in ;':■,'! 1 Mil 1 ' ■ ' ' ! 11 jj'it.'!' . J ' J ' ' ■1 i,' H EHl '■illy- ' ,: '■ ' >: '. ' ' : \_ ■[■'■■;'[' '[\ ' r - ■' . ','■,' A. AGASSIZ. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF GOMPAEATIVE GIFT OF ALEX. AGASSIZ. ZOOLOGY Mac 7 /S77 _-JL.' THE KAY S 0 C I E T Y. INSTITUTED MDCCCXLIV. 3^ LONDON MDCCCLXII. ^^l -? INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE F 0 R A M I N I F E R A BY WILLIAM ]]. CARPENTER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S.. F.CI.S., KEGISTRJE OF THE UNITEKSITY OF LONDON, ETC.! ETC. ASSISTED BY WII.LIAM K. PARKEE, ESQ., AND T. RUPEET JONES, ESQ., E.G.S. LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE RAY SOCIETY BY ROBERT HARDWICKE, 193, PICCADILLY. MDCCCLXII. MCZ LIBRARY HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE. MA USA PKINTED BT J. E. ADLARD, BABTHOLOWEW CLOSE. P R E E A C E. When, some years since, I undertook to prepare for the Ray Society an outline view of the structure, physiology, and systematic arrangement of the Foraminifera generally, I had no idea of contributing anything else than an introduction to my friend Prof. W. C. Williamson's ' Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain.' With the progress of my own researches, however, I came more and more strongly to feel how unsatisfactory are the results of the method pursued by M. D'Orbigny and by those who have followed his lead, both as regards the multiplication of species, the distinction of genera, and the grouping of these genera into families and orders. I found, moreover, that notwithstanding the dissimilarity between the lines of inquiry pursued by myself on the one hand and by my friends Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones on the other, they led to conclusions most singularly accordant. My own studies had been restricted to a hmited range of types (for the most part collected by Mr. Jukes on the Australian coast and by Mr. Cuming in the Philippine Seas), which included, however, all the most complex and highly developed forms of recent Foraminifera ; and I had specially de- voted myself to the elucidation of their structure and physiology, and to the careful comparison of their numerous varietal forms. Theirs, on the other hand, had involved the comparison of the zoological characters of vast numbers of representatives of nearly all the generic types of the group, fossil as well as recent, brought together from various parts of the world, from various depths in the ocean, and from various geological formations ; but had not been prosecuted with the same minuteness in regard to the details of internal struc- ture or to physiological -relations. Yet we had all been alike brought to recognise— VI PREFACE. (1) the extreme latitude of the rm>ge of variation in this group, which breaks down in ahnost every instance the boundaries wliieh it has Ijcen attempted to erect between species ; (2) the necessity of a hke abolition of the divisions between many reputed genera which have been erected on an equally insecure basis ; (3) the completely unnatural character of any system which makes a fundamental division between the INIonothalamous and the Polythalamous types, and which adopts Plan of Growth (that is, the geometrical arrangement of aggrega- tions of successive segments) as the basis of the subdivision of the PoJgthalamia into orders; and (4) the fundamental importance, in the determination of the true affinities of the several generic types, of all that relates to the physiological condition of the animal, especially the texture of the shell, and the peculiarities of conformation which characterise its individual segments. Not only, moreover, did there prove to be this complete harmony in our general results, but there was also a singular unity in the aggregate of the work we had respectively accom- plished, each portion being, so to speak, the complement of the other ; so that, on comparing notes, we found that we had between us pretty thoroughly investigated the entire group. Hence I was led to propose to the Council of the Ray Society an enlargement of my original plan, so as to include the results of my friends' labours, and to render the whole an expression of our joint views. This I did in the expectation that wo might associate ourselves together in such a manner that whilst the general plan and a part of the details of its working out would rest with me, a large share in the execution would be taken by my coadjutors. We soon found, however, that it would be more conducive both to unity of design and to com- pleteness of effect for the whole to be wrought out by myself; and it has been by the necessity which thence arose for my personal study of many types with which I was previously but little or not at all acquainted, that the delay in the production of the work has for the most part been occasioned. The materials for this study have been most liberally supplied to me by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones ; and as to many types which they had previously made the object of special researches (such as the Milioline, Nodosarine, Texfidarine, and Botali/ie grou\)s'), I have found that I had nothing to do but to accept their well-considered and satisfactory conclusions. In certain other cases, especially in regard to the genus Bacii/hpora and to that collection of forms which they had described under the generic designation Orhitolina (here referred to the genera Tinoporus and Pafellina), my own investigation of the materials which they have placed in my hands has led me to results in some respects different from those which they had published ; but as they have seen reason to accept my modifica- tions, the account of those types here given may be regarded as not less theirs than mine. In regard to the genus Nummidina, the most important cf all Poraminifera in a geological point of view, we have found ourselves in complete accordance as to the impossibility of drawing definite lines of demarcation between its reputed species; my researches on the varietal forms of the closely related genus Ojjercidina having led me to conclusions as to the variability of all the differential characters on which reliance had been placed, precisely Qorresponding wdth those at PREFACE. vii which Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones had arrived from a careful comparative study of the various forms of Numntulina iiroper. I liave endeavoured, as each genus came successively under review, to specify what share in the special investigation of its characters is due to my coadjutors, and what has been more particularly my own ; where no such intimation is given, we may be regarded as jointly responsible. That our work will prove altogether satisfactory, either to the scientific or to the general reader, is more than we can venture to anticipate. Those who look for precise definitions will not find them here, for the simple reason that the conclusion has been forced upon us \\\?i\,sliarply defined divisions — whether between species, genera, families, or orders — do not e.visf amonr/ Foraminifera. And we are satisfied that any one whose study of tlie group shall have been coextensive with our own must be ready to this extent to endorse our results. It has been our aim, therefore, to set forth (so to speak) the fundamental " idea " of eacli of the generic types we have adopted, rather than to attempt a precise limitation of its boundaries. That some of our generic distinctions may be invahdated by more extended research, is just as likely as that new generic types may present themselves among the collections from ocean beds yet unexplored, or from geological formations as yet unscrutinised. The whole study of this group must still be regarded as in its infancy ; and the utmost that we can hope for this Introduction is, that it may help to give a riijht direction to that 'study. We have the fullest confidence in the correctness of our general principles ; and shall not shrink from the consequences of their application to our own work, however large a part of it may thereby be superseded by something better. I have endeavoured throughout my own scientific career to keep in view the noble character given by Schiller of the true pliilosopher, as distinguished from the trader in science, that " he has always loved truth better than his system ; and will gladly exchange her old and defective form for a new and fairer one." And the readiness with which my coadjutors have accepted my amendments in the instances already alluded to, affords the fullest assurance of their thorough participation with me in the desire, not only that whatever is defective in our joint work may lie supplied, but that what is unsound may be demolished, since what shall remain really good and true will then afford a firmer basis for the future labours of otiiers. The study of the Rhizopod type in general, and of the Foraminifera in particular, has peculiar features of interest to the Physiologist, the Zoologist, and the Geologist. If the views which I have expressed as to the nature and relations of their living sub- stance be correct, that substance does not present any such differentiation as is necessary to constitute what is commonly understood as " organization," even of the lowest degree and simplest kind ; so that the Piiysiologist has here a case in which those vital operations which he is accustomed to see carried on by an elaborate apparatus, are performed without any special instruments whatever, — a little particle of apparently homogeneous jelly changing itself viii PREFACE. into a greater variety of forms than the fabled Proteus, laying hold of its food without members, swallowing it without a mouth, digesting it without a stomach, appropriating its nutritious material without absorbent vessels or a circulating system, moving from place to place without muscles, feeling (if it has any power to do so) without nerves, propagating itself without genital apparatus, and not only this, but in many instances forming shelly coverings of a symmetry and complexity not surpassed by those of any testaceous animals. Again, there are certain peculiarities about the Foramini/era which makes this group singularly adapted for that kind of comparison, at once minute and comprehensive, amongst large numbers of individual forms, which should be the basis of all Zoological systematization. The size of the greater part of these organisms is so small, that many hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of them, may be contained in a pill-box ; and yet it is usually not too minute to prevent the practised observer from distinguishing the most important peculiarities of each individual by a hand-magnifier alone, or from dealing with it separately by a very simple kind of manipulation. Hence the Systematist can easily select and arrange in series such of his specimens as display sufficient mutual conformity, whilst he sets apart such as are tran- sitional or osculant ; and an extensive range of varieties may thus be displayed within so small a compass, that the most divergent and the connecting forms are all recognisable nearly in the same glance. I am not acquainted with any other group of natural objects, in which such ready comparison of great numbers of individuals can be made ; and I am much mistaken if there be a single specimen of plant or animal, of which the range of variation has been studied by the collocation and comparison under one survey of so large a number of specimens as have passed under the review of Prof. Williamson, Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, and myself, in our studies of the types to whicli we have respectively given our principal atten- tion. The extraordinary diversity thus found to exist among organisms which, from the intimacy of the relationship evinced in the gradational character of those differences as well as in the variations observable between the several parts of one and the same organism, must in all probability have had a common origin, seems to me unmistakeably to indicate that the wide range of forms which this group contains is more likely to have come into existence as a result of modifications successively occurring in the course of descent from a small number of original types, than to have originated in the vast number of distinct creations which on the ordinary hypothesis would be required to account for it. Hence I cannot but believe that any systematic arrangement of Foraminifera will be of real value only in so far as its basis is laid in a thorough knowledge of the nature and extent of those variations which every chief modifi- cation of this type shows itself so peculiarly disposed to exhibit, and as, in building it up, the idea of natural affinity is accepted as expressing not only degree of mutual conformity, but actual relationship arising from community of descent more or less remote. For the occurrence of endless gradational departures from any types which we may assume as fixed, and of links of connection between such as present the best-marked differentiations, seems to me to point unmistakeably to this as the only means of escape from that difficulty of indefinite multiplica- PREFACE. ix tion which attends the doctrine of distinct specific creations when applied to a group in which scarcely any two individuals are alike. The case, in fact, is very analogous to that of the relationship between the various members of the family of Mankind ; for whilst the historical evidence of actual change in them is so incomplete, as well as so limited in its range, as to be quite inadequate of itself to establish their community of descent, yet when that evidence is considered in its relations to analogous facts drawn from the far greater variations of domesti- cated animals, and to the manifold gradations by which the extreme types are connected, physiologists of the highest eminence have felt themselves justified in accepting that commu- nity as probable. Now the modifications which any single type of Foraminifera must have undergone, to give origin to the whole series of diversified forms presented by that group, are not greater in comparison with those of which we have direct evidence, than arc those which the advocate for the specific unity of the Human Races has no hesitation in assuming as the probable account of their present divergence. This view of the case derives great force from the fact, which constitutes the special feature of interest which this group has for the Geologist, that there is strong reason to regard a large proportion of the existing Foraminifera as the Jirecf lineal descendants of those of very ancient geological periods. This doctrine was first advanced by Prof. Ehrenberg in regard to a considerable number of Cretaceous forms ; and has since been fully confirmed and extended as regards the Tertiary fauna by the admirable researches of Messrs. Rupert Jones and Parker on the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Mediterranean, as well as by my own com- parison of the recent and fossil types of Orbitolites, OrbicuUiia, Alveolina, Ojierculbia, and Calcarina ; and it has been shown to be applicable also to the Secondary fauna, as far back as the upper part of the Triassic system, by the remarkable results of the investigations of ni)'' coadjutors in regard to a well-preserved sample of it. It can scarcely be questioned that such a continuity of the leading types of Foraminifera, maintained through so long a series of geological periods, and the recurrence of similar varietal departures from those types, are results of the facility with which creatures of such low and indefinite organization adapt themselves to a great diversity of external conditions ; so that, on the one hand, they pass unharmed through changes in those conditions which are fatal to beings of higlier structure and more specialized constitution ; wliilst, on the other, they undergo such modifications under the influence of those changes, as may produce a very wide departure from the original type. Thus we have found strong reason for regarding Temperature as exerting a most important influence in favouring not merel}^ increase of size but specialization of development : all the most complicated and specialized forms at present known being denizens either of tropical or of sub-tropical seas ; and many of these being- represented in the seas of colder regions by comparatively insignificant examples, wliicli there seems adequate reason for regarding as of the same specific types with the tropical forms, even though deficient in some of their apparently most important features. The depth b X PREFACE. of the sea-bottom seems also to affect the prevalence of particular types, and to modify the forms under which these present themselves ; so that Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones feel themselves able to pronounce approximately as to the depth of water at which a deposit of fossil Foraminifera may have been formed, by a comparison of its specific and varietal types with those characterising various depths at the present time. And it is specially worthy of note, that in the greatest depths of the ocean from which Foraminifera have been brought by deep-sea soundings, these belong almost exclusively to one type, Glohigerina, one of the most simple of the Polythalamia. In applying the results of the foregoing inquiry to the Animal Kingdom generally, it may be at once conceded that no other group affords anything like the same evidence, on the one hand of the derivation of a multitude of distinguishable forms from a few primitive types, and on the other of the continuity of those types through a vast succession of geological epochs. But a nearly parallel case, as regards the first of these points, is pre- sented by certain of the humbler groups of the Vegetable Kingdom ; in which it is becoming more and more apparent, from the careful study of their life-history, not only that their range of variation is extremely wide, but that a large number of reputed genera and species have been erected on no better foundation than that afforded by the transitory phases of types hitherto known only in their states of more advanced development. It would be very un- reasonable to put aside these cases as so far exceptional, that no inferences founded upon them can have any application to the higher forms of Animal and Vegetable life. For it is only in the extent of their range of variation, that Foraminifera and Protojihyta differ from Vertehrata and PUanerogamia ; and the main principle which must be taken as the basis of the systematic arrangement of the former groups — that of ascertaining the range of variation by an extensive comparison of indi\adual forms — is one which finds its application in every department of Natural History, and is now recognised and acted on by all the most eminent Botanists, Zoologists, and Palaeontologists. The following are the general propositions which it appears to me justifiable to base on the researches of which I have now given a resume : a' I. The range of variation is so great among Foraminifera, as to include not merely the differential characters which systematists proceeding upon the ordinary methods have accounted specific, but also those upon which the greater part of the genera of this group have been founded, and even in some instances those of its orders. II. The ordinary notion of species, as assemblages of individuals marked out from each other by definite characters that have been genetically transmitted from original proto- types similarly distinguished, is quite inapplicable to this group ; since even if the limits of such assemblages were extended so as to include what would elsewhere be accounted genera, PREFACE. xi they would still be found so intimately connected by gradational links, that definite lines of demarcation could not be drawn between them. III. The only natural classification of the vast aggregate of diversified forms which this group contains, will be one which ranges them according to their direction and degree of divergence from a small number of principal family-types ; and any subordinate groupings of genera and species which may be adopted for the convenience of description and nomencla- ture, must be regarded merely as assemblages of forms characterised by the nature and degree of the modifications of the original type, which they may have respectively acquired in the course of genetic descent from a common ancestry. IV. Even in regard to these family-types, it may fairly be questioned whether analogical evidence does not rather favour the idea of their derivation from a common original, than that of their primitive distinctness. V. The evidence in regard to the genetic continuity between the Foraminifera of succes- sive geological periods, and between those of the later of these periods and the existing in- habitants of our seas, is as complete as the nature of the case admits. VI. There is no evidence of any fundamental modification or advance in the Forami- niferous type from the Palaeozoic period to the present time. The most marked transition appears to have taken place between the Cretaceous period, whose Foraminiferous fauna seems to have been chiefly composed of the smaller and simpler types, and the commence- ment of the Tertiary series, of which one of the earliest members was the Nummulitic Lime- stone, which forms a stratum of enormous thickness that ranges over wide areas in Europe, Asia, and America, and is chiefly composed of the largest and most specialized forms of the entire group. But these were not unrepresented in previous epociis ; and their extraordinary development may have been simply due to the prevalence of conditions that specially favoured it. The Foraminiferous fauna of our own seas probably presents a greater range of variety than existed at any preceding period ; but there is no indication of any tendency to eleva- tion towards a higher type. VII. The general principles thus educed from the study of the Foraminifera should be followed in the investigation of the systematic affinities of each of those great types of Animal and Vegetable form, which is marked out by its physiological distinctness from tlie rest. In every one of these there is ample evidence of variability ; and the limits of that varia- bility have to be determined by a far more extended comparison than has been usually thought necessary, before the real relations of their diS"erent forms can be even approximately determined. xu PREFACE. VIII. As it is the aim of the Physical Philosopher to determine " what are the fewest and simplest assumptions, which being granted, the whole existing order of nature would result,"* so the aim of the Philosophic Naturalist should be to determine how small a number of primitive types may be reasonably supposed to have given origin by the ordinary course of "descent with modification " to the vast multitude of diversified forms that have peopled the globe during the long succession of geological ages, and constitute its present Fauna and Flora. * Mill's ' Logic/ 3rd edition, vol. i, p. 327. TABLE OF CONTE?s'TS. CHAPTER I. Historical Summary. PAGE First Period . Second Period Third Period Fourth Period PAGE I 7 9 CHAPTER II. Op the Rhizopoda generally; their Organization and Physiological History: THEIR distribution INTO SUBORDINATE GrOUPS Order RADIOLARIA Actinophryna acanthometrina polycystina Thalassicollina Reproduction of Rhizopoda . 18 Order LOBOSA 18 Amosbina . 21 Order RETICULARIA . 21 Lieberkuhnia . . 22 Gromia Foraminifera 12 23 23 28 28 22 30 32 CHAPTER III. Of THE Foraminifera generally ; their Chief Types of Structure and Modes of Growth, AND THE PRINCIP: Texture of the shell Mode of increase Intermediate skeleton Canal-system Separation of segments LES TO BE FOLLOWED IN THEIR CLASSIFICATION . 40 . 44 Plan of growth . 53 . 48 Septal aperture . 55 . 50 Form of septal plane . 57 . 50 Surface-marking . 59 s . .51 General summary . 61 Of the Sub-Ordf R Imferforata . 62 Genus I. Lieberkuhnia CHAPTER IV. Of the Family Gromida . C3 Genus II. Gromia Genus III. Lar/ynis 65 63 64 CHAPTER V. Of the Family Miholida . 63 Genus I. Sqamulina 67 Geuus VII. Peneroplis 84 II. Cornuspira 68 VIII. Orhiculina 93 III. Nubemlaria 69 IX. AlveoUna 99 IV. Vertebralina 72 X. Orbitolites 105 V. Miliola . 74 XI. Dacttjlopora 127 Hauerina 81 XII. Acicularia 137 VI. Fabularia. 82 XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. Of the Family Lituolida. PAGE Genus I. Trochammina . . 141 Genus II. Lititola Genus III. ValvuUna . . . 146 PAGE 143 CHAPTER YH. Of the Sub-Order Perforata 149 CHAPTER VIII. Of the Family Lagexida Genus I. Lagena . 156 Genus III. Orthoccrina Entosolenia . 157 IV. Pohjmorphina II. Nodosarina . 159 V. Uvigerina . Nodosaria . 161 Cristellaria . 162 Intermediate forms . . 163 154 166 166 169 CHAPTER IX. Genus I. OrbuUna. II. Ovulites . III. Sptrillina Sub-Family GlobigerinjE Genus IV. Globigerina \. PuUenia . VI. Spharoidina VII. Carpenteria Sub-Family Textularin^ Genus VIII. Textularia IX. Chrysadilina X. Cuneolina Of the Fa.mily Globigerinida . 171 176 Genus XI. Btdimina . 194 179 XII. Cassidulina . 197 180 Sub-Family Rotalin^ . . 198 181 Genus XIII. Discorbina . 203 181 XIV. Planorhdinu . 206 184 XV. PulvinuUna . 210 185 XVI. Rotalia . 212 186 XVII. Cynibahpora . 215 189 XVIII. Calcarina . 216 189 XIX. Tinoporus . 223 193 XX. PatcUina 229 193 XXI. Polytrcma . 235 UF Genus I. Amphistegina the tam . 241 II. Operculina. . 24.7 III. Nummtdina . 262 IV. Pohjstomella . 276 Nonionina . 286 CHAPTER X. Of the Family Nummulinida. Genus V. Heterostegina VI. Cycloclypeus "Vll. Orbitoides IX. Fusulina . 238 288 292 298 304 LIST OF WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Fig. tage I. Coccospheres and Coccolitlis . . . . . .47 II. Composite coccospheres with attached coccoliths .... 18 ID. Diagram of Artieidinc Vertebralina . . . . . -1-9 IV. Diagram of a Frondicularian Nodosaria . . . . .49 V. Diagram of the chambered structure of Orb'itolina . . . .50 VI. Diagram of the chambered structivre of Orbitoides . . . .50 VII. Diagrammatic section of simple NautUoid shell . . . .50 VIII. Diagrammatic section of Operculina . . . . .50 IX. Vertical sections of six specimens of Operculina . . . .57 X. Vertical sections of three outer convolutions of Operculina . . .58 XI. Lateral view of Nautiloid shell, with investing convolutions . . .58 XII. Front view of Nautiloid shell, with non-investing convolutions . . .59 XIII. Front view of Nautiloid shell, with investing convolutions . . .59 XrV. Diagram of Animal of Miliola . . . . ■ .77 XV. Ideal transverse sections of Spiroloculina . . . . .77 XVI. Ideal transverse sections of Biloculina . . . . .78 XVII. Ideal transverse sections of Qiiincjueloculina . . . . .78 XVIII. Ideal transverse sections of TrilocuUna . . . . . 7fj XIX. Section of Peneroplis through the median plane . . . .80 XX. Front views of four- specimens of Peneroplis . . . . .89 XXI. Septal planes and apertures from difterent parts oi' the same specimen oi Dendritina . 90 XXII. Simple type of Alveolina, laid open ..... 100 XXIII. Portion of internal cast of complex type of Alveolina . . . .102 XXIV. Interior of simple type of Orbitolites . . ■ ■ .108 XXV. Diagram of Dactylopora eruca ...... 128 XXVI. Diagram of Dactylopora annulus . . . . ... 129 XXVII. Diagram of Dactylopora digitata . . . . ... 1 '■") XVI LIST OF WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Fig. XXVIII. Diagram of Dactylopora chjpeina XXIX. Diagram of Dactylopora reticulata XXX. Diagram of Dentaline Nodosaria XXXI. Diagram of Frondicidaria XXXII. Various forms of RotaUna XXXIII. Abnormal forms of CaJcarina XXXIV. Specimens of Philippine variety of Cakarina XXXV. Specimens of ^Mediterranean variety of Calcarina XXXVI. Abnormal forms of Calcarina XXXVII. Stracturc of Patellina lenticularis . XXXVIII. Structure of Patellina Cooki XXXIX. Irregular disposition of septa in OpercuUna . XL. Vertical section of three outer convolutions of OpercuUna XLI. Section of septa of OpercuUna, showing secondary pores XLII. Vertical sections of six specimens of OpercuUna XLIII. Septal planes of four specimens of OpercuUna XLIV. Front view of septal plane closing-in last chamber of OpercuUna XLV. Section of Heterosteyina through median plane XL VI. More enlarged portion of similar section XL VII. Vertical section of young Heterostegina PAGE 131 132 162 164 201 217 217 217 222 232 233 253 254 254 255 258 260 289 290 291 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. Akcuiac, Vicomte d', et Haime : — I. Description ties Animaux Fossiles du gioupe NummulUique de I'Inde. Paris, 1853. AuEiiBACn, Dr. Leopold: — II. Ueber die Einzelligkeit der Amo^/jeu ; in ' Siebold und Kolliker's Zeitschrift,' Band vii (185(3), p. 3ti5. Bailey, Prof. J. W. :— iir. On the Origin of Greensand, and its Formatioa in the Oceans of the Present Epoch ; in ' Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,' vol. v (1857), p. 83. IV. Observations on a newly discovered Animalcule {Pamphar/us) ; in ' Sdliman's Journal,' 2d series, voK xv (1853), pp. 341— 347, and 'Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,' vol. i (1853), pp. 29;i— 299. Bakker-Webb, p., and Bertiielot, J. :— V. Histoirc Naturelle des lies Canaries. Paris, 1835-50, torn, ii, p. 123; Foraminifires par M. D'Orbiguy. Blainville, H. D. dc : — V£. Manuel de Malacologie. Paris, 1825. viff. Manuel de I'Actinologie. Paris, 1834. VII. Dictionnairc des Sciences Naturellcs. Paris, 1814-30. Bowerbank, J. S. : — VIII. On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Spon^iad^ ; in ' Philosophical Transactions,' 1858, p. 27'J. Boys, W., and Walker, G. :— IX. Testacea minuta rariora nuperrinie detecta in arena littoris Sandvicensis. London, 1784. Bronn, Prof. H. G. :— X. Letha^a Geognostica, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der fUr die Gebirgs-Formationen bezcich- nendsten Ver.steinerungen ; 3te Auflage, Stuttgart, 1851 —185G XI. Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Erster Band. Amorphozoen. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1859. Carpenter, Dr. W. B. : — xil. On the Microscopic Structure of NummuUna, Orbitolih-s, ^nd. Orhitoides ; in 'Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,' vol. vi (1850), p. 22. XIII Researches on the Foraminifera; first series.-On OrhitoUtes; in 'Philosophical Transactions,' 185G,p. 181. XIV. Researches on the Foraminifera ; second serics.-On Orhiculina, Alveolinu, Cycloclypevs, and IMeroste- ijiiia; in ' Philosophical Transactions,' 1856, p. 547. XV. Researches on the Foraminifera; third series. On Peneroplis, OpereuUna, and Amphisleyina ; in 'Phi- losophical Transactions,' 1859, p. 1. xviii BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. XVI. Researches on the Foraminifera ; fourtli series. — On l^nlustomella, Calcarina, Tinoporus, and Car- peiiteria ; in ' Pliilosoplucal Transactions,' 1S50, p. .")3."). C.vuTEi!, Henry J. : — svii. On Foraminifera, tlicir Organization and tlicir Existence in a Fossilized State in .U'.tbia, &c. ; in 'Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,' vol. iii (ISIO), p. 1.58. 3Lvm. On the Form and Strnctnre of the Shell of OpercvUna Jrahica ; in ' Annals of JN'atural History,' 2d series, vol. x (l!S.")2), p. ICI. xi.x. Descriptions of some of the Larger Forms of Fossilized Foraminifera in Scinde, with Observations ou their Internal Structure ; in ' Annals of ?^\itural History,' 2d series, vol. xi (1853), p. IGl. sx. Description of Orljitolites Mnlabarica, illustrative of the Spiral and not Concentric Arrangement of Chambers in D'Orbigny's Order C'ydosti-gnes ; in 'Annals of Natural History,' 2d series, vol. xi 08J3), p. -^12.5. XXI. On the true Position of the Canaliferous Structure in the Shell of Fossil Alveolina ; in 'Annals of Natural History,' 2d series, vol. xiv (1854), p. 99. XXII. Notes on the Freshwater Infusoria of the Island of Bombay ; in ' Annals of History,' 2d scries, vol. xviii (185C), pp. 115, 221. xxiii. Additional Notes on the Freshwater Infusoria in the Island of Bombay ; in ' Annals of Natural History, 2d series, vol. xx (1857), p. 34. xxiii« Further observations ou the Structure of the Foraminifera; in 'Annals of Natural History,' 3d scries, vol. viii (IS61), pp. 309, 360. CL-iPARtDE, EdOUARD : XXIV. liber ActinopJirys Eichornii ; in ' Miiller's Archiv," 185 4, p. 398; translated in ' .\nnals of Natural History,' 2d series, vol. xv (1855). pp. 211, 285. ClAPAKiiDi:, Edouaud, ct Lacumann :■ — • XXV. Etudes sur les //(/(Moire* et les JFfco/JOf/es. Geni-ve, 1858-59. Clakk, William : — XXVI. Observations on the recent Foraminifera ; in'.\nnals of Natural History,' 2d series, vol. iii (1849), p. 380, and vol. v (1850), p. 161. ConN, Ferdinand : — XXVII. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Infusorien ; in ' Sicbold und Kolliker's Zeitschrift,' Band iii (1851), p. 257, Band iv (1853), p. 253. CZJZEK, JOII. BaPT. : — XXVIII. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossileu Foraminiferen dcs Wiener Beckens ; in ' Haidiuger's Naturwissen- schaftlichc Abbandlungen,' Band i, 18-lS, p. 137. Defrance, J. L. M. : — XXIX. Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Paris, 181 1-30. Deshayes, G. p. : — XXX. Mcmoire sur les Alveolines ; in ' Annalcs des Sciences Naturelles,' torn, xiv (1828), p. 225. 3XXI. Encyclopedie Metbodique ; Histoire Naturelle des Vers. Paris, 1830 — 1832. Deslongcbamps, Eudes : — XXXII. Encyclopedie Metbodique ; Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes. Pans, 1824. Du-iARDiN, Felix : — XXXIII. Observations sur les Ufdzopodes et les Infusoires; in ' Comptes Rendus,' 1835, p. 338, and ' L'Institut,' 1835, No. Ill, pp. 202, 203. XXXIV. Observations nouvelles snr les ipvetendus Cephalopodes microscopirpies ; in ' .\nnales des Sciences Natu- relles,' ser. 2, Zool., torn, iii (1835), pp. 108, 312. XXXV. Reeherches sur les organismes infcrieures ; in 'Annalcs des Sciences Naturelles,' ser. 2, Zool., toni. iv, (lS35);p.343. XXXVI. Histoire Naturelle des ^oo/i^y^es //)/«TO(Ve.s. Paris, 1841. XXXVII. Dictionnaire Universellc d' Histoire Naturelle. Pam, 1841 — 1SJ9. EniiENBERG, Prof. C. G.: — xsxviii. Die Infusionsthicrchen als voUkomnien Organismen. Leipzic, 1838. BliiLIOGRAPHIC'AL REFERENCES. XIX XXXIX. Ucber die BiUliing dcr Kreidefelscn mid des Kix'idcmcrgels diirch imsichtbare Organismen ; in 'Abhaiul- luiigcn der Kiiiiigl. Akad. der Wisseuschaftcn zu 15e;liii,' 1S38, p. .")!). XL. Ueber noch jetzt zalreich lebende Tbiernrteii der Kreidebiiduug und dcu Organisnms der ]'o/i///iiilaim(;ii ,- in ' Abhandlungeu der Kiinigl. Akad. der Wissenscliafteu zu Berlin,' 1839, p. 81; partly translated in 'Taylor's Scientific Memoirs,' vol. iii, p. 019. XLff. Verbreitung und Einfluss die mikroskopischen Lebens in Slid und Nord Amorika ; in ' Abbandliingen der Kiinigl. Akad der Wisseuscbaften. Zu Berlin,' 18-11. XLI. Ueber die niikroskopiseben kiesclsclialigen Pobjcijstincn als miiclitige GebirgamaJse von Barbados ; in 'Monatsbericbte der Kiinigl. Akad. der Wisscnschaften zu Berlin,' 1847. XLII. Mikrogcologie ; Das Wirken des unsichtbaren kleinen Lebens auf der Erdc. Leip:i(i, 185-). XLili. Ueber den Grlinsaud und seine Erkiuterung des orgauiscbeu Lebens ; in ' Abhandlungen der KonigL Alcad. der Wissenscbaften zu Berlin,' 1855, p. 85. XLiv. Ueber andere massenbafte mikroskopische Lebensfornien der altesten silurisclien Grauwacken-Thonc bei Petersburg; in 'Monatsbericbte der Kiinigl. Akad. der Wissenscbaften zu Berlin,' 1858, p. 324. FtcHTEL, Leoi'., and Moll : — XLV. Testacea microscopica abaque luinuta ex gencribu? Arrjonaufa ct Nautilus, ad naturara picta et deseripta. Vindobvni, 1803. Fischer von WALrnEur : — XLVi. Ueber FusuUna ; in ' Bulletin de la Societe imperiale des naturalistcs de Moscou,' 1829, p, 329. Gervais, Paul : — XLVii. Sur un Point de la Physlologie des Foraminifires ; in ' Comptes Bendus,' 1847, p. 4G9, and ia 'L'Institut,' 1847, p. 310. Gmelin, J. Fu. : — ■ xlviii. Carl Linne Systema Naturae per Regna tria Naturtc, &c. ; editio decima tertia, aueta ct reformats. Leipzig, 1788-93. Gosse, p. H. :— XLIX. On tbe Presence of Motile Organs, and the Power of Locomotion in Forumiuiferci ; in 'Annals of Naturat History,' 2d series, vol. xx (1857), p. 193. Gronovius, L. Th.: — L. Zoopbylacium Gronovianum. Liiydiini Batavorinn, 17(13-8. Gaultieri, Nic. : — LI. Index Testarum Concbyliorum qucC adservantur in Museo suo. Florcni., 1742. Huxley, Prof. T. H. -.— Lii. Upon ThalassicoUa, a new Zoophyte; in 'Annals of Natural History,' 2d series, vol. viii (1851), pp. 433—442. JoLY, N. et Leymerie : — Llll. Memoire sur les Nmmmdites considkTiQS zoologiquement et geologiquemcnt ; in 'Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences de Toulouse,' 3i6me ser., torn, iv (1848), p. 149. Jones, T. Rupert, and Parker (see also Parker) : — Liv. On the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Mediterranean, compared with that of the Italian and some other Tertiary Deposits ; in ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,' vol. xvi (ISfiO), p. 292. Lv. On some Fossil Foraminifera from Chclliiston, near Derby ; in ' (Juarterly Journal of the Geological Societ}',' vol. xvi (18C0), p. 452. KoLLiKEK, Prof. Alb. : — LVi. Das Sonnenthierchcn, Acfinophrt/s sol, bescbrieben ; in Sicbold nnd Kiilliker's ' Zeitschrift,' Band i (1849), p. 198; translated in 'Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,' vol. i (1853) pp. 25, 98. Lacumann, Johann', et CLAi'AuiiDE ; see Clapakede. Lamarck, J. B. de : — lvii. Systemc des Aniniaux sans Vcrtcbres. Paris, 1801. XX BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. LVlli. Suite des Memoircs sur les Coquilles fossiles des environs de Paris ; iu ' Aunales du Museum,' torn, v (1804), torn, vii (ISOfi), torn, ix (1807). Lix. Tableau Encvclopedique et Mcthodique des Trois Regues de la Nature : vingt-troisiume partie ; Mollusques et Polypes divers. Paris, 1810. LX. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vcrtebres ; lere edit., Paris, 1815 — 1822; 2ierae edit., augmentee de Notes par MM. Ueshayes ct Milne-Edwards, Paris, 1835 — 1843. LedermUller, Mart. Fk. : — LXi. Mikroskopische Gemiiths und .\ugeu-Erg6tzung. Niirnh., 1764 — 1768. Lego, M. S.:— J.xii. Observations on the Examination of Sponge Sand, with Remarks on Collecting, Mounting, and Viewing Foraminifera as Microscopic objects ; in ' Transactions of Microscopical Society,' 2d series, vol. ii, p. 19. Leymekie, a., et Joly ; see Joly et Leymerie. LiNN.EUS, C.iK.: — LXiii. Systema Naturse, per Regna Tria Naturae secundum Classes, Ordiues, Genera, et Species ; cum Characteribus, Difl'erentiis, Synonymis, Locis ; editio xii, reformata. Holmia, 1 766. Macdonald, J. D. : — LXiv. Observations on the ^licroscopic Examination of Foraminifera obtained in Deep-sea Bottoms at the Feejee Islands; in 'Annals of Natural History,' 2d series, vol. xx (1857), p. 193. Montagu, George : — L.xv. Testacea Britannica ; or. Natural History of British Shells. London, 1803-8. Supplement to ' Testacea Britannica.' London, 1808. MoNTFOiiT, Denys de : — Lxvi. Histoire Naturelle gendrale et particuliere des Jlollusques (faisant partie du Buffon de Sonnini) ; Paris, 1802-5. Lxvii. Conchyliologie Systematique, et Classification Mcthodique des Coquilles. Paris, 1808-10. MiiLiER, Prof. Johannes : — i.xviii. Ueber die ThalassicoUen, Pohjcystinen, und Acanthometren des Mittelmeeres ; in ' .\bhandlungen der Konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin,' 1858, p. 1. Orbigny, AiciDE d' (see also Barker-Webb and Sagra, Ramon de la) : — Lxix. Tableau Mcthodique de la Classe des Cephalopodes ; in ' Aunales des Sciences Naturelles,' tom. vii (1826), pp. 90, 129, 245. I.xx. Voyage dans I'Amcrique meridionale pendant les Annees 1S2G — 1833. Paris, 1834-43, torn, v, partie 5, Forami7ii/ires. LXXi. Sur les Foramini/ires de la Craie Blanche de Paris; in ' Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France,' tom. iv (1839), p. 1. LXXii. Dictiounaire Universelle d'Histoirc Naturelle, tom. v, p. 602, Art. Foramini/ires. Paris, 1844. LXXIII. Foi-amini/cres Fossiles du Bassin Tertiaire de Vieune. Paris, 1846. Lxxiv. Cours Elementaire de Paleontologie et de Geologic; Foramini/ires in tom. ii, fascic. i. Paris, 1852. Parker, W. K. : — Lxxv. On the Miliolitidce of the Indian Seas ; Part I, Miliola ; iu ' Transactions of the Microscopical Society, new series, vol. vi (1858), pp. 53 — 59. Parker, W. K., and Jones (see also Jones, T. Rupert) : — Lxxvi. On the Nomenclature of the Foramini/era ; in ' .\nnals of Natural History,' 3d series; Part I, Linnaeus and Gmelin, vol. iii (1859), p. 474. Lxxvii. On the Nomenclature of the Foramini/era ; Part II, Walker and Montagu, vol. iv (1859), p. 333. LXXVili. On the Nomenclature of the Foramini/era; Part III, Fichtel and Moll, vol. v (1860), pp. 98, 174. Lxxix. On the Nomenclature of the J'oj'amJH/'/erB ; Part IV, Lamarck, vol. v (1860), pp. 285, 466, vol. vi (1860), p. 29. Lxxx. On the Nomenclature of the Forumini/era ; Part V, De Montfort, vol. vi (1800), p. 337. LXXXa. On the Nomenclature of the Foramini/era; Part VI, AveoUna ; vol. viii, p. 161. LXXX h. On the Nomenclature of the Foramini/era ; Part VII, Opercidina and Nummidina ; vol. viii, p. 229. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. xxi Lxxxi. Dcsci-iptioii of some Foramiiiit'era iVoiu tlic Coast of Norway; in 'Annals of Natural History,' 2(1 series, vol. xix (18J7), p. 273. Pekty, Dr. Max : — LXXSII. Zur Kenntiiiss kleiiister Lcbensformen in (ler Schweitz. Bern, 1852. Plancus, Janus : — Lxxxiii. De Conchis minus notis in Littore Arimiueusi ; Venetia, 1/39 ; 2d edit., Roma, 1"60. Pritcuard, Andrew: — Lxxxiv. A History of Infusoria, including the Desmidiaceae and Diatoraaceoe, British and Foreign ; Ith edition, enlarged and revised by J. T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W. C. M'illiamson, and the Author ; London, 1861. Reuss, Aug-Em. : — Lxx.w. Geognostisclie Skizzen ans Bolimen ; band ii, Die Kriedegebilde des westlichen Bohmens ; Prag, 18-44, p. 210. Lxxxvi. Die Foraminiferen und Eiitomostraceen des Kreidemergels von Lemberg ; in ' llaidinger's Katurwiss. Abhandl.,' Band iv, Wieti, 1850. Lxxxvii. Neue f^oj-awiHiZ/f/e/i aus den Schichten des ijsterreichen Tertiarbeckens; in ' Denkschrifteu der math. — nat. Klasse der kaiserl. Acad, der Wissenscliafteu zu Wien,' 1850, p. 365. LXXXVIII. Beitrijge zur tharacteristik der Kreideschichten in den Ostalpeu ; in ' Denkschriften der kaiserl. Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Wien,' 1854. Lxxxix. Ein Beitrag zur Palaontologie der Tertiarschichten Oberschlesiens ; in ' Zeitschrift der deutschen geolog. Gesellschaft,' Band iii (1851), p. 149. xc. Foraminiferen der Mainzer Beckens ; in ' Leonhard und Bronn's Jahrbuch,' 1853, llct't 6, p. 070. xca. See lxxxviii. xci. Die Foraminiferen der Westphahschen Krei deform ation ; in ' Sitzungsberichte der kaiserl. Akad. der Wissensch.' Oct. 20, 1859 ; TTien, 1860. XCI. Ueber die Verschiedenlieit der chimischeu Zusammensetzung der Forarainiferenschaleu ; in ' Sitzungs- berichten der konig. bohmischeu Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Prag,' 1859. xci a. Entwurf eincr systematischen Zusammenstellung der Foraminiferen ; in ' Sitzunsberichte der kaiserl. Akad. der Wissensch.' Bd. xliv; Wien, 1861 ; abstract in 'Annals of Nat. Hist.' 3rdser. vol. viii, p. 190. Sagra, Bamon de la : — xcii. Histoire Physique, Politique, ct Naturelle de I'lle de Cuba. Paris, 1839. Foraminifbres par M. D'Orbigny. Schneider, Anton : — xcm. Beitriige zur Naturgescbichte der Infusorien ; in 'Muller's Archiv," 1854, p. 191 ; translated in 'Annals of Natural History,' 2d series, vol. xiv (1854), p. 321. xciv. Ueber zwei neue ThalassicoUen von Messina; in ' Muller's Archiv,' 1858, p. 38. SCHROTER, J. S. : — xcv. Einleitung in die Konchylien-Kenntniss nach Linne. Halle, 1783-86. xcvi. Neue Literatur und Beitrage zur Keutniss der Naturgescbichte, sonderlich der Konchylien und der Steine. Leip:in. The subsequent examination of the minute structure of the shells of numerous recent types by Prof. Williamson (cvni, cix), Mr. Carter (xvin— xxi), and myself (xiii— xvi), has not only added greatly to our knowledge of the distribution and purposes of this canal-system, but has led to a much more correct appreciation than was previously attainable of the value of the several difi'erential characters presented by the respective types ; and a sound basis has thus been furnished for a truly natural classification, which cannot, however, be erected otherwise than provisionally, until the same kind of investigation shall have been carried through a much wider range of types. Among the most important of the recent contributions to our knowledge of the organiza- tion and life-history of the Foraminifera, must unquestionably be ranked the treatise published by Prof. Max Schultze in 1854 (xcvii). The author has enjoyed the opportunity of studying several typical forms of the group in their living state, and has most carefully described and 10 HISTORICAL SUMMARY. most beautifully delineated the remarkable phenomena which they pi'esent. His observations, which fully confirm and supplement those of M. Dujardin, at present constitute our best source of knowledge on this part of the subject ; and they have since been extended by further researches (xcviii,xcix), especially in regard to the Reproductive processes, which still, however, greatly need elucidation. In his investigations of the structure of the testaceous coverings of these animals, on the other hand. Prof. Schultze has been less successful, in consequence (as it would appear) of his want of acquaintance with the best method of preparing thin sections of them ; and he has consequently fallen into some important errors (such as the denial of the existence of the canal-system, of which the most perfect demonstration is now afforded by the examination of the internal casts of these organisms, to be presently noticed), and has failed to obtain that insight into the real relations of the forms he has studied, which could alone justify him in proposing a new distribution of the group. Although his Classification is in many respects an improvement upon that of M. D'Orbigny, yet (as I think I shall hereafter succeed in showing) it is so far from satisfactory as to leave the way quite open for another attempt, based upon a more thorough knowledge of the objects to be systematically grouped. A Classification still more recently proposed by Prof. Bronn (xi) is chiefly founded upon that of M. D'Orbigny, whilst it adopts certain modifications proposed by Prof Schultze. It cannot, in my opinion, be regarded as less open to objection than either of the systems for which it is proposed as a substitute. An entirely new and most valuable source of information in regard to the organization of the Foraminifera has recently been afforded by the discovery, first announced by Prof. Ehrenberg (xLiii) in 1853, that their shells occasionally undergo an infiltration of silicate of iron, that completely fills, not merely their chambers, but their canal-system, even to its minutest ramifications ; so that if a shell thus infiltrated should itself undergo decomposition, a perfect internal cast remains of the original body of the animal, with its extensions through- out the shell. Of such casts it has been shown by Prof. Ehrenberg that the Green Sands which present themselves in various geological formations, from the Silurian system upwards, are in great part composed: and his discovery has thus a twofold value, as, on the one hand, it places before us far more exact representations of the configuration of the animal body, and of the connexions of its different parts, than we could obtain even from living specimens by dissolving away their shells with acid (its several portions being disposed to heap them- selves together in a mass when they lose the support of the calcareous skeleton) ; whilst it also enables us to identify with great certainty the types of Foraminifera by which these casts were originally formed, notwithstanding the entire destruction of their shells. It was soon afterwards shown by Prof. Bailey (U. S.) that a like process of infiltration is taking place at the present time over certain parts of the ocean-bottom (iii), and that beautiful internal casts are obtainable by treating with dilute acid Foraminiferous shells whose cavities have thus filled. By the application of this method to portions of Mr. Jukes's Australian dredgings, Messrs. W. K. Parker and T. Rupert Jones have obtained a series of internal casts of most wonderful beauty and completeness, which I have had the advantage of carefully examining ; and it is with great satisfaction that I can state that in no instance has this examination afforded any other result, than that of confirming the conclusions to which I had been previously led by the study of the shell. A very different line of inquiry has been recently prosecuted with great success by the HISTORICAL SUMMARY. 11 same careful and diligent observers— that of the comparison of large numbers of individuals presenting gradational modifications of the same fundamental types; a method first applied by Prof. Williamson to La^ena, and afterwards by myself to OrhitoUtes, Orhiculina, Peneroplis, Opercidina, and Calcarina. The particular results to which they have been thus conducted will be detailed in their proper place ; at present it will be sufficient to state that they have been led most fully to accept the views of Prof. Williamson and myself in regard to the wide range of variation which prevails in the group of Foraminifera generally, and that they have given to those views a most remarkable development (lxxv — lxxx). The same observers are engaged upon an extensive comparison of the Foraminiferous Faunas of different localities and epochs, with a view to elucidate the conditions that determine the prevalence of particular types. Of this comparison the results already given to the world are replete with interest (liv, lv, lxxxi). CHAPTER II. OF THE RHIZOPODA GENERALLY; THEIR ORGANIZATION AND PHYSIOLOGICAL HISTORY; AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION INTO SUBORDINATE GROUPS. 1 . Neither the Morphological characters nor the Physiological history of the Foraviinifera, nor their position in the Animal Kingdom, can be properly understood, without a preliminary survey of the entire Class of Rhizopoda (of which they constitute by far the most important section), and an exposition of its most distinctive features as made known by modern research. 2. The Class of Rhizopoda constitutes, with the Classes of Porifera {Sponges), Infu- soria, and Gregarinida (to all which it is very intimately related), the Sub-Kingdom which Zoologists have now agreed to designate by the title PROTOZOA, indicative of the simplicity of its type of organization, or, as it might be almost said, its deficiency in any definite organi- zation. In none of its members can any traces be found either of a nervous or of a muscular system; their digestive apparatus is reduced to its simplest possible condition; of a circulating system a mere rudiment only can be distinguished ; special organs for respiration and excre- tion seem altogether wanting ; and although there is reason to believe that true se.xual products are formed by many of them, yet these develope themselves out of the general substance of the body, instead of in distinct organs set apart for their evolution. Yet, as will hereafter appear, these creatures perform all the functions which constitute in their aggregate the life-history of an Animal. They obtain food either by moving actively in search of it, or by putting forth prehensile appendages which bring it to them ; they introduce their food into the interior of their bodies, and subject it to a process of digestion whereby its nutritive material is extracted from the indigestible residue, which is cast forth by an act of defecation ; they diffuse this material through the general substance of the body, both by the general movements of its walls, and by the agency of what seems to be a special contractile organ ; and they apply it to the augmentation of their own bodies by growth, and to the propagation of their race by reproductive operations of various kinds. 3. As less differentiation of parts exists among Rhizopoda than in either of the other classes, and as the beings of which that class is composed may be considered as exhibiting the distinctive attributes of Animal life in their least specialised condition, its place is obviously at the bottom of the series. In fact, a state of greater simplification can scarcely be conceived to exist in any living organism, than that which is presented by the creatures OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL. 13 which present the most characteristic types of the group, such, for example, as the Actinoplirys. 4. The designation of this Class (first conferred by M. Dujardin, xxxiii, in 1835, upon a portion of the animals now included in it, which he ranked only as a family of Ivfusoria) is founded upon the power just referred to, which is possessed by all the members of it in a greater or less degree, of putting forth indefinite extensions of the substance of the body, — sometimes short, broad, and rounded — sometimes longer, slenderer, and gradually tapering to a point — sometimes immensely elongated, and narrowed to threads of extreme tenuity, — which are continually varying both in number, form, and dimensions, and which can be altogether retracted, so as to become incorporated again with the body-substance. These diverging processes, termed pseudopodia, are used in some instances merely for the prehension of food ; in some cases, again, their primary office is to move the body from place to place in search of aliment ; whilst, in another set of cases, they seem to be subservient to both functions : and as they bear some resemblance on the one side to the ramifying roots of a tree, on the other to the feet or locomotive appendages of higher animals, the term Rhizopoda, or "root-footed," applied to the class of creatures of which their presence is so distinctive a characteristic, is by no means unexpressive. 5. The soft and almost homogeneous substance of which the body of these animals is composed, received from M. Dujardin the designation sarcodc, or rudimentary flesh ; and this designation may be conveniently used, if it be duly kept in mind that " sarcode " is not a substance sui generis, but is nothing else than the protoplasm* in which every form of animal structure has its origin, and from which it is evolved by a process of gradual differentiation. This substance is composed of an albuminoid base, with oil-particles in a state of very fine division diffused through it ; it is tenacious, extensible, and contractile ; it is diaphanous, reflecting light rather more than water but less than oil ; and it is dissolved by alkalies (the aid of heat being necessary if a weak solution be used), rendered perfectly transparent by acetic acid, and dyed brown by iodine. In the midst of this substance are usually to be seen vacuoles, or cavities, containing a thinner fluid, which is often coloured ; these are extremely variable, both in number and size, and their deficiency in any definite limiting walls is rendered obvious by their not unfrequent coalescence.f There may generally be observed, in the bodies of Ithizopods, some differentiation between their central and their peripheral portion ; the substance of the latter being the more pellucid, consistent, and motile, whilst * That the " sarcode " of Dujardin is nothing more nor less than animal protoplasm not yet differentiated into cell-wall and cell-contents — a doctrine which has recently been put forth as new by Professor Schultze (scix),- — was distinctly stated by the Author iu 1856 (see his Manual entitled 'The Microscope and its Revelations/ chap. ix). f These " vacuoles," which commonly form themselves around the particles taken in as food, were mistaken by Professor Ehrenberg under the influence of his " polygastric " hypothesis, for multiple stom.ichs, each having its own proper wall, and opening into a common alimentary canal, ■which commences and terminates by a definite orifice. This notion, as will hereafter appear, is alto- gether ideal, and is utterly inconsistent with the real facts of the case. 14 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL. that of the former contains a much larger proportion of the granules and vacuoles, and seems less endowed with self-activity, though very easily put into passive motion. This differentia- tion, which is sometimes scarcely perceptible, in other cases proceeds so far that the coloured, granular, vacuolated sarcode is surrounded by a perfectly transparent envelope ; and the two portions thus distinguished may be appropriately designated (after Dr. Strethill Wright) as the endosarc and the ectosarc. 6. In the cases in which this differentation has proceeded furthest, so that the body of the Rhizopod bears the strongest resemblance to an ordinary " cell " (as is the case with Amoeba and its allies (^ 21), a nucleus may be distinctly traced ; in those, on the other hand, in which the original protoplasmic condition is most completely retained (as seems to be the case with Gromia, and with the Foraminifera generally), no nucleus can be distinguished. The same appears to be true of the peculiar contractile vesicle, which may be regarded as a vacuole with a defined wall ; for this seems to be always present in the " ectosarc " of those Rhizopods which have that portion of the body most differentiated from the " endosarc," whilst it cannot be traced in the more homogeneous bodies of such as possess no nucleus. In certain Rhizo- pods belonging to the former category, the body of each individual contains several nuclei, as well as several contractile vesicles ; and thus, as Prof. Schultze has pointed out (xcix, pp. 315 — 9), it may be regarded as formed by an aggregation of what would, if still more completely differentiated, have constituted so many distinct cells. In the highest of these composite forms (^ 20), indeed, it seems probable that complete cells may be developed in the peri- pheral portion of the body, whilst its interior retains the condition of homogeneous protoplasm. 7. In a large proportion of Rhizopods the body has the power of forming upon its surface a firm, testaceous envelope. This, in some instances, appears to be wholly composed of an organic substance resembling chitine ; but in general it is either siliceous, as in the Folycyslina, or calcareous, as in the Foramini/era, the mineral constituent in each case being combined with an organic basis-substance. In certain of the last-named group (^ 60 ) the calcareous constituent is wanting, and the " test" is composed of foreign particles, so regularly arranged and cemented together as to give it the shape and general aspect of one formed on the ordinary plan. The ordinary " tests" of Polycystina and Foraminifera, like the loricce of Diatomacese, must be regarded as generated by a kind of e.xcretion from the surface of the body ; and although the elaborate structure of those of the most highly organized Foraminifera might seem, at first sight, to indicate a less simple origin, yet it will be hereafter shown to be readily explicable according to that viisw (^ 59). There are Rhizopods, on the other hand, in which the body, instead of being invested with a sihcified " test," is strengthened by siliceous spicules difi'used through its substance ; and as there is evidence that in certain cases (^ 18) such spicules are formed by an excretion-process around pseudopodial prolongations of the sarcode, it is pro- bable that this is the general fact, more especially as Mr. Bowerbank has shown (viii,p. 282) tliat the spicules of Sponges have originally a cavity in their interior, which is occupied by soft animal substance. 8. The subdivision of this Class into Orders seems (in the opinion of the author) to be most satisfactorily accomplished, by taking as a basis those structural characters which are most expressive of physiological differences. Such characters are presented in the form, OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL. 15 proportions, and general arrangement of the pseudopodial extensions ; for, notwithstanding their apparently unrestricted polymorphism, it will be found that Rhizopods present three very distinct types ofpseudopodian conformation, to one or other of whicii they may all be referred, and that the groups thus formed are eminently natural. How intimately related these diver- sities are to those fundamental potentialities of each type which find so little structural ex- pression in this lowest form of animal life, appears from the circumstance that even a particle of protoplasm detached from the general mass of the body will put forth the pseudopodian extensions characteristic of its type ; those of the substance forced out by crushino- the " test" of an Arcella (Plate I, fig. 19), having the broad, lobated form of those of the Amwlja, whilst those of the substance forced out in like manner by crushing the shell of a Polystomella (Plate IV, fig. 12) have the delicate, thread-like character of those of the Foraminifera generally. 9. In Actinophrys and its allies (Plate I, figs. 1 — 6), which may be considered as constituting the central or typical group of Rhizopods, the pseuclopodia are very numerous, and, when fully extended, are long, slender processes, that gradually taper from base to point, and issue from the body in a radial direction ; they generally remain distinct when they come into mutual contact, never undergoing that complete fusion which is common in those of Forami- nifera; and a slow movement of granules maybe seen to take place along their margin, when the observation is continued for a sufiBcient length of time under high magnifying powers. The difi'erentiation between the central and the peripheral portions of the body is such as to mark out the "endosarc" and the " ectosarc" as, on the whole, distinct from each other, though no definite line of demarcation can be drawn between them. — With the family ActinopJiryna, which includes certain forms that possess a firm envelope over a larger or smaller portion of their surface, there seem to be associated, by their more or less complete conformity in the foregoing characters, the Acanthometrina, in which the body is supported by a regular framework of radiating siliceous spicules, the Polycystina, in which it is more or less completely encased in a siliceous "test," and the Thalassicollina, which, whilst apparently sometimes simple, are generally composed of aggregations of more or less fully difi"erentiated cells, supported upon a framework of siliceous spicules. This last family obviously establishes the transition between the typical Rhizopods and Sponges. The four families now enumerated seem to constitute an eminently natural order, to which the designation Radiolaria proposed by Midler,* (lxviii) is very appropriate. 10. In Amwba and its allies, which diverge from the typical Rhizopods in the direction of Gregarinida and Infusoria (both of which Classes contain forms that are scarcely distinguishable from it), the pseudopodial expansions are few, short, broad, and rounded (Plate I, figs. 1.5 — 20), seeming rather like lobate extensions of the body itself, than appendages pro- * The Rliizopoda Radiolaria of Miiller did uot include the Actinopliryna ; and he separated them iuto two sub-orders, according as they are Simple or Composite — a di.stinction which does not appear to the author at, all better founded than that according *to which the Foraminifera are primarilv divided into Monotlialamous and Pohjtltalamous (see If 52). He is glad to find that the views of MM. Claparede and Lachmann, on this point, seem to be in accordance with his own ; no notice being taken, in their classification of Rliizopoda (xxv, p. 434), of the families Spliarozoa and Collospltoercs established by Miiller for the composite forms of ThalassicolUe. 16 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL. ceedino- from it. They are not put forth equally from any part of the surface, but only from some particular portion ; and this portion, in some of the testaceous forms, is very narrowly restricted. They show no tendency to mutual cohesion ; and the smoothness and sharp definition of tiieir outlines makes it obvious that the surface-layer which they derive from the " ectosarc " possesses considerable consistence. No movement of granules is to be seen along their margins ; but the larger pseudopodia receive prolongations from the general cavity of the body (formed by the vacuolation of the " endosarc"), into which its grantdar liquid contents freely pass when propelled by the contraction of the " ectosarc." The differentiation between the " ectosarc'' and the " endosarc" here reaches its maximum ; the former having almost the solidity of a definite membrane, whilst the particles contained in the latter move so readily upon one another as to show that its consistence is not even that of a viscous liquid. The increased tenacity of the " ectosarc" necessarily opposes the free entrance of alimentary substances through any part of the surface ; and it is pretty certain that in some (at least) of the Amcebina, possibly in all, there is a special oral aperture. — This group contains testaceous as well as naked forms, which are all so closely related as to constitute but one natural order; and for these Rhizopoda the name Lobosa may be suggested, as expressing the lobe-like character of their pseudopodial extensions.* 11. In i\\Q Foraminifera and their alHes, on the other hand, the characteristic features of the Rhizopod type are (so to speak) exaggerated. The pseudopodial extensions present no approach to definiteness, either in shape, size, or number (Plate II, Plate III, figs. 1, 2, 3). Some- times they appear cylindrical, and sometimes form broad, flat bands ; whilst they are often drawn into threads of such extreme tenuity as to require a high microscopic power for their discern- ment; tliey coalesce with each other so readily and completely, that no part of their substance can be regarded as having more than a viscous consistence; their margins are not defined by continuous lines, but are broken by the granules irregularly disposed along them, so thai they appear as if torn ; and these granules, when the animal is in a state of activity, are in con- tinual movement, passing along the pseudopodia from one extremity to the other, or passing across the connecting threads from one pseudopodium to another, with considerable rapidity. In all these particulars they present, as Professor Schultze has pointed out (xcix, p. 314), a striking analogy to the protoplasmic layer of the interior of certain vegetable cells, such as those of the hairs of Tradescantia, which exhibit the aspect of an irregular network formed by the inosculation of threads that spring from the mass immediately surrounding the nucleus, and very closely resembling that which is formed by the pseudopodial extensions of the body of a Liehcrkiihnia (Plate II), or a Gromia (Plate III, fig. 2). And as it is along this protoplasmic network in the interior of the cells of Tradescantia, that the stream of granules moves which has so long attracted the attention of microscopic observers, there is strong reason to believe that this movement is due in both instances to the same agency — a sort of peristaltic contrac- * By MM. Claparede and Laclimann (xxv, p. 43t), the Ammbina and the Actinophryna are united into one Order, to which they give the name Proteina. The relationship of the latter, how- ever, to the Acanthometrina, &c., seems to the author so intimate, whilst their differentiation from the Amcebina appears to him to be so decided, that he cannot hesitate iu the belief that the arrangement he has here proposed is much the more natural. OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL. 17 tion in the threads of protoplasm. The low degree of differentiation in the protoplasmic substance of these Rhizopods is manifested, not merely in their pseudopodia, but also in the general mass of their bodies ; for although the external portion is less granular and coloured than the internal, and is of somewhat firmer consistence, yet there is nothing like a definite distinction between ectosarc and endosarc, so that the departure from the original homogeneity of the sarcode is here reduced to its minimum. This low grade of differentiation is marked also by the absence of the " nucleus" and of the " contractile vesicle," neither of which organs has been yet detected in any members of this group. By far the larger proportion of the Rhizopods which agree in these general characters are enclosed in calcareous shells, which may be either monothalamous or polythalamous ; and such constitute the group of Forami- nifera. In certain cases, however, the " test" is simply membranous (as in Gromia, Plate III, fig. 2), or it may even be reduced to the condition of a very transparent film (as in Lieberkuhnia , Plate II) ; and such forms are distinguished as Gromida. The physiological condition of all these beings appears to be so closely accordant, as fully to justify their being combined in a single Order, to which the name Reticulosa may be given, indicative of the reticulated character of its pseudopodian extensions. The mode of subdividing this Order will be the subject of discussion in the next Chapter. According to the foregoing views, the Rhizopoda may be thus arranged : RHIZOPODA. LoBosA. Radiolaria. Reticulosa. Amabina. Actvnopliryna. Gromida. / \ Acanthometrina. Foratiiinifera. / \ Folycystina. Thalassicollina. INFUSORIA. GREGARINIDA. SPONGIADA. PROTOPHYTA. 18 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL :—RADIOLARIA. Order RADIOLARIA. 12. Actinophryna.* — Commencing our more detailed consideration of these groups with the one which may be regarded as the most characteristic type of the entire series, we find a familiar representative of this in the weW-known Jciinop/uy/s (PI. I, figs. 1 — 4), a not uncommon inhabitant of collections of fresh water in which aquatic plants are growing, and sometimes also presenting itself in the sea. The form of its body usually approaches the spherical (fig. 1) ; but it is liable to modification, on the one hand, from the protrusion of the " contractile vesicle," v, when turgid, on the other, from the projection either of newly ingested food (fig. 2), or of particles that are about to be got rid of as indigestible. A still greater departure from the spherical form is seen when the Jc/i?iop//ri/s is undergoing duplicative subdivision (figs. 3,4). The average diameter of the body is from l-1300th to l-650th of an inch. From every part of its surface rndiating pseudopodia e.xtend themselves, usually exceeding in length the diameter of the body, and tapering gradually from base to apex, but sometimes swelling again at their ex- tremities into enlargements resembling a pin's head. These pseudopodia, however, vary greatly both in number and in length ; sometimes they are partially or almost entirely retracted (a change which may be induced by agitation of the water) ; and they may even disappear so completely, that the animal cannot be distinguished from an Jniwha until they are again put forth. The endosarc is distinguished by the presence of granular particles, fre- quently coloured, which are mostly derived from the matters ingested as food ; and by the nearer approach of its substance to the consistence of a viscid fluid, as is indicated by the move- ments of these granules. It also usually contains numerous "vacuoles," some of which are seen to contain the alimentary matters ingested by the animal, when it is examined soon after feeding. The ectosarc, on the other hand, is more pellucid and of firmer consistence, though not by any means attaining to the tenacity of a proper membranous envelope. There is, however, no definite line of division between the endosarc, and the ectosarc, the one graduating almost insensibly into the other; but it maybe remarked, that the pseudopodia seem to be derived from the ectosarc alone, the endosarc not extending itself into them. They possess, moreover, a degree of consistence which usually prevents them from coalescing when they come into contact with one another; and whenever such a coalescence does take place, it is to a much smaller extent than is common among Foraminifera (^^ 32, 33). A circulation of granules may be seen by attentive observation to take place along the pseudopodia of Acti- nopliri/s ; but it is far less active than that which constitutes so curious a feature in the life- history of the Foraminifera (^ 34). 13. Although the existence of a "nucleus" in Jctinoplirj/s has been denied, its presence (in certain species, at least) must be regarded as a well-established fiict.f It presents itself as a flattened vesicular body, with a well-defined margin, usually of circular outline, and very * Ou tbis family, see .xi, xxii, xxiv, xxv, xxvii, xxxvi, xxxvni, lvi, lxxxii, lxxxiv, cii^, cv. t The term " nucleus " was improperly applied by Kolliker (lvi) to the dark granular sub- stance which coinmonly occupies the central portion of the body. The existence of a true nucleus was OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL :—RADIOLARIA. 19 pellucid ; and its central portion is occupied by an aggregation of granular particles, less defined at its margin, and less regular in shape. It may be brought into view either by crushing the body of the animalcule, or by the addition of dilute acetic acid. Its diameter bears a considerable proportion to that of the entire body, being (according to Stein,) in A. oculafa almost one-third. 14. The AcHnopliryu seems to have little or no power of moving spontaneously from place to place; in that respect corresponding with the Foraminifera, but differing (as we shall see) from Amoeba ; and it obtains its food entirely through the instrumentality of its pseudo- podia, which, by their peculiar adhesive property, attach themselves to bodies that come into contact with them. Not only motionless particles of Vegetable matter, but actively-moving Infusoria, Hotifera, and even small Entoiiiostraca are thus entrapped. When the prey is large and vigorous enough to struggle to escape from its entanglement, it may usually be observed that the neighbouring pseudopodia bend over and apply themselves to the captive body, so as to assist in retaining it, and tliat it is slowly drawn by their joint retraction towards the body of the Adiiwphrys. In other cases, however, the captive seems as if it were paralysed by the contact of the pseudopodium, remaining motionless for some seconds, and then, without any visible movement of its captor, gliding either slowly or rapidly in a centripetal direction along the margin of the pseudopodium to which it adheres, until it becomes jammed, as it were, between the base of this and of a neighbouring one. It is usually, in fact, by thus gliding along the margin of the pseudopodium, as if propelled by an invisible peristaltic con- traction of its sarcode, rather than by a visible retraction of the pseudopodium, that any small body not capable of offering active resistance is conveyed to its base. Now and then it seems as if the appetite of the Aciinnplmjs were sated, or the prey not approved of; for after a few seconds the movements of the latter feebly recommence, and it glides off the pseudopodium without any effort on the part of the Adinophrys to retain it. When, on the other hand, the captive is to be used as food, it becomes invested by an expansion of the pro- toplasmic substance which the body of the Adinophrys sends forth on either side of that of the captive, so as to meet and inclose it ; and thus a marked prominence is formed (fig. 2), which gradually subsides as the food is drawn more completely into the interior. There can be no doubt whatever that aliment may bo thus ingested at any part of the surface, a new mouth, so to speak, being extemporized whenever and wherever there is occasion for it. The struggles of the larger animals, and the ciliary action of Hotifera and Infusoria, may some- times be observed to continue even after they have been thus received into the body; but these movements at last cease, and the process of digestion then begins. The body taken-in as food is received into one of the "vacuoles" of the endosarc, where it lies in the first instance surrounded by liquid ; and its alimentary portion is gradually converted into an undistinguishable gelatinous mass, which becomes incorporated with the parenchyma, as may be seen by the general diffusion of any colouring particles it may contain. Several vacuoles may be occupied at one time by alimentary morsels ; frequently from four to eight are seen thus filled, and occasionally ten or twelve. Ehrenberg in one instance counted as denied by Claparecle in liis earlier memoir upon Adinophrys (xxiv) ; but he has since admitted its presence, at least in A. Eichornii (xxv, p. 419). 20 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL :—RADIOLARIA. many as sixteen. Whilst the digestive process, which usually occupies some hours, is going on, a sort of slow circulation takes place in the entire mass of the endosarc, with its in- cluded vacuoles. If, as often happens, the body taken-in as food possesses some hard indigestible portion (as the shell of an Entomostracan, or the lorica of a Rotifer), this, after the digestion of the soft parts, is gradually pushed towards the surface, and at last escapes by an anal opening in the ectosarc, which extemporises itself for the occasion. Sometimes it may be seen to glide along a pseudopodiiim from its base towards its apex, after the manner of an animalcule captured as food, but in a reverse direction. « 15. When an Adbiophri/s is carefully observed for some little time, a rounded promi- nence is seen to rise slowly and gradually from a particular point on its surface (fig. 1, a), sometimes increasing until it attains in small individuals nearly one-third of the bulk of the entire body, but generally stopping at about one-eighth or one-tenth. The substance of this prominence is so extremely pellucid that it looks almost like a soap-bubble ; and its margin is so well defined as to be more clearly distinguishable than that of the body generally. When it has attained its full size, it suddenly contracts and disappears entirely, so that a flattening of the outline is often observable at the point previously occupied by this remarkable elevation ; the margin soon becomes rounded 'again, and gradually rises anew into a projec- tion, which attains its previous highest development, and then suddenly disappears as before. This alternation of quick contraction and slow dilatation, which maybe seen to go on with great regularity for many hours continuously, obviously marks this body to be a "contractile vesicle," analogous to that of Infusoria ; and it is probable that (as may be clearly made out in certain forms of that group) the fluid propelled by its contractions is transmitted through channels in the protoplasma, some of which it distends into " vacuoles," whose contents^ by a slow contraction of the substance in which they are excavated, are subsequently propelled back into the contractile vesicle. Sometimes the " vacuoles " approach the surface very closely, and may even form projections from it, so that they have been supposed to be multiple contractile vesicles. The true contractile vesicle, however, is distinguished by the constancy of its position, by its sharper outline, and by the rhythmical regularity of its alter- nating contractions and dilatations. 16. Of the reproduction of Adinophrys so little is at present certainly known, that it will be preferable to bring the observations which have been made upon it into connection with the similarly incomplete fragments of this portion of their life-history, which have been attained by the study of other types of Rhizopod structure (1^ 41, 43). 17. The several genera that rank with Adinnplnys in the family Actinophryna present its fundamental type of structure under various special modifications. Tiius in Tridiodiscus the body has the form of a flattened spheroid, and the pseudopodia do not radiate from all parts of its surface, but form a sort of zone round its equatorial region only. In PlayiopUrys, again, the origin of the pseudopodia is still more limited, for they all pass off in a bundle from one and the same part of the body ; and this restriction seems to be related to the investment of the body at other parts by a definite limiting membrane, which is still, however, very flexible. In P. cylindrica (Plate I, fig. 6), the body is elongated in form, and the pseudopodia issue OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL :—RAmOLARIA. 21 forth from one extremity, which is destitute of any membranous envelope; thus affording a transition towards such genera as Eughjplia (fig. 5), in which the body is inclosed in a flask- shaped membranous " test," often elegantly sculptured on its surface, and having a wide orifice from which the pseudopodia are put forth. 18. ACANTHOMETRINA.* — The siliccous skeletons of the Acatliomeirina, which are all marine, t consist of a number of elongated spines, which meet in a common centre, and radiate from this with great regularity (PI. I, fig. 7). These spines arc hollow, and the canal by which each is traversed opens-out near its base into a furrow, by which a pseudopodian process of the body of the animal gains access to its interior, to issue forth again at its apex. There are, however, many pseudopodia not thus inclosed, which strongly resemble those of Actinophnjs in their appearance and their action. The body is spherical in form, and occu- pies the spaces left between the bases of the spines, which in some species widen-out so much as to join each other by their edges at some distance from the centre (fig. 8), thus dividing the interior of the sphere of sarcode into pyramidal segments. The ectosarc seems to have a more definitely-membranous consistence than in Aclinoplirys ; but it is pierced bv the pseudopodia, whose convergence may be traced from without inwards, after passing through it, and it is itself enveloped in a layer of less tenacious protoplasm resembling that of which the pseudopodia are composed. The cndosarc contains a number of yellow cell-like globules, resembling those of Thalassicollm, having a thick peripheral layer and a central cavity. These are rendered brown by tincture of iodine, and are blackened by the sub- sequent action of sulphuric acid, whilst the rest of the body assumes a deep yellow colour; on the other hand, they are turned green by hydrochloric acid. 19. PoLYCYSTiN.\.t — The very numerous group of Pohjcystina, whose skeletons furnish to the microscopist so many objects of the highest interest for their varied beauty, is also entirely marine ;§ and is distinguished from the foregoing in having the body itself more or less completely inclosed in a siliceous envelope, fenestrated or perforated witii numerous * On tins family, see especially xi, xxv, lxviii. f The Acanthometra echinoides is described by MM. Claparede and Lachin.inn (sxv, p. 460) as extremely common on some parts of the cuast of Norway; being brought in abundance by westerly winds into the fiord of Bergen, from which it disappears when the wind changes; but being always to be found at Glesnaitholm, which is nearer the open sea. To the naked eye, it presents itself as a crimson-red point, the diameter of its body (not including the spicules or pseudopodia) being 0'15 roillira., or 0-006 inch. This colour is seen under the microscope to depend upon the pre- sence, in the central part of the body, of a mass of pigment, which, when viewed by transmitted light, is no longer crimson, but reddish purple. Acanthomelrie do not seem to have yet been discovered near our own shores. As they are undoubtedly inhabitants of the North Sea, they should be looked-for on our eastern coast when the wind blows towards the shore. I On this family, see especially xi, xxv, xli, xlii, lxviii. § They are best known as the " Fossil Infusoria of Barbadoes ;" a large proportion of a Sandstone that prevails through an extensive district of that island, being composed of the siliceous skeletons of Polycystina, more or less firmly united together by a calcareous cement. 22 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL —RADIOLAUIA. apertures for the passage of pseudopodia, and often furnished with radiating elongations (fig. 9). The sarcode body is altogether of an ohve-brown colour, but contains yellow globules, like those of AcanthometrcB. It does not always entirely fill the shell, especially when this does not form a complete casing ; as in the Euci/rtidium, only the upper part of whose bell-shaped " test" is occupied by the body, which is divided into four equal lobes. The pseudopodia of the Polycystina bear a close resemblance to those of Actinoplirys, alike in their gradually tapering form, their isolation from each other, their radiating direction, their indisposition to fusion, and the slow movement of granules along their borders. 20. Thalassicollina.* — Certain forms oiFolycystina, in which the fenestrations of the siliceous shell are so large and in such close proximity that the solid portion constitutes nothing more than an open network (as is the case with the Didyosoma of Miiller), serve to connect that group with the ThalassicoHina. Of these bodies, which are found passively floating on or near the surface of the ocean, very few forms are yet known, and they are distinguished by Prof. Miiller into the simple and the composite. Of the former we may take as an illustration his Thalassicollamorum (PI. I, fig. 12), which seems very closely to resemble an Adinophry.'i, but presents on its surface, partly imbedded in its ectosarc, a number of composite siliceous spicules (fig. 13), much resembling those of some species of Tethya. In the Th. nudeata of Huxley, the dark spheroidal body is described by him as surrounded by a transparent gela- tinous investment, resembling that which incloses the cells of many Protophytes. The former consists of a spherical vesicle, 1-G5th of an inch in diameter, the wall of which is formed I)v a strong, resisting, and elastic membrane, whilst the interior is composed of fluid, holding in suspension granules of various sizes, with a pale, delicate, nuclear body. In the gelatinous investment many vacuoles are observable, varying in size from l-62d to l-2500th of an inch, the smallest being innermost ; and scattered among the vacuoles of the inner portion, imme- diately surrounding the vesicular body, are many yellow, bright spheres (cells?), about 1-1 600th of an inch in diameter, with a multitude of minute granules. From the surface of the vesicular body delicate branching fibrils are seen to radiate through the gelatinous envelope, passing between the vacuoles ; and these are beset with excessively minute dark granules, which are continually circulating among the fibres, but without any definite direc- tion. In the complex type, which is represented by the Thalassicolla pundata of Huxley (the Spharozoum 2}undatum of Miiller), the aggregate mass — which may be either spherical, spheroidal, or hour-glass shaped — is composed of a number of spheroidal bodies, nearly allied to the preceding, imbedded (like the cells of a Palmdia) in a common gelatinous investment (fig. 10). Each spheroid is a cell of from l-200lh to l-250th of an inch in diameter, having a thin but dense membranous wall, and containing a distinct nucleus surrounded by a mass of granules (fig. 11); and it is surrounded by a zone of siliceous spicules, each con- sisting of a short cylinder, from either end of which radiate three or four pointed spines, them- selves beset with pointed processes, closely resembling the spicules of TlaUdtondria. Round each of these spheroidal vesicles, moreover, is seen an aggregation of the before-mentioned small bright yellow spheres ; which are also diffused, though more sparingl)', through the substance of the common gelatinous investment. And through that substance also there are * On this family, see especially xi, xxv, lii, lxviii, xciv. OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL:— LOBOSvV. 23 seen to extend themselves from the surface of each vesicle (fig. 10) radiating fibres, resembling those of the simple TlialassicoUa niichata. The central part of the mass is hollowed out by numcrois vacuoles of considerable size, closely pressed together ; and these sometimes coalesce into a single cavity, so that the aggregate body (which sometimes attains the diameter of an inch) is in the condition of a hollow sphere. In another form of the same group, distinguished by Midler as Collosphcpra Huxlaji, the aggregate body (which seems to correspond in all essential particulars with the preceding) is included within a clear, transparent, brittle, siliceous envelope, fenestrated by numerous rounded apertures (fig. 14). In this type (which seems to approximate to the Fohjcystina) there are no spicules, but each spheroidal vesicle contains a few prismatic crystals. Order LOBOSA. 21. Amcebin A.*— Returning now to our starting-point — the most generalized type of Rhizopods — we find in the Amwha and its allies (some of which are inhabitants of almost every pond that is tenanted by aquatic plants, whilst others ai'e marine) a condition wliich, as in some respects transitional towards the Infusoria, has caused Prof. Miiller to distinguish them as " Infusorial Rhizopods." The body of the Amaha, which may vary in diameter from l-2800th to I-70th of an inch, cannot be said to possess any definite shape, its outline being determined by the form and number of its pseudopodian prolongations, which are processes of the body itself, into which the endosarc often passes as well as the ectosarc, and not merely extensions of the latter, as in Actinopkrijs. Both in form and number these arc continually undergoing change ; sometimes they are all retracted, so that the shape of the body is simply spheroidal (PI. I, figs. 16, 17, a); sometimes it puts forth a few broad, short, lobated expansions (fig. IG, B, c) ; sometimes these are more numerous, slender, and elongated, assuming a radial direction (fig. 15, A, B, c, d) ; and occasionally they are so greatly multiplied, radiate with such regularity, and taper so uniformly from base to apex, as strongly to resemble the pseudo- podia of Adiiiophri/s (fig. 18). The varieties thus presented have been designated under different specific names ; but, as MM. Claparede and Lachmann have justly observed, the grounds of such distinction will appear far from sufficient, when the vemiix\ii&)\e poIi/morpJdsm characteristic of this type has been duly allowed for. 22. The distinction between the endosarc and the ectosarc is far more clearly marked in Amoeba than in Adinophrys -, the former being much more fluid, whilst the consistence of the latter is much firmer. It is through the endosarc alone that those coloured and granular particles are diffused, on which the hue and opacity of the body depend ; the ectosarc, which forms a layer of greater or less thickness around it, being perfectly pellucid. The surface layer of the ectosarc in some forms oi Amoeba (as A. bilimbosa) seems almost to attain a membranous consistence, a distinct double contour being visible all round the body when at rest (fig. 17, a). Still, it cannot be said that even in such cases the body is * On this family, see especially ii, xi, xxii, xxiii, xxv, .xxvir, xxxiii, xxxvi, xxxviii, LXXXII, LXXXIV, XCIII, XCVII. 24 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL:— LOBOSA. inclosed in a proper membranous envelope ; for this investment seems ready to yield at any point, so as to give exit to the pseudopodial projections put forth by the softer contractile ectosarc (fig. 17, b). And in ordinary Amoebce, which have no double contour line (figs. 15, 16), it seems most likely that alimentary and other substances can be introduced through any part of the ectosarc into the interior, as in AdinopJtrt/s, and that indigestible bodies can be extruded in like manner, though previously to their escape they may often be seen to push the ectosarc before them, so as to form considerable projections from the surface of the body. The central portion of the endosarc seems to have an almost aqueous consistence, the granular particles diffused through it (which are, for the most part, derived directly from without) being seen to move very freely upon one another with every change in the shape of the body. There is not, however, a definite limitation between the wall and the contents of this cavity ; for the peripheral portion of the endosarc is much more tenacious than the central, and seems to graduate insensibly into the firmer substance of the ectosarc. In the typical forms of Amoeba (as A. prhiceps, fig. 16, and A. radiosa, fig. 15), the endosarc passes into the interior of the pseudopodial extensions. But in A. bilimbosa (fig. 17) and some otiier forms, in which the differentiation of the endosarc and the ectosarc is unusually great, these extensions are derived from the latter only. In A. porrecta (fig. 18), on the other hand, the differentiation is far less complete, and the pseudopodia seem to be as much formed by tlie endosarc as by the ectosarc; in this and other particulars presenting a link of transition to the shell-less Reticulosa. 23. A "nucleus" [n, figs. 15, c, 17, a) is always distinctly visible in Amoeba, having, when most perfectly seen, the aspect of a clear, flattened vesicle surrounding a solid and usually spherical nucleolus; it is adherent to the inner portion of the ectosarc, and projects from it into the general cavity. — A " contractile vesicle " seems also to be uniformly present ; though it does not usually make itself so obvious by its external prominence as it does in Aclinopltri/s. 24. The more advanced differentiation of the central and peripheral portions of the pro- toplasmic body of Amoeba is made evident by the effects of reagents. If an A. radiosa (fig. 15) be treated with a dilute alkaline solution, the granular and molecular endosarc shrinks together and retreats towards the centre, leaving the radiating extensions of the ectosarc in the condition of cscal tubes, of which the walls are not soluble, at the ordinary temperature, either in acetic or mineral acids, or in dilute alkaline solutions, thus agreeing with the envelope noticed by Cohn as possessed by Paramecium and other ciliated Infusoria, and with the membrane of ordinary animal cells. The nucleus and nucleolus are readily soluble in alkalies, whilst they are rendered darker and more distinct by dilute acetic or sulphuric acid, in consequence of the precipitation of a finely granular substance in the clear vesicular space that surrounds the nucleolus. When treated with more concentrated acids, the nucleus and nucleolus first expand and then dissolve. 25. The Amoeba and its allies are distinguished in a very marked manner from all other Rhizopods by the comparative activity of their locomotion ; instead of remaining fixed to one spot (except when made to change their place by external agency), and entrapping their food OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL :—LOBOSA. 25 by their elongated radiating pseudopodia, tliey are continually moving over the field of the microscope, and receiving into their bodies any small substances which they may happen to encounter in their progress. This movement is effected by the protrusion of some part of the periphery of the body into a pseudopodian process of greater or less elongation : towards this process, and usually for some way into it, there is a current of the internal granular substance; at the same time there is a retraction of any processes of the like nature which might have been previously put forth from the other side of the body, and a reflux of the granular substance from these towards the centre ; and by a continuance of this change) the entire Ijody is gradually advanced in the direction of the new extension. The kind of motion thus executed by an Amaeha is described by most observers as a " rolling" action, this being certainly the aspect whicii it commonly seems to present ; but it is maintained by MM. Claparede and Lachmann, as the result of a very careful observation of certain forms of Amceba that present peculiarities in the disposition of their parts which render them (so to speak) "test objects" as to this point (such as the A. quadrilineata of Carter, and the A. Umax of Auerbach), that the appearance of rolling is an optical illusion, for that the nucleus and contractile vesicle always maintain the same position relatively to the rest of the body, and that " creeping" or rejjfafion would be a more true description of their mode of movement. On this view, these animals have their ventral surface constantly differentiated from their dorsal, it being from the former alone that the pseudopodian extensions proceed ; and thus a tran- sition would seem to be indicated towards the testaceous Ammhinm, in which the dorsal surface is invested by a shell, and the pseudopodia are strictly limited to the ventral. 26. When the body of an AiiifEha, or one of its extensions, comes into contact with any small particle, the movement of the former very commonly presses it against the latter with sufficient force to cause it to make its way through the ectosarc into the cavity of the endosarc ;* and thus tlie latter may often be seen to contain Diatomacca, Desmidiacece , frag- ments of larger Algm, Infusoria, Boti/era, and even Entomostraca, with an occasional intermixture of inorganic particles. These undergo a kind of circulation in the general cavity of the interior, which is maintained, as just shown, by the movements of the sur- rounding contractile substance; and tliis circulation (like the movement of the contents of the stomach in higher animals) doubtless promotes the digestive process. The larger masses that are available for nutriment are gradually broken up into finer particles ; and these seem to constitute the granules which are always to be seen diffused in greater or less abundance through the liquid interior of the endosarc, the colour of those granules being pretty obviously the same as that of the matters ingested, and the effects of chemical reagents upon them being identical. Insoluble bodies appear to be rejected from time to time, by making their way towards the surface, and then penetrating the ectosarc at the point which happens to be nearest, just as they are in Adinophrys. * Whilst admitting that there is uo evidence of the existence of a constant definite oral aperture iu Ammha, MM. Claparede and Lachmann tliink it conceivable that there may be such an aperture, of which the lips might be exactly applied to one another, as in Amphileptus, so as only to open at the moment of deglutition. They express themselves as certain, that in their Podostoma filigerum (^ 28) such a definite oral aperture exists (xxv, p. 418). 4 26 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL :— LOEOSA. 27. Th-e "cohtractile vesicle" does not usually project much from the surface ; though in a form of ^?K ; and there is reason to believe that the separation of their parts, which can be produced by very slight external violence, ma)' be a means of their nudtiplication and diffusion. 