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' r é “ LAA ‘i iy ‘ . pt ad YEN a o wie \ us ») ' F ‘ - \ Wo’ / r ‘ft f , oo >) a ae i aay) Mae eA (iale UE U ea 4 aay ae en yyy Se | A. 4 Mr ee " . f . mn Wa Ae VAY Sh oh , ( FE any) ‘f | cht 7 i ss Ay E4F of Ay ‘7 ,) 4 th iy Ps dy dane A * | ¢ } 4) ¥ ip yy ‘ VW) + er) i : Wie Ai AE ¥ * \ y J) dA t ne | Ay HY vite f , WOR) wa AP key Oh ‘ 1 CPI, bye) adh Mt ihe A a \ ? ° ’ : ‘'y i 4) / it G fe i, APY yf tet) Tit eal a ions a, Tad “ey Ne ; va 5 j i, res a? . rf iy, hay ’ i fmt nt fae Nata sin \ ny hf wi ‘ U i's 5 Mit Ha: in thy ¢ nano AN INTRODUCTION TO VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY BY J. REYNOLDS GREEN, S8c.D., F.L.S., F.R.S. FELLOW OF DOWNING COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE LATE PROFESSOR OF BOTANY TO THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN FORMERLY SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE AND SENIOR DEMONSTRATOR IN PHYSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE SECOND EDITION LONDON os, CHURCHILGE 7 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET 1907 Q ~ sn ' ¢ PRINTED BY ih 4 SPOTTISWOODE AND CO, LtD., NEW-STREET SQUARE ’ a ” LON DON PREFACE AurHoven during recent years considerable additions have been made to our elementary botanical textbooks, not one has appeared which deals solely, or at any length, with the subject of vegetable physiology. This has been either presented to the reader as a particular section in a com- prehensive work, or treated of incidentally in connection with anatomical detail. This is the more strange, as an adequate and intelligent appreciation of the forms and structure of vegetable organisms can only be gained by a consideration of the work they have to carry out. It must be evident to the student of Nature that the peculiarities of external and internal form, of which any particular plant has become possessed, have arisen necessarily in con- nection with the need of mechanisms to do certain work, to overcome particular disadvantages, and generally to bring the organism into a satisfactory relationship with the surroundings among which it finds itself. I have been led by these considerations to endeavour to fill this gap by writing an introduction to the subject, which, while putting physiology into its proper prominence among the branches of botanical study, shall serve to pave the way of the student and of the general reader to the - more complete discussion. of the subject which may be met with in the advanced textbooks of Sachs, Vines, and Pfeffer. vl VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY With this view I have endeayoured to present the plant as a living organism, endowed with particular properties and powers, realising certain needs, and meet- ing definite dangers. I have attempted to show it to be properly equipped to encounter such adverse conditions, and to avail itself of all the advantages presented to it by its environment. I have also set before myself another purpose, which, however, is naturally subordinate to the one just mentioned. When we consider the origin of the different organisms which we find around us, we are led irresistibly to the conclusion that the classification of living beings into animals and plants has been too strongly insisted upon in the past, and that while much has been made of their differ- ences, their points of resemblance have been minimised, The fact that organisms exist, which it is difficult or impossible to refer with certainty to either kingdom, points to a fundamental unity of living substance. Protoplasm in short is the same material, whether we call it animal or vegetable. This being the case, its conditions of life and its immediate necessities must be practically the same, what- ever its degree of differentiation in either direction. I have tried to bring out this identity of living substance throughout the book, and to indicate that apparent differ- ences of behaviour and structural arrangement are to be traced rather to differences of environment and habit of life than to those of constitution. The correspondence of the processes of respiration in animals and plants has long been recognised; many points of similarity in those of nutrition have been observed. The idea is, however, still prevalent that plants live upon inorganic materials ab- sorbed from the air and from the soil. This seems to indicate a fundamental difference between the modes of nutrition of animal and vegetable protoplasm. I have PREFACE Vil endeavoured to show that this view is erroneous and that both are nourished similarly. I have also tried to show that the sensitiveness of the plant and the animal is alike in properties, though differ- ences are apparent in the direction of its differentiation. I have avoided as far as possible the discussion of con- troverted points, feeling that this would be out of place in a work intended to serve as an introduction to the subject. Such matters are more properly treated of in the more comprehensive works to which I have already alluded. J. REYNOLDS GREEN. CAMBRIDGE. CONTENTS CHAPTER I THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF PLANTS PAGE Unicellular plants; zoogonidia, yeasts, bacteria ; multicellular plants ; the protoplast, its structure and arrangements; characters of protoplasm; nuclei and nucleoli; association of protoplasts in colonies; slime fungi; ccenocytes; arrangements in multicellular plants—Needs of protoplasm ; its relation to water; formation of vacuoles ; relation of water to the plant in general; the aeration of protoplasm—Connection of protoplasts with one another in the body of the plant . : ‘ ; - : : : ‘ . 116 CHAPTER II THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE PLANT BODY Division of labour the clue to differentiation of structure—Formation of protective tissues: epidermis, cuticle, periderm, bark—System of conducting tissues; vascular bundles and their distribution— Strengthening tissues: collenchyma and sclerenchyma; the different arrangements of them which are met with—The stereome of the plant—The metabolic tissues—The arrangements for the aeration of the interior; stomata, lenticels . : ; ‘ . 17-36 CHAPTER III THE SKELETON OF THE PLANT Necessity of a skeleton to support the protoplasts; varieties of the skeleton—Development of the skeleton as the plant grows—Charac- ters of the cell-wall; cellulose, its properties and reactions; pectose and related substances—Arrangement of the solid matter and the water of the cell-wall; hypotheses of Naegeli and Stras- burger—Differentiation of the substance of thickened cell-walls; VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY PAGE stratification, middle lamella—Lignin and its reactions—Cutin— Impregnation of cell-walls with various matters—Mucilage— Differences between temporary and permanent portions of the skeleton , ; ; : : é fs . 36-52 CHAPTER IV THE RELATION OF WATER TO THE PROTOPLASM OF THE CELL Dependence of the protoplasts on water; function of the vacuole— Renewal of the water of the vacuole—Osmosis—Formation of the vacuole as the protoplast develops—Regulation of osmosis by the cell-protoplasm ; the plasmatic membranes—Movements of water from cell to cell—Evaporation into the intercellular spaces— Turgescence and its dependence on the protoplasm —Storage of water : : : : : : : ; - 53-65 CHAPTER VY THE TRANSPORT OF WATER IN THE PLANT Varied needs of different plants in this respect—Transport in a ter- restrial plant-—The ascending sap—Condition of water in the soil; absorption of water a function of the root-hairs; mechanics of the root-hair—Path of the ascending stream; forces causing the movement—Evaporation of water from the interior—Influence of the stream of water upon the development of the plant - . 66-77 CHAPTER VI THE TRANSPIRATION CURRENT. ROOT PRESSURE. TRANSPIRATION The ascending sap, sometimes called the transpiration current—Its path; methods of demonstration—Rate of the transpiration current—Causes of the upward flow; root pressure; transpira- tion; capillarity ; pumping action of living cells; osmotic action of the parenchyma of the leaves— Root pressure; its nature and — mode of action ; bleeding of cut stems; of entire plants; measure- ment of root pressure ; conditions of the activity of roots; diurnal variations of root pressure—Transpiration ; methods of demonstra- tion; amount of water given off; negative pressure in the wood vessels; character of the evaporation of transpiration; regulation by stomata, their mode of action; variations in numbers of stomata; conditions affecting transpiration; light, temperature, CONTENTS Xl PAGE moisture of air, rest—The Potometer—Suction of transpiration Osmotic action of the parenchyma of the leayes and its effect Regulation of all these forces by the protoplasm ; . 78-102 CHAPTER VII THE AERATION OF PLANTS Necessity of admitting oxygen to the protoplasts—The intercellular space system; its origin and development ; condition in terrestrial plants; relative extent in roots, stems, leaves—Air reservoirs in aquatic plants; in Hqwisetwm, grasses, rushes, &c.; mode of formation of the reservoirs—External orifices of the intercellular space system; stomata and lenticels—Relative dimensions of cellular tissue and intercellular spaces—Movements of air in inter- cellular space system—Composition of the air . ; : . 103-117 CHAPTER VIII THE FOOD OF PLANTS. INTRODUCTORY True nature of the food of plants—Materials absorbed by plants, and | their relationship to actual food—Differences between food and food materials—Construction of food from the latter—-Assimilation of food—Intricacy of the metabolic processes of plants . . 118-124 CHAPTER IX ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS BY A GREEN PLANT Examination of substances absorbed from the soil; water-culture ; destructive analysis—Classification of materials absorbed—The ash of plants—Conditions of absorption of substances in the soil— Absorption of nitrogen by leguminous plants—Insectivorous plants and their behaviour—Absorption of metallic compounds ; silicon— Absorption of carbon dioxide from the air; its mechanism . 126-140 CHAPTER X THE CHLOROPHYLL APPARATUS Formation of organic substances from the inorganic materials absorbed—Chlorophyll—Structure of a chloroplast—Properties of chlorophyll; its absorption spectrum—Xanthophyll—Erythrophyll —Composition of chlorophyll—Distribution of the chloroplasts— Re- lationship between the plastidand the colouring matter—Leucoplasts xu VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY PAGE —Conditions of formation of chlorophyll; light, temperature, iron —Formation of carbohydrates by chloroplasts; conditions of their activity—Theories of photosynthesis—Relation of starch to the process—Rays of light made use of in photosynthesis; researches of Engelmann, of Tmiriazeff—Inhibition of the chlorophyll appara- tus—lormation of organic substance in its absence . : 141-159 CHAPTER XI THE CONSTRUCTION OF PROTEINS Complexity of the composition of protein; its percentage composition —Classification of proteins ; albumins, globulins, metaproteins, pro- teoses, peptones, proteins soluble in aleohol—Synthesis of proteins in plants; various hypotheses—Locality of protein construction in the plant CHAPTER XII THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE ASH OF PLANTS Nature and composition of the ash—Water-culture and the limitations of its usefulness in the study of the ash—Classification of the constituents of the ash—The selective power of plants—Sulphur and phosphorus—Potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron—Sodium, silicon, chlorine, bromine, iodine, manganese— ; . ‘ ; ; : ? . 