 1 15- Commensalism (term), 13. Concentration methods, for cysts, 132. Contact carrier (term), 50. Convalescent carrier (term), 50. Copromaslix (genus), 185. Copro?nastix prowazeki, 184 sq. Copromonas (genus), 180 sq. Copromonas major, 180, 18 1. — 7-uminantium, 180. — subtilis, 180-183; conjugation, 182 ; cysts, 183 ; description, 180 sq ; division, 182 ; synonyms, 180. Coprophilic (term), 16. Coprozoa, 16. INDEX 207 Coprozoic protozoa, 16, 164-186 ; flagellates, | J39 n, 17S-186; rhizopods, 165-175. Counterstains, 137. Counting methods, for cysts, 133. Coverglasses, 128. Cryptosporidia in, 102. Crystalloid bodies, 24. Cultivation of Balantidium, 117, 121 ; of Chilomastix, 76 ; of coprozoic protozoa, 167 sq ; of Trichomonas, 69, 70. Cure, definition of, 149 sq. Cyathomastix (genus), 72, 76, 87. Cyathomaslix ho minis, 71. Cyclidium (genus), 116 n. Cyst-carrier (term), 7, 50. Cysts of intestinal protozoa (general), 6 sq. Cylospermiutn hominis, 98. Diagnosis, 125-147 ; common errors in, 139. Diarrhoea, amoebic, 41, 49, 51, 144, 145 ; balanlidial, 119, 122, 144, 145; flagellate, 89, 90. Dicercomonas (genus), 86, 87. Dicercomonas {Dimor plats') muris, 58. — soudanensis, 80, 82. Dientamoeba (genus), 5, 17, 39. Dientamoeba fragilis, 5, 17,36-38, 39, 172; amoeba, 36 ; cysts, 38; division, 37 ; move- ments, 36 ; nuclei, 37. Difdmus (genus), 72, 87. Difdmus tunensis, 71. Dimastigamoeba (genus), 167. Dimastigamoeba gruberi, 168- 1 70, 1 7 1 ; amoeba, 169 ; cultivation, 170; cysts, 169 ; division, 169; flagellate form, 169. Dimorphus (genus or subgenus), 86. Diplocercomonas (genus), 82, 83, 84, 87. Diplocercomonas soudanensis, 80, 82. Diplomastix caudata, 175. Diplospora (genus), 97. Discovery of intestinal protozoa, I. Disease (term), 13, 15. Dissemination (general), 7 sq. Distribution, geographical (general), 9sq. Dog, E. histolytica in, 56. Double iodide. See Emetine bismuthous iodide. Doubtful ciliates, 113-117. Duration of E. histolytica infections, 53. Dysentery, amoebic, 13, 41, 49, 51, 52, 55, 145 ; in cats, 56 ; in dogs, 56 ; in monkeys, 57; treatment of, 149 sq, 151-159. — , balantidial, 13, 119, 122, 145; ia monkeys, 124 ; treatment of, 162 sq. — , ciliate, 119. Eimeria (genus), 5, 16, 17,97, ioo, 102, 104, 105, 161. Eimeria falcifoi'mis, 100. — oxyphila, ioo. Eimtria oxyspora, 5, 17, 100-101,102,104; description, 100 gq ; o-'^y-t-, 100 sq ; treatment, 161. — snijdersi, 5, 17, 101-102, 104, 161. — s;j., from human liver, 103. — stiedae, 98, 103. — wenyoni, 5, 17, 100, 102, 104 ; description, 100. — zilrtii 102, 103. Eimeria (Coccidium), 100. Embadomonas (genus), 5, 17, 79, 87, 88; synonyms, 87. Embadomonas inteslinalis, 5, 17, 78-80,88; cysts, 79; discovery, 78; division, 79; flagellate, described, 79 sq ; synonyms, 78. Emetathylin, 152 n. Emetine, alkaloid, 152 sq; administration, *53; properties, 152; toxicity, 152. — bismuthous iodide, for amoebiasis, 154; ad- ministration, 154-156; history, 154, 154m — hydrochloride, for amoebiasis, 154, 156; administration, 154, 156; for balan- tidiosis, 162; for coccidiosis, 161; for flagellate infections, 160. — mercuric iodide, 154 n. Endameba (genus), 38. Endamoeba (genus), 38. Endamoeba nana, 33. Endolimax (genus), 5, 17, 33 n, 38, 39; synonyms, 38. Endolimax inteslinalis ', 3 1 . — kueneni, 57 n. — nana, 5, 17, 31-33, 36, 39, 78, 85 n, 159, 174 n ; amoeba, 31; cysts, 32; division, 32 ; nucleus, 31 ; nutrition, 31 ; races, 33 ; synonyms, 31. — pileonncleatus , 33, 36 n. — williamsi, 33. Endothelial cells, 44, 140. Enlameba (genus), 38. Etitamoeba (genus), 5, 17, 38, 39 ; synonyms, 38. Entamoeba africana, 23 n. — brasiliensis, zr, 27. — butschlii, 33. — coli, 2, 5, 9, II, 13, 14, 17, 27-30, 33, 34, 36, 39. 