Section I PahtII An Introduction TO NEMATOLOG\ 7 B. G. Chilwood ac M B. Chitwood Babylon, N. Y. NATHAN AUGUSTUS COBB 18S9-I932 Born in Spencer, Ma««.; B. Sc. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1881); Instructor in chemistry and natural history at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. (1881-1887); Ph. D. University of Jena (1888); Investi- gator at Naples Zoological Station (1888); commercial advertiser at Sydney, N. S. Wales (1889); temporary professor of zo- ology in University of Sydney (1889-1890); pathologist. Department of Agriculture, N. S. Wales (1891-1901); special commis- sioner on Agriculture for N. S. Wales, visit- ing Europe and United States (1901-1904); director. Division of Physiology and Path- ology, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experiment Station (190S-1906); Agricultural Technolo- gist, U. S. Department of Agriculture ( 1907- 1928); Principal Nematologist, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture (1929-1932). Plant pathologist, parasitologist, inven- tor, nematologist, ornithologist; crystallog- rapher, poet, romanticist and dramatist of nematology. From Coob. lOlti. C*»yrl|hl, 1938. by M. B. Cklti>;oi Section I Pakt II An Introduction TO NEMATOLOG\ T B. G. Chitwood & M. B. Chitwood Babylon, N. Y. NATHAN AUGUSTUS COBB 18S9-1932 Born in Spencer, Masc; B. Sc. Worcester Polytechnic Injtitute (1881); Instructor in chemistry and natural history at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. (188I-I887); Ph. D. University of Jena (1888); Investi- gator at Naples Zoological Station (1888); commercial advertiser at Sydney, N. S. Wales (1889); temporary professor of zo- ology in University of Sydney (1889-1890) ; pathologist. Department of Agriculture, N. S. Wales (1891-1901); special commis- sioner on Agriculture for N. S. Wales, visit- ing Europe and United States (1901-1904); director. Division of Physiology and Path- ology, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experiment Station (1905-1906); Agricultural Technolo- gist, U. S. Department of Agriculture ( 1907- 1928); Principal Nematologist, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture (1929-1932). Plant pathologist, parasitologist, inven- tor, nematologist, ornithologist; crystallog- rapher, poet, romanticist and dramatist of nematology. QL . 391. N C 57 F From Cujb. lOIU. Tr Am. Micr Sw.-. v IS I I ) : 7-23 C«»yrl|ht. 1038. by M. B. Chltwtoi PREFACE THE authors to exjircss tlicir aiipreeiation to tho various workers and institutions wliich supported the first part. Sucli support, even in so limited a field, will assure eompletion of the series. Tins ])art, covering- as it does, the digestive tract and associated structures, includes most of the characters commonly used in identifica- tion. In order to give as compivhensive a survey as possible numy of the illustrations are semidiagianniiatic (those not shaded). In all cases they are based on camera lucida sketches. The side view series of diagrams may be assumed to have the dorsal side at the readers left unless otherwise specified. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Doctor G. Steiner, Doctor J. R, Christie and ]\[iss K. i\[. Buhrer, all of the Divi- sion of Nematology. U. ,S. Bureau of Plant Industry, for theii- helpful criticism. B. G. C. & M. B. C. CHAPTER V CEPHALIC STRUCTURES AND STOMA Tlio various structures which go to niako up tlie copliulic region of ncinatodcs cannot be classified iu a single category. Yet tlieir study is naturally interlocked liotli in [iractical and develoiunental anatomy, l.'nder the general hi'ading "Cephalic structures" we shall discuss lips, iiseudidaliia, cephalic ivapillae, cephalic setae, amphids, proludae, collarettes, cordons and labial dentition while under the heading "Stoma" that part of the digestive tract Ijetween the oral opening and the anterior end of the esojihagus will be considered. Of necessity, a dis- cussion of cei)halic structures must include parts of the ner- vous system, external cuticle and sometimes stomatal develop ments. Likewise, a discussion of the stoma overlaps to some extent both with the cephalic structures and the esophagus. 1. CEPHALIC STRUCTURES Cephalic structures have been used, to a limited extent, as taxonomic characters since the appearance of Schneider's mono graph (IStKi') whicli included in face, as well as lateral and medial views of the anterior extremity of many of the larger nematodes. Such studies were extended liy de Man (188G- 1907) investigating free living nenias and von Drasche (1883) working with parasitic nemas of Diesing and Molin's collec- tions. Certain generalities came to be accepted as a result of the observations of Schneider and von Drasche. These were as follows: (1) That ascarids and heterakids have three lips, one dorsal and two subventral; (2) That spiruroids have two lateral "lips" and (3) That parasitic nemas generally have four submedian and two lateral cephalic papillae. The first two of these jioinfs are for the most part acceptable to us today but the third is no longer tenable. In i)arasitic nemas Looss (1902) introduced the use of cephalic structures in strongylid taxonomy causing them to be considered an integral part of generic and specific descriptions in this group but, apparently due to lack of interest or inadequacy of parasitological tech- nic, little advance was made beyond Schneider, von Drasche, and Looss until very recently. In free-living nemas somewhat more steady progress has been made, partially attributable to the smaller size which makes critical study convenient and partially due to more widespread technical training. Though numerous workers have contributed to our knowledge of free living nenias, the chief impetus has come from the work of Cobb and Steiner. The glycerin .jelly technic (see Cobb, 1920, and Chitwood and Wehr, 1934) developed in the laboratory under Cobb was introduced to the various visitors and asso- ciates; this technic made the stuily of nemas from en face practical. Knowledge of the liasic anatomy of the anterior end is due to the contributions of Goldschmidt (1903), JIartini (1916), and Hoeppli (192.'5). The confusion of two types of sensory organs, tactile structures (papillae) and chenioreeeptors (am- phids) in parasitic nemas caused much misunderstanding though Goldschmidt recognized the difference between the dor- .sal lateral organ (amphid) of Ascaris Jnmhricoidcs and the other sensory organs. The same differences both in the ter- minal sensilla and the internal nervous connection were brought out by Zur Strassen (1904), Looss (1905), and Martini (1916) in Siphonalaimus spp., Ancylostoma duodenale and Oxyuris rqui, respectively. Zur Strassen even went so far as to state definitely that the dorsal lateral organ of Ascaris is the same as the circular lateral organ of Sipliniwlaimiis. Other -n-orkers entirely ignored these observations until Cobb (1913) renamed the lateral organs amphiilx defining them as paired cephalic structures of specialized (unknown) function. It remained for the same author later (1923, 1924, 1928) to establish the general existence of pore like amphids in parasitic nemas through observation and constant reiteration that they are not "lateral papillae." Since then information has gradually accumulated showing their universal presence in the Nema toda. We shall not go into their internal anatomj- at the present time since they are connected with the nervous system. It will be sufficient to note that each amphid is essentially a lateral or dorsolateral organ connected internally with the laieroventral commissure and with a gland (Fig. 3). Near the external orifice there is a dilation of the gland duct (am- phidial pouch) in which nerve fibers terminate (the sensilla) (Fig. 8) ; the pouch is connected with the exterior either directly by an amphidial tube and pore or it opens into a pocket, circle or spiral external cuticular modification. In this part, only the external manifestation of the amphid (i. e., pore, pocket, spiral, etc.) will be considered. In 191H Filipjev introduced the external form of the am- phids of free-living nemas as a family and subfamily charac- ter, later (1929, 1934 a, b) raising its use to suborders. In the meantime information regarding the number and arrangement of cephalic sensory organs in both parasitic and free living nemas was .■iccumulating and Chitwood and Wehr (1932, 1934) brought out papers on the evolution and basic jilan of cfjihalic structures with special reference to parasites while Stekhoven and de Coninck (1933), de Coninck (1935) and Stekhoven (1937) brought out similar papers with spe- cial reference to free living nemas. Differences in findings are for the most part matters of interpretation due to op- posed schools of thought; the differences being in basic philosophy as to the evolution of nemas and not in the organ- isms themselves. The one school, represented by Filipjev, Stekhoven, and de Coninck regard polymyarian nemas as primitive and meromyarian nemas as neotenic while the other school, represented by Looss, Steiner and the writers, consider meromyarian nemas as primitive and polymyarian nemas as more highly evolved. The consequences are that each group sees the Xematoda from a separate point of vantage. The basic plan of the anterior end appears to be six lips, two subdorsal, two lateral, and two subventral. On the sum- mit of each lip there is a papilla, these six papillae constitut- ing the internal circle and being known as internodorsals (id), internolaterals (il), and internoventrals (iv) ; situated more posteriorly on each of the submedial lips there are two papillae while on each of the lateral lips there is one papillae; these papillae constitute the external circle and have been named according to their position (Fig. 8a) : dorsodorsals (dd),latero- dorsals (Id), ventrolaterals (vl) (or externolaterals, el), lat- eroventrals (Iv) and vcntroventrals (vv). All of the members of the external circle are seldom exactly the same size or at exactly the same level. Stekhoven and de Coninck (1933) would therefore speak of them as constituting two circles and in some forms this is indeed the ease. However, the papillae of the external circle are not always segregated in the same pattern. Thus the ventrolateral papillae tend to agree w'ith the dorsodorsal and ventroventral papillae in their rela- tive development in the Aphasmidia while they tend to agree with the laterodorsal and lateroventral papillae in the Rhab- ditina, Strongylina and Ascaridoidea. For that reason we regard the external circle as subdivisible into two papillary groups. Fusion and reduction of cephalic papillae commonly modify the apparent cephalic arrangement but one can practically always recognize remnants of the original papillae and all cases may be explained in terms of the diagram presented (Fig. 8A). As pointed out by Chitwood (1932) and the writers (1933) the cephalic papillary nerves are hexaradiately ^symmetrical and one would expect a hexaradiate symmetry to be basic for the papillae. Therefore, the external circle should consist of 12 papillae instead of 10. However, no rudiments of a dor- solateral pair are know-n except in some species of the Mon- hysteridae and Linhomoeidae. If these forms were the more primitive, one would expect to find rudiments of the afore- mentioned papillae in other groups and this is not the case. The bilaterally symmetrical amphids are separately inner- vated and cannot be considered a part of the cephalic papillary symmetry. Unlike the papillary nerves, the amphidial nerves enter the nerve ring indirectly, through a commissure and their original position probably was posterior to the labial region as indicated by embryonic rhabditids and adult aphasmidians. Likewise, the amphidial orifice was probably larger and a bit like the plectoid amphid, if one is to interpret on the basis of embryonic rhabditids. As pointed out by the writers (1933) one cannot assume any existing form to represent the pro- tonematode but if one combines characters of the genera Sliabditis and Plectii.i a conmion denominator of all nematodes is found. One cannot interpret aphasmidians entirely in terms of Ehabditis nor phasmidians in terms of Plectus, but the con- verse is moderatelj' natural. Thus the amphids and papillae are basically labial in i)osition in phasmiilians while the am- phids in aphasmidians are basically postlabial (a more primi- tive arrangement) and some of the pai)illae may be postlabial in position (a less primitive arrangement). Kegarding the basic number of lips, there are two choices. One may assume primitive triradiate symmetry in accordance with the symmetry of the esojihagus as did Baylis and Daub- ney (192C) or a hexaradiate symmetry in accordance with the 55 papillary airangenicnt as aid tiie writers (i'.i:i:illae. The amphids are dorso- lateral and labial in all forms. In the family Diplogasteridac the two chief groui)s b.-i.sed upon the eso])hagus, Alloioncmatinae and Diplogasterinae, seem to differ also in cephalic characters. Members of the Alloioncmatinae usually have rather distinct lips, six (.11 loioncma appcnilioiilatum. v. iliibium) or four (Clicilobim qua air of supplementary li|is between the original si.x lips. StrongyIjINA. Stri:ng)/liiidca. — The nuijority of representa- tives of the s\iperfamily Strongyloidea have no lips or they are greatly reduced or rudimentary. In all instances the ampliids are dorsolateral or lateral and labial in position. In the family Strongylidae lips are absent and in their place one finds the external corona radiata or leaf crown (Fig. ."iCi). As we interpret these structures, they represent the divided apical lobes of the original lips; they may number from six to 40 or nujre. The labial region is generally set off from the remainder of the body by a groove but it is not divided longi tudinally as when large lips are present. Within this family the internal circle is usually rudimentary or apparently absent but it may be represented by reduced internolaterals (Slrongy- liis cqiiinus). The external circle is reiiresented by four large, often setose, sulmu'dian jKi|iillae each of which apparently con sists of two origin;il papillae that have fused (dd. — Id. and vv. — Iv.) ; ventrolateials are rudimentary. The closely relatecl family Syngamid.'ie su]iplies interesting examples for c(»miiarison with tin- .Strong.vlidae. In Stcphanu- nis dcniatus and Siingannis trachea the oral opening is sub- hexagonal or one might .say there are six rudimentary lips while in Dclclroccplialiis dcmidiatiis there are six distinct lobes which might e({ually well be termed an external corona radiata iir rudimentary laliial lobes. In all three ff.rms the internal circle is reduced bnl, nevertheless, distinct and the external piri-li" i-oiisists of ton papillae. Tlu'io ia a distinct toiidenc.v tinvanl fusion of papillae with eoiiieident leduction in size of the dorsoilorsals, ventrolaterals and ventroventrals the median pairs of the external eirele hein^ nearly eonii)letely fused in Sti i>liiiniiru.i (liiitdliis, partially fused in Siiiiiiaiiniii travhia and separate but approaehinj; in pairs in Dchtroci pUaUis ilemi iliatiix. As in the Stron);ylidae the laliial region is usiuilly set off liy a Ki'oove hut unlike the StrouKylidae, the nu'dial papillae of the external eirele are never in the form of duplex setose papillae ( Fig. ."ill). The family Aneylostomatidae is eharaeterized by the absenee of both lips and a eorona radiata; instead the oral opening is nuxlified to the funetion of i>rost(Mnatal teeth or eutting edges. .\s exeinplilied by Nccalor ami ricanns the full eom ponent of papillae are represented, all of them being reduced with the exeeption of the laterodorsals and lateroventr.nls and one finds the nu'dial pairs of the external eirele elosely ap proximate as in the .Syngamidae. The labial region is not set off by a groove as in the previously mentioned families. The family Diaphanoeephalidae is eharaeterized by a dor soventrally elongate oral o|U'ning and is without lips, leaf erown, |irostoniatal teeth or eutting edges. The full eomponent of papillae is represented, there being an internal eirele of six reilueed jiapillae and an external eirele of four incuni pletely fuse — RhnhtlutH i>n»lrepton ; P — St rnni/ylnidftt rantmmi ; Q — Artffiostotnii plethndontiji : K — Unijella ttfcta; S — Dirfilis nira ; T — Xeoaplfrlnnn i/taxeri ; U — Ci/lindrofftt^ler ; V — Lnnj/ibuct-a Ifmiura: \\ — Cfphatahns pprHfjjnix : X — Pnii/ijjrnluiwtiM vuhf- lonytittiM : Y — Xrn3}iplfs rtnnith-.rns ; Z — VhdtiiberHieUft ntdens ; .\.\ — Acrobetoideil butschlU. K-K — After Rahm. 1929. Arc-li. Inst. Biol. V. 2. G — After de Man, 1912, Zool. Jahrb. .\bt. Sjst., V. 33 (6). 11— After Chitwood and Mcintosh. 1934, I'roc'. Helm. Soi-. Wash. V. 1(2). I — .\fter .Sti-iner. 1934. Proc. Helm. Soc. Wash., V. 1(2). L-M — After Goodey, 1929, J. Helminth., v. 7(1). P — After Alicata. 1935, U. S. I). A. Tech. Bull. 489. R — After Cobh, 1928, J. Wash. Acad. Sc, v. 18(7). S — After Chitwood and Lucker, 1934, Proc. Helm. Soc. Wash., v. 1(2). T — After .steiner, 1929, J. Wash. Acad. Sc. v. 19(19). U — After Steiner. 1933, .1. Parasit. v. (20(1). V — .\fter Mcintosh and Chitwood, 1934, Parasit. v. 26(1). W-X — After Thorne, 1937, Proc. Helm. Soc. Wash. v. 4(1). Y and AA— After Thorne, 1925, Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. v. 44(4). Z — After Cobb, 1920, Contrib. Sc, N'emat. 9, Remainder original. 57 approaching in pairs), six medials partially or completely fused) or four (ventrolaterals apparently absent). Metastrongi/loidea. Members of this superfaniily have neither the corona radiata of the Strongyloidea nor the cephalic inflation of the Trichostrongyloidea. Lips, if present, are mucli reduced except in Hetastrongylus which has six massive lips, the largest of which are lateral. The oral opening is usually rounded and the labial rudiments, if present (Filariopsis ara- tor, Steniirus sp.) set somewhat far back from the mouth and bear upon them only the internal circle of papillae. The same tendency of papillary reduction and fusion observed in the Strongyloidea and Trichostrongyloidea follows also in this superfaniily, medials of the external circle being smaller as are also the ventrolaterals {Filariopsis, Stenurus, Dictyocauliis, Metaslrongylus) . AsCABiDiNA. Members of the Asearidina usually have three lips, one dorsal and two subventral (Fig. .57). While the in- ternal circle of papillae is always reduced or rudimentary the two supcrfamilies differ as regards the external circle. In the Oxyuroidea the ventrolateral papillae are ahvays rudimentary or absent while in the Ascaridoidea these papillae are well developed. Oxyuroidea. In this superfamily the Thelastomatidae appear to be most primitive as regards cephalic papillae, for tlie ex- ternal circle consists of eight quite separate papillae practically equal in size (Leidynciiia appendiculatum, ProtrclUna flori- dana, Aoriirus philippinensis) . However, in this family lips are usually absent, tliere being a delicate circumoral membrane. In a few exceptional forms three reduced lips may be preserved (Fontonrma brachyyastcr) and sometimes a lobing of the cir- cumoral membrane may give the appearance of six reduced lips, two medial, four submedial (Aoriinis pliilippine7isis) . The family O-xyuridac appears to be a direct development of the Thelastomatidae in other structural characters but the fact that most members of this family retain three distinct lips (Enterobiiis vcrmicularis) and one form (Oiryuris rqui) pre- serves the rudiments of six lips, seems to indicate that they must have originated rather early in thelastomatid phylogeny. Unlike thclastomatids, oxyurids have only four well developed papillae of the external circle. We interpret these as com- pound papillae formed by reduction of the mediomedials (dd. and vv.) and their complete fusion with the lateromedials (Id. and Iv.). Secondary labial changes produce forms with two lateral lips by disappearance of the dorsal lip (Macracis mon- liystcra) and others with four lips by division of the dorsal lip (Aspicnluris irtraplcra) . Perhaps the strangest case of labial modification occurs between the closely related genera Well- coinia and Syphacia. In the former genus there are the usual two subventral and one dorsal lip while in the latter genus there is one ventral and two subdorsal. This absolute reversal in symmetry of the lips is not accompanied by reversal in other organs; the dorsodorsal papillae of Syphacia are on the subdorsal lips, each of which has two compound papillae and an amphid in the usual symmetry ; the ventral lip has no papillae. The family Rhigonematidac is like the Oxyuridae in number of cephalic papillae and the subfamily Rhigonematinae con- tains forms with the common three lip symmetry (Rliigoncma infcctum) . However, the other subfamily, Icthyocephalinae, presents a startling modification of symmetry. The head is divided forming two .jaws and contrary to general opinion and to all other nematodes, the jaws are dorsal anil ventral instead of lateral. The four compound papillae and lateral pore like amphids retain their normal positions not being modi- fied by the change in symmetry. Members of the Atractidae are the most diversified in ce- phalic characters of the whole suborder Asearidina. Many of these forms are highly specialized and yet one must concede them a very ancient position in the Oxyuroidea very close to the Thelastomatidae. Like the oxyurids and rhigonematids they have only four compound papillae in the external circle and in this respect the thclastomatids should be more primitive. Six, three, and two lipped forms all occur in the Atractidae. The genus Atractis has six well developed lips not unlike Rhabditis tcrricola, while Crossocepltaliis has three lips like oxyurids. Pidchroce phala retains the three lips but has in ad- dition cuticular projections from the labial region which may take innumerable forms but each element is grossly similar to an insect wing. Ilcth, on the other hand, has two lateral lips with corrugated edges and is provided with a spinate cephalic collarette, while in Labiditni.s f/iilosus the dorsal lip is replaced by a tuft like appendage. In the ransomnematids {Heth, Piilchrocephala etc.) the highly specialized or ornamental cephalic structures are confined to the female and do not make their appearance until the last molt. Ascaridoidea. Members of the Ascaridoidea generally have three large conspicuous lips; the ventrolatei'al papillae and the other members of the external circle are all well developed. Throughout the entire group the medial pairs of the external circle are incompletely fused. One cannot assume ascaridoids, having the full component of papillae, arose from oxyuroids liut neither can one assume the reverse for the entirely sepa- FlG. 55. Ceiilialic rfjrioii in the T,vI('iichoi(iae. A-K aiui (> T' — T.vlen- chidat*. M-N — Alljintoneniatidnc. A — Aiis/uitm tritivi; B — Ditylf.nehus dipfraci; C-]0 — Neutj/lpnchutt abulhomi.s (('-D, fe- mnle; K, ninle) ; F-H — liottilrnrUun ftimiUs (F, ft^iniile at last molt: O. upper, head nf adult fiMuale and l()wer, adult male; H, adult female); I — I'drati/lriieh ii.s wiU'rophnUon ; J — Aphelen- ehoidt's paridiniiH : K — Aplu'lfnrliu.s avenue; L — Uelerotf/leii- chus uberrans ^ adult fiee-livins feuiale) ; M — AUuntnnemu mirahile (adult free-living female); N — Choiulronemu pufi.sali; O — Hnpluluiuius brudjis : V — liiili/leiielnis rDhu.^ilus. A — After Stciner, 1925, rhvtiipalh., v. 15(:j;j, Zool. Anz. V. 101(9-10). Reiuaituler origitial. 58 rate median pairs of tliolastDiii.-iliils i-miM liarillv Iimvc ariscii from any known ascariiloid. In cephalic papillary arranKi'inout ascariilciiil.s show jirac- tically no diversity but in laliial developments diversity is marked. Members of the Cosinoeereidae (Cosmocriciuilis iliduic), Ileterakinae {H< IrraVi.s- naUiiiiif) and Aseariilidae (Axcaris liinibriCDidis) all have three larRe liiis. Tn addition to the lips tliere may l)e ixisteriorly directed cuticular cordons (Aspido- ilfia and nrtn-oc)iiUiis, Ileterakinae and Anisakinae resp.) and between the lips there may be interlabia (I'orri>ciucnm and Piiraxriiri.i, Anisakinae and Ascaridinae resp.). The lips, them- selves, may bear denticles on their internal surfaces (Porro- ciiiriim, Ascaris) ; the apical lobes may be separated from the basal loites by grooves {Parascdris) \ ;nid the labial l)ulp may assume dix'erse forms which .are considered spi'cilic ( PoJydcl- phis qiiO(lrici)nii.i and P. hiidiUicrli) . Members of the Subu- lurinae differ from other ascaridoids in that the lips are reduced to apical lobes bearing only the internal circle of papillae and there may be three (Suhiiliira distans) si.x, or more api)arent lobes. The grossly twelve lobed oral opening of Aiildiiocrphahis pcrtimclis is Interpreted as having ludiments of six lips (the apical lobes) separated by si.\ interlabia. Within the Kathlaniidae all manner of labial multiplicity is known, the genus Spcctiitux being characterized as Ijaving six lips, SpiidiioKra as having three lips, Kalhhinia with about 16 labial divisions and f'i.ssoplii/Jiis with a bilaterally syuinietric head. Of these only Spironoura and Cissophyltis have been carefully studied. In Spironoura the lips are essentially as- caroid with the apical lobes separated from the basal by grooves. In Ci^sophylus ro.ieiis the dorsal lip is reduced, and transformed into a three pronged odonfium while the subven- tral lips are massive and dentate. C.\M.VLL.\NINA. The .suborder Camallanina (Fig. .'18) differs from the Rhabditina, Strongylina and Ascaridoidea in that ventrolateral papillae are entirel.v unknown. Well developed lips are never present but rudiments of lips or lateral jaws may occur. Caniallaiioidea. Most of the members of this superfaniily have no lips but instead two lateral ,iaws. However, the gen- era Omiia and Uaploiirma (Cucullanidae) as described by Hsii (1933) and the genus Procamiillniuis as described by Li (193.1) preserve a less specialized condition. In Omcia six labial rudiments (apical lolies) are present, in Uaplnncma lijis are absent and in ProcamaUaniis the oral opening is hexagonal. The internal circle is in all in.stances reduced in size and the external circle represented by four papillae (duplex in Cucullanidae and simple in Camallanidae). Vraciincnhndca. Dracunculoids are devoid of both lips and jaws, the rounded oral opening being surrouniled by a very thin circunioral membrane external to which there may (Dra- ciitwiiliis, Avoiserpens) or may not (Philomeira, ^[icroph•ll}■a) be a cutieularized circunioral elevation. The internal circle is well developed (a more iirimitive condition than in the Camallanoidea) and so also are the eight members of the ex- ternal circle. In Micropleiiia and PhiUnnctrii all of the papil- lae remain distinct while in Draciinculiis and Avioserpen.i the medians of the external circle are partially fused. In Dra- ciinriiliis the internodorsals and internovenfrals fuse in the de- velopment of the female while the male retains the generalized condition. Members of the Dracunculidae also have a thickened cuticular helmet which projects anteriorly forming the cir- cunioral elevation and posteriorly so as to surround the an terior end of the esophagus. SpiRt'RlN.\. Like the Camallanina, this suborder contains no forms with ventrolateral cephalic papillae and true lips, if present, are represented only by rudimentary apical lobes. The first superfaniily Spiruroidea shows a marked tendency toward the formation of false lips, p.iciidiilabia, developed from the prorhabdicms of the stoma while the second super- family, Filarioidea, is characterized by the absence of both lil's ami pseudolabia. In their place there may be various types of Labial structures. Within the entire suborder the internal circle of papillae is reduced, rudimentary or appar- ently absent. Spirurindra. The majority of .spiruroids (Fig. .",S) have two lateral i)seudolabia but there is one exceptional group, the Thelaziidac. This group is apjiarently the most i>rimitive of the superfaniily and within it the development of pseudolabia is reproduced. The Thelaziinae, Spirocercinae, and Ascarop- sinae contain forms with a rounded to hexagonal oral opening, the hexagonal form apparently corresponding to rudimentary ai)ical lolies of six original lips. The internal circle of papil lae is slightly reduced in all forms except Physoccphaliis in which it is rudimentary. The externodorsals and externoven Fio. 56. Cephalic regions in the Strongylina. A-E — Strongjlidae. F-H — Synganiidae. 1 — Ancylostomatidae. J — Diaphanocephalidae. K — Cloacinidae. L-P — Triohostrongylidae. Q-R — Pseudaliidae. S-T — Metastrongylidae. A — Slioni/i/lus equinus : B — ilurshidia faleifern ; C — CyUndruitharyiuc rhotlesiensis ; 1) — Oesophagoatomum denlntum ; E — Cyelirocj/clus insiffne. P — Si/ngamus trachea; G — Delelrnrrphalua dfmidiatuK: H — Stepfianurus dentatuti: I — \ecator amfricanua : J — • Kttlicephaltiit sp.; K — Zoninltiimus Helifera; h — Amidostomum cyngi; M — Epoiiiifliontowlim unrinalum ; N — Allintoiihius ngctireius ; O — Cheiropteroneiua glohocephala ; P — Tncholeipfrin penrHfi; Q — FilarioP' Bis arntnr; R — Sfi'ntirus iiiinor; .S — DU'tgocaulus filaria; T — Mrta- stronmihiK ehmgalii.1. B — After Witenburg, 1925, Parasit. v. 17(3). C — '.After Yorke & Maplp.stone, 1926. Nematode para.'iites of vertebrates. I^-T.\fter Wehr. li):i:i, J. Wash. Ac-ad. Sc, v. 23(18): 391-396. M — After Wetzel, 1!131, Proe. I". S. Nat. Mus. (2864) v. 78(21): 1-10. Q— After Welir, 1935, J. Wash. Acad., Sc, v. 25(9). Remainder original. 59 tials are distinctly separate from tlie laterodorsals and latero ventrals in all members of the family but they are near the size of the laterodorsals and lateroventrals in some forms, {Thelazia californiensis, Psciidofilaria pertenue, Ascarops strongylina) and are reduced or rudimentary in other forms {Cylicospirura subaequalis, Spirocerca lupi) . In many of the .species one notes six euticular projections of the prostom (Spirocerca lupi, Ascarops strojigylina). As shown by Chit- wood and Wehr (1934) the third stage larva of Phi/socephalus scrahilii.