'-=-'.- ------- ■1-^' AN INTRODUCTION TO BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY First Edition 1038 Second Edition 194G AN INTRODUCTION TO BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY BY C. G. ANDERSON Ph.D. (Birm.), Dip.Bact. (Lond.) formerly lewis cameron teaching fellow, bacteriology departxment, university of edinburgh Second Edition EDINBURGH E. & S. LIVINGSTONE, LTD. 16 & 17 TEYIOT PLACE 1946 Muiie and Fiin'.ed in deal Brilain PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION WHEN iheliryt edition of tJi is hook appeared in 11)38 it was considered that the suhject of Chemotherapy of bacterial infections was in too primitive a state to warrant inclusion. The advance in our knowledge since then has made it possible and desirable to consider the topic in some detail. The ideas on which the explanation of chemotherapeutic action is based, and which form the foundation for plamiing further investiga- tion, involve the chemistry of metabolic processes and naturally come within the scope of this book. Similar considerations lead to the inclusion of a chapter on Antibiotics and to a fresh presentation of the facts known about Gro\\i;h Factors. These chapters constitute the main difference between the first and the present editions, but new material has been added to a number of other chapters in order to keep level, as far as possible, with the changes involved in such a rapidly growing branch of Biochemistry. Some criticism has been expressed that bibhographical references to the original literature were not given in the first edition. It is the opinion of the author that a detailed bibliography is out of place in a small textbook intended primarily for students, but in order to extend the usefulness of the volume an endeavour has been made to give, at the end of each chapter, some references, mainly to monographs and reviews, which will serve as a guide to the original papers. Once more it is a pleasure to acknowledge my debt to the authors whose works have supplied the material presented. Especially are my thanks due to colleagues and friends for much helpful criticism and advice. C. G. ANDERSON. Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories Laxgley Court, Beckenham, Kent July, 1946 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION THIS text-book is the outcome of lectures on Bacterio- logical Chemistry presented as part of the course for the University of London Academic Diploma in Bacteriology, and recently to students taking Bacteriology as an Honours subject in the University of Edinburgh. During the period over which these courses have extended the need has been increasingly felt for a text -book of reasonable size yet covermg a sufficiently wide range of topics. Whilst many excellent monographs on various aspects of the subject exist, there seems to be no single book giving a survey of the whole field in a form suitable for students of such courses as those mentioned. The present volume makes no claim to be encyclo- paedic, but an endeavour has been made to cover the requirements of students, and j)erhaps of those research w^orkers whose interests may not be primarily chemical but who feel the need for some understanding of the metabolic behaviour and chemical nature of the organisms which they are handling. In order to keep its size within reasonable limits it has been necessary to assume a knowledge of elementary organic chemistry and of a certain amount of bacteriology. In view of the rapid expansion of the subject within the past ten to fifteen years, and the consequently ever-changing views and opinions expressed concerning the various reactions in- volved, the selection of the appropriate material has not been easy. Without doubt much has been omitted which should have been included, and certain matters admitted which the future will show to be of only passing importance. Only certain aspects of immunochemistry have been considered and no attempt has been made to deal with the subjects of disinfection and chemotherapy, Vlll PREFACE nor with the cheiiiistiy of cultiiic Jiiedia and staining reactions. Their treatment here could be little more than a catalogue of substances and organisms, for although a large body of empirical data concerning them is available, we have as yet but little exact chemical knowledge of the mechanisms involved. In the hope that the interest of students reading the following j)ages will have been stimulated, sources of further information have been indicated at the ends of the chapters. Acknowledgment is gratefully made to the authors of the many monographs, standard works and papers which have been drawn upon freely for the material collected here. It is a pleasure to record my deep indebtedness to Professor H. Raistrick, F.R.S., of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who awakened my interest in this subject, and to Professor T. J. Mackie, to whose keenness and encouragement the course in this University owes its inception. C. G. ANDERSON. Defabtmexnt op Bacieriology, University of Edinburgh, December, 1937. CONTENTS PAirr I GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS CHAP. I'A^E I. Introduction ------- 1 II. Hydrogen Ion Concentration and pR ; Oxida- tion-reduction Potentials - - - - 4 III. Colloids and Adsorption - - - - 26 IV. Enzymes -------- 36 V. The Chemical Composition of Bacteria, Yeasts AND THE Lower Fungi - - - - 56 PART II METABOLISM VI. The Nutrition of the Autotrophic Bacteria 67 VII. The Nutrition of the Heterotrophic Bacteria 80 VIII. Adaptive and Constitutive Enzymes - - 89 IX. Growth Factors ------ 98 X. Chemotherapy ------- 122 XL Antibiotics ------- I£6 XII. Bacterial Respiration ----- 187 XIII. Nitrogen Metabolism ----- 214 XIV. Carbon Metabolism _ . - - - 240 XV. Alcoholic Fermentation . - _ . 262 XVI. The Fermentation Products of the Lower Fungi -------- 282 XVII. Industrial Fermentations - - - - 310 XVIII. The Proteins of Micro-organisms - - 328 XIX. The Polysaccharides of Micro-organisms - 345 XX. The Lipoids of Micro-organisms - - - 369 XXL The Pigments of Micro-organisms - - 385 61 ^fiii X CONTENTS PAIIT 111 SOME ASPECTS Ot^ IMMUNOCHEMISTRY CHAP. TAOE XXII. Antigens, Haptens, Antibodies and Com- plement ------- 398 XXIII. The Mechanism of Antic4en-antibody Keactions 441 APPENDICES I. The Isolation and Identification of Meta- bolic Products ------ 462 II. Synonyms ------- 469 INDEX BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION THE subject of Bacteriological Chemistry has been steadily growing in scope and importance since the days when Pasteur studied the fermentation reactions, normal and abnormal, until, during the past one or two decades, it has expanded with such rapidity that it has now almost acquired the dignity of a special branch of Biochemistry, and is even in danger of itself becoming subdivided with production of such offshoots as Immuno- chemistry. This rapid growth is in part due to the ever-increasing utilisation of microbiological methods and products in industry, and in part to purely academic investigations into the mechanisms by which the bacteria, yeasts and fungi gain the energy for their growth and reproduction and synthesise the multitudinous products which they build into their cell structures or excrete into the medium in which they develop. The combination of utilitarian and academic motives has resulted in the accumulation of a vast number of facts which are only just beginning to be shaped into an ordered whole in which it is possible to see the relationships between apparently quite different modes of metabolism, and the ))ewildering variety of substances elaborated during such l^rocesses . A great deal of the information which we possess is still only of an empirical nature and we have not yet found out how to fit these facts into the general picture. The present stage of development of microbiological 2 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY clicniistry is .somowJiat liko tliat of a. Jialf-fiiiisjKMl jig-saw })Ti/zlo. (Sonio areas are nearly eojiiplele ; in otliers only a few of the pieces have so far been fitted into place. Quite recently the filling in of the area which includes chemotherapy has been ^progressing rapidly as a result of the development of the sulphonamide drugs, and a reasoned account of their action can now be presented. The subject of disinfection, however, is still in a nebulous state ; we know a great deal about the necessary con- centrations of disinfectants and the conditions for their action, but very little as to how the observed results are brought about. It seems probable that the present views on the mechanism of chemotherapy may Avell be applied to the action of disinfectants and antiseptics. The position of Immunochemistry, in this respect, has improved considerably in the past decade and we are at last able to understand something of what is really happening during immunological reactions, although there is much detail still to be filled in and much expansion of our knowledge necessary. Our knowledge of the metabolic processes of micro- organisms is perhaps the best developed part of the whole structure and enables us to see the connections between the modes of life of many different bacterial types. Even here, though, we still know comparatively little of the mechanism of the synthetic assimilation processes. The scheme of treatment adopted in the following chapters has been first of all to deal with the general conditions which influence and determine the behaviour or micro-organisms. The importance of the hydrogen ion concentration and of colloidal phenomena is obvious, as also is the part played by the enzymes on which almost every stage of the life of the bacteria, yeasts and moulds depends. Then follows an account of the different ways in which micro-organisms obtain the energy and starting materials for their growth and reproduction. The INTKODUCTION 3 discussion of chemotherapeutic action falls logically into place here since it is held to depend on interference with the metabolic activities of the bacteria. The consideration of the by-products of metabolic and respiratory processes, the fermentation products in which man is mainly interested, follows naturally. Then the substances s}Tithesised by the organisms for their own use are detailed. Finally a brief outline of the chemistry of antigens, antibodies and their reactions is presented. The usual difficulty with regard to the consistent naming of bacteria has been encountered. In the absence of any standardised procedure in this country it has been considered desirable to adopt the nomenclature sanctioned by the Society of American Bacteriologists as exemplified in Bergey's " Manual of Determinative Bacteriology " (Fifth Edition). The common (as opposed to the scientific) names of certain organisms have been used in some instances. A list of synonyms covering cases which may cause confusion has been added as Appendix II. CHAPTER II HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION AND pR ; OXIDATION-REDUCTION POTENTIALS Hydrogen Ion Concentration. — The course of all biological processes is profoundly influenced by the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the fluid in which they take place — whether the fluid ])e tlie cell contents, or a circumambient fluid like blood, or a cidture medium in which micro-organisms are growing, or a solution in wliicli enzymes are acting. As a notable example one may consider the blood. Should it become very slightly acid death in coma will result, with the heart muscle relaxed ; on the other hand, if it should become but slightly alkaline tetany results and the heart will cease to function with the muscle contracted. The heart will only function properly when the blood is within a very narrow range between acidity and alkalinity. Similar, though as a rule not such dramatic, changes follow alteration of the normal state of other biologically concerned fluids. Some bacteria, for instance, thrive in quite strongly acid solutions but raj)idly die out in alkaline conditions ; others, like the cholera vibrio, develop in alkaline but not in acid media. The same applies to enzymes ; the gastric enzyme, pepsin, is only active in breaking down j)roteins when in acid solution, whilst trypsin, in the pancreatic juice, requires an alkaline medium for its activity. According to modern views an acid is defined as a substance which tends to lose a proton (hydrogen nucleus ■4 HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION i) or H+) and a base is a substance which tends to acquire a proton. This may be expressed b}^ the equation A ^=^ H+ + B where A represents an acid and B a base. This means that every acid must be associated with a corresponding or " conjugate " base and vice versa. Generally the conjugate acid or base is the solvent in which the substance is dissolved. In aqueous solutions water can act as the conjugate base of an acid or as the conjugate acid of a base since it is capable of either taking up or giving up a proton. For an acid in water the ecpiilibrium is : — HA + H.OH ^=^ H.OH,+ + A- (acid) (base) H.OH2+ is what is usually known as the hydrogen ion for which the symbol H+ is commonly used. Applying the Law of Mass Action (a . H.OHo-) (a . A-) (a. H.OH) (a. HA) (1] where K'a is the dissociation constant of the acid and (a . H.OH0+), (a . A-), (a . H.OH) and (a . HA) are the " activities " of the hydrogen ion, conjugate l^ase, un-ionised water and un-ionised acid respectivel}^ The " activity " of an ion is the product of its concentration and its " activity coefficient " which is a measure of the influence of surrounding ions upon it and which accordingly depends upon the dilution of the solution. Since the activity of un-ionised water may be regarded as constant, because its amount is virtually unaffected by the very small degree of ionisation which it undergoes, equation (1) can be rewritten with the new constant K a (a.H.OH,+) (a.A-) ^'-^ = i^TRA) ... (2) G BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Using the more familiar symbol, H+, for the hydrogen ion this becomes (a.H+) (a.A-) ^^' ^ (a. HA) .... (3) For a base dissolved in water the equilibrium is expressed by the equation B + H.OH ^=i BH+ + OH- (Base) The dissociation constant, K'b, for the base is then given by the expression (a.BH+) (a.OH-) K'b (a.B) (a.HOH^ Since in this case, too, the activity of the A\'ater can be regarded as constant this becomes, with the new constant, Kb, (a.BH+) (a.OH-) ' ^^ = OTBJ • • • ^^\ Water is capable of either giving up or accepting a proton. Therefore in pure water and in all aqueous solutions the equilibrium H.OH + H.OH ^=^ H.OH2+ + OH- niust exist and the dissociation constant is given by _ (a . H.OH,+) (a . 0H-) "" ~ (a.H.0H)2 The activity, (a . H.OH), of un-ionised water can be regarded as constant and therefore Kw = (a . H.OH2+) (a . 0H-) ... (5) The product of the activities of the acidic and basic ions of a solvent is also loiown as the ionic product of the solvent. Replacing H.OH^+by the familiar symbol for tlie hydrogen ion, equation (5) becomes Kw = (a . H+) (a . OH") .... (0) HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION 7 In dilute solutions, that is when the ionic strength is small, the activity coefficients are very nearly unity and the activities (a.H+) and (a. OH") of the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions can be replaced by their concentrations (C.H+) and (COH") respectively. Equation (6) can now be written Ku' = (C.H-) (C.OH-) .... (7) In an exactly neutral solution, obviously, the concentration of the acidic (hydrogen) ions must be equal to the concentration of the basic (hydroxyl) ions. That is (C.A+) = (C.OH~) and, from equation (7), each must be equal to VKw. The ionic product, Kw, can be determined experi- mentally from conductivity measurements since the conduction of electricity through a liquid depends on the number of ions available to carry the current. The value for pure water at room temperature has been found to be 10"^*. Consequently in neutral solution the concentration of both hydrogen and hydroxyl ions must be V10~^* or 10^' gram ions per litre. If more hydrogen ions than this amount are present the solution is acid and if there are less hydrogen ions the solution is alkaline, but whatever the state of the solution the ionic j^roduct is constant and equal to 10-^*. In other words a greater amount of hydrogen ions means a smaller amount of hydroxyl ions and vice versa. Consequently the strength of an alkali, as well as that of an acid, can be expressed in terms of hydrogen ion concentration. A normal solution of a strong acid will contain about 1 gram ion per litre of hydrogen ions, the exact amount depending upon the degree of dissociation of the particular acid and the activity of the ions. A strong solution of an alkali will contain about 10-^^ gram ions per litre of hydrogen ions, derived from the ionisation of the water. The degree of ionisation of a solution can be measured by the conductivity of the solution, which depends on the 8 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY number of ions present to carry the current, or by the depression of the freezing point of the sokition, which depends on the total number of ions and molecules present. A tenth normal solution of hydrochloric acid is 91 per cent, ionised so that the concentration of hydrogen ions in such a solution will be 0-1 X 91 — — — — = 0-091 = 9-1 X 10~2 grams per litre. Acetic acid is a weak acid and is only 1-3 per cent, ionised in a tenth normal solution, and such a solution will, therefore, contain only — --- — = 0-0013 = 1-3 X 10~^ grams per litre of hydrogen ions. This method of expressing the hydrogen ion concentra- tion and correspondingly the acidity or alkalinity of a solution is somewhat cumbersome particularly in the range of values near neutrality, from about 10^® to 10-^ grams of hydrogen ions per litre, in which the great majority of biological phenomena occur. The adoption of the exponential or pH method of expression suggested by S^rensen in 1909, and which is now universally used, has greatly simplified the statement and comprehension of such values. Srensen defined the pH value of a solution as the negative logarithm of its hydrogen ion concentration. That is pn = - log (C.H+) or (C.H+) = 10-^H For neutral water containing lO-*^ grams per litre of hydrogen ions ^H = - log 10-' = log 10' = 7 For the example quoted above of 0-lN-hydrochloric acid containing 9-1 x 10-^ grams per litre of hydrogen ions, pU = - log (9-1 X 10-2) = 2 - log 9-1 - 2 - 0-959 = 1-041 and for 0-lN-acetic acid, 2)H = - log (1-3 X 10-3) = 3 - log 1-3 = 3 - 0-114 = 2-880 HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION U Blood, which contains 4-7 x 10"^ grams per litre of hydrogen ions, will have pK = - log (4-7 X 10-8) = 8 - log 4-7 = 8 - 0-672 = 7-328 Since, as we have seen, even strongly alkaline solutions contain some hydrogen ions, and the amount of hydrogen ions is inversely proportional to the amount of hydroxyl ions (on which the alkalinity depends), the alkalinity of a solution can also be expressed in terms of its hydrogen ion concentration and the pH. scale. Thus an alkaline solution containing 3-7x10-^ grams of hydrogen ions per litre has pK = - log (3-7 X 10-9) = 9 - log 3-7 ^ 9 - 0-568 = 8-432 As the product of hydrogen ion concentration and hydroxyl ion concentration is constant at 10"^*, it is obvious that the more hydrogen ions there are present, that is, the more acid the solution, the loAver will be the pH, tending to the value p}l = 0, which is the theoretical limit when there are no hydroxyl ions present. On the other hand, the more hydroxyl ions there are present, that is, the more alkaline the solution, the higher will be the pH value, tending to the hypothetical limit ;:>H =14 when there are no hydrogen ions present. Since neutrality occurs at pH 7, all values lower than this refer to acid solutions, whilst higher values than 7 indicate alkaline solutions. It must be remembered that the pH scale is logarithmic, and that accordingly a change in ^^H value of 1 unit means a tenfold change in acidity or alkalinity. Thus a solution of pH 5 will be ten times as acid (will contain ten times as many hydrogen ions) as one at ^^H 6, and a hundred times as acid as one at pH 7. Similarly a solution at ^^H 10 will be ten times as alkaline (will contain ten times less hydrogen ions) than one at pK 9, and be one hundred times as alkaline as a solution at pH 8. The titratable acidity of a solution must not be con- fused with its pH value. The titratable acidity de]-)ends 10 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY only on the amount of acid present ; thus, for example, all tenth -normal acid solutions will have the same titratable acidity whatever the particular acid present may be, whether it is a strong acid like hydrochloric acid or a weak acid like acetic acid. But the ^^H values of different tenth-normal acid solutions will vary widely, depending on the acid concerned. This variation in pK value of acid solutions containing the same equivalent weight of acid results from the different degrees of dissociation of the acids with the consequent production of different concentrations of hydrogen ions. Thus we saw that 0-lN- hydrochloric acid is 91 per cent, dissociated and has a pK value of approximately 1, whilst O'lN-acetic acid, which is 1-3 per cent, dissociated, has pH 2*9 ; that is hydro- chloric acid is nearly one hundred times as strong an acid as acetic acid, although the two solutions have the same titratable acidity. In other words, merely knowing the amount of titratable acid in a solution does not tell us enough about its properties and probable effect on a culture of bacteria or on a fermentation reaction. We must know also the ^^H value of the solution, which will give us a much better idea of the magnitude of effect to expect. The logarithmic or exponential mode of expressiofi is also used for the statement of dissociation constants, which are referred to as ^^K values where pK = — log K K being the dissociation constant under consideration. Thus the dissociation constant of acetic acid at 25°C. is 1-8 X 10"^ and its pK. value is, therefore, 2iK = - log (1-8 X 10-5) = 5 ~ log 1-8 = 5 - 0-255 = 4-745 An acid like phosphoric acid, H3PO4, which has three ionisable hydrogen atoms, has three pK. values, one corresponding to the dissociation of each liydrogen ion. The three dissociation constants and pK values of HYDROGEN TON CONCENTRATION 11 pliuspliuric acid are — For the first hydrogen ion K — 11 1(>~-. />K ^ I -Hoi) For the second hj'drogen ion K = 2 < 10~", pK. — 6-699 For the third hydrogen ion K = 36 x IQ-^^, pK = 12-444 Obviously the higher the pis. value, the smaller the dissociation constant and the weaker the acid. The Measurement of Hydrogen Ion Concentration. — In general there are two main methods of measuring hydrogen ion concentration, electrical and colorimetric. The electrical methods are by far the more accurate, but require the use of costly and delicate apparatus not available in many ordinary laboratories. The colorimetric methods, while not so accurate, are much cheaper, quicker and simpler to perform. The electrical methods depend on balancing the potential difference set up between the solution of unknown hydrogen ion concentration and an electrode immersed in it against the potential of a standard cell. If a rod of metal is immersed in a solution of one of its salts, the metal will tend to dissolve to a degree depending on its " electroljrtic solution pressure," producing positively charged ions of the metal, and consequently leaving a negatively charged mass of undissolved metal. On the other hand, the salt in solution ionises, and the metallic ions will exert a definite osmotic pressure, depending on the concentration of the salt and its degree of dissociation. If the ionic osmotic pressure is less than the " solution pressure " of the metal, as is the case with zinc, the latter will dissolve in order to establish equilibrium. If, however, the " solution pressure " is less than the ionic osmotic pressure, as is the case with copper or mercury, ions will be deposited on the metal and the rod will acquire a positive charge relatively to the solution. Each metal in contact with a solution of one of its salts acquires in this way a characteristic " electrode potential," the strength of whicli will depend on the concentration 12 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMLSTRY of the Salt solution and the particular metal in t^uestion. If two such electrodes, for instance, copper in copper sulphate and zinc in zinc sulphate, are joined together in an electrical circuit by connecting the two metals with a wire and the two solutions either with another wire or with a ri-tube containing a solution (Fig. 1), then a COO D ocTo ^ D" 4- rH Cu sv Ca S 0 + In lYx SO4 Fig. 1 current will flow in the direction of the higher to the lower potential. An electrode of this type which is very frequently employed for purposes of measurement is the standard calomel electrode in which mercury is in contact with saturated mercurous chloride and N-potassium chloride, and which has a potential of +0-56 volt at 18^ C. Another standard electrode is the hydrogen electrode in which an electrode of platinum black saturated with hydrogen gas is immersed in an acid solution normal in respect to the hydrogen ions. For reasons of convenience this potential is arbitrarily taken as being zero. If the concentration of hydrogen ions is different from normal the potential will also be different from the standard, and will be a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration. The potential differences between a standard half -cell, such as the calomel electrode, and an electrode immersed in the unknown solution are measured by balancing them HYDROGEN lOX CONCENTRATION 13 on a potentiometer until no ciuTent flows, as 'determined by a galvanometer (Fig. 2). Hence, loiowing the electrode potential of the standard cell, that of the iinknowni may be calculated, and from this the hydrogen ion concentra- tion and the pH determined. A third simple and convenient standard electrode is the quinhydrone electrode ] CO., or the combustion of methane to form carbon dioxide and water, CH4 + 202 >C0o+2H20. Besides this type of oxidation by direct addition of oxygen, there is another in which the proportion of oxygen in a compound is increased by removal of some other element such as hydrogen, a typical example being the oxidation of ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde, CH3.CH2OH — > CH3CHO + Ho, or the conversion of hydroquinone to quinone, OH 0 I 1.1 + H.,. I II -- > II II \/ \/ I II OH 0 Even this does not go far enough, however, and we now recognise that certain reactions in which no oxygen at all is involved are still of the nature of oxidations. This is particularly true where such metals as copper or iron, which have more than one valency, are involved. Thus we regard trivalent ferric salts as more highly oxidised than divalent ferrous salts, even though they may contain no oxygen at all, as is the case with the chlorides. The conversion of ferrous chloride to ferric chloride is an oxidation : — FeCl^ + CI ^=^ FeClg. Now these reactions, like all chemical reactions, involve the transfer of electrons from one atom to another. When liydrogen is oxidised to water the sino^le electron whicli OXIDATIOX-REDUCTION TOTENTIALS 21 each atom carried is handed over to the oxygen atom to help it complete its stable octet of electrons. Thus the oxidation of hydrogen means the loss of electrons to oxygen. It will be seen that oxidation of ferrous to ferric chloride also involves loss of an electron from the iron to a chlorine atom. The same thing applies to all oxidations : in every case the oxidised atom loses one or more electrons to some other atom or atoms. It has become evident that every oxidation (or loss of electrons) must necessarily be associated with a gain of those electrons by the other partner in the reactions, that is, every oxidation is accompanied by an equivalent reduction (which is a gain in electrons), and conversely every reduction must have its counterpart in a simultaneous oxidation. The one reaction cannot occur without the other. This transfer of electrons, which is the inevitable accompaniment of all oxidation - reduction reactions, affords a means whereby the process may be measured by electrical means, since a transfer of the charged electron alters the electrical state of the parts of the system or, in other words, sets up a potential difference between the reactants. The magnitude of this potential difference depends on the ease with which the electrons are lost or gained, the greater the tendency for a movement of electrons (that is, the greater oxidising or reducing power of a substance) the greater will be the potential on one or other side of zero. The more highly oxidised a substance is (that is, the more ready it is to take up electrons) the more positive will be its potential, and the more highly reduced a substance is (that is, the more ready it is to part with electrons) the more negative will be the potential. Here, too, as in all other reversible reactions, the Law of Mass Action applies, and in general for the reaction : — Reductant ;==^ Oxidant + ne (where " e " represents an electron and " n " the number of 22 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY them concerned in the particular reaction) the equilibrium will be expressed by : — [Oxidant] x [e]'^ _ , r -in _ [Reductant] x h [Reductant] ~ ''' ^^' ^^^ ~ [Oxidant] * ' ^ ' Obviously the direction in which the reaction will proceed is influenced by the free electrons ; if their number is increased the system will tend to produce more of the reductant ; if they become fewer more oxidant will be formed. Hence if we know the electronic state of the system, we have a measure of its reducing or oxidising power. The electronic state manifests itself in the electrode potentials set up when non-reacting electrodes are introduced into the system, and these potentials can be measured by comparison with standard half- cells. The electrode potentials depend on the transfer of electrons from the solution, in which they are present in concentra- tion [e] , to the electrode which can be regarded as having a constant concentration of [em]. Now the work W required to move an electron from concentration [e] to the metal electrode at concentration [cm] is equal to that required to transfer a charge of 1 f araday ( F) through the potential difference E concerned. That is, W = EF = RT log ^ . . . . (5) where " log " indicates logarithms to the natural base, R is the gas constant, and T the absolute temperature. Rewriting the equation we get ^^ = ^ log [e.J - ^ log [e] ... (6) But since [cmj is a constant this expression becomes liT E ^K-^'-f log [.] .... (7) OXIDATION-REDUCTION POTENTIALS 23 and substituting the value of [e] from equation (4) above we get ^ ^^ Rl\ , RT , [Reductant] ^ = ^-^ ^"S ^-^ ^"^ [Oxidant] „ , RT , [Reductant] , ^ = ^^-^ l^g [Oxidant] . . • • i8) where A^i is another constant, smce K ^ log /c is a constant for any given temperature and reaction. The electrode potential E can only be measured if it forms one element of a cell of which the other is a standard electrode, the hydrogen electrode being used as such in these cases. The potential referred to the hydrogen electrode as standard is denoted by Eh, and is given by Eh =E—lc2 where k^ is the potential of the standard hydrogen electrode. „ ^ , RT , [Reductant] , Hence Eh = A', =- log ^^ ., — — k^, ^ nF ^ [Oxidant] '^ ^ RT . [Reductant] ,^. ^^ = ^--n-^^^g [Oxidant] ' ' ' ^^) where Eq= ki—k2, which is a constant for the system. It follows from a consideration of this equation that the observed oxidation-reduction potential, Eh, depends on Eo, which is a constant for the particular system under consideration, and on the ratio of the concentrations of the reduced and oxidised constituents of the system. The more reduced substance there is present the lower will be the Eh value, and the greater the proportion of oxidised substance the higher will be the potential. When the concentration of the reductant equals that of the oxidant, that is, when the system is haK oxidised, . . . . , „ „ . , . [Reductant] it IS obvious that Eh = Eo, smce the ratio tq -^^ y.fi "^ ■'■ and its logarithm =0. Thus if the potentials of different 24 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY systems are compared at half complete oxidation or reduction they can be arranged in order of their oxidising or reducing intensities. A system having a certain value of Eo will oxidise (and be reduced by) all systems having a negative or less positive potential, and in its turn will reduce (or be oxidised by) all systems having a more positive or less negative potential. Alternatively, if we know the value of Eh and of Eo for any system it is possible to calculate its state of oxidation or reduction, i.e., the proportion of oxidised and reduced constituents in it. Besides the direct electrical method of measuring the electrode potential use is often made of the simpler but less accurate method of employing oxidation-reduction indicators. A number of organic dyes are capable of existence in the oxidised and reduced conditions, the two states being characterised by different colours. The obvious example is methylene blue, which in the oxidised state has a blue colour, but which in the reduced state, known as leuco -methylene blue, is colourless. A consider- able number of other dyes, mostly of the indophenol series, are known which undergo a colour change on conversion from the oxidised to the reduced form. These dyes, like other oxidation-reduction systems, have a characteristic range of Eh from the oxidised to the reduced state, the particular Eh value depending on the proportion of oxidised to reduced dye present. The colour, too, will depend on the ratio of oxidised and reduced components, so that an observation of the colour of such a dye will give information of the degree of oxidation or reduction which it has undergone, and consequently of the Eh value of the mixture. The addition of a small quantity of an appropriate dye to an oxidation-reduction system will serve as an indicator of the Eh value obtaining in the system. A range of dyes which cover Eh changes from about +0-4 volts to —0-01 volts is available, so that by using a suitable dye an estimate of the oxidising or reducing intensity of a system can be made very readily. OXIDATION-REDUCTION POTENTIALS 25 It must be remembered that many organic oxidation- reduction systems, particularly the indicator dye systems, involve weak bases or acids, and accordingly their behaviour and the potentials to which they give rise will depend on the pK of the solutions in which they are active. As a result, it is necessary to maintain the pK value of the solutions constant by the use of buffers and to record the ^^H value at the time of the measurement in order that the values of Eh may be of significance. Another important fact which must be borne in mind when considering oxidation-reduction potentials is that Eh is purely a measure of intensity of effect and not of capacity. It gives information as to whether a given substance will oxidise or reduce another substance but not as to how much of the second compound can be oxidised or reduced. In this respect it is analogous to pH, which describes the intensity of acidity or alkalinity but gives no indication of how much alkali or acid may be required to alter the pH by a given amount. Or, again. Eh is analogous to temperature, which indicates the intensity of heat or cold but gives no clue as to how much heat must be added to or subtracted from a given body in order to alter its temperature to some other value. We know that a body with a high temperature v/ill lose heat to one of lower temperature or vice versa, but from a knowledge of the temperatures alone we cannot predict what the final temperature of the pair will be. The application of oxidation-reduction potentials will be considered in their appropriate places in connection with bacterial respiration and metabolism. For further information : — W. M. Clark, " The Determination of Hydrogen Ions," Third Edition- London, 1928. W. M. Clark, " Recent Studies on Reversible Oxidation - Reduction in Organic Systems." OJmn. Rev., 2 (1925-26), 127. L. F. Hewitt, " Oxidation-Reduction Potentials in Bacteriology and Biochemistry," Third Edition, L.C.C, London, 1935, CHAPTER III COLLOIDS AND ADSORPTION AS in all biological happenings, the behaviour of colloids and the phenomena of adsorption play a dominant role in the chemistry of micro-organisms. Not only is this true in the actual life processes occurring within the cell and in the action of enzymes isolated from various bacteria, for instance, and bringing about reactions outside the cell, but the colloidal nature of the substances taking part in all the numerous reactions grouped under the heading immunochemistry is obvious. It suffices to mention that all antigens are colloidal and that the antibodies which they provoke are, if not them- selves serum proteins, always carried in the serum and associated with proteins which are colloids. For this reason the properties of colloidal solutions, and particu- larly those of lyophilic colloids, to which class the proteins and complex carbohydrates belong, are of the greatest importance. Colloid systems are composed of at least two phases : the disperse phase, consisting of very small particles ranging in size from 10 to 200 m/x (jLt=one micron=one- thousandth of a millimetre and m/x or milli-micron, sometimes erroneously written /x^t, equals one-thousandth of fjL or one-millionth of a millimetre), which are dis- tributed through the dispersion medium or continuous phase. If both continuous and disperse phases are liquids the system is an emulsion ; if a solid is dispersed through- out a liquid the resulting system is known as a suspension. These are the important systems from our point of view, 26 COLLOIDS AND ADSORPTION 27 though others, gas in liquid (foams), liquid in gas (fogs), solid in gas (smokes) and solid in solid are equally import- ant in other fields of work. The particles which constitute the disperse phase may be collections of large numbers of atoms or molecules, as is the case with gold sols and cadmium sulphide sols, or they may consist of single very large molecules or of a comparatively few molecules, which is usually the case with the proteins and poly- saccharides (of molecular w^eight of the order of 15,000 to 100,000 or higher) w^hose molecules' are so large that they fall within the colloidal range of sizes . If the particles of the disperse phase are much larger than 200 m/x they tend to settle out comparatively rapidly under the influence of gravity, whilst if they are much smaller than 10 m/x they cease to behave as colloids and show the properties of crystalloid solutions. In a stable colloid system the minute particles are prevented from cohering and coagulating by two pro- cesses. In the first place they are constantly bombarded by the molecules of the continuous phase which keeps them in the ceaseless zig-zag motion loiown as Brownian movement, and secondly the particles, as a rule, carry an electric charge which may be positive or negative according to the system. Since all the particles in any one system carry a like charge they tend to repel one another, and so remain uniformly distributed throughout the continuous phase. The charge carried by the particles may be due to the adsorption of ions from the solution, or it may be due to ionisation of the particles themselves or to a combination of both factors. Colloids can be divided into two large classes, the lyophobic (solvent -hating) sols and the lyophiUc (solvent - loving) sols. The first group contains those systems in which the disperse phase has little if any attraction for the continuous phase. To this group belong most inorganic sols, like gold and the sulphides, and also emulsions of oil in water. They show no tendency 28 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY to gelatinise. The lyophilic colloids comprise systems in which the disperse phase has a considerable attraction for the continuous phase. The outstanding examples of this class are the pix)tein and polysaccharide colloids, which are characterised by a tendency to gelatinise or form gels under appropriate conditions. The lyophobic systems are much less stable than the lyophilic systems ; in other words, lyophobic sols depend almost entirely on their surface charge for stability. This surface charge can be measured by observation of the direction and speed of migration of the particles when submitted to a known potential gradient. It has been found for most lyophobe systems that if the charge or the surface potential of the particles is greater than about ±15 millivolts the sol is stable. If the charge is reduced by any means below this critical value the particles tend to aggregate into larger and larger masses until finally they settle out completely. One of the easiest ways of altering the surface charge on the particles is to add an electrolyte to the sol. The electrolyte will dissociate into positively and negatively charged ions ; a negatively charged sol like gold or collodion will adsorb the positively charged metallic ions with a progressive neutralisation of the charge on the sol particles . If sufficient electroljrte is added to reduce the surface charge below the critical value the sol will coagulate. Since the ions of monovalent metals, like sodium, carry a less charge than those of divalent metals, like calcium, and these less than the ions of trivalent metals, such as lanthanum, it is necessary to add more of a sodium salt than of a calcium salt and more of a calcium salt than of a lanthanum salt to have the same coagulating effect on a given sol. For example, a certain collodion sol was found to be equally effectively coagulated by N/2-NaCl, by N/lG-CaCla and by N/680- LaClg. In the case of positively charged sols, like ferric hydroxide, it is the negatively charged anion which is adsorbed on to the sol particles and is important in COLLOIDS AND ADSORPTION 29 bringing about coagulation by the same mechanism of lowering the surface charge below the critical value. Again the same valency rule applies, the higher the valency of the ion the greater is its effect, except in the cases of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions which for some reason are much more effective than other ions. Similar coagulation can be brought about by adding a positively charged colloid to a negatively charged one. When the positively charged colloid is present in sufficient quantity to lower the surface charge on the particles of CONCENTRATION OF ADDED ELECTROLYTE >- Fig. 4 the other below the critical value coagulation occurs. If addition of the positively charged colloid is continued a time will come when the charge on the particles becomes greater than the critical value on the positive side, and the system will no longer coagulate but will remain dispersed ; that is coagTilation will only occur within a zone of concentration of the added colloid, the limits of the zone being between the concentrations of added colloid necessary to keep the surface charge between the positive and negative critical values (see Fig. 4). The 30 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY same effect is also shown when electrolytes are added to colloids, the coagulation only taking place within a zone of concentration, the critical value being overshot by addition of an excess of the electrolyte with conse- quent adsorption of the oppositely charged ion. Lyophilic colloids are much less sensitive to the action of electrolytes than are lyophobic sols. This is due to the fact that the particles of a lyophilic colloid have a strong attraction for the continuous phase, usually water in systems of bacteriological interest, in which they are suspended. As a result of this attraction the particles of the colloid become covered by a layer of water which acts as a buffer between them and hinders their collision and consequent aggregation even when the surface charge is well below the critical value for a lyophobe system. In other words, lyojDhilic colloids have a lower critical surface potential than the lyophobes. It varies from ±2 to ±8 millivolts, according to the particular colloid concerned. Accordingly, considerably more electrolyte (or oppositely charged colloid) is needed to alter the charge on a lyophilic sol sufficiently to cause coagulation. Polar Groups. — The lyophilic character of proteins and polysaccharides and similar substances is due to the presence of polar groups. As is well laiown, the com- bination of atoms to form molecules is brought about through the agency of the valency electrons. In the case of such ionisable compounds as sodium chloride the bond is effected by the complete transfer of an electron from the sodium atom, which has one more electron than its stable octet, to the chlorine atom, which has one electron less than its stable octet, whereby both atoms attain the stable octet structure. But in the process the sodium atom acquires a positive charge by the loss of the negative electron, whilst the chlorine atom becomes negatively charged by the gain of the COLLOIDS AND ADSORPTION 31 same electron, and the two ionised atoms are held together in sodium chloride by their opposite charges. In the case of non-ionised compounds, such as the majority of organic compounds, the bond is formed by the sharing of a pair of electrons between the atoms, one electron of each pair being supplied by each atom to give a co- valent bond : — H •C- + 4 -H > H:C:H. By this sharing of electrons the carbon atom acquires, in effect, the stable octet structure and the hydrogen atoms have two electrons each, as in the inert gas, helium. A double bond is formed by the sharing of two pairs of electrons and a triple bond by the sharing of three pairs. Since there is no actual transfer of electrons, the molecules are neutral and uncharged ; but one of the atoms may have a stronger pull on the electron pair than its neighbour, and accordingly the electrons will be displaced to some extent from the equilibrium position so that the atom to which they are more strongly attracted will have a relatively greater negative charge than the atom from which they tend to be pulled away. As a result, a group of atoms in w^hich this occurs wdll act as if it were a minute magnet with two poles, e.g. + 0: Such groups are known as polar groups. The most commonly occurring of such polar groups are those which involve oxygen, especially doubly linked oxygen, nitrogen or halogens. The polar strength of the groups varies considerably from group to group, but is approximately constant for any one group. As examples of such groups, in order of their strength, may be mentioned 32 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Amide — cf 13,200 \NH2 Peptide Carboxyl YQH — C^— OH \H 10,600 9,000 Alcohol 7.250 Aldehyde \H 4,700 Ketone \H 4,300 Amine 3,500 -Y" \H Methyl 1,800 The nitro group, — NO2, is also polar, and is of approxi- mately the same strength as the hydroxyl group as it occurs in alcohols. The numerical values given, which indicate the comparative strength of the groups, represent the energy (in calories per gram molecule) required to separate the molecules from one another and are calculated from the heat of evaporation of compounds containing them. The more strongly polar the group the greater is the attraction between molecules con- taining the group, and in consequence the greater the energy required to separate the molecules from one another on conversion from the liquid to the vapour state. COLLOIDS AND ADSORPTION 33 Water is a polar molecule, the oxygen atom being negatively and the hydrogen atoms positively charged. When a compound containing a polar group, such as a carboxyl group, is introduced into it, the polar group of the water will be attracted to that of the compound and water will associate itself with the compound : — oJ / % carboxyl + H 0- -0 H + I + H water If the polar group of the compound is strong compared with the rest of the molecule (the non-polar part) the substance will be soluble in water, as is acetic acid ; but if the non-polar " tail " is long the polar " heads " will be attracted to and held in the water, leaving the tail projecting out from the surface and making a film arranged in an orderly manner on the surface of the water. If a compound has only very weak polar groups, or no polar groups at all, as is the case with the paraffins, it will be insoluble in water, and its molecules will lie higgledy-piggledy on the surface without forming an orderly film . The proteins which make up bacterial protoplasm, or which form the colloidal carriers of enzymes, or which occur in serum and take part in the various immunological reactions, possess considerable numbers of strong polar groups, principally the peptide linkages, — CO.NH — , the carboxyl group, — COOH, and the amino groups, — NHg. In virtue of these strong polar groups they have a strong affinity for water, and when they are in solution they are surrounded by films of adsorbed water, which lowers their critical surface potential and so renders them much more stable and less liable to be coagulated than the lyophobic colloids. The polysaccharides are 34 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY lyopliilic because they contain a high proportion of polar hydroxyl groups, — OH, and oxygen links, — 0 — . Adsorption. — It is the attractive forces between these polar groups in neighbouring molecules which are largely responsible for holding groups of molecules together, as, for example, in protein or cellulose fibres. They also account in very large measure for adsorption phenomena, and particularly for specific adsorption. Large molecules, like those of proteins, will have definite distribution " patterns " of polar groups according to the amino - acids of which they are built up, and depending on the order in which the amino -acids are arranged in the molecule. Other molecules which may have a distribution of polar groups giving a " pattern " corresponding to that on the protein molecule will be adsorbed ; if the polar patterns do not correspond there will be less and less adsorption or weaker and weaker adsorption as the pat- terns differ more and more from one another. This offers a physical explanation for the well-known " lock and key " simile which Emil Fischer suggested to explain enzyme specificity and which Ehrlich used of antibody specificity. Now if the polar groups on a protein are in close proximity to those on the second adsorbed molecule, which may be represented diagrammatically thus : — + ^ + + ^) the charges due to the polar groups will neutralise one another, to a certain extent at least, if not completely, and the complex of the two molecules will no longer be polar in effect, and as a result will no longer have such an attraction for water molecules. If enough of the polar groups are masked in this way the system will more and more lose its lyophilic character and more and more come to resemble a lyophobic colloid. In this state it will be readily aggregated by metallic ions. If the protein is an antibody and the adsorbed molecule an antigen we get a picture of the sort of thing COLLOIDS AND ADSORPTION 35 that happens in serological reactions such as agglutination or precipitation. The strength of these polar forces falls off rapidly with the distance from the polar groups, so that they are effectively exerted only if the groups come into close proximity. Unless the distribution of the groups in different molecules corresponds closely, then, there will be little tendency to adsorption. The application of this idea to account for the sharp specificity of man}^ enzyme reactions and of the serological reactions will become obvious when these subjects are developed (Chapters IV and XXIII). For further reading : — N. K. Adam, "The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces." 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press. London, 1941. E. r. Burton, " The Physical Properties of Colloidal Solutions." Mono- graphs on Physics. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1916. H. Freundlich, " Colloid and Capillary Chemistry." Methuen & Co. London, 1926. E. Hatschek, " An Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Colloids." Churchill. London, 1916. CHAPTER IV ENZYMES IT is becoming more and more recognised that enzymes play a predominant part in the life processes of all organisms, large and small. The results of innumerable investigations all go to show that enzymes are concerned in and control the metabolic and respiratory reactions of all living things . The supply of foodstuffs in appropriate form, the supply of energy required for their utilisation, and the synthesis of simple units into the complex com- pounds characteristic of living entities all fall within the province of enzyme action. It is to the action of enzymes that living cells and tissues owe their ability to perform at low temperatures and with the mildest of reagents a vast number of complicated reactions which so far are beyond the powers of the organic chemist with all the resources of the modern laboratory at his disposal. In this chapter we shall consider some of the general properties of enzymes before studying the particular effects of certain of them when we come to deal with the respiratory and metabolic activities which they initiate and maintain. Such fermentations as the production of alcohol from sugar solution, the production of vinegar from alcohol and the formation of lactic acid from lactose in the sour- ing of milk, and such putrefactive processes as the break- down of plant and animal materials are among the oldest reactions recognised and used by mankind. A long and 36 ENZYMES 37 bitter controversy raged during the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries as to whether or not such fer- mentations were due to living entities. Berzelius in 1837 put forward the suggestion that the processes were due to catalysts, whilst Liebig considered that putrefaction and similar processes were due to vibrations set up by the disintegration of living cells. It fell to Pasteur, about 1870-75, to show that all these processes were associated with the vital processes of minute living organisms, yeasts, bacteria and fungi, and that if the life of the micro-organism was destroyed (by heating, for instance) then the fermentations were brought to a standstill. Pasteur described the responsible micro-organisms as " organised ferments." Parallel with this controversy various digestion and breakdown reactions by plant and animal juices and extracts were being described. Substances were isolated from such extracts which could bring about the same reactions in the test-tube. For instance, Plane he in 1810 had observed that solutions of guaiacum were turned blue by extracts of certain roots (this is perhaps the first recorded isolation of an enzyme) ; amygdalin had been shown to be hydrolysed by an extract of bitter almonds from which Liebig and Wohler prepared the enzyme emulsin ; Payen and Persoz showed in 1832 that starch was hydrolysed by the enzjrme diastase, which they obtained by precipitation of barley malt extracts with alcohol ; the protein degrading preparations pepsin and trypsin had been obtained from the gastric juice and from the pancreatic juice respectively. The behaviour of these and other substances like them was recognised as being similar in many respects (such as ready destruc- tion by heat) to the action of the " organised ferments," and they came to be known as " soluble " or " unorganised ferments." Then followed a long discussion as to whether there was any essential difference between the organised 38 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY and the unorganised ferments. The discussion was virtually brought to an end when, in 1897, Buchner ground up yeast with sand, submitted the mixture to high pres- sure, and obtained a non-living cell-free juice which was capable of converting glucose into alcohol and carbon dioxide in just the same way as the living yeast with which he started. It is as a result of this investigation that the term enzyme (Greek: en=m; zyme=yeBBt) has come into being as the general term for all such substances. Since that time many other similar active preparations have been obtained from diverse biological systems, usually by the maceration of the organism or tissue in water and precipitation of the enzyme as an amorphous powder by addition of alcohol or acetone. As a result of this and later work it has become an accepted fact that although enzymes are only produced by the living cell, once they have been so produced the cell is no longer necessary for their action, which can occur quite independently of the life of the cell that brought them into being. Both Pasteur, who maintained that fermentation only occurred if a living organism was concerned, and Liebig, who argued that fermentation could occur in the absence of life, were correct up to a point, but neither went far enough to complete the story. Life is necessary to bring about the formation of the enzyme, but the enzyme may remain active after the death of its parent cell and still cause fermen- tation. Enzymes as Catalysts. — Enzymes can be regarded as biochemical, organic catalysts which are produced by living organisms. All living cells contain enzymes of one sort or another, often a large variety of them. A catalyst is a substance which changes the rate of a chemical reaction, usually, although not always, accelerating it ; in some cases a catalyst may act by removing some inhibiting factor, thus enabling a reaction to proceed ENZYMES 39 which otherwise would not do so. The catalyst will, as a rule, influence a reaction between amounts of reagents many thousand times its own weight, and it can generally be recovered unchanged in quantity and constitution at the end of the reaction. Enzymes are not only catalytic in their action but are often much more active than inorganic catalysts which bring about the same reaction. The enzyme lactase, for example, hydrolyses the disaccharide, lactose, to glucose and galactose many hundreds of times more rapidly than does twice normal hydrochloric acid where the hydrogen ions act as the catalyst. Inorganic catalysts, such as acid in the instance just described or in the hydro - l^^sis of esters, CHgCCOC^Hs + H2O ^==^ CH3COOH + C0H5OH, do not alter the equilibrium point of the reactions which they catalyse but only shorten the time required to attain the equilibrium condition. That is, the catalyst accelerates both directions of a reversible reaction to an equal extent. Likewise the amount of catalyst has no influence on the final equilibrium quantities of the reagents, but the velocity with which the equilibrium state is reached is proportional to the amount of catalyst. Under strictly controlled conditions this is also generally true of enzymes, although in certain cases enzjnnes may alter the equilibrium value as well as the velocity of a reaction. This is in all probability due to their colloidal nature and a complete irreversible adsorption of a part of the reactants, with consequent alteration of the active concentrations on which the equilibrium depends. During a reaction enzymes often become partially destroyed or lose some of their activity as a result of side reactions, with a consequent slowing down of the velocity of the reaction, although the final equilibrium reached is un- altered. 40 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Since catalysts and enzymes do not, in general, affect the equilibrium of a reversible reaction they should be able to bring about the formation of, say, an ester from the constituent acid and alcohol as well as influence the hydrolysis of the ester. This is found in practice to be the case. For instance, lipase hydrolyses esters, such as ethyl butyrate, with production of the alcohol and the acid, but if it is allowed to react with a mixture of ethyl alcohol and butyric acid it will catalyse the production of the ester. Similarly the disaccharides maltose and cellobiose have been obtained by the action of maltase and emulsin respectively on glucose solutions ; but the yields of disaccharide are very low, as the equi- librium state is far over on the side of hydrolysis. Poly- peptides have also been built up by the action of pepsin on mixtures of peptides. The Chemical Nature of Enzymes. — The chemical nature of most enzymes is still a mystery. They are all regarded as proteins, or as being protein like, although for a time there was doubt about some of them, such as invertase, peroxidase and lipase, which were very highly purified by Willstatter and his colleagues and then failed to exhibit the biuret, Millon and ninhydrin reactions typical of proteins, although possessing 500 to 20,000 times the activity of the original crude preparations. This failure is very probably due to the fact that the enzyme solutions contained so little of the very highly active enzyme that positive chemical reactions could not be elicited. It may be noted that, generally, these highly purified enzymes are considerably less stable than cruder preparations, in which the impurities seem to have a protective effect. All the crystalline enzymes which have been prepared, listed in Table 2, are either protein in character or contain a protein fraction combined with a prosthetic group. ENZYMES Table 2 41 Enzyme Crystallised By Urease Smnner Pepsin Northrop Trypsin Kmiitz and Northrop Chyniotrypsin Kimitz and Northrop Carboxypeptidase Anson Ficin Watti Papain Balls, Lineweaver and Thompson Ribonuelease Kunitz Acetaldehyde reductase Negelein and Wulff Catalase Sumner and Dounce Amylase Caldwell. Booker and Sherman Lysozj-me Abraham and Robinson " Yellow Enzyme " Warburg; and Theorell Peroxidase Theorell It has been held by many workers that certain metals, notably iron and copper, are essential constituents of enzymes ; some enzymes, such as catalase, peroxidase, tyrosinase and ascorbic dehydrogenase, certainly contain these metals, but very active ^^reparations of others have been obtained which are quite free from them. Catalase can be split, by treatment with dilute acid, to give two inactive fragments, a colloidal protein carrier and the prosthetic group on which the activity of the intact enzyme depends. The prosthetic group is identical with the hsem of haemoglobin, since if it is coupled with globin from the animal from which the enzyme was derived it yields the haemoglobin characteristic of that species. Tyrosinase and ascorbic dehydrogenase contain copper in the form of haemocyanin, analogous to the iron porphyrin compound haemoglobin. The flavo -protein enzymes such as Warburg's " yellow respiratory enzyme," which occurs in bottom yeast and in Lactobacillus delhruchii for instance, (/-amino-oxidase, occurring in liver or kidney, and diaphorase present in 42 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY animal tissues and micro-organisms, can also be split by dilute acid to give a specific protein carrier and either riboflavin-5-phosphoric acid from Warburg's enzyme /OH CH, o.p4o \0H HOCH HOCH I HOCH I CH^ N N CH. CH. CO N CO or f la vine adenine dinucleotide, OH OH CRoo P-0- P -0-CH2(CHOH)3-CH2-N- HOCH O HOCH HOCH CH, 0 CH N CH CH I NH,.C N N CH3/\/\^\ CO NH N CO from the others as prosthetic groups, sliould l)e remembered, is vitamin Bg factor for many organisms (see p. 111), enzyme can be reconstituted by allowing synthetic Riboflavin, it and a growth The " yellow " ENZYMES 43 riboflavin-5-phosplioric acid (or lactoflaviii-5-pliosphoric acid as it was originally called because of its isolation from milk) to react in neutral solution with the carrier. The enzyme carboxylase, occurring in yeast, and causing the breakdown of pyruvic acid in alcoholic fermentation (see p. 277) appears to be a complex of aneurin diphosphate, magnesium and a protein carrier. Aneurin diphosphate, N==C.XHo CI I ' /^^ /^^ I I ■* I /(J = C-CH2.CPI2.O-P-O-P-OH CH3.0 c — CH2 — n; I ii II II II \CH-S 0 0 2^ CH also occurs as the prosthetic group in pyruvic oxidases occurring in Lactobacillus delhrilckii. Streptococcus hae7nolyticus and gonococci and possibly in the acetic acid bacteria. So far prosthetic groups have only been detected in the endo -enzymes concerned in respiration and not in the hydrolytic enzymes. The mechanism by which these enzymes bring about their specific activities will be discussed in connection with bacterial respiration in Chapter XII. To sum up, we may say that although we loiow a little about the chemical nature of a very few of the multi- tudinous enz^Tues, of the vast majority we laiow nothing beyond the effects they have and the conditions under which those effects are brought about. Physical Properties of Enzymes. — Enzymes, in general, are soluble in water and in dilute alcohol, but are pre- cipitated from solution by ammonium sulphate or by high concentrations of alcohol or of acetone. Chemically and physically they are very unstable substances, one or two being so sensitive that even mechanical shaking is sufficient to destroy their activity. 44 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY All enzymes appear to be colloidal when in solution in so far as they are unable to diffuse through semi- permeable membranes, and in showing the T3mdall effect when a beam of light is passed through such a solution. Like the proteins, which in fact many enzymes may be, most of them are amphoteric in nature, that is, they may behave either as weak acids or weak bases depending on the acidity or alkalinity of the medium in which they are dissolved. As a result of their colloidal and amphoteric character enzymes are usually active adsorbing agents, and also display their maximum activity at an optimum 2?H value. Separation of Enzymes. — The majority of enzymes do not diffuse out of intact cells into the surrounding fluid but are held within the cell structure probably by adsorption to various cell constituents. Hence, in order that they may be isolated, the cell system has to be broken down by mild means in order not to destroy the enzyme at the same time. This may be effected by a mechanical process, such as grinding with sand, as did Buchner when he obtained zjanase from yeast cells, or by such chemical action as the use of weak alkali or acid ; or the cells may be disintegrated by using solvents like ether, chloroform, toluene, or acetone, but these also remove fatty con- stituents. The treated cells may then be extracted with water, salt solutions, dilute acids or alkalies, dilute alcohol, glycerol, or some similar agent, depending on circum- stances. Having obtained a crude enzyme solution in this way, it may be purified in a variety of ways, the appropriate method depending on the particular enzjnne in question. Thus salts, acids and alkalies may be removed by dialysis. The enzjrme may be precipitated from solution, usually along with considerable quantities of inactive protein, b}^ alcohol, acetone, ammonium sulphate, or other protein precipitants . A method which has been particularly valuable in the separation and purification of enzymes, especially in the hands of Willstiitter and his ENZYMES 45 school, is that of selective adsorption. It has been found that enzymes, in virtue of their colloidal and amphoteric nature, are readily adsorbed by such materials as kaolin, kieselguhr, charcoal and alumina. By carrying out these adsorptions, using appropriate adsorbants and appropriate conditions of acidity or alkalinity, it has been found possible to adsorb one enzyme and leave others in solution, and then, by altering the pH. value of the solu- tion in which the adsorbed complex is suspended, to wash out or " elute " the enzyme again and so obtain it free from other enzymes or inactive accompanying sub- stances. Kaolin is negatively charged and will adsorb positively charged basic substances, whilst alumina is positively charged and adsorbs negatively charged acidic substances. It is obvious that by altering the 2^H of the solution the charge on the adsorbant, the enzjrme, and the complex of the two can be altered and the adsorp- tion or elution of the enzyme controlled. Thus the enzyme peroxidase, which has basic properties, is adsorbed on kaolin from dilute acid solution, and can then be eluted from the adsorbate (the complex of adsorbant and enzyme) by dilute ammonia. Invertase which, together with maltase, is adsorbed on alumina from acid solution can be selectively eluted by a solution of acid phosphate which does not remove the maltase. Or invertase can be adsorbed on kaolin in acid solution and eluted with dilute sodium hydroxide solution. The methods adopted for the crystallisation of enzymes usually involve the use of fairly concentrated enzyme in an appropriately buffered solution of a salt at fairly low temperatures. For example, pepsin crystallises when an alkaline solution is brought to 2^H 3 with sulphuric acid. Pepsinogen can be crystallised, after preliminary purification, from 0-4 saturated ammonium sulphate solution at ^^H 6-5. After fractionation of a pancreatic extract by ammonium sulphate, chymotrjrpsinogen can be obtained as long needles by crystallisation at pK 5 46 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY from 0-25 saturated ammonium sulphate ; chymotrypsin crystallises from 0-01 N sulphuric acid, whilst trypsin crystallises from solution in 0-5 saturated magnesium sulphate solution in borate buffer at ^jH 9. The course of purification procedures can only be followed by measurement of the activity of samples of the enzyme at various stages, since no chemical methods of estimating the enzyme as such are available. The enzyme activity is expressed in terms of enzyme units, which define the amount of change which the enzyme can bring about under standardised conditions of con- centration of substance acted on, ^^H, temperature, con- centration of activators, salt concentration and amount of change. As an example may be quoted Willstatter's invertase unit, which is the amount of enzyme which will reduce the rotation (after addition of alkali to bring about mutarotation of a-glucose) of 4-0 g. of sucrose in 25 ml. of a 1 per cent, solution of NaH2P04 at 15-5° C. to 0° in one minute. The activity of an enzyme prepara- tion is usually quoted as the number of units per gram of dry weight. It is clear that the unit and the necessary set of conditions will differ for each enzyme, but must be rigidly adhered to for any one enzyme. The Effect of Conditions on Enzyme Action. — (a) Concentration of Enzyme. — In general the rate of reaction is proportional to the enzyme concentration as long as other conditions such as piL are maintained constant by the use of buffer solutions. In cases where deviations from this rule have been observed they have usually been traced to the gradual destruction of the enzyme, or the production of inhibitors or other substances which com- bine irreversibly with the enzyme and so alter its effective concentration. It is to be emphasized that the equilibrium condition of the reaction is not altered by the presence or by the amount of the enzyme unless the products of the reaction are involved in side reactions resulting in a ENZYMES 47 change in their effective concentration. It is only the velocity of the reaction which is altered. (b) Substrate Concentration. — The term " substrate " is applied to the substance on which the enzyme exercises its cataljrtic properties . Invertase catalyses the conversion of the substrate sucrose into glucose and fructose. Hydrogen peroxide is the substrate which under the action of the enzyme catalase brealis down into water and oxygen. With low concentrations of substrate the reaction velocity is in many cases proportional to the substrate concentration for a given concentration of enzyme, but at higher concentrations the rate of reaction rises less rapidly than the concentration. This is very probably due to the saturation of the enzyme surface by adsorption of the substrate to form the hypothetical intermediate compounds which have been postulated in most theories of enzyme action. In some cases, too, the enzyme adsorbs a part of the products of the reaction with a consequent slowing of the rate of reaction. It seems to be a general rule that the oxidising and reducing enzymes are saturated by the substrates at considerably lower concentrations than are the hydro lytic enzymes. (c) Heat. — Rise of temperature at first increases the rate of reaction of enzjrmes in the ordinary way common to all chemical reactions ; but at comparatively low temperatures an optimum is reached, and then the activity faUs off with further increase of temperature until at about 70° C. the action of most enzymes is stopped, whilst 100° C. is sufficient to inhibit all known enzyme action. It is seen that the effect of temperature is a result of the competition between the acceleration of chemical reactions by rise of temperature and the gradual destruc- tion of the enzyme at higher temperatures . The optimum temperature varies with the particular enzyme concerned, but the majority of enzymes have temperature optima falling between 35° and 45° C. Freezing has no permanent 48 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY effect on most enzymes, their activity being merely temporarily inhibited or greatly reduced at low tempera- tures with recovery to the normal rate on warming up again. {d) pH. — The acid or alkaline reaction of the medium in which an enzyme operates has a profound effect on its activity. There is an optimum pK value for each enzjrme, and any considerable departure from that value results in inactivation of the enzyme. Thus pepsin, the proteolytic enzyme of the stomach, is only active in acid solution with an optimum at ^H 1-4, whilst the pancreatic enzyme, trypsin, will only hydrolyse proteins in alkaline solution with an optimum between pK 8-2 and 8-7. The salivary amylase hydrolyses starch in slightly acid conditions, its optimum being at ^^H 6-7 ; it is completely inhibited by the acid conditions of the stomach in which pepsin is most active. The variation of the activity of proteolytic enzymes with change in ^H value in many cases appears to run parallel with the calculated dissociation curve of the protein substrate if it is assumed, for instance, that pepsin reacts with the acid cation, and that trypsin reacts with the basic anion of the protein. Papain, with an optimum at ^H 7-0, appears to attack the undissociated protein molecule. It is for this reason that the pH for optimum activity of an enzyme varies somewhat from substrate to substrate, the optimum corresponding with the 2^11 required for maximum ionisation in the right direction. In these cases the active part of the enzyme appears to be the un-ionised part. (e) Activators. — Often an inorganic or organic activator is necessary before an enzyme can bring about its normal effect. Thus papain, a proteolytic enzyme found in melon seeds, must be activated by hydrocyanic acid or hydrogen sulphide before it will attack peptones, although more complex proteins are hydrolysed by it in the absence of the activator. The animal amylase, ptyalin of saliva, will only hydrolyse starch when chlorine ions are present ; ENZYMES 49 if all the mineral constituents of the enzyme preparation and of the starch are removed by dialysis no hydrolysis will occur when the solutions are mixed, but immediately a certain amount of sodium chloride is added to the mixture breakdo^\Ti of the starch commences. Many oxidation enzymes, or oxidases, require manganese ions as activator. Trypsin, as it is obtained from the pancreas, will only hydrolyse the partially degraded proteins, protamines and peptones ; in order that it may attack the complex parent proteins it must be activated by another enzyme, entero kinase, which is to be found in the intestinal juice . Enterokinase probably owes its activating effect to the conversion of the pro-enzjmie, tripsinogen, into trypsin. A number of activators, for example, the heat stable co -enzyme in yeast juice (about which we shall say more when we deal with alcoholic fermentation) function by forming an essential link in a chain of re- actions (see p. 267). (/) Inhibition. — Many heavy metals have the power of inhibiting enzyme activity. Thus mercury salts " paralyse " the hydrolysis of sucrose by invertase, and barium salts inhibit the breakdown of urea by urease. This action is probably the result of the adsorption of the metal on to the enzyme with a consequent blocldng of the adsorption of the substrate. Removal of the metal by dialysis, for instance, or by appropriate chemical means restores the activity of the enzyme, no permanent harm having been done to it. Anaesthetics like chloro- form and urethane inhibit dehydrogenase activity, whilst cyanides, carbon monoxide and sulphides inhibit oxidases, a fact which has had an important bearing in the sorting out of respiratory mechanisms. Certain organic bases, such as amines, will inhibit the action of invertase, but their effect can be annulled by the action of aldehydes . It is possible that a closer study of the inhibiting action of compounds or chemical groups on different types of enz^Tnes may throw considerable light on the 50 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY nature of the groups in enzymes Avliich are responsible for their activity. Some substances of known or unloiown constitution may act as specific inhibitors of certain enzymes, and such substances have been called anti -enzymes. Thus normal serum contains an anti-trypsin which prevents its activity ; this anti-trypsin is possibly a polypeptide which combines with trjrpsin to the exclusion of its normal substrate. The intestinal wall contains an anti- pepsin by which pepsin is prevented from digesting the tissue proteins. Heparin, a preparation obtained from liver and used to prevent the clotting of blood, is an anti- prothrombin which hinders the clotting of blood in the veins by preventing the interaction of prothrombin and calcium ions to form thrombin. Anti-enzymes in the immunological sense are also known ; for instance, if the enzyme amylase is injected into rabbits it produces an anti-amylase Avhich specifically inhibits the action of the enzyme. If malt-amlyase is injected the anti-enzyme inhibits only malt amylase and not the salivary or pan- creatic amylases. Similar antibodies specific for urease and ribonuclease have also been prepared. An interesting example is afforded by the a-toxin of Clostridium welchii which has been shown to be essentially a lecithinase whose action is specifically inhibited by CI. welchii antitoxin. The Specificity of Enzymes. — Enzymes differ from the majority of inorganic catalysts in being highly specific in their action, and this is particularly true of the hydro - lytic enzymes. Enzymes which hydrolyse proteins will not have any effect on fats or on carbohydrates, nor will carbohyrdate splitting enzymes hydrolyse proteins or fats. The specificity goes even deeper than this ; maltase, for instance, will hydrolyse only those sugars which have the same type of linkage betAveen the glucose molecules as occurs in maltose, that is, it will only attack the a-glucose bond. Emulsin, on the other hand, will ENZYMES 51 only hydrolyse sugars like cellobiose which have p- linkages, or glucosid.es like amygdalin which also have p-glucose bonds. Invertase .attaclvs only sucrose or the trisaccharides, raffinose or gentianose, which contain the same glucose-fructose unit as sucrose. It has not the slightest effect on maltose, cellobiose or lactose. The acids (inorganic catalysts), on the other hand, attack all these sugars at approximately the same rate, and, more- over, they also catalyse other hydrolyses such as the breakdown of protein or of esters and fats with equal facility. The proteolytic enzymes besides being specific as a class also show a certain amount of " internal " specificity, although this is not so sharp. Pepsin and trypsin, for instance, are capable of hydrolysing a whole series of proteins, but the peptidases which attack poly- and lower peptides are much more specific in their action, generally speaking only hydrolysing compounds which have common structures or arrangements of amino-acids. The specificity is often sharp enough to distinguish between optical isomers, one isomer (usually the naturally occurring one) being attacked, while the other is not attacked at all or only very slowly. The lipases, or fat -splitting enzymes, while completely specific as a group, that is, capable of hydrolysing only fats and esters, show a relatively low degree of " internal " specificity. Thus any lipase will hydrolyse almost any fat or ester, but there is a certain amount of relative specificity. For example, liver lipase hydrolyses esters readily but fats only slowl}^ whilst the pancreatic lipase behaves conversely, hydrolysing fats readily and esters slowly. Enzymes which bring about other types of reaction than hydrolysis are, in general, less specific than the hydrolytic enzymes. They usually catalyse the same type of reaction, oxidation, dehydrogenation, and so on, for a whole range of substrates, which only need to have 52 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY in common the possibility of undergoing the change which the particular enzjrme effects. The Classification of Enzymes. — Since, for the most part, enzymes are not well-defined chemical entities they cannot be named as compounds in accordance with the normal chemical usage, but they are named by what they do, their specificity being made the basis of the usual classification and nomenclature. An enzyme is normally named by affixing the syllable " -ase " to the root of the name of the substrate on which it acts or to the type of reaction which it catalyses. For example, the enzyme which hydrolyses invert sugar is called invertase ; enzymes which break up esters are known as esterases, those acting on proteins are proteases, those on carbohydrates are carbohydrases. Enzymes influencing oxidation and re- duction reactions are called oxidases and reductases respectively. Some names, such as pepsin and trypsin, given to enzymes in the past and which have become generally accepted are still retained, although they do not conform to the general system. For a number of enzymes, particularly those involved in respiratory processes, the nature of the prosthetic group is known, and they are sometimes classified on this basis. Thus catalase and peroxidases are porphyrin- protein enzymes because their prosthetic groups contain iron porphyrin complexes. The pjn^idino -protein enzymes are those which involve the di- or tri-phosphopyridine nucleotides, co -enzymes I and II, attached to specific protein carriers. The flavoprotein enzymes, in which the prosthetic group is riboflavin (see p. 42) are con- cerned with the oxidation and reduction cycles of the CO -enzymes I and II. The copper-protein enzymes, such as tyrosinase and ascorbic oxidase, contain haemocy- anin. Carboxylase, which carries aneurin as its prosthetic group, is a thiamino -protein enzyme. There are two large groups of enzymes important in the chemistry of micro-organisms. The Hydrolases ENZYMES 53 comprise all those enzymes which bring about hydrolytic reactions of various sorts. They are further divided into the carbohydrases, the proteases, the lipases (attacking fats), esterases, amidases, and so on. Their main function is the breaking down of complex food materials, proteins, polysaccharides and fats, into simpler units readily utilisable by the organism for its nutrition. Generally speaking, their action involves only very small energy changes. Since their action is on more or less non- diffusible substrates they would be virtually useless if they were retained \vithin the cell, so Nature has decreed that the hydrolases as a class shall be secreted into the medium outside the cell ; they are extra-cellular or Exo -enzymes. The other large group of enzymes comprises those involved in the processes of respiration and metabolism. They are kno^Ti as Desmolases. Most of the reactions with which they are concerned involve considerable energy changes and, in fact, it is their function to supply the energy requirements of the cell. To this group belong the oxidases and reductases, zymase (the system of enzymes in yeast responsible for alcoholic fermentation), catalase and other enzymes involved in anaerobic fer- mentation. Their activity would not benefit the cell if it were carried on outside its confines, and normally such enzymes are held within the cell and are not liberated into the surrounding medium unless the cell becomes damaged. These enzymes are Endo-enzjrmes. Theories of Enzyme Action. — At present our ideas as to the mode of action of enzymes are somewhat nebulous, but depend, as is to be expected, on our conception of the mechanism of catalysis in general. Catalysts may act in two ways, either reacting chemically to give unstable intermediate compounds which then break down Avith formation of the end product and setting free the catalyst again (as is the case with the oxides of nitrogen in the manufacture of sulphuric acid), or the catalyst may act 54 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY as a carrier, increasing the active concentration of one or more of the reactants, which is probably the mechanism of the catalytic hardening of oils by hydrogenation in presence of nickel. Most theories of enzyme action involve the formation of an intermediate complex between substrate and enzyme, but the type of compound formed and its mode of formation are as numerous as the theories. Michaelis, for instance, considers that the enzyme and substrate are in homogeneous solution, and that the union between them is an ionic reaction. Bayliss, on the other hand, believed that the substrate is specifically adsorbed on to the enzyme surface and that a chemical reaction then takes place at the surface, resulting in the conversion of the substrate into the end product. Fodor and Abderhalden regard the adsorption as being non- specific, but consider that a specific decomposition of the adsorbate occurs. Willstatter suggests that the enzyme has a specifically reactive group, the prosthetic group, which is stabilised on a colloidal (usually protein) carrier. More recently Quastel and his co-workers have developed Wieland's ideas of hydrogen activation as the cause of oxidation to account for the behaviour of bacterial oxidation and reduction enzymes. They regard an enzyme as being an active centre of high energy in a cell surface caused by the interplay of the affinities of neighbouring molecules. The active centre is believed to exert a specific power of adsorption on the substrate and to activate it by distorting its electronic system, rendering the adsorbed molecule of substrate unstable and capable of undergoing the chemical change character- istic of the enzyme. Thus an enzyme is considered to be a property of the surface, but to be specific because of the groupings involved. For further reading : — W. M. Bayliss, " The Natvire of Enzyme Action." Monographs on Biochemistry. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1914. ENZYMES 55 D. E. Green, " Mechanisms of Biological Oxidations." The University Press. Cambridge, 1940. J. B. S. Haldane, " Enxymes." Monographs on Biochemistry. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1930. J. H. Northrop, " Crystalline Enzymes." Columl)ia University Pre^a. New York, 1939. J. B. Sumner and G. F. Somers, " Chemistry and Methods of Enzymes." Academic Press Inc. New York, 1943. H. Tauber, " Enzyme Chemistry." John Wile}'- & Sons Inc. New i'ork, 1937. CHAPTER V THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BACTERIA, YEASTS AND THE LOWER FUNGI THE problem of the composition of micro-organisms can be approached in two ways : either by the purely qualitative method of microscopical examina- tion after appropriate selective staining or by chemical methods of isolation, which may be made quantitative as well as qualitative. As examples of the microscopical method may be quoted the use of osmic acid which stains fats ; the blue colour given by starch aiid the red-brown colour by glycogen with iodine, and the blue colour given by cellulose in presence of zinc chloriodide. Certain dyes, too, are selective in their action ; Sudan III, for instance, dyes fat globules red but leaves unstained other portions of the cell ; the nucleoprotein of metachromatic or volutin granules is stained selectively by such nuclear stains as polychrome methylene blue. These methods are of value in showing the distribution of the constituents in the cell, particularly in the case of the larger cells, such as those of yeasts, but their use is obviously attended with great difficulty when they are applied to such minute cells as those of bacteria in which, generally speaking, details of internal structure are not easily visible. The microscopical methods also suffer from the drawback that they only identify groups of substances, and usually do not distinguish between the members of such groups. Thus Sudan III stains all fats alike, and gives no clue as to the particular sort of fat in a given organism. The chemical methods afford a means of separating the various constituents from one another and allow 66 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BACTERIA, ETC. 57 their individual investigation. Since the organisms are so very small it is essential to grow them in large quantities in order that appreciable amounts of their constituents may be obtained. The usual methods are (1) to wash off the growth from solid media, or (2) to separate the cells from a liquid medium by means of a centrifuge or by filtration. Most species of bacteria or yeasts grow well on the surface of appropriate nutrient media rendered solid by the addition of agar, from which the cells may be scraped or washed. The mycelia of the moulds or lower fungi, however, fre- quently grow into such solid media and resist removal. Centrifugalisation is the simplest and quickest means of separating the growth of yeasts or bacteria from liquid cultures, and the deposit of cells can easily be washed free from the soluble constituents of the medium. Bacteria, particularly, are not easy to recover by filtra- tion, since they are far too small to be retained by ordinary filter papers, and if in any quantity soon clog the pores of a porcelain filter candle. The moulds are normally easy to obtain by filtration since they form a compact mass of mycelium. The cells of the micro-organism, having been obtained free from extraneous substances derived from the m^edium, can be submitted to analysis in bulk to determine the Avater content and the amount and nature of the mineral constituents. Usually the organisms are submitted to a fractionation in order to isolate the various types of substance present. For instance, the bacterial gums may be dissolved out in water ; fats and waxes may be extracted mth such solvents as alcohol, ether, chloroform or acetone ; nucleic acids are extracted with weakly alkaline buffer solutions ; the ba.sic proteins can be dissolved in acid buffer solutions . The residts of sucli analyses of micro organisms vary very considerably, from organism to orga.nism, with the conditions of growth and age of the organism and mth 58 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY the methods used for isolation and estimation of the particular component under consideration. The values given, therefore, can be regarded only as indications of the general make up of the cells. Water Content. — The water content of micro-organisms is usually determined by observing the loss in weight on drying at 100° to 110° C. in the air or at lower tempera- tures in a vacuum oven. The values for bacteria vary with the species, ranging from 73-3 per cent, in the case of Escherichia coli to 98-3 per cent, for Acetobacter aceti, the organism commonly known as " mother of vinegar." The majority of values fall between 75 and 85 per cent. A certain amount of variation is to be expected as the result of the differing amounts of water adsorbed by different bacteria ; capsulated and mucilaginous organ- isms will naturally retain more water than such bacteria as Esch. coli. The yeasts also have a varying water content, from 69-2 to 83 per cent., according to various reports. The average value lies at about 75 per cent. The moulds seem not to vary so much in the amount of water they contain, the values recorded falling between 84-3 and 88-7 per cent. Spores seem to contain very much less water, of the order of 40 to 50 per cent. Mineral Constituents. — The ash or mineral content of micro-organisms is usually estimated by incineration. The total ash content of bacteria, yeasts and fungi varies considerably with the species, and for any one species with the conditions under which it is grown. Different investigators give values varying from 2 to 30 per cent, for bacteria, 3-8 to 7-0 per cent, for yeasts, and 6-0 to 12-2 per cent, for fungi. The chief constituents of the ash are phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sihcon and sulphur together with chlorine as chlorides. The out- standing feature of the ash content is the high proportion CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BACTERIA, ETC. 59 of phosphorus, especially in the acid-fast bacteria. The ash of most bacteria contains 10 to 45 per cent, of phos- phorus, that of the acid-fast bacteria 43 to 74 per cent, and of yeasts 47 to 59-4 per cent. The ash of yeasts also has a particularly high potassium content, averaging 38 per cent. Proteins. — Estimation of the protein content of micro- organisms is usually based on the total nitrogen content as determined by the Kjeldahl method, the nitrogen value being multiplied by the factor 6-25. There are several fallacies in this method. First of all the Kjeldahl method estimates only about 85 per cent, of the total nitrogen present, since the nitrogen of certain types of compound (nitro-, nitroso-, azo- or azoxy-compounds and such ring compounds as pyrimidines and purines) is not capable of estimation by this method. Secondly, it is assumed that all the nitrogen is present as protein, which is not the case. Nor is it true that all proteins contain 16 per cent, of nitrogen, the value on which the conversion factor 6-25 is based ; 16 per cent, is only an average value. The values recorded for nitrogen are 2 to 14 23er cent, for bacteria, 5 to 12 per cent, for yeasts and 2-3 to 8-3 per cent, for moulds, corresponding to approximate protein contents of 12-5 to 87-5 per cent., 32 to 75 per cent, and 14 to 52 per cent, respectively. The carbon content of each of the three groups of organism lies between 45 and 55 per cent., and assuming that all the nitrogen is present as protein, and deducting the corresponding amount of carbon, it can be seen that the bacteria are relatively rich in proteins, whilst the moulds are richer in the non-protein carbon compounds. Most of the protein of micro-organisms is, of course, found in the protojDlasm of the cells. This protoplasm is not homogeneous, however, as most cells contain granules of nuclear material ; in fact, some bacterial protoplasm seems to be entirely composed of nuclein, 60 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY as judged by its ability to stain with those aiiihne dyes which stain cliromatin in the higher plants. The nitro- genous constituents of protoplasm fall into three groups : (a) simple proteins, (b) amino -acids derived by the break- down of proteins and (c) the nucleoproteins. The bacteria and yeasts appear to contain proteins of the globulin and albumin types if solubility in buffer solutions of laiown pH. and the concentrations of ammonium sulphate required to precipitate the fractions are used as criteria. Globulin is precipitated from solution by the addition of ammonium sulphate to 50 per cent, of saturation. Albumin is soluble in this concentration of ammonium sulphate, but is precipitated when solutions are saturated with the salt. Globulin can be separated into euglobulin, which is insoluble in distilled water, and pseu do -globulin which is soluble. Partially degraded proteins, protamines, peptones and polypeptides are also present, as well as such conjugated proteins as glycoproteins, phosphoproteins, lecitho- proteins and nucleoproteins. The amino -acids obtained on hydrolysis of bacterial and yeast proteins include all the common ones found in proteins from other sources. The amino-acids proline, phenylalanine and tyrosine appear to be absent from the proteins of moulds. The nucleoproteins, which are all soluble in dilute alkali and which are precipitated from such solution by acid, constitute about 2 to 3 per cent, of the dry weight of bacteria. On hydrolysis those of the tubercle bacillus give a mixture of the pyrimidine and purine types of nucleic acid, but those of most other bacteria give the purine type only. The yeast nucleoproteins are like those of the tubercle bacillus in yielding both types of nucleic acid. The nucleoproteins of the moulds appear to have escaped examination. The metachromatic granules or volutin found in many bacteria, yeasts and moulds (particularly in the diphtheria bacillus) appear to be CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BACTERIA, ETC. 61 nucleic acids as such and not nucleoproteins, since they give nucleic acid staining reactions and are not digested hy trj^psin and pepsin. The proteins and nucleoproteins will be considered in more detail in Chapter XVIII. Carbohydrates. — Estimates of the carbohydi\ate con- tent of micro-organisms are not very accurate and vary from 12 per cent, in some water bacilli to about 28 per cent, in the diphtheria and tubercle bacilli. The yeasts may contain from 27 to 63 per cent, and the moulds 7-8 to 40 per cent. The cell membranes of bacteria have been claimed by certain workers to contain cellulose, but this has never been satisfactorily proved except in the case of Aceto- bacter xyliniim, which synthesises quite large yields of cellulose from a variety of sugars. Cellulose appears not to occur in yeasts or moulds. Less complex polysaccharides, in the sense of smaller molecules though not necessarily from a chemical point of view, are very common constituents of nearly all micro-organisms. The obvious examples are the " soluble specific substances " so characteristic of many species of bacteria, the capsules and gums of other species, the glycogen of yeast and the polysaccharides of many moulds. These polysaccharides may be built up from glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, pentoses, glycuronic acids or mixtures of these units, as will be seen when their study is resumed in Chapter XIX. The presence of chitin, a polysaccharide built up of glucosamine units, in bacteria and yeasts is stiU very doubtful, although its presence in the cell wall of many moulds seems to be established quite definitely. Polysaccharides are found combined with protein in the mucoproteins which constitute the capsules of many bacterial species . " Reserve carbohydrates " are found in many bacteria and yeasts and have been given various names and 62 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY ascribed various structures. The glycogen of yeast is the most well known and satisfactorily proved of these ; it is also said to occur in many bacteria. There is still controversy as to whether the " granulose " of such anaerobic bacteria as Clostridium hutyricum (Granulo- hacter butylicum) is true starch or not, in spite of giving a blue colour with iodine and being hydrolysed by amylase. The amount of these polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, granulose, iogen, etc.) varies with the age of the cell and the amount of nutrient material available ; their quantity falls off if the organism is starved and immediately rises again if the cells are transferred to a rich medium. Simpler carbohydrates also occur in micro-organisms. Thus trehalose, a non-reducing disaccharide composed of two glucose units, is to be found in yeast and many moulds, up to 4-5 per cent, of Aspergillus niger consisting of this substance. Pentoses occur in the nucleoproteins of micro-organisms. The hexahydric alcohol, maimitol, is common in moulds, especially in species of Aspergillus and Peni- cillium, and in some bacteria. Lipoids. — The lipoids comprise all those compounds which are soluble in the so-called " fat solvents," ether, alcohol, acetone, chloroform and light petroleum. The fats, waxes and phosphatides and certain of their break- down products, such as the fatty acids, are thus included in this group. As mentioned earlier the fat droplets in micro-organisms can be stained in various ways, black by osmic acid, red by Sudan III, blue by a- or ^-naphthol and dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine in weak alkaline solu- tion, or yellow by dimethyl amido-azobenzene. The total lipoid content is usually regarded as corre- sponding to the material extracted by ether, which may vary from 1-6 per cent, of the dry weight of Coryne- bacterium diphtherice to 41 per cent, of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In yeasts the content varies from 2 to 5 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BACTERIA, ETC. 63 per cent, for young actively growing cultures to 15 per cent, for old cultures. Certain yeasts, however, particu- larly Torula lipofeni and Endomyces vernalis can produce up to 60 per cent, of fat under favourable conditions ; they have been used as a source of fats when more usual supx3lies have failed due to w^ar conditions, for instance. The fungi have lipoid contents from 4 to 41-5 per cent. As with other substances the lipoid content varies with the conditions of growi^h of the organism. Media rich in glycerol or sugar yield organisms with a higher fat content than do media containing but little sugar. Aeration usually increases the fat content. The Fats. — The fats appear to serve the purpose of reserve material in many species, although the high fat content of old yeast cells and of partially poisoned cells of other types has led to the view that fat production may be a sign of degeneration. Waxes and Higher Alcohols. — In view of the excej)- tionally high lipoid content of the tubercle bacillus this organism has naturally been the most studied as regards such products. As will be seen later (Chapter XX), this and other acid-fast organisms contain a variety of waxes and alcohols. The diphtheria bacillus also yields waxes, which have not yet been investigated chemically. Sterols. — It has been claimed that the unsaponifiable matter of the fat of some bacteria contains mixtures of sterols in small amounts. They are quite common in the yeasts, forming up to 20 per cent, of yeast fat. Yeast is a commercial source of the sterol, ergosterol, used in the manufacture of calciferol and synthetic vitamin-D. Certain fungi also contain sterols, ergosterol being found free and as the ester with palmitic acid. Phosphatides. — The phosphatides precipitated from the " ether extract " by acetone are widely distributed in micro-organisms, and, in fact, are probably present to more or less extent in all of them. The non-acid fast 64 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY organisms contain 0-5 to 2-0 per cent, of phosphatides, whilst the tubercle iDacillus contains about 6-5 per cent. Yeasts also contain a high proportion of phosphatides. Pigments. — Many species of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi are pigmented ; the fungi nearly all contain pigment in some form, but the majority of bacteria, on the other hand, show only minimal pigmentation. Beijerinck has classified the pigment producing micro-organisms according to the site of the occurrence of the pigment : Chromophoric organisms contain the pigment in the protoplasm, as in the case of bacterio-purpurin, the pigment of certain sulphur bacteria. Parachromophoric organisms carry the pigment in some other part of the cell than the protoplasm, usually in the cell wall or in the capsule. As examples may be quoted some blue bacteria, the moulds and species of Torula (coloured yeasts). Chromoparous organisms excrete the pigment as such into the medium, as does Serratia marcescens {B. prodigiosus) ; or a colourless leuco -compound may be excreted and this may become oxidised in the medium to the coloured compound, which is the case with the green pigment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa {B. pyocyaneus). The mould HelmintJiosporiu7n gramineum produces a pigment, helminthosporin, which sheathes the mycelium with crystals. In comparatively few cases has the constitution of these pigments been worked out, but in general they are either carotenoid pigments or melanins. The pigments will be considered further in Chapter XXI. Coloured colonies of certain bacteria are produced for diagnostic purposes by the use of special media. This may be illustrated by the production of the pink colonies of lactose fermenting organisms on MacConkey's medium, and by the black colonies of the diphtheria bacillus on McLeod's tellurite medium, in which cases a product of the metabolism of the organism reacts with a substance CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BACTERIA, ETC. 65 added to the medium for that purpose. Such colour production is not, of course, pigment formation in the true sense of the term, but an artificial chemical test applied hy the bacteriologist. Growth Substances. — Certain bacteria, yeasts and moulds produce substances which accelerate the gK)^vth either of themselves or of other micro-organisms. Of these " bios " is perhaps the best as well as the oldest known of such substances. Of recent years many such " growth substances " or " gro^\i:h factors " have been discovered. They will be discussed in Chapter IX. Vitamins. — Yeast is a rich source of the vitamin-B complex, and it has been claimed that Esch. coli, Bacillus subtilis, B. mycoides, Torula rosea and Oospora lactis can synthesise it. Bacteria and yeasts do not appear to produce vitamins -A, -C or -D to any marked extent, but certain of the lower fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium produce a strongly reducing substance which gives the chemical reactions of vitamin-C (ascorbic acid). Antibiotics. — Many micro-organisms produce sub- stances which have an inhibitory effect on the gro^Hh of other micro-organisms. The name antibiotic has been applied to such substances, among which penicillin is an outstanding example. They comprise compounds of a very wide range of constitution. They will be considered in some detail in Chapter XI. The composition of bacteria, yeasts and fungi, as regards their main constituents, is summarised in Table 3. So far comparatively little appears to be loiown about the composition of the viruses. Evidence is accu- mulating, however, that there is a range of viruses of increasing complexity from the crystalline proteins of the tobacco mosaic viruses to those like vaccinia and the influenza viruses which have a composition similar to that of bacteria. 66 bacteriological chemistry Table 3 Bacteria. Yeasts. Fungi. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Water 73-3 to 98-3 69-2 to 83-0 84-3 to 88-7 Ash - - - - 2-0 ,, 30-0 3-8 „ 7-0 GO „ 12-2 P (as PgOg in ash) - 10-0 ., 74-0 45-0 „ 59-4 ... Carbon 45-0 ,, 55-0 45-0 „ 55-0 45-0 „ 55-0 Nitrogen - . . 20 „ 14-0 50 „ 12-0 2-3 „ 8-3 Protein 12-r> „ 87-0 32-0 „ 75-0 14-0 „ 52-0 Carbohj^drate - 12-0 „ 28-0 27-0 „ 63-0 7-8 ,. 40-0 Total lipoid 1-6 „ 41-0 2-0 „ 15-0 4-0 „ 41-5 Much detailed information on the composition of the cell constituents of micro-organisms is collected in : — R. E. Buchanan and E. I. Fulmer, " Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria," Vol. I., Chapter III. BailJiere, Tindall & Cox. London, 1928. CHAPER VI THE NUTRITION OF THE AUTOTROPHIC BACTERIA THE autotrophic bacteria are tho.se which thrive on the simplest of inorganic compounds as sources of energy, carbon and nitrogen. Like plants they are independent of other organic matter for their growth-. They derive their carbon from carbon dioxide and their nitrogen from ammonia, nitrates or nitrites. The energy necessary for their groAvth and reproduction is obtained in one of two ways. The photosynthetic autotrophs utilise radiant energy from the sun. The chemosynthetic autotrophs are able to grow in the dark and obtain the energy required for the assimilation of carbon and nitrogen by means of certain simple chemical reactions. The autotrophs and the metabolically closely related blue -green algae and unicellular green plants may be grouped as shown in Table 4 (p. 68). It has been suggested that, as these organisms use very simple substances for their metabolism, they are the primitive types of bacteria which were first developed on the Earth before more complex organic nutrients were available, and that the bacteria which have more complicated requirements have been gradually evolved from them as a result of changing conditions. The autotrophic bacteria contain protoplasm and other cell constituents very similar to those found in what we regard as being ordinary bacteria. Obviously, then, they must be capable of very complex synthetic reactions in order to build up such compounds from the simple raw materials carbon dioxide and ammonia, 67 68 bacteriological chemistry Table 4 {After Knight) Energy Source. Carbon Source. Nitrogen Source. Photosynthetic — Blue-green algie - Unicellular green plants Green bacteria - Anaerobic pui-ple sulphur bacteria ( Thiorhodacece) Anaerobic purple "non-sulphur " bacteria ( Athio- rhodacece) light OO2 + H2O — > HOHO-t-02 light OO2 + H2O — ^H0HO+O2 light CO2+2H2S — > H0HO + 2S light +H2O OO2-J-2H2S — ^H0H0+2S -fH20 OO24- simple organic compounds, or CO2+H2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Atmospheric nitrogen Ammonia Ammonia Doubtful Chemosynthetic — Aerobic sulphur bac- teria Aerobic obligate autotrophs Facultative autotrophs Oxidation of H2S or thiosulphate Oxidation of ammonia, nitrite, FeCOa, iinCOa Oxidation of thiosulphate H2, CO, CH«, FeCOa. Can also grow on ordinary media. CO2 CO2 CO2 Ammonia Ammonia nitrite Ammonia nitrate The autotrophs live and grow in purely mineral media which must contain the oxidisable substance characteristic of the particular organism depending for its existence on the oxidation of that compound. No organic nutrients are required ; in fact the obligate autotrophs will not grow on ordinary media containing organic carbon. There are comparatively few obligate autotrophs ; the most important among them are the nitrifying bacteria, the purple sulphur bacteria and some of the iron bacteria. The facultative autotrophs, of which there is a greater variety, may derive their energy and growth require- ments from the oxidation of inorganic substances, with a corresponding reduction of carbon dioxide to give the starting materials for synthesis, or they may grow on already formed organic substances as a source of carbon. Some of the sulphur and iron bacteria, together with the hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane NUTRITION OF THE AUTOTROPHIC BACTERIA 69 bacteria, are facultative autotrophs. Evidence is ac- cumulating that those organisms which are now regarded as obligate autotrophs may all be capable of growi^h in the presence of organic matter if the proper conditions can be discovered. The autotrophic bacteria show a wide variety of morphology, ranging from coccal forms and rod forms to multicellular filamentous forms. The photosynthetic autotrophs contain pigments, for example the bacterio- purpurin of the purple sulphur bacteria, which act as respiratory pigments much like the chlorophyll of green plants . We can classify the autotrophic bacteria on the basis of their metabolic activities, as follows : — A. Oxidise Nitrogen Compounds. 1. Ammonia to nitrite, e.g. Nitrosomonas, Nitro- sococcus. 2. Nitrite to nitrate, e.g. Nitrobacter. B. Oxidise Sulphur or Sulphur Compounds. 1. Simple bacteria, e.g. Thiobacillus. (a) Obligate autotrophs — (i) Aerobic (a) Nearly neutral conditions, e.g. Th. thioparus. (jS) Acid conditions, e.g. Th. thio-oxidans. (ii) Anaerobic, e.g., Th. denitrificans. (6) Facultative autotrophs. 2. Higher bacteria (complex morphology). (a) Colourless, e.g. Beggiatat, T hi othrix, etc. {b) Red or purple pigmented, e.g. ThiQ-' cystis, etc. 70 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY C. Oxidise Ferrous or Manganotjs Compounds (Iron Bacteria). 1. Simple bacteria — (a) Long sheathed filaments, e.g. Didymo- helix [Gallionella) . (6) Coccoid masses, e.g. Sideromonas. 2. Filamentous bacteria, e.g. Leptothrix, Grenothrix. p. Hydrogen Bacteria, Hydrogenamonas. We will now consider some of these in more detail. The Nitrifying Organisms. — Winogradsky has contri- buted much of our knowledge of these organisms. They are divided into two groups, those which oxidise ammonia to nitrite (Nitrosomonas) and those which oxidise nitrite to nitrate {Nitrobacter). A species has been reported which can oxidise ammonia directly to nitrate and which can use nitrate as a source of nitrogen. They are strict autotrophs and must have ammonia or nitrite, as the case may be, for their continued existence. Nitro- somoims has an optimum pE. of 8-3 to 8-8 for oxidation of ammonia to nitrite. Nitrobacter oxidises nitrite to nitrate between pH 8-3 and 9-3. The presence of organic substances, when tested in vitro, inhibits their growth and respiration. They are aerobic, non-sporing cocci and short rods which occur almost universally in soils. The nitrifying organisms have a considerable agricul- tural importance in that between them they are largely responsible for maintaining the supply of nitrate used in plant metabolism . The Sulphur Bacteria. — The sulphur bacteria form a very heterogeneous group. They include obligate and facultative autotrophs and may be aerobes, facultative anaerobes or strict anaerobes. There are two important aerobic obligate autotrophs. One of these, Th. thioparus, was isolated from soil as small non-sporing rods by NUTRITION OF THE AUTOTROPHIC BACTERIA 71 Nathansohn. It grows under nearly neutral conditions and oxidises thiosulpliate, tetrathionate, or sulphides with separation of sulphur, which is deposited outside the cells. For example, thiosulphate is oxidised as follows : — 2X3.28203 + 02 > 2XaoS04 + 2S. and tetrathionate probably by the reaction : — NaaS^Oe+NagCOs + O > 2XaoS04 + C02 +2S. The second type, Th. thio-oxidans, was found by Waksman in soils in the neighbourhood of sulphur deposits, but is not ordinarily found in soils which have not been treated with sulj)hur. Th. thio-oxidans produces large quantities of sulphuric acid, and in fact only grows in somewhat strongly acid conditions at pK 2 to 3, corresponding to 5 to 10 per cent, of sulphuric acid. It performs this remarkable function by the direct oxida- tion of sulphur or thiosulphate : — 2S -f 3O2 4- 2H2O ^2H2S0i XagSgOa + HoO + 2O2 ^XagSO^ + H2SO4 Sulphur is taken into the cell prior to oxidation by solution in fat globules situated at the ends of the organ- isms. The oxidation of sulphur, by which energy is provided, can take place in the absence of carbon dioxide, and the latter can be assimilated in the absence of sulphur oxidation, either aerobically when no free sulphur is available, or anaerobically when oxidation camiot occur, provided that the products of the latter reaction are available in the cell. That is, there must be some " accumulator " mechanism in the cell by which energy is stored, to be used in the subsequent metabolism of carbon dioxide. It has been shown that the oxidation of sulphur is coupled with the conversion of inorganic phosphate from the medium into organic phosphate esters in the cells, and that when carbon dioxide is utilised, 72 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY the esters break down with liberation of inorganic phos- phate. As sulphur can be oxidised for long periods in the absence of carbon dioxide and with only a limited amount of inorganic phosphate it is probable that the latter is involved in a cycle of reactions, as in alcoholic fermentation by yeasts (see Chapter XV). It is con- sidered that the energy provided by the oxidation of sulphur is used in the synthesis of a storage carbohydrate which can subsequently be broken down again, via phosphorylation, during carbon dioxide utilisation. The phosphate esters which have been isolated from Th. thio-oxidans include adenosine-3-triphosphate (not adenosine-5-triphosphate which occurs in muscle, yeasts Esch. coli, B. suhtilis, Stajoli. aureus and Ps. fhiorescens), fructose- l:6-diphosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, glucose-1- phosphate and co -enzyme I (see Chapter XV). This suggests that the internal carbon metabolism of the autotrophs is similar to that of the heterotrophs. The reactions may be expressed as : — ( 1 ) 2S + 3O2 + 2H2O + inorg. phosphate >2H2S04 + phosphate ester. (2) CO2 -I- 2H2 -f phosphate ester ^(CHgO) +H2O 4-inorg. phosphate. The symbol (CHgO) does not necessarily represent formaldehyde but may be a carbohydrate. The anaerobic organism, Th. denitrificans , is an obligate autotroph which oxidises sulphur, hydrogen sulphide, thiosulphate or tetrathionate to sulphuric acid at the expense of the oxygen of nitrates. For example thiosulphate may be oxidised as follows : — 5Na28203 + 8KNO3 + 2NaHC03 > 6Na2804 + 4K2SO4 + iNg + 2CO2 + HgO It occurs widely in soils, water and mud, from which it was isolated by Beijerinck. The morphologically more complex sulphur bacteria, including the purple pigmented, photosynthetic Thiocystis and the colourless, chemosynthetic Thiothrix and Beggiatoa, are characterised by the presence of globides NUTRITION OF THE AUTOTROPHIC BACTERIA 73 of sulphur within their cells. They are obligate auto- trophs which require hydrogen sulphide for their growth. The hydrogen sulphide is oxidised in two stages, first to sulphur and then to sulphate : — HgS + 0 > H2O + S 2S + 30, + 2HoO > 2H28O4. As long as hydrogen sulphide is available the organisms contain globules of sulphur, but as soon as the supply fails the sulphur is oxidised, and on its complete dis- appearance the cell dies. The free access of oxygen and carbon dioxide is necessary for the gro^\i:h of the colourless organisms. The purple l^acteria contain the pigment bacterio- purpurin, which is a mixture of two components, one a green chlorophyll -like pigment, bacteriochlorin, and the other a red carotenoid pigment, bacterioerythrin. The bacteriochlorin apparently is the active pigment in the respiration of these organisms, behaving, like the chlorophyll in plants, as a sort of transformer for radiant energy. That is, these bacteria require light as well as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, but can dispense with free oxygen. It seems possible that the light energy is needed in the reduction of carbon dioxide with forma- tion of, probably, formaldehyde, which is used in the synthetic reactions, and of oxygen, which oxidises the hydrogen sulphide : — CO2 ^ 2H2'^ > HCHO ^ HoO ^ 2S. These sulphur bacteria are found in fresh and salt water and the mud of lakes and rivers, but not in soils. The sulphur oxidising bacteria play an important role in nature in rendering the sulphur of proteins available again to plants as sulphate. They may also be of value in neutralising alkaline soils by the production of sulphuric acid, and probably also convert insoluble phosphates into soluble, available salts. On the other hand, it is possible 74 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY that they are responsible, in part at least, for the decay of stonework and concrete. The Iron Bacteria. — The iron bacteria are found associated with deposits of ferric hydroxide around mineral springs, mines and similar localities. The deposit is usually in the form of a sheath round chains of rods wliich thus acquire a filamentous form, or it may occur as a sheath around true filamentous forms. Some of these iron bacteria are obligate autotrophs, for example Didymohelix ferruginea, and some facultative autotrophs, such as Leptotlirix crassa. The reaction by which they derive their energy is probably : — In certain cases the iron may be replaced by manganese. The Hydrogen Bacteria. — There are a number of hydrogen oxidising bacteria occurring in such places as canal mud or swamps and in soils where large amounts of hydrogen are produced by anaerobic processes. The hydrogen bacteria are usually facultative autotrophs which oxidise hydrogen to water in the presence of carbon dioxide, but they can also utilise organic compounds. For example a member of the photo- synthetic "sulphur free" purple bacteria (Aihiorhoda- cece) is known which can oxidise simple alcohols in presence of carbon dioxide with formation of the corres- ponding ketone and reduction of the carbon dioxide to give cell substances. Thus isopropanol is oxidised to acetone : — 2(Jfr3.C'H0H.CH3 -!- CO2 > 2CH3CO.CH3 + (CH2O) + H2O. The oxidation of hydrogen very probably does not pro- ceed directly to water but through the intervention of carbon dioxide with formation of formaldehyde : — K.COa 1 2K2 5-H('H() I 2H2O. Part of this formaldehyde is used in the synthetic NUTRITION OF THE AUTOTROPHIC BACTERIA 75 I'eactions accompanying growth and pait is oxidised to carbonic acid : — HCHO + O2 > H/'Og The mechanism 2H2 + CO2 > HCHO + H2O has also been suggested. Some strains will only grow in symbiosis with one another, for example when one of the pair needs the pyrimidine moiety of anenrin and the other the thiazole moiety. (See Chapter IX). Pure cultures of each may be gro^yn if small amounts of the gro^\i:h factors are provided. The Carbon Monoxide and Methane Bacteria.^Strictly speaking these are not autotrophic bacteria since they can utilise the carbon of their substrates for their gro^\i;h. They are best regarded as intermediate t^^es between the autotrophs and the heterotrophic bacteria. An organism, Carhoxydomonas oligocarbopkila, which oxidises carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide was isolated by Beijerinck from soil. It is a facultative autotroph which exists as a filamentous actinomyces-like organism when grown in carbon monoxide, but exhibiting a coccal form when growTi in the presence of organic compounds. The methane -oxidising organism, Methanoynonas methanica, was isolated from the mud of canals and marshes by Sohngen. It oxidises methane, but not other hydrocarbons, to carbon dioxide and water : — CH4 + 2O2 > CO., -r 2H2O. Other hydrocarbon-utilising organisms are loiown which, although not autotrophs, may be mentioned liere as forming part of the transition group between them and the heterotrophs . They are Metha n omonas a lipJmtica , Meth. aliphatica liquefaciens and " Paraffin Bakterien," which utilise paraffins, including methane in the case of the two former, a;S their source of carbon and energy. They can also grow on ordinary media. It has been ?() BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY claimed that Meth. aliphatica liquefaciens can behave as a true autotroph and live by the oxidation of hydrogen in presence of carbon dioxide as well as on paraffins. Sarcina inetluinica decomposes methanol, CH3OH, in the presence of carbon dioxide with formation of methane. If carbon dioxide containing radioactive carbon is used, the methane is also found to contain radioactive carbon ; that is the methane is produced by reduction of the carbon dioxide. Meiliaiiohacterium omelianski similarly oxidises primary and secondary alcohols to the corresponding fatty acids with simul- taneous reduction of carbon dioxide to methane. Neither formate, methanol, nitrate, sulphate nor atmospheric oxygen can replace carbon dioxide as the oxidising agent. It is, therefore, considered that formate and methanol are not intermediate products. It has been shown by the use of radioactive carbon dioxide and car- bon balance sheets that most of the carbon of the cell constituents is derived from sources other than the carbon dioxide. Another group of intermediate organisms comprises the strictly anaerobic purple " sulphur-free " bacteria, Athiorhodacece. They are peculiar in that they are photosynthetic, but differ from the autotrophs in requiring simple fatty acids for their growth as well as carbon dioxide. In the absence of the fatty acids, carbon dioxide is not taken up. It is claimed that when sub- jected to infra-red radiation they can use hydrogen, that is, they are true autotrophs. The pigment of these organisms consists of two components, one carotenoid and the other chlorophyll-like, photocatalytic, and similar to that in the purple sulphur bacteria. We know virtually nothing of the way in which the reduction of carbon dioxide, which seems to be an essential factor in the metabolism of the autotrophs, occurs. It has been suggested that it may be by one of three routes : — NUTRITION OF THE AUTOTROPHIC BACTERIA 77 {a) via carbon monoxide, OH 2H cIh (h) via formaldehyde, OH H I \ C = 0 + 2H, > C=0 + 2HoO (c) via formic acid, OH OH I I C = 0 + H, > C = 0 + HoO I " I OH H By analogy with plant metabolism it would be expected that the second method, via formaldehyde, is the most probable. Support is lent to this view in that formalde- hyde can be fixed as an insoluble complex with dimedon (see Chapter XV) in the cases of Nitrosomonas and an autotrophic sulphur oxidising organism. Van Niel has suggested that all photospithetic reactions in which carbon dioxide is reduced conform to the general equation : — light CO2 + 2H,A > (CHoO) + 2A + H./J. In the case of green plants HgA is water and oxygen is set free. In photosynthesis by bacteria H2A may be one of a variety of inorganic or organic substances characteristic of the particular organism. It is assumed that each of the necessary four quanta of light energy is associated with the activation of a hydrogen atom in the pigment and that the carbon dioxide is reduced by the activated pigment which thus becomes re -oxidised. 78 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY In order that the pigment may again become a hydrogen donor it must be reduced at the expense of the donor HgA, with formation of A. The only essentially photo- synthetic step is the activation of the reduced pigment. The reduction of carbon dioxide and of the pigment can occur in the dark. Some sulphur bacteria can reduce carbon dioxide in the dark in the presence of hydrogen suggesting that the mechanism of reduction is the same for photosynthetic and chemosynthetic organisms. In chemosynthetic bacteria the hydrogen donor is not a pigment but some other substance whose oxidation provides the necessary energy so that light activation is unnecessary. These autotrophic processes are not restricted to autotrophs since it has been shown that carbon dioxide may be reduced in the dark and fixed by heterotrophic organisms, probably by the same mechanisms as in the chemosynthetic autotrophs, the energy being provided by dissimilation reactions (see Chapter VII). As mentioned on p. 72, the symbol (CHgO) is used to indicate the reduction product of carbon dioxide which may or may not be formaldehyde, although the latter is a probable intermediate. Euben suggests that the reactions by which Meihano- bacterium wnelianski reduces carbon dioxide to methane with simultaneous oxidation of an alcohol to the fatty acid (see p. 76) are as follows : — RH + phosphate donor ^ ^ Phospho-RH + donor Pliospho-RH. + CO2 ^=^ RCOOH + phosphate O // RCOOH + phosphate donor ^ ^ R.C- 0- PO3H2 + donor 0^ // R.C- 0- PO3H2 + 2H ^=^ R.CHO + phosphate R.CHO + 6H ?=^ RH + CH4 + HgO . NUTRITION OF THE AUTOTROPHIC BACTERIA The energy and hydrogen yielding reactions are : — 2C2H5OH ^ 2CH3CHO + 2H3PO4 ^=^ 2CH3C- 0- PO3H, + 4H O // 2CH3C- O-PO3H2 + 2 donor ^=^ 2CH3COOH + 2 phosphate— : loner Organic compounds are not only not used by the strict autotrophs but have a definite inhibitory effect on their grov>i:,h, under artificial conditions at least. Thus it was not until Winogradsky grew the nitrifying organisms on media containing no carbon source other than carbon dioxide that he was able to obtain cultures of them. For solid media he employed silica gel in order to avoid organic substances. The sulphur bacteria and some of the iron bacteria are less sensitive to organic matter and can grow if only low concentrations of carbon compounds are present, especially if large inocula are used. The iron bacterium, Leptothrix ochracea, however, is susceptible to peptone, sucrose and asparagine. The thermodynamic efficiency of the autotrophs is not very high, only about 5 to 10 per cent, of the energy liberated by the oxidation of the inorganic substrate being utilised in the reduction of carbon dioxide to the organic compounds used for synthesis. For further reading : — H. J. Bunker, " A Review of the Physiology and Biochemistry of the Sulphur Bacteria," D.S.T.R. Chemistry Research, Special Report No. 3. H.M. Stationery Office. London, 1936. B, C. J. G. Knight, " Bacterial Nutrition," Sections B. and C. ^Medical Research Council Special Report No. 210. H.M. Stationery Office. London, 1936. S. Ruben, " Photosynthesis and Phosphorylation." J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 65, (1943) 279. M. Stephenson, " Bacterial ]\Ietabolism," Chapters IX and X. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 2nd Edition, 1939. C. B. van Niel, " The Bacterial Photosyntheses and their Importance for the General Problem of Photosynthesis." Advances in Enzymology, 1 (1941), 263. C. B. van Niel, " Biochemical Problems of the Chemo -.Autotrophic Bacteria." Physiol. Reviews, 23 (1943), 338. CHAPTER VII THE NUTRITION OF THE HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA WHEN bacteria grow and reproduce there occurs a synthesis of all the many cell constituents, the proteins and nucleoproteins of the protoplasm, polysaccharides, fats, phosphatides and a number of other carbon compounds. The elements, mainly carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, but also phosphorus, sulphur and certain metals in smaller amount, required for these syntheses have to be supplied in an available form by the medium in which the organism is grown. As would be expected from an analysis of the ash of bacteria, the inorganic constituents which must be supplied are mainly phosphorus, sulphur, sodium, potas- sium, magnesium, calcium, iron and chlorine. It is probable that the metals needed in only small amount form part of enzyme systems. Iron is an essential part of the cytochrome complex ; phosphorus, potassium and magnesium are also intimately involved in respiratory mechanisms (see Chapter XII). Corynebacterium diph- therioe, Clostridium tetani and CI. welchii need small amounts of iron in order to produce their toxins. We have seen that the autotrophic bacteria derive their carbon from carbon dioxide and their nitrogen from ammonia, nitrites or nitrates ; accordingly, they must possess a very complete equipment of the enzymes necessary to carry on these syntheses from such simple starting materials. It seems probable that the hetero- trophic bacteria, which, in general, require much more complicated sources of carbon and nitrogen, have lost some 80 NUTRITION OF HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA 81 of the synthetic power of the autotrophs and depend in more or less degree on preformed organic material for their existence. The degree of dependence varies considerably ; organisms like Escli. coli can thrive on very simple synthetic media containing a single carbon source, like lactate or glucose, and a single nitrogen source, such as an ammonium salt, together with the appropriate mineral salts. Synthetic media are those which contain only constituents of known composition and no proteins, broth or similar components. Further along the scale are the organisms like the diphtheria bacillus which will grow on synthetic media, but which require a more or less extended number of amino -acids. Some of these amino - acids, for example, tryptophane and cystine, appear to be essential, whilst others can be replaced by alternatives. More exacting still are those organisms like the gono- coccus and the influenza bacillus which demand the so-called " enriched " media, containing blood or some tissue fluid or extract, for their growth. Almost cer- tainly these enriched media support growi^h because of the gro^vth factors (see p. 98) which they contain. Finally, there are the viruses which have so far lost their synthetic powers that they can only live and grow in the presence of living tissue, on which, it seems possible, the}^ depend for their supply of ready-made cell constituents, or at least for materials which are well on the way to being the finished product. The less exacting organisms might be compared with country people who bake their own bread, and the exacting bacteria with town dwellers who have lost the art of making bread and who must bu}^ it ready made. The simplest heterotrophs, from the nutritional point of view, are those which depend on an organic carbon source but which can still use inorganic nitrogen, either as gaseous nitrogen or as nitrate or as ammonia. The nitrogen-fixing organisms may be free-living, like the Azotobacter or symbiotic with plants like the RJiizohium. 82 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY The denitrifying organisms use nitrate as a source of nitrogen. At the next stage are those organisms which cannot fix atmospheric nitrogen but can thrive on ammonium salts ; of course, they also require organic compounds as energy source and to supply raw materials for synthesis. An extremely wide range of substances may serve as the sole carbon source for many micro- organisms. Of these carbohydrates and similar com- pounds are most readily assimilated, whilst hydroxy- acids, fatty acids and monohydric alcohols are pro- gressively less easily utilised. Amino -acids can often serve as both carbon and nitrogen source. Amines are not very satisfactory as carbon sources. Nearly all saprophytic organisms belong to this group ; as examples may be mentioned bacteria which can decompose formic acid and methyl alcohol, the genus Chromohacterium and the genus Escherichia. It is of interest to note, in this connection, that often organisms will not grow in syn- thetic media if they are sown in only very small numbers, but if a large inoculum is used, growth proceeds vigor- ously. This may be due to the introduction of essential growth factors, bacterial vitamins, which are absent from the medium but present in sufficient quantity in large inocula to allow growth to commence ; once the organism has started it can synthesise sufficient of the growth factor to allow of continued growth. An alter- native explanation is that in sjmthetic media there is not, initially, a sufficiently high concentration of carbon dioxide to permit growth. It has been shown by several workers that carbon dioxide is an essential prerequisite for the growth of many organisms, of which Esch. coli is one ; again, large inocula carry over sufficient carbon dioxide to allow growth to start. The truth of this explanation is borne out by the fact that Esch. coli grows quite regularly from small inocula in synthetic media under aerobic conditions where carbon dioxide is produced by respiration ; but under anaerobic conditions, where NUTRITION OF HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA 83 practically no carbon dioxide is produced, large inocula are necessary to establish growth. For the satisfactory groA\i:h of Brucella abortus about 10 per cent, of carbon clioxide is necessary. It has recently been shown that many heterotrophic organisms, for example yeasts, Esch. coli and the pro- pionic acid bacteria, can assimilate carbon dioxide by a mechanism similar to that of autotrophic bacteria (see pp. 77, 78 and Chap. XII). The next step in the loss of synthetic power by bacteria is probably that of the ability to utilise ammonia as nitrogen source. The nitrogen must be supplied in the form of organic compounds, usually as amino -acids. This would appear to be the step in nitrogen metabolism analogous to the loss of ability to use carbon dioxide in the change from autotrophic to heterotrophic bacteria. Just as there is an intermediate group of organisms between the autotrophs and the heterotrophs, the faculta- tive autotrophs, so there is a group of organisms which can utilise either ammonium salts or amino -acids for their nitrogen supply. An example of this group is Eberthella typhosa (B.. typhosus), which is capable of growth on either source of nitrogen but develops better on amino -acids. Usually strains of any one species in this intermediate group vary in their ability to use ammonium salts. For example, the Salmonella, Proteus, the dysentery and typhoid bacilli and the Vibrios, as a general rule, comprise two types of strains : (f?) " exacting " strains which cannot utilise ammonium salts but need amino -acids, and (b) " non-exacting " strains which will grow on ammonium salts as well as on amino -acids. The " exacting " strains are usually pathogenic. Organisms of this group may be contrasted with those of the coli group and Serratia rnarcescens which can grow on ammonium salts or amino-acids, but of which no " exacting " strains, using only amino-acids, are known. 84 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY The amino -acid most often demanded as essential by the " exacting " strains is tryptophane, li-CH2.CH.c00H I II II I %/\/ NH^ NH p-indole-a-amino-propionic acid. It is one of the most complicated of the amino -acids, so that it is, perhaps, not surprising that it should be the most difficult to synthesise, and accordingly be one of the earliest to be required in a preformed condition. In many cases this lost synthetic power may be restored by " training " the organism by repeated subculture on media containing less and less tryptophane and more and more ammonium salt, until it can grow again in the entire absence of the amino -acid. This so-called " training " may not be a true change in the metabolism of the organism, but may be a concentration, by selection, of a few individual cells in the " exacting " strain which have not lost their S3nithetic power. Those cells which have lost the power will die out under the adverse conditions, until ultimately only non-exacting organisms are left ; the acquisition of the ability to use ammonium salts is, according to this view, only apparent, the power really being present all the time in a small proportion of the bacteria. Further along the route to complete loss of synthetic power are those organisms which, in addition to needing organic carbon and organic nitrogen in the form of one or more amino-acids, require the so-called " growth factors " or bacterial vitamins, as they are sometimes termed. The best-known organisms in this group are Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium sporogenes, CI. botu- linum and Lactobacillus casei. It seems possible, if not probable, that the organisms of the other groups can produce their own vitamins, but that those in the present NUTRITION OF HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA 85 group have lost the power of synthesis of both amino - acids and of the vitamins. Many bacterial growth factors are recognised now as being identical with the vitamins which play a large part in animal nutrition. In fact many of the fundamental metabolic reactions of bacteria are identical with, or very similar to, those of animals. They are non-specific in the sense that the CI. sporogenes factor promotes the gro\\i}h of CI. hotulinum and of CI. tuelchii, and that they are produced by many bacteria having simpler nutritional requirements ; Esch. coli, for example, can synthesise the growth factor required by SUiph. aureus (see Chapter IX). As with the other changes of nutritional types, here, again, occurs a group of intermediately placed organisms which link those requiring growth factors with those which do not. These intermediate species either exist as two sorts of strain, one requiring the factor and the other not, or they may be trained, with more or less difficulty, to synthesise their own growth factor instead of requiring it ready made. This seems to be the case with the tubercle bacillus and such organisms as Coryne- bacterium diplitherice, which, when freshly isolated, require complex media containing gro\\i:h factors, but can be trained to grow on synthetic media comprising only known carbon and nitrogen sources. It is possible that the various growth stimulants which have been described for certain organisms are really essential growth factors, but which are produced so slowly by the organism concerned that their addition from an outside source causes an increased growth. If the rate of synthesis of the factor were so slow that its concentration were negligible, it would be regarded as an essential gro\\i:h factor which must be supplied in the medium to enable growth to occur. If, on the other hand, the organism produced it so fast that adequate growi^h occurred without the necessity of adding it from outside, neither its stimulating nor essential character 86 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY would be recognised. It is probable that most, if not all, organisms require the various growth factors, and that they differ only in their ability to synthesise one or more of them. Organisms of the Hcemophilus group which require two growth factors are probably the most highly evolved of the bacteria from the nutritional standpoint. The X -factor, derived from the haemoglobin of the blood, may not be a generally required factor, although there is some evidence that certain bacteria (for example, C. xerosis and Esch. coli) may be able to synthesise it from iron compounds. The F-f actor, which is also present in blood, can be derived from various bacterial and vegetable extracts and appears to be of much more general occurrence ; even bacteria which have very simple nutritional requirements produce it . The various members of the influenza group of bacteria have lost the power of synthesising one or other or both of these factors. H. canis, for instance, has lost the capacity to produce the Jl -factor and must be supplied with it, but it can make its own F-factor. The hsemolj^ic influenza bacilli have lost the power of synthesising the F-factor, but can do without added X-factor ; whilst H. influenzce itself cannot synthesise either the X- or F-factors and must be supplied with both from an external source. The pneumococcus, meningococcus and gonococcus also belong to this highly evolved group. Parasitic organisms, particularly pathogenic ones, have much more complex growth requirements than the sapro- phjrtic organisms. It seems reasonable to assume that this is because the parasites find in their host a source of nearly all of their needs in a preformed condition and in the course of time have lost the necessary synthetic powers to build up their OAvn requirements. This differ- ence of demands between saprophytic and parasitic organisms is well illustrated by the acid-fast bacteria. The purely saprophytic Mycobacterium phlei can grow NUTRITION OF HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA 87 freely on ammonium salts and simple carbon compounds, whilst the parasitic M. tuberculosis and Johne's bacillus have complex requirements when freshly isolated, but on prolonged culture in the laboratory gradually become less fastidious and able to grow on ordinary or even synthetic media. Our knowledge of the general nutritional requirements of bacteria has been summed up by Knight, who divides the organisms into four groups with increasing complexity of demands, corresponding to progressive loss of synthetic power, as follows : — 1 . Carbon derived from carbon dioxide ; nitrogen from inorganic sources (elementary nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates or ammonia) ; energy from light in the case of photosynthetic autotrophs and from simple inorganic oxidations in the case of chemosynthetic autotrophs. 2. Carbon and energy from organic carbon com- pounds (carbon dioxide is not the main source of carbon) ; nitrogen from inorganic compounds. 3. Carbon and energy from organic carbon com- pounds ; nitrogen from amino -acids (some, tryptophane, for example, are in many cases essential) ; ammonium salts are not assimilated. 4. Carbon and energy from organic compounds ; nitrogen from amino-acids, of which a con- siderable number is usually required. One or more growth factors are also required. A fifth group, the viruses, may be added to this Hst :— 5. Live and reproduce only in living tissues ; that is, exhibit an almost complete lack of synthetic powers. It may be stated that in the last year or two the discovery of saprophytic filter-passing organisms, which can thrive independently of living tissue, has been reported. 88 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY For further reading : — R. E. Buchanan and E. I. Fulmer, " Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria," \'ol. I., Chapter V. Balli^rc, Tindall & Cox. London, 1928. B. C.J. G. Knight, " Bacterial Nutrition," Medical Research Council Special Report No. 210. H.M. Stationery Office. London, 1936. M. Stephenson, " Bacterial ]\Ietabolism," Chapter YII. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 2nd Edition, 1939. CHAPTER VIII ADAPTIVE AND CONSTITUTIVE ENZYMES IN the last chapter the " training " of Eherthella typJiosa to assimilate ammonium salts instead of amino -acids and of C. diphtherice and M. tuberculosis to grow on synthetic media were cited as examples to show that organisms can be made to grow on an initially unfavour- able medium. Another example is the training of certain yeasts to ferment galactose (a power which the majority of yeasts do not possess), whilst the production of lactose fermenting variants of Esch. coli, of rhamnose fermenting strains of Eherth. typhosa and of sucrose fermenting variants of Shigella dysenterice probabh^ occur by a similar mechanism. As we have said, it has been suggested by some workers that this might not be due to a true " training " or induction of variants but to a selection of the appropriate strain from a mixed inoculum con- taining only very small numbers of the " non-exacting " strain, in the case of variation of nutrient requirements, or of those organisms fermenting galactose, etc., in the other cases. There is evidence, however, that this is not always the correct explanation, although it may be true in some instances. Often there is a considerable lag before the mutant ai)pears, much more than would be expected if organisms of the " trained " type Ave re already present, even in very small numbers. Moreover, in the majority of cases the bacteria concerned were isolated as single colony cultures and repeatedly subcultured and would thus be expected tQ be pure strains, although it must 69 90 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY be remembered that there may be a continuous production of variants. An alternative and more likely explanation of these variations is that the organisms produce a new enzyme or series of enzymes, under the stimulus of the changed medium, which enables them to deal with the new nutrient substances provided. Some of these enzymes may be merely capable of breaking down a new sugar, as is the case with, galactose trained yeasts or the Esch. coll mutants ; or they may be responsible for synthetic reactions which were lacking in the parent organism, as occurs when Eherth. typhosa is trained to grow on ammonium salts in the absence of tryptophane. Karstrom, as a result of growing certain organisms on a variety of media, showed that the bacterial enzymes may be divided into two groups. To the first group belong the 1. Constitutive Enzymes which are always produced by a given organism, whatever the medium on which it grows. These enzymes appear to be essential members of the " battery " of enzymes carried by the cell. The second group comprises the 2. Adaptive Enzymes which appear in a given organism as the result of growth on a medium containing the corresponding substrate. These enzymes only appear when their specific sub- strate is present, and on that account seem not to be essential enzymes. The constitutive enzymes can be further divided into two sorts : {a) those which always appear in approxi- mately the same amount even on a medium from which their particular substrates may be lacking, and (b) those which, although always produced to some extent, occur in increased amount when the organism is grown on the specific substrate, ADAPTIVE AND CONSTITUTIVE ENZYMES 91 According to Karstrom the formation of adaptive enzymes is always associated wnth the life processes of the cells. Dead cells can never give rise to enzymes which were not present in the living cells. If adaptive enz\Tnes appear in a culture which exhibits no gro^^i:h (for instance, where the growth has been prevented by some particular treatment, as is the case with the " resting " bacteria of Quastel and his co-workers) it must be assumed that such cells, although incapa})le of cell division in the given circumstances, are not dead ])ut in a state of suspended animation. We will describe some of Karstrom's experiments with Aerohacfer aerogenes (B. aerogenes) which he grew on a lactose medium. He separated the cells by centrifugalisa- tion, washed them and suspended them in solutions containing xylose and calcium carbonate (the latter to prevent development of acidity). Four solutions were used containing, besides the cells, xylose and calcium carbonate : — 1. Sodium chloride. 2. Potassium phosphate. 3. Potassium phosphate and yeast water. 4. Potassium phosphate and ammonium sulphate. The fermentation of xylose by the cells in these solutions was measured by the amount of carbon dioxide evolved, with the results show^n in Table 5. Table 5 Time. Carbon Dioxide Evolved ironi Solution. 1. 2. 3. 4. hr,<. 0 I 13 22 c.c. 0 0 0 0 c.c. 0 0 0 0 c.c. 0 5 52 66 c.c. 0 2 or, 76 92 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY The enzyme fermenting xylose is adaptive, and since the organism was grown on a lactose medium it did not contain the xylose enzyme. In solutions 1 and 2 there was no growth of the cells (owing to lack of a nitrogen supply), and so xylose was not fermented. In solutions 3 and 4, however, nitrogen was present, growth (or at least synthetic activity) occurred and a delayed fermentation of xylose took place after the necessary enzyme had been elaborated. In other experiments Karstrom grew the pentose fermenting lactic acid organism, Leuconostoc mesenter- oides (Betacoccus), on media containing only one of a series of sugars, separated and washed the cells and tested their fermenting ability on other carbohydrates, with the results show in Table 6. Table 6 Gi'own on Fermentation of r; lucose, Fructose, Mannose. Galactose. Arabinose. Sucrose. Maltose. Lactose. Glucose Galactose Arabinose Sucrose Maltose Lactose "N'o sugar + + + + + + + + 1 i 1 1 + 1 1 + + + + + 4- + The glucose, fructose, mannose and sucrose fermenting enzymes are thus seen to be constitutive since they are produced when the organism is grown on any sugar medium, and even on media containing no sugar at all. The other enzymes fermenting galactose, arabinose, maltose and lactose are adaptive since they are only developed in the presence of the appropriate substrate ADAPTIVE AND CONSTITUTIVE ENZYMES 93 (except for the maltose enzyme which also appeared in the absence of any carbohydrate). That the galactose enzyme appeared when L. nies enter oides was grown on lactose is not surprising since lactose is built up of glucose and galactose units. Usually the glucose splitting enzymes are constitutive, but an exception is found in the case of the pentose fermenting organism, Lactobacillus pentoaceticus , in which the glucose enzyme is adaptive and the xylose and arabinose enzj^mes constitutive, as may be seen from Table 7 (also due to Karstrom) : — - Table 7 Grown on Ferments. Arabinose. Glucose. Xj^lose. Arabinose - Glucose -r + An example of the second type of constitutive enzyme, those showing increased production in presence of the substrate, is given by the formation of the sucrose splitting enzyme by Esch. coli in considerably greater amount when the organism is grown on sucrose then when it is grown on media containing glucose, maltose or lactose, all of w^hich give rise to the production of some sucrase, however. Quastel has studied the production of the enzymes catalase, urease andfumarase by the organism Micrococcus lysodeikticus in different media. This organism was chosen because it possesses the peculiar property of being very easily lysed by egg-white with consequent liberation of its endo-enzjrmes into the medium. After liberation 94 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY in this way the amount of enzyme could be easily deter- mined. It was found that the presence of glucose in an agar-peptone medium stimulated the production of urease but depressed that of catalase. The presence of urea did not stimulate urease production nor did succinate or fumarate stimulate fumarase production, which is high in the presence of glucose. Quastel considers that the effect of the substrate on enzyme production depends on a balance of factors : (a) whether the substrate tends to destroy the enzyme or to protect it from destruction (j)erhaps by forming a reversible complex with it), and (b) whether the substrate has an effect on the synthesis of the enzyme by contributing some necessary molecules or configuration for that synthesis. Another type of enzyme which is adaptive is the hydrogenlyase, produced by the coli group of organisms when grown in the presence of formate, and which breaks formic acid down to carbon dioxide and hydrogen : — HCOOH > H2 + CO2. It is also produced in presence of glucose or glycerol, which yield formic acid as a result of their fermentation. Some specific factor in the medium also appears to be necessary since, generally speaking, the enzyme is only produced when the organism is grown on a tryptic digest of casein. If the bacterium is grown on synthetic media, even one containing formate, no hydrogenlyase is pro- duced in spite of good growth. It is almost certain that in this case the enzyme is not produced as a result of selection of a mutant strain, since the addition of formate to a young growing culture on tryptic casein digest caused the appearance of the enzyme in less than an hour, during which time the number of organisms had increased by only 18 per cent. A maximum production of enzyme occurred in two hours with an increase of the viable count by 34 per cent. In other words a maximum production of hydrogenlyase had occurred before the ADAPTIVE AND CONSTITUTIVE ENZYMES 95 organisms had doubled in numbers, which certainly seems to rule out selection as the mechanism in this case. In another experiment washed suspensions of Esch. coli were added to a tryptic digest plus formate, and the production of enzjTne (as measured by evolution of hydrogen in a Barcroft apparatus) was followed. Initially there was no enzyme, but it began to appear after forty-five minutes and reached a maximum value in 150 minutes, during which time there was less than a 5 per cent, increase in the number of organisms ; the hydrogen production in the same time increased by more than a thousandfold. Other examples of adaptive enzymes are hyaluronidase (the " spreading factor " produced by Clostridium welchii) which is only formed when its substrate, hyalu- ronic acid, is present and the enzyme, formed by a soil organism, which hydrolyses the specific polysaccharide of Type III pneumococcus. The results of experiments on adaptive and constitutive enzymes depend largely on the time for which the organism is allowed to grow or to remain in the medium. The amounts of some enzymes change considerably with time (that is, with the state of growth of the organism), whilst others remain more or less constant in amount. Thus an organism examined after twelve hours' gro\\i:h may have quite a different set of enzymes from that which it possesses after, say, seventy-two hours. When grown on a particular substrate an organism usually tends to maintain a normal concentration of the corres- ponding enzyme for a considerably longer time than it ordinarily does, and to maintain that concentration after the activity of most of the other enzymes has fallen off. Hence the apparent increase in activity of an enzyme in presence of its substrate may not always be due to a true increase in production of the enzjnne but to a contrast with the low values of the other enzymes. This, of course, will be particularly marked if old cultures are examined ; if the cultures are examined during the 96 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY logarithmic phase of growth all the enzymes may be of approximately equal intensity. Undoubtedly, though, in many cases a real stimulation of enzymes does occur under the influence of the specific substrates. The production of enzymes by bacteria is also influenced by substances other than the specific substrate. Thus calcium is necessary for the formation of gelatinase by Proteus vulgaris and magnesium for the phosphatases of propionic acid bacteria. The presence or absence of growth substances in the medium and the pH. of the medium are factors which must be taken into account when considering enzyme synthesis. Some adaptive enzymes are more easily produced than others. Karstrom showed that Esch. coli, for instance, produced enzymes to deal with mannitol in seventy- five minutes, sucrose in 105 minutes and lactose in 165 minutes. The production of the necessary enzymes in training " exacting " strains is usually much slower. The production of the galactose fermenting enzyme by yeast is a true adaptation, since it has also been shown to occur in the absence of cell division, which rules out the selection hypothesis. On the other hand, the pro- duction of lactose fermenting variants by Esch. coli mutabile seems to be a true selection, since it has been shown that such variants are being continuously produced even in the absence of lactose. In this case the effect of lactose in the medium is to provide the most favourable conditions for the growth and identification of the mutants. The majority of constitutive enzymes are those which bring about the respiratory and sjmthetic processes of the bacteria, whilst most of the adaptive enzymes are to be found among the hydrolases which break down the more complex nutrient materials to a form suitable for the attack of the constitutive enzymes. Exceptions to this rule are the production of the enzymes which enable " exacting " organisms to become " non-exacting " and ADAPTIVE AND CONSTITUTIVE ENZYMES 97 use ammonium salts instead of amino-acids in their synthetic processes. For further reading ; — R. J. Dubos, " The Adaptive Production of Enzymes by Bacteria." Bact. Bev. 4 (1940), 1. E. F. Gale, " Factors Influencing the Enzymic Activities of Bacteria." Bact. Bev. 7 (1943). 139. B. C. J. G. Knight, " Bacterial Xutrition," Medical Research Council Special Report No. 210. H.M. Stationery Office. London, 1936. H. Karstriim, " Formation of Enzymes in Bacteria. I, II." Suomen Kern., 2 (1929), 63; 3 (1930). 42. " Enzvmatische Adaptation bei Mikro-organismen." Ergehnisse fur Enzymforsdumg. 7 (1938), 350. CHAPTER IX GROWTH FACTORS PRIOR to the last two or three decades it was con- sidered that an adequate supply of protein, fat and carbohydrates, together with some mineral salts, was all that was necessary for the normal growth and development of animals and man. Then knowledge of the more detailed composition of " foodstuff s led to the recognition of the part played in nutrition by minor and formerly unsuspected constituents. The cause of several of what are now called " deficiency diseases " was shown to be a lack of certain essential growth factors in the diets of the afflicted persons. Well-known examples are scurvy, rickets and beri-beri. As the use of diets con- taining, as far as possible, only known constituents for experimental investigation of \atamins became common more and more such substances were discovered. The stages in the development of our knowledge have usually been first, the recognition of a condition as due to a deficiency of some "essential metabolite," secondly, the discovery of some crude preparation which would supply the lacking factor or vitamin and finally the identification of a chemically defined substance which could replace the crude preparation. Micro-organisms are similar to animals in that they, too, require essential growth factors in addition to the normal sources of carbon, nitrogen, mineral salts and other elements, necessary for the supply of energy and raw materials for growth. These growth factors were sometimes called " bacterial vitamins " by analogy with the vitamins concerned in GROWTH FACTORS 99 animal nutrition and health. It is now becoming evident that many bacterial vitamins are in fact identical with those involved in animal metabolism. ]\Iany of these substances, possibly all, are intimately connected with enzyme or co-enzjrme systems, often constituting the prosthetic group of such systems, and in other cases serving as an essential intermediate step in a cycle of reactions. Whereas, formerly, vitamins which were first dis- covered in connection with animal nutrition were later found to be necessary for the growth of micro-organisms, the position is now rather the reverse. For instance, p-aminobenzoic acid, biotin and riboflavin were first investigated in connection with the metabolism of micro- organisms and not until then was their activity in other fields suspected. As the metabolism of the micro- organisms is considerably easier to study than is that of the much more complex animals it is very probable that considerable improvement in our knowledge of general metabolism will result from investigation along such lines . The investigation of bios affords an example of the way in which knowledge of gro\Hh factors evolves. In 1901 Wildiers showed that yeast would not grow on synthetic media if sma.ll inocula were used, but that the introduction of large inocula was followed by satis- factory growth. He demonstrated that the addition of boiled yeast to the synthetic medium permitted the growth of small inocula. He attributed this phenomenon to the presence in yeast of an essential gro\vth promoter which he called bios ; he suggested that small inocula did not contain enough of it to allow grov,i:h to start, but large inocula carried sufficient bios into the new medium for gro^^-th to occur. He showed that it could be extracted from yeast with water, and that it was soluble in 80 per cent, alcohol but not in absolute alcohol nor in ether. It was stable to heat and moderately stable to 100 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY acids, being destroyed by boiling with 20 per cent, sulphuric acid but not by 5 per cent. acid. Boiling with sodium hydroxide solutions stronger than 1 per cent, destroyed bios. It was dialysable through semipermeable membranes . When yeast was shown to be a rich source of the vitamin-B complex it was thought that bios might be identical with it. This has been shown to be nearly, but not entirely, true, the two complexes having many factors in common. It was soon shown that bios was not a single substance but a mixture of several factors. It was first split into bios I and bios II by the action of barium hydroxide solution, which precipitates bios I but not bios II. Neither fraction alone is active, but mixing them restores the potency of the preparation. Bios I has been shown to be optically inactive meso- inositol. Further fractionation has shown that bios contains the following substances : — Bios I rne so -Inoaitol Bios Ila Pantothenic acid Bios lib Biotin Bios \ Aneurin j3- Alanine /-Leucine Nicotinic acid Pyridoxine. Several other substances of known constitution and some of unknown constitution are also involved in small amounts in metabolism. The known substances include adenine, ^-aminobenzoic acid, hsematin, phosphopyridine nucleotides, pimelic acid, riboflavin and uracil. Among the substances of unknown composition are folic acid, the " sporogenes factor " and a fraction from Myco- bacterium, phlei which stimulates the growth of Johne's bacillus. The properties of these growth factors will be con- sidered in more detail. GROWTH FACTORS lOl Adenine. — ^^ = c.XHa it has been shown that CH c- NH II !l \ II 11 CH II II // N-C-N adenine is a necessary constituent of media for the groA\'th of Clostridium tetani. It can be replaced by hypoxanthine. Very probably adenine is concerned in the synthesis of nucleic acids and diphosphopyridine nucleotide (see p. 202 et seq.). It has recently been shown that adenine can inhibit the bacteriostatic action of some of the sulphonamide drugs (see Chapter X). p-Alanine. — NH2.CH2.CH2.COOH. Saccharomyces species and Corynebacterium diphtherice need ^-alanine as a gro^Ai:h factor in s^Tithetic media. Since it forms a part of the molecule of pantothenic acid it is probably required for its synthesis. It is effective in promoting the growth of C. diphtherice in concentrations of the order of 1 /xg. per millilitre or less. (1 jLtg. =0-001 mg. Sometimes the sjmibol y is used instead of 1 fig.) ^- Alanine cannot be replaced by a-alanine. It may be derived by many organisms from asparagine or aspartic acid. 2)-Aniinobenzoic aeid.— XHg^ ^COOH. It was shown by Woods and by Woods and Fildes in 1940 that p-aminobenzoic acid was the substance in yeast extracts, peptone and other substances which inhibited the bacteriostatic action of sulphonamide. drugs (see Chapter X). It has since been shown to be a growth factor for certain strains of Neurospora crassa, Aceto- hacter suhoxydans (0-005 /xg/ml.), Clostridium aceto- hutylicum (lxl0~® />tg./ml. in presence of l-5xl0~^ to 1-5 X 10"^ lig.jmX, of biotin) and 01. butyricum. 102 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Aneurin. — ch, N==C.NH, CI I I 1 «| ! /C = C.CH.X^HaOH. CH3.C2 50 CH2— N/Sg* 6,1 II3 4 1! ^CH— S N CH Pyriniidirie Thiazole Vitamin B^, aneurin or thiamine was shown to be a con- stituent of bios by Williams in 1940. It was shown by Knight that the substance required by Stajyhylococcus aureus, in addition to nicotinic acid, and supplied by a gelatin hydrolysate, meat extract or " marmite " (an auto- lysed yeast preparation) was aneurin. It is active in con- centrations of 0-003 jLtg./ml. It can be replaced by a mix- ture of the corresponding 2-methyl-6-amino-5-amino- N = C.NH2 methyl pyrimidine, CH3.C C— CH2NH2 and 4-methyl- N— CH N - C.CH3 5- p -hydro xyethyl thiazole, |ljj ^l ^^jj qjj fragments but not by differently substituted fragments nor by differently substituted aneurins. It was shown that the pyrimidine moiety attached to an inactive thiazole as in thiochrome (an oxidation jDroduct of aneurin) can act as a source of the pyrimidine and that the thiazole moiety attached to an inactive pyrimidine can serve as a source of thiazole. Aneurin, or a mixture of the two components, has also been shown to be essential for the growth of Phyccmiyces blakesleeanus, of lactic acid bacteria and of propionic acid bacteria. Some protozoa and some parasitic fungi need intact aneurin and will not grow if the separate components are supplied instead. Some organisms need only one component and can synthesise the other. Thus Mucor rammanianus can sjnithesise the pyrimidine but not the thiazole whilst the red yeast, Rhodotorula GROWTH FACTORS 103 rubra, can synthesise the thiazole but not the pyrimidine part. The two organisms can he grown together in symbiosis, each producing the component needed by the other. Many organisms, of which Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Aerohacter aerogenes, Alhaligenes faecalis, Bacillus mesentericus and Thiohacillus thio-oxidans are examples, are independent of added aneurin, being capable of synthesising it themselves. It is highly probable that the aneurin is active in the decarboxylation of pyruvic acid, since aneurin pyro- phosphate is loiown to be co-carboxvlase (see Chapter XII). Biotin. — ^'<^ , Kogl isolated biotin in 1935 /"\ / \ 15' 4' I CH 3CH I ^ I CH2 2CH.(CH2)4.COOH from egg yolk and from yeast. It occurs in these sources in very minute quantities, 360 tons of yeast or one and a half million eggs being required to yield Ig. of the crys- talline substance. It has m.p. 230 — 231°C. and [a]^2== + 92° (in 0-1 N NaOH). It is probably the most active biological substance known at present ; a dilution of one part in 10^*^ is sufficient to promote half the maxi- mum gro^vth of yeast. It has been synthesised and the synthetic material is indistinguishable from the natural substance in biological activity. It is inactivated by treatment with nitrous acid, oxidising agents or by benzoylation or acetylation. The methyl ester, however, can be utilised in place of free biotin, but in some cases less readily. By reduction in presence of the Raney nickel catalyst the sulphur atom is eliminated and 8 104 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY replaced by two hydrogen atoms to give desthiobiotin, CO /\ / \ ,. , .... NH NH which, very surprisingly, is as active as CH CH I • I ■ CHg CH2.(CH2)4.COOH biotin itself. Observable growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs in the presence of a dilution of 1 in 4x10^1. Desthiobiotin will not promote the growth of Lactobacillus casei. Hydrolysis of desthiobiotin by acid or by alkali yields a diaminopelargonic acid, CH — CH which on oxidation gives pimelic acid, I ! ' CH3 CH2.(CH2^4.COOH COOH.(CH2)5.COOH. Biotin has been shown to be identical with vitamin H which is protective against "egg white injury," and with " co -enzyme R," which is necessary for the resjDiration of the nitrogen fixing organisms, Ehizobiu7n. The action of biotin is inhibited by avidin, the substance in egg white which is responsible for " egg white injury." Since the activity of desthiobiotin is also inhibited by avidin it seems probable that it is the urea grouping of biotin which combines with avidin. 0-hetero biotin, the analogue of biotin in which the sulphur atom is replaced by an oxygen atom, has about half the activity of biotin lor L. casei, L. arahinosus and Sacch. cerevisiae. It, also, is inactivated by avidin. Added biotin is required for the growth of lacto- bacilli, the propionic acid bacteria, CI. acetobntylicum, CI. butylicum, Staphylococcus (0-005 to 0-01 ju,g./ml.). Brucella and hsemolytic streptococci. At present the mechanism of its activity is obscure. GIiitamine.--CH2(CONH2).CH2.CH.NH2.COOH. This GROWTH FACTORS 105 amino-acid has been shown to be necessary for the initia- tion of gro\\i:h of many strains of Streptococcus, Lacto- bacillus, Diplococcus pneumonice, and B. anthracis. The organisms appear to be able to synthesise adequate quantities of ghitamine once growth has commenced. For some organisms it can be replaced by considerably larger amounts of glutamic acid. Haematin. — ^It has been established that haematin is the X-factor required by members of the genus Hcenio- philus. It can be replaced by certain inorganic iron compounds which have oxidase or catalase activity. It is, apparently, only necessary for the aerobic gro^vth of these organisms, since anaerobically they can grow in its absence. It is highly probable that haematin, or the other iron compounds, are necessary for the synthesis of the cytochrome system which plays an important part in bacterial respiration (see Chapter XII). CHOH CHOH CHOH. Me^o-Inositol. — I I This substance is CHOH CHOH CHOH essential for the growth of yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces . It is noteworthy that it is required in amounts considerably larger than for the majority of growi^h factors, milligrams rather than micrograms being needed. Its function is still unknown although Eastcott, who isolated it from bios, states that it is stored unchanged in the yeast cell. In animal metabolism it can prevent the development of " fatty liver " which normally arises when there is an excess of cholesterol in the diet. Inositol occurs as the phosphoric ester in the phj^in of wheat germ, which interferes with the normal metabolism of calcium in bone formation. 106 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY CH3 /-Leucine.— ^CH.CHa.cH.NH^.cooH, This (•H3 amino -acid is required by yeast for growth in synthetic media and is a constituent of bios. It is classed as one of the essential amino -acids for the growth of most bacteria. CH CH C.CONHo Nicotinamide. — 1^ II . Knight found that CH CH %/ ]sr nicotinamide was one of the constituents of meat or yeast extract required for the aerobic growth of Staph, aureus on gelatin hydrolysate with the addition of tryptophane, cystine and glucose. It was active at a dilution of 0-05 /xg./ml. of medium. Nicotinic acid, CH CH CCOOH "^^^ found to be someM^hat less active than the I II ' amide. That the activity is not due to an im- ^ p^ purity is shown by the fact pyridine-3-nitrile, N CH CH C.CN, i^ inactive until it is hydrolysed to the acid. I II Nicotinamide is also required by Shiga's ^•^/'^ dysentery bacillus and by Hceinophilus pertussis. The ratio of the activity of the amide to that of the acid is not constant but differs for various organ- isms. Thus for C. diphtherice the acid is ten times as active as the amide, for Proteus vulgaris the two are equally active, for Staph, aureus tlic amide is five times as active as the acid, for Shigella dysenterice the ratio is ten to one, whilst some Pasteur ella strains cannot use the acid at all. GROWTH FACTORS 107 Shigella dysenterice requires (M /xg./ml. of nicotin- amide for growth but higher concentrations have an inhibiting effect. This is probably analagous to the inhibition of enzyme action by an excess of one or more of the products . Nicotinamide forms part of the molecule of Harden and Young's cozymase or Co -enzyme I, a di23hosphopy- ridine nucleotide, and of Co -enzyme II, a triphospho- pyridine nucleotide, which are concerned in carbohydi^ate metabolism (see Chapter XII). It seems obvious that nicotinamide is required by some organisms for the synthesis of these co-enzymes. Bacteria like Esch. coli, Eberthella typhosa, and Vibrio comma can synthesise the whole CO -enzyme, whilst Staphylococcus and the dysentery bacilli, for example, cannot synthesise the pyridine moiety. H. influenzce cannot s^aithesise any part of the CO -enzyme which must be supplied intact and cannot be replaced even by adenylic acid (adenine-|-d-ribose-|- phos- phate, see p. 332). Nicotinamide can be replaced by Co-enzjones I or II. In America the name niacin has been given to nicotinamide in order to avoid the unfortunate association in the public mind with nicotine. This is important as nicotinamide is of interest in human metabolism, a deficiency of it giving rise to pellagra. „ , ^, . .^ ^i5J3\o_(jHOH.CO.XH.CH2.CH<,.rOOH. Pantothenic acid. — ^^3/ CH2OH Williams isolated pantothenic acid from a number of sources such as yeast, rice bran, milk, liver and egg white by extraction with 80 i)er cent, methanol. It was shown to be identical with the chick anti-dermatitis factor of liver and to be an important constituent of bios. It is of very widespread occurrence in bacteria, moulds and many plant and animal tissues, a fact which 108 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY gciAc I'iisc to its name. It is active in very low concentra- tions, of the order of 0-008 fig./ml., in stimulating carbohydrate fermenting organisms, but not non-carbo- hydrate fermenters. Pantotlienic acid loses its activity towards some organisms, e.g. Str. liceirwlyticus , on cleavage, by acid hydrolysis, into «-hydroxy- p p-dimethyl-y- ^ Ji sXp CHOH C = 0 butyrolactone, ^^Hs/T ' i' ' and p -alanine, CH2— 0 1 NH2.CH2.CH2.COOH. This is similar to the failure of some organisms to utilise glutamic acid instead of glutamine, and to the readier use of nicotinamide than of the acid. It appears to be associated with the inability to form amide linkages other than in the a-position, that in pantothenic acid being p- and that in glutamine being y-- The effect of pantothenic acid is usually increased by relatively large amounts of meso-inositol and by extremely small amounts of bio tin. Active pantothenic acid has been sjnithesised from its inactive component parts. Among organisms for which pantothenic acid is a growth factor are the lactic acid bacteria, hsemolytic streptococci, C. diphtherice gravis and Proteus morganii. The way in which panthothenic acid enters into the metaboUsm of micro-organisms is not yet understood. Phosphopyridine Nucleotides. — Diphosphopyridine nucleotide, Co-enzyme I, which is constituted as nicotin- amide -ribose -phosphate -phosphate -ribose -adenine , has been shown to be identical with the F-factor required by H. influenzce and which is supplied by extracts of many bacteria, yeasts, blood and plant and animal tissues. A mixture of nicotinamide and adenylic acid cannot replace Co -enzyme I in the metabolism of H. influenzce. The co -enzyme is a co -dehydrogenase (see Chapter XII). GROWTH FACTORS l09 The closely related tiiphosphopyridine nucleotide. Co -enzyme II, which is concerned in reduction and phosphorylation reactions, is also required by H. in- fluenzce and H. parainfluenzoi. Organisms of the genus Hcemophilus afford another example of symbiosis. H. canis needs hsematin but synthesises Co-enzyme I ; H. parainfluenzce needs co- enzyme I but synthesises haematin. If sown separately in peptone water neither grows. If they are sown together good growi}h results, each organism supplying the other with the lacking factor. Pimelic acid— COOH.CH2.CH2.CH2.CH2.CH2.COOH. It was shown by Mueller that pimelic acid was one of the substances in liver extract which was required for the gro^vth of C. diphtherice in sjoithetic media. The syn- thetic acid is equally effective, but other dibasic acids, such as azelaic acid, were not effective. Pimelic acid has an observable effect in concentrations of 0-005 ju-g./ml. and optimum effect at 0-01 [ig./ml. Although nothing is kno^vn of the way in which pimelic acid acts it is, perhaps, significant that the acid arises as a result of the hydrolysis and oxidation of biotin (see p. 104). It is possible that pimelic acid may be required in the synthesis of the carbon chain of biotin, the other two carbon atoms of the chain being derived by condensation with acetaldehyde. CH2OH I C Pyridoxine. — CHaOH.t^ * ^j.oh ,2-methyl-3-hydroxy-4:5- Hc!« 2C.CH3 di-(hydroxymethyl) pyridine. This substance has been shown to be a rat anti -dermatitis factor, vitamin Bg, 110 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY which occurs in the vitamin B complex. It maj^ also be concerned as an anti -pernicious ansemia factor in liver extracts. It has been isolated from rice bran, liver, molasses and similar sources. It was shown by Williams to be necessary for the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisice and Strej^tobacterium plantarum. It is required by Lacto- hacilhis casei, L. delhrilckii and L. lactis but not by L. arabinostis or L. pentosus. Leuconostoc mesenteroides can grow without it but is stimulated by its presence. The last three organisms are able to synthesise pyridoxine but L. mesenteroides only to the extent of about one- fourth of the production by the other two. The amount required by L. casei depends on the oxygen tension of the medium, the lower the oxygen tension the lower is the amount of pyiidoxine required. It stimulates the growth of staphylococci. The 4:5-diacetyl derivative is nearly as active as pyridoxine itself, but the triacetyl derivative is inactive. Substitution usually reduces or destroys the activity. It has been shown that pseudopyridoxine, which is form.ed by the action of hydrogen peroxide on pyridoxine or by autoclaving solutions of the latter in presence of cystine, is considerably more active than pyridoxine in stimulating the growi:,h of Str. lactis and L. casei, although it had no greater effect on the growth of several moulds, N euros fora sitophila, yeasts such as Saccharomyces carlshergensis and Sacch. oviformis or rats. Pseudoj)yridoxine is now known to be a mixture of CHO CH.NH2 HO |/\, CH2OH , HO (^\ CH2OH. pyridoxal ^^^ CH3 'J pyridoxamine, CH3 N N These two compounds are reversibly interconvertible and act as the co-enzyme of transamination (see p. 341). GROWTH FACTORS 111 Pyridoxal is converted, in presence of adenosine triphos- CHO HO /\ CH2OPO3H2 phate, to the phosphate N which acts as the co -decarboxylase for the amino acid decarboxylases for tyrosine, tysine, asparagine, arginine and ghitamic acid (see p. 228). Riboflavin. — ^'HsOH Warburg and Cln^stian, in (HOH l^^2, showed that riboflavin j was an essential part of the CHOH " yellow " respiratory enzyme, ('HOH which, together Avith Co- I enzymes I and II, is concerned y^2 in the carbohydrate metabolism CH N N of yeasts and bacteria (see /\/\^\,_ Chapter XII). It occurs in ^^'f !! y y~^^ yeasts and those bacteria which CH3.C C C XH do not require it as a gTO^\i:h ^CH^X^cf-0 ^^^^^^' ^^^^ ^^ many animal ~ tissues. Since it was originally isolated from milk it is sometimes known as lactoflavin. It is a grov>i:.h factor for most lactic acid bacteria, pro- pionic acid bacteria, streptococci, Thermobacterium and Clostridium tetani. Its function seems, obviously, to be built into the enzjmie by those organisms which cannot sjoithesise it for themselves. Uracil.— XH— co Richardson showed that for the ('o CH. anaerobic growth of Staphylo- I II coccus aureus on synthetic XH— CH media it was necessary to add uracil. It is a component of nucleic acids (see Chapter XVIII), and is, presumably, required for their synthesis under anaerobic conditions. Staph, aureus appears to be 112 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY able to Bynthesise uracil under aerobic conditions only. It has been shown to be necessary for Lactobacillus arabinosus, Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Group C hemolytic streptococci. It can be replaced by orotic acid (uracil 4-carboxylic acid) for the latter. Uracil is not necessary as a growth factor for Group A hsemolytic streptococci if carbon dioxide is present at a partial pressure above 40 mm. of mercury. Folic acid. — Williams isolated folic acid from the leaves of spinach and from yeast, liver and kidney. It is possibly identical with, or forms a part of liver " eluate factor." It occurs in most green leaves, including grass. It contains vitamins Bio ^.nd B^ which are necessary in the growth of cliicks and for the production of feathers by chicks respectively. It also increases the growth of rats. Folic acid is still of unknown constitution, but is known to contain nitrogen but no sulphur or phosphorus. It is said to have a molecular weight of about 500. An active orange yellow crystalline substance of the com- position C9H10N3O3, probably identical with vitamin Be, the chick anti-anaemia factor, has been obtained from it. The crystalline material induces half the maximum growth of L. casei at a concentration of 0-00005 /xg./ml. Folic acid is required as a growth factor by many lactic acid bacteria. In a concentration of 0-00012 /xg./ml. it gives half its maximum growth effect on Str. lactis R. It also stimulates the growth of L, casei and L. delbrilckii. A liver extract stimulating the growth of L. casei E can be replaced by orotic acid, uracil-4 carboxylic acid, but not by uracil itseK. Orotic acid may be a constituent of folic acid. There appear to be at least two factors in folic acid required for bacterial growth because, although an extract from spinach has equal activity in supporting the groAvth of Str. lactis and L. casei, extracts from liver and yeast have different •GROWTH FACTORS 113 values for the two organisms. The difference is due to a factor which is active for Str. lactis but not for L. casei. The factor has been isolated and it was found that 1/xg. of it was equivalent in activity to 56 fig. of a folic acid concentrate towards Str. lactis but that 1 /xg. was less active than 0-004 jag. of the concentrate for L. casei. This factor is different from the crystalline substance described above which is more active towards L. casei than towards Str. lactis. Folic acid, vitamin Be, the L. casei factor and xanthop- NH— CO terin, nh=c C— N=C.0H , are closely related and I II I XH— C— N = CH probably concerned in the synthesis of thymine, NH— CO CO C.CH3 . Thymine can replace vitamin Be in the I II ]N^H— CH nutrition of L. casei but not in that of Str. lactis R (identical with Str. fcecalis). L. casei factor can be partially con- verted into folic acid by incubation with chick liver ; CH2OH COOH HOOC |/^| OH (JH2OH A OH, if a- or j3-pyracin, V"- or N is added to the mixture even better conversion occurs. Mycobacterium phiel Extract. — In 1912 Twort and Ingram showed that Jo line's bacillus, on first isolation, would only grow in the presence of some substance occurring in an extract of M. tuberculosis honiinis or, better, in M. phlei. The organism could be " trained," 114 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY with some difficulty, to grow in the absence of the extract, or, in other words, to produce its own growth factor. The substance, which is acidic in nature, is very stable and can be extracted by glycerol, hot water, hot alcohol or hot acetone. It can be replaced by alcoholic extracts of a number of vegetable tissues and fungi. It can be partially replaced by 0-1 /xg./ml. of phthiocol, 3-hydroxy- 2 -methyl- 1 : 4 -naphthoquinone, a constituent of tubercle bacilli (see p. 392), or of 2 -methyl- 1 : 4 -naphthoquinone, the anti-haemorrhagic vitamin K. The Sporogenes Factor. — CI. sporogenes, when inocu- lated as a spore suspension into synthetic media shows no growth. When active preparations from yeast or from urine are added in very small quantities (0-4 /xg./ml.) good growth ensues. The factor is widely distributed in animal and vegetable tissues from which it can be ex- tracted by 75 per cent, alcohol. It can be purified by conversion into an alcohol soluble barium salt. The regenerated acid is active in concentrations of 0-02 /Ag./ml. It can be further purified by distillation of its methyl ester in a high vacuum (boiling point, 80 to 100°C. at 0-001 mm. of mercury). The ester is inactive but the activity is restored on hydrolysis. The sporogenes factor is an unsaturated hydroxy fatty acid, C11H14O4 or C11H12O4, of molecular weight about 200. Its presence appears to be essential for the growth of CI. botulinum and CI. welchii as well as of CI. sporogenes. It is produced by many, probably all, aerobic bacteria, for example. Salmonella typhhnurium, Eherthella typhosa, and M. tuberculosis and by the mould Aspergillus versicolor. It is probable that it is required by all micro-organisms but that the Clostridia have lost the power of sjnithesising it for themselves. It will have been noticed that many of the substances listed as growth factors are the prosthetic groups or the GROWTH FACTORS 115 parent substances of prosthetic groups of enzymes or CO -enzymes which are essential for the metabolism of micro-organisms. It is this which, probably, accounts for the fact that most growth factors are needed only in very small amounts, since they remain in circulation, as it were, and are used over and over again. If they are not available the particular metabolic process in which the corresponding enzjine or co -enzyme is in- volved is brought to a standstill and the organism fails to grow. It is almost certainly true that all organisms make use of these substances in their metabolism. Some organisms, however, appear to be able to make them all for themselves, whilst others need one or more of them to be provided from outside sources. It is only when a substance has to be supplied ready made to a micro- organism that it is regarded as being a growth factor for that organism. An organism, although capable of synthesising a particular gro^^i;!! factor, may do so relatively slowly so that it is in a chronic state of deficiency and accordingly develops only poor gro\\i}h. The addi- tion of the metabolite then has a stimulating effect on growth. Fildes has suggested that, in reality, most, if not all, of these compounds can be regarded as " essential metabolites." That bacteria really can synthesise " essential meta- bolites " themselves is showrti by the fact that TJiio- bacillus thio-oxidans , for instance, when grown autotrophically on sulphur containing media with no organic material initially present contains aneurin, biotin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and riboflavin. The same is true of Esch. coli, Proteus vulgaris, Aerohacter aerogenes, Alkaligenes fcecalis, B. antJiracis, B. mesentericus , B. vidgatus, Vibrio comyna and Serratia marcescens in which aneurin, biotin, nicotinic acid and other substances have been detected after their growth on synthetic media containing none of these 116 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY compounds originally. It is possible that intestinal bacteria may serve as a source of vitamins for human and animal nutrition, since it has been observed that vitamin deficiency symptoms often develop when the growth of intestinal bacteria is suppressed by the use of such di-ugs as sulphaguanidine or sulphasuxidine. The Lactobacilli require a considerable proportion of the known growth factors for their adequate growth on synthetic media. This fact is used for the detection and estimation of the amounts of such substances present in various extracts or foods. Thus Landy and Dickens have shown that L. casei will grow well on a sjmthetic medium containing the appropriate amino -acids and mineral salts together with aneurin, biotin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and riboflavin. The amount of growth can be estimated by titrating the lactic acid formed. If any one of the growth factors is omitted from the medium growth does not occur. If the missing factor is added in amounts less than that required for maximum growth, the degree of growth is proportional to the quantity of the factor added. The growth of L. casei on the medium lacking one of the factors can, therefore, be used as a test for the presence of that factor in anji^hing added to the medium ; by comparing the amount of growth in presence of the addendum with that occurring on the full medium the test can be made quantitative. By omitting each growth factor in turn from the medium an analysis of the factors in an extract can be made. Another valuable method of assaying growth factors and essential amino -acids has recently developed from the use of mutants of the mould Nenrosi)ora crassa obtained by the action of X-rays on the asexual spores and crossing them with the heterothallic strain of opposite character. A series of mutants has been obtained wliich GROWTH FACTORS 117 can grow on a complete medium but which fail to grow on a medium lacking a single constituent specific to each mutant. This is due to a lack of synthetic ability to form the particular compound, occasioned by destruc- tion of the controlling gene. Mutants failing to sjoithesise p-Sbinmo benzoic acid, aneurin, choline, inositol, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and the essential amino-acids arginine, leucine, lysine, methionine, proline, threonine, tryptophan and valine are known. The gro^vth of such mutants is proportional to the amount of the specific substance (up to the amount necessary for optimum gro^vth) which is added to an otherwise adequate medium. These and other mutants are also extremely valuable for elucidating the mechanism of certain metabolic reactions (see p. 343). In contrast with the term " Antibiotics " which has recently come into use for those substances produced by micro-organisms which inhibit the gro^vth of other organisms, it has been suggested that those substances capable of stimulating metabolism which are produced by micro-organisms, and which are usually highly specific in their action, should be called " Biotics " as an alter- native to growth factors. A list of some micro-organisms and their requirements of growth factors is given in Table 8. It must be realised that different strains of a given species may vary in their ability to synthesise one or more of the biotics mentioned so that the lists given cannot apply rigidly to all strains. Some of the strains may also require growth factors of still unknown composition in addition to those listed. Considerable variation of this sort is found amongst strains of (7. diphtherice, Lacto- bacillus, Streptococcus and the yeasts. 118 bacteriological chemistry Table 8 Organism. Growth Factors. Amount required per ml. ot modiinn. A. siihoxyians ^-Aminobcnzoic acid - G-005 Brucella Biotin (or methyl ester) Nicotinamide Pantothenic acid - Pyrimidine (or aneurin) 0-000008 to 0-0001 0-02 0-02 0-02 CI. acetobufylicum CI. botulinum CI. butylkum, Cl. butyricum CI. sporogenes Cl. tetani - Cl. uelchil - _p-Aminoben7,oic acid Biotin .... " Sporogenes Factor " - Biotin " Sporogenes Factor " ;j-Aminobenzoic acid - " Sporogenes Factor " - Adenine . . . . Aneurin - - . . Biotin Folic acid - - . - Nicotinic acid Oleic acid - - - Pantothenic acid - Pyridoxine - - - - Ribollavin - - - - Tryptopha,ne Uracil Oleic acid ... - Pyridoxine ... - " Sporogenes factor " - Uracil 0-000001 0-00015 to 0-000001 0-02 5-0 01 0-001 0-001 1-0 2-5 0-05 to 0-25 1-0 0-1 50-0 2-5 C. diphtheriae j5-Alanine ... - Nicotinic acid or Nicotinamide Oleic acid - - - . Pantothenic acid - Pimclic acid - - - - 0-1 1-0 10-0 0-005 to O-Ol Gontimied on next page GROWTH FACTORS Table 8 (Continued) 119 Organism. Growth Factors. Amount required per ml. of medium. H. canis Hsematin . - - . m H. ducreyii - Haematin .... H. influenzce Hsematin . . . . Co-enz\nne I or 11 ... H. parainfluenz(B - Co-enzyme I or II ... H . pertussis Nicotinamide ... Needed by all fol- Aneurin .... 