57> 76, 159; amoeba, 27 sq ; autogamy, 30 ; conjugation, 28 ; cysts, 29 sq ; degeneration, 28; discovery, 2; division, 28; encystation, 29; excysta- tion, 30 ; movements, 28 ; multiplication, 28 ; nucleus, 27 ; nutrition, 27 ; pre- cystic forms, 29 ; races, 30 ; sexual dimorphism, 30 ; synonyms, 27. — dysenieriae, 21. — hartmanni, 21, 25. — histolytica, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 21- 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 36, 39, 40-57, 78, 118, 119, 120, 126, 127, 138, 139, 140, 143- 208 INDEX 146, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158 159, 16311 ; amoeboid form, 21 ; autogamy 25 ; cysts, 23 sq ; degeneration, 26 ; dis covery, 2, 21; divUion, 22; encystation 23 ; cxcystation, 25 ; geographical dis tribution, 9, 54, 55 ; habitat, 41 sq movements, 22; nucleus, 21; nutrition 22, 41 sq ; pathogenesis, 40 sq ; precystic forms, 23; races, 24 sq; reproduction, 22 sexuality, 26 ; spore-formation, 26 ; super nucleate cysts, 26 ; synonyms, 21 ; viru lence, 54. See also Amoebiasis. Entamoeba hominis, 27. — minuta, 21, 23. — minutissima, 21, 25. — nana, 31. — ranarum, 91 n. — tenuis, 21, 25. — tetragena, 21, 23 n. — undnlans, 65, 69. — willianni, 27, 30, 36. Enteromonas (genus), 5, 17, 80-83, 84, 85. 87, 88 ; synonyms, 87 ; in rabbit, 85. Enteromotias bengalensis, 80, 81. — hominis, 5, 17, 80-85, 88 ; cysts, 84 ; divi- sion, 84 ; flageilaie, described, 83 sq ; nomenclature, 80 sq ; synonyms, 80. Enloplasma (t;enu-), 116, 117. Entozoa (term), 12. Eosin, as counterstain, 137 ; for diagnosis, Eosin-iodine stain, 131 ; formula, 131 n. Errors, common, in diagnosis, 139 sq. Euglena, 4. Eutrichomaslix (genus), 81, 87. Examination of stools, 127 sq ; macroscopic, 127, 144, 146; microscopic, 127 sq, 144 sq. Examinations, negative, I45, 146 n, 150. Experimental infection of man, with Balan- tidium, 123, 124; with E. histolytica, 54. Fanapepea (genus), 72, 75, 87. Fanapepea intestinalis, 71, 75. Fertilization in coccidia, 96. Fixation of films, 133 sq. Fiagella, 4. Flagellata (class), 5, 17, 58-93, 175-1S6. Flagellate diarrhoea or dysentery, 89 sq ; treatment of, 159 sq. Flagellate infections, lesions described in, 90, 91 ; treatment of, 159 sq. Flagellates, attempts to infect animals with, 92 sq ; coprozoic, 175-186; intestinal, 58- 93 ; key for determination of, 88 ; patho- genicity of, discussed, 89 sq ; synonyms and homonyms of genera of, 85, 87. Fkgellosis, intestinal, 15, 89 sq ; account of, 89-93 '< term, 15 ; treatment of, 159 sq. Fries, as spreaders of infection, 8, 9. Food-robbers (term), 14. Free forms of protozoa (general), 6 sq. Free-living amoebae (James), 31. Galyl, for amoebiasis, 158. Genera of amoebae, 38, 39 ; of ciliates, 106 ; of coccidia, 97 ; of flagellates, 86, 87. Geographical distribution (general), 9 sq. Giardia (genus), 5, 17, 59 n, 86, 88, 92 ; synonyms, 86. Giardia enterica, 58, 59. — intestinalis, 1, 5, 9, II, 14, 15, 17, 28, 58-65. 