-; has both the six rudimentary labial lobes and six in- ternal euticular projections of adult Ascarops. The circumoral membrane (labial lobes) disappear in the adult and the origi- nal internal euticular projections assume the form of paired trilobed lips which are termed pseudolabia. It is notable that these projections bear the internal circle of papillae but the papillae are rudimentary, not merely reduced as in other the laziids. It is on the basis of these observations that the heads of other spiruroids are interpreted. The family Spiruridae apparently contains tlie next most primitive representatives of the Spiruroidea. In these forms the pseudolabia are usually trilobed and with the exception of Hedruris they do not bear the external circle of papillae. In the Habronematinae (Habroneina) and Hedrurinae (Hedruris) the median pairs of the external circle are very close together or partially fused, there being an accompanying reduction in the size of the dorsodorsals and ventroventrals while in the Tetramerinae (Tetramcres americana) and Spirurinae (Proto- spirura spp., Mastophorus spp.) there are four compound papillae due to more or less complete fusion. Labial struc- tures are highly varied in this group and very valuable as generic and specific characters. Paired medial interlabia are present except in the Spirurinae and their shape, relative size and complexity make very useful taxonomic characters (Tetra- mcres, Hedruris, Seurocyrnea, etc). The pseudolabia are di- verse in size, gross appearance and sometimes they ha\j char- acteristic dentition. (Mastophorus vs. Protospirura) . Tetra- mcres americana is anomalous in that the female has neither pseudolabia nor interlabia, a sexual dimorphism coinciding with the degeneration of the female to the form of a repro- ductive sac. The family Aeuariidae is interpreted as being most closelj' related to the Spirurinae of the family Spiruridae. As in the latter subfamily, there are only four well developed papillae, these being apparently the completely fused dorsodorsal-latero- dorsals and ventroventral-lateroventrals. Unlike spirurids, the pseudolabia of aeuariids are not trilobed and they bear the four papillae. I'rojeeting posteriorlj- from the pseudolabia aeuariids always have some type of euticular ornamentation these ornaments taking the form of cordons in the Acuariinae, a spined cephalic collarette in the Seuratiinae, and four va- riously formed appendages in the Schistorophiuae. Passing now to the Gnathostomatinae we find that the pseudo- labia have assumed a more massive size, become fleshy, but retained their lobed character. There are four double papillae in all forms, the degree of fusion varying in the different genera. Of this family the Spiroxyinae is undoubtedly the most primitive for it contains such forms as Spirojrys contnrta which superficially resemble Protospirura and Mastophorus of the Spirurinae. The subfamily Spiroxyinae differs from the Spirurinae in tliat the pseudolabia are massive, and bear the external circle of papillae in the former subfamily while they are inconspicuous and the papillae situated posterior to them in the latter subfamily. Gnathostomatids such as Tanqua have similar papillae but the pseudolabia are more irregularly Cephalic regions in the Asciiridina. A-C — Thehi.'^toriuitidiic. O-H — Atractidac. I-J — Rliiffoneniatidae. K-N — Oxyiiridae, O — Cosniocercidae. I*-Q — Kathlaniidae. R-T — Heterakidae. V-\ — Ascarididae. A — Lfidurifiiia cranifera ; B — Protrfllina ; (' — AoruruN philijfiiinansin ; D — Pvlchrorfiifiata sp.; E — Hefh Airiiiirp}nnii : K — Atraclin sp. ; G — CrnHsfK'fiilinhtu vivipiints; H — Prohtttttnijfria rivipttra ; I — Rhif/on^mn inffftlim; J — Icthyocephn- lu8 sp. : K — Oxyuri« fqui; L — EiiterohiuK vermirulttrin ; M — As- piculurU tetraptera; N — Dermatnxps rcUijrrn-; () — Cosmorcrcoidett dukae ; P — Spironoura uffine ; Q — Cinsopln/fns rntteuy; R — Siihu- hirn itis-tinis ; S — A iilnmn'i'iilmhts pfrdiiirlis ; T — Ijrtfriikis jjiillimie ; U — Porroi'iifcttm cheni; V — Poli/deijiliiK qundrit^orniji : \V — Pidy- delptti« hoddaerti: X — Parttscaris equoriim ; Y — Ascaris himbri- cnides. A-B — After Ohitwood, 1932, Ztschr. I'arasit., v. 5(1); C — After Chitwood & Chitwood, 19114, Philipp, J. Sc, v, 52(4). S — After Baylis, 19:i(l, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, s, 10, v. .5. U— After Hsu, 1933, J. Parasit. v. 19(4). V-W — After Baylis. 1921, Parasit. V. 12(4). X — After Yorke & Maplestone, 192(5, Nema- tode parasites of vertebrates. Remainder original. 60 liilifil :ui(i i>(istoii(ir to tluin tlicir is a laiKO c<'|i1i:iIk- Imlli fornioil l)V till' anterior expansion iif four internal posteriorly extending eloseil saes, the l>allonets (Ttinqtm). Xeitlier tlii' Anevracaiitliinae nor the Spirox.vinae have a ceplialie Imlb liiit some authors have reeoriled hallonets in Anciirafantliiis. The eeplialie liulti apjiarentlv t'linetions as a hohlfast. beint; eollapseil when the anti'rior enil is inserted into the niueosa and thereafter liein^; inllated. Spines or ret rose annnlation are provided to aid in this funetion. Anciiractuilhii.i with four posteriorly direeted eephalie a|ipendages resembles Scliistoro- fihiis of tlie Aeiiariidae but the ineoniplete fusion of the ee- phalie papillae and the lobed tleshy i>seudolabia seem to de(i nitely plaee it in the (inathostoniatidae. The I'h.vsalopteridae ap|iarently represent the liiial eonelu sion of evohitionary tendencies in the Spiruroidea. Here we find paired, massive tleshy, unlobed pseudolabia bearing both amphids and four completely fused compound pajiillae (latero dorsal dorslaees PrixmatDhiimuK. Tiipylii, Tiilobus and Bas- tiania. Gross similarity in esophagi support his view hut the writers cannot accept it. The three former Ki^nfi-i seem best placed in the Knojilina (Tripylidao). Do (^ininck notes varia- tion in Ha.stiuiiiii itart\rili.i from unispire to transverse (cyathi- fornO. The writers may add that in Iliistioiiiii cjilin a sinKle specimen had one unispire and one broken circle ampliid. Bastionia and Oddiilohiimii.i are odd iilectoids in havinfi; 10 ceplialic setae, the external circle being partially sulidivided. The oddity goes even further in that the six anterior setae (dd., el., vv.^ are slightly longer than the four posterior (Id. and Iv.). Thus we find the ()-(i-4 symmetry of Plectoids re- mains but the size relationships in the two external .subdivisions are reversed. The genera Bnntinnia and 0nlop}ivri)ides). The family Comesomatidae is rather uniform in having nuil- tispiral amphids but the Axonolaimidae, are even more diverse than the Plectidae. Aracalnimiis (Arncolaimoidcs) ^osierae Axonolaimii.s siibximilis and Odontophora have rather distinct double contour unispire ani|diids, Arat'olaiiniis ci/liiidrolaimus has a broken circle to single contour ampliid and Ci/liiulro- laimiis commumis a circular ampliid. The amphids .show nu- merous gradations in elongation from the unLspire type in AxonnJaimus subsimiU/< to the inverted U of Axonolalmus spino- sus and shejiherds crook, PscudoIcUa granuUfera. As in the Plectoidea, each external aniphid is a spiral groove, posterior closure of which leaves a central elevation. Argialonlaimiis elc- gans represents the sole instance of multispire amphids in the Axonolaimidae. However, the Diplopeltinac introduce still another variant, the presence of lateral shields accompan.ving the amphids (Didelta). In this group one may trace a repeti- tion of the unispire — question mark — circular amphid devel- opment. ^f(>nhl|■' (5-4 symmetry; others such as Piiniliiihomocns Irptunis, i[(inh}jstrriiim traiisitans and JIalhicma xpinosiim with an undivided external circle of six short and four long setae or 6(6-4) symnietr.v; and still others such as Linhomoeus eUnigatus with an undivided external circle of four short and six long setae or 6- (4-6) symmetry. There usually are, in addition, eight paramphidial setae. The genus Spliaerolaimns presents an arra.v of setae that has not as yet been satisfac- torily interpreted. One linds the normal internal circle of six papillae followed by a circle of six short setae (f dd., el. and vv. ) followed by a circle of Hi setae, in eight jiairs, two pairs sulilateral, two submedi:il; in addition there are two pairs of preaiiiphiilial setae and somatic setae arranged in eight longitudinal rows (submedial and siiblateral). One might, pro- visionally, assume that four papillae of the external circle (Id. and Iv.) have been overlooked and somatic .setae have added to ceiihalic setae. On this basis the symmetry may be characterized as filO (4?-0) + 16 (8-8) + 4 (2-2). Members of the Monhysteridae sometimes have but six elongate setae (6-4-6) such as Cylolaimium ohliixiriiiiilalitvi but more coninionly there are 10 or 12 setae in the external circle. IliilmKiiicliiix mnrrampliiilinn and Tlurisliis sitiisiis rep- resent the more typical arraiigenieiit with six pafiillae in the internal circle, six short and six long setae in the external circle. Of the latter circle the longest six are the dorsodorsal, ventroventral and dorsolateral. Duplication of the externolat- eral results in a large dorsolateral and a small ventro- lateral. Such symmetry may be characterized as 6-12 (6-6). Paired sublateral preamphidial setae are also present. Scap- trcUa cincta has a peculiar combination of axonolaimoid and monhysterid symmetry. The presence of 6 short setae in the internal circle and 12 setae in the external circle is characteris- tically monhysterid but the external circle consists of setae in three sizes; four are very long (Id. and Iv.), 6 are moderately long (dd., vv., and dl.) and two are short (vl.). Therefore, the external circle might be characterized (2-6-4). Omicro- ncma liloriiim and Slrint-ria sp. represent types with increased cephalic setae. In the former instance three circles are de- scribed, an internal circle of six setae, an intermediate circle of four sublateral setae and an external circle of 18 setae in six groups of three, an arrangement which may be noted 6-4-18. It seems possible that a restudy of OmicrnniiHa will show it to be a sphaerolaim. Stfineria, on the other hand, is typically monhysterid in character having an internal circle of six papillae and an external circle of 10 or 12 setae (according to the species). In addition to the cephalic setae, nnnierous somatic setae are grouped anteriorly in eight longitudinal rows, four submedial and four sublateral. Siphunolaimiis has an internal circle of six papillae, an ex- ternal circle of 10 setae of which the four sublaterals (Id. and Iv.) are the largest; this 6-10 (6 + 4) symmetry is more like ParaUnhomoens than any other forms discussed. The circular amphid with central fleck is often mentioned as a characteristic of linhonioeids but the central fleck is neither confined to that group nor obvious in all members. As in plectoids, a central elevation represents the inner side of the amphidial groove, be it circular or spiral. The rela- tive height between grooves determines the gross "presence" or "absence'' of a central fleck. Paramphidial setae of some type arc nearly always present in monhysteroids; most commonly these are four in number, sublateral preamphidial in position. In addition to which there may be four sublateral postamphidial or four submedial preamphidial setae. Six separate or three more or less lobed lips may be pres- ent in monhysteroids but if so, they are generally reduced, the labial elevation bearing faint longitudinal ridges: which are developments of the cheilorhabdions. Chkomadorin.\. Jlenibers of this suborder show all of the diverse .symmetry arrangements (Fig. 61) of cephalic setae and nearly all of the amphidial forms present in monhysterins. True lijis are seldom ajiparent but very highly developed cheilostomatal rugae usually t.ake their place. Chromadoroidea. The family Microlaimidae is characterized by unLspire, postlabial amphids, an internal circle of six papil- lae and a subdivided external circle of six papillae or short setae and four long setae, 6-6-4 symmetry. True lips are Fig. 5H. Cephnlic ref^ions in the rurTiallanoide.-i. T^racuneuloidea and Spiruroidea. A-C — Caniallanidae. D-F — C'ucullanidap ; G-H — Philometridae. I-J — Drarunrtilidae. K-V — Thelaziidae. W-KK (except Z) — .Spiruridae. LL-NN & Z — Aruariidae; OO-PP & UU-VV — Physaloptcridae. QQ-TT — Cnathostomalidac. A — Proc- amallanus fulvvlrticonU ; B — CtimalUinus sweeti: V — CamaUanun iiiicrorrplifiluM : 1) — Omfio hoe/t/jlii; E — Ha/ihniptim sinensis: V — CucuUitnttti friittae: (i — M irrnplfurti vivipura : II — PhiUnitetra ru- bra; I — Drtn'uneutuit nieitinenjiis. male: J — Dra*'uncuhis medinfn- SIM, female: K — Thflnzia caUfornienHix : L — Psfudufilnriu ])prtf7tue : M — OxyHjiirttra mnnsotii ; N — Spirorcrca lupi: O — CyUrospiritra ttuhnrfiimlitt ; P — Ajifarops strtintn/Jinti ; Q — Physncephnluif HfXttla- tun: li — SinintitfMia pnrndoxn ; .S — Leiurin tcplorfphidus ; T — Strep- topfiaruniiH artiiatiiH : V — Riclidnrin roJoradienfiiK : V — Gntttjj/lo- neriia pntrhrnm: W — Spirtira ri/tipUtiritp>i ; X — Protnspirurti ntt- midica ; Y — Rhitbdnrhotui kidderi: Z--~Stf{tophnrtt/t Htelhte-polaris. AA — •Spinitectus cnrolini ; BB — Huhronema microstoma; CC — l>rnsrhia metniKtoma : DD — firurociirnrn unrinipfnijt ; EE — Para- hronrma inilirlim; FF — Odaiitospirura rrtinpfniji ; GCi Masln- phiinis miiriK; HH — Ci/slUlirnla stigmnlun; 11 — Hedniris sp. •IJ — Trlramfres iimericana (male) : KK — Aacnrophis harvoodi. I,L — -Icrinria anllniris; MJf — Tsrria coronula: NN — Sehinto- phorus ciic\illatore-like. 64 2. STOMA Till' stnictuir lit' till' sliiiiia has noiuiallv Ihtii uscil :is a laxiiiuiinic cliaraitcr .since the ln(;iiiiiinn of iicniatdldK.v. Its wide iisr fur tin' I'lassitii-atiim roin'r but in such case it should not be confused with the limited definition given by Cidd) (lUlin. This author defined iiilniilia as teeth arising by modification of the labial region while the term uncliia was used by him to denote teeth arising more posteriad. Hecanse of the common co existence of both onchia and odontia, (in the Cobbian si'nse) one has need for two terms .-ind the writers feel that though the first term is inapt, it is lu'vertlieless worthy of preserv;ition. We there- fore retain Cobb's definitions. Xumerous other words are commonly used in a descriptive manner in specialized gronjis. Thus a region of the stoma or the margin of lips may be described as ilinlah- (having teeth) or ihnticiildli' (having small teeth); basal onchia in the Stron- gyloidea .'ire riescribed .-is lancets; and the term foxsorex is used fory]aimina. Simil:ir convergence .'iccounts for liaired jaws formed essenti:illy by tlu' stomata rather than the lips in the Kalic('jihalid;ie ( Strongyloiilea I , Icthyocephalidae (Oxyuroidea) and Camallanidae and Cucullanidae (Camalla- noidea). One must be very hesitant in concluding relationships based upon such characters. In describing the stoma it is the common practice to speak of certain jiarts or regions as being chitinized. As will be seen later, there is no real evidence that either the stoma or the denticular structures are actually chitin and we shall use the noncommittal tei'm arlrritf i^rd for hardened i-efi'active regions. A. I'lIAS.MIDIA In each of the large groups of the I'hasmiilia some forms e.xist that possess a cylindrical stonni verv similar to that of Ulidbrlilix. HiiADDlTlNA. This suborder (Fig. rA) is divided chiefly on the base of the stoma into two superfamilies, the Kliabdi- toidea in which the stoma is not transfornu'il into a .stylet and tlie Tylenchoidoa in whi<'h such a transformation has taken place. In the Khabditoidea there are two families, Hh.-ibditidae and Rhabdiasidae, in which the stoma is of a generalized structure consisting of cheilostom, iirotostom and telostom, the iirotostom being cylindrical, not surrounded by strong esophageal tissue. The parts are all well sclerotized and divisions of the protostom are not distinct. It is interesting that in the parasitic genera- tion rhalidiasids have a relatively short ( Rlinhilias) or sub- globular (Entomcla.i) stoma with well sclerotized walls show- ing no indications of cheilostom or telostom. This transforma- tion takes place in the development of the inilividual after it enters the host. The family Cylindrogasteridae (Loni/ibiirca, Cjilindnipastrr) is probabl.v the next most closely related group and herein we again find a cylindrical stoma, distinct cheilorhabions and telorhabdions (in form of small plates) and a greatly elon- gated protostom subdivisible only into pro- and meso metas- toms. Cephalobids, differ considerably in stomatal appearance, there being a more or less cylindrical stoma in PiiiKif/nilaimus and a collapsed stoma in Acrobeloidc.i and Ceplialubus. In all cases the stomatorhabdions are rather separate, giving the im- pression of a segmented stoma due to areas lacking in sclero- tization; the extent of "degeneration" in stomatorhabdions is apparently correlated with the amount of esophageal muscula- ture surrounding the stoma. With complete of the stoma (Duiibiii/lia) there is an entire absence of sclerotization and the base of the original stomatal region (telostom) is in- dicated only by a break in the esophageal musculature. The consequent "stomatal region of the esophagus" is termed a vrstibiilc. Such a vestibule is all that remains in the related family Steinernematidae {XcoapUcta7Ui). The Diplog.-isteridae is a highly variable grouji containing forms which link it with the Rhabditidae, Cephalobidae, Stron- gyloididae and Tylenchidae. Several series of genera are known in the Diidogasterinae. IthiibditiddiiU x has a cylindri- cal piotostom sclerotized as in Ithnbditis but the cheilorhab- dions are non sclerotizeil and the tebirhabdions .-isymnn'trically developed; the closely related genus AcrnslicUii.i has is I'DnspiiUdiislv absent in the StronK.vlina. Slniniiiihiitlfa. First stage stronK.vloids Ijave a stmiia iden- tical witii that of KlKihililiti. 'I'liis stcinia uradiially c(ill;ipses in the second stage and in tlie tliii'd stage it may simulate a stoniatostyl. Cold) (1il:;,'i) descrilied tlie third stage larva of Xicdliir ami ricdiiii.s as possessing a styli't liut as shown liy Stekhoveu (l!'-t>) this was a false interpretaticui. The lunu'n of the stoma is merely partly closed and non functional in this stage, the so called stylet not heing protrusilile. A similar appearance occurs in third stage Illiahdilis larvae when they enter the resistant phase. In the adult stage there are two genera of the Strimgylidac with a rhaliditdiil stoma namely CiiUnilriijihitriinx and PlKiiipi- (/(KtlrDitf/jihis. Interiireting on the hasis of these two forms, the chief part of the stoniatal wall, the so-called buccal cap- sule of strongyloids corresponds to the amalgamate(l (iroto- rhalidions of h'ltnbililis. The telorhabdions ir. some instances l('illiniln>iih(irtinx. CiiUcoencIn'') may l)e represented by a transverse sclerotized basal plate but iisually are not distin- guishable. It has previously been noted that the external ca- rona radiata seems to be homologous to the apical lobes of the original lips. The internal corona radiata appears to be a development of the cheilorlijibdions (Cnliiulrdphariin.r. Strrin- finhis). Progressive shortening of the protorhalidions .accounts for such forms as CylicDCi/iiii.t, Miirxhidiii and Orxdiiliafinstn- miim. Thickening of the protorhalidions and dilation of the protostom account for Stronguhis and its satellites. Teeth originating at the base of the stonui (lancets') are a common develo|iniint of tlw Strongylidae, Syngamidae and .^ncylosto- m.atidae. Such oncliia are considered products of the telorhab- dions. In adnfll|]|ls). It is interesting to note that trichostrongy- loids revert to their ancestral stoniatal form, IDiabiliti.s, in the first stage larva while metastrongyloids only ]iartially revert in that stage for they have distinct cheilorliabdions and pro- rhabilions of rhabditoid form but though the mesostom and telostom are recognizable the rhabdions are non-sclerotized. Asc.\RiDiNA. Most ascaridins (Fig. 'i') either have a rudimentary stoma or a weakly sclerotized vestibular region but some representatives of the more ancient families, Thela- sfoniatidae and Atractidae preserve a cylindrical rhabditoid stoma. Thus Leidyiii ma cranifcra and Piubsfmaiiria vivipara both have stomata in which the various stoiiiatorhabdions are distinctly sclerotized. In Protrcllinn and Aoriinm of the Thelastoniatidae one notes progressive shortening of the sto- niatorhabdions and loss of sclerotization. The telorhabdions may jiersist in the form of basal teeth or laminae or they nia.v entirely disa[)pear. The dorsal esojdiageal gland never empties into the stoma as in the Strongyloidea. In the Atractidae a cylindrical jirotostom (TIfih, Prtthstmai/ria) ^ weakly sclero- tized stoma with collapsed mesostom (Alractin) and vestibule (Crossocrphahm) are all known to occur. In the O.xyuridae the protostom is always greatly shortened, often feebly sclero- tized (Kulrrohius) but the telorhabdions are commonly large and conspicuous laminae (Oxi/iiriti). The family Rhigonenia- tidae is characterizeil by a rudimentary stoma surrounded by esophageal tissue (vestibule). The stomatorhabdions an- non- sclerotized, with the exception of the cheilorliabdions of h'lii- fiont ma ; these latter take the form of three sclerotizi'd dentate .jaws, internal to the lips. In Iclhiioci phaliis the stom.-ital region of the esojdiagus is horizontally split forming paireil The subfamily Subulurinai^ of the Asearidoidea is the only group of that superfamily in which the stoniatal region is not surrounded by esojihagcal tissue. Herein the short heavily sclerotized jirotoscnn is followed by a dentate telostom (Siibii- liira tli.itnn.s. Aulonorrphaliis pcramrlix) which is strongl.v remi- niscent of OxiiKris and Enti'fdhiux. The other families have weakly or non-sclerotized iirotorhabdions, the stoma coll.-ipsed Mnd of subtriangular or triradiate form in cross section. In the Cosmocercidae, Kathl.-uiiiilac and lleter.-ikin.-ie the base of the vestibule (stoniat.-il region of esophagus) is evidenced by a break in esophageal tissue at the original position of the telo- rhabdions. In the Ascarididae, with the exception of Criisso- plionis there is not the slightest evidence of the original stoma. The esophagus seems to extend unintcrrn|ited to the tiase of the liiis. The single exceptional genus gives the final proof that the anterior end of tlie esojihagus of ascarids is homolo- gous to the vestibule of cosmocercids and heterakids for in Crnssophonix there is not only a distinct vestiliule but the metastoni is dilated and distinct telorhabdions are visible. ('.\M.\I,1,AX1N.\. The first superfamily, Camallanoidea, is characterized by the presence of a well devidojied stoma in most forms and at least a distinct vestibule in the remainder while the second superfamily, Uracunculoidea, has a rudimen- tary stoma, the stomatorhabdions are non-.sclerotized in all forms (Fig. ^S). None of the adults in the Camallanoidea have that which might be termed a rhabditoid stoma but Pro- ramalhinus most clo.sely approaches it. In this form the stoma is barrel-shaped, cheilorhabdicuis are not distinct, jirotorhab- dions amalgamated and heavily sclerotized and followed by a transverse ring-shaped telorhabdion. Li (193.T) has shown that as in other groups the larva more closely apjiroaches the rhabditoid stoma than does the adult for in the first stage larva the stoma is much more narrow and cylindrical. In adults of other genera of the Camallanidae (CarnaJlaniis xweeti, C. americanus, etc.) the prostom is sagitally slit, form- ing two lateral jaws; longitudinal ridges of the internal wall of the protostom make their appearance and paired, sclero- tized medial tridents are formed at the external surface of the stoma. Somatic muscles are attached to both the tridents and the exterior surfaces of the jaws. In the Cucullanidae one observes, though not as completely, a repetition of the evolution in the f'amallanidae. Omcia is the only form which retains the primitive, non-esophageal tissue surrounded stoma but even in this case there is little resemblance to the cylindrical stoma. Haploncma and Sciiralinn ajipear to be products of some genus like Omcia in which the stoma collapsed, stomatorhabdions degenerated and were cov- ered with esophageal tissue forming a vestibule. Ciiciillanus may be interpreted as more ancient than Omria in distinct retention of pro- and meso-metarhabdions but less primitive in that the entire stoma is surrounded by esophageal tis.sue and sagitally divided forming lateral jaws. This is likewise one of the very few exceptional cases wherein esophageal tissue surrounding the stoma is not correlated with stomatorhabdiou degener.'ition. SpiitiRix.v. Most members of the Sjiiruroidea (Fig. 58) have a rather cylindrical stoma with strongly sclerotized proto- rhabdions, but distinct cheilorhabdions are unknown. The sto- mata of practicall.v all forms are specialized to some extent and none can be regarded as prototypes of the superfamily. However, various members of the Thelaziidae (Oxiispinira, Axcarnps, Spirocerca and Ehabciocliona) indicate that a cylin- drical protostom subdivisible into pro- and mesostomata and reduced telostom with plate like telorhabdions were charac- teristic of the ancestor. One cannot but be struck by the simi- larity of the stomata of Lntu/ibucca and Ctilindrojinslir to spiruroids both in this respect and in the tendency toward bilaterality in cephalic structures. Nevertheless there is too wide a gap between the Cylindrogasteridae (Fig. r)4") and Spirurida for one to assume relationships at the present time. In a few forms of the Thelaziidae (TheJazin. Pxriulafihiria) the protorhalidions are shortened and amalgated but in the ma- jority (Oxi/xpirura. Axcarnps, etc.) the protostom is elongated and there are six oiichia at the junction of protostom and mesos- tom. These oncliia may take varied forms, sometimes rounded (Axcarapx) and sometimes bi- or trifurcate (Ciilicnspirura) : in still other instances they may be dentate (Lciiirix) and scmietinies opposed by medial iilates (Simondsia, Lciiiris). Fig. 00. Cephalic regions in the Monhysterina. AC, K-F. H — -T'lcrtidae. D, G, I — Camacolaiinidae. J-K — Bastianiidae, L-U — Axonoliiimi- dae. V-Y — Coinesomatidae. Z-FF — Linhomt>eidae. G(»-0() — Mon- hysteridae. PP — Siphonolainiidjie. A — Fleet us rhizophilus (dorsal riglit) ; B — Antiplectus gramdosus ; C — A miplectus prnniilosiis < median view) ; I) — A nffuino'ules Htulosum ; K-— A nonchti.s mira- }fUis ; FV — Teratorephalus coniutufi; G — ApiKinoliiimus minntirutt : H — Lfptolaimus nia.ritnus ; I — Cntnarolaiinns prythcrchi ; .1 -Odrm- ffihiimiis t'lilorosiiH : K — Ba^iifniiu f.rili'S; h — Araeohiinius cyiitxli'O' liiiiiitts : M—Arai'nUtimiiJt zttsii-rne ; X — Aet/inloftlaimus elrpans ; I ) — CiiVindrolaitnUH rnniniunis ; P — Axonnldiniits sp inns us ; Q — .1 .rdiitthiiiii us tnhmliiphnrnides ; H — A .ronnUiiiiiiis siifisiiiiHis ; S- — Odonfopfiorn a ntjust ilfiima ? : T- — Didrlta uuiriilnfn ; V —Pspudo- JpUh fjrunuUffin (dorsal riffht) ; V — Suhfitirrin lon-EE— After (le Mini. liiliT. 