- , , -1.1.,.). . .1.1 f '-l-TiTl'i;! , . ■I'i-lV-V' ©hp S. H. Btll IGtbrarg North (Earoltna &tat? Umnrrsttg QH308 S4 1899 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES S021 77269 Y This book is due on the date indicated below and is subject to an overdue fine as posted at the circulation desk. EXCEPTION: Date due will be earlier if this item is RECALLED. JAN;^ ? -^01 J «"*-'■ 150M/01 -92— 941680 ni^fA f)"^ AMERICAN SCIENCE SERIES AN INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL BIOLOGY BY WILLIAM T. SEDGWICK, Ph.D. i'ro/essor of Biology in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology^ Boston AND EDMUND B. WILSON, Ph.D. Professor of Zoology in Columbia College, New York SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1899 Copyright, 1886, 1895, BY HENRY HOLT & CO. PEEFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Several years ago it was our good fortune to follow, as grad- uate students, a course of lectures and practical study in General Biology under the direction of Professor Martin, at Jolins Hop- kins University. So interesting and suggestive was the general method employed in this course which, in its main outlines, had been marked out by Huxley and Martin ten years before, that we were persuaded that beginners in biology should always be in- troduced to the subject in some similar way. The present work thus owes its origin to the influence of the autliors of the ' ' Elementary Biology, ' ' our deep indebtedness to whom we gratefully acknowledge. It is still an open question whether tlie beginner should pur- sue the logical but difficult course of working upwards from tlie simple to the complex, or adopt the easier and more practical method of working downwards from famihar higlier forms. Every teacher of the subject knows how great are the practical difficulties besetting the novice, who, provided for tlie lirst time with a compound microscope, is confronted with Yeast, Proto- coccus, or Amoeba ; and on the other hand, how hard it is to sift out what is general and essential from the heterogeneous details of a mammal or a flowering plant. In the hope of lessening the practical difficulties of the logical method we venture to submit a course of preliminary study, which we have used for some time with our own classes, and have found practical and effective. It has not been our ambition to prepare an exhaustive trea- tise. We have sought only "to lead beginners in biology from familiar facts to a better knowledge of how living things are built and how they act, such as may rightly take a place in gen- ^ ^fS /■ 111 IV PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. eral education or may afford a basis for further studies in General Biology, Zoology, Botany, Physiology, or Medicine. Believing that biology should follow the example of physics and chemistry in discussing at the outset the fundamental prop- erties of matter and energy, we have devoted the first three chapters to an elementary account of living matter and vital en- ergy. In the chapters which follo^v, these facts are applied by a fairly exhaustive study of a representative animal and plant, of considerable, though not extreme, complexity — a method which we believe affords, in a given tune, a better knowledge of vital phenomena than can be acquired by more superficial study of a larger number of forms. We are satisfied that the fern and the earthworm are for this purpose the best available organisms, and that their study can be made fruitful and interesting. The last chapter comprises a lirief account of the j)rinciples and outlines of classification as a guide in subsequent studies. After this introductory study the student will be well pre- pared to take up the one-celled organisms, and can pass rapidly over the ground covered by such works as Huxley and Martin's ''Practical Biology," Brooks's "Handbook of Invertebrate Zoology," Arthur, Barnes and Coulter's "Plant Dissection," or the second part of this book, which is well in hand and will probably be ready in the course of the following year. The directions for practical study are intended as suggestions, not substitutes, for individual effort. We have striven to make the work useful as well in the class-room as in the laboratory, and to this end have introduced many illustrations. The gener- ositv of a friend has enabled us to enlist the skill of our friend Mr. James H. Emerton, who has drawn most of the original figures from nature, under our direction. We have also been greatly aided in the preparation of the figures by Mr, William Claus of Boston. September, 1886. PKEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. It was originally our intention to publish this work in two parts, the first, which appeared in 1886, being intended as an introduction, while the second was to form the main body of tlie work and to include the study of a series of type-forms. The pressure of other work, however, delayed the completion of tb.e second part, and meanwhile several laboratory manuals appeared which in larsie measure obviated the need of it. Nevertheless the use of the introductory volume by teachers of Biology, and its sale, slowly but steadily increased. It soon appeared, however, that in some cases the work was being employed not merely as an introduction, as its authors intended, but as a complete course in itself; though the wish was often expressed that the number of types were somewhat larger. These facts, and the many obvious defects in the original volume, induced us to undertake the preparation of a second and extended editioiu "With increased experience our ideas have undergone some change. We are as firmly convinced as ever that General Biol- ogy, as an introductory subject, is of the very first impoi-tance ; but we are equally persuaded that it must not trespass too far upon the special provinces of Zoology and Botany. The present edition, therefore, differs from the original in these respects: first, while the introduction has been extended so as to in- clude representatives of the unicellular organisms {Amoeha, Infusoria^ Protococcus^ Yeasts, Bacteria), the publication of a second volume has been abandoned. It is lioped tliat tlie work as thus extended may serve a double purpose, viz., either to be used as an introduction to subsequent study in Zoology, Bota- ny, or Physiology; or as a complete elementary course for general students to whom the minutiae of tliese more special sub- jects are of less importance than the fundamental facts of vital structure and function. We believe that a sound knowledge of \i PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. these facts can be conveyed by tlie metliod of study liere out- lined ; but we must emphatically insist that neither this nor any Xother method will give good results unless rightly used, and that C this work is not designed to be a complete text-book. Probably few teachers will find it desirable to go over the whole of the ground here laid out, and we hope that still fewer will be inclined to confine their work strictly to it. Even in a brief course the student may, after going over certain portions of this work, be made acquainted with the leading types of plants and animals ; and this may be rapidly accomplished if the introductory work, however limited, has been carefully done. In extended courses we have sometimes found it desirable to postpone certain parts of the introductory work, returning to them at a later period. A second modification consists in placing the study of the animal before that of the plant, which plan on the whole appears desirable, especially for students who have not been well trained in other branches of science. The main reason for this lies in the greater ease with which the physiology of the animal can be ap- proached ; for there is no doubt that beginners find the nutritive problems of the plant abstruse and difiicult to grasp until a cer- tain familiarity with vital phenomena has been attained ; while most of the physiological activities of the animal can be readily illustrated by well-known operations of the human body. The third change is the omission of the laboratory directions, these" havih^~beentound "TmsuitabTe! The needs~of different teachers differ so widely that it is impossible to draw up a scheme that shall answer for all. In place of the laboratory directions for students we have therefore given, in an appendix, a series (fTprac- ticaFsucrffestions to teachers, leaving^ it to them to work OTxde- taHed directions, if desirecT/ by the help of the standard labora- tory manuals. These suggestions are the result of a good deal of experience on the part of many teachers besides ourselves, and we hope they will be found useful in procuring and preparing material (often a matter of considerable difficulty), and in decid- ing just what the student may reasonably be expected to do. For the rest, the original matter has been thoroughly re^dsed, numerous errors have been corrected, and many additions made, particularly on the physiological side. September, 1895. TABLE OF CONTENTa CHAPTER I, INTBODVCTOBY. Living things and lifeless things. The contrast and the likeness hetweea living matter and lifeless matter. The journey of lifeless matter through living things. Analogy between a fountain, a flame or a whirlpool, and a living organism. Living matter is lifeless matter in a peculiar state or condition. Its characteristic properties. Biology, its scope and its subdivisions. The Biological sciences. The relations of -Biology to Zoology and Botany, Morphology and Physiology. Definitions and inter-relations of the biological sciences. Psychol- ogy, Sociology. Definition of General Biology. .,...<,,„..., 1 CHAPTER n, THE STRUCTURE OF LiriNG THINGS. Their occurrence and their size Organisms composed of organs. Func- tions. Organs composed of tissues. Differentiation. Tissues com- posed of cells, DefinitionSo Unicellular organisms. Living organ- isms contain lifeless matter. Lifeless matter occurs in living tissues and cells. Examples, Lifeless matter increases relatively with age. Summary statement of the structure of living things. The organism as a whole — the Body — more important than any of its parts <> o 9 CHAPTER III. PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL, Protoplasm "the physical basis of life." Historical sketch. The com- pound microscope and the discovery of cells in cork. The achromatic objective. The cell-theory of Schlelden and Schwann, Virchow and Max Schultze. Modern meaning of the term "cell/* The dis- covery of protoplasm and sarcode and of their essential similarity. • • Vll nii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAQB Purkinje. Von Mohl. Cohn. Schiiltze. Appearance and structure of protoplasm, A typical cell. Its parts. Cytoplasm and the nucleus. The origin of cells. Segmentation of the egg, differentiation of the tissues, the genesis of the " body," and the physiological division of iabor. Protoplasm at work. Muscular contractions. Amo&ba on its travels. "Rotation" in Nitella and AnacJtaris. "Circulation" of the protoplasm in hair- cells of spiderwort. Ciliary motion. The sources of protoplasmic energy. Metabolism and its phases. Vital energy does not imply a*' vital force.'* The chemical relations of protoplasm: proteids, carbohydrates, and fats. Physical Relations: temperature, moisture, electricity, etc. The protoplasm of plants and A animals similar but not identical c 20 CHAPTER IV. THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL: THE COMMON EARTHWORM. 4. representative animal. Earthworms taken as a type. Their wide dis- tribution. The common earthworm. Its name ; habitat ; habits ; food ; castings ; influence on soils ; burial of objects ; senses. Its differentiation: antero-posterior and dorso-ventral. Its symmetry: bilateral and serial. Plan of the earthworm's body. Organs of the body and the details of their arrangement in systems: alimentary; circulatory; excretory; respiratory; motor; nervous; sensitive; etc,. 41 CHAPTER V. THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL: THE COMMON EARTHWORM {Continued). Definition of reproduction. The germ-cells. Sexual and asexual repro- duction. Regeneration. The reproductive system of the earthworm. Its copulation and egg-laying. The process of fertilization, and the segmentation or cleavage of the egg. The making of the body. The gastrula. The three germ-layers : ectoblast, entoblast, mesoblast. Brief statement of the phenomena of cell-division, and of nuclear division or karyokinesis. The making of the organs. The fate of the germ-layers. The germ-plasm » . » 72 CHAPTER VL THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL: THE COMMON EARTHWORM {Continued), The microscopic anatomy or histology of the earthworm. The funda- mental animal tissues and their constituent cellular elements. Epi- thelial, muscular, nervous, germinal, blood, and connective tissues, and their distribution in the various organs. Microscopic structure of the body-wall ; of the alimentary canal ; of the blood-vessels ; of the dissepiments ; of the nervous system, ganglia ; etc. .. 90 TABLE OF CONTENTS ix CHAPTER VII. TEE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL: THE COMMON EARTHWORM iContinued.) PAGS General Physiology. The animal and its environment. Definitions. Adaptation, structural and functional, of organism to environmento Origia of adaptations. Elfect of their persistence and accumulation. Natural selection through the survival of the fittest. The need of an income of food to supply matter and energy. Nature of the income. The food and its journey through the body. Alimentation. Diges- tion and absorption. Circulation. Metabolism. The outgo. Inter- action of the animal and the environment. Summary 97 CHAPTER VIII. THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT: THE COMMON BRAKE OR FERN. A representative plant. Ferns taken as a type. Their w^ide distribution. The common brake. Its name, habitat, size, etc. General morphol- ogy of its body. Its differentiation, antero-posterior and dorso-ventral. Its bilateral symmetry. The underground stem. Origin and arrange- ment of the leaves. Internal structure of the rhizome and the three great tissue-systems. The elementary tissues of plants. Histology of the rhizome. Roots and branches. Embryonic tissue and the apical cell. How the rhizome grows. The frond or leaf of Pieris and its structure. Chlorophyll-bodies. Stomata. Veins 105 CHAPTER IX. THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT: THE COMMON BRAKE (Continued). The various methods of reproduction in Pteris. Sporophore' and oophore. Alternation of generations. Sporangia. Spores. Ger- mination of the spores. Protonema. Prothallium. The sexual organs. Antheridia. Male germ-cells. Archegonia. Female germ- cells. Fertilization. Segmentation. Differentiation of the tissues. The making of the body » 130 CHAPTER X. THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT: THE COMMON BRAKE (Continued). Physiology. The fern and its environment. Its adaptation. A defini- tion of life. The need of an income of matter and energy. Income of Pteris. Its power of making foods, especially starch. The circu- lation of foods through the plant-body. Metabolism. Outgo. Res- piration. Interaction of the fern and the environment. Special TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGB physiology of the tissue-systems and of reproduction. The question of old age. A comparison of the fern with the earthworm, and of plants in general with animals in general. The physiological im- portance of the chlorophylless plants 144 CHAPTER XI. THE UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS. The multicellular body. Its origin in continued, but incomplete, cell- division. The unicellular body. Its origin traced to complete cell- division. The multicellular body and the unicellular body as individuals. Unicellular forms physiologically " organisms." Special importance of their structural simplicity. "Organisms reduced to their lowest terms. " 156 CHAPTER XII. UNICELLULAR ANIMALS. A. Amceba. General Account. Habitat. Form. The " Proteus animalcule.'* Ap- pearance. Pseudopodia. Locomotion. Foods. The encysted state. Structure of the unicellular body. Cytoplasm. Nucleus. Vacuoles. Reproduction by fission. Physiology. The fundamental physiological properties of protoplasm as displayed in Aynoeba. The (question of ■old age. Related forms. The Rhizopoda or pseudopodial Protozoa. Arcella. Difflugia. The "sun-animalcule." The Foramenifera. The Radiolaria , 158 CHAPTER XIII. UNICELLULAR ANIMALS {Continued). B. Infusoria. General account. Habitat. The "slipper-animalcule." The "bell- animalcule." Paramcecium. Its form, structure, and habits. Cyto- plasm; trichocysts; vacuoles; nuclei; mouth; oesophagus; anal spot. The encysted state. Reproduction by agamogenesis; by conjugation; amphimixis. Voriicella. Its form, structure, etc. Its reproduction by fission, endogenous division, and conjugation. Microgamete and macrogamete. Related forms= Euglena; Zoothamnion; CarcJiesium; Epistylis; etc. Physiology of the Infusoria. Herbivorous, carniv- orous, and omnivorous infusoria. Analogy with higher forms. The problem of chlorophyll in animals. S3^mbiosis. Vegetating animals. The claim of unicellular animals to be regarded as unicellular "or- ganisms"; organs in the cell; etc o 168 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XIV. UNICELLULAR PLANTS. A. Pbotococcus. PAGB General account. Habitat. Morphology. Structure. Motile and non- motile states. Reproduction by fission. Cell-aggregates. Physi- ology. Income and outgo. The making of starch from inorganic matters. The fundamental physiological properties of protoplasm as displayed by plants. Comparison of Proiococcus with Aniosba, and chlorophyll-bearing plants in general with animals in general. Other unicellular chlorophyll-bearing plants: diatoms; desmids; Ghroocoo cus; Glceocapsa; etc 178 CHAPTER XV. UNICELLULAR PLANTS {Continued). B. Yeast. General account. Wild yeast and domesticated yeast. Microscopical examination of a yeast-cake. Morphology of the yeast cell. Cyto- plasm and nucleus. Reproduction by budding and by spores. Physi- ology. Yeast and the environment. Dried yeast. Income. Meta- bolism. Oiitgo. The minimal nutrients of yeast compared with those of Proiococcus and Amoeba. Why yeast is regarded as a plant. Top yeast Bottom yeast. Wild yeasts. Red yeast. Fermentation and ferments. Unicellular plants not necessarily at the bottom of the scale of life; etc 184 CHAPTER XVI. UNICELLULAR PLANTS (Continued). C. Bacteria. The smallest, most numerous, and most ubiquitous of known living things. Their abundance in earth, air, milk, water, etc. Comparison of their work in soils with that of earthworms. Parasitic and sapro- phytic bacteria. Their botanical position. Sanitary and economic importance. Morphology. Structure. Cytoplasm and nucleus. Cilia. Their size. Swarming and the resting stages. Reproduction. Endospores. Arthrospores. Physiology. Income. Metabolism. Outgo. Ferments. Fermentation, Putrefaction. Disease. One species capable of living upon inorganic matter. Related forms. Why bacteria are regarded as plants. The relations of bacteria to temperature, moisture, poisons, etc. Sterilization, Pasteurizing, disinfection, filtration, etc , 192 XU TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVII A HAY INFUSION. PAGB General account. Results of microscopical examination. Turbidity. Odor. Color. Coustituents. The scene of important pliysical, chemical, and biological phenomena. Previous history of the hay and the water. Efiect of bringiug them together. Causes of tur- bidity, color, odor, etc. Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria thrive. Infusoria multiply and devour them. Carnivorous mfusoria attack the herbivorous. The struggle for existence. Hay a green plant and the source of food. Quiet finally supervenes. How nutritive equilibrium may be preserved or disturbed. The hay-infusion an epitome of the living world 201 APPENDIX. SUGGESTIONS FOR LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. Books for the laboratoiy. Time required for General Biology . , 205 Special suggestions for laboratory work, etc., upon the subjects treated in the several chapters as outlined above, viz.: Chapter I. Introductory 205 II. Structures of Living Organisms , 206 III. Protoplasm and the Cell. o. 207 IV. -VIII. The Earthworm ,.. 2)0 IX.-XI. The Fern , ,.... 213 XII. Amoeba 216 XIII. Infusoria 217 XIV. Protococcus 220 XV. Yeast o = ..o 221 XVI. Bacteria 222 XVII. AHay Infusion 223 Instruments and Utensils o o 220 Reagents and Technical Methods c « . . 221 Index. 227 GENERAL BIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. "We know from common experience that all material things are either dead or alive, or, more accurately, that all matter is either lifeless or living ; and so far as we know, life exists only as a manifestation of living matter. Living matter and lifeless matter are everywhere totally distinct, though often closely as- sociated. The most careful studies have on the whole rendered the distinction more clear and striking, and have demonstrated that living matter never arises spontaneously from lifeless matter, but only through the immediate influence of living matter already existing. And so, whatever may have been the case at an earlier period of the earth's history, we are justified in regarding the present line between living and lifeless as one of the most clearly defined and important of natural boundaries. The Contrast between Living Matter and Lifeless Matter is made the ground for a division of the natural sciences into two great groups, viz. : the Biological Sciences and the Physical Sciences, dealing respectively with living matter and lifeless matter. The biological sciences (p. 7) are known collectively as Biology {/3io5, life; Xoyos, a discourse), which is therefore often de- fined as the science of life, or of living things, or of living mat- ter. But living matter, so far as we know, is only ordinary matter which has entered into a peculiar state or condition. ..A A 2 INTRODUCTORY. And hence biology is more precisely defined as tJie science ichich treats of viciUer in the living state. The Relationship between Living and Lifeless Matter. Al- though living matter and lifeless matter present this remarkable contrast to one another, they are most intimately related, as a moment's reflection will show. The living substance of the human body, or of any animal or plant, is only the transformed lifeless matter of the food which has been taken into the body and has there assumed, for a time, the living state. Lifeless matter in the shape of food is continually streaming into all living things on the one hand and passing out again as waste on the other. In its journey through the organism some of this matter enters into the living state and lingers for a tune as part of the body substance. But sooner or later it dies, and is then for the most part cast out of the body (though a part may be retained within it, either as an accumulation of waste material, or to serve some •aseful purpose). Matter may thus pass from the lifeless into the living state and back again to the lifeless, over and over in never- ending cycles. A living plant or animal is like a fountain or a flame into which, and out of which, matter is constantly stream- ing, while the fountain or the flame maintains its characteristic form and individuality. It is " nothing but the constant form of a similar turmoil of material molecules, which are constantly flowing into the organism on the one side and streaming out on the other. . . . It is a sort of focus to which certain material par- ticles converge, in which they move for a time, and from which they are afterward expelled in new combinations. The parallel between a whirlpool in a stream and a living being, which has often been drawn, is as just as it is striking. The whirlpool is permanent, but the particles of water which constitute it are in- cessantly changing. Those which enter it on the one side are w^hirled around and temporarily constitute a part of its mdi- viduality ; and as they leave it on the other side, their jDlaces are made good by newcomers." (Huxley.) How then is living matter different from lifeless matter ? The question cannot be fully answered by chemical analysis, for the reason that this process necessarily kills living matter, and the results therefore teach us little of the chemical conditions ex- isting in the matter when alive. Analyses, nevertheless, bring LIVING MATTER. S to light several liiglilj important facts. It is likely that livino- matter is a tolerably detinite compound of a nnmljer of the chemical elements, and it is probably too low an estimate to say that at least six elements must unite in order that life may ex- ist. Moreover, only a very few out of all the elements are able, under any circumstances, to form this living partnership. The most significant fact, however, is that there is no loss of weight when living matter is killed. The total weight of the lifeless products is exactly equal to the weight of t\iQ living sub- stance analyzed, and if anything has escaped at death it is im- ponderable, and, havhig no weight, is not material. It follows- that living matter contains no material substance peculiar to it- self, and that every element found in living matter may be found also, under other circumstances, in lifeless matter. Considerations like these lead ns to recognize a fundamental fact, namely, that the terms living and lifeless designate two different states or conditions of matter. "We do not know, at present, what causes this difference of condition. But so far as. the evidence shows, the li^ang state is never assumed except under the influence of antecedent living matter, wliicli, so to speak, infects lifeless matter and in some way causes it to as- sume the living state. Distinctive Properties of Living Matter. Those properties of living matter which, taken together, distinguish it absolutely from every form of lifeless matter, are : 1. Its chemical composition. 2. Its power of waste and rejDair, and of growth. 3. Its power of reproduction. Living matter invariably contains substances known as pro- teids, which are believed to constitute its essential material basis (see p. 33). Proteids are complex compounds of Carbon, Oxy- gen, Hydrogen, Xitrogen, Sulphur, and (in some cases at any rate) Phosphorus. It has been frequently pointed out that each of these six elements is remarkable in some way : oxygen, for its vigorous combining powers ; nitrogen, for its chemical inertia ; hydrogen, for its great molecular mobility ; carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus, for their allotropic properties, etc. All of these peculiarities may be shown to be of significance when considered as attributes of living matter. (See Herbert Spencer, Principles of Biology, vol. i.) 4 INTRODUCTORY. It is not, however, tlie mere presence of proteids which is characteristic of Hving matter. White-of -egg (albumen) contains an abundance of a typical proteid and jet is absolutely lifeless. Living matter does not simply contain proteids, but has tbe jpower to Tnamtfacticre tliem out of other substances ; and this is a property of li^dng matter exclusively. The waste and repair of living matter are equally character- istic. The living substance continually wastes away by a kind of internal combustion, but continually repairs the waste. More- over, the growth of living things is of a characteristic kind, dif- fering absolutely from the so-called growth of lifeless things. Crystals and other lifeless bodies grow, if at all, by accretion^ or the addition of new j)articles to the outside. Living matter grows from within by intussusception., or the taking-in of new particles, and fitting them into the interstices between those already present, throughout the whole mass. And, lastly, liv- ing matter not only thus repairs its own waste, but also gives rise by reproduction to new masses of living matter which, becoming detached from the parent mass, enter forthwith upon an independent existence. We may perceive how extraordinary these properties are by supposing a locomotive engine to possess like powers : to carry on a process of seK-repair in order to compensate for wear ; to grow and increase in size, detaching from itself at intervals pieces of brass or iron endowed with the power of grooving up step by step into other locomotives capable of running them- selves, and of reproducing new locomotives in their turn. Pre- cisely these things are done by every li^dng thing, and nothing like them takes place in the lifeless world. Huxley has given the best statement extant of the distinctive properties of living matter, as follows : "1. Its chemical composition — containing, as it invariably does, one or more forms of a complex compound of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, the so-called protein (which has^ never yet been obtained except as a product of living bodies), united with a large proportion of water, and forming the chief constituent of a substance which, in its primary unmodified state, is known as protoplasm. " 2. Its universal disintegration and waste by oxidation^ and its con- comitant reintegration by the intussuscejytion of new matter. A process of waste resulting from the decomposition of the molecules of the proto- LIVING MATTER. 5 plasm in virtue of which they break np into more highly oxidated products, which cease to form any part of the living body, is a constant concomitant of life. There is reason to believe that carbonic acid is always one of these waste products, while the others contain the remainder of the carbon, the nitrogen, the hydrogen, and the other elements which may enter into the composition of the protoplasm. " The new matter taken in to make good this constant loss is either a ready-formed protoplasmic material, supplied by some other living being, or it consists of the elements of protoplasm, united together in simpler combinations, which constantly have to be built up into protoplasm by the agency of the living matter itself. In either case, the addition of molecules to those which already existed takes place, not at the surface of the living mass, but by interposition between the existing molecules of the latter. If the processes of disintegration and of reconstruction which characterize life balance one another, the size of the mass of living matter remains sta- tionary, while if the reconstructive process is the more rapid, the living body grows. But the increase of size which constitutes growth is the result of a process of molecular intussusception, and therefore differs alto- gether from the process of growth by accretion, which may be observed in crystals, and is elfected purely by the external addition of new matter ; so that, in the well-known aphorism of Linnaeus, the word ' grow ' as applied to stones signifies a totally different process from what is called ' growth * in plants and animals. " 3. Its tendency to undergo cyclical changes. In the ordinary course of nature, all living matter proceeds from pre-existing living matter, a portion of the latter being detached and acquiring an independent exist- ence. The new form takes on the characters of that from which it arose ; exhibits the same power of propagating itself by means cf an offshoot ; and, sooner or later, like its predecessor, ceases to live, and is resolved into more highly oxidated compounds of its elements. " Thus an individual living body is not only constantly changing its substance, but its size and form are undergoing continual modifications, the end of which is the death and decay of that individual ; the continua- tion of the kind being secured by the detachment of portions which tend to run through the same cycle of forms as the parent. No forms of matter which are either not living or have not been derived from living matter exhibit these three properties, nor any approach to the remarkable phe- nomena defined under the second and third heads." {Encyclopcedia Bri^ tan7iica, 9th ed., art. " Biology," vol. iii. p. 679.) For the purposes of biological study life must be regarded as a property of a certain kind of compounded matter. But we are forced to regard the properties of compounds as the result- ants of the properties of their constituent elements, even though we cannot well imagine how such a relation exists ; and so in the 6 INTRODVCTORY. long-run we have to fall back upon tlie properties of carbon, lijdi-ogen, nitrogen, oxygen, etc., for the properties of living matter. Scope of Biology. The Biological Sciences. It follows from the broad definition given to Biology that this science includes the study of whatever pertains to living matter or to living things. It considers the forms, structures, and functions of living things in health and m disease ; their habits, actions, modes of nutrition ; their surroundings and distribution m space and time, their relations to the lifeless world and to one another, their sensations, mental processes, and social relations, their origin and then- fate, and many other toj^ics. It includes both zoology and botany, and deals with the phenomena of animal and vegetal life not only separately, but in their relations to one another. It includes the medical sciences and vegetal j^athology. The field covered by biology as thus understood is so wide as to necessitate a subdivision of the subject into a number of principal branches which are usually assigned the rank of distinct sciences. These are arranged in a tabular view on p. 7. The table shows two dift'erent ways of regarding the main subject, according as the table is read from left to right m* vice versa. Under the more usual arrangement biology is primarily divided into zoology and botany, according as animals or plants, respectively, form the subject of study. Such a division has the great advantage of practical convenience since, as a matter of fact, most biologists devote their attention mainly either to plants alone or to animals alone. From a scientific j)oint of view, however, a better sub- division is into Morphology {jxofi(pii^ formj Xoyo?, a discourse) and Physiology (0U(Tz?, nature^ Xoyos, a discourse). The formel' is based upon the facts of form, structure, and arrange- ment, and is essentially statical ; the latter upon those of action or function, and is essentially dynamical. But morphology and physiology are so intimately related that it is impossible to sepa- rate either subject absolutely from the other. Besides the sub-sciences given ui the table a distinct branch called Etiology is often recognized, having for its object the in- vestigation of the causes of biological 23lienomena. But the sci- entific study of every phenomenon has for its ultimate object the discovery of its cause. -Etiology is therefore inseparable from THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. ' Morphology. The science of form, structure, etc. Essentially statical. Biology. The science of all living things ; i.e., of matter in the living state. Physiology. The science of action or function. Essentially dynamical. Aiiatotny. The science of struc- ture ; the term being usually applied to the coarser and more ob- vious composition of plants or animals. Histology. Microscopic anatomy. The ultimate optical analysis of structure by the aid of the m i c r o s c op e ; sepa- rated from anatomy only as a matter of convenience. Taxonomy or Classifi- €atio)t. The classification of living things. Based chiefly on phenomena of structure. Distribution. Considers the position of living things in space and time, their distribution over the present face of the earth and their distri- bution and succession at former periods, as displayed in fossil re- mains. Embryology. The science of develop- ment from the germ. Includes many mixed problems pertaining both to morphology and physiology. At present largely mor- phological. Physiology. The special science of the functions of the individual in health and in disease ; hence including Pathology. Psychology. The science of mental phenomena. Sociology. The science of social life, i.e., the life of communities, wheth- er of men or of lower animals. Botany, y The science of vegetal living matter or plants. \ Biology. The science of all living things ; i.e., of matter in the living state. 1- Zoology. The science of animal living matter or animals. 8 INTROD UCTOR T. any of the .several branches of biology and need not be assigned an independent place. Psychology and Sociology are not yet generally admitted to constitute branches of biology, and it is customary and con- venient to set them apart from it. The establishment of the theory of evolution has clearly shown, however, that the study of these sciences is inseparable from that of biology in the ordi- nary sense. The instincts and other mental actions of the lower animals are as truly subjects of ^psychological as of physiological inquiry ; the complex social life of such animal communities as we hnd, for instance, among the bees and ants are no less truly problems of Sociology. It will be observed that in the scheme morphology and physi- ology overlap ; that is, there are certain biological sciences in which the study of structure and of action cannot be sej^arated. This is especially true of embryology, which considers the suc- cessive stages of embryonic structure and also the modes of action by which they are produced. And Una! ly it must not be forgotten that any particular arrangement of the biological sci- ences must be in the main a matter of convenience only ; for it is impossible to study any one order of phenomena in complete isolation from all others. The term General Biology does not designaie a particular member of the group of biological sciences, but is only a con- venient phrase, which has come into use for the general introduc- tory study of biology. It bears precisely the same relation to biology that general chemistry bears to chemistry or general physics bears to physics. It includes an examination of the gen- eral properties of living matter as revealed in the structures and actions of particular living things, and may sei*ve as a basis for subsequent study of more special branches of the science. It deals with the broad characteristic phenomena and laws of life as illustrated by the thorough comparative study of a series of plants and animals taken as representative types; but in this study the student should never lose sight of the fact that all the varied phenomena which may come under his observation are in the last analysis due to the properties of matter in the living state^ and that this matter and these properties are the real goal of the study. CHAPTEE II. THE STRUCTURE OF LIVING THINGS. ORGANISMS. Lifeless things occur in masses of the most various sizes and forms, and may differ widely in structure and chemical com- position. Living things, on the other hand, occur only in rela- tively small masses, of which perhaps the largest are, among plants, the great trees of California and, among animals, the whales ; while the smallest are the micro-organisms or bacteria. Moreover, the individual masses in which living things occur possess a peculiar and characteristic structure and chemical com- position which have caused them to be known as organisms^ and their substance as organic. All organisms are built up to a remarkable extent in the same way and of the same materials, Fig, 1. (After Sachs.)— Longitudinal section through the growing apex of a young pine-shoot. The dotted portion represents the protoplasm, the narrow lines be^ ing the partition-walls composed of cellulose (CsHjoOs). (Highly magnified.) and we may conveniently begin a study of living things with the larger and more complex forms, which exhibit most clearly those structural peculiarities to which we have referred. Organisms composed of Organs. Functions. It is character- istic of any living body — for example, a rabbit or a geranium — that it is composed of unlike parts, having a structure whicli enables them to perform various operations essential or accessory to the life of the w^hole. The plant has stem, roots, branches, leaves, stamens, pistil, seeds, etc. ; the animal has externally 9 10 THE STRUCTURE OF LIVING THINGS. head, trunk, limbs, eyes, ears, etc., and internally stomach, in- testines, liver, lungs, heart, brain, and many other parts of Fig. 2.— Cross-section through part of the young leaf of a fern (Pteris cujuilina)^ showing thick- walled cells ; most of the walls are double. The granular sub- stance is protoplasm. Most of the cells contain a large central cavity (vacuole) filled with sap, the protoplasm having been reduced to a thin layer inside the partitions. Nuclei are shown in some of the cells, and lifeless grains of starch in others : ?i, nuclei ; s, starch ; r, vacuole ; u\ double partition-wall. ( X 500.) the most diverse structure. These parts are known as oi^ganSy and the living body, because it possesses them, is called an or- ganism. The word organism, as here used, applies best to the higher animals and plants. It will be seen in the sequel that there are forms of life so simple that organs as here defined can scarcely be distinguished. Such living things are nevertheless really organisms because they possess parts analogous in function to the well-defined organs of higher form. (See p. 157.) Since organisms are composed of unlike parts, they are said to be heterogeneous in structure. They are also heterogeneous in action, the different organs performing different operations Q,2XiQA functions. For instance, it is the function of the stomach to digest food, of the heart to pump the blood into the vessels, of the kidneys to excrete waste matters from the blood, and of the brain to direct the functions of other organs. A similar diversity of functions exists in plants. The roots hold the ORGANS AND TISSUES. H Fig. 3. (After Sachs.)— Cross-section through a group of dead, thick- walled wood-cells from the stem of maize. The cells contain only air or water. (Highly magnified.) plant fast and absorb various substances from tlie soil ; the stem supports the leaves and flowers and conducts the sap ; the leaves absorb and elaborate portions of the food; and the reproductive organs of the flower serve to form and bring to maturity seeds destined to give rise to a new gen- eration. Heterogeneity of the kind just indicated, accompanied by a division of labor among the parts, is one of the most char- acteristic features of living things, and is not known in any mass of lifeless matter, however large and complex. Organs composed of Tissues. Differentiation. In the next place, it is to be observed that the organs also, when fully formed, are not homogeneous, but are in turn made up of different parts. The human hand is an organ w^hich consists of many parts, differing widely in structure and function. On the outside are the skin, the hairs, the nails ; inside are bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood-vessels, and nerves. The leaf of a plant is an organ consisting of a woody framework (the '' veins I') which supports a green pulp, the whole being covered on the outside by a delicate transparent skin. In like manner every organ of the higher plants or animals may be resolved into different parts, and these are known as tissues. The tissues of fully formed organs are often very different from one another, as in tlie cases just mentioned ; that is, they are well differentiated; but frequently in adult organs, and always in those which are sufficiently young, the tissues shade gradually into one another, so that no definite line can be drawn between them. In such cases they are said to be less differentiated. For ex- ample, in the full-grown leaf of a plant the woody framework, the green cells, and the skin exist as three plainly different tissues. But in younger leaves these same tissues are less different, and in very young leaves, still in the bud, there are no visible differ- 12 THE STRUCTURE OF LIVING THINGS. ences and the whole organ is very nearly homogeneous. In this case the tissues are undifferentiated^ though potentially capal)le of differentiation . In the same way, the tissues of the embry- FiG. 4. — Cross-section through dead wood-like cells from the underground stem of a fern (Ptei'is aquilina) . The walls are uncommonly thick and the protoplasm has disappeared. The channels shown served in life to keep the cells in vital con- nection, (x 450.) onic human hand are imperfectly differentiated, and at a very early stage are undifferentiated. Tissues composed of Cells. Finally, microscopical examina- tion shows every tissue to be composed of minute parts known as cells, which are nearly or quite shnilar to one another through- out the whole tissue, and form the ultimate units into which the tissues and organs, and hence the whole organism, become more or less perfectly divided, somewhat as a nation is divided into states and these into counties and townships. CELLS. 13 It will be sliown beyond that these ultimate units or cells possess everywhere the same fundamental structure; but they differ immensely in form, size, and mode of action, not only in different animals and plants, but even in different parts of the same individual. As a rule, the cells of any given tissue are closely similar one to another and are devoted to the same func- tion, but differ from those of other tissues in form., size, arrange- ment, and especially in function. Indeed, the differences be- tween tissues are merely the outcome of the differences between the cells composing them. The skin of the hand differs in ap- pearance and uses from the muscle which it covers, because skin- cells differ from muscle-cells in form, size, color, function, etc. Hence a tissue may be defined as a groiij) of similar cells hav- ing a similar function.^ As a rule, each organ consists of several such groups of cells or tissues, but, as stated above, young organs are nearly or quite homogeneous ; that is, all of the cells are nearly or quite alike. It is only when the organ grows older that the cells become different and arrange themselves in different groups, — a process known as the differentiation of the tissices. In the case of some organs — for instance the leaf of a moss — the cells remain permanently nearly alike, somewhat as in the embryonic condition, and the whole organ consists of a single tissue. . What has been said thus far applies only to higher plants and animals. But it is an interesting and suggestive fact that there are also innumerable isolated cells, both vegetal and animal, which are able to carry on an independent existence as one-celled plants or animals. Physiologically these must cer- tainly be regarded as individuals ; but it is no less certain that they are equivalent, morphologically, to the constituent cells of ordinary many-celled organisms. It will appear hereafter thai the study of such unicellular organisms forms the logical ground- work of all biological science. (See p. 157.) Since organisms may be resolved successively into organs, tissues and cells, it is evident that cells must contam living matter. And a cell may be defined as a small mass of living TTiatter either living apart or forming one of the ultimate units * Tissues frequently contain matters deposited between cells ; but these Lave usually been directly derived from tlie cells, and vary as the cells vary. 14 THE STRUCTURE OF LIVING THINOS. 