0-2 low insr strains oi Biotin 0-0001 to 0-0004 Lactobacillus Folic acid . . . . 0 00005 to 0-3 Nicotinamide 01 to 0-2 Pantothenic acid - 003 to 0-2 Riboflavin - - - . 0-04 to 0-2 Tryptophane 100-0 L. arahinosns Adenine .... 20-0 p-Amino benzoic acid - 0-0002 to 0-6 Inositol .... 20-0 Uracil ... - 50 L. casei Adenine .... 20-0 ;;-Amino benzoic acid - 0-6 Guanine . . . . 200 Inositol . - - . 5-0 Orotic acid - - - - 0-01 Pyridoxine . - - - 0-06 to 0-6 Uracil 20-0 L. delbrUckii Pj'ridoxine . - - . ... L. lactis Pyridoxine .... L. pentoaceticus - Pyridoxine .... L. pentosus - Adenine .... L. plantarum Adenine - - - Guanine .... Pyridoxine . - - - Leuc. mesenteroides Pyridoxine - - - - Continued on next page 120 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Table 8 (Continued) Organism. Growth Factors. Amount required per ml. of medium. Pneumococcus Biotin Pantothenic acid i"o Proi^ionic acid bacteria Aneurin . . . . Biotin Riboflavin ... - 0-005 to 0-05 Proteus morganii - Proteus vulgaris - Pantothenic acid - Nicotinamide Nicotinamide 0-2 Bhizobium - Biotin ■ ... ; Rhodotorula rubra Rhodotorulaflava - Aneurin .... Aneurin .... 0016 0-016 : Shigella dysenterice Nicotinamide or Co-enzyme I or II - - . . 01 \ Staph, aureus i Aneurin . . . . Biotin Nicotinamide Pyridoxine - - . . Uracil (anaerobic only) 0-003 0005 to 0-01 005 to 0-2 0-3 to 1-2 0005 \ Streptobacterium ; plantar am Biotin Nicotinic acid Pantothenic acid - Pyridoxine .... 0001 0-2 0-2 10 [ Strej)iococcus \ hcemolyticus ■ Aneurin .... Biotin .... Glutamine* - - . - Nicotinamide Pantothenic acid - Pyridoxine - - . . Ribofla\iii - . . . Urai-il (for Croup ( ') ♦Synthesised once growth has commenced. 0001 O-i 0008 to 1-25 2-0 0-004 to 01 10 to 20 Continued on next page GROWTH FACTORS Table 8 {Concluded) 121 Organism. Growth Factors. Amount required per ml. of medium. ,S7/-. lactis Pv. Aneurin . . . . Adenine . . . . Biotin Folic acid . . . . Guanine . . . . Nicotinamide Pantothenic acid - Pvridoxine - . - - Riboflavin .... Thymine .... [J-g- 0-2 100 0-0004 0-0005 10-0 0-6 0-4 1-2 0-2 0-2 Neil rospora c rassa N. sito/ihila ;j-Aminobenzoic acid Pvridoxine .... 0-0025 0-1 Phycomyces blakesleeanvs Aneurin .... 0-02 Saccharomyces cerevisirjE /3-Alanine .... /^-Aminoben/.oic acid Aneurin .... Biotin Inositol .... Z-Leucine .... Pantothenic acid . Pvridoxine .... 0-08 0-0001 20-0 o-orji It has been claimed that ascorbic acid is required as a growth factor by the trypanosomes Schizotrypanum cruzi, LeisJirminia tropica and L. donovani and some Trichomonas species. Cholesterol is also said to be required by some species of Trichomonas. For further reading : — K. Hofmann, " The Chemistry and Biochemistry of Biotin." Advances in Enzymology. 3 (1943), 289. B. C. J. G. Knight, " Growth Factors in Microbiology." Vitamins and Hormones. 3 (1945), 108. S. A. Koser and F. Saunders, " Accessory Growth Factors for Bacteria and Related Micro-organisms." Bad. ^Rev. 2 (1938), 99. A. L^voff, " Les Facteurs de Croissance pour les Micro-organismes." Ann. Inst. Pasteur. 61 (1938), 580. W. H. Peterson and M. 8. Peterson, " Tlie Relation of Bacteria to Vitamin.s and other Growth Factors." Bad. Rev. 9 (1945), 49. R. J. Williams, " The Chemistry and Biochennstrv of Pantothenic Acid." Advances in Enzymology. 3 (1943), 253. CHAPTER X CHEMOTHERAPY THE term chemotherapy introduced by Ehrlich is used to describe the treatment of diseases due to micro-organisms by m«ans of chemicals of known composition. It is analagous to serotherapy which is used for the treatment of such diseases by the use of antibacterial or antitoxic sera. Rather curiously the treatment of other conditions, such as the " deficiency " diseases due to lack of vitamins, or of endocrinological diseases, with drugs, even when their constitution is known, is not included in the term chemotherapy. In recent years great advances have been made in chemotherapy, particularly in that part of it dealing with bacterial infections and it is now possible to account for the mechanism of the processes on a fairly certain basis . Chemotherapeutic substances cure by the destruc- tion of the organism causing the disease. The action may be directly on the organism or by stimulation of the defence mechanism of the host or, frequently, by a combination of both means. The organism may be weakened, or otherwise rendered susceptible, so that the tissue defences may be strong enough to overcome the infection. The application of chemotherapy is obviously more difficult in the case of a generalised infection, or in an infection of a deep tissue, such as the central nervous system, than when the infection is localised or readily accessible to the action of the drug. In such conditions 122 CHEMOTHERAPY 123 a substance which is more harmful tu the parasite than to the surrounding cells and tissues can be applied directly, as did Lister when he used phenol to combat sepsis in surgery, or as is done when flav^ines are used for surface staphylococcal infections, or sulphonamides are dredged into wounds. When the infection is deep seated or general the chemotherapeutic agent must circulate in the blood or lymph in order to reach the organisms and then the body as a whole is subject to the actions of the drug which may be toxic. Moreover, the substance is liable to be excreted or destroyed or in- activated by fixation in the tissues with lowering of the effective concentration. The difficulty is even greater if the organisms are situated in avascular tissue or necrotic areas or inside cells where direct access of the drug carried in the blood is not possible. Although a substance may be highly lethal to bacteria in vitro it does not follow that it will be a good chemo- therapeutic agent. Thus Koch, as long ago as 1881, showed that amounts of mercuric chloride many times the in vitro lethal dose when injected into guinea-pigs had no effect on anthrax bacilli, subsequently injected. Similarly Hata showed that an amount of methylene blue, five hundred times that required to kill Borrelia reciirrentis (the causal organism of relapsing fever) in vitro had no influence on the course of the infection in mice. The converse may also be true ; prontosil is without effect on Streptococcus pyogenes when tested on cultures of the organism but is a most useful drug in the treatment of streptococcal infections. In all cases its toxicity to the host is the limiting factor which determines w^hether or not a given substance can be used as a therapeutic agent. Almost always a sub- stance which is harmful to micro-organisms is also harmful to the cells of the host so that the choice of a suitable drug depends on the difference in intensity between the two actions. The ordinary disinfectants 124 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY like phenol, inercuric chloride, or chlorine compounds are as toxic to animal cells as to micro-organisms and obviously cannot be used internally. The more damaging the drug to the parasite compared with its toxicity to the host the more useful is it likely to be. The ratio toxicity to micro-organism , often called the chemothera- toxicity to host peutic index, is frequently used as a measure of the value of a drug, the higher the ratio the more useful is the substance likely to be, other things being equal. The chemotherapeutic index is sometimes expressed as the ratio between the smallest amount of drug which, when injected in one dose, will effect cure and the largest amount tolerated by the host. The route of injection of a drug may influence its apparent efficacy, as a result of differences in absorption or excretion. Thus intramuscular injection of a rela- tively insoluble drug will produce a depot of the drug which will maintain a more or less uniform concentration of the drug in the circulation for a considerable time, whereas intravenous injection is followed by fairly rapid excretion. As an example salvarsan, when injected intramuscularly into fowls, protects them against infec- tion by spirochsetes for several weeks, although they become susceptible again within six days of an intra- venous injection. Penicillin is of little value when taken orally because it is destroyed by the acid conditions prevailing in the stomach, and is administered intra- venously. On the other hand, sulphaguanidine is effective against intestinal organisms because it is only slowly absorbed from the gut, whilst the rapidly absorbed sulphanilamide is almost useless for such infections, but very effective against the bactersemia type of infection. A micro-organism may be killed in one host by a drug but may be resistant to the same drug in another host. CHEMOTHERAPY 125 This is possibly due to differing reactioiLs of the host to the absolution or excretion of the di'ug. A further possibihty may be the possession by different hosts of different amounts of substances inhibiting the drug, as illustrated by the fact that rats can be protected against streptococcal infections by pantoyltaurine, whilst mice, which normally have a higher concentration of panto- thenic acid in their blood, are not (see p. 149). The development of chemotherapy can be regarded as commencing in 1867 with Lister's use of phenol as an antiseptic in surgery, although knowledge existed much earlier of such traditional remedies as mercury and iodides for sjrphilis, cinchona bark for malaria and ipecacuanha for amoebic dysentery and although, many years before the causes of the diseases themselves had been elucidated, the active principle of cinchona bark was shown to be quinine, and ipecacuanha was known to act in virtue of the alkaloid, emetine, which it contained. Progress in chemotherapy was greatly hampered in the early days by lack of in vitro methods of testing drugs. Such methods could not be developed until methods of culture of the test organisms were available. Trypanosome infections in rats and mice were originally used for testing drugs against such diseases as sleeping sickness. In untreated animals the parasites progres- sively multiply in the blood stream and death results in a few days. An adequate dose of an effective compound leads to permanent elimination of the parasite from the blood stream, more or less rapidly depending on the drug. In 1930 a method was devised for maintaining tr5rpanosomes alive in vitro for about twenty-four hours and has been of great use in investigating trypanocidal drugs. The study of amoebecides was greatly facilitated by Dobell and Laidlaw's in vitro method of culturing amoeba such as Entamoeba histolytica which causes amoebic dysentery. 126 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Protozoal Infections.— Very little progress was achieved until Ehrlich's researches gave a stimulus to the study of the subject. Ehrlich had observed that some tissues were selectively stained when certain dyes were injected into animals, whilst other tissues were almost unaffected. In 1891 he recorded that the malaria parasite was stained by methylene blue and could be differentiated from the tissues of the host in this way. This suggested that dyestuffs might be found which would be so easily adsorbed by pathogenic micro- organisms as to kill them without harming the host. As a result of these investigations Ehrlich and Shiga, in 1904, showed that trypanosomes were readily stained by the dye trypan-red, SCNa and that the substance cured the ordinarily fatal infection of mice with Trypanosoma equinum. Unfortunately the dye was effective only against acute laboratory infections and not against the natural disease. In 1905 atoxyl, ^^-amino -phenyl arsonic acid, NH2<^^ NAsOgNa, was shown by Thomas to be lethal to Trypanosoma gambiense in infected mice. This discovery led to the production of a number of arsenical drugs, many of which were dangerously near the toxic limits for therapeutic use. Their action was rarely apparent if administered in the later stages of the disease, and frequently arsenic resistant strains of trypanosomes were developed when cure was not effected. These drugs were not lethal to T, rhodesiense. Further research, however, led to the discovery in 1920 of Baeyer 205 or germanin (among other names). CHEMOTHERAPY 127 NH.CO. CH. cn. SOgNa I I CO CO.NH I SOgNa NH >C0 NH.CO.NH SO,Na SOgNa which is effective against natural trypanosome infections by T. gambiense and T. rhodesiense, but still ineffective in the later stages of the disease. This, but not the other disadvantages, was overcome by the use of tryparsamide, OH CONH2.CH2NH >As = o , and similar drugs such ONa as arsanine and neocryl containing pentavalent arsenic. Atoxyl was shown to be effective also against the spirochsete causing syphilis. Even more effective is salvarsan or arsphenamine, H0< '^^ . It was later shown that \ NH2.HCI NH2.HCI these substances were not themselves active in vitro but that they were converted in the body, by reduction and partial oxidation respectively, to deriva- tives of phenyl-arsenoxide, <^ />-^sO, which were highly lethal in vitro to spirochaetes and trjrpanosomes . The therapeutic use of phenylarsenoxide derivatives in the ordinary way is not possible since they are excreted too rapidly to be effective unless given in doses which would be too toxic to the host. The arsenoxide derivative mapharsen, or mapharside. H0< >As0 I NH.HCl is used, however, by the slow intravenous drip method to give a short but intensive treatment for syphilis. 128 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Many compounds, ])a8ecl on the structure NH.C— NH— C— NH.CH II II \ NH NH CHj CHEMOTHERAPY 120 A theory CH = CH I ^ ^ NH2 which is the most effective drug yet known for the treatment of kala-azar. and pentamidine, NH NH C NH2 NH3 for babesia in cattle. Propamidine, NH ' ^ -0— (CHa),— 0— NH2 has also proved of value in trjrpansomiasis, kala-azar and babesiasis. To Summarise : — Trypanosomes are susceptible to the 130 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY met alio -organic compounds of arsenic, antimony and bismuth, to derivatives of quinine, to the triphenyl methane series of dyes, to acid bis-azo dyes, such as trypan-red and trypan -blue, to acriflavine and to the amidines. Leishmania are susceptible to pentavalent antimony compounds such as stibenyl, ^^-aminophenyl sodium ONa stibonate, NH2< >Sb = 0 , \ OH or stibacetin, CH3C0.NH< ONa / >Sb = 0 \ OH and to the amidines. Amoebae are susceptible to chinoform, iodohydroxy- SOsNa quinoline sulphonate. and to the pentavalent arsenicals acetarsol, OH N H0< OH / )As = 0 \^ ' and carbasone, OH NH.CO.CH, •\ / OH / As = 0 OH Plasmodia are susceptible to quinine, plasmoquin, atebrine, and paludrine. Spirochsetes are susceptible to the metallo -organic compounds of arsenic, antimony and bismuth, but are relatively little affected by purely organic drugs. CHEMOTHERAPY 131 Bacterial Infections. — Until 1935, apart from the local application of acridine dyes, such as acriflavine and proflavine, to wounds and surface lesions, developed during the 1914-1918 war, the only bacterial disease Avhich had shown itself susceptible to chemotherapy was a pneumococcal infection of mice which responded to treatment with optoquin, ethyl hydrocupreine, CH CHa CH.CH2.CH3 CHj, I II I \L N ^^ which is also active against trypanosomes. In 1935 Domagk subjected to clinical trial the drug prontosil, sulphonamido-chrysoidin, NHo .N=N/ \SO2.NH2, ^^hich had been discovered by Klarer and Mietzsch in 1932, and found that it was an effective agent against streptococcal infections, in spite of the fact that it was inactive in vitro. This phenomenon was explained by Trefouel, Trefouel, Nitti and Bovet in 1935, who showed that prontosil was broken down in the body to /)-aminobenzene sulphonamide, now known as the drug, sulphanilamide, which was active both in vitro and in vivo. This discovery led to a tremendous amount of research for similar and improved drugs. Some 2,500 derivatives of sulphanilamide have been syn- thesised, most of them by substitution on the nitrogen atoms. In nomenclature the sulphonamide group — 132 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY SO2NH2, is regarded as being at position 1, whilst the amino group is at position 4 : — SO,NH,. / ' \ \ 4 / NH2 The following is a summary of the findings : — N^ derivatives. (a) Alkyl. The introduction of the methyl or ethyl group causes little change in effectiveness. Longer chains cause lowered activity. (h) Isocyclic. About 180 have been prepared, none of which have been of much value. (c) Heterocyclic. About 250 have been synthesised. They include the most useful members loiown. Among them are sulphapyridine, CH CH CH -\, I " NH/ >S02.NH— C CH N effective against pneumococcal, streptococcal, meningococcal, gonococcal and coli infections, sulphathiazole, N— CH NH,^ ^SO,.NH— C CH. s effective against staphylococci, and sulphadia- CH /% zme, II I , which is NH,/ \S0,.NH— C CH ^ — CHEMOTHERAPY 133 less toxic than sulphathiazole and is active against streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci and gonococci. (d) Acyl. About 35 are known, of which sulpha- guanidine, NHa^^ Ns02.N=C , is very NH2 useful for intestinal diseases, including bacillary dysentery, since it is only slowl}^ absorbed from the gut, and sulphacetamide, NH2<^ ^SOa.NH.COCHg, (albucid, sulamyd) which is of value in gonorrhoea and urinary infections . N"^ derivatives. About 550 have been made. It appears that only those which can break down in the body to give sul- phanilamide or an active derivative of it are of chemo- therapeutic use. Prontosil, prontosil soluble, OH CH3CO.XH 1^^ —'N^^/ ^SOj.NHj, proseptasine, <^ \CH2.isrH<^ \SO2.XH2, and soluseptasine (^ \cH.CH2.CH.NH-<^ \sO2.NH2, SOgNa SOsNa are examples. Long chain alkyl or sulphonyl derivatives are not broken down in this way and are, therefore, inactive. N^K* derivatives. The activities of substances of this type are what would be expected from considerations of the effect of 134 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY substituents on the two nitrogen atoms mentioned above. Succinyl sulphathiazole, sulphasuxidine, N— CH COOH.CH2-CH2.CO.NH/' \sO2.NH— C CH, S is one of the most useful, especially for intestinal infections such as dysentery because it is poorly absorbed from the gut and breaks down slowly with liberation of sulpha- thiazole. Uleron, NH2<^ ^S02NH.<^ ^SOa.N(CH3)2, is active against staphylococci. Tuberculous infections in guinea-pigs have been successfully treated with promin, di-aminodiphenyl- sulphone di glucose sulphonate, NnH. CH. (CHOH)4.CH20H SOjNa .NH. CH.(CHOH)4.CHaOH SOgNa which is also active against tubercle bacilli in vitro. Unfortunately it is fairly toxic to man, producing hsemolytic anaemia. The related drug diasone, diamino- diphenylsulphone disodium formaldehyde sulphoxylate /\ / NH.CHa.S02Na S02<^ -^HaO, is less toxic and has . ^NH.CHg.SOaNa similar curative effect on guinea-pig tuberculosis. It will also cure hsemolytic streptococcal infections and pneumo- coccal infections in mice. The Mode of Action of Chemotherapeutic Substances. — The earliest theory of chemotherapeutic action is that CHEMOTHERAPY 135 due to Ehrlich who suggested that the drugs were taken up by specific chemoreceptors attached to susceptible organisms, but lacking in cells not affected by the drug. The subsequent action of the drugs was not described except that they were considered not to kill the micro- organism but to prevent multiplication, enabling the host to deal effectively by its normal processes with the consequently milder infection. Later, when the importance of enzymatic processes in metabolism began to be realised, suggestions were put forward that drugs in general might act by inhibiting enzyme systems and so upsetting the normal course of events in the animal body. A number of such effects had been observed in vitro ; cyanides inhibit oxidases, atoxyl and quinine inhibit lipases, cocaine, atropine and pilocarpine inhibit yeast invertase, eserine inhibits the break down of acetylcholine by esterase, acriflavine inhibits a hydrogen transportase system in trypanosomes, which is not affected by cyanide. Another type of enzyme inhibition is that due to the presence of excess of the products of the reaction or of substances having a constitution similar to the substrate or to the products of breakdowTi. For example, the breakdown of lactic acid, CH3CHOH.COOH, to pyruvic acid, CH3CO.COOH is partially inhibited by a-hy- droxybutyric acid, C2H5CHOH.COOH, glyceric acid, CH2OH.CHOH.COOH, mandelic acid, (^ ^CHOH.COOH, glyoxylic acid, HCO.COOH, or oxalic acid7H0.C0.C00H. The action of succinic dehydrogenase in converting succinic acid, COOH.CH2.CH2.COOH, to fumaric acid, COOH.CH=CH.COOH, is inhibited by the presence of malonic acid, COOH.CHg.COOH or glutaric acid, COOH.CH2.CH2.CH2.COOH, containing the -CHgCOOH group (see p. 190). The heavy metals such as mercury and barium also have an inliibitory effect on many 136 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY enzymes. The effect of mercuric chloride as an anti- septic has been regarded for a considerable time as being due to the combination of the mercury with the -SH groups of proteins. Its inhibition of some enzymes such as papain or invertase is held to be due to a similar reaction. In 1923 Voegtlin suggested that the phenyl -arsenoxides were lethal to trypanosomes and spirochsetes because they reacted with the sulphydryl groups of glutathone : — SG SHG / R.AsO + > R.As + HaO, SHG \ SG and so interfered with the respiratory mechanism of the organisms. The addition, in sufficient amount, of com- pounds containing SH groups was capable of reversing the inhibition of enzymes or respiration by the arsenoxides or mercury by themselves combining with the inhibitors. Accordingly when it was discovered that sulphanila- mide was effective against micro-organisms in vitro only when small inocula were used or when the medium did not contain peptone, the suggestion was soon forth- coming that some substance or substances contained in peptone or large inocula were inhibiting the action of the drug. Confirmation of this view was afforded by Stamp in 1939 who showed that addition of killed streptococci to a medium containing sulphanilamide permitted even small inocula of living organisms to survive and flourish. He succeeded in extracting the inhibitor from streptococci with dilute ammonia solution and obtained it as an alcohol soluble substance stable to acid and heat ; it contained an amino group. He regarded it as possibly a complex amino acid required for growth or as an essential part of an enzyme system. Similar results liave been reported for Brucella abortus and other bacteria. CHEMOTHERAPY 137 Woods found a similar effect with yeast extracts and brought forward strong evidence that the responsible substance was ^^ -amino benzoic acid, NH2<[^ NcoOH, which he showed to have a powerful inhibitory effect on sulphanilamide. He suggested that p-amino benzoic acid is essential for the growth of the organism, and is normally synthesised in adequate amounts. Sulphanila- mide, which has a structure very similar to that of 2)-aminobenzoic acid, competes with the enzyme involved in its further utilisation and so prevents groA\'th. Addition of p-aminobenzoic acid overcomes the competition for the enzymes and inhibits the action of sulphanilamide. Very small amounts of p-aminobenzoic acid, about one five -thousandth of the inhibitory concentration of sulphanilamide, may suffice to reverse the effect of the latter. He suggested that the varying sensitivit}^ to sulphanilamide of different organisms was due to differences in their power of synthesising 2^-aminobenzoic acid. The explanation that sulphanilamide intervenes at the stage of synthesis of ^^-aminobenzoic acid by com- bining with the synthesising enzyme seems to be wrong, because if it were true it would be expected that the amount of 2:>-aminobenzoic necessary to reverse the effect would be independent of the amount of sul- phanilamide present. This is not so, the ratio of 2:)-aminobenzoic acid to sulphanilamide being constant. Other theories of the action of sulphanilamide have been put forward but have been displaced by the " essential metabolite " theory. It was, for instance, suggested that in presence of sulphanilamide, streptococci lost their power to produce a capsule and that, as a result, they were much more susceptible to phagocytosis. This hypotliesis does not account for the fact that many normally non-capsulated organisms are susceptil)le to sulphanilamide, nor for the in vitro bacteriostatic effect 138 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY of the drug. Another explanation was that sulphanilamide was oxidised to the hydroxyl-amino compound, NHOH.<^ ^SOg-NHg, which was known to inhibit the power of catalase to destroy hydrogen peroxide ; in presence of the drug, therefore, organisms such as streptococci and pneumococci, which are sensitive to hydrogen peroxide, are killed by its accumulation. 2)-Aminobenzoic acid inhibits the bacteriostatic effects not only of sulphanilamide, but also of the other sulphonamide drugs, such as sulphapyridine and sulphathiazole, which have the common grouping — NH./ \sO2.NH2. Neither ortho- and meto-amino benzoic acids, ^^-aminophenyl acetic acid, NHj. / y CH2.COOH, nor 2)-aminophenylglycine di- hydrochloride, HCI.NH2. ^ ^CH.COOH, ^^^^ replace NH2.HCI /)-aminobenzoic acid in inhibiting the sulphonamides . On the other hand ^^-aminobenzoic acid can reverse the effect of other drugs which have groupings similar to sulphanilamide, such as ^^-aminobenzamide, NH2<^ ^CCNH,, or atoxyl, NHa<^ ^AsOaH, which slows down the respiration of Esch. coli. However, it has no effect on the drug marf anil, NH2CH2./ "^SOa.NHa, in vitro although it reverses its effect in vivo. It has been found that over a wide range of concen- trations the molar concentration of /j-aminobenzoic acid necessary to reverse the bacteriostatic action of sul- phanilamide is proportional to the molar concentration of ,, 1 .. ^, .. concentration of dm tr ,. , . , the latter. The I'atio : — rr: which lust concentration ot /j-AB *' CHEMOTHERAPY 139 results in bacteriostasis is known as the antibacterial index, or bacteriostatic, constant. It varies, with any particular drug, from organism to organism, and with a particular organism from dnig to drug. These variations in value are proportional to the potency of a drug against the organism, as measured by the minimum bacterio- static concentration in vitro. These findings are illustrated in the following tables, from the work of Wyss, Grubaugh and Schmelkes (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol Med. 49 (1942) 618). Table 9 Concentration of sulphonamides permitting 50 per cent, of the maximum growth in 16 hours. Medium 1 Medium 2 Sta2)h. aureus E. coli E. coli Sulphanilamide - Sulphaguanidine - Sulphapyridine - Sulphacetamide - Sulphadiazine Sulphathiazole mg. per 100 ml. 140 120 30 20 0-6 0-3 mg. per 100 ml. 150 16-2 2-9 2-8 0-65 0-65 mg. per 100 ml. 5-8 5-8 0-61 0-57 006 006 Table 10 Effectiveness of drugs in overcoming ^-aminobenzoic acid. ^ taph. aureu. s JEsch. coli Mol. Mol. Amount p-Amino- ratio p- Amino- ratio of drug benzoic Drug/ Efficiency benzoic Drug/ Efficiency acid p-A£ acid p-AB Mg. per Mg. per Mg per 100 ml. 100 ml. 100 ml. Sulphanilamide - 50 0-0086 4660 1 0-012 3330 1 Sulphaguanidine 50 0-0070 4510 1 0-0081 3960 0-8 Sulphapyridine - 5 0-0066 1416 11 0-0061 450 7 Sulphacetamide - 5 0-0060 934 9 0-0060 634 Sulphadiaaine - 5 0-030 92 51 0-064 43 78 Sulphathiazole - 5 0-050 53 88 0-065 41 81 140 bacteriological chemistry Table 11 Neutralisation of /j-aminobeiizoic acid in prt-sence of various bacteria. Molecular Ratio Efficiency Sulphanilamide/ Sulphathiazo]e/ Sulphathiazole/ 7)-aminobenzoic 2?-aminobenzoic Sulphanilamide acid acid E. coli 2000 27 74 A. aerogenes 3220 45 72 Staph, aureus 4660 53 88 Ps. ceruginosa 13350 184 73 Sal. typhimurium- 6650 92 72 L. acidophilus 8000 133 60 Prot. vulgaris 4000 55 73 Table 1 1 shows that the relative efficiency of the two drugs in inhibiting the use of p-aminobenzoic acid by various organisms is constant, which means that the drugs act in the same way in preventing the growth of all the organisms. This confirms the suggestion by Woods that different sulphonamides are more effective against some bacteria than against others, because the microbes have different abilities to synthesise ^j-amino- benzoic acid. It is clear from Table 10 that the sulphonamide drugs are widely different in their ability to compete with 2)-aminobenzoic acid in the enzyme system involving the latter, sulphathiazole being some 80 times as effective as sulphanilamide. This has been explained by Bell and Roblin as due to the closeness of resemblance of the drug to the ^^-aminobenzoic acid ion in molecular structure and distribution of electric charges. That the effective- ness of the various sulphonamide drugs is closely related to their degree of ionisation is shown by the following values taken from C. L. Fox and H. M. Rose {Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 50 (1942) 142) :— themotherapy Table 12 141 Mill. Min. amt. effective Acid Concn. of of p-amino- Ratio concentra- dissocia- % ionised ionised benzoic Ratio ionised tion of tion at pB. 7-0 drug at acid drug/p-AB drug/p-AB drug constant pKa. pH7-0 required to inhibit Mx 10-« M X 10-« M X 10-« Sulphanilamide - 2500 10-5 0-03 0-71 0-5 5000 1-4 Sulphapyridine - 20 8-5 3-4 0-68 0-5 40 1-4 Sulphathiazole - 4 C-8 61-6 2-46 0-5 8 4-9 Sulphadiazine - 4 6-4 80-0 3-2 U-5 8 G-4 It will be seen that the effective drug concentration is inversely proportional to the degree of ionisation and that the amount of ^^-aminobenzoic acid required for inhibition of the drug is very nearly proportional to the amount of drug in the ionised state. ^j-Aminobenzoic acid is completely ionised at ]:>H 7. Its ion may be represented as at A in Fig. 5. H H ' H H I H H \ / \ / \ / N N N A A 1 1 /\ 1 1 6-' o 6- A ' H \/ \/ \ \/ c T^\^ ^\ R ./ % R /^ 0 u- [ 0 0 0 0 2-3 A 2-4 A A B Fig. 5 The electrons belonging to the sulphur atom of a sul- phonamide (C in Fig. 5) are attracted by the oxygen 142 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY atoms and the pull is transmitted to the electrons on the amide nitrogen atom, which, consequently, exerts less attraction for the hydrogen atom which, accordingly, becomes capable of ionisation. It behaves as a very weak acid with a dissociation constant of Ka = 3-7 X IQ-^^ in the case of sulphanilamide (B in Fig. 5). In the ionised state the electron pair which formed the covalent bond with the hydrogen atom is available to increase the electronegative character of the — SO2 group, although the effect is not very great because the degree of ionisation is low. The combined effect is approximately equivalent to the ionised — CO.O" of the carboxyl group. Substitu- tion of a group R on the amide group has two opposing effects : (1) a competition with the — SOg group for the electron pair, which decreases the resemblance to the charge distribution on the carboxyl ion and so reduces the activity of the drug ; this effect is considerable when both hydrogen atoms in the amide group are substituted so that ionisation is impossible ; the second effect (2) is observed when the hydrogen atom is present, since then ionisation is increased because the extra competition for the ions by the substituent group reduces still more the attraction of the nitrogen atom for the hydrogen atom. As a result the more electronegative the substituent group, the greater is the acid strength of the derivative, with corresponding increase in activity. There is, however, an optimum degree of electronegativity since increase beyond a certain value involves too great com- petition for electrons, to the extent that they are with- drawn from the — SO2 group to the R group with loss of similarity to the carboxyl ion ; that is, the activity of the drug is lowered. It is possible, therefore, to predict the activity of a new derivative from a knowledge of the electronegative character of the substituent group R. These effects are illustrated by Table 13 and Fig. 6 which are taken from Bell and Roblin's paper (J.A.C.S. 64, (1942) 2905). chemotherapy Table 13 Relation between Acidity and Activity of Sulphonamides :- ,R NH2< 143 COMPOQND /j-Aminobenzoic acid - Sulphanilamide - N^-Methylsulphanilamide N^-Phenylsulphanilamide Sulphapyridine Sulphathiazole iSulphadiazine Sulphathiadiazole Sulphacetamide - N^-Chloracetylsulph- anilamide N^-Ethylsulphonyl- sulphanilamide R H- CH3- ~N I r N N CH3CO- Ka 2-1 X 10-5 3-7 X 10-11 1-7 X 10-11 2-5 X 10-10 3-7 X 10-9 7-G X 10-8 3-3 X 10-' 1-7 xlO-5 4-2 X 10-8 1-6 X 10-4 7-9 X 10-4 Per- cent- Minimum molecular pKa lonisa- tion at pKl concen- tration for bacterio- stasis Ch X 10^ 4-68 99-0 10-43 0-03 20-0 10-77 0-01 30-0 9-6 0-25 30 8-43 3-5 0-6 712 430 008 6-48 77-0 0-08 4-77 99-0 0-6 5-38 98-0 0-7 3-79 100-0 100 310 100-0 1000-0 Since the curve shows a maximum, which corresponds very nearly with the compounds sulphadiazine and 144 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY O sulpliathiazole (see |)p. 132, J 33) it in probable that the most active of the siilphonamide drugs are already known. Possibilities of more therapeutically useful sulphonamides lie in eliminating the objectionable side effects, toxicity, nausea and so on, and in appropriate modification of solubility and rates of absorption. Thus, although o 3 • J--f , /\ a J / ^ V \ ^ J ii Sulphacetamide 1) Sulphadiazino \ c Sulphathiazole (I Sulphapyridinn I c i^iilphamlamiilo __- 1 1 L. — 1 1 _ — 2 4 6 8 10 12 pKa Fig. 6 sulphadiazine is at the peak of activity, it has a low solubility, especially in acid solution, and tends to crystallize out in the urinary tract when the urine is acid or of small volume, as in hot countries. Sulpha- methazine, 2-sulphanilamido-4:6-dimethylpyridine, is CHEMOTHERAPY 145 about ten times as soluble as sulpliacliazine at j.>H 7 and 37 °C. and, although it has about twice the toxicity, it would probably be of greater use in the tropics. To take another example sulphamerazine, sulphamethyldiazine, N— CH / \ ^ % NHg/ ^SOa.NH— G CH, IS as active as X = C.CH, sulphadiazine, but is less readily eliminated from the body so that an adequate concentration in the blood could be obtained by less frequent administration. It has been claimed that the bacteriostatic power of sulphonamides can be reversed by adenine, and by methionine. Adenine sulphate, when administered to mice infected with &ir. j)yogenes in a dose of 0-8 mg. per gram prevents the chemotherapeutic effect of 2 mg. per gram of sulphanilamide or of 4 mg. per gram of sulphadiazine, sulphapyridine or sulphathiazole, being more effective than the same amount of ^-aminobenzoic acid. Guanine and uracil had no such anti-sulphonamide action. Adenine is an essential metabolite for strepto- cocci, forming part of the codehydrogenase and co- phosphorylase systems, and it is considered that the sulphonamides may interfere with these enzjone systems. Methionine, CH3.S.CH2.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH, inhibits the effect of sulphadiazine on E. coli in synthetic medium. This property of methionine is eliminated by urea which also reverses the effect of p-aminobenzoic acid on sul- phanilamide, and increases the potency of sulphadiazine and sulphanilamide, possiblv bv increasing the penetration of the drugs into the tissues. Guanidine, ^C=NH, and thiourea, ^C=S, are even more active than urea. 14G BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Following the lead given l)y the discovery of the ^-aminobenzoic acid-sulphonamide inhibition mechanism of drug action a number of other systems have been investigated with analagous results. In some cases it has been possible to devise a substance which should have antibacterial properties in virtue of its close chemical relationship with a compound participating in the metabolism of bacteria. As examples may be quoted the effect of pyridine-3-sulphonic acid, I ^ ' ^^^ /\ N its amide, L J , on the growth of Staph, aureus N and Proteus vulgaris which require nicotinic acid for their metabolism. Pyridine- 3 -sulphonamide inhibits the growth of these organisms in presence of ordinarily adequate amounts of nicotinamide, and the effect is lost on increasing the amount of nicotinamide present. E. coli does not require nicotinamide as a growth factor and is only little affected by pyridine-3-sulphonamide at a concentration of 10~^ molar, but the inhibition is completely reversed by nicotinic acid or the amide. Pyridine- 3 -sulphonic acid, however, at a concentration 10~2 molar completely inhibits the growth of E. coli and the effect is not reversed by addition of nicotinic acid, nicotinamide or co -enzyme. It is possible that the greater potency of sulphapyridine compared with that of sulphanilamide is due to its effect on nicotinic acid metabolism in addition to that on p-aminobenzoic acid. A similar inhibition by sulpha- pyridine is observed on the respiration of the dysentery bacillus stimulated by co -enzyme I (diphosphopyridine CHEMOTHERAPY 147 nucleotide) or by nicotinamide. Sulphanilamide, sulpha- thiazole, and sulphapyridine all inhibit the growth of Sonne's bacillus, and this effect, but not the respiratory inhibition, is reversed by ^^-aminobenzoic acid. Sulpha- thiazole is said to have a similar inhibitory effect on CO -enzyme or nicotinamide stimulated metabolism. The explanation may be that sulphathiazole and sulpha- pjrridine are isosteric and accordingly could replace one another in adsorption on the co -enzyme or that sulpha- thiazole may act on a different part of the metabolism chain, involving decarboxylation (see p. 43). The primary action of the sulphonamides, which is reversed by 2)-aminobenzoic acid, does not affect the respiration of the cells. The secondary effects due to the pyridine or thiazole groups, for instance, which are not reversed by 2>-aminobenzoic acid, are usually concerned with respiratory processes. Fildes showed that the growth of Esch. coli and of Eberthella typJiosa was inhibited by indole -acrylic acid, /\| -CH =CH.COOH i{ 11 , but not by other indole NH derivatives and that the inhibition was removed by the addition of traces of tryptophane, ^\ CH2.CH.COOH II 11 Tshr NH ^\ but not by indole, II II . It is, therefore, assumed NH that the indole -acrylic acid interferes with the synthesis of tryptophane from indole. By analogy of the equiva- lence of a-naphthyl-acetic acid and indole-acetic acid 148 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY aa plant hormones it was expected that p-naphthyl- / Y^l CH =CH.COOH, acrylic acid, would inhibit the growth of E. coli and that the effect would be reversed by tryptophane. Inhibition is brought about by a concentration of 0-0002 M p-naphthyl-1 -acrylic acid and is reversed by 0-0002 to 0-00004 M tryptophane. Styryl- acetic acid, ^ ^CH^CH.CHg.CGOH, and cinnamic acid, <^ ^CH=CH.COOH, have similar but much weaker effects, whilst dihydro -cinnamic acid, benzoic acid and fumaric acid, COOH.CH=CH.COOH, have no such effect. Pantothenic acid is an essential metabolite for many organisms and it has been shown that the growth of such organisms is inhibited by the addition of pantoyltaurine, CHaX CH3— C.CHOH.CG.NH.CHa.CHa.SOaH, the Sulphonic CH2OH / acid analogue of pantothenic acid. For Str. 'pyogenes about 500 times as much pantoyltaurine as there is pantothenic acid present is required to cause inhibition. The addition of pantothenic acid reverses the effect. Pantoyltauramide, CHgX •^ CH3— C.CHOH.CO.NH.CHj.CHa.SOa.NHj, CH2OH / has a similar effect. Pantoyltaurine can also inhibit the growth of yeast. Mixtures of taurine, NHg.CHg.CHa. SO3H, and ay-dihydroxy- p p-dimethyl-butyrolactone, CH3\ CH3--C.CHOH.CO, CHj/ or the compounds alone had no inhibitory effect on L. arahinosus whicli is inhibited by pantoyltaurine. N-])antoyl- p-aminoetliyl tliiol, CHEMOTHERAPY 149 CH3-C CHjOH / his (pantoyl- p-aminoethyl) disulphide, CH3—C.CHOH.CO.NH.CH2.CH2I2SJ, CH^QH / j are about equal in their activity against L. arahinosus and Str. jnjogenes, in vitro and in vivo respectively. It has been found possible to protect rats against many thousand lethal doses of Str. pyogenes by frequent subcutaneous injections of panto yltaurine in amount Table 14 Ceganism A DDENDA Growth Inhibitor Metabolite Sir. pyogenes E. coli 0 Sulphanilamide 3 X 10-* M 0 0 /(-Aminobenzoate, 10-^M Pantothenate, 10-' to 10-*M Nicotinamide, 10-' to 10-*M 0 -f 0 0 Staph, aureus ' 0 Pyridine -3- sulphonamide 10-2M 0 0 jj-Aminobenzoate, lO-'M Pantothenate, 10-' to 10-*M Nicotinamide, lO-s.M 0 0 0 4- Str. pyogenes Dip. pneumonice - C. diphtherice 0 Pantoyltaurine 0 0 jy-Aminobenzoate, lO-'M Pantothenate, 10- «M Nicotinamide, 10-' to 10-*M + 0 0 + 0 150 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY sufficient to counteract the pantothenic acid present in the blood. Mice, which normally have a considerably higher content of pantothenic acid in the blood, are not protected by such treatment because enough pantoyl- taurine cannot be administered. Since human blood has somewhat less pantothenic acid than rat blood it should be possible to protect man against streptococci and C. diphtherice, which is also sensitive to pantoyltaurine. The specific effects of metabolities on certain inhibitors is illustrated in Table 14, due to Mcllwain, which shows that inhibition is reversed only by the corresponding metabolite. By testing the effect of a number of drugs, such as sulphathiazole, containing the thiazole ring, it has been shown that they can interfere with the decarboyxlation of pyruvic acid (see p. 277), by Staph, aureus, E. coli, yeast and by a carboxylase preparation from yeast. Sulphathiazole is most effective against Staph, aureus and E. coli, whilst sulphanilamide and sulphapyridine have very little effect. The most active compound was sulphanilamido-5-ethyl-4-thiazolone. NH2 It will be remembered that co -carboxylase is aneurin diphosphate (p. 43), N=CH CH, .C C— CHo- -NH- -C.CH3 OH 1 1 il II / N: = C.NH2 CH C- / -CH2 .CH2 .O.P = 0 \ OH, 0— P = 0 OH which contains a thiazole ring. This may, in part, explain the greater potency of sulphathiazole, as com- pared with sulphanilamide, against many organisms. CHEMOTHERAPY 151 Those Species of bacteria, yeasts and fungi which require aneurin for their maximum growth are inhibited ^y pyi'ithiamine, the pyridine analogue of aneurin, jT QTT CH3 CHj.CHaOH II II J '-^ CH3.G C— CH2— Nf ^ I I I ^=='^ N=C.NH2 Br whilst other organisms are not inhibited. The inhibition is overcome by the addition of aneurin. The more exacting a species is in its requirement for aneurin the more readily is it inhibited by pyrithiamine. The ratio of pyrithiamine to aneurin is about 700 for Staph, aureus and 20,000 for Esch. coli. Species requiring intact aneurin are much more sensitive than those requiring only the pyrimidine moiety or those requiring both the pyrimidine and thiazole portions of the aneurin molecule. The organisms which are not affected by pyrithiamine do not synthesise increased amounts of aneurin in its presence in the same way that sulphonamide resistant organisms synthesise greater quantities of ^^-aminobenzoic acid. By growing the yeast, Endomyces vernalis, in the presence of small amounts of pyrithiamine a strain resistant to 25 times the normally inhibitory concentra- tion has been developed. It still required aneurin, or its p^Timidine moiety, as a gro\^i;h factor but, in their absence, was capable of converting pyi-ithiamine into the P3T:'imidine part of the anenrin molecule. The respiration of Plasmodia species causing malaria is stopped by the inhibitory action of quinine, plasmoquin, or atebrine on the hydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase systems involved. Drug Resistant Strains. — During the investigation of chemotherapy it very soon became apparent that micro- organisms developed resistance to drugs. In fact most organisms which have survived treatment by a drug became resistant to its action. Thus Ehrlich showed n 162 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY that trypanosomes became resistant to dyes and to arsenic compounds. He showed that such organisms no longer took up the arsenical drug, or were not stained by the dye as were susceptible organisms. He explained this as being due to loss of affinity of the specific receptor in the organism for the drug. Trypanosomes which were resistant to atoxyl were also resistant to (and unstained by) dyes of the acridine, oxazine, and thiazine series but not to those of the trypan-blue type nor to those of the triphenylmethane series. Ehrlich noted that although trypanosomes might be resistant to atoxyl or tryparsamide they were not resistant to arsenophenyl glycine. It has since been shown that tryparsamide resistant organisms are not resistant to phenylarsenoxide or derivatives of it containing carboxyl groups and that they take up the compounds in the same way as non-resistant strains. It is considered that the active compounds are either readily water soluble or lipoid soluble and therefore easily penetrate the parasite. Trypanosomes may con- tain up to 60 per cent, of lipoid substances. The lethal arsenic atom can then come into contact with the suscep- tible groups in the organism and cause its death. The arsenicals or dyes to which the organism is resistant fail to act because they are not taken into the organism or get held up on some non-vital structure. Arsenoxides react very readily with sulphydryl groups and may kill the organism by inhibiting essential enzymes which contain SH groups, in the same way as mercury does. Strains of pneumococcus become resistant to sulpha- pyridine if the dosage of the drug used for treatment has been inadequate. They can also be produced in vitro by growing the organism in media containing gradually increasing amounts of sulphapyridine. Such resistant organisms have the same morphology, virulence and immunological properties as the parent strains. Usually a bacterium which has become resistant to one of the sulphonamide drugs is also resistant to other CHEMOTHERAPY 153 sulphoiiamide drugs, but not to drugs of different types such as the dyestuffs of the acridine series or the propamidines. It has been found that sulphonamide resistant organisms have acquired the property of in- creased production of ^^-aminobenzoic acid so that their groAvth is no longer inhibited by the drug. Strains of hsemolytic streptococci and of C. diphtherice have been produced which are resistant to the action of pantoyltaurine. Some such strains also occur naturally. These strains are sensitive to the sulphonamides, and sulphonamide resistant strains are sensitive to pantoyl- taurine. The varying resistance of naturally resistant strains of C. diphtherice to pantoyltaurine is associated with their ability to convert p -alanine into pantothenic acid, instead of having to be supplied with the latter, which reverses the effect of pantoyltaurine. Mcllwain has shown that this mechanism cannot apply to Sir. pyogenes since many naturally resistant strains and all experimentally produced resistant strains still need to be supplied with pantothenic acid and cannot utilise [3-alanine instead. Resistant strains of Sir. pyogenes and strains of Proteus morganii, Leuconostoc inesenteroides, Lactobacillus and propionic acid bacteria become sus- ceptible to pantoyltaurine when salicylate is added. This is explained on the assumption that salicylate acts on the same groups as does pantoyltaurine, that is on enzymes involved in pantothenic acid metabolism. It should be pointed out that pantothenic acid antagonises the action of salicylate. If this is true, pantoyltaurine resistant strains of Str. pyogenes differ from susceptible strains in having alternative processes for utilising pantothenic acid which are not blocked by pantoyltaurine, although they may still be inhibited by salicA^late. Re- sistant strains of a normalh^ susceptible organism are found occurring naturally and must have arisen by a means other than " training " in tlio presence of tlio drug. A clue to the mechanism by which this can happen 154 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY is found in the fact that pantoyltaurine resistant strains of G. diphtherice can utilise 3 -alanine instead of panto- thenic acid. If susceptible strains were grown in the presence of large amounts of p-alanine, or were gradually trained to do without pantothenic acid, it would be expected that they would become resistant to pantoyl- taurine and in fact this has been shown to take place. The converse of this can also happen ; if 0. diphtherice is repeatedly subcultured in media rich in pantothenic acid it becomes progressively more exacting in its need for pantothenic acid and at the same time more sus- ceptible to pantoyltaurine. This behaviour is very similar to that postulated by Knight to account for the more complex demands of the parasitic organisms and viruses as compared with those of saprophytic and autotrophic bacteria (see Chapters VI and VII). In general drug resistance, once acquired, is stable through many generations of subculture on ordinary media. The development of drug resistance by " training " appears to take place in two stages. In the early stages the resistance is easily reversed, does not survive continued sub-culture on ordinary media, and is specific to the drug used, related dnigs being active. The resistance is probably due to the stimulation of a reserve, less efficient, growth mechanism which is present in the organism but normally plays only a minor role in metabolism. In the early resistant phase it serves to tide over the organism, until it has elaborated the final alternative mechanism which confers permanent resistance on the organism. This permanent mechanism may be a new way of by-passing the mechanism normally inhibited by the drug, or it may involve the development of an enzyme system which can synthesise enough of an antagonist to the drug to overcome its effects. The ease with which it is possible to produce resistance to different drugs by " training " varies considerably. Streptococci and staphylococci become readily resistant CHEMOTHERAPY 155 to .sulplioiiaiuides and to penicillin, l)ut. resistance to the acridine dyes and propamidine is harder to induce. are also resistant to propamidine, NH NH '2 and vice versa. Staphylococci resistant to proflavine, I I I I NH.X/X /X/NHj N CHAPTER XI ANTIBIOTICS THE term antibiotics is used of those substances produced by micro-organisms which have an an- . tagonistic effect, usually specific, on other organisms. Antibiosis results, therefore, from the growth of an organism evolving an antibiotic, in presence of another, susceptible, organism, in contrast to symbiosis which occurs when two micro-organisms grow together with mutual benefit (see pp. 102, 109). The antagonistic effect of some micro-organisms on others has been known for many years. The anthrax bacillus, for example, was shown by Pasteur to be in- liibited by aerial contaminants ; lactic acid bacilli will overgrow CI. hutyricum in the butyl alcohol/acetone fermentation, because the large amount of lactic acid which they form produces conditions under which CI. butyricum cannot survive (see p. 315). Substances like lactic acid which act in a non-specific way by altering the physical condition of the environment are not, as a rule, called antibiotics ; the expression antibiotic is reserved for substances which act specifically on a few species of organisms and which are usually active in very small amounts. That is they have an action which is almost the reverse of that of growth factors, probably by interfering with enzyme systems involved in meta- bolism. Antagonism also results from other causes such as the " swamping " of a slow growing organism by a fast growing one which competes successfully for the available nutrients, or by the production by one organism of conditions of oxidation-reduction potential unfavour- ANTIBIOTICS 157 aljle to another which then dies out. We are concerned here only with bacteriostatic or bactericidal substances produced by micro-organisms. vSoil is a rich source of micro-organisms which have antibiotic properties. A considerable number of antibiotic substances is now known. The more important of them will be dealt with in turn. Actinomycetin. — Many species of Actinomycetes pro- duce substances which are lytic to living and dead bacteria. Thus Actinomyces alhus yields the water soluble, thermolabile protein-like material actinomj^cetin which will lyse living or dead Gram -positive organisms and dead Gram -negative organisms. It can be precipi- tated by alcohol and appears to have the properties of a proteolytic enzyme. A similar substance has been isolated from A. violaceus, which, although heat stable, otherwise resembles the enzyme lysozyme w^hich occurs in egg white and tears and lyses most non-pathogenic bacteria and also streptococci and staphylococci. Its substrate is a mucopolysaccharide which it breaks down to an acetylated amino -he xose and a ketohexose. Actinomycin. — The brown pigmented soil organism A. antihioticus is very active against almost all bacteria, and fungi, especially Gram -positive bacteria. An active substance, actinomycin, was isolated from it by extraction with ether and fractionated into actinomycin A, soluble in alcohol and in petrol and giving a clear aqueous solution, and actinomycin B which is soluble in petrol, difficultly soluble in alcohol and gives a turbid suspensino in water. Actinomycin A is a bright red crystalline polycyclic nitrogen compound, C, 59-0 per cent. ; H, 6-68 per cent. ; N, 13-35 per cent. ; m.p. 250°C. (with decomposi- tion), [a]u^ — 320° It has a molecular weight about 80 0. It hgis the properties of a reversible oxidation-reduction indicator and is probably of quinoid structure. It is 158 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY tlieriiiosiable. It is very strongly bacteriostatic to iriaiiy Gram -positive organisms even at a dilution of 1 in 10^. Gram -negative bacteria are usually less sensitive (dilu- tions of 1 in 5000 to 1 in 10^ being necessary for bacterio- stasis) but there is no clear dividing line. It is only slowly bactericidal. Actinomycin A inhibits the fibrino- \ytic activity of cultures or filtrates of hsemolytic strepto- cocci and the coagulase activity of staphylococci. It is highly toxic to animals, when injected intraperitoneally, intramuscularly or intravenously. Actinomycin B is a colourless compound which is only slightly bacteriostatic but highly bactericidal to Gram -positive organisms at concentrations of 1 mg. in 100 ml. Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant. It is also highly toxic to animals. Actinomycin B predominates in young cultures of A. antibioticus and Actinomycin A in old cultures. Aspergillic Acid. — Aspergillus f lavas, when grown as a surface culture on a peptone medium gives yields of 250 to 400 mg. of crystalline aspergillic acid per litre of medium. Aspergillic acid is a monobasic, amphoteric acid, C12H20N2O2, m.p. 93°C., [a]D+14°. It can be dis- tilled in steam or in vacuo without loss of activity and is stable to acid and to alkali. When grown on a peptone medium containing 2 per cent, of brown sugar A. flavus gives a closely related substance, C12H20O3N2, containing one oxygen atom more than aspergillic acid, and having m.p. 149°C, [ajo + 42° and about one tenth the activity of aspergillic acid. The substance isolated by Glister from a species of Aspergillus related to, but not identical with A. flavus, active against Esch. coli, Eherthella typhosa. Salmonella paratyphi, Sal. schottmillleri, Shigella dysentericB and Vibrio comma, as well as against Gram- positive organisms, at a dilution of one in 200,000 is aspergillic acid. It is bacteriostatic to Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, e.g., streptococci, staphylo- cocci, pneumococci, Esch. coli, Aerobacter aerogenes, in ANTIBIOTICS 150 concent latiuiis of 1 in 100,000 to I in 400,000. It is bactericidal at dilutions of 1 in 25,000 to 1 in 50,000. It is relatively highly toxic to animals. It will not protect mice against infection with lisemolytic streptt)- cocci or pneumococci but prevents the lethal action on mice of gonococci suspended in mucin solution and saves guinea-pigs from the action of gas gangrene organisms. Its antibacterial activity can be measured by its inhibition of the luminescence of Photobacterhmi fischeri. A. flavus when groA\TL as a submerged culture in agitated Czapek-Dox medium does not produce aspergillic acid but a substance w^hich is very similar to or identical with penicillin in chemical and biological properties (see p. 171 et seq.). Citrinin. — PenicilUum citrinum when grown on Czapek- Dox or Raulin medium produces citrinin, C C.OH luuf.. ,oD - - ' I I CH,.(! (J ^9 ^C.CUOH I I CHg.CH 0 which can be precipitated from the medium, in yields of about 2 g. per litre, as a yellow microcrystalline substance ])y the addition of hydrochloric acid. It is also formed by Aspergillus candidus. It has m.p. 168° (decomp.). Its sodiimi salt is soluble in w^ater. The culture filtrate (containing about 2 g. /lit re of citrinin) is inhibitory to Staph, aureus in dilutions of 1 in 160 to 1 in 320. Citrinin itself is bacteriostatic to Gram -positive and Gram- negative organisms in concentrations of 1 in 9000 to 1 in 30,000, the Gram-positive organisms, in general, being the more sensitive. 160 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Clavacin. — Aspergillvs ciavafus when gn)\Mi on Czapek-Dox medium gives antibacterial filtrates from which clavacin can be isolated by extraction with ether or chloroform or by adsorption on charcoal followed by elu- tion with ether. It is a relatively stable substance even in strongly acid solution. It is bactericidal in concentra- tions of 1 in 10^, to Gram -positive and Gram -negative organisms. It has also been called clavatin. At about the same time Penicillimn claviforme was shown to yield an optically inactive, colourless, crystalline substance, m.p. 110°C. which could be extracted from culture filtrates with chloroform. It was stable to boiling dilute acid, but not to alkali, nor to boiling in neutral solution. It was bactericidal to pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and killed leucocytes at a dilution of 1 in 800,000. It is lethal to mice (0-25 mg. intravenously, 2 mg. subcutaneously or 2-5 mg. per os). It was given the name claviformin. Later Aspergillus gigmiteus, when grown on a medium containing 4 per cent, of glucose, 0-1 per cent, of sodium nitrate and 0-1 per cent, of potassium dihydrogen phos- phate, was also shown to yield claviformin. The substance is also a prduct of the growth of a species of Gymnoascus. A fifth mould, Penicillium patidmn, produced a colourless, crystalline substance, given the name patulin, when grown on Raulin-Thom medium, which could be extracted by ether, or ethyl acetate. It was found to be inhibitory to Gram -positive and Gram -negative organisms at concentrations of 1 in 30,000 to 1 in 80,000. It was shown to be anhydro-3-hydroxymethylene- tetrahydro- Y-p3a'one-2-carboxylic acid, o II CHa C =CH. I I >o . CHa CH.CO ^ ANTIBIOTICS 161 wliiuli uii Ircatinciit with dilute alkali or on boiling in water gives the acid, ^^'H, C=CHOH. Patulin is toxic I I CHa CH.COOH \o/ to mice and rabbits in doses of the oixier of 0-25 to 0-5 mg. per 20 g. body weight. In concentrations of 1 in 2000 it is inhibitory to phagocytosis. Conflicting reports have been published about its efficacy in curing the com- mon cold. The result probably depends on the particular organisms concerned in the secondary stages of the cold, some being susceptible to patulin and some not. The primary virus stage of the cold appears not to be affected by patulin. Since clavacin is inactivated by excess of 8H com- pounds it is possible that it exerts its action by inhibiting SH-containing essential metabolites or bacterial enzymes. It has been shown by chemical, biological and X-ray evidence that clavacin, claviformm and patulin are identical compounds. Clavatih. — This substance is identical with clavacin. Claviformin. — This substance is identical with clavacin. Flavacidin. — This substance, produced by A. flavus in deep, agitated, aerated cultures in a modified Czapek- Dox medium, is very probably identical with penicillin. Flavicin. — Aspergillus flavus when grown on a modi- fied Czapek-Dox medium containing corn steep liquor gives rise to a bacteriostatic substance which can be extracted with i^opropyl ether. The purified material is active against the Gram -positive organisms, staphylo- cocci, streptococci, C. diphthericE, smd B. aiithracis at con- centrations of 0-006 to 0-008 mg./ml. Gram-negative organisms are much less sensitive, E. typhosa, Shigella 162 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY dysenteriw and Vibrio cotunba l>eing inhibited by 0-8 mg./ml. Flavicin is bactericidal as well as bacteriostatic. When injected in small doess, 50 mg./kg. of body weight, it protects mice against infection by Type I pneumococci. Flavicin resembles penicillin in being a soluble acid which is unstable in acid solution. It differs from penicillin in being more active against C. diphtherice, B. anthracis and Brucella abortus. Fumigacin. — Aspergillus fumigatus produces, in syn- thetic media, in the first few days of growth the antibiotic fumigacin, which is readily soluble in chloroform or ethanol and to a limited extent in ether or water. It is precipitated from alcoholic solution on cooling as colour- less long, slender, needle-shaped crystals. Fumigacin has m.p.220°C. and [a]D= -132° (c=0-4 in chloroform), contains neither nitrogen nor sulphur, is weakly acidic, and gives a methyl ester corresponding to the formula C29 H38_4o07 for the original substance. The silver salt, liowever, corresponds to C32H4403Ag. Fumigacin contains a lactone group in addition to the carboxyl group and on treatment with alkali gives a crystalline, inactive sodium salt. Its general properties agree with those of helvolic acid (see p. 167) which has a formula C32H44O8, corres- ponding to that of the silver salt mentioned above. The specific rotation of helvolic acid is given as [ajo = —49-4° in chloroform, a difference which may, possibly, be due to complete or partial conversion of the lactone to the free acid. It is active against Gram -positive organisms at dilutions of 1 in 200,000 to 1 in 600,000 and only slightly active against Gram -negative bacteria (dilution of 1 in 1000). In concentrations of 200 /Mg. per ml. it is bactericidal. It is thermostable, and not very toxic to animals but doses near the toxic limit are necessary to protect mice against infection with Streptococcus pyogenes. ANTIBIOTICS Fumigatin. — Aspergillus fumigatus, in addition to fumigacin, synthesises the pigment fumigatin which has been shown to be 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-2 : 5-tohiquinone, 0 CH3 / \ OH , which inhibits the errowth of Gram- " " OCH, O positive bacteria at dilutions of 1 in 33,000 to 1 in 50,000, and Gram-negative organisms at 1 in 12,000. It is par- ticularly active against V. comma which is inhibited at a concentration of 1 in 100,000. A number of mono-, di- and tri-methoxy derivatives of toluquinone and of benzoquinone have been tested for activity against Staph, aureus. 4-Methoxy-, 4 : 6-dimethoxy-, 3:4:6- trimethoxy- (spinulosin dimethyl ether), and 6-hydroxy- 4-mefchoxy- toluquinones and 2 : 6-dimethoxybenzo- quinone have considerably greater activity than fumigatin. Introduction of the OCH3 grol^p increases the activity whilst an OH group reduces it. The most active is 0 II 4:6-dimethoxy-toluquinone, jj || , of which CH3O V ^ 0CH3, o 10/xg. per ml. is inhibitory. The active structure seems to be =C=C.C0.C(0CH3) = C.CO which is also present in penicillic acid (see p. 170). Replacement of the terminal — CO group by oxygen (as in the methyl , . ^. r 1 .. .. rH,0H.C.=CH.C0.C(0CH..)=CH— O. derivative 01 kojic acid "1 " I (see p. 294) causes a great loss in activity. Gigantic Acid. — The growtli of A. giganteus on a 2 per cent, malt extract containing 1 per cent, of peptone 164 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY and 5 per cent, of tri-ethanolamine buffer at ^^H 8-2 yields a product which is very similar to penicillin in its properties. Gliotoxin. — GUodadiuyn fimbriatum, when grown in an agitated culture medium containing sucrose and peptone at 2^H 3 to 3-5, yields gliotoxin which can be extracted with chloroform. It is also formed along with fumigacin by A. fumigatus in surface or submerged cultures and from an unidentified strain of Penicillium. The material can be recrystallised from methanol and has m.p. 221°C. (decomp). It is optically active, having [aj^f — 290° in ethanol, —270° in pyridine, and —255° in chloroform. In ethanol containing sodium hydroxide it undergoes mutarotation from [aj^-f 111° to -|- 80° after 48 hours and to 0° after 5 days. Gliotoxin has an ultra- violet light absorption curve similar to those of trjrptophane and indole. It is a neutral substance with the composition C13H14N2O4S2. It appears to be an indole derivative having a third 6-membered ring at positions 1 and 2. The third ring contains the second nitrogen atom, which carries a methyl group, and is bridged by a clisulphide group. The oxygen is present in the form of hydroxyl groups. On heating with hydriodic acid or with dilute alkali, gliotoxin loses its sulphur to give an a-pyrazindole derivative, C13H12O2N2, m.p. 122°C., which is biologically inactive. The carbon and nitrogen skeleton of gliotoxin is prol)ably 2 : 3-dimethyl- 1:2:3: 4-tetrahydropyrazino-[l : 2]-indole : — In a concentration of 10/tg. j)oi- ml. gliotoxin preveiits the ANTIBIOTICS 165 gro^\'th of all pathogenic organisms tested ; 0-2 to 0-3 fig. per ml. was adequate to inhibit hsemol^^ic streptococci and Type III pneumococci. It is also inhibitory to A. niger, P. italicum and Bhizopus. ^ It is lethal to mice and rabbits in doses of 45 to 65 mg. per kg. of body Aveight. Less than the lethal dose causes kidney lesions and hsematuria. Gramicidin. — In 1939 Dubos isolated from soil a spore bearing bacillus, which has since been named B. hrevis. Autolysates of the organism contained a soluble substance, tyrothricin, capable of lysing living Gram -positive cocci. The substance is non- volatile, does not dialyse through coUodion and is heat stable. It is very stable to alkali but not to acid. 0-02 /xg. per ml. inhibits the growi;h of pneumococci, whilst staphylococci and streptococci are not quite so sensitive. Gram-negative organisms are not affected even by large amounts of the substance. The intraperitoneal injection of 2 mg. of the extract protected mice against infection with pneumococcci. Tyrothricin is not to be confused with the enzyme, produced adap- tively by some soil bacilli, which destroys the capsule of Type III pneumococci only, rendering them susceptible to phagocytosis. Tyrothricin inhibits the fibrinol}i}ic action of [B-haemolytic streptococcal filtrates and the coagulase activity of staphylococal filtrates. Tyrothricin has been shown to be a mixture. By extraction of the crude material with equal parts of acetone and ether, evaporation to dryness and extraction with warm acetone a crystalline substance, gramicidin, is obtained on cooling the acetone solution. The residue insoluble in the acetone-ether mixture is taken up in boiling ethanol and acidified with hydrochloric acid when a crystalline material, tyi'ocidine hydrochloride, separates out (see p. 182). Tyrothricin contains about 10 to 20 per cent, of gramicidin and 40 to 60 per cent, of tyrocidine. Gramicidin is a neutral substance which is specifically 16(3 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY bacteriostatic to Gram -positive bacteria. Gramicidin has the property of depressing the surface tension of aqueous sohitions ; the property is not lost on heating, although the bacteriostatic and hsemolytic effects are destroyed by heat. Gramicidin does not lose its bacterio- static properties in the presence of serum. It will protect mice from infection by Gram -positive organisms when it is injected in contact with the organisms but not otherwise. Gramicidin has been shown to detoxify tetanus and diphtheria toxins. It is too toxic to be of use for internal chemotherapy but has been used for local application. Gramicidin has been shown to be a closed ring polypeptide containing 24 amino acid residues, having a molecular weight of 2790, m.p. 230 — 231°C., [all? + 2-5°. It contains no free amino or carboxyl groups. The amino acid residues comprise 6 of leucine, 6 of tryptophane, 5 of valine, 3 of alanine, 2 of glycine and 2 of a hydroxy-amino compound, possibly ^CH.C.OH CO, CH3 \o / are not antil)acterial. The somewhat similarly constituted CO CH C.OH koiic acid, II II (see p. 294) is much less CH,OH.C CH 0 active than penicillic acid. It is possible that penicillic acid is active because it combines with such amino -acids as glycine, alanine and p-aminobenzoic acid, all of which reverse its effect. Penicillin. — In 1929 Fleming noted that the growth of Staph, aurevs on a plate contaminated by Penicillium notatum was inhibited in the neighbourhood of the mould. He showed that the growth of P. notatum on a fluid medium gave a culture filtrate which was strongly bacteriostatic to certain Gram -positive bacteria. The active substance, penicillin, which is also formed by P. chrysogenum and A. flavus, can be extracted from acidified culture filtrates ^vith ether or other organic solvents in the cold and can be taken back into aqueous 172 BACTEraOT.OGICAL CHEMISTRY solutiuii l»y washijig i\\v exiiaci witli dihitc alkali, wiiicJi converts penicillin into the readily soluble sodium salt ; concentration of the penicillin can be effected at the same time by use of a small volume of alkali. Further purification can be achieved ,by chromatography on alumina or silica gel carrying an alkaline earth carbonate, and conversion to the barium salt. The barium salt is fairly stable iDctAveen j^K 5-5 and 7-5, but is easily in- activated by heating or by acid or alkali. The free acid, penicillin, is hygroscopic and loses its activity readily, although in ether or amyl acetate solution it is stable for some days. It is inactivated by copper or mercury, primary alcohols, ammonia, amines, hydrazine, hydroxyl- amine and oxidising agents. Culture filtrates have been shown to contain one or more of several closely related compounds first recognised by somewhat different degrees of activity against various bacteria. They have the general empirical formula, C9H11O4SN2.R, and differ in the nature of the radical R, as is shown : — British Name American Name R Penicillin I - Penicillin F A^-pentenovl, Dihydropenicillin I — /i-Amyl Penicillin II - Penicillin G Benzoyl Penicillin III Penicillin X /j-Hydroxy benzyl Penicillin K - Penicillin K n-Heptyl That the penicillins probably have either the ^-lactam structure, I, or the incipient azlactam structure, 11, is in harmony with the following findings : — • ANTIBIOTICS 173 X X P? ?l hJ H 1 X o --ifl X o P ^^ X o- 9. ^'^ -if i ^' a X ^ 0 0 + P2 ;i^ 3t X 0 11 M 0 X^ x^ 0 - ~n ^"2 0 ^i- 174 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY They arc strong monobasic acids with ^^K — 2-8. The probable presence of a masked basic group is shown by a slow titration with perchloric acid in acetic acid. Hydrolysis of penicillin with dilute acid at 30°C. gives the penillic acids, III, which are dicarboxylic acids containing a basic group but no SH group. Treatment of the penillic acids with cold aqueous mercuric chloride causes loss of carbon dioxide and gives rise to penillamines, IV, which contain an 8H group, whilst treatment with baryta converts penillic acid to i^o-penillic acid, X. Hydrolysis of j)enicillin with hot dilute mineral acids gives carbon dioxide, penicillamine, V (i3es, yeasts or moulds. The tubercle bacillus is not sensitive to penicillin. The activity of penicillin is not affected by the presence of serum, blood or pus nor by the number of organisms present. Penicillin is almost completely non-toxic to man or animals and has no deleterious effect on leucocytes or tissue cells. It is, therefore, superior to the sulphonamides in these respects. From the chemotherapeutic point of view it has the defects that it camiot be given l)y mouth as it is destroyed by the acid of the stomach, and that it is very rapidly excreted in the urine after intravenous or intramuscular injection. In order to maintain an adequate concentration in the blood it must be ad- ministered by the continuous intravenous drip method or by intramuscular injections repeated at least every three hours for as long as the infection persists. A daily dosage of about 120,000 Oxford units is necessary. Penicillin is of particular value in treating staphylococcal septicaemia, which is often resistant to treatment with sulphonamides, osteomyelitis, gas gangrene, gonorrhoea and infections by sulphonamide resistant strains of pneumococci. Penicillin can be used effectively in the local treatment of burns, wounds and skin infections by application in a cream or as a powder (usually mixed with sulphanilamide). The methyl and ethyl esters of penicillin are more stable than penicillin to such an extent that they can be given by mouth. They have only about one hundredth of the activity of penicillin 176 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY /"// vilro, pr()l)al)ly duo to slow hydrolysis. Li doses of about 2 nig. they will protect mice against many thousand lethal doses of hsemolytic streptococci. As with other drugs, bacteria develop resistance to penicillin when subjected to concentrations which are inadequate for bacteriostasis. Organisms which have acquired resistance to penicillin are still susceptible to sulphonamides and vice versa. The mode of action of penicillin is miknown but it does not interfere with respiration ; susceptible organisms subjected to less than the bacteriostatic dose continue to grow but lose their power of subdivision so that giant forms are produced. Penicillin is destroyed by enzymes (penicillinase) secreted by several species of bacteria including E. coli, Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Proteus and some Gram-positive bacilli such as B. subtilis. Penicillin B. — This substance is identical with notatin. Proactinomycin. — A species of Proactinomyces, when grown on a glucose agar medium, forms an alkaloid like base, soluble in organic solvents and in water at pH 4, which has bacteriostatic properties similar to, but weaker than, those of penicillin. It is more stable, undergoing only small loss of activity on boiling at pK 2 or 7 for ten minutes ; it is inactivated by boiling at pH 10. Proactinomycin is toxic to mice in doses of 2 to 5 milligrams. Puberulic Acid. — Several species of Penicillimn, P. puberulum, P. aurantio-virens, P. joJiannioli and Cyclopium viridicatum yield puberulic acid, CgHeOg, ANTIBIOTICS 177 iiud |)ul)i'iuluiii<- a<;i(I, ( ^sH^O^,. TJic furnici- is a colcjiiilcss, crystalline, dibasic acid of m.p. 316 to 31 8 (J., whilst puberulonic acid is a bright yellow, crystalline substance having m.j). 298°C., which is thought to be the quinonoid form of the quinol, puberulic acid. Puberulic acid inhibits Gram -positive organisms at dilutions of 1 in 6000 to 1 in 33,000, whilst pubenilonic acid is less effec- tive, inhibiting at 1 in 6000 only. They liave little effect on Gram -negative organisms. Pyocyanase. — Pseudomonas ceruginosa (B. pyo- cyaneus), wliich was among the earliest of organisms shown to produce antibiotic substances, forms pyo- cyanase, pyocyanin and a-hydroxy-phenazine (hemi- pyocyanin). Pyocyanase is l3rtic to many bacteria, such as E. coli, Ehertliella typhosa, C. dijohtherice, V. comma, streptococci and staphylococci, and also detoxifies the toxins of CI. tetam and other bacteria very rapidly, a property also possessed by sodium lauryl sulphate and zephiran (a sulphonated mixture of the fatty acids, Cg to Ci7, contained in coconut oil). Pyocyanase, in spite of its heat stability, was at one time thought to be an enzyme attacking nucleic acids but it is now regarded as being of lipoidal nature, the activity depending largely on the presence of unsaturated fatty acids ; it is said to contain a phosphatide and free fat in addition. The facts that it is soluble in ether, chloroform a;nd l^enzene and that its activity is not much affected by changes in temperature between 0 and 37 °C. are not in accord with the view that pyocyanase is an enzyme. It has been obtained as a colourless oil forming an ether soluble lead salt, so that it is probably an unsaturated fatty acid. Pyocyanin. — The chloroform soluble blue pigment, pyocyanin, produced by Ps. ceruginosa, has been shown to be a phenazonium compound : — 178 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEIMISTRY CH N CH ^'\ /\ ^-\ ^ \/ \^ \ , CH C C CH I II I II CH C C CH % /\ ^\ / %/ \^ \/ CH N CO II CO N CH /\ ,^\ /%, / \^ \/ % CH C C CH li I II I CH C C CH \^ \/ \/ CH N CH CH3 which breaks down to o- CH N CO CH N C ^\ /% /\ ^^\ /%^ /% ^ \/ %/ \ ^ \/ %/ % CH C C CH CH C C CH I II I II .=^ 1 II I I CH C C CH CH C C CH % /\ /% / % /\ ^\ ^ %/ \/ %/ %/ \^ \^ CH N CH CH N+ CH I I CH3 CH3 with a structure not unlike that of iodinin (see p. 168) which is also a phenazine derivative. It is formed in the first two or three days of growth of the organism ; pyocyanase occurs in cultures two to three months old. Cultures of intermediate age contain a second pigment, yellow in colour, which is a degradation product of pyocyanin, known as hemipyocyanin, and having the structure , a -hydro xy-phenazine , ANTIBIOTICS 17U N OH %/%^/\/ Pyocyaiiin, which is thermostable, has strong bacterio- static power against Gram -positive and Gram -negative bacteria and comparatively little effect against moulds or yeasts. Hemipyocyanin is less active against bacteria but considerably more active against yeasts and fungi. The similar pigment, chlororaphin, formed by Ps. chloro- raphis (see p. 391), is also somewhat inhibitory to bacteria. In virtue of its oxonium structure, pyocyanin is known to act as an oxygen carrier in the oxidation of a-hydroxyglutaric acid to a-ketoglutaric acid in presence of a dehydrogenase occurring in animal tissues. It is possible that the antibiotic effect of pyocyanin is due to interference in some such process in bacterial metabolism. Pyocyanin is highly toxic to animals as w^ell as being bactericidal ; hemipyocyanin is much less toxic and has about the same bactericidal power as the f la vines. It has no staining properties. Spinulosin. — P. sjnmdosmu gives rise to the red pigment . spinulosin, 3 : 6-dihydroxy-4-methoxy-2 ; 5- 0 il toluqumone, , which is hydroxy-fumigatin 0 (see p. 163). It is a weaker bacteriostatic agent than fumigatin, being active against Gram-positive organisms at concentrations of 1 in 6000 to 1 in 10,000. The loss in activity as compared with fumigatin is attributed to the additional hydroxyl group since, in a series of tolquinone derivatives, those members containing hy- droxyl groups are less active than those without. 180 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Streptomycin. — Streptomyces griseus, one of the soil organisms, the Actinomycetes, forms the substance streptomycin which resembles streptothricin in inhibiting the growth of Gram -negative as well as Gram -positive organisms, but is more active against Pr. vulgaris and Ps. ceruginosa among the former and against B. mycoides and M. tuberculosis among the latter. It is also bacterio- static to E. typhosa, Sal. schottmillleri, Br. abortus, H. influenzce, H. pertussis, Serratia ')narcescens , B. subtilis, Staph, aureus and CI. butylicum. Streptomycin is poorly absorbed from the intestine but is not destroyed and so may be useful for controlling intestinal infections. In man it is rapidly absorbed and excreted in the urine after parenteral administration, but therapeutic levels can be maintained in the blood and urine more easily than with penicillin. It has low toxicity for animals. Preliminary trials indicate that it may be of therepeutic use against typhoid fever and human tuberculosis. If these claims are substantiated streptomycin is likely to be as valuable as penicillin. Streptomycin can be adsorbed on charcoal from the culture fluid resulting from the growth of S. griseus on a corn steep liquor medium. After elution from the charcoal with acid ethanol it can be purified and re- crystallised as the hydrochloride, [a]D-84°, the sulphate, the helianthate or reineckate, m.p. 162-1 64 °C. It is an organic base soluble in water but not in most organic solvents. It is fairly stable to heat, losing about half its activity in ten minutes at 100°C. It is inactivated by cysteine, 2-aminoethanethiol and, to a less extent, by thioglycollic acid. The inactivation is reversed by iodine. Its activity increases with the alkalinity of the medium up to ^H 9. Streptomycin hydrochloride is completely inactivated by standing for 24 hours with anhydrous methanol containing N HCl. Addition of ether to the solutioji precipitates a diguanidine base, streptidine, leaving an ANTIBIOTICS 181 optically active substance, methyl streptubiosaminicle dimethylacetal hydrochloride, in solution : — QlH37-39^70l2.3HCl + 3 CH3OH (iStreptomycin hjTli-ochloride) C8Hi8X604-2HCl + H2O + (Streptidine) Ci3H2o-22NO,(OCH3)3.Hri (Streptobiosaminide dimethyl acetal) On hydrolysis streptidine loses ammonia and carbon dioxide and forms a new base, streptamine : — The six nitrogen atoms of streptidine are present as two mono -substituted guanidine groups which are replaced by two amino groups in streptamine. The oxygen atoms are present as hydroxyl groups since acetyl and benzoyl derivatives can be obtained. Stre^^t amine is veiy pro- bably a diamino totrahydroxy c^^lohexane with the amino groujjs at positions 1:3 or 1:4: — NH.R I CH CHOH CHOH I I CHOH CHOH CH I NH.R Streptamine, R = H. NH.R I CH CHOH CHOH I I CHOH CN.NH.R \ / CH OH iStreiDtidiue, R = — C XH XH, Methyl streptobiosaminide dimethyl acetal is most probably derived by the action of methanol on a nitrogen containing disaccharide, streptobiosamine. The nitrogen atom is not present as an amino group but probably as a methylamino group attached at position 2 of one of the hexose luiits. 182 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY The structure of the streptidine moiety of strepto- mycin makes it tempting to speculate that the antibiotic is active in virtue of its resemblance to the growth factor inositol, CHOH /\ / \ CHOH CHOH I I CHOH CHOH CHOH Streptothricin. — A species of Actinomyces, occurring in the soil, A. lavendulce, gives rise to the antibiotic streptothricin, which has a selective action on Gram- negative organisms, for example E. coli and Shigella dysenterice, but also acts on some Gram-positive bacteria, for example B. subtilis and Staph, aureus, moulds and yeasts. Streptothricin is a base and appears to be built up of amino -acid residues, resembling tyrocidine. It is only inhibitory in the undissociated state ; factors such as the presence of salts and ^H values which cause dissociation lower the activity of streptothricin. Bacteria subjected to its action increase in size and tend to form chains. Resistant strains of bacteria can be developed. It has a low toxicity for animals and could probably be used for internal chemotherapy. Tyrocidine. — Tyrothricin, isolated from auto'lysates of B. hrevis, is a mixture of gramicidin and tyrocidine (see p. 165). Tyrocidine is the fraction insoluble in acetone -ether mixtures, but soluble in hot ethanol and crystallised out as the hydrochloride. Tyrocidine hydro- chloride has m.p. 237-239°C. (decomposition), and [a] Jf — 102° (c = 1 in 95 per cent, ethanol). Tyrocidine is a polypeptide having a molecular weight about 2500 and containing about twenty amino -acid residues in- cluding tryptoj)hane, tyrosine, alanine, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, combined in such a way as to leave ANTIBIOTICS 183 free two basic amino groups, three amide groups and one carboxyl group or a phenolic OH group. About twenty per cent, ol the amino -acid residues have the ^-configuration. It is of interest to note that the capsules of B. anthracis, B. mesentericus and B. suhtilis are made up of a polypeptide composed of (^-glutamic acid (see p. 338). The presence of such a large proportion of ^-amino -acids in gramicidin and tjrrocidine probably accoimts for their resistance to pepsin, trypsin and papain. Tyrocidine has marked bactericidal and l^i^ic action in vitro against Gram -negative as well as Gram -positive organisms. Fifty to 100 jug. affords definite protection to mice infected intraperitoneally with pneumococci. Tyrocidine blocks the oxidative processes of metabolism. It is antagonistic to certain lower fungi such as Achorion schcenlandii, Microsporiu7n gypseum, Trichophyton gyp- seum and Candida albicans. Tyrocidine has a strong hsemolytic effect on human and rabbit red blood corpuscles, haemolysis occurring in the presence of 0-005 /xg. of the substance, which is also highly toxic to animals. Tyrocidine loses much of its bactericidal power in the presence of blood, serum or pus. It appears to prevent the loss of activity which tetanus toxin undergoes on heating at 55°C. Both tyrocidine and gramicidin can be used chemo- therapeutically by local application, to wounds for example. Un-named Antibiotics. — When B. mesentericus, in the smooth phase, is grown in nutrient broth it gives rise to a substance which has a specific bactericidal effect on C. diphtherice at a dilution of 1 in 1250. The toxic effects of C. diphtherice are eliminated when the organism is injected along with the B. mesentericus filtrate into guinea-pigs. Aspergillus candidus produces a thermostable sub- stance, similar to citrinin, but which is more powerful 15 184 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY against Staphylococcus and B. mycoides, being bacterio- static at concentrations of about 1 in 100,000 and bactericidal at 1 in 8000. A. flavipes, when grown on tryptone medium or corn-steep liquor medium, gives an alkaline bacteriostatic filtrate active at dilutions of 1 in 320 to 1 in 1300 against Str. pyogenes, pneumococci, and CI. welchii, very slightly active at 1 in 5 to 1 in 10 against staphylococci and inactive towards Str. fcecalis, E. coli and Aerobacter cerogenes. It can be obtained as a gummy precipitate by concentration of the medium in vacuo and addition of ten volumes of acetone. Penicillium resticulosuni, grown on Czapek-Dox medium, gives a metabolism solution which inhibits the growth of Staph, aureus at dilutions of 1 in 320 to 1 in 2500. The antibacterial substance can be precipitated from solution by the addition of acetone after concentra- tion, the yield being about 1 g. per litre from a filtrate inhibiting Staph, aureus at a dilution of 1 in 80. It is readily soluble in water, contains 3-8 per cent, of nitrogen, and causes complete inhibition at a concentra- tion of 1 in 160,000. It is very sensitive to acid, being destroyed by contact with 0-1 N hydrochloric acid at room temperature. Of thirty-nine moulds which were tested seventeen, all of the genus Penicillium, had antibacterial activity. They could be divided into two groups ; I, active against Staph, aureus, Str. viridans and C. diphtherice, were contaminants of laboratory media, and II, which were active against E. coli and Eberthella typhosa in addition to the above organisms, were mainly fi-uit contaminants. Among a large number of species of Fungi imperfecti, Wilkins and Harris showed that about 40 per cent, of Aspergillus species and 25 per cent, of Penicilliuyn species gave substances antagonistic to one or more of the test bacteria, E. coli, Staph, aureus and Ps. ceruginosa. Very few representatives of other genera were active, the ANTIBIOTICS 185 exceptions being Botrytis cinerea and Helminthosporium avence against Staph, aureus and Fusarium javanicum against E. coli. Among the number of antibiotics recently isolated and about which little is kno^^'n at present the following may be mentioned. Allicin, from garlic, Allium sativum, probably having the structure which is active against Gram -positive and Gram -negative organisms ; bacitracin, from a B. subtilis like organism, which is non -toxic to animals but is very active against Group A h^emolytic streptococci, staphylococci and the gas gangrene organisms ; mycophenolic acid (see p. 296), formed by Penicillium hrevi-compactum, which inhibits staphylococci, streptococci, C. diphtherice, B. subtilis and many pathogenic fungi but not Gram -negative organisms ; viridin, from Trichoderma viride, which is inhibitory to the growth of Botrytis, Fusariiun, Tricho- thecium and Cephalosporium strains and to a less extent to that of Penicillium and Aspergillus strains ; a sub- stance formed by Group N streptococci Avhich inhibits many Gram -positive organisms, including streptococci. Bacillus, Clostridium and Lactobacillus species ; subtilin, from B. suhtilis, active against Gram-positive but not against Gram-negative organisms ; violacein, the pigment from Chr, violaceum (see p. 389), which is very inhibitory to Gram -positive organisms (meningococcus, the only Gram -negative organism affected, is inhibited by 0-0005 per cent, of violacein), Saccharomyces cerevisice and some moulds. It is interesting that the basic proteins, protamine and histone, which are of comparatively low molecular weight, are bacteriostatic or bactericidal to E. typhosa, Shigella jmradysentericE, E. coli, B. suhtilis, Staph, alhus, Staph, aureus, CI. ivelchii, CI. tetani, CI. histolyticiuti, 186 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY streptococci and pneumococci in dilutions varying from 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 3000. It is seen that they have properties similar to the polypeptide antibiotics gramicidin and tyrocidine, the resemblance being especially close to the latter. The effects are eliminated by the presence of phosphatides, with which all the substances combine. It is possible that they may be active by interference with the phosphatide metabolism of the organisms. Antibiosis appears to be a very widespread phenomenon, existing among micro-organisms of all sorts. It is probably the chief mechanism by which the majority of species manage to survive in natural sur- roundings, particularly in the soil where they must be subjected to intense competition. Obviously the anti- biotic substances produced by micro-organisms influence profoundly the ecology of their surroundings. Antibiotic substances have found several applications in the control of plant and animal diseases, the out- standing example in human treatment being the use of penicillin. It is possible that the closed plaster-cast method of treating wounds may depend for its efficacy on the antagonistic action of saprophytic organisms towards any pathogens which might be present originally. Another use of antibiotics has been in the preparation of selective media for the isolation of bacteria from mixed cultures. For instance, the inclusion of penicillin in Bordet-Gengou medium suppresses the growth of most organisms occurring in the throat and enables Hcemophihis "pertussis to be isolated with greater ease from cough plates or swabs. For further reading : — A. Waksman, " Antagonistic Relations of Micro-organisms." Bart. Reviews, 5, (1941), 231. A. AVaksnian, " Miorof)ial Antagonisms and Antil»iotic .Substances.'" The Commonwealth Fund. New York, 1945. CHAPTER XII BACTERIAL RESPIRATION THE term respiration has undergone a continuous expansion in its meaning. Originally "respiration" in animals signified the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the lungs, then it was used to describe the transfer of oxygen to and the removal of carbon dioxide away from tissues. Later still the term connoted the general oxidation processes of cells, and, finally, now that it is recognised that these processes are almost always concerned with the energy requirements of the cells, the expression has come to mean any energy producing biological reaction, even when the reaction takes place under anaerobic conditions. It is in this sense of a chemical reaction producing energy in the cell, whether aerobically or anaerobically, that we shall employ it. Chemists tend to regard bacteria, yeasts and moulds, merely as useful reagents which can bring about many reactions, such as the synthesis of acetone, butyric acid, butyl alcohol and so on, some of which he cannot yet carry out in the laboratory. The tendency of the biologist, on the other hand, is to regard these reactions or products as accidents more or less incidental to the life of the cell, useful accidents it may be, in that they sometimes pro- vide a means of identifying or helping to identify the organism (as is the case with sugar fermentation re- actions), or in that they provide some product like alcohol which he values. 