41. Besides this, which may be considered the mofst general method of reproduction among Rhizopoda; other more special forms of that process are' indicated by observed facts. In those types which exhibit, in the differentiation of "ectosarc" and " endosarc," and in the presence of a nucleus, the nearest approach to the condition of cells, multiplication takes place, as in growing cells generally, by a process of binary subdivision. This may often be witnessed in ActinopJiri/s, round whose spherical body an annular constriction forms itself, which gradually deepens so as to separate its two halves by a sort of hour-glass contraction (Plate I, fig. 4) ; and the connecting band becomes more and more slender (fig. S), until a complete separation of the two halves occurs. The process of fission, which may be completed within half an hour from its commencement, seems to take place first in the contractile vesicle; for each segment very early shows itself to be provided with its own (Fig. 4, v, v), and the two vesicles are commonly removed to a considerable distance from one another. The segments thus divided are not always equal, and sometimes their difference in size is veiy considerable. — The like process of duplicative subdivision has been witnessed also in Amceba. Whether in either case this subdivision commences in the nucleus, or extends through it subsequently, has not yet been ascertained. 42. It is affirmed by Schneider (xciii n) that Amccba sometimes passes into an encysted condition. He observed it first to become globulai', and then to form a firm membrane on one side, whilst the other portion maintained its peculiar character and actions. (In this state it seems to have resembled the A. bilimbosa of Auerbach, Plate I, fig. 1 7.) By degrees the membi-ane extended itself over the whole body, the moveable portion constantly becoming smaller, until at last a completely closed cyst was produced, in the clear interior of which a round nucleus, with a reddish halo, exactly like that of Polytoma and other Monadina, might be distinctly observed. To what this encysting stage leads, there is at present nothing to show. — A change which seems to be of the same nature has also been observed b)^ Schneider (xciii) in BiJJfiif/ia, and by Schidtze (xcvii, p. 25) in Lagynis Baltica (Plate I, fig. 21, b). 43. On the other hand, a junction of two individuals has been seen to take place in Adinophrp, which has been supposed to correspond with the " conjugation '" of certain Protophytes. It is very doubtful, however, if this junction or "zygosis " involves a complete fusion of the substance of the bodies which take part in it; and there is not sufficient evidence RKPRODUC'J'ION OF RHIZOPODA. Sf) that it has any relation to the act of reproduction. Certain it is that such a ''zygosis" may occur, not between two only, but between several individuals at once, their number being recognised by that of their contractile vesicles ; and that after remaining thus coherent for several hours, they may separate again without having undergone any discoverable change. Whether, by any process of a sexual character, germs are developed within the body, and are then set free, must at present be regarded as quite uncertain ; the only reliable evidence on this point being that which is afforded by the observation of Professor KiJlliker, that very small individuals oi Jcfi//op/tr//s sometimes present themselves, measuring no more than -01 or "02 millim. (l-2560th or l-12S0th incli), and presenting very few and inconspicuous granules. But these may be gemmae or small segments separated by the process of subdivision, and not sexual products. And it must for the present be held to be quite uncertain, whether the body wliicli we know as Aciinoplirijs does not go through some entirely different phase, before the completion of its life-history. — A like process of conjugation has been seen to take place also in several AinmhiiKE, testaceous as well as naked ; and the same doubt exists whether this " conjugation '' has any import at all corresponding to that of sexual union among the higher animals, and whether the being which is known as Amceba is anything more than one form of an organism, whicli would present itself to us under other very diverse aspects if the whole of its life-history were known to us.* 44. Certain appearances, however, have been obsei-ved by Mr. H. J. Carter (xxii, pp. 223-233) among Amahina and Actinophnjna, which may be provisionally accepted as indicating that true sexual products are formed in the interior of their bodies, and arc after- wards set free by their disintegration. In Amaba the formation of the male apparatus appears to commence by an increase of size in the vesicular portion of the nucleus, which also becomes more or less globular (Plate IV, fig. 6, a) ; and its contained aggregation of granules then aug- ments so as to occupy a third of the interior of the animalcule, and undergoes successive binary subdivisions, by which it is broken up into numerous segments. These segments assume a circular compressed or globular form, and continue entire until the granules (spermatozoids ?) of which they are composed become fully developed, when the latter acquire the power of locomotion, and then separate from each other, the original containing vesicle in the meanwhile disappearing. In this way some individuals out of a group of Amceba radiosa bearing such granules were seen moving about, even when so reduced that hardly anything but their external pellicle and the one or two spherical segments of the granulated nucleus that remained in their interior were left. Sometimes these segments are evidently held together by a soft mucous envelope, which, being polymorphic, assumes the form of Actimphriis (fig. 7), and exhibits locomotive power ; while in other instances tliis capsule becomes firm, transparent, and spherical ; and the granules do not leave it until they become endowed with independent activity. When the latter is the case, the sperma- * The Author considers that it would be foreigu to tlic purpose of the present work, were lie here to entur upon a discussion of the curious observations of Hartig, Carter, and others, who maintain tliat Amceba and Actinophrijs, or organisms undistinguishable from them, are formed as individualised seg- ments of protoplasm within Vegetable cells, entering upon their independent Animal life when set free from these. 36 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL. tozoids (?) may be seen, if fully developed, to be bounding about in the interior of their capsules, while the capsules themselves are still rolled on in the sarcode of the Amcebn under progression. At other times, the whole mass of the spermatozoids (?), all separated and freed from their capsules, mav be seen to be diffused through the body of the Aniceba whilst still in active polymorphism and locomotion. Lastly, the parent sometimes dies in this state ; and then the mass of spermatozoids (?) may be seen to undergo gradual disintegration, as the granules, by twos or threes or more, disentangle themselves from the sarcode, and bound off into their new element. — The development of granvdar spermatozoids (?) has been observed by Mr. Carter to take place after almost exactly the same fashion in Eiif/Ji//jha aheoUdu (fig. 9), in which their diameter averages from l-16,000th to l-12,000th of an inch; and similar bodies have been seen bv Schneider (xcin) to develope themselves from the nucleus of Diff!(i(/ia. 45. Again, not only Amxeha, but Eitt/l^/pIi(V, Diffliif/ice, and ArcdUna, have been frequently observed by Mr. Carter to contain in the midst of their sarcode a number of discoid or globular bodies having the appearance of ova (Plate IV, figs. 8, 10, 11). At an early stage of their formation each of these bodies consists of a transparent capside, lined with a faint- yellow film of semitransparent matter, which, subsequently becoming more opaque and yellowish, also becomes more marginated and distinct.* They are very commonly accompanied by active molecular granules. Their number is sometimes so great, that, as in the specimen of Amoeba verracoHa represented in fig. 8, the entire body comes to resemble an ovisac filled Avith granuliferous germ-cells. In Euglypha alccolala they are first seen, to the number of from four to fifty, congregated round the nuclear vesicle, though afterwards they become diffused through the sarcode-body generally (fig. 10) : their diameter averages from 1 -4000th to 1 -3000th of an inch, or something less than that of a human blood-corpuscle. 46. Although the development of spermatozoids (?), and of ovules (?) takes place more profusely in distinct individuals than in the same, yet it is by no means uncommon to see individuals of Em/Iyplia akeolata containing both kinds of bodies (fig. 11) : there is no such gradation between them, however, either in size or aspect, as would suggest the inference that the one form originates from the other. 47. Of the subsequent history of these bodies very little has been yet ascertained, and it cannot be stated with any approach to probability in what way their development and actions are related to the " conjugation" already mentioned as not unfrequcntly to be seen between two or more Amoebina or Actiiiopliri/na. It is stated by Mr. Carter that the granular spermatozoid (?) development does not take place until after conjugation ; and that after Enr/h/plice have united themselves, not only in pairs but triply and quadruply, it is common to see only ovules developed in all the individuals of one group, and spermatozoids in those of another. In Euglijijhcp (fig. 11) which contained both ovules (?) and spermatozoids (?), the former were often observed to be surrounded by actively-moving swarms of the latter ; and the same is * The "seed-like bodies" of Spongillu Lave been found by Mr. Carter to contnin numerous transparent, globular sacs, each of which includes a greater Or less number of ovules f>) resembluii,' those described above. Thus, each of these sacs may be cousideied as the representative of an Amoeba. REPRODUCTION OF RHIZOPODA. 37 also observable in Sponfjilla, in which Mr. Carter thinks that he has seen the incorporation of one of the spermatozoids (?) with an ovule (?), in a manner that indicates the act to be one of fecundation. He has been able to watch the ovules from their first appearance until they acquire the aspect of simple Rhizopods with a power of putting forth pscudopodia ; and he believes that when they have attained this condition they are set free by the death of the parent, and, escaping from the cavity of its test, soon form new tests for themselves. By his subsequent observations upon Am(eha verrucosa (xxiii, p. 37), Mr. Carter was led to believe that each ovule in that species gives origin to a number of independent " polymorphic" cells, resembling those which he had previously described as constituting the first product of the ovum of Spont/illfi : and that these pass several months in their immature condition, before taking-on the characteristic aspect of the parent. 48. Of the special modes in which Reproduction is effected in Foraminifera, scarcely anything is yet known. It was observed by Dujardin that the protoplasmic contents of the chambers of Tnmratulina sometimes group themselves together as spherical masses ; and I have met with tlie same kind of aggregation in the sarcode of the superficial chambers of OrhHolites (Plate IV, fig. 1), the spherules averaging about l-3200thof an inch in diameter. Lying in the midst of the sarcode of the same animal, 1 have occasionally found other bodies (fig. 2, /< — (/), sometimes resembling simple cells, sometimes like cells undergoing binary sub- division, having a firm envelope, and retaining the crimson hue of the animal substance even in spirit-specimens ; their diameters varied between 1 -650th and l-300th of ai^ inch. These seem analogous to the dark splierules observed by Scliultze (xcvii, p. 27) in certain Rotnlla, some- times occupying all the chambers (fig. 3), in other instances confined to the last one or two; the ordinary sarcode co-existing in the same shells, but not putting forth pseudopodia. These spherules were composed of a collection of dark molecular matter, not enclosed in a distinct membrane, but held together by some uniting medium ; and they were especially remarkable for their resistance to reagents, not being acted on by sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acids, or by boiling alkalies. The Botalice containing these dark spherules were isolated by Schulze, and kept for many weeks, but no change could be observed in them ; and it must at present be regarded as quite uncertain whether the foregoing phenomena have any relation to the reproductive process. 49. More satisfactory information was subsequently obtained by the same excellent observer (xcvni) in regard to the production of the young of j\fUUil(i. Having obtained some large living specimens of the ii-UocuUni' form of Miliola, he kept them for some time under inspection, and found that some of them, after remaining adherent to the sides of the glass vessel during from eight to fourteen days, became invested with a brownish, slimy matter, which more or less completely obscured the view of the external characters of their shells. After the lapse of some days longer, minute, sharply-defined granules could be seen in this substance with the aid of a lens (Plate IV, fig. 4, a), and these gradually loosened themselves from the soft enveloping mass, and separated further and further from the shell wliicli it surrounded. Microscopic examination of these corpuscles, of which as many as forty were counted round a single progenitor, proved that they were young MUiolce. When viewed by transmitted light, thev presented a pale, yellowish-brown, calcareous shell, consisting of the 38 OF THE RHIZOPODA IN GENERAL. central globular primordial chamber in which all Foraminifera seem normally to commence, partly surrounded by a closely applied tubular part, not separated from the preceding by any distinct septum (fig. 4, b). In a short time, the young animals put forth their pseudopodia from the aperture of the shell, and crawled about upon the surface of the glass. The shell was sufficiently transparent to enable the contained sarcode-body to be examined with high magnifying powers ; and it was seen to consist throughout of the ordinary protoplasmic substance, without any vestige either of nucleus or of contractile vesicle. The latter half of the tubular volution of the young shells was observed not to be completely occupied by the animal substance, whilst the central portion was densely filled, the oil-particles especially accumulating in the latter position. When the calcareous shell of the parent Miliola was carefully broken up, it was found to contain only trifling remains of fine granular sarcodc, Avhich did not put forth anv pseudopodia, and in which no vestige could be traced of anything resembling a young animal in progress of development. Hence it would appear as if the principal part of the body of the parent had been transformed into the bodies of the brood of young, which seem to quit the parent in an advanced condition, probiibly acquiring their shelly envelope before leaving that of their progenitor. — Prof. Schultze has since (xcix, p. 320) had the opportunity of observing a like phenomenon in the case of a small RoUdia, about 1-1 00th of an inch in diameter, which was living attached to the interior of a glass bottle. The yellowish-brown contents, especially of the larger chambers, exhibited a peculiar coarsely granular consistence, observable even with a strong lens ; and on breaking up the shell, which contained ten chambers, twenty or thirty small Polythalamia were found in its interior. These were all of equal or nearly equal size, and consisted of three mutually adherent, nearly globular chambers, of which the first and innermost was the largest, and was filled with large pigment-vesicles, resembling fat-globules, while the other two were colourless. The shell was very thin and brittle, and corresponded in the dimensions of its chambers with the first-formed portion of that of the parent. On watching other individuals which presented the same coarsely granular appearance, it was observed that a multitude of granules suddenly appeared in their neighbourhood, which proved, on examination, to be young Polythalamia, of the same size and form as those artificially freed from their parent, and only differing from them in showing the yellow colour in the second as well as in the first chamber. Whether they made their escape by the rupture of the shell of the parent. Prof. Schultze did not succeed in determining with certainty, but appearances favoured the belief that such was their mode of exit. — Dr. T. Strethill Wright has lately (cxii, p. 362) confirmed an observation formerly made by Ehrenberg, as to the presence of the young of SpirilHna vivipara in the interior of the shell of the parent.^I may add that I have in my possession a number of very young specimens of Orbitolitcs, consisting simply of the primordial chamber and the one immediately surrounding it (Plate IV, fig. 22), which were removed by Mr. W. K. Parker from the deeply-channeled margin of one of these large plicated forms of Orh'i- fnlites that present themselves in certain localities of the Polynesian Archipelago. In that specimen they occurred in considerable numbers. 50. Whether the transformation of the sarcode-body of the parent into the substance of the young occurs in the foregoing cases as the result of anything like a sexual act, or is e9"ected (like the formation of zoospores among Protophytes) simply by the breaking up of the original REPRODUCTION OF RHIZOPODA. 39 protoplasmic mass, is a question as to which there is not at present the sHghtest evidence on either side ; and it is much to be desired that observers who have facihties for the study of the reproduction of the Formmni/era should systematically and perseveringly investigate it. The only observations yet recorded, that indicate the existence of a sexual process in Forami- nifera, are those of Dr. T. Strethill Wright (cxii), who states that on examining a great number of specimens of Gromio, ('ornuspira, Miliola, BoMia, and Orhuliiiu, he has repeatedly discovered bodies which correspond to the " primitive ovum " of ^c«/(^//(«. They consist of transparent spheres or ovoids, formed of a finely molecular substance, in which, however, the molecules are masked or rendered indistinct by the highly refractive matter in which they are imbedded. He was never able to detect either germinal vesicle or germinal spot in the living specimens ; but in a specimen of Trunratuhva which had been hardened in spirit, decalcified by dilute nitric acid, and then mounted with strong heat in Canada balsam (PI. IV, fig. 5), four of the segments (r, c, c, c) each contain an ovum, which shows a germinal vesicle and spot with the utmost distinctness, whilst the rest («/, d) present the usual appearance of granular, low-refracting sarcodc. The ova of Gromia are small enough to escape by the aperture of the "test;"' and as young Groiuia: are met with slightly larger than these ova, it seems probable that the ovum is at once transformed into the body of the ofi^spring, and that it directly acquires an envelope. But in Orhulina and Trtmcattdina the ova are of much larger proportionate size, having in the latter case as much as ten times the diameter of the primitive segment, and being far too large to escape by the aperture of the chambers which contain them. Hence it is considered probable by Dr. Wright that the ova of these genera undergo a polymorphic development of many months' duration, similar to that supposed by Carter to occur in Amwha verrucosa (^ 47) ; and that each ovum becomes transformed by fission (of which process he detected indications) into numerous amoeboid zooids, which escape through the openings of the shell and form the primordial segments of future Rhizopods. The observations of Prof. Schultze upon Rolalia, however, would rather lead to the inference that the segments into winch the ovum breaks up remain in connexion with each other, and constitute, not the primordial segment only, but the segments immediately succeeding it, in each of the young, and that these escape by the rupture of the shell of the parent. — Specimens occasionally present themselves which indicate that a partial binary fission of the germ may take place at a period anterior to the calcification of the wall of the primordial segment. Thus Prof. Williamson (ex) has described a twin monstrosity of Entosolenia (fig. 32, a), and a similar example of Z)«^/«//«« (fig. 49), which have obviously originated in an incomplete subdivision of the primordial segment ; and he states (p. xi) that " whenever such specimens occur, it invariably happens that the two halves of the twin organism belong to the same variety or type," — a fact of some importance as indicating that the transmission of varieties is eS"ected, as in Plants, by those processes of subdivision which take place under the form of fission or gemmation, whilst the origination of varieties is rather to be looked for in sexual generation. Some curious examples of the same kind of " monstrosity by excess," occurring in Orbitolitefi, have been described and figured by myself (xiii) ; and in those cases also. Prof. WiUiamson's general statement was fully borne out. CHAPTER III. OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY ; THEIR CHIEF TYPES OP STRUCTURE AND MODES OF GROWTH, AND THE PRINCIPLES TO BE FOLLOWED IN THEIR CLASSIFICATION. 5L The group of Rhizopods which is known under tlie designation Foraminifera has been shown in the preceding Chapter to be distinguished from the other great divisions of its class, not only by that investment of the sarcode-body with a calcareous shell which constitutes its most easily I'ecognised feature, but by such a peculiarity in the condition of the sarcode- body itself, as seems to justify a marked separation of the animals which exhibit it from those formed upon the type either of the Amwha or the Actinophrijs. That peculiarity (it may be well to repeat) essentially consists in the absence of differentiation in the semi-fluid proto- plasmic substance of which the body is composed ; its homogeneousness being especially manifested in the freedom and minuteness with which its pseudopodial extensions subdivide, and in the readiness and completeness of their coalescence wherever they come into contact with each other, so as by their ramification and mutual inosculation to form a living- network, along the threads of which a circulation of granular particles is continually taking place. Of the Order Reticularia thus constituted so few other forms exist, that it may be almost said to be synonymous with the group of Foraminifera; and it may indeed be questioned whether in a classification based on physiological principles there is any adequate ground for separating from the calcareous-shelled Miliola (^ 35) either Gromia (•[ 33) whose" test" is membranous (probably chitinous), or Licbcrkuhnia (% 32) which has no firm covering at all. So far as we yet know, there is no difference whatever between the animals of these three types ; and to class them separately, still more to arrange Gromia and Layyim (as Schultze has done, xcvii, p. o2) \i\\}a Arcella z.'ixADiJjhigia, on account of the unilo- cular condition of the " test," would seem just as unnatural as it is now admitted to have been to separate Hydra from the compound Hydroida, and Actinia from the compound Helian- THOiDA, and to group together Hydra and Actinia as naked solitary polypes, whilst their composite representatives were classified according as they form horny or calcareous skeletons. Until, therefore, some more adequate ground bf differentiation shall have been established than any at present known, the group of Foraminifera may be considered as really coextensive with the Order Rhizopoda reticularia; and there PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 41 seems the more reason for including Gromida and even Lieherkiihnia within its limits, when it is borne in mind that in the limitation of the origin of the pseudopodia to one part of the body these forms bear a closer relationship to the Foraminifcra of the MUioUne series, than the latter do to those of the liotalinc, in which the pseudopodia seem to extend themselves equally from any part of the sarcode-body. 52. Before enlarging upon the value of the differential characters just alluded to — which will be shown to have such an important relation to certain peculiarities in the struc- ture of the Shell, as to justify the employment of these as characteristics of the fundamental divisions of the group — we must stop to inquire how far the separation of the Monothalaiiious or Unilocular Foraminifcra, as an order distinct from the PoI^fJialamous or Multilocular (a separation which has been adopted by D'Orbigny, Schultze, and Bronn), is to be regarded as based on a right appreciation of their mutual affinities. It has been seen that, in common with all the lower forms of animal and vegetable life, the Rhizopoda tend to multiply by a separa- tion of continuously growing parts of their bodies, which may take the form either oi fssioii or of gemmation, according as the original bod)'^ undergoes subdivision, or as it puts forth an extension which eventually detaches itself. Among the Foraminifcra proper, whose bodies are enclosed in unyielding shells, multiplication by fission cannot take place, except in that early stage of existence in which the shell is not as yet consolidated (5[ 50) ; but extension by gemmation may go on without limit. The progressive growth of the sarcode-substance causes a portion of it to project beyond the aperture of the shell ; and this projecting portion possesses all the attributes of the body of which it is an extension, and can maintain its exist- ence with equal readiness either in a separate state (1[ 39) or in continuity with the stock of which it is an offset. Although, therefore, there are certain types of Foraminifcra in which such offsets appear invariably to separate themselves before the consolidation of their shell, so that the original body never adds to the number of its segments and the shell remains " monothalamous," — whilst there are others in which they ordinarily remain in connexion with the original stock, so as progressively to augment the number of its segments and of the chambers of its " polythalamous shell," often to an indefinite extent, — there is no such essential difference between the physiological conditions of the newly formed segment in the two cases, as would be required to justify the erection of the Monothalamia into a distinct order.* More- over, we find that between these two groups there are gradational affinities of such a kind as to render it impossible to separate them by a decided line of demarcation. For, on the one hand, there are certain Monothalamous Foraminifcra which may be regarded as potentially Polythalamous, the body and shell having the power of indefinite extension, but not exhibiting any distinct segmentation; as is the case with Cornuspira and Spinllina, of which the former is intimately related to the least speciaHsed forms of Miliola {% 104), whilst the latter is scarcely less closely related to certain Rotalia. On the other hand, since there are certain Polythalamia (f 40), the successive chambers of whose shells are so slightly connected * No botanist would think of separating from their natural allies, and ranking together as a dis- tinct order, those Plants which habitually propagate themselves by detached gemnue, such as Lunularia vulgaris and Lemiia gibba (which are only known to reproduce themselves after this fashion), or Dentaria bidbifera, Gtobba amarantina, and Lilimn bulbifenim. 6 42 OF THE FOEAMINIFERA GENERALLY : as to be easily separable from each other by accidental violence, and of which the animals can maintain their lives jnst as well when they are thus broken up into distinct segments as when retaining their original connexion, such may be regarded as poientially Mono- thalamous ; and the fact that the segments of sarcode, as they were successively budded forth from the stock, formed their shelly investments before instead of after their detachment from it, can scarcely be admitted by the physiologist as alone justifying an ordinal differentiation which is not borne out by other structural or physiological diversities. 53. It was not unnatural that, in seeking for a basis on which to found an arrangement of the multitudinous forms of Foraminifera which he for the first time brought together under one distinct category, M. D'Orbigny should have attached primary importance to characters so easily recognised as those which are produced by diversities in the plan on which the suc- cessive segments are added one to another. For the varieties of form thus produced seem at first sight easily capable of being reduced to a small number of primary types ; and it is only by such a laborious and conscientious comparison of osculant forms as formed no part of M. D'Orbigny 's method of study, that the essential conformity in plan of growth is discovered which often exists between organisms arranged by him under different orders ; whilst it is only by an equally painstaking examination of the internal structure of the shell, such as seems never to have been even thought of by M. D'Orbigny, that those very marked characters are brought to light, which often separate by the widest interval organisms grouped by him under the same order, and which bring these respectively into intimate relationship with others whose place in his series is very remote. Thus, when we come to speak of the genus CristcJlaria, we shall find that it comprehends a series of straight, curved, and spiral forms, agreeing with each other in all essential particulars save the direction of their axis of growth, and presenting such a continuity in the gradation from the straight to the curved, and from the curved to the spiral, as prevents any decided line of demarcation from being anywhere drawn among them. So, again, we shall find that although, on the ground of conformity in their plan of growth, Orbitolites and Cydochjpeus would be grouped together by M. D'Orbigny in his order Ci/closter/ues, whilst Oriiculiiia, Penerojilis, and Operculina are placed in his order Helicostef/ues, and Heferostegina in his order Enfomostef/ues, a careful comparison of the essential features of their structure shows that not only have Orbitolites and Ci/clocli/peas nothing in common but their cyclical mode of growth, but that Orbitolites is most intimately related to Orbiculina (which often takes-on the cyclical mode of growth), and through it to Peneroplis, whilst CyclocJypeus is scarcely less intimately related to Heterosteyina and through it to Operculina. It may, in fact, be most safely asserted, thatj'Vaw of groicth is no more to be regarded as an exponent of the really natural afiinities of the several generic types of Foraminifera, than the number of stamens and pistils is of the natural affinities of Phanero- gamous plants. The system founded upon each of these bases will doubtless, in many instances, bring together types which have a real affinity to each other, simply because the characters in question sometimes coincide with those of more essential value ; but such coin- cidence is (so to speak) accidental ; and it much more frequently happens in the one as in the other of these artificial systems, that they separate by a wide interval types which in reality are closely related, whilst those which they bring into nearest proximity are essentially diverse in organization. PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 43 54. The foregoing remarks are scarcely less applicable to the classifications of Professors Schultze (xcvii) and Bronn (xi) than they are to that of M. D'Orbigny; since by them, as by him, the jjiau of f/roxolh is regarded as the fundamental basis of S3'stematic arrangement, so that their primary divisions are eminently artificial. They have been guided, however, in their subdivision of Orders into Families by a higher appreciation of the characters furnished by variations in the texture of fl/e hJicII, than was entertained by M. D'Orbigny ; and they have thus been led to a more natural grouping of generic forms than his classification usually presents. — As neither of their systems, however, has yet found its way to general acceptance, it scarcely appears necessary here to enlarge upon their defects ; these being necessary results of the imperfect method of study whicli tlieir authors have followed; and the object of the present work being to sTibstitute a classification, whicli, however incomplete, shall, at any rate, present an approximation to a natural system, as being based on the whole aggregate of the ascertainable characters of the several types, instead of on a single feature which affords no reliable indication of their real aflSnities. 55. It is now universally admitted by Philosophical Zoologists, that the importance of the characters furnished by the f^Icrleton, whether internal or external, of any animal, depends entirely upon the relations which they bear to its general organization ; and that hence the adoption of any such characters as a basis for classification can only be justified, when their accordances and differences can be shown to be indicative of corresponding accordances and differences in those parts of the organism whicli are of higher physiological import. Thus the possession of a hivahe shell is universally admitted as differentiating the Mollusks which bear it from those whose shell is univalve, the whole plan of structure of the animals in the two cases being obviously different. But among " bivalve'' Mollusks there are two very distinct types of structure (the Lamellibranchiate and the Palliobranchiate), whose essential dissimi- larity, being only revealed by anatomical inquiry, would never have been recognised by the mere Conchologist ; although, when he has once made himself acquainted with these types, he finds no difficulty in distinguishing the shells they respectively include by the special characters which they severally present. So among " univalve" Mollusks there is not less diversity of type, shells composed of a single piece being found among Gastcropods, Ptero- pods, and Cephalopods ; and the conformation of the shell is here so much less intimately related to that of the animal by which it is constructed, that it is not always possible to refer a shell with certainty to its proper place while the nature of its animal inhabitant is unknown. Further, " univalve" shells are formed also by Annelida, and there are no well-defined characters by which the tubes of a Serjjula (Annelid) and these of a Vermetm (Gasteropod Mollusk) can be distinguished one from the other ; so that in a system of classification founded ujion the shell alone they would be placed side by side, as would also the Crustacean Cirrhipedes and the Gasteropod Chitons, because both these tribes of animals have their bodies protected by multivalve shells. Among Zoophytes, again, whilst the " lamelliform" structure of the stony Corals is so uniformly related to the Aetiniform type of organization, that the existence of that structure in the oldest fossil affords a sure key to the nature of the animal which formed it, the polyparies which constitute the skeletons of animals of the Ahyonian type are so diverse in their composition and arrangement, that it only becomes safe to predicate the 44 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY : animal from the polypary, when each type of skeleton has been examined in connection with the soft body it supports. On the other hand, we not unfrequently find that a close resem- blance in the structure of the polypary masks an essential diversity in the organization of the animal ; certain horny skeletons of H^/drosoa being scarcely distinguishable from those of Poli/zoa, although the former belong to true Zoophytes, whilst the latter are members of the Molluscous sub-kingdom. 56. It seems obvious, then, that no classification of Foraminifera can be thoroughly satisfactory, which is based rather on the characters of their shells than on those of the animals by wliich those shells are formed ; and it is unfortunate tliat our knowledge of the latter is as yet so imperfect, as to afford us but a ver}^ slight foundation for a natural arrange- ment of the group. It may be questioned, indeed, whether the extreme indijferenHsm of structure which seems to be a general characteristic of the Rhizopod type and to reach its acme in the Foraminifera, will not always prevent the systematist from finding the study of the animal of much avail to him ; and whether he will ever be relieved from the necessity of placing his chief reliance on those features in the structure of the shell, which may be regarded as most surely indicating the potentialities of the apparently homogeneous jelly-like mass which it encloses. Such, at any rate, must be his method of procedure under existing circumstances ; and as there is at present nothing to be added to the general account alread}' given of the structure and life-history of the sarcode-bodies of the Foraminifera, our attention will be now directed to the characters furnished by the investments which they form, with a view to determine what are those on which the primary and secondary subdivisions of the group may be most satisfactorily based. 57. Texture of the Skell. — In the shells of Foraminifera, as was correctly pointed out by Prof. Williamson (ex, p. xi), three very distinct varieties of texture are easily recognisable : the porcellanous, Xhe hyaline or vitreous, and the arenaceous. — In the first of these varieties the shell, when viewed by reflected light, presents an opaque-white aspect, which bears a strong resemblance to that of porcelain, especially when (as in Penerojjiis) its surface is highly polished. When thin natural or artificial laminae of it, however, are viewed with transmitted light, the opacity gives place to a rich brown or amber -colour, which seems to be imparted by the animal matter that is united with the calcifying deposit, the colour of the sarcode-body being usually the same as that of the shell. In a few instances both the shell and the animal body have a rich crimson hue. No structure of any kind can be detected in this kind of shell-substance, which is apparently homogeneous throughout. When shells of this character are decalcified by dilute acid, a delicate, gelatinous-looking substratum of animal matter is left, very distinct in its aspect from the sarcode-body which the shell included (Plate IV, fig. 14). This, in fact, seems to bear the same relation to the protoplasmic substance, that the cellulose wall of the vegetable cell bears to the " endoplast" from the surface of which it is excreted ; and just as in Biatomacece the consolidation of that exudation by silex forms the beautiful lorica characteristic of that group, so here does the consolidation of an analogous excretion-layer by alcareous deposit form the shellv wall of each segment of the animal. Although the shells of the porcellanous type often present the aooearance of bemg perforated with foramina, yet this appearance is illusory, being due to a mere " pitting" of the external surface, which pitting PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 45 though often very deep, never extends through the whole thickness of the shell. Some kind of inequality of that surface, indeed, is extremely common in the shells of the porcellanous Foraminifera. Very frequently it presents an alternation of ridges and furrows, such as dis- tinguishes certain varieties o^MilioJa (Plate VI, figs. 3, 4) ; and this alternation is so regular and constant in Prawo/V/s (Plate VII, fig. 18), and in the first-formed segments of Vertebralina (Plate V, figs. 17 — 25), as to be peculiarly characteristic of those types. In other instances, especially among the Miliohc, we find the surface marked by depressions which may vary greatly in size and in arrangement (Plate VI, figs. 13, 14), being sometimes minute puncta- tions, in other cases being lai'ge areolae ; being sometimes scattered with no apparent regularity, in other instances disposed with the most exact symmetry. But no difference of texture accompanies any of these inequalities of the surface, the raised and depressed portions being alike homogeneous. 58. In the shells of the vitreous or hyaline type, on the other hand, the proper shell- substance has an almost glassy transparency ; which is shown by it alike in the thin natural laminas of young specimens, and in artificially-prepared sections of such as are thicker and older. It is usually colourless, even when (as is often the case with Rotalia) the substance of the animal is deeply coloured. In certain aberrant forms of the Rotaline type, however, we shall see that the shell is commonly, like the animal body, of a rich crimson hue. But notwithstanding the transparence of their substance, these shells derive an adventitious opacity from being channeled out more or less minutely by tubular perforations, which, when occupied either by air or by any substance having a refractive power different from that of the surrounding shell, interfere with its power of transmitting light, and cause it to reflect a large part of that which falls upon it. Their effect varies, however, according to their degree of minuteness and the closeness of their arrangement. Thus, in Rotalia, in which they are commonly almost 1 -3000th of an inch in diameter and somewhat more than that apart from one another (Plate XIII, fig. 1, a), the hyaline transparence of the thin shell makes itself apparent between them, and imparts to its entire surface a vitreous aspect. In Opercidina and Cycloclypem, on the other hand, in which the average diameter of the tubuli does not exceed l-10,000th of an inch, and their distance from each other is not much greater, every part of the shell that is traversed by them presents a semi- opacity, which only disappears when extremely thin sections are made in a direction exactly transverse to the axis of the tubes, so as to enable the transparence of the intervening substance to display itself without interruption (Plate XIX, fig. 4). It often happens, how- ever, that certain parts of the shell are left unchanneled by these tubuli ; and such are at once distinguished, even under a low magnifying power, by the readiness with which they allow transmitted light to pass through them (Plate XVII, figs. 12, 13, aa, da, U\ and by the peculiar vitreous lustre they exhibit when light is made to fall obliquely upon their surface. In shells formed upon this type we frequently find that the surface presents either bands or spots which are thus distinguished ; the non-tubular bands usually marking the positions of the septa (Plate XVII, fig. 1), and being sometimes raised into ridges, though in other instances they are either level or somewhat depressed, whilst the non-tubular spots may occur on any part of the surface, and are most commonly raised into tubercles (Plate XV, fig. 5, and Plate XIX, fig. 5), which sometimes attain a size and number sufficient to give a very distinctive character to the 46 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY: shells that bear them. In shells of this type, however, which have been long dead and exposed to the action of sea- water, the vitreous transparence often gives place to a lustrous white opacity, that is particularly striking in the prominent tubercles ; as is remarkably shown in the tuberculated variety of Plamrhdina vulgaris (Plate XIII, fig. 1 5) . The texture of the shells of this type is much firmer tl;an that of the porcellanous shells ; approaching closely to that of the inferior forms of dentine, or to that of the terminal portion of the crab's claw. 59. Between the comparatively large apertures which are common in the Rotaline type, and the minute tubuli of the OpcrcnVine, there is such a continuous gradation as indicates that their mode of formation, and probably their uses, are essentially the same. In the former it has been demonstrated by actual observation that they allow the passage of pseudopodial extensions of the sarcode-body through every part of the external wall of the chambers occupied by it ; and there is nothing to oppose the idea that they answer the same purpose in the latter, since, minute as they are, their diameter is not too small to enable them to be traversed by the finest of the threads into which the branching pseudopodia of Foraminifera are known to subdivide themselves. And it seems the more likely that they answer this purpose, when attention is given to the remarkable continuity which they exhibit through a considerable thickness of shell, formed of numerous lamellffi that seem to have been added at successive periods of growth (Plate XIX, fig. 3). Now, if this be the case, it is not difficult to account for the production of a texture closely resembling that of dentine, without having recourse to the hypothesis (xxv, p. 421) of a higher organization in the bodies of these animals than that which we have other grounds for admitting. For if the shell-substance be, as there seems reason to believe, an excretion from the |3rotoplasmic mass of which the body itself is composed, each new lamella, as it is added to the pre- ceding, will mould itself upon the pseudopodia that issue from the orifices of the subjacent surface ; either some difference in their composition, or the activity of the changes con- tinually taking place in their substance (^ 34), preventing them from being involved in the consolidation which takes place ai'ound them. We have an illustration of the same kind on a larger scale, in the extension of the straight branches of the canal-system which pass through the solid masses of shell-substance that occupy the umbilical regions in the shells of Calcdrina and Fohjdomella (Plate XIV, fig. 3, and Plate XYI, fig. 3) ; the successive accretions of vitreous material being so disposed around the extensions of the sarcode-body which occupy these passages, as to preserve their continuity throughout, and thus to maintain the most direct relation between the parts of the canal-system most deeply buried beneath these accre- tions, and the external surface from which they become further and further removed. If this should prove to be the true account of the formation of the dentine-like tissue produced by the higher type of Foraminifera, it will deserve consideration whether a like explanation may not be applicable to the formation of analogous calcified tubular tissues in animals much more elevated in the scale ; especially since there is increasing reason to believe that the develop- ment of such tissues takes place after a far simpler fashion than has been commonly supposed, and that their foundation is laid in a homogeneous blastema, rather than in a matrix possessing distinct organization. 60. Besides these two principal types of shell-structure, another is met with in certain groups of Foraminifera, which is designated as the arenaceous; the shells being formed, either PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 47 partially or wholly, not of a calcareous exudation from the sarcode-body, but of particles of sand obtained from without, the cement with which they are attached together being all that is furnished by the animal. The aspect of such " arenaceous " shells necessarily varies con- siderably with the kind of material of which they are composed ; and the same t3'pe, inhabiting several different localities, may thus present as many diverse fades. Thus, the TextularicB dredged off the Canary Islands have their shells entirely composed of fine particles of a black sand, apparently formed by the disintegration of volcanic rocks ; whilst those of the Red Sea have shells of a grayish-yellow colour, the arenaceous particles of which vary much more in their nature and origin. In some instances the particles are very uniform in size, and are very methodically disposed (like those of which the tube of Pectinaria is made up) ; so that the surface of the shell has almost the appearance, when sufficiently magnified, of a tesselated pavement (Plate VI, fig. 41). This regularity — alike in size, form, and arrangement, — is sometimes so remarkable as to have given rise to the supposition that the siliceous par- ticles are not derived from external sources, but are formed by exudation from the surface of the contained body. As, however, there is no siliceous " test " at present known to be formed by an animal of this group, which is not obviously made up of an aggregation of distinct parti- cles, instead of possessing the structural homogeneousness proper to the shells which are undoubtedly formed by calcareous or siliceous consolidation, it would probably be correct to say that the true " shell " of Foraiidnifera is imiformly calcareous, and that when this is replaced by a siliceous " test " the materials of such test have been drawn together from external sources. There are certain cases, on the other hand, in which the sandy paiticles are less uniform in size and less regular in disposition, and are imbedded in a calcareous cement which forms the essential constituent of the shell ; in these the arenaceous texture, being superficial only, and to a certain extent accidental, has not that importance as a differ- ential character which it bears when extending throughout the thickness of the shell.* * The surface of certain Foramiuiferous shells (especially Globigerince) is not unfrequentlj' studded with the minute rounded or oval bodies to which the name " coccolitlis " was first given by Professor Huxley. (See his Appendix to the ' Report on Deep-Sea Soundings in the North Atlantic Ocean, between Ireland and Newfoundland, made in H.M. " Cyclops," Lieut. -Com. Dayman, in June and July, 1857.") These bodies have been since observed by Dr. Wallich (civ b), not only in the free state, but adherent to the siu-face of minute spherical cells which seem to constitute a rudimentary type of Foraminifera ; the uniformity of this adhesion being such as to lead almost necessarily to the conclusion that it is a normal condition. These " coccoliths " are described by Dr. Wallich as of an oblong form, concave on their internal aspect, and convex externally (Fig. I, s, i), their average length being about l-3700th of an inch ; in some specimens there is but a single aperture in the centre ; in others the aperture is double, the two portions being separated by a delicate transverse band; and the external marginal surface, which constitutes a ■''"'• ^• quoit-like oblong ring round the central perforated portion, is marked with radi- '•^^*; ating striae. The spheres, to the surface of which the coccoliths are found adherent %^ \ at nearly regular intervals, are stated by Dr. Wallich to have a diameter from l-1.250th ale to l-1600th of an inch, and to be composed of a sarcode-like substance enclosed W ^ y V5>s^ in a dehcate limitary wall, apparently consolidated by calcareous deposit (Fig. I, 1, 2, Cocoosplieres ; 1, 2). These bodies, to which he has given the name of " coccospheres," are 3, Jr, CoccoUtlis. 48 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY: 61. To separate all the Foraminifera that form "arenaceous" shells from tliose of the " porcellanous " and " hyaline " t3'pes, to which many of them obviously bear the closest affinity, would be a violation of the first principles of a natural arrangement ; and yet we shall find that there are certain generic types in which the sandy texture is a character of great systematic importance. Thus, on the one hand, in the low " porcellanous " type Nuhc- cularia, and in the "triloculine" and " quinqueloculine" forms of the more elevated type Miliola, individuals frequently present themselves whose surface is rendered arenaceous by the im- bedding of sandy particles in their ordinary calcareous shell-substance ; but for being thug " rough-cast," such individuals would present the ordinar}' aspect of their i-espective types, to which they are entirely conformable in every other character ; and it would be manifestly improper to rank them apart on account of this trifling variation. So even when we find truly arenaceous shells presenting the characteristic forms of the " hyaline " genera BuUmina and Textularia, since we find at the same time that not only do they correspond in general structure to the calcareous shells respectively peculiar to those genera, but are perforated like them by regular pores for the passage of pseudopodia, we feel that we have no right to dis- sociate what are manifestly nothing else than varieties of a common type. But when, on the other hand, we find that certain assemblages of forms, constituting well-marked generic types, can be uniformly characterised by the possession of "arenaceous" shells, — as is the case with Trochammina, ValviiUna, and Liiuola, — it becomes obvious that this peculiarity is to be regarded as a distinctive feature of higher value, since it marks a fixed and decided phy- siological condition, the occurrence of which elsewhere is only occasional or incomplete. The absence of any pseudopodial pores in the walls of the chambers of the shells of this group shows their affinity to be rather with the porcellanous than with the hyaline series, notwithstanding the very close resemblance in form which some of them present to particular types of the latter, — Valvulina, for example, to BuUmina, certain Lifuola to Nonionina, and TrocJiammina to SpirU/ina. 62. Turning now from the ultimate texture of the shell to its conformation, we have to inquire whether there are any fundamental and essential diversities in its mode of increase, which can be advantageously used as difl'erential characters. It may be stated as an un- questionable fact, that the shelly casing, once formed to any portion of the sarcode-body, cannot be enlarged by interstitial growth ; and hence it can only be adapted to the augmenting dimensions of that body, by addition to the part already formed. In the greater part of the Fig. II. sometimes united in series, after the manner of certain forms of Foraminifera ; thus in Fig. II, i, is shown a Nodosarian series of four equal cells ; whilst at ;; is seen a Textularian series of seven cells, which increase regularly in diameter from l-1350th to l-450th of an inch. The " coccoliths " do not appear to be attached to the wall of the " cocco- sphere" in any other way than by gelatinous adhesion ; and hence they are very easily detached, so as to form a considerable proportion of Coccosphcies, with attached m^ny deep-sea deposits. Similar bodies have been found in Chalk by Mr. coccoliths, growins; (1) on the Nodosarian, (2) on the ^" ^°''^y- Textularian type. PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 49 " nioiiollialamoiis " I'oramiuifera, the contraction of the aijerture entirely forbids the enlarge- ment of the ca\ity by any sucli addition, but those spiral forms in which there is no such contraction are capable, like t!ie tubular shells of Annelids and certain Mollusks, of bcin"- indclinitely extended ; and it is simply because of its absence, that they present no indication of the segmental division which would otherwise be marked by a transverse septum every time that a longitudinal addition is made. This is the case with the genera Cormcsjjmi, Trochammina, and SpirilUiiri, which arc respectively the porcellanous, arenaceous, and hyaline representa- tives of the simply spiral plan of conformation ; and it is obvious that, although structurally " monothalamous,'' these genera are in reality more nearly allied in their capability of unlimited growth to the " polythalamous" series. The " polythalamous" shells are formed, as already explained, by the repeated gemmation of the sarcode-body ; and it usually (though by no means constantly) happens that the successive gennnaj increase in size, so that each chamber is larger than the one which preceded it. The simplest types of Pohjthalntnki arc those in which the segments of the shell have only an external adhesion, the cavities of their chambers having no communication with each other ; as is the case in the im^jcrforatc series with Daciz/Jopora and Aclcidaria, and in \\\q perforated with Glob'igerina. Save in these types, however, the cavity of each segment always communicates with that of the segment from which it is budded off ; and this it may do merely by the apertural neck of the older segment, which dilates into the globular cavity of the newer, so that the succession of segments is united into the semblance of a string of beads, as we see in some forms of Nodo>iaria (Plate XII, fig. 2). More generally, however, the apertural portion of one segment is completely embraced by the walls of the next chamber, in the manner diagrammatically represented in Fig. Ill, where the primordial chamber is seen at 0 and its aperture at n ; this aperture is received into the second chamber, 1, the lateral wall of which joins the anterior wall of the preced- ing at h ; in like manner, the aperture «^ of the second chamber is received into the third chamber 2, the aperture of this, «°, into the next chamber 3, and so on, the aperture n"^ of the last chamber opening externally. — A great alteration in external shape may be produced, without any departure from the rectilineal plan of growth, by the still more com- plete reception of the anterior portion of the older chamber into the posterior portion of the newer; as is shown in Fig. IV, wliich diagrammatically repre- sents the " frondicularian" form of Nodosarina. — On the other hand, a complete alteration in external configuration may be pioduced by the substitution of a curviliiirar for a reclilliiear axis of growth ; the most ordinary type of the former being a spiral, which may be either flat, like that of a Nm/tilns, or may coil around a longitudinal axis, like that of a Trocluis. Between the rectilineal and the spiral forms of axes of growth a complete gradation is presented in the Nodosarine series. In Fig. VII we see that the relations of the chambers may be essentially the same in the spiral as in the recti- lineal type ; the septal plane that divides each chamber from its successor being formed solely by the anterior wall of tlie older, which serves as the posterior wall of the newer. Fig. III. Fig. IV. 50 OF THE FORAMINIl'ERA GENERALLY, This is the case tiiroughout the 'porcellanom series and with the lower forms of the vitreous series. But in the highest types of the latter we find that each chamber of the spire has a Fig. V Fig. VI Fig. VIII. complete shelly envelope of its own, the new segment forming a posterior wall, which applies itself to the anterior wall of the preceding segment, so that each septal plane (except that of the last chamber) is composed of two lamella;, as is shown in Fig. VIII. — The same difference exists among the Polt/tlialauiia formed upon the cijdkal plan of growth, which is ordinarily the result of the gemmation of the primordial segment not on one side only, but from every part of its circumference, and the subsequent repetition of the same mode of increase (see Fig. XXIV, p. 108). For in the cyclical forms of the porcelhnio/'s series the successive annuli are joined, each to its predecessor, in such a manner that the external wall of the latter serves as the internal wall of the former, as is seen along the lines a a, a a, Fip-. V; and the septa dividing the adjacent chamberlets of the same annuli are also single. In the cyclical forms of the vifreo//s series, on the other hand, each chambcrlet has its own proper wall, as is shown in Fig. VI : so that not merely the annular but the radial septa are all double. 63. But this is by no means all ; for in the higher types of the hyaline or vitreous series we frequently meet with an " intermediate" or " supplemental" skeleton, formed by a secondary or exogenous deposit upon the outer walls of the chambers, by which they receive a great accession of strength. This deposit not only fills up what w^ould otherwise be superficial hollows at the junctions of the chambers, or (as in PolydomeUa) at the umbilical depression, but often forms a layer of considerable thickness over the whole surface, thus separating each whorl from that which encloses it (Fig. YIII, d) ; and it is .sometimes prolonged into outo-rowths that give a very peculiar variety to the ordinary contour, as in some varieties of Botalia and FohjstomeUa, but most characteristically in Calcanna (Plate XIV, figs. 1, 2, 8) and the stellate form of Tinopori's (Plate XV, figs. 5—9). This intermediate or supplemental skeleton, wherever developed to any considerable extent, is traversed by a set of "canals," which are usually arranged upon a systematic plan, and are sometimes distributed with considerable minuteness. The passages which make up this " system" are not true vessels, but are mere sinuses, left in some cases by the incomplete adhesion of the two contiguous walls which separate the adjacent chambers, and in other cases apparently originating in the incomplete calcification of the sarcode which forms the basis of the solid skeleton ; certain PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 51 portions of that substance remaining in their original condition, so as to maintain a communica- tion between the contents of the chambers and the parts of the calcareous skeleton most removed from them, analogous to that which the Haversian canals afford in the case of latninte of bone not in the immediate vicinity of a vascular surface. As, therefore, the development of the Haversian system is related to the thickness of the bone-substance to be nourished, so does that of the canal-system in Foraminifera seem to be related to the amount of the consolidating substance which constitutes the supplemental skeleton. There is good reason to believe that these canals are occupied in the living state by prolongations of the sarcode-body, which pass from the chambers into the portions of the system in nearest relation to them, and proceed to its peripheral extensions ; and they are largest and most numerous where nutriment has thus to be conveyed to parts of the supplemental skeleton, which (like the outgrowths of Calcarina) are very far removed from the segments of the ordinary sarcode-body. Now, although it is only in the largest and most developed types of the hyaline series, that we meet cither with a distinct " canal-system" or witli any considerable amount of that intermediate deposit which it nourishes, yet the jDresence of these two peculiar features most strongly differentiates those types from such of the porcellanous series as most nearly resemble tliem in general plan of growth, and to which, according to any classification essentially founded on that character, they would be most nearly approximated, — as, for example, the hyaline Ojjerculina from the porcellanous Pciieroplls, the hyaline Cydodypeas from the porcellanous Orbitolites. 64. Another strongly marked difference, that seems no less obviously related to the physiological condition of the animal than the perforation or non-perforation of the shell, is observable in the degree of separation that exists between the segments of the sarcode-body in the two series respectively ; this body even in the most complex types of the imperforate shells being an aggregate of mutually related parts, whilst even in the simplest types of the perforated these parts acquire a much higher degree of independence, so as to live much more /';/• and by themselves alone. The key to this difference is furnished by the relative size of the aperture, which indicates in the unilocular types the degree of readiness with which the animal can extend itself into the medium it inhabits, whilst in the raultilocular it indicates not only this, but also the relative amount of connection between the several segments of the composite structure. Thus, when we compare the unilocular Gromia (which, though possessing only a membranous " test," may be considered as physiologically representing the unilocular type of the imperforate Foraminifera) with the unilocular Layena, we are at once struck with the extreme narrowness of the aperture of the latter, as compared with the wide, open mouth of the former (Plate II, fig. 2) ; and this difi'erence will be readily understood, when it is borne in mind that in one case the principal aperture is supple- mented (so to speak) by the' pores distributed through the whole of the globular casing that encloses the body of the animal, every one of which allows the passage of a pseudopodium, whilst in the other the sarcode-body, shut up within its " test," has no other means of com- munication with the external world than that afforded by its single orifice. So, if we compare the apertures of Niibecularia, Vertebralina, and Miliola with those of the Nodosarian series, we find a no less striking contrast between the mere constrictions that mark out the segmentation of the sarcode-body in the former, and the almost complete separation that exists between the successive chambers in the latter. In Pmeroplis, again, although the apertural pores are 52 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY: individually small (Plate VII, fig. 18), yet their multiplication (which takes place proportionally to the size of the chambers) renders the aggregate communication very free, as we see in the deiidriftue variety, in which the pores are all gathered together, as it were, into one aperture (Plate VII, fig. 1 ) ; and the contrast is very marked between the large si^e of this, and the extreme narrowness of the fissure which forms the only constant communication between the chambers of OpercuJina. The like contrast, in regard to the connection of the successive segments, exists between Orbiculina, the spiral type of which may be described as a Pnirroplis whose principal chambers are partially subdivided by transverse partitions, and Hcferosfet/ina, which bears the like relation to Operciilina. And a no less striking difference exists, in this respect, between Orbitolites, which is the most developed type of the imperforate series, and Ci/e/oc/ypei/s, which holds a like position in the perforated ; the communications between the successive annuli in the former, and between the outermost annulus and the exterior, being so numerous and free, as to amount in the aggregate to a large apertural area, whilst in the latter they are so much more restricted as to be not readily discoverable. This tendency to a more complete separation of the segments sliows itself yet more strongly in regard to the transverse subdivision of the principal chambers in Orbiculuia as compared witli Ili'tcroxti'gina, and in Orbitolite-s as com- pared with Cydoclypeus ; for in the two imperforate types we find this transverse subdivision so far from complete, that it resembles that of a long dormitory in which the beds (arranged in rows on the two sides) are separated from each other by partitions that extend from the walls towards the central line of the apart- ment, but stop short of it, so as to leave a free passage from one end of it to the other ; whilst in the two perforated types the chamberlets of each row are entirely cut off from each other laterally, communicating only with those of the rows behind and in front of them. Thus we see that, whereas in the imperforate shells the nutrition of the entire body is derived from the alimentary materials obtained l)y the last segment alone, every segment in the perforated shells is capable of obtaining, at an}' rate, a portion of its supply for itself; and hence a much greater degree of individualization of the segments is possible in the latter case than in the former. We shall find tiiis contrast most strongly marked when we come to compare the calcareous skeleton of OrbifoNfe-s- with that of Cydoclypeus ; the former being, as it were, a concretionary framework, which grows up in the midst of and around the sarcode-body for its support and protection, isolating its parts from each other no more than is required for that purpose ; whilst in the latter each segment and sub-segment has its own distinct and complete envelope, which seems (as it were) to be moulded upon its shape, any interspaces being filled in by the intermediate skeleton, whose intervention between the two layers of the double partitions renders the isolation of the chambers yet more complete. 65. Thus, then, we find that, alike in the intimate structure of the shell, in the presence or absence of an " intermediate skeleton" and of a " canal-system" for its nutrition, in the com- pleteness witli which each chamber is surrounded by its own proper wall, and in the degree of its separation from adjacent chambers — all which features are as characteristic of every individual portion of the shell as they are of the shell as a whole, and are evidently in intimate relation with the physiological condition of the animal that inhabits it, — a very decided differentiation may be established between the two series of imperforate and perforated PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 53 FoRAMiNiFERA ; and this primary differentiation will be found so constantly to harmonize with the grouping which would be based on the principle of continuity of gradation, that I cannot entertain a doubt of its being the one on which (in our present state of ignorance respecting the physiology of this tribe) our classification may be most securely based. For it will be found that the several types of " porcellanous" Foraminifera, however diversified in form, constitute a series connected throughout by the closest links of mutual affinity ; whilst the proper " arenaceous" types form a parallel series, of which the members are not less closely related to each other. In like manner we shall find that the far more numerous forms of the " hyaline" Foraminifera may be ranked together into a small number of assem- blages, the members of each of which are so gradationally united that the groups thus composed are obviously in the highest degree natural ; whilst these series are at the same time connected with each other, not only by their mutual approximation to certain fundamental types, but also by intermediate forms which serve to link together even their more divergent portions, the whole being thus united into a compact aggregate, of which there is no part that is not held {as it were) to the rest by firmly cohesive attraction. — -It must not, however, be supposed that every member of the one series is differentiated by the characters just enumerated from everv member of the other. The non-perforation of the walls of the chambers, the singleness of the septal partitions, and the freedom of the apertural communications between the chambers, seem invariably to characterize the shells of the porcellanous type ; whilst the perforation of the walls of the chambers, the duplication of the septal partitions, and the straitness of the apertural communications, appear to be no less constant characteristics of the shells of the hyaline type. The "intermediate" or "supplemental" skeleton, on the other hand, presents itself to an extent that makes it readily distinguishable, only in the most developed forms of the hyaline series ; and it is not a little remarkable that within the limits of one and the same generic type {T/iio/joi7/s) we meet with certain forms in which this portion of the fabric is evolved to an extraordinar)^ degree, whilst in others its presence is not to be traced at all. And the same may be said of the " canal-system," which presents its most extensive and symmetrical distribution in the highest examples of certain generic types, whose less elevated specimens show scarcely any traces of it. Hence, whilst the presence of an "intermediate skeleton'' and of a " canal-system" in one Foraminiferous shell serves to mark it as belonging to the higher section of the hyaline series, their absence in another must not be regarded as indicating its porcellanous characters, seeing that such absence prevails equally through the lower section of the hyaline series also. And it is chiefly because their presence, in connection with other characters, serves to mark a /iis/f>i or tendency in the one series, of which no trace whatever is presented by the other, that it has been here included among the features of distinction between the two. 66. On the other hand, there is an entire absence of any other special relation between the members of the " porcellanous " and those of the " hyaline " series, than that which arises out of the configuration of their respective shells ; which configuration is determined b_v their plans of (jrowtli, that is, by the direction in which new chambers are successively added. Thus, in both series we have rectihneal, spiral, cyclical, and acervuline forms, with everv gradation between these ; and it is true that such a striking isouiorpliisiii. displays itself between certain types of these two series respectively, as would not unnaturally lead any svstematist whose views of classification of Foraminifera might be founded on their supposed Molluscous 54 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY: affinities to a belief in their mutual affinity. A most complete isomorphism presents itself, for example, in the simple spiral which constitutes one of the lowest forms of the porcellanous, the arenaceous, and the hyaline series respectively ; and by such as have not traced out the affinities of this spiral in each series, it might readily be supposed that such a conformity in the plan of growth of the shell must be indicative of conformity in the physiological condition of the animal.* But the porcellanous Cornuspira and the hyaline Spirillina differ not merely in the texture of their shells, but in what we have seen to be the fundamental character of non-perforation in the one and perforation in the other ; and whilst the former graduates almost continuously into the spiroloculine form of Miliola, the latter is in like manner related to Botalia through the vermiculate varieties of the latter genus. So the arenaceous, simply spiral Trocliammina, which agrees with Conimpira in its non-perforation, not only differs from it in the almost purely arenaceous composition of the shell, but also in the varietal forms into which it passes ; and by some of these it is brought into relation with the other types of the are- naceous series. — Passing now to the higher forms, we meet with so remarkable an isomorphism between the nautiloid forms of Peneroplis and Operculina (the septa of the latter genus, besides their regular aperture at the inner margin, being perforated here and there by secondary pores that remind us of the former), between the subdivided spirals of Orbiculiiia and Heterostc^ina, and between the discoidal OrbitoUtes and Cydoclyiwus, that, in any classification founded mainly upon plan of growth, the genera of each pair must be placed in near proximity to each other ; yet they are really separated by all those characters which have been shown to possess the highest physiological value, and can only be regarded as " representing " each other in the series to which they respectively belong. A like " representation '' will be shown to exist among the higher forms of the arenaceous series ; certain varieties of Lituola, for example, bearing a close resemblance to Nonionina, and others to the spiroline variety of Peneroplis ,• whilst ValvuJina may take on the forms of Ttotalia, BuUuiina, and other hyaline Foraminifera. 67. It seems obvious, from the foregoing considerations, that the importance of plan of growth, as a character available in the classification of Foraminifera, is far below tliat of the aggregate of other characters which stand in more intimate relation to the physiological con- dition of the animal ; and the low value which ought to be attached to it is further indicated by its frequent tendency to variation within the limits of what are shown by the evidence of gradational affinity to be well-marked natural groups. Such a tendency seems greatest in the lower types of each series ; " polymorphism " being the rule among them, rather than the exception. Thus we shall find that Niibecularia, one of the simplest of the porcellanous Foraminifera, presents itself under such a variety of forms, that the attempt to classify these in any system based on the geometrical arrangement of the successive segments, would lead to nothing but a most absurd separation of what are clearly but varietal modifications of one and the same type. In Vertebralina we find, with a closer general conformity to a common type, a range of variation which is still very remarkable ; and even when we rise as * Thus, by Professor Scliultze (xcvii, pp. 40, 41), the porcellanous and the hyaline spirals have been ranked as Cornuspira jjlanorbis and C. perforata ; whilst by Prof. Williamson (cs, pp. 92, 93), the porcellanous, arenaceous, and hyaline spirals are designated respectively Spirillina foliacea, S. arenacea, and S, perforata. PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 55 high as Peneroplis, we very commonly observe a change in the direction of growth from the spiral to the rectilineal with the advance of life. The spiral growth of OrbicuUna, again, often gives place to a cyclical plan exactly resembling that which is typical of Orbitolitcs ; whilst at the commencement of the development of Orbitolites, which is typically cyclical, the chambers are sometimes added according to a spiral arrangement. In the same manner, when we enter upon the " hyaline" series, we shall find ourselves compelled by the like continuity of affinities to rank as varietal modifications of the single generic type Nodosaria a long list of reputed genera, separated by D'Orbigny under his three orders, Sfichostet/ues, Helicoste^ues, and Enallosteyues : and marked changes in the plan of growth frequently present themselves among the higher genera of that series in the life of one and the same individual ; the early arrangement of the chambers of PlanorbuJina and Tinoporm, for example, being as typically spiral as that which prevails in Bofalia, but flie additions being subsequently made in such a manner as to convert the spiral, in the first instance, into a circular disk, which may then increase at its periphery so irregularl}' that all definiteness of contour vanishes, whilst the chambers may also be piled one upon another in an irregular " acei'vuline" manner, so as entirely to mask either their original spiral or their secondary cyclical arrangement. 68. The foregoing examples serve to show, not only that neither plan of t/rowth nor remdtant form can be rightly taken as a character for sepai-ating the great primary divisions of FoRAMiNiFERA, but also that they are so often liable to variation within the limits of genera, that no constant reliance can be placed on them as means of difl'erentiating even these subordinate groups from each other. It will be usually found much safer, in fact, to place our chief reliance on those characters which can be stated in terms of each individual segment, than on those which can only be predicated of the aggregate. And no characters are, in general, so free from the fallacy resulting from tendency to variation, as those which are drawn from the nature and position of the septal apertures. Even these, however, in certain exceptional cases, share in the general tendency to variation ; and in estimating the value which should be attached to such diversities, it is important to bear in mind the remark already made (p. 8) as to the purpose which is served by these apertures. It must obviously be a matter of no great physiological importance, whether a number of those fine threads of sarcode, which act as stolons connecting the successive segments of the body, and are put forth as pseudopodia from the last, pass out in one undivided bundle, or be separated by the interposition of minute pi'ocesses of shell, which convert a narrow fissure into a row of pores, or a wide orifice into a cribriform plate. Such a difference exists between the aperture of Rotalia and that of Calcarina, and between that of Miliola and that of Haucrina ; and it could not be regarded as even of sub-generic value in those two cases, if it were not accompanied by other distinctions. A far greater dissimilarity exists between the aperture of Feneroplis and that of Bendritina, the former consisting of a linear series of separate pores, whilst the latter is a single, large, dendritic orifice : and yet, as I have elsewhere shown (xv), the former of these conditions graduates into the latter so continuously as to render it impossible to draw any definite line of demarcation between them ; and each is related to the shape of the septal plane, which may vary no less gradationally from that of a long, narrow band (Plate VII, fig. 16, ff), to a cordate or sagittate form (figs. 6, a, 14, h, c), according to the compression or turgidity of the spire. Hence, as there is a most remarkable accordance between these two 56 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY: types in all other respects, and their dififerences are such as occasionally present themselves to a certain degree between the successively formed portions of one and the same organism, they cannot be generically separated ; and, notwithstanding the extraordinary contrast presented by their extreme forms, both in the shape of their septal plane and in that of their aperture, the one must be regarded as merely a varietal modification of the other. 69. Since, then, even the characters which in some groups of Foraminifera are most stable, are in others so inconstant as to be quite valueless for the purposes of the systematist, the inquiry naturally arises whether any definite method of generic and specific differentiation can be laid down; and to this inquiry I have to answer — not for myself alone, but for Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, whose views on this point are in complete harmony with my own — that in the present state of our knowledge such a methodization is impossible. Whether it will ever be practicable to arrange the multitudinous forms of this group in natural assemblages whose boundaries shall be capable of strict limitation, is to us by no means, certain ; since the tendency of every extension of our researches is to enlarge our idea of the range through which these forms may vary. And all that it seems to us at present feasible to attempt, is to group them around certain generic types, each marked by some combination of characters which impresses on it (so to speak) a distinctive physiognomy, and to trace out the principal modifications to which these types are subject through the separate or combined variation of their characters. Among these modifications there will generally be found some which indicate an afiinity towards other types, so as to diminish the intervals between each type and those to which it is related. Wherever such a gradation can be shown to exist with anything like complete continuity, its presence will be accounted a suSicient reason for including the whole series (however diversified in its extreme forms) under one and the same generic designation ; where, again, it seems likely to be established by further research (which is sometimes especially the case in regard to extinct types), the modification thus related will be ranked as a suh-c/enus ; while the existence of such a decided break between any two types, as enables any specimen at present known to be referred without hesitation (after a sufficient examination of its structure and affinities) to one or to the other, will be held to justify their //ww/e separation. 70. The impracticability of applying the ordinary method of definition to the (/encra of Foraminifera becomes an absolute impossibility in regard to species. For whether or not there really exist in this group generic assemblages capable of being strictly limited by well- marked boundaries, it may be affirmed with certainty that among the forms of which such assemblages are composed, it is the exception, not the rule, to find one which is so isolated from the rest by any constant and definite peculiarity, as to have the least claim to rank as a nalaral species. Nothing is more easy, however, than to make artijiciaJ species in this group ; for the variation to which every one of its generic forms is liable, gives rise to a multitude of dissimilar forms most inviting to those systematists who consider that credit is to be gained by adding new names to the already enormous list; and accordingly we find that a vast mass of such specific names and definitions has been accumulated, of which but a very few really express the facts they are designed to record. For it is the habit of such systematists to pick out only what they consider the well-characterized types, and to disregard the inter- mediate or osculant forms that establish the gradation between these, neglecting altogether PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 57 the fact that the existence of such a gradational series entirely does away with the fundamental assumption on which tlie idea of a natural species (as ordinarily understood) is based. When a large collection of individuals of one generic type is brought together (such as that placed in my hands by Mr. Gumming of the Opcrmlina of the Philippine Seas), it very commonly happens that by selecting the most divergent forms, a considerable number of specific types — say six, eight, twelve, or even twenty — might be readily establislicd, and a considerable part of the collection might be arranged around these as centres ; but after all the specimens have being thus separated, which present a sufSciently close conformity to those types to admit of been referred to one or other of them without hesitation, there will remain a considerable proportion in which the characters of two or more are combined with such equality as to render it impossible to assign to them any other than an intermediate position, whilst there will be others which present such departures from any of them as themselves to have an equal claim to rank as distinct species ; so that there is no middle course between that of grouping the whole series as varieties of one species, and that of erecting into a distinct species every varietal modification presented by individuals, — a course which would be the ■reductio ad absurdum of the ordinary system of species-making in its application to this group. 71. Two sets of characters may be especially named, on which it has been customary to found specific distinctions ; these are the form of the septal plane, and external sculpture or stirface-markini/. Now, in regard to the first of these, it may be affirmed most positively that wherever any marked variation exists, that variation will be found, on comparison of a sufficient number of specimens, to be so gradational as to defy all attempts to use it as a basis of specific differentiation. Of this we have a marked example in Operculina, six vertical sections of which are shown in Fig. IX. Further, no dissimilarity between the form of the Fig. IX. e.. Vertical sectious of six specimeus of Operculina ; showing a remarkable diversity in tlie forms and proportions of the chambers 8 58 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY : septal plane in different individuals can be greater than that which often presents itself at different periods of the life of one and the same individual. Thus, among tlie nauiiloid Foraminifera, there is very commonly to be noticed a remarkable tendency to flattening- out in the latest whorl ; the breadth of the spire being rapidly augmented, whilst its thickness (or the space between its two lateral surfaces) is proportionally diminished. Of this, again, we find a striking illustration in Operculina ; in which the attenuation of the last convolution Fig. X ^. Vertical section of the tluee outer convolutions of an Opcraihna, sliowing a complete change in the form and proportions of the last convolution. Fig. XI. often proceeds to a far greater extent than in the example represented in the accompanying fio-ure, the septal plane being thus converted in one turn of the spire from the form of a broad arrow-head to that of a band so narrow as to be little else than a line, whilst it is leno-thened in the same proportion. The form of the septal plane, moreover, is in direct relation, not merely with the general contour of the shell, alike in its lateral and in its antero- posterior aspects, but also with certain of its surface-markings. For if each chamber be merely applied to the extremity of that from which it is budded forth, the whole of the previously formed shell remains visible externally ; and thus, in the case of a nautiloid spiral, all the whorls are traceable from its commencement to its termination. But it most commonly happens that the earlier whorls are either partially or completely invested by the later: where such investment is complete, nothing but the last whorl is visible externally (Fig. XI) ; where, on the other hand, it is par- tial, the earlier whorls maybe more or less clearly distinguished. Now, the degi-ee of this investment is determined by the degree in which the successive segments of the sarcode-body of the animal send out lateral lobes that extend themselves over the previously formed portion of the shell ; and this is manifested in the shell by the development of what may be termed the alar prolongations of the chambers, which are the portions formed to include those lobes. Thus, in Fig. XII, we have an anterior view of a nautiloid shell, in which the last whorl so little encroaches on the preceding, that the septal plane s.p. terminates at the an"-les h, h, which are but little nearer to the centre of the spire than the aperture a, which lies against the margin of the preceding convolution. On the other hand, in Fig. XIII, we have a like view of another nautiloid shell, in which the last whorl completely invests the preceding, Lateral view of a nautiloid shell, of which each convolution com- pletely invests the preceding, so that the chambers 1-S are hidden bv 9-15. PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 59 and the septal plane s.p. is here extended on either side into the " alar prolongations " a. p., a. p., until its angles h, h reach the umbilicus or centre of the spire. Now a difference of this kind not unfrequently presents itself, • not only between different individuals Fig. XII. whose specific identity is demonstrated by the gradational series that connects them, but also between the different parts of one and the same individual ; the latest whorl often disengaging itself more or less com- pletely, whilst each of the earlier whorls was successively invested by that which succeeded it. Hence it is obvious that no such difference can be justly regarded as a basis for specific distinction, until it shall have been shown to be both constant in its occurrence and uniform in its degree ; the presumption being decidedly in favour of its variability, until the contrary shall have been established. It is in the genus Nummulites that the peculiarities in the disposition of the alar prolowjations of the chambers, and of their intervening septa, seem to have the greatest importance as differential characters, and have been most used for the discrimination of species; but we shall find reason to question whether even there such peculiarities have the uniformity and definiteness which are required to justify such an employment of them. 72. Of surface-marUnfj there are two principal kinds, which are for the most part related to the " porcellanous " and the " hyaline " types of shell-structure respectively. The surface of the porcellanous shells, as already stated (t 57), is not unfrequently marked by striations or by pittings, more or less conspicuous and regular in their arrangement ; and the value to be attached to these must depend entirely upon the degree of constancy with which they present themselves in each particular type. Thus in Vertehralina we shall find that the presence of coarse striations, passing transversely between the septal bands (Plate V, figs. 17—25), is so far constant in the first-formed portion of the shell (though very commonly wanting in the later segments) as to afford important evidence in the determination of forms that might otherwise be doubtful. So, again, the more delicate striation of PeneropUs (Plate VII, figs. 16, 18, 20) is so constant and characteristic, that the exact similarity it presents in the " dendritine " and " spiroline" forms (Plate VII, figs. 1,4, 12, 13, 21) becomes an important element in the deter- mination of their merely varietal nature ; even its occasional obsolescence (figs. 2, 3) strengthen- ing rather than weakening this conclusion, such obsolescence occurring after the same manner in all these types. In MiUola, on the other hand, nothing can be less constant than the sculpture which so remarkably distinguishes certain individuals (Plate VI, figs. 3, .5, 13, 14) as apparently to justify their being ranked as well-characterised species ; for wherever a sufficient number of individuals thus distinguished is brought together, there will be found some in which it is far less conspicuous than usual, and others in which it is wholly wanting either on some part of 60 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY : the external surface or at some period of growth ; so that, a continuous gradation being thus estabhshed between the most regularly sculptured and the perfectly smooth forms, it becomes obvious that no valid specific distinction can be erected on such a basis in this type. 73. Among the "hyaline" shells, on the other hand, variety is given to the surface marking chiefly by the interposition of bands or spots of non-tubular substance in the midst of the tubular ; such portions being distinguished by their vitreous lustre from the general surface, even when they do not project above it. Most commonly, however, they are raised into ridges or tubercles ; and these are sometimes arranged with great regularity, whilst in other instances they are extremely variable. Generally speaking, we find that when either continuous bands or rows of spots of non-tubular substance repeat themselves with anything like regularity in a direction trans vers/' to that of growth, these mark the position of subjacent septa ; and, by the elevation of these septal bands, we have septal ridges or rows of tubercles, such as are often strongly marked in the " cristellarian" type of Nodosaria (ex, PI. ii, fig. 54), in Oppi-cuUna (Plate XVII, fig. 1), and in Cycloclypeiis (Plate XIX, fig. 2), But, between these septal ridges, we often find a multitude of tubercular elevations ; sometimes arranged in regular transverse rows, as in certain varieties of OpcrcuUna ; more commonly, however, with- out any such symmetry, as in many Rotalia and TlanorbtdincB . These, instead of the vitreous lustre, sometimes exhibit an opaque porcellanous whiteness (Plate XIII, fig. 15). In cases in which the original walls of the shell are overlaid by subsecpient deposits, we very commonly find that the size and prominence of these tubercles increase with every addition to its thickness ; so that in section they present the appearance of cones whose base is at the surface of the shell, whilst their apex points to its interior. This is often strikingly displayed in the umbilical region of Opcrculhia (Plate XVII, fig. 1), and in the central regions of CydocJypeus (Plate XIX, figs. 2, 5) and of Orbituides (Plate XX, fig. 2). The variability of any such ridges or tubercles, however, is such as altogether to destroy their value as specific characters ; individuals in which they present themselves under so pronounced and peculiar an aspect as to seem defi- nitely differentiated by their presence from the ordinarj' type, being found to be connected with it by a continuously gradational series ; whilst even on diff"erent parts of the very same shell, the size, disposition, and aspect of the tubercles are found to vary so much as to render exactness of definition altogether impossible. m 74. Another kind of surface-marking in the "hyaline " series is given by ridges which project from the shell, not transversely, but lonyHudinally, that is, in the direction of growth ; these are very common in the genus Lagena (ex, PI. i, figs. 8-14), and in the protean forms of the Nodosarian type (ex, PI. ii, figs. 36-48) ; but they are of no more value to the systematist than those already noticed, since they vary greatly in the degree in which tliey are developed in different individuals, and are frequently wanting on portions of shells which elsewhere present them very strongly marked. The most remarkable modification of this kind of surface-marking with which I am acquainted is the hexagonal areolation presented by certain " entosolenian '' varieties of Layena (see ex, PI. i, figs. 29-32) ; ,this, however, is not more constant than the similar areolation of certain varieties of Miliola, although it would at first seem to have more value as a differential character on account of the difference of texture between the shell substance of the ridges and that which forms the general surface. One other variety of PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. Gl surface remains to be mentioned ; namel)% that hispid character which is given by the pro- jection of conical spines from every part of it. Of this we have numerous examples among the straight and slightly curved NodosaruB (Plate XII, fig. 2) ; whilst among spiral shells we meet with it in the most pronounced degree in a varietal form frequently presented by the young of Calcarina (Plate XIV, figs. 6, 7). The careful study which I have made of this last type enables me to aflarra with confidence, that these conical spines are formed by an excessive growth of the tubercles of non-tubular shell-substance already described, and that they usually disappear with the advance of age, by an increase in the thickness of tlic ordinary shell substance which fills up the spaces that intervene between them. And among the Nodusaria they certainly have no more vahic as differential characters tlian the ridges already noticed. 75. Taking our stand, then, upon the characters by which the Order Reticularia is difi"erentiated from otlier Rhizopods, — viz., the minute subdivision and the free inosculation of the pseudopodia, the imperfect differentiation of the endosarc and the ectosarc, and the absence both of nucleus and contractile vesicle, — ^we have finally to inquire how the group thus constituted can be most naturally subdivided in accordance with the principles that have now been laid down. At first sight, it would appear as if the groups of Gromida and FoRAMiNiFERA Were so strong!)