'i-X of an organism. The cell is an " organic individual of the first order. "^"^ (Lang.) Living and Lifeless Matter in the Living Organism. Since our own bodies and those of lower animals and of plants are com- posed of matter, it may be supposed, from what has been said in the last chapter, that they are composed of li\dng matter. This, however, is true only in part. It is strictly true that every plant or animal contains living matter, but a little reflection will show that it contains, lifeless matter also. In the human body lifeless mat- ter is found in the hairs, the ends of the nails, and the outer layers of the skin, — structures which are not simply devoid of feeling, as every one knows them to be, but are really lifeless in every sense, although forming part of a living body. Nor is lifeless mat- ter confined to the exterior of the body. The mineral matter of the bones is not alive; and this is true, though less obviously, of many other parts, such as- the liquid basis or plasma of the blood, the fat (which is never wholly absent), and various other forms of mat- ter occurring in many parts of the body. In lower animals examples of this truth occur on every hand. The calcareous shells of animals like the snail and the oyster ; the skeletons of corals and sponges ; the hard outer crust 'f^A of insects, lobsters, and related animals ; the scales of fish and reptiles; the feathers, claws, and beaks of birds ; the fur of animals — these are a few of the countless instances of structures com- posed wholly or in part of lifeless mat- FiG.5.(AfterRanvier)-Mns-tej. ^j^j^i^ nevertheless enter into the cle-ceUs. A, from the mtes- ^ ^ ^ tine of a dog, in cross-sec- Composition of living animals. tion; B, single isolated cell, A,^^^,,^ -.^l^^-t ^'^ £ j. from the intestine of a rab- Among plants like facts are even bit, viewed from the side, more COllSpicUOUS. 'No OUC Cail doubt that the outer bark of an oak is devoid of life. The heart-wood of a tree is entirely dead, and even in the so-called live wood, through which the sap flows, not only is the solid part of the wood lifeless, but also the sap itself. LIFELESS MATTER BETWEEN CELLS. 15 Fig. 6 (After Schafer.) — Human cartilage (from head of metatarsal bone), c, cells; ni, lifeless matrix. (X 600.) Fig. 7. (Modified from Ran vier.)— Blood of frog, showing two forms of eells (cor- puscles), one flattened and oval, one branched, floating in the lifeless plasma. (X650.) 16 THE STRUCTURE OF LIVING THINGS. Lifeless Matter in the Living Tissues. In the tissues the Hv- ing cells are seldom in contact one with another, but are more or less completely separated by partitions of lifeless matter. This may be seen in a section through some rapidly growing organ like a young shoot (Fig. 1). The wliole mass is formed of nearly similar, closely crowded units or cells separated by very narrow partitions. Each cell consists of a mass of granular, viscid, living substance known 2,'^ jprotoijlasm^ and a more solid, rounded body, the micleus. In such a group of cells no tissues can be distinguished ; or, rather, the whole mass consists of a "single tissue (meristem), wliich is almost entirely composed of living matter (protoplasm). In older tissues the partitions often increase in thickness, as shown in Fig. 2. In every case the ])artitwns are composed of lifeless matter which has heen niannfactitred and deposited hy the living jprotoplasni constituting the hodies of the cells. In still older parts of the plant certain of the lifeless walls may become extremely thick, the protoplasm entirely disappears, and the whole tissue (wood) consists of Kf eless matter enclosing spaces filled with air or water (Figs. 3 and 4). Among animals analogous cases are common. The nuiscles of the small intestine, for instance, (Fig. 5,) consist of bundles of elongated cells {fihres) eacli of which is com- posed of living matter surrounded by a very tliin covering (sheath) of lifeless matter. In cartilao^e or gristle, which covers tlie ends of many bones (Fig. 6), the oval cells are very widely separated by the deposition between them of large quantities of solid lifeless matter Fig. 8. (Modified from Schenk.)— Sec- /? • i < • i ^^ tion of bone from the human femur lOrmmg what IS kuown aS the showing the living branching bone- matrix. In blood (Fig. 7) the cells lying inthe bony life less ma- n ,, i . in/ trix. Diagramatic. flattened , or irregular cells {cor- jpuscles) are separated by a lifeless fluid {j>lasind) in which they float. In bone (Fig. 8) the cells ^J.::;^]:^:-: '■^t?^l^;^^i^:'^-;/i;^^:[^iyi^ LIFELESS MATTER WITHIN CELLS. 17 have a branching, irregular form, and are separated by solid calcareous matter whicli is unmistakably lifeless. These ex- amples show that the lifeless matters of the body often occur in the form of deposits between living cells by which tliey have been produced. In all such cases the embryonic tissue consists at first of living cells in direct contact, or separated by only a very snmll quantity of lifeless matter. In later stages the cells may manufacture additional lifeless substance which appears in the form of firm partition-walls between the cells, or as a matrix, solid or liquid, in which the cells lie. AVhen solid walls are present they are often perforated by narrow clian- nels through which the protoplasmic cell-bodies remain in con- nection. (See Figs. 4, 8, and 50.) Lifeless Matter within Living Cells. Equally important with the deposit of lifeless matter hetioeen cells is the formation of Kfe- less matter within cells, either {ct) by the deposition of various sub- stances in the protoplasm, or (b) by the direct transformation of the whole mass of protoplasm. Examj)les of the first kind are Fig. 9.— a group of cells from the stem of a geranium (Pelargonium), showing lifeless substances (starch and crystals) within the protoplasm. As in Fig. 2, each cell contains a large central vacuole, filled with sap ; c, groups of crystals of calcium oxalate ; i.e., intercellular space ; n, nucleus ; s, granules of starch, (x 300.) Fig. 10. (After Ranvier.) — Group of "adipose cells" from the tissue beneath the skin (" subcutaneous con- nective tissue") of an em- bryo calf, showing drops of fat in the protoplasm. /, fat- drops (black) ; n, nuclei (X550.) mineral crystals (Fig. 9), grains of starch (Fig. 9), drops of water, and many other substances found witliin tlie cells of plants. Among animals drops of fat (Fig. 10) and calcareous 18 THE STRUCTURE OF LIVING THINGS. or siliceous deposits are similarly produced. Indeed, there is scarcely any limit to the number of lifeless substances which may thus appear within the cells both of plants and animals. The second case is of less importance, though of common occurrence. A good examj^le is found in the lining membrane of the cesopliagus of the dog (Fig. 11), which like the human skin is almost entirely made up of closely crowded cells. Those P Fig. 11.— Section through the inner coat of the gullet of a dog, showing : p, living cells of the deeper layers ; s, lifeless cells of the superficial layers; 71, nucleus. in the deepest part consist chiefly of living protoplasm very similar to that of the young pine shoot (compare Fig. 1). Above them the cells gradually become flattened until at the surface they have the form of flat scales. As the cells become flattened their substance changes. The protoplasm diminishes in quantity and dies; so that near the surface the cells are wholly dead, and finally fall oft'. In a similar manner are formed the lifeless parts of nails, claws, beaks, feathers, and many related structures. A hair is composed of cells essentially like those of the skin. At the root of the hair they are alive, but as they are pushed outwards by continued growth at the root, they are transformed bodily into a dead, horny substance forming the free portion of the hair. Feathers are only a com- plicated kind of hair and are formed in the same way. It is a significant fact that the quantity of lifeless matter in the organism tends to increase with age. The very young plant or animal probably possesses a maximum proportion of proto- plasm, and as life progresses lifeless matter gradually accumulates within or about it, — sometimes for support, as in tree-trunks and THE STRUCTURE OF LIVING THINGS. 19 bony skeletons ; sometimes for protection as in oyster- and snail shells ; sometimes apparently from sheer inability on the part of the protoplasm to get rid of it. Thns we see that youth is lit- erally the period of life and vigor, and age the period of com- parative lifelessness. Summary. The bodies of higher animals and plants are subdivided into various parts {organs) having different structure and functions. These mav be resolved into one or more tissues^ each of which consists of a mass of similar cells (or their deriva- tives) having a similar function. The cells are small masses of living matter, or protoplasm, which dej)Osit more or less lifeless matter either around (outside) them or within their substance. In the former case the protoplasm may continue to live, or it may die and be absorbed. In the latter case it may likewise live on for a time, or may die, either disappearing altogether or leav- ing behind a residue of lifeless matter. The Organism as a Whole. Up to this point we have con- sidered living organisms from an anatomical and analytical stand- point, and have observed their natural subdivisions into organs, tissues, and cells. We have now only to remark that these parts are mutually interdependent, and that the organism as a whole is greater than any of its parts. Precisely as a chronometer is superior to an aggregate of wheels and springs, so a living organ- ism is superior in the solidarity of its parts to a mere aggregate of organs, tissues, and cells. We shall soon see that in the living body these have had a common ancestry and still stand in the closest relationship both in respect to structural continuity and community of interest. CHAPTEK III. PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. It lias been sliown in the last chapter that life is inherent in a peculiar substance, protoiylasm^ occurring in definite masses or cells. In other words, protoj)lasm is the physical basis of life, and the cell is the ultimate visible structural unit. Protoplasm and the cell deserve therefore the most careful consideration; but because of the technical difficulties involved in their study only such characteristics as are either obvious or indispensable to the beginner will here be dwelt upon. Historical Sketch. Organs and tissues are readily visible, but in order to resolve tissues into cells something more than the naked eye was necessary. The compound microscope came into use about 1650, and in 1665 the English botanist Robert Hooke announced that a familiar vegetal tissue, cork, is made up of ''^little hoxes or cells distinct from one another ^ Many other observers described similar cells in sections of wood and other vegetal tissues, and the word soon came into general use. It was not until 1838, however, and as a consequence of a most important improvement in the compound microscope, viz., the invention of the achromatic objective, that cellular structure came to be recognized as an invariable and fundamental charac- teristic of li\dng bodies. At this time the botanist Schleiden brought forward proof that the higher plants do not simply con- tain cells but are wholly made up of them or their products ; and about a year later the zoologist Schwann demonstrated that the same is true of animals. This great generalization, known as the ' ' cell-theory ' ' of Schleiden and Schwann^ laid the basis for all subsequent biological study. The cell-theory was at first de- veloped upon a purely morphological basis. Its application to the phenomena of physiological action was for a time retarded 20 HISTORY OF ''CELL" AND ''PROTOPLASM." 21 hv the misleading character of the term "cell." The word itself shows that cells were at first regarded as cavities (hke tlie cells of a honeycomb or of a prison) surrounded by solid walls ; and even Schleiden and Schwann had no accurate conception of their true nature. Soon after the promulgation of the cell-theorv, however, it was shown that both the walls and the cavity miirlit be wanting, and that therefore the remaining portion, namely, the protoplasm with its nucleus, must be the active and essential part. The cell was accordingly defined by Yirchow and Max Schultze as "a mass of protoplasm surrounding a nucleus," and in this sense the word is used to-day. ^^ The word cell became thereafter as inappropriate as it would be if applied to the honey within the honeycomb or to the living prisoner in a prison -cell, Nevertheless, by a curious conservatism, the term was and is re- tained to designate these structures whether occurring in masses, as segments of the plant or animal body, or leading independent lives as unicellular organisms. Protoplasm was observed long before its significance was understood. The discovery of its essential identity in plants and animals and, ultimately, the general recognition of the extreme importance of the role which it everywhere plays, must be reck- oned as one of the greatest scientific achievements of this cen- tury. It was Dujardin w^ho in 1835 first distinctly called atten- tion to the importance of the ''primary animal substance" or ''sarcode" which forms the bodies of the simplest animals. Without clearly recognizing this substance as the seat of life, or using the word protoplasm, he nevertheless described it as en- dowed with the powers of spontaneous movement and con- tractility. The word protoplasm (rrpcSTOs, first; TrXdajua, form) was apparently first used for animal substance by Purkinje in 1839-40, and next by H. von Mold, in 18-16, to designate the granular viscid substance occurring in plant-cells, although both workers were ignorant of its full significance. In 1850 Cohn definitely maintained not only that animal sarcode and vegetal protoplasm were essentially of the same nature, but also that this substance is the real seat of vitality and hence to be regarded as the physical basis of life. To Max Schultze * It is possible that in some of the lowest and simplest organisms even tbe nucleus may be wanting as a distinctly differentiated body. See p. 193. 22 PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. (1860) is generally assigned the credit of having finally placed this conclusion upon a secure basis ; and by him the meaning of the word Protoplasm was so extended as to include all living matter, whether animal or vegetal. In this sense the word is now universally employed. Appearance and Structure. Protoplasm and cells differ gi'eatly in appearance in different plants and animals, as well as in different parts and different stages of development of the same individual. The appearance of protoplasm and the consti- ,„ ,. tution of the cell are as a rule m^ >!^>r^\v-.r.T^-sJV most easily made out in very young structures, such as the eggs of some animals or in the cells of young vegetal slioots. The egg of the star- fish, for example, (Fig. 12), is I^^ ^<^'l'- '':■ "^';'V'^' ^'^?-''>^ a sin2:le isolated cell of nearly tyj^ical form and structure. It is a minute, nearly spheri- FiG. i2.-siightiy diagrammatic figure of gal bodv U^ inch diameter) the egg or ovum of a star-fish, showing the . , . ' , structure of a typical ceU. w, membrane; m wllich three parts may be n, nucleus; p, protoplasm (cytoplasm). disthlguislied, viz. I (1) the cell-hody^ which forms the bulk of the cell ; (2) the nucleus^ a rounded vesicular body suspended in the cell -body ; (3) the Tnein- hrane or cell-icall^ which immediately surrounds the cell-body. Of these three, the nucleus and cell- body are mainly composed of protoplasm, while the membrane is a lifeless dej)Osit upon the exterior. The protoplasm of the cell-body is generally called cell-plasm, or cytoj>lcts7}i^ that of the nucleus nucleoplasm'j that is, the living matter of the cell is differentiated into two different but closely related forms of protoplasm, cytoplasm and nucleo- plasm. The Cytoplasm appears as a clear semifluid or viscid sub- stance, containing numerous minute granules and of a watery appearance, though it shows no tendency to mix with water. Under very high powers of the microscope, especially after treat- ment with suitable reagents, the clear substance is found to have a definite structure, the precise nature of which is in dispute. By some observers it is described as a fibrous meshwork or retic- THE MINUTE ANATOMY OF THE CELL. 23 Ilium, like a sponge; l)y others as more neai-ly like an emulsion or foam, consisting of a more solid framework enclosing innu- merable minute separate spherical cavities tilled with li(piid ; hy others still as comj)osed of unbranched threads running in all directions through a more liquid basis ; but its real nature is still unknown. It is evident that the visible structure of protoplasm gives no hint of its marvellous powers as the seat of vital action, and we are therefore compelled to infer that it is endowed with a chemi- cal and molecular constitution extremely complex, and probably far exceeding in comj)lexity that of any lifeless substance. The Nucleus is a rounded body suspended in the cell-sul)- stance ; it is distinguishable from the latter by its higher refrac- tive powder, and by the intense color it assumes when treated with staining fluids. It is surrounded by a very thin membrane, and consists internally of a clear substance {acliromatin)^ through which extends an irregular network of fibres (cliromath}). It is especially these fibres which are stained by dyes. In the Fig. 13. (After Sachs.)— Young growing cells from the extreme tip of a stonewort {Oiara), m, membrane; ?i, nuclei; p, protoplasm; v, vacuole filled with sap. (X550O meshes of the network is suspended in many cases a second rounded body known as the nucleolus, which stains even more deeply than the network itself. The Membrane or Wall of the cell forms a rather thick sac, 24 PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. composed of a soft, lifeless material closely surrounding the cell substance."^ As a second example we clioose tlie growing jDoint of a com- mon water-plant (Cliarci)^ Fig. 13. This structure is composed of cells which are more or less angular in outline as a result of mutual pressure, but show otherwise an unmistakable similarity to the egg-cell just described. They differ mainly in the fact that the protoplasm of the larger cells contains rounded cavities, known as vacuoles^ filled with sap ((v) ; also in the chemical com- position cf the cell-walls (here consisting of "cellulose," a sub- stance of rare occurrence among animals). Origin of Cells and Genesis of the Body. The body of every higher plant or animal arises from a single germ -cell (" ^ggt^"^ " spore," etc.) more or less nearly similar to that of the star- fish, described above, and originally forming a part of tlie parent body. The germ-cell, therefore, in spite of endless variations in detail, shows us the model after which all others are built ; for it gives rise to all the cells of the body by a continued j^rocess of segmentation as follows : The first step (Fig. 14) consists in the division of the Qg^g into two similar halves, which differ from the original cell only in lacking membranes, both being surrounded by the membrane of the original cell. Each of the halves divides into two, mak- ing four in all ; these again into two, making eight, and so on throughout the earlier part of the development. By this jDrocess (known as the cleavage or segtnentation of the ^g^ the germ- cell gives rise successively to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc., de- scendants, forming a primitive body composed of a mass of nearly similar cells, out of which, by still further division and growth, the fully-formed body of the future animal is to be built up. These cells are only slightly modified, but differ in most animals from the typical germ-cell in having at first no sur- rounding membranes. The membrane of the original germ- cell meanwhile disappears. ^ The word cell lias been used in Chap. I and elsewhere to denote the living matter within the membrane, the latter being considered a product of the cell rather than an integral part of it. It is more usual to include the membrane in a definition of the cell, and as a matter of convenience it is so included here. pupLRii imtARr DEVELOPMENT AND DIFFERENTIATION OF CELLS. 25 The enibryoiiic body or emhryo of every liiglier })lant and ani- mal is derived from the germ-cell by a process essentially like that just described, though both the form of the cells and the order of division are usually more or less irregular. In animals the cells Fig. 14.— Cleavage or segmentation of an ovum, showing successive division of the germ-cell (a) into two (b), four (c), and eight (r/). Later stages are shown ate and /. The first four figures are diagrammatic ; e and / are after Hatschek's fig- ures of the development of a very simple vertehrate {AmpMoxxui). thus formed are usually naked at first, though they often ac- quire a membrane in later stages. Among plants, on the con- trary, the cells usually possess membranes from the first, prob- ably because their need for a firm outer support is greater than the need for free movement demanded by animals. - Modification of the Embryonic Cells. Differentiation. The close similarity of the embryonic cells does not long persist. As development proceeds, the cells continually increasing in munber by division become modified in difl:'erent ways, or fliffereiifiatefl^ to fit them for the many different kinds of work which they have to do. Those which are to become muscle-cells gradually assume an entirely different form and structure from those which are to become skin-cells; and the future nerve- or gland-cells take on still other forms and structures. The embrvonic cells are gradually converted into the elements of the difi'ereiit tissues — this process being the differentiation of the tissues which has * For a more precise account of cell-division see p. 83. 26 PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. already been mentioned on p. 11 — and are in tins way enabled to effect a physiological division of labor. Tlie variations in form and structure which thus appear are endlessly diversified. Cells may assume almost any conceivable form, and there are even cells (e.g., Amoebce^ or the colorless corpuscles of the blood) which continually change their form from moment to moment. The variations in structure may in- volve any or all of the three characteristic j^arts of the typical cell, being at the same time accompanied by variations of form. It is easy to understand, therefore, how cells may vary endlessly in appearance, wliile conforming more or less closely to the same general type. Meanwhile the protoplasm itself undergoes extensive altera- tion. Even in young cells, or in the germ-cell itself, it may =ssF7;;^Sn:i?^fSmn^iv-^ contain an admixture of other substances, lS^li;,;;;;;;;iuu,',i^;;;;;;:;;iii;; and these may entirely change their ii^/ji^a, iiiHWjiiifiiv^i : ,,,,,1^ character or (as is especially common in 'IttfSiitifHS^^ plant-cells) may become more abun- dant as the cell grows older, taking tlie ^?^'SI;if;;" shape of fluid, solid, or even gaseous de- ;f'-vi)|]i|ll3'i|-.irV.:,:,-.j,,j:,,_,yf, 'Prnvtsmm-rrt, ..." iivinnwr.) ;ss!''"^/'"i«u, Jf;i.;,-';:,„r,.,rt»:!'PaTfyo,; 'y,! W'iMiMifflii ,.„ , posits. Common examples of such de- ^^^^^^^maftmn^m posits are drops of water, oil, and resin, ^mmmm0mmmmmm': granules oi piscment, starcli, and solid mf^mmmm^mkr proteid matters, and crystals of mineral Fig. 15. (After Ranvier.)— ^ im i • Part of a single fibre of vol- substaiiccs like calciuiii Oxalate, phos- nntary muscle from the leg .^^^ ^^^^ carbonate, and siKca. Bub- of a rabbit, p, protopiasin ; i: ' 71, nucleus. (x700.) blcs of gas somctimcs appear in the pro- toplasm, but this is exceptional. The living substance itself often changes in appearance as the cells become differentiated. The protoplasm of voluntary muscles (Fig. 15) is firm, clear, non-granular, highly refractive, and arranged in alternating bands or stripes of darker and lighter substance. In some cases (e.g., the outer portions of the skin, or of a hair, as explained in Chap. II) the modifications of tlie cell-substance becomes so great that both its physical and chemical constitution are entirely altered, and it is no longer protoplasm, but some form of lifeless matter. Protoplasm in Action. "We may now briefly consider proto- plasm from the dynamical or physiological point of view. We PROTOPLASMIC MOVEMENTS. 27 know that living tilings are the seat of active changes, wliicli taken together constitute tlieir life. In tlie last analysis tliese changes are undoubtedly chemical actions taking ])lace in the protoplasm, which may or may not produce visible i-esults. There is no doubt that extensive and probably very complex molecular actions go on in the protoplasm of young growing cells, tliough it may appear absolutely quiescent to the eye, even under a powerful microscope. In other cases, the chemical action produces perceptible clianges in the protoplasm, — for in stance, some form of motion, — just as the invisible chemical action in an electrical battery may be made to produce visible effects (light, locomotion, etc.) through the agency of an electrical machine. A familiar instance of protoplasmic movement is the contrac- tion of a muscle. This process is most likely a change of molec- ular arrangement, causing the nmscle, while keeping its exact bulk, to change its form, the two ends being brought nearer together (Fig. 16). The visible change of form is here supposed to be due to an invisible change of molecular arrange- ment, and this in turn to be coincident with chemical action taking place in the living substance. A striking and beautiful example of movement in protoplasm occurs in B the simple organism known as Amceha (Fig. S-I, p. 159). The entire body of this animal consists of a mass of naked protoplasm enclosing a nucleus, or sometimes two ; in other words, it is a FiG.76.-change of form in a single naked Cell. The protoplasm of contracting muscle. A, mus- qx\ active Amocha is iu a statc of cease- cle in the ordinary or extend- . ,. ed state; B, the same muscle less movement, contractmg, expanding, when contracted. (Diagram.) fl^^^jj^g^ ^nd changing the fomi of the animal to such an extent that it is known as the '' Proteus'' animalcule. The whole movement is a kind of Hux. A })ortion of the protoplasm flows out from the mass, making one or more prolongations {pseudopods) into which the remainder of the protoplasm finally passes, so that the whole body advances in the A 28 PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. direction of the flow. If particles of food be met with, the protoplasm flows around them, and when thej have been digested within tlie body, the protoplasm flows onward, leaving the refuse behind. Hour after hour and day after day this flowing may go on, and there is perhaps no more fascinating and suggestive spectacle known to the biologist. A similar change of form is ex- liibited by the colorless corjDuscles of amphibian and other blood, in which it may be observed, though far less satisfactorily, if Afnoehce cannot be obtained. Among plants, protoplasmic movements of perhaps equal beauty may be observed. One of the simplest is known as the rotation of protoplasm, wliich may n- '?,»•■*■ •••.,'ov .•.-.'<:"- ~ .:-;.■ .-V^^i.^: •,'^:f> r Fig. 17a.— Two cells and a part of a third from the tip of a "leaf" of a stonewort, showing rotation of the protoplasm in the direction of the arrows. be studied to advantage in rather young cells of stoneworts {Cliara or Nitella). These cells have the form of short or elongated cylinders which are often pointed at one end (Fig. 17). The PROTOPLASMIC MO VEMENTS. 29 protoplasm is surrounded by a delicate membrane which thus forms a sac enclosing the protoplasm. In very young cells the protoplasm entirely tills the sac ; but as the cell grows older a drop of liquid appears near the centre of the mass and increases in size until the protoplasm is reduced to a thin layer {jyinmor- dial utricle)^ lining the inner surface of the memljrane (compare Fig. 2). In favorable cases the entire mass of protoplasm is seen to be flowing steadily around the inside of the sac, as in- dicated by the arrows in Fig. IT. It moves upwards on one side, downwards on the opposite side, and in 02)posite directions across the ends, forming, an unbroken circuit. The flow is ren- dered more conspicuous by various granules and other lifeless masses floating in the protoplasm and by the large oval nucleus or nuclei, all of which are swept onward by the current in its ceaseless round. A similar rotation of protoplasm occurs in many other vegetal cells, one of the best examples being the leaf-cells of Anacharis. A second and somewhat more intricate kind of movement in vegetal protoplasm is known as circulation. This differs from rotation chiefly in the fact that the protoplasm travels not only in a peripheral stream but also in strands which run across through the central space (vacuole) and thus form a loose network. Cir- Fio. 18.— Flower-cluster {a) and single stamen (h) of a cultivated spidervrort {Trades' cantia). 7i, hairs upon the stamen, a, slightly reduced ; b, slightly enlarged dilation is well seen in cells composing the hairs of various ])lants, such as the common nettle (Urtica), the spiderwort (Trades- 30 PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL, cantia)^ tlie liolljliock {Altlima)^ and certain sj^ecies of gourds {Cucxii'ljitci). It may be conveniently studied in the liairs upon the stamens of the cultivated spiderwort {Tradescantia). The fiower of this plant is shown in Fig. 18, «, and one of the Btamens with its hairs at h. Each hair consists of a single row A 1^. ;.\^ c ' • i; ■;'':■*! •■- ••■• .••"-••"<■ • • *1 fl-lI;f;|■:;■!•^?■•^ iifl^^vK^^ '.^^ '^ ■•:■■■-:*/•-■■ ^ • ••> ;->'6-. 6»>i-r ■ » ". *i \ .V ;''.,; ^ ^ ■ / *. N ft: '*■ **> ■ / /T .^ . « - w i* '•••.&."& -■■',/ '. ■• •*, * P ^ ' » v^ v-:-; >->-,;^\',i:^,..^? Fig. 19.— Enlarged cells of the hairs from the stamens of the spiderwort. A, five cells, somewhat enlarged, protoplasm not shown ; B and G, cells much more en- larged, showing the circulation of protoplasm as indicated by the arrows ; ?i, nucleus. of elongated cells covered by delicate membranes and connected by their ends. As in Nitella^ the protoplasm does not fill the cavity of the sac, but forms a thin lining {jprimordial utricle) CILIARY ACTION. 81 on its inner face (Fig. 19). From this laj'er delicate tlirea(l< of protoplasm reach into and pass tlirough tlie central cavity, where they often branch and are connected together so as to tonii a very loose network. The nuclens {n) is embedded eitln'i- in the peripheral layer or at some point in the network, and the threads of the latter always converge more or less regularly to it. In active cells currents continually flow to and fro throughcjut tiie whole mass of protoplasm. In the threads of the netwoi-k gran- ules are borne rapidly along, gliding now in one direction, now in another; and although the flow^ is usually in one direction in any particular thread, no system can be discovered in the com- plicated movements of the whole. In the larger threads the curious spectacle often appears of two rapid currents flowing m opposite directions on opposite sides of the same thread. The currents in the thread may be seen to join currents of the pe- ripheral layer which flow here and there, but without sthe regu- larity observed in the protoplasm of Nitella. The protoplasmic network also, as a wdiole, undergoes a slow but steady change of form, its delicate strands slowly ,^^i^m ^ gifc swaying hither and thither, while the nucleus travels slowly from point to point. Finally, we may consider an example of a form of protoplas- mic movement known as ciliary action, which plays an important role in our own lives and those of low^er animals and of some plants. The interior of the tra- chea, or windpipe, is lined by cells having the form shown in Fiff. 20. At the free surface of the cell (turned towards the cavi- ^^^ ^ ^^^^J^ Kiein.)-Three isolated ty of the trachea) the l)rotoplasm ciliated cells from the interior <.f the / - 1 • 1 T X -1 windpipe of the cat. r, the cilia at the is produced into delicate Vlbra- free end; », the nucleus: />, the proto- tory filaments having a sickle- pi^^m. (Hitrhiy magnified.) shape when bent; these are known as cilia {cilium, an eyelash). They are so small and lash so vigorously as to be nearly, or quite invisible until the movements are in some way made sluggish. 32 PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. The movement is then seen to be more rapid and vigorous in one ■direction than in the other, all the cilia working together like the oars of a row-boat acting in concerted motion. By this action a definite current is produced in the surrounding medium (in this case the mucus of the trachea) flowing in the direction of the more vigorous movement. In the trachea this movement is upwards towards the mouth, and mucus, dust, etc. , are thus removed from the lungs and windpipe. In many lower animals and plants, especially in the embryonic state, cilia are used as organs of locomotion, serving as oars to drive the organism through the water. The male reproductive germs of plants and animals are also propelled in a similar fashion. In all these forms of vital action the protoplasm is visibly at work. In most cases, however, no movements of tlie protoplasm in cells can be detected. But it is certain from indirect evidence that protoplasm is no less active in those modes of physiological action that give no visible outward sign, as for example in an active nerve-cell or a secreting cell. This activity being molec- ular and chemical is beyond the reach of the microscope, but it is none the less real ; and the play of these invisible molecular actions is doubtless far more tumultuous and complicated tlian the visible movements of the jDrotoplasmic mass displayed in Nitella or in a nettle-hair. It is of the utmost importance that the stu- dent should attain to a full and vivid sense of the reality and energy of this invisible activity even in protoplasm which (as is ordinarily the case) under the closest scrutiny appears to be abso- lutely quiescent. The Sources of Protoplasmic Energy. Whence comes the power required for protoplasmic action, and how is it expended? The answer to this question can be given at this point only in very general terms. It is certain that protoplasm works by means of chemical actions taking place in its own substance; and it is further certain that these actions are, broadly speaking, processes of oxidation or combustion; for in the long run all forms of protoplasmic action involve the taking up of oxygen and the liberation of carbon dioxide. Energy is therefore set iree in living, active protoplasm somewhat as it is in the com- bustion of fuel under the boiler of a steam-engine, and in this process the protoplasm, like the coal, is gradually used up, disin- CHEMICAL RELATIONS OF PROTOPLASM. 83 tegrates, and wastes away, giving oft' as waste matter tlie various clieniical products of the combustion, and lil)eratin. 3) that tlie characteristic products of the analysis of protoplasm are the group of closely -related substances known sls proteids. But pre^- teids form only a small part of the total weight of any plant or 34 PROTOPLASM AND TUE CELL. animal, being always associated with quantities of other sub- stances. Even the white of an Qgg^ which is usually taken for a typical proteid, contains only twelve per cent of actual proteid matter, the remainder consisting cliielly of water. The follow- ing table shows the j^ercentage of proteids and other matters in a few familiar organisms and their products : PROXIMATE PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION OF SOME COMMON SUBSTANCES.* Arranged according to richness in Proteids. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Apples.. Indian corn, aerial portion fresh Oysters, shells included Turnips Melons. .... Sweet potatoes Crayfish, whole Irish potatoes Clams, round, shells included... Oats, aerial part fresh Grass, " " " Peas, " " " Cow's milk. Flounder, whole. Lobster, "■ . Poplar and elm leaves, fresh. . . . Crab, whole Brook trout, whole Hen's eggs, shells included Mutton " chops " Chicken, whole Beef, heart Beef, liver.. Beefsteak, round, lean . Beans Cheese.. Cheese from skimmed milk Pro- Carbo- Other Water, teids. hy- Fats. Sub- drates. stances. 84.8 0.4 14.3 0.0 0.5 843 0.9 13.7 0.5 0.6 15.4 1.0 0.6 0.2 82 8 91.2 1.0 69 0.2 0.7 95.2 1.1 2 5 0.6 0.6 75.8 1.5 21.1 0.4 1.2 10.0 1.9 0 1 0.1 87.9 75.5 2.0 21.3 0.2 1.0 27.3 2.1 1.3 0.1 69.2 81.0 2.3 15.3 0.5 0.9 75.0 3.0 19.9 0.8 0.3 81.5 3.2 13.8 0.6 0.8 87.4 3.4 4 8 3.7 0.7 27.2 5.2 0.0 0.3 67.3 33.0 5.4 0.2 0.5 60 9 70.0 6.0 22.0 1.5 0.5 34.1 7.3 0.5 0.9 56.2 40.3 9.9 1.1 48.7 65.6 11.1 0.5 10.8 12.0 41.3 12.5 • • • • 29.3 16.9 42.2 14.3 11 42.4 53.4 14.9 • • • - ^.8 6.9 69 5 20.1 3.5 5.4 15 60.0 20.7 • • ■ • 8.1 11.2 13.7 23.2 57.4 2.1 3.6 31.2 27.1 2 4 35.4 3.9 41.3 38.3 9.0 6.8 4.6 All proteids have nearly the same chemical composition and similar physical properties, however different may be the forms of protoplasm in which they occur. The analysis of protoplasm, or ratlier of the proteids which are its basis, teaches us really nothing of its vital properties, but serves only to sliow the chemical composition of the material basis by which these are manifested. Proteids are so called from tlieir resemblance to protein (Trpcyrob, first)^ a hypothetical substance first described and * Compiled chiefly from tables of food-composition prepared by W. O. Atwater for the Smithsonian Institution, though a few examples have been added— viz.- numbers 2, 10, 11, 12, 16— from Johnson's How Crops &row, N. Y., 1883. PROTEIDS. 35 named by ^rulJer. According to Iloppe-Seyler they liave ap- proximately the following percentage composition : From. To.... C. 51.5 54.5 H. 6.9 7.3 N. 15.2 17.0 O. 20 9 Zi 5 S. 03 2.0 A small quantity of phosphorus is also very frerpiently present. Associated with these elements are always small quantities of various mineral substances wdiicli remain as the ash when proto- plasm is burned ; but the nature of their relations to the other elements is uncertain. The ash varies both in quantity and chemical composition in different animals and plants. In tho white-of-egg the chief constituents of the ash are potassium chlo- ride (KCl) and sodium chloride (XaCl), the former being much in excess. The remainder consists of phosphates, sulphates, and carbonates of sodium and potassium, \\i\\\ minute quantities of calcium, magnesium, and iron, and a trace of silicon. Many other mineral substances occur in association witli other- kinds of proteids, but always in very small proportion. These salts are in some way essential to the activity of protoplasm, as we know by familiar experience. Man, like other animals and the plants, requires certain mineral substances (e.g. common salt), but we have no knowledge of the part these play in protoplasm. It is important to note the close chemical similarity of animal and vegetal proteids, because this is one reason for regarding vegetal and animal protoplasm as essentially similar in other re- spects. The following table, from Johnson after Gorup-Besanez and Ritthausen, shows the percentage composition of various pro- teids, and proves that the difference between vegetal and animal proteids is chemically no greater than that between different kinds of vegetal or different kinds of animal proteids : PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION OF PROTEIDS. C. H. N. O. S. Animal albumen 53.5 53.4 5:16 50 5 .>t.l ,>4.3 52.6 7.0 7.1 7.1 6.H 7.3 7.2 7.0 15.5 15.6 15.7 18.0 16.0 16. '1 17.4 22.4 22.6 24.2 21.5 20.6 21.8 16 0 0 1.0 0.5 1.1 1.0 ... Vegetal " Animal casein Vejjetal " Animal (flesh) fibrin Vegetal (wheat) " Animal (blood) " 36 PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. There is a corresponding likeness in the general properties and reactions of proteids. They are colloidal or non-diffusible, i.e., they will not pass through the membrane of a dialyser, or only with great difficulty ; they are rarely crystalline ; they rotate the plane of polarized light to the left. Though not all soluble in water, they may be dissolved by the aid of heat in strong acetic acid and in caustic alkalies, but are insoluble in cold ab- solute alcohol and in ether. They may be precipitated from solution by strong mineral acids, etc. Many proteids are precipitated by heat (a pro- cess which is called coagulation) ; and it is worthy of note that tempera- tures which produce coagulation of proteids (40° — 75° C.) produce also the death of most organisms. "Amongst the organic proximate principles which enter into the composition of the tissues and organs of living beings, those belonging to the class of proteid or albuminous bodies occupy quite a peculiar place and require an exceptional treatment, for they alone are never absent from the active living cells which we recognize as the pri- mordial structures of animal and vegetable organisms. In the plant, whilst we recognize the wide distribution of such constituents as cellulose and chlorophyl, and acknowledge their remarkable physiological importance, we at the same time are forced to admit that they occupy altogether a different position from that of the proteids of the protoplasm out of which they were evolved. We may have a plant without chlorojDhyl, and a vege- table cell without a cellulose wall, but our very conception of a living, functionally active, cell, whether vegetable or animal, is necessarily asso- ciated with the integrity of its protoplasm, of which the invariable organic constituents are proteids. "In the animal, the proteids claim even more strikingly our attention than in the vegetable, in that they form a very much larger proportion of the whole organism, and of each of its tissues and organs. We may indeed say that the material substratum of the animal organism is proteid, and that it is through the agency of structures essentially proteid in nature that the chemical and mechanical processes of the body are effected. It is true that the proteids are not the only organic constituents of the tissues and organs, and that there are others, present in minute quantities, which probably are almost as widely distributed, such as for instance phosphorus- containing fatty bodies, and glycogen, yet avowedly we can (at the most) only say probably, and cannot, in reference to these, affirm that which we may confidently affirm of the proteids — that they are indispensable constit- uents of every living, active, animal tissue, and indissolubly connected with every manifestation of animal activity." (Gamgee, Physiological Chemistry, Chap. I.) The molecular instability of proteids is proved bj tlie ease with which they may be decomposed into simpler compounds ; their complex constitution by the numerous compounds, them- selves often highly complex, which may thus be derived or split off from them. CARBOHYDRATES AND FATS. 37 Amongst tlie otlier matters fomul in protoplasm or closely associated with it those of most frequent occurrence and gicatcHt physiological importance are two groups of less complex sul)- stances, viz., carbohydrates and fats. These contain carhon, hy- drogen, and oxygen, but no nitrogen; they do not ai)j»car to he closely related to proteids in chemical constitution, l)ut they occur to some extent almost everywhere in living organisms, and in many instances are known to he of great importance, es])e- cially in nutrition. They are rich in potential energy and mo- bile in molecular arrangement; hence it is not strange that tliey figure largely in food, and are often laid by as reserve ft m Mi- materials in the organism. J^. Carbohydrates. These substances are so called because, besides carbon, they contain hydrogen and oxygen united in the same proportions as in water. They include stai'cli, various kinds of sugar, cellulose, and glycogen. Starch (C JIjoOJ is of very frequent occurrence in plant-cells, where it appears in the form of granules embedded in the protoplasm (Fig. 9). Cel- lulose, having the same chemical formula as starch, but quite different in physical properties, almost invariably forms the basis of the cell-membrane in plants. C. Fats. These are of especial importance as reserves of food-materials (e.g., in adipose tissue and in seeds). They con- tain much less oxygen than the carbohydrates; are therefore more oxidizable, and richer in potential energy.* They com- monly occur in the form of drops suspended in the protoplasm (Fig. 17), and are especially common in animal cells, though by no means confined to them. Physical Relations. The appearance, consistency, etc., of protoplasm have already been described ; but it still remains to speak of certain of its other physical properties, and especially of the manner in which its activity is conditioned by various physical agents. lielations of Vital Action to Temperature, It is a general law that within certain limits heat accelerates, and cold dimin- ishes, the activity of protoplasm. We know that cold tends to * According to careful researches, one pound of butter contains 5654 foot- tons, and a pound of sugar 2755 foot-tons, of energy. A pound of proteid is nearly equivalent in this respect to a pound of carbohydrate. 38 PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. benumb our own bodies (provided the j become really cliilled), and ' in lower animals the heart beats more slowly, the movements be- come sluggish or cease, breathing becomes slow and heavy, — in a word, all of the vital actions become depressed, — whenever the ordinary temperature is sufficiently lowered. If we chill the rotating protoplasm of Chara or Nitella^ the vibrating cilia of ciliated cells, or an actively flowing A^noebay the movements become slower, and finally cease altogetlier. On the other hand, moderate warmth favors protoplasmic action. Benumbed fingers become once more nimble before the warmth of the fire. In a hot room the frog's heart beats more rapidly, cilia lash more energetically, the Amoeba flows more rapidly, and the protoplasm of Cliara courses more swiftly. In the winter months the protoplasm of j)lants and of many animals is in a state of comparative inactivity. Most plants lose their leaves and stop growing ; many animals bury themselves m the mud or in burrows, and pass the winter in a deep sleej) {Jiiberna' tion)^ during which the vital fires burn low and seem well-nigh extinguished. The warmth of spring re-estabhshes the activity of the protoplasm, and in consequence animals awake from their sleep and plants put forth their leaves. But this law is true only within certain limits. Extreme heat and cold are alike inimical to hfe, and as the temperature approaches these extremes all forms of vital action gradually or ;> suddenly cease. The limits are so variable that it is not at present possible to formulate any exact law which shall include all known cases. For instance, many organisms are killed at the freezing-point of water (0° C); but certain forms of life have withstood a temperature of — 87° C. {— 123° F.), and re- cent experiments show that frogs and rabbits may be chilled to an unexpected degree without fatal results. The upper limit is also inconstant, though less so than the lower. Most organisms are destroyed at the temperature of boiling water (100°C.), but the spores of bacteria have been exposed to a much higher temperature ^vdthout destruction (120"— 125° C). As a rule, protoplasm is killed by a temperature varying from 40° to 50° C, the immediate cause of death being aj^parently due to a sudden, coagulation (p. 36) of certain substances in the protoplasm. Thus^ if a brainless frog be gradually heated, PROTOPLASM AND PHYSICAL AGENTS. 