11. id., 20. Remainder original. ()S Spiral or triiiisvcrse riiKos'tics of tho protostoni are eoiifinod to tlio sulifaiiiily Ascanipsinae. Similar runiisitios aro known only in tin' k''""" I'liiiii!ihi.i ;cni'i' witli tlic Stroncyliilai'. Careful coi:siili'ration of tlu' stoniatal formation in tlii'la/.iiils is essential to an umierstanilinK of the stomata of other spiruroiils. The larva of PhuxoccphalKs has six prostomatal oneliia and no lips like the adult . I xcd ro/>s. Durinp later development the cireu moral membrane is apparently lost at the same time the prostom is everteil. This results in the six prostomatal teeth cominK to occupy an external position and they form the basis of two lateral trilobed pseudolabia. The writers interpret the stomata of other families of spiruroiils as of this everted type. Later ilevelopmeuts of the prorhabdions ( pseudolabia) have been discussed with other labial structures. Members of the Spiruridae tend to have a rather wide, cylindrical well scleroti/.ed nu'sostoui which may beconu' lateral ly flattened in sonu" genera (Spinim, Proto.vpinira) but ex- treme development of i)seudolabia and interlabia may obscure the stoma {Ti-lramrrcs male and Uedniri.i). Acuariids are rather uniform in the possession of a long narrow cylindrical niesostoni. Passing to the (Jnathostomafidae and I'hysalopteridae we see the first and only tendency toward vestibule formation in the Spirnroidea. The genera Spiroj-i/s and Harlcrtia (Gnathos- tomatiilae) are the only representatives which retain a sclero- tizeil mesost(]m and in these forms the stonui is much short- ened and surrounded by esojihageal tissue. Thnhunavii (Physa- lopteridael retains a laterally compressed vestibule while Physahipti ra. Abbrtviata, Skrjabinoptcra (Physalopteridae\ TaiKjuii and dnathdstoma (Gnatliostomatidae) have completely rudimentary stomata, the esophageal tissue proceeding unin- terrupted to the base of the pseudolabia. At the anterior end, in such forms, the esophageal lumen becomes dorsoventral be- fore connecting with the labial bases. The Filarioidea (Fig. .19) might be considered the "astoma- tous" twin of the Spiruroidea. A few genera, however, are known to have rather distinct, sclerotized stomata. It is in- teresting to note that such forms are not dissimilar to thela- ziids. Drstnidoccrca is a striking counterpart for it not only has a cylindrical stoma but also a pair of lateral prostomatal onchia which may be homologous to those of the spiruroids. Litnmosn has a short stoma practically identical with that of Thclazia while LHomosoides has a cylindrical stoma with separate distinct stomato-rhabdions. Even in such forms as Dirofilaria immitis one must assume a cylindrical stoma in the not too dim ancestry because such a stoma, although weakly sclerotized, is present in the third stage larva. P.. APHASMIDIA As in the Phasmidia, stoniatal morphology in the Aiihasmidia is of no value as an ordinal character. Forms with a rudimen- tary stoma occur in each large group and in man3- of the groups series extend from the cylindroid type, through various modifications ending in instances of convergence. II0XHY.STERIXA. Members of the Monhysterina (Fig. 60) have one character in common and opposed to the related rhromadorina, namely, that the chcilorhabdions do not take the form of twelve sclerotized longitudinal ridges, (odontia), replacing lips. However, in axonolaimids and monhysterids one may sometimes note a longituilinal sclerotization which is ap- parently the homologue, or even predecessor of the chromado- roid type. Plecliiiiira. AnapUctu.i (ininiijosii.t provides us with the aphasmidian version of Rliabililis not only in esophagus and lips but also in the stoma. The cheilostom is hexangular, the proto-stom, subtriangular in cross section, f'heilorhabdions and protorhabdions are well sclerotized, telorhabdions only faintly sclerotized. Anaplcclus is unusual in that the protostoni has parallel walls; in most plectoids the walls converge posteriorly. In Leptdlaimiix mnrimiis the stoma is extremely long and nar- row, protorhabdions distinct while in some related forms the stoma collai)ses forming a greatly elongate vestibule. AiioncJiii/i viirabilix and Trrdtiici phnhix rorniiliis exemplify shortening and dilation of the stoma with distinct .ioints at .iunction of pro- and nicsorhabdions. In Trrntocrphaliis the i)rotorhabdions are further modified taking the form of six inwardly acting teeth or odontia. The family Camacolainiidae is characterized by a diminu tion in stomata in all forms. In AphaiKihiiiiiiix aqiuiliriix the stoma is minute, cylindroid, with practically non-sderotized protorh.'ibdions while in Camacnlaimiin pruHicrchi only the dor- sal stomatal wall is sclerotized and it projects anteriorly as an onchium. An-ffuinftidrs stffhisiini is a further examjile of the same tendency, in this instance the dorsal onchium is .separate thrcnighout its length teriiiinatiKi; i)osteriorly in two knobs. Ani/iiiiiiiiih .1 is a striking paralhd to Dilj/linchuii dipnuci of the Tylenchoidea but we must classify the spear as an onchiostyl in this instance. Passing to the liastianiidae, we may .judge that the "asto- matous" Hiixliania arose from some such form as Oilonlnhtinuis whi(h has a greatly elongate, narrow stoma. Concluding our resume of the Plectoidea we note that non muscul.'ir esophageal tissue extends beyond the mesorhabdions in such members of the genera AnnpU ctus and Pled us as have been studied. Comparing with lOinlnlilin, we would consider this as a more advanced evolution.iry devidopinent. Such a view is borne out by the somatic musculature of the forms studied. Since there are representatives in the Plectoidea { Animrhiis), .Axonolaimoidea I Axandldimux) and Monhysteroi (lea (Ualaniinchus) in which esophageal tissue does not exteiul anteriad, we must conclude Ana phcl 11,1 while i>rimitive, does not fulfill all oblig;ifions of the Aph:ismidian ancestor. Com- bining cephalic characters and general stomatal outline of Anaplecliis with the more primitive stomatal and somatic mus- cle characteristics of Ananchns we may, perhaps, have the proper picture. Axoni)luiiiiiiiiha. Primarily axonolaimoids have a cylindroid or conoid i)rotostoni. In the .Vxoncilaiminae the protostoni is conoid, the nu'sostom surrounded by esophageal tissue; the chei- lostom is anteriorly conoid. Thus in Axonolaimus we have a close parallel with PIrctiis. Twelve weak longitudinal .sclero- tizafions of the cheilostom are usually evident in Axoiuihiiiiiiis species. In Oddnloplmni iinpiisiddimo these 12 .sclerotizations arc anteriorly fused forming six large outwardly acting odon- tia. As we shall later see in dealing with the Chromadorina, the 12 odontia replacing lips in that group probably originated in a form near AxonoUiimiix. The same tendency of the chcilo- rhabdions, with multiplication of elements may be seen in the Monhysteroidea. Inconspicuous, weakly sclerotized, cylindroid stomata occur in the subfamily Cylindrolaiminae which includes forms in which esophageal tissue extends to the anterior end of the protostoni {Aracolaimns zostcrar) and forms in which this is not the case (Ci/liii-droUiiinus comiiiiini.s. Aii/ialiHilaiiinis tie- (jans). Cylindroid or collapsed stomata occur in representatives of the Campylaiminae (Pxeiidohlhi iirantilifrra) and Biplopel- tinae (Didelta maculata). In the former type the protorhab- dions terminate anteriorly in three small teeth, a parallel to Dori/laimopsis. The Comesomatidae have stomata of two general types. In the first the stoma is cylindroid, the protorhabdions are well de- veloped and terminated anteriorly by three equal teeth (Dory- laimopsis mctatypiciix and Laimella iiiindrisetosa) ; the entire protostoni is surrounded by esophageal tissue. In the second, the protostoni is collapsed, the rhalidions are non-sclerotized, the esophageal tissue transforms the stomatal region to a vestibule (Sabalieria lon — .Vftcr Cobb, 1928. J. Acad. Sc, v. 1« (9). H — After de Man, 19U4, Expi-d. Antarrt. Belg. Remainder original. I)< siiKinrolrroidia. So far as known, this group must be characterized as liaving a rudimentary .iitonui witli no visible stoniatorh.'ibdiuns. KnoI' Mi'mbers of the submclcr Knoplina do not liavi' ;i protrusible onchiostyle and the eheilorhabilions do not take the form of 12 odontia as in the Chromadorin.'i. In u few instances they may form a transverse denticulate ridge. In su(di instances tliey do not form .an armature of the lips as sometimes occurs in tlu' Monhysterina. Tripi/ldidta (Fig. ()2). Herein are groui)ed four families, separable on stom.atal cliaracters, the Ironidae, with a inucli (•long;ite narrow stonui and heavily selerotized protorh.alxlions, the .Maimidae with a rudimentary stonm, the Mononchidae with a cap.acious stonui and very heavily selerotized stomatorhab- dions, and the Tripylidae with weakly selerotized protorhab- (lions. Mononchs usually have a subglobular stoma with a massive dorsal jirostoniatal oneliium; the hatter may lie oppo.sed by a variety of dental structures taking the form of tr;insverse d<'n- ticulate ridges, longitudinal ventral ridges or small unchia Fin. 03. Cephalic regions in tlie Enoploidea. .\-F & L — Enoplidae. (J K & M-Q — Om-holainiidae. A — Enoptus cominlitiijt. B — Eurystnwintt iniifri~ cana. V — Enoploides amphioxi. D — Anticoma Jitoris. E — Phonod^r- mopsia lonyisetue. F — Rkabdodemania minima. G — Oxy-ftomina alpha. H — HulnUiimus caroUniensis. 1 — Kn^hetidiiim pauli, v. dentifulatunit female. .1 — Knrhpiidium pauli, v. dentirulatum, male. K — liolhella tenuidfns. L — ThoraroMtoma { PaeudocfUn) sp. M — Mctonrholaimus printiurutt. N — Onrhotaimellus rlarndiscus. O — Aiwplostoma vii-iparum. P — Poiydonfus iiinrinus. Q — P.ifudfipflat/onfnia eifyans. B, D, K, F, H — After rhitwood, 1930, Tr. Amcr. Micr. Soc, v. f,a (2). C — After Filipiev, 19IK, Trav. Lab. Zool. Stat, Biol. Sebnstopol, v. 2 (4). I, J — After .Micolet/.kv. 19;)0, Vid. Medd. fra Dansk. .\atur. Foren.. v. 87. K — After Cobb, 1920. Contrib. Sc. Nemat. 9. N — After de Man, 1890, Mem. iSoc. Zool. France, v. 3. O — After de Man, 1907. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, v. 20. I'-Q — After Kreis, 1934, Capita Zool., v. 4 (5). Remainder original. 71 (Mononchus gerhichei). Monanchiis tiinhridgcnsis has all of the family ehaiacteristics except that the stoma is of moderate length and cylindioid. Such a form would be the presumptive ancestor of the family. In the Tripylidae, onchia, if present, are basal. The weakly sclerotized protorhabdions may be many .jointed {Trilobus longus), or not .iointed (Prismatolaimiis intermedius). The stoma may be subcylindrical (Prismatolaimiis), conoid (Trilo- bus) or collapsed (Tripyla). Dorsal or subventral asymmetri- cally placed denticles are sometimes present. In the Ironidae the long subcylindrical to prismoidal stoma is always surrounded by esophageal tissue and sometimes set off as a stomatal swelling (Irnnella prismatolaima) . Except in Cryptonchiis the cheilorhabdions take the form of outwardly acting odontia (fossores). In Iro7ius ignaviis the dorsal odon- tium is double and the subventrals simple while in Ironella prixmatdlaima the reverse is the case. SyringDlaimiis smargidiis and DolicliolainiKS obtiisiis have three double equal odontia. Enoploidca (Fig. 63). The families Oncholaimidae and Enoplidae are separable through the fact that only the sto- matal base is surrounded b.v esophageal tissue in the Oncholai- midae while the mesostom and often the prostom is surrounded by muscular esophageal tissue in the Enoplidae. In the Oncholaiminae the stoma is typically capacious to subglobular, and armed with three unequal conoid mesosto- matal onchia which act as orifices of the eso]ihageal glands. One of the subventral onchia usually being the largest (Mc- foncholaimvs prislivnis). Sometimes the onchia are multiple (Polydont IIS mariniis) and sometimes there is but one, the large subventral ( OncholaimeHiis clavndisciis). A small residue of more primitive species with cylindroid stoma persist as in so many other groups (Pseiidopelagonema elegans, Anoplostoma vivipanim). The subfamilies Eurystomininae and Enchelidiinae appear as slightly modified oncholaims. The stoma is more elongate, the stomatorhabdions are usually .jointed and the onchia at- tenuated to a needle-like point. In these groups one subventral onchium is highly developed while the other two are minute if present (Bolbdla lenuidcns). In addition the cheilorhabdions or prorhabdions may bear minute denticles (Evrystomina americana). Sexual dimorphism in stoniata makes its ajipear- ance in enchelidiids in a most surjirising manner. The adult male has a completely rudimentary stoma while the female has a highly developed stoma (Enchclidiiim paiiU). In the Enoplidae .stomata are definitely on the wane, being rudimentary in the Oxystomininae and Phanodermatinac, rep- resented chiefly by three mandibles in Enoplinae and usually quite inconspicuous in the Leptosomatinae. In both, EnopUis communis and EnopUndcs amphioxi, the mandibles are the only sclerotized parts of the esophageal lining; these latter are an- teriorly bifid and axially hooked. At their bases one finds the three esophageal gland orifices. In some enoplids it is said that small onchia corresponding to those of ilctoncholaimiix arc present at the base of the mandibles. In Bhabdodi' mania minima (Leptosomatinae) we have an example showing the maximum of stomatal development in the Enoplidae; the protosom is wide, the mesostom conoidal, the walls are moderately .sclerotized. Three mesostomatal onchia are present. In other leptosomatids such as Anticoma litnris and Pscudocclla sp. the stoma is completely collapsed and on- cilia, if present, are minute. 1)0RYL.\IMIN'.\. The suborder is characterized by the pres- ence of a protrusible onehiostyl at least in the larval stages. It now seems that this structure persists to the adult stage in many forms in which its presence is not suspected. The group also differs from the Enoplina in that the esophageal glands never empt.v into the stoma or rudiment thereof. Dorylaimoidca (Fig. 64). Oncliiostyls are always well de- veloped and a conspicuous feature of adult dorylaimoids. Ac- cording to the observations of Thome (1930, 1935) the onehio- styl originates as a subventral tooth such as one notes in Xygolaimus brachyuris or Sectonema rentralis. Such an onehio- styl is described as mural. Further development of a ventral groove finally results in a hollow cylinder through which food passes (Dorylaimus siagnalis, Actinolaimus sp.) in which case the stylet is a.rial. Evidence of its original formation is Cephalic regions in the Dorylainiina ami 'J'o;;'"l'l'>'"^- tina A-D F & R— Dorylaimidae. K, H-I— Diphlhero- K-L N Q— Mermithidae. O— Trichinellidae. P— Trithuri- dae' A— Don/la im II « stagnalw: B— SfOlo/wmd vnitraltt: V^Slliinliiiiiiiii hnivhlliirlH; V>—Aeti,u,Uiiiiiu« sp ; y.—Diph- Iherovhora perplexanti (dorKal on riRht Bide) ; V—Tvlenchn- UimMH aequalis (median view) ; C — Kustroupylides iffrwttui. H—Trichndnrun pirnli« (1st staEe larva); V—Tru-hosommdei- eratmeauda (Ist stage larva); Q— Hf.rni;if rmw nlhiran« ; H — Xiphinenia aiiifricnnuni. A — After Tliiirm- & Swanger, 1936, Capita Zool., v. 6 (4). B-C — After Tliorne. 1930, J. Agric. Res., v. 41 (6). E & H — After Cobli, 1H13, J. Wash. Acad. Sc, v. 3. F— After Colib, IHIH, U. .S. D. A.. B. P. I., Agric. Tech. Circ. 1. I — After de Man. 1884, Die frei in der reinen Erde . . . Nematoden. J — After fobh, 1920, ('(intrih. Sc. Nemnt. 9. K-L — After St*iner, 1929, Znnl. Jahrh. Atit. Syst., v. ^7. M — After Lukasiak. 1930 Arch. Biol. .Snc.^ Sc. & I>ettres Varsovie. v. 3 (3). N — After Cohh, 1920, ,T. Parnsit.. v. i;i. O-P — After Fuel- lehorn, 1923, Arch. Schiffs. & Tropenhyg., v. 27. Q— After Rauther. 1906. Zool. .lahrb. Aht. Anat.. v. 23, Remainder original. indiciitod liv tlio tloi-snlly (itiHfiuc stylrt api'iturc. It is of fur tlu'i- iiitiTOst to iioto tli:it in slU'li foriiis as Ddiiiliiiniiix anil AftiniiUiiiiiiix the stylot is fornio(i as a cyliniicr in one of tin' snlivcntral soi'tois of tlio I'sopliaRoal wall; a new stylot moves up to its final position at eaeli molt; while forminR, the onehial cylinder lias an ojien eraek on the side awa;/ friim the lumen. Most ilorylainiids Iiave little ovidenee of the original proto- rhal>ilions, tliose being best preserved in Xi/ffolaimus and ActiiKihiimun. The latter is a most unusual member of the group having a radially striated eheilorhabdion and four mas- sive, onehium like, stylet guides in addition to heavily selero- tized Jiru and inesorliabilidiis and sli/li t fiuulinii riiifl. Since the latter structure is absent in sucli forms as Xi/j/dldiiinin we may iiresume it to be the modified telorhabdions or metarliab- dions. However, its homology has not been determine6: r)4.')-63S, pis. 22-28. B.wus, H. A. 1921. — A new genus of nematodes parasitic in elephants. Panisit. v. 13 (1): r>7-66, figs. 1-7. 1921. — On the classification of the Ascaridae. U. The polydelphis group; with some account of other a.scarids parasitic in snakes. Parasit. v. 12 (4) : 411-426, figs. 1-7. 1923. — Idem. III. .\ revision of the genus Dujardinia Oedoelst, with a dcscrijition of a new genus of Anisakinae. Ibid., V. ITi (3): 223-232, figs. 1-8. 1930. — Some Jleterakidae and Oxyuridae [Nematoda] from Queensland. Ann. & Mag. Xat. Hist. s. 10, v. .t: .3.".4-306. figs. 1-10., II. A. and DAniNKV, K. I9J2.— Keport on the i>ara- sitic ni'nuitodes in the colh'ction of the Zoological .Survey of India. Mem. Ind. .Mus. v. 7 (4): 264 347, figs. l-7."i. 1926. — A .synopsis of the families and genera of Ncniatoda. London. Urit. Museum. 277 pp. Hl'TsruM, O. 1873. — Beitriige zur Kenntniss iler freiiebenden Nematoden. Nova Acta Deutsch. Akad. Xatnrf, v. 3(i (.',): 1144; |)ls. 17 27, figs. 1 ()9. Ciin'wooi), H. (i. 1932a. — The basic plan of the nervous system of nematodes. J. Parasit., v. 19 (2): 167. 19321). — A synopsis of the nematodes parasitic in in- -sects of the familv HIattiil:ic. Ztsclir. I'ar.-isit. v. ."i (1): 14-50; figs. 1 59. ' Chitwood. R. (i. and CinTWOOii. .\I. B. 1933. — The characters of a protonematoile. .1. P;ira«it., v. 20 (2): 130. 1934. — Nematodes parasitic in Philippine cockroaches. Philipp. J. Sc. V. 52 (4): 381 392; pis. 13, figs. 119. CmrwooD, H. «. and Wkhr, E. K. 1932.- The value of head characters in nematode taxonomv and rel.-itionsliips. ,J. Parasit., v. 19 (2) : 167-168. 1934. — The value of cephalic structures as characters in nematode classification, with special reference to tlie Spiruroidca. Ztsclir. I'aiasit.. v. 7 (3): 273-335, figs. 1 20, 1 plate. (IllKI.STlE, .J. B. 1924. — [The embryology of .Ic/diiiriniix dfcaii- data.] ,1. Parasit., v. 11: 111-112,'fig. 1. 1!I31. — Some nemic parasites ((Jxyuridae) of Coleop- terous larvae. J. Agric. Res., v. 42 (8) ! 463-482; figs. 114. 1936. — Life history of Ai/amrniiis drraiidatn, a nema- tode parasite of grasshopiiers and other insects. .1. .\grie. Res., v. 52 (3): 161198; figs. 1-20. Cobb, N. A. 1898. — Extract from Ms. report on the parasites of stock. Misc. Publ. No. 215, Dept. Agric, N. S. Wales, 62 pp., 129 figs. 1913. — [New terms for the lateral organs anil ventral gland. 1 Science, N. S., v. 37 (952): 498. 1913. — New nematode genera found inhabiting fresh water and non-brackish soils. .1. Wash. .\cad. 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K and M. 1924. — Notes on the amphids of nemas. J. Parasit., V. 11: 110-111; figs. F H. 1924. — Amphids on oxyurids. .1. I'arasit., v. 11: 108. 1925. — Amphidial structures in nemas. J. Parasit., V. 11: 222-223. 73 1926. — The species of Mermis. A group of very re- markable nemas infesting insects. J. Parasit., v. 1.3: 66- 72; figs. 1-3. 1928. — The fossores of Syrinqnlainuis. J. Parasit., v. 1.5: 69. 1928. — A new species of Syringolaimus. With a note on the fossorium of nemas. Contrib. Se. Nemat. (19): 398-492; figs. 1-3. Also in J. Wash. Acad. Sc, y. 18 (9): 249-2.53; figs. 1-3. 1928. — VncjeUa secia n. gen., n. sp. A nemic parasite of the Burmese Oligochaete (earthworm) Eutyphoeus ranis. Contrib. Sc. Nemat. (16): 394-397; figs. 1-4. Also in J. Wash. Acad. Sc, v. 18 (7): 197-200; figs. 1-4. 1928. — Hou-ardula benigna. A nemic parasite of the cucumber-beetle (Diabrotica) . Contrib. Sc. Nemat. (10): 345-352; figs. 1-8. 1928. — Nemic Spermatogenesis. Contrib. Sc. Nemat. (16): 377-387; figs. 1-15. 1928. — Spirnxys ami/dar n. sp. .1. Parasit., v. 15: 217-219; figs. 1-6. 1928. — The amphids of the nema Physniopfera phrytio- soma. 2 figs. J. Parasit., v. 15: 70. CONINCK, L. A. DE, 1935. — Contribution a la Connaissanee des Nematodes libres du Congo Beige. I. Lcs nematodes libres des niarais de la Nyamuamba (Rowen/.ori) et des sources chaudes du Mont Banze (Lac. Kivu). Rev. Zool. & Bot. Afric, V. 21 (2-3): 211-232, 249-326, figs. 1-80. 1936. — M elaraeolai moiil es oxystoma n.g. n. sp. (Nema- toda) en zijne afleidung van Araenlaimoides de Man, 1893 door Allometrie. (avec resume en Fran9ais). Biol. Jaarb. 182-204; figs. 1-6 and A-C. CONINCK, L. A. DE and Stekhoven, .J. H. S. 1933.— The free living marine nemas of the Belgian II. With general remarks on the structure and the .system of nemas. Mem. Mus. Boy. Hist. Nat. Belg. (58), 163 pp., 163 figs. DRA.SCHE, R. 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Serv. and Animal Ind., Union S. Africa: 183-195, figs. 117. Rahm, G. 1929. — Nematodes parasitas e semi-parasitas de di- versas plantas culturaes do Brasil. Arch. Inst. Biol. v. 2: 67-136; pis. 13-23, figs. 1-145. Rautiier, M. 1918. — Mitteilungen zur Nematodenkunde. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat., v. 40: 441-514; fig.s. A-P, pis. 20-24, fig.s. 1-40. Sandground, J. H. 1933. — Scientific results of an expedition to rain forest regions in Eastern Africa. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., V. 79(6): 341-366, figs. 1-22. 1935. — A redescription of Filaria perteniie Rodhain. 1919 ;ind the creation of a new genus, Protofilaria, for its reception. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afric, v. 27(2): 248-253, figs. 1-5. 1935. — Spinira michiganensis n. sp. and Biciularia halli n. sp., two new parasitic nematodes from Eutamias striafvs Ii/steri (Richardson). Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, v. 44(2): 155-166; pi. 28, figs. 1-9. Schneider, A. 1866. — Monographic der Nematoden. 357 pp., 122 figs., 28 pis. 343 figs. Berlin. Siiui-z, R. En. 1927. — Die Familie Pliysalopteridae Leiper, 1908, (Nematodes) und die Prinzipien ihrer Klassification. 74 I S;iiniiil. Ili'lininlh. Arln'it. I'idC. K. I. Skrj;il>in ^fi'wiilnict. Moskva: L'STaiL', 1 pi. Skrjabin, K. I. ISIK). — ifaterialy poKoliiiinto faimic I'.ir.i Riiaia (ciiiitriliiitions a rptuclo lioliniiitluiIoKiciiic ilii I'nra- gliay) ZddloKii'li. Vesnik, I'ctiiiKiail, v. 1, pt. 1, pp. 7ll."> 73.'); -J lies., pis. L'4 2."., figs. 1 27. Stein-kr, G. l!il(i. — Fnilohoiulo Xomatodi-n aus dor Baientsoe. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst. v. :i!l( .')-(i) : .■n(>7(i, pis. l(i :!(i. Hks. l-4ti. 1SU7. Chci- liir Vi'iw.-iiidlsi-liat'tsviTlialliiisso iind ilic Systt'inatisi'lii' .StidliiiiK dcr Mt'riiutliiili'H. Zool. An/.., v. 48(9) : 2G3 :2(i7. iyi8. — Studien an Xeniatodcn aus ilcr Niedorclbc. I Toil, ifoiinitliiden. Mitt. Zool. >riis. Handmrtr. (2 Boi- hoft. daliili. llanUmiK Wiss. .\nst.t v. :i.'.: 7.' 100; fins. 1 i:i. II'IM. — Die von A. Monaril Ki'saiimu'ltoii Xeniatoden. dor Tit'fi'nfauna des Neuonlnirnorsoes. Bull. Soc. Neu idiattd. Si-. \at., v. 43: 1-104: tigs. 118. 1023. — Limii'olo Morniitliiden aus dcni Sarckgi'birge and der Torne Lappmark. Naturwiss. Untcrsucdi. Sarekgo- birg. Sclnved.— Lajipland, V. 4(8): 80.")-827: figs. 1-29. 1923. — Beitrago zur Konntnis dor Mcrniithiden 2 Toil. Morinithidou aus Paragua.y in dor 8animlung dos Zoologi- solion Musounis zu Berlin. Pp. 90-110, figs. 1-34. 1924. — Some nenias from the alinu-ntary tract of the Carolina tree frog (Hiila caroUncn.^iis Pennant). J. Para- sit., V. 11: 1-32, figs. 1 -(55. 1924. — A remarkable new gonus and species of nicr- mithid worms from Jamaica. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. (2527), V. 6.)(14): 1-4, pis. 1-2. 192:'). — The problem of host selection and host speciali- zation of certain plant-infesting nomas and its application in the study of neniie pests. Phvtopath., v. 1.5(9): 499- 534; figs. 1-8. 1929. — Xcoaplectana ulusrri, n. g., u. sp., (Oxyuridae), a new nemic parasite of the Japanese beetle (Popillia .iaponica Newm.). J. Wash. Acad. Sc, v. 19(19): 436- 440; fig. 1, A-I. 1929. — On the gross morphology of Acrobeles (Acro- beles) crossatiis n. sp. (Rhabditidae, Nematodes) found in diseased bulbs of Iris tiiir/iiitaiia Boiss. and Rent, with remarks on its ecology and life cycle. Ztsclir. Morpli., v. 15(4): 547-558, figs. 1-13. 1930. — The nemic fauna of tlio slinio fiu.x of the Caro- lina Poplar. J. Agric. Res., v. 41 ((i): 427-434; figs. 1-3. 1933. — The nematode Cylindrogaster lonflistoma (Ste- fanski) Goodey [sic], and its relationship. J. Parasit., v. 20(1) : 6()-CS, "fig. 1. 1935. — Opuscula miscellanea neniatologica I. Proc. Helm. Soc, Wash., v. 2(1) : 41-45; figs. 1-3. 1936. — Opuscula miscellanea neniatologica IV. Proc. Helm. Soc, Wash., r. 3(2): 74-80; figs. 22-25. Steinesi, G., and Albint, F. M. 1933. — On the morphology of Deontostoma caUfornicum. n. sp. (Leptosouiatinao, Nema- todes). J. Wash. Acad. Sc, r. 23(1): 25-30; figs. 17. SrKiNiMt, G., ;ind IIoki'IM.i, K. 1926. — Studii's on the e.toskcle- ton of some J:ii)anoso ni:irine nomas. Arch. ScliilTs. & Tropenhyg., v. 30: 547-57(i; figs. A Q, plate.s 12. Stkkiioven, J. 11. St'iiuuKMANs. 1926. — Ncw facts concerning the larvae of Anchiiloslnma caninum and yrcatnr amrri- caniis, Proc. 3r(l. l'.ni-P;icific Science Congress. Tokvo. Pp. 2577-258(1. 1937. — Parasitic Nomatoda. Kxi)loration du I'arc .\";itional .\lbert, Mission G. P. do Witto (1933 1935) Fasc. 4: 1 40; figs. 1-116. Stkkiiovkn, J. 11. S., and Coxinck, L. A. t)K. 1933. — Mor- pliologische Frage zur Sysfeinatik dor freilobondon Nenia toden. Vorhandl. Dout.sch. Zool. (ieselLsch. : 138-143: figs. 1-2. STlt.\ssEN, O. zuit. 1904. — Anthraconcmn, oiiu' nouo Gattung froilebender Nematoden Zool. Jahrb. Sui>pl. 7, Fest- schrift Weismann: 301-346; figs. A-J, pis. 15-16, figs. 19. TuoK.N'K, (i. 1925. — The gonus Arrobrle.i von Liustow, 1877. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, v. 44(4): 171 210; figs. 140. 1930. — Predacious nomas of the gonus Xi/golaimii.i and a new gonus. Scclnm ma. J. .\gric. Ros., v. 41(6): 445-406; figs. 1-18. 1935. — Notes on free-living ;ind plant parasitic nema- todes. II. Proc. Holm. Soc. Wash., v. 2(2): 96 98. 1937. — A revision of the nematode family Ce|)halo- bi)oth the gross anatomy and the histology in order that evolutionary trends ma.v be more readil.v observed. A. SUBCLASS PHASMIUIA All phasmidians have one point in common with respect to the esophagus, namely, the subventral esophageal glands always have orifices far removed from the anterior extremity. On the basis of gross morphology they show no obvious separation into groups but on the basis of histology and developmental anatomy they are divisible into two groups, the orders Rhabditida and Spirurida. In the Rhabditida the esophagus shows evidences, in its larval stages at least, of being composed of two major parts, an elongate corpus and a short bulbar region, while in the Spirurida it is composed of a short muscular anterior part and a long wide glandular part. These are fundamental dif- ferences established in the histology of the organ. Rh.-vbditin.A-. The esophagus of members of the sub- order Rhabditina consists of a cylindroid corpus (further divisi- ble into procorpus and metacorpus*), a narrow isthmus and a pyriform or elongate bulbar region. In some forms, such as Mhahditis (Fig. (i.l), the bulbar region contains a well de- veloped valve, while in others, such as DipJut/aster (Fig. 76), no such valve is present. It will suffice for our purposes to describe the esophagus of Ithabilitis and compare the other forms with it. The esophageal lumen of Rliabditix ti-rricula varies accord- ing to the region, the rays of the lumen of the procorpus ter- minating in well developed marginal "tubes" (Fig. 67ab), those of the met.-icorpus in smaller "tubes" and those of the isthmus and bulbar region in acute angles. The lumen is modified at the valve and the lining thickened (Fig. 68c). The procorpus contains IS nuclei: six radial nuclei (ri-„) in one srt (RI) near the base of the procorpus, one being on each side of each sector (Fig. 67a-b), and 12 nerve cell nuclei (ni-n) ar- ranged in three chains, one in the center of each sector. The radial muscles are concentered in six liands corresponding to the six radial nuclei. The metacorpus (Fig. 66 & 67c-d) con- tains 28 nuclei: three bilobed marginal nuclei (nii-j) in one set (MI)t, six radial nuclei (r7-i=) in one set (RID, and 19 nerve cell nuclei (ni.i-,,i) forming three chains as in the procorpus. The isthmus is anucleate while the bulb contains 30 nuclei, as follows: six marginal (nu-n, nh-a'*, three of which are in the prevalvar region (Mil) and three in the postvalvar region (Mill); 12 radial (r,:,-,s, r,„-j,, r-i.-;.,), a set of six of which are in the prevalvar region (RIII) and groups of three in the valvar ( R IVa) and postvalvar regions (R IVb) ; nine nerve cell nuclei (uii-.n) and three esophageal gland nuclei (gi-a). The esophago-intestinal valve has a simple triradiate lumen ; its wall consists of an internal layer of transverse fibrous tissue containing two n\udei and an external circular la.ver containing three nuclei. The esophagus of Hhabflilis functions as follows: Contrac- tion of the radial muscles in the procorpus tends to triangulate the lumen thereby increasing its volume; thereafter contrac- tion of the radial muscles of the metacori>us cause dilation of its luiiH'n while relaxati(m of the mu.scles of the ])rocorpus and dilation of the bulb;ir valve occur. In order to discuss the nu'chanism of the bulbar valve we shall label the jiarts; the esophageal lining has a .series of three thickened regions. Dur- ing rest the first piece (1) is convex anteriorly while the *StrictIy speaking (tie esopliHKo-intcstiiml valve i.s part of the csdplia- gus. Howevpr. in conformity with roniinnn usage, the term esophagus a.s usHd herein excludes the esophago-intestinal valve unless otherwise specified. *These terms are suhstituted for jirecorjuis and postcorpus (p. 10) at the suggestion of Dr. Steiner. tXot uncommnnly flip marginal nlU'lei may aj>pear to lie double, in forms with marginal tubes at the termination of esophageal radii; in such cases the lobes are designated mi„.n)i,,, etc. 76 (Inr dg/d ,. & -.■■■■ K3 ^3i. Fig. 71 / Fic. 68 O u t Fig. 65, Diagrams of esojihaei. A-D — Cross spttions showing vari- ous types of muscle arranKf-niftit, (.\— Radii of esophageal luitien ter- minated by tubes, musculature cfincentered : ex. RhnbdUis. Lfidjinemay Heterakis and first stage strnngyles, PJfctus and Axonolnimus : B — Sides of radii converging distally, mus» Imlh. Original. Fic. *>(>. Diagram showing nuclei of metacorpus in RhabditiM. Fio. 67. Diagram showing groups of nuclei in esoi)hagus of Rbnb- diti/t terricola as occurring in cross se4tion. a-b~ -Procorpus; c-d — metacoriius ; e-f — bulb. Fig. 68. Jfhabditis terricoln, esophageal cross sections, a — procorpus; b — metacorpus ; c-f- — Fhabditift lamhdiensis bulb. Fic. 69. Ditf/IfiichuN dipsari. Sections through corpus. Fii!. 7us ; 7^-— metacor- pus; 74 — bulbar region ; 7.'» - -region of glandular appendage. FlOS. 66-75— After Cbitw. & Chitw. 1936. .7. \Vash. Arad. Sc. v. 26 (2) ; Fig. 65 original. 77 second and tliird pieces (2-3) nearly touch one another. Con- traction causes a reversal of the position of 1, point a (Fig. 97E-F) becoming nearly a.xial and point 6 moving from an axial position to a point formerly occupied by o. This is ac- complished by contraction of the radial muscles of the pre- valvar region (associated with ris-is) and possibly of the valvar region (associated with rw-si). Opposition to this move- ment, i. e., return to the position of rest, is accomplished by muscles of the valvar region (rni-2i). Movement of piece 1 to a position of dilation is followed by dilation of the lumen opposite pieces •'-■:} in series (through contraction of the post- valvar radial muscles associated with r-<«-2i), opening of the esophago-intestinal valve and, finall.v, closure of this structure. There is no evidence that the marginal fibers are ever con- tractile. They appear to function entirely in the capacity of "fixed points" upon which the sectors are "hinged." In the corpus, relaxation proceeds slowly while contraction or dila- tion is spasmodic. Perhaps the tubular form of the esophageal radii contributes to the opposition of the radial muscles be- cause of their elasticity. Muscle fibers definitely opposed by other muscle fibers are found only in the valvar region of the bulb. All muscle fibers of the esophagus are perpendicular or oblique to the esophageal axis; there are no circular or longi- tudinal fibers. In Rhabditis. the dorsal esophageal gland orifice is at the anterior end of the procorpus (Fig. 76), the short cutieularly lined terminal duct is followed by a small ampulla and a long canal extending to the bulb where it becomes lost in the mass of dorsal esophageal gland protoplasm; the canal extends near- ly to the base of the bulbar region where the gland nucleus is situated. The subventral gland orifices are situated at the base of the metacorpus and, likewise, each is provided with an ampulla and a canal leading jiosteriorly to the bulbar region. The mass of the subventral gland protoplasm is lateral in position (i. e., in the lateral part of the subventral sectors) and their nuclei are in the valvar region. The nerve cells, previously mentioned, form the esophngo sympathetic system which consists of a nerve trunk in the center of each esophageal sector, these trunks being connected by tliree commissures, one at the base of the corpus, one in the prevalvar region and one in the postvalvar region. This system is connected with the central nervous system by means of a pair of nerves from the subventral trunks through the ex- ternal surface of the procorpus. Other members of the superfamily Rhabditoidea with a valved bulb apparently have the same structure as that de- scribed above. In T)ipli- to Contrnraeeum) , CaiiialhinoideA iCamaUanntt, Cucul- \r /^j ti/tenchux. Apheleurlnin) , StronKyloidea (OfnophaynHto- lanujt), Dracunculoidea {Mirropleura to Phitonfwa). \ r mum), Metastrongyloidea {Metantrunf/ylus) , Oxyuroidea Original. 