Skctiox TI. Part II. An Intkodlhtion To NEMATOLOGY J. R. CHRISTIE Editor nail' ALBERT HASSALL Born in Woolwich, Kent, England. M. R. C. V. S., Royal College of Veter- inary Surgeons London, 1886. Inspector, 1887-1905; Assistant in Zoology, 1905- 1910; Assistant Zoologist, 1910-1922; Associate Zoologist, 1922-1924; Zoologist, 1924-1925; Senior Zoologist and Assistant Chief of Zoological Division, 1925- 1932; Collaborator, 1934- ; Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Zoologist, biblographer, author of numerous papers in parasitology, compiler of Index Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology published in collaboration with Stiles. Nematologists' best friend and severest critic. Section II. Part II. An Introduction To NEMATOLOGY J. R. CHRISTIE Editor y ALBERT HASSALL Born in Woolwich, Kent, England. M. R. C. V. S., Royal College of Veter- inary Surgeons London, 1886. Inspector, 1887-1905; Assistant in Zoology, 1905- 1910; Assistant Zoologist, 1910-1922; Associate Zoologist, 1922-1924; Zoologist, 1924-1925; Senior Zoologist and Assistant Chief of Zoological Division, 1925- 1932; Collaborator, 1934- ; Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Zoologist, biblographer, author of numerous papers in parasitology, compiler of Index Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology published in collaboration with Stiles. Nematologists' best friend and severest critic. PREFACE In IIk' preparation of Section 11, Parts II and III, it lias been necessary to deviate from the arrangement proposed in the original annomice- ment. J)iiring the course of preparation it be- came evident that the treatment of the subject, as developed by the various authors, would re- sult in more pages than can be saddle stitched into one cover. It also became evident that it ^ would be impossible to complete some of the chapters dealing with free-living and plant- parasitic nematodes until long after most of the others were ready for printing. Hence it g r^ seemed advisable to so change the^rrangement of the chapters as to permit the inunediate pub- lication of completed manuscripts even though it was necessary to modify what might seem the most logical sequence. The various authors are responsible for the facts presented and the opinions expressed in the parts accredited to them with the one ex- ception of taxonomic nomenclature, for which Dr. B. G. C'hitwood assumes responsibility. To the contributors I wish to express my ap- preciation and thanks for their sympathetic co- operation as well as for the excellence of their contributions and the care and thoroughness with wliich these were prepared. J. R. Christie. i 1-^ CD ; a i rn a o CHAPTER IV LIFE HISTORY. GENERAL DISCUSSION B. G. CHITWOOD The dovclopmoiit of iioiiiiitodos in its sim|)lost form is diroct, or not marked liy a motamorpliosis siu'li as occurs in tlio in sects. In Ronoral tlio newly hatched nematode rosenil)les tlie adult in all gross morpholoRic characters with the exception of the reproductive system and secondary sexual characters. The various growth stages, except the adult stage, are teruiinated liy molts (or ecdysesi, the nunil>er of nuilts lieing four, the uum her of stages five. Internal changes do not occur to any marked extent in the simplest form of life history. We should, there- fore, speak of the stages previous to the adult as nynijihs, if a terminology were used similar to that emi)loyed in the Arthro poda, but usage has made larva, as applied to such stages, the accepted term. The number of uuilts occurring in the course of develojiment is common for nearly all nematodes, and it ajipears to be the gen eralized or primitive number for the class. I>evelopment may be outlined as follows: First stage (larva) (molt) Second stage (larva) (molt) Third stage (larva) (molt) Fourth stage (larva) (molf) Fifth stage (adult) Correlated with mode of life, various adaptations or modifi- cations h,ive taken place in the life history, these adaptations having arisen through the need for food and a means of dis semination. With free-living nematodes, living either upon decaying matter or preying upon other microscopic organisms, these factors seem to have played a smaller part than with those living as parasites. Probably need for dissemination was the earlier influence; at any rate, it has caused the simplest modifications of life history. The action of this factor on some free-living nema- todes is evidenced by the occurrence of a persistent stage, the cuticle of one of the larval molts being retained as a protec- tive sheath or "cyst." It is not uncommon for such species to have two types of larva, environmental conditions determining whether or not larvae will be of the persistent type. The sig nifieance of these persistent larvae is indicated by their nega- tively geotropic tendencies, for tlie.v craw! to the highest sur- face available and "standing" on their tails swing about, catching upon any moving ob,iect. The climax of this type of development is found in species where an encysted stage on some arthropod (Rhabditis coarctata, see cover page, see. 1, part 1), or annelid is obligatory before the adult stage can be reached. The need for obtaining food plays a much more striking role, being evidenced by all conceivable degrees of parasitism both on and in plants and animals. In the group of "herbi- vors" life c.vcles may be of numerous t.vpes, depending on whether tlie nematodes are "grazers," passing from host to host, or sedentary forms, entering the host and there under- going all or most of the stages of development. Life histories may be further modified by the factor of dissemination and the growth habits of the host. Among the jiarasitcs of animals the factors of dissemination and nourishment also play their roles. We have forms that are parasitic only during a par ticular larval stage, the third, which, incidentally, is usually sheathed or "encysted." Certain parasites of annelids (i.e., Rhabditis pellio) pass the third stage in the nejihridia of their host and can only develop to adults in the decomposing tissues of their host. Other species (mermithids) enter their hosts either as eggs or larvae and develop to ])readults (fourth stage) within the body cavity, finally leaving their host before matur- ing. In such instances the nourishment necessary for the entire life cycle is obtained from the host and stored during the para- sitic stages. The type of life history in parasitic nematodes being entirely correlated with the degree of parasitism, we find, with more ndvanced parasitism, more complicated life cycles and more morphologic changes taking place during the course of devel- opment. Seurat (Ullfi; 1920), recognizing this, proposed a ter- minology for the different types of life cycles based on the mode of development. Some forms have an alternation of generations, one genera- tion being free living, the other parasitic. This type of life cycle is termed hctnopenonx. In such forms we find free-living adults giving rise to larvae which enter the host and develop to i)arasitic adults. These larvae may or may not be ensheatlied (third stage), i.e., the cuticle of one or more larval molts re- tained though separated from the body. The stage ready to enter the host is ti'rnied the infrclivc stage. Nematodes with no alteration of generations are termed monogcnous. These are by far the most common, l'arasit<'s of animals may also be classified according to the number of hosts necessary for completion of the life cycle. Species in which there is a single host are termed monoxcnous, those in which there are two or more hosts, hclcroxcnous. Some nematodes have both free-living and parasitic stages, the free-living st;iges being larvae, the parasitic stages late larvae and adults. In these we find young larval stages (the first and second) feeding U|)on bacteria and similar organic matter, the third stage usually ensheathed or persistent, this commonly being the infective stage. Upon entering the host these species develop through the fourth stage to the sexually mature adult. A further development of parasitism is indicated by the ab- sence of the free-living stages. Eggs of the parasite pass out of the host and, outside, undergo only embryonic development within the egg shell. In such instances the egg shell is often covered by a protein layer (p. 178), and the embryo often con- tains more yolk than forms in which the eggs hatch before en- tering the host. With such a completely parasitic mode of existence, the factor of dissemination again becomes manifest and we find still other modifications in the life cycle. Some nematode parasites of vertebrates pass through larval stages in invertebrates, this course of development being either obligatory or facultative; still others undergo larval develop- ment in other vertebrates, such development usually being obli- gatory, rarely facultative. The host in which such a parasite develops to infeetivity is termed the intermediate or secondary host while that in which it develops to sexual maturity is called the terminal, definitive or primary host. Sometimes the inter- mediate host is eaten by another animal (secondary interme- diate host) in which the parasite can continue its existence but cannot reach maturity. When this second animal is, in turn, eaten by the primary host the life cycle is completed. If the parasite neither feeds nor undergoes growth within an animal, that host is termed a transport Itost. This type of intermediate host serves chiefly as a means of dissemination and is faculta- tive rather than obligatory. We have attempted to extend Seurat 's outline to include all nematodes. With the recent and extensive increase in informa- tion on the life histories of vertebrate parasites it has become very difficult to adjust Seurat 's classification to the many variations in life cycles. For example it is hardly proper to speak of a form as being heteroxenous when the use of an in- termediate host is facultative {DictyocauUis filaria) yet other nematodes in the same taxonomic group may be truly heteroxe- nous requiring an intermediate host (Metastrone/i/his clonffa- tus). In general one can say that the Spiruroidea, Filarioidea, Camallanoidea, Draeunculoidca and Dioctophymatoidea are heteroxenous. The Strongyloidea, Trichostrongyloidea and Oxyuroidea are monoxenous while the Metastrongyloidea and Ascaridoidea contain forms with both monoxcnous and heteroxe- nous life cycles. Some e.xceptioiml forms do not fit into any part of the classification. Ncoaplectana glaseri (Rhabditoidea) and Probsimayria vivipara (Oxyuroidea) reproduce through several consecutive generations within the host. Some strains of a SIronpyloidcs species may reproduce without an alternation of generations while other strains of the same species may be predominantly heterogenctic. The diiBculty in fitting life his- tories into a well defined classification appears to be due to the adaptation of each species to its host which entails a means of dissemination suitable to the host's environment and habits. A large assembly of nematodes have been found in more or less close association with vertebrates or invertebrates. Some of these merely use the "host" as a means of transportation {Ehabditis coarctata which may pass an encysted stage on the surface of dung beetles). Such nematodes are not considered parasitic unless the.v actually penetrate the host. Some well known free-living nematodes have been reported also existing under parasitic conditions. Thus Rhabditis strongyjoides has been repeatedly taken, in the larval stage, from diseased skin of dogs and Diploscapter coronata from the ahydrochloric acid stomaches of human beings. Yet these forms are free-living 243 nematodes and it would not he proper to classify them other- wise. If it happens that they are adaptable to unusual environ- ments it is but an evidence of the nature of the group to which they belong. Because of the numerous difficulties and inconsistencies ap- parent in any classification of nematode life histories, each of the authors has followed the system which seemed most logical to himself. Thus, the nematode parasites of invertebrates are grouped according to the manner and site of parasitism, be- ginning with the semiparasitic forms that mature at the death of their host and feed upon the carcass, then taking up the in- testinal parasites and finally the parasites of the body cavity. Most of the invertebrate parasites belong to the Rhabditoidea and Tylenchoidea in which groups parasitism has arisen so many times and adaptations are so numerous that life cycles have little in common with systematics. The vertebrate para- sites are taken up according to their systematic position since the large groups show some consistency within themselves and distinct trends are apparent. For those who desire an outline after the manner of Seurat, we have revised his system to include groups with which he did not deal. The classification is entirely artificial. Nematodes are divided into the Vagantia or wanderers and the Parasitica. The Vagantia includes members of the Rhabditoidea, Tylen- choidea, Monhysteriua, Chromadorina, Enoplina and Dorylai- moidea. Some representatives of most, if not all, of these groups have been found in more or less close asspciation as semiparasites or parasites of plants or animals but the groups are basically free living. The only known modification in the life history of such free living forms is the existence of n persistent stage. Thus far, this stage is known only in ter- restrial and semiterrestrial forms. The Parasitica is subdivided into Phytoparasitica and Zoo- parasitica. All the known nematode parasites of plants belong to the Tylenchoidea though certain members of the Rhabditoidea and Dorylaimoidea are commonly found in close association with plants. In the Zooparasitica the heteroxenous group con- sists exclusively of parasites of vertebrates including all mem- bers of the order Spirurida, the suborder Dioctophymatina, and representatives of the Triehuroidea, Ascaridoidea and Meta- strongyloidea. Those monoxenous nematodes in which the adult is wholly or partially free living belong to the Rhabditoidea, Tylenchoidea and Mermithoidea and are all parasites of in- vertebrates. The monoxenous nematodes in which the adult is wholly parasitic include the Strongyloidea, Trichostrongyloidea, Oxyuroidea and representatives of tlie Rhabditoidea, Meta- strongyloidea, Ascaridoidea and Monhysteroidea. One com- monly thinks of the groups with this type of life cycle as ver- tebrate parasites yet NeoapJectana. and Ccphalobiiim viicvo- bivorum are rhabditoid parasites of invertebrates, the Thelasto matidae (Leidiincma, Psciidonymons), Rhigonematidae and Ransomnematiiiae are oxyuroid parasites of invertebrates while Longihncca, Rlmbdias, and Sfrontiyloidcs are rhabditoid para- sites of vertebrates and Oiloiifobiii.i is the lone monhysterid parasite of vertebrates. CLASSIFRATIOX OF NEMATODES ACCORDIN'G TO LIFE HISTORY* I. Vagantia (Free-living nematodes). 1. Without persistent stage. Enoplidae (1) Ejwplus commnnis (Marine) 2. With persistent stage. Rhabditidae (1) Eliabditis strongyloidcs (Soil, sometimes causing der- matitis in dogs). (2) Rhabditis coarctnta (Dung, encysting on dung beetles). II. Parasitica (Nematodes deriving nourishment from their host). 1. Phytoparasitica (Nematode parasites of plants). A. Vagrant parasites. More or less migratory, often feed externally, do not permanently localize in part of plant. Tylenehidae (1) Criconemoides mutabile — Tagetes erecta (Exter- nal, roots). (2) Pratylenchus praicnsis — Cowpea (Internal, roots). (3) Aphelenchoides ritzema-bosi — Chrysanthemums (Leaf and bud). (4) Ditylenchus dipsaci — Narcissus, onions, clover (Stem, leaf, and bulb). B. Semivagrant parasites. (Localize during definite pe- riod of life history.) Tylenehidae (1) Angnina (ritici — wheat (Stem and seed). *In this outline no attempt is made to supply all hosts or to include all nematode life histories. Only examples are given. C. Sedentary parasites. (Female does not migrate after maturity.) Tvlenchidae (1) -Tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco Sugar beets, potatoes (3) (4) b. Uctcrodcra maiioiii- (Roots and tubers). (2) Heterodera schachtii (Roots and tubers). Tylenchulus scmipcnetrans — Citrus plants (Roots). Botylencliulus reniformis — Cowpea (Roots). 2. ZooparasUica (Nematode parasites of animals). A. Monoxenous (Only 1 animal host in life cycle). AA. Adult stage wholly or partially free-living. a. Only larval stages parasitic or semiparasitic. aa. Feed in adult stage usually on carcass of host. Rhabditidae (1) Rhabditis pellio — Earthworms (Nephridia). Diplogasteridae (2) Piisiionchus aerivora — Termites (Head). (3) Alloionema appendicidatum — Limax aler (Foot, alternation of generations reported). Steinernematidae (4) Keoaplectana bibionis — flies (Intestine), bb. Do not feed in adult stage. Mermithidae (1) Agamermis dccaudata — Grasshoppers (Body cavity). (2) Hermit subnigrescens — Grasshoppers (Body cavity). (3) AUomerinis myrmecophila — Lasius spp. (Body cavity). AUantonematidae (4) Choiidronema passali — Popiliu.s interriipiiis (Body cavity). Tetradonematidae (.1) Trtradoneiiia plicanx — Sciara coprophila (Body cavity). .\dult stage partially parasitic, partially free-living. aa. Monogenetic (Without alternation of genera- tions). AUantonematidae AUanlonema mirabilc — Hylobiiis abicliis (Body cavity). Tylenchinema oscindlae — Frit-iiy (Body cavity). Howardula bcnigna — Cucumber beetle (Body cavity). (4) Scatoncma wiillceri — Scatupsc ftiscipes (Body cavity, sometimes reproduces several gen- erations in host). (.5) Aphelciichulus diplogaalcr — Ips typographiis (Body cavity). PdiaxiU/lrncliii.i ditipar — Ips typographiis (Body cavity). Sphacriilaria bombi — Bumbiis tcrrestris (Body cavity). Tripius gibbosus — Cecidomyia pini (Body cavity), bb. Heterogenetie (With alternation of genera- tions). AUantonematidae (1) Fergusobia curriei — One generation in plant, Eiicah/ptiis macrorrhynchia (Leaf and flow- er) other in fly Feriisonina nicholsonia (Body cavity). (2) Heterotylenchus abberaiis — One generation bisexual, other parthenogenetic, both in body cavity Hylcmyia antiqiia. BB. Adult stage wholly parasitic. a. Heterogenetie (Free-living generation sometimes suppressed). Strongyloididae (1) Strongyloides stercoralis — Man (Small in- testine). Rhabdiasidae (2) Rhabdias biifonis — Biifo amrricanus (Luug). b. Monogenetic. aa. Reproduce in the host. Atraetidae (1) Probst mayria vivipara — Efjuines (Intestine). Steinernematidae (2) Neoaplectana glaseri — Japanese beetle (Body cavity). Cylindrogasteridae (3) Longibucca lasiura — Lasiurus borealis (Small intestine). Diplogasteridae (4) Cephalobium microbivorum — Grylhis assimi- (1) (2) (3) (7) (8) 244 lis (Intestine). Monliysteridae. (.I) f>(/i)ii^ibi«,s- crti — Wliiilo (Baleen)- (0) Monhi/stira cambari — Crawfish (Gills). (7) Tripiilium carcinicoliim — OBcnrcinii.i lalntilis (Gills). Myenoliidac (5) iljifiichiis 6o^■f/l(ll— l.eocliea (MiiscU- i!c con- iioctivo tissue). I'll, Ho not repioduoo in linst. aaa. First tliree larval stages fror liviiiK. .\iieylostoniatidae (1) ".•lnc.i//(wft)Hi(i (luodcnale — M.ui ^Snlall intes- tine). Triehostrongylidae (2) IIuimoncliKS cniitortiis — Sheep (Abomasum). (3) Osiraltiocru:ia fitiformis — .\mplul)ians (In- testine). Syngamidae (4) Si/tinaiiiiiK Irachra — Poult ly (Broiulii or trachea) [Invertebrate, annelid, mollusc nr insect transport host facultative]. (5) OUulanim tricuspid — Cats (Stomach), fist moult in parent worm.] Metastron^ylidae (6) Dicli/ocdiilitu filaria — Sheep (Bronchi). (.Vnnelid transport host facultative; 1st - larval stages do not feed.] Cosmocercidae (7) Cosnwccrcoidr.i ran (Appendix, caecum). (4) Oxyuris eqtii — Equines (Colon). Heterakidae (n) Hctcralis paUinae — Poultry (Intestine), (fi) Ascaridia galli — Poultry (Intestine). Ascarididae (7) Ascaris himbricoidcs — Man (Intestine). Trichuridae (8) CapiUaria columbae — Pigeons (Small intes- tine). (9) Trichnris Irichiura — Man (Caecum). B Heteroxenous (Two or more animal hosts in life cycle). a. Eggs infective to intermediate host. Metastrongylidae (1) iletaxtronfjyhis clntigafiix — Earthworms — Swine (Lung). Heterakidae (2) Subulura brumpti — Various insects — Poul- try (Cecum). Ascarididae (3) Haphidnsrnri-a canadrnxis — Ernf/otr nymphs — Minnows — Eunx liiciiin (Intestine). 2 in- termediate hosts, mandatory. Thelaziidae (4) Gongi/Ionema pulclinim — Beetles, roaches — Pig, sheep, deer (Esophagus and mouth). (')) Spirocerca liipi — Dung beetles — Dog (Esoph- agus). (6) Ascarnps strongylina — Dung beetles — Swine (Stomach). (7) Physocrphalux srxnlatus — Dung beetles — Swine (Stomach). Spiruridae (8) Tetramercs crami — Araphipods — Duck (Pro- ventriculus). Acuariidae ('.0 ChrUospnma hamulosa — Grasshoppers — Poultry (Gizzard). (10) Krhiniiria nncinala — Cladocera (Daphnia) — Duck (Fore and mid-gut). (11) Disphoiiinr .npiralis — Isopods — Poultry ( Esophagus iind crop). (inathostomatidae (12) Ilarlirlia (inUiiianim — Termites — Poultry ( Sni.'ill intestine). Trichuridae (13) CapiUaria annulala — .\nnelid transport host obligatory — Chickens (Crop). Cystoopsidae (14) Ci/stoopsis- acipcnxeri — .\mphii)ods — Stur- geons (Skin). Eustrongylididae (1.")) Jitistrotifnilides ignotu.i — .' Crustacean — Fun- diilii.s diaplianus — Ardea herodiax (Gizzard). Dioctophymatidae (16) Dioctophyma renale — ? Crustacean — ? fish — Man, dogs, mink (Kidney). . Larvae infective to intermediate host, aa. Enter final host per os. Dracunculidae (1) Dracunculiis medinensis — Cyclops — Man (Under skin). Philometridae (2) Philnmclra nodulosa — Cyclops — Catostomus cnmmrrsoilii (Lip). (3) Philometra fujimotoi — Cyclops — Ophicepha- hts argils (Fin). Camallanidae (4) CamaHaniis sxoeeti — Cyclops — Ophicephahis gachiia (Intestine). Second intermediate host, small fish? obligatory. Pseudaliidae (5) Murllrrius capillaris — Molluscs — Sheep and goats (Lung). Spiruridae (6) Habronema mitscac — Munca domestica — Equines (Stomach). (7) Habronema microstoma — Stomoxys spp. — Equines (Stomach). (8) Draschia megastoma — 3[ii.ica domestica — Equines (Stomach). Gnathostomatidae (9) Spiroxys contorta- Turtles (Stomach), host not mandatory. (10) Gnathostoma spinigerum — Cyclops — Fish or snakes — Felidae (Stomach). Second inter- mediate host mandatory. Ascarididae (11) Conlracaecum spiculigerum — Minnows — Car- nivorous fish — Cormorant (Proventriculus). Second intermediate host mandatory. (12) Eaphidascaris canadensis — Erogon nymphs — Minnows — Esox iitciiis (Intestine). Second intermediate host? mandatory. Trichincllidae (13) Trichinella spiralis — Eat, pig, man (Intes- tine). Hosts serve both as intermediate and final host. bb. Enter final host through skin. Dipetalonematidae (1) Wuchercria bancrofti — Mosquitoes — Man (Lymphatic system). (2) Onchocerca volvnlus — Sinuilium damnosiim — Man (Subcutaneous). (3) Onchocerca ceriicalis — Ciilicoides nebcculo- sis — Equines (Cervical ligament). (4) Dirofilaria immitis — Mosquitoes — Dogs (Heart). Cyclops — Minnows — Second intermediate 245 CHAPTER V LIFE HISTORY (ZOOPARASITICA) Parasites of Invertebrates J. R. CHRISTIE, U. S. Horticultural Station, Beltsville, Md. Introduction There are many different types of association between nema- todes and other invertebrates and it is difficult to draw a line between what should and what should not be regarded as para- sitism. Most of the nematodes that live within the bodies of invertebrates are customarily referred to as parasites though there is little evidence that some of them interfere materially vpith the well-being of their "hosts." We know very little, however, about the effects of these nematodes on the animals that harbor them unless the manifestations are pronounced and obvious. The only feasible procedure is to regard as eligible for inclusion in this chapter all nematodes that regularly spend part of the life cycle within the bodies of invertebrates regard- less of the precise character of the association. Species for which vertebrates serve as definitive hosts and invertebrates only as intermediate hosts are dealt with in the following chapter. In general the parasites of invertebrates and those of verte- brates are not found in the same phylogenetie groups and in those cases where both belong to the same group the vertebrates involved are almost always amphibians and reptiles. However, the Thelastomatidae and the Oxyuridae have very close affini- ties. Arthropods, annelids and mollusks are the invertebrates most commonly parasitized by nematodes though scattered cases have been reported where other invertebrates, even nematodes them- selves, serve as hosts. There are surprisingly few records of marine invertebrates harboring nematodes and most of these apparently deal with cases where the association is erratic or accidental or where some vertebrate serves as definitive host. Included among the nematodes harbored by invertebrates are species where a parasitic mode of life is only now being ac- quired and others where it is of great antiquity. There is great diversity in the types of life cycles and to simplify discussion and facilitate comparison the nematodes are divided into three groups. The first of these groups is made up of nematodes that are more or less closely related to free-living species and in the life cycles we often find a combination of saprophagous and "para- sitic" habits. In one line of evolutionary development the nematodes live and reproduce in the carcass of the "host," to the death of which they may or may not have contributed. Life cycles are simple, perhaps the most outstanding feature being the frequent occurrence of dauer larvae,* a characteristic that has been carried over from a free-living to a parasitic mode of life. Another line of evolutionary development seems to have culminated in a life cycle where the nematode may pass through one or more free-living generations, then gain entrance to the host and pass through one or more parasitic generations. The second group comprises tliose nematodes, not included in the first group, that inhabit the alimentary tract. Life cycles, so far as known, are simple. With perhaps an occasional ex- ception (i. g., Ccphalobium microbivoriim) , only the egg stage occurs outside the host, a characteristic shared by verj' few species in the otlier two groups. The third group includes the body-cavity and tissue para- sites. In contrast to the group, these nematodes are highly specialized, obligate parasites and, in contrast to the second group, they pass, at the most, only a transitory period in the alimentary tract of the host. Five families are included in this group. The Drilonematidae and Mycnchidae have received little attention and our knowledge regarding life cycles is very meager. The Tetradoneraatidac, Mermithidae and Allantone- matidae have been somewhat more adequately studied. The nematodes belonging to these three families have been parasites for a very long time and many of them have complicated life cycles that are highly adapted to individual requirements. Of *'nie term dauer larva is used in tliis te-\t to designate a larva, in a particular stage of development, that is especially adapted to withstand adverse conditions and, when a dauer stage is not obligatory, that differs from a larva of the same stage that develops when conditions are favor- able and food is abundant. The term is not new, having been used by Fuchs and others with approximately this same meaning and, while not of classic origin, it is short, expressive, appropriate and useful. Dauer larvae are of common occurrence in the Rhabditidae and Diplogasteridae and are more characteristic of free-living than of parasitic species, hence the term is not synonymous with "infective larva." the various factors that have influenced these life cycles, two stand out as being of great importance. One of these factors is the necessity for the infective stage to reach and gain entrance to the host. This, of course, is a requisite in the life cycle of every parasite but for the allan- tonematids and merraitliids there are certain restricting condi- tions with which many of the others do not have to contend, at least not to an equal extent. Some of the hosts are insects that develop in seasonal cycles and where the total life span of the individual may be only a few months. It is frequently neces- sary that the parasite enter when the host is in a particular stage and this stage may be available only at restricted times of the year. As a result the life cycles of many of these para- sites have become closely correlated with the life cycles of their respective hosts. The other factor is the ability of the nematode to take food only during restricted periods. The fact that for many of these parasites the free-living stage may be of considerable duration and that during this period the nematodes take no food, but, nevertheless, pass through important phases of the life cycle, has had a profound effect on development. In many cases the larval mermithid, during a comparatively short period of para- sitic life, must make a phenomenal growth and store sufficient nutrient materials to carry the adult through its relatively long, free-living period of sexual activity and reproduction. The larval allantonematid that develops to maturity outside the host after only a very brief period of parasitic life, must exercise the strictest economy in the utilization of its limited supply of stored nutrients. Since, as a rule, only the female again be- comes parasitic, the male must produce and mature its sperma- tozoa though the production and maturation of the eggs by the female is postponed. There can be little or no increase in l)ody size during this free-living period, hence the adult, im- pregnated female, after entering a new host, undergoes a pe- riod of rapid growth. In the Sphaerulariinae a prolap.sus of the uterus has resulted through the inability of the small, un- derdeveloped bodj' of the young female to keep pace with the rapidly growing reproductive organs. Novitious Parasites and Semiparasites Among these nematodes two lines of evolutionary develop- ment seem to stand out more or less distinctly though it is ob- viously improbable tliat they account for the origin of all the different types of parasitism or semiparasitism encountered in tills heterogeneous group. One line of evolutionary development appears to have been initiated when certain saprophagous nematodes utilized other invertebrates, frequently saprophagous insects, as vehicles for transportation. These "hitchhikers," first seeking protection from desiccation in crevices on the external surface, eventually entered the bodies of their "hosts." In the life histories of species representing an intermediate step in this line of develop- ment, larval nematodes, after gaining entrance to the body of the "host" and becoming established therein, do not at once grow to maturit3' and reproduce but remain in a more or less quiescent condition. These larvae do not appear to interfere materially with the life processes of the animal that harbors them but when the animal dies from otlier causes the nematodes immediately resume development and reproduce in the carcass. In some cases, however, this type of relationship has evolved to a point where it is no longer passive but where the nema- todes are an important factor in bringing about the death of the animal whose body they enter. Even though present in small numbers, some species of NeoapJectana are said to kill their insect hosts in a very short time. The parasitic or semiparasitic relationship between these nematodes and tlicir respective "hosts" is not always obliga- tory. Johnson (101,3) concluded that entrance into the body of an earthworm is not necessary in the life cycle of Rhahditis maupasi but if larvae, during their sojourn in the soil, find suit- able decaying organic matter they will develop and reproduce therein. Neither is Pristionchus acrivora dependent on en- trance into a termite or some other insect to complete its de- velopment as it has been found reproducing in a number of dif- ferent habitats including decaying plant tissues. Neoaplectana fliaseri, on the other hand, appears to be an obligate parasite that, in nature, develops only after entering the living body of its insect host. 246 Most of llu'SO iioiiiatoilos :uo liisrwwil :iiul l'i'in;iU'.s inodiici' fertile I'KKS only after eopulntioii. Males are usually somewhat loss numerous than females, reaeh maturity a little quicker, ami do not live quite so \o\\g. Aeeordiug to Johnson, females of KhabdiU.i maiiimni usually, thouRh not always, reproduee without males. In nmny speeies of this uroup a female may be oviparous when young but toward the end of life sonio of the last ecds produced may be retained and hatch in the uterus. 'Pile resultiiiR larvae may not escape thr(iii);h the vulva but un- diTRo part of their development within the mother nematode, eonsumiuf; her internal orjrans and convertint; her into a brood sac. Incidentally, this same mode of reproduction is character istic of many free-living species of Diplogastcr, Rhabdilix and related genera. The sec(uid line of evolutionary development referred to above may have been initiated when, during periods of adversity, cer- tain sai'rophagous nematodes, seeking refuge and succor, en- tered and temporarily dwelt within the bodies of other inver- tebrates. In the case of nematodes in this category parasitism apparently does not ordinarily result in the death of the host nor are the parasites able to live in a decaying carcass. Usually these nematodes either inhabit the alimentary tract of the host (e. g., Aiuiiostoma limacis) or arc associated with its reproduc- tive organs (e. g., " Angiostoma" hclicis). For at least one species (i. e., AUoioncma appcndiciiJaUi) an alternation of one or more parasitic generations with one or more free-living gen- erations has become a more or less regiilar procedure. Rii.\BmTis M.\irpAsi Caullery and Seurat, 1919 (Syn. R. iiclUo Butschli, 1S73; not Schneider, ISOG). Larvae of Shabtlitis maiipasi are found in the nophridia and coelom of living earth- worms. For Liimbricus terrcfitri.i L. the incidence of infection is frequently very high and at least several and perhaps many other species harbor these nematodes more or less frequently. Larvae are found near the uephridiopore in the dilated, muscu- lar termination or "bladder" of the neiihridial tube. Often nearly every tube is inhabited, the number of worms in each varying from 2 or 3 to 12 or more. Also larvae may occasion- ally be found in the seminal vesicles. When in these above mentioned locations larvae are in an active condition and not ensheathed. Johnson concluded that these inhabitants of the neiihridia are not necessarily confined to this location through out the life of the earthworm but may move out into the soil and later go back through the nepluidiopores into the same or a different earthworm. Larvae occur also in the coelom and these are usually en- sheathed and inactive (Fig. 165C). Occasionally a larva may be embedded in the muscles of the body wall or encysted on a septum. Frequently several larvae are embedded in a brown, oval body composed of cysts of the sporozoan. Monocystus, and various earthworm tissues. Such bodies are most common at the posterior end of the coelom. There is no evidence that the presence of these larval nema- todes is detrimental to the annelid. So long as the earthworm is alive the nematodes remain in a larval stage but when the earthworm dies they quickly grow to adults (Fig. 165 A & B) and reproduce in the carcass. Otter (1933) concluded that a female lives from 7 to 10 days after reaching maturity and lays from 150 to 300 eggs. Males, in his opinion, live about a third as long as females. No doubt several generations occur before the food supply is exhausted though Johnson was uncertain on this point. After the body of the earthworm is consumed large numbers of larvae move out into the soil where they live await- ing the opportunity to enter another earthworm. Larvae from the soil are said to be in the same .stage as those from the nephridia, but what this stage is has not been stated. With regard to the method of entering the earthworm, John- son writes: "Those that enter by the nephridiopores take up their position in the terminal, bladder-like part of the nephridia. Those that use the spermiducal apertures travel up the vasa deferentia and occupy the seminal vesicles. Lastly, those that pass in by the dorsal pores and the oviducal apertures find them- selves in the coelom, where, being attacked by the amoebocytes, they encyst. These encysted larvae coated with amoebocytes are worked backward by the movement of the worm till they come to rest in the tail end of the worm, where, together with other foreign bodies, such as cysts of Monocjistix and discarded setae, and with masses of dead brown-colored amoebocytes, they are compressed and cemented into the brown bodies which are found there." According to Keilin (1925) the accumulation of foreign bod- ies in the posterior segment of an earthworm may induce the development of a stricture that will sever this distended ter- minal i)ortion from the rest of the body. The detached portion then decomj)oses and in this manner M. maupnsi and other coelomic j)arasites of the earthworm may be liberated. Males of E. maupasi are much fewer in number than females. Although Johnson did not observe copulation, his rearing ex- periments lead him tu ccincluiii' that most females are lier- ma))hro(litic but that occasionally females occur that are able to reproduce only after being fertilized by males. Otter, who observed co]>ulaticin and agrees, in the main, with Johnson, writes that li. maupa.ii "may thus be considered to be one of those species of Rliabdilis in which hermaphroditism is in a very early stage, and in which males, females, and hermaiihrodite females, exist side by side in fluctuating pro jiortions. ' ' I'Eu.sTiONCiiu.s AKRIV0K.\ (Cobb, 1916), was first found by Merrill and Ford in the heads of termites, /.rHro/criiif.s- /»ci/».r/».s' Rossi,* collected Manhattan, Kansas. Under natural con- ditions the nematodes varied from 0 to about 75 per insect. After experimental termites had been kept for 4 days in soil heavily infested with P. acrivora, the average number of nema- todes per insect was 46.0 while termites used as controls averaged about 3 nematodes per insect. IIow the nematodes enter or why, in living termites, they are found only in the head are points that have not been determined. The parasites do not reach nuiturity in living hosts but when the termites are heavily infected they become sluggish and die, whereupon the nematodes reproduce in the carcass. Hence, in this instance, the relationship is not purely passive. Merrill and Ford were able to rear this nematode in water cultures with various substances supplied for food, preferably the macerated bodies of insects. Eggs hatched in about 18 hours and the adult stage (Fig. 165 .T) was reached in about 2 days. The complete life cycle from egg to egg required about 4 to 5 days but after beginning to lay eggs an adult female usually lived for 12 to 13 days. During a period of 13 days one female, while under observation, copulated with 7 males and deposited 317 fertile eggs and 14 infertile eggs. Males were somewhat less numerous than females. They lived for about 19 days and one male, while under observation, copulated with 10 different females. Toward the end of life a female becomes sluggish and eggs are not extruded but hatch in the uterus. W'hile the resulting larvae may sometimes escape through the vulva they usually remain in the mother nematode, feeding on her internal organs. Since Merrill and Ford's investigations nematodes identified as P. aerivora have been reported from various other habitats. They have been found in other termites, usually located in the head while the insect is alive. They have been found in dead pupae of the corn ear worm, Hcliotliis armigcra (Hiibn.), and in dead pupae of the rose leaf beetle, Kodonota puncticoUia (Say). They have been found in grasshopper egg masses where they were reported to have been destroying the eggs. On sev- eral occasions they have been found in decaying plant tissues. However, the populations from these different habitats may represent different strains or, perhaps, even different, though closely related, speeies. The peculiar habit of swallowing air, to which this nema- tode owes its specific name, is shared by several species of Dip- Jogastcr and Khabditis. When mounted in water on a micro- scope slide, one of these nematodes may place its head against the surface of an entrapped air bubble and air can be seen as it passes down the esophagus to the anterior end of the intes- tine where it is quickly absorbed. According to Cobb (1915) some of these nematodes can ingest their own volume of air in the course of an hour or two. The swallowing of air is ac- complished by the usual rhythmic muscular movements of the esophagus. During the first muscular movement a small bubble of air passes quickly from the mouth to the median pseudobulb where it stops. At the next muscular movement the bubble passes on into the intestine while another simultaneously passes from the mouth to the median pseudobulb. This may continue uninterrupted for a considerable period of time. Neo.\plectan"a bibionis Bovien, 1937, was studied by Bovien (1937) who found it in Denmark associated with the dipterous insects Bibio ferruginatns (L.), B. hortidaniis (L.) and Dilo- phim rtdgari.i Meig. An interesting and significant point in the life cycle of this nematode is the occurrence of dauer larvae (Fig. 165 G). These, according to Bovien, are in the third stage. A dauer stage is not obligatory but occurs only when environmental conditions arc unfavorable to enable the nematode to persist through pe- riods of adversity. Dauer larvae are relatively sluggish and are usually enclosed in a partly separated cuticle though this may be lost before the end of the dauer stage. These larvae are easily distinguished from third-stage larvae that develop under favorable conditions being slenderer and differing in other morphological details. Bovien found dauer larvae cling- ing to the surface of adult flies and being transported by them. The various host insects become infected by swallowing these dauer larvae which, on reaching the alimentary tract, remain *Regarded by Snyder, according to Van Zwaluwenburg (1928, p. 9), as either Keliruliternie/t tibiaUjt Banks or R. claripennia Banks. 247 Fig. 165. NOVITIOrS PARASITES AND SEMIPARASITES A-C — Rhabditw maupasi (A — Adult female; B — Adult male; C — Larva escaping from *'cyst"). D-H — NeoapUctana bibinni.^ (D — Adult male; E — Adult female; F — Larva that developed under favorable con- ditions; G — Dauer larva of same stage as F; H — Pigmy female). I-J — Pristioiu'hiis aerirora (1 — Newly hjitehed larva; J — Adult female). K — Diptoffaster labiata, dauer larva. L & JI — AU-oionema appendicuUitum ( L — Adult female of parasitic generation ; M — Adult female of free- living generation). A-C. after Johnson. 1913; D-H, after Bovien, 1937; I-K, after Merrill and Ford, 1916; L & M, after Claus, 1868. ;24« iiiiclmiiKcd, :i|>))aii'iitly liaviiiK iio adverse effeot on the inswt. WIu'ii rvt'iitnally the insect dies, presunmlily from otlier causes, the larvae move into its tissues and jiroceed in development, IiassiuK tlmiUKli several penerations and <|nickly IniildiiiK uji a large iiopulation. When the carcass has lieeii consumed youug nematodes move out into the soil and develop into dauer larvae. Although Hies become infected while in the larval stage, if the nenuitodes, on reaching the intestine, are wholly innocuous, many of the insects must carry their infection on into the adult stage. Rovien is not very lucid on this jioint Init he merifioTis finding nematodes in living 1]\ i)upae, on one occasion in tlu' tiody cavity. Bovien concluded that development from egg to egg laying female requires about 4 days. A young female is oviparous but some of the last eggs laid by an old fcm.'ile liatch within the uterus. Kach female usually produces somewhat in excess of -"" eKRS. It is not strictly necessary that N. bibioni.i enter living in- sects as Rovien was able to rear several generations on dead insects of different sjiecies if fresh cadavers were periodically provided. Several generations could sometimes be reared on egg albumen. Gravid fenuiles (Fig. IG.') E") usually attain a length of up to ■> mm. but Rovien reports finding mature, rci)roducing fe- males that failed to reach a length of 1 mm. (Fig. IG.l H), per- haps due to some nutritional deficiency. Between these dwarfs and females of maximum stature numerous intermediate sizes were found. NEO.\PI,E(.-r.\NA GLASERI Steiner, lili!!1, was first fovind in dead larvae of the .Japanese beetle, ropillid japonica Newni., col- lected in New Jersey and is best known as a jiarasite of this insect. However it has been demonstrated that this nematode will infect larvae of the Enrojiean corn borer, Purausta nu- bilalis (Hiibn.) and coleopterous larvae belonging to at least nine genera including the white fringed beetle, Pnntomorus tcu- colnma (Boh.). The life historv of .V. glascri has been investigated by Glaser (1932) and by Glaser, McCoy and Girth (l',t40). The following account is based on their results that were secured, in part by using Japanese beetle larvae as experimental hosts and in part by rearing on culture media. It is lielieved that the behavior of this nematode is not materially different whether growing on culture media or in the various susceptible insect hosts. Japanese beetle grubs acquire their infection by ingesting third stage, infective larvae of the parasite. On reaching the alimentary tract the larvae immediately develop to maturity and copulate. A female will not produce offspring unless fer- tilized by a male. The female is ovoviviparous, eggs hatching within the uterus. Larvae may remain within the uterus and move about for a considerable period but eventually pass out through the vulva one at a time. If a female dies before all larvae are l)orn those remaining may undergo partial develop- ment within the dead body. Each normal-sized female produces a total of aliout 1-" offspring and a generation under optimum conditions requires about ■) to 7 days. By the time the first generation of offspring liave matured the insect is usually dead whereupon its entire body is invaded. The nematodes usuall.v pass through two more generations consuming the car- cass and leaving only a sac formed by the skin and head cap- sule and filled with a thin fluid swarming with larval parasites. In a few cases Glaser was able to infect newlj' killed beetle grubs but he concluded that the nematodes do not enter and multijily as readily in cadavers as in living insects. With regard to the virulence of this parasite, Glaser, McCoy and Girth (lit-tO) write that "occasionally an insect Iiost be- comes parasitized very lightly, so that only one nematode be- comes successfully established. This individual may be of either sex, and while if frequently (if not always) causes the death of the host, there is no reproduction." McCoy, Girth and Glaser (19.38) report that exceptionally large females of X. glaseri are occasionally found in beetle lar- vae though never on cultures. Such individuals may develop an enormous number of eggs, one giant female producing 1,420 larvae. When offsprings of a giant are reared to maturity on cultures only normal sized females are obtained. >rcCoy, Girth and Glaser concluded that fecundation at a late period in de- velopment and abundant food are factors contriliuting to the production of these giant females. So long as conditions are favorable and abundant food is availalile, the life cycle of N. glanni, according to Glaser, McCoy and Girth (1940), is completed in three molts the third stage being omitted. When conditions are unfavorable, as when the carcass of the beetle larva has l)een consumed and food is ex- hausted, the young parasites develop into third stage, dauer larvae. At the end of the second stage growth ceases, the ali- mentary tract is emptied, and, as a result of certain niorphologi cal changes, the body becomes more slender. The second molted (Utide is retained hcru'c the d.aui r Ijirva is ensheathed though the sheath is not very tenaci(ni8 and may soon be lost. These dauer larvae escape into the soil where they are able to persist, in a more or less .'ictive condition, for at host S'i years. • ■l.''r and his coworkers have reared this lU'inatode success- fully on Petri dish jilates of veal infusion agar flooded with living yeast, on jiofato culture medium, and on veal l>ulp medium. These investigators found that "distiiu't cultural characteristics occur in nematodes from different insect cada- vers, . . . There is a slow decline in fecundity of the cultured nematodes, some 'strains' dying out after .I or 6 transfers, while others continue to yield good cultures after 20 or more ti.-insfers. " If beetle larvae are infected with nematodes from cultures that are dying out .and several generations are passed in the natural host, the nematodes can again be reared success- fully on cultures, the length of time before the cultures again die out depending, to some extent, on the number of genera- tions iiassed in beetle larvae. Am.oionkma afpkndicui-atum Schneider, Is.'ill, has on sev- eral occasions been found within the bodies of slugs. Schneider found it originally in Arioii atrr (L.) and Clans (1890), who investigated its life history, secured his material from the same host. The life cycle of this nematode appears to represent a somewhat different line of evolutionary development than the life cycles already discussed. According to Claus (1890), one or more free-living generations alternate with one or more jiarasitic generations, both males and females (Fig. Ifi.'i L & M) developing in each instance. Individuals of the parasitic gener- ations leave the host .inst before reaching maturity by boring their way out through the foot. On reaching the exterior they nuifure, copulate and produce progeny that usually develop as free-living individuals. Maupas (1899) found that larvae of the free-living generation undergo the usual four molts and reach maturity in about 3'4 days. A regular alternation of a free-living with a parasitic gen- eration does not necessarily follow, however, as there may be several consecutive free-living or several consecutive parasitic generations. There are usually consecutive free-living genera- tions as long as conditions are favorable but when conditions become unfavorable the nematodes "encyst" and these "en- cysted" larvae will continue development only when taken into the bod.v of a slug. According to Maupas, "encysted" larvae that fail to gain entrance to a slug become exhausted and die in about 4 months. Precisely how the nematodes enter the slugs and wlietlier or not, in event of consecutive parasitic genera- tions, females mature without leaving the host, are points that seem to need further elucidation. Claus found certain morphological differences between corre- sponding stages of the two generations. Adults of the parasitic generations are much larger than adults of the free-living gen- erations and parasitic larvae, in the later stages of develop- ment, are said to possess two long, ribbon-like, caudal append- ages not present on free-living larvae of the corresponding stage. Other Species. Diplogaster labiala Cobb (in Merrill and Ford, 1916) was found in the elm borer, Saperda tridciitala Oliv., collected near Manhattan, Kansas. This nematode repro- duces in the intestine of the living, adult liorer and may ac- cumulate in sufficient numbers to rupture the gut and kill the insect. Infected female beetles are usuall.v sterile. When reared on cultures, Merrill and Ford (1916) found that eggs hatched in from 30 to 32 hours and the nematodes matured in 7 to 10 days. Oviposition began from 2 to 4 hours after copulation and lasted for about 2 days with an average output of^ seven eggs per female. Only a few individuals were seen copulating a sec- ond time. Apparently dauer larvae (Fig. lO."! K) develop when conditions are unfavorable. Xcoaplectana affinis, Bovien, 1937, was found in Denmark where it infects larvae of the same insects that harbor Neoaplrc- lann bibinni.s, i.e., Bibio fcrnif/iiiatii.s, B. hort iilanifs and VUo- pitus vuli/aris. These two nematodes were differentiated mor- phologically by Bovien (1937) only on the basis of males and dauer larvae, the life cycles and behavior of the two being al- most identical. Bovien made one observation, however, that de- serves mention. When in the intestine of any of its three nat- ural hosts mentioned above, .V. affinifi remained in the dauer stage and was apparently innocuous so long as the insect re- mained alive. When two larvae of a beetle, Tcirplwru.i sp., were experimcntall.v infected, they became moribund in a few days and dissection revealed several adult and prcadult nema- todes in the body cavity of each beetle. This observation sug- gests that whether or not A', affinis remains passively in the intestines depends on the insect involved. A mode of life on the border line between saprophagous and parasitic is characteristic of other nematodes, probably of a considerable number. Other species of Neoapleclana are known to exist but life cycles have not been investigated. Steincrncvxa 249 hravssei (Steiiier, 1923), found in the intestine of the wasp, Cephalcia abictis (L.), is so closely related to the genua Neo- aplectana that a similar mode of life is suggested but verify- ing information is lacking. Among the rather numerous and diverse nematodes that have been reported from snails and slugs are representatives of the Angiostomatidae and Cosmoeercidae, two families that include also parasites of Amphibia. The four species mentioned below will serve as examples but very little information is available about life cycles. Angiostoma limacis belongs to the Angiosto- matidae while the other three, according to Chitwood and Chit- wood (1937), probably belong to the Cosmoeercidae. Angiosioma limacis Dujardin, 184.5, has, on at least two oc- casions, been found in the intestine of Arion ater (L.) (Syn. Limax rufa) where, apparently, it reaches maturity. Chitwood and Chitwood (1937) report finding a very closely related spe- cies in the intestine of a salamander, Plctliodon cinerens. Ascaroides limacis Barthelemy, 18.38, was found in eggs of Deroceras agrestis var. cincracea Moq. Tand. (Syn. Limax griseas), each infected egg containing one to four larval para- sites. Barthelemy (18.">6) determined that the nematodes were already present when the eggs were deposited. Apparently the adult of this parasite has not j'et been studied. "Angiostoma" helicis Conte and Bonnet, 1903, was secured by its discoverers from the slug, Helix aspersa (Miill.), where it occurred in the genital organs, especially the oviducts and seminal vesicle, but not elsewhere in the body. Conte and Bon- net (1903) concluded that the parasite is passed from host to host during copulation. Trionchonema riisticum Kreis, 1932, was secured from the land snail, Folygyra espwola Bland. Presumably this parasite is an inhabitant of the alimentary tract though the location \\-ithin the host was not specified. Kreis (1932) refers to the development of a "filariform" larva and suggests the possibil- ity "that there is still another stage of development, perhaps a rhabditiform larva, which could not be found and which may perhaps be free-living. ' ' Parasites of the Alimentary Tract All nematodes belonging to the families Thelastomatidae and Rhigonematidae and to the subfamily Ransomnematinae are parasites of the alimentary tract and one finds an occasional species of the family Diplogasteridae that has acquired this mode of life. The thelastomatids are parasites of insects and myriapods and scattered through the literature are descriptions of between 60 and 70 species but usually not much other information. How- ever, studies by Galeb (1878), Dobrovolny and Ackert (1934), and others indicate that most of these species probably have about the same tj-pe of life cycle and that it is comparatively simple. Eggs pass out of the host with the feces. Eggs do not hatch in the intestine to reinfect the same host but must first undergo some development on the outside to reach an infective stage. The various arthropod hosts acquire their parasites by swallowing these infective eggs. In the genus Pseudonymous, the species of which are parasites of aquatic beetles, the egg is provided with two entangling ap- pendages, the so-called spiral filament (Fig. 13.") R, p. 176) which, presumably, enables the egg to hang on aquatic vegeta- tion thus increasing its chance of lieing ingested. From two to four eggs of Biiicma biiirma and B. ornaia (Fig. 166G) are en- closed in an outer capsule or case of loose texture formed, ap- parently, by the entangling and anastomosing of polar fila- ments. The purpose of this adaptation is obscure. The Rhigonematidae and Ransomnematinae are small groups with only a few species each. It seems proliable that life cycles of these nematodes are not materially different from the type of life cycle characteristic of many thelastomatids though, ad- mittedly, such a statement is wholly conjectural. Cephalobium microbivorum Cobb, 1920, a member of the Diplogasteridae, inhabits the intestine of the black field cricket, Gryllns assimilis (Fab.), Avliere it may occur in numbers up to 30 or more. Infected crickets have been collected in Virginia and Kansas. In the region of Manhattan, Kansas, according to Ackert and Wadley (1921), there are two races of this in- sect each having one brood a year. One race matures during April and May and overwinters in the nymph stage while the other race matures during August and September and over- winters in the egg stage. These investigators found that in autumn over 85 per cent of the adults of the latter generation were infected, the incidence being somewhat higher in female (about 90 percent) than in male crickets (about 70 percent). Eggs of C. microbivorum are usually deposited in a four-cell stage and pass out of the host with the feces. Ackert and Wad- ley concluded that probably eggs hatch after being voided and that a cricket becomes infected by ingesting larval nematodes perhaps after these have undergone a brief period of free-living development. The two races of crickets provide the parasite with suitable hosts throughout most of the year and, no doubt, some of the nematodes pass the cold season in overwintering nymphs. The presence of this nematode has no obvious effect on the well-being of the cricket. Leidynema appendiculatum (Leidy, 18.50) Chitwood, 1932. — The life history of Leidynema appendiculatum, which was in- vestigated by Dobrovolny and Ackert (1934), is probably more or less typical of many thelastomatids and will serve as an example of the family. This nematode is a parasite of the cockroaches, Blatta orientalis (L.) and Feriplaneta americana (L.). Out of 259 individuals of P. americana collected by Dobrovolny and Ackert at Manhattan, Kansas, 90 harbored this parasite in numbers of from 1 to 36 per host. The egg, deposited in a one to a four-cell stage, passes out of the insect with the feces. After extrusion it undergoes a short period of development and a tadpole-like larva (Fig. 166 A) is formed. The larva is at first motile, wiggling and squirming about, but becomes inactive as the infective stage (Fig. 166 B) is reached. Dobrovolny and Ackert found that at 37° C. eggs reach this infective stage in 3 to 7 days and Fig. 166. PARASITES OF THE INTESTINE A-F — Leidynema appendiculatum (A — -Egg with active embryo; B — Egg with larva in resting stage; C — An early stage larva, presumably second stage; D — Larval female showing intestinal diverticulum be- ginning to form; E — Adult male; F — Adult female). G — Binema or- naia, egg capsule. A-P, after Dobrovolny and Ackert, 1934. 250 that I'KK" iMiiitsiiiiinp motile laivm- :iro not infective. Alieala (1!<34) found tliat tlio larva of IlUillirola bhiltar, a closely rolatod llielastoniatid, molts in the okr before reaeliins the in feetive since and while Dotirovolny and Aekort do not men- tion the matter their liRnres indieate that L. (ipixniliciilalum undergoes a similar molt. If kept moist at room temperatnre and in sniidned lifrht infeetive vjxiix remain viable for a eonsid erable time bnt are killed by jiroloiiK'ed exposnre to direct snn light. Infective egRs are inRcsted by the insects and li.itih in the posterior part of the midgnt. Dobrovolny and .\ckert kept heavily infected cockroaches in enptivity for more than a year and -saw no evidence that tlu' insects were markedly affected by the parasites. Body Cavity and Tissue Parasites This (jroup imindes are, i)erluiiis, our oldest jiarasitic nematodes in the sense that their ])riiKenitors w<'i'e t\w first to assume a parasitic mode of life and throuKli the aRcs they have become very highly adapted to this way of living. Some of the allantonematids have become almost incrednlously si)eciali/.ed in morplK)logy, liehavior and host parasite relationships and among them are to be found some of the most unusual nematodes known. MVEXCIlin.VE This is a small and comparatively little known group of nema- todes that are parasites of amphibians and leeches. The sys- tematic position of the family is somewhat questionable but investigators who have studied the group regard it as probably related to the Tylenchidae. Both se.xes arc characterized by a medium sized stylet without basal swellings and by a peculiar, sucker-like organ situated on the mid ventral surface about one- fifth of the distance from head to tail, this latter presumably marking the position of the excretory pore. Two species have been reported from leeches. MvENClirs BOTHRVOPHORUS Schuberg, 1004, was found in iTcrnuiny ]>arasitizing the leech, KnipobthUit ortocuIaUt (L.) (Syn. S'cpliclix viilgari.s (Miiller) iloi). Tand.). Different stages of the nematode, including sexually mature individuals (Fig. 107 .-V & B), occurred in the connective tissues and larvae were found within the muscle cells (Fig. 167 C). Adults were also found in the cocoons of the leech. All the details of the life cycle are not known with certainty but Schuberg and Schroder (1904) concluded that larvae undergo the first part of their development within the muscle cells, then leave this location and enter the connective tissues where they continue develop- ment to sexual maturity. From this point on the life cycle is apparently continued outside the Iiost, presumably in the cocoons. Schuberg and Schroder suggest that the nematodes reach the cocoons either by penetrating into the gonads and passing out with the reproduction products or b3' penetrating directly through the body wall and entering the cocoon while this structure still encompasses the body of the leech. The fact that the i>arasites are frequently found in the connective tissues immediately underlying the epidermis of the leech seems to make the latter alternative all the more probable. Schuberg and .Schriider concluded that the females lay their eggs within the cocoons and that the resulting larvae infect the young leeches. How the parasite enters the host has not been deter- mined. Myen-cius botelhoi Pereira, 1931, is a parasite of the leech, Limnobdella bra.'iiUensi.s Pinto, and was found and studied in Brasil. According to Pereira (1931), infected leeches harbored the nematode in all stages of development. The epididymus was a favored location but the parasite was found in other connec- tive tissues tliimgh rarely in the muscles and never in the ali- mentary tract. Apparently the worms occurred between but not within the cells. The outstanding point of interest regard- ing this nematode is the fact that Pereira found it regularly within the sjiermatophores of the leech. It would appear, there- fore, that the parasite enters the spermatophores at some time during their formation or passage out of the leech and uses them as a vehicle for transmission from host to host. DRlLONEMATrD-IE This is a small family of about a dozen genera that arc cither monotypic or contain only a few species each. These nema- todes are parasites of earthworms and occur in the coelomic cavities, in or associated with the reproductive organs or em- bedded in the muscles. Many of the species are characterized by large, sometimes almost sucker-like, phasmids and some of the species by large cephalic hooks. Very little is known about life cycles. DiCELis FiLARi.\ Dujardin, 184.i. — Of the specimens of Liim- bricus rubelluit Hoff., collected by Wiilker (1926) in Germany near Frankfort a. M., about 2.^ percent harbored this parasite (Fig. 1(17 10 \- F) but other species of earthworms collected in the .s.ime region were not infected. The usual number of nema- todes per host was 6 to H with a maximum of 22, females gen erally outnumbering nmles. The parasites occurred in the body cavity of the host in the region of the reproductive organs but not in the nephridi.-i. The covering of the egg (Pig. ]()7 D) is thick with a rough outer surface indicating that the shell proper is probably cov- ered by an external coat and suggesting that the egg is e(iuipped to resist adverse conditions and jiersist in the soil for .1 considerable period. lOggs are laid in the body cavity of the host but do not continue development in this location. Wiilker did nut (iinl larv;il stages either in earthworms or in surround ing soil and was unable to follow the life cycle. It is not known how eggs are expelled from the host, or in what stage, the p;irasites enter. Wiilker demonstrated that if the earth worm dies these nematodes are unalile to reproduce in the car- cass but perish with the host. ■1 l-:TKM)ONKM.\Tin.\E .\XD MKR.MITHIDAE To the family Tetradonematidae there have, as yet, been as- signed only two sjiecies, Tetradoncma pUcan.i and Aproctonema rntomophaiinm. These, essentially, are primitive mermithids and must be included in any general consideration of life cycles in this group. Fig. 107. .MYENCHIDAE AND DRILOXEMATIDAE A-C — Miienchuit bothryophorus (A — Adult female; B — Adult male; C — Larva in muscle cell). D-F — Dicelis filaria (D — Eggs; E — Adult male; F — Adult female). A-C, after Schuberg and Schroder, 1904: D-F, after Wiilker, 1926. 