89 death ensues at about -iO^ C, and tlie body becomes Ptiff and rigid [rigor' caloris) from tlie coagulation of tlie imi.scle-sub- stance. The lower forms of animal life agree well with ])lants in their " fatal temperatures," which in many cases lie between 40° and 50° C. Lastly, it appears to be true that there is a certain most favorable or optimum temperature for the protoplasm of each species of plant and animal, this optimum differing considera])ly in different sj^ecies. Probably the highest limit occurs among the birds, where the uniform temperature of the body may be as high as 40° C. The lowest occurs among the marine i)]ant8 and animals of the Arctic seas, or of great de2)ths, where the temperature seldom rises more than a degree or two al)ove the freezing-point. Between these limits there aj^pears to be great variation, but 35° C. may perhaps be taken as the average op- timum. Moisture. Protoplasm always contains a large amount of water, of which indeed the lifeless portion of living things chiefly consists. (Se table on p. 34.) All plants and animals are believed to be killed by com- plete drying, though some of the simpler forms resist partial drying for a long time, becoming quiescent and reviving again when moistened, some- times even after the lapse of years. Hence water appears to be an essen- tial constituent of protoplasm, although, as in the case of mineral matters, we do not know the nature of its connection with the other elements or compounds present. Electricity. It has been shown that many forms of vital action are ac- companied by electrical disturbances in the protoplasm. It is therefore not surprising that the application of electricity to living protoplasm sliould have a marked effect on its actions. If the stimulus be very slight, proto- plasmic movements are favored. Colorless blood-corpuscles creep more actively, and ciliary action increases in vigor. Stronger shocks cause a spasmodic contraction of the protoplasm (tetanus), from which it m.-iy or may not be able to recover, according to the strength of the shock. Poisons. Towards certain agents protoplasm is indifferent or seemingly so, but towards others it behaves in a very remarkable manner. The mat- ters known as poisons modify or destroy its activity, as is well known from the familiar effects of arsenic, opium, etc. Disease may also interfere with its normal activity ; but the consideration of these phases of the subject belongs to the more exclusively medical sciences, such as toxicology and pathology. Other Physical Agents. The more highly specialized forms of proto- plasm are affected by a great variety of physical agents, such as light, 40 ■ PROTOPLASM AND THE CELL. sound, pressure, etc., and upon this susceptibility depend many of the higher manifestations of life. For instance, waves of light or of sound, acting upon special protoplasmic structures in the eye and ear, call forth actions which ultimately result in the sensations of sight and hearing. Similar considerations apply to the senses of smell, taste, and touch ; but the discussion of all these special modes of protoplasmic action must be deferred. Enough has been said to show that living organisms (that is, the protoplasm which is their essential part) are able to respond to many influences proceeding from the world in which they live. Upon this prop- erty depend the intimate relations between the organism and its environ- ment, and the power of adaptability to the environment which is one of the most marvellous and characteristic properties of living things. Non-cliff iisihility. Living protoplasm, like most of the various proteid matters which it yields (p. 36), is indffusihle. It will be seen eventually that osmotic processes play a leading role in the lives of plants and animals, since they are in large part the means by which nutriment is conveyed to the living substance. In view of this fact, the non-diffusibility of proto- plasm as well as of ordinary proteids is a fact of much significance. Vegetal and Animal Protoplasm. The protoplasm of plants is es- sentially identical with that of animals in chemical and physical relations, and manifests the same fundamental vital properties. But it would mani- festly be absurd to suppose this identity absolute, for if it were so, plants and animals would also be identical ; and furthermore, the protoplasm of every species of plant and animal must differ more or less from the protoplasm of every other species. What is meant is that the differences between the many kinds of protoplasm are far less important than the fundamental resemblances which underlie them. CHAPTER lY. THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. The Common Earthworm. {Lumhricus terrestris, Linnaeus.) We now advance to a more precise examination of the living body considered as an individual. It is a familiar fact that living things fall into two great groups, known as plants and animals. We shall therefore examine a representative of each of these grand divisions of the living world, and inquire huw they resemble each other and how they differ. Any liigher animal would serve as a type, but the connnon earthworm is a peculiarly favorable object of study, because of the sim})licity of its structure, the clearness of its relation to other animals stand- inty above and below it in the scale of orojanization, and the ease with which it may be procured and dissected. Earthworms, of which there are many kinds, are found in all parts of the world, extending even to isolated oceanic islands. In the United States there are several species, of which the most connnon are L. commicnis {Allolobophora miccosa^ Eisen), L. terrestris^ and Z. fmtichis {Allolopobliora fmtida^ Eisen). The tirst two of these are found in the soil of gardens, etc., Z. terredv'is l)eing the larger and stouter species and readily distinguishable by the flattened shape of the posterior region, Z. fmtldu'^. a smaller red species, transversely striped, and having a characteristic odor, occurs in and about compost-heaps. Mode of Life, etc. Earthworms live in the earth, burrow- ing through the soil at a depth varying from a few inches to several feet. Here they pass the daytime, crawling out at night or after a shower. The burrows proceed at iirst straight downwards, and then wind about irreorularlv, sometimes reacli- 41 42 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. ing a deptli of six or eight feet. The eartliworm is a nocturnal animal, and during the day lies quiet in its burrow near the sur- face, extended at full length, head uppermost. At night it becomes very active, and, thrusting the fore end of the body far out, explores the vicinity in all directions, tliough still clinging fast, as a rule, to the mouth of the burrow by the hinder end. In this way tlie worm is able to forage, seizing leaves, pebbles, and other small objects, and dragging them into the burrow. Some of these are devoured ; the remainder (including the peb- bles, etc.) are used to hue the uj^per part of the burrow, and to plug up its opening when the worm retires for the day. Be- sides bits of leaves and animal matter, earthworms swallow large quantities of earth, which is passed slowly through the alimentary canal, so that any nutritious substances contained in it may be digested and absorbed. This earth is generally swallowed at a considerable distance below the surface of the ground, and is finally voided at the surface near the opening of tJie burrow. In this way arise the small j^iles of earth (" castings " or feeces) which every one has seen, especially in the morning, wherever earthworms abound. Yery large quantities of earth are thus brought to the surface by earthworms — in some cases, accord- mg to Darwin's estimates, more than eigliteen tons j^er acre in a single year. In fact, most soils are continually being w^orked over by worms; and Darwin has shown that these humble creatures, in the course of centuries, have helped to bury huge rocks and the ruins of ancient buildings.^ The earthworm has no ears, eyes, or any other well-marked organs of special sense. Nevertheless — and this is a point of great j)hysiological interest — the fore end of the body is sensi- tive to light ; for if a strong light be suddenly flashed upon this part of the worm as it lies stretched fortli, it will often ''dash like a rabbit into its burrow. ' ' The animal has a keen sense of touch, as may be proved by tickling it; and its sense of taste nmst be well developed, since the worm- is somew^hat fastidious in its choice of food. Earthworms appear to be quite deaf, but possess a distinct, tliough feeble, sense of smell. * Darwin, Vegetable Mould and Earthworms. Appleton, N. Y., 1882. See also White's Natural History ofSelborne, Index, references to " Earthworms.'* AN TEIW- POSTERIOR DIFFEREyilA TION. 43 Gj:neral Mokpiiology. Attention will first Le directed to certain features of tlie BODY seemingly of little importance, but really full of meaning when compared with like features in other animals higher or lower in the scale of organization. Antero- posterior Differentiation. The body (Fig. 21) has an elongated cylindrical form, tapering to a hlnnt point at one end, obtusely rounded and fattened at the other. As a rule, the pointed end moves for- wards in locomotion, and the mouth opens near it. For these and otlier reasons the pointed end might be called the head- end, and the other tlie tail-end. But the worm has really neither head nor tail, and SO-y- — ' hence the two ends may better be distin- guished as the fore end and the hinder end, or still better as anterior and posterior. And in scientific language the fact that the worm has anterior and posterior ends which differ from each other is stated by saying that it shows antero-posterior differ- entiation. This simple fact acquires great ^n importance hi the light of comparative biology; for it may be shown that the antero-posterior differentiation of the earth- worm, insignificant as it seems, is only the begining of a series of important modifica- tions extending upwards through more and more complex stages to culminate in man himself. Fio, 21.— Enlarged view of the anterior and posterior parts of the body of an earthworm as seen from the ventral aspect, ajj, anus ; c, clitellum ; g.p., glandular prominences on the 'lWi\ somite ; »i, mouth ; 13 a =^ ^ D_ 44 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. Dorso-ventral Differentiation. In living or well-preserved spe- cimens, the body is not perfectly cylindrical, but is somewhat flattened, particularly near the posterior end, and has a slightly prismatic four-sided form. One of the flattened sides, slightly darker in color than the other, is habitually turned upwards, and is therefore called the back, the opposite or lower side, commonly turned downwards, being the belly. For the sake of accuracy, however, biologists are wont to speak of the dorsal asjject (back) and venti^al asjyect (belly) of the body ; and the fact that an animal has a back and belly differing from each other in structure or function, or both, as in the earthworm, is expressed by saying that the body exhibits dorso-ventral differentiation. Tliis, like antero-posterior differentiation, is very feebly expressed in the external features, though clearly marked in tlie arrangement of the internal parts of the earthworm. In higher animals it becomes one of the most consjiicuous features of the body. Bilateral Symmetry. When the body is j^laced in the natural position, with the ventral aspect downwards, a vertical plane passing longitudinally through the middle will divide it into exactly similar right and left halves. Tliis similarity is called two-sided likeness, or hilateral symmetry. Though not very obvious externally, this symmetry characterizes the arrangement of all the internal parts ; and it may be gradually traced up- wards in higher animals, until it becomes as striking and perfect as in the human body. Thus a very superficial examination reveals in the earth- worm two fundamental laws of organization, viz., dfferentia- tion or the law of difference, and symmetry or the law of like- ness. And these laws are of interest for the reason among many others that earthworms, like other organisms, have as a race had a history, have co7ne to he by a gradual process (cf. J). 99). And biology must strive to answer the questions ho^v and why certain parts have become symmetrical and others differ- entiated. Without entering into a full discussion of the ques- tion at this point, it may be said that the main cause of sym- metry or differentiation has probably been likeness or unlikeness of fanction, or of relation to the environment. Earthworms show antero-posterior and dorso-ventral differentiation, because the anterior and posterior extremities, or the dorsal and ventral METAMERISM. 45 aspects, have l)een differently used and exposed to different con- ditions of environment. And on the other liand the (jri^anisni is hilaterally synnnetrical, because tlie two sides have been similarlv used and have been exposed to like conditions of enviroinneiit. Metamerism. Another general feature of tlie eartliwoi'in is of great importance in view of the conditions existing in other animals, including the higher forms. The Ijody is marked off by transverse grooves into a series of similar parts like the joints of a band)00 lishing-rod, or like the joints of lingers (Fig. 21). These parts are called inetameres^ or more often somitex, and the body is consequently said to have a Qnetameric structnre, or to exhibit metamerism. From the outside, the somites a})]iear to be ]3i'oduced simply by regular folds in the skin, like the wrinkles between the joints of our fingers. But as the wrinkles of the lingers are only the external expression of a more funda- mental jointed structure within, so the external fohls sei>arating the somites, represent an internal division into successive parts, which affects all the organs of the body, and is a result of some of the most important phenomena of development. The explanation of metamerism or ^'■serial symmetry' is one of the most difficult problems of morphology. But it will be seen fartlier on that metamerism, so clearly and simply expressed in the earthworm, can be traced upward in ever- increasing complexity to the highest forms of life, and suggests some of the most interesting and fundamental problems with which biology — and especially morphology — has to deal. Indeed, the comparative study of the anatomy of most higher animals consists very largely in tracing out the manifold transformations of their complicated somites, which under many disguises can be recognized as fundamentally like the simpler somites of the earthworm. Modifications of the Somites. The somites differ considerably « in different parts of the body. The extreme anterior end is formed by a smoothly-rounded knob called the j^rostofniinfi, which is shown by its mode of development not to be a true somite. It forms a kind of overhanging upper lip to the mouthy which lies just behind it on the ventral aspect. Behind the mouth is the first somite, in the form of a ring,"^ interrupted above by a backward 2:)rolongation of the prostomium. * In numbering the somites the prostomium must never be reckoned, the first somite being heJiind the mouth. 46 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. The somites from the 1st to the 2Tth are rather broad, and gradually increase in size. A variable number cf the somites lying between the 7th and 19th are often swollen on the ventral side, forming the so-called capsulogenous glands. Between the 2Sth and 35th (the number and position vary- ing shghtly in different specimens) the somites are swollen above and on the sides, and the folds between them arc scarcely defined except on the ventral aspect. Taken together, they form a broad, conspicuous girdle called the clitelluiiv (Fig. 21, c), wdiose function is to secrete the capsule in which the eo;2;s are laid, and also a nutritive milk-like lluid for the use of the developing embryos. (The clitellum is not present in immature specimens.) Behind the clitellum the somites are narrower, somewhat four-sided in cross-section, and iiattened from above downwards. This flattening sometimes becomes very conspicuous towards the posterior end. Towards the very last they decrease in size rather abruptly, and they end in the anal somite, which is perforated by a vertical slit, the amis (Fig. 21, ail). All the somites are perforated by small openings leading into the interior of the body, and forming the outlets of numerous organs ; the position of these openings will be de- scribed in treating of the organs. Each somite, excepting the anterior two or three and the last, gives insertion to four groups of short and minute bristles or setce., wliich are arrano^ed in four lono^i- tudinal rows aloncr the bodv. Two of these rows run along the ventral aspect, tw^o are more upon the sides. The setse extend outwards from the interior of the bodv, where they are supplied with small muscles by which they can be turned somewhat either forwards or backwards, and can also be protruded or ^vithdrawn (Fig. 22). The setsB are of great use in locomotion. When pointed backwards they support the worm as it crawls forwards ; when they are turned forwards the worm can creep backwards. They are of interest, therefore, as repre- senting an extremely simple and primitive limb-like organ. : Fig. 22.— Diagram to iUustrate the action of the setae. The dotted outline represents the position of the seta and its muscles when bent in the opposite direction, m, muscles ; s, seta ; %i\ body- wall. GENERAL PLAN OF TUE BODY. 47 Plan of the Body. The Ludy of the earthworm (Fi(r. 23), like tliat of all higher aniniaLs, c(jiisists of two tubes, one (al) within the other and separated from it by a considerable space or cavity {coe). The inner tube is the allment'ir;/ canal,, open- ing in front by tlie mouth and l^ehind by the anuH ', the outer tube is the body- wall, and its cavity is the hodtj-cavity or Ciduni, an c.vr ^rf. ■^^^.m^^ 0. c.cL. n ^■^^ JZ Fig. 23. — A, diagram of the earthworm as seen in a longitudinal section of the body, showing the two tubes, the coelom, and the dissepiments. JB, diagram of cross- section : (7/, alimentary tube; an, anus; Cfr, ccelom; »i, mouth. C, diagram showing the arrangement of some of the principal orgaus : //i, moutli ; an, anus ; al, alimentary canal; ds, dissepiments; d.r., dorsal blood-vessel; r, ventral or sub-intestinal vessel ; c.r., circular vesselb ; ?j, nephridia or excretary organs; <•.(/., cerebral ganglia ; r.(/., ventral chain of ganglia; r>.(/., oviduct; o.d., ovary. The arrows indicate the course of the circulation of the blood. The coelom is not, however, a free continuous space extending from end to end, but is divided transversely by a series of tliin muscular partitions, the dlssejnments, into a series of nearlv closed chambers traversed by the alimentary canal, Eacli (m.iu- partment corresponds to one somite, the dissepiments ])eing opposite the external furrows mentioned on p. 45. All tlie organs of the body are originally developed from tlie walls of these chambers, and some of them (e.g., tlie organs of excretion) project into the cavities of the cliambers, that is into the cadom. 48 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL, In the median dorsal line of eacli somite (excepting the first two or three) is a minute pore (the dorsal j^ore) which perfo- rates the body-wall and thus places the coelom in connection with the exterior."^ Other pores that pass through the body- wall into the cayities of yarious organs will be described fur- ther on. Organs of the Animal Body. Systems of Organs. The body of the earthworm consists essentially of protoplasm, and in order that so large a mass of liying matter may continue to exist and carry on the ordinary life of an earthworm it must be able to obtain a sufficient supply of food; to digest and absorb it, and dis- tribute it to all parts of the body ; to build up new protoj^lasm and remoye waste. It must be sensitiye to external and internal influences ; capable of motion and locomotion. Aboye all, each part must act with reference to, and in harmony with, eyery other part, so that the organism may not be merely an aggregate of organs, but one body acting as a unit or a whole. T\\Q^Q functions are fulfilled by the organs, respectiyely, of ALIMENTATION, DIGESTION, ABSORPTION, CIRCULATION, EXCRETION, SENSATION, MOTION, and COORDINATION. All of tlicsc minister to the welfare of the indiyidual. The REPRODucTiyE function, on the other hand, and its corresponding organs, serye to perpet- uate the species, thus ministering rather to the race than to the indiyidual. Sets of organs deyoted to the same function constitute syS' terns I as the alimeiitary system^ the circulatory system^ etc. Those wdiich are more immediately concerned with the income and outgo of matter — namely, the alimentary, digestiye, absorp- tiye, circulatory, and excretory systems — are sometimes called the "vegetative systems or systems of nutrition '^ while those which haye to do more immediately with the relation of the body to its enyironment, rather than the indiyidual itself, are called syS' terns of relation. Examples of the latter are the systems of organs of support, motion (including locomotion), sensation, and coordination ; and eyen the reproductiye system, as relating chiefly to other indiyiduals, finds a place here. * If living worms be irritated they will often extrude a milky fluid from, these pores, but the use of the latter is not well understood. ALIMENTAHY SYSTEM. 49 A. Systems of Nutritive Organs : their Special Mor- puoLOGY AND Physiology. (ForlJsecp. ()2.) Alimentary System (Organs of Alimentation). P^artli-wornis feed mainly upon leaves or decaying vegetalile matter, l»ut will also eagerly devour meat, fat, and other animal siih- stances. They also swallow large quantities of earth from which they extract not only any organic materials that it may contain, but probably also moisture and a small amount of \;ii-i- ous salts. The most essential and characteristic i)ai-t (jf their food is derived from vegetal or animal matter in the form of various organic compounds, of which the most important are jproteids (protoplasm, albumen, etc.), carhoh yd rates (starch, cellulose), di\\(\.fats. These materials are used by the animal in the manufacture of new protoplasm to take the place (►f tliat which has been used up. It is, however, impossible for the ani- mal to build these materials directly into the substance (jf its own body. They must first undergo certain preparatory chemi- cal changes known collectively as digestion y and only after the completion of this process can all the food be absorbed into the cii'culation. For this j^urpose the food is taken not into the body proper, but into a kind of tubular chemical lalioratory called the alimentary canal through which it slowly passes^ being subjected meanwhile to the action of certain chemical sub- stances, or reagents, known as digestive ferments. These sub- stances, which are dissolved in a watery liquid to form the (/iges- ti/ve fluid, are secreted by the walls of the alimentary tube. Through their action the solid portions are liquefied and tlie food is rendered capable of absorption into the proper body. The alimentary canal is divisible into several ditfcrently con- structed portions playing different parts in the process of alimtMi- tation. Going backwards from the mouth these are as follows : 1. The pharynx (Fig. 24, jt>/<), an elongated barrel-shapi'd pouch extending to about the 6tli somite. Its walls are thick and muscular, and from their coelomic surface numerous small muscles radiate on every side to the body-wall. AVhen these muscles contract, the cavity of the pharynx is exj^anded ; and if the mouth has been previously applied to any solid object, such as a leaf or pebble, the pharynx acts upon it like a suction-i>ump. 50 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL, 10. 15. Fig. 24.— Dorsal view of the anterior part of the body of Lumhricus, as it appears when laid open along the dorsal aspect, ao, aortic arch ; c, crop ; eg, cerebral ganglia ; c.gl, calciferous glands ; d, dissepiment ; d.i\ dorsal vessel ; g, gizzard ; CB, oesopnagns ; ph, pharynx ; ps, prostomium ; s.i, stomach-intestine, showing the lateral pouches; s.r, seminal receptacles; s.v.^, s.v.^, s.v.^, the three pairs of lateral seminal vesicles. ORGANS OF ALIMENTATION. 51 In tliis way the animal lays hold of the various ol)jects, nutri- tious and otherwise, which it devours or draws into its buri-ow. Embedded in the muscular walls of the pharynx are a number of small " salivary " glands of wliose function notliing is definitely known, thougli they doubtless 2)our a digestive fluid into the pharyngeal cavity. 2. The oesophagus (ce), a slender, thin- walled tube extendino" from the 6tli to the loth somite. Through this the food is sw^allowed, being driven slowly along by wavelike (jjeristaltic) contractions (p. 55). In the region of the lltli and 12t}i somites are three pairs of small pouches opening at the sides of the oesophagus. These are the calciferous glands {c.gL). They contain solid masses of calcium carbonate, and Darwin conjec- tures that their use is partly to aid digestion by neutralizing tlie acids generated during the digestion of leaves, and i)erhaps partly to serve as an outlet for the excess of lime in the body, especially when worms live in calcareous soil. 3. The crop ( t^ r\ 1^ ^ the blood for distribution to all parts of the l)ody. The refuse remaining in the alimentary canal (and which has never been a part of the body proper) is finally voided throuLdi the anus as Hastings ovfcBces. This process of " deftecation " must not be confounded with that of excretion^ which will ]>e desciibed later. Circulatory System. The food, having been absorbed, is distributed throughout the body by two devices. 1. Coelomio Gircxdation. The cavity of the ca'lom is tilled with a colorless fluid (' ' coelomic fluid ' ') which must be regarded as a kind of lymph or blood. By the contractions of the body-wall, as the worm crawls about, the cadomic fluid is driven back and forth through all parts of the coelom, through irregular openings in the dissepiments. As the digested food is absorbed from the stomach- intestine a considerable part of it is believed to pass into the coelomic fluid, and is thus conveyed directly to the organs which this fluid bathes. The coelomic fluid is com- posed of two constituents, viz., a colorless fluid called the plasma, and colorless isolated cells or coi'- jpuscles which float in the plasma, and are remarkable for the fact that tliey undergo constant though slow changes of form. In fact they closely resemble certain kinds of Ammhce, and we should certainly consider them to be such if we found them occurring free in stag- nant water. We know, however, that they live only in the plasiria, and have a connnon origin with the other cells of the body ; hence we must regard them not as individual animals, but as constituent cells of the eartli- worm. The ccelomic fluid is in fact a kind of fisst/f' consisting of isolated colorless cells floating in a fluid intercellular sul)stan('i'. These free floating cells are probably the scavengers (j>/i(i(/:orytes, surrounding a foreiRn body; /?, sintrle uliaLTocyte, with vacuole^i. (After MetschnikotT.) 54 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. suppose that they also attack invadmg parasites such as bacteria. 2. Vascular Circulation. Besides the coelomic circulation there is another and more complicated circulatory apparatus con- sisting of branching tubes, the hlood-vessels., which form a com- plicated system ramifying throughout the body. Through these tubes is driven a red lluid analogous to the red blood of higher animals, and like it consisting oi plasma and corpuscles^ the latter being flattened and somewhat spindle-shaped. The red color is due to a substance, licmnoglohin^ dissolved in the plasma and not (as in higher forms) contained in the corpuscles, which are colorless. The earthworm is not provided with a special pumping- organ or heart for the propulsion of the blood, such as we find in higher animals. In place of this certain of the larger blood- vessels (viz., the "dorsal vessel" and the ''aortic arches") have muscular contractile walls, w^hich propel the blood in a con- stant direction by wave-like contractions that run along the vessel from one end to the other ("peristaltic" contractions, cf. p. 51) at regular intervals and thus give rise to a "pulse." The contractile vessels give off other non-contractile trunks which divide and subdivide into tubes of extremely small calibre and having very thin walls. The ultimate branches, known as capillaries., permeate nearly all the organs and tissues, in which they form a close network. The stream of blood after passing through the capillaries is gathered into successively larger vessels which after a longer or shorter course finally em23ty into the original contractile trunks and complete the circuit. Thus the vascular system is a closed system of tubes, and there is reason to believe that the blood follows a perfectly definite course, though this is not yet precisely determined.* We may now consider the arrangement of the principal tnmks. The largest of them, which is also the most important of the contractile vessels, is : a^ The dorsal vessel (Fig. 24, cZ.'y.), a long muscular tube lying upon the upper side of the alimentary canal. In the liv- ing worm it may be distinctly seen through the semi-transparent * It should be noted tbat in the absence of a heart it is difficult to distin guish between " arteries " and "veins." We may more conveniently distin- guish " afferent vessels," carrying blood towards the capillaries, and " efferent vessels," carrying blood away from them. BLOOD - VESSELS. 55 skin as a dark-red band, wliicli is tolerably strai<^lit wlii-n the worm is extended, but is made zigzag hy contracti(jn of the bod v. If it be closely observed, a sort of wavelike contraction is often seen running from behind forwards. This may be very clearly observed in a worm stupefied by chloroform, especially if it luw been laid open along the dorsal side. The dorsal vessel then ajipears as a deep-red, somewhat twisted, tube running along the upper side of the alimentary canal. Wavelike contractions continually start from its hinder end and run ra})i(Ily forwards, one after another, to the anterior end, where the dorsal vessel finally breaks up on the pharynx into a large number of branches (Fig. 24). The result of these orderly progressive contractions is that the fluid within the tube is pushed forwards — very much as the fluid in a rubber tube is forced along when the tube is strip})ed through the fingers. It is still better illustrated by the action of the fingers in the operation of milking. This action of the vessels is a typical example oi jperistaltic contraction, h. Suh -intestinal vessel. This is a straight vessel which runs along the middle line on the lower side of the alimentary canal, parallel to the one just described. It returns to the hinder part of the body the fluid which has been carried forwards by the dorsal vessel. On the pharynx it breaks up into many branches, which receive the fluid from corresponding branches of the dorsal vessel. c. Circular or comtnissural vessels., metamerically repeated trunks which run from the dorsal vessel downwards around the alimentary canal and ultimately connect with the ventral vessel. They are of several kinds, of which the most important are as follows : 1. The aortic arches or circunfioasojphageal vessels, often known as "hearts," since like the dorsal vessel they are con- tractile and with the latter furnish the entire propulsive forco for the circulation. These are five pairs of large vessels en circuling the oesophagus in somites 7 to 11 inclusive. Tlies*» vessels pass directly from the dorsal to the ventral vessel, giving off no branches. During life they perform powerful peristakio contractions, receiving blood from the dorsal vessel and pumping it into the sub-intestinal or ventral. 5Q THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. 2. Dorso-intestinal vessels^ passing from the dorsal vessel into the wall of the gut in the region of the stomach-intestine. Of these vessels there are two or three pairs in each somite. Thej are thickly covered (like the dorsal vessel in this region) with pigmented ' ' chloragogue-cells, ' ' so that their red color is usually not apparent. Unlike the aortic arches these vessels break up on the wall of the intestine into capillaries which are continuous with branches from the ventral vessel. 3. Dorso-teguTnentary vessels^ passing from the dorsal vessel along the dissepiment into the body -wall on each side. Tliese are small vessels that pass directly around the body to connect with a longitudinal trunk (" sub-neural ") lying below the ven- tral nerve-cord (see below), and giving off branches to the body- wall, dissepiments, and nephridia. Course of the Blood. The precise course of the blood in Lumbricus is still in dispute, though its more general features are known. It is certain that the bulk of the blood passes forward in the dorsal vessel, downward around the gut through the aortic arches into the ventral vessel, and thence backwards towards the pos- terior region. Its path thence into the dorsal vessel is doubtful. The most probable view is that the blood proceeds from the ven- tral vessel through ventro-intestinal vessels to the capillaries of the intestine and thence to the dorsal vessel throuD^h the dorso- intestinal vessels. It is possible, however, that the return path is through the dorso-tegumentary vessels and that the dorso- intestinal carry blood y;"c>m the dorsal vessel to the intestine. In the foregoing account only the more obvious features of the blood- vessels have been mentioned, and many important details have been passed over. The circular vessels of the stomach-intestine can be followed for only a short distance out from the dorsal vessel, v\rhere they seem to break up into a large number of small parallel vessels lying close together and running around to the lower side. The efferent vessels do not directly join the sub-intestinal, but empty into a sinus or vessel which runs parallel to tne latter, closely imbedded in the wall of the stomach-intestine. The sub-- intestinal vessel proper is quite separate from the stomach-intestine, and communicates by short branches (usually two in each somite) with the vessel lying above it. This maybe clearly seen in the region of the gizzard. On this there is a variable number of small lateral vessels, which break up partly into a branching network, and are partly resolved into extremely fine parallel vessels surrounding the organ. On the crop are three or four pairs of lateral branches from the dorsal vessel which branch out into a BLOOD-VESSELS. 57 fine network, but do not break up into parallel vessels as o\\ the gizzard. In the two somites (13th and 14th) in front of the crop there are usually two pairs of vessels running around the cesophagiis. In the 11th and 12th somites a small branch is given otf to each calciferous gland. The most anterior pair of circular vessels are in the 6th somite, and are very small. In front of this the dorsal vessel breaks up into the pharyngeal network. In front of the 11th somite there are three sub-iutestinal vessels. The two additional vessels lie, one on either side of the primary one and break up into branches at the sides of the pharynx. The aortic arches empty into the middle vessel, and at the point of junction there is a communication with the lateral vessel of the corresponding side. Besides the dorsal and sub-intestinal vessels there are three other minor longitudinal trunks (Fig. 26). Two of these are very small, and lie on 56. n.. Fig. 26.— Dorsal view of part of the ventral nerve-cord, showing the arranpromeni of the vessels of the ventral region, d.% dissepiment; si, sub-intestinal dp ventral blood-vessel ; s?>./?., siib-neural ; sp.??., supra-neural. The suli-intcstinal recrivrs on either side the ventro-laterals (r./) from the nepliridia, of which it forms th«' ef- ferent vessel (e./). The sub-neural is joined on each side by a continuation of the d^:/;}::;'lii^v;;:- .; body -wall and opens to the exterior by a ^^B^;^:^^^ minute pore situated between the outer * ' "**" and inner rows of setie (p. 46). The other end of the tube passes through the dissepiment very near to the point where this is penetrated by the nerve - cord (p. ^^)^ and opens by a broad, funnel-like expansion into the cavity of ^^^ ^^ _.^ nephridiai funnel the next somite in front (/", Fig. 27). much enlarKed, showing the rr^i • J* j^i J" 1 1 j_i • cilia, the betfinnin^; of tl>o The margms of the funnel and the nmer ^.^^^,^^^^^ ^,^,^^^ (,)^ ,,,,j the surface of the upper part of the tube are o^ter sheath («). densely covered with powerful cilia (Fig. 28), whose action tend.«=i to produce a current setting from the coelom into the fuimel and through the nephridium to the exterior. The coils of the nephridium arc disposed in three principal loops (I, II, III in Fig. 27). The tube itself comprises five very distinct regions, as follows : 1. 1\\Q funnel ov nej^hrostome ; much flattened from above downwards, with the opening reduced to a horizontal chink. It is composed of beau- tiful ciliated cells set like fan-rays around its edge. It leads into 2. The " narrow tube''' {n.t.), a very delicate thin-walled contorted tubo extending from the nephrostome through the first loop and a part of the second. In certain parts of its course (a to 6, at c, and from d to e) this 60 THE BIOLOG Y OF AN ANIMAL. ■* tube contains cilia which are arranged in two longitudinal bands on the inner surface. At g it passes into the 3. " Middle tube'''' {m.t.) (g toh), extending straight through the second loop, of greater diameter, ciliated throughout, and with pigmented walls. At h it opens into the 4. " Wide tube'''' (w.t.). This is of still greater calibre, with granular glandular walls and without cilia. It extends through the second loop (from h to i, II) into and through the first from i to J, and finally into the third, opening at k into the 5. Muscular part or duct (m.p.) which forms the third loop and opens to- the exterior at ex. This, the widest part of the entire nephridium, has muscular w^alls and forms a kind of sac or reservoir like a bladder, in which the excreted matter may accumulate and from which it may be passed out to the exterior. The various parts of the nephridium are held together Vjy connective tissue (p. 90), and are covered with a rich network of blood-vessels, the arrangement of which is shown in Fig. 27, B. The smaller vessels usually show numerous pouchlike dilatations which must serve to retard the flow of blood somewhat. The vessels supplying the nephridium are connected (Fig. 27, B) on the one hand with the sub-intestinal vessel through the ventro-lateral trunks {v. I.) ; on the other hand with the sub-neural (s.n.) and dorsal vessels, through the dorso-tegumentary (d.t.). The course of the blood is somewhat doubtful. According to the view here adopted (cf. p. 56) the blood proceeds from the dorso-tegumentary trunk to the nephridia and thence through the ventro lateral to the sub-intestinal, as shown by the arrows in the figure. Benham (from whom the figures are copied) adopts, the reverse view. The development of the nephridium shows that its ciliated and glandular portions arise from a solid cord of disk-shaped cells which afterwards becomes tubular by the hollowing out of its axial portion. The tube is therefore comparable to a drain-pipe in which each cylinder represents a cell. Its cavity is not intercellular (between the cells, like the alimentary cavity), but intracellular {vMliin the cells, like a vacuole). The mode of action of the nephridia is as yet only partially understood, though there is no doubt regarding their general char- acter. It is certain that their principal office is to remove from the body waste nitrogenous matters resulting from the decompo- sition of proteids ; and there is reason to believe that these waste matters are passed out either as urea ( [NHJjCO) or as a nearly related substance, together with a certain quantity of water and inorganic salts. Excretion in Lumbricus appears, however, to involve two quite distinct actions on the part of the nephridia. In the first place the glandular walls of the tube, which are richly supplied with blood-vessels, elaborate certain liquid waste substances from the blood and pass them into the cavity of BBEATUING. 61 the tube. In the second place the ciliated funnels are believed to take up solid waste particles floating in the ca'lomic fluid and to pass tiiem on into the tube, whence they are ultimately voided to the exterior together with the liquid products described above. It is nearly certain that these parti- cles are derived from the breakii^.g up of " lynipiioid " cells, some of wliicU may have been phagocytes (p. 53;, floating in the coelomic fluid, and that most if not all of these cells arise from '' chloragogue cells " set free from the surface of the blood-vessels and of the intestine. Respiration. Respiration, or breathing, is a twofold oj^eration, consisting of the taking in of free oxygen and tlie giving oil of carbon dioxide by gaseous diffnsion tlirougli the surface of tlie body. Strictly speaking, this free oxygen must Ije regarded nA food, while carbon dioxide is to be regarded as one of the excre- tions. Hence respiration is tril)utary both to alimentation and to excretion ; but since many animals possess special mechanisms to carry on respiration, it is convenient and customary to treat of it as a distinct process. Respiration is essentially an exchange of gases between tlie blood and the air, carried on through a delicate membrane lying between them. The earthworm represents the sim})lest condi- tions possible, since the exchange takes place all over the body, precisely as in a plant. Its moist and delicate walls are every- where traversed bv a fine network of blood-vessels Ivinii: lust beneath the surface. The oxvffen of the air, either in the atmosphere or dissolved in w^ater, readily diffuses into the blood at all points, and carbon dioxide makes its exit in the reverse direction. Freed of carbon dioxide and enriched with oxygen, the blood is then carried away by the circulation to the inniT parts, where it gives up its oxygen to tlie tissues and becomes once more laden with carbon dioxide. In higher animals it has been proved that the red cc>loring matter (haemoglobin) is the especial veliicle for the al)sorptioii and carriage of the oxygen of tlie blood, entering into a looso chemical union with it and readily setting it free again under the appropriate conditions. This is doubtless true in the earthworm also. It is interesting to study the various devices by which this function is performed in different animals. In the earthworm the whole outer surface is respiratory, and no special respiratory organs exist. In other animals such organs arise simply by the differentiation of certain regions of the 62 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. general surface, which then carry on the gaseous exchange for the whole organism. In many aquatic animals such regions bear filaments or flat plates or feathery processes known as gills or hrancluce^ which are bathed by the water containing dissolved air, though in many such animals respiration takes place to some extent over the general surface as well. In insects the respiratory surface is confined to narrow tubes {trachece) which grow into the body from the surface and branch through every part, but must nevertheless be regarded as an infolded part of the outer surface. In man and other air-breathing vertebrates the respiratory surface is mainly confined to the lungs, which are simply localized infoldings of the •outer surface specially adapted to effect a rapid exchange of gases between the blood and the air. It is easy to see why special regions of the outer surface have in higher animals been set aside for respiration. It is essential to rapid difi'usion that the respiratory surface should be covered with a thin, moist membrane, and it is no less essential that many animals should be provided with a firm outer covering as a protection against mechanical injury or desicca- tion. Hence the outer surface becomes more less distinctly differentiated into two parts, viz., a protecting part, the general integument ; and a respiratory part, which is usually preserved from injury by being folded into the interior as in the case of lungs or tracheae, or by being covered with folds of skin as in the gills of fishes, lobsters, etc. This covering or turning in of the respiratory surfaces brings with it the need of mechanical arrangements for pumping air or water into the respiratory chamber ; and thus arise many complicated accessory respiratory mechanisms. B. Orgaxs of Relation. (For A see p. 49.) Motor System. The movements of the body have a twofold purpose. In the first place they enable the animal to alter its relation to the environment, to move about (locoinotion)^ to seize and swallow food, and to perform various adaptive actions in response to changes in the environment. In the second place, the movements may alter the relation of the various parts of the body one to another {visceral movements and the like), such as the movements which propel the blood, drive the food along the alimentary canal and roll it about (p. 49), those which ex|3el waste matters from the nephridia, discharge the reproductive products, etc. Most of these movements are performed by structures known as m^uscles^ which consist of elongated cells (fibres) endowed in a high degree with the power of contractility — i.e., of shortening, or dra^ving together (cf. p. 27). Ordinary ''muscles" are in MUSCLES. 