79 with 01- without a i.listiiu-tly si't off bulbar region (Ascaii'lia and Ascarix, Toxiicara and Contracaeciim, etc.). It is in the latter group that we have the outstanding diversity of the su])erfaniily. While the liulbar region is always distinct in the larva when removed from the egg it may totally disappear from the standpoint of gross examination during later stages in its development (Ascaridia, Ascaris. To.riii'inliciilnhiiii (79), iind Ueteiakin j/nHi'inif (HO), .\fter (_'hitw. & Cliitw., ,1. Wnsli. ;\cml. He. 80 (if tlic (l()is;il <'s(ipli;i|;cal kIhiuI. 'PIic iiiitoiior ladiiils ( Ki|{. si I ill this r.isi' .iri' idcutcil in tlir i cntfr of tlii'ir soctois, ill two groups of tliri'i', the reiiiiiiiiiiiK r;nlial k'"'M"' "^ "'c fofpus arc tiroki'ii, i. i'., I'lii-h group of six is siilidiviiit'd into two groups of thri'o, ono in earh srctor am! those nuch'i iiiav or inav not heeonie eentrallv loeated aceoriliiig to the |)artieiilar genus. Members of the Asearididai' liave only three esopliageal ghinil nuelei and for that reason .Iscdiiilia, witli liiiitieleate sutiveii tral ghinds, though the esolihagus is eylindrieal, must lie jilaeed in the Ueterakidae. Whether or not thi' esophagus retains its gross separation into corpus and Inilliar regions in the adult, the two regions are histologieally separable the base of the corpus being in dicated liy the basal eoinniissure of the nietaeoriius. In aseari- diiis the esojihageal glands undergo many peculiar modifications (see llsii, llfji', lil.'i.S^. The dorsal gland situated near the base of the bulbar region is bilobed in .l.wvin.v liniiliricoidcii the lobes are marginal and connected by a fine strand. In this form lobes of tin' liorsal gl.'ind I'xtend inted musculature usn.'illy having ciiticular attadi Mient jioints for the radial muscles ami an esophago-intestinal valve that is either Iriradiate or shows reminiscences of this condition, while the latter group has enonnoiisly developed esojihageal glands, relatively meager musculature in the glandu- lar ri'gion, no atlaclinient jioints and a dorso vent rally llattened esoph:i go-intestinal \al\'t'. Ksophagi of Caniallanoids have b('en studied by .Jiigerskiold (litOin, Magath (Ull!!), Tornquist (l!i:tl), andll.sii (lit33). ('tiiiKillunns iiiicroci phaliix has a so called "divided" esophagus ( i'igs. 7fi & !t8 K-F). Here the dorsal gland orifice is some- what posterior to the base of the stoma, the subventral gland ori- fices at the .'interior end of the posterior part of the esoiihagus. In the anterior part of the esojihagus there are IH radial nuelei anil six marginal nuclei, the railials in four groups, two groups of three anterior to the dorsal gland orifice and two groups of six jiosterior to this level; the marginals are in two groups, one situated near the level of the dorsal ghind orifice, the other between the third and fourth radial grouiis. In the iiosterior part of the esophagus there are likewise IH radials in four groups and six marginals in two groups. Here the first group of six radials is situated near the anterior end of this jiart of the esoiihagus at the level of the subventral gland orifices, the second group of six radials somewhat anterior to the mid region of this part, and the third and fourth groups of three radials near the of the esophiigus. One marginal group is .lust posterior to the level of the siilt\t'iitral gland orifices {"JIplIli!! B iLplnAi' ■A I. J, tl'. htv "IT L SV t -t' '• -: " ^ I- ^S* n» n-j '^/ C •^ % "-r,. ","•"' r, -;;.? ^ s. " t, '.. m, '„ m. '., «! \^;- '■: k. liA METOTaOHl^Tl.US 1 .0 I D kb "V % m."° % Efil ft SV D L-J. V bvlOL LOl D koOLls. 1. ', Ti 'i* M 'i m rr 1 m, ^A " '- '.. ^" 't, r^^ fT r^ r '.. '.. r 'r '" IT . 'i: ™ '■• r i, t. r^ r^ '.. M.c.o.,.!;,.. 1 p ;v I n I L ;v— . Ij'. bL LP I 0 LP ti.tiv I > r, ' 'A'^ 't ',\}', ''.1 '.. '..'{•'.. '.!>': ':*■ 0,. ',,1 '„ '-1 '-.0. ',. ',,\ 'it '•• '" •• < . > m„ i'Si "1. *■' "EVTBi ^TST 01- l5v|v 0 "m '' V •" 1".. Ti n ■•'M r " ml ^ i- i. a! lisv 0 V ISVIOL >L|SV 1 V n, S; '• a, "' '- '„ '" r^ '■ m, "1, n,^ ". n„ "... "«• \l n,, m. h'--^" V, "r„m r ^' ^ t. H.,....„' •] „C. '' ^_m, c, o'c. jSVlOL LP I D ILD ':; l?',,""!? -'^ \i^ IDLLOI-glLO DdVv rV '* *>, •"» f, f , •>-■•.■ H jv I II I \r^T- I HV IPL LOl D ILO OlTsv 7 m • m. 's '- m,. '„ m« 0. vToi-Ji-ol o IloIolVvi vl ^, I' ^ I i '' I '■^^'■^ f f "' ; "• Tallies iif I'.-iipluiKiiil miili-iir distrilml inn of I'liiisiMiiliiin.-.. (Irigiiial. Spirurid.\. — The essentially different funn nt' the esopha gus in the order Spirurida has tieen previously mentioned. The fact that the esophagus is always histologically divisible into a short muscular anterior part and a long glandular posterior part is not of, noticeable in many forms with cylindroid or even elavate esophagi. However, the fundamental signifi- cance of this type of organization is evidenced by the absence of any stages in the life history showing reminiscences of the rhabditoid esophagus such as were mentioned for the Strongy lina and Ascaridina. (■.\.\I.VLr,.\yix.\. — The sulionler Cainallaniiia i-oiitnins forms in which the esophageal glands are primarily uninucleate; secondarily a few forms with iiiultiniii'lente glands appear to while the other is near the level of the third group of radials. It would appear obvious from the nuclear distribution (Fig. ■SI) that the posterior or glandular region corresponds not only to the bulbar region of Jfliahihlis or Ascari.i but also to the metacorpus of Ulitihditis and part of the metacorpus region of Axcari.i, since the bulbar region in these forms contains only six marginal and 12 radial nuclei while the posterior part of C(imtill(inu.i contains IS radial and six marginal nuclei. This view is supported by the fact that the commissure of the metacorpus is situated in the anterior part of the gl.-indular region of the esophagus of Ciimnlliniiis. In ('iiciillaniix though the esophagus is davate instead of being divided (Fig. 7 the anterior end of the esophagus takes the form of a sub- globular swelling but does not do so in PhUoncma and Micro- pleura. The radial and marginal nuclei in DraciincKliis, Avioserpens and Micropleura follow the same arrangement as in Camallanus, R I and E VI being divided groups. All these nuclei are also in the same position relative to the level o'f the orifice of the esophageal glands. In Uracu7i.eulus and Avioserpens the region posterior to the constriction at the nerve ring corresponds to the posterior part of the esophagus of CamaUanus ; in the two former genera an additional peculiarity is observed ; the dorsal esophageal gland and its nucleus are tremendously enlarged voiy RiCTULARIA ASCAROPHIS PHYSALOPTERA OElSMIOOCERCtLLA MONOPETALONEMA OiPLOTRI AENOIDES SPHACROLAImuS SIPH0N0LAIMU5 Fid Diagrams of esophagi; including representiitivi^s of the Spiruroidea (Rictularia to Phyaaloptera) , PMIarioidt-a (IJps- midocerceUa to Diplotriaenoides), Plectoidea (Plertus to Annn- OESMOLAIMUS THERISTUS rhuff), Axonolaiinoidea (Axoiwfniinus) , Chroniadoroidea (Para- cnnthonchus, Tripf/louies) , Monhysteroidea (Sphafntlaiwns to Theristu8) . Original. 82 (Kr. 81). In Philomiira tlie fourth and fifth Rioups of r.i(li;il nuclei (K IV anil R V) aio also divideil intii two siili);i"iip>^ each, Imt the niaiEinals and radials retain tlie same relative piisitiiins as in Druciinciitii.K; liowever, in the latter the snli ventral t;l:'"ds ( ^'iK. Td) are K'eatly redueed in size. V;inia Kiiti ( IMii.'i) descM-ilied a Kenus, IcUiiinfihiiid. with a imsteriiir (fl.'indular appendatle similar to that ohsei-ved in i'(mlnini( rii iii. liowever a study of the histoloRV of this sirnetiire not lieen made. Philoni ma represents the ultimate in esoidiaReal );l''"'d de velopment of the Draeunenloidea. This genus has the typieal spiruroiiitilarioid esophagus, a fact that opens the tiuestion whether or not it is eorreetl.v placed in the suborder Camalla nina. .Ml three csojihageal gland orifices are located in the posterior, much eidarged glamlular region of the esophagus and the esophageal glands are multinucleate. The radial nu clei of all six groups are arranged in triplets, i. e., all six groups are subdivided; since there are three gro\ii)s of r.adials in the anterior muscular part of the esophagus one would .judge this part to be homologous to the anterior jxirtion of the esos silile phylogculic significance of such structures has not been de- termineil but niodilii'ations ajipear to be nuist pronouni'ed in the forms found in body cavities or tissues, i. e., Filarioidea. The form (if the esophago intestinal valve changes from a dis- tinctly triradiate shajie such as is found in Hiciiilaria to a (|(U-so\'entrally flatteucil structure such as is found in Plu/.salrt/}- tcnt. Further infoj-maliou on arrangement, esophageal lining .'ind shape of hnnen .'iiid esophago-intestinal valve, will result in evidence hearing on the inter-relationship of meudiers (d* the suborder Spi?'uriii;i. H. SI'KCI.ASS .\1'11.\SM1I)I.\ .Aphasruidians as a wijole have no single esophageal feature in common. Like the subclass Fhasniidia they are divisible into two ma.jor groups on the basis of the esojihagus, the first order, ('hroniadorida, corresponding to the order Rhabditida, contains forms in which the eso|ihagus is primarily divisible into cori)US, and bulbar region, the second order, the Enoplida, contains forms in which this division is not grossly apparent. r'H!iOM.\DORin.\. — The esophagi of members of this order have three uninucleate esophageal glands; the dorsal gland orifice is situated at or near the base of the stomatal region (never, so far as is known, does the glaiid empty directly into the stoma through a tooth) ; the subventral gland orifices are at the base of the corjuis. Rei)resentatives of this order have l)ecn studied by the writers (193(!). The suborder Monhysterina contains forms in which the esophago-intestinal valve is relatively well developed, often quite elongated, and dorso-ventrally flattened, or ro\inded rather than triradiate. Of the whole Apliasmidia the representatives of the super- family Plectoidea nuist closely approach the Rhabditoidea, for in this group forms such as Plrctns have a rhabditoid esopha- gus w^ith a well developed valve in the bulb, but unlike Rhab- ditis the pro- and metacorpus are seldom apparent on gross study. The lumen of the corpus terminates marginally in dis- tinct tulies and the valve of the bulb works in a manner similar to that of Rlinhditix. Other plectoids have an elongated luilbar region without valves and in some forms the cori)Us also may be quite elongate ( Lcpiolainuis) , while in others < Aiinncliux), the entire esophagus may be cylindrical (Fig. .*2). The musculature of the bulbar region may be reduced so that this region forms an elongate glandular swelling (Camacolai- inns, Anguinoidcs, AphannUumns) similar to that part of the esophagus of Diljjhnchux. and in still other forms such as OnchiKm nceUatum the esophageal glands may project poste- riorly beyond the base of the esophagus. It would appear, therefore, that not only in stylet and stomatal formatiim but also in esophageal formation the Plectoidea present a parallel series to the Rhabditina. In two points all plectoids are simi- lar, the esophageal lumen of the corpus peripherally is termi- nated by marginal tubes and the esophago-intestinal valve is definitely dorso-ventral in symmetry (Figs. 83-84). The corpus of all forms contains four groups of six radial nuclei (24) and two groups of three (or three double) margi- nal nuclei (total (i or 12). The radial muscles of the corpus are more or less concentered but no forms are thus far known in which the lining is thickened forming attachment points. As in Rhahditix in the bulbar regiim there are 12 radial and (5 (or 12) marginal nuclei, the first set of 6 radials and the first set of marginals forming the jirevalvar region; the suc- ceeding radials are arranged in two groups of three which together with the second set of marginals form the post- valvar regicm. In Anuplictiix pnniidoxnx (Fig. 83) and simi- lar forms with unusually well developed " tubes "" at the ends of the esophageal radii the marginal nuclei of each group are double, cme member of each i>air being on each side of each tube, while in forms such as Camaeotaimiix prijihrrrhi in which the tubes are minute (Fig. 84), no such doubling of m.'ugin.'il nuclei occurs. Rei>resentatives of the suiierfamily .Vxonolaimoidea have esophagi like plectoids except that no representative of this group has a valved bulb .and no forms are known in which the bulbar region is ]irincii)ally glandular through enlargenu-nt of esophageal gl.-inds at expense of muscular tissue (Figs. 82 & S4). The entire cscjpliagns may be clavate (Cnmrxinna. !-F — Anonchna miriihilin. (D — corpus at base of stoma: K — corpus somewhat further posterior; F — bulbar region). (M — CaiiiitedlaimtiH /irillherflii 1(1 — Corpus; H — base of bulbar region showing g, and n-j^.^u: I — esophago-intestinal valve). J — Axonftlainiim ipinomts, (corpus). K-M — Sabatirria vulgaris (K — Corpus; L-M — Fro. stl esophago-intestinal valve). N-P — Pamcanthonchus sp. (N — Anterior part of corpus; () — ^corpus somewhat more posterior; P — esophago-in- testinal valve). Fic. H.l. TripiiUnm fiirciiiirohim v. calkumi. (A — Stoniatal region; B-C — eoriius; 1) — bulbar region; E-P — esophago-intestinal valve). Fin. 86. A-C — Microlnimus sp. (A — Corpus; B-C — esophago-intesti- nal valve). D-K — Chrnmadora sp. (I)-I — Serial sections through bulbar region; J-K — esophago-intestinal valve). All after Chitw. & Cbitw., I9:lf>, J. Wash. Acad. Sc, v. 2B (8). 84 rill) or till' foi|)iis may remain grossly distinct (.Ijo/iufiiimiix, AriitiilniniNx) ; the l)ull)ar rcRioii is always ratlior cliinKatc, lu'vi'r in tlii' form of a clotinitc Imlli. As a riiU' ono may ilis tinK»>^l> procorpiis and nu'ta('ori)iis in totomount specimens tlir»n);li the idianue in the esoi)liaf;eal lining ( Fijj. 1.">K) as the size of tlie marginal tubes l>eeonies reduced; no forms are known with thickened attachment points for the radial muscles altluingh the muscles themselves are concentered. The nuclei of the esophagus of axonolaimoiils are essentially as in Phftiis except that in some forms {Salinlirria viil(iari.s) the six iiosterior radial nuclei tend to assvime a hexa ratlier than a trisynimotry in their arrangement. Tlu' esophago intestinal valve is as elongated as in jilectiuds anltiiniiis) or may not (I.inh, H7). The esophageal hnnen while moeculiar distri- bution of the radial nuclei of the jiosterior part of the bulb previously mentioiu'd in the axonolaimoids (Fig. !HI). The esophago intestinal valve of linliomoidds is often associated with specially differentiated intestinal cells t Triiii/liinii) and Vm. 87. A-I> — ThtriitfuH /fpfosun. EI — TfrsfUeUingia pontirn { K — rnrpiis; K — bulbar region; G-I — serial sections throueh csophago-in- testinni valve). J — T>cnmoUtimnn zeelayuii<"HM v. niupricnnus ( I^^hgitudi- nal section through bulb, and esophago-intestinal valve). "' Fl(!. 88. EthmoJaimujt revalienms. (A — Stoma tal reRion ; B — ror- pus ; r-(; — bulbar roKi<'n ; HI — esophago- intestinal valve) . KiG. rt!>, MojmpoMthin hi'.valntn, AC — corpus (A — in stomatal region; H — just posterior to tlie orifice of dorsal gland; C — near base). D-G — bulbar rvgion. H — esophago-intestiual valve. All after Chitw. & Chitw.. 1936, J. Wash. Acad. Sc. v. 26 <8). 85 in some forms sueli as DesmvUiiinus this structure forms a sep- arate and distinct organ which may be termed the ventricular column (Figs. 82, 87J). Monhysterids (Figs. 82, 87A_-D) have a more cylindrical esophagus, though never a distinct linhomoeid bulb, and the ventricular column is never elon- gated ; the posterior radial nuclei have the same odd type of arrangement as linlionioeids but the radial musculature is of a dispersed type throughout, the esophageal lining without thick- enings, the lumen very simply triradiate and the esophago- intestinal valve less elongate but otherwise similar to that of TerscheUingUi (Fig. S7G-I) ; the latter structure contains 19 to 23 nuclei. Siphonolaims have a very short corpus, an elon- gate isthmus, a short glandular bulbar region and a short esophago-intestinal valve containing six nuclei. The nuclei of the bulbar region are as in linhomoeids and monhysterids but only three marginal and 18 radial nuclei are present in Sipho- nolamiis conicus. Monhysteroids are peculiar in having very minute marginal nuclei (Fig. 87A). In the suborder Monhysterina one first encounters paired pigment spots in the subdorsal or dorsolateral regions of the procorpus in a few genera of the Camacolaimidae (Onchinm ocellatum) and A.xonolaimidae {Araeo!aimus). These peculiar structures are situated in the dorsal parts of the subventral sectors (dorsolaterally ) or the lateral parts of the dorsal sector (subdorsally) ; there is, in the first mentioned genus, a pair of acorn like pigment masses each provided with a hyaline lens. While these are termed ocelli, no one has thus far con- nected them with sensory nerves. In MonhysUra pahiilicoln similar ocelli are situated in the body cavity dorsal to the esophagus. CHROMADORIKA. — lu the subordcr Chromadorina the eso- phago-intestinal valve is usually short though sometimes elongate but never dorso-ventrally tiattened ; it always retains its triradiate character. None of the representatives of this group preserve semblance to rhabditoid or plectoid esophagi. In the Chromadoroidea the esophagus consists essentially of a cylindrical corpus and a bulbar region (Fig. 91); the esophageal lumen is triradiate, the lining unmodified, so far as known, though the radial uruscles are definitely concentered. Members of the Chromadoridae such as Cliroiiiaihna and Etlimo- Jaimus revaliensis have a very short esophago-intestinal valve containing 12 or 1.3 nuclei (Figs. 86, 88); 12 marginal and 30 radial nuclei are present in the esophagus, the posterior nuclei of the bulbar region being arranged in tw^o typical groups of three. In Microlaimns dentatum the esophago intestinal valve containing 11 nuclei is elongate reminding one of Tersehel- liii(/i(i, but differs from that form in being triradiate (Fig. 8<) B-C). Chromadoroids show no tendencies toward diminu- tion in nuclear numbers such as was noted in monhysteroids but, rather the opposite. Several "additional nuclei" make their first appearance in this group; the arrangement and positi(m of these nuclei (s, c, and x) are characteristic of both chromadoroids and desmodoroids (Fig. 00). f'yatholaims generally have a much elongated trijiartite bul- bar region or a cylindrical esophagus. In representatives of the former type {Paracanihonclnix coccti.i) the lumen of the esoph- agus may be slightly enlarged marginally (Fig. 84 N-P). (jhoanolaims and tripyloids, on the contrary, have a typical triradiate lumen with long rays as in monhysterids rather than the short rays and minute lumen typical of the Chroma- dorina. All of these foims have a rather large and well de- veloped but short esophago-intestinal valve. Desmodoroids have the same general esophageal organiza- tion and the same general pattern of nuclear distribution (Fig. 89) as do chromadoroids but the esophageal lining may have thickened cutieular attachment points (Mclaclirnmadoru oiiiixoides) . The so-called "multiple huDi'' of chromadoroids and des- modoroids deserves special ]i]cnti(]n. In both superfamilies one may trace series of foruis from a subspheroid bulb to a sub cylindroid tripartite bulb thence to a cylindrical esophagus. The apparent sub-division of the buUiar region in forms such as Monopoxlliia lu-.rtilata and EUiniolaimii.i revaliensis (Fig. 91) into two jiarts is due to a particular arrrangement of the mus- culature and glandular tissues and a break in the thickness of the esophageal lining at the points where one muscle ceases and another begins. This break indicates the separation of radial subgroui)S of muscles containing nuclei r.n-.ii and r:ii-:»i resi)ectively and is essential to the function of this type of bulb. The musculature containing the radial nuclei rr,.j,i is in the anterior part of the trip.-irtite bulb ami tlir corresjiond- ing muscles are a separate functional unit. I'iguK'nt spots in the anterior part of the corpus are com monly found in nu'inbers of the (^hromadoridae .'ind like those previously nirnticmi'd in the Ciini.-icohi imid.-io and Axnnolainii dae they are situated in the subdorsal marginal regions of the esophagus but in this case the pigment is diffuse rather than concentrated aud is not provided with a lens. It seems proper to designate ihese as mere pigment spots while reserv- ing the term ocelli for concentrated pigment bodies accom- panied by lenses. De Man (1889) described true ocelli situated dorsal to the esojdiagus in the body cavity of Cyathtilaimus demani (Syn. Cyalholainuis ocellatiis of de Man). The esophagi of desmoscolecoids have not as yet been ade- quately studied. The esophagus is grossly rather cylindroid but narrow, the three esophageal glands projecting posteriorly indicating a leduction in the musculature of the bulbar region. Such forms (Fig. 17) have well developed, brilliantly col- ored pigment bodies dorsal to the base of the esophagus. Enopuda. — The esophagi of representatives of this order commonly (always?) have five or more uninucleate or multi- nucleate esophageal glands. The esophagus usually has an elongate muscular anterior part followed by an elongate glandular posterior part, such divisions resembling those of spiruroids and filarioids. The location of the esophageal gland orifices varies widely in the group. ENOPLiN.i. — Esophagi of representatives of this sub-order have been studied by Marion (1870), de Man (1886, 1904), Jcigerskiold (1901), Turk (1903), Rauther (1907) and the writers (1937). In general we find tw-o types of esophagi in this group : the first type in which the esophageal glands have orifices rather near their nuclei, that is, in the posterior glandu- lar part of the esophagus (such forms are included in the super- family Tripyloidea) ; and the second type, in which the sub- ventral esophageal glands open anteriorly either near the base of the stomatal region or in subventral teeth (such forms may occur in either of the superfamilies Enoploidea or Tripvloi- dea ) . In the Tripyloidea the esophagus either is cylindrical (Prion- chulus, Tripyla) or consists of an elongated narrow corpus and a slightly wider elongate glandular region ( Alaimiis) ; in all such forms studied there are five uninucleate esophageal glands, one dorsal and four subventral (Fig. 91). Mononchs such as Prionchuliis muscornm have concentered radial muscles and well developed cutieular attachment points (Fig. 92) ; the esophago intestinal valve which is triradiate and quite massive (Fig. 92M), contains 22 nuclei in P. muscorum. A total of 36 radial and nine marginal nuclei have been observed, the radials (12 in procorpus, 12 in metacorpus and 12 in glandular region) are arranged in sets of six, indicating that even those of the posterior gioup act as a single unit rather than as two units as in rliabditids, plectids and chromadorids. Nuclear distri- bution (Fig. 90) indicates quite definitely that the glandular region of the esophagus of Prio^ieliuliis as well as other tripy- loids, enoploids and dorylaimoids is homologous to the bulbar region of the orders Rhabditida and Chroniadorida rather than the glandular region of spiruroids since it does not contain the radial nuclei characteristic of the metacorpus (total nunilier of radials 18 in spiruroids). The five esophageal gland nu- clei are subequal in size and each of the accompanying glands opens nearly directly into the esophageal lumen (Fig. 94D). In Tripyla papillata and Trilohns lemgiis the musculature is dispersed, no cutieular attachments are present and the esoph- ago intestinal valve is quite massive, consisting of an external part containing six or seven large nuclei and an internal part containing up to 100 nuclei (Fig. 94 E-L). This peculiar structure, sometimes termed a pseudo-bulb, or bulb, is com monly thought to be a part of the esophagus irroper but this does not appear to be the case. It is a further development of the type of valve found in Prionchuliis. The five esophageal glands are similar to those of the latter genus except that the dorsal and the fii'st pair of subventral esophageal glands extend to the base of the stomatal region where they open.* Alaimiis is similar to Tripyla except that the radial muscles are con- crnlered ; the triradiate esophago-intestinal valve is quite small and inconspicuous, and the subventral glands do not extend l>eyond the enlarged glanil\ilar region. In the sujierfamily Enoploidea the gross form of the esopha- gus varies considerably, there being types with a cylindrical esoiihagns, types in which the narrow corjnis is followed by a gradually I'xpanding elongate glandular region (conoid") and t.vpes in which the coipus is slightly narrower and set off in- ternally from an elong.ate cylindrical bulbar region. Due to *On the bnsis of esopliageal structure the current concept of the supei-- f.'ii?iily Tripyloideft must tie revised, preferahly to include the Tronidae. Tlie i)osition of the gliind orifices as previously stated for Ti'ipi/lii (PP- 1 (i and .'J2) is not in accordance with present tindiiif^s. Temporarily, the alisence of cutieular duplication at the he.-id may he considered the limiting character of the Tripyloidea (includinir the Tronidae) as op- I)osed to the J)resence of cutieular duidication in the Enoploidea. Tjater we hope to lie in a position In adrl further characters to substantiate this revision. 86 p V rA \ 'A '^i o". "/ "* 1 1. n, "V. ^ •W "V. "V. n p..,.-. 1 M^ t l?v U liJiBl. lBiS M ^ OL m'l V r. n. ', '. ". ;■ n n ''*, " n n " "" ;. v ",. "" '.- r^ '„ ",, u K 'c'" «"°~"'» 1 R JV D LSV r n^ r '. ,"" , ", '„ ;• "' ,' ",. ^F a, , '.., 'V f, 0# r fV. '" 0/ n 0, h 1# " if- 'is V. "« L "« C*M«COtAlUUS 1 « !V B ^ ?^ m, 1, m. '"' "/ 0 f, r n ' r. a. ""• ''/. m "'j r r « '/I r fi n '^* " n ';/~ ''5- '^' "« "j* "it-'irt Ooiin.iiMonii 1 a 5V B lSv 1 r, n^ - n.r. '!.<;. ^'.. ".* a. a. "i m. n r 1, f m m 1. ^. : 8- -V,"--!. e< rMlWllTUJ 1 P V b I ?^ % "' ^- „ n" n n r ""/ * n, r " n n ^ m m^ " m r " r r n n n J* - rr,. n 8j "» "« ^, J, 1 B JV D LSV "1# ' n n "V rv, "1- '- ^, '- "1. "Vi m ^ '„ r. r 1.™. '„ V r . i' r 6. "m '. V„ "" i"V. »„.»o..™». 1 B SV D ■nrJh, Ji' %* "^ n,. -n. -Hi "1. r. n, '„ ',4 ^ 'f r^ "V ', 'i. ^f % r,^ f^ ^ T, n. "w "# >■ I> "Ji n, "I , "■■ 1 IV., '(■ ".. " » "., 'f fi »,. n n„ ""',. '« r^^ "■■j^ n," "^ n li, n >"« "/« " 8. «/ '.^ , I, ">, " ',1 n« n/, 0) m„ A«0» 6 L !V m„ n) y %."* !^ '. • '> '. ' '.. '.. ^ '. '•' "' r ">. ". "1. n "t 1, n^ ".« n \ fT r "i* "n,. n . •'.0 " n n " '""""C '• n m 6, ffl " r. r ' V ISVIBL LEI D ILD TJirnyTT '» Ti. m m, 01, 1^ <^r^» B SV 0 LSV V ISUltL ,BI 6 ILb ftl Kvl V f, a r. n ' ■^^ "', ^ •"z* fly, *;. n m, m ' r- ' "« ' I "■' '^ TtMCMILL^NOI* 1 RiV s 1 lS'v I ■'U r, V "l 'r " ' n n ",. n,, a. n„ ".. m^ m^ r ',. C, ■i/ " "" r„ '^ 8' ",; -; r„ 3lFH0HOL«>MUJ 1 n 5V 5V 1 V Isv I6l Lb 1 B iLb TTT ^vl V 1 m nij m, n. r> r "' r r "' r '' r ' r, r 7' :• m^ ^ m^ ^<\ 1 ".» s. n. ",< n '■" t' "< "„ "^ "» m, 'm "„ '-> /« r^ sr "-'' "« !, 5. O/l r„ " • 8, e. e. '„ '- n, n« n.* I-/. ET«M0L«.MU3 H 5V D 1 ^v I V 1 W 1 Pn lDI 5 lib DLtr/! V 1 " n "• \ 0 ' 1, r. '■,0 S- r,^ •a n 1 it r\„ " s, n,j s^ .„ , s. 0. "-.r,. :- 8. ^ -' ^^ "v ■v, "., "« IV, MONO«»OJTm* 1 HW n I, ^v 1 ^ ISV IDL ^D\ D 1 LD Pll SV 1 V ' ^ f f 1 ""i r n Aj X, n, r ^. n. '. '» rij K \ «. (TI, m s n, '• r n r f r n, ' r n Cj, m s, 8, 5;, '"S 5, r % e n ""lO "< \-.,-..o.. 1 15V I PL I' '« ". "^.^ p ■SV El 1 ^v "i r^ r, ', % ". c, »;, ", r. r, n, r^ ". r.. n. n. ,^ r, n, r. \- m, '^">. "-",/'"' "„ "" " '" ".. "^n. > > "„ C L^' " ^,;" '! \" ' "n r "< <<■■' '.. "" u \ i. 1. t. ".. W 1 1- C»O.L« 1 KIW ^V n 1 n li n t r *r m '■ ^ r, 0 r r r r^ " "• "* n^ ■^ », ^ n. ' ""^« "f^ n '*K, n ft n" "• "V "^f '^it 1 r f " ?" ^, "- "- '■" >",> "i. 'fl S. S' g' U-, 0. 'V''" "i* i-T" t«..,rotl,N* M^V — TI — I ^ 1 B ILB ", 1 m^ ^- . ? f r ^1^ -V,"*' '". n " 0 r;^ "C ",, ",. '^1 "// 'V, >wi "#r m m, "... 5^ r^ f,- ^ "« r^^ " "* ft S" 8, S' 8, 8r 8' flrf. r,„ Hm "■">"=- OLAIXU* ',.".. r^ '--V?/'' V I^V^IlJL 1"' H im ni K^'^i V m, n, "^ n n ''4 I", r r n r r^ r r * ' * ^1, m^ rr "-• '^'i m r " "» n 'i.r,/ r U"" ^W '=' ",. 7 '^ „'" -v """1, n" ^' t. 8'" s. »,/•'" " ^. fl- ' ^ r,;- t. *;. •"" 8. r ."WW ',/ T»l».L« 1 psw D 1-,5V ' n 't ••. n. ', '* n, '» n« "* "» "• r n, '*■ n„ " '* n, '' "; n,„'» n n n i^.- m, r i;-^ r. f '■• "„ ^ ",. "./■' •^i! i^.j n" '„",. ". 8. '- ™- v,.„ 1^ "■«.!;'• r f;.-S;-R.-:";pr r.. 8, '. '\ -"', «• nl, M Vr.'-.h..! 0.7 Pa.ONCxuLUl 1 ^ 57 m nrggisianSvuc to. "'^Jvi' 8i 'K. 8. % Tables of esophageal nuclear distribution of Aphasinidians. Chitw. & Chitw., Ifl.'ifi, J. Wash. Acad. Sc, v. 26 (8) & 19:!7. v. 27 (12). 87 the distriliutum (if i:iiliiil nmselcs tlic i-or.iiid t.viie of esoiiliagus may be nmltilnilbai- (Folygaxirophora, Bolbella), creiiate in outline (Pliainiilcnnopsis) or smooth in contour (Oxystomitia, Eiirystomina, Li'ptosomatum) . Among the latter, two tj'pes are distinguishable in regard to the muscular development. In Oxy.slo))iina and its relatives the musculature is poorly developed while in the remaining forms it is well developed. In the Oncholaiminae the esophagus is of a cylindrical t.vpe, the esophageal lining simple, the bnnen also simiile and tri- radiate throughout; the esophago-intestinal valve is triradiate, moderately elongate and contains numerous nuclei. There are 12 marginal nuclei but only 2' radial nuclei in Mttniifliolaimus liri.itiiirKX and according to their distriliution (Fig. ilO). we may judge that compared with Triin/lii, the third group of radial nuclei (of Metone)wlaimtis} represents a case of fail- ure of cleavage of the last set of radials of the corpus of Tripyla. In the latter form the final cleavage results in the third and fourth sets (Bill and RIV) or 12 nuclei while in Metoncholaiinii.i only six nuclei are present. Likewise the three giant radial nuclei (Fig. 94 OP) of the bulbar region also may represent a cleavage failure. In this form one dorsal and two pairs of subventral gland nuclei are to be found in the posterior part of the esophagus; separate orifices of the two glands in each sector liave not been distinguished. The METACMROMADOHA ETMMOLAIMUS MtTONCMOLAlUUS EjRrSTOMINA PHA NODEBMOPSIS ANTICOMA LEPTOSOMATUM ENOPLUS m 1} ^ (^ r ty (^ (It) PBIONCHULUS DORYLAIMUS ACAMERMIS Vu:. 91 niuEranis of csophani ini-hiiiing reprcsiintiitivp.'! of ploidiM (.Mfliiiirliiiliiinni.t In Eiiniilim), Ti-ipyluidcii the IJHsmodiiroidca (.M rtiii-hrnniiidora, Monoiio.ilhia) , {Tripyln, I'rinnrlnihis) , Dorylainioidea. Trichuroi rhrcMiiadoroidi-a (KUimoluimus. ilifrnlaiiiniii) , Kno- den und Dioildphyiiiatoidca. OiiEinal. 