251 The mermithids are preeminentl.v insect parasites although crustaceans, spiders, snails, and some other invertebrates are included among their hosts. Most of our knowledge regarding life cycles and habits has beeu derived from a study of species that infect insects and the following discussion has, of necessity, been written with these hosts in mind. Eggs may hatch outside the host and larvae reach the body cavity of the young insect by penetrating its body wall or eggs may be ingested and larvae reach the body cavity by penetrat ing the wall of the gut. In the former type of life cycle there is a tendency for larvae to enter while their hosts are young and for each host to harbor a small number of parasites. In the latter type of life cycle the chances of the host becoming infected are likely to increase with its age and food consump- tion and the number of parasites per host is likely to be greater. Tetradonema plicans, after reaching the body cavity of its dipterous host, develops to maturity, copulates and lays its eggs as an internal parasite. This is a simpler and probably a more primitive life cycle than that known for any mermithid. Most mermithids, after completing growth, force their way out of the host and are free living during the adult stage. For Ae/amer- mis decaiulata, Mcrmis subnigrcsccns, and probably some other species, the free living period is of two years' duration and during it the worms undergo their last molt, copulate, and fe- males lay their eggs. Aproctotiema entomophagum develops to maturity and copulates within its host but females emerge to lay eggs, while Paramermis contorta undergoes its final molt within the host but emerges before copulation. For both these species the free-living stage is of very short duration and these life cycles seem to represent intermediate steps between the life cycle of Tetradonema pUean.i and that of such species as Agamermis decaudata. If a species enters its host by penetrating the body wall the posterior portion of the larva is often modified to serve as a propelling organ. In some cases, as for example species of Agamermis, this modified posterior portion, which may consti- tute as much as four-fifths of the total body length, is de- tached during the act of penetration and remains on the out- side. In other species this modified portion is relatively shorter and persists to form a horn-like appendage at the posterior ter- minus of the fully grown larva. In most mermithids, especially those having an adult, free- living stage of considerable duration, the intestine grows rap- idly during parasitic development until it fills nearly all the space in the body not occupied by other organs. This modified intestine, filled with reserve nutrient materials and frequently referred to as the "fat body," is largely responsible for the opaqueness of the fully grown larva. The adult becomes in- creasingly transparent as these stored nutrients are consumed and life ends when they are exhausted. Most mermithids are represented by both sexes but the sex ratio is subject to a good deal of variation, not only as between different species but in the same species. Males of Amphimer- mis suimiislii and of Agamermis deeandata considerably out- number females while males of Mermis vigrescens and M. sub- riigrescens are rarely found. The sex ratio of some species is influenced by environmental conditions during parasitic develop- ment. One or a few parasites per host results in a prepon- derance of the larvae developing into females while a large number of parasites per host results in all, or nearly all, devel- oping into males. Convincing data demonstrating this environ- mental influence on sex ratios have been presented by Caullery and Comas (1928) for Parainermis contorta, by Christie (1929") for Mermis subnigreseens, and by Kaburaki and Ij'atomi (1933) for Amphimermis zuimusM. There is evidence suggesting that some other species behave in a similar manner. Functional females that possess such male characters as cau- dal papillae, male copulatory muscles, and even rudimentary spicules have been reported from numerous species. It seems probable that there is some correlation, as yet not understood, between the influence of environment on sex and the occurrence of these so-called "intersexes." Females of Hexamermis sp. (parasite of the ant, Fheidoie pallidula) and of Agamermis decaudata lay eggs only after copulation. Females of AUomermis myrmecophilia and of Mer- mis subnigreseens produce viable eggs in the absence of males though individuals of the latter species have been observed in copula. The presence of mermithid parasites affects insects in various ways; development of the gonads, especially the ovaries, is usually suppressed resulting in sterility; wing muscles are some- times weakly developed reducing ability to fly ; internal fat de- posits are largely consumed; development of the body as a whole may be retarded and metamorphosis delayed ; and infected individuals may be .sluggish or, in the case of ants, have a voracious appetite. As a rule external morphological characters are not appreciably modified but there are exceptions, that of ants being the most outstanding. The emergence of the para- site usually results in the death of the host. Numerous species of ants are rather commonly infected with mermithids. Males, females, workers and soldiers have been reported as harboring these parasites and there is wide varia- tion in the effects of the mermithids on the external anatomy of the hosts. In some instances infected ants show little recog- nizable difference from normal individuals of the same sex or caste, except, perhaps, a somewhat more distended gaster and slight variations in color. This seems frequently to be the case with infected males but sometimes, according to Gosswald (1930) and Vandel (1934), infected females, workers or sol- diers are not materially modified. In some instances, on the other hand, the external anatomy is greatly modified (Fig. 169 C-G) and infected ants are not identical to any normal caste but show female, worker and soldier characters in varying de- grees. Such individuals are called intercastes. In the genus Lasius infected females resemble normal females but are easily recognized, at least in many instances, by a smaller head, shorter wings, and a somewhat more distended gaster. Intercastes of this type have been designated mer- mithogj/nes. In the genus Pheidole, Wheeler (192S) found a variety of different intercastes with mixtures of soldier, worker and female characters. He recognized five more or less distinct types lias'.'d on thn degree of resemblance to one or another of these three normal castes. In all these types the resemblance was more especially to woikers and soldiers and for these intercastes Wheeler proposed the term mermithergates. To Vandel (1930), working with Pheidole pallidula, the sit- uation was somewhat simpler as he was able to recognize only two types of intercastes. One type showed no very pronounced difference from normal workers except a somewhat more dis- tended gaster. The other type he believed to be modified sol- diers and for these he proposed the term mermithostratiotes re- serving the term mermithergates for those intercastes where resemblance to workers predominates. Gosswald (1930) found young mermithid larvae in ants at various times of the year and concluded that there may be con- siderable variation in the time when these insects acquire their parasites. Although mermithids have been found in larval ants, only a few such cases have been reported, and Vandel concluded that the infection is usually acquired during or just prior to the pupal stage. Based on the size and development of larval mermithids from young ants, Gosswald concluded that the para- sites may be acquired when the immature insects are in differ- ent stages of development and that the stage when the parasites nre acquired determines, in a large measure, the degree to which the adult host will be modified. How ants acquire these parasites is a question that has aroused considerable interest but stimulated little actual inves- tigation. Gosswald (1930) conducted infection experiments with Lnsius alienus and used eggs of what was, presumably, AUomermis myrmecophilia. His results indicate that the ant acquires this parasite by Ingesting the eggs. As ant-infecting mermithids belong to several genera (Agamermis, He.ramermis, Allomerinis, etc.) life cycles and behavior undoubtedly differ and all may not necessarily enter the host at the same time or in the same manner. It would be surprising if an ant became infected with a species of Agamermis by ingesting its eggs. Tetradonema plicans Cobb, 1919, is a parasite of the dip- terous insect, Sciara coprophila Lint. It has been found in only one collection of these insects made by Hungerford (1919) at Manhattan, Kansas, in which every individual was infected. It occurred in larval, pupal, and adult flies each insect harboring from 2 to 20 parasites with an average of about 10, the number of males slightly exceeding the number of females. T. plicans passes its adult stage and lays eggs within its host, differing in this respect from any mermithid of which the life history is known. How the insects acquire their infection has not been deter- mined. Eggs (Fig. 108 G) secured by Hungerford from around females dissected out of fly maggots hatched in a few hours when placed in water and the larvae that emerged seemed to be identical with the youngest larvae found within the insects. These larvae were of two types, a slender type about 12.')M long with a curved caudal end and a plumper type about 90/^ long. This difference, presumably, is sexual dimorphism. Hungerford found eggs of the parasite in the digestive tract of small Sciara larvae and concluded that eggs are probably swallowed and nematode larvae, after hatching, penetrate through the wall of the gut into the body cavity. He noted, however, that "the older maggots are much less susceptible to infestation than the younger ones" and he figures the tail of the adult parasite with a horn-like projection whicli suggests that the larva has a cau- dal propelling organ, two characteristics that one is inclined 2.52 Fig. 168. TETRADOXEMATIDAE AXD MERMITHIDAE A-F — Api ortonemn fntotiiofihagxim (A — Fertilized ese: B — Egg con- t»ining ovic larva: C — Very young larval female; D — Older larval fe- male; E — Larvnl male; F — Spermati^ed female). G & H^ — Tftrndonpiun plirnnn ( G — Egg ; H — Egg-laying female with male* attached } . I — AUomermiit mermifOphyUi, egg. J-M — Apamfrmiit dpratidatn (J — Xewly deposited egg; K — Egg containing ovit- larva; L — Infective, preparasitic larva; M — Grasshopper nymph containing one fully grown para* to 15 cm. below the surface (proliably deeper in sandy or loose soil). When inhabited by .'idults each cavity, almost without exception, contains one female aiul sov eral males, generally two or three, sometimes as many as eight, coiled and intertwined to form a "knot." Copulation is neces- sary and females reared in the absence of males fail to lay eggs. Egg laying begins about the first of July, continues until interrupted by the advent of cold weather, and eggs (Fig. 108 ,1 & K) accumulate over the surface of the soil cavities and over the parent nematodes. For the most part eggs laid during a given summer do not hatch until the following spring. Cleav ago and embryonic development take place after deposition and the first molt occurs within the egg shell. At the time of hatching the second stage larva is immediately infective. The body, which shows a high degree of organiza- tion and development, is divided into two parts by the node (Fig. 1()8 LV In the anterior part, which constitutes about one fifth of the total length, one finds most of the organs com- mon to nematodes including esophagus and esophageal glands, intestine, nerve ring, and excretory pore. The posterior part of the body serves as a propelling and food storage organ and contains a row of cylindrical cells, probably modified intestinal cells. An anus is apparently lacking. During late fall and winter a female is surrounded by her total egg output of the season. Egg counts on six females made during the winter showed the total number of eggs present to vary from L!,(>2."i to 6,.530. As will be noted later, a female lays eggs during two summers hence these figures represent roughl.v about half the total egg output. Although some larvae may begin to emerge from the eggs fairly early in spring, a greater part of them hatch during a short period at about the middle to the latter part of June. The species of grasshoppers that commonly serve as hosts (Mclanoplus fcmurrtibrum and Conoccphalns brcvipennis (Scud- der) in northeastern Virginia) also hatch at about this time. The larval nematodes migrate to the surface of the soil and climb grass and other low vegetation when it is wet with dew or rain. They seek newly hatched grasshopper nymphs and enter their body cavity by penetrating the body wall. Pene- tration takes place under the edges of the pronotum, between the abdominal segments, or at other places where the chitinous covering is thin. Penetration is effected by the use of the stylet probably aided by the dissolving action of a chitin sol- vent secreted by one or more of the most anterior esophageal glands. After the anterior end is inserted into the host the body of the larva breaks at the node and the postnodal portion is left on the outside. If the body fails to break, as occasionally hap- pens, the postnodal part undergoes no development in the host but remains as a vestigeal appendage that eventually sloughs off. The nodal scar (Fig. 93, p. 89) persists throughout the parasitic stage as convincing evidence that no molt takes place during this period. The number of parasites per host is usually one (Fig. 168 M), sometimes two, rarely three or more. Ouee inside the body cavity of the host the parasite under- goes a period of phenomenal growth accompanied by pro- nounced morphological changes. The stychocytes (see p. 92) arc a conspicuous anatomical feature of larvae that have been in the host from 4 to 10 days (Fig. 93, p. 89). As the body increases rapidly in length it becomes filled by the intestine, in fact intestinal tissue eventually fills all available space not occupied by other organs even growing past the base of the esophagus and extending into the neck region. Apparently this modified intestine performs no digestive function but serves as a reservoir for nutrient materials. Males remain in the host for from 1 to 1V> months and females from 2 to 3 months. The mermithids emerge head foremost forcing their way through the body wall between the segments, fall to the surface of the ground, and enter the soil. During the first winter in the soil males and females remain isolated each individual forming a separate "knot." The final molt takes place the following spring about the latter part of June and at this time males seek the females. It will be noted that only two molts have been observed. Egg laying begins soon after the final molt, usually about the first of .Tuly, and continues until interrupted by cold weather. The following spring a year-old female begins laying eggs slightly earlier than one that has just molted. By the end of the second sum- mer of egg laying the reserve food has become exhausted and the transparency of the body is in sharp contrast to its opaqueness at the time of emergence from the host. Most fe- males probably fail to survive a third winter in the soil. In- formation regarding the longevity of males is not very satis- factory but it seems probable that they live for about the same length of time as females. .1. ilccaudala causes no noticeable change in the external anatiiMiy of grasshoppers. Infected individuals sometimes have distended abdonu'us and are likely to apjicar sluggish, adults being incapable of suslaimnl flight. The most pronounced ef- fect of this parasite is on the gonads of the host (Fig. 109 A & B). It is doubtful if infected female grasshoppers are capa- ble of laying eggs as the ovaries are always greatly reduced in size. The effect on the testes is less pronounced and infected male grasshoppers have been observed in copula. The cme>-g- gence of the parasite invariably results in the death of the host. Mekmis siJHNiORKSCf;NS Cobb, 1930, appears to be strictly a grasshopper parasite. It occurs in the United States over about the same range as Affajnermis drcaudala where it has been found infecting nine different species of grasshoppers including both Acrididae and Teltigoniidae. Several other species have H -~- ^^^-x^ ^— G Fig. 169. EFFECTS OF MERMITHIDS ON THEIR HOSTS A & B — Dissections of adult female grasshoppers, Melanoplus femur- rub rum, showing reproductive organs (A — Normal grasshopper; B — Grasshopper parasitized by Agamennis decaudata) . gas cne, gastric caeca ; int, intestine ; o i% ovary ; ovd, oviduct ; spthc, spermatheca. 0 & D — Females of the ant. Lasius alienus (C — Normal female: D — Fe- male parasitized by Allomermis mermicophyla, i.e., a mermithogyne). E-G — The ant, Pheidole absurda (E — Individual parasitized by a mer- mithid, i.e., a mermithergate; F — Normal worker; G — Normal soldier). H — The ant, Pheidole f/auldi, a mermithergate. A & B, after Christie, 1936; C & D. after Crawley and Baylis. 1921; E-G, from Wheeler, 1928, after Emery; H^ after Wheeler. 1928. 2.15 Au^usr September Fig. 170a. LIFE CYCLE OF AGAilERillfi DECAUDATA Diagram illustrating 12-month period, August to July, inclusive. ". "knot" composed of one female and several males that emerged froni hosts 2 years previous to beginning of period represented, b. "knot" composed of one female and several males that emerged from hosts 1 year previous to period represented. Mermithids that would emerge during September and October of period represented are omitted for simplicity. Female in "knot" a has, by October, completed its second summer "of egg laying and dies during ensuing winter but the accumu- lated eggs, deposited during previous summer, hatch May to June. Fe- male in "knot" ii has, by October, completed its first summer of egg laying and the accumulated eggs hatch May to June while the second summer of egg laying is begun during May. been experimentally infected. Attempts to infect other insects including crickets (Gryllidae), mole crickets (Gryllotalpinae), and larvae of several species of Lepidoptera have been unsuc- cessful. The following account of the life history is based on investigations by Christie (1937) conducted, for the most part, in Massachusetts. Grasshoppers become infected with .1/. siibnigrescens by swal- lowing the eggs. In order to bring this about the egg-laying habits of this nematode are radically different from those of Againer7nis decaudata, otherwise the two life cycles are some- what similar. Eggs of .V. siibnigrescens are never laid in the soil. Gravid females climb low vegetation on which they lay their eggs (Fig. 168 N) and to which the eggs cling l)y means of the entangling appendages or bissi. The egg, when deposited, contains a fully developed infec- tive larva (Fig. 140 B, p. ISl). The shell proper is protected by an outer covering that is divided into two cup-like halves by a groove at the equator (Fig. 14(1 A, p. ISl). At each pole there is a raised or thickened area formed by the attachment of the entangling appendages (Fig. 139, p. 181). The outer covering breaks apart along the groove at the equator and the two cup-like halves are easily removed. In the shell proper there are two opposite areas at the equator where the color is lighter than elsewhere and these areas are partly dissolved by the digestive action of the host thus facilitating the escape of the larva. Botli the outer covering and the shell proper con- tain brown pigment, presumably to protect the larva from the action of sunlight. Eggs deposited on foliage remain viable throughout the summer. When eggs were kept experimentally in a moist chamber sonic remained viable for a year. When an egg reaches the alimentary tract of its host the outer covering has usually been rubbed off. The two opposite areas of the shell at the equator gradually become clearer and begin to protrude until they appear as colorless hemispherical projections (Fig. 140 C, p. 181) that finally rupture and pro- vide openings for the escape of the larva. The larva itself does not appear to aid in its own liberation. Wlien first freed it is rather sluggish but soon becomes active, penetrates the wall of the gut and enters the body cavity. Penetration through the intestinal wall is aided by the stylet which is rhythmically pro- truded. From 1 to 5 parasites per host is the number most frequently encountered but there is great variation and grasshoppers har- boring 100 or more parasites of widely different ages are not uncommon in some localities. As a nymph grows older and its food consumption increases, its chance of becoming infected is correspondingly greater. The sex ratio of M. siibnigrescens is intluenced by the number of parasites per host. When a grasshopper harbors a large number, all develop into males but when a grasshopper harbors only 1 or 2 these usually develop into females (Christie, 1929). The parasitic development of M. siibiiignscens is essentially the same as that of Agamcrmis decaudata. There is the same rapid increase in size and the same extensive proliferation of intestinal tissue. Males remain in the host from 4 to 6 weeks and females from 8 to 10 weeks. At the end of this time the parasites force their way through the body wall of the host and enter the soil. When a grasshopper harbors parasites of different ages, all that are too immature to escape and survive in the soil perish with the host when the older ones emerge. June Postparasitic individuals of M. siibnigrescens are found in the soil down to about 60 cm., the majority occurring from 15 to 4.1 cm. below the surface. They usually remain isolated and one larely finds a "knot'' composed of a female and one or more males as is characteristic of Againerniis decaudata. Most in- dividuals emerge from the host during summer and autumn and molt the following April. This is the final molt and the only one that has been observed. Copulation may take place and has been seen on several occasions but copulation is not necessary as females reared in the absence of males produce viable eggs. By July females begin to exhibit a brownish color due to accumulating eggs and by September they are nearly Iilack except for a short region at each extremity of the body. At this time most of the eggs are viable but they are not laid until the following spring. Before ovipositing, a gravid female 8") mm. long contains about 14,000 eggs. Egg laying usually begins in May and may continue through- out July or even into August, depending on weather condi- tions. Eggs are laid during rain and should the early summer months be dry egg laying will be delayed. Gravid females climb grass and other low vegetation over which they con- stantly move while eggs are being laid. If rain continues egg deposition goes on throughout the day but if the rain stops and the foliage becomes dry females coil up, fall to the sur- face of the ground and enter the soil, presumalily to resume egg laying during the next rain. It is not known how long females live after the uteri are emptied of eggs but by this time their stored food is nearly exhausted and it seems highly improbable that the.v are able to survive a third winter or to develop more eggs. However, if prevented from coming to the surface to deposit eggs they are able to survive a third winter and to lay eggs the following spring. Females that normally would have deposited eggs in 1932 were buried in containers and prevented from coming to the surface (Christie, 1937). When examined during May, 1933, many of these females were alive, in good condition, and filled with eggs. There was no evidence tliat eggs had Ijeen deposited, although these females promptly began laying eggs when brought to the surface and placed in the light. Apparently eggs are not laid at night. Egg laying is con- trolled, at least in part, by light stimuli. When an ovipositing female is placed in the dark, egg laying promptly stops, but is resumed just as promptly when the female is again placed in the light. The head of the adult female is colored with areas of reddish brown pigment which, presumably, is an organ for light perception. The male, which never comes to the surface, lacks this pigment. Merniis siibnigrescens has about the same effects on its host as does Agamcrmis decaudata. These effects are suppression of the gonads, especially the ovaries, and death of the host when the parasite emerges. With If. subnigresccns the effect on the gonads of the host is much more variable than with A. decaudata due to variations in the nnmlier of parasites per host and the time the parasites are acquired. .-VLLANTONEMATIDAE The Allantonematidae is a group of insect parasites that are closely related to the preeminently plant-infecting Tylenchidae. The species that have been studied and named jnobably con- stitute but a small part of the number that exist but in nearly every instance where the life cycle is known it follows the same genera! plan and differs from that found in any other group of nematodes. Adult gravid females occupy the body cavity (haemocoel) of the insect, frequently in small numbers, often one per host. Here larvae accumulate and develop to a certain stage, molting at least once (probably twice in most species) ; then they escape from the host either by entering the alimentary tract and pass- ing out through the anus or by entering the female reproductive system and passing out thi'ough the genital aperture. Most species infect both males and females of their host insect. In some eases the only known way by which larvae are able to Aug list September Octtbrr huv. -Alir Hay Ju n e July Fig. 170b. I.IKK rYCl.E OF AGAilKltMlS DECAVDiTi — Continued Disgram ilhislraling fnsuiiig rj-nionth piTioii. August to July, in- clusive, c, nierniilhids einerKtiig from hosts SejiteinlxT to October. Fe- nmle and miiies remain in separnte cavities until latter iiart of May when males seek female, copulation takes place, and. ilurins; .luiie, the (emnle begins it-s first summer of egg laying. Female in "knot" h has. by October, completed its second summer of egg laying and dies during the ensuing winter but the accumulated eggs hatch May to .June. (While the above diagram is essentially correct for a nia.iority of individuals where grasshoppers serve as hosts, the various life-cycle changes are actually spread out over somewhat greater periods of time than the diagram indicates. A few eggs hatch before May and June. A few prcparasitic larvae enter hosts as early as .\pril and as late a.s August and the time of emergence is correspondingly affected. A few individuals. especially males, emerge from hosts at least as early as July.) leave the host is via the female reprtiduetive system ami the fate of Uirvae that iiilialiit the beily cavity of male insects is not yet fully understood. A free living stiige is passed wheievor the liost in.scct umlef- goes its early development and during tliis period the nema- todes molt at least once (as a rule prohalily twice) and Ijccome adults. In the adult male the stylet is usually either ahseiit or weakly developed and the esophageal glands are ineonspicuous ami apparently lacking. In the preparasitie adult female the stylet is usually well developed and at least one of the esopha- geal glands is large and conspicuous. E.xeeptions to these mor- phological differences between the sexe.s are usually correlated with deviations from the more typical life cycle. The apparent absence of esophageal glands and the somewhat more rapid de- velopment of the genital primordiuni in the male usually make it possible to distinguish sex at an early stage sometimes while a larva is still within the egg. The ovary of the adult preparasitie female is small and com- posed of only a few cells the extent of its development differ- ing somewhat with different species. When copulation takes place the uterus is packed with small, more or less spherical spermatozoa. After copulation males usually die and impreg- nated females enter their respective hosts, usually by penetrat- ing the body wall while the insect is still in the larval stage. The fact that in most species only the female possesses an effec- tive stylet and at least one well-developed esophageal gland has been regarded as evidence that these structures function in connection with penetration into the host. There is little reason to doubt that the stylet is employed for this purpose. It has been suggested that penetration is further facilitated by a secretion of the esojihageal glands which may serve as a cliitin solvent. The validity of this suggestion does not rest entirely on morphological evidence for Bovien (1S)32) demonstrated that ScntDtirma wiill'cri does, in fact, exude a rather copious secre- tion through the stylet at the time of penetration. The free-living stage is usually of short duration. There is no evidence that the nematodes feed during this period (with the exception of Fergusobia citrrici) and larvae, at the time they leave the host, are at least nearly as large as young adults. However, after entering a new host, the female under- goes a very great increase in size. The fully grown gravid fe- male of most species is curved ventrad ;ind assumes a form usually referred to as "sausage-shaped." There are exceptions, however, and, for example, AUantonrma miriiblr is oval while in many species of A ph clench id us the body is bent dorsad with the vulva on the outside of the curve. Some species deposit eggs in the body cavity of the host but in many species eggs hatch before deposition and the uterus be comes distended with developing eggs and larvae that gradually fill the greater part of the body and push the ovary into the anterior end. As a rule larvae eventually pass through the vulva into the body cavity of the host. There is a tendency for the other internal organs of the female to degenerate, the ex- tent of this degeneration differing in different species. In most species the rapid increase in the size of the female after becoming parasitic provides space for the rei)roductive or- gans. In one group, the Sphaerulariinae, adequate s|iace for the developing reproductive organs is not provided by a corre- sponding increase in body size. The uterus of Si>li(ini(laria hombi is everted through the vulva and the entire reproductive system develops outside the body jiroper. This prolapsed uterus increases enormously in size and the body proper remains at- tached to otu^ end :is a vestigial and apparently fiinctionless structure. 'I'ripiu.i i/ibbusut! (Syn. Alractoncma iiibbumim) rep- resents an intermediate stage in the evolutionary developnuMit of this peculiar adaptation and the size of the body and of the jMolapsed uterus is disproportionate. In both these species the life c.vele, so far as known, is essentially the same as that of most allantonematids. There are, nevertheless, several deviations from this typical life cycle. Young adult males, as well as young adult females, of Par(i.iiti/lciicliii.s di.ipar typograpki enter the body cavity of their host insect where they are found in large numbers, while neither adult males nor adult females of Chondronema passali become parasitic, only larval stages being found in the host insect. Chnndronevia pansali enters its host, not as young adults, but as young larvae, probably by being ingested. Two species of this family have heterogeneous life cycles. There is interpolated into the life cycle of Heteroli/lcncliiis aber- rans a parasitic, parthenogenetic generation and into the life cycle of Fergusobia ciirriei several, consecutive, "free-living," parthenogenetic generations. The parthenogenetic females of Fergusobia currici occur, associated with their "host" insect, in plant galls where they feed on plant cells and are, in fact, plant parasites. In each of these heterogeneous species, how- ever, the gamogenetic generation still follows the typical allan- tonematid plan of development. Tylenchinbma oscinellab Goodey, 1030, is a body-cavity parasite of the frit-fly, Oscinclla frit. (L.). The life history of this nematode was studied in England by Goodey (1930, 1931). The frit-fly has three generations a year. Eggs are laid on small oat plants generally during May and fly larvae penetrate the shoots, destroying the central tissues. This is the first or stem generation. Adult flies appear by mid-July and deposit eggs on the panicles of oats where the larvae attack the tissues of the inflorescence. This is the second or panicle generation. Adult flies again appear during August or early September and lay eggs on various species of wild grasses. This is the third or grass generation; also it is the overwintering generation and winter is passed in the larval stage. The life cycle of the nema- tode is, of necessity, closely correlated with that of the frit- fly and like it, undergoes three generations a year (Fig. 17.5). Infected flies hariior usually one, sometimes two or three, more rarely four to eight, adult female nematodes that give birth to living young. Eggs pass into the uterus of the mother nematode where they undergo development. As more and more eggs are produced the uterus becomes distended, pushing the ovary into the anterior end and finally occupying most of the space within the body. Larvae (Fig. 171 A & C), escaping from the egg membranes, pack the posterior etui of the uterus and finally pass through the vulva into the body cavity of the host. Here they accumulate and continue development. Goodey observed one molt that takes place when a larva is about 4G0/i long and which he believed to be the second suspecting that the first molt takes place while the larva is still within the uterus of the mother. The gonads undergo considerable development and show differences that make it possible to distinguish sex. The wall of the intestine becomes well stocked with reserve food globules. After attaining a size nearly as large as free-living adults, the larvae escape from the host. To accomplish this they pene- trate the food reservoir of the fly's digestive system from which they migrate through the intestine to the rectum and are e.iected through the anus. With regard to this escape of larvae, Goodey writes as follows: "Parasitized flies of both sexes, having failed to develop their sex cells, fly about and instead of taking part in the normal process of reproduction are able only to deposit larvae of the nematode parasite. Normal females go to oat panicles and there lay eggs; similarly, the parasitized fliea responding to the same urge of the life-cycle rhythm also fly 2o7 to oat panicles, but, instead of eggs, deposit larvae of the nema- tode parasite. These find their way, possibly in response to some ehemotactic stimulus, into the plant tissues surrounding the fly larvae." In this environment the nematode larvae con- tinue development and two final molts take place, the last cuticle separating while the larva is still within the cuticle of the preceding molt. Larvae that Goodey removed fi'om the gut of infected flies and kept in tap water completed their final molt in about 41 hours. Males remained alive for about 14 days and females for about 29 days but copulation did not take place while the worms remained in water. In nature copulation follows the final molt and the uterus of the female is distended with spermatozoa. The preparasitic female (Pig. 171 F & G) has a well devel- oped stylet with basal swellings and a large dorsal esophageal gland. These structures are inconspicuous or lacking in the male. (Fig. 171 E). Tlie male does not again beconu- parasitic but the impreg- nated, precocious female enters the body cavity of a frit-fly larva. Goodey did not actually observe the entrance but as- sumed, no doubt correctly, that it is accomplished by penetrat- ing the body wall. The incidence of infection is about the same for male and female flies except possibly in the grass or overwintering generation, where Goodey found that about two- thirds of the infected flies were females. After becoming parasitic the female nematode increases very greatly in size and is about fully grown when the host emerges from its pupal ease. Tlie body has assumed the characteristic "sausage shape" and the ovary has completed its development (Fig. 11.') J, p. 136). The stylet is retained and Goodey be- lieves that probably the parasite continues to take food via the alimentary canal. Tylenchhicma oscincUae produces no noticeable effect on the external characters of its host but it prevents the normal de- velopment of the gonads and both male and female flies are sterilized. Occasionally, however, parasitized flies of both sexes develop normal sex organs and when this happens the parasite fails to undergo normal development. In regard to this Goodey (1931) writes: "In the great majority of cases the worm man- ages to get the upper liand and grows to sexual maturity within the host, but occasionally the fly, during its final metamorpho- sis, is able, by some means, to Imild up its gonads in the nor- mal manner. When this happens the worm fails to grow, re- mains non-functional and becomes degenerate. . . . These rela- tionships may possibly be explained on the supposition that the worm secretes or excretes something, perhaps from the intesti- rig. 171. ALLANTONEMATIDAE A-G — Tylenchinema oscinellne (A — Very young male larva and, B, genital primordium of same; C — Very young female and, D, genital primordium and esophageal gland of same; E — Adult male; F — Adult, preparasitic female and, G, anterior end of same. For fully grown. adult, parasitic female, see Fig, 115 J, p. 136). H-J — Allantonema mil-able (H — Adult male; I — Adult, preparasitic female after copula- tion ; J — Fully grown, adult, parasitic female. For stage intermediate between I and J, see Fig. 115 I, p. 136). A-G, after Goodey, 1930; H-J, after Wulker, 1923. il58 FiK. 172. ALLANTONEMATIDAE Al — yScatonemn wulkeri. (A — Newly hatched female larva; B — New- ly hatched male larva; C — Partly grown male larva; D — Female just before final molt; E — Adult preparasitic female after copulation; F — Male just before final molt; G — Adult male; H — Adult parasitic female a few days after entering host; I — Fully grown gravid female). J-0 — BelerotyUnehuH aberrans (J — Egg laid by female of gamogenetic gen- eration; K — Egg laid by female of parthenogenetic generation; Lr — New- ly hatched larva of gamogenetic generation; M — Adult preparasitic female of gamogenetic generation; () — Fully jjruwii female of par- thenogenetic generation). P — Aphplenrhnhm tliplopajtter, adult para- sitic female. Q-S — FerguHohiu curriei Hi & R — Adult male and adult female, respectively, of "free-living" generation, i.e., from EttcalyptiiH galls; S — Gravid female of "parasitic" generation, i.e., from body cavity of gall fly). T & U — Parasitylenrliux dinpar ti/pographi, adult parasitic male and adult parasitic female, respectivelv. A-I. after Bovien, 1932; J-0, after Bovien, 1937; P, T & U. after Fnchs. 1915; Q-S, after Car- rie, 1937. 259 Fig. 173 Diagram illustrating life cycle of Scatotienui iriilkeri. The adult para- sitic female (a) produces offspring (b) that eventually enter the female fly s reproductive organs and are extruded with the eggs (c). Outside the host these larvae develop into adults (rf) and copulate whereupon males die and impregnated females (e) enter flv larvae. These females then undergo a period of growth (/) and mav begin producing off- spring (n«) while the fly is still in the larval stage or females mav be only partly grown (though adult) (p) when the flv pupates and begin flaying eggs (a) when the fly becomes adult. After Bovien, 1937. Fig. 174. CnONDROXEMA PASSALI A — Oldest larva found within body cavity of host: B — Youngest larva found within body cavity of host: C-E — Portions of body of adult fe- male filled with eggs or larvae and serving as brood sac; P — Eggs. All figures after Christie and Chitwood. 1931. nal [esophageal] gland, nliieli prevents tlie normal growth of the host's sex-eells. At the same time it. is quite likel.v that the same may be true of the host; if once its reproductive organs become sufficiently developed, then it is able to pour out some substance which definitely inhibits the growth of the worm." Allantonema mirable Leuckart, 1884, is a bodv cavitv parasite of the pine weevil, Eylohius ahirtis (L.) and occurs in Europe but has not been found elsewhere. This nematode differs from TylencMnema oscinellae, not so much in its life cycle, which is essentially the same, as in the form and degen- eration of the gravid female. Unlike most allantoiiematids, the fully grown female (Fig. 171 J) is oval, some L.T to 2 mm. in length and about half as wide as long. Its bodv is virtually a sac largely filled by the uterus as it becomes di.stended witii eggs and larvae. The other internal organs degenerate to such an extent that if vestiges persist their identitv has not liecn recognized. Eggs hatch in the uterus where they begin to accumulate during late summer and where they remain during the winter undergoing little development. In "the spring larvae begin to pass through the vulva into the body cavity of the weevil where they undergo two molts. Larvae finally leave the host by penetrating its alimentary tract and passing out thiougli tlie anus. The adult female of Hylnbins abiFfix eats small holes in the bark on the trunk and roots of fir and certain other coniferous trees. In this cavity eggs are laid and hatch, the young weevils tuiineling into adjacent tissues. In order to pass their free- living stages in the immediate vicinity of newly hatched weevils, the larval nematodes must escape when and where female weevils are laying eggs, albeit not through the genital aperture of the insect. Wiilker (1923) observed only one molt during free-living development which took place after 8 to 10 days. Bovien (1937) found that larvae, taken from the rectum of adult weevils and placed in hanging drops of water, became adult in 5 to 6 da3'S. The final molt is followed very soon by copulation after which males die and impregnated females enter the body cavity of weevil larvae that, in the meantime, have hatched. The adult preparasitic female of A. mirable (Fig. 171 I) has a well developed stylet and Bovien (1937) figures two esopha- geal glands, one opening into the esophagus on the dorsal side near the base of the stylet and the other on the ventral side farther back. In the adult male (Fig. 171 H) a stylet is pres- ent though somewhat more weakly developed than in the female but the esophageal glands are inconspicuous or lacking. By about July, when the weevils are pupating, the parasitic female nematode is producing ova. Fuchs (1915) states that ni/lohiiif: abii'tis lives for at least 31 months and, finding fe- males of A. mirable in 2-yearold weevils, he concludes that the nematode lives for at least 2 years. SrATOXEM.4. wuLKERi Bovien, 1932, is a liody cavity parasite of the dipterous insect, Scatopse fiiscipes Meig., the immature stages of which develop in manure and other putrescent mate- rial. Eggs of this nematode hatch in the uterus where larvae (Fig. 172 A & B) undergo early development, the extent of this development varying considerably. In some cases, which Bovien (1932) regards as exceptional, an individual, while still within the uterus, ma.y reach maturity and, in turn, develop larvae within its uterus, thus creating three generations, one within another. Most of the progeny, however, pass through the vulva into the body cavity of the host as partly grown larvae. These larvae enter the reproductive system of the in- sect and pass out with the eggs. When an infected fly dies not all the harbored parasites necessarily perish but some larvae may complete development, molt, and copulate after which impregnated females escape from the dead body. As male flies die soon after copulation Bovien concludes that, in moist surroundings, part of the nematodes may be able to 260 ^V-J Fig. 173. TTLEXCHINEilA OSCINELLAE Schematic drawing illustrating life history of frit-fl.v in its three ^easonal generations, and the approximate time occupied by each, linked with that of its parasite. Tylenchinema oscin^llae. The various stages of the rty and worm are greatly enlarged whilst the outs and gr.Tss are smaller than natural size. Although the female fly only is shown it is to be understood that the male also carries the parasite. The dotted circles contain stages of the parasite related to the corresponding stage of the host. The circles cut into the pupa and imago hut not into the fly larva in each case, thus showing that the parasite is within the pupa and fly hut not within the larvae, c I, ensheathed larvae; / r, food reservoir of fly with larvae passing in: g f, growing female worms; 7» /. mature female worms, .^fter Goodey, 1931. explanation quoted verbatim. escape from the decaying insects. Otherwise tlie fate of larvae harbored by male fiies is unknown. Bovien observed only one molt, the last, which may occur liefore, but usually not until after, emergence from the host. As this molt takes place not later than 24 hours after emer- gence and is followed immediately b.v copulation, the free living stage is of short duration. In the adult, preparasitic female (Fig. 172 F) the stylet and esophageal glands (Bovien figures two) are well developed while in the adult male (Fig, 172 G) these structures arc inconspicuous or absent. By the less well- developed genital primordium and the presence of esophageal glands one can distinguish female larvae while they are still within the egg. Regarding penetration of preparasitic females into the body cavity of a fly larva Bovien (1932) writes as follows: "In many cases I found the nematodes in the act of entering the body of the larva. In a few cases I saw dead nematodes, which had not succeeded in penetrating the body wall, held fast by it. Tlie jienetration may take place through all parts of the surface of the larva and no preference seems to be given to any ])ar ticular region. The very beginning of this act, however, was not observed. I placed female worms in hanging drops together with Scatopse-\aT\ae, the presence of which had an unmistakably attractive influence on the nemas. The nematodes slung themselves around the body of the larva, pressing their mouths against the skin without being able to puncture it, I suppose this failure may be :iscril)ed to the lack of supporting surfaces. On the third day the worms were dead. ,\n oblong, somewhat spiral-wound, coagulated of secre- tion had been ejected from the aperture of the buccal stylet, and the salivary [esophageal] glands apjieared to be empty.'' The jjrcscnce of the parasite does not result in sterility of thi' host. Chondronema PASSALi (Lcidy, 18.')2) Christie and Chitwood, Ifl.Sl, is a body cavity parasite of the beetle PopiliiiK ivlrrr\ip- Fig. 176. HETEROTYLENCHUS ABERRANS Diagram illustrating life cycle of Heterotylenchua aberran.t. The adult parasitic female of the gamogenetic generation («) lays eggs (6) that develop into females of the parthenogenetic generation (c). These females lay eggs (rf) and the resulting larvae (e) enter the reproductive organs of the female fly and pass out through the genital aperture. Outside the host these larvae develop into adults of the gamogenetic generation (/) and copulate whereupon males die and impregnated fe- males (ff) enter fly larvae. While the fly matures and pupates the fe- male grows (/i) to reach full stature (a) and lav eggs (b) . After Bo- vien. 1937. tits (L.) (Syn. Pasxalus cnrnutns Fab.). This beetle occupies galleries in decaying stumps and logs where eggs are laid and where larvae develop and pupate. Leidy (18.52) found 90 per- cent of the adult beetles infected and Christie and Chitwood (1931) estimated that each beetle usually harbors from .")00 to 1,000 parasites. In the body cavity of the insect one finds larvae in all stages of development from young, newly hatched individuals (Fig. 174 B) to those that are fully grown (Fig. 174 A) but never adults. Larval nematodes of both sexes taken from the body cavity of a beetle have a minute stylet, a moderately large esophageal gland (presumably the dorsal), and exceptionally large and conspicuous phasmids. Sex can be distinguished at a rather early stage partl.y through differences in the genital primordia but more especially through differences in the general appear- ance of the body, females being more opaque than males. Move- ment is sluggish. The mode of exit from the host has not been determined. Once the nematodes have escaped neither males nor females again become parasitic but remain in the beetle galleries throughout the remainder of their lives. The mouth, anus, and vulva of the female become vestigeal. If the vulva functions it is only during copulation. Eggs (Fig. 174 F) are retained within the body where they accumulate and hatch pushing aside the internal organs and converting the female into a brood sac (Fig. 174 C-E). C. passali enters its host as a very young larva but it is not known how this is accomplished. Larvae of all sizes may be found in old beetles at any time of the year when the insects can be collected. The incidence of infection seems to be very much lower in larval beetles and pupae than in adults. These circumstances, together with the exceedingly large number of parasites usually harbored by a beetle, caused Christie and Chitwood (1931) to suggest that the larval nematodes enter per 0.1, possibly the gravid female and her entire progeny being swallowed. 261 Heterotylenchus aberrans Bovien, 1937, is a body eavity parasite of the onion fly, Hylemya antiqiia (Moig.), and its life history was studied by Bovien (1937) at Lyngby, Den- mark. Tlie onion fly hibernates in the pupal stage and emerges in May to lay eggs on onion plants or in nearby cracks in the soil. The young fly larvae move down the plant usually inside the sheath and finally burrow into the bulb. Pupation takes place in the soil or occasionally in the bulb. There are two or perhaps, occasionally, three broods a year with considerable overlapping. In the body cavity of infected flies one finds from one to four large, adult females of B. aberrans (Fig. 172 N) and a greater number of smaller, adult females (Fig. 172 O). The larger individuals are females of the gamogenetic generation and the smaller ones are females of the parthenogenetic gener- ation. The reproductive organs of a gamogenetic female, as compared with these structures in most allantoneraatids, are exceptionally small. Much of the space within the body is occupied by the intestine which, according to Bovien, is with- out a lumen. A small stylet is present and the three esophageal glands, empty and reduced in size, are grouped around the base of the esophagus. Eggs (Fig. 172 J) are deposited in the body cavity of the host where they hatch and whore the larvae de- velop into parthenogenetic females. The outstretched reproductive organs of a parthenogenetic female are relatively much larger than those of a gamogenetic female. The esophagus and esophageal glands have almost com- pletely degenerated but a small stylet is present and, according to Bovien, the intestine is represented by a single row of large, binuclear cells. Eggs (Fig. 172 K), which are smaller than those of the preceding generation, are deposited in the body cavity of the host and from them develop larvae of both sexes. These larvae remain in the host until they are ready to undergo their final molt when they penetrate the fly's ovaries. Fig. 177. SPH.VEKULARIINAE . A-D — Sphaerularia bombi (A — Fully grown lavva; B-D — Adult para- sitic females showing progressive stages in prolapsus of uterus. For fully grown adult parasitic female, see Fig. 115 A, p. 136). E-I Tripius gibbosus (E — Newly born larva; F — Young but sexually mature fomale; Ci — Sexually mature male; H — Adult parasitic female' showing early stage in prolapsus of uterus; I — Adult parasitic female showing late stage in prolapsus of uterus. For stage intermediate between H and I. see Fig. 115 K, p. 136). J — "Ti/lerwlius sulphureus piceae." adult parasitic female. A-I. after Leuckart. 1887; J, after Fuchs. 1929 262 mi(irnto to ami assiiiiMr in llu' dvidiuls and osiaiu' tl[i(in;;h tlif gonititl aiH'itiiro. Both miilo ami foiiialf tliis an' iiarasiti/.i'd. liovicn t'uniul no cvidoiico that male tlios arc romliTod sterile lint the ovaries of iiifeeted females fail to develop and heeause of this the nematode larvae ean seareely he transferred to onion )dants with the OKKs of their host. However, Rovien noted that in feeted female tlies "strelehed ont the ovipositor, as if thev wanted to lav eRRS-" As in tlie life eyele of Ttilt iirliiiit ma ii.i ciiiilhK. infeeted female Hies prol>;ilily .•leccnnpaiiy normal fe males to the plaee where eRgs are laid Imt deposit there, not ogRS, bat larval nematodes. Hovien fouiul no evidenee that the genitalia of male tlies are invaded ami he eonelnded tlial larvae ■liave no way of eseaping from male tlies. The free living stages of the nematode arc passed in elose assoeiation with the larval insects, cither in the onion i)lant or in nearby soil. The nematodes reach maturity, copulate and the males die. Impregnated females (Fig. 171! M) enter larval Hies presumably by penetrating the body wall though the act of penetration was not observed. The adult male has a stylet with basal swellings comparable to that of the female but somewhat more slender. .\11 tlirei' esophageal glands are well developed in the preparasitic female but inconspicuous or lack ing in the male. After entering the host a female develops into the large, parasitic individual of the gamogenetic generation. The life cycle of //. abirrans (Kig. I7(iK therefore, consi.sts of a parthenogenetic generation, passed entirely within the host, alternating with a gamogenetic generation that has both para sitic and free-living stages. If the parthenogenetic generation was omitted the life cycle would be es.sentially the same as that of most other members of this family. Ferousobi.v cfRRlEl (Currie, IH.'fT) n. comb. [Synonyms: Anguilhilina (Fcrflii.sobia) tiimifacii nx Carrie, 1937; Anguilhi' Una (Fcrijiixobia) curriei (Currie, l!t37) Johnston, 103S; not AnpuilluUna Uimtfacirns (Cobb, l!i.'!2) |. Fcrfjusobia curriri occurs in Australia where, in association with flies of the genus Fergtisonhm, it produces galls on Eiica lyptus trees. This association was discovered by Morgan (lii;^3) and later investigated by Currie (1937), the following ae count being based on the hitter's observations. There are many species of Ffrgiisoiiiiia that attack Fiirnliiptiix trees in Aus- tralia and, according to Currie, all are probabl.y associated with a nematode. Several species of Eiirah/ptiif: are attacked and galls may be formed on leaf buds, axil buds, stem tips, and flower buds, depending on the species involved. The fol lowing account of the life history of FcriivKnbia curriei is based on a study of flower galls on Euciiliiptii.i tnacrorrhynchia and of the associated fly, Frrffusoyiiiia iiirholxonia. Currie regards the stages of the nematode found in the galls as true plant para.sites but is inclined to regard the relationship with the gall flies as symbiosis rather than parasitism. Each female fly harbors two gravid female nematodes (Fig. 172 S). These nematodes deposit eggs and the resulting larvae, on reaching the proper stage, leave the body cavity and enter the reproductive system of the "host." Adult flics emerge during summer and females, after mating, lay eggs in young flower buds, depositing with each egg from 1 to ."lO nematode larvae. The same fly or different flics may lay numerous eggs in a single bud as many as 74 eggs and 227 nematode larvae having been found. The larval nematodes immediately start to feed on the anther primordial cells that form a ring around the inner wall of the bud cavity and under this stimulus the tis sue proliferates rapidly forming masses of large, thin-walled parenchymatous cells full of mucilagious cell sap. The fly eggs hatch in about 6 weeks and by this time masses of gall tissue are already i)resent in the bud. On hatching a fly larva moves in between two of these cell masses and tears out a small crypt in which to lie. The larval nematodes migrate into this crypt and quickly develop into adults all of which are parthenogenetic females (Fig. 172 R). Apparently the nematode passes through several parthenogenetic generations feeding on surrounding plant cells and in no way injuring the insect. During its first two instars the fly larva feeds on the viscous cell sap which oozes from surrounding cells that have been punctured by nem atode stylets. During its last larval instar the fly larva tears down the walls of the cavity and feeds on the ruptured cells. In autumn both male (Fig. 172 Q) and female nematodes appear that become the adults of the gamogenetic generation. This "preparasitic" female does not differ materially from the female of the preceding parthenogenetic generations (Fig. 172 R). Both the adult male and the adult "preparasitic" female have a stylet and three well developed esophageal glands. As in most other allantonematids, the male does not become parasitic. Jnst before pupating, if the fly larva is a female two adult, for tilized female nematodes enter its body cavity, presumably by penetrating the body wall. Male flies are never infected, female flies invariably so. Once in the body cavity of the "host" the feniah' ui'malodes iiruceed in their di'VelopmeMl and, li\ tlie time the fly has emerged as an adult, they :ire dipositing eggs. The life cycle of Fcrriusohia curriri, therefore, consists of several i);irthenogi'nelic gener.ations passed entirely outsid<' the "host" alternating with a gamog or, at the most, only a few adult female parasites though Leuckart (1887) found 32 in one bee. Vespa rufa and V. viil- f/arix have also been reported as hosts. This parasite has been found in several localities in Europe and North America and is apparently widesjiread. S. bombi, in so far as information is available, has the typi- cal allantonematid life cycle. Eggs are laid and hatch in the body cavity of the host and larvae, after a period of parasitic development, pass out by way of the anus and enter the soil. Here the nematodes reach maturity and cojiulate whereupon the males die and the impregnated females enter their new hosts. The free-living period, according to Leuckart, is of several months' duration. Queen bees hibernate in the soil and Leuckart found that under coniferous trees where the soil is moist and covered with humus and moss is a favored place. Leuckart concluded that the bees become infected in autumn when they are penetrating the soil preparatory to hibernation and that this explains why only queens are parasitized. Infected queens, due to retarded development of the ovaries, are either unable to produce eggs or produce only a few and both Schneider (188.")) and Leuckart were convinced that such queens never found colonies. The interesting and unusual feature about this nematode is not its life cycle but the morphological development of the parasitic female. After entrance into the new host the body of the young female undergoes little or no increase in size. Instead "the uterus is everted through the vulva, carries within 263 it tlic other reproductive organs as well as the modified intes- tine or "fat body," and develops outside the body proper (Fig. 177 BD). This prolapsed uterus increases enormously in size while the body proper remains a relatively minute, functionless structure that may sometimes become detached (Fig. 11. "i A, p. 13G). Other Species. In addition to the species already discussed, the number of allantonematids that have as yet been named and described is not great and for most of these information about life cycles, especially regarding free-living stages, is meager or lacking. A few exceptions, however, may be noted briefly. Bradynema rigldnm (v. Siebold, 1836) zur Strassen, LS92, is a parasite of the dung beetle, Aphodiiis fimetarius (L.) and Bradynema strasseni Wiilker, 1921, is a parasite of the wood- boring beetle, Spondylis biiprcsloidcs (L.). These two nema todes have been rather extensively investigated in Europe (zur Strassen, 1892; Wulker, 1923) though the free-living stages of B. rigldnm are still imperfectly known. Both have the typical allentonematid life cycle, larvae passing out of the hosts by way of the anus. Souardula benifftia Cobb, 1921, is a parasite of the cucumber beetle, Diahrotica vittata (Fab.) and, less commonly, of the related beetles, D. trivittata (Mann) and D. di(odcciinpuncta1a (Fab.). This nematode has the typical allantoiiematid life cy- cle, larvae passing out with the eggs of the host (Fig. 178). Beetles of both sexes are infected and the fate of larvae that find themselves in male beetles is not known. Cobb (1928) was of the opinion that these larvae may be transferred to female beetles during copulation. He found considerable numbers of larvae in the proximal end of the male genitalia but was un- able to demonstrate experimentally that such larvae are ac- tually transferred to female beetles. In the genus Aphclenchuliis the adult, parasitic female is usually characterized by being curved dorsad with the vulva on the outside of the curve. A. diplogaster (Linstow, 1890), Filipjev, 1934 (Fig. 172 P) is a parasite of the bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.) and A. tomici Bovien, 1937, is a parasite of the bark beetle, Pityogenes bidenlalus (Hbst.) (Syn. Tomi- ciis bidens (F.)). These two nematodes are very closely related and both have the typical allantonematid life cycle, larvae pass- ing out of the host by way of the anus (Fuchs, 1915; Bovien, 1937) to undergo free-living development in the frass of the beetle galleries. ■' Tylenchus" aptini Sharga, 1932, was found in Scotland, where it is a parasite of the thrips, Aptinothrips rufiis (Gme- lin). Eggs of this parasite are deposited in the body cavity of the host and larvae leave by way of the anus. Males remain in the host until bursa, spicules and gubernaculum arc formed and Sharga (1932), finding no evidence that males enter the gut or pass out through the anus, suggests that copulation takes place before the parasites leave the host. Furtliermore, Sharga states that "after several ecdyses the mature female stage is reached" and his discussion and drawings seem to in- dicate that one or more of these ecdyses take place after the female has passed through the free-living stage and entered a new host. If copulation takes place before this parasite leaves the first host and the female molts after entering the second host, the life cycle is, indeed, a departure from that known for any other allantonematid. Parasitylenchtis dif:par (Fuchs, 191:1) Mieoletzky, 1922, sub- species, typographi (Fuchs, 1915) is a parasite "of the bark beetle, Ips 1 ypographiis (L.). In general this nematode has the typical allantonematid life cycle. The adult, parasitic female gives birth to larvae, large numbers of which accumulate in the body cavity of the host to eventually enter the gut and pass out through the anus. In one respect, however, the life cycle differs from that of most allantonematids. After com pleting free-living development young adults of both sexes enter the new host. One finds in the body cavity of infected beetles 200 to 300 adult parasitic females (Fig. i72 U) and an even greater number of adult jiarasitic males (Fig. 172 T). Fuchs (1915) did not observe copulation or determine whether it takes place before or after entering the new host. However, he was able to rear to maturity larvae taken from the rectum of a beetle, the adult stage being reached in 7 to 10 days. The experimentally reared females did not lay eggs and it seems probable that eggs are not laid until after en- trance into a new host. If this is true we have, not a free- living generation, as Fuehs called it, but a free-living stage. Ostensibly, Tripiii.\ gibbositf: and Sphaenilaria hombi are the only members of the Sphaerulariinae that have as yet been re- ported. It may be noted, however, that Fuchs (1929) has de- scribed two very unusual nematodes from bark beetles, viz., "Tylenchus sulplnirriis picear" and "Tylenchus siilphiireiis pini." Fuchs maintained that in the case of these two nema- todes the gravid female is not a prolapsed uterus basing his contention, in part, on a failure to find any vestige of the body proper or transitional stages showing the uterus in the process of prolapsus. But in (he case of Sphaenilaria bombi, as Leuck- art points out, the body proper is sometimes detached and one wonders if Fuehs' material included a sufficiently complete series of developmental stages. If the gravid female of ' ' Ty- lenchus siiiphnreiis picear" (Fig. 177 J) is not a prolapsed uterus its resemblance to the gravid female of Sphaerularia hiinibi is, to say the least, very renuirkable. Fig. 178. EOWARDVLA BESHI.\S Showing relative size of beetle. 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Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Assoc. Exper. Sta. Bull. (Eiit. Ser.) No. 20, 68 pp. Wheeler, W. M. 1928. — Merinis parasitism and intercastes among ants. J. Exper. Zool., v. 50(2) :165-237, figs. 1-17. WtiLKER, G. 1923. — Uber Fortpflanzung and Eutwicklung von AllaiHonema und verwaridten Nematoden. Ergeb. u. Fortschr. Zool., v. 5(4) :389-507, figs. 1-53. 1926. — t)ber geschleehtsreife Nematoden im Regen- wurm. Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., v. 30:610-623, figs. 1-6. 266 CHAPTER VI LIFE HISTORY (ZOOPARASITICA) II I'AKASI'I'KS OK VKirrKI'.KATKS ASA C. CHANDLER. Rico Institute, Houston, Texas; J. E. ALICATA, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, T. H.; and M. B. CHITWOOD. Babylon, N. Y. In:roductIon The life cycles of tlie nematodes piiriisitic in veitelii:itis differ in no essential from those of free livinj; nematodes, hnt are subject to a numl)er of modifications which enable the parasites to train access to new hosts with more facility and greater certainty. With a few exceptions these nematodes have tive stages of development separated by four moults as do most free living nematodes, but in a few forms (e.g.. Con tracacciim and Trivhiiullo) the number of molts is said to be increased, and in some forms one or more of them is sujipressed to the extent of being passed through rapidly in the egg, or in hatched larvae with no intervening period of growth. The outstanding feature in the life cycle of parasitic nema todes is a cessation of develoi)ment of the young worms aftei reaching an infective stage, while they await an opjiortunity to gain access to a new delinitive host. In most eases the or ganisms pass through this jieriod of w.'iiting outside the body of the original host, either (1) as embryos inside the egg shells (oxyurjds, ascaridids, trichurids) ; (2) as free living but nonfeeding third stage larvae, often enclosed in the .shed cuticle of stage two (Stroii(iijlui38) ; and Ccphalobiis parasiticus in the stomachs and in testines of monkeys (Sandgronnd, 1'.I39). In addition to these cases, it is claimed by a number of writers (Koch, 1925; Penso, 193:;) that Evlcrobius vrntiicufaris. Passalunis atn- biguus and other oxyurids are callable of reproducing, gen eration after generation, in the lumen aiul walls of the intcs tine. This is denied by others (Zowadowsky and Schalimov, 1929; Lentze, 193.5) because of the demonstrated need of oxygen by the embryos before they can complete their de velopment. Even if the larvae can occasionally develop to maturity in the gut walls, such an occurrence can certainly be considered the exception rather than the rule. One other in stance of repeated generations in a single host has been claimed for Strongyluidcs stcrcoralis (Nishigori, 1928; Faust, 1931) but this is a case of short circuited rather than con tinuous development, and occurs only under exceptional con ditions. The offspring of wonns in the intestine do not grow to maturity directly in the intestinal lumen, but migrate through the body as they wouhl if Ihcy h.-iii infected from outside. With the few exceptions mentioned above, the simplest type of life cycle in the case of obligatory parasites is that ex- hibited by most species of oxyurids, in which the eggs fail to develoi) beyond a certain point (morula stage in some, "tadpole" in others) until exposure to oxygen outside the body of the host, followed by reentrance of the embryonated eggs or hatched larvae into the same or another host with food or water contaminated by them. In many cases, jiossibly in all. this simple cycle is modified further by a stage in with the larvae attach themselves to the mucous membnuie, liury their heads in it, or actually burrow into the walls of the gut before they take up their residence in the lumen as adults. Few parasites other than the Oxyuroidea have as simjile a life cycle as that described in the last paragraph. Most of them have an instinct for burrowing at some time during the course of their development and exercise it either (1) by bur- rowing through the skin and going on a tour of the body via the circulatory system, lungs and throat before reaching the intestine; (2) by burrowing into the mucous membranes of the alimentary canal, either being content to live buried in the gut wall for a few days, or entering the circulatory system and going on a tour of the body similar to that of the skin penetrators or, in some eases, burrowing directly through into the body cavity or through mesenteries, parenteral tis sues, etc.; or (3) by burrowing into the body cavity or tissues of an intermediate host, either through the surface or through the walls of the gut after being ingested. Two possible origins of this burrowing habit suggest them- selves. One possible origin is as a useful instinct on the part of gut parasites to serve either one or both of two purposes, (1) to protect the young worms from being swept out of the intestine with the feces, and (2) to provide a better type of nourishment for the period of rapid growth and development. There can be little doubt but that the burying of the head of fourth-stage larvae of Dermatoxys vcligera (Wetzel, 1931) and the use of the "corpus" of the esophagus of Oxyuris eqiii as a mouth capsule (Wetzel, 1930) are steps in this direction. One could then visualize as further developments complete burrowing into the gut wall, penetration into the circulatory system, and the circuit through the body that would neces- sarily be entailed. Tlie alternative explanation is that the worms which mi- grate through the body originally became vertebrate parasites by burrowing through the skin. An initial step in this direc- tion can be observed today in the occasional invasion of the skin of dogs and sometimes of other animals by Ehabditis strongyloides, the adults of which live in soiled straw bed ding. Successful development of adult parasitism by this method would necessitate an ultimate location in the body whence the eggs or embryos could escape in order to reach new hosts. This condition would be fulfilled in the case of those parasites which, after penetration of the skin, reach the circulatory system and eventually arrive in the lungs, where, still imbued with an instinct for burrowing, they would escape into the air spaces. Here they could successfully reach maturity and reproduce (e.g., Metastrongylidae) or they could be carried passively, via trachea and throat, to the alimentary canal. Successful parasitism would, of course, be dependent upon loss of the burrowing instinct after the third moult, which actually occurs. The temporary burrowing into the intestinal mucosa of the larvae of such worms as Ascaridia, Hacmonchus and Oesopha- gostomum might, then, be construed either as a step in the direction of a more extended migration, as practiced by re- lated worms, or as a step in the direction of the simple oxyurid type of life cycle, with abandonment of a primitive but no longer necessary migration from skin to intestine. In those species which usually perform the entire migration, the failure of some individuals to do so (e.g., Ascaris. hookworms) could be either atavistic or progressive. The fact that the curtailed migration is more likely to occur in the normal than in abnormal hosts is of little help in the matter, for it could be argued either that the reason for the failure of migra- tion in normal hosts is due to less restlessness in such hosts and a consequent slipping back to ancestral ways, or that it is 267 duo to more perfect adaptatio.i and therefore more advanced evolution. It is, as a matter of fact, probable that the migration is primitive for some worms and secondarily acquired for others. Worms which may be assumed normally to develop directly in the intestine are at least occasionally able to reach the in testine even if injected under the skin. This was demon- strated by Harwood (1930) in tlie case Cosiiioccrcoidcs diikac, for although he found the larvae of this worm to be incapable of skin penetration, he succeeded in recovering a few worms from lungs and intestine after subcutaneous injection. There is some reason to believe that the Strongyloididae and Rhab- diasidae, the latter of which never establish themselves in the intestine at all, may be primitively skin penetrators, whereas it is very unlikely that the ascarids are. Whether parenteral migration is primitive or secondary among the Strongylina is not so easy to guess. An interesting derivative of the migratory type of life cycle is the course of develoi)ment of TricliinclUi. Th? unique life cycle of this worm has apparently resulted from a precocious development and hatching of the eggs in the uterus of the mother, accompanied by early acquisition of the burrowing instinct, the result being the invasion of the parental host in- stead of a new host. The Strongylokles life cycle is another derivative in which the parasitic worms have become partheno- genetic and a free-living sexually-reproducing generation may be interpolated in the course of a cycle of development whicli is otherwise similar to that of hookworms. In the case of nematodes whose larvae hatch outside the body and have an instinct for burrowing it is easy to conceive of the accidental or, in time, routine invasion of intermediate or transport hosts. This might come about by invasion from the outside (e.g., Protostrongylinae), or by penetration through the gut wall after being swallowed (e.g., Anisakinae). Such penetration of hosts other than the definitive one, and subse- quent encapsulation in parenteral tissues, is an extremely com- mon phenomenon, and occurs in all the major groups of para- sitic nematodes. In some instances it is a more or less ex- ceptional phenomenon, e.g., the encystment of Tojcocuia larvae in mice (Fiilleborn, IH21) ; in others it constitutes an im- portant but not absolutely essential factor in the epidemiology, e.g., Syngamun trachea; and in still others it has become ob- ligatory, the invaded hosts then becoming true intermediate hosts rather than transport hosts, e.g., spiruroids. The frequent encapsulation of some nematodes in transport hosts and its non -occurrence in others is i)robably dependent upon the behavior of the larvae in the hosts concerned. Larvae that keep on the move do not become encapsulated. It is for this reason that most spiruroids are encapsulated, whereas Habioncma and filariae are not. No encapsulation of hook- worm or Ascaris liimbricoides larvae occurs when these enter rodents since the larvae complete the migration to the intes- tine, and are then evacuated because the environment is un- suitable for growth to maturity. On the other hand, since Toxocara is encapsulated in mice, it must be assumed that this worm loses its burrowing instinct before it has regained the alimentary canal, and then becomes quiet enough to be en- capsulated by the host. In the Metastrongylidae alone all gradations can be found from more or less accidental and unnecessary penetration of an intermediate host (e.g., Dictyocaulus filaria) to obligatory development in specific invertebrates (e.g., Aleta.stroiipyhiK. Protostrongylus and Muellerius). Similar obligatory depend- ence upon specific intermediate hosts has become the lot of the entire group of spiruroids, the C'amallanina, the Diocto- phymatina, and apparently at least one ascaridoid, SiibiiUira hrumpti (Alieata, 1939). A clue to the origin of the iilarioid type of life cycle, in which the microfilariae are withdrawn from blood or skin by blood sucking arthropods, and are eventually given an opportunity for reinvasion of the skin by these same arthro- pods, after development within them, is afforded by the habronemas (see p. 286). In these the larvae show a definite step towards the filarial type in that they fail to become encapsulated in the intermediate host, there to await passive transfer to the definite host, but instead remain free and active, and leave the intermediate host, under suitable con- ditions, of their own volition. The further steps to a filarial life cycle are merely (1) substitution of a parenteral for a gastrointestinal habitat for the adult worms, and consequent liberation of the embryos into the blood or tissues whence blood-sucking insects can withdraw them; and (2) successful penetration of the skin by the infective larvae to reach their deiinitive location. It will be seen that in no case is there reason to believe that intermediate hosts of nematodes are ancestral hosts, as is the case with intermediate hosts of flukes. The same modifications in life cycle have a tendency to re- appear over and over again in the various groups of para- sitic nematodes, and sometimes several of the principal types may occur within a group of closely related genera. In the genus Habroncma, for instance, the species parasitic in the stomachs of horses are deposited by the intermediate hosts on the lips or skin and they reach their destination by way of the mouth, either by direct migration into it or by being licked from the skin. In the habronemas parasitic in insec- tivorous birds, on the other hand, there can be little doubt but that they reach their destination in the orthodox spiruroid fashion, by the intermediate hosts harboring them being swallowed. In the species found in raptorial birds, however, a secondary transport host is usually if not always involved. Because of this lack of uniformity within even nearly related forms, and because of the endless number of minor varia- tions by which one type of life cycle grades into another, we believe that a clearer picture of the life cycles of parasitic nematodes can be given by discussing the outstanding types and principal variations in each natural group, than by dis- cussing types of life cycles irrespective of the natural groups in which they occur. By way of summary, however, we sug- gest the following classification of the principal life cycle types : A. Monoxenous or Direct (no intermediate host required). 