^ differentiated by the deficiency in the former of that calcareous envelope which is the special characteristic of the latter, that they should constitute two sections or sub-orders of corresponding rank ; and such a view has been adopted by MM. Claparede and Lachmann (xxv, p. 34). If, however, we attach a greater value to the characters furnislied by the animal than to those afforded by the material of its envelope (and this appears to me the more natural method), we find that the affinity of the Gromida to those Foraminifera whose shells, being imperforate, do not give passage to pseudopodia, is even closer than is that of the Foraminifera having imperforate shells to those of which the shells are perforated; whilst the systematic value of the difference in the material of the envelope is lowered by the circumstance, that among the true Foraminifera we occasionally meet with instances in which the only part of the shell that is really formed by an exudation from the animal is the cement that holds together the particles of sand from which it derives its solidity. Following out this principle, tlie whole Order Reticularia may be subdivided into two primary groups, according as the envelope (whether membranous or shelly) is imperforate or is perforated ; the pseudopodia in the former case issuing only from the single or multiple aperture, whilst in the latter they proceed from the general surface of the body. The imper- forate sub-order may be divided into three very natural groups, according as the nature of the envelope is membranous, jjorcellanous, or arenaceous ; and thus we have the families Gromida, MiLiOLiDA, and Lituolida. Throughout the perforated sub-order, on the other hand, the texture of the shell is hyaline or vitreous, save in the few instances in which the ordinary shell- substance is partially replaced by particles of sand ; and there seems no other l)asis for a division of that sub-order into families, than that which is afforded by tiic mutual affinities of its generic t3'pes. The results of our inquiry up to this point, thei*efore, may be summed up as follows .« * Tlie nearest approach to the above principle of classification -wliich I fiud among preceding systematists, is that hinted at, though not actually adopted, by j\I. Dujardiu (xxxvi). As the original 62 OF THE FORAMINIFERA GENERALLY. Class RHIZOPODA, Order Reticularia. Sub-order, imperforata. Test membranous ..... Famil}' Gromida. Shell porcellanous „ MUiolida. Shell arenaceous ..... „ Lituolida. outline of the system in which the Foraminifera first liad their true place assigned to them, the classi- fication of M. Dujardin will always have an historical value, although its incompleteness has been made apparent by subsequent researches. The Amihiens constitute the second, the Rhizopodes the third, and the Actinophryens the fourth family of his Infusoria ; but as he distinctly states (p. 240) that the structure of the animals is essentially the same in the first two cases, it is rather to be wondered at that he should have limited the name Rhizopods to such as have the body enclosed in a testaceous envelope. This envelope, he says, varies in consistence from a simple flexible membrane to a thick calcareous shell, either solid or porous. But he does not regard these differences as equal in importance to those presented by the form of the pseudopodial extensions of the sarcode-body, according to which the group may be divided into two sections ; of which the first (corresponding to Ehrenberg's family Arcellina) includes only the Arcella and Diffiugiw, whose pseudopodia are short, thick, and rounded at their extremities, whilst the second comprehends all those whose pseudopodia are filiform and much attenuated towards their extremities. This second section he subdivides into three tribes ; the first composed of the genera Trinema, Euglypha, and Gromia (all discovered by him- self), which are distinguished from Diffiugia only by the attenuation of their pseudopodia; the second is composed of the single genus Miliola, which agrees with the ordinary Foraminifera in the possession of a calcareous shell, whilst in having but a single large aperture from which the pseudopodia extend themselves it corresponds with Gromia ; and the third includes the Foramimfera proper, which he supposed to be all furnished with porous shells for the passage of pseudopodia from the general surface of the body. It is remarkable how little change is required (and this rather in the application of terms than in re-arrangement) to bring this outline into conformity with the more com- plete system which subsequent research enables us now to frame. For if we extend the application of M. Dujardin's term Rhizopodes not only to the Amibiens which precede them but to the Actino- phryens which follow them in his classification, and transfer to the former from the central group the genera Arcella and Difflugia whose animals are of the Amoeban type, and to the latter the genera Trinema and Euglypha which are Actinophryan, we find the central group thus restricted to correspond exactly with our Order IIeticulakia ; and the limitation or non-limitation of the pseudopodia to the single or multiple aperture would probably have been adopted by i\I. Dujardin as the basis of his primary divisions of that group, if he had been aware that Miliola, so far from being exceptional among Foraminifera in this respect, is in reality the type of an extensive series. — Whilst this sheet is passing through the press, I find that Prof Reuss has recently propounded to the Imperial Academy at Vienna (xci a) a scheme of classification of which the principles are almost identical with my own. He considers the composition and intimate structure of the shell to be characters of primary importance, and attaches but little value in comparison to plan of growth. He still retains the distinction into Monoihalam.ia and Polythalamia (which he terms Monomera and Polymera), but expresses himself doubtfully as to its value. CHAPTER IT. OF THE FAMILY GROMIDA. 76. The members of the Family Gromida accord with the imperforate Foraminifera in the characters furnished by their sarcode-bodj% M'hich puts forth its pseudopodial extensions only from a single aperture ; but differ from them in having that body enclosed only in a mem- branous test, which may be reduced to such tenuity as to be scarcely distinguishable. By M. D'Orbigny this family was altogether ignored, no member of it having been known when he first applied himself to the systematic study of the Foraminifera, and no mention havuig been made in his subsequent writings even of its typical genus Groinia discovered by M. Dujardin in 1835 (xxxv), notwithstanding the clear demonstration given by that admirable observer of its close relationship to Miliola (xxxvi). Not less completely was this type excluded by Professor Ehrenberg from his systematic arrangement of Bryozoa (xl) ; the genus Gromia being apparently regarded by him as allied to Arcella and D'lJJlugia, which he ranked as Infusoria. It was by Professor Schultzc (xcvii) that Gromia and its allies were first introduced into a complete systematic arrangement of the Foraminifera ; but he placed so much higher a value on the unilocularity of the " test " than on any other character, as to associate them with Arcella and BiJjJugia, whose animals are of the Amoeban type, with Trinema and Eughiplia, whose animals are Actinophryan in character, with Squamidina, which has an imperforate calcareous shell of the Milioliue type, and with Orulina, whose shell is perforated and hyaline, in the Family LagynidcB of his Monothalamia Testacea, — an association which must be altogether incorrect if there be any truth in the principles laid down in the preceding Chapter, as being those on which alone can any approach to a natural classification of Foraminifera be founded. Between the " test" of Gromia and that of Arcella, indeed, there is but little difference ; but between the animals which form and inhabit these " tests" respectively, the difference is as wide as any that is known to exist in the whole Rhizopod series ; and this difference has been cleai'ly recognized by MM. Claparede and Lachmann (xxv). Genus I. — Lieberkuhnia (Plate II). 77. This genus is the one of the whole Order Beticularia in which the envelope of the sarcode-body is reduced to its minimum ; so that it approaches most nearly to the absolutely naked condition, and may in consequence be most advantageously studied as a type of the group, holding the same position in the Rcticulose series that Amccba does in the Lobose, and 64 FAMILY GROMIDA. Adinoplirys in the Radiolarian. A detailed account of its very simple organization and of its mode of life (so far as at present known) having been already given (^ 32), there is no occa- sion here to repeat the description ; but it may be advantageous to point out that the origin of the whole ramification of pseudopodial expansions from a single stem which is limited by a definite envelope, shows Lieberkuhnia to be strictly conformable to the imperforate type. From no other part of the body are pseudopodia given off, as would be the case if it had any affinity to the perforated series. Genus II.— Gromia (Plate III, fig. 2). 78. The genus Gromia was first constituted by M. Dujardin in 1835 (xxxv) for the reception of a group of Khizopods characterised by the possession of a brownish-yellow, soft, membranous, ovoidal or spheroidal " test," having a small round orifice, whence issue very long pseudopodia, which ramify and become much attenuated towards their extremities. In the membranous nature of its " test" Gromia resembles Arcella and Eii(jlyplia, but the character of the animal entirely differentiates it ; and it thus holds in the Reticulose series a rank exactly parallel to that oi Arcella in the Lobose, and oi Enr/li/jjlia in the Radiolarian. This genus has since been especially studied by Schlumberger (xcix a); and still more recently by Professor Schultze (xcvii), whose account of it is in some respects more complete than that of Dujardin, but corresponds with his in all essential points. 79. The smooth, coloured "test" of Gromia, which commonly attains a diameter of from 1-lOth to l-12th of an inch, looks to the naked eye very much like the egg of a Zoophyte or the seed of some aquatic Plant ; and its real nature would not be suspected until, after an interval of rest, the animal begins to creep about by means of its pseudopodia, and to mount along the sides of the glass vessel that contains it. Some Gromia are marine, and are found among tufts of Corallines, Ccramiacise, and other Alga3 ; whilst others inhabit fresh water, and adhere to Ceratophylla, Confervae, and other plants of running streams. Various species have been described, differing slightly in the size, form, and colour of the " test," and in the proportional length of the pseudopodia ; but, with the evidence we have of the variability of all such characters in other instances, these specific distinctions cannot be regarded as having any valid claim to acceptance. The composition of the " test" has been studied by Schultze (xcvii, p. 21), who states that it resists the action of boiling solutions of the caustic alkalies, and that of the concentrated mineral acids, even sulphuric. With sugar and sulphuric acid it gives a red colour ; whilst by iodine and sulphuric acid it is turned to a blackish hue, with a tinge of violet. The organic substance which it seems most to resemble in these reactions is cellulose, but it differs from cellulose in not being dissolved by sulphuric acid ; and it would seem to have some relation to cJiitine and the substance of the Iiorni/ tissues. Of the animal of Gromia, and of its mode of obtaining its food, a sufficient account has already been given (^^ 33, 34) ; and it has only to be here stated in addition, that the shell has no permanent attachment, but that the animal moves slowly from place to place by the alternate extension and contraction of the pseudopodia which GENUS LAGYNIS. 65 it projects in advance, those which it leaves behind it (so to speak) being retracted into the general mass of the body, from which new ones are put forth in front. Genus III.— Lagynis (Plate I, fig. 21). 79. It may be doubted whether this genus, first discovered by Prof. Schultze (.xcvii, p. 56) in the Baltic sea in the year 1849, should be ranked as an aberrant type of the family Gromida, or should be removed to the Adinoplirijan group ; the intermediate character of its pseudopodian extensions, and the strong resemblance of its " test " to that of JSurjlyjjha, being such as to justify either position. This " test," which seldom exceeds 1 -240th of an inch in length, is unattached, membranous, transparent, and elastic, and has somewhat the form of a retort with a prolonged neck and a large aperture. The sarcode-body rarely fills its cavity, the posterior part of which is generally unoccupied save by four tapering pro- longations, that come off from the hinder part of the sarcode-mass which occupies the central part of the cavity, and extend themselves backwards so as nearly to meet each other at the posterior extremity of the "test" (Plate I, fig. 21, .\). These processes, with the part of the sarcode-body from which they proceed, are composed of a granular sarcode more opaque than the rest; and this is disposed, in the middle portion of the cavity of the test, around a bright globular centre. The anterior portion of the cavity, on the other hand, is occupied by sarcode of peculiarly pellucid character ; and it is this which extends itself into the pscudopodia that issue from the orifice. These pseudopodia, like those of the HHiculuria generally, are very slender, in this respect contrasting very strongly with those of the typical Ammham (though not unlike those of A. porrecta, fig. 18), but more resembling those of certain Actinopliryans. They diverge and occasionally subdivide ; but do not extend to more than two or three times the length of the shell; and they show little or no tendency to reunite (as in Gromia), so as either to form a network or to establish fresh centres of ramifi- cation. The sarcode-substance has not been seen to extend itself (as in Gromia) backwards from the orifice over the surface of the test, so as to give off pseudopodia laterally and posteriorly. Occasionally the sarcode-body is found to occupy only the posterior part of the cavity of the test, and to present the form of a sphere without any prolongations, its bright pellucid centre being still distinguishable in the midst of the darker substance (fig. 21, b). Whether this retracted condition has any relation to the " encysted " state of Infusoria, is a point still to be determined. It is pointed out by Prof. Sehultze that the " test " of Lru/yiits hears a close resemblance to one described by Perty (lxxxii, Plate viii, fig. 21), under the name of Eiyhipha currala, as having been found empty on the Simplon, at a height of from 4000 to 5000 feet. CHAPTER V. OF THE FAMILY MILIOLIDA. 80. The series of generic types which is marked out by the porcellanous texture of the shell {% 57), and by those other structural characters which are associated with that dis- tinctive feature {%% 62 — 65), includes so great a variety both of modes of conformation and of grades of development, that at first sight the association of all these into a single family would seem altogether unnatural. As we proceed in our study of them, however, we shall find that from the lowest to the highest of these forms each is most remarkably connected with other parts of the series by links of affinity so strong as to forbid their dissociation ; so that, starting from the humblest or simplest types, we are gradually conducted, with scarcely any decided interruption, to the highest or most specialised. Thus in SquamuUna (Plate I, fig. 22) we have a raonothalamous shell, of which the shape, although not very definite, seems to preclude any extension or super-addition. In Cornuspira (Plate V, fig. 1 6) we find that the shell, although still remaining monothalamous or undivided, is indefinite in its mode of increase, receiving a succession of increments which foreshadows the successional addition of new chambers in the Polythalamia. From this undivided spiral to the regular, scarcely divided spiral of certain " spiroloculine " forms of Mlliola, the transition is almost insensible ; from the " spiroloculine" we pass by eas)' steps to all the other forms of the Milioline type; and certain of the most aberrant of these establish the transition to Hauerina and Fahidaria, in which last the Milioline type seems to reach its most complex phase, the cavity of the shell being minutely subdivided, as in Orbiculina and Alveolina, and the single large orifice into being replaced by multiple pores. Returning to our starting point, we shall find in the proteiform Nubecu- Jaria (which seems as much related to SquamuUna as to Cornusjnra) a sort of primitive sketching- out of the various plans of growth which are more perfectly evolved in higher parts of the series ; all its forms, however, being obviously but varieties of one type, of which the most definite positive character is afforded by the incompleteness of the separation between the successive chambers. The substitution of the rectilineal for the spiralis more definitely mani- fested (though still under a great variety of aspects) in Vertcbralina, and the division of the chambers is more complete. From this we pass almost insensibly to Penerojjlis, which also presents itself under the form of a spiral giving place to a straight line, and in which the elongated fissure that constitutes the aperture in Vertcbralina is broken up into a row of separate pores. The subdivision of the chambers of Peneroplis by secondary partitions con- GENUS SQUAMULINA. 67 verts it into an OrbiciiUna ; and this, in the later stage of its existence, usually takes on the cyclical mode of growth, whereby it is linked on to OrbitoKtes which ordinarily follows that plan from the commencement ; whilst, on the other hand, the mere lengthening of its axis of growth carries us from the discoidal Orhiculina to the fusiform Aheolina. The most peculiar types at present kn6wn to belong to this series are Badylopora and Acicularia, which seem to be formed upon somewhat the same plan as OrbitolUes, though separated from it by a wider interval than exists elsewhere. — Hence we seem fully justified in bringing together all these forms into a single Family, and in giving to this family a designation derived from that one of its genera which seems most wideJij diffused both in space and in time, there being none which can be regarded as typical in regard to form. The following tabular arrangement of this family may assist in the appreciation of the relationships of its members. FAMILY MILIOLIDA. Squamulina. I I Nubecularia — Cornuspira. I I Vertebralina . . Miliola. I I Peneroplis . . . Hauerina. I I Orbiculina . . . .Fabularia. I I Alveolina Orbitolites. I Dactylopora. I Acicularia. Genus 1. — Squamulina (Plate I, fig. 22). 81. The genus Squmitdina was instituted by Prof. Schultze (xcvii, p. 56) for a minute monothalamion of which he found several specimens at Ancona, adhering to the surface of Algae and to the side of a glass vessel in which sea-water had been long kept. The shell, whose largest diameter is about l-.300lh of an inch, has the form of an irregular plano-convex lens, being usually flat, or nearly so, on its attached side (which accommodates itself to the surface whereon it grows), and convex on its free side, on some part of which — usually about half way between the centre and the periphery — is a wide orifice from which the pseudopodia issue. The shell is calcareous and opaque, and is destitute of pores ; its adherent layer is very thin, and is with difiiculty detached from the surface to which it is attached. The substance of the animal is of a brownish-yellow colour, as in Gromia ; its pseudopodia, however, seem fewer and less disposed to subdivide and inosculate. 68 .FAMILY MILIOLIDA. Genus II. — Cornuspira (Plate V, fig. 16). 82. Hisfori/. — The genus Cornuspira was instituted by Prof. Schultze (xcvn, p. 40), for those calcareous-shelled Foraminifera which form a flat spire like that of a Planorbis, and have their cavity simple and undivided ; and two species were distinguished by him, one of them, C. planorbis, having the shell solid, the other, C. perforata, having it finely porous. Prof. Williamson (ex, p. 91), whilst recognising both these forms, and describing another in which the shell is arenaceous, reverted to the generic name Spiri/Ii/ia, which had been previously given by Ehrenberg to a shell resembling Schultze's C. perforata, and included all three forms under that designation ; at the same time changing the specific name of Schultze's C. planorbis to adopt that of foliacea, which had been pre- viously bestowed by Philippi upon a more advanced form of the same organism. Soldani (by whom this shell seems to have been first figured), Philippi, Williamson, and Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, have all recognised in its opaque-white porcellanous character a close resemblance to that of the MilioUnce. This resemblance is unquestionable ; and if there be any truth in the principles enunciated in the two preceding chapters, it is obvious that the imper- forate porcellanous spirals and the perforated hyaline spirals must be regarded, in spite of their almost exact resemblance in external form, as belonging to two fundamentally different types. Reserving, therefore, the name Spirillina as the generic designation of the latter, I concur with Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones in thinking it expedient to make use of the name Cornuspira as the distinctive appellation of the former. 83. External Characters. — The shell of Cornuspira is a simple flat spire, the suc- cessive turns of which at first increase but slowly in width, but which at last opens out rather suddenly, like that of many other Foraminifera growing upon the same type (Plate V, fig. 16). The successive convolutions are in contact at their edges, but the later do not extend themselves over the earlier, so that the whole of the spire remains visible externally on each lateral surface. Not the least appearance of septal bands or constric- tions presents itself at any part of the spire ; except that a slight depression may some- times be detected, which marks ofl^ the primordial chamber from the spire that proceeds from it. In the young form of this shell the tube is cylindrical or nearly so, and its aperture is round ; but as it advances in age and flattens itself out, whilst the spire undergoes a rapid increase in width, its two surfaces become so closely approximated that the form of the aperture changes from a circle to a long, straight-sided fissure (fig. 1 6, a). The compressed whorls of the adult often show a series of irregularly alternating ridges and depressions, which cross the course of the convolutions with a convexity directed forwards, and these seem to mark the successive additions which the shell has received. Occasionally, as in many higher types, an abrupt narrowing of the spire takes place, so that the convolution is con- tinued on the smaller scale of some previous portion of the whorl, as is shown in fig. 16. 84. Internal Structure. — The entire absence of septal divisions, indicated by the external aspect of this type, is proved by an examination of its internal structure, which shows that the cavity occupied by the sarcode-body of the animal is perfectly uninterrupted, except GENERA CORNUSPIRA. AND NUBECULARIA. 6.9 where (as already mentioned) a slight constriction marks ofif the primordial chamber at the commencement of the spire. Hence the body will present no appearance of segmentation except at that point, and the large size of the external aperture will enable it to extend its pseudopodia most freely into the surrounding medium. — The Cornuspira foliacea, which is at present the only known form of this type, attains the diameter of l-8th of an inch. 85. Affinitlea. — In CornusjnrH we have a sort of rough sketch of the higher type of helicine Foraminifera, which it greatly resembles in external form, but from which it differs in the simplification of its structure resulting from the absence of segmentation in its sarcode- body. Its growth, like theirs, is unlimited; and thus, although actuallj/ monothalamous, it may be considered ixs /loteiilialli/ polythalamous (^ G2). 86. Geot^raphical and Gcolot/ical Distribution. — This type is at present very generally diffused through various seas, its shells growing attached by one of their lateral surfaces to Alga; and Zoophytes, usually at no great depth. It has not been met with in any formation of older date than the Eocene; but it abounds in the "calcaire grossier," and presents itself at every subsequent epoch. Genus III. — NuBECUL.\RiA (Plate V, figs. 1 — 15). 87. Hislof!/. — The genus Niiheadana was first established by Defrance (xxix) for the reception of an assemblage of small calcareous bodies of variable form and extremely indefi- nite characters, which he found within univalve shells of the " calcaire grossier." He expressed himself as altogether undecided in regard to the place to be assigned to them in the animal series; but in figuring them he grouped them with Zoophytes (xxix, Zooph., PI. xliv, fig. 3). A comparison of the figures given by him (imperfect as these are) with the figures previously given by Soldani (ci) of certain of the bodies to which he gave the general designation Serpula, serves to show that this type had been previously recognised by that painstaking observer. The indefiniteness of Defrance's characterisation of the genus seems to have prevented its adoption by subsequent authors ; thus we find that even Blainville did not accept it (vi a), though retaining Defrance's figures and the name appended to them on the plate ; and Lamarck makes no mention of it. The genus was entirely ignored by M. D'Orbigny, though one of its multiform varieties was described and figured by him under the name Webhina riigosa (v, PI. i, figs. 16 — ^18, and Lxxiii, p. 74, PI. xxi, figs. II, 12). It has, however, been noticed by M. Dujardin (xxxviii), who remarks of it that its proper place is probably rather among Fora- minifera than among Polypifera. The firm establishment and true characterisation of the genus, however, can only be fairly attributed to Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, by whom it has been especially studied in its recent as well as in its fossil forms (lv, p. 455), and who have kindly furnished me with the materials on which the following account of it is based. 88. External Characters. — No Foraminiferous shells are more protean in shape than those of Nubecularia, for we find them presenting almost every plan of growth that is to be found among Foraminifera. It is one of their distinctive characters that they attach themselves to other bodies, the surfaces of which they use as part of the walls of their own cavities ; and 70 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. thus it happens that they mould themselves to the shape of the bodies to which they are adherent, and that the plan of their own conformation varies accordingly. It is when growing on flat sur- faces, such as those afforded by shells or sea-weeds, that Nubecularia best exhibit their characters (Plate V, figs. 6, 13) ; when, on the other hand, they extend themselves over the projections of fohated shells, or ensheath the stems and branches of Zoophytes, Corallines, &c., they often lose all external traces of definiteness of plan (figs. 8, 9), and even their internal structure would be unintelligible if the simpler forms did not supply the means of interpreting it. It is difiicult to say what ought to be accounted the typical plan of conformation in this genus ; but as it usually (though not always) commences in a sjjiral, which subsequently gives place to other modes of growth, this may be conveniently adopted as the starting-point. The spiral shell of Nubecularia differs from that of Cornuspira in several very important particulars. In the first place, it is frequently deficient altogether on the attached side (figs. 1 — 3), so that the cavity of the tube is there bounded only by the surface to which its edges are adherent, and the form of its section is not circular, but semicircular. Sometimes, however, a layer of shell is deposited on that surface, so as to close-in the tube (figs. 4, 1 1, 14) ; but this layer is so thin as to require the support afforded to it by the surface to which it is adherent. On the other hand, the -shelly substance of which the unattached side of the tube is composed is deposited in unusual abundance, so as not only to form a very thick wall on the exposed surface, but to fill up the grooves which would otherwise be left between the successive coils of the spire. Thus it often comes to pass that the distinction between the coils is altogether obliterated, and only from the general outline of the entire shell could it be supposed that a spire is concealed beneath. This deficiency of shell on the attached side, with such an exuberant thickness on its exposed side as masks its characteristic form, is observable not merely in the spiral NubecularicB, but also in those curved, straight, zigzag, ramifying, and acervuline varieties through which this generic type will be shown to range (fig. 9). 89. Internal Structure. — In those forms oi Nubecularia which spread themselves over plane surfaces, the internal structure is readily disclosed by detaching the shell from its adhesion, and looking at it from the under or attached side ; for its cavity is then either laid open altogether (fig. 1), or becomes visible through the thin pellicle of shell which covers it (fig. 4). In the most regular spiral forms the spire commences in a spheroidal chamber, from which it is separated by a slight constriction, and it then rapidly opens itself out, especially in the second or third whorl. Its cavity is partially divided at irregular intervals by imperfect septa, formed by inflections of the walls of the tube, which curve inwards with a convexity directed forwards, but stop far short of meeting at the axis of the tube, so that a wide aperture of communication is left between the adjacent chambers. When the spire enlarges, a dilatation is seen beyond every one of these constrictions, the narrowed aperture of one chamber being received, as it were, into the dilated base of that which succeeds it (fig. 5). This is for the most part better seen, however, in the ^//-ff^^/// growth (fig. 10), to which the spiral convolution very commonly gives place after having made two or three turns ; the axis of growth alone being changed, and the structure of the tube and its partitions remaining the same. This straight mode of growth may prevail from the commencement, individuals sometimes presenting themselves in which the spire is altogether wanting. Sometimes the new chamber is formed at the side instead of in the axial hue of the preceding, so that the direction of growth is suddenly altered. GENUS NUBECULARIA. 71 Sometimes, af^ain, a new chamber is formed at the side as well as at the end of the preceding, and thus a branch may pass off at a considerable angle from tlie main axis (fig. 12). More commonly, however, wlien such a lateral gemmation takes place, the new series of chambers which thus originates advances along the side of the preceding (fig. 7) ; and by further offsets of the same kind these parallel series may multiply to any extent, the new chambers sometimes arching over those from which they are derived, so as even in these flat spreading forms to mark the tendency to an acervuline aggregation. Furtlici-, the axis of growth may be neither straight nor spiral, but may bend or twist in any direction ; the chambers still succeeding one another, either in a single linear series, or in ramifying extensions, or in multiple rows ; and nothing then marks the generic type save the texture of the shell, its attachment by one of its surfaces, and the narrowing of the chambers behind the constrictions, followed by a dilatation in front of them. 90. Instead, however, of extending itself in length, the shell not unfrequently widens itself out so much, that the distance across the chambers is far greater than that which inter- venes between the successive septa ; and it is then to be observed that, between each chamber and the next, there are two or more apertures in the septum that divides them (fig. 15). This plan of growth is carried to an extraordinary extent in the specimen represented in fig. 13, in which the enormous increase in the transverse dimensions of the chambers is accompanied by a great multiplication of these septal communications (fig. 14), so that a NiibeciiJaria formed upon this type becomes a sort of rude sketch oi Penerojdis. In not a few cases, again, the growth takes place almost from the commencement on the cyclical ^\n.xi (fig. 11), the first-formed chambers extending themselves around that which is occupied by the primordial segment, and budding off new chambers in all directions ; the successive chambers communicate with each other laterally, as well as in a radial direction ; and thus a sort of sketch is presented of the plan of growth characteristic of Orhitolites and Plunorbulina, to the lower forms of which last, indeed, this type of Nuheeularia (the chambers of which I have always found to be much smaller than the average) often presents a decided analogy. 91. Either of the foregoing modes of growth may give place to one in which no regularity whatever can be traced, the successive chambers being no longer added on the original plane alone, but piling themselves upon one another, without any discoverable system, so as to imitate the acervuline growth which Planorbulina sometimes takes on. This is espe- cially liable to happen with NuhccuJaricc that cluster around the stems and branches of Corallines, Zoophytes, &c. ; and thus it comes to pass that, as already remarked, not only does their external configuration become altogether amorphous, but their internal structure seems to be entirely destitute of arrangement. By a careful comparison of the intermediate forms, however, the true nature of these amorphous acervuline growths, as derivations from the simpler and more regular types, is unmistakeably demonstrated. In the larger and coarser acervuline specimens, it is not unfrequently to be observed that the surface is roughened by the inclusion of fine particles of sand (which seem to be composed of commi- nuted shell) in the proper calcareous substance of their shells ; but this substance is never replaced by sand,, as in the truly arenaceous types. 72 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. 93. Affinities. — The type which has now been described is of no common interest, as displaying the first nisvs of a Rhizopod towards the production of a multilocular shell, and as marking out, though in a rude and indefinite form, the principal plans which are evolved with much greater completeness and regularity in the higher types. Niibccularia is obviously allied to Cornuspira on the one hand, and to Vertebralina on the other ; it cannot, however, be said to be truly intermediate between those genera (though some of its forms approximate to each), because it difi"ers from both of them in the deficiency of the shelly wall on one side, as well as in the rude and almost amorphous aspect of its free surface. 93. Geographical Distribution. — The shells of this genus are, for the most part, inhabitants of the warmer seas, being especially large and abundant in the Laminarian zone, in which they sometimes attain the size of hemp-seeds, or even of split peas ; whilst, when brought up from deeper water, attached to the shells of large Mollusks, they are much more minute. They also occur in a detached condition, associated with other Foraminifera, in many recent sea-sands from shallowish water. 94. Geoloyical Distribution. — Nuhecularia are abundant in some of the French Tertiaries, have been met with attached to GrypliacB, &c., in many Oolitic Clays, and have been recog- nised in abundance (though the examples were very minute) in the Triassic Clay of Chellaston. Genm IV. — Vertebralin.\ (Plate V, figs. 17 — 25). 95. Histori). — The genus Verlebralina was first characterised by D'Orbigny (lxix) in 1826 ; the name which he has assigned to it having been apparently suggested by the resem- blance presented by some of its forms (Plate V, fig. 22) to the vertebral column of a Shark. On account of its spiral commencement he placed it among his nautiloid Helicnslegues, though admitting that its position there is anomalous (lxiii, p. 120). Its relationship to the Milioline type was first clearly indicated by Professor Williamson (ex, p. 89), who has given an excellent description of its characteristic form, and has very properly reunited with Vertebralina striata, the V. cassis and V. mucronala, of D'Orbigny, the diiferential characters of which are too slight and inconstant for their separation. He was not aware, however, of the extraordinary poh/jnorphism which this type is found to display when the comparison is extended through a sufficiently wide geographical and geological range. 96. External Characters. — The aspect of the shell in Veriehralinais generally opalescentand brightly polished, and its surface is usually marked by delicate, longitudinal striations, which have the strength of ribs in the thick-walled and more strongly characterised specimens, such as D'Orbigny's V. mucronata (xcii, PI. vii, figs. 16 — 19), but which become obsolete, or even disappear entirely, on the later portions of the more delicate and more aberrant specimens. More rarely the surface is pitted. The shell is complete on both sides, and is usually a symmetrically flattened tube ; it has no other attachment to the surface on which it grows, than GEIMLS VERTIiBRALINA. 7:5 tliat afforded Ijy the sarcodc-ljody of the animal itself, ov by the gelatinous investment of tlie sea-weed to which it adheres. Its growth nearly always eommences either in a regular spiral or in a Milioline modification of it, each turn of the spire being commonly formed (as in Hdiii'rina, *] 112) by three chambers, or more rarely (as in the ordinary MUiolee, ^ 1 04) by two ; and it was on certain forms which are at first strongly milioloid and afterwards uniserial, that D'Orbigny founded his genus Arliculinn. The earlier whorls of the spire are generally inclosed by those which succeed them ; but sometimes they are merely surrounded by them, so that the whole of the spire remains apparent. The septa are marked externally by depressed bands, which are not crossed by striations. After making from two to four turns, tlic shell continues to grow in a straight line ; the succes- sive chambers (usually to the uuml)er of five or six) being sometimes of extremely uniform size, subcylindrical in shape, and disposed with great regidarity (fig. 22) ; whilst in other cases they are progressively compressed, so that the shell becomes flatter and wider (fig. 25) ; and they are sometimes disposed in a zigzag manner. In either of these cases, how- ever, the type is very easily recognised by the form of the aperture, which is a simple fissure with lips slightly everted, extending along the whole breadth of the septal plane ; and it is further to be noticed that behind each septal plane there is a more or less well-marked con- striction, after which the walls of the chambers open out again. These constrictions are some- times marked in an unusual degree by the very sudden enlargement of the new chamber formed beyond, as in the specimen represented in fig. 23. Sometimes, on the other hand, the tendency to increase appears suddenly checked, the new chamber being considerably smaller than that which preceded it (fig. 21), the dimensions of which are only again attained after a progressive increase continued through several chambers. A similar teraporar)- dwarfing has been already noticed in Cornnspira, and seems liable to occur in any type of polythalamous Foraminifera. 97. Inlernal Sfrucftcre. — On laying open the shell of Vcrtchralhia, its cavity is found to correspond very closely with its extei-nal contour, the walls of its chambers being everywhere of very uniform thinness. The septal divisions are disposed at much more regular intervals than in Nuhccularia, but still have rather the character of constrictions formed by an inflection of the walls, than of regular partitions ; and the wide aperture in each septal plane can scarcely be difl'erentiated from that of Nuhecularia, except in the somewhat patulous character which it derives from the slight eversion of its lips. 98. Varieties. — The typical form just described is liable to a great modification in cither of two principal directions. On the one hand the chambers may become nearly cylindrical in form, and at the same time narrowed and elongated, so that the straight portion of the shell is drawn out into the form of a rod (fig. 19), though still presenting its characteristic con- traction and subsequent opening-out at each septum ; whilst the aperture from a narrow- fissure becomes circular, or nearly so. This rectilineal elongation of the chambers may extend even to the first-formed portion of the shell, the primordial chamber and its imme- diate successors being uncoiled (as it were) into a series of long cylinders laid end to end in a straight line, the striated and pitted surface of which, together with the occurrence of intermediate modifications of form, mark their derivation from the ordinary type. On the other 10 74 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. hand, the progressive -widening-out of the chambers may go on to such an extent as still more to disguise the fundamental type, especially when they not only become extremeh' elono-ated transversely, but even wind themselves round the edges of those previously formed, so as almost to meet on the opposite side of the original spire (fig. 18). Even such an extremely aberrant form of the one here represented, which was distinguished by Lamarck (lix and lx) under the names Benulina and Benidites* (expressive of the resemblance of its shape to that of a kidney), is distinctly recognisable as a modified Vertehralina by the exact conformity of the first-formed portion of the shell to the regular type, and by the characteristic form of its aperture, which is a fissure extending along the entire margin of the last nearly circular chamber ; and, as already pointed out (^ 89), a similar tendency is common in other typical forms of this division of Foraminifera. Arrests of development at the spiral condition, sometimes producing a strong resemblance to Miliola, are not uncommon in either of the varietal forms of Vertehralina (figs. 17,20); and it is thus that the broad specimens distinguished by D'Orbigny (xcii, pi. vii, figs. 14, 15) by the name V. Cassis, have been produced. A curious dwarfed example, from a depth of 360 fathoms in the Mediterranean, is represented in fig. 24. 99. Affinitief;. — It is obvious that Vertehralina may be considered as an advance upon Nuhe- cularia, alike in the symmetrical conformation of its shell, and in the more definite plan of its o-rowth. In that early condition in which it is sometimes arrested, it presents a close afiinity to the MilioUne type ; whilst its compressed and especially its reniform varieties bring it into close relationship to Peneroplis, which it often strongly resembles in shape, being always distin- guishable from it, however, by the nature of the septal aperture, and generally also by the inferior lustre and opalescence of the shell. 100. Geograpldcal Bistrihution. — Although specimens of Vertehralina are occasionally met with among the Shetland islands, yet there is strong reason to believe that they have been trans- ported thither from some warmer region ; as this genus seems, like Peneroplis, to belong properly to tropical and sub-tropical seas, through which it is pretty generally diffused, although in far less abundance than Peneroplis. ' 101. Geological Bistrihution. — This genus presents itself in various Tertiary deposits ; and it is from these that its most aberrant forms are supplied, although approximations to them are furnished by their existing representatives. Genus V.— Miliola (Plate VI, figs. 1—33). 103. History. — The generic term Miliolites was applied by Lamarck (lviii) in 1804 to certain fossil forms belonging to a very common type, of which examples had been noticed by LinnEeus (lxiii) as Serpula seminulum, by Soldani (ci) as Frumentaria, and by Montagu (lxv) as Vermiculum; the designation having been apparently suggested by the resemblance * These names are erroneously cited by Prof. Williamson (cs, p. 44) as synonyms of Peneroplis. GENUS MILIOLA. 75 to millet-seed borne by the minute bodies to which it is applied. The Lamarckian genus was adopted by various subsequent writers ; its name being modified to 3Iilio/rt or Miliolina for the purpose of including the recent forms, which diifer in no essential particular from the fossil. But in M. D'Orbigny's first systematic ari'angement of the Foraminifera (lxix) he broke up this genus into the genera Uniloculina, Biloculina, Triloculina, Quinquelocidina, Sjpiro- loculina, Adelosina, and CriicilocuUna ; and these he associated with Sjiharoidina (of which the examples he cites as typical are really allied to Glohii/erinn, having a perforated hyaline shell), and Articidina (which is in reality a varietal form of Vertcbiyi/lna, ^ 90), into his Order AgathistivGUES ; his definition of which might have served as the generic character of Miliula, if it had been founded on a correct conception of its typical structure. To the fore- going genera, D'Orbigny subsequently added Fabularia (at first wrongly placed by him else- where), a type which will hereafter be shown to present a peculiar development of the Milio- line (1 116). Our reasons for reuniting the first seven of the genera just enumerated, with all their multitudinous species, under the single type Miliola, without attempting to establish even specific differentiations, will presently become apparent. With regard to his generic divisions it is not a little singular that M. D'Orbigny should have remarked as follows : — " We tliink it diflicult to find genera more distinct one from another than are those of this Order. They present forms so sharply defined, that there really exists no transition between them; and thus any one by a few liours' study will always find himself able to distinguish them " (lxxiii, p. 256). Now although a few hours' study, prosecuted after the fashion of M. D'Orbigny, may lead to an acceptance of his generic and specific distinctions as valid, yet in precise proportion as that study is prolonged, and is made to include a sufiiciently large number of examples of this type, brought from all the seas and from all the geological deposits in which it occurs, do its results pi'ove to be of quite an opposite character. For the types which were represented by M. D'Orbigny as so sharply defined, are found, on careful compa- rison— as has been shown by Mr. W. K. Parker (lxxv) on whose view of tliis genus my own account of it is based — to graduate into one another so insensibly, that no line of demarcation, either specific or generic, can be drawn between them; so that no middle course can be adopted between ranking them all as varieties of one species, distinguished by the degree and direction of their divergence from a central type, and multiplying almost indefinitely the number of species by adopting the most trivial modifications of form or surface-marking as differential characters. This truth has already been partly apprehended by Profs. Schultze and Williamson ; the former of whom (xcvii) has reunited the genera Trilocidina and (luinqudocuHna under the generic designation Miliola ; whilst the latter (ex) has brought them together under the name Miliolina, with the addition of Adelosina, which he rightly states (p. 89) to be nothing else than a young form of the same type, distinguished by the peculiar retort-shape of the primordial and the next succeeding chambers. Prof. Williamson truly remarks (p. 80) that "none of the Foraminifera are more liable to variation than those comprehended in the Lamarckian genus Miliolitcs ;" and adds (p. 87), that some of his "most able correspondents, who previously thought that the species of Miliolinm ought to be made much more numerous, on endeavouring to group the specimens in their cabinets according to such views, found their difliculties increase with the multiplication of their specimens." 103. External Characters and Internal Structure. — The essential plan of conformation in the 76 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. whole Miliolinc series is so simple, that it may be readily apprehended from a survey of the external features of its fundamental type. Yet these features are liable to be so completely masked, as altogether to lose their chai-acteristic aspect ; and since there hence arises so com- plete a want of agreement between external characters and internal structure, as leads to the entire misapprehension of the latter if too exclusive confidence be placed in the former, it seems desirable to study both together in such a manner as to bring out their true relations. And in this way we shall come to perceive the fundamental unity which prevails through a range of varietal modifications so wide, as at first sight to appear to justify the creation of an almost unlimited number of genera and species. 104. The fundamental " idea" of a MiJiola is best displayed in such a form as that represented in Plate YI, fig. 1, which shows but little departure from the continuous spiral of Cornusjjir'i ; the diifcrence consisting chiefly in this, — that each turn of the spiral is interrupted at two opposite points by a constriction followed by an enlargement : and that, as the inter- ruptions in successive turns are always at the extremities of the same diameter, the whole spire is made up of a series of half-turns arranged symmetrically on its two sides. Each of these half-turns is larger than that Avhich preceded it, but its dimensions scarcely change between its two ends; so that the increase in the diameter of the tube is not gradual, but takes place at successive intervals, each chamber being not only longer than its predecessor on the opposite side, but also larger in sectional area. The form of that area departs from the circular, in consequence of the tendency which each turn of the spire has to extend itself in some degree over the preceding. Although this extension is but slight in the example we . are considering, it is enough to give a concave instead of a convex border to the inner wall of the chamber; which inner wall is, in fact, nothing else than the outer wall of the pre- ceding turn, the shelly tube of the new chamber being there incomplete (^ 62). The aperture of the last chamber is somewhat constricted : and it is further encroached-on bv a tongue or tooth-like projection of shell substance from its inner margin (figs. 16 — 18) ; this pi'ojection, which may be conveniently termed the " valve," varies greatly in size and form, but when most developed, it converts what would otherwise have been a free nearly circular passage into a comparative!}' narrow cresccntic slit. A similar " valve," whicli may be regarded as a rudimentar}' septum (^ 109), exists at each of the constrictions that marks the division of the chambers. 105. It is comparatively rare, however, to find so slight a departure from the regular spiral plan, as is shown in specimens of the kind just described. For in by far the larger number of cases, the diameter at the two extremities of which the septal constrictions occur is more or less elongated ; and this elongation may proceed so far as to give it twice the length of the transverse diameter (fig. 2), thus substituting for the spirality of the original type an apparently Uhiicral arrangement, which has caused D'Orbigny and his followers to define the Miliolinc group as if the shell were composed of " chambers clustered ='■ on two, three, four, or five faces of a common axis. * For the word pelototmees, \Tliich is intended to indicate the kind of aggregation produced by ■winding a ball of cotton, there is no proper equivalent iu our language. GENUS MILIOLA. 77 Diagvaiiiiuulic ie(jrcscii- tation of tlie Animal of Hence it is ob- 106. The conformation of the sarcode-body of the animal obtained by the decalcification of the shell, exactly corresponds with what the characters presented by its envelope would lead us to anticipate. Starting from the ordinary primordial segment (Fig. XIV, o), we find this giving origin, by a constricted neck or lu;. XR. "stolon," to the first longitudinal segment 1, which doubles round one side of it, and is then again constricted into a " stolon ;" from this pro- ceeds the second longitudinal segment l', whicli passes round the other side of the primordial spheroid, and, liaving extended itself beyond the first, narrows itself at the opposite end of the diameter into a stolon ; from this proceeds a third longitudinal segment 3, whicli passes round the first and extends beyond it, giving origin, by a constricted stolon, to a fourth 1, which in like manner passes round the second and extends beyond it ; and this mode of increase may continue until a considerable number of segments have lieen formed on either side of the primordial spheroid, the last extending itself into pseudopodia at its termination, vious that each segment grows in a direction contrary to that of the segment which immediately preceded it, but corresponding to that of the ante-penultimate ^segment; and that the pseudopodial extensions will be put forth alternately from one and the other extremity of the body. And it is further obvious that this Milioline type involves, so far as the structure of the animal is concerned, no more considerable departure from the simple type of Coriui^piva than that which is produced by the narrowing of the spire as it crosses each end of its long diameter, — a conclusion which derives additional support from tlie exact conformity to the Coniuxpiru type, whicli, as already shown (^ 49), is presented bv the young oi j\liIioIa (see xcvtt, plate ii, figs. 1 — 6). 107. The cliaractcrs adopted by D'Orbignv for the differentiation of his genera are for the most part furnished by the number of chambers which show themselves externallv : a variation whicli depends upon the degree in which the later chambers invest the earher, upon the symmetry of their shape, and upon the mode in which they arc disposed with reference to the diameter of tlie spire. Thus if the successive segments simply increase in diameter without departing much from their primitive cylindrical form, so that the successive chambers of the shell merely apply themselves to the external surfaces of those which preceded them, then the whole series of chambers is visible on each side of the adult slicll ; and the ^fJIUdu which grows upon this plan, wliicli will be readily understood from the ideal transverse sections shown in Fig. XV, is distinguished as Spiroloculina (Plate VI, figs. 1, 2). If, however, the segments of sarcode extend themselves on either side into " alar lobes," and these are symmetrically prolonged so as completely to cover each side of the cham- bers to which they are applied, as shown in Fig. XVI, then only in-o chambers — the last and the penultimate — are visible externally, and we have a Wdoadma (Plato VI. fig. 7).' It often happeu- FiG. X\ Idi'al transverse sections of Spli'ijloadl-uf. 78 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. however, that the alar lobes of one side are more prolonged than those of the other, so that more of the earlier chambers of the shell are shown on the one face than on the other ; in this Fig. XVII. A. B. C. Ideal transverse sections of Bilocnlina. Ideal transverse seel ions of Qiii».queloculina. way it often comes to pass that fice chambers are visible externally on one side of the shell, whilst only three are apparent on the other (Fig. XVII) ; and this type is the Quinqudoculina of D'Orbigny (Plate VI, figs. 3 — G). It is, however, subject to great inconstancy as to the number of chambers visible externally ; this being usually from fJiree to citjld on one side, and from lico to (six on the other ; some shells formed on this plan having only tivo chambers visible on one side and three on the other.* A greater departure from the ordinary mode of growth, however, is shown by those Miliolm in which the alternation in the direction of the successive segments of the sarcode-body is not duplex but triplex ; so that the chambers of the shell, instead of lying on the two sides of the diameter of the spire, cluster around it (so to speak) triangularly, as shown in Fig. XVIII ; thus causing the shell to become three-sided, and ren- FiG. XVIII. Ideal transverse sections of Triloculina. * It was from having perceived the unimportance of these numerical variations in shells formed on the plan above described, that Profs. Schultze (xcvii) and Williamson (ex) were led to reunite GENUS MILIOLA. 79 dering three chambers always visible externally- This is the true Triloculine form (Plate VI, figs. 13, 14). 108. Now although, if typical specimens only Avere compared, these characters might well seem to be sufficiently definite to justify the generic differentiations which have been founded upon them, yet the comparison of extensive suites of specimens brought from different localities shows that they are subject to an inconstancy whicli altogether destroys their value. And this inconstancy is readily accounted for, when due allowance is made for the indefiniteness in the form of the sarcode-body of the animal ; since, as we have seen, it is dependent upon the degree in which the " alar lobes" of the new segments extend themselves over the surfaces of the preceding chambers, and on the equality or otherwise of the pro- longations on the two sides — characters which are extremely liable to variation among Foraminifera. Of those subordinate departures from the typical form of the segments, whicli convert their ordinarily rounded outline (Figs. XV, a ; XVI, a, b ; XVII, a ; XVIII, a) into a carinate or angular contour (Figs. XV, b, c ; XVI, c ; XVII, b, c ; XVIII, b) — differences on which a vast multitude of specific differentiations have been founded — it can only be here stated generally that they are subject to the same uncertainty as the larger ones already disposed of. 109. With such diversities in the form of the chambers are associated corresponding diversities in that of the apcriure ; which may be elongated laterally so as from a circle tc become an oval (which is sometimes narrowed into a mere slit), or may approach the form of a square (Plate VI, figs. 8 — 12, 16 — 33). The shape of the "valve," again, varies with that of the aperture, and has further variations of its own. In the MUiola cydostoma of Schultze (xcvii, plate ii, figs. 14, 15), the valve is altogether wanting, and the aperture is quite round. In the Spirohculina represented in Plate VI, fig. 1, the aperture, shown in fig. 16, has but a very small projection ; this projection is a httle larger in the specimen represented in fig. 2, of which the aperture is shown in fig. 17, and is somewhat extended laterally; and in the QiiinquelocuUna represented in fig. 3, of which the aperture is shown in fig. 18, the valve is distinctly bifid. In Bilocidlna the usual form of the "valve," as shown in figs. 7, 8, 10, 1 1, 12, is that of a broad, rounded tongue, springing from the whole of one side of the aperture ; but in the specimen shown in fig. 9, the valve, still much extended laterally, springs from a nar- rower base. In figs. 1 9 — 32 is shown a very remarkable series of apertures and valves of a large MUiola, from specimens brought by Mr. Cuming from the Philippine seas ; of which variety an example is represented in fig. 33 broken open, so as to show the interior of the last chamber, and to allow its aperture and valve to be seen from within, whilst the much smaller aperture and simpler valve of the penultimate chamber are seen from without. This series is particularly interesting, as showing the wide range of variation that exists in regard to the form both of the aperture and of the valve, among a number of individuals whicli must unquestionably be regarded as belonging to the same species ; some of the widest QmnquelocuUna and TrilocuUna . Neither of them, however, seems to have apprehended the essential peculiarity of the real Triloculine type to be next described, although this had been correctly pointed out by M. D'Orbiguy. 80 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. divergences being presented at the apertures of the successive chambers of one and the same individual, as seen in fig. 33. In no two are the valves exactly alike in form ; and yet it is obvious throughout that they are constructed (so to speak) upon the same model. They all possess, in a more or less developed condition, a vertical plate or keel, which rises fi-om the median line of the horizontal part of the valve ; and this keel, as is seen in the oblique view given in fig. 30, frequently forms a sort of arch hollowed beneath like a bridge. In fig. 28 Avill be noticed a remarkable development of two pi'ocesses from the projecting angles of the aperture, which are seen in a rudimentary condition in several other figures. In fig. 31, the valve is so much extended horizontally, and the aperture is so unusually contracted, that what should be the free margin of the valve has come to coalesce completely in one part, and nearly to do so in another, with an ingrowth from the margin of the aperture ; thus distinctly tending towards the formation of a complete septum perforated with separate pores, such as we find in certain other modifications of the 3Iilioline type (•[■[ 110, 111, 118). 1 10. A more remarkable departure from the ordinary type of aperture than any of the preceding, is presented in the CrucilocuUiw o{ D'Orbignj'; which is a well-marked " triloculine"' Miliola (fig. 15), of which the aperture has (so 40 speak) four small valves instead of one, a crucial fissure being left between them. This extreme variety is very rare, being only known to occur in the coast of Patagonia ; but approaches to it arc met with elsewhere. Another remarkable departure from the ordinary type of aperture is occasionally found in the well known " quinqueloculine " Miliola of the Grignon tcrtiarics (the MiHolHe>< mivoriai/ of Lamarck, the QiniiquelocitHna saxorinii of D'Orbign}'), the \\ alls of whose chambers are often so thick as to leave but little space for the sarcode-body, which is further encroached on by ridges that project from their inner surface ; the aperture is much contracted and its " valve "' small ; and sometimes the internal ridges, coming up into the aperture and coalescing with the valve, form a cribriform septum that seems to foreshadow that of Faljidaria (to which type this , variety presents an obvious tendency) and of Peneroplis. We shall presently see that a more perfectly-developed cribriform aperture is one of the principal features of the sub- genus Haueriiia. 111. Not less variable in this genus is the surface-marking of the shell ; for, although normally smooth and sometimes highly polished, it often presents a scabrous aspect, and is sometimes marked by a more or less regular pattern, formed either by longitudinal ribs as in Plate "N'l, figs. 3, 4, 33, by transverse plications extending to the interior of the chamber as in fig. 5, by minute pits arranged in longitudinal series as in fig. 14, by a honey-comb areolation as in fig. 13, or by various modifications and combinations of these plans. Now although such well-marked specimens as the four here figured might be reasonably considered, if taken by themselves, as distinct specific types, yet the comparison of a sufficiently large number of individuals necessitates the abandonment of any differentiation founded upon the characters they respectively present ; for it is shown by such comparison that all these kinds of ornamentation shade off so insensibly into the smooth and pohshed surface of the ordinary Milioline shell (a specimen which is pitted or ribbed on one part of its surface being often smooth on another, and this without any appearance of having been subjected to attrition), that no use can be made of them as specific characters. Thus in the thickest-walled examples GENUS MILIOLA. 81 of the MUlola m.rormi/ mentioned \n the last paragraph, the external surface is often marked by extremely deep circular pits ; but these are not usually found on the outer walls of the earlier chambers of the very same specimens, and a gradational series of specimens may be easily selected which should show an insensible transition from the most deeply pitted to the most perfectly smooth individuals. Sometimes the shells of Miliolce, especially of the " trilo- culine " and " quinqueloculine " varieties, acquire an arenaceous surface (fig. 6) from the imbedding of grains of sand in the ordinary calcareous substance of the shell previously to its solidification. These " arenaceous" individuals vary greatly in appearance, according to the size and character of the particles of the sandy material forming the sea-bottom in their respective localities. 112. Affinities. — It is obvious from what has been already stated (^ 104), that the relationship is very close between the least specialized of the " spiroloculine" forms of Miliola and the ordinary Cormtspira. Again, not only do certain varietal forms of Vertebralina very closely approximate Mi/iohc in their mode of growth, but Miliola occasionally takes on a uniserial plan of increase resembling that of Vrrti'hraJina ; so that individuals not unfrcqucntly present themselves in which the presence or absence of a " valve" is the chief diagnostic character ; and even this, as we have seen (^ 109), cannot be relied on as a constant differen- tiation of these two genera. With Feneroplis, again, the Milioline type is connected by a very interesting modification which has received from D'Orbigny the generic designation Hauerina; this designation it will be convenient for us to retain as that of a sub-genus of Miliola (with which it is obviously most intimately connected), without attempting to define the precise degree of relationship of the two. The real character of Hauerina was completely misapprehended by D'Orbigny, who, misled by the spirality of its growth (in its early state, at least), placed it (lxxiii, p. 118) among \\is HelirositY/ucs, between OjjerciiUna and Vertebralina, to the latter of which it is truly allied, whilst from the former it is separated by as wide an interval as can exist among any two types of Foraminifera. In the young state of Hauerina, the cornu^piral form which Miliola generally present in the first instance (^ 106) is retained longer than usual ; but a distinct division into chambers shows itself in the passage to adult age ; and as three or (less frequently) four chambers form the circuit of the outer whorls, the shell has a three- or a four-sided contour (Plate VI, figs. 34, 36). The aperture, like that occasionally presented by Miliola mxornm, is cribriform (fig. 36, b).* Although described by M. D'Orbigny as only existing in a fossil state, this type occurs at the present time in the Indian, Australian, and other tropical and sub-tropical seas. The external surface of its shell is sometimes smooth, sometimes delicately striated (fig. 36, a) ; whilst sometimes its walls are very deeply plicated transversely (fig. 35), — a varietal modification of which we have already seen a less strongly marked example among the ordinary Miliohe (fig. 5). 113. By the Miliola saxoriun, again, the Milioline type is obviously brought into close * In the description and figure of H. compressa, given by D'Orbigny (lxxiii, p. 119, pi. v, figs. 26, 27), the septal plane is represented as perforated by a single small, oval aperture, surrounded by several large, granular elevations ; but these (as appears from the examination of recent specimens of the same type) really mark the place of passages which have been filled by fossilization. 11 S_> FAMILY MILIOLIDA. relationship ^vith Fabularia, the pecuharity of whose structure consists in a higher develop- ment of that tendency to subdivision of the general cavity of each chamber, of which M. saworuiji presents a rudimentary manifestation. Through T'ahtlaria, again, the Milioline t}'pe will be seen to be related to AlvcoRna, Orhiculvna, and Orhitolileii, all of which are characterised by the like subdivision ; and it is most interesting to trace in some forms even of the highly specialized OrbitoJites a return, as regards the conformation and aspect of the primordial chamber and of that which immediately succeeds it, to the t}'pe presented by the corre- sponding portion of an ordinary Miliola. 114. Geographical Distribution. — Probably no Foraminifera are at present more universally diffused than those of the Milioline type, which are most abundant between the shore and a depth of 150 fathoms, but occasionally present themselves among the products brought up from deep-sea soundings. The largest and best developed forms of this tj^pe, such as that represented in fig. 33, are from the littoral zone of tropical seas. The shell is itself perfectly free ; but the sarcode body of the animal by which the shell is usually invested during life attaches itself to sea-weeds, zoophytes, &c., to which Miliola may often be found adherent. 115. Geological Distribution — The J/?72o/2Me type may be traced back in geological time as far as the Lias, being rather abundant in the clay of that period from Stockton in Warwickshire ; it is there, however, very small and delicate, presenting a condition exactly analogous to that of recent forms brought up from depths of from 350 to 500 fathoms. It is constantly present in the Gault, retaining its small dimensions, and also in the Chalk marl. From the upper Chalk to the present period it is everywhere abundant in marine deposits, having accumulated in certain parts of the Eocene period to such a vast extent that certain beds of the " calcaire grossier" are almost entirely composed of aggregations of M. saxoruiii, and are known as "Miliolite limestone." Genus VIII.— Fabularia (Plate VI, figs. 37,38). 116. History. — The genus Fabularia was first distinguished by Defrance (xxix), who applied that name to a body having a somewhat bean-like form, which occurs fossil in the Paris Tertiaries, and which he had pre\aously confounded with Alveolina. He was, however, totally ignorant of its real nature ; and it is now somewhat amusing to find him suggesting that, as the irregular pores of its interior could not have contained polypes, it was probably an internal shell enclosed like the " cuttle-fish bone" in the body of some Mollusk. Its place as one of the Foraminifera was first indicated by D'Orbigny (lxix) ; but not being then acquainted with its real structure, he grouped it among his Entomostegues. Subsequently, however, he was led by more careful inquiry to perceive its essential conformity to the Milioloid type, and to group it among his Agathistegues (lxxiii) ; and he correctly states that it is most nearly related to Biloeulina, its difference consisting in this — that the cavity of each « GENUS FABULAEIA. 83 chamber, instead of being an empty space, is partly occupied with soUd shell-substance, which is so disposed as to divide it into a great number of capillary tubes, whilst its aperture, instead of being single, is made up of numerous minute pores. 117. External Characters. — The general aspect of Fabularia (Plate VI, fig- 37, a, b) so remarkably resembles that of a gigantic BUumlina, as to occasion some surprise that the true relationship of this type was not earlier recognised. In fact, it externally differs only in size, — often attaining a length of 0'24 inch, and a breadth of 0-18 inch, thus far exceeding the largest Mlliu/ce in dimensions, and in the cribriform character of its aperture, in which it agrees with //««mH« (f 112). Very commonly, however, the peculiar structure of its interior is partly disclosed by the abrasion of the surface, which lays open the superficial series of the longitudinal canals into which it is divided. 118. Infernal Structure. — The internal structure of Fabularia may be made out very tolerably by the examination of specimens fractured in different directions ; but the most satisfactory elucidation of it is obtained from thin sections, especially from such as are carried in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis (fig. 38). It is there seen that its general plan of growth is distinctly " biloculine;" the walls of the principal chambers on the two sides of tlie longitudinal axis meeting each other along the line a b, just as they do in Fig. XVI, B (p. 78). But the cavities of these chambers, instead of being hollow, are filled up with sohd shell-substance, which is perforated by channels whose general direction is longitudinal, though these are often connected, like the Haversian canals of bone, by channels passing in a transverse or oblique direction. The longitudinal channels are arranged with, some approach to regularity ; a row of small orifices being observed to lie just within the external boundary of each chamber, and thus corresponding with the layer of closely approximated canals which is brought into view when the surface of the shell is removed by abrasion (fig. 37, a), whilst a much larger set of orifices, less regularly arranged, nearer to the internal portion of the chamber, shows that the channels are there much wider, but neither so numerous nor so closely approximated. The whole system of channels, whose mutual inosculations bring every part of it into the freest communication with the rest, terminates at the septal plane in a cribriform aperture (fig. 37, b), resembling that which is normal in Ilaurrina {^^ l\2), and occasional in yI/27zo/« mxoriim (^110). Another curious feature of relationship to this last variety of the Milioline type is presented in the very deep pitting by which the external surface of each chamber is not unfrequently marked (fig. 38, b). This pitting is afterwards filled up by the calcareous deposit which occupies the cavity of the chamber formed around it ; so that the innermost layer of this deposit comes to be furnished with a corresponding set of minute tubercles (fig. 38, a), which may be brought into distinct view by so fracturing a specimen as to separate this layer from the wall of the penultimate chamber on which it was moulded, and from which it may be commonly detached without difficulty. The manner in which these pits and tubercles are mutually appUed to one another (like the pits on the under side of the epidermis to the papillae of the cutis vera), is seen in section in fig. 38, a', along the line a b. 1 1 9. Affiniticis. — The genus Fabularia may be considered as presenting the culmination 84 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. of the proper Milioline type of structure ; that subdivision of the chambers^ which we find to characterise the liighest types of each series of Foraminifera {% 64), being here superinduced upon tlie simple MilioUnc type of growth. In the existence of that subdivision we have a relationship of analogy or parallelism to Orbiculina, Orbitolitcs, and Aheolina ; but in plan of growth Fabularia is so distinctly related to Miliola, that its genetical derivation is to be looked for rather in the varietal modifications of the last-named type, than in transi- tional forms connecting it with those just named, which will be found to have (so to speak) a distinct line of descent. 120. Geological Distribtdion. — The genus Fabidaria is at present only known in a fossil state, and it has not been met with elsewhere than in the tertiaries of the Paris basin, being especially abundant at Grignon. Genus IX. — Peneroplis (Plate VII). 121. Hisfon/. — The germs Peneroplis was first instituted by Montfort (lxvii) to distinguish a peculiar type of minute polythalaraous shells, which had been previously described and figured by Schroter (xcvi) and by Fichtel and Moll (xlv), the latter of whom had ranged it with numerous others under the comprehensi\'e designation JVauHlus. By Montfort its distinctive character was correctly indicated as " bouche de toute la longueur de la base, et percee serialement par une file des pores ;" but he seems to have very erroneously inter- preted the signification of those pores, imagining that the principal chambers are subdivided into cells, each occupied by a distinct animal, of which cells the pores are the separate orifices. Lamarck* (lix), not adopting Montfort's genus, referred the Naufilns planafus oi Fichtel and Moll to the genus Gristellaria, with which it has no relationship whatever ; but the genus FeneropJis was recognised by Blainville (vi) and by Ehrenberg (xxxix) ; and D'Orbigny has applied this name, in his various writings on Foraminifera, to the form described by Fichtel and Moll, whilst he has created one new generic term, Dendritina, for a series of varietal forms in which there is a single large arborescent aperture instead of a single or multiple row of separate pores, and another, Spirolina, for a varietal series in which the spire is prolonged rectilineally into a row of cylindrical or subcylindrical chambers with an aperture resembling that of BeridrUbia, this last being the Coscinospira of Ehrenberg. 122. External Characters. — The ordinary form of the shell of Peneroplis (of which an ideal representation given in Plate VII, fig. 18, is an extremely flat spire, of about two turns and a half, opening out i-apidly in its last half turn. In the young shell each whorl usually does little more than adhere to the margin of the preceding, so that the first-formed portion is but slightly concealed by the subsequent growth ; but sometimes the earliest whorl * The Renidites of Lamarck and the Remdina of Blainville, which are quoted by Prof. Williamson (ox, p. 44) as synonyms of Peneroplis, are (as already shown, % 98) aberrant forms of Verteh-alina. GENUS PENEROPLIS. , 85 is in great degree overlapped by tlic next ; and it very commonly happens that the last half whorl spreads itself out to such a degree as entirely to invest the preceding, the extension even reaching so far as not only to conceal the original umbilicus, but even to encroach upon the opposite half of the spire (fig. 10). When such is the case, however, the extension is usually limited to one of the lateral surfaces of the shell, which thus becomes unsym- metrical. Although this extension is sometimes confined to the inner margin of the spire, as is seen in fig. 16, yet it often occurs along the outer margin also, being usually limited, however, to the last four or five chambers. The septal plane extends itself in some instances around as much as three-fourths of the whole margin of the shell ; thus showing, even in this type, an obvious tendency towards that cyclical mode of growth which we meet with in Orbicidina, but which is essentiall}^ characteristic of OrbitolUes. The surface of the shell is highly polished, and has a peculiarly opaque-white, porccllanous aspect. It is very strongly marked by depressed bands, which indicate the places of the septa between the chambers ; and between these septal bands the walls of the chambers rise in flattened arches. In a direction transverse to the septal bands we almost uniformly observe a strongly marked striation, the stria; running parallel at tolerably regular intervals, which average about l-1400th of an inch, from one septal band to another; this striation, which imparts a very characteristic physiognomy to these minute shells, seems due to a sort of plication or ridge and furrow arrangement of the slielly wall (Plate VII, fig. 20), which may not improbably have the effect of imparting to it increased strength. The plication generally disappears at the junction of the walls of the chambers with the septa, and consequently we do not usually see it at the septal plane when the shell is viewed endways. Sometimes, however, it is con- tinued on to the septal plane itself; and its character is then extremely well displayed, as in fig. 15, which, however, represents not the typical form, but one of the varieties to be hereafter noticed. On the prominences of the plicse, there are frequently to be seen rows of extremely minute punctations (fig. 20) ; these, however, are not the apertures of passages through the shell, as might not unnaturally be supposed, but are mere depressions of its surface, as I have ascertained by the careful examination of veiy thin sections. It is remarkable that the plication of the shell is sometimes wanting, though the punctations may still present themselves in rows, as shown in fig. 2 ; whilst, in other cases, not only are the plicEC deficient, but the punctations are distributed uniformly over the entire surface, as shown in fig. 3. That these variations are not indicative of any specific difference, is at once proved by the fact that the shells which exhibit them in one part present the ordinary character of surface in another. Similar punctations occasionally present themselves on the septal plane of aberrant forms of the PenerojAls type. 123. The septal plane is perforated by numerous isolated pores, which, in those extremely compressed specimens that constitute the most typical examples of this generic form, are arranged in a single linear series (figs. 16, «, 18) ; the number of these pores depends upon the length of the septal plane, and thus it usually increases with the age of the individual, each chamber opening externally by a larger number of pores than did that which preceded it. The typical form of these pores seems to be circular, though they are apt to present various departures from that shape ; they usually lie in a sort of furrow 36 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. formed by the projection of the lateral borders of the mouth somewhat beyond the septum, and each one is suiTOunded by a prominent annulus of shell. 124. Internal Structure. — On examining a thin section of a typical Peneroplis, taken through the median plane between the lateral surfaces (Fig. XIX), the central chamber is Fig. XIX. Section of Peneroplis through the median plane. seen to have the globose form which characterises the primordial segment of the Fora- minifera generally ; from this first chamber a sinfjie passar/e leads to the second, which com- municates in like manner by a single passage with the third, as does the third with the fourth; the fourth chamber, however, communicates by ^2i?o/iassayes with the fifth, as does the fifth with the sixth, and the sixth with the seventh. In the septum between the seventh and the eighth, with which the second whorl may be considered as commencing, there are three apertures ; and this number continues for the four consecutive partitions which divide the chambers forming the next half-convolution. Then, however, commences a very remarkable increase; for whilst in each of the next two partitions there nve/our passages, the numbers in the four succeeding partitions which divide the chambers completing the second turn are i-espectively 6, 9, 11, and 14; whilst in the last eight partitions which divide the chambers of the outer half- whorl, the numbers of the apertures are respectively 14, 20, 2G, 38, 30, 3.5, 44, and 48. The average distance of the apertures from each other remains nearly the same throughout; so that their number pretty closely corresponds with, and may be taken to represent, the length of tlic septal plane which they traverse in each case ; and it is not a little remarkable, that whilst this number should only increase from 1 to 4 in the first convolution and a half, it should so, rapidly augment from 4 to 48 in the last half-convolution. 12.5. As I have not been fortunate enough to obtain any other than dried specimens of this organism, I have not had the opportunity of examining the structure and arrangement of its soft parts. It is obvious, however, that the body of the animal will consist of a series of compressed, flattened segments, progressively increasing in their transverse diameter, and communicating with each other by multiple threads or " stolons" of sai'code, the number of GENUS PENEIIOPLIS. 87 which will augment with the length of the septal plane, whilst through the multiple pores of the last septal plane the sarcode-body can extend itself into pscudopodia. These may coalesce at their bases to form a continuous segment, on which a ne\A' chamber will be moulded when the growth of the body requires such an extension of the shell* 126. Variefk's. — The most frequent departure from the typical form presented by Fenewjjlis is that represented in fig. 12 ; in which we see that, instead of opening out and encroaching on the previous whorls, the spire becomes disengaged, and prolongs itself in a straight hne, its successive chambers exhibiting little or no increase in size. Between this and the typical form every intermediate gradation presents itself; and it is curious that even here a transverse extension sometimes takes place, quite suddenly, by a doubling backwards of the last three or four chambers along the inner margin of the straight portion. In these elongated varieties of Fencroplis we find the spire less compressed, so that the septal plane is wider in proportion to its length (fig. 12, a); and this condition, which is also frequently encountered in specimens that have not thus extended themselves, is almost always coincident with a duplication in the series of pores in the septal plane. Now, it is not a little remarkable that this is almost uniformly the case with specimens furnished by particular localities, whilst those obtained from others not very remote exhibit almost as uniformly the extremest elongation and narrowing of the septal plane, with only a smgle row of apertures ; and hence it might not unreasonably be maintained that this difference should be accounted of specific value. In reply to this, however, there is not only the analogy of Orbiculina and OrbitoUtes, in which (as we shall hereafter see) an indefinite multiplication in the rows of inarginal pores may take place during the growth of tlie individual, but also the fact that in Penerojjlis the two forms cannot be distinguished at an early age, either by the shape of the shell or by the disposition of the pores, which are often arranged neither in a single nor in a double row, but on a sort of mixture of both plans, as shown in figs. 6, a, 10 ; whilst among the more advanced examples of each type it is not at all * A figure is given by Prof. Elirenberg (xxxis, taf. ii, fig. 1), professing to represent the decalcified body oi a. PeneropUs obtained alive from the Red Sea, which corresponds with the description above given in every important particular save this, that the successive segments are connected along the inner margin of the convolutions by a baud much broader and thicker than the threads which pass between other parts of the segments ; so that this baud would seem to establish a principal con- nexion, to which the other threads might be considered as secondary. Now after a very careful examination both of the septal planes of numerous specimens and of sections taken in the direction of Fig. XIX, I feel myself justiQed in tlie positive assertion that no such principal aperture exists at the inner margin of the septum, as would be required to give passage to such a band as is figured by Prof. Ehrenberg. Consequently I can only account for this feature in his delineation of the animal (the idea of a difference in the conformation of the shell being negatived by the precise correspondence between his figures of it and my own, as well as by my familiarity with the Red Sea type of PeneropUs), by supposing that, like some of his other figures, it rather represents his idea of the structure of the animal than what he actually saw iu its body, this principal baud being apparently regarded by him as an intestinal canal by which he supposed all the segments to be connected together. 88 FAMILY MILIOLTDA. uncommon to meet with individuals which present i\ combination of the characters of both, the septal plane having a single row of pores in one part of its length with a double row in another (sec ex, fig. 85). Sometimes, moreover, in one of the less compressed forms of the shell, although there is but a single row of pores, it is obvious from their elongated shape that there is an incipient tendency to duphcation (fig. 8). Hence I consider that it may be unhesitatingly asserted that the duplication of the row of pores, and the increased turgidity of the spire which it accompanies, are but features of individual variation, and cannot be admitted to rank as specific differences ; and in this view I am glad to find myself borne out by Prof. Williamson, who (ex, p. 44) defines Peneroplis, not (like M. D'Orbigny) as having only a single row of apertures, but as having " septal orifices scattered over the long, narrow, septal plane." 127. A much wider departure from tlie typical PcncfopJls, however, is presented by that group of forms which D'Orbigny has separated under the generic designation iJraiJ^nYzwa; and according to the usually received notions on the classification of Foraminifera, such a separation would seem fully justifiable. These forms are especially characterised by the possession of a single large apei'ture, sending out dendritic ramifications, in each septum (Plate VII, figs. 1, 14) ; but this is by no means the whole of their differentiation. For the spire, instead of being compressed, is very turgid (fig. 13); and its successive whorls not merely surround those which have preceded them, but also invest them with broad alar pro- longations {al, fig. 14, h, (■), those of the chambers of even the last whorl often extending neai'ly to the umbilicus. The geographical distribution of Dnidritina, moreover, is peculiar ; for, so far as I am aware, this type is restricted to tlie tropical ocean. I have not met with it in dredgings from any part of the Mediterranean or the Red Sea, where Peneroplis abounds ; while the largest specimens I have seen are those furnished by Mr. Cuming's Philippine explorations, some of which measure '078 inch in diameter, and '030 between the lateral surfaces. To such as content themselves with glancing at strongly marked examples of this type, the propriety of its generic, or at any rate of its sub-generic, separation from Peneroplis would seem indubitable. Nevertheless I think that I shall be able to show adequate grounds for the belief that the two forms cannot be separated by any definite line of demarcation, and that they must therefore be ranked as not merely belonging to the same genus, but even as varieties of the same species. 128. In the first place, I would refer to the fact that the peculiar plication and puncta- tion of the surface of the shell, which are such marked features in the physiognomy of Peneroplis, are repeated in Dendritina (fig. 21) in a manner so precisely similar, as strongly to impress every one who has his attention directed to the aspects of these two forms respectively with the idea of their very close relationship. Secondly, we observe in Dendritina precisely the same tendency to rectilineal extension in the later period of growth as in Peneroplis; for although the distinct generic term Spirolina has been given to the form presenting this modification, it is obvious that the example delineated in fig. 4 bears just the same relation to the typical Dendritina, that the one shown in fig. 12 bears to the typical Peneroplis. The transition from Dendritina to SjnroHna is well seen in fig. 13, in which we see that the last whorl is just about to disengage itself from the earlier ones. GENUS PENEROPLIS. 89 and that its continued increase upon the plan which has ah-eady begun to manifest itself would convert it into a Spirolina. On the other hand, the Spirolina represented in fig. 4 has, up to the time of the substitution of the rectilineal for the spiral mode of growth, all the characters of an ordinary BendnHna.* Thirdly, the differences of general configuration between Peneroplis and JDendritina are differences of degree, and present themselves in very variable amount in different individuals. For, starting from those forms of Peneroplis in which the spire is least compressed, the transition is easy to those Bendritince whose spire is least turgid, and whose septal plane is not broader in proportion to its length than it often is in Peneroplis. From the most compressed forms of Bendritina to those which have the most turgid spires and the widest septal planes the gradation is insensible, scarcely any two individuals according in their proportions; thus we find that whilst the septal plane is sagittate in some (Fig. XX, A, c), it tends to become reniform in others (b, d), the margin of P'IG. XX. B c Front views of four specimens of Dendritina. the spire, which is almost carinated in the first case, becoming obtuse and even crescentic in the second. Again, the extent of the investment of the earlier whorls by the latter varies as much as the degree of turgidity; forwhilst in some of the most compressed forms, as in Peneroplis, each whorl does little more than apply itself to the margin of the preceding (Fig. XXI, a, c), the more turgid the spire becomes the more completely (generally speaking) does it embrace the preceding, the alar prolongations of the chambers thus coming to bear a large proportion to their principal cavity (Fig. XXI, B, d). 129. Still it may be said that, notwithstanding all these points of resemblance, the difference between Peneroplis and Bendritina is clearly marked out by the difference in the * The elegant crozier-like form of Spirolina is sometimes rudely imitated by Lituola , aud specimens of the latter, the Sp. agglutinans of D'Orbigny (lxxiii, p. 137) for example, have not unfre- quently been described under the former designation, although the texture of the shell, which is never arenaceous in Spirolina, and always arenaceous in Lituola, aftbrds a ready aud certain means of discriminating them. 12 90 FAMILY MILIOLIDA modes of communication between the chambers of the two types, and that such a difference is sufficiently important to constitute a vahd generic character. I freely admit that this would be the case, if the difference were constantly to present itself between all the individuals of the same type, as it does between their characteristic examples (Plate VII, figs. 13, 16); but the fact is far otherwise. We have seen that among those which would be unhesitatingly ranked under the designation Feneroplis, there is not only a tendency to multiplication of the rows of separate pores, but also an occasional fusion of two or more pores, so as to form a single large pore of irregular shape. On the other hand, among the unquestioned DeiidritincB we observe not merely that the form of the single large dendritic aperture is extremely variable, but that it is frequently so simple as to suggest the idea of having been formed by the coalescence of a linear series of pores. The highest development of the dendritic form of aperture that I have met with, is shown in fig. 14, a, b ; two examples of a remarkable departure from this have just been seen in Fig. XX, b, d, where the proportions of the aperture are altogether reversed, its breadth being much greater than its length, and its central part being enlarged at the expense of its ramifications ; while, on the other hand, in Fig. XX, a, c, we have marked examples of a narrowing and elongation of the aperture, with such a reduction of its dendritic ramifications that it comes to present little more than a linear fissure. From a comparison of these cases it will be seen that the form of the aperture bears a pretty constant relation to that of the septal plane ; the broadest apertures presenting themselves in the individuals which have the most turgid spire, and the narrowest in those whose spire is most compressed ; whilst the proportionate development of the two principal alar prolongations seems related to the degree of that alar extension of the chambers over the whorl they enclose, of which I have already spoken. But the most satisfactory proof of the wide extent of range of variation in the form of the aperture in Dendritina, is afforded by a comparative examination of the apertures connecting different chambers of the same individual. Thus, in the interior of the very shell (fig. 13) that presented the peculiarly characteristic example represented in fig. 14, we find a form of aperture closely corresponding to that shown in Fig. XX, c ; and in four septa of the inner part of another shell we have the simple forms of aperture repre- sented in Fig. XXI, a, b, c, d. Fig. XXI. A. ■ ^ B Septal planes and apertures from different parts of the same specimen of Dendntitw. l30. But further, not only do we thus meet with examples of each type which present more or less of approximation towards the other, but we also not unfrequently encounter GENUS PENEROPLIS. 91 individuals in which the characters of the two types are so blended as to make it difficult, if not impossible, to say to which they should be referred. Thus in the specimen (fig. 10) already referred to as presenting a linear series of pores, the marked elongation of which shows each to be formed by the coalescence or imperfect separation of two, there is an addi- tional pair precisely in the situation of the alar prolongations in fig. 14, c ; and it is obvious that the simple form of dendritic aperture there represented would result from the coalescence of these pores. along the middle of the septal plane. Another example, also from a young specimen, is shown in fig. 6 ; and it is readily intelligible how in such a case the subsequent compression of the spire and the narrowing of the septal plane may cause the pores to present the simple linear arrangement characteristic of PencropUs ; whilst if, with a continuance of the early mode of growth, the separate pores of later septa should coalesce into one aperture, we should have a Bendritina. In another young specimen, shown in fig. 11, such a fusion of several pores into a single dendritic aperture has actually taken place («), whilst another broad aperture is seen just below this. Again, in fig. 7 we see the broad septal plane irregularly perforated by numerous pores, some small and rounded, others large and irregular, each of the latter being obviously formed by the coalescence or imperfect separation of two or three ; the turgid spire of Bendritina and the separate pores of Pene- roplis here coexisting with each other, so as to make it difficult to say to which type the specimen should be referred. Again, the transition is easy from the specimen represented in fig. 10 to that shown in fig. 9, and thence to the one whose septal plane is shown in fig. 15 ; here the coalescence has proceeded so far as to produce a number of separate branching apertures, and nothing is wanting but the removal of the line of shell which passes down the middle of the septal plane to unite these into the mo§t characteristic form of the single ramifying orifice. This individual, like the one represented in fig 13, was already beginning to assume the Spirolinr form, the rounded shape of the mouth showing that the spire has detached itself completely from the previously formed convolutions ; in figs. 4, «, and 5 are shown the septal planes of more advanced examples of the same type, which present such a combination of the large dendritic apeilure of Bendritina with the isolated pores of Peneroplis as to complete (in my opinion) the proof that no valid distinction can be drawn between these two types, either from the number, the isolation, the position, or the shape of the apertures in the septa. Hence it follows that not merely must the genera Bendritina and Spirolina be relinquished, but that both these forms must be regarded as mere varieties of Peneroplis platiafus. 