88 Fm. 93 ApamermiM dpcoudntn. A — Prepnraj>itif larva. (Note pritiiury esopli- host. (Note dcvflopnu-nt of sticlnuytfs.) After Chri'^tie. 1936. J. ageal glands, subd. oe. gl., subv. oe. gl.) , B — Larva after 4 days in Agric. Res., v r)2 (3 ) . 89 D-bu,ha. .e.i„„ at ,evH of dor.., .,.n,. oH«ce, ^i?:i;iv4w;";;;?;: ih;^,^^::!;:^^;^!^-":^ '^^r'nT^!^!^,;o,^^!f';^^:i 90 Kliinchiliir pi(itiiiil;isiii of tlio siilivoiitiiil scctins seems tii lu' ('(iiitimioiis iiiicl ciiii' (•(iiicluiies tliat in tliis ciise tlie suliventi:il nWiiuis ;irc liiiuu-le:ite ; the ducts freiii nil three kI"!"!*' exteiiil anteiiorl.v into the teeth of tlie stoma wlieie eaeh (ipeiis in a niinnte imre. Kaiither (1!MI7) reeonleil four esophageal n'-i'i'l^ in the siiliventral seetors of Onrlidlaimiix viih/aris. He foiiml separate pores for the liimlmost pair sitnateil somewhat an terior to the nerve riiiR ami ilorsal to the center of their re- spective seetors. Kiiri/sliimina oiiiciirdiifi lias a ver.v similar esophagus to Mtiiiiichiildiiniis but its narrow part (corpus) has distinet cu- tieular attachment points anil the musculature is concentered in the corpus ( Kig. !>4T) Imt not in the liulliar region; Ull radial nuclei are i)resent, there heing 1>< in tlu' corpus as in Ml l(inc}iD — corpus). Z-('(" — Ironti/t ipnfivJtH (Z-head; AA — dor- sal gland orifice; (stomatal region); BB — beginning of corpus or end of stoniatal region: CC — posterior j)art of glandular region (corpus proper is like fig. I>r>). EE-OG — Phaiioilfrinopxijt loniiiKfUir. (Ep] — Posterior part of corpus; FF — anterior part of glandular region; GG posterior jiart of glandular region). HH-II — Dorpldii.iujt nbtiisi- caudata. (IIII — (.'orpus at level of stylet cell: II — glandular region at level of dorsal gland nucleus). .T.T-KK — Tn'phnwhiutH sp. f Glandular region sliowing five esophageal gland nuclei,) posterior. In the corpus the musculature is concentered (Fig. 94\V) and the esopli;ige:il lining thick but without attachment points. According to .lagerskiidd (1901), Turk (1903) and Rauther (1907) the esopluigi of the related genera Thoracas loma and ('i/lirdldimiia (which ;ire grossly cylindrical) have similar esophagi except Unit the esophageal lining has defi nite cuticular attachment points. Rauther was able to dis- tinguish small subsidiary subventral (lateral) glands as in Kniipliis. Other enoplids, such as Anlinima (Fig. 94V) and Iili(ib(l(i(l( mania, with cylindrical esoiihagi have gland orifices in similar positions to jibove described, with a simple i.e., enoploiil esojdiageal lining. In tlie wliole order Knoplida jiigment spots or ocelli occur only in the superfamily l']noidoide;i, families Knoi)lidae and Oncholjiimidae, and are of s]ior;idic ;ippearance in these groujis. In the Onchiihiimimie such |iigment is rather diffuse in the musculature of the corjms while in Etiiipliix it is concentrated in ;i pair of subdorsal spots in the m;irgin:il ;ireas near the anterior end. Well developed "ocelli" li:ive been described in l>eptosiimatids, phanodermatids and enchelidiids. I'inally we come to the f:imily Ironidae which in many ways :ipi)ears to have closer affinities with the Mononchidae and Dorylaimidae than with other enoploids. Ironitx (Fig. 94Z-CC) and IrnncUa liave cylindrical esophagi with well developed cuticular attachment points, concentered radial muscles, and ." subequal esojihageal glands. TJke Enoplux, nnchnlaimnx, and Tripi/la. three of the glands have orifices into the stomatal region. I'ri/pt (inch 11.1 niiihi.s; though otherwise very similar to Irnviis, h:is its esophageal glands confined to the posterior part of the esojihagus (Fig. 941)1) & V). Tt seems, therefore, to be intermediate between such forms as Prioncliiiliis and Irnniis. t)ORVi,.\rMiNA. — This suborder is jierhajis more couii)act in fundamental esophageal organization than the suborder Enoplina though the morjihology is certainly more di- verse and includes more odd types (Fig. 91). Dorylaimins have one point in common with each other and with the family Mononchidae, namely that none of the esophageal glands ex- tend to the stomat,al region. The suborder contains superfami- lies with esophagi of two types, one in which the glandular region is tremendously elongated, the subventral glands re- duplicated and ])rotruding from the esophageal contour, and the other in which the glandular region is either short or only moderately elongated, and in which only two pairs of subven- tral glands are present. This latter group includes the soil and aquatic species of the superfamily Doryiaimoidea while the former group includes the parasitic nemas of the super- families Mermitlioidea and Trichuroidea. Dorylaimoids have a cylindrical corpus followed by eitlier an elongated cylindrical glandular region (Dorylaimidae) or a short P3'riform glandular region (Diphtherophoridae, Lep- tonchidae) the parts sometimes separated in the latter instance by a more or less distinct isthmus; the esophageal lumen is subtriangular anteriorly, rapidly becoming minute and tri- radiate with marked cuticular thickenings of the esophageal lining (Fig. 94HH); the musculature is strongly concentered. The radial musculature is well developed throughout the esophagus in leptonchids and dorylaimids but r;itlier degen- erate in the glandular region of diphtherophorids. Donjiaimiis i)btii.tiraii)hitiix has an esophagus extremely simi- lar to that found in Pii, 1937) have investigated various forms of this group. Ward (1917) proposed a separate suborder for trichuroids and mermithoids (Trichosyringata) based on the peculiarity of the esophagus. The esophagi of mermithoids and trichuroids are similar but not fundamentally different from other nematodes. Ward stated "A type of radically different character is the cai)ill:iry esophagus ... It consists of a row of cells, pierced throughout its entire length by a delicate tube." The cells of which he speaks are stichocytes or esophageal glands attached to but not "pierced by" the esophagus proper which is to a greater or lesser degree em- bedded in these cells. As in mermithids, the wall of the esophagus contains its own nuclei. Much discussion has cen- tered around the significance ;ind nature of the structures, but since the points now are clear, further discus.sion seems un necessary. The anterior part of the esophagus of Trirhiiris iivis is nar- row and muscular, terminated by an elong.-ited swelling; the lumen is trir.-idiate, the lining thick but without attachment points. Within this region, besides nerve cells, one group of three marginal nuclei and two groups of six distinct radial nuclei are present. On this basis one might presume it to be the iirocorpus but within the terminal swelling a set of three large nuclei of esophageal glands is present (Fig. 91 & 961). These glands, whose orifices are posterior to the nerve ring, doubtless correspond to the primary glands of mermithids. The posterior part of the esophagus is cjuite narrow and em- bedded in a single series of large cells (cell body ' 'zellkorper" of authors). The narrow "tube" or esophagus proper is triradiate to hexaradiate and has its own wall containing radial nuclei as well as nerve cells occurring at intervals. Con trary to general supposition, this wall contains well developed radial muscle fibers (Fig. 96M). The large cells in which it is embedded are esophageal glands, each having a separate orifice reached or formed by a tube through the esophageal wall. This being the case, there is no fundamental difference from other nematodes in which the esophageal glands may come to lie outside the esophageal contour (Contracaeciim, Aphelencluis, Onchium) . Because of the fact that in larval trichuroids the stichocytes are more or less alternatel.v paired and the orifices in the adult tend to alternate it seems reason- able to assume that the single row stichosome of Trichurix is a later evolutionary development from a double row of stichocytes such as is found in mermithoids. This view is sup- ported by the illustrations of .lanicki and Rosin (1930) of the esophageal region of Cj/stoopsi.i which shows two rows of stichocytes. The number of stichocytes seems to be variable to some extent within a given species of trichuroid. At the end of the esophagus, unlike mermithoids, we find a direct connection of the esophagus with the functional intestine formed by a dorsoventrally flattened esophago-intestinal valve such as is present in dorylainioids. Two large cells (Fig. 960) described as glands with direct openings into the esophageal lumen, by Eberth (1860, 1863), are attached to the esophagus at its base. Neither Eauther (1918) nor the writers were able to distinguish any protoplasmic connection of these cells with the esophageal lining or any tubules in the cytoplasm of these cells. It now seems possible that these cells are en- larged mesenterial cells, homologous to the series of smaller cells supporting and covering the esophagus and stichosome (p. 45). DiocTOPHYMATiN.\, — The esophagus of the suborder Diocto- phymatina has received little attention since the first re- port of Schneider (1866) that the walls of the cylindrical esophagus of such forms contain numerous longitudinal "tubes." No additional information was added until the subject was recently reopened by the writers (1937). The esophageal lining is simple, the lumen triradiate and the well developed musculature dispersed in representatives of this group. There is no division, either grossly or internally, into anterior and posterior parts. The three massive esophageal glands have their orifices at the anterior end of the esophagus and begin branching dichofomously near the level of the nerve ring; glandular tissue is thereafter interspersed between the radial fibers to the base of the esoidiagus. It appears that there are 36 radial and nine marginal (or possibly 121 nuclei in the esophagus. The radials are arranged in suligroups of three, one near the center of each sector. The esophago-in- testinal valve is triradiate. The highly remarkable esophageal glands deserve special note. Each has a short terminal duct lined with cuticle, fol- lowed by a short, thick walled primiiry tubule which bifurcates into secondary tubules. In Sobnlipliiime haturini the second- ary tubules appear to be lined with cilia (Fig. 95FF). Here and in EustronQi/lides these secondary tubules branch dicho- fomously, time after time, throughout the length of the esoph- agus and come to nearly fill the non-muscular part of their sectors (Fig. 95CC-DD) but do not enter other sectors. The marginal tubules end blindl.v (Fig. 97C) and their position is taken by others formed by the branching of the more centrally located tubules. In Dioctopliipna renale the .same condition exists with the exception that the secondary tubules of the dorsal gland do not undergo further branching (Fig. 1I5BB) and tubules from the subventral glands take ;i marginal jiosi- tion in the dorsal sector (Fig. 97B). In all cases we find dense glandular ])rotoi)lasm containing numerous gland nuclei (Fig. 95CC-DI)) surrounding the tubules. There are literally hundreds of such nuclei. Whether the subventral glands cor- respond only to the anterior pair of subventral esophageal glanils or to both anterior and posterior jiairs of subventral glands of enoplids is uncertain. The dioctoiihymatid esophagus resembles the enoplid esopha- gus in the position — tubules. Original. 93 Fk;. 96 A-K — At/aiiiermin deeandnta. (4 mm lon^ i)!irasitic larva.) (A-B — Anterior end of esophagus containing ])rohleinatic nuclei, smnll, and first group of radial nuclei, larger; ('--just anterior to nerve ring including r,,.,:..; J)— at posterior level of jn-iniavy glands showing most posterior glaru] orifice and one primary gland nucleus, the other gland stopped anterior to this sei-tion Large cell to the right is the first stiehoryte; K — mid-stichosomi' region showing esophageal tube, r type nucleus, two stichocytes and branched tubule). F-Q — Tr'whuris oris. (F — Section through '.i auteriormnst nuclei 8i.;i: G — section at level of first marginal group: II--section at level of first radial group; 1^ 94 section dorsal priuuiry esophageal gland. J — stichocyte enclosing esoph- agus at level of radial nucleus; K^tubule orifice and bran<-hing : L — stichocvte surrounding esojdiagus in wall of which there is a small nucleus ( i nerve) ; M — ^esophageal wall frcun .stichosome surrounded region, slained with fuchsin to show musculJiture ; N — Esophageal ■Willi from stichosome surrounded region containing red blood corpuscle in lumen; O — F,nd of esophagus witli 2 accompanying cells (lower): 1' — Esopliatro-intestinal valve and intestine; Q — I-ongitudinal section showing relationship of sticliocytes and riuli;il nuiscb^ cells to esoidiagejil lumen ) . Original, 2. ESOPHAGO-SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM The i>H'srnci' nf lU'ivo eolls in tlu' \v:ill nf tlir rs(i|ilKij;us was first nu'iilidiu'il l)v l,(ioss {ISDIi) .•mil this svstciii was iloscrihcil lirii'tly ill Aiii\ulimt diioilinalr li.v tliat writi'r in l!ill."i. Later (1!M0) (uildschiiiidt stmlicd tin' system in Axcaris liimhrirDidci followed liy Martini (lUllil in (Kriiiiria iipii, ImmincI: (li'-l, l!)2-i) in SIroiiiii/his rilentiilii.'i, de Hruyn (1!IH4) in Angiisli carriim holoph mm, and vaiimis cdiservations l)y the writers (1933, 1!IH7) refer to freeliviiiK ami jiarasitie forms. In substance, tliis system consists of tliree loiiKifiiiiina! nerves, one situated near tlie center of each sector and extend ing from the base nearly to the anterior end of the esophagus ( Fiff. 97K). These nerves contain in their course a series of nerve cells and two or three commissures .ioining the lonKi- tudinal nerves. In most forms we find a conimisure at the li.ase of the eoriius. another in the anterior ]iart of the Inilbar region and a third in the jiosterior part of the bulbar region. Nerve cell nuclei may usually be distinguished from the other t.vpes of nuclei though the.v vary considerably in size, but in smaller forms it is often not possible to identify all nuclei with certaint.v. In such one must place reliance purel.v upon considerations based on comparative anatomy. In the ma.jority of instances no attempt has been made to trace the nerve fibers but the nerve cell pattern has been recorded and found to be of considerable value from the standpoint of comparative histology. In ver.v large nematodes the nerve cells of the esophagus are often disproportionately small and may easil.v be overlooked. This seems a probable reason for the small number of such cells reported to occur in ascarids and spiruroids. In forms with multinucleate esophageal glands the nerve cells may be easily confused with gland nuclei. Of course, it is also possible that in such forms (always devoid of a valved bulb") there is no need for the complicated esophago-synipathetic system of smaller forms. In Spironoura affine (i"'ig. 07A) there are seven cells in each nerve anterior to the nerve ring (Fig. 97P) ; two of these are glia cells (ni..,, nm-i'i), the remainder nerve cells (n,.i«'). The nerve fibers give off lateral branches (Fig 97P) into the radial muscle regions. No further nerve cells are present in the proeorpus. The metacorpus contains three large nerve cells in the dorsal nerve (n2<, a., .ni) and five nerve cells in each subventral nerve (n22-M. -.-.n, -.a--.,,). At the base of the metacorpus we find a well develojied commissure between nn.-.u and 11:12-31. The bulbar region (Fig. S)7Q) contains nine cells attributable to the nervous system of which at least two (041-42) and possibly a third (nri«) are probably glia cells. There are two commissures in the bulbar region, an anterior and a posterior (Fig. 97A). The connection of the esophago- sympathetic with the central nervous system has not been ob- served for Spironoura. However, we presume it to be similar to that of Ascaris in which a process of each of the subventral nerves passes through the external wall of the esophagus near the level of the dorsal gland orifice (Fig. 97R). This process continues posteriorly on the outside of the esophagus connect- ing with a bipolar cell and through this cell with the nerve ring. Goldschmidt recorded only 17 cells in this .system in Ascaris Iiimbricoidc.i in which Hsii recorded 18 cells; de Bruyn re- corded 27 in Anffusticariim Imloptcrum and Martini 20 in Oxyurin rqui. All of these writers mention cells of dubious or unknown significance in the esophagus, particularly in the pro- corpus. Our own observations on Ascaris Jiimbricoides indi- cate that a set of si.x cells near the level of the dorsal gland orifice are homologous to nj-o of Spironoura. The peculiar distribution of nerve cells in representatives of the suborder Enoplina is worth.v of particular note since it is very probably indicative of relationship. As ma.v be seen from the diagrams (Fig. 90) niii-211 and n.a-.n are usuall.v marginal in position in the subventral sectors as are nai-.n in the dorsal sector. Together with n2t. and Um the h.tter nuclei form a quadrangle in forms such as Tripi/la pnpiVata, Dorif- laimus ohtjisicnudntns and MrioiychoJaimus prist innis. 3. FINER STRUCTURE OF THE ESOPHAGUS Fiber.';. — ronsiderable discussion has taken place as to whether or not the marginal fibers are contractile. Haniann (189.".), Rauther (1907), Allgen (1921), Plenk (1924, 1925, 1926) and Looss (190.1) maintained that the marginals are contractile, while Looss (1890), Schneider (1902), Gold- schmidt (1904) and Martini (191(i, 1922) hold that they are supporting or skeletal structures and observations of the writ- ers support this view. In the region of .Isruris one finds two types of fibers, a first type, extending from the esojihageal lining to the esophage:il covering, ;i .second type extending limgitiKlinally in two more or less distinct rows, one on each side of the esoidi; margin. This second type, the "fiber plates" of Goldsohiiii— Diagrannin.lic connection of cells dorsa view compare with A.; Q— Detail of right subventral nerve trunk, lateral view). R— /tscnnV lumbrxcmdes (Esophago-sympathetic nervous systeui, diagrammatic dor- sal view, d" & N after Chitw. & Hill, forsch, V. 14 (4). G-M, after Baylis. 12 (3); O, after Ihle & Oordt, 1921. Akad Wetensch. Amsterdam. 19;12, Ztschr. Zell- 1 920 Parasit., v. I'roc. Sec. Sc. K. 90 i'la. •)« B-r— ;r1p™,"*,''''"''7"''''r- ,<-^-At level of subventr;.! gU,nd nrifice- esophageal appendix^ef"^ ^J i est nal "a7c um' h;;,',''''' "'" <»""«-'.">^ t.ssue cell). E.P-0,,,,;,,„,,„;" r,y;X/'X^ Ve- ;,,?,';h '■"""'"'"« Bland nuclei, and leve, o, fi,., ,.„„„ ,„ ,„Hia, nu-lei; F'l':^rnd!.t. 'i'e^r a^K l\ S.Vnf ^!^'T"- ^^ ' ' ' ' lar reeion. note I "ad a nnHo,, ;''';''''''''T'' '""■'■'""'•"—( , after Hamann. 189.5, Die Neinatllel- U7 the large ascaiids and are most numerous in tlie vicinity of the radial nuclei, but they may also occur in the marginal areas or at considerable distance from the nuclei. They vary in number and appearance. When few are present they tend to take the form of coiled fibers, and when many are present the form of thick flecks; both forms may be seen in a single chromidium. Kulmatycki (1922) found such structures as well as a golgi body in cells of the spicule sheath, thereby eliminat- ing the possibility that the ehromidia are homologues of the golgi body ; he named them ascaridochondria, relating them to mitochondria, chondrosomes, etc. ' ' C'hromidia ' ' occur in marginal areas of Anonchus mirabilis (Fig. 84 D-F), even more spectacularly than in Ascaris. Their significance, today, is unknown. Ocelli and Pigment Spots. — The occurrence of pigment masses in the Aphasmidia has been mentioned. That such structures exist, has been known since the time of Bastian. Because of their general appearance they have been widely ac- cepted as photoreceptors despite a total absence of evidence that they are connected with the nervous system. Brownish to red granules may be rather irregularly and generally dis- tributed in the esophageal tissue of such forms as oneholaims. Similar pigmented granules may be slightly more concentrated in the subdorsal marginal areas of forms such as Enoplus and Chromadora. In these forms there is a definite pair of "pig- ment spots" but the pigment also extends posteriorly from the spots and may be present to a considerable extent in the .subventral marginal regions of the esophagus. Rauther (1907) regarded the pigment granules of Enophis and Oncliolaimus as excretory granules and thought they were eliminated through the esophageal glands. We find no evidence of the "refractive granules" in the ducts of the esophageal glands and see no reason to assume they are excretion products. Schulz (1931b) upon finding the spots to be within the esophagus in Enoplus reaffirmed Rauther 's interpretation and differentiated such bodies from true ocelli (with lenses) which he observed in Leptosomatum, Thoracostoma and Pnrnsi/mplocostoma. In the latter type he described the lens as an invagination of the superficial cuticle of the bod.v surrounded by pigment and con- nected with a special ocellus cell. He states that he does not believe the true ocellus is connected in any way with the esophagus. On the contrary, the writers have found the ocelli of Lcptosomafiim clongatum to be completely enclosed within the wall of the esophagus ; the lens seems to be formed from the external covering of the esophagus and no special cell is associated with the ocellus. We must conclude that even in this instance the ocellus is a part of the esophagus. If it is innervated, as one would presume, then the esophago-sympa- thetie nervous system must include also, the "optic nerve." In the Desmoscolecoidea, there is definite evidence that the pigment bodies are outside the esophagus; in this group the posterior part of the esophagus is degenerate and the esopha- geal glands outside the general contour. In Monliystera paluilicnla true ocelli are present; these are likewise situated outside the esophagus. There remains one additional case of pigmentation in the cephalic region associated with photoperception. In the gravid female of MermiK svbnigrescens Cobb (1926, 1929) described diffuse reddish pigment anterior to the nerve ring. Such pigment is absent from the head of young females and males, only being found in specimens ready to deposit eggs. Though the exact location of the pigment was not determined, the case is interesting since it supplied the only actual evidence of photoperception in a nematode, for egg laying only takes place in the light, ceasing in darkness. That heat is not the stimulus is indicated by the fact that such "egg laying" females will continue to lay eggs though placed on ice in a dish of water so long as the light continues. Bibliography Allgen, f'AM,. 1921. — Ubcr die Natur und die Bedeutung der Fasersysteme im Oesophagus einiger Nematoden. Zool. 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Ti'RK, F. 1903. — Ueber einige im Golfo von Neapel freileben- den Nematoden. Thesis. Leipzig. 67 pp., pis. 10-11. Also Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, v. 16 (3): 281-348, pis. 10-11. Veolia, p. 1916. — The anatomy and life history of the Har- monchiis contortiis (Rud.). 3rd & 4th Rpt. Vet. Res. Union S. Af. pp. 349-500, 28 pis., figs. 1-60, charts 1-18. Vejdovsky, F. 1907. — Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Reifung und Befruchtung. Konigl. Bohm. Gesellsch. Wiss. Prag. (Not seen.) Ward, H. B. 1917. — On the structure and classification of North American parasitic worms. J. Parasit., v. 4: 1-12. Yam.\guti, S. 1935. — Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 9. Nematodes of fishes, I. Jap. J. Zool., v. 6 (2) : 337-386, figs. 1 65. Wetzel, R. 1930.— On the biology of the fourth stage larva of Oxi/iiris rqiii (Schrank). J. Parasit., v. 17 (2): 95-97, pi. 12. 99 CHAPTER VII THE INTESTINE OR MESENTERON A. GENERAL MORPHOLOGY The intestine of nematodes is a tube the wall of which is composed of epithelial cells. Its gross morphologj' does not vary markedly in different groups of nematodes. Usually it is a simple, more or less straight tube accommodating itself to the reproductive organs and space in the body cavity. Subdivisions of Intestine. — The intestine may be divided into three regions: the anterior part or ventricular region; mid- region or intestine proper; and the posterior part or prerectal region. The ventricular and prerectal regions commonly differ from the mid-region in the height of the cells and shape of the lumen. Usually, there is also some difference in the type of cell inclusions present in these regions. When a region is quite definitely differentiated from the remainder of the intes- tine it is herein termed either a ventriculus (anterior) or pre- rectum (posterior) while an adjectival usage is retained when the differentiation is not marlced. Appendages. — Two types of cecae or diverticulae occur in the ventricular region, one directed anteriorly, the other pos- teriorly. The first t.vpe is by far the more common, occurring in various degrees of development in memliers of several groups in the Phasniidia. Only one free-living nematode is known with such a structure, namely Eliabdilis c.nlinrlrica, and in this instance the cecum is ver.y small, scarcely a third of the in- testinal diameter in length. Likewise but one member of the Strongylina, Grammocephahis (Ancylostoniatidae) has been described as po.ssessing a short intestinal cecum and but a few representatives of the order Spirurida (Dacnitis spp. and Dichelynf spp.) have such structures. The cecae in these forms are quite small. Development of ventricular cecae is most common in the Ascaridoidca. sporadicall,v occurring in such forms as Cimtracaccnm, Avfiusticdrriim and .tiiipUfaiciim (As- carididae, Anisakinae). In the last mentioned forms the cecum may be very large (Fig. 97 G-M), extending far beyond the base of the esophagus, even to the nerve ring. A posterior- ly directed cecum (Fig. 09D) is known to exist only in females of the genus Leiili/nema (Thelastomatidae). No satisfactory explanation of the intestinal cecum develop- ment in nematodes has yet been made. The sporadic occurrence of this structure does not seem to be correlated with feeding habits. Phylogeny throws no light on the subject, for closely related forms may differ in this respect. Though the cecum is always a development of the vrnlriciilar region its cells do not differ cytologically from the remainder of this region, indicating no functional specialization (Fig. 98D). TjAyers. — The intestinal wall consists of a single layer of ej)ithelial cells which usually bear on their internal surface a bncillary layer (Stabchensaum, liordcur en brousse), and some times a distinct siibbacillary Inyrr (Deckschicht) is apparent. The external surface of the cells may be quite naked, or it may be covered by a distinct basal lameUa. a " musculari? mnco- sae," and a mesenierml mrmbranr. One or more of these coverings may be present or the.v all may appear to be absent. Sometimes the protojilasm of the epitlielial cells is divisible into distinct zones. The ecto])lasmie zone is a la.ver of dense cytoplasm bordering the sides of the cell: when definitely thickened on the side of the cell facing the lumen it is called a plasma cap (Fig. 10.3.T3, Z.S"). The remainder of the cell is termed the endoplasm ; it contains the nucleus, cell inclusions and sometimes other structures such as plasma strings (Fig. in.'i.lri), basioplasm (Fig. Kl.'i.Ki), basal fibrillae, etc. Thr BaciUary and Siibbarilhtry I.ayrrx. — The baeillary layer consists of an internal border apjiearing to be made up of fine rods or "cilia" bene;ith which one often finds a sub- l)acillary layer (Deckschicht) which stains with iron-hematoxy- lin. The first layer varies markedly in ai)pearance, the bacilli sometimes l)eing rather large and well sejjarated, sometimes compact, sometimes fine and hair like. Tender ordinary circum- stances the baeillary layer has a compact .appearance but the cleuients h;ivc been seen (piite discretely in living si)eciniens of Khabililif: slrongyloiiles. In general, the baeillary and sub- bacillary layers are most highly develojied (thickest) in repre- sentatives of the Strongylina (Fig. 10i!K) and impart a char- acteristic appearance which one is not likely to confuse with that of other nematode groups. S )metinies due to fixation the b.'icillary layer may have pulled away from the epithelium, giving the ajipearance of a ])erilrophic membrane. Like the liacillary la.ver of other organisms it is digested by proteolytic enzymes and is therefore non-chitinous. (The peritrophic membrane of arthropods is chitin). Somewhat extended discussions of the significance of the baeillary layer have been given in the past. Since this layer is not i)eculiar to the Nematoda, but occurs in the intestine of various groups of worms as well as in arthropods and verte- brates, conclusions based on the study of nematodes alone could scarcely be considered valid. The several viewpoints expressed have been as follows: (1) The bacillar.v layer is a development of minute tubes which aid in resorption or ex- A-C — Third stage larval strongyles showing oligocyty. ( .\ — Gyalo- repfialiis capUutun ; B — Cylicoeercus gohli; C — Cylicoceycus ctttiiuUus) . 1> — hfidiiiiema appendicutatiim (Adult feTiiale showing cecum). A-C, after I.ucker, IHIifi, Pror. Helm. .Snr. W.Tsh . v. 3(1). 1), after Chit- wood, l!t:i2, /tsi-hr. I'araBitenk., v. .t(1). I no Klc-.. 100 Intestinal cell inclusions, A — Ifhiihditis slrnnffi/lititlfs (Living intestinal cell, surfaci view : large radially striated rhabditin spliaerncrystals and small, snluble granules). B — Thfri/i tuK «f/o.v?i* (Area of intestinal cell showing nucleus (not shaded], rhabditin sphaerocrystals and olivaceous sphaeroids [small, sliaded|)_ C — Diti/leufhus dipffaci (Cell to left with foui shaded nuclei, numerous colorless fat droplets and small black (actually purple] protein globule; [stain, crystal violet]). D — Diploscupler cnrnnafn (fat globules black, olivaceous spliaeroid shaded, nucleus colorless, crystals colorless. cuoles I osniic ] ) black, olivaceous spliac Original. Rlitibditts monhystera. 1914, J. Parasit. v. 1(1). Flii. 101 Rhabditin sphaerocrystals seen in polarized light. .\fte erction; (2) it is itsi-lf a secretion iirodiu-t of jiroteetive na- ture; (3) it is a layer of amalRaiiiat<'(l or degenerate cilia. The second possibility seems least iirohable in the light of com- parison by which one finds tlie layer very well developed in forms ivhich hold to a liquid or semiliquiil diet (Ehahditis, Trichiirif:) and is absent in some forms with a "solid" diet (MelonchiiJdimiis). Quack (U>]:-li, following Biitseliii's alveo- lar theory of protoplasm, held the bacilli of the bacillary and suhtiacillary layers to be rows of vacuoles and not actual en- tities, wliile Hetlierington (UtL>3) held the bacillary layer to be cilia and the subbacillary la.