1. Continuous reproduction within host, generation after generation ; various stages of worms occasionally carried out of bod.v and infect other hosts through contaminated food. Ex., Probstmayiia ; facultative rhabditoid para- sites. 2. Discontinuous, eggs or embryos escaping habitat of adults, and usuall.v leaving parental host. (1) Without free-living phase. a. Simple. Eggs leave body of host, usually l)Ccoming embryonated outside, reenter via the mouth usually before hatching, and grow to maturity in the ali- mentary canal. Ex., Enterobius, Trichiirin. h. With temporary burrowing into mucosa. Ex., A scar id ia. c. With parenteral migration via blood system to heart and lungs, returning to intestine via throat. Ex., Ascaris laiiibricoidcs. d. With parenteral migration via blood system to definitive locations elsewhere in body. Ex., Capil- laria hepatica. (2) With free-living phase. Eggs usually hatch out- side body of host into first-stage larvae which grow to third (infective) stage while free, but in some forms may develop to third stage before hatching. a. With skin ])enctration and migration to intestinal tract via heart and lungs. (a) Free-living forms larvae only. Ex., Necator. (b) With possilile development of an alternative generation of free-living adult males and fe- males. Ex., Strongyloides. b. Without skin penetration; infection by mouth. (a) With temporary burrowing of larvae into mucosa. Ex., Ilaeinonchiis. (b) With more extended burrowing and forma- tion of nodules in intestinal wall. Ex., Oesophagoslomii III. (c) Migration through intestinal wall and for- mation of nodules in parenteral locations. Ex., Strongyhis. c. With optional use of transport host. Infective larvae when ingested by various invertebrates be- come enc.vsted and reach final host when trans- port host is eaten. Ex., Syngamus ; Dictyocaulus. B. Heteroxenous or Indirect (development occurs only in an intermediate host) 1. Passive Indirect. Embryonated eggs or larvae enter an intermediate host and become infective upon reach- ing third stage. Pinal host reached when intermediate host is eaten. Migration in definitive host, if any, via tissues or natural passages, not via blood system. (1) Eggs cr larvae leave host with feces. a. Embryonated eggs or larvae are swallowed by intermediate host. Ex., MetasiroiigyUis, spiruroids. b. Larvae superficially penetrate foot of molluscs. Ex., Protostrongylinae. (2) Larvae leave host through skin or by other paren- teral routes. Develop after being swallowed by in termediate host. Ex., Dracunculoidea. 2. Active Indirect. Larvae actively leave intermediate host to reach skin of definitive host. (1) Larvae reach intermediate host by eggs being eaten. Ex., Habroncma. (2) Larvae reach intermediate host by being sucked from blood or skin. Ex., Filariae. 3. Double Indirect. Larvae utilize two or more succes- sive intermediate hosts. 268 (1) Swoiul niiil siilisf(nicnl iiiti'iiiu'ilinli' liosis ''''''io"- The larvae of most sjie cies pellet r;ite the skin or mucous membranes and iiiinrate to the luntis before trrowiiin to maturity. The Rliabdiasidae nia ture in the luiiKs. and this is probably the mure ]iiimitive condition; the StrouKyb'ididae only exceptionally mature in the luiiKs, ordinarily returiiiiiK to the intestine before ma- turinj;. Stronuvi,oidii).\k The life cycle of Stronmiloidis stercoral iv of man. the main features of which were first elucidated by Grassi (1S78) and I>euckart (1S.S:;), has been studied by a large number of proniiiient parasitologists, yet even today there is no unanimi ty of opinion about some jihases of it. Grassi observed di roct development into filariform* larvae; Leuckait discov ered that an alternation of gener.-itioiis might occur; van Dunne (ISH):;) first demonstrated that infection resulted from skin iH-netration ; and Looss (liH)")) showed that the migrntimi of the larvae after penetration paralleled that of Ancylo.iloiixi. Important additional details or interpretations w^itli resjiect to this or related species have been added by Leiclitensteni (lS9i>. 190.-)), Fiilleborn (1!>14), Sandground (lltiii). Xislii- gori (1!»2S), Kreis (1>»32), Faust dilHS"), Liicker (l!t.S4), Graham (1!).'?6-I03i1), Beach. T. 1)., n!l3.5 193(i) and Chitwood and Graham (liHO). The parasitic females live more or less deeply imbedded in the mucous membrane of the small intestine where they pro duce embryonated eggs which in this species hatch promptly within the host. The embryos are rhabditiform, and resemble those of hookworms except for the very sliort stoma. They nor mally pass out of the body with the feces of the host, and then begin to feed and grow. From this point on they may follow either o le of two courses of development, known re spectively as the direct or liomogonie type, and the indirect or heterogoiiic type. In the homogonic type of development the rhabditiform larvae grow and transform into filariform larvae, sometimes in 24 hours or less. Looss reported two molts in the course of the develoiunent of rhabditiform to filariform larvae in the human and other species, and Lucker (1934) observed two molts in the larvae of S. ranxoiiii of pigs, but other observers have not mentioned more than one molt. The -second stage larva, according to Lucker. does not at first differ in any morphological characters from the first stage larva, but transi- tion to the filariform type of larva begins soon afterwards. The first molt occurs 12 to 18 hours after hatching, the sec- ond within 48 hours, at room temperatures. The filariform larvae are unsheathed and constitute the infective stage. They creep up on points of vantage in the soil or culture, often clustering together in brush like groups to await an opportu- nity to burrow through the skin of a host. In the heterogoiiic type of ilevelo])meiit the rhabditiform larvae, instead of developing into filariform larvae, change into adult free living males and females. With the exceptimi of Lucker (1934), no observer has mentioned or suggested more than a single molt in the course of this development, but Lucker has been able to trace the usual four molts and five stages. The only morphological changes are in size and in growth of the genital primordiiim until the fourth stage is reached, when the structure of the head simulates that of the adult, and the male and female characters are gradually as sunied. At the time of the final molt the ovaries of the females and spicules of the males are fully formed. Adults may be found after 36 to 48 hours at room temperature. The impregnated females produce eggs soon after they reach maturity, and these hatch soon after being deposited. These first-stage rhabditiform larvae are morphologically simi lar to those hatching from eggs deposited by the iiarasitic fe males, although a few small differences have been mentioned *The term "filariform** is used here to denote the third stage larva of Stronffyloitles to distinguiKh it from the third stage larva of strongyliiis which is called "slrongyliform** larva. Its use in no way signifies a similarity to any slage of tilariids. Actually, the esophagus is very similar to that of an infective strongyl larva. — B. O. C. by Kreis (1932). AIIIi.mikIi Kieis. like all ollicis lirfure him, fails to niention luore than a single molt, l.ucker was able to trace the orthodox two molts before the infective filariform larva was iirodnced, .just as in the case of filariform larvae of direct devi'lopmeiit. No dilTercnce between the two types of infective larvae has been noted. Heacli (193r) 193(i) showed that under particularly favorable conditions there may be several generations of free living bisexual forms. Kouri, Hasnuevo and .Xrenas (1930) reported that .S*. sicrciirnli.s, after numerous free living generations, be- comes entirely free living; the females become iiarthenogenetic and there are no males, but the fecundity of the females gradu- ally decreases until the cultures become sterile. .Nishigori ( 1928) first demonstrated the opposite extreme in the life cycle of .S*. sti-rroriiliK — internal auto infection (called hyper- infection by Faust), with complete eliinination of a free liv- ing stage. Nishigori also suggested circumstances under which this might occur. Faust (1931) and Faust and Kagy (1933) continued Nishigori 's observations, but the evidence was in- conclusive for many until Faust and detiroat (1940) made ob- servations at autoiisy of a case which left no room for doubt but that under exceptional conditions in human beings auto- infection by filariform larvae of S. nlircoralis through the walls of the colon can occur. There is no certainty, however, that it occurs in other siiecies or hosts. The filariform larvae of S. .stfrc(ir piishfd till''niiinatioii ;i:ifK still r'lirtliii', l» ilu- dc velopiiift OKRS. Siiiidttrouinl (lil'JO), wlio ro|ioitiMl tlio nndliiR of sperins in frmali' worms jinil romUiili'd that the worms wore liermapliroditic, sii(;K>'sti'd that tlio diri'ition of drvrlop mont is dotormiiiod Ivv tlio cliioinosoiiial constitiilioii of tlio ORRS siibsi>(iU(Mit to firtilizatioii. Kaust (l!i:!3), liaviiiK found what he inti'rprotod as parasitic niaU's. suntri'stcd that fntilizi'il *'BBS givo risi" to hotoioKoiiic and iitifi'rtili/.ed orks to lionio gonic progeny. Snlisecpiontly Beacli (, 1!I,'!.">1 ".).'!(>'), working in Faust's laboratory, showed conelusively that the course of development can l>e iiitluenccd by nutritional conditions; as these become less favorable more and more of the rhabditi form larvae undergo direct development to filariform larvae instead of becominu males and females. The evidence indi catcd that the potential females are intluenced in this way more readily than the potential males. Meanwhile Graham (ISKUi l'.)3il) started two pure lines of .S. rata of rats from original single larva infections of the homo gonic and heterogonic type, respectively, and found marked inherent dilTerenees between them. In each line over 85 per- cent of the total progeny were of its own type, with an ex- treme difference in the number of males produced. Graham also observed that there was .-i falling off in heterogonic larvae in winter as comjiared with summer, brought about b.v climatic effects on the host, not on the develojiing larvai'. Tlie conclu sion seems warranted, therefore, that the course of develop ment is dependent upon nutrition or other cnvirontuental con ditious and not upon genetic constitution, but that there are genetic differences in the e.\tent to which different strains are influenced towards homogony by a given degree of unfavor ableness in the environment. The reproductive status of the parasitic females was brought into question by Sandground (lilifi^ ; prior to that time it had been generally accejited that they were partheuogenetic, although Leuckart ai>parently suspected that they were hernia phroditie, by analogy with the condition in the parasitic genera- tion of Rhabdia.i. Satulground believed them to be protandrous hermaphrodites; he described what he interpreted as sperms and observed what seemed to be fertilization in specimens of S. ratti. Faust (1933), having found male worms in the lungs, concluded that the sperms observed by Sandground luobably were the result of copulation. He considered the worms to be bisexual early in life, later becoming parthenogenetic. Chit- wood and Graham (1940) concluded that -S. ratti was parthe- nogenetic since they were unable to find sperms and also un- able to find fertilization membranes. The weight of evidence is therefore in favor of parthenogenesis. The occurrence of parasitic males described by Kreis (1932) and Faust (1933) has not been confirmed by others. In an unpublished observation, one of us (J. E. A.) has noted adult rhabditiform males in the fresh feces from a ease of human strongyloidiasis but it was unknown whether these were para- sitic males or males developing from eggs of parasitic females. The fact that the supposed parasitic males of Kreis and of Faust were rhabditiform and practically identical with free- living males is sufficient cause for doubt that they are really males of the parasitic generation, for in the one other mem- ber of the Strongyloididae in which males have been found — Parastronffyloidcs uinchcsi, Morgan 1928 — the parasitic males are filariform like the females. We suggest that, since Faust not only observed eggs and rhabditiform larvae, but also filariform larvae which he interpreted as the progeny of the parasitic worms, in the lungs and bronchioles of infected hosts, the males observed were free living males produced precociously in the lungs. The observations of Beach (1. c.) that males will develop more readily than females under subop- timal conditions would account for the failure to find free- living females. Graham's work with single-larva infections has shown clearly that males are at least unnecessary in S. ratti, though no conclusions can be drawn from this, for it is, of course, possible that there might be differences between spe- cies in this respect. For the present the occurrence of rhab- ditiform parasitic males in members of the genus Strongy- loides must certainly be considered sub jtidice. Fig. 180. DEVELOPMENT OF STRONGTLOIDKS A-G — StTontryloiileg stercorals (A — Parasitic female; B — Free living male; C — Free living female; D — Filariform larva (human strain A), from lung tissue of experimental dog three days after skin inoculation; E — Post-filariform larva from same: F — I'readolescent female from lung of experimental dog 11 days after skin inoculation, note developing genital primordium; G — Adult male from lung tissue of experimental dog 57 days after skin inoculation). H-M — Strongyloitle/t sp. from dog. free living generation (H — First stage larva; I — Infective larva: J — Tail of infective larva; K — Head, adult female; L — Adult female; M — Tail, male). A-C. after Faust. E. C, Human Helminthology. 1939. D-G. after Faust. E. (',. 1933. Am. J. Hyg. v. 18 (1). Remainder original drawings by M. B. C. 271 Ehabdiasidae The niembers uf tlio genera EJiabdian and Entoinclat:, now separated into a separate family from Strunyyloides, resemble Strongyloididae in having an alternation of generations, at least in some species. This double life cycle was tirst demon- strated by Meczuikov (18G.j) in the case of M. btifonis. Unlike StrongyluidcK, the parasitic generation, at least of some species of Sliabdias, consists of hermaphroditic females, possessing a well developed seminal receptacle. Seurat (1920a), however, thinks that the parasitic forms of Entumdas dujardini and E. entomclux from Anguis fragilis are parthenogenetic rather than protandrous hermaphrodites, since he was unable to find seminal receptacles or to detect sperms. As in Strongyloides, l)oth homogonic and lieterogonic types of development may occur in the free-living phase of the life cycle of Sliabdia.i. In most of the species one type or the otiier strongly predominates or may even occur exclusively, though in some of the forms in which one type of development was long thought to occur exclusively, the alternative type has more recently been observed. Travassos (i;i2()) called atten- tion to the fact that the species found in Amphibia and La- certilia have indirect development, while those found iji snakes liave direct development. Chu (iy3(i), however, reported some unpublished observations of Chitwood 's, and also some of his own, in which both types of development were found in sev- eral amphibian and reptilian species, (ranac, eustreiitus, fulle- borni, and fuscovenosa var. caUtiicnfiin). In the last-named spe- cies Chu observed only homogonic development except wlien an especially favorable culture medium was used, whereupon a small percentage of free-living adults, predominantly males, were usually found. The oflspring of these adults failed, how- ever, to infect snakes. It seems evident from this data that the course of development of Bluibdia!< is determined by factors similar to those operating in the case of Utroiigijloidcs. Whereas in SI niiigiituidc s both direct and indirect infective larvae are filariform, in the Rhabdiasidae the direct huvae are rhabditiform while the indirect ones are filariform (cf. Figs. 17ii, P-Q). The free-living adults of different species vary con- siderably in their mode of reproduction. Travassos describes the free-living female of S. fiiUcborni of frogs as producing only one or two larvae, which may become fully developed within the mother, destroying her tissues, whereas Chu (lit.^G) describes K. fuscovenona var. cataiiciiin as having a few eggs in each horn of the uterus, which are usually laid when little or no develop- ment has occurred. According to Goodey (,l!t24) the homogonic larvae of S. fuscovenosa undergo two ecdyses outside the body of the host, the second shed cuticle being retained as a tight-fitting sheath for the infective larvae. The sheath is shed' upon gaining entry to the host. The larvae molt twice more during de- velopment in the host's parenteral tissues, but both shed cuticles are retained as sheaths. Although the infective larvae of S. bufoiiis were reported by FuUeborn (1920) to penetrate the skin, and by the same writer (1928) to migrate to the lungs via the circulatory system, Goodey (1924) failed to get the infective larvae of R. fuscovenosa to penetrate skin, although their behavior outside the body was like that of skin-penetrating larvae, and he also thought it probable, from their distribution in the body, that they migrated to the lungs, after penetrating the gut wall, by direct migration through the mesentery and not via the blood stream. Fiilleborn (192S) called attention to the fact that larvae of E. bufoiiis would also penetrate snails and possibly other invertebrates, where they rcmaiu unchanged for weeks, capable of infecting a frog when the snail is eaten. Similarly the larvae may sometimes became encapsulated parenterally in frogs which may then act as "transport hosts" for infection of larger frogs which eat them. Fulleborn suggests that since the skin of snakes is hard to penetrate transport hosts may constitute the principal method of infection for these hosts. STRONGYLINA I. STRONGYLOIDEA AND TRICHOSTRONGYLOIDEA Three geneial types of life cycles, which more or less merge into each other, occur in the superfamilies Strongyloidca and Triehostrongyloidea of the suborder Strongyliua. One of these, characteristic of the Ancylostomatidae and a few other forms in the Strongyloidca and Triehostrongyloidea, is essentially the same as the homogonic cycle of Ehahdias, except that the parasitic worms are bisexual. It involves development to the third (infective) stage outside the body of the host, skin pene tration, and parenteral migration via the circulatory system after infection. The second, characteristic of most of the Triehostrongyloidea and many of the Strongyloidca, differs in that there is no skin penetration, and no migration in the host beyond the walls of the alimentary canal. The third, characteristic of the Syngamidae in the Strongyloidca, in- volves development and molting within the egg, w^ithout feed- ing or growth, with at least optional establishment in an in- vertebrate transport host, and a parenteral migration which leads to the respiratory system but not lieyond. We think it probable that both types 2 and 3 were derived from type 1, although it is also possible that type 2 is the most primi- tive, and that types 1 and ?> were both derived from this. 1. Ancylostoma spp. The genus Ancylostoma will serve as a typical example of the first type, involving skin penetration and parenteral migration. The eggs of these worms are deposited by the adult females in the lumen of the small intestine, whence they make their exit with the feces; at the time of leaving the body of the host they are nearly always in the four-celled stage of devel- opment, normally being unable to progress beyond this point without free oxygen. Under optimum conditions of oxygen, moisture and warmth (7.1° to 8.')° F.) the eggs proceed with Fig. 181. DEVELOPMENT OF HOOKWORMS Ani-ylostonui dtindenale. A — First stage larva ; B — Second stage; C — 'I'liird stage. D-H — Development of primitive and definitive capsules; ( 1) — Bladder-like structures forming around the larval oral cavity, with heginning of formation of the primitive larval teeth; E — Nearly com- pleted primitive capsule, with triangular teeth at base, and old larval oral cavity still running through center of primitive capsule; F — Fully developed primitive capsule with beginning of formation of bladders at its base; G — Later stage in development of dorsal and ventral bladders which will eventually form the definitive capsule; H — Later stage in development of definitive capsule, with primitive capsule still connected with esophagus by a strand of tissue; I — Female larva with definitive capsule formed but primitive capsule still attached ; J — -Male after final moult but last cuticle still enclosing it; K — Male larva with primitive- capsule. After Looss. Chandler. A. C. 1929, Hookworm Disease. 272 thoir (U'voli)|)niiMif laiiidly, :iiiy Mc Coy (IJIJill to (icvclop normally with oTily pnrc cultures of cer tain species of living bacteria as food. Tniler favorable con (litions the larvae underKo the first ecdysis or molt within 4S li.niis atter liatchinj;, bnl second sta(;e larvae show very slight niorpholoKical difTeronccs from first sta^e larvae, although they arc about 400 to 4:U) A" long, .\ftor a niiniuiuni of about 2 more d.-iys the larvae cease fecdiuK. undergo a second ecdysis, and enter the third or infective staRO. The cuticle shod at this molt is normally retaiiu'd as a protective sheath, though it may occasionally be lost. The most important inori)holo^rical changes in the infective larva are noted in the shape of the tail and the structure of the esophaRUs. The tail is shorter and more stumi)y than that of the prccediuK stages. The esojihaKus is "lilari form," or preferably "strouByliform," i.e., it is more uni form ill width with tapering anterior portion, and the esoplia seal valves are lacking. The anterior portion of the lumen of the stoma is closed and the reuuiining posterior portion remains open in a characteristic shape. According to .\licata (l!>.'i.")) the various third stage larvae of strongylid nematodes para sitic m swine can be differentiated, among other ways, by the form of the stoma; there is a jiossibility that this character istic may hold true for other members of the Strongylina. The infective larvae climb up on ob.jects as high as a film of moisture extends, and show positive thermotropism and thig- motropism. They retire from excessive warmth in direct sun- light. They migrate vertically if buried in soil, but migrate laterally to a very slight extent (Chandler, 1925). .Mthough Leuckart (ISOO showed that .(. caiiiiiiim of dogs could 1)0 transmitted per n.i, and Leicliteustern (ISS(i) proved the same thing for .1. iltuHlciiali' of man, the usual mode of in- fection is by iienetration of the skin; this method of infection was first demonstrated by Looss (ISiiS). In subser|uent work Looss (190.")) established the course which the larvae follow in the body to reach the intestine. Skin penetration is accom plishcd in a few minutes when the larvae are able to obtain leverage, as in mud, to help them in their burrowing, but they are nimble to penetrate when submerged iu water. Within 3.") to 40 minutes the larvae, having left their sheaths behind them. have reached the dermis and within a few hours are in the sub cutaneous tissue. Many find their way into superficial lym phatic capillaries, and a few directly enter blood vessels. Some larvae are slow in entering the circulation, and may be en- capsulated in the .skin, especially in hosts sensitized by previous exposure. Certain "foreign" species of hookworms, e.g. Aiicnlo.'ttoma braziUense and Uncinaria' stowccplmla in man, commonly fail to enter the circulation at all but wander aim- lessly in the skin, causing "creeping eruption." Although the larvae may remain in the skin for considerable periods no de- velopment takes place there (Fiilleborn, 1927). When larvae enter the lymphatics they are carried first to the regional lymph glands, and then to the main lymph chan- nels leading to the thoracic duct, through which they enter the circulation. Such larvae, as well as those which entered the blood system directly, eventually reach the right heart, whence they are pumped out to the lungs. Here the ma.iority burrow into the air spaces (Fiilleborn, 192.')), and are then mechani- cally carried in mucus, helped by epithelial cilia, to the trachea and throat. If .swallowed they now pass to the alimentary canal, and grow to maturity in the intestine. Although .skin penetration is undoubtedly the usual mode of infection, infection by mouth can also occur. There has been considerable controversy as to whether swallowed larvae had of necessity to penetrate the mucosa and migrate to the lungs before growing to maturity, or whether they could develop to maturity without such migration. Yokogawa (192(5) investi- gated the matter and found that when A. canhnim larvae are fed to puppies a few penetrate the walls of the alimentary oanal and enter the circulation, but the great ma.iority of those which develop at all do so directly, without migration. In ab- normal hosts, however, such as rodents, most of them perform the usual migration via the circulatory s.vstem, and a few mi- grate through the tissues to the body cavity whence they enter the liver, or go through the diaphragm to the ])leural cavity, whence thev enter the lungs. This work was confirmed In- Scott (1928). Fiilleborn (1926-1927) showed that the larvae of Uncinaria strnociphala of dogs also develop directly after oral infection, few migrating even in abnormal hosts. Several Japanese workers, however, (Myiagawa, 191fi; Myiagawa and Okada, liiSO, 19H1; Okada ig.'Sl) have persisted in the belief that lung migration is a biological necessity for hookworms. Foster and Cross (1934) carried through some further cxjjeri- ments which conclusively confirm the earlier work, showing that the lung .journey is not a biological necessity for these worms (though it apparently is for Strongyloidex sfrrcoraUn.) Swal lowed larvae rarely migrate in su.sceptible normal hosts, but coniinonly do so in abriormal hosts and in resistant normal ones. (1911) and S'okogawa (192(i) observed that sw;illowed hookworm larvae remain in the stomach at least 2 days, and I'illleborn (1927) found tin'y could remain there at least ") (l.iys, partly in the lumen, jiartly deep in the mucous glaruls. Ill' demonstrated that the larvae have an initial tendency to burrow into the glands, later to return to the lumen, as is the case with Asroriiiia. lie thinks that something in the secretion of the mucous glands causes the larvae to lose their mobility; possibly the .same mech.'inism is responsible for the loss of the burrowing instinct in the l;irvae reaching the intestine from the Inngs after skin penetration (see below). The minimum time rc(|uired for the larvae to reach the trachea after skin penetration is usually about 3 days, but the ma.iority re(|uire 4 or ."i days, and some still longer. By the time the larvae appear in the bronchioles and tr;ichea they have grown slightly in length, have developed a provisional mouth capsule, and are ready for the third molt, although there is no evidence tli:it the.v ever complete it before reaching the diges- tive tract. The formation of the provisional, and subsefiuently of the definitive, month capsules is accomplished by the devel- opment of dorsal and ventral bladder like structures posterior to the already existing mouth. These spread around tin' sides and finally unite (Looss, 1905) (Figs. 181). Up to the time of the third molt the larvae grow very little in length, but increase from about 20 m to 30 M in diameter. The molt usually occurs very soon after the larvae reach the intestine, and the larvae at this time lose their tendency to burrow, so remain in the intestine. There is no evidence that they temporarily burrow into the glands of the stomach as do larvae that are directly swallowed. The young worms now grow very rapidly. They may reach a length of 2.5 to 3 mm within a few days. Sexual differentiation now begins, and in from 4 to 6 days after the third molt the definitive mouth cap sule is developed. By the time the worms have reached a length of from 3 to 5 mm. the fourth molt takes place. There- after the worms grow to maturity, copulate, and begin egg pro- duction. In the case of Aitcylostoma dnodeiiale in man the eggs first appear in the feces 5 to 6 weeks after infection, whereas in A caiiiinim of dogs, eggs may appear as early as 15 d;iys (Herrick, 192S). 2. IIaemonchus contortus The life cycle of this worm as worked out by Ran.soni (1906), Veglia (1916) and others is essentially the same as that of the ancylostomas in its free-living phase. The infective, ensheathed third stage larvae, however, are not skin-penetrators, but have a tendency to climb up on vegetation or other ob.iects where they are in a favorable position to be ingested by their herbiv- orous definitive hosts. Here they curl up, and are remarkably resistant to cold and to moderate desiccation. Upon being in- gested by the final host the larvae bury themselves in the mu- cous glands and crypts of the abomasum, where they undergo the third and fourth molts; the sdult stage is reached after about the 9th to 11th days, and the worms emerge to live in the lumen of the organ, beginning egg production about 3 weeks after infection. Although there is no evidence that the worms perform a parenteral migration in sheep, Ransom (1920) showed that they do migrate to the lungs in guinea pigs. 3. Syngamus trachea The life cycle of this worm was first experimentally worked out by Ortlepp (1923). The eggs of the worm are laid in the bronchi or trachea of the host in an advanced stage of seg- mentation. Under favorable conditions the first-stage larva is developed in about 3 days, but the egg does not become infec- tive until after 1 to 2 weeks, whereupon they may or may not hatch. Ortlepp observed only a single molt during the course of development and interpreted the infective larva as a second- stage larva but Wehr (1937) demonstrated that the develop- ing larva undergoes two molts within the egg. Buckley (1934), studying 5. ierci of cats, also observed the usual two molts. Yokogawa (1922) also missed the first molt in the case of Xippostrongylus muris, and in spite of the large amount of experimental work done with that worm the missed molt was not discovered until 1936, when Lucker demonstrated it. The first cuticle in both these worms is extremely thin, and the second ecdysis may be in progress before it is coinpletely shed. Infective larvae, whether hatched or .still in the eggs, are infective when directly swallowed by susceptible hosts, but very often they are swallowed by various invertebrates; when this happens they penetrate the gut wall and become encap- sulated in the body cavity. Walker (1.SS6) and Waite (1920) both called attention, on epidemiological grounds, to the impor- tance of earthworms in the dissemination of this parasite, but Clapham (1934) first experimentally worked out the role played by these annelids. Subsequently Taylor (1935) showed that 273 Fig. 182. DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRONGYLINA A-C — Syngamus tracheaii^. (A — Ensheathed second stage larva; B — Third stage larval female; C — Ensheathed young fourth stage larval male). D-F — Syngamus ierei (D — Third stage larva; E — .\nterior end of third stage larva; F — Tail of third stage larva). G — Haemonchus contortus on blade of grass. H-N — OUulanus ti'icuspis (H — First stage larva; I — Second stage larva; J — Tail between first and second stage: K — Third stage (infective) larva; L — Fourth stage female; M — Fourth stage male; N — Gravid female). 0-U — Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (0-^Egg from the feces; P-Q — First stage; R — Second stage; S — Third stage; T — Fourth stage male; U — Fourth stage female). A-C, after Ortlepp. 1923, J. Helm. v. 11. D-F, after Buckley, 1934, J. Helm. v. 72. G, after Ransom, 1906, U. S. Bur. An. Ind. Circ. 93. H-N, after Cameron, 1927, J. Helm. v. f>. O-II. after Wetzel and Enigk, 1938, Arch. Wiss. u. prakt. Tierheilk. 73(2). 274 siiiiils iiiul sliiRS wuiild also si'ivo as transport liosts, ami later found that tlio pneystod larvae would remain viable in these niolUises for several years. More reeeiitly Clnpham (l!>Sila, l!).!i>h"l showed that niaRBots. erane tiy larvae, spring tails ami eentipedes would serve in a similar eapaeity, and that the worms were alile to survive metamorphosis in the tissues of tlies. When iiiKesteil liy these hosts the infeetive larvae lialih fnini the eRKS if they have luit already done so, penetrate the gut wall, and enter the body eavity, where they are eventually en eapsulated by the host tissues, t'lapliani has shown that the life eycle is eompleted somewhat nuire readily with the aid of a vector than without, and was able to infect chickens readily with a starlint; strain when an earthworm vector was used, whereas Taylor ( 1!>11S^ had had difficulty in doinjr so by direct infection. I'lapham calls attention to the fact that Siiii'li'miix trachea is evidently nndergoinK evolution in its life cycle; at present it can still develop without an intermediate host, and iuis not as yet adapted its requirements to any imiliciilar inter mediate host, Init can use almost any that happens to swallow it. She makes the reasonable suggestion, however, that in time difTerent strains may adapt themselves to different intermedi ate hosts, as determined by the food habits of the final hosts. and thus i>erhaps give rise to new species. At present, however, the effect of living in a transport host seems to be to rliiiiiiiair physiological differences; for example, in the case of starling strains developing in chickens. Tt is ]>ossible that some species of StjiiDamiis may already have reached the stage of reciiiirixn an intermediate host, since Buckley (1S134) was unable to ii\ feet cats with eggs containing third stage larvae of S. irrci. After infection by swallowing eggs, free larvae, or larvae contained in invertebrate transport hosts, .S". trachra appar ently reaches the lungs via the circulatory .system. Orflepp (1923) found the larvae in the lung tissues within 24 hours and Wehr as early as 17 hours after infection. Welir found fourth stage larvae after 3 days and immature adults after 7 days; some of the latter were already in cDpiila even before entering the trachea. Variatioks in the Life Cycle in Other Stroncyi-oide.v AND TrICHOSTRONGYLOIDEA The preparasitic stages of nearly all the members of the Strongyloidea and Trichostrongyloidea, except the Syngamidae, are remarkably similar, involving two free living rhabditiform stages separated liy a molt, and a strongyliform third stage, in which the shed cuticle is usually retained as a sheath. The time intervals between the molts and the total time required to reach maturity vary considerably; in some species, e.g. Ornitlio- strongi/lus quaflrirndiatiis, the infective third stage may lie reached within 3 days. The infective larvae are distinguish able by characters of the mouth, buccal cavity, esophagus, shape of tail, length of sheath, etc., and also, as Lucker has shown in a series of papers (e.g., I^ucker, 1938) by the num ber and arrangement of cells in the intestine. The only important variation from this formula is the molt- ing of some species within the egg, thus eliminating a period of feeding and growth outside the host ; this, as already noted, occurs in Synfiamim and it also occurs in XcmatoiUnis spp. (Ransom, 1911; Maupas and Seurat, 1913) and in OsuaUlo cruzia fijiformis (Slrongyhis auriciilari.t, Zeder) (Maupas and Seurat, 1913 >. According to the latter authors, Ostcrtagio marshalli hatches as a second stage larva and undergoes its second molt 2 or 3 days later without feeding. This is not true, however, of 0. circumcincia. When botli molts occur inside the egg the infective embryos may or may not hatch prior to being swallowed by a host, eggs containing infeetive third-stage larvae being infective as well as the free larvae. Strong ylacantha glycirrhi^a, according to Seurat (1920b), hatches at the end of 48 hours but the larvae fail to feed, and at the end of a month hare molted twice and are ensheathed in both shed cuticles, .just as in the case of Dictyncaiiliis (see below). A striking exception to the usual course of events occurs in the case of Olliilaniis iricuspis, according to Cameron (1927). This parasite of the stomach of eats is viviparous. The eggs hatch in the uterus of the mother, and the larva undergoes its first molt before it is born, acquiring the typical tri cuspid tail. Third stage larvae are found free in the stomach of the cat, but it is not certain whether the second molt occurs before or after birth. This form is believed by Cameron to leave the stomach with the vomitus of the eat. When eaten by another cat with the vomitus the larvae change to fourth-stage larvae and finally adults. Some part of this development is believed to take place in the depths of the mucous membrane. No other method of exit from the cat has yet been found ; no larvae were ever seen in the intestine, nor were mice infected when fed on cat stomach or infected vomitus. Continuous auto infection is believed possitde but improbable; Cameron suggests the pos- sible production of a substance inhibiting complete larval de- velojiment, as postulate), and normally infect by mouth. Although most of the hookworms ;ire able to infect the host by mouth as well as through the skin, and may even be able to dispense with the parenteral migration (see above), Ortlepp (1937) was unable to cause infection in sheep by the oral route with larvae of Caigeria pacliy.scrli.i. Most other members of the Strongy- loidea and Trichostrongyloidea fail to i)enetrate the skin al- though a few {Slcphaiiiiriis deniattis, Nippostrongylux miirix, Langixlriata mii.seiili, Trichostrongyliin caJcaralus) are able to do so. Other species of Trirhostrongylux apparently do not penetrate the skin. Xippo.ilroiigyhix miirix is almost wholly dependent upon skin penetration ( Vokogawa, 1922), whereas for Langiatriaia miisciili oral infection is probably more impor- tant in nature (Schwartz and Alicata, 1936). The great majority of the worms belonging to the groups we are considering normally enter the host by mouth, with con- taminated water or food. In most cases the larvae climb up on living vegetation and are more or less resistant to desiccation. This is true of all the Strongylidae so far as known (except Stephaniinix), and all of the Trichostrongyloidea with the ex- ception of the few mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and OUiiIanus. The development within the host involves varying degrees and types of migiation. Skin-penetrating larvae usually follow the route described above for ancylostoraes, but Schwartz and Alicata (1936) showed that the larvae of Longislriata muscnU do not normally do so; they appear in the stomach within a few hours after skin penetration, and in the intestine soon after that, but they were not found in the liver, lungs or stomach walls. Their actual route was not determined. In the case of this worm, whether infection is by skin or mouth, the entire development takes |)lace in the intestine, contrary to what happens in other skin-penetrating £orms, even in the nearly related Xippo.itrongyliis. Nematodes infecting by mouth may or may not migrate via the blood stream. Most of the Trichostrongyloidea (e.g. Cooperia, OrnithoxtroiigyJiis, Ostcrtagia, Obeliscoidcs, Graphid- iiiin. Eacmonchu.^, Hyoxtrougyliis, most species of Trichostrong- his, Xematodinis) perform no migration at all beyond a more or less temporary invasion of the glands or crypts of the stomach or duodenum. Some forms, e.g., Ornilhostrongybis qiiadriradiatiia, may reach the adult stage of development as carlv as the third" or fourth day after infection (Curillier, 1937). The Strongylidae show various gradations from invasion of the circulatory system and transportation with the blood, to mere temporary invasion of the glands. Of the three common species of Strongylus in horses each shows characteristic fea- tures in its migration, the larvae of S. vulgaris being found in aneurisms in the anterior mesenteric vein, those of S. ideniatus under the peritoneal walls of the abdominal cavity, and those of S. equinus in liver and pancreas. According to the usually accepted view (see, for example, Xeveu-Lemaire, 19.36) .S. vtil garis penetrates the walls of the jntestine and migrates through the body via the circulatory system, passing through the capil- laries of both liver and lungs to be distributed all over the body by the systemic arterial circulation. Ninety percent stop in the anterior' mesenteric artery, to the walls of which they adhere by using the mouth as a sucker. The resulting irritation leads to the formation of an aneurysm and thromboses. Here they remain for .") months, meanwhile growing and passing through two molts; one at a length of 3 to 4 mm, the other at a length of 7 to 10 mm. Having jiassed the final molt they release their holds and are carried by the blood stream to the walls of the cecum or colon. They remain imbedded in the walls in little nodules under the mucosa for about a month, and finally make their exit into the lumen. Olt (1932) thinks that the normal migration is via the lungs and trachea as in the case of hook- worms, but that some larvae burrow through the intestinal walls and l)etween the laminae of the mesenteries until they reach a large bloodvessel. If this is a large, heavy-walled vessel the slow jiassage through it leads to inflammation and the characteristic aneurysms. Wetzel and Enigk (1938a), on the other hand, believe they have convincing evidence that no Fig. 18,!. STROiVOTLUS TULGARIt: Verminous aneuvvstns jiffecting the anterior mesentei'ic Foster & Clark, 1937. .\i>i. J. Tniii. Med. v. 17 (1). artery. After Strongj/lus larvae migrate via the hiiigs and trachea, but under- go tlieir whole dfveloptueut within tlic abdominal cavity. S. edentatus larvae penetrate the walls of the intestine and the majority come to rest under the peritoneum, though the route followed in reaching this location has not been traced. Some, probably carried by the blood stream, reach the liver and lungs. After about 3 months, during which they grow much larger, the larvae migrate to the roots of the mesenteries and travel between the laminae to the walls of the cecum and colon. Here they become lodged for about a month in large subserous liemorrliagic nodules wliich eventually open into the lumen of the intestine. S. equiniis larvae penetrate the walls of the intestine and make their way to the liver and pancreas. It has generally been assumed that they arrive in these places via the blood stream, but Wetzel's observations (I.e.) throw doubt on this. After development to the fourth larval stage they return to the walls of colon and cecum, again by an undetermined route, and continue their growth in nodules in the walls of these organs. After reaching the final stage of development by a fourtli molt they pass into the lumen. The Trichoneminae of horses are believed not to migrate out of the intestine at all. Many of them, jierliaps all, penetrate into the walls of the mucosa where they develop in nodules. They undergo the tliird molt when about 1 mm long, becoming what Ihle and Ocirdt (1923) call "Triehonema" larvae, provided witli a provisional moutli capsule. Tlie final molt occurs in the lumen of the intestine. Trioilontopliorus tcnuicolUs- is believed by Ortlepp (102.T) to develop directly in the lumen of the cecum and colon, without even temporarily burying itself in the mucosa. He was never able to find larvae of this species in nodules. However, only fourtli stage larvae were found, and there is nothing in Ort- lepp's observations to preclude a hookworm-like migration via lungs and trachea on the part of the third-stage larvae. The Oesoidiagostomiuae have a life cycle in the host essen- tially the same as that of the Trichoneminae, the young worms tending to Ijuvy themselves in the mucosa, where tliey cause the formation of cysts or nodules. Here thej- undergo their devel- opment to the final stage, emerging into the lumen of the intes- tine at about the time of the final molt, or in some cases even later, when they have grown to a length of 4 or 5 mm. According to Spindler (1933), Oexophagostomnm quadrix- plmilatum (= loiigicaudiim) of pigs produces inflamed liipiefy ing cysts within 4.S hours after infection, and the larvae begin escaping into the Inmen after aliout 17 days. Similar inflamed cysts are produced by most other species of oesophagostomes, but Goodey (1924) failed to observe tlieiu in experimental in feetions with 0. dcntatiim and Schwartz (1931) saw onl}' small noninflamcd nodules at the site of attachment of adult worms of this species in contrast to the inflamed lesions caused by quadrispiniilatum. Chabcrtia oviniis, though nearly related to Oesophagostotniim, also fails to develop in submucous nodules. Stephaiturus diniatiis, (see Schwartz and Price, 1932; Ross and Kauzal, 1932) whether entering by skin or mouth, migrates Fig. 184. OESOPHAGOSTOMVU BIFVKCUM AND METASTRONaTLUS S'ALMI A — Nodules of Oesophagoatomum. bifurcum in the large intestine of an African (after Brunipt). B-E — Metnstrongylns salvii (B — Egg with fully developed embryo; C — Newly hatched first stage larva; D — First stage larva undergoing first molt; E — Second stage larva undergoing second molt while still enclosed within the cuticle of first molt). A. after Chandler. 1940 (fig. 146) Int. to Parasit. B-E, after Alicata, 1!):!5, U.S.D.A. Tech. Bull. 489. to the liver via the blood stream. The third molt occurs about 70 hours after infection, and the larvae have a provisional mouth capsule. Normally such larvae escape from the capil- laries in the liver and wander in the hepatic parenchyma until they reach the surface capsule. They wander under this for a time but eventually, 3 months or more after infection, break free into the body cavity and make their way to the perirenal fat tissue, perforating the walls of the ureters to establish con- nection with the outside world. They tliemselves become en- closed in capsules of host tissue. II. METASTRONGYLOIDEA In this supeifamily of the Strongylina the early development follows somewhat different patterns from that of the other members of the suborder, except in a few instances (e.g., Strongijlacaniha resembles Dictyocaidus in hatching and then reaching the infective stage without feeding or growing, and the Sj'ugamidae also resemble Dicti/ocaulus in having optiiuial transport hosts). Three principal types of development occur among the Mcta- strongyloidea : (1) the Dicfi/ocaidus type, in which the larvae go through two molts and reach the infective stage, surrounded by one or both shed cuticles, without feeding or growing; (2) the Metastrongylus type, in which the first-stage larvae con- tinue their development after ingestion by earthworms, and (3) the Prutostrongylus type, in which the first stage larvae, attracted by the mucus of snails or slugs, continue their devel- opment after entering the slime glands in the foot of these molluscs, and becoming encapsulated in the muscular connec- tive tissue under the epithelium. I. Du-i' si'P, Tho ogRS of /'. filiiriii iiiiil l>. rni/xin/.v Iwitcli in tlie Inoiulii. or at least in tlic iiitostino, as tlii'v aro loaviiiR the body of tin' dotiiiitivo liost, Imt tliosi- of />. nrnfiilili, aiTiiidiiiu to Wi't/.il ,inii Kiiigk (IS'.'tS) fail to liatoli in ttio UinRS, anil iisually do mil liati-li nntil a few lionrs after leavinR tlie body. The first nioll nsiially takes plaee at room temperature in from 1 to ;; days, anil the seeond in from 3 days (in />. anifii'lili) to aliimt I'J days (P. filaria) later, t'snally both sheaths are present in early third stage larvae, but the lirst eutiele is eventually lusl. These infeetive larvae live a long time in moist soil or water, and .-ire able to survive in earthworms if eaten by them, al though they do not depend upon the earthworm as an inter mediate host. The use of earthworms as transport hosts seems to be of less importnnee in the e.iso of Dictiincaidiis than in the of Si/nflamux (see aboveK However, there is no evidenee as yet that DirlnoftDiliix ean use as large a variety of transiiorl hosts as ean Siinonmiis. '2. Mbri'ASTKON'CVI.US Mi'taslroiiffjiiu.i ilontiatiui (= apri), M. .salmi, and Chornt .ilrotiffiilii.t pudcndotictii.i. The eggs of these worms eontain fully developed embryos when deposited. .\lthinigh usn.-illy stated to liateh in the bronchi or intestinal tract during passage out of the definitive host, Alieata (10.S.">) found that they are usually passed in the feces unhatched, and remain unhntehed until taken into the bod.v of a susceptible intermediate host. The eggs or embryos nia.v, however, remain viable for '.i months in moist soil. When ingested by earthworms (species of Jlrloilriliis ,iiul I.iimbricus) the larvae burrow into the walls of the esophagus and proventriculus of these hosts. Alieata has found them there K! hours after exposure to infection. They also enter the circulatory system and may be found in the hearts, but Schwartz and Alieata (1!)2!0 showed that migration via the blood stream was not an essential part of the life cycle of this worm in its intermediate host. In the earthworm the first molt occurs about 8 to 10 days or more after infection, and the second one a few days later, this molt beginning before the first cuticle has been shed. The seeond cuticle is retained by the third .stage larvae, which are now infective. The larvae do not si)ontaneou.sly leave the host, and an earthworm may re main infective over winter, and probably at times for several years. Upon death of the earthworms the larvae are able to survive for 2 weeks in moist soil. Pigs become infected by eating infected earthworms or liberated infective larvae. After ingestion, according to Hobmaier and Hobmaier (li)29), they migrate via the lymphatics or blood stream, und rgoing the third molt in mesenteric lymph glands, and then proceed via the lymjihatic and blood .systems to the lungs, where they become mature after a fourth .■ind final molt. ?,. Pkotostrongvi.inak .Ml the members of the family Protostrongylinae resemble one another in requiring molluscs as intermediate hosts. In all cases the embryonated eggs hatch before leaving the body, or soon after, and the first stage larvae may live in soil or water for several weeks, but without further development. The larvae are attracted by the slime of molluscs, and upon coming in contact with a mollusc they creep into furrows in the foot, whence they penetrate into mucous glands, burying themselves in the muscular connective tissue under the e])itheluni. Here they coil up and soon become enclosed in a tubercle resulting from encapsulation by the host. The molt usually takes place after a week to 10 days at room temperature, the larvae having grown comparatively little in length, but having become thicker. The second molt usually takes place in from 10 or 12 days (Aelurostrongylux, MiicUcriti.s, Crenosoma) to 4 or .t weeks (Elaphostrongylus), after which the larvae are infective when molluscs containing them are eaten. In most cases little specificity is shown with respect to the species of molluscs utilized as intermediate hosts, although, possibly because of the habits of the snails, certain species seem to be of prime imjiortance. I'mtdstroiij/i/liis riifisccns develops primarily in Ilelicella (Hobmaier and Hobmaier, 1930) ; Miiellfriiis capil- larix can utilize a great variety of snails and slugs, :ilthuug]i Pavlov (1937) found only Ilelicella obxia to be important in Fig:. IH.-, DEVELOPMENT OV l'R( ITOSTKdXi; Yl.I X AE IN MOLLU.S(.'S Larvjte of MueUerUi^ capiUnris in AgrUtlimtix aurfittiH. X — Larvae in furrow of foot of mollusk a few hours after infection; B — On first day of infection (sagittal section); C — Coiled larva in foot on second day of infection (horizontal section) ; D — I^arvae in sole of foot on 16th (liiv of infection. .After Hobmaier, 1934, Ztschr. f. Parasitenk, v. 6 (5). .Jugoslavia; Aelumstrongyliis abstriistis, reported by Cameron (1927) to utilize mice as intermediate hosts, apparently er- roneously, according to Hobmaier and Hobmaier (1935) devel- ops in a variety of snails and slugs, but Epiphragviophora proved most suitable. Other forms in which a variety of mol- luscs have been shown to serve as hosts are Aelurostrongi/liis fatcifonnis (Wetzel, 1938), Crcnonoma viilpis (Wetzel and Miiller, 1935), and Elaphostrongylus odocoilei (Hobmaier and Hobmaier, 1934). Hobmaier (1934) believes that the utilization of molluscs as intermediate hosts by the Protostrongylinae grew out of the habit of the larvae of seeking protection from desiccation in the slime of the molluscs. This predilection for slime extends to the period of passage through the colon of the definitive host, for the larvae are commonly found burying themselves in the intestinal mucus and thus becoming located on the sur- face of fecal pellets instead of iuside. In this position those larvae which were not protected from desiccation by the mucus, and subsequently the ti.ssues, of snails would fail to survive. The larvae, as Hobmaier points out, differ widely in their habitat in the snail from the parthenitae of flukes, which prob- ably develop in snails because these were ancestral hosts. Whereas fluke parthenitae are true internal parasites of mol- luscs, lungworm larvae are scarcel.v more than external para- sites. Larvae ingested by snails usually pass all the way through the alimentary canal and fail to develop. 277 ASCARIDINA OXYUROIDEA 1. Enterobius vermicularis 111 spite of the fact that the oxyurid type of life cycle is the simplest and probably the most primitive of any found among nematodes parasitic in vertebrates, a search of the literature has failed to reveal a single instance in Avhich a de- tailed molt by molt account of the life cycle has been descrilied. The life C3'cle of Entcrobiuf: vennicidaris, so far as it is knoivn, will serve as an example of its type. The adult female worms, with the uteri filled with develop- ing eggs, live in the lower part of the large intestine and par- ticularlj' in the rectum. They do not ordinarily deposit their eggs in the lumen of the intestine, but crawl out of the anus and deposit them in the perianal region, leaving trails of eggs as the}' creep about. Contact with air is apparently a stimulus to oviposition (Philpot, 1!>24). Although they frequently re- main outside the anus and release the eggs in showers when the body ruptures, MacArthur (1930) and others state that they commonly retreat into the rectum, to repeat their egg-laying expeditions out of the anus over and over again, particularly at night. The eggs when deposited by the females, or contained in the uterus of females which have voluntarily migrated out of the intestine, are fairly uniformly in the "tadpole" stage of de- velopment, apparently being unable to progress beyond this point without free oxygen. Within 6 hours after leaving the body they develop a coiled larva (ring and-a-half embryo) which is infective. According to Brumiit (1922) the larva undergoes no molt before hatching nor, according to Philpot (1924), as a free larva in water. However, Alicata (1934) sug- gested that a molt within the egg shell might be general for the Asearidina, and Entcrohin.i might well be reexamined. Chitwood (personal communication) believes he has seen a molt in the egg, and thinks there may be two. Development of the larva in the egg will occur in oxygenated water, and in this medium the larvae commonly emerge in from 9 to 24 hours at 37° C, but they only live for a few days, so it is evident that water cannot be an important vehicle of infection. Exposed to air a considerable proportion of the eggs survive for at least 6 days at humidities above 62 percent (Jones and Jacobs, 1939). When ingested the eggs hatch in the stomach or intestine, and the worms live during the early part of their development in the lower part of the small intestine, cecum and upper por- tions of the colon, not infrequently invading the appendix. Heller (1903) states that there definitely are two molts in the small intestine, and probably three. Chitwood, (personal com munication) reports having seen a molt in the epithelium of the appendix. By analogy with other nematodes there is probably a total of four molts. Although the worms have repeatedly lieen reported as bur- rowing into the mucous membranes, especially of the appendix (Penso, 1932), it seems probable that this is a habit only of the fourth-stage larvae. Chitwood (personal communication) re- ports having found the fourth-stage larvae in sections of the appendix. He has observed a definite period 6 to 9 days after infection when symptoms of invasion appeared, followed 4 to 7 days later by migration of the worms from the anus. Exposure to air after operation would account for the deposits of eggs which Penso reports and figures deep in the walls of the ap pendix. There has been a large amount of discussion as to whether internal autoinfeetion by the worms can occur. The fact that infections persist even for many years in spite of the most care- ful efforts to prevent reinfection from the anus via the hands has lent support to this idea. However, the demonstration by Lentze (193.5), and Nolan and Reardon (1939) of the ease with which airborne infectious can occur seems sufficient to account for the persistence of infections. On the other hand, Zawadowsky and Schalimov (1929), Lentze (193.5) and others have called attention to the failure of development and infec tion of eggs or embryos left under conditions such as exist in the lumen of the large intestine. It would be difficult to say that internal auto-infection could never occur, but the evidence is all in favor of the view that if it does occur it is an abnormal and exceptional condition. Copulation of the young adult worms usually takes place in the upper parts of the colon or in the cecum, where the males live for some time. The females do not migrate to the rectum until they contain developing eggs. Eipe females begin to ap- pear about 15 days after infection. 2. Other Oxvuroide.v The life cycles of other Oxyuridae are the same in essential features, but differ in details. Oxyuris eqiii differs in that the fourth-stage larva has a special structural development of the anterior portion or "corpus" of the esophagus which enables the larva to use it as a highly developed buccal capsule for adhering to the mucosa (Wetzel, 1931). The ripe females of this species creej) out of the anus as do those of fJntcrobiua. but this is probably not true of forms parasitic in rodents. The fourth stage larva of Dfnnatoxys vcUgera is also provided with a special structure for adhering to the mucosa, but in this case the end is accomplished by the development of four conspicuous hooks on the head (Fig. 156, X, Y) (Dikmans, 1931), which is buried in the mucosa (Wetzel, 1932). These specializations for maintaining a position in the colon are of interest as indicative of a need for some sort of protection against expulsion from the body before maturity is reached, a need which may perhaps, as has already been suggested, have led to a deeper burrowing into the mucosa and ultimately to a parenteral migration. According to Philpot (1924), Aspiculuris ictraptcra has a life cycle strikingly like that of Eiitrrobitix, differing only in the earlier stage at which the eggs cease development before expulsion, and their failure to hatch outside the body. Sypliacia obvelata differs in that the eggs have developed embryos when they leave the host. All stages of development from the young- est larva to adult can be found in the cecum of naturally in- fected mice, and are strikingly similar to those described and figured for Aspiculuris. Tachygnnctria loju/icoUis and T. ilcn- laia definitely undergo a molt before hatching from the egg. PassaJunis cimbiniius, according to Penso (1932), is capable of internal auto-infection; the gravid females burrow into the mucosa to deposit their eggs, and the larvae subsequently emerge to continue their development. Penso, however, postu- lates a similar behavior on the part of Entcrobitis vermicularis, and thinks that Wetzel's observations on Dcrmatoxys vcUycra were in error, the larvae with buried heads being emerging from, not entering, the mucosa, .\lthough Piissalurus ambigiins may sometimes deposit its eggs in the mucosa, Penso 's observa- tions need to be extended before this can be accepted as a normal or usual procedure. Probstmayria rivipara (Atractidae) is, so far as known at present, unique among nematodes that arc known to be obliga- tory parasites of vertebrates in reproducing continuously gen- eration after generation in a single host. It is among the. nematodes what the Pupipara are among the Diptera, or Tiiiiga among fleas. Its larvae hatch in the uterus and grow almost to the size of the parents before being born (vide Ransom, 1907). They resemble the parents except for lack of develop- ment of the genital organs. No stage of development is known outside the body of the host. Transfer to new hosts is believed by Jerke (1902) to be accomplished by contamination of food or water by worms jiassed in the feces; such worms, he says, remain alive in feces for several days. ASCARIDOIDEA In the Asearidoidca there are ahvays one or more molts be- fore the embryos leave the eggs and, with few if any excep- tions, there is a phase of burrowing into the mucosa, and in many cases more extensive migration from the lumen of the in- testine to the body cavity, liver, lungs or other tissues of the definitive or of an alternating host. Heter.\kidae The members of this family bridge the gap between the typi- cal oxyurid life cycle and that of the ascaridids. At least one sjiecies, Subulura brumpti (see below), has become dependent upon an intermediate host. The life cycle of Hetcrakis gallinac, according to Clapham (1933), is of the typical oxyurid type except that the females do not migrate out of the anus to deposit eggs, but oviposit in the ceca. Earlier writers have reported burrowing and encyst- nieiit in the cecal walls, or penetration into cecal glands, but Clapham was unable to find any evidence of migration or bur- rowing, the larvae passing directly to the ceca within 48 hours and maturing in the lumen. The first molt occurs in the egg (Alicata, 1934), the third not until 10 days after infection. Other species of Heterahis {isolonche, beramporia) burrow into the intestinal mucosa at some time during development and reach maturity in tumors which form around them. This possibly is the first step in the direction of the Ascaris type of life cycle. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASCARIDIXA A — PuJtsaiuruK nmbiguuit. B — "0.ri/uri»" brer-icnudn showing emer- gence area and embryo in outline after inculmtinn for 64 hours at 22° C. C-il — Aitpictiluris tetraptera (C — EgK incubated in water 24 hours; D — 43 hours; E — 08 hours; F — Larva from intestine 4 hours after feed- ing; G— Larva from cecum 4 hours after feeding; H — After 18 hours; I — After 44 hours; J-K — 10 days after feeding; J, male. K. female; L-M — 18 day*; after feeding. L. female. M. male). N-Q — Supfiarin obvelata (N — Uterine egg containing mature emt>ryo ; O — Hatched em- brj"o; P — Youngest larva found in cecum ; Q — Male measuring .8 1 mm.). R — EnierohiuM vermiculariM, larva three days after hatdiing in Ringer's solution. S-T — Derma toxi/s vpUgern (S — Head. T- — ^Head. fourth stage). U — Probstmayria riripara, lateral view of female am- taining a well developed embr>'o. a second less developed and two eggs. V-Y — Aficaridia gaUi ( V — cephalic extremity of second stage larva showing oral prominence; W — Second stage, newly hatched; X — Tail of third stage female showing preanal swelling; Y — Tail of fourth stage male). Z-CC — Ancurin himbrwoides (Z — Second stage (newly hatched); AA — Third stage; BB — Fourth stage (21 days); CC — Fifth stage (29 days old). I)I>-EE — Cosmocercoides dukae (DD — Newly hatched larva;' EE — Infective larva). FF-II — Contracaecum aduncuni (FF-GG — Hatched larvae; HH — Anterior end of larva armed with boring tooth; I1-— Larva from body cavity of Ascartui bifilonu). JJ — Subulura brt/wpti, encysted infective larva recovered from body cavity of the beetle Alphitobtufi diaperinus. KK — Hetarakis guUinae, infec tive larva found newlv hatched in the small intestine. A-R. after Phil- pot. J. Helminth., v. 2 (5), pp. 239-252. S-T. after Dikmans. 1931. Trans. Amer. ilic. Soc. v. 50 (4). U, after Ransom, 1907, Trans. Amer. Mic. Soc. v. 27. V-Y, after Roberts. 19^7. Bull. 2 An. H. Sta. Queensland. Z-CC. after Roberts. 1934, Bull. 1. An. H. Sta. Queens- land. DD-EE. after Harwood. 1930, J. Parasit. 17. FF-II, after Markowski, 1937, Hull. Acad. Polon. Ser. B. J.7. after Alicata, 1939. J. Parasit. 25. KK, after Ctapham, 1933, J. Helminth, v. 11 (2). 279 V-^^r^: :■" Dermtttoxys veliffern, Phofnmicrograph of fourth stage larva pene- trating mucous membrane. After Wetzel. li>31. J. Para.sit. v. 18. Asrnriilia finjli. erts. 1H:i7. Bull. Fig. 188. Section nf small intestine showing larva. After Rob- .\'fi. 2. Animal Health Sta. Yeerongpilly. Queensland. The life cycle of Ascaridia galli ma.v well be a second step towards that of Ascaris. As elucidated bj- Ackert (1931), Alieata (1934) and Roberts (1937) this worm undergoes one molt in the egg and then normally remains enclosed in the egg until infection. There are three molts in the host, the tirst of these (second molt) occurring about (3 days after infection and the others at about 6-day intervals thereafter. After reaching the third stage, on about the ninth or tenth days, the larvae Inirrow down between the villi and penetrate into the glands of Lieberkuhn, the posterior ends of the bodies remaining free in the lumen. Itagaki (1927) observed that at certain seasons in Japan (midsummer and midwinter) the larvae habitually pene- trated into the mucosa, about as described by Ackert and by Roberts, causing fibrous nodules, but that in spring and autumn they remain in the lumen. Roberts reported less tendency for the larvae to burrow into the mucosa in April and May than in November. Although on rare occasions the larvae penetrate too deeply and enter the peritoneal cavity, mesenteries, liver. or even the lungs (Ackert, 1923; Guberlet, 1924), it is clear that this is purely accidental. Svbuhira iriimpti. according to Alieata (1939), has depart- ed from the usual heterakid life cycle pattern in requiring an intermediate host. This is the only member of the subfamily Subulurinae in which the life cycle has been investigated, and it is possible that the use of an intermediate host has become general in this group as it has in the Anisakinac. Alieata was unable to infect chickens by feeding embryonated eggs, either just recovered from the uteri of gravid females, or incubated in \vater at about 24° C. for 1 week, but succeeded in producing infection by feeding naturally infected arthro- pods harboring the cysts in the body cavity. The cysts contain coiled nematodes having bulbed esophagi and conspicuous esophageal valves as in the adults (Fig. 1S6, JJ). High inci- dences of natural infection were found in the following arthro- pods collected on poultry farms in Hawaii: (Coleoptera) Der- mestes vulpinus, Gojioccphalus scriatum, Ammoplwnis insiilaris, Alphit oh hits diapcriniis ; and (.Dermaptera) EiibonlJia ainin- lipes. Encysted larvae were also found in grasshoppers (Con- ocephalns aallalor) l.'i days after experimental infection. CoSJIOt'ERCIDAE At least some of the members of this family resemble the typical Ascarididae in that the larvae, burrowing into the mucosa, enter the circulatory system and reach the lungs, where they escape into the air spaces and eventually make their way back to the intestine via trachea and esophagus. They differ, however, in having a free living phase outside the body. Cos- mocerca trispinosa (= Nematoxys longicaiida) has long been known to occur in the lungs of salamanders in an immature form, and in the intestine as an adult. Von Linstow considers its growth in the lungs as analogous to the growth of Ani- sakinae in an intermediate host. Harwood (1930) found that Cosmocercoides dukac (his Oxi/somatium variabilis) undergoes a molt after 5 days of free life outside the bod.v and, although his observations on development after infection are inconclu- sive, that the larvae are found in the lungs not only after sub- cutaneous inoculation, but also after infection by mouth. They do not, however, penetrate the skin. Ascarididae The ma.)ority of the Ascarididae have a migratory phase lie- fore becoming adult in the intestine. The larvae, burrowing into the mucosa, enter the circulatory system and are cariiod via liver or lymphatic system to the heart, thence to the lungs where they become free in the air spaces, and thence via trachea and throat back to the alimentary canal. Toxascaris leonina, according to Wright (1935), does not perform this migration; the life cycle is similar to that of Ascaridia except that the sec- ond-stage larvae burrow into the mucous membranes almost immediately after hatching, and return to the lumen of tlie intestine after the third molt, on the 9th or 10th day. As shown by Fiilleborn (1922) and others, some larvae penetrate all the way through into the liody cavity and enter viscera by 280 tie. ixa. Aitcnris tttitnn. Liirva in sfctinn of iiinu.-t' lung 1 VM-t'k iiflt'i" iiifei'tiori. AftiT ISansoiii. 1!)20, U.S. 11. A. Yeailiook. this louto, :iiiil souu' aio luolmlil.v ]pii-kc'il \ii> :ni(l cniicd h.v the circulatoiv system. Axcarus Iinnbricoide.s. Long: tlimij^lit Ui liave a liireet devel- opment in the intestine, Ascari.s Iiiiiibricoidi's was fiist shown to undergo a preliniiiiaiy migration tluough the body by Stewart (1914) ; Stewart found that eggs fed to rats migrated to the lung.s, and erroneously concluded that rats served as intcrmedi ate hosts. Shortly thereafter Ran.som and Poster (1917) and Chandler (1918) called attention to the probability that the migration through the body was a part of the normal develop- ment in the definitive host; experimental proof, with details of the development, was supplied by Hansom and Foster in llliO. Details of the course of the migration were worked out and reported by Ransom and Cram in I'.l'Jl, and further details were supplied by Roberts (lil34). The first-stage larva appears in the egg on about the eighth day at the optimum temperature of HO to 33° C, and the first molt occurs in the egg on about the ISth day. Ransom and Foster (lifJO) observed that the embryo underwent a molt in the egg. Later Alicata (1934) reported that the egg is not infective until after this molt; he also pointed out that the embryos of A-'scaridia lineata, Parascaris cqiionnn, Toxocara canis, Toxa.scuris leonina, Heleral'is gaUinae and the roach oxyurid Blatticola blattac also underwent a molt, a feature which may be common in the Ascaridina and which determines when the egg has reached the infective stage. Normally the eggs of Ascarii Inmbricoidcs hatch in the small intestine after lieing swallowed, but they will sometimes hatch when implanted subcutaneously or intraperitoneally (Ransom and Foster, lfl20; Yoshida and Toyoda, 1038) or in artificial media containing glucose or various nitrogenous substances (Voshida and Toyoda, I.e.). The second-stage larva has a small, sclerotized, knob-like structure at the anterior end, called the "boring tooth." The larvae bore into the intestinal wall, mainly in the duodenum and upper part of the .je.iunum, after hatching; the ma.jorit.v have disappeared within 2 hours. The ma.iorit3' enter the blood stream after some hours and are found in the liver in from IS hours to several days after infection. A few apparently enter lymphatics since they are sometimes found in mesenteric lymph glands, but from here they seem to go via mesenteric venules to the liver rather than directly to the lungs. Within .t or 6 days all have left the liver and have gone to the lungs via the blood stream; some appear in the lungs within 18 hours, and they may continue to be found there for 10 or 12 days, al- though most numerous on about the third to fifth days. Dur- ing the first 2 days of this migration the larvae grow consider- ably. About the fifth or si.