7i» 76, 88, 91, 92, 93, 160, 161 ; axostyles, to, 61, 62; conjugation, 64; cysts, 63 sq ; discovery, I, 59; division, 62, 63 ; encystation, 63 ; excystation, 65 ; flagella, 60, 61, 62 ; flagellate, described, 59 sq; habitat, 62 ; nuclei, 60 ; nutrition, 62 ; parabasal bodies, 60 ; pathogenicity, 89 sq ; synonyms, 58 ; treatment, 160 sq. — lamblia, 58. — maris, 63 n, 92 sq, 161. Giardiasis (term), 15. Glycogen, in cysts of Chilomastix, 76 ; of E. coli, 29; of E. histolytica, 24; of E. nana, 32 ; of Giardia, 65 ; of /. biitschiii, 35 ; staining of, 130, 138. Gregarinida, 94. Guinea-pig, E. histolytica in, 56 ; Giardia in, 92 ; Trichomonas in, 69 n, 70, 92. Haemalum (formula), 135 ; method of stain- ing with, 135. Haemosporidia, 94. Hartmannella (genus), 167, 170. Hartmannella hyalina, 1 70-171 ; description and synonyms, 170. Hartmaruria (genus), 167, 170. Heikesimaslix faecicola, 183-184. Hepatic abscess (amoebic). See Abscess, htpatic. Hepatitis, amoebic, 41, 45, 52. Heterotricha, 106. Hexamastix (genus), 68 n, 86. Hexamastix Ardin Delteili, 65, 68. Hexamita (genus), 59, 86. Hexamila duodenalis, 92 n. Historic note, 1 sq. Holophrya coli, 107. Host (term), 12. Humidity, necessary for survival and dispersal of cysts, 9. I. cysts, 33. Illumination, 128, 131. Incidence of infection (general), 11 sq. Indirect methods of diagnosis, 146. Infection, 6. See also Amoebiasis, Balan- tidiosis, Coccidiosis, Flagellosis. Infusoria, 106. See Ciliata, Ciliates. INDEX 209 Interpretation, clinical, of protozoological findings, 142 sq. Iodamocba (genus), 5, 17, 39, 57 n; synonyms, 39- lodamoeba bulschlii, 5, 17, 33-36. 39, 57 n, 159 ; amoeba, 33 sq ; cysts, 34 sq ; divi- sion, 34 ; nucleus, 34 ; nutrition, 34 ; pre- cystic amoebae, 34 ; races, 36 ; synonyms, 33 ; treatment, 159. Iodine cysts, 33. — solution, for diagnosis, 130 ; — , treatment of flagellate infections with, 160. Ipecacuanha and its alkaloids, 151 sq ; for amoebiasis, 151, 153 ; for balantidiosis, 162. Iron-haematoxylin staining methods, 136. /foemetine, 152. Isospora (genus), 5, 16, 17, 97,98, 102, 104, 105. Isospora bigemina, 98. — hominis, 5, 17, 28, 98-99, 102, 104, 105, 161, 162; discovery, 98; oocysts de- scribed, 98 sq ; synonyms, 98 ; treat- ment, 161 sq. — rivoltae, 98. Key to genera and species of amoebae, 39 ; of ciliates, 117; of coccidia, 102; of flagellates, 88. Kho-sam, for amoebiasis, 157. Kinetoplast (term), 176. Lamblia (genus), 86 ; (subgenus) 59 n. Lamblia intestinalis, 58. Lambliasis (tetm), 15. Ltucophrys coli, 107. Leydenia gemmipara, 173, 174. Life-histories (general), 6 sq. Liver abscess. See Abscess, hepatic. Liver, Eimeria of human, 103. Lophomonas, 68 n. Loschia (genus), 38. Loschia colt, 27. — histolytica, 21. — (Viereckia) tetragena, 21. Macrostoma (genus), 87. Macros toma tnesnili, 70, 71. Mann's stain, 137. Mastigophora, 4, 5, 17, 58 sq, 164. Media, culture, for amoebae, etc., 167, 16S. Megastoma (genus), 86. Megasloma entericum, 58. — intesiinale, 58. Merozoite (teim), 95. Metazoa (definition), 3. Methylblue-eosin stain (Mann), 137. Methylemetine, for amoebiasis, 152, Methylene blue, for balantidiosis, 162 ; for flagellate infection, 160. — violet and methyl violet stain, lot dia- gnosis, 132. Methylpsychotriie, 152. Micrometer, 128, 140. Monas pileatorum, 180, 181. Monocercomonas (genus), 80, 81, 86, 87. Monocercomonas Ziominis, 65, 70, 71. Monocystis, 4. Monkeys, amoebae of, 57 ; Balantidium of, 107, 118, 123. Naegleria gruberi, 168. — punctata, 168. Negative examinations, 145, 166 n, 150. Neutral red, for diagnosis, 131, 132. Neosporidia, 94. Non-cellular (term), 3. Nyclotherus (genus), 5, 17, 106, 115 n, 116 118. Nyctotherus africamis, 115. — /aba, 5, 17, in n, 112, 113, 115 n, 118 ; description, 112 sq. — giganieus, 116. Octomitus ho minis, 80, 85. Oocyst (term), 96. Paramaecium (?) coli, 107. Paramecium (genus), 4, 106, 107. Paramecium cauJalum, 107. Parasite (term), 12, 13, 14. Parasitism (term), 13. Pentatrichomonas (genus or subgenus), 68, 86,. 