^er basal granules. Upon the basis of appearance and comparative morphology one must conclude that Hetlierington 's view is the more probable. The function is a problem for general zoology rather than nema- tology. Prntoplasmic zones. — The presence of protoplasmic zones,, seems to be of no special significance in nematology since differentiation into ectoplasm and eiidoplasin iL of wide- spread occurrence in cells of living anim;ils. Certain authors, such as K. (\ Schneider (1902), have seen fit to call the plasma cap of Ascaris a "nutritorische zone." Quack has shown that in Ascaris such material is not confined to the periphery but extends into deeper parts of the cell as irregular masses (plasma strands) in Ascaris and may l)e so distributed as to form a mantel (Quack's fig. '21). fioldschmidt (1904) in- terpreted the strands as a "Chromidiala|)parat " but Ilirschler (1910), von Kemnitz (1912), and Quack (MILS) all have found this to be an error. Quack found tliat starved specimens of Ascaris showed no diminution in the plasma ca|) or plasma strands and hence eliminated the iiossibility that the material involved is absorbed albumen, concluding that it is differentiat- ed functional cytoplasm (Compare Figs. 103.I-M). External coverings. — In large inyriocytons (see p. lO.'O nema- todes one often finds a homogeneous, slightly basophilic layer in immediate contact with the external cell surface, this layer being termed the lamella (Fig. 10.3.T7, ZC). Apparently this layer is a differentiation acting as a suppcirting structure or it is a secretion product of the intestinal epithelium. It is not subdivided into areas corresponding to the cells and the ectoplasm is attached to it rather than continuous witli it. Fibrillar strands of the ectoplasm re.-ich its surface but do not appear to enter into it as one might expect if it were merely a differentiation of the outer cell surfaces. It acts mure in the nature of a sheath and has affinity for collagen stains. At the present time there is no actual i)roof that the basal lamella is formed by the intestine. Though such a layer is plain in Ascaris, Pliji.ialiiplera, Tanqiia. Trichuris nntX Vioeto- pln/ma, in other forms it is generally not visible. The extent of its development is obviiuisly not correlated witli phylogenetic relationships but rather with cell numbers for in all of the above mentioned forms the intestine is myriocytous. In most free-living nematodes one can discern no distinct mesenterial sheath over the intestine but in Dorylaimns as well as in the ma.iority of parasitic nematodes an extremely thin membrane isolates the intestine from the body cavity and is termed the p.seudocoelomic membrane (see p. 4.t). Beneath the membrane or mesentery, muscle filters may be present but such fibers do not form a continuous layer and they are usually confined to the posterior part of the intestine (]). 42). However, in unusual instances they may form a c.iarse mesli work (Fig. lO.SH) which in cross section gives the appear- ance of a separate muscle layer. Such muscle fibers are classi- fied as specialized somatic muscles rather than as a mK-iriilaris niusra.^ae. B. MODIFICATIONS OF SUPERFICIAL APPEARANCE; FORM OF LUMEN The superficial appearance of the intestine as observed in toto depends upon the total number of cells, the character of the cells and the character of cell inclusions. The shape of the intestinal lumen is likewise dependent on the number of cells, the form of the cells and whether or not they are equal or unequal in height. Cki.i, Xumiikr. — Like the hypodermis and musculature, the intestin<' of various nematodes presents a series of stages in increaseil complexity: this series recapitul.-ites to a greater or 101 a lesser extent the ontogeny of the individual. As long ago as 1866, Schneider called attention to the fact that strongyles have an intestine composed of but a few cells, 18-20, there being only two in a given intestinal circumference. Maupas (1900) noted that rhabditids also have but few intestinal cells in the adult stage, 30 being recorded in Shabdilis elegans while 18 were counted in newly hatched larvae of this species. Similarly Pai (1928) found only 18 intestinal cells in adult Turhatrix aceli and the writers find 64 intestinal cells in adult Rhabditis sirongyloidcs and 20 in first stage larvae. On the other extreme we have forms such as Ascaris lumbricoides with innumerable intestinal cells (about 1,000.000), forms such as Heterakis gaUinae with about 12,000 and intermediate forms such as Prionchiihin, Hi/strignathiis, and Metoncliolaimus with about 600, 400, and 5,000 respectively. In forms with 64 or less intestinal cells the most notable and obvious feature is that the cells tend to be longitudinally elongate and rectangu- lar (Figs. 99A-C, lOOC, 102C). When the number is 64 (Fig. lOOA) the characteristic hexagonal appearance is first notice- able in only a few of the cells but when the number reaches 128 all are hexagonal. The picture becomes clearer when this information is ex- amined in the light of embryonic development. Martini (1903) found that when 10 cleavages have occurred the definitive larva is formed — an organism with a theoretic number of 1,024 cells. However, there is a definite lag of cleavages in the endodermal stem cell since the cells of this line actually number 16 to 20 instead of 128 as would be expected if no lagging occurred. Comparing this information with facts concerning the somatic musculature one notes that the tenth cleavage has taken place in the mesodermal stem cell since 64 cells are present at hatch- ing, this being the total number to be expected, as well as the typical number of cells in adult meromyarian nematodes. From this point of view, one might say that the course of regular cell division has not been fulfilled in a nematode with less than 128 intestinal cells and that cell division has only pro- ceeded beyond "completion" when the intestinal cell number exceeds 128. Thus, on the basis of the number of intestinal cells, one may cla-ssifj- nematodes into two groups, namely those which have not exceeded the ' ' fore ordained ' ' number and those which have exceeded this number. For the first condition we propose the term lAigocytous while for the second condition the term polycytotis may be used. However, there is a tre- mendous variation in the possible number of cells in the latter instance and for descriptive purposes a further division seems to be advantageous. Such a division is difficult but one finds a moderate correlation between the number and height of cells in a cross section and the total number of cells of the intestine. Forms with less than 8,224 cells (16 cleavages) have more or less cuboidal epithelium with a maximum of 20-;')0 cells, usually of equal height, in a given circumference. Where raised areas occur in the lumen they are generally due to high individual cells. On the other hand forms with over 8,224 cells have 100 or more in a given circumference and definite plicae or villae are formed by groups of higher cells. The term polycytous is arbitrarily limited to forms with the former type of intestine (256-8,224 cells) while the term myriocytous is introduced for forms with the latter tvpe of intestine (over 8,224 cells). Cell Char.\cter. — It has previously been noted that cells in various regions of the intestine may differ in character; upon some occasions specialized cells may be scattered in the intestinal epithelium. Forms in which such cells are present Fia. 102. I.XTESTIN'AL CELLS IN THK RIUBDITINA AND STRONGYLINA A-C — RliahilitiH Ifirrirolit (A — Cross, C — horizontal .section of intt-s- tine; B — partially dissolved .si)haerocry,stals in neutral violet); D-E — PnnnurnliiiintiH HiilifUtnsjntitu ( L> — Cross, E — longitudinal section of in- testine) : F-G — liliithdiaH ettstreptoH. (Cells seen in cross section, F — anterior. G — mid to posterior): H-.I — Dih/h'twhus tlipsari (I — longitu- dinal serlinn; H & ,T — cross sections): K — Oesnphfiffostomum denta- tutu (Cross section): L-M — S'tronyt/lus pdfnttitutt (L — Surface view; M — isolated sjihaerocrystals) . 102 limy 111' li'iiiu'ii li, t< rdCiilDiix wliilc fnt(H1 M wide, apparently increase the requirements of nuclear material to such an extent that a uninucleate cell nuiy be at a disadvantage. Given an equivalent amount of nucleoplasm many nuclei provide for more nuclear surface and a closer association of cytoplasm with nucleoplasm than could be obtained with a single nucleus. One might say that nemas inherently unable to cojitinue cell cleavage compensate for this by undergoing nuclear division when natural forces no longer limit their size. Polynucleation is known to occur only in iiarasites. When characteristic of the entire intestine it is usually present in an entire natural group, but the exceptional sporadic cases (CnatJinstoma, PhUn- vietra) are not explainable at jiresent. Increase in cell size in tylenchids can not be the cause of polynucleation since these forms are no longer than rhabditids. Quite obviously an insufficient amount of information has thus far been gathered to permit far reaching general conclusions. Classifying nematodes according to the number of cells of the intestine, number of nuclei, specialization or lack of special- ization, and equality or inequality of cells provides an in- teresting survey of the Nematoda. Examples of the known types are given in the accomiianying table. TABLE 1 Cell Nuclear Cell Cell No. No. Size niaraeter Oenus (1) (2) (,S) (4) Rhabditis + + + + Ditylenchus -.... + — + + Chondronema — + + -f Strongylus - + — -\- + Rhabdias — + + -j- Hystrignathus — + + + Spironoura = + — + .\scaris = + — + Phy.saloptera = + — -|- Tanqua ^ + — -|- Onathostoma = — + + I'hilometra ^ — — + Prionchulus — + + + Metoncholaimus — -(- + — Monhystera + + -|- 4" .\nonchus + + + + Plectus - — 4- 4- + Halanonchus - — + + + Dorylaimopsis — + + — Svnonchiella - — -|- -f- — Tripyla ± + + + Leptosomatum — + + — Enoplus - - — + + + Ironus - -— — + + — Dorylaimus — + + + Lcptonchus ? + + + + .\gameris - — — + + Trichuris ^ + — + Dioctophvma = + — + (1) (2) (.3) (4) -|- is oligoey- -|- is uninucle- + is isocytous + is honiocy- tons ate — is anisocy- tous — is polycy- — is polynu- tous — is heterocy- tous cleate tous := is myriocy- tous C. CELL INCLUSIONS Under this hi'ading ;ire included all substiinces which are not 11 part of the active cytojilasni whether organic or inor ganic, food reserves or waste products. Numerous types of stored food and waste products have been (di.served and in addition there is a residuum of luui-classilied material termed sphaeroids or granules. Food reserves are known to include glycogen, rhabditin, fats, and protein. Waste jiroducts are for the most part not classified chemically. (1) RESERVE KOOD MATERI.M,S (Hi/riif/rn. This substance, when present, is in a liquid or seniiliquiil state, since it is water soluble. In fresh material it may be icb'utitied through its coloraticpii with iodine iiotas- siumioilide solution or the Rest's carmine technic as described by Lee (l!t2.S). (iiovannola (lit.^fi) has recently emi)loyed the new Hauer (li(33) technic for staining glycogen in the intes- tine of iireiiarasitic larval Anctiloxlnma faninum, Necalor amrricaniis, and Xippnstroiifiiiliix miins. Tt is always best to use a saliva enzyme control, because that which is removed by .saliva is presumptively carbidiydrate in nature. Busch {ISIO.'i), von Kemnitz (]il]2) and Quack (191.3) found glycogen to he the chief stored food in the intestinal epithelium of adult Asraris and Striytu/iihiii. diovannola rejiorted glycogen to be the chief f)e made by placing living specimens in alcoholic solutions of Scharlach R. The most exact method is to cut the specimen, let the intestine flow out of the body and stain with Scharlach R, osmic acid or Flemming's fixative. If desirable they may be counterstained with haematoxylin. Per- manent prejiarations may be made by sectioning osmicated specimens. Von Kemnitz (1912) and Quack (1913) found fat globules in small amount in the intestine of adult A.tcari.i and Strangy- lux. Giovannola (193(i) concluded that fat is the primary food reserve in larval iiarasitic nematodes in stages preceding a pe- riod of fasting. He further states that the quantity of fat globules is an index to the "physiological age" of prcparasitic strongyloid larvae. More critical investigaticms along such lines would seem promising. Goodey (1930) identified fat globules in the intestine of representatives of the Tylenchidae, Rliabilifidae, Diplogasteridae, Ceiihalobidae, Plectidae, and Momuichidae. The writers have identified fat as the chief form of stored food in Cephalnbrlliix and BlaUicola (Thelas- toinatidae), Chondronema (Allantonemafidae), Spironnvra 103 (Katlilaniidae), and various tylenclis, hoplolainis and cricoiie- matids and Dori/laimus stagnalis. Stored Protein. Such substances occur as non-birefiingent colorless globules similar to fat globules in transmitted light and dark field illumination. As described by Chitwood and Jacobs (1937), they are insoluble in water, alcohol, xylol, ether, and Vi-saturated ammonium sulphate; dissolve in 10% acetic acid and in 5% KOH ; are not affected by saliva ; are pale yellow in Flemming's fixative; give positive xanthoproteic and ninhydrin reactions; and are digested by artificial gastric juice. The globules stain with gentian violet or haematoxjdin; they also stain blue with Nile blue sulphate and orange with Scharlach R. These reactions apparently place them as com- plex proteins of a con,iugated nature. The majority of glo- bules of Agamermis are composed of this type of substance and not fats as is commonly supposed. Similar globules have been identified by the writers (1938) in the intestine of Dity- len.e]nis dipsaci (Fig. lOOC). It is quite possible that the colorless, insoluble (in 'Icoholxylol), basophilic globules, pres- ent in Bhabditis, Ponafirolaimus, Aphelenchoides and Plectitx etc., are of the same nature. The fact that such globules stain with Nile blue sulphate in the same manner as fatty acids indicates that staining technics are not necessarily indicative of fat. Proteins may stain as do fats but they may be dis- tinguished through their insolubility in fat solvents, digestion in artificial gastric juice, and postive xanthoproteic and nin- hydrin reactions. (2) WW-STt; PRODUCTS Inorganic Sphaerocnistalf;. Reddish-brown, weakly bi-re- fringent sphaerocrystals occur in the intestine of many para- sitic nematodes, including Asearis, Camallaniis, Strongylns, Ancylostoma, and Trieliiiris. These structures are similar in appearance to rhabditin both in transmitted light and between crossed Nichols, although in totomount preparations and sec- tions they are not liirefringent. The optical activity in this case can only be observed when the crystals are isolated. Un- like rhabditin, they are dark in dark field illumination and are insoluble in water, acetic acid, NaOH (all concentrations) and saliva. They are also insoluble in alcohol and xylol and are not affected by gastric or jiancreatic enzymes. Askanazy (1896), Looss (1905) and Faure-Fremiet (19r2) regarded them as products of haenu)globin resorption, while Lievre (1934) was unable to establish the presence of haemoglobin in the intestine of Ascaris lumbricoidex and Parascaris eqworum by spectroscopic analyses. He demonstrated the pres- ence of haemoglobin by this means in 7.)% of the specimens of Toxocara cants examined. A'on Kenmitz (1912) identified them as zymogen granules and Quack (1913) identified them as gypsum (CaS04.2II,0 ). The writers find that these crystals may be obtained relatively- pure by boiling the intestine in 10% KOH and wa.shing in a centrifuge. Crystals prepared in this manner are not charred by heating on a slide to the melting point of glass. They may be dissolved liy heating in concentrated HOI and when cooled recrystallize in the gen- eral habit of CaS04.2H=0. Such crystals are birefringent and obliquely extinct. This is presumptive evidence that they are gypsum. However, a reddish-brown residue is left when the slide is dried. This residue stains blue in dilute HCl-potas- sium ferrocyanide, indicating the presence of iron; direct ex- periments on the sphaerocrystals jiroduces the same result in partially dissolved ( swollen 1 crystals. Some compound con- taining iron is evidently present as an adsorption within the sjihaerocrystals. As evidence of the association of sjihaerocrys- tals with a blood feeding mode of life, Tornquist (1930) point- ed out that ('aiiKiUaniix. which is known to feed on blood, has them, while Ciiciithiini.i. wliicli does not feed on blood, does not possess them. One might add that adult oxyurids and thelasto- matids, as well as the first three larval stages of Strongylns. and Camallanus are also devoid of them. The evidence is entirely circumstantial. The occurrence of grossly similar insoluble sphaeroids in the intestine of Theristus setosus (see Olivaceous sphaeroids) and other free-living nematodes casts some doubt on the above interjuetation since they also contain iron. Lievre (1934) interprets positive tests for iron in the intestine of Asearis as due to substances obtained from animal and vege table food, not haemoglobin. Olivaccovs sphaeroids. Reddish brown, apparently non-bire fringent sphaeroids were observed by the writers (1938) in the intestinal cells of Tlieristus setosus (Fig. lOOB). They have the following characteristics: Not blackened by osmic acid; not colored by Scharlach R, insoluble in alcohol; ninhydrin and xanthoproteic reactions negative; blue in neutral violet; blue in crystal violet, blue in nile-blue sulphate; not digested by artificial gastric juice or diastase; soluble in 10% HCl and 2% KOH but not in ^0% acetic acid or 2% HCl; blue in potassium ferricyanide followed by 1% HCl. From these ob- servations it seems that the sphaeroids must consist of an or- ganic ferrous iron salt or a salt of a weak base (Fe(OH)«) and a weak acid. Similar sphaeroids were also observed in Dory- laimtis stagnatis and an unidentified oncholaimid and Diptos- capter cnronata (Fig. lOOD). Crystals. Stefanski (1916) and Cobb (1918) observed poly- hedral colorless birefringent crystals in the intestine of Ironus. They are very similar in appearance (Fig. lOoP) to triple phosjihate, and, according to Stefanski, they are very soluble in acetic acid and potassium hydroxide; slightly soluble in hot water and insoluble in cold water, alcohol, ether, chloro- form, and acetone; are not stained by iodine-potassium-iodide, but stain with eosin and fuchsin. Isolated colorless polyhedral crystals have also been observed in Tripyla (Fig. lO.^A). Crystal aggregates in mermithids were observed bv Meiss- ner (18.53), Rauther (1906), Ilagmeier (1912) and'christie (1936). These are first seen in vacuoles of the post nodal re- gion of preparasitic larval Agamermis deeaiidata. Their num- ber increases with age and in old adult specimens similar crystals have been observed in the body cavity. They are very similar in appearance (Fig. 107D) to uric acid and allantoin; are birefringent, obliquely extinct; insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, 10% ammonium hydroxide, 10% acetic acid, 10% HCl, glycerin, and V^ -saturated ammonium sulphate. Presumably they represent a nitrogenous product. In niploscapter comnata large (piadrate tablets, colorless to yellowish brown, have been observed by the writers (Fig. lOOD). Like oliv.aceous sphaeroids, they are non-birefringent, soluble in 2% sodium hydroxide and 10% hydrochloric acid but are insoluble in 1% HCl, alcohol and glycerin. They give a negative ninhydrin reaction and a positive potassium fer- ricyanide— 1% HCl reaction. Therefore they appear to be a ferrous iron compcjund, probabl.v organic in nature. It is possible that they may be crystals of the same substance com- posing the olivaceous sphaeroids. (3) JnSCEI.L.\NEOUS "URANULES" In the majority of instances the cell contents of the nema- tode intestine have not been studied chemically. The term "granule" is, of course, chemically meaningless. Since at least four distinct substances are known to exist in a sphaeroi- dal state, namely, rhabditin, fat, protein, gypsum and oliva- ceous sphaeroids each form must be considered with care. With living specimens, dark field illumination is sufficient to separate the globules of fat and protein from the sphaerocrys- tals of rhabditin and gypsum. In addition, the first two are colorless while the last three are yellowish brown to reddish brown. However, still other types may be discovered. Non- birefringent brownish or yellowish refractive "granules" are present in the intestinal epithelium of Mctnncholaimtis, Si- phonolainiits, Ironus, and otlier forms. Such "granules" are strongly refractive and non staining (? olivaceous sphaeroids). In addition one finds moderately refractive basophilic "gran- ules" in the intestine of such forms as Dori/laimopsis, and Plectiis, and special cells of the intestine of Synonchirtla. Cobb (1922) has described birefringent sphaerocrystals in s])ecial cells of Ei(rystomina as " marionellin " and we find these to be relatively insoluble and basophilic. In other forms acidophilic "granules" have been observed. For morphologi- Fii; lOI!. INTHSTINE IX AiSCAKIDIN A, SIMRITRIXA AND OAMALLANINA A — Rhiyoneina ittfecta. B-C — Spirnnoura nffine, (B — cross; C — longitudinal in prcrectal rcRioii showing parasites). D — Heterakin iiaUinae. E-F — Oxjntrit etiui (E — superficial: P — longitudinal). G-H — Macruris fiinnlii/nlfrn ( — early degenerating nucleus; T* — mid degenerating nucleus; Q late (le'.;eneriitiMg nucleus). R S Tnjorfirti rtinin ( R— intestinal cell with Ca.ial silver; S — with Iodine vapor, glc. glycogen, grn i insoluble gran\ile (sphaerocrystal) T-U — (Inaihostoma spini- (ji'nini V — liirtutarifi I'nlnradiensiti (grn b basophilic granule). W- V — Pliihinietra rubra ( W — surface view; X — ventricular region; Y- — ■ uiidregion ) . Z — Phf/.^nJoplera retujta (1. Bacillary layer; 2. .sub- bacillary layer; 3. plasma cap; 4. endoplasm ; 5. plasma string; 6. basal lamella). AA — Tnnqvfi tiara. BB — A,scaropliis (CystidirnJa liarivoadi) . TC — Camattanas atnerirarxan. K-F, after Martini. 1916, Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. v. 110; I, after Cobb. 1SK8, Heilraege 7,ur Anat- oniie und Ontogenie dec Nenuxtoden ; R-.S, after .\rgeseanu, 19.')4. Crnnpt, Rend. S«ic. Biol, v. 110; remainder original. 104 ^.AT ..©;>••■ ■'('©^r©Y \ \-'i^!^'?>- u V^ Km:, hi:; I o.-> eal purposes the term globule will be restricted to those inclu- sions which are known to be nonbirefringent and appear as bright circles in dark field illumination, i.e. fats and proteins. The term sphaerocriistal is restricted to inclusions known to be birefringent, while sphnrroid is applied to strongly refrac- tive nonbirefringent or apparentl.v nonbirefringent bodies, and granule is reserved for moderately or weakly refractive bodies of unknown optical activity. It will appear obvious that weakly birefringent substances such as gypsum may easily be classified as sphaeroids pending critical study. The function of gypsum, sphaeroids, and granules is for the most part unknown. Sphaerocrystals of gypsum were seen to be thrown out or "excreted" from the cells of Ascaris and Slrongylus. The yellowish brown sphaeroids of Jthahdiiis and Ironus were also observed to be eliminated from the in- testine (Fig. lOoR). (i) INTESTINAL PARASITES Protozoan parasites are apt to occur in the intestinal cells as well as in other organs of nematodes and might easily be confused with cell inclusions or degenerating cells. Jlicoletzky (1922) described sporozoan parasites of the intestinal wall of Dorylaimus carteri and Plectuf: cirraUt.i, and Kudo and Hetherington (1922) described a microsporidian named Thrln- hania renifonnis from the intestinal epithelium of Mastophorus muris. The writers have encountered similar forms (Fig. 103C) in the intestine as well as the musculature, gonads, and chords of Spironnura affine. It is sufficient, for the present, to merely call attention to their existence. Many protozoan and fungous parasites of nematodes have been described and such information will be presented in a later part. D. COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGY Up to the present time no consistent attempt has been made to record, much less present, specific information regard- ing the intestine in the various groups of the Nematoda. All workers recognize various impressions upon which they may have an "intuition" as to the group to which a nematode may belong. Whenever it is possible, in morphology, to re- duce these .sensory impressions to words, it invariably con- tributes to our understanding of relationships and to the trans- fer of knowledge from one worker to another. The present writers must of necessity deal in terms of examples. B.v giv- ing a sufficient number of examples, it is hoped that a skele- ton outline may be provided around which others can build a structure of some value. Eltnbdilina. For the members of the Rhabditina we have the observations of Maupas (1900), Cobb (1914), Goodey (1930), and Giovannola (1936) as our only direct attacks on the problem, but numerous observations from the time of Biitschli, preserved chiefly in the form of drawings, serve as a foundation upon which we may build. The Rhabditina may be characterized as oligocytous, homocy- tous, and isocytous with the excciition of the Rhabdiasidae, Drilonematidae, and Allantonematidae, which appear to be wholly or in part polycytous. Rhabdilis (Fig. 3, lOOA, 101, 102.\-C), Turhatrix, and Diploganler retain the simple uninu- cleate condition in the intestinal epithelium. In these forms the cellular outlines are distinct and quite often emphasized by the absence of cell inclusions. The intestinal lumen tends to be flattened; the cells alternate, giving a zig-zag appear- ance in lateral view. Free-living stages of the Rhabdiasidae are also oligocytous, and in general quite similar to BhabdUix, while the parasitic adult is very definitely polycytous, the cells cuboidal (Fig. 102F-Ct). Ventricular and prerectal regions arc almost alwa.vs differentiated from the remainder of the intestine through absence of, or marked diminution of, cell inclusions. The intestine cells of many species of Sliabditix contain birefringent sphaerocrystals of rhabditin, but this substance has not been identified in an,y other members of the suborder. Si)haeroids, apparently nonbirefringent or weakly birefringent, are very noticeable in the para.sitic female of Shabdias but these are of the insoluble t.vpe. Anteriorly the intestinal circumference consists of about 12 cells, very low, containing few or no inclusions. In the mid-region there are six to eight somewhat higher cells containing a moderate num- ber of small sphaeroids, numerous larger basophilic globules and small basophilic granules (Fig. 102F), while posteriorl.v the sphaeroids are larger, more numerous, and the basophilic bodies minute and numerous (Fig. 102G). In these forms the sphaeroids are a deep red-brown in color. Maupas (1900) noted that in some species of h'habdilis birefringents are absent. In such forms he found "albumino- fatty" globules to be more prevalent. Cephalobids are usualh- described as having an intestine composed of two series of cells (rows). Though the lumen is dorsoventrally flattened and often appears zig-zag, as in Bhabditis, no cell walls are distinguishable in sectioned Pana- grolaimus siibelongaius (Fig. 102E). The nuclei are near the lumen, two to six, and usually four, in a given circum- ference, with a total of about 210. Since disappearance of cell walls occurs in the fourth stage larva, at the same time as nuclear division (there are about 20 uninucleate cells in the third stage larva), it seems best to interpret this form as primarily oligocytous, secondarily polynucleate and/or syncy- tial. Perhaps polynucleate cells will eventur.lly be distinguished as in tylenchids. The cephalobid intestine in section is charac- terised by its large faintly basophilic globules, scattered brown- ish shells, and large empty spaces which presumably were filled with fatt.v substances. The Tylenchoidea present a picture in contrast to the Rhab- ditoidea when the intestine is considered. Although Debray and Maupas (1896) were able to distinguish 16 cells forming the intestine of Ditylenchus dipsaci in the fourth stage larva, distinct cells have seldom been observed in the adult members of the Tylenchidae. The intestine appears as an opaque mass of large globules, very beautiful in dark field illumination, but not visible in polarized light. This material is of a fatty character. Sections of D. dii)saci and Aphrh nchoidcs parie- tinus fail to show clear evidence of cell walls (Figs. 102H-J) in the adult stage. In dissected specimens the large quad- rinucleate cells are seen (Fig. lOOC). The cytoplasm is highly vacuolate due to the removal of fats, Basophilic globules are also seen in sections, but these appear to be very erratic in disposition. In D. dipsaci the lumen is dorsoventrally flat- tened anteriorly and zigzagged posteriorly (Fig. 102H-.1) ; .56 nuclei were counted in one specimen. In A. parictinus the in- testine is quite similar except that its sides in the mid-region tend to be more nearly equal and tend to surround the gonads. In this form a maximum of two nuclei has been observed in one section and on one side of the intestine. It is notable that the lumen is relatively much smaller in tylenchids than in rhabditoids, and the bacillary layer relativel.v shorter and more compact. Apparently we have no increase in the number of intestinal cells, 16, between hatching and adulthood. In Chondronema passali, the only representative of the Allan- tonematidae studied, the intestine is definitely polycytous, there being four to six hexagonal cells in a circumference. The cells are filled with fat globules as in the tylenchids. Unlike the latter, however, no bacillary layer appears to line the round intestinal lumen. The lumen contains a glassy-appearing sub- stance, possibly of protein nature, which is slightly basophilic and apparently represents partially digested body fluid from the host. Aside from the presence of a few birefringents (nature unknown) in the posterior end of the intestine of Chondronema, there is no known case in which either ventricu- lar or prerectal regions differ from the mid-region in members of the Tylenchoidea. Strongylina (Figs. 99 & 102). The Strongylina as a group appear to be oligoc.vtous or low polyc.vtous and the cells are polynucleate as noted in Strongylux by Schneider (1866), Looss (1901) and Quack (1913') and in Anci/lnstoma hy Looss (190.5). Other representatives of the same suborder (Ste- phayiurus, Oesopliagostomum, Ostcrtagia, Lnngisfrinia, Mita- strongyhis and Dictyocaulus) examined liy the writers exhibit the same characteristics. The intestine consists of two rows each of 10 or more cells, each cell containing 10 to .500 nuclei. The smaller numbers, 10 to 20 nuclei, occur in members of the Trichostrongyloidea. In such forms as Ostcrtagia there are two rows of nuclei in each intestinal cell, four in an in- testinal circumference while in Trichostrongylus instabilis Looss (189,5) found each of the two cell rows of the intestine to contain a single row of nuclei. About 40 to 50 nuclei are present in an intestinal cell of Ocsojdiagostomum, 500 in one of Sirongylus while no reliable estimate has yet been made for Melaxlrongyliis. The sliajie of the lumen is quite diverse, be- ing dorsoventrall.v flatteucd in Osti rtngia, irregular due to longitudinally folded walls in Stcpliaiiurus, or rounded to ovoid in Oesopliagostomum and Mclastrongylus. A thick, compact liacillary la.vcr resting on a well ileveloped subbacillary layer is characteristic of the Strongyloidea. Wetzel (1931) and Lueker (1935, 1936, 1938) have "made use of the specific intestinal cell ciuistancy of the third-stage larvae of horse strong.vles as a means of dift'erentiating the species in this stage. Thus Wetzel found two rows of eight long subtriangu- lar cells in Strongylus equinus, two rows of ten cells in S. eden- taUis, and two rows of 16 cells in iS'. vulgaris. Trucker found a total of only eight cells in the intestine of Cylieodontophorns 106 till raji'ct inns, ('nUcoarcii.i ffohli,' and ('. caliiinl iix larvae, of 12 in (Ijitiloct phaliix cniiitnlii.s anil of Iti in I'ah riostiniiiiin rul^ii. Siniilai- iilcnliliration of spocios of sti-onKyliii paiasitos of slu'i'p lias ln'cn sliowa piacticalili' liy Dikiiians and Andrews (lSi:i3) on the liasis of the intestinal eells of the third stajje larvae. Intestinal nnelei of stroUK'vlins aie spliaeroid in sneli ex freniely iHverKent forms as Osli rtaiiia aiul Slrdiimiliis while in Ocxoiiliiiiitisldmiiiii, Sli iihaiiuriis, Auci/hixdiiiiii ami Kiiliciiilm lus they are irreRiilarly elongate or even tulioid. There is usually a slight, tluuiKli distinet, diminution in the mimlier of insoluble spliaeroerystals both in the ventrieular and prereetal regions of mendiers of the Strungylina; in sneh ri'gions the lumen is often slightly larger ami the epitlu'lium thinner than in the remainder of the intestine. Glycogen, storeil in the endoplasm, ajipears to be the ehief food reserve. Like tylen choids, however, there is relatively little absorjitive surface in the strongylin intestine. Axctiriilina (Fig. 103). The Asearidina present a very dif- ferent picture for this group is polycytous to myriocytinis. Polynueleate eells are rare; they never constitute more than a small proportion of the intestinal cells in a sjiecies. In- .soUible sphaerocrystals ojipi^ir to be absent in the Oxyuridae, Thelastomatidae, and K;itlilaniidac while they are present in members of the Rliigoneniatidae, Ileterakidae, and Ascarididae. The smaller representatives of the Thelastomatidae lliltiili' c.nhi, I't iilialtihcUu.i) and Oxyuridae ( J/dcrac/.s) are polycytous and isocytous while larger oxyuroids such as Oxi/iiris <'(iiii and Entcrobitis vcrmicuhiri.s as well as rhigoneniatids, kathliuiiids, heterakids, and ascaridids are myriocytous and anisoeytous. Distinct ventricular enlargements are characteristic of the polycytous oxyuroids such as Marraci.i, Bhitticiila. and Crphalo- beUiis though such may also occur in some myriocytous forms such as HcUrakis. In addition .sections of the intestine of polycytous oxyuroids (also Spiroiioiim) show numerous large vacuolate areas which correspond to f;it globules seen in the living specimens. Passing to the myriocytous forms we find the ventricular region less and less apparent with increased cell number. There is also a marked tendency toward anisoeyty manifesting itself in Rhifioiuma by the formation of an ob- long lumen; in SpirDimurd by an I-shaped lumen formed by *Reg.