^th day the larvae in the lungs, measuring about 0.8 to 1 mm in length, undergo the second molt. The third stage larva has three lips with papillae, l:icks the boring tooth, has a highly developed muscular esojihagus, has the intestiiuil cells packed with granules, has a distinct nerve ring and oval genital primordium, and a conical tail turned dorsad at the tip. On the tenth to twelttli days llie llni to the abdominal cavity and enter the liver, where they burrow and feed actively for several weeks. They finally enter the wall of the stomach from the peritoneal side, and grow to maturitj'. Africa et al (193(ia) fed rats with encysted larvae and found the larvae in the liver and body muscles 8 to 25 days later. Infection of cats fed on gnathostome cysts from cold-blooded hosts has been confirmed by Prommas and Daeng- svang (1937), the prepatent period being 28 to 32 weeks, and l)y Africa et al (193()b), who found semi mature worms in tlie diaphragm and in nodules in the stomach wall nearly 4 months after infection. It is clear that the formation of a tumor about the worms in the wall of stomach or esopha- gus, which finally opens into the lumen, is a late stage of development. It also seems evident from observations made by the writer (1925b) that these tumors, when in the stomach of cats, frequently become perforated into the peritoneum and are then fatal. Yoshida 's observation that in luink the tumors form on the esophagus in the lower part of the thoracic cavity suggests that this may be the normal host and habitat, and that in these circumstances there is less danger of fatal parenteral perforation. Draschia meqastoma The life cycle of this worm is of particular interest since it represents an intermediate evolutionarj- step from that of the typical spiruroids to the filariae. It was first worked out in detail by Eoubaud and Descazeanx (1921). The female deposits embryonated eggs in the alimentary canal which, according to Roubaud and Descazeaux, hatch be- fore leaving the body of the host. The first-stage larvae possess a hooklike structure similar to the hook of Gongy- loiiema, but the larvae are in a very immature state, the con- tents of the body being granular in appearance, with no dif- ferentiation. These larvae are ingested by young nuiggots of flies, and there seems to be a fairly high degree of specificity. Draschia megastoma and Habronema miiscae have been found to be capable of development in a number of species of Musca and also in Miisciim stabiilaiis and in Fannia, but ac- tual transmission has been observed only in Musca domestica, and was definitely found by Eoubaud and Descazeaux to fail in the case of Muscina stabulans because of inability of the larvae to escape from the proboscis of that species. H. micro- stoma, on the other hand, develops primarily in Stomoxys, but has been reijorted as developing in Sarcophaga, Lyperosia and }[tisca as well, though Roubaud and Descazeaux (1922b) state that it does not reach the infective stage in Musca flomcstica. Development of Eabroncma larvae has also been reported from Drosophila. The ingested larvae bore through the walls of the ali- mentary canal of the maggots and enter the body cavity. They live free in the body cavity for only a brief time, and about the third day they penetrate into the Malpighian tubules. Here they become quiet, and undergo the first molt on the third or fourth day after ingestion. They lose the oral hook, become immobile, and grow very thick and aausage- 284 Fig. 191. DEVELOPMENT OF SPIRUKOlOKA AJ — ~0 nathostoma spinifferum (A — Larva emerging from egg through opercular t^nd ; B — Newly hatched larva with loose enveloping sheath, anterior spine : C — Anterior end of larva dissected from oy clops on first day of infection, no anterior spine but large fleshy lip. two pairs of contractile cervical sats; D— Larva from Cyclops on fourth day of infection, cephalic bulb with four rows of miuut€ spines, lip smaller ; F — Larva in body cavity of ryclops; E — Same larva; O — ^Larva from cyst in mesentery of cobra; H- — -Head, bulb and lips of larva from liver of artificially infected cat; I — Gnathostoiue from liver of artificially in- fected cat; J — Section of liver of cat showing riddling of tissue by burrowing gnathostomes) . K-M — Stages in the development of Habro- nema mimcae. (K — Egg with embryo; L — Second stage larva; M— Third stage larva before the molt). N-O — Sections pointing out the histological reaction of the fat cells parasitized by Uabronema inunca^- (N — Fat cells at the beginning of the infection showing peripherial Uiickening and hypertrophy of parasitized cell in relation to normal; O — Section of a fat sac enclosing many parasites). P — Fragment of fat tissue of larva of Slu^ca dom-fstica showing aciculate larva of H. muHcae in hypertrophied and transformed fat cell. Q-S — Development of H. microatomurn in Stomoicys. (Q — Group of adipose cells of the larva of Stomoxyti of which three are infested with a young larva of H. tnicrostamum ; R — Sausage shaped larva; S — Older second stage larva). T-CC — Draachia nie{jastoiua. (T — Embryonated egg; U — Aciculate larva emerging from egg shell; V — Aciculate larva in intestine of fly; W — Second stage larva immediately after molt in malpigbian tubules of fly larva; X-Y — Second stage larvae recovered from larva (X) and pupa (Y) of fly; Z — Full grown second stage larva; AA — Second stage larva about to molt; BB — Second stage larva, full grown and about to molt, removed from malpigbian cyst; CC — Posterior end of same). A-D, after Refuerzo & Garcia. 1938. Philip. J. An. Ind. (5 (4)). E F, after Prommas and Daengsvang, 1933, J. Parasit. G-J, after Chandler, 1925, Parasit. v. 17. KCC. after Roubaud and Descazeaux, Bull. Soc. Path.' Exot., V. 14, 15. 285 like. An outline of the stoma appears at the head end, and a conspicuous caudal vesicle and outline of the pyriform rec- tum at the posterior end, but throughout the rest of the body the nuclei are still scattered without definite order. Gradually during the next few days the worm elongates, and the alimen- tary canal, nerve ring, and rectum become well developed. Meanwhile the tissue of the wall of the Malpighian tubule surrounding the larva degenerates and is finally reduced to a mere membrane, which serves as a sheath. On the eighth day, at about the time of emergence of the adult fly, the larvae begin to break loose into the abdominal cavity, still enclosed in the membrane, but they now molt a second time and their movements become very active, resulting in their soon freeing themselves. These third-stage larvae, the infective forms, may appear as early as the ninth day. They migrate forward to the head of the fly, and collect in the interior of the labium. Attracted by warmth and moisture they move down into the labellum, and escape through the delicate membrane between the lobes of this structure when the fly is resting on a warm wet surface, e.g., the lips, nostrils or wounds of an animal. If on the lips, the larvae have an opportunity to reach the stomach via the mouth, and grow to maturity in a normal manner, but from the nostrils they reach the lungs, and from the skin the subcutaneous tissues, and in either case fail to grow to maturity. There is no doubt but that animals could also be infected by swallowing flies harboring infective larvae, but in the case of habronemiasis of horses this would probably not be a common method in nature. On the other hand it would probably be the principal if not the exclusive method in the case of habronemiasis of insectivorous birds. Still another possibility — ingestion by a transport host — is suggested in the case of habronemiasis in birds of prey ; this is supported by the finding of abundant larvae of H. mansioni encysted in the stomach walls of toads by Hsii and Chow (1938). Tliis species had previously been recorded from the bearded vulture, Gypaeiii.'i barbatiis, but several spe- cies of falcons were experimentally infected by feeding them larvae from toads. Habroneina muscac and H. micrn.ttomiim have similar life cycles {vide Roubaud and Descazeaux, lB22a), but different in details. These two species, instead of undergoing devel- opment in the Malpighian tubes, develop in cells of the fat body, the thickened walls of the cells serving ns temporary "cyst" walls. H. micro.stomum. which develops in the blood- sucking Stomoxys, might be expected to be introduced into the tissues when the insect pierces the skin, and be forced to find its way to the stomach by some roundabout parenteral route, but Roubaud and Descazeaux (1922b) point out an in- teresting biological adjustment which makes this unnecessary. They point out that, as a result of interference by the worms in its proboscis, the fly is unable to rasp a hole in the skin to suck blood, and is forced to revert to the habits of its an- cestors and non-blood-sucking relatives, and obtain moisture and nourishment from the lips or other exposed moist sur- faces. The failure of the larvae of Habroneina to become encysted in the intermediate host, there to remain until eaten by a definitive host, and the substitution of a voluntary exit from this host in response to warmth and moisture, are definite steps in the direction of a filarial life cycle. As remarked by Roubaud and Descazeaux (1922b), however, the habrone- mas are imperfectly adapted for parenteral parasitic life. Their larvae, in spite of the fact that they leave the body of the intermediate host on the surface of the body of the definitive host, are unable to penetrate the tissues, and are unable to reach maturity outside the alimentary canal. With (1) de- velopment of a parenteral adult habitat (already attempted by many spiruroids but always hampered by the necessity for the eggs to reach the alimentary canal), and (2) develop- ment of ability to enter the skin on the part of the infecting larvae, the only important change necessary to bring about a filarial life cycle is the substitution of the blood or skin for the alimentary canal as a means of exit for the larvae. Such a development could hardly fail to occur in the case of a parenteral parasite with a blood-sucking intermediate host. Other, Spiruroidea The life cycle of the ma,iority of the Spiruroidea in which it has been determined conforms in general pattern to that of Gongylonema, except for the intermediate hosts involved. In some cases there seems to be far less specificity with respect to intermediate hosts than in others, but some instances of apparent specificity are probably due to incomplete data. Thus Cheilospirura hamulosa was not known to develop in any- thing but grasshoppers until Alieata (1937) showed that an amphipod and 10 species of beetles belonging to 7 different families, as well as several grasshoppers, could b? utilized as intermediate hosts by this worm. On the other hand, Cram (1931) got negative results from feeding eggs of C. spinosa to cockroaches, ground beetles, sowbugs and crickets, but ob- tained development in two species of grasshoppers. Again, whereas Telramercs fissispina is reported as capable of devel- opment in grasshoppers, roaches, Daphnia, Gainmariis and earth- worms. Swales (1936) found that the eggs of T. crami failed to hatch in various species of Cladocera, but developed read- ily in two species of amphipods. Members of the genera Ascarops, Physocepltaliis and Spirocerca seem to develop pri- marily in dung beetles ; Spirura, Protospirura and Gongy- lonema in beetles or roaches; Oxyspirura in roaches; Seurocyr- nea in roaches and grasshopper nymphs; Acnaria in grass- hoppers; Tetrameres in various Orthoptera and Entomostraca ; Eartertia in termites (workers); Echinuria in Cladocera, Dispharynx and Hedrnris in isopods ; Cystidicola in amphipods, and Spiroxys in eopepods. Spiruroid larvae, possibly Protos- pirura, have been found in fleas also. Under experimental con- ditions Physaloptera iurgida, according to Alieata (1938), is able to develop in cockroaches, but there is a possibility that other arthropods are utilized under natural conditions. Spiroxys contorta, as reported by Hedrick (193.5), differs from the majority of the Spiruroidea but resembles Gnatho- stoma in that the eggs become embryonated in water after leaving the body of the host. It differs from Gnathostoma, however, in that the definitive host can be infected directly by the third-stage larvae in Cyclops, without requiring a second intermediate host. In nature, however, transport hosts — fish, tadpoles, frogs, newts and dragonfly nymphs, and fre- quently turtles as well — are commonly made use of. The lar%-ae of this worm are further peculiar in that they continue to grow after they reach the infective stage, both in Cyclops and in the various transport hosts. The development of a "sausage" form by the late first-stage larva of Oxyspirura mansoni, as figured by Kobayashi, is highly suggestive of Habroncma or the filariae. As far as known at present Giialkostoma spiiiigenim is the only spiruroid which requires a second intermediate host, but it is quite possible that this will be found to be true of other Gnathostomatidae as well, and perhaps of still other spiruroids. The larvae of Echiiiocepliahis (family Gnathostomatidae) have been found encysted in the tissues of a bivalve, Margaritifera vulgaris, which is presumably the first intermediate host. Simi- lar larvae have been found in a sea urchin. Since the adults occur in oyster-eating fishes no second intermediate host may be necessary. The course of migration in the definitive host is usually, as noted above, by burrowing directly through tissues or natural cavities, or by migration along natural passageways. The path of Oxyspirura mansoni to the eye, according to Fielding (1926), is by way of esophagus, mouth and lachrymal duct, the larvae sometimes arriving in the eye 20 minutes after infected roaches are fed to chicks. The migration route of Spirocerca hipi (—sanguinolenta) is not so clearly known. Faust (1927) thought that the larvae, after ingestion with the flesh of a transport host (hedgehog), reach the aorta via the portal system and lungs, but does not Fig. 192. Development of Ascaropsiniie larvae. A-E — Ascarops strons^ylina (A — First st.age larva, anterior end, lateral view; B — Larva recovered from an intermediate three days after e.xperiinental infection; C — Larva undergoing first molt: D — Third stage larva, lateral view; E — Encysted larva, third stage). F-K — Fhysocephtilus sexakttus (F — An- terior end. lateral view; G — Larva from intermediate host 2 days after experimental infection; H — Larva from intermediate host 12 days after experimental infection; I — Larva undergoing first molt; J — Encysted third stage larva (from Hobmaier, 1925); K — Third stage, tail). After Alieata, 1935, U.S.D.A., Tech. Bull. 489. Fig. 193. A-G & G — Spiroirtjs contortus; (A — Free-living larva with sheath; B — Five-day old larva from cyclops; C — Ci/clops leucknrti with three larval nematodes: G — Fully developed larva from body cavity of cyclops. showing genital primordium). O-E — Disphnrtni.r spiriilis (D — Head; E — Tail). F — Tetrampres atuerirana, tail of third stage larva. H-I — Tetrameres crami ^(iuito. J — Em- bryonic development of Loa Ion. K — Detailed drawing r)f Witrhf^rprin hancrofti larva, L — Microfilaria in deeper layers of mnjunctiva in rase with disturbance of vision, keratiti.s, and iritis, M — Second larval stage of Onchocerca in the thoracic muscles of Simulum metallicum. uppro.^imately 4H hours after fe.'ding upon infested patient. N — Third larval stage or so-called "sausage form" of Onchorerca on edge of thoracic niusdes of S. or hi arrum several days after feeding upon in- fested case. A-E. after Blacklock. O. B.. 1926. Ann. Trop. Med. v. 20 (2). F. after Francis. E., 1919. Hyg. Lab. Bull. 117. G. H, & J. after Fuelleborn. F. Handb. path. Mikr. Jena v. 6. I & K. after Chandler. A. C, 1940 (Figs. Ifiri and IfiO). L-N. after Strong, et al.. 19:^4. Contrib. Dept. Trop. Med.. Harvard. VI. 289 case of Wuchereria bancrofti and by Harwood (1932) in the ease of Litomosoides carinii. The microfilariae of Onchocerca, which are unsheathed, differ from those of other filariae in that they live in the skin, and do not enter eitlier the lymphatic or blood systems. The adult worms, living in subcutaneous tissues, are encapsulated by the host in hard nodules, through which the larvae are able to burrow and escape. The salivary secretion of the intermediate hosts (Simulium) seems to exert a definite chemotactic effect on the microfilariae, since they may be many times more nu- merous in the stomach of a fed fly than in a comparable quan- tity of tissue. The intermediate hosts are usually Diptera. Fleas were stated by Brein! (1921) to serve as intermediate hosts for Dirofilaria immitis and Summers (1940) corroborated this, showing that development would occur in several species of fleas, and in a shorter time than in mosquitoes. Noe (1908) followed the development of Dipetalonema (jrassH in a tick, Shipicephalus sanguineus; the microfilariae of this species are said to be too large to enter the blood circulation and are found m the lymph, which the ticks suck more than they do blood at the beginning of a meal. This work has not been confirmed and is open to suspicion in view of the fact that the embryos of related species {Dirofilaria reconditum, Dipetalonema per- stans) live in the blood and develop in mosquitoes. Savani (1933) has also reported filariae in dog ticks in areas where Dirofilaria immitis is common. The intermediate hosts of Wuchereria and Foleyella are various mosquitoes; of Dipeta- lonema perstans and Mansonella ozzardi, Culicoides; of Loa loa. Chrysops; of Onchocerca spp., Simnlium or Culicoides; and of Dirofilaria, fleas and mosquitoes. There is some variation with respect to the site of develop- ment in the intermediate hosts. The majority of the species studied — Tfuchereria bancrofti, Microfilaria malayi (adult per- haps unknown), Dipetalonema, Mansonella, Dirofilaria recon- ditum, and Onchocerca spp. — develop in the thoracic muscles of their dipteran hosts, but Loa loa develops principally in the muscles or fatty connective tissue of the abdomen of Chry- sops (Connal and Connal, 1922), and Dirofilaria immitis devel- ops in the haemocoele of fleas and in the Malpighian tubules of mosquitoes. These sites of development are of great interest in view of the similar sites utilized by Draschia and Habronema in museoid files. Fig. 195. Development of Wtichererm bancrofti, 1 — Larva 10 hours after in fection. 2-4 — Larva 2-3 days after infection. 6-6 — Larva four days and tliree hours after infection. 7-8 — Larva 5V2 days after infection. 1' Larva 5 M* days after infection, just before first molt. 2'-3' — Larva 7^ days after infection. 4' — Larva 9V2 days after infection of posterior end of esopliagus. 5'-6' — Larva 11 days and 10 hours after infertioa. 290 CAMALI.ANINA Tlio iiii'inlicrs of Imlli sii|»"rfiiiiiilics iif tliis siiIkikIit. I'mih.iI liinoiilc;! ami Orin'iiiu'iiloidoa, so far as known utilize coin'iioiis as intorniodiato hosts. Tlu'io can ho no doutit, from a oonsid oration of tlio habitat ami life cycU-, that tho Caniallanoidoa, ihvi'llinK as adnlts in the alimentary canal of aquatii' liosts, arc the more primitive, and that the tissue dwcllinR Draciincnloidca, sometimes occurring in land animals, are a later evolutionary development. The relation of these two groups is conip;iratilc, in a broad way, with the relation of the Si)irnroidea and the Kilarioidea. In the case of the Filarioidca a habitat in the tissues is accompanied by evolution of a new method of exit and rtiitrance of embryos via the skin, whereas in the Dracuuculoidea it is accompanied by a new — but difTerent — method of exit via the skin, suitable for an aquatic animal, but with retention of the primitive oral path of entry. C.\M.VT,I..\NUS SWEETI The life cycle of this worm was worked out by Moorthy (1038). The adult worms live in the intestine of a freshwater fish (Ophiciplialus flachiin) and produce free larvae which es- cape with the feces of the host. The embryos have a tinely striated cuticle, a single dorsal denticle or boring cuticular tooth, and fairly well differentiated internal organs. On reach- ing water the larvae are swallowed by suitable species of Cjirlops and reach the body cavity 2 or .S hours after infection. These larvae undergo the first molt '2i to 36 hours later, and the second one after -■) to 7 days, in hot weather. The third- stage larvae are provided with ridged jaws suggestive of those of the adult, and have three unequal mucrones at the tip of the tail. No mention is made of these larvae becoming en- cysted in Cyclops. When infected Cyclops are eaten by small fish the larvae are activated by fish bile, escape from their copcpod hosts and undergo further development, including pos- sibly the third molt, in the intestines of these fish. The infec- tion of the final host is thought to result from feeding on the second intermediate host, and the larvae undergo their fourth and final molt in the intestines of this host, acquiring the adult type of mouth. Whether the intervention of a second inter- mediate host is optional or obligatory was not determined, but in nature it would probabl.v be the usual thing, since the final liost does not ordinarily feed on Cyclops directly. A-B — CamaUanuB gtreeti (A — Head, fourth stage; B — Tail, same). C — Procamailanus fulvidraconin, mature embryo. D — Uninfected Cy- clops. K — Cyclops infected with Dra4'uncutu« medinfnsU. F-G — Dra- cuneulus medinensis (F — Cephalic region undergoing second molt; G — Tail, same. A-B, after Moorthy, 19:i8, J. Parasit. v. 24 (4). C. after Li, 1935. J. Parasit.. v. 21 (2). D. F,, after Fuelleborn. 1913. Filario- •en des Mensch. F. G. after Moorthy. 1938, Am. J. Hyg. v. 27 (2). .No encysted forms of ('. siicti were fouiul in fish hosts, nor was any evidence found of their penetrating the walla of the intestine, but caniallaniil larvae of another type were found encysted in the body cavity, loosely attached to the intestines. These were observed to exeyst when eaten by Opliiciphaliis (jachua, but failed to undeugo further develoimient in that host. An essentially .similar develoi)nu'nt in Cyclops has been dem- on.strated for I'rocamallanus fill roil raconis by Li (l!t3.">), except that only one molt was observed. It seems i)robal>le that the first one was overlooked, since Li's figure of a (i-day old larva corresponds with Moorthy 's second stage larva of Camallaniix, and his second stage larva with Moorthy 's third stage. How- ever, Fereira vl al (Ifi.Sfi) state that P. cearetisis develops only to the second stage in Ditiptomiis, the third and fourth stages being |)a.sscd in the intestines of the fiy of a fish other than the definitive host. Although they speak of this host as a "waiting host" (i.e., transport host) it would appear to be a true second intermediate host if their observation is correct that development to the third stage does not occur in Cyclops, It will be seen that the canuillanid life cycle is e-ssentially the same as that of Hpiroxys or of Gnatlwstoma except for the l)roducti"n of free embryos instead of eggs by the parent worms. DrACUNCULUS ilEDlNEXSIS The adult female guinea worm, nraciinculiis medinensis, when preparing for parturition, appears in the subcutaneous tissues of her host and jiroduces a small ulcer on the surface of the skin. Upon stimulation by chilling of the skin, which hap- pens in nature when the skin is plunged into water, she con- tracts violently in such a manner that a portion of the larva- filled uterus is prolai)sed through a rupture in the cuticle, and the prolapsed portion of the uterus, bursting, liberates a small cloud of larvae. These larvae are unusually large (about OOO /;» long), have a striated cuticle, a cuticular boring tooth or denticle, well-developed esophagus and intestine with dilated lumen, and a long filiform tail. These larvae swim about in water and undergo further devel- opment only after being swallowed by certain species of cope- pods. The details of their development was worked out by Moorthy (1938). They reach the body cavity a few hours after being swallowed. They undergo two molts in the body cavity, the first one on the .5th to 7th day after infection, the second on the 8th to 12th day in hot weather. They start under- going the second molt before casting off the exuviae of the first. The larvae grow very little in size, and actually de- crease in length due to the loss of most of the filamentous tail. The third stage larvae increase slightly in size for about a week after the second molt, but after that undergo no further development; they are infective for the definitive host 4 to 8 days after the exuviae of the second molt are shed. They have a long esophagus of the adult type, and four mucrones at the tip of the tail. They remain active in the body cavity of the Cyclops for 4 or o weeks, but subsequently coil up and become quiet, but are not encysted. In addition to the usual type of larvae Moorthy also found a small proportion (1: 900) of "abnormal" larvae in which the tail is malformed. Moorthy suggested timt these may have been males, but it is more likely that they should be regarded as abnormal individuals. The early development of the larvae in the definitive host has not been followed. Sexually mature females 12 to 24 mm in length were found by Moorthy and Sweet (1938) in deep con- nective tissues of experimentally infected dogs 67 days after infection, and Moorthy believed that at this time fertilization had already taken place. Migration of the worms to the subcutaneous tissue and the formation of an ulcer for the egress of larvae occurs about a year after Infection in man. An essentially similar life cycle occurs in the case of D. ophithnsis of garter snakes (Brackett, 1938). Cyclops infected with this species may be eaten by tadpoles and possibly other transijort hosts; in tadpoles the larvae were found to remain free and viable in the body cavity for at least 2 weeks, but no further growth or development was observed. The Philometridae, which have been found in a great variety of parenteral locations in aquatic hosts, have a life cycle es- sentially similar to that of Dracunculits. Thomas (1929) found that the first-stage larvae of Fhilometra nodtilosa are devoured by Cyclops and invade its body cavity. Attempts at infection 291 Fig. 197. DEVEIAU'lIENT OF C.'i.MALI.ANlXA A-TI — Cnmtitlnnus sivreti (A — First stage larva; B — Anterior end >in- dergoing second molt; C — Posterior end undergoing second molt. D — Head, third stage). E-J — DracuiiaiUis medineiixix (E — First stage, anterior end; F — Same, posterior end; G — Anterior end moulting larva; H — Posterior end; I — Posterior end of normal larva undergoing first molt; J — Normal third stage larva), K-L — Procamnllnnus iulvidriicrinis (K — Larva. 6 days old; L — Larva, 14 days old). M — Cross-section o£ guinea worm showing uterus filled with enihryos. -X about 30 {after Leuckart). N -Diagram of guinea worm iti the skin at the time of blister formation. A-D, after Moorthy, 1938, J. Parasit. v. ?4 (4). E-J, after Moorthy. 1938, Am. J. Hyg., v. 27 (2). K-L, after Li. 1935. J. Parasit. V. 21 (2). M, N, after Chandler, 1940, Introduction to Parasit. ■M2 •<>r nsli from Citclopx a wcok aftrr iiifrctiim failod, pii'sumalily hwaiisi' of iiia(lo eializod as in the ease of hrarunviiliis : the larvae of some spe eies escape via the oviducts of the fish, while in the case of I', fiijininloi the ripe viviparous females leave the fins of their host, rupture, and liberate their larvae into the water. It is easy to .see how the ffuine.-i worm life cycle could h;ivc evulvnl from the camallanoid type liy the substitution of escape i)f eiuliryos IhroUKh the skin for escape via the anus, which would be very simple ia the case of parasites which reproduced in parenteral habitats in acpiatic hosts. TRICHUROIDEA The membors of this superfamil.v, with the exccjition of Trirhiiiilhi and CjixtDopxis (see below 1, have a simjile life cycle eharactorizod by embryoiiation of eggn outside the body of the host; access to a new host by swallowing of crks coutainiuK first stage larvae provided with an oral spear; au to 8 days. No molting was ob- served to occur in the egg. and hatching does not normally take place before the egg is swallowed by a host. The entire development from newly hatched larvae to adult worms takes place in the small intestine of the definitive host. The first-stage larva, like all other trichuroid larvae, has an oral spear. It has a long slender esophagus which posteriorly lies superficial to and only partly imljcdded in the stichosome, which consist of two rows of opposing cells. The intestine is much shorter than the esophagus (ratio 1:3..")) and is termi- nated by a short rectum. The anus is subterminal. The first molt occurs between 7 and 14 days after infection. The second-stage larvae are slenderer, and appear to have no oral spear; the stichosome consists of only a single row of cells, and the intestine is relatively longer. The second molt occurs about 14 days after infection. The third stage larvae are still slenderer, with relatively longer intestine, and the genital iirim- ordium is long. The third molt occurs between 14 and Til days after infection. The fourth-stage larvae are very slender, and sexually differentiated. The time of the final molt was not determined, but some sexually mature adults with eggs were found by the liHh day. Other TRicnrRiDAE The available evidence indicates that the life cycle of Tri- chiirtK is essentially the same as that of CupiUaria ciilnmlxii , and it is probalile that it is also the same for other species of CapiUaria which inhabit the intestines of their hosts. The aliility of CapiUaria larvae to use transport hosts was shown by Wehr's (19.'!6 i demonstration that earthworms can serve as vectors for C. annulata, the crop-worm of chickens. Fiilleborn's (l!l23b) figures of Trichuris trichiura larvae are strikingly similar to Wehr's figures of the first stage larva of CapiUaria. .Mthough Neshi (IBIS, quoted by Yokogawa, l!l:20) reported the finding of four larvae of Trichiiris vtilpix in the lungs of a dog ■Jl hours after experimental infection, such migration on the l>art of Trichuris has not been observed by other workers either in normal or abnormal hosts (see Fiilleborn, ]!l23a). .As Vogel (li)30) pointed out, the entire group of Trichuroi- dea show a remarkable tendency to localization during their larval development in paiticular organs or tissues — what Vogcl called "organotropism." In all cases except Trifliiiirlla this organotropism continues throughout the adult life of the worms. Different species of Trichuridae are known to develop and live as adults in the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, cecum, colon, respiratory tree, liver, spleen, urinary bladder, and epithelium. The available evidence indicates that the newly hatched larvae of those species which do not grow to maturit.v in the intestine itself reach their destination by burrowing into the inlestiii.'il wall, entering the circulatory system, .'ind escap- ing from the capillaries in the organ in which tlu'.v are to de veloii (iood evidence for this li;is been obtained in the c'lsc of CapiUaria iKpalira of the liver of rals. Vogel (lit.'iO) showe;;4; .Nishigori, lil:;.")), only an exceiitional few peru't rating into the abdominal cavity, or being carried beycnid the liver to the lungs :uid systemic cii'cnlation. In the cise of Tri- (■liiisi>n\oi pis. ArRKA. ('. M., Refuereo. P. G. and Garci.a, E. Y. 1936a.— Obsc'i vations on the life c.vile of Gnathoslomn xpiniprnim. Philii)pine J. 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RouBAUD, E. and Descazeaux, J. 1921. — Contributions a I'his- toire de la mouclie domestique comme agent vecteur des habronemoses des equides. Cycle evolutif et parasitisme do I'Habronema megastoma (Rudolphi, 1819) chez la mouche. Bull. Soc Path. "Exot., v. 14: 471-506. 1922. — Evolution de I'Habionema miiscue Carter chez la mouche donu'stiijue et de \'H. microstominii Schneider chez le stomoxe. Note preliminaire. Ibid., v. 15: 572 574. 1922. — Evolution de \'Hubroiidiia mtiscae Carter che ■, dans leurs rapports avec 1 'evolution des Habrouemes d 'equides. Ibid., v. 15: 978-1001. Roberts, F. H. S. 1934. — The large roundworm of pigs, Ascari.i Itimbricoideii L. 1758. Anim. Health Sta., Queensland Dept. Agric & Stock, Bull. No. 1, 81 pp., 11 figs., 2 pis. 1937. — Studies on the biology and control of the large roundworm of fowls, Ascaridia qaUi (Schrank, 1788). Ibid., Bull. No. 2, 106 pp., 7 pis. Ross, I. 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Seurat, L. G. 1920a. — Historic naturelle des nematodes de le Berberie, Algiers. 221 + vi pp., 34 figs. 1920b. — Developpement embryonnaire et revolution du Strongylacantha glyciirliiza Beneden (Trichostrong.v- lidae). Compt. Rend. Soc Biol., Paris, v. 83: 1472 1474. Shorb, D. a. 1931. — Experimental infestation of white rats with Eepaticola hepatica. J. Parasit., v. 17: 151-154. Spindler, L. a. 1933. — Development of the nodular worm oeso- phagostomnm lonqicaiidum in the pig. J. .\gric. Res., t. 46: 531-542. St.wbli, C. 1913.— Trichinose. In Haiidb. Path. Mikmorg., Kolle u. Wassermauii, Aufl. 2, Bd. 8, pp. 73120, 3 pis. 300 Stktanski W. iiiul SiKANKOwsKi, M. 1SI31). — Sur \in cas do I>eiirtr;ition du stionKlt' K>'"iit dans la ri-iii droit du I'liicii. Aim. I'arasit., v. 1-t: ,').'i 00, 1 jil. StiI.F.S, C. \V. ami HassaI.I,, a. lSi)i>.— Iiiti rnal iiarasilrs of till' fur seal. In Jordan, 1>. S, of »l. The fur seals and Kur Si'iil Islands of tin- North Pncitic Ocean. Pt. H, i>i). !Utl77, tigs. 1100. WashiuKton. SlwiMERS, \V. .\. 1940. — Fleas as aeeeptalile iiiternu'di.ite hosts of the doK lieaitworni. Dnifihiiia iiiimi/i.v, v. 4.'!: 44.S 4.")0. Swales, \V. E. Iit3.^. — A review of Canadian helniintholoK.v. II. .\dditions to Part I, as determined from a study of |>arasitie lielmintlis eoUeeted in Canada. Catiad. .1. His., iSeet. I>, V. S {:<): 47N 4SL'. Hyiii.—Titramtrc.i crami Swales \'XV,\. a nematode parasite of ducks in Canada. MorpholoKical and bio- logical studies. Iliid.. v. 14: I.'.IKU. Tavi.OK, K. Ij. 1!'2S. — Siiiit/initiix liiirliiu fmni th/ st;irliiig transferred to tin' chicken, and some iih.vsiological varia- tions oliserved. Ann. Trop. Med. A; I'arasit., v. ll'2: ^in," 318. 1!I3."). — Syiipamiis traclna. Tlie longevit.v of tlie in fective larvae in the eartlnvorm. Slugs and snails as intermediate hosts. J. Comp. Path. v. 48: 149-l.")(i. Thom.\s, L. J. 1029. — Phihtini Ini iioiliilo/ici nov. spec., with notes on the life history. ,1. Paiasit., v. 1."): 1931(17. 1937a. — On the life cycle of Coiitriicacriim .iiiiriiH- genim (Rud.), Ibid., v. 23: 429 431. 19371). — Further studies on the life cycle of Contra- caecum xpiciitificnnii. Ibid., v. 23: 572. 1937e. — Life cycle of Kliaphiilasraii.i caiiadiiixiK Snied lev, 1933, a nematode from the jiike, E.sox lucitis. Ibid., V.' 23: .->72. Tkavassc.*;, L. 1920.- -Entwicklung d s lUiiihtlius fullrbtinii. n. sp. Arch. SchifFs- u. Tropen Hyg., v. 30: 594-602. Troisier. J. and Deschiens, R. 1930. — T/Hcimticoliase. .\nii. Med., v. 27: 414-425. UXDERWOOD, P. C. and Hakmood, p. D. 1939.- -Survival and location of the microfilariae of Dirofilaiia immitis in the dog. J. Parasit., v. 25: 23 33. Van' Durme, P. 1902. — Quek(ucs notes sur Ics cmbryons de Strongyloides i),testiiialix et leur penetration par le peau. Thompson Yates Lab. Rpt., Liverpool, v. 4 (2): 471 474, pi. 7. Veglia, Frank, 1910. — The anatomy and life-history of the Hacmoiicliiis contorius (Rud.), Dept. Agr. Union S. Africa, 3d & 4th Rpts. Director Vet. Res., pp. 349-500, figs. 1 60. VoGEL, H. 1930. — XTeber die Orgauotropie von Uepaticola li< pal- ica. Ztschr. Parasitenk., v. 2 (4): 502-505. Vox Braxd, T. 1938. — Physiological observations on a larval Euslrongylides (Nematoda). J. Parasit., v. 24: 445-451. White, R. H. 1920. — Earthworms — the important factor in the transmission of gapes of chickens. Md. State Coll. Agric, Bull. No. 234, pp. 103-118. Walker, H. D. 1886. — The gapeworm of fowls (Syngamus trachralis), the earthworm (.Lumbriciis lerrestris) its origi nal host, etc. Bull. Buflalo Soc. Xat. Sc, v. 5 (2): 47-71. W.\LTON, A. C. 1937. — The Xematoda as jiarasites of Amphibia. III. Studies- on life histories. J. Parasit., v. 23: 299- 300. WiiiK, K. K. I'.i3(;. - Karlhuornis as transmitters of Capillaiia iiiiniiliihi, the cropworm of chickens. N. .\ni. W't,, v. 17 (8): IS 20. 1937. — Observations on thi' cl(vilo|iiiiiril of the poul- try gapeworm. Syitgoiiin.i tinrlmi. 'I'r. Am. Micr. Soc, v. 50: 72-78. 1939. — Stuigeon capil- larid, Capillarui ruliiiiilini. \' . S. Dept. .\gric.. Tech. Bull. No. Ii79. 19 pp. Wktzi;!., H. 1930. — On tin- biology inches turned in every .'> days or so, will iiiHloiiliteilly kill a very high percentage of the eggs and larvae. 3. Drying. This is a method which is only occasionally possible and the drying of large (piantities of manure is l>ractically confined to countries with a hot, dry climate wlu're dried dung is used for fuel, or where its value is secondary to military conditions and it may be spread out in the hot sun. Ill the latter case, however, imincdiate daily raiti cable. In a rather dilTerent way this method has been used to combat the lung and intestinal nematodes of silver foxes in Canada. There the animals are raised on floorboards which are easily kept dry by being roofed. This inhibits develop- ment of the eggs and larvae of the worms so effectively that it is now almost routine practice. In the open, short grass assists drying and is frciiuentl.v of value ill reducing the infectivity of p.'istures, as of course, is drainage. Very wet iiasturos, however, are not suitable environ- ments for the development of most nematodes (except Did ylo- raiiliix of horses, sheeji and oxen). Damp pastures are more generally favourable for parasitism and every effort should be made to render them unsuitable for the development of eggs into larvae. 4. Chemical Tre:atmext. Comparatively little has been done to find chemical methods of destroying the free-living stages of parasites. It is a problem which presents many diffi- culties, probably the greatest of which is the faet that the eggs and larvae are always in close contact with faeces, soil or grass, and many chemicals which might be used, are iiartially or com- jiletely counteracted by contact with organic matter. Never- theless, chemical control of all the free-living stages does ap- pear to have considerable practical possibilities. It offers the opportunity of using the faecal material as manure and even of enriching the manurial value and it does not necessitate special equipment. The method has been sporadically used with a certain limited success in some human hookworm areas, the chemicals employed being kainit, lime and some nitrogenous fertilizers such as nitrate of soda, sulphate of ammonia, and calcium cyanamide. The addition of a chemical to faeces containing nematode eggs, may have varied effects on the eggs and larvae depend- ing not only on the nature but also on the quantity of chemical. 1. It may increase the percentage of larvae which reach the infective stage and which continue to survive. Even in small cultures of fresh horse faeces in sterilized containers, fungi parasitic on nematodes have occasionally become established very rapidly and in a short time have destroyed all the larvae. The evidence suggests that some chemicals may destroy or retard the growth of these fungi without harming the larvae; flowers of sulphur is an example. Other evidence suggests that some chemicals, which are lethal to eggs or larvae when mixed with faeces in a certain i)roportion may, in a lesser proportion, be lethal to the fungi without harming the larvae; it follows that these chemicals may, if used too s])aringly, actually increase rather than decrease the number of larvae which survive. Fungi are more likely to be common in manure pits and similar locations than in cultures and may be of practical importance as a method of natural biological con- trol. It is probable that there are many chemicals of quite different types which possess this danger. A chemical may also decrease putrefaction which may be lethal to larvae. 2. It may have no effect at all on the eggs or larvae. The majority of the chemicals which can be added to faeces without afTecting the eggs or larvae, are those which are most inert; exam])lcs are ferrous sulphide, ferric oxide, ground limestone, rock phosphate, basic slag, derris root, white hellebore, and pyrethrum powders. 3. It may allow larvae to reach the infective stage but cause many to exsheath. Some chemicals cause larvae to ex- sheath without necessarily causing their immediate death, al- though most of these chemicals are lethal in higher propor- tions. I,ap;ige has shown that the factors which are impor- tant in causing I'xshcathment when free of faeces, include age of the larvae and |ill of I heir environment, and that chlorine and sulphides make the sheath more permeable. Iji the pres- ence' of faeces, some chloriib'S and sulphates, sodium and potas- sium hydroxide and potassiuui peruiang.-inate occasionally cause exsheathment. Tln'se cliemicals, in slightly greater pro- portions, gener.'illy cause the death of larvae. 4. It may allow many l.nrvae to reach the infective stage but subse(iuently cause their death. Many chemicals mixed with faeces in certain proportions, allow a considerable number of the eggs to hatch and the larvae to reach the infective stage and then kill them comparatively rapidly. The most ontstand ing exami>les so far noted with this property are (piicklime, (in qu:uitities too small to I'.'iiise death through tin' heat of the clieiuical reaction), cupric, ferric and ferrous sulphates, zinc, cupric nitrate, sodium fluosilicate, and oxyquinoline sulphate. Wlicn ajiplied to fresh faeces, in some cases only a third of the quantity of chemical may be required to cause delayed deiith compared with the (luantity required to cause death ln'fore the infective stage is reached. Numerous other chemi- cals (but to a lesser extent) have the characteristic of causing dcl.-iyed death under certain conditions; examples arc nicotine suliiliate, trisodium phosphate, sulphate and chloride of man- gaiu'se. so|U'iii' capaMc nt' Ihtoiiuiik in t'cotivo. Tliosf wliii'h will lu'cnino iiitVctivc puss into tlio imis I'K'S. Control lies ontirclv in :ippi'(>pi'i.'itt< fecdin);. I'lKS must not lie pcrmitti'd to cat iincookiMl inont foods. KlPNKYWOKMS. Till' fggs of tlu' snino kiare lot around the hoK h>t, kept free from grass or shade and well drained. The ckks of the kidney worm of carnivores are also passed in the urine hut m)thinf; is yet known of their I'ionomics and so no control measures can he adopted. Mu'iiO>'il,.\Ri.v. Few lilaria worms are important in stock. .Ml depend, however, on their removal from lilood or skin l)y a hlood sucking insect. Control accordinijly deiieiids on insect control, screening of houses and related measures. 2. Methods of Destroying Infective Larvae (free or enclosed in egg shells) (a> Disinfection (i.) Chemical — There is no good chemical disinfectant for larvae enclosed in their vgg shells (e.g. Ascarids^ and disin fectaitts for this ])uritose are jiractically useless; in f:ict they may assist the larvae hy destroying fungi and bacteria which are themselves harmful to the ]iarasites. The use of chcmi cals against free lai*\"ae has lieeu discussi'd ahovc as it is not po.ssihle to separate the actions of chemicals on the preinfectivc l.-irvae from the action on infective larvae, although in general the latter are more resistant. (ii) Urat is lethal for all forms of parasites and, in the form of very hot water or live steam, is one of the most efti sient disinfectants at our command. It is the only one of any practical value against -X.scarids and its use is fundamental in the control of these very serious parasites in awine and car nivores. It can be used either as hot water (with lye or soap to loosen the dirt) or steam. Its use is recommended in all kinds of stables as it kills every kind of larva. While its value has been recognized for many years, it is only reci'utly that accurate knowledge has been obtained on the amount of heat required and it was found that ascarid eggs could be killed in 1 second at 158° F., "J seconds at 140° F. and ." seconds at 140° F. (iii), Cleanliiics.i both of animals and of ijuarters, is of great value in reducing numbers of parasites. Washing of udders of sows with warm water and soap removed man.v infec- tive ascarid eggs. Washing of stables (including window-sills and other places where dust lies) mechanically removes selero sfome larvae which have very great powers of resisting drying and which otherwise would be blown on to the animals' feed or water. (b) Pasture Little work has yet lieeu done on the control of parasites on pasture and arable land although the sub.ject is of great impor tance in all parts of the world. Pastures cannot l>e treated daily as can a manure liejt]) and so it is uminly infective larvae which have to be killed. They are then in position in which destruction is difficult. Chemical treatment has many dis- advantages— cost being one of the most obvious. Nevertheless some chemicals have been tried; copper sulphate, bleaching powder and lime have jiroved unsatisfactory in practice. The promising appear to be those which could be applied as a gas and retained on the ground by a mulch of paper, a tarpau- lin trailed behind a tractor or some similar method. Such gases as chloropicrin (a tear gas), calcium cyanide and others men- tioned have at least possibilities in that direction. .Mternately it may be practical to use a delii|uescent salt alone or mi.xed with a very lethal chemical so that the larvae may be attracted toward the moisture. These are suggestious for the future; meanwhile, the only effective way is to collect the droppings daily before the larvae can migrate to soil or grass. Obviously this method has very considerable limitations, but it has been done on stud farms. .\s infective larvae of bursate nematodes do not feed but live entirely on foodstuffs stored up in their bodies, their life can be shortened by causing them to use up this source of eiu'rgy more quickly than usual. Modeiate warmth and light are natural stimulants and, as continual spreading and harrowing e.xposes them to these physical ageuts, it is of assistance in reducing the numbers but will not completelv eradicite them. It is especially effective in dry, warm climates. The burning of grass — often a valuable practice - — theoretically must destroy some larval worms on the pasture aud in the ground beneath; it cannot be relied uijon to destroy them all aud it may also give the larvae access to the more succulent grass beneath. It does, however, help to raise the nutrition plane of the animals. .\ II worm lai'vac icqniii' ,-i degree of moisture for develop- ment, allhongli only » few (e.g. Did jiiirniiliiK) .are capable of de\cIopment in w:iter :ilone. Drainjige, an essential step in the control of these luiigworms, is always of general value In damp pastures, it impro\-es the (piality of the gr'ass ami so improves the resistance of the host, but it is donbtfnl if it di'strovs many larvae. Drying of larvae has very variable results. Oidin.ary drying is quickly to uuiny of the lu'uiatode larvae of slieej) but only slightly so to other larvae and forms enclosed in egg shells, like .\scari>>>"<"'< mid iiidopoiidont of rliiiiatr. (k^i Cookinii — Larvai" cani'.-d liv food aiiiinalH arc dcsl roved liy lii'atinK and so all meat and tisli foods fed to pitjs or car- iiivori's should bo cooked unless free from siispicion ; this is liiKlilv important in the control of the trichina. U) Flourboarils — The use of floorlKUirds, wire or concrete Hoors for i>iKs, carnivores and poultry, provided they are kept clean, niit only iiermits of ellicient I'nj; destruction lu elitnina tion, liut prevents infection, or .it least reduces it very con sideralily. (ni^ Qiuiraiitiiii — New stock should not be introduced to a worm controlled farm, until it has tieen carefully cxainincd for parasites. A single boar, for example, may introduce ascarids to a worm free pigBeiy. Kiioiin c.irriers of any kind of parasites already present should be treated, iso- lated or at least excluded from common crazing. Wild aiii mals which harbour parasites communicable to domestic nni mals should be denied access or be destroyed. Vectors Many roundworms of domesticated animals, require essen- tial intermediate hosts. These may be arthropods, earth- worms, snails, or vertebrates such as fish, amidiibia, and even other mammals. A knowledf;'' of the life history of both carrier and parasite is essential before control can be nndertaken. This may involve not only destruction of the vector but avoidance of infection of the vector, in many oases a procedure of almost equal importance. Destruction of infective larvae in vertebrates may be un- dertaken by meat inspection and physical or chemical de- struction of condemned material. Cooking of all garbage fed to pigs is an invaluable means of controlling Trichina in pigs and so in man. In the case of pork for human con- sumption, thorough cooking until the flesh turns white, is a perfect safeguard; pork is often eaten undercooked. Where it is eaten raw. it should be subjected to chemical treatment, chilling or heating (as laid down in the regulations of the I'nited States Bureau of Aiiiinal Industry). Earthworms carry a considerable number of parasites to do- mestic animals and their control is extremely difficult. Chemi- cals and sand have been used but more successful results are obtained by avoidance of. infection. Insect destruction is almost as difficult. Most of the im- portant carriers are dung feeders and are not easily attacked. Many of the usual contact or stomach ]ioisoiis are available but their use has been extremely limited. A more rational means of control is an attack on the breeding places and this is feasible for house flies, mosquitoes and ectoparasites. Avoidance of infection of the vectors is almost as im- portant as their destruction. This can be effected not only by proper manure disposal and treatment, but by means de- signed to keep animals and vectors apart. Thus, for ex- ample, the lungworms of swine are carried by manure-fre- quenting earthworms; if swine faeces are disposed of in situation where the swiue themselves cannot reach the para- sites can be controlled. Swine confined entirely to proper concrete pens, should never have lungworms. In cases where the larvae are actually removed from the bodv by biting flies, protection from these will not only prevent vectors becoming infected hut will prevent the hosts being infected in turn. In addition, of course, measures for the control of these insects (mo.squitoes. midges, black flies and stable flies) should be undertaken. As the spirurid nematodes are carried l;irgely by dung-fre- quenting insects, manure treatment and disposal will help to reduce infections. Destruction Within the Host Antiparasitic drugs are used for two purposes — to treat clinical cases or to provide a clean herd. The first requires the removal of only sufficient parasites to relieve the symptoms; the second postulates a much more efficient drug, one which would destroy all parasites being the ideal. There are few such drugs availalde as yet and such as are, may be used with suc- cess against a comparatively small number of species; fortu- nately, however these include some of the important forms. Where these drugs are available, for either internal or external parasites, their use as a means of control is highly important. All members of the herd should be treated regularly until all parasites have disappeared and no residual infection left to act as a starting point for re-infection. This mass treatment, where it has been employed correctly and under strict supervision, has given excellent results. It is ncccssaiy to emphasii'.c the necessity for strict supervision. .Ml drugs used to destroy parasites ari' animal poi.sons, at least to sonic exii'iit. and their indisi rimiii.'ili' use by l;iyinen is apt not only to nullity their results but to be actii.-illy dangerous to the animals. Their use ;iccordingly requires the aid of the practicing vi'terinarian. No other jierson knows the h.'ibits and location of the parasite, the physiology of the host, the correct drug to use, the technique of its administration and its contra- indications. If this jirinciple is accepted, it follows that co- (qierative district schemes, involving panels of jiractitioners, .•ire essential. It is useless, as a control measure, to er;idicate any |iarticular parasite on one farm if the next remains lic;ivily infested. The first sti'ps to be taken must be those of an cdii cational nature to be followed by some cii.'ibling order frinii a higher .•luthoiity ; this order, however, should come only as the result of a demand from the district itself. Thereafter, by a suitably designed veterinary jianel treating animals in groujis in sub districts, the entire population in the district can lie treated ipiickly, cheaply and efficiently. Reservoir Hosts NVild aitiin.'ils belonging to the s;iiiu' major groiijis as domcsti cated ones, often harbour jiarasites transnii.ssible to them and there are innumerable cases on record of such animals or even animals more distantly related, acting as reservoirs of infec- tion as well as transmitters of new species to domestic mals. It is of ini])(irtaiice to know what parasites occur in the wild fauna of a cdinitry or district and to take such stejis as may be possilile to keep those parasites ivithin control. At present only one or both of two jilaiis of action are avail- able; cither to destroy all the wild carriers or to prevent their intermingling with domestic ones by suitable segregation. Indigenous wild mammals and birds not only possess jiara- sites transniissilile to man and to domesticated stock but may become infected from the introduced stock and act as uncon- trolled reservoirs of the new iiarasites. An adequate knowledge of the parasitic fauna of the indigenous wild animals is an es- sential steji in controlling parasites of domestic stock. It is surprising how little has been done. The Institute of Parasi- tology in Canada is conducting such a parasitological survey to ascertain the distribution and intensity of infections in all forms of animal life in the Dominion. A large amount of voluntary assistance in collecting has been readily given by all classes of persons — official, commercial and private — and although many years must pass before the survey is even aji- proximately complete, it has already yielded invaluable re- sults. This survey has also been extended to the West Indies and it is to be liojied that other countries will take similar steps and enable a world map to be prepared showing the dis tribution and importance of all parasites in all kinds of animal life. Avoidance of Parasitic Disease Effective control of any species of parasites will eliminate the disease caused liy it, but even when this cannot be done, steps should be taken to reduce or avoid the disease. With a very few obvious exceptions, disease depends on numbers of parasites present but we are unable to state the exact point at which clinical disease begins, even if we admit the theoretical concept that even a single jiarasite causes some disease. There is too little real knowledge aliout the action of parasites and too many factors involved, including nourishment, resistance and presence of other parasites. In general, however, it may be stated that any attemiit to reduce the number of parasites ingested, to increase the re- sistance of the host or to raise the standard of fitness of an animal offsets the effects of the parasite to some extent and helps to reduce parasitic disease even if it does not eliminate parasitism. (a) Prireutivc Licks — The theory underlying the use of pre- ventive licks is that a small daily dose of some drug taken in a mineral lick, will either kill the larvae taken in the food or else render their environment so abnormal that they will not develop; it is not suggested in this way to administer drugs against adult parasites. There is no conclusive proof yet that preventive licks are .satisfactory. Good results have been claimed with tobacco and bluestone, but the subject must still be considered as in the exiicrimental stage. There is no doubt that the efficiency of some of the older worm medicines was due to their "tonic" action on the liody and that this was particularly the with such elements as iron, copper, cobalt, arsenic, phosphorus and calcium. These appear to be used by the body to repair or counteract damage done by the parasites, as well as in some cases to destroy the parasites themselves. A supply of such materials in mineral licks is often of great importance in jireventing the develop- 307 ment of disease symptoms. It not infrequently happens that animals fed on a " natural ' ' diet may be receiving insufficient phosphates or calcium or other elements, and the use of licks containing these substances immediately increases the general condition of the animal and so assists in control of parasitic diseases. (b) Diet — It is extremely difficult to separate many para- sitic diseases from those caused by deficiencies in diet. There is evidence to suggest that in many cases the two are so closely interwoven as to be inseparable and that their effects are mu- tually cumulative. There is no doubt that in very many cases, a sufficient, well balanced diet, balanced in all its accessory factors as well as its main constituents, will prevent parasitic disease and will often actually reduce the numbers of para- sites harboured. Pasture treatment, such as "top-dressing," is often a valuable way of doing this. This adequate diet is jiarticularly important for immature animals and every effort should be made to secure this. This is, of course, true for all preventive measures to be taken but is especially important, ia connection with diet. Bibliography AcKERT, J. E. 1939. — Factors in the resistance of chiekeus to parasitic worms. Proc. 7th World's Poultry Cong. & Expo., Cleveland, pp. 265-276. Cameron, T. W. M. 1933. — The bursate lungworms of domesti- cated animals. Imp. Bur. Agrie. Parasit., 36 pp. 1934. — The internal parasites of domestic animals, xii + 292 pp., London. H.\LL, M. C. 1917. — Manure disposal as a factor in the control of parasitic diseases of live stock. J. Am. Vet. Med. As- soc, n. s., V. 4: 67r)-67.S. 1936. — The control of animal parasites. 162 pp., Evanston, Illinois. 1938. — Three parasites which habitually surmount onr sanitary barriers. Livro Jub. Travassos, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 195-211. MONNIG, H. O. 1938a. — Veterinary helminthology and ento mology. 2nd ed. xv + 409 pp. London. 1938b. — Pasture hygiene with respect to parasitic dis- eases. 13th Internatl. "Vet. Cong., v. 1 : 666-671. Parnell, I. W. 1934. — Studies on the bionomics and control of the bursate nematodes of horses and sheep. Pt. I. Canad. J. Res., Sect. D, v. 10: 532-.^38. 1936a.— Idem. Pt. IL Ibid, v. 14: 71-81. 1936b.— Idem. Pt. III. Ibid., v. 14: 172180. 1937.— Idem. Pt. IV. Ibid., v. 15: 12714.^ 1938. —Idem. Pt. V. Ibid., v. 16: 73-88. 1939a.— Idem. Pt. VI. Ibid., V. 17: 68-86. 1939b.— Idem. Pt. VII. Ibid., v. 17: 187-204. 1940.— Idem. Pt. A'lII. Ibid., v. 18: 371-394. 1935. — On the. control of the free-living larvae of bursate nematodes of domestic animals. Trop. Agric, v. 12: 109-113. 1936. — Notes on the survival of the eggs and free- living larvae of sclerostomes on pasture. Sc. Agric, v. 16: 391-397. 1939. — Some notes on the chemical control of the free- living stages of bursate nematodes. Canad. J. Comp. Med., V. 3: 84-87. Rappenspercer, H. B. 1927. — The swine sanitation system as developed by the Bureau of Animal Industry in McLean County, 111. U. S. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bull. No. 44, 20 pp. R.\ILLIET, A. 1918. — Oxvurosis in the horse. Vet. Rev., v. 2: 139157. Ransom, B. H. and Hall, M. C. 1920. — Parasitic diseases in their relation to the live-stock industry of the southern United States. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc, n. s., v. 10 : 394-413. Ransom, B. H. [1927 J. ^The prevention of roundworms in pigs. XT. S. Dept. Agric. Leaflet No. .">, 8 pp. Ross, I. Clunies and Gordon, H. McL. 1936. — The interna parasites and parasitic disease of sheep, xx + 238 pp. Sydney, Australia. Ross, I. Clttnies, Chamberlin, W. E. and Turner, H. N. 1937. — The influence of improvement of pastures and rota- tional grazing on parasitism, body weight and fleece pro- duction in crossbred sheep in Tasmania. J. Council Sc. & Indus. Res., v. 10: 313-326. Schwartz, B. 1928. — Gastrointestinal parasites of equines and control measures. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc, n. s., v. 26: 855-870. 1934. — Controlling kidney worms in swine in the south- ern states. U. S. Dept. Agric. Leaflet No. 108, 6 pp. Swales, W. E. 1927. — The practitioner's role in parasitology. Canad. J. Comp. Med., v. 1: 17-21. 1940a. — The helminth parasites and parasitic diseases of sheep. Pt. 1. Canad. J. Res., Sect. D, v. 18: 29-48. 1940b.— Idem. Pt. II. Canad. J. Comp. Med., v. 4: 1.55161. 1940c. — The use of phenothiazine in veterinary para- sitology. Ibid., V. 4: 333-341. Swales, W. E. and From.\n, D. K. 1939. — An apparatus for measuring the ' ' flash ' ' thermal death point of micro- scopic animal organisms and its use with ova of Ancaris Uimbricoides. Canad. J. Res., Sect. D, v. 17: 169-177. Taylor, E. L. 1931. — The faeces in worm diseases: their value for diagnosis, and their hygenic disposal on the farm. Vet. Rec, V. 18(24): 639-644. 1933. — The control of red-worms in horses. Ibid., n. s., V. 13(18): 399-506. 1935. — The veterinarv aspect of parasitologv. Ibid., V. 15(5): 103-114. 1938a. — Grazing hygiene with respect to parasitic dis eases. Proc 13th Internatl. Vet. Cong., v. 1 : 672-682. 1938b. — Observations on the bionomics of strongyloid larvae in pastures. I. The duration of infection in pasture herbage Vet. Rec. v. .50(40): 1265-1272. 1939. — The role of pastures in the development of the strongyloid diseases of grazing animals. Ibid., v. 51(1S): 495-504. 308 CHAPTER VIII EPIDEMIOLOGY AND SANITARY MEASURES FOR THE CONTROL OF NEMIC PARASITES OF MAN WILLIAM W. CORT, Department of H.lminthology, School of Hygiene and Public Health, the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, Baltimore, Md. ELOISE B. CRAM, Division of Zoology. National Institute of Health, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. DONALD L. AUGUSTINE, Department of Comparative Pathology and Tropical Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Mass. General Discussion W. W . C. .Xt'tor the disfdvi'ry of :i liuiiuiii piujisito the next st("]> in flic si'<|»oiUH' loading to ofFective control must he the detcrniiiuitioii of its life cvclc and method of luinian infection. Such iiifor mation suggests the liroad lines along which control measures can be developed, but needs to be sii|i|ilcmented by eiiidemi olugic studies to gain information on tlic vjirious factors in- volved in dissemination in population groups. These factoi's differ greatly for the different nemic jiarasites of man, which vary in their host relations and life cycles. In those species in which eggs or larval stages have a free life, vis., the hookworms, asearis, trichuris, enterobius, etc., knowledge is essential on the effect of general environmental factors, such as temperature, moisture, and physical and chemi cal conditions of the soil; for only when the environment out- side the host is favorable can these free stages persist and in- fect nuiu. The relations of these factors depend on the anu)unt of development that the clironic lilood loss imnjiu'cd liy the wmins aiiKlit in ccitaiii t'asos be ouo of tin- t'ai'tors that would (iiially lead to the dovol opiuont of oiif of the • ' idiopalhio " aiiomiaH. In addition, it si'onis oi'itaiii that aiicmlas of a variety of ctioloKii'S are fre (luently referred to hool<\vorm infeetion ia eases where the few worms present have litth> if any part in the prodnetion of the anemie eondition lAndrews, liMlU. Reeently it lias lieen shown that a speeifio imninnity is ae ((Uired hy dogs in response to repeated infections with .1. <-odies are formeil ehielly in response to [\[<- secretions and excretions of the worms (Kerr, ISlHti; Otto and Kerr, ISlH't; Otto. 1!I40). It seems practically certain that a similar immunity develo|>s in man in response to hookworm infection. In fact, several workers have recently expressed the view that host immunity must play an important role in the regulation of human hookworm infection ( KiiUeborn, Dios, and Zuccarini, 1!I2S: FiiUcliorn. \'.^-2'.^; fort, 1!132; Pessoa and Pas eale, 1937 a & h; Cort and Otto, \'.)iO) . Such a postulation makes it easy to explain the relatively moderate infections and slight evidence of hookworm disease found in many individuals and groups of jieople who appear to live under conditions giving constant opportunity for the invasion of the larvae. Severe cases, especially in children, might perhaps be explained in part by exposure to infections so extrenu' that the develoimu'iit of the immunity is prevented. Also, it seems probable that uadernourishment or other debilitating factors prevent the de velopment of the immune reactions. In experimental infections in young dogs either undernourishment or too rapid infection which weakens the host from extreme blood loss will prevent the immune response (Otto and Kerr, 1!)39); and the immu nity already developed in highly resistant older animals is easily broken down by placing them on a deficient diet { Foster and Cort. I!i3l2; l!l3.'i). If the same relations hold in human infection, individuals or groups that are badly debilitated liy undernourishment or other factors may be expected to acipiire heavy norm burdens arui will also be less able to compensate by the regeneration of new blood for the losses caused by the norms. It seems probable also that malaria and other diseases are more important than is at present realized in weakening the defense mechanism against hookworm infection. In fact, the hypothesis has reeently been suggested that widespread chronic hookworm disease of the type found specially in tropical countries seldom results from uncomplicated hookworm infec- tion, but is produced by hookworm infection plus undernourish- nu'nt or other debilitating factors that weaken the host defense (Cort and Otto, l): fr ; Cort, Stoll, Sweet, Riley, and Schapiro, 1919). However', it is difficult to rule out other factors and here also the whole question needs much further investigation. CONTROL OF HOOKWORM DISEASE Four different methods of preventing the spread of hook- worm infection have been generally recognized, viz., (1) disin- fection of feces or infested soil, (2) the encouraging of wear- ing shoes, (3) anthelmintic treatment, and (4) improvement in sanitation. Extensive experimentation has shown that hook- worm eggs in feces and the larvae in the soil can be killed bv the application of salt, lime, or other chemicals. Such methods are useful in limited areas such as mines (Fisc-lier, 19'>8) or in sterilizing human excrement which is to be used as fCTtili'zer (Cort, Grant, and Stoll, 19l2(i). The wearing of shoes has been shown to be a potent factor in keeping hookworm in- fection at a low level (Smillie, 1922; Davis, 192.'