897-410 CHAPTER XXV REPRODUCTION Distinction between the individual protoplast and the colony or plant —Process of ;multiplication of protoplasts; gemmation, karyo- kinesis, formation“of cell-walls; free-cell formation—Vegetative XV VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY PAGE propagation—Formation of asexual reproductive cells, spores or gonidia ; zooccenocytes—Development of sexual cells or gametes : planogametes and conjugation; male and female cells; anthero- zoids and oospheres—Gametangia and their varieties—Fertilisation —Alternation of generations -Gametophytes and sporophytes— Heterospory and its consequences—The seed and its formation 411-437 CHAPTER XXVI REPRODUCTION (continued) Pollination and its mechanisms—Advantages of cross-pollination— Dichogamy, protandry, protogyny—Diclinism — Heterostylism or dimorphism—Prepotency—Self-sterility — Self-pollination ; cleisto- gamy—Mechanism of fertilisation; the growth of the pollen-tube —Hybridisation—Results of fertilisation ; formation and ripening of fruits and seeds—Germination of the seed —Apospory ; apogamy ; parthenogenesis : : ; ; : ; ; . . 438-450 INDEX : : ° ‘ ; ; ; . ; ; : 451 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . Zoospore of Ulothria . Yeast Plants . Bacteria . Plasmodium of a M, snotgioste : . Vegetable Cells (Young) ). Vegetable Cells (Adult) . Cells exhibiting Rotation, from Elodea . Cells of Tradescantia, showing circulation . Structure of the Nucleus . Colonies of Protococcus . Volvox Globator . ; . Coenocytic Suspensor of Orobits . Filaments of Nostoc . Pediastrum . Vegetable Cells (Your) . Vegetable Cells (Adult) . Continuity of Protoplasm in Seed . Continuity of Protoplasm in Seaweed . Thallus of Pelvetia . Stem of Sphagnum . . Stem of Common Moss . Section of Blade of Leaf . . Cork Cells . Bark of Oak . Collenchyma . Exodermis of Root : . Diagram of Course of Vascular Banas ina Hisstledootis pane. . Venation of Leaf . Section of Rhizome of Fern . Section of Leaf of Pinus . : . Vascular Bundle of Monocotyledon ; . Different Arrangements of Stereome in fiestwoades Plants! . Chloroplasts in Cell : . Section of Stem of Potamogeton . Cortex of Root ; . Section of Blade of ee ‘ . Stomata on Lower Surface of Leaf . Section of Epidermis of Leaf . Section of a Lenticel XV VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY PIG. PAGER 40. Section of Dicotyledonous Stems of two ages . 38 41. Embryo of Orobus ; 39 42. Stratification in Cell-walls ; 44 43. Longitudinal Section of Vascular Bundle of Ganhauee Stem 45 44. Wood-cells, showing Middle Lamella 45 45. Section of Epidermis of Leaf 48 46. Cork in Twig of Lime 49 47. Section of a Lenticel : 49 48. Crystals in Wall of Cell of Bast 50 49. Cystolith of Ficus 50 50. Apparatus to show the taken of Gamasis 55 51. Young Vegetable Cells 56 52. Adult Vegetable Cells 57 53. Cells undergoing Plasmolysis 59 54. Rootlets with Root-hairs . 68 55. Root-hair in contact with particles oa Soil ; 69 56. Section of Young Root : 70 57. Diagram of Course of Vascular Bundles | ina Dicctsielanaen Plant 71 58. Veins of a leaf. ; 72 59. Ending of a Vascular Bundle in a Leaf 73 60. Intercellular Spaces in Leaf 73 61. Stomata on Lower Surface of Leaf 75 62. Apparatus for the Estimation of Root-pressure 84 63. Apparatus to demonstrate Transpiration 89 64. Section of Blade of Leaf . : 90 65. Apparatus to show dependence of Withering on ag ae of Water : 91 66. Stomata on Lower Surface of Leaf . 93 67. Section of a Stoma 93 68. Darwin’s Potometer 98 69. Apparatus to show the Bastion of Peanariiinn 99 70. Ending of a Vascular Bundle in a Leaf . 101 71. Formation of Intercellular Spaces 105 72. Intercellular Spaces in Root . 105 73. Intercellular Spaces in Leaf . 106 74. Section of Leaf of Isoétes . 106 75. Section of Rhizome of Marsilea . s 10% 76. Section of Stem of Potamogeton . 108 77. Section of Stem of Hqwisetwm . 109 78. Section of Stem of Juncus 110 79. Section of a Lenticel . @ = Tal ” ~ RELATION OF WATER TO THE PROTOPLASM 61 is also given off from them. This does not depend on osmosis in the stem or leaf, but is due to evaporation, which takes place from the surfaces of the cells abutting on the intercellular spaces, whence the watery vapour is exhaled through the stomata, or, in the case of a woody stem, through the lenticels. In a cell surrounded by water such removal must depend upon osmotic currents. This removal of water occasions a need for a continuous replenishment of the liquid in the vacuoles, which is brought about by the same modified osmosis which has been described. We can see that this process must be continually taking place in a complex of succulent cells. If we consider two which are contiguous and are separated from each other by a common cell-wall, it is evident that unless the proportion of water to osmotic substances in the vacuoles of both is the same, osmotic currents will flow from one to the other till this equilibrium is reached. Any disturbance taking place in one cell of a complex will hence spread from cell to cell until the composition of the fluid contents of them all is uniform. When we consider the differences, sometimes very slight, sometimes more extensive, which are continually taking place in the meta- bolic activities of the separate cells of a community, it is evident that, so long as life lasts, osmotic currents of this kind must be continually passing from cell to cell in various directions, and frequently at very different rates. . Evaporation from a cell into an intercellular space must lead to a certain increase of the concentration of the solution of osmotically active substance in its vacuole. This then attracts water from the contiguous cells, and consequently, independently of metabolic changes affecting the quantities of such osmotic substances, evaporation itself must help in causing movements of water from cell to cell. The quantity of these osmotic substances which are present in any particular cell will depend upon the behaviour of the protoplasm from time to time. Such substances are usually being continually produced in all 62 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY growing cells, and in most others in Which chemical changes are proceeding. Hence such cells are continually absorbing water, and are consequently so full thata consider- able stretching force is exerted on the cell-wall which bounds them. Cells in such a condition are called. turgid, and the condition itself is known as turgor or turgescence. The equilibrium which is attained by such a cell is reached when the distension caused by the entering osmotic stream is balanced by the elastic recoil of the extensible cellulose wall. In some cases the tension set up in a tissue by the turgescence of the cells is sufficient to force the water, by a process of filtration, through the walls of the outermost ones, so that it escapes in drops or in a slow stream. This may often be seen on the edges or apices of blades of grass in the early morning. It is of great use also in forcing water into the axial woody cylinder of roots, as will appear later. Occasionally the turgescence becomes so great as to lead to rupture of the cell-walls, as is the case in some pollen grains, and sometimes in certain fleshy fruits. That the condition of turgescence in cells is attended by a stretching of the cell-wails can be seen by taking a piece of a plant which is turgid, such as the stalk of a rhubarb leaf, and, after carefully measuring its dimensions, steeping it for some time in a ten per cent. solution of common salt. On removing it, it will be found to have become flaccid, and a remeasurement will show that both its length and thickness have diminished. Turgescence is not, however, due simply to physical causes ; the protoplasm which lines the cell has a regulating influence over the passage of the water into and out of them. Whena turgid pulvinus of such a plant as Robinia or Mimosa is stimulated by rough handling of the leaf, the latter falls backward from its ex- panded position, and the fall is found to be due to the escape of water from the cells of the lower side of the pulvinus. The original state of equilibrium has been disturbed by the shock to the protoplasm administered by the stimulation, and the latter allows or compels the water to pass outwards. RELATION OF WATER TO THE PROTOPLASM = 63 The active influence of the protoplasm is seen also in another class of phenomena. Certain structures known as nectaries occur conspicuously in many flowers. They are aggregations of cells of a particular kind which exude a sugary fluid upon their surface. The liquid in the cells contains a little sugar, and this weak solution is capable of passing through the protoplasm, not by osmosis, but by a kind of filtration. Its concentration is usually increased by subsequent evaporation of the water in which it is dis- solved, so that the secretion when collected has a distinctly sweet taste. When the petals of certain flowers bearing these nectaries are cut off, and their cut ends immersed in water, the glands continue for some time to exude the nectar. There can be no question here of a gross filtration of water under pressure through the tissue, as there is no such pressure acting on the base of the cut petal. The protoplasm causes a stream of water to flow into the cells of the gland by producing osmotic substances inside them, in this case chiefly sugar. The turgescence thus set up in the gland cells exerts a strong hydrostatic pressure on the limiting membranes of these secreting cells, which ultimately so stimulates the protoplasm as to cause it to allow the sugary solution to exude upon their free surfaces. We can discriminate between two forces at work in the excretion of the nectar. The absorption of water by the gland cells is due to osmosis; the excretion from them on to the exterior of the gland is more a question of a modified filtration under pressure from the turgid cell. This is shown by the fact that if the surface of the gland is carefully dried, the exudation shortly reeommences. Osmosis is not possible under these conditions. If the gland is killed by alcohol, the sugar already there is retained in the cells, and no exudation of nectar, or even of water, takes place. ’ The vital activity of the protoplasm is thus seen to be intimately connected with the presence of water in its substance. The importance of the ready access of the latter is seen further from other considerations. We have ; | ; : 64 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY incidentally alluded more than once to the fact that the liquid concerned in these osmotic currents is not pure water only, but should rather be regarded as an extremely dilute solution of various salts. ‘Though the protoplasm opposes the passage of anything like a strong solution of inorganic salts, it allows very dilute ones to enter the cell, much as it does pure water. In this way the slowly diffusing stream brings to the protoplasm of each cell the inorganic materials which are absorbed from the earth, and enables the matters elaborated or formed from them by the protoplasm to pass from cell to cell. The feeding or nutrition of the various cells, together with the con- struction of the substances which minister to that nutrition, is thus dependent on the transit of fluid about the plant in the way described. The access of various gases is similarly made possible, for these are dissolved in the liquid stream. The oxygen upon the presence of which life depends is thus transported to each cell, and the carbon dioxide of respiration is removed-from the seats of its liberation. The condition of turgescence is necessary also for growth, and for various movements of different parts, enabling them to adapt themselves to varying conditions of their environment. Some plants, particularly those which are aquatic in habit, and such parts of terrestrial plants as contain but little woody tissue, are dependent on the turgescence of their cells for the rigidity which enables them to maintain their position in the medium in which they live. The maintenance of the turgid condition of the cells is further of the highest importance in enabling the interchange of water between contiguous cells to take place as freely as possible, and without intermission. Flaccid cells do not effect such interchange with sufficient readiness. Flaccidity of an organ is attended by a partial collapse of the tissue, which involves a diminution of the volume of its intercellular spaces, and hence often a serious interference with