>irdiiig Ci/lifocercus yiiWi Lucker (1938) .states that the lunieu passes between the tirst three cells "through the cytoplasm of the five posterior cells." He assures us that there are only 8 nuclei and 8 cells in the third stage larvae. It still seems possible tliat he may have over- loolted something. Compare figs. 100 C, 102 H .1. and figs. 99 C. two staggered liiiigit wdinal ridges (Mackin, l'.l3li; and in lit li nil:i.s by .a triangular lunu'n or three longituilinal ridges ( Hakcr, lii.'iii). Tuft or villus formation has been ile.seribed as a further development of anisoeyty in Oxi/iiris iijiii by .Mar- tini (I'.iKi); in this instance the tufts which are composed of numiTous ei'lls may give a hexagonal ajipearance when seen in toto (Fig. KiriK)." .Jagerskicild (1H<)3, 1.S!I4; described groups id' elongate cells especially developed in the anterior part of the intestine of ('(inlriifiwcum xpiciiUi/niim, of ('. Dxcnldtiim and IliipliidiiiiCdri.i dicipiins ; such cell groups reduce the lumen to a narrow, folded canal. Similar cell groups, according to Cobb (1«K8), take the form of V-shaped ridges (Fig. \Ki\) in Atiisiihis .siniplrr. Anisoeyty in Ascftris, on thi' other hami, is limited in such a manner that the small cells are lateral and the lumen, conse(|uently, takes the form of a dorsoven trally llattened tube (Fig. 0(10). (llycogen constitutes the chief stored food in Axrtiri.i according to Kemnitz (l!ll'J> and Quack (llH.'f) while glycogen is absent in (Ixjiiiris according to .Martini (liIKi) and this is in agreement with the writers' lindings that fatty substances are the energy reserves of oxyurids while ajipearing in negligible quantity in ascaridids. I'jilynucleate cells with two to three nuclei have been ob- served upon rare occasions in Spironoitra but they appear to be (piite common in the lateral areas of the intestine of As- raris. Ehrlich (litOll) associated [lolynucleation in /l.irari.s with niudear degeneration but Quack (lillH) was unable to substantiate this view. Rather extensive studies of both nu- clear and cytoplasmic "degeneration" have been made with this form by Ehrlich, Quack, and Guieyssc-I'ellissier (IIIO!)). Nuclear degeneration involves an enlargement of the nucleus, increased basophily .■inil the formation of strongly refractive sphaeroids (Fig. lO^N-Q) within the nucleus; these changes are followed by elimination of the cell, or a portion of the cell containing the nucleus, into the intestinal lumen. So- called cytoplasmic degeneration (Fig. 10.3M) involves the for- mation of an acidophilic mass, usually near the base of the cell, inclusion of normal cytoplasmic sphaerocrystals within the mass, movement of the whole toward the lunu'n and final elimination. Martini (191(i) illustrated such elimination of "degeneiate cells'' in Oji/nris. The regularity of the occur- rence of "degeneration" in Ascaris leads one to suspect that it is a normal physiologic process not necessarily retrogressive in nature. Assuming that insolul)le sphaerocrystals are waste products, "cytoplasmic degeneration" might be considered a mode of excretion. In h'luibdias and Slrdnm/lus it has been Fio. 104. INTESTINE IN rilROM.VDUK 1 1).\ A-B — Sf/nonc-hiella trvncata. C — Monhj/fttern ramhnri. D — Aio- nolaimus Hpinosun. E — W'ilsonptna hnriUivnruH. ¥ — Tripplium carcini- rohiw V. calkiniti. G — Vorylahnopttfs metafypiru/t. H — AnaplectUH granu- Itiatis. I — HttUchtttinnlttimus rnhufitns, J — Ethytwlaimujt rfimlifnAis. K — Ayionclni/t mirnhiliA. Ij — Chrnmadora sp. M — Stilanonrhuit vtnc- rantpbidum. N — Chromadora sp. O — Chronognitter gracilin. Original. 107 previously noted that sphaerocrystals are normally eliminated in the faeces. Spirurida (Fig. 103). For the order Spirurida there is a surprising dearth of recorded knowledge concerning the in- testine. Jagerskiold (1893, lSi)4), Magath (1919), Hether- ington (1923) and Tornquist (1931) seem to have been the only authors who gave the intestine consideration. It is pe- culiar that in this group there appear to be as many instances of marked dissimilarity of the intestine in closely related forms as there are instances of similarity. All of the members of this order appear to be myriocytous with the possible excep- tions of Gnathoxtoma and Philometra : the latter have rela- tively few, large, polynucleate cells (Fig. 103U & W). In- soluble sphaerocry.stals are present in Philometra, Dracunculus, Microplciira, CamallanKs, Gnathostama, and Ttinqiin, while they are absent in Ascarojihis (Metaironeina) , Cticidlanus, Pliysalop- tera and Eictularia. Basophilic globules, probably of a pro- tein nature, are present in Rictiilaria. Most of the represen- tatives of this group have very tall, narrow intestinal cells and are anisocytous because the epithelium exhibits either longitudinal ridges and valleys or villi. However, three forms are conspicuous exceptions to this rule, namely, Camallanus, A.icarophis and Gnalhostoma. Diversity in height of cells and character of the bacillary layer and basal lamella are also conspicuous features of the group. Chromadorida (Fig. 104). In the Chromadorida the only observations regarding the intestine have been of an incidental nature. We have records such as those of de Man (1884) in which species of the genus Monhystera are differentiated on the basis of their having a black or grey intestine and "two cell rows" or more than two cell rows. The rich red-brown to black pigmentation of the intestine of Siplionolaimus was recorded by zur Strassen (1904). The number of cells in an intestinal circumference was mentioned by Cobb (1920) in many forms of this group. Zur Strassen (1904) and Schepo- tieff (1908) were the only previous workers to study sections of forms of this order. Members of the family Plectidae have relatively few intes- tinal cells, 120 to 930, the form with the smallest number, Anonchus, being oligocytous while the remaining forms stud- ied, Plectus, Chronogasier, and Wilsonema are polycytous. Anonclius and Chronogasier have only four cells in a circum- ference, a very low bacillary layer, flat lumen, and large eosino- philic granules. Wilsonema has up to eight cells in a circum- ference, a lobed lumen, high bacillary layer and no granules and Plectus has up to 12 cells, a rounded lumen, high bacillary layer and basophilic globules ( "? protein). In the family Camaeolaimidae, Aphanolaimiis has around 100 cells (oligocytous), a flat lumen, a high bacillary layer, four cells in a circumference and basophilic globules like Plectus while Camacolnimns has around 2ri6 cells (low poly- cytous), a rounded lumen, low bacillary layer, six cells in a circumference and reddish-brown nnn staining granules. Sabatieria and Dorylaimopsis, of the Comesomatidae, are polycytous, having 2^G to 500 intestinal cells, six to eight in a circumference, tliey also have a flattened lumen, a low bacil- lary layer and large basophilic globules. They differ from one another in that Sabatieria is apparently homocytous while Dorylaimopsis is heterocytous having scattered cells contain- ing large acidophilic masses (Fig. 104G). In the Axonolaimidae the intestine is approximately as in the Comesomatidae, there being around 256 cells, six in cir- cumference, a rounded to flat lumen and reddish-brown, non- staining, sphaeroids. Ijike Sabatieria, Axonolaimvs appears to be homocytous. In the Monhj'steridae there are two quite different types of intestine. In the first, exemplified by Mojiliystera and Theristus, the lumen is niultiradiate (Fig. 104C) tlioiigh there are, respectively, 60 and 120 cells, two and four in circumfer- ence; the l)acillary layer is low and compact and the intestinal inclusions are brownish or grey and basophilic. In the second, exemplified by Ualanoncliiis, there are about 566 cells, six to 16 in a circumference; the bacillary layer is relatively higher, less compact, the lumen irregular, and the sphaeroids are brownish and non staining. Linhomoeids commonly have few intestinal cells in a cir- cumference, usually two in the mid-regio7i of the intestine, but the total number of cells varies considerably. Tripylium has 26 cells while Terschellingia and Desmolaimiis exhibit around 128; the lumen is flat to rounded, the bacillary layer low, compact (not resolvable in Tripylium but so in the other two exam|)les) ; the colorless globules in Tri|)ylium are soluble in alcohol (therefore presumably fatty), while in Terschellingia and Desmolaimus the cell inclusions are sphaeroids, slightly brownisli, and insolubU". ITnlike other inonhysterids and linhomrn'ids, tlu' sijilK»n(ilaini intestine is deep red to black in color, the pigmentation being due to refractive, insoluble sphaeroids. Zur Strassen (1904) found the intestine of SipJionolaimus weismanni to consist of 22 cells in circumference and to be composed of a total of 6,000 cells (estimation from statements in description) ; its lumen is rounded, the bacillary layer unusually high. Members of the Chromadoridae, Microlaimidae and Des- modoridae fall within the lower limits of polycyty, varying within the narrow range of 128 to 256 cells. Seemingly all have a four cell circumference in the mid-region though there may be six to eight in a circumference in the ventricular region. Members of these families have a very low bacillary layer and a rounded to subpolygonal lumen; a moderate num- ber of somewhat basophilic sphaeroids is usually present and in addition, from the coarse vacuolate appearance of the cyto- plasm, one might suspect a considerable amount of fatty substances. These three families appear to be homocytous and isocytous. Members of the Cyatholaimidae, on the contrary, are more distinctly polycytous, varying in cell number from around 256 to 1,000 with from three to 12 cells in circumference; they appear to be uniformly heterocytous. In HaUchoanolaimus the normal cells contain brown sphaeroids (often appearing in section as basophilic shells) while the scattered heterocytes are devoid of these bodies but contain instead, large vacuoles packed with baso|)hilic globules. In Synonchiella the normal cells are vacuolate, without sphaeroids, and the heterocytes are dense, filled with basophilic globules (Fig. 104A). The simi- larity of the intestine of Haliclioanolaiinus to that of Dory- laimopsis is very striking. Schepotieff (1908) described the intestine of Desmoscolcx as consisting of few cells and as containing very large brown- ish globules which were insoluble in alcohol-xylol. Enoplida (Figs. 105-107). The order Enoplida, containing both simple and complex free-living forms, as well as diverse types of parasites, shows extreme variation in the form of tlie intestine. Within the Tripyloidea, Stefanski (1916) studied the cell inclusions of Ironus and Cobb (1917, 1918) described the intestine of Ironus and Mononchus. Ironus is polycytous and heterocytous (Fig. 106), the number of heterocytes apparently varying with the species. The ordinary cells contain yellowish non-staining sphaeroids which appear as shells with irregular contents in formalin preserved material. These sphaeroids are sometimes eliminated through the anus (Fig. 105O). Tripyla (Fig. 105A-C) is homocytous and barely polycytous, having 136 to 150 intestinal cells, a low bacillary layer, acidophilic granules and scattered polygonal crystals. Prionchulus is like- wise polycytous and homocytous (Fig. 105D-E); the species differ in having from 170 to "00 intestinal cells; anteriorly the cells in a circumference are more numerous, higher, and have a much more pronounced bacillary la^-er than in the mid region but no definite ventriculus is present. Like Ironus, Prionchulus has acidophilic granules but crystals are absent. In the Enoploidea Tiirk (1903), Jagerskiold (1901), and de Man (1904) studied the intestine of Thoraensfoma and CvH- colaimus and Rauther (1907) that of Enoplus; Cobb (1922, 1924a) investigated the intestine of Eurystomina and Ajiti- coma and Chitwood (1931) that of Metoncholaimus. So far as known, all members of this group are markedly polycytous, isocytous, and have uninucleate cells. With the exception of Enoplus they are all heterocytous and even in this form cells are occasionally found which differ from their neighbors in the presence of large acidophilic bodies. Tiirk found the homo- cytes of Thoracostoma to contain greenish-brown granules. Specimens kept in clean white sand had a clear intestine free from such inclusions. He judged these inclusions to be re- sorption vacuoles of plant food. Occasional heterocytes he interpreted as fat cells (Fig. 105M-N). A bacillary layer ap pears to be totally absent in Metoncholaimus, Thoracostoma anil Cylicolaimus. This layer is represented merely by a peripheral condensation in Eurystomina (Fig. 105G-H) and Leptosomatum (Fig. 105L) while it is nuxlerately high and distinct in Enoplus and very high, especially in the ventricular region, of Phanodermopsis. The ordinary cells (homocytes) of Phanodermopsis contain yellowish non staining sphaeroid shells (J'ig. 1051) while the corresponding cells of Lepto- somatum have a conspicuously vacuolate plasma (? fat vac- uoles) and a few baso])hilic globules; the homocytes of the remaining forms contain acidoidiilic granules. Heterocytes in Eurystomina and Phanodermopsis' are filled with basophilic globules while the heterocytes of Leptosomatum include a large amorphous acidophilic vacuole and those of Metoncholaimus may either be basophilic with a large vacuole or ciintain scat- tered large yellowish non staining sphaeroids (Fig. 105F). Chitwood :in.i Cliitwood (\'XM') identified fats .■ind ferrous lOS Fig. 105. INTESTINE IN ENOPLIDA A-C — Tripyla papillata (A — posterior part; B — surface view; note sphiieroid; C — ventricular region). D-E — Prionchulus lutiscorum (D — ven- tricular region : E — mid-region) . F — MetnnclioJaimua prist ivrns. G-H — Kuri/stoininn ameii^^ana. I — Phftnodermopsis Innui^^taf. J-K — EnopluH communis v. meridional is (J — mid-region ; K — ven- tricular rcgiiin ) . I.— Lppt OHO ninfmn ffntii/tit n ni v. ari-pfmlatu iii . v M-N — Thorncostoma strasseni. 0-Q — Ironus tfiiuicaudatus {O — 109 rectum ; P — isolated crystals; Q — isolated de- generate sphaeroid shells) . R — Dioctophi/ma rejiale. S-U — Dory- Iniinus stagnalis (S — mid region: T — posterior part of prerectum; XT — prerectum) . Y-'W — Leptonchus sp. (X — ventricular region ; \V — mid-region). M-N, after Tuerk. 1903. Mitt. Zool. Stat. Xeapel, v 1 '> ; remainder original. Fig. 106 Ironua tenuicaudainti , (Note specialized intestinal cells containing large globules, also small polyhedral crystals in ordinary intestinal cells). After Cobb. 1918, Con- trib. So. Neniat. 7. iron salts a.s the chief cell inclusions of an oncholaimid. The number of dorylaimoids of which the intestine lias been studied is inadequate. Members of the Dorylaimidae all seem to be polycytous but the number of cells in an intestinal cir- cumference varies from four to 20. Anteriorly the baeillary layer is highest in the ventricular region and posteriorly a conspicuous change is notable in this layer in the prerectum. Throughout ventricular and mid-regions the cells contain yel- lowish brown non-staining sphaeroids (appearing as shells in section) while these structures are absent in the prerectum. The latter is set off as a distinct section of the intestine in the Dorylaimidae (Figs. 20-21) and Leptonchidae and may even be subdivided into two distinct units in Actinolaimus. Leptonchus resembles dorylaimids in general but differs in that the number of intestinal cells is smaller ( foligocytous) and the cells contain massive basophilic globules. Nothing is known concerning the intestine of the diphtheroiihorids aside from the fact that they have no prerectum. The intestine of the Mermithoidea has been given more at- tention than that of other groups because, as was early recog- nized, the peculiar nature of the intestine constitutes one of the major characteristics of the group. Schneider (1860) first recognized that the solid mass of tissue which Meissner (1853) called the ' ' Fettkorper" corresponds to the mesenteron of other nematodes. The work of Meissner (1S53, 1856), Schnei- der (1860), Rauther (1906, 1909), Hagmeier (1912), Steiner (1933), and Christie (1936) makes it possible to characterize the mermithid intestine as an organ of food storage in which the larva, during the parasitic stage, stores the nutrient mat- ter on which it draws throughout adult life and reproduction. In order to meet these re((uirements the intestine grows an- terior to the base of the esophagus, regularly reaching the level of the nei've ring. Rauther (1909) observed a lumen (Fig. 107F) in the anterior part of the intestine of Mermis sp. and interpreted this part of the intestine as a caecum. Steiner (1933) stated that in some mermithids the trophosome has an axial cavity and a wall of polynucleate cells, while in others the axial cavitj' disappears but the polynucleate cellular condi- tion persists, and in still others the cell walls disappear form- ing a syncytium. Rauther found that the intestine of Hexa- mermis albicans consists of two longitudinal rows of cells each containing 10 to 15 nuclei in the adult stage while the writers found the intestine of Agamcrmis dccaiidata (Figs. 107A-C) to be four to 10 cells in circumference and each cell to contain 22 to 25 nuclei. The total number of cells in these forms ap- pears to fall within the upper limits of polycyt.v. In Hi/- dromermis sp. the nuclei are relatively' larger (Fig. 107E) and apparently less numerous than in the jireviousl.v mentioned forms but unfortunately no exact information is available. Large vacuoles containing crystals or crystal aggregates have been observed in several mermithids in all stages from the preparasitic larva to the senile adult; these crystals accumulate with age, becoming a conspicuous feature of specimens after reproduction has ceased. The increase in crystals and vacuoles coincides with diminution of intestinal globules. Rauther (1906) compared the crystals with uric acid but was unable to obtain an unmistakable murexide reaction. Ccmcerning the globules of nutritive reserve, the following observations have been made on Apaviermis dccaudata: Sections of young para- sitic larvae contain onl.v a few basophilic globules in a rather dense cytoplasm (Fig. 107B) ; the larvae at emergence and the young adults are literall.y packed with such globules in a vacuolate cytoplasm; the cells of specimens in the emerging larvae and adults are filled with colorless, oily appearing glo- bules (whence the name fat bod.y) ; according to Chitwood and Jacobs (1937) onl.v a small proportion of these globules is fat, the great ma,iorit.v being protein. The superfamily Trichuroidea is typically myriocytous, ani- soc.ytous, homoc,ytous and the intestinal cells arc uninucleate. Villus formation in Trichiiris is uniform, the subpolygonal units (groups of cells) causing much the same appearance as large individual cells in surface view; from this standpoint tliere is distinct parallelism with O.riiuri.i (Fig. 103E). Ac- tuall.v each unit is comjiosed of 50 to 100 tall narrow cells. The l)acillar.v layer is fpiite liigh in the mid region and the basal layer is unusually thick. Reddish-brown sphaerocrystals are present throughout the mid-region of the intestine. The intestine of the dioctophymoids is much like that of the trichuroids, differing only in that the bacillar.v layer (Fig. lfl5R) may reach a height nearly equal to that of the cell proper. The sphaerocr.vstals are localized on the side toward the lumen and villi are not uniform. 110 J Kit; Intestine of mermithoids. A-1) — At/attierntw deanidata (A — tro- phosonie of senile male, disserted alive; not* remnants of protoplasm near edge of cells and large vacuoles: B — Cross section of large larva (1 cm) from body cavity of grasshopper showing dense protoplasm, at times protein globules [shaded] begin to appear, nuclei circles with central nucleolus; C — Cross section of adult, non-senile showing nu- merous protein globules, note relatively minute nuclei; I> — f'rj'stals as seen in A). E — Hi/ilronifrmifi sp, (longitudinal section of adult), F — Cross section of entire Mfrniin sp, showing intestine with luineti. A-E, original: F, after Rauther. 1909, Ergeb, u, Fortschr. Zool. v. 1(3). Bibliography Argeseanu, S. 1934. — Les constituants de la cellule intestinale ties ascarides. Conipt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris, v. 11(5: 7;")4- 7o6, figs. 1-2. AsKANAZY, M. 181H5. — Der Peitsclienwurm ein blutsaugendcr Parasit. Deutsches Arch. Klin. Med. v. 57(1-2): 104- 117, pi. 2, figs. 1-9. Baker, A. 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V. 24(7): 302-310, figs. 112. 1935. — The morphology and development of the in fective larvae of Cylicodirntophnriis iili ra)ic1iiiiis (Ihle). J. Parasit. v. 21(5)': 381-385. figs. 13. 1936. — Comparative morplujlogv :ind development of infective larvae of some horse strongvles. I'roc. Helm. Soc. Wash. V. 3(1): 2225. fig. 9. 1938. — Description and differentiation of infective larvae of three species of horse strongvles. Proc. Helm. Soc. Wash., V. 5(1): 1-5, figs. 1-2. LuKJANOw, S. W. 1888. — Notizen iiber das Darmepithel bei Ascaris mystax. Arch. Mikr. Anat. v. 31: 293-302. Mackin, J. G. 1936. — Studies on the morphology and life his- tory of nematodes in the genus Spironoura. Univ. 111. Bull., V. 33(52), III. Biol. Monogr. v. 14(3): 1-64, pis. 1-6. Magath, T. B. 1919. — CamaUaniis amcricaniis nov. spec. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. v. 38(2): 49-170, figs. A-Q, pis. 7-16, figs. 1-134. Man, J. G. de. 1884. — Die frei in der reinen Erde und im siissen Wasser lebenden Nematoden der niederlandischen Fauna. Leiden. 206 pp., 34 pis. 145 figs. 1904. — Nematodes libres. Resultats du Voyage du S. Y. Belgica. Anvers. 51 pp., 11 pis. JlARTlNl, E. 1903. — Ueber Furchung und (iastrulation bei ('nciiUaniis elcgans Zed. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. v. 74(4) : 501- 556, pis. 26-28. 1916. — Die Anatomie der Oxyuris cnrvula. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. v. 116: 137-534, figs. 1-121, pis. 6-20. Maupas, E. 1900. — Modes et formes de reproduction des nematodes. Arch. Zool. Exper. & Gen. 3. s., v. 8: 461-624, pis. 16-26. Meissner, G. 1853. — Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physiologic von Mermis albicans. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. v. 5(2-3): 207- 284, pis. 11-15, figs. 1-55. 1856. — Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physiologic der Gordiaceen. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. v. 7: 1-140, pis. 1-7. MicoLETZKT, H. 1922. — Die freilebenden Erd-Nematoden. Arch. Naturg. v. 87 (1921) Abt. A. (8): 79-91, fig.s. G-P. Quack, M. 1913. — Ueber den feineren Ban der Mitteldarm- zellen einiger Nematoden. Diss. Heidelberg. 50 pp., 3 pis. in Arch. Zellforsch. v. 11(1): 1-50, figs. a-L, pis. 1-3, figs. 1-36, 1-18. Rauther, M. 1906. — Beitrage zur Keuntnis von Mermis al- bicans v. Sieb. Diss. Jena, 76 pp., pis. I -3, figs. 1-25. 1907. — Ueber den Bau des Oesophagus und die Loka- lisation der Nierenfunktion bei freilebenden Nematoden. Zool. .Tahrb. Abt. Anat. v. 23(4) : 703-740, pi. 38, figs. 1-9. 1909. — Morphologic und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Nematoden. P>geb. & Forstschr. Zool. v. 1(3): 491- 596, figs. 1-21. Ro.MEis, B. 1913. — Ueber Plastosomen und andere Zellstruk- turen in den Uterus, Darm, und Mu.skelzellen von Ascaris incqaloccpliahi. Anat. Anz. v. 44 (11-12): 1-14, 1 pi., figs. 1-11. ScHRPOTiEPP, A. 1908. — Die Desmoscolecilne der Nematoden. 357 p])., 122 figs., 28 pis. Berlin. SrnNElDEK, K. 1902. — Lehrbuch der vergleicheuden histologic der Tiere. i»8S pj)., 691 figs. Jena., W. 1916. — Die freilebenden Nematoden des Inn, ihre Verbreitung und Svstematik. Zool. .\nz. v. 46 (12-13) : 363-385, figs. 14. Steiner, G. 1933. — Sonu> nuir|ihological and jihysiological characters of the niermithids in their relationshii) to para- sitism. J. Parasit. v. 19 (3) : 249-2.50. Strassen, O. zur. 1904. — Anihraconcma, eine neue Gattung freilebender Nematoden. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 7, Festschr. z. 70. Geburtst. A. Weisnuinn, pp. 301-346, figs. .\-J, pis. 15-16, figs. 1-9. Taylor, A. L. 1936. — The genera ;iu(l speci<'s of the Cricone- matinae, a subfamily of the Auguillulinidae (Nematoda). Tr. Am. Micr. Soe. v. 55(4): 391-421, figs. 1-63. Tornquiwt, N. 1931. — Die Nematodenfamilien Cuculhmidae und (';im;ill:inidae. Goteborgs K. Vetensk. — o. Vitterhets — Samh. Handl., 5. f., s. B, v. 2 (3) 441 pp., pis. 1-17. TfuK, F. 1903. — Ueber einigc ini Golf von Xeapel frei Ie bende Nematoden Diss. Ixnpzig. Also in Mitth. a. d. Zool. Stat, zu Neapel v. 16: 281-348, pis. 10-11. ViGNON, P. 1901. — Recherches de cytologic generale sur les epitheliums. Arch. Zool. fixper. & Gen. 3. s., v. 9: 371- 715, figs. 1-6, i)ls. 15-25. Wktzel, R. 1931.— On the differentiation of the third stage h'lrva of Slriinoiiliis ((jiiiniis, S. rih nialiis, :ind S. vulgaris. J. Parasit. v. 'l'7(4): 235. 