.; Chandler, 1929 pp. 208-211, 380-3S2). However, attempts to increase the wearing of shoes in hookworm infected populations by propa- ganda or legal requirements do not seem to have been very effective Hookworm control campaigns, therefore, have been organized chieflv around treatment and sanitation. The use of anthelmintics improves the health of the people and reduces soil infestation. The sanitary phase of the program is a fight against soil pollution and involves education and the introduc- tion of latrines. Much work has been done in developing sani- tary conveniences suitable for people of different types. The pit" latrine (privy) has been most widely used in the Western Hemisphere: and the recently developed bored-hole latrine (Teager, 1931 and 1934) seems to be best adapted for the jieoples of certain countries of Asia and Africa. In the early hookworm campaigns in Puerto Eico and the southern United States the so-called "dispensary method was used This consisted of the examination and treatment of large groups of people who flocked to the numerous dis- pensaries that were set up. Significant results were attained in the treatment of severe cases and in preliminary education, but only a beginning was made in the reduction of infection and in the improvement of sanitation. \s a reaction against the inadequacy of the "dispensary meUiod " the "intensive method" was developed by certain members of the field staff of the International Health Board ot the Rockefeller Foundation. Its ob.ieetive was the complete eradication of hookworm infection by a systematic program of sanitation and treatment to "cure" of all infected individuals (Howard 1919). First, every effort was made to get latrines installed in every house in a given area. Then, after systeinatic stool examinations, the positives were given treatment. Ihey were later reexamined, and those still infected were given a second treatment. Reexamination and retreatment were sup- posed to be continued until the stool samples of all the people of the area were negative for hookworm eggs. Sometimes as many as 9 or 10 treatments were required for "cure." Efforts to improve the sanitation were continued during and after the treatments. Although hookworm infection was never completely eradicated from any area by this method, striking results were obtained in a number of places. Least defensible of the pro- cedures of the intensive method was "treatment to cure" in which much effort and money were wrstcd in treating very light infections and in trying to remove tlie last few worms by retrcatments. On the other hand, the emphasis on intensive sanitation especially before treatment and on a careful follow- ing up of the sanitation after treatment, was an important contribution to hookworm control procedures. The "mass treatment" method came as a reaction against the complete ineffectiveness of the intensive method to cope with the situation in a large country such as Brazil. As advo- cated by Darling (1922) mass treatment required first the de termination of the index of infection (approximate womi inir- deu) by the examination by worm counts of a representative sample of the population. Later, the development of the Stoll dilution egg counting method (Stoll, 1923a) made it possible with much less effort to obtain a better estimate of infection intensity. Then, wherever incidence was high, a whole group was simultaneously given anthelmintic treatment of known efficacy without a previous diagnostic examination and without reexamination. Thus large groups of people could be rapidly treated. An adequate sanitary program was sometimes com- liined with mass treatment. In many jilaces, however, the great emphasis on treatment and the rapidity with which the cam- paign moved brought about a neglect of sanitation. Whenever this was true reinfection occurred at a rather rapid rate as suggested bv the investigations of a number of workers (Baer- niaiin, 1917b; Sweet, 192.3; Docherty, 1926; Hill, 192.J, 1926, 1927b). Mass treatments, therefore, were particularly effective if repeated at intervals of 2 or 3 years (Rice, 1927; Lambert, 1928). Perhaps of greatest importance was the emphasis on the quantitative viewpoint ; the object of the campaign was to reduce the worm burden of the population and not to cure cases. Also important was the idea that a preliminary survey was needed to estimate the ' ' index of infection ' ' before control wink was started. A campaign against hookworm disease at the present time- can be planned on the basis of the wealth of experience of the last 2.') years. Such a campaign under ideal conditions might include five steps which have actually been utilized in cam- paigns; and to these a sixth might be added. (1) a presurvey to evaluate the problem quantitatively; (2) presanitation to- reduce soil pollution as much as possilile before treatment; (3) mass treatment to reduce the worm burden of the group to a .subclinical level in as short a time as possible; (4) follow-up sanitation to keep soil pollution at a low level; and (5) a post- survey to measure quantitatively the results of the campaign. Finally (6), every effort possible should be made to improve the general health by the correction of dietary deficiences and the elimination of other diseases. The central feature of the presurvey should be an examina- tion by the dilution egg-counting method of a representative sample of the population to obtain information on the quanti- tative distribution of hookworm infection in the population and on the extent of true hookworm disease. Investigations of the amount of sanitation present and of soil pollution habits wiU aid in planning the program for sanitar.v improvement which in most situations is by far the most important part of the campaign. In regions where hookworm infection is found to be chiefly at or near the subclinical level, even if its inci- dence is high, control work may well be limited entirely to sanitation. When the preliminary survey shows heavy infec- tion and \videspread disease every effort should be made to re- duce soil pollution to the greatest possible extent before treat- ment is started by the introduction of latrines and education in their use. This is done in order to reduce the amount of reinfection after treatment. A course of treatments should be chosen which has been shown by quantitative study on a group of considerable size to reduce the worm burden by at least 90 percent. If the inci- dence of infection shown by the preliminary survey is over 90 percent, treatment without diagnostic examination according to the mass treatment method may seem desirable. Such a pro- cedure, however, should not be applied to the youngest age group where infection is almost always least and danger f rom ■ treatment greatest. Mass treatment should be given by popu- lation units so that all the people living in the same environ- ment would be freed of their worms as nearly at the same time as possible. Individual examinations after treatment and re- treatments cannot be justified where the object is to reduce the worm burden as much as possible with a given amount of treat- ment. In tropical regions treatments toward the end of the dry season, when the soil has been unsuitable for a considerable period for the development of the larvae, will have more last- ing value than those given during the rainy season, when rein- fection is very extensive (Chandler, 1929, pp. 40.5-408; Me Vail, 1922) ; and in colder regions treatments at the end of the win- ter will be most eft'ective. Even in the best organized campaigns a varying percentage of the worm burden will he left after treatment. Whether in- fection will soon return to a high level again depends on the extent to which the people are prevented from returning to their former habits of soil pollution. Real success in hook- worm control, therefore, will be achieved only where efforts to improve sanitation have been permanently organized and effec- tively continued over long periods of time as part of the per- manent public health program. The final step in an ideal program for hookworm control would be a resurvey carried out about 2 or 3 years after the 312 ■cdiiililetion of the tieatiiioiits by the same methods used in tlu' preliminary survey. Such an investigation will make it [los silile to elieek the sanitation and to determine whether the level of infection has retnri\ed to a jioiat where further treat- ment is needed. Most important iii .-ittaikint; the hookworm problem is the acceptance of the quantitative point of view and the nsiiij; of (juantitative methods to determine the "hookworm index'' in the preliminary survey and the resiirvey. Much effort and money have been wasted in trying by active treatment cam liaigns to reduce hookworm infection in poi)ulations whi're it ivas already close to the subclinical level. Most fundamental perhaps of all is the changed objective of the modern hook worm campaign, which is to reduce hookworm infection to a subclinical level by treatment and to keep it tlu're by per mauent improvement in sanitation. Finally, certain new viewpoints need to be developed on ac- count of the recent ticw information on the significance of ac quired immunity in hookworm infection and its relation to un- dernourishment and other debilitating factors. If the immune respons'- in man to his hookworms proves to be of the same grade as tliat of the dog to .1. en )i i ii ii iii , measures to remove factors that interfere with the normal host responses are just as important in hookworm control as those directed against the spread of infection. In fact, it seems altogether likely that if it were possible to eliniin:ite dietary deficiencies from a population suffering from hookworm disease by furni.shing an adequate food suppl.v, the restoration of the normal host resis tancc would in itself strikingly reduce hookworm infection and disease (Otto and I,andsl)erg, n)40 ; Cort and Otto, 1940). Emphasis in hookworm control, therefore, should be placed not on isolated spectacular treatment campaigns, but on the at- tempt to reduce hookworm infection by all the methods that will improve the sanitation and raise the general economic and health level of the infected populations. Ascaris lumbricoides W. W. C. References to human ascaris are found in the ancient medi- cal literature of the Chinese, Egyptians, and Greeks. Edward Tyson in 1683 and Francesco Redi in l()8-t studied the anatomy of this parasite, distinguished the sexes, and expressed the view- that it reproduced by eggs and not by spontaneous generation. From that time on, ^l.s'ror/.< liimbricnirles became a favorite ob- ject for study, and investigations on its anatomy laid the foun- dation of our present knowledge of nematode structure. Al- though much information on the prevalence, pathology, and geographical distribution of ascaris in man has been long avail- able, it is only recently that much attention has been paid to the epidemiology of ascariasis in relation to control. PATHOLOGY AND SYMPTOMATOLOGY In laboratory animals and in pigs the migrations of ascaris larvae are known to produce lesions in the intestinal wall, liver, Ivmph nodes, and especially in the lungs (Ransom and Foster," 1920 ; Yokogawa, 102,S ; Martin, 1926; Roberts, 1S34). The lesions in the lungs consist of petechial hemorrhages and inflammatory processes. In heavy infections the lungs may be very extensively involved, being edematous, hemorrhagic, and even completely consolidated. The picture is that of a multiple lobar pneumonia, which frequently causes the death of experi- mental animals. A disease of young pigs known as "thumps" has been identified as ascaris pneumonia (Ransom, 1920). In man severe pulmonary symptoms may l)e produced by hea^'y infections (Koino, 1922) and in some tropical regions lung sym- toms, especially in children, have been attributed to ascaris in- fection. In most infected populations, however, it is extremely difficult to assign a definite symptomatology to the lung mi- grations of ascaris (Keller, Hillstrom, and Gass, 1932). It is not easy to define clearly the symptoms produced by the worms in the intestine. Perhaps the most common com- plaint is an intermittent intestinal colic. Normal digestion may be disturbed and there may be loss of appetite and in- somnia. Nervous sym))toms are particularly common among heavily infected young children. Individuals having a special sensitivity may develop a generalized toxemia or specific ner- vous symptoms. In young children very heavy infections may cause severe illness or even death. Large numbers of ascarids may produce intestinal blockage. Also, the migrations of adult worms sometimes produce penetration of the intestinal wall and severe injury to the appendix, liver, lungs, or other or- gans. However, only a small proportion of infected individuals show symptoms that can be definitely attributed to ascariasis. DI.'!TRIBI'T10X .^XD EPIDEMIOLOGY Doling tlie last 1." years our knowledge of the factors in- fluencing the dissemination of ascaris has been very greatly in- creased by a number of siiecific epidemiologic studies in differ ent i)arts of the world. The distribution of the worm burden has been studied by the StoU dilution egg counting method, and attempts have been made to get at the sources of infec- tion liy the observation of soil pollution habits and by the iso lation of eggs from the soil (Spindler, 1929a; Majilestone and Mukerji, 193(i). Data from these investigations and infornm tion on the factors influencing tlie«development and viability of ascaris eggs outside the body of the host have given a fairly good body of ei)idcmiological knowledge on wliich to base con- trol measures. In addition, recent studies indicate that host relations may be of importance in determining the distribution of ascaris in populations. DISTRIBUTION .1. Iiimbricoidffi in man has a world wide distribution and appears to rival Eiitcrohiiis rcniiinilnri.': for the distinction of being the commonest of all human parasites. It has been found within the Arctic Circle and in regions where almost desert conditions i)revail. It is most abundant in tropical countries with a heavy rainfall and is especially widespread in the Orient, although extensive endemic centers are also present in Europe and in the United States (Otto and Cort, 1934a; Denecke, 1937; Girges, 1S34). Recently the information on the distribution of ascaris within population groups has been greatly increased. The family is almost always the unit of infection (Cort, Stoll, Sweet, Rih'v, and Schapiro, 1929; Cort, Otto, and Spindler, 1939; Otto, Cort, and Keller, 1931). This is true in urban as well as rural areas (Headlee, 1936; Winfield and Chin, 1938). Only in Egypt (Scott, 1939) and In certain special institutional situations (Caldwell, Caldwell, and Davis, 1930) was a larger group in- dicated as the unit. In numerous situations negative or lightly infected families are found living close to those that are heav- il.v infected. With few exceptions (Scott, 1939) about •")n per- cent of the total worm burden of any population group is con- centrated in about .5 percent of the infected individuals. These heavy cases are largel.v found in a small number of families, the so called "ascaris families." Usually the peak of the in- fection curve comes early in life, sometimes even in the o to 9 age group, and the worm burden in adults is only a fraction of that in children. Also, women of child-bearing age are fre- quently more heavily infected than men of the same age groups. However, heavy infections are sometimes found in adults, es- pecially in certain places in the Orient (Cort and Stoll, 1931). Ascaris is in general a parasite of people on a low economic and social level. "Ascaris families" are usuall.v among the poorest and most degraded of the population. Not infrequently, however, infections in children, sometimes rather heavy, are found in families of a higher type living under favorable en- vironmental conditions. In the Orient, also, ascaris is often widespread in people of the better classes (Mills, 1927). It is not primarily a parasite of rural districts since in many jjarts of the world it is present and sometimes very common in cities of various sizes. The reasons for most of the pecularities in the distribution of ascaris which have just been summarized become clear when the knowledge available on the various fac- tors that influence dissemination is considered. These factors may be grouped under (1) host relations, (2) general environ- mental factors, and (3) human habits. HOST RELATIONS In this connection one of the important problems is the re- lation of the ascaris of pig to human infection. Extensive investigations have shown no differences between the ascarids of these two hosts in morphology or in physiological and bio- chemical relations (Schwartz, 1920; Bakker, 1921; Barker, 1923). Almost all attempts to infect pigs with eggs from hu- man sources have been unsuccessful fPayne, .\ckert, and Hart- man, 192."); Martin, 1926). Also, the attempts to infect man with the pig ascaris have given negative results (Koino, 1922; Payne, Ackert, and Hartman, 292.'i; Buckley, 1931). Several workers have expressed the view that the human and pig as carids are physiological or host varieties which have each lost their infectivity for the other host. As Lane (1934) has sug gested, however, the evidence from these experimental infections is not very conclusive because of the lack of adequate controls and because of the difficulty reported by a number of workers of infecting pigs with the pig ascaris (see also Roberts, 1934). Also, de Boer (193."ia & b) reported that he succeeded in infect- ing suckling pigs with eggs from both pig and human sources and Hiraishi (1928) and others in .Japan have infected pigs deficient in vitamin .\ with human ascaris. It is difficult, how- ever, to escape the conclusion that under field conditions in- fection of man with pig ascaris is at least very infrequent. In fact, no evidence has been found in the reports of epidemiologi- cal studies of undoubted human infection from pig sources. At- tention has also been called to areas in which differences in the 313 incidence of the pig and human asearis are very great under conditions that would seem to favor cross infection (Payne, Aekert, and Hartman, 1925; Caldwell and Caldwell, 192(3; Mar- tin, 1926; Roberts, 1934). Therefore, until some evidence can be 'presented of human infection with asearis from the pig, it hardly seems reasonable to consider the domestic pig as a reservoir host of any significance in the dissemination of asearis in human populations. There is some evidence that a specific immunity is acquired to infection with A. himbricoiiles. Some of the studies showing this have been made on abnormal hosts and, therefore, involve only the stages of the cycle through the lung migration (Kerr, 1938). Other workers have reported experiments that sug- gested the development of immunity in pigs (Morgan, 1931; de Boer, 193(ib; Roberts, 1934). In pigs abo infection is very much greater in young than in old animals (Ransom and Fos- ter, 1920; Roberts, 1934). Such differences might be explained as the result of an immunity produced by repeated infection. There is some suggestion also that in older animals poor nutri- tion may increase susceptibility (Morgan, 1931; Hiraishi, 1928). Possibly in man a part at least of the reduction of in- fection in adults as compared with children may be due to the development of an acquired immunity, although difference in habits cannot be excluded. Also, it seems not unlikely that undernourishment or other debilitating factors may influence susceptibilitv to this parasite. There is some suggestion that A. Iiimbricoidcs is not well adapted to its host. This has been suggested by several work- ers because of the difficulty of producing experimental infec- tions in pigs (Ransom and Foster, 1920; Martin, 1926; Hirai- . shi, 192S; Roberts, 1934). A similar relationship in man may explain the rarity of heavy infections. Another significant host relation is the rapid turnover of the infection and the con- stant loss of worms in infected populations (Otto, 1930). In- dividuals frequently pass worms; heavy worm burdens are only kept up by constant reinfection; and groups removed from ex- posure to "reinfection soon lose their worms (Keller, 1931). It is not clear whether this instability of infection is due to lack of attachment of the worms or to immunity reactions of the host. Finally, it seems probable that host reactions have a part in keeping asearis infections in human populations at a low level except under extreme conditions of exposure to infec- tion, and in establishing the peculiar age distribution of this parasite. GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL F.\CTORS The eggs of A. lumbricoidrs live for long periods of time and are remarkably resistant to most external conditions. They have been kept alive for 4 to 't years (Davaine, 18.")8 and 1863; Martin, 1920) and under natural conditions will live for 1 to 2 years and survive the winter (Brown. 1928; Roberts, 1934). Under field conditions, where they would be exposed to a larger variety of factors, it seems probable that they remain viable for somewhat shorter periods, although it is evident that in- fested soil renuiins dangerous for a very much longer time than is the case with hookworm. Asearis eggs have been shown to have a remarkable resistance to a wide variety of chemical agents (Yoshida, 1920; Ransom and Foster, 1920). It seems evident, therefore, that in nature they would rarely if ever meet chemical conditions in the soil that would be unfavoralile. The eggs require a constant supply of oxygen for their development, they can, however, live for several weeks under anaerobic conditions and can develop in cultures where oxygen tension in the surrounding water is only a fraction of saturation (Brown, 1928a). It seems evident, therefore, that under natural conditions they can readily find oxygen enough for development except in polluted water or saturated media where bacterial growth would use up the supply. Asearis eggs in all stages of development can withstand freez- ing temperatures for surprisingly long periods of time (Cram, 1924; Nolf, 1932) and will develop slowly at temperatures as low a's 12° C. The optimum temperature for development seems to be about 30° to 33° C. and development is almost completely inhibited at temperatures of about 37° C. Higher temperatures are very iniurious to the eggs and at temperatures above W° C. they are killed in a short time (Ogata, 192."i; Nolf, 1932). Desiccation is also an important factor in killing asearis eggs, although they will remain viable for several days when dried on glass slides and kept at a relative humidity of about ."JO percent (Otto, 1929; Roberts, 1934). On the dry surface of soil they survive much longer (Caldwell and Caldwell, 1928; Brown. 1928b). Their resistance to desiccation is also greatly increased by low temperatures (Martin, 1920). They will develop nor- mally when air dried on glass slides and kept in an incubator with" a relative humidity above 80 percent (Otto, 1929). A number of authors have reported that direct sunlight is lethal to asearis eggs, although in many of the experiments the effect of high temperature vias not excluded. There is, however, defi- nite evidence that sunlight per sc docs in.iure the eggs since Nolf (1932) demonstrated that they were quickly killed by ultra violet light. Under conditions in the field, a combination of high temperatures with desiccation is probably most important in killing the eggs as is shown by the rapidity with which they die when exposed to direct sunlight on certain types of soils (Brown, 1927b; Otto, 1929). The resistance of the eggs of the human asearis to external environmental conditions accounts for its wide geographical dis- tribution. Studies in the United States (Otto, Cort, and Keller, 1931) have shown that they can develop and persist on the hard- packed clay soil of unshaded dooryards where the eggs of tri- churis and hookworm are soon killed. Certainly, A. lumbri- coides is less restricted in its spread by clinuitic and soil con- ditions than any other human parasite with free stages. Of course, tropical and semitropical countries with a high rainfall oft'er the most favorable conditions for its spread; but where human habits are particularly favorable a high incidence with heavy infections may occur in regions, such as in certain places in North China, where there is low lainfall and a long cold winter (Cort and Stoll, 1931; Winfield, 1937a). HUMAN HABITS AND SOURCES OF INFECTION Studies of the last few years in such widely separated regions as tropical America, the southern United States, North China, and the Philippine Islands, have shown that the chief sources of asearis infection are from eggs deposited Ijy young children in the yards, under the houses, and even within the houses them- selves (Brown, 1927a; Cort, Stoll, Sweet, Riley, and Schapiro, 1929; Cort and Stoll, 1931; Cort, Otto, and Spindler, 1930; Nair, 1935; Otto and Cort, 1934a; Tubangui, Basaca, and Pas- co, 1934; Winfield, 1937 a & b). This household pollution by young children results in the accumulation of large numbers of viable eggs in the dooryards which are frequently carried into the houses. Under these conditions eggs can easily contaminate food and water and also infect directly by hand-to mouth trans- fer the youngest children who play in the dirt and are most careless in their habits. More general areas of concentrated soil infestation are frequently found such as those near unsani- tated schools or in the yards of institutions (Caldwell, Cald- well, and Davis, 1930). In Egypt the sources of infection ap- pear to be chiefl.v from eggs on the floors of the houses (Scott, 1939). The point has been repeatedly stressed that heavy in- fection of a family can only be brought about by the grossest type of soil pollution close to the house combined with very careless habits, especially in the children. Families without infection have frequently been found living next door to heav- ily infected "asearis families." Also, in certain regions, as for example western Tennessee, where there is little or no sanitation in some of the rural areas, asearis infection may be at a low level or absent where the stools are deposited at some distance from the dooryards (Otto, Cort, and Keller, 1931). Sucli relations, and the rarity of heavy infections, can only be explained by postulating that in man, as has been shown in the pig, infection is difficult. The ingestion of large numbers of eggs is evidently necessary to produce even moderate infec- tions of adult worms. When the constant loss of worms is also considered, it is easy to understand why constant exposure to intense infection is necessary to produce heavy infections. The contamination of drinking water has been frequently suggested as a method of infection with asearis. In most of the epidemiological studies that have been made in the United States, Tropical America, and the Orient the possibility of in- fection from this source has been practically ruled out. In cer- tain parts of India, however, evidence was found that the contamination of shallow pools of water was a factor in infec- tion (Chandler, 1928). Recently the suggestion has been made (Lane, 1934) that the breathing in of dust containing viable asearis eggs might be a source of infection of considerable sig- nificance. While infection in this way seems possible, it could hardly be a method of major importance except under very unusual circumstances. It has been commonly considered that vegetables fertilized with human feces are an important source of asearis infection (Mills, 1927; Yoshida, 1925; Walker, 1927; Khalil, 1931; Rob- ertson, 1936). This would explain, as suggested b.v Mills (1927), the distribution of asearis among all ages and classes of the population in Korea. Several workers in the Orient have found viable eggs of asearis clinging to vegetables that are used for food uncooked (see summary by Winfield and Yao, 1937). Also, where human excrement is used as fertilizer, the storage, transportation, and distribution of night soil on the fields would serve to scatter the eggs of asearis widely in the general environment of the villages. However, definite evidence has been presented in studies in China that pollution by chil- dren in the yards and streets of the villages is a very common and perhaps the most important method of asearis dissemina- 314 tioii iCiirt aiui Stiill. ]'X\\ ; W iritiold. l<):f.'ili ; Wiiiticld and e'liiii, l!i;iS). Also, ill North C'liina, Wiiiliold and Yao (I'.CiT) eould tiiid no evidence of asearis eggs on vegetables after they were prei>ared for food, and expressed the opinion that infection from this source was of little if any significance in this part of China. It seems clear, however, that the use of human ex crenieiit as fertilizer does spread asearis probably in a number of different ways, since in China, Korea, and Japan infection witli this parasite appears to be more common, especially in the atlults, than anywhere else in the world. CONTROL OF ASCAEIASIS Treatment of infected populations and improvement in house- hold sanitation are the obvious suggestions for the control of ascariasis. On account of the enormous numbers of eggs pro- duced and their great resistance to chemicals, sterilization of sources of infection \vould seem to have a very limited value. In spite of the availability of effective nntlieliuintics (Brown, ]!'34), there is clear evidence that mass treatment of infected pojuilations is not an effective control measure against asearis because of rapid reinfection (Cort, Schapiro, and Stoll, 1929; Otto, 1930; Otto and Cort, 1934b). Perhaps if the treatments could be made almost 100 percent effective in removing the worms, and if they were administered at the end of a dr}' season or winter when the numbers of viable eggs in the soil would be reduced (Cort, Schapiro, Riley, and Stoll, 1929), they might have some real value as a control measure. At any rate, treatment in ascarisinfected populations is imi)ortant for re- lieving heavily infected individuals, especially young children, of dangerous worm burdens. There are also certain difficulties to be met in the attempt to control asearis by improved sanitation (Cort, 1931, p. 137). It was found in Panama (Cort, Stoll, Sweet, Riley, and Scha- piro, 1929) that in certain areas sanitary improvements that had definitely reduced the level of hookworm infection did not appear to limit the spread of asearis. Also, more than half of the families with heavy asearis infection that were studied in the mountains of Tennessee had privies which in almost all cases were in use (Otto, Cort, and Keller, 1931). Examples have also been reported from cities of families with flush toilets connected with the sewage system in which the children had considerable asearis infection (Otto and Cort, 1934a; Headlee, 193(5). Under all these conditions the infection is kept up be- cause the young children fail to use the sanitary facilities and deposit their stools in the yards close to the houses. In attempts to improve sanitation in rural districts certain practical points of special importance in the control of asearis seem to have been entirely overlooked in a number of places. First, the latrines should lie placed near enough to the houses so that they can be reached by the young children, and in the second place they should have special seats for the children. Usually seats are designed only for adults and are difficult or even dangerous for children to use. In addition, real progress in asearis control will have to depend on the instruction of the children and their parents in the homes and in the schools in the dangers of soil pollution and in the minimum requirements of a proper household sanitation. In most places widespread asearis infection is associated with general low standards of living, and any raising of standards will have a tendency to reduce infection. Trichuris trichiura W. W. C. The whipworm, Tricliiiri.i tricliiiira, was first described by Roederer in 1761, although it was apparently observed much earlier. Davaine (18.")S and 18(53) studied the development of the eggs. Leuckart (1866) demonstrated experimentally the direct development of the trichuris of the sheep and pig, and Grassi (1887) produced experimental infection with T. tricliiiira in man. About the liegiuning of the 20th century the patho genie role of trichuris was greatly emphasized and it was con- sidered to be an important factor in infection with such dis- eases as typhoid fever, cholera, appendicitis, and dysentery (Guiart, 1911). More recently, however, these views have been discounted by most workers. The extensive surveys of the last three decades by fecal examination have greatly extended the knowledge of the distribution of trichuris. Also, considerable information on the factors influencing its dissemination has been obtained, chiefly in connection with field studies on as- earis and hookworm. The adults of T. trichiura are most frequently found in the caecum, vermiform appendix, and colon with their long at- tenuated anterior ends sewed into the superficial mucosa. The great majority of infections with the human trichuris involve only a few worms, but in occasional cases hundreds may be present. The length of life of the adult worms is not definitely known, although it appears to be much greater than that of ascaiis. .Mso, there is no evidence of the constant loss of worms and rapid turnover of infections found in that species. There is some evidence that an acquired immunity is developed in trichuris infections (Suzuki, 1934; Miller, 1941). PATIIOGKNECITV The adult worms produce some injury to the int<'stinal mu- cosa and when present in large numbers may cause considerable inflammation. Therefore, in the heaviest cases they may pro duee rather severe intestinal disturbances. There is no real evidence that they serve as a "lancet of infection" for other diseases as suggested by many earlier workers (Guiart, 1911) and their relation to the production of anemia is rather doubt- ful (Otto, 1935; Swartzwelder, 1939). In most cases their presence would pass unnoticed except for the finding of the characteristic eggs in fecal examinations. DISTRIBUTION AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Trichuris trichiura is widely distributed in the world and is frequently found, especially in tropical and subtropical re- gions, associated with both asearis and hookworm. Its range is not as extensive as that of asearis, especially in the temperate zones and it is absent in the colder regions. In the majority of places where both these parasites are found together the in- cidence of trichuris is lower. In the mountain regions of the southeastern United States, where the incidence of asearis is several times that of trichuris, families are common that harbor only asearis, but almost always where trichuris is f(Hind as- earis will also be present (Otto, Cort, and Keller, 1931). There are, however, many situations where examinations have shown the incidence of trichuris to be equal to or even higher than that of asearis. Such situations are usually in tropical or subtropical countries, but there are a number of places in Europe, especial- ly in the U. S. S. R., where the incidence of trichuris is sur- prisingly high. Examinations of the last few years by the dilution egg-count- ing method have given us considerable information on the dis- tribution of trichuris within population groups, especially in the United States (Cort, Stoll, Sweet, Riley, and Schapiro, 1929; Otto, Cort, and Keller, 1931; Cort and Otto, 1937). Its dis- tribution resembles that of asearis in having the family as the unit of dissemination, and in the concentration of a large pro- portion of the worm burden in a small percentage of heavy cases, usually grouped in families. Also, the distribution of trichuris according to age and sex is much like that of asearis except that the peak of infection comes almost always at a somewhat later age. Usually adult females are more heavily infected than males of the same age groups. The human habits involved in the spread of trichuris and asearis appear to be exactly the same. Differences in egg production, susceptibility of hosts to infection, stability and persistence of infection in the hosts, or in immunity relations cannot be evaluated in the present state of our knowledge in relation to differences in the methods of dissemination or dis- tribution of these two parasites. Therefore, in attempting to explain such differences we must concern ourselves chiefly with the differences that have Iteen found in the resistance of their eggs to external environmental factors. The eggs of tri- churis are much less resistant to low temperatures than are those of asearis, and are somewhat less resistant to high tem- peratures (Nolf, 1932). They are also less resistant to desic- cation, require slightly more moisture for development, and de- velop more slowly when the moisture is reduced (Caldwell and Caldwell, 1928; Spindler, 1929 a & b; Nolf, 1932; Onorato, 1932). They are very long lived and like those of asearis are very resistant to chemicals, and they are considerably more resistant than the eggs of asearis to ultra violet light (Nolf, 1932). The differences just discussed in the resistance to external environmental conditions of the eggs of asearis and trichuris appear to exjjlain .satisfactorily at least some of the differences in their distribution. Certainly the absence of trichuris in cold regions and its scarcity wherever there is a long cold winter can be explained on the basis of the lack of resistance of its eggs to low temperatures. It seems unlikely that the eggs of trichuris on the soil could live through even a short period of freezing temperatures. Following suggestions that trichuris is limited more in its distribution by dry conditions than asearis (Sweet, 1924; Chandler, 1928), this relation was first carefully studied by Spindler (1929b) in the United States. It was found that in the mountains of southwestern Virginia trichuris occurred in a much lower incidence than asearis except in a few limited localities, where dense shade in the yards produced moist con- ditions where the eggs were deposited. This finding led to the suggestion supported by a careful review of the literature that the incidence of trichuris tends to be as great or greater than asearis onlv where there is a considerable amount of moisture Sl.j Ill tlic soil due to Iieavy rainfall or protection by dense vege- tation. Later epidemiologic investigations elsewhere in the United States supported this view by showing that in other areas where the incidence of ascaiis was much higher than trichuris, infections with the latter were largely limited to households where dense vegetation or poor drainage produced moist areas around the dwellings where the eggs were deposited (Otto, Cort, and Keller, 1931; Otto, 1932); Cort and Otto, 1937). Certain field studies in the United States (Cort and Otto, 1937; Otto, 1932; Caldwell, Caldwell, and Davis, 1930) were made of situations where the incidence of trichuris was higher than ascaris. In these places the soil where the eggs were de- posited was moist and appeared very favorable for develop- ment. The soil pollution in the yards and close to the houses, however, seemed to be considcrabl.v less than that found asso- ciated witli heavy ascaris infections. It was suggested, there- fore, that given favorable conditions for the development of the eggs the advantage in dissemination would be in favor of trichuris on account of its longer life and greater stability in the host. Undoubtedly, other differences in the life cycle, host relations, and general environmental relations of these two parasites also produce differences in their distribution. Finally, since the human habits responsible for the spread of trichuris and ascaris appear to be the same, control measures would be the same for both. Trichinella spiralis E. B. C. The old Mosaic law against eating pork is perhaps traceable to suspicions regarding the casual relationship between pork and the disease later called trichinosis. From very earlj' days epidemics were recorded with symptoms strikingly similar to those of trichinosis; Glazier (1881) refers to such a disease among the Carthaginians sent (B. C. 427) to subjugate Sicily; descriptions of outbreaks from the l.^ith century on, in Ger- many, France, the British Isles, and America correspond so closely with those of trichinosis that there is now no doubt as to the etiology. However, it was not until the 19th century that evidence was produced as to the cause of the disease. The principal hosts of TrichineUa spiralis are swine, rat and man. In addition, however, the following other animals either have lipen fmiiid naturally infected or have been experimentally infected. Naturally infected: mice, rabbits, beaver (coypu),. domestic eat, palm civet, dog, wolf, coyote, fox, pole cat, martin, ferret, European and American badgers, raccoon, polar bear, common bear {Ursiis sp.), and mongoose. Experimentally in- fected: guinea pig, monkeys, sheep, cattle, horse, young chick- ens, pigeons, magpies, and rooks. In young chickens the larvae in the muscles soon die (Augustine, 1933; Matoff, 1938). Lar- vae developed to the infective stage in very young [ligeon.s (Matoff, 1936; 1938) and in adult pigeons affected by avita- niinosis (Pavlov, 1940). In the latter case infectivity was demonstrated 32 days after the feeding of trichinous meat to tlie pigeons (personal communication). Coldblooded animals are apparently immune (Pavlov, 1937). DIAGNOSIS During life, diagnosis of trichinosis may l>e made from the clinical history, the differential blood picture, and immunologi- cal tests. Other tests, sometimes used but less reliable, are the following. Stool examination: the evidence indicates it is of little or no value. Biopsy: a bit of muscle excised usually from the deltoid, biceps or gastrocnemius is examined as a fresh press preparation and by digestion, as the trichinae are thus more easily detected than in sections. This method has the limitation of being not deiiendable until the end of the third week after infection and in addition a negative biopsy does not exclude trichinosis. Examinatinn of blood and cerebrospinal fluid for larvae: For a period of about 3 weeks, beginning about 1 week after infection, the larvae may be present but are not always easy to find. Immunological reactions, consisting of intradermal and pre- cipitin tests, are more reliable when properly used and inter- ]>reted. Bachman (1928) initiated both tests; they have been somewhat modified by Augustine and Theiler (1932) and other workers. Bozicevich (1939) developed an improved antigen, sujierior in having larvae with a miniinum of debris and in being extracted with neutral O.S.'i percent solution of sodium chloride, without preservatives; the result is much greater speci- ficity and impioved maintenance of potency. With the im- proved antigen a positive skin test in ralibits may be obtained 8 or 9 days after infection; however, in man positive reactions are seldom obtained until after the second week of infection. Both skin and precipitin tests should be used for diagnosis, even though the skin test is negative. Positive precipitin re- Tablb 9. Findings of trichinae in local stirveys in the United States Author Date Whelpley 1891 Thornbury 1897 Williams 1901 Queen 1931 1937* Riley and Scheifley .. 1934 Hinman 1936 McNaught and Anderson 1936 Magath 1937 Sawitz 1937 Pote 1937 Scheitiey 1938 Walker and Breckenridge . 1938 Evans 1938 Hood and Olson 1939 Sawitz - - 1939 Butt and Lapeyre .. 1939 Gould 1939 Gould - 1939 Harrell and Johnston 1939 Oosting 1940 Catron 1940 Totals •Reported by Scheifley, 1938. Place St. Louis, Mo. Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. 1 >enver, Colo. Rochester, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Denver, Colo. Minneapolis, Minn. New Orleans, La. San Francisco, Cal. Rochester, Minn. New Orleans, La. St. Louis, Mo. Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minn. Birmingham & Tuscaloosa, Ala. Cleveland, Ohio Chicago, 111. New Orleans, La. Los Angeles, Cal. Eloise, Mich. Eloise, Mich. Durham, N. C. Dayton, Ohio Ann Arbor, Mich. Number of Number Percent examinations positive positive 20 1 5.0 21 3 14.3 362 21 .^.8 7 0 0.0 126 5 4.0 10 1 10.0 344 59 17.2 58 16 27.6 431 70 16.2 117 20 17.1 200 7 3..T 200 48 24.0 220 17 7.7 200 10 .").0 1,060 163 15.4 118 15 12.7 100 33 33.0 100 36 36.0 208 12 5.8 220 25 11.4 200 14 7.0 170 31 18.2 90 11 12.2 410 82 20.(1 44 0 0.0 6 0 0.0 55 3 .').4 134 27 20.1 300 .-,.-.31 44 774 14.7 13.9 Method Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic Digestion Digestion Digestion Microscopic Digestion Digestion Microscopic Micros. & digestion Sections Microscopic Micros. & digestion Micros. & digestion Digestion Digestion & micros. Micros. & digestion Digestion Digestion Micros. & digestion Digestion Microscopic Micros. & digestion % Digestion ; % Micros. & digest. Digestion and 270 microscopic 316 mictions appear usually at the end of tlie thiid week. Liuiita tions of the use of these reactions for diagnosis of the disease should l)e kept iu mind; after an attack of trichinosis, a posi- tive skin test may he obtained for as long as 7 years and a I)()sitive precipitin reaction for as long as 2 years. In addition, persons with subclinical trichina infections may also give posi- tive skin and precipitin reactions. For postmortem diagnosis, the compressor method and the digestion-Bacrmann method are used. The former consists of direct microscopic exauiination of a press preparation of mus- cle. The l;itter method consists of the digestion of muscle in jirtificial gastric .iuice, the digested nmterial being put through the Baermann apparatus and examined microscopically for lar- vae. Either of the two methods has special value and certain limitations for certain types of infection, the two methods being supplementary (Hall and Collins, 1!I37). Both methods have therefore been used in recent surveys and on a quantita- tive basis of trichinae per gram of diaphragm muscle examined. The two methods have been described in detail by Nolan and Bozicevich. Investigation (Sawitz, 1937; Schapiro et al, 1938) has shown a correlation between the skin test for diagnosis of trichinosis in living persons and postmortem findings. SYMPTOMATOLOGY Trichinosis is characterized by lack of regularity in its course (Ransom, 191:1; Hall, 1937; Kaufman, 1940). A history of eating raw or undercooked pork containing trichina may or may not be followed by a gastrointestinal disturbance, including ab- dominal pains, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation or one succeeding the other, and intestinal henu>rrhages. Eosinophilia of 10 to 45 percent and at times OS to 7S percent may be present ; on the other hand it may not be present at all. There may be edema (usually periorbital), high fever, myositis and l>neumonia. The heart may be involved. There may be ner- vous derangement, including encephalitis, meningitis and de- lirium. The variegated clinical picture results from differences in intensity of infection, organs invaded and resistance of the patient. A clinical but nonfatal case may show at biopsy as few as 8 larvae per gram of gastrocnemius (Ferenbaugh et al). Hall (1937) tentatively designated as "heavy to critical" cases showing 101 to 1,000 larvae per gram. Conclusions concern- ing man can not be drawn from quantitative data from labora- tory animals, as in man (Xevinny, cited by Roth, 1939) inflani- matorj- and other injurious processes are more pronounced and extensive, than in those animals. Schwartz (1938) found that experimentally infected hogs showed no symptoms when there were less than 800 to 900 larvae per gram of diajihragm muscle tissue. EPIDEMIOLOGY In California outbreaks of trichinosis have resulted from the eating of jerked bear meat (Walker, 1932; Geigcr and Hob- maier, 1939) and in Europe from the meat of the polar bear and the dog (cited by Kaufman, 1940) and the Coypu (Rubli, 1936;. These cases are rare, however; swine are the principal source of infection to man and it is probable that most cases of infection of other animals could be traced back ultimately to swine. The incidence of trichinae in swine varies according to the locality and manner of feeding, the principal source of the infection being uncooked pork scraps fed to swine in garbage or swill ; the eating by swine of infected rats or of carcasses of infected pigs are very minor sources. Hall (1937a), Schwartz (1938) and Wright (1939) have analyzed the data from dif- ferent parts of the United States; trichinae were found in only about 0.5 percent of swine fed on cooked garbage and southern swine which range the fields and woods and get little garbage; in 1 to 1.5 percent of swine iu the Central West, where feeding of grain predominates over garbage feeding; in 4 to (5 percent of swine fed on uncooked garbage; and in 10 to 20 percent of swine fed on slaughter house offal, this last group now being small. As regards the incidence in man, data have been inadequate; due to the variability of symptoms, cases are frequently un- recognized. To reports of outbreaks of acute trichinosis, which have often involved large numbers of persons, and those of sporadic cases must be added necropsy findings which detect subclinical infections as well as previously undiagnosed clinical cases. In the 94 year period, 1842-1936, according to Sawitz (1938), there were between 5,000 and 6,000 clinical cases of trichinosis diagnosed and recorded in the United States. Stiles (1901) found that in Germany between 1860 and 1898 there were reported 14,820 cases of trichinosis with 831 deaths, a mortalitj' of 5.6 percent. Hall (1938a) points out that iu the 1880 's competent authorities maintained that the incidence of tricliinae was mucli greater in the United States than in Europe and that these oi)iuions, long neglected, were borne out by later findings which indicate that the United States has the greatest trichinosis problem of any country in the world. The incidence here is about 5 times greater than in middle Europe (Magath, 1937), or even higher (Hall, 1938a). Comiiarative data are Lacking from many parts of the world. A very low iiu-idence has been found iu England (Van Someren, 1!I37). Eleven clinical cases arc known from the Hawaiian Islands (Alicata, 1938); trichinae have been found in the rat, mon- goose and wild .-md domestic pigs there. Apparently only one hunmn case has been reported from Chiim although the dog, cat and swine have been found infected there (Ch'n, 1937). Early examinations of necropsy material were confined to direct microscopic examination of muscle by the compressor method and for the most part did not represent real surveys. In more recent years a digestion method has also been used; there is evidence that either technique alone fails to detect one- third of the infections, so that a correction figure of 33% per- cent should be applied if only one method is used. Local sur- veys have been nmde in various parts of the United States (Table 9) and a nationwide surveys of unselected cases from various population groups (Table 10) is in progress. To date the findings from necropsy examinations of over 9,000 persons show that 15 percent were infected with trichinae, and the ac- tual incidence figure would be higher if corrections could be made to eliminate all variables. As regards severity of infec- tion, the majority of 488 positive cases (Wright, 1939) showed less than 11 larvae per gram of diaphragm but 2.5 iierceiit of the cases had between 101 and 1,000 larvae per gram. An analysis of the findings according to sex, age, lace, oc- cupation and social-economic status of 2,000 individuals (Wright, 1939) failed to show any special correlation in most of the groups represented. However, a geographical correlation is indicated, especially as regards reported cases of cliiiical trichinosis; the heaviest incidence is found along the North Atlantic coast and along the Pacific coast, correlated with gar- bage feeding. In New York, Massachusetts and California from 501 to over 1,000 clinical cases per state were reported up to 1938 (Hall, 1938) ; these are areas where there is extensive feeding of uncooked garbage to swine. CONTROL With regard to trichinosis, the significance of chemotherapy is decidedly different than in the case of most other helminth infections, "as in oxyuriasis (p. 324). In trichinosis it is en- tirely therapeutic, administered only for the patient's sake; in oxyuriasis it is both proi)hylactic and therapeutic, preventing reinfection of the patient and infection of others. Since human trichinosis results from the operation of two factors (Hall, 1938), its prevention lies in control of those faetors— namely, (1) food habits of the individual, including infection from accidents and failures of cookery, and (2) the frequency of occurrence of live trichinae in swine supplying the pork. It is evident from necropsy findings as well as from numerous sporadic cases and occasional outbreaks of trichino sis, that a very large number of persons have eaten unprocessed, uncooked or undercooked infected pork. The great majority of swine are free from trichinae; pork from a small minority of swine serves as the principal source of both human and porcine trichinosis. This source may be combatted (Hall, 1936; 1937a; 1938a; Schwartz, 1938; Wright, 193S) by (1) meat inspection; (2) avoidance of the use of raw or inadequately cooked pork or pork products; (3) the swine sanitation system; (4) cooking of garbage; and (5) rat destruction. In Germany microscopical inspection of pork for trichinae was instituted iu 1875. Exclusion of American pork from Ger- many caused a loss of millions of dollars to farmers and ex- porters in the United States and led to diplomatic complica- tions. Stiles' (1901) study of the German system indicated that inspection can not detect all infected meat, that there was a false sense of security from inspected meat and that the system was very elaborate and expensive. In the United States tiiere has never been federal meat inspection for trichinae in pork intended for domestic consumption. The principal mea- sures relied upon have been education as to cooking pork thor- oughly, and the preparation under meat inspection of pork products customarily eaten raw. Freedom from infective trichinae is assured "by cooking at 137° F. (that this tempera- ture requirement, originally set by Ransom and Schwartz (1919), is adequate has been verified by Otto and Abrams, (1939), by refrigeration at 5° F. for not less than 20 days (Ransom, 1916), or by special processing of the pork (Ransom, Schwartz and Raffensperger, 1920). That the intradermal test be applied to all hogs killed in all slaughter houses, for the detection of trichina infections, has been advocated (Nelson, 1939) but the evidence (Spindler and Cross, 1939; Lichterman 317 and Klcemai), 1939) indicates that the test does not detect all trichina infected swine. The evidence shows that the control measures of the past have been palliative and casual and have not controlled trichi- nosis; a basic program should aim at elimination of tlie prin- cipal source of infection of swine — namely, pork scraps in gar- bage or slaughter house waste. The swine sanitation system is of great value where used; pigs are raised on pasture, are not fed swill or garbage, and have little or no opportunity to eat rats or other pigs. As alread.v noted, the incidence of por- cine infection is correlated with the method of feeding pigs. Localities, as England (Van Somereii, 1937), which require cooking of any garbage fed to pigs have a low incidence. A survey made by Wright (1940) shows that in the United States over 50 percent of reporting cities having a population of 10,000 or over dispose of municipal garbage in whole or in part by feeding it to swine. Very few cities cook it ; it is evident therefore that municipalities are contributing substan- tially to the spread of trichinosis. The problem of control clearly lies in that field. Table 10. — Findings of trichinae in Xational Institute of Health nationwide survey* Direct microscopic and digest ion-Baermann methods Number of Number of diaphragms diaphragms Percent Series examined positive positive Base (10 hospitals in Washington, D. C, 2 Marine and 4 Naval hospitals in eastern seaboard cities) ___ _ 3,000 488 16.3 Random (diaphragms selected at random from hospitals selected at random throughout U.S. A.) 436 80 1S.3 Negative (from States in which clinical trichinosis has never been reported) 140 26 18.6 Traumatic (persons suffering traumatic death and not hos- pitalized) - _.._ 212 3S 17.9 Jewish (orthodox and unorthodox Jews) _... 134 1 0.7 Totals 3,922 633 16.1 *As reported by Hall and Collins, 1937; Nolan and Bozice- vich. 193S; Wright, 1939; Kerr, 1940; and Kerr, Jacobs and Cuvillier (in press). The F'tlariae D. L. A. The superfamily Filarioidea contains a large number of spe- cies of which Wnchereria bancrofti (Colibold, 1877) Seurat, 1921 and Onchocerca rolrnlns (Leuckart, 1893) Railliet and Henry, 1910, are important pathogens for man. Less important species that infect man include Loa hia (Cobbold, 1864) Cas- tellani and Chalmers. 1913; Dipelaloiiema perstans (Manson, 1891) Yorke and Maple.stone. 1926; and ilansnneUa oszardi (Manson, 1897) Faust, 1929. Several other species have been reported from man which are known only in the immature stages. Of these only Microflnria malai/i (Brug, 1927) appears to be of clinical importance. The following discussion will be limited to the first two species named and Microfilaria malai/i. 1. BANCROFTIAN FILARIASIS The enormous enlargements of parts of the body, particularly of the legs and external genitals, so frequently accompanying Bancroftian filariasis were noted and much studied long before the etiological agent, Wnchereria bancrofti, was discovered. According to Menon (193.1), the first, and a very good descrip- tion of these conditions was written about 600 B. C. by Susliruta in India. The disease was probably also well known in Persia, Arabia, Egypt, and parts of Africa at that time. Hillary (1766) gives a very good account of its occurrence in Barliados, describing the recurring attacks of fever, the lymphangitis, the lymphadenitis, and the slowly increasing swellings of the af- fected part up to the stage at which typical elephantoid appear- ances become definite and iironiinent. Hillary was certain that the disease had been brought to the West Indies from Africa by Negro slaves and, at his time, was observed to be "too frequent among them and among the white people also." Neumann (O'Connor and Beatty, 1938) estimated that 6 per- cent of the population of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, had elephan- tia.sis in 1881. Obsei-vations demonstrating the etiology of elephantiasis were initiated in 1863 by the French surgeon Demarquay, who found microfilariae in chylous urine of a person who had lived in Cuba, were continued by the investigations of Lewis (1879) in India and by others, and culminated in the research of Patrick Manson in China between 1876 and 1900. Early in his inves- tigations Manson discovered filarial periodicity and experimen- tally demonstrated that a mosquito. Cule.r fatigans, was an es- sential intermediate host and the agent for dissemination of the parasite. More recent investigations have been largely epi- demiological and pathological. Noteworthv among these arc the studies of Bahr (1912), Low (1913), O'Connor (1923; 1931), Anderson (1924), Fiilleborn (1929), Iyengar (1938), and Payn- ton and Hodgkin (1938). The adult worms are parasites only of the lymphatic system of man. They maj' occur at any level of the system, but are found most frequently in the limbs, scrotum and inguinal re- gions. The two sexes are frequently coiled together in the periglandular tissues, the lymphatic vessels of the capsule and in the cortical sinuses. In heavy infections they may also oc- cur in the medulla. The microfilariae (for life history see p. 288) occur in the lymph, the blood stream, and, under certain conditions (chy- luria), may be found in the urine. Tliese larvae characteris- tically exhibit a marked nocturnal periodicity. They are found in greatest numbers between 10 o'clock in the evening and 2 o'clock in the morning, but during the day they may be en- tirely absent from the blood. In the Philippine Islands and largely throughout Polynesia, however, the microfilariae show- no periodicity; while in Australia and New Guinea, periodicity is the rule, but both types do occur. As far as is known botli types represent one and the same species. In order to continue their life cycle microfilariae must be taken up by an appropriate mosquito. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION IVnchcreria bancrofti is practically world-wide in distribu- tion, but is largely limited to tropical and subtropical coun- tries. Its spread necessarily depends on the extent of the mi- grations of individuals showing microfilariae in the blood, and on the presence or absence of appropriate mosquitoes in new areas to serve as intermediate hosts. The parasite is eharac- teristicall.y found in island populations or along more or less broad low-lying coastal areas of larger islands and continents. In Asia it is established along coastal areas from Arabia to the Shantung Province in Eastern China, and cases have been re- ported as far north as Manchuria. It is prevalent in the islands of the East China Sea, southern Japan, southern Chosen and throughout Oceania. In Australia its distribution is mainly along the Queensland coasts. Bancroftian filariasis is common across tropical Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius and neighboring islands and along the Mediterranean shores. It has been reported to be indigenous in Spain, Hungary and Turkey. It is of very common occurrence throughout the West Indies, the Guianas. and Venezuela, and is less frequent in northern Colombia and eastern Brazil (Bahia). It appears not to have become established along the Pacific coast. A small endemic focus was reported in 191.5 and again in 1919 in North America near Charleston, South Carolina (Francis, 1919). Sporadic cases of infection have been noted from time to time in various parts of the United States, but these, invariably, were of foreign origin or from the Charles- ton area. Thus, it is evident that Bancroftian filariasis has a world-wide geographic distribution. Its distribution within any given country is, however, characteristically and markedly spotted and discontinuous due to the local physical factors and the differences in social standards and .sanitation. PATHOLOGY It is generall.v held that living microfilariae are not patho- genic. It has been observed that microfilariae readily pass through lymph nodes without phagocytic filtration (Drinker, Augustine and Leigh, 193.5). 'They are exceedingly active in the blood stream. They are not only passively carried about with the blood stream but actively move against the lilood stream in the arterioles, making slow progress by bracing them- selves through the crests of the alternate undulations of their bodies against the walls of the vessel. They frequently- occlude the capillaries and then make their way through the stagnated column of blood cells to reenter the active circulation. They apparently never make permanent plugs or form emboli (Au- gustine, Field and Drinker, 1936; .\ugustine, 1937). The serious disorders are brought about by dead micro- filariae and the living and dead adult worms. These disorders in every case can be traced to interference with the lymphatic system. Living worms, however, apparently cause little damage other than varying degrees of blockage of the afferent approach of the vessels in which the3- lie. However, when the adult 318 worms dio tlu'y Iiecoino forciK" bodies. Inflamiiiation follows their death and degeiieiation. s"'i"K rise to lymphangitis, lYnii)liadenitis, intlammatovy varicose j^roin glands, abscess and fever. The obstructed and dilated lymphatics sometimes rup- ture, with escape of chyle into the bladder, and less frequently into the intestine and the abdominal cavity, and thus (j'^'c ''se to chyluria, chylous diarrhea and cliylous ascites. Without ru|)ture of the vessel, superficial or deeji lymph varices may develop, such as varicose (flands of the );roin or axilla, h.ydrocelo and lymph scrotum. All active changes are associated with the defeneration and absorption of dead parasites. The end result is always fibro sis with complete occlusion of the parasitized vessel. Elephan- tiasis, one of the commonest lesions, is the result of long and widespread lymphatic obstruction. Pyogenic Ijactcria, streptococci and stajihylococci have been isolated fairly frequently from the region of the lymphedema. Their responsibility in the disease syndrome, however, is not clear. Drinker, Field and Homans (1934) and Drinker (1936) have shown experimentally that loss of lymph circulation pre- disposes to streptococcic infection, that these liacteria cause attacks of severe chill and high fever, and usually can be iso- lated from the tissue fluids only in the early stages of the seizures. The diagnosis of infections with W. bancrofti is made by finding the characteristic microfilariae in the blood. Many cases, however, having clinical symiitoms show no microfilariae in the blood nor in the contents of the dilated vessels. In such instances the infection is usually of long standing and either the adult worms have died or the lymphatics draining the af- fected area have become obstructed by the worms and their products to such an extent that the microfilariae cannot pass along the vessels to enter the circulating blood. EPIDEMIOLOGY Bancroftian filariasis characteristically occurs in low lying coastal areas and along the shores of lakes and rivers. In- digenous infections are seldom to be found in the foothills or beyond coastal ranges. The incidence of infection and clini- cal manifestations in endemic regions vary greatly in adjoin- ing areas. The incidence of infection is always in direct rela- tion to the prevalence of the mosquito concerned; and, in turn, the prevalence of these mosquitoes in an area is in direct rela- tion to the favorableness of that area for moscpiito breeding. The parasite is naturally limited to the range of its insect vectors, and local physical factors, such as temperature, hu- midity, porosity of the soil, prevailing winds, and character of the vegetation which may influence the development and presence of the vector, will also indirectly influence the inci- dence and intensity of filariasis in the human population. O'Connor (1923) found a very low incidence of filariasis and but a very few mosquitoes on some atolls of the Ellice group having narrow, broken land strips and lacking depth of bush favorable to Aerlr.t rarirgaUi.i. On other atolls with larger land areas, the central lagoon reduced to a swamp, and cov- ered with d?nse, dark bush, Aedrx raruiiatiis was obs?rved in swarms throughout the day, and over 70 percent of the in- habitants over 16 years of age showed some sign of filarial in- fection. Again, a favorable high temperature with a suitable amount of moisture is absolutely necessary for the development of the parasite in the mosquito and for its transfer from the mosquito to the human skin. The low incidence of infection or absence of infection in many places, particularly in the in- terior of China where proved mosquito carriers are present, is attributed to cold or to dryness and high temperature (Feng, 1931). Thus, local conditions may have a marked influence on the distribution of the infection within an endemic area. While the mosquito is the sole vector of W iichrreria bancrofti, as in malaria, the transmission is accomplished with much less certainty and promptness in the case of filariasis. There is no .multiplication of filaria larvae in the intermediate host. There develops but one infective larva from each microfilaria sucked in by the mosquito, whereas the malaria parasite multiplies enormously and the chance of the infection being returned to man is by thousands of times more likely. The actual number of microfilariae sucked up by the mosquito is also relatively small in comparison with the number of malarial organisms in the blood which may be taken up in a similar manner. A high mortality occurs among the microfilariae which actually reach the .stomach of the mosquito. O'Connor and Beatty (193S) estimated that about 3.5 per- cent of the microfilariae ingested by mosquitoes die within 20 hours after an infective meal in the stomach blood clot, that a very heavy mortality of larvae may occur after their arrival in the thorax, and that many infected mosquitoes may die dur- ing the first f^ew days after such feeding. Of ,").nOO wild Culex fatiganx collected over a period of 12 consecutive months in St. Croix, V. I., fr(un within and near dwellings occupied by per sons with filariasis, only 2.3 percent were found to contain fully "infective" larvae. These authors believe that the ])er- centage of C. fatiflaii.s which actually transmit the infection to man is much smaller, due to death of mosquitoes from various causes such as strong winds, torrential rains, spiders, bats, liz- ards and chickens. Chickens wandering into the laboratory were observed to search and eagerly devour mosquitoes resting in the darker corners of the room. It was also observed that r. fali(/a)i.s readily feeds upon domestic fowl. It is probable that many parasites are deposited on the skin or feathers of birds and thus liecome lost. Bancroftian filariasis char.'icteristically occurs in small, dense ly populated and poorly .sanitated villages. It is particularly common in the overcrowded dwellings of poor people, and the incidence and morbidit.y in a given family ma.v be striking. Infection is usually commoner in males than in females, which difference in China is attributed to the custom among women of wearing more clothes while sleeping at night, and thus ex- posing less body surface to the attack of mosquitoes (Lee, 1926). The severity of the disease characteristically increases with advancing age, thus indicating absence of any develop- ment of immunit.Y in filarial infection. All races of mankind appear to be equall.v susceptible. Differences noted, particu- larly absence of infection or lighter infection among North Americans and Europeans residing in the area are due to their better sanitary conditions, better protection against mosquitoes, and homes removed from the over crowded dwellings of the native population. Better housing is always essential in control. In view of the fact that the parasite is transmitted solely through the bites of mosquitoes, its prevention is primarily one of mosquito control, and measures taken against these insects in the control of malaria and yellow fever are eciually effective against infections with TTuchereria bancrofti. Culex fatifiann is a domestic mosquito which breeds near dwellings in cisterns, rain liarrels, discarded tin cans, sullage drains, ditches, etc. Tight screens and gauze coverings will prevent mosquito breeding in cisterns, vats and rain barrels. Discarded pots, tins and other utensils should be buried or destroyed, and drains arid ponds kept clear of vegetation in order to effect proper mosquito control. All breeding places should receive weekly treatment with larvicides. In the Oceanic Islands, where Ai^des variegatus is the most important vector, attention must be centered on discarded cocoanut husks and shells, natu- ral and artificial cavities in trees, tin cans, and other possible containers of clean water. O'Connor (1923) observed that the Pacific rat makes breeding places for A. variegatus in trees by gnawing and cutting young cocoa-pods. The pods then die, become dry, and form hanging breeding places for the mos- quito. With modifications to meet local conditions, the methods ad- vocated by O'Connor and Beatty (193S) to reduce Bancroftian filariasis in Christiansted, St. Croix, might be effectively ap- plied elsewhere. They include the following recommendations: -4. The general measures adopted should be as follows: 1. The incidence of persons with microfilariae should be de- termined at the same time for the whole population. 2. The percentage of infective mosquitoes should be deter- mined in tlie same houses and outhouses, etc. The mosquito "in- fective" incidence may be more valuable than the mierofilarial incidence, partly because while some natives do not readily sub- mit to having blood taken from them, yet when the reasons are explained to them they rarely ob.iect to their mosquitoes lieing collected. Furthermore, a person with microfilariae hav- ing been infected in another locality may be in a place where there are few or no mosquitoes and so will not be a serious menace. On the other hand, the repe.'.ted finding of infected mosquitoes is proof positive that one or more persons with microfilariae is near l)y. 3. These studies might well be repeated aliout every 3 years. B. In houses of high human and mosquito infectivity inci- dence, the following local measures should be carried out: 1. The nature of filariasis, its transmission and prevention should be completely and simply explained to the occupants of the house where control measures are in.stituted. 2. Suitable containers for potable and other water supplies should be adequately .screened with wire netting. Where con- tainers are not suitable they should be replaced. 3. The use of the mosquito net should be demonstrated. (If the occupants cannot afford them these should be provided from public funds.) 4. The proper maintenance and us? of all screening should be supervised at intervals by the existing sanitary officers. 5. When possible occupants should be encouraged to keep fowls in their yards near the house. 6. The number of mosc|uitoes in the houses and the percentage of these which are infective should be recorded from time to 319 time in order to evaluate the results of preventive measures. 7. Efforts to have adult mosquitoes killed daily by the in- habitants wliile highly desirable will usually be found imprac- ticable. This measure would be too expensive for government maintenance, but where full cooperation is assured it should be adopted to supplement the foregoing. The control of filariasis in the Orient is complicated by the presence of another filariid, quite recently discovered, which has long been confused with IViichercria bancrofti. This species. Microfilaria inalayi, was discovered in 1927 by Leichtenstein in the Dutch East Indies. Leichtenstein had failed, after numer- ous attempts, to infect Ciilex fatigans and other eulicine mos- quitoes with microfilariae of the area, and noting the absence of acute forms of the disease, although elepliantiasis of the leg was common, it occurred to him that he might be dealing with a new species of filaria. Brug (1927) examined Leichtenstein 's material, found morphological characters distinct from Ban- croftian microfilariae, and proposed the name Filaria malayi for the parasite. Brug's observations have since been confirmed by various workers, and the species now appears established on morphological characters of the microfilariae and extensive epi- demiologic studies, although the adult worms are yet to be discovered. Thus far. Microfilaria malayi appears to be strictly oriental in geographic distribution. It is known to occur in the Fed- erated Malay States, Sumatra, Java, Ceylon, parts of India, Indo-China and in north-eastern Chekiang Province of China. It is often the dominant species of a given region and occurs typically in rural districts along river or forest settlements. Elephantiasis of the feet and legs is typically associated with J/, malayi infection. The genitals and upper extremities are rarely involved as in Bancroftian filariasis. The microfilariae show nocturnal periodicity, but do not disappear entirely from the peripheral blood during daytime. Mosquitoes of the genus Manxotiia, subgenus Maiisonioidcs, are the principal vectors, particularly M. (Monsonioides) annulifera. These are noc- turnal feeders and are most active during the evening from 7 p.m. to S p.m. Recently, extensive studies have been made on the control of filariasis in India, particularly in Travancore, where Microfilaria malayi is chiefly concerned (Sweet and Pillai, 1937; Iyengar, 1938). It was demonstrated by these investigators that the presence of a floating plant, Pistia stratioitcs, is essential for tlie breeding of Maiismiia. The female mosquito does not or- dinarily lay eggs except on the leaves of Pi.'