88 n, 91. Pentatrichomonas bengalensis, 65, 68 n. Permanent preparations, making of, 133 sq. Phagedaenic skin ulcers, amoebae in, 47. Pig, Balantidium in, 107, 109 n, 123, 124 \ lodamoeba in, 36 n, 57 n. Plagioto??ia coli, 107. Platoum stercoreum, 173. Poneramoeba (genus), 38. Postage of specimens, regulations concerning, 126 n. Preparations, making of, 12S sq ; fresh, 128, 129; iodine, 130; permanent, 133 sq. Proctamoeba (genus), 38. Protozoa, classification of, 3 sq ; definition, 3 ; synopsis of intestinal P. of Man, 17. Prowazekella lacertae, 142 n. Prowazekia (genus) = Bodo, q. v. Prowazekia asiatica, 175. — cruzi, 175, 177 n, 17S. — italica, 175. — javanensis, 175. — tirinaria, 175. — weinbergi, 175. 14 2IO INDEX Pseudolimax, 33. Pseudopodia, 4, 19. Psorospermien, 98. Psychotria ipecacuanha, 151 • Psychotrine, 152. Purgatives, use of, in collecting material, 126. Quinine, for balantidiosis, 162, 163. Rabbit, E. histolytica in, 56 ; Enteromonas of, 85 ; Giardia in, 92, 161. Rat, E. histolytica in, 56 ; Giardia in, 92, 161. Relation of intestinal protozoa to man, 12 sq. Rodents, Giardia of, 63 n, 92, 161 ; Tricho- monas of, 69 n, 92. Rhizopoda, 4, 5, 17, 19 sq, 164; coprozoic, 165 sq. Rubin-iodine stain, 131. Saenolophus (genus), 86. Saline solution, for diagnosis, 129, 139. Salvarsan, for amoebiasis, 158; for balan- tidiosis, 163 ; for coccidiosis, 162 ; for flagellate infections, 160, 161. Sappinia (genus), 167, 172. Sappinia diploidea, 172, 173; cultivation, 173; description, 172 sq; synonyms, 172. Saprophytic (term), 14. Saprozoic (term), 14. Schaudinn's solution (formula), 134. Schizogony (term), 95. Schizont (term), 95. Scytomonas (genus), 180, 181. Scytomonas pusilla, 180, 181. Sections, preparation of, 138. Selection of specimens for diagnosis, 126 sq. Sigmoidoscope, for collecting material, 126. Silver nitrate, for balantidiosis, 162. Simaruba, for amoebiasis, 157. Small amoeba (Wenyon), 31. Sources of error in diagnosis, 139 sq. Sphaerita, in E. nana, 33. Spherical bodies (Wenyon), 33. Spiromonas (genus), 185-6. Spore (term), 96. Sporoblast (term), 96. Sporocyst (term), 96. Sporogony (term), 97. Sporozoa, 4, 5, 17, 94 sq. Sporozoite (term), 96. Sputum, Balantidium in, 121. Squamous cells, 140. Staining methods, 134 sq. Stools, collection of, 125 sq ; examination of, 127 sq ; postage of, 126 n. Sublimate-alcohol fixative, 134. Supernucleate cysts, of E. coli, 30 ; of E. histolytica, 26; of E. nana, 32 ; of /. b'ut- schlii, 35. Symbiosis (term), 13. Table of chief intestinal protozoa ot man, 17. Tannin, for amoebiasis, 158. Tetrachilomastix (subgenus), 75 n. Tetramitus (genus), 71, 87, 185. Tetramitus mesnili, 71. Tetratrichomonas (genus or subgenus), 68, 86, 88 n. Tetratricomaslix mtestinalis, 184, 185. Thalamophora, 173. Thecamoebae, 173. Thorium salts, for amoebiasis, 158. Thymol, for balantidiosis, 163 ; for coccidi- osis, 162; enema, for collecting material, 126 ; for flagellate infections, 161. Tissues, fixation of, 138. Toxins of intestinal protozoa, 14. loxobodo (genus), 186. Toxobodo intestinalis, 185, 186. Treatment, of intestinal protozoal infections, 148-163 ; of amoebiasis, 151 sq ; of balan- tidiosis, 162 sq ; of coccidiosis, 161 sq ; of flagellate infections, 159 sq. Tricercomonas (genus), 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87. Tricercomonas intestinalis, 80, 81. Trichomastix (genus), 81, 87; cultivation of, 70. Trichomastix hominis, 80, 81. Trichomonas (genus), 5, 17, 65, 71, 72, 86, 87, 88, 92, 142 n ; synonyms, 86. Trichomonas batrachorum., 