its processes of gaseous interchange, particularly respiration. Nor is the protoplasm unaffected RELATION OF WATER TO THE PROTOPLASM 65 by the flaccidity, for its health is in a certain degree dependent upon its being subjected to hydrostatic pressure by the water of the vacuole. The importance of the water supply, and indeed its necessity to the plant, explains the existence of certain subsidiary mechanisms for its absorption and_ storage which are occasionally met with. These will be considered in detail in a subsequent chapter, but a few of such adaptations may be noticed here. We frequently find particular aggregations of cells set apart for storage of water. The epidermis of certain parts frequently subserves this purpose, and many plants possess a considerable development of aqueous tissue, variously disposed, which forms a similar storehouse. The cells of this tissue contain little else than water, and thus serve to supplement the vacuoles of the ordinary cells. In plants that inhabit dry arid soils such as sandy deserts there are often other adaptations relating to water storage. Such plants are often covered with large bladder-like hairs which hold a considerable quantity of liquid. Plants which are exposed to conditions threatening too copious evaporation are gene- rally furnished with a very prominent cuticle tending to check undue escape. | 66 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER V THE TRANSPORT OF WATER IN THE PLANT We have seen that it is necessary for the life of a plant that all its living cells shall be freely supplied with water. According to the habit of life of plants the mode of supply must necessarily vary. Those which are so constituted that water finds free access to all the cells, such as the unicellular or filamentous Alge, which live in streams, pools, &c., present no difficulty, as osmosis can go on freely in each cell, water entering its vacuole from the exterior. Sturdier plants of aquatic habit are almost equally easily supplied ; the water enters by osmosis into the vacuoles of the epidermal cells, the walls of which in these plants are not cuticularised, and from them it can pass from cell to cell all over the plant-body. No force in addition to osmosis is necessary in these undifferentiated plants. Others, which have a terrestrial habitat, from the nature of their environment require a more elaborate mechanism, which is found, as we have already pointed out, in the well-differentiated system of conducting tissue, composed largely of lignified vessels, fibres, and cells. Throughout all such plants a stream of water passes, entering at the roots, passing along the woody axis, and so rising up the stem into the leaves, where a very large part of it is evaporated. This stream of water is often known as the ascending sap. In addition to this comparatively rapid stream, slow currents of diffusion from cell to cell are also maintained, as in the plants of humbler type. These diffusion currents, depending mainly on osmosis between contiguous cells, have not the definite direction of the THE TRANSPORT OF WATER IN THE PLANT 67 rapid current, and play quite a subordinate part in the supply of the whole plant with water. They are, however, supplementary to the ascending sap, and effect interchanges in regions which the latter does not immediately reach. The cortex of the axis of the plant is especially dependent upon them, as various mechanisms exist in the different regions of the stele to guard against too free an escape of water from its tissues into the cortex. Except in some special cases the water which passes through the body of an ordinary terrestrial plant is obtained from the soil in which its roots are embedded. The soil itself is composed of minute particles of inorganic matter of very different degrees of solubility, derived origi- nally from the breaking down of rocks, together with decay- ing animal or vegetable matter mixed with the inorganic constituents. This organic matter is known as humus and is of very varied composition. The soil thus consists of a loose matrix of granular character, the interspaces of which are normally filled with air. The air is in most cases mixed with a certain quantity of carbon dioxide which is being evolved from the humus constituents of the soil, and which is slowly exhaled from the surface. The interspaces are capable of containing varying quantities of water ; indeed the soil may be so saturated with it that they are all full. We find soils of all conditions in this respect, from the dry sands of deserts to the mud of bogs. The water may be held with greater or less tenacity, clays and sandy soils affording instances of two extremes in that particular. When the interspaces of the soil are filled with water, the plants which it is supporting are very unfavourably placed for absorbing the liquid. By the excess of water their roots are deprived of the air which they need for purposes of respiration ; their structure does not enable the absorption of water to take place all over their surfaces, as their external cells are more or less cuticular- ised ; they are consequently hindered and not helped by the superfluity of liquid. When a soil is properly drained, its 68 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY interspaces are filled with air, and a delicate film of water surrounds each of its particles and adheres closely to it, This water, often spoken of as hygroscopic water, is the source of the plant’s supply. The presence of air in the interspaces supplies the wants of the root and frees it from the difficulties which have been pointed out. The hygroscopic water adheres so closely to the particles of the soil that it escapes ordinary observation ; when, however, soil that has been allowed to dry at any ordinary temperature till its interspaces are apparently empty, is exposed to a heat approaching that of boiling water, a considerable quantity of vapour is given off, due to the volatilising of the hygroscopic films. The difficulty of the entry of the water into the cells of the outermost layers of the young roots involves the development of a special absorptive mechanism upon them. ‘This takes the form of a number of delicate outgrowths of the internal cells, which form long thin-walled hairs (fig. 54). These are not distributed all over the surface of the young rootlets, but are confined to a particular region not far behind the apex. As the delicate branches of the root grow, the root-hairs gradually perish, more being formed continually at about the same distance from the apex. There Mie.) EA eae: dae. continuous renewal of this collec- Roor, snowine Po- tion of hairs, which is maintained as long ines Hoot as the root system extends and continues functional. ‘The interspaces of the soil are penetrated by the young roots, the manner of whose growth involves a very close approximation of their sub- stance to the surface of the particles of which the soil con- sists. The delicate hairs standing out at right angles to the surface of the roots are consequently brought into very close and intimate relations with these particles and with THE TRANSPORT OF WATER IN THE PLANT 69 the film of hygroscopic water which surrounds them. In some cases the pressure between the two is so close that the particles become embedded in the membrane (fig. 55). The hygroscopic film of water is thus separated from the interior of the root-hair by a most delicate pellicle of cell- wall substance, lined by an almost equally delicate layer of protoplasm. The vacuole of the hair contains a somewhat acid cell-sap, by virtue of which osmosis is set up; the osmotic equivalent of the acids of the sap being considerable, the cell quickly becomes turgid and distended, such turgescence continuing so long as the conditions remain favourable. The root- hairs are very numerous, and their united action causes a considerable accumula- tion of water in the cortex of the root, for it passes into the cells of this region by osmosis through the base of the hair. This, being one of the cells of the ex- ternal layer, impinges upon one or more of the cortical cells, which have a similar reaction to that of the root-hair itself. _ Osmotic currents are thus set up from Fic. 55.—Roor-narr every hair, and a gradual accumulation —jartienre or Sou, of water takes place in the cortex of the young root, making all its cells turgescent and causing a considerable hydrostatic pressure in the tissue. This tur- gescence with its consequent pressure soon extends all along the axis of the young root, though it is originally set up only by the region which is clothed by the absorbing hairs. _ The central portion of the axis of the root is occupied by a cylindrical mass which extends throughout its whole length, and which is known as the stele (ffg. 56). It is generally marked off sharply from the cortex, the cells of whose innermost layer, the endodermis, are often peculiarly thickened. This thickening is not, however, usually very marked in the region of absorption. At certain places 70 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY round the periphery of the stele of the root, the woody strands (fig. 56, Sp) may be seen. ‘These are in contact with the succulent and turgid parenchyma which has been filled with water in the way described, and consequently the hydrostatic pressure which has thus been set up is brought to bear upon the walls of the woody vessels which constitute the greater part of those strands. ‘These form the lower portions of continuous open, or nearly open, tubes, which extend from the roots to the leaves; at the time when the absorption of the root-hairs and cortex is greatest these vessels are empty, or nearly so, and the effect of Fic. 56.—Srcrion oF RoorT, SHOWING ROOT-HAIRS ABUTTING ON THE PARENCHYMA OF THE CORTEX, AND THE Woopy STRANDS, Sp, OF THE Steve. (After Kny.) the hydrostatic pressure on their walls is to force the water from the turgid cortex into the walls and cavities of the vessels. How the water is distributed is not fully known; we have seen that lignified cell-walls have a certain power of taking up water, and of passing it on with considerable rapidity, so that part of it may be expected to remain in the walls. Part, however, passes through into the cavities of the vessels, and in the early part of the year, before the leaves of the plant expand, they thus become filled with liquid. This filtration into the vessels tends to relieve the pressure in the cortex, and additional f id THE TRANSPORT OF WATER IN THE PLANT 71 water can then be absorbed from the soil as before. ‘The consequent increase of the turgescence is followed by further filtration into the vessels, and these two factors continually acting together, the water is made to rise gradually in the axial stele. The root-hairs and the turgid cortex, in fact, exert in this way a kind of continuous pumping action, forcing it along the axis. The force, which is the expres- sion of the elastic recoil of the cell-walls of the over- distended cortical cells, and which is brought to bear upon their fluid contents, squeezing a quantity of liquid through the cell-walls into the vessels, is known as root-pressure, and is one of the main factors in the transport of water through the plant. The turgescence not.only leads to the rise of the sap in the axial stele, but it spreads throughout the whole of ___ o the cortical tissue of the plant, SR y/ stem as well as root, reaching PONS indeed every cell into which osmotic diffusion can take place. The action of the root-hairs is thas responsible not only for the rapid ascent of the sap, but also for the maintenance of turgidity outside the region supplied by the ascending stream. The stele of the root is directly continuous with that of the stem, and though the dis- position of the woody elements * Goon, oe kGRAM Suowixe is somewhat different in the two — Bunpnss, iN a Dicorynn- regions, there is no doubt that they also are continuous throughout (fig. 57). The stream of water consequently passes up the woody tissue of the stem so long as the cells are living. The stream in young plants passes