131. Affinities. — A sort of sketching out of Peneroplis may be traced, as we have seen, in some forms of Nubectdaria (% 90) ; and the type becomes still more defined in Ferte- hralina, some of whose forms can only be distinguished from Peneroplis by their undivided aperture. If the elongated sht of the compressed Vertehralince were to be subdivided into a linear series of pores as in the typical Peneroplis, or the circular aperture of the cylindri- form variety were to be modified in like manner so as to resemble that of Spirolina, the tran- sition would be complete. Again, we have seen that an approximation to the Peneropliform type is presented in the cribriform subdivision of the aperture of a true Miliohi (f 110), whilst a still closer relationship to it is exhibited in the Hanerine modification of the Milioline t)rpe (^ 112). Looking to the inconstancy of the aperture in the Peneroplis type itself, we 92 FAMILY MILIOLIDA can scarcely fail to perceive how slight are the differential characters which separate it from either Vertehralina or Hauerina. On the other hand, it presents a very close approximation to the spiral variety of Orbiculina ; a sort of preparation for the subdivision of the chambers characteristic of that type being made in the subdivision of the aperture, and perhaps also in the ridge-and-furrow arrangement of the lateral walls of the chambers. And, as we shall hereafter see {% 143), there are certain aberrant forms of Orbiculina in which the subdivision of the chambers is wanting, so that no perfectly defined boundary between these two types can be said to exist. 132. Geographical Distribution. — The genus Peneroplis is very widely diffused through warmer latitudes, especially frequenting the laminarian zone ; so that few collections of Fora- minifera from sands or dredgings brought from the Mediterranean, the ^gean Archi- pelago, the Red Sea, the East or West Indies, the Philippine Seas, or the shores of Australia or the Polynesian Islands, will fail to present numerous examples of it. A few specimens have been found on British coasts ; but it seems most probable that, as Prof. Williamson has suggested (ex, p. 46), these have been brought by the Gulf Stream from the West Indian Seas. The prevalence of particular modifications seems in some degree determined by temperature. For it is only in tropical seas that the Dendritine variety presents itself 127); and although the ordinary type also abounds in the same localities, yet it is there that it shows the greatest tendency towards the dendritine variety, both in the turgidity of its spire and in the arrangement of its septal pores, whilst the Spiroline variety generally shows some tendency to the dendritic form of aperture. In the Red Sea the ordinary Peneroplis is very abundant ; and in its young state the spire is turgid, and its pores are frequently arranged in a double row or even tend to coalesce, though with each addition to the number of segments the spire becomes flatter and broader, and in the older specimens the pores are almost invariably arranged in a single row. Now here the proper Dendritine variety is either absent altogether, or is extremely rare ; and the Spiroline (which presents every gradation from the cylindrical to the compressed form) rarely has any other kind of aperture than a multiplication of separate pores. In the Mediterranean, on the other hand, which seems to be the most northern limit of its diffusion, not only is the Bendritine variety altogether wanting, but the Peneroplis type seems (as it were) to be starved out, the spire presenting the extreme of attenuation, and the septal pores being almost uniformly arranged from the beginning in a single row. — The Spiroline variety, which is usually of smaller dimensions, seems to replace both the Dendritine and the Peneroplis type in the deeper waters of the tropical ocean ; both the large turgid Bendritina and the broad Peneroplides being inhabitants of comparatively shallow water. 133. Geoloyieal Bistribution. — Neither the ordinary Peneroplis nor its Dendritine and Spirolme varieties has been traced backwards in geological time further than the commence- ment of the Tertiary epoch.* The Grignon and Paris Tertiaries contain several forms of * The statement of some authors that Spirolina occurs in the Cretaceous and even in earlier formations of the Secondary epoch, has resulted from their having mistaken the crozier-shaped forms of Lituola for the true Spirolina. GENUS ORBICULINA. 93 Peneroplis and Spirolina, to the exclusion of Bendritina ; whilst in the Vienna Tcrtiaries we meet with Dendritinn and Spirolina, to the exclusion of Peneroplis. GenusX. — Orbiculina (Plate VIII, figs. 1 — 12) 134. History. — The interesting group of organisms belonging to this type seems to have early attracted notice, probably on account of the great abundance in which it presents itself on the sands of many of the West Indian shores. Three species are described and figured by Fichtel and Moll (xlv), under the ^ames oi Nautilus orbictdus, N.anr/ulatus, and N. aduncm. Lamarck (lix), however, separated them from Nautilus, and raised them to the rank of an independent genus, to whicii he gave the name of Orbiculina ; and he also changed two of the specific names, the three standing respectively as 0. numismalis, 0. angulata, and 0. uncinata. By Montfort (lxvii), these species were raised to the rank of independent genera, under the names of Helenis, Archaias, and Hates ; but these genera have not been adopted by any other systematist. M. d'Orbigny, in his first classification of the Foraminifera (lxix), not merely adopted Lamarck's generic designation, but afiirmed that the three reputed species were really nothing else than one and the same organism in difi"erent phases of growth, 0. angulata being the youngest, 0. numismalis the next in age, and 0. 7incinata the adult. He arrived at this result, of the truth of which I am myself well assured, by the comparison of a great number of specimens, a process which it would have been well for science if he had more constantly adopted. The name of the adult form should, of course, stand as that of the species; but the organism in question is more commonly known under the designation Orbiculina adunca, which seems to have been conferred upon it by M. Deslongchamps (xxxii). A considerable number of figures of this species are given by M. d'Orbigny in his treatise on the Foraminifera of Cuba (xcii) ; they serve only, however, to give a general idea of the diversities of external conformation which had presented themselves to him ; and notwithstanding their number and variety, they do not include some of the most important among the protean shapes of these bodies, nor do they throw any light upon their internal structure- The memoir of Prof. Ehrenberg, in which his group of Bryozoa was originally constituted (xxxix), contains the first recognition of the near relationship between Orbiculina and Orbifolites, which he grouped in close proximity among the Bryozoa. His description of their structure, however, is so greatly prejudiced by his erroneous idea of the nature of the animal body to which they belonged, and is rendered so imperfect by his want of acquaintance with the appearances presented by their sections, that it serves rather to mislead than to infoi'm any one who may consult it. It was by Prof. Williamson (cviii) that the real structure of OrhicuUiia, and its very close conformity to that of Orbitolites as previously described by myself (xii), were demonstrated ; and that the frequent exchange of the spiral for the cyclical plan of growth, witli the advance of age, was recognised ; and the few slight errors into which he fell are probably attributable to the imperfect state of the specimens on which his description was founded. 94 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. 135. External Characters. — The form under which Orhiculina is most commonly known is that represented in Plate VIII, figs. 8, 9, 10, which has suggested the specific designation admica; but such a departure from this as is shown in figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, is not at all infrequent; and a continuance of the mode of growth which characterises these last sometimes leads to the assumption of the discoidal form shown in figs. 5, 6, which seems to be the highest phase of this type, being always presented by the largest specimens of it, some of which attain a diameter of '20 of an inch. Among young specimens it is not at all uncommon to meet with some (fig. 2) that bear a strong resemblance in form to Peneroplis ; they are distinguished from that type, however, by the absence of the striation that so generally characterises it ; and when the surface-layer of shell is sufiiciently thin, a division of each principal chamber by secondary partitions passing between the septa at right angles to them may also be very commonly made out. In older specimens, however, these secondary partitions are seldom to be seen externally, being usually obscured by the greater thickness of the surface-layer of shell ; sometimes, however, they continue to be distinguishable even in the most developed forms (fig. 5). The large discoidal specimens bear so strong a resemblance to Orbitolites as not to be distinguishable from that type except by the prominence of the umbilical region, which is occasioned by the investment given by each turn of the spire to the preceding, so long as the spiral growth continues. 136. The essential unity which prevails through these and other less important diversi- ties will be understood by following the growth of Orhiculina from that early condition shown in fig. 7, which is common to all. Its form is then lenticular, or even, in the thicker varieties, almost orbicular ; each septal band, commencing from the centre (a) of the spire, goes off, in the first instance, in such a manner as to encroach on the opposite side of the con- volution; it then curves round with a strong convexity directed forwards {h), turns back, and finally terminates at the margin (r) in such a manner as to form its continuation. By this curvature the septal plane («, h, c), which, as yet, corresponds to only half the diameter of the spire, is greatly elongated, so as to present a much larger apertural surface than it would possess if it passed directly from the centre to the margin in the line a r. When viewed on its anterior face, it has the form of that of a PeiieropJis whose spire completely invests the preceding; its breadth varying in proportion to its length, as the shell is orbicular or lenticular in shape, but its alar lobes being always much prolonged. Its entire surface is perforated with pores exactly resembling those of Peneroplis, each being surrounded by a prominent annulus of shell ; and these pores show some definitcness of arrangement, being disposed in more or less regular rows, as to the number of which, however, there is no constancy whatever. In a more advanced stage of growth (fig. 8), we see that the septal band, still commencing at the centre («), and partly encroaching on the opposite side of the spire, then bends round as before ; but instead of speedily turning backwards, it makes a gentle curve [h], which forms a large part of the margin of the shell, and then terminates abruptly at c, this termination being the source of the " aduncal" form. Here we see that the septal plane with its apertural surface is greatly extended ; and along all that portion of it which forms the margin of the shell, the pores are disposed with more approach to regularity, the number of rows, however, being very variable. In a yet more advanced stage of the " aduncal type," the later portion of the spire ceases to invest the GENUS ORBICULINA. 95 earlier, the newest chambers stopping short at its margin or but slightly encroaching on it (fig. 9, a) ; and the septal plane, which now forms from, two-thirds to three-fourths of the entire circuit, is much narrower in proportion to its augmented length, more resembling that of an advanced Fencrojj/ia {VMc VII, fig. IG, f/), but usually showing multiple rows of pores. This mode of increase may continue during the whole life of any individual, so that speci- mens attaining a diameter of -12 of an inch not unfrequently preserve the " aduncal" shape. But it often happens that the outer extremity of the newly formed chambers (fig. 4, <••), instead of abruptly terminating at the most anterior part of the margin, extends itself by an inward curvature, so as to double back upon the earlier portion of the spire, and thus to approximate the inner extremity of the same chamber (fig. 4, «) ; and the septal plane with its apertural surface is thus carried round nearly the entire circuit of the shell. A persistence in the same plan of growth causes the two extremities of the chambers to meet and completely . to surround the original spiral (fig. 5) ; and from that time forth each new chamber forms a complete and continuous ring around the preceding, and the apertural surface of the septal plane extends round the entire circuit. In the most advanced stage of its growth, the disk often thins out to such a degree that the apertural margin is no broader than that of a Feneroji/is, and has, like it, only a single row of pores. 137. Now this change from the s/jiral to the cyclical plan of growth may take place at any period of life. In the individuals represented in figs. 1 and 3 there is obviously a preparation for it ; these showing no tendency to that abrupt termination of the outer ends of the later chambers which gives rise to the " aduncal" form, but, on the other hand, exhibiting a marked disposition to the extension of these towards their inner extremities, so that they will assume the discoidal form without passing through what is usually the intermediate stage. Hence it is impossible to regard it in any other light than as a varietal modification, the conditions of which are as yet unknown, though related in some degree to the advance of age. 138. The shell of Orhmdina corresponds closel)^ in texture with that of Peneroplis, having (in well-preserved specimens) very much of the same polish and enamel-like lustre. Its surface is frequently marked (like that of the Miliola) by pits which present the semblance of pores, and which have been mistaken for them by Prof. Williamson (cviii). A careful examination of thin sections, however, makes it clear that the continuity of the shelly wall is nowhere interrupted. 139. Internal Slructurc. — In a large proportion of ordinary specimens of Orhicidina the natural surface has been so far removed by abrasion as in some degree to disclose the internal structure of the shell ; this, however, is much better displayed by thin sections carried through the median plane, such as those represented in figs. 6, 10, 11, and by sections taken at right angles to this, such as that represented in fig. 12. An idea of the structure will be best formed by supposing each elongated galler}'' which forms the chamber of a Penerojjlis to be partially subdivided into " chamberlets" (if the coinage of such a diminu- tive be admissible) by a series of partitions that pass transversely from each septum to the 96 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. next ; all the " chamberlets" of the same row, however, communicating with each other by a passage that runs continuously through their partitions (see Diagram, p. 52) ; and each " chamherlet " also communicating with the chamberlets of the adjacent rows by perforations in the principal septa. This is, in fact, exactly what we see in the peripheral portion of those thinned-out specimens of discoidal Orbicidince which have but a single row of marginal pores, as will be clearly understood from fig. 1 1 , which represents a part taken from the edge of fig. 6, seen as an opaque object under a much higher magnifying power. At na', ad , ad, ad are seen portions of four of the principal septa which separate from each other the principal chambers or galleries cc', cc', re' ; these galleries are again divided into the " chamberlets " d, d, d by the secondary partitions e, e, e, e, which do not, however, com- pletely separate them from each other ; and the successive galleries communicate with each other by the passages I/, b, that traverse the principal septa, those of the last-formed septum showing themselves as a row of pores upon its external surface. The animal body which occupies the interior of a shell thus divided will obviously consist (as we shall see to be the case in Orlitolites (Plate IV, figs. 14, 23) of a series of principal segments of sarcode, each of which is divided by constrictions into a necklace-like series of sub-segments, strung (as it were) upon a connecting cord ; whilst each principal segment will communicate with the segments anterior and posterior to it, as in Peneroplis, by stolons of sarcode that pass through the septal passages, those of the last segment issuing forth as pseudopodia from the marginal pores. 140. It is seldom, however, that the arrangement is so simple as in the case just cited; for it much more frequently happens that the space between the two surfaces of the shell exceeds by many times the distance between each septum and that which succeeds it, so that the " chamberlets '' are greatly elongated in the direction perpendicular to the surface. This is shown in fig. 12, which represents the central portion of a section whose plane passes at right angles to that of the spire, and brings into view the successive convolutions 1, 2 2', •3 3' and 4 4', of which each is seen completely to enclose the preceding. Each " chamherlet " is here elongated vertically, and the adjacent " chamberlets " of the same series communicate with one another, not by one passage, but by many (a) ; whilst the successive series also communicate with each other by multiple rows of septal pores {b). In neither set of communica- tions, however, do we observe any great regularity, whether as regards number or arrange- ment. The height of the chambers, with the number of the connecting passages proceeding from them in each direction, is seen to increase progressively from the first-formed convolu- tion (1), whose chambers are disposed upon the simple type previously described, through the second (2 2') and third (3 3') to the fourth (4 4'), in which last it reaches its maximum at no great distance from the centre ; and from this it often diminishes as the chambers extend themselves more and more widely along the margin, which (as already stated) may thin out until we find in the peripheral portion a recurrence to the simple type of the central The disposition of the sarcode-body that occupies this more complex system of chambers must obviously be modified in correspondence with it, as we shall see in the complex form of OrbitdUfcs (Plate IV, fig. 25). The subdivisions of each principal segment, instead of resembling beads strung upon a single cord, will rather have the form of a row of columns standing side by side, and connected together by numerous bands passing transversely from one to the GENUS ORBICULINA. 97 other ; whilst similar multiple bands pass from each series to the rows that stand behind and in front of it, 141. A comparison of figs. 6 and 10, — of which the former represents the internal arrangement of the cyclical type, and the latter that of the aduncal, — shows that the early- growth of the former, up to the period when the mouth of the spire widens out on both sides, takes place after precisely the same fashion as that of the latter ; after which the aduncal termination is concealed by the extensions of the subsequently formed chambers along its margin, which extensions, having once advanced far enough to meet those advancing in the opposite direction, unite with them, so that each gallery of " chamberlets " thenceforth returns into itself, instead of terminating by two blind extremities. A conception of the probable mode in which the successive additions are made to the shell will help us to under- stand how the one mode of growth may be exchanged for the other, without any departure from the fundamental plan. The extensions of the sarcode-body which form the pseudo- podia issuing from the marginal pores will first coalesce with each other at their bases, so as to form a continuous segment which will lie along the external surface of the last septum ; if this segment were of uniform size along its whole length, the shelly chamber formed by the calcification of its surface-layer would be simple, like that of Peneroplis ; but it is thick- ened in front of each septal pore, and narrowed in the intervals between these thickenings, so as to form a series of secondary segments united by a continuous stolon ; and the shelly envelope moulded upon this will have a corresponding series of " chamberlets " connected by a continuous gallery. Now the tendency of each new segment of the sarcode-body is usually to extend itself along the margin beyond the preceding; but this extension is commonly limited in the early growth of Orhkulina to the inner extremities of the successive segments, which gradually creep round the earlier portion of the spire, whilst their outer extremities terminate abruptly, and may continue so to do through the whole of life. But if these outer extremities of the segments of sarcode should share in the extension, they will creep along the margin of the older part of the shell in the contrary direction, until they meet and coalesce with those of the inner extremities ; and from that time each successive segment of sarcode will be a complete ring which will encircle the entire margin of the disk, and the successive additions made to the shell will be formed upon the cyclical plan. 142. A larger size and higher development are attained by some fossil forms of OrbicuHna, which there is nevertheless no sufficient ground for regarding as specifically different from the existing type. Under the erroneous designation of Orbitolites Malabarica, Mr. Carter has described (xx) a species of OrbicuUna that abounds in a Tertiary hmestone apparently corresponding with the Nummulitic limestone of the South of Europe ; and of this species I have, through his kindness, had the opportunity of carefully examining several examples. In size it greatly exceeds the existing type, its diameter being sometimes as much as seven or even eight lines ; in general structure, however, it altogether conforms to the description already given, with this one exception, that each surface is formed (as in the complex type of Orbifolitcv) by a layer of shallow chambers that are partially cut ofi" from those of the thick intermediate substance. This difference, however, possesses no greater claim to be accounted a specific distinction in OrbicuHna than it does in OrbiloUtes ; and since, 13 98 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. when we come to examine into its value in the latter type, we shall there find it to be a mere varietal or developmental diversity, it cannot here be accepted as of higher value. 143. Affinities. — The genus we have been considering occupies a position precisely intermediate between PeneropKs and Orbitolifes, to both which types it is most intimately related. As already mentioned, young specimens of Orhiadina are often to be met with which bear a very strong external resemblance to Pcnerojilis ; and even the absence in the former of the striation usually characteristic of the latter does not furnish an absolute ground of differentiation, since the striation is not unfrequently obsolete in Peneroplis (f 122). In ordinary cases, however, the difference becomes evident so soon as we examine into the inter- nal structure of Orliculina ; being marked by the subdivision of the principal chambers into " chamberlets " by the partitions which extend transversely between the septa. It is a fact of not a little significance, however, that those partitions are sometimes wanting, not merely in feebly developed peneropliform varieties, but even in good-sized adunciform specimens ; so that the chambers are formed upon the model of those of Peneroplis, and must be occu- pied, as in that genus, by transversely elongated lobes of sarcode, instead of by a monUiform series of sub-segments. In such cases, therefore, no absolute line of demarcation can be laid down between Peneroplis and Orbicidina ; for, although there may be practically little or no difliculty in referring any given specimen to one or the other type, by the aggregate of the characters it presents, yet no one of these characters taken by itself is sufficiently constant to serve as the basis for a precise definition. So, on the other side, the resemblance between the peripheral portion of an OrbicuKna that has taken on the cyclical growth, and the corresponding portion of those varieties of Orbitolites in which the superficial chambers are not differentiated from those of the intermediate stratum (^ 173), is so extremely close, as well in internal structure as in external aspect, that the two could not be distinguished by anv character or combination of characters. It is, in fact, only in their early mode of growth that Orbicidina axidi Orbitolites essentially differ from each other; the former being always spiral, whilst the latter is ti/jjicalli/ cjcYicdX from its commencement. But we shall see (^ 180) that the early growth of Orbitolites is often spiral ; and the difference between the two types seems to resolve itself essentially into this, that the spiral mods of growth gives place to the cyclical in Orbitolites before a second convolution is formed, so that the primordial chamber and the first convolution are never invested by subsequent growths. 144. Geo(/rapJtical Distribution. — This generic t3^pe appears to be limited to the warmer parts of the ocean. It is found in great abundance near the shores of the West Indian Islands, also near those of the islands of the East Indian and Polynesian Seas, being especially large and abundant in the neighbourhood of the Philippine Islands. It occurs also in the Red Sea, and is asserted to present itself in some parts of the Mediterranean and in the ^gean, though it is certainly not a common inhabitant of those seas. So far as is at present known, Orbicidina is entirely deficient in the seas of colder latitudes. 145. Geological Distribution. — We have at present no certain knowledge of the existence of Orbicidina in any formation anterior to the Tertiary series ; but in several members of this it is very abundant. A fossil form closely resembling that of the Malabar Limestone has been GENUS ALVEOLINA. 99 found in the Tertiarics of St. Domingo ; and the type is also found fossil in a white (Tertiary ?) limestone at Corfu. Gejius IX.— Alveolina (Plate VIII, figs. 13—15). 146. Histori/. — Most of the examples of this type at present known are fossils, occurring in association with Nuutiutilites, Orhltolites, &c. in the Nummulitic limestone, or in other formations which represent it ; and those first described (by Fortis) were confounded with Nummulites and Orbitolites under the term Discolithus. By Fichtel and Moll (xlv) they were ranked as a sub- type of their comprehensive genus Nautilus. The designation Alveolites was first given to this type by Bosc,* who erroneously referred two minute forms of it to a genus which had been previously established by Lamarck (lvii) for a group of corals ; but Montfort, (lxvii), not accepting this determination, raised three of Bosc's species to the rank of genera, under the names of Borelis, Clausulus, and Miliolites. Lamarck did not adopt either Bosc's or Montfort's generic designations, but substituted new ones (lix, lx), Melonites for the fossil, and Melonia for the recent forms. Defrance (xxix) proposed yet another. name, Ori-aria. And finally M. D'Orbigny (lxix) adopted Bosc's name, with a slight alteration in its termi- nation, which served at the same time to mark the continued existence of the type, and to distinguish it from the Lamarckian genus of Corals. The name Alveolina was soon afterwards adopted by M. Deshayes (xxx), and it may now be considered as the established designation of the genus, the synonymy of which has recently been very fully treated by Messrs. W. K. Parker and Rupert Jones (Lxxxa). 147. External Characters.- — The recent specimens upon which my investigations have been made belong to a fusiform variety which was tolerably abundant both in Mr. Jukes's Australian dredgings, and in Mr. Cuming's Philippine collection ; they were obviously identical specifically, but those from the latter source considerably exceeded those from the former in average size. The length of the longest complete specimen in my possession is '35 of an inch ; but I have a specimen whose shape is nearly cylindrical (the A. Quoii of D'Orbigny), which, though incomplete at one end, measures "50 of an inch. The ordinary form, from which any considerable departure is very rare, is that which is exhibited in Plate VIII, fig. 13; and it is obviously produced, as correctly stated by M. D'Orbigny, by the involution of a spiral around an elongated axis. The surface is marked out by depressed septal bands into a succession of segments of tolerably uniform breadth ; and each of these segments is crossed by secondary furrows, which lie so closely together as to mark out each into a series of very elongated areolae, that remind us of the oblong superficial areolae of the complex type of Orbitolites (Plate IX, fig. 7), but are much narrower in proportion to their length. The apertural plane of the spire is closed by a solid wall, the surface of which is nearly flat, and * 'Bulletin des Seances de la Societe Philomathique,' No. CI. 100 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. which is perforated by multiple rows of rounded pores, each surrounded by a prominent annulus of shell, and bearing a very close resemblance to the pores at the margin of OrbicnJina and Orbifolites. One such row is pretty uniformly to be made out at the inner border of each apertural plane ; and another row of very small pores, closely set together, may be detected in well-preserved specimens along the outer border. The apertural surface increases con- siderably in breadth towards its two extremities, and the rows of pores are there more numerous but less regular. 148. Internal Structure. — The internal structure of AJveoVma will be best understood by supposing the cavity of an Oliva (or any other univalve shell that winds spirally round an elongated axis) to be crossed not only by transverse partitions, which divide it into principal chambers (indicated on the surface by the depressed septal bands that run parallel to the axis), but also by a set of partitions at right angles to these, which divide each principal chamber vertically into a row of long, narrow " chamberlets" in lateral contiguity with each other, these secondary septa corresponding with the secondary furrows of the surface (Fig. XXII). The chamberlets thus divided will open at the apertural plane by a single row Fig. XXII. Simple type of Alveoliim, as seen laid open at a, and in transverse section at B. At c is shown a portion of tlio apertural plane of a specimen which exhibited two rows of pores ; and at d, a transverse section of one of the septa. of pores resembling that which is characteristic of Peneroplis. It may occasionally be noticed, however, that the septal pores form a double row, as shown at c ; in which case those nearest the e.Kterior are directed towards the longitudinal canal, as is seen in section at D, a, so as to establish a direct communication between each segment and the longitudinal stolon from which the next appears to commence. Such is, in fact, the structure of all the fossil Alvoolina I have examined ; and we may characterise it as that of the si'wple type of Aheolina. — In the recent form which I have specially studied, however, the structure is much more complex ; for each principal chamber is subdivided not only by vertical, but also by horizontal partitions or floors, so as to form a succession of " storeys," which are indicated externally by the multiplication of the rows of pores on the apertural plane. This will be partly understood from Plate VIII, fig. 15, which represents a section of Aheolina taken in the direction of its elongated axis, and which shows the general mode of increase by successive convolutions around the primitive spheroidal chamber, each convolution extend- ing considerably in a longitudinal direction beyond its predecessor, and thus adding much GENUS ALVEOLINA. 101 more to the length than to the diameter of the shell. In this section the long narrow chamberlets are divided transversely, so that they are merely seen as rows of rounded aper- tures channelled out in the solid substance of the shell ; they correspond in relative situation with the pores of the apertural plane, but are usually of much larger size. Generally about four such rows may be distinguished in each convolution ; but they are far from being regularly disposed, especially towards the two extremities of the axis of growth. Along the outer margin of the last and of each preceding segment, we see a row of apertures much smaller than the rest, and much more closely set together ; these are the transverse sections of tlie superficial layer of chamberlets, the dimensions of which are indicated by the furrowing of the surface, and which are about twice as numerous as those of the rows that lie internally to them. This difference is peculiarly interesting when taken in connection, on the one hand, with that which we have seen to exist between the superficial and the more deeply seated cham- berlets of Fabularia (f 118), and on the other with that which we shall encounter between the superficial and the intermediate" layers of chamberlets in OrbitoUfes (1 16G), the type in which this differentiation seems to acquire its fullest development. The form and arrangement of the chamberlets are better displayed by transverse sections of the shell, such as is represented in fig. 14; in which figure the solid substance is left white, the shallow cavities occupied by the sarcode (here laid open in the direction of their length) are shaded of a half tint, whilst the black spots represent the openings of long galleries that pass continuously from one end of the shell to the other, so as to bring all the chamberlets into free communication with each other laterally. As each whorl is in regard to all essential particulars but a repetition of the rest, it will be sufficient to describe the structure of the outer convolution. This is divided into principal segments, which obviously correspond with the spaces that intervene between the depressed septal bands of the external surface ; the places of those bands being marked, not only by slight inflections of the external outline, but also by prolongations [a, a, a) of the superficial lamella, which are directed inwards so as to contract the mouth of the spire at what may be considered the termination of each formative act. Just within these projections are seen the orifices [b, b, b) of one set of longitudinal channels, whilst nearer the internal side of the convolution are seen the orifices {c,c, c) of another much larger series of longitudinal channels, which are like galleries connecting the contiguous chamberlets of the same floors. Between the orifices b, h, b, and the orifices c, c, c, which respectively correspond to them, there is no division of the principal cavity of the spire into " storeys" of chamberlets ; but, to carry out the analogy, those intervening spaces may be likened to the well-staircases by which a vertical communication is established between the several " storeys" in a large mansion. The principal cavity of each segment is elsewhere separated by the intervention of three concentric laminae of shell {d, d^, d^) into a set of superposed chamberlets {e, e^, e^, e'), which are usually four in number, though in a portion of the convolution that is rather narrower than the rest we see only two lamellse and three chamberlets, whilst in a wider portion of the interior convolution we see four lamellae and five chamberlets, and even this number is frequently exceeded. The thickness of these lamellae is by no means uniform, and the capacity of the chamberlets between which they intervene is subject to variation accordingly. Generally speaking, the lamellae are thickest at their posterior extremities, so that the entrances to the chamberlets from the vertical " wells" are there much narrowed ; in front of these constrictions the cavities of the chamberlets usually open out considerably ; and they become 102 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. narrower again towards their anterior extremities, where their terminations appear as the pores on the apertural- plane whicli closes in each segment as its formation is completed. 149- The idea of the structure of the composite animal which we gain from the examination of these sections of the shell is fully borne out by the examination of the silicified " casts " of the interior, which Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones have been fortunate enough to obtain (p. 10) ; for these casts, which exactly represent the form of the sarcode-body whose place they have occupied, exhibit just the arrangement and connections which might have been predicated. The whole body (Fig. XXIII) is made up of a series of minute elongated sub-segments, united together at their extremities, in the mode to be presently described, into groups which represent the principal segments of Foraminifera of less complex type. Every such group consists of several rows (usually four or more) of sub-segments, arranged vertically Fig. XXIII. Portion of an Internal Cast of an Alveolim of complex type -.—a, a, a, a, superficial series of sub-segments ; b, I, b, subjacent series ; cc, cc, longitudinal stolons ; d, d, vertical columns. one over the other ; but the sub-segments {a, a) forming the superficial layer are of only about half the breadth of those [b, h) of the subjacent layer, and are about twice as numerous. The superficial sub-segments spring by slender peduncles from a band or " stolon" (c, c) that passes in a longitudinal direction from one end of the series to the other, and terminate at their anterior extremity in a similar band. The sub-segments that form the subjacent layers spring posteriorly by constricted necks from vertical " columns " {d, d) which occupy the " well-stair- cases," and terminate anteriorly in similar columns ; and the columns forming each of the rows that intervene between one segment and another are brought into lateral connection by two or more " stolons " which pass along the entire series. Thus although the sub-segments themselves have no direct communication with each other, they are intimately united into one system by the intervention of these " columns " and " stolons." Looking to the place of the connecting passages in the transverse section (fig. 14), it becomes obvious that the stolons which occupy them are formed by the union of the pseudopodial extensions that issue from the pores of the aperture. A coalescence of those proceeding from the four sets of pores (one of them close to the inner margin of the spire) corresponding to each other GENUS ALVEOLINA. 103 vertically along the septal plane in fig. 13, would establish what I have termed the "columns" which seem to constitute the first-formed portion of a new segment ; a lateral coalescence of these columns at tolerably regular intervals would establish the longitudinal " stolons ;" and the formation of solid shell between these columns and stolons would leave them in occupation of the two sets of communications that have been designated as the " well-staircases " and the " horizontal galleries." The further development of the segment will consist in the anterior extension from each " column" of a set of sub-segments of sarcode separated from each other both vertically and horizontally by partitions of shell ; and the extremities of these will appear, when the growth of the segment is completed, at the apertural pores, where they will be again connected through the coalescence of their extensions, so as to form vertical " columns" and longitudinal " stolons." 150. Varieties. — The foregoing plan of structure may be traced, with or without modification, through a series of extinct forms which presents a wide range of variation in shape, and which closely approximates at one extremity to that of Orbiculina. Thus the (so-called) Orbiculina rofella of D'Orbigny (lxxiii, p. 140), notwithstanding its nautiloid discoidal form, seems pretty certainly to belong rather to the Alveoline than to the Orbiculine type of structure ; from this the transition is by no means abrupt to the oblately spheroidal and thence to the spherical varieties of Alveolina melo, which is a very common fossil of the early Tertiary Limestones both of the Continent of Europe and of India. From its spherical we pass to its prolately spheroidal forms, and thence to its ovoidal (the A. ovoidea of D'Orbigny), some of which last attain enormous dimensions, specimens being not unfrequent in the Tertiary Limestones of Scinde whose length reaches three inches and whose diameter is an inch and a half. A still greater elongation of the axis, with attenuation towards the extremities, gives the fusiform shape of the A. Boscii, a variety which is common in the Paris Tertiaries, and which bears a strong external resemblance to the one at present existing in tropical seas ; and it is clear that the yet more elongated sub-cylindrical forms presented by A. elongata and A. Quoii, of which the former is fossil and the latter recent, are nothing else than a result of the tendency to elongation of the axis carried out to a still greater extent. There is, however, an important difference in internal structure between the entire series of fossil forms and most of their existing representatives ; for although the external aspects are so nearly identical in certain specimens that they are only distinguishable by the difference in the number of rows of pores in their septal planes, and although the general plan of the fossil is exactly con- formable to that of the recent, yet that plan seems to be uniformly worked out in fossil forms, however large may be their dimensions, upon the " simple" plan, the " complex" being only met with in the type at present inhabiting equatorial seas. Noyv this difference, being apparently well marked and constant, would obviously be entitled to rank as of specific value ; if we did not find in Orbitolites, to which Alveolina is closely allied in general plan of structure, that a difference of an exactly parallel character between what will be there termed the " simple " and the " complex " types must be reduced to the grade of a mere varietal modification, since the passage from the former to the latter is frequently presented in one and the same individual.* * It seems requisite for me to state, that I fiud myself unable to admit the existence of any 104 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. 151. JJfbnlic-^. — It will be obvious from what has preceded, that notwithstanding the apparently wide interval which separates the typical Alveolina from its congeners, it has a strong analogy both to Orhiculina and to Fabularia in its general plan of structure. Its closest affinity, however, is evidently to the regularly spiral type of Orbiculina, since we find in it no trace of that Milioline plan of growth which so remarkably characterises Fabularia. It has been already pointed out that Orbiculina essentially differs from OrbitoUtes in the investment of the first-formed convolutions by the latter, so that its umbilical region becomes prominent instead of being depressed, and its spire coils round an axis instead of round a point ; and, by tlie gradation which has been just shown to have an actual existence, the progressive elongation of the axis round which the spire revolves converts the flattened lenticular spiral of the J. rofella into the almost cylindrical volution of A. elonyata. The difference in shape, in fact, is not nearly so great between Orbiculina adunca and A. roiella as it is between A. rotella and A. ehnyata ; but it requires an examination which I have not yet had the opportunity of making into the internal structure of A. rotella, to enable me to affirm with certainty that the transition which it so obviously presents to the Orbicuhne type in its external form extends also to its plan of growth. 152. Geographical Bidribufion. — The recent examples of this type are limited, so far as we at present know, to the seas of tropical or southern temperate regions ; the larger fusiform and cylindrical forms having been chiefly brought from the shores of New Holland and of the Philippine Islands in the eastern hemisphere, and from those of Cuba and the Antilles in the western ; whilst a small spheroidal variety, which appears to belong to the simple type, is figured by Ehrenberg (xlii, pi. xxxvii, 10, fig. 1, a—f) from the Adriatic. 153. Geological Distribution. — The extinct forms of Alveolina belong for the most part to the formations coeval with the Nummulitic Limestone ; and they present themselves in various proportions, sometimes so abundantly as almost of themselves to make up the substance of the deposit, in the early Tertiaries of Paris, Bordeaux, the Pyrenees, and Austria, as also in those of Persia and Northern India (xix, xxi). One species is stated by D'Orbigny (lxxiii, p. 145) to present itself in tlie Turonian or Lower Chalk formation at the mouth of the Gironde, although none has been hitherto met with in any part of the Senonian or Upper Chalk.* " canaliferous system " in Alveolina ; and that the appearances which have been interpreted by Mr. Carter (xxi) as indicative of its presence in the fossil Alveolina of Scinde are quite comforma'ble with the account of its structure which I liave given on the basis of a very careful examination of that of its recent analogue. * I cannot agree with ray friends, Messrs. Parker and Kupert Jones (lxxx a), in referring tlie Palffiozoic Fusulina to this type ; for although the metamorphic condition of the shell, in all the specimens 1 have examined, forbids my speaking with full assurance, yet the appearance presented by thin sections is such as to leave scarcely any doubt in my mind that its structure was tubular, and that it consequently holds somewhat the same place in the hyaline series that Alveolina does ip the porcellanotis . GENUS ORBITOLITES. 105 Genus X. — Orbitolites (Plate IX). 154. Ilistori/. — The Orbitolile has been chiefly known, until very recently, rather by its fossil than by its existing forms. The abundant occurrence of its disks in the ' Calcaire grossier ' of the Paris basin early attracted attention ; but Orbitolites were not clearly distin- guished by the older observers from Nummulites, and their true nature was entirely misun- derstood. Thus we find them designated, often in association with Nummulites, under the title of UmbiUcus marinm by Plancus (lxxxiii), who imagined them to be opercula of Ammonites ; of Porpitce nummulares by Stobaeus and Bromell, who seem to have regarded them as representing the disks of the existing Porpitae ; of Helicilcs and Operculites by Guettard, who considered them as opercula of Gasteropods ; of BiscolUhi by Fortis, who supposed them to be skeletons of Mollusks ; of Madreporites by Deluc, and of MiJleporites by Faujas de St. Fond, whose idea of their nature is sufliciently indicated by the names they assigned to them. (See i, § i.) The genus Orbitolites seems first to have been erected on the type of the 0. coMplanafa of the Paris basin, and to have been differentiated from Nummulites, by Lamarck (lviiJ, who ranked it between Lmmlites and Millepora, among his " Polypiers Foramines." He subsequently (lx) altered the name from Orbitolites to Orbic- Hies ; but the latter designation having been previously employed in Malacology, the first appellation was restored by M. Milne Edwards in his posthumous edition of Lamarck's work. Under one of the designations Orbilolites or Orbulites, the genus has been gene- rally recognised by systematists (xiii) ; none of them, however, have either given any account of its internal structure, or made any essential modification in the definition of the genus ; and they all left it in the place which Lamarck had assigned to it, until after the appearance of my own description of the microscopic structure of Orbitolites (xii), in which I showed its identity with the recent Australian Maryinopora of MM. Quoy and Gaimard, and of the subsequent memoir by Prof. Williamson (cviii), in which the Foraminiferous character of this type w'as proved by the close conformity of its plan of organization to that of Orbicnlina* It was not until the publication of his ' Cours Elementaire' (lxxiv) in 18.52, that M. D'Orbigny admitted this genus into his systematic arrangement of Fora- minifera ; the order Cyclostjigues, in which it is associated with Cyclolina (which I believe to be only a variety of Orbitolites), with OrbiloUna (a generic type of quite a different structure, to which I have thought it better to restore De Montfort's name Tinoporus), and with Orbitoides (whose affinities with Cyclocli/pem and Kumiiiulilcs are of the most intimate character), being then first created. * It is due to Prof. Ehrenberg to state tliat he liad long before recognised this relationship (xxxix) ; but by ranking Orbicidbia as well as Orbitolites among Bnjozoa, and by representing the superficial cells in both types as occupied by eiglit-aruied polypes furnished with moveable opercula, he so completely departed from the truth of nature, that it is not surprising that what was really correct in his doctrines received little attention. 14 106 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. 155. External Characters. — The calcareous disks of Orbitolites (Plate IX, figs. 1, 7) vary in diameter from about l-30th of an inch to ^-lOths of an inch ; whether large or small, the}' are almost invariably circular or nearly so ; they are usually flat or slightly biconcave, any difference in thickness being generally in favour of the marginal portion ; and if, as sometimes happens, there is a slight central prominence (fig. 7, a), this consists only of that first-formed portion of the shell which I shall describe as the " primitive disk" (^ 157), and does not result (as in Orbiculina, ^ 135) from any overlaying of the original centre by subse- quent growths of shell. Around this " primitive disk" we see an indeterminate number of con- centric zones marked out by farrows of the surface ; and each of these zones is subdivided by transverse furrows into a uniform series of areolae, which correspond with " chamberlets" within. In the smaller specimens (fig. 1) these areolae are usually somewhat ovate in form, their long diameter lying transversely to the radius of the disk ; in the larger specimens (fig. 7), on the other hand, they have usually a narrow, rectangular shape, and their length lies in the direction of the radius of the disk. This difference will presently be shown to be related to an important diversity in internal structure. In those disks which have their surface divided into ovate areolae (fig. 1), the margin presents a series of convexities with inter- vening furrowed depressions ; whilst in the thicker disks (fig. 7) these are less regular and less strongly marked. Unless the surface of the disk has been partially or entirely removed by abrasion (as is often the case with dead specimens collected by dredging), it presents no openings whatever, and the only orifices by which the interior of the shelly disk normally communicates with the exterior are the pores (figs. 1, 7,f,f) that are seen upon its margin. Of these pores, in the thinnest specimens (fig. 1), we find but a single one, or in some instances two, lying in each of the marginal hollows ; in disks somewhat thicker we find each furrow to contain three or four such pores ; whilst in the largest and thickest disks (fig. 7) the number of pores occasionally rises to ten or even twelve. Thus, on the one hand, by the form of the superficial areolae, on the other, by the singleness or multiplicity of the rows of marginal pores, there is marked out a distinction between two types of Orbitolite structure which have been accounted specifically or even generically different, but which, as they frequently coexist in the same individual, have no title to be so regarded. It will be conve- nient, however, to describe them separately, in the first instance, as the Simple and the Complex types ; and to consider their mutual relationship subsequently. In both these types the aspect of the shell much resembles that of Orhiculina, but has usually less of the opaque whiteness by which it is characterised in that genus ; and sometimes, as in Orhiculina, the surface is minutely punctated, giving a semblance of perforations, which, however, have no real existence. In very thin specimens the calcareous laminae which form the two surfaces of the disk are so translucent that, when such specimens are mounted in Canada balsam, the chambers they enclose can be clearly made out. Moreover, even in larger specimens which have been collected alive, and which consequently contain the animal body in a desiccated state, the translucency of the shell allows the crimson hue of the sarcode to be seen through it, so that the whole disk seems to be tinged by this, although the proper substance of the shell, when examined by transmitted light under a sufficient magnifying power, is found to present the brownish-yellow hue characteristic of the Milioline type. GENUS ORBITOLITES. 107 156. Simple Type : External Characters. — In sands and dredgings brought from the seas of any of the warmer regions of the globe, and especially in those from the Philippine shores, we almost constantly meet with an abundance of minute Orbitolite-disks, whose diameter is ordinarily about '05 of an inch, and which usually contain from ten to fifteen concentric zones. These constitute the OrhiloKtes marginalis of Lamarck (lx), the Sorites orbicuhs oi Ehren- berg (xxxix). Although these disks are typically plane or nearly so (there being usually no great difference between the thickness of their central and that of their peripheral region), yet it not unfrequently happens that the successive zones gradually increase in thickness from within outwards (as is shown in Plate IX, fig. 2), so that the disk becomes somewhat biconcave. Sometimes, again, without any alteration in the thickness of the several parts, the disk comes to assume, by the depression of its central portion, the shape of a plate, or that of a watch-glass, or (by the more complete upturning of its edges) that of a saucer. In any case in which either surface of the marginal zone is more exposed by its projection than those of the zones which it encloses, there will be a special liability to a laying-open of its chamberlets if the disk should be subjected to attrition ; and I doubt not that in this mode have been produced the supposed large pores of the fossil 0. macropora, the figure of which given by Goldfuss (' Petrefacta,' pi. xii, fig. 8) corresponds exactly with recent specimens I have frequently encountered, presenting a row of large ovate apertures along the surface of the outermost zone. The true pores (which have been very commonly overlooked) are situated in the depressions between the marginal convexities (Plate IX, fig. 1,/,/) ; in each of these depressions there is but a single pore, and this is almost always of a regularly circular form, and is surrounded by a prominent annulus of shell. 157. Internal Structure.— When the interior of an Orbitolitcs of simple type is laid open by a section that passes in a direction parallel to one of its surfaces (which in the case of these discoidal forms will be most conveniently termed a horizontal section), as shown in Fig. XXIV, the central portion is seen to be occupied by a large cavity, that is somewhat irregularly divided by a sinuous partition ; notwithstanding some irregularity, this partition always marks out a " primordial chamber," a, of a somewhat pyriform shape, from the " circumambient chamber" b, b, which passes round it ; in this partition there is an aper- ture, d, which establishes a communication between the narrow prolongation of the " pri- mordial" or " central" chamber and the large " circumambient chamber." (See also Plate IX, fig. 1.) The meaning of this arrangement will at once be made apparent by reference to the disposition of the " primordial" and " circumambient" segments of sarcode, which occupy the cavity of what may be conveniently termed the " primitive disk" (^ 161). In a vertical section passing through the centre of this disk, such as that seen in Plate IX, fig. 2, it seems to present three chambers ; but this is simply due to the fact that such a section will traverse the circumambient chamber twice, that is, will cut it through on both sides {b, b) of the central chamber a. Some sections present only two such chambers ; in this case the plane of division seems to have traversed the "primitive disk" just where the neck of the primordial chamber touches its margin, so that the circumambient chamber is only on one side of it. If, on the other hand, the plane of division should happen not to pass through the primordial chamber at all, so as to traverse the circumambient chamber alone, a single broad cavity will present itself in the vertical section, as shown in fig. 8, b. '108 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. Frequently, however, it happens that the circumambient chamber is partially subdivided on one side by an interposed partition (Fig. XXIV) ; and then a vertical section will show /o?er chambers, the central chamber having the undivided part (i) of the circumambient chamber on one side of it, and the divided part {li, b') on the other. Each zone, as seen either by transmitting light through the thinnest and most translucent specimens after mounting them in Canada balsam, or by making horizontal section of thicker specimens, consists of a circular set of small ovate cJiamherkfs [c, c, Fig. XXIV, and Plate IX, fig. 1), excavated, as it were, in the Fig. XXIV. Diagrammalic ix-prcseutation of the anterior of an Orbiloliies of simple type : — a, primordial chamber ; b, h, circumambient chamber ; b', portion of the same partially separated by an incomplete partition ; c, c, c, chamberlets of the concentric annuli ; d, passage from the primordial to the circumambient chamber ; e, e, e, passages from the cireumambieut cham- ber to the chamberlets of the first annulus; /,/,/, passages from the gallery of the last anuuhis, opening at the marjin of the disk. shelly substance of the disk, and communicating with each other laterally by annular passages which unite them together into a continuous gallery. The zone which immediately surrounds the " primitive disk " is connected with it by radial passages (Fig. XXI, e, e), which extend from the outer margin of the large circumambient chamber to the several chamberlets of which that zone is composed ; and each zone communicates with the one on its exterior by similar radial passages (Plate IX, fig. 6, e, <•), which usually extend, however, not from the chamberlets of the inner zone to those of the outer, but from the annular passage {li, h) of the inner zone to the chamberlets of the outer ; and thus it comes to pass that the cham- berlets of each zone usually alternate with those of the zones that are internal and external to it. — A vertical section of the disk, such as is shown in Plate IX, fig. 2, exhibits the same arrangement under a diflferent aspect. The chamberlets c, c, c of the concentric zones are GENUS ORBITOLITES. 109 seen to be much higher than they are broad, so that they present a somewhat coUimnar form ; the proportion of their height to their breadth, however, may vary greatly in different parts of the same disk, the former often increasing from the centre towards the periphery, whilst the latter remains constant, or nearly so; and the columns, instead of being straight, are generally more or less curved, and are sometimes bent in the middle at an obtuse angle. The gradation which presents itself from one of these forms to the other, and their coexist- ence even in the same specimens, clearly prove that no value can be attached to the form and proportions of the chamberlets, thus seen in a vertical section, as furnishing specific characters. In every perfect specimen the columnar chamberlets are seen to be closed at their two extremities by a thin wall of shell ; and this is sometimes flat, sometimes more or less convex. 158. In this manner any number of concentric zones may be formed, which are exact repetitions of each other, except that the number of chamberlets in the outer zones is greater than that of which the inner zones are composed. It does not increase, however, in the regular ratio of the respective diameters of the zones ; for the chamberlets of the outer zones, being usually both larger and more widely separated from each other than are those of the inner, are less numerous in proportion ; thus, in a specimen before me, there are twenty- eight in the innermost row and only forty-nine in the outermost, though the latter is more than twice the diameter of the former. The augmentation in number is accomplished by the occasional interpolaiion of an additional chamberlet, communicating directly with the one immediately interior to it, between the two chamberlets which are connected with the annular passage on either side of the latter, as is shown in Plate IX, fig. 6, c' , c". The chamberlets of the last-formed zone communicate with the exterior by the same kind of radial passages as in other instances communicate with the next zone ; and the external orifices of these form the pores which present themselves at the margin of the disk (Plate IX, figs. 1, 2,/,/). Thus it is seen, on the one hand, how it happens that these pores are intermediate between the chamberlets, instead of opening directly into them ; and on the other, how each pore leads, by the divarication of its passage, into two chamberlets, one on either side of it. When a new zone is formed, each pore opens into one of its chamberlets ; and this zone, in its turn, communicates with the exterior through a new set of pores at its own margin. When the section passes through the prominent annulus of shell which surrounds each pore, this will be indicated by a little " beak" on either side of the entrance to the passage ; such " beaks" (which are, of course, repeated through the entire disk) are shown in their ordinary aspect in Plate IX, fig. 6, /, /), but they are frequently more prominent. In all cases in which the growth of the disk takes place with normal regularity, a complete circular zone is added at once. Exceptions to this regu- larity are rare, and they can be generally traced with probability to some accidental interruption. 1 59. It is a fact of much importance, in the due appreciation of the relations of Orhilolifes to other types of Foraminifera, that the calcareous partition which separates each chamberlet of any one zone from the adjacent chamberlets on either side is not double, but siyic/le. And this is in great part the case, even with regard to the partitions which separate 110 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. the chamberlets of successive zones, the inner or central boundary of one being chiefly formed by the peripheral wall of the other. It is not easy, even in thin sections, to distin- guish the boundary between the walls of one zone and those of another, so absolutely continuous do they appear to be. But it not unfrequently happens that, in fracturw(i these disks, their component zones come apart from each other along their natural lines of junc- tion, so as to disclose the real inner margin of the outer zone (Plate IX, fig. 1, g, (/), which is then found to present a set of wide fissures, through which we look at once into its cham- berlets, thus proving their incomplete enclosure by proper walls on that side. 1 60. There cannot be any reasonable doubt that the number of concentric zones which any disk may present is entirely determined by its stage of growth, and that it aftbrds no basis whatever for specific distinction. Just as in the case of the concentric layers of wood in the stem of an exogenous tree, a minute " primitive disk," surrounded only by a single annulus of chamberlets, may come in time to be the centre of a large disk consisting of many scores of concentric zones. Although, as already stated (^ 156), most of the Orbi- tolites formed upon this simple type are of comparatively small size, yet there does not seem to be any definite limit to the multiplication of zones ; for I possess specimens attaining '25 of an inch in diameter, and consisting of about fifty zones (much larger, therefore, than the younger disks of the complex type), in which there is no appearance of any departure from the original mode of growth. 161. Structure of the Animal.— The; entire animal body, obtained by the decalcification of the shells of specimens that have been taken alive and preserved in spirit (Plate IV, fig. 14), is composed, of a numerous assemblage of minute segments," arranged at tolerably regular intervals in concentric zones, around what it may be convenient to term the " primitive mass." This primitive mass consists of a pear-shaped " primordial segment" (Plate IV, figs. 1 6 — 20, a) occupying the central or primordial chamber, from the small extremity of which a peduncular process [d) extends, that dilates again into the still larger segment h, b, which, from its almost completely surrounding the former, may be conveniently designated the " circumambient segment." Thus, the " primitive mass" very closely resembles what the body of a young Miliola would be, if the segment first budded-oft" from the primordial segment were prolonged, so as completely to surround it (1 49, Plate IV, fig. 4, b). From the outer margin of this circumambient segment there radiate a number of slender pedicles (c), which presently enlarge into as many columnar segments, having a circular or oval base, and these are united to each other laterally by a connecting band or " stolon" {h, h), which passes entirely round the " circumambient segment" and forms a complete annulus. It is usually from the portions of this "stolon" which intervene between the segments of each annulus of sarcode, that the radiating pedicles (fig. 23, e, c, e) are given off, which go to originate the next zone ; but sometimes a pedicle is given oft' from one of the segments (as shown at e',e'), which goes to form a segment (c", c") in the next zone, that is interpolated between two which have originated from the intervening annular stolon ; and it is in this manner that the numJjer of segments in successive zones receives an increase, the size of those segments not undergoing any considerable augmentation. Each successive zone exhibits precisely the same structure ; and it is obvious that the radiating pedicles of the outermost GENUS ORBITOLITES. Ill zone will issue from the marginal pores, and will give origin to the pseudopodia by whose action the life of the entire composite organism must be sustained. The analogy of other Rhizopods would lead us to suppose that it is by the introduction of alimentary particles (chiefly minute forms of vegetation), through their means, into the mass of sarcode of which they are extensions, that the fleshy body pervading the entire disk is nourished. For although there is nothing like a digestive cavity in any part of it, or an alimentary tube passing from one portion to another, still less any vascular communication between the segments, yet as the sarcode forms one soft homogeneous mass everywhere continuous, the body as a whole will receive the benefit of any incorporation of new matter with its substance, in whatever situation this may be made. That organic particles small enough to pass through the marginal pores are thus introduced into the chambers of the disk, is proved by the curious fact that the residuum left after the decalcification of large and therefore aged disks, whose animal contents have not been preserved, consists almost entirely of an assemblage of remains of minute Diatomacca, Desmidiece, &c., which have obviously been retained in the interior of their cavities after the assimilation of the nutriment they were competent to afford. The sarcode-body of the animal, growing at the expense of the nutri- ment thus appropriated, will gradually, it is probable, project itself through the marginal orifices, not merely in filamentous pseudopodia, but in quantity sufficient to form a new zone; and it is easy to understand, from the analogy of other Foraminifera, that such extensions will coalesce with each other laterally, so as to form a complete annuhis around the entire periphery of the dislc. This, at any rate, must be the case when a new zone is to be added to the shell ; and it would seem as if this annulus then undergoes a thickening into segments by the accumulation of sarcode at the points at which it receives the radiating pedicles from the last zone of the sarcode-body included within the shell, whilst it becomes narrowed in the intervening portions, which form the connecting bands between the segments. It may be presumed to be by a calcareous exudation from the surface of this beaded ring of sarcode, that the formation of the new shelly zone is accomplished ; and if the calcifying process com- mence on the segments, and extend from these along the surface of their connecting stolons, we can understand why the passages that are left for communication with the exterior should arise from the intermediate divisions of the annular canal rather than from the segments themselves. — Although the body of the animal is so far decolorized in the spirit-specimens which alone have hitherto come under my observation as to present only a brownish hue, yet as specimens that have been gathered fresh and have been then dried possess a reddish aspect, which is due to the desiccated body they contain, it may be presumed that the sarcode of the living Orbifolites has the same bright-red colour as that of Botalia and many other Foraminifera. 162. I have not met with the least indication that the sarcode is contained within any prosier membrane ; and the absence of any such indication, notwithstanding the various manipulations to which I have subjected its segments, may be taken, I think, as strong negative evidence that it has no more existence in this animal than it has in the species ot Foraminifera whicii have been so well studied by M. Dujardin and Prof. Schultze. Nor is there the slightest trace of distinct organs, either in the mass of sarcode which forms the "primitive mass" or in that which constitutes each one of the surrounding segments; and 112 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. he would, I tliink, be a mere speculator who should maintain the presence of a digestive cavity in any of these parts, or the existence of an intestinal canal in the peduncular threads which connect them together. The homogeneity of the component substance of the "primitive mass," and of the entire assemblage of multiple segments, seems, indeed, to be conclusively established by the following facts : — In all the spirit-specimens which I have examined, the cavities of the outer zones are completely void, whilst those of the " primitive disk" and of the inner zones are quite filled with their animal contents. This drawing together of the soft body towards the centre is evidenced also in many of the larger specimens which have been dried when collected in the living state, by the limitation of the red colour that indicates tlie presence of the sarcode to the inner portion of the disk. In both cases it may be presumed that the animal matter has shrunk together, in the former through the corrugating action of the spirit, in the latter through desiccation. Now if the " polypidom" of a Zoophyte or the " polyzoary" of a Polyzoon be similarly treated, there is no such drawing together of the entire body, but each cell is found to contain the shrunk contents of its own zooid ; and this difference seems to me to indicate a complete dissimilarity in the characters of the two kinds of organisms. For it is obvious that the substance of the peripheral segments of the Orbitolite-body can only be brought together towards the centre, through being completely unattached to the walls of the cavities which it occupies, and through having a form so alterable as to be capable of being drawn in threads through the narrow connecting passages, and of then coalescing together again so perfectly that the masses they form do not present the least trace of having been thus spun out. There is no known kind of animal texture except sarcode that is susceptible of this kind of alteration ; and the evidence of it which I have adduced seems to me extremely valuable, not only as establishing the general nature of the animal body of Orbitolites, but also as fully justifying the assumption that, in the living state, the sarcode is projected in pseudopodia through the marginal apertures, and that alimentary particles are introduced by their instrumentality, as in other Foraminifera.* 163. Complex Type: External Characters. — From the simplest it will be convenient to pass at once to the most complex type of structure presented by Orbitolites, the existence of which is marked externally (as already noticed, ^ 155) by a multiplication of the ranges of marginal pores. I have met with this form in specimens obtained by dredging from the coast of Australia and from various parts of the Polynesian Archipelago, from the neighbour- hood of the Philippine Islands, from the Red Sea, and from the J^gean ; and as the sands of all these localities present the simpler type in great abundance, I am disposed to believe that the former is really not the less widely diffused than the latter, and would be discovered wherever it abounds, if properly searched for. The largest specimen in my possession, measuring 7-lOths of an inch in diameter, is from the coast of Australia, where these Orbitolites are so abundant at certain spots (as I learn from Mr. Jukes) that their entire * I tliiuk it desirable to repeat what I have already (xiii) stated upon this point, since the per- sistence of Prof. Ehrenberg in his affirmation of the Bryozoic nature of these organisms might induce those who rely on his authority to accept his figure of their animal (xxxis) as the representation of a fact, instead of being merely the expression of tlieir author's idea. GENUS ORBITOLITES. 113 disks and fragments, with fragments of Corallines (chiefly, I believe, the Corallina palmata of Ellis), constitute the great mass of the dredgings. Among the Australian specimens several attain a diameter of "-^S inch, and a considerable proportion as much as '30 of an inch. Hence the Orbitolites of this type are among the largest forms of existing Foraminifera, being only surpassed, as far as I am aware, by the Cyclochjpeus hereafter to be described. Of two specimens in my possession from the Fiji Islands, one measures '63 inch, and the other -53 inch in diameter ; but the average of the Polynesian specimens seems to be considerably lower than that of the Australian, as their diameter seldom exceeds -25 of an inch, and is usually not more than 10 or -12. 1 64. The disks formed on this plan, like the preceding, may be considered as typically circular, although they are seldom or never exactly so in reality. They may be considered, too, as typically flat, with a slight concavity in the central part, from which, however, the primitive disk often projects ; but, as will hereafter appear, there is no constant relation either between the thickness and the diameter of different specimens, or between the thickness of different parts of the same specimen and the distance of these parts from its centre. The only remarkable departure from the ordinary form which I have met with, presents itself in certain Orbitolites from the Fiji Islands, of which several specimens in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, and two in my own possession, exhibit a curious plication towards their margins ; the degree of this departure varies so much, however, in different individual? (the plication being almost obsolete in some), that it cannot be admitted to mark a specific diversity. These same specimens, moreover, also exhibit another curious abnormality ■ namely, the projection of the upper and lower edges of the margin, so that a groove is left between them, the projecting laminae being thin and fohaceous, and their chamberlets very irregularly arranged. This peculiarity, again, being far from uniform in its degree, and being altogether wanting in specimens which in other respects precisely resemble those with plicated and foliated margins, must be considered merely in the light of an accidental variety ; but I cannot suggest any explanation of its occurrence, or of its limitation (so far as I am aware) to this particular locality. 165. The surface of the disk (Plate IX, fig. 7)* is marked out, as in the simpler type, by concentric zones, the number of which bears a general (though not a constant) ratio to its diameter; these zones are traversed by radiating lines, which mark out areolae that are usually somewhat rectangular in shape and sometimes approach a square, but are more com- monly nearly twice as long in the line of the radius of the disk as they are in the transverse direction, their long sides being nearly parallel to each other. We shall hereafter see, however, that the form of these areolae is very subject to variation, and that it may be very dissimilar' * In order to avoid a multiplication of figures, I have thought it preferable to combine in three ideal representations (Plate IX, figs. 7, 8, 9,) the details I have made out from a great number of preparations which are faithfully represented in separate figures accompanying the original Memoir in the Arcliives of the Royal Society ; these last of course furnish the real authority for every point in the description, the ideal figures, however, serving to display the relation of different parts to each other in a manner that no single preparation would possibly admit. 15 114 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. even in different zones of the same disk (^t 173, 178). The pores /,/ at the margin of the disk are disposed, as in the simpler type, between the projections formed by the convexities of the chamberlets ; but they are less regularly circular than in the simple type, and the sur- rounding annuli of shell is less distinct. The number of pores in each vertical row is by no means constant, even in different parts of the margin of the same annulus; and their disposition is far from regular (fig. 10), as they seldom form rows that seem exactly con- tinuous with each other horizontally, while the vertical rows are often interrupted, the two adjacent rows then usually inclining towards each other. 166. Internal Structure. — The disks of this complex type are not distinguished from those of the simple type already described, by any difference in the structure of the " primitive disk ; " and there is frequently nothing specially characteristic in the structure of the zones that immediately surround it. Each of the peripheral zones, however, consists of two superficial layers, and of an intermediate stratum (Plate IX, figs. 7, 8, 9) ; these will now be described seriatim. The superficial layers are formed of the (usually) oblong chamberlets, whose contour is indicated by the surface-markings ; when they are laid open horizontally, by rubbing away the thin shell which covers them in (fig. 7, i, i, i), it is seen that the floor of each chamberlet has an aperture at either end ; but no communication can be traced, either through the side-walls between the contiguous chamberlets of the same zone, or through the end-walls, between the chamberlets of successive zones. Moreover, there is no such alternating arrangement of the chamberlets of successive zones, as we have seen to prevail in the simpler type (^ 157) ; and they altogether seem to be quite independent one of another. When this superficial layer is examined in a vertical section having a radial direction (Plate IX, fig. 8), it is seen that the floors of its chamberlets are formed by the expanded summits (/, /,) of the irregular septa which separate from each other the successive zones of columnar chamberlets of the intermediate stratum {r, c, c', c,) ; and that the apertures at the two ends of the floor are the entrances to passages (w, ;«'), which lead obliquely downwards (the passages on either side of the partition between two successive chamberlets of the superficial layer always inclining towards each other) towards these cavities. It is observable, moreover, that just at the point at which the contiguous passages meet each other, there is always a round aperture (//, //) in the partition which divides the contiguous chamberlets of each zone; and when, in a horizontal section, the superficial chamberlets have been entirely ground away, so as to lay open the most superficial part of the intermediate stratum, this part is found to be traversed in each zone by a continuous circular gallery (Plate IX, figs. 7, 9, /i, //,//.,) with large rounded openings that lead into the columnar chamberlets beneath. The meaning of this arrangement becomes obvious, when We examine the disposition of the animal substance which occupies these cavities ; for we find, as might have been anticipated, tliat the superficial cells are filled with segments of sarcode of corresponding shape (Plate IV, figs. 24, 25, a, a'); and that whilst these have no direct connexion with one another, each of them is connected by means of fleshy peduncles with the annular stolons d, b' that run along its extremities ; whilst from the under side of these annular stolons (fig. 25) descend the thick columns of sarcode {ce, c'c), which occupy the columnar cells of the intermediate stratimi. The absence of any essential dependence of the segments of the superficial and of those of the intermediate strata upon GENUS ORBITOLITES. 115 each other, seems indicated by the fact that there is no constant numerical relation between them, — a circumstance which extremely perplexed me, until I had ascertained, by exami- nation of the animal, that the passages proceeding from the former (Plate IX, fig. 8, in, ?«') debouch, not (as I had at first supposed) into the columnar chamberlets c ,c', but into the annular canals, //, U , which serve to bring the superficial and columnar segments of each zone into mutual communication. 167. As the description now given of the superficial layer applies equally to both surfaces, we may now proceed to the intermediate stratum. When this is laid open by a horizontal section (Plate IX, figs. 7, 9), it is seen to consist of a series of concentric zones, the chamberlets of which alternate with each other, like those of the Simple type (^ 157). The chamberlets are usually cylindrical (or nearly so) in form ; but often differ considerably in size in different parts of the same disk, and sometimes even in different parts of the same zone. It may be often observed that the cylindrical cavities do not always pass from end to end in a straight line (Plate IX, fig. 11); nor do they always maintain a complete isolation from each other, an inosculation of two columns (which is indicated in vertical sections like that represented in Plate IX, fig. 8, by irregularly disposed apertures) not being unfre- quent, while more rarely there is a fusion of two columns into one. All these features of structure presented by the shell, are beautifully displayed by the animal (Plate IV, fig. 25) ; the columns of sarcode c c, dc exhibiting the generally cylindrical form, the not unfrequent inosculation, and the occasional fusion, which we have seen to exist in the cavities which they occupy. At their upper and lower extremities, they unite with the annular stolons JjJj , hU , which pass continuously round, in each zone, between the intermediate and the superficial layers. 168. Save in the case of such accidental inosculations as those just noticed, no other lateral communication seems to exist between the contiguous chamberlets of the same zone, than that which is established by the annular stolons just mentioned. The chamberlets of the successive zones communicate with each other, however, as in the Simple type previously described (^ 157), but with a curious modification; for whereas a horizontal section of the latter shows that each chamberlet communicates with the two chamberlets alternating with it in the interior zone (Plate IX, fig. 6), a hke section of the Complex type seems to show that such a connexion exists with only one chamberlet of the interior zone, by a passage running obliquely from one to the other, and extending continuously through several succes- sive zones (Plate IX, figs. 7, 9, e, e), the very same section exhibiting opposite obliquities in contiguous parts. The study of vertical sections, however, made tangentially instead of radially, so as to cross these connecting passages, shows the explanation of tbis apparent anomaly to be simply as follows. Each cylindrical chamberlet really communicates with the two alternating chamberlets in the next interior zone, but by two distinct passages, instead of by the divarication of one ; these inter-zonular passages are not upon the same plane, but those of different planes are directed alternately towards one side and the other ; and thus, as the disks are seldom perfectly fiat, the section which traverses, at one part of the disk, the set of passages running in one direction, will traverse the other set of passages, where, by the flexure of the disk, the plane of section is slightly altered in regard to it. So 116 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. the marginal pores of any one vertical row, even when in a line with each other, open alter- nately into the chamberlets on the rifjld and on the left of that row ; these pores being nothing else than the orifices of the oblique inter-zonular passages, which, when another annulus is added, will lead into its chamberlets. The import of this arrangement is at once made evident by an examination of the segments of the animal body that occupy the cylindrical chamberlets ; for, as is shown in Plate IV, fig. 25, each column of sarcode in one zone (c c) communicates with the two columns alternating with it in the next zone {c'c) by two rows of peduncles ; and the peduncles which pass from each pair of contiguous columns to the single column of the next zone, incline towards one another, so as to enter it nearly in the same vertical line, though in different horizontal planes. ] 69. That which has been already stated in regard to the partial deficiency of the inner wall in each of the concentric zones of the Simple type (^ 159), holds good also in regard to the septa which divide the successive zones of the "intermediate stratum" in this more Complex type ; for the walls of the cylindrical chamberlets close-in around them very imper- fectly on their inner or central side, leaving large irregular vertical fissilres (Plate IX, fig. 11) which are applied to the vertical rows of orifices (fig. 10) on the outer margin of the included zone. 170. The thickness of this "intermediate stratum," and the number of superposed segments (indicated by that of the inter-zonular peduncles) of which each column of sarcode consists, are found to vary considerably in different parts of the same disk ; being usually least near its centre, and gradually augmenting in successive zones as their distance from this increases (Plate IX, fig. 8) ; or ceasing to augment at a certain point, so that the outer part of the disk is flat ; or even diminishing again, so that the disk thins away towards its margin. It is specially worthy of note that whatever differences of this kind may exist, they are entirely due to the variable length of the columns of the intermediate stratum ; the depth of the chamberlets of the si'jjerficial layers being nearly constant, and no vertical multiplica- tion of these ever taking place. 171. The addition of new zones usually takes place Avith the same regularity in the Complex as in the Simple type of structure ; but departures from this regularity, occasioned by a want of completeness of particular zones, are more frequent ; and this is perhaps to be accounted for by the larger size of the disk, which will tend to produce a less intimate dependence of each part of the animal body upon every other, and will thus favour the partial action of any cause {e.g. an excess of nutrient materials) which promotes a more rapid growth on one side than on the other. And this view is most remarkably borne out by the fact, that in the genus Cychchjpeus, which, though normally growing upon the cyclical plan, possesses a much greater degree of segmental independence, such irregularities occur far more frequently ; so that, in fact, it is rare in that type to meet with a disk whose increase has taken place with uniformity throughout. 172. The foregoing description apphes in every particular to those specimens only, which present the structure of the Complex type of Orbitolifes in its most regular and charac- GENUS ORBITOLITES. 117 teristic development ; and the differences between this and the Simple type previously described are such as at first sight to preclude the idea of their specific identity. But when a large number of specimens are carefully examined and compared with each other, it becomes obvious that not only may a vast amount of diversity present itself in the arrange- ment of the chamberlets of the shell and of the segments of the animal,— so that one after another of the characters which at first seem most clearly marked and therefore most distinctive, may be shaded off" (so to speak) in such a manner as to establish a complete transition between the two types, — but they frequently coexist in the very same disk. Such a ^coexistence is exhibited in the vertical section represented in Plate IX, fig. 8, where we see that the zones b — k, which immediately surround the "primitive disk," are formed in all respects upon the Simple type ; between k and « we see an incipient diff'erentiation between the " superficial " and the "intermediate" strata, the annular canal, however, still remain- ing single ; but at n, the annular canal becomes double, and from this point to the margin of the disk we see the " superficial " layers completely diff"erentiated from the " intermediate," and the former becoming more and more widely separated from each other by the increasing thickness of the latter. Now as the Complex type of growth may show itself in the very first annular zone, or may thus evolve itself out of the Simple at any distance from the centre, and this either suddenly or gradually, it seems obvious that between these two types no essential distinction can exist. If the growth of such a disk as that whose vertical section is represented in fig. S, had been stopped at k, or even at n, it would have undoubtedly been regarded as belonging to the Simple type ; and every disk formed upon the Simple type must be considered as having the power to evolve itself upon the Complex plan. It would not be right, however, to afiirm that the Simple disks are the young of the Complex, since we find that the former may continue to increase without change, until they far exceed in diameter and in number of zones the smaller disks which have early assumed the latter type. Of the conditions which determine the original evolution of the Simple or of the Complex type respectively, from "primitive disks " which appear to be in all respects identical, or which determine the evolution of the latter from the former, we know nothing whatever. 173. Even where the annular canals have been separated from each other, and a distinct " intermediate stratum " has been formed between them, the superficial chamberlets are not always clearly marked off" from its cylindrical cavities ; for instead of being separated by floors formed by the expanded summits of the zonal septa (^ 166), they sometimes open at once into the chamberlets of the intermediate layer, so as to be quite' continuous with them ; and this continuity of the superficial with the intermediate chamberlets is sometimes maintained throughout the disk, so that in no part of it are the former clearly marked off" from the latter. This method of growth is so remarkably constant in the fossil Orbitolites of the Eocene strata, whose intermediate layer is fully and very regularly developed, that it might be considered to be specifically characteristic of them, did we not occasionally find it to occur in certain zones of recent disks, which are elsewhere exactly conformable to what J have described as the regular type. Where the superficial chamberlets are continuous with those of the intermediate substance, they present the rounded or ovoidal shape, instead of the elongated straight-sided figure which is their characteristic form ; and the former seems 118 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. to give place to the latter, whenever the chamberlets of the superficial layers are perfectly separated from those of the intermediate stratum, and are connected only with the annular passages. 174. The "intermediate stratum," again, may be altogether wanting, notwithstanding that the two superficial layers are separated from each other by a horizontal partition. In this case, each layer may have its own annular canal, or there may be but a single canal, which is then genei'ally very large ; and the chamberlets of the two layers have an alternating arrangement as regards each other. Such an arrangement may present itself as one of the modes of transition from the Simple to the Complex type, the cylindrical chamberlets being disposed to subdivide transversely when they attain a considerable length, and the annular canal to become double ; whilst in zones more distant from the centre, the two layers are separated by the interposition of the intermediate stratum. Sometimes, however the disk continues to increase and attains a considerable size on this duplex type, as we see especially in the Orbitolites of the Red Sea ; and its edge then presents two rows of rounded prominences with pores between them, those of the upper and lower rows alternating with each other. It is on a dislc of this type that Prof. Ehrenberg has founded his genus Amphisorus (xxxix), which I cannot regard as even specifically distinct from the ordinary Orbitolik's. — There is sometimes a complete absence of regularity in the disposition of the cylindrical chamberlets of the intermediate stratum, so that they present an assemblage of indefinitely-shaped passages, communicating with each other in various directions. This variety is chiefly interesting, as showing how little importance is to be attached to smaller deviations of the same kind. Further, the septa dividing the contiguous chamberlets of the same zone are occasionally deficient, so that the interior of the zone is a continuous circular gallery, with only slight indications of the normal divisions ; thus corresponding exactly with the peneropliform condition of Orhicidina (^ 143). In such a case, it is obvious that the ring of sarcode must have been everywhere of nearly uniform thickness, showing no division either into horizontal or into vertical segments; and it may not be thought improbable that this is its first condition in every case, and that its segmental division is a subsequent process, so that the shelly investment, if formed previously to the segmentation, will have the character of incompleteness just described. I cannot lielp suspecting, that the peculiar groove around the margin of the Fiji specimens formerly noticed (Ij 164), is referable to a still greater incompleteness of the production of the calcareous investment around the newly- formine zone. '& 175. Reparation of Injuries. — Much light is thrown on the physiology of the Orbitolite type of structure, by the examination of specimens — of which I have met with several — whose conformation makes it evident that, after larger or smaller portions of the disk had been broken away, a new growth has taken place along the fractured edge. Two examples of this are shown in Plate IV, figs. 26 and 27. — In the first of these, it is obvious that so large a portion of the disk has been broken away, as to leave only an irregular fragment, including its centre and about an eighth of its margin. Here seven zones have been formed since the injury ; and the chamberlets of these, whilst produced conformably to those of the uninjured margin a, a, present the most marked want of conformity to those of the fractured GENUS ORBITOLITES. 119 margin, which, nevertheless, they completely surround. A careful examination oi this specimen, indeed, seems to me to leave little room for doubt, that the growth of the inner- most or what I may call the rcparatirr zone of chamberlets took place, not from the broken edge, but from the margin of the unbroken ; just as, to use a professional simile, an ulcerated surface " skins-over" by an extension of the integument from its edges, not by the direct formation of skin upon the granulation-surface itself All the six rows subsequently pro- duced are conformable to each other and to the first or reparative row, from which they have obviously extended themselves after the normal manner. It is observable, however, that the breadth of these rows varies in different parts, being least where they invest the projecting portions of the fractured edge, and greatest where they sink into its hollows. And thus it comes to pass that the irregularities left in the shape of the disk, by the loss of a large part of its substance, are gradually compensated, so as to restore it to a form much more nearly corresponding to its typical symmetry. It is interesting to find evidence in fossil specimens, that the same kind of reparation has taken place. Among the Orbitolites which I have examined from the Calcaire grassier of Paris, is a disk of which a large part had obviously been lost by fracture, but of which the original symmetry had been in great degree restored by a similar outgrowth from the zones formed from the uninjured margin, along the fractured edge. — In the specimen represented in fig. 27, in which but a very small frag- ment appears to have served as the nucleus for a new disk, the tendency to the reproduction of the typical form, by the compensative reparation just described, is still more curiously marked. This specimen also presents the very unusual feature, that the new growth has taken place from the inner margin of the original fragment {a, a), and not from its outer or growing margin, as in the case previously noticed. Having carefully examined it in various modes, I cannot entertain the slightest doubt that such has been the case ; for the chamber- lets of the first new zone, as well as those of all the zones subsequently produced, are so manifestly conformable to those of the thinner and older portion of the fragment, and are so unconformable to those of the thicker and newer margin, that it seems obvious that the sarcode must have extended itself from the former part, along the fractured edge on each side, and have then enveloped the margin which had been left entire. This may have more readily taken place in the present instance, because at the part a, a, the fracture seems to have followed the course of one of the zones, instead of passing (as at the sides of this fragment, and as in the instance previously cited) in such a direction as to cut the zones trans- versely.