187 188 EACTERIOLOaiCAL CHEMISTRY These reactions should be regarded as the life processes of the cell, providing both the energy required and the raw materials for building up new cells. As far as we knoAv only two sources of energy are available for living cells, light and chemical energy. Of these, light can only be utilised by chlorophyll-containing plants, by the blue-green algae and by a few autotrophic bacteria ; for all other forms of life the requisite energy must be derived from chemical reactions . Heat, electricity and mechanical energy cannot be utilised by organisms, probably because they lack appropriate " transformers " ; the only transformers we know are chlorophyll and similar pigments for light. Heat, or in other words a rise in temperature, may cause increased growth and metabolic activity of a cell, but it is only in so far as the chemical changes (which supply the essential energy) are speeded up by a rise in temperature. A cell cannot economise on food by using the heat energy of the medium; a starving cell, for instance, derives no benefit from a rise in temperature. It follows that the energy liberated in one cell is of no use to any other cells ; neighbouring cells, even those closely linked as in tissues, have no direct energy exchange system. Moreover, the chemical energy neces- sary for growth must be liberated within the cell, since if it were produced outside the cell it would have to take the form of heat or electricitj^ which cannot be utilised by the cell. As a result of this the only foods of value to the organism are those which can diffuse into the cell. Thus complex proteins, fats and carbohydrates like starch and cellulose, are not directly available to the organism, but first have to be broken down or hydrolysed to appropriate smaller, soluble, diffusible compounds. This is the work of the class of exo -cellular enzymes or hydrolases which are secreted into the medium by the organism. BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 189 As we have already seen in Chapter iV the reactions catalysed by these enzymes involve only relatively small energy changes, whilst, on the other hand, those reactions brought about by the endo-enzymes, inside the cell, where the energy liberated is of real value to the organism, involve large energy changes. This is illustrated in Table 15, w^hich shows the energy liberated from 1 gram of the appropriate substrata by the action of different enzymes. Table 15 Exo-enzymes. Endo-enzymes. Pepsin, trypsin, rennet - Lipase - - - - Invertase Maltase - - - - Lactase - - - - cals. 0 4 9-3 10 23 Lactacidase - - - Akoholase - Urease Vinegar oxidase - cals. 82 149-5 239 2,530 An exception to the general rule that hydrolytic reactions involve little energy change is the case of the breakdown of urea, w^hich is used as energy source by the urea bacteria. This is only an apparent exception because the reaction takes place in two stages, first the hydrolysis of urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide : — • .XHo CO ^H.,0 JXHa -fC02+ about 0 Cab XHo which involves practically no liberation of energy. The second step is the formation of ammonium carbonate from the ammonia and carbon dioxide : — 2XH3 - CO, + H2O > (XH4)2C03 + 12 Cals. and it is this part of the reaction which supplies the 190 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY The products formed by the action of the eiido- enzymes in the cell are usually essentially different from the substance fermented, and are in the main useless, often even harmful, to the organism. It is this accumula- tion of end products which is often responsible for the cessation of growth after a time ; for instance, in yeast fermentation when about 8-5 per cent, of alcohol has been produced, further growth of the yeast cells is inhibited. The majority of organisms can utilise several kinds of food and therefore bring about various fermentations in the course of their metabolism. They may even be able to utilise the same food in different ways, according to the conditions. For instance, certain typical sugar fer- menting bacteria and the yeasts can be grown in the absence of sugars ; lactic acid bacteria will grow on peptone. Yeast normally ferments sugar to alcohol, but it can also oxidise it completely to carbon dioxide and water if a sufficient supply of oxygen is available. Most moulds appear to be omnivorous, attacking almost any substrate with which they may be supplied. At the other extreme are the autotrophic bacteria, most of which can utilise only one substrate as a source of energy (see Chapter VI) . The chemical activity of the micro-organisms is, generally speaking, vastly greater than that of animals or plants. For example, it has been calculated that 1 gram of Micrococcus urece can decompose 180 to 1,200 grams of urea per hour ; and that 1 gram of certain lactose fermenting bacteria can hydrolyse 180 to 15,000 grams of lactose per hour. If man were capable of meta- bolism on the same scale he would consume several thousand tons of food per hour. These figures are pro- bably subject to a certain margin of error, but they are sufficiently accurate to indicate the enormous difference between the metabolic activities of the bacteria and animals. A major cause for this difference in activity is the much greater area in bacteria available for the absorption of nutrients. The area to weight ratio in BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 191 bacteria is uf the order uf 200,000 times that for man. Moreover, the whole of the bacterial surface allows the passage into the cell of foodstuffs, whilst in man and animals the absorption of nutrients takes place through only a limited part of the total surface. If an organism can use a given compound as a nutrient, its value will depend on its calorific value. For instance, it has been shown that when Aspergillus niger is grown on various compounds as the source of energy and carbon, the weight of mycelium grown runs parallel with the heats of combustion (that is, the calorific values) of the com- pounds, as may be seen from Table 16. Table 16 Nutrient, Heat of Combustion. Weight of Mycelium. Tartaric acid - Citric acid Glucose - - - - Glycerol Olive oil . - - 2,618 cals./l-5 g. 3,711 5,614 6,461 13,972 0-155 g. 0-240 0-278 0-475 0-810 The value of a compound as a food or energy source also depends on the degree of oxidation which it under- goes ; the more complete the oxidation the higher the energy available. Glucose may be taken as an example, and the energy liberated with var3dng degrees of oxidation compared : — (a) Complete aerobic oxidation CfiHigOg+eOa > GC02 + 6H20+674Cal,s. Partial aerobic oxidation (^) (c) 2C6H12O6+9O2 > 6C2H204 + 6H,0+493Calr^ (oxalic acid) Anaerobic oxidation (1) QHi^Oe (ii) CeHi^Oe (iii) CgHjoOe --> 2C3He03 + 22-5Cals. (lactic acid) -^ 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 - (ethyl alcohol) -^ 3CH3COOH + 15Cals (acetic acid) 22 Cals 102 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY it follows from this consideration that the less com- plete the oxidation the more of a given substance must be broken down to supply the needs of the organism. The incomplete oxidation of non-nitrogenous compounds is what we usually call fermentation, and the incomplete oxidation of nitrogenous compounds is usually referred to as putrefaction. Pasteur considered that the main factor controlling fermentation was the oxygen supply. He showed that under anaerobic conditions the growth of yeast cells is much restricted but that fermentation is very active, whilst under aerobic conditions with a good oxygen supply the growth of the cells is rapid but fermentation is repressed. The aerobic breakdown of 7 grams of sugar is associated with the formation of 1 gram of yeast cells, whilst anaerobically the production of 1 gram of cells needs 70 grams of sugar, a striking illustration that complete oxidation is much more economical than incomplete oxidation. Various theories have been propounded to explain the fact that such compounds as carbohydrates, amino-acids and fatty acids are readily oxidised in part or completely by cells at ordinary temperatures, whilst in the laboratory they are only oxidised by much more drastic means. Usually these theories involve the activation of either the substrate or the hydrogen acceptor (whether it be oxygen or some other compound) or sometimes both of them. Wieland has put forward the idea that all oxidations are due to a hydrogen transfer. He came to this con- clusion as a result of experiments in which he found that many substances could be anaerobically oxidised, in presence of such metallic catalysts as spongy palladium or platinum, by loss of hydrogen which is taken up by the catalyst. Examples are the oxidation of hydro - quinone to quinone : — BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 193 and the uxidatiun of ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde : — /" C'Hj.C^— OH y r'Hjf'HO ^ If. The hydrogen atoms shown in bold type are those trans- ferred. In cases where there is an actual increase of oxygen in the oxidised molecule, he regards the first step as being the formation of a hydrate, the second step being the loss of hydrogen from the hydrate. Thus the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid is considered to follow the equation : — CH3C— H ^ HoO > CH3C;— H > CH3C— OH -r Ho \0H (acetaldehydf) (acetaldehyde (acetic acid) hydrate) Lactic acid and glucose were found to be oxidised in a similar way by these metallic catalysts, especially if a hydrogen acceptor such as oxygen or some easily reduced compound was added. Methylene blue proved a very useful hydrogen acceptor. Wieland regards biological oxidations as being similar in character, the difference being that the metallic catalyst is replaced by an enzyme. The enzymes are variously known as a reductase when the hydrogen acceptor is a dye or a nitrate or some similar compound, as a mutase when the acceptor is a second molecule of the substance being oxidised (as, for example, when acetaldehyde is converted into acetic acid and alcohol by the acetic acid bacteria), or as an oxidase when atmospheric oxygen is activated as the hydrogen acceptor. That bacteria are able to activate a large variety of compounds in this way has been shown by the use of the " methylene blue technique." In this procedure a washed suspension of the organism under investigation 104 BACTEKTOLOaTCAT. CHEMISTRY is incubated with a .sulutiuii of the compound to be examined and a standard quantity of methylene blue solution, all buffered at an appropriate 2>H value in an evacuated system. If the bacterium is capable of acti- vating the substrate as a donator of hydrogen (that is, if it is capable of oxidising it) the methylene blue accepts the hydrogen and becomes reduced to the colourless leuco -compound, the loss of colour serving as an indicator that the reaction has occurred. By this means numerous fatty acids, hydroxy- and amino-acids, polyhydric alcohols and sugars have been shown to be activated as hydrogen donators. Some of these substrates are much more readily activated than others, the most active, glucose, being some ten thousand times more effective than the least active of the lower fatty acids. Formic, lactic and succinic acids are all fairly active. All bacteria do not activate the same compounds, and there are marked differences between the activation by plant and animal tissues and by bacteria. Thunberg, who originated the methylene blue technique, considered these activations as being due to a series of specific enzymes. This is rather hard to believe, however, since Esch. coli, for instance, would need to contain over fifty such enzymes, including some for sub- stances like chlorates which the organism would be extremely unlikely to meet in the ordinary course of its existence. Quastel has suggested that one general mechanism is responsible for all these activations, which, after all, are alike in that they are all hydrogen transfers. He considers that the enzyme action depends on two factors ; first that the substrate is adsorbed on an active surface in the cell, and secondly that the adsorbed mole- cule is rendered unstable in such a way that it is liable to lose hydrogen if it is a donator or to gain hydrogen if it is an acceptor (like methylene blue). The cell is pictured as having a network of internal interfaces, probably composed of protein and lipoid constituents. BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 195 Certain areas of these interfaces are endowed with activity as a result of the arrangement of the molecules composing them ; certain arrangements of polar groups in the molecules set up local electric fields of varying intensity depending on the particular molecular arrangement. Any molecule, especially one containing polar groups, like — CO OH, =C0, or double bonds, coming into close contact with such an active surface by adsorption becomes distorted with a resulting shift of the hydrogen atoms rendering the molecule unstable or activated. For instance, a double bond is supposed to be activated according to the scheme : — — CH=CH > _c— CHo— or an aldehyde group in this way : — — CH = o — > _c_OH. The presence of a polar group like carboxyl in a molecule favours a concentration of hydrogen in its direction : — R— CH=CH— COOH > R— C- whilst a non-polar group like methyl favours a concentra- tion of hydrogen away from it : — \/ R— CH=CH— CH3 > R.CH2— C— C'Hg. The mechanism, as described so far, suggests how a compound can be activated to act as a hydrogen donator or acceptor, but it does not account for specificity. For instance, it affords no explanation of the fact that Esch, coli activates glucose whilst Alcaligenes fcecalis {B.fcecalis alcaligenes) does not, although both organisms strongly activate lactates. Nor does it explain why succinic acid is oxidised by both bacteria and muscle tissue, but that formic acid is a very active hydrogen donator in presence of bacteria but quite inactive with muscle. This activity is held to be due to the presence of definite groupings of molecules in the active centres of the cells which 19C) BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY selectively adsorb different types of compound which have a corresponding arrangement of their own polar groups (see p. 31). Thus sugars are adsorbed by one grouping, succinic and similar acids by another sort of grouping, lactic and other hydroxy-acids by a third grouping, and so on. Once this specific adsorption has occurred the general mechanism of the activation is the same in each case. As would be expected, substances having a configuration similar to those activated, but which are themselves not activated (possibly because the field of force is not strong enough), will partially inhibit the activation of the latter, since they can be adsorbed on to the active centres to the partial exclusion of the normal substrate. For example, «-hy- droxybutyric acid, CH3CH2CHOH.COOH, or tartaric acid, COOH.CHOH.CHOH.COO^, will inhibit the activa- tion of lactic acid, CH3CHOH.COOH, in virtue of the common structure — CHOH.COOH which enables them to compete for places at the active centres ; but they will not inhibit the activation of succinic acid, COOH.CH2.CH2.COOH, because it is adsorbed at different active centres not affected by the hydroxy-acids. Con- versely malonic acid, COOH.CHg.COOH, or glutaric acid, COOH.CH2.CH2.CH2.COOH, will inhibit the activation of succinic acid but not that of lactic acid, because they are adsorbed on the same centres as succinic acid which has the common group, — CH2.COOH. This suggestion of competitive adsorption at enzyme centres has also been used in the explanation of the mode of action of chemo- therapeutic substances (see Chapter X). Warburg suggested that all aerobic oxidations, that is, those in which atmospheric oxygen is involved, are brought about through the intervention of iron compounds, such as haemoglobin, whereby molecular oxygen is transferred to the substrate in an activated form. He showed that amino-acids could be oxidised l)y molecular oxygen when at the surface of charcoal prepared by licating blood, and BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 197 that the action could be inhibited by low concentrations of hydrocyanic acid, the concentration necessary being proportional to the iron content of the catalyst . Narcotics can also inhibit the reaction, and this he attributed to their adsorption on the active surface preventing the access of oxygen. Kluyver has combined the above ideas into a general scheme, applicable to all fermentations, which involves the transfer of hydrogen to oxygen in the case of aerobic oxidations or to some other acceptor, suitably activated by an enzyme, in other cases. Where oxygen is con- cerned, an iron compound such as Keilin's cytochrome is usually also involved. The enzymes involved in such hydrogen transfers are called dehydrases, dehydrogenases or hydrogen transportases. It is seen that all these processes are coupled oxidation- reduction reactions, hydrogen being given up by the substrate, the donator, and transferred to a second substance, the acceptor. For the purposes of our study these reactions can be divided into three types : — Type I. — The hydrogen acceptor is atmospheric oxygen, that is, direct oxidation occurs, as is the case with the production of acetic acid in the vinegar fer- mentations, or the action of many moulds and of the Mycobacteria on sugars. Type II. — The hydrogen donator and acceptor are the same molecule, giving rise to an intra-molecular fermentation. As an example one may take the conver- sion of glucose, C6H12O6, into two molecules of lactic acid, 2C3H6O3. Apparently no hydrogen or oxygen is required from outside, the new compound resulting from a rearrangement of the distribution of the hydrogen and oxygen wdthin the molecule. Actually the process is not so simple as this, since the final effect is brought about by a whole series of intermediate reactions. What it really amounts to is that a single substance is sufficient for the growth of the organism. 198 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Type III. — The hydrogen donator and acceptor are different compounds, resulting in inter-molecular fermen- tation. The Type I oxidation is a special case of Type III in which the acceptor is oxygen. Examples of this type are the anaerobic fermentations at the expense of the oxygen of fumarates, nitrates, sulphates, or similar highly oxidised substances. Ehizobium, for instance, can be made to grow as much as 1 cm. below the surface of agar containing a small amount of permanganate, whereas normally it grows only on the surface of solid media. Obviously for Type III reactions to occur the energy liberated by the oxidation (dehydrogenation) of the donator must be greater than that required to cause the reduction (hydi'ogenation) of the acceptor (see also Oxidation-Reduction Potentials, Chapter II). Besides the factor of thermodynamic possibility the enzymic activation of the substrates comes into play. This is particularly well illustrated in the case of the streptococci which cannot use oxygen, the best of all hydrogen acceptors from the energy point of view. This is not due to an actual sensitivity to oxygen since, for example, Str. cremoris can grow in milk exposed to oxygen, but no oxygen uptake can be measured, whilst Esch. coli under the same conditions takes up oxygen freely. Again, Str. lactis suspended in aerated buffer solution takes up no oxygen, although the majority of aerobes and facultative anaerobes take up from 5 to 25.jti1. of oxygen per hour under the same conditions. Clostridium sporo- genes under these conditions behaves like the strepto- cocci, and cannot utilise oxygen since it, too, lacks the appropriate enzyme system. Oxygen uptake is usually stimulated by the presence of methylene blue and inhibited by cyanide. The growth of organisms in oxygen usually involves the production of hydrogen peroxide which is toxic to most micro-organisms. Normally this hydrogen peroxide is destroyed by the enzyme catalase with formation of BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 199 water and oxygen, even in the absence of any oxidisable compound to take up the liberated oxygen. On the basis of the presence of catalase McLeod has divided the bacteria into four groups : — (a) Strict Anaerobes. — These organisms have no cata- Jase and are very sensitive to the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Since they produce the latter in presence of oxygen they are incapable of growth aerobically. They are not sensitive to cyanide. {b) Micro-aerophilic Organisms. — Members of this group have no catalase but produce hydrogen peroxide ; however, they are only moderately sensitive to it, and. can therefore survive if the oxygen tension is not too great. As examples may be quoted the pneumococcus, most streptococci and the lactic acid bacteria. (c) Non-peroxide Producers. — These produce neither catalase nor hydrogen peroxide and can tberefore grow aerobically in spite of the absence of catalase. Examples are Shigella dysenterice and Str. fcecalis. (d) Catalase Producers. — Bacteria of this group pro- duce hydrogen peroxide, which is immediately broken down by catalase. The aerobes and most facultative anaerobes belong to this class. They are sensitive to cyanide, which inhibits catalase action. Hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides can also be decomposed by the enzyme peroxidase, which differs from catalase in that an oxidisable substance must be present to take up the liberated oxygen or to donate hydrogen, as the case may be . If such a second substance is absent no decomposition of the peroxide takes place. The organic peroxides usually arise from the oxidation by atmo- spheric oxygen of di- or trihydric phenols, such as catechol, 200 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY under the influence of yet another enzyme, oxidase : — OH { \—0 + Go oxidase 2 | + 2H2O OH " > K }—o (catechol) (catechol peroxidase) It is to this action that the spontaneous browning of apples or potatoes in air is due. The peroxides so formed are then activated by peroxidase to regenerate the original catechol, with oxidation of the oxidisable substance : — -0 ( \OVL I + AH2 peroxidase + A -0 > \/^^ If the oxidisable substance, AH2, is a compound which is coloured in the oxidised form it can be used as a test for the presence of peroxidase. The most common of these substances are a-naphthol (giving a lavender colour), guaiacol (red), benzidine (blue), ^^-phenylenediamine (greenish), dimethyl ^^-phenylenediamine (purple to black) and indophenol (purple). The oxidation enzymes, catalase, oxidase and peroxi- dase, are all inhibited by the action of cyanide, sulphide and carbon monoxide. They all contain iron in the form of hsem (an iron compound of protoporphyrin) which is the prosthetic group carried by different specific proteins to give the complete enzyme . The breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by catalase is accompanied by a reduction and re -oxidation of the ferric iron in the enzyme : — 4Fe+++ + 2H2O2 > 4Fe++ + 4H+ + 20o 4Fe++ -f 4H+ + O2 > 4Fe+++ + 2H2O The oxidation enzymes play a further important part in the respiration of bacteria in that they are involved in the action of the respiratory pigments. Perhaps the best loiown of these is the cytochrome complex which consists of three iron-containing components, a, h and c, BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 201 related to haematin and distinguished by characteristic bands in their absorption spectra. Cytochrome appears to be present in all cells exposed to oxygen (with the exception of some streptococci, e.g. Str. lactis). Cyto- chrome can exist in the oxidised and in the reduced forms containing iron in the ferric and ferrous forms respectively : — Oxidised cytochrome v Reduced cytochrome. The oxidised form can act as a hydrogen acceptor in presence of dehydrase (or dehydrogenase) enzymes giving reduced cytochrome at the expense of the hydrogen of the donator, DHg : — • + Dehydrogenase Oxidised cytochrome ^Redu?ed cytochrome + D. Reduced cytochrome can be re -oxidised by atmospheric oxygen under the influence of cytochrome-oxidase with production of water : — HgO 4- Oxidised cytochrome ^ — Oxidase Reduced cytochrc SO that in effect the whole system acts as a catalj^st, bringing about the oxidation of the substrate, DHg, to D and water : — DH2 + HoO + Oxidised cytochrome Dehydrogenase =- Reduced cytochrome + D Oxidase Oo The first step, the reduction of oxidised cytochrome by dehydrogenase, can be inhibited by narcotics like chloro- form or the urethanes, so that in their presence there is an accumulation of oxidised cytochrome. The second stage can be inhibited by the action of cyanide or sulphide, under whose influence reduced cytochrome accumulates. 202 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY The reduction of oxidised cytochrome to reduced cytochrome can be catalysed by a number of dehydro- genases specific for the substrate which is the hydrogen donator. Thus the dehydrogenases for the oxidation of « -glycerophosphate to glyceraldehyde phosphate, of succinic acid to fumaric acid, of lactic acid to pyruvic acid and of formic acid to carbon dioxide, all transfer hydrogen to cytochrome. Some of them can make use of acceptors other than cytochrome ; for instance methy- lene blue or pyocyanine are acceptors for glycerophosphate dehydrogenase but riboflavin, the f la vo -proteins, gluta- thione or ascorbic acid cannot serve this purpose ; methylene blue can also accept hydrogen from succinic, lactic and formic dehydrogenases. Aerobic bacteria contain all the cytochrome com- ponents, the facultative anaerobes one or two of them, whilst the strict anaerobes contain no cytochrome at all. The respiratory activity of aerobic organisms is proportional to the amounts of cytochrome and cyto- chrome-oxidase which they contain. Almost all aerobic respiration takes place through the cytochrome system. In addition to the cytochrome system there are other systems which have a similar function in acting as intermediaries in hydrogen transfer reactions. Thus in alcoholic fermentation acetaldehyde is reduced to ethyl alcohol and phosphoglyceraldehyde is oxidised to phospho- glycerate by a pair of coupled reactions in which co- enzyme I, diphosphopyridine nucleotide, acts as hydrogen carrier : — (1) 3-Phosplioglyceraldehyd3 + phosphate + co-enzyme I Triose phosphoric enzyme 1 : 'i (liphosplmglycerate + dihydroco-enzymo T (2) Diliydroco-cJizyme J + ('IfyCilO > ( 'ociizyii-c i i (Uy)H. BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 203 The pyridine ring in co-enzjTue I becomes reduced to give dihydroco -enzyme I which can be re -oxidised, in the presence of the specific flavoprotein acting as a dehydrogenase, to give the original co-enzyme : — CH CH C.CONH, II I CH CH \// N 4- HOCH I N = C.NHa I I CH C— No N — C— N/' CH- CH HOCH OH HOCH HOCH I CH- I I I I CHj— 0— P— 0— P— 0— CH2 II II 0 0 CH CH II CH C.CONHa CHa N I CH- I HOCH HOCH I CH- I OH -f 2H - 2H N= C.NH2 I I CH C— N.\ I! II ^ II II / N— C— N^ I CH- HOCH I I CH O OH HOCH I CH CHo— 0— P— 0— P —0 — CH. II II 0 0 The breakdown of formic acid to hydrogen and 204 BACTERIOT.OOTCAL CITEMTRTRV carbon dioxide (sec p. 249) similarly takes place with CO -enzyme I acting as hydrogen acceptor, and then becoming re-oxidised. Co -enzyme I plays a similar role in the action of alde- hyde mutase in producing alcohol and acetic acid from acetaldehyde : — + H2O (1) CH3CHO + Co-enzynie I > CH3COOH + reduced co-enzyme I (2) Reduced co-enzyme I + CH3CHO > Co-enzyme I + C2H5OH. The overall effect is the coupled oxidation and reduction of acetaldehyde : — 2CH3CHO + HoO > CH3CH2OH + C'HgCOOH. The dismutation of triose phosphate in yeast fermenta- tion takes place by the same mechanism (see page 276). Co -enzyme II, triphosphopyridine nucleotide, con- stituted similarly to co -enzyme I but containing three instead of two phosphate groups, behaves in the same way in the conversion of hexose-monophosphate to phosphohexonic acid, and in the citric acid cycle. The f la vo -protein enzymes which participate in the oxidation of dihydroco -enzymes contain the prosthetic group, riboflavin adenine di -nucleotide, which acts as hydrogen acceptor from the dihydroco -enzyme and gives rise to the colorless dihydro compound (see opposite page) ; BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 205 CH2— 0— P— HCOH OH HCOH I HCOH CH2 I CH N N ^\/\^\ CH3C c c c = o I II I I CHoC C C NH CH N C=0 -P— 0— CH2 I I OH HC— HCOH 0 HCOH I CH- I /N — C— N CH N— C I , NH2.C=:=N CH I + 2H Yellow. 0 O II II CH,— 0— P— 0— P— 0— CH. HCOH HCOH HCOH I CH, OH I I OH HC HCOH HCOH I CH - CH N NH CH3C c c c = o I II II I CH3C C C NH CH NHC = 0 Colourless, /N— C CH -N— C NHa.C:= • N II Jh .N The dihydro- (or leuco-) flavoprotein can be re- oxidised by atmospheric oxygen to form the original enzyme and hydrogen peroxide. In some cases the leuco -flavoprotein may be re -oxidised with the interven- tion of yet another carrier, probably cytochrome, before 206 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY the hydrogen is finally handed over to atmospheric oxygen. The flavin adenine dinucleotide and its carrier protein (sometimes called diaphorase) are present in animal tissues and micro-organisms and constitute the enzyme necessary to oxidise reduced co -enzyme I and co-enzyme II. Warburg's " yellow respiratory enzyme," consisting of riboflavin phosphate and protein, serves the same purpose but is not found in animal tissues. The aerobic oxidation of a substrate such as lactate can be summarised by the following equations : — (1) Substrate + co-enzyme I > Oxidised substrate + dihydroco -enzyme I (2) Dihydroco-enzyme I + flavoprotein > Co-enzyme I -f- leucoflavoprotein. (3) Leucoflavoprotein + oxidised cytochrome ^ Flavoprotein + reduced cytochrome. (4) Reduced cytochrome + oxygen > Oxiclit^ed cytochrome + water. The necessity for the long series of steps between the initial substrate and oxygen arises because the reactions must all take place under conditions of pH. and tempera- ture compatible with living cells, but must provide a considerable amount of energy. Obviously if the change took place in one step the reversal necessary to keep up a supply of the enzyme would involve somewhat drastic conditions. As a somewhat crude analogy the process of enzymatic oxidation of a substrate might be likened to transferring sacks full of some cargo from the deck of a ship to the hold and returning the sacks to be refilled. The sacks might be dropped straight into the hold, but the distance might well be too great to throw the empty sacks back again. If, however, the cargo were emptied from the sack at deck level into one at a slightly lower level, the empty sack could be handed back and refilled easily, and the process carried on from level to level until BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 207 tlie bottom of the hold was reached. The cargo would all be transferred from the deck to the hold but no sack would have to be moved through more than a small distance-. The cargo obviously represents hydrogen atoms, the sacks are the enzymes, the different levels are the different co -enzymes, the deck is the substrate and the hold represents atmospheric oxygen. The autotrophic hydrogen bacteria contain a hydro - genase by which the reduction of such substrates as oxygen, nitrate, sulphate or fumarate by molecular hydrogen is effected, a process very similar to reduction by hydrogen in presence of platinum black as a catalyst. It is possible to induce many anaerobes to grow in the presence of oxygen by causing the medium to have a reducing potential sufficiently high to overcome the effect of the oxygen and prevent the formation of hydrogen peroxide. This can be accomplished by the addition of strongly reducing substances like cystein or the oxidation- reduction system glutathione, both of which contain the sulphydryl group ■ — 8H. Glutathione is a tripeptide ( Y-glutamylcysteylgiycine) comj)osed of glycine, cystein and glutamic acid : — COOH.CH.CH2.CH2.CO. NH.CH.CO. NH.CHo.COOH I CH2 L (glutamic acid) (cystein) (glycine) Its formula is usually written in brief as GSH. Two molecules of this reduced form of glutathione can combine with elimination of hydrogen to give the oxidised form : — GSH GS + + 0 ^== -^ 1 + HoO. GSH GS The oxidised form can be readily reduced again if a 208 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY suitable hydrogen doiiator (almost invariably a protein) is present : — GS G8H I + DH2 > + + D. GS GSH (protein) Thus glutathione acts as an intermediary in hydrogen transfer from the donator to oxygen as acceptor in such a way that hydrogen peroxide is not formed. It is very probable that glutathione is the prosthetic group of the enzyme glyoxalase which brings about the conversion of methylglyoxal to lactic acid (see p. 246) by an internal dismutation : — CH3CO.CHO + H2O — > CH3CHOH.COOH . We have seen that when an organism grows in a medium containing an organic compound as the source of energy it usually oxidises that compound which accord- ingly loses a certain amount of hydrogen. If the process is aerobic the hydrogen is taken up by oxygen, but under anaerobic conditions some substance other than oxygen must act as the hydrogen acceptor. In order that it may do so it must be activated by the organism concerned. Aerobically only one compound, the hydrogen donator, has to be activated, but anaerobically both donator and acceptor have to be activated. If a medium contains two compounds which can be activated in this way (one as donator and one as acceptor) by an organism, which is normally aerobic, it will support the anaerobic growth of that organism, but not of an organism which can activate only one or neither of the compounds. The following examples illustrate this point. Each of the organisms Esch. coli, Serratia marcescens, Proteus vulgaris and Alcaligenes fcecalis has been shown by the methylene blue technique to activate lactate as a hydrogen donator. Both Esch. coli and Ser. marcescens can activate fumarate and nitrate to act as hydrogen acceptors, and in conse- quence these two organisms can grow anaerobically on a B ArTF:RlAL RESPIRATION 209 medium containing eitlier kiftate and f umaratc or lactate and nitrate, but not on one containing only one of these substances (see Table 17). Table 17 Activates Lactate as Donator. Activates as Acceptor. Anaerobic Growth, Fuinarate. Xitrate. L^F. L+NO3. Esch. coll - Ser. marcescens - Proteus vulgaris - A Icalige nes fceca lis -r + + -f + — , a. + Proteus vulgaris can activate nitrate as hydrogen acceptor, but not fumarate, and therefore it is capable of anaerobic growth on a lact at e+ nitrate medium but not on lactate + fumarate. Finally, Alcaligenes fcemlis, which will activate neither fumarate nor nitrate, cannot be induced to grow anaerobically on either of the media. Esch. coll contains enzymes which can activate glucose, glyceraldehyde, glycerol, acetate, butyrate, Z-glutamate, lactate, malate, pyruvate and even mole- cular hydrogen as donators of hydrogen to fumarate as acceptor under anaerobic conditions. The majority of bacteria can reduce nitrates to nitrites, and many of these can further reduce nitrites to ammonia ; one group, the denitrifying bacteria like Pseudomonas fluorescens, reduces nitrites with production of gaseous nitrogen. Some organisms while unable to reduce nitrates are able to reduce nitrites. Among the organisms which are capable of reducing nitrates to nitrites but not further are the Vibrios ; some of these, such as V. comma, can also produce indole from the tryptophane in peptone and use is made of this property in their diagnosis. On 210 BACTERTOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY addition oi" SLdpliuric acid to such a culture in peptone water a red colour develops (the so-called " cholera red reaction "), due to the nitroso -indole reaction between nitrite and indole. In intra-molecular fermentations of Type II (see p. 197) complete oxidation does not occur as a rule. In these cases the energy is supplied by a shift of the oxygen in the molecule, usually towards the ends of the chain. This may be illustrated by a comparison of glucose and its fermentation products, alcohol and carbon dioxide, as the result of yeast fermentation, or laotic acid following bacterial fermentation : — CO, CH. C'H, CHOH CHOH O CHOH Yeast I CH2OH + CO2 (alcohol + carbon dioxide) Bacteria COOH CHOH CH3 + CH, CHOH CH CHOH CH2OH COOH (glucose) (lactic acid) Compounds in which this accumulation of oxygen at the ends of the carbon chain has already occurred are not caj)able of serving as energy sources by intra-molecular fermentation. If they are fermented at all it is by the mechanism of Type III, in which some outside hydrogen acceptor is necessary. Thus the simple alcohols, fatty acids and dibasic acids, like oxalic, malonic or succinic acids, require either oxygen or some hydrogen acceptor like nitrate in order that they may be utilised by the organism. It is the uniform distribution of oxygen along the chain of carbohydrate molecules which renders them so valuable as nutrient materials. Hydroxy-acids, like tartaric or lactic acids and amino -acids, which yield liydroxy-acids on hydrolytic deamination (see Chapter Xiri), can also be fermented anaerobically by Type II reactions. BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 211 From a consideration of all these facts it can be appreciated that it is not possible to define the classes aerobic, facultative and strict anaerobic organisms at all rigidly. For instance, it is not strictly accurate to define aerobes as bacteria which need oxygen as hydrogen acceptor, since we have seen that they will grow anaerobi- cally if other suitable hydrogen acceptors are provided. The converse also holds ; the normally strict anaerobe, CI. sporogenes, can be made to grow in oxygen if a strongly reducing substance like cystein is added to the medium. The role played by the toxicity of oxygen must also be borne in mind, particularly in considering micro -aerophilic organisms which will only tolerate a lowered oxygen tension in spite of the fact that they normally use oxygen for their respiratory processes. It should be pointed out that oxygen is not itself toxic, but gives rise to hydrogen peroxide which is toxic. On the other hand, the streptococci, which grow in the presence of oxygen but do not utilise it for their respiration, are not on that account called anaerobes, although their metabolism is exactly that of the anaerobes. While oxygen may not be required for the supply of energy, it is sometimes necessary for the growth requirements of the organism. The urea bacteria afford an illustration of this ; they derive their energy needs by the breakdown of urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide, but they cannot grow in the absence of oxygen, because the synthesis of their cell constituents involves dehydrogenation reactions, needing oxygen as a hydrogen acceptor, urea itself being unable to serve as such. Strictly speaking, then, aerobes and anaerobes are not clear-cut groups, but may be more or less interchangeable under appropriate conditions. The differentiation of bacteria into aerobic, anaerobic and facultative organisms is, however, a very useful working classification for general purposes. A list of the cliief enzymes involved in the respiration 21 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY of micro-organisms is given in Table 18. The exo-cellular enzymes of the Hydrolase class are not included since their function is preparative and they are only indirectly concerned in respiration, by assisting in the supply of raw materials. Table 18 Enzyme REACTION Organism Acetaldehyde reductase - Acetaldehyde >■ Ethyl alcohol Bacteria, veasts. Carboxylase' Decarboxylation of pyruvic acid - Yeast. Catalase - - - - Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide - Aerobic and most facultative anaerobic bacteria, yeast. Cytochrome-oxidase - Oxidation of reduced cytochrome - All aerobic organisms. Deaminase Z-Glutamic acid — > fl-ketoglutaric acid + Nils Bacteria, yeast. Enolase - - . - 2-Phosphoglyceric acid — > Phosphopyruvic acid. Bacteria, yeasts. Flavoprotciiis (Warburg's Oxidation of reduced Co-enzymes I and II - Bacteria, yeasts. " yellow enzyme," Diaphorase) Formic dehydrogenase Formic acid — >■ Reduced carrier + VO2 - Esch. coll. Fumaric hydrogenase Fumaric acid — >■ Succinic acid - Esch. coll. Anaerobic bacteria. Glucose dehydrogenase or Oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid - Penicillia, Glucose oxidase Aspergilli, B. gluconicum. Glyoxalase . - - Methyl glyoxal — > Lactic acid - Lactic acid bacteria, yeasts. Hexose monophosphorylase Glucose-G-phosphate > G- I'hosphogluconic acid Esch. coll, yeasts. Hydrogenase Reduction of oxygen, nitrate, sulphate, Aioiobacter, fvuuarate Esch. coH, Autotrophic bacteria. Hydrogenlyase - Formic acid — > H2 + CO2 Aerobacter, Esch. coll. Isomerase - - - - Dihydroxyacetone phosphate — >- Phospho-glycera Id ( 'hyd e Yeasts. Lactic dehydrogenase Lactic acid >■ Pyruvic acid . . . Esch. coll. iX. gmiorrhoecB, yeasts. Lactic acid enzyme - 2 Pyruvic acid — y Lactic acid bacteria, Lactic acid + acetic acid + CO2 X. gojiorrhoecB. Peroxidase Oxidation of substrates by hydrogen peroxide A', gonorrhcece, Acetobacter peroxidans, Streptococci. Phosphogluconic acid G-1'hosphogluconic acid > Acetobacter, yeasts. enzyme 6-Phospho-2-ketoglucouic acid Phosphoglycero-nuitase 3-Phosphoglyceric acid >■ 2-Phosphoglvceric acid Escli. coll, yeasts. Pyruvic oxidase Pyruvic acid — > Acetic acid + CO2 - L. delbrilcHi, A', gonorrliccce, 8tr. pyogenes. Succinic dehydrogenase Succinic acid > Fumaric acid - - - Esch. coli, etc. Triose phosi)horylase Phosphoglyceraldehyde — >■ Phosphoglyceric acid (with reduction of co-enzyme I) Esch. coli, yeasts. Zymohoxase Fructose-1 : G-diiihosiiluite — > Esch. cuU, yeasts. Triosephosj)hates BACTERIAL RESPIRATION 213 For further reading : — D, K. Green, " Mechanisms of Biological Oxidations." The University Press, Cambridge, 1940. 1). Keilin. " Cytochrome and Intracellular Respiratory Enzymes.' Ergebnisse fur Enzymforschnny, 2 (1933), 239. J. H. Quastel, " Dehj^drogenations produced by Resting Bacteria. A Theory of the Mechanism of Oxidations and Reductions in vivo.^' Biochem.J., 20 (1926), 166. M. Stephenson, " Bacterial Metabolism," Chapter II. 2nd Edition. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1939. H. Wieland, " On the ^Icchanism of Oxidation." Oxford University Press. London, 1932. CHAPTER XIII NITROGEN METABOLISM THE cells of bacteria, yeasts and fungi may contain as much as 87*5 per cent, of nitrogenous constituents, although about 70 per cent, is a more usual value. The greater proportion of these substances comprises the proteins of the protoplasm and nuclear material of the cells, but no less important in function, though smaller in amount, are the enzymes, which are all nitrogenous. In general the bacterial proteins are like those found in other organisms, being built up of the same amino -acid units, but individual differences occur from species to species. Many of the serological distinctions between bacteria of different species depend on differences between the proteins contained in them. Obviously, in order that bacteria may grow and reproduce, a supply of nitrogen, as well as of other con- stituents, must be available from which the cells can synthesise the proteins and enzymes and other nitro- genous compounds to be incorporated in the newly formed cells. We will first consider the forms in which nitrogen is available to the organism, and then the mechanisms by which it is converted into an integral part of the structure of the cell. Nitrogen Requirements Elementary Nitrogen. — Free nitrogen can l)e utilised by certain of tlie soil bacteria, notably Azotohacter and Bhizobium which fix atmospheric nitrogen, probably witli the intermediate formation of ammonia. There has 214 NITROGEN METABOLISM 215 been some variation of opinion as to the fixation of nitrogen by yeasts. About the beginning of the century it was claimed that species of Torula, Saccharomyces, Oidium and Monilia were able to use gaseous nitrogen when grown on artificial media containing only carbo- hydrates and tap -water. Then followed a period during which fixation of nitrogen was denied, the growth observed in the earlier experiments being ascribed to traces of nitrogenous impurities in the sugars and to ammonia and nitrates in the water. It was shown that very small quantities of nitrogen, of the order of 0-01 per cent., would serve to support growth. Later Fulmer and Nelson showed that if Sacch. cerevisice is grown for a long period on sucrose -phosphate solutions freed from ammonia and oxides of nitrogen, fixation does occur. The gain in nitrogen is only apparent after about six weeks, an actual loss being observed during the early stages, probably due to conversion of some of the nitrogen in the yeast into undetectable compounds. This time-lag may well be the cause of the failure of earlier workers to detect fixation. Nitrites and Nitrates. — These substances can be used as nitrogen source by bacteria of the Azotohacter species, ammonia probably being formed as an intermediate. The question is still not settled in the case of the yeasts, but the balance of opinion is that nitrites and nitrates are not utilised, especially under aerobic con- ditions. Their presence in a medium stimulates spore formation. Ammonium Salts and Amines. — These substances are usually readily assimilable, ammonium phosphate being a good source of nitrogen for all micro-organisms except Vibrio comyna. Soil bacteria of the N itrosomonas group oxidise ammonia to nitrite. Free ammonia can be used by many organisms, but if it is present in any but very low concentrations it retards growth owing to its toxicity. The same applies to the amines, some of which, especially 15 216 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY hydrazines, are very toxic. In the presence of glucose, ammonium salts are more readily utilised than amines. The presence of ammonium salts stimulates the utilisation of amides ; some acids, for example malic acid, which are not normally fermented can be fermented when present as the ammonium salt. In the commercial production of protein by yeasts, using molasses as the substrate, the replacement of up to 50 per cent, of the nitrogen of the molasses by ammonium salts leads to an increased yield, but a complete replace- ment restricts growth ; the optimum concentration of ammonium salts has been shown to be that which causes least swelling of the proteins. Amides. — The amides, particularly urea, can act as nitrogen source for bacteria and yeasts, probably being utilised via ammonia as an intermediate. Formamide appears to be more readily utilised than other amides, probably because of the constant presence of ammonia in its solutions. Amino- Acids. — The majority of amino -acids are effective as nitrogen sources, although some, for example tryptophane and tyrosine, may be toxic if present in any great quantity owing to the end products, indole and phenol respectively, formed under appropriate conditions. The open chain amino -acids are more easily attacked than those containing ring systems (tyrosine, tryptophane, histidine). Some organisms, for example C. diphthericB, H. influenzce and Lactobacilli, require complex mixtures of amino-acids for their growth, although most will grow on a single simple amino -acid. For the exacting organisms some amino acids are essential, but others are not. Thus for the growth of L. arabinosus on a synthetic medium arginine, cystine, glutamic acid, ^soleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophane, tyrosine and valine are essential ; in addition other amino-acids are also required but the need can be supplied by one of several, whilst omission of any one of those listed causes NITROGEN METABOLISM 217 failure to grow. Esch. coli and " trained " Eberthella typhosa can synthesise tryptophane from ammonia and carbohydrates ; B. anthracis and Staphylococcus aureus need amino -acids, whilst untrained E. typhosa, C. diphtherice, CI. sporogenes, CI. hotulinum, etc., need tryptophane preformed. For the growth of E. typhosa or C. diphtherice indole can replace tryptophane, but derivatives such as indole -acrylic acid, indole-acetic acid or indole -propionic acid cannot. Staphylococcus aureus cannot convert indole to tryptophane. Some amino-acids may be toxic unless an adequate concentration of others is present ; for example, glycine, 3-alanine, serine and threonine are toxic to Str. lactis in the presence of very small amounts of « -alanine, but not if larger amounts are present. The toxic effect of leucine, CH.NH,.COOH, I CH CH, CH, threonine. or a-aminobutyric acid. CH-NHa-COOH, I CH / \ OH CH3 [n H CH3 on B. anthracis can l^e eliminated by valine, CH.NH2.c00H, CH CH, CH, 218 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY and vice versa. The toxicity of isoleiic'me, CH.NH2.COOH, CH CH3 CHgCHg norleucine, CH.NHa.COOH, CH H CHo.CIlq or serine, CH.NH2.COOH, CH H OH is removed by a mixture of valine and leucine but not by either alone. The toxicity of serine can be removed by threonine. Definite quantitative relationships between the amounts of the amino-acids exist but they are not necessarily equimolecular. The amino-acids are less readily utilised by yeasts than are ammonium salts, which stimulate their utilisation. The amino group of asparagine, COOH.CH.CH2.CONH2, is utilised more readily than NH2 the amide group. It is possible that the breakdown of certain amino- acids serves as the energy source for the anaerobes CI. sporogenes and CI. hotulinum. The reaction, described by Stickland, is between two amino-acids, one activated as hydrogen acceptor and the other as donator ; glycine, Z-proline and Z-hydroxyproline are acceptors, and Meucine, c?-alanine, f/- valine, /-phenylalanine, i-aspartic acid and rf-glutamic acid serve as donators. Tlie reaction is probably according to the equation : — KiCH.NHo.COOlI. HiCO.COOH + " r H2O — > + 1 2NH3 RCH.NHo.COOH NITROGEN METABOLISM 210 67. ietcDii does not l)ring about the '' Sticldaml leactioii '' but breaks down glutamic acid, aspartic acid or serine to give carbon dioxide, ammonia, acetic acid and butyric acid, together with some lactic acid and ethyl alcohol from aspartic acid. The same products are formed in the dissimilation of pyruvic and fumaric acids, with malic acid in addition from the latter. Glucose is not attacked by CI. tetani. CI. tetanomorphum and CI. cochleariiim can derive energy for growth from the breakdown of glutamic acid alone. Ring Compounds. — The purines, pyrimidines and similar compounds can be used by many bacteria but not by all. Thus Esch. coll will not utilise uric acid or hypoxanthine, whereas Aerobacter aerogenes can do so. Hippuric acid can support the growth of the hsemolytic streptococci. CI. acidi-urici and CI. cylindrosporum can utilise uric acid and some other purines. Proteins, Proteoses and Higher Polypeptides. — Com- pounds of these types are not utilised directl}' by bacteria or yeasts, even by the most actively proteolytic organisms. Purified proteins as a sole source of nitrogen will not permit the growth of bacteria, most probably because the cell membranes are not permeable to them. Before they can be utilised they must be broken down into simpler substances which can penetrate into the cell, where they can be acted upon by the true metabolic enzymes of the cells, the endo-enzymes. This preliminary breakdow^n of complex proteins to the simpler nitrogen compounds which can be used is the function of exo-cellular, hydrolytic enzymes elaborated by the bacteria. Until enough of such proteoljrtic enzymes are produced by an inoculum of bacteria proteins cannot be made available. Usually, of course, there is sufficient nitrogen available in a simple form in a medium to enable the culture to start growing and produce enough proteo- lytic enzymes to allow the organism to utilise any proteins present. Such organisms as Esch. coll, which do not 220 BACTERTOLOGTCAL CHEMISTRY produce proteolytic enzymes, can never utilise proteins or proteoses and their nitrogen must be supplied already partially broken down to amino -acids or as ammonium salts. Peptone (which is protein that has been sub- jected to mild acid hydrolysis) in a medium serves this purpose. Nitrogen Fixation The phenomenon of nitrogen fixation, so important from an agricultural standpoint, has been known from time immemorial, but that it is due to micro-organisms in the soil was only established comparatively recently. Jodin in 1862 showed that certain micro-organisms (which he called " mycoderms ") could grow in solutions con- taining sugar or tartaric acid but no organic nitrogen, and that if the cultures were allowed to stand in sealed vessels, nitrogen as well as oxygen was removed from the enclosed space. Berthelot later showed that soil which was allowed to stand underwent an increase in nitrogen content, but that this increase did not occur if the soil were first sterilised by heat. Later still he isolated organ- isms which could grow at the expense of atmospheric nitrogen. Much of our knowledge of nitrogen fixation is, however, due to Winogradsky, who began to study the problem in 1893 ; he showed that an anaerobe, CL pastoriaiium, very closely related to CL butyricum which also fixes atmospheric nitrogen, was capable of growth on synthetic media and could derive its nitrogen from the atmosphere. The fixation of nitrogen was proportional to the amount of glucose fermented ; for each 1 gram of glucose destroyed (with formation of butyric and acetic acids together with carbon dioxide and hydrogen) approximately 2-5 mg. of nitrogen was fixed. If other sources of nitrogen, such as ammonium salts, were present fixation of atmospheric nitrogen ceased and the nitrogen of the ammonium salts was used preferentially. Winogradsky suggested that the nitrogen was reduced with formation of ammonia by nascent NITROGEN METABOLISM 221 hydrogen evolved during the breakdown of ghicose. Besides such anaerobic processes of nitrogen fixation, aerobic organisms are known which effect the same reaction. Beijerinck isolated organisms from soil and canal water which, when grown in a nitrogen-free medium containing an adequate carbon source, actively fixed nitrogen. The chief organism responsible is Azotobacter chroococcum, It is usually accompanied in nature by an organism, Alcaligenes radiobacter, which lives in symbiosis with it, but is itseK not capable of fixing nitrogen. A. chroococcum ferments glucose to give mainly carbon dioxide together with lactic, acetic and formic acids and some alcohol. Stoklasa showed that when A. chroococcum is grown anaerobically on a medium containing nitrate it reduces the latter to nitrite and ammonia, but gives only feeble growi^h compared with that under aerobic condi- tions ; a certain amount of nitrogen fixation also occurs anaerobically. When grown aerobically on nitrate media good gro\\i;h occurs, the nitrate is reduced mainly to nitrite, very little ammonia being found since it is probably used up in the synthetic processes accompanying the in- creased growth ; fixation of nitrogen, in this case, occurs only to a very limited extent. Ale. radiobacter seems to gro'w equally well aerobically or anaerobically and is in each case an active denitrifier, rapidly converting the nitrate to free nitrogen, which is lost from the system. When A. chroococcum and Ale. radiobacter are grown in symbiosis on nitrate media the nitrogen set free by the latter is fixed by the former and converted into cell constituents. When low concentrations of nitrate are present considerable amounts of atmospheric nitrogen are fixed, but this does not occur when high concentrations of nitrate are present in the medium. It has been shown by other workers that when Azoto- bacter is grown on synthetic media containing glucose or mannitol as the carbon source, the organism fixes nitrogen in four to six daj^s, and that ammonia and amino -nitrogen 222 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY can then be found in the medium after the organisms have been removed by centrifugalisation ; nitrites or nitrates were not detected. These experiments support Winograd- sky's theory that the nitrogen is fixed by reduction to ammonia, which is then converted to amino-compounds ; further evidence is the fact that the fixation is inhibited by the presence of ammonia and of nitrate, and that nitrate is reduced to ammonia, as was shown by Stoklasa. The fixation of nitrogen seems to be intimately bound up with the growth of the organism since the ratio of nitrogen fixed to glucose fermented (supplying the energy required) is highest in the early stages when growth is rapid, but falls off with the age of the culture until finally no more nitrogen is fixed, though glucose continues to be fermented ; nitrogen is no longer fixed at this stage because there is no further growth, and therefore no synthetic requirements, but glucose continues to be fermented by the enzymes which have already been produced, and liberated by autolysis of the old cells. The optimum pH for nitrogen fixation by A. agile is between 7-6 and 7-8. Calcium, which can be replaced by strontium which is rather less effective, is necessary for nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter, at a concentration of 2x 10~* molar. Molybdenum at a concentration of 10~^ molar, vanadium at 2 x 10~^ molar and iron at 10"^ molar stimulate growth and nitrogen fixation of Azotobacter. CI. butyricum, after continued cultivation on labora- tory media, tends to lose its nitrogen fixing power. How- ever, the power can be restored by cultivation in sterile soil, a procedure somewhat analogous to animal passage in the restoration of the virulence of pathogens. Azoto- bacter shows no tendency to such loss of activity. Besides the free-living bacteria which fix nitrogen there is a group which live in symbiosis with the leguminous plants. The bacteria grow in the nodules on the roots of the plants which supply the carbon and energy require- NITROGEN METABOLISM 223 ments of the micro-organisms, which in their turn fix nitrogen. The legumes, if grown in sterile soil, require combined nitrogen for their growi^h, do not produce nodules and do not fix nitrogen. In non-sterile soil growth can occur in the absence of combined nitrogen, nodules are produced and atmospheric nitrogen is fixed. Beijerinck isolated the responsible organism, now know as Bhizobium leguininosarum and induced it to grow apart from the plant. The process of fixation of nitrogen by Bhizobium is considered by Virtanen and Laine to pro- ceed through formation of hydroxylamine as a first step. They observed that when peas were grown in sterile sand inoculated with Bhizobium soluble nitrogen com- pounds were excreted by roots carrying nodules only. The nitrogen compounds were identified as the oxime of oxalacetic acid (1 to 2 per cent.), Z-aspartic acid and jS-alanine. Ammonia could not be detected. Oxalacetic acid is also an essential intermediate and is found in liighest concentration at noon on bright days and lowest in the dark. The active nodules contain a red pigment which is identical with, or very similar to, haemoglobin. Nodules may be formed by non-nitrogen fixing strains of Bh. leguminosarum but are not pigmented, nor are those formed by active strains in the absence of oxygen. If the plants are kept in the dark for several days the pigment becomes green, due to opening of the porphyrin ring, and the system can no longer fix nitrogen, even if the plants are transferred to the light. Virtanen suggests that the haemoglobin acts as an oxygen transfer system, becoming oxidised to methaemoglobin with simultaneous reduction of atmospheric nitrogen to hydroxylamine : — N2 + Methaemoglobin (Fe^^^) ^=^ NH2OH -f haemoglobin (FeU). The hydroxylamine condenses with oxalacetic acid, formed by the plant in the breakdown of sugars, to give the oxime : — COOH.CO.CH2.COOH + KH2OH > COOH.C.(NOH).CHoCOOH + H^O 224 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY The uxiiiie is then rechiced to give aspartic acid, COOH.CH.NH2.CH2.COOH, which can be decarboxylated to give p-alanine, CH2.NH2.CH2.COOH. In presence of the enzyme, transaminase, aspartic acid can transfer the amino group to pyruvic acid to form a-alanine, CH3.CH.NH2.COOH, a process by which other amino- acids may be synthesised. That nitrogen fixation is intimately connected with reduction processes involving molecular hydrogen, is shown by the fact that when nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter is inhibited by the presence of combined nitrogen, such as nitrate, the activity of the enzyme hydro genase is also stopped. The adaptation of the bacteria to use nitrate more readily is accompanied by increased inhibition of both nitrogen fixation and hydro genase activity. This occurs even in the presence of the substrate, hydrogen. Hydrogenase appears, therefore, to be an adaptive enzyme whose formation depends not on the presence of its substrate but on nitrogen fixation. Protein and Amino -acid Breakdown The utilisation of proteins and amino -acids by bacteria in th^ production of new cells during growth appears to follow somewhat the same lines as in animal nutrition. Complex proteins and polypeptides are broken down outside the cell by the proteolytic enzymes in a manner analogous to the digestion of the proteins in the stomach and intestine by the enzymes pepsin and trypsin. The breakdown products of this hydrolysis, the amino-acids and the lower peptides, are then taken into the cell, where they are either directly rebuilt into the proteins character- istic of the particular bacterial species concerned or are further broken down into ammonia and simple carbon compounds, which are then used in the synthetic processes involved in the growth of the cells. Protein Degradation. — As indicated above, tlie proteins NITROGEN METABOLISM 225 are not available to the orgaiiisin as such but must first be hydrolysed to molecules small enough to penetrate the cell wall of the bacteria. All the proteolytic organisms liberate exo -enzymes into the medium where the proteins are attacked. In other words, it is possible to obtain cell- free solutions by the filtration of fluid cultures of such organisms as Proteus vulgaris, B. siibtilis, Serratia ynar- cescens and most anaerobes, which will hydrolyse proteins, as shown by the liquefaction of gelatin or the breakdown of casein. The enzymes responsible are constitutive, that is, they are produced even when the organism grows on a synthetic medium containing no protein. In some cases it has been claimed that they are adaptive enzymes, only being formed when protein is present in the medium, although the evidence for this is somewhat doubtful ; it is very improbable that such proteolytic enzymes could be adaptive since the protein which would provoke them cannot penetrate into the cell, where alone it could influence enzyme synthesis. Proteoljrtic endo -enzymes also occur in some organisms, from which they may be extracted after destroying the cell structure by an appropriate means, such as solution in bile, or in sodium hypochlorite, or by grinding, or repeated alternate freezing and thawing. Usually these endo -enzymes attack peptones and partially degraded proteins more readily than they do the complex proteins. For instance, endo-enzymes have been obtained from the pneumococcus, which will break down peptone to amino - acids but will not attack gelatin or egg-albumin ; haemo- Ijrtic streptococci yield an endo -enzyme which destroys peptone and casein but not serum albumin. Conversely the proteolytic exo -enzymes do not break down the proteins completely, but only sufficiently to enable the fragments to enter the cell, where they undergo further degradation where the products are of use to the organism. As we have already mentioned, Esch. coll can grow on and break down amino -acids but has no effect on proteins, 220 BACTERTOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY nor even on such sinij^le compounds as the dipeptides, which are formed by the union of two amino-acids. Even the active proteolytic bacteria, like Proteus, cannot utilise pure protein as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen, since not enough exo-enzjnne is carried over with the inoculum to break the protein down to diffusible frag- ments on which the cells must depend for their growth, and in the absence of growth, of course, no enzymes can be formed. The addition of small quantities of some simple nitrogen source is sufficient to allow growth to start and proteolytic exo -enzymes to be formed, and then the proteins can be hydrolysed. Protein Sparing Action. — It is often claimed that the presence of carbohydrate in media reduces the utilisation of proteins and the production of proteolytic enzymes. Kendall states that addition of glucose to gelatin media delays the formation of the proteolytic enzymes until all the sugar has been fermented. He explains this by saying, " When the sugar is exhausted the organism is forced to derive its energy from the protein constituents, and the enzyme is then formed to bring about the necessary changes in the protein to make it assimilable." That this is not the true explanation is suggested by Berman and Rettger, who state that the inhibition is due to the acid produced by the fermentation of the sugar. In the case of B. suhtilis, which ferments glucose only slowly, or of Aerobacter cloacce, which yields products which are not strongly acid, the presence of sugar has little or no effect on the breakdown of peptone or protein. With Esch. coli or Proteus, which give much acid, the growth and chemical activities are quickly brought to a standstill unless the medium is so heavily buffered that the pH value never falls low enough to inhibit the breakdown of protein. When such buffering is employed the breakdown of protein proceeds as vigorously as in the absence of glucose. It has also been shown that in the case of Proteus there is an optimum ^^H at 8-0 for the production of pro- NITROGEN METABOLISM 227 teolytic enzymes, that good aeration favours production of the enzymes, and that on synthetic media, even though good growth may occur in their absence, no proteolytic enzymes are formed unless small quantities (0-025 per cent.) of calcium and magnesium are present. Another possible explanation of apparent protein sparing action is that the methods of estimating protein utilisation are fallacious. Normally the extent of protein degradation is estimated by the amount of ammonia and amino -nitrogen appearing in the medium as a result of the breakdown of the protein. In the presence of sugar less of these breakdown products appear than is the case when little or no sugar occurs in the medium. Now the amount of ammonia and amino -nitrogen found in the medium is that which is left over after the organism has taken what it needs to build up its protoplasm and other nitrogenous constituents. The more rapid and profuse the growth the more of such raw materials will it require and the less wall be left over in the medium. One of the chief effects of a plentiful supply of easily assimilated carbon, such as glucose or other sugar, is to increase the growth of the organism in such a medium. That is, in presence of glucose more growth occurs, more amino - nitrogen is used and less remains in the medium ; in other words, there appears to be less production of amino - nitrogen and consequently less breakdown of protein, whereas in reality there may be just as much protein breakdow^i, or even more, in presence of sugars. Amino-acid Degradation. — The amino-acids resulting from hydrolj^sis of the proteins find their way into the cell where they are acted upon by the endo -enzymes to give a variety of products, the nature of which depends on the amino-acid, the organism and the condition of the medium. The earliest work on this subject was of little scientific value since it was done with mixed cultures of putrefactive organisms on mixtures of proteins, Tliis period was followed by one in which the action of mixed 228 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY cultures on pure amino -acids was investigated, but still it was impossible to connect the action of any one organ- ism, for instance, with the formation of any particular type of product. Finally, Harden and Ehrlich instituted the present stage by studying the effect of pure cultures of a single organism on single pure amino -acids. If we take R.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH as representing the structure of an amino -acid, the various types of break- down which it may undergo can be summarised as follows : — A. Decarboxylation to give the Amine. R.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH > R.CH2.CH2.NH2 + C()2. This type of breakdown is apparently only accomplished by bacteria, and is favoured by anaerobic conditions. As an example, Ps. fluorescens breaks down glycine to give methylamine . B. Deamination. {a) Reductive to give Saturated Acids, H2 R.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH — > R.CH2.CH2.COOH + NH3. The products will be seen to be substituted propionic acids ; tryptophane gives indole -propionic acid : — ^\ CH2.CH.COOH ^\ CH2.CH2.COOH I !l II I I II II [ !l II NH2 > \ II II + NH3 NH NH The hydrogen accepting amino -acid in the " Stickland reaction " (see p. 218) undergoes reductive deamination, at the expense of the second amino -acid which undergoes oxidative deamination (B.(d), p. 230). Thus glycine gives acetic acid and ammonia,, ornithine gives a» -amino - valeric acid and ammonia whilst Z-proline also gives CO -amino -valeric acid but no free ammonia. Here the opening of the ring is equivalent to deamination, the difference being that the freed amino group is held by the other end of the chain : — NITROGEN METABOLISM 229 CHa CH, +2H CHa— CH2 I I I I (Ho CH.COOH " " NH NH2 (proline) (w-iniino-valeric acid) Anaerobic conditions are essential, and bacteria are particularly active in effecting this type of breakdown, although yeasts and moulds are also capable of it. Almost all amino-acids are liable to reductive deamination. (6) Hydrolytic to give a-Hydroxy-acids, H2O R.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH ^ R.CH2.CHOH.COOH + NH3. The products are substituted lactic acids ; indole -lactic acid from tryptophane, and phenyl-lactic acid from phenylalanine are examples : — CH2.CH.XH2.COOH CH2.CHOH.cuoH I O'lienylalanine) (phenvl-Iactic acid) Different bacteria may attack different optical isomers ; thus Proteus destroys ^Z-tyrosine and leaves the Isevo- isomer and produces the cZ-hydroxy-acid, whilst B. syhtilis attacks the Isevo -isomer and leaves (/-tyrosine unharmed, the product being the Z-hydroxy-acid. CHo.CH.XH2.COOH /\" I I > i I ^ ^^^3 OH OH (tyrosine) (p-hydroxyphenjl-lactic acid) (c) Desaturative to give Unsaturated Acids, R..CH2.CH.NH2.COOH > R.CH=CH.COOH + NH3. The a- [i linkage is attacked wdth formation of substituted acrylic acids. This type of breakdown is observed with the coli-typhoid group of organisms. As examples may be quoted the formation of fumaric acid from aspartic acid : — 230 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY CGOH.CHa.CH.NHs.COOH > COOH.CH=CH.COOH + NH3, (aspartic acid) (fumaric acid) and of iminazole-acrylic acid or urocanic acid from histidine : — CH =C— CH2.CH.NH2.COOH CH =C— CH =CH.COOH II II N NH > N NH + NH3 CH CH (histidine) (iiiiinazole-acrylic acid or urocanic acid) (d) Oxidative to give a-Keto-acids, . R.CH2.CH.NH2.COOH — > R.CH2.C0.C00H + NH3. Here the products are substituted pyruvic acids. This type of degradation is not easily detected since the «-keto -acids are unstable and readily undergo further breakdown, particularly under the action of yeasts. It is favoured by aerobic conditions. The breakdown of Z-glutamic acid and Z-aspartic acid by H. parainfluenzce to acetic acid, carbon dioxide and ammonia follows this type of degradation, the steps being «-ketoglutaric acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, oxalacetic acid, pyruvic acid, acetaldehyde and acetic acid from Z-glutamic acid and oxalacetic acid, pyruvic acid, acetaldehyde and acetic acid from /-aspartic acid. The hydrogen donating amino-acid in the " Stickland reaction " (see p. 218) undergoes this type of breakdown. Alanine, for instance, yields acetic acid, carbon dioxide and ammonia : — H2O CH3CH.NH2.COOH — > CH3.CO.COOH + NH3 + 2H CH3CO.COOH — > CH3CH0 + CO2 CH3CH0 — > CH3COOH All the above types of deamination yield products which have the same number of carbon atoms as the original amino-acid. The «-keto -acids, owing to the ease with Avhich they lose carbon dioxide by the action of the enzyme carl)Oxylase (see Chapter XV), give rise to a series of products with fewer carbon atoms than the parent amino-acid, thus : — NITROGEN METABOLISM 231 C. With One Carbon Atom Less. (a) Aldehydes, R.CHo.CO.COOH > R.CH2.CHO + COo. The aldehydes are usually not end products since they undergo further reactions : — (6) Saturated Acids, oxidation R.CHo.CHO > R.CH2.COOH. The aldehyde is oxidised to give substituted acetic acids, particularly by bacteria under aerobic conditions. For example, phenylalanine gives phenyl-acetic acid : — (c) Saturated Alcohols, reduction R.CHo.CHO > R.CH2.CH2.OH. This type of breakdown of amino -acids is very common among the yeasts, and is, in fact, the mode of origin of the higher alcohols which constitute the fusel oil produced during alcoholic fermentation, as was shown by Ehrlich. Fungi, Proteus, and the lactic acid bacteria can also bring about this type of change. As examples may be mentioned the formation of /50-amyl alcohol from leucine : — CH3 CH3 \ \ ^CH.CHa.CH.NHo.COOH > ^CH.CH2.CH2.0H. / / CH3 CH3 (Leucine) (jso-amyl alcohol) Tyrosine gives tyrosol (p-hydroxyphenyl -ethyl alcohol), h:o<; y('H...{'Hj)]i, and tiyptophane gives tryptophol IG 232 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY I II ( p-indole-ethyl alcohol). NH {(I) " Hydrocarbons," ll.CHa.CH.NHa.COOH > R.CHa.CHa.COOH > K.CHo.CHg + CO2 These products arise as the result of reductive deamination followed by decarboxylation, that is, by decarboxyla- tion of the substituted propionic acid. This type of breakdown occurs by the action of putrefactive bacteria under anaerobic conditions. Glycine, for example, gives methane. D. With Two or Three Carbon Atoms Less. (a) Acids, K.CH^.CH.NHa.COOH > R.CH =CH.COOH > H2O R.CO.CH2.COOH — > K.COOH + CH3COOH The substituted formic acids, R.COOH, with two carbon atoms less than the original amino -acid arise by de- composition of the unsaturated acid via the p-keto-acid. For example, Salmonella paratyphi and Sal. schottmillleri (B. paratyphosus- A and -B) under aerobic conditions produce j^-hydroxy-benzoic acid from tyrosine and indole- carboxylic acid from tryptophane : — CH2.CH.NH2.COOH COOH OH OH (tyrosine) Qj-liydroxy-benzoic acid) CH,.CH.NHo.COOH ^\ COOH NH NH (It-yijlol.lianc) (iinlulc-carbuxylic ;u;ii!) NITROGEN METABOLISM 233 (6) " Hydrocarbons," R.CH2.COOH > RCH3 + CO2 (2 carbon atoms less). R.COOH > R.H + CO2 (3 carbon atoms less). These products arise by the decarboxylation of the sub- stituted acetic and formic acids produced as above. This type of breakdown appears to occur only with amino- acids like tyrosine and tryptophane, which contain ring structures. Tyrosine gives p-cresol (corresponding to R.CH3) by the action of putrefactive organisms under anaerobic conditions, and phenol (RH) by the same organisms under aerobic conditions : — CH3 /\ I I (p-cresol) i I OH CHa.CH.XHo.COOH I OH OH (tyrosine) COOH (phenol) OH OH As much as 0-8 gram of phenol per litre may be formed by certain organisms isolated from fseces. Tryptophane gives scatole by the anaerobic action of Esch. coll and indole by its aerobic action, but only if sugars are absent from the medium. _CH2.C00H ,/ \ CH, NH CH,.(JH.XH,COOH (indole-acetic acid) NH (tryptophane) COOH I II II > I II II ^\/\ / ^ /\/' ' NH NH (^iiiiloli>o;irbo3£:ylir aoiil) (iiulolo) 234 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Whether or not an organism decarboxylates the acid R.COOH to R.H depends on whether or not it possesses the enzyme carboxylase. Esch. coli does possess it and can therefore form indole from tryptophane, but Sal. paratpyhi and Sal. schottmulleri have no carboxylase and therefore produce no indole but stop at indole -carboxylic acid. The following general scheme of amino-acid degrada- tion (pp. 235, 236) was proposed by Raistrick, as a result of his observation that histidine under the action of organisms of the coli-typhoid group gave rise to the unsaturated acid, urocanic acid (see p. 230). All the other products of amino-acid degradation are readily accounted for by reactions of the unsaturated acid, which is formed as the primary intermediate. The Factors Influencing the Type of Breakdown. 1. The Organism. — (a) Yeasts. — The yeasts usually cause hydrolytic deamination followed by decarboxyla- tion and reduction to give rise to the alcohols, as in the production of fusel oil. (b) Moulds. — ^The moulds usually give hydrolytic de- amination, but do not cause decarboxylation, the product being the hydroxy-acid. Sometimes the hydroxy-acid may be completely oxidised. (c) Bacteria. — The bacteria can bring about any of the types of reaction described, with formation of a correspondingly much greater variety of products. De- carboxylation does not occur so frequently as with yeasts. 2. The Condition of the Medium. — Anaerobic condi- tions are naturally usually accompanied by reduction with accumulation of the saturated acids and the " hydro- carbons." Aerobic conditions favour the production of other types of product. Generally speaking, the presence of a readily available source of carbon inhibits the forma- tion of indole, p()ssil)ly by (vhangino; the course of the ]>]V'dkd(y\vn. NITROGEN METABOLISM 235 < X o o o ^ o o X w o o o w"- — J - h q X -,^ o t-H fi£ «t 8 1 X o o s w 1 O- -^ + o x' o K X 9 O 1 + t-M — W^ — o ~ ^I o d g o g _• II X- o 1 « .1 p^ Ph ec 'P ^ r' s ^ •-S 6 >> +i ^ i> eg ^ ^ S ^ a o — >o 236 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY o CD s < o + II o 3g C> CJ X o z g rS o o " 8" -> + .2 o W + z W o i-i» 8 o_ ^c ?_ ^ o — ^i ^ o^ c >y 11 5 s W z o o 1 z" «■ 9 o~ -^o P^ ci ec M i O ^ '1 1 >^ ^ o © W z o q 9, ■5 z § p4 s a a: 1-^ a S o O » o o o o ->o- NITROGEN METABOLISM 237 3. The Character of the Group R. — Jiong chaiii amino - acids are more easily attacked than those containing ring structures. The ease of attack appears to increase with the length of the chain ; glycine, the simplest amino - acid, CH2.NH2.COOH, is very resistant to bacterial action, but alanine, CH3.CH.NH2.COOH, is much less resistant. Ring structures containing nitrogen can be attacked by some organisms but not others. Putre- factive organisms can open the ring of proline with formation of w -amino -valeric acid and of n- valeric acid : — CH2— — CHo I I CH, CH.COOH > NH (n-valeric acid) (o-amino-valeric acid) The iminazole ring of histidine is opened by Esch. coli, Sal. 2)aratyphi and Sal. schottmidleri and Ps. fluorescens, but not by Proteus vulgaris. Tryptophane is similarly attacked. Moulds can break down any type of nitrogen ring if no other source of nitrogen is available. The deamination of serine by Esch. coli, which can occur aerobically or anaerobically, appears to involve the hydroxyl group since if it is masked by substitution deamination does not occur. The suggested mechanism is via the imino acid and pyruvic acid : — CH2OH.CH.COOH -H2O CH2=C.C00H CH3.C.COOH I — -> I — > li NH2 NHo NH (serine) (imino acid) NH + H2O > CH3CO.COOH + NH. The sulphur containing amino-acids like cysteine, CH2.SH.CH.NH2.COOH, appear to undergo reductive 238 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY deamiiiatioii accompanied by further breakdown with liberation of hydrogen sulphide, the products of the action of Proteus vulgaris on cysteine being hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and acetic acid. The course of the breakdown of amino-acids can be followed by analysing the resulting solutions for the following fractions : — 1. Total nitrogen (by Kjeldahl's method). 2. Amino -nitrogen (by van Slyke's method). 3. Synthetic nitrogen in proteins and cellular material (by precipitation with colloidal iron and Kjeldahl estimation). 4. Ammonia nitrogen (by vacuum distillation). 5. Non-amino-nitrogen, that is nitrogen in the ring, is given by 1— (2+3+4). An increase in the amino -nitrogen figure indicates breakdown of the side chains. A decrease in the non- amino -nitrogen follows a breakdown of the ring structure. An increase in the " synthetic nitrogen " value is usually accompanied by a reduction of the amino-nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen values since the proteins are built up at the expense of such compounds. When an alternative source of carbon, for example glucose or glycerol, is present there is usually an increased utilisation of amino- and ammonia nitrogen and a corresponding increase in the " synthetic nitrogen," which is the probable explanation of the so-called " protein-sparing " action of carbo- hydrates (see p. 226). When organisms act on racemic amino-acids both isomers are usually attacked, but the naturally occurring one more readily, so that an optically active mixture results. Three possibilities arise : (a) The natural com- ponent is attacked so rapidly compared with the other one that an almost optically pure amino -acid results ; NITROGEN METABOLISM 239 (h) liotb enantiomorphs are attacked at the same rate, giving an inactive residue, and (c) the rates are different but not very widely so, resulting in an optically active but impure mixture of the acids. The method can be used as a means of resolution of the isomers, but has the disadvantage of giving a maximum possible yield of 50 per cent, and of destroying the naturally occurring isomer. The problem of protein synthesis by micro-organisms will be considered in Chapter XVIII, For further reading : — E. F. Gale, " Enzymes Concerned in the Primary Utilisation of Amino Acids by Bacteria." Bad. Reviews, 4 (1940), 135. P. Hirsch, " Einwirkmig von Mikro-organismen auf die Eiweisskorper." Die Biochemie in Einzelldarstellmigen. IV. H. Raistrick, Papers in Biochem. J., 11 (1917), 71; 13 (1919), 446; 15 (1921), 76. M. Stephenson, " Bacterial Metabolism," Chapter V. 2nd Edition. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1939. (JHAPTER XIV CARBON METABOLISM AS we have seen, many organisms are cajDable of building up all their cell constituents and can maintain and reproduce themselves, using only a single organic substance and ammonium salts as the sources of raw materials and energy. Substances which can serve in this way to support growth may belong to almost any type of compound, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, hydroxy-acids, keto-acids, di- and tri-basic acids, alcohols, carbohydrates, amines, amino -acids, amides, and aromatic compounds among others. Gener- ally speaking, only a comparatively small proportion of the compound destroyed ultimately finds its way into the composition of the cell ; the bulk of the compound is more or less profoundly altered during the processes by which energy is obtained. This altered part of the sub- strate accumulates in the medium as the products of fermentation which are characteristic of the various organisms. Some organisms, the yeasts, for instance, break up sugars with formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide, others break up sugars with production of such substances as lactic acid, acetic acid, butyl alcohol, or acetone. All these fermentation products are, from the point of view of the organism, waste products, although they may be very valuable to mankind. The part of the compound which is converted into cell material and taken into the composition of the newly produced cells is said to be assimilated. The portion which is broken down to provide the energy 240 CARBON METABOLISM 241 requirements is said to ]>e dissimilated. Comparatively little is known about the processes involved in assimi- lation, but dissimilation has been more intensively studied. Dissimilation, particularly under aerobic conditions, is often a catalytic oxidation process. The oxidation of ethyl alcohol to acetic acid by the various vinegar organ- isms is a case in point ; it is a partial oxidation, for the organism is not able to carry the reaction further to form carbon dioxide and water. Wieland, it will be remembered, proposed that these oxidations were in reality dehydro- genations, since it was possible to replace free oxygen by reducible substances like methylene blue or quinone which can act as hydrogen acceptors . Bacteria and other organisms are able to bring about these dehydrogenations by means of the enzymes, dehydrogenases, dehydrases or hydrogen transport ases, which they produce and which activate the hydrogen atoms of the substrate, ethyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, etc., which is to be oxidised. The vinegar organisms, species of the genus Acetobacter, usually oxidise substances other than alcohols completely to carbon dioxide and water ; but one species at least is loiown, A. suboxydans, which is capable of oxidising partially many other substances, of which the following examples will serve as illustrations : — /OH 1. {a) CHa.C^ H + 0 ^ OHg.cf + H,0 \. • \H " (ethyl alcohol) (acetaldehyde) /OH ^O / OH (b) CHg.cf + HoO > CHg.Cr — OH + 0 > OHg.c/ + HoO ^H \\ ^O \h (acetaldehyde hydrate) (acetic acid) 242 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2. CH3. M (.'Hg.^ >C< + O ^ >(!-() ■+ HgO CH3/ \UH CIH3/ isopropyl alcohol) (acetone) 3. (a) — CHOH O /OH OH I // / / I C-H C^ — OH C = 0 O (CH0H)3 1 I + H2O I ^H +0 I I > (CH0H)4 > (CH0H)4 > (CH0H)4 + HgO OH I I I CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH (glucose) (glucose hydrate) (gluconic acid) (6) OH OH / / c=o c=o (CH0H)3 + O > (CH0H)3 + HoO HCOH CO CH2OH CH2OH (gluconic acid) (5-ketogluconic acid) A. suhoxydans oxidises glucose to gluconic acid and 5-ketogluconic acid in an acid medium ; if the medium is kept natural by carrying out the fermentation in presence of calcium carbonate, 2-ketogluconic acid is formed. The point to be noted in each of these examples is the activation of two hydrogen atoms (shown in bold type in the formulae) and their transfer to an oxygen atom. The reactions can all be induced to occur anaerobi- cally if a suitable hydrogen acceptor like methlyene blue is provided in place of the oxygen. A. suhoxydans restricts its activities to the oxidation of the secondary alcohol group, ^CHOH, to the keto group, ^C = 0, but A, xylinum, Bertrand's sorbose bacillus, which also oxidises the same group in the same way, producing /-sorbose. CARBON METABOLISM 243 CH2OH CH2OH I I CO HOCH I I HOCH from sorbitol HOCH HCOH HCOH I I HOCH HOCH I I CH2OH CH2OH and dihydroxyacetone from glycerol, CH2OH CH2OH I I CHOH > C = 0 I I CH2OH CH2OH, for example, can, under conditions of vigorous aeration, carry the oxidation to completion, forming carbon dioxide and water, probably by a chain of such reactions. A. xylinum only oxidises the "^CHOH group when the hydroxyl group is adjacent to a primary alcohol group and to a second hydroxyl group, that is, alcohols with i HCOH the cis-configuration, | , are oxidised but not * HCOH ' I HCOH those with the ^rari5-configuration, | HOCH I The potential aldehyde group of sugars is oxidised to a carboxyl group. Both A. xylinmn and a similar organism called Bad. ghiconicuiib in addition to gluconic acid and 5-ketogluconic acid oxidise glucose to 0-aldeliydo-gluconic acid whicli is identical with /-guluronic acid : — 244 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY CHO H.C.OH HO.C.H H.C.OH I H.C.OH I CH2O: (glucose) COOH I H.C.OH I HO.C.H I H.C.OH H.C.OH I CH2OH (gluconic acid) COOH i H.C.OH I HO.C.H H.C.OH H.C.OH I CHO («-aIdehydo- i^-gluconic acid) CHO I HO.C.H I HO.C.H H.C.OH HO.C.H I COOH (i-gularonic acid) Bad. gluconicwm, in neutral solution in presence of cal- cium carbonate, was also found to oxidise gluconic acid to 2-ketogluconic acid, which is in contradiction of Bert rand's rule, since the two hydroxyl groups are in the tmns--positioii : — COOH H.C.OH I HO.C.H > I H.C.OH H.C.OH I (^HoOH COOH CO HO.C.H H.C.OH H.C.OH Two 2^t>ints should be noticed, however ; first, that a different organism is involved and second, that a carboxyl and not a primary alcohol group is adjacent. Like A. xylinum, Bad. gluconicmn and Bad. xylinoides oxidise sorbitol to /-sorbose, the yields being 59, 76 and 60 per cent, respectively. A. xylinmn is used commercially in the production of ascorbic acid to convert sorbitol, obtained l)y the reduction of glucose, into /-sorbose, which is oxidised to 2-keto-/-gulonic acid whose iiKithyl est(uv is readily transformed to ascorbic acid: — CARBON METABOLISM 245 CO I HOCH - HCOH I HOCH CH2OH (Z-sorbose) COOH Jo I HOCH - HCOH HOCH I (2-keto-Z-gulouic acid) CO I ' HOC O CH I HC HOCH CH2OH (Z-ascorbic acid) Acid Fermentation by Bacteria. — The acids most usually found as a result of bacterial fermentation are formic, acetic and lactic acids, but propionic, succinic and butyric acids with some others are also found with certain organisms and under appropriate conditions. Various theories to account for their pro- duction have been proposed, and a number of inter- mediate compounds suggested. The chief among the latter are acetaldehyde, pyruvic acid and methyl- glyoxal. Acetaldehyde, like aldehydes in general, forms a water-insoluble compound with sulphites or bisulphites. If, then, bacterial fermentation is allowed to proceed in the presence of sulphite (bisulphites are usually poisonous to bacteria) any acetaldehyde formed as an intermediate will be " trapped " as the insoluble compound and will play no further part in the process but will accumulate. In this way the formation of acetaldehyde has been detected during the fermentation of glucose, mannitol and glycerol by members of the Esch. coli group ; among the products of all organisms giving a positive Voges- Proskauer reaction ; in acetic acid fermentation ; in acetone fermentation ; in the fermentation of sucrose by Aerobacter aerogenes and in the fermentation of pentoses by B. aceto-ethylicus. Acetaldehyde appears, therefore, to be a very general, if not universal, intermediate in ba(;terial fermentations. 246 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Pyruvic acid (which is, as we shall see, the normal precursor of acetaldehyde) has also frequently been isolated from bacterial fermentation solutions by appro- priate " trapping " methods, for example, by the use of [3-naphthylamine with which it forms the insoluble compound, a-methyl- p-naphthocinchoninic acid : — CH CH N CH C C— NHg Q: =C— CH. I II I ^ I I II I... ^.. + i COO:!! CH C CH- ^/\^: HO:-C=CH:- CH CH I C.CHg CH r*nnTT COOH + 2H2O+H2 + CO2 (3-naphthylamine) (2 pyruvic acid) (a-methyl- 3-naphtliociuchomnic acid) In this way pyi'uvic acid has been identified as an inter- mediate in the fermentation of lactic and fumaric acids by Esch. coli, and of glucose, maltose and glycerol by B. aceto-ethylicus. It has been shown, too, that pyruvic acid can be utilised by bacteria. Methylglyoxal is converted into lactic acid by the action of the enzyme glj^oxalase, which occurs in the liver, muscle tissues and many bacteria including Esch. coli, Str. lactis, L. casei, and Acetohacter : — (HO COOH I I CO +H2O > CHOH 1^ I CH3 CH3 methylglyoxal) (lactic acid) Methyl glyoxal has been detected following the action of Esch. coli or of A. xylinurn on magnesium hexose phosphate in presence of toluene, and in the fermentation of glycerol by the propionic acid bacteria. Lusk suggested that glucose is fermented to give lactic, acetic and formic acids according to the scheme shown at tlio top of the following page. CARBON METABOLISM 247 H CHO -. I H:COH ii 0:CH M H;COH ■--: I H;COH CHO I C.OH II CHo CHO + H2O HCOOH + > CH3CHO (acetaldehyde) > H2 + CO2 oxidation > CH3COOH (acetic acid) CH,:OH C.OH +H2O CH, (glucose) COOH I HCOH I CH3 (lactic acid) (methylglyoxal) This is an over simplified expression of the mechanism of lactic acid fermentation by such organisms as Esch. coli, but obviously does not account for the fermentation by the homofermentative lactic acid bacteria which give almost 100 per cent, lactic acid. Almost certainly phosphorylation reactions are involved in lactic acid fermentation by all bacteria (see p. 249). In alcoholic fermentation by yeast, pyruvic acid is decarboxylated to give acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide (see Chapter XV), but this mechanism cannot apply to the bacterial fermentations since it does not account for the formic acid and hydrogen found in many such fermentations. Possibly with some bacteria the pyruvic acid is broken down in another way with formation of formic and acetic acids : — COOH H CO + OH HCOOH CH3 (pyruvic acid) CH3COOH (acetic acid) There is evidence that the reaction occurs through phosphopyruvic acid and is reversible, for when pyruvic acid is dissimilat^d by Esch. coli in presence of formic acid containing " heavy " carbon, C^^, the residual pyruvic acid contains C^^ in the carboxyl group and the rate of transfer is accelerated l)y the addition of in- organic phosphate. Heavy carbon is also found in the 17 248 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY carboxyl group of pyruvic acid when Esch. coli acts on pyruvic acid and " labelled " sodium bicarbonate, NaHCi^Og. Some bacteria, such as Lactobacillus delbrilckii, Neisseria gonorrhcece and Streptococcus hcemolyticus , con- tain pyruvic oxidase which catalyses the conversion of pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and acetic acid : — CH3CO.COOH — > CO2 + CH3COOH. Probably acetaldehyde is formed as an intermediate step and its oxidation takes place with f la vine adenine dinucleotide as co -enzyme or carrier ; the decarboxyla- tion and oxidation are linked processes and do not occur independently. Pyruvic oxidase is inhibited by cyanide or fluoride, but yeast carboxylase is not. The anaerobic dismutation of pyruvic acid to lactic and acetic acids and carbon dioxide probably also involves pyruvic oxidase and a carrier : — CH3CO.COOH H2 CH3CHOH.COOH + +11 — > + CH3CO.COOH 0 CH3COOH + CO2 Esch. coli yields a certain amount of ethyl alcohol during fermentation as well as the main acid products. It is thought that the alcohol arises as the result of a dismutation (the term applied to the enzymatic equivalent of the Cannizzaro reaction) of acetaldehyde : — CH3CHO CH3COOH (acetic acid) 0 + + II > + Ha CH3CHO CH3.CH2OH (ethyl alcohol) Before the end of the nineteenth century it was shown by Hoppe-Seyler that the gas production by bacteria was almost certainly due to the breakdown of formic acid or of formates. He showed that organisms producing gas from glucose all fermented formates, whilst those which were not gas producers did not ferment formates. Harden showed that Esch. coli and Eberth. typhosa when grown anaerobically on glucose broke down half the sugar to CARBON METABOLISM 249 lactic acid and the other half to alcohol, acetic acid and formic acid. The formic acid Avas further broken down to hydrogen and carbon dioxide by Esch. coli (to give the typical " acid and gas " fermentation), but it was not attacked by Eherth. typhosa (" acid, no gas " fermenta- tion). The lactic acid fermentation seems to be more or less independent of the other acid fermentations, in that its formation may be stopped without affecting that of the other products. For instance, Virtanen has shown that washed suspensions of Esch. coli, which are deprived of cozymase (see Chapter XV) in this way, no longer produce lactic acid from glucose, though the other pro- ducts are formed as usual. Virtanen considers that the first stages of lactic acid fermentation are identical with those of alcoholic fermentation by yeast and involve phosphorylation of the glucose, for which process cozymase is essential ; methylglyoxal, the j)recursor of lactic acid, is then formed. That phosphorylation does play a part in lactic acid fermentation is shown by the fact that the addition of inorganic phosphates to such a fermenta- tion brings about an acceleration of the process just as it does in alcoholic fermentation. Bacterial cozymase can replace that from yeast in alcoholic fermentation. Virtanen claims that cozymase does not play a part in the formation of the other products. It has been shown that the propionic acid bacteria behave similarly ; washed suspensions no longer produce propionic acid, but still give rise to the formation of alcohol, acetic acid, succinic acid and carbon dioxide. By grinding Esch. coli Avith powdered glass cell free extracts can be obtained which contain enzymes which are capable of converting phosphoglyceric acid to phos- phopyruvic acid, as occurs in yeast fermentation (see p. 276). The equilibrium between 3-phosphoglyceric acid and 2-ph(jsph()glyceric acid also occurs in the presence of the bacterial enzymes as well as in the yeast and 250 iJACTEIllOLOGlCAL CHEMISTRY muscle systems. The transfer of phosphate from phos- phopyriivic acid via adenylic acid to glucose, similarly, takes place under appropriate conditions. Enzymes have been obtained from Staph, albus which can bring about all the reactions of the Embden-Meyerhof scheme (see p. 275). Lactic acid is only produced under anaerobic conditions by this organism. There is, therefore, very considerable evidence that the initial stages of bacterial fermentation are very similar to, if not identical with, those of yeast fermentation, and that the variations producing the additional acids and other substances arise in the later stages of fermentation. Kluyver, also, regards methylglyoxal as the inter- mediate in these acid fermentations : — : /OH CHgCChC^OH > CH3CHO + HCOUH . U, + CO, \H (methylglyoxal) (methylglyoxal (acetaldehyde) hydrate) The acetaldehyde gives acetic acid by direct oxidation aerobically, or possibly by dismutation, anaerobically. Kluyver considers that there are three types of fer- mentation brought about by organisms of the Esch. coli group : — 1. Succinic acid fermentation, which occurs in the absence of cozjrmase, and therefore in the absence of phosphorylation. It takes place by a splitting of the glucose molecule into a four-carbon atom fragment and a two -carbon atom fragment giving tartaric dialdehyde and ethylene glycol respectively, which in turn give rise to succinic acid and to acetaldehyde, as shown in the scheme below. Virtanen also suggested that succinic acid arose by splitting of hexosos into f()ur-cai'l)on and two-carbon fragments. As a result of studies of the fixation of carbon dioxide CARBON METABOLISM 251 b}' lieterotropliic ]:)a.cteria it has been shown that succinic acid is formed by tiie condensation of ])yruvic acid with carbon dioxide followed by reduction via malic and fumaric acids (see p. 258). It is probable, therefore, that succinic acid does not arise by the splitting of a six-carbon molecule into four-carbon and two -carbon fragments. Succinic acid may also be formed by the reductive deamination (p. 228) of aspartic acid : — > COOH.CH,.CH,.COOH + NH, NHs 2. True alcoholic fermentation (to a small extent). 3. Lactic, acetic and formic acid production, with or without gas production. The last two types of fer- mentation need phosphorylation v as a preliminary step. The three fermentations suggested by Kluyver are sum- marised by the following scheme : — CH80H.CH.(OHOH),.CHOK (glucose) ' — o — ' I NajHPO* (as in alcoholic I fermentation) 2CHs.C0.C^0H >■ CH.CHOH.COOH OH (metliylglyoxal (lactic acid) liydrat*) 4- 4 CHjGH.CHsOH-f-CHO.CHOH.CHOH.CHO (ethylene glyopl) (tartaric dialdehyde) CHj.CHO + 11,0 C00H.CH2.CH,.