69 n. — buccalis, 70. — caviae, 69 n, 70. — hominis, 2, 5, 14, 17, 28, 65-70, 71, 72, 78, 88, 50, 91, 160, 161 ; amoeboid forms, 66, 69 ; axostyle, 67 ; cultivation, 69, 70 ; cysts, 69 ; discovery, 2, 65 ; division, 69 ; flagella, 67, 68 ; flagellate, described, 66 sq ; nucleus, 66 ; nutrition, 68, 70, 91 ; synonyms, 65 ; treatment, 160, 161; undu'ating membrane, 67; varieties, 68 n. — intestinalis, 65, 70, 71. — obliqua, 72 n. — vaginalis, 68 n, 70. Trichomoniasis (term), 15. Tcichomonosis (term), 15. Trico-monas (genus), 86. Tricomonas confusa, 65. Trimastigamoeba philippinensis, 169. Tritrichomonas (genus or subgenus), 68 n, 85. 88 n. Troglodytes zoster, 173. Tubes for collection of material, 126. Turpentine, for flagellate infections, 160. Unicellular (term), 3. Uragoga ipecacuanha, 151. Urine, amoebae in, 47 ; ciliates in, 121. Uronema (genus), 116 n. INDEX Uronema catt datum, 116. — marinum, 116 n. Uzara, for amoebiasis, 159. Vahlkampjia (genus), 38. Vahlkampfia diploidea, 172. — nana, 31. — punctata, 168. — soli, 168. Viereckia (genus or subgenus), 3S Volutin, in E. nana cysts, 32; in /. bUtschlli cysts, 35. Wasielewskia gruberi, 168. #&r&a (genus), 78, 79 n, 8o n, 87. Was/da intestinaHs, 78. — wenyoni, 80. Zenker's fluid (formula), 138 n. PLATE II. PLATE II. All drawings were made from fixed and stained specimens. Magnification 2,000 diameters throughout. Fixation, sublimate-alcohol — unless otherwise stated : staining as indicated. (After Dobell (1919a), but slightly reduced.) Figs. I — 16. Entamoeba histolytica. Fig. I. Active large form, containing 3 red blood-coipuscles. From stool of a case of amoebic dysentery. (Stained Weigert's iron-haematoxylin and eosin.) F;gs. 2 — 7. Successive stages in riivision. From specimens in sections of ulcers in large intestine of experimentally infected kitten. (Fixed in Bouin's fluid, and stained in various ways.) Figs. 8, 9. Precystic amoebae, belonging to strains forming large and small cysts respectively. (Fig. 8, Mann's stain : fig. 9, haemalum.) Figs. 10, 11, 12. Uninucleate, binucleate, and quadrinucleate cysts respectively: from same case as fig. 8. Strain forming cysts with mean diameter of 13'5/i. (Mann's stain.) f'S I3- Quadrinucleate cyst belonging to a strain with cysts measuring 1 5 ^ in average diameter. (Haemalum.) Figs. 14, 15, 16. Uninucleate, binucleate, and quadrinucleate cysts respectively — belonging to a strain producing cysts with an average diameter of 6'6/u. (Haemalum.) Figs. 17 — 26. Entamoeba coli. Fig. 17. Large active amoeba, Irom human stool. (Heidenhain's iron-haematoxylin and eosin.) Fig. 18. Precystic amoeba. Note small size, and freedom from food inclusions. (Mann's stain.) Figs. 19 — 22. Successive stages in development of cysts, which contain I, 2, 4, and 8 nuclei respectively. (Figs. 19, 20, Mann's stain ; fig. 21, Bouin's fluid and alcoholic ferric- chloride iron-haematein ; fig. 22, Heidenhain's iron-haematoxylin.) Fig. 23. Very small 8-nucleate cyst of E. coli. (Haemalum and eosin.) Fig. 24. 8-nucleate cyst, containing filamentar chromatoid bodies. (Haemalum.) Fig. 25. 