.) and in the United States (Chitwood, 1!)33) where en- demic cases in man have never been reported. INJURY TO HOST There appears to be no evidence that the guinea worm appro ciably injures its host during tlu- developmental period in the deep connective tissues. Just before the female worms reach the skin they secrete toxins which produce general symptoms such as urticaria, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, severe dys]Hiea, and syncope. These symptoms disapjjoar after the worms have established an opening through the skin. Later injury to the host is produced by secondary infection and by tissue reactions to the worms liefore and after their deatli. Severe inflammation is produced if the worms are broken in the tissues and the embryos freed. The iiresence of the guinea worms may also produce permanent joint injuries (Pradhan, liiHO). Tn endemic areas dracontiasis is often a medical and public health jiroblem of great importance. Large numbers of people are iru'apacitated for 3 to Summary 1886- 1937 5 countries Various Mostly All 15,115 6,808 45 groups white By use of NIH swab — Institutionalized persons Date pub- lished No. % Swabs No. posi- posi- per Locality Race Age Sex exam, tive tive person U nited Stata 1937 D. C. N 14-20 F 23 0 0 1 W 14-20 F 4 0 0 1 1939- 40 Louisiana W 6-14 MF 365 302 83 7 N 6-14 M 63 53 84 7 N 6-14 F 63 10 16 1 1939 Alabama W All M 384 317 S3 (2 or W All F 2.53 98 39 more) 1941 Georgia w Adults F 100 31 31 av. 2.9 w Adults F 65 52 80 6 1941 D. C. w 6-8 M 17 14 82 4 1941 Puerto Rico ■» 5-19 M 52 6 12 4 * 6-19 F 50 15 30 4 1940 Canada Toronto W 2 14 MF 140 98 70 av. 3.7 Smnmary 1937- 1941 6 localities WN N. America All MF 1,579 996 63 1 to 7 Fig. 202. Egg of Enterohiiis vermirularis. EPIDEMIOLOGY Critical investigations, based on examination of perianal scrapings, have been made in European countries, in the United States, including Puerto Rico, in Canada, and in the Philippines. The results of these investigations are summarized in table 11. These results show that examinations of 22,376 persons revealed pinworm infections in 9,703 persons, or 43 percent. Additional studies, differing in method or scope and not shown in table 11, include .stool examination of 495 children of preschool age in Brazil (Moniz de Aragao, 193S) ; E. venni- ctdaris was found in 49 percent, an extremely high figure con- sidering the method of diagnosis. In Spain, Darriba and de Cardenas (1935), from examination of feces, anal scrapings, finger nails and nasal mucus, found 11 of 46 children, or 34 percent, infected with pinworms; in Greece, Pandazis (1937) reported pinworms in 28 percent of infants and 6 percent of adults, apparently from fecal examination supplemented by finger nail examination. FACTORS INFLUENCING PREVALENCE R.\cE. As noted previously, the Negro race has shown a lower incidence than the white race. Although Sawitz, D'An- toni, Rhude and Lob concluded from a small group of boys of the same ages in institutions of similar environments that the incidence was almost identical in the two races, the eonsideralily lower incidence found in Negroes than in white persons in the general population of Washington, D. C, is contrary to what would be expected if environmental conditions are the deter- mining factor. The significance of the racial factor deserves further study; that many persons classed as Negroes in the United States are mulattoes should be kept in mind, in this connection. Of Interest are racial differences in the relative frequency of pinworms in 2,317 appendices removed surgically; the incidence was 2.88 percent for the white population, 10.04 percent for Indians of the United States, and 23.91 percent for Eskimos and Aleutians. Age appears significant only to the extent that in the general By use of NIH swab — Nouinstitutionalized persons Date No. % Swabs pub- No. posi- posi- per lished Locality Race United States Age Hex exam. tive t ive person 1937- 11 D. C. W All MF 2,895 1,202 42 (Usually N All MF 1,099 142 13 2 to 4) 1939 Sample W 12-19 M 166 21 13 1 from va- N 12-19 M 137 0 4 1 rious parts W 12-19 M 198 40 20 av.4 of U.S.A. N 12-19 M 105 9 9 av.4 1940 Phila. W ? To 12 ? 144 36 25 1 to 3 1941 Florida W Philippines 6-12 MF 438 71 16 1 1939 Manila W Mostly 500 376 75 1 6-10 MF Summary 1937-41 U.S.A. and WN Philippines All MF 5,682 1,903 33 1 to 4 'Mixed group of white, mulatto and Negro persons. population the incidence is highest in children of school age, next highest in those of preschool age, and lowest in adults (Cram and Reardon, 1939; Chanco and Soriano, 1939). There is evidence that the school is the determining factor in these differences; the incidence in children of so-called "preschool" age who attended nursery schools has been found as high as that in older children (Table 12). Sex. The incidence in males has usually been found slightly higher and in an Alabama institution was much higher, but in the Philippines was slightly lower, than in females. Consider- ing both sex and age, Sawitz et al found the peak of infection at 9 years; after that there was a drop in incidence in females, probably correlated with stricter sanitary habits, whereas in males the incidence remained relatively constant up to 15 years of age. The factor of crowding is important in the spread of pin- worms. The familial nature of the infection has been empha- 323 si/.ed (Schmidt, IIIU; Loiitze, lilST); Wright and Cram, 11)37; Hall and Cram, 193!)). From a study of about 300 piinvorm- infected families in Washington, D. C, it was apparent that multiple eases are the rule rather than the exeeption and that frequently all the children of the family, and one or both par- ents, may be infected. Bozicevich and Brady (1938) found a correlation between the size of the family and the incidence of Enterobiiis, easily explained in that the larger the number of persons in a family, the more chance there is for introduction of the infection into the household and, once introduced, the easier its spread, the infection increasing in a geometrical, not an arithmetrical rate. Under institutional conditions Sawitz et al found the incidence of infection much lower among chil- dren occupying rooms with one or two beds than where larger groups were quartered in dormitories. Families with pinworm infections are found most numerous in older, comparatively congested residential sections but are by no means confined to those sections (Cram and Reardon, 1939); the social-economic status is not limited to any one level. T.\BLE 12. — liwicJeticc of Enterobiiis vermicidaris according to age and race of children in camps and iiiirxirii sclioolt:. Reported by Waxhington. D. C. Race Age Xum- % Swabs ber posi- per .Sex exam, five person Bozicevich White' 6-18 M 230 31 1 Bozicevich & Bradv White' 618 M 504 57 2 4 Cram White (Jewish)' 6-12 MF 147 25 4 Negro" 6-12 MF 63 21 4 Ciam & Nolan White" 2- 5 MF 91 -55 av. 9 Cram White"' 2- 5 MF 62 52 4 Negro' 2- 5 MF 68 ^19 4 _ 'Camps. "Private nursery school. 'Public nursery schools. CONTROI. Control of pinworm infection is extremely difficult. The number of eggs deposited may be enormous, one worm being capable of producing from 5,000 to 17,000 eggs (Reardon, 1938), and the time of development of eggs on the skin of the perianal region is short, as little as 6 hours. The infected individual may contaminate the hands while scratching or when using the toilet and subsequently carry the eggs to the month or may contaminate other objects. Eggs which fall off of the person develop more slowly, depending on temperature and humidity; they can pass through cloth and there is considerable evidence that airborne infection is a possiliility (Lentze, 1932; Oleinikov, 1929; Nolan and Reardon, 1939; Sondak, 1935). In households and schools with infected members pinworm eggs have been found in dust from a large variety of locations and objects at various levels. The eggs may float on the surface of water and a certain proportion would therefore remain on the sides of wash bowls, bath tubs, laundry tubs and similar containers when they are emptied. The eggs are very resistant to i)h3-sical and chemical agents. Temperature and humidity influence the length of their sur vival. Lentze (1935) found that a temperature of 55° C. and above killed the eggs in a few seconds; at the optimum tempera- ture (36° to 37° C.) on a damp base, as on the human skin, especially under the nails, eggs survived for about 10 days. Jones and Jacobs found that temperatures above 28° C, with humidities below 50 percent, detinitely aft'ect the eggs within 24 hours; less than 10 percent of eggs survived after 2 to 3 hours and none survived after 16 hours at a temperature of 3))° to 37° C. and relative humidity of 38 to 41 percent. On the other hand, at lower temperatures, 20° to 24%° C, and higher humidity, 62 to 91 percent, 30 percent of eggs survived 6 days; on water at 3° to 5° C. a maximum of 93 percent survived 18 days. According to Sondak (1935), eggs were still viable after drying at room temperatures averaging 10° to 12° C. for 3 weeks but not viable after 35 days. Exposure of eggs to mea- sured quantities of monochromatic ultraviolet radiation (Hol- laender, Jones and Jacobs, 1941 ; Jones, Hollaender and Jacobs, 1941) showed an increased sensitivity of the eggs at wave- lengths below 2400A. As regards the effect of chemicals, Son dak (1935) found that eggs were not killed by formalin in strengths of 1, 2, 5, and 10 percent; by corrosive sublimate 1:1,000; by saturated solution of corrosive sublimate and cop- per (eupric sulphate) ; by 5 percent antif ormin ; by 1 and 2 percent solutions of carbolic acid or by 1, 2, and 5 percent lysol solutions, but they were killed by 5 percent carbolic acid and by 10 percent lysol. Because of the large numbers of eggs scattered by an infected individual and because of the resistance of the eggs, hygienic measures alone can not be relied upon to control the spread of pinworm infection. This was pointed out by Wright and Cram (1937) and was given a practical demonstration by D'Antoni and Sawitz (1940) who put in force a vigorous cleanliness pro- gram for (i weeks in one of the institutions studied by them; at the end of that period swab examination showed an increase from 38 percent to 51 percent in incidence of pinworms. The greatust promise for control lies in medicinal treatment admin- istered over a period which is sufficiently long to cover the period of survival of eggs in the surroundings, tlms preventing reinfection of the individual. Bibliography THE HOOKWORMS ACKERT, J. E. 1924. — Notes on the long.nity and infectivity of hookworm larvae. Am. J. Hyg., v. 4(3) :222-225. AcKERT, J. E. and Payne, F. K. 1923. — Investigations on the control of hookworm disease. XII. Studies on the occur- rence, distribution and morphology of Necafor sitHlus in- cluding descriptions of other species of Xceator. Am. J. Hyg., V. 2(l):l-25, pis. 1-2. Andrews, J. 1940. — Hookworm disease and plans for its con- trol in Georgia. The (Tcorgia Malaria Bull., Hookworm Suppl., V. 3(2):64-77. AsHFORD, 1!. K. and Gutierrez loARAvroEZ, P. 1911. — Un- cinariasis (hookworm disease) in Porto Rico; a medicinal and economic problem. U. S. 61st Cong., 3d Sess., Senate Doc. 808, 335 pp., pis. and figs. AuiiUSTlNE, D. 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M. 1931. — Nochmals zur Frage iiber die Be- dingungen, unter denen eine Autoinfektion bei Oxyuriasis unmoglich ist (On the question of the conditions under which autoinfection with Oxyuriasis is impossible.) Tr. Dynam. Develop. Moscow, v. 6:213-219. Idem, Zool. Be- richt, V. 29:144. Zawadowskv, M. M. and Sch.u,imov, L. G. 1929. — Die Eier von Oxyuris vermicularis und ihre Entwieklungsbedingun- gen, sowie iiber die Bedingungen, unter denen eine Auto- infektion bei Oxyuriasis unmoglich ist. Ztschr. Parasitenk., V. 2(1):12 43. 331 CHAPTER IX ANTHELMINTIC MEDICATION FOR NEMIC DISEASE OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS AND MAN WILLARD H. WRIGHT, Washington, D. C. and PAUL D. HARWOOD, Ashland, Ohio History The use of remedies for the removal of worms dates far back into aiiticiuity. As primitive man became aware of his intestinal parasites by observing the passage of such a large nematode as Ascaris or the proglottids of large cestodes such as Taenia saginata or Taenia solium, he no doubt sought from his limited armamentarium weapons for the removal of these undesirable boarders. Since most of his medicines were de- rived from the plants found in his circumscribed environment, he turned to them for his worm treatments. He chose so well that derivatives of some of these plants in one form or another are still in use as anthelmintics. Thus male fern, a frequently employed taeniafuge, was known to the early Greek physicians, if not before them; Jerusalem Oak, Chcnopoditim anthdininti- cuin, was used as a worm remedy by the North American In dians; and a decoction of the leaves of Mallotus pliilippinrnsis. from which the taeniafuge kamala is obtained, was employed by the early Ethiopians. Developments in anthelmintic medication have been divided aptly into three epochs: The first, comprising centuries of un- critical empiricism; the second, comprising several decades of critical empiricism; and the third and last, comprising a rela- tively few years of critical experimentation. The first epoch marked the period of primitive groping and the centuries of acceptance of its empirical findings without any marked advance being registered in the field. The second epoch followed the discovery of the Old World hookworm, Ancitlostoma duodenale, by Dubiui in 1843, and the gradual uufoldment of knowledge regarding the importance of the parasite and the recognition of ancylostomiasis as a disease entity. Gricsingcr's association of the hookworm with Egyp- tian chlorosis, Wucherer's work which showed its relation to tropical anemia in Brazil and Perroncito's discovery of hook- worm as the cause of the St. Gothard tunnel disease stimulated interest in the hookworm problem. These discoveries, followed by Sonsino's classical observations, demonstrated the need for specific therapeusis and prepared the way for the development of a number of anthelmintics which, if not thoroughly efficient, provided useful treatments; these held their place for a period of four decades and until the epoch of critical testing provided more specific and more effective drugs. The year 1881 marked Perroncito's proposal of male fern as a hookworm treatni/nt. the introduction by Bozzolo of thymol, and Baumler's unfavor- able report on oil of chenopodium for this purpose. Male fern had only limited use as a hookworm treatment but thymol proved to have considerable efficacy and enjoyed a long vogue. In fact, the latter drug was used more extensively than any other until Schiiffner and Verwoort reintroduced oil of cheno- podium in 1913 and showed that Baumler's conclusions, which were apparently based on the treatment of only one ease, were erroneous. In the meantime, Bentley in 1904 reported his findings with betanaphthol and advocated its use In hookworm disease. In 1905 Herman introduced a mixture of chloroform, eucalyp- tus and castor oil as a treatment for ancylostomiasis in miners at Mons, Belgium. The mixture was later modified by Phillips and others and was subsequently employed extensively in the treatment of hookworm disease in many parts of the world. Schultz later found chloroform to be the active ingredient of Herman's Mixture and reported the drug to be effective against hookworms in the dog. In the meantime progress was being made also in the field of anthelmintics for veterinary use. As early as 1894 Perroncito and Bosso discovered the efficacy of carbon disulphide for the removal of bots, Gasternphihis spp., from the horse. In fact, the first critical testing of anthelmintics was actually carried out by Grassi and Calandruccio in 1884 and 188.5 and by Per- roncito in 1885 and 1886 in establishing the value of male fern for the destruction of liver flukes in sheep by post-mortem examination of treated animals. However, this method of test- ing found no further advocates for a quarter of a century. A work of far reaching economic importance was the dis- covery by Hutcheon in South Africa in 1891 of the efficacy of copper sulphate solution for the removal of the common sheep stonuich worm. Hai iiioiicJius niniui-lus. The wireworm remedy of copper sulphate and sodium arseuite worked out by Theiler in 1912 and Veglia in 1920 has also been used extensively in South Africa and was an important contribution to anthel- mintic therapy. In the United States, Lewis and Guberlet added a tobacco infusion to the copper sulphate solution ; Lam- son introduced nicotine sulphate solution; and Curtice com- bined copper sulphate and nicotine sulphate into the "Cu-Nic" solutiou with an increase in efficacy against the common stom- ach worm and some other gastrointestinal parasites of rumi- nants. In general, however, it may be said that the four dec- ades of critical empiricism produced less progress in the de- velopment of veterinary anthelmintics than in anthelmintics for human use. It was not until 1915 that substantial progres."; was achieved in the former field. The year 1915 marked the practical beginning of the epoch of the critical testing of anthelmintics. Hall laid down the basic principles of this method and together with his associates, including Foster, .\very, Snead, Wolf, Wilson, Wigdor and Shillinger, checked critically the efficacy of empirical anthel- mintics and developed new compounds of far reaching and fundamental importance in both human and veterinary medi cine. The method which Hall adopted was to administer known doses of drugs to test animals of various species, collect all worms passed in the feces for a given period of time, identify and count these worms, sacrifice the test animals and make thorough post-morten examinations with the recovery, the iden- tification and the counting of all worms remaining. This method gave specific information concerning the number of worms present, the number removed and the number left after treatment and provided an accurate index concerning the effi- cac.v of the drug tested. The method was relatively ponderous and time consuming compared to the favored process of drop ping ascarids or some other easily collected invertebrate into solutions of drugs and calculating the anthelmintic efficacy of the drug by observing the ultimate fate of the animal in the solution. However, critical testing developed precise informa- tion whereas in vitro tests were often entirel.v valueless. The method of critical testing was of particular value in veterinary medicine. It enabled an accurate assay of drugs whose value was often more traditional than real, and its use confirmed in many cases the efficacy- of empirically selected anthelmintics and enabled dependable information to be ob- tained concerning their therapeutic dose rate, their margin of safety, the contraindications for their use and the type and mode of purgation most suitable to promote the efficacy of the drug and to protect the patient. Many of the tests, especiall.v those on dogs, provided results which were applicable with but slight modification to human medicine. The outstanding discovery in this connection was that by Hall in 1921 of the value of carbou tetrachloride for the removal of hookworms from the dog. Hal! immediately suggested the use of the drug in the treatment of hnmai] hoo!< worm disease, a suggestion which was forthwith adopted by a number of investigators particularly Laml)ert and other physicians on the staff of the International Health Board. It was soon found that the efficacy of carbon tetrachloride ex- ceeded that of all other drugs in this condition and it was adopted practicall.y as a standard treatment and used in mil- lions of cases in various parts of the world. Another discovery less spectacular but actually of greater importance was that of Hall and Shillinger in 1925 of the value of tetrachlorethy- lene for the removal of hookworms. Because of its greater safety and the fact that it produces little or no hepatic or renal damage, tetrachloreth.vlene is replacing carbou tetra- chloride in human ancylostomiasis and for many parasitic in- fections of domesticated animals. Using the method of critical testing, Hall and his coworkers established or confirmed the value of many anthelmintics in- cluding copper sulphate for Ilaenwiiclnis contortus, oil of chenopodium for ascarids in dogs and swine and for strongyles, cyclicostomes, and pinworms in horses; carbon disulphide for bots and ascarids in equines; carbon tetrachloride for stomach worms and other worms in sheep and for a-scarids and 332 Stroiifrvli's ill liorsrs: tctr:irlili)ii'tlivK'iio for iM'rtaiii slircp p.-ira- sites; and other troatnicnts. The method devised li.v Hall has since been widely adopted and employed by nnini'rous iiivestiRatois in establishing the value of many other anthelmiTitics. Except in the rase of eondenmed eriniinals who will volun- tarily submit to tist, till' nu'thod of eritieal testing cannot be used in man. t)ther metliods have necessarily been adopted for evaluating the ei^cacy of anthelmintics for nematode infections in this host. One of these, the use of a so-called standard treatment, was based on the administration of the test drug, the screening of the stools an intestinal contents and Schwartz (1921) reported a hemolysin from Tri- chiiris viilpis. The evidence from the above-mentioned experi- ments would seem to indicate, however, that the drug was possibly absorbed through the digestive tract in view of the little likelihood that under these conditions it would have been in adjacent tissues in sufficient concentrations to have been absorbed through the cuticle. Recently Trum (1938) found that oil of chenopodium injected intravenously was very toxic for horses, but had very little effect on the blood sucking strongyles present in these animals. Correlation Between Chemical Structure and Anthelmintic Efficacy Compounds comprising the group of cft'ective anthelmintics and those for which some anthelmintic efficacy has been re- ported are associated with such widely divergent chemical groups that no general correlations can be drawn between aii- thelmic efficacy and chemical composition. As a rule, anthel mintics are very specific in their action, exhibiting their opti- mum efficacy against one species of parasite or at best against closely allied species of parasites. Drugs specific for the re- moval of nematodes are seldom effective for the removal of cestodes. The one glaring exception to this rule is carbon tet- rachloride which is a fairly effective treatment for Taenia and Diphyllobnthriiim lafiim infections of man although of little or no value against other cestodes. On the contrary, there is no taeniafuge which is effective for the removal of nematode parasites. The specificity of anthelmintics is conditioned not only by the anatomy and physiology of the parasite but also in part by the anatomy and physiology of the host. In this connection, drugs effective for the removal of strongylid parasites from carnivores fail to a great extent when employed against simi- lar parasites of ruminants. Such drugs are frequently held in the rumen with a resultant dissipation of their action long before they reach the object of their attack farther down in the complicated digestive tract. On the other hand, the anthelmintic value of copper sulphate solution against Hacmon- chus contorUis in ruminants is associated with the peculiar stimulus which the drug exerts in bringing about the closure of the oesophageal groove thus permitting the solution to be diverted directly into the abomasum. The optimum action of two effective drugs is often lost or markedly reduced when such drugs are combined in a single dose. Frequent efforts have been made to develop a single method of treatment which would be effective against both in- testinal nematodes and cestodes. These efforts have nearly always resulted in failure. In such cases, drugs -which are effective against nematodes and cestodes, respectively, lose much of their efficacy when combined. Fnder these varied cir- cumstances, attempts to correlate anthelmintic efficacy and chemical structure must be made on the basis of a selection of closely related compounds on a single species of parasite. Hall and Wigdor (192(i) were apparently the first to carry out studies of this sort. Their work was carried on in 19lV and 1918 but was interrupted by military service. Their lim- ited study was made with terpenes and certain other aromatic hydrocarbons. Unfortunately, the study provided little infor- mation of value partly because of the divergent structure of the compounds tested and partly because of tlie feeble anthel- mintic activity of many of them. Cains and Mhaskar's extensive investigation into the value of hookworm remedies was a thorough piece of work. How- ever, here again too many compounds (70 in all) of too di- vergent a character were employed. In the summary and conclusions of their work, Cains and Mhaskar (1923) stated that the effective hookworm treatments studied by them dif- fered so much in molecular composition and structure that no general correlations could be said to exist between anthelmintic properties and chemical composition. They concluded that anthelmintic action on hookworms is specific. Wright and Sehaffer (1932) selected a series of chlorinated alkyl hydrocarbons, a feiv of which had been .studied by Hall and his associates. The previousl.v unstudied compounds were tested critically for their anthelmintic efficacy against hook- worms and general correlations were drawn l>etween anthel- mintic efficacy, chemical structure and physical properties. In the homologous series, there was a rise in anthelmintic efficacy against Anciilostoma caniiniiii with an increase in the length of the hydrocarbon chain from the low member of each group to the next higher member. In each case, there was an accomjianying decrease in solubility from above the optimum solubility range to a solubility within that range. In one homologous series (normal monochlor compounds) a iieak of anthelmintic efficacy was teached. It was pointed out that in a similar way other homologous series would no doubt each have a peak of anthelmintic efficacy, for the reason that a point will be reached Avhere the solubility of a higher member will be so slight as to result in little or no anthelmintic effi- cacy. It was concluded that although the addition of — CH2 — groups to the hydrocarlion chain results in a progressive change in solubility from one member to the next in homologous series, a progressive change in anthelmintic efficacy does not neces- sarily follow. An increase in anthelmintic efficacy against A. canininn did not always result with an increase in the number of chlorine atoms in the molecule or with an increase in the relative per- centage weight of chlorine in the molecule. In those cases where a high degree of anthelmintic efficacy was associated with increase in the chlorine content, the resulting compounds without exception possessed a solubility within the optimum range. Further, the siireading of the chlorine atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule did not invariabl.v result in an increase or decrease in anthelmintic efficacy. Differences in position of the chlorine atom in the molecule resulted in changes in anthelmintic efficacy and the accompany- ing change in water solubilitj' was an important factor in determining anthelmintic efficac.v. Even among comjiounds with the same number of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine atoms, changes in the position of the chlorine atom resulted in com- pounds showing marked differences in anthelmintic efficacy for hookworms. In addition, differences in iinthelmintic efficacy were exhiljited when the methyl radical was introduced in dif- ferent positions in the clilorinated liydrocarlicju molecule. Wright and Sehaffer concluded that antlu'lmintic efficacy of chlorinated alkyl hydrocarlions against A. ciiniinnii is intimately linked with water solubility which varies with the chemical structure of the molecule and that the anthelmintic efficacy is not solely dependent on the halogen concentration or on the position of the chlorine atom or atoms in the molecule. With a single exception those compounds having water solubilities be- tween 1:1250 and 1:.5300 showed a high degree of anthelmintic efficacy for hookworms in the dog regardless of the halogen concentration or the position of the diloiine atom or atoms in the molecule. Water solubility is, therefore, the factor most definitely correlated with the anthelmintic efficacy of chlori- nated alkyl hydrocarbons for hookworms. 334 It is intcrfStiiig to note that tho al>ovo iiu'iitioiu'd coni'lusidiis did not apply in tlie case of aiitlu'lniintie efficacy of the com- pounds asainst To.vocara caiii.s and Tuxuscari.s Iroiiina. In critical tests on doRS with nionolironi hydrocarbons, Wright, Schaffer, Bozicevicli and Underwood (li)37) fovuid that an increase in the hydrocarbon chain was associated Avith a ]irogressive decrease in water solubility from one member to the next without a progressive change in anthelmintic cfti cacy against JnciiluKtoiiia canhiKin. The jieak of anthelmintic efficacy against hookworms was reached with n butyl bromide, the efticacy thereafter declining. This compound was the only member of the series possessing a water solubility lying within the optimum solubility range of chlorinated hydrocarbons. It appeared probable that an optimum solnbilit.v range similar to that for chlorinated hydrocarbons exists among lironiinated hydrocarbons so far as anthelmintic efficacy against hookworms is concerned. These authors concluded that water solubility api'earcd to be the factor most definitely correlated with an- thelmintic efficacy of bromiuated hydrocarbons for hookworms, as it is with chlorinated hydrocarbons. Wright and Schaffer (lil.31) came to similar conclusions in connections with mono- iodated compounds. l.amson and his associates (1934, 1935) studied extensively the anthelmintic value of a large number of phenolic coni- jionnds, most of the comparalde tests having been carried out on AKcaris Uimhricoidfs in I'itro. These compounds included (1) alkyl resorcinols, (2) alkyl phenols, (3) alkyl eresols, (4) polyalkyl phenols, and (5) phenols with other than normal alkyl side chains. The authors concuded that the ascaricidal ac- tivity of phenolic compounds is related to the local irritating action although all phenols exhibiting such action are not necessarily active ascaricides. To be effective as an asearicide, it was found that a phenol should lie a liquid or a substance which will lifjuify or emulsify in the intestinal tract. Such substances were found to have a melting ])oint of not over 7.5° C. The solubility range of ascaricidal phenols was found to lie between 1:1,000 to 1:35,000, although the most effective anthelmintic of this type in the large number of compounds studied was hexylresorcinol with a water solubility of 1:2,000. It was found that the ascaricidal properties of phenols and resorcinols are increased by the introduction of alkyl radicals. Such properties become more marked with the lengthening of the alkyl chain and reach a maximum which differs in differ- ent series, thereafter declining rapidly. The ascaricidal value of dihydroxybenzenes was not strikingly different from that of mouohydroxybenzenes. No significant differences were found between ortho and para alkyl phenols. The introduction of single normal chains into the nucleus was more effective than the introduction of multiple chains with the same total number of carbon atoms. Normal chains in general were more effective than branched chains, although exceptions were noted, such as the increased efficacy of thymol over that of n-propyl meta cresol. Some of the differences in activity were thought to be accounted for by the higher melting point of the branched chain compounds over that of normal compounds. Cyclic side chains behaved similarly to forked chains. From the evidence at hand it may be concluded that little or no correlation can be drawn between the anthelmintic effi- cacy and the chemical constitution of compounds differing widely in their chemical structure. When closely allied com pounds have been tested against a single species of parasite, the results have indicated generally that there is a rise and fall in anthelmintic activity within the homologous series, the ac- tivity reaching a peak and then declining. In the case of liquids, the anthelmintic efficacy is definitely linked with the water solubility and in the case of solid compounds with the water solubility and the melting point. In general, in homolo- gous series compounds with normal chains are usually more effective than those with branched chains. Finally, the evi denee, meager as it is, emphasizes almost dramatically the extreme specificity of anthelmintics. Chemical Classification The following classification showing the various chemical groups to which anthelmintics belong is taken mainly from the excellent summary of Lamson and Ward (1932). The listing includes for the most part the compounds more commonly em- ployed against nematode parasites and contains mainly those drugs which have been shown by adequate test to possess marked anthelmintic properties. For information concerning the chemical grouping of other drugs, including those employed in cestode and trematode infections, the reader is referred to the more detailed classification of Lamson and Ward. 1. Inorganic substances Bismuth subcarbonate Copper sulphate .\ntimony i)otassiuni tartrate Colloidal iodine Sodium arsenite (^;irbon disulphide Hydrogen peroxide 2. Hiilofii nuUil Itydrocarbons a. Alipathic (1) Saturated Chloroform Rromoform Carbon tetrachloridi' n Butyl chloride n-Butylidene chloride n-Butyl bromide (2) Unsaturated Tetrachlorcthylene 3. PItcnols a. Monoliydric phenols uHexylm cresol Thymol Carvacrol Betanaphthol b. Diliydric phenols n Hexylresorcinol n-Heiitylresorcinol 4. Oiiionic acids and their salts or esters Aluminum subacetate 5. Orijnnic dioxides Disuccinyl perovide (i. Organic antimomi coiiiponnds Sodium antimony III jiyrocatechin disulphonate of sodium ' ' Filsol ' ' "Stibsol" 7. Terpcnes a. Bridged ring (1) Peroxides Ascaridol b. Sesquiterpenes Santonin 8. Alkaloids Nicotine Pyrethrine 9. Enzymes Fie in Bromelin 10. Plant products Leche de higueron Digenea simplex Oleum chenopodii Oleum eucalypti Oleum terebinthinae Quassia Tobacco 11. Dyes and similar conij)ounds a. Thiaziu Phenothiazine b. Triamino triphenyl methane Gentian violet c. Phthalein Mercurochrome General Principles of Anthelmintic Medication Elscwliere in this discussion we have emphasized the specific- ity of anthelmintics, a thing which is of prime importance from a medical standpoint. It is not only a waste of time and effort to employ a nonspecific treatment against a given para- sitic infection but it is a hazard to the safety and well being of the host. Specific treatments cannot be chosen unless an accurate diagnosis is made. Hence any anthelmintic medica- tion should be predicated on such a diagnosis. Even today when the average physician or veterinarian is far better qualified than formerly in the field of parasitolog.y, we find practitioners administering anthelmintic treatment on the basis of a clinical diagnosis without proper laboratory checks. No parasitic in- fection is characterized by pathognomonic symptoms and the shifting sand of the clinical picture is not a sufficiently firm foundation upon which to base treatment with drugs which at best have only a small margin of safety. In the past, mass treatment of large population groups has been a popular method of attack against a given parasite. The benefits anticipated from such a procedure have not been generall.v realized for all too frequently the important sub.iect of prophylaxis has not been given sufficient attention. Under such circumstances, the population groups involved have con- tinued to indulge in the habits responsible for their parasitic 335 infection and after a suitable period of time are again ready for further treatment. With improved techniques for determining the presence of most parasites and for evaluating the relative degree of in- fection with many of them, mass treatment is no longer justi- fied in the field of medicine. Even in veterinary medicine it can be condoned only in the case of large flocks or herds in which individual diagnosis would be economically unsound. The question is frequently raised as to whether an infection with a given number of worms is of clinical importance and thus warrants treatment. No categorical answer can be given to such a question. An infection with a certain number of worms might be injurious to the health of one individual with- out aft'ecting in any appreciable degree the well l)eing of an other individual. No one has been able to define the line of demarcation between a clinical and a sub-clinical infection. In mass treatment such finesse of judgment is not required or at least is not exercised but in medical practice it is best that due cognizance be taken of the relative degree of parasitism. If the patient has only a few worms, such as hookworms, he liad better go without treatment rather than be subjected to the potential hazards of anthelmintic medication. However, with such a circumscribed environmental parasite as Enterobiiis rr.rmicularia, it is necessary from a control standpoint to treat siniultaneou.sly all infected individuals in the household re- gardless of the degree of infection or the presence or absence of clinical symptoms. Otherwise, untreated individuals provide direct avenues of reinfection for treated individuals. Methods of Application. Anthelmintics are administered in a great many different ways, depending on the kind of parasite, its location within the host and the species of host animal. In man, palatability is a matter of some importance and it is desirable to administer the drug in a manner least distasteful to the patient. While the esthesia of taste is not usually considered in the case of lower animals, palatable doses of drugs are more apt to be retained by dogs and cats in which the vomiting reflex is acutely sensitive. Many of the anthelmintics now on the market are dispensed in soft gelatin capsules. Hard gelatin capsules are still employed by some practitioners who prefer to fill the capsules at the time they are used. For certain parasites located far down in the digestive tract, the use of enteric-coated tablets is an advantage. However, most of the enteric coatings employed become harder with age and are less apt to dissolve in the digestive tract. A new type of water-soluble coating has recently been devised to obviate the disadvantages of the usual enteric coating. The new coat- ing permits timed disintegration of the tablet witliin c^'rtain definite periods after administration and radiographic evidence in support of this has been furnished by Worton, Kempf, Bur- rin and Bibbins (1038). For ruminants, certain anthelmintics such as solutions of copper sulphate and nicotine sulphate are given as a drench. In fact, Ortlepp and Miinnig (1936) have shown that the ad- ministration of a dose of copper sulphate solution immediatel.y ))rior to the use of other drugs has the effect of closing the oesophageal groove and permitting the drug to reach the abom- asum directly. This is of marked advantage in connection with some treatments against ruminant parasites. On the other hand, some anthelmintics, such as the sodium arsenite-bhiestoiie mixture for the common sheep stomach worm, are given in j)owdered form. The duodenal tube method of administration is an advantage in some instances and is particnl.'irly valuable in stubborn cases of strongyloidosis in man in which ordinary methods of administration fail. Somatic helminths, when they can be reached at all, are usually attacked through the intramuscular or intravenous route. Lungworms in domestic animals are susceptible to some extent to anthelmintics introduced intratrachcally and good results have been reported in this connection by certain workers in the Soviet Union. The inhalation method was used by Wehr, Harwood and Schaffer (193S) in the attack against Symgamus trachea in chickens with barium antimonyl tartrate dust. Parasites in the lower bowel are subject to attack per rec- timi. The employment of enemas is a common practice against Entcrohins vrrmiciihirix in man. The method has been used by Miinnig in South Africa and by others in removing nodular worms from sheep, while intracecal injections have been advo- cated and employed with some success for the expulsion of whipworms from the dog. In a like manner, HcteraMs galUnae can be reached with anthelmintics injected by way of the cloaca. The individual anthelmintic treatment of farm animals has never appealed to the livestock owner and there has always been keen demand for an anthelmintic which could be given with the feed. Other than the tobacco dust or nicotine treat- ment for Ascaridia in poultry, anthelmintics administered in tlie feed are generally ineffective. The method has the disad- vantage that some animals ingest too much and others too little of the drug. More recent tests with phenothiazine seem to in- dicate that for some parasites this drug may be of value when given with the feed. If results are substantiated in further trials, the method will no doubt find widespread use. While most anthelmintic therapy is based on the use of single dose treatments, it is sometimes of advantage to employ divided doses. The dose of chenopodium for man is occasionally divided into two or three parts administered at one half to one hour intervals. When given in this way, the efficacy of tlie drug against hookworms is believed by some workers to be slightly enhanced. If toxic symptoms are manifested by individuals having an idiosyncrasy for the drug, dosage can be discontin ued. However, the purgative is usually withheld until the last portion of the dose has been administered and under these conditions increased absorption of the anthelmintic is apt to occur. Repeated treatment over a period of time is required for the eradication of such parasitic nematodes as Strongyloides ster- coralis and Enterobiiis vcnnioilaris. Likewise some degree of efficacy can be secured against whipworms by repeated dosing with a drug such as santonin which exerts little or no action against these parasites when given in a single dose. The above citations will be sufficient to indicate to the reader that anthelmintic warfare against parasites, whether in man or the lower animals, requires the employment of varied methods of attack based on the nature of the lio,st terrain and the ac- cessibility of the parasite to the range of the weapon or weapons available. Some parasites can be overcome by a single anthelmintic onslaught but others are expelled from their position only after repeated attacks. The method of ap- plying treatment is therefore an important factor in anthel- mintic medication. Prelimin.\ky Fasting. It is custoniary usually to fast the jiatient before the oral administration of most anthelmintics with a view of emptying the stomach and reducing the bulk of the intestinal contents. In the treatment of Axcaris and hook- worm infections in man, the patient is usually given a light supper the night before and the anthelmintic administered in the morning, no food being permitted until adequate purgation has ensued. Dogs and cats are usually fasted overnight. Various periods of fasting are prescribed for larger domestic animals. Swine should be fasted for 24, and preferably, 36 hours. For equines it is advisable to withhold feed for 18 hours prior to anthelmintic medication for parasites in the stomach and small intestine and 36 hours for parasites in the large intestine. Conditions are somewhat different in the case of ruminants. Even prolonged fasting will not entirely reduce the bulk of the contents of the rumen. Formerly, it was customary to fast animals for 12 to IS hours but more recently Clunies, Ross and Gordon (1934, 1935) have shown that there is no increase in the efficacy of a number of drugs used for the removal of the common sheep stomach worm in animals fasted for 24 hours as compared to the efficacy of the same drugs in nnsfarved sheep. Consideration op the Patient. Since tlie safety of the pa- tient is of paramount importance, it is the duty of the prac- titioner to satisfy himself that no contraindications for anthel- mintic treatment are present. This calls for an adequate physi- cal examination to rule out general contraindications and a suit- able inquiry to ascertain the possible presence of specific con- traindications for the drug of choice. General contraindications include febrile conditions, extreme youth or old age, chronic debilitating diseases, pregnancy, gastro-intestinal disturbances, chronic constipation and alcoholism. The presence of one or more of these conditions does not necessarily mean that treat- ment should be withheld but it does mean that due regard should be taken with respect to the type of drug and the dosage employed. The practitioner must decide whether the injury from parasitism is sufficient to warrant the risks attendant on treatment and must weigh the advisability of substituting a less specific but safer drug for a more specific but more dan- gerous drug. In patients who are poor risks for adciiuate doses of specific drugs, it is advisable to reduce the dose and remove a few worms at a time rather than hazard injury to the patient. In persons with severe hookworm disease, it is questionable whether anthelmintic treatment should be resorted to until the anemia has been corrected by .suitable doses of iron. In particular, doses of anthlemintics for children should be computed very carefully and apparent age rather than chrono- logical age should form the basis of computation. Since the evacuation habits of children are not always regular, the ad- ministration of a high soapsuds enema on the morning of treatment often helps to prevent reactions to such anthelmin- tics as the chlorinated hydrocarbons. 336 The pr;u-liti(iiu'r 's iibligatiiiii t(i tlic |i;itieTit has not been fiiltilli'd until a suitablo cliofk is made on the results of the tioatiui'iif. In the case of most parasites, it is advisable to wait two weelis before a reexamination since some anthelmin- tics definitely inhibit egg production in some parasites. With such a specialized [larasite as Enlfrobiiis vcrniicularis a longer period of time is needed to determine freedom from infection following treatment. In evaluating the efficacy of any treat- ment due cognizance slionld be taken of the possibilities of mi grating larvae developing to maturity and also of possible exposure to reinfection following treatment. Choice of tub Anthelminxic. An ideal anthelmintic would be one which could be given with complete safety to the pa- tient; would be nontoxic in all cases; would be effective in re moving all of the i^articnlar kind or kinds of worms against which it was directed; could be easily administered even in large scale treatments; and would be sufficiently cheap that cost would be no obstacle to its use. In spite of the exuberant enthusiasm of some investigators, the ideal anthelmintic has yet to be discovered. Drugs which on first test seem to fulfill such specifications are usually found wanting in some rcsjject when submitted to adequate field trials on large numbers of individuals. Keeping in mind the general specificity of anthelmintics, it is best to select the most effective drug available provided no general or specific contraindications exist for the use of that specific drug. If contraindications are present, they usually modify either the selection of the anthelmintic or the dose em- ployed. The presence of more than one nematode parasite or concomitant infections with cestode or trematode parasites fre- quently changes the picture. In the latter case the administra- tion of a single drug will seldom be effective in eradicating such diverse helminths. Even in multiple nematode infections treat- ment with a single anthelmintic may not be effective. In the case of certain parasites, a combination of two drugs may be of value such as the chenopodium-tetrachlorethylene mixture in concomitant ascarid and hookworm infectious in man. In other cases, different kinds of parasites have to be attacked by means of separate treatments. One method of attack has been suggested as being of value for the removal of all intestinal helminths in certain animals. DeRivas (1926, 1S>27. 1936) advocated the use of trans-duodenal lavage with hot water or hot saline for parasites in the small intestine and colonic lavage with l:.'iOOO copper sulphate solu- tion for parasites in the large bowel. He carried out experi- ments on dogs and man and reported that the use of two liters of hot saline at temperatures of 4.5° to 47° C. resulted in the elimination of worms with little discomfort to the patient. Hall and Shillinger (1926) used the method on dogs with water having an initial temperature of 49° to .52° C. in the container and cooled to 47° to 48° C. at the time of administration. The use of 2 to 4 gallons of fluid resulted in an efficacy of 97.7 percent against ascarids, 77 percent against hookworms and 51.6 percent against tapeworms. However, the treatment re- sulted in the death of half the experimental dogs and was re- sponsible for hemorrhage, enteritis and intestinal edema in those surviving. The safety of this method of treatment does not seem to be well established and perhaps for this reason the technique has never become popular. Somewhat the same method of treatment was used by Whit- ne3- (1939) for removing various species of intestinal parasites from dogs. He employed a 1.5 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide in warm water and injected this solution per rectum under pressure until the act of vomiting indicated that the material had passed through the entire gastro intestinal tract. The treatment was said to be highly effective against all of the helminth parasites commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract of the dog. Reactions were encountered in some of Whit- ney's cases. Serious after effects in the form of gastro enteritis and paralysis have since been reported by some veterinarians following the use of the treatment. Apparently, the treatment does not have an adequate margin of safety. PURQ.^TION. The administration of a purgative in connection with anthelmintic medication is of the utmost importance in the case of most drugs. Usually the purgative acts to promote the efficiency of the anthelmintic by distributing it throughout the intestinal tract and by aiding in the prompt expulsion of the parasites. In most cases, purgation is of marked value in safeguarding the patient by reducing the absorption of the anthelmintic. Some purgatives also give local protection against the irritating action of certain drugs. The choice of the purgative is conditioned by the method of treatment and the drug or drugs employed. The use of the chlorinated hydrocarbon group of anthelmintics requires the administration of saline purgatives, since fats and oils tend to increase the ab.sorption of such compounds, a thing which re- sults in more marked reactions to the treatment. In the ease of oil of chenopodium, castor oil is the purgative of choice even though saline jiurgatives have been used with this drug. Castor oil not only i)romotes promjit expulsion of the drug and reduces absorption but it also exerts a local emollient ac- tion and protects the intestinal mucosa against the irritating properties of chenopodium. Purgatives are usually administered concomitantly with the anthelmintics but practice in this regard varies with the host, the parasite and the drug employed. In treating large numbers of hookworm patients at one time, it is customary to give carbon tetrachloride or tetrachlorethylene in a solution of magnesium or sodium sulphate. However, in this case the drug may be given in gelatin capsules and immediately preceded or followed by the purgative. In the treatment of Ascaris infec- tions in man w'ith hexylresorcinol, it is the practice to ad- minister the purgative 24 hours after the drug. Calomel has always been the time honored purgative for use with santonin but it is probable that better results would follow the employ- ment of a saline purgative. Adequate protection presupposes the administration of full doses of the purgative. Perhaps more injury has followed the use of inadequate doses of purgatives in connection with anthel mintics than has come from over dosing with the anthelmintics themselves. By this we mean that over doses of anthelmintics will frequently be tolerated if accompanied by adequate doses of purgatives whereas many fatalities have resulted from stand ard doses of certain anthelmintics used without adequate pur- gation. Therefore, in using nearly all anthelmentics, attention should be given to gauging accurately both the dose of the anthelmintic and the dose of the purgative. In event that adequate purgation does not ensue within a reasonable time, prompt measures must be taken to protect the patient. High enemas should be resorted to and, if necessary, an additional dose of the purgative should be given by duo denal tube. Warm applications to the lower extremities and to the abdomen will hasten evacuation. The point of most im- portance in such circumstances is the rapid institution of cor- rective measures. Every effort should be made to stimulate bowel movements and promote prompt expulsion of the anthel- mintic. If the patient is permitted to go unaided, increased absorption of the anthelmintic will ensue and the life of the individual may be endangered. No doubt much of the distress following the administration of many anthelmintics is caused by the purgative and not by the anthelmintic. Malloy (1926) showed that the nausea, dizzi- ness, headache and abdominal pain following the administration of carbon tetrachloride in magnesium sulphate solution was due in most cases to the purgative and not to the anthelmin- tic. Wright, Bozicevich and Gordon (1937) found that reac- tions to the tetrachlorethylene treatment in children were markedly reduced when magnesium citrate solution, a more pleasant and palatable purgative, was used instead of mag- nesium sulphate. In most cases, the symptoms described above are not alarming and usually pass off rapidly after the bowels move. Anthelmintic Medication for Nematode Parasites of Man TREATMENT TOR ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES INFTtCTION HEXYLRESORriNOL. This is the drug of choice since it is highly effective and is safer than other drugs formerly em- ployed for this purpose. Proper fasting is important since hexylresorcinol combines with protein and is rendered inert insofar as its anthelmintic action is concerned. The patient should be given a light sup- per on the evening before treatment and the drug should be administered on an empty stomach the following morning. Hexylresorcinol is used in the form of Caprokol pills, each of which contains 0.2 gram of the drug. The dosage for adults consists of 5 pills or a total of 1.0 gram. The dosage for children is, as follows: Under six years, 2 pills; six to eight years, 3 pills; eight to twelve years, 4 pills; over twelve years, .5 pills. The pills should be swallowed with a little water; special care should be taken that they are not chewed since the drug is a local irritant and produces annoying burns. Children in particular should be observed closely to make sure that the pills are properly swallowed. Food should be withheld for 4 hours following administration of the drug. A saline purga- tive should be given 24 hours after treatment to sweep out the dead worms. As a usual thing there is little or no discomfort from the drug although some patients may complain of nausea and slight abdominal pain. Occasionally a slight burning sensation in the epigastrium is noted but this soon passes off. 337 There are no well established contraindications for hexylre- soreinol therapy. However, it is advisable for the patient to abstain from alcohol immediately before and after treatment. As a precautionary measure, it is probably well to avoid treat- ing persons suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcer and any form of gastroenteritis. Oil of Chenopodium. This drug has had widespread appli- cation in the treatment of aseariasis and hookworm disease but its margin of safety is small and it has prol>ably been re- sponsible for more fatalities than any other single anthelmin- tic. However, its efficacy against ascarids is very high. The active principle of chenopodium is ascaridol which varies in content with different oils. Effort has been made to stand- ardize the ascaridol content at 70 percent in order to have available a uniform product but various oils on the market may vary in the content of the active principle. In using chenopodium, the ijatient should be given a light evening meal. If constipated, a saline purge is indicated fol- lowed by a high soapsuds enema the next morning. These pre- cautions are important in the ease of constipated individuals since chenopodium itself tends to produce constipation. The drug is given on an empty stomach and no food should lie allowed until the bowels move. The adult dose should not exceed 1.5 ce. The dose for children is based on 0.0.3 ce. for each year of apparent (not chronological) age. The drug may be given in gelatin capsules and immediately preceded or fol- lowed by adequate dose of a saline purgative. Some authorities recommend dividing the dose into two jiarts and administering the doses 2 hours apart, in which case the purgative is given im- mediately after the last dose. If the patient shows any signs of reaction, the second half of the dose should be omitted and the purgative given immediately. The advisability of the split dose method is problematical since increased absorption and toxicity may result when the purgative is thus delayed. The preferred method of administering chenopodium is to mix it with castor oil and give as a single dose. One to 2 ce. of castor oil should be given for each year of apparent age in children. The larger dose provides more adequate protection. The oil not only produces adequate purgation but protects the intestinal mucosa against the irritating action of the drug. When chenopodium is measured by the drop method, there is a wide variation in dosage. Measurement should be made by a standard 1 cc. pipette graduated into tenths in order to avoid errors in dosage. Toxic symptoms manifested in chenopodium poisoning are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, a tingling sensation of the ex- tremities, muscular incoordination, stupor, profound collapse, cyanosis and respiratory failure followed by death. Severe and even permanent deafness may result. If purgation does not ensue within a reasonable time, strenuous efforts should be made to evacuate the bowels as promptly as possible. Any delay in instituting rigorous measures maj' seriously endanger the life of the patient. Contraindications for chenopodium therapy include gastro- enteritis, chronic constipation, alcoholism, pregnancy, deljilitat- ing diseases, and moderate to severe cardiovascular-renal dis- ease. Very young children or aged individuals are poor risks for treatment. S.'INTONIN'. Santonin is a time honored remedy for the re- moval of large intestinal roundworms, although its efficacy in single doses does not approach that of either hexylresorcinul or oil of chenopodium. However, it is non-irritating and easily administered and can be used to advantage when there are defi- nite reasons for avoiding the two other drugs. The patient should be given a light evening meal and the dose of santonin administered with an equal amount of calomel at 10.00 p.m. The next morning before breakfast, a saline purgative should be given. The dose of santonin for adults is 3 to 5 grains (0.2 to 0.3 gram). For children, the dose rate is based on 1/6 grain (0.01 gram) for each year of apparent age. Santonin is more effective when given in repeated treatments over a period of time. A satisfactory routine is to give 1 to 2 grains (0.06 to 0.12 gram) for adults" and % to % grain (0.015 to 0.03 gram) for children daily over a period of 7 days. The drug is given with an equal amount of calomel and no other purgative employed. With continued treatment, the patient should be observed carefully for any evidence of toxicity. Santonin is responsible in some cases for disturbances in perception and there may result yellow, green, and occasion- ally, blue vision. Symptoms of toxicity are evidenced by nau- sea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, hematuria and convulsions. The drug is contraindicated in nervous disorders such as epi- lepsy. Fats and oils should be avoided as they increase ab- sorption. The factor of safety for santonin is considerably greater than that for chenopodium but the drug is not without its hazards. Some authorities recommend that a single dose of 3 grains for adults be not exceeded. TREATMENT FOR THE KE.MOVAL OF HOOKWORMS, ANCYLOSTOM.^ DUODENALE AND NEGATOR AMERICANTJS TBTRACHLORf;THYLENE. Because of its greater safety, this drug is largely replacing carbon tetrachloride and other treat- ments for hookworm disease. The patient should be given a light evening meal and should receive the drug on an empty stomach the following morning. No food should be allowed until aftei- the bowels move. The dose for adults is 3.0 ec. and for children 0.1 to 0.2 ec. for each year of apparent (not chronological) age. Better results are obtained with a dose of 4.0 cc. for adults but the larger dose is apt to be followed by more severe reactions. The drug may be administered in gelatin capsules followed immediately by an adequate dose of magnesium or sodium sulphate. In mass treatment, tetrachlorethylene is given with the purgative. In such cases, the mixture should be stirred while the patient is drinking it so that the tetrachlorethylene will be distributed evenly throughout and not sink to the bottom of the container. The purgative should lie dissolved in a liberal amount of water. One of the preferred methods is to use 30 ec. of a saturated solution of the saline purgative plus 60 cc. of water for an adult patient. As previously noted, a solution of magnesium citrate meets with less objection on the part of children and apparently causes less disagreeable reactions. In constipated individuals, it is best to give a saline purgative the night be- fore treatment followed the next morning by a high soapsuds enema. In the hands of various investigators, tetrachlorethylene has sliown a degree of efticacy varying between 75 and 95 percent. T^ike carbon tetrachloride, it is more effective against Necator than against oma. Following treatment, patients frequently complain of dizzi- ness, headache, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Experi- ence indicates that these reactions are less severe if the pa- tient remains quietly in bed and for safety's sake it is best to insist on his doing so. Reactions usually disappear rapidly following action of the jiurgative. If the bowels do not move within the expected period of time or if minatory symptoms develop, prompt measures should be taken to hasten evacuation. Tetrachlorethylene is contraindicated in cases of gastro- enteritis, chronic constipation and concomitant infections with A.tcaris himbricoidrs. Fats and oils should lie withheld from the diet for 48 hours prior to the administration of the drug since they increase absorption and add to the toxicity. Pa- tients receiving arsenical treatments are poor risks. Hexyresorcinol : This drug, administered as for Ascaris, is about 50 to 60 percent effective for the removal of hookworms. Because of its relatively wide margin of safety, it can be used to advantage in cases in which the physician might hesi- tate to employ tetrachlorethylene. TREATENT FOR CONCOMITANT ASCARIS AN"D HOOKWORM INFECTIONS Tb;trachlorethvi,ene and Oil of Chenopodium. A mixture of these two drugs can be used in cases in which both kinds of parasites are present. By itself, tetrachlorethylene should not lie given when Axcaris is present because the drug tends to stimulate clumping of the worms with possible intestinal ob- struction. The dosage of the mixture for adults is 1.0 cc. of oil of chenopodium plus 2.0 cc. of tetrachlorethylene. For children, the dose rate is based on 0.05 ec. of chenopodium and 0.1 cc. of tetrachlorethylene for each year of apparent (not chrono- logical) age. The mixture is given in one dose and followed immediately by a saline purgative as outlined for tetrachlor- ethylene. The contraindications and precautions are those noted in connection with the use of chenopodium for Ancaris. Hexylresorcinol. Because of its greater safety, this drug is to be preferred over the above-mentioned mixture for the treatment of combined hookworm and A.trarix infections. The method of administration is the same as tli:it for the latter ]iarasite. treatment for trichuris trichiura infection While various anthelmintics in single doses will remove a small percentage of these worms, treatment is generally un- satisfactory. Repeated doses of santonin, as outlined under therapy for Aficaris himbricoidcf!, represent the most practical treatment at the present time. Even this regimen of treatment may have to be repeated on several different occasions to ap- proach any considerable degree of efficacy. Hexylresorcinol and tetrachlorethylene each will remove small numbers of worms, as will oil of chenopodium. Leche de higueron, the sap of the Central and South American fig tree, Ficv.i Jaiirifolia, is a fairly effective treatment when given in doses of 30 to 60 ce. However, this material is not usually 338 availnliU' oiitsuk' of tlic iiativi' lialiitat of the tiou siiu-o thv sap undoigoi's rapid fcriiu'iitatioii ami becomes very uiipalata ble at ordinary temperatures. Kffort is being made to preserve the material in a way whieli will jiermit of its transportation and storage. Fiein, the proteolytic enzyme isolated from the sap by Robbins. cannot be used safely in man because of its marked jiroperty of digesting the mucosa of the gastro-intesti- nal tract in the presence of abrasions. TKK.VTIIK.NT FOR STRONG YLOIBES STERCORjUjlS INFECTION' Kwa Tjaon Sioe (1928) and de Langen (1928) introduced gentian violet for the treatment of infectious with this para- site and the treatment was further developed by Faust (l!t30). For adults, Faust recommends a dose of 1 grain (04 mgm.) three times a day before meals over a period of 10% days or a total dose of CO grains. For children, the drug ma.v be given at the rate of 1/0 grain (10 mgm.) per day for each year of apparent age or approximately V2 grain (32 mgm.) for each 3 years of apparent age, given over a similar period of time. Gentian violet is procurable in % grain and 3/20 grain enteric- coated or water soluble coated tablets. Some Sirongyloidcs cases are refractory to oral therapy with gentian violet and for such cases Faust recommends the duo deual intubation of 2."i cc. of a 1 percent solution of the dye. The patient should remain quietly in bed after this treatment as nausea and vomiting are apt to ensue. About one-third of the patients treated with gentian violet experience reactions consisting of one or more of the follow- ing symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness and abdominal pain. These reactions are usually not of a seri- ous character and can be controlled by reducing the dosage for a short time or discontinuing treatment for a day or two. Contraindications for gentian violet are not clearly defined but as a precautionary measure the drug should not be given to patients suffering from gastroenteritis, moderate to severe cardiac, hepatic or renal disease and concomitant infections with Asearis liimbricoidcs. Pregnant women are apt to be markedly nauseated by the treatment. The consumption of alcohol should be prohibited during the period of treatment. TREATMENT TOR ENTEROBIUS VERMICULARIS INFECTION The ease with which many individuals become constantly re- infected with pinworms makes eradication of the parasite an extremely difficult matter. The failure in many cases to achieve control by the rigid application of hygienic measures calls for supplementing such measures in most cases with suitable therapeutic procedures. It is probable that man3' of the failures to control pinworm infection are attendant on the fact that treatment is usually administered only to those persons in the household who show clinical symptoms. Frequently, other members of the family may be infected without being aware of the fact. Under such circumstances, these persons serve as reservoirs of infection which is again acquired by the treated individuals. Wright and Cram (1937) have emphasized tlu> importance of carr.ying out adequate diagnostic tests on all members of a household and treating all infected individuals simultaneously with the view of eliminating at one time all sources of infection within tin- home. The literature probably contains a greater array of drugs recommended for the removal of pinworms than for any other parasite. Single dose treatments are not well adapted for combating this parasite. Tetrachlorethylene, probably the best of these, is less than .50 percent effective. In general, better results follow the employment of repeated doses of drugs over a period of time sufficient to allow for desiccation of ova in the patient's surroundings and thus reduce opportunities for reinfection. Santonin in repeated doses as for Asearis has been used fre- quently, although its efficacy is somewhat less than 50 percent. Enemas, medicated or non-medicated, are of value particularly in young children but they must be carried over a period of time sufficient to care for the possibilities of reinfection. Brown (1932) obtained good results in a small series of pa- tients with hexylresorcinol enemas administered at varying intervals and supplemented by oral therapy with Caprokol pills. Wright, Brady and Bozicevicli (1!I39) treated 27 patients without oral therapy and found 18 negative on post-treatment swabs, although some of the negative patients failed to fur- nish an adequate number of such swabs. A preliminary soap- suds enema was given at bedtime followed immediately after its expulsion by an enema consisting of a 1:2000 solution of hexylresorcinol in water. The above-mentioned workers found that satisfactory results in most cases required the administra- tion of at least 10 such enemas over a period of 3 weeks. No doubt more consistent results would follow more prolonged treatment, it is possible that Caprokol orally once or twice- during the jjcriod of treatment would add to the efficacy of the regimen, although the preparation in single doses is not effective in eradicating the worms. It would appear that the drug coming closest to fulfilling the requirements for a satisfactory treatment for oxyuriasis is gentian violet as reported by Wright, Brady and Bozicevich (1938) and Wright and Brady (l!i40). These investigators completed experimental treatment on 224 individuals, of whom 84 percent were negative for pinworm ova on 7 consecutive daily anal swab examinations taken at various intervals after the end of the treatment. The dosage for gentian violet is the same as that used for the treatment of strongyloidosis. However, the regimen of treatment is somewhat different, the patient being given the drug over a period of 8 days, foUow-ed by a rest period of one week and then another course of treatment for 8 days. The contraindications and precautions are the same as those out lined under therapy for strongyloidosis. Recently Manson Bahr (1940) reported good results in the treatment of pinwoi-m infection with phenothiazine. Of 6 chil- dren and 3 adults, clinical cures were said to have been ob- tained in all cases, although 3 individuals required a second course of treatment. The following dosage was recommended: For children under 8 years of age, 2 grams daily'for 7 days; for children under 4 years of age, one half of the above-men- tioned dose; and for adults, 8 grams daily for at least 5 days. In the cases in question, results of treatment were not checked by swab technique or other methods to determine disappear- ance of infection. Nothing is said in Manson-Bahr 's paper con- cerning the dangers of blood dyscrasias from the use of pheno- thiazine, although DeEds, Stockton and Thomas (1939) re- ported the occurrence of secondary anemia in 3 of 49 patients given phenothiazine as a urinary antiseptic. The maximum to- tal dose recommended by Manson-Bahr is greatly in excess of that specified by DeEds, Stockton and Thomas as being with in the limits of safety. It would seem that this treatment should he used with considerable caution. TREATMENT FOR WUCHERERIA BANCROFTI INFECTION There is no specific medication for this condition. Various drugs have been reported as being of value for the destruc- tion of the microfilariae or preventing their appearance in the peripheral circulation. However, evidence for the efficiency of such drugs is meager as in many cases the larvae reappear later. There is no known drug effective for the destruction of the adult worms. Chopra and Sundar Rao (1939) have reported on tests ex- tending over 10 years with patients treated with a large num- ber of different drugs at the Calcutta School of Tropical Medi- cine. None of the compounds employed was of value in effect ing the destruction of adult or larval worms. Soamin, an ar- senical preparation, reduced the number of febrile and in- flammatory attacks. Fouadin had a temporary sterilizing ef feet on the parasite but microfilariae reappeared in the blood after several days. However, the drug was said to be very useful in controlling inflammation and fever over comparatively long periods of time. In a few cases, chyluria disappeared even after a single dose. Prontosil and its derivatives were found of value in the treatment of secondary infection. Roentgen ray therapy has been advocated as being of value in filariasis but Golden and O'Connor (1934) were unable to obtain consistently promising results. In filarial lymphangitis and elephantiasis, surgical interven- tion by means of the Auchincloss technique or one of its modifi- cations will bring some temporary relief. Knott (1938) has advocated prolonged tight bandaging. The use of the method on 105 unselected patients in his series indicated apparently that it is of value for the gradual removal of the lymphoedema and in the prevention of the recurrent attacks of lymphangitis. Anti-streptococcal vaccines have been reported to be effec- tive in some cases but O'Connor (1932) pointed out that the relief is only temporary and that any serum or vaccine produces similar relief, indicating probably that temporary cure is due to protein shock rather than to specific anti-bacterial action. Anthelmintic Medication for Nematode Parasites of Dogs, Cats and Related Carnivores TREATMENT FOB ASCAKID INFECTIONS Tetrachlorethylene. This drug in a dose of 0.2 cc. per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight is effective for the re- moval of dog ascarids. In using chlorinated hydrocarbons in the presence of heavy ascarid infections, particularly in pup- pies and young dogs, it is advisable to follow the anthelmintic in 3 or 4 hours by an adequate dose of castor oil, or to give 339 a saline purgative immediately following the treatment. The purpose of this is to prevent clumping of the ascarids, which are inordinately stimulated by these compounds, and a possible intestinal obstruction which sometimes causes enteritis, necro- sis and death. Tetrachlorethylene may be given to cats at the same dose rate and in the same manner as for dogs. The drug in doses of 1 cc. has been reported to be of value for the removal of ascarids from foxes. In these animals, it is said to cause a slight enteritis which is not of serious consequence. Oil. of Chenopodium. Xumerous experiments have shown that this drug is very effective for the removal of ascarids from dogs. The rate of dosage is 0.1 ec. per kilogram of body weight or 1.0 cc. for a 10 kilogram (22pound) dog. For prac- tical purposes, this can be regarded as equivali'iit to th.' lol lowing doses: For dogs weighing 10 pounds or 1 ss (except toy dogs), 5 minims; for dogs weighing 10 to 20 pounds, 10 minims; for dogs weighing 20 to 30 pounds, 1.1 minims; and for dogs weighing over 30 pounds, 20 minims. Toy dogs re- quire small doses and considerable precaution should be ex- ercised in treating such animals ; a dose of 2 or 3 minims is advisable. The dog should be fasted from the afternoon of the day previous to treatment and should be dosed the following morning. The chenopodium should be accompanied by at least an ounce (30 cc.) of castor oil. It is not advisable to give the chenopodium in the castor oil. as chenopodium is salivating and the combination produces a disagreeable slobbering effect. For choice, the chenopodium should be given in gelatin capsules and the castor oil administered immediately before or after the capsules. The animal should not be fed until 3 hours after treatment. If dogs show serious toxic effects, large additional doses of castor oil should be given and enemas used to insure prompt purgation. The contraindications for chenopodium have been discussed in connection with the treatment of ascariasis in man. Chenopodium is very effective for the removal of ascarids from cats but the drug is more toxic for these animals than it is for dogs. The dose for the cat should not exceed O.O.") ec. l)er kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight, immediately pre- ceded or followed by an adequate dose of castor oil. For fox pups, Young (1930) recommended 1-minim doses of oil of chenopodium in castor oil and found this safe for pups 3 weeks old and effective for pups up to 8 weeks of age. He preferred not to treat them until tlun- were 4 weeks old. Santonin. When there are contraindications for other treat- ments, santonin in repeated doses may be used to remove as- carids from dogs. Experiments show that single doses of santonin, even very large doses, such as '2 grain for each pound of body weight, are less effective than a single thera- peutic dose of chenopodium, but that smaller doses of santonin daily for several days gives very good results. Small dogs may be given Vn grain of santonin and an equal amount of calomel, and large dogs double this dose, daily for a week. Tliis should be given early in the morning and the animal not fed for 2 or 3 hours. As previously stated, a saline purge following single doses of santonin seoms to increase materially the efficacy of the drug. N-BuTYL Chloride. The administration of tetrachlorethylene to dogs is frequently followed by a temporary narcosis which often embarrasses the veterinarian and alarms the client. Har- wood, Jerstad, Underwood and Schaffer (1940) are of the opinion that n-butyl chloride does not produce such reactions. For the removal of ascarids, these investigators recommend the following dosages: For dogs weighing 2.3 to 4..''i kilos (•") to 10 pounds), 2 cc; 4.."i to 9 kilos (10 to 20 pounds), 3 cc; 9 to 18 kilos (20 to 40 pounds), 4 cc; and 18 or more kilos (40 or more pounds), 5 cc. Hextlresorcinol. Lamson, Brown and Ward (1930) have reported that hexylresorcinold is very effective for the removal of dog ascarids. The drug is given in doses of 0.5 to 1 gram. With hexylresorcinol, it is necessary to withhold food for 12 to 18 hours before treatment. Animals should not be per- mitted to crush or chew capsules or pills of hexylresorcinol since, as previously stated, the drug is irritant to the mucosa of the mouth. TRE.