along the whole substance of the wood, which in most cases forms a central mass of some size. 72 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY In herbaceous plants the bundles do not usually form a continuous cylinder, but are more or less isolated in their course. In old trees the water-conducting area is limited to the outer regions of the central woody mass, which are known as the alburnwm or sap-wood. The central portion of the wood is dead, and the cell-walls are often very much altered in chemical composition. This region is known as the duramen or heart-wood; it takes no part in the conduction, the tissue always remaining dry. ‘he vascular bundles are seen to be continuous from the axis to the leaves, where they are no longer found arranged in a cylindrical manner, but are disposed in various ways as a much-branched net- work (fig. 58). The separate ramifica- tions are known technically as veins, and they are distributed in the various ways known, largely through the method of branching of the leaf axis. The latter, however, with very rare excep- tions, is flattened or winged throughout the whole or part of its length, and the Pie. eens a dae wings or flattened portions are’ supplied or Lrar. with veins continuous with those of the branched or unbranched axis. The vascular tissue, therefore, if traced from below upwards, is seen to exhibit a separation of its constituent bundles, which continually appear to subdivide until they form a series of delicate ramifications of considerable tenuity which per- meate the whole of the flattened portions of the leaves or other parts. The tenuity of the ultimate endings of the vascular bundles is attended with certain changes in the character of the constituent cells, but they remain woody and irregularly thickened as they are lower down in the axis. In the leaves these endings of the bundles, which are some- times free, and sometimes disposed in the form of an open network, are surrounded by delicate parenchymatous tissue, whose cells are im immediate contact with the woody ele- ———s THE TRANSPORT OF WATER IN THE PLANT 73 ments, as they are in the root (fig. 59). These delicate cells are also in contact with the special parenchyma of the leaf, which is in part very loosely arranged and provided with a great development of the intercellular space system (fig. 60), which we have seen to be characteristic of the whole ae ANAT) LAAN BY Fic. 59.—ENDING OF A FIBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLE IN THE PARENCHYMA OF A LEAF, of the tissue of the plant. The cells abutting on the bundles are filled, like the root-hairs and the cells of the cortex, with a watery sap which contains substances possess- ing a relatively high osmotic equivalent. The woody oceo } v ecoteacclt Seer UverGeeoe c r Se We = 2 Sweet ty Gn cos we ne a ed ford = « eo “ak ~~ a " N2) \ 5 bs S o> Io fs 5 - - 3 a oe < ea 8 2 gs > he eaioun U z é 8 y aS re 99S 3 & J. 2 Wok Js o Y v2 c oe v er Lew —— SO} et —— Fic, 60.—TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE BLADE OF A LEAF, SHOWING THE INTERCELLULAR SPACES OF THE INTERIOR. x 100. elements of the veins are not completely empty; their walls, at any rate, are saturated with the water ascending from the roots. We have consequently here a resumption of the osmosis which we noticed to play so conspicuous a 74 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY part in the original absorption of water. The water is drawn from the woody elements into the parenchyma of the leaf, and as it passes from cell to cell the leaf tissue is made turgescent. The turgescence is very largely due to the ascending stream, whose progress we have traced; at the same time we must remember that the turgid cortex of the root is continuous through that of the stem with the soft tissues of the leaves, and hence the slow movement of diffusion assists in its maintenance. In plants which have but little woody tissue, such as the greater number of herbaceous annuals, this slow movement plays relatively a more important part than in those trees which have a conspicuously woody trunk. As we have seen, the turgid mesophyll tissue has a great part of the surface of its cells abutting on the inter- cellular spaces of the leaf. The cortical cells of the axis are also similarly placed, though the spaces are much smaller in that region. The intercellular spaces of the plant are in communication throughout, and the cells which abut upon them are in most places, and particularly in the leaves, furnished with very delicate cell-walls, which readily allow a process of evaporation to take place, watery vapour passing into the passages. The whole intercellular space system thus becomes charged with vapour, the process of evaporation from the cells being, however, much more marked in the leaves, owing to the greater development of the spaces there. At particular spots in the leaves and other green portions of the plant, these intercellular spaces or canals communicate with the external air by means of small openings or crevices in the outer layer of cells, which are known as stomata (fig. 61). Each stoma is surrounded by two cells of peculiar shape, known as guard-cells, which by being approximated to each other to a greater or less degree, enable the extent of the communication to be varied from time to time according to the conditions of the plant. The ultimate escape of the watery vapour from the interior of the plant is subject by means of these THE TRANSPORT OF WATER IN THE PLANT 75 stomata to a very delicate regulation. So long as the apertures are open the watery vapour diffuses outwards into the external air. We may thus have a copious exhalation taking place from the surfaces of the leaves and other green parts, which plays an important part in causing the flow of water through the plant. This evaporation or exhalation from the surface is known as transpiration ; it will be discussed more fully in a subsequent chapter. Little or no evaporation takes place from the surface Fic. 61.—TuHREE STOMATA ON THE LOWER SURFACE OF A LEAF, SHOWING DIFFERENT DEGREES OF CLOSURE. of the epidermal cells of the leaves, which have their outer walls generally cuticularised to a greater or less extent, the cuticle offering considerable resistance to the passage of water or watery vapour through them in either direction. The escape of watery vapour by transpiration is supple- mented in some cases by an actual excretion of water in the liquid form. This happens when the hydrostatic pres- sure is very high at times in herbaceous plants, water being forced out at the tips of the leaves. It is not infrequently 76 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY seen in the case of grasses, the edges or apices of whose leaf-blades may show drops of liquid standing upon them in the early morning. Similar drops are often to be seen on the surfaces of the leaves of Alchemilla when they have ceased to transpire during the night, while the absorption of water by the root has continued actively. The escape of liquid in this way is due to a filtration similar to that by which the water is forced into the woody elements of the stele of the root, as previously described. A subsidiary mechanism allowing the escape of watery vapour from the cortex of stems and roots is provided by the lenticels. We have seen that these are loose aggrega- tions of corky cells which are developed in connection with the sheaths of cork that form part of the secondary tegumentary protective tissue of a thickened axis (fig. 39). They are not, however, so intimately connected with evapo- ration as the stomata, probably being more concerned with the aeration of the tissue. The stream of water thus passing through the ‘plant has a very important influence upon its development. We have seen how important a factor in its growth is the maintenance of a condition of turgescence, which in turn depends on the constant absorption of water to take the place of that removed by evaporation. The quantity pass- ing is correlated with the amount of leaf surface which the plant possesses; where there is a large leaf area there is copious transpiration ; this necessitates a large path for the ascending stream, and a consequent development of the axial portions of the plant. The greatest increase in the number of the proto- plasts takes place at the so-called growing points, which are situated at the terminations of the twigs, and which give rise continually to additional leaves and branches. ‘The development of new material of this kind and of the new protoplasts which they contain is largely dependent upon another feature of the water supply to which attention has already been called. A considerable part of the THE TRANSPORT OF WATER IN THE PLANT 77 material from which the food of the plant is constructed is absorbed from the soil in solution in the water, and is transported by means of this stream to the regions of cell-formation. The fact that the quantity of the nutri- tive salts in the water is extremely small is a further reason for the transport of such large quantities of water as pass through the plant; for by the gradual con- centration of the solution in the cells of the leaf enough new material can be obtained by the protoplasts for the construction of the food necessary for their nutrition, growth, and multiplication. Where there is a large flow of water, as in a tree, there is a continuous formation of new cells and of the various mechanisms their life demands ; where the transpiration is but slight, as in a Cactus, or where the supply of water is limited, as is the case with such plants as grow in deserts or in rocky situations, there is but little formation of new substance. 78 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER VI THE TRANSPIRATION CURRENT. ROOT-PRESSURE. TRANSPIRATION In terrestrial plants, so long as circumstances are favour- able to the vital activity of the organism, we have, as we have seen, a stream of water passing from the roots through the axis to the green twigs and leaves, where the greater part of it is evaporated. The stream, which we have spoken of as the ascending sap, is often called the transpiration current. Its path through the axis of the plant has been determined to be the xylem vessels, which are in complete continuity from the young rootlets to the veins of the leaves. In thick tree-trunks, in which the wood can be seen to consist of alburnum and duramen, the stream is confined to the former. Proof of this can be obtained in various ways. If an incision is made all round the trunk of a tree and a ring of tissue removed, everything being cut away down to the outermost ring of wood, the leaves of the parts above the wound continue to be turgid. If, on the other hand, the woody cylinder is cut through, while the continuity of the cortex and that of the pith are allowed to remain intact, the leaves very speedily droop and become flaccid. If a plant in a pot is watered with a solution of a dye which has no noxious action on the protoplasts, the colour- ing matter is absorbed in the liquid which the roots take up, and its progress can be traced by a subsequent micro- scopic examination of the various tissues of the axis. The colouring matter will be found to have stained the wood for a considerable distance; in the case of a small plant, THE TRANSPIRATION CURRENT 79 indeed, it will be coloured quite up to the veins of the leaves, while the pith and cortical tissues will remain unstained, An isolated branch can be taken as the subject of the experi- ment, its cut surface being placed in a solution of the dye. The dye in these cases passes with the current of water, as may be seen by the difference in its rate of passage when transpiration is vigorous, and when from severance of the leaves of a branch if can penetrate only by diffusion. A good deal of controversy has been excited with refer- ence to the manner in which the transport of the water in the wood takes place. Sachs originally suggested that the path was altogether the walls of the cells, and that their cavities were empty. This view was based partly on the