63 tlie form of long bands or sheets of parallel Hbres, such as those that form the body-wall, that move the setse, and dilate tlic pharynx. Other muscular structures, liowever, do not form dis- tinct " nmscles," but consist of muscular fi])rcs more or less irregularly arranged and often intermingled with otlier kinds of tissue. Of this character are the nniscular walls of tlie contrac- tile vessels, and of the muscular portions of the nepliridia and dissepiments. It is clear from the above that the nuiscular sys- tem is not isolated, but is intimately involved in many organs. The muscles of the body-wall are arranged in two concentric layers below the skin. In the outer layer the muscles run around the body, and are therefore called circular muscles. Those of the inner layers have a longitudinal course, — i.e., parallel with the long axis of the body, — and are arranged in a number of different bands. The most important of these are : 1. The dorsal hands (Fig. 39), one on either side above, in contact at the median dorsal line, and extending down on either side as far as the outer row of setae. 2. The ventral hands, on either side the middle ventral line and occupy- ing the space between the two inner (lower) rows of setaB. 3. The lateral hands, occupying the space on either side between tlie two rows of setae. All these vary greatly in different regions of the body, and in some parts become more or less broken up into subsidiary bands. There is also a narrow band traversing the space between the two setae of each group. The setce, which may be reckoned as part of the motor system, are pro- duced by glandular cells covering their inner ends, and tliey grow con- stantly from this point, somewhat as hairs grow from the root. After being fully formed, and after a certain amount of use, the setic are cast off and replaced by new ones which have meanwhile been forming. lu each group we find, therefore, setae of different sizes. At their inner ends they are covered by a common investment of glandular cells wliich appears as a slight rounded prominence when viewed from within. These prom- inences are called the setigeroiis glands. When a worm is laid open from above, the glands are seen in four parallel rows, two of wliich lie on either side of the nerve-cord (see Fig. 29). Each group of setae is provided with special retractor or protractor muscles, and a narrow muscular band passes from the upper to tlie lower group on each side internal to the body-wall. Cilia. A second set of motor organs are cilia (their mode of action has been referred to on p. 31), which are of the utmost importance m the life of the earthworm. They cover the inner surface of the stomach-intes- tine (where they doubtless assist in the movements of the food) play the important part in excretion already described, collect and help to discharge 64 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. the reproductive elements (p. 74), and assist in the fertilization of the Qg^ (p. 74). Their action, like that of the muscle-fibres, is doubtless due to the property of contractility., the protoplasm alternately contracting on opposite sides of the cilium and thus causing its whiplike action. White Blood-corpuscles. Amoeboid Cells. Lymph-cells. Phagocytes, Besides muscle-cells and ciliated cells there is a third variety which display contractility and movement. These are the coelomic corpuscles referred to above (p. 53). Until recently their function was wholly unknown, but it is now generally believed that they are the scavengers of the body, devour- ing the dead tissues or foreign bodies which invade the organism. Whether they also attack and devour living parasites such as Qregarina and Bacteria is not yet fully determined. They move their parts much as Amoebae do, engulfing particles about them by a kind of flux. Nervous System. Organs of Coordination. Introduction. The general office of the nervous system of organs is to regnlate and coordinate the actions of all the other parts in such wise that these actions shall form an harmonious and orderly whole. Through ner\'ous organs the worm receives from the environment impressions which pass inwards through the nerves as sensory or afferent unpulses, to the nervous centres ; and through other nervous organs impulses (efferent or motor) pass outwards from the centres to the various parts so as to arouse, modify, or suspend their activities. Tlius tlie animal is enabled to call forth movements resulting in the two kinds of adjustments referred to on p. 6i^, viz., {a) adjustments of the body as a whole to changes in the environment (e. g. , the with- drawal of the earthworm into its burrow at the approach of day) ; and ih) adjustments between the parts of the body itself, so that a change in one part may call forth answering changes in other parts (e.g., the increased supply of blood to tlie alimentary canal during digestion, or vigorous movements of the fore end of the body when the hind end is irritated). These functions are always performed by one or more nerve- cells^ which give off long slender branches known as nerve-fibres usually gathered together in bundles, the nerves^ extending into all parts of the body. In all higher animals the main bulk of the nerve- cells are aggregated in definite bodies known as ganglia.^ out of which, into which, or through which, the nerves proceed ; and as a matter of convenience it is customary to desig- nate the most important of these ganglia collectively as the cen- NERVES AND GANGLIA. i5f) tral nervous system. The remaining p(jrti«jn, which consists mainly of nerve-fibres, tliongli it may also contain many nerve- cells and small sporadic ganglia, is known as the peripheral Tiervoiis system. Gener'ol Anatomy of the Nervous System. In the earth- v^^orm the central system consists of a long series of douhk* gangUa, metamerically repeated, and connected by nL;rvL*-c(jrds known a« commissures. The most anterior pair of ganglia, known as the supra-msophageal or cerebral ganglia, lie on the dorsal ii,si)ect of the pharynx, a short distance behind the anterior extremity (Figs. 24, 29), From each of them a slender cord, the circum- msophageal commissui'e^ passes dow^n at the side of the pharynx to end in the sub-oesophageal or first ventral ganglion on the lower side, forming with its fellow a complete ring or pharyn- geal collar around the alimentary canal. From the sub-(jesoi)lia- geal ganglion a long double ventral nerve-cord proceeds back weirds in the middle ventral line. The ventral cord consists of a series of double ganglia, one to each somite, connected by conunissures and giving off lateral nerves.^ Internally the cerebral ganglia and the ventral cord (com- missures as well as ganglia) consist of both nerve-cells and nerve- fibres as described on p. U-i. Peripheral Nervous System. To and from the central sys- tem just described run the nerves wdiich constitute the peripheral system. These are as follows : 1. A pair of nerves running out on either side of each ven- tral ffano^lion and lost to \dew amons^ the muscles of the ])ody- wall. 2. A single nerve proceeding from the ventral commissures on each side immediately behind the dissepiment to which it is mainly distributed. 8. A pair of nerves from the sub-03sophageal ganglion. 4. A nerve from each half of the pharyngeal collar just beyond its divergence from its fellow. (Origin incorrectly shown.) 5. Two large cerebral nerves, which run forwards from the * So closely are tlie two halves of the ventral cord uniteil that its double nature can scarcelv be made out without sections. 66 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. U.TV.C. FlQ. 29.— Anterior portion of the earthworm laid open from above, with the alimen- tary and circulatory systems dissected away, c.c, circum-oesophageal com- missure ; e.g., cerebral ganglia ; d*% dissepiment : /, funnel of nephridium ; np nephridium ; o, ovary ; od, oviduct ; p^i, pharynx ; ps, prostomium ; r.s., seminal receptacle; s.d.^ sperm-duct; s.f., sperm-funnel; s.vi.l.^ lateral seminal vesicle; t, testis ; r.g., and v.ii.c., ventral nerve-cord. NERVE-IMPULSES. 67 cerebral ganglia, l)reak up into many brandies, and arc* dis- tributed to the anterior part of the body. Besides the main gaiij^jlia of the central system, tliere arc many smaller ganglia in various parts of the body. Of these the most important are the pharyngeal ganglia—^ to 5 in niunber— which lie on the wall cf the pharynx on each side just within the i)haryngeal collar. They are con- nected with the latter by fine branches, and send minute nerves out upon the walls of the pharynx. This series of ganglia is often inappropriately called the sympathetic system. Physiology of the Nervous System. Nerve- impulses, "What is the origin and nature of a nerve-impulse? lender nor- mal conditions the impulse is set up as the result of some dis- turbance, technically called a sthnulus^ acting upon the end of the fibre. A touch or pressure upon the skin, for example, acts- as a stinmlus to the nerve-fibres ending near the point touchetl — that is, it causes nerve-impulses to travel inwards along the fibres towards the central system. The nerves may be stimulated by a great variety of agents : — by mechanical disturbance, as in the case just cited, by heat, electricity, chemical action, and in special cases by waves of light or of sound, and upon this prop- erty of tlie nerves depends the power of the worm to receive as- afferent impulses impressions from the outer world. But, besides this, nerve-fibres may also be stimulated by physiological clianges taking place within the nerve-cells, which may thus send out efferent impulses to the various organs and so control their ac- tion. Regarding the precise nature of the nerve-impulse we are ignorant, but it is probably a chemical or molecular change in the protoplasm, travelling- rather rapidly along the fibre, like a wave.* We know that tJje nature of the impulse is not in any way dependent upon the character of the stimu- lus. The stimulus can only throw the nerve into action ; and this action is always the same whatever be the stimulus — as the action of a clock remains the same whether it be driven by a weight or by a spring. Co-ordination. The activities of tlie various organs are co- ordinated by a chain of events which in its sinijilest f«nMn is known as a rejlex action^ and which lies at the bottom of most of the more complicated forms of nervous action. Its nature is * In the frog the nervous impulses travel at the rate of about 28 metres j)er second ; in man it is considerably more rapid. 68 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. illustrated by the diagram (Fig. 30). Co-ordination be- tween S and M (two organs) is not effected by a direct nervous connection, but indirectly through a nerve-centre, C^ which is a nerve- cell or group of nerve-cells situated in one of the ganglia, with which both S and M are separately con- nected by nerve-libres. If S be thrown into action, an affer- ent mipulse travels to C^ ex- cites the nerve-centre, and Fig. 30.— Diagram of simple reflex action. caUSCS an efferent impulse tO S skin to which stimulus is applied ; a/, ^^.^^^^ ^^^ ^^ j^ ^j^-^j^ -g ^j^^^.^, the afferent nerve-fibre ; C, nerve-centre ; ' e/, efferent nerve-fibre; M, muscle in hy thrOWll intO actioil alsO, Or which the efferent fibre ends. . TXi i • xx i.' IS modmed m respect to actions ^.Iready going on. Thus the actions of S and M are co-ordi- nated through the agency of C\ the whole chain of events •constituting a reflex action. For example, let S be the skin and If a certain group of muscles. If the skin be irritated, afferent impulses travel in- wards to nerve-centres in the ganglia (C), which thereupon send forth efferent impulses to the appropriate muscles. Muscular contractions result, and the worm draws back from the unwel- come irritation. This chain of events involves three distinct actions on the part of the nervous system which must be carefully distinguished, viz. : (a) the afferent impulse ; (h) action of the centre ; (c) the efferent impulse. It must not be supposed that the afferent Impulse passes unchanged out of the centre as the efferent impulse, i.e., is simply "reflected," like a ball thrown against a wall, as the word ' ' reflex ' ' seems to imply. The afferent impulse as such ends with the nerve-centre, wliich it throws into activity. The efferent impulse is a new action set up by the agency of the centre. There is reason to believe that many if not all nerve-centres are connected with a number of different afferent and efferent paths, and also with other centres, as sliown in the diagram Fig, 31. Efferent impulses may therefore be sent out from SENSES OF THE EARTH- WORM. 69 tlie centre in various directions, and the precise i)atli cliosen depends on some unknown- action taking place in the centre. The action of the centre moreover may be modified by efferent iin})ulses arriving from other centres, and thus we can dimly per- ceive how reflexes may be- contr oiled and guided, and how even the most compli- cated forms of nervous ac- tivity may be compounded Fio. Sl.-Diagram representing three nerve- •^ ^ ^^ ^ centres and connections. Arrows represent out of elements similar to the possible direction of nerve-impulses, reflex actions ^•^' °^^ afferent path ; e/, one efferent path. There is reason to believe that in the earthworm each ven- tral ganglion presides over the somite to which it belongs, and is probably in the main a collection of reflex centres from wlmse action the element of consciousness is absent. But there is also some reason to believe that the cerebral ganglia occupy a higlier position, since they probably receive the nerves of sight, taste, and smell, besides those of touch, while the ventral ganglia re- ceive only those of touch. Exj^eriment has shown furtlier tluit the cerebral ganglia exercise to a certain limited extent a cou- trollinfi^ action over those of the ventral chain bv means of im- pulses sent backwards through the commissures, though tliis action is far less conspicuous here than in higher metameric ani- mals such as the insects.* The Sensitive System. (Organs of Sense.) The sensitive system is distinguished from the nervous system as a matter of convenience of description, since most of the iiigher animald possess definite "sense-organs" which receive stimuH and thntw into action the sensory nerves proceeding from tlieni. Ahlioiigh the earthworm possesses the "senses" of tuueh, taste, sight, and smell, it has no special organs for these senses apart from the general integument covering the surface of the Itodv. and * For a fuller discussion the student is referred to special works on IMivsi- ology. 70 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. hence can hardly be said to possess any proper sensory system. We do not know, moreover, whether the so-called "sensations" of the earthworm are really states of consciousness as in ourselves, for we do not even know whether earthworms possess any form of consciousness. When, therefore, we speak of the earthworm as possessing the ' ' sense ' ' of touch or of sight we mean simply that some of the nerves terminating in the skin may be stimu- lated l)y mechanical means or by rays of light, without necessa- rily implying that the worm actually feels or sees as we feel and see. It has recently been shown that the skin contains many cells each of wliich gives off a single nerve-fibre that may be traced directly into the ventral nerve-cord. These "sensory cells " may be regarded as "end- organs" through which the stimuli are conveyed to the fibres. It has also been shown that tliese cells are aggregated in minute groups thickly scat- tered over the surface of the body. Each of these groups may be regarded as a simple form of sense-organ. The sense of touch extends over the whole surface of the body. That of taste is probably located in the cavity of the month and pharnyx; the location of the sense of S7nell is un- known. Darwin's experiments have shown that the earth- worm's feeble sense of sight is confined to the anterior end of the ])ody. It is probable that the nerves of sight, taste, and smell enter the cerebral ganglia alone, while those of touch run to other ganglia as well. Systems of (Organs of) Support, Connection, Protection, etc. The structure and mode of life of many animals are such as to require some solid support to the soft parts of the body. Such supporting structures are, for instance, the bones of vertebrata, the hard outer shell of the lobster or beetle, and the coral which forms the skeleton of a polyp. The earthworm has, however, nothing of the sort, and it is obvious that a hard sup- porting-organ would be not only useless, but even detrimental. The power of creeping and burrowing through the earth depends upon great flexibility and extensibility of the body; and with this the presence of a skeleton might be incomjmtible. The connecting system consists simply of various tissues by which the different organs are bound firmly together. These can only be seen upon microscopical examination. The most important of them is known as connective tissue. DEFENCES OF THE EARTHWORM. 71 As to protective structures, tlie eartliworin is prol)a])ly one of the most defenceless of animals. Nevertheless there are certain structures which are clearly for this purpose. The cuticle wliicli covers the surface is a thin but tough memljraiie wliidi ju-otects the delicate skin from direct contact with hard oljjects. It passes into the mouth and lines the alimentary canal as far down as the beo^inninc: of the stomach-intestine. In the irizzard. where food is ground up, the cuticle is prodigicjusly thick and tough, and must form a very effective protection for tlie soft tissues beneath it. The main defence of the animal lies, how- ever, not in any special armor, but in those instincts which lead it to lie hidden in the earth during the day and to venture forth only in the comparative safety of darkness. CHAPTER Y. THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL {Continued). The Earthworm. Reproduction. Embryology. Reproduction. The life of every organic species runs in regularly recurring cycles, for every individual life has its limit. In vouth the constructive processes preponderate over the de- structive and the organism grows. Tlie normal adult attains a state of apparent physiological balance in which the processes of waste and repair are approximately equal. Sooner or later, however, this balance is disturbed. Even though the organism escapes every injury or special disease the constructive process falls behind the destructive, old age ensues, and the individual dies from sheer inability to live. Why the vital machine should thus w^ear out is a mystery, but that it has a definite cause and meaning is indicated by the familiar fact that the sjDan of natural life varies with the species ; man lives longer than the dog, the elephant longer than man. It is a w^onderful fact that living things have the power to detach from themselves portions or fragments of their own bodies endowed with fresh powers of growth and develoj^ment and capable of running througli tlie same cycle as the parent. There is therefore an unbroken material (protoplasmic) continuity from one generation to another, that forms tlie physical basis of inheritance, and upon which the integrity of the s]3ecies depends. As far as known, li\dng things never arise save through this process; in other words every mass of existing protoplasm is the last link in an unbroken chain that extends backward in the past to the first origin of life. The detached portions of the parent that are to give rise to offspring are sometimes masses of cells, as in the separation of branches or buds among plants, but more commonly they are single 72 REPRODUCTION. 73 cells, known as germ-cells, like the eggs of animals and tlie spores of ferns and mosses. Only the germ-cells (which may conveniently be distinguished from those forming the rest of the body, or the somatic cells), escape death, and that only under certain conditions. All forms of reproduction fall under one or the other of two heads, viz., Agamogenesis {asexual reproduction) or Gamogenesis {sexual reproduction). In the former case the detached portion (which may be either a single cell or a group of cells) has the power to develop into a new individual without the influence of other living matter. In the latter, the detached portion, in tliis case always a single cell (ovum, ousphere, etc.), is acted u})(>n by a second portion of living matter, likewise a single cell, wliich in most cases has been detached from the body of another in- dividual. The germ is called the y<2m«Z^ germ- cell ; the cell act- ing upon it the "male gerin-cell / and in the sexual process the two fuse together {fertilization, imjjr eg nation) to form a single new cell endowed with the power of developing into a new in- dividual. In some organisms (e.g., the yeast-plant and bacteria) only agamogenesis has been observed ; in others (e. g. , vertebrates) only gamogenesis ; in others still both processes take place as in many higher plants. The earthworm is not known to multiply by any natural process of agamogenesis. It possesses in a high degree, however, the closely related power of regeneration / for if a worm be cut transversely into two pieces, the anterior piece will usually make good or rege'iierate the missing portion, while the j^osterior })i(.'ce may regenerate the anterior region. Thus the worm can to a certain limited extent be artificially propagated, like a plant, by cuttings, a process closely related to true agamc jgenesis. -^ Its usual and normal mode of reproduction is by gamogenesis, that is, by the formation of male germ-cells {sj)er)?iatozoa) and female germ-cells (ova). In higher animals the two kinds uf germ- cells are produced by different individuals of opi)osite sex. The earth w^orm on the contrary is hermaphrodite or lisexual; e\ery * Many worms nearly related to Lumhricns—e.g:., the genus Duo, and other Naids — spontaneously divide themselves into two parts each of which becomes a perfect animal. This process is true agamogenesis, though obviously closely- related to regeneration. 74 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. individual is hoth male and female^ producing both eggs and sjDermatozoa. The ova arise in special organs, the ovaries^ the spermatozoa in spermaries or testes. The ripe ovum (Fig. 33, B) is a relatively large spherical cell, agreeing closely with the e^g of the star-lish (Fig. 12), but having a thinner and more delicate membrane. It is still cus- tomary to apply to ova the old terminology, calling the cell- substance ly'dellus^ the membrane vitelline membrane, the nucleus germinal vesicle, and the nucleolus germinal spot. The ripe spermatozoon (Fig. 33, 6^) is an extremely minute elongated cell or filament thickening towards one end to form the head (71), which contains the nucleus of the cell enveloped by a thin layer of protoplasm. This is followed by a short ' ' middle piece ' ' (m) to which is attached a long vibratory fiagellum or tail (t). The tail is virtually a long cilium (p. 31), which by vigorous lashing di'ives the whole cell along head-foremost, very much as a tadpole is driven by its tail. Since the ovaries and spermaries give rise to the germ-cells, they are called the essential organs of reproduction. Besides these, ZtimhricuSj like most animals, has accessory organs of reproduction which act as reservoirs or carriers of the germs, assist in securing cross-fertilization, and minister to the wants of the young worms. Essential Reproductive Organs. The ovaries are two in number and lie one on eitlier side in the 13th somite attached to the hinder face of the anterior dissepiment {ov, Fig. 29). They are about 2"^"^ in length, distinctly pear-shaped, and at- tached by the broader end (Fig. 32). The narrow^ extremity contains a single row of ova and is called the eqq-strinq ies). In Fig. 32.— The ovary, much , . , . ^^ ^ \ J enlarged, /j, the basal part; this the ova are ripe or nearly so; behind a body of the ovary con- ^|^ g|^^^g ^^ -^^^^ ^l^^g^ ^^^^ ^^^ taming immature ova; es, ^ "^ egg-string; oi\ ripe ovum immature, till these are lost in a mass of rea > to a off. nearly undifferentiated cells {primitive ova), constituting the great bulk of the ovary. Each of these, ov ea 'V V; ■' y*' •■'*:•• ^'>i1 '^0:iy0Mm REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. 75 however, is surrounded witli still smaller cells constitutiii*'- its nutrient envelope or follicle. As the ova mature the follicles still persist, and they may be detected even in the ci^j^sti-iiiir. When fully ripe the ovum bursts the follicle and is shed from the end of the egg-string into the body-cavity. It is ultimately taken into the oviduct and carried to the exterior. The development of the ovary shows it to be morphologically a thickening of the peritoneal epithelium. The eggs therefore are originally epithelial cells. The sjjennaries or testes {t,t, Fig. 29) are four in mnnl)eraiid in outward appearance are somewhat similar to the ovaries. They are small ilattened bodies with somewhat irregular or lohed borders, lying one on either side the nerve-cord in a position corresponding with that of the ovaries, but in somites 10 and 11. Like the ovary the testis is a solid mass of cells, which are shed into the body-cavity and are finally carried to the exterior. The sperm-cells leave the testis, however, at a very early period and undergo the later stages of maturation within the cavities of the seminal vesicles described below. Accessory Reproductive Organs. The most important of the accessory organs are the genital ducts, by which the germ-cells are passed out to the exterior. Both the female ducts {oviducts) and the male {sperm-ducts) are tubular organs opening at one end to the outside, through tlie body-wall, and at the other end into the coelom by means of a ciliated funnel somewhat similar to a nephridial funnel, but nnicli larger. By means of these ciliated funnels the germ-cells after their discharge t'runi the ovary or testis are taken up and passed to the exterior. The oviducts {od, Fig. 29, Fig. 23) are two short trumpet- shaped tubes lying innnediately posterior to the ovaries and p;uss- ing through the dissepiment between the 13th and 14th somites. Tlie inner end opens freely into the cavity of the 13th somite, by means of a wide and much-folded ciliated funnel, fi-om the centre of which a slender tube passes backward througli the dissepiment, turns rather sharply towards the outer side and, passing through the body-wall, opens to the outside on the 14th somite (see p. 43). Innnediately behind the dissepiment the oviduct gives off at its dorsal and outer side a small ])oueh, richly supplied with blood-vessels. In this, the receptacul um 76 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. ovorum^ the ova taken up by the funnel are temporarily stored before passing out to the exterior. It is probable tliat the eggs never float freely in the coelom, but drop out of the ovary at maturity directly into the mouth of the funnel, Tliey pass thence into the receptaculum^ where they may remain for a considerable period. The sperm-ducts {vasa deferentia) {sd, Fig. 29) are very long slender tubes, open like the oviducts at both ends. The outer opening is a conspicuous slit surrounded by fleshy lips (Fig. 21), on the ventral side of the loth somite. From this point the duct runs straight forwards to the 12tli somite, where it branches like a Y, the two branches passing forwards to ter- minate, one in the 11th somite, the other in the 10th. I^s^ear its end each branch is twisted into a peculiar knot and Anally ter- minates in an innnense ciliated funnel (the so-called "ciliated rosette"), the borders of wliicli are folded in so complicated a manner tliat they form a labyrinthine body, the true nature of wliieh can only be made out in microscopic sections. The two pairs of sperm-funnels (Fig. 29) lie in the 10th and 11th somites, innnediately posterior to the respective testes, i.e., they have essentially the same relation to the testes as that of the oviduct-funnels to the ovaries. The testes and sperm-funnels can be readily made out only in young specimens. In mature worms they are completely enveloped by the semi- nal vesicles described below. Seminal vesicles. Tliese, the most conspicuous part of the reproductive apparatus, are A^oluminous pouches in which the spenn-cells undergo their later development, after leaving the testis. They are large white bodies lying in somites 9 to 12 and usually overlapping the oesophagus in that region. In all cases there are three pairs of lateral seminal vesicles, viz., an anterior pair in somite 9, a middle pair in somite 11, and a posterior pair in somite 12. In unmature specimens tliese six are entirely separate, and allow tlie testes to be easily seen. In mature worms (as shown in Fig. 29) the posterior pair of lateral vesicles grow together in the middle line, thus forming a 2)os- terior median vesicle lying below the alimentary canal in the 11th somite. In like manner an anterior' median vesicle is formed in the 10th somite by the union of the two anterior pairs EGG-LA YING. 77 of lateral vesicles. The two median vesicles thus formed eiivehji) the testes and sperm-funnels uf their respective somites and hide them from view. The sperm-cells leave the testis at a very early period and float freely in the cavities of the seminal vesicles, where many stages of their develop- ment may easily be observed. They are developed in balls known as spermatospheves, each of which consists of a central solid mass of proto- plasm surrounded by a single layer of sperm-cells. When mature the spermatozoa separate from the central mass and are drawn into the fun- nels of the sperm-ducts. The manner in which this action is controlled is not understood. The seminal rece;ptacles are accessory organs of reproduction in the shape of small rounded sacs or potiches, open to the out- side only, at about the level of the upper row of set*. They lie between the 9th and 10th, and lOtli and lltli somites (*./•, Figs. 24 and 29), where their openings may be sought for (Fig. 21). Their function is explained under the head of co])ulati()n. Accessory glands. Besides all the structures so far described there are many glands which play a part in tlie reproductive functions. The setigerous glands from about the 7th to about the 19th somite (sometimes fewer, sometimes none at all) are often greatly enlarged, and form the glandular j^rominences men- tioned at p. 46. They seem to be used as organs of adhesion during copulation. The clitellum is tilled with gland-cells which probably serve in j)art to secrete a nourishing tluid for the young worms, and in part to provide a tough protecting membrane to cover them. Copulation. Egg-laying^. Inasmuch as each individual earth- worm produces both ova and spermatozoa, it might be supposed that copulation, or the sexual union of two different individuals, would not be necessary. This, however, is not the case. The ova of one individual are invariably fertilized by the s])ermatozoa of another individual after a process of copulation and exchange of spermatozoa, as follows : During the night-time, and usually in the spring, the worms leave their burrows and ])air. placing themselves so that their heads point in opposite directions and holding firmly together by the enlarged setigerous glands and the thickened lower lateral margins of the clitellum. During this act the seminal receptacles of each w<^rm are filled witli s]>erma- tozoa from the sperm-ducts of the other, after which the wnrms \7I% 78 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. separate. [The spermatozoa thus received are simply stored up and do not perform their function until the time of egg-laying.] When the worm is ready to lay its eggs the glands of the clitelJmn become very active, pouring out a thick glairy fluid which soon hardens into a tough membrane and forms a girdle around the body. Besides this a large quantity of a thick jelly - like nutrient fluid is poured out and retained in the s]3ace be- tween the gu-dle and the body of the worm. The girdle is thereupon gradually worked forward toward the head of the worm by contractions of the body. As it passes the 1-ith somite a number of ova are received from the oviducts, and between the 9th and 11th somites a quantity of spermatozoa are added from the seminal receptacles where they have been stored since the time of copulation, when they were obtained from another worm. The girdle is next stripped forwards over the anterior end and is finally thrown completely off. As it passes off its oj^en ends immediately contract tightly together, and the girdle becomes a closed capsule (Fig. 33) contain- ing both ova and sj^erma- tozoa floatinoj in a nutri- Fio. 33.—^, egg-capsule enlarged 5 diameters . n • j 'n m (a few eggs, 01% enlarged to the same scale are tive liuiQ Or milk. Ihe shown near by on the right) ;B, an ovum very niembraiie SOOU aSSUmCS a much enlarged ; C, a spematozoon, enormously magnified ; 71, head ; m, middle piece ; f, tail. light yellowisll Or Lrown color, becomes hard and tough, and serves to protect the de- veloping embryos. The capsules may be found in Iviay or June in earth under logs or stones, or especially in heaps of manure. Within the capsules the fertilization and development of the ova take place. Fertilization and Embryological Development. The s]3erma- tozoa swim actively about in the nutrient fluid of the capsule^ approach an ovum, and attach themselves to its surface by their heads. Several of the spermatozoa then enter the vitellus (cf . p. 80), but it has been proved that only one of these is con- cerned in fertilization, the others dying and becoming absorbed by the ovum. B FERTILIZATION OF THE EGO. 79 It is probable that the tail plays no part in the actual fertili- zation, but is merely a locomotor apparatus fur tlie head (nucleus) and middle-piece. Within the ovum the head of the spermatozoun })ersi8ts as the s^erin-nucleus (or male pro-nucleus)^ while the protoplaMn in its neighborhood assumes a peculiar and characteristic rat act of fertilization. After the formation of the polar cells the egg- nucleus (now often called t\\.Q female pi'o-nucle us) and tlie sperm- nucleus approach one another and iinally become intimately 80 THE BIOLOOT OF AN ANIMAL. associated to form tlie segmentation- or cleavage-nucleus ; by this act fertilization is completed. The process of fertilization appears to be essentially the same among all higher animals, and in a broader sense to be identical with the sexual process among all higher and many lower plants (compare the fern, p. 139), but its precise nature is still in dispute. It is certain that one essential part of it is the union of two nuclei derived from the two respective parents. This has led to the view, now held by many investigators, that inheritance has its seat in the nucleus, and that chromatin (p. 23), is its physical basis. Later researches have shown that another element known as the archoplasm- or attraction-sphere is concerned in fertilization, and this is apparently always derived from the middle-piece. It is not yet certain whether the archoplasm is to be regarded as a nuclear or a cytoplasmic structure, and it is equally doubtful whether it plays an essential or merely a subsidiary role in fertilization and inheritance (cf. p. 84). Cleavage of the Fertilized Ovum. Soon after fertilization the ovum begins the remarkable process of segmentation which has already been briefly sketched on j). 25. The segmen- tation-nucleus divides into two parts, and this is followed by a division of the vitellus, each half of the original nucleus becom- ing the nucleus of one of the halves of the vitellus ; that is, the original cell divides into two smaller but similar cells (see Fig. 3-1:). These divide in turn into four, and these into eight, and so on, but yet remain closely connected in one mass. In the case of the earthworm, the cells do not multiply in regular geometrical progression, but show many irregularities ; and more- over they become unequal in size at an early period. The blastula (pp. 25, 85,) shows scarcely any differentiation of parts, though the cells of one hemisphere are somewhat smaller than the others. From this time forwards the whole course of development is a process of differentiation, both of the cells and of the organs into wliicli they soon arrange themselves. One of the first steps in this process is a flattening of the embryo at the lower pole — i.e., the half consisting of larger cells (Fig. 35, D), The large cells are then folded into the segmentation-cavity so as to form a pouch opening to the exterior ; at the same time the embryo becomes somewhat elongated (Fig. 35, ^, F). This process is known as gastrulation^ and at its completion the embryo is called the gastrula. The infolded pouch (called the archenteron) is the future alimentary canal ; its opening (now known as the hlastopoi^e) will become the mouth ; and tlie layei THE GERM-LAYERS. 81 of small cells over the outside will form the skin or (\\\X{'y laver of the body-wall. The embryo very soon begins to swallow, through the bla-sto- pore, the milkhke tiuid in which it tloats, and to di<»"est it with- in the cavity of the archenteron. It is obvious that the embryo already shows a distinct (hlfcr- B Fig. 35.— Diagrams of the early stages of development in the earthworm. .1, accu- rate drawing of the blastula, surrounded by the vitelline membrane i after Vej- dovsky) ; B, blastula in optical section showing the large segmentation-t-avity {s.c.\ and the parent-cell of the mesoblast (m.); C, later blastula, showing forma- tion of mesoblast-cells ; D, flattening of the blastula preparatory to invagination ; E, the gastrula in side view; as the infolding takes place the two niesoblast- bands are left at the sides of the body, in the position shown by the dotted lines; F, section of E along the line s-s, showing the mesoblast-bands and pole-cells. entiation of parts which perform unlike functions. In fact we may regard the gastrula as composed of two tissues still nearly similar in structure though unlike in function. One of these consists of the layer of cells which forms the outer covering; this tissue is known as the ectohlast {ec\ Fig. 35). The second tissue is the layer of cells forming the wall of the archenteron ; it is called the entoblast {en). The ectoblast and eiitol>last to- gether are known as \h(i primary germ-layers. Meanwhile changes are taking place which result in the for- mation of a third germ-layer lying in the segmentation-cavity between the ectoblast and entoblast and therefore called the mesoblast {m, Figs. 35, 30). In some animals the mesobltu^t does not arise until after the completion of gastrulation. In S2 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. Lumhricus, however, it goes on during gastrulation and begins €ven before gastrulation. Even in the blastula stage two large cells may be distinguished which afterwards give rise ^ to the niesoblast and are hence called the primary mesoblastic cells. They soon bud forth smaller cells hito the segmentation- cavity, and as tlie blastula flattens they themselves sink below the sur- face. At this period, therefore, the niesoblast forms two bands of cells {mesoUast-hands) each terminating behind in the large mother-cell or pole-cell. Throughout the later stages the pole- cells continue to bud forth smaller cells which are added to the hinder ends of the mesoblast-bands (Figs. 35, 36). Ftg. 36.— Diagrams of later embryonic stages. A^ late stage in longitudinal section, showing the appearance of the cavities of the somites ; JB, the same in cross-sec- tion ; t;, diagram of a young worm in longitudinal section after the formation of the stomodaeum, proctodaeum, and anus ; C, the same in cross-section, showing the beginning of the nervous system; D, cross-section of later stage with the nervous system completely established, a/, alimentary canal ; 07% archenteron ; an, anus; c<£^ coelom; cc., ectoblast; en, entoblast; ?ni, primary mesoblastic cells; m", mesoblast; mh., mouth ; 7J, nervous system; s, cavity of somite; s.w, somatic layer of the mesoblast, which with the ectoblast forms the somatopleure ; syA.m, splanchnic layer of the mesoblast, which with the entoblast forms the splanch- nopleure. After each division the pole-cells increase in size, so that up to a late stage in development they may be distinguished from CELL-DIVISION. EAR 70KINESIS. 83 the cells to which thej give rise. The twu masses of iiiesohlastic cells gradually increase in size and finally fill the segmentation- cavity. The internal phenomena of cell-division are of great complexity and can here be given only in outline. The ordinary type of cell-division, as shown in the segmentation of the ovum and in the multiplication of most tissue-cells, involves a complicated series of changes in the nucleus known as karyokinesis or mitosis. These changes, which appear to be of essen- tially the same character in nearly all kinds of cells, and both in jjlants and in animals, are illustrated by the following diagrams : C D Fig. 37.— Diagrams of indirect cell-division or karyokinesis. A. Cell just prior to division, showing nucleus (/j) with its chromatic reticulum and the attraction-sphere and centrosome (c). B. First phase; the attraction-sphere has divided into two, which have moved 180° apart; the reticulum has been resolved into five chromosomes (black), each of which has split lengthwise. C. Second phase; fully developed karyokinetic figure (amphiastcr), with spindle and asters; the chromosome-halves are moving apart. D. Final phase; the cell-body is dividing, the spindle disappearing, tlie dauglitor- nuclei about to be formed. In its resting state the nucleus contains a network or reticulum of chromatin (Fig. 37, A), As the cell prepares for division a small body (c) 84 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. makes its appearance near the nucleus, known as i\iQ attraction- sj:)here or archoplasm-mass, and in its interior there is often a smaller body, the centrosome. The first step in cell-division is the fission of the archoplasm- mass into two, each containing a centrosome (derived by fission of the original centrosome); after this the two masses move apart to opposite poles of the nucleus (Fig. 37, B). The reticulum now becomes, in most cases, resolved into a thread coiled into a skein (not shown in the figure), which finally breaks up into a number of bodies known as cJiromosomes. Their form (granular, rodlike, loop-shaped) and number (two, eight, twelve, sixteen, etc., or often much higher numbers) appear to be constant for each species of plant and animal. The second principal step is the longi- tudinal splitting of each chromosome into halves (Fig. 37, B) and the disappearance of the nuclear membrane. In the third place starlike rays {aster) appear in the protoplasm around the archoplasm-masses, a spindle-shaped structure appears between them (Fig. 37, C), and the double chromosomes arrange themselves around the equator of the spindle. The structure thus formed is known as the amjjJii- aster or karyokinetic figure. Fourthly, the two halves of each chromosome move apart towards the respective poles of the spindle and the entire cell-body then divides in a plane passing through the equator of the spindle. Each group of daughter- chromosomes now gives rise to a reticulum, which becomes surrounded with a membrane and forms the nucleus of the daughter-cell. The spindle dis- appears, and in some cases the archoplasm-mass, with its star-rays (aster), seems to disappear also. In other cases, however, the archoplasm-mass and centrosome persist and may be found in the resting cell (e.g., in leucocytes and connective-tissue cells), lying near the nucleus in the cytoplasm. It appears from the foregoing description that each daughter-cell re- ceives exactly half the substance of the mother-nucleus (chromatin), mother- archoplasm, and mother-centrosome. In many cases the cytoplasm also divides equally, in other cases unequally. It has been proved in a considerable number of cases that in the fer- tilization of the ovum each germ-cell contributes the same number of chro- mosomes, and the wonderful fact has been established with high probability that the paternal and maternal chromatic substances are equally distributed to the two cells found at the first segmentation of the ovum. It is further probable that this equal distribution continues in all the later divisions ; and if this is true, every cell in the whole adult body contains material directly derived from both parents, and hence may inherit from both. Gastrulation. Germ-layers. Diiferentiation. Origin of the Body. Almost from the first the cells arrange themselves so as to surround a central cavity known as the segmentation-cavity. This cavity increases in size in later stages, so that the embryc* finally appears as a hollow sphere surrounded by a wall consist- DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANS. 85 ing of a single layer of cells. This stage is known as the hhutula (or hlastosphere) (J., B^ Fig. 35). The formation of the germ-layers is one of the most im- portant and signillcant processes in the whole course of devehjp- ment. Germ-layers like those of Lmnhrlrus^ and callt-d hy the same names, are found in the embryos of all higher ani- mals; and it will hereafter appear that this fact has a })n (found meaning. Development of the Organs. (Organogeny.) The embry(j gradu- ally increases in size and at the same time elongates. As it lengthens, the blastopore (in this case the mouth) remains at one end, wliicli is therefore to be regarded as anterior, and the elongation is backwards. The cells of all three germ-layers continually increase in number by division, new matter and energy being supplied from the food, which is swalhjwed by the embryo in such quantities as to swell up the body like a bladdrr. The archenteron enlarges until it comes into contact with the ectoblast and the segmentation-cavity is obliterated. The two primary mesoblastic cells are carried backwards, and always remain at the extreme posterior end (???, Fig. .ST)). The mesoblast is in the form of tw^o bands Ivino: on either side of the archenteron, and extending forwards from the primary mesoblastic cells. This is clearly seen in a cross-section of the embryo, as in Fig. 36, B^ C. The mesoblastic bands are at lirst solid, but after a time a series of paired cavities appears in them, con- tinually increasing in number by the formation of new cavities near the hinder end of the bands as they increase in length. \ cross-section passing through one pair of these cavities is shown at B^ Fig. 35. As the bands lengthen they also extend up- wards and downwards (6^, Fig. 35), until finally they meet al)ove and below the archenteron. The cavities at the sanio time continue to increase in size, and finally meet above and below the archenteron, which thus becomes surrounded by the ImxIv- cavity or coelom {D). The cavities are separated by the double 23artition-walls of mesoblast. These partitions are the dissepi- ments, and the cavities themselves constitute the c(elom. The outer mesoblastic Avail of each cavitv is known as tha so?ii at ic layer (.