\TMENT FOR HOOKWORM INFECTION Tetrachlorethylene. At the present time, this is the drug of choice having largely replaced carbon tetrachloride because of the toxicity of the latter. The therapeutic dose rate of tetrachlorethylene for dogs and cats is 0.2 cc per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight, or 2 cc. for a 10-kilogram or 22- pound animal. It is usually not necessary to give a purgative in connection with tetrachlorethylene, but a purgative is ad- vantageous as it helps to sweep out worms killed by the treat- ment and to eliminate the drug rapidly from the intestinal tract. It is advisable in coneomitant heavy ascarid infections, particularly in puppies, to follow tetrachlorethylene with a suitable dose of purgative. However, castor oil or other oils, or fats, should not be given immediately preceding or following tetrachlorethylene as they aid in tlie al)sorption of the drug. Tetrachlorethylene has the disadvantage of causing in some cases a transient vertigo or dizziness, which may be :ilarming to the owner of the aninuil, hut which in fact is not serious and which soon passes off. For this reason, as mentioned under the section on the treatment of ascarid infection, n butyl chloride may be used in place of tetrachlorethylene. The dosages sug- gested for the removal of hookworms are the same as those suggested for the removal of ascarids from dogs. Tetrachlorethylene can be used to advantage in the removal of U ncinaria slenocrphala from foxes. The dosage is the same as that for dogs. However, foxes do not tolerate anthelmintic treatment as well as do dogs, and particular care should be taken to judge accuratel.v the dosage of the drug and to ap- praise closely the possible presence of contraindications for treatment. Care should be taken to see that capsules are not broken in the mouth, as inhalation of tetrachlorethylene may lead to serious complications, particularly in fox pups. He.xylresorcinol. This drug can be used to advantage when contraindications for other treatments are present. How- ever, its efficacy falls below that of tetrachlorethylene and many other halogenated hydrocarbons. The dosage is the same as that given under treatments for the removal of ascarids. TREATMENT FOR TRICHURIS VULPIS INFECTION Numerous experiments on dogs indicate that a large number of anthelmintics are potent in the removal of whipworms but that a single dose of such drugs will rarely remove many whipworms. The failure of single dose treatments is no doubt due in part to the fact that the anthelmintic fails to enter the cecum or enters it only in insufficient amounts. It is, therefore, necessary to give a drug from day to day, until it does come in contact with the worms in effective doses, or to give large doses of relative^- non -toxic drugs to ensure the entry of the drug into the cecum. Santonin. For the [uirposes of repeated treatments, san- tonin is a very satisfactory drug since it does not cause gastro- intestinal irritation even when given over a period of time. The drug may be given to dogs in a dose of '4 to 1 grain each of santonin and calomel, according to the size of the animal, daily for 7 days. The treatment may then be dis- continued and repeated after an interval of a week. Leche de Higueron. This drug has been described under treatment for whipworms in man. While adequate tests have not been carried out to estalilish its eflficac.v for the removal of T. viilpix, it seems jirobable that it would be effective for that purpose. However, until the material becomes more gen- erally available, its use will l)e restricted to the geographical areas in which the tree is indigenous. N Butyl Chioride. Harwood, Jerstad, Underwood and Schaft'er (1640) showed n butyl chloride to be over .')0 percent effective for the removal of whipworms. While this degree of efficacy is certainly not satisfactory, these workers pointed out that the drug is superior nevertheless to anj- other single dose treatment known at present. As it is highl.v eft'ective for the removal of ascarids and hookworms, it seems worthy of trial in whipworm infections. For whipworms, the above-mentioned investigators recommend a dose of 3 to o cc. for dogs weigh- ing ."1 pounds or less; 0 to 8 cc. for .j to 10-pound dogs; 10 to 12 cc. for 10 to 20-pound dogs; lo cc for 20 to 40-pound dogs; and 2.J cc. for dogs weighing over 40 pounds. If the dog is infected with ascarids, a saline purgative should be given im- mediately following the anthelmintic* Other Methods. Hall and Shillinger (1926) found that mercurochrome gave fairly satisfactory results for the removal of whipworms from dogs when the drug was given in doses of 2 to 5 tablets each containing l.'i grains (96 mgm.) daily for ') to 11 days. The drug removed 273 of 311 whipworms from 9 dogs, or 88 percent, and removed all whipworms from 4 of 6 infected animals. The safet.v of this treatment has not been established. Although it has never come into general use, it would seem worthy of trial. The use of drugs injected into the cecum by means of a catheter passed per rectum has been advocated for the removal of whipworms. However, it is extremely difficult to pass a fiexable rubber tube in such a way that the operator has any assurance that the orifice of the catheter is opjiosite the ori- fice of the cecum and that the drug actually enters that organ. In critical tests, Underwood, Wright and Bozicevich (1931), *Chitwood (personal communication) has obtained 100 percent effi- cacy for whipworms when n. butyl chloride was administered in Ice hard gelatin capsules at the rate of Ice per kilo body weight and with no purgative. Purgatives appear to lower the efficacy of this drug. 340 using ti'tiju-liUiiotliyU'iic, oil of ilu'iiniuiiliuiii or ctliyluk'iu' cliloriilf, olitaiiK'd an efHiiuy of 100 iioici'iit in one dog, H.l pi'iTont. in a second dog but. complete fnihire in 11 other animals. Surgical intervention witli tlic removal of tlic cecum is prac- ticed by some veterinarians who report veiy good results in cases in wliich it is impossible to remove the worms by anthel- mintic treatment. Symptoms of abdominal distress with alter- nating constipation and diarrhea associated with whipworm infection are said to l)e relieved permanently following re- moval of the cecum. While this method will not obviate rein- fection, subsequent infections in the colon are usually of very light di'grec and not associated with clinical sym])toms. •niK.\T.Mr.NT KOR iWPILL.iRIA .\EROPHn-.\ .\ND CHKNOSOM.V VULPIS IXrECTIONS Intratracheal injection of various medicinal substances has been advocated in the treatment of these very serious parasites of foxes on fur farms but it is doubtful whether any great benefit has resulted. On the other hand, the develoinnent within recent years of the tracheal swab-syringe and the tracheal brush for the mechanical removal of Inngworms from the trachea of the fox has provided a fairly satisfactory metliod for the removal of worms which are actually in the trachea, the instruments owing to mechanical difficulties being of little value for the removal of worms from the bronchi or bronchioles. Hanson (l!t33), who was largely instrumental in developing this method of treatment to its present satisfactory state, has l)ublishcd results of critical tests with the instruments and de- tailed information concerning their use. This method of treat- ment is more effective in the case of C. aerophila than with Crciiosoma vulpLi, since the latter parasite is more frequently located in the bronchi and bronchioles, where it cannot be reached by the tracheal brush or swab. Recently Russian investigators have reported that a solu- tion consisting of iodine, 1 gram; potassium iodide, 2 grams; and water, 1,;")00 cc. is effective for the destruction of these parasites when injected intratraeheally. The animal is placed on its back with the head elevated at an angle of 30 degrees. One-half the dose is injected while the animal is rolled slightly to one side; then the animal is rolled slightly to the other side and the remainder of the dose injected. The treatment is repeated after 8 da.vs. Maximum doses are 3 cc. of the solu- tion. It is reported that maximum doses remove 80 percent of the lungworms. TRE.\TMENT FOR SPIROCEBCA LUPI INFECTION There is no anthelmintic treatment of value in this condi- tion. Treatment is symptomatic with the view of relieving the cough and nausea and maintaining the condition of the animal. Oil of chenopodium has been suggested but it is unlikely that worms in the tumors would be affected. On theoretical grounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as carbon tetrachloride, should be more penetrating and more effective than chenopodium. Suehanek (1932) reported a case of spirocercosis in a dog which was diagnosed by means of X ray and the esophagoscope. The dog was placed under chloral hydrate narcosis, the blade of a scalpel was fixed in a pair of forceps which were passed through a tube and, with the aid of the esophagoscope, the tumor was removed. TREATMENT FOR PHYSALOPTEKA SPP. Ehlers (lSi31) reported on the anthelmintic treatment for in- fections with Physalopicra sp. in badgers {Taxidra laxits) and it is probable that the treatments found effective can be used also on other animals. Tetrachlorethylene in doses of 0.5 to 1 cc. (8 to 1(3 minims) failed to remove the worms but a dose of 5 cc. killed all physalopterids although it proved fatal to one animal. Ehlers stated that the drug deserves further trial in doses of 1.3 to 2 cc. (20 to 32 minims). Carbon disul- phide was found to be very effective in doses of 0.8 to 1 cc. (12 to Ki minims), administered after a period of fasting for 18 to 24 hours, and followed in ti hours by a table spoonful (1.5 cc.) of castor oil mixed with honey, a mixture which bad- gers will eat readily out of a spoon. While the administration of a purgative is desirable, no ill effects w^ere observed in those animals to which a purgative was not given. TREATMENT FOR DIROPILARIA IMMITIS INFECTION Fouadin (sodium antimony III pyrocatechin disulphonate of sodium ) has been used more extensively than any other drug for this condition. As .shown by Wright and Underwood (1934). a suitable course of treatment results usually in the permanent disappearance of microfilariae from the peripheral circulation, in the sterilization of female worms, and in the eventual de stniction of some or all of the adult worms in the heart and Body tfeiglit of dog pulmonary aitery. The action of Foiuidin oTi adult worms is- cumulative and is exerted over a relatively long period of time. The destruction of any considerable number of adult worms at any one time ina.v result in embolic pneumonia or in an acute toxemia with consequent danger to the life of the l)atient. Cons<'(|uently, heavily infected animals should be treated with caution and in such animals treatment should not lie administered rajiidly, or in large doses, or at too frequent intervals. The adTuinistration of moderate doses of the drug over a period of time results in a central necrosis of the liver and in an acute toxic nephrosis. The liver damage may lead to guanidine retention with a lowering of the blood calcium level. Symptoms of calcium tetany should be combated through the use of calcium gluconate. Considerable judgment must be exercised in the administration of this treatment and due weight should be given to the presence of chronic or acute disease conditions which might influence the tolerance of the animal for the drug. Wright and Underwood recommended the following dose rates for intramuscular and intravenous injec- tions for dogs in good physical condition and not suffering from cardiac, hejiatic or renal disease: these dose rates have been generally followed by most veterinarians. IiilraitiKucuIar inject ioins Daily dose Daily dose Daily dose for first 6 for second after sec- days 6 days and 6 days- cc. cc. cc. Under 10 kgms. (22 lbs.) 0..1 1.0 1.0 10 to ir, kgms. (22 to 33 lbs.) 1.0 1..5 1.5 l.T to 20 kgms. (33 to 44 lbs.) 1.0 1..5 2.0 20 to 25 kgms. (44 to 55 lbs.) 1.5 2.0 2.0 Over 25 kgms. (55 lbs.) . 2.0 2.5 2.5 Intravenous injections Days of treatment Body weight of dog 1st 3rd 5th 7th 8th 9th 10th 12th ['nder 10 kgms. (22 lbs.) - 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 10 to 15 kgms. (22 to 33 lbs.) - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 15 to 20 kgms. (33 to 44 lbs.) -.- 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 20 to 25 kgms. (44 to 55 lbs.) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Over 25 kgms. (55 lbs.) 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 :\5 5.0 5.0 5.0 Intramuscular injections are without apjjreciable unfavora- ble local reaction and are particularly applicable for use in small dogs in which the subcutaneous veins are so small as ta- make intravenous injections difficult. However, intravenous ad- ministration permits the use of a smaller total dose in most cases, and the results desired are obtained in a shorter period of time. In connection with other treatments, Hayes (1933) recom- mended the use of an antimony preparation called "Filsol," the chemical composition of which has never been made public. This preparation appears to be more toxic than Fouadin and should be used with even greater caution. Brown and Austin (1939) have published case reports on the use of "Stibsol." said to be antimonial-3-catechol-thiosalicylic- acid-sodium, and to contain 30 percent of antimony. The solu- tion contains approximately 8.5 mg. of trivalent antimony per cubic centimeter. These investigators recommend for this compound the same dose rates as recommended by Wright and Underwood for the intravenous injection of Fouadin. Evalua- tion of the efficacy of this compound must await either the publication of more extensive and more critical tests or the results of field trials in relatively large numbers of cases. Simonelli (1936) and Lucas (1937) have reported success- ful results in the treatment of canine filariasis following the use of emetine hydrochloride at dose rates varying from 10 to 60 mgm. per day, but more critical evidence is needed before this treatment can be evaluated. The drug had been previously used by MacCallum (1921) for this purpose. Anthelmintic Medication for Nematode Parasites of Swine TREATMENT FOR ASCARIS SUUM INFECTION On. OF Chenopodium. This is probably the most effective treatment available at the present time. The drug is given at a dose rate of V2 to 1 fluid dram (2 to 4 cc.) for a 100-pound (45.5-kilogram) animal, immediately preceded or followed by 341 at least 2 fluid ounces (GO ee.) of castor oil, or the drug nun- be administered with the oil. Doses for animals of various sizes should be computed on a weight basis, though it is likely that a dose of 2 fluid drams is adequate for animals weighing 300 to 400 pounds (136.4 to 1S1.8 kilograms). The drug mav be given with a dose syringe or by stomach tube. The animals should be fasted for 18 to 24 hours prior to treatment and should not be fed or watered for 3 hours after treatment. Oil of chenopodium should not be given to animals suffering from gastroenteritis, constipation or febrile conditions, or to very young animals or sows in advanced pregnancy. If a herd is to be treated without regard to possible contraindications in individuals, the lower dose rate of chenopodium should be used. Santonin. Santoniu has been widely recommended as a treatment for the removal of ascarids from swine. At various times, it has been tested critically by Mote, Vadja, Shillinger, and others, all of whom have found that santonin in the doses commonly recommended and given in the manner usually rec ommended exhibits a relatively low efficacy for the removal of these worms. Under these conditions, the efficacy of santonin does not compare favorably with that of oil of chenopodium. More recently, Morris and Martin (1931) as well as Shcherbo- vich (1935) have found that santonin administered in relative- ly large doses and followed by an adequate dose of an active purgative, such as magnesium sulphate or castor oil, will re- move a large percentage of the ascarids from swine. Morris and Martin administered santonin at dose rates varying be- tween 1/6 to % grain (10.7 to 43 mgm.) per pound (4.j cgm.) of body weight, followed in 12 hours by 1 dram (4 grams) of magnesium sulphate per pound of body weight. It would seem that adequate purgation is necessary and relatively large doses required if satisfaetorj' results are to follow the use of this drug PHiiNOTHi.^ziNE. Swanson, Harwood and Connelly (1940) have recently reported on the use of this drug for swine and it appears to have considerable efficacy for the removal of as- carids. However, better results were obtained in the removal of mature ascarids than in the removal of immature forms. In view of the marked efficacy of the drug for the removal of nodular worms from swine, it could probably be used to ad vantage in animals in which both kinds of worms are present. The above mentioned investigators have suggested dose rates of phenothiazine for experimental use in swine and these may be found under the treatment for Oesophagostomum spp. TREATMENT FOR THE REMOVAL Or HOOKWORMS Satisfactory medication has not been established. On theo retical grounds, some of the chlorinated hydrocarbons would seem to be promising. However, Eaffensperger, as reported by Wright and Raffensperger (1930), did not find carbon tetra- chloride in a dose of 25 cc. in 75 cc. of castor oil for pigs weighing 125 pounds effective for the removal of Gtobocephahis urosubulatus. Tetrachlorethylene or n-butyl chloride might be more promising since carbon tetrachloride is not well tolerated by swine and is more soluble. TREATMENT FOR THE REMOV.\L OF SWINE STOMACH WORMS Bozicevich and Wright (1935) found that carbon disulphide, administered in capsules or by stomach tube, at a dose rate of 0.1 cc. per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight, or 4.5 cc. for a 100 pound pig, was approximately 90 percent effective for the destruction of Hyostrongylus rubidus and even more effective for the removal of Ascarops strongylina. Food must be withheld for 36 to 44 hours prior to treatment, as the presence of food in the stomach interferes with the action of the carbon disulphide and acts to reduce the efficacy of the treatment. Lower doses of carbon disulphide were less effec- tive. Pigs killed 2 hours after treatment showed a slight to moderate gastritis but, as in the administration of carbon di- sulphide to horses, this gastritis does not constitute a marked objection to the use of the treatment as it probably clears up rather quickly. It appears that this treatment should be effec five also for the removal of Physocephalus sexalatus and other nematodes occurring free in the stomach of awine. TREATMENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF NODDLAR WORMS, OESOPHAGOSTOMUM SPP. Of a number of drugs tested for the removal of these worms, none showed a high efficacy until Harwood, Jcrstad and Swan- son (1938) and Swanson, Harwood and Connelly (1P40) dem- onstrated the marked efficiency of phenothiazine for this pur- pose. In experiments reported bj' the latter investigators, con- ditioned phenothiazine removed 4,753, or 92.1 percent, of 5,162 nodular worms from 22 pigs. In other tests, recrystallized phenothiazine showed approximately the same degree of effi cacy. Swanson, Harwood and Connelly recommended the fol- lowing dose rates for phenothiazine for experimental use in swine : tr eight of pig Size of dose Up to 11.4 kgm. (25 lbs.) 5 gm. (1.2 drams) 11.4 to 22.8 kgm. (25 to 50 lbs.) 8 gm. (2.0 drams) 22.8 to 45.5 kgm. (50 to 100 lbs.) 12 gm. (3.0 drams) 45.5 to 91.(1 kgm. (100 to 200 lbs.) 20 gm. (5.0 drams) Over 91 kgm. (200 lbs.) 30 gm. (7.5 drams) Phenothiazine may be administered to swine in hard gelatin capsules if the operator is sufficiently skilled to avoid lodging the capsules in the pharyngeal pouch, or it may be adminis- tered mixed with any ground feed to which the pigs are ac- customed. Pigs varying greatly in size should not be treated at one time in the latter manner, and the chemical should not be offered to the animals except when they are sufficiently hungry to consume the medicated food at once. The efficacy of the drug when administered with the feed needs further investigation but this promises to be a very valuable method of treatment. TREATMENT FOR STEPHANURUS 0ENTATUS INFECTION No effective treatment is known for the destruction of swine kidney worms. Turpentine has been recommended on the ground of the great diffusibility of the drug but it has not been established that the drug could reach the adult worms in the perirenal fat. Kauzal (1932) interpreted his experimental results with carbon tetrachloride as indicating that the treat- ment was of some benefit, as no worms were found in the liver of one of the treated animals, while worms in the liver of a second animal were encapsulated. It is possible that this drug might check the migration of worms or destroy migrating worms in the liver, although it is probable that the drug would have no effect on adult worms in the perirenal tissue. TREATMENT FOR LUNGWORM INFECTIONS Freeborn (1916) recommended the injection into the nostrils of swine of 5 cc. of chloroform repeated at intervals of 3 to 5 days until the infection is controlled. However, there is no critical evidence that this treatment is effective in the de- struction of the worms. Skrjabin and Schul'ts (1936) reported that one part of chlorine in 30,000 parts of air had little effect on the host after one hour and claimed that this exposure destroyed 73.3 percent of the lungworms present. The same authors also recommended intratracheal injections of the iodine solution described under the treatment of lungworms of carnivores. The doses employed for swine are 0.25 cc. per kilogram of body weight for small pigs and 0.5 cc. per kilogram of body weight for average sized pigs. The treatment which appears to be safest and best is good nursing in connection with an abundance of good feed and adequate shelter. In the absence of specific therapy, emphasis should be placed on prevention and animals should be isolated and removed from areas where the intermediate hosts are prevalent. TREATMENT FOR TRICHURIS SUIS INFECTION Medication for whipworm infection in swine is entirely un- certain and no effective treatment is known at present. Single doses of various anthelmintics will remove a few whipworms at times but consistent results are not obtained with any of them. In the absence of more information concerning the pathogenicity of this parasite, chemotherapy dors not s?em to be a matter of any considerable importance. Anthelmintic Medication for Nematode Parasites of Equines TRE.iTMENT FOR PARASCARIS EQUORDM INFECTION Carbon Disulphide. This drug is probably the most effec five treatment available. It should be administered in a dose of 6 fluid drams (24 cc.) for a 1,000 pound animal, after a fast of 18 hours, or at a dose rate of 1.5 fluid drams (6 cc.) for each 250 pounds of body weight. No purgative is needed but a saline purgative may be advisable in the case of heavy infections; oils should be avoided as they increase absorption and add to the toxity of the drug. Carbon disulphide should be administered by stomach tube; if capsules containing the drug are broken in the mouth, asphyxiation and death may result. Capsules containing carbon disulphide adsorbed on various kinds of powdered material are available; these capsules un- doubtedly are safer to administer but fail to provide the same high efficacy as exerted by the liquid drug. Carbon disulphide produces a well marked inflammatory reaction in the stomach and upper duodenum. This inflammation usually clears up in a short time however. Carbon disulphide is contraindicated in 342 till' iiroseiioe of Ku^^tro entoiitis; it is luit indicated in the treatment of pregnant mares. C.VRBON Tetr^\chix)Kide. This is also an oft'cetive treatment for tlie removal of asearids from horses. It is given in the same manner as for the removal of strongyles, but in heavy asearid infections it is advisable to follow the drug by a saline iiurgative in order to sweep out dead worms and jire vent their oluniiiing in the small intestine. This is particularly indicated in the case of foals. PllENOTHiAZlNH. E.xperiments indicate that this drug will remove some asearids but more data are needed before it can be established as a satisfactory treatment. TREATMENT FOK THE RE.MOVAI, OF L/VRGE AND S.MAI, I. .STRONGYLES. STRONOYLUS SPP., TRU'HONEMA SPP. AND RELATED GENERA Oil OF Chenopodium. Chenopodium is very effeetive for the removal both of large and small strongyles. Aninuils slumld be fasted for 3ti hours and oil of chenopodium administered in a dose of 4 to 5 fluid drams (16 to 20 cc.) for a 1,000 pound animal, or at a dose rate of 1 fluid dram (4 cc.) for each 2.'i0 pounds of body weight, immediately preceded or followed by 1 quart of raw linseed oil. Cases of excessive jmrgation have been reported in some instances following the use of raw lin- seed oil. It is possible that this undesirable action is due to impurities in the product ; consequently a good grade of oil should be used. Veterinarians' of the V. S. Army have pro- posed a substitute puigative of castor oil and mineral oil, claiming that this mixture provides snitalde purgation fol- lowing treatment with chenopodium and is without undesirable effects. The following are the doses of the mixture recommend- ed: For weanlings, castor oil 4 to 6 ounces and mineral oil 1 pint; for yearlings and 2year-olds, castor oil 6 to 8 ounces and mineral oil 1 pint ; for 3-year-olds and older, castor oil 8 to 10 ounces and mineral oil 1% pints. Oil of chenopodium is contraindieated in the presence of constipation, gastroenteritis and febrile conditions, and in pregnant mares. Carbon Tetrachloride. This drug is effective for the re- moval of large strongyles but only about 50 percent effective against small strongyles. It should be given in capsule or by stomach tube in a dose of 6 to 12 fluid drams (2.'') to 50 cc. ) for a 1,000-pound animal after fasting for 24 to 36 hours. The drug need not be accompanied by a purgative but if one is used, sodium sulphate is to be preferred. If linseed oil is used, it should be given 4 to 5 hours after carbon tetrachloride. The administration of carbon tetrachloride to equines is followed by a fall in the blood calcium level and by a marked increase of bilirubin in the blood. In carbon tetrachloride intoxication, it is advisable to use calcium gluconate. The drug is contrain- dieated in animals suffering from hepatic disease or from cal- cium deficiencies, such as rickets or osteomalacia. N-Butylidene Chloride. In a dose of 0.2 cc. per kilogram of body weight, this compound is very effective for the removal both of large and small strongyles. It is probable that the dose could be reduced to 0.15 cc. per kilogram without ma- terially aifecting the efficacy of the treatment; this dose is equivalent approximately to 70 cc. for a 1,000-pound animal. As n-butylidene chloride is constipating, it is advisable to fol- low the drug in 5 hours by raw linseed oil in a dose of 1 quart for a 1,000 pound animal. N-BUTYL Chloride. Because of the relatively higher cost of n-butylidene chloride, Harwood, Underwood and Schaffer (1938) tried n-butyl chloride for the removal of strongyles. In a dose of approximately 0.2 cc. per kilogram of body weight, the compound proved very effeetive for the removal of small strongyles and reasonably effective for the removal of large strongyles. In the tests in question, the drug was given in 10 times its volume of raw linseed oil. In tests by the above- mentioned workers, two horses succumbed to treatment with doses ten times the therapeutic dose. It would appear that the compound is not as safe as is n-butylidene chloride and that further tests are needed to clarify this point. Phenothiazine. This is a very effective drug for the re- moval of strongyles from horses. Several authors have reported excellent results following the use of doses varying from 30 to 100 grams for adult animals. However, the only critical ex- periments reported thus far were by Harwood, Habermann, Roberts and Hunt (1940) and Habermann, Harwood and Hunt (1941). In the tests described in the latter paper, it was found that this drug in doses varying from 50 to 100 grams per equine removed practically all of 362,797 cylicostomes and 96 percent of 137 Strongyliis spp. These authors concluded that the dose per adult equine should be held at 50 grams pending additional critical experimentation with smaller dos- ages. In some instances, a dose of 50 grams failed to remove a few of the Strongyliis spp. present In the treated animals and, since these are the most pathogenic of the nematodes present in equines, it does not seem advisable to employ dos- ages of ;i(i giams per horse such as recommended by Taylor and Sanderson (1!I4I)) on the basis of tests checked by the egg count method alone. Single doses of ])henothiazine as high as 500 grams have been given to horses without producing alarming symptoms, but these dosages may cause pronounced cloudy swelling of the liver, the formation of methaemoglobin, and anemia (La- page, 1040; Habermann, Harwood and Hunt, 1941). Single doses of 1,00(1 grams have produced fatalities in horses. Since the toxic manifestations appear to be associated with the de- struction of the erythrocytes, it is advisable to administer the drug cautiously to horses suffering from anemia. The Bureau of Animal Industry has issued a press release terming poor, weak animals and those suffering from infectious anemia as bad risks for treatment and it would appear that the drug . should be employed with considerable caution in such cases. Hatcher (1941) reported the death of 5 of 12 horses, each of which was given a dose of approximately 120 grams of phenothiazine as an anthelmintic. Under experimental condi- tions, doses of this size have caused no symptoms other than discoloration of the mucous membranes, transient loss of ap- petite and a temporary anemia. Grahame, Morgan and Sloane (1940) administered 100 grams to each of 35 horses without accident, and others have reported similar results. Possibly under certain conditions horses may prove more sensitive to phenothiazine than present experimental evidence suggests. As a measure of precaution, wholesale treatment should be avoided. The Bureau of Animal Industry recommends that when large numbers of animals are to be treated with this drug, one or two, the least valuable of the lot, be treated first to determine tolerance for the drug. Such animals should be kept under observation for a week before others are treated. If no bad results are observed, the remaining animals should be treated a few at a time and the observations repeated. This procedure should be followed until the entire group has been treated. Phenothiazine may be administered to horses in gelatine cap- sules or in a suitable suspension. In order to make a suspen- sion of phenothiazine suitable for administration to animals, it is necessary to use some chemical as a dispersing agent. Numerous dispersing agents are known and many of these have been employed ; however, few of these suspensions have been given critical test. It is known that certain agents will greatly reduce the efficacy of phenothiazine when such chemicals are employed as suspending agents. Therefore, it is not advisable to employ such mixtures unless they have been tested critically. A formula which has been found satisfactory consists of phenothiazine 50 grams (1.67 ounces), molasses 20 cc. (0.67 fluid ounces), and water to make 90 cc. (3 fluid ounces). The molasses is thoroughly mixed with the phenothiazine, then a small portion of water is added and thoroughly stirred in. The process of alternately adding water in small quantities and of stirring is repeated until a smooth suspension of the required volume results. Also, phenothiazine may be mixed with almost any ground feed. Since certain animals do not take readily feed medicated with phenothiazine, the following regimen may be employed : For one week prior to the administration of the drug the horse should receive no salt. During this time it should re- ceive daily one pint of a mixture containing equal parts of oats and bran to which 50 grams (about 2 fluid ounces) of molasses have been added. For administration of the drug, .50 grams (1.67 ounces) of phenothiazine is incorporated in about 150 grams (about 5 fluid ounces) of molasses, and this mixture is mingled thoroughly with 2 quarts of an oats bran mixture. Two ounces of salt are added to this formula. While fasting is unnecessary, the medicated mixture should not be placed before the horse until the animal is hungry. If the horse hesitates to eat the medicated mixture, it may often be encouraged to do so by sprinkling a small quantity of untreated oats or corn over the surface of the mixture. Even if the drug is administered in the feed, it is better to treat horses indi- vidually rather than to attempt mass treatment. treatment for lungworm intection Skrjabin and Schul'ts (1936) and Kulikov and Tamarin (1937) have advocated the use of iodine in a solution of po- tassium iodide for the removal of lungworms from horses. The material is injected intratraeheally while the horse is on its back, slightly inclined to one side for the first half of the injection, and to the other side for the remainder. The dose is 250 to 300 cc. of a 0.1 percent solution of iodine in a 0.2 percent solution of potassium iodide. trb^tment for oxyuris equi infection Oil of turpentine is an effective treatment for the removal of pinworms from the horse. Animals should be fasted for 343 36 hours and the drug administered in a dose of I! fluid ounces (60 cc.) for a 1,000-pound animal, immediately preceded or followed hj 1 quart of raw linseed oil. The drug should not be given to animals already suffering from renal disorders. Oil of chenopodium, as administered for large and small strongj'les, is effective also for the removal of pinworms. TREATMENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF STOMACH "WORMS Carbon disulphide in a dose of 6 fluid drams (24 cc.) for a 1,000-pound animal, preceded by gastric lavage with S to 10 liters of a 2 percent solution of sodium bicarbonate, is very effective for the destruction of Eabroncma muscae and H. microstoma, as determined by Wright, Bozicevich and Under- wood (lt)31). Without preliminary lavage, the drug gave less favorable results in the tests of these investigators. Appar- ently the alkaline solution serves to remove excess mucus from the stomach wall and permits the drug to reach the parasites more effectively. Furthermore, the solution seems to give some protection against the irritating action of the carbon disulphide. In the above-mentioned experiments, Draschia megastoma in stomach tumors was not affected by the treat- ment. It is advisable, though not necessary, to siphon oft the sodium bicarbonate solution ."> to 10 minutes after its admin istration. The contraindications for the treatment are the same as those listed under the discussion of this drug for the removal of asearids. While not determined by critical tests, it would appear that carbon disulphide would be a fairly satisfactory treatment for the destruction of Irk-)iost>oiigi/his axci in the stomach of the horse. Anthelmintic Medication for Nematode Parasites of Ruminants TREATMENT FOR STRONGVLOIDES PAPILLOSUS INFECTION There is no established treatment for strongyloidosis. The parasite appears to be resistant to most of the anthelmintics commonly employed in sheep and even prolonged dosage with some of these drugs fails to eradicate it. Gentian violet, the only known drug which has shown any specificity against worms of this genus, has not been tried in ruminants. TREATMENT FOR INFECTION WITH TRICHURIS SPP. Like whipworms in other animals, those forms occurring in ruminants are difficult to remove. Occasional whipworms will be removed by many of the anthelmintics used for the removal of other worms from sheep but there is no specific treatment available at the present writing. The enema treatment de- scribed under therapy for oesophagostomiasis is said to be fairly effective against T. oris. However, in view of the lack of evidence concerning the pathogenicity of the parasite, there would be little need for the use of the treatment in uncom- plicated infections. TREAT.MENT FOR INFECTIONS WITH OESOPHAGOSTOMUM SPP. Phenothiazixe. The introduction of phenothiazine by Har- wood, Habermann and Jerstad (1939), provided the first an thelmintic which is useful for the removal of 0. columbiauiim when administered orally in a single dose. These investigators found that the conditioned drug administered as 20 percent of a meal of concentrates after a period of fasting at a dose rate of 0.5 gram per pound of body weight removed 90 percent of the nodular worms, almost SO percent of the Haemonchus, 76.7 percent of the hookworms, and apparently 100 percent of the Ostertagia. Subsecjuent investigations in the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry (Habermann and Harwood, 1939; Haber- mann, Harwood, and Hunt, 1940) demonstrated that either rccrystallized phenothiazine or the ci'ude non-conditioned drug was even more effective than the product which had been con- ditioned for use as an insecticide and which was employed in the earlier tests. A dose of 25 grams has been recommended for adult sheep. These results have been confirmed by a num- ber of other workers, including Swales (1939), Roberts (1939.) and Gordon (1939). Swales administered phenothiazine in an enema without ob- taining any efticacy for the removal of Chabcrtia ovina or 0. culumbiaiiiim. This finding would .seem to confirm the view of Harwood and his associates that the drug probably under goes some chemical change in the digestive tract of the host which acts to promote its efficacy. Failing to find that sheep regularly consumed mixtures of the anthelmintic with the feed. Swales reduced the bulk of the commercial product by prepar- ing compressed tablets according to the following formula : Commercial phenothiazine (pulverized) SO parts Starch ( pulverized 1 S parts Effervescent salt (sodium bicarbonate, ."0 parts, dehydrated tartaric acid, 45 parts) 9 parts Dried ox gall 2 parts Phenolplithalein _ _ __. 1 part The individual dosage of sheep at the rate of 0.3 gram of phenothiazine for each pound of bod^' weight in Swales' ex- periments was very effective for the removal of H. contort ux, Bunostomuiii trigonoccphaUim, 0. colKiiibiarium, Chabertia uviiia, Ncmatodirus sp., Cooperia sp. and Ostertagia sp. The treatment was approximately 50 percent effective for the re- moval of Tricliontroiigi/Uix spp. but was apparently ineffective against Strungijloidcs and Capillaria longipes. Roberts (1S>39) tested Thio.x, a commercial preparation con- taining 93 percent phenothiazine, on a large number of ani- mals and found that satisfactory results were secured against 0. cohimbianum with a dose rate of 0.15 gram per pound of body weight given immediately after previous stimulation of the oesophageal reflex with 2 cc. of a 10 percent copper sul- phate solution and following a 24-hour fast. Without fasting or the use of the copper sulphate, a dose of 0.4 gram per pound was effective. Good results were obtained also against H. contortus but the treatment failed to remove Trichuris par- vispiciilum and T. globulosa. In certain of Roberts' tests some of the sheep failed to respond to treatment even with the higher dose rate of the drug. Gordon (1939) confirmed also results against II. c(iiitortii.i and nodular worms. He found also that phenothiazine in a dose of 0.6 gram per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight reduced the egg counts of Triclio.stroiigi/liis spp. by 90 peicent or more. Small daily doses of the drug ( 1 gram daily for -5 ■ days) were effective against the common stomach worm and the nodular worm. Insoluble Copper Salts. A treatment which was developed by Monnig (1935) in South Africa is of considerable value against 0. cohimbianum but does not approach the efficacy of jiheiiothiazine. This treatment consists in the administration of certain insoluble salts of copper in the proportions and doses given below : Dosage in grams for sheep of various ages Over 6 3 to 6 and under Over Drug Parts months 18 months IS mo)ilh.i Copper arsenate __ 2 0.2 0.36 0.5 Calcium hydroxide 3 0.3 0.54 0.75 Copper tartrate 5 0.5 0.9 1.25 Total dose in grams 1.0 1.8 2.5 In an effort to deliver the mixture into the abomasum, the sheep are given 2.5 cc. each of a 10 percent solution of copper sulphate and this is followed immediately by the appropriate dose of the mixture. Sheep should be watered immediately be- fore treatment but should be fasted for 48 hours prior to dos- ing and 24 hours after dosing. Water should be withheld for 1 to 2 hours after treatment. Recommendations call for ro- peating the treatment on the following day. The treatment is said to have a fair degree of efficacy against E. contortus and Moniezia crpansa. Enema Treatment. This treatment, originally recommended by Brumpt 35 years ago, has more recently been developed further by South African and Australian workers. The tieat- ment consists of a solution of 2 grains (125 mgm.) of sodium arsenite per liter of water. The solution is administered by enema in the following doses: Lambs up to 4 months of age 1 pint Lambs 4 to 6 months „. 1.5 pints Six months old to 2-tooth sheep 1 quart Aged sheep _ _ _ . 1.5-2 qts. Sheep should be fasted for 24 hours before treatment. The solution may be allowed to flow by gravity, may be given by syringe, or may be injected by a specially devised apparatus. The forced in,iection of the solution involves some risk and deaths have followed its use. This method of treatment is time consuming and ill adapted to large scale application. Swauson, Porter and Connelly (1940) found that uncondi- tioned phenothiazine removed 99. S percent of 0. radiatum from calves when the drug was administered in doses varying from 50 to 80 grams (0.44 to 1.1 gram per kilogram of body weight). While it is not possible to make definite therapeutic recom- mendations on the basis of these preliminary experiments, it would appear that phenothiazine is of considerable promise for the removal of nodular worms from cattle. treatment for CHABEHiTIA OVINA INFECTION As previously stated. Swales found phenothiazine 100 percent effective for the removal of these worms from a limited num ber of animals. Habermann and Harwood (1939) reported 344 lator tliat iioii coiuiitiHiii'd plionotliiaziiio in doses of ['.' Id 12 grains lemoved 2li Ilcterakis from 1:2 chickens and failed to re- move 8S0, but of the worms not removed all except 121 had been killed by the action of the drug by the time the birds came to necropsy. Also in repeated doses varying from O.O.'i to 0.5 grams per dose, phenothiazine removed 4,C(>3 worms from l.") chickens. All of the 277 Hctcrakis not removed by the time the birds came to necropsy had been killed by the action of the drug. Rectal injections by means of a hard rubber enema syringe of a mixture of 0.1 cc. of oil of ehenopodium in 5 ec. of cot- tonseed oil for a 1..5 pound (080 gram) bird were found by Hall and Shillinger (1923) to remove 90 percent of the heter- akids from chickens. Probably double this dose would be ef- fective for birds weighing 3 pounds (1.36 kgm.) or more. This mixture may be made up at the rate of 1 teaspoonful (4 ce.) of oil of ehenopodium in li fluid ouncQS (180 cc.) of cottonseed oil, and given at the rate of Vs fluid ounce (10 cc.) for birds weighing 3 pounds or more, using a proportionately small dose for smaller birds. The two ingredients should be thoroughly mixed before administration. The tip of the syringe should be passed along the floor of the cloaca and the mix- ture injected slowly. TRE.\TMF.N'T FOR ASCARIDIA OOLUMBAE INFECTION Carbon tetrachloride in repeated doses of 0.5 to 2 ce. ad- ministered in liquid paraffin on several consecutive days has been found entirely effective in removing these worms from pigeons. Tetrachlorethylene in a dose of 0.6 cc, preceded and followed by sodium sulphate, is said to constitute an effective treatment. TRE,\TMENT FOR ASCAKIDIA GALLI INFECTION Various treatments are available in single doses for the re moval of these worms. Tetrachlorethylene in a dose of 1 cc. for average sized birds is very effective. For young chickens, the dose should be reduced in accordance with the weight of the bird. Carbon tetrachloride is not as effective as tetra- chlorethylene but n-butylidene chloride in doses of 2 cc. for adult birds removed all ascarids from test birds. These drugs may be administered in gelatin capsules but care should be taken that the drugs do not enter the lungs. Nicotine sulphate combined with Lloyd's alkaloidal reagent, a selected diatomaceous fuller's earth, is a very effective single dose treatment. Recommendations call for the adminis- tration to each bird of a No. 2 capsule containing 35 cgm. (5.45 grains) of a mixture of 6.6 cc. of 40 percent nicotine sulphate solution and 16 grams (4 drams) of Lloyd's reagent. Certain flock treatments are effective for the removal of Ascaridia and obviate the individual treatment of birds. The one recommended first by the California experiment station calls for the addition to the mash of 2 percent by weight of tobacco dust containing at least 1.5 percent of nicotine; this mixture is fed for a period of 3 to 4 weeks and repeated at 3-week intervals. For a single flock treatment, the California station recommended the use of 1 teaspoonful of oil of eheno- podium, thoroughly mixed with moist mash, for each lot of 12 chickens. TREATMENT FOR OXYSPIRURA MANSONI INFECTION A treatment which has been found of value consists in the administration of 1 or 2 drops of a 5 percent solution of creo- lin under the nictitating membrane of the eye which is first anaesthetized with cocaine or a 5 percent solution of butyn. The creolin should be washed out promptly with water. The worms killed by the treatment are usually carried down the lacrimal duet. The use of a 10 percent solution of argyrol as a supplementary treatment is of value in relieving the irri- tation and in helping to control concomitant bacterial infection. TREATMENT FOR DISPHARYNX SPIR.VLIS INFECTION Whitney (1925) tried carbon tetrachloride and turpentine in pigeons and believed the latter to be more effective. He gave a No. 0 gelatin capsule filled with dry magnesium sulphate 12 to 24 hours prior to treatment; one No. 0 capsule of turpen- tine was then given night and morning for 4 days, the last dose being followed by 2 cc. of castor oil. Pigeons treated by this method showed marked clinical improvement. Bibliography .\.SENJO, C. F. 1940. — A preliminary study of the anthelmin- tic activity in viiro of fresh pimapple juice. J. Am. Pharm. Assoc, v. 29(1):8-10. BozicEVicii, .J. and Wiuiiirr, W. IT. 1935. — Carbon disulphide for the removal of stomach worms from swine. Vet. Med., v. 30(9) :390-393. IjBOwn, H. p. and Austin, J. A. 1939. — Treatment of heart worms in dogs with stibsol — a new drug. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc, V. 95(752) :566-569; correction v. 95(753) :738. Brown, H. W. 1932. — Treatment of pin worm (Entcrobius vennicularis) infestation with hexylresorcinol. Proc Soc Exper. Biol. & Med., v. 30(2) :221-224. 1937. — Observations on the mode of action of several anthelmintics upon Ascaris lumbricoidcs (pig strain). Am. J. Hyg., V. 26(1): 72-83. Caius, J. F. and Mhask.vk, K. 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M., Bozicevich, J. and Under- wood, P. C. 1937. — Critical anthelmintic tests of some primary monobrom hydrocarbons. Papers on helminthol- ogy, 30 Year Jubileuin, K. J. Skrjabin, pp. 769-779. Wright, W. H. and Underwood, P. C. 1934. — Fouadin in the treatment of infestations with the dog heartworm, Diro- filaria immitis. Vet. Med., v. 29(6) :234-246. Wright, W. H. and Van Volkenbert, H. L. 1937. — Critical tests with various dyes as anthelmintics for chickens. Rev. Med. Trop. y Parasit., v. 3(2) :125-132. Young, D. B. 1930. — Diagnosis of worm pa-asites in the fox. Am. Fur Breeder, v. 3(3) :31. 349 CHAPTER X FEEDING HABITS OF NEMATODE PARASITES OF VERTEBRATES J. E. ACKERT and J. H. WHITLOCK, Kansas State College. Manhattan, Kansas 'J'lit' obscured habitats of the parasitic nematodes preclude ready observations upon their feeding haljits. Indications of their nutritive needs have been gained from chemical analyses of the worm bodies. Weinland (litOl) found that glycogen made up one fourth to one-third of the dry substance of the ascarid body. Flury (1912) was led to believe that ascarids had essentially the same chemical constitution as other animals. He found only such minor differences as a lack of uric acid, creatinine and the substitution of a high molecular alcohol (ascarjl alcohol) for glycerol in combination with fatty acids. From these studies it seemed probable that the nutritive needs of parasitic nematodes are fundamentally the same as those of other animals, although Aekert (1930) has shown that there is no evidence to indicate that Atirarklia galli needs Vitamin .\, Vitamin B (complex), or Vitamin D. As most of the research on the feeding habits of nematodes has been upon adult forms, they will be discussed first; then tl larval forms will be compared with the adults, and the sec- tion will close with a brief review of digestion in the parasitic nematodes. Although there are many diverse groups of nema- todes, few methods of parasitic feeding have been evolved. The similarity of these feeding habits in nematode groups which are widely separated morphologically would make a dis- cussion of nutrition from a primarily taxonomic standpoint repetitious; hence the subject will be discussed from an eco- logical and physiological standpoint rather than from that of a morphological classification. Ecologically, iiarasitie nematodes may be grouped as to whether they are associated with the physiological interior or exterior of the host body. The physiological exterior of the body, as here considered, is marked by any epithelial mem- brane lining a cavity which communicates with the exterior of the host body. Most of the parasitic helminths are associated with the physi- ological exterior of the bodj', particularly the mucosae. This group will be subdivided upon the l>asis of being attached to the mucosae most of the time or usually unattached. Attached nematodes maj- hold their positions by the buccal capsule grasp- ing the mucosa {Ancylostoma, A'ecator, Strongylus) or by pene tration of the mucosa (Fhysaloptcra, Trichuris). Nematodes unattached to the mucosa may be closely associated with it (Haemonchus, Mctastrongylns) or not closely associated with it {A.icaris, Ascaridia, Hrtcrakis, Oxyuris). Nematodes in- habiting the physiological interior of their hosts are best ex emplified by Dirofilaria, Spirocerca and Strongyloides. Nematodes in the Physiological Exterior of the Body NEMATODES ATTACHED TO Ml'COSA BY BUCCAL CAPSULE The best examples of this group are the hookworms Aiii-i/hi stoma and Necator which apparently remain attached to the intestinal mucosa much of the time. The sucker-like oral open ing and the adjacent teeth or cutting plates afford effective means of attachment and bloodletting. Since the earliest recorded observations, blood has been considered as a prob able food of hookworms. Grassi, according to Leichtenstern (1886), saw hookworms eject blood both from the mouth and the anus. Leichtenstern thought, as did Grassi, that much more blood is withdrawn by the parasite than is necessary for its food. As the fecally deposited red cells seemed to be prac tically unchanged, Leichtenstern inferred that the plasma must be the main source of nourishment. In 1888 Ernst noted the emission of blood from the mouth cap.sule and Whipple (1909) observed the oral and anal emission of blood in both Xecator and Ancylostoma. Whipple believed that there was a rapid ingestion of blood by the parasite. Aekert and Payne (1923) who took Necator suillus repeatedly from the intestines of freshly killed swine frequently noted female specimens v\-ith bodies colored red from ingested blood. On the other hand some workers, notably Looss (190.5) and Ashford and Igara videz (1911), maintained that blood is not the normal food of hookworms. They observed worms lacking blood even when they were attached to the intestine. They found tissue ele ments and shreds of mucosa in both the esophagus and intestine and concluded that the parasites fed primarily on the mucous membranes; the blood in the tract was thought to be due to accidental hemorrhage from hookworm bites. Support for the view that portions of the mucosae serve as food for such worms was given by Hoeppli (1930), who found that Ancylostoma duodenale is more than a blood sucker. The piece of mucous membrane taken in )iy the mouth capsule is rasped by the teeth. Blood from surface vessels pours into the buccal capsule where .secretions from the esophageal glands partially digest the blood and loosened portions of the mucosae. "After this di- gestion has taken place, the liquefied masses are swallowed by the worm." Evidence that disintegration had taken place wa.s furnished by staining the tissue at the bottom of the mouth capsule and in the lumen of the esophagus. Wells (1931) in a series of ingenious experiments was able to observe living Ancylostoma canitium in the act of feeding. He was able to observe the attachment of the hookworms to the mucosa, study the details of the blood-sucking process, the passage of the blood through the intestine of the worm, and its ejection through the anal orifice. From the volumes of blood withdrawn by the parasite and the rapid rate at which it passed through the intestine. Wells was of the opinion that the food of the hookworm consists of simple dift'usable substances in the host blood. In studies upon the food of the dog hookworm, Ancylostoma caniiiiim, Hsii (1938) made serial sections of hookworms taken from living hosts and found red blood cells in all worms; ho also found fragments of host tissue and white blood cells all of which were in stages of disintegration. As further evidence of blood as food for the hookworms, Hsii reported the find g of pigment granules in the cytoplasm of the worms' intestinal cells, which gave positive iron reaction. These granules, which were found in large quantities throughout the whole intestine, the author interpreted as owing their origin to the breaking down of red blood corpuscles. Hsii did not find intestinal con tents of the host, worm eggs, or bacteria in the hookworms' intestines. He concluded that the food of A. caninum consisted of blood and mucosa cells. Other nematodes that attach by means of buccal capsules in- clude such forms as Strongyhis, Chabertia and Camallanus, all of which are known to draw intestinal epithelium into their mouths. From the disintegrated condition of the tissue so drawn in, it is probable that epithelial tissue and blood form a portion of their food. Whitlock (unpublished), who has worked extensively with living equine strongyles, has noted in the worm intestines material resembling partially digested blood. Wetzel (1931b), studying Chabertia ovina (Fab.) in sheep colons, found that the nematodes feeds on the propria mucosae which it draws into its buccal capsule. The tissue fragments which are loosened by the gnawing of the nematode are partially digested, according to Wetzel, by secretions from the dorsal esophageal gland. Support of the view that C. ovina attacks the mucous mom brane is afforded by the work of Kauzal (1936) who found numerous small hemorrhages on the mucous membrane of the large intestine of sheep which he attributed to C. ovina. He examined 250 of these specimens quantitatively for iron which he assumed to be derived from haemoglobin. The presence of the haemoglobin and the reddish tint of the intestinal con tents of the immature C. ovina led Kauzal to infer that thi.s nema ingests considerable quantities of blood. That the at tachment to the intestinal mucosae by the buccal capsule is a widespread feeding phenomenon among the Strongyloidea is further shown by Magath (1919) for Camaltanus amcricanus in the turtle intestine and by Hoeppli and Hsii (1931) t'oi- h'ul- icephalus sp. in the enteric caual of snakes. NEMATODES ATTACHED MUCH OF THE TIM 10 I'.V PENETRATION OF THE MUCOSA Typical examples of this group are Trichuris and Physalop- tera. The food of Trichuris apparently is secured while the anterior extremity is imbedded in the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Christofferson (1914) who reviewed the literature on Trichuris (Trichoccphalns) up to 1914, observed a peculiar cell transformation about the imbedded anterior por tion of these nematodes. Hoeppli (1927) found such changes in human and baboon intestines in which the Trichuris made tunnels in the mucosa parallel with the surface of the intestinal lining. Surrounding the anterior ends of the trichurids in these tunnels, the epithelial cells, according to Hoeppli, were transformed into syncytial-like structures with eosinophilic homogeneous protoplasm and pycnotie nuclei as a result of the action of a liquifying secretion from the worm. Hoeppli 's studies (1927, 1933) led him to believe that the liquified syn- cytial material was taken by the trichurids as food. That Tricliuris may take blood was indicated by the studies of Guiart (1908) who found blood-engorged trichurids. Garin, cited by Otto (1935), likewise found Trichuris filled with blood and reported that blood was found in the stools of 50 out of 3.50 .'