fact that the vessels undoubtedly contain a quantity of air during the period of active vegetation, and that this air is at a less pressure than that of the atmosphere. Another reason advanced for it was based on the nature of lignin and its relation to water. While refusing to absorb much water and swell as cellulose can be made to do, lignin can contain a certain quantity, which it will part with very easily. On this view the walls of the lignified vessels may be regarded as a column of water held together by the mole- cules or micelle of lignin. A very little water removed from the top of such a column would be immediately replaced from below so long as a supply existed there. Such a remarkable conductivity, however, is probably not possessed by the walls of the vessels. Many observa- tions made in recent years tend to negative this view, and to support the hypothesis that the water passes in the cavities of the vessels. Sachs’s opinion that these are always free from water during active transpiration has been shown not to be well founded, for various observers have proved that their cavities are occupied by a chain of water-columns and air-bubbles, the air having been originally absorbed from the intercellular space system. If the end of a transpiring branch is injected for a short distance with a viscid fluid, which will penetrate _ the 80 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY cavities of the vessels, and subsequently solidify, these passages can be occluded for a distance of a few centi- metres. Gelatin or paraffin can be used for the experi- ment, being injected at a moderately low temperature such as will not injure the vitality of the tissue. If after it has solidified a fresh surface is made by a clean cut a very short distance from the end, and the branch immersed in water, the leaves very soon flag, even if some pressure is applied to the water in contact with the cut surface. If the path of the liquid were the cell-walls, no obstacle being offered to the transfer of water to them, the upper portions ought to remain turgid. ‘The experiment shows that the normal channels are blocked by the paraffin or gelatin used, and flagging results. A similar demonstration that the water passes by the cavities or lumina of the cells is afforded by the experi- ment of compressing the stem in a vice; if the pressure is carried so far as partially or entirely to obliterate their cavities, the rate of flow is materially interfered with. The progress of a dye injected into the surface of a cut branch also points to the same conclusion. If such stains as fuchsin or eosin, which colour wood very rapidly, are forced up into a stem and sections made almost immedi- ately, the lignified walls will be found to be in process of staining, and the colour will be seen to be deepest on the side of the wall abutting on the lumen, often only penetrating partly through the thickness. If the wall itself were the path of the pigment solution, its thickness would be stained uniformly as far as the dye penetrated at all. The rate at which the transpiration current naturally flows varies a good deal, plants showing differences among themselves as to facilities of transport. In a fairly vigorous tree it may be taken to be about 1-2 metres per hour, though in some plants it has been observed to be three times as rapid. In other cases as low a speed as *2 metre per hour has been found. It is a little difficult to measure in most cases; the plan generally adopted has been to THE TRANSPIRATION CURRENT 81 immerse the cut ends of branches in a solution of such a dye as eosin, and notice how far the dye penetrates in some unit of time. The objection to this method is that very frequently the water of such a coloured solution will travel faster than the dye dissolved in it. Sachs used instead a solution of a salt of lithium, which he found was free from this objection. He detected the rate of progress of the lithium by means of spectroscopical examination, ascertaining how far the metal could be traced in the stem when pieces were cut out and burnt after a definite time, during which absorption had proceeded. The causes of the transpiration current are not fully known, but there is no doubt that it is due to the co- operation of many factors, not one of which by itself is sufficient to account for it. Two of the main influences which are at work have been incidentally alluded to, which must now be discussed in greater detail. These are the constant pumping action of the cortex of the root, giving us the force known as root-pressure, and the evaporation into the intercellular spaces, and its exhalation from the surfaces of the green parts of the plant, which we have spoken of as transpiration. Recent investigations make it probable that we must add to these the force of osmosis in the parenchyma of the leaves, which apparently brings about the passage of the water from the veins into the cells of the leaf-substance. Besides these, other factors have been held to co- operate, though much less certainly than they. The walls of the vessels having an extremely narrow calibre, capil- larity has been suggested as playing a part. This cannot, however, have much effect in a system of closed tracheids, like those of the secondary wood of the Conifers, which, nevertheless, conduct the water. It has been thought that the living cells of the parenchyma, which abut upon the woody tissue of the stele, may play a part similar to the pumping action of the root. The medullary rays of the stele in tall tree trunks have been held to play a 6 82 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY similar part. Against this theory we have the fact that, if the transpiration current is made to contain substances that are poisonous to the living cells, and the latter are consequently killed, the current still goes on. Considerable lengths of a stem have been killed by heating it to the temperature of boiling water, and the dead part has proved to be no obstacle to the transport. Nor do differences of gaseous pressure within and without the plant, or at different portions of the axis, explain the matter more satisfactorily. Roor-pressuRE.—We have seen how the absorption of water osmotically from the soil by the root-hairs leads to a ereat turgescence of the tissue of the cortex of the root, not only in the regions of absorption but along the whole length of the younger portions, which turgescence exerts consider- able pressure on the sides of the vessels and tracheids of the xylem of the stele. By this means water, containing various salts and other constituents in extremely small quantity, is forced into the fibro-vascular tissue. The process is not a purely physical one of filtration under pressure, but is regulated to some extent by the protoplasm of the cells which abut upon the xylem. When these are distended to their sreatest capacity, their protoplasm appears to be stimulated, perhaps by the very distension, and in consequence to allow water to transude through its substance. This mode of response to stimulation is not infrequent in vegetable tissues ; indeed it appears to correspond to the response of a muscle to stimulation by the process of contraction. We must not push this comparison too far, for the protoplasm of the vegetable cell seems to respond not by contracting but by modifying its permeability, so that the hydrostatic pressure existing in the cell is able to force the water through the living substance with greater facility than it could before the stimulus was appreciated. By thus modify- ing the turgor of the cell, the protoplasm relieves itself of the over-extension, and we get an intermittent pumping action set up, which has a certain rhythm. By it large ROOT-PRESSURE 83 quantities of liquid are continually being forced into the axial stele. This rhythm, which is comparatively rapid, must not be confused with another rhythm which is much more gradual, and which constitutes what is called the periodicity of the root-pressure. When transpiration is not taking place, the water may accumulate in the vessels, and its presence can then very readily be demonstrated, and the force of the root-pressure measured. If a vine stem is cut through in the early spring before its leaves have unfolded, a continuous escape of water takes place from the cut surface, and the vine is said to bleed. The phenomenon is not peculiar to the vine, but is exhibited by most other terrestrial plants. In plants which have a large woody system the accu- mulation of water in the vessels can only be demonstrated while the absence of leaves renders transpiration impossible. Many herbaceous plants show a similar phenomenon daily, owing to the intermission of transpiration during the night. In these cases it is not necessary to cut the axis at all; the accumulation of water extends to the whole of the plant. In the early morning the plants show a certain exudation of water from the tips or apices of the leaves, drops accumulating on their surfaces. Alchemilla and Tropeolum especially display this phenomenon, which is due to the over-turgescence of their tissues, brought about by the pumping action of their roots. This phenomenon of setting up a hydrostatic pressure causing an exudation of water is not confined to roots. Whenever the active living cells of the stem, or even of the leaves, force water into the vessels, the same exudation can be noticed. It can be shown by burying the cut ends of young stems of grasses in wet sand; after a time drops of water ooze out of their projecting upper ends. If the leafy branches of some trees are immersed in water so that only the cut ends project, the leaves can absorb water and force it through the stem, so that an exudation after a time can be noticed to take place from the cut surface which is S4 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY not immersed. A similar exudation can be caused to take place from the hyphe of fungi and from the tissues of mosses. We must, however, be cautious not to attribute every escape of water from a plant to this cause. When a tree trunk is wounded or cut on a warm sunny day in winter, there is frequently an exudation of water from the wound. This is generally due to purely physical causes, being brought about by the expansion of the air which is contained in the vessels of the wood. It can be artificially produced at any time in winter by warming a freshly cut piece of wood; and its cause in this case can be seen to be physical by the fact that as the wood cools the water in contact with the cut surface is again absorbed, owing to the contraction of the air, which was expanded by the warming. To measure the root-pressure ina plant the apparatus shown in fig. 62 may be used. It consists of a T-piece of glass tubing (f), which Mh is fastened by indiarubber! rings Fic. 62.