— Again, I have met with several specimens, in which the central portion of the disk having been broken-out, a growth of new zones seems to have taken place from without inwards, so as to fill up the void space thus left ; the included portion being evidently as unconformable to that which surrounds it as in the preceding case, and a void remaining unfilled, the shape of one part of which clearly indicates that it occupies the site of the original centre ; — so as to render the conclusion almost inevitable that the included portion, and not the peripheral, must be the after-growth. 176. This series of abnormal phenomena, then, not only confirms the conclusion that seemed fairly deducible from our previous examination of the normal mode of growth, with regard to the independent endowments of the component segments of the sarcode-body of Orbitolites, but also affords some additional information of much interest. For we see, in 120 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. the first place, that there is no relation of necessary dependence between the several portions of the disk ; since not only can the greater part of the peripheral portion be lost without any diminution in the growing power of that which is left, but even a fragment of the peri- pheral portion, altogether detached from the centre, can not only maintain its vitahty, but become the centre of a new disk. Secondly, the growth of the sarcode and the addition of new parts may take place not merely in the peripheral direction from the normal outer margin, but also in the direction of the centre, provided that a free edge be exposed at the inner margin of any zone. Thirdly, the reparative iiisus seems always to tend towards the pro- duction of a disk whose shape shall approach the circular, whatever may be the form of the fragment which serves as its foundation ; thus showing that, notwithstanding the repetition and independence of the separate parts of these organisms, each cluster, whether large or small, is an integer, having an archetypal symmetry to which it tends to conform, — strongly reminding us of the phenomena of crystallization. And fourthly, the plan by which this recurrence to the discoidal form is provided for, seems partly to consist in the limitation of the new growth to the natural margins of the zones ; no such growth taking place from the edge of a fracture which has crossed the zones transversely, although it may proceed from the remains of a zone which has been broken off by a fracture that partly follows its course. 177. Varieties. — We have already seen that diversities both m \\\e diameter awA in the thickness of the disk arise directly from the degree in which the animal substance (whereon the skeleton is modelled) has extended itself either horizontally or vertically, so as to multiply either the number of concentric rings, or tlie length of the columnar segments of which each ring consists. This, however, is not the only source of variation in size ; for a most extra- ordinary diversity presents itself in the dimensions of the individual components by whose repetition the entire disk is made up. It is in the " primitive disk " that I find this diversity most strongly marked, the central area of one specimen in my possession being about twenty-eight times that of another, and every intermediate gradation being presented by other specimens. There is not by any means the same amount of difference between the dimen- sions of the ordinary segments which form the concentric annuli ; nevertheless, these also exhibit marked diversities in size in different specimens (the largest chamberlets being usually found to spring from the largest primordial chambers, and vice versa), and the individual cells of the very same disk being occasionally found to differ no less widely amongst each other. Similar differences present themselves in the vertical height of individual chamber- lets ; as is of course best seen in the Simple type of Orbitulites, in which the augmentation in the thickness of the disk is produced merely by the elongation of the columnar segments. I possess a series of vertical sections of different individuals, in which the same gradual transition is seen from the thinnest to the thickest, as I have just stated to exist in regard to superficial area ; and which also proves that the relative thickness of the central and of the peripheral portions is equally liable to variation. — It seems obvious, from the foregoing considerations, that neither the absolute nor the relative dimensions of the individual parts of these composite fabrics can, any more than the dimensions of the entire disks, be taken as affording valid characters for the discriminatiop of species ; and that such a wide range of variation exists among individuals, as would, if the extreme cases alone were known, seem fully to justify their separation under distinct specific designations. GENUS ORBITOLITES. 121 178. The appearances presented on minute observation by the surface-marUngs of Orhi- tolifes, which indicate the form and arrangement of its contained chamberlets, are so far from being uniform, that to any one whose eye had not become familiarised with their variety by the examination of a considerable number of specimens, they would become sources of great perplexity. We have already seen that the subdivisions of the annuli visible externally present two very distinct forms, the rounded or oval (Plate IX, fig. 1), and the rectangular (Plate IX, figs. 7, 9) ; the first of these being specially characteristic of that Simpler type of structure in which there is only a single layer of cells, but not being confined to it ; whilst the second is peculiar to the Complex type, in which there are two superficial layers distinct from the intermediate stratum. Now the occasional co-existence of both these plans of struc- ture in a single individual (t 172) sufficiently proves that the diversity of the surface markings to which they respectively give rise, cannot be regarded as a basis for specific distinction ; and when these extremes of diversity are kept in view, it must be felt to be highly improbable that any modifications of either form should possess greater importance That such modifications are mere individual varieties, is further evidenced by their gradational character, and by the fact that two or more of them may present themselves in the same disk. In describing them, I shall limit myself to an account of those more remarkable and frequently-recurring varieties, which will serve, I think, as a key to any others that are likely to be met with. — Although each surface, in either of the two principal types, ordi- narily shows a division into concentric zones, which are again transversely subdivided so as to mark the separation of the chaniberlets, yet sometimes the concentric zones are alone visible, and no transverse subdivision is indicated, save by the alternation of hghts and shadows proceeding from a like alternation of solid substance and of hollow spaces beneath. This predominance of the concentric divisions, which gives a very distinctive aspect to the disks that exhibit it, is usually most apparent in individuals whose vertical section exhibits two planes of cells ; and it has seemed to me to depend on an unusual freedom between the lateral communications, which I have noticed in certain individuals thus formed, so that the animal portion of each zone might be described as an annulus of sarcode, merely constricted at intervals. This peculiarly cyclical aspect of the surface may pass into either of the principal types previously noticed ; the concentric zones sometimes breaking up (so to speak) into bands of rounded chamberlets with slightly convex roofs ; whilst in other instances they are subdivided by very definite transverse lines into cells of remarkable squareness, which still retain the original flatness of their surfaces. — On the other hand, the appearance of concentric division is sometimes almost entirely wanting ; the surface of the disk exhibiting excentric circular markings, which resemble those of an engine-turned watch-case, and the boundaries of the cells being formed by the intersection of these with each other. This aspect, which seems due to an unusual freedom in the oblique communications between the cells in each zone and those alternating with them in the contiguous zones on either side, insensibly passes into the ordinary type ; and it is not uncommon to meet with disks, espe- cially fossil, which exhibit in one part the engine-turned aspect, and in another that of concentric zones transversely subdivided. Indeed I have sometimes found that the very same disk might be made to present either of these aspects, according to the manner in which the light is made to impinge upon it and is reflected from it. — Although the rounded or oval form of the superficial divisions is specially characteristic of the Simple type of 16 122 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. Orbitolites, yet it is by no means restricted to this ; being frequently met with in the thicker disks of the more Complex type, and being almost constant in the fossil forms that abound in the early Tertiaries. Its occurrence, however, may always (I believe) be considered as indicating an incomplete separation between the superficial segments and the columnar seg- ments of the intermediate stratum (f[ 1 73) ; so that the former present the shape of the latter, in place of that which properly characterises them. The shape of the chamberlet is sometimes marked out in unusual strength by the convexity of its roof or cover ; and this feature is often so pronounced in the large fossil Orbitolites of the Paris basin, as to become visible to the naked eye. A veiy marked diversity in its degree, however, as w^ell as in the size of the cells, is often to be noticed in contiguous zones ; whence it is obvious that the convexity is a mere accidental variation, and is a character of no value whatever as regards the differentiation of species. The relation of the rounded to the square or rectangular charnberlets is made evident by the occurrence of intermediate Unks of transition. — The foregoing considerations seem to render it obvious, that diversities in the form of the super- ficial chamberlets do not afford any ground whatever for the estabHshment of a corresponding multiplicity of specific types, but that they must rank as individual variations to which there is scarcely any definite limit. 179. Besides those regular markings of the surface which correspond to the division of the interior into chamberlets, a peculiar aspect is frequently given to it by extraneous calcareous deposits, which are sometimes irregular, but which occasionally present an approach to radial symmetry. It is worthy of note that these deposits present themselves far more frequently, and also in a far more characteristic manner, in the Orbitolites of the Philippine Seas, than in those of the Australian or of any other provinces ; and this circum- stance seems to render it probable that the outgrowth is directly due to the influence of some external condition, probably an excess in the proportion of carbonate of lime in the w'aters inhabited by these particular specimens. 180. Although the cyclical Mode of Growth, w-hen once established, is subsequently maintained with great regularity, and although in what may be considered the typical form it commences from the " primitive disk " itself, yet there are numerous instances in which the typical regularity is more or less widely departed from, so that the early increase seems to take place after an altogether different plan. The most marked antithesis to that regu- larly concentric type of growth, in which a complete annulus of chamberlets immediately surrounds the primitive disk (see Fig. XXIV, •[[ 157), is presented by those forms in which the circumambient segment has only given origin to new segments at its extremity ; these in their turn bud forth others, which extend and multiply themselves laterally as well as in advance ; and thus a kind of spiral is produced, which opens out very rapidly, the lateral portions of its mouth tending to grow round and embrace the primitive disk. An example of this kind, in which as many as twenty-two zones (counting the primordial segment as the first) succeed one another before the first complete annulus is formed, is shown in Plate IX, fig. 5. Another example of the like abnormality, taken from a specimen in which the " primi- tive disk" had a remarkably Milioline aspect, is shown in Plate IV, fig. 21. Now if these two plans of growth — the one cj/clical from the beginning, the other cyclical only after having GENUS ORBITOLITES. 123 been at first spiral — were constantly presented in well-marked contrast with each other, there would be good ground for considering them, as Prof. Williamson has done (cviii), to be characteristic of distinct specific types. But this idea cannot be sustained w'hen a large number of individuals are examined and compared. For it then becomes apparent that the number of cases in which the primitive disk is surrounded on all sides by the same number of zones, indicating that the concentric mode of growth has prevailed from the first, are very few ; but that in by far the larger proportion of specimens there is a slight excentricity of the primitive disk, witli a larger number of zones on one side than on the other, as in Plate IX, fig. 3 ; indicating that the first-formed zones have been incomplete circles, owing to a restriction of the gemmation of the circumambient segment to one part of its periphery. This is shown extremely well by decalcified specimens of the animal, scarcely any two of which, in fact, precisely resemble one another as to the mode in which the first zone originates in the circumambient. Thus in the specimen represented in Plate IV, fig. 14, of which the primitive mass is represented on a larger scale in fig. 20, the circumambient segment gives off only three peduncles, at the end most remote from its connexion with the primordial segment ; and the first zone of segments is far from being entire, the cyclical type not being completely attained until two or three successive additions have been made. In fig. 1 9 ei^ht peduncles are seen to be given off from the circumambient segment, and from the half-zone which they form an entire circle is next produced ; thus affording a remarkable con- firmation to the idea I have already suggested (^ 1 75), as to the capacity of a portion of a zone to give origin to a complete annulus, by the lateral extension of its bands of sarcode. In fig. 18 the circumambient segment gives off eleven peduncles on one side, and there are indications of iliree or four on the other. In fig. 17 the peduncles come forth from a still larger proportion of the periphery of the primitive mass ; the zone which first surrounds it, however, is still incomplete in some parts, though the succeeding zone forms an entire circle. In fig. 15 we see peduncles coming off from various parts of the circumambient .segment, in which (as in the specimens represented in figs. 16, 17, 18) there is a partial separation of a secondary segment b' . Finally, in the specimen represented in fig. 1 6, which is almost the exact counterpart of the disk represented in Plate IX, fig. 4, and diagrammatized in Fig. XXIV, the peduncles come off from the entire circumference of the circumambient segment, and the annular zones of segments are complete from the first. The greater the limitation of the power of gemmation to one side of the nucleus, and the larger the number of incomplete zones, the more will the early plan of growth approximate to the spiral type, such as is represented in Plate IX, figs. 3, 5. — It is obvious that the existence of such intermediate gradations breaks down that barrier between the extreme forms, which Prof. Williamson had proposed to erect ; and shows that in this, as in many other particulars, differential characters which at first sight appeared to be perfectly satisfactory, lose all their force when carefully traced through a sufficiently extended series of specimens. 181. Monstrosities. — Besides those departures from the normal type of growth which have been described as variations or irregularities, there are certain others of rarer occurrence, which can only be regarded as " monstrosities by excess ;" consisting in the production of one or more incomplete secondary disks by outgrowth from the first. Thus in one specimen in my possession the secondary disk forms a half-circle B D, of about the same diameter with B 124 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. the primary a c, and is superposed vertically upon the latter, the plane of junction passing i> through its centre. In other specimens the secondary disk is relatively smaller, extending only from the centre to the margin of the primary, but "^ s still meeting it nearly at right angles. — In another specimen I have met with, it would seem impossible to say which is the primary and which the secondary disk ; and it might be more correct to describe the entire structure as consisting of a single half- 'C disk A B and of two half-disks b c and b d, meeting each other at an acute angle c b u, neither of them being in the same plane with the single half- disk, but both of them meeting it at similarly obtuse angles A b c and a b D. In another case there rises from the surface of the disk a triradiate crest, formed by three vertical plates meeting one another at nearly equal angles, but all of them neai'ly perpen- dicular to the plane on which they rest. It is a very remarkable feature in this specimen, however, that the line in which the three vertical planes meet is traceable at its base to the centre of the horizontal disk ; so that they all bear the same relation to the primitive disk as does the single outgrowth in the instances previously cited. Hence we may attribute all such monstrosities (of which I possess a remarkable collection) to an excess of productive power in the sarcode of the primordial segment, which has put forth its first extension, not merely in the horizontal, but also in the perpendicular direction ; the whole subsequent development of these outgrowths taking place after the normal plan, from the foundation thus laid. I have occasionally met with instances, however, in which a vertical plate rises from the peripheral portion of the disk, at a distance from the primordial chamber. — It is interesting to remark that the presence of such outgrowths as those now described is far more frequent in certain localities than it is in others. Among some hundreds of specimens which I have examined from the coast of Australia, I have only met with five or six ; among those yielded abundantly by the sand of the shore at Suez, such monstrosities are far more frequent, and the excess more pronounced ; but in a small collection which I have inspected from the Mgean Sea, the monstrosities of this kind were so numerous, that I think I am scarcely vsTong in asserting that one specimen out of every three or four presented some excess.* Among the fossil Orbitolites of the Paris basin, the presence of a completely semicircular vertical plate is not at all uncommon. 182. Essential Characters of Orbitolites, and its Relations to other Types. — If, now, we seek to determine the essential characters of Orbitolites, we find them to lie in the presence of a series of annuli of sareode (and of corresponding galleries in the shelly disk) arranged concentrically round a "primitive disk," which resembles a young Miliola ; each zone in the simpler type containing but a single annulus, so constricted at intervals as to form a series of somewhat columnar segments, which occupy the chamberlets of the shelly disk and are con- nected with each other by stolons of sarcode ; whilst in the more complex type each zone * This is by no means a solitary case of tlie prevalence of monstrosities in particular localities. The collection of Mr. Bean, of Scarborough, contains a number of curiously distorted specimens of the common Planorbis marftnatus, which have all been collected in one brook. Their peculiarities are by no means repetitions of each other ; and I am disposed, therefore, to regard tliera rather as resulting from the influence of external conditions, than as accidental varieties hereditarily propagated. GENUS ORBITOLITES. 125 contains two such annuli, including between them a portion of its series of columnar segments, so as to constitute an intermediate stratum, distinct from the snpcrfcial portions. In either case, the segments of successive zones freely communicate with each other by radiating peduncles of sarcode (also leaving jorwwyes in the shelly disk), whose normal direction is such as to connect each segment with the two segments that alternate with it in each of the adjacent zones. — The extreme freedom with which all the cavities of the shell mutually communicate is a very marked feature in the structure of this type, as in that of Ortjiculina, Alveotina, and Fab id aria ; and shows that the several parts of their animal bodies are far more closely connected into one whole, than they are in those Foraminifera with perforated shells which they most resemble in general plan of conformation. — The addition of new zones, each similar to the last, is a simple matter of rjrowlli ; but the passage from the Simpler to the more Complex plan marks an advance in devetopment ; and this advance essentially consists (here as elsewhere) in a progressive differentiation of parts. When, with the vertical extension of the columnar segments, the annular canal subdivides itself into two, the communications between the successive zones no longer come-off, as before, from the annular canal, but from the intermediate portions of the columnar cells ; and instead of the two diverging passages from each cell being in the same plane, they lie in different planes, alternating with each other vertically. Up to this point, we observe little else than a multiplication of parts vertically, as well as horizontally, and a separation of con- nexions that were previously confluent. But in the highest stage of development we find a marked alteration in plan ; for those portions of the columnar segments, which lie between the two annular canals of each zone and the two surfaces of the disk, become completely differentiated from the portions that occupy the intermediate stratum, so as to form a peculiar set of superficial chamberlets ; and these are so equally connected with two zones, as to make it impossible to say that they belong specially to either. — Now we have seen that development may be checked, while r/rowtlL continues, at any period of its progress ; so that we find Orbitolites growing to a considerable size upon the very simplest plan, others still larger formed upon the duplex plan, the largest yet known (fossihzed in the Paris basin) developed upon the multiple plan without separation of the superficial chamberlets, while the most complete, in regard alike to mvdtiplication and to differentiation of parts, are only found among the disks at present existing; audit is interesting to observe that some of these present this highest grade of development, while as yet of comparatively minute size. There is scarcely any other type of Animal structure, in which so wide a range of develop- mental variation normally exists. The lower classes of the Vegetable Kingdom, however, especially the group of Fungi, afford abundant examples of it.* 183. The relation of Orbitolites to Orbiculina is of the most intimate kind. As already mentioned (•[[143), it would not be possible to distinguish with certainty a fragment of the peri- pheral portion of the former from a corresponding fragment of the cychcal type of the latter ; though it is curious to observe that, whilst the differentiation of the superficial from the inter- mediate strata is most complete in the Orbiculince of the early Tertiaries, it is least complete in the Orbitolites of the same epoch ; and conversely, whilst it is least complete in the Orbiculina * For a more detailed examination of the reputed species of Orbitolites, see xiii, p. 224. 126 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. of the present time, it is most complete in the Orbitolites of our Southern Ocean. These two types are at once distinguishable from each other, however, by a comparison of the centres of their respective disks ; for not merely does OrhicuUna invariably commence on the spiral plan, but it invariably persists in this until the spire has made three or four turns, of which each invests the preceding, so as to augment the thickness of the centre, and to cause this to project as a rounded knob above the plane of the peripheral portion of the spire or disk. In Orbitolites, on the other hand, the cyclical mode of growth seems characteristic of the type ; for even when the early growth follows a spiral arrangement, this seems simply to result from a defective power of gemmation in the " primitive mass " of sarcode, and the spire never proceeds beyond a single turn, or encroaches on the surface of the primitive disk, but from the iirst shows a tendency to pass into the cyclical form. 184. The relation of Orbitolites to Tinoporus (the Orbitolina of D'Orbigny), to Orbitoides, and to Cycloclypeus, is one of mere similarity in mode of growth, and consequently of analogy only ; their essential characters being such as to remove them most widely from it. For as Orbitolites is the cyclical type of the Milioline series, so shall we see that Tinoporus stands in the like relation to the Rotaline, and Cycloclypem to the Operculine, whilst Orbiloides seems to be a connecting link between the two latter. 185. Geographical Distribution. — This type, like OrbicuHna, is pretty generally diffused along the shores of the warmer seas ; but it is interesting to observe that it is most abundant where Orbiculina is comparatively rare, and vice versa. Thus, it is more commonly met with in the Australian and Polynesian seas than in the West Indian or Philippine, and is peculiarly abundant in the Red Sea (the shell-sand of Suez yielding it in extraordinary copiousness), though not there attaining any large size or high development, whilst it seems to die out in the Mediterranean, the specimens gathered on its shores being all of stunted growth. Its largest size and highest development at the present time are attained in the Polynesian seas, especially on the sides of Coral-reefs, where the disks that have become detached from the sea-weeds to which they are usually attached, often accumulate to an enormous extent. 186. Geological Distribution. — The early part of the Tertiary period appears to have been unusually rich in Foraminifera of the largest size. The C'alcaire Grossier of the Paris basin, and corresponding formations in the south of Europe, contain enormous numbers of Orbitolites, which often attain a diameter of 8- 1 Oths of an inch ; and the Limestones of the north- west of India, which in some parts are rich in Orbicidina and Qrbitoides, are elsewhere almost entirely composed of an equally large variety of Orbitolites, which Mr. Carter (xix) has described under the name of Cycloliua, supposing it (from the peculiarly cyclical aspect of its surface, 1178) to belong to the genus so named by D'Orbigny, which seems, however, to have been really founded on a varietal form of Tinoporus. The true Orbitolites first makes its appearance in the rich Polyzoic deposits of the shallow-water Maestricht chalk ; and it has probably continued to inhabit the ocean waters, from the time when it first accumulated so as to form an important constituent of the Eocene Limestones, down to the present epoch. Whenever the Coral islands at present submerged shall in their turn undergo elevation, a new series of Orbitolite-limestones, now in progress of formation, will probably be brought to light. GENUS DACTYLOPORA. 127 Genus XI — Dactylopora (Plate X). 187. History. — The most singular varieties of opinion have existed as to the true cha- racter of the fossil organisms on which the genus Dactylopora was founded by Lamarck (lx). They had been previously noticed by Bosc, and had been referred by him to the genus Heteporitcs, belonging to the group then regarded as Zoophytes, but now ranked as Polyzoan Mollusca ; and in this allocation he was followed by Laraouroux. In separating them gene- rically from Betcpora, Lamarck still associated them in the same group of supposed Zoophytes ; his genus was adopted by Blainville and Defrance (vii), who assigned the like place to it ; and it was accepted by many subsequent palaeontologists, as Goldfuss, Michelin, and Bronn, without any question as to its character. By Blainville and Defrance, moreover, another genus, PoJyfrype, was erected upon a mere variety of the same type ; and this also has been accepted as a zoophytic form nearly allied to the preceding. In 1852, however, Bactytopora was included among the Foraminifera by ]M. D'Orbigny (lxxiv) ; who showed, notwithstanding, by the place he assigned to it, a misapprehension of its real nature scarcely less complete than that under which his predecessors had lain ; for he ranks it in his Order Monosfeyues, next to the unilo- cular Ovulites, and says of it : — " C'est une Ovulite egalement percee des deux bouts, pourvue des larges pores places par lignestransverses." How utterly erroneous is this description will appear from the details to be presently given ; yet M. D'Orbigny's authority has given it currency enough to cause it to be accepted by such intelligent palaeontologists as Pictetand Bronn, who, in the latest editions of their respective systematic treatises, have transferred Dactylopora to the place indicated by him, not without the expression of a doubt, however, on the part of the last- named author (x, 'Uebersicht,' p. 25), whether its true place is not among the FistulidcB, in alliance with Synapta and Ilolotlwria, — a suggestion that indicates a perversion of ideas on the subject, for which it is not easy to account. The complex structure of the organism in question was first described, and the interpretation of that structure on the basis of an extended comparison with simpler forms was first given, by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones (lxxix) in so unob- trusive a manner as scarcely to challenge the attention which their investigations deserve ; and I gladly avail myself of the opportunity which the present publication affords to give a fuller account, with the requisite illustrations, of this remarkable type, the elucidation of which seems to me not unlikely to lead to a reconsideration of the place assigned to many other organisms at present ranked among Zoophytes or Polyzoa. This account will be chiefly based on the descriptions already given (loc. cit.) by those excellent observers ; but it will depart from these upon several points, as to which the further investigations which we have jointly prosecuted have led to a modification of their original conclusions. The illustrations in Plate X are carefully drawn, by Mr. G. West, from the beautiful series of specimens with which they have furnished me, and which they have kindly allowed me to treat in any manner that I thought desirable for the elucidation of their structure. 188. External Characters and Internal Structure. — The t3'pe we have now to investigate is one which, like the three preceding, exhibits itself under such a variety of modifications of form, and so many dissimilar phases of development, that only by a careful and extended 128 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. comparison can the mutual relations of these be discovered ; and it will be desirable, instead of commencing with the complex organism on which the genus was originally established, to examine in the first instance those simpler or more elementary forms which afford the clue to the interpretation of its character. For each of the principal modifications I am about to describe, I shall adopt the distinctive name assigned to it by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones ; but these names are to be understood as used merely for the sake of convenient identification, and not as intended to indicate a definite boundary between the forms the}^ respectively desig- nate,— no such boundary having, in our opinion, a real existence. 189. In the East Indian and other tropical seas, generally adherent to the surface of large, foliated, bivalve shells, such as Chama or Hippopus, but occasionally free in shell-sands, the simple pupoid forms represented in Plate X, figs. 1 — 7, are not uncommon. Each of these is composed of a linearly-arranged series of chambers entirely disconnected from each other ; the external walls of these chambers and their dividing septa are very thick, and are composed of porcellanous shell-substance exactly resembling that of the higher types of Foraminifera with which we have been last engaged ; and their surface sometimes exhibits minute pits, resembling those which we have seen to be common on the exterior of many of the porcellanous series. Although the succession of these chambers is sometimes almost rectilinear, it is generally more or less curved ; and the curvature is sometimes so great that the series forms a half ring. Every chamber opens separately by a single large pore on the middle of the concave side ; and this pore is surrounded, as in Pe/ieroplis, Orhitolites, &c., by a prominent annulus of shell, which is sometimes so thick and large as to form a nipple- shaped protuberance. The number of chambers is extremely variable, and is obviously depen- dent upon successional growth. Although specimens are occasionally met with in which the surface is smooth or nearly so, it much more commonly presents a strongly marked alternation of ridges and furrows (figs. 3, 7), the former corresponding with the interseptal spaces, and the latter with the septa ; there are instances, however, in which the interseptal spaces are depressed, as in fig. 8, instead of being elevated. It now and then happens that the chambers are piled one on the other, so as to form part of a double series (fig. 6). The length of any series will, of course, depend upon the number of chambers which it contains ; the breadth of these bodies usually varies between '007 and 012 incli. Tlie simple structure of this organism is diagram- matically represented, as shown by horizontal and vertical sections, in Fig. XXV. Its mode of growth would be not a little perplexing, if we did not bear Fig. XXV. in mind what has been already stated as to the extension of the sarcode-bod}' over the exterior of the shells of Forami- nifera (^ 33), and the formation of new envelopes by portions of that body protruded from the aperture (^ 31). It has been shown to be probable, in the case both of Orhitolites Diagrammatic Sections of Dactylopora -, ^i t •• •/• ii-ii\i m,«:-A, horizontal; e, vertical. ^nd AheoJina, that (at certam tmies, if not habitually) the pseudopodial extensions from the separate pores coalesce with each other on the exterior of the aperture ; and there is no more difficulty in understanding how, from such a coalesced stolon of sarcode, a new chamber may be added to either extre- mity of the linear series, or may be built (so to speak) as part of a new storey above it, than there is in accounting for the formation of such a chamber in direct continuity with the aper- GENUS DACTYLOPORA. 129 ture of the preceding. We shall presently see in the more complex forms of Bactylopora a very marked indication that such a coalescence really takes place ; the apertures of the principal chambers being received into a gallery that obviously lodged a stolon by which the isolated segments are brought into mutual connection. — The type now described, which presents itself in some of the French Tertiaries under a form (see figs. 4, 8) precisely identical with the recent, is distinguished as D. eruca. Fig. XXVI. 190. It is obvious that the continued growth of such bodies along a circular curve would ultimately complete them into rings ; but it does not appear that such an elongation of the pupoid form of Bactylopora ever takes place, as would be required to complete the large circle which their moderate curvature would generate. In the " calcaire grossier " of Grignon and other Tertiary deposits, however, the pupoid forms are accompanied by complete annular disks (figs. 10 — 14), having a structure in every essential respect similar to theirs, and varying in diameter from -025 to -035 inch. Each of these rings is composed of a series of flask-shaped chambers, usually from ten to twenty-four in number, regularly packed side by side ; the chambers being surrounded by thick walls and separated from each other by thick, imperforate septa, as is shown diagrammaticallyin Fig. XXVI, a. Each chamber opens into the central cavity of the annulus by a single aperture in the centre of a mamillary protuberance ; this protuberance, however, is usually nearer to one surface of the disk than it is to the other (Fig. XXVI, b) ; and it is not always seated on the internal margin of the ring, but is sometimes a little removed from it on the surface of the disk, and then points, not directly, but somewhat obliquely inwards, as shown in figs. 11, 14. The surface of the annular disks exhibits the same varieties as that of the pupoid forms, being sometimes uniform, but more commonly presenting an alternation of radiating elevations and furrows, the furrows corresponding to the septa, and the elevations to the intervening spaces that cover-in the chambers beneath. The number of the elevations and of the intervening furrows, however, is usually much greater in these annular forms than that of the chambers ; for the primary elevation is often itself divided into two ridges by a secondary furrow, especially towards the outer margin of the annulus ; and thus we have a series of sharply defined radiating ridges (fig. 13) resembling the teeth of a flat wheel, the furrows between which, however, do not all extend to the inner margin of the annulus, which may be divided only by those that correspond to the septa. This ridge-and-furrow arrangement is far more strongly marked in some instances than it is in others ; a gradational variety being obvious, on the comparison of a sufficient series of specimens, between the smoothest and flattest of these annular disks and those whose surface is most unequal. In some instances, moreover, the ridges are con- tinued along the outer margin of the annulus, so as to give it the appearance of a wheel toothed at its edges ; and it is curious that this dentated margin is sometimes most strongly exhibited by disks whose surfaces are the flattest, as is shown in fig. 19. There is a 17 Diagrammatic sections of Bactylopora annulus : — a, horizontal ; b, vertical. 130 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. considerable variety, too, in regard to the proportion whicli tlie central space bears to the breadth of the annulus ; the inner circle being for the most part relatively smaller in the flattest annuli, and increasing in diameter as the annulus itself swells out and diminishes in breadth. It is a remarkable feature in this type, which may be distinguished as D. annulus, that the annulus is usually divided with great regularity into chambers of equal size ; a regularity 7or which it is difficult to account on the supposition that the entire ring has been developed by the successive growth of independent chambers. After a careful examination of numerous specimens, I have only met with one which gives any distinct indication of a line of junction, such as might be expected to result from the meeting of the two ends of an imperfect ring completed by the successional addition of new chambers. And it may therefore be fairly questioned whether the uniform annulus, which is certainly the normal type, did not originate in a radiating outgrowth of segments from one large primordial mass of sarcode occupying its centre, in the same manner as the first annulus of chamberlets in the typical Orhitolites (^ 161) is formed around the primitive disk; the space at first occupied by the primordial segment being not covered-in by shelly w^alls, and being perhaps vacated in these annular forms so soon as the surrounding ring of chambers has been consolidated. We shall hereafter see reason to believe that in the more complex type of Dadijlopora the central cavity continues to be occupied b)" the sarcode-body through life, and that it is in this portion that all new annuli have their origin (f 197). 191. In each of the two forms now described a curious variety is occasionally met with, resulting from what may be termed a " wild "' growth of the segments (such as we shall frequently encounter in certain forms of the vitreous series), which tends to convert the closely set, flask-shaped chambers into elongated, divaricating tubes. This is most strongly marked in the pupoid type, the chambers of which occasionally undergo such an elongation as to be converted into cylinders (fig. 16) so closely resembling the cells of Ti/biiUpora or Celh'pora, that, if detached from each other, they might easily be mistaken for fragments of those Polyzoa ; and, in fact, the determination of this form as a variety of Bactyhpora, under the designation B. dic/itaia, chiefly rests on its evident relationship to that to be next described. No specimen has yet been found sufficiently perfect to exhibit the unbroken terminations of the cells ; but there can be no reasonable doubt that they are closed at their diverging F XWII extremities (as shown diagrammatically in Fig. XXVII), hke those of the forms to which they are related. — A similar tendency occasionally shows itself in a less marked degree in the annular type (fig. 15); giving rise to the form which has been described and figured by Michelin ('Icon. Zooph.,' p. 177, pi. xlvi, fig. 27), under the name of Cli/peina mar^inoporella, as a member of the family TuhuUporida. The chambers here also are elongated and subcyhndrical ; but they remain in Diagrammatic seetior7z)../^/o^.m^,>,-^«/a,- adhesion to each other laterally, so as to lie obliquely —A, horizontal; b, vertical; 1, 1, line of to the axis of the ring, and to form a sort of inverted ^™'"'^'^' . funnel, as is shown in the diagrammatic sections in Fig. XXVIII. The pores represented by Michelin along the external margin have no real GENUS DACTYLOPORA. 131 walls Fig. XXVIII. existence, being merely the result of the attrition of the most exposed part of the of the chambers ; and the true apertures of the chambers are seen along the inner margin of the annulus. It is convenient to retain as the specific designation of tiiis organism the generic name conferred upon it by Michelin ; so that we shall dis- tinguish it as D. dypnna* — The resemblance which B. digitata and B. dypeina bear to tubuliporous polyzoaries is much strengthened by the deep pittings of their surface, which so nearly present the aspect of the perforations common in the shelly walls of the cells of Polyzoa, as to be readily mistaken for them. It is to be borne in mind, however, that such deep pittings are not infrequent among the porcellanous Foraminifera (^ 111, 138) ; and we shall find similar, though shallower, pittings presenting themselves in other forms of Bactyhjmra. 1 92. Returning now to the ordinary type qID. annulus, we have Diasiammatic sections of DacUj- next to remark that it is not uncommon to meet with two or more fo^jora c(y;ja«a .— a, horizoutal ; rings adherent to each other serially by their surfaces (fig. 9); e, venca. when these surfaces are flat, there will be no spaces left between them ; but when raised into ridges, the mutual adhesion of these ridges completes the intervening furrows into canals (Fig. XXIX, a, a). These canals may or may not pass through the entire breadth of the annulus, according as the furrows by the junction of which they are formed are primary (septal) or are secondary (intermediate, % 190) ; and even the septal furrows do not always extend to the interior of the annulus, so that there may be every kind of variety in the size and number of thesg /K»cfera/ interspaces. In what may be considered the typical form of this variety, which is designated B. reticulata, the symmetrical piling of the rings one upon another forms a compact cylinder, the exterior of which is marked at regular intervals by single rows of large pores closely approxi- mated to each other (figs. 17 b, 1 8, c/ a'), and in the intervals between these by the marginal ridges of the annuli. On the internal surface the annuli are less intimately connected with each other, as their projecting ribs most commonly stop short of the internal margin of the ring ; and thus • there is seen a deep grove or furrow (fig. 1 7 b, 5 h') at the junction of each pair, from the peri- pheral margin of which the junctural interspaces diverge. The apertures (e) of the chambers {d, d) seldom, if ever, lie in the median plane of the annulus, but are directed more or less obliquely towards one of its surfaces, so as to appi'oach the furrow just mentioned ; and their obliquity is sometimes so considerable that they discharge themselves into that furrow. — But if the surfaces and margins of the rings should be nearly smooth, the pores formed by the "junctural interspaces" will be very small and inconspicuous ; and when, as often happens, these are filled up by fossilizing deposit, the composition of the column will only be indicated externally by the constrictions which it exhibits at intervals. In other cases, again, the "junc- tural interspaces'' are of extraordinary size.— It not unfrequently happens that the cavities of the chambers are laid open by attrition (fig. 17 b, c' c')) at the parts of the surface [c, c) * By Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones the specific designation marginoporella was the one employed ; but this is so obviously inappropriate as to render its retention undesirable. 132 FAMILY MILIOLIDA. where their walls are thinnest ; and such specimens, worn down to the line 1, 1, in Fig. XXIX, will present a series of large pits or openings between the rows of " junctural interspaces.'' This seems to be the condition of the form described by Defrance (xxix, torn, xxv, p. 287), under the name Larvaria reticidata ; and as there is here nothing Fig. xxix. inappropriate or deceptive in the trivial name, we retain it to distinguish the form of Badi/lopora now described. The f'^i^' '5^rirK close relationship between this type and the preceding is / Ws>^\ T^^ ( evident.not merely from the general identity in the composition ckSS^^ ^-"-"—iS^SS" of each annulus, but also from the circumstance that the )C ^/f ?^°*^( average number of chambers which it contains is the same in aSSiSI — ' W«s«wf -^- reticulata as it is in I), annulus, and that the average Xf^y? ^^y diameter of the cylinder of the former is the same as that \^^~J- — - L_!-^^ of the rings of the latter. There is, in fact, every gradation between those disconnected rings, which are not unfrequently Diaarrammatic vertical section of Z'fft'/y- r i i- i i it • ■ i ^i i <• loporaretic^.lata:-a,a,a,a,\.^r.A^:x^\ found shghtly adherent m pairs, and the compact column of interspaces; 1, ], line of attrition. which the original annulation is but very imperfectly indi- cated on the surface. It is to be noticed in some of the most compact specimens of this type (fig. 21) that the succession of the chambers in the adjacent rings is not altogether regular, but that they in some degree alternate with each other, so as to present a transition to the next variety ; and even when the annular divisions are well marked by the rows of large "junctural interspaces,'' these divisions are sometimes considerably inflected. 193. A modification of this simple type sometimes presents itself, in which the chambers are more than usually isolated from each other ; each being surrounded on all sides by its own proper wall, and "being connected with the adjacent chambers by projections of that wall ' (Plate X, fig. 25) ; between these projections are left "junctural interspaces" ij), h), which are sometimes passages of considerable size (fig. 28), and are sometimes narrowed to mere pores (fig. 26, 27). The apertures {a, a) of the chambers are here uniformly central, and are seated on nipple-shaped prominences (figs. 25, 26, 28). The external surface of the walls of the •chambers, in well-preserved specimens, is roughened by an irregular sculpture (fig. 27) ; a circumstance of interest with reference to the nature of the original surface in D. ci/Iinclracea. The piling of these chambers one upon another is not, as in D. reticulata, in distinct annuli ; for, although they usually form tolerably regular rows, the chambers in successive rows alternate with each other, those of one row lying in the hollows formed by the convexities of those in the rows above and below. — This seems to be the Microzoon figured and described by M. D'Archiac ('Mem. Soc. Geol.,' 1850, tom. iii, p. 407, pi. viii, fig. 20) under the name Prattia glandulosa ; and as there can be no reason to regard it as anything else than a modification of the ordinary type of Bactyhpora (approaches to the alternating arrangement of the chambers being not unfrequently met with in B. reticulata^, it will here be distinguished as B. glandulosa. 194. We now arrive at the type on which the genus Bactyhpora was founded, the B. cylindracea of Lamarck ; which presents a very marked dissimilarity to all the preceding, both in form, superficial aspect, and internal arrangement ; and yet it will be shown to be not so far removed from them in the essentials of its structure, as to require being ranked in GENUS DACTYLOPORA. 133 a different category. A completely developed specimen of this organism is usually rather barrel-shaped than cylindrical ; and it is in the more attenuated varieties (on one of which, presenting a difference of superficial characters that will be shown to depend merely upon the degree of attrition to which the specimen has been subjected, Defrance founded his genus Poliitri/pe) that the cylindrical form is most pronounced. The specimen of I), ci/lin- dracea figured by Defrance (xxix, ' Zooph.,' pi. xlvii, fig. 4) measures nearly half an inch in length, and one sixth of an incli in diameter at its largest part ; but the largest specimens which have fallen under our observation are by no means of these dimensions ; and we have some that are quite perfect as to form, the length of which does not exceed one sixteenth of an inch. The extremities are rounded off by an inflection of the wall of the cylinder towards its axis, so as partly to close-in the cavity ; there always remains, however, a large central orifice, at least at one termination ; but whether this is maintained throughout life at both ends we are not able to speak positively, the figures of Defrance indicating a complete closure at one end, which none of our specimens exhibit. Notwithstanding the very considerable diversities in internal structure which (as will presently appear) are exhibited by different varieties of this organism, the external surface presents the same characters in all ; being covered with a series of somewhat funnel-shaped cups, at the bottom of every one of which (usually, but not always, in the centre) is a circular pore (Plate X, figs. 20 a, 29,(7, . Frondicularia Flabclliua Taking Lai/i'iia as the primary form, it is shown to pass directly into Nodosariua, under which generic designation, are brought together (for reasons to be stated hereafter), no fewer than lliirtci'j/ forms which have been differentiated as generic by D'Orbigny. -Of these, the seven which are ranked in the central column differ from each other only in the straightness or curvature of their axis of growth, fhe transverse or oblique direction of their septa, and the centricity or excentricity of their aperture. The three in the right hand column differ from the preceding in the mode of setting-on of the chambers ; and the three in the left hand column have been differentiated on account of the form of their apertures. The genera 'Poh/morpJiinaim^ Uch/crijiu being related to Logena in their essential characters, but differing from each other and from Nodomrina in their respective plans of growth, have positions assigned to them that arc in harmony with their mutual affinities. The small genus OrtJioceriiia may be considered as a connecting link between Lngctia and the simplest conditions of Vvigcruin, with relations of its own to Nodosarina. Genus I. — Lagena (Williamson, Figs. 5 — 32). 236. Hialorij. — The minute flask-shaped Monothalamia which have received from D Orbigny the designation Oolina, had been so long previously recognised and distinguished, that it would be an act of great injustice to abandon without good reason the name originally given to them. An example of them was figured by Soldani (c,ci) under the inappropriate designation Orthoccra pcrfede gloMuria ; but it was by Walker (ix) that attention was first particularly directed to them, several distinct forms having been figured under the generic GENUS LAGKNA. 157 name Serpida, with Lajjcna appended in brac]\ets, apparently as a sub-generic name. Tlic designation Vermiculum was given to these by Montagu (lxv) ; but some subsequent writers on British shells went back to the comprehensive term Scrpula .■ whilst others modified Walker's Lagena into Lur/cnitla. The peculiar modification of this type which consists in the introversion of the flask-shaped neck (an example of wliich had been figured by Walker) was distinguished by Ehrenberg under the generic name Entosolcnia. It was not until 1839 that this type was noticed by M. D'Orbigny ; and he seems to have remained in entire igno- rance that it had been previously described ; no allusion being made in liis latest enumeration of the genera of Foraminifera (i.xxiv) to the Monograph of the genus Lcifjena published some years previously Ijy Prof. Williamson (cvi), in which Walker's original generic name was restored, and the question of the value of specific distinctions in this group first treated (as I have already had occasion to observe, p. 9) in a truly philosophical spirit. The identity of Oolina and Lagena has been noticed by Pictet (' Pak'ontologie,' tom. iv, p. 483) ; who has riot, liowever, substituted the original designation for that of D'Orbigny. 237. External Characters, and Internal Structure. — The typical Lagena is a minute globose shell with a prolonged neck and terminal aperture, very much resembling a Florence flask. It is frequently elongated, however, into an ovate form, and may even be pointed at its posterior extremity, being at the same time so much narrowed as to become fusiform in shape. In some of the slenderest forms there is a tubular aperture at each end; and such are occasionally somewhat bent. Like the Entowlenin figured by Prof. Williamson (ex, fig. 32 a) these are perhaps to be regarded as " double monsters." The aperture at the extremity of the neck is surrounded by a thickened rim ; this is frequently notched or denticulated so as to form a set of radiating fissures ; and sometimes the central portion of the aperture is filled up by a plug of calcareous matter. There is a large fossil I^agena, in which the neck has secondary tubular apertures arising from it laterally and almost at right angles to the main tube. The surface is sometimes smooth, but is more frequently marked with elevated costa, which usually spring from the centre of the posterior extremity, and extend in a meridional direction towards the neck, sometimes, however, proceeding no further than the equator (ex, figs. 5 — 14). These costoe vary greatly in number as well as in lengtii; when they are fewest they are usually most prominent ; and when most numerous they are so closely approximated as to give a fluted character to the surface. They are distinguished, moreover, from the general surface, not merely by their prominence, but by their more glistening aspect ; and this results from the fact that whilst the substance of which the shell generally is composed is finely tubular, that of the eo-stowtli of the seg- ments, so as to make the entire shell resemble a wheat-ear or grass-spike ; whilst, on the other hand, by a predominance of the backward growth of the newer segments, the earlier ones may be almost or completely concealed by them, and the entire shell may come to present the form of a drop or a tear (ex, figs. 147, 153 — 155). Again, its two opposite surfaces may be more or less compressed ; and this compression may proceed to such an extent that tlie proportions of the shell resemble those of a thick fleshy leaf. The most remarkable departure from the ordinary type is seen in those forms in which the last chamber extends itself over all the preceding, so as completely to include them ; this is especially the case in some forms, which, from tjicir peculiar mode of growth, appear to have been adherent (ex, figs. 151, 152). The outermost segment may develope itself into numerous irregular expansions and tubular growths, 168 FAMILY LAGENIDA. known from their appearance as " stag-horn processes " (ex, fig. 1 50) ; and these seem to be homologous with the lobate extensions occasionally met with in " wildly-growing " Glohige- rinee (^294), and still more remarkably in Carpenieria (^ 308). Although it is probable that these processes are generally closed, as is surmised by Professor Williamson (ex, p. 72), yet from the absence of any proper aperture to the segment from which they proceed, and from their special grouping about the spot at which the aperture should be, it seems likely that some of them are normally open at their extremities, and give exit to pseudopodial extensions. Such " wildly-growing" specimens are probably always parasitic. — Although we have spoken of the arrangement of the segments as normally biserial, yet they are sometimes so loosely piled together, that three or more of them would be brought into view by a transverse section. 262. The form of the aperture, except in the cases in which the last segment takes on the " wild " growth just described, is usually extremely characteristic ; being circular, with a plicated margin, so as to present a regular!}' radiating form. Sometimes the centre of the aperture is filled up by a plug of calcareous matter (as occasionally happens in Nodosamia), so that the stoloniferous processes must pass out through a set of radiating fissures. We seldom find the aperture situated at the extremity of a prolonged «'/osolenian neck ; but the earlier chambers of the most transparent forms ma)' not unfrequently be seen to be furnished with an ra/osolenian neck; and in the later chambers, whose apertures are not prolonged in either direction, it is generally to be observed that the plica extend as far inwards as they do outwards. It is a very curious fact that when an outer " wild-growing" segment extends itself over the whole of the preceding series, its cavity communicates, not merely by the usual radiated aperture with the antepenultimate chamber, but also by a double row of openings with all the chambers which it overlaps. It is difficult to suppose that these openings existed anteriorly to the overgrowth ; and we can scarcely account for their presence in any other way, than that they have been formed de novo by absorption. — The appearance of the shell in the younger specimens is peculiarly glassy ; the walls of the chambers being thin, and the pores which traverse their vitreous substance not being so closely set as to render it opaque. And it is a distinguishing characteristic of this type, that its surface-character is but little modified by that exogenous deposit, which gives such marked features to the e.xterior of Lagena, Nodosarince, and Uvic/erina. The shell may be simply thickened, so as to became opaque ; or it may be rendered scabrous by minute granules, and these may either run together into fine parallel short longitudinal riblets, or they may enlarge into beads; or they may be prolonged into aciculi, which may render the surface bristly ; — but all these kinds of surface-ornament are met with far more strongly marked in the other genera of the family Lagenida. 2(33. Affinities. — From the preceding description it would seem obvious that the true affinity of Tolijmorpliina is on the one hand to the uniserial Nodosarina, and on the other to the triserial TJvigerina. But it has a strong relation of analogy to Texfularia, the mode of growth being essentially isomorphic in these two types; so that if we were to place our chief reliance on that character, these two genera would have to be brought into close approximation. For reasons already assigned, however, we consider the plan of increase GENUS UVIGERINA. 109 of the aggregation of segments to be quite subordinate in essential importance to those cha- racters which appertain to each segment in detail; such as, in this instance, the strongly marked peculiarity of the aperture, and the sui-face-ornamentation, by both of which tlie real affinities of PuJymorph'ma are shown to be with the group of genera of which we have taken Lagena as the type. 263. Geoyrapldcal Distrilmtion — This genus shows itself under some or others of its protean forms on nearly all the coasts wliich have been yet explored, alike in arctic, tempe- rate, and equatorial seas. It does not often present itself in the deepest dredgings or sound- ings, but is most common in sl)ore-sands and in dredgings from shallow waters. 264. Geolof/ical Distrih/iHo/i. — The earliest appearance yet recognised of Polijinorplnna is in the Upper Trias. It is common in the Chalk-marl, in which several of its varieties have been met with ; in the Chalk itself it occurs more rarely. It is extremely plentiful in many of the Tertiary deposits, as those of Grignon, Tours, Bordeaux, Vienna, and Palermo ; and in the Post-tertiary clays of Lincolnshire. Genus V.— Uvigerina {Willimmon, Plate V, figs. 138—140). 265. Histori/. — With the exception of Soldani, who figured certain fossil forms of this genus (ci) under the name of Polijmorpliina plneifornm, no systematist appears to have noticed it previously to the characterisation of the genus by D'Orbigny (lxix) in 1825. The name which he gave to this type appropriately indicates the resemblance of some of its forms to a bunch of grapes. 2G6. External diameters and. Internal Structure. — The essential character of this type consists in the triserial arrangement of its lagcniform chambers, which are disposed some- what irregularly around an elongated axis, so as to form a spire having the proportions of that of a Mitra. The aperture (ex, figs. 13S, 139) is a distinct round passage, with an everted lip, generally set upon a tube more or less prolonged outwards, and sometimes faintly toothed. When the tubular mouth is much elongated, and the chambers are globular and distinct, the entire shell presents a well-marked racemose shape ; but in other forms the surfaces of the segments arc flattened against each other and are also compressed externally, so that the transverse section of the sliell becomes triangular. The triserial arrangement, however, is not always maintained ; for in certain elongated forms of feeble growth we find the later chambers loosely set on, and approaching a biserial or even a uniserial arrangement ; such forms are figured by Soldani, and present themselves also in J'lngvrince at present existing in the Mediterranean. There are even cases in which the triserial mode of growth seems altogether wanting, and the biserial almost obsolete ; Mcs.srs. Parker and Rupert Jones having specimens from shell-beds in the tropical and sul)-tropical parts of the Indian Ocean which might be easily mistaken for Nodosari/ia, but whose Uvigerine character is marked by the short, wide, strongly labiate aperture. It seems to have been a specimen of the biserial type, that was figured by D'Orbigny (lxxiit) under the name of SayrUui 170 FAMILY LAGENIDA. pulchella ; and other connecting links are met wdth. In large, well-developed individuals, whether of typical or of dimorphous growth, the surface of the segments is generally marked by elevated costa? running parallel to the axis of the shell (ex, fig. 138) ; but in place of these we not unfrequently find the surface rendered hispid by prickles, especially in speci- mens brought from great depths. In these forms of exogenous deposit there is a manifest parallelism to Lagena and Nodosarina. In specimens of more feeble growth, however, the ribbing becomes obsolete on the newer chambers ; and in some of the dimorphous forms it is scarcely perceptible even on the earliest. 267. Affinities. — On the principles of classification here adopted, the nearest relation- ships of JJvigerina are obviously to Polijmorplnna and Nodosarina. We shall hereafter find, when we come to speak of Texfularia, that the dimorphism of Uvic/erina is very strikingly paralleled in that type, as it is also in Valvuliiia (■] 221); but the relation thus indicated is one of analogy or isomorphism, not of aflinity. 268. Geoi/rapltical Bislribidion. — The home of this type seems to be in warm seas, at depths of from 100 to 300 fathoms ; it ranges, however, in regard to depth both upwards and downwards, and in regard to latitude towards both polar and equatorial regions, being found in shore-sands from all quarters of the globe, and also in deep-sea dredgings and soundings. 269. Geolofjical Distribution. — ^This genus has not been recognised in any deposit older than the Middle Tertiary period ; but it thenceforward presents itself abundantly in various localities. CHAPTER IX. OF THE FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. 270, Under the general designation Globigerinida we bring together, for the reasons already stated, all those hyaline or vitreous Foraminifera which have their shell-substance coarsely perforated for the exit of pseudopodia, so as to resemble that of Globifferina ; a cha- racter by which they are differentiated from the Lagenida on the one hand, and from the NuMMULiNiDA ou the other. They are further differentiated from the former of these families by the form and character of their aperture ; for although there are instances in which the chambers communicate with each other, and the last chamber with the exterior, by circular pores, yet this is only in aberrant forms of the group ; and the typical aperture is a crescent, which may either be contracted to a narrow fissure, or which may open-out so as to have the proportions of a gateway. There is not a like difference in the form of the aperture between Glodi^erinida and Numinulinida ; but generally speaking, it is of much larger size, so as to permit a much freer communication between the segments of the body in the former group than in the latter. 271. The series of foi^ms whose agreement in these fundamental characters may be considered as justifying their association in the same family, presents varieties of configura- tion, dependent upon differences in their plan of growth, which are even greater than those we have encountered in the preceding case ; and widely separated places have accord- ingly been assigned to them by those Systematists who adopted " plan of growth" as the basis of their arrangements. Thus, in the classification of D'Orbigny, our genera would be distributed as follows : Order I. — MoNosTisGUEs. Orbulina, Ovulites, Spirillina. Order II. — Cyclostegues. Tinoporus (Orbitohna, L'Orb.), Patellina. Order IV.^ — H^licostegues. Globigerina, Carpenteria, PuUenia (part of Nonionina, D'Orb.), Bulimina, Chrysalidina, Rotalina (including Rosalina, Pla- norbulina, Anomalina, Calcarina, and part of Asterigerina, B'Orh.) Order V. — Entomostegues. Cassidulina. Order VI. — Enallostbgues. Textularina, Cuneolina. Order VII. — AGATHiSTtiGUES. Sphseroidina. 172 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. A nearer approximation to what we consider the true view of their affinities is presented by the system of Prof. Schultze (xcvii) ; who separates Orbulina and Spirillina {Cormispira, Sch.) from his other Monothalamia, and brings together Rolalida, Teaiilarida, and Cassi- (Miirida, with Vvcllida, as sub-families of his family Turbinoida, which holds very much the same relation to his family Nautiloida, that our family Globigerinida holds to our NuMMULiNiDA. If Prof. Schultzc had expunged his UveJIida from the former, and his CristeUarida from the latter, and had united these with his family Nodosarida, his general arrangement would have differed in this part but little from ours, except in the complete line of demarcation which he draws between the monothalamous and the polythalamous forms characterised by essentially' the same type of structure. On one point, however, we are altogether at variance with him ; namely, the value he assigns to his Family Acer- VULINIDA, which consists of what is in our view but an aberrant form of the Rotaline type, that is distinguished by its "wild" or acervuline growth, the segments being piled one upon another without any definite plan. 272. Taken as a whole, our family Globigerinida may be considered as holding an intermediate rank between our Lagenida and our Nummulinida. In common with the former, it has its root (so to speak) among the Monothalamia, from which it extends itself upwards in various directions, like a tree whose trunk early subdivides into branches. But whilst the development of the Lagenida is checked at a low grade, so that even their most elevated forms present very little real advance upon the most simple, that of the Globige- RiNiD.i goes on so much further, that we find in the highest types of this family a com- plication of structure scarcely inferior to that which characterises the highest Nummulinida. When we come, however, to consider the relations of the principal generic types of this family, both among themselves and to other groups, we find that they cannot be expressed by any linear arrangement ; and the only practicable method, therefore, is to follow that which seems to be the line of most intimate relationship so far as it may lead, and then, returning to the original starting-point, to take a fresh departure in some other direction. 273. There can be no hesitation in regarding the monothalamous forms as being those which present the fundamental or essential " idea" of this group under its simplest aspect : and yet these are differentiated from each other by very marked characters ; — Orbulina being often destitute of any pi-incipal aperture, but having numerous secondary apertures of larger size than the ordinary pores ; Oviditcs, on the contrary, presenting an aperture at each end of its egg-shaped chamber ; whilst in Spirillina the single chamber is elongated into a nearly cylindrical tube, coiled upon itself into a spire, which, closed at its central extremity, is freely open at its peripheral. In the two former, as in the Gromida and in Layena, the act of gemmation consists in the production of a segment, which (except in certain cases of mon- strosity) detaches itself from the original body and forms its own separate investment ; but in the latter it consists in a simple elongation of the sarcode-body and continuous extension of the sliell, without any appearance of segmentation. It is obvious that from either of these monothalamous types an ordinary polythalam may be derived ; for, on the one hand, the segments successively budded off from a globular Orbulina may remain in continuity with FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. 173 it and with each other, producing either a spiral or some other figure, according to their direction of increase ; whilst, on the other, the continuous tube of a Sjyirillina may contract itself at intervals so as to form a succession of chambers, just as we have seen a Cortmspira convert itself into a spiroloculine iI////o/rt (If 104). Now we find among the lowest of the Polythalamous forms exactly such as might be the resultants of each of these modifications ; for in Ghhigerinci we have a spiral aggregation of segments which are really disconnected from each other, although united by mutual adhesion ; whilst in certain vermiculate forms of the Rotalinc type we shall be very strongly reminded of what a SpirilHiia would be if scgmentally divided at intervals by partial constrictions. 274. In immediate structural relation to Globir/eriiw, but diverging from it in plan of growth, we find the two small genera FuUenia and Spha-roidlna, of which the former, in the finely poi'ous texture of its shell, and in the equilateral disposition of its spire, conducts us towards the simplest " nonionine " forms of Polijstomella, a member of the family Nummu- LiNiDA ; whilst the latter, though essentially " globigerine " in the character of its segments, has them applied one to another in a manner that reminds us of some forms of the Milioline type, to which it also bears a further curious resemblance in having its aperture furnished with a kind of " valve. "^ — The Globigerine type evolves itself, however, without any departure from its essential character, into a much more complex form, Carpenteria ; which, on the one hand, presents us with a singular feature of approximation to Sponges, whilst, on the other, it exhibits, in the duplication of its septal laminae, and in the presence of a canal-system, an elevation of type which is not a little remarkable as based on a foundation so humble. 275. Although we might very naturally pass from Ghhigerina to the Rotaline series, yet it seems desirable, in the first place, to notice the Texttilarine ; because, although the lower types of the two may be considered as on the same grade of development, the highest types of the former rise far above those of the latter. The genera of which the Textularine series is composed, are characterised by the alternating arrangement of their chambers upon an elongated axis ; the successive chambers freely communicating with one another by (usually) crescentic apertures ; but each being so applied to the preceding that the septum is single, so that there are neither intraseptal spaces, intermediate skeleton, nor canal-system. This group thus represents in its own series both the Uvigerine type of the vitreous-shelled family Lagenida, and the Valvuline of the arenaceous Lituolida ; and its relationship to the latter seems to be even more intimate than to the former ; since both in Te.vtidaria and in Biillmina it frequently happens that the proper substance of the shell is replaced to a great extent by an aggregation of sandy particles, in the midst of which, however, the pseudopodial pores are still traceable. It is unquestionably in these aberrant modifications of their re- spective series, that the great primary groups of Perforate and Imperforate Foraminifera show the most intimate relationship ; the iijpivul forms of those groups, even when most resembling one another in external configuration, being most completely differentiated in essential characters. — In tlic ordinary Textularia the alternation of the chambers is essentially biserial; but in some of its subgeneric modifications it is triserial, whilst, on the other hand, it may become uniscrial. In Bidimuia, again, the chambers are disposed, without any definite number, in a spire which strongly resembles that of a Bidiimts ; but in some of its subgeneric 174 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. modifications it becomes biserial. These two generic types differ essentially, however, like TJvigprina and FoJymorphlna, in the setting-on of the chambers, and in the form of the aperture. In Chri/mUdlna and CuneoJina, whose plan of growth is Textularine, the large, single aperture is replaced by a multiplication of pores. And in Cunsidtdma, of which the aperture is Bulimine, and the chambers alternate biserially, the elongated axis is itself coiled into a spiral, affording the only real example of that complex plan of growth on which D'Orbigny founded his order Enallostegues.* As the Nodosarine type culminates in CristeJlaria, so may we consider the Textularine as culminating in Cussidullna ; and the latter of these genera, like the former, is altogether destitute of those peculiar features which characterise what may be unmistakeably recognised as the most elevated forms of the family Glohigerinida. 276. To such forms we can only ascend by returning again to those simpler derivations from the Globigerine and SpiriUine types, which constitute the lowest forms of the Bofaline series : this consists of a group of genera whose typical character consists in the arrange- ment of the chambers in a turbinoid spiral, and in their communication with each other by an aperture (usually more or less crescentic in form) situated at its inner and lower margin. Now the simplest forms of this Rotaline spire present a close parallel to the Textularine series in the manner in which each segment applies itself to the preceding ; but the same type may be traced upwards, through successive grades of development, until we arrive, in the highest form of Rotalia Beccarii, at a condition scarcely inferior to that of Ojier- culina in I'egard to the differentiation and duplication of the septal laminae, the system of intra- septal canals, and the supplemental skeleton. In the genus Calcarina we find an exogenous develoj^ment of the supplemental skeleton, and of the portion of the canal-system provided for its nutrition, which is unparalleled elsewhere; but it is not a little singular that this modification is related rather to the higher than to the lower forms of the Rotaline series ; the septal laminae being for the most part single, so that the intraseptal portion of the canal-system is but little developed. It is further worthy of note in this genus, that the narrow, crescentic, apertural slit is divided by cross-bars into separate circular pores. 277. The greatest departure from the normal development of the Rotaline type is shown in the entire cessation of the regular plan of increase, observable in all but the earliest stage of growth of certain forms, which, in the structure of their individual segments, are entirely conformable to the Globigerine type. The essentially Rotaline character of these organisms is marked by the tui-binoid spiral in which they usually commence ; whilst the forms they pre- sent in their fully developed condition are so far from suggesting their real relationship, as to seem in many instances to claim for them a completely separate place in the series. By the * The genera Asterigcrina and Heterostegina, whicli were placed by D'Orbigny in this order, have no claim whatever to be thus differentiated from their congeners ; and although in Amphistegina there is often a want of equality between the alar extensions of the chambers on the two lateral sur- faces, with a separation of the umbilical extremities of those extensions into secondary chamberlets, there is no really biserial alteration. FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. 175 flattening out of a Rotaline spire, and the cyclical or concentric growth of chambers from its margin, it takes on the form known as the Planorhulina ; and this may undergo a further modification, on the one hand, by that irregular heaping up of chambers one upon another which constitutes the " acervuline" mode of growtli ; on the other, by the interposition of a large amount of soUd shell-substance between and upon the chambers. This acervuline mode of growth is carried still further in the genus Tinoporus {Orbitolinu, D'Orb.), some forms of which also present an extraordinary development of the exogenous portion of the inter- mediate skeleton, strongly resembling in external aspect that of Cat carina, and accompanied, like it, by a corresponding development of the peripheral part of the canal-system. And it is a most interesting indication of the mutual relationship of these two types, notwithstanding the complete dissimilarity of their modes of growth in their adult condition, that in their early Rotaline state they are absolutely undistinguishable from each other. In Tinoporm, moreover, as in CaJcarina, the setting on of the chambers follows the plan of that of the lower Rotalines, not that of the higher. We are probably to rank the genus Patellina, whose plan of growth tends early to become cyclical, as a still more aberrant member of the Rotaline series. Finally, in PoJi/frema the growth becomes so " wild " that the aggregations of chambers present a zoophytic form ; and as their origin in a Rotaline spire cannot be demonstrated with certainty, their relationship to this type is established only by their conformity in structure and mode of growth to the acervuline portions of Tinojiorus ; which conformity will be shown to be so complete as to leave no room whatever for doubt as to their true nature. The following arrangement of the genera may help towards the understanding of the principal relationships that have been indicated among them ; but no sucli arrangement can give more than a partial view of those relationships : — FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. Ovn/ttc's OrbuVum , Textularin^ BuUmina Virgulina Boliviua Cassidulina Ehrenbergina Tcdiularia Bigeueriiia Gaudryina Verneuilina Grammostomum CuneoUna ChrysaUdlna GlOBIGERINvE Globif/erina SpJieBroicUna Pullenia Carpenieria SpirilHna Rotaline Biscorbina Planorbtiliiia Truncatulina Planulin.i Anomalina P iilvinulina Rofalia Cymbalopora Calcarina I'inoporu.s Pat el Una Polyircma 176 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. Genus I.— Orbulina (Plate XII, fig. 8). 278. History. — The little spherical bodies to which the appropriate name Orhulina was first given by D'Orbigny in 1839 (xcii), had been described and figured by Soldani (ci) under the names Sphcenda pdma and S. Mspida ; but they do not seem to have received any attention from intervening authors. Subsequently to its recognition by D'Orbigny, this type has been generally adopted by systematists as a distinct genus until a recent date, when its claim to that rank has been called in question, on grounds which will be presently explained. Not being as yet satisfied of the invalidity of that claim, but not, on the other hand, feeling able to affirm that the objections to it are altogether groundless, I have thought it best to retain the genus provisionally ; especially since I find that my friends Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones are in accordance with me as to the propriety of this course. 279. Externcd Characters and Internal Hlmcliire. — The shell of Orhdina is usually an almost perfect sphere, varying in diameter from l-35th to l-200th of an inch. Its surface is usually roughened by minute tubercles, presenting an appearance which is described by Professor Williamson (ex, p. 2) as " arenaceous ;" but I am satisfied that its substance is not made up of any such aggregation of foreign particles as constitutes the material of the truly " arenaceous'' shells ; whilst, on the other hand, it is only in the earlier stage of its formation that it has the hyaline transparency characteristic of the truly •' vitrer us" shells. The shell is pierced (Plate XII, fig. 8) with a number of large pores, the average diameter of which is about l-1500th of an inch ; their distance from each other varies considerably, but is seldom less than about l-7oOth of an inch. Between these there are very numerous minute pores, not above l-10,000th of a inch in diameter, and closely set together, so as to be pretty uniformly distri- buted. In the large majority of specimens these constitute the only apertures in the globular shell; but we frequently meet with one of larger size, normally round, but sometimes irreo-ular, its diameter averaging l-500th of an inch. I am much disposed, however, to question how far this can rightly be regarded as comparable to the aperture of ordinary Foraminifera ; since, on the one hand, it is often absent ;'•' whilst, on the other, when it exists^ it is only one among the very numerous large pores by which the shell is fenestrated, distin- o-uished from the rest only by its pre-eminent size. I believe the truth to be that the sarcode- body puts forth its prolongations indifferently from any or all the pores ; and that, when this organism multiplies itself by the formation of detached gemmae, these are budded off from the o-elatinous mass which the coalescence of these prolongations will form on the exterior of the * It is remarked by M. D'Orbigny (lxxiii, p. 31) that as the aperture is frequently invisible, not showing itself in above one-sixth of the freshest specimens, the animal may possibly possess the power of closing it. Prof. Williamson (ex) confirms D'Orbigny's statement of the infrequency of the aperture ; but thinks that " its frequent closure is more probably due to the inspissated animal matter of its internal cavity." My own observations satisfy me that the existence of a single aperture of any considerable size is the exception rather than the rule. GENUS ORBULINA. 177 shell. In the OrhulincE of comparatively shallow waters, the shell seems to retain through life its hyaline aspect, not appearing to receive any augmentation in thickness subsequently to its first formation. In those brought up from deeper waters, on the other hand, we commonly find the original hyaline shell to be encrusted by an exogenous deposit of coarser texture and of a reddish hue, having a peculiar sculptured surface (fig. 8, a) which reminds the observer of that of some of the hispid pollen-grains. 280. Not unfrequently this exogenous deposit, instead of closely adhering to the surface of the shell which it encloses, forms a distinct sphere that is exactly fitted to it without being continuous with it, — a circumstance which seems first to have been pointed out by Mr. Pourtales,* who supposed that the inner shell is the more recent or younger, and that the outer one is the older and is destined to be cast off. Of this, however, I see no evidence whatever; whilst, on the other hand, not only is it found that a more delicate hyaline layer always exists within the outer less transparent coat (as may be easily shown by removing the latter by the careful application of dilute acid), but this outer layer is occasionally so loosely applied to the interior, that a considerable space remains between them over a larger or smaller portion of the surface of the sphere, so that the outer layer forms a protuberance enclosing an additional chamber, which is sometimes of small proportionate size, but sometimes has nearly the dimensions of the original sphere. (This seems to be the form described by D'Orbigny, Lxxiii, as Globif/erina bilobnta.) In one specimen in my possession, the sphere bears two such protuberances, both of them small. It is particularly worthy of note that the secondary cavity thus formed has no other communication with the single cavity of the original sphere, than that which is afforded by the ordinary pores of the shell-wall ; there being no apertural passage between the two. Hence, although such an excrescence may in some sense be regarded as a sort of attempt at the formation of a new chamber, the rarity of its presence seems to forbid the idea that its formation is anything but abnormal. In fact the perfection of the spherical form in all but such extraordinary specimens of OrbuUna is extremely remarkable ; there being not the slightest indication on any part of their surface of ever having been attached by adhesion to any other organism, still less of ever having been con- tinuous with any other fabric and having been separated from it by fracture. 281. It is affirmed, however, by Mr. Pourtales (loc cit.), that in nearly one half of the Orbulina which he examined among the large number of well-preserved specimens obtained from the bottom beneath the Gulf Stream by the U.S. Coast Survey, he found "young Globigerinm more or less developed, and attached to the inside of the OrbuUna by numerous very slender spicules. Only one Globigerina is developed in an Orhulina, whose cavity it gradually fills up, and whose shell it finally bursts to make its escape. At that time the Globigerina has already nearly attained its full size ; and I have counted as many as sixteen cells in a specimen having yet room for several more before filUng up the parent Orbuhna." It is not rare, continues the same observer, to find Orbulince with the double shells just described containing young Globigerina. Further, it is stated by Prof. Schultze (xcix), that Dr. August Krohn has seen exactly the same thing in living Orbulince captured with the * 'Silliman's Journal,' July, 1858, p. 96; and 'Annals of Natural History,' September, 1858, p. 236. 23 i78 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA.. tow-net (?) at. the surface of the sea near Madeira ; and Prof Schultze thinks it the most pro- bable supposition that the last chamber of the Ghhigerina, when it has attained a certain age and size, separates hke the proglottis of a Tania, and, after living in a free state for a longer or shorter period, effects the reproduction. Now I have very carefully laid open by the application of dilute acid the spheres of a considerable number of Orhulines ; and I have not met with a Ghhigerina in the interior of a single one. Without wishing to affirm that my negative observation necessarily invalidates the statements just quoted (since it is quite possible that, supposing OrhuIincB to be generative segments of Globigerina, the contents of my specimens may not have been sufficiently advanced towards maturity at the time they were gathered, to be recognisable in the dry state), it derives support from the following facts: — 1. The marked difference in size between the OrbuJince and the Glohigerince of the same " gathering," the diameter of the former averaging l-40th of an inch, and the smallest being i-85th, whilst the diameter of the largest chamber in the latter averages 1-lOOth of an inch, seldom exceeding 1 -80th. — 2. The perfect sphericity of Orhulina ; whilst the larger chambers of ff/o^2j'm«a almost invariably depart considerably from the spherical form.^ — 3. The entire absence of any indication whatever that Orhulina have been attached to, or continuous with, any other organisms. — 4. The constancy of a large aperture in the segments of Globigcrina ,• whilst it is deficient in so great a proportion of Orhulines that its presence may be considered as exceptional. — 5. The absence in Ghhigerina of the larger pores by which the shell-wall of Orhulina is so abundantly pierced. — Taken in mutual connection, therefore, the facts I have adduced at present seem to me sufficient to justify the retention of Orhulina as a substantive genus ; the only fact that occurs to me in support of its asserted relationship to Ghhigerina being the generality of their association. Even this, however, does not appear to be uni- versal ; for although at the present epoch the two forms generally occur together, this associa- tion is by no means constant ; and, moreover, Ghhigerina presents itself much earlier in Geological time than Orhulina. 282. Affinities.— \i we consider Orhulina to be entitled to rank as a substantive genus, we cannot hesitate in regarding it as the simplest conceivable form of the hyaline Forami- nifera ; since it corresponds with that globular primordial segment, in which, as a rule, even the most complex among them has its origin. In this way it may be said to be related to all the higher forms ; but its nearest affinities are of course, on the one hand, to the mono- thalamous types Ovidites, Lagena, and Spirillina ; and, on the other, to Ghhigerina, as being that one of the polythalamous forms which most resembles an aggregation of monothalams. 283. Geographical and Geological Distribution. — This genus, as Prof. Williamson remarks, is a true cosmopolite ; being an inhabitant of all seas through a great range of depths. It seldom presents itself, however, in shore-sands ; as it does not frequent shallow waters. On bottoms of fine sand or mud, at depths of from 30 to 2350 fathoms, OrhulincB have been found in abundance in every maritime region. Such a range in space, according to general experience, would indicate a corresponding range in time ; but the rule does not seem to hold good in this instance, for Orhulina have not been detected in any formation earlier than the Miocene Tertiaries. It is especially abundant in the Vienna and Sub-Apennine deposits. GENUS OVULITES. 179 Genus II.— Ovulites (Plate XII, figs. 9, 10). 284. History. — The name Oveoliks was applied by Lamarck in 1801 (lvii) to a minute fossil, abundant in the " Calcaire grossier," which has very much the aspect of a bird's gge in miniature ; and this name was subsequently (lix) altered by him to Ovulites. Under this latter designation the genus has been adopted by various systematists, most of whom, how- ever, have seemed uncertain as to its true place, which has generally been supposed to be among Zoophytes. And even D'Orbigny has included it among Foraminifera only in his most recent systematic publication (lxxiv) ; ranking Bactylopora (^ 187) in close proximity to it! 285. External Characters. — This beautiful little fossil type is the largest of the mono- thalamous Foraminifera ; its one segment, which is usually about the size of a mustard seed, equalling in bulk the entire polythalamous shells of ordinary 3fitioIa, Motalia, &c. The typical form of the shell is ovate, with an aperture at each end, so as to give it a striking resemblance to a " blown" bird's egg (Plate XII, fig. 9) ; while the pearly aspect which it often presents caused Lamarck to confer upon it the specific name maryaritula. Various aberrant forms, however, present themselves ; most of them being the result of elongation with or without occasional constriction. Thus a moderate degree of elongation with con- strictions at intervals (a sort of foreshadowing of division into chambers) gives to some specimens the aspect of sausages ; whilst a greater degree of elongation will produce a long straight tube (the 0. elonyuta of Lamarck) ; and this tube may be clavate at one or both ends, so as to resemble a drumstick or a life-preserver (fig. 10). In every case there is a large round aperture at each end ; and this is the most distinctive character of the genus. The cavity is simple and undivided, though sometimes narrowed by the constrictions which show them- selves externally. The shell -wall is perforated by large sparse pores ; and these very com- monly open on the surface into minute superficial depressions, which, in some of the elongated forms, are so regularly arranged as to give rise to a delicate hexagonal areolation, having a pore in the centre of each areola (fig. 9, «), — the superficial resemblance thus pre- sented to Bactylopora (^ 124) having probably infiuenced D'Orbigny in his approximation of that most complex type to the simple Ovulites. Specimens that have escaped molecular change present the clear, smooth, glassy appearance characteristic of the hyaline Fora- minifera. 286. Affinities.— 'YXiQ close relationship between Ovulites and Orhdina is sufficiently obvious ; as is also that between Ovulites and Layena, especially through the distomatous varieties of the latter (f 237), — the coarser texture of the shell, however, and the absence of anything like an everted lip with radiating notches, being marked features of difference. The elongated forms may be considered as related on the one hand to Spiriltina, and on the other to these vermiculate forms of the Rotaline PulvinuUna which have wildly growing, attenuated, and prolonged chambers. 180 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. 287. Geological Distribution. — This genus, so far as is at present known, was limited to the earlier portion of the Tertiary period ; making its first appearance in the Eocene deposits of Grignon and Hauteville, in which it is extremely abundant; and lingering, under its attenuated forms, in the Miocene of St. Domingo. In no deposits of subsequent date has it been recognised. Gems III.— Spirillina (Wilhamson, Figs. 202, 204). 288. History. — Through the marked isomorphism between this genus and Cornuspira (^ 82), it cannot be affirmed with confidence to which type we are to refer the figures and descrip- tions of minute spiral monothalamous shells given by Soldani and after him by other authors, who did not clearly distinguish between such as are imperforate and porcellanous, and such as are perforated and hyaline. It is probable, however, that while the " albocalcarefe" of Soldani ^CI) belong to the former, his " margaritiferae," which he describes as iridescent, belong to the type now before us. The generic designation Spirillina was originally conferred upon the perforated hyahne spiral monothalams by Prof. Ehrenberg (xl a) ; but it has not gained general acceptance. It was set aside by Prof Schultze (xcvii) for the term Cornu- spira ; but this name was in its turn set aside by Prof Williamson (ex) in favour of Ehrenberg's name, which, however, he applied to the porcellanous and arenaceous as well as to Ihe hyaline forms. For the reasons already given, we think it better to appropriate Schultze's generic name as the designation of the porcellanous type (^ 82), to adopt the new name Trochammina for the arenaceous (^ 206), and to retain Ehrenberg's name for the type on which he originally bestowed it, notwithstanding that he has since expressed his belief (' Monatsber. der Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin,' 1857, 1858) that this type really belongs not to the Foramini- fera but to the Polycijsti na. (See also xcix.) Examples of this type have been figured by Reuss (lxxxvi) as low forms of Operculina. 289. External Characters and Internal Structure. — The shell of Spirillina is a simple undivided cylindriform tube of hyaline substance, usually perforated with rather large foramina, and coiled spirally on a horizontal plane; the successive coils do not increase rapidly in size, and show but little tendency to flatten themselves out, retaining for the most part their circular section (ex, fig. 202). The principal variety presented by this type results from the modification imparted to its surface by exogenous deposit ; for specimens not unfrequently occur, in which all save the last-formed portion is studded with pearly tubercles, while the foramina are so small and inconspicuous as not to be seen without close examination (ex, fig. 204). The diameter attained by this shell does not usually exceed l-50th of an inch. 290. Affinities. — According to the view on which our classification of Foraminifera is leased, there is no real affinity between Spirillina and either Cor)iuspira or Troclinmmina, notwith- standing the precise resemblance in the forms of their shells ; since in the first of these types the pseudopodia may be put forth from any part of the sarcode-body, whilst in the two latter they can only be extended from the moutli of the spire. The real affinity of Spirillina is with GENUS GLOBIGERINA. 