§.??!.); it unites with the ectoblast to constitute the body- 86 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. wall (somatojdeure). The inner wall, or splanchnic layer {spl.?n), unites with the entoblast to constitute the wall of the alimentary canal (splanchnopleure). An ingrowth of ectoblast {stomod(BU7n) takes place into the blastopore to form the pharynx, and a similar ingrowth at the opposite extremity {proctodceum) unites with the blind end of the archenteron to form the anus and terminal part of the intestine. As to its origin, therefore, the alimentary canal consists of three portions, viz. : (1) the archenteron, consisting of the B.VJU Fig. 38.— Diagram of a cross-section of Lumhricus, showing tlie relation of the various organs, etc., to the germ-layers. Ectoblastic structures shaded with fine parallel lines, entoblastic with coarser parallel lines, mesoblastic with cross-lines; a?.c, alimentary canals ; ch, chloragogue layer ; co?, coelom ; c.w, circular muscles of body- wall; c.ma, circular muscles of alimentary wall; ep, lining epithelium of alimentary canal; d.r, dorsal vessel; /ly, hypodermis or skin; l.m, longitudinal muscles of body-wall; l.m.a, longitudinal muscles of alimentary wall; ?i, central part of nerve-cord ; np, nephridium ; ns, sheath of nerve-cord ; p.e, peritoneal epithelium ; r, reproductive organs ; s.i.v, sub-intestinal vessel. original entoblast; (2) the stomodgeum or pharyngeal region, lined by ectoblast ; and (3) the proctodseum or hindmost part, also lined by ectoblast. These three parts are called the fore- gut (stomodaeum), mid-gut or meUsenteron (archenteron), and hind-gut (proctodseum), and it is a remarkable fact that these same parts can be distinguished in all higher animals, not ex- cepting man. The body now becomes jointed by the appearance of trans- verse folds opposite the dissepiments, and tlie metamerism of the body becomes evident on the exterior. The young worm has thus reached a stage (^, Fig. 36) where its resemblance to the FATE OF THE GERM- LAYERS. 87 adult is obvious. It has an elongated, jointed l)ody, traversed by the alimentary canal, which opens in front by the mouth and behind by the anus. The metamerism is expressed exterimlly by tlie jointed appearance, internally l)y the presence of paired cavities (coelom) separated by dissepiments. Both the body-wall and the alimentary wall consist of two layers: the former of ectoblast without and somatic mesoblast within; the latter of splanchnic mesoblast without (i.e., towards the bodv-cavitv) and either entoblast or ectoblast within, according as we con- sider the mid-gut on the one hand, or the fore- and hind-gut on tlie other. This is shown in Fig. 38, which represents a cross- section of the embryo through the mid-gut. If this be clearly borne in mind the development of all the other organs is easy to understand, since they are formed as thickenings, outgrowths, etc., of the parts already existing. For instance, the blood- vessels make their appearance everywhere throughout the meso- blast, and the reproductive organs are at first mere thickenings on the somatic layer of the mesoblast, afterwards separating more or less from it so as to lie in the cavity of the coelom. The nervous system is produced by thickenings and ingrowths from the ectoblast. The origin of the different parts is shown in the following scheme : — THE GERM-LAYERS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. Ectoblast. Mesoblast. Entoblast. Outer skin (Hypodermis and Cuticle). Nerves and Ganglia. Lining membrane of pharynx (fore-gut). Lining membrane of anus and hinder part of intestine (hind-gut). Muscles. Blood-vessels. Reproductive organs, , Outer layers of alimentary canal. Lining membrane of greater part of the alimentary canal (mid-gut). The above statements* as to the origin of the various organs acquire great interest in view of the fact that they are essen- * Tlie nepbridia have been omitted since their precise origin is in dispute. It is certain that tbe outer portion of the tube (inu.scular part) is an ingrowth from the ectoblast. The latest researches seem to show that the entire ne- phridium has the same origin, though some autbors describe the inner portion as arising from mesoblast. 88 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. tiallj true of all animals above the earthworm, as well as of many below it — of all, in a word, in which the three germ- layers are developed, i.e., all those above the Cmleiiterata^ or polyps, jelly-fishes, hydroids, sponges, etc. In man, as in the earthworm and all intermediate forms, the ectoblast gives rise to the outer skin (epidermis), the brain and nerves, fore- and hind-gut ; the entoblast gives rise to the lining membrane of the stomach, intestines, and other parts pertaining to the mid-gut; while the somatic and splanchnic layers of the mesoblast give rise to the muscles, kidneys, reproductive organs, heart, blood- vessels, etc. It is now generally held that the germ-layers throughout the animal kingdom (with the partial exception of the Coelenterata already mentioned) are essentially identical in origin and fate. This view is known as the Germ-layer Theory. It is one of the most significant and important generalizations which the study of Embryology has brought to light, since it recognizes a structural identity of the most fundamental kind among all the higher animals. Sooner or later the young earthworm bursts through the walls of the capsule and makes its entry into the world. When first hatched it is about an inch long and has no clitellum. It is a curious fact that in certain species of Lumbricus the young worms are almost always hatched as twins, two individuals being derived from a single egg by a process which is described by Kleinenberg in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol, XIX., 1879. It often happens that the twins are permanently united by a band of tissue, as in the case of the well-known Siamese twins. We have now traced roughly the evolution of a complex many-celled animal from a suuple one-celled germ. It is im- portant to notice at this point a few general principles which are true of higher animals in general. 1. The embryological history is a true process of develop- ment,— not a mere growth or unfolding of a pre-existing rudi- ment as the leaf is unfolded from the bud. ISTeither the ovum nor any of the earlier stages of development bears the slightest resemblance to an earthworm. The embryo undergoes a trans- formation of structure as well as an increase of size. 2. It is a progress from a one-celled to a many-celled con- dition. SUMMARY OF DEVELOPMENT. 89 3. It is a progress from relative simplicity to relative eom- plexity. The ovmn is certainly vastly more coinplcx than it appears to the eye, but no one can doubt that the full-grown worm is more complex still. 4. It is a progress from a slightly differentiated to a liii^dily differentiated condition. The life of the ovum is that of a single cell. The blastula is composed of a number of nearly similar cells, which in the gastrula become differentiated into two distinct tissues. In later stages the cells become differenti- ated into many different tissues, which in turn build up different organs performing unlike functions. 5. Lastly, the development forms a cycle, beginning with the germ-cell, and after many complicated changes resulting in the production of new germ- cells, which repeat the process and give rise to a new generation. All other cells in the body must sooner or later die. The germ-cells alone persist as the starting- point to which the cycle of life continually returns (cf. p. 78). Their protoplasm, the ' ' gerin-])lasin^ ' ' is the bond of continuity that links together the successive generations. CHAPTEK YI. THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL {Conti7\ued). The Earthworm. Microscopic Stkuctuke or Histology. "We have followed the develoj)nient of the one-celled germ through a stage, the hlastula^ in which it consists of a mass of nearly similar cells out of which the various tissues of the adult eventually arise. The first step in this direction is the differen- tiation of the germ-layers or three primitive tissues (p. 84). As the embryo develops, the cells of these three tissues become differentiated in structure to fit them for difl'erent duties in the physiological division of labor. And when this process of dif- ferentiation is accomplished and the adult state is reached we find six well-marked varieties of tissue, as follows : — Principal Tissues of Liimhricus, I. EpitheliaL Layer of cells covering free surfaces. (a) Pavement Epithelium. Cells thin and flat, arranged like the stones of a pavement. (6) Columnar Epithelium. Cells elongated, standing side by side, palisade-like, (c) Ciliated Epithelium. Columnar or cuboid, and bearing cilia. II. Muscular. Cells contractile and elongated to form fibres. Often arranged in parallel masses or bundles. III. Nervous. Cells pear-shaped or irregular, with large nuclei ; hav- ing processes prolonged into slender cords or fibres, bundles of which con- stitute the nerves. IV. Germinal. Including the germ-cells. At first in the form of epi- thelial cells covering the ccelomic surface, but afterwards differentiated into ova and spermatozoa. V. Blood. Isolated cells Of corpuscles floating in a fluid intercellular substance, \h^ plasma. VI. Connective Tissue. Cells of different shapes, often branched but sometimes rounded, separated from one another by more or less lifeless (intercellular) substance in the form of threads or homogeneous material. 90 ARRANGEMENT OF TISSUES. 91 These six kinds of tissue constitute tlie main Imlk of the earthworm, as of liigher animals generally ; hut there are \n ad- dition other tissues which will be treated of hereafter. Arrangement of the Tissues. The sini})lest and most diivct mode of discovering the arrangement of the tissues is hv the nji- croscopical study of thin transverse or longitudinal sections. A am pe Ftg. 39.— Transverse section of the body behind the clitellum. a.(\ caN-ity of the ali- mentary canal ; c, cuticle ; em, ccelom ; cm, circular muscles ; c.r, cinular vessel ; ci.u, dorsal vessel; luj, hypodermis; l.m, longitudinal muscles; ».r, ventral nerve- chain; p.e, peritoneal epithelium; s, seta; s.y, setigerous gland; nA.v, sub-intes- tinal vessel ; s.w, muscle connecting the two groups of setae on the same aide ; f j/, typhlosole. transverse section taken throuo^h the rei^ion of the stomach- intestine is represented in Fig. 39. Its composition is as follows : — A. Body -WALL. This consists of five layers, viz. (beginning with the out- side),— •* 1. Cuticle ((?). A very thin transparent nieml)rane. not composed of cells and perforated by fine pctres. It is a product or secretion of the — 92 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. 2. Hypodermis {]nj) (epidermis or sMn). A layer of colum- nar epithelium, composed of several kinds of elongated cells, set vertically to tlie surface of the body. Some of these, known as gland-cells.^ have the power of producing within their substance a glairy fluid (mucus), which exudes to the exterior through the pores in the cuticle. Others (sensory cells) give off from their inner ends nerve-iibres which may be traced inwards to the ganglia (Fig. 43). The Clitellum is produced by an enormous thickening of the hypoder mis, caused especially by a great development of the gland-cells. Three forms of these may be distinguished, which probably produce different secretions. The tissue is permeated by numerous minute blood-vessels which ramify between the cells. 3. CirGidar Ihiscles {cm). A layer of parallel muscle- libres running around the body. On the upper side they are intermingled with connective-tissue cells containing a granular brownish substance (pigment) which gives to the dorsal aspect its darker tint. 4. Longitudinal Muscles (l-.m). A layer of muscle-fibres running lengthwise of the body. They are arranged in compli- cated bundles, which in cross-sections have a feathery appear- ance. In longitudinal sections they appear as a simple layer, and resemble the circular fibres as seen in the cross-section. The circular muscles are arranged in somewhat similar bun- dles, as may be seen in longitudinal sections. 5. Coelomic or Peritoneal Epitlieliuin {p.e.). A very thin layer of flattened cells next the coelomic cavdty. The hypodermis, and therefore also the cuticle to which it gives rise, is derived from the ectoblast. The othei layers (3, 4, 5) arise from the somatic layer of the mesoblast. B. Alimentary Canal. The wall of this tube appears in cross-section as a ring sur- rounded by the coelom. The typhlosole {ty) is seen to be a deep infolding of its upper portion. In the middle region the wall is composed of five layers as follows, starting from the alimentary cavity (Fig. 40) : — 1. Lining Epithelium {ep). A layer of closely packed, nar- row ciliated columnar cells with oval nuclei. 2. Vascular Layer {v. I). Numerous minute blood-vessels. HISTOLOGY OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. 93 3. Cii'cular Muscles (c.m). A thin layer uf iimscle-fibres running around the gut. 4. Longitudinal Muscles {J.m). A thin layer of muscle- fibres running along the gut. 5. Chloragogue Layer (eh). Composed of large polyhedral or rounded cells containing yellowish-green granules. The cells fill the hollow of the typhlosole, and cover the surface of the dorsal and lateral blood-vessels. This layer represents the splanchnic part of the peritoneal epithelium. The same general arrangemeut exists in all parts of the alimentary canal, but is sometimes greatly modified. For instance, the gizzard and pharynx are lined by a tough, thick cuticle, and the muscular layers are enormously developed. In a part of the gizzard the chloragogue-layer is nearly or quite absent and the typlilosole disappears. A fuller description of these modifications will be found in Brooks's Handbook of Invertebrate Zoology., and a complete account in Claparede, Zeitschrift far wiasen- schaftliche Zoologie, Vol. XIX., 1869. The lining epithelium is derived from the entoblast. The remaining layers arise by differentiation of the splanchnic layer of inesoblast. ■■■■ r.'. r..- '.•■.•,■.■■ .*•:-: 'Ji - ■^•iii'->i^^'-^iy'*iij-- \^=iaiif ij. r. :■■■ : ■. C. //i. Fig. 40.— Highly magnified cross-section through tlio wall of the alimentary cnnnl. c7i, chloragogue layer; cm, circular muscles; c.p, lining epithelium; Lm, longi- tudinal muscles ; v.l, vascular layer. Blood-vessels appear in the section as rounded or irregular cavities bounded by thin walls. They consist of a delicate lining epithelium covered by a thin layer of muscle-fibres. In the walls of the stomach-intestine the vessels are often completely invested by chloragogue-cells, which radiate from them with 94 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. great regularity (Fig. 39). The liner brandies have no muscu- lar layer, consisting of the epithelium alone. Lissepimeiits. These often appear in cross or longitudinal sections. They consist chiefly of muscle-flbres irregularly dis- posed, intermingled with connective-tissue cells and fibres, and covered on both sides with the peritoneal epithelium. Nervous System. A cross-section of a ganglion (Fig. 41) shows it to be comjDosed of two distinct parts, viz. , (1) the gan- FiG. 41.— Highly magnified cross-section of a ventral ganglion, g.f, giant-fibres ; Z.n, lateral nerve ; n.c, nerve-cells ; s, muscular sheath of the ganglion ; s.v, sub-neu- ral vessel ; s.n.i', supra-neural vessel. glion proper on the inside, and (2) a sheath which envelops it. The sheath (^, Fig. 41) consists of two layers, viz. : — 1. Peritoneal Ejnthelium. On the outside. 2. Muscular Layer ^ or sheath, a thick layer of irregularly arranged muscle-fibres intermingled with connective tissue. Im- bedded in it are the sub-neural blood-vessel on the lower side and the supra-neural blood-vessels on each side above. In the middle line are three rounded spaces (^, y. Fig. 41), which are the cross- sections of three hollow fibres running along the entire length of the ventral nerve-chain. They are called ' ' giant- fibres, ' ' and possibly serve to support the soft parts of the nerve- cord. The Ganglion proper is distinctly bilobed, and consists of two portions, viz. : — 1. Nerve-cells {n.c), I^umerous pear-shaped nerve-cells near the surface, with their narrow ends turned towards the centre, into which each sends a single branch or nerve-fibre. They are confined chiefly to the ventral and lateral parts of the ganglion. HISTOLOGY OF THE N Eli VOL'S SYSTEM. 95 2. Flhwiis Portion. This occupies the central part. It consists of a close and complicated network of nerve-libres inter- mingled with connective tissue. Some of these li])res communi- cate with branches of the nerve-cells, as stated al«n'e; otiiers run out into the lateral nerves, while still others run alunf*- the connnissui'es to connect with libres from other irantrlia Fig. 42.— Two of the ventral ganglia (I, II) of Lumhrkns with the lateral nerves, showing some of the motor nerve-cells and fibres (black), a sends fibres for- wards and backwards within the nerve-cord; /», a fibre into one of tlie double nerves on its own side ; c and d, fibres that cross to the nerves of the opposite side. (After Retzius.) According to the latest researches (of Lenhossek and Retzius) most if not all of the nerve-cells of the ventral cord are motor in function. Near the centre of each ganglion (Fig. 42, e) in a sinirle large multipolar cell of doubtful nature. All the other cells are either bipolar or unipolar, in the latter case sending out a single branch which soon divides into two. In every case one of the branches breaks up into fine sub-divisions within the cord. The other branch in most cases passes out of the cord through one of the lateral nerves to the muscles or other peripheral organs, either 96 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL, crossing within the cord to the opposite side of the body or making exit on its own side. Some of the cells, however, are purely " commissural," i.e., neither branch leaves the cord. The sensory fibres entering from the periphery terminate freely (not in ■nerve-cells), breaking up into numerous fine branches on the same side of the cord. (Fig. 43.) The nerves leaving the central system are mixed, i.e., they contain both sensory and motor fibres. nc Fig. 43.— Transverse section of ventral part of the body, showing the nervous con- nections, n.c, ventral ganglion, giving off a lateral nerve at l.n. ; p.e., peritoneal epithelium; l.m., longitudinal muscles; ?)i/, hypodermis; s, seta. A single motor nerve-cell (black) is shown sending a fibre into the nerve towards the left. In the nerve to the right are sensory fibres proceeding inward from the sensory cells (black) of the hypodermis, and terminating in branching extremities. (After Lenhoss6k.) Sections through the ventral commissures are similar to those through the ganglia, but the central portion (i.e., that within the sheath) is smaller, is divided into two distinct parts, and the nerve-cells are less abundant. Sections through the nerves show them to consist only of parallel fibres surrounded by a sheath which gradually fades away as the nerves grow smaller, and finally disappears, the muscular layer first disappearing, and then the epithelial covering. With this brief sketch of the histological structure of the earthworm we conclude our morphological stu(ij of the animal. Those who desire fuller information on the histology will find a geneial treatment of it in the work of Claparede, already cited ■at p. 93. Many later works have been published on the de- tailed histology. CHAPTER YII. THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL {Continued.) Physiology of the Earthworm. In the preceding pages l)rief descriptions of many sjx-cial physiological phenomena have l)een given in connection with the detailed descriptions of the primary functions and systems. It now remains to consider the more general problems of tlie life of the animal, and especially its relations to the enviromnent, and the transformations of matter and energy which it elfects. The Earthworm and its Environment. Tlie earthworm is an organized mass of living matter occupying a definite position in space and time, and existing amid certain delinite and charactt-r- istic physical surroundings which constitute its ^'^ environment.'^ As ordinarily understood the term environment apjilies only to the immediate surroundings of the animal — to the eartli through which it burrows, the air and moisture tliat batlie its surface, and the like. Strictly s^^eaking, however, the environ- ment includes everything that may in any manner act upon the organism — that is, the whole universe outside the worm. For the animal is directly and profoundly affected by rays of light and heat that travel to it from the sun ; it is extremely sensitive to the alternations of day and niglit, and tlie seasons of the year; it is acted on by gravity; and to all these, as well as to more immediate influences, the animal makes deflnite responses. We have seen that the body of the eartliworm is a compli- cated piece of mechanism constructed to perform certain definite actions. But every one of these actions is in one way or an- other dependent upon the environment and directly or indirectly relates to it. At every moment of its existence the organism is acted on by its environment; at every moment it reacts upon the environment, maintaining with it a constantly shifting state of equilibrium which finally gives way only when the life of the animal draws to a close. Adaptation of the Organism to its Environment. In its rela- tions to the environment the earthworm embodies a fundamental 97 98 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. biological law, viz. , that the living organistn must he adapted to its environment^ or, in otlier words, that a certain harmony between organism and envh'oninent is essential to the continu- ance of life, and any influence which tends to disturb or destroy this harmony tends to disturb or destroy life. The ada]3tation may be either passive (structural) or active (functional). Struc- tural adaptation is well illustrated, for instance, by the general shape of the body, so well adaj^ted for burrowing through the earth. Again, the delicate integument gives to the body the flexibility demanded by the pecuKar mode of locomotion; it affords at the same time a highly favorable respiratory surface — a matter of no small importance to the worm in its badly-venti- lated burrow ; and yet this delicate integument does not lead to desiccation, because the animal lives alwavs in contact with moist earth. The alimentary canal, long and complicated, is most perfectly fitted for working over and extracting nutriment from the earthy diet. The reproductive organs are a remarkable in- stance of complex structural adaptation in an animal which on the whole is of comparatively simple structure. Functional adaptation is perhaps best shown in the instinctive actions or "habits" of the worm. Its nocturnal mode of life (functional adaptation to light) and its ' ' timidity ' ' protect it from heat, desiccation, from birds and other enemies. In win- ter or in seasons of drought it burrows deep into the earth. A striking instance of adaptation is shown in the care which is taken to insure the welfare of the embrvo worms. Minute, •y 7 delicate, and helpless as they are, they develop in safety inside the tough, leathery capsule (p. 78), floating in a milklike liquid which is at once their cradle and their food. Origin of Adaptations. The development of the earthworm shows that its whole complex bodily mechanism takes origin in a single cell (p. 74), and that all the remarkable adaptations ex- pressed in its structure and action are brought about by a gradual process in the life-history of each individual worm. There is reason to believe that this is tj^^ical of the ancestral history (de- scent) of the species as a whole, and that adaptation has been gradually acquired in the past. We know that environments change, and that to a certain extent organisms change corre- spondingly through functional adaptation, provided the change of NUTRITION OF THE AMMAL. 99 environment be not too sudden or extrenic In utlicr words the organism possesses a certain i^lastlmtij wliicli enal)let^ it to adapt itself to graduallj-clianging conditions of the environment. Now tliere is good reason to believe tliat as envirunmunt has gradually undergone changes in tlie })ast, organisms have gradually undergone corresponding clianges of structure. Those which have become in any way so modilied as tu he most per- fectly adapted to the changed environment have tended to sur- vive and leave similarly-adapted descendants. Those wliich have been less j)erfectlj adapted have tended to die out tlirough lack of fitness for the environment ; and by this process — called bj Darwin '' Natural Selection" and by Spencer the "Survival of the Fittest" — the remarkable adaptations everywhere met wdth are believed to have been gradually worked out. It should be observed that Natural Selection does not really explain the origin of adaptations, but only their persistence and accumulation. The theory of evolution is not at present such as to enable us to say with cer- tainty what causes the tirst origin of adaptive variations. Nutrition. The earthworm does work. It works in travel- ling about and in forcing its way through the soil ; in seizing, swallowing, digesting, and absorbing food ; in pumping the blood; in maintaining the action of cilia; in receiving and send- ing out nerve-impulses; in growing; in reproducing itself — in short, in carrying on any and every form of vital action. To live is to work. Now work involves the expenditure of energy, and the animal body, like any other machine, while life con- tinues, requires a continual supply of energy. It is clear from what has been said on p. 32 that the innnediate source of tho energy expended in vital action is the working protoplasm itsolf, which undergoes a destructive chemical change (kataholism or destructive metabolism) having the nature of an oxidation. I'^i-nni this it follows on the one hanl that the waste ])ro(lucts of this action must be ultimately passed out of the body ;us excretions, and on the other hand that the loss must ukimately ]>e made good by fresh supplies entering the animal in the form of f 1. It is further evident that the income must ecpnU the (Uitgo if tiie animal is merely to hold its own, and must exceed it if the ani- mal is to grow. 100 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. Thus it comes about tliat there is a more or less steady flow of matter and of energy through the hving organism, which is itself a centre of activity, like a whirlpool (p. 2). The chemical phenomena accompanying the flow of matter and energy through the organism are those of nutrition in tlie widest sense. This term is more often restricted especially to the phenomena accom- panying the income, while those pertaining to the outgo are regarded as belonging to excretion. The intermediate processes directly connected with the life of protoplasm are put together under the head of metaholism ^ they include both the construc- tive processes by which protoplasm is built uj) {ayiabolism) and the destructive processes by which it is broken down (kataholmn) in the liberation of energy. Income. It is difticult to determine the exact income of Lumhricus^ but it may be set down approximately as follows : — INCOME OF LUMBRICUS. Matter. Whence Derived. 1. ProteMs. From vegetal or animal matters taken in through the mouth. 2. Fats. From vegetal or animal matters taken in through the mouth. 3. Carbohydrates. From vegetal or animal matters taken in through the mouth. 4. Water. Taken in through the mouth, or perhaps to some extent ab- sorbed through the body- walls. 5. Free oxygen. Absorbed directly from the atmosphere or ground-air by dif- fusion through the body-walls. Sometimes from water in which it is dissolved. 6. Salts. Various inorganic salts taken along with other food-stuffs. Energy. Potential. In the food. TJie food-stuffs are converted by the animal into the sub- stance of its own body (protoplasm and all its derivatives), and they must therefore be the ultimate source of energy. It fol- lows that the animal takes in energy only in the potential form (i.e., in the chemical potential between the oxidizable proteids, carbohydrates and fats, and free oxygen). It is true that the DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION. lOl animal may under certain circumstances absorl) kinetic enerirs' in the form of heat, but this is available only as a condition^ not as a cause of protoplasmic action. In this inability to use kinetic energy the earthworm is typical of animals as a wIkjIc. Of the organic portion of the food proteids are a »iti£ qmv non^ and in this respect again the worm is a type of aTiimal life in general. Either the fats or the carbohydrates may be omitted (though the animal probably thrives best upon a mixed diet in which both are present), but without 2)roteids no animal, as far as is known, can long exist. General History of the Food. Digestion and Absorption. LxiDibricus takes daily into its alimentary canal a certain amount of necessary food-stuffs, but these are not really inside the body so long as they remain in the alimentary canal ; for this is shown by its development to be only a part of the outer surface folded in to afford a safe receptacle within which the food may be worked over. Before the food can be actuallv taken into the body, or absorhed^ it must undergo certain chemical changes col- lectively called digestion (cf. p. 49). A very important part of this process consists in rendering non-diffusible substances dif- fusible, in order that they may pass through the walls of the alimentary canal into the blood. Proteids, for exam})le, have been shown to be non-diffusible (Chap. III). In digestion they are changed by the fluids of the alimentary canal into peptones — substances much like proteids, but readily diff"usible. \\\ like manner the non-diffusible starch is chano^ed into diffusible sugar and becomes capable of absorption. It is higlily j)robable that all carbohydrates are thus turned into sugar. The fats are probably converted in part into soluble and diff"usi])le soaps whieh are readily absorbed, but are mainly enuilsitied and directly passed into ^tlie cells of the alimentary tract in a finely divided state. Nothino^, however, is known of this save by analoi^v with hii^her animals. In all cases digestion takes place outside the ho(fy^ and is only preliminary to the real entrance of food into the physit>- logical, or true, interior. Metabolism. After absorption into the body proper the incoming matters are distributed by the circulation to the ulti- mate living units or cells, and are finally taken up by them and built into their substance. There is reason to believe that each 102 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. cell takes from the common carrier, the blood, only such ma- terials as it needs, leading a somewhat independent life as to its own nutrition. It co-operates with other cells under the direc- tion of the nervous system (co-ordinating mechanism), but to a great degree is independent in its clioice of food — just as a sol- dier in a well-fed army obeys orders for the common good, but yet takes only what he chooses from the daily ration supplied to all. What takes place within the cell upon the entrance of the food is almost wholly unknown, but somehow the food-matters, rich in potential energy, are built up into the living substance probably by a series of constructive processes culminating in pro- toplasm. Alongside these constructive processes (anabolism) a contumal destructive action goes on (katabolism) ; for living mat- ter is decomposed and energy set free in every vital action, and vitality or life is a continuous process. It nmst not be supposed, however, that either the synthetic or the destructive process is a single act. Both probably involve long and complicated chemi- cal transformations but the precise nature of these changes is at present almost whqJly unknown. It is certain that the destruc- tive action is in a general way a process of oxidation effected by aid of the free oxygen taken in in respiration. We may be sure, however, that it is not a case of simple combustion (i. e. , the protoplasm is not " burnt"). It is more probably analogous to an explosive action, the oxygen first entering into a loose asso- ciation with complex organic substances in the protoplasm, and then suddenly combining with them under the appropriate stim- ulus to form simpler and more highly-oxidized products. Of the precise nature of the process we are quite ignorant. Outgo. Just as the income of the animal represents only the first term in a series of constructive processes, so the outgo is the last teiTu of a series of destructive actions of which we really know very little save through their results. The outgo is shown in the accompanying table. Both energy and matter leave the cells, and finally leave the body — the former as heat, work done, or energy still potential (in urea and other organic matters); the latter as excretions, wliich diffuse freely outwards through the skin and nephridial surfaces. THE ANIMAL AND ITS ENVIRONMENT. \m OUTGO OF L^'^^nnIc^s:. Matter. Manner oe Exit. Carbon dioxule (COj). Mainly by diffusion through the skin. Water (HjO). Through the skin, through the nephridia, and in the fwces. Urea [(NH2)aC0], and its allies. Through the nephridia. Salts. Dissolved in the water. Proteids and other organic matters. In the substance of the germ-cells, the egg-capsules, and the contained nutrient fluids. Energy. Potential. A small amount still remaining in urea, in the germ-cells, etc. Kinetic. Work performed. Heat. Of the daily outgo tlie water, carbon dioxide, and salts are devoid of energy, but the urea contains a small amount wliicli is a sheer loss to the animal. "Were the earthworm a perfect ma- chine it could use this residue of energy by decomposing the urea into simpler compounds [viz., ammonia (Nil,), carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H^O)] ; but it lacks this power, tliough there are certam organisms {Bacteria) which are able to utilize tlie last traces of energy in urea (p. l!)7). To the daily outgo must be added the occasional loss both of matter and of energy sutfercd in giving rise to ova and spermatozoa, and in providing a certain amount of food and protection for the next generation. Interaction of the Animal and the Environment. The action of the environment upon the animal has already been sutHciently stated (p. 97). It remains to point out the changes worked by the animal on the environment. These changes are of two kinds, mechanical (or physical) and chemical. The most imj)or- tant of the former is the continual transformation of the soil which the worms effect, as Darwin showed, by bringing the deeper layers to the surface, where they are exposed to the at- mosphere, and also by dragging superficial objects into the bur- rows. The chemical changes are still more significant. The 104 THE BIOLOGY OF AN ANIMAL. general effect of the metabolism of the animal is the destruction by oxidation of organic matter ; that is, matter originally taken from the environment in the form of complex proteids, fats, and carbohydrates is returned to it in the form of sunpler and more highly oxidized substances, of which the most important are car- bon dioxide and water (both inorganic substances). This action furthermore is accompanied by a dissipation of energy — that is, a conversion of potential into kinetic energy. On the whole, therefore, the action of the animal upon the environment is that of an oxidizing agent, a reducer of comj^lex compounds to simpler ones, and a dissipator of energy. And herein it is typical of animals in general. CHAPTER YIII. THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. The Common Brake or Fern. {Pteris aquilina, Linnaeus.) Foe the study of a representative vegetal organism some plant should be chosen which may be readily procured and is neither very high nor very low in the scale of organization. Such a plant is a common fern. Ferns grow generally in damp and shady places, tlioiigli they are by no means confined to such localities. Some of tlie more hardy species prefer dry rocks or even bold cliffs, in the crevices of which they find support ; others live in open tiekls or forests, and still others on sandy hillsides. In tlie northern United States there are altogether some fifty species of wild ferns, but those which are common in any particuhir locaHty are seldom more than a score in number. Throughout the \vh(>lc world some four thousand species of ferns are known, l)ut by far the greater number are found only in tropical regions, where the climate is best suited to their wants. At an earHer j)eriod of the earth's history ferns attained a great size, and formed a conspicuous and important feature of the vegetation. At present, however, they are for the most part only a few feet in height. Nearly all are perennial; that is, they may Hve for ;in indefinite number of years. Most of tliem liave creeping or subterranean stems; but some of the troj)ical species have eri'ct, aerial stems, sometimes rising to a height of fifty feet or more and forming a trunk which is cylindrical, of equal diametei throughout, and bears leaves only at the sunnnit, like a palm (tree-ferns). Of all the ferns perhaps the commonest and most widely distributed is the " brake" or " eagle-fern," which is known to botanists as Pteris aquilina^ Linnaeus, or rtevldlum aquUinuni^ 105 106 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. Kulin. This plant is not only common, but of comparatively simple structure ; it is of a convenient size, and lias been much studied. It may therefore be taken both as a representative fern and as a representative of all higher vegetal organisms. Habitat, Name, etc. The brake occurs widely distributed in the United States, under a great variety of conditions; e.g., in loose pine groves, especially in sandy regions ; in open wood- lands amongst the other undergrowth ; on hillside pastures and in thickets — indeed almost everywhere, exce23t in very wet or very dry places. It appears to be equally common elsewhere ; for, according to Sir W. J. Hooker, Pteris aquilina grows ' ' all round the world, both within the tropics and in the north and south temperate zones. ... In Lapland it just j^asses within the Arctic circle, ascending in Scotland to 2000 feet, in the Cameroon Mountains to 7000 feet, in Abyssinia to 8000 or 9000 feet, in the Himalayas to about 8000 feet." {Sy7ioj)sis Filicuin?) "Pteris {jirepL^^ the common Greek name iov fern)^ signify- ing wing or feather, well accords with the apj^earance of Pteris aquilina., the most common and most generally distributed of European ferns. It is possible that this fern may rank as the most universally distributed of all vegetable productions, extend- ing its dominion from west to east over continents and islands in a zone reaching from Northern Europe and Siberia to New Zealand, where it is represented by, and perhaps identical with, the well-known Pteris esculenta. The rhizome of our plant like that of the latter is edible, and though not employed in Great Britain as food, powdered and mixed with a small quan- tity of barley-meal it is niade into a kind of gruei called gojio.^ in use among the poorer inhabitants of the Canary Islands." — (Sowerby.) The specific name aquilina (ciquila^ eagle) and a popular name, "eagle-fern," in Germany, etc., have come from a fanciful likeness of the dark tissue seen in a transverse section of the leaf-stalk to the figure of an outspread eagle. The same figure has, however, been compared to an oak-tree, and has also given rise to the name of " devil' s-foot fern," from its alleged resemblance to "the impression of the deil's foot," etc., etc. Tlie popular designation of this plant as ' ' the l)rake ' ' testi- THE PLANT BODY. 107 fies to its great abundance; for a brake is a dense tliickct (.r undergrowth — as for example a cane '* brake." When fullj grown (P'ig. 44; the connnon brake has a leafy top supported by a polished, dark-colored, erect stem, whicli in New England rises to a height of from one to four feet above the ground. In this climate, however, it appears to be some- what undersized, for it grows to a height of fourteen feet in the Andes,* and in Australia attains to twice the height of a man, forming a dense undergrowth beneath tree-ferns 4n-l(n) feet high.f In Great Britain it is from six inches to nine feet high (Sowerbj), or even larger in exceptional cases. ''In drv gravel it is usually present, but of small size; while in tliick shady woods having a moist and rich soil it attains an enormous size, and may often be seen climbing up, as it were, among the lower branches and underwood, resting its dehcate pinnules on the little twigs, and hanging gracefully over them." (Newman.) General Morphology of the Body. The body of the fern, like that of the earthworm, consists of cells, grouped to form tissues and organs. Their arrange- ment, however, differs widely from that in the animal, for tlie plant-body is a nearly solid mass, and there are no extended internal cavities enclosing internal organs. The organs of the plant are for the most part external, and arise by local modifica- tions of the general mass. Like many higher plants the body of the fern consists of an axis or stem-bearing branches, from which arise leaves. The fern differs form ordinary trees, how- ever, in the fact that the stem, with its branches, lies horiz(»ntal beneath the surface of the ground. Only the leaves (fronds) rise into the air. (Fig. 44.) It is convenient to describe the body of the brake, accordingly, as consisting of two very (b*f- ferent parts — one green and leaHike, which rises above the ground; the other black and rootlike, lying buried in the soil. These will henceforth be spoken of as the aerial and the muhr- groicnd parts. The underground part lies at a depth of an inch to a foot * Hooker, I. c. \ Kroue, Botaii. Jahrcshericht, 1876 (4), 346. Fig. 44.— The Brake (Pteris aquiUna), showing part of the underground stem (r.?J> and two leaves, one (?'), of the present year, in full development; the other d'), of the past year, dead and withered, a.b, apical bud at the extremity of a branch which bears the stumps of leaves of preceding years and numerous- roots; P, mature active leaf ; P, dead leaf of preceding year ; l.m, lamina of leaf ; p, pinna ; r.h, portion of main rhizome ; ;r, younger pinna, which is shown en- larged at B. This pinna is nearly similar to the pinnules of older pinnae. (Xi.> AERIAL AND UNDERGROUyD PARTS. 109 below the surface, and brandies widely in various directions. It may often be followed for a loui^ distance, and in snch casfs. reveals a surprisingly complicated system of undori^round branches. At Urst sight, the underground porti(»n of the fern appears to be the root, but a closer examination shows it t»» be really the stem or axis of the plant, which ditfers frcjm ordinary stems chiefly in the fact that it lies horizontallv uiidvr the ground instead of rising vertically above it. The aerial }K»rtion, which is often taken for stem and leaf, is reallv leaf onlv. The true roots are the line fibres which spring in great abundance from the underground stem. Underground stems more or less like that of Pteris are not uncommon — occurrini^, for iii>t;iiice, in the potato, the Solomon' s-seal, the onion, etc. In /'A/'/.v, and in certain other cases, the underground stem is technically called the rootstock or rhizome^ and in this plant it constitntes. the larger and more persistent part of the organism. In the specimen shown in Fig. 45 the rhizome was about eight feet long and bore two leaves. It was dug out of sandy soil on tlie edge of a woodland, and lay from one to six inches below the surface. It w^as crossed and recrossed in all directions, both above and below, by the rhizomes of its neighbors, the whole constituting a coarse network of underground stems loosely till- ing the upper layer of the soil. The aerial portion {t\\Q frond or leaf) is likewise divisible into a number of parts, comprising in the first place the h-af- stalk or stipe^ and tlie leaf proper or lamina. The latter is suImH- vided like a feather {pinnately) into a number of lobes {j^'n/hBj Fig. 44), which vary in form according to the state of de- velopment of the leaf. In large leaves the two lower i)inna^ are often larger than the others, so that the leaf appears to consist of three principal divisions, and is said to be " t^'rfHftr " or tri]» ly divided (Fig. 44, A). Each pimia is in tnrn pinnately sub- divided into pinnules (pinnuke) or leaflets (Fig. 44, />), eadi of which is traversed down the middle by a thickened ridge or rod, the midrib. The leaflets sometimes liave smo»>th «>ntlines, but are usually lobed along tlie edges, as in Fig. 44. />. In this case their form is said to be pinnatifid. Each lohe is like- wise furnished with a midrib. The stipe enlarges somewliat just below the surface of the ground, then grows smaller and 110 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. joins the rliizome. The enlarge- ment is of considerable interest, for it occurs at precisely the point of greatest strain when the leaf is bent bj the wind or other- wise, and must serve to strength- en the stipe. It will appear from the fol- lowing description that the plant body exhibits in some measure certain general forms of sym- metry and differentiation which in a broad sense may be regarded as analogous to those occurring in the animal. The rhizome grows only at one end, and in its struc- ture suggests the antero-posterior differentiation of the animal. It also shows a slight differentiation between the upper and lower surfaces, which appears both in the external form and in the ar- ran element of the internal lines. It is furthermore distinctly bilat- eral, a vertical plane dividing it into closely similar halves. These features are, however, far less prominent in the fern than in the earthworm, and in plants they never attain a high degree of development, while in the higher animals they are among the most conspicuous and im- portant features of the body. Fig 45— An entire C)f morc general importance in Sf'^the 'Tllv;s''?s the fern is the repetition of young and small, • m i. /i i x and a comparison of Similar parts (brauchcs, roots, the figure wiUi Fig, , v , ., . i • i 44TN'iiishowsomeof Icaves) along the axis, wnicii tliG cliff crdicGS Tdg- tween leares of dif - suffsiests, pei'liaps, a Certain an- ferentages. ^^ ' "^ -^ ' AXIS AND APPENDAGES. Ill aloo^y to animal nietamerism, tliouo^li not ii.