— wie FOR THE (7) to the top ofa cut stem, such ESTIMATION OF Root-Pres- ag that of Helianthus. To the side arm of the tube a manometer (q), with a capillary bore, is attached by a tightly fitting cork (k), and the T-piece is filled with water from the upper end (k’). Mercury is poured into the manometer till it stands at a level a little below the cork k, and the aperture k’ is then tightly closed. As the root continues to take up water, it forces it into the tube R, whence it overflows into the proximal arm of the manometer, causing the mercury in the two limbs to be at unequal levels. By the displacement of the mercury the force of the root-pressure can be ROOT-PRESSURE 85 estimated. A variation of the apparatus can be used, in which the manometer is replaced by a glass tube bent at right angles. The water will be forced through this, and can be collected in a suitable receiver, and its amount ascertained. In performing the experiment it is best to allow the apparatus to stand for some time before closing the tube at k’, as, if the plantis taken while transpiration is proceed- ing, the vessels of the stem will contain air at a certain negative pressure, and a certain amount of water will be sucked back until the vessels are full. As soon as this condition is reached, the pumping action of the roots will become evident, and the root-pressure will make itself obvious. The root-pressure of various plants has been measured by different observers; an idea of its amount may be - gathered from the fact that a medium-sized Fuchsia in a pot has been found able to send a column of water up a tube of the same diameter as the stem to a height of twenty-five feet. The activity of the roots will depend upon various conditions, of which temperature, both of the air and of the soil, is one of the most important. The exudation of water has been observed at temperatures as low as freezing point, but most plants will not show it below about 5° C., and as the air becomes warmer the quantity of water given off increases. Warming the soil of the pot in which is the plant under observation also increases the flow. Of other influences which exert an effect upon the activity of the roots may be mentioned oxygen. Like all other vital actions, the absorptive power of the root-hairs depends upon their being in a healthy condition, and this cannot be maintained in any protoplast without the due performance of respiration. The character of the soil must also be considered. Without a due supply of moisture the process, of course, cannot go on, and a disturbance of the normal constituents of the soil will lead to modifications 86 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY of the process. If there is too great a preponderance of neutral salts such as sodium chloride or potassium nitrate, so that the liquid presented to the roots is practically a saline solution, the exudation will cease ; indeed, under such circumstances water may actually be withdrawn from the plant. Root-pressure is continually at work while the trans- mission of water is going on; but it is not easily seen later in the year when the development of the leaves has caused an active transpiration to proceed. If the stem of the vine be cut in July instead of in March, no bleeding follows the wound. ‘This is not, however, due to the absence of activity in the roots, but to the fact that the copious evaporation of transpiration prevents the necessary accu- mulation of water in the cavities of the woody elements. In the experiment in the early spring the conditions were different ; there were no expanded leaves, and the water absorbed and sent upwards by the root consequently remained in the vessels of the stem, escaping at once when the latter was cut. In July the vessels have been emptied by the transpiration, and there is no accumulation of water to overflow. The apparatus described will show, however, if the experiment with it is continued for some time, that root-pressure is still at work, even though transpiration is vigorous until the stem is severed. The force of root-pressure must therefore be regarded always as a factor in maintaining the transpiration current. It is continually forcing water into the vessels of the axis, and the fact that transpiration prevents an accumulation there does not show that the influence of root-pressure is done away with as soon as it ceases to be easily demon- strated. The root-pressure, though always considerable, is not the same at all times of the day and night. It can be measured by observing the output of water in the second form of the apparatus described above, measurements being taken every hour; or in the first form of the ROOT-PRESSURE 87 apparatus the manometer can be fitted with a float carrying a pen, which can be made to trace a continuous line on a slowly rotating recording surface. The line will be found to deseribe a curve, showing points of activity varying from maximum to minimum. ‘The general features of the curve will be the same for all plants, but all do not give the maximum at the same time of the day. In the case of Cucurbita Melopepo the minimum point occurs in the early morning ; the curve rises slowly during the forenoon, reaching its maximum soon after midday. From this point it falls; sometimes a second smaller rise takes place towards evening, and then it sinks continuously all night. The time of the occurrence of the maximum point varies in different plants, but in all if appears to be during the afternoon. In Prunus Laurocerasus it is much later than in Cucurbita. The points of maximum and minimum activity appear, however, to be about twelve hours apart, so that there is a complete diurnal cycle. There may be noticed in some trees also a variation which suggests a yearly periodicity. The power of exud- ing water is lost for a time during the winter, the loss being noticeable at different times in different trees. Vitis vinifera does not show any exudation usually in January ; Acer platanoides is passive in November ; many plants will not bleed at all during the winter. The causes of these variations in the activity of the absorbing mechanisms of the roots are still obscure. The annual periodicity, when it exists, appears to be connected with conditions which lead to the discontinuance of growth during winter. The trees pass in fact into a state that may be compared to hibernation. The daily periodicity does not appear to depend upon variations is the surroundings of the plant, but to be due to some cause or causes inherent in its constitution. It has been suggested that it has been induced in plants by long-continued variations of external conditions, particularly those of illumination, involved as these are in the alternation of day and night. This alter- 88 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY nation, affecting successive generations of plants through an enormous length of time, may have impressed upon the protoplasm a peculiar rhythm of greater and less general activity, which has become ultimately automatic and inde- pendent of the immediate surroundings. Of this the vary- ing action of the roots may be a particular expression. It is remarkable, however, that very young plants do not exhibit this diurnal variation, but they gradually acquire the power of doing so as they develop, subject as they are under normal conditions to the alternation of light and darkness. In many cases, again, the diurnal periodi- city is not manifested at all. The effect of the periodic alternation of light and dark- ness cannot in any case have been originally appreciated by the roots, as they are implanted in the soil and so escape its influence. If it was originally due to such variations, these must have been impressed upon the general orga- nisation of the plant. Transprration.—The modified evaporation by which the protoplasts get rid of water and enable the contents of their vacuoles to be continually renewed takes place ulti- mately from the surfaces of all the succulent parts of plants, and to a less extent from portions of the exterior which are covered by a layer of cork. Like the activity of the absorbing organs of the root, it is essentially a vital process and is regulated by the protoplasm of the cells which take part in it. As we have seen, it is usually spoken of as transpiration. It is easy to demonstrate the fact of its continuous existence during daylight by enclosing a plant, or part of one, in a dry glass vessel which can be closed so as to admit no air. Very soon the surface of the glass becomes covered by a fine dew, which is the condensed vapour that has escaped from the plant. The same thing may be seen when a vigorous plant is covered over by a bell-jar, the water condensing copiously upon the sides of the latter. A more elaborate method of demonstrating transpiration yw TRANSPIRATION. 89 consists in placing the end of a cut branch in a small glass vessel, preferably a U-tube, filled with water, as shown in fig. 68. The branch passes through the cork of the vessel in such a way as to prevent any escape or evaporation of water at that point. Communicating with the other arm of the U-tube is a side tube bent at right angles, which dips into the water through a perforated cork. This tube is also filled with water. . As transpiration proceeds the water is gradually drawn from the horizontal tube, and its pro- gress can be noted by arranging a scale behind it. The ~¥/ \\ $ NAN ie Ne Vas SN | j f a’ a | Pit bidet ble Litt ittrtn babi listibeatad ol Fic, 63,—APPARATUS TO DEMONSTRATE TRANSPIRATION OF A BRANCH. stem or branch should be kept with its cut end immersed in water for several hours before being placed in the apparatus, as its vessels contain air at a negative pressure when it is cut, owing to the transpiration which has been taking place from it before its separation from the plant. The existence of this negative pressure will lead to an immediate absorption of water, which might be mistaken for an active transpiration. The evaporation takes place to a certain extent through all the epidermal cells of the transpiring organ, but not to 90 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY a very great one, the degree of the development of the cuticle having considerable influence upon its amount, It is carried out much more freely through the thin walls of the cells abutting upon the intercellular spaces, which, as we have seen, communicate with the external air by means of the stomata and the lenticels. Very little watery vapour is given off by the latter, so that by far the greater amount that is exhaled passes through the stomata. ‘Transpiration is consequently most copious from the leaves, the structure of the lower side of which, in dorsiventral forms, is espe- cially favourable to it (fig. 64). Ifa leaf is taken which has stomata upon its under surface only, and the rates of watery eo v ° 9 eo > ee Cel Fic. 64.—TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE BLADE OF A LEAF, SHOWING THE INTERCELLULAR SPACES OF THE INTERIOR, exhalation from the two sides are compared, it will be found that the stomatal gives off considerably more vapour than the other surface. A method first introduced by Stahl enables us to prove with considerable facility that the escape of vapour through the stomata is much greater than that through the cuticular surface. It consists in applying to each side of a leaf which has stomata only on the under surface, a piece of filter- paper which has been impregnated with a solution of cobalt chloride and dried. When dry this paper is blue in colour, but it rapidly becomes pink when exposed to moisture. A fresh dry leaf is taken and placed between two pieces of the cobalt-paper and the whole put between TRANSPIRATION 91 two dry sheets of glass of somewhat larger area. In a very short time, often in less than a minute, the paper in con- tact with the lower side of the leaf becomes pink, while the other piece remains blue for a considerable time. The amount of water given off by transpiration varies in different plants. In the sunflower (/Telianthus) the amount has been stated to be ;4, cubic inch of water per square inch of surface in twelve hours. YV. Hohnel has computed that a birch-tree with about 200,000 leaves may transpire 60 to 80 gallons of water during a very hot day. Doubtless, however, individual plants show a considerable variety in the amount. This copious evaporation readily explains why the bleeding of plants from wounds can seldom be observed when the leaves are expanded and active. When transpiration is exces- sive the leaves and branches lose their turgescence, become flaccid, and droop. & bs * 3° 202 ° > > we + ed Light is, however, not the only factor, SPACES OF THE MESOPHYLL. Fic. 74.—Secrion or Lear or Isoétes. a, lacunar cavities ; b, vascular bundle. which receive but little 73.—SECTION OF LEAF SHOWING THE LARGE INTERCELLULAR , for VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY the degree of the illumination and the capacity of the ” Fie. explanation of the relatively large development in this region may lie in the fact that the intercellular cavities there have very little communication with the outer air, as 106 and probably not the most important one their extent of roots, cavities formed. | j THE AERATION OF PLANTS 107 stomata do not exist upon roots. There is thus a necessity for a larger reservoir of air than in parts where gaseous interchange is more readily effected. Besides these comparatively narrow channels we find cases where reservoirs of large size are specially developed. Such structures occur in the leaves, rhizomes, and roots of aquatic plants which are nearly or entirely submerged. cA Me 3 ane Sy e ro CSS Secreta vos Fic. 75.