8-nucleate cyst, containing a sheaf of spicular chromatoids. (Haemalum.) Fig. 26. Very large cyst, containing 16 nuclei. (Haemalum.) o %, ■7 ;* <£» 9 I ;-.,- ,2 ' ..,(p 13 H H) A -*W . @ ^S: , ®M. 24 v# m PLATE III. The left half of the Plate (Fig. 27) illustrates the microscopic appearance of the lesions in Amoebiasis (E. histolytica infection). The right half (Fig. 28) illustrates the size-relations of the cysts of E. histolytica belonging to four different races. Fig. 27. (A) Section of an early intestinal ulcer, with the amoebae in and upon the mucous membrane, which they have partly destroyed. Magnification 90 diameters. (B) Section of a later and deeper ulcer, showing the amoebae invading the submucous tissue. Magnification 90 diameters. (C) More highly magnified portion of the base of the ulcer shown in (B). The amoebae are here seen in contact with the healthy submucous tissue — with the destroyed tissue in the cavity of the ulcer in their train, above and to the right. Magnification 450 diameters. (D) Part of a section through the periphery of an amoebic liver-abscess. Above, healthy liver tissue : below, and in contact with it, amoebae and necrotic tissue in the abscess cavity. Magnification 450 diameters. AH these figures are drawn from sections of experimentally produced lesions in kittens. The material was fixed in Bouin's fluid : figs. (A) and (D) stained with acid fuchsin and picro-indigo- carmine, figs. (B) and (C) Mann's stain. [From The Practice of Medicine in the Tropic s.~\ Fig. 28. These drawings illustrate the differences in the dimensions of the cysts of E. histolytica — belonging to four different strains of the parasite — from four different human infections (Cases H. 8, H. 7, E. 42, B. 1). They show in parallel columns ten cysts from each of these cases — taken at random from fixed and stained preparations, and outlined with the camera lucida. The drawings were made at a magnification of 2,500 diameters, and have been reduced to the size here shown in the process of reproduction. (Only the outlines of the cysts and nuclei are shown, and their chromatoid bodies — in black— when present.) The remaining figures are outlines, drawn in the same way, and to the same scale, of fixed and stained amoebae of E. histolytica. E. h. (1), two individuals (containing red corpuscles) from a case of acute amoebic dysentery — belonging to a strain forming cysts similar in size to those of Case E. 42. Fig. E. h. (2), two precystic amoebae belonging to a similar strain. Fig. E. h. (3), precystic amoebae belonging to a strain with cysts similar in size to those of Case H. 8. [After Dobell and Jepps (1918).] '$*&, ■:£*& .-* f* m s v %->.,■■ o TV OS- .* --•" , a, If ♦ e *9s: ,^;.^ -.>-^ £ '- ■" *'§'&* 1 V ..* tT* c V- @^i»Vy. ■ ■ ■ -v>i§? ^?a^ A PLATE III. B.1. Fig. 27. PLATE IV. All figures, unless otherwise indicated, drawn from specimens fixed with sublimate-alcohol and stained with Heidenhain's iron-haematoxylin and eosin. Magnification 2,000 diameters throughout. Figs. 29 — 48. Intestinal amoebae. Figs. 29—39. Enciolimax nana. Figs. 29 — 32. Four ordinary individuals, showing various common types of nuclear structure. Figs. 33, 34. Two individuals parasitized by Sphaeriia. (Fig. 34 stained haemalum.) Figs. 35> 36, 37- Three successive stages in development of cysts — containing I, 2, and 4 nuclei respectively. Fig. 38. Mature 4-nucleate cyst containing filamentar and granular inclusions. Fig- 39- Supernucleate cyst, containing 8 nuclei. (Haemalum.) Figs. 40 — 42. Dientamoeba fragilis. Figs. 40, 41 1 Two ordinary binucleate individuals. Fig. 42. A uninucleate specimen. Figs. 43 — 48. lodamoeba butschlii. Figs. 43, 44. Two ordinary amoeboid individuals. Fig. 45. Precystic amoeba. Fig. 46. An organism just encysting. Figs. 47, 48. Typical cysts— fig. 48 a very irregular specimen, such as is commonly seen in this species. (Haemalum and eosin.) Figs. 49 — 57. COPROZOIC AMOEBAE, FROM HUMAN FAECES. Fig. 49. Dimastigamoeba