112 CHAPTER VIII THE POSTERIOR GUT (STRUCTURES OF THE PROCTODEUM) Till' oxistoiU'O of :i riiiniilcti' diKostive tract tciiiunati'd l)v HH aims and of separate sexes was diseovered b.v Tyson (1683) in Axiuiris; lie probably observed tlie spicules also hut was un- able to interpret tlieni correctly. Soon afterwards it was estab- lished that the intestine of the female connects by means of a valve or siiliincter with the |iosterior gut (rectum) and thence with the outside through a ventrally situatehyuuit(>idea and in scattered representatives of other groups the anus or cloacal opening may be terminal or subterminal. Male strongylins can hardly be placeil in this category since the dorsal ray repre- sents the tail and the iicnital cone is developmentally a ventral outgrowth of the cloacal lips. The intestino-rectal valve, cloaca, spicules, gubernacuhini and telamon are all included under the general heading of posterior gut since, with the exception of the intestino-rectal valve, they are wholly formations of the proctodeum. The valve is quite diverse, formed sometimes chiefly, sometimes entirely from endodermal tissue, but in all instances it functions as a part of the rectum. Other structures are essentially modifications of the rectum and will be dis cussed from that standpoint. A. RECTITM, INTESTINO-RECTAL VALVE AND RECTAL GLANDS The rectum is a more or less flattened, subtriangular or irreg- ular tube lined internally by a cuticular layer underneath which there is a layer of large epithelial cells, and covered ex- ternally by mesenterial and muscle tissue. Leuckart (1876) was under the impression that the cuticular layer of the rectum was continuous not only with the external cuticle but also with the bacillary layer of the intestine. Voltzenlogel (i;t02) found Leuckart to be in error regarding the latter connection. The cuticular lining of the rectum ends slightly posterior to the junction of mesenteron and proctodeum leaving the rectum naked for a short distance. Though Voltzenlogel made this observation on Ascaris it was confirmed by Martini (1916) for Oj-i/iiris and the writers for such diverse forms as Metoncholai- mns, CrphahibeUus, Dioctophjima and Trichiiris (Oncholaimi- dae, Thelastoniatidae, Dioctophymatidae, and Trichuridae, re- spectively). All investigators have found the rectal cuticle to be continuous with the external cuticle. It is knowai to be cast off at the molt with the remainder of the e.xuvium. Voltzenlogel and Martini both ob.served that the fiber layers and striation of the external cuticle cease at the inner side of the anal lips; farther inward the rectal lining consists of cortical, matrix and basal layers (see p. 30). However, there is considerable thickening of the first two layers in most parasitic nenias. It is impractical to discuss the rectal epithelium without first considerng the rectal glands since there has been much confusion in interpretation. Walter (1856) was supposed by Bastian (1866) to have first seen the large cells at the junc- tion of the intestine and rectum in Cosmocerca trispinosa (Oj-l/iiriii ornala) and to have mislabeled them nerve cells. Ac- tually Walter was entirely correct; the structures he illustrated were the paired preanal ventral ganglia. Shortly thereafter Claparede illustrated the cells now known as rectal glands in "Ascaris commutata" and "A. miicronatd" labeling them anal glands. Since that time similar structures have been re- ported from many parasitic nematodes, l^berth (1860, 1863) il- lustrated "anal glands" in Ilcleralis vcsiciilaris, Draschia megastnma, and Passaliinis ambifiuns ; Macalister (1865) men- tioned thom in Atractis dactyhira and was the first to suggest that they might be liomologues of the Mjalpighian tubules of insects; Hastian (1865) described anal glands in Anticoma si)p., Linhomoriis, Ilalichoanolaimiis, and Cijntholaimus ; Biit schli (1873) described anal glands in Khabditis aspcra : Leuckart (1876) mentioned six anal glands in Anciihistuma ; de Man (]88(i) described various cells .-iround the rectum in Enoplus, Onrhohiiinus, and Anticoma as anal glands; Hesse (1802) working on Parnscaris interpreted the large cells as "Gewebepolster" cells; Augstein (18!t4) observed anal glands in Dictjiocaidiis filaria; Shijiley (18SI4) described anal glands in Toxascaris Iransfiii/n but later (1897) presumed them to be identical with the giant " biischelformige Organo" ((.'oelomocy- tes, see p. 45); Jagerskiiild (1893, 1894) described anal glands and a unicellular sphincter muscle in Contracacciim clavatiim: Ilamann (1895) gave a very good description of both rectal glands and rectal epithelium in Gocsia (Anisakinae) ; Ehlers (1899) and .lerke (1901) mentioned rect.-il glands in Oxiiuris f(;«i; Looss (1901) described cells forming a " rectal ligament " in members of the Strongylidae considering the whole group of cells in this region as being non-glandular; Voltzenlogel (1902) gave an excellent description of the glands, rectal epithelium, etc., of Ascaris; Looss (1905) denied the existence of recta! glands in Ancylostoma and interpreted these cells as part of a "rectal ligament" which view was concurred in by Imminck (1924) working on SIrongybis, Tornf|uist (1931) working on CiiciiUanns and Camallaniis and Mackin (1936) studying Spironoiira ; Martini (1916) published thorough de- scriptions of the rectal glands, epithelium and musculature of 0.ryuris; finally Magath (1919) considered the rectal glands as sarcoplasm of the sphincter muscle. Controversy over the function of cells of the rectal region has confused the picture, especially since some workers deny the existence of fun(?tiona! glands opening into the rectum. Recently the writers (1930, 1931, 1933) observed the orifices of such glands into the rectum in Kliabilitis, Hetcrakis, Macracis, Cephatobclhis, and Eystrifinatliiis (Rhabditidae, Heterakidae, Oxyuridae and Thelastoniatidae respectively) and similar gland orifices were reported by Baker (1936) for Hetcrakis. It does not, however, necessarily follow that all of the structures in the past termed glands are homologous with the structures de- scribed by the above mentioned authors. As will be seen later, rectal glands are by no means a universal feature in nematodes. However, it is considered certain that the structures described by Jager.skiold, Hamann, Voltzenlogel and Martini are rectal glands. Hamann reports that the rectal epithelium of Goesia is composed of two pairs of cells, one pair anterior and one pair posterior to the rectal glands (Fig. 108J). In Ascaris, Volt- zenlogel found four large epithelial cells forming an anterior circle (Fig. 1081) and additional cells posterior to them but the latter were not constant in position. In Oxynris Martini describes the rectal epithelium as composed of seven cells, an anterior ring of three, (one dorsal and two subventral) and two pairs of cells arranged in tandem posterior to the first group (Fig. 109W-X). In females of Goczia, Ascaris, and Oxyiiris there are three rectal glands projecting into the body cavity and having processes which penetrate the rectal epitheli- um. Voltzenlogel was the first to show that there is sexual di- morphism in the number of rectal glands; he reported six rectal glands for male ascarids; Martini later found the same number in males of Oxyiiris. Confusion in regard to the structures has been due to two factors; the rectal glands may be embedded in the lateral and dorsal chords or they may be associated with the vas deferens. Thus Mackin described tlie rectum of Spironoiira as composed of 10 cells in the female, three forming a "rectal ligament," and 14 in the male, two in a dorsal "ligament," two in a "genital ligament," and one in each of two ligaments extend- ing to the lateral chords. All of the cells designated "ligament cells" liy Mackin are rectal glands; those of the "genital ligament" are embedded in the wall of the vas deferens but have separate orifices into the rectum (Fig. IIOMM). The "small ej.'iculatory glands" described by Chifwood (1930, 1931) in h'liabihlis (Fig. 3, ej 2) Mnrinris and UrtrraVis and 113 A-D-DinctopI„jma renale (A-Cross section through ^posterior pan"' l:;-™^,,,^-'^'^ orrtract" r°'„m^^^^^^ A-D—Dioctophuma renaU (A— ijross secuou ^'"""s.. i"--- ■"• .-_ p„ithelium and protractor muscle; u— L.ross seiv. o£ male showing spicular pouch, and vas deferens B ^^"^«",'^,'"„ junction of rectum and vas deferen Cross section through cloaca and spicule near its entrance into s). E-P — Tripyla 114 by Baker (1936) in Iliteraki.i' :ir.' ;ilsn rectal glaiuls ami 0(irresiio7id to the cells (if the "(;<'nit:il litjniTiciit " ilescriheil by Mackiii. From these observatidiis, it aiipears that three rectal tjlanils in the female ami six in the male is the rule for nu-nibers of the Hhabilitoiilea ami Ascariilina and for at least sonic members of the Si)iriiroidea. However, rectal Khinds appear to be totally absent in tlie Tylenchoidea. The rectal ligament cells described by Looss and Imminck for stronKyloids are in part rectal glands. Such glands occur in representatives of all suborders of the Phasniidia but appear to be absi'nt in a few isolated types and gronps such as Ihaciiiiciihis, l)ir(ifihiiiu-holaimus prisliurus (X — Cross sec- tion of male at level of infestino-rertal valve: Y — Cross section of cloacal region of male showing spicules and gubernaculum : Z — Longitudinal section of female: there is no evidence of rectal glands or a break- in the rectal cuticle such as one would expect in that case). A.\ — EnniKtoiinna amerirnnit (Cross sex-tion of male at cloacal opening). BB-JJ — EnopJiis rmnmunis v. m^ridionnlis (BB — Longitudinal section of female in rectal region, as in Z, there is no evidence of rectal glands: CC — Cross section of preadult male show- ing primordia of spicules and gubernacular crura; DD-JJ — Serial sections through cloacal region of male, beginning postanal and going anteriad. some sections omitted between most anterior sections). G-I & K, after Voltzenlogel, 1902, Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat., v. 16; J. after Hamann, 1895, Die Nemathelminthen v. 2: L, after Baylis, 1936, Ann. & Nat, Hist. s. 10, v. 17; remainder original. turns veiitr:id :inil ilisappears between the vas deferens and the intestine; the homologues of the above mentioned cells are not know II. The iiilestino-rectiil valve is a very simple structure, con- sisting, in oligocytous forms such as Ulinhililis, of the poste- rior p:irls of the jirerectal intestinal cells surrounded by a sphincter muscle. In iiolycytous and myriocytous nematodes the cells in the valve region become much smaller, more numerous, and ;ire often devoid of a bacillary layer. They may form a valve either by rcHexure into the intestinal lumen or "ext<>nsion into the rectal lumen (Fig. IIISQ ic 109W). The niusciilature controlling the intestino rectal valve, rec- tum, and amis has already bei-n brietly discussed (ii. 43). The existence of a uninucleate sphincter muscle was first made known by .liigerskiold (18!»3, 1S94) and Cilson and I'antcl (1894). Later workers have often confused other structures with the siiliincter and described sphincter muscles with two, four or more nuclei (Magath, 1919, in CamallanHs, and Chit- wood, 19.'il, in M(irriicix). Reexamination of representatives of all groups of the Nemiitoda by the writers establishes tlie unicellul;ir sphincter as universally present. It is a circular band of libers containing a single nucleus which may be dorsal, ventr:il, or lateral in jiosition. Its innervation jirocess I'xtends anteriorly to the dorsal nerve in Ascarix according to Volt- zenlogel. This muscle closes the intestino rectal valve jireventing reentry of materials from the rectum into the intestine during defecation. The dejire.ssor ani, an II shajied muscle, is likewise unicellu- lar and of universal occurrence. It is this muscle that elevates the dors.-il wall of the rectum causing materials to be drawn into the rectal cavity; it then elevates the )Kisterior lip of the anus tlius permitting defecation. The rectum is devoid of circu- lar muscles and for the most ]iart defecation is accomplished by pressure. Subventral and subdorsal somato-intestinal mus- cles (Fig. .")2) probably supply the pressure by dilating the prcrectal lumen, thus drawing materials into that region from the mid-region of the intestine and forcing them into the rectum by relaxing at the same time that the rectal sphincter relaxes and the anterior part of the depressor ani contracts; by such means the rectal cavity is filled. Thereafter the rectal sphincter contracts, the anterior part of the depressor ani re- laxes and the posterior part contracts; pressure on the walls of the distended rectum by the body tiuid causes it to collapse and the waste products to be forced out. B. CLOACA The vas deferens enters the rectum from the ventral side in males of all groups with the sole exception of the Trichuroidea. In trichuroids Rauther (1909, 1918) found that the vas def- erens enters the rectum dorsolaterally (Fig. 110 Z-DD). In phasmidians the .junction of vas deferens with hind gut is nearly simultaneous with or immediately posterior to the intestino-rectal valve so that practically no rectum exists; the whole of the hind gut is tlien transformed into cloaca. In some aphasmidians, particularly enoploids, the vas deferens is apt to .ioin the rectum somewhat more posteriad so that both a rectum and a cloaca may coexist. C. SPICULAR POUCH With few exceptions, which will be discussed later, the spicules enter the cloaca from the dorsal side immediately an- terior to the anus. They develop in a pair of cell masses, the spicular primordia, which develop as proliferations of the dor- sal wall of the cloaca, first described correctly by Seurat (1920) in Falcaiixtra himbilirnxix (Fig. ] 10 00). Schneider assumed the presence of a single primordium in nematodes with two spicules but this is incorrect. Previous to the formation of the spicules the primordia arc without a lumen, as may be seen in Enoplux (Fig. 108 CC), but later developmental phases in- dicate that the spicuhir primordia should be interpreted as instances of suppressed evagination followed by terminal in- vagination. The primordia become differentiated in such a manner that they form a pouch which contains the spicules. As shown by Voltzenlogel (1902) the pouch is lined with a cuticle continuous with th;it of the cloaca. It is covered by an epithelium which is also continuous with that of the cloaca. When two spicules are jiresent, the paired spicular pouches always .ioin before entering the cloaca. In parasitic nematodes this pouch and the protractor muscles of the spicules form an obvious s]iiciilar covering termed the sheath. In free-living nematodes the spicular pouch is often extremely delicate* and easily overlooked. Possibly for this reason Tiirk (1903) denied the existence of a pouch in Thoracostoma where it had been previously observed ;ind illustrated by Jiigerskiold (1901). *The pouch wall and cuticle were inadvertently omitted in Fig. 49 E, L, M. They are delicate but nevertheless present in this form. llj Ftn. 1»» IKi It li;is lu'i'ii soon in ;ill t'ri'i' living m'iii;itiuli's .sliiilic'd b.v tlic writrrs. The protrai'tor imisi'li's iif tlio spii'iiU's t'uiiii a cdiii I)lt'ti' loiiKitiuliiial nuisi'lo layer on tlie surface (if the poueli in most parasitie nematinles l)iit in free-livini; iieiiiateiles these imiseles are iiiiire euiiiiiuiiilv eonliiieil tii tlie ilcirscihiteral sides. The piiueli aiiil aeeenipanvint; iiuiseles are iiiiist ediispieiuiiis in Tri/u/hi and Triiihincltiiun iif the free living nematodes and (livi' an appearanee ( FiR. lO^b") whieli is peeiiliar to tliese Ki'nera and their rehitives. In the Stnmn.vlina and Dieetiipby- matina the spieuhir poueh eommonly Joins the eloaea sonu' dis- tanee anterior to the anus and in the Triehuroidea tliis tendeiuy is carried to an extreme (Fig. 110 PD). In otlier groujis of nematodes the spicules can scarcely ever lie said to lie within the cloaca even for a short distance; actually they niercdy pass thr. Sl'ICT'LKS Nematodes usually have two spicules, each spicule being es- sentially a tube covered by a sclerotized cuticle and containing a central protoplasmic core. Its cuticular covering is continu- ous with the cuticular lining of the spieular pouch and from that standpoint the spicules may be regarded as evaginations of the spieular pouch. The cuticle is often layered, the outer layer (Fig. 109 CO being colorless and structureless while the inner layer or layers arc tan to brownish and sometimes are composed of numerous jirismoidal elements. In other cases the spicules may ajijiear to be spongy or reticulated (Fig. 110 NN). The prismoidal elements (Fig. lOSt CC) should not be confused with the so called striation such as occurs in Stenunis (Fig. .S3 K), Profo.itron.gylus (Fig. 110 EE), etc. Such striation is due to the extension of the selcrotized ribs into a weak or non- sclerotized flange. The central proto[ilasmic core of the spicule may or may not contain the njclei of the spieular epithelium. These cells and nuclei are often situated anterior to the proxi- mal end of the spicules, surrounded by the retractor muscle. Their number is variable, four being recorded in Ascaris (Fig. 108 G & K). Ordinarily one finds each spicule provided with two retractor muscles and two jirotraetor muscles. Both pairs of muscles are attached to the proximal end of the spicule. The retractors extend anteriad and toward the lateral chord wliere they may be attached to the body wall either sub- dor.sally, dorsolaterally or ventrolaterally dependent upon the species involved. The protractors tend to surround the spieu- lar sheath and may be inserted postanally to the body wall or to the dorsal side of the spieular pouch. In those groups in which a single spicule is present, the retractor muscles extend to both the right and the left body walls. In exceptional in- stances the protractors and retractors are composed of numer- ous cells which form a longitudinal muscle layer on the .spieular pouch (Figs. lOS A, C & 110 DI) ) that is quite char- acteristic of the groups involved (Triehuroidea and Dioctophy- matoidea). As a rule each spicule may be divided into three sections, the he:id ( (•.■ipitnhini ), shaft (calomus), and blade (lamin:t). The lie.'id is the modified portion of the |iroxiiiial end; the sliiifl is the tube like part between the head and the blade; the blade is the dist.'il portion which is usually tlangi'd (Fig. 110 DD lOK). Tlieie may be one or two tiaiiges: if one. it is ventral as seen in cross section and if two, one is dorsal and one ventral (Fig. 110 MM). Though such dilTerentiation of the spicule into regions is the rule, no such regions are apparent in Dioctoplnjma or Tiir)iiiri.i. Extensive iliversity oc- curs in the sjiicular form. Two is the basic number of spicules in neuuitodes and the.v originate from a double spieular primordia as stated by .Seurat (l!li;0). However a single spicule occurs in m.any groups of nematodes. It is a characteristic of the Triehuroidea, Diocto phyni.atoidea, Oxyuridae and Thelastomatidae •■ind also occurs in isolated genera of tlie Desmoiloridae ( M iinopnHthia) , and Mermithidae { Jl j/droincrmis) . In other groups it is not un conim— - TrirhnriM i-tit/ns (Tij) of cirrus and spicule). M-N — " Huhrimfnia" sfiirnti (Tiyis of left and right spicules). O-I* — Cj/nthtilitiiinift orrt- liitiiK (Spicules and gubernaculuiu) . Q-R — Parartitiflinnrhits raefus (Spicules and gubernaculum) . S — Dfrnfilnria repenn (spicules). T — OawiUdofilnrin sp. (Spicules). V — Trirlionlroniri/h" prnhnUnny (Spicules and gubernaculum). V — Dicheilonptim horridmr (Ventral view of male tail, reversed sides). W-X — Oxiinritt fqiii (\V — Longi- tudinal section of female rectum: X — Dorsal view- of female rectum). y-Z — Stpnunis mlnnr (Lateral and ventral views of male tail). A.\ — Frolfptiifi ohtiiyiin (Reconstriicti'in of cloacal region of male). BB — Hiliiiiii linuira (Spicules). ('(,' — Tricliuris lulpis (Tip of spicule af- ter exposure to Faiieliild's trypsin). DD-EE — RhnhdiltK utrongiilnhhs (Spicules, distall.v fused). FF — Ontrrlnffin trifidn (Spicules and gubernaculum). CtJ-MM — Uiioittronfjiilu/t riibidiin (Serial sections tlirough i-loacal region of male showing telamon. gubernaculum. spic- \iles, spieular jiouch and cloaca). N'N — Various spieular shapes (1, arcuate: 2, hamate; :i, arcuate distally: 4, falcate; .i. setaceou-s; 6, sigmoid; 7. linear: S, fusiform: !l, elongate; 10. bent or boomerang sbapcd; 1 1. cuneiform ; 12. Lsbaped). D-E, after Ilagmeier. 1912, Zool. .lalirb.. Abt, Svst. v. ;i2 : F, after Seurat 191:'.. Bull. Sue. Nat. Africjue Nord Alger "v. .'> : G, U & FF, after Kalantarian. 192S. Trud.v (iosudarstv. Inst. Kksjier. .Moskva, v. ;") ; H-J. after Ra.iewska, 19:il. Ztsilir Infekt. v. 40; K. after Wu, 19.14, Sinensia v. .5: M-N & V, after Skriabin, 1917, I'arasit. v. 9: OR. after de Man. 1 SS9. Mem. Soc. Zool'. France, v. 2: \V X. after Martini. 191(i. Ztscbr. Wiss. '/....I « nw: . v.'/ ..ft...' UiivHc :itwl Diiuhnev 192.T Parasit. Zool <[.ooi. V. 10(i: YZ, after Riivlis iiud Daubne.v. 192.5. Parasit. v 17: AA, after ,1. F. .Mueller, 192.5. .1. Parasit. v. 12; BB. after Raiew9l;a.ia. 192S, Die Setarien etc.; NN, after Cobb, 1898. Misc. I'ubl. No. 2 1.1, Dept. Agrir. N. S. Wales; remainder original. 117 ior and nfton ti'iniinatt's in a massive liook (Fig. 100 M, N, T). Wliilo oftiMi specific, the form of tlie spicules sometimes varies anil more tlian one sjiecimen should ahvavs he studied. TIk' writers found marked variation in spicular nuo plioloKv i" ItirofiUiria immitin from an abnormal host (.nmskrat). In addition to the normal type, a specimen in which the left spicule blade was dcRenerate and another in which the left spicule was absent were fouml in a sin^;le muskrnt. Such tinilinf;s cause one to be scunewhat dubious of the numerous species of filariids beinp; described at the present time, and difTerentiated chiefly or wholly on diversity in spicular form. Differences in spicular niori)hology of related s])ecies may be due to the degree of ceidialation, length and differentiation of the shaft, or length and character of the blade. The blade may be highly twisted as in Dichcihincmn (Fig. 100 V); twisting and irregularity of the blade is p.-irticularly character- istic of scune genera of the Trichostrongylidae (Fig. B, II, FF). In addition the blade may be distally branched (Fig. 100 A, MM^ or the flanges se]iarafed from the tube. The s|iicules are seldom very long in proportii.n to the body in free living nematodes, one of the most outstan). A restudy of Priilo.ilronfmliis indicates that the former authors correctly interpreted the entire com- plex as a gubernaculum. The most important differentiation between guliernaculum and telamon is that the IcUimon is formed dirccllji from, the cloacal linini) while the fiubcrnacu- hnn is formed from the spicular pouch. Though the guber- naculum is primarily dorsal, it is also primarily medial, i. e., it may develop proximal to the union of the spicular pouches and, as in Spironoura it ma.y be composed of two or nuire parts which are heavily sclerotized, these parts being joined by feebly sclerotized regions. Thus the medial (ventral) piece (Fig. 110 RS) termed the telamon by Gebauer, is actually a part of the gubernaculum named the capHuhim by Shu 'Its, Orlov and Kutass: the two posteriorly directed pieces (crura) termed the telamon by Cameron and the gubern.'icul\im by Gebauer are joined anteriorly to the capitulum by the un- paired piece, corpus (Fig. 110 S). The confusion in terminology has led workers in other groups to misapply the term telamon. Thus Steiner and Albin (1033) termed the anterior parts of the gubernaculum (crura) of Deontostoma caUfornicnm (Fig. 37, 4-5) a telamon. In so far as the writers are aware, a true telamon does not exist outside the Strongylina. The gubernaculum is often complex in free-living nematodes and the various jiarts are worthy of discussion. Do ilan (1880) described the gubernaculum of Enoplus communis (Figs. 110 A, C-D) as being composed of three parts: an unpaired medial piece (termed cuneus, projecting anteriorly into the cloacal cavity between the spicules) to which is joined posteriorly and laterally a less sclerotized structure (corpus) which in turn has two strongly sclerotized lateral pieces (crura). These lateral pieces jiroject into the cloacal cavity on each side of the spicules, each of which moves in a separate groove between cuneus and crura, guided posteriorly by the corpus. In other aphasmidians many variations of the above described arrange- ment are known to occur. In Acautlwiiclius liviparus (Fig. 15 M), and Paracanthonchus caeciis (Fig. 100 Q R) the ends of the crura are dentate while in Ciiatliohiimiis clon-flatus they are denticulate. There is a marked diversity in develojiment of the parts in closely related forms. Thus de Man (1880) found the crura to be quite massive and apjiarently detached (cuneus and corpus absent) in Paracanthonchus caccus while A-P — Spirnrtoitra nffine f Kathlaniidae] (Serial cross sections through spicules and gubernaculum). Q-S — Protnslrnngiilus rupricnprae [Meta- strongylidael (Q — Cross section of shaft, i.e., ralonuis, of spicule; R — Cross sections of gubernaculum and blade, i.e., lamina of spicules) - T-Y — Spironnura nffine (T — SpinOes and gubernaculum cleared in_ 10 per cent NaOH) ; U — Gubernaculum and spicular ala in longitudinal section: V — Intestino-recta] valve and dorsal gland of female, longi- tudinal section: W-Y — Sections of female through intestino-rcctal region showing dorsal and subventral rectal glands and their orifices). Z — Trickuris kuis (Cross section of male near cloacal opening). AA — T. trichiura (Cross section near cloacal opening). BB — T. sui/t (Cross section of cloaca with spicular pouch about to emerge from its walls: according to Kauthcr more posteriorly the cloacal walls completely surround the spicule forming a double layer). CC — 7'. siiiy (Recon- struction of male tail: ac-cording to Rautlier the internal lining of the cirrus is continuous with the cloacal lining anteriorly and is not the lin- ing of the spicular pouch. The ut^per part of the cloaca has a double lin- ing, the two layers fusing proximally). DD — T i^ulpi^ (Tail of male cleared in phenol). EE — Protostrongylus auslrinrtm (Gubernaculum and spicules labelled by Gebauer: correct terminology in parenthesis) . FF-HH — Pmtttstrntii/iihis ritpricaproe (Gubernaculum in various views). II — P. korlii (Gubernaculum): JJ — P. raillifli ( liubernaculum ) . KK — P. leurkurti (Gubernaculum). LL — Cy:4. — Slroiii/iilKx lihtria \i. Diss, Leipzig. ■)4 pp., :; pis. Also in Aic-li. Naturg. 00 J., v. 1 l,;i): :2."i."i- 304, jils. 13 14. H.\KKR, A. 1). 1!I3(). — Studies on Utterakis rialliiuic, i. nematode parasite of fowls. Tr. Ro.v. ("aiiad. Inst., v. 20 (2): 1711 21"), V. 21 (1): "il-SG; figs. A (i, pis. 1 l.l, figs. 1-1()4. B.\STIAN, 11. (". 18(i."i. — Monogia|)li on tlie Anguillulidae, or free neinatoids, marine, land, and freshwater; witli de scriptions of 100 new speeies. Tr. Linn. Soe. Loud., v. 2.') (2) : 73-1S4. pis. ): 124 pp., pis. 17-27, figs. 1-69. Cameron, T. W. M. 1927. — Studies on three new genera and some little-known species of the nematode family Proto- strongylidae Lciper, 192(). ,J. Helminth., v. 5 (1) : 1-24, figs. 1-14. CIUTWOOD, B. G. 1930. — Studies on some physiological func tions and morphological characters of midhiliiis (Rhab ditidae. Nematodes). J. Morph. & Phvsiol., v. 49 (1): 2.J1-27.5, figs. A-H, pis. 1-3, tigs. 1-24." 1931. — A comparative histological study of certain nematodes. Ztschr. Morph. & Oekol., v. 23" (1/2): 237- 284, tigs. 1-23. CiiiTWOOD, B. G. and Chitwood, M. 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Ehlers, H. 1899. — Zur Kenntnis der .Vnatomie uiid Biologic von Ojcj/uris ciirviila Rud. Diss. Marburg, 26 pp., 2 pis., 20 figs.' Also in Arch. Naturg. 0.1 J., v. 1 (1): 1-26, pis. 1-2, figs. 1-20. Gebauer, O. 1932. — Zur Kenntnis der Parasiteiifauna der Genise. Ztschr. Parasit., v. 4 (2): 147-219, figs. 1-70. GiLSON, G. and Pantel, J. 1894. — Sur quehiues cellules mus- culaires de I'Ascaris. Anat. .-Vnz.. v. 9 (23): 724 727, figs. 1-2. (!i,.\.ue, H. 1910a. — Beitriige zu einer Mmiograidiie der Neina todenspecies Ascaris felis und A.scaris caiii.i. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool., V. 9.5 (4): 5.51.593, figs. 1-20. 1910b. — Beitriige zur Systeiiiatik iIit Ncni.-itinlcii. Zool, Anz., V. 3.5: 744-759, figs. 1-5. Haombier, a. 1912. — Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Merinitliidcn. Diss. Heidelberg. 92 pp., 5 pis., 55 figs. Also in Zool. ,Iahrb. Abt. Syst., v. 32 (6): 521-612, figs, a-g, pis. 17-21, figs. 1-55. II M, I., M. ('. 1921. Two new genera of nematodes with a note on a neglected nematode structure. Proc. V. S. Nut. Mus. v. 59(2386): 541-54(i, figs. 12. IIamann, 1895. — Die XeiiiatlMliniiillien (2). Die Xeiiiatoden. 120 pp., 11 pis. Hksse, R. 1892. — I'eber lias .\ervensysteni von Ascaris mtga- tiinphaUt. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. v. 54(3): 548 568, pis. 23 24, figs. 1-20. list . 11. F, 1933. — Some species of Porrocaecum ( Neniatoda ) from birds in China. .1. Parasit. v, PU4): 280 285, pis. 2-3, figs. 1 18. 19331). — On some (larasitic iiciiialoiles colh'cted in China. Parasit. v. 24(4): 512-541, figs. 1 46. I.\i,\ii.\( K, B, 1). C. M. 1924. — On the niicrosco|)ical anatomy of the digestive system of Slrongi/liis edinlaliis Looss. Arch. Anat., Hist. & Embrvol., v." 3(4-6): 281326, figs. 146. .lAKiir.K.sKiotXD, L. A. 1893.— Bidr.ig till Kiinnedomen oni Nematoderna. Diss. Stokludm. 86 jip., 5 pis., 43 figs. 1894. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Nematoden. Zool. .Jahrb. Abt. Anat. v. 7(3): 44!i-532, pis. 24-28. 1901. — Weitere Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Neinatoilen. Kongl. Svenska Veteiiskaps Akad. llainll. v. 35(2): 1-80, Ills. 1-6. 1909. — Nematoden aiis Aegypteii iiiiil deiii Smlaii. Re- sults of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egvjit and the White Nile, 1901. 00 pp., 4 pis. ,Terke, M. 1901. — Zur Kenntnis der Oxyuren des Pferdes. Diss. Jena. 64 jip., 1 pi. Kai.antarian, E. V. 1928.— Zur Trichostrongyliden fauna der Schafe .Armeniens. Trudy Gosudarstv. Inst. Eksper. Vet. Moskva, V. 5(2): 40-57, figs. 1-24 (Russian). Leuckart, R. 1868-1876. — Die Menschichen Parasiten. Leip zig & Heidelberg, v. 2, 882 pp., 401 tigs. Looss, A. 1901. — The Sclerostomidae of horses and donkeys in Egypt. Rec. Egypt. Govt. School Med. pp. 25 139," pis. 1-13, figs. 1 172. 1905. — The anatomy and life history of Aurlii/loxlama thi, column 2, line 12, fnngiforoiis to read fungivorou.<<. Page .^0. column 1, line 68, delete or absent. Page -"1, column 1, line l.i, .Home to read stoma. Page .51, column 2, line 23, Refle.rted to read reflexed. Page 51, column 2, line 42, reflcrted to read reflexed. Page .i2, column 1, line 1, Ambnilatory to read ambulatory. Page ■'>2, column 1, line ."i9, Eurysiominae to read Eury- stomininae. Page .52, column 2, lino 41. Trt radon/ niatidae .should bo boM face type. Page .52, column 2, line 42, Mermitliidae should be bold face type. Page 53, column 2, ptr, pmlorhahdian should road protor- habdion. a!, a la ; au, anus; a p. apophysis; eiil, calomus; eap, capitulum ; e gl, caudal gland ; ei, cirrus; d, cloaca ; ('", corpus ; 0 m, eopulatory nniscle; rru, crura ; eu, cnn, en, ounous ; d r gl, dorsal rectal gland: e, nucleus in osophago-intostinal valve; rp e, epithelial coll ; g, gland coll nucleus; gub, gubernaculum; h, depressor ani ; t m, somato-intcstinal muscle ; int, intestine ; lam, lamina ; 1 sp, loft spicule; HI, marginal nucleus; ui e, mesenterial ccdl ; H-, norvo coll nucleus; /)««, spicular pouch ; p gub, protractor muscle of gubornai-ulum , ;> sp, protractor mu.scle of spicule; r, radial nucleus ; r gl, rectal glaml ; r sp, right spicule ; .s', (piestionable nucleus; s)i, sheath ; .V m, sphincter muscle; sp. spicule ; sup or, sup])lemontaiy organ; •vr r gl, subventral rectal gland; tel. tolamon ; (• (7, vas deferens ; X, questionable nucleus. 123