>iiallv recc-iiizt'd or designated by the same term. All of these conditions of differentiation and symmetry are more easily made out l)y an examination of the aerial portion. The plant as a whole, may be regarded as cousistin<'" of an axis (the rhizome and its branches) whifli ]»oars a number of appendages in the form of roots and lea\'es. The axis fonus the central body or trunk of the plant, and in it mend- ent rhizome, repeats the process; and in this manner a single original rhizome may give rise to large numbers of distinct plants, all of which have been at some time in material connec- tion with an ancestral stock. This process is evidently a kind of reproduction (though it is not the most important or most obvi- ous means for the propagation of the plant), and in this way a large area may be occupied by distinct, though related, plants 112 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLAN I. whose brandling rhizomes cross and recross, making the subter- ranean network ah-eady described, p. 109. Origin of Leaves upon the Rhizome and its Branches. The young plant of Pteris puts up a number of leaves (7-12) yearly, but the adult generally develops one only, which grows very slowly, requiring two years before it unfolds. Towards the end of the first year it is recognizable only as a mmute knob at the bottom of a depression near the growing point. At the begin- ning of the second year it is perhaps an inch high, the stalk Fig. 46. (After Sachs.)— Developing leaf, etc., of Pteris. A, end of a branch show- ing the apical bud and the rudiment of a leaf; B, a rudimentary leaf ; C,a similar leaf in longitudinal section, showing the infolded lamina (?), the attach- ment to the rhizome, and the prolongation of the tissues of the latter into the leaf ; D, lamina of a very young leaf ; E, horizontal section through a growing point which has just forked to form two apical buds. a.h. apical bud; ep, epi- dermis and underlying sclerotic parenchyma ; f.b, fibro- vascular bundles ; Z, lamina ; r, root ; s.p, sclerotic prosenchyma ; a:, an adventitious bud at the base of the leaf. only having appeared. At the end of the second year the lamina is developed, and hangs down as shown in Fig. 46, 0. Early in the spring of the third year it breaks through the ground, and grows rapidly to the fully-matured state. LEAVES AND lilllZOME. 113 The leaves usually arise near tlie apical l)U(ls of the main axis or of the branches. Behind eacli mature leaf remnants of the leaves of preceding years are often to he found, altfrnatinj; on tlie sides of the rhizome in reguhir successicjn, and showing various stages of decay. The iirst of these (whicli is on the opposite side of the rhizome from the hving leaf) was aUve the previous year; the next (on the same side with the hving Icafi is the leaf of the year before that; and s(j on. Fig. 47 sIkhvs an example of this sort. The leaf of the present year, l\ is fully Fig. 47. (After Sachs.)— Branch of a rhizome of Pteri.% showing the apical the stumps of a number of successive leaves (?', P, P, etc.), and a part of rnizome (rh), r, root. bud (a.h\ tho main developed; and the relics of tlie leaves of the ])receding years are indicated at l\ 1% etc. ; r is the rudiment of next year's leaf. Internal Structure of the Rhizome. The rhizome is a nearly solid mass, consisting: of manv different kinds of cells, united into different tissues, and having a very complicated arrange- ment. Its study is somewhat difficnlt. Nevertheless the ar- rangement of the cells is definite and constant, and merits careful attention, since it has many features which are characteristic <»f the cellular structure of the stems of higher ])lants. AVe shall first examine its more obvious anatomv as dis])lavef the epidermis (aided in this case by the underlying sclerotic ])arc'n- chyma) to protect the inner tissues from contact with thi' soil and to guard against desiccation of the rhizome during ch-oiights. The cells (Fig. 49) are dead and empty, with enormously thick, hard walls perforated by numerous branching canals. The outer wall is especially thick. Fundamental System. The tissues of this system form the main body of the plant, and in the fern have two widely ditTcr- 118 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. Fro. 49.— Section showing the epidermis (ep) and the underlying sclerotic paren- chyma (.s.p) of the rhizome of Pteris aquiUna. Canals, sometimes branching, are everywhere seen. These served to keep the once-living cells in material con- nection. Fig. 50.— Cross-section of sclerotic prosenchyma of the rhizome of Pteris aquilina. The enormously thickened walls consist of three layers, are perforated by canals, and are lignified or turned into wood. HISTOLOGY OF THE RHIZOME. 119 ent functions. T\\q fu7ida7ne7ital parenchytna is a kind of store- house in wliicli matter and energy are stored — inainlv in tlie form of starch, CoHio^^b — ^^^^^ in wliich active chemical cliani::e8 take place. The cells are thin-walled and soft, and are ratln-r loosely joined together, leaving numerous intercellular spaces (Figs. 52, 53). They contain protoplasm and a nuck'us, and very numerous rounded grains of starch. This starch is sturud up by the plant during the summer as a reserve supj)ly of fo(»d — just as hibernating animals store up fat in tlieir 1)odies for use during the winter. Accordingly, starch increases in (juantity during the summer and decreases in the spring when the j)laiit resumes its growth, before the leaves are unfolded. The j)aren- chy ma probably has also the function of conducting various sub- stances (especially dissolved sugar) through the plant by diffusion from cell to cell. The sclerotic parenchyma and sclerotic prosenchyma (Figs. 49, 50) are dead, and hence play a passive part in the adult vegetal economy. The former co-operates with the epidermis ; the latter probably serves in part to support the soft tissues, and to some extent affords a channel for the conveyance of the sap. The sap, however, does not flow through the cavities, but passes slowly along the sub- stance of the porous walls. The cells of both these sclerotic tissues have very thick, hard, brown walls, perforated here and there by narrow canals. The cells of the parenchyma are prismatic or polyhedral ; those of the prosenchyma elongated, and pointed at their ends. In both, the proto- plasm and nuclei disappear when the cells are fully formed. Towards the apical buds both fade into ordinary fundamental paren- chyma. Fibro-vascular System. The Jihro- vascular bundles (p. 115) are long pio. m. (Aft.^rSarhs.)-viow of strands or bands of tissue which ap- ^he rhizome, -'7'; /^/[^J'^T;^ *■ to be transparent so as to snow pear in cross-section as isolated spots the network of tlie upper nbro- aT 4 o\ rm 1 n „ ,, ^i. vasciihir biiiunes. /, a leaf, ng. 48). The bundles are not really isolated, how^ever, but join one another here and there, forming an open network (Fig. 51), which can only be seen in a 120 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. lateral view of tlie rliizome. From this network bundles are given off which extend on the one hand into the roots and on the other into the leaves, branching in the latter to form tlie complicated system of veins to be described hereafter (p. 129). Eacli bundle consists of a number of different tissues which, broadly speaking, have the function of conducting sap from one part of the plant to another. f IG. 52.— Highly magnified cross-section of a fibro-vascular bundle surround-id by the fundamental parenchyma, /.p. t, scalariform tracheids ; h.s, bundle-sheath ; p.s, phloem-sheath ; ?>./, bast-fibres ; s.t, sieve-tubes ; p.p, phloem-parenchyma ; u\p, wood (xylem) parenchyma; s.i% spiral vessel. These tissues have the following definite arrangement. Beginning with the outside of a bundle, we find (Figs. 52, 53) — 1. Bundle- sheath ; a single layer of elongated cells enveloping the bundle, probably derived from and belonging to the fundamental system. 2. Phloem-sheath ; a single layer of larger parenchymatous cells con- taining starch in large quantities. 3. Bast-fibres ; soft, thick-walled, elongated, pointed cells containing protoplasm and large nuclei. 4. Sieve-tubes; larger, soft, thin-walled, elongated cells containing protoplasm and having the walls marked by areas perforated by numerous fine pores' (panelled). They join at the ends by oblique panelled partitions (shown in Figs. 52 and 53). HISTOLOGY OF TUE RHIZOME. 121 ^.Phloem-parenchyma; ordinary parenchymatous cells filled with starch, scattered here and there among the bast-fibres and sieve-tuljcs. 6. Tracheids {scalariform) or "ladder-cells" ; occupying most of the central part of the bundle. Their structure calls for some remark. They are empty or air-filled fusiform tubes, whose hard, thick walls are in the young tissue sculptured with great regularity into a series of transverse hollows or pits, which finally become actual holes. The walls of the tracheid are therefore continuous at the angles, but along their plane sur- ps. s.t fp. 1.8. Fig. 53.— Longitudinal section of a fibro-vascular bundle, surrounded by the fun- damental parenchyma. />./, bast-flbres; 7>.s, bundle-sheath; /.p, fundauiental parenchma ; p.p, phloem-parenchyma; y.f^., phloem-sheath; s.f,* sieve-tubes; f, scalariform tracheids or ladder-cells ; w.i>., wood-parenchyma. faces become converted into a series of parallel bars, makinc: a grating of singular beauty. The slits between the bars are not rectangular jiassages through the w^all, but are rather like elongated, flattened funnels, opening outwards. The sides of the funnels are called the borders of the pits: and pits of this sort are called bordered scalariform pits (cf. Fig. 53). 7. Tracheae or vessels (spiral) ; scattered here and there among the tracheids, and hardly distinguishable from them in cross-section. They are continuous elongated tubes filled with air, and strengthened by a b<'au- tiful close spiral ridge (sometimes double) which runs round the inn«T face of the wall (Fig. 52). The tracheids and vessels are of great physiological importance, being probably the main channels for the flow of sap. Sap is water holding various substances in solution. The water enters by the roots, flows prin- cipally through the walls of the vessels and tracheids, and not through their cavities, which are filled with air, and is thus conducted through the rhizome and upwards into the leaves. 8. Wood-parenchyma ; cells like those of the phloem-parenchyma (5) scattered between the vessels and tracheids. 122 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. Branches of the Rhizome These repeat in all respects the structure of the main stem. Thej are equivalent members of the underground part, and differ in no wise, excepting in their origin, from the main stem itself. Roots. The roots may easily be recognized by their small size and tapering form, and their lack of the lateral ridges of the Fig. 54. (After De Bary.)— Sieve-tubes from the rhizome of Pteris aquiJina, show- ing: A, the end of a member of a sieve-tube ; B, part of a thin longitudinal sec- tion. The section has approximately halved two sieve-tubes, S> and S^ , which are so drawn that the uninjured side lies behind. The broad posterior surface of S^ is seen covered with sieve-plates connecting with another sieve-tube. S^ on the contrary, abuts by a smooth non-plated surface upon parenchymatous cells which are seen through it. w, sections of walls bearing sieve-pits ; x, section of a non-plated wall abutting upon parenchyma. stem and branches. They arise endogenously from the main stem or its branches, i.e., by an outgrowth of the internal tissues, and not (as in the case of the false roots or rhizoids of the pro- thallium, shortly to be described) by elongation .of superficial cells of the epidermis. True roots, of which those of Pteris are good examples, arise always as well from the fundamental and fibro-vascular regions, and include all the systems found in the stem itself. Hence cross- sections of Pteris roots differ but slightly from those of the stem or the branches, and the root in general is clearly a member of the plant body. As in all true roots, the free end is covered by a special boring tip called the STRUCTURE OF THE APICAL BUDS. 123 root-cap., but this is apt to be lost in removing the specimen from the earth. The Embryonic Tissue or Meristem of the Rhizome. The mature rhizome remains at the tip nearly undiiterentiated into tissues. At tliis point the epidermis may ])e distinguished, but it remains very delicate, and thu underlying cells continue to grow and multiply, producing continued elongation of the mass. In this way the apical bud is formed. Lateral buds are given off right and left to constitute the embryos of leaves, branches, or roots, wliich, always retaining their soft and delicate tips, are capable of further growth. Behind these ''growing points" the epidermis and otlier tissues grow more and more slowly, and soon reacli their maxi- mum size, whereupon rapid growth ceases. The power of growth is henceforward mainly conlined to the apical buds, and the growing tissue of which they are composed is known as em- hryotiic {issue or meristem. The Apical Cell of the Rhizome. Close examination reveals the fact that each apical bud contains a remarkable cell which is especially concerned in the function of growth, viz., the apical cell.) which lies in a hollow at the apex of the bud. In the apical buds of the rliizome or branches this cell has somewhat the a,c. m. Fig. 55a. (After Hofmeister.)— Apical cell of the rhizome in a vertical longitudinal section, a.c^ apical cell ; /», hair ; m, meri- stem. Fig. 55n. (After Hofmeister.) — Apical cell of tlie rliizome in hori- zontal longitudinal section, a.c^ apical cell. form of a wedge with its base turned forwards and its thin edge backwards, the latter placed at right angles to a plane passing through the lateral ridges. It continually increases in size, but as it grows repeatedly divides so as to cut oif cells laterally 124 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. alternately on its riglit and left sides. These cells in turn con- tinue to grow and divide, and thus give rise to two similar masses of meristem, which together constitute the apical bud. From the meristem by gradual, though rapid, changes the various tis- sues of the adult rhizome are differentiated ; and longitudinal sections passing through the lateral ridges show the mature tissues fading out in a region of indifferent meristem about the apical cell (Fig. 55b). The apical cell lies at the bottom of a funnel-shaped depression at the tip of the stem. It is shaped approximately like a thin, two-edged wedge w'ith an arched or curved base turned forwards towards the centre of the funnel-shaped depression. The thin edge of the wedge is directed back- wards, and its sides, which are also curved, meet in a vertical plane above and below. A longitudinal section taken through the plane of the lateral a. The pedicel arises from the original pedicel-cell by continued growth and subdivision until it consists of three rows of cells somewhat elongated. The rounded capsule-cell is next transformed by four successive oblique divisions into four plano-convex "parietal cells" and a tetrahedral central cel>, the archesporium, enclosed by the others. The capsule-cell is thus divided by three planes inclined at about 120° (Fig. 65, 6, c). A fourth (Fig. 65, d, e) passes nearly parallel to the top of the capsule and cuts off 132 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. from it the central cell or archesporiiim. In the parietal cells further divisions follow, perpendicular to the surface, while the archesporium gives rise to four intermediate or tapetal cells, parallel to the original parietal group (Fig. 65, g). The sporangium now consists of a central tetrahedral archesporium bounded by four tapetal cells, which in turn are enclosed by the parietal cells, at this time rapidly multiplying by divisions perpen- dicular to the exterior. Owing to the peculiar position of the planes of B. Fig. 64. (From Luerssen, after Burck.)— Indusiaand receptacle of Pterisaquilina; B (diagrammatic), seen from below ; A, in the section of the edge of a leaflet, o.i, outer (false) indusium ; i.i^ inner (true) indusium ; r, receptacle ; s, young sporangia. \ division the whole capsule is now somewhat flattened, and it becomes still more so by the formation along the edge of a peculiar structure called the ring or annulus^ whose function is the rupturing of the capsule and the liberation of the spores. The annulus is formed by a number of parallel transverse partitions (Fig. 65,/, h, i,J), which subdivide the peripheral cells of one edge of the capsule until a certain number of cells have been formed. These then project upon the capsule (Fig. 65, J) and form an in complete ring (Fig. 65, k). Meanwhile the tapetal cells sometimes subdivide so as to form a double row (Fig. 65, h), and soon afterwards are absorbed, space being thus left DEVELOPMENT OF SPORANGIA. 133 Fig. 65. (After Luerssen.)— Development of the sporangia of Aspklmm Filix mas, which is closely similar to that of Pterin, a, the young sporangium standing upon the epidermis-cell from which it has just been divided; r, the proximal cell cut off from the sporangium to form the pedicel and support the capsule; a, 1, the first partition in the capsule; b, 1 and 2, the first and second partitions; c, 1, 2, 4, the first, second, and fourth partitions ; d and e are cross-sections of the capsule showing the oV^lique position of the partitions, and especially that of the third ; /, a later stage ; 3, the origin of the tapetal cells and the formation of tlie archesporium ; /«, division of the tapetal cells and the formation of the spore mother-cells; I, four spores as they originate in the spore mother-cells; i, j, fc, the annulus and ripe sporangium, in surface view ; j), peripheral cells; ar, archesporium ; t, tapetal cells ; an, annulus. 134 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. for the growth and enlargement of the archesporium. The latter now divides — first into 2, then into 4, 8, and finally 16 cells, the mother-cells of the S2)ores. These remain for a time closely united, but eventually separate and again subdivide, each into 4 daughter-cells (Fig. 65, I). The 64 cells thus formed are the asexual sjjoi^es. In their mature state they have a tetrahedral form and certain external markings, indicated in Figs. 63, 66. Each spore acquires a double membrane, viz., an inner, endo- sporium, delicate and white, and an outer, exosjjormm, yellowish brown, hard, and sculptured over the surface with very close and fine, but irregular, warty excrescences. Germination of the Spores. Development of the Prothallium. In the brake the spores ripen in July or August and are set free by rupture of the sporangium under the strain exerted by the elastic annulus, as indicated in Fig. 63. Germination of the spores normally occurs only after a considera- ble period (perhaps not before the following spring) ; it begins by a rupture of the exospo- Fio. 66. (After Suminski.) — Single spore of Pteris scrrula- ta. Fig. 67. (After Suminski.)— Germinat- ing spores of Pteris serrulata. A, in an early stage ; B, after the appearance of one transverse partition ; s, spore ; p, protonema ; r, rliizoid. Fig. 68. ^After Sumin- ski.)—Very young pro- thallium of Pteris, showing the spore (s), two rhizoids (r), and the enlarging extrem- ity. rium which is probably immediately due to an unbibition of water. The spore bursts irregularly along the borders of the pyramidal surfaces, and from the opening thus formed the endo- sporium protrudes as a papilla filled with protoplasm in which numerous chlorophyll-bodies soon aj^pear. This papilla is known as the ijrotonema.^ or first portion of the prothallium (Fig. 67). It develops very quickly into a stout cylindrical protrusion divided into cells joined end to end. Close to the spore one or more rhizoids are put down from the DEVELOPMENT OF THE PliOTHALLIUM. 135 growing protonenia to serve as anchors and roots. At the oppo- site or distal end longitudinal partitions soon appear (Fig. 68), whieli speedily convert this portion into a broad flat plate at first only one cell thick, but eventually several cells tliick al(jng the median line. This thickening is the so-called "cushion" (see Fig. 70). The whole prothalliuni is now somewhat spatulate (Fig. 69), but by further grow^th anteriorly, by an apical cell or otherwise, the wider end becomes still more ilattened and heart- shaped or even kidney -shaped. Numerous rhizoids (so-called be- cause they are not morphologi- cally true roots) are put down, and the whole structure assumes approximately the appearance in- dicated in Fig. 70. The spore- membranes and proton ema soon fall away, and the prothallium enters upon an independent exist- ence, being rooted by its rhizoids and having an abundance of chlorophyll. In the broad thin plate of tissue no subdivision into stem and leaf exists, and the plant body closely resembles the ' ' thallus ' ' of one of the lowest plants. Since it is the precursor of the ordinary "fern," it is called the '' prothallus " or '''pro- thallium. ' ' The cushion forms a prominence on the lower side ; upon its posterior part most of the rhizoids are borne. Sexual Organs of the Prothallium. The prothallia of ferns are as a rule bisexual or hermaphrodite ; that is, each individual possesses both male and female organs. But the latter appear somewhat later than the former, and poorly nourished prothallia often bear only male organs, though they will frequently develop female organs also if placed in better circumstances. The Antheridia^ or male organs, are hemispherical promi- FiG. 69, (After Suminski.)— Older pro- thallium, showing two rhizoids, three young antheridia, and numerous chlorophyll-bodies. 136 THE BIO LOOT OF A PLANT. nences occurring upon the posterior part and the under side of the prothallium, often among the rhizoids. When fully formed (Fio-s. 70, 71) an antheridium consists of a mass of rounded cells {sperinatozoid mother-cells) enveloped by a membrane one cell In tliickness. i.h-. m Fig. 70. (After Suminski, slightly modified.)— Adult prothallium of Fter\B serrulata seen from below, showing the rhizoids (r) at the posterior end, the depression at the anterior end ; the cushion near the latter bearing (in this case) four arche- gonia. Among the rhizoids are the (spherical) antheridia. The chlorophyll- bodies only are shown in the cells of the broad plate of tissue constituting the prothallium. Just above the anterior depression is seen a rrothallium of the natural size. Fig. 71. (After Strasburger.)— Mature an- theridium of Pterin- sej7tt?i- PTERIS AQUILINA. (Balance-Sheet of Nutrition.) Income. ^ Outgo. Matter. Matter. Foods, Carbon dioxide. Inorganic salts. W^ater, Carbon dioxide. Excreted substances. Water, Reproductive germs, Free oxygen. Leaves, etc.. Free oxygen — from decomposition of carbon dioxide in light. Energy. Energy. Sunlight absorbed by chlorophyll. AVork performed. Potential energy in foods. Heat. Potential energy in cast-oflE matters, reproductive germs, etc. Balance in favor of the living Pteris : Matter. Tissues, protoplasm, starch, cellulose, chlorophyll, etc. Energy. Potential energy in organic matters. ration of the plant, and it must not be confounded with that taking in of carbon dioxide and gi\dng off of oxygen which is an incident in the manufacture of starch. Resj^iration goes on in the light also, probably with greater energy than in darkness, but it is then largely obscured by the other and more conspicu- ous process. We have seen that energy is set free in living mat- ter by a decomposition of its own substance, which is really a process of oxidation or combustion, where free oxygen plays an important part (p. 32, Chap. III.) ; hence the absorption of free oxygen in respiration. Among the products of the combus- tion, water and carbon dioxide are the most im^^ortant ; and this ACTION UPON THE ENVIRONMENT. 151 is the origin of tlie carbon dioxide given oft". It will appear beyond that precisely the same action takes place in the respi- ration of animals, and that all living things breathe or respire in essentially the same way. It was for a long time believed that a leading difference between plants and animals lay in the fact that the former give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, while the latter give off carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen. But it is now known that both give off carbon dioxide and both require oxygen, and that only the chlorophyll-bearing parts of green plants are en- dowed with the special function of decomposing carbon dioxide and water and manufacturing starch — as a result of which they do (but in tlie light only) give off oxygen as a kind of incidental- or by-product. Interaction of the Fern and its Environment. The actions of the environment upon the fern have already been sufticiently dwelt upon (p. 144). It still remains, however, to consider the actions of the fern upon the environment. These are partly physical, but mainly chemical. By pushing its fronds into the air and slowly thrusting its rhizome, roots, and branches through the soil, the atmosphere and the earth are alike displaced. But it is by its chemical activity that it most pro- foundly affects its environment. Absorbing from the latter water, salts, carbon dioxide, and other simple substances, as well as sunlight, it produces with them a remarkable metamorphosis. It manufactures from them as raw materials organic matter in the shape of starch, fats, and even proteids. These it gives back to the environment in some measure during life, and sur- renders wholly after sudden death. But the most striking fact is that the fern is on the whole constnictive and capable of pro- ducing and accumulating compounds rich in energy. In this respect it is unlike the earthworm (p. lO-t) and is typical of green plants in general. Thus, wdiile animals are destroyers of ener- gized compounds, green plants are producers of them. Ani- mals, therefore, in the long run are absolutely dependent on plants ; and animals and colorless plants alike upon green plants. But it must never be forgotten that most plants are enabled to manufacture organic from inorganic matter by virtue of the chlorophyll which they contain. Without this they are j^ower- less in this respect. (See, however, p. 11>T). 152 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. Physiology of the Tissue- Systems. The ej)idermal tissues serve as the sole medium of exchange betweeu the mner parts of the plant and the envnronment ; they are also protective, and in certain regions are useful for suj^port. The function of repro- duction also falls upon these tissues, as is shown by the develop- ment of the sporangia, antheridia, and archegonia. Tlie Jihro-vascidar tissues serve in part as a supporting skeleton, for which function their richness in prosencliyma and their Urm continuity admirably adapt them. An equally important function, however, is their conductivity., since they serve for the transportation of the water for evaporation by the leaf {transpiration)^ and for the movement (through the sieve- tubes) of the undissolved and indiffusible proteids. T\\q funda- mental tissues are devoted either to sharing the sjDccial duties of the other systems, as in the case of the sclerotic j^arenchyma abutting upon tlie epidermal tissue in the rhizome (p. 119), and the sclerotic prosenchyma which appears to behave like the fibro- vascular tissues ; or to nutritive and metabolic functions, as in the mesophyll (p. 126) and the parenchyma of the rhizojne. The Physiology of Reproduction. It is not known whether the brake ever dies of old age. Barring accidents, growth at the apical buds seems to be unlimited, keeping pace with death of the hinder parts of the rhizome (p. 111). But whether the indi- vidual dies or not, ample provision against the death of the race is made in the act of reproduction. Although reproduction ap- pears to be useless to the individual, and even entails u^^on it serious annual losses of matter and energy, yet to tliis function every part of the plant directly or indirectly contributes. The reproductive germs are carefully prepared; are provided with a stock of food sufficient for the earliest stages of development ; and are endowed w4th the peculiar powers and limitations of Pteris aquilina.^ which influence their life-history at every step and are by them transmitted in turn to their descendants. They are living portions of the parent detached for rej)roductive ^^ur- poses; they contain a share of protoj^lasm directly descended from the original protoplasm of the spore from which the parent came ; and thus they serve to efl" ect that ' ' continuity of the germ-plasm ' ' to which we have already referred in dealing with the earthworm. In short, reproduction is the supreme PLANT AND ANIMAL COMPARED. lo3 function of the plant. If we may paraplirase the words of Michael Foster, the oosphere is the goal of individual existence, and life is a cycle, beginning with the oosphere and continually coming round to it again. Comparison of the Fern and the Earthworm. To the super- ficial observer the fern and earthworm seem to have little or nothing in common, except that both are what we call alive. But whoever has studied the preceding pages must have perceived beneath manifold differences of detail a fundamental likeness between the plant and animal, not oidy in the substantial iden- tity of the living matter in the two but also in the construction of their bodies and in the processes by which they come into existence. Each arises from a single cell which is the result of the union of two differently-constituted cells, male and female. In both the primary cell multiplies and forms a mass of cells, at iirst nearly similar but afterwards dift'erentiated in various di- rections to enable them to perform different functions, i.e., to effect a physiological division of labor. In both, the tissues thus provided are associated more or less closely into distinct organs and systems, among which the various operations of the body are distributed. And in both the ultimate o^oal of individual existence is the production of germ-cells which form the start- ing-point of new and similar cycles. This fundamental likeness extends also to most of the actions (physiology) of the two organisms. Both possess the power of adapting themselves to the environments in which they live. Both take in various forms of matter and energy from the en- vironment, build them up into their own living sul)stance, and finally break down this substance more or less completely into simpler compounds by processes of internal combustion, setting free by this action the energy which maintains their vital ac- tivity. And, sooner or later, both give back to the environment the matter and energy which they have taken from it. In other words, both effect an exchanti^e of matter and of enertj^v with the environment. Nevertheless the plant and the animal differ. They differ widely in form, and the plant is fixed and relatively rigid, while the animal is flexible and mobile. The body of the plant is relatively solid; that of the animal contains numerous cavities. 154 THE BIOLOGY OF A PLANT. The plant absorbs matter directly tlirougli tlie external surface ; the animal partly throngh the external and partly through an internal (alimentary) surface. The plant is able to absorb simple chemical compounds from the air and earth, and kinetic energy from sunlight; the animal absorbs, for the most part, complex chemical compounds and makes no nutritive use of the sun's kinetic energy. By the aid of this energy the plant manufac- tures starch from simple compounds, carbon dioxide, and water ; the animal lacks this power. The j^lant can build up proteids from the nitrogenous and other compounds of its food ; the animal absolutely requires proteids in its food. And by manufacturing proteids within its living substance, the plant is relieved of the necessity of carrying on a process of digestion in order to render them diffusible for entrance into the body. Still, great as these differences appear to be at first sight, all of them, with a single exception, fade away upon closer ex- amination. This exception is the power of wiaking foods. Plants and animals differ in form because their mode of life differs ; but a wider study of biology reveals the existence of in- numerable animals (corals, sponges, hydroids, etc.) which have a close superficial resemblance to plants, and of many plants which resemble animals, not only in form, but also in possessing the power of active locomotion. The stomach of the worm, as shown by its development, is really a part of the general outer surface which is folded into the body ; and the animal, like the plant, therefore, really absorbs its income over its whole surface — oxygen through the general outer surface, other food-matters through the infolded alimentary surface. In like manner it is easy to show^ that not one of the differ- ences between the plant and animal is fundamentally impor- tant save the jpower of inaMiig foods. The worm must have complex ready-made food including proteid matter. So must the fern ; but the fern is able to mamfacture this complex food out of very simple compounds. In terms of energy, the worm requires ready-made food rich in potential energy; the fern, aided by the sun's energy, can manufacture food from matters devoid of energy. Hence it appears, broadly speaking, that the fern by the aid of solar energy is constructive, and stores up energy ; the earth- FOOD OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. 155 worm is destructive, and dissipates energy. And this difference becomes of immense importance in view of the fact that the fern is typical in this respect of all green plants, as the earth- worm is typical of all animals. It will hereafter api)ear that even this difference, great as it is, is partly bridged over by colorless plants like yeast, nionlds, bacteria, etc., which have no chlorophyll, are therefore unable to use the energy of light, and hence must have energized fo(>d. But these organisms do not, like animals, require proteid food, being able to extract all needful energy from the simpler fats, carbohydrates, and even from certain salts. When we consider that the distinctive peculiarities of animals can thus be reduces I to the sole characteristic of dependence on proteid food, we can- not doubt that the differences between plants and animals are of immeasurably less importance than their fundamental likeness. It has been the object of the foregoing chapters to give the student a general conception of organisms, whether vegetal or animal ; of their structure, growth, and mode of action ; of their position in the world of matter and energy, and of their relations to lifeless things. With this preliminary knowledge as a basis, the student is prepared to take up the progressive study of other organisms, selected as convenient types or examples. It is con- venient to begin with low and simple forms of life and work gradually upwards; and it is especially desirable to do so be cause there is reason to believe that this course corresponds broadly with the path of actual evolution. CHAPTER XL THE UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS. It lias been shown in the foregoing pages that the complex body of an adult fern or earthworm, or of any of the higher forms of life, originates from a single cell of microscopic size. This cell — the fertilized ovum or oosphcre — gives rise by divi- sion to new cells which in their turn divide, generation after generation, until a full-grown hody is formed, composed of myriads of cells. But the process of cell-division does not in this case go as far as complete o,^- separation^ and the cells do not acquire a complete individuality. They do, it is true, ac- quire a certain independence of structure and function; and their individual characteristics may even dej)art widely from those of neighboring cells (differentiation). Nevertheless they remain closely united by either material or physiological bonds to form one body. The body is not, however, to be regarded as merely an assemblage of independent individual cells. The hody is the individual ^ its more or less perfect division into cells is only a basis for the physiological division of labor; of which cell-differentiation is the outward exjDression. All this is true, howe^'er, only in the higher types. At the bottom of the scale of life there is a vast multitude of forms in which the body consists, not of many cells but of only one, and is therefore comparable in structure not to the adult fern or earth- worm, but to the germ-cells from which these arise. Such forms are known as unicellular organisms, in contradistinction to the Tnulticellular. Like other cells the unicellular organisms multi- ply by division, but division is followed sooner or later by com- plete separation ; the daughter-cells become entirely distinct and independent individuals, and do not remain permanently asso- ciated. In them a true multicellular body, therefore, is never formed ; the cell is the individual^ and the hody is unicelhdar. 156 THE UNICELLULAR BODY. 157 Nevertheless the one-celled organism perforins all of the characteristic operations of life. A single mass of protoplasm, a single cell, unites in itself the performance of all the various elementary functions which in the multicellular forms are distrib- uted among many cells, differentiated into divers tissues and organs. The unicellular forms are therefore in a physiological sense as truly ' ' organisms ' ' as the multicellular forms ; and in many cases the unicellular body shows a very considerable degree of differentiation among its parts. But the unicellular forms are organisms reduced to their lowest terms ; they present us with the problems of life in their most rudimentary form. Hence they may afford a kind of key to the more elaborate organization of the higher types. We shall find among unicellular forms representatives both of animals and of plants, and to a detailed examination of some of these we may now proceed. // CHAPTER XII. UNICELLULAR ANIMALS {Protozoa). A. Amoeba. (Tlie Proteus Animalcule.) General Account. Amoeba is a minute organism occasionally found in stagnant water, in the sediment at the bottom of ponds and ditches, on the surface of water-plants, in damp earth, in organic infusions of various kinds — almost anywhere, in short, in the presence of moisture, organic matter, and other favorable conditions. There are many species of Amoeba, some living in salt water, others in fresh. One of the largest and commonest fresh-water forms is A7noeba Proteus, which forms the subject of this account.* Am^oeba occurs in an active or m^otile state, and a quiescent or encysted state. When active the body consists (Fig. 84) of a minute naked mass of protoplasm which in the case of large specimens is barely visible to the naked eye — i.e., half a milli- metre ("5^0 inch) or less in length. This mass creeps, or rather flows, actively about by the continual protrusion of lobes or proc- esses of its own substance, known as jpseudopodia. These may be put forth from any part of the surface and again merged into the general mass; the body therefore continually changes its shape, and hence the name ' ' Proteus. ' ' When the body is well extended the protoplasm is seen to consist of a clear peripheral substance, the ectoplasm, and a cen- tral substance, the entoplasm, filled with coarse granules which give the body a highly characteristic granular appearance some- times described as a ''gray color." Within the ectoplasm the more fluid entoplasm freely flows, as if confined in a tube or * Other common forms are the smaller A. radiosa and A. verrucosa. The large A. {Pelomyxa) mllosa and A {Dinamceba) mirabilis are not infrequent. See Leidy, Fresh-water Rhizopods of North America. 158 THE PROTEUS ANIMALCULE. 159 / ■.•• O /.v"'. 'a- »,-»■■ t \ •. •■■•.A»i O- ..'-.••.^'.••rX'-.-6"-' i V:;:?vi''2.6;i^r:.V anterior end is directed upwards. 170 UNICELLULAR ANIMALS. about by currents in the entoplasm), and two very large contrac- tile vacuoles (c.v) occupying a constant position, one near either end of the body. The nucleus (as in Infusoria generally) is differentiated into two distinct parts, viz. , a large oval macro- nucleus {mac.) and a much smaller spherical micromccleus (mic.) (double in some species) lying close beside it. Unlike Aramha^ ParamrKjecium possesses a distinct mouth (m) and oesophagus {<£) which open to the exterior through an oblique funnel-shaped depression known as the vestibule (v) situated at one side of the body. Minute floating food-particles are drawn by the cilia into the mouth and accumulate in a ciliary vortex at the bottom of the oesophagus. From time to time a bolus or food -mass is thence passed bodily into the substance of the en- toplasm, forming a food -vacuole within w^hich digestion takes place. The indigestible remnants are Anally passed out not through a permanent opening or anus, but by breaking through the protoplasm at a definite point, hence known as the anal spot, which is situated near the hinder end (Fig. 87). The contractile vacuoles of Paramoecium are especially favorable for study, showing at the moment of contraction, or just before it, a pronounced star-shape, with long canals running out into the protoplasm. Through these liquid is supposed to flow into the vacuole. Like Amoeba, Paramoecium occurs both in an active and in an encysted state. In the former state it multiplies by trans- verse fission, division of both macronucleus and m^icronucleus preceding or accompanying that of the protoplasmic body (Fig. 88, A). Under favorable conditions division may take place once in twenty-four hours, or even oftener. This process, which is a typical case of agamogenesis, may be repeated again and again throughout a long period. But it appears from the celebrated researches of Maupas that even under the most favorable con- ditions of food and temperature the process has a limit (in the case of Stylonichia, a form related to Paramoeciuim, this limit is reached after about 300 successive fissions). As this lunit is approached the animals become dwarfed, show various signs of degeneracy, and finally become incapable of taking food. The l^ace grows old and dies. In nature, however, this limit is probably seldom if ever CONJUGATION OF PAliAM(ECIUM. 171 readied, and tlie degenerative tendency seems to be checked by a process known as conjugation. In this j^rocess two individuals place themselves side by side, partially fuse together, and remain thus united for several hours (Figs. SS, B, C). During this union an exchange of nuclear material is effected, after which the annuals separate, both macro7tucleus and micronucleus now cir cir A B Fig. 88.—^. Fission of Paramoecium. (From a preparation by G. N. Calkins), mac, macronucleus ; mic, micronucleus ; m, mouth. B. First stage of conjugation. The animals are applied by their ventral sur- faces; the only change thus far is the enlargement of the micronuclei. C. Conjugation at the moment of exchange of the micronuclei (less magnified). The macronuclei are degenerating. Each individual contains two micronuclei (now spindle-shaped), one of which remains in the body, while the other crosses over to fuse with the fixed micronucleus of the other individual (After Maupas.) consisting of mixed material derived equally from both individ- uals. Separation of the two animals is quickly followed by fission in each. In each individual the macronucleus breaks up and disappears. The micronucleus of each divides twice, and of the four bodies thus produced three disappear. The fourth divides again into two, one of which remains in the body, while the other crosses over and fuses with one of the micro nuclei of the other individual, after which the animals separate. This process being reciprocal, each individual now contains a micronucleus con- 172 UNICELLULAR ANIMALS. taining an equal amount of material from each individual. This micro- nucleus now divides twice and gives rise to four bodies, two of which be- come macronuclei and two micronuclei. Fission next occurs, and is there- after continued in the usual manner. This is a process clearly analogous to the union of the germ- cells of higher animals. It cannot, however, be called gamo- genesis or even reproduction ; it is only comparable with one of the elements of gamogenesis. In the metazoon a fusion of two Fig. 89.— Group of Vorticellce, in various attitudes, attached to the surface of a water-plant. cells (fertilization) is followed by a long series of cell-divisions (cleavage of the ovum), the resulting cells being associated to form one new individual. In the Infusoria temporary fusion (conjugation) is likewise followed by a series of cell-divisions, but the cells become entirely separate, each being an individual. Vorticella agrees with Paj^mnmcium in general structure, but differs in many interesting details, most of which are the expres- THE BELL-ANIMALCULE. 173 mac Fig. 90.— a single head of Vorticdla., highly magnified. c.r, contractile axis of the stalk; c, cuticle; c.i\ contractile vacuole; d, disk; fc, ectoplasm; t/j, entoplasm; ep, epistome ; /.i% f ood-vacuole ; m, mouth; »mc, macronucleus ; mic, micronu- cleus ; 0?, oesophagus; p, peristome ; r, vestibule ; ir.r, water-vacuole-s ; x\ point at which epistome and peristome meet at one end of the vestibule. 174 UNICELLULAR ANIMALS. sion of higher differentiation. The body is pear-shaped or coni- cal, attached at its apex by a long slender stalk. The latter consists of a slender contractile axial filatnent^ by means of which the stalk may be thrown into a spiral and the body drawn down, and an elastic sheath (continuous with the general cuticle) by which the stalk is straightened (Fig. 90). The cilia are con- fined to a thickened rim, the peristorne (^:>), surrounding the base of the cone, which may be termed the dislc. At one side the disk is raised, forming a projecting angle covered with cilia, and known as the epistome (ej)). At the same side the peristome dips downw«ards, leaving a space between it and the ej)istome. This space is the vestibule (v), and into it the mouth opens. In it likewise is situated an anal spot like that of I^aramcechmi. The cilia produce a powerful vortex centering in the mouth, by means of which food is secured. The macronucleus {inac) is long, slender, and horseshoe-shaped ; the small spherical micro- nucleus (mic) lies near its middle portion. There is usually but one contractile vacuole. Yorticella multiplies by fission, division of the protoplasm being accompanied by that of the macronucleus and micronu- cleus (Fig. 91). The plane of fission is vertical (thus dividing the peristome into halves), but extends only through the main body, leaving the stalk undivided. At the close of the process, therefore, the stalk bears two heads. One of these remains attached to the original stalk, while the other folds in its peri- stome, acquires a second belt of cilia around its middle (Fig. 91), breaks loose from the stem, and s\dms actively about as the so- called " motile form." Ultimately it attaches itself by the base, loses its second belt of cilia, develops a stalk, and assumes the ordinary form. By this process dispersal of the species is en- sured. Under unfavorable conditions similar motile forms are often produced wdtliout previous fission, the head simply acquir- ing a second belt of cilia, dropping off, and swimming away to seek more favorable surroundings. Yorticella may become en- cysted, losing its peristome and mouth, becoming rounded in form, acquiring a thick membrane, and having no stalk. In this state it is said sometimes to multiply by endogenous dimsion^ breaking up into a considerable number of minute rounded bodies (spores) each of which contains a fragment of the CONJUGATION OF VORTICELLA. 