181 the monothalamous forms of the Globigerine family ; and it cannot fail to be obvious to any one who accords with us in regarding the external form of such protean creatures as of little ac- count, that if one of the chambers of a Ghhigvrina were to elongate itself indefinitel)^ instead of closing itself in and budding off another segment, we should have iSplrillina. As already remarked (^ 62), this genus, like Cornuspira and Trodiammina, though actually monothalamous, is " potentially " polythalamous, in virtue of its power of unlimited extension. 291. Geographical and Geological Disirihuiion.- — This genus is very generally diffused at the present time, and seems ordinarily to inhabit shallow waters, being found rather in shore- sands than in deep-sea dredgings. It makes its first appearance in the Calcaire Grossier ; and is met with in various Tertiary deposits. SUB-FAMILY GLOBIGERINA. Germs IV.— Globigerina (Williamson, Figs. 116—118; and Plate XII, fig. 11). 292. Histori/. — The only distinct notice of the shells belonging to this type, that has been detected in the writings of the earlier authors who have treated of Foraminifera, occurs in the great work of Soldani (ci) ; who has figured and described the form now known as Globigerina lulloicles under the names Polgmorphia tuberosa and P. glohulifera. The genus was first characterised by D'Orbigny (lxix) in his earliest classification of Foraminifera ; and it has been adopted by all subsequent systematists. 293. External Characters and Internal Strttcture. — The name given by D'Orbigny to this type is very expressive of the globose aspect which its segments generally present. In its typical form, the G. lulloides of D'Orbign}', the shell consists of a series of eight or ten such segments, increasing rapidly and pretty regularly in diameter from about 1-2000 to l-80th of an inch, and arranged in a turbinoid spire, forming from two to three convolutions. The segments are always somewhat flattened against one another at their planes of junction ; and sometimes this flattening extends over a pretty large surface. The entire series of segments shows itself on the upper side ; but on the lower side only the segments forming the latest convolution are prominent, these being usually four in number, and being arranged symmetrically around a deep umljilical depression or " vestibule," the bottom of which is formed by the segments of the earlier convolution. Into this vestibule each segment opens by a large crescentic orifice, the several chambers having no direct communication with each other. The entire shell of the ordinary type may attain a diameter of aljout l-30th of an inch, but it is usually much smaller. — This typical form, however, is subject to very considerable modifications. Thus in the G. helicina the later chambers lose their spheroidal form, and become flat, outspread, and loosely lobulate or palmate (Plate XII, fig. 11) ; thus exhibiting a manifest tendency to that remarkable departure from the ordinary plan of growth, which reaches its full development in Carpenferia (^ 308). On the other hand we observe in certain Globigerince (as the G. hirsidu) a decided tendency towards the symme- 182 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. trical plan of growth, so as to give them somewhat of a nautiloid aspect, their essentially globigerine character, however, being still marked by the distinctness of the apertures of the several segments : and other forms are flat, with raised edges and elevated septal bands. 294. The newly formed segments of Ghhigerina have their chamber-walls composed of a hyaline shell-substance, which is perforated by minute tubuli of uniform size arranged at pretty regular distances. The diameter of these tubuli varies in different specimens from about l-10,000th to l-5000th of an inch; but we nowhere meet with any pores at all approaching in size to the large pores of Orbulina, nor do we find pores of two very different dimensions coexisting in the same individual. In the Globigerina of shallow waters, the walls of the chambers retain through life their original thinness and transparence ; but in those of deeper seas they are generally thickened by exogenous deposit, the surface of which is raised sometimes into minute tubercles, and sometimes into ridges, in the depressions between which are seen the orifices of the pores ; and specimens are frequently met with, in which the ridges form a regular reticulation, with the opening of one of the pores in each areola. Sometimes the ridges bear acicular prolongations ; as is well seen in some of the symmetrical specimens that abound in the Red Sea, in which the needles are so long as to subdivide the large arched aperture of the later chambers. In other instances, again, the entire ridge surrounding each areola rises so high from the surface, as actually to form a tube that encloses the pseudopodium in its course outwards from the pore of the chamber-wall ; this peculiar condition has been observed in nautiloid (symmetrical) specimens from 1600 or 1700 fathoms' depth between Malta and Crete and from the deeper parts of the Red Sea. 295. Each chamber is occupied during life by a reddish-yellow segment of sarcode, from which pseudopodia are seen to protrude ; and it seems probable that the sarcode-body also fills the umbilical vestibule, since without some such connecting band it is difficult to understand how the segments which occupy the separate chambers can communicate directly with each other, or how new segments can be budded off. It has been noticed by Dr. Wallich (civ a) that in the Ghligerino: brought up from great depths the hue of the sarcode-body is dingy, and inclines rather to brown than to yellow ; whilst its particles are less united into a viscid mass, and more disinclined to coalesce again after being crushed asunder, than they are in the specimens obtained from shallower waters. Moreover, he has in no instance seen the pseudopodia extended in deep-sea specimens ; but their surface, when they are newly taken out of the water, is studded with little yellow-coloured masses, closely applied to, and somewhat larger than, the apertures from which they emerge ; and these masses are not unfrequently visible even on the surface of the dry shell! 296. Affinities. — This genus stands alone among the polythalamous Foraminifera of the hyaline series, in having its shell composed of an aggregation of segments which are merely connected by external adhesion, and have no internal communication w-ith each other. In this respect it corresponds with Ladylopora and Acicularia among the porcellanous forms ; bearing, like them, a really stronger resemblance to its monothalamous than to its polythala- mous congeners (^ 203). If the new segments of Orbulina, instead of detachmg themselves (as they ordinarily seem to do) previously to the formation of their investing shell, were to GENUS GLOBIGERINA. 183 remain in continuity with that from which they are put forth (as they do in exceptional cases), we should have the likeness of GloUgerina, differing solely in the presence of the large pores which constitute the distinctive feature of Orbidina. Again, the wildly growing forms o) GloUgerina obviously tend towards Carpenlerin, as will be evident when the remarkable struc- ture of that genus shall have been explained. By its symmetrical variety, Glohigenna is showoi to be related to those nautiloid Foraminifera which are the highest types of the hyaline series. But its nearest relationships are to its congeners Pullenia and SpJueroidina, and to the Rota- line genera Discorbina and Planorhnlina ; the smooth-walled compact GloUgerina (such as have been named G. ittflata by D'Orbigny, v) presenting a close approximation to specimens of Pidlenia obliquiloculata of Parker and Rupert Jones (a variety of the Nonionina sphmroides of D'Orbigny) brought up from great depths ; the large, extremely thick-walled, compact GloUgerina of the deepest waters approaching in like manner to the equally abyssal solid Sphceroidiria ; and the moderately depressed flat-chambered forms presenting a strong resemblance to certain modifications of the Rotaline type. 297. Geographical Distribution. — -This genus ordinarily inhabits the deeper waters of tlie ocean, through which it is very extensively distributed, although not as universally as has been represented. It is not common in shore-sands or in dredgings from shallow waters ; but often presents itself in extraordinary abundance in deep-sea dredgings, and in the contents of the scoop attached to the deep-sea sounding-apparatus. Thus Mr. Parker found it to consti- tute 97 per cent, of the soundings brought up by Capt. Dayman from a depth of 2000 fathoms in the Mid-Atlantic ; and Dr. Wallich (civ a) met with a like proportion in soundings taken between Cape Farewell (Greenland) and the island of Rockall, at depths respectively of 1260 and 1607 fathoms. The surface-layer of the "ooze" seems to be formed of living shells; whilst its principal mass consists of the exiivicB of preceding generations. It is a remarkable fact that the occurrence of GloUgerinm in any quantity in the deep-sea deposits of the Northern Atlantic Ocean is associated in an intimate manner M'ith the presence of the Gulf Stream or its offshoots. Thus they abound in the soundings taken between Ireland and Newfoundland, in those taken between the Faroe Islands and Iceland, and in those taken midchannel between Iceland and Greenland, — diminishing, however, towards the latter coast ; whilst from the soundings taken between Greenland and Labrador they are entirely absent. Again, they have been found in the deep waters off Shetland more abundantly than in the neighbourhood of any other portion of the coast of Great Britain ; and thej' a-re also met with on the northern coast of Norway. This association appears to be wholly irrespective of the direct drifting action of the Gulf Stream, which can scarcely extend to the profounder depths of the ocean ; and it would rather seem to depend on the presence in it of a large quantity of organic particles, derived from the Gulfs of Mexico and Florida, or from the Sargasso fields, which afford nutriment to the Globigerince. The genus is also met with, frequently in such abundance as to constitute 50 per cent, of the " ooze," in the deeper waters of the Mediterranean and the Adriatic, in the Red Sea, and in the neighbourhood of the Canaries, the West Indian Islands, the eastern and western coasts of South America, St. Helena, and the Isle of France. On the other hand, in the deep sea-soundings taken in various parts of the great " Coral Sea," Glohigerina do not seem to occur. 298. Geological Distribution. — As far as is yet known, this genus first presents itself in 184 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. the Gault, in which it is small and not abundant. It is, however, extremely abundant in the Chalk-marl and Chalk, forming a considerable proportion of some specimens of those deposits ; and it occurs in nearly all Tertiary beds of deep-sea origin,- — the Vienna and Sub-Apennine Tertiaries yielding it iii greater amount than the basins of Paris and Bordeaux. Genus V.— Pullenia (Plate XII, fig. 12). 299. Histori/.— The generic designation Pullenia is applied by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones to a minute form which has been represented by M. D'Orbigny (Modeles, No. 43) under the name of Nonionina sphceroides, and has been subsequently described by him (lxxiii) under the name of N. hdloides. It differs so widely from the ordinary Nonionina (which we shall hereafter see to be low forms of Poli/sfomella), and presents such features of approximation to Globigerina, as to justify its being ranked as an aberrant form of the group of which the latter is the type ; whilst it is differentiated from all other forms at present known by characters that are of sufficient importance to justify its being ranked as a distinct genus. The place here assigned to it will be found to harmonise in a remarkable manner with the peculiarity of its geographical distribution. 300. External Characters and Infernal Structure.— The shell of Tulhnia has a globose form, the distance between its two poles being nearly or quite as great as the diameter of the spire (Plate XII, fig. 12). It is formed of a series of segments following one another in a symmetrical or nautiloid spiral, the number of these segments in each turn of the spire being usually four or five; each whorl is normally invested by that which succeeds it, the chambers of the latter being prolonged on either side to the centre of the spire ; and the last chamber is usually large, occupying about one third of the lateral aspect of the spire. The septal plane is a narrow crescent (fig. 12, a); and the aperture is a very elongated fissure, extending almost from one point of that crescent to theother. The segments are in general but slightly convex, without any considerable depressions at their junctions ; but sometimes they are turgid or vesicular, and obliquely coiled, like the chambers of Globigerina ; and it may then happen that they do not so far extend themselves over the preceding whorl as to conceal it, so that the whole spire remains visible. These minute shells are extremely glassy in their texture, and their pores are fine. They are among the smallest Polythalamia at present known ; their diameter averaging l-50th and never exceeding l-30th of an inch. 301. Affinities. — This type is related to Globigerina in the simphcity of its structure, and in the occasionally globigerine character of its chambers, as well as in the wideness of their aperture ; whilst among true Globigerina there are some forms which approach it in mode of growth. On the other hand, it is related to Nonionina in its plan of growth, and in the com- parative fineness of its porosity. 302. Geograpliical and Geological Distribution. — The home of this genus — like that of Globigerina, but unlike that of Nonionina — is in the deep seas, especially those of warm GENUS SPH^ROIDINA. 185 climates ; its occurrence being rarer and its examples smaller in shallower waters, and in the seas of northern temperate or arctic regions. It makes its first appearance in the Chalk-marl, and has been recognised also in the London Clay ; but it is most abundant in the Vienna, Grignon, Sienna, and other Tertiary deposits. Genus VI. — Sph^roidina (Plate XII, fig. 13). 303. Hidory. — The first account of the very peculiar type known under the name of Sjjharoidina seems to have been given by M. D'Orbigny in 1 825 (lxix) ; but he confesses himself to have so far misunderstood its plan of growth, as to have erroneously placed it among his Enallostiijues. Subsequently (lxxiii) he was induced to place it among his Jr/afliisfer/ues, in immediate association with the Milioline series, to which its relationship, according to our view, is analogical only. 304. External Characters and Internal Structi(re. — The shell of Spliaroidina is most dis- tinctly vitreous and perforated ; but its parous texture is finer than that of Glohigerina. It consists of a series of segments which succeed one another in a loosely turbinoid spire, having but four or five chambers in each turn. These segments are turgid and vesicular, like the chambers of Glohigerina ; but each invests a large part of the preceding, so that only three segments are usually visible (Plate XII, fig. 13). The aperture is generally more or less crescentic in form, and is situated at one side of the last chamber close to the exterior of the oldest visible segment ; it is partly occupied by a projecting tongue or valve, which strongly resembles that of Miliola ; and while its form sometimes approaches that of a Spirolocidina (Plate VI, fig. 18), it as frequently approaches that of a BUoculina (Plate VI, fig. 7). Some- times its margin has deep radiating notches. — A curious variety is presented by certain examples of Sphceroidina, whose chambers, instead of being in close contact with one another, are separated like the segments of a dehiscent fruit ; the intervals, however, being partly bridged over by shelly bands. 305. Affinities. — It will be obvious, from what has now been stated, that both in the structure of the individual segments, and in the general mode in which they are arranged, there is a very close resemblance between Sphceroidina and Globigerina ; the difference between these types chiefly consisting in the continuous communication of the chambers of the former, one with another, and in its valvular aperture, as also in the degree in which its earlier segments are overgrown by its later. There is no real correspondence in plan of growth between Spharoiditia and Miliola ; so that the only point of resemblance between them con- sists in the valvular aperture that is common to both. 306. Geographical and Geological Distribution. — It is not a little confirmatory of the correctness of the place we have assigned to this type, that its habitat should remarkably correspond with that of Orhulina, Globigerina, and Pidlenia ; the home of these four types being at depths in the ocean at which other Foraminifera are comparatively rare. It is lound especially, but not exclusively, in the seas of the warmer regions of the globe. — The first 24 186 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. appearance of Sphceroidina in geological time is in the Chalk of Bohemia and Westphalia (lxxxv, xc (^) ; and it occurs in various Tertiary formations, especially those of Vienna and Sienna. Genus VII. — Carpenteria (Plate XXI). 307. History. — The genus Ccnyenteria was established by Dr. J. E. Gray in 1858 ('Pro- ceedings of the Zoological Society,' April 27) on the basis of a remarkable set of specimens collected by Mr. Cuming in the Philippine seas, which had been supposed by several experienced Conchologists to be sessile Cirripedia. Dr. Gray was led by his examination of them to regard these organisms as a connecting link between Sponges and Foraminifera ; the shell being multilocular and minutely foraminated like that of the Rotaline family of Foraminifera, whilst the fleshy substance occupying its chambers is strengthened with spicules like those of Sponges. — The larger number of the specimens of this type in the collection of Mr. Cuming are attached to the surface of a piece of Pontes (coral) ; other specimens, however, are adherent to the shells of Peden and Cardita ; and Mr. W. K. Parker has met with them on the surface of other Bivalves, especially C/tama gi(/as. 308. External Characters. — The ordinary external aspect of Carpenteria, as represented in Plate XXI, figs. 6, 14 (taken from a group on the surface oi Poritcs, of which the indi- viduals are in close proximity to each other), at once suggests a resemblance to the Balaniform type ; the shell being conical, attached by its broad base, furnished with a single definite aperture at its apex, and presenting an appearance of irregular divisions into triangular seg- ments, which might easily be supposed to be "valves" bounding a single undivided cavity. On breaking into the interior of the shell, however, it immediately becomes apparent that the foregoing resemblance is superficial only ; the entire cavity of the shell being divided into numerous chambers, which are completely separated from each other by septa, whose lines of junction with the external wall (indicative of the successional additions which the shell has received) give rise to the appearance of valvular divisions. And a closer examination reveals that these chambers are disposed upon a spiral type, each whorl completely investing (save on the adherent base) that which preceded it, so that only the external wall of the last whorl is anywhere seen on the surface. In the specimen represented in fig. 7, which is one of the isolated individuals occurring on the valve of a Pecteti, the shell has a much less regular form, owing to the more or less complete divergence of the basal portions of the chambers of the last whorl, and the partial subdivision of some of those chambers into lobes which exhibit the like divergence. The shelly surface of the wall of each chamber presents a somewhat areolated aspect, which depends upon its being raised into a multitude of low rounded elevations (fig. 10); and under a sufficient magnifying power these areolae are seen to be pretty uniformly marked with minute punctations (fig. 12, a, a). The form of the aperture at the summit of the cone, of which two examples are shown in figs. 8, 9, presents a striking resemblance to that of the aperture of the Milioloid Foraminifera. In some of Mr. Parker's specimens, the oral ring is extended upwards into a tube or syphon at least equal in length to the radius of the cone. GENUS CARPENTEllIA. 1S7 309. Internal Struefure. — On breaking away a portion of the external wall of the last- formed chamber, so as to lay open its interior (as shown in fig. 10), we find that its cavity is closed-in on every side by its shelly walls, except where it has communications [b, c) with the apical aperture ; and each principal chamber is partially subdivided by a system of shelly septa, of which some are more and others less complete. The more complete of these secondary septa (fig. 10, e, e\ e") resemble the principal septa {cl, d}, d") which separate the cavities of the chambers, in running from the base towards the apex of the cone ; they divide the lower portion of each chamber into three, four, or more digitations, which are sometimes marked by an external lobulation, as shown in fig. 7 ; they stop short, however, about half or two-thirds of the way towards the apex, leaving the upper third or half of the chamber undivided. Some of these septa do not reach the opposite surface of the chamber; and the least complete (./j/',/") form a sort of network of ridges slightly projecting from the inner surface of the outer wall into its cavity (as shown in vertical section at I, b, b, fig. 18), and there marking out an areolation which corresponds to that of the external surface. The areolaj of the internal surface, however, are concave instead of convex ; and the punctations, which are wanting on the ridges, are set more closely on the depressions between them (fig. 1 2, b, b, fig. 1 6). The reason of this peculiarity in their distribution will be presently seen. 310. The cavity of the last chamber communicates with the external orifice by a passage of considerable size ; and the wall of this passage is distinctly continued as an irregular ring around the apical aperture, so that this aperture may be considered in one sense (as described by Dr. Gray) to belong to the last chamber alone. But it would be more correct to say that each chamber as it is formed conceals, than (with Dr. Gray) that it closes, the aperture of the preceding chamber ; for a careful examination shows that the external aperture or vent is the termination of an irregular vertical canal, formed by the superposition of the oral rings of successive chambers ; and that through this canal the previously formed chambers retain their original connexion with the exterior. The general disposition of the chambers around the central canal is well shown by sections of the cone taken parallel to its base (fig. 11); such sections, however, may only bring into view the last or superficial whorl ; and they will generally show only one or two chambers in communication (as at b, c) with the vertical canal a, the communicating passage of each chamber being on a different plane. 31 1. The foramina which pierce the outer wall of each chamber are of considerable size, as compared with the minute tubuli characteristic of the Nummuliitida, and they are not nearly so closely approximated ; in both respects they correspond closely with the foramina of the ordinary BotalicB and Globigerina. In fig. 1 3 they are shown as they appear in a section traversing the wall somewhat obliquely to its surface, whilst in fig. 18 thev are shown as they appear in vertical section ; and in each case they are seen to present an annulated appearance, which is due to constrictions of the tubes at tolerably regular intervals. These tubes generally pass direct from one surface to the other; but at a,a, fig. 18, it is seen that in the neighbourhood of the ridges which project from the inner wall into the cavity of the chamber, the tubes either bend or incline themselves in such a manner, that, whilst their external orifices are pretty uni- formly distributed (fig. 12, «), their w^/'cy/^a/ orifices do not show themselves upon the ridges, but are crowded together along their bases (fig. 12, b, and fig. 16). The septa, whether j»nV««r^ 1S8 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. (separating the chambers from each other) or secondary (partially subdividing the chambers), are obviously formed by a doubling-in of the outer wall, so as to make each septum consist of two laminae (fig. 13, «, a) ; this is seen also in sections of the incomplete septa (fig. 13, b), as well as of the ridges which may be considered as rudimentary septa (fig. 18, h, b, b). The two layers sometimes separate from each other, as shown in these figures, so as to leave intraseptal spaces ; and these form a tolerably regular canal-system, which may be traced throughout the network of ridges that covers the inner wall of each principal chamber, and, through the primary septa, into the ring that surrounds the vertical canal (fig. \\,r/,g'). 312. Notwithstanding these marked peculiarities in the general plan of conformation of Carpenteria, a comparison of specimens in difierent stages of evolution, and the removal from the older specimens of one whorl after another until the original nucleus is arrived at, make it evident that the early condition of this organism essentially accords with that of the Globige- rine type of Foraminifera, — its approximation being the closest to Eolalia in general form, but its tendency being rather towards Globiyerina in the circumstance that its chambers do not seem to communicate directly with each other, but that each has a separate external orifice directed towards the umbilicus. Various aspects of this first-formed portion of the shell, thi'ee of them showing the animal substance contained in the chambers, are seen in Plate XXI, figs. 1 — 5. Now supposing that a Globigerina were to grow in such a manner, attached by one of its surfaces, that the walls of its successively-formed chambers came into mutual contact, and that these chambers were so shaped and so piled one on the other as to give to the entire shell a conical form, each chamber opening by its own separate orifice into an umbilical funnel, we should have the essential type (so far as its shell is concerned) of Carpenteria ; and this is really the mode in which the latter type is superinduced upon the former, as the development of the organism advances. It is further interesting to observe that the great size of the chambers which form the superficial whorl of Carpenteria, has every appearance of being due to the deficiency of that complete segmentation, in the later stages of growth, which characterises the earlier ; for every one of the lociili marked out by the ridges projecting into the interior corresponds so closely both in size and general aspect with an entire chamber of the earlier whorl, that the areolation of the outer wall may be regarded as a sort of attempt at that complete subdivision of the cavity, which we shall see to be fully carried out in Heterosteyina. 313. The animal substance which occupies the chambers (figs. 1 — 4) is peculiai'ly spongeous in its texture ; not only possessing (according to the evidence afforded by the dry specimens which alone I have had the opportunity of examining) far more consistence than the sarcode-body of the Foraminifera, but being supported, in the larger chambers at least (fig. 11), by sponge-like spicules (fig. 17), whose form resembles that of the simplest spicules of Halichondria, and whose composition is siliceous. — It may be undoubtedly urged that as the surface of dead Coral and the valves of living as well as dead Shells are frequently covered with Sponges, any multilocular organism growing on such surfaces might be so penetrated by the sponge, that all its chambers would be filled by the parasite. The following considerations, however, seem to me strongly to militate against the applicabihty of such an explanation to the present case : — 1st. That neither on the surface nor in the substance of the specimen of GENUS TEXTULARIA. 189 Pontes covered with the cones of Carpenteria, nor on that of the valves of the Pcctrn and Cardita on which isolated specimens of Catymteria occur, is there the least trace of spongy structure : — 2nd. That, notwithstanding this marked difference in their hahilafs, all the speci- mens of Carpenteria yet examined have their cavities occupied by the same spongy substance : — 3rd. That a firm brownish-yellow substance of far greater consistence than the sarcode of other Foraminifera is found to occupy even the smallest and earliest chambers of Carpenteria (figs. 1 — 4, a), filling them so completely that it can scarcely be supposed to be anything but the animal body properly belonging to them ; and that although the substance in question is there destitute of spicules (the chambers being too small to accommodate them, as will be seen by the comparison of figs. 4 and 1 7, allowing for the difference of magnifying power), yet it is obviously the same with that in which spicules are copiously imbedded in the larger and later chambers : — and 4th. That notwithstanding the multitudes of sections of various Forami- niferous shells which I have made during the last ten or twelve years, I have never found their chambers to be occupied by a parasitic Sponge of any description, even where they have been completely overgrown by Sponge externally. 314. Affinities. — Although, from the account I have given of the structure of this poly- thalamous shell and its contained body, it will be seen that I can only partially admit the correctness of Dr. Gray's original comparison of the organism to the papilla of a sponge enveloped in a shelly case with a single terminal oscule, yet we seem fully justified in regarding it as a very interesting link of connection between Foraminifera and Sponges. Its nearest relationships are (as just now stated) to the genera Globigerina and Botalia ; and the peculiar modification of their plan of growth which its shell presents, although by no means removing it from the category of ordinary Foraminifera, certainly gives it an analogical resemblance to the Poriferous type, and thus renders it additionally probable that the spongeous body which is found in its interior is really its own. If this body be not parasitic, its presence obviously establishes a near and direct relationship between Carpenteria and the Spongiad^. 315. Geographical and Geological Distrihdion. — All the recent specimens of Carpenteria hitherto known have been obtained from the Indian Ocean. The wide departure which some of them present from the typical form makes it not unlikely that we are to refer to this genus certain minute fossils, such as the Chrysaora {Neuropora, Bronn) damcecornis of Lamouroux from the Oolite, the Thnlamopora vesic/dosa of Michelin from the Greensand, and the Ceriopora {Thcdamopora, Roemer) cribrosa of Goldfuss from the Chalk, all of which present characters that differentiate them from the Corals and Sponges with which they have been usually associated, and suggest their relationship to Carpenteria. SUB-FAMILY TEXTULARIN^E. Genus VIII.— Textularia (Plate XII, figs. 14, 15, and Williamson, Figs. 158—168). 5516. History. — Under the comprehensive name Po/ywor/j/^///'?« various examples of what is now known as the Textularian type were described and figured by Soldani (ci) ; but they 190 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. were not differentiated by him from other types associated under the same designation. This differentiation was first made by Defrance (xxix), to whom we owe the estabhshment of the genus Textularia, which has been adopted by all subsequent systematists. "With this genus we find the Bigenerina, GemmuUtia, Gaudry'uta, Vcrneuiliiia, and Vithmliiia of D'Orbigny (the last being the Grammostomum of Ehrenberg) to be not less intimately connected by gradational links than are the thirteen reputed genera which we have reunited under the genus Noclosarina ; and we therefore regard them as merely varietal forms of Texhihria. The Candeina of DOrbigny appears to have more claim to rank as a sub-genus. 317. External Characters The shell of Textularia essentially consists of a binary series of segments arranged symmetrically on the two sides of a longitudinal axis ; the segments of one side alternating with those of the other, and each segment communicating with the segments anterior and posterior to it on the opposite side (Plate XII, fig. 14). As the size of the segments usually increases progressively, the outline of the shell is generally more or less triangular ; the apex of the triangle being formed by the first segment, and its base by the last two. Sometimes, however, the later chambers do not exhibit any progressive increase, so that the previously diverging sides of the triangle become parallel ; and sometimes they even undergo a progressive decrease, so that the sides converge again. The two lateral faces of the shell usually show more or less of compression ; being sometimes nearly flat, with rounded mar- gins, so that its transverse section is more or less oblong (ex. Figs. 162, 163, 168) ; whilst in other instances the shell is more compressed, but is most prominent along the axial line, thinning away at the margins (ex. Figs. 158, 159, 164, 165), which may even be sharply carinated, as in the T. carinata of D'Orbigny. Sometimes, on the other hand, the two lateral faces, instead of being compressed, are so rotund that the transverse section becomes nearly circular, so that the form of the shell is almost conical (ex. Figs. 160, 161). The mode in which the segments are applied one to the other, also, is subject to considerable variation. In some instances they are almost spheroidal in shape, and are merely flattened against each other where they come into mutual contact (ex, Figs. 162, 168) ; but in general they are more or less depressed and elongated ; and whilst the direction of their longer axes seems to be typically at right angles, or nearly so, to the axis of growth (ex. Fig. 158), it is sometimes considerably inclined to this (ex, Figs. 164, 166). It is usually in those very compressed forms which are thinnest at the margins, that the obliquity of the long axes of the segments is the greatest ; and sometimes the outer margin of each chamber is prolonged into a sort of spine (ex, Figs. 166, 167). In these also we often find the inner margin of each segment prolonged across the longitudinal axis, so as to interdigitate with the alternate segments on the other side. Between all these forms there is a completely gradational series, as Professor Williamson has already pointed out (ex, p. 75). Again, some Textularia commence with a flat Operculine spire, and subsequently change to a liitjii one ; just as certain small long-spired Gasteropods begin like a Planorbis. Furtlier, in certain attenuated Textularia; from the Red Sea, the axis of growth slowly twists upon itself, so that the later pairs of alternating segments are at right angles with the earlier. Thus it is clear that in this type there is no less variety in regard to external configuration, than we have seen to exist elsewhere. — The aperture is very constant as to form and position, being a crescentic slit in the inner wall of each chamber close to its junction with the antecedent segment of the opposite side (ex, Figs. 159, 161, 163, 165, 167). GENUS TEXTULARIA. 191 In the Textdarim whose segments are most globose, the crescentic aperture may increase in breadth so as to become semilunar or even gibbous ; whilst in those whose segments are most depressed it may be narrowed to a mere sht. 318. The proper substance of the shell is hyaline, with large pores usually not very closely set, though in some varieties more minute and more nearly approximated ; it is occa- sionally to be observed that the pores open at the surface into deep hexagonal pits. It very commonly happens, however, that the shell, as it increases in size, becomes incrusted \v'ith arenaceous particles, which are commonly large and coarse, and which may entirely conceal the pores from superficial observation ; and in some of the smallest examples from deep water, the shell-substance appears externally to be almost as completely replaced by an aggre- gation of fine sand-grains as it is in Lituola or Valmlina. In the coarsest TextMlaria, however, I have never failed to bring the pores distinctly into view by examining the shell by trans- mitted light when rendered sufficiently transparent by the removal of the wall on one side ; and in the smallest and finest I have been able to distinguish the pores in the interspaces between the sand-grains, when I have made use of a sufficient magnifying power. — It is in some of the large fossil Textularice that the arenaceous incrustation is the coarsest in its texture, so as to give the greatest roughness to the surface. 319. Internal Structure. — When the shell is laid open by section, we find that its struc- ture is of the simple type that might be expected from its external configuration. Each segment is so applied to those which preceded it, that its inner wall is partly formed by the inner wall of the alternate segment which it follows, whilst its posterior wall is formed by the anterior wall of the penultimate segment of its own series. Thus the septal lamella is always single ; and there is no differentiation between its texture and that of the rest of the chamber- wall. The apertural passages by which each chamber communicates with that which precedes and with that which follows it, are very near to each other ; as is well shown in Plate XII, fig. 14, which represents the body of the animal and the membranous basis of the shell after the removal of its calcareous substance by dilute acid, and in Plate XXII, fig. 9, which represents a siliceous cast of the body of a Textularia from the Greensand. It thus becomes obvious that the plan of growth depends upon the oblique gemmation of the successive seg- ments of the animal body, alternately towards one side and then towards the other; and it is very easy to see how such a bi-serial arrangement may become either uni-serial or tri-serial. — In some of the largest fossil Textularice, the principal cavities of the chambers are irregu- larly subdivided by secondary partitions, as in Lituola. 320. Suh-generic Mollifications. — The genus Bi(/erina of D'Orbigny is nothing else than a Textularia which passes from the bi-serial to the uni-serial plan ; the alternating arrangement of the segments giving place to a single rectilineal succession resembling that of Nodosaria ; and the aperture becoming central and circular, sometimes with a lip that may even be slightly elongated outwards into a tube. A like change in the plan of growth, the aperture remaining marginal, gives rise to the form distinguished by D'Orbigny as Gemmulina. In the Gaudnjina of D'Orbigny, again, the arrangement of the chambers is at first tri-serial, as in the typical Valvulina (f 220) ; but in the course of growth, the tri-serial alternation gives place to the 192 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. bi-serial. And in the Verneuilina of D'Orbigny, the arrangement may either remain tri-serial through all the stages of growth, or may become " bulimine," or may give place to a uni-serial succession, in which last case the shape becomes nail-like, so nearly resembling that of some ValvuHntB (^ 221) as only to be distinguishable by the want of the valve characteristic of the latter. The genus ClavuUna of D'Orbigny is made up of these clavuline varieties of ValvuHna and Verneuilina. — The Vuhulina of D'Orbigny (the Grammostomiim of Ehrenberg) , on the other hand, is a very obliquely chambered Texfularia, of which the aperture is a narrow fissure, situated at the most anterior portion of the segment, and lying parallel to the plane of com- pression (Plate XII, fig. 15). This form, too, may become uni-serial. — In all these modifica- tions of the Textularian type, the shell is as frequently arenaceous as it is in the typical Textularia; it is an arenaceous example of the A^erneuiline type, which is figured by Professor Williamson (ex. Figs. 1 36, 1 37) under the designation BuUmiiin areimcea. — Lastly, the Ccuuleina of D'Orbigny is a form in which the chambers present the " globigerine " shape and looseness of aggregation, and are disposed with something of a tri-serial or " verneuiline " arrangement in a turbinoid spire ; the aperture is represented by him (lxxiii) as an elongated fissure biidged over by bars of shell so as to be divided into a row of pores ; but these pores do not represent the true aperture, being only the ordinary pseudopodian passages of the shell- wall, which are pecu- liarlv large and crowded together along the side of the septal line of the newest chamber. In its mode of growth this sub-genus is so closely paralleled by Verneuilina [Bulimina, Egger) py(/mcpa, that it may be questioned whether its distinctive modification is of more than varietal importance. 321. Affinities. — It is obvious from the intimacy of the relationship between the tri- serial, bi-serial, and uni-serial forms of Textularia, that we are to regard it as essenti- ally a trochoid spire, of which the chambers may be three or two in each turn, or which may straighten itself out by the rectihneal instead of the zig-zag gemmation of its segments. In some of the small loosely-piled varieties of Textularia, there is obviously a very near approach to Glohigerina in the form and disposition of the segments. On the other hand, its larger tri- serial and more trochoid forms tend on the one hand towards certain aberrant forms of the Bulimine series, and on the other towards the arenaceous Vahuinia, to which genus, as already explained, their relationship is extremely close. 322. Geographical Distribution. — This type is among the most cosmopolitan of Foramini- fera ; presenting itself under some of its forms in sands from all shores and in dredgings from shallow or moderately deep waters. It occurs in greatest abundance, and attains its largest size, in the tropical and warmer temperate seas ; its finest examples ranging from shallow waters to a depth of 200 or 300 fathoms. 323. Geological Distribution. — The Textularian type can be traced very far back in geo- logical antiquity, being recognisable even in the Palaeozoic period. It becomes much more abundant and varied, however, towards the end of the Secondary period ; its siliceous casts being common in the Greensand, and its shells being frequently met with in the Chalk. It is in the Tertiary strata, however, that its fossil forms present their greatest multiplication and diversity ; and the various modifications of this type at present existing are closely GENERA CIIRYSALIDINA AND CUNEOLINA. 193 paralleled by those which occur in the Miocene and Pliocene deposits of Vienna and Palermo. Genus IX. — Chrysalidina (Plate XII, fig. 16). 324. Hisfori/. — This genus was created by D'Orbigny in 1846 (lxxu), for the reception of a peculiar modification of the Textularian type, which, so far as is at present known, is not connected with it by any intermediate gradations. 325. Ed-tenal Characters and Infernal Structure. — The name of this genus expresses the pupoid form of its shell, which results from the tri-serial arrangement of its chambers, and from the peculiar oblique mode in which they are set one upon another, as shown in Plate XII, fig. 1 6. The essential difference of this type, however, from JWttdaria appears to consist in the mode of communication of the chambers ; for the apertural passages by which each cham- ber of one series communicates with the alternating chambers of the adjacent series in the tri- serial Textdarice seems to be here wanting ; being replaced by a set of very large " orbuline" pores, which are dispersed over nearly the whole anterior wall of the last chamber. These pores, which have fully twice the diameter of the ordinary pores of the shell, are sometimes continued externally into short tubes, which project fully the lengtli of their own diameter from the convex septal plane. From the mode in which the older segments are partially overlapped by the newer, the communication between each chamber and that which succeeds it in the spiral alternation will be maintained by those pores which pass through that part of the anterior wall which forms the posterior wall of the next chamber. — The most characteristic specimens of this type present themselves only in the Lower Chalk, near the mouth of the river Charente ; but small dimorphous examples of it are met with in the Indian Ocean and Panama Bay, which, commencing tri-serially, soon take on a uni-serial mode of growth, continuing to maintain their triangular form to the end, and progressively increasing the size of their segments, which is contrary to the rule of uni-serial growth in other bi- or tri serial types. Genus X. — Cuneolina (Plate XII, fig. 17). 326. History. — The first and only original account of this curious type is that which was given by M. D'Orbigny (lxxi) in 1839, on the basis of specimens found only (hke those of the preceding type) in the Lower Chalk, near the mouth of the Charente. 327. External Characters and Internal Structure. — The form of this shell (Plate XII, fig. 1 7) is that of an almost equilateral triangle with a curved base ; and its two flattened surfaces are marked by a succession of parallel curved septal bands, apparently indicating a uni-serial suc- cession of chambers whose breadth bears an unusually large proportion to the distance between the septa. When the shell is viewed edgeways, however, it is seen that the two external surfaces belong to two different series of chambers, whose internal surfaces are closely applied to each other ; and it is further to be noticed that the chambers of the two series 25 194 FAMILY GLOBIGERIXIDA. alternate with each other. The aperture consists of a number of distinct pores arranged in a single series along the whole extent of the apertural plane, as in the most flattened form of Peneroplif! ; and these are so obliquely disposed, that each chamber communicates by their means with the alternating chambers below and above it in the opposite series. 328. Affinities. — It is obvious from the preceding description, that CuneoJina is nothing else than a Tcxtidarin which is extremely compressed in a direction transverse to the normal direction of its compression ; for if we could imagine a Textularia with globose chambers to be composed of a plastic substance, it can be easily conceived that whilst by pressure applied to the two axial /«ci"5, those two faces might be extended and thinned out until they presented the flat triangular shape which distinguishes CuneoUna — each face being divided by the axial line, on the two sides of which the two series of chambers would still be disposed, — a like pressure applied to the two margins would flatten the two series of chambers against one another, so as to convert what were before the margins into lateral faces, and to bring to what were before the axial faces into the condition of margins, as occurs in certain aberrant Biloculincp. The same change would convert the wide crescentic aperture of the ordinary Textularia into a narrow elongated fissure ; and it is obvious that the conversion of this into a row of detached pores does not in itself remove CuneoUna further from the Textularian type, than Peneroplis is distant from Dendrifina, or Calcarina from Motcdia. Intermediate gradational forms being iiere wanting, however, CuneoJina must, for the present at least, be ranked as distinct Irom Textularia, though in close proximity to it. Genus XL— Bulimina (Plate XII, figs. 18—22 ; and Williamson, Figs 124—135). 329. History. — ^The peculiar type to which the name Bulwmia (expressive of the Bulimus- like form of its spire) was given by D'Orbigny (lxxiii) in 1825, does not seem to have been recognised by any preceding systematist. It has been since generally adopted in tlie sense in which it was originally employed ; but we shall use it as the generic designation not merely for the forms included under Bulimina proper, but also for those belonging to the sub-genera Virgulina and BoUvina, which were instituted as genera by D'Orbigny, but were regarded by him as allied rather to Textularia than to Bulimina. 330. External Characters and Internal Structure. — In its typical form the shell of Bulimina is composed of a series of spheroidal segments progressively increasing in size, and so applied to one another by their flattened faces as to form a " bulimine" spire (Plate XII, fig. 18). The aperture is a loop-like notch in the convex wall of the last chamber, extending forwards and outwards, usually with more or less obliquity, from its umbilical mar- gin ; its shape is such that it seems as if it were formed by the folding over and convergence of the two halves of the anterior wall of the chambers (Plate XII, fig. 18), and it is noticeable that these do not commonly meet at the umbilical angle, but that one passes obliquely behind the other. The margin of the aperture is usually somewliat lipped externally ; on the other hand, it is sometimes prolonged externally into a little narrow tubular neck. The shell of the smaller forms and younger specimens of Bulimina is hyaline and very translucent, and it's GENUS BULIMINA. 195 porous structure is considerably finer than \.\nioi Tcainhirin; the hyaline surface is never lost in the recent examples of this type ; but the larger and older fossil specimens very commonly have the shell incrusted by an adherent layer of arenaceous particles. Such arenaceous forms are very common among the Bulimince of the Cretaceous deposit, of which an example is here figured (Plate XII, fig. 18). In the BuJimince, as in the Ttwtidarite, the aggregation of segments takes place upon the simple plan which is common to the lower forms of the vitreous series with the whole of the porcellanous ; the anterior wall of each chamber serving as the pos- terior wall of that which succeeds it, and the septal laminee being single and not differentiated from the ordinary wall of the chamber. There is therefore neither intermediate skeleton nor canal-system. 3-n. Departures of greater or less extent from the typical character of this genus are extremely common ; and such departures are especially liable to occur in regard to the plan of growth, to the form and setting-on of the chambers, and to their surface-ornamentation. Thus the obliquely spiral succession of the segments may be so modified that they come to present a more or less distinct tri-serial arrangement, ofwhich wehave a striking illustration in the B. Biichiana of D'Orbigny (Plate XII, fig. 19), whilst the ordinary B.pupoldcs (ex. Figs. 124, 125) presents it in a less obvious degree; and in a variety of this last form termed fusi/onins by Prof. Williamson, the segments are chiefly added in /m>o instead of in three oblique series, so that the form becomes compressed (ex. Figs. 129, 130). A still greater modification is effected by the uncoiling of the spire, so that the later segments present a uni-serial recti- lineal succession, and the form of the entire shell becomes " spirohne ;" of this we have an example in the varietal form described by Prof. AVilliamson as coiivolida (ex, p. 6.'}, Figs. 132, 133), of which he remarks that "it presents almost as many modifications as individual specimens."* The same condition sometimes presents itself in the B. elef/antifjrida (Plate XII, fig. 20), in which the later segments so completely enclose the earlier, that only the last three are at any time visible. By a lateral elongation of the segments, the obliquity of their setting in relation to the axis of the spire, and the flattening of their borders one against the other, that peculiar varietal form is produced which has been distinguished by M. D'Orbigny under the generic desig- nation Bobertina (Plate XII, fig. 21) ; and it is a singular instance of that want of power to discern the real aflinities of the types he described, which I believe to have been induced by his misplaced confidence in plan of growth as the only trustworthy guide in the classification of Foraminifera, that he has not only separated this well-marked Bulimine type * This form is veganlcd by Prof. AVilliarason as a 4(-serial -B. piipoides partly rolled upon itself ; but he seems to us to have been misled by the split appearance which the shell acquires from the suc- cession of the fissured apertures of a ufii-seiial row of segments ; and we cousider it, as above stated, rather as an uncoiled than as an abuormallv convoluted form. 196 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. generically, but has even transferred it from his order Helicostegues to that of Entomosteffues, under the influence of a misconception as to the real arrangement of its segments, without giving any other hint of its relationship to Bulimina than that which is afforded by his likening of the form of the entire shell to a minute Bulimus. In our view Rohert'ma is only one of the numerous varieties presented by the B. clcgantissima of D'Orbigny ; in some of which the segments are extremely elongated laterally, and are set very obliquely to the axis of the spire, so that its last turn, consisting of from seven to ten segments, almost completely encloses the preceding, and the whole shell may have much more the form of an OVam than that of a Bulimus (ex, Figs. 13-1, 135) ; whilst in its largest and best developed forms, which occur in Arctic regions, the alternating segments interdigitate with each other. 332. A general ornamentation of the surface is not common in this type, though we sometimes meet with a longitudinal costation (Plate XII, fig. 19) strongly resembling that of TJmfjerina. This costation may be confined to the earlier segments, the later being quite smooth. The more usual kind of exogenous growth in this type consists in the prolongation of the posterior margin of the segments, in those varieties which are characterised by their back- ward extension; this prolongation may consist in a mere serration, as in the B. maryinata (ex, Figs. 126, 127), or it may go so far as to produce a fringe of long transparent spines, the several segments of the same shell often exhibiting intermediate gradations between these two extreme conditions. In the most spinous varieties the shell itself is generally stronger than in the smooth forms ; on the other hand it is thinnest in the most elongated examples, which seem to be starved out. 333. We have seen that even in tiie ordinary Bulimine type there is sometimes a tendency to a binary or Textularian alternation of the segments; this, however, is much more marked in certain extremely elongated forms, having a tliin delicate shell that is never arenaceous, and the aperture greatly elongated but still preserving its Bulimine character. To such forms the generic name Virgulina has been applied by D'Orbigny ; but their degree of departure from the Bulimine type is not even of specific importance, as Prof. Williamson has shown himself to have perceived, by ranking them as varieties of his B. piqjoides. — A more decided modification of the Bulimine type is presented by those forms which have been ranked by D'Orbigny in his genus Bolivina, the arrangement of the seg- ments being here regularly bi-serial and alternatmg, as in Textularia ; but the aperture never loses the elongation and the inversion of its lips characteristic of the Bulimine type, and its direction is usually somewhat oblique. In the B. cosfatn of D'Orbigny (Plate XII, fig. 22) there is a set of eight parallel costse, running continuously from one segment to another along the entire length of the shell, giving to it a very peculiar aspect. 334. Affinities. — It is obvious from what has just preceded, that the affinity of 5«//m/»« to TexMaria is very close ; since Bolivina will rank under one or the other of these generic types, according as we attach the greatest value to the character of the aperture or to jwfo-v of growth., as an indication of natural affinity. That the former has a far stronger claim to acceptance than the latter, appears obvious from the fact that, as we have seen, the plan of growth may vary in unquestionable Bulimina from a continuous succession of segments in a bulimine spire GENUS CASSIDULINA. 197 to a tri-serial or bi-serial alternation, and that in unquestionable Textularim the bi-serial arrangement may give place to the tri-serial or even to the bulimine ; whilst through all these variations the form of the aperture characteristic of each type is constantly maintained. The relation of the large sandy BuUmince to the "bulimine" Valmdina (^221) is extremely intimate ; the form of the segments and their mode of aggregation being the same ; the originally porous texture of the shell being common to both, and being liable in both to be afterwards more or less completely occluded by arenaceous aggregation ; and the difference of type being marked only by the aperture. The feebler forms of BuUmina are related, like those oi TcvtuJarina, to Globit/erina ; and in some of the loosely piled tri-serial Bulimi/ice there is a strong general resemblance to certain JJvigerince, the chief differentiation being in the aperture. On the other hand, in BoJivina punctata, which combines a crescentic curvature of the entire shell with a bi-serial arrangement of the segments and a very obhque aperture, we have an obvious tendency towards Cassidulina, in which form the series appears to culminate. 335. Geo(/raj)ldcal Distribuiion. — There seems to be a close correspondence between BicUmina and TextuJaria as to the conditions most favorable to their development, as they are generally found under the same circumstances ; the latter, however, being commonly much more abundant than the former, 336. Geological Distribution. — This genus has not as yet been traced, however, quite so far back in geological time as Textularia, its earliest appearance, so far as we at present know, having been in the Upper Trias, in which small examples of it are found ; it occurs in the Oolitic formation and in the Chalk-marl, in which last deposit and in the Chalk some of its finest examples present themselves. It occurs under some or other of its forms through the whole Tertiary series, from the London Clay to the most recent formations ; some of its most remark- able varieties being found in the Vienna and San Domingo deposits. (?e«K5 XII.— Cassidulina (Plate XII, fig. 23; and Williamson, Figs. 141—144). 337. History. — This genus was first established by M. D'Orbigny in 1826 (lxix) for a peculiar type, which does not seem to have been recognised by any previous observer. 338. External Characters and Internal Structure. — This genus is distinguished from all other Foraminifera in combining the bi-serial and the convolute arrangement of its segments ; for although several other genera are associated with it by M. D'Orbigny in his order Ento- niosti'f/ues, yet in no one of them (as will hereafter appear) does this combination really exist. The texture of the shell of Cassidulina is hyaline and finely porous, like that of the smaller Bulimiiice ; and it resembles that type also in the characters of its aperture. In fact, if we imagine a bi-serial BuUmina to be completely rolled upon itself, so as to form an equilateral or nearly equilateral spire, we should have the essential features of a Cassidulina. The arrange- ment of the chambers, as it shows itself externally, has a semblance of irregularity which does not really belong to it; the apparent irregularity being really due to the interdigitation of the 19S FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. chambers of the two alternating series, some of which may be made to appear by the obliquity of the spire as if they were small and intercalated (ex, Fig. 141). The earlier turns of the spire are in general completely enclosed by the later ; but sometimes the axis of the spire is so oblique, that much more of the earlier portion is seen on one side than on the other. The septal plan is flat and oblique, facing alternately towards opposite sides ; and the aperture is a curved slit, commencing at the junction of the septal plane with the preceding convolution, and extending about half way across the septal plane, usually in a direction parallel to its lower edge (ex, Figs. 141, 142), but sometimes becoming crozier-shaped, as in some of the uncoiled varieties, or even doubling abruptly back upon itself, so as to form a kind of valve or tongue, as in the C. crn.-im of D'Orbigny (lxxiii). The general form of the shell is subject to variations similar to those which we have seen to present themselves in BuUmhia and Te.riidariri ; the segments being ventricose in some instances, and flattened in others ; and the margin being obtuse and rounded in some instances, thin and carinate in others. — A much greater departure from the typical shape is presented by the Ehrenhergina of Reuss (lxxxvii), which is a Cassidulina in every essential particular, but has the later portion of its spire uncoiled, showing very clearly the bi-serial interdigitate arrangement of the segments (Plate XII, fig. 23). After the evidence which has been given in such genera as Peneroplis and Xodosaria of the little reliance to be placed on the direction of the axis of growth as a differential character, it is impossible to regard Elirenheryina as anything but a varietal form of Cassididbia. 339. Affiniiies. — This genus may be regarded as the culminating form of the Textularian series, which nowhere graduates into any type of a character more elevated than its own. In the finely porous texture of its shell and its slit-like aperture, it is obviously more allied to BuUmhifi than to Tcxtularia ; whilst, in the bi-serial interdigitate arrangement of its chambers, it is more closely akin to Textularia than to the typical Bidiniina. 340. Geographical and Geological Distrihition. — Like the preceding genus, Cassidulina seems to have a world-wide distribution in shallow, moderately deep, or even very deep waters ; being found at depths of from thirty to seventy fathoms on the west coast of Greenland, also off" Norway, Shetland, and various parts of the British and Irish coasts ; whilst the larger and thicker forms with smooth shining walls occur in tropical seas at depths of from thirty to one thousand fathoms. — This genus presents itself in the Tertiaries of New Zealand (Eocene?), Menna, Sienna, and Palermo ; but it has not been recognised in any older formations. SUB-FAMILY ROTALIN^. 341. The assemblage of forms which constitute in our view the Eofalinc sul>family or series is the most numerous and the most varied that is presented by any corresponding group ; and as a consequence of that variety, the relations of these forms to each other have been singularly misconceived. Misled by superficial differences masking real resemblances, M. D'Orbigny created several genera for their reception, which in our view have no title whatever to that rank. On the other hand, his ignorance or his want of appreciation of differences of far greater importance, led him to associate in the same genera types which SUB-FAMILY ROTALINiE. 199 Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones have been brought by a careful study and extended comparison to regard as essentially distinct. Thus a new distribution of the entire group becomes requisite, neither of our genera having the same value with any one of D'Orbigny's ; and as the whole group constitutes an extremely natural series, of which there is much to be said in common, it will be convenient to treat of such generalities under this head, ratlier than to disperse them among the separate sections which will treat of the peculiarities of individual genera. 342. Hidorij. — Every systematist who has attended to such minute shells, has had his notice attracted by examples of the Rotaline series. Thus tlie world-wide typical Rofalia Beccarii and the tropical Calcarina Sjjevyleri were both described in Gmelin's edition of the ' Systema Naturae' under the generic designation Nautilus. A large number of Rotaline forms were described and figured in the great works of Soldani (c, ci), under the generic designations Nautilus and Hanmonia ; many plates being devoted to the protean varieties of the Mediterranean shell since known as Truiicatulbia variabilis. Boys and Walker (ix) described as British species of Nautilus not only the N. Beccarii (of the common " reversed" form of which they made a distinct species), but also N. lobatulus and N. umbilicatulus, which are varieties of the form since generally known as Truncalulina lobatula. Montagu (lxv) also enumerated N. Beccarii among British species ; but he gave the generic name Serpula to two Truncatuline forms which we now place with T. variabilis and 1\ lobatula in our genus Plaiiorbulina. The admirable work of Fichtel and Moll (xLv) contains numerous figures of the varieties oi Nautilus (Calcarina) Sj^engleri ; they distinguished as N. repamlus the Rotaline form which we now differentiate as the typical Pulvvnulina repanda, other varieties of which they designated as N. sinuatus and N. auricula ; and they gave the name of N. farctus to the Rotaline form which we shall ditferentiate as Planorbulina farcfa, another variety of which they designated as N. tuberosus. The name Rotalites was first introduced by Lamarck (lvii), who subsequently (lviii) modified it to Botalia ; and from that time it has met with general acceptance amongst systematists, having been sometimes further modified into Rotaliiia. Particular Rotaline forms were further distinguished by Lamarck (lviii and lix) under the generic names Biscorbites, Biscorbula, and Puloitnilus, for the last of which he afterwards (lx) substituted Placentula. Although neither of these names has been generally adopted {Biscorbis having been only employed by Blainville and by some British conchologists), yet, for reasons to be presently stated, Biscorbina and Pulvinulina will be employed in the present work as generic designations. A fossil Rotaline form which occurs in the Upper Chalk of Maestricht received from Lamarck the generic name Siderolites, under a total misapprehension of its nature ; this name, although admitted by D'Orbigny, must now be dropped, since I shall show that the type which was designated by it is only a variety of the long previously known Nautilus (Calcarina) Spengleri. It was of course to be expected that Montfort should institute many new genera for the varietal forms of this group ; and accordingly wo find the names Cidarollus, Cortalus (?), Cibicides, Eponides, Stordus, and Polyxcnus, applied to as many Rotalines ; whilst the name Tinoporus was conferred upon a peculiar type which he seems to have been the first to distinguish from Nautilus (Calcarina) Speiit/leri. All these names have long since been discarded as unnecessary synonymes ; but we shall revive the last, for reasons which will be stated hereafter (^ 390). 200 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. 343. Such was the nomenclature of the group when it was first taken up by D'Orbigny ; who, in his first systematic arrangement of the Foraminifera (lxix) created, in addition to Rotalia, the genera G yroidina , Planorbulina, TruncatuUna, Anomalbm, RomUna, CaJcarina, and Turhinolina ; to which he subsequently added Asterlgerina (lxxi), whilst he abandoned Gyroidlna as not sufficiently differentiated from Rotalia, and Turhinolina as not sufficiently differentiated from Bosalina. To these the genus Siphonia has been added by Reuss (lxxxvix) ; and the genus Jcervulina by Schultze (xcvii). — On the other hand, by Prof. Williamson (ex) the genera Boialina and Rosalina have been reunited, for the excellent reason that tlieir distinctive characters are such as a mere difference of age suffices to destroy ; and he further correctly stated that (as had been in some degree divined by M. D'Orbigny himself) certain shells ranked by D'Orbigny under the genus FalvuHna are true Rotalines. 344. The Rotaline type has been specially studied by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, ■who have found it requisite to throw together again all the genera Rotalia, Planorbulina, TruncatuUna, Rosalina, Asterigerina, Anomalina, Planulina, and Calcarina of D'Orbigny, together with several species of his Valvulina, as well as the Siphonia of Reuss, and the Acervulina of Schultze ; and to rearrange the resultant aggregate of forms upon entirely new principles under six genera, — viz., Rotalia, Calcarina, Planorbulina, Puloinulina, Discorbina, and Cymba- lopora ; for the first three of which they employ the names previously given by D'Orbigny, but in a different sense. Regarding Rotalia Beccarii as the type of the true Rotalia, and Calcarina Sjioiyleri as the type of the true Calcarina, they arrange under those genera respec- tively such forms as correspond with their types in all essential particulars ; and thus it comes to pass that the Rotalia of Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones corresponds with parts of the Rotalia, Bosalina, Gyroidina, Asterirjerina, and Calcarina of D'Orbigny ; whilst their Calcarina includes part of the Rotalia of D'Orbigny with part of his Calcarina. The Planor- bulina of Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones has a scope very different from the Planorbulina of D'Orbigny ; for it reunites parts of D'Orbigny's Rotalia, Rosalina, and Anomalina, together with TruncatuUna, Planulina, and Acervulina (Schultze), to part of D'Orbigny's Planorbulina. The genus Pulvinidina, of which the type is the Rotalia repanda (the Pulvinulus rcpandiis of Lamarck), includes parts of the genera Rotalia, Planorbulina, and Valvulina of D'Orbigny ; and in like manner the genus Biscorbina, of which the type is the Rotalia turbo (of which one variety had been named Biscorbites vesicularis by Lamarck), is made up of parts of the genera Rotalia, Rosalina, Valvulina, Asterigerina, Anomalina, and Globigerina of D'Orbigny. Lastly, the genus Cymbalopora consists of a small group of very peculiar forms which had been included by D'Orbigny in his genus Rosalina. 345. The typical genera of the Rotaline series are those in which the shell essentially consists of a succession of coarsely porous or Globigerine segments, arranged in a turbinoid spire, and communicating with each other by a cresentic aperture situated at the janction of the septal plane with the free surface of the convolution. The pores (Plate XIII, fig. 1), in characteristic examples of the Rotahne series, are from l-2000th to l-5000th of an inch in diameter ; they are usually larger on the external surface than on the internal, as is shown by sections which traverse the thickness of the shell (fig. \, b); and it very commonly happens that each external orifice lies at the bottom of a sort of funnel that is formed by a SUB-FAMILY ROTALINiE. 201 circular ridge of shell, so that the whole surface is marked out into minute areolje (fig. I, a). The segments progressively increase in size, and the earlier whorls are scarcely at all invested by the later; so that the whole spire remains visible on one lateral surface, whilst on the other side nothing is seen except the last convolution. Generally speaking, the former (as in a Turbo or Trochus) is more or less conical or convex, the primordial chamber occupying its highest point, whilst the latter or growing side is more or less flattened ; and as it is ordi- narily by the latter that the shell is adherent to the sea-weeds, zoophytes, shells, or stones, to which the animal commonly attaches itself during life, this may appropriately be called the lower surface, whilst the former, which is free, is distinguished as the upper surface (Fig. XXXII, A, b). We agree with Prof. Williamson (ex, p. xvi) in thinking it desirable to retain these terms as morphologically correct, in cases in which the side whereon the whole spire is visible is the flattest (Fig. XXXII, d, e), the spire having more the form of a Conns than of a Turbo or Trochus; notwithstanding that, the shell being attached by the flatter side, the position of the animal is (so to speak) inverted. — As a general rule in this series, the anterior portion of the wall of each segment forms the posterior wall of the chamber that succeeds it, the septal layer being single and not being differentiated in texture from the ordinary chamber wall, so that there is neither intermediate skeleton nor canal-system : to this rule, however, there is a marked exception in the genus Rotalia, which approaches the NummuUnida in the duplication of its septal laminre and in the existence of intraseptal spaces ; and there are many other cases in which the usual porous texture of the shell gives place, in the portion of the chamber wall forming the septal plane, to a hyaline plate that displays none but large perforations. Fig. XXXII. \aiious forms of Rotalines .- — a, PulcinuUda bademis, Czjek; b, Discorbina dimidiafa, Jones and Parker; c, jMmalLia puncltt- luta, D'Oibigny ; D, Truiicalidina loliidida. Walker and Jacob ; a, TruiicaliiUna i-efulrjeiis, Montagu ; r, I'latmlim Anmhiensis, D'Orbigny ; G, ttiscorbina bi-conanu, Junes and Parker. 346. The form of the spire, and that of the segments of which it is composed, may difl'er very widely. As already stated, the tiirbinoid form, in wliicli the spire is somewhat depressed and more or less spreading, and in which the individual segments ai'e more or less ventricose, may be considered as the one most characteristic of the group (Fig. XXXII, b). But, on the one hand, the spire may be as high, as regular, and as compact, as that of a Trochus ; the shape of the segments being such that the outer surface of each is 26 202 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. " flush" with that of the cone as a whole ; whilst they are so closely applied to each other that their septal planes become nearly fiat. On the other hand, the depression of the spire may be so great that its superior lateral surface becomes completely flattened ; and in this case it may happen that, if the inferior surface remains flattened, the shell may become almost exactly symmetrical (c), and in extreme cases complanate (f), or even bi-concave (g) ; whilst the segments may be so disposed as to render the inferior lateral surface convex (u), or even conoid (e). Again, the segments may be so ventricose and so loosely attached to each other, that the spire is scarcely closer than that of a Glohigerina ; and there are even cases in which their arrangement approaches that which is characteristic of Textularia. In most of the forms in which the spire is elevated, the chambers of the later convolutions do not extend inwards so as to reach the axis, but leave an "umbilical vestibule," which is sometimes of considerable dimensions (ex. Figs. 91, 102) ; this, however, does not ordinarily communicate (as in Glohlge- rind) with the cavities of the chambers ; and it is frequently filled up by solid shell-substance. 347. The external aspect of the shell in this genus is often considerably modified by an exogenous deposit of non-porous shell-substance, sometimes translucent, sometimes opaque. Such a deposit very commonly presents itself along the septal bands, converting what would otherwise be fossae into elevated ridges, which may become continuous at their extremities with a similar deposit that forms the outer border of the spire (ex, Figs. 101, 103, lOG, 112) ; in many instances, again, a like deposit forms a sort of columella in the axis of the spire, which shows itself more or less prominently on the inferior lateral surface ; whilst in other cases its presence is chiefly marked by tubercular elevations on the general surface, which are usually more abundant on the lower side than on the upper. The marginal deposit occasionally extends itself, as in CristeUaria, into radiating spire-like prolongations ; but these, in the ordinary Rotalines, are neither large nor numerous. In the ^e.nVi% PlanorbuKna we occasionally find the general surface beset with prominent tubercles, between which the pores are crowded together (Plate XIII, fig. 15). It is in the genus Calcarina, however, that this exogenous deposit is most remarkable (Plate XIV) ; the whole of the spire being invested with an extraordinary thickness of homogeneous shell-substance, which sends out numerous large extensions, and for the nutrition of which an elaborate canal-system is provided. It is not a little singular, however, that this canal-system does not extend to the interior of the spire, which is constructed upon the simplest Rotaline type, and which, although externally masked, is usually very regular. 348. A very curious feature presented by several modifications of the Rotaline type, is the development of " asterigerine" flaps of shell- substance (Plate XIII, fig. 3), which radiate to a greater or less distance from the umbilical depression on the lower surface, and apparently serve to cover-in secondary lobes of sarcode-substance. These flaps are sometimes so complete, and are disposed so regularly, as to inclose a set of secondary chambers alter- nating with those of the primary spire ; whilst in other cases they are merely rudimentary. 349. In many forms of the Rotaline series, the typically spiral mode of growth gives place either in an earlier or a later stage of existence to the cyclical. Some approach to this is seen in the flat vermiculate forms of PuIvinuUna ; it is very evident in the advanced condi- GENUS DISCORBINA. 203 tion of Cymbalopora ; but it is in PlanorbuUna, among the typical Rotalines, that the cychcal plan most completely prevails over the spiral, and replaces it at the earliest period. The truly Rotaline character of this type is evidenced by the frequency of its " truncatuline" and " anomaline" forms, these being merely PlcuiorhuluKS whose development has been arrested. In this genus, moreover, the growth may become altogether " wild," the segments being heaped up, one on another, in an irregular or " acervuline" manner; and tlius we are led to the genus Tinoporus, in which the primordial spiral is recognisable with difficulty, and the piling of segments is combined with a mode of horizontal extension that seems properly cyclical ; whilst in the genus Poli/trcma all trace of the primordial spiral seems lost, and the mode of growth seems almost indefinite. In these cyclical and acervuline forms of the i?o/rt//«e type the aperture of communication undergoes a complete alteration in shape, being no longer a crescentic fissure, but a circular passage, which is sometimes furnished with a pouting lip that may be elongated into a tube. — A still more remarkable departure frona the ordinary type will be found in the genus Patellina ; of which the primitive form seems to be a hollow conical spire with only two segments in each turn, but each of these segments subdivided into chamberlets ; this gives place, in the more developed examples, to a regular cyclical increase, and the hollow of the cone (which corresponds to the umbilical vestibule of the ordinary Rotalines) is filled up by a more or less regular growth of secondary chambers. 350. The intimacy of the relationship that exists between the several genera which normally constitute the Rotaline series, is evidenced by the fact, that among tlieir very numerous varietal forms isomorphs are frequently met with ; these isomorphs often so closely resembling each other, that it is only after a careful examination of the gradational affinities of each that its proper position can be assigned. The largest number of such varietal forms is presented by PlanorbuUna, which has yielded several scores of pseudo-species to authors ; next to it comes Discorbina ; then Puloinulina, which has from forty to fifty such forms ; then Botalia ; then Calcarina ; and lastly Cymbalopora, from whose varieties only four species have been erected. — Of the more aberrant genera, Tinoporus, Polytremn, and Patellina, the first and third will probably yield a large number of varietal forms when they shall have been adequately studied ; the second appears essentially amorphous. Even these genera are not without examples of the isomorphism just alluded to : thus the Tinoporus baculatus so extremely resembles Calcarina Spent/leri as to be readily mistaken for it by such as are not familiar with the special peculiarities of each ; and we shall see that in the early stage of growth there is no essential dissimilarity between them. Genus XIIL— Discorbina (Plate XIII, figs. 2, 3 ; and Williamson, Figs. 104, 105, 109 — 1 13). 351. External Characters and Infernal Structure. — The genus Discorbina may be regarded as presenting the characteristic features of the Rotaline series in their simplest, as Rotalia does in their most developed, condition. Its shell is typically a turbinoid spire, formed by a succession of vesicular segments, every one of which bears a strong resemblance to a 204 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. segment of a Globir/erina (ex, Fig. 104 *) ; the only essential difference between the two t}^pes consisting in this, that each chamber of GJohigerina has a distinct communication with the umbilical vestibule, whilst in Liscorbina each chamber communicates only with that which precedes and follows it. The aperture is a large fissure, more or less arched, reaching to the lower edge of the umbilical margin of the septal plane ; and it is nearly always more or less occluded by an " astral flap," which may be a mere projection of the exogenous substance deposited on the umbilicus, or may be part of the more developed " asterigerine " plates to be presently described. The general form of the shell is conical, with a rather sharp margin and a nearly flat base. 352. These characters are typically shown in the Rotalia turbo of D'Orbigny, of which fossil varieties had been described by Lamarck (lviii), under the names Discorbifes vesicu- hiris, Hotaliles trochidiformis, and R. lenticularis. Of these the R. trocliidiformis of the Grignon Tertiaries is the largest and most strongly developed, but it is scarcely the most characteristic; the peculiar features of this type being more conspicuously exhibited by the Rofalites vesicularis of Lamarck, which is the Rotalia Gervillii of D'Orbigny's models and the Discorbina vesicularis of Parker and Rupert Jones, and which is very common at the present time on the Australian coast. The form of this shell (figs. 2, 3) is plano-convex, or concavo- convex, its umbilical surface being flattened, or even concave, whilst its upper surface is mode- rately arched. Its segments are vesicular externally, so that its septal bands are furrowed; and they commonly retain their globose form on their anterior extremity, which forms the poste- rior boundary of the next segment, and is not difl'erentiated save by the loss of its pores from the remainder of the chamber-wall. The upper surface may show the spire from its very commencement ; but as it commonly happens that each later whorl in some degree overgrows the one which precedes it, the primordial chamber is sometimes concealed. The character of the upper surface is for the most part but very little altered by exogenous deposit ; though sometimes the apex of the spire is crowned by a glistening boss of hyaline substance. The vesicular form of the segments is sometimes retained on the lower or umbilical surface, but more commonly it gives place to a flattening ; in either case, how ever, there is a deep furrow- ing at each septal junction, leading towards the umbilical depression. This depression, with its radiating furrows, is covered in by a sort of tent of hyaline non-tubular shell-substance, which sends an astral prolongation to attach itself to the wall of each of the surrounding segments (fig. 3) ; and thus a space is enclosed, which (it can scarcely be doubted) is filled in the living state with sarcode-substance. Under some condition or other, this " asterigerine " growth is found in almost every variety of the genus Discorbina .■ but it may be reduced on the one hand to a mere rudiment, as in the B. r/lobidarls of our own shores ; whilst, on the other, it may be exuberant enough to form a solid mass, as in the fossil D. trochidiformis, where we find the surface of that mass covered with hemispherical granules, which especially run along the margins of the septal junctions, so as to give to tiiis variety a curious analogical resemblance to Rotalia Beccarii (369). * This very characteristic figure of the coarsely perforated Discorhina globularis is erroneously given by Prof. 'Williamson as the young of tlje finely perforated Rotalina (Ptdvintilina) concamerata. GENUS DISCORBINA. 205 353. This type keeps very strictly, as a rule, to its regular mode of increase ; though sometimes iu the larger examples of the B. vesicularis we find the spire terminating in a few irregular or wildly-growing chambers. These may be either unusually large, or may become suddenly small ; and they may either intercalate themselves along the border of the preceding segments, or they may grow over the older part of the shell without any definite direction. The smallest and feeblest varieties of Discorbina form a high cone, which may be flattened on two surfaces, so as to present a very " textularian " aspect ; on the other hand, the spire may be so much depressed that the shell comes to have a complanate or even a scale-like form. It is for the most part in the small complanate varieties that we find an elevation of the septal bands and of the margin of the spire, which, common as it is in Pidvinulmn, is of rare occurrence in this group ; of this an example is shown in the Rofaluia ocltracea of Williamson (ex. Figs. 1 12, 113). One of the most curious modifications of structure in this type consists in the existence of deep fissures between the successive segments, the walls of which are complete on either side of these fissures ; as we see in many recent examples of the D. vesicu- laris of Australia, but still better in the D. rimosa (Parker and Rupert Jones) of the Grignon Tertiaries and the Australian coral reefs. In this variety we not only find the asterigerine flaps so much developed as to form a regular series of secondary chambers alternating with the primary, but we also find the exogenous deposit partially bridging over the superficial entrance to the interseptal fissures, dividing it into a row of little passages ; and thus is pro- duced a sort of sketch of that intraseptal system of canals, which we shall see to be more fully elaborated in Botalia, and to attain its most complete development in Polystonella. 354. Although, as a general rule, the walls of the chambers are coarsely perforated, yet in some of the smaller and more delicate varieties the pores are very fine. There are some instances in which a considerable portion of the external surface of each segment ia destitute of pores, these being limited to the margin, where they are unusually large and closely set, giving rise to the peculiar appearance represented by Prof Williamson (ex, Figs. 109, 111) as characterising his Hotalina mawilla, a variety of the Rofalia rosacea, D'Orb. In some varieties these marginal pores are prolonged into short tubes, which give to the edge a prickly character. The diameter of the shells of this genus ranges from l-6th [D. trockidi- formis) and l-7th {D. vesicularis) of an inch to as little as l-200th of an inch, which is the diameter of some of the specimens brought up from the deeper recesses of the ocean. 355. Affinities. — It has been already remarked (^ 341) that all the genera constituting the proper Bofaline series are intimately connected by mutual affinity; but each of them has also relations of its own to other types. Thus, as we have seen, the simplest forms oiDiscorbina connect themselves with Glohir/erina, and even with Textularia ; whilst among its more deve- loped forms we find approximations to the lower types of the family Nuiiimulinida, the com- planate varieties reminding us of Operculina, and those in which the " astral lobes' are most complete bringing us almost into contact with Amphistegina. In general configuration this genus is closely paralleled by certain forms of the protean arenaceous type Littiola {\ 213). 356. Geographical and Geological Distribution. — The Rotaline group as a whole may be 206 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. said to be universally diffused, and to have a very wide bathyraetrical as well as climatic range. But its several generic forms are by no means equally developed under different conditions. Thus Discorbina, though presenting itself on the British coasts, in the Mediterra- nean, and in the East India seas, is there comparatively small ; attaining a much larger size near the Australian shores. Its most congenial home seems to be in the Algal and Coralline zone, the deep-water examples of this type being smaller and rarer ; a sandy bottom seems to suit it best, the specimens found in mud being small and delicate. — These peculiarities of habit must be taken into account in estimating the geological range of this genus; for it is quite possible that its absence from all strata in which it has been searched for, earlier than the Maestricht beds, may be due to the fact that these strata were deposited for the most part in deep seas. In the Maestricht beds this genus is represented by specimens of medium size ; its largest fossil forms (which equal or even exceed those found recent on the Australian coast) are furnished by the Bracklesham and Grignon deposits ; whilst in the later Ter- tiaries its varieties cloely correspond in size and character with the ordinary existing forms of the genus. Ge;;«s XIV.— Planorbulina (Plate XIII, figs. 13—15; and Williamson, Figs. 119—123). 357. External Characters and Internal Structure. — The modification of the ordinary Rotaline type of which we have next to treat, is one that departs more widely from it in plan of growth than it does in the character of the individual segments ; these retaining very much of their simple Globigerine condition, but being disposed in such a manner that their originally continuous spiral succession gives place to a cyclical arrangement not unlike that of Orbitolites, whilst this again may give place to an irregular heaping-up or " acervuline" disposition of the segments. It will be convenient in the first instance to describe a characteristic example of this type, and then to examine on the one hand the links which connect it with the ordinary Botulines, and on the other those (so to speak) exaggerated forms by which it comes into relation with the genera Tlnoporus and Poli/trcma. 358. Such a characteristic example is presented by the Planorhulina mediterranensis of our own coasts (described and figured by Prof. Williamson, ex, p. 57, Figs. 119, 120), which attains a considerably larger size in the Mediterranean and in other sub-tropical and tropical seas, and which has also received the name of P. farcta. The growth of this shell, which is always attached on one side, commences in a very depressed rotaline spiral ; the successive segments of which open into one another by a wide fissure that is close to the inferior lateral surface, which (by the inverted position of the shell, ^ 345) is here its free surface. After the spiral has made from one and a half to two turns, however, the segments begin to be added in a manner altogether different ; the change being made in the first instance by the formation of segments which bud forth new ones from their peripheral as well as from their umbilical margins ; and from these a succession of segments is produced, which passes round the original spire, and then returns into itself. Each of the chambers thus formed has an oval opening at either extremity. GENUS PLANORBULINA. 207 as is shown in several of the marginal segments of Prof. Williamson's figure (ex, Fig. 120). From the time that a complete ring of chambers has been thus formed around the original spiral, the continued growth of this organism takes place upon the cyclical plan ; each new chamber being formed (as a rule) by a tent of shell thrown over the interspace between two chambers of the preceding annulus, with each of which it communicates through its oval aperture ; whilst in its turn it forms two apertures which will communicate with the two chambers to be formed in alternation with it in the succeeding annulus. Thus in plan of growth Planorhulina bears a considerable resemblance to that of the simple type of OrhitolUes (^ 157); but nothing can be more different than the te.xture of the shell in the two cases; that of Planorbulina being the most coarsely porous of any of the Botalliies (Plate XIII, fig. 14), so that its animal can send out large pseudopodia from every one of its segments ; while that of Orbitolites is everywhere unperforated save by the marginal apertures. The segments of the cyclically growing portion usually elongate themselves in a direction which is oblique to that of the surface whereon they grow, sloping inwards towards the centre in such a manner as more or less to cover-in the original spire, which is thus only partially visible on its free surface, or may even be entirely concealed. The form of the segments is usually more or less ventricose ; that of the entire shell will vary according to the degree of their oblique elongation, the centre being depressed when the spiral is merely surrounded by the cyclical growth, but being elevated when the spiral is covered by the inward extension of the cyclical. 359. Now the spiral plan of growth in which Planorbulina always commences, may con- tinue without giving place to the cyclical ; and thus are generated three forms, Truncaftdina, Anomalina, and Planulina, which connect the typical Platiorbulince with the ordinary Rota- lines. The former of these, TruncafuUna, has ordinarily a plano-convex shell, with a crenulated margin, and is attached to sea-weeds, zoophytes, shells, &c., by its flat side, on which the whole spire is apparent ; whilst on its unattached surface, which is really the inferior, the earher portion of the spire is more or less overgrown by the later (Fig. XXXII, d, e, p. 20). Its form, however, is liable to very great variation, in accordance with the place and nature of its attachment, the depth of water, the character of the sea-bottom, and other less de- finable influences; so that many plates of the great work of Soldani (ci) are devoted to the figures of the very protean T. variabilis, the ordinary Mediterranean example of this type. The shell is coarsely porous, and its surface in the older specimens is roughened by minute tubercles. The apertural fissure, instead of being restricted to the umbilical margin of that portion of the chamber-wall which forms the septal plane, is usually extended upon tlie inner margin of the inferior lateral surface, so as to become visible from beneath ; this prolonged portion of the fissure is not included by the succeeding chamber, and thus it happens that some of the later chambers continue to retain a direct communication with the exterior ; this, however, being closed by a subsequent deposit of shell-substance in all the earlier cham- bers. The shell of Triincatulina may assume the form of a high cone, as in T. rrj'ulgens, a northern form, of moderate depths, distinguished by its smoothness and polish ; but the real apex of the spire is still on the flat surface, where the whole spire continues visible. On the other hand the shell may be extraordinarily flattened, so as to become scale-like and nearly symmetrical, with squared edges and elevated septal lines, as in the variety described by D'Orbigny as Plai/uUna Aritnincnsis (Fig. XXXI1,f) ; this presents so close a conformity to 208 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. the Operculine type as to be readily mistaken for a member of that series, its " truncatuline" character being only made evident by a comparison of the gradational forms by which it is connected witli the type. The Trinicatnl'ma of northern seas is seldom observed to present any more considerable departure from the ordinary Rotaline plan of increase ; but that of the Mediterranean continually takes on a " wild " growth, its later segments being added without any regularity, though usually in such a manner as to tend towards a cyclical ar- rangement ; and specimens of this kind are very commonly found attached to the larger bivalves (such as P-inna flabellum) in company with PlanorbuUna mediterranensis, exceeding the latter in size, though not developing nearly as many chambers. In tropical seas the arrested " truncatuline " forms are rare ; the exuberance of increase manifesting itself very early in the transition to the " planorbuline '' type, on which a number of new chambers may be formed at once, instead of in the succession required by the spiral plan. 360. The type which has been distinguished by D'Orbigny as Anomnlina may be de- scribed as a modified Truncatulina of which the two surfaces are nearly equal, so that the spire comes to have almost a nautiloid character, and presents a broad sunken umbilicus on either side. The apertural fissure does not show itself on either surface, being limited to the septal plane ; but is nearer to the flatter side than to the other. This form may either become "planorbuline," or may graduate into the "truncatuline;" so that its differential characters are obviously of no more than varietal importance. One of the forms into which it passes has been distinguished as F. {Anomatina) coronata ; a variety less common than P. [Truncatu- lina) lobatula, but abounding in certain localities (as on the coast of Norway and in parts of the Mediterranean) at depths of 100 fathoms, where it lives independently instead of para- sitically, developing both its surfaces more or less freely. Both, in older specimens, are over- laid by an exogenous deposit of clear, non-perforated, shell-substance, which sometimes hides the septal lines ; but in this there exist lacunce for the exit of the pseudopodia, which seem especially to extend themselves from the periphery of the chambers ; and these lacunae seem to prefigure the canal-system which we shall find to constitute a remarkable feature in the exogenous skeleton of Calcarina. 