—SEcTION OF RuHIzZOME OF Marsilea. co.la., lacunee in cortex. Among them conspicuous examples are afforded by the leaves of Salvinia and Isoétes (fig. 74), the rhizome of Marsilea (fig. 75), and the leaf stalks of many of the aquatic Phanerogams. These are developed in a similar manner to those already described, and they are so prominent in the structure that a section shows them separated from each other by rows of cells not more than one cell thick (fig. 76). In some cases where large cavities of this kind occur 108 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY the mode of formation is different. A mass of tissue lying in the position of the subsequent cavity does not keep pace in its development with the growth of the cells sur- rounding it, and consequently becomes ruptured, and the cells of which it is composed are gradually destroyed, leay- ing a cavity of some size. Instances of this mode of formation are afforded by the stems of Hquisetum (fig. 77), Fic, 76.—Srection oF Stem oF Potamogeton, SHOWING AIR PAssaGEs IN THE CORTEX, the haulms of grasses, and the hollow stems of the Umbelliferze and other plants. The occurrence of these large air-containing cavities in partially submerged plants may be explained by a considera- tion of their habitat. The plant is in contact with the air by only a very small portion of its surface; the leaf-stalk of Nymphea, for example, is always submerged, and only the floating lamina can obtain a direct supply of air. The THE AERATION OF PLANTS 109 stomata are placed upon the upper surface, and afford its only means of entrance. The stems and roots are also cut off from air by being placed either in water or in mud, ‘The protoplasts of such a plant are almost entirely dependent upon the reservoir of air which the body of the plant can contain, a small quantity only entering by diffusion from the water into its epidermal cells. The air cavities which arise in the stems of terrestrial th ou x ny Le P, Cc = i! “2, YY ys s % oe 6 is: Cm) see ex iecaes rR ee = {TR ane CY { Se oy 38 sk See: Fic. 77.—Portion oF AERIAL STEM oF Hquisetum., a, cortical lacuna; 6, lacuna in vascular bundle; c, chlorophyll-containing cells. plants, such as the grasses, are probably not primarily developed with a view to the aeration of the plant, but are rather intended to economise the material used in construc- tion. The hollow stems with a rigid periphery, strength- ened at intervals by diaphragms, such as occur at the nodes of these organs, are especially adapted to maintain L10 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY an upright position with comparatively little expendi- ture of material. A somewhat similar mechanism is met with in the stellate parenchyma of the stems of the Rushes (fig. 78). There is little doubt, however, that these spaces Fic, 78.—Porrion oF SEcTION OF STEM oF RusH, SHOWING STELLATE TIssUE OF THE PITH, WITH LARGE INTERCELLULAR SPACES. are of great assistance in promoting the aeration of the whole structure. As has been already mentioned, the external orifices of the system of the intercellular spaces are the stomata of the leaves. In woody and corky parts these are supple- mented by the lenticels. The evidence for this statement does not consist only of microscopic examination of the THE AERATION OF PLANTS 111 tissues. A direct proof can be afforded by a simple expert- ment. If the lamina of a leaf is immersed in water, air can be driven through it by subjecting the cut end of the petiole to gaseous pressure by means of an air-pump, or even by the effort of the lungs of the | Fic, 79.—SeEctTion OF A LENTICEL. observer, and can be seen 1, lenticel; per, cork layer. to emerge from the surface of the leaf on which the stomatal apertures are situated. If a petiole is passed into a glass bottle through a tightly Fic. 80,—APPARATUS TO SHOW CONTINUITY OF INTERCELLULAR Spaces IN THE LEAF. (After Detmer.) fitting cork, and covered with water, while the lamina remains in the air outside (fig. 80), bubbles of gas can be 112 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY made to emerge from its cut surface in a continuous stream by reducing the pressure above the water by means of an air-pump, The facility of the interchanges will largely depend upon the number, size, and position of these orifices. A lenticel will allow more gas to pass between its loosely arranged cells than will a stoma, but their relative numbers make the stomata much more important than the lenticels. In most cases there is a free passage through the stomatal pore, but in others considerable difficulty is afforded by the aperture being sunk in the epidermis or situated in a ae: SOOO. aa ft | as sie) WTO Shes tvitltd (MELT RAN { HOUR b Syepty Fic. 81.—TRANSVERSE SECTION OF ROLLED LEAF or HEATH. depression of the leaf. In the rolled leaves of heaths and certain grasses this difficulty is frequently partially com- pensated by the lacunar character of the parenchyma which is in the immediate neighbourhood of the stomata (fig. 81). It must be noted in this connection that the stomata and the lenticels are passive with regard to the process of aeration, and do not exert an active influence upon it. The variations in the width of the stomatal apertures which are of so much importance in the regulation of transpiration must be regarded as bearing upon that function alone, being caused by fluctuations in the amount THE AERATION OF PLANTS 113 of water in the plant. They serve automatically to preserve the plant from excessive loss of water, but they have no direct regulating influence upon the interchange of gases. Indeed, when, from flaccidity of the leaves or from other causes, they close, the aeration of the plant is, to a certain extent, interfered with, if not suspended—a con- sideration which will help us to understand why a plant needs to contain so large a reservoir of air as is afforded by its intercellular spaces. ‘The volume of this reservoir varies considerably in different plants, as has already been shown. Unger has put on record measurements of the relative volumes of air and cellular tissue in the leaves of forty-one species of plants. These were found to range from 77: 1000 in Camphora officinalis, where it was least, to 713: 1000 in Pistia texensis, in which it was greatest. The movements of the air in the intercellular space systems of plants depend almost entirely upon the physical processes of diffusion. The entrance and exit of air from the exterior are generally possible, occasions when the orifices are completely occluded being very rare. It does, not, however, at all follow that the atmosphere in the spaces has the same percentage composition as the external air. When we consider that it is the source of the supply of the gases used in the metabolism of the plant, and the recipient of those which are from various causes exhaled, it becomes evident that this is not the case. Nor is its composition uniform for even a short time, as the various processes which subtract from or add to it take place in different parts with very different rapidities. At the same time there is a tendency for it to become uniform according to the laws of the diffusion of gases. The amount of nitrogen varies but little. This gas has a certain feeble solubility in water, and a small quantity goes into solution in the water which saturates the cell-walls; but as such nitrogen is not made use of in the cells, its absorption very speedily ceases, the cell-sap not being able to contain more than a trace of it. The 8 114 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY percentage of nitrogen in a volume of gas obtained from a plant may not correspond with the percentage in an equal volume of air, but this will result from an interference with the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and not be due to an absorption or exhalation of nitrogen, neither of which takes place to an appreciable extent. The variations in composition which are noticeable are due to two processes which are characteristic of the vital processes of green plants. As we shall see in a subsequent chapter, all the green parts of plants are during daylight engaged in absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, and exhaling oxygen into it. In such parts this interchange takes place with considerable energy, and the composition of the air in their intercellular spaces varies accordingly, becoming relatively much richer in oxygen than itis in the deeper parts which are not illuminated, and which contain no green colouring matter. An interchange in the opposite direction goes on continually wherever there is living protoplasm, for this is always absorbing oxygen so long as it lives, while a good deal of carbon dioxide is simul- taneously exhaled. This process, unlike the other one, is not confined to any particular part of the plant, nor is it ever in abeyance. Thus the plant shows a continuous and universal production of carbon dioxide, and a partial and local consumption of this gas. At the same time it exhibits a constant demand for oxygen everywhere, and a temporary production of it in places. The composition of the air in the intercellular spaces must therefore vary from time to time, and from place to place, according to the intensity and the localisation of these changes. The process of diffusion, which is one of the phenomena characteristic of gases, leads to a constant occurrence of gaseous currents in plants. These currents may be influ- enced by various properties of the gases concerned, and by other factors, both internal and external. The rate at which carbon dioxide is absorbed by the cell-wall is very different from the rate of absorption of oxygen. If an atmosphere THE AERATION OF PLANTS L115 containing a good deal of the former gas is in contact with wet cell-walls, the result of the active absorption will be to set up a stronger current to that spot than would be the case if oxygen replaced it. Any cessation in the absorption of carbon dioxide by the green cells owing to diminution of light must be attended by a certain variation in the gaseous stream. The ways in which alterations in the absorption of oxygen will affect the currents will also be readily apparent. During bright sunlight, when both processes are proceeding in the same and in different parts of the plant, local positive pressures of either oxygen or carbon dioxide may occur, and it is evident that the direction of the gaseous currents will vary very much in consequence. The structure of the plant has a certain influence on the composition of its internal atmosphere. The epidermis of most terrestrial plants is strongly cuticularised, while there is but little cuticle to aquatics. The entry of gases into the latter is accordingly easier than it is into the former, penetration into which must take place through the stomata. Moreover, the larger reservoirs in the interior of aquatics serve to equalise the composition of the internal atmosphere, and to cause it to resemble more closely that of ordinary air. Such plants again as contain no green colouring mat- ter—for example, the bulkier Fungi, which require provision for the supply of air to their interior—have only the one metabolic process in which the interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is involved, the former being absorbed, and the latter exhaled. To a corresponding extent, therefore, the gaseous currents are simplified, though even in these plants the direction and the amount are never constant for long together, the metabolism continually varying. In another important respect the internal air of plants differs from that of the atmosphere. It is always charged with aqueous vapour, frequently even to the saturation point, as we have seen in connection with the process of transpiration, L16 