175 nucleus. These are "finally liberated by the bursting of the membrane, acquire a ciliated belt, and after swiuuning for a time become attached, lose the ciliated belt, and develop a stalk and peristome. Yorticella goes through a process of conjugation which lias some interesting peculiarities. (1) Conjugation always takes place between a large attached individual (the macrogamete) and a much smaller free-swimming individual (the nvicrogainete) c.v mtc Fig. 91.— Fission and conjugation of VorticcWa. A. Early stage of fission, showing- division of micronucleus {mic) and macronucleus {mac) ; p, peristome. (After Biitschli. ) B, C, -D. Successive stages of fission ; in J3 and C the nuclei have completely di- vided and fission of the cell-body is in progress; c.r, contractile vacuoles. In JD fission is complete; the right-hand individual has acquired a belt of loco- motor cilia at r, and is ready to swim away. JE. Conjugation of a fixed macrogamete {ma) with a free-swimming microgamete {imX\\ p, peristome, cp, epistome. (After Greeflf.) (Fig. 91, K). The microgamete is formed either by the unequal fission of an ordinary individual, the smaller moiety being set free, or by tw'O or more rapidly succeeding fissions of an ordinary individual. (2) Conjugation is permanent and complete, the body of the microgamete being wholly absorbed into that of the 176 UNICELLULAR ANIMALS. macrogamete. Witliin the body of the latter, after complicated changes, the nuclei fuse together, and this is followed by fission. The analogy of conjugation to the fertilization of the Qgg is here complete. The conjugating cells show a sexual differentiation, one being like the ovum, large and fixed, the other like the spermatozoon, small and motile. As in Paramoscium the macronuclei entirely disappear, fusion takes place between derivatives of the micronuclei, and from the resulting body both macronuclei and micronuclei are derived. Euglena and Other Simpler Infusoria. Besides forms like Parammciiim and Yorticella which bear numerous cilia, there are many Infusoria which possess only one large lash orflagellum. Of these Euglena^ which is sometimes found in stagnant water, sewage-polluted pools, etc., is one of the most interesting, inas- much as it contains chlorophyll, possesses an " eye-spot " of red pigment, and under certain conditions exliibits amoebiform movements. Compound or " Colonial '' Forms. In a number of forms, closely related to Yorticella, the individuals (" zooids ") formed by fission do not immediately separate, but remain for a time united to form a ' ' colony ' ' which may contain hundreds of zooids. Zoothammo7i, a common species, thus forms a beautiful tree-like organism, consisting of a single central stalk with nu- merous branching offshoots from its summit, each twig terminat- ing in a zooid. The entire system of branches is traversed by a continuous contractile axis. Carchesiurrh is similar, but the axis is interrupted at the beginning of each branch. In Epistylis the entire axis is non-contractile. Such colonial forms are of high interest as indicating the manner in which true multicellular forms may have arisen. From the latter, however, they differ not only in the fact that the association of the cells is not permanent, but in the absence of any division of labor among the units. Physiology. Most Infusoria are true animals, agreeing with Ainoeba in the essential features of their nutrition, and having the power to digest not only proteids, but also carbohydrates and fats. ParmnoeciuTn and Yorticella are herbivorous forms, feeding upon minute plants, and especially upon the bacteria- CnLOllOPUYLL-CONTAINING INFUSOPxIA. 177 Other forms are omnivorous (e.g., Stentor^ Bursarla)^ feeding both on vegetable and on animal food. Others still are car- nivorous and lead a predatory life, often attacking herljivorous forms much larger than themselves, precisely as is the case with carnivores among the mammalia. Thus the unicellular \v()rl}unent of higher forms. In the end, however, separation is total and complete, and each cell is therefore not a unit in a body, but is itself a body and an individual (see p. 156). (Fig. 92.) The daughter-cells thus produced are the young, or offsiiring, which have the power to grow and ultimately to divide in their turn. Under favorable circumstances generation may thus fol- low generation in quick succession. Each young cell is actually 180 UNICELLULAE PLANTS. Fig. 93. — Protococcus (Pleurococcus) from the bark of an elm tree, in active vegeta- tion and showing aggregation into masses of cells. A, Pleurococcus in the dried condition. JB, Ascococcus (?), showing endogenous division into two cells and (Q into four. D, E, F, motile forms of Protococcus (after Cohn). NUTRITION OF PliOTOCOCCUS. 181 one half of the parent cell and contains a moiety of whatever that contained. Here, therefore, as in Amaha^ the problems of heredity, uncomplicated by the occurrence of sex, are reduced to their lowest terms. In some kinds of Protococciis the quiescent cells, under special circumstances, which are not well understood, t^ive rise to the motile forms {zoospores) referred to above. Cilia, or rather flagella, are formed, and the protoplasmic mass with its included chromatophores swims actively about in the water. After a time these motile cells may come to rest, lose their fla- gella and divide into two or more daughter-cells, each of which in its turn may become a motile cell and repeat the process, or, under other conditions, develop into the ordinary quiescent cell. In some species of Protococciis in which there is a motile stage another form of reproduction, a kind of rudimentary gamogenesis, has been observed. In this process two of the motile cells (gametes) meet, fuse (conjugation)^ lose their flagella, become encysted (see p. 161), and ultimately give rise to the ordinary cells of Protococciis^ both non-motile and motile. This process, however, has not yet been observed in the species under consideration. Physiology. Our actual knowledge of the physiology of Protococciis is very small. But the study of comparative plant physiology gives every reason to believe that the essential phys- iological operations of this" simple plant are fundamentally of the same character as in the higher green plants, such as Pteris. Nutrition. The income of Protococciis^ when growing in its natural habitat on tree-branches, moist bricks, and the like, is difficult to determine. But as it is able to live also in ordi- nary rain-water, we are able to set down its probable income under those conditions with some deo^ree of accuraev. There is do doubt that it absorbs water and carl)on dioxide by dif- fusion through the cellulose wall, and that these substances are used in the manufacture of starch, which, if stored up, makes its appearance in the form of small graTiulos within the chromatophores. This process takes place only in the light and through the agency of the chlorophyll, and is attended by a setting free of oxygen precisely as in Pteris. Nitrogen is prob- ably derived from nitrates or ammoniacal compounds, minute 182 UNICELLULAR PLANTS. quantities of which are dissolved in the water, and other neces- sary salts (sulphates, chlorides, j)hosphates, etc.) as well as free oxygen are procured from the same source. These substances may be derived from dust blown or washed by the rain into the water, or from the walls of the vessel. To the process of starch- making, attended by the absorption of CO^ and HjO and the liberation of O, the term "assimilation" is generally given. Like other plants, moreover, Protococcus probably breathes by absorbing free oxygen and setting free CO, (respiration). The income and outgo of Protococcus may then be displayed by the following diagram : H20 FreeO Assimilation Incojne^ Nitrates or Ammonia Comp. Sulphates and ctlier Salts Respiration FreeO Urea (?) Sulphates and other Salts Outgo It should be understood that this only represents the broad outlines of the process and under the simplest conditions. It is quite possible that under other conditions Protococcus may use more complex foods. The facts remain, however, (1) that Protococcus is dependent on the energy of light ; (2) that its action is on the whole constructive, resulting in the formation of complex compounds (carbohydrates, proteids) out of simpler ones. In these respects it shows a complete contrast to Amosha, which is on the whole destructive, breaking down complex com- pounds into simpler ones, and is indej)endent of light, since it derives energy from the potential energy of its food. The relations between Protococcus and Amoeha are therefore an epitome of the relations between Pteris and Luiiibricus^ and between green plants and animals generally. The Fundamental Physiological Properties of Plants. In con- sidering the physiology of Amoeba we found it possible to re- PROTOCOCCUS AND AMGEBA COMPARED. 183 t duce its vital activities to a few fundamental pliysi(jl(jgical proper- ties, namely, contractility, irritability, metaljijlism, grcjwtli and reproduction, common to all animals. A little rejection will show that the same properties are manifested also by Pmtn- eoccus. Contraction and irritability are difficult to witness iu the quiescent stage of Protococcus^ but obvious enougli in tlie rarer motile forms. Metabolism, growth and reproduction, on the other hand, are evident accompaniments of normal life, even in the quiescent condition. And precisely as Protococcus diifers from Amaiba in respect to contractility and irritability, of wliicli it possesses relatively little, so plants in general differ in tliese respects from animals in general. Animals are eminently con- tractile and irritable, while plants are but feebly specialized in these directions. On the other hand, as we have already seen in comparing Pteris with Lumhricus (p. 154), and as we see once more in comj)aring Protococcus with Amoeba^ in respect to metabolism, the green plant is pre-eminently constructive, while the animal is preeminently destructive, of organic matter. In their modes of nutrition, as stated above. Amoeba, and Protococcus represent two physiological extremes. AVe pass now to the study of Yeasts and Bacteria, which are plants destiUite of chlorophyll and in a certain sense may be regarded as occupying a middle ground between these extremes. Other Forms. There are innumerable species of uniceUular green plants. A vast group of peculiar brownish forms covered with transparent ^lass-like cells composed of siliceous material is known as the Diato- macecE or diatoms. In these the chlorophyll is masked by a brown pig- ment, but is nevertheless present. Another group is that known as the Desmidice or desmids. These often have the individual cells peculiarly constricted in the middle so that at first sight the two halves appear to be two separate cells. More closely resembling Protococcus in many respects are some members of the Cyanophycew or "blue-green algiv," among which Ghro'ococcus and Glceocapsa differ from Protococcus chiefly, in the former case, in having a blue-green instead of a yellow-green pigment, and, in the latter, not only in this respect, but also in the fact that the single cells are widely separated by transparent mucilage. CHAPTEE XV. UNICELLULAR PLANTS {Continued). B. Yeast. {Saccharomyces.) Under tlie general name of yeast are included some of the simplest forms of vegetal life. Some yeasts are ''wild," liv- ing upon fermenting fruits or in fruit juices, and commonly Fig. 93.— Yeast-cells. Brewer's (top) yeast actively vegetating. The large internal vacuoles and the small fat-drops are shown, as are also buds, in various stages of development, and the cell-wall. Nuclei not visible. (Highly magnified.) oecurring in the air ; others are ' ' domesticated, ' ' or cultivated, such as those regularly employed in bremng and in baking. If a bit of "yeast-cake " (either "comj^ressed "or " dried" yeast) is mixed with water, a milky fluid is obtained which closely resembles the so-called baker's or brewer's yeast. 184 STRUCTURE OF YEAST. 185 Microscopical examination proves that the milky appearance of liquid yeasts is due chieliy to the presence of myriads of minute egg-shaped suspended bodies, and tliat pressed yeast is almost wholly a mass of similar forms. These are the cells of yeast ; which is therefore essentially a mass of unicellular organ- isms. For reasons which will soon appear yeast is universally Fig. 94.— Yeast-ceUs. Brewer's (bottom) yeast showing structure— protoplasm, cell- walls, vacuoles, fat-drops. (Nuclei not shown.) regarded as a plant, and the single cell is often sj^oken of as the yeast -plant. Morphology. The particular yeasts which we shall consider are the common cultivated forms of com- merce. The cells of an ordinary cake of pressed yeast are spherical, sphe- roidal, or egg-shaped in form, and con- sist of a mass of protoplasm enclosed within a well-deiined cell-wall. Bv ap2)ropriate treatment the latter may be shown to consist of cellulose ; and it is distinctly thicker in old or resting Fm. n5.-Spore9 of Yeast (As- ^ 'J ^ ° cospores). Four spores in a cell cells than in young ones or those vig- of brewer's yeast (^atc/KiromyftViJ orously growing. Within the granular «<^'''*^'''"""')' protoplasm {cyto2)lasm) are usually a number of vacuoles (con- taining sap) and minute shining dots (probably fat-droplets\ but 186 UNICELLULAR PLANTS. no chlorophyll is present and no starch. Until recently the yeast- cell was snj^posed to be destitute of a nncleiis, but it isnow kno\Mi that each cell probably jDossesses a large and characteristic nuclens. This, however, can be demonstrated only by s]3ecial reagents and is rarely or never seen in the living cell (Fig. 96). Reproduction. The ordinary mode of reproduction of yeast is by a modification of cell-division called hudding. Under Fig, 96.— The Nuclei of Yeast-cells and the Process of Budding. (Drawn by J. H. Emerton from specimens prepared by S. C. Keith, Jr.) The upper left-hand figure shows the nucleus in a specimen treated with Delafl eld's hsematoxylin. The other figures in the upper row and those in the lower (from left to right) show cells in successive stages of budding, together with the appearance, position, and movements of the nucleus. It will be observed that the bud is formed before the nucleus divides. (Iron-haematoxylin method.) favorable circumstances in actively growing yeast a local bulging of the wall takes place, usually near, but not precisely at, one pole of the cell. Protoplasm presses into this dilatation or '' bud " and extends it still further. At this time we have still but one cell, although it now consists of two unequal parts and the separation of a daughter-cell is clearly foreshadowed. Event- ually the connection between the two parts is severed and the daughter-cell or ' ' bud ' ' is detached from the original or j^arent- cell ; but detachment may or may not occur until after the bud FORMATION OF SPORES IN YEAST. 187 has begun to produce dangliter-cells in its turn, and nmi-t' than one bud may be borne by either or b6>(^z^<§ allied to proteids, but diffusi- ble and able to j)ass through the cellulose wall ; ba])ly appears as heat. In point of fact, great activity of yeast is accompanied by a rise of temperature, as may beproved by placing a thermometer in "rising" dough or fermenting fruit- juice. Outgo. Barring the outgo of energy already mentioned, and the probable excretion of carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste, but little can be said concerning the outgo of a yeast-cell. The ordinary excretions are so masked by the presence of foreign matters in the liquids which yeast inhabits that little is known of the real course of events. To the consideration of conditions which entail these difficulties we may now pass, merely pausing to caution the student against the suj^position that the evolution of carbon dioxide in fermentations represents to any great ex- tent the normal respiration of the yeast cells. Mineral Nutrients of Yeast. It has been shown (pp. 14S, ISl) that Pteris and Protococcus^ inasmuch as they possess chlorophyll can live upon simple inorganic matters such as C0„, II^C ), and nitrates, out of which they are able to manufacture for them- selves energized foods such as starch. Yeast is unal)le to do this, as might be supposed from the fact that it is destitute of chlorophyll. And yet yeast does not require proteid ready- made as all true animals do, for experiments have shown that it can live and grow in a liquid containing only mineral matters plus some such compound of nitrogen as annnonium tartrate (C^H/NIIJ^Oe). Upon a much less complex organic compound of nitrogen such as a nitrate it cannot thri\e, thus showing its inferiority in constructive power to Protococcus and all green plants, on the one hand, and its sui^eriority to Avxvha and all animals, on the other. Pasteur's fluid, composed of water and salts, amoii"; wliich is ammonium tartrate (above), will suffice to support yeast. It will sui)port a much more vigorous growth if sugar be added to it. But if ammonium nitrate is sub- stituted for ammonium tartrate yeast will refuse to grow in the fluid. 190 UNICELLULAR PLANTS. Yeast is a Plant. The superior constructive faculty of yeast, just described, separates it fiindamentallv from all animals in respect to its physiology, and allies it closely to all plants. Its inferiority to the chlorophyll-bearing plants or parts of plants, on the otlier hand, in no wise separates it fundamentally from plants ; for it must not be forgotten that the power, even of plant- cells to utilize mineral matters as raw materials and from them to manufacture foods like starch, ordinarily resides exclu- sively in the chlorophyll bodies, and is operative only in the presence of light. It follows, therefore, that most of the cells, even of the so-called green plants, and a considerable portion of the contents of the so-called green cells, must be destitute of this synthetic power. Considerations of this kind show how exceedingly localized and special the starch-making function is, even in the ' ' green ' ' plants ; and yeast probably compares very favorably in its synthetic powers with many of the colorless cells of such plants, or even with the colorless protoplasmic portions of chromatophore-bearing cells. But yeast is vegetal rather than animal, morphologically as well as physiologically. Its structure more nearly resembles that of some undoubted plants (fungi) than any animal. Its wall is composed of a variety of cellulose, called fungus-cellulose ; and cellulose, though occasionally occurring in animal structures, is, broadly speaking, a vegetal compound. Finally, in its methods of reproduction by budding, and by spores, yeast is allied rather to plants than animals. Top Yeast. Bottom Yeast. In the process of brewing two well- marked varieties of yeast occur, known as " top " and " bottom " yeast. The former is used in the making of English ale, stout, and porter ; the latter in the making of German or " lager " beer. The top yeast is culti- vated at the ordinary summer temperature of a room, without special at- tention to temperature ; the latter in rooms artificially cooled so that even in summer, icicles often hang from the walls. The two yeasts also show obvious differences in form, size, and structure ; and how much they must differ in their function is plain from the very different products to which they give rise. Wild Yeasts, Besides the commercial or cultivated yeasts there are also wild yeasts, and to them are due in the main the fermentations of apple-juice, of grape-juice, and other fruit juices. A drop of sweet cider shows under the microscope a good example of one of these species ; and Pasteur long ago proved that the outer skins of ripe grapes and other fruits VARIETIES OF YEAST. 191 are apt to harbor yeast-cells in the dust which lodges upon them. More recently it has been shown that wild yeasts often live under apple-trees- upon the surface of the earth. In a dry time the wind easily lifts the dust containing them and conveys them over great distances (cf. Amwha, Infusoria, etc.). The domesticated yeasts of to-day are probably the de- scendants of similar wild yeasts. Red Yeast. One of the finest of the wild yeasts is the so-called "red yeast," which is furthermore very easy to study. Red yeast, and many others not red, grow luxuriantly upon a jelly, made by thickening beer- wort with common gelatine. In this way "pure" cultures — that is, cul- tures free from other species of yeasts, or bacteria, and consisting of one kind only — can be easily made and studied. The microscope shows that the cells of red yeast, which form red dots upon such jelly, are not them- selves colored, but the pigment appears to lie between the cells, as in the case of the " miracle germ " {Bacillus prodigiosus). Fermentation. To the processes where yeast is employed to- produce chemical changes in various domestic, agricultural, and industrial operations the term fermentation.^ or more often alcoholic fermentation.^ is applied. In the '' raising" of bread or cake, in brewing, cider-making, etc., yeast acting upon sugar produces from it an abundance of alcohol and carbon dioxide. Both products are sought for in brewing, and carbon dioxide is especially desired in bread-making. But alcoholic fermentation is only one example of a large class, and yeast is only one of many ferments. We may, there- fore, postpone further consideration of fermentation to the next chapter. Related Forms. It has been shown by the researches of Hansen that ordinary commercial yeast is seldom one single species, as was formerly supposed, but rather a mixture of several species. It is therefore no longer safe to speak of commercial yeast as Saccliaromyces cerevisiop, unless careful examination by the modern methods has shown it to be such ; and to determine what species exist in any particular specimen is often a labori- ous and difficult matter. Inasmuch as the natural position of yeast in the vegetal kingdc^m is not established beyond all doubt, it is impossible to state precisely what are its near relatives. There are numerous unicellular colorless plants, but they are not necessarily closely related to yeast ; and the student must not conclude for plants any more than for animals that because an organism unicellular it is necessarily at the very bottom of the scale of life. CHAPTER XYI. UNICELLULAR PLANTS (Continued). C. Bacteria. {Schizomycetes.) The smallest, and the most numerous, of all living things are the bacteria. Bacteria occur almost everywhere : they are lifted into the atmosphere as dust particles, in it they float and with its currents they are driven about; water — both fresh and salt — often contains large numbers of them ; and the upj^er layers of the soil teem with them. But they are most abundant in liquids containing dissolved organic matters, especially such as have stood for a time — for example, stale milk and sewage, these fluids often containing millions of individual bacteria in a single cubic centimetre. In respect to their abundance in the surface layers of the earth (one gram of fertile soil often containing a million or more), and the work which they do there in producing the oxidation of organic matters and changes in the composition of the soil, bac- teria may well be compared with earthworms (cf . p. 42). They are also of much general interest because some are what are known as ' ' disease-germs. ' ' Most bacteria, however, are not jparasitie^ hvX saprophytic^ i.e., live upon dead organic matters, and therefore are not merely harmless, but positive]y usef-ul in rendering back to the inorganic world useless organic matters. Some species such as the vinegar bacteria are commercially important. In systematic botany bacteria constitute a well-defined group, the Schizomycetes {fissio7i-fnngi)^ their near allies being the Cyanoj)hyce(B or " blue -green algae." Morphology. Under the microscope bacteria appear as minute rods {Bacilli) (Fig. 98), balls {Cocci) (Fig. 100), or spirals {Spirilla) (Fig. 104), sometimes at rest, but often, at least in the case of the rods and spirals, in active motion. Little or no 192 SHAPES OF BACTERIA. 193 structure can be made out in them by the beginner, to whom they usually appear at first sight like pale, translucent or watery bits of protoplasm. Investigation has shown, however, that they possess a cell-wall (probably composed of cellulose) and a ikju- homogeneous protoplasm. Unlike Protococcus^ but like yeast- cells, the cells of bacteria contain no chlorophyll. Nuclear mat- Fia. 98. — Bacillus Megaterium= Rods (unstained) in various aggregations as commonly seen with a high powor after their cultivation in bouillon and while rapidly Rowing and mul- tiplying by transverse divi- sion. 0 Fig. 9^. — Bacilli from. Ha y I ifimo n (t/ nsta in- ed). The filaments at the left in a condition of active vegetation. The middle filament forming spores. The filament to the right contains five spores enclosed in otherwise empty cells, the walls of which bulge, proba- bly from the absorp- tion of water. ter is present, either scattered about, or, if the views of Biitschli be accepted, composing most of the protoplasmic body itself. Many bacteria bear appendages in the shape of tiagella or cilia; but these can only be demonstrated in special cases, and by special methods. They are believed to be locomotor organs, and in some cases have been seen in active motion (Fig. 103). 194 UNICELLULAR PLANTS. The minuteness of bacteria is extraordinary. Many bacilli are not more than .005 mm. (-g-yVo inch) in length or more than .001 mm. {yt^wq iiich) in breadth. Some are very much smaller. Most bacteria are at some time free forms ; but like other unicellular organisms many of them have the power to pass from a free-swimming {swariniiig) into a quiescent {resting) condition. In the latter some undergo a peculiar change, in which the cell -wall becomes mucilaginous, and by the aggrega- tion of numerous indiyiduals or by repeated division lumjDs of jelly-like consistency {zoogloea) arise. If the jelly mass takes the shape of a sheet or membranous skin (as haj)23ens in the mother- of -vinegar), it is sometimes described as Mycoderma {fungus-skin) (Fig. 102). Reproduction. The bacteria increase in numbers solely by transverse division. Growth takes place and is followed by trans- verse division of the original cell, usually into halves. Each half then likewise grows and divides in its turn. In this way multi- phcation may go on in geometrical progression, and with almost incredible rapidity. It has been stated that such repeated divi- sions may follow only an hour apart, and on this basis it is easy to compute the enormous numbers to which a single cell may give rise in a single day. If separation after division is complete, strictly unicellular forms arise. If actual separation is postponed, long rods, chains, or plates (in the case of cocci) ,i^"'h. '••f •••"y 'At."**'* o may appear. Different names are given to the resulting forms. Streptococcus is a moniliform or necklace-like arrangement; Stajyhylococcus^ single cocci ; , ^ Dijjloccoccus, cocci in jDairs; (^ ^v-^ Lejytothrix^ a filament of / ] ^\" — ' bacilli; Sarcina, a plate of O (3 <20cci resembling a card of bis- cuit, or two or more cards Fig. 100— Micrococci Fig. 101.— Short (unstained) from hay Bacilli (un- SUperpOSed ; CtC. , CtC. infusion. stained) from Spores. Soiiie bacteria pro- hay infusion. ^ duce so-called sjpores [endo- sjpo^^es) in the following way : The contents of the cell ^^^»j{. .AN.V.- '->!»•.•.• SPORES OF BACTERIA. 195 Fig. 102.— The Mother-of- Vinegar. The edge of a film of zoogloea of mother- of-vin?gar as it appears under a high power. The bajteria are seen imbedded in the jelly which they have secreted. withdraw from the wall and condense into a (usually oval) mass at one end of the cell, leavino^ the rest of it empty It is at this time that the cell-wall is best seen. The condensed mass now becomes dark and opaque, appa- rently from the deposit upon itself of a greatly thickened and peculiar wall; it refuses to absorb stains which the origi- nal cell would have taken, and becomes exceedingly resistant to extremes of heat, cold, and dryness (Fig. 105). To these spores the Germans give the excellent term Dauersporen, i.e., enduri7ig spores^ often called resting spores. When brought under favorable conditions, these sprout and, the ordinary bacterium cell having been produced, growth and fission proceed as before. Obviously these spores are very different in function from those of Pteris (p. 130), since they are protective merely, and not rej^roductive. They correspond, doubtless, to that phase of animal life which is known as the ''encysted" state. Another mode of spore-formation in bacteria is that known as the production of arthro- spores^ in which a long slender cell mav become constricted and detach daughter-cells from one or both ends. This is obviously a sjiccial case of Fig. ms.-Ciiiated Bacteria. The unequal ccll-division, but if it exists c1?r;"^:o:''fspecfren'p"I at all (which has been a„uhted) it by s. c. Keith, Jr. Drawn by J. H. clearly approaches agamogenesis Emerton.) in such forms as Pteris. Physiology. Income;, Metabolism, and Outgo. The bacteria 196 VNICELLULAR PLANTS. show a surprising diversity in the precise conditions of their nutrition, and it is tlierefore difficult to make for them a satisfactory general statement. As a group, however, and dis- regarding for the moment certain important exceptions, they are to be regarded as colorless plants living for the most part upon complex organic compounds from which they derive their in- come of matter and energy and wliich they decompose into simpler compounds poorer in poten- :^: tial energy. In so doing they i^l bring about certain chemical :/: changes in the substances upon >.V: which they act which are of the vy. highest theoretical interest, and ■^ sometimes of great practical im- % portance. Perhaps the most pecul- ■i: iar feature of the physiology of % bacteria is the fact that while tliey ;i:' are themselves individuallv invisi- • ..■ «/ ^;v;:^:•.:.^>:•.V■:^^•:••v.•:vv/-•;:•::v;::^■^^ ble, they collectively produce very Firiw!-spirnium'nnduia^ couspicuous and important changes bacteria deeply stained. Drawn yh their environment. For CXaui- from the first photographic repre- . i , • . sentation of bacteria ever pub- ple, Vinegar bacteria act upon lished, viz., that of Robert Koch, alcohol (in cidcr, etc.) and by a in Cohn's Beitmye, 1876.) \ ... i i process oi oxidation slowly convert it into acetic acid and water, thus : — C,H.O + O, = C,H.O, + H,0. Here it is not the bacteria that are most conspicuous, but the effect which they produce. It is clear that the alcohol can be only one factor in the nutriment of the organism, because it contains no nitrogen, and the above reaction cannot represent more than a phase in the nutrition of the bacterium. That this is indeed the case is proved by the fact that if the conditions be somewhat changed the same bacteria may go further and convert the acetic acid itself into carbonic acid and water : — C,H,0, + O, = 2C0, + 2H,0. Chemical changes of this kind in which the effect upon the en- FERMENTS AND FERMENTATION. 197 vironment is more conspicuous than, and out of all proportion to, the change in the agent are in some cases known as ferinen- tations^ and the agent effecting the change is described as a ferment. Some ferments are organized or living^ and some are 0 Fig. 105.— Bacillus megaterium (x 600). Spore formation and germination. .4, a pair of rods forming spores, about 3 o'clock p.m. B, the same about an hour later. C, one hour later still. The spores in C were mature by evening ; the one apparently begun in the third upper cell of A and B disappeared ; the cells in 0 which did not contain spores were dead by 9 p.m. D, a five-celled rod with three ripe spores, placed in a nutrient solution, after drying for several days, at 12.30, P.M. E, the same specimen about 1.30 p.m. F, the same about 4 p.m. G, a pair of ordinary rods in active vegetation and motion. (After De Bary.) unorganized or lifeless. Of the former the vinegar bacterium and yeast are good examples. Of the latter the digestive fer- ments, like pepsin^ jptyalin., and trypsin^ and certain vegetal ferments, like diastase of malt are familiar instances. As a rule the bacteria seem to prefer neutral or slightly alkaline nitrogenous foods. They therefore decompose more readily meats, milk, and substances (such as beef-tea) made of animal matters; less readily acid fruits, timber, etc. If in the course of their activity they decompose meats, or fish, eggs, etc., with the production of evil-smelling gases or putrid odors, the process is known 2i^ piotref action. Rarely, bacteria invade the animal (or plant) body and act upon the organic matters which they find there. In such cases disease may result, and the bacteria concerned are then known as disease germs. But while bacteria appear to prefer highly organized nitrog- enous (proteid) food, they are by no means dependent upon it. Experiments have shown that many species can thrive upon Pasteur's fluid, a liquid containing only ammonium tartrate and certain purely inorganic substances; and one bacterium, at least (the "nitrous"), according to Winogradsky, can thrive upon ammonium carbonate. If this proves to be true for other spe- cies, it will show that bacteria can not only obtain their nitrogen from the inorganic world, but their carbon also. Enough has 198 UNICELLULAR PLANTS. been said already to prove tliat the bacteria are plants, for only plants can live upon inorganic food. But if the ex23eriments just referred to are correct, bacteria are not only plants, but, in spite of their lack of chlorophyll, some at least appear to be able, like green plants to manvfacture their own food out of the raw materials of the morganic world. The importance of this fact in studies of the genealogy of organisms is very great, for we are no longer obliged to suppose all chloroj^hylless plants to be degenerate forms. They may have been the primitive forms of life. As was the case with yeast and Protococcus^ it is extremely difficult to make any precise statement concerning the income or outgo of bacteria. It is believed, however, that the income always includes salts and water, and the outgo C02,H20 and some nitrogenous compound or, possibly, free (dissolved) nitro- gen. In more favorable cases the income appears to include proteids, fats, and carbohydrates or their equivalents. Sugar is freely used under some circumstances ; and fats (when saj^onified) and proteids peptonized, or otherwise altered, might readily be absorbed. It is probable that soluble ferments are excreted by the bacteria, which dissolve, and make absorbable, solid matters, such as meat or white of ^^^ ; and if this is true, bacteria exhibit a kind of external digestion. However this may be, it is certain that bacteria can live and multiply upon an amount of food ma- terials so small as almost or quite to elude chemical analysis ; and it is fair to say that they are among the most delicate of all reagents. It must not be inferred from what has been said above that bacteria are always oxidizing agents. Broadly speaking and in the long run they are such, and in this respect they resemble animals. Like the latter they are unable (because of want of chlorophyll) to utilize solar energy, and there- fore must obtain their energy by oxidizing their food. Yet under certain circumstances bacteria act as reducing agents, as, for example, when they reduce nitrates to ammonia. This action only takes place, however, in the presence of organic matter, and appears to be merely an incidental effect, the oxygen of the nitrate being needed for the oxidation of carbon. What at first sight appears to be an exception, therefore, proves in the end to be a part of a general law that bacteria, like animals, are oxidizing agents, are dependent for their energy upon the potential energy of their foods, and are unable to utilize solar energy (p. 104). METHODS OF STERILIZING. 199 It has recently been shown that many bacteria under circumstances otherwise favorable are killed by exposure to sunlight. Related Forms. According to our present ideas of classification the bacteria form a somewhat isolated group, their nearest relatives being the slitne-moulds {Myxomycetes) and especially the Mijxobacteria of Thaxter, on the one hand, and the CyanopJiycece the "blue-green" or "fission" algae on the other. Neither of these, however, need be considered here. Why Bacteria are Considered to be Plants. The bacteria were formerlj regarded as infusorial aninialcules (because they abound in infusions, and many have the power of active m(jveiiient). They are still regarded by some as animals. Most ])iologists, however, regard them as plants, because they can live without proteid food (which no animal, so far as known, can do), and because in their method of reproduction and in their growtli- forrns they more nearly resemble the Cydnojjhycece than they do any animal. There is also reason to think that their cell- wall is composed of cellulose. Bacteria and their Environment. The relations of organisms to tem- perature and moisture have been more thoroughly studied for the bacteria than for any other unicellular organisms on account of tlieir bearing upon modern theories of infectious disease. In general, temperatures above 70° C. are fatal to ordinary bacteria. In general, as is shown by common experience with the "keeping" of foods in cold storage, bacteria are be- numbed but not killed by moderate cold. But in special cases, particu- larly when they are dried slowly, bacteria may withstand even prolonged boiling or freezing or the action of poisons, so that the removal or destruc- tion of the last traces of bacterial life is often very difficult. Sterilization and Pasteurizing. The removal of all traces of living matter from any substance, and in particular the destruction of all bac- terial life, is known as sterilization. To free organic substances from the larger forms of life is a comparatively easy matter; but bacteria are so minute and so ubiquitous that scarcely anything is normally free from them, and they are so hardy that it is exceedingly difficult to destroy them without at the same time destroying the substances which it is desired to sterilize. They are not normally present in the living tissues of plants or animals which are sealed against their entrance by skins or epitiielia ; but after these are broken or cut open (as in wounds) bacteria speedily invade the tissues. Ordinary earth, as has been said above, teems with bacteria, which are easily dried and disseminated in dust driven by the wind. What- ever is in contact, therefore, with the air or exposed to dust or dirt is never free from bacteria, and meat or milk which in the living animal are nor- mally sterile, if exposed to the air soon become contaminated with bacteria. Sterilization (such as is required to preserve canned goods, for example) 200 UNICELLULAR PLANTS. may be effected by heat and continued, after cooling, by exclusion of germ -laden air. Disinfection, which is the destruction of bacterial life by powerful poisons, is another form of sterilization. Still another is filtra- tion through media impervious to germs, such as occurs in the well- known clay, or porcelain, water-filters. In the last case the pores of the filter are large enough to allow the water very slowly to pass, but too small for the bacteria. In some cases, especially those in which disease-producing (j9(7^^05re???!c) germs may be present and yet it is impossible to use poisons and undesira- ble to use a high temperature. Pasteurization is resorted to. This con- sists in heating to a temperature (usually 75^ C.) high enough to destroy the particular pathogenic germs supposed to be present, but not high enough to alter the digestibility or other valuable properties of the liquid in quostion. For the medical, economic, and sanitary aspects of problems relating to the Imcteria, reference must be had to the numerous treatises upon Bacteriology, perhaps the youngest, and certainly one of the most impor- tant, of the biological sciences. J i CHAPTEE XYII. A HAY INFUSION. If a wisp of liaj is put into a beaker of water and the mix- ture allowed to stand in a warm place there is soon formed what is known as a hay infusion. Microscopical examination of a drop of the liquid at the end of the first hour or two reveals little or nothing, and if the beaker be held up to the liglit the liquid appears clear and bright. But after some hours a marked change is found to have taken place. The liquid, originally clear, has become cloudj, and a drop of it examined microscop- ically wall be found to be swarming with bacteria. A day or two later, the cloudiness meanwhile increasing, the microscope generally reveals not only swarms of bacteria, but also numerous infusoria. At the same time the color of the liquid has deep- ened, it begins to appear turbid, a scum forms on the surface, and the odor of hay, which was present at the outset, is replacec* by the less agreeable odors of putrefaction. The simple ex- periment of bringing together hay and water has, in fact, set in motion a complicated series of physical, chemical, and biological phenomena. The Composition of a Hay Infusion. A hay infusion consist? of two principal constituents, hay and water. But neither i)\ these is chemically pure. Hay is only dried grass which for weeks, and even months, was exposed in the field to wind and dust. Covered with the latter — often the pulverized mud of roads and roadside pools — hay is richly laden with dried bacteria and other micro-organisms; while water, such as is ordinai-ily drawn from a tap, frequently contains not only an abundance of free oxygen and various salts in solution, but also numerous bac- teria, infusoria, algae, diatoms, and other micro-orgamsnis iu suspension. In the making of a hay-infusion, therefore, numer- ous factors co-operate, and a series of complicated reactions follow one another in rapid succession. At the start both 201 202 A HAT INFUSION. liaj and water are in i state of comparative rest or equilib- rium, but upon bringing them together action and reaction begin. First, the dust on the hay is wetted and soaked, and any micro-organisms in it or adliering to the hay are set free, and float in the water ; next, the water finds its way into the stems and leaves of the hay, causing them to swell and resume their orio;inal form. At the same time various soluble constitu- ents of the daad grass, such as salts, sugars, and some nitrog- enous substances, diffuse outward into the water, while from such cells as have been crushed or broken open during drying or handling, solid proteid or starchy substances may pass out and mingle with the water. These simple physical reactions obvi- ously involve a disturbance of the chemical equilibrium of the water. Originally able to support only a limited amount of life (such as exists in drinking-waters), it is now a soil enriched by what it has gained from the hay. The bacteria, extremely sensitive to variations in their environment, and especially to their food-supply, immediately proceed to multiply enormously, so that a biological reaction follows closely on the heels of the chemical change. But as a result of their metabolic activity the bacteria set up extensive chemical changes, which in their turn involve physical disturbances. For example, the dissolved oxy- gen with which the liquid was saturated soon disappears, so that more oxygen must, therefore, diffuse into the liquid from the atmosphere. Carbonic acid is generated in excess, and some may pass outwards to the air. Also, as a result of the vital activity of the micro-organisms the temperature of the infusion may rise a fraction of a degree above that of the surround- ing atmosphere. We are concerned, however, chiefly with the biological results. In consequence of the exhaustion of the oxygen supply in the lower parts of the liquid, many of the bacteria which require abundant oxygen for their growth {aerobes) find their way to the surface, where some pass into a kind of resting stage {zoogloea) and form a scum or skin {mycoclerm) on the surface of the liquid. Others, for which free oxygen is not necessary or to which it is even prejudicial {anaerobes)^ live and thrive in the deeper parts of the beaker. But, meantime, an- PHYSIOLOGICAL CYCLE IN THE INFUSION. 203 other plienoinenon lias occnrred. The infusijria, originallv few in number, iiiiding the conditions favorable, liave niuhi[)liLMl enormously, and after a day or two may be seen dartini^ in jind out among the bacteria, especially near the surface, and feeding upon them. Among the infusoria, liowever, are some wliich feed upon their fellows, so that we soon have the herbivorous infusoria pursued by carnivorous forms, the whole scene illus- trating in one Held of the microscope that struggle for existence which is one of tlie fundamental facts of biology. Obviously, this chain of life is no stronger than its weakest part. The hay is the source of the food-su])ply for all these forms, and this supply must eventually become exhausted. "When this happens, the bacteria cease to multiply, the herbivo- rous infusoria which depend upon them perish or pass into a rest- ing stage, the carnivorous infusoria likewise starve, and all the biological phenomena must either come to an end or change their character. Up to this point the action is purely destructive. But sooner or later microscopic green plants may appear on the scene, — Protococcits^ it may be, or its allies, — and a constructive action begin, the waste products of the animals and of the bacteria be- ing rebuilt by the green plants into complex organic matter. 1 )y this time, also, the dissolved organic matter will have been largely extracted from the liquid, the l)acteria for the most part devoured by the infusoria, and the latter may more or less completely have given way to larger forms — to rhizopods, roti- fers, small worms, and the like. The putrefying infusion has run its course, and the ordinary balance of nature has been restored. Thenceforw^ard an approximate equilibrium is maintained. The green plants build complex organic matter and store uj) the energy of light. The animals feed upon the j)lants, or upon one another, break down the complex matter, and dissi- pate energy. The ever-present bacteria break down all the refuse, extract soluble organic matter from the water, decom- pose the dead bodies of the animals or plants, and in the end, it may be, themselves fall victims to devouring infusoria. The physiological cycle is complete. 