3G1. It is in tropical regions that PlanorhuUna acquires its largest size and its most marked development, examples of the parasitic P. vulgaris not uncommonly attaining a diameter of l-4th of an inch, and presenting such a resemblance to Polyzoa as to be easily mistaken for members of that group. This augmentation of size partly depends upon the greater multiplication of segments ; but is partly due to the dimensions which the individual segments may attain. The early growth of this type (Plate XIII, fig. 13) closely corresponds with that of P. mediierranensk ; but as its development proceeds we find a remarkable change in the condition of the apertures of communication between the chambers. These apertures, which in the Plunorbulino! of temperate seas are never more than faintly lipped, here become protrusive, each being furnished with a neck and an everted rim. As a general rule we find the pairs of these necks put forth from two adjacent marginal chambers con- verging towards each other, both being received into the new chamber which is formed in alternation with them (fig. 14, «, «) ; and the new segment in its turn puts forth two similar necks from near its peripheral margin, to be received into two separate chambers of the succeeding GENUS PLANORBULINA. 209 growth. Sometimes the segments do not come into absolute contact with each other, being kept somewhat apart by the intervention of the apertural necks ; and each chamber then has its own complete walls. This varietal modification, however, is much more remarkable in a ])!irasitic form, which has received from Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones the name of P. retinaculata ; for the segments are here smaller, whilst the connecting tubuli are relatively larger and more numerous ; so that the disk is composed of a sort of open network that spreads over the surface of the shell whereon it grows. Both in this and in the large varieties of P. vulgaris, the free surface is studded over with large tubercles which arise from it be- tween the large and sparsely-set pores ; these tubercles are sometimes formed of a remarkably white opaque kind of shell-substance, giving a very peculiar aspect to the organism (Plate XII, fig. 15). The Acervulina of Schultzc (.xcvit, p. 67) is nothing else than a Planorbiduia which attaches itself to the stem of a Zoophyte or some other small rounded body, and of whicli the segments, instead of spreading discoidally over an expanded surface, cluster together in a mass, with more or less of regularity of arrangement. Sometimes the mass acquires considerable compactness from the mutual flattening of the segments against each other ; and the " acervuline " PlanorbuUiia may thus come to present so close a resemblance to Tiiiojmrm and Polytremu, as to be almost undistinguishable from those types. 362. JffinUk's. — Besides its affinities to the ordinary Rotalines, and, as we have just seen to Tinoporus and Polytrema, this genus is related by some of its most symmetrical " anoma- line" forms to the simpler nautiloid types of the family Ni/mmulinida ; whilst its arrested " truncatuline" forms are closely paralleled in general configuration by the " placopsiline" LitiioJcE (t 213). In the cyclical arrangement of its segments of growth, which results from the mode of increase that may be considered typical of its advanced stage, Plaiwrbulina seems to conduct us towards PatcUma ; in which we shall find the parallelism to Orbitoliteti most remarkably carried out. 363. Geographkcd and Geological Distribution. — The conditions which most favour the production of P/rt//Of(^«///^« seem to be almost exactly the same as those under which i)/.wo?-5///a most abounds. The numerous specimens which come to us from arctic and temperate seas are of small size and arrested development ; in both respects the Mediterranean forms of this genus show a decided advance ; but it is in the tropical and Australian seas that it finds its congenial home amongst sea-weeds, corallines, and shell-beds, the specimens found at abyssal depths (1000 fathoms and more) being small and rare.— With respect to the apparent absence of this genus in the earlier stratified deposits, the remark already made in regard to Discorbiiia (t 356) equally holds good here ; and it is interesting to observe that although Plaiiorhuliiia makes its appearance in the Lias, it is represented there by very small forms, such as at present inhabit great depths ; and that the like condition prevails for the most part in the Cretaceous formation. In the Tertiary series, however, especially in the Grignon deposits, it is often very large, although arrested in its development, its forms being identical with such as now present themselves at depths of from 30 to 100 fathoms. 27 210 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. Genus XV.— PuLViNULiNA (Plate XIII, figs. 4—6 ; and Williamson, Figs. 98—103). 364. External Characters and Internal Structure. — The group of Rotaline forms wliicli are associated in this genus consists of those which accord more or less closely with its type, — the Nautilus repandus of Fichtel and Moll, the Flacentula pulvinata of Lamarck, the RotaUa or Uotalina repanda of later systematists, — in the freedom of growth and in the fineness of the porosity of its shell ; by both of which characters, but especially by the second, it is distin- guished from Discorhbia. The shells of this genus are usually composed of from seven to twenty-six segments of variable convexity, somewhat loosely aggregated in a depressed turbinoid spire, so as to have a biconvex form with the upper side thickest, and an angular or sub-carinate margin (Fig. XXXII, A, p. 201). On the under side there is a large umbilical space, which may either remain open (ex, Fig. 102), or may be partially or completely filled by exogenous deposit. The segments usually undergo a rapid elongation ; and sometimes the later ones spread themselves out irregularly (ex. Figs. 95 — 100). An elongation takes place in the septal plane, in accordance with the extension of the chambers ; and in such cases it tends to become flattened (ex, Fig. 95), and is very commonly punched with large " orbuline" foramina. The aperture is usually a large slit at the base of tlie umbilical margin of the septal plane ; and is frequently still further enlarged by irregular deficiencies at its septal edge. In the typical Puhinulincs the exogenous deposit is chiefly confined to the septal bands, which it often raises into ridges so as to produce a strong " limbation ;" but it may also roughen the general surface with minute granulations. Some of the most oblong- varieties, as the Eolalina ohlonya of Williamson (ex, p. 51) were included by D'Orbigny in his genus Valvulina. 365. The expanded form of this type may give place to one more contracted, in which the segments are more compactly arranged, so as to produce by their aggregation a thick conical shell, of which the external walls are " flush." In this variety the upper surface usually receives a considerable amount of exogenous deposit, which forms a strong " limbation" on the septal lines (ox, Figs. 101, 103), and covers the outer walls of the chambers with large closely-set granules ; and the aperture passes into the condition of a notch. Tlie limba- tion and granulation attain their maximum in the conus-shaped P. caracolla of the Oolite, Gault, and Chalk-marl, in which the limbation is stronger than in any other Rotalines, the faces of the chambers often lying deep between wall-like ridges both above and below. The variety known as Botalia Ilenardii is a common deep-sea form of PidvinuUna, flattish, limbate, and granular ; and tliis is sometimes accompanied by the E. elegans vel PartscMana (lxxiii), a large flush-chambered shell, with a prominent umbo formed by a mass of exogenous deposit, which variety ranges also into shallower water. In some other varieties allied to B. Menardii the hmbation is wanting; the septal bands being flush with the surface, or being even furrowed. In the P. Schreibersii and allied varieties the limbation is but faint, or is altogether wanting, on the upper surface of the shell; whilst on the under surface there is a strong astral limbation proceeding from the exogenous deposit which occupies the umbilical vestibule. GENUS PULVINULINA. 211 366. The characteristic form of PuJvimdina is subject in the Laminarian zone of warmer latitudes to a modification so remarkable, that its Rotaline character would scarcely be recog- nisable if its affinity were not traceable through intermediate gradations. This form (Plate XIII, figs. 4 — 6) has been described by D'Orbigny under the designation PlanorbuUna vermiculata ; but although to a certain extent analogous to PlanorbuUna in its plan of growth, it differs from it entirely in other characters, and can be readily shown to be essen- tially a PidvinuJina extremely flattened-out, of which the later chambers elongate themselves like the continuous tube of a Spirillina, with very few interposed septa, sometimes returning into themselves so as to form complete though irregular annuH, of which the earlier are surrounded by the later. The substance of the shell in this curious variety is very finely porous, the pores being grouped in little bundles (fig. 6), and sometimes looks almost horny in its transparency and hue ; but on its attached surface (fig. 5) we notice that it is (as it were) punched-through with large irregularly scattered apertures. These expanded forms sometimes attain a diameter of l-7th of an inch j on the other hand, the contracted deep-sea forms have no greater a diameter than 1-2 50th of an inch. The diameter of the ordinary trochoid forms of moderately deep water ranges from about 1 -20th to 1 -50th of an inch. 367. Affinities. — This genus holds among Rotalines, in regard to the fineness of the texture of its shell, and the freedom of its mode of growth, a rank analogous to that of Bdimi/ia in the Textularine series. Its nearest affinity, however, out of its own sub-family, is to SpiriUina, to which its lowest forms approximate closely in mode of growth ; whilst the large pores that are met with in the chamber-walls, not only in these but in higher forms, mark the persistence of an Orbuline condition of the animal. In this genus, moreover, as in the two preceding, we find complanate nearly symmetrical varieties with raised edges, that bear a strong resemblance to OpercidincB. 368. Geographical and Geolocjiral Bistrihdion. — The conditions under which this genus flourishes best are by no means the same as those which most favour the development of the two preceding types ; for some of the largest examples of Pidvinulina come to us from within the Arctic Circle, and plenty of good-sized specimens may be obtained from extreme depths. The examples which occur in the Algal zone, on the other hand, are for the most part the feeblest. It is, perhaps, on account of its prevalence at greater depths, that this type has been distinctly recognised at an earlier geological period than any other of the Rotalines ; the P. elegans having been found so abundantly in the Upper Triassic clay of Chellaston by Messrs. Rupert Jones and Parker (lv), as to constitute nearly one-half of the Foraminifera in which that deposit is rich. The genus continues to present itself in the Liassic and Oolitic series, its examples being generally small but strongly limbate ; in the Gault their size increases, the limbation being still very strong ; and they become still larger in the Chalk- marl. It is very probable that these diversities have reference only to the depths at which the clay-beds that have been hitherto examined in these formations were respectively depo- sited. The highest development of this genus seems to have been in the Tertiary series, and especially in the Crag-formation. 212 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. Gejius XVI.— RoTALiA (Plate XIII, figs. 7—9; Williamson, Figs. 90—92, 106—108). 369. External Characters. — It is in the true RofalicB, of which R. Beccarii is the typical example, that we meet with the highest development of the Rotaline type, and the nearest approximation to the Nummuline. This approximation is shown in its shell-substance, which is of unusually fine texture, its pores being as minute and as closely set as they are in Opercu- lina or Nummdina (Plate XIII, fig. 8). It is further marked in the general compactness of the shell, and in the mode in which it is strengthened and completed by an " intermediate skeleton." But it is especially manifested in this important feature, — that every ciiamber is completely surrounded by its own proper wall, no part of its boundary being borrowed from that which belongs to the penultimate segment. Hence every septum dividing adjacent segments is double instead of single ; and its substance rather resembles that of the interme- diate skeleton than that of the ordinary chamber-wall, being entirely destitute of the minute porosity which characterises the latter. In this respect, therefore, there is an important advance in that development which consists in progressive differentiation. In the ordinary British form of P. Beccarii, which is accurately described and figured by Prof Williamson (ex, p. 49, Figs. 90 — 92), the shell has a rather depressed turbinoid form, with a rounded margin ; and is composed of a considerable number of segments progressively increasing in size, disposed with great regularity, and having their apposed surfaces closely fitted to each other. The whole of the spire from its commencement is visible on the upper surface ; whilst on the lower only the last convolution shows itself, the segments being arranged around a deep umbilical vestibule, which is filled up with a column of homogeneous semi-crystalline shell-substance. This column sometimes projects as an umbo from the surface, and is clustered over with granulations and incrustations of the like material; similar granulations extend along the umbilical margins of the segments, which are frequently a good deal separated from each other, the intermediate spaces being sometimes filled up with tiic semi-crystalline substance resembling that of the umbilical column. Owing to the somewhat ventricose form of the segments, their lines of junction along the whole spire would be deeply furrowed, were it not that the depressions are partly filled up by deposits of the like substance, which strongly mark the septal lines by the difference of their aspect from that of the inter- vening porous chamber-walls. The septal plane is distinguished by its translucency ; and the aperture is usually a neat arched slit, which is much more nearly medial than in the Rotalincs generally, being very little beneath the contiguous peripheral margin of the penultimate convolution'. In some varieties, however, the aperture has a notch in the umbilical margin of the septal plane. The diameter of this shell, which is an inhabitant of moderately deep water, is usually from l-2.5th to l-30tli of an inch. 370. A feeble shallow-water or littoral variety of this type has been described and figured by Prof. Williamson (ex, p. 54, Figs. 106 — 108) under the designation R. uifida ; here the segments become quite " flush," so that the surface of the cone is smooth ; the walls of the chambers are very thin and translucent, and there is but very little exogenous deposit either along the septal bands or in the umbilical vestibule. A like deficiency of exogenous deposit is observable in the large smooth R. ammonifornm (D'Orb.) of the Rimini shore, which lias GENUS ROTALIA. 213 the umbilicus open, as in the recent feeble forms. In the strongest tropical forms of moderately shallow water, on the other liand, of which the R. Sckroeteriana (erroneously designated Faujasina by Prof. Williamson cix) is a characteristic example, the form of tiie shell is com- pletely changed, by the peculiar form and disposition of the segments, from that of a Turbo to that of a Conus ; the upper surface being now flat or nearly so, whilst the lower surface becomes conical (Plate XIII, fig. 7). Notwithstanding this striking metamorphosis, the essential identity of the two types is proved by the cxistenL^. of a complete series of grada- tional links between them, some of these intermediate forms being almost equally conical on the two sides, but showing the whole spire on one lateral face, whilst only the last convolution is seen on the other. In the typical R. Sckroeteriana, which attains a diameter of l-12th of an inch, the upper surface is rendered " limbate" by the prominence of the septal bands, which are ornamented with rows of hyaline tubercles; and these tubercles are continued along the septal bands down the side of the cone, until they join a large irre- gular mass of the same semicrystalline substance tliat occupies the apex of the cone, which is here tlie real umbilicus of the spire. Between these tubercles there may be distinguished, under a sufficient magnifying power, a single or double row of large pores along each septal band. The aperture has more or less of an oval form, and is usually situated about half-way between the upper flat surface and the umbilical prominence. In a remarkable variety of this type from the Fiji islands, the spire is more symmetrical, and the aperture is bridged over by trans- verse bars (as in Calcariiia), so that the shell becomes almost isomorphic with Pohjdomella craticidata ; to which type it further bears considerable resemblance in the disposition of the exogenous deposit, and in the mode in which the intraseptal passages open on the surface along the septal bands (§ 372.) 371. Various weaker modifications of the preceding forms present themselves at different depths in the tropical ocean and in marine deposits of different geological ages. Thus, from 100 fathoms and more we have recent examples of the R. Soldanii of the Vienna Tertiaries (lxxiii), which is identical with the R. lunhilicata of the Chalk ; a close thickset smooth form, without septal granulations, and having its umbilicus sometimes occupied by a single large rounded tubercle. Again the R. orbicularis (which ranks as GyroidiiKi in D'Orbigny's models) is almost hemispherical in form, its chambers being quite " flush," and its upper flat surface showing the entire series, which consists of about forty segments, whilst its lower spherical surface shows ten or twelve. A still more marked departure from the typical form is produced by the extension of three or four of the septal bands of the first convolution into long smooth radii, giving rise to the variety described by D'Orbigny as Cah-uriaa jjitlchella, which is further remarkable as having each of its raised septal bands double. And finally, in a conus-shaped tropical variet)', which has received from D'Orbigny the names Antcrii/criiui carinala and A. lobafa, the umbilical lobes of the chambers are separated from the principals by the intervention of a septum, so as to constitute a secondary series of chamberlcts which interdigitate or dovetail themselves between the proper chambers, as do those of the lower surface of Ampliistefjina vuhjuris and its varieties (Plate XIII, fig. 23), instead of lying in a lower plane like the subsidiary chambers formed by astral flaps in Divcorbiiia (^ 352). 372. Internal Structure. — The internal structure of the most developed form of the genus 214 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. Rotalia has been very accurately described by Prof. Williamson (cix), whose account of it is confirmed in every particular by my own inquiries. When a horizontal section is taken near the upper or flat surface of the shell, the whole spire is laid open, as shown in Plate XIII, fig. 8 ; the finely-tubular structure of the lateral walls of its chambers, and the absence of tubuli from the intervening septa, are apparent ; while a marked peculiarity here presents itself in the septa being composed of two lamellae, between which there is sometimes a con- siderable interspace. The intraseptal spaces are connected into a system of passages which extends in a radial direction from the centre towards the periphery ; each passage first tra- versing one of the intraseptal spaces, and then usually bifurcating as it enters the spiral lamina, its two branches divaricating in such a manner as to pass to two septa in the next convolu- tion. By comparing this, however, with such a vertical section as is shown in Plate XIII, fig. 9, it is made apparent that what seem to be canals between the septa are in reality the lower edges of intraseptal /55?«-e5, which intervene between the two lamellae through nearly the whole area of each septal plane. From that edge of each fissure which is nearest the flat surface, passages are given off which run towards that surface to open between the tubercles on its septal bands ; whilst from that edge of the intraseptal fissure which abuts on the oblique side of the cone, there is given forth a row of passages which open along the septal band that passes vertically towards the umbilicus. Before reaching the surface these passages usually divaricate, and the wedge-like space between each bifurcation (fig. 8, a) is occupied by non-tubular substance, which forms, in fact, the base of one of the tubercles that rises from the septal band. The exogenous deposit of which these tubercles are formed, extends over the whole surface of the shell, adding considerably to the original thickness of the walls of the chambers. It is shown by the vertical section (fig. 9) how the peculiar form of the shell is engendered by the remarkable elongation of the later chambers between the lateral surfaces, so that the upper side of each succeeding whorl is kept on a level with the preceding whorl above, whilst it is produced far beyond it beloio. This production of each whorl leaves a large umbilical fossa of irregular form, which is filled up with homogeneous shell-substance, so as to become a sort of columella. 373. Affinities. — The very marked participation in certain characters of the Nummuline series which is exhibited by this genus, would suiBce, if taken by itself, to justify its claim to a place among them ; the relationship of its most developed forms to those of PohjsiomeUa in particular being so intimate, that the two cannot be justly considered as far removed from each other. But, on the other hand, the general affinity of Bolnlia, to the other genera of the Rotaline series is so close, that it is quite impossible to detach it from them ; and it must be regarded, therefore, as the link which establishes the transition between the ordinary Rotaline and the Nummuline series. It is impossible, moreover, not to be struck with the analogical relationship between Roialina and Carpenteria, which hold the highest places in their respec- tive series ; for Carpenteria would in all essential particulars be an outspread Rotalia attached by its upper lateral surface, if its chambers communicated with one another, instead of open- ing separately into a common vestibule. 374. GeograpJdcal and Geolofjical Distribution. — The true RotaHa may be considered as essentially a sub-tropical form ; its characteristic features being well exhibited in specimens GENUS CYMBALOPORA. 215 from the Levant. It has not yet been found in the Arctic seas, and it is neither abundant nor of more than half its ordinary size on the British coasts ; on the other hand, it is in tropical specimens that we find it most thickly clothed with exogenous deposit, and its canal system most developed. It does not flourish in deep waters, its size being reduced to less than one fourth at a depth of 100 fathoms ; whilst its form is altogether changed, and it becomes very' small and rare, at 1000 fathoms. On the other hand, it extends far up estuaries and into salt-bogs — No true Rofaliie are at present known to have existed earlier than the Chalk, in which formation there occur examples of B. Bcccarli whose small size indicates that they lived at considerable depths, probably from 100 to 400 fathoms. It is in the Tertiary forma- tions, however, that this sub-genus occurs in greatest abundance ; some shallow water-beds of the Crag and of the Siennese deposits being almost entirely composed of Bolalice. Genus XVII.— Cymbalopora (Plate XIII, figs. 10—12). 375. External Characters and Internal Structure. — This small genus,including only four spe- cific forms hitherto described, was instituted in 1850 by Hagenow (" Die Bryozoen der Maas- trichter Kreide-bildung") on the basis of a minute fossil which he supposed to be a Bryozoon, but which has been found by Messrs. Parker and llupert Jones to agree in structure with the Bosalina Poei/i of D'Orbigny (xcii), a type distinguished by peculiarities of conformation quite sufficient to differentiate it from all other genera of the Rotaline sub-family. All the examples of this genus are of comparatively small size ; the diameter of the largest of them (fossil from the Upper Chalk of Maestricht) being not more than l-18th of an inch ; whilst that of the ordinary specimens obtained from deep water at the present time does not exceed l-120th of an inch. When seen from the superior lateral surface, or looked at edgeways (Plate XIII, fig. 10), a Cymbalopora does not present any marked feature that distinguishes it from a trochoid Biscorhina, save that the spiral arrangement of its segments does not appear to be continued with regularity as the cone enlarges. But when its inferior surface is examined, a very extraordinary departure from that regularity displays itself; for we there find its seg- ments arranged concentrically around a deep umbilical vestibule, which extends far up into the cone. Sometimes these segments are numerous and narrow, and being as it were wedged in between the segments of the preceding layer, they are separated from each other by considerable intervals (Plate XIII, fig. 11). But in other cases they are few in number (the whole annulus being made up of only four or five), broad, and flat ; and the interval between them is reduced to a flssure (fig. 12). In either case each segment communicates with the umbilical vestibule by a prolonged tubular neck ; and it also has two large lipped orifices on either side, apparently for the passage of sarcode-stolons to the adjacent segments. Tl>e shelly lamina which forms the basal walls of these segments is much more hyaline and less porous than that which bounds them externally ; and we notice the homologue of the asteri- gerine flaps of Discorhina in the frequent extension of a lamella of shell over the umbilicus, closing-in its cavity, and connecting together the internal necks of the segments. It can scarcely be doubted that this umbilical cavity is occupied in the hving condition by a portion of the sarcode body of the animal ; and that from this are put forth by gemmation the seg- 216 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. ments that form each new annulus of chambers, since the chambers of one annulus have no direct communication with those of the annulus which preceded it. In this respect, there- fore, we have a curious analogy to Dactyhpora, in which, however, the independence of the segments is greater, no communication existing between even those of the same annulus (f 190). 376. The mode in which the spiral growth is exchanged for the concentric seems to be essentially the same with that in which it is accomplished in PlanorbuJum (f 358) ; the spire first becoming excentric by the development of new chambers on one side onl}^ (in such a manner that the primordial segment seldom lies at the apex of the cone, but a Httle on one side of it), and being then inclosed by an annulus formed by the gemmation of new segm.ents. In Pla7iorhidt7Ui, however, each successive annulus is formed around the margin of the preceding, from which every one of its segments derives stolon-processes ; whilst in Ci/iiibnlajjora each new annulus is formed beneath the preceding, and has apparently no direct derivation from it. The principal departure from the typical form is shown in the C. buUoides (Bosalina bulloides, D'Orbigny, xcii). in which the whole of the base is occupied by a single large chamber, the wall of which, instead of being furnished with its normal apertures, is perforated by numerous large 'orbuline' lipped pores. 377. Ajjiiiiiies:. — In the character and disposition of its earlier segments, and in the asterigerine lamella at the base of its cone, Cymbcdopora ma}^ be considered as most nearly related to Biscorbina ; but in the exchange of the spiral for the cyclical plan of growth, it accords with Planorbnlina, differing from the last-named genus, however, far more than the "wildest" of those forms to which we have extended its designation. 378. Geographical and Geological Distribution. — The little Cgnibalopora is at present restricted to the warmest seas, not being found in the Mediterranean, but being common in the Ked Sea, in the East and West Indian Seas, and on the shores of the Fiji and other Polynesian islands and of Australia. It frequents the Algal and Coralline zones and shell- beds; and becomes small and irregular when presenting itself (as it not rarely does) at depths of 500 fathoms. The only occurrence of this genus in a fossil form is in the Maestricht beds, in which it presents itself in association with Calcarina and Biscorbina. Its absence in the Tertiary strata of Europe (so far as is yet known) taken in connection with the essentially tropical habitat of its recent representatives, is a fact of some significance. Genus XVIII.— Calcarina (Plate XIII, fig. 21 ; Plate XIV, figs. 1—10). 379. External Characters. — The name bestowed on this genus, of which the C. Spengleri (the Nuutilm Spengleri of Linnaeus) is the typical form, is derived from the resemblance which it presents in general aspect to the rowel of a spur (Plate XIV, figs. 1, 2), this resemblance being produced by the divergence from the central disk of a set of rays or spines, which vary GENUS CALCARINA. 217 Fig. XXXIII. alike in number, length, and direction. These spines are usually few in young specimens, and become numerous with age ; but this rule is by no means constant, since full-grown specimens are occasionally met with having no more than four or five very short spines (Fig. XXXV, h). The spines are usually either cylindrical or somewhat club-shaped, the latter form being the more common ; but we occasionally see them showing a tendency to bifurcation or trifurcation at their extremities ; and they not unfrequently appear as if two, three, or even four spines had coalesced to form one, — this being indi- cated not only by its unusual size, but by the mutual di- vergence of its components as they extend themselves from the central disk (Fig. XXXIII, b, and Fig. XXXIV, f). a somewhat remarkable contrast in the relative development of the disk and of the spines is presented by the general aggregate of the specimens obtained from the Philippines and the Mediterranean respectively ; as is shown in comparing Figs. XXXIV and XXXV. It is in the former that we meet with the greatest num- ber as well as the greatest relative length of the spines ; and that the bifurcation or trifurcation of their extre- mities presents itself. In full-grown specimens of the Philippine Cdcarina, we com- monly find the spines diverging from the margin of the central disk in such abundance. Fig. XXXIV. Fir. XXXV. Two specimens of Philippine variety of Cul- carina, distinguished bj unusual exuberance of spinous outgrowths. Outline-representations of various specimens of Philippine variety of Calcarina. Outline-representations of various specimens of Mediterranean variety of Calcarina. that very little of that margin is left free. The length of their spines, moreover, at different ages, varies pretty constantly with the diameter of the disk, the average pro- 28 218 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. portion being about two-thirds ; though we occasionally meet with specimens in which the disk is unusually large and the length of the spines does not equal more than half its diameter, and others in which the disk is unusually small and the length of the spines is equal to its whole width. In the Mediterranean Calcarina, on the other hand, I have seldom met with more than nine spines ; and any excess beyond that number is only presented by specimens in which the disk is very large, so that wide intervals present them- selves along its margin between the bases of the spines. Their spines are nearly always simply clavate in form, any tendency to bifurcation or trifurcation at their extremities being rare ; and they show but little disposition to increase in length with the enlargement of the central disk, being often not only relatively but even absolutely shorter in old specimens ; as if the spines had entirely ceased to grow, and the disk had (as it were) included their basal portions within itself. In some instances, indeed, they scarcely show themselves enough to attract attention ; being little more than tubercular projections from the margin of the disk (Fig. XXXV, h). Notwithstanding, however, this strongly marked difference in general physiognomy, it becomes obvious, on the comparison of a sufficient number of individuals, that no line of specific distinction can be fairly drawn on such a basis between the Philippine and the Mediterranean forms ; since among the Philippine we meet with numerous specimens in which the spines are as few and simple as they are in the great bulk of the Mediterranean (Fig. XXXIV, B, c) ; while specimens not unfrequently present themselves among the Mediterranean, in which there is not merely an addition to the ordinary number of the spines, but a manifest disposition in many of them to subdivide near their extremities, thus showing an obvious approximation to the Philippine type. Although the spines usually radiate nearly in the equatorial plane, yet it becomes obvious, when their connexion with the central disk is examined, that they originate at different levels (Fig. XXXV, e, f) ; this will presently be found to depend on the turbinoid form of the spire (^ 383). Besides the ordinary radiating spines, an extraordinary growth of short pointed spines is sometimes seen, either partially or completely covering one or both surfaces of the central disk (Fig. XXXIV, g) ; and examples occasionally present themselves (Fig. XXXIII, a), in which the development of these seems to have altogether superseded that of the ordinary radiating spines. 380. It is remarkable that among the very young specimens of this type, a yet greater variety shows itself than among those further advanced in life. At Fig. XXXIV, a, b, c, is shown what may be considered the ordinary or normal aspect of the young Calcarina ; whilst in Plate XIV, figs. 6, 7, we have a representation (under higher magnifying powers) of an example of what may be termed the hispid condition, which so frequently presents itself in small CalcarincE as to give rise to a question whether they should not be made to constitute a distinct species. I have satisfied myself, however, by the comparison of a large number of specimens, that so continuous a gradation presents itself between the smoothest and the most hispid specimens, as to render the attempt to separate them specifically altogether futile; and Mr. Parker, who has examined a yet larger number of specimens, fully confirms this con- clusion. Moreover, the internal structure of these hispid specimens shows no departure whatever from the ordinary type. GENUS CALCARINA. 219 381. Returning, now, to the external aspect of the fully-developed Calcarina, we have to notice that each surface of the disk is very commonly elevated, especially in its central portion, into rounded tubercles, more or less closely set together (Plate XIV, fig. 1). Tiiese are sometimes large and prominent, and present the semi-transparent appearance which is common among the like tubercles of Operculina (IT 436) ; more commonly, however, they are less conspicuous either as to size, prominence, or distinctive aspect ; and sometimes they are almost or altogether wanting (fig. 2). Yet it is seldom, if ever, that they are absent from both surfaces of the disk ; and it is more common to find them deficient on the surface nearest to the apex of the spire, than on that on which its last-formed chambers are visible. And even when no prominent tubercles are present, a distinction may be generally made out by careful examination in the parts of the surface corresponding to tlieir usual situation. For whilst the exterior of the disk is marked, more or less conspicuously, with minute punctations (fig. 8), these are not to be seen on its tuberculated prominences ; and the like deficiency is generally to be noted in circular spots of the surface, even when it is not raised into tubercles. Occasionally, though rarely, not even this mark of differentiation is seen, the punctations being uniformly distributed over the surface, which is in that case always the one nearest the apex of the spire. Tiie surface of the spines is marked, more or less conspicuously, by a longitudinal furrowing (fig. 8), not unlike that of the "marginal cord" of Operculina (^ 444). The furrows maintain a general parallelism, but there are frequent inosculations between them ; and punctations marking the orifices of deeper canals are often to be noticed at the bottom of the furrows. On one of the surfaces of the disk the indication of a sj)ire is more or less distinctly observable (Plate XIV, fig. 1) ; also (Fig. XXXIV, B, Fig. XXXV, d, g, h). This indication is sometimes limited to two or three chambers ; but more commonly about half a turn may be distinguished, the spire becoming absorbed (as it were) into the solid mass of the disk, as we trace it backwards. The walls of the last-formed chambers, where entirely disengaged from the disk, are extremely thin (Plate XIV, fig. 8, b, b), so that it is rare to find them perfect ; and an opening formed by the fracture of the wall of the newest chamber has been mistaken by Fichtel and Moll, and appa- rently by D'Orbigny also, for the true aperture of the shell, which, as will presently appear, is of an entirely different character, and is not easily to be distinguished. The prominent surface of the walls of the conspicuous chambers of the newest whorl is covered with punctations resembling those of the general surface of the disk ; but they are more minute and more closely set together, and they are distributed with great uniformity, no unpunctated spaces being anywhere visible. 382. Internal Structure — When the internal structure of this organism is examined by means of thin sections taken in different directions, the apj^arent anomalies of its conformation are found to be dependent simply upon the extraordinary development of its " supplemental skeleton ;" its general plan of structure being much simpler than the peculiarities of its aspect would seem to indicate. The spire, as laid open by vertical section (Plate XIV, fig. 3), is turbinoid ; consisting usually of about five whorls {a, a^, a~, c?, a^), that start as usual from a central cell, and progressively increase in size ; each whorl is applied merely to the surface of the preceding, and does not invest it in any degree, the chambers being altogether destitute of alar prolongations. The aspect of the spire as seen in equatorial section is 220 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. shown in fig. 4 ; this section, being taken in such a plane as to cut through the outer whorls <•/*, (f, a", passes entirely over the surface of the two inner whorls a^ and a. The disposition of the chambers, as indicated by such sections, is ideally shown in fig. 8. The turns of the spire are separated from each other by the interposition of a thick layer of solid shell-sul)stance; and this is quite distinct from the proper walls of the chambers, as is well seen in fig. 4, where the walls, b, of the newest chambers are shown to be entirely destitute of any such addition, whilst in the preceding part of the same whorl we observe them encrusted by a thin additional layer d, and as we trace this layer backwards to d^ and r/", we perceive that it pro- gressively augments in thickness, until it acquires its maximum at d^, just where it is covered by the subsequent whorl. This distinction between the proper walls of the chambers and the " supplemental skeleton" can be traced to the very centre of the spire. The septa are entirely formed by the infolding of the proper walls of the chambers, which at their planes of junction are destitute of the pores with which their substance is elsewhere minutely penetrated ; sometimes the septum consists throughout of only a single lamella, as in Discor- bina ; but most commonly it is composed at its outer part of two lamelte, which, though usually in contact, sometimes diverge to give passage to canals ; whilst sometimes it is double throughout. There does not appear, however, to be any regular " interseptal system" as in Operculina and Polysiomella. The communication between the adjacent chambers of the same whorl is efi'ected, as in Polj/sfomella, through a series of pores (fig. 3, c) disposed at pretty regular intervals along the inner margin of the septum ; these may be considered as formed by the bi'idging over of an elongated fissure by delicate bars of shell-substance. The external aperture of course presents the same character (fig. 8, c). 383. That the spines entirely originate from, and are strictly appendages of, the " supplemental skeleton" is well seen in fig. 4, which shows their connexion with its successive convolutions. Thus the spine / is one of the oldest, being traceable inwards to the earlier whorls ; whilst those marked /\ /", /'\ f\f^ are obviously of progressively later production, their respective origins being further and further removed from the centre of the spire. It is, moreover, to be observed that each spine receives an augmentation in thickness as the convolution from which it sprang is encircled by others ; this augmen- tation, however, is not marked (as in the spines of Echini) by lines of demarcation between the earlier and the later formations ; and there is every reason to believe that the growth of the spines, both in length and in diameter, is continuous rather than interrupted. Although it might seem, from the examination of such sections only as are taken in the direction of the equatorial plane or in one parallel to it, as if the course of the spire must be seriously interrupted by the radiation of the spines (which sometimes appear to be so interposed between consecutive chambers as completely to separate them), yet the fact is that owing to the turbinoid form of the spire, a spine projecting from an earlier whorl is very little in the way of even the next convolution ; for as this passes by the spine on a difi'erent level, its chambers are but slightly encroached-on, and this only upon the side which looks towards the apex of the spire, — as will be readily understood by examining the relation of tiie last half-convolution, visible in such a specimen as the one delineated in Plate XIV, fig. 1, to the pre-formed spines, or by an inspection of the ideal represented in fig. 8, GENUS CALCARINA. 221 384. The canal-system of Calcarina presents a development so extraordinary in itself, and so obviously related to that of the " supplemental skeleton," as to throw great light upon its special functional destination. We do not here observe any such peculiar but limited distri- bution of systematically arranged passages, as that which constitutes so remarkable a feature in Polystomella ; but every portion of the supplemental skeleton, with the exception of certain solid cones presently to be noticed, is traversed by canals which run very close together, with frequent inosculations, and which thus form a continuous network with long narrow meshes, that commences from the parietes of the chambers and extends itself to the very extremities of the spines (figs. 3, 4, 8). The proper walls of the chambers, as already stated, are uniformly perforated, like those of the chambers of Discorbina, by foramina of considerable size (averaging about 1 -3000th of an inch in diameter) ; with these the canals of the supplemental skeleton do not seem to be directly continuous, for they are of about double the diameter and lie further apart from one another ; but immediately round the proper walls of the chambers (as shown in fig. 3) there seem to be irregular lacunar spaces, into which their foramina open externally, and from which the passages of the canal-systern originate. How numerous and closely-set these passages are, is shown in fig. 9, which is taken (under a much higher magnifying power than the rest of the figures) from a section that passes through the supplemental skeleton just outside the walls of one of the chambers, in such a direction as to cut through the passages transversely or obliquely. These passages run in different directions ; some proceeding directly towards the external margin of the convolution, and being continued into the spines where these are given off from it ; whilst others pass not less directly towards the two convex surfaces of the disk. In the earlier whorls of the spire, as shown at fig. 4, a, indications of spiral canals, commencing (as in Poli/stomella, ^ 478) in a central lacunar system, are frequently traceable ; and sometimes we may make out a general distribution of the canal-system of the earlier whorls, that strongly reminds us of that which prevails in Polystomella (^477), the canals of the spines originating (as seen at a) in diverging branches which radiate outwards through spaces left between the two layers of the earlier septa. But this arrangement soon seems to be merged, as it were, in the much more copious distribution of passages that arise from the lacunae round the proper walls of the chambers. The canals which pass towards the tw,o lateral surfaces soon lose the general uniformity of arrangement which they elsewhere present; for they become crowded together in some situa- tions and separated in others, so as to leave a number of columnar spaces untraversed, whilst the intercolumnar spaces are copiously penetrated by them, — as is seen at e, e, e, in figs. 3 and 10, the former showing the solid columns divided longitudinally, and the latter showing them as they are cut transversely. The varying appearances of the external surface, as described in 1 381, will now be understood. When, as commonly happens, the summits of the columns rise above the general level of the surface, they will show themselves as rounded tubercles. But when they are not thus elevated, they will merely be distinguished as circular spots surrounded by the punctations which are the orifices of the canals. In the spines, on the other hand, the canals form a longitudinally inosculating system (figs. 4, S), of which the branches near the surface usually reach it so obliquely as to pass along it for some distance as open furrows, the punctations seen in which are the orifices of branches that strike the surface at a greater angle. 222 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. 385. It is obvious from the foregoing description, tliat the nutrition of the spines must be provided for either through the investment of their surface by external prolongations of the sarcode-body, or through the penetration of its substance by prolongations of the sarcode- body conveyed into it by the canal-system, or through both methods jointly. That the sarcode- body is continued in the form of pseudopodial prolongations into the canal-system can scarcely be doubted, when it is borne in mind that such prolongations are known to pass through the pores which are scattered through the chamber- walls oi Rofalia, and to extend themselves through the surrounding medium. After having made their way through the proper walls of the chambers of Calcarina, they will probably coalesce again in the lacunar cavities on the exterior of these, just as they coalesce to form a continuous layer of sarcode over the chamber-walls of Rotalice or Polydomellce ; and from the aggregation of sarcode in those cavities a new set of pseudo- podial prolongations will take their departure through the canal-system of the " supplemental skeleton," just as a secondary set of pseudopodial filaments of sarcode are often seen to diverge from the little agglomerations formed by the reunion of some of those that primarily issue from the pores of the shell (1^33). The analogy of other Foraminifera, moreover, renders it very probable that the prolongations of the sarcode-body which reach the surface through the canal-system, will reunite upon it so as to form a continuous investment over the whole ; and that this will be especially the case on the spines, appears to be indicated by the provi- sion there is in the furrowing of the surface, for conveying the prolongations of the sarcode- body to every portion of their exterior. 386. One more fact remains to be noticed, which is of much interest as showing that the growth of the spire and that of the " supplemental skeleton" are to a certain extent inde- pendent of each other : — I refer to the departure from the regular form that frequently shows itself in the later turns of the spire, which (so to speak) often " run wild" in a variety of strange modes, examples of which are so well represented in Fig. XXXIII, a — f, that it is Fig. XXXVI. Abnormal specimens of Calcarina. unnecessary to refer to them in other than these general terms. The extension of spines from the whole surface of the disk, in the mode represented in Fig. XXXIII, A, may in like manner be regarded as a sort of " running wild" of the supplemental skeleton. GENUS TINOPORUS. 223 387. Varieties. — The highly developed type which is now being described, is subject to considerable modification in feebler forms. One of these, the C. culcar of D'Orbigny (xcii), is remarkable for the radiating prolongations of the chambers themselves (Plate XIII, fig. 21), every one of which is ensheathed by a layer of exogenous substance that extends itself to form the points of the ray. 388. AJJinities — Although I consider the difference of aperture, with the extraordinary development of the supplemental skeleton and its canal-system, as sufficient, when taken together, to give to Calcarina a title to distinct generic rank, yet there can be no question of its extremely close relationship to liotalia. The arrangement of the chambers is in all essential particulars the same as that which is characteristic of that genus ; and the subdivision of the fissured aperture of the Itofalina into a row of pores is no greater a difference than that which we shall find to exist between the " nonionine" and the typical Polj/- sfomella, being moreover absent in some feeble CalcarincB, whilst it presents itself in a variety of the true Eofalia. In certain forms of Ttotalia we have had to notice a considerable deve- lopment of the supplemental skeleton, which sometimes extends itself into i-adiating out- growths ; and where this exogenous deposit is formed in largest amount, we find the canal- system most complete and symmetrical. Thus the characters which differentiate Calcarina from Rolaliu are altogether gradational. 389. Geoc/raphical and Geological Distribution. — The generic type we have now been consi- dering appears to be pretty widely diffused through the tropical and warmer temperate seas, but to be limited to these ; the Mediterranean and Adriatic being its extreme northern limit. Although bodies resembling Calcarina in outward form are occasionally, though rarely, found in the White Chalk, yet it is not certain whether they belong to this or to the succeeding genus. The Maestricht beds, however, are crowded with CalcarincB {Siderolince, Lam.), which attain an extraordinary development, their size much surpassing that of the largest specimens now living in tropical seas. This type is common in the Grignon Tertiaries, also in the Miocene of North America, and in European Pliocene deposits ; and I also have examples of it from deposits in Madagascar and Bourbon, the age of which is uncertain. Genus XIX.— Tinoporus (Plate XV). 390. History. — For reasons which will be presently explained, I think it well to revive a generic designation originally instituted by De Montfort in 1808, although, like a large pro- portion of his new designations, it has been rejected as uncalled-for by subsequent systema- tists. In his ' Conchyliologie Systematique' (tom. i, p. 147), he described and figured under the name of Tinoporus baculatus a small polythalamous body, which he seems to have distin- guished from the other varieties of Nautilus {Calcarina) Sjjenf/leri figured by MM. Fichtel and Moll, partly by the fewness of its spines, and partly by the difference of its structure as displayed in vertical section. And although his figure and description are alike inaccurate (the former, as pointed out by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, lxxvii, having been partly drawn from specimens of Calcarina), yet I can scarcely doubt that 224 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. he had before him a specimen of the type I am about to describe, since he distinctly notices, both in his description and in his rude figure, that cellulation " sur divers plans" which gives to its vertical section somewhat the appearance of that of a Nummulite. No sucii appearance is presented by vertical sections of Calcar'uia ; whilst, as will pre- sently appear, Tinojjorus is made up of several layers of cells superimposed one upon another ; and although its relation to Nummulina is really remote, yet the resemblance in aspect pre- sented by vertical sections of the two may easily seem, to such as are unacquainted with the real meaning of their respective appearances, sutRciently close to justify the parallel. With the T. baculatm of Montfort it will be shown that we must associate, on account of its close structural relationship, a type which has been described (lxxix) under the generic designation Orbitolina, since it may be comprehended in the very vague definition given of that genus by D'Orbigny (lxxiv) ; and this type is the representative of an extensive series of forms, both recent and fossil, to which the same definition applies, and to which the name Orbilolina has been assigned (loc. cit.) by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones. Now there is a very grave objection to such an employment of the term. According to the usage of many systematists, Orbilolina would be nothing else than the appropriate distinction of the recent forms of Orbi- tolites ; and even to such as do not accept this usage, the close similarity of name would assuredly suggest the existence of a structural relationship. But it will presently become apparent that no such relationship exists, the essential structure of the so-called Orbilolina being altogether different from that of Orbiloliles, and no real resemblance existing between them except as regards their plan of growth. Hence it seems very desirable to discard the name Orbilolina dXiogtiher ; and since another form of the same type had previously been distinguished by De Montfort, his name Tinoporus may fairly claim to be substituted for that of D'Orbigny. 391. As the genus Tinoporus presents itself under a considerable variety of external forms, I think it desirable in the first instance to describe an example that presents what seem to me the essential features of its structure, and is at the same time free from those complica- tions by which those features are elsewhere masked.. Such an example I find in the forms which have been described as varieties by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones (lxxix) under the designations Orbilolina vesicularis, 0. conycsta, and 0. Icevis ; these, as I do not hold their differences to be of any account, I reunite under the designation Tinoporus vesicularis.* 392. Tinoporus vesicularis : Exlemal Characlers. — -The largest examples I have seen of this type present the form of a short truncated cone, much resembling the lower half of a sugar-loaf (Plate XV, fig. 1), having its margins rounded off, and attaining at the base a diameter of about l-lOtli* of an inch. The base commonly exhibits a slight central depres- sion. Sometimes the cone is more depressed, and spreads out more widely at the base ; and in this case the basal concavity is usually wider and deeper. The examples I have seen from * In my previous description of tliis type (xvi), I designated it T. Icevis ; but I thiuk it better to substitute the specific designation vesicularis, under which one of its varieties has been described else- where, as better agreeing with the generic name; — " a smooth" " stick- bearer" being a contradiction in terms. GENUS TINOPORUS 225 other localities have for the most part a spherical or spheroidal shape ; but a careful examina- tion will generally make it apparent that this shape is derived (so to speak) from that last mentioned, by the folding-inwards of its peripheral portion towards the centre of its lower surface, so as to leave a deep cavity at that part of the sphere, — the relation of the two forms being very much like that which exists between the expanded pileus of an Agaric, and the same jji'/cus whilst still included within its volva. I cannot regard these diversities of form as possessing any specific value ; since they depend entirely upon mode of growth, and are not connected with any differences of internal structure. In whatever form the T.vesicularis may present itself, it is recognised by the absence of projection or angularity, and by a regular areolation over its whole surface, which a good deal resembles that of the cuticles of many leaves, the areolae preserving a tolerably constant average of size, but being very inde- finite as regards form. The septal divisions are marked by a very definite limbation, sometimes formed of continuous ridges of shell-substance, and sometimes of rows of granules ; and in the interspaces between these, under a sufficient magnifying power, minute punctations may be seen, 393. Internal Structure. — When the structure of this organism is examined by means of sections taken in different directions, it is found to be composed of an aggregation of minute chambers of nearly uniform size, which are piled one upon another in pretty uniform layers, eachof these presenting an approach to a concentric disposition (Plate XV,figs. 2, 3). Although it is difficult to make out with certainty the arrangement of the first-formed chambers, yet it is clear that as in other Foraminifera the point of departure is a spheroidal cell (fig. 3, a), wliich soon comes to be surrounded by a cluster of secondary cells [b, c) derived from it by gemma- tion. In what manner these are given off from the first, — whether by a spiral or by a cyclical extension of the sarcode-body, — I have not been able to satisfy myself, on account of the difficulty of precisely carrying the plane of section through this group of chambers. In T. baculaliis I have been fortunate enough to do this in several instances, and have found that the early growth is unquestionably spiral (fig. 12), — soon, however, giving place to the cyclical, as in those varieties of Orhitolites whose growth commences after the same fashion (^ 180) ; and whether this be or be not the case in T. vesicularis, it is indubitable that before long the extension of the organism in diameter is effected by abudding-forth of new chambers from all parts of the circumference, not with such regularit}', however, as to form distinct annuli like those of Orhitolites. Whilst this extension is taking place peripherally, additional layers of chambers are formed, as in Orbiculina, above and below the primordial cluster, meeting eacli other on the equatorial plane ; and in this manner the increase of the organism in thickness is effected. The grov>'th on the two sides of the equatorial plane, however, is seldom or never symmetrical ; and that of the more convex portion seems continually tending to overpower that of the opposite surface, so that the equatorial plane becomes more or less deeply concavo- convex. I have reason to believe that this inequality is due to the attachment of the flat or subconcave base to the surface of sea-weeds or zoophytes ; in virtue of wliich it will naturally happen that the free side will grow faster than the other. It is by an excess of this predo- minating growth that the spheroidal form is acquired, with its deep residual cavity, as just now described. 394. On more minutely examining tiie structure of the walls of the chambers and the 29 CtP <£P 226 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. mode of communication between their cavities, we find that their liorizontal partitions or floors are perforated by numerous large pores (Plate XV, figs. 2, 3, 4) which closely resemble those of the shell of a Botalia or a Planorhulwa in their size and arrangement ; and these will allow of free communication, by pseudopodial threads of sarcode, between the segments that are lodged in the chambers piled vertically one over the other. The vertical partitions are V VV1-T much thicker, and are not thus minutely and regularly perforated ; but r IG. AAAvi. they exhibit a small and variable number of large apertures (fig. 4, a, a), that lead into the adjacent cells which lie in or near the same horizontal _5s «2 plane. I say in of near, because it is seldom if ever the case that the -^p horizontal partitions or floors of two adjacent vertical piles of cells are ~^___2* on the same level ; and, in fact, the typical arrangement (though fre- quently departed from) seems to be, that there is an alternation in the levels of the floors of adjacent piles (as shown in the accompanying diagram, based on some parts of fig. 3), and that every chamber in any pile b normally com- municates with two chambers in each of its adjacent piles a and c, by one passage above and the other below the floor that divides them. Neither the horizontal floors nor the vertical partitions consist of more than a single lamella. 395. TiNOPOBUS BACULATUS. — The original t3'pe of the genus, namely, the T. haculatus of De jNIontfort, agrees closely with T. vesicularis in the fundamental characters of its organiza- tion, but differs in being furnished with a variable number of radiating appendages that give it a strong external resemblance to Calcarina. Of the specimens in my possession, the greater part present the aspect represented in Plate XV, figs. 6, 7, and on a larger scale in fig. 5 ; and these were collected from coral reefs in various parts of the Polynesian Archi- pelago,— my earliest acquisition of them, however, having been from the contents of the stomach of an Eehinus taken on the coast of Borneo, which were kindly put into my hands by Dr. J. E. Gray. I am informed by Mr. Denis Macdonald that on certain coral islands which he has particularly examined, these organisms are so extraordinarily abundant, that they accumulate in the lagoons in regular strata, commonly alternating with strata of OrbitoUtes. The more massive and ruder forms represented in Plate XV, figs. 8, 9, occur in Mr. Cuming's Philippine collection. 396. External Characters. — The typical form of the central portion of Tinoporns baculatus may be considered as an oblate spheroid; sometimes, however, the organism is nearly spherical, and sometimes it is much flattened out, especially when the body extends itself into the radial prolongations. Its surface is divided into areolos (fig. 5) very much as in T. vesicularis ; but the angles of junction of the partitions between the areolae ai-e very commonly occupied by rounded projecting tubercles, strongly resembling those of Calcarina. The number and size of these tubercles vary greatly among different individuals, as will be seen on comparing figs. 6 and 7. They seem to be altogether wanting in the Philippine specimens, being apparently replaced by a multitude of small spines, which give to the surface a hispid aspect. From the marginal portion of the central disk there spring a variable number of conical prolongations having the furrowed surface of those of CV//fw;'»«; and these appear seated (so to speak) upon extensions of the central disk itself, which is sometimes so deeply GENUS TINOPORUS. 227 subdivided at its margin as to resemble the body of a Star-fish (figs. 7, 9), the areolar division being continued nearly to the extremity of each ray, and its point only being formed by the furrowed prolongation. These appendages are usually from four to six in number ; I have occa- sionally seen only two, and in no case have I met with more than eight. They usually diverge in or near the equatorial plane; but they sometimes come off in very different directions (fig. 8). 397. Internal Strudare. — The general organization of T. baculatiis, brought into view by sections taken in different directions, does not differ in any essential respect from that of T. vesicularis ; the origin of the whole aggregation of chambers in a central cell, their subse- quent multiplication both horizontally and vertically, and their methods of communication in both directions, being all the same. As already mentioned, I have very distinct evidence, in sections of this species, of a spiral commencement (fig. 1 1 a), soon giving place to an irregu- larly-cyclical growth {b, h) ; and it is remarkable that the first-formed portion sometimes bears so close a resemblance to the innermost part of the spire of Calcarina, that in this earliest stage of their growth the two types could not be distinguished from each other. The essential difference between T. haculatus and T. vesicularis consists in the possession by the former of a " supplemental skeleton," which presents itself under two principal aspects. The piles of chambers extending vertically from the equatorial plane towards the two surfaces of the spheroid are partially separated by the interposition of pillars of solid shell ; and it is by the projection of the summits of these pillars (as in Calcarina) that the tubercles of the surface (fig. 5) are formed. The spines also, which form the extremities of the radiating prolonga- tions, belong to the same system ; and they are shown, by sections that pass in a favorable direction (fig. 12), to be extended from a solid framework which begins to be formed even with the first convolution, and which adds greatly to the thickness of the partitions between the chambers, giving off a multitude of minute spines from their external surface. This framework is penetrated by a canal-system, which not only forms passages through the solid axis that is prolonged into the spines (fig. 10, -', b), but also extends itself into the partitions between the chambers (fig. 10, a, a). The canal-system of the solid axis, moreover, commu- nicates freely with the cavities of the chambers that are adjacent to it, as is shown at fig. 10, b, b. These chambers are arranged around it with considerable regularity, as is seen in fig. 11, which is a transverse section of the base of one of the radiating prolongations, showing the sohd axis with its radiating canals, surrounded by three rows of chambers. It would seem as if, in the Polynesian variety of T. baculatus, the material of the supplemental skeleton were appropriated rather to the formation of the solid pillars than to that of a solid axis for the radiating prolongations ; the latter being much less conspicuous than it is in the Philippine specimens, and sometimes appearing to be deficient altogether at their extremities. On account of the variability of these differences, however, I cannot regard them as of any essen- tial value. 398. If any further evidence had been required as to the essential relation between the " canal-system" and the " supplemental skeleton," I think that it must be satisfactorily furnished by the comparison of the two species of Tinojjoriis now described. For in T. vesi- cularis it is obvious that the system of communications which exists between its chambers is adequate for all the ordinary wants of an organism of this type, the structure of which ia 228 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. uniform throughout. But when, as in T. baculatm, an additional framework of solid walls is interposed in the midst of the building, for the support of the extensions into which it is prolonged, a special system of passages, originating from the cavities of the adjacent chambers, and extending throughout the solid framework^ is provided for its nutrition. 399. Varieties. — The foregoing constitute the only examples of the genus Tinoporus that are certainly known to exist at present ; but a far larger extent of variation as regards size and shape presents itself in a group of fossil forms which are probably tobe referred to the same type. Thus in the Chalk we meet with great numbers of globular bodies varpng in size from small shot to bullets, having their surface so characteristically marked by a super- ficial meshwork of septal limbation, that we can scarcely hesitate in regarding them as examples of the smooth form of Tlnojiorus, although their internal structure has been so obscured by fossilization as not to show more than the general arrangement of the chambers.* These are accompanied by conoidal and hemispherical bodies having the like surface ; and from such we pass to large outspread flattened forms, one of which, the Orh'dolina giyantea of D'Orbignj^ attains a diameter of nearly four inches. The synonymy of these fossils, which have been very commonly regarded as Sponges, and referred to the genera Coscinopora and Tragos, has been fully elucidated by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones (lxxix). 400. Affinities. — The relation of this interesting type of structure to that of Phmorhulina is extremely intimate. For, as in that genus, the first-formed portion of Titioporiis evidently consists of a flattened disk, consisting of numerous segments which are arranged spirally in the first instance, but subsequently on a more or less regular cyclical plan. We do not find in Tinojmrus, however, those tubular and margined apertures which ai"e so characteristic of the most developed forms of Flanorhulinu ; whilst, on the other hand, we do not find in the most " acervuline" PlanorbuUtKS that regular piling-up of segments on both sides of the primitive spire which is characteristic of Tinoporus. The afiinity of Tinoporus bacidafus to Calcarina, again, is marked not merely by the very close correspondence of their adult forms in external shape, but by the precise correspondence between the early conditions of the two as regards their internal structure. Again, we shall find that the curious genus PoJytrema, the place of which among the Rotaline Foraminifera was long since suspected by the sagacity of M. Dujardin (xxxvi, p. 259), is only a still more aberrant modification of the same plan of growth. Lastly, there will be found, when we come to describe the structure of Orbitoides, a considerable resemblance in plan of growth between that genus and Tinojwrus ; the chief difference being that in the former type the chambers of the median plane are more differen- tiated in character and in mode of communication from those which pile themselves on their lateral surfaces, than they are in the latter. But it seems pretty clear that in its most essen- tial characters Orbitoides is more nearly related to the cyclical forms of the Nummuline than to those of the Rotaline series. * Many of these fossil globular forms, like the recent (1[ 392), have an irregular tubular cavity on one side, extending to a greater or less distance into the interior ; and such appear to have been used as beads (the perforation being carried through to the opposite pole) by the old " flint-folk " of the Valley of the Somme, being common in the gravel that yields the flint implements. GENUS PATELLINA. 229 40 1 . Gcograpldcal Distribution. — The recent examples alike of the simple and of the baculate types of Tinoporvs are found in greatest size and abundance in the Australian and Polynesian seas, occurring chiefly in the shelly sands of rather shallow water ; and T. bamJntm does not appear to range far beyond those regions. I am informed by Mr. Denis Macdonald (late of H.M. surveying ship, " Herald"), that on some annular coral islets he has met with Orbito- lites and Tinojwrus baailatus in most extraordinary quantity, not only on the windward side of the external shore, but also in their internal lagoon, into which these bodies are washed by the surf, and in which they gradually accumulate to such an amount as to have an im- portant share in filling it up. The small spherical forms of T. vesicularis, on the other hand, are for the most part inhabitants of deep waters, being brought up in dredgings from muddy bottoms and shell-sands ; and they have also a wider geographical range, having been found not only in the Australian and Polynesian seas, but in the East and West Indies, at Mazatlan on the coast of California, in the neighbourhood of Teneriffe, in the Mediterranean, and even on the British coasts as far north as Arran. 402. Geograpliical Distribution. — The obliteration of the internal structure of the earlier fossil specimens which we believe ourselves justified in referring to this type, prevents us from stating with certainty in what strata its first remains occur. From the evidence of external form and surface-markings, however, it is pretty clear that some of those small spheroidal bodies in the Greensand, and a large number of those occurring in the various beds of the Cretaceous series, which have been regarded as Spongeous, are truly referable to the simple form of the genus Tinoporus. If so, they are not only by far the largest examples of this type, but are also amongst the largest of the Foraminiferous group. The Cretaceous period would seem to be that in which this type attained its maximum of development; for although examples of it occur in the Nummulitic limestone, and in the later Tertiaries of Palermo, Bordeaux, and San Domingo, these are not of larger dimensions than the recent specimens. The " baculate" form of this type cannot be distinguished with certainty in fossil specimens from Calcarina, by external characters alone ; so that it is as yet uncertain whether any of the radiate and stellate bodies which occur in the Maestricht Chalk and in the Nummulitic Tertiaries, are or are not the ancestors of the similar organisms at present so abundant on the reefs and islands of the great Coral Sea. Genus XX.— Patellina (Plate XIII, figs. 16, 17). 403. History. — Some of the large fossil forms which seem properly to belong to the genus now to be described, have been referred to the genus Orbitolina (D'Orbigny), whilst another has received from D'Orbigny the designation, Cyclolina, and another has been described by Mr. Carter (xxiii «) under the name Comilites ; and its minute recent representatives also have been referred by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones (lxxix) to the genus Orbitolina. For the reason already stated (^ 390), however, I think it undesirable to adopt the generic term Orbi- tolina for this type, any more than for the last; and as the definition given by D'Orbigny of his genus Cychlina is so unsatisfactory as to leave the true character of its type in complete 230 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. uncertainty,* I have thought it just to Prof. Williamson, who has accurately described and figured (ex, p. 46, figs. 80 — 89) the recent form that best elucidates the structure of these fossils, to adopt the generic name Patellina which he has conferred upon this. I shall first give an account of the recent type F. corrugata, partly based on Prof. Williamson's obser- vations, and partly on my own examination of more developed specimens obtained by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones from the coast of Australia ; and shall then describe the fossil types on the basis of Mr. Carter's observations and my own. 404. Patellina corrugata : External Churacivrs and Iiitenial Slnicture. — This very beautiful but very minute shell has the form of a depressed cone, resembling that of a Patdia, its diameter being twice or three times its height ; the apex of the cone is occupied by the primordial segment; and its regularly chambered structure forms only a thin shelly wall, the interior of the cone being more or less completely filled up by an irregular growth of secondary chambers. In the British form of this type, the primordial segment is surrounded by two or more turns of an irregular spiral (ex, fig. 90 a,) reminding us of the outspread spiral of Pul- vinidina vvrmlcuhita (^ 3G6) ; and the subsequent growth of the cone is effected by the addition of semi-annuli which interdigitate with one another (ex, figs. 87, 88), so as to present a certain resemblance to Textidaria in plan of increase. Each annulus or semi-annulus is described by Pi'of. Williamson as being divided into chamberlets by transverse secondary septa, which spring from the external margin and pass towards the internal, but which do not quite reach it ; so that all the chamberlets thus formed communicate with each other by a continuous passage left along the internal side of the chamber (ex, Fig. 90). This partial subdivision is marked externally by a crenulation of the surface. The secondary septa in the British specimens are very commonly wanting, or are merely rudimentary, in the early vermiculate spiral portion of the cone. Prof. Williamson expresses himself as unable to determine in what mode the principal semi-annular chambers communicate with each other. The diameter of his specimens of this organism does not exceed I -80th of an inch. — In the more highly developed Australian forms of this type, on the other hand, which sometimes attain a diameter of nearly l-25th of an inch, the growth is cyclical from its commencement; the primordial segment being encircled by a circumambient segment, as in OrbUolites (^ 157)^ which is often itself partially subdivided, and from which a complete annulus of segments is givenoff (Plate Xlll, tig. 16) ; and I tind no trace of any subsequent division into semi-annuli, resembling that described by Prof. Williamson. Moreover, 1 tind that the partitions between the chamberlets are complete, not merely extending to the margin of the preceding annulus, * D'Orbigny's definition of CycluUna (Lxxrii, p. 139) is so nearly applicable to OrbitoUtes, that Mr. Carter was formerly (xix) misled into characterising as a Cyclolina what I have shown to be a mere variety of OriJio/i/es, and was further misled into characterising the white limestone in which this occurs as Cretaceous instead of Eocene ; so that, as he has truly remarked (xxui a), "It would have been better if M. D'Orbigny had never written anytliing about Cyclolina, than just enough to mislead." There is, in fact, nothing either in his figures or descriptions of this fossil that enables us to identify it with any certainty; its geological position being the chief point which differentiates it from OrbitoUtes, and which renders it probable that it is to be associated with those subconical Orbitolince which seem properly to belong to the genus Patctlina. GENUS PATELLINA. 231 but being prolonged inwards beneath that margin (.Plate XIII, fig- 17), until the peripheral chamberlets lose their distinctness by merging into the secondary growth which occupies the umbilical cavity. The chamberlets are prolonged in a radial direction so as to have a tubular form ; but not unfrequently we find that as we trace them from without inwards two of them coalesce into one, as often happens in Cymbalopora. Owing to the conical arrangement of the suc- cessive annuli, only a small part of each (except the last) is seen where it crops out upon the sur- face, the remainder being concealed by those above and below it. The external walls of the chamberlets are perforated with a few minute pores ; but those which separate the chamberlets and annuli from each other are altogether imperforate, so far as I have been able to distinguish. — The interior of the cone, in the British specimens of this type, is described by Prof Williamson as partly occupied by an exogenous deposit of hyaline shell-substance, possessing no regular arrangement ; and this seems evidently analogous to that which fills up the umbilical vestibule in the most developed forms of Botalia, and which tends to form a secondary chamber-struc- ture in the " asterigerine" BiscorhincB. This umbilical deposit seldom fills the cone so com- pletely as to conceal the last annulus, which is consequently the one best seen from the under side, and frequently the only one there visible (ex, fig. 89). In the larger Australian forms it lias a distinctly loculated structure ; its chambers, however, are not arranged with any regularity, but constitute a system of intercommunicating lacuna hollowed out in the midst of a mass of solid shell-substance ; and in this system the chamberlets of the peripheral annuli appear to terminate at their Central extremities, just as the chambers of Cymhalopora communicate with the umbilical vestibule. I find it impossible, however, to speak with the confidence I would desire upon this point ; for notwithstanding the beautifully hyaline texture of this shell, its very small size as a whole, and the minute subdivision of its parts, render the examination of its internal structure very diflicult. The still more minute forms described by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones (lxxix) under the names OrhitoUna simplex and 0. semianuularis, are obviously young or imperfectly developed examples of the type that has now been described. 405. Patellina concava : External Characters and Internal Structure. — From the Nummulitic limestone of the Pyrenees I have fossil specimens which resemble the preceding in form and in superficial characters, but which are of comparatively gigantic dimensions, attaining a diameter of 1-4 th of an inch; these appear to me to be identical in structure (so far as their metamorphic condition allows me to judge) with the fossil which has been recently described by Mr. Carter (xxiii a) under the name OrhitoUna lenticular is, being re- garded by him as identical with the species so named by Blumenbach, which had been first described and figured by Deluc (' Journal de Physique,' torn. Ivi, p. 344). I believe them also to be identical with the OrhitoUna conica of JJ'Archiac (' Mem. Soc. Gdol. France,' torn, ii, p. 178), and the 0. conoidea of Gras, (' Foss. de I'lsere,' p. 51, pi. i, figs. 4 — 6), from the Cretaceous beds of France, as also with the 0. discoidea of Gras and the 0. plana and 0. mamillata of D'Archiac. As all these appear to be varieties of the 0. concava of Lamarck, it seems convenient to adopt this last (as Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones have done, lxxix) as the specific designation of the type, since it expresses a form intermediate between its conical and its discoidal varieties.* The form of this fossil (Fig. XXXVII, a, b, c) seems to * I must freely confess, however, tliat I am not as 3'et prepared to say with certainty what of 232 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. vary from that of a high to that of a depressed outspread cone ; and the diameter of the Indian specimens ranges between l-8th and 2-3rds of an inch, the smallest being relatively the highest. The general plan of structure of this fossil corresponds with that of the recent Patellina ; the cone being formed externally of a succession of annular segments subdivided by transverse partitions into chamberlets (d, 3) ; whilst its interior is more or less completely filled up by a secondary umbilical growth. But there are two very important differences in detail. In the first place, each of the chamberlets of the annular series is again partially subdivided into four or more, by septa which project from tlieir external wall, but which do not extend above half- way towards the interior (Fig. XXXVII, d,2,3, g,1,2); so that the surface of the cone Fig. XXXYIT. Patellina lenticularis : — A, B, c, couical surface, basal surface, and edge view, one half larger than the natural size: — D, Diagram showing 1, arrangement of chambers at the centre or apex, which is at first more or less confused, and then cyclical ; 2, external or reticulated chamber-lajer; 3, subjacent or large chamber-layer; 4, engine-turned arrangement of chambers below the last-mentioned layer : — e. Magnified view of portion of patulous surface, to show the arrangement of the ends of the columnar chambers in tiie form of granulations : — f, Horizontal section, showing, 1, reticulated layer ; 2, large chamber- layer ; 3, colunuiar chamber-structure : — G, Vertical section of half the fossil, showing, 1, reticulated layer externally ; 2, large chamber-layer; 3, columnar chamber-structure. — After Carter. shows a very minute subdivision of its external layer, whilst the removal of this brings into view the larger chamberlets formed by the primary subdivision of the annulus. This arrangement is represented in the accompanying figures, which are copied from Mr. Carter's somewhat diagrammatic delineations. I feel certain, however, that in my own specimens the large chambers of the peripheral annuli are prolonged inwards in a radial manner much further than Mr. Carter represents them, and that they communicate freely with those which fill up the hollow of the cone, instead of being terminated on their inner side by transverse walls. The umbihcal growth consists of an aggregation of compressed chambers, which are described and figured by Mr. Carter (d, 4) as having an engine-turned arrange- ment ; and these rest one upon another in columnar piles, more or less completely filling the cone, and sometimes extending even beyond its base, so as to give this a convex surface. This surface is marked by tubercular granulations (e), which probably result (like those of Tinojwrus, ^ 392) from septal limbation. In my own specimens of this fossil, the the Orhitolinm of Lamarck and subsequent writers are to be referred to the genus Tinoporus, and what to the genus Patellina ; since their forms are derivable from those characteristic of either type, and their internal structure is seldom sufficiently well preserved to afford the means of positive diagnosis. I am inclined to believe, however, that all those conoidal, lenticular, or discoidal forms which exhibit a more or less distinct animlation are true Paiellinte. GENUS PATELLINA. 233 umbilical chambers have been so completely altered in fossilization, that I can give no account of their structure; and it is to be regretted that Mr. Carter, whose specimens appear to be in better condition, should have given so imperfect a description and so merely diagrammatic a representation of it. But I can scarcely hesitate in the belief that this columnar chambered structure must essentially correspond with that which we have seen in Tinopoms (f 394), and with which we shall meet again in Orbitoides (^^ 505, 506). It seems most likely that the discoid fossil which has been designated CychUna crclacea by D'Orbigny, is nothing else than a very outspread form of the Orbitolina lenticuhriH of Lamarck, which is probably to be regarded as the fully developed type of our genus Patellina, the recent forms being comparatively feeble. Such a form, agreeing in all essential parti- culars with the foregoing, has been recently described by Mr. Carter (xxiii a). On the other hand, Mr. Carter has met with the same type of structure in very high conical forms ; and in some of these the reticulation of the surface is wanting, and the septa are indistinctly developed. It is not a little curious that in some of these there should be exactly the same disposition of semi-annular imperfectly subdivided chambers interdigitating with each other, as has been described in the recent P. corritgata (^ 404). 405. Patellina Cooki : External Characters and Internal Structure. — The lossil de- scribed by Mr. Carter (xxiii a) under the new generic name Conulites does not appear to me to differ so essentially from the preceding in general plan of structure as to require being generically separated from it. Like P. lenticularis, it is a more or less depressed cone (Fig. XXXVIII, A, B, c), of which the exterior is formed of a series of chamberlets ( G, 1) arranged in Palellina Cooki: — A, B, c, Conical surface, basal surface, and edge view, one half larger than the natural size : — D, Central portion of the spire and chambers magnified, as seen on the surface after the incrustation of the apex has been removed : — e, Vertical section of lialf the fossil, showing, 1, incrustation ; 2, lateral view of chamber-layer ; 3, horizontal layers of chambers ; 4, opaque, white columns of condensed shell-substance : — F, Basal surface, showing, 1, ends of the columns of white substance ; 2, ends of the columns of chambers :—g. Horizontal section, showing, ], part of the spiral chamber-layer ; 2, truncated ends of opaque white columns ; 3, ditto, of columns of chambers. (After Carter.) regular succession, whilst the interior is filled by columnar aggregations of compressed chambers ( g, 2). The arrangement of the chamberlets of the exterior, however, seems from 30 234 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. Mr. Carter's figure and description to follow a regular spiral plan throughout (d ), the spire being continuous from the base to the apex of the cone ; and the chamberlets are simple as in P. corrit(/ata, not again subdivided as in P. lenticularis. The upper part of the cone is covered by an exogenous deposit of shell-substance (c, 1), which gradually subsides, about half way down the cone, into granulations that project in rows from the septal bands, forming a superficial limbation. On the other hand, the chambered structure of the interior of the cone is strengthened by solid columns of a somewhat conical form (e, 4), the apices of which are directed to the interior of the cortical layer, whilst their bases form large tubercles which project from the basal surface ( f, 1). These columns are obviously analogous to those which we have seen to be formed in Tinoporus haculatus by the accumulation of solid shell-substance at the meeting angles of the septa which divide tlie piled-up chambers (^ 397) ; and the whole description given by Mr. Carter justifies the belief that the chambered structure is essentially the same in the two cases. Now, from what we have already seen in Tinoporus, and from what we shall hereafter find to be the case in OpercuUna, Nunimulina, and Orbitoides, it may be stated with certainty that the presence or absence of these sohd columns is a character so extremely variable as not in itself to have even a specific value. And when the account already given of the recent Patdlina is taken in connection with the facts formerly stated in regard to the varieties in plan of growth shown by OrhitoUtes and OrhicuUnn, it becomes obvious that the persistence of the early spiral succession through the whole period of increase is not in itself a character of sufficient importance to constitute a specific differen- tiation ; more especially as we are informed by Mr. Carter that the spire is subject to irregu- larities, sometimes becoming double. The subdivision of the superficial portion of the chambers of P. lenticularis, however, if it should prove to be a constant character of that type, and to be altogether wanting in P. Cooki, would be held sufficient for the specific differentiation of the former from the latter. 406. Affiniiies. — So far as the minuteness of the recent examples of this genus, and the imperfect preservation of its larger fossil specimens, allow us to form an opinion of its affini- ties, these appear to connect it, on the one hand, with those aberrant forms of the Rotaline series in which the spiral tends to give place, at an earlier or later period, to the cyclical plan of growth ; whilst, on the other, it seems related to the minutely sub-divided spiral and cyclical forms of the Nummuline series. There is something in its sharply defined trochoid cone which strongly reminds us of the typical Pulvinuliins ; and although it is only in the P. Cooki that the spiral plan of growth is maintained throughout, yet the vermiculate spiral in which P. comyata often commences no less strikingly resembles that of the complanate forms of Pulviniilina. And it seems further to be allied to that genus, rather than to Discor- hiiia or to PianorbuJina, in the fineness of the porosity of its shell. To Discorhina, how- ever, it is specially related in the occupation of its deep umbilical cavity by an aggrega- tion of secondary chambers, which thus conceal its inferior lateral surface ; and in its general plan of growth it may be considered as specially related to Ci/nibalopora. The relation of the large, highly-developed, fossil forms oi Patelliiia to the conical, outspread examples oi Tinoporus seems to be exceedingly intimate ; the essential difference appearing to lie in the limitation of the secondary chamber-growth to one side, and in the distinctness of that growth from the layer in which the organism originates. At present it can scarcely be said with certainty what GENUS POLYTREMA. 235 fossil forms are to be referred to these two types respectively ; and the diagnosis will probably rest essentially on this, that whilst the surface-markings of the ujiper and under side are alike in Tinoporus, though one side may be convex and the other concave, the convex side of Fatel- lina always shows either a continuous spiral or a succession ofannuli of chamberlets. 407. Geographical and Geological Disfribxtion. — The little PaiellincB which constitute the existing representatives of this genus are very generally diffused, but do not seem to be any- where very abundant. They have been found in Arctic, British, Mediterranean, Indian, and Australian seas, between the littoral zone and depths of five hundred fathoms. — If we are right in identifying with this type the Orbitolina lenticularis of Blumenbach and the Ci/clolina crcfarea of D'Orbigny, this genus was highly developed at the Cretaceous epoch ; and the same fundamental type seems to have presented itself under great diversities of form, twelve or more different specific names having been given to its varieties. This genus is also represented, as we have seen, by examples of considerable size in the Eocene Tertiaries of India. Subsequently, however, it seems to have declined ; the Patellvia of the Grignon sands being neither so large nor so well developed as those at present existing in the Australian seas. Ge?mXXl.— PoLYTREMA (Plate XIII, figs. 18—20). 408. History. — The genus Polytrema was instituted by Blainville (vi, «),for the reception of the curious little bodies which had been previously described by Lamarck (lx), under the name of Millepora rubra. Neither of these systematists appears to have entertained any doubt of its Zoophytic character ; but its probable relationship to the Foraminifera was sug- gested by Dujardin {xxxvi, p. 259), who, after speaking of the probably Rhizopodal nature of Rofalia, PkuiorbitUna, &c., continues : — " J'ai bien constate que toutes les loges sont occu- pees ^ la fois par la substance glutineuse ; mais je n'ai point vu les expansions filiformes, non plus que dans le Polytrema rubra, que je conjecture appartenir a cette meme famille d'apr^s la nature de la partie vivante." A similar view was afterwards taken by Dr. J. E. Gray ('Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' April 27th, 1858), who further suggested that Polu- trema might be specially related to Carpentcria, an idea which is not confirmed by examina- tion of the internal structure of these types. 409. External Characters. — Of all Foraminifera there is none so decidedly Zoophytic in its form and Irnbit as Polytrema ; for although it sometimes spreads itself as a scaly incrusta- tion on the surfaces of shells, corals, &c., it not unfrequently rises from those surfaces in an arborescent form ; whilst sometimes its stalk, instead of branching, swells into a globular protuberance, which bears a strong resemblance in size and general aspect to the globular form oi Tiiioporim (Plate XIII, fig. 18). The surface is always areolated, but the character of the areolation is not uniform, even on different parts of the same specimen ; for sometimes the boundaries of the areolae are elevated as in Tinoporus, sometimes a little depressed as in Car- pentcria, while sometimes they are on the same level with the spaces they enclose, and are only distinguishable by their difference of texture, the areolae being porous, whilst their boun- 236 FAMILY GLOBIGERINIDA. daries are formed by solid shell-substance (fig. 19, a). In the arborescent forms oi Polytrema it is generally to be noticed that the extremities of the branches are rugged, instead of being smoothly rounded off; and when these are looked at with a sufficient magnifying power, they are seen to present several openings of considerable size (fig. 19, IJ). Similar openings are sometimes observable in the solid spheroidal forms. Occasionally, moreover, solid tubercles resembling those of Tlnoporiis haculatus are seen on the surface of the spheroidal forms. It is a fact not undeserving of notice that specimens of Po///'/-e/«a which have been kindly placed in my hands by Mr. Denis Macdonald (late of H. M.S. "Herald"), were completely coated over with a membranaceous Sponge, the spicules of which seemed to radiate from the extremities of the branches. Of the parasitic characters of this sponge, I can entertain no doubt what- ever ; and it is a fact of some importance with regard to the presumed spongeous characters of the body of Carpenferia (■[ 31.3), that although (as will be presently seen) the openings at the extremities of the branches of Polyfrcma communicate very freely with the chambered interior, I have not been able to find the least trace of the penetration of the spongy parasite into its substance. 410. Infernal Stmcfitre. — When the interior of Polytrema is laid open by section (Plate XIII, fig. 20), its structure is found to be essentially the same with that of Tinoporus, but less regular, and with freer communications between the chambers. In the arborescent forms it is generally to be observed that in the centre of each branch there is a cluster of longitudinal canals (a, a), each of which seems to have been formed by the coalescence of several segments, or rather to result from a want of segmental division ; and it is by the termination of these canals at the extremities of the branches, that the openings are formed which are commonly seen there. The canals communicate with each other and with the surrounding chambers by large, circular orifices ; and similar orifices of communication, though of smaller size, are observed between the chambers elsewhere ; but sometimes there are spaces of considerable size which present scarcely a trace of subdivision, so as to bear a considerable resemblance to the chambers of Carpenleria. Thus the whole shelly texture has ordinarily a less solid character than that of Tinoporus, although formed on a plan essentially the same ; but we occasionally find an aggregation of calcareous substance in solid pillars {b, b) exactly resembling those which we have seen in T. bnculatus and in PateUina Cooki. The presence of these appears simply due to an exuberance of calci- fying material; and it is obvious, from their extreme variability of distribution, that no reliance can be placed upon them as furnishing differential characters. I have not been able to ascertain with certainty the mode in which the growth of Polytrema commences ; but from the indica- tions presented by the youngest specimens in my possession, I have little doubt that its original development is essentially " planorbuline ;" that is, that its early segments are arranged in an outspread spire, attached by its flat side ; and that when its growth becomes " acervu- line," the newly added segments tend to go on piling themselves upon its upper surface, instead of extending the disk horizontally. 