('00H (sjiccMiic aciil) CHsCOOH + CHaCHjOH (acetic (alcohol) acid) Non-phosphoiy!atod. 4 CH3CH0 4 H.COOII I CH,COOH CH.CH.OH Pho8phorylat«d. Hj + COj The same types of fermentation occur with Eherth. typhosa, except that the breakdown of formic acid does not occur. It will be noticed that in this type of fermentation the ratio of carbon dioxide to hydrogen is 1:1, and it will be remembered that members of the coli-typhoid group of bacteria have a negative Voges 252 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Proskauer reaction, it lias been demonstrated that the Voges-Proskaiier reaction depends on tlie production of acetyl-methyl-carbinol, or acetoin, CH3CO.CHOH.CH3, which, in the presence of potassium hydroxide becomes oxidised to diacetyl, CH3CO.CO.CH3, which reacts with some substance in the peptone containing a guanidine NH.3 residue, C==NH , to give the red-coloured compound. ^NHR The formation of acetoin by Voges-Proskauer positive organisms like Aerohacter aerogenes follows the scheme below, suggested by Kluyver : — CH20H.CH.(CIiU^i)3CH0H (gluccse) 0 Na^HPO^ (methylglyoxal hydrate) 1 molecule i HCOOH + CH3.CHO i H2 + CO2 /OH -OH H CH3.CHOH.COOH (lactic acid) 1 molecule 2H + CH3.CO.COOH (pyruvic I acid) €H3.CH0 + CO2 (acetoin) CH3.CHOH.CO.CH3 \ reduction CH3.CHOH.CHOH.CH3 (2 : 3-butyleno-glycol) r i I CHo.CH. OH CARBON METABOLISM 253 Methylglyuxal hydrate, produced its in alcoholic fermenta- tion (see Chapter XV), is partially converted into lactic acid (type 3), partially broken down to give pjTuvic acid and carbon dioxide and partially broken down to give acetaldehyde and formic acid. The formic acid gives hydrogen and carbon dioxide, as it does in the case of Esch. coli. The pyruvic acid is decarboxylated (see Chapter XV) to give acetaldeh^^de and carbon dioxide. The molecules of acetaldehyde from this source and directly from the methylglyoxal condense, under the influence of the enzyme carboligase, to form acetoin. The hydrogen evolved when methjdglyoxal hydrate yields pyruvic acid is partly taken up in reducing some acetaldehyde to alcohol and partly in reducing some of the acetoin to 2 : 3-butylene glycol, which is almost invariably found among the products of the Voges- Proskauer positive organisms. The 2 : 1 ration of carbon dioxide to hydrogen which is associated with the Voges- Proskauer reaction follows from the mechanism suggested, carbon dioxide arising from two sources and hydrogen from one. The formation of acetoin is favoured by conditions, such as aeration or the presence of other hydrogen acceptors, which restrict the reduction of acetaldehyde to alcohol. The formation of propionic acid from glycerol by the propionic acid bacteria proceeds without any pro- duction of gas. Propionaldehyde and pyruvic acid have been detected in fermenting cultures. Wood and Work- man suggest that the steps in the fermentation are : — - H3PO4 CH2OH.CHOH.CH2OH — > CH2(O.P03H2).CHOH.CHoOH (glycerophosphate) -H3PO4 — 2H CH2(O.P03H2)CHOH.CHO (methyl glyoxal) (phosphoglyceraldehyde) I + 2H \ — HoO + H2O CH3.CHOH.CHO -"-> CH3CH2.CHO > CHj.CHo.COOH (lactic aldehyde) + 2H (propionaldehyde) — 2H (propionic acidj 254 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY All alternative route is that glycerophosphate is oxidised to phosphoglyceric acid which gives pyruvic acid which is reduced to propionic acid. When glucose is dissimilated by propionic acid bacteria, phosphoglyceric acid is produced and can be isolated if toluene and sodium fluoride are present (the latter inhibiting further breakdown of the phospho- glyceric acid). Pjrruvic acid can be fixed by using sodium sulphite, but acetaldehyde cannot be detected. This suggests that the propionic acid bacteria have no carboxylase and do not split pyruvic acid to give acetalde- hyde and carbon dioxide, as do the yeasts. Some strains also produce lactic acid, but others do not. Lactic acid, however, is fermented by all strains with formation of propionic acid. Succinic and acetic acids are also formed, but undergo further breakdown, the ratio of propionic acid to acetic acid increasing during the fermentation. If the culture is buffered by sodium bicarbonate the ratio of propionic acid to acetic acid remains approxi- mately constant. Wood, Stone and Werkman suggested that propionic acid was formed by the following scheme : — 2H.F0, CeHi.Og — > Hexosephosphate ^ CHoO.PO.Ha.CHOH.CHO (glucose) _2H20 (Triosc phosphate) — HsPO^CHaO.POaHo.CHOH.COOH < Noit-reducing (phosphoglyceric acid) substance CH3CO.COOH ~2H + 2H CH3CHOH.COOH (lactic acid) ,or CH3CO.CHO + H3PO, (methylglyoxal) + 2H — H3O CH3CH2COOH (propionic acid) CARBON METABOLISM 255 The triose phosphate, derived via phosphorylation of glucose, gives a non-reducing suljstance of unknown structure which may give phosphoglyceric acid by oxidation, or which may give methylglyoxal by loss of the phosphate group. Phosphoglyceric acid is conveited to pyruvic acid which is reduced via lactic acid to pro- pionic acid. Methylglyoxal may be converted to lactic acid directly (presumably by the action of glyoxalase) or it may be oxidised to pyruvic acid ; propionic acid is then formed as in the alternative scheme. These workers postulated that part of the pyruvic acid might undergo another series of reactions to give succinic and propionic acids, pyruvic acid giving the hydrate which would split to give acetic acid and carbon dioxide ; two molecules of acetic acid then condeixse to give succinic acid which in its turn is decarboxylated to form propionic acid and carbon dioxide : — /OH — 2H > CHaCZ—COOH > CH3COOH + CO2 ^OH -2H CHX'Ho.COOH -r CO, In view of the recent work on the fixation of carbon dioxide it seems more probable that the succinic acid arises by way of condensation of carbon dioxide with pyruvic acid (see p. 258). Carbon Dioxide Fixation. — Recently work on the fixation of carbon dioxide by bacteria has thrown a new light on the mechanism of acid production by bacteria. It has been known for a long time that autotrophic bacteria utilise carbon dioxide, either by photosynthetic or by chemosynthetic processes, as their sole source of carbon. It has also been known for many years that carbon dioxide plays an important role in the metabolism of some heterotrophic bacteria : thus Brucella aboi'tus, when first isolated from cattle, will not grow unless the 256 bacterioloCtICal chemistry atniospheru contains a))out 10 per cent, of carbon dioxide ; many bacteria, such as Esch, coli, fail to grow if steps are taken to remove the carbon dioxide from the medium, by vigorous aeration for example. Until a few years ago, however, it was not realised that carbon dioxide was actually assimilated by heterotrophic bacteria, the reason being that under normal conditions such micro-organisms form carbon dioxide from carbohydrates in larger amounts than they use so that the net production of carbon dioxide masks its assimilation. The first clue was given by the fact that when the propionic acid bac- teria ferment glycerol they do not produce carbon dioxide and it was found that the products of fermentation contained more carbon than could be accounted for by that in the medium initially. Since then, by the use of isotopic " heavy " carbon or radioactive carbon in the carbon compounds of the medium, it has been shown that assimilation of carbon dioxide is a general phenomenon in heterotrophic as well as autotrophic bacteria. The difference appears to be that autotrophic bacteria can make use of it in conjunction with inorganic substances as sources of energy whilst the heterotrophic bacteria require compounds already containing at least one carbon atom in organic linkage. Carbon dioxide has been shown to be fixed by barley roots, liver, yeast, Esch. coli, the propionic acid bacteria. Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Aerobacter indologenes, Proteus vulgaris, Str. paracitrovorus, Staph, candidus, CI. welchii, CI. acetobutylicum and CI. aceticum. The mechanism proposed by Van Niel to account for the photosynthetic reaction : — CO2 + 2H2A > (CH2O) + H2O + 2A probably also holds for chemosynthetic reactions. Ruben has suggested that the fixation of carbon dioxide in the dark (that is chemosynthetically) takes place with the CARBON METABOLISM 257 iiiterveiition of a pliosphate-donur complex with a high energy content, in such a way that an aliphatic compound, probably an aldehyde, is carboxylated and reduced with the ultimate formation of carbohydrates. The general reaction is : — Phosphate-donor -f RH ?==^ free donor + RH-phosphate CO 2 RH-phosphate ^ R.COOH + inorganic phosphate carboxylase When RH is an aldehyde and if the phosphate donor is considered to be adenosine triphosphate (which is very probable, see p. 275) the reactions are : — 0 0 0 i! !! II C10N5H12O3— 0— P— 0— P— 0— P— OH + R.CHO + HoO III OH OH OH (Adenosine triphosphate) ^1 Enzyme 0 0 0 0 II il ^ II C10X5H12O3— 0— P— 0— P— OH + R.C 0— P— OH + 2H 1 I I OH OH OH (Adenosine diphosphate) 0 0 0 0 ^ il Enzyme || 1| R.r;_0— P— OH + CO2 + 2H ^=^ R_(j_c— OH + H3PO4 ci„ 0 o II II Enzyme R— C— C— OH + 2H ^=^ R.CHOH.COOH Enzyme R.CHOH.COOH -f phosphate -donor ^=^ R.CHOH.CO.PO3H2 + donor Enzyme R.CHOH.CO.PO3H2 + 2H F-"=^ R.CHOH.CHO + H3PO4 The aldehyde R.CHOH.CHO, which can be regarded as a carbohydrate, could give rise to polysaccharides 258 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY tliroiigJi fiirtlier cyck\^ of pliuy])horylation, carl)Ox\iation and reduction, or by condensation with similar molecules, in a manner analogous to the enzymatic synthesis of starch or glycogen from glucose- 1 -phosphate. In heterotrophic systems the acceptor of carbon dioxide is probably a phosphorylated Cg compound, as has been shown for the propionic acid bacteria. These organisms, which occur in dairy products (particularly in Emmenthaler cheese), silage, soil and similar situations, ferment carbohydrates with production, mainly, of propionic acid, acetic acid and carbon dioxide, with smaller amounts of lactic and succinic acids and, some- times, acetoin. When grown on a glycerol medium containing " labelled," that is C^^, sodium bicarbonate, Propionibacterium pentosacemn utilises carbon dioxide which is found almost entirely in the carboxyl groups of the succinic acid formed. The succinic acid formed and the carbon dioxide taken up are very nearly in equi- molecular proportion ; in the absence of carbonate practically no succinic acid is formed. The small amounts of " labelled " carbon found in the other products of fermentation, propionic and acetic acids and propyl alcohol, are probably derived by side reactions involving succinic acid. Wood and Werkman suggested that the carbon dioxide condensed with pyruvic acid to give oxalacetic acid : — CH3CO.COOH + CO2 > COOH.CHo.CO.COOH Succinic acid then arises via mahc and fumaric acids : — COOH COOH COOH COOH CO + 2H CHOH — H2O CH + 2H CHo I > I > II ^ I CH2 CH, CH CHo I I " I I COOH COOH COOH COOH (oxalacetic acid) (malic acid) (fumaric acid) (succinic acid) CARBON METABOLISAL- 259 Evidence that this is so is provided by the fact that fiimaric and malic acids have been detected in the meta- bolism solutions, and that oxalacetic, malic and fumaric acids added to the system become converted to succinic acid. An enzyme preparation has been obtained from M. lysodeikticus which, in presence of magnesium or man- ganese, and possibly phosphate, catalyses the carboxyla- tion of p3^ruvic acid to oxalacetic acid. The enzyme only decarboxylates pyruvic acid if co -carboxylase is also present. When pyruvic, lactic or oxalosuccinic acids are decarboxylated by the enzyme in presence of " labelled " carbon dioxide there is no evidence of exchange of carbon dioxide. Similarly after glucose or pyruvate have been treated with Sir. lactis (which can convert pyruvic acid into lactic and acetic acids and carbon dioxide) in presence of " labelled " carbon dioxide, the isolated pyruvic, lactic and acetic acids do not contain " labelled " carbon. The mechanism of formation of propionic acid from glycerol is not yet clear but it may arise via lactic acid : — CH2OH CH3 CH2 C'Hg I I -H2O II + 2H I CHOH > CHOH > CH > CH. I I I I CH2OH COOH COOH COOH or via pyruvic acid : — CH2OH COOH COOH I I + 4H I CHOH > CO > CH2 -f H2O I I I CH2OH CH3 CH3 When carbon dioxide is assimilated by other bacteria it has been found to be distributed as follows : — Esch. roll : in formic, acetic, lactic and succinic acids ; Aero- hacter indologenes : in acetic, lactic and succinic acids ; Proteus vulgaris, Str. paracitrovortis and Staph, aindidus : 2{3() BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY in lactic and succinic acids ; CI. tvelchii : in acetic and lactic acids ; CI. acetobiitylicum : in lactic acid. When- ever succinic acid is formed it contains fixed carbon dioxide, but the other acids do not always contain assimilated carbon dioxide. The amount and rate of production of succinic acid formed by Esch. coli from glucose, galactose or pyruvic acid depends on the quantity of carbon dioxide available. When carbon dioxide is removed by aeration the yield of succinic acid is low, but when the reaction is carried out in presence of carbon dioxide the yield is high. It has been shown, again by the use of " labelled " carbon, that succinic acid can be formed by condensation of two molecules of acetic acid : — CH3COOH ('H2.COOH + > I + 2H CH3COOH CH2.COOH and that the reaction is reversible. Thus acetic acid containing fixed carbon dioxide could arise by the breakdown of succinic acid. Formic acid can be derived by direct reduction of carbon dioxide in presence of the enzyme hydrogenlyase : OH OH I +H2 I CO2 + H2O > HO— G = 0 > HO— C— OH > HO— C = 0 + HgO I I (carbonic acid) H H (formaldehyde hydrate) (formic acid) Formaldehyde has been isolated from cultures of pro- pionic acid bacteria, by fixation with dimedon, con- firming that carbon dioxide is reduced. The precursor of lactic acid containing fixed carbon has been suggested to be a four-carbon dicarboxylic acid (other than succinic acid) formed by condensation of three-carbon and one-carbon molecules ; it is decarboxylated to give lactic acid. CAKBO^^ METABOLISM 261 For further reading : — M. M. Barritt, " The Origin of Ac( tvlmethylcarbinol in Bacterial Fermenta- tion." J. Path, and Bad., 44 (1937)', 679. E. S. G. Barron, "Mechanisms of Carbohydrate Metabolism. An Essay on Comparative Biochemistry." Advances in Enzymology, 3 (1943), 149. A. J. Kluyver, " The Chemical Activities of Micro-organisms." University of London Press. London, 1931. F. Lipmann, " Metabolic Generation and Utilisation of Phosphate Bond Energy." Advances in Enzymology, 1 (1941), 99. M. Stephenson, " Bacterial ^Metabolism," Chapter I\'. 2nd Edition. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1939. C. H. Werkman and H. G. Wood, " Heterotrophic Assimilation of Carbon Dioxide." Advances in Enzymology, 2 (1942), 135. CHAPTER XV ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION ALCOHOLIC fermentation is the most widely studied of the fermentations, partly because of its wide- spread industrial importance and partly because of the ease with which it can be carried out and the condi- tions modified. About 95 per cent, of the sugar fermented is normally recovered as e qui -molecular proportions of alcohol and carbon dioxide. Gay-Lussac long ago ex- pressed this in the form of the classical equation : — CeHiaOe > 2CO2 + 2C2H5OH. The fermentation, however, is not so simple as this equation suggests ; in reality the end products arise from a chain of reactions involving a number of intermediate compounds. Besides the alcohol and carbon dioxide there is a constant production of some 3 to 4 per cent, of glycerol, small amounts of fusel oil (derived from the yeast proteins, see Chapter XIII), and varying small proportions of hexose mono- and di -phosphates. The first real advance in our laiowledge of alcoholic fermentation was the almost simultaneous proof in 1837 by Cagniard-Latour, Schwann and Klitzing that the fermentation was associated with the living organism, yeast. If sugar solutions were sterilised by boiling and only heated air admitted to them no fermentation occurred. The next big step forward in the elucidation of the mechanism of alcoholic fermentation occurred when Buchner in 1897 succeeded in demonstrating its enzymatic nature by preparing an active cell -free extract by grinding 262 ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 263 yeast with sand and submitting the mixture to con- siderable pressure. The expressed juice was capable, in virtue of the enzymes which it contained, of causing the fermentation of sugar with the production of the same products as the living yeast. Since then a number of other yeast preparations have been obtained by various workers, of which zymin (yeast dried with acetone) and " maceration juice," obtained by the autolysis of yeast in water, are the most important. The Role of Phosphates in Fermentation. — In 1905 Harden and Young established the importance of in- organic phosphates and phosphoric esters in fermentation processes. During an investigation of anti -enzymes Harden had added a serum, prepared by injecting yeast juice into rabbits, to a fermenting sugar solution and found that an increase, and not the expected decrease, of fermentation occurred. Normal serum was found to have the same property. The addition of boiled yeast juice to yeast juice and sugar solution had a similar effect. The cause of the increase in the case of boiled yeast juice was traced to two factors : (a) the presence of inorganic phosphates, and (b) to a heat stable co -enzyme or CO -zymase. In the case of serum the effect was shown to be due to the phosphates present. It was found that the addition of inorganic phosphate to fermentations by yeast preparations caused a con- siderable increase in both the rate of fermentation and in the absolute amount of sugar fermented. This increase did not occur on the addition of phosphate to fermenta- tions by living yeasts. The rate of fermentation was measured as the volume of carbon dioxide evolved every five minutes, and it was found that the extra volume of carbon dioxide evolved was proportional (molecule for molecule) to the amount of inorganic phosphate converted into esters. The normal rate of fermentation by yeast juice is about 3 ml. of carbon dioxide per five minutes, represented l)y the straight line (1) in Fig. 7. The rate 18 264 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY of fermentation is constant, and is controlled by the supply of inorganic phosphate derived from the hexose phosphate esters by the action of the enzyme phosphatase. The inorganic phosphate so formed esterifies more sugar, which is fermented with liberation of the phosphate again. There is no accumulation of phosphate esters nor of inorganic phosphate, and the reaction proceeds at a con- stant rate until all the sugar has been fermented, at which stage inorganic phosphate is finally set free and the sugar of the esters fermented. If inorganic phosphate is added to such a fermenting mixture the velocity of fermentation increases temporarily, 20 15 ' 10 006M-/»c ^ /^^^^^%r^ (3; — - — -JIL^^Oj '/ \0.O6M-K2HPO4 7 ^^- — Normal (1) . 1 . , 1 i 10 20 30 Minutes 40 — >- Fig. 7 {Ajtev Harden) due to the increased formation of the fermentable ester which accumulates until all the added inorganic phosphate has been converted to ester, after which the rate falls back to the normal value, depending on the rate of hydrolysis of the ester. Curve (2) in Fig. 7 shows this effect. ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 265 If the enzyme phosphatase, which hydrolyses the hexose phosphate esters, is added, an increase in the rate of fermentation will occur, due to the increased rate at which the esters are hydrolysed and inorganic phosphate set free to esterify more sugar. The same effect can be brought about by the addition of arsenate, which stimu- lates phosphatase activity (curve (3), Fig. 7). If the phosphatase is sufficiently active to hydrolyse the esters as fast as they are formed, a rapid fermentation un- accompanied by any accumulation of ester will ensue. The rate of fermentation is about the same as the maximum obtained on addition of inorganic phosphate (curve (2) ), but remaiixs constantly high as long as sugar is available, since in effect the addition of phosphatase (or its stimulation) is the same as a continuous addition of inorganic phosphate. To account for these facts Harden and Young suggested that sugar was fermented in two stages according to the equations : — (1) iK'eHiaOe +2Na2HP04 >CeHio04(Xa2P04)2 + 2H2O +2CO2 +2C2H5OH. (2) C6Hio04(Na2P04)2 + 2H20 > (:,U,,(\+2:^a,KF0,. According to this scheme the first stage consists in the esterification of one molecule of glucose to hexose di- phosphate at the same time as a second molecule is broken down to carbon dioxide and alcohol. The second stage is the hydrolysis of the hexose diphosphate to sugar and inorganic phosphate, which then go through the cycle again, with fermentation of half the sugar at each cycle, until it has all been converted into the end products. The equation (1) represents the state of affairs occurring when inorganic phosphate is added to the system (curve (2)); equation (2) corresponds to the normal rate of fermentation (curve (1) ). The addition of arsenate causes tlie liydi'olysis of the esters acconlinu' to e(|uation 266 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (2) to proceed at such a rate that inorganic phosphate is supplied sufficiently rapidly to enable the reactions of equation (1) to proceed at their maximum velocity. No such acceleration of fermentation occurs on the addition of inorganic phosphate or arsenate to living yeast fermentations, which proceed about twenty to forty times as fast as those due to yeast preparations. The addition of inorganic phosphate to the latter increases the velocity some ten to twenty times. Presumably in living yeast cells the ratio of the activities of the enzymes is at an optimum, and the balance is upset during the extraction of the yeast juice or other treatment. Harden showed that the velocity of fermentation decreased and the magnitude of the response to added phosphate increased, with greater disintegration of the cell structure. From calculations based on the phosphorus content of the yeast cell it appears that the phosphate -ester cycle must be completed once every five or six minutes in order to maintain the normal rate of fermentation. For an average yeast preparation the cycle takes approximately two hours. Harden and Young showed that the ester which accumulated after addition of inorganic phosphate was a hexose diphosphate, later shown to be 1 : 6-fructose diphosphate, even when the sugar being fermented is glucose or mannose. Later, Robison isolated a hexose monophosphate from such solutions, which was ultimately proved to be a mixture of about 80 per cent, of 6-glucose monophosphate (loiown as Robison's ester) and 20 per cent, of 6-fructose monophosphate. More recently Embden and Myerhof and their co-workers have isolated a number of triose monophosphates, including a-glycero- phosphoric acid, 2- and 3-phosphoglyceric acids and 2-phosphopyruvic acid, from alcoholic fermentations. Tiieir importance will be seen at a later stage. ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 267 Tlie ratio of mono- and di-hexose pliospJiate.s found in fermentation mixtures is very variable, and depends on the strain of yeast and on the concentration of the yeast or yeast preparation used. Living yeast is found not to ferment added hexose diphosphate, and also leads to the formation of only a small amount of it during fermenta- tion. Consequently Harden and Young's equations are almost certainly not a true representation of the mechan- ism. It has been suggested by Kluyver and Struyk and by Meyerhof that the real intermediate is the monophos- phate, and that the diphosphate is a by-product formed either by further phosphorylation of the monophosphate or by condensation of two molecules of a triose mono- phosphate, which also plays a part in the fermentation scheme. Hexose diphosphate, however, plays an essential part in the fermentation reactions. Co-enzyme. — It was mentioned on p. 263 that the accelerating effect on fermentation of the addition of boiled yeast juice was traced to two factors, inorganic phosphates and the co-enzyme. It was found that if yeast juice was dialysed or submitted to filtration through porcelain candles it could be divided into two fractions, neither of which alone could induce fermentation of sugar, but which when remixed were once more active. The residue after dialysis or filtration was heat labile and destroyed by boiling ; as was to be expected it contained the undialysable enzjnnes of the yeast juice. The dialysate or filtrate, on the other hand, was heat stable, and was termed co -enzyme or co -zymase. Besides the above- mentioned method for its separation, co-enzyme can also be obtained by washing acetone dried yeast, zymin, with water. Subsequent investigations have shown that the co-enzjmae, now known as co -enzyme I, consists of two parts, a magnesium salt and diphosphopyridine nucleo- tide : — 268 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY CH CH C.CONH2 II I CH (m \ // :C.NH2 I CH C— No ^CH /. N- -C— N- I CH- I HOC.H ■ I HOC.H I HC - I (JH., I OH I 0 — P — 0 II o 0- CH— HOC.H HOC.H I HC P _ 0 _ CH, in which nicotinamide and adenine are joined by two molecules of ribose-5-phosphate. Its function is to act as a hydrogen carrier between phosphoglyceraldehyde and acetaldehyde, being reduced to dihydro -co -enzyme I by the former and re-oxidised by the specific flavo- protein enzyme with acetaldehyde as the hydrogen acceptor (see pp. 203 and 276). Co-enzyme I is very widely distributed and participates in the respiration of many bacteria, particularly those producing lactic acid by fermentation. It is to be found in nearly all animal tissues, in red blood corpuscles, plants, fungi and bacteria. It is a growth factor for some members of the genus Hcemo'philus. The closely related co -enzyme II, triphosphopyridine nucleotide containing an extra phosphate group, plays the same role of hydrogen carrier in animal tissues in the conversion of glucose to lactic acid. In view of the discovery of the necessity of magnesium salts as well as the co -enzyme in yeast fermentation the following terminology for the enzyme systems concerned has been proposed : Zymase to indicate the pure enzyme ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 260 free fi'om all activators ; Holozymase (or paiiz^inase) to designate the complete system of zymase plus the acti- vators ; and Apozymase, which is the holozymase free from CO -enzyme but still containing the magnesium salts. That is, Holozymase =Zymase-|-Mg+ Co-enzyme Apozymase = Zymase +Mg. Zymase is, itself, a complex mixture of several enzymes (see p. 275 et seq.). Mechanism of Alcoholic Fermentation. — In elaborating a mechanism to account for alcoholic fermentation the following facts have to be considered : — (1) All the compounds which are produced in a normal alcoholic fermentation can be derived from molecules containing three carbon atoms, which may be obtained by a preliminary split of the glucose molecule into two such fragments following phosphorylation as an essential step. (2) Acetaldehyde has been demonstrated, by fixation with sulphite or dimedon, as an intermediate. (3) Pyruvic acid is also regularly formed, as shown by its fixation by the use of p-naphthylamine. (4) Neuberg isolated from yeast the enzyme carbo- xylase, which splits pyruvic acid (and «-keto -acids in general) into carbon dioxide and acetaldehyde. (5) Glycerol is always formed to the extent of 3 to 4 per cent, in normal fermentations, and under certain conditions large quantities of it are formed. (6) Usually none of the intermediates is left, and the end products are almost entirely carbon dioxide and alcohol in equivalent quantities. A considerable number of theories have been pro- posed to account for all these facts, of which the three most important are those due to Kluyver, Neuberg, and Mj-erhof ; the last of these is the one now generally accepted. 270 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Kliiyver considers that the first step in the fermenta- tion of glucose is the formation from y-glucose of a reactive hexose monophosphate which then splits into two C3 fragments, one of which is still phosphorylated : — —CHOH I I O (CH0H)3 Uh CH20H (glucose) —CHOH I i O (CH0H)2 «!_CH I CHOH I CHjOH (y-glucose) CHO Na2HP04 (CH0H)3 CH.O.POjNa, (active monophosphate) -CHOH (CH0H)2 I CHOH I — CH I CHaO.POaNaj (Roblson'8 ester) CHO CHO CH.O.POaNaa CHOH I CHjOH CH2OH (glycetaldehydc) (glyceraldehyde phosphate) The triose fragments he considers to be glyceraldehyde and glyceraldehyde phosphate. Two molecules of the latter may condense to give hexose diphosphate as a side product : — CHO I CH.O.PO,Na CH2OH CHO 2 + CH.O.POgNaa — CHoOH CH.O.POgNa, CHOH CH.O.POgNaj Normally the glyceraldehyde phosphate is hydrolysed to glyceraldehyde and phosphate. The glyceraldehyde undergoes a series of hydrogen transfer reactions to give methylglyoxal hydrate : — ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 271 H t[ H H CHO C^ — OH C^-— OH C OH C— OH 1 +H2O ', \0H — H,.0 I \ I \0 I \0H CHOH . CHOH ^>CHOH\o > HOC— I — - CO I I III I CH.OH CH2OH CH2 1 CH3 CH3 (glyceral- (plvccraldc- (mcthylglyoxal dnhyde) liycle hydratv^ liydrate) The methylglyoxal hydrate loses hydrogen to acetaldehyde (or some other hydrogen acceptor at the beginning of the fermentation, before acetaldehyde is formed) to form pyruvic acid, the acetaldehyde being at the same time reduced to alcohol. OH COOH OH CHO + 1 CH3 1 CHoOH > CO -r 1 " 1 CH3 CH3 (pyruvic acid) (ethyl alcohul) CO CH3 The p^Tuvic acid is decarboxylated to give carbon dioxide and acetaldehyde, which acts as hydrogen acceptor for the production of further supplies of pyruvic acid from methylglyoxal hydrate : — COOH CO2 I + CO > CHO I I CH3 CH3 The only enzymes involved in this scheme are phosphatase, hydrogen transportase and carboxylase. The evidence for this scheme is based, in the main, on analysis of the proportions of the various products formed and misses many of the steps which are now known to take place ; it does not take account of the 272 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY action of co-enzyme, for instance. Moreover, methyl- glyoxal has only been isolated following the action of an extract of dried bottom yeast on magnesium hexose diphosphate, and is not itself fermented. Neuberg showed that acetaldehyde was an inter- mediate in alcoholic fermentation as a result of " fixa- tion " experiments using calcium sulphite or dimedon CH, (dimethyl-cyclohexane-dione), | [ , which re- C(CH3), move the acetaldehyde from further participation in the fermentation either as the insoluble acetaldehyde bisul- phite complex or according to the reaction : — CH3 CH3 I I CH, + CHO+ CH CH CH C /\ ^\ /\ ^\ CO CO HO.C CO > CO CO HO.C CO II II II II CHo CH, CH2CH2 CH2CH2 CH2CH2 C(CH3)2 C(CH3)2 C{CH3)2 C(CH3)2 in the case of dimedon fixation, with a consequent loss of alcohol production. He also showed that yeast contained the enzyme carboxylase, which could break down «-keto- acids to the aldehyde and carbon dioxide, and, in particular, pyruvic acid, which was also shown to be an intermediate by " fixation " experiments. As a result of these findings he put forward the following scheme for the mechanism of alcoholic fermentation ; glucose is converted into two molecules of methylglyoxal by steps involving phosphorylation : — ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 273 CgHiaOg ^ 2CH2==('(OH).('H() — ^ L'CHgCO.CHO. phosphorylation (eiiolic form) (inethylglyoxal) These tAvo molecules of inethylglyoxal undergo dismuta- tion (under the influence of the enzyme mutase) to give one molecule of glycerol and one molecule of pyruvic acid : — CH2=C(0H).CH0 H2 CH2OH.CHOH.CH2OH (glycerol) + +H2O+ II > CH3.CO.CHO 0 CH3.CO.COOH (pyruvic acid). The pyruvic acid is then decarboxylated by the enzyme carboxylase to give acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide : — CH3.CO.COOH — > CH3CH0 + CO2. In the subsequent dismutation of methylglyoxal, one molecule of the latter is replaced by acetaldehyde, which becomes reduced to alcohol, whilst the molecule of methylglyoxal is oxidised to pyruvic acid : — CH3.CO.CHO o CH3.CO.COOH + +11 — > + CH3CHO H2 CH3CH2OH This pyruvic acid in its turn is decarboxylated to give more acetaldehyde, and so the cycle goes on until all the sugar is fermented. This, Neuberg's First Form of Fermentation, accounts for the small amount of glycerol, always found in a normal fermentation, as being formed by the reduction of methyl- glyoxal as hydrogen acceptor before the usual acceptor, acetaldehyde, is formed. If the acetaldehyde is trapped and prevented from acting as hydrogen acceptor no alcohol will be formed, and methylglyoxal will continue to act as hydrogen acceptor and yield a molecule of glycerol for every molecule of carbon dioxide formed and every molecule of aldehyde fixed. This is Neuberg's Second Form of Fermentation. Neuberg also established a Third Form of Fermentation, which takes place if the 274 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY fermenting solution is made alkaline ])y addition of sodium bicarbonate. These conditions favour a Cannizzaro reaction of the acetaldehyde with formation of acetic acid and alcohol : — CH3CHO O CH3COOH + + II — > + CH3CH0 H2 CH3CH2OH Since some of the aldehyde is removed in this way it can no longer act as hydrogen acceptor in the dismutation of methylglyoxal, and an equivalent amount of the latter is reduced to glycerol. Since two molecules of acetalde- hyde, by the Cannizzaro reaction, give one molecule each of alcohol and acetic acid, and one molecule of glycerol is formed for every molecule of acetaldehyde diverted from acting as hydrogen acceptor, it is obvious that for each molecule of alcohol produced under these conditions there will be two molecules of glycerol formed : — ^CsHiaOe > 2C02 + 2CH3CHO+2CH20H.CHOH.CH,OH. 2CH3CHO + H2O > CH3COOH+CH3CH2OH. The chief deficiencies of Neuberg's theories are that no account is given of the phosphorylation processes, nor of the influence of co -enzyme, and that the chief intermediate, methylglyoxal, has not been detected in normal fermentations, and is not fermented when added. It has the advantage that it accounts for the constant small amount of glycerol in normal fermentation and explains the increased yields in special circumstances. Meyerhof's theory has points of similarity with both Kluyver's and Neuberg's schemes but is based on more complete experimental evidence. Some of the evidence is derived from the work of Embden, Lohmami and others on the course of muscle glycolysis, 'many of the steps in which have been shown also to occur in yeast fermentation. The main evidence in addition to that mentioned on p. 269 is that hexose diphosphate, dihydroxy- acetone phosphate and 3-glyceraldehyde phosphate have ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 275 been isolated from fermentations of glucose by yeast extract in presence of mono -iodo acetate which inhibits their further breakdown ; equilibrium is established between them when the appropriate enzymes are present ; they are rapidly fermented by yeast extracts. The breakdown of phosphoglyceric acid to pyruvic acid and phosphoric acid is inhibited by sodium fluoride so that phosphoglyceric acid accumulates when fermentations are conducted in its presence. Both 2- and 3 -phospho- glyceric acids have been isolated from muscle extracts and so also has phosphopyruvic acid. Adenylic acid and adenosine triphosphate have been isolated from yeast juice and shown to react with fructose- l:6-diphosphate. According to Meyerhof's scheme glucose is phos- phorylated by a transfer of phosphate groups from adenosine triphosphate : — I I CH C— N li II ^. II II >CH OH OH OH II II ^ III N C— X CH— CHOH.CHOH.CH.CH2— 0— P— 0— P— 0— P— OH I 0 1 11 II 11 u 0 0 0 to give first hexosemonophosphate and then hexose diphosphate. At the same time the adenosine triphos- phate is converted through the diphosphate to adenosine monophosphate or adenylic acid : — X=-=:C'.NH., I I CH C— X II II %CH 9^ II II /^^ I N C— N CH.CHOH.CHOH.CH.CH2.O.P— OH I 0 I 11 The liexose diphosphate (fructose- I : G -diphosphate), under the infhience of the enzyme zymohexase, breaks 276 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY down to give a mixture of dihydroxyacetone mono- phosphate and 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde : — CH2O.PO3H2 CH0O.PO3H2 I I CO CO I 1 HOCH ^^ CH2OH I + HCOH CHO I I HCOH HCOH I I CH2O.PO3H2 CH2O.PO3H2 The dihydroxyacetone phosphate is converted into 3-glyceraldehyde phosphate by the enzyme isomerase : — CH2O.PO3H2 CH2O.PO3H2 I I CO ^=^ CHOH I • I CH2OH CHO The 3-glyceraldehyde phosphate, reacting with inorganic phosphate and co -enzyme I, is oxidised to 2 : 3-diphospho- glyceric acid whilst the co -enzyme is reduced (see p. 203) :— CHO COOH I Trio.se- | Dihydro- CHOH + H3PO4 + Co-enzyme I — > CHO.PO3H2 + co-enzyme 1 phosphorvlase | I CH2O.PO3H2 ^ CH2O.PO3H2 2 : 3-Diphosphoglyceric acid then loses phosphate to adenosine diphosphate :— 2 : 3-dipliosphoglyceric acid + adenosine diphosphate > 3-phosphoglyccric acid + adenosine triphosphate 3-Phosphoglyceric acid is converted by the enzyme, phosphoglyceromutase, to 2-phosphoglyceric acid and this by the enzyme, enolase, to phosphopyruvic acid : — COOH COOH COOH CHOH — =^ (^HO.POgHo .— ^ C.O.PO3H2 + H2O I I " II CHaO.POgHa CH2OH CH, (.■i-|)liosi)lioglyccric uci.l; (:.'-iili(»sphog:Iyct.'ric' m-i.t) (pliosijliopyruvi.- acid) ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 277 Phosphopyruvic acid is now dephosphorylated by adeno- sine diphosphate to give pyruvic acid and adenosine triphosphate which hands on its phosphate groups to fresh hexose molecules. Pyruvic acid is decarboxylated in presence of the enzyme, carboxylase, to give acetaldehyde and CO2 : — CUOH CO., I + CHO CO > I The acetaldehyde is reduced by dih^^lro -co -enzyme I to give ethyl alcohol : — CHO CH2OH I + Dihydro- CO -enzyme I > \ + Co-enzyme I CH3 (-H3 The CO -enzyme I thus becomes available again to oxidise 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde to more 3-phosphoglyceric acid, and the cycle is maintained. The reactions outlined above represent the " Stationary condition," in which acetaldehyde acts as hydrogen acceptor from dihydro -co -enzyme I. In the " Initial phase," as Meyerhof calls it, before any acetaldehyde is available 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde is dismuted with formation of a -glycerophosphate and 3-phosphoglyceric acid. The latter is involved in the series of reactions already described with the ultimate production of CO2 and alcohol whilst the « -glycerophosphate is hydrolysed to form glycerol and pliosphate. It is in this way that the 2 to 3 per cent, of glycerol jjroduced in a normal alcoholic fermentation arises. The initial phase can be inhibited by fluoride which prevents the utilisation of the 3-phospho- glyceric acid. The effect of fluoride can be overcome by adding acetaldehyde so that the initial phase is " by-passed." If acetaldehyde is fixed by addition of siilpliite or (limedon. or if the stationary (•(Hiditioii is 278 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY inhibited by mono-iodoacetate which blocks the conver- sion of glyceraldehyde phosphate to phosphoglyceric acid, the system continues in the initial phase and glycerol, via « -glycerophosphate, accumulates at the expense of alcohol. This scheme differs from Neuberg's in that glycer- aldehyde phosphate and not methylglyoxal is the inter- mediate in the formation of pyruvic acid (compare Kluyver's scheme). The formation of glycerol under alkaline conditions is explained in the same way as in Neuberg's scheme, the acet aldehyde undergoing a Cannizzaro reaction rather than being reduced to alcohol at the expense of dihydro -co -enzyme I. Biological Reduction. — It will have been gathered from what has gone before that reduction plays an important part in alcoholic fermentation, particularly the reduction of acetaldehyde to alcohol and of glycer- aldehyde to glycerol. If other hydrogen acceptors are introduced into the system they will compete for the hydrogen available and themselves become reduced. For instance, Neuberg showed that if an excess of acet- aldehyde was introduced into a fermenting mixture it first of all underwent condensation, as a result of the action of the enzyme carboligase, present in yeast, to give acetoin, CH3CO.CHOH.CH3 ; the acetoin could act as a hydrogen acceptor, and in doing so became reduced to give 2 : 3-butylene glycol, CH3.CHOH.CHOH.CH3. If the aeration of the solution was increased, or if other hydrogen acceptors such as methylene blue or sulphur were added, the yield of butylene glycol was lessened and acetoin accumulated, because oxygen or the other sub- stances diverted a considerable portion of the available hydrogen . A great variety of compounds can be reduced in the presence of actively fermenting yeast. Thus nitro- benzene gives aniline, benzaldehj^de is converted to ]}onzyl alcohol, and the ketone, methylheptanone, gives ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 279 the alcohol, methylheptanol ; the process is not restricted to organic compounds, but inorganic substances, too, can be reduced in this way ; sodium thiosulphate, for example, yields hydrogen sulphide and sodium sulphite, and elementary sulphur gives hydrogen sulphide. The fact that yields of optically active alcohols of considerably more than 50 per cent, can be obtained from optically inactive starting material indicates that true reduction occurs and not a Cannizzaro reaction, 2R.CH0 + H2O > R.CH2OH + R.COOH, which would give a maximum possible yield of 50 per cent. For instance, aldol, CH3.CHOH.CH2.CHO, gives 63-5 per cent, of optically active 1 : 3-butylene glycol, CH3.CHOH.CH2.CH2OH. The hydrogen used in these redactions is in all probability that produced during the formation of the pyruvic acid from the three-carbon intermediate, since in one case at least, when methylheptanone is reduced to methylheptanol, an amount of acetaldehyde can be iso- lated corresponding to the amount of methylheptanol produced. Moreover, these reductions occur only during active fermentation and do not take place in the presence of yeast suspensions alone, which indicates that the reduc- tions are coupled with the normal fermentation reactions. These reductions are frequently called ph}i:ochemical reductions, yeast being regarded as a plant. Fusel Oil. — Besides the glycerol, alcohol and carbon dioxide, which are the main products of the action of yeast on sugar solutions, small quantities of other products are also formed. The chief among these are the higher alcohols constituting the high boiling fraction, fusel oil, which represents 0-1 to 0-7 per cent, of the products. It was originally thought that the higher alcohols originated as by-products of the sugar breakdown, but it was proved ]>y Ehrlich that their real source is the amino -acids derived from the medium or from the autolysis of yeast ]9 280 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY cells. He showed that leucine, (CH3)2CH.CH2.CHNH2. CO OH, was converted by yeast in sugar solution to iso- amyl alcohol, (CHgjgCH.CHg.CHaOH, and that ^5oleucine, CH3.CH.CH.NH2.COOH, gave rise to cZ-amyl alcohol, C2H5 CH3.CH.CH2OH, by loss of carbon dioxide and ammonia. I C2H5 Other amino -acids were found to undergo the same sort of conversion giving rise to the corresponding alcohol (see p. 231). The production of these alcohols is only brought about by living cells which are actively growing in a sugar medium. Yeast juice and yeast preparations, like zymin, do not lead to the conversion of the amino -acid to the alcohol, nor does living yeast in the absence of sugar. It seems that the process is bound up with the life of the cell, and is the mechanism by which the organism obtains the nitrogen for its synthetic processes. All the ammonia produced is assimilated by the cell, and practically none accumulates in the medium. Yeast juice or zymin, which do not produce new cells, do not assimilate ammonia and the reaction does not occur ; living yeast in the absence of sugar does not grow and reproduce, and again there is no demand for ammonia for synthesis. This dependence of fusel oil production on the nitrogen metabolism is further illustrated by the fact that if a readily available source of ammonia is present in the form of salts, the production of the higher alcohols is very much lowered because the requisite ammonia is supplied more readily from the salts. It is very probable that the flavours and bouquets of fermented drinks depend largely on the proportions and natures of the various alcohols and esters produced ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION 281 in this way, these proportions depending in their turn on the amino -acids present in the liquors being fermented. For further reading : — A. Harden, " Alcoholic Fermentation," Fourth Edition. Monographs on Biochemistry. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1932, A. J. Kluyver, " The Chemical Activities of Micro-organisms," Lecture I. University of London Press. London, 1931. 0. Meyerhof, " The Intermediate Products and the Last Stages of Carbo- hydrate Breakdown in the Metabolism of Muscle and in Alcoholic Fermentation." Nature, September, 1933, 337, 373. S. C. Prescott and C. G. Duim, " Industrial Microbiology." McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc. New York, 1940. R. Robison, "The Significance of Phosphoric Esters in Metabolism." New York L'niversity Press. New York, 1932. M. Schoen, " Le Role du Phosphore dans les Processus de Fermentation." Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol, 11 (1929), 819. CHAPTER XVI THE FERMENTATION PRODUCTS OF J THE LOWER FUNGI I SINCE Wehmer's classical work on the production of m oxalic acid by fungi in 1891 a vast bulk of data on | mould fermentations has accumulated, as a result of which it emerges that there are three main differences between bacterial and mould fermentations. The first of these is that the moulds appear to have considerably greater and more diverse synthetic powers than the bacteria. They are able to produce a large variety of compounds, aromatic as well as aliphatic, besides the normal cell constituents, proteins and nucleic acids. The range of these synthetic powers is indicated by the following examples of some of the types of product encountered : Benzopyrone, quinones, phenolic acids, heterocyclic compounds, pyrones, long chain fatty acids, fats, polysaccharides and sterols. Secondly, and perhaps most important from a practical point of view, the fungi produce non-volatile, often polybasic, acids, of which oxalic, citric and gluconic acids are the most important. They usually produce about 0-1 per cent., and never yield more than 1 per cent., of volatile acids. Lactic acid has only been reported as a mould product from Monilia, Mucor rouxii, Rhizopus oryzce and Rhizopus chinensis. If volatile acids are formed during the meta- bolism of the fungi they are immediately further broken down ; indeed, it has been shown that the volatile acids are even more readily attacked by fungi than are sugars. Bacteria, on the other hand, produce large quantities of such volatile acids as acetic, propionic, butyric and lactic acids. Thirdly, the moulds never seem to give rise to hydrogen or metliane among their 282 PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 283 products, whilst liydi'ugeii is a very comiuoii product of bacteria and methane is formed comparatively frequently. The function that these very varied compounds perform is still in very large measure unknown. The carbohydrates and fats probably serve as storage or reserve materials as also may such acids as gluconic and citric acids. Some products, such as the yellow pigment, citrinin, may play the part of oxidation-reduction systems. Other substances may exert a protective effect by depressing or inhibiting the growth of other organisms. For example, many moulds develop such acid conditions (jjH 1 to 2) that bacterial growth is stopped. An inter- esting case is the production by Pemcillium notatum and P. chrysogenum of the antibiotic penicillin which has marked specific bactericidal powers ; in very high dilution it entirely suppresses the growth of the pyogenic cocci and organisms of the diphtheria group, but it is easily tolerated in higli concentration by other organisms such as those of the coli -typhoid group, the influenza bacillus and the enterococci. Many other antibiotic substances are now loiown (see Chapter XI). In considering the metabolic products of the lower fungi it must be remembered that they are essentially aerobic organisms. If an adequate supply of air is available they usually completely oxidise, to carbon dioxide and water, not only the carbohydrate originally present in the medium but also the metabolic products which they themselves have formed. Consequently the incubation periods allowed for formation of the products must not be too long or low yields result ; the fermenta- tions are usually stopped just before all the initial nutrient substance has been used up. Acid Production by Fungi Acids of a wide variety of structures are synthesised by the lower fungi from glucose as the sole source of carbon. A list of them is provided in Table 19. 284 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY , <* , ^ o 55 ••» >* m §1 'r< •1 if ^'~ ft:; s Q ^ ^"^ '^ e y to _to o o o 'S ;l.^ g~ 'C "^ £ ■| to ?S to •S » s 4 07iilia ferum . niger ■^ -^ ^ ^ ^ f^ ^ ■ 1^ ^ ^ ^ w • ■ • • • • ' « o o o o W GO w w o o q o o i , , o o II q o o o o o o o o o o § o q q o 6 q o o d q o o o o o o W W W W W W W d o o o o o o o a W o w" w" o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o . • ■ ' • ■ ■ • • >^ • X J 3 1 3 1 '3 _o T S ' QQ. >j Q ^ 8 o _o i rO <5 II 'T3 1 :2 :2 o 1 3 3 o 1 o 1 .2 'S _o o c '3 to o o ;3 o "o >;5 O -f^ 'S,>^ t>. ^ >5 le § 3 ^^ s JO O O ;C kJ g p^ M S W <1 "^ PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 285 i-i H >* &5 V > 1 w Si C g •CS it ii •2 s -^ fell 11 1 S 5^ I, 5^ s o ■S'-p _:?: .|. ,o .l. ^ 1 '^■1 ■^ § t' S •^ •^ ^ ^ ;:i "^' a^ ^ ^ ^* • ■ M • O ' o ' » q . W M H q W o X o o O d o HI o o o 9 q q o o o o M W W 1 o q iu II o o o O o d o 5' d q q=^ a" o o q— ;^ O sT w W Q W W o o o o o ^ ^ O Q o o ■ ' ' ' ' ' ' O r-< c5 =0 •? , , . o rs § . 1 3 < "i 'i c3 8 1 pyruvic o '2 'S 8 'S 1 C o ched C nethyl 'S ^ s — ^ 5: .3 c5 s o § O :c >- 1 ^ 1— I < 28o BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY ' s eo"'^ o ?: s ~ • ^ s o o s: S >l •2^ 1 - ■^1 w Q 0) w . ft ^ ^ '"'^'i^ p ^ i e s 5 fi '^ i § 1 1 5 ^ *1 ^ (^ f^ a^"" ft^ • ■ ■ . o o — cq w w w ^ ^ o o o w w W W o m'° rt o O— o— o 7--) W H p o 1 g-O o o o - C CO (OH).CH OOH d Hi o COOH H.C(OH) 5 8 tl 4 g- o q— u II q — o O " — q II > w' W ^ ._5' w o o o o o o CO n n o w w w ^ o o o o . K*-> >> • X o O --H ts • t- o 'B, O -tJ r-1f c3 ■ © rO O vLTc tj ^^ "3 _, © o o , 3 ■MI- r2 ft ll fl^ T^ tf 'k 1J 5 e .1 e ^ ►Si ►ss o « o « a^ c^ R^ ft^ ' ' W ' O Cl CT " w rt . ' q o W w' g A. o o q t3 K o o d ^ o d ^ o m o d d 1 \o I \o ^ O q O s / 5 ^ / 0-'^\ ^~*^'\ ^ W/ 2, W / \o ^~3' 11 / W /° s X J-g/ o — q ^ M o Q M K o o O o o o __^ _ s . ^^ s .1 >- ydro for ityrylj-y lactone) 1 o ^ ^ .in . 3 6-S o ^•2 ^^-- a ^ (J O u -^ I ^ d ? >5 -£3 -») ^ifi 1l " Is irlosic carbox; acid) d o 6 o 288 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY g ^ § 1 e*^ >* ■o •1 M ^ •o* o a. si ^^' w ft^ H w" „/ %. 9 o i q 5 w o li V ^c CO d 9 o W- o O— o/ II \ q li II d CO d W q .,.Q w' w'^'^w' o o o o o _o 1 1^ o O >J 'g SI §^ o o ^ >. 1-5 ' t-, a; p^ f^ .S c^ T. a 2 g'?^ o ,j3 QQ.§H ce^? 19 ^ ^•i ^'>^'i> Tj 0 1 1 .2 1^^ §1^ Is II H (^ <3l C<1 PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 289 a Q f P. griseo-fnlvnm P. flexiiosiun P. brevi-compactum P. patidum A. niger J- d K 5 XX X w o o o o o o ^ 8/ — \ 8/ \ 8/ \S \ / \ / \ / ^ GO Q - W M i ii O fc^ Phenolic acids — O-Methyl-salicylic acid - Gentisic acid (H-hydroxy-sali- cylic acid) Gallic acid (3:4:r)-trihy- droxy-bcnzoic acid) 290 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY S S Q § 5S S O o Q c v3 P s s S^ S^ o § o I'l ? s Uh 5^ ?1h e _ O 8/— \§ o I o ^o ^o o c O fl -23 ts g^ 8s (M r-H t^^ II X © rQ '^ >.;:;^ f^*?" -c >> M >> 'X C ft fl ft a 1 Qj »o ^ '9. ft CO CO ^1 O S ;^ CO PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 291 d » CD w J^ '3 '3 >> S g e 30 EC D 3 1 Is if g 5 s •5 t3 p 8 =0 3 2 .1 «;3 1 Ph 'S •^ o to - s a. a^ •s S5 1 •S s e .^^ -^ -1 'S^ i a '^ ft^ !^^ o; a. ^' to So a^ "i - . ^ ; a • « t3 1 /o-o^ ' 8< > g • xn o \ / „ W /-=^\ ffi , W o W o o o 8< > 3 as -J c O g 13 o o B 5 00 X^ K s 2 K ft- 00 o ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ o ■ ■ . • . ■ ""H 73 "3 1" , , , , . 3.2 o "S S OD N ■^ 1 o c ^ ' 1:5 ' • ■ I— f £J >j "2 '3 1 § H- 1 '"' ll- < X c3 .2 If n r:i 3 e3 '3 c5 S| "3 c 0) 8| 1 1 .2 .2 'c o O ■g 2 s •a 1 - ^ 'S 3 5 O ■fS> CO 1 s 5 292 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Oxalic Acid. — Oxalic acid was recognised quite early in the form of crystals of calcium oxalate in many moulds. Wehmer in 1891 showed that it was a fermentation product and could be produced by Aspergillus niger from a variety of substrates, including glucose. He demonstrated that large yields of calcium oxalate can be obtained by maintaining the medium more or less neutral by the addition of calcium carbonate, which precipitates the oxalic acid as fast as it is formed. Other species of Aspergillus and some species of Penicillium also give oxalic acid in good yield. Citric Acid. — Citric acid was first described as a mould product by Wehmer in 1893, who claimed that it was pro- duced only by two species of Penicillium-like organisms for which he created the genus Citromyces. However, he himself showed later that citric acid formation is not so restricted, but is, in fact, a common characteristic of many species of Penicillium and Aspergillus, particularly of the black species of the latter. By suitable adjustment of the conditions of fermentation, namely, by growth in a medium at pH 1 to 2 instead of the more usual ^H 6 to 7, it is possible to suppress almost entirely the production of oxalic acid by A. niger and to obtain citric acid as almost the sole product. The strong acidity inhibits the growth of bacteria, yeasts and most other fungi, which makes the process very useful and easy to control industrially. It is used in America for the large-scale production of citric acid. Gluconic Acid. — Gluconic acid seems to be an almost constant product of fermentation by A. niger. It was first reported as such by Molliard in 1922. He showed in subsequent work that it was possible to produce oxalic, citric or gluconic acids at will as the main product by varying the proportion of the mineral constituents of the medium. Reduction of the amount of phosphate and nitrogen to a minimum gave greatly increased yields of gluconic acid, as much as 80 to 90 per cent, being PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 293 obtained. Lowering the nitrogen supply raises the yield of citric acid, whilst high nitrogen and phosphate with low potassium gives rise to good yields of oxalic acid. The process is worked industrially in the United States, using P. luteum (variety ruhrisclerotium) . In view of the high yields obtained from glucose it is considered that the formation of gluconic acid is a direct oxidation of glucose by the enzyme glucose -oxidase and is quite independent of the reactions by which citric acid is formed. This is further borne out by the facts that there is no correlation between the times of maximum formation of the two acids and that there is no formation of citric acid from gluconic acid. Some, but not all, other sugars are oxidised in a similar way by Penicillium luteum to give the corresponding acids ; thus mannose is oxidised to mannonic acid and xylose to xylonic acid, but galactose and arabinose are not affected, although they may be oxidised by other fungi. Lactic Acid. — Rhizopus oryzce, when grown with urea as a source of nitrogen in surface culture or as an aerated, submerged growth in a rotating di'um, may convert up to 75 per cent, of the glucose utilised into c^-lactic acid. Other species of Rhizopus produce large quantities of Z-lactic acid from glucose, together with small quantities of formic acid, acetic acid, fumaric acid, /-malic acid, succinic acid and ethyl alcohol. Fumaric and Malic Acids. — These acids are not very common mould products but are formed in comparatively low yields by the action of one or two species of Rhizopus and Aspergillus from glucose, fructose, galactose or arabinose. It is possible that they are normally inter- mediates in the formation of other acids. Succinic Acid. — Succinic acid is a rare product of mould metaboHsm, although it is fairly commonly pro- duced by yeasts and bacteria. It is probably formed by all three tvpes of organism by the breakdown of the amino - acid, glutamic acid, COOH.CHg.CHa.CHNHg.COOH, 294 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY derived from degradation of the cell proteins, by the mechanism of oxidative deamination followed by de- carboxylation and oxidation (see p. 230) : — COOH.CH2.CH2.CH.COOH— >COOH.0H2.Cn2.CO.COOH— >C00H.CH2.CH2.CH0 NH2 I (glutamic acid) (a-ketoglutaric acid) COOH.CH2.CH2.COOH (succinic acid) It is known that A. niger and Ehizopus nigricans fix carbon dioxide and it is possible that succinic acid may be formed by this process (see p. 258). The largest yields of succinic acid are given by species of Fusarimn, Mucor and Rhizopus. Kojic Acid. — Kojic acid was first isolated from the mycelium of Aspergillus oryzoe, an organism used in Japan to ferment steamed rice, koji, to produce the alcoholic beverage, sake. It has been since shown to be produced by a number of other related Aspergilli and by one species of Penicillium, Some acetic acid bacteria, for example Bad. xylinoides, produce small yields of kojic acid from mannitol and fmctose. The closely CO related comenic acid, || || > is also produced HC C.COOH 0 by the gluconic acid bacteria. The constitution of kojic acid was established by Barger and Yabuta as the y- CO ., . . HO.C CH pyrone derivative, n \\ HC C.CH2OH o It is produced in 10 to 20 per cent, yields by the fer- mentation of glucose, fructose, sucrose, galactose, lactose, xylose, aral)inose, glycerol, mannitol and starch. The yield of the six-carbon compound, kojic acid, is just as PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 295 high from pentoses and glycerol as it is from hexoses, which suggests that it is not formed by a series of oxido- reductions from glucose, for instance, as its structure would at first sight indicate : — M^OlRl CO HOCiHiiHOiCH ^ HOC CH |i :.:": M " II II HCiOHi-HiCCHaOH HC CCH^OH XoT^ Xo/ (glucose) (kojic acid) It appears more likely that the sugars first of all undergo breakdown to a common intermediate which is then built up into kojic acid. The intermediate appears not to be acetaldehyde since the formation of kojic acid is not hindered by fixation of acetaldehyde by dimedon or sulphite. Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, which both produce kojic acid from glucose in culture, when plasmolysed by chloroform or toluene, convert starch, maltose, sucrose or glucose into glucosone, CHoOH. (CHOHJaCO.CHO. ^4. flavus converts glucosone into kojic acid in normal culture, suggesting that glucosone may be an intermediate between glucose and kojic acid. A less likely alternative is that all sugars are first con- verted into a single reserve polysaccharide and that this is the source of the sugar which is the immediate precursor of the kojic acid ; thus five hexose units might unite to give a C30 polysaccharide, and six pentose units or ten triose units condense to give the same polysaccharide. The difficulty is that the number of oxygen bridges would be different in each case. A further objection to the suggestion that reserve carbohydrates are involved is that kojic acid is not formed when dry mycelium is used as carbon source for the mould. Challenger has suggested that kojic acid may arise by the condensation of two molecules of dihydroxyacetone and oxidation : — 296 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY C = 0 OH H.CHOH /\ / \ -2H2O / \ HC C.OH > CH C.OH II + II +iO, II II CHoOH.C CH CH2OH.C CH \ / \ / OH HO Penicillic and Mycophenolic Acids. — In 1890 Gosio isolated moulds from diseased maize which gave rise to products, giving a blue colour with ferric chloride, which were thought to be toxic substances causing pellagra, now known to be a deficiency disease due to lack of nicotinamide. Later P. puherulum giving an acid, penicillic acid, C8H10O4, and P. stoloniferum giving mycophenolic acid, Ci7H2oOe, were isolated from mouldy maize. Penicillic acid has been shown to have the constitution y-keto- p-methoxy- S-methylene-Aa-hexenoic acid which exists in both the keto and lactone forms, the latter being p-methoxy- y-hydroxy- y-zsopropylidene tetronic acid : — CH3. CHgv >.C0.C(0CH3) =CH.COOH ^-=^ \C.C.(0H).C(0CH3) =CH.CO CH,^ CH.^ I I '. ^ The constitution of mycophenolic acid has not yet been fully worked out, but it contains the following nucleus which represents the demethylated acid : — C.OH CO HOOC.C ^ HO.C C.H 5^^12 Tetronic Acids. — Carolic, carolinic, carlic and carlosic acids, produced by P. cliarlesii when grown on glucose as the sole source of carbon, are condensation products PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 2!J7 of butyrolactone and succinic acid with y-methyltetronic acid and of butyrolactone and butyric acid with y-carboxy-methyltetronic acid respecti v^el}^, as shown by the formulae given in Table 19, (p. 287). It will be seen that they have stiTictures bearing a close resemblance to that of ascorbic acid, vitamin G, which is also said to be produced by some Aspergillus and Penicillium species, although the evidence rests on the demonstration of a substance reducing 2 : 6 dichloro- phenolindophenol and not on isolation of ascorbic acid. Terrestric and penicillic acids are also shown to be derivatives of tetronic acid. Theories of Acid Production by Fungi.— There is still a considerable amount of controversy as to the mechanism of the production of acids by fungi, particularly as regards the commercially important oxalic and citric acids. Ehrlich, in 1911, suggested that citric acid was formed as the result of the condensation of three molecules of acetaldehyde followed by oxidation of a methyl group and the aldehyde groups to give the carboxyl groups : — CH2.CHO CH2.COOH --> CH.CH3 > C(OH).COOH (citric acid) ^ + I I H.CHa.CHO CH2.CHO CH2.COOH This cannot be the correct mechanism, however, since the maximum yield of citric acid from a hexose would be 71 per cent., whereas in practice yields as high as 95 per cent, can be obtained readily. The theory of Chrzaszcz and Tiukow, according to whom acetic acid, derived by steps like those in alcoholic fermentation, condenses via succinic, fumaric and malic acids to give citric acid ; that of Bernhauer, according to which acetic acid condenses with succinic acid to give aconitic acid which in turn yields citric acid and that of Emde which suggests that citric acid arises by oxidation of (juinic acid are all su]>jeot to the same o])jecti()n that they do not allow for yields of citric acid as high as those 298 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY obtained in practice. This limitation obviously applies to any scheme which involves decarboxylation. That the same initial steps as occur in alcoholic fermentation leading to the formation of acetaldehyde (see p. 275) are not involved in citric acid production is shown by the fact that formation of the acid is not inhibited by the presence of mono-iodoacetic acid, but actually accelerated. Phosphorylation however, is involved since inorganic phos- phate and glucose disappear from the medium, with forma- tion of organic phosphate esters, as A. niger produces gluconic and citric acids. Inorganic phosphate is liberated again as gluconic and citric acids are further broken down to oxalic acid in older cultures. Eaistrick and Clark in 1919 investigated the produc- tion of oxalic acid from a large number of acids and showed that it was not formed from any three-carbon acid, such as propionic, pyruvic or lactic acids, nor from any mono -basic four-carbon acid, like butyric acid, but that the dibasic four -carbon acids, malic or succinic acids, and also acetic acid, gave rise to good yields of oxalic acid. They considered that the mechanism of its forma- tion from glucose was via ay-diketo-adipic acid which split to oxalacetic acid and acetic acid ; the oxalacetic acid split down further to give oxalic and acetic acids, whilst acetic acid was oxidised to oxalic acid, according to the scheme : — CHO CHOH COOH I CHOH I ^ CHOH CHOH — 2H2O CHOH CHOH CHOH CHOH CHgOH (gliicosf) COOH (saccharic acid) COOH I CO CH, CO OH •I-- + 1 I H CH, COOH CO OH •I-- + I CH, H COOH + COOH --> COOH + CH, COOH COOH COOH CH3 (JOOH COOH (aY-i'ilvct(>- (oxalacetic a(li|iic ucid) and acetic acids) COOH COOH (oxalic acid) PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 290 This mechanism accounts for the high yields of oxahc acid which can be obtained and also for the fact that it is formed from the four-carbon dibasic acids, which can all give rise to oxalacetic acid, and from acetic acid, but not from the three-carbon acids. They consider that citric acid is formed by the same mechanism as far as the breakdown into oxalacetic and acetic acids, which then recondense to give citric acid : — COOH 1 COOH CH3 1 CH2 + 1 > HO.C.COOH lO.C.COOH 1 II CH, CH 1 1 COOH COOH (oxalacetic acid (citric acid) enolic form) Challenger has suggested that citric acid may arise via saccharic acid and [3 y-diketo-adipic acid, which undergoes a benzilic acid transformation to give citric acid (a process which occurs in presence of alkali in vitro) : — COOH COOH COOH CHOH hn CH2 COOH 1 CHOH - -2H2O C.OH CO OH CH2 1 ^ 1 ^ CO H > HO.C.COOH 1 CHOH C.OH OHOH CH CH2 CH2 COOH COOH COOH COOH iharic acid) (3y -diketo-adijiic acid) (citric acid) He regards citric acid as being the source of oxalic acid via acetic acid, which is formed by decarboxylation of malonic acid derived from acetonedicarboxylic acid : — 300 BACTERTOLOaiCAL riHEMISTRY COOH CH, CH3COOH I I + HO.C.COOH > H.rOOH + CO > COOH CO^ I 11 + CH, CHo.COOH CH, > CH, > COOH I "^ III COOH COOH COOH COOH (acetonedicarboxylic (maloiiic acid) acid The evidence for these reactions is somewhat meagre ; small amounts of saccharic, acetonedicarboxylic and malonic acids were isolated, but p y-diketo-adipic acid could not be detected as an intermediate nor could added Py-diketo-adipic acid be fermented to citric acid. Citric acid can be formed from glycerol and pentoses as well as from glucose, fructose and sucrose. This sug- gests that the carlwn source is broken down to a common intermediate, which is then built up into a reserve carbo- hydrate characteristic of the particular fungus, and that this in its turn breaks down to give a hexose which is the immediate precursor of the citric acid. The same explana- tion may be offered of the formation of gluconic acid from the pentose, arabinose, of kojic acid from pentoses, of mannitol from glycerol and pentoses, and of poly- saccharides composed of hexose units from glycerol and pentoses . Assuming the production of a common hexose pre- cursor the theories of Butkewitsch, of Gudlet and of Ciusa and Briill become possible. Butkewitsch suggested that glucose was oxidised to glucuronic acid which underwent intramolecular aldol condensation to give a f ive-membered ring compound which was subsequently split and the terminal C atoms oxidised with formation of citric acid : — ■ PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER EUXGI 301 HCOH- -CHOH HCOH- CHO CHOH CHOH CHO HCOH HCOH (glucose) CHOH CHOH COOH CH, CHOH I CHOH / CHOH COOH (Glucuronic (acid) COOH CH2 / C(OH) COOH C(OH) COOH (citric acid) Gudlet suggested that glucose split to give succinic acid and acet aldehyde. The former was transformed through fumaric acid to malic acid, whilst the acetalde- hyde was oxidised to acetic acid which condensed with the malic acid to give citric acid. Ciusa and Briill found that increased yields of citric acid were obtained if glycollic and malic acids were added to A. niger fer- mentations, and suggested that citric acid was formed by their condensation : — COOH CH, ^HOH.COOH > I COOH COOH I CH2 C(OH).COOH CH2 COOH This suggestion resembles that of Kluyver and of Virtanen for the formation of succinic acid (see p. 250) by bacteria. It is possible that citric acid may be formed by a series of reactions analogous to part of the tricarboxylic 302 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY acid cycle involved in muscle metabolism. Oxalacetic acid can be formed by the condensation of carbon dioxide and pyruvic acid (see p. 258). Oxalacetic acid condenses with a further molecule of pyruvic acid to give cis- aconitic acid which gives rise to citric acid : — CO2 + CH3CO.COOH > C00H.CH2.C0.C00H^=^C00H.CH = C(0H)C00H (oxalacetic acid) — 2H COOH.CH = C(OH)COOH + CH3.CO.COOH > COOH.C = CH.COOH I + CO2 CH2.COOH COOH.C. = CH.COOH "^^^O COOH.C (OH)— CH2.COOH I ' I CH2.C00H c: (cis-aconitiG acid) (citric acid) Neutral Products of Fungi Ethyl Alcohol. — Many species of Aspergillus and Penicillium give more or less yields of alcohol, the most effective being A. oryzce which is used in Japan for the production of alcoholic beverages. Many species of Mucor produce alcohol, whilst most Fusarium species give large yields, equivalent to those given by yeasts. Phosphorylation reactions are known to be involved and it is highly probable that the mechanism is very similar to that of ordinary alcoholic fermentation by yeasts. Acetaldehyde. — Acetaldehyde has been detected by fixation methods in the case of moulds which produce alcohol. It is very probable that it is an intermediate in other fermentations as well. Glycerol. — Glycerol has been found among the products of Mucor, Aspergillus and Penicillium species and seems to be a normal fermentation product. It probably arises by a mechanism similar to that by which it is formed in yeast fermentations. PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI Ethyl Acetate. — P. digitatum, wliich causes the olive - green rot of citnis fniits, produces ethyl acetate, which appears to be characteristic of the species. Mannitol. — Mannitol is produced in yields as high as 50 per cent, of the sugar fermented by several species of Aspergillus, notably A. nidulans, A. elegans and some white species, and also by Byssochlamys fidva, Clastero- sporum, H. geniculatum and P. chrysogemun, from all sugars except fiiictose. On the other hand, when mannitol is formed as a bacterial product it is derived only from fructose and not from any other sugar. The reaction is, apparently, a direct reduction : — CH2OH I CO (CH0H)3 CH2OH (fructose) I CHOH I (CH0H)3 CH2OH (mannitol) When mixtures of fructose and glucose are fermented by bacteria the former disappears rapidly with formation of mannitol and acetic acid, whilst the glucose is fermented more slowly to lactic acid. In the case of the moulds it has been suggested that two molecules of glucose, for instance, undergo a Cannizzaro reaction with formation of gluconic acid and mannitol : — CHO + H2O + CHO I HCOH HOCH HCOH HCOH CH2OH (glucose) HCOH HOCH I HCOH I HCOH CH2OH (glucose) CH2OH HOCH HOCH COOH HCOH I HOCH HCOH OH (mannitol) ul OH CH2OH (gluconic acid) 304 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY If this were so it would be expected that the rechiction product would be sorbitol, CH2OH.HCOH.HOCH.HCOH. HCOH.CH2OH, corresponding in configuration to glucose, and not mannitol, which corresponds to mannose. Sorbitol, however, has never been detected in these fermentations . It is possible that the conversion does not involve glucose as such but the phosphorylated sugar, shown to be fructose diphosphate in the case of yeast fermentations. It has been shown that yields of 15 to 35 per cent, of mannitol, calculated on the sugar fer- mented, are formed by the action of a white species of Aspergillus on mannose, galactose, arabinose and xylose, but not from fructose. No acid is formed. According to the Cannizzaro reaction theory of mannitol and gluconic acid production, .the nature of the product which accumulates depends on the optimum ^^H conditions for the organism. Thus the white Aspergilli thrive in a neutral medium of about pYL 6 to 7 and utilise the gluconic acid, leaving mannitol in solution. A. niger on the other hand, favours an aoid medium and utilises the neutral product mannitol and allows gluconic acid to accumulate. The moulds afford a better commercial source of mannitol than bacteria, since they ferment the cheap sugar glucose and not the expensive fructose, and do not require organic nitrogen, in the form of peptone or yeast extract, as do the bacteria. In addition the moulds produce mannitol in almost pure solution with very few by- products. Mannitol is used in the form of its hexa- nitrate as a detonator. Products containing Sulphur, Arsenic or Selenium. — The cases of arsenical poisoning which used to occur as a result of the action of fungi on wallpapers printed with arsenic containing substances have long been considered as due to the formation of volatile substances of the type trimethyl arsine, (CH3)3As, which has been shown PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 305 to be a product of P. hrevirtntlc when (^ixjwu on bread containing inorganic arsenic compounds. Dimethyl selenium and dimethyl tellurium were similarly formed from sodium seleiiide and potassium tellurite respectively by P. brevicaule, P. chrysogenum and P. notatum. Di- methyl ethyl arsine, (CH3)2.C2H5.As, arises from sodiimi ethyl arsonate and methyl diethyl arsine, CH3.(C2H5)2.As, from diethyl arsenic acid ; n-propyl arsonic acid gives rise to dimethyl n-propyl arsine, (CH3)2.C3H7.As, in the same way. Similar derivatives of antimony could not be obtained by the growth of P. brevicaule in potassium antimony tartrate nor does the mould methylate sulphur. Challenger has suggested that the methylation is through the agency of choline or betaine which contains a mobile methyl group capable of being transferred under biological conditions, as shown by experiments using choline or betaine containing methyl groups " marked " with heavy hydrogen. The wood rotting fungus, Schizophyllmn commune, when grown on a synthetic medium containing inorganic sulphates produces methyl mercaptan, CH3.SH. A. sydowi, which can also produce volatile arsenic compounds, is capable of incorporating the inorganic sulphur of the medium into cyclic choline sulphate, I I , which IS an anhydride of choline sulphate. It has been shown that Verticillium albo-atnun and Botrytis cinereci, when grown on a medium containing asparagine and ammonium salts as sources of nitrogen, produce thiourea. The production of biotin (see p. 103) and of penicillin (see p. 171) obviously also involves the metabolism of inorganic sulphate with, formation of organic sulphur compounds, as does, of course, the synthesis of proteins which all contain sulphur in some of their amino acids and as SH groups, and which are formed by all micro-organisms. 306 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Chlorine containing Products. — Almost all the inor- ganic chlorine of Czapek-Dox medium is removed during the growth of A. terreus and is converted into geodin, C17H12O7CI2, and erdin, C16H10O7CI2. Although the con- stitution of the products themselves is not yet known, dihydroerdin (obtained by catalytic reduction of erdin) is methylated by diazomethane to give 3^ 5'-dichloro- 4:6:2': 6'-tetramethoxy-4'-methylbenzophenone-2-car- boxylic acid : — OCH3 ^ OCH3 I II ^ II r^ CH3O L IICOOH CHgO'l ICH3 CI Dihydro geodin is the methyl ester of dihydroerdin. Replacement of the potassium chloride in the medium by bromide or iodide did not give rise to the corres- ponding compounds although the organism grew normally. The yellow crystalline compound sulochrin, COOCH3 ^ OH I II ^ !l HOL lloCHa HO'I icHg which occurs in the mycelium of Oospora sulphur ea- ochracea, has a benzophenone structure very like that of dihydroerdin and dihydrogeodin although it lacks the chlorine atoms. Sulochrin is also related to the pigment ravenelin (see p. 396) since treatment of demethylated sulochrin with concentrated sulphuric acid gives rise to a xanthone derivative having a methyl group, a hydroxyl group and the carbonyl group in the same positions as those in ravenelin. PRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 307 Another chlorine containing metabolic product is the strongly dextrorotatory, colourless compound griseof ulvin obtained from the mycelium of P. griseo-fulvum, and thought to have the structure : — OCH3 CH CH30N^^ CI C CO I I C CH, CH CH, Other Products. — A number of other products includ- ing polysaccharides, pigments, sterols and fats, which will be described in Chapters XIX, XX, and XXI, together with the following examples serve to emphasise the very wide range of the synthetic abilities of the lower fungi. Some of the substances which illustrate the diversity of the products OH /^jCHaOH of the moulds are gentisyl alcohol, , which %/ OH is produced along with the corresponding gentisic acid OCH3 ^\ by P. patulum ; methyl anisate, , methyl %/ COOCH3 ^\CH=CH.C00CH3, cinnamate, , and methyl p-methoxy- %/ ^\CH=CH.C00CH3, cinnamate, , produced by the CHjO^/ wood rotting fungus Lentinus lepideus ; mellein, which 308 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY has been shown to be identical with ochracin, produced by A . melleus and A . ochraceus is a lactone of 6-hydroxy- 2-(a-hydroxypropyl) benzoic acid, OH which, on fusion with potassium hydroxide, yields 6- methyl salicylic acid. OH /^COOH "CH3 , Avhich is a product of P. griseo-fulvum ; terrein, which is obtained from A. terreus and has the structure, 4-propenyl-2-hydroxy- 3 : 5-oxidoc2/c?opentane-l-one CO HC CH.CH- HCOH -CH palitantin, C14H22O4, is a colourless, crystalline, unsaturated dihydroxy aldehyde formed by P. palitans. It has been noted that in many cases the same products may be produced from several sugars, including those with fewer carbon atoms, besides glucose as carbon source. This suggests, as has been pointed out above, that they are synthesised from either a common simple intermediate, possibly acetaldehyde, or else from a common reserve carbohydrate which is formed irrespective of the sugar with which the organism is supplied ; this may be represented schematically in the case of a pentose as : — 0 Pentose > Reserve Carbohydrate — ^-^ 5 Hexose > Other Products. TRODUCTS OF THE LOWER FUNGI 30!) In view of the very wide variety of products formed it seems almost certain that a simple building stone like acetaldehvde must be involved. For further reading : — F. Challenger, " Biological Methylation. ^'III. A Summary of recent work on Biological Methylation and some Hypotheses regarding its Mechanism." Chemistry and Industry, 61 (1942), 397, 413, 456. H. Raistrick, et alia, " Studies in the Biochemistry of Micro-organisms." Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B., 220 (1931), 1. See also numerous papers in the Biochemical Journal. H. Raistrick, (a) " Biochemistry of the Lower Fungi." Errjehnisse der Enzymforschung, 1 (1932), 345. ^b) " The Biochemistry of the Lower Fungi." Ann. Bevieiv of Biochemistry, 9 (1940), 571. CHAPTER XVII INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATIONS IN recent years there has been a very considerable expansion of the use of micro-organisms in industrial processes, largely due to a realisation of the variety of catalytic properties possessed by their enzyme systems. Many uses of bacteria and yeasts in industry, it is true, date back to time immemorial ; it is only necessary to mention the production of alcoholic beverages of all sorts, baking, tanning and the retting of flax and hemp in order that this may be realised. The Production of Glycerol by Fermentation. — As we have seen, glycerol is a normal product in alcoholic fermentation, where it occurs to the extent of about 3 to 4 per cent. During the 1914-1918 war period Connstein and Liidecke, in Germany, added sulphite and bisulphite to sugar solutions fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisice and obtained much increased yields of glycerol, which ran parallel with the amount of acetaldehyde fixed by the sulphite (which is probably converted to bisulphite by the action of carbon dioxide). As the sulphite solutions are strongly alkaline, and since the alkalinity increases during fermentation by production of sodium bicarbonate, the medium soon becomes un- suitable for continued fermentation, and recovery yields of about 25 per cent, of glycerol are obtained. This difficulty was overcome to a certain extent in Great Britain by the use of a mixture of approximately equi- molecular proportions of sodium sulphite and sodium bisulphite which l)uffers the solution at about pTL 7. The yield is about 30 to 35 per cent. INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATIONS 311 In America glycerol was produced by maintaining the medium alkaline with sodium bicarbonate, conditions under which acetaldehyde tends to undergo dismutation with formation of acetic acid and alcohol. Glycerol is formed in amounts corresponding to the quantity of acetaldehyde diverted from its normal function of acting as hydrogen acceptor in the formation of pyruvic acid (see p. 277). The British method gives the best yields, but the recovery of glycerol is difficult owing to the interference of the sulphite. Moreover, there is little or no market for the acetaldehyde produced as a by-product. The American method, although giving lower yields, is the best commercially, since alcohol is also formed and the proportion of glycerol and alcohol produced can be easily varied according to demand by adjustment of the degree of alkalinity. Molasses or hydrolysed wood pulp or similar vegetable w^astes serve as an effective sugar source for the growth of the yeast in glycerol fermentation. Power Alcohol Production. — The production of alcohol for fuel purposes and for use in the chemical and other industries has grown very largely within the past ten to fifteen years. The fermentation is generally carried out by the use of an appropriate strain of yeast to ferment molasses, which provides an excellent source of carbo- hydrate, nitrogen and mineral salts in immediately avail- able condition. An inoculum is built up from a pure culture of the yeast, maintained in the laboratory, by successive transfers to increasing quantities of molasses until a " seed " is obtained, about 5 per cent, of the final volume to be fermented. The molasses is maintained at pH 5, which allows good gro\vth of the yeast but inhibits the gro\\i:h of most bacteria which might act as contaminants. After fermentation for about forty-eight hours the alcohol, present to the extent of 5 to 10 per cent., is distilled off from the mash. 21 312 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY A more recent development is the use of vegetable wastes as a source of the necessary sugars for fermenta- tion. Practically all vegetable waste materials, such as straw, grass, maize cobs and husks, and sawdust contain insoluble hemicelluloses, built up largely of pentosans. The pentosans are broken down by a preliminary acid treatment to give the soluble pentose sugars. The mash so produced is fermented by yeast. Ethyl Alcohol-Acetone Fermentation. — Acetone and ethyl alcohol are produced from maize, potatoes, molasses and various vegetable waste materials by the action of B. aceto-ethylicus, which is probably identical with the starch fermenting organism, B. macerans. The fermenta- tion proceeds best at a temperature between 40° and 43°C. and in presence of calcium carbonate, to prevent development of excessive acidity, the mash after pre- liminary acid treatment being brought to a ^^H value about 8. The chief products are acetone and ethyl alcohol corresponding to about 8 to 10 per cent, and 20 to 25 per cent., respectively, of the carbohydrate fermented ; acetic, lactic and formic acids are also formed together with hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The solvents are separated by fractional distillation. Speakman suggested the following scheme as the mechanism of fermentation. Glucose is broken down, probably in a way similar to that in alcoholic fermentation, to give pyruvic acid : — CfiHiaOe > 2CH3.CO.COOH + 4H The pyruvic acid is then transformed in three ways, (1) to give lactic acid : — CH3CO.COOH + 2H — > CH3CHOH.COOH (2) to give carbon dioxide and acetaldehyde, the latter then giving alcohol : — + 2H --^ CHX'HoOH INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATIONS 313 (3) to give acetic and formic acids : — CH3CO.COOH + HO.H > CH3COOH + HCOOH. The balance between the three modes of fermentation will depend on the conditions prevailing. At a later stage in the fermentation acetone and ethyl alcohol are formed together, probably as a result of the condensation of acet aldehyde to give aldol, 2 CH3.CHO — > CH3CHOH.CH2.CHO, which then undergoes dismutation with a further molecule of acet aldehyde to give p-hydroxybutyric acid and ethyl alcohol : — CH3.CHOH.CH2.CHO O CH3.CHOH.CH2.COOH + 11 — > + CH3.CHO H2 CH3.CH2.OH The p-hydroxybutyric acid undergoes an oxidation- reduction with acetaldehyde to form acetoacetic acid and ethyl alcohol : — CH3.CHOH.CH2.COOH CH3.CO.CH2.COOH CH3.CHO + CH3.CH2.OH Finally acetoacetic acid is decarboxylated with formation of acetone : — Bakonyi has suggested that aldol undergoes an internal oxidation and reduction and splitting to give acetic acid and ethyl alcohol : — CH3CHOH.CH2.CHO ^ CHs-CHa.OH -r CH3.COOH Two molecules of acetic acid condense to give acetoacetic acid which is then decarboxylated to give acetone and Carlson dioxide : — (■H3.CUOH + CH^.COOK . ('H3.C0.('H,.(()()H i K.,i) CH3.CO.CH2.COOH > CH3.CO.CH3 + CO2 314 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Although acetoacetic acid may be derived by condensa- tion of acetic acid it seems unnecessary to postulate that the acetic acid is formed via aldol when it is known that acetaldehyde can give rise to it and ethyl alcohol by dismutation in presence of the enzyme aldehydemutase. Butyl Alcohol-Acetone Fermentation. — The production of acetone by fermentation processes was initiated during the 1914-1918 war period, when it was required in large quantities for the manufacture of explosives. The fer- mentation has undergone even greater development since that time as a result of the greatly increased use of butyl alcohol and acetone as solvents for lacquers and in the form of esters as plasticisers in the cellulose paints and varnishes and in cellophane preparation. When the process was developed in this country and the United States in 1915 the butyl alcohol was a by-product for which no market could be found ; nowadays it is the more valuable of the two products. The organisms responsible for the production of these solvents from starch and sugars are spore -bearing soil organisms of the type CI. aceto-butylicum, which are similar to the flax-retting organisms. Two groups of these organisms are recognised. One group produces the organic acids, butyric and acetic acids, but cannot ferment them further to the neutral products butyl and ethyl alcohols and acetone ; to this group belong the true butyric acid bacteria such as CI. hiityricum. The second group comprises the butyl alcohol bacteria which, under favourable conditions of the medium, reduce the inter- mediately formed acetic and butyric acids to ethyl alcohol, acetone and butyl alcohol. Some of these organisms, for example, CI. butyricum, require the medium to be main- tained neutral by the addition of calcium carbonate in order tliat they may bring about fermentation. For others, like CI. aceto-hutyliciwt,, the addition of calcium carbonate is unnecessary or even undesirable. INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATIONS 315 One uf the chief ooutaiiiinants pr(j(hi('iii Acetone - 10-5 Ethyl alcohol - 3 Hydrogen - - 1-5 The gaseous products are scrubbed to remove ethyl alcohol and acetone, and the carbon dioxide is removed by water under pressure, followed by dilute sodium hydroxide. The residual hydrogen is converted into ammonia by catalytic combination with nitrogen under pressure. A recently developed alternative is to remove only three- quarters of the carbon dioxide and to convert the remain- ing mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen into methyl alcohol by catalysis. The excess of carbon dioxide is solidified and used for refrigeration. The solvents are separated by fractional distillation. In the early stages of the fermentation acidity due to the production of acetic and butyric acids develops, but later falls again as the neutral products appear. If acetic or butyric acids are added to a fermenting mash, increased yields of acetone and but 3d alcohol, respectively, are obtained. It is suggested that the butyl alcohol is formed by reduction of butyric acid and that the acetone arises from acetic acid via aceto -acetic acid which is decarboxylated. The scheme is summarised by the following equations given by Kluyver : — /OK (1) CeHiaOe > 2CH3.CO.C^OH (methylglyoxal hydrate). \h Glucose breaks down to give methylglyoxal hydrate, probably by the same mechanism as in alcoholic fermenta- tion. The methylglyoxal hydrate then splits to give acetaldehyde and formic acid, which in turn yields hydrogen and carbon dioxide : — TXDTJSTRIAL FER:\rENTATTOXS 317 1 /''^ (2) CHg.CO.C^OH > CH3.CHO + H.COOH (3) H.COOH > H2 -f CO2 Part of the acetaldehyde is oxidised to acetic acid : — /OH (4) CH3CHO -f H,0 — > CHgC^OH — > H2 + CH3COOH, and part condenses to give aldol, which by internal rearrangement gives butyric acid : — OH -^ / (5) 2CH3.CHO->Cn3.CHOH.Cnj.CHO->CH,.CH = OH.C — On^CHj.CHz.CFj.COOH. 4 \ H The butyric acid is reduced by hydrogen formed in the production of acetaldehyde and acetic acid, to give butyl alcohol : — (6) CH3.CH2.CH2.COOH + 4H > CH3.CH2.CH2.CH0OH + H2O. Two molecules of acetic acid (formed according to equation 4) condense to give aceto -acetic acid, which is decarboxylated to give carbon dioxide and acetone : — OH OH ^ \ / (7) CHsC + H— C.COOH -> CHjC— GH2.COOH -> CHaCO.CH2.COOH + H2O \ / \ I OHH OH CH3COCH3 + CO2 The ethyl alcohol is formed as a side reaction by reduction of acetaldehyde : — (8) CH3CHO + 2H > CH3CH0OH, ^18 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY and similarly the small amyuiit of /6o-propyl alcohol arises by reduction of acetone :— (9) CH3.GO.CH3 + 2H — > CH3.CHOH.CH3. Kluyver's scheme outlined above should be modified so that the preliminary stages, represented by equations (1) to (3), agree with modern knowledge of the mechanism of alcoholic fermentation. In other words the various phosphorylation reactions leading to the formation of pyruvic acid (see p. 275) are very probably those really involved, rather than the formation and breakdown of methylglyoxal. In the present state of our knowledge there seems to be no reason to change the suggestions concerning the later stages. Lactic Acid Fermentation. — Lactic acid is one of the commonest of bacterial products and is produced by a wide variety of bacteria and yeasts. The earlier work was largely done in connection with the dairy industry and more particularly cheese manufacture. The first fer- mentation method for the production of lactic acid was described in 1841 by Boutron and Fremy before, however, it was realised that the action was bacterial. When it was established by Pasteur that this was the case, im- provements were made, although it was not until 1896 that pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria were used. The lactic acid bacteria were classified by Orla-Jensen in 1919 into two main groups : — 1. The Homofermentative or True Lactic Acid Bacteria which produce almost pure lactic acid from sugars. They are Gram positive, non-sporing, non-motile rods and cocci which give no surface growth on liquid media. They will not grow in the absence of organic nitrogen com- pounds ; they produce no catalase and do not reduce nitrates. The true lactic acid bacteria are further sub- divided into : — INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATIONS 310 {a) Rods (i) thermophilic, e.g. LactohaciUnshulyaricus, L. delbrilckii, (ii) mesophilic, e.g. L, casei. (h) Cocci, e.g. Streptococcus lactis. (c) An intermediate group, e.g. Str. cretnoris which gives some volatile acids (acetic and propionic) in addition to lactic acid ; Leuconostoc citrovorum (Str. citrovorus) and Leuc. dextranicum [Str. paracitrovorus) which give volatile acids and acetoin from lactic and citric acids. 2. The Hetero fermentative or Pseudo-lactic Acid Bac- teria which produce volatile acids, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, as well as lactic acid, which rarely exceeds half the sugar fermented. They exhibit surface grow^th on liquid media, reduce nitrates and produce catalase. The group includes organisms of the coli -aero genes type and a number of pathogenic organisms. At the present time thermophilic organisms like L. delhritckii {B. acidificans longissimus) or L. bulgaricus are used to ferment the maltose and sucrose in molasses, or glucose derived from the starch of potatoes, maize or other cereals (which are first submitted to acid hydrolysis or to the action of malt diastase), or the lactose in skim milk or whey. The optimum temperature for fermenta- tion is about 45° C, at which temperature the growth of most contaminating bacteria, especially the butyric acid bacteria, is inhibited. Yields of lactic acid of about 98 per cent., calculated on the sugar fermented, are obtained. The sterilised mash, containing about 10 to 15 per cent, of fermentable sugar, is inoculated under aseptic condi- tions with a pure culture of the appropriate organism, and fermentation allowed to proceed at the optimum temperature, which is maintained by steam pipes dis- tributed in the tanks. Calcium carbonate or lime is introduced at intervals in order to maintain the solution 320 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY neutral ov faintly acid ; the fei-nientatioJi is complete in four to six days. The calcium lactate is recovered from the mash by filtration, evaporation of the filtrate and crystallisation. The calcium is removed as calcium sulphate by addition of sulphuric acid and the lactic acid solution concentrated to about 50 per cent. Lactic acid is largely used for " deliming " hides, that is, for removing the lime employed in the " dehairing " process preparatory to tanning, and for softening hides. It is used extensively in the textile industry as a mordant in dyeing and for the acid dyeing of wool. It is much used in the form of its ethyl ester as a plasticiser in resins and lacquers and as a solvent for cellulose finishes. Lactic acid is finding increasing use also as a flavouring agent and acidulant in the preparation of " soft " drinks and food products. The initial stages of lactic acid fermentation are very probably the same as those of alcoholic fermentation, involving phosphorylation and co -enzyme I. If co- enzyme I is removed from lactic acid bacteria by washing they no longer produce lactic acid. Lactic acid fermenta- tion is accelerated by the addition of phosphates in a manner analogous to that of alcoholic fermentation. Two mechanisms are possible for lactic acid fermentation, the first A, going through pyruvic acid and the second, B, through methylglyoxal. zymohexase A. (1) Hexosediphosphate > Dihydroxyacetone phosphate + 3- phospho -gly ceralde hy de . isomerase (2) Dihydroxyacetone phosphate ■ > 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde (3) 3 -Phosi)hogly ceralde hyde + phosphate + co-enzyme I triosephosphorylase , , , , > 1 : 3-(liphosphoglyceric acid + dihydroco- enzynie I. (4) 1 : 3-I)iphosphoglyceric acid + adenosine diphosphate > 3-phos- phoglyceric acid + adenosine trijjhosphate. TNDUSTRTAT. FERMENTATIONS 321 (5) 3-t'husphiigly■ phos])ho|iyruvi<: acid. aiul phosphoglyccromutase (6) Phosphopyruvic acid + adenosine diphosphate > pyruvic acid + adenosine triphosphate. lactic (7) Dihydroeo-enzyme I + CH3.CO.COOH > Co-enzyme I -f (pyruvic acid) enzyme CH3.CHOH.COOH (lactic acid) Alternatively : — B. (1) Hexose diphosphate > 2-glycerophosphate. dehydrogenase (2) Glycerophosphate + 2 cytochrome > glyceraldehyde- phosphate + 2 reduced cytochrome. Cytochrome (3) 2 Reduced cytochrome + 0^— > 2 cytochrome + 2H2O. oxidase (4) Glyceraldehyde phosphate > methylglyoxal + phosphate. (5) CH3CO.CHO + H2O glyoxalase CH3.CHOH.COOH. (methylglyoxal) > (lactic acid) Glyoxalgise was first isolated from dog's liver by Dakin and Dudley, who showed that it converted methylglyoxal quantitatively to lactic acid. Glyoxalase has also been shown to be present in yeast and it has been shown that L. delbrilckii and Aerobacter aerogenes convert methyl- glyoxal quantitati v^ely to racemic lactic acid, whilst L. delbrilckii converts hexose -diphosphate into methyl- glyoxal and the latter to lactic acid. Some organisms, for example L. pentoaceticus , produce optically inactive lactic acid, whilst others, for example Str. lactis, yield the dextro-rotatory acid, and yet others, for example Leuconostoc mesenter aides, the Isevo -rotatory isomer. It has been shown that those organisms which yield inactive lactic acid contain an enzyme, racemiase, which racemises the d- or /- forms of the acid. The industrial production of lactic acid by fungi is possible using species of Rhizopus or Mucor in surface culture or in aerated submerged culture. 