204 A HAT INFUSION. A liaj infusion tlius affords in miniature a picture of the liv- ing world. The green plants are constructive, and in the sun- light build up matters rich in potential energy. These as foods support colorless plants (such as bacteria) or animals. On these, again, herbivorous and carnivorous animals feed ; and so, in the world at large, as in the hay infusion, omnivorous as well as carnivorous animals, in the long run, feed upon herbivorous animals, and the latter upon plants — either colorless or green — which thus stand as the bulwark between animals and starvation. APPENDIX. SUGGESTIONS FOE LABOEATORY STUDIES AND DEMOXSTEATIONS. The "Laboratory Directions in General Biology," published and copyrighted by Prof. E. A. Andrews of Jolms Hopkins University, will be found extremely useful and ijractlcal. Also the following : Huxley and Martin's "Practical Biology " (Howes and Scott), and the accompanying ' ' Atlas of Biology, • ' by Howes ; Marshall and Hurst's "Practical Zoolofirv," Colton's "Practical Zoology," Bumpus's "Invertebrate Zoology," Dodge's "Ele- mentarv Practical Bioloo-v," Brooks's "Handbook of Inverte- brate Zoology." According to our experience, the periods for the course should be so arranged as to afford laboratory work and recitations or quizzes in about the proportions of three to two (for examj)le, three periods of laboratory work and demon- stration to two of quiz), for a half-year. Chapter I. (Introductory.) It is convenient to give at the outset one or more practical lessons on the microscope, affording the student an opportunity to learn its different parts, use its adjustments, test the magnifying power of the various combinations, etc. A good object for a first examination is a human hair, which serves as a convenient standard of size for comparison with other things. Other good objects are starches, the scales from a buttertly's wing (sketch under different powers), a drop of milk or blood, and ]i(nv(h^rod carmine or gamboge rubbed up in water (to show the Brownian movement). The student should compare the same object as seen under the simple and the compound microscope (to show 205 206 APPENDIX. reversal of the image in the latter), and should during the course learn the nse of the camera kicida (Abbe's camera, of Zeiss, tlie best). The stage-micrometer may also be examined at this time or later, and the student taught to prepare a scale (see Andrews) by drawing the lines, with camera, on a card under different p>owers (A + 2, D + 2, D + 4, of Zeiss), and labelhng each with the names of lenses and actual size of the spaces, as stated on the micrometer. Pencil- drawing should begin as soon as the first sj^ecimen is in focus, and sketches should be made, from the very first exercise onward, of everything really studied. It is absolutely indis- pensable to heej) a laboratory note-hooh^ which ought at any time to give tangible evidence that the laboratory study is bearing fruit ; and in the very first laboratory exercise a beginning should be made in this direction. The preliminary microscopy of one or two laboratory peri- ods, corresponding to the time spent in conferences U2)on the first chapter of the text-book, leads naturally up to the easy micro- scopical studies required in connection with the second chapter. ChAPTEK II. (STilUCTURE OF LiVING ORGANISMS.) The laboratory work may be made very brief and simple, and the facts shown largely by illustration. Tlie principal organs of a j)lant and of a five or dissected animal may be shown and some of the more ob^dous tissues pointed out. A frog under a bell-glass, and a flowering plant (geranium) in blossom, j)laced side by side on the demonstration-table will serve to suggest materials for the lists of organs and the comparisons called for. The skin of a Calla leaf is easily stripjDed off and demon- strated to the naked eye as one form of tissue. It may then be cut up and distributed for microscopic study and for j^roof that it is composed of cells. (During this process air is apt to replace water lost by evaporation, and must be displaced by alcohol, which in turn must be removed by w^ater.) For a first microscopical examination of tissue there is no better object than the leaf of a moss (a species having thin broad leaves should be chosen) or a fern prothalHum. Otlier good objects are thm sections of a potato-tuber from just helow the LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. 207 surface (stained witli dilute iodine to sliow nnolei and ^itarcli- grains), and frou-'s or newt's l>lood, mixed with nuniial salt scJu- tion, and examined either fresh or slightly stained with dilute iodine. Thin sections of pith (elder, etc.), from which the air lias been displaced by alcohol, give good pictures of tissue c<>jn]>used of empty cells. Fresh or alcoholic nniscle from the frog's leg, gently teased out, shows muscular tissue to be composed of elon- gated cells (iihres). Finally, the student may prove that he Inmself is composed of cells by gently scraping the inside of his lip or cheek with a scalpel, mounting the scrapings on a slide, and after adding a drop of Delalield's h^ematoxylin, covering, and examining in the usual way. To show the lifeless matter in living tissue it suffices to ex- amine frog's blood or human blood; sections of potatoes, es- pecially if lightly stained wdth iodine ; sections of geranium stems. {Pelargonium)^ which usually show crystals in some of the more peripheral cells ; cartilage, stained with iodine, in which the life- less matrix remains uncolored ; or prepared sections of bone, in which the spaces once filled by the living cells are now black and opaque, being filled with dust in the grinding, or with air. Chapter III. (Protoplasm and the Cell.) Naked-eye Examination of Protoplasm. A drop of ]u'oto- plasm is readily obtained from one of the long (internodal) cells of Nitella^ after removing the superfluous water and snipping off one end of the cell with scissors. The cell collapses and the drop forms at the lower (cut) end. It may be transferred to a (dry) slide and tested for its viscidity by touching it with a needle. Microscopically it is instructive chiefly by its lack of marked structure. The Parts of the Cell. The structure of the cell is beauti- fully shown in properly stained and mounted preparations of un- fertilized star-fish or sea-urchin eggs, or of apical buds of j^iUUa. If these are not availal)le potato-cells or cartilage cells do very well; or sections of epithelium, glands, etc., may be shown. The class may also mount and draw frog's or newt's blood- cells, prepared and double-stained as follows. The blood is spread 208 APPENDIX. out evenly on a slide and dried cautiously over a flame. Stain witli hsematoxylin for three minutes ; wash thoroughly with water, add strong aqueous solution of eosin, allow to stand one minute ; wash this time very rapidly, remove the excess of water quicMy with filter-paper pressed down over the whole slide ; dry rapidly, and examine with low power. If successful mount in balsam ; if the specimen is not pink enough add more eosin and wash still more rapidly than before. In good specimens the cells keep tlieir form perfectly, the cytoplasm is briglit pink, and the nucleo- plasm is light purple. Epidermis from young leaves of hot-house lilies ('' African " lily, ' ' Chinese ' ' lily, and especially lily-of -the-valley) yields cells showing finely the cell-wall, nucleus, and (in favorable cases) cytoplasm. If stained with acetic acid and methyl-green the nuclei are highly colored; with Delafield's hsematoxylin the cytoplasm is more easily seen. Cell-divisions or Cleavage are easily observed in segmenting ova or in fresh specimens of Protococcus (Pleurococcus) de- taclied from moistened pieces of bark which bear these algge. (See p. 178). Stages in the cleavage of the ovum may be seen in the seg- menting eggs of fresh-water snails {Pliysa^ Planorhis) which are easily procured at almost any tune by keeping the animals in aquaria. The old egg-masses should be removed so as to ensure the eggs being fresh. Or a supply of preserved segmenting eggs (star-fish, sea-urchin) may be kept for demonstrating the early stages. Protoplasm in Motion. The best introduction to j)rotoplasm in motion is afforded by a su23erficial examination of Amoeba (for procuring A?nceha see above. Chapter XII). If A^inoeba is not available young living tips of Nitella or Chara may be used. Anacharis and Tradescantia are useful, and often very beautiful, l)ut less easy to manage, as a rule. In mounting Nitella or Chara care must be taken not to crush the cells, and as far as possible pale fresh specimens rather than darker and older ones should be chosen. If Anacharis is to be studied the youngest leaves should be selected from the budding ends, and not, as is sometimes recommended, leaves which are becoming yellow. The movement in the cells of Anacharis leaves often besrins LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. 209 only after tlie leaf lias been mounted for a lialf-liour or more ; but when once established affords one of the most beautiful and striking examples of protoplasmic motion. If Tra(.U Heard at is to be used, care must be taken to have, if possi])le, tiowers just open or opening. The morning is therefore preferable for work uu this plant. High powers are necessary. In all these forms the movements may often be stinnilated l)y placing a lamp near the microscope or l)y cautiously warming the slide over the lamp-chhnney. Ciliary action is easily shown in bits of the gills taken from fresh clams, mussels, or oysters, or in cells scraped from the inside of the frog^s oesophagus. A striking demonstration is easily given by slitting open a frog's (or turtle's) oesophagus lengthwise, pinning out flat, moistening with normal salt solution, and placing tiny bits of moistened cork on the surface. The progressive movement of the cork-bits is then very obvious. Muscular contractility is easily shown l)y removing the skin from a frog's leg, dissecting out the sciatic nerve, cutting its upper end, and then stinmlating the lower end, if possible, by contact with a pair of electrodes, otherwise by pinching it with forceps. If the necessary apparatus is available the regular muscle-nerve preparation may be shown (see Foster and Langley's "Practical Physiology''). Food-stuffs Contain Energy. This may be shown (in dem- onstrations) by sprinking finely ])owdered and ihorou^jhl y dried starch, sugar, or flour upon a fire, or upon a platinum dish or piece of foil heated to redness over a small flame. Oils and dried and powdered albumen (proteid) may be similarly made to burn with almost explosive violence if apj^lied in a state of fine division in presence of air. The Chemical Basis, {ci) Proteids\ Coagulation'^ Blijor Jfor- tis\ Rigor Caloris. White-of-egg may be shown (in demonstra- tion) and made to coagulate in a test-tube hung down into a beaker of water under which is put a flame. A therm(Mnetcr in the test-tube may be read off from time to time as the ex])eri- ment advances, until finally coagulation begins, when the temper- ature is noted. The death-stiffening [rigor rnortin) comes on very quickly in frogs killed with chloroform. Ileat-stilfening {rigor caloris) is well shown by immersing one leg of a deca])i- tated frog in a beaker of water at 40° C. The other leg re- 210 APPENDIX. mains normal and affords a vahiable means of comparison. It is not wortli wliile to make many chemical tests of proteids at this point. (b) Carholiydr cites. A useful demonstration may be made of various starches, sugars, and glycogen. The iodine-test may be applied if desired. If time allows, the microscopical appear- ance of potato-starch, corn-starch, Bermuda arrowroot, etc., may be dwelt upon in the laboratory-work. Cellulose is well shown in filter-paper or absorbent cotton. (g) Fats. A demonstration of animal fats and vegetable oils may be made if time allows. They may be examined microscop- ically in a drop of milk, in an artificial emulsion made by shak- ing u}) sweet oil in dilute white-of-egg, or in fresh fatty tissue {from subcutaneous tissue of mouse, or fat-bodies of frog). It is hardly worth while to examine these substances chemically, but ■a few simple tests may be applied if desired. Dialysis. A demonstration of dialysis is easily made by in- verting a broken test-tube, tying the membrane over the flaring €nd, filling the tube to a marked point with strong salt or glu- •cose solution, and immersing it in a beaker of distilled water. After an hour or so the fluid will be found to have risen in the test-tube ao^ainst oTavitv. Temperature and Protoplasm. The profound influence of temperature on protoplasm is well shown by the frog's heart. Decapitate a frog and destroy tlie spinal cord. Expose the heart and count tlie beats at the room temperature. Then pour upon the heart iced normal salt solution. Again count the beats. Next pour upou it normal salt solution heated to 35° C. The number of beats will follow the fall and rise of tempeiTvture. Chapters IY to YIII. (The Earthworm.) Large earthioorms must he used or satisfactory results can- not be expected. Pains should therefore be taken to procure the large L. terrestris {not the common Allolohojpliora mucosa)^ which is readily recognizable by the flattened posterior end. This species is not everywhere common ; hence a supply should be procured and kept in a cool place in barrels half full of earth, on the surface of which is placed a quantity of moss. They will LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. 211 thus live for inoiitlis. Z. Urrestris mav be «jl)t;iinc»l in irreat numbers between April and November, l)y .searoliiiii:; for tlieni at niirht with a lantern in localities where imnierous castinors show them to abound (a rather heavy but rich s(jil will be found most productive). They will then be f(jund extended fr(^in their burrows, lying on the surface of the ground, and may be seized with the fingers. Considerable dexterity is needed, and it is necessary to tread very softly or the worms take alarm and in- stantly withdraw into their burrows. For dissection fresh specimens are far preferable for most purposes, though jyroperly preserved ones answer the purpose. Fresh specimens should be nearly killed by being })laced for a short time (about five minutes) in TO^ alcohol, and then stretched out to their utmost extent in 50^ alcohol in a dissecting-pan, the two ends being fastened by j^ins. They should then be at once cut open along the middle dorsal line with scissors, the flaps pinned out, and the dissection continued under the 50^ alcohol. (They must be comjpletely covered with the liquid.) By this method the mimitest details of structure may l)e ob- served, and many of the dissections should be done under a watchmaker's lens. For preservation (every detail of which should be attended to) a number of living worms are placed in a broad vessel filled to a depth of about an inch with water. A little alcohol is then cautiously dropped on the surface of the water at intervals until the worms are stupefied and become perfectly motionless and re- laxed (this may require an hour or two). They are then trans- ferred to a laro-e shallow vessel containinoj iust enouf^h 50^ alcohol to cover them, and are carefully straightened out and arranged side by side. After an hour the weak alcohol is re- placed by stronger (70^), which should be changed once or twice at intervals of a few hours; they are finally placed in 9(>^ alcohol, wdiich should be liberally used. The trouble demanded by this method will be fully repaid by the results. The W(^run: should be quite straight, fully extended, and plump, and they may be used either for dissection or for microsco2)ic study. For the purposes of section-cutting worms should be carefully washed and placed in a moist vessel containing plenty of wet filter-paper torn into shreds. The worms will devour the paper, 212 APPENDIX. which should be changed several times, until the paper is voided perfectly clean. The worms are then preserved in the ordinary way, and when properly hardened are cut into short pieces, stained with borax-carmine, imbedded in paraffin, and cut into sections with the microtome. The living worms should first be observed — their shaj)e, movements, behavior to stimuli, pulsation of the dorsal vessel (time the pulse and vary the rate by temperature changes). "Well-preserved specimens should then be carefully studied for the external characters (draw through tlie fingers to feel the setse). (Sketch.) Observe openings. The nephridial openings cannot be seen, but if preserved worms be soaked some hours in water and the cuticle peeled off tliey may be clearly seen in this. A general dissection of a fresh specimen should now be made, and the positions of the larger organs studied. (Make partial sketch, to be filled out afterwards, as in Fig. 24.) The alimentary canal and circulatory organs should now be carefully studied. Even the smallest of the blood-vessels may easily be worked out under the lens by using fresh specimens (killed in 70^ alcohol and afterwards dissected under water) and carefully turning aside the alimentary canal. The alimentary canal should afterwards be cut through be- hind the gizzard and gradually dissected away in front, exposing the nerve-cord and the reproductive organs (wash away dirt with a pipette). ISo great difficulty should be found in making out any of the parts, excepting the testes. These are difficult to find in mature worms, but may be found with ease in those which have no median seminal vesicles (usually the case with specimens hav- ing no clitellum). The contents of the seminal receptacles and vesicles from a fresh worm should be examined with the microscope. Kemove an ovary (with forceps and small curved scissors), mount in water, and study. (Stained in alum-carmine and mounted in balsam the ovary is a beautiful object.) The student should also re- move a fresh nephridial funnel and jDart of a nephridium, and study with the microscope. (This may have to be shown by the demonstrator, but should never be omitted, as the ciliary action is one of the most striking things to see.) A careful dissection of the anterior part of the nervous system should also be made. LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. 213 If time presses, tlie detailed study of iiiicroscopieal sections may be omitted, but a series of prepared sections shcnild be kept on liand and a demonstration given. The embryological development is too difficult to study, but very instructive demonstrations may be given l>y those who have had some experience. In the neighborhood of Philadelphia egg- capsules may be found in great numbers in old manure-heajis, in May and June. One end of the capsule should be slicc(| olf with a very sharp scalpel and the contents drawn out, under water, with a large-mouthed pipette. The mass may then be mounted in water under a supported cover-glass and studied with the microscope. The embryos may be preser\ed in Perenyi's fluid, and either studied whole in the preserving fluid or hardened in alcohol and cut into series of sections. Chapters IX to XI. (The Common Brake.) Except when the ground is frozen Pteris may be dug up and brouii:ht into the laboratorv in a fresh state. Fronds mav be cut and dried in midsummer and considerably freshened (by a moment's immersion in warm water) when needed to be used (in the oj^ening exercise) to illustrate the aerial portion of the plant. Rhizomes may be obtained at convenience and kept in weak alcohol (50^). The Morphology of the Body. To illustrate this, one whole and entire plant should, if possible, be at hand for examination. The aerial and the underground portions may then be sketched in their normal relations. Branches, roots, and old leaf-.y pressing out a drop of the contents from an internodal cell, adding dilute iodine solution, and examining with a high })ower. In favor- able cases as many as a dozen starch grains, stained blue, may bo found inside a single elliptical chlorophyll-body. 216 APPENDIX. Chapter XII. (Amceba.) Amoeba is one of the most capricious of animals, appearing and disappearing with inexpHcable suddenness, and as a rule it cannot be found at the time when needed , unless special prepara- tions hav^e been made in advance. It is never safe to trust to chance for a supply of material. It is equally unsafe to trust to the methods usually prescribed. Amoebae may, however, often be procured in abundance and with tolerable certainty as follows : A month or six weeks beforehand collect considerable quantities of water-plants (especially Nitella or Chara) from various pools or slow ditches, with an abundance of sediment from the bottom. It is important to select clear, quiet pools containing an abun- dance of organic matter (such as desmids, diatoms, etc., in the sediment) — not temporary rain-pools or such as are choked with inorganic mud (dirt washed in by rain). The material thus pro- cured should be distributed in numerous (10 to 20) open shallow dishes (earthenware milk-pans) and allowed to stand about the laboratory in various places — some exposed to the sun, others in the shade. The contents of many, perhaps all, of the vessels will undergo putrefactive changes and swarm with life — first with bacteria, later with infusoria — and will then gradually become clear again as in a hay-infusion. The sediment should now be examined at intervals, and Amoebce are almost certain to appear, sooner or later, in one or more of the vessels. Usually the small A. radiosa appears first, but these should only be used if it is found impossible to procured. Proteus., which is far larger, clearer, and more interesting. Experience will show that particular pools always yield a crop of Amcehm^ while others do not. When once a productive source is found all trouble is ended. If possible a sediment should be selected that swarms with AmoebcB. It is very discouraging for students to pass most of their time looking for the animals instead of at them. Large cover-glasses should be used, and the material taken with a pipette from the very surface of the sediment (not from its deeper layers). When first mounted the animals are usually con- tracted, and only become fully extended after a time. Outline sketches should be made at stated intervals, the structure of the protoplasm carefully studied, the pulse of the contractile LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. 217 vacuole timed (vary by vanning temperature), and the effect of tapping the cover-glass noted. It is practically useless to look for iission, for encysted forms, or for the external opening of the contractile vacuole; and the ingulhng of food or passing out of waste matters is rarely seen. The formation of pseiid(»i)odia should he carefully studied. After exanunhig the living aTiimals they should be killed and stained with dilute iodine. Arcella is almost always, and Diffliujia sometimes, found Avith Arnceha. These forms may be examined for comparison. It is desirable also to compare white l)lood-corpuscles, which may be obtained either by pricking the finger or, better, from a frog or newt. A drop of blood, received upon a slightly warmed slide, should be covered and sealed with oil aroimd the edtre of the cover-glass. The white corpuscles are at first rounded, l)ut soon begin to show change of form. (Xo contractile vacuole, no differentiation into ectoplasm and entoplasm, often no nucleus visible.) Chapter XII. (Infusoria.) Parammcia are almost certain to ap2:>ear in the earlier stages of the ATYioeha cultures, and in similar decomposing licpiids or infusions, and to ensure having them a large number of vessels and jars containing an excess of vegetable matter should be i)re- 23ared a month or more beforehand. Their successful study is very easy if they are procured in "cery large miirLbers (the water should be milky with them), otherwise it is practically im]")ossible. Three slides of them should be pre2)ared and set aside for a short time (under cover, preferably, in a moist chamber) to allow the animals to become quiet. One slide should contain simply a drop of the infusorial water ; a second the same, with the addi- tion of a little powdered carmine; to the third add a (h*oj) or two of an aqueous solution of chloral hydrate (made by droi)i)ing a crvstal or two into a watch-o-lass of water). The tirst slide should be studied iirst; and it will usually be fiamd that after a time the animals crowd about the edges of the cover, often lying nearly or quite still. If this is not the case, the sj)ecimens j)ara- lyzed by chloral may be studied. The carmine sjiecimens will show beautiful food-vacuoles tilled witli carmine; and bv careful study the formation of the vacuoles may be observed. 218 APPENDIX. The general strncture sliould be carefully studied, the con- tractile vacuoles particularly examined (they are seen best in dying specimens or in those paralyzed by chloral), and dividing or con- jugating individuals looked for (they are often abimdant). The only really difficult point is the nucleus, which cannot be well seen in the living animal. It may be clearly seen by mounting a drop, to which a little dihite iodine or 2^ acetic acid has been added. The former shows the cilia well, the latter the tricho- cysts. Osmic acid and corrosive sublimate also give good preser- vation. The internal changes during fission and conjugation must be studied in prepared specimens mounted in balsam. Such preparations are often of great beauty and interest. Vorticella must be sought for on duck-weed or other plants, or on floating sticks, and the like. Zodthamnion^ Carchesium, etc. , are liable to appear at any time in the aquaria. All these forms are easily studied. Conjugation is very rarely seen, but fission and motile forms are common. The macronucleus is especially well shown in dead or dying specimens. Chapter XI Y. (Pkotococcus.) Protococcus {PleurocoGGus) is found in abundance on the northerly side of old trees in many parts of the United States. In case it cannot be obtained in any region it may be procured, during 1895 and 1896, from Prof. Sedgwick, Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. , by mail. The laboratory- work with it is too easy to require comment. See, however, Arthur, Barnes & Coulter's "Plant Dissection" (Henry Holt & Co., ISTew York). Chapter XY. (Yeast.) Bakers', brewers', compressed, and dried yeast may be had in the markets. Brewers' yeast is to be preferred, as com- pressed yeast-cakes contain starch, bacteria, and other extraneous matters. All of the kinds may be cultivated to good advantage in wort (to be obtained at breweries) or in Pasteur's fluids. (See Huxley and Martin, chapter on Yeast.) Wild yeasts may be r LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. 219 found by examining sweet cider niicroscoi)ically. For the fol- lowing methods of demonstrating nuclei in yeast and ohtannn* ascospores we are indebted to Mr. 8. C. Keith, .Ii-. To Demonstrate Nuclei in Yeast. Any <;«)«jd activelv-irrowint'' yeast will answer, but a large (brewers') yeast is preferaljlc. .Mix a little of the yeast with an equal amount of tap-water in a test- tube and shake thoroughly. Add an equal volnme of llermanirs fluid and shake again. As soon as the yeast has settled j)our off the supernatant liquid and wash the yeast by decantation. Trans- fer some of the cells to a slide, flx by drying, stain by Ih'ick'ii- hain's iron-hsematoxylin method (see Centralhlatt fi'ir Barirr't- ologie^ xiv. (1893), pp. 358-300), wash, dehydrate with alcuhul, follow with cedar-oil, and mount in balsam. In successful speci- mens the effect is very satisfactory. (See Fig. 96.) A Simpler Method. To demonstrate nuclei in yeast more quickly and very easily the following method may be used : Pxjil (in a test-tube) for a moment an infusion of vey^y vigorous yeast in water, place a drop of the boiled infusion on a slide, add a drop of 'yr(lin;iry pocket-lens; glass slides (3 X lin.), cover-glasses, watch-crystals, small gummed labels, needles with adjustable handles, camel' s- hair brushes, blotting and lilter paper, a good razor, pipettes (medicine-droppers), glass rods and tubes, glass or pon-elain dishes for staining, etc., a set of small dissecting instruments (small scalpel, forceps, and straight-pointed scissors), a section- lifter, pieces of pith for section-cutting, thread, a shallcnv tin pan lined with wax, long insect pins for pinning out dissected s])eci- mens, drawing materials, and a note-book for sketches and other records. Each table should be furnished with a set of small reafjent- bottles, a Bunsen burner, wash-bottle, test-tubes, beakers, and a bell-glass for protection from dust. Thermometers, a balance, microtome, drying oven, and a paraffin water-bath should also be accessible. REAGENTS AND TECHNICAL METHODS.* Alcohol. — Since biological laboratories belonging to incorpo- rated institutions obtain alcohol duty free, it should be UheniUy supplied and freely used. Alcohol of 100°, i.e., "absolute" alcohol, may be purchased in 1-pound bottles. "Squibb's" absolute alcohol may be obtained of any druggist, f but ordinary alcohol of 90-95^ answers nearly every purpose. ''Cologne spirits," i.e., alcohol of about 94^, may be obtained from the distillers at 60c., or thereabouts, per gallon. It may then be Bausch & Loinb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y.; the Fnmkliu Educational Co., Hamilton Place, Boston; or Queen & Co., Chestnut Street, Phihulelphia. Chemical and other apparatus may be obtained from Eimer & Amend, 205-211 Third Avenue, N. Y. * Every laboratory should be supplied with some of the standard books upon this subject, e.g., Strasburger's Botanisclie Practicinn, Jena; Whitniun'a Methods of Research in Microscopical Anatomy and Embryology, Boston: Lee, The Microtomist's Vade Mecum, last edition; Zimmerman's Botanical Micro- technique (Humphrey), Holt, N. Y. f See also Whitman, 1. c, p. 14. 222 APPENDIX. diluted to 80^, 70^, 50^, etc., as needed. For tins purpose an alcoliolinieter is very convenient. Acetic Acid. — One or two parts glacial acetic acid to 100 parts water. Acetic Acid and Methyl-green. — This is valuable for staining nuclei in vegetal tissues. Dissolve metlijl-green in one or two per cent acetic acid until a rich, deep color is obtained. Borax-carmine. — Add to a 4^ aqueous solution of borax 2-3^ carmine, and heat until the carmine dissolves. Add an equal volume of 70^ alcohol, and filter after 24 hours. After staining (6-12 hours, or more for large objects, a few minutes for sec- tions) place the object in acidulated alcohol (100 c.c. 35^ alcohol, 3-4 droj)s hydrochloi'ic acid) and leave until the color turns from dull to bright red (10-30 m.). Afterwards remove to 70^ alcohol. Canada Balsam, Mounting in. — This invaluable substance may be obtained in the crude condition, dried by prolonged heating, and then dissolved in chloroform, benzole, or turpentine, for use. The benzole solution is perhaps the best, and may be ob- tained from most of the dealers. The principles of mounting in balsam are veiy simple. It does not mix with water or alcohol, but mixes freely with clove-oil, chloroform, benzole, etc. Ob- jects are therefore generally treated, first with very strong alco- hol, 95-100^, in order to remove the water ; then with clove-oil, chloroform, or turpentine to remove the alcohol, and afterwards mounted in a drop of balsam. This should usually be placed on the cover-glass, which is thereujDon inverted over the object. The balsam gradually sets and the preparations are permanently preserved. Carmine. — Carmine may be obtained as a powder, which when rubbed up thoroughly with water in a mortar passes into a state of very fine subdivision. . This proj)erty makes it available for experiments with cilia, etc. It is more often used in solution, as a staining agent. (See Borax- carmine.) Cellulose- test. — Saturate the object in iodine solution, wash in water, and j^lace it in strong sulphuric acid j)repared by carefully pouring 2 volumes of the concentrated acid into 1 volume of water. LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMONSTRATIONS. 22^ Collodion and Clove-oil. — Used for fixiiiij: sections to the slide in order to prevent the displacement of deUcate or isolated part& in balsam-monnting. Mix one part of ether-coll()di<»n and tliree parts of oil of cloves. In niountiiii^, varnish a sHde with the mixture by means of a camel' s-hair brush, lay on tlie sections, and place the slide for a few minutes on the water-hath (i.e., until tlie clove-oil evaporates). Transfer the slide trj a wide- mouthed bottle of turpentine (to dissolve tlie ])arathn), remove it and drain off the turpentine, place a drop of Canada balsam on the middle of a cover-glass, and invert it over the object. Dahlia. — Dissolve in water. Eosin. — Dissolve in water until a bright-red solution is ob- tained. It should be diluted when used. Glycerine, dilute. — Two parts glycerine, one part distilled water. Haematoxylin (Delafield's). — Add 4 c.c. of saturated alcoholie solution of hgematoxylin to 150 c.c. of strong aqueous solution of anmionia-alum ; let the mixture stand a week or more in the light, filter, and add 25 c.c. of glycerine and 25 c.c. of methyl alcohol. The fluid improves greatly after standing some weeks or months. Haematoxylin (Kleinenberg^s). — To a saturated solution of cal- cium chloride in 70^ alcohol add an excess of pure alum ; filter after 24 hours and add 8 volumes of 70^ alcohol, filtering again if necessarv. Add a saturated alcoholic solution of lueniatoxylin until the liquid becomes purple- blue. The longer the liquid stands before using, the better. It should be diluted for use with the alum-calcium-chloride solution in 70,^^ alcohol. Hermann's Fluid. — See Lee's Vade Mecum. Iodine Solution. — Dissolve jiotassium iodide in a small quantity of water, add metallic iodine until the mixture assumes a dark- brown color, and then dilute to a dark-sherry color. The solu- tion should be kept from the light. Magenta (Aniline Red). — Dissolve in water. Methyl Green. — Used in aqueous or alcoholic solution or with acetic acid. Normal Fluid (Normal Salt Solution). — Dissolve 7.50 grams of sodium chloride in 1 litre of distilled water. Paraffin.— "Hard" and "soft" paraffins, i.e., those of high 224 APPENDIX. and low melting-points, should be mixed in such proportions that the melting-point lies between 50° and 55° C. Perenyi's Fluid, — Ten-per-cent nitric acid 4 parts, 90^ alco- hol 3 parts, ^fc aqueous solution of chromic acid 3 parts. Not to be used until the mixture assumes a violet hue. Leave objects in the fluid 30 minutes to an hour, then 24 hours in 70^ alcohol, and finally place in 90 per cent alcohol. Schultze's Macerating Fluid. — Dissolve a gram of potassium 43lilorate in 50 c.c. of nitric acid. The tissue should be boiled in the mixture and afterwards thoroughly washed in water. Schulze's Solution. — Dissolve zinc in pure hydrochloric acid, evaporate in the presence of metallic zinc, on a water-bath, to a syrupy consistency, add as much iodide of potassium as will dis- solve, and then saturate Avith iodine. (When heated with this fluid cellulose turns blue. Section-cutting. — Many objects can be cut by hand with a razor (which must be very sharp). The object should be held in the left hand while the razor is pointed away from the body, and allowed to rest on the tips of the fingers with its edge turned towards the left. It is then drawn gently toAvards the body so as gradually to shave oft* the section. Small objects may be held between two pieces of watchmaker's pith previously soaked in water. In either case the razor should be kept wet. Many objects, however, require more careful treatment by one of the following methods : A. Paraffin Method. — After hardening and staining, the object is soaked in strong alcohol (95^ or more) until the Avater is thoroughly extracted (2-12 hours, changing the alcohol at least once), then in chloroform until the alcohol is extracted (2-12) hours), and then in melted parafiin (not warmer than 55° C.) on a water-bath for 15 to 30 minutes (too high a tem^^era- ture or too long a bath causes excessive shrinkage). Some of the parafiin is then poured into a small paper-box, or into adjustable metal frames. The object is transferred to it and after the mass has begun to set it is placed in cold Avater until quite hard. It is then cemented (by paraffin) to a square piece of cork and placed in the section-cutter or microtome. The sections may be cut singly with the oblique knife or by LABORATORY STUDIES AND DEMOXSTRATIOSS. 2*25 the ribbon- method,'^ the knife being "kept dry in eitlier cai^e. In mounting they should be lixed by tlie culludiun-niethod. (^Seo Collodion and Clove-oil.) B. Celloidln MdluxJ. — This is especially ap])licable to :etal tissues. After deli vd rat iu*^ the obifc-t thomuirldv in alcohol, soak it 24 hours in a mixture of ecpial parts of alcohol and ether. Make a thick solution of celloidin in the same mix* ture and soak the object for some hours in it. It may then ho imbedded as follows: Dip the smaller end of a tapering (M»rk in the celloidin solution, allow it to dry for a monieiit (hh»wing on it if necessary), and then build upon it a mass of celloidin, allowing it to dry a moment after each additi<»n. Transfer the object to the cork and cover it thoroughly with the celloidin. Then float the cork in 82-85^ (0.842 sp. gr.) alcohol until the mass has a firm consistency (24 h.). It may then be cut in the microtome with the oblique knife, which nnist be kept dripping with 82-85,^ alcohol. Keep the sections in 82-85^ alcohol until ready to mount them, then soak them for a minute in strong alcohol, transfer to a slide, pour on chloroform until the alcohol is removed, drain off the liquid, quickly add a drop of balsam, and cover. (See also Whitman, 1. c, p. 113.) * See Whitman, 1. c. p. 71. INDEX. Absorption, 48, 52, 101, 165c Accretion, 166, Acbromatin, 23. Actinopbrys, 166. Adaptation, 97, 98, 144. Adventitious buds, 130. Probes, 202. Etiology, 6. Agamogenesis, 73, 130, 163. Albuminous bodies, 36. Alimentation, 48, 105. Alimentary canal, 82, 92. Alimentary system, 49. Allolobophora, 41. Alternation of generations, 130, Ammha, 27, 158, 216. Amoeboid cells, 64. Ampliiaster, 84. Amphimixis, 168. Anabolism, 33, 100, 149, 164 Anachai'is, 29. Anaerobes, 202. Anatomy, 7. Animalcule, 158, 199. Annulus, 132. Anus, 46, 82, 165. Antberidia, 135. Aortic arcbes, 54, 55. Apical buds. 111, 116, 123. Apical cell, 123. Apogamy, 143. Apospory, 143. Areella, 166. Archegouia, 137. Arcbenteron, 80, 82, 85. Arcbesporium, 131. Arcboplasm, 79, 80. Artbrospore, 195. Ascospore, 187. Asexual reproduction, 73. Assimilation, 182. Aster, 79, 84. Attraction spbere, 83, 84. At WATER, W. O., 34^. Bacilli, 192. Bacteria, 64, 178, 192. Bast-fibres, 120. Biology, 1, 6, 7. 8. Bisexual, 73, l.'W. Blastoi)()re, 80, b5. Blastospbere, 85. Blastula, 80, 90. Blood. 15, 16, 90, 102. Blood-vessels, 54. Blue-green alg;e, 183, 193o Body, 19, 24. 84, 107, 156. Body-cavity, 47. Bone, 16. Botan\, 6, 7. Branches, 111, 122, 130. Brancbijp, 62. Budding, 186. Biirsaria, 176. Calciferous glands, 51. Calkins, G. X., 171. Capillaries, 54. Capsules of eggs, 78. Capsulogenous glands. 46. Carbohydrates, 37, 101. CairJu'sium, 176. Carnivora. 177, 203. Cartilage, 15, 1(5. Castings, 42, 53. Cell, 12, 20. Cell-division, 24, 83. Cell-theorv. 20. Cellulose, "37. Cell-wall, 22, 23. Centrosome, 79, 83, 84. Cerebral ganglia, 65, 69. Chalk, 166, Chara, 24. Chemiotaxis, 139. Chlorococcus, 178. Cliloragogiie-cclls, 52, 61, 93. Cbloropbvll, 12<). 151. 215. Chlorophyll -bodies. 179, 215. Vhroococcuti, 183. Chromatin, 23, 83. Cliroinutoi)hores. 147, 179, Chromosomes. 83. 84. Cilia. 31. 63, 74, 137. 192. Circulation. 4S, 53, 101, 165. C'LArAliiDE, 96. 228 INDEX. Classification, 7. Clitellum, 46, 77, 78, 88, 93. Coagulation, 36, 39. Cocci, 192. Coelenterata, 88. Coelom, 47, 82. Coelomic Huid, 53. COHN, 21. Cold storage, 199. Colloidal, 36. Colony, 176. Commissures, 65. Conjugation, 171, 181. Connective tissue, 70, 90. Consciousness, 69, 70. Contractility, 62, 164. Coordination, 48, 64, 67, 164. Copulation, 77. Cross-fertilization, 74. Crystals, 17. Cushion, 135. Cuticle, 71, 91. Cyanopbyceae, 183, 192, 199. Cyclical change, 5, 72, 89. Cytoplasm, 22, 84. Darwin, 42, 51, 70, 99, 103. Death, 152. De Bary, 115, 143. Defsecation, 53, 165. Desmids, 178, 183. Dialysis, 36, 210. Diastatic ferment, 52. Diatoms, 178, 183. Dichogamy. 138. Differentiation, 11, 84, 141. Differentiation, antero-posterior, 43, 110. Differentiation, dorso-ventral, 43, 110. Differentiation of the tissues, 25. Diffliigia, 166. Digestion, 48, 49, 52, 101, 165. Diplococcus, 194. Disease-germs, 192, 197. Disinfection, 200. Dissepiments, 47, 94. Distribution, 7. Division of labor, 11, 26, 156, 165. Dorsal pore, 48. Dorsal vessel, 54. DUJARDIN, 21. Earthworm, 41. Ectoblast, 81. Ectoplasm, 158. Egg, 24. Egg laymg, 77. Egg-nucleus, 79. Egg-string, 74. Embryo, 25. Embryology, 7, 72, 78. Endospore, 187, 194. Endosporium, 134. Energy, 32, 99, 146, 151. Entoblast, 81. Entoplasm, 158. Environment, 97, 103, 144, 15t Epidermal system, 114. Epidermis, 114, 116. Epistylis, 176. Epithelium, 90. Eagle na, 176. Excretion, 48, 53, 59, 100, 165. Exosporium. 134. Eve-spot, 176. Faeces, 53. Farlow, 143. Fats, 17, 37, 101. Feathers, 18. Ferns, 105. Ferment, 52. Fermentation, 191, 197. Fertilization, 73, 78, 139. Fibro- vascular system, 114. Fibro- vascular bundles, 142. Filtration, 200. Fission, 163. Flagellum, 176, 192. FOL, 79. Foods, 146. Foraminifera, 166. Fore-gut, 86. Foster, Michael, 153, 163. Fredericq, 52. Frond, 125. Functions, 9. Fundamental system, 114. Fungi, 147. Gamete, 181. Gamogenesis, 73, 130, 168. Ganglion, 64, 94. Gastrula, 80. Gastrulation, 84. Germ- cells, 24, 73, 90, 130. Germination, 134. Germ-layers, 81, 84, 85o Germ-layer theory, 88. Germ- plasm, 89, 152. Germinal spot, 74. Germinal vesicle, 74. Giant-fibres, 94. Gills, 62. Girdle, 78. Gizzard, 51, 71. Glmocapsa, 178, 183. Glucose, 52. Glycogen, 37. Gregarinn, 64. Growth, 165. Guard-cells, 128. INDEX, 229 Hdmatococcus, 178. Haemoglobin, 54. ■lair, 18. Hay infusion, 201. •ierbivora, 176, 203, ileredity, 84. Hermaphrodite, 73, 130, Heutwig, 79. Hibernation, 38. Hind-gut, 86. Histology, 7. HooKE, Robert, 20. H30KER, Sir W. J., 106 Hoppe-Seyler, 35. Huxley, 2, 4. Hypodermis, 92. Impregnation, 73, 139. Individual, 13, 156, 164. Indusium, 131. Infusions, 168. Infusoria, 168, 217. Inheritance, 80, 84. Intussusception, 4, 165, Irritability, 164. Johnson, 35. Katabolism, 33, 99, 149, 164. Karvokinesis, 83. Keith, S. C, Jr. , 186, 195. Krukenberg, 52. Lateral ridges, 111, 114. Leaf, 11, 125. Lenhossek, 95. Leptothrix, 194. LlNN^US, 105. Lumhricwi, 41. Lungs, 62. Lymph, 53. Lymph-cells, 64. Macrogamete, 175. Macro nucleus, 170, 171. Malic acid, 139. Maupas, 170. Meristem, 123. Mesoblast, 81. Mesophyll, 126. Metabolism, 33, 100, 101, 148. 164. Metamerism, 45. Metchntkoff, 53. Microgamete, 175. Micronucleus, 170, 171, Micro-organisms, 201. Middle-piece, 74, 79, Sa Mid-gut, 86. Mitosis, 83. MoiiL, H. VON, 21. Morphology, 6, 7. Mother-of- vinegar, 194, 195. Mother-cells, 134, 137. Motion, 48. Motor system, 62. Mouth, 49. 80, 85, 165. Muscles, 14, 26. 27, 62, 90. MujvDEu, 35. Mt/ro(lrrma, 194, 202. Myxobacteria, 199. Myxomycetes, 199. Natural selection, 99. Nei)hridia, 58, 59. Nerves, 64, 90. Nerve-cells, 94. Nerve-centre, 68. Nerve-impulses, 67. Nervous system, 64, 82, 94, 103. Nitella, 28. Nitrogen, 147. Nucleolus, 23. Nucleoplasm, 22. Nucleus, 16, 23, 186. Nutrition, 99, 146. (Esophagus, 18. Old age. 72, 152, 166. Odphore, 130. 05sphere, 73, 138. Oospore, 139. Organisms, 9. Organogeny, 85. Organs, 9. Ovaries, 74. Oviduct, 75. Ovum, 73, 74, 89. Prira?ncecium. 168. Parasites, 192. Parenchyma, 116. Pasteur, 188. Pasteurization, 200. Pasteur's Huid, 189, 197. Pathogenic, 200. Pathology, 6, 7. Peptic ferment, 52. Pept(me, 52. 101. Peristaltic actions, 51, 54, 55. Pfkkfku, 139. Phagocytes. 53. 61. 64, 158. Pharyngeal ganglia, 67. Pharynx, 49. Physiological properties of proto plasm, 1(;3. 1M2. 183. Physiology, 6. 7. 166. Plivsiologv of the nervous svstem, 67. Poiarct'lls, 79. Pole-cells, 82. Poisons, 39. Plasma. 53. rieurococcns, 178. 230 INDEX. Primordial utricle, 29. Proctodaeum, 83, 86. Pronucleus, 79. Prosencliyma, 116. Prostomium, 45. Protection, 71. Proteids, 3, 33, 52. Proteus animalcule, 27, 158. Prothallium, 180, 135, 214. Pi'otococcus, 178. Protonema, 134. Protoplasm, 16, 20, 207, 208. Protozoa, 158. Pseudopodia; 27, 158* Psychology, 7, 8. Pulse, 54. Putrefaction, 197, 201. PURKINJE, 21. Radiolaria, 166. Keceptacle, 131. Receptaculum ovorum, 'J'5. Reflex action, 67. Regeneration, 73. Reproduction, 48, 72, 111 , 130, 152, 165. Respiration, 61, 150, 165. Retzius, 95. Rhizoids, 134. Rhizome, 111, 140. Rhizopoda, 166. Rigor caloris, 39. Rigor mortis, 209. Roots, 122. SaccJiaromyceSy 184. Sachs, 115. Salivary glands, 51. Sap, 14. Saproph}i;es, 192. Sarcina, 194. Schizomycetes, 192, SCHLEIDEN. 20. ScHULTZE, Max, 21. Schwann, 20. Sciences, biological, 1, 6. Sciences, physical, 1. Segmentation, 24, 80. Segmentation cavity, 84, 85. Seminal receptacle, 77. Seminal vesicle, 76. Sensation, 48. Sense organs, 42, 69. Senses, 42, 69. Sensitive system, 69. Setae, 46, 63. Setigerous glands, 63, 77. Sexual reproduction, 73. Sieve-tubes, 116. Sight, 42, 69, 70. Skin, 128. Slipper animalcule, 168. Smell, 42, 69. Sociology, 7, 8. Somatic cells, 73. Somatic layer, 85. Somatopleure, 82, 86. Somites, 45. Spencer, Herbert, 3, 99, 146. Spermaries, 74, 75. Spermatosphere, 77. Spermatozoid, 137. Spermatozoon, 73, 74 Sperm-duct, 76. Sperm-nucleus, 79. Spiderwort, 29. Spirilla, 192. Splanchnopleure, 82, 86. Spontaneous generation, 33. Sporangia, 130. Spores, 24, 130, 194, Sporophore, 130. Staphylococcus, 194. Starch, 17, 37, 146. Stentor, 176. Sterilization, 199. Stimulus, 67. Stipe, 125. Stomach-intestine, 51. Stomata, 126, 128. Stomodaeum, 82, 86. Streptococciis, 194. Struggle for existence, 203. Stylonichia, 170. Sugar, 37. Sun-animalcule, 166. Survival of the fittest, 99. Symbiosis, 177. Symmetry, bilateral, 44, 110. Symmetry, serial, 45. Sympathetic system, 67. Taste, 42, 69, 70. Taxonomy, 7. Temperature, 38, 199, 210. Testes, 74, 75. Tissues, 11, 13. Touch. 42, 69, 70. Toxicologv, 39. Trachea?, 116. Tracheids, 116. Trade scantia, 29. Transpiration, 146. Trichocysts, 168. Tryptic ferment, 52. Twins, 88. Typhlosole, 51, 91. Unicellular animals, 158. Unicellular organisms, 156, 177. Unicellular plants, 178. Vacuoles, 24, 162, 170. INDEX. 231 Vascular system, 54. Vas deferens, 76. Veins, 126. Vejdovsky, 79, 81 Venation, 129. Vessels, 116. Vinegar, 196. VlRCIIOW, 21. Vital energy, 33. Vital force, 33. Vitellus, 74, 78. Vortieella, 168, 172, White, 43. White 1)1 cod -cells, 64. Whirlpool, 2. WiNOGUADSKY, 197. Yeast, 178. Yeast, bottom, 190. Yeast, red, 191. Yeast, top. 190. Yeast, wild, 190. ZoOgloea, 194, 195. Zooids, 176. Zoology, 6, 7. Zoospores, 181. Zoothamnioa, 176. noPEXTT uijuir H. C. StaU OXim SCIENCE TEXT-BOOKS AND WORKS OF REFERENCE. AU prices arc net unlesa marked retail. DetaiU of the book* vHll he found in Henry Holt 6: Co.'^s Educatiomd Catalnnnr, free on applicntinn. Hmcrlcan Science Scries Physics. By Prof. Geohge F. Rarkeh, I'ir.versity of Pennsylvania. Advducedi'ourse. 902 pp. 8vo. $;5.rjO Cliemlstry. By Prest. 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