'o 411. Affinities. — No lesson can be more instructive to the systematist who aims to arrange the Foraminifera upon truly natural principles, than to trace out the affinities of this singular genus. At the first statement of the proposition that the zoophytoid Polytrema is GENUS POLYTREMA. 237 nothing but a modified Rotaline, any person unacquainted with the essential characters of this group might be excused for incredulity. But I cannot question that any candid inquirer, who, having first mastered my general principles, may have followed me through the preceding details, will be disposed to acquiesce even in this remarkable result. If it be true that the character of the individual segments, as marked by the texture of the shell and the mode of communication of the chambers, is a character of more importance than the form which these segments may develope by their aggregation, then it cannot be questioned that the serial assemblages of " globigerine" chambers {% 270) which form the turbinoid spire of Discorbina, the outspread disk of Planorbulina, the conoidal or spheroidal mass of Tino- porus, and the arborescent ramifications of Polyirema, are all most intimately related one to the other. In the general plan of its chambered structure, Poli/frema is obviously most nearly allied to Tinojiorm ; but if I am correct in the idea I have formed of its early mode of growth, its fundamental affinity is rather to Planorbulina, since its subsequent increase takes place, as in. that genus, upon only one side of the original spire, instead of upon both sides as in Tinoporus. It is not a little curious that there should be a strong external resemblance between Poh/trema and some of the less regular forms of Carpenteria ; a resemblance which is increased by the presence of free openings at the extremities of the branches in the former, and by the precise conformity which its areolation often presents to that of Carpenteria. The relation is one, however, of mere isomorphism, as we have seen the internal structure of the two organisms to be essentially different. 412. Geographical Distribution. — All the specimens of this genus hitherto collected have been obtained from the surfaces of shells, zoophytes, stones, &c., brought from tropical or sub-tropical regions ; the large foliated bivalves of the Indian and Polynesian seas being its favorite habitat. — We have not as yet any certain knowledge of the occurrence of this type of structure in a fossil state ; but it is very probable that a considerable number of the arbo- rescent fabrics which have been detached by D'Orbigny from the genus Ceriopora and thrown into Polytrema will prove on examination to be referable to it, and will have to be removed from the Bryozoa, with which they are at present associated. CHAPTER X. FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. 413. The Nummulites and their alhes, as they are the most gigantic, are also the most highl}^ developed representatives of the Foraminiferous group : their structure presenting in every particular an advance upon that of the types already described. It is in this family that the shell attains its greatest density, that of some genera being of an almost ivory-like toughness ; and this character seems in some way related to the exceeding fineness of its tubularity, being most pronounced in those cases in which the tubuli are most minutely and most regularly disposed. It is here, too, that we find it to be a rule without exception, that the septal plane is completely differentiated from the rest of the shell, the ordinary tubular structure being deficient, and no other passages than the principal aperture existing in the septum, except a few large " orbuline" pores. Again, it is here a rule almost without exception that the wall of each chamber is complete in itself, instead of being a mere " tent ;" hence each septum consists of two laminae, one belonging to each of the cham- bers which it divides ; and between these laminae is interposed a set of radiating canals, which communicate with a system that passes along the successive turns of the spiral or the annuli of the cyclical disk — according to the plan of growth. The development of this canal-system is related to that of the " intermediate" or "supplemental skeleton," which is here in almost every instance superadded to the proper walls of the chambers, consolidating into one compact fabric what would otherwise be a series of slightly connected segments. 414. The typical plan of growth in this family is a symmetrical spiral, with progressive increase in the breadth of its convolutions, giving to the shell more or less of the character of that of a Nautilus or an Ammonite. And, as a general rule, each convolution invests the whole of the preceding on both sides ; the spiral lamina of shell being continued to the umbilicus, even where it so closely adheres to that which it overlies as to leave no space whatever for the extension of the soft body between the two. In the typical Niimmidin(P, however, each segment of the body gives off a pair of alar lobes (^ 71), which prolong themselves to the umbilicus in alar extensions of the chamber which it occupies. These alar lobes, moreover, in certain Xtimmulinida, are detached by intervening septa from the segments to which they seem properly to belong, and may even be broken up into small sub-segments, so as to form on either side of the spire an overgrowth of secondary chamberlcts which bears a strong analogy to that of Tinoporus. Even in those genera, however, in which the complete invest- FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. 239 ment of the earlier whorls by the later is the typical plan, we not unfrequently find that llie last convolution tends to detach itself from the spire, being adherent to its margin only, and flattening itself out into so remarkable an extension as often completely to alter the original contour of the shell. The aperture, in the typical nautiloid forms of tiiis family, is a narrow fissure that is left between the outer margin of the penultimate convolution and the inner margin of the septum ; and alike in its form, and in its position with regard to the two lateral surfaces of the shell, it is consequently quite symmetrical. The fissure may, however, be bridged over by processes of shell, so as to be converted into a row of discrete pores. 415. The NuMMULiNiDA which conform to this general plan of symmetrical spiral growth, may, therefore, in some respects, be considered as more nearly related to the higher Lagenida than they are to the BotalincB ; for in respect to the nautiloid form of its shell, and the fineness of its texture, there is an obvious resemblance between Cristellaria and Opercu- liiia. But we shall find that this resemblance is superficial only ; the latter possessing a complex internal structure which is wholly wanting in the former, but to which we have found a very decided approach in the most elevated forms of the genus Botcdin. Now, it is not a little remarkable that whilst llotulia thus forereaches on the Nummulinida, we should find among Nummulinida a most distinct reversion to the Rotaline type ; the genus J//;yj///.s'- ti'fjina having not only a unsymmetrical spire that sometimes approaches the turbinoid forui, but having its aperture also on the under side of the spiral plane, and being also destitute alike of the double septal laminae and of all trace of canal-system. In these last respects, therefore, it is decidedly inferior to the highest forms of Rofalia ; yet in the arrangement of its alar lobes and in its general morphology it conforms so closely to the Nummuline type, that there can be no more question of its title to a place in this family, than there can be as to the retention of the true Rofalia anionsr the Rotaline Globigerinida. 's 416. In the genus Polt/stomella, again, some of the characteristic features of the Nummuline type are almost entirely absent ; the texture of the shell being far less elaborate, the alar extensions in the later whorls being often deficient, and the spire being frequently in some degree unsymmetrical. But we have, on the other hand, in this type, the highest development of the canal-system that we anywhere meet with ; and even in those simple " nonionine " forms which are among the most degraded examples of the Nummuline series. we find this canal-system presenting a definiteness and symmetry much greater than that which it exhibits in the most developed Rotalta. 417. Passing onwards now from the typical NimmulincB to a higher plan of growth, instead of reverting to a lower, we find that by a process of subdivision exactly analogous to that by which a Pcneroplh becomes an Orblculina, the undivided chambers of Ojjcrculina are converted into the rows of chamberlets, whose regular soiral increase is the essential cha- racter of the genus Ileterostegina. If, however, this increase should take place on the cycli- cal plan, as in Or/jitolifes, instead of on the spiral, we have a Ct/cIocIi/peHS, a type in which the plan of structure of the individual segments is so completely conformable to that whiili prevails in IIeicrostc(jhia, that marginal fragments of the two could no more be distinguished from each other than could marginal fragments of Orhilolites and OrbicuUna. And, finally, 240 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. in Orbitoides we have the discoidal plane of cyclically arranged chamberlets, overgrown on either side with piles of flattened secondary chamberlets, which on the one hand bear a strong resemblance to those of Tinoporus, and on the other are analogous to those formed by the subdivision of the alar lobes in certain Nummul'mce. In regard to complexity of structure, Nummulina and Orbitoides may be considered as holding a corresponding rank ; and it is very interesting to remark that these two types attained their highest development at the same geological periods, and that they represented each other in different localities. Owing to the metamorphic condition of the shell of FusuHua, a type which is only known as occurring in the Palseozoic series, it is not certain whether it is to be rightly referred to this family, or should be placed in the porcellanous group in close proximity to Alveolina, which it resembles in its plan of growth ; and the only reason I can advance for regarding it as an early and somewhat rude representative of the Nummuline type, is afforded by faint indications of a tubular structure in its shell, and by an appearance of duplication in its septal lamella. 418. According to the system of M. D'Orbigny, the genera which we group together in this family would be distributed under three of his orders, as follows : Order II. — Cyclostegues. Cycloclypeus, Orbitoides. Order IV. — HELicosxiiGUES. Fusulina, Nummulina, Operculina, Polystomella (including Nonionina). Order V. — Entomostegues. Amphistegina, Heterostegina. In our view their affinities may be represented somewhat as follows: FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. Amphistegina. Polystomella Nummulina Nonionina Operculina . Fusulina ? Heterostegina . Cycloclypeus . Orbitoides- Alike by Amphistegina and by Polystomella this family is connected with the genus Eotalia ; whilst by some of its most degraded Nonionine forms Polystomella is related to Pulvinulina. The relation of Heterostegina to Orhivulina, and of Cycloclypeus and Orbitoides to Orbitolites, is one of analogy only, arising from the similarity of their respective modes of growth, and is no more indicative of any real affinity than is that which arises out of the superficial resemblance between Peneroplis and Operculina, two types which are separated from each other in every character of real importance as widely as any two polythalamous Foraminifera can be. GENUS AMPIIISTEGINA. 241 419. It is a point of no slight interest in regard to the Geographical Distribution of this family, that it is scarcely at all represented at the present time in the seas of temperate or arctic zones, being almost exclusively confined to tropical or sub-tropical regions. The few examples that occur nearer to the poles than to the equator are the least developed of their respective genera, in regard both to size and to complexity of structure ; whilst the larger and more developed forms of those genera, like the great J/eferosfr:;7 elongated spots of transparent substance (fig. 12, b, /A, around wliicli the tubuli arc crowded together, as if they had been displaced by its interposition. Such spots occasionally present themselves in the ordinary type of Opercitlhui ; but it is of course in sections of the strongly tuberculated variety that we find them most marked, and this especially in the investing layers of the central region, where, from the size and upproximation of the tubercles, the spaces between them are rendered almost opafpie by the crowding together of the tubuli. The tubuli are generally seen, moreover, to be somewhat more crowded in the neighbourhood of the septal bands. The greatest local development of the non-tubular substance is seen in those varieties which have a large elevated tubercle in the centre ; a section of such a variety has been shown in Fig. XLII, d, where it is seen that this tubercle springs from the spiral lamina of the innermost convolution, but that it increases in diameter as it is built-upon (so to speak) by each of the whorls by which this is subsequently invested. 444. The texture of the shell-substance which bounds the chambers at the outer margin of each whorl (Plate XVII, fig. I, a, a), however, presents a marked departure from that of the spiral lamina ; a difference analogous to that which was first indicated by me in iSnmmu- I'lles (xii), and which has been found by MM. D'Archiac and Haime (i) to present itself so constantly in that genus, that they give to this marginal portion the special designation "bourrelet." The speciahty in the structure of this part of the shell of Opercnlina was recognised by Mr. Carter (xvii), who described it as made up of an aggregation of fusiform spicules, and hence designated it as " the spicular cord."* Now I am very familiar with the appearance which has led him to take this view of its nature, since it is one which is commonly presented by thin sections that pass either through the median plane or parallel to it, as shown in Plate XVII, fig. 3, «'" a"; but this is only one out of many aspects which are presented by sections taken in various directions ; and a comparison of the whole seems to me to lead to quite a different conclusion, — namely, that the supposed spicular composition of this " marginal cord " (as it may be appropriately termed) is due to the peculiar manner in which the homogeneous substance of which it is composed is traversed by the set of canals that are correctly described by Mr. Carter as forming the " marginal plexus." For if the section should happen to traverse a portion of this plexus in which the canals form a tolerably regular network of elongated meshes in one plane, the appearance delineated in fig. 3 is pre- sented ; but just as often a less complete layer of the network is traversed by the section, * Mr. Carter !ias recently (xxiii a) criticised my account of the structure of the " marginal cord," and has re-stated his reasons for persisting in his original account of its "spicular" structure. So fiir from finding in tliis latter statemeut any reason for modifying my own views, I draw from it additional reason for believing that Mr. Carter has been misled by the results of the metliod of examination on which he seems to place most reliance ; since by " cutting off taugentially portions of tliis cord with a small sharp scalpel," lie must have almost necessarily found his sections frittered into the semblance of an aggregation of spicules. The true structure of the cord is much more certainly shown by sections made in various directions, and carefully reduced by rubbing down wliilst attached to glass; of such sections I have numbers in ray possession. It may be well for me to add that MM. D'Archiac and Ilainie have been equally unable with myself to admit the correctness of Mr. Carter's interpretation of the appearances he has witnessed. 33 258 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. and the form of the meshes is very inconstant, so that the appearance presented is rather that shown in fig. 4. Moreover the appearances exhibited by transverse sections of this marginal cord, highly magnified (fig. 5, a a), do not at all confirm the idea of a spicular arrangement, hut are altogether conformable to the view I have expressed ; the most complete confirmation to which is afforded by tangential sections, of which a very successful example, — giving a beautiful view, not only of the canal-system of the " marginal cord," but also of its communications with that of the septa, and of its relations M'ith the two principal spiral canals to he presently described,- — is represented in fig. 7, a, a. In this it is clearly seen how irregular is the disposition of the inosculating passages, whilst there is not a trace of the spicular structure, which ought, if it existed, to be as well brought into view in a section taken in this direction, as it is in the one shown in fig. 3, which is takeii in a plane at right angles to it. The " marginal cord " is traversed on its external surface by longitu- dinal furrows, which are sometimes very shallow (fig. 5), but sometimes dip down deeply like those between the convolutions of the brain. These furrows usually form a kind of network with fusiform interstices, whilst in other cases they run parallel to each other and inosculate rarely. From the correspondence between their arrangement and that of the passages in the interior, I am inclined to think that they belong to the same system with these, being, in fact, canals not covered in by shell-substance, that communicate with the plexus within by inosculating branches, whose apertures may sometimes be detected in the bottom of the furrows. 445. The " marginal plexus " of canals communicates freely with the system of " inter- septal canals" (Plate XVII, fig. \, <),(/), which are disposed between the two layers of the septa. The distribution of these is well seen, not only in vertical sections which have happened to traverse the septa as in Figs. XL, XLII, and in Plate XVII, fig. 7, but also in specimens laid open by fracture in the same direction, especially after the canals have been more distinctly marked out by the imbibition of a colouring liquid (Fig. XLIII, and Pig. XLIII. Septal planes of four specimens of OpcrcuUiia, showins); varieties in the disposition of the iiilerscptal canals. GENUS OPERCULINA, 259 Plate XVII, fig. 2). It will be seen from these delineations, all of which arc faithfully copied from specimens in my possession, that the distribution of the interseptal canals, whilst presenting a certain general uniformity of plan, is by no means constant in detail. In Figs. XLII, a, and XLIII, D, we see two principal trunks passing from the two angles of the fissure at the interior edge of each septum to join the marginal plexus at its exterior (as shown in Plate XVII, fig. 4), and sending out branches which ramify over the part of the septum that joins the spiral lamina (Fig. XLIII, d), leaving the intervening portion untraversed. But in Fig. XLII, a (as in Plate XVII, fig. 2), we observe two or more such trunks proceeding from each angle of the fissure, those of the same side frequently inosculating with each other; in Fig. XLIII, c the two principal trunks on the opposite sides inosculate as they approach one another in their course towards the outer margin of the septum ; and in Fig. XL this inos- culation is seen to take place much nearer the inner margin of the septum of the last whorl, so that the greater part of the septal plane is occupied by the plexus formed by their inter- lacement. The interseptal canals of one septum are occasionally, if not invariably, connected with those of another, by loops formed between the ramifications of those canals which extend along the alar prolongations of the septa towards the centre of the shell. Moreover, branches of the same system are generally found to penetrate the non-tubular shell-substance whenever it accumulates in any quantity ; these branches are at once distinguished from the ordinary tubuli (as in fig. 12, Plate XVII), by their much larger size, their diameter being commonly about 1 -5000th of an inch. Those which proceed towards the spiral lamina sometimes pass towards the surface in the non-tubular shell-substance that constitutes the septal bands, as is shown in Fig. XLIII, d, and in Plate XVII, fig. 1 ; they are also frequently seen to diverge from the septa over the walls of the chambers, — still, however being usually invested by a layer of transparent shell-substance, as is shown in Plate XVII, fig. 4. This last figure represents an appearance of areolation I have several times met with in the walls of the chambers, — though usually less conspicuously than in this instance, — which has made me suspect that the ramifications of the interseptal canals sometimes (if not as a regular rule) form a network in the spiral lamina over the entire surface of the chambers. 446. The interseptal system of each whorl is connected with the marginal plexus of the preceding by a very remarkable arrangement. At each junction of the marginal cord with the tubular substance of the spiral lamina, the orifice of a large canal (Plate XVII, fig. 2, /.', //) may be seen in a vertical section which divides this canal transversely ; and either of these canals (fig. 1 , //, h,) may be clearly traced in sections parallel to the surface that have happened to pass through its plane, as at //, //, fig. 6, in which, by a fortunate accident, one of the spiral canals has been laid open in its entire course through the inner whorls, and can be traced nearly to the central chamber. In the tangential section, fig. 1 0, the two canals n, a', can be seen running on the outside of what may be called the iiurJeus, consisting of the central chamber and the chambers immediately surrounding it. The branching-off" of the suc- cessive interseptal passages from these two spiral canals, is shown in fig. 6 ; and the relations of the different parts of the system are brought extremely well into view in fig. 7, which represents a tangential section of a young shell, the rapid curve of whose spire causes the planes of even the contiguous septa to vary greatly in their direction. The spiral canals //, //, though only running along the angles of the marginal cord, as shown in transverse section at fig. 5, //, li , 260 FAMILY NUMMULIINIDA. pretty obviously communicate with the plexus of passages which it contains ; and thus the interseptal system of one whorl is brought into direct connexion with that of the preceding. It is to be remembered, however, that independently of such connexion, the spiral mode of growth of itself brings about a continuity of the canal-system throughout, by means of the marginal plexus ; the consecutive whorls not being added one to another like the successive annuh of <75^c7oc/y^««, each of which is (so to speak) closed ov complete in itself; but being formed by the prolongation of the spiral lamina and of the marginal cord, which may be considered as always open to indefinite extension. Fig. XLIV. 447. Reverting, now, to the generic differentiation between OpercuUna and Nummulina that has been based by MM. D'Archiac and Haime on the closing-in of the spire, which thev affirm to be a constant character of the latter, whilst in the former the spire seems ordi- narily to open out so long as it continues to increase, — I have to remark that this is by no means an invariable difference ; for I have met with several specimens of OpercuUna in which the spire closes-in by a somewhat abrupt inflexion of the marginal cord, so as to produce a rapid diminution in the size of the last four or five chambers, ending (as it would appear) in a complete cessation of growtli. The closing septum of one of these specimens is shown in fig. XLIV. Looking, however, to the circumstance that these specimens bear but a very small proportion to those which exliibit no such tendency, and also to the fact that some of the specimens in which this closing-in is seen are very far from having attained their full growth, I am ilis- posed to regard it as an abnormal, or at least as only an occasional occurrence in OpercuUna ; and I must confess that, notwithstanding the positive assertion of MM. D'Archiac and Haime, I still entertain doubts as to whether it is to be accounted a uniform characteristic of NummuUHa (^ 456). At any rate, the occasional occurrence of this condition in OpercuUna deprives the character of that constancy which is requisite to make it good for generic differentiation ; and if OpercuUna and Nummulina are to be retained as separate genera, I cannot perceive by what features they are to be distinguished, save by the marked compression in form, the limited number of convolutions, and the external display of the whole spire, which are the most obvious though not very important characteristics of the former. 448. It only now remains to speak of certain appearances indicative of reparation after injuries, which throw some light upon the physiology of liiis type of organization. Specimens are not unfrequently met with, exhibiting marked irregularities that may fairly be regarded as having been produced by fracture. A portion of the outer part of the spire being broken off, the wound heals by the formation of new shell at the margin ; but in its further progress the spire often shows the effect of the injury, in a narrowing of that part of the convolution which succeeds it, the new chambers being formed (as it were) on the contracted basis to which their pre- decessors have been reduced. A very remarkable feature in all these reparations is the Front view of tlie septal plane closing-in the last chamber of Opercnliiia. GENUS OPERCULINA. 201 continuation of llic marginal cord along the fractured edge. It might have been supposed tliat the wound would have been healed with some rude exudation, which would have given rise to an amorphous shell-structure; but instead of this, we find the reparation chiefly effected by a new production (probably by extension from the old) of that portion which gives the most evidence in its canalicular striicture of being intimately connected with the vital changes taking place in the organism. In one specimen in my possession, a reversal seems to have taken place in the direction of growth after the fracture, the spire having been broken across, almost through its centre, after the first two convolutions had been formed; and the extension of the marginal cord which has closed-in the fractured por- tion having proceeded not from the later but from the earlier of the two fractured extremi- ties of the second convolution, its backward growth produces a reversal in the direction of the spire. A somewhat similar retrograde increase has been alrcad)^ noticed among the modes in which Orbitolifes is occasionally repaired \*\ 17.5) ; and it obviously shows that every portion of the organism is equally capable of extending itself when left free to do so. It is worthy of remark that the growth of this specimen subsequently to the injury has taken place more after the plan of NuDuiuilinn than on the ordinary plan of Opercidina, the convolutions being more numerous than usual and their rate of increase slow : there is evidence, however, in the presence of a small fragment of the final whorl, that it underwent the thinning-out which is characteristic of its type. — Notwithstanding the great number of specimens which I have examined, I have not met with one that presented any such depar- ture from the normal type of growth as woidd deserve to be termed a monstrosity ; so that it would seem as if such aberrations were more frequent in the cyclical than in the helical forms of Foraminifera. 449. Afjinities. — Since in this genus we have a complete development of all the cha- racters that essentially distinguish the Nummuline type, it is obvious that it can bear no direct relationship to any true Rotahne ; and although several approximations to the form of Operculina are presented in the Rotaline series (^^ 353, 359, 367), yet as these are deficient in all its other distinctive features, its relationship to them is one of analogy only, not of true affinity. To Jinjjhistcgina it is obviously related much more closely, but it is difi^erentiated from that type not only by its perfect symmetry and by the suppression of the alar and astral lobes, but also by the development of the additional septal lamella, of the marginal cord, and of the canal system. With Nummnlina the relationship of Operculina is so intimate, that, as we have seen, it is difficult to find a valid generic distinction between them ; that suppression of the alar lobes which constitutes the most obvious differentiation between the typical Operculina and the typical Nummulince, being a character which (as we shall presently see, ^ 462) presents itself in the " assiline" group of true Nummulites. Although there is no very intimate rela- tionship between the typical Operculina and the typical Polystomella, yet the approximation between some of the least developed examples of the former and the " nonionine'' forms of the latter is so close that it is difficult to distinguish them ; and the essential distinction will probably be found to lie in the distribution of the canal-system respectively characteristic of these two types. To lleterostcgina the relationship of Operculina is extremely intimate ; nothing more being required than the subdivision of its chambers into chamberlets, to con- vert the latter into the former. Such a subdivision we have seen to occur in numerous other 262 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. instances (f^ 64, 119, 143), without any essential departure from the characters of the respective types in which it occurs. 450. Geof/raphical a/ul Geolor/ical Disfributioti. — The statements already made regarding the geographical diffusion of Amphistegina apply equally well to Operculina, except that the dwarfed forms of the latter have a much wider geographical range, being found in European seas, and even within the Arctic circle. It is only between or near the tropics, however, that this type attains its characteristic development. — The earliest recognised appearance of Oper- culina in geological time is in the Cretaceous series ; it seems to have become abundant at the commencement of the Eocene period, numerous forms having been described from the early Tertiaries of England, Continental Europe, and Asia ; and it is traceable throughout the whole series of Tertiary formations, specimens of no inconsiderable dimensions being found in the Crag of Sufiblk. Genus III. — Nummulina (Plate XVIII). 451. History. — Among all the diversified types presented by Foraminifera, there is none which has either so long or so generally attracted the attention of Naturalists as that which is now familiarly known under the designation Ninmnilife. And this is easily accounted for, on the one hand by the comparatively gigantic size which it usually attains, on the other by the enormous aggregations of individuals which constitute, with some intermixture of other t)^es of animal life, a stratum of limestone not unfrequently attaining a thickness of 1500 feet, which extends in an east and west direction through Southern Europe, Lybia and Egypt, and Asia Minor, and is continued through the Himalayan range of Southern Asia into various parts of the great Indian Peninsula, where it acquires a very extensive development. It is of this Umestone that the Pyramids arc partly built ; and it is in relation to those struc- tures that we find the first-recorded mention of Nummulitcs. Putting aside the question whether they are the bodies referred to by Herodotus and Pliny, it seems indubitable that they attracted the notice of Strabo, who adverted to the local traditions that they were the petri- fied remains of the lentils employed by the workmen as food, and remarked that this was improbable, since in his own locality (Amasia, of Pontus in Asia Minor) there existed a hill prolonged into the middle of a plain, the stone of which is filled with similar lentil-like bodies, — a statement which has been recently confirmed by M. de TchihatcheS", who has brought from that locality a beautiful series of Nummulites. The first examples of this type noticed in Europe seem to have been those of the neighbourhood of Paris, which were described by Agricola and Conrad Gesner, the latter of whom regarded them as a kind of Cornu Ammonis. Aldrovandus adverted to them as " freaks of nature ;" Kircher, who seems to have formed his notion of them from the vertical sections often produced by fracture, compared them to willow-leaves; while Clusius, who designates them "numismales lapides Transylvaniap," refers to the popular belief of the Transylvanians that they were pieces of money turned into stone by King Ladislaus, in order to prevent his soldiers from stopping to collect them just when they were putting the Tartars to flight ! GENUS NUMMULINA. 263 452. The commencement of a more exact knowledge of this type may be considered to date from Scheuchzcr ; who, at the beginning of the last century, gave a description of the examples of it occurring in Switzerland, which, as far as it goes, is very exact,*' regarding them as a new type of Cornu Ammonis. Among succeeding naturalists, however, a great variety of notions prevailed as to their essential character ; all which will be found elaborately set forth in the admirable monograph of MM. D'Archiac and Haime (i). It will be suffi- cient here to state that Lancisi (1719), who described them under the name of iiuinmi lapidci, supposed them to be the madreporiform plates of marine Echinites ; whilst Buckmann, who wrote specially on the lapis iminismaUs of Transylvania (1727), considered them to be bivalve Mollusks ; and Bourguet in his Treatise on Petrifactions (1729), maintained that they were the opercula of Ammonites. Notwithstanding that Guettard, in a special memoir devoted to them (1770), pointed out that they have neither the large open mouth nor the siphon of those chambered shells, they were ranked by Plancus (lxxxiii), Gualtieri (li), Soldani (c), and most writers of the latter half of the eighteenth century (sometimes under the name of Helicifes and Camerina, the latter given by Bruguicre), among Nautili or Ammonites. This erroneous view was adopted even by Cuvier, who in his first systematic classification ('Tableau Elcmentaire,' 1798), ranged this type under the name of Camerinu after OrthorerK- tites, at the end of his series of Cephalopod Mollusks ; and also by Lamarck, by whom the genus NummuUtes was first created (lvii). The first good descriptions of specific forms were those of Bruguiere ('Encyclopedic Muthodique,' 1792), who distinguished four species of his genus Cdiiierinii, amongst them the C. lievif/ala ; and his descriptions of these were followed by Lamarck. 453. The greatest confusion prevailed at the commencement of the nineteenth century, in regard to the objects ranked together under the several designations applied to Nummulites ; and this confusion is especially apparent in the memoir of Fortis (' Mem. pour servir a I'Hist. Nat. de ITtalie,' 1 802), who introduced the new name Discolitlms for the bodies previously known under the names of " pierres lenticulaires, numismales, frumentaires, helicites, et dernierement caracrines \' and ranged under it the very different types which are now distinguished as Nunimidbia, OrhUolite-'<, FaJjiilaria, Alveolhia, Orbiloides, and Ccdcarina. Towards clearing up this confusion an important step was made by the separation effected by Lamarck (lvhi, 1804, 1806), between the Nummuline and the Orbitoline types; the genera Nummulites and Lenticulltes (the latter founded on differences which have since proved not to be of generic value) being retained among the chambered Cephalopods, whilst OrbitoUfes (under which designation were ranked some of the forms now distinguished as Orbifoides) was referred to the group of Zoophytes. As an illustration of the vagueness of the opinions yet prevalent on the nature of these bodies, it is worthwhile to mention that Deluc (1802) and De Roissy (1805) considered them to be altog-ether internal shells, analogous to the so-called "bone" of the cuttle-fish ; whilst Dumcril in his ' Zoologie Analytique' (1806) likened them to the disks of Forpitn, and ranged them among the Medusas. De Montfort (lxvii), according to his wont, erected certain species of Nummulites into the new genera Lycopliris, llotalites, and E(/eo)i ; names which are now entirely discarded. Subsequently (lx) Lamarck came to * ' Specimen litliographiae Helveticse curiosse,' &c., Tiguri, 1702. •iGJ FAMILY NUMMULINiDA. perceive the strongly marked difFei-ences that exist between Niimmulites and the ordinary siphoniferous Cephalopods ; and he regarded them as internal shells, completely enclosed (like Spiri/Ia) within the animal, instead of giving lodgment to its body in its own chambers. In this view he was followed by Deshayes and Defrance (xxix). 454. It was in 1825 that the Nummulites were detached by D'Orbigny (lxix) from the siphoniferous chambered shells, and ranged with the minuter shells then first distinguished by the term Foramiiiifera ; still, however, being considered to belong to the class of Cephalo- poda. The Lamarckian designation Numnmlites was altered by D'Orbigny to Numnmliua, on the ground that the genus had existing representatives; the genus LrnticnUte^: was not adopted, having been previously shown to be untenable ; but a new genus JsnUiua was created for the reception of those forms in which the investment of the earlier whorls bv the later is incomplete, so that the turns of the spire are partially apparent, — a distinction which we shall presently find to be of no essential importance. His description of the Nuramulitic type was extremely inexact ; and the first approach to a more precise account of it was given by Sowerby in his 'Mineral Conchology' (1829), who accurately described and figured the true aperture of communication between the chambers (which does not seem to have been at that time recognised by M. D'Orbigny), and traced the alar prolongations of the septa from the peripheral margin towards the centre on either side. Numerous dissimilar forms of Nummulites were subsequently brought to light by the researches of geologists in various localities ; but for some time no essential advance was made in the knowledge of their struc- ture ; and the discovery of M. Dujardin in regard to the Rhizopod character of the animal of Foraminifera generally does not seem to have been applied to this particular type, until MM. Joly and Leymerie applied themselves to the investigation of its conformation. Their Memoir (liii), published in 1848, brought together most of the results attained by previous inquiries, which were confirmed by their own researches ; but they did not discover any new points of importance, — the chief novelty which they announced having been previously put forth by M. de Keyserhng,* though probably without their knowledge. According to these observers, the spiral lamina of Nummulites is perforated with large apertures, the con- tinuity of which through successive layers forms canals reaching from the median plane to the surface on either side ; these canals are filled up in the process of fossilization by calcareous infiltration ; and the projection of the ends of the columns thus formed, from the surface of specimens that have l^een subjected to attrition, gives rise to the granulations often observable thereon. The inquiries into the minute structure of Nummulites on which I was myself at that time engaged led me to the same view, without any knowledge that it had been previously arrived at ; and having found myself fortified by the concurrence of MM. Joly and Leymerie (with whose researches I became acquainted before the pubhcation of my own"), I expressed it without hesitation (xii, p. 26) in the Memoir which contained the results of m)* carliest researches into the microscopic structure of Foraminifera. It was from the first opposed, however, by Prof. Williamson and Mr. T. Rupert Jones, wdio maintained that the supposed passages filled up by infiltration w-ere really solid non-tubular portions of the original * ' licmarques sur quelques points dc la structure dcs Nummulites,' in '•' Vcrliandl. dcr I'ussi^icli Kaiser, miner. Gesellscb. zu St. Petersburg," 184'7, p. 17. GENUS NUMMULINA. 265 shell, resembling those wliich occur in many recent types of Foraminifera ; and a more extended acquaintance with the latter, and particularly the study of ( 'i/doch/peiis (xiv), satisfied me of the correctness of their interpretation of the appearances by wliicli M. de Keyserling, MM. Jolj" and Leynierie, and I myself had been originally misled. The error has l)cen endorsed, however, by the high authority of MM. D'Arehiac and Haime (i) ; and, though I shall have to revert to this subject more fully hereafter (^ 463), I may here remark that the contrast between the transparent semi-crystalline aspect of the non-tubular portions of the shell, and the brown semi-opacity of the tubular portions, is so striking in many Nummulites, whilst the limits between the two are often so sharply defined, that the misinterpretation of these appearances by such as have not familiarised themselves with analogous appearances among recent Fora- minifera is almost inevitable. 455. In my own Memoir, which was for the most part restricted to an account of the structure of a single species, iV. lavif/ata, attention was for the first time drawn to the double- ness of tlie septa that divide the chambers, and to the existence of a set of interspaces between their laminoe, communicating with passages excavated in the walls of the chambers ; to the minute tubularity of the shell forming the spiral lamina, and to the coarser tubularity of that which forms the marginal cord ; as well as to the various structural features which indicate the conformity of Nummulites to the general type of Nautiloid Foraminifera, as elucidated by Prof. Williamson's observations on Polystonella crispa : and I further drew attention to the varieties in the mode in which the alar prolongations of the septa are disposed on the surface of the previous convolutions, as likely to afford characters of value in the differentiation of species. — Not long afterwards (xviii) Mr. Carter published the results of his inquiries into the structure of the allied sub-genus Operculina, which led him both to confirm and to extend my discovery of the canal-system in Nummulite; and having examined specimens of Nummulite with the additional light thus obtained, he saw enough to satisfy him of the essential similarity of the distribution of the canal-system in the two types. The elaborate monograph (i) of MM. D'Arehiac and Haime, which appeared a few years later, brought together every discoverable notice of this type from the earliest times, giving a con- nected history of the progress of knowledge respecting it, of which I have freely availed myself in the preceding outline. They embodied also the most important parts of the descriptions of its structure which had been given by those who had investigated it ; and to these they added some new facts of importance, by following out the modifications which the fundamental type undergoes, especially in regard to the course of the alar prolongations of the septa, — an inquiry which I was myself only prevented from pursuing by the want of the requisite materials. We shall hereafter see (^ 462) that these modifications (to the importance of which as differential characters I had specially directed attention) furnish the basis of their division of the genius into subordinate groups. All the reputed species and their synonyms were most carefully investigated by them ; and they succeeded in reducing a chaotic assemblage of about a hundred and fifty* to an orderly arrangement of fifty-five. According to the ideas of classification then prevalent, they were fully justified in the differentiation of the greater part of * According to the Authors ubove referred to, (wenlij-two of the best kuowii species of Num- mulite figured in catalogues as mnety-eight ; of these, 5 had been placed in tvjo genera, 1 in 34 266 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. these, if not of all ; but the knowledge since acquired of the range of variation among Fora- minifera generally, and in the allied genus OpercuUna in particular, justifies a doubt whether the diiferences between them are really more than varietal, and whether, if a sufficient number of individuals -were compared, they would not be found as gradational as are those wc have met with elsewhere (see ^^ 434 — 438). The latest contribution to our knowledge of the structure of Nummulites is contained in a recent paper by Mr. Carter (xxiii a), which contains the results of his further study of the subject, especially in regard to the distribution of the canal- system. I feel it due to myself to state that the account of that system which I shall pre- sently give is entirely based on my own previous re-investigation of it, with the light which I have derived from my examination of Opercullna ; and that the illustrations in Plate XVIII had all been not only drawn but printed before the appearance of Mr. Carter's paper, in which as to most points it will be found that I fully concur. In regard to the question of specific distinctions in this genus, I have been led by my own independent observations to an entire concurrence with the views recently put forth by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones (lxxx h), whose very careful and thorough investigation of the subject entitles their views to the respectful consideration of such as have formed their notions of the differentiation of species on the ordinary descriptions based on the examination of small numbers of specimens. 456. External Characters. — What may be considered the typical or characteristic form of the Nummulite, is a double-convex lens of moderate thickness ; but the convexity gives place in certain cases to a flattening which approaches that of the flattest varieties of Oj^er- ctdina, whilst in other instances it is so greath' augmented that the lenticular form is con- verted into the spheroidal. A wide range of variation exists in this respect among indi- viduals of what must be accounted (according to the views of the best systematists) one and the same species. Thus, in a Nummulite very common in Scinde (which was formerly con- sidered by INIr. Carter to be the N. obtusa of Sowerby, but which he now regards as the N. perforata of D'Orbigny), the thickness of the lenticular specimens is a little less than half the diameter, the former being 4| lines while the latter is IOt ; but the proportion of the thickness to the diameter may increase until it reaches nearly three-fourths, the former being 9 lines whilst the latter is 1 2\, so that the body becomes globose ; whilst, on the other hand, the thickness may diminish until it is scarcely more than one-third of the diameter, the former being 2\ lines and the latter 7. And what is even more remarkable, in a recent form which I have described (xv) under the name Amphister/ina Cuniingii, but which I am now satisfied, for reasons already given (^ 420, note), to regard as a true Nummidina, although the form of the shell up to neai-ly its full growth is that of a rather thick bi-convex lens, yet the last whorl spreads out in a manner which alters its contour to even a more remarkable degree than we ever see in OpercuUna. The two lateral surfaces have usually a nearly equal curvature ; and any want of s)'mmetry is usually due rather to a departure of the median spiral from the plane on which it normally revolves, than to any excess in the growth of one side beyond that of the other — though such an excess unquestionably does occasionally present itself. The diameter of Nummulites usually ranges between 1-I6th inch three, 2 in four, 3 in five, 1 in siie, 1 in seven, and 1 in eigtit different genera ; and of specific names, 4 species had received tliree, 1 four, 3 five, 2 six, 1 seven, 1 nine, 2 ten, and 1 eleven. GENUS NUMMULINA. 267 and 4^ inches ; a considerable proportion of the reputed species ranging between half an inch and'an inch. This type is consequently the most gigantic in its dimensions of all Foraminifera ; its largest forms being only approached by Tliioporiis, Cychclypcm, and Alvcolina, whilst its ordi- nary size is equalled by that of none save PatdUna, Orbitoides, and OrhiloUte^. The fossilized specimens which afford us the most abundant means of studying this type, very seldom present what was probably their original surface quite unaltered, having nearly all been subjected to more or less of abrasion or decomposition ; but in those which seem to have been least affected by such agencies, the surface may be either entirely smooth, without any indication whatever of the spiral convolution concealed within, or it may exhibit various inequalities which are related to the peculiarities of internal structure to be presently described. In the typical Nummulites, the last turn of the spire not only completely embraces but entirely conceals all those which preceded it ; but in the group which has been formed by some into the separate genus Jssilina, ranked by others as a sub-genus of Nummulites, and merely distinguished by MM. D'Archiac and Haime as the exj}Ianate form, the earlier whorls remain more or less visible, in consequence of cither not being invested at all by the later, or being so invested that (as in Operadind) their spiral and septal partitions are not concealed. This feature, however, is by no means peculiar to the explanate group ; since it presents itself occasionally in specimens which are referred by other characters to a different position ; and this kind of variation will not be surprising to such as have learned to appreciate at their true value the corresponding variations of Operculina (% 441). In the type of this genus which has come down to the present epoch, the N. plannlda, of which the N. radiata of Fichtel and Moll is a varietal form, we find the centre of each lateral surface occupied by a " boss" of transparent shell-substance, exactly resembling that which has been described as occurring in Ampldstegina (% 421), and formed like it, by the filling-up with exogenous deposit of the umbilical hollow left by the stopping-short of the alar prolongations, which, in the later whorls, do not by any means extend to the centre. 457. The lateral surfaces, again, are often marked by punctations, which are sometimes depressed, but are more commonly elevated into rounded tubercles. The presence of these in unusual abundance and jjrominence has been held by MM. D'Archiac and Haime to cha- racterise their group ol punctidata ; but as I am nov^- fully satisfied that these punctations (whether elevations or depressions) only mark, as in Operculina, the spots in which the ordinary canaliculated shell-substance is replaced by the solid or non-tubular, and that they are not (as supposed by those and other observers) the indications of canals filled-up during fossilization, I cannot attach any essential importance to their larger or smaller size, or to their greater or less abundance, feeling confident that this character must be subject to the same kind of variation in Nuramulito that we have seen it to present in OjjnrcuHna^- When the surface has been worn by abrasion, moreovei', the non-tubular portions of the sliell, being * On tliis point, I find myself supported by tlie careful observations of Mr. Carter, who re- marks (xxiii a, p. 371) : — "The presence of the puncta, again, or their absence, their attachment to the septal lines, or their separation from them, or the existence of both in the same specimen, or, indeed, the absence of septal lines altogether, and the presence of an abundance of pinicta, may exist, re- spectively, in the dift'erent forms of the globose Nummulite, N. inrforalu, which abounds in the valley 26S FAMILY NUMMl-LTNIDA. harder tliau the rest, stand out in greater relief; and thus it happens that the septal hands and tubercles, which maybe scarcely distinguishable on some specimens, become very conspicuous on others, although the structure of the shell may be precisely the same in the two cases. Not only are the septal bands of the regular spire thus brought into view where this remains unconcealed by subsequent overgrowth, but those alar continuations of them may be rendered visible superficially, which, in the typical Nummulites, extend themselves from tlie last turn of the spire over the whole of each lateral surface ; and thus those surfaces may come to be marked by striae, which sometimes directly converge from the margin towards the centre, sometimes follow a course more or less sinuous, sometimes remain distinct from each other through their whole length, and sometimes divaricate and inosculate more or less freely so as to form an irregular reticulation. — From what has been stated of the diversities of form among Nummulites, it will be readily apprehended that their margin will some- times be rounded or obtuse, sometimes thinned away to an acute edge. In adult specimens it seems to be always smooth, not being marked by those furrows wjiich wc shall find (as in Opereidina) to traverse the surface of the " marginal cord" of the inner whorls ; and it is affirmed by MM. D'Archiac and Haime that this type is distinguished by the entire closure of the last chamber, since, even in the best preserved specimens, they have not been able to distinguish that fissure between the inner margin of the septum and the outer edge of the preceding whorl whicli elsewhere constitutes the passage of communication between adjacent chambers. To this point I shall presently more particularly advert (^ 466). 458. Internal &fn/efurr. — For the satisfactory investigation of the internal structure of Nummulites, it is requisite to make thin sections in various directions, capable of being viewed under the microscope by transmitted light, and also to break the shell in various modes, so as to obtain fragments which may be examined by reflected light.* Valuable information is also furnished, especially in regard to the distribution of the canal-system, by the siliceous casts of their internal cavities which have been occasionally preserved to us whilst the shells underwent disintegration. — The indications afforded by these methods are such as to leave no doubt that Nummulina very closely accords with OjiercuUna in the most essential features of its internal structure ; and it will therefore be unnecessary to do much more than indi- cate the differential characters by which the former type is specially distinguished. 459. When wc examine the spire of a Nummulite as laid open by a section through the of Kelat and Scinde ; sliowing that much dependence must not be placed on the puucta or septal lines for specific distinetiou." (See also Parker and Rupert Jones, lxxviii and lxxx i). * Nummulites are generally most disposed to split through the median plane, so as to lay open the cavity of the spire. This property, which has been noticed in all ages, is due partly to the larger jiroportiou of cavitary spaces which occup}' that plane (as seen in Plate XVIII, fig. 9), and partly to the inferior density of that portion of tlie shell— the marginal cord — which hounds the edge of the spire. If a Nummulite be lieated in a flame, or over the fire, it will often split into two halves through the median plane, if it be thrown into cold water or be struck lightly on its edge with a hammer : and this it will he more disposed to do, in proportion as it has been but little changed by fossihzation, and has its cavities free from mineral infiltration. GENUS NUiMJlULIXA. 2Gy median plane (Plate XVIIl, fig. 5), wc sec that the mimbcr of wliorls is usually much greater than in Opcrcdinn, and that their increase in breadth is by no means so rapid, especially between later convolutions. The progressive increase is tolerably regular in the earlier whorls ; but it afterwards not unfrcqucntly happens that the spire enlarges rather suddenly, whilst some- times it contracts again to a breadth inferior to that of the convolution it embraces. The division into chambers, also, is far from being regular, the distance of the septa from each other being subject to great variation even in the same whorl ; and chambers much smaller than the rest, and apparently ahortkc (resembling tliose shown in Fig. XXXIX, ]). 253), being not unfrequently seen. It is worthy of remark that \\hen the septa thus fail to divide the whole breadth of the convolution, it is invariably on its outer side (so far as my observation extends) that they are defective ; thus indicating that their development does not commence from the marginal cord (as supposed by Mr. Carter, xxiii«), but from the internal edge of the spire, — as might naturally be inferred from the position of the aperture through which the mass of sarcode projects itself, whereon the new chamber is moulded. It is occasionally observed that a con- volution subdivides into two, sometimes of equal, sometimes of unequal breadth ; this abnor- mality is chiefly observable in such large and somewhat contorted forms as N. (/yzehensit and N. disfaiis. When the subdivision is equal, each portion soon acquires the dimensions of the original convolution, and continues to maintain a distinct course, sometimes undergoing further subdivisions. But it often happens that the supplemental convolution is so much smaller as to be a mere appendage to the principal, into which it returns after having retained its distinctness through a course of greater or less extent. I am not acquainted with any other helicoid type of Foraminifera in which such subdivisions occur ; and I am disposed to connect it with the peculiar distribution of the canal-system to which I shall presently direct attention (5[ 464) as tending to favour growth in a radial direction corresponding to that of Cijdoclnpeus, in which type a multiplication of incomplete annuli is so common as to be the rule rather than the exception. In specimens whose chambers are occupied by trans- parent calcareous infiltration, it not unfrequently happens that the central portion of each crystalline aggregation (as shown in the upper part of fig. 5) is deeply tinged with dark brown matter, which has every appearance of being the carbonaceous residue of the original sarcode- body. 4G0. The form and position of the apertural fissure which establishes the communication between successive chambers, are precisely the same as in Operculina (If 440) ; and in this type also we meet with " secondary pores"* scattered irregularly over the surface of the septum, as shown in figs. 7, 8, 10. Each septum, in all well-preserved specimens, can be distinctly seen to be composed of two lamcllce, between which the canal-system is interposed, as shown in fig. 4 ; and it generally happens that the lamella which forms the anterior face of one septum can be traced along the inner edge of the "marginal cord" (as shown in fig. 4), * These " secondary pores" were first observed by nie in N. hevigata (xii, p. 34f) : I then be- lieved, however, that they do not pass through both layers of the septa, but only establish a com- munication between the chambers and the iutcrseptal passages — a notion which was supported by Mr. Carter (xviii), but of the fallacy of which I afterwards became convinced by my own study of the alUed recent types Opercidiim and Cycloclijpeus. 270 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. a considerable interval being sometimes left between them, so as to become continuous with that which forms the posterior face of the next septum, as is well shown in many of MM. D'Ai'chiac and Ilaime's beautiful figures. Hence it appears that each segment had its own proper and complete investment, and that the marginal cord is really to be considered as representing the " intermediate" or "supplemental" skeleton of Calcarina (•[[382). Where, on the other hand, the septal lamellae abut against the " spiral lamina," they become absolutely continuous with its innermost lamella, the structure of w^hich is precisely the same as that of the numerous minutely-tubular lamellae, of w hich (as in Opcrc/ilina, ^ 442) its whole thickness is made up. 461. This minutely- tubular structure is as distinctly seen in thin sections of Nummu-- lites whose texture has not been altered by fossilization, as it is in Opercidina ; but sometimes the texture of tlie shell is so altered by fossilization that the tubular structure is replaced by a minute prismatic arrangement. The explanation of this is, I believe, to be found in the mode in which the shell is originally formed, which is doubtless the same as in Opercidina, (^ 442). — The shell-substance over the septa (as shown at h, h, fig. 6) is not traversed by tubuli, and is thus more transparent than the rest ; and it is of this dense hyaline substance that the septal bands are composed, which are visible over the whole surface of the " assiline" or " explanate" Nummulites. These bands are often broken up externally (as in Operculbia, *{ 436) into rows of tubercles ; and such tubercles form the bases of columns of non-tubular substance, which are traceable into the superjacent investments formed by the later convolu- tions of the spiral lamina, so that they may even be continued through several of these to the external surface, as shown at e, e, '-, fig. S. I have not met in the portion of the spiral lamina that bounds the median portion of the chambers of an)'- Nummulite, with those intermediate spots of non-tubular substance which are very common among OpcrmliiKe (^ 437) ; and though such intermediate spots frequently occur in the portion of the spiral lamina which invests the preceding convolutions, they are really formed on the basis of the septal tubercles of the included whorls.- — ^The " marginal cord"which is shown in horizontal section at n, a, figs. 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, and invertical section at a, a', figs. 3, 7, and of which the furrowed surface is seen at a", fig. 7, bears a close general resemblance to that of OpercuHiia (^ 444) ; but differs from it, as will be presently showii, in the disposition of the canal-system (^ 464). 462. When a typical Nummulite is divided by a section passing through its centre per- pendicularly to the median plane, it presents an aspect (as shown in fig. 10) which remark- ably difi"ers from that of a typical OjiermUna. For although the spiral lamina in the latter, as well as in the former, is usually continued to the centre of the spire, yet in Opercidina it is generally applied so closely to the lateral surfaces of the included whorls, that the cavities of the chambers are but little or not at all extended inwards by alar prolongations ; and if, as sometimes happens (Fig. XLII, a, e, p. 255), such prolongations should exist, they converge uniformly towards the centre of the spire in which the alar prolongations of their septa all meet (see Plate XVII, fig. 1). In NumnmVma, on the other hand, it is the rule (the exceptions being chiefly found in the ' assiline' or ' explanate' group) for the investing portion of each convolution of the spiral lamina to be separated from the lateral surfaces of the convolution it includes, by the alar extensions of the chambers of its own marginal portion, which extensions are GENUS NUMMULINA. 271 divided by prolongations of the marginal septa. These prolongations, in several of the smaller Nummulites (for the most part belonging to the group of Flicata vel striata of MM. D'Archiac and Hainie), converge radlalli/ towards the centre, sometimes with a slight sinuosity. In a considerable proportion, however, of the middle-sized and larger Nummulites (including the whole of the Laves and sublaves, and several of the Piuictulatce, of MM. D'Archiac and Haime), the septal prolongations, though commencing radially at the margin, as shown in Plate XVIII, fig. 1, />,' h' , soon become more or less sinuous, and meander without any definite direction over the whole surface of the disk, occasionally bifurcating near their origin, as shown at h" , b" . Another variety in the disposition of these alar prolonga- tions of the septa consists in the formation of inosculations between those which adjoin one another, so that the extensions of the chambers over the lateral surfaces are divided-up into numerous isolated portions, as shown in fig. 9 ; and it is this arrangement which gives rise to those numerous interruptions in the interspaces between the successive whorls, which mark such vertical sections as the one represented in fig. 10. Further, these inosculations may be so frequent as to convert the whole system of septal prolongations into a reticulation covering the invested whorl, as shown at U , L', fig. 3 ; in which reticulation the continuity of those prolongations is altogether lost. The Nummulites in which this plan prevails are distinguished by MM. D'Archiac and Haime as Reiicidata and Sabreficulalce. Thus, as has been pointed out by Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones (lxxx /j), there are three typical plans on which these alar prolongations are arranged, namely, the radiate, the sinuate, and the reticulate ; but the first of these graduates imperceptibly into the second, and the second, with the like absence of any definite boundary, into the third. Among the I'cputed species of Nummulina, there are some {N. striata and N. Biaritxensis, for example) of which some indi- viduals have radiate and others sinuo-radiate septal prolongations ; whilst there are several (especially among the medium-sized '•' granulate" forms) which are radiate in their young state and sinuate when older. The passage from the sinuate to the reticulate plan, moreover, is marked by varieties of N. eomphmata, wherein inosculations of the septal prolongations occur which assimilate their arrangement to that presented by varieties of some of the sub-reticulate forms, as N. Immgata, which depart but little from the sinuate type. 463. In all the larger forms of typical Nummulites we find columns of non-tubular substance based upon the septal bands of tlie interior convolutions, and recdving additions to their height from successive investments of the spiral lamina, the substance of which is tubular where it overlies a surface whose tubularity allows the exit of pseudopodia, whilst it is non-tubular when the subjacent surface is of the like description. In N. loevigata and several other Nummulites, we see these columns (the form of which is very irregular) to be included between the two lamellae of the alar prolongations of the septa, which diverge to give them passage, as shown at e,' e , e', fig. 9. In other instances, however, these columns pass up through the intermediate portions of the chambers, as is the case in N. Garansensis (fig. 3), but still more remarkably in N. Vernettili (see i, plate vii, fig. 1 d) and N. Leymeriei (i, plate xi, fig. 10 e). It is certainly the exception rather than the rule to be able to trace these columns from the inner convolutions to the surface with the continuity shown in 272 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. Plate XVIII, fi?. 8 ; but such exceptions undoubtedly do occur,* although it is more common to find the columns stopping short after they have been traced through several floors, or to find that, without an absolute loss of continuity, their axes are shifted a little to one side or the other — of both of which conditions examples are seen in fig. 9. Extensions of the non-tubular substance from the septal bands of the spiral lamina over its intermediate substance are not uncommon ; and it is stated by jMr. Carter (xxiii a, p. 321) that in T. jjerforata these extensions inosculate so as to form a minute reticulation all over the cameral spaces. 464. The intcrseptal portion of the '" canal-system" of Nuiiij/ii/liita bears a very close general resemblance to that of Opcrcidiiw. In every septum (Plate XVIII, fig. 7,,/) there seem to be at least two principal branches (seen in horizontal section at/',/, fig. 4, and in vertical section at f ,/', fig- 8) which originate from the marginal cord of the previous convolution, and which converge as they pass outwards, and inosculate so as to form a network (fig. 7), some branches from which enter the marginal cord of tiieir own convolution as shown in fig. 6. The marginal cord, however, somewhat difl'ers in structure from that of Opcrculliia. Although such a minute reticulation as that shown in the siliceous cast of i\". stria1a,\ represented in Plate XXII, fig. 0, may undoubtedly exist, yet the evidence of sections all tends to show that the marginal cord is usually penetrated by canals of a larger size, of which some run across it either radially or obliquely, w^iilst others traverse it in a longitudinal direction, the two sets occasionally inosculating, but not forming anything like a network. The radiating canals are well seen in vertical sections which divide the cord transversely (Plate XVIII, fig. 2, d , a) ; and their existence was pointed out by me in my former memoir, although I was not then aware of their import. Such sections also show the orifices of the large longi- tudinal canals which they divide transversely. The disposition of these canals is somewhat irregular ; but generally there are found two passing in close proximity to each other along the inner edge of the cord, of which one is often brought into view in sections traversing the * I cannot but feel .surprised at the protest entered by MM. D'Arcbiac and Haime (p. 48), against the accuracv of tlic figure in my former memoir on Nummulilcs of which fig. 8, Plate XVIII, is a copv. Not only are tliose figures exact representations of a specimen in my possession, draivn bv an artist (Mr. George West), whose accuracy in tlie delineation of subjects of this class cannot (I ventiu-e to say) be surpassed, but they are precisely paralleled as to this particular by several of the admirable figures in !MM. D'Arcbiac and Haime's own Monograph ; whicli show an equal continuitv in the non-tubular columns (sec especially plate iii, fig. 7, e, and plate iv, fig. 9, d). The theoretical objection drawn from the spiral plan of construction seems to me altogether without weight, wheu it is borne in mind how entirely destitute of any definite direction are the alar pro- longations of the septa in Nummulites of the sinuate and reticulate types. I am strongly inclined to believe, from considerations based on the probable mode of formation of the tubular shells (^1f 59, 442), that the disposition of the alar prolongations of the septa will be governed in no small degree by that of the tubular and solid portions of the surface of the spiral lamina of the previous convolution, over which they extend themselves. t It is worthy of note that this species belongs to the radiate group, which is most nearly allied to Operculina. GENUS NUMMULINA. 273 median plane (figs. -4, 6) ; and two more nearer to its outer edge, at a wider interval from each other. These last, which seem to be the representatives of the spiral canals in Opercu- liiia, sometimes lie close to the surface of the marginal cord, from which their outer M'alls form a projection, as shown in fig. 7; whilst in other instances they seem to be merely furrows in its surface of unusual depth, not covered-in externally, as has been noticed by MM. D'Archiac and Haimc in N. planulata (i, p. 63, pi. ix, fig. 7), and by Mr. Carter ia N. Iiaimo)idi (xxni, a, p. 311, pi. xvii, fig. 15). All the longitudinal furrows with which the surface of the marginal cord is always strongly marked, arc probably to be regarded (as in Operculina, ^ 444) in the light of canals not completed into tubes by shell-substance ; the}' seldom present that inosculation by transverse or oblique furrows which is often to be seen in Operculina ; but the orifices of the radiating canals are v'cry plainly to be distinguished in them in well-preserved specimens, especially when the surface of the marginal cord has been cleaned by dilute acid. It is evident both from vertical and from horizontal sections (figs. 2 and 4), that the radial canals which cross the marginal cord, and which establish a direct continuity between the interseptal system of each whorl and that of the succeeding whorl, constitute the most important feature of the canal-system ; this communication being quite independent of the spiral canals, with which the radial canals here only incidental!}^ inoscu- late. Thus the canal-system of NummuUna comes to bear a stronger resemblance to that of Cydocli/pcus than to that of OjJerculbia ; the manner in which the interseptal systems of successive convolutions are brought into direct continuity with each other by the canals that cross the marginal cord, being almost identical in the two former cases (compare Plate XVIII, fig. 4, with Plate XIX, figs. 6, 7), whilst in the latter there is no such continuity, the "marginal plexus" of the cord itself afi'ording all the means of communication that exists in addition to the spiral canals. Hence it seems fair to surmise that whilst in Operculina the growth is continuously spiral, the increase being effected by successive gemmations from the stolon that issues from the apertural fissure, the extension of large pseudopodial prolongations through the radial canals of the marginal cord may take a considerable shave in the process in NummuUna, so that its growth may be partly radial, as in Cijchchjpeus ; especially since this indication harmonises in a remarkable degree with that which we have seen to be furnished by the occasional bifurcation of the spire (^ 459). — Besides the radial and spiral canals, we find branches from the interseptal system proceeding towards the two lateral surfaces, usually either in the substance of the non-tubular columns (as shown at e, e, fig. 7) or in close contiguity to them. These branches, however, do not seem to attain the number and importance which they possess in some other instances. Other branches, again, occasionally extend themselves from the interseptal system over the intermediate portions of the spiral lamina, here again being- surrounded by non-tubular substance ; this, however, seems rather an abnormal than an ordinary distribution. — The interseptal system of canals is continued through the alar prolon- gations of the septa • and where these inosculate into a network, tlicsc canals form a complete reticulation surrounding the subdivisions of the chambers, as shown in fig. 3. 465. Varieties. — -It will doubtless seem strange to such Palaeontologi-sts as have made a special study of Nummulites, and have not familiarised themselves with the wide range of variation that characterises the group to which they belong, for mc to affirm that among all the reputed qjecies of this type, I cannot satisfy myself that there are any which are entitled to a 35 274 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. higher rank than that of varieties. Taking the admirable monograph of MM. D'Archiac and Haime as a guide, and testing the value of their specific differentiations by the knowledge I have gained from the study of other types, and especially from that of OpercuUna, I find that these are nearly all based upon characters which I have found to be so inconstant as to be altogether fallacious. It is quite true that it would be a matter of no difficulty to pick out a series of well-marked types presenting respectively the radiate, the sinuate, and the reticulate arrangement of the septal prolongations, and characterised by great differences in figure and proportion ; and under these types a large number of individuals might be unhesitatingly arranged. But each series of individuals thus grouped together under one designation will be sure to exhibit very considerable diversities ; and with every increase in the number com- pared, especially when fresh specimens are brought from different localities,the range of these diversities will be found to increase, and doubts will hence arise as to the place of particular individuals, which mark the fallacy of any attempt to establish definite boundary lines between the groups in question. Referring to my detailed comparison of different varieties of Opercu- Una (xv) as affording the chief basis of my conclusions on this point, I might here limit myself to the general statement that neither external form and proportions, the relative size of the primordial chamber, the number and breadth of the convolutions, the number of chambers in a convolution, the size and proportion of the chambers, the closeness with which the lateral surfaces of the earlier convolutions are embraced by those which succeed them, the degree to which the alar prolongations of the chambers extend themselves over the lateral surfaces, nor the amount of non-tubular shell-substance which forms columns and plates within, and shows itself on the surface in the granular tubercles or ridges with which it is occasionally marked, — form any sufficient justification, either separately or collectively, for specific differen- tiation. Nor, for the reasons already stated (^ 462), can I attach any higher value to the course taken by the septal prolongations ; since, although they serve to mark three primary types under which the numerous varieties may be distributed, they do not furnish characters of sufficient definiteness and constancy for that absolute differentiation which is required to satisfy the ordinary notion of a zoological species. — On this point I am happy to find myself in full accordance with Messrs. Parker and Rupert Jones, by whom the relations of the different forms of Nummulites have been studied far more systematically than they have been by myself (lxxviii, lxxx h) ; their general conclusion being that " although it is expedient to have binomial terms at hand wherewith to name the more important varieties of NummuUnce, recent and fossil, yet for the purposes of philosophical zoology, NummuUua may be recognised as a genus with but a single species, which, for our part, we should consider to be typified by N. perforata." And it is obvious from Mr. Carter's recent investigations (xxiii a) that he, too, has been led to feel the impossibility of clearly defining the species of Nummulites; 466. Affinities. — It cannot be requisite again to point out in detail the very intimate nature of the affinity which exists between Nummulina and Operculina ; indeed the difficulty lies in drawing a definite line of demarcation between them. For whilst in undoubted OpercuIiiicB we occasionally find in tlie earlier whorls that the alar prolongations of the chambers extend themselves over the lateral surfaces of the included spire even to its centre, we often find in undoubted Nummulina, especially those of the radiate group, that the alar GENUS NUMMULINA. 275 prolongations of the chambers of the later whorls do not extend over the central portion of the earlier, but leave its spire exposed. This is the case with some of the largest existing Nummulrna;, — those of the Australian coast; between which and the OperciiJina of the same seas, there is a continuous gradation. And the closing-in of the last whorl in the adult, which is affirmed by MM. D'Archiac and Haime to be the characteristic distinction oi Nummulina, can no longer be so regarded, when we find that not only does the same closure occasionally occur in O'percnliiia (^ 447), but that, in an indubitable NirnniiiiJlna, the last whorl opens out as rapidly as that of the most widely spreading Opercidina (^456). The large "boss" of solid shell-substance which occupies the umbilical region on either side in many forms of the recent N. jjlanidata (^ 456), filling up the space which would otherwise be left by the non-advance of the alar lobes to the centre, exactly resembles that which we have seen in Atnpldsteghia. Although the " reticulated " Nummiiliua differ widely from Orhiioides in their plan of growth, yet they present a marked approximation to that type in one character which is of considerable importance, namely, — the interposition of multiple flattened and isolated chamberlets between the successive lamellse which intervene between the camerated median plane and the lateral surfaces. If Plate XVIII, fig. 10, be compared with Plate XX, fig. 1, it will be seen how strong a resemblance is thus imparted to the vertical sections of the two organisms ; and if the condition of the segments of sarcode that occupy the reticulations into which the spaces between the .spiral lamellae are divided in N. Garansensis (Plate XVIII, fig. 3), be compared with that of the segments occupying the flattened polygonal chambers which are superposed one upon another in Orhifoides MaidcUi (Plate XX, fig. 4), it will be seen that there is a strong simi- larity in the two cases. In fact it is difficult to conceive how these reticular spaces can be formed in Nnmmulina in any other way than the superficial flattened chambers of Orbitoides, — namely, by the extension of the sarcode from the tubes of the surface immediately subjacent, since their cavities are no less completely cut off from the chambers of the median plane in the former case than they are in the latter. 467. Geographical Distribution. — Notwithstanding the extraordinary development of the Nummulitic type within a comparatively recent geological period, it is now represented only by a small number of forms, all of them referable to the type N. plamdata, occurring in arctic, tem- perate, and tropical seas, and for the most part of very humble dimensions. The biconvex variety found on our own coasts, N. variolaria, was first described as an existing NummuUte by Prof. Williamson (ex, p. 37) ; its diameter usually ranges between 1- 12th and 1-1 6th of an inch. The tropical variety, N. radiata (the Naidilns radiatm of Fichtel and Moll, who obtained it from the Red Sea), attains on the Australian shores a diameter of l-5th of an inch ; while the diameter of its Philippine specimens,* of which the younger examples seem exactly conformable to the preceding, is increased in one direction by the spreading-out of their last whorl to more than l-4th of an inch. This form belongs to the group with radiating septal lines, which pi-esents * This remarkable recent form of Nummulina, fully described by me (xv) under the erroneous designation Amphistegina Cumingii, whilst agreeing with the typical Nummulinee in every essential particular, differs from them only in possessing a central boss of non-tubular substance like that of Amphistegha, and in the opening-out of its last whorl like that of Operculina. 276 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. the closest approximation to Operculina ; and its relationship to that type is still more remark- ably evidenced by the spreading-out of its last convolution. 468. Geological Distribution. — There is no fact in Palaeontology more striking than the sudden and enormous development of the Nummiilitic type in the early part of the Tertiary period, and its almost equally sudden diminution, bordering on complete extinction. The precise position of the immense beds of " Numraulitic limestone," the vast geographical extent of which has been already sketched (1 451), has been a subject of much discussion ; but the researches of M. D'Archiac, Sir R. Murchison, Sir Charles Lyell, and others, leave no further doubt that these beds belong to the early part of the Tertiary period, and that they correspond in position with the " Calcaire Grossier" of the Paris basin, and with the " Bracklesham" and " Bagshot" beds of the London and Hampshire basins, in which deposits alone are Nummulites found in the British islands. Although Nummulites have been described as existing at periods anterior to this, it seems probable that such descrip- tions have been founded on the occurrence of other helicoid Foraminifera bearing an incom- plete resemblance to them. What could have been the conditions which so specially favoured their production at the period in question, — which forced them (so to speak) to the attainment of a size so uncommon among Foraminifera, — which occasioned the development of such a multitude of varietal differences (some of these being limited to particular localities, whilst others present themselves in nearly all the regions in which Nummulites abound), — and which promoted and sustained the multiplication of individuals through a sufficiently long succession of ages to cause a vast thickness of solid rock to be formed of little else than their remains,* and what change in those conditions put a sudden and almost complete stop to these operations, constitute most interesting subjects for physiological and geological inquiry. Comparatively insignificant forms referable to N. jiilaimlata are the only examples of this type which can be traced into the later Tertiary strata ; and these have continued to maintain themselves to the present time through changes which have proved fatal to tlicir gigantic congeners. Genus IV. — Polystomella (Plate XVI). 469- Histon/. — Of the minute shells to which the generic name Puli/stomella is at present assigned, one species, now known as P. crispa, secm.s to have early attracted the attention of conchological observers and collectors, on account both of its beauty and of the frequency of its occurrence ; having been described and figured more than a century ago by Plancus and Gualtieri, and adopted by Linnreus under the designation Nautili's into his ' Systema Naturae.' By this designation it continued to be generally known from the time of Linna;us to that of Lamarck ; having been described and figured by Walker, Soldani, Fichtcl and Moll, Montague, * I have found, by the examination of numerous thin sections of Nummulitic limestones, that the matrix wherein the entire Nummulites arc embedded is chiefly made up of more minute specimens of the same types, and of comminuted fragments of the larger ones. GENUS POLYSTOMELLA. 277 Dillwyn, and many other writers of the latter part of the last and the early part of tlie present century. Bv Do Montfort, indeed, tlic examples of this type that had been described and figured by Fichtel and ^loll were erected into no fewer than six new genera ; neither of these, however, was adopted by any succeeding systematist, until Ehrenberg (xl) revived the name Geoponus long after the present designation of the genus had been fixed. Its dissimi- larity to Ncuililiis \\ -shaped rows of septal pores (fig. 5, r, c), whose number progressively increases with the dimensions of the septal plane, and indications of interseptal canals, d, d, which seem to resemble those of Operculina in their derivation from a pair of spiral canals whose transverse sections are seen at e, c The solid umbilical deposit, /, V , is traversed through its whole thickness by straight parallel canals proceeding directly towards the external surface, where their terminations form the punctations already mentioned. 473. PoLYSTOMELLA CRATicuLATA : Evtcnuil CJiaracters. — The Australian examples of P. craticulafa (Plate XVI, figs. 1, 2, a, b), are remarkable not only for their comparatively large dimensions (the diameter of some of the specimens in my possession exceedino- one- sixth of an inch), but for the considerable proportion of their two lateral surfaces occupied by that solid calcareous nucleus which is confined in other forms to the umbilical region. The diameter of this nucleus is usually about three-fifths of the whole diameter of the specimen ; so that it covers and conceals all the earlier convolutions, meeting at its outer maro-in the chambers of the last-formed whorl (as is made evident by vertical sections, fio-. 3 / / /' /') which are consequently the only chambers that show themselves externally, although the last- formed whorl does not itself extend far over the preceding. I have not unfrequently found this umbilical nucleus, however, to be suflaciently transparent (after its surface has been cleaned by a short immersion in dilute acid) to allow of the inner convolutions being discerned through it, when the microscope is focussed down to their surface and a strong light directed upon this; and it then becomes obvious that, if the solid nucleus were removed, the form of the shell would be bi-concave instead of bi-convex (figs. 1, 3), the thickness of each whorl (/. e. the distance between its two lateral surfaces) being greater than that of the preceding, and the later whorls not extending themselves over those previously formed. The septa are marked externally by bands which indicate their junction with the outer walls of the chambers : these bands are meridional (so to speak) in their direction, extending from the margin of the nucleus on one side to that of the nucleus on the other side ; they are not usually (in adult specimens at least) either elevated above or depressed below the surface of the walls of the chambers on either side of them ; but they are distinguished by their difference of texture, their substance being much more transparent and glistening than that of which those walls are composed. The surface of the central nucleus is marked at pretty regular intervals with minute punctations (fig. 2, a), each of which occupies the centre of a little dimple or depres- sion ; and rows of similar punctations are very commonly seen to extend from the nucleus on either side, in a direction corresponding to that of the septal bands (fig. 2, b), two such rows usually intervening between each septal band and that which precedes or follows it (fig. 1, hh, h'Ji'). In the older portion of the last-formed whorl, it is sometimes to be observed that these punctations with their surrounding dimples constitute the only interruption to the 280 FAMILY NUMMULINIDA. general uniformity of the surface, the septal bands not being clearly distinguishable ; and this disposition is commonly found to prevail on the surface of the inner whorls when it is exposed by the removal of the outer [ii', it'}. In the newer portion of the last-formed whorl, on the other hand, we may observe that instead of each punctation having a separate dimple of its own, the corresponding punctations of the two rows lie in a succession of furrows that pass trans- versely between the septa {gy ■, corresponding to those of P. cri.yia (^ 175). They are, however, much less elongated in this type, simply giving a crenulated margin to that angle of the segment, which contrasts remarkably with the smooth unbroken aspect of its anterior border. The spiral lamina which forms the outer wail of the chamber, being modelled (so to speak) upon the surface of these retral processes, presents internally a corresponding series of grooves, which are deepest towards the posterior margin, and become rapidly shallower in passing towards the anterior margin, of each chamber, as is shown at a, a}, a", fig. 8 ; these grooves are not, however, as in P. cri-ypa, completed into tubes for part of their length by an additional lamella of shell given off from the septum (1| 472) ; but they are sometimes shown, in sections which happen to traverse them, to be extended into ca;cal prolongations by back- ward inflexions of the septa at their junction with the spiral lamina. The communication between the successive segments of the same whorl is established by a number of minute processes or stolons of sarcode (fig. 7, c, fig. 9, c), which pass at regular intervals between their internal margins through a series of pores that can be distinguished along the inner border of each septum (fig. \, c, c, c) close to its junction with the preceding convolution. I have not detected in any instance, either in sections of the shell or in the siliceous casts which so exactly represent the sarcode-body, any other communications between the chambers or their contained segments; and lam therefore satisfied that Prof. Max. Schultzc must have been misled by appearances when he stated (xcvii, p. 65) that various other parts of the septal plane are marked by similar pores, — more particularly as his figures of the decalcified body do not show that any other threads or stolons of sarcode pass between its segments, than those just described. 477. So far, then, the structure of this comparatively gigantic type of Polustomella accords very closely with that of the more delicate species previously described. I have now, however, to give an account of a remarkable feature in its organization, namely, its highly developed canal-system ; which, though not entirely wanting in P. crisjxt, is so imperfectly presented there that Prof. Williamson may well be excused for having overlooked it, especially when it is borne in mind that at that period the existence of such a system in Foi-aminifera was alto- gether unknown. The general arrangement of this canal-system may be most readily aj)pre- GENUS POLYSTOMELLA. 283 hended from an examination of the delineations of the internal casts given in Plate XVI, figs. 7, 9 ; for the infiltrating substance which has penetrated the chambers has also found its way not only into the main trunks, but also into the minute ramifications of this system, and has thus given just that representation of their distribution and relations, which is afforded in regard to the blood-vessels of the higher animals by a well-injected and clearly dissected anatomical preparation. We observe, in the first place, that in each of what may be termed the two polar regions of the spheroidal body, there is a continuous spiral canal (fig. 9, e, c, e), which overlies the extremities of the segments. These two spiral canals com- municate with each other by a very regularly disposed series of canals {dcV, dd'), which pass in a meridittnal direction between the adjacent e.Kternal margins of the segments. And each of these meridional canals gives off, in its course from one polar region to the other, a uniform succession of pairs of short passages (/,/) that diverge from each other widely, one series inclining backwards over the uniform anterior margin of the segment next behind it, whilst the other series passes forwards in the intervals between the " retral processes" of the segment next in front of it. The passages which thus diverge from the meridional canals of the outer whorl speedily debouch at its surface ; but if we examine into the termination of those appertaining to the inner whorls (which is best seen in such fragments as the one represented in fig. 7), we find that they become continuous with the stolons of the whorl which surrounds them, as is shown at c, c , fig. 9. Further, it may be perceived that each of the meridional canals receives branches from the canal-system of the segment internal to it J this point, however, can be more clearly made out in sections of the shell. 478. The spiral canals are frequently brought into view for part of their course, by sections passing through the shell in a direction parallel to the equatorial plane but at no great distance from one of its lateral surfaces ; and if such a section passes through the plane of the inner convolution of the spiral canal, it often shows that the spiral canal communicates towards its centre, with an irregular set of lacmice, which are excavated in the deepest part of the solid umbilical nucleus. If, again, the plane of such a section is nearer to the lateral surface, the portion of it which passes through the solid calcareous nucleus is seen to be perforated by numerous apertures disposed at pretty regular intervals, and corresponding to the superficial punctations. The relation of these to the canal-system is clearly evidenced by vertical sections, such as that represented in fig. 3 ; in which we see at e, e the orifices of the spiral canals transversely or obliquely divided, whilst the solid calcareous nucleus (//, /'/') is itself shown to be traversed by straight canals, which spring from the successive convolutions of the spiral canal, and pass directly without branching or inosculation to the external surface. That this remarkable portion of the canal-system does not fully show itself in the "casts" represented in fig. 9, is easily understood, when it is remembered that the whole substance traversed by the straight canals having been removed, their long and slender casts would be left entirely without support ; and the points at which these have been broken oft" from the cast of the spiral canal are in fact to be seen on a careful examination. 479. It is shown by the comparison of vertical and horizontal sections of the shell with fragments obtained by fracture (fig. 8), that tlie meridional canals {d d', d cl) are in reality spaces left by the divergence of the two layers of which each septum is composed, in the 284 FAMILY NU.AIMULINIDA. immediate neighbourhood of its junction with the spiral lamina constituting the external wall of the chamber; and that they are thus homologous with the arches of the interseptal system of canals that connect together the spiral canals of OpercnJina (■[ 445) — presenting, however, a much greater uniformity and constancy in their disposition. The diverging branches given off from these pass at once into the spiral lamina, beneath the ridges of the shell which intervene between the furrows for the lodgment of the retral processes, as seen in fig. 8 ; and through the thickness of the spiral lamina they run obliquely towards the external surface of the convolution, usually increasing in diameter as they proceed. The divergence of the branches of each meridional canal causes those proceeding from adjacent canals to approach one another; and when the spiral lamina has attained its full development they not unfrecjuently open at its surface into the same depression, this being midway between the septa from which they respectively sprang ; and it appears to be from the correspondence of these junctions with the intervals between the segments of the succeeding whorls, that the alternating arrangement of the chambers of consecutive whorls arises, of which mention has already been made (^ 475), the prolongations of sarcode which occupy the diverging branches there passing into the stolons which connect the adjacent segments. It will be easily under- stood, however, that the position of the external orifices of these diverging branches will depend upon the thickness of the spiral lamina which they have to traverse before gaining its surface. In the newest portion of a shell which has not yet attained its full growth, we find that lamina comparatively thin ; its surface is distinctly marked by the septal bands (fig. 1,