322 BAOTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Acetic Acid Fermentation. Vinegar Fermentation.— The production of vinegar from plant sugars via alcohol is one of the oldest fermentation industries. It involves two stages — the conversion of the sugar to alcohol by the action of yeasts, and secondly, the oxidation of the alcohol to acetic acid by various bacteria of the genus Acetobacter. The latter process is strictly aerobic and is accomplished in practice by trickling the alcohol solution over wood shavings impregnated with the bacteria. If too little alcohol is present the acetic acid formed is further oxidised to carbon dioxide and water and lost. The aeration has to be adequate or the oxidation of alcohol stops at the acetaldehyde stage. In the ordinary vinegar process the acetic acid is probably formed by direct oxidation of the alcohol via acetaldeh^^de : — /OH CH3CH2OH + 0 > CH3CHO + H2O > CHgC^OH + 0 — ^ CH3COOH + H2O. (acotaklehydo hydrate) - (acetic acid) The organisms A. ascendans, A. pasteuria7iimi and A. xylinum have been shown capable of converting acetaldehyde anaerobically to acetic acid by dismutation. The reaction is catalysed by the enzyme aldehyde mutase with the intervention of co -enzyme I as hydrogen carrier, the aldehyde acting as both donator and acceptor of hydrogen : — CH3CHO+ Co-enzyme I > CH3COOH+ reduced Co-enzyme I CH3CHO + reduced Co-enzyme I > CH3CH2OH + Co-enzyme I It is therefore possible that some of the acetic acid in vinegar fermentation is formed by dismutation of the acetaldehyde : — 2CH3CHO — > CH3CH2OH + CH3COOH. The alcohol so formed is then oxidised to acetaldehyde, INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATIONS 323 which again undergoes dismutation ; the process continues until all the alcohol has been converted to acetic acid. Under normal aerobic conditions, however, this reaction is much slower than the direct oxidation and contributes but a small proportion of the yield. The activity of the acetic acid bacteria in bringing about the oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid and keto- gluconic acid, of glycerol to dihydroxyacetone, and of secondary alcohol groups to keto groups has already been described (see p. 241 et seq.). Methane and Hydrogen (Power Gas) Fermentation. — In comparatively recent years the use of methane and hydrogen produced by the fermentation of cellulose wastes has developed considerably. The study of cellulose fermentation has been largely the work of Omelianski. There are three main types of cellulose degradation : — 1. Anaerobic at 20° to 37° C. with the production of methane and hydrogen. This fermentation is the result of the action of tw^o organisms — one CI. fossicularum, giving the hydrogen, and the other, CI. methanigenes, forming methane. CI. fossicularum is a long slender bacillus with terminal spores, which fails to grow on ordinary media. Its chief products are acetic, lactic and butyric acids, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The methane fermentation also produces much fatty acid but even more gas than the other, as much as 50 per cent, of the decomposed cellulose appearing as carbon dioxide and methane, the remaining 50 per cent, appearing mainly as acetic acid. The organism concerned is morphologically very similar to the hydrogen producing type, but the two can be separated by repeated short heatings at 75° C, by which the more rapidly developing methane -bacillus is killed off, leaving the slowly develop- ing hjTlrogen-producing organism in the resistant spore stage. Conversely, the hydrogen-bacillus can be elimin- ated by repeated transfers whilst the methane fermenta- tion is at its most active, the slow-growing hydrogen- o24 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY bacillus being " swamped out." These two organisms are very widely distributed in soil and mud. It is possible that Gl. methanigenes does not itself attack cellulose, but that it forms methane by the reduction of products formed by CI. fossicularum from cellulose. It is claimed that in most herbivorous animals 75 per cent, of the cellulose which they digest is hydrolysed by bacteria and not by the digestive fluids. 2. Anaerobic at High Temperature. — A number of thermophilic organisms decomposing cellulose have been isolated from soil and rotting plant residues. MacFadyen, in 1894, isolated several such organisms from rotting straw and showed that they grew at 60° C. and produced acetic and butyric acids together with methane and carbon dioxide. They were not pure cultures. CI. thermocellum, isolated in America, decomposes cellulose at 62° to 66° C. with formation of acetic acid and ethyl alcohol. CI. dissolvens resembles Omelianski's CI. fossicu- larum morphologically, but grows up to a temperature of 65° C. Cellulose, the only carbohydrate which it will attack, is broken down to acetic acid, lactic acid, butyric acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. CI. cellulo- lyticum (which may be identical with B. thermocellulyticus) breaks cellulose down with conversion of 64 per cent, of it to volatile acids of which 80 per cent, is formic acid and about 16 per cent, acetic acid, the remainder being propionic acid. 3. Aerobic Fermentation at 20° to 37° C. — A number of aerobic organisms decomposing cellulose are known, but usually they are in mixed cultures and are often symbiotic. Neither their bacteriology nor chemistry has yet been worked out satisfactorily. They produce acetic, butyric and lactic acids, which are further broken down by other organisms to water and carbon dioxide. CytopJutga liutcliinsoni converts a])out two-thirds of the carbon of the cellulose attacked into carbon dioxide. INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATIONS 3l'5 most of tlie remainder being found in the gimi ^\ hich the organism produces. Organisms of the genus Cellulomonas (small motile or non -motile rods which may be pigmented) also attack cellulose, but may use other organic sub- stances, though usuaily rather feebly. Some vibrios attack cellulose ; thus V. agar liquefaciens (Microspora agar liquefaciens) produces acetic and formic acids from cellulose and also attacks agar. V . amylocella forms the same products from cellulose, starch and dextrin. Cellu- lose is also attacked by the sporing organisms Cellulo- hacillus rnucosus and C. myxogenes. The anaerobic fermentations are used as sources of j)ower gas and solvents from cellulose wastes and from the decomposition of sewage sludge. Mineral salts are added to the mash of w^ood pulp, sawdust, corn cobs, maize or other plant residues, an inoculum of appropriate thermo- philic organisms introduced, and fermentation allowed to proceed at about 65° C. The conditions in the mash soon become anaerobic. Hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide are produced together with some alcohol and acetic acid, which is neutralised by calcium carbonate. The carbon dioxide is separated from the gases and the combustible gases used for lighting purposes or for operating gas engines. The acetic acid is either re- generated from the calcium acetate or the latter distilled with formation of acetone. This process is extensively operated in the " corn belt " of the United States, where maize stalks and straw are partially fermented by cellulose- and pectin-destroying organisms Avith production of power gas and solvents ; the more resistant fibrous parts of the stalk composing the vascular bundles are not attacked, and are used for the manufacture of cardboard. The cellulose in plant wastes may also be partially decomposed, giving combustible gases and leaving humin which is used as a fertiliser, and the same applies to the anaerobic fermentation of sewage, where the gaseous products are again methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. 32(> BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY In this latter case the fatty acids and proteins in the sewage also contribute their quota to the decomposition products. The primary stages in the breakdown of cellulose are probably hydrolytic with formation, by the action of the enzyme cellulase, of the disaccharide cellobiose which in turn is hydrolysed by the enzyme cellobiase to glucose. These enzymes have been obtained in cell-free filtrates of Cellulohacillus myxogenes and C. mucosus. Cellobiose and glucose can usually only be detected as products of the action of these organisms when the air supply is restricted (preventing further degradation) or when the growth of the organisms is prevented by such substances as toluene. Dextrins may form an intermediate step between cellulose and cellobiose. Some confirmation of the intermediary nature of cellobiose and glucose is afforded by the fact that the action of CytopJuiga hutchinsoni on cellulose is inhibited by the presence of 0-1 per cent, of glucose or 1 per cent, of cellobiose which are used preferentially. The acids and other products of these micro-organisms in all probability arise by the usual metabolic reactions from the glucose so formed. It has been claimed that the gums so often produced by cellulose decomposing organisms may consist of oxycellu- lose and polyuronides formed by the oxidative break- down of the cellulose, but the evidence is not at all sound. It has been shown that the fatty acids are broken down by spore -bearing thermophilic bacteria, with the production of methane and carbon dioxide only in yields as high as 90 per cent. The process is in effect an oxidation-reduction process involving water, as shown by the empirical equation : — n— 2 n 1-2 :}n— 2 ,^^ CuHanOa + ^-H^O > — — CO^ + ^^^H^, (fatty acid) INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATIONS 327 which is borne out by the gas ratios actually found. It is considered that the methane from cellulose is formed in this way from fatty acids, w^hich are the first breakdown products of the cellulose. The amino -acids from proteins are also subject to the same sort of degradation, the amino group giving rise to ammonia. Citric and Gluconic Acids.— The production of citric and gluconic acids from sugars by fungi has already been described (see p. 292). The processes are used on a com- mercial scale in the United States, making use of shallow pan fermentations, in which a felt of mycelium of A. niger, P. citromyces or P. luteum develops on the surface of the medium. Sometimes a continuous process is used in which fresh sugar solution is fed under the established mycelial felts as the fermented liquor is drawn off. Sometimes fermentation in rotating drums, using sub- merged cultures, has been found more efficacious. For further reading : — K. R. Butlin, " The Biochemical Activities of the Acetic Acid Bacteria." D.S.I.R. Chemistry Research Special Report No. 2. H.M. Stationery Office. London, 1936. H. T. Herrick, et alia, "Industrial Fermentations." Ind. Eng. Chem.' 22 (1930), 1148. A. G. Norman and W. H. Fuller, " Cellulose Decomposition by Micro- organisms." Advances in Enzymology, 2 (1942), 239. S. C. Prescott and C. G. Dunn, " Industrial Microbiology." McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York, 1940. CHAPTER XVIII THE PROTEINS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS THE proteins are essential constituents of all living cells and are perhaps the most important as well as the most complex substances synthesised by micro- organisms. In spite of this, however, they can be built up by certain organisms from the very simplest of starting materials. For instance, B. aminovorans can thrive on methylamine, in the absence of light, as its sole source of carbon, nitrogen and energy, producing from it complex proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The proteins, because of their complexity, their colloidal nature and the lack of any criterion of purity, are the most difficult of sub- stances to study chemically, and we loiow comparatively little of their internal make-up. We know that they are built up of amino -acids joined together through the carboxyl group of one and the amino group of the next to give peptide linkages : — R.CH.(NH2).COOH+NH2.CH.R > R.CH.(NH2).C0.NH.CH.R. +H0O. COOH COOH The process is repeated, an amino-acid joining on to the dipeptide first formed to give a tripeptide, and this taking up another amino-acid and so on until polypeptides, protamines and, ultimately, proteins are formed. The proteins have very high molecular weights ; according to Svedberg's findings they ai'c multiples of about 34,000 or 35,000. 32S THE PROTEINS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 329 By hydrolysis proteins can be split up into their constituent amino -acids and those which go to make up any particular protein identified, but as to the arrange- ment of the amino-acids in the protein molecule we are at present largely ignorant. As a result of the study of the proj)ortions of various amino-acids in proteins Bergmann concludes that the total number of amino-acid residues, Nt, in any protein can be expressed by the equation Nt=2" X 3"' where 7^ and m are positive whole numbers. The experimental values suggest that Nt=2^ X 3'^ =288 or whole number multiples of it. Since the numbers of any particular amino-acid, such as glycine or alanine or tryptophane, in the protein can also be expressed as Ni=2'*' X T' it seems plausible to regard the amino- acids as being arranged in a regular repeating pattern in the peptide chain, the pattern being characteristic of the protein. Thus in silk fibroin, for which Nt = 2^ X 3*, half the amino-acid residues consist of glycine, Ng=2* X 3* ; that is each glycine unit is separated from the next by another amino-acid. : — — G — X — G — X — G — X — The number of alanine residues is found to be Na = 2^ x 3"^ which means that every fourth residue is alanine : — — G — X — G — A — G — X — G — A — G — X — G — A — Tyrosine occurs in much smaller quantities, represented by Nt=2^ X 3^, indicating that every sixteenth amino-acid is tyrosine : — — G — A — G — X — G — A — G — X — G — A— G — X — G — — A — G — T — G — A — G — X — G — A — G— X — G — A — — G— X— G— A— G— T— G— 8imih\rly for the other amino-acids which fit into thr^ii- ])laces in the ])epti(lo chaiii. which cojistitutos silk fi])i'()iji. 330 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY in a rhythmic order depending on their proportion in the molecule. Other proteins, although built up of the same amino acids, differ from silk fibroin and one another in having different proportions of the amino -acids and, therefore, different periodicity or internal structure. A certain amount of information is being obtained as a result of studying the action of specific peptidases which attack only peptide groups between particular amino -acids. By this means it has been found possible to determine whether or not certain pairs of amino-acids, for instance, occur together in a given protein. Obviously, considering the number of amino-acids available (about twenty) and the number present in a protein, the number of possible arrangements and, therefore, of possible proteins is extremely large. It is to this great variety of proteins that we owe many of the serological reactions of bacteria, the reactions of antigens and antibodies affording a means of detecting the subtle differences in arrangement of the amino-acids which are at present beyond the power of chemical methods. As was mentioned in Chapter V, the proteins of bacteria and the yeasts are in the main very like those of plants and animals, containing the same amino-acids in much the same proportions, and falling into the globulin or albumin groups, as these are determined by solubility properties . An interesting recent development in connection with the proteins of micro-organisms is the claim put forward by Stanley that the virus of tobacco mosaic disease is a crystalline protein. The protein can be isolated only from diseased plants. Inoculation of healthy plants with as little as 10~^^ g. of the crystals produces the disease and gives rise to the production of large quantities of the protein. It has a molecular weight, determined by sedimentation in the ultracentrifuge and from its size according to X-ray analysis, of about 17 million ; the molecular weight of the normal proteins of the healthy THE PROTEINS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 331 plant does not exceed about 30,000. It is inactivated ]>y treatment with hydrogen peroxide, formaldehyde, nitrous acid or ultra-violet light, and can then no longer provoke the disease nor call forth the production of further protein ; the protein is not denatured, and the molecular weight and crystalline form are not altered by this treat- ment, nor is the serological behaviour with antisera prepared against the active protein or the juice of infected plants. Denaturation by acid, alkali, heat or oxidation causes not only loss of activity but also loss of the other characteristic properties of the protein. Covering of up to 70 per cent, of the amino groups by acetylation or conversion to the phenylureido group does not cause loss of activity a) chough further treatment results in inactiva- tion of the virus. Twenty to forty per cent, of the phenolic groups of the tyrosine residues can also be masked by acetylation without destroying the activity of the virus. Inoculation of the acetyl- or phenylureido - virus into tobacco plants gives rise to the disease and to reproduction of normal virus and not acetylated virus. A similar crystalline protein having the proj)erties of the aucuba mosaic viiiis has also been isolated from the juice of infected plants. It differs from the ordinary mosaic virus protein in having larger crystals (0-03 mm. long), an isoelectric point at pK 3-7 instead of 3-3, in being considerably less soluble and in having a sedi- mentation constant about 20 per cent, greater. The virus particles are believed to be thread-like macro - o o molecules about 3000 A units long and 150 A units wide, but their size varies with the treatment used during isolation, suggesting that they are built up by polymerisa- tion of smaller molecules of molecular weight about o o 15,000 and 150 A units long and 15 A wide. It has been suggested that the virus protein may be formed either by polymerisation of the normal plant proteins or by direct synthesis under the autocatalytic influence of the protein itself. 332 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Tobacco mosaic vims has tlie composition of a nucleoprotein of the yeast type, containing ribose, guanine, cytosine, adenine and uridylic acid. The protein portion contains 9-0 per cent, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, leucine, lysine, 6-7 per cent, of phenylalanine, 4-7 per cent, of proline, 6-4 per cent, of serine, 5-3 per cent, of threonine, 4-5 per cent, of tryptophane and 3-9 per cent, of tyrosine. Alanine, glycine and histidine appear to be absent. No lipoid material could be detected. Besides the proteins, the protoplasm of micro-organ- isms contains the nucleoproteins and nucleins which constitute the nuclear material of the cell. This may be dispersed more or less uniformly throughout the cell contents, as in most bacteria, or it may be collected in granules as in the metachromatic or volutin granules of the diphtheria bacillus, or in true nuclei as in the yeasts. The nucleoproteins are soluble in dilute alkali, and are precipitated from such solutions by dilute acids. They constitue about 2 or 3 per cent, of the dry weight of bacteria. The nucleoproteins are complex molecules which break down on hydrolysis to yield a basic protein — histone or protamine — and nuclein. Nuclein on hydrolysis breaks down further to yield another protein and a nucleic acid. Nucleic acids on hydrolysis with cold alkali are degraded into nucleotides. There are two main types of nucleotide (a) those derived from yeasts and plants and (6) those derived from animals. The yeast nucleic acids are made up of guanylic acid, CH C— N adenylic acid, ! li % CH, -' II li CH II II / N (3— N.R THE rROTETNS OF :\rTrRO -OKfl ANT.SMS 333 c\*tidylic acid. =C.NH, CO CH I I! R.N CH and iiridvlic acid, XH CO I I CO CH I II R.N CH The group R is ribose-3-phosphate, -CH.CHOH.CH.CH.CHaOH I OH I / 0 - P = 0 \ OH The animal nucleic acids (often called th\Tiionucleic acids because they were first isolated from the thymus) are built up of desoxyriboguanylic acid, desoxyriboadenylic acid, desoxyribocytidylic acid and desoxyribothjTnosine NH— CO phosphoric acid, ^'<^ C.CH3 . Tn these nucleic acids R.N CH 0 the group R is 2-desoxyribose, — cH.CHa.CHOH.CH.CHgOH, carrying a phosphate group whose position of attachment is still unknown. If the nucleic acids are subjected to alkaline hydro- lysis the phosphate group is split off and the corresponding nucleosides are formed. The nucleosides are ribosides or desoxyribosides of guanine, adenine, cytosine, uracil or thymine (methyl uracil). It is seen, then, that the nucleic acids consist of phosphoric acid, a pentose, two purine bases, guanine and adenine, and two pyrimidine 334 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY bases cytosine and either uracil or thymine. These facts are summarised in the following scheme : — Nucleoprotein I I Protein + Nudein Acid j hydrolysis I Protein + Nucleic acid (polytetranucleotides) Cold alkaline | hydrolysis I Tetra-nucleotides Alkaline | hydrolysis Phosphoric acid + nucleosides Acid I hydrolysis From yeast nucleic acid From animal nucleic acid Adenine \p^^^-j^p ^^ggg Adenine Guanine J Guanine Cytosine "1 ^^ . . ,. , Cytosine Uracil )Pyrm^idme bases Thymine Ribose Desoxyribose The molecular weight of the ribonucleic acids from various sources corresponds to the presence of from eight to eighteen tetranucleotide units. Careful deamination of the nucleic acids does not cause a lowering of the molecular weight, suggesting that phospho -amide groups are not involved in the linkage of the nucleotides. Elec- trometric titration of the poly-tetranucleotides shows that four acid dissociations are present for each tetra- nucleotide, three of which correspond to primary phos- phoric acid dissociations and one to a secondary phos- phoric acid dissociation. The deaminated nucleic acids show similar dissociation behaviour. Mild hydrolysis of the polj^etranucleotides and the deaminated compounds causes a lowering of the molecular weight with the liberation of further secondary phosphoric acid groups. It is suggested, on the basis of these facts, that the THE PROTEINS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 335 tetraiiucleotides are constituted as one of the following three stnictiires : — (a) OH / Base— ribose— 0— P = 0 \ \ \ OH 0 \ \ Uracil — ribose — 0 — P = 0 \ \ \ 0 0 (b) \ ^-^^ OH \^ ^~^-- / Base— ribose — 0— P = 0 Base— ribose— 0—P = 0 \ \ OH OH (a) or (a OH OH / / Base— ribose— 0—P = 0 Base— ribose— 0 — P = 0 \ \ \ \ \ OH \ OH 0 0 \ \ \ \ Base— ribose— 0—P = 0 Uracil— ribose— 0—P = 0 \ / \ OH / 0 0 (b) \ / OH \ / / Uracil— ribose— 0—P = 0 Base— ribose— C—P = 0 / \ \ / \ OH 0 (b) 0 / OH \ / / \ Base— ribose— 0—P = 0 Base— ribose— 0—P = 0 \ \ OH OH Polymerisation of the tetranucleo tides to give the poly- tetranucleotides or nucleic acids takes place through the phosphate groups marked (a) and (b). The order in 38() BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY wliicli the ])ase8 giianiiie, adenine and cytosine are arranged in the above formulae is still unknown. It is considered probable that the phosphate groups are attached at positions 2 and 3 in the ribose molecule in the ribonucleic acids. In the animal, or desoxy ribonucleic acids, the phosphate linkages are probably between positions 3 and 5 of the desoxyribose, and uracil is replaced by thymine. The tubercle bacillus gives nucleic acids of the animal, desoxyribose, type, yielding adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine on hydrolysis, whilst M. phlei, the timothy grass bacillus, contains guanine, cytosine and uracil, but no thymine, correlating it with the plant nucleic acids. The nucleic acid of the diphtheria bacillus contains adenine, guanine, C3^osine, uracil and thymine so that it is either a mixture of plant and animal nucleic acids or a new type. Other bacteria yield nucleic acids con- taining bases of the purine type only ; that from B. anthracis gives adenine and guanine and that from Azotobacter chroococciiyn contains guanine, adenine and NH— CO I I CH C ^NH hypoxanthine, II II \ , which is derived ^^ II II CH ' il II /- N C N from adenine by deamination. The cells of streptococci contain about 80 per cent, of protein and nucleoprotein, of which nucleic acid constitutes 18 to 24 per cent, in Smooth organisms and 14 to 17 per cent, in Rough cells. The nucleic acid is a mixture of 10 to 30 per cent, desoxy- ribose nucleic acid from nuclear material, and the remainder ribonucleic acid from the cytoplasm. As was mentioned on p. 332 the crystalline tobacco mosaic virus consists of nucleoprotein of the plant or yeast type. The psittacosis and vaccinia viruses, on the other hand, are of the animal, desoxyribose type. Rough Type II THE PROTEINS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 337 pneiimucocci give lihoiuicleic acud to tiie exteJit of 2 to 6 per cent, of their dry weight. Staphylococci also give ribonucleic acid but Esch. coli contains desox^a^bonucleic acid. It has been shown that the substance responsible for the Gram -positive staining 7-eaction of CI. perfringens is the magnesium salt of ribonucleic acid, which can be removed by extraction with dilute aqueous bile salt solutions leaving a Gram-negative cytoskeleton. The extract itself is also Gram -negative but can recombine with Gram -negative cell residue (but only if the latter is in a reduced condition) to give a Gram -positive complex. The ribonucleate will not combine with normally Gram- negative organisms, nor can desoxyribonucleic acid, nucleotides or nucleosides replace ribonucleic acid. Sacch. cerevisice can be similarly extracted to yield Gram -negative cells and nuclei. The extracted cells of CI. perfringens and Sacch. cerevisice contain basic proteins with a high proportion of arginine and it is suggested that the Gram -positive material is a complex of reduced basic protein and magnesium ribonucleate. Gram- positive organisms often become Gram -negative in old cultures and it has been found that Str. salivarius becomes Gram -negative in media containing little magnesium or in media so acid that magnesium ribonucleate cannot exist. It has very recently been shown that the substance responsible for the long known conversion of Rough pneumococci into vSmooth organisms of another type is a desoxyribonucleic acid, characteristic of the type of pneumococcus from which it is derived. Thus an extract from Smooth Tjrpe III cells will cause conversion of any Rough pneumococcus to Smooth Type III but not to any other type ; Smooth Type II extract gives rise to the corresponding Smooth type only. The distinguishing feature of Smooth, compared with Rough, pneumococcus organisms is a non-nitrogenous polysaccharide whose 338 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY synthesis must be initiated l)y the desoxyribonucleic acid. The conversion only occurs with actively growing cultures and not in resting suspensions. The desoxyribo- nucleic acid appears to be autocatalytic since the new Smooth organisms, even after repeated subcultures, contain it in much greater amount than that added to stimulate the change. This is analogous to the propaga- tion of the tobacco mosaic virus, when injected into the plant. The capsular substance of B. anthracis, apparently identical with that of B. 7nesentericus, which reacts with antisera in very high dilution, on hydrolysis with acid loses it serological activity and forms d{ — ) -glutamic acid. This is the first recorded natural occurrence of the Isevo- rotatory isomer of glutamic acid. It is suggested that the capsular substance has a polypeptide -like structure : — CO.CH.NH2(CH2)2COOH COOH NH L [.NH.— [CO.CH.(CH2)2COOH] ^. COOH or COOH CO.(CH2)2CH.NH2.COOH. CH.NH— [CO.(CH2)2.CH.NH.COOHJ ^ I COOH Protein Synthesis. — The synthesis of proteins by micro-organisms has been most extensively studied in the case of the yeasts. The yeast proteins, constituting approximately 50 per cent, of the dry weight of the organism, are valuable as a food since they contain all the known amino-acids. Beer yeasts have been used as a cattle fodder and even for human consumption, but THE PROTEINS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 339 they have the disadvantage of a bitter taste, due to acid substances derived from the hops. The taste can be eliminated by washing with dilute sodium carbonate. Saccharomyces cerevisice does not grow very satisfactorily on ammonium salts as the source of nitrogen but requires expensive organic sources, so that its use for protein production is not economically sound. During the 1914 to 1918 war the use of Torula utilis, also known as Mineralhefe or Futterhefe, was developed in Germany. It grows much more readily on inorganic media than does Sacchxiromyces, has no bitter taste and is an effective protein source for man and animals. It is usually grown on molasses and ammonium salts under conditions of good aeration. Yields of the organism, as dry weight, up to 75 per cent, of the sugar consumed can be obtained. A similar process has been worked out recently in this country using a thermophilic variant of T . utilis which gives an almost theoretical conversion of the nitrogen supplied to protein. The protein content of the dried yeast is 45 to 50 per cent. The dried product also con- tains 20/xg. per gram of aneurin, 80 to 85 ju,g. per gram of riboflavin and 400 to 450 /xg. per gram of nicotinic acid. A fifteen-fold increase in the inoculum is obtained in 9 hours gro^\i:h on molasses wastes. It has been shown that the amino-acid, alanine, CH3CH.NH2.COOH, in yields up to 65 per cent., can be synthesised from pyruvic acid and ammonium salts. As a result Oesterlein and Knoop suggested that amino -acids in general might be synthesised by the following route : — /OH R.CO.COOH + NH3 > R.C^COOH ^NH2 x4mmonia condenses with a keto-acid to form the hydroxy- amino-acid, whicli loses water witli formation of an imino-acid : — 340 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY /OH R.Ce— COOH > R.C.COOH + H,0 ^NHa NH The imino-acid then becomes reduced to give the amino - acid : — R.C.COOH + 2H > R.CH.COOH. II I NH NH2 The last step is one half of a coupled oxidation-reduction process, the other half being the dehydrogenation of a sugar breakdown product, in all probability the formation of pyruvic acid from glyceraldehyde phosphate or from methylglyoxal. If the group R is a methyl group the above scheme illustrates the formation of alanine from pyruvic acid. Aspartic acid has been shown to be synthesised by many bacteria from fumaric acid and ammonium salts : — COOH.CH=CH.COOH + NH3 > COOH.CH.CHgCOOH. I NH2 The amino -acids formed in this way condense with one another to give peptides : — Rj Rj R.CH.COOH + NH2— CH > R.CH.CO.NH.CH + HgO I III NH2 COOH NH2 COOH and the process is repeated with formation of polypeptides and ultimately of proteins. The conversion of an a-keto-acid to an amino-acid may proceed by two other routes instead of via the imino-acid. The keto-acid might react with hydroxyl- amine (which is a probable intermediate in nitrogen fixation, see p. 223) to give the oxime which, on reduction, would iiive an amino-acid :— - THE PROTEINS OF 3IICR0 -ORUANISMS 341 -4H CHaCU.CUUH -r- XHo.UH > CH3.C— COOH > CH3.CH.XH2.COOH + H^O II NOH Alternatively the keto-acid ma}^ take up an amino group by transamination from another amino-acid : — CH3 CH3CO.CO.NH.CH.COOH + XHo.CH.COOH — ^ "I (pyruvyl alanine) (a-amino-phenylacetic acid) I I (alanyl alanine) It has been suggested that the biological synthesis of peptide chains from non-amino-acid precursors may result from successive acylation and amination : — R.CO.COOH- Reduction of imine — ^ NH2 Reduction of oxime | > R.CH.COOH Transamination - R'CO.CO.NH.CH.COOH k Repetition R'CO.CO.NH.CH.COOH > R'CH.CO.NH.CH.COOH I of 1st step I I R XH2 R Continued repetition gives polypeptides and finally proteins . Probably reactions of this type are only involved in the synthesis of proteins from inorganic sources such as in the growth of autotr()'j)liic bacteria or in the fixation 342 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY of atmospheric nitrogen. When amino -acids are avail- able, as ordinarily occurs when bacteria grow under normal conditions in normal nutrient media it is very probable that proteins are built up by the reversal of the action of proteolytic enzymes. Bergmann has shown, for instance, that papain will convert a mixture of benzoylglycine and aniline into benzoylglycine anilide : — CsHg.CO.NH.CHa.COOH + CeHs.NHa > CeHg.CO.NH.CHa.CO.NH.CeHg 4- HaO although under the same conditions it hydrolyses ben- zoylglycine amide to benzoylglycine and ammonia : — C6H5CO.NH.CH2.CONH2 + H2O > CeHs.CO.NH.CHa.COOH + NH3 Papain, in addition to the above reactions, also catalyses conversion reactions ; for instance it converts a mixture of benzoylglycine amide and aniline into benzoylglycine anilide and ammonia : — C6H5.CO.NH.CH2.CO.NH.CeH4 + NH3 Bergmann pictures the in vivo synthesis of proteins as consisting of the action of a specific enzyme breaking down, synthesising and rearranging a number of peptide fragments until a protein is formed which is stable in the presence of the enzyme . The particular protein formed will depend on the fragments available and on the specificity of the enzyme. In any one organism or cell several enzymes may be present, resulting in the forma- tion of a corresponding number of different proteins. The proteinases are, in all probability, proteins themselves or at least contain protein constituents. It must be assumed, therefore, that there are proteins which are capable of multiplication or autocatalysis. Apart from the enzymes such autocatalytic proteins are to be found in the crystalline viruses and in the desoxyribonucleic acids responsible for the conversion of Rough pneumococci to Smooth organisms (see p. 337). 'A i-ecently developed method wJiicJi promises to be I THE PROTEINS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 343 of great value in the study of the synthetic mechanisms of cells involves the use of mutants of the moulds Neuro- spora crassa or N . sitophila. When asexual spores of the moulds are treated with X-rays or ultra-violet light, germinated and crossed with the heterothallic strain of opposite sex, mutants arise which lack the ability to bring about certain syntheses which the normal strains can perform. Besides the strains which can no longer synthesise some of the growi^h factors, others have been produced which cannot make argim"ne, lysine, leucine, valine, methionine, tryptophane, proline or threonine. By using mutants in which particular stages in a synthesis are blocked it becomes possible to trace the course of synthetic processes. For instance, the cycle of formation of arginine from ornithine via citrulliue : — NH2 I (CH2)3 CH.NH, COOH CO.NH, I NH +CO2 + NH3 Gene 2 Gene 3 (CH2)3 I CH.NH2 COOH XH2 C=NH +NH3 I > NH Gene 1 Prote (CH,)3 CH.NHo COOH (Ornithine) (Citrullinc) (Arginine) has been worked out using mutants lacking genes 1, 2 or 3 and thus incapable of carrying out the corresponding stage in the synthesis. Similarly tryptophane has been shown to arise by the following route : — ^ / ^— COOH ^ Gene 1 | | ^^ Gene 2 (Anthranilie acid) I I -1- CH2OH.CH.NH2.COOH — N (Indole) (Serine) CH2CH.NH2.COOH N (Tryptojjhane) 23 344 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Strains which lack gene 1 will grow only if anthranilic acid, indole or tryptophane is supplied in the medium. Strains lacking gene 2 will grow if indole or tryptophane is supplied. The lack of a particular gene is specifically responsible for the absence of the corresponding enzyme. For further information : — G. W. Beadle, " Genetics and Metabolism in Neurospora.''' Physiol. Rev 25 (1945), 643. M. Bergmann, " The Structure of Proteins in Relation to Biological Pro- bkms." Che?n. Rev., 22 (1938), 423. R. E. Buchanan and E. I. Fulmer, " The Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria," Vol. I, Chapter III. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox. London, 1928. W. M. Stanley, " The Biochemistry of Viruses." Ann. Rev. Biochemistry, 9 (1940), 545. CHAPTER XIX THE POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICRO- ORGANISMS THE production of polysaccharides by micro-organisms is almost as widespread and universal as that of the proteins. Polysaccharides of a more or less degree of complexity are to be found in nearly all bacteria, yeasts and fungi. Of the common polysaccharides, starch, cellulose and glycogen are found as the result of the synthetic activities of micro-organisms, and besides these a considerable number of other poly- saccharides characteristic of particular organisms is known. The chief poh^saccharide produced by yeasts is glycogen, but others comprising the various " yeast gums " have been described. Glycogen has also been isolated from the higher fungi and from certain species of Aspergillus. It has been claimed that it is also present in certain bacteria, including Mycobacteriiim tiiherculosis, CI. hutyricum and Shigella dysenterice. As was mentioned in Chapter V the presence of cellu- lose in micro-organisms has been established satisfactorily only in the case of Acetobacter xyUnum, in which it was detected as early as 1886 by Brown. It is sjoithesised by the cell from a variety of sugars, for example glucose, fructose, sucrose and pentoses, and even more readily from such polyhydric alcohols, with three to seven carbon atoms, as glycerol, erythritol, arabitol, dulcitol, sorbitol, 345 :]4G BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY mannitol and a- and j8-glucoheptitols, as Avas shown by Hibbert and by Khouvine and their co-workers. Starch, or a polysaccharide giving a blue colour with iodine, has been recorded as occurring in a number of bacteria and fungi. Colman in 1862 claimed that it was to be found in the spore tubes of Ascomycetes , whilst it is formed by A. niger growing on a synthetic medium. The spores of P. glaucum contain a " spore-starch " which gives a blue colour with iodine and yields glucose on hydrolysis. Many bacteria and fungi produce large yields of carbo- hydrate " gums " which may be built up of one or more of several sugar units. Thus Leuconostoc mesenteroides forms dextran, a dextro-rotatory polysaccharide giving glucose on hydrolysis, when grown on glucose and sucrose but not when other sugars, such as melezitose, raffinose, fructose, galactose, lactose, maltose, xylose or glycerol, serve as the source of carbon. The polysaccharide, [ajo + 180° and containing 0-5 per cent, of nitrogen, is also formed by the action on sucrose of a cell-free, sterile extract of the organism. The enzyme has no action on glucose -1 -phosphate, and no inorganic phosphate is liberated during its action on sucrose. Potato phos- phorylase, which converts glucose- 1 -phosphate to starch, has no effect on sucrose ; it is therefore concluded that glucose -1 -phosphate is not an intermediate in the forma- tion of dextran. This dextran has been shown to give serological reactions with antisera prepared against pneumococcus, Types II, XII and XX, but not Types I and III, some Salmonella and Sir. salivarius, as well as the homologous organism. As a result of the proportions of di-, tri- and tetra-methyl methylglucosides formed by hydrolysis of methylated dextran Hil^bert has suggested that the polysaccharide has the branched chain struc- ture : — POLYSACCHARIDES OF MTCRO-ORO ANTS:MS ?A' o W / "O wo o - w'_ o WO 4 wo o w 348 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY in which the glucose units are united though the 1 : 6 positions. Some strains of Str. salivarius and of Sir. bovis syn- thesise a water insoluble dextran, [a]i) + 180°, from sucrose or raffinose, as does Betabacterium verrniforme (probably a Lactobcicillus) from sucrose but not from other sugars. This dextran, too, has [a]o+180° when dissolved in acid or alkali. It is made up of « -glucose units linked through positions 1 : 6, that is, it has the gentiobiose structure. Phytomonas tumefaciens excretes into the medium a polysaccharide which has [a]^^-9°, yielding only glu- cose on hydrolysis. Its molecular weight, about 3600, indicates that it is built up of 22 glucose units, probably of pyranose form and joined by ^-linkages. Leuconostoc dextranicum, when grown on sucrose, gives a mixture of dextran and a fructosan, but when grown on glucose it yields mainly the dextran and very little fructosan. Azotobacter chroococcum gives rise to a gum which appears to consist mainly of an araban since it yields arabinose on hydrolysis. The root nodule bacteria, Bhizobium, also produce a gum which splits up into glucuronic acid, CH0H-(CH0H)3-CH-C00H , and glucose on hydrolysis. ! q ^ It gives cross reactions with antisera to Types III, VI and XIV pneumococci, probably due to a common cellobiiironic acid structure. The Rh. radicicolum poly- saccharide has the structure : — ~ H OH CH2O H OH ~ — O— , / \ H H / 0\ OH H H -0— 1\ OH H H \| 0/ N K H H OH H OH OH -0- /I !\ H / OH H \, |\ H /l-O- POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 340 \\liicli vsliould be compared with that giv^en for Type III pneumococciis on p. 356. B. rnesentericus and B. suhtilis when grown on sucrose or raffinose produce levan, a laevo rotatory polysaccharide, [a]D-45-3°, built up of fructofuranose units linked together through positions 2 and 6 : — It is not formed when the organisms are growai on melezi- tose, maltose, lactose, glucose, xylose or fructose. That is, a terminal fructofuranose grouping, such as is present in sucrose, HCOH I 0 HOCH I HCOH CH I CHaOH (glucose) CH2OH (fructofuranose) 350 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY or ill raffiiiose, CH2OH (galactose) but not in melezitose, (glucose) CH3OH (fructofuranose) CiljOH (glucose) nor in normal fructose, (fructos.) (glucose) CH2OH— C.OH— HOCH— HCOH— HCOH— CH2 I 0 I which has a fructopyranose structure, is necessary for the formation of levan. The conversion of sucrose smd raffinose into levan can also be accomplished by an enzyme, levansucrase, which is secreted into the medium by B. mesenteric us and B. suhtilis ; B. polymyxa and Aerohacter levanicwn form an endocellular levansucrase which has the same effect. Levansucrase has no action on Neuberg's ester, Harden and Young's ester, methyl- y- fructoside or inulin, all of which contain a terminal fructofuranose group. Along with levan a reducing POLYSACCHARIDR8 OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 351 sugar is formed, glucose from sucrose, and melibiose (not galactose) from raffinose, showing that the latter is not first hydrolysed to sucrose. No carbohydrate is des- troyed in the conversion, showing that the process is independent of respiration. Many strains of Str. saUvarius synthesise levan from sucrose aii^ raffinose. B. lactis produces a fructosan from sucrose only. In the sugar- refining industry contamination with Leuconostoc and B. mesentericiis causes considerable loss as the result of the " viscous fermentations " to which they give rise. B. lactis pituitosi gives rise to the formation of a galactan which is excreted into the medium. Mycodextran, [a]D-|-251°, a polyglucose giving no coloration with iodine, is produced by the mould P. expansum. A number of other glucose polysaccharides of varying degrees of molecular complexity have l)een described giving colours with iodine ranging from no colour through red to blue and purple. Mycogalactan, [a]D-f284°, yielding galactose on hydrolysis, is formed by the growth of A. niger on a glucose medium. This production of a polysaccharide built up of sugar units different from those of the sugar on which the organism grew is not an isolated case ; a number of such conversions are now known. The formation of cellulose from a variety of carbon sources by Acetohacter xylinum has already been described. P. liiteum produces an acid polysaccharide, luteic acid, when grown on glucose. Luteic acid is hydrolysed by dilute mineral acid to yield one molecule of malonic acid and two molecules of glucose. The malonic acid is linked through one carboxyl group to a neutral polysaccharide, luteose, from which it can be removed by treatment with dilute alkali. Besides luteic acid, however, the mould also produces other polysac- charides built up of fructose, galactose or mannose, even when it is grown on glucose as the sole source of carbon. The converse of this phenomenon also occurs ; when P. liitemn is grown on galactose, mannose, fructose, 352 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY pentoses or glycerol it produces the same liiteic acid, together with the other products, as it does when grown on glucose. Some moulds produce polysaccharides which are built up of more than one carbohydrate unit. Thus P. chadesii gives a polysaccharide containing glucose and galactose as well as a second polysaccharide, mannocarolose, [a]587o+66°, which consists of eight or nine units of f?-mannose linked together through the 1 : 6 230sitions : — CHaOH P. varians gives rise to an even more complex poly- saccharide, varianose, [a]D+15°, which on hydrolysis yields three sugars, galactose, glucose and either d-idose or Z-altrose, in the proportions 6:1:1. They are linked together with the glucose molecule at one end and the galactose units in the middle : — CH I CHjjOH (glucose) l-CHOH CHOH (P-galactoae; ((Mdose or /-altrose) rOLYSACCHARTDES OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 353 8ume bacteria also produce mixed polysaccharides, the pneumococcus, for instance, giving products containing ghicose and galactose, the tubercle bacillus glucose, arabinose and mannose, and the Vibrios glucose, galactose and arabinose. The most important polysaccharides from a bacterio- logical point of view are the so-called " soluble specific substances " which are responsible for the serological behaviour of many organisms. They were first described in the case of the pneumococcus, but since then have been found to occur in a number of other bacteria of several genera. It was shown by Dochez and Avery that filtrates of cultures of pneumococcus contained a substance which gave specific reactions with antisera prepared against the same type of pneumococcus but not with antisera prepared against other types. Later Zinsser and Parker isolated " residual antigens " from alkaline extracts of the organisms ; the residual antigens reacted with the homologous sera, but gav^e no reactions for proteins and were non-antigenic. Dochez and Avery's " soluble specific substance " was heat stable, was precipitated from aqueous solution by acetone or alcohol, was free from protein, and shown to be of a polysaccharide nature. It was accompanied by a nucleoprotein which was common to all the types of pneumococcus, that from any one type reacting with antisera prepared against any of the other types ; it was antigenic and antisera prepared against it gave no reaction with the soluble specific polysaccharides. The specific polysaccharides from each type of pneumo- coccus are not only different in their serological behaviour but, also, have been shown to be chemically different, as may be seen from Table 20, where their main properties are summarised. 354 BACTERIOLOaiCAL CHEMISTRY Table 20 Acid Acetyl [a]D Equiva- Total Amino- (Amino Products of lent X Nitrogen Group) Hydrolysis Per cent. Per cent. Per ceut. 1 'iK'umococcus — 'J'yi^c I + 280° G50 4-85 2-5 Amiuo-sugar. galac- turonic acid. II + 55° 950 0-2 Glucose, aldobionic acid (glucose, glu- curonic acid). III - 33° 340 0-1 Glucuronic acid, glu- cose. IV + 30° 1,500 5-5 0-1 5-5 Acetic acid, amino- sugar, glucose. „ VIII + 125° 750 0-2 Glucose, aldobionic acid. „ XIV + 12-5° 2-7 2-7 9-5 Acetic acid, glucos- amine, galactose. Carbohydrate-C + Gl-3° 1,050 5-9 1-14 3-7 Acetic acid, phos- (species specific) phoric acid, amino- sugar. Acetic acid, glucos- Carbohydratc-P + 08-9° 5-0 0-99 (Forsinann) amine, reducing sugar, lipin, phos- phoric acid. Inactive carbo- + 10° 4,500 G-0 5-G Acetic acid, glucos- hydrate amine. Priedlander — Typo A - -100° 430 ... Glucose, aldobionic acid, G5 per cent, reducing sugar. „ B - + 100° G80 Glucose, aldobionic acid, 75 per cent, reducing sugar. „ c - + 100° 085 Glucose, aldobionic acid, 70 per cent, reducing sugar. POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 355 Although the Type I pneumococcus polysaccharide contained nitrogen it gave no protein reaction and, as it was first isolated^ was not antigenic. Since then, however, by avoiding the use of alkpJi in its extraction, it has been obtained in an acetylated form, containing one acetyl group for each glucose unit ; the acetyl polysaccharide is antigenic, and on removal of the acetyl group yields a non-antigenic polysaccharide identical with that originally isolated. Some doubt is cast on this finding by later work by Felton who could find no correlation between the acetyl content and antigenicity. Half the nitrogen of the Type I polysaccharide is in the form of amino - nitrogen since it is eliminated by treatment with nitrous acid, with production of reducing sugar and loss of serological activity. The polysaccharides of Types II and III pneumococci are not affected b}^ treatment with nitrous acid. Type I polysaccharide is amphoteric, acting as a strong acid and a weak base ; it has an iso -electric point at about pH 4. The Type II polysaccharide is a weak acid ; on acet}^- ation it yields a serologically inactive product. Removal of the acetyl groups restores the original activity of the compound. The Type III polysaccharide is similar to that of Type II, but is laevorotatory. On hydrolysis it yields cellobiuronic acid, [a]D+10°, an aldobionic acid having the structure 4-^-glucuronosidoglucose. In the polysaccharide these units are linked through the 3- carbon atom of the uronic acid to the reducing group of the glucose in the next unit : — 356 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY c ) 1 m /\ / w^ — o w o o^ 5- x-S- r3 \/ 1 s 1 '3 o o 1 ^ s W ' _o /\ 1 o- ^ o w o w \ «7 -8 y« M o 1 w /\ w o/ "«^ ^w ^ o _2 ~^\ -h to \ O a O o POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 357 The polysaccharide from Type XIV pneumococcus resembles that of Type IV in not containing a uronic acid group. It is constituted of one molecular proportion of acetyl glucosamine and three molecular proportions of galactose. It closely resembles the Blood group A specific polysaccharide which occurs in group A red blood corpuscles and which can be isolated from saliva, gastric mucin, commercial pepsin and peptone. The two substances are nob identical, since the blood group A substance contains nitrogen in addition to that as glucosamine, and the blood group A substance does not give a cross precipitin reaction with antisera to Type XIV pneumococci prepared in rabbits, although strong cross reactions are found when horse antisera are used. Horse antisera to Type XIV pneumococci agglutinate human red cells of all groups. Pneumococci resemble Shigella dyseiiterice and Sal- monella schottmuUeri in containing the Forsmann hapten which is capable of provoking lysins for sheep's red blood corpuscles when injected into animals. In the case of the pneumococci it is a lipo -polysaccharide complex (carbohydrate F) associated with the bacterial bodies. It is probably made up of the species specific carbohydrate-C and a lipin fraction, chemically bound to it. The lipin, constituting 6-5 per cent, of the poly- saccharide, is devoid of nitrogen and phosphorus, has m.p. 39-41 °C. and an acid equivalent 372 ; it is possibly a C24 compound. Carbohydrate-C contains no lipin. Enzymes have been found in various soil organisms, for example Bhodobacillus palustris and a Myxococcus, which hydrolyse the pneumococcal polysaccharides specifically. Eh. palustris attacks only Type VIII polysaccharide and not those of Types I, II or III. Another soil organism gives an enz^Tne attacking Type III polysaccharide only. 358 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Autolytic enzymes isolated from pneumococci them- selves have been shown to attack the corresponding polysaccharides and also those of Str. salivarius, of the bovine vitreous humour and of the umbilical cord, all of which contain an acetylglucosamine-glucuronic acid complex, hyaluronic acid. The enzyme, hyaluronidase, is also found in many anaerobes, including CI. perf ring ens and those of the gas gangrene group ; it is identical with or very closely related with the so-called " spreading factor " of these organisms . Similar specific polysaccharides were isolated from Friedlander's bacillus, Klebsiella pneumonice, Types A, B and C. Those from Types B and C, although very similar chemically (see Table 20), are quite distinct serologically. The tubercle bacilli afford very complex mixtures of polysaccharides which have not yet been thoroughly worked out. A polysaccharide having a rotation of [a]D+67° was isolated, which on hydrolysis yielded 30 per cent, of c?-arabinose, together with glucose, galactose, mannose and a sugar acid. It was also found to be present in tuberculin. Mycobacterium phlei yields a polysac- charide, precipitated by basic lead acetate, which gives rise to arabinose, mannose and inositol on hydrolysis. The avian tubercle bacillus produces a polysaccharide which gives two molecules of mannose and one of inositol on hydrolysis . On a synthetic medium the human tubercle bacillus forms a polysaccharide, having a specific rotation [a]i>+32°, which yields 19-7 per cent, of mannose and 10 per cent, of c?-arabinose. The lipoid fractions contain glycerophosphoric acid, mannose, inositol, arabinose, glucose, fructose, glucosamine and other unidentified carbohydrates. The acetone soluble fat fraction of the POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 359 human tubercle bacillus and of 31. jjhlei contains fatty acids linked to the non-reducing disaccharide, trehalose, CH- -CH- HCOH I HOCH O HCOH I HC HCOH I HOCH 0 I HCOH CH2OH (glucose) (glucose) instead of to glycerol as in ordinary fats. The leprosy bacillus also contains trehalose together with a dextro- rotatory polysaccharide yielding pentoses on hydrolysis. Heidelberger and Menzel have separated the polysac- charide from the human tubercle bacillus into three fractions having the properties outlined in Table 21 : — Table 21 Acid Products of Type Isolation [ajD Equiva- lent Nitrogen Phosphorus Hydrolysis Per cent. Per cent. A Precipitated by Ba(0H)2 + 81° 1,500 0-7 1-8 B Soluble in 75 per cent. methyl alcohol + 30° 2,200 0-7- 1-0 61 per cent, reducing sugar, d-arabinose. C Insoluble in 75 per cent, methyl alcohol + 90° 6,700 0-1 0-2 87 per cent, reducing sugar, arabinose, mannose, magnesium palmitate. The polysaccharide C is common to avian, bovine and human tubercle bacilli, whilst B, if present at all, occurs in only very small amount in the avian and bovine types. The removal of the magnesium palmitate from polysac- charide C does not affect its serological behaviour (com- pare the polysaccharide from Salmonella typhimurimn, p. 361). An acetyl containing polysaccharide has been 360 BACTEE^IOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY obtained from human tubercle bacilli which gives precipi- tin reactions with the sera of tuberculous patients and with antisera to the organism. The complex mixture of polysaccharides from the bovine tubercle bacillus contains much more inactive carbohydrate than does that from human tubercle bacillus. An inactive carbohydrate, precipitated by 80 per cent, acetic acid, is common to both human and bovine bacilli ; another, which is soluble in 96 per cent, acetic acid, occurs in bovine strains only. The acetic acid soluble carbohydrate from human strains is serologically active. The inactive carbohydrates from bovine tubercle bacilli are strongly dextro-rotatory and contain phosphorus but little or no pentose. The sero- logically active polysaccharides contain t^-arabinose. The wax fraction of the human tubercle bacillus (see p. 375) contains fatty acids esterified by a specific polysaccharide which gives precipitin reactions with anti -tubercle sera. On hydrolysis it yields mannose, f?-arabinose and galac- tose, with small amounts of inositol and glucosamine. Two polysaccharides have been separated from the attenuated tubercle organism, Bacille de Calmette-Guerin (B.C.G.). Polysaccharide A, soluble in water, has [«]D-f77*4°, and, on hydrolysis, gives 77 per cent, of reducing sugar containing mannose, arabinose and inositol, with 3 per cent, of an amino -sugar. The other polysaccharide, insoluble in water but soluble in acids, is a complex of about equal weights of a polysaccharide (giving 95 per cent, of reducing sugars on hydrolysis) and calcium phosphate. Sal. typhimurium has been investigated by three methods which have given almost identical results. If smooth strains of the organism are extracted with dilute trichloracetic acid a polysacchride is removed which can be recovered by dialysis, concentration and precipitation by acetone. It is toxic to mice, is antigenic and reacts specifically with the corresponding antisenim. On treat- ment with hot dilute acetic acid it yields four components POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICR0-0RGANIS3IS 361 (a) 69 per cent, of a soluble specific polysaccharide, [b] 16 per cent, of insoluble conjugated protein, (c) 3 to 4 per cent, of a benzene soluble lipin fraction and {d) 8 per cent, of an alcohol soluble acetyl polysaccharide. The conjugated protein is toxic but is neither antigenic nor a hapten. The lipin fraction, insoluble in acetone, appears to be a phosphatide. The main fraction, which can be precipitated by alcohol, is a hapten, reacting with antisera, but is neither antigenic nor toxic. It has [«]d+103°, contains no nitrogen and on hydrolysis yields 93 per cent, of reducing sugar, of which 31 per cent, is glucose, 21-5 per cent, mannose and 19 per cent, galactose. It contains no ketose, pentose or uronic acid. The antigenic complex can be dissociated by precipitation from weakly alkaline solution to give a small amount of an amphoteric protein and a non-antigenic " undegraded " polysaccharide which reacts specifically with Sal. typhi- murkirn antisera. The complete antigen, possibly a calcium salt of a phosphatide-polj^saccharide-protein complex, occurs only in the smooth organisms ; the rough variants contain the " residual antigen," which is the complete antigen deprived of the phosphatide fraction. The rough variants apparently contain an enzyme which breaks down the complete antigen. The second method of isolation depends on removal of the protein of the organism by digestion with trypsin and precipitation of the polysaccharide in the solution with alcohol. The complete antigen so obtained behaves in the same way as that extracted by trichloracetic acid. These are the so-called " F 68 " polysaccharides since they are precipitated by 68 per cent, of alcohol. The third process is extraction of the dried organisms with diethylene glycol, which gives products which may not be degraded to such an extent as those obtained by the more drastic methods, although their properties are essentially the same. The trichloracetic acid method has been applied to a 362 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY number of organisms, including Escli. coli, Eherth, typhosa, Sal. paratyphi, Sal. schottmillleri, Shigella dysenterice, Proteus, Serratia marcescens, Ps. ceruginosa, B. ayithracis, Phytomonas tumefaciens and V. comma, with similar results. The polysaccharide antigens isolated by these methods are the somatic 0 -antigens of the smooth organisms. The polysaccharides of a number of bacteria have been investigated. Shigella dysenterice in the smooth form produces a polysaccharide with a specific rotation [a]D+98°, containing 1-6 per cent, of nitrogen. It has a molecular weight about 5,100 and acid equivalent about 9,000. It contains no protein, no pentoses and no uronic acids. The nitrogen is present as an amino group, which, however, is masked by acetylation (the acetyl content is 5 per cent.). The composition and molecular weight correspond to four hexose units, probably glucose, and one acetamido -hexose unit, all repeated six times. This polysaccharide also appears to be responsible for the heterogenetic reaction between Shigella dysenterice antisera and sheep red blood cells. The polysaccharide-protein- phospholipin complex can be dissociated by treatment with formamide into the non-antigenic phospho-lipin and a polysaccharide-protein moiety which has the properties of the somatic antigen of the smooth organisms. Treat- ment of the complex with trypsin removes the protein and leaves the feebly antigenic phospholipin-polysac- charide. The free polysaccharide is a non-antigenic hapten which gives precipitin reactions with antisera. The polysaccharide-protein complex can be split by solution in 90 per cent, phenol and dialysis to give the polysaccharide hapten and the antigenic protein, which, however, has lost the somatic specificity of the complex. The complex can also be degraded by boiling with 1 per cent, acetic acid, yielding an almost non-antigenic protein whi(;li can he further dissociated by solution in phenol, when a prosthetic group is probably removed. POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICRO -ORC ANISMS 303 The polysaccharide and the protein can ])e recombined by solution in formamide and precipitation with alcohol. The conjugated protein gives rise to an antigen having the properties of tlie original somatic antigen of Shigella dysenterice, but the simple protein, when coupled with the polysaccharide, gives a non-antigenic complex, suggesting that the prosthetic group is essential for antigenicity. A similar somatic antigen complex has been extracted from the 0 901 strain of Eberthella typhosa by the tri- chloracetic acid, the trypsin and the diethylene glycol extraction methods. It can be dissociated by boiling 1 per cent, a.cetic acid to give an ether soluble phospho- lipin, a water soluble polysaccharide and an insoluble protein. The purified polysaccharide, which has [a]546i+1^8°, 1-2 per cent, of organic phosphorus and less than 0-1 per cent, of nitrogen, is non-antigenic and non-toxic to mice but gives a precipitin reaction with typhoid 0-antisera. The purified protein, containing 11-5 per cent, of nitrogen, 0-47 per cent, of phosphorus and having [o^]oier'55'^, i-'^ soluble in alkali but not in aoid and a]3pears to be identical with that from Shiga's bacillus. The two proteins can replace one another in combination with the polysaccharide from either organism to give antigens having specificity which is determined by the polysaccharide. A similar protein has also been obtained from Shigella parady sentence (Flexner 88), it contains 10-7 per cent, of nitrogen and 1-1 per cent, of phosphoms and has [a]546i-50°. The virulent Vi strains of E. typhosa yield a similar polysaccharide complex which reacts specifically witli antisera to Vi organisms. Different polysaccharides corresponding to the rough (avirulent, Type B) and smooth (virulent, Tyj)e A) variants of Staph, aureus are known. They are acid to litmus, give no protein reactions but contain phosphorus 364 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY and iiitrugen. Tlieir <-hief properties are given' in Table 22 :— Table 22 [^]d Acid Equivalent Nitrogen Phosphorus Eeducing Sugar Type A + 7° 770 Per cent. 4-1 Per cent. 6-3 25 per cent, glucose, mannose (?). „ B + 69° 80G 3-8 64 37 per cent, glucose. The polysaccharide from the smooth organisms is precipi- tated by barium hydroxide, whilst that from the rough variant is not. The streptococci afford both serologically active and inactive polysaccharides. The former, obtained from Str. salivarius by Lancefield, is a hapten, reacting with homologous antisera but being non-antigenic. The inactive polysaccharide, [a],)-73°, obtained from mucoid hsemolytic streptococci of Lancefield's Group A, contains no phosphorus, sulphur or amino -nitrogen. It contains 8-7 per cent, of nitrogen, 11 per cent, of acetyl group and 46 per cent, of uronic anhydrides ; it has an acid equiva- lent of 380. It is an acetyl-glucosamine -glucuronic acid complex, apparently identical with or closely related to the hyaluronic acid in bovine vitreous humour, since it is hydrolysed by the autolytic enzyme of the pneumococcus (see p. 358). A group specific polysaccharide has been extracted from the organisms with formamide and contains 1-72 per cent, of nitrogen, 0-7 per cent, of phosphorus and has [a]D-71-5°. It contains glucos- amine and uronic acid residues. It reacts at a dilution of 1 in 2x10*^ with homologous antisera. The Vibrios have been divided into six groups by Linton on the basis of their content of proteins and poly- saccharides. Those derived from cholera patients, Group I, form a polysaccharide which on hydrolysis yields POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICRO -ORCIANISMS 365 galactose and an al(l()1)i()nic acid composed of galactose and glucuronic acid. The water vibrios produce a poly- saccharide containing arabinose linked with the same aldobionic acid. The Inaba variant of V. comma, Group VI, gives a polysaccharide having [a]n-f58°, and con- taining 2-6 per cent, of nitrogen, which yields 58 per cent, of reducing sugar on hydrolysis. The sugar is glucose only, no galactose or arabinose being present. The polysaccharides present in rough strains, and which also occur in the corresponding smooth strains, are stable to alkali, whilst the polysaccharides peculiar to the smooth variants are not stable to alkali. The gonococcus and meningococcus contain non- antigenic and non-toxic polysaccharides which both react with antisera to Type III pneumococcus. That from the meningococcus is probably the sodium salt of an acid polysaccharide. The gonococcus gives two poly- saccharides corresponding to two serological types. Both capsulated and non-caps ulated forms of B. anthracis yield a non-toxic, non-antigenic polysaccharide, containing 0-8 per cent, of nitrogen, which gives 60 per cent, of glucose on hydrolysis together with pentoses and a uronic acid. Another polysaccharide from virulent and avirulent B. anthracis has been described. It gives equimolecular proportions of galactose and of acetylated fZ-glucosamine on hydrolysis (corresponding to 68 per cent, of the pure polysaccharide) but no pentose and no uronic acid. This polysaccharide is antigenic. The capsules, unlike those of the pneumococcus, are not polysaccharide in nature but contain peptides (see p. 338). Proteus yields two polysaccharides, one of which, stable to hot alkali, appears to be the common antigenic factor between Proteus XI 9 and Rickettsia. Micrococcus lysodeikticus yields a polysaccharide of high molecular weight which is the specific substrate of the enzyme lysozyme, which splits it into an N-acetyl- aminohexose and a ketohexose. The polysaccharide can 366 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY be extracted by cold hypochlorite solution (aiitiformin), diethylene glycol or hot formamide, and precipitated with alcohol or acetone. Hapten polysaccharides have also l)een isolated from Brucella abortus and other Brucella species, from CI. perfringens, C. diphthericB and the diphtheroid bacilli, H. pertussis, H. parapertussis, from the capsules of H. influenzoe, from a number of Sahnonella, from certain Pasteur ella and from Leptospira hiflexa. Carbohydrate Synthesis. — We know practically nothing of the mechanism of the synthesis of this great variety of complex polysaccharides. Kluyver has suggested that their synthesis involves coupled oxidation-reduction pro- cesses, as do the syntheses of fats and proteins, and that it may follow similar lines to the resynthesis of glycogen from lactic acid in muscle during the recovery period : — (1) 3CH3CHOH.COOH + 30 — > 3CH3CO.COOH + 3H2O. /OH (3) 3ch/jh0 + 3h.0 > 3ch3c^oh \h :h\ /O :h: 0 (4) 3 H — ^C— C ^OH + 30 > 3CH2— CHOH + 3H2O H^ ^H 0 ■/ \ (5) 3CH2— CHOH ^=^ CH2OH.CHO (glycolaklehyde). (G) 3CH2OH.CHO > CgHiaOe > {Ce-R^oO.h (glycogen). The lactic acid is oxidised to pyruvic acid, which is decarboxylated to give acetaldeliyde and carbon dioxide. The acetaldeliyde is oxidised via the hydrate to give POLYSACCHARIDES OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 367 gl^culaldehyde, which coiideiuses to give glucose aiid finally glycogen. In summary, three molecules of lactic acid give one molecide of glucose and three molecules of carbon dioxide and water : — 3CH3CHOH.COOH + 30^ ^ 3CO2 + 3H2O + CeHioOg. Or we may regard the process as being the oxidation of one-third of the lactic acid to provide the energy for the synthesis of the other two -thirds to glucose and glycogen :— CH3CHOH.COOH + 3O2 > 3CO2 + 3H2O (energy). 2CH3CHOH.COOH > CeHiaOg (synthesis). Hanes showed that starch was synthesised from glu- cose-1 -phosphate under the influence of an enzyme, phosphorylase, present in potatoes, inorganic phosphate being liberated during the process. It has been suggested as a possible general mechanism that glucose is phos- phorylated at the expense of adenosine triphosphate, as in yeast fermentation, and that some of the ester may be acted on by enzymes other than the normal fermentation enzymes to give rise to polysaccharides : — Glucose + adenosine triphosphate Hexokinase (in yeast, animal T tissues) Isomerase | ' Fructose-G-phosphate ^=1:1^=:===^ glucose-G-phosphate + adenosine 30% diphosphate 1j Q-Q, Phosphoglucomutase \l '° (yeast, animal tissues Glucose - 1 -phosphate 'jl „m^, Phosphorylase (yeast I '° potatoes, muscle and kidney) Polysaccharide + phosphate The necessary energy for the process is held to be derived from the conversion of adenosine triphosphate to the di -phosphate. The latter is re-esterified to adenosine - riphosphate by the phosphate set free in the final stage 368 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY ot" syiitliosis. An alteriiativo sou r(^e of ghicoso-Ophosphatc may be from phosphopyruvic acid by reversal of the reaction of alcoholic fermentation according to the Embden-Meyerhof scheme. Pyruvic acid is also formed in the fermentation of lactic acid and in most, if not all, bacterial fermentations . It will be remembered, however, that glucose- 1 -phosphate is not an intermediate in the conversion of sucrose to dextran by enzymes of Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and that potato phosphorylase is not effective in that synthesis (see p. 346). The synthesis of carbohydrates and polysaccharides may also occur by way of the condensation of aldehydes with the intervention of adenosine phosphates as was suggested by Ruben for the autotrophic bacteria (see p. 78). In the early stages of dissimilation of glucose by yeasts and by Esch. coli potassium and glucose disappear from the medium and a fermentable non-reducing poly- saccharide is formed in equimolecular proportions. The disappearance of glucose is more rapid than is accounted for by the products of fermentation formed. It appears that the potassium is concerned in the synthesis, but the mechanism is unknown. For further reading : — R. E. Buchanan and E. I. Fulmer, " Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria," Vol. I, Chapter III. BalJiere, Tindall & Cox. Londor, 1928. E. Mikulaszek, " Bakterielle Polysaccharide." Ergebnisse der Hygien e 17 (1935), 415. R. W. Linton, " Chemistry and Serology of the Vibrios." Bad. Rev., 4 (1940), 261. CHAPTER XX THE LIPOIDS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS THE term " lipoid " (lipide and lipin are sjTionymoiis) is employed as a general name for all the fat-like substances which are soluble in the " fat solvents " ether, alcohol, acetone, chloroform and light petroleum. Thus the f?«ts, waxes, higher alcohols, sterols and phos- phatides, together with certain of their degradation products, such as fatty acids and glycerol, are all lipoids. Fats. — The fats are all glycerides, that is, esters of fatty acids with glycerol. When it is remembered that glycerol, CH2OH.CHOH.CH2OH, contains three hydroxyl groups capable of esterification and one, two or three of them may be involved, that the acids attached may be all the same or all different and may be chosen from a large number, both saturated and imsaturated, it is obvious that a great variety of fats is possible. Usually fats occur together as complex mixtures which are extremely difficult to separate, and their analysis is restricted to the identification of the fatty acids present and the determination of the ratio of saturated to un- saturated fatty acids. The fats of micro-organisms usually contain a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and are consequently liquid at ordinary temperatures or have low melting points. Palmitic, C16H32O2, stearic, CigHgeOg, and oleic acids, C18H34O2, are the chief acids found in the fats of micro-organisms as they are in animal fats, but butyric, C4H8O2, caproic, C6H12O2, lauric, C12H24O2, dihydroxystearic, C18H36O4, linoleic, CigHggOa, linolenic, C18H30O2, tuberculostearic, C19H38O2, arachidic, 369 370 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 020^140^2' (^'t^rotic, C26H52O2, phthioic, ('26^5202, myiistic, C30H60O2, and isocetinic acids have also been reported as occurring in the fats of bacteria. Tlie acid-fast ])acteria contain the following fatty acids in the acetone soluble fat fraction (Table 23) : — Table 23 ( After R. J . Ayiderson) Bacillus Human Tubercle Bovine Tubercle Timothy Grass Butyric acid, C4H8O2 - Palmitic acid, CigHgaOa Stearic acid, CigHggOa Cerotic acid, CagHgaOg Linoleic acid, CigHgaOa Linolenic acidjCigHgoOa Tuberculostearic acid, CigHggOg Phthioic acid, Q^^Yi^^O^ Trace. Large amount Small amount Trace Small amount Small amount Large amount Large amount Trace Large amount None Small amount Small amount Small amount Large amount Large amount Trace Large amount None None Small amount Small amount Large amount Large amount Tuberculostearic acid is a liquid, saturated, fatty acid, CH3 very probably 10-methylstearic acid, | CH3(CH2)7CH. (CH2)8COOH. It is optically inactive and has m.p. 10-1 1°C. Phthioic acid is also a liquid saturated fatty acid with a branched chain having m.p. 20°C. and [a]^D-f- 12-6°. From a study of X-ray diffraction and the areas of monomolecular films it is likely that phthioic acid is constituted as CH3(CH2)j/- CH3(CH,)2, \ -C.COOH THE LIPOIDS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 371 where x and y are 9 to 12 and z is equal to 0 or 1. The most probable structure is ethyl-n-decyl-zz-dodecjd acetic acid. The fats of the acid-fast bacilli are peculiar in that the fatty acids are linked to the disaccharide trehalose, in the case of the human tubercle bacilkis and M. leprce, and to an unidentified substance in the case of bovine and avian tubercle bacilli and not to glycerol. The fat of the diphtheria bacillus consists mainly of free fatty acids, of which the solid saturated fatty acid, constituting about one -third, is exclusively palmitic acid ; the chief liquid unsaturated fatt}^ acid is A^-hexadecenoic acid, CH3(CH2)5CH=CH(CH2),COOH ; 1 per cent, of the fatty acids consists of an unsaturated acid, C14H26O2 ; a higher unsaturated fatty acid, diphtheric acid, CgsHggOs, m.p. 35°, was also isolated. Lactobacillus acidophilus yields lauric, myristic, pal- mitic, stearic and oleic acids, together with a dihydroxy- stearic acid having an optical rotation [a]D + 7-8°. In yeasts butyric, caproic, lauric, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidic, myristic and isocetinic acids have been found. The yeasts normally contain about 18 per cent, of fat, but End. vernalis and Oospora [Oidium] lactis can produce up to 50 per cent., whilst Toriila lipofera has been shown to give as much as 60 per cent, of its dry weight as fat. The yeast fats usually contain a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, oleic and linoleic acids, and are accordingly usually liquid, closely resembling olive oil. The mould fats contain palmitic, stearic, tetracosoic, C24H48O2, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids, in the pro- portion of approximately one-third saturated acids and two -thirds unsaturated acids. Waxes, Sterols and Higher Alcohols. — The waxes are esters of fatty acids with higher monohydric alcohols instead of with glycerol as in the fats. The sterols are unsaturated alcohols having a condensed ring structure 372 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY of high molecular weight ; cholesterol has the structure :- CH, CH, -CH, .CH.{CH2)3CH CH, CH, CH3 CH3 CHg 1 I / CH.CH^CH.CH.CH "^CH, / CH, \/ and ergosterol, CH, HO In view of their exceptionally high lipoid content the acid-fast bacteria have naturally been most closely examined in this respect. As early as 1898 a wax re- sembling beeswax had been isolated from the tubercle bacillus, and in 1904 a higher alcohol was isolated. In 1914 Tamura isolated an alcohol, C29H55OH, m.p. 66° C, which he named mykol. He showed that it stained Gram positive and had the property of acid-fastness ; he ascribed these properties of the tubercle bacillus to mykol. Other alcohols, including phytoglycol, C26H54O2, have also been isolated from the tubercle bacillus, together with a wax shown to be an ester of mykol with lauric acid. R.J. Anderson and his co-workers have shown that most of the " waxes " of the acid-fast bacteria consist of THE LIPOIDS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 373 optically active hydroxy-acids esterified with carbo- hydrates together with smaller amounts of true waxes which are esters with higher secondary alcohols. Phthio- cerol, a crystalline alcohol, m.p. 73°, [a]D-4-8° (in chloroform), C35H72O3, containing two hydroxyl groups and one methoxy group, is found in all the wax fractions of human and bovine tubercle bacilli but not in those of other acid-fast bacteria. Avian tubercle bacilli, the Timothy grass bacillus and the leprosy bacillus contain the secondary alcohols fZ-2-eicosanol, CH3.(CH2)i7.CHOH. CH3, m.p. 62°, [«]d+4-2°, and f/-2-octadecanol, CH3.(CH2)i5.CHOH.CH3, m.p. 56°, \a]u-^5-l\ The wax of the human tubercle bacillus contains the specific polysaccharide, to which fatty acids are attached ; avian tubercle bacilli, and the Timothy grass bacillus contain trehalose, whilst the leprosy bacillus gives only glycerol as the water soluble product of hydrolysis. The properties of the various waxes are summarised in Table 24. 374 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY ^P . CD P c« O o § g 2 ^ ^ .^ "* "^ " "'§'0 aJ >, o S o o W O -23 "s '^H o T3 1^ S? ^O'S -I "+6 6l|o;|^5?'gfJw: ^ ^, ^ j. -3 ^■2 9 2 ^ ' tua.2, CO +i !-( -2 -2 r^ CO O.'C ■^ r^ ^ S-*?! ^ t« e) ^5-"^ '-? ^ ^ 2 'EZ^ ^ ^ ^|+6h&p^"" S b . q do. i^ -d e?; a 73 o sa b^ :p?s': o o i;3 -g ;=! .y o o o<^ ill „ „ "2 ^ - "^-^l^^lll 1^ o t>> o >> o >> ^a5§e^M THE LIPOIDS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 375 Mycolic acid of Imman and bovine tubercle bacilli m.p. 54-56°, [ajo + 1*8°, C88H176O4, is a saturated acid containing one hydroxyl group, one methoxy group and one carboxyl group. On vacuum distillation at 280° C. it splits to give ?i-hexacosanoic acid, C26H52O2, ni.p. 87-88° and a colorless non-volatile residue. It is the acid-fast staining substance of both organisms. Avian tubercle bacilli give two mycolic acids a- and j3-, both of which are acid fast. On pyrolysis at 210° a-mycolic acid, m.p. 69-70°C, [ajc + 5-6°, mol. wi:. 500, gives 25-4 per cent, of a branched chain crystalline pentacosanoic acid, m.p. 78-79°C. and jS-mycolic acid, m.p. 60-61°C., [ajo -f 5-5°, mol. wt. 1300, at 280° C, gives n-tetracosanoic acid, m.p. 83°C. Phleimycolic acid, from the wax of the Timothy grass bacillus, is a mixture of a saturated acid and an unsaturated, dibasic, hydroxy-acid, CToHisgOe, which has m.p. 56-57° and [ajo -f 6-1°. Its methyl ester, on vacuum distillation, gives the volatile methyl ester of a branched chain tetracosanoic acid and a neutral non- volatile residue. The optically active, dibasic, hydroxy- acid, leprosinic acid, from the leprosj^ bacillus has m.p. 62-63°, [ajc + 4° and has the formula CgsHi^eOg. The specific polysaccharide of the human tubercle bacillus, which occurs in the purified wax and which gives precipitin reactions with homologous antiserum, contains nitrogen and phosphorus and, on acid hydrolysis, yields 2 per cent, of mannose, 36 per cent, of c?-arabinose, 17-5 per cent, of galactose and traces of inosito, and glucosamine. The carbohydrate from the bovine o rgan- isms, containing 2-2 per cent, of phosphorus and traces of nitrogen, gives mannose, inositol and inositol mono- phosphate on hydrolysis. The acid-fast bacteria contain lipoids which can only be removed by extraction after treatment of the cells with 1 per cent, alcoholic hydrochloric acid. These 376 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY " firmly bound " lipoids can be precipitated from ether solution by alcohol or acetone. By filtration through a Chamberland candle the extracts from human and avian tubercle bacilli can be separated into filterable and unfilterable fractions. The extract from the leprosy bacillus is all filterable. Their composition is shown in Table 25 :— Table 25 ( After B. J. Anderson) Unfilterable Filterable Human Avian Human Avian Leprosy Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Firmly bound lipoid - 4-7 2-68 7-5 8-16 19-5 Polysaccharide - 50-5 31-3 25-5 150 40-5 Glycerol none none 2-0 none none Hydroxy-acids - 510 52-8 411 61-0 56-3 Lower fatty acids 40 3-8 28-4 3-7 4-3 Neutral material none 10-6 0-8 8-2 5-5 The unfilterable fractions contain twice as much polysaccharide as the filterable fractions. The poly- saccharides are similar to that of the human purified wax and give mannose, c?-arabinose and galactose on hydrolysis (that from the leprosy bacillus contains no mannose and only 1 per cent, of galactose, being almost entirely composed of c?-arabinose, with a small amount of an unidentified pentose). The polysaccharides all give about 50 per cent, of reducing sugar on hydrolysis. The non-reducing portion has not yet been identified. They give precipitin reactions with the homologous antisera. Tlie lower fatty acid fraction from the filterable fraction contained tuberculostearic acid but no phthioic acid. The hydroxy-acid from both human tubercle THE LIPOIDS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 377 fractions is mycolic acid ; but that from the avian bacilli is different from the wax mycolic acids ; it is called y-mycolic acid and on vacuum distillation gave 18 per cent, of a branched chain tetracosanoic acid, C24H48O2. The hydroxy-acid from the leprosy bacillus is leprosinic acid, which also gives a branched chain tetra- cosanoic acid on pyrolysis. The unsaponifiable material consists of r/-2-eicosanol and 6?-2-octadecanol. The chloroform soluble wax from the attenuated strain of tubercle bacillus, B.C.G., is a complex mixture giving a pentose polysaccharide, palmitic and cerotic acids and an acid-fast Avax, C51H102OH.COOH, on hydrolysis. It has been claimed that the wax content of the ether extracts of the various acid-fast bacteria is characteristic of the different types ; thus the lipoids of human and bovine tubercle bacillus contain 60 to 70 per cent, of wax, those of avian and cold-blooded tubercle bacilli, the leprosy bacillus and M. pJilei contain 27 to 30 per cent., whilst the smegma bacillus and dung bacilli contain only 4 to 10 per cent. Waxes have also been obtained from the diphtheria bacillus, but have not been investigated chemically. The evidence for the presence of sterols in bacteria is somewhat conflicting ; it has been claimed that Azotobacter chroococcum contains ergosterol to the extent of 0-1 per cent, of the fat fraction, and that sterols occur in human and bovine tubercle bacilli, in the B.C.G. strain, in 31. jjhlei and in Esch. coli. Cholesterol has been reportecl as occurring in L. acidophilus. The majority of reports, however, state that sterols are absent from bacteria. On the other hand, yeasts contain large amounts of ergosterol, up to 20 per cent, of the fat being quite common. Yeast is the chief commercial source of ergo- sterol, which is used in the mamrfacture of synthetic vitaniiu-T) or calciferol. Ergosterol also appears to be 378 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY a common constituent of many moulds, having been found in P. javanicum, P. puheridum,, P. aurantio-brunneum, A.fischeri, A. oryzce, A. sydowi, A. niger and Rhizopus jajyonicus in amounts varying from 0-1 to 0-4 per cent, of the dry weight of the mycehum. It has been found as ergosteryl palmitate in P. brevi-co7npactum, P. italicurn and P. atirantio-griseum in amounts between 0-02 and 0-5 per cent, of the dry mycelium. The mycelium of Aspergillus sydowi contains fungus C1BH31.CHOH.CH.CHOH.CH2.CH2.OH cerebrin, I , m.p. NH.CO.CHOH.C24H49 143°C., [ajo + 11*9° (in pyridine), which is identical with that found in yeasts and in mushrooms. Phosphatides. — The phosphatides yield fatty acids, glycerol or carbohydrates, phosphoric acid and choline or other nitrogenous bases on hydrolysis. According to the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in the molecule, they are classified as monoamino-monophosphatides (1:1), dia- mino-monophosphatides (2:1) and mono amino -diphospha- tides (1:2). The phosphatides are soluble in ether and are precipitated from such solution by acetone, by which means they can be separated from the fats which are soluble in acetone. The commonest phosphatide is lecithin, having a nitrogen to phosphorus ratio of 1:1. It is very probably built up of glycerol esterified with one molecule each of stearic, oleic and phosphoric acids with a molecule of choline linked on to the phosphoric acid group, as represented in the formula : — CH2O.CO.C17H36 (stearic acid) CHO.CO.C17H33 (oleic acid) CH20.P.(OH).O.C2H, II I O N(CH3)3 (chulinc) I OH THE LIPOIDS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 379 The phosphatides are widely distributed in inicio organisms and are almost certainly present to more or less extent in all of them. The non-acid-fast organisms contain about 0-5 to 2 per cent., whilst the tubercle bacillus contains about 6-5 per cent, of phosphatide. The phosphatides of the tubercle bacillus on hydi'olysis yield palmitic and oleic acids and the two liquid saturated acids, tuberculostearic acid, CigHggOg, and phthioic acid, C26H52O2. The leprosy bacillus phosphatide contains an unsaturated Cie fatty acid. The B.C.G. strain yields also a phosphorylated polysaccharide, giving mannose on hydrolysis. The phosphatides of the acid-fast bacteria contain very little nitrogen (see Table 26) and no choline or aminoethanol. The nitrogen ai:)pears to be in the form of ammonia. Phthioic acid appears to be responsible for the forma- tion of the tubercles which are a characteristic of tuber- culosis, since injection of the acid or of various fractions containing it gives rise to their production in experi- mental animals. Tuberculostearic acid is irritant but does not cause tubercle formation. The lipoids of the acid-fast bacteria contain, besides the phosphatides and waxes, substances akin to the cerebrosides which, on hydrolysis, yield glycerol, fatty acids and a carbohydrate. The carbohydrates have been identified as mannose, glucose and arabinose. The cyclic hexahydric alcohol, inositol, has also been found among the hydrolysis products of this fraction of the acid-fast bacilli. A comparison of the composition of the phospha- tides of some acid-fast bacilli is given in Table 26 : — ?>80 raoteriological chemistry Table 20 ( After U. J . Anderson) Bacillus Timothy Human Avian Bovine Grass Leprosy Melting point - . - 210« C. 210" C. 208» C. 1900 c. 23PC. Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Phosphorus - - - - 2-30 2-18 1-87 2-80 1-75 Nitrogen .... 0-36 0-48 1-00 0-22 trace Total ether-soluble fraction - 66 to 67 55 to 56 57 to 58 600 62-2 Palmitic acid 30-5 18-4 27-0 200 18-6 Oleic acid . . . . 12-8 18-4 7-0 5-6 13-8 Liquid saturated fattv acids 20-9 141 16-0 18-0 13-5 (tuberculostearic and phthioic) Total fatty acids recovered 64-2 53-7 500 43-6 45-9 Water-soluble constituents - 33 to 34 46 to 47 43 to 44 40-0 38-0 Mannose . . . . 9-2 13-3 6-7 9-5 5-2 Inositol .... 8-9 30 3-5 2-2 0-6 Other sugars 12-3 — . — — 20-6 Glycerophosphoric acid 5-4 60 9-9 100 ~ The distribution of the various lipoid fractions of the acid-fast bacteria is summarised in Table 27. Table 27 {After R.J. Anderson) Bacillus Timothy Human Bovine Avian Grass Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. Phosphatide .... 6-54 1-53 2-26 0-59 Acetone -soluble fat 6-20 3-34 2-19 2-75 Chloroform-soluble Avax 1103 8-52 10-79 4-98 Total lipoids .... 23-78 13-40 15-26 8-37 Polysaccharides .... 0-87 1-09 1-02 3-90 Bacterial residue 75-01 85-50 83-71 87-70 THE LIPOIDS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 381 The phosphatides of the diphtheria bacilhis, having the iiitro gen-phosphorus ratio of a monoamino-monophospha- tide, on hydrolysis yield aldohexoses, fatty acids, a compound with a high molecular weight and traces of a base. The solid saturated fatty acid was exclusively palmitic acid, and the liquid acids contained a substance, corynin, C50H100O4, m.p. 70° to 71°, containing one carboxyl group and two hydroxyl groups. Phytomonas tiunefaciens contains about 2 per cent, of total lipoids when grown on a sjoithetic, glycerol- containing medium and about 6 per cent, when the glycerol is replaced by sucrose. About 70 per cent, of the acetone soluble fat consists of free fatty acids, mainly unsaturated. The phosphatides are lecithin and cephalin in approximately equal quantities. The fatty acids comprise normal saturated and unsaturated Cis and C18 acids as well as liquid saturated branched chain acids of high molecular weight, similar to those in the tubercle bacilli. Among the liquid, saturated fatty acids is crystal- line ph}i:omonic acid, C20H40O2, m.p. 24° C. It is optic- ally inactive and is probably a homologue of tuberculo- stearic acid. It constitutes about 14 per cent, of the total fatty acids. No chloroform soluble wax and no sterols could be isolated. The phosphatide of LactohaciUus acidophilus yields glycerophosphoric acid, choline, palmitic, stearic and unsaturated fatty acids, together with a crystalline non- reducing polysaccharide which gives glucose, galactose and fructose on further hydrolysis. The yeasts also contain a high proportion of phospha- tides, but their constitution has not been worked out. Fat Synthesis. — The mechanism of fat synthesis by micro-organisms has been most extensively studied in the case of the yeast, Endomyces vernalis, which was used as a source of fat in Germany during the 1914-1918 war. Haehn and Kinntof , following a suggestion by Magnus Levy that acetaldehyde condensed to give aldol as an 382 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY intermediate, proposed the following scheme to account for the production of fats from sugar. Glucose breaks down, probably by the same mechanism as in alcoholic fermentation, to give methylglyoxal hydrate, which gives pyruvic acid and hydrogen : — /OH CeHiaOe > 2CH3CO.C^OH > 2CH3CO.COOH + 4H. \h In view of more recent knowledge of alcoholic fermentation methylglyoxal hydrate probably should no longer be considered as an intermediate, the pyruvic acid being formed in accordance with the Meyerhof-Embden scheme of alcoholic fermentation. The pyruvic acid is decar- boxylated to give acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide. Two molecules of acetaldehyde condense to give aldol : — O H\ ch3c— h + h— ^c.cho > ch3choh.ch2.cho. h/ The latter loses water with formation of the unsaturated aldehyde, crotonaldehyde : — CH3CHOH.CH2.CHO ^ CH3CH = CH.CH0 + H2O. The crotonaldehyde is reduced by hydrogen formed during the production of pyruvic acid to give butyraldehyde, CH3CH2.CH2.CHO. The butyraldehyde condenses with another molecule of acetaldehyde to produce a homologue of aldol, j3-hydroxycaproic aldehyde : — CH3CH2.CH2.CHO + CH3.CHO — > CH3CH2.CH2.CHOH.CH2.CHO. Loss of water gives rise to «j8-hexylene aldehyde, CHsCHa.CHs.CH^CH.CHO, which is reduced to caproic aldehyde, CH3(CH2)4CHO. This process of condensation with acetaldehyde, dehydration and reduction continues until a chain of carbon atoms corresponding to oleic THE LIPOIDS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 383 or stearic acids is hiiilf up, Avlien oxidation of the alde- hyde group to a carboxyl group gives stearic acid, CH3(CH2)i6COOH, for instance. The fatty acids so produced esterify with glycerol, which is formed in the early stages of the process, as in alcoholic fermentation (see p. 277). Very similar is the suggestion of Smedley and Lubrzynska that acetaldehyde and pynivic acid undergo aldol condensation to give a-keto-y-hydroxy- valeric acid : — CH3CHO + CH3CO.COOH — > CH3.CHOH.CH2.CO.COOH On decarboxylation, followed by internal oxidation- reduction, butyric acid is formed : — CH3.CHOH.CK2-CO.COOH — > CH3.CH2.CH2.COOH + CO2 a-Keto-y-hydroxyvaleric acid could also lose water to give the unsaturated acid, which on decarboxylation would give rise to crotonaldehyde : — CH3.CHOH.CB2.CO.COOH > CH3.CH=CH.C0.C00H CH3.CH=CH.C0.C00H > CH3.CH=CH.CH0 + COj Crotonaldehyde then condenses with another molecule of pyruvic acid to give an aldol acid which in turn would give rise to caproic acid and also to the homologue of crotonaldehyde containing two extra carbon atoms : — CH,.CH=CH.CHO + CH3.CO.COOH — ^ CH3.CH = CH.CH.0H.CH2.C0.C00H CHo.CH=CH.CH0H.CH2.C0.C00H — ^ CH3.CH=CH.CH2.CH2.COOH + COj CH3.CH=CH.CH2.CH2.COOH + 2H > CH3.CH2.CH2.CH2.CH2.COOH CH3.CH = CH.CH=CH.C0.C00H > CHg.CH^CH.CH^CH.CHO + CO, Continuation of such steps would give rise to the fatty acids starting with butyric acid and increasing in chain length two carbon atoms at a time. a-Keto-y-hydroxy- valeric acid and a-keto-y-hydroxy-valeraldehyde have 384 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY been found among the products of the action of enzymes from Staph, alhus on glucose. That one of these views of the production of fats is probably correct is supported by the fact that fixation of acetaldehyde with sulphite or dimedon causes a lowering of the fat yield, and also that the fatty acids found in bacteria and yeasts all contain chains with an even number of carbon atoms (corresponding to the building up of the chain by addition of the two carbon atoms of acetaldehyde at a time) ; moreover, nearly all the shorter fatty acids from butyric up to arachidic acid are known to occur in micro- organisms. It is interesting, and perhaps significant, to note that this synthesis passes through the j8-hydroxy- aldehydes, whilst the degradation of fats in the animal body proceeds through the jS-hydroxy-acids, carbon atoms being split off two at a time. The formation of fats from such substrates as alcohol probably also proceeds through acetaldehyde as inter- mediate, the aldehyde being produced by oxidation, or via a reserve carbohydrate. For further reading : — R. J. Anderson : (a) " The Separation of Lipoid Fractions from Tubercle Bacilli.'* J. Biol. Chem., 74 (1927), 525. (6) " The Phosphatide Fraction of Tubercle Bacilli." J. Biol Chem., 74 (1927), 537 (c) " The Chemistry of the Lipoids of the Tubercle Bacilli." Physiol. Reviews, 12 (1932), 166. [d) " Structural Peculiarities of Acid Fast Bacterial Lipides." Chem- Rev., 29 (1941), 225. R. E. Buchanan and E. I. Fulmer, " The Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria," Vol. I, Chapter III. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox. London, 1928. CHAPTER XXI THE PIGMENTS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS OUR present knowledge of the pigments of micro- organisms is in an unsatisfactory state. The constitution of comparatively few of them is known, and their classification is an arbitrary one depending on solubility relationships. However, there are three main chemical t\pes into which they fall, namely : — (a) Carotenoid Pigments. — These are red, orange or yellow pigments soluble in the fat solvents, ether, alcohol and chloroform. They are named after the type pigment carotene, an unsaturated hydrocarbon, C56H40, present as the red colouring matter of carrots. Hydroxyl deriva- tives of carotene, the xanthophylls, also belong to this group. Usually they occur together as more or less complex mixtures, which until recently were almost impossible to separate. Nowadays they are separated by means of chromatographic analysis, which depends on differential adsorption of the pigments on an appropriate adsorbent, such as calcium phosphate, alumina, kaolin and others, a principle originally developed by Tswett. A solution of the pigment in a suitable solvent is poured through a column of the adsorbant and the chromatogram " developed " by washing with the same or different solvents. The pigments separate into coloured bands at various depths in the column, which is then sliced between the bands and the separated pigments eluted. The caro- tenoids are usually characterised by the bands in their light absorption spectra. Many carotenoid pigments are readily bleached on exposure to atmospheric oxidation. 385 380 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Most of Miem gi\^e the lipocyan reac^tion, an intense ))lue colour with concentrated sulphuric acid. {h) Quinone Pigments. — Substituted toluquinones, O 0 II II CH /\ ■ "/X/N , naphthoquinones and anthra- II 0 0 0 il quinones are found quite frequently as 0 pigments in bacteria and the lower fungi. (c) Melanins. — The melanins are black or brown pig- ments which are very insoluble in nearly all solvents, even hot concentrated hydrochloric acid. They are soluble in warm concentrated sulphuric acid and are reprecipitated on dilution of the solution with water. They are formed as a result of the decomposition of proteins, either by boiling concentrated acids or by the action of the enzyme tyrosinase on the amino -acid tyrosine. Tryptophane and hydroxy-phenylethylamine are also sources of melanin pigments. They occur in the black Torula yeasts, in the De7natiacece, fungi with dark brown or black hyphse, and in the black varieties of certain bacilli such as B. mesentericus 7iiger. The following is a classification of the pigments based on solubility characteristics ; — THE PIGMENTS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 387 A. Cellular Pigments not colouring the medium. I. Soluble in chloroform. (a) Soluble in alcohol — (1) Carotenoid — (a) Red, e.g. x^^g^^^^^^^^ ^^ BJwdococcus, sulphur bacteria, Actinomyces, Torula. (jS) Orange, e.g. pigments of Staph, aureus, Sarcina aurantlaca. (y) Yellow, e.g. pigments of Staph, aureus, Staph. citreus, Sar. lutea. (2) Xo 13 -carotenoid — (a) Colour change with acids and alkalies, e.g. pro- digiosin, red in acid, yellow in alkali ; bac- terio-chlorin, the green pigment of sulphur bacteria ; the red and yellow pigments of Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium. (fi) No colour change with acids or alkalies — (i) Fluorescent, e.g. pigments of some species of Aspergillus. (ii) Non - fhiorescent, e.g. Flavobacte- rium brunneum. 388 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY II. Insoluble in chloroform — (a) Soluble in water, e.g. the anthocyanins of some species of Fusarium. (b) Insoluble in water — (1) Soluble in alcohol, e.g. violacein from Chr. violacemn ; violet and purple pigments of similar species . (2) Insoluble in alcohol — (a) Soluble in alkali, e.g. the yellow pigments of some Micrococci ; aspergillin from the spores of A. niger. {{i) Insoluble in alkali, e.g. the black pigment of B. mesentericus niger. B. Extra-cellular Pigments colouring the medium. I. Soluble in water — (a) Soluble in chloroform, e.g. pyocyanin, the blue pigment of Ps. ceruginosa. (h) Insoluble in chloroform — ^ (1) Colour change with acid and alkali, e.g. the green fluores- cent pigment of Ps. cerugiiiosa (colourless in acid), red pig- ment of Sacch. pulcherrimiis (colourless in alkali) ; methoxydihydroxytoluquinone from P. spiniilosum (blue in alkali, purple when neutral, yellow in acid). (2) No colour change with acid or alkali, e.g. the red pigment of some species of Actinomyces. THE PIGMENTS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 389 II. Insoluble in water — {a) Soluble in other solvents, e.g. brown pigment of Flavobacteriiun sicaveolens. (6) Insoluble in other solvents, e.g. the black and brown pigments of Actino- myces, Azotobacter cJiroococcum ; the melanin from Ps. ceruginosa. Certain organisms, notably of the genera Pseudomonas and Acetobacter, are capable of oxidising tyrosine, quinic acid and similar substances in the medium with formation of black or brown pigments. The constitution of a few of these pigments has been established completely, and fragmentary knowledge is available about some others. Prodigiosin, 020^^250X3, the red pigment of Sermtia viarcescens (B. prodigiosus) , has been shown to have the structure : — ^^OCHa Violacein, C42II35O5X5 or C50H42O8N6, the violet pigment of Chr. violaceum, contains one or more pyrrole nuclei with hydrocarbon side chains, being similar in constitution to prodigiosin. The purple bacteria of the genus RJiodovibrio contain complex mixtures of carotenoid pigments, including rhodopin, containing one hydroxyl group and two double bonds ; rhodovibrin, a polyene alcohol ; rhocloviolascene, C42H60O2J containing two methoxyl groups and thirteen double bonds, probably having the structure : — 390 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY OCH3 CH3 (CH3)2C=CH.C=CH.C = (CH3)2C = CH.CH = CH.C = CH.CH = OCH, CH3 CH.CH = CH.C CH.C= CH.CH" CH, a=CH I a=CH rhodopurpiirin ; flavorhodin, a hydrocarbon ; and j3- carotene. Sarcina lutea produces bacterioxanthophyll ; a crys- talline xanthophyll pigment, sarcina-xanthine, m.p. 149° C, with absorption maxima at 480, 451 and 423 m/x in chloroform, has been isolated from 8. lutea ; 8. aurantiaca gives j8-carotene and zeaxanthin ; 8taph. aureus gives zeaxanthin as the only pigment ; M. phlei gives lutein (a xanthophyll ester), kryptoxanthin and a-, j8- and y-carotenes ; M. leprce gives a pigment, leprotin, which is very like j8-carotene ; some strains of Myco- bacterium have been shown to produce four carotenoid pigments when grown on media containing mineral oil as the sole carbon source. Two of the pigments had vitamin A activity and one was shown to be astacin ; 8pirillum ruhrum gives the purple pigment, spirillo- xanthin, C48H66O3, containing one hydroxyl group and fifteen double bonds, and also other carotenoid pigments. Bacterium cocovenenans gives a yellow pigment, toxo- flavin, C6H6O4N2, which is isomeric with methylxanthine. Anaerobic bacteria apparently do not produce carotenoid pigments. The purple sulphur bacteria give bacteriopurpurin, which is a mixture of the red pigment, bacterioerythrin, and the green pigment bacteriochlorin or bacterio- chlorophyll, C55H7206N4Mg.H20, which is very similar to plant chlorophyll ; on removal of the magnesium it yields bacteriophseophytin. Bacteriochlorophyll is like chloro- phyll-a but contains two more hydrogen atoms and has THE PIGMENTS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 391 an acetyl group instead of a vinyl group on one of the carbon atoms. Bacteriochlorophyll is probably carried on different proteins in the Thiorhodacece, Athiorhodacece and the green sulphur bacteria, since they give different absorption spectra. C. diphtherice produces porphyrins, possibly derived from cytochrome. Azotobacter chroococcum and CI. ivelchii produce black melanin pigments from t^TOsine, whilst the latter also forms a pigment of the thio -amino type. Actinomyces tvaksmanii is said to give an anthocyanin pigment, but the chemical properties of the pigment are not altogether those of an anthocyanin. A. coelicolor and A. viola ceus-ruher give pigments which are blue in alkaline solution and red in acid solution, closely resem- bling azolitmin. Several phenazine pigments are known. Pj^ocyanin, the blue, chloroform soluble pigment of Pseudomonas ceruginosa (B. pyocyaneus) has the constitution N 0- 1 yi y[ ^' , or possibly a dimeric form of it. A N + N OH CH3 second, yellow pigment, a-hydroxj^phenazine, I I ll I N occurs in older culture of Ps. ceruginosa. Pyocyanin can act as a hydrogen carrier in the reduction of cyto- chrome, and can act as a hydrogen acceptor in the formation of phosphoglyceric acid from glucose by the action of the apozymase-cozjTnase system (see p. 202). Pyocyanin is bactericidal (see p. 177). Pseudomonas chloromphis yields a green, crystalline pigment, chloro- raphin, which, on exposure to air, changes to the crystal- line, yellow pigment, oxychlororaphin, m.p. 241° C. The 392 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY latter is the amide of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, N CONH2 . On reduction with zinc dust in water N it gives the orange -yellow, crystalline dihydrophenazine- 1-carboxylamide, m.p. 192-4° C. Chlororaphin is com- posed of one molecule of oxychlororaphin and one molecule of dihydrophenazine-1-carboxylamide and can be pro- duced synthetically by combining the components in acetic acid solution. Chromobacterium iodinum gives the pigment, iodinin, which is the N,N' dioxide of a dihy- droxyphenazine O II N OH / 8 %. OH 2 I 3 4 N The positions of the two hydro xyl groups is not known but they are probably not at positions 2:3 or 2 : 5. Iodinin, like pyocyanin and chlororaphin, is inhibitory to bacteria, 2/xg/ml. being sufficient to inhibit the gro\vth of Streptococcus pyogenes. The effect can be reversed by the action of hydroxy-anthraquinones or by 2 -methyl- 1 : 4- naphthoquinone. It is possible that iodinin and the other phenazine derivatives interfere with the mechanism of hydrogen transfer which involves quinones, by reacting at the same enzyme centres, in virtue of their similarity in structure. The human tubercle bacillus produces a yellow crystalline pigment, phthiocol, shown to have the constitution, 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-l:4-naphthoquinone, THE PIGMENTS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 393 0 CH3 . Ill alkaline solution it can undergo a tAvo- OH O stage oxidation-reduction reaction and may be concerned in the metabolism of the organism. It has some vitamin K (antihsemorrhagic) activity and raises the prothrombin content of the blood, on injection. The red yeasts, such as Torula rubra , produce caro- tenoid pigments, including jS-carotene, tonilene, and a polycarboxylic acid pigment. The blue fluorescent pigment thiochrome, C12H14ON4S, N=C— N==C— S I I I ^C.CHa.CHjOH CH3.C C— CH2— N— C II II I N— CH CH3 is derived from aneurin, or vitamin-Bi, which occurs in considerable amounts in yeasts. The pigment aspergillin, from the black spores of A . niger, is a melanin type of pigment soluble in alkali . Fumigatin, 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-2 : 5-toluquinone, 0 CH3/ ]jOH , maroon coloured crystals, m. p. 116° C, from " 'ioCH ' o A.fumigatus and spinulosin, 3 : 6-dih3Tlroxy-4-methoxy- 0 ' CHg II 11 2 : 5-toluquinone, jiq\\ IIqch ? purple plates, m.p II !l II li 394 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 201° C, from P. sjnnulosum and A. fmnigatus have already been described as antibiotics (see pp. 163, 179). Phoenicin, 2 : 2'-dihydroxy-4 : 4'-di-methyldiqiiinone, yellow brown crystals, m.p. 230° C, produced by P. phceniceiim and P. ruhrum is a condensed toluquinone pigment. Under appropriate conditions of growth, fumigatin and phoenicin occur in the colourless reduced quinol form, in the culture media. As suggested on page 393 the quinones and quinols form an oxidation-reduction system and may serve as a hydrogen transfer mechanism in respiration. Flavo- glaucin, C19H28O3, lemon yellow needles, m.p. 105° C. and auroglaucin, C19H22O3, orange crystals, m.p. 152° C, which occur in the mycelium of A. glaucus furnish examples of quinol pigments. Flavoglaucin has one of the structures : — "CHg OH OH \C.CH2.CH0. |-^^, CO(CH2)eCH3, CH2=CH.,/\ CO.(CH2)eCH3 CH2 II (CH3)2CH.I 1 OH OH __ or OH (CH3)2CH. CH2 = CH. ^\ CO(CH2)eCH3 ^ . • • ^ , and auroglaucni is the OH corresponding unsaturated analogue in ^vhich the side chain — 00.(CHo)6()H3 is replaced l)y — (J0(CH=CH)3 CH3. THE riOMENTS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 305 Pigments wliirji are derivatives oi 2-nicthyl anthra- () quinone />. CH, 31 4 ,^ , arc responsi])lc for the colours of many of the lower fungi, notably in the genus Helminifwsporium and certain Aspergillus and Penicillium species. Some of them are listed in Table 28. Table 28 PIGMENT COLOUR Structure PRODUCED By Carviolacin Light brown Tr ihydroxy-methoxy-2 -methyl- authraquinone P. carmino-violaceum Carviolin Chrome Trihydroxy-methoxy-2-methyl- P. carmino-violaceum yellow anthraquinone Catenarin Red - 1:5: 8-Trihydroxy-2-hydroxy- E. catenarium. methyl-anthraquinone H. gramineum, H. tritici-vulgaris, H. velutinum Cynodontin Bronze 1:4:5: 8-Tetrahydroxy-2- H. avencs, H. cynodontis metbyl-anthraquinone H. euchlcence Emodic acid - Orange 4:5: 7-TrihydroxT-anthraqui- P. citreo-roseum, none-2-carboxylic acid P. cyclopium Erythroglaucin Dark red - Trihydroxy - methoxy - methyl - A. glaiicus and related anthraquinone strains Funiculosin - Deep red - Trihydroxy - methyl - anthraqui - P. funiculosum Helminthosporiii Maroon none 4:5: 8-Trihydroxy-2-methyl- H. catenarium, anthraquinone H. cynodmtis, H. gramineum, U. tritici vidgariH (o-Hydroxy-emodin Dull orange 4:5: 7-Trihydroxy-2-hydroxy- P. citreo-roseum methyl-anthraquinone P. cyclopium Physcion, parietin, Keddish 4 : 5-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2- A. glaucus and related or emodin mono- orange methyl-anthraquinone strains and from methyl ether lichens Tritisporiu Red-brown - 1:3:5: 8-Tetrahydroxy-6 (or 7)-hydroxymethyl-anthraqui- H. tritici-vulgaris none It is possible that the anthraquinones, like the toluquinones, may play the part of hydrogen carriers in mould respiration. Some species related to A. glciiicus 396 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY were shown to contain the reduction products. 4 ; 5- dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2-methyl-9-anthranol and the corresponding 10-anthranol in addition to the oxidised form, physcion. Instead of the usual polyhydroxy- anthraquinones, H. leersii gave two reduced compounds, luteoleersin, C26H38O7, yellow rods, and colourless, albo- leersin, C26H40O7, which are regarded as the semi-quinone and quinol respectively and which can easily be converted into one another by oxidation-reduction processes. Fairly closely related to the anthraquinone pigments are the yelloAv pigment ravenelin, 1:4: 8-trihydroxy-3- HO CO OH met hylxant hone, > which is \ /\ /\ /^^' \/ \/ \/ O OH produced by H. rave^ielii and H. turcicum, and rubrofus- arin, C15H12O5, red crystals, which is a dihydroxy- methoxy-methylxanthone produced by Fusarium culmorum. The yellow crystalline pigment of the mycelium of Oospora sulphur ea-ochracea, sulochrin, COOCH3 0 OH ^\ II /\ II c 1 I HO I jloCHa HO I 'cHa is a benzophenone which is related to ravenelin. A number of other mould pigments are known but their constitution is unknown for the most part. The structure of citromycetin, the yellow pigment from P. citromyces-glabriim, is partially known : — THE PIGMENTS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 397 COUH I C CO ^\ /\ HO.C C Cv I II II \ I II II }c,-a,o II 11/ HO.C C C/ CH O whilst citrinin, a yellow pigment produced by P. citrinum and A. terreus, is : — CgHg C 0 /% % / % C C.OH CHo.C C % /% C C.COOH CH,.CH 0 For further reading : — R. E. Buchanan and E. I. Fulmer, " The Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria," Vol. I, Chapter III. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox. London, 1928. H. Raistrick and collaborators, Papers in Biochemical Journah 1931 onwards I CHAPTER XXII ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES AND COMPLEMENT N this chapter it is proposed to describe some of the substances which enter into the reactions involved in immunological phenomena. Antigens An antigen is a substance which, when introduced parenterally into the animal body, calls forth the pro- duction of another substance, known as an antibody, capable of reacting specifically with the antigen. Anti- gens always react with their corresponding antibodies, but everything which reacts with an antibody is not necessarily an antigen. In order to be antigenic it appears that a substance must be (a) foreign to the animal into which it is injected, (b) colloidal and (c) introduced beyond the epithelial tissues of the animal. For our present purpose we can divide antigens into those which occur naturally and those which do not ; the latter we may term artificial or synthetic antigens. Natural Antigens. — The natural antigens fall into three classes, proteins, polysaccharides and lipoids. Proteins. — The vast majority of antigens are proteins or contain a protein component. Almost all known proteins are antigenic provided that they are soluble. The notable exception is gelatin. It should be pointed out that gelatin, strictly speaking, is not a naturally occurring protein since it is produced by the hydrolysis 398 ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 399 of collagen ; it may thei'efore be degraded jjelow the limits of colloidal dimensions necessary for antigenic power. It differs from the majority of proteins in not containing tyrosine or tryptophane among the amino - acids of which it is built up and in being devoid of carbo- hydrate, and it has been suggested that its lack of anti- genic properties may be due to this deficiency. Insulin which is also non-antigenic lacks carbohydrate, but is rich in tyrosine. If proteins are rendered insoluble, by heat denaturation or by treatment with alcohol, for instance, they are no longer antigenic. If the denaturation has not been carried too far and is reversible the regenerated undenatured protein regains its antigenic properties. Such proteins as casein which are not rendered insoluble by heating do not lose their antigenicity on such treatment. The breakdown of a protein with loss of its colloidal properties is accompanied by a loss of antigenic properties . Thus a mixture of protein constituents obtained by hydrolysis is not antigenic. If, however, the fragments are re-united by enzyme action to form the colloidal plasteins, these are antigenic although they may have a specificity different from that of the original protein ; the plasteins obtained by recombination of the amino - acids of different proteins usually give cross reactions, that is, they have a certain degree of common specificity. Proteins from different sources differ from one another in the proportions and internal arrangement of their constituent amino -acids. Even such closely related pro- teins as the albumins of hens' and ducks' eggs can be distinguished by using anaphylactic shock in a sensitised animal as an indicator, although precipitin reactions are not sufficiently sensitive. It has been shown that these two albumins possess different amino -acids in the terminal positions of their molecules although their gross structure is the same. The fibrinogens and haemoglobins of different species can be similarly distinguished. As a rule there is 400 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY a certa-iii amount of cross -react ion l»etween such hetero- logous antigens and antisera (that is, between the haemoglobin, say, of one animal and an antiseiTim prepared against the haemoglobin of another animal), especially if the antiserum is employed in high concentration and if the two species are closely related. However, homologous pairs of antigen and antiserum always react to a con- siderably higher titre than do heterologous pairs. The non-structural proteins like globulin or albumin which circulate in the body are usually highly species specific. Structural proteins or depot proteins such as keratin, eye-lens protein, casein and the proteins of seeds are less specific and give wider cross reactions. The highly specialised proteins, for example insulin, which are common to many species are not only not specific in their immunological reactions but are not even antigenic. Proteins of different chemical types, even if they are obtained from the same species, give distinct and specific reactions and show no cross -reactions. Thus the serum proteins, globulin and albumin, of the rabbit differ from one another immunologically as well as chemically, and they also differ from haemoglobin and the protein of the lens of the eye and other proteins. In view of the fact that most of the chemical methods, such as halogenation, nitration or the introduction of azo -compounds, by which proteins can be altered to give different immunological reactions, involve changes in the amino -acids, tyrosine, tryptophane or phenylalanine, which contain a benzene ring, it has been considered that these constituents of the protein play a particularly important role in determining antigenic properties. The fact that the non-antigenic protein, gelatin, contains none of these amino -acids lends a certain amount of support to the view. These amino -acids alone, however, cannot account for all the activity, since the amino, hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of the aliphatic amino -acids can also ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 401 J>e altered in various ways with corresponding changes in specificit}'. Aoetylation, which involves the hydroxyl groups of tyrosine as well as amino groups, has a greater determining influence on specificity than does treatment with formaldehyde which acts primarily on amino groups. Acetylation usually eliminates species specificity but the action of formaldehyde does not. It may be mentioned here that the chemical alteration of a protein from a given animal may change it sufficiently to cause it to react as a protein foreign to that animal ; thus rabbit serum treated with formaldehyde is sufficiently different from the original serum to elicit the production of anti- bodies when it is injected into the rabbit which supplied it. Polysaccharides. — The majority of polysaccharides, bacterial and otherwise, which have been examined are not antigenic although they are haptens, that is, they can react with antisera prepared against a complete antigen of w^hich they formed a part. It was shown by Zozaya, that starch, dextran, glycogen and the poly- saccharides of several bacteria, including B. anthracis, the dysentery bacilli, streptococcus and pneumococcus, became antigenic if they were adsorbed on to collodion or aluminium hydroxide as a colloidal carrier. Since that time several polysaccharides have been suspected of being in themselves antigenic, without requiring any colloidal carrier, in spite of being free from proteins. The first of these was the acetyl polysaccharide isolated from the Type I pneumococcus by Goebel. This substance differs from the originally isolated soluble specific sub- stance in the possession of one acetyl group, which is apparently sufficient to convert the hajiten into a com- plete antigen. Some doubt has been cast on this finding by the work of Felton who could find no correlation between the acetyl content of various samples and their antigenicity. The next supposedly antigenic polysaccharide to be 402 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY isolated was the "complete antigen" which Boivin and his co-workers isolated from smooth strains of Salmonella typhirnurium by extraction with dilute trichloracetic acid. It was found to be toxic, capable of provoking antibody production and of immunising mice against subsequent injection of many times the fatal dose of the toxin or the living organisms. By the action of hot, dilute acetic acid the antigenic character and toxicity were rapidly lost and a polysaccharide, the " residual antigen," was obtained which was a hapten only, the hydrolysis having split off fatty acids and a phosphatide. It has since been shown that a protein fraction is also removed by hydrolysis and that the antigenicity of the " complete antigen " depends on its presence (see p 361). Rough strains of Sal. typJiimurium contain the " residual antigen " only ; they possess an enzyme which hydro lyses the " complete antigen." The same antigen was dis- covered almost simultaneously by Raistrick and Topley, who isolated it by treating the bacteria with trypsin in order to digest the bacterial protein and then precipitating the polysaccharide from solution with alcohol. More recently, in a similar way, Raistrick and Topley have isolated a toxic, completely antigenic polysaccharide from the typhoid bacillus . It confers protective immunity on mice when injected in extremely small doses and elicits antibody formation in rabbits. On hydrolysis by very weak acid this too loses acid groups and yields a neutral polysaccharide which is non-toxic and non-antigenic (see p. 363). It is, therefore, becoming more certain that pure polysaccharides are not antigenic, but that when com- bined with a protein they act as the determinant groups of an antigenic complex. Lipoids. — There is still considerable controversy as to the antigenic character of lipoids, although there is no doubt of the very important part which they play in ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 403 immunological reactions. Although they are not capable of such great variation in composition as the proteins and polysaccharides there is still a fairly wide range of possible lecithins and kephalins (containing different saturated and uixsaturated acids) and sterols. It seems almost certainly established that they cannot act as antigens alone but that they may do so when mixed with serum ; that is, like most polysaccharides, they are haptens. Synthetic distearyl lecithin was shown to give complement fixation with an antisenim prepared against the compound mixed with pig serum ; cross -reactions with commercial lecithin preparations were also obtained. S}Tithetic and purified lecithins were found to be weaker antigens (when mixed with serum) than crude lecithins. The Wassermann and flocculation reactions used in the diagnosis of syphilis employ lipoid " antigens " obtained by alcoholic extraction of heart muscle tissue. Their specific activity with s}q^)hilitic sera appears to depend on a substance, cardiolipin, isolated from the phosphatide fraction. It contains 4-11 per cent, of phosphorus but no nitrogen ; and is isolated as a sodium salt. On saponification it gives 62 per cent, of fatty acids, a non-reducing carbohydrate and phosphoric acid. Glycerol is absent, and the substance is analogous to the carbohydrate containing lipoids of the tubercle bacillus and Lactobacillus acidophilus (see p. 371). Lecithin and cholesterol are also necessary in the " anti- gen " for complement fixation to occur. Other lipoid fractions, fats and fatty acids, also afford reactions which, however, are not specific, occurring with normal as well as syphilitic sera. Bacterial lipoids, like those of plant and animal origin, behave in a similar w^ay with sera, giving the same types of flocculation reaction. The sterols, when mixed with pig serum, also seem to be antigenic and give antisera which show complement tixation but not flocculation reactions. Cholest-erol, 404 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY CH3 I /^^3 CH2 ! CH— CH(CH2)3CH /\ ^^ \CH CHg C CH2 ^H3 I I I CH2 I CH CH CHj CHg C CH HO.CH C CHj \ /% / \/ %/ CHo CH dihydrocholesterol, oxycholesterol (in which the double bond is saturated by hydrogen and oxygen respectively) and ergosterol, CH3 CH3 .,TT CH3 1 1 /-^^3 CH2 CH— CH— CH-CH— CH— CH CH2 C CH2 CH3 1 1 1 CH2 CH CH CHa CH2 c c 1 1 II i.CH C CH CH2 CH give cross -reactions, the reactions with homologous sera, however, being stronger than with heterologous sera. Cholestan (in which the hydroxyl group of cholesterol is replaced by a hydrogen atom), dibromocholesterol (in which the double bond is saturated by bromine) and cholesterol esters showed differences from one another, due to differences at the doul)le l)ond or the hydroxyl group, but also gave cross-reactions due to the rest of the molecule. ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 405 Artificial Antigens. — Our knowledge of artificial anti- gens has developed largely as a result of Landsteiner's investigations into the chemical basis of immunological specificity. He showed that if an antiserum is prepared by the injection of, say, horse serum into a rabbit that antiserum will react with horse serum but not with chicken serum or egg albumin. Similarly an antiserum to chicken serum will react only with the homologous serum and not with horse serum or egg albumin, which also gives a specific antiserum. Landsteiner made artificial anti- gens by introducing various known chemical groups into the proteins. For example, he cliazotised the compound atoxyl, p-aminophenyl-arsinic acid, NH2;(^ \AeO3Hj, and coupled it with proteins, presumably through the tyrosine, histidine or tryptophane groups : — CHo.CH.KH,.COOH + 2R.N=N.C1. — + 2NaOH OH (Tyrosine) 2NaCl. R.N=Nl 'N=N.R 1- ^xxjv OH (3 : 5 di-azo-derivative) He used the resulting atoxyl-azo -proteins as antigens and found that any of the antigens reacted with any of the antisera irrespective of the protein (horse or chicken serum or egg albumin) which was present in the atoxyl derivative. In other words, the atoxyl group had aboHshed (or masked) the original specificity and con- ferred a new one determined by itself. If tlie proteins 406 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY were coupled with siilphanilic acid, NH2<^ \sO3H, instead of with atoxyl, again the original protein specificity disappeared, nor would sulphanilic acid-azo -proteins react with antisera to atoxyl-azo -proteins and vice versa. This specificity can be demonstrated in another way. The formation of the precipitate by the reaction of the antiserum with the atoxyl-azo -protein antigen, for instance, can be prevented by the previous addition of simple atoxyl derivatives to the antiserum. Atoxyl diazotised and coupled with tyrosine, or even atoxyl itself, can act in this way. These simple derivatives are not themselves antigenic nor do they give any visible reaction with the antiserum. They are named simple haptens. The inhibition of precipitin reactions by haptens is also specific ; atoxyl haptens inhibit the reactions of atoxyl antisera but not those of sulphanilic acid antisera, whilst the sulphanilic acid haptens inhibit only reactions between sulphanilic acid-azo -proteins and the corres- ponding antisera and not those between any other antigens and antibodies. The groups, like atoxyl or sulphanilic acid, which modify the specificity of antigens in these ways are called determinant groups. Landsteiner studied a large number of aromatic amino -acids from this point of view and found that the specificity which they introduced depended partly on the substituent and partly on its position in the ring. Thus antisera to o-amino -benzene -sulphonic acid-azo -proteins gave reactions with both the 0- and m-derivatives but not with the ^-derivative, showing the effect of position. The same antisera also reacted with o-amino -benzoic acid, \ / ^ , as hapten, or, when COOH coupled with protein, as antigen, ])ut they showed no reactions with the m- and ^-amino -benzoic acids. This illustrates the com])ined effect of the substituent and its ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 407 position. The electric fields clue to the polarity of the groupings (see p. 33) are sufficiently alike in the case of o-amino -benzoic acicl and o-amino -benzene -sulphonic acid to allow of either of them reacting with the antiserum prepared against the other ; but altering the position of the substituent to the 7/i-position is sufficient to change the electric field so much that cross -reactions can no longer occur. The difference is, of course, even more enhanced when the p- and o-derivatives are compared. The addition of a second substituent is also sufficient to alter the charge distribution to a great enough extent to abolish the reactions ; thus antisera to o-amino - benzene -sulphonic acid-azo -proteins will give no reaction with chloro -amino -benzene -sulphonic acid-azo -protein (1), >N=N— Protein SO,H , nor with the corresponding methyl derivative (2), CH, )X=X — Protein SO,H , and vice versa. The fields of (1) and (2) are nearly enough alike, however, for antisera to (1) to react with (2), and vice versa. Landsteiner also made some interesting experiments by coupling peptides to proteins. He diazotised 2^-amino- benzoyl-glycyl -leucine, CO. NHa giycyi [G] .XH.CH.COOH I CH, I " CH Clfg CM3 leucine [L] coupled it to proteins and made antisera in the usual way. He also prepared similar compounds with different arrangements of the amino -acids in the peptide, namely, LG, LL and GG, where L and G represent leucine and glycine respectively. The various combinations of 27 408 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY antigen and antiserum were then tested ; typical results are summarised in Table 29. Table 29 Antigen Antiserum Hapten Reaction GLP GLS + + LLP ^^ + GGP — — LGP — — GLP GL — ,, LL - ,, GG + + ,, LG + + It was found that GL antiserum reacted strongly with GL antigen, less strongly with LL antigen and not at all with GG and LG antigen. The reaction between GL antiserum and GL antigen was inhibited by GL and LL as haptens but not by GG or LG haptens. Similar results were also found for the other antisera. It is seen that both the amino -acids in the peptide influence the specificity, but that the terminal amino-acid is the most powerful factor ; when the terminal amino-acid in the test antigen is different from that used in preparing the antiserum no reaction occurs, whilst a different amino-acid in the intermediate position merely weakens the reactions. Landsteiner showed that the peptides having molecular Aveights between 600 and 1000, consisting of 8 to 12 amino-acid residues, obtained by hydrolysis of silk fibroin, were capable of inhibiting the reaction between silk fibroin and the antibody to it ; the inference is that the determinant groups in silk fibroin are not larger than these peptides. It is probable that the determinant groups of other proteins are of similar dimensions. In cases where the determinant group has no very marked polarity the specificity is less sharply defined, and the actual nature of the particular groups involved has little ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 409 or no effect . Thus it has been showTi that the determinant groups NH^/ }-^-\ /' ™2\ /~™~\ / andNHa/ ^— CHg— / y , linked in the usual way to proteins, are immunologically equivalent, that is, the antiserum to one will react equally well \sdth any of them as antigen or hapten, the slight differences of field due to the comparatively inert groups — 0 — , — NH — and — CHg — not being sufficient to influence the reactions. — C— If, however, the strongly polar group, 1| , replaces the 0 inei-t group, the equivalence is no longer apparent ; antisera to the above antigens will not react with anti- gens or haptens containing ^ ^x as the determinant group. As would be expected from what was said about surface charges in Chapter III, spatial configuration plays an important part in the specificity induced by deter- minant groups. Landsteiner, for instance, coupled the amino -tartranilic acids, which exist in the optically active d- and Z-forms and the optically inactive me5o-form, with proteins and prepared the corresponding antisera. The antisera to the dextro -compound reacted strongly with the cf-antigen, OH H / \ I I Protein— X =N< >NH.CO.C C"— COOH ^ ^ I I H OH Ijut only very slightly with the /-antigen, H OH Pi-otoin— N -n/ ^NH.CO.C C— COOII ^ ^ I I OH H 410 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY whilst it gave weak reactions with the meso-antigen, Protein — N=N< )NH.CO.C C- I I OH OH COOH Similarly, the /-antiserum reacted strongly with the /-antigen, hardly at all with the (/-antigen and weakly with the me^o- antigen. The me^o-antiserum reacted with the homologous antigen strongly and gave weak cross - reactions with the d- and /-antigens. The amino- tartranilic acids used as haptens gave the corresponding specific inhibition reactions. If, however, d- and /-malic acids, H OH I C, ' and COOH.CH2.C.COOH, I OH having only one optically active carbon atom instead of the two of the tartranilic acids, were used as haptens the inhibition reactions were much weaker, but took place with the antiserum to the corresponding isomer of tartra- nilic acid. Succinic acid, COOH.CH2.CH2.COOH, having no optically active carbon atom had no effect as a hapten. The effects of spatial distribution are also well illus- trated in the case of the synthetic carbohydrate antigens studied by Avery and Goebel. They synthesised 23 -amino -phenol- j8-glucoside. CH2OH ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES. ETC. and 7:>-amino -phenol- ^-galactoside, -til CH„OH HO H OH XH,, diazotised them and coupled them with albumm and globulin in the usual way to make antigens. It will be seen that the only difference between the glucose and galactose derivatives is in the arrangement of the hydrogen atom and hydroxyl group on carbon atom 4 of the sugar molecule. Yet this small difference is sufficient to make the new antigens specific and to obliterate the specificity of the proteins to which they are coupled ; thus the glucoside -globulin antigen gives no reaction with the galactosicle -globulin antiserum but does react with the glucoside-albumin antiserum. The inhibition reactions by the homologous haptens were equally specific, the glucose-derivative hapten having no effect on the reactions between galactose-derivative antigens and antisera, and vice versa. When ;;-amino-phenol-« -glucoside, HO 412 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY was diazotisecl and coupled with proteiiLS, it aLsu produced specific antigens in which the glucose molecule acted as the determinant group, but marked cross -reactions took place l)etween the a- and ^-giucoside antigen-antiserum pairs. It thus appears again that the terminal group, — CHOH, at position 4 in these cases, has a greater effect than groups situated within the molecule, such as the a- and ^-glucoside links in these examples. Artificial antigens containing glucuronic or galac- turonic acids as determinants react with various anti- pneumococcal horse sera, but their injection into animals does not provoke antibodies which protect the animal against iniection with pneumococci. If, however, an antigen made by coupling synthetic, diazotised 2?-amino- benzyl cellobiuronide (6- jS-glucuronosidoglucose), H OH HO H H OH H H COOH -CHj I Os H A l/H |\ OH H 0 OH -CH2.C6H4.NH2 H OH with horse serum globulin is injected, antibodies are formed which give precipitin reactions with the Type III polysaccharide, agglutinate Type III pneumococci and confer on mice passive immunity against virulent Types II, III and VIII pneumococci. The corresponding antigen containing gentiobiuronic acid (4- ^-glucuronosido- glucose). H OH HO CH2OH J 0 / \ H H /. OH H \| l/H H / n l\^^ " 0 CHo.CeH^.NH. COOH H OH gives rise to antisera which have no protective effect in ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 413 mice against Types III and VIII pneumococci, but which confer immunity against Type II organisms. Antigens containing cellobiose or gentiobiose in place of the aldobionic acids give antibodies which are devoid of pro- tective effect against infection with pneumococci. Anti- gens made in the same w^ay using the specific polysac- charides give antibodies with sharp type specificity whilst those containing aldobionic acids give antibodies with a wider specificity covering all types of pneumococci (for example Types II, III and VIII) which contain the same aldobionic acid in their specific polysaccharides (see p. 355). Artificial antigens containing strychnine or various sulphonamides, have been prepared by coupling the diazotised substance with a protein. The resulting antibodies react specifically with the antigens. The anti- sera prepared against the strychnine antigen were too weak to protect mice against the toxic effects of strychnine. The specificity of the sulphonamide antigens is determined by the nature of the sulphonamide ; thus sulphanilic acid, sulphanilamide and sulphacet amide azo -proteins give cross reactions with the antisera, whilst sulpha- thiazole and sulphapyridine are much more sharply specific, as would be expected from the difference in the structure of the substituents carried by the sul- phonamide group. All the artificial antigens which we have considered so far have been produced by coupling proteins with known simple chemical compounds by means of the diazo reaction. This coupling almost certainly occurs w^ith those amino -acids in the protein, such as tyrosine, histi- dine and tryptophane, which contain aromatic groups. The aromatic nuclei can also be modified in other ways ; for instance, by the introduction of halogens or nitro groups, wdth similar abolition of the original protein specificity and the formation of a new specificity depending 414 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY on the introduced determinant group. Thus iodo- and bromo -proteins were found to have lost their protein specificity and reacted only with antisera prepared against themselves, although there was strong cross -reaction between the iodo- and bromo -derivatives. The reactions between both iodo- and bromo -antigens and antisera I were inhibited by di-iodotyrosine, H0<^ ^CH^.CH.COOH, which is apparently the corresponding hapten. Neither tyrosine, H0<^ ^CHa-CH.COOH itself, nor di-iodophenol, NH2 I HO^ y, nor potassium iodide acted as haptens. I Dibromotyrosine behaved as a hapten, but less strongly than the iodo -derivative. Harrington has made use of tyrosine for coupling various determinants to proteins. He prepared the 0-^-glucosidyl-tyrosyl-derivatives of gelatin and insulin by condensing glucosidyl-tyrosine, with the free amino groups of lysine in the proteins. These normally non -antigenic proteins were thus con- verted into antigens which provoked specific antibodies when injected into rabbits, although rather poorly. This affords further evidence that gelatin and insulin are non-antigenic due to lack of tyrosine and carbo- hydrate and of carbohydrate respectively. Glucosidyl- tyrosine coupled to ordinarily antigenic proteins, such as globulin or albumin, gave very good antigens of a sharp specificity determined by the introduced groups. Harrington also made antigens containing thyroxine by ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 415 coupling the azide of N-carbobenzoxy-3 : 5-di-iodothyro- nine, I H0<^ \-0-( \cH2.CH.COX3 ^ NH.OC.OC.H; with proteins in alkaline solution and iodinating the product to convert the di-iodothyronine residues to thy- roxine and to convert the tyrosine residues initially in the protein to di-iodotyrosine. Antisera prepared hy the injection of these antigens were highly specific in their reactions and were able to prevent the metabolic activity of thyroglobulin or of thyroxine when these were injected into animals. Similar results were obtained by coupling aspirin to proteins ; passive immunisation of animals with antisera prepared against aspirin antigen prevented the ordinary pharmacological action of aspirin. A method of affecting the specificity of proteins which does not necessarily affect the benzene nuclei is to substi- tute the hydroxyl and amino groups of the amino -acids by acyl groups"! A certain amount of cross -reaction between different acyl proteins occurs ; for instance, acetyl-proteins react to some extent with antisera prepared against propionyl-proteins but not with those prepared against proteins containing longer chain substituents like butyryl, CH3(CH2)oCO— , or valeryl, CH3(CH2)3CO— . Proteins containing aromatic substituents like the anisoyl CHgO/^ ^CO— , or cinnamyl, <^ \cH=CH.CO— groups do not give cross -reactions with antisera to the aliphatic derivatives. Methyl or similar alkyl groups can be intro- duced into the hydroxyl or amino groups of the amino - acids with similar but weaker effects, a result which is to be expected in view of the less actively polar character of such groups. Methylated proteins react with the antisera to ethyl-proteins but not with those to untreated proteins 416 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY or to acyl- or nitro -proteins (which have strong pokir groups). The amino groups of proteins may be altered in other ways. Hopkins and Wormall treated proteins with phenyl isocyanate, <^ \N=C = 0, , which reacts with amino groups to give phenylureides or substituted ureas : — R.CH2.NH2 R.CH2.NH + > ^CO C6H5N = C = 0 CeHgNH The protein-phenylureides were found to have lost the specificity of the original proteins and to have acquired a new one due to the phenylureide group. It was found that the precipitin reactions were inhibited by lysine phenylureide as hapten, indicating that the amino-acid lysine, NH2.CH2.(CH2)3CH.COOH, is involved in the I NH2 formation of the protein phenylureide derivatives. Isocyanate derivatives have been used for the intro- duction of other determinants into proteins. For instance the isocyanate derivative of histamine can be made by treating histamine with carbonyl chloride, and then coupled with proteins to give antigens : — ■ CH==C.CH,.CH.,.NH2 CH==C.CH,.CH,.N = C = 0 i I " " > I I " " N NH + COCI2 N NH protein CH CH (Histamine) ( j3-5-imidazolylethyl isocyanate ) CH==C.CHo.CH,.N =CO.NH I I " " I N NH Protein CH The coupling probably occurs through the free terminal ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 417 amino groups of lysine. The antisenini prepared agaiiLst this antigen is specific for histamine and gives cross reactions witli hist amine -azoproteins. Guinea-pigs im- munised by injection of the histamine antigen were protected against the physiological effects of histamine. In contrast to the effect of isocyanates Landsteiner found that when the amino groups of proteins are con- densed with formaldehyde with introduction of a methylene group, R— NHa + HCHO > R— N = CH2 + HgO, there is no apparent change in the specificity of the proteins, which behave immunologically exactly as the untreated proteins . This fact is made use of in preparing anti-toxins ; the toxin is converted to the toxoid by the action of formaldehyde. The toxoid, although non-toxic, is still capable of provoking the formation of antibodies which react specifically with the original toxin. It was mentioned on p. 362 that the somatic antigens of Shigella dysenterice and Eherthella typhosa could be broken down by the action of 90 per cent, phenol into a polysaccharide hapten and an antigenic protein, and that the two components could be recombined by solution in formamide and precipitation of the complex by alcohol. The protein is also capable of being coupled with other polysaccharides in the same way to give antigenic com- plexes. Thus with agar, gum acacia, cherry gum, and the blood group A specific polysaccharide (isolated from commercial pepsin, peptone or gastric mucin) antigens are formed in which the specificity is determined by the polysaccharide moiety. Gum acacia gives no precipitin reaction with cherry gum antiserum, although cherry gum gives a weak reaction with gum acacia antiserum. Other polysaccharides such as kanten (a degradation product of agar), gum tragacanth, hyaluronic acid, the specific polysaccharides of Types I and II pneumococci 418 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY aud the blood group A polysaccharide give no reaction with the two gum antisera. Antibodies Our knowledge of the chemistry of antibodies is at present rather vague. For the most part we only know antibodies by the reactions which they give, and we have but little insight into their chemical differentiation. As we have already stated, they are produced as a result of the injection of foreign colloidal substances into the animal system. It has been conjectured that they are not even new substances but merely an altered physical state of the normal serum proteins . Practically all the evidence, however, points to the fact that they are entities and capable of a separate existence ; they can be removed, either specifically by the corresponding antigen or by such non-specific agents as kaolin or alumina, from the anti- serum and then recovered from the complex by suitable means . Composition of Antibodies. — That antibodies are pro- tein in nature is shown by the fact that the specific precipitates contain more protein than can be accounted for by the antigen. This is particularly striking when the antigen is a soluble specific polysaccharide, such as that of Type I pneumococci, which itself contains no protein. That the protein in these precipitates is not due to non-specific adsorption is shown by an experiment in which an antiserum was coupled with diazotised benzi- dine-R-salt to give a bright -red dye ; the dyed antiserum was used in specific and non-specific precipitin reactions, the red colour appearing only in those precipitates in which the antiserum was one of a homologous pair. Again, bacteria or red blood corpuscles sensitised with an antibody acquire a new isoelectric point and move in an electric field as though they were coated with globulin. Such systems, as well as toxin-antitoxin mixtures, con- taining, say, an antibody prepared in a horse, if injected ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 419 into a rabbit will produce antibodies corresponding to the protein (horse globulin) of the first antibody. Antibodies appear always to be associated with the globulin fraction of the serum proteins, but w^e do not know whether they are normal globulins modified in some way by the presence of the antigen or whether they are entirely new globulins . The antibodies, generally speaking, are so closely related to the globulins chemically that it is almost im- possible to distinguish between them except by serological reactions. They have the same distribution of amino - acids, the same nitrogen content and the same isoelectric point ; it has been shown that the carbohydrate fractions of normal seiiim globulin, diphtheria antitoxin and the toxin-antitoxin floccules are identical, but different from that in albumin. Differences between the precipit ability of ferric hydroxide sols by normal sera and antisera have been noted, but the results are not at all constant. The antibody globulin forms but a small portion of the total serum globulin, as the figures quoted on p. 427 show, so that it is not surprising that the antibodies cannot be distinguished chemically. During immunisation the serum globulin content in- creases by about 5 per cent, and the albumin content falls slightly. The increase of globulin, however, bears no constant relationship to the antibody titre, and in any case only a very small proportion of it can be due to antibody globulin since precipitation results show, for example, that the unit of diphtheria antitoxin is associated with only 0-01 mg. of globulin. The antibody globulins must, obviously, be different in* some way from normal globulins, and it is generally thought that they carry active prosthetic groups which differ in stability from normal globulin. The group may survive treatment, considerably altering the globulin, such as the addition of iodo groups or acetylation, or it 420 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY may be eliminated by treatment not substantially affecting the globulin as a whole, depending on the point of attack. Production of Antibodies. — We still do not Imow how antibodies are produced in response to the injection of antigens. It has been suggested that antibodies differ from normal serum globulins in that they incorporate the antigen in their structure and owe their specificity to that fact. This theory seems hardly tenable for several reasons ; an extremely small quantity of an antigen can induce the formation of almost limitless amounts of antibody. Animals repeatedly bled after injection of a single small dose of antigen go on manufacturing antibody in quantity which would exhaust the supply of antigen many times over, however little of it were incorporated. More positive evidence is afforded by experiments made with artificial antigens containing an easily detectable hapten group such as the atoyxl group or certain dye groups ; in no case has a trace of that group been detected in the antibodies resulting from the injection of such antigens. A suggestion, made by Breinl and Haurowitz and by Mudd, which seems more possible is that the anti- bodies are synthesised from amino-acids and peptides at the surface of the antigen which, due to its stereochemical spacing or distribution of surface charges, acts as a sort of template and impresses its specificity on the newly formed protein in that way. The antibody is supposed to differ from normal globulin in the order in which the amino-acids are incorporated into the protein chain, the new order being imposed by the presence of the antigen. The complex of antigen and antibody so formed is as- sumed to dissociate, the antibody being liberated into the blood-stream and the antigen being left free to influence the synthesis of further amounts of the antibody. Work by Cannon and his collaborators has shown that the formation of antibodies is associated with the syn- thesis of globulins in the l)ody, and depends on an adequate supply of amino-acids in the form of protein ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 421 or other dietary nitrogen compounds. It has also been shown by the use of amino -acids containing isotopic nitrogen as a " marker " or " label " that the proteins of the body, including globulin and albumin, are con- stantly being broken down and resynthesised and that the amino -acids themselves undergo similar changes. Pauling has suggested that antibody globulin molecules do not differ from normal globulin molecules in their chemical composition, and that they are sjoithesised in the normal way, but that they differ in the way that the peptide chains, particularly^ at the ends, are folded into a stable configuration. He regards the centre part of the chain of amino -acids to be held at the s;^Tithesising centres in the cell whilst the ends of the chain are more or less mobile, as pictured at (i) in Fig. 8. These free 1 '^Iaaaj^'' ^^0> B (II) (ill) Ovj Fig. 8, — •Synthesis of Normal Globulin. ends fold into their natural stable configuration and remain so because held by hydrogen bonds and similar intramolecular weak bonds (at ii). In the course of time the molecule becomes liberated into the blood- stream (as at iii) where the whole of the peptide chain settles down to the stable configuration of normal globulin, represented at (iv). When globulin is syn- thesised in the presence of antigen, which is taken up by the cell at the site of synthesis, the polypeptide chain is built up as usual (i. Fig. 9), but the free ends now assume a configuration which is modified by the presence of the polar determinant groups on the antigen, Avhich exert an attraction on groups in the polypeptide chain (see ii), and cause folding of the ends of the chain 422 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY in a pattern complementary to that of the particular part of the antigen in contact with them. The newly synthesised modified globulin chain becomes released from the cells as illustrated by (iii), and ultimately one end of the chain becomes dissociated from the antigen as at (iv), and the central part of the chain can then take up its normal globulin folding (v). In time the other end of the molecule is dissociated from the antigen and B 111 c Antibodu B,.-— ^ R B \ G"# (ivj (v) (vi) Fig. 9 — Synthesis of Antibod}^ Globulin. the complete antibody globulin molecule is set free (vi) into the blood-stream, leaving the antigen molecule available to influence the folding of the ends of the peptide chains of freshly formed globulin molecules. The rate of antibody synthesis will depend on the strength of the attraction between the coiled ends of the globulin chain and the determinant groups on the antigen ; the weaker the determinant groups the less time will occur before the attraction is overcome in the ordinary dynamic inter- change which is constantly going on between molecules. Antil^ody molecules Avill continue to be produced until their concentration becomes so great that the antigen ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 423 molecules are almost constantly associated Avith already modified ends of antibody globulin chains and therefore not free to influence the production of further antibody molecules . This theory accounts for the fact that more than one sort of antibody can be produced by a single antigen if that antigen carries more than one determinant group which can act as a template for the coiling of ends of the peptide chains. Thus it is known that the heat stable antigen and the heat labile antigen of the vaccinia virus are two parts of a single antigen molecule. That is, antigens may be monovalent or, more usually, since they are complex molecules, multivalent, in the sense of being able to combine with one or more antibodies. Thus if an antigen had two hapten groups, A and B, it would give rise to divalent antibodies carrying the specific end groups A' — A', B' — B' and A' — B' as well as monovalent antibodies, A' and B'. The fact that antibodies formed as a result of prolonged immunisation usually have a broader specificity and give wider equivalence zones of reaction with antigens (see Chapter XXIII) is also accounted for on this basis. The theory also accounts for the cross reactions which occur between the antisera to different antigens since several antigens may contain a common determinant group. The apparent paradox that antigens with powerful polar determinant groups are frequently poor antigens, giving only low concentra- tions of antibody although of sharp specificity, whilst antigens with weak polar groups, that is of low specificity, usually give high titre antisera is explained by the fact that the stronger the polar group the more firmly will it attract and hold the complementary antibody group and therefore the less frequently is the antigen molecule available to influence the formation of fresh antibody molecules . On the basis of this theory Pauling predicted that if normal glolnilin Avere j^laced under mild denaturing 28 424 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY conditions, such as heating at 50° to 60° C, or solution in urea or alkali, which cause the protein chains to unfold, and the conditions then restored to normal in the presence of an antigen, the polypeptide chains would refold in a manner complementary to the antigen ; in other words antibodies would be formed. He claims, on reasonable but not rigid evidence, to have produced in vitro in this way antibodies to 1 : 3-dihydroxybenzene-2 : 4 : 6-tri-jt)- azophenyl arsonic acid, methyl blue and the specific polysaccharide of Type III pneumococcus. The Separation of Antibodies. — Many attempts have been made to separate antibodies from the inactive con- stituents of the antiserum. These depend on (1) non- specific methods and (2) specific methods : — 1 (a) AUemtio7i of the Salt Content. — If serum is half- saturated with ammonium sulphate the globulin is precipitated, leaving albumin in solution ; the albumin is precipitated on complete saturation of the serum with ammonium sulphate. Globulin can be further split into euglobulin which is insoluble in distilled water, and into pseudoglobulin which is soluble in distilled water. Dialysis of serum to remove all the salts, therefore causes the, precipitation of euglobulin. Dilution of serum with 9 or 10 volumes of distilled water and slight acidification, for example by passing carbon dioxide into the solution, precipitates most of the euglobulin fraction and a small proportion of the pseudoglobulin. Euglobulin, which can also be precipitated by one-third saturation with ammonium sulphate, comprises chiefly ^- and y-globulins Avhich are the slower moving components in an electric field (see p. 425). The pseudo -globulin is composed mainly of the fast moving « -globulin fraction. It has been found that the antibodies are almost entirely associated with the glol3ulin fraction, but there is little agreement as to the distribution between euglobidin and pseudo- globulin, even when dealing with the same antibody. ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 425 Depending on the source of the antibody, from horse or rabbit senim, for example, on the intensity and length of the course of immunisation, and on the exact method of fractionation, the antibody may be found to be associated with one or other of the globulins or divided between them. This is not surprising when it is remem- bered that the proportions of albumin, pseudoglobulin and euglobulin which can be separated even from normal serum are very variable. (b) Precipitation ivith Alcohol. — By this method, also, the antibodies are separated with the globulin fractions. Denaturation of the proteins by alcohol is avoided by working at 4° C. or lower, or by bringing the alcohol concentration rapidly above 90 per cent. By pre- cipitating the antibody from an anti-pneumococcus serum in the cold with 10 per cent, alcohol in the presence of N/200-sodium chloride at pH 6-7, Felton succeeded in removing about 90 per cent, of the inactive protein. (c) Adsorption Methods. — Methods similar to those introduced by Willstiitter for separating enzymes have also been found effective in separating antibodies. For instance the antibody to the typhoid bacillus can be adsorbed on alumina and then eluted with dilute (N/100) alkali. Diphtheria antitoxin, the flagellar typhoid antibody and the 0 -antibody of Salmonella enteritidis are adsorbed by kaolin from which they can be eluted with a solution of 2 per cent, glycine in 2 per cent, sodium chloride. The eluted typhoid antibody solution gave negative reactions for proteins but contained 0-6 mg. of nitrogen per ml. ; it was not affected by proteolytic enzymes. Only 15 to 20 per cent, of the antibody could be recovered in this way, but that which was obtained was about six times as concentrated as the original serum . ((/) Electrophoresis. — Antibodies have an isoelectric puint at about /)H 5-5 and accordingly move in an 426 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY electric field with the globulins, which have about the same isoelectric point. As a result of analysis of serum proteins by the use of Tiselius' apparatus for electrophoresis it is known that albumin shows greatest mobility in an electric field whilst normal globulin separates into three fractions, a-, j3- and y-, which move progressively more slowly. All these fractions contain cholesterol, phospholipoids and carbohydrates (glucosamine and mannose), the a- and j8-globulins being richest in all of them. The anti- bodies formed as a result of the injection of polysaccharide- containing antigens, such as the soluble specific substances of the pneumococcus or the somatic 0-antigens, are usually associated with the y-globulin. Tetanus and diphtheria antitoxins are associated with a new com- ponent, T, not present in normal serum. The T com- ponent has a mobility of 2xl0~^ cm. per second per volt per cm., which is midway between the mobilities of j3- and y-globulins. The antitoxins to CI. ivelchii, CI. sordelli and CI. cedeynations also have a T component. The antitoxins of hsemolytic streptococci. Staphylococcus, CI. botulinum, CI. histolyticum and CI. septicum contain both T and y-globulins in varying proportions, althougl. the amount of y-globulin is usually greater than in normal serum. So far all antitoxins which have been tested contain the T component. Diphtheria antitoxin shows a progressive increase of j3-globulin as the course of immunisation proceeds, the y-globulin increasing at first but soon reaching a steady value. The toxin- antitoxin floccules from y-globulin antitoxin contain about twice as much nitrogen as do the floccules from ^-globulin. The complexes can be expressed as having the composition (TA4)n and (TAg),! respectively. y-Glo- bulin antitoxin combines with toxin more rapidly than does )8-globulin antitoxin, but the complex is less stable. 2. Specific Methods. — The specific methods depend on sepai'ating tlie anti])ody fiom tlio inactive part, of tlie ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 427 antiserum by allowing it to react with the corresj^onding antigen and dissociating the antigen-antibody complex by an- appropriate means. H^emolysins have been elnted from sensitised red blood corpuscles with dilute acid or with glycine ; the eluates contained about 40 to 80 X 10~^ mg. of solid per hsemolytic unit. Agglutinins have been recovered from sensitised typhoid bacilli by extraction with dilute alkali, but with considerable loss ; no protein could be detected, but the nitrogen content was 0-4 mg. per 100 ml. Ramon dissociated the diphtheria toxin- antitoxin complex and obtained solutions containing 0-012 mg. of protein per unit of toxin. Northrop has obtained crystalline diphtheria antitoxin by digesting the toxin in the floccules with tiypsin and crystallisation from ammonium sulphate solution. The purified anti- toxin has molecular weight about 80,000, has an electro- phoretic mobility of 4x 10~^ cm. per second per volt per cm., at pH 7-3. It contains about one million antitoxin units per gram of protein nitrogen. Pneumococci have been agglutinated by the corresponding antiserum and the complex dissociated by extraction wdth dilute alkali ; the eluates were colloidal, did not give the ordinary protein reactions, and were not attacked by trypsin ; the antibody was not precipitated by 30 j)er cent, sodium chloride nor by dilution as w^ould be globulins, but as the solutions contained only 0-00015 mg. of nitrogen per unit this lack of reactions is not surprising. The most satisfactory results on these lines are those in ^vhich pneumococcus antisera have been precipitated by the protein-free soluble specific polysaccharides and the antibodies then separated from the precipitates. Felton decomposed the precipitates from Types I and II antisera with calcium or strontium hydroxide solutions in which the protein is soluble but which give insoluble precipitates wdth the polysaccharides. The antibody was then precipitated from solution by dialysis, behaving like euglobulin ; the activity was destroyed by proteolytic 428 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY enzymes aiul ))y denatiiratioii ; IM) to 1)5 per cent, uf the protein (0-002 to 0-006 mg. of nitrogen per unit) in these preparations could be precipitated by the soluble specific polysaccharide. Heidelberger and Kendall dissociated similar precipitates with 15 per cent, sodium chloride and recovered the antibody by dialysis. The remaining undissociated precipitate was decomposed by barium hydroxide or barium chloride, which precipitate the Types I and III specific polysaccharides, leaving the antibody in solution ; they succeeded in removing all the inactive protein in this way, 95 to 100 per cent, of the nitrogen in the final solutions being precipitated by the polysaccharides. The Properties of Antibodies. — The size of the anti- body molecule is about the same as that of normal serum globulins, as is shown by sedimentation rates in the ultra-centrifuge and by filtration through membranes of known pore size. Normal human serum globulin has a molecular weight of about 170,000, that of the rabbit about the same and that of the horse has two fractions, one with molecular weight about 170,000 and the other with molecular weight about 900,000. Antibodies to the pneumococcus in horse serum are associated with the heavy globulin fraction and have molecular weight about 900,000, and a diameter about 44 m/x. The rabbit antipneumococcus globulins have a diameter about 11 m/x and molecular weight about 170,000. This dif- ference between the two antibodies is not restricted to size ; the horse antibody is said to be associated with the pseudoglobulin and the rabbit antibody with the euglobulin. A further difference lies in their lipoid content ; if the antisera are extracted with fat solvents, about 1-3 per cent, of lipoid is removed and they no longer give precipitin reactions, although their protective effect in mice is unaltered ; the precipitin properties can be restored by the addition of lecithin to horse ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 429 antiserum and of kcphaliii to rabbit antisemm, but not vice versa. Globulins are usually considered to have approximately spherical molecules but as a result of comparison of their behaviour in the ultracentrifuge, and studies of viscosity and electrophoresis it is becoming obvious that they must be elliptical or even rod shaped. Serum globulin in surface films opens up into fibre like molecules very readily — a state which is associated with denaturation. The normal ratio of length to breadth seems to lie between 7 to 1 and 10 to 1, although for horse anti- pneumococcus globulin the ratio is reported as 20 to 1. The molecules have a short axis 37 A long whilst the long axis varies between 270 and 350 A long. Antibodies are comj)aratively labile substances ; they are much weakened by heating at 60° to 70° C, and are rapidly destroyed on boiling. They are more stable to dry heat (as are most proteins) and are not affected by cold. Prolonged heating at 57° C. precipitates antitoxins along with the globulins. The effect of heat mns parallel with denaturation and is independent of the particular serum in which the antibody is present. Antibodies are most resistant to heat at neutrality, the rate of destruction being increased by acid or alkali. If denaturation of the protein is hindered by the addition of sodium chloride (above 2N), glycerol or sucrose or by dilution of the serum, the destruction of the antibody is retarded. The resistance of antibodies to heat ajijparently varies from antibody to antibody ; thus the flagellar antibody of the hog cholera bacillus will withstand 90° C. for twenty minutes, whilst the somatic antibody is destroyed at 75° C, and loses half its activity at 65° C. in the same time. The differences are due, however, not to differences in heat stability but to the fact that the apparently more susceptible antibodies form complexes with non-specific nitrogen compounds, such as albumin, in the serum 430 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY more readily than do the others ; these complexes com- bine with antigens, as shown by complement fixation, but do not flocculate, and thus antibody appears to have been destroyed by the heating. Antisera to rod shaped viruses, for example tobacco -mosaic virus or potato -X virus, behave like the flagellar, H -antibodies, whilst antisera to albumin and other more " globular " antigens behave like those to somatic, 0 -antigens. Some anti- bodies are destroyed at the earliest stages of denatura- tion, whilst others may withstand complete denaturation if coagulation is prevented by addition of urea or by dilution with physiological saline. The deleterious effect of alcohol on antibodies also runs parallel with the denaturation of the proteins. Below the critical temperature of 4° C. there is no denaturation and no destruction, nor is there if the alcohol concentration is rapidly brought above 90 per cent. The addition of acid or alkali accelerates the effect of alcohol. The Effect of Chemical Changes on Antibodies. — Antibody globulins, like normal globulins, are only slowly attacked by trypsin but are much more readily destroyed by pepsin. Brief treatment with pepsin at pK 4 and 37° C. causes the antibody globulin of diphtheria antitoxin, for example, to break into two parts, one of which does not carry antitoxic activity and is easily denatured and coagulated by heating at 60° C. for fifteen minutes, whilst the active part is much more resistant to heat and remains in solution. By precipitation of the active fraction by ammonium sulphate after removal of the easily coagulated fraction by heating, a considerable concentration and purification of the antibody can be achieved. During the digestion by pepsin the T com- ponent (see p. 426) disappears and is replaced by the slower moving y-globulin. More prolonged digestion causes further breakdown into fragments which can no longer flocculate with antigen but can still react with it ANTIGENS. HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES. ETC. 431 as shown by the fact that such digested antibody inliibits normal toxin-antitoxin flocciilation. The euglobulin of Types I and II antipneumococcus horse sera can be digested by pepsin to give smaller active molecules having a sedimentation constant of 5-2x10"^^ cm. per second per dyne, corresponding to a molecular weight somewhat less than 100,000, and able to combine with twice as much specific poh^saccharide per mg. of antibody nitrogen as the original antibody. The introduction of azo-compounds or of iodo -groups or the action of formaldehyde lowers the titre of an antiserum, but is said to sharpen the specificity. Eagle and his co-workers have shown that coupling pneumo- coccus antiserum with diazotised atoxyl has a differential effect on the reactions of the antiserum ; the power of agglutinating bacteria and of precipitating the specific polysaccharide ma}^ be lost, but not the power to protect mice against infection. The action of the azo -compound proceeds at different velocities for the different mani- festations of the antibody, but a sufficiently long contact with the reagent causes a complete loss of all the anti- body reactions. With the pneumococcus antiserum the precipitin reaction is lost before the agglutinating power, protective properties or ability to fix complement. In the case of diphtheria antitoxin the flocculating property is lost before the power to neutralise toxin. These effects are illustrated in Table 30. The addition of 1 part of formalin to a thousand parts of antiseiiim brings about similar effects. It is suggested that the addition of just enough formaldehyde to prevent aggregation increases the solubility of the antibody so that it no longer i^recipitates at the normal conditions of /jH of serum. In Type I pneumococcus antiserum replacement of a hydrogen atom in the amino group by acetyl, by the action of ketene, reduces its activity, whilst the action of formaldeh^'de causes loss of specificity. Esterification 432 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY of the oarbuxyi groups destroys the activity of tlic anti- body very readily, indicating that the carboxyl group plays an important part in the reaction with the antigen. Substitution in the hydroxyl and amino groups has less effect. Table 30 ( After Eagle) Time for Antibody Reaction Loss Hours Syphilis reagin Wassermann and flocculation 001 Diphtheria antitoxin Ramon flocculation 002 »> ■ - Protection 0-25 Horse pneiimocoecus antiserum Polysaccharide precipitation 0-07 to 0-2 ,, jj ,, Agglutination 0-24 to 1-0 ,, ,, ,, Mouse protection 0-5 to 2-0 Rabbit v. horse antiserum Precipitation 0-25 Horse typhoid antiserum - Agglutination 24 The antitoxic power of tetanus antitoxin remains intact after the acetylation of 30 to 40 per cent, of the amino groups by ketene, but further acetylation causes a raj)id loss of activity. The action of ninhydrin is analogous to that of formaldehyde in that it reacts with the terminal amino groups of lysine residues : — CO CO.CHO C6H,< \ C(OH), alkali C^^ CgHi CO (ninhydrin) CO.CHO / / \ \ COOH + NH2CH2R CVH4< \ COOH CO.CHiN.CHaR COOH + H,0 ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 433 It has l)et?n sliuwji tJiat t37)]ioi(l H -aggiutiniiis in lioi'se antisera can be concentrated by treatment with nin- hydrin and precipitation by acid or salts. The O- agglutinins of typhoid and the Type I pneiimococcus agglutinins in horse antisera are partially destroyed by ninhydrin. In rabbit antisera the apparent tit re of typhoid H -agglutinins is increased 2 to fourfold by the action of ninhydrin, whilst the typhoid 0 -agglutinins and pneumococcus antibodies are not affected, unless the treatment is prolonged. Complement In the various lytic reactions, bacteriolysis and haemolysis, for example, it has been established that two serum factors are involved — (1) the comparatively heat stable immune body which is increased in amount during immunisation and (2) the very labile complement, or alexin, which is present in normal as well as in immune sera and which is not increased in amount during immunisation. In the case of haemolysis, Ehrlich considered that the immune body, haemolysin or amboceptor, had two affinities, one for the cell and the other for the haptophore or combining group of the complement. The complem' :it then acted on the cell causing lysis in virtue of its active or ergophore group, as Ehrlich called it. Bordet regarded the immune body as a sensitiser with which the cell formed a complex which had an affinity for complement and adsorbed it ; the immune body itself has no visible effect on the cells ; it is the complem^ent which brings about the lysis . It has been considered that in the lysis of cells the complement acts as a proteoljrtic enzyme, but it difff^rs in one respect at least ; its effects are governed by the Law of Mass Action, that is, it appears not to act as a catalyst. Moreover, the cell walls of red blood corpuscles, for example, are not destroyed nor is the liberated haemo- globin attacked, which appears to be in contradiction to 434 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY a proteolytic effect of complement. It seems much more probable that the lysis is due to an alteration of the physical state of the cell walls, making them permeable to the cell contents. This view is rendered the more likely since " artificial " complements, either colloidal silicic acid or one made by mixing sodium oleate, methyl alcohol and calcium chloride, have the same effect, which would appear to be due to a lowering of the surface tension. Complement appears to be quite non-specific ; the complement in the serum of any animal is effective in all reactions, but the activity of complement in the sera of different animals varies appreciably and also varies in any one animal depending on the system tested ; the guinea-pig is a particularly good source of complement for hsemolytic systems. Complement is very susceptible to heat, being des- troyed by heating at 56° C. for fifteen minutes, resembling in this respect many enzymes. It is also very susceptible to physical and chemical changes, even mechanical shaking is sufficient to inactivate it. Complement is destroyed by acid and alkali and by ultra-violet light. If the activation has not been carried too far it is partially reversible and standing restores a part of the activity. This suggests that the inactivation is due to a change in the colloidal condition, probably to an increased aggregation of the particles which may spontaneously disperse again. Complement is almost certainly protein in nature since it is attacked by trypsin, which destroys the end-piece (see below) first. It is readily adsorbed by non-specific adsorbants, even by filtration through a Berkefeld candle. The Structure of Complement. — The complex nature of complement was first demonstrated in 1907 by Ferrata, who showed that on removing the salts from serum it lost its complementary activity ; the euglobulin was pre- ci Imitated and the albumin remained in solution. Neither ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 435 of these fractions alone was active, but on mixing them the activity was restored. The two fractions were called mid-piece and end-piece respectively, because it was found that the albumin (end-piece) was not taken up by sensitised red blood corpuscles unless the globulin mid- piece had first been adsorbed. Although the mid-piece is adsorbed in the absence of the end-piece, it cannot induce lysis until the latter is also adsorbed. In Ehrlich's terminology the mid-piece carries the haptophore group and the end-piece the ergophore group. Liefmann split complement into mid-piece and end- piece by diluting the serum ten times with distilled water and passing carbon dioxide through the chilled solution, whereupon the mid-piece (euglobulin, with some pseudo- globulin) was precipitated. He showed that the mid-piece was adsorbed in the Wasserman reaction but not the end-piece, which is left quantitatively in solution, and confirmed the finding that both mid-piece and end- piece are necessary for hsemolysis. Both mid-piece and end-piece are heat labile and can be adsorbed by kaolin. In 1907 it had been shown that the complementary power of a serum was removed by treatment with yeast, and in 1914 Coca showed that the component adsorbed by yeast was heat stable and that adsorption by yeast leaves the mid-piece and end-piece in solution. Thus three factors are present in complement, two heat labile, the mid-piece and end-piece, and one, the " third com- ponent," heat stable. Ritz, in 1912, had also elicited the presence in complement of a heat stable third component which was inactivated by cobra venom. Whitehead, Gordon and Wormall in 1925 took the problem a step further when they showed that zymin (a preparation of acetone dried yeast) is more effective than fresh yeast for adsorbing the third component ; by examining the effect of zymin on separated end-piece and mid-j^iece they sliowed tliat almost all tlie third component was associated 436 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY with the mid-piece, although a Uttle was sometimes carried along with the end-piece. The active substance in zymin is an insoluble carbohydrate called zymosan. The same workers in 1926 showed that the addition of small amounts of ammonia to serum destroyed the complement action and established that it did so by acting on a " fourth component." The fourth component is heat stable, but is not identical with the third component since it is not adsorbed by zymin. The majority of the fourth com- ponent is associated with the end-piece. It is specifically removed by treatment with ammonia, methylamine, ethylamine, hydrazine or phenylhydrazine, other alkalies completely destroying all the factors, as does ammonia if it is allowed to react for too long. All these compounds can react with the potential aldehyde group of carbo- hydrates and it is suggested that the fourth component may be a carbohydrate carried by the pseudoglobulin end-piece. The claim of Takano that the loss of activity of complement on treatment with ether or chloroform or viper venom was due to the lipoid nature of the fourth component is inaccurate since treatment of dried com- plement with lipoid solvents has no effect on the fourth component, the loss of activity of liquid serum being due to denaturation of the proteins. The symbols C^l, C'2, C'3andC^4 have been suggested for midpice, endpice, third component and fourth com- ponent, respectively. Since the ' serves no apparently useful purpose it is proposed to omit it here. In hsemolytic reactions components Cl, C2 and C4 combine with sensitised sheep red blood corpuscles but C3 does not. Although Cl combines with red cells in the absence of C4 it is hsemolytically inert unless C4 combines previous to, or simultaneously with, it. Al- though C3 is not fixed by antibody-red-cell aggregates it is essential for hsemolysis and acts on the sensitised cells after fixation of the otlier components^ It appears to liave catalytic activity. ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 437 In complement fixation reactions almost all the C2 and C4, 75 per cent, of the CI and 25 per cent, of the C3 are removed. Elimination of C3 or C4 does not influence the fixation of the other components, but inactivation of CI and C2 by heat inhibits the fixation of C3 and C4. The inactivation of complement by fixation is due mainly to the removal of CI, C2 and C4 from the serum. In the absence of Cl, components C2 and C4 are not fixed, but Cl is fixed in the absence of all the other components. Human complement has been fractionated in the same way and shown to contain components Cl, C2, C3 and C4 which afe almost, but not quite, identical with the corresponding fractions of guinea-pig com- plement. The present state of our knowledge of the structure of complement can be summarised as follows (illustrated diagrammatically by Fig. 10) : — End-piece. — Albumin and pseudo globulin ; heat labile ; carries 70 to 100 per cent, of C4 and 20 to 40 per cent, of C3 ; constitutes 0-2 per cent, of total serum protein ; contains about 10 per cent, of carbohydrate ; very little adsorbed in com- plement fixation reactions, but necessary for lytic reactions. Encl-picc( Mid-piece Heat la})ile n Fourth Comjionent Third Component Heat stable Fig. 10 438 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Mid-piece. — Euglobulin ; heat labile ; carries 60 to 80 per cent, of C3 and 0 to 30 per cent, of C4 ; constitutes 0-6 per cent, of total serum protein ; contains about 3 per cent, of carbohydrate ; completely adsorbed in complement fixation and lytic reactions. Third Component. — Mainly associated with mid- piece ; heat stable ; specifically adsorbed by zymin or zymosan. Fourth Component. — Associated with end-piece ; not adsorbed by zymin ; specifically inactivated by ammonia ; heat stable ; necessary for complement fixation and lytic reactions but not for opsonin action ; possibly a carbohydrate. Complement, however, is probably even more complex than this summary suggests ; the separation of these components is not always sharp and others may be present. For instance, complement can be reversibly inactivated by oxidation with iodine ; reduction with ascorbic acid or glutathione restores the activity. The activity of oxidised complement can also be restored by the addition of complement from which the third and fourth com- ponents have been removed ; the component inactivated by oxidation is therefore different from C3 and C4. The activity of complement is also lost on dialysis, but is restored by addition of a small quantity of the dialysate. Since the activity of complement devoid of C3, C4 and the oxidisable component is not restored by the dialysate whilst the activity of dialysed complement can be restored by the addition of dialysate from complement previously deprived of these components, the dialysable component must be different from them. In view of this complexity it has been suggested that complement is not a definite substance but is really a particular state of the serum colloids, a state which can be very easily upset even by such means as mechanical ANTIGENS, HAPTENS, ANTIBODIES, ETC. 439 shaking. It has been maintained that complement is only active when the colloid particles are of a given size and when the correct concentrations of electrol^i^es are present ; changes in the degree of dispersion or the proportion of the electrolytes disturb the balance with loss of activity. If the changes are small they may be reversible and activity spontaneously regained ; large changes are irreversible. It has been pointed out that ail changes which inactivate complement lower the surface tension, due to an alteration of the colloidal conditions which may be associated with the globulin, albumin, lipoid or electrolyte components of the system. This is borne out to some extent by the production of the artificial complement (p. 434) which is inactivated by heat and can be used in the Wassermann reaction like ordinary complement. It has been claimed that complement may be a complex of ascorbic acid, proteins and lipoids, since guinea-pigs fed on a diet devoid of ascorbic acid (vitamin- C) produced no complement ; the addition of ascorbic acid to the diet caused the almost immediate appearance of complement in the serum, only to disappear again if the vitamin were withdrawn. For further reading : — W. C. Bojd, " Fundamentals of Immimology." Chapters II, III, IV and VII. Interscience Publishers, Inc. New York, 1943. C. H. Browning, '' Immunochemical Studies." Constable & Co. London, 1925. F. M. Burnet, '" The Production of Antibodies." Monographs from the Eliza and Walter Hall Institute of Research in Pathology and Medicine. No. 1. Macmillan & Co. Melbourne, 1942. K. Landsteiner, " The Specificity of Serological Reactions." Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass., 1945. J. R. Marrack, " The Chemistry of Antigens and Antibodies." Medical Research Council Special Report No. 230. H.M. Stationery Office. London, 1938. 440 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 1 W. T. J. Morgan, " A Conception of Immunological Specificity." J. Hygiene, 37 (1937), 372. T. W. B. Osborn, " Complement or Alexin." Oxford University Press. London, 1937. L. Pauling, " Theory of the Structure and Process of Formation of Anti- bodies." J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 62 (1940), 2643. H. P. Treffers, " Some Contributions of Immunology to the Study of Proteins," Advances i:i Protein Chemistry, 1 (1944), 70. H. G. Wells, " The Chemical Aspects of Immunity." American Chemical Society Monographs. The Chemical Catalog Company. New York, 1929. CHAPTER XXIII THE MECHANISM OF AXTIGEX- AXTIBODY REACTIONS WHEN an antigen and its corresponding antibody are brought into contact they react and the reaction manifests itself in a manner depending on the nature of the antigen and the conditions prevailing at the time of reaction. If the antigen is a soluble sub- stance like a toxin or a serum protein precipitation may occur ; if the antigen is carried by a bacterial cell or a red blood corpuscle agglutination may result, or the cell m.ay be rendered sensitive to lysis or phagocytosis, which Vv'ill take place if complement or leucocytes are also present. From the majority of evidence available it appears that antigen-antibody reactions occur in two stages. The first stage consists in the direct combination of the two reagents, the reaction being specific ; this is followed by a non-specific stage, in the sense that one of several phenomena, such as flocculation, agglutination, complement fixation or lysis, may occur depending on the physical conditions operating at the time. Thus if bacteria are treated with the corresponding anti-serum in water instead of saline as the medium, no agglutination occurs, in spite of the fact that the two reagents have com^bined, as can be shown by separating the organisms by centrifugalisation, leaving a supernatant fluid devoid of anti])ody. If the sensitised deposit is suspended in saline agglutination immediiitely takes place. In the first stage of the reaction between cintigeji and antibody the antigen can be replaced by the corresponding 441 442 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY hapten, following which, as a rule, the secondary reactions do not take place. There are certain haptens, however, notabl}^ the soluble specific substances and polyvalent haptens, sometimes called complex haptens, which lead to precipitin reactions, the products of their reaction with antibodies being insoluble. That reaction between hapten and antibody in the case of simple (non-pre- cipitating) haptens also occurs is shown by the fact that an antibody so treated will no longer react with the complete antigen, its affinity for the active groups of the antigen having been satisfied by those of the hapten. Moreover it has been show^n by direct means that the hapten combines with the antibody even when no visible reaction occurs. For example, phenyl-azo-p-benzene-arsonic acid was coupled with horse serum and an antiserum prepared against the complex. The antiserum was allowed to react with the hapten (phenyl-azo-77-benzene-arsonic acid) in a dialysis chamber and the concentration of free hapten which passed through the membrane measured. Most of the hapten was shown to be bound to the antibody. If an antiserum to the corresponding sulphonic acid was used instead of the homologous antiserum no combination occurred and the hapten passed through the membrane until equilibrium was established, showing that the reaction was specific. If the antibody was allowed to react with the antigen before introducing the hapten, no combination with the latter occurred. Toxin-antitoxin Reactions. — Toxin and antitoxin com- bine in definite proportions to give a product which is non-toxic. Ehrlich defined the unit of antitoxin as that amount of it which would completely neutralise 100 minimal lethal doses (MLD) of toxin. The L+ dose of toxin is that amount of toxin which when mixed with 1 unit of antitoxin will kill a 250 g. guinea-pig within ninety-six hours. The L^ dose is that amount of toxin which when mixed with 1 unit of antitoxin will just not ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS 44?> produce any reaction in the guinea-jjig under standard conditions. It would be expected that L+ — L^ = l MLD, but this is not the case, the difference being of the order of 20 to 50 MLD. Ehrlich explained this phenomenon as being due to the presence in toxin (T) of an epitoxoid (E) which is non-toxic and has a less affinity than, but the same combining power as toxin for antitoxin. If it is assumed, for purposes of illustration, that crude toxin contains equal parts of toxin and epitoxoid there will be nT-f nE units of the mixture. If nA units of antitoxin were added to it, the non-toxic mixture nTA-f nE would result. This corresponds to the L^ dose. The addition of 2nA units of antitoxin would yield the mixture nTA+nEA, also non-toxic. If more crude toxin, say 1 unit, is added, then the true toxin, having a greater affinity for antitoxin than the epitoxoid, v,'ould turn some of the latter out of combination : — nTA + nEA + T-rE > (n + l)TA-f-(n— 1)EA + 2E. The addition of more and more toxin will turn out more and more epitoxoid and combine with the resulting anti- toxin until there is no epitoxoid-antitoxin complex left, the mixture remaining non-toxic ; after that free toxin can accumulate and the mixture becomes toxic, corre- sponding to the L^ dose. Thus the L+ dose will be bigger than the L^ dose according to the proportion of epitoxoid in the crude toxin preparation. Another phenomenon first observed in connection with toxin-antitoxin reactions, and since found to occur with all antigen-antibody reactions, is the Danysz phen- omenon. The amount of toxin neutralised by a given amount of antitoxin depends on the way in which the reagents are mixed. If equivalent amounts of toxin and antitoxin are mixed rapidly the product is non-toxic : — nA + nT > nTA. 444 bacterioloOtICal chemistry If, however, oiie-tliird of the toxin is added to the anti- toxin, the mixture allowed to stand for some time, then another third of the toxin added, and after a further interval the last third of toxin added, the mixture is not non-toxic, as would be expected, l)ut quite strongly toxic. Ehrlich explained this by assuming that crude toxin contained a non-toxic fraction, epitoxonoid, which com- bined only slowly with the antitoxin. If toxin and antitoxin were mixed rapidly all the antitoxin com.bined with the toxin and none wath the epitoxonoid. When only part of the toxin was added and sufficient time allowed, part of the epitoxonoid combined with the excess of antitoxin until finally, after adding all the toxin, an excess of toxin remained corresponding to the quantity of antitoxin which had combined with epitoxonoid. Other explanations than Ehrlich's of the toxin-anti- toxin reactions have been proposed. Arrhenius and Madsen, for instance, claimed that the reactions followed the Law of Mass Action just as any ordinary chemical reaction. Assuming that w^hen one molecule of toxin and one molecule of antitoxin combine two molecules of the toxin-antitoxin complex are formed, A+T r— ^ 2at, they carried out experiments in which the amount of free toxin was measured after the addition of various amounts of antitoxin. From the Law of Mass Action equation : — [T] [A] = k [at]^ they calculated the dissociation constant, k, to be 0-0093, and used this value to calculate the a,moimts of free toxin which should be present for different concentrations of antitoxin. The agreement between the observed and calculated values was very close, as may be seen from Table 31 :— antigen-antibody reactions Table 31 445 Antitoxin added Amount of Free Toxin Calculated. Observed. 