gruberi, amoeboid form. Fig. 50. D. gruberi, free-swimming flagellate form. Fig. 51. Stage in division (equatorial plate) of amoeboid form of D. gruberi. Fig. 52. Cyst of D. gritberi. Fig. 53. Hartmannella hyahna, ordinary amoeba. Fig. 54. Stage in division (equatorial plate) of H. hyalina. Fig- 55- Cyst of H. hyalina. Fig. 56. Sappinia diploidea, ordinary individual. (Note the two large nuclei, in apposition.) Fig. 57. Newly formed cyst of 5. diploidea, containing two individuals. m m % PLATE IV. 34 39 9»* & . v.v. 50 36 ■® - 40 M \ $ ' 41 m S3 All drawings made from fixed and stained specimens, unless otherwise indicated. Fixation, sublimate-alcohol : staining, Heidenhain's iron-haematoxylin, usually combined with eosin. Magnification 2,000 diameters throughout. Figs. 58—77. Intestinal Flagellates. Figs. 58 — 61. Giardia intestinalis. (Fixation : Bouin's fluid.) P'ig. 58. Active flagellate, ventral view. F'g- 59- Similar flagellate, in profile (ventral surface to right, dorsal to left of figure). Fig. 60. Binucleate cyst. Fig. 61. Quadrinucleate cyst — later stage of development. Figs. 62 — 68. Enteromonas hominis. Fig. 62. Active flagellate ; typical form, with 4 flagella— 3 free, and : recurrent and adherent to the body (" Iricercomonas" of Wenyon and O'Connor). Fig. 63. Form in which the lecurrent flagellum is not clearly visible (" Enteromonas" of Fonseca). Fig. 64. Form in which only 2 anterior flagella are visible (" Diplocercomonas" of Chalmers and Pekkola). Fig. 65. Typical form, showing 2 blepharoplasts. Figs. 66—68. Uninucleate, binucleate, and quadrinucleate (mature) cysts, respectively. Figs. 69 — 71. Trichomonas hominis. Fig. 69. Small individual, with 3 anterior flagella. -Fig. 70. Large individual, 3 anterior flagella (" Trilrichomonas"). Fig. 71. Individual with 4 anterior flagella (" Tetratrichomonas "). Figs. 72, 73. Embadomonas inlestinalis. ■Fig. 72. Active flagellate. Fig. 73. Cyst. FiS?s- 74—77- Chilomastix mesnili. Fig. 74. Active flagellate, ventral view. Fig. 75. Smaller individual, from right side. Fig. 76. Individual seen antero-ventrally— to show the arrangement of blepharoplasts and organs arising from them. Fig. 77. Mature cyst. (Fixation : Bouin's fluid.) Figs. 78—95- Cophozoic FLAGELLATES from human faeces. Figs. 78—81. Bodo caudatus. Fig. 78. Living organism— unstained. Figs. 79, 80. Stained specimens. (Fixation : alcoholic picro-acetic.) Fig. 81. Cyst, stained specimen. Fig. 82. Bodo edax, active flagellate. Figs. 83—85. Cercomonas longicauda. Fig. 83. Living flagellate, creeping. Unstained. T"ig. 84. Stained specimen. Fig. 85. Cyst— living and unstained. Figs. 86 — 88. Cercomonas crassicauda. l Figs. 86, 87. Active flagellates (stained alcoholic iron-haematein). Fig. 88. Cyst (stained as preceding). Figs. 89, 90. Helkesimaslix faecicola, 2 flagellates. Figs. 91—95. Copromonas subtilis. Fig. 91. Ordinary flagellate. Fig. 92. Dwarf form, from cultuie. Fig. 93. Stage in longitudinal division. Fig. 94. Early stage of conjugation. Fig. 95. Cyst. Fig. 96. Chlamydophrys stercorea. ^;s:s sia SfSs!>udopodia projecting through the she" PLATE V. 58 \ n ® 65 ' ^ t"\ 9 '.i ) i ' 83 \x 78 / 79 I \ 81 89 .