>4 tricliuris iiit'i'c-tod patients. In support of tlie view that these nematodes may feed on lilood were the tindinjjs of Li (1933e) and Chitwood and C'hitwood (My^l) that the adult Tri- chtiria bears a stylet capable of insertion suflieient for drawing blood. Chitwood and Chitwood (ISU?") showed that the anterior muscular [lart of the trieluiroid esophaKUs possesses uiuselcs capable of the dilation necessary for .sucking. Moreover, they found by serial sections a large number of red coipuscles in Ihc esophageal lumen of Trichi(ri.i. While Smiruov (1936), after a comprehensive study of the literature and of serial sections of worms, concluded that there was no convincing evidence that trichurids feed on blood, the fact remains that Whipple (IIHH)) and Garin (1913) reported the occurrence of hemolytic enzymes in Trichiiris. From the various studies made it ap- pears that trichurids secure their food from the intestinal mucosa and that it may consist of liquified mnco.sal tissue and Idood elements. Studies on the food of Tricliim Uti xpiralix were made by Heller (1933) who introduced encysted trichina larvae enclosed in collodion sacs into the snuiU intestines of cats and rats. While the meat around the larvae was digested in 0 to 8 hours, they made no growth in 1 to 3 days. Trichiiiella larvae en- closed in fine silk bags and thus kept away from the intestinal mucosa likewise did not develop. That these nearly adult trichinae do not feed on intestinal contents seems likely also from other tests by Heller who fed India ink along with meat containing encysted larvae, but failed to find any ink in the worms' intestines. Sections of intestinal tissue made after the encysted trichinae were fed showed that the freed larvae penetrated the intestinal mucosa, where the maturing trichinae doubtless secure their food. Following the work of Heller, McCoy (1934) injected sterile TrichineUa larvae from digested rat muscle into the amniotic sac of chick embryos li to 1.5 days old. Definite growth of the maturing larvae occurred in only about 1 or 2 percent of the trichinae. A single female developed to sexual maturity. Bet ter success was attained in a second series of experiments in which the sterile larvae were injected into the amniotic sacs of rat embryos on approximately the 14th day of gestation. In 2 to ,■) days, practically all worms were developing at nearly the normal rate and on the fifth day, numerous female trichinae were found with embryos developing in their uteri. These re suits give further evidence that TrichineUa normally feeds upon host body fluids secured from the mucous membrane. Moreovei', van Someren (1939) reported a functional buccal stylet in T. spiralis and indicated that it is used to lacerate the host tissue and release tissue fluids. From the examination of living specimens immediately after recovery, van Someren believed that the food, which is in a fluid state when ingested, consists of tissue fluids, cell contents, or perhaps predigested tissue acted on by a tissue lysate from the anterior esophageal glands. Among other nematodes attached much of the time to the enteric mucosa is Plnisaloptcra. Studies by Hocppli and Feng (1931) showed that the mucosa about the anterior ends of these attached worms was liquified or partially digested, presumably from esophageal secretions from the nematodes. Studies of sectioned mucosa showed definite excavation of tissue immedi- ately around the anterior ends of the worms, presumably from the taking of the liquified tissue as food. UNATTACHED NEMATODES CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUCOSA Many nematodi's belonging to this grou]), while Iniving jioorly developed buccal capsules, are able to puncture the mucous membrane and draw blood. For example, Stadehnann (1891) found blood corpuscles in the nearly nuiture Ostertagia oster- tagi (Strongylu.i convolutiis) in nodules of the abomasum, and Dikmans and Andrews (1933) found such stages of Ostertagia circwmcincta in the mucosa and partly free in the abomasal lumen of sheep. Unfortunately, however, much of the evi- dence is circumstantial. Thus Ransom (1911), writing of Haemonchus contortiis and Ostertagia ostertagi, stated that they evidentl.v suck blood for the heavily infected liosts arc anaemic. Other writers simply state that they suck blood. Veglia's (191(5) observations on living worms demonstrated that the oral lancet made definite cutting movements. Fallis (1938) placed Nematodirus among the blood suckers on the basis of a spectroscopical analysis of the body fluid which showed the absorption bands for oxyhaemoglobin. In the same year, Davey (1938), who studied the food of nematodes of the alimentary tract of sheep, questioned the spectroscopic demon stration of haemoglobin in nematodes as evidence of their being blood suckers. He found that haemoglobin was present in tissues other than the alimentary canal of Nematotlinis spathigrr and that its absorption bands had different positions from those in the blood of their hosts. These facts, together with his finding of haemoglobin in species of Trichostrongylidae long after any haemoglobin from the host would have decomposed, proved Ihat these nematodes could synthesize haemoglobin. Davey 's (1938) culture tests with serum, blood digests, and defibrinated blood as food for Ostertagia, Cooperia, Nematodirus and Tri- vliostrongi/lus were unsuccessful, as were also those on abo- masum fluid for Ostertagia circumciiicta. These negative re- sults led him to the conclusion that these nematodes with rudi- mentary buccal capsules pjobably feed on tissue elements at oi ill the mucosa. Other evidence of intinuite association of trichostrongyles with the mucosa of the alimentary tract is available from rab- bit neumtodes. Alicata (1932) experimentally infected rabbits with Olxliscoides ciinieiili by feeding infective larvae. Ex amination about 2 months later showed nematodes free on the mucous membrane of the stomach or under the membrane and into the snbmncosa. That such trichostrongyles feed from the enteric wall was the opinioTi of Wetzel and Enigk (1937) who, on infecting raljbits with (irapliidiiim strigosum, found tlie stonuich mucosa bloody. Enigk (1938) examined the intestinal contents of several sexually mature G. strigosum and found a colorless viscous mass containing nuclear remnants apparently from white blood cells, granules and bacteria. Other tests such as feeding the rabbits pulverized chaicoal. trypan blue and car mine resulted in these substances being ingested by the nenm todes. Also, injecting the hosts intravenously with trypan blue for several days resulted in the worms taking up several blue colored particles presumably desquamated mucosa cells. Enigk concluded that G. strigosiim's food consists of gastric mucosa, gastric juice and stonnxch contents. Other unattached nematodes closely associated with the mn cosa include lungworms which inhabit the bronchi and bron chioles. Hung (1920) studying swine lungs infected with adult Metastrongylus elongatus frequently found eosinophiles and red blood corpuscles in the worms' intestines. The findings of Por- ter (1930), who made similar studies, indicated that the mate- rial in the worms ' intestines consisted of elements identical with those found in the exudate surrounding the nematodes. In cross sections of the worms. Porter recognized large uum bers of eosinophilic and neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leuco- cytes, lymphocytes and desquamated epithelial cells. Erythro- cytes w^ere seen in some instances. These and some of the leuco- cytes and epithelial cells appeared to have been digested in part by the worms. From the findings of the investigators cited, the food of many of the unattached sti'ongyles appears to consist mainly of substances derived from the mucosa, namely, leucocytes, erythrocytes, lymphocytes, plasma, exudates and desquamated mucosa cells, but also of some extra-mucosal material such as stomach contents. UNATTACHED NEMATODES NOT CLOSELY ASSOCI- ATED WITH THE MUCOSA Chief among the parasitic nematodes not closely associated with the intestinal mucosa are members of the Oxyuroidea and Asearidoidea. Among the early observations of the food of such nematodes were those of Leuckart (1876) who found that the intestine of Enterutiius vermicidaris usually contained yel- low fluid which on microscopical examination proved to br identical with the liquid host feces. Similar observations wi'rr made by Leuckart on Oxyuris equi whose intestinal contents contained small particles of vegetable material identical with the contents of the horse intestine. Early in the present century, Weinberg (1907) examined the intestines of many Ascaris specimens but could not find red blood corpuscles in them and expressed the opinion that the horse Parascaris feeds on the contents of tlie host intestine. To ascertain whether Ascaris feeds upon intestinal contents, Vogel, cited by Hoeppli (1927), fed powdered animal charcoal to a human patient infected with Ascaris. The results of the first test were negative, but in a second test carried out simi- larly, numerous charcoal particles w-ere found in the intestine of the worm. On the other hand, a number of early workers held to the view that the ascarids are blood suckers. This view was derived, in part, from microscopical and chemical examina- tions which showed evidence of blood in the intestines of Ascaris and related forms. For example, Mueller (1929), on studying specimens of Anisakis simplex from the sperm whale stated that the intestine, in all cases, contained blood in con- siderable quantities with occasional fragments of muscle and other tis.sues. From the quantities of blood corpuscles pres- ent, Mueller was of the opinion that the nematode had a blood- sucking habit. Mueller was unable to determine the nature of the intestinal contents of any other genus of the Anisakinae that he studied. If such ascarid forms are blood suckers some specimens should be found in contact with the mucosa. Hoeppli (1927) reported on the examination of 350 cadavers in which large numbers of ascarids were found. No evidence was available to show that anv of these nematodes were attached to the mu- 351 cosa. Hoeppli further stated that in Fiilleborn 's Laboratory no cases had been found with the asearid, Toxocara canis, attached to the dog intestine. Other workers on examining large num- bers of horse intestines at slaughter houses always found Parascaris equornm free in the lumen of the gut. Standard textbooks carry the statement that Ascaris Iximhri- coides feeds on intestinal contents but gnaws at the mucosa. This statement doubtless is due to the occasional finding of reddish spots in the intestinal epithelium in cases of asearid infection. While such spots occur occasionally, those who have examined hundreds of mammalian and avian intestines which contained numerous ascarids can testify that in the great ma- jority of eases, no evidences of the adult ascarids attaching the mucosa are available. As to certain Asearidoidea being attached to the intestinal wall presumably for feeding, Guiart, cited by Hoeppli (1927), found in the stomach of a dolphin the clear imprint of the worms' lips in pit-like depressions of the mucous membrane. Similar observations were made by Hoeppli (1927) on a Con- tracaeciim sp. from a seal from northern waters. It is quite possible that instead of being attached, the dying worms pressed their anterior ends deeply into the mucous membrane of the dead host. As to the food of ascarids, Archer and Peterson (1930), by giving patients infected with Ascaris liiinbricoides a barium- cereal-meal, found that the enteric canals of the parasites showed string like shadows, indicating that the nematodes in the host intestine had swallowed the barium. These observa- tions indicated that Ascaris lumbricoides feeds on the intes- tinal contents of man. Following this work, Li (1933a) fed to six dogs, positive for ascarids, liquid Chinese ink or powdered charcoal twice a day for several days. While most of the tests were negative, due presumably to a vermicidal action of the charcoal, one dog gave unquestioned positive evidence. The one female worm from the dog 's intestine definitely showed charcoal and beef particles in its enteric tract. In a subsequent series of tests, Li (1933b) fed a mixture of powdered charcoal, clotted blood, striated beef muscle and starch granules to experimental ani- mals harboring ascarids as follows: Dog, Toxocara canis; cat, Toxascaris leonina ; and chicken, Ascaridia (/alii. The re- sults from the dogs gave no positive evidence ; that from the cat showed that the worm intestine contained diarcoal, blood cells, and beef particles. These findings were confirmed by examination of paraffin sections of the worms. The results from four chickens showed charcoal and beef particles in the intestines of all worms including both male and female sjjeci- mens. From similar experiments, in which starch granules were substituted for powdered charcoal, all worms recovered showed starch granules and some beef particles. To ascertain the nature of food of the chicken cecal worm SeteraMs gallinac, Li (1933b) fed infected chickens powdered charcoal and beef as l)efore. On examination, most of the worms showed charcoal in the entire intestine. In further studies, Li opened tlic intestines of Ancaris lumbricoides from man and mounted tlie intestinal contents on slides for micro- scopic examination. Wliile most of these contents could not be identified, Li found in one specimen two Ascaris eggs and a piece of striated muscle. The results of Li 's experiments (1933a, 1933b) indicate that the intestinal contents of the host constitute part of the food of Ascaris lumbricoides, Toxocara cauis, Toxascaris leonina, of mammals; and Ascaridia galli and Jleteralcis gallinac of fowls. The findings of Li and of other workers cited, while showing tliat certain ascaroids take intestinal contents, do not pre- clude the possibility that these nematodes may also feed upon the intestinal epithelium. In a study of the food of the fowl nematode, Ascaridia galli (Schneider), Ackert and Whitloek (1935) deprived chickens infected with Ascaridia galli of food by mouth; the experimental chickens were nourished by intra- muscular injections of glucose. The results of the first series of experiments on 141 chickens with worms of various ages indi- dated that little growth occurred in the worms after the host chickens were taken off the regular feed. In the second series in which 96 additional chickens were used, Ackert, Whitloek and Freeman (1940) used worm infections of one week's dura- tion in the tests. Experimental and control chicks under com- parison were of the same age and the developing worms were from the same egg cultures. The results of this series of tests were very uniform, namely, that in the chickens given only water per os and intramuscular injections of glucose, the young Ascaridia galli ceased growing whereas tlie worms in the regu- larly fed control chickens made normal growth. These results indicate that the large nematode of chickens wliose mouth parts are very similar to those of mammalian ascarids, did not secure nutriment from the intestinal epithelium of the host. These nematodes may have fed to some extent on duodenal mucus from the goblet cells but Ackert, Edgar and Friek (1939) have shown recently tliat such mucus ninv contain an inhibitory growth factor for young Ascaridia tliat have been grown in the culture media developed by Ackert, Todd and Tanner (1938). This last group of workers prepared a salt-dextrose solution in which young Ascaridia galli will grow. On the introduction of mucus from growing chickens into the nutrient solution, the cultured Ascaridia ceased growing, whereas the control worms in the nutrient solution continued to increase in length. In the glucose-injected chickens, the duodenal mucus, while con- taining an inhibitory growth factor, may have afforded the Ascaridia galli food sufficient for maintaining life, but not for growth. The literature cites cases in which lilood has been found in the digestive tracts of ascaroids. For example, Mueller (1929) found blood in the intestine of Anisahis simplex and Guiart, cited by Lievre (1934), saw some Ascaris whose digestive tracts were full of blood. On the other liand, Lievre cited Brumpt as having performed numerous autopsies to see if Ascaris caused ecchj-motic spots on the mucosa. But Brumpt was un- able to find such spots, and the intestinal contents of the worms showed only chyme, never blood. Indirect evidence of blood as a nutrient of ascarids is avail- able from the finding of haemoglobin in the worms' bodies by such tests as the Benzidine blood test and spectroscopic analy- sis. That the former is an unreliable test for blood has been shown recently by Davey (1938). Using spectroscopic analy- sis, Lievre (1934) found traces of haemoglobin in the intestine of the dog asearid, Toxocara canis. Even though the spectro- scopic examination of blood was positive in 7.') percent of the cases, the quantity of haemoglobin noticed was so small that Lievre was led to think that the haemoglobin had come from the flesh colored food of the animal. Lievre, on macerating the intestines of Ascaris lumbricoides, Parascaris equorum and Ascaris suum was unable to find any haemoglobin present in these worms by spectroscopic analysis. He concluded that there is no haemophagia in Ascaris and only in exceptional circum- stances would there be ingestion of blood. Davey (1938) dem- onstrated haemoglobin in the dermo-muscular tube of Toxocara canis and in tissues other than the alimentary canal of Ascaris. He found, further, that the absorption bands of the haemoglo- bin in the tissues had different positions from those in the blood of their hosts, indicating that these nematodes were able to synthesize haemoglobin. Thus the presence of haemoglobin in the tissues of nematodes is not necessarily evidence tliat tliey feed on blood. Further indicative evidence that ascarids may take blood is available from the work of Schwartz (1921) who found that the body fluid of Ascaris lumbricoides inhibited coagulation of rabbit blood to a moderate extent. Extracts of Parascaris equorum and of Toxocara sp. had a slight effect on the coagula- tion of sheep's blood. Whether or not this property of the asearid body is utilized by the living nematodes is unknown. It is conceivable that asearid nematodes living with hookworms which are known to draw l)lood in excess would swallow blood from time to time. But as other writers have indicated, this would be exceptional rather than normal. In the light of our present knowledge, it appears that tlie oxyuroids and ascaridoids feed normally on the intestinal con- tents of the host including also any mucus, desquamated muco- sa cells, and blood elements that may be free in the lumen of the intestine. Nematodes in the Physiological Interior of the Body The nematodes that live in the physiological interior of the liody are exemplified by Dirofilaria, Spirocerca and intra-mueo- sal Strongyloides. In a recent study, Hsii (1938a) was led to believe that Dirofilaria immitis feeds exclusively on red and white blood cells. In the ease of Diplotrinena triciispis, Hsii (1938b), after studying the intestinal contents of this parasite of the crow, concluded that the worms ' food consisted of the inflammatory exudate in the thoracic cavity. While there was evidence of blood being ingested, Hsii believed that it is not taken normally. As the adult Tt'uchereria bancrofti normally lives in lymph vessels and nodes, it doubtless normally feeds upon lymphocytes and other constitutents of lymph. When such encapsulation as shown by Faust (1939) occurs, the en- capsulated worm dies, apparently from lack of food. In a further study of the food of nematodes, Hsii (1938a) concluded that Spirocerca lupi feeds on inflammatory cells that Iiass through the nodule walls. Observations on the food of another nematode of this group, Strongyloides stercoralis, were recorded by Askanazy (1900) who concluded that the mother worms in the intestinal mucosa fed on chyle; he found no indication that they take blood. Faust (193.5), studying Strongyloides in the mucosa of the jejunum, found evidence of lytic action by the female worms, particularly around the head of the worm where disintegration of the tissue was observed. Considering the facts that the adult females spend much of their time in the intestinal mucosa and 352 tliMl Ilu'v liiivi- luit ln'i'ii (ilisiMvcd to take liUiod, it is iinilialilc that they feed on t-liylo and tlio partially disintegrated tissues ill their tunnels. The Food of Larval Parasitic Nematodes The nutrition of the larval parasitic nematodes is funda- mentally like that of adult parasitie or free liviiiK iieiuatodcs subject to the modifications imposed by the environment and the structure of the larvae in question. For example, the re- searches of McCoy (1<)2!)), Lepage (10.S3, in37) and Glaser and StoU (lil.'iiS) on "the free-living stages of Strongylina have re- vealed no essential differences between the mode of nutrition of these immature forms and that of the free-living stages of Rhabdiasidae (see Chu, l!)3(i) and Strongyloididae (see Faust. lO.Si;'). Tlie feeding mechanisms (buccal capsule and rhabdi- toid esophagus) and sources of food (bacteria or fluid organic matter") are essentially the same. The method of feeding of RhabdHix as described by Chitwood and Chitwood (1038, p. 7st. From the foregoing it would be logi- cal to conclude that larval nematodes in secondary hosts feed as do adult nematodes in analagous positions in primary hosts. Inactive encysted forms are at such low levels of metabolic activit.v in both types of host that simple diffusion is probably more than adequate to maintain the parasite. The nutrition of immature nematodes in a primary host is, as far as known, like that of adult nematodes in similar posi tions except for (a) larval nematodes carrying reserve food- stuff and (b) larva! nematodes which may be nourished by dif- fusion. For the rest it is possible to find a larval nematode feeding habit identical with each ma.ior type of adult nematode method of feeding. Wetzel (1930) has shown fourth stage Oxyiiris equi to feed like adult Strovgyliis sp. Ortlepp (lfl37) found the same true of larval Gaipcria pachysceHs. According to Ackert (1931), Ascaridia ffalli larvae penetrate the mucosa of the small intes tine and feed much as do Physaloplcra sp. or StronqyJoidrs sn. In a study of Cooperia curticei, Andrews (1939) noted the third stage larvae feeding in the lumen of the gut. The fourth stage larvae of this parasite had their anterior ends in the crypts of Liebcrkiihn and grew while in this position indicating the same type of nutrition as that observed in the adult Triehostrongylidae. Immature Probstmayria rivipara are found free in the gut tube like ascarids indicating a similar mode of nutrition. Ac- cording to Ransom (1911) immature Oesophapostonm colnm- biaviim feed on the cheesy material in the nodule making their mode of nutrition essentially similar to such forii's as Cnatlm- stoma. Ascarid larvae in the blood stream ingest and digest blood cells, according to Sminiov (193r>), hence resemliling adult Dirofilaria. Wetzel (1931a) has reported a case of what he considers to be extra-intestinal digestion by the fourth stage larva of Dermatoxys veJtgera which attaches to the intestinal mucosa by means of four cephalic hooks, a unique attachment mechanism in nematodes. The recent development of culturing techniques for parasitie nematodes promises more information regarding their food. However, to date only one parasitie nematode has been cul- tured throughout its life cycle. This is Neopleciana glaseri which is parasitic in the .Japanese beetle, PopiUia japonic'a (Glaser, 1932). Attempts to grow Haemonchus contortiis of sheep by Lapage (1933) and Glaser and Stoll (1938), and Ascaridia galli of chickens by Ackert, Todd and Tanner (1938) have been only partially successful. Hence, these are included with the discussion of the nutrition of the larval forms. No direct observations of the food of these parasitic nematodes have been made, but the fact that the nematodes have grown and developed in an artificial environment indicates that at least part of the environment is a source of food. Table 1 lists these attempts at culturing parasitic nematodes. From these considerations it appears that the food of lar- val parasitic nematodes may include bacteria, enteric contents, vascular fluids and elements, and mucosal cells and ti.ssnes. Digestion in Parasitic Nematodes Most of the parasitic nematodes are placed in intimate contact with the host 's physiological fluids which carry nu- trient materials to its cells. Since these nutrients are in their simplest diffusable form it might be assumed that much of the nourishment of parasitic nematodes is derived from this source and that no true digestion is required. However, a number of Author Nematode Glaser N roplcctana (1932) glaseri McCoy and Neopleciana Glaser glaseri (1936) McCoy and Neopleciana Girth glaseri (1938) Glaser and Baemonchns Stoll conlorivs (1938) Ackert, Ascaridia Todd and galli Tanner (1938) Tahi,k 1. — Siiiiiiiiary of ulliiiipis Ui ciilliirc iiarasilic nematodes. Successful Degree of Culture Normal Growth Media host Complete Dextrose - veal .lapaneso infusion agar beetle with yeast Complete Fomented po Japanese tato medium hi \: Complete Veal infusion & Japanese preservatives beetle L a s t Agar, liver ex- Sheep part of tract, sheep fourth blood and kid- larval ney defibrinated stage blood Me asur Incubating Chicken able. hens' eggs, growth starch, dextrose, commercial agar workers have demonstrated the existence of a true digestion in phylogenetically widely sejiarated parasitic nematodes; hence, it is probable that they all carry on some form of digestion. According to the location of the digestive processes, various workers have distinguished between an intestinal and extra- intestinal digestion. Much of the evidence of extra-intestinal digestion rests upon the occurrence of necrotic or cytolyzed ma- terial around the anterior attached end or within the buccal capsule of parasitic worms. That such .-i i (i"fl>iiiM of the host tissue is so often interpreted as extra-intestinal digestion is somewhat questionable since the effect of parasite excretions, simple trauma, mechanical pressure, and heterophilogenous proteolytic enzymes upon the host tissue would produce many of the conditions described as extra-intestinal digestion. This form of digestion may be possible in some nematodes, how- ever, since Hoeppli (1927) has discovered an epitheliolytic ma- terial present in the anterior end but not in the posterior por- tion of Stroiigyhis. The intestinal digestion in nematod"s has been th? sub.ject of work by a considerable number of investigators. Most of the studies have been confined to the demonstrations of en- zymes within extracts of the parasites. Because of the early workers' limited knowledge of enzyme action, much of their results need confirmation before they can be accepted. Flury (1912), for example, made no attempt to crifically evaluate the research of other workers. He simply listed the worker's name and the enzymes which he reported. In little of this early work was the action of bacterial enzymes adequately controlled. The demonstration of a peptolytic enzyme in the gut of Toxocara caiiis by Abderhalden and Heise (1909) is questionable for this reason. Nor was any particular attempt made in the early work to differentiate between intracellular and extracellular enzymes. Most of it was done with extracts of the parasite being studied, and peroxidases and proteases were reported as though the question of their respective origins was of little importance. Recent researches have been more accurate. Enigk (1938) showed that Graphidium strigosnm produces an amylase and a protease which are active in the gut tube of the parasite. He was unable to demonstrate a lipase. Chitwood (1938) demon- strated in an extract of the esophagus of Asearis lumiricoides, a proteolytic enzyme which was inactive at its isoelectric point (ph 8.0) and most active in a weak acid solution. The fact that such workers as Wetzel (1928) and Hoeppli and his co- workers have demonstrated digested epithelial cells within the alimentary tracts of certain parasitic nematodes, gives evidence of the existence of ,jroteoIytie enzymes in parasitie nematodes. Enigk 's (1938) finding of a varying reaction in the gut tube of Graphidium strigosiim (pH 7.0 at the ends and 4.4-4.8 in the middle), and Van Someren's (1939) report of an acid re- action in the intestine and rectum of Trichinella spiralis are additional confirmation of the presence of enzymes because al- teration of the reaction of the digestive tract of animals is universally coordinated w^ith the optimum pH for the enzymes present. Anticoagulants in blood sucking nematodes have been dem- onstrated by a number of workers. While such products are not primarily digestive, they doubtless prevent blocking of the parasite's alimentary tract with clotted blood; hence, they are an aid to digestion. Such products have been reported by Schwartz (1921) and Hoeppli and Feng (1933). Careful consideration of the relative values of the researches demonstrating the presence of enzymes leads to the conclusion that at least one and probably more proteolytic enzymes are 353 present in the intestine of many parasitic nematodes as well as at least one amylytie enzyme. Demonstrations of lipases have been impossible or questionable. Although little research has been done on digestion in parasitic nematodes, the demon- stration of these enzymes lends weight to the hypothesis that digestion in parasitic nematodes is essentially like that of other animals possessing a digestive tract. Bibliography Abderhalden, E., and Heise, E. ISOO. — Neber das Vorkom- men peptolytischen Fermente bci den Wirbellosen. Ztschr. Physiol. 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Wetzel, R. and Enigk, K. 1937. — Zur Biologie von Graphidium strigosum, dem Magenwurm der Hasen und Kaninchen. Deutsch. Tierarzte. Wochenschr., v. 45(25): 401-405, figs. 1-3. Whipple, G. H. 1909. — The presence of a weak hemolysin in hookworm and its relation to the anemia of uncinariasis. J. Exper. Med., v. 11: 331-343. 355 CHAPTER XI CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND METABOLISM OF NEMATODE PARASITES OF VERTEBRATES, AND THE CHEMISTRY OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT THEODOR VON BRAND, Department of Biology, Catholic University of America and THEODORE LOUIS JAHN, Department of Zoology, State University of Iowa The metabolic procLSses of nematode parasites comprise a subject which has l)een under investigation for many years. Progress in the field, however, has been particularly rapid dur- ing the last decade, and it is the purpose of the present au- thors to present a summary of the known facts of metabolism together with the related subjects of the chemistry of the worms and of their environment. Recent reviews which deal with some of the subject matter here presented are those of Slater (1928), McCoy (1935), Lapage (1S3S) and v. Brand (1934, 1938). Peculiarities of Environment Which May Influence Metabolism The wide differences in the habitats of the various nematode parasites of vertebrates are undoubtedly correlated with wide differences in metabolic processes. The organisms which live in the digestive tract, blood stream, lungs, kidneys, subcutaneous tissue, etc., are subject to quite a variety of environmental conditions. In those cases where open contact with the blood stream or lymph is maintained the parasites are, of course, subjected to an environment very similar to that of the cells of the host body. Whenever a nematode is surrounded by a cyst wall which reduces the availability of oxygen, or is located in a region deprived of free blood circulation, metabolic jirocesses are probably different from the processes in those species which live in the blood stream. Species that live in the digestive tract have an environment which is peculiar in many respects. The chemistry of blood is adequately described elsewhere, and the chemical environment within cysts and in chemically isolated tissues is practically unknown (except for cestode cysts, Schop- fer, 1932). Therefore, the present discussion of environment is limited to the chemistry of the digestive tract. From the viewpoint of nematology the chemistry of the in- testinal contents is interesting for several reasons. A thor- ough knowledge of the chemistry of the environment may allow a better understanding of the physiology of the intestinal parasites, it may aid in the formulation of culture media suit- able for growth in vitru (cf. Glaser and Stoll, 1938), and it may shed light on the problems of host specificity and on the possi- bility that experimental modifications of intestinal contents may be of use in controlling the activities of the nematodes. The effect on nematodes of many of the substances found in the intestine has not been studied. In the hope that the pres- ent discussion might serve as a partial outline of substances to be investigated, the authors have included a general discussion of the chemical compounds present. THE SEQUENCE OF CHEMICAL EVENTS IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT In any discussion of the chemical composition of the contents of the digestive tract it is necessary to keep in mind the se- quence of events which occurs as the ingesta pass through the alimentary canal. The chemical composition of the contents of the gut varies with diet, with species, and with the state of health. However, in any healthy animal on a constant diet there is a definite sequence to the chemical changes which occur. In man, the stomach leccives the mixture of food and saliva. To this is added mucus, pepsin, and hydrochloric acid. The material present in the duodenum is derived from four sources: chyme from the stomach, bile, . pancreatic juice, and succus entericus. The stomach contents when emptied into the duo- denum consist, among other things, of proteoses and peptones, starch, sugars, fat droplets, some fatty acids and glycerol, hydrochloric acid, plant fragments containing cellulose and undigested plant tissue, and water. The bile contains mucin, the pigments biliverdin and bili- rubin, the bile salts Na-taurocholate and Na glycocholate, cho- lesterol, lecithin, fats, soaps, inorganic salts and water. The relative amounts of taurocholate and glycocholate vary with the species; the dog, for example, is entirely lacking in glyco- cholate. The pancreatic secretion contains NasCOa and the enzymes trypsin, lipase, and amylopsin. The succus entericus contributes the enzymes erepsin, lipase, maltase, invertase, lac- tase, and rennin, and a large amount of mucus and desqua- mated epithelial cells. Due to partial sterilization of food, or to the action of hydrochloric acid and bile salts, living bac- teria are present only in small numbers in the duodenum and in normal men may sometimes be absent (Kellogg, 1933). As tliese materials pass through the duodenum and jejunum diges- tion is completed, and tlie products of digestion and most of the bile salts are absorbed. The bacteria increase in numbers, utilize some of the products of digestion and decompose others. As the material passes through the large intestine water is ab- sorbed, and calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphates are secreted by the intestinal wall. The feces of an animal on a carnivorous diet are composed mostly of the intestinal secretions and bacteria. If vegetables make up a considerable part of the diet, the bulk of the feces is increased, and plant fragments appear in the feces, some- times with the contained plant protoplasm only jiartially di- gested. The large bulk of undigested cellulose stimulates peristalsis, and consequently causes a more rapid passage of ingesta through the intestine, which results in the absorption of less water liy the colon and a more liquid feces. The materials which are present in tlie digestive tract and which may affect the metabolism of nemas are for convenience discussed under the following headings: (1) Composition of the intestinal gases, (2) Hydrogen ion concentration, (3) Dis- solved materials (exclusive of gases), (4) Antienzymes. Nema- todes, esi^eeially those which live in tissues, are known to secrete digestive enzymes, but these are more properly discussed under the subject of nutrition of the worms. COMPOSITION OF THE INTESTINAL GASES The composition of the gases in or in contact with the in- gesta varies greatly in different parts of the digestive tract. The gas tension of the stomach contents varies at different periods following a meal and depends on the amount of air ingested with food. The action of HCl causes a release of bound COj, most of which is probably absorbed either in the stomach or upper intestine. The oxygen ingested with the food apparently undergoes a rapid decrease so that it is almost ab- sent from the intestine below the duodenum. The analyses of von Brand and Weise (1932) show that very little oxygen is introduced into the intestine by the bile. These investigators also studied the oxygen content of fluid intestinal matter and of intestinal gases. They found that the oxygen content of the fluid of both the large and small intestines of almost all ani- mals examined was practically nil. The only exception was one pig which contained quite appreciable amounts of oxygen. This might have been caused by the swallowing of large amounts of air, perhaps at the time of slaughtering. The values for all animals except the pig correspond to about -5 percent saturation. The data of several investigators on the oxygen content of intestinal fluids and gases are summarized in Tables 13 and 14. The data in Table 14 demonstrate the ab- sence of oxygen in the gaseous content of the intestine of all animals except the pig. Long and Fenger (1917) found that oxygen was present in appreciable quantities in the in- testinal gases of the pig, and this was confirmed by v. Brand and Weise. It has been assumed by Slater (1925) that the intestinal walls give off oxygen to the intestinal contents during digestion. This has not been proved experimentally, and Long and Fenger (1917) found that the oxygen content was lowest during active digestion. It seems probable (as indicated by the data of Mclver, Redfield, and Benedict, 1926) that oxygen may diffuse inward from the intestinal wall, but it is also very likely that the bacteria present near the wall would consume this immediately so that very little oxygen from this source would ever reach the central portion of the lumen. The avail- able evidence indicates that the environment of intestinal hel- minths is not devoid of oxygen but contains oxygen in only small quantities. Worms which live close to the intestinal wall may have access to larger amounts. In the case of the hook- worm it is apparent from the observations of Wells (1931) that the blood sucking activities represent largely a respiratory function. Analyses of intestinal gases other than O: are not numerous. The intestinal gases of man vary with diet. Ruge (1861) gives the following data for percentage composition: Diet CO. H= CH. N= Vegetables 21-34 1.5-4.0 44-55 10.19 Meat 813 0.7-3.0 26-37 45-64 Milk -- 916 43-54 0.9 36-38 356 Tlio (lata of Fries (liHUi) slmw tliat tlif gasos of man iiu a mixed diet are similar to tliose given above for a meat diet. Further analyses are given hj Baseli (190S). The absorption of intestinal gases is diseiissid liy Melver, Redfield, and Bene diet (192(i), and the subjeet of human gastro intestinal gases is reviewed bv Ziegler and Ilirseh U!l2r)) and Lloyd-Jones aiiil Liljedahl (l!t"34). The intestinal gases of the dog were analyzed by Planer (ISlilO. His analyses demonstrated large amounts of CO2 and N;, and a smaller amount of Hi; througluiut the digestive traet, a small amount of 0» in the snuill intestine, and a small amount of HaS in the large intestine when the dog was on bread or meat diets. On a vegetable diet 11= largely replaced the N-, while O2 and "US were absent. In these analyses methane is conspicuously absent. The intestinal gases of various herl)ivores have been ana- lyzed by Tappeiner (18S3), and the literature is summarized by Scheunert and Sehieblich (1!127). The data of Tappeiner (1883) on the percentage composition of the gases in cattle, sheep, and goats (all of which were quite similar) are as follows : Table 13. — Oxygen Content of Fluid Intestinal Maxxi COa Os - CH. Ha Rumen 65 .5 30 0.6-4.7 1-40 Small Intestine 62-92 0 .04-6.6 0-37 1 Caecum and Colon about 30 0 38.r)3 2-6 23-34 Data for the horse (Tappeiner, 1883) are: Small Caecum Stomach Intestine and Colon Eectum COi. 75 15-43 55-85 29 Os 0 0.57-76 0.14 0 CHi 0 0 11-33 57 H2 14 20-24 1.7-2.2 0.8 Na 10 37-60 .9-10.0 13 I>ata for the rabbit (Tappeiner, 1883) are: Caecum Stomach Small Intestine and Colon CO2 32 75 6 O2 0 0 0.6 CH. 0 2 21.0 Hj 0 18 0.6 N2 ._ 68 6 72 Long and Fenger (1917) found a large amount of N2 (74 — 92'/i ) somewhat less CO2 (o — 28%), and about 5 percent Os, but no methane or H2 present in the small intestine of hogs. The production ot methane is probably caused mostly by bac- terial decomposition of cellulose, althougli the data of Ruge indicate that it can also be produced b.v bacterial action when the animal is on a meat diet. The analyses of Tappeiner and others also indicate the presence of H2S in some cases. H-S and Xa must be formed by the action of bacteria on protein. Ammonia is also formed by bacterial decomposition of protein, Ijut it is usually bound by the acids of the intestine. Most of the CO2 is probably of bacterial origin, although in the duo denum it may also be formed by the NaX'Oa of the pancreatic juice and the acid of the chyme. The NH., and the CO2 of the succus entericus are discussed by Herrin (1937). Most of the intestinal gases are eliminated from the body by the lungs. Tacke (1H84) found that 10 to 20 times as much of the in- testinal gases of rabbits escape by means cjf the blood and lungs as by way of the anus. The effect of the gases other than o-xygcn on intestinal nema- todes is entirely unknown. Methane, H^, and N2 are probably without either beneficial or harmful effects. The utilization of o.xygen will be discussed in the part dealing with metabolism of adult nematodes. The effect of CO2 is unknown. Since it is incapable of further oxidation and since there is no evidence of chemosynthesis in the nematodes, the only apparent effect it could have would be the ad,justment of intracellular pH. Since intestinal nematodes live in a medium usually saturated with CO2 it is conceivable that they may depend on this sub- stance as an intracellular buffer. Therefore, it may become important to maintain a high CO2 content in in vitro cultures (Cf. possible role in growth of intestinal protozoa, Jahn, 1934, 1936). It should be noted that Weinland (1901) found that Ancarif: survived longer in vitro when the medium was satu- rated with ('Oj. Part of .\nimal intestine Oxygen in Number volume per- of cent mean deter- and ( ) mina- extremes tions Horse Sm. intestine 0.024 (0.016 0.031) Dog. ... Sm. intestine 0.028 Cattle Sm. intestine 0.013 (0.00 0.02.-,) Sheep Sm. intestine 0.012 (0.00 0.025) Pig .... Sm. intestine 0.083 (0.00-0.35,s) Cattle Lg. intestine 0.010 (0.00 0.023) Pig -. Lg. intestine 0,00 Investigator 2 Toryu (1934) 1 V. Brand & Weise (1932) 2 V. Brand & Weise (1932) 4 V, Brand & Weise (1932) (i V. Brand & Weise (1932) 3 V. Brand & Weise (1932) 1 V. Brand & Weise (1932) Table 14. — Oxygen Cont Oxygen in volume per cent mean Part of and ( ) Animal intestine extremes Horse. .-Sm. intestine 0.67 (0.57-0.76) Cattle..-Sm. intestine 0.00 Cattle -Sm. intestine * Goat- Sm. intestine * Sheep-...Sm. intestine * Pig -Sm. intestine 5.5 (1.2 14.2) Pig Sm. intestine 4.2 (0.4-8.2) Dog Sm. intestine 0.2 (0.0-0.7) Horse.- Lg. intestine 0.07 (0.000.14) Cattle....Lg. intestine 0.00 Goat Lg. intestine 0.03 (0.00-0.07) Sheep-— Lg. intestine 0.00 Rabbit -Lg. intestine 0.62 Dog -Lg. intestine 0.00 *Not enough gas for analysis. ent of Intestinal Gases iS' umber of deter- mina- tions Investigator 3 Tappeiner (1883) 1 Tappeiner (1883) * V. Brand & Weise (1932) » Tappeiner (1883) * V. Brand & Weise (1932; 9 Long & Fenger (1917) 6 V. Brand & Weise (1932) 8 Planer (1860) 4 Tappeiner (1883) 1 Tappeiner (1883) 3 Tappeiner (1883) 1 Tappeiner (1883) 1 Tappeiner (1883) 6 Planer (1860) HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION The pH of the stomach and intestine has been measured for a large number of animals, and some of the representative data ai'e listed in Tables ]."j and 16. Contents of the stomach of car- nivores, omnivores, and herbivores with a simple stomach, and of the abomasum of ruminants are distinctly acid in character due to the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The rumen and oma- sum vary from neutral to distinctly alkaline. The pH of the duodenum is extrenu^ly variable but is usually acid because of the introduction of HCI from the stomach. The pH of the re mainder of the small intestine is less acid than the duodenum, and there is usually a progressive rise toward neutrality or to a slight alkalinity; the pH seldom reaches a value higher than 8.0 or 8.2. The colon and caecum of most animals are neutral, slightl.y acid, or slightly alkaline. Some of the recent litera- ture is reviewed by Lenkeit (1933). The pH of the intestine may be lowered b.v the administra- tion of large quantities of lactose, especially if the diet is low in protein. Robinson and Duncan (1931) found that the pH of the rat intestine could be lowered about one pH unit by the administration of 25 percent lactose with a low protein diet (other literature is cited by these authors). In man it is known that the acidity of the intestine may be considerably decreased if large amounts of lactose accompanied by Lacto- bacilltis aeidophiltis are ingested (literature cited by Kopeloff, 1926, and Frost and Hankinson, 1931). Comparable results have been obtained with the domestic fowl (Ashcraft, 1933). The direct addition of mineral salts such as NaCl, MgSO<, CaCU, Ca(0H)2, CaSO., NaHCO:,, and NH.Cl to the diet may have no effect on pH in experimental animals (McClendon et al, 1919; Heller, Owens, and Portwood, 1935 ; Mussehl, Blish, and Ack- erson, 1933). However, positive results with mineral salts have been obtained by Robinson (1922), Shohl and Bing (1928) and others. A deficiency of vitamin D is also known to cause tlie intestinal contents to become alkaline due to lack of Ca ab- sorption (Zucker and Matzner, 1923; Jephcott and Bacharach, 357 Table 15. — The pH of Stomach Contents Animal pH Author Man minimum pH 1.0 to 2..5 Eat _. 3.2-4.6 Eat _1.8-5.6 (av. 3.6) Bat .,3.3-3.9 Horse - - 1.13-6.8 (507c between 1.1 and 3.3) Rabbit ..1.8 Cat _3.34 Dog . — _1.5-2.0 Dog - ..2.0-6.0 Dog _1.37-5.7 (av. 3.47) Chick, gizzard - ..3.39 Cliiclf. gizzard .2.9-3.2 Chicken proventriculus .5.9 Chicken proventriculus .4.8-5.7 Cattle abomasum ..2.0-4.1 Cattle abomasum .3.8 Sheep abomasum ..3.15-0.25 (av. 4.0) Cattle rumen „ ..8.89 (8.61-9.68) Cattle rumen --. ..7.5-8.0 Sheep rumen. ... ..7.0-7.6 McClendon and Medes (1925) Kahn and Stokes (1926) Sun, Blumenthal, Slifer, Ber- ber and Wang (1932) Eastman and Miller (1935) Kofoid, McNeil and Cailleau (1932) Schwarz, Steinmetzer, and Caithaml (1926) McLaughlin (1931) McLaughlin (1931) Maun and Bollman (1930) Schwarz and Danziger (1924) Nagl (1928) McLaughlin (1931) Ashcraft (1933) McLaughlin (1931) Ashcraft (1933) Schwarz and Kaplan (1926) Mangold (1925) Davey (1938) Schwarz and Gabriel (1926) Kreipe (1927) Ferber (1928) 1926; Redman, Willimott, and Wokcs, 1927). The pH may be appreciably lowered by addition of cod liver oil to a rachito- genic diet. The effect of varying the proportions of protein, fat, and carbohydrate has been reported to cause no marked change in the pH of the intestine of rats (Redman, Willimott and Wokes, 1927), dogs (Grayzel and Miller, 1928; Graham and Emery, 1928), or man (Hume, Denis, Silverman, and Irwin, 1924). However, the data of Robinson and Duncan (1931) show consistently higher pH values for rats fed on grain and alfalfa than for rats on a high protein diet (Table 16). East man and Miller (1935) studied the effect of a number of diets on gastrointestinal pH in rats. It has been suspected for some time that the pH of the cen- tral portion of the lumen is not the same as that close to the intestinal wall. Evidence for this is found in the feces in that the surface of stools is more alkaline, apparently because of secretion of alkaline salts by the intestinal wall. Kofoid, Mc- Neil, and Cailleau (1932) reported ditterences in the pH of contents and wall throughout the digestive tract of the rat. (Ta- ble 16). Robinson (1935) studied the effect of placing various salt solutions in the small intestine of dogs on the pH of the solution and decided that each portion of the digestive tract tended to produce a characteristic pH value in the solution, re- gardless of the initial pH. He concluded that the pH of the region close to the wall increases regularly from pH 6.5 to 7.5 or 8.0 throughout the length of the small intestine and pointed out that the pH close to the wall is probably largely indepen- dent of changes produced in the lumen by the action of bac- teria. Ball (1939), by means of a capillary glass electrode, has measured the pH of the wall (data given in Table 16). The possibility that pH may be a limiting factor in the dis- tribution of sheep nematodes was investigated by Davej' (1938). He found that Ostertagia circumcincta was able to live between pH 3.2 and pH 9.0. This range allows it to live in the aboma- sum of sheep (pH 3.2-5.25) but apparently may be one rea- son why it does not infest the stomach of the dog (pH 2 or less) or horse (pH 1.1-6.8) or the abomasum of cattle (pH 2.0 to 4.1). Two duodenal species from sheep, Trichostrongylus cohibriformis and T. vitrii-s. were alilc to stand a continuous acidity as low as pH 3.6, but five other species {Nematodirus fiUcoUis, N. spathiger, Cooperia oncophora, Cooperia curticei, Strongyloides papillosus) from the middle and lower small in- testine were killed at acidities of pH 3.9 to 4.6. Since the duo- denum is more acid than the ileum, the low resistance to acidity may be an important factor in preventing the five species from the middle and lower intestine from infesting the duodenum. It has been suggested by Lapage (1935a, 1938) that pH has an influence on the second ecdysis of triehostrongylid larvae (out- side of the host) and that this may be of importance in allow- ing development of the parasite. The third ecdysis (in the intestine) might be similarly affected. It seems possible that the presence of nemas in the digestive tract might cause a change in gastrointestinal pH, either directly (perhaps because of lesions in the epithelium) or in- directly through the systemic reactions of the host. In cases of ancylostomiasis and intestinal schistosomiasis Eldin and Hassan (1933) found evidence of gastric disturbance which disappeared after removal of the worms. Fernandez (1934), however, found no correlation between gastric acidity and hel- minth parasites. DISSOLVED SUBSTANCES (EXCLUSIVE OF GASES) The dissolved materials of the digestive tract consist of the ingesta and various secretions listed above, the products of digestion, and the products of bacterial decomposition. Many of these, especially the carbohydrates, may serve as food for nematodes; many others may be toxic and may be effective in Table 16. — The pH of the digest ive tract contents. Animal and Diet Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Caecum Colon Investigator Man Man _ Man Dog . — Dog Dog - — Dog — Cat 2.27-7.8 4.7 -6.5 4.5 2.0 6.2 5.9 -5.1 -7.6 -6.5 Rat Eat — grain & alfalfa Rat — high protein Eat — high base Rat Eat — lumen of gut . Rat — wall of gut... Rat — wall of gut Rabbit Cattle Cattle Horse 6.5 6.5 6.75^ 6.4> 6.4^ 5 gi (4.2 -6.9) 6.93 6.34 7.35 6.68 7.0 7.0-7.6 6.0-7.0 6.0-6.27 to 7.7' 6.8' 6.8' 6.6' (5.0-7.3) 8.42 6.1-7.3 5.9-6.5 6.0-8.0 6.0-7.0 6.36 6.8 7.2 8.2' 7.3' 7.25' 6.9' (5.6-7.7) 7.13 7.34 6.89 8.0 8.2 Hogs, calves, lambs .. Fowl Fowl — meat scrap Fowl h 20% lactose 6.72 .... 7.09 Indefinitely variable 6.48 to 7.76. More often acid than alk. 6.3 _. 6.22 5.96 ._ 7.1 6.51 .._ 7.16 6.0-6.5 6.57 6.5-7.2 7.0 7.3 7.0 6.4 (5.1-7.4) 7.13 7.34 7.06 6.26 8.2 8712 7.4 6.84 7.6 ■ 5.25 6.4 ■ 7.2 7.2 7.2 6.6 (5.4 ■ 7.33 6.95 6.91 7.4-8.4 8.4 6.6 7.5) Long and Fenger (1917) Karr and Abbott (1935) McClendon (1920) Mann and Bollman (1930) Graham and Emerv (1927-28) Grayzel and Miller (1928) Heupke (1931) McLaughlin (1931) Sun, Blumenthal, Slifer, Herber, and Wang ( 1932 ) Robinson and Duncan (1931) Robinson and Duncan (1931) Robinson and Duncan (1931) Eastman and Miller (1935) Kofoid, McNeil, and Cailleau (1932) Kofoid, McNeil, and Cailleau (1932) Ball (1939) McLaughlin (1931) Danniger, Pfragner, and Sehultes (1928) Heupke (1931) Danniger, Pfragner, and Sehultes (1928) Long and Fenger (1917) 1.9= McLaughlin (1931) 7.0 7.2 Ashcraft (1933) 5.1 6.3 Ashcraft (1933) 'Intestine divided into three approx. equal portions so that the measurements given may not correspond exactly to those of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. "Possibly a misprint in the original paper. 358 causing the localization of iKMuatodos in ccitain portions of the (ligestivo tract. The possibility that bile salts may affect the growth of in- testinal parasites has been recognized for some time. Accord- ing to Moorthy (l!t3.")) fresh bile from certain si)ecies of Barbiis and from sheep and man is capable of killing Ci/clops and of activating the enclosed larvae of linu-iinciihis mrilini iisix to es- cape. De Waele (liHU) claimed that the eestode, Taenia kyda- tigena {Cysticcrcun pixiformis), is able to infest dogs because of the absence of Na-glycocholate in dog bile and that since Na glycocholate is toxic to the organism it can not develo]i in animals which secrete this substance. Davoy (1938) has investigated the effect of bile salts ou sheep nematodes. He found that the species which infest the duodenum (Trichostrongylii.s colubriformis and T. vilriiius) of sheep were much more resistant to Na-tauroeholate and Na-gly- cocholate than other species {Ncmatodirim fillicoUis, A', spathi- ger, Coopcria oncaphora, Coupcria curticci, and Ostcrtngia cir- cumcxncta) from the lower small intestine and abomasum. Cooperia curticci, which lives closer to the opening of the bile duct than the other species except Tricliostrongj/lus colubrifor- mis and T. vitrinus, has a resistance second only to Tricho- Ktrongylus. Since the bile salts are introduced by the bile duct and are largely reabsorbed in the snuill intestine, the concen- tration of bile salts decreases along the intestine. The high concentration in the upper small intestine probably prevents species other than Tricliostrongylus from living in that region. In these experiments glj'cocholate seemed to be somewhat more toxic to Trichostrongylus than tauroeholate. Davey mentioned the possibility that difi'erential susceptibility to the two bile salts might be a factor in the determination of host specificity. The products of bacterial decomposition are of several types: 1. Products of carbohydrate decomposition from: a. Hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose in the rumen and large intestine of herbivores. b. Fermentation of simple sugars to lower fatty acids in the small and large intestine of all vertebrates and in the rumen of ruminants. 2. Products of protein decomposition from: a. Hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids in the upper small intestine. b. Fermentation of amino acids to aporrhegmas and to lower products in the lower small intestine and large intestine of animals with simple stomachs and in the rumeu of ruminants. Some of the products of fermen- tation are indol, skatol, paraeresol, phenol, volatile fatty acids, H=S, histamine, and tyramine. The relative amounts of these products depend on the type of pro- tein and on the species of bacteria present. At present there is little evidence that these substances are useful or harmful to intestinal nemas. Glucose is probably absorbed by nemas, and on this assumi)tion changes in the diet or in the bacterial flora which would affect the distribution of glucose should affect the parasites. From the studies of Grove, Olmstead, and Koenig (1929) on the low'er fatty acids in feces it seems as if the quantity and perhaps the distribution of these materials along the digestive tract is greatly affected by diet. It is also probable that the products of protein putrefaction may exert beneficial or harmful effects on the parasites. If so, then experiments in which the amount of protein putrefac- tion is controlled are in order. Such control is possible by the administration of large amounts of lactose and bacteria which ferment glucose to acid (review, Arnold, 1933). This treatment results in the replacement of the protein putrefying organisms of the coli-aerogenes group by those which ferment carbohy- drate. The change in type of fermentation products is prob- ably due to both the protein sparing action of carbohydrate and the change in flora produced by increased acidity of the intes- tine. Putrefaction could also be decreased by increasing the rate of passage of ingesta. It is possible to increase protein putrefaction at least in the large intestine by feeding such large quantities of protein that some of it escapes complete digestion and absorption in the small intestine. The putrefying organ- isms also increase under conditions of achlorhydria which re- sult in an alkalinization of the intestine, and if the achlorhydria is severe they may even become implanted in the stomach. It seems probable that experimental modification of the intestinal contents through modification of the intestinal flora may bring about changes in the distribution of nemas along the intestine, and perhaps such experiments may result in methods of con- trolling or eliminating certain species. Any changes which may prevent eedysis of larval nematodes might be extremely useful (Lapage, 193S). It is known that HiS is highly toxic to vertebrates and that it easily passes through most animal membranes. The studies of Enigk (1936) on the lethal effects of H.S on the eggs of Ascaris himbricoides and the studies of Lapage (193.5) on the infective larvae of Triclionlroiigylus suggest that the outer cov- ering of eggs and larvae may be permeable to H2S and other sulfur compounds. Lapage (193.5b) obtained considerable evi- dence that the permeability of the sheaths of larvae is changed by sulfur compounds. In these experiments the effect of pH was not carefully controlled, but the effect of 1 percent Na2S on the eedysis of infective larvae was more pronounced than that of 1 or 2 per cent NaOH. The sheaths became greatly distended due to intake of water. If this effect is really due to the sulfur compounds, this type of effect may give a chemi- cal basis for the statements of Mudie (1934) and Johnston (1934) that the eating of garlic will cause the disappearance of threadworms from the human digestive tract. Lapage (193.S) suggested that compounds which yield H:S when sub- .iectod to the action of intestinal bacteria might eventually be used as anthelmintics. Some of the products of protein putrefaction, especially H2S, rapidly combine with molecular oxygen and when in solution produce very low oxidation-reduction potentials. Bergeim (1924) devised a chemical method of obtaining an index of the reducing power of intestinal contents, and he found that the amount of reduction varied with diet. Preliminary electrical measurements of the oxidation-reduction potential of the rat digestive tract (Jahn, 1933) have shown that the Eh value may be as low as — 200 mv. in the caecum and somewhat higher in the lower small intestine. These measurements are well within the "anaerobic" range and support the conclusions mentioned above that oxygen is verj' scarce in the small intestine and ab- sent in the caecum. The osmotic pressure of the digestive tract is usually some- what higher than that of the serum and tissues. Schopfer (1932) gives the following freezing point depressions for va- rious animals: sheep, 0.70-0.83° C; cow, 0.80° C. ; horse, 0.74- 0.77° C; hog, 0.9-1.0° C; and the elasmobranch Scylliorhini/s, 2.4° C. With the exception of the elasmobranch the serum of the above animals has a molecular depression of about 0.55 to 0.65° G. Davey (1936b) gave a value of 0.55-0.63° C. for the abomasal contents of sheep. The osmotic pressure of the in- testinal contents probably varies considerably with salt intake, but absorption and excretion are apparently rapid enough to prevent the osmotic pressure from ever becoming more than twice that of the blood. As will be discussed below (General Chemical Composition) the osmotic pressure of the medium determines that of the worms. However, the effect of this change in osmotic pressure on worm metabolism is unknown. Davey (1938) has shown that Ostertagia circumcincta is capable of living in NaCl which varied from .4 percent to 1.3 percent (0.9 percent is equivalent to a freezing point depression of 0.6° C). In balanced salt solutions the range would probably be greater. ANTIENZYMES Since the nematodes of the vertebrate digestive tract live in a medium high in the concentration of proteolytic enzymes, the question of how they are able to resist digestion has often been mentioned in the literature. The mechanism seems to be at least dual: (1) the cuticle is relatively indigestible, and (2) the worms contain or secrete antienzymes, i.e., substances which inactivate the digestive enzymes. Evidence for this latter mechanism was first described by Weinland (1903) who de- scribed a substance with antitryptie powers in aqueous extracts of Ascaris. Dastre and Stassano (1904) believed that the ac- tion was antikinasic, but the experiments of Hamill (1906) confirmed the original conclusions of Weinland (1903). Hamill (1906) ascribed the following properties to the antienzyme: highly soluble in water and weak alcohol; insoluble in 85 per- cent alcohol ; thermostable in neutral or acid solutions ; ther- molabile in weakly or strongly alkaline solutions ; readily dif- fusible through membranes which retain colloids. Harned and Nash (1932) described an improved method for preparing high concentrations of antitrypsin by fractional precipitation with alcohol. They claimed that by varying the concentration of alcohol a preparation of antitrypsin could be obtained almost free of Ascaris protease. These investigators were able to demonstrate that their antitrypsin preparation also contained a weak antipepsin. A powerful trypsin inhibiting fraction was also recently isolated by Collier (1941) from Ascaris. An anti- trypsin with chemical properties similar to those of Ascaris antitrypsin has been prepared from egg white by Balls and Swens'on (1934). Sang (1938) investigated the mechanism of the action of Ascaris antienzyme and confirmed the conclusion that the sub- stance exerted both an antitryptie and an antipeptic activity. However, he could not confirm the result of Harned and Nash (1932) that the ratio of protease to antienzyme could be varied. Sang concluded that Ascaris protease and Ascaris antitrypsin and antipepsin are all one and the same substance, and he pro- 359 posed that this substance be called "asearase." His investiga- tions showed that asearase was readily diffusible and that it either is or is associated with a substance of the order of a primary albumose. It was precipitated by ammonium sulphate and 70 per cent alcohol, and was not destroyed by trypsin. Asearase did not inhibit the action of papain. Von Bonsdorff (1939) was unable to confirm the existence of antitrypsin or antipepsin in Ascaris extracts, but he did find that the extracts inhibited proteolysis of casein bv depepsinized gastric juiee at pH 7.4. Stewart and Shearer (1933) studied the digestion of pro- tein by infected and noninfected sheep and concluded that the nematodes of the stomach inhibited the normal digestive proc- esses. They then obtained an extract from the worms which was capable of producing a 40 to 7') per cent inhibition of the peptic digestion of casein. For this sulistance and for similar antienzymes of nematodes they siiggested the term ' ' nezyme. ' ' Andrews (1938) could not repeat the results of Stewart and Shearer on the lowered digestive action of infected sheep. He found that the digestibility coefficients were the same in infected and noninfected animals. Infected sheep did not gain weight as rapidly as controls, but Andrews concluded that this was probably caused by intestinal irritation. The existence of antienzymes has also been reported for cestodes. However, de Waele (1933), on the basis of experi- ments on Taenia sagiiiata, has questioned the existence of anti- enzymes and has assumed that protection of the worms from enzyme action is due entirely to the resistance of the cuticle. One basis for this assumption is found in the fact that pieces of worms but not whole worms may be digested by trypsin. This conclusion is sub.iect to criticism in that when worm frag- ments are placed in an enzyme solution considerable dilution of any antienzyme may occur by diffusion and the antienzyme may thereby be rendered ineffective. In view of the chemical isolation of the antienzyme mentioned above (Hamill, 1906; Nash and Harned. 1932; Collier, 1941) de Waele's conclusion certainly can not Ije extended to the nematodes. General Chemical Composition DRY WEIGHT There have been only a few determinations of the dry weight of parasitic nematodes, and the values recorded are fairly high. The average figures reported for Ascaris lumbricoidcs are 20.7 percent (Weinland, 1901) and 15 percent (Flury, 1912), for Parascaris, 21 percent (Schimmelpfennig, 1903) and 14.8 per- cent (Flury, 1912), and for a larval EiistrongtiUdes, 25 percent (V. Brand", 1938). Flury (1912) measured the dry weight of various parts of the body and obtained the following results: Dry weight in percent of fresh weight Ascaris fnmbricoidrs Parascaris equorum Body wall ..- 23.5-25.0 25.0 Alimentary tract 27.5 24.9 Body fluid - 4.0- 6.7 5.0 Reproductive organs ... 25.0-33.3 24.0-27.4 It can be calculated from Flury 's figures that these values represent the following fractions of the total dry weight: body wall 65 percent, alimentary tract 3 percent, body fluid 10 per- cent, and reproductive organs 20 per cent. CARBOHYDRATE.S Storage of carbohydrates in the form of polysaccharides seems to be quite common among the parasitic nematodes. .W- though chemical analyses have been made only for Ascaris, it seems likely that in this respect other species are very similar. Weinland (1901) and Flury (1912) found an optical rotation of +183° to +193° for the polysaccharide of Ascaris. Since these workers and Campbell (1936) identified the sugar result- ing from hydrolysis as glucose, and since the solubility of the polysaccharide and its color reaction with iodine are typical of glycogen, it seems probable that the substance is true glyco- gen. Campbell (1936), however, observed antigenic properties of a polysaccharide fraction isolated from Ascaris. It does not seem likely that pure glycogen would be capable of inducing the for- mation of specific anti-bodies. One should therefore expect that another polysaccharide is associated, perhaps in very small amounts only, with the glycogen. However, in so far as meta- bolic processes are concerned, it is justifiable to speak of glycogen alone. The occurrence of large amounts of glj'cogen in ascarids was established in a qualitative or semi-quantitative wav by Claude Bernard (1859) and Foster (1865), but Weinland "(1901) was the first to undertake a large series of quantitative determina tions. The more recent data on the glycogen content are sum marized in the following table: Glyco- gen in 7o of fresh sub- Species Sex stance Country Investigator .-{.scans lumbricoidcs ... ? 5.4 Germany Weinland, 1901 A.scaris lumbricoidcs ... ? 6.6 Germanv Schulte, 1917 Ascaris lumbricoidcs ... 5 7.2 Denmark V. Brand, 1934 Ascaris lumbricoidcs .. 9 8.7 Russia Smorodincev and S 6.1 Russia Bebesin, 1936 Ascaris lumbricoidcs ... 9 5.3 USA V. Brand, 1937 Ascaris lumbricoicUs ... $ 5.8 USA V. Brand, 1937 Dog Ascaris ? 4.5 Germany Germany Weinland 1901 Parascaris cqtiornm .... t 2.1 Schimmelpfen- nig, 1903 Parascaris equorum .... 9 3.8 Japan Toryu, 1933 Parascaris equorum ... S 2.9 Japan Toryu, 1933 Ancylostoma caninum mixed 1.6 USA V. Brand and Otto, 1938 Slrottpi/lus vulgaris .... » 3.5 .Japan Toryu, 1933 Filaria equina .. ? 2.2 6.9 Japan USA Torvu, 1933 Larval Eustrongylides V. Brand, 1938 Apparently the glycogen content of parasitic nematodes is always high. The lowest value amongst the intestinal nema- todes was found in Ancylostoma. This may be related to the fact that the hookworms have access to larger amounts of oxygen than the other intestinal helminths. It is curious that A.scaris lumbricoidcs analyzed in Denmark and Russia yielded higher average glycogen values than those in USA and Ger many. It is unknown whether this is caused by a different diet of the host and therefore of the parasite in various couu tries, or merely to different handling of the pigs before slaugh- tering. Sexual differences in glycogen content of parasitic nematodes do not seem to be pronounced. Smorodincev and Bebesin (1936) and Toryu (1933) found more glycogen in females than in males of Ascaris and Parascaris. Von Brand (1937), on the other hand, found slightlj' more polysaccharide in male as carids. So far, only adult nematodes of warm-blooded hosts have been analyzed, and contrary to what is known about many free-living invertebrates, no evidence of seasonal variation in the amount of stored glycogen has been found. The obvious explanation of this difl'erence lies in the uniform conditions under which the parasitic organisms live throughout the year. From this viewpoint, it should prove interesting to survey para- sites from poikilothermic and heterothermic hosts, in which such variations are more likely to occur. The glycogen distribution in various organs and tissues has been investigated both by quantitative chemical methods and by differential staining. Toryu's (1933) analyses of various organs of Parascaris equorum are summarized in the following table: Organ Glycogen in percent of fresh substance total glycogen Body wall (cuticle + sub- cuticle + muscles) Intestine Ovary Uterus - - Male reproductive system 9 s 9 s 5.8 4.9 66 96 0.6 0.6 2 0 fi.5 23 1.6 9 0.5 The body wall is obviously the most important storage place for glycogen in worms of both sexes. Differential glycogen staining has been used chiefly by v. Kemnitz (1912) and ilartini (1916) working with Ascaris and O.Tyuris, respectively. These workers extended the earlier investigations of Brault and Loeper (1904) and Busch (1905). It seems that in both cases the most intensive glycogen reac- tions are found in the plasmatic bulbs of the muscle cells of the body wall and in the hypodermis, cspeciall.v in the region of the lateral chords, but it was also found in other organs, for example, the intestine (compare also Hirsch and Bret- schneider, 1937) and the reproductive organs. Glycogen, how- ever, was never found in the cuticle, the phagocytic organs and the nervous system. Additional data om the glycogen mor- phology of other parasitic nematodes (Parascaris, Scleroslo- mum, Helerakis and Ancylostoma) are found in the papers of Busch (1905), V. Kemnitz (]912\ Faure Fremiet (1913), Tor- yu (1933) and Giovaunola (1935). In these cases, the general 360 (lattoiii of glvcoKi'ii storagi' Sffiiis to Ix' similar to that of Ascaris. In acuordaiu'e with the (luantitativc cliemical obsoiva tions muoh U'ss glvcogon was fuuiul l)y morpliological inothods ill hookworms than in ascarids. In the former, liowevcr, the rays of the bursa are an important storage place, and prob- ably represent an energy reserve for the male during the periods of copulation when it is detached from the intestinal wall (Giovannola, 193.')). Not much is known about the occurrence of carbohydrates of lower molecular weight in parasitic nematodes. Weinland (1901) found 1.6 percent, and Schulte (I'UT) found 0.9 percent glucose in Ascaris himbricoidt!!. It is, however, questionable whether these figures are not too high, due to a partial break- down of glycogen during the analyses. According to Foster (lSG;i) and v. Brand (1934) only very small amounts of re- ducing sugar occur in Ascaris. Faure-Fremiet (1913) found 0.15 percent glucose in the body fluid of Parascaris. ETHER EXTRACTABLE MATERIAL The parasitic nematodes seem to contain only small amounts of material extractable with ether or petrol ether. The mean values for Ascari.i Iinnhricoidcs vary from 1.2 to 1.6 percent (Weinland, 1901: Flury, 1913; Schulte, 1917; v. Brand, 1934; Smorodincev and Bebesin, 1936), and the value for a larval EustrongyJides is 1.1 percent (v. Brand, 1S38). The chemical compounds comprising the ether extract seem to be quite similar in Ascaris and Parascaris (Flury, 1912; Faure-Fremiet, 1913; Schulz and Becker, 1933). According to Flury (1912) 100 gm of ether extractable material from As- caris contains the following : Volatile fatty acids _ 31.07 gm Saturated fatty acids _. 30.89 gm Unsaturated fatty acids 34.14 gm Unsaponifiable matter 24.72 gm Glycerol „ 2.40 gm Lecithin 6.61 gm The volatile fatty acids were represented chiefly by valeric and butyric acids, with small amounts of formic, propionic and acrylic acid. In Parascaris the whole series of volatile fatty acids has been reported (Schimmelpfennig, 1903). The saturat- ed fatty acids of higher molecular weight were recognized as stearic acid with a small admixture of palmitic acid. Oleic acid was the chief representative of the unsaturated fatty acids. Flury 's value for glycerol is probably too low. Schulz and Becker (1933), using newer methods, found glycerol values ranging up to 8.8 percent. It is, therefore, unnecessary to as- sume as seemed necessary to Flury (1912) that there is a com- bination of part of the fatty acids with the unsaponifiable matter. It is probable that all the fatty acids are present in form of glyceryl esters. The unsaponifiable material is of special interest because it contains a compound which so far has been found in no other animal. This substance was found independently by Flury (1912) and Faure-Fremiet (1913), and it is known as ascaryl alcohol. It was recently reinvesti- gated by Schulz and Becker (1933), who assigned it the for- mula C33Hr»404. They state that its configuration is not yet sufficiently known, but that it may be an ethereal combination of glycerol with some higher alcohol. According to Faure- Fremiet (1913) ascaryl alcohol occurs in the female repro ductive cells only. Under these circumstances one wonders why neither Flury (1912) nor Schulz and Becker (1933) men- tion any other unsaponifiable substance, which should be ex- pected in other parts of the body. Faure-Fremiet (1913) found small amounts of cholesterol in the body fluid, the eggs, and the testes of Ascaris, but Bondouy (1910) found no cholesterol in Strongylus equinus. The ether extract of the lat- ter species seems to be characterized by the presence of soaps. Little is known about the distribution of the ether extract- able material in different organs. Flury (1912) found it to comprise 1.00 percent of the body wall of Ascaris and. 4.0 to 6.2."i percent of the reproductive organs. The latter figure agrees with that given by Faure-Fremiet (1913) for the testes. If allowances are made for the relative weights of body wall and reproductive systems, it seems probalile that roughly the same amount of ether extractable material is stored in both these places. This is in marked contrast to the distribution of glycogen. Microscopical examinations (v. Kemnitz, 1912; Faure-Fre- miet, 1913; Mueller, 1928/29; Hirsch and Bretschneider, 1937) have shown that fat droplets are deposited in the plasma bulbs of the muscles of Ascaris, in which the nuclei are usually surrounded by an accumulation of fat, in the four chords, and especially in the subcuticuhi. Stainable fat was also found in ganglion cells, the intestinal cells, and the reproductive or- gans. According to Mueller (1928/29) considerably more fat can be demonstrated with osniic acid in Parascaris than in Ascaris, although the pattern of fat deposition is the same in both species. NITROGEN CONTAINING SUBSTANCES Flury (1912) found 8.1 percent proteins in Ascaris. This is somewhat less than should be expected from Weinland 's (1901) N figure of 1.80 percent. Flury (1912) ascertained the presence of albumin, globulin, albumoses and peptones, purinebascs, amines and ammonia, and he identified a series of amino acids as degradation products of the worm i)rotein. Recently Yoshimura (1930) performed a quantitative analysis of the amino acids resulting from the hydrolysis of ascarids with sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. His results are summarized in the following table: Amino acids in percent of dry substance upon hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid sulfuric acid Leucine ._. 3.70 Alanine -- 1.4." Valine 0.79 Proline 3.41 Isoleucine 1.45 Serine - 0.72 Glutaminie acid 3.93 Aspartic acid 0.36 Glycocoll 0.29 Phenylalanine 0.02 Leucine 15..54 Histidine 0.45 Arginine 1.28 Lysine ! 2.58 Tyrosine 2.09 The N containing substances constituting the cuticle have already been discussed in another chapter (see page 32), and that characteristic of the eggs (chitin) is mentioned on page 177. Faure-Fremiet (1913) described under the name of ascaridine an intracellular protein of the spermatozoa of Ascaris. It con- tains 17.5 percent N, but no phosphorus or sulfur. The chemi- cal constitution of this interesting compound is not yet sufli- ciently known. It is insoluble in cold distilled water," but dis- solves rapidly in water of 50 to 51 °C. This critical temperature varies greatly if the substance is dissolved in various salt solutions (Faure-Fremiet and Filliol, 1937). According to Champetier and Faure-Feimiet 's (1937) roentgenographie stud- ies ascaridine seems to be a semi-crystalline substance, but it can be changed experimentally into an amorphous state. In recent years an increasing amount of attention has been given to the occurrence of respiratory pigments in parasitic nematodes. Haemoglobin seems to be widely distributed. It has been found in Dioclophyma, Ascaris, Para.73-631. Llovd-Jones, 0. and Liljedahl, E. M. 1S34. — Alimentary Gas. Med. Kec, v. 139:320-323. Long, J. H. and Fenger, P. 1917. — On the normal reaction of the intestinal tract. J. Am. Chem. Soc, v. 39:1278-1286. Mangold, E. 1920. — Handlmcli der Ernahrung und des Stoff- wechsels der landuirtschaftlichen Nutztiere, v. 2:202. Mamx, F. C. and Bollmax, J. L. 1S30. — The reaction of the content of the gastrointestinal tract. .1. Am. Med. Assoc, v. 95:17221724. McClendon, J. F. 1920. — Hydrogen-ion concentration of the contents of the small intestine. Proc. Nat. Acad. 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