0-00 equi 0-25 0-50 0-75 1-00 1-25 1-50 i-alent 1000 75-0 50-5 27-0 8-8 31 1-7 1000 75-0 48-0 260 9-6 31 1-6 Arrhenius and Madsen pointed out that there is a close similarity between this reaction and the purely chemical reaction between ammonia and boric acid. Ammonia is hsemolytic, and may be compared with the toxin ; boric acid is non-hsemolytic and destroys the lytic action of ammonia by formation of ammonium borate, that is, it is analogous to antitoxin : — 3NH4OH+H3BO4 ^==^ (N'H4)3B04 + 3HoO. They carried out a similar experiment with these reagents, using the degree of haemolysis as an indication of the amount of free ammonia, and again found a close agree- ment between the observed and calculated values (Table 32), although here the degree of dissociation is consider- ably higher than in the case of toxin and antitoxin. Table 32 Amount of Boric Acid Added Degree of Haemolysis. Calculated Observed 0-00 equivalent 0-33 0-66 1-00 1-33 1-66 2-00 1000 750 60-3 50-3 43-2 37-6 33-5 1000 750 63-0 47-5 43-7 360 33-5 446 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Ehrlicli's phenomenon, that L,,. — L^^nMLD, is readily explained, according to Arrhenius and Madsen, as being due to the fact that sufficient toxin must be added to the toxin-antitoxin mixture to overcome the dissociation. This mechanism, however, does not afford a simple explanation of the Danysz phenomenon, although they quote a chemical reaction somewhat, though not completely, analogous. If sodium hydroxide is added to monochloracetic acid the sodium salt is formed : — 4CH2CI.COOH + 4NaOH > 4CH2Cl.COONa + 4H2O. If half the sodium hydroxide is added at 70° C, however, a second reaction takes place, the chlorine atom being split off with formation of glycollic acid : — 700 C. 4CH2CI.COOH +2NaOH > CHaOH.COONa +NaCl + H2O +3CH2CI.COOH. On adding the remaining half of the sodium hydroxide at the normal temperature, one molecule of monochlor- acetic acid will remain unneutralised (corresponding to an excess of toxin, as in the Danysz phenomenon). This mechanism does not account, either, for the dilu- tion effects observed in toxin-antitoxin reactions. If equivalent quantities of toxin and antitoxin are mixed in strong solution to give a non-toxic mixture, the solution remains neutral on dilution. If, however, the reagents are diluted before mixing the neutralisation is not com- plete, although if the Law of Mass Action applied, the result should be the same in each case. Bordet regarded the toxin-antitoxin reactions as following the ordinary course of colloidal adsorption reactions, where the amount of adsorption depends on the relative concentration of the reagents. Thus ac- cording to Freundlich's adsorption isotherm, x=maC'^, where a;=the amount adsorbed, (7= the concentration of the remaining unadsorbed substance, m=the amount of adsorbant, and a and n are constants. According to this view there should not be any free toxin or antitoxin in ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS 447 the mixture, but a complex containing more or less of the reagents according to the proportions in which they were mixed. This mechanism affords no explanation of the specificity of such reactions, nor does it account for the fact that on heating the toxin-antitoxin complex soon after its formation dissociation occurs, but heating an hour or more after the reaction has occurred no longer has any effect. It has been shown that the adsorption of toxin by colloidal ferric hydroxide and by antitoxin both follow the adsorption isotherm, but that the iron complex is just as toxic as the original toxin, Avhilst the toxin- antitoxin mixture is non-toxic ; in other words, adsorp- tion alone is not adequate to explain the neutralisation. Bordet claimed that the neutralisation occurred as a secondary reaction after the adsorption was complete. The Danysz phenomenon is readily explained on the adsorption hypothesis as being due to the complete covering of the antitoxin by the toxin first added, toxin subsequently added not being completely adsorbed. Precipitin Reactions. — When a soluble antigen, such as a protein, is allowed to react with its corresponding antibody precipitation follows. The precipitate consists of 70 to 90 or 95 per cent, of antibody globulin, most of the remainder being the antigen, although there is often a variable amount of lipoid material also present. The preponderance of antibody in the precipitate is not due to non-specific adsorption by the antigen-antibody .com- plex, since added normal serum is not taken up and does not influence the proportion of antibody and antigen in the precipitate. Dean and Webb showed that the ratio of antigen to antibody which gave the quickest reaction (that is, showed precipitation first) was a constant for any given system. They showed that, in general, in such mixtures neither an excess of antigen nor of antibody could be detected in the supernatant solution by the addition of one or other of the reagents. It was also 448 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 8liown thai the optiininn [)i'()poi*tioii of a-ntigen and antibody, although giving the most rapid precipitation, did not, as a rule, give the greatest amount of precipitate, but that this usually occurred in the region of antigen excess. In the presence of a considerable excess of either antigen or antibody no precipitation occurs, and a pre- cipitate already formed may dissolve on adding an excess of either reagent. This is the so-called zone phenomenon ; the precipitation only occurs over a limited range of antigen-antibody proportions. The variation of antigen- antibody proportions may be brought about in one of two ways : (a) the amount of antibody may be kept constant and the amount of antigen varied, as is the usual practice in precipitin reactions ; or (5) the amount of antigen may be kept constant and the amount of antibody varied, as is the normal procedure in carrying out agglutination reactions and the toxin-antitoxin reactions. It has been found that the optimal proportions as deter- mined by these two methods are not the same, but vary to an extent depending on the particular system being studied. For example, in the case of the Ramon floccula- tion reactions of diphtheria toxin and antitoxin, the optimum proportion is 1 : 8 as determined by the constant antibody method, and 1 : 64 as determined by the con- stant antigen method. Since definite, chemically pure antigens have become available a considerable amount of accurate quantitative work on the composition of the precipitates has been possible. Dean and Webb estimated that horse serum as the antigen formed about 12 per cent, of the precipitate at the optimum proportion, and that it fell to about 6 per cent, in the region of antibody excess. Heidel- berger and Kendall found that Type III pneumococcus polysaccharide (which contains no nitrogen) formed ANTIGEN-ANTIBOr>Y REACTIONS 449 about 2 per rent, of the jjiecipitate at the optimum proportion and about 0-6 per cent, at the end of the zone of precipitation in the antibody excess region. The pseudoglobuhn of horse serum, as antigen, forms about 20 per cent, of the precipitate at the optimum proportion ratio. When antigens which can be separately estimated in the precipitate and in the supernatant sohition are employed it is possible to investigate the composition of the precipitate also in the region of antigen excess. Thus Heidelberger and Kendall, using R-salt-azo-diphenyl-azo- egg albumin, a red dye, as antigen and estim^ating its concentration colorimetrically, found that the precipitate contained 13 per cent, of antigen at the optimum pro- portion, 6-7 per cent, at the limit of antibody excess and 33 per cent, at the limit of antigen excess. It will be seen that the precipitates do not have a constant composition, the amount of antigen present increasing with the proportion of antigen to antibody in the mixture. The range of composition varies with the particular antigen-antibody pair concerned. Marrack and Smith showed that, using diazotised atoxyl coupled to crystalline egg albumin or to horse pseudoglobulin, or using iodo-egg albumin or horse pseudoglobulin as antigens, the proportion of antigen to total protein in the precipitate increased with the amount of antigen added to a given amount of antibody. At the optimum proportion, addition of either antigen or antibody to the supernatant solution caused precipitation, showing the presence of small amounts of antigen and antibody in the solution, due to dissociation of the precipitate ; at other ratios only antigen or antibody was to be found in solution. They showed that the change in composition of the precipitate was not due to non-specific adsorption of the antigen or the antibody since the introduction of normal serum or another antigen caused no change in the composition of the precipitate ; for example, no azo- protein was carried down in a toxin-antitoxin flocculation. 450 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY nor with a pseiidoglol)iilin-aiit-ipseu*ioglobuIiii precipitate. These authors suggested that the change in composition of the precipitate with the change in proportion of antigen and antibody in the reacting mixture might be due to the formation of a series of compounds of the general formula AniGn, due to the presence of several combining groups in the antigen and antibody. Heidelberger and Kendall developed this idea further, and applying the Law of Mass Action were able to give a series of equations which could be used to predict the behaviour of antigen-antibody mixtures over a wide range of proportions. They used the nitrogen-free Type III pneumococcus specific polysaccharide as hapten and purified antibody preparations consisting of euglobulin as the antibody. They allowed varying proportions of the reagents to react, separated the precipitate by centri- fugalisation and analysed it for nitrogen to determine the amount of antibody it contained. They showed that the addition of increasing amounts of the polysaccharide to a constant amount of antibody caused progressive removal of antibody from solution until the optimum proportion (or, as they name it, the equivalence point) was reached, when neither antibody (A) nor polysaccharide (S) could be detected in solution. On further addition of S it was taken up by the precipitate until the end of the zone of precipitation was reached. Actually the equivalence point was a zone due to a certain amount of dissociation of the precipitate, giving traces of A and S in solution. The extent of the zone depended on the particular specimen of antiserum which was used and on such factors as tem- perature, but it was fairly constant for any one system. The zone may be approached from either the hapten excess or the antibody excess side, giving limiting values. For the Type III polysacchari de-antibody system the values for the nitrogen : polysaccharide ratio were 13-5 for the antibody excess side and 8-6 for the liapten excess end of ANTIGEN-AXTJBODY REACTIONS 451 the zone, vntli a mean value corresponding to an equiva- lence point of 10- 8. The ratio of nitrogen to polysaccharide in the precipitates depended on the ratio of hapten and antibody reacting and not on the absolute concentrations. Tlie range of antibody to hapten ratios in the precipitates was 40 : 1 at the antibody excess end and 5 : 1 at the hapten excess end of the zone. The soluble compound which was formed in the inhibition zone of hapten excess was shown to contain one more molecule of polysaccharide than the imm.ediately preceding precipitate. They sug- gested that at the equivalence point a compound AS was formed. In the region of antibody excess compounds AgS, A3S, A4S to AmS were formed progressively depend- ing on the relative excess of antibody. In the region of hapten excess iVSg was formed as the insoluble precipitate, which yielded AS3 as the soluble compound occurring in the inhibition zone. It was found, however, that this formulation would not fit the requirements of the Law of Mass Action, and later they suggested that the precipita- tion resulted from a series of bimolecular reactions. The first stage they considered to be the formation of the compound AS, A + S ^=i AS having a composition corresponding to the equivalence point ratio of antibody to polysaccharide. Since both hapten and antibody are multivalent with respect to each other as a result of possessing a number of reactive groups, made up of repeated units of aldobionic acid and amino -acids respectively, the compound AS is capable of combining with more antibody or polysaccharide, which- ever is in excess in the solution. In the region of antibody excess the following reactions can occur as a second step : — AS+A ^-=^ AS. A. AS+AS ^=i AS. AS. 452 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Similarly these new compounds can take part in a third stage : — AS.A + A ^=^ AS.A.A. AS.AS+A ^=^ AS. AS. A. AS.A+AS.A. ?=^ AS.A.AS.A. AS.A+AS.AS ^=-i AS.A.AS.AS AS.AS+AS.AS ^=^ AS.AS.AS.AS. This process is supposed to continue on similar lines until insoluble aggregates are built up and precipitation occurs. When antibody and hapten are mixed in equiva- lent quantities the compound AS is believed to polymerise, by a similar mechanism, to give (AS)n, which has the composition of the precipitate at the equivalence point. In the region of hapten excess analogous compounds are formed until the inhibition zone is reached. The latter only occurs when there is a considerable excess of hapten, when all the specific groups of the antibody tend to react with S rather than with AS or similar complexes, so that no aggregation to form an insoluble precipitate takes place. A similar explanation accounts for the non- precipitation with simple haptens which contain only one or two reactive groups, leading to the formation of soluble compounds of the type AH^, which show no tendency to aggregation. If, as in complex haptens like the azo-dyes studied by Landsteiner, several reactive groups are present, compounds of the type AH .AH ^re formed, and aggregation followed by precipitation can occur. Applying the Law of Mass Action to the above reactions, Heidelberger and Kendall deduced that the equation R2S2 Mg. of antibody nitrogen precipitated = 2RS . (1) held in the region of antibody excess, where R is the ratio of antibody to antigen at the equivalence point, S is the amount of polysaccharide added and A is the amount of antibody-nitrogen precipitated at the equivalence ANTIGEN -ANTIBODY REACTIONS 463 puiiit. This equation covers the range of precipitate given by mixtures with ratios of antibody to antigen from R to 2R,. Similar but more complex equations were deduced for ratios up to 4R. For the region of antigen excess the equation (Ki)2A2 Mg. of S precipitated = 2RiA — . . . (2) Total S results, where Rj is the ratio of antigen to antibody at the equivalence point. Close agreement between the experimental values and the values calculated from the above equations was found, as the following examples for two antibody preparations show (Table 33) : — Table 33 ( After Heidelberger and Kendall) Antibody 1 2 R 13-6 12-4 A 4-08 1-86 Mg. of Nitrogen Precipitated Mg. of S Added Calculated Found Calculated Found 0-02 .., 0-46 0-50 005 1-25 1-22 103 103 0-075 1-40 1-41 010 2-27 2-24 1-65 1-66 0-20 3-62 3-62 0-25 3-96 3-87 K the values for the ratio of nitrogen to polysaccharide in the precipitate at any two points in the region of antibody excess are known (by experiment), then the ratio (R) at the equivalence point can be calculated, since dividing equation (1) by S the equation N = 2R- R2S ~a" (3) 454 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY results, in which all the values except R are known. Similarly the behaviour of the reagents and the com- position of the precipitates in the region of polysaccharide excess can be calculated and the quantitative behaviour of the serum over the whole range can be predicted. Kendall has derived the same equation (3) from a consideration of the number of combining groups available for combination and the proportion of them which are actually in combination for varying concentrations of antigen and antibody. Heidelberger and Kendall showed that these equations hold not only for the Type III pneumococcus system (which is a hapten-antibody system) but also for R-salt- azo-diphenyl-azo-egg albumin and its antiserum., for crystalline egg albumin and its antiserum and for the Type I pneumococcus polysaccharide system. There was found to be a difference between horse and rabbit pneumo- coccus antisera, possibly due to the difference in molecular weights of the globulins, which are 500,000 for horse globulin and 150,000 for rabbit globulin. For rabbit antiserum to Type III pneumococcus the value of 211 is 13-5 and for the horse antiserum 32, giving ratios of 85 and 200, respectively, for antibody-protein to poly- saccharide at the equivalence point. Using the above values for the molecular weights of the globulins, the molecular weight of the polysaccharide is thus 1,800 to 2,500, corresponding to 5 to 8 aldobionic acid units. In the case of the Type I pneumococcus system the values of 2R are 5-4 and 14-4 for rabbit and horse antisera respectively, giving values for the molecular weight of the Type I polysaccharide of 4,400 to 4,500. It can be calculated from these values that the composition of the precipitate in the equivalence zone of the Type III system with rabbit antisera would be from S3 A 2 to S2A ; at the ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS 455 beginning of the inhibition zone it corresponds to S4A, and the soluble complex is S5A. With Type III horse antisera the compounds are S3 A to SeA for the equivalence zone and SioA for the soluble complex in the inhibition zone. The combination of antigen and antibody takes place as though the molecules behaved as fairly rigid bodies, the antigens being roughly spherical in shape and anti- bodies more or less ellipitical, with a ratio of length to breadth of about 7 to 10 (see page 429). Antigen molecules are probably multivalent in that they contain several reacting sites or determinant groups, even when the determinant groups are all the same. They will usually have a higher valency the larger the molecule. If Pauling's conception of antibody formation is correct antibody molecules are for the most part to be regarded as divalent, although some monovalent molecules are also formed (see page 423). If the antigen and antibody are of about the same size then at the equivalence point the ratio of the weight of antibody to the weight of antigen in the precipitate would be about A^/2 where N repre- sents the valence of the antigen and the limiting values would be 1 for excess of antigen and N-l for excess of antibody. When the antigen is much larger than the antibody the ratio would be less than N/2 at the equiva- lence point. The value of N, the effective valence of an antigen, is determined by the number of antibody molecules which can be packed round the antigen molecule. If the two molecules are spheres of equal size, 12 antibody molecules can be fitted into place round one antigen molecule. If the antigen is larger than the antibody more molecules of the latter can come into contact with the antigen and N may be larger than 12 ; if the antigen is the smallei' molecule then N is less than 12. These expectations are borne out by experiment, as the values of A^ in Table 34 show :— 456 bacteriological chemistry Table 34 Antigen Molecular Weight N Ovalbumin - Serum albumin Thyroglobulin Busycon hsemocyanin 40,000 67,000 700,000 7,000,000 6 6—8 30—40 74 Pauling has suggested that the forces which hold the complex of antigen and antibody together are a com- bination of the weak van der Waals forces, which need very close juxtaposition of the atoms concerned if they are to be effective ; the weak forces exerted by the polarisation of one atom by the dipolar character of another ; and the stronger electrostatic attraction between positively charged amino groups and negatively charged carboxyl groups, for example, and the even more powerful hydrogen bonds. The energy of electrostatic attractions may be quite considerable, of the order of 5 Calories per gram molecule, if the appropriately charged groups can come into close apposition. The hydrogen bond, which results from the attraction of a hydrogen nucleus from one electronegative atom by the unshared electron pair of another electronegative atom, depends for its strength on the degree of electronegativity of the two atoms, the most electronegative, oxygen and nitrogen, giving the strongest hydrogen bonds, with an energy of about 5 Calories per bond. Specificity is due to the complementary configuration and arrangement of the groups of atoms in the antigen and antibody molecules which could form hydrogen bonds, or give rise to electro- static attraction, and this in turn depends on the size and dispositions of the areas on antigen and antibody molecules which could come into contact. If the arrange- ments of groups of atoms in tlie molecules are such that the molecules could only come into close contact at a few 2)olnts, combination would bo weals, wJiereas if the ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS 457 contact was close over a considerable area then firm and specific combination would occur. The forces which hold the molecules together are not themselves specific ; the specificity depends entirely on the appropriate distribution of the atoms involved. The method by which such complementary structures might be built up in antibodies has been outlined on page 421. The evidence points to the fact that the second stage of antigen-antibody reactions, especially in agglu- tination and precipitin reactions, is also specific. Thus agglutination carried out with mixtures of two bacteria and the corresponding antisera normally gives clumps which contain one type of organism only, and not the mixture of organisms which would be expected if the aggregation were non-specific. Similarly, precipitin reactions carried out in the presence of a heterologous antigen do not give precipitates containing the second antigen. It is reasonable to suppose, therefore, that the second stage, the actual formation of a precipitate, is a continuation of the first stage until aggregates of sufficient size to be insoluble are formed. This suggestion forms the basis of the " framework " or " lattice " theory put forward by Marrack and elaborated by Heidelberger and by Pauling and their collaborators. The framework hj^jothesis requires that antibodies be at least divalent, otherwise antibody molecules could not form links between two or more antigen molecules to give the framework structure illustrated in Fig. 11 which represents the state at the equivalence point. re- Anfigen Antibody Fig. 11. 458 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY In the region of antibody excess the structure of the framework would be represented as in Fig. 12, in which only one valence of many of the antibody molecules X / \ / \ / \ / \ / • • e e « / \ / \J\ /^\ / \ / \ Fig. 12. is involved and the precipitate has a higher proportion of antibody than it has in the equivalence zone. The proportion of antibody may be so high that the complex is soluble and give rise to the so-called " inhibition " or " pro -zone." The formation of precipitates by the interaction of multivalent haptens and antibodies is accounted for on the same basis, whilst monovalent haptens could not give rise to such a framework. Thus OH R R R haptens such as R<^ ^OH or H0<(^ ^ <( ^QH, OH R R where R represents diazotised arsanilic acid, — N=n/ X^sOgHa , give precipitates with anti- serum prepared by injection into rabbits of diazotised arsanilic acid coupled to protein. Haptens like H0<^ ^r, containing only one determinant group, do not give pre- cipitates although they combine with the antiserum. Boyd suggests that antigen-antibody precipitates do not arise as the result of building up aggregates by the framework process but that they result from the pre- vention of the lyophilic polar groups of antibodies and antigens from exerting their normal " solubilising " function. The comparatively large antibody molecules are visualised as l)eing lield closely together by the antigen or liapten molecides in such a way that the uncom])ined polar groups of the antibody are " occluded " ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY REACTIONS 459 and prevented from contact with solvent molecules, so that the complex composed of antigen or hapten and a few antibody molecules becomes lyophobic and insoluble. He accounts for the observed failure of some multivalent liaptens to cause precipitation as being due to the too close proximity of the determinant polar groups so that there is not room for two or more antibody molecules to be brought into such positions that their polar groups are occluded, the complex, therefore, remaining soluble. If the hapten molecule is larger, for instance if R of the above formulae is — N=Ny their odour ; the solution is redistilled and the distillate saturated with sodium chloride when the alcohols separate as oily drops. If present in sufficient quantity they can be submitted to fractional distillation and determination of the boiling points. (e) Esters may be detected by their odour, and by fractional distillation and determination of the boiling points. 2. Volatile Acids. — The residue from the distillation of the volatile neutral products is made acid with sul- phuric acid or, preferably, j)hosphoric acid (to prevent charring) and distillation continued. The distillate is tested for : (a) Formic acid, by reduction of ammoniacal silver nitrate and the usual tests. (6) Acetic acid, by the odour ; by the production of the red-brown colour with ferric chloride. (c) Propionic acid. (d) Butyric acid. The latter two acids may be separ- ated and determined by use of Duclaux's " distillation ratios " (see Beitrand and Thomas' " Manipulations de Chimie biologique "). Information as to the approximate composition of the mixture may be obtained by deter- mining the acid equivalent by titration with sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein as indicator, or by formation of the silver salts. 3. Non-volatile Acids. — If the fermentation has been carried out in the presence of calcium carbonate the non- volatile acids may be precipitated from the metabolism solution as the calcium salts by the addition of four volumes of alcohol. (a) Bacterial products. The precipitate will probably be calcium succinate or lactate. The salt is acidified to Congo red with sulphuric acid and the solution extracted 466 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY with ether. Evaporation of the ether sohition to dryness gives a crystalline residue of succinic acid or a liquid residue of lactic acid. Succinic acid may be identified by its melting point (183° C.) and acid equivalent. Lactic acid may be detected by evaporation to dryness, solution of the residue in alcohol, addition of concentrated sulphuric acid and a drop of dilute copper sulphate solution, heating on a boiling- water bath for a few minutes, cooling and addition of an alcoholic solution of thiophen ; a cherry- red colour indicates the presence of lactic acid. Lactic acid may also be isolated and identified as the crystalline zinc salt. Lactic acid may also be found among the volatile acid products since it is somewhat volatile in steam. It is not completely precipitated as the calcium salt by 80 per cent, alcohol, the salt being somewhat soluble. The test for 'pyruvic acid may also be described here. With the sodium nitroprusside test, as carried out for acetone, a vivid blue colour is given by pyruvic acid. A second test is the addition of a few drops of an alcoholic solution of guaiacol followed by concentrated sulphuric acid to give a separate layer ; a carmine -coloured ring at the junction indicates the presence of pyruvic acid. (6) Mould products. Oxalic, citric, gluconic, fumaric, succinic and malic acids are the most common acid products of fungi. The crystalline calcium salts may be obtained. Oxalic acid may be tested for as described above (p. 464). Gluconic acid may be readily character- ised as its phenylhydrazide (m.p. 200° C). The calcium salt of citric acid is less soluble in hot than in cold water, and is precipitated from fairly strong solutions on boiling. Citric acid may be identified by esterification with methyl- alcoholic hydrochloric acid solution when the trimethyl ester, m.p. 78-5° C, is formed, or by conversion into the amide, m.p. 207° C. Fumaric acid may be extracted with ether, crystallised and identified by its sublimation at about 200° C. and acid equivalent. Malic acid is best METABOLIC PRODUCTS 467 identified by esterification and fractionation of the esters. Some acids, for example spiculisporic acid (see p. 286) from P. spiculisporum, are precipitated on acidification of the metabolism solution with hydrochloric acid. 4. Non-volatile Neutral Products. — Polysaccharides, if present, will, in general, have been precipitated with the calcium salts of the non-volatile acids on addition of four volumes of alcohol to the metabolism solution. They may be separated from the calcium salts by solution of the precipitate in water, acidification with hydrochloric acid and again precipitating with alcohol, the free acids being soluble in 80 per cent, alcohol. Neutralisation of the solution, freed from the polysaccharides, with calcium carbonate will then result in the precipitation of the calcium salts. The residue remaining after the distillation of the volatile acids (see p. 465) is neutralised and the solution evaporated to dryness, preferably under reduced pressure, and the residue repeatedly extracted with hot absolute alcohol. The alcoholic solution is evaporated to dryness and the residue once more extracted with alcohol. (a) Mannitol, if present, crystallises out on cooling as long needles, m.p. 168° C. It may be characterised by formation of the tribenzylidene derivative, m.p. 224° C. (6) Addition of four or five volumes of ether to the alcoholic extract precipitates glycerol, trimethylene glycol or butylene glycol, which can be separated by distillation in vacuo. Glycerol and trimethylene glycol can be identi- fied also as the l^enzoyl or phenylurethane derivatives, and butylene glycol as the phenylurethane derivative. Acetoin may be detected in the metabolism solution by the Voges-Proskauer reaction or by O'Meara's modifica- tion (addition of creatine). 5. MiscelUuieoas Products. — The addition of fei'ric chloride to a metabolism solution (particularly useful in 468 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY the case of mould fermentations) may give rise to a range of colours : — (a) Yellow colours (canary to orange yellow) usually indicate the presence of hydroxy-acids, such as gluconic, citric, malic or lactic acids. (b) Blue or violet colours usually indicate phenolic acids . (c) An intense blood-red colour is given by kojic acid (see p. 294). {d) An intense green or black-green is given by citro- mycetin. (e) A rusty brown-coloured precipitate soluble in excess of ferric chloride to give an iodine brown-coloured solution is given by citrinin (see p. 159). The presence of unsaturated products may be detected by the addition of bromine water, which is decolorised in their presence. I I APPENDIX II SYNONYMS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS T HE official name according to Bergey " Manual of Determinative Bacteriology " 5th Edition is given in ordinary type ; synonyms are given in italics : — Acetobacter aceti ascendens pasteurianum suboxydans - xylinum Achromobacfer radiobader Actinomj'ces antibioticus coelicolor lavendulse - violaceus ivaksmanii - Aerobacter aerogenes cloacse - indologenes levanicum Alcaligenes fsecalis - radiobacter Azotobacter agile chroococcuiii Bacillus a - - - aceti - acetic us aceto-cthvliciis - acidif leans lomjisnim a-' Bacillus aceti, B. aceticus, Bacterium aceti, Mycoderma aceti. Bad. ascendens Bact. pasteurianum, Mycoderma yastear- ianum Bact. xylinum Alcaligenes radiobacter Ad. violaceus. Act. waksmanii, Strepto- thrix coelicolor Act. coelicolor Act. coelicolor B. cerogenes, B. lactis mrogenes, Bact. cerogenes, Bact. lactis, Bact. lactis cerogenes B. cloacce Aer. cloacse B. alcaligenes, B. fcecalis alcaligenes, Bact. alcaligenes Achromobacter radiobader, B. radio- bacter, Bact. radiobacter, Rhizobium radiobacter Azotobacter vinelandii Azotobacter beijerinckii, B. azotobacter, B. chroococcus Lactobacillus casei Acetobacter aceti Acetobacter aceti IVobably idcnticjil witli li. iii.uci'.vns Tjactobacilhis delbriickii 469 470 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Bacillus acidipropionici acidophilu s cerogenes certrycke alcaligenes - aminovorans amylobacter anthracis - azotobacter - bulgaricus - butylicus butyricus - casei a casei Y - - - cellulosce dissolvens chlororaphis chroococcus - cloacce coli - - - - delbrilckii - diphtherice - dysenterice Flexner dysenterice Shiga enteritidis - fluorescens liquefaciens friedldnderi gramdobacter pectino- voriim influenzce - lactis - lactis acidi - lactis cerogenes lactis pituitosi Propionibacterium pentosaceuin - Lactobacillus acidophilus - Aerobacter serogenes - Salmonella typhimurium - Alcaligenes fsecalis - Clostridium butyricum - Azotobacter chroococcum - Lactobacillus bulgaricus - Clostridium butyricum - Clostridium butyricum - Lactobacillus casei - Lactobacillus brevis - Clostridium dissolvens - Pseudomonas chlororaphis - Azotobacter chroococcum - Aerobacter cloacae - Escherichia coli - Lactobacillus delbriickii - Corynebacterium diphtherise - Shigella paradysenterise - Shigella dysenterise - Salmonella enteritidis Pseudomonas fluorescens Klebsiella pneumoniae Clostridium acetobutylicum macerans - mesentericus viethanicus - ynorgani mycoides - nitrobacter - oligocarbophilus pantotrophus paratyphosus A paratyphosus B pneumoniae polymyxa - prodigiosus • prof e as protens vulgaris pyoryaneiis - radicirola. - • Haemophilus influenzae - Lactobacillus lactis - Aerobacter aerogenes - Bact. pituitosum - Mycobacterium leprae Methanomonas methanica Proteus morgani Nitrobacter Carboxydomonas oligocarbophila Hydrogenomonas pantotropha Salmonella paratyphi Salmonella schottmiilleri Klebsiella pneumoniae Serratia marcescens Proteus vulgaris Proteus \iilgaris IVudomoiias acriigiuosa Mliizobiimi Icgiiminosaruiu SYNONYMS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS 471 Bacillus radiobader - subtilis tetani - thermocellulyticus tuberculosis tumefaciens typhosus violaceus vulgaris welchii xerosis Bacterium aceti acidipropionici a cerogenes - certrycke - ceruginosum alcaligenes ascendens coli dysenterice Flexner dysenterice Shiga enteritidis enteritidis Breslau flexneri - fluorescens friendldnderi - gluconicum influenzce lactis lactis lactis cerogenes morgani - nitrobacter nitrosomonas - paratypliosum A 2)aratyphosum B pasteurianum - pituitosum jineumonicB jyrodigiosum pyocyaneum radicicola radiobacter shigce tumefaciens typhosum violaceum vulgare xerosis - xylinoides xylinum • Alcaligenes radiobacter Clostridium tetani Clostridium cellulyticum Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis Phytomonas tumefaciens Eberthella typhosa Chromobacterium violaceum Proteus vulgaris Clostridium perfringens Corynebacterium xerose Acetobacter aceti Propionibacterium freudenreichii Aerobacter serogenes Salmonella typhimurium Pseudomonas aeruginosa Alcaligenes fsecalis Acetobacter ascendens Escherichia coli Shigella parad3^senteri8e Shigella dysenteriae Salmonella enteritidis Salmonella typhimurium Shigella paradysenterise Pseudomonas fluorescens Klebsiella pneumoniae Haemophilus influenzae Aerobacter aeerogenes Streptococcus lactis Aerobacter serogenes Proteus morgani Nitrobacter Nitrosomonas Salmonella parat3'phi Salmonella schottmiilleri Acetobacter pasteurianum B. lactis j^itxitosi Klebsiella pneumoniae Serratia marcescens Pseudomonas aeruginosa Rhizobium leguminosarum Alcaligenes radiobacter Shigella dysenteriae Phytomonas tumefaciens Eberthella typhosa Chromobacterium violaceum Proteus vulgaris Corynebacterium xerose Acetobacter xylinum 31 472 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Beggiatoa Betahacterium breve - Betacoccus arabinosaceus bovis Borrelia recurrentis - Brucella abortus Lactobacillus brevis Leuconostoc mesenteroides Leuconostoc dextranicum SpirochcBta recurrentis Spironema recurrentis Carboxydomonas oligocarbophila Cellfalcicula mucosa Cellulobacillus myxogenes - Cellulomonas - Chlamydothrix ferruginea • ochracea Chromobacterium iodinum prodigiosum -' violaceum Clostridium acetobutylicum botulinum butyricum cellulosolvens cellulyticum - dissolvens fossicularum - methanigenes perfringens - sporogenes tetani - thermocellum welchii - Corynebacterium diphtherise xerose - Crenothrix polyspora B. oligocarbophilus Cellulobacillus mucosus Pseudomonas myxogenes Gallionella ferruginea Leptothrix ochracea Serratia marcescens B. violaceus, Bact. violaceum B. granulobacter pectinovorum, CI. acetonigemim B. amylobacter, B. butylicus, B. butyricus, Granulobacter butyricum, Or. pectino- vorum, Gr. saccharobutyricum, Plec- iridium pectinovorum B. thermocellulyticus B. cellulosce. dissolvens B. welchii, CI. welchii B. tetani CI. perfringens B. diphtherice B. xerosis, Bact. xerosis Didymohelix ferruginea Diplococcus gonorrhcece pneumoniae Gallionella ferruginea Neisseria gonorrhoese B. pneumonice, Bact. pneumonice. Sir. pneumonice, Pneumococcus Eberthella typhosa - Enterococcus fcecalis - Escherichia coli B. typhosus, Bact. typihosum Streptococcus fsecalis B. coli. Bad. coli Flavobacterium brunneum suaveolens Flexner's bacillus Shigella paradysenterise SYNONYMS Gallioiiella ferrusinea OF MICRO-ORGANISMS Chlamydothrix ferruginea Didymohelix ferruginea Gdrtiier^s bacillus - - - Salmonella enteritidis Granulobader hutyricum - - Clostridium butyricum pedinovorum - Clostridium butyricum saccharohutyricum Clostridium butyricum 473 Haemophilus canis - - - H. hsemoglobinophilus ducreyii haemoglobiuophilus H. canis influenzae - - B. influenzce, Bact. influenzce parainfluenzse Hydrogenonionas pantotropha - B. pantotrophus Klebsiella pneumoniae B. friedldnderi, B. pneumoniae, Bact. friedldnderi, Bact. pneumonice, Klebsi- ella friedld/ider, Friedldndefs bacillus Lactobacillus acidophilus arabinosus brevis - bulgaricus delbriickii - lactis - mesenteroides pentoaceticus pentosus plantarum - Lactococcus dextranicus Leptospira biflexa - Leptothrix ochracea Leuconostoc citrovorum - dextranicum mesenteroides B. acidophilus Possibly identical with L, plantarum B. casei y, Betabacterium breve. Possibly identical with L. pentoaceticus B. bulgaricus, Thermobacterium bulgari- cum. Bacillus a, B. casei a, Streptobacterium casei B. acidificans longissimus, B. delbriickii B. lactis acidi, Thermobacterium lactis Possibly identical with L brevis Possibly identical with L. plantarum Streptobacterium plantarum. Possibly identical with L. arabinosus and L. pentosus Leuconostoc dextranicum Spirochceta biflexa Chlamydothrix ochracea Streptococcus citrovorus Betacoccus bovis, Lactococcus dextranicus. Streptococcus paracitrovorus Betacoccus arabinosaceus Methanobacterium aliphatica - aliphatica- liquefaciens omelianski - INIethanonionas methanica Methanosarcina methanica B. methaaicus Sarcina methanica 474 BACTERIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY - Neisseria gonorrhoeae - Nitrosococcus Micrococcus gonorrhoece lysodeikticus nitrosus urese Microspira agar liquefaciens Mycobacterium avium leprse paratuberculosis phlei tuberculosis bovis tuberculosis hominis Mycoderma aceti jpasteurianuni - Myxococcus .... Neisseria gonorrhoeae Nitrobacter .... Nitrosococcus ... - Nitrosomonas ... - Pasteurella . . . - Phytomonas tumefaciens - Plectridiimi pedinovorum - Proactinomyces Propionibacterium arabinosum - freuden- reichii pentosaceum Proteus morganii vulgaris Pseudomonas aeruginosa - chlororaphis fluorescens - mj^xogenes - j)yocyanea - tumefaciens Khizobium Icguminosarum radiobader Rhodubacillus pahistris Rhodococcus cajisulatus Rhodorrhagus capsulatus - Rhodospirillum rubrum - Rhodovibrio parvus - Vibrio agar liquefaciens Avian tuberde bacillus B. leprce. Leprosy bacillus Johne's bacillus Bovine tubercle bacillus B. tuberculosis. Human tubercle bacillus Acetobacter aceti A. pasteurianum Diplococcus gonorrhoece. Micrococcus gonorrhoece, B. nitrobacter. Bad. nitrobacter Micrococcus nitrosus Bad. nitrosomonas B. tumefaciens, Bact. tumefaciens, Pseudomonas tumefaciens Clostridium butyricum Bact. acidi j^ropionici a B. acidi propionici B. morgani, Bact. morgani, Morgans bacillus B. proteus, B. proteus vulgaris, B vulgaris. Bad. vulgare B. pyocyaneus, Bact. ceruginosum, Bact. pyocyaneum, Ps. pyocyanea B. chlororaphis B. fluorescens liquefaciens, Bact. fluores- cens Cellulobacillus myxogenes Ps. aeruginosa Phytomonas tumefaciens B. radicicola, Bact. radicicola, Rhizobium radicicolum Alcaligenes radiobacter Rhodorrhagus capsulatus Rhodococcus capsulatus Spirillum rubrum SYNONYMS OF MICRO -ORG ANISMS 475 Sarcina aurantiaoa - lutea - methanica - Salmonella enteiitidis paratyphi schottmiilleri - typhimurium - Serratia marcescens - Shiga s bacillus Shigella dysenteriae - paradysenterise Spirillum rubrum Spironema recurrentis Spirochceta biflexa recurrentis Staphylococcus albus aureus citreus pyogenes albus Streptobaderium casei plantar um Streptococcus acidi lactici citrovorus - cremoris fsecalis hcemolyticus hollandicus lactis - lactis B paracitrovorus pyogenes - salivarius - viridans Strepiothrix ccelicolor Sulphomonas - Methanosarcina methanica, Zymosarcina methanica B. enteritidis, Bact. enteriiidis, Gartner's bacillus B. paratypjhosus A, Bact. paratyphosum A B. paratyphosas B, Bact. paratyphosum B B. certrycke, Bact. certrycke, Bact. en- teritidis Breslau B. prodigiosus, Bact. prodigiosum, Chromobacterium prodigiosum Shigella dysenteriae B. dysenierice Shiga, Bad. dysenterice Shiga, Shiga's bacillus B. dysenterice Flexner, Bad. dysenteriae Flexner. Flexner s bacillus Rhodospirillum rubrum Borrelia recurrentis Leptospira biflexa Borrelia recurrentis Staph, pyogenes albus Staph, albus Lactobacillus casei Lactobacillus plantarum Str, lactis Leuconostoc citrovorum Str. hollandicus, Str. lactis B Enterococcus fcecalis Str. pyogenes Str. cremoris Bact. lactis, Str. acidi lactici Str. cremoris Leuconostoc dextranicum Str. hcemolyticus Str. viridans Str. salivarius Actinomyces coelicolor Thiobacillus Thermobaderium bulgariciun lactis Thiobacillus denitrificans - thio-oxidans - thioparus Thiocystis violacea - Thiothrix nivea Lactobacillus bulgaricus Lactobacillus lactis Sulphomonas denitrificans Sulph. thio-oxidans, Thio-baderium thio- oxidans Sulph. thioparus 470 BACTERTOLOaiCAL CHEMISTRY Vibrio agar liqucfacicns aniylocella cholerce - comma - Microspira agar liquefaricns V. comma V. cholerce Zymosarcinn metlianica Sarcina metlianica INDEX AcETALDEHYDE, condensation. 278 — detection, 464 — fixation, 245 — formation by fungi, 302 — hydrogen acceptor, 202, 204 — intermediate in fat synthesis, 382, et. seq. fermentation, 245, 309, 316 — reductase, 212 crystalline, 41 Acetarsol, 130 Acetic acid, 245 detection, 465 fermentation, 322 et seq. — — formation, 247, 254 Aceto-acetic acid, 313, 316 Acetobacter aceti, water content, 58 — ascendens, 322 — ■ 'pasteurianum, 322 — suhoxydans, growth factors for, 101, 118 oxidation by, 241, 242 ■ — xylinmn, cellulose in, 61, 345 glyoxalase in, 246 ■ oxidation by, 242, 243 vinegar fermentation, 322 Acetoin, detection, 467 — formation, 252 — reduction, 253, 278 — Voges-Proskauer reaction, 252 Acetone, 242 — detection, 464 — by fermentation, 312 ei seq. Acetonedicarboxylic acid, 284, 299 Acetylmethylcarbinol, see Acetoin Acid, definition, 4 — production by bacteria, 245 et seq. by fungi, 282 et seq. theories of, 297 Acid-fast bacteria, fatty acids in, 370 phosphorus in ash of, 59 — waxes, 372 Aconitic acid, 285 cis-Aconitic acid, 302 Acridine dyes, drug resistance to, 155 Acriflavine, inhibition of hydrogen transportases, 135 — woimd antiseptic, 131 Actinomyces albus, 157 — antibioticus, 157 — ccelicolor, 391 — lavendulce, 182 — pigments in, 387, 388, 389 — violaceus, 157 — violaceus-riiber , 391 — waksmanii, 390 Actinomycetin, 157 Actinomycin, 157 — A-, 157 — B-, 157, 158 Acyl proteins, 415 Adenine, 333 — as growth factor, 131, 145 — reversal of sulphonamide activity, 145 Adenosine-3-triphosphate, in Tk. tliio- oxidans, 72 5-triphosphate, 111 in micro-organisms, 72 as phosphate donor, 257, 275, 320, 367 Adenylic acid, 107, 108, 275, 332 Adsorption, isotherm, 446 — polar groups and, 34, 35 Aeration, effect on lipoid content, 63 Aerobacter aerogenes, 174, 245, 252 action of sulphonamides on, 140 adaptive enzymes in, 91 aneurin in, 103 glyoxalase in, 321 growth factors in, 115 — cloaccB, 226 — indologenes, COg fixation, 259 — levanicum, levansucrase in, 350 478 INDEX Aerobic oxidation, steps in, 2(Mj Agar as determinant group, 417 Agglutinins, effect of ninhydrin on, 433 — separation, 427 Alanine, degradation, 230, 237 — S3rnthesis, 339 — P-, 101, 107, 224 and drug resistant C. diphtherice, 153, 154 in bios, 100 — d-, as energy source, 218 Alboleersin, 396 Albucid, 133 Albumin, as antigen, 400 — in protein of hen and duck eggs, 399 — in protein of micro-organisms, 60, 330 — precipitation by ammonium sul- phate, 60, 424 Alcaligenes fcecalis, activation as hydrogen donator, 195 anaerobic growth, 208 aneurin in, 103 growth factors in, 115 — radiobacter, nitrogen fixation, 221 Alcoholic fermentation, mechanism, 265, 269 et seq. Meyerhof 's theory of, 274 Neuberg's forms of, 272 products of, 262 Alcohols, oxidation by Metkanohac- terimn omelianski, 76, 78 Aldehyde mutase, 314, 322 Aldobionic acids as determinant groups, 413 Aldol, 279, 313, 316, 382 Alexin, see Complement Alkyl proteins, 415 Allicin, 185 Amides, utilisation of, 216 Amines, utilisation of, 215 Amino-acids, degradation, 227 et scq. by bacteria, moulds and yeasts, 234 ease of attack, 216, 237 ■ energy source of anaerobes, 218 estimation of. 238 Amino-acids in proteins of micro- organisms, 60, 330 — requirements of heterotrophs, 81 et seq. — synthesis, 339 et seq. — toxicity to bacteria, 217 — utilisation of, 215 ^-Aminobenzene sulphonamide, 131 Aminobenzene sulphonic acids, 406 Aminobenzoic acids, 406 jp-Aminobenzoic acid, 99, 101 inhibition of sulphonamides, 101, 137 ionisation of, 141, 143 ^9-Aminobenzyl cellobiuronide, 412 — gentiobiuronide, 412 fZ- Amino-oxidase, prosthetic group, 41, 42 j9-Aminophenol-P-galactoside, 41 1 — a-glucoside, 411 — P-glucoside, 410 CO -Amino valeric acid, 228, 237 Ammonium borate, 445 — salts, utilisation of, 215 by autotrophic bacteria, 68 by heterotrophic bacteria, 81 et seq. Amoebff, chemotherapy of, 130 Amygdalin, 37, 51 (?-Amyl alcohol, 280 i5o-Amyl alcohol, 231, 280 Amylase, activation of, 48 — crystalline, 41 — effect of pH on, 48 Anaerobes, absence of catalase from, 199 — growth in oxj^gen, 207 Aneurin, 393 — diphosphate, 43, 150 — growth factor, 100, 102 — in yeast, 339 — pyrophosphate, as co-carboxylase, 103 Anisoyl proteins, 415 Anthocyanin pigments, 391 Anthranilic acid, in tryptophane syn- thesis, 343 Anthranols, 396 Anthraquinone pigments, 386, 395 Anti-amylase, 50 i INDEX 470 Antihiosis, (Icfiiiitioii, l")') Antibiotics. production bv .4._s7>r/7////(/,y, 184 — production by Penicillium. 184 — use in selective media, 18<) Antibodies, 418 e^ seq. — antibacterial, 426 — effect of acetylation, 419, 431, 432, i 460 azo- compounds, 431 esterification, 432 formaldehyde. 431. 460 — — iodo-groups, 419. 431 ninliydrin, 432 pepsin. 430 — H- and 0- types, heat stability. 430 — molecular weight, 428. 454 ■ — nature, 418 — production, 420 et seq. in vitro, 424 — properties, 428 — resistance to heat, 429 — separation, 424 et seq. — yalency, 423, 455, 457 Anti-enzymes, 50 — immunological, 50 Antigen-antibody reactions, 441 et seq. constant antibody method, 448 ■ — antigen method, 448 forces involved, 456 inhibition zones, 448. 451, 452, 458 lattice theory of, 457 occlusion theory of, 458 optimal proportions, 447 pro-zones, 448, 451, 452. 458 specificity in, 456, 457 Antigens, molecular weight, 456 — multiple valency, 423, 451, 455 — natural, 398 et seq. — reactive groups in, 460, 4()1 — synthetic, 405 et seq. Anti-lecithinase, 50 Anti-pepsin, 50 Anti-ribonuclease, 50 Anti-trypsin, 50 Antisera, difference between horse and rabbit, 428, 433, 454, 461 Antitoxins. 'I' compcnicnt, 42'» Auti-urease, 50 Apozymase, 269 Arabinose in phosphatides, 375 — in polysaccharides, 353 Arginine, 111 — sjTithesis, 343 Arsine derivatives from fungi, 305 Arsenoxides, action on SH groups, 152 Arsphenamine, 127 Ascorbic acid, 244, 288, 297 and complement, 439 in fungi, 65 — dehydi'ogenase, 41 Ash, see Mineral constituents Asparagine, 111 — utilisation, 218 Z-Aspartic acid, degradation, 230 energy source, 219 syTithesis, 340 Aspergillic acid, 158 Aspergillin, 388, 393 Aspergillus candidus, 159 antibiotic from, 183 — clavatus, 160 — elegans, 303 — fischeri, 378 — flavipes, antibiotic from, 184 — flavus. 158, 161 — • — kojic acid from, 295 ■ — ■ — penicillin formation bv, 171 — fumigatus, 162, 163, 164,"^ 167, 393, 394 — giganteus, 160, 163 — glaucus, 394, 395 — mannitol in, 62 — melleus, 308 — nididans, 303 — niger, citric acid in, 292, 327 ergosterol, 378 gluconic acid, 292, 304 — — mannitol, 304 mj^cogalactan, 351 oxalic acid, 292 starch, 346 trehalose in, 62 utilisation of carbon source, 191 ■ — ■ ochraceus, 308 — oryzce, 294, 302, 378 — parasiticus, 170 480 INDEX Asjicrgillus sydowi , 305, 37S ~ terreus, 306, 308, 31>U — vitamin-C in, 05 Aspirin, antisera to, 415 — as determinant grouj), 415 Assimilation, 240 Astacin, 390 Atebrine, 128, 130 — inhibition of Plasmodium respira- tion, 151 Athiorhodacece, metabolism of, 74, 76 — pigments, 391 Atoxyl, 405 — azo-proteins, 405, 406, 449 — in chemotherapy, 127 — inhibition by ^-aminobenzoic acid, 138 of lipase, 135 Atropine, inhibition of invertase, 135 Auroglaucin, 394 Autocatalysis, 331, 342 Autotrophic bacteria, 67 et seq. chemosynthetic, 67, 78 classification, 69 photosynthetic, 67, 78 thermodynamic efficiency, 79 Avidin, inhibition of biotin by, 104 Azotobacter, fixation of nitrogen, 214 — chroococcum, fixation of nitrogen, 221 et seq. gum of, 348 nucleic acids, 336 pigment, 389, 391 sterol in, 377 — utilisation of nitrate and nitrite, 215 Bacillus ac eto- ethyl icus, 245, 246, 312 fermentation of pentosans by, 312 — acidificans longissimus, 319 — aerogenes, see Aerobacter aerogenes — aminovorans , 328 — anthracis, capsule of, 183, 338 carbohydrates of, 362, 365 cZ-glutamic acid in capsule, 183, 338 growth factors for, 185 inhibition of, 156 nucleic acids of, 336 Bacillus hrcvis, 165 — faecalis alcaligones, see Alcaligenes f(jEcalis — lactis, 351 pitiiitosi, 351 — macerans, 312 — mesentericus , aneurin in, 103 antibiotic from, 183 capsule of, 183, 338 cZ-glutamic acid in capsule, 183, 338 levan, 349 — - — niger, pigment, 386, 388 — mycoides, vitamin -B in, 65 — polymyxa, levansucrase in, 350 — ■ prodigiosus, see Serratia marcescens — pyocyaneus, see Pseudomonas aeru- ginosa — subtilis, adenosine triphosphate in, 72 (Z-glutamic acid in capsule, 183, 338 — — levan, 349 proteolytic enzymes, 225 — ■ — subtilin, 185 vitamin-B in, 65 — typhosus, see Eberthella fyphosa — volutans, 315 Bacitracin, 185 Bacterial gums, 326, 348 Bacterio-chlorin, 73, 387, 390, 391 — erythrin, 73, 390 — phseophytin, 390 — purpurin, 64, 69, 73, 390 — xanthophyll, 390 Bacterium cocovenenans, 390 — gluconicum, oxidation by, 243, 244 — xylinoides, oxidation by, 244 — — kojic acid from, 294 Ba3yer-205, 126 Base, definition, 4 B.C.G., carbohydrates of, 360 — sterols in, 377 Beggiatoa, 69, 72 Benzaldehyde, reduction of, 278 Benzidine-R-salt, 418 Betabacterium vermiforme, dextran synthesis, 348 Biological reduction, 278 INDEX 481 Bio.s. 1)9 — fompositiuii. I'M I Biotics, 117 Biotin, 99, 100, 103, 108, 305 Blood Group A ploysaccharide, 357 as determinant group, 417 Botrytis cinerea. antibiotic from, 185 thio-urea from, 305 Bromo-proteins, 414 Brucella abortus, carbon dioxide re- quirement, 83, 255 growth factors for, 104, 118 Buffer solutions, 15 et seq, amino-acids as, 18 ■ ■ composition, 18 dilution of, 16 effect of acids, 16,17 of alkalies, 16, 17 — — range, 18 relation to ^^K, 17 proteins as, 18 — universal, 18 Butyl alcohol detection, 464 Butvl alcohol-acetone fermentation, '314 et seq. mechanism, 316 products of, 316 1 : 3-Butylene-glvcol,' 279 2 : 3-Butylene-glycol, 253, 278 — detection, 467 ButjTic acid, 245, 314, 369 detection, 465 Byssochlamic acid, 291 Byssochlamys fulva, 303 Calomel electrode, 11 Cannizzaro reaction, 248, 274, 303, 304 Carbasone, 130 Carbohydrates, content of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, 61 — " reserve," 61 — soluble specific substances, 353 — synthesis, 366 Carboligase, 253, 278 Carbon content of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, 59, 66 Carbon dioxide, fixation, 83 — • autotrophic bacteria, 67, 68, 73, 76, 77, 78, 256 r'arl)on dioxide, fixation, distril»ution in acid products, 259 — heterotrophic bacteria, 250, 255 phosphorylation, 257 — succinic acid formation, 251 by A. niger and Bhizopus nigricans, 294 requirement by heterotrophic bacteria, 87, 255 Carhoxydomonas oligocarbophila, 75 Carboxylase. 43, 52, 212, 248, 272, 277 — absence from propionic acid bac- teria, 254 — constitution, 43 — in amino-acid degradation, 230, 234 Carboxypeptidase, crystalline, 41 Cardiolipin, 403 Garlic acid, 287 Carlosic acid, 287 Carolic acid, 287 Carolinic acid, 287 Carotene, 385, 390 P-Carotene, 390, 393 Carotenoid pigments, 64, 385 Carviolacm, 395 Carviolin, 395 Casein, antigenicity, 399, 400 Catalase, 212 — crystalline, 41 — effect on notatin activity, 169 — haem in, 41 — in bacterial respiration, 198 • — in Micrococcus lysodeikticus, 93 — inhibition, 200 — prosthetic group, 41 Catalysts, 38 — mode of action, 53 Catenarin, 395 Cellobiase, 326 Cellobiose, 326 Cellobiui-onic acid, 348, 355 Cellulase, 326 CeUulobacillus mucosas, 325, 326 — myxogenes, 325, 326 Cellulomonas, 325 Cellulose, degradation, 323 ei seq. thermophilic, 324 4:S2 INDEX Crllulosc, ill Acdobiirlrr .nfliiinni. (il, — in bacteira, (U — staining by zinc chlnriodide, ^^i\ Cerebrin, 378 Cerotic acid, 370 Chemoreceptors, 135 Chemosynthetic bacteria, (SI Chemotherapeutic agents, modes of action, 134 ct seq, — index, 124 Chemotherapy, essential metabolite theory, 137 — of bacterial infections, 131 — of protozoal infections, 126 Cherry gum as determinant group, 417 Chinoform, 130 Chitin, in micro-organisms, 61 Chlorine metabolism of fungi . 306 Chlororaphin, 179, 391 Cholera red reaction, 210 Cholestan, 404 Cholesterol, 372, 377 — as antigen, 404 — growth factor, 121 Choline sulphate, 305 Chromatographic analysis, 385 Chromobacterium iodinum, 167, 392 — violaceum, 185, 388, 389 Chromoparous organisms, 64 Chromophoric organisms, 64 Chymotrypsin, crystalline, 41 — crystallisation of, 46 Chymotrypsinogen, crystallisation of, 45 Cinnamyl proteins, 415 Citric acid, 286, 292, 297, 327 detection, 466, 468 Citrinin, 159, 283, 397 — detection, 468 Citromycetin, 396 — detection, 468 Citrulline in arginine synthesis, 346 Clasterosporum, 303 Clavacin, 160 — inactivation by SH., 161 Clavatin, 160, 161 Claviformin, 160, 161 Clostridium acetobutylicum, butyl- alcohol-acetone fermentation, 314 ( Uhsfridiiitn (irdoJiiili/Jii-iijii, C( )^ lix- atioii, 2()0 — — growth factors for, 101, 104, 118 — botulinum, antitoxin, 426 growth factors, 85, 114 — butylicum, growth factors, 104, 118 — butyricum, fermentation by, 314 fixation of nitrogen by, 220, 222 glycogen in, 345 granulose, 62 growth factors for, 101, 118 — — inhibition of, 156, 315 — • cellvlolyticum, 324 — ■ dissolvens, 324 — fossicularum, 323 — histolyticum, antitoxin, 426 — methanigenes , 323 — (xdematiens, antitoxin, 426 — septicum, antitoxin, 426 — sordellii, antitoxin, 426 — sporogenes, aerobic growth, 198, 211 — — growth factors, 114, 118 — tetani, growth factors, 101, 110, 118 — thermocellum, 324 — welchii, antitoxin, 426 CO2 fixation, 260 growth factors, 118 — — hyaluronidase in, 358 pigment of, 391 a-toxin, 50 Cocaine, inhibition of invertase, 135 Co-decarboxylase, 111, 150, 25!) Co-enzyme I, 49, 263, 267 — constitution, 268 — hydrogen carrier, 202, 203, 204, 268, 276, 320 — identity with V-factor, 108 — in acetic acid fermentation, 322 alcoholic fermentation, 263 lactic acid fermentation, 249, 320 propionic acid fermentation. 249 — magnesium in, 267, 269 — nicotinamide in, 107, 267 — occurrence, 268 Co-enzyme II, as growth factor, 109 — as hydrogen carrier, 204 — nicotinamide in, 107 INDEX 483 Co-enzyme R, identity with biotin. 104 Colloids, 26 et seq. — cadmium sulphide sol, 27 — coagulation, 28 et seq. zone of, 29 — critical surface potential, 28, 29, 30, 33 — effect of electrolytes, 28 et seq. — emulsions, 26 — ferric hydroxide sol, 28 — foams, 27 — fogs. 27 — gold sol, 27 — ij-ophilic, 27 et seq. — • h'ophobic. 27 et seq. — particle size, 26, 27 — polj'saccharidfs, 27, 30. 33 — proteins, 27, 30, 33 — smokes, 27 — stability, 27, 28 — suspensions, 26 Comenic acid, 294 Comparator, Lovibond, 15 Complement, 433 et seq. — artificial, 434, 439 ■ — inactivation by dialysis, 438 by iodine, 438 — lability, 434 — role of components, 436, 437 — structure of, 434 et seq. Continuous phase, 26 Copper protein enzymes, 52 Corynebacterium eliphtheriee, antitoxin, 419, 426, 431 — — — crystalline, 427 ■ effect of pepsin on, 430 ■ carbohydrates, 61 drug resistant strains, 153, 154 fatty acids in, 371 — — growth factors for, 101, 106. 108, 109. 118 inhibition bv pantovltaurine, 149, 150 lijioids of, 62 metabolism, 80, 85, 216 nucleic acids of, 60, 33<] pho.sphatides of. 381 porphyrins of, 391 — — waxes of, 377 Cor3'nin, 381 Cozymase, see Co-enzyme Crenothrix, 70 ^-Cresol from tyrosine, 233 Cydopium viridicatum, 176 Cvnodontin. 395 Cystein, 207, 211 — de-amination, 237 Cytidilic acid. 333 Cytochrome, 105, 200 — distribution, 201, 202 — inhibition, 201 — in respiration, 201 — oxidase, 212 Cytophaga hitchinsoni , 324, 326 C\i;osine, 333 Danysz phenomenon, 443. 446. 447 Deaminase, 212 Deamination, desaturative, 229 — hydrolytic, 229 — oxidative, 230 — reductive, 228 Decarboxylase, amino-acid. 111 Decarboxylation of amino-acids, 228 Dehydrase, 197 Dehydrogenase, 197 — inhibition, 49 — in respiration, 20l Desmolasss, 53 Desoxyribonucleic acids. 336 — in Rough-Smooth conversion, 337 Desoxyribose, 333 Desthiobiotin, 104 Determinant groups, 406. 423 Dextran, 346, 348, 401 — constitution, 347 — serological reactions, 346 Diaphorase, 212 — and co-enzyme, 206 — prosthetic group, 41, 42 Diasone, 134 Diastase, 37 Diazotised arsenilic acid hapten, 458 Didymohelix, 70 — ferruginea. 74 Dibromo-cholesterol, 404 Dibromo-tyrosine, 414 Dihydro- cholesterol, 404 484 INDEX Dihydro-co-enzyme I, 203, 208, 270, 277, 321 Dihydro-erdin, 306 Dihydro-geodin, 306 Dihydro-penicillic acid, 171 Dihydro-penicillin I, 172 Dihydro -phenazine - 1 - carboxylamide, 392 Dihydroxyacetone from glycerol, 243 — phosphate, 274, 276, 320 (3:5- Dihydroxy - 2 - carboxy benzyl) methyl ketone, 290 (3:5- Dihydroxy - 2 - carboxy benzoyl) acetyl carbinol, 290 3 : 5-Dihydroxyphtbalic acid, 291 Dihydroxy-stearic acid, 369 Di-iodophenol, 414 Di-iodotyrosine, 414 ay-Diketo-adipic acid, 298 Py-Diketo-adipic acid, 299 Dimedon, 77, 260, 272, 384 4 : 6-Dimethoxytoluquinone as bac- teriostatic agent, 163 Dimethylpyruvic acid, 285 Dimethyl-selenium, 305 Dimethyl-tellurium, 305 Diphosphoglyceric acid, 276, 320 Diphosphopyxidine nucleotide, 202, 267 Diphtheria bacillus, see Coryne- bacterium diphtherice Diphtheric acid, 371 Diplococcus pneumonice, antibodies to, 412, 427, 428, 431 antisera, cross reactions, 348, 412 autolytic enzymes in, 358, 304 carbohydrate F, 354, 357 carbohydrates of, 353, 401 growth factors for, 105 inhibition by pantoyltaurine, 149 Rough-Smooth conversion, 337 sulphonamide resistant strains, 152 synthetic antigens, 412, 413 Dismutation, 248 Disperse phase, 20 charge on particles, 27 size of particles, 26, 27 Dissimilation, 240 Dissociation constant, acetic acid, 10 acids, 5 bases, 6 • phosphoric acid, 10 water, 6 Drug resistance, 151 et seq. development of, 154 Eberthella typhosa, carbohydrates of, 362, 363, 402, 417 CO -enzyme in, 107 exacting and non-exacting strains, 83 fermentation products of, 248 inhibition by indole-acrylic acid, 147 variants, 83 vitamins in, 115 Egg albumin-antiserum system, 454 Ehrlich's phenomenon, 443, 446 fZ-2-Eicosanol, 373, 374, 377 Electrode potentials, calomel, 11 -hydrogen, 11, 12 quinhydrone, 13 Electrodes, calomel, 11 — glass, 12, 13 — hydrogen, 11, 12 — quinhydrone, 12 Electrophoresis, 425, 426 Elution, 45 Emetine, 125, 128 Emodic acid, 395 Emodin monomethyl ether, 395 Emulsin, 37 — specificity, 50 — synthesis by, 40 Endo-enzymes, 53 Endomyces vernalis, lipoid content, 63, 371, 381 resistance to pyrithiamino, 151 End-piece, 435, 437 Energy requirements of micro-organ- isms, 188 Energy liberated in oxidations, 191 Enolase, 212, 276, 320 Entamoeba histolytica, 125, 128 Enterokinase, 49 Enzymes, 36 et seq. — activators, 48 INDEX 485 Enzvmes activity, measuremeut of, ■^46 — adaptive, 89 speed of production, 9G — adsorption of, 45 — anti-enzymes, 50 — as catalysts, 38 — chemical nature of, 40 et seq. — classification, 52 - — colloidal carriers, 41 nature, 39 — constitutive, 89 et seq. — crystalline, 41 — crystallisation of, 45 — effect of concentration, 4G of heat, 47 of^jH, 48 of substrate concentration, 47 -on equilibrium of reactions, 39 on velocity of reactions, 39 — endo-cellular,^ 53, 189 — exo-cellular, 53, 188 — inhibition by carbon monoxide, 49 by chloroform, 49 by cyanide, 49 by drugs, 135 by heavy metals, 49, 135 by substrate analogues, 135, 196 by sulphides, 49 by urethane, 49 ■ — isolation of, 38 — nomenclature, 52 — physical properties, 43 el seq. — prosthetic groups of, 41 et seq. — purification, 45 — relation to cells, 38 — reversible effect of, 40 — separation, 44 — specificity, 50 — stability, 40 — synthesis by, 40 — theories of action, 53 — units, 46 — yariability of content in micro- organisms, 95 — Warburg's yellow enzyme, 41, 42 Epitoxoid, 443 Epitoxonoid, 444 Equivalence point, 450 Erdin, 306 Ergosterol, 372 — as antigen, 404 — in fungi and yeasts, 63, 377 Ergosteryl palmitate, 63, 378 Erythroglaucin, 395 EschericJiia coli, action of sulphona- mides on, 139, 140 activation of hydrogen dona- tors by, 194, 195, 209 adenine triphosphate in, 72 anaerobic growth, 208 aneurin in, 103 carbohydrates of, 362 carbon dioxide fixation, 25!) — and succinic acid for- mation, 260 requirement, 82 co-enzyme in, 107 fermentation products of, 248, 250 growth in sjoithetic media, 82 ■ inhibition by indole-acrylic acid, 147 — P-naphthjd-acrylic acid, 148 — — ■ — pyrithiamine, 151 sulphanilamide, 149 metabolism, 81 production of indole, 233 sterols in, 377 — • — v-ariants, 89, 96 yitamins in, 65, 115 water content, 58 Eserine, inhibition of esterase, 135 Ethyl acetate, 303 Ethyl alcohol, detection, 464 production by bacteria, 249, 251, 312 ■ — by fungi, 302 — by yeasts, 262 et seq. Ethyleneoxide-a- P'dicarboxylic acid, 284 Euglobulin, 424 — solubility, 60 Exacting strains, 83, 96 Exo-enzymes, 53 Fats, 369 — of yeast, 63, 371 — staining by dimethyl-amido-azo- benzene. 62 4S0 INDEX Fats, staining by dimethyl -^> - phenylene diamine, 02 a-naphthol, 62 osmic acid, 56 Sudan III, 56 — synthesis, 381 et seq. Fatty acids, 62 of acid-fast bacteria, 371 of C. diphtherice, 371 of micro-organisms, 369 ■ of moulds, 371 — • — of yeasts, 371 Fermentation, nature of, 37, 192, 326 Fibrinogen as antigen, 399 Ficin, crystalline, 41 Flavacidin, 161 Flavicin, 161 Flavine adenine dinucleotide, 42, 248 Flavohacterium brunncurn, 387 — suaveolens, 389 Flavoglaucin, 394 Flavoprotein enzymes, 41, 42, 52, 169, 212 and co-enzyme I, 203 Flavorhodin, 390 Fluoride, inhibition of alcoholic fer- mentation by, 275, 277 Folic acid, 112 Formaldehyde, by reduction of carbon dioxide, 260 — effect on protein antigens, 401, 417 — fixation by dimedon, 77, 260 Formic acid, 245 breakdown, 203, 247, 248 detection, 465 formation, 247, 260 Formic dehydrogenase, 212 Forsmann antigen, 354, 357 Fourth component of complement, 436, 438 Friedlander's bacillus, polysaccha- rides, 354, 358 Fructosan, 348, 351 Fructose- 1 : 6-diphosphate, 266, 275 in Th. thio-oxidans, 72 Fulvic acid, 291 Fumarase in Microrocnis lysodeikticvs, 93 Fumaric acid, 202, 229, 258, 284, 293 detection, 464, 466 Fumaryl-(/Z-alanine, 286 Fumigacin, 162 Fumigatin, 163, 179, 393 Funiculosin, 395 Fusarium, 302 — cuhnorum, 396 — javanicum, antibiotic from, 185 — pigments of, 387 Fusel oil, 231, 279 et seq. Galactan, 351 Galactose, fermentation by yeast, 89, 96 — in polysaccharides, 353 Galacturonic acid as determinant group, 412 Gallic acid, 289 Gallionella, see Didymohelix Gas production by bacteria, 248, 251 Gas ratios, 251 Gelatin, 398 — conversion to antigen, 414 Gelatinase, formation by Proteus vul- garis, 96 Gentisic acid, 289, 307 Gentisyl alcohol, 307 Geodin, 306 Germanin, 126 Gigantic acid, 163 Glass electrode, 12, 13 Glaucic acid, 291 Glauconic acid, I, 291 II, 291 Gliocladiinn fimhrlatum, 164 Gliotoxin, 164 Globulin, a-, 424, 426 — P-, 424, 426 — Y-, 424, 426 — T-, 426 — as antigen. 400 — carbohydrate in, 426 — • in antibodies, 419 — in protein of micro-organisms, 60, 330 — precipitation by alcohol, 425 — — by ammonium sulphate, 60, 424 — shape of molecule, 428 Gluconic acid, 242, 285, 292, 300, 327 detection, 466, 468 Glucose monophosphate, 264 INDEX 487 Glucose oxidase, 212, 293 1 -phosphate, 72 6-phosphate, 72 0-[3-Glucosidyl-tyrosine, as deter- minant group, 414 0-P-Glucosidyl-tyrosyl-gelatin, 414 insulin, 414 Glucosone, 295 Glucuronic acid, 285, 348 as determinant group, 412 intermediate in citric acid pro- duction, 300 Glutamic acid. 111 as energy source. 219 rf-Glutamic acid, 183, 338 ^-Glutamic acid, degradation, 230 Glutamine as growth factor, 104 Glutathione, 136, 207 — as prosthetic group of glvoxalase, 208 — in bacterial respiration, 207 Giyceraldehyde, 270 3-Glyceraldehj-de phosphate, 202, 270, 274, 276 Glycerol by fermentation, 310 — detection, 467 — formation in alcoholic fermenta- tion, 269, 273, 277 by fungi, 302 — oxidation of, 243 Gtycerophosphoric acid, 202 Glycine, 218 — degradation, 228, 232, 237 — methylamine from, 228 Glycogen as antigen, 301 — in Aspergillus, 345 — in bacteria, 345 — in yeast, 62, 345 — staining by iodine, 56 Glycollic acid, 284 intermediate in citric acid pro- duction, 300 (dyoxalase, 208, 212, 246, 321 Gonococcus, carbohydrates of, 365 — metabolism of, 81 — pjTuvic oxidase in, 43 Gramicidin, 165 — action of formaldehyde on, 166 Gramicidin-S, 166 Gram stain, ribonucleic acid and, 337 Granidose, 62 Griseo-fulvin, 307 Growth factors, 82, 84, 98 et seq. adenine, 101 [3-alanine, 100, 101 _p-aminobenzoic acid, 101 aneurin, 100, 102 bios, 99 biotin, 100 — — Clostridium, 85, 99, 103 H. influenzce, 86, 105, 108 inositol, 100, 105 Z-leucine, 100, 106 nicotinamide, 106 nicotinic acid, 100 pantothenic acid, 107 pyridoxine, 100 requirement by heterotrophs, 82 sporogenes factor, 114 staphylococcus factor, aerobic, 112 anaerobic. 111 uracil. 111 F-factor, 86 X-factor, 86 Guaiacum, 37 Guanidine, effect on sulphonamide activity, 145 Guanine, 333 Guanylic acid, 332 Z-Guluronic acid, 243 Gum acacia as determinant group, 417 Haematin as growth factor, 105, 109 Hsemocyanin in enzymes, 41 Haemoglobin as antigen, 399 Hsemolysin, separation, 427 Hcemophilus canis, V- and X-factors, 86, 109 — influenzce, growth factors, 86, 105, 107, 108, 109, 119 metabolism, 81, 216 F-factor, 86 — — Z-factor, 86, 105 — parainfliienzce, amino-acid degrada- tion by, 230 growth factors, 109, 119 symbiosis, 109 — pertussis, growth factors, 106, 119 488 INDEX Haptens, 406 — combination with antibodies, 442, 452, 458 — complex, 442,- 458 — simple, 442, 452 " Heavy " carbon, as tracer element, 247, 256 Helminthosporin, 64, 395 Helminthosporium avence, 395 antibiotic from, 185 — catenariiim, 395 — cynodontis, 395 • — euchlance, 395 — geniculatum, 303 — gramineum, 64, 395 — leersii, 396 — ravenelli, 395, 396 — tritici-vulgaris, 395 — turcicum, 395, 396 Helvolic acid, 162, 167 Hemipyocyanin, 178, 179 Heparin, 50 Heterobiotin, 104 Heterotrophic bacteria, 80 et seq. Hexacosanoic acid, 374, 375 Hexadecenoic acid, 371 Hexose diphosphate, 320 Hexose monophosphate, 266 Hexose monophosphorylase, 212 Hexose phosphates, 264 Histamine, antisera to, 417 — as determinant group, 416 Histidine, 216, 405 — deamination, 230, 237 Histone, bacteriostatic action, 185 Holozymase, 269 Hyaluronic acid, 358 Hyaluronidase, 358 — in CI. welchii, 95 Hydrogenase, 212 — in nitrogen fixation, 224 Hydrogen bacteria, 70, 74, 207 — donators, 194, 208 activation of, 194, 208 inhibition of, 196 mechanism, 195 — electrode, 11, 12 — ions, acidity due to, 7 concentration in acetic acid, 7 in hydrochloric acid, 7 Hydrogen ions, concentration in water, 7 measurement of, colori- metric, 13 et seq. electrometric, 11 et seq. in water, 6 Hydrogenlyase, 94, 212, 260 Hydrogenomonas , 70 — metabolism of, 74 Hydrogen peroxide in bacterial res- piration, 198 et seq. — production from cellulose, 323 from formic acid, 249 — sulphide, activation of papain, 48 oxidation by sulphur bacteria, 72, 73 — transportase, 197 Hydrolases, 52, 188 ^-Hydroxybenzoic acid, 232 Hydroxy-emodin, 395 Hydroxylamine in nitrogen metabol- ism, 223 Hydroxyl ions, alkalinity due to, 7 concentration in water, 7 in water, 6 2 - Hydroxymethyl - 5 - carboxyfurane, 288 a-Hydroxyphenazine, 391 2)-Hydroxyphenyl-lactic acid, 229 /-Hydroxyproline, 218 Hypoxanthine, 219, 336 Iminazole-acrylic acid, 230 Indicators of oxidation-reduction, 23, 24 — of^pH, 13, 14 Congo-red, 14 litmus, 14 methyl orange, 13 phenolphthalein, 14 ranges of, 15 Indole -acrylic acid, antibacterial ac- tion, 147 Indole in tryptophane synthesis, 343 — from tryptophane, 209, 233 Indole-carboxylic acid, 232 Indole-lactic acid, 229 Indole-propionic acid, 228 Influenza bacillus, see H. influenzie INDEX 489 Inositol as growth factor, 105, 108 — in bios, 100 — in phosphatides, 375, 379, 380 — relation to streptomj^cin, 182 Insulin, conversion to antigen, 41-1 — non-antigenicity, 399, 400 Invertase, 40 — inhibition, 49 — purification. 45 — specificity, 51 lodinin, 167", 392 lodo-proteins, 414 Ionic product, 6. 7 determination , 7 lonisation, degree of 7 — of acids, 5, 7 — of bases, 6 — of water, 5, 7 Ions, activity, 5 Iron bacteria, 70 metabolism, 74 Isomerase, 212, 276, 320 Isopropanol, fermentation product , 318 — oxidation to acetone, 74, 242 Itaconic acid, 285 Johne's bacillus, nutrition of, 87 vitamins in, 113 Kala-azar, chemotherapy of, 129 Kanten, 417 Kephalin. 381, 403 — in antisera, 428 Keratm, as antigen, 400 a-Keto-acids, 230 — in protein synthesis, 340 P-Keto-acids, 232 2-Ketogluconic acid, 242, 244 5-Ketoglutaric acid, 242 a-Ketogluconic acid, 230 2-Keto-Z-gulonic acid, 244 y-Ketopentadecoic acid, 285 Klebsiella 'pneiimonke , carbohydrates of, 354, 358 Kojic acid, 163, 171, 289, 294, 300 detection, 468 Krj^toxanthin, 390 L+dose of toxin, 442 L^ dose of toxin, 442 Lactase, 39 Lactic acid, 245 as hydrogen donator, 194, 196, 208, 209 bacteria, 318 — — b^eakdo^^^l to propionic acid, 254 detection, 466, 468 enzyme, 212, 321 enzymic breakdown, 135 fermentation, 249, 318 ef seq. — phosphorylation, 249, 320 — — formation, 208, 246 production by fungi, 247, 248, 251, 282, 284, 293 Lactic dehydrogenase, 212 Lactobacillus acidophilus, action of sulphonamides on, 140 cholesterol in, 377 fatty acids in, 371 phosphatides of, 381 — arabinosus, amino-acid require- ments, 216 — • — growth factors for, 104, 110, 112 — bulgaricus, 319 — casei, 146, 319 growth factors, for 104, 1 10, 112, 113 — delbmckii, 41, 43, 248, 319 glyoxalase in, 321 growth factors for, 110, 112 — ■ — pjTuvic oxidase in, 43 " yellow enzyme " in, 41 — drug resistant strains, 153 — growth factors for, 105, 110, 116, 119 — use in assay of growth factors, 116 — pentoaceticus, 321 adaptive enzymes of, 93 Lactoflavin-5-phosphoric acid, 42 Laurie acid, 369 Lecithin, 378, 381, 403 — in antisera, 428 Lecithinase, CI. welchii a-toxin, 50 Leishmania, chemotherapy of, 130 Lentinus lepideus, 307 Leprosinic acid, 374, 375, 377 Leprotin, 390 49U IxMDEX Leptothrix, 70 — crassa, 74 — ochracea, 79 250-Leucine, degradation, 280 — toxicity to bacteria, 218 ^-Leucine, as energy source, 218 — as growth factor, 106 — degradation, 231, 280 — in bios, 100 — toxicity to bacteria, 217 Leucoflavoprotein as hydrogen car- rier, 205 Leuconostoc citrovorum, 319 — dextranicum, 319, 348 — mesenteroides, adaptive enzymes in, 92 dextran in, 346 drug resistant strains, 153 glj'oxalase in, 321 growth factors for, 110, 112, 119 Levan, 349 Levansucrase, 350 Linoleic acid, 369 Linolenic acid, 369 Lipase, nature of, 40 — specificity, 51 — synthesis by, 40 Lipocyan reaction, 386 Lipoids, 369 — as antigens, 402 et seq. — content in bacteria, fungi and yeasts, 62 — " firmly bound," 376 — in complement, 436 — of acid-fast bacteria, 372 d scq. Lovibond comparator, 15 Luteic acid, 351 Luteoleersin, 396 Lutein, 390 Luteose, 351 Lysine, 111 — phenyhireidc as hapten, 416 Lysozyme, 157, 365 — crystalline, 41 — substrate of, 157 Malic acid, 258, 284, 293, 300, 410 detection, 467, 468 Malonic acid, 284, 299 Maltase, adsorption of, 45 — specificity, 50 — synthesis by, 40 Mannitol, 300, 303 et seq. — detection, 467 — in micro-organisms, 62 Mannocarolose, 352 Mannonic acid, 285, 297 Mannose in phosphatides, 375, 379, 380 — in polysaccharides, 352, 353 Mapharsen, 127 Marfanil, inhibition by ^j-aminu- benzoic acid, 138 Melanin pigments, 64, 386 Melezitose, 349, 350 Mellein, 307 Meningococcus carbohydrates, 365 Mepacrine, 128 Mercuric chloride as antiseptic, 136 Metabolic products, separation, 462 et seq. Metachromatic granules, nucleic acid of, 60 staining, 56 Methane bacteria, 75 — production, 323 et seq. Methanohacterium omelianski , oxida- tion by, 76, 78 Methanol reduction, 76 3Iethanomonas aliphatica, 75 — aliphatica-liquefaciens, 75 — methanica, 75 Methionine, reversal of sulphonamide activity, 145 Methoxydihydroxytoluquinone, 179, 388 Methyl anisate, 307 — cinnamate, 307 Methylene blue as hydrogen acceptor, 202 technique, 193 ]\Iethylglyoxal, 208, 245, 272 — conversion to lactic acid, 246 — dismutation of, 273 — hydrate, 250, 271 Methylheptanone, 278 Methyl mercaptan, 305 — |j-methoxycinnamate, 307 6-Methyl salicylic acid, 289, 308 INDEX 491 Y-Mcthyltetrouic acid, 286, 294 Micro-aerophilic organisms, absence of catalase, 199 Micrococcus lysodeikticus , carboxylase in, 259 — — potysaccharide in, 365 production of enzymes by, 93 — urece, metabolism, 190 Mid-piece, 435, 438 ^Mineral constituents in bacteria, fungi and yeasts, 58 phosphorus in, 59 potassium in, 59 Minioluteic acid, 286 Monilia, lactic acid from, 282 Monochloracetic acid, 446 Mono-iodoacetic acid, inhibition of alcoholic fermentation by, 275, 278 Mucoproteins, 61 Mucor, alcohol production, 302 — glycerol production, 302 — lactic acid production, 321 ■ — rammanianus, growth factor for, 102 — rouxii, 282 Miitase, 193, 273 Mycobacterium leprce, pigment of, 390 trehalose in, 359, 371 — 2Mei, extract, 113 nucleic acids of, 336 — • — nutrition of, 86 ■ — — ■ pigment of, 390 soluble specific substances, 358 sterols of, 377 waxes of, 373, 377 — tuberculosis, carbohydrates of, 61, 353, 358 ■ — • — glycogen in, 345 lipoids of, 62, 373 nucleic acids of, 336 — — nucleoproteins of, 60 nutrition of, 85, 87 phosphatides of, 64, 379 soluble specific substances, 358 — — sterols in, 377 — — waxes in, 373, 374, 377 Mycodextran, 351 Mj^cogalactan, 351 :\[ycolic acid, 374, 375, 377 Mycolic acid, a-, 375 P-, 375 Y-, 377 Mycophenolic acid, 185, 291, 296 Mykol, 372 Myristic acid, 370 Myxococcus, 357 Xaphthoquinones, 386 [3-Naphthyl-acrylic acid, antibacterial action, 148 Neisseria gonorrhoce, pyruvic oxidase in, 248 Neurospora crassa, growth factors for, 101, 121 use in assay of amino-acids, 117 of growth factors, 116 — sitophila, growth factors for, 110, 121 use of mutants in amino-acid synthesis, 343 Niacin, 107 Nicotinamide, 106, 108 Nicotinic acid, 100, 106 in yeast, 339 Nitrate reduction, 209 — utilisation, 70, 82, 215 Nitrifying organisms, 70 metabolism of, 70 Nitrite reduction, 209 — utilisation, 70, 84, 215 Nitrobacter, 69, 70 Nitrobenzene, reduction of, 278 Nitrogen content of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, 59, 66 — estimation, 59 — fixation of, 214, 220 et seq. mechanism, 223 — metabolism of heterotrophs, SI et seq. — requirements of micro-organisms, 214 Nitrosococcus, 69 Nitrosomonas, 69, 70, 215 — fixation of formaldehyde from, 71 Nomenclature of bacteria, 3 — of enzymes, 52 Non-exacting strains, 83 Norleucine, toxicity to bacteria, 218 Notatin, 168 492 INDEX Nucleic acids, constitution, 332 Azotobacter chroococcnm , 330 B. anthracis, 336 CI. welcUi, 337 in C diphtherice, 336 Esch. coli, 337 metachromatic granules, 60 ~ — M. phlei, 336 tuberculosis, 336 pneumococci, 337 psittacosis virus, 336 Sacch. cerevisice, 60, 332, 337 .Staphylococcus, 337 Streptococcus, 336 vaccinia virus, 336 Nuclein, 59, 332 Nucleoproteins, content of bacteria, 60, 332, 336 — constitution of, 332 et seq. — hydrolysis of, 60, 332 — in Jf . tuberculosis, 60, 336 — in tobacco mosaic virus, 332 — in yeast, 60, 337 — properties of, 332 — staining by polychrome methylene blue, 56 Nucleosides, 332 Nucleotides, 333 Ochracin, 308 d-2-Octadecanol, 373, 374, 377 0-heterobiotin, 104 Oleic acid, 369, 378 Oospora lactis, fat in, 371 vitamin-B in, 65 — sulphurea-ochracea, 306, 390 Optoquin, 131 Ornithine, breakdown, 228 — in arginine synthesis, 343 Orotic acid, 112 Oxalacetic acid, 223, 258, 259, 298, 302 Oxalic acid, detection, 464 production by fungi, 284, 292, 298 Oxidases, 193 — activation of, 49 — and cytochrome system, 201 — in bacterial respiration, 200 — inhibition, 49, 197, 200 by cyanide, 135, 200 Oxidation by oxygen, 197 — energy from, 191, 192 — mechanism, 192 et seq. — of acetaldehyde, 193 — of carbon, 19 — of ethyl alcohol, 19 — of ferrous salts, 20 — of hydroquinone, 19, 192 — of methane, 19 — transfer of electrons, 20 — types of, 197 Oxidation-reduction potentials, 19 et seq. interpretation, 24 measurement of, colori- metric, 23 et seq. electrometric, 20 et seq. use of, 19 Oxycellulose, 326 Oxychlororaphin, 391 Oxycholesterol, 404 Palitantin, 308 Palmitic acid, 369, 379 Paludrme, 128, 130 Pantothenic acid, 100, 101, 107, 148 antagonism by salicylate, 153 in bios, 100 — — in human blood, 150 in mouse blood, 150 in rat blood, 150 occurrence, 107 properties, 107 Pantoyltauramide, antibacterial ac- tion, 148 Pantoyltaurme, 125 — antibacterial action, 148 inhibition of, 149 ^ — resistant strains, 153 Papain, activation of, 48 — crystalline, 41 — synthesis by, 342 Parachromophoric organisms, 64 Parasiticin, 170 Parietin, 395 Pasteurella, growth fjxctors for, 106 Patulin, 160, 161, 170 — effect on common cold, 101 Penaldic acid, 173, 174 I INDEX 493 Penatin, 168, 170 Penicillamine, 173, 174 PenicilHc acid, 163, 170, 288, 296 Penicillin, 171, 283, 305 — -A, 168 — -B, 168, 176 — -F, 172 — -G, 172 — -X, 172 — -K, 172 — I. 172 — II, 172 — Ill, 172 — activity, 175 — drug resistance to, 155, 170 — in chemotherapy, 175 — purification, 172 — structure, 174 — unit, 174 Penicillinase, 174, 176 Penicillium aurantio-hninneum, 378 — aurantio-griseum, 378 — aurantio-virens , 176 — hrevicaule, 305 — hrevi-compactum , 185, 378 — carminoviolaceum, 395 — charlesii, 296, 352 — chrysogenum, 283, 303, 305 penicillin from, 171 — citreoroseum, 395 — citrinum, 159 — citromyces, 327, 397 — citromyces-glabnim, 390 — claviforme, 160 — cydopiuin, 170, 395 — digitatum, 303 — expansuni, 351 — fu n ic ulosum, 395 — glaucum, 346 — griseo-fulvum, 307, 308 — italicum, 378 — javanicum, 378 — johannioli, 176 — luteimi, 293, 327, 351 — mannitol in, 62 — notatum, 168, 171, 283, 305 — palitans, 308 — patulum, 160, 307 — phoeniceum, 394 — puherulum, 176, 296, 378 PeniciUlum resticulosum, antibiotic from, 184 — rubrum, 394 — spiculisporum, 286 — spinulosum, 179, 388, 394 — stoloniferum, 296 — varians, 352 — vitamin-C in, 65 Penicilloic acid, 173, 174 Penillamine, 173, 174 Penillic acid, 173, 174 iso-Penillic acid, 173, 174 Penillo-aldehydes, 173, 174 Pentacosanoic acid, 375 Pentamidine, 129 Pentosans, fermentation of, 312 Pentoses, in nucleoproteins, 62 Pepsin, 37 — crystalline, 41 — crystallisation, 45 — effect of ^H on, 48 — specificity, 51 — synthesis by, 40 Pepsinogen, crystallisation of, 45 Peptidases, specificity of, 51, 330 Peptides as determinant groups, 407, 440 Peptone, action of papain, 48 of trj-psin, 49 — in micro-organisms, 60 Peroxidase, 212 — crystalline, 41 — in bacterial respiration, 199 — inhibition, 200 — nature of, 40 - — purification, 45 — test for, 200 ^H, definition, 8 — effect on bacteria, 4 on enzymes, 4 on pepsin, 4 trj^sin, 4 on Vibrio comma, 4 — of acids, 8, 9, 10 — of alkalies, 8, 9 — of blood, 8 — of water, 8 — determination of, colorimetric, 13 et seq. electrometric, 11 et 'seq. 494 INDEX Phenazine pigments, 168, 177, 178, 179, 391 effect on quinones, 168 Phenol from tyrosine, 233 Phenylacetic acid, 231 Phenylalanine, absence from moiild proteins, 60 — as energy source, 218 — deamination, 229 — in antigens, 400 Phenylarsenoxide, 127 — reaction with SH groups, 136 Phenyl-lactic acid, 229 Phenylureides, 416 Phenylureido-proteins, 416 Phleimycolic acid, 375 Phoenicin, 394 Phosphatase, 265 — production by propionic acid bac- teria, 96 Phosphates, in fermentation, 249 et seq., 263 — in metabolism of autotrophic bacteria, 72, 78 Phosphatides, constitution, 378 — content of bacteria and yeasts, 63, 378, 379 — of acid-fast bacteria, 379, 380 — of C. diphtherice, 381 — of L. acidophilus, 381 — of M. tuhercni^sis , 379 Phosphogluconic acid enzyme, 212 Phosphoglyceraldehyde, 320 — as hydrogen acceptor, 202 Phosphoglyceric acid, 249, 266, 275 breakdown inhibited by fluoride, 254, 275 in lactic acid fermentation, 321 in propionic acid fermentation, 254 Phosphoglycero-mutase, 212, 276 Phosphopyridine nucleotides, 108 Phosphopyruvic acid, 247, 248, 249, 250, 266, 275, 277, 321 Phosphorylase, potato, 367 Phosphorylation in citric acid fer- mentation, 298 Photobacterium fischeri, 158 Phthiocerol. 373, 374 Phthiocol, 392 — as growth factor, 114 Phthioic acid, 370, 374, 376, 379 Phycomyces hlakesleeanus , 102 growth factors for, 121 Physcion, 395, 396 Phytochemical reduction, 279 Phytoglycol, 372 Phytomonas tumefaciens , 362, 381 polysaccharide, 348 Phytomonic acid, 381 Pigments, carotenoid, 385, 387 — classification, 387 — melanin, 386 — production by micro-organisms, 64 — quinone, 386 Pilocarpine, inhibition of invertase, 135 Pimelic acid, 104, 109 plL, definition of, 10 — of acetic acid, 10 — of phosphoric acids, 10 Plasmodia, chemotherapy of, 130 — inhibition of respiration, 151 Plasmoquin, 128, 130 — inhibition of Plasmodium respira- tion, 151 Plasteins, 399 Pneumococcus, see Diplococcus pneu- monia Polar groups, 30 et seq. and adsorption, 34 and solubility, 33, 34 and specificity, 34 behaviour of, 33 — ■ — distribution of, 34 — ■ — • effect in antigen-antibody reactions, 458 of masking, 34 on activation of hydrogen donators, 195 on antibody production, 423 — on determinant groups, 407, 409 in polysaccharides, 33, 34 in proteins, 33, 34 strength of, 32 structure of, 31 Pol3^eptides in micro-organisms, 60 — utilisation of, 219 INDEX 495 Polysaccharides, as antigens, 401, 417 — F68 fractions, 361 — isolation, 360 et seq., 467 — of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, 61, 345 et seq. — synthesis of, 257, 366 Polyuronides, 326 Porphyrin-protein enzymes, 52 Porphyrins, 391 Power alcohol, 311 — gas, 323 et seq. from cellulose wastes, 325 sewage, 325 mechanism of production, 326 Precipitin reactions, 447 et seq. composition of precipitate, 448, 449, 454 reacting groups in, 456, 459 theories of, 450 et seq. Proactinomycin, 176 Prodigiosin," 387, 389 Proflavine, as wound antiseptic, 131 — drug resistance to, 155 Proline, absence from mould proteins, 60 — as energy source for anaerobes, 218 — degradation, 22 S, 237 Promin, 134 Prontosil, 123, 131, 133 Propamidine, 129 — drug resistance to, 155 Propionibacteriiim pentosaceum, 258 fixation of COo, 258 — — formation of succinic acid, 258 Propionic acid, 245, 319 bacteria, 253 — fermentation of glucose, 254 — of glycerol, 253, 259 phosphorylation, 249, 254, 255 detection, 465 Proseptasine, 133 Prosthetic group in enzymes, 41 et seq. growth factors and, 115 Protamine, action of trypsin, 49 — bacteriostatic action, 185 — in micro-organisms, 60 Proteinases, 342 proteins, action of trypsin, 49 Proteins, amino-acids from, 329 — as antigens, 398 — conjugated, 60 — constitution, 328 — content of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, 59 — degradation, 224 et seq. — hydrolysis, 329 — method of estimation, 59 — molecular weight, 328 — of tobacco mosaic virus, 330 — sparing action of carbohydrates, 226 — synthesis, 338 et seq. — utilisation, 219 Proteolytic enzymes, 225, 227, 342 sjTithesis by, 342 Proteoses, utilisation of, 219 Proteus morganii, drug resistant strains, 153 growth factors for, 108, 119 — vulgaris, action of pyridine-3- sulphonic acid, 146 — — — of sulphonamides, 140 anaerobic growth, 208 aneurin in, 103 carbohydrates of, 365 — — carbon dioxide fixation, 259 ^ growth factors for, 106, 119 — — proteolytic enzj^mes of, 225, 227 Protoplasm, 59 Pseudoglobulin, 424 — solubility, 60 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, action of sul- phonamides on, 140 carbohydrates of, 362 pigment of, 64, 388, 389, 391 pyocyanase formation, 177 — chlororaphis, 179, 391 — fluorescens, 209, 228 adenosine triphosphate in, 72 Pseudopp-idoxine, 110 Ptyalin, activation of, 48 Puberulic acid, 176, 290 Puberulonic acid, 177 Purines, from nucleoproteins, 60, 332 — utilisation of, 219 Putrefaction, nature of, 102 Pyocyanase, 177 400 INDEX Pyocyanase, Ivtic acition, 177 Pyocyanin, 177, 388, 391 — as hydrogen acceptor, 202, 391 Pyracin, 113 P3rridme-3-nitrile, 106 Pyridine-3-sulphonamide, 140, 149 Pyridine-3-sulphonic acid, 146 Pyridino-protein enzymes, 52 Pyridoxal, 110 Pyxidoxamine, 110 Pyridoxine, 100, 109 — acetyl derivatives, 110 Pyrimidines, as growth factor, 102 — from nucleoproteins, 60, 332 — utilisation of, 219 Pyrithiamine, antibacterial activity, 151 Pyruvic acid, 245, 284 anaerobic dismutation, 248 breakdown, 247 carboxylation, 259 decarboxylation, 241, 271, 272, 273 ■ detection, 466 — — fixation of, 246 Pyruvic oxidase, 212, 248 occurrence, 43 prosthetic group, 43 Quinhydrone electrode, 12 Quinic acid, 389 Quinine, 125, 128, 130 — inhibition of lipase, 135 oi Plasmodium respiration, 151 Quinone pigments, 386 in oxidation-reduction systems, 393, 394 Racemiase, 321 Raffinose, 349, 350 Ravenellin, 306, 396 Reductase, 193 — acetaldehyde, crystalline, 41 Residual antigens, 353 Respiration, definition, 187 Rhizohium, fixation of nitrogen, 214, 223 — growth factors for, 104, 120 — leguminosarum, fixation of nitro- gen, 223 Rhizohium, polysaccharide, 348 cross reaction with pneumo- coccus antisera, 348 Rhizojpus chinensis, 282 — lactic acid production, 321 — oryzce, lactic acid from, 282, 293 Rhodobacillus i^alustris, 357 Rhodococcus, pigment of, 387 Rhodopin, 389 Rhodopurpurin, 390 Rhodotorula ruber, growth factor for, 102, 120 Rhodovibrin, 389 Rhodovibrio, pigments of, 389 Rhodoviolascene, 389 Riboflavin adenine dinucleotide as hydrogen acceptor, 204 et seq. — as growth factor, 99, 111 — in yeast, 339 - — 5-phosphoric acid, in enzymes, 42 Ribonuclease, crystalline, 41 Ribonucleic acid, 334 in Gram staining, 337 Ribose-3-phosphate, 333 Robison's ester, 264 R-salt-azo-diphenyl-azo-egg albumin, 449, 454 Rubrofusarin, 396 Saccharic acid, 285, 298, 299 Saccharomyces cerevisice, fixation of nitrogen by, 215 Gram staining, 337 synthesis of proteins by, 339 — growth factors for, 101, 104, 105, 110, 121 — pulcherrimus, pigment of, 388 Salicylate, antagonism to panto- thenic acid, 153 Salmonella paratyphi, amino-acid de- gradation by, 232 carbohydrates of, 362 — schottmulleri, 232, 362 — typhimurium, 360. 402 — — action of sulphonamides on, 140 Salvarsan, 124, 127 Sarcina aurantiaca, 387, 390 — lutea, 387, 390 — methanica, 76 — ■ xanthine, 390 INDEX 49' Scatole from tryptophane, 233 Schizophyll u m com m u n e, 3U5 Serine, deamination, 237 — ill tryptophane synthesis, 343 — toxicity to bacteria, 218 Serratia marcescens, anaerobic growth, 208 carbohydrates of, 362 pigments of, 64, 389 proteolytic enzymes of, 225 vitamins in, 115 Shigella dysenterice, carbohj^drates of, 362, 401, 417 glycogen in, 345 growth factors for, 106, 107, 120 variants, 89 — j)aradysenterice, carbohydrates of, 363 Sideromonas, 70 Silk fibroin, constitution, 329 haptens from, 408 Soluble specific substances. 61, 353 F68 fractions, 361 — hydrolysis by enzymes, 357 of ^. dnthracis, 362, 365 of B.C.G., 360 of Brucella, 366 of CI. welchii, 366 of C. dlphtherioe, 366 of Diplococcus pneumonice, 353 Type I, 354, 355, 401, 454, 460 Type II, 354, 355, 412 Type III, 354, 355, 356, 365, 412, 448, 450, 454, 461 Type IV, 354, 357 Type YIII, 354, 357, 412 Type XIV, 354. 357 of ^. typhosa, 362, 402 — ■ of Friedliinder's bacillus, 354 — — — of gonococcus, 365 oi H. infiuenzce, 366 — of H. parapertussis, 366 oi H. pertussis, 366 of Leptospira biflexa, 366 — of meningococcus, 365 of M. phlei, 358 Soluble specific sub.stances of 31. tuberculosis, 358, 359, 375 ■ — of Pasteurella, 366 of Proteus, 362, 365 — of Sal. typhimurium, 360, 402 • of Shigella dysenterice, 362 of Staph, aureus, 363 of Strep, salivarius, 364 of Vibrio comma, 364 Soluseptasine, 133 Sorbitol oxidation of, 243. 244, 304 Sorbose bacillus, 242 Spiculisporic acid, 286, 467 Spinulosin, 179, 393 — dimeth3d ether, 163 Spirilloxanthin, 390 Spirillum rubrum, 390 Spirochaetes, chemotherapy of, 127, 130 SjDores, water content of, 58 Staphylococcus albus, phosphorylation enzj-mes in, 250 — antitoxin, 426 — aureus, action of pjTidine-S-sul- phonic acid on, 146 of sulphonamides on, 140 ■ adenosine triphosphate in, 72 carbohydrates of, 363 drug resistant strains, 155 ■ growth factors for, 120 inhibition by p3^ridine-3-.sul- phonamide, 149 by pyrithiamine, 151 pigments of, 387, 390 — candidus, COg fixation, 259 — citreus 387, — growth factors for, 104, 106, 107, 111 Starch as antigen, 401 — in bacteria and fungi, 340 — staining by iodine, b^ — synthesis of, 367 Stearic acid, 369 Sterols, 371, 403 — in bacteria, 63, 377 — in yeast, 63 Stibacetin, 130 Stibenyl, 130 Stickland reaction, 218, 228, 230 Stilbamidine, 129 408 INDEX Stipitatic acid, 291 iStreptamine, 181 ytreptidine, 180 Streptobiosaminide, 181 Streptococcus, antitoxin, 426 — hovis, dextran synthesis, 348 — cremoris, 319 — growth factors for, 105, 108, 110, 112, 113 — Group N, antibiotic in, 185 — hcemolyticus , growth factors for, 108, 120 pyruvic oxidase in, 43 — lactis, 246, 259, 319, 321 — paracitrovorus, CO2 fixation, 259 — jyyogenes, drug resistant strains, 153 inhibition by iodinin, 392 pantoyltaurme, 148 sulphanilamide, 149 — respiration of, 198, 211 — salivarius, 358 carbohydrates of, 364 dextran synthesis, 348 levan synthesis, 351 Streptomyces grisens, 180 Streptomycin, 180 — inactivation, 180 — purification, 180 Streptothricin, 180, 182 (Strychnine, antisera to, 413 — as determinant group, 413 Substrate, definition of, 47 Subtilin, 185 Succinic acid, 245, 300, 410 detection, 464, 466 formation of, 250, 251, 284, 293 inhibition of hydrogen donalors by, 196 — dehydrogenase, 212 inhibition, 135 Sulamyd, 133 Sulochrin, 306, 396 Sulphacetamide, 133 — activity, 144 — as determinant group, 413 — ionisation of, 143 Sulphadiazine, 132 — activity, 144 Sulphadiazine, inhibition })y ^j-aniino- benzoic acid, 139 — ionisation of, 141, 143 Sulphaguanidine, 133 — inhibition by p-aminobenzoio acid, 139 Sulphamerazine, 145 Sulphamethazine, 144 Sulphanilic acid, 406, 413 azo-protems, 406 Sulphanilamide, 131 — activity, 144 — as determinant group, 413 — inhibition of action, 136, 137. 149 by _p-aminobenzoic acid. 139, 140 — ionisation of, 141, 143 Sulphapyridine, 132, 146 — activity, 144 — as determinant group, 413 — inhibition bvj^-aminobenzoic acid, 138, 139 — ionisation of, 141, 143 Sulphasuxidine, 134 Sulphathiazole, 132 — activity, 144 — and decarboxylation, 147, 150 — as determinant group, 413 — inhibition by p-aminobenzoic acid, 138, 139, 140 — ionisation of, 141, 143 Sulphonamides, 132 et seq. — and respiration, 147 ■ — antibacterial index, 139 — antisera to, 413 • — as determinant groups, 413 — inhibition by adenine, 145 by _p-aminobenzoic acid, 138 by methionine, 145 — ionisation of, 141 et seq. Sulphones, 134 Sulphur bacteria, 69, 70 bacterio-purpurin in, 64, 390 — - — green, 391 metabolism of. 70 et seq. pigments of, 387, 390, 391 — compounds in fungi, 305 — oxidation by sulphur bacteria, 71 et seq. — reduction by yeast, 279 INDEX 499 Sulphydryl groups, in eiiz3^mes, 136 reaction with phenylarsenoxide, 136 8vmbiosis, 102, 109 S^Tithalin, 129 SjTithetic media, 81, 462 Tartranilic acids as determinant groups, 409 Terrein, 308 Terrestric acid, 288 Tetracosanoic acid, 371, 374, 375 Tetranucleotides, 335 Tetrathionates, oxidation by sulphur bacteria, 71, 72 Tetronic acids, 171, 296 Thiamine, see Aneurin. Thiazole as growth factor. 102 Thiohacillus, 69 — denitrificans , 69, 72 — thio-oxidans, 69, 71, 115 adenine triphosphate m, 72 — — aneurin in, 103 growth factors in, 115 — thioparus, 69, 70 Thiochrome, 393 Thiocystis, 69, 72 Thiorhodacece, pigment, 391 Thiosulphate, oxidation by sulphur bacteria, 71, 72 — reduction bv yeast, 279 Thiothrix, 69 72 " Thio-urea, effect on sulphonamide activity, 145 — production by fungi, 305 Third component of complement, 435, 438 Threonine, toxicity to bacteria, 217 ThjTuine, 113, 333 Thymonucleic acids, 333 Thyroxine, antisera to, 415 — as determinant group, 415 Toluquinone derivatives as anti- biotics, 163 — pigments, 386, 393, 394 Turula lipofera, 371 — — lipoid content of, 63, 371 — pigments in, 387 — rosea, vitamin-B in, 65 — rubra, 393 Tortila iitilis. protein synthesis by, 339 Tonilene, 393 Toxin-antitoxin reactions, 442 ct seq. colloidal character, 446 Toxoflavin, 390 Toxoid, 417 Transaminase, 224 — in amino-acid sjmthesis, 224 Transamination, 341 Trehalose, in Aspergillus niger, 02 — in 31. phlei, 359, 373 tuberculosis, 359, 371, 373 — in yeasts, 62 Tricarboxylic acid cycle, 302 Trichoderma viride, antibiotic from, 185 Tricosanoic acid, 374 Trimethyl arsine, 304 Trimethyleneglycol, 467 Triphosphopyridine nucleotide, 268 Triose phosphate, dismutation, 204 Triose phosphorylase, 212, 320 Tritisporin, 395 Trypanosomes, arsenic resistant strains, 126, 152 — chemotherapy of 125 et seq., 130 — growth factors for, 121 Trj-pan-red, 126 Trj'parsamide, 127 Trj.-psin, 37 — activation of, 49 — crystalline, 41 — crystallisation of, 46 — effect of pH on, 48 — specificity, 51 Trypsmogen, 49 Tryptophane, 81, 84, 216, 399. 400 — degradation of, 209, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233 — m antigens, 399, 400, 405 — synthesis of, 343 Tryptophol, 231 Tubercle bacillus, see MycvhaderiiDii tuberculosis Tuberculostearic acid, 369, 370, 374, 376, 379 Tyrocidine, 182 — action on fiuigi, 183 — hcemolytic effect, 183 — hydrochloride, 165, 182 500 INDEX Tyrosinase, 52, 38G — copper in, 41 Tyrosine, 111 — absence from mould proteins, 51 — degradation of, 229, 231, 232, 233, 386 389 — in antigens, 399, 400, 401, 405, 414 Tyrosol, 231 Tyrothricin, 165, 182 Uleron, 134 Uracil, 333 — as growth factor. 111 Urea, as energy source, 189, 211 — effect on sulphonamide activity, 145 Urease, crystalline, 41 — inhibition of, 49 — in 3Iicrococcus lysodeiJdicus, 93 Uridylic acid, 333 Urocanic acid, 230 ?i-Valeric acid, from proline, 237 rf- Valine as energy source, 218 Varianose, 352 Verticillium albo-atrum, 305 F-factor, 86 Vibrio agar-liquefaciens, 325 — amylocella, 325 — comma, carbohydrates of, 353, 362, 364 co-enzyme in, 107 vitamins in, 115 Vinegar fermentation, 322 Violacein, 388, 389 • — as antibiotic, 185 Viridin, 185 Virus, metabolism, 81 — of tobacco mosaic, 330 et seq. Vitamin-A, absence from bacteria and yeasts, 65 Vitamin -B in bacteria, 65, 100 A'^itamin-C, absence from bacteria and yeasts, 65 — production by fungi, 65 "\'itamin-D, absence from bacteria and yeasts, 65 — from ergosterol, 63, 377 Vitamin-H, identity with biotin, 104 Vitamins, bacterial, 98, 245 Vogcs-Proskauer reaction, 252 Volutin, staining of, 56 Warburg's yellow enzyme, crystalline, 41 constitution, 42 riboflavin-5-phosphoric acid in, 42 Wassermann reaction, 403 * Water content of bacteria, fungi, yeasts and spores, 58 — dissociation, 5 — hydrogen ions in, 6 — hydroxyl ions in, 6 Waxes, 371 — of acid-fast bacteria, 373, 374 — of C. diphtheric^, 377 — of micro-organisms, 63 X-factor, 86 Xanthine oxidase as bacteriostatic agent, 169 Xanthophylls, 385 Xanthopterin, 113 Xylonic acid, 293 Yeasts, amino-acid degradation h\, 234 — carbohydrate content of, 61 — - fatty acids in, 371 — - fermentation of galactose by, 89, 96 — gums, 345 — fixation of nitrogen by, 215 — juice, 38 — — in fermentation, 263 zymase in, 53 — nucleic acids of, 332, 337 — nucleoproteins of, 60 — phosphatide content, 64 — proteins in, 338 — sterol content, 63 — Torula, pigments of, 64 — w^ater content of, 58 Yellow enzyme (Warburg's), 169 as hydrogen carrier, 206 constitution, 42 crj'stalline, 41 Zeaxanthin, 390 Zephiran, lytic action, 177 Zinc chloriodide, 56 Zone phenomenon, 251 Zvmasc, 53, 268 Zymin, 263, 280, 435 Zymohexase, 212, 275, 320 Zymosan, 436 Printed by MXorquodalc & Co. Ltd., Glasgow.