- V 80 90 V 82 .4 i 84 72 PLATE VI. PLATE VI. All drawings represent living and unstained specimens. Magnification 2,000 diameters throughout. Figs. 97 — 102. Isospora hominis. Fig. 97. Oocyst with unsegmented protoplasm, as usually passed in stools. Fig. 98. Later stage ; nucleus divided into two. Fig. 99. Later stage ; protoplasm segmented into two sporoblasts. Fig. 100. Fully developed oocyst, containing two spores— each containing four sporozoites. Figs. 101, 102. Degenerate oocysts, which have failed to develop. Fig. 103. Eimeria oxyspora. A ripe oocyst, containing four fully-formed spores. Fig. 104. Eimeria wenyoni. A ripe oocyst, containing four fully-formed spores. (After Wenyon, 1915.) Fig. 105. Eimeria snijdersi. Ripe oocyst, with four fully-developed spores. (Combined from figures and specimens of Dr. E. P. Snijders.) PLATE VII. PLATE VII. Fig. 106. Balantidiitm coll. Active ciliate, semidiagrammatic. Living specimen, seen from left side. N. = meganucleus. n. = micronucleus. c.v.i = anterior contractile vacuole. c.v.2 = posterior contractile vacuole, f.v. = food vacuole, mo. = mouth. Magnification 2,000 diameters. (The sketch was a P'R-) Fig. 107. Balantidiitm mimtlnm. x 2,000. (Dr description.) Ventral view. Fig. 108. Nyctotherus faba. x 2,000. (Drawing description.) From left side. Fig. 109. Balantidiitm coli. x 1,000. Specimen from stool of a human case of Balantidiosis. Fixed sublimate-alcohol, stained Heidenhain's iron-haematoxylin. Fig. no. Balantidiitm coli. Cyst, x 1,000. Living; from faeces of pig. Fig. ill. Part of the periphery of a Balantidial Ulcer: colon' of human case of balantidiosis. x 50. (Section stained iron-haematoxylin and orange G.) Above and to the right, the cavity of the ulcer, filled with necrotic tissue : below and to the left, numerous balamidia in the submucous tissue. [Figs. 109-III from The Practice of Medicine in the Tropics.'] made from an individual in the faeces of wing made from Schaudinn's figures and from Schaudinn's figures and 109 O JL& PLATE VIII. Semi-diagrammatic figures of the CYSTS OF the chief intestinal protozoa of man. These figures have been made as aids to diagnosis. They are not drawn from actual specimens, but are not "diagrammatic" in the sense that they are unlike the objects which they are intended to depict. On the contrary, they have been drawn to look as much like the actual objects as possible. (Cf. Preface, p. vii.) Magnification 2,000 diameters throughout. The left-hand panel of the Plate shows the cysts as they appear when alive and UNSTAINED. The middle panel shows the same cysts as they would appear when mounted and examined in iodine solution. The right-hand panel shows the same cysts as they would appear when fixed and STAINED WITH IRON-HAEMATOXYLIN. Each cyst is labelled with the same letter throughout, but is distinguished by a different index number (1, 2, or 3) on each panel of the plate. Fig. A, for example, is marked A1, A2, A3, according as it represents the same cyst alive (A1), in iodine (A2), or after fixation and staining (A3). The cysts are shown lying in the same position in each figure, so that they can be readily compared. Figs. A, B, C. l-nucleate, 2-nucleate, and 4-nucleate cysts respectively of Entamoeba histolytica — a strain with cysts ca. I2,u in diameter. Figs. D, E. i-nucleate and 4-nucleate cysts of E. histolytica— -strain with small cysts, ca. 7-5^ in diameter. Fig. F. Mature (l-nucleate) cyst of Iodamoeba biitschlii. Figs. G, H, I. i-nucleate, 2-nucleate, and 4-nucleate cysts respectively of Endolimax nana. (H is a cyst containing a lump of glycogen.) Fig. J. Mature (i-nucleate) cyst of Chilomastix mesnili. Figs. K, L, M, N. i-nucleate, 2-nucleate, 4-nucleate, and 8-nucleate cysts respectively of Entamoeba coli. Fig. O. A specimen of Blastocystis hominis — for comparison. Fig. P. A 4-nucleate cyst of Giardia intestinalis. PLATE VIII. GO G*o t& ■m. f : i i $ i