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY The external conditions to which a plant is exposed have a considerable influence upon the gaseous currents. The effect of light upon a green plant has already been alluded to. The influence which it exerts is an indirect one, affecting the consumption of carbon dioxide and the liberation of oxygen. Nearly all the vital processes are subject to modification by the various external conditions. ‘Transpiration we have seen to be very largely influenced thereby, and the varying amounts of watery vapour exhaled introduce variations in the amounts of the purely gaseous interchanges. The influence which the variation of the quantity of water in the plant exercises takes the form especially of modifying the width of the stomatal apertures, and hence of favouring or checking the entry and exit of gases into and from the leaves. Mechanical disturbances due to wind are of some importance, generally increasing the gaseous interchanges. Diminution of the turgidity of the tissues, amounting sometimes to flaccidity, interferes at times to a serious extent, the intercellular spaces becoming narrowed by the falling together of the cell-walls, a phenomenon which is noticeable also in the partial or complete closure of the stomatal orifices, due to the flaccidity of their guard-cells. Variations of barometric pressure and of temperature also influence to a considerable extent the process of diffu- sion within the plant, as well as the interchange between the interior and the external air. The movements of the air in the plant are subject to disturbance also by the setting up of the negative pressure in the cavities of the vessels of the wood which we have seen to be caused by active transpiration. This negative pressure can be demonstrated with considerable ease in the cases of woody stems, but it can be seen also in plants in which the development of wood is only very slight, having been observed in some cases in the elements of the central cylinder of some of the stouter Mosses. ‘To demonstrate the existence of the negative pressure THE AERATION OF PLANTS 117 in the vessels of the stem, a young plant should be removed from the soil and allowed to become flaccid. The stem should then be partially immersed in mercury and cut across below the surface of the latter. The mercury will immediately rise to some distance in the vessels, being drawn up by the suction exerted by the negative pressure therein. An actual positive pressure can under certain conditions be observed in the intercellular air-reservoirs of particular plants. This can be shown by cutting the stems of sub- merged plants such as Myriophyllwm, when, if they are brightly illuminated, bubbles of gas may be seen to emerge from the cut end. This positive pressure appears to be due to a considerable production of oxygen by the green parts of the plant under the conditions of illumination, as it varies with the intensity of the latter, and ceases entirely in darkness. It is well that we should lay some stress upon the rela- tion which the stomata show to the processes of gaseous interchange. Though they are the chief means of the entry of gases into and their exhalation from the plant, it is misleading to speak of them as the organs of such gaseous interchange. The actual processes of interchange take place between the protoplasts and the air of the intercellular reservoirs, so that the latter are the special organs devoted to such function$. The stomata and the lenticels are merely the openings by which the air of these internal formations communicates with the outer atmo- sphere. The true gaseous interchanges which subserve the life of the protoplasts, and hence of the plant, take place not at the stomatal orifices, but completely throughout the interior of the substance of the plant. 118 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER VIII THE FOOD OF PLANTS. INTRODUCTORY A coop deal of misconception exists as to the nature of the food of plants. The character of their environment, and the absence in most cases of any means provided in their structure for the taking in of any material having a com- position at all approaching that of living substance, have led to a not unnatural idea that they feed upon simple inorganic compounds of comparatively very great simplicity. This idea has found considerable support in the fact, which is easily ascertained, that such bodies are those which are absorbed in the first instance. By their roots when they live fastened in the soil, or by their general surface when they are inhabitants of water, comparatively simple inor- ganic salts are found to enter them with the water which they take up. By their green parts, and especially by their leaves, carbon dioxide is absorbed, either from air or water, according to their habitat. A study of the whole vegetable kingdom, however, throws considerable doubt upon the theory that these compounds are, in the strict sense, to be called their food. Fungal and phanerogamic parasites can make no use of such bodies as carbon di- oxide, but draw elaborated products from the bodies of their hosts. Similarly those fungi which are saprophytic can only live when supplied with organic compounds of some complexity, which they derive from decaying animal or vegetable matter. We have no reason to suppose that the living substance of these non-chlorophyllaceous plants is so radically different from that of their green relations that it has a totally distinct mode of nutrition. THE FOOD OF PLANTS L19 In the flowering plants we find a stage of their life in which the nutritive processes approximate very closely to those of the group last mentioned. When the young sporo- phyte first begins its independent life—when, that is, it exists in the form of the embryo in the seed—its living substance has no power to utilise the simple imorganic compounds spoken of. Its nutritive pabulum is supplied to it in the shape of certain complex organic substances which have been stored in some part or other of the seed, sometimes even in its own tissues, by the parent plant from which it springs. When the tuber of a potato begins to germinate, the shoots which it puts out derive their food from the accumulated store of nutritive material which has been laid up in the cells of its interior. Considerable growth and development can take place without the access of any of the inorganic substances which the parent plant was continually absorbing. Fleshy roots, corms, bulbs, and all bodies which are capable of renewed life after a period of quiescence, show us the same thing; the young shoots emerging from any of them are not fed upon simple inor- ganic bodies, but upon substances of considerable com- plexity, which they derive from the tissues of the structures from which they spring. In adult plants of the most considerable complexity we find instances of the same thing, though in these cases it is generally rather more difficult to determine it; the living substance is nourished by materials which have been constructed by it and stored at various places in its tissues till their consumption has been called for. What, then, are these substances which, in the strict sense, constitute the food of plants? We can ascertain what are necessary by inquiring what are the materials which are deposited in the seed for the nutrition of the embryo during the process of germination. This process is the most favourable for the elucidation of this point, because, in its early stages at any rate, the nutrition of the young plant is not complicated by any absorption from 120 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY the surrounding medium, such as sometimes rapidly supervenes on the emergence of a shoot from a tuber or a fleshy root. We find the seed contains in some part or other of its substance, sometimes even in the embryo itself, examples of great classes of food-stuffs which are the same as those on which animal protoplasm is nourished, and whose presence renders seeds such valuable material for animal consumption. As these disappear during the development of the young plant, which thus evidently grows at their expense, we cannot doubt that they form its food, and that vegetable protoplasm is essentially identical with animal, at any rate so far as its methods of nutrition are concerned. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats or oils, together often with certain other bodies which are less widely distributed, are the materials which, in various forms, are met with. If we study the protoplasm of a living, active, vegetable cell, and treat it with appropriate solvents, we can extract representatives of these, or of some of them, from its substance, in the interior of which they are held some- times in solid amorphous form, sometimes in fine sus- pension or in actual solution. The nutrition of the protoplasm can only take place when these substances are brought into the most intimate relations with it; from them, no doubt, in ways not yet discovered, it builds itself up, and by its own decompositions it reproduces many of them. The details, however, of the interchange of matter between the living substance and its food, the way in which the latter is transformed into the former, are points about which almost everything essential remains still to be discovered. But while we recognise that the ultimate nutrition of protoplasm is dependent upon its receiving a supply of such materials, we are face to face with the fact that, with a few exceptions, the consideration of which may be deferred, they are not furnished at all from the environ- ment to the ordinary green plant, and often only partially THE FOOD OF PLANTS 121 so to the saprophytic fungus, though they are freely obtained from their host-plants by parasites. On the contrary, we find the ordinary green plant taking in by ordinary physical processes carbon dioxide from the air, and water containing a variety of salts from the soil. The saprophytic fungus may, and frequently does, obtain from its surroundings certain compounds of ammonia, together with some carbohydrate bodies, such as sugar. We can ascertain that if these different compounds are supplied under suitable conditions to the groups of plants mentioned, the latter can flourish and develop. While we have the strongest grounds for holding that the protoplasm is essentially similar in all these cases, we see marked differences between them with regard to the materials which they absorb. The substances supplied to the green plant are utterly unlike what we have seen to be the actual food; the saprophytic fungus can make use of the compounds of ammonia, but absorbs carbohydrates as such, while the parasite, whether fungus or phanerogam, obtains the materials which we see are directly capable of feeding it. If we say that the food of these various groups of plants varies in the degree of its complexity, we must carefully consider in what sense we use the term food. In the nutrition of the green plant there are clearly two very different processes combined, which should be kept care- fully distinct. We have the absorption of food materials rather than of food in the true sense, and we have, follow- ing such absorption, the expenditure of a considerable amount of energy upon these food materials, with the result that they are worked up into the complex compounds which we find protoplasm can assimilate, and which are those which are stored away in the substance of the plant for the nutrition of vegetable substance and the develop- ment of embryo, bud, or growing plant. In the case of the green plant this power of construct- ing food extends to all the classes of foodstuffs ; in that of the saprophytic fungus it only applies to the proteins 122 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY and the fats, the carbohydrates needing to be supplied to it as such, as we have seen. The difference between food and the crude materials from which it is constructed can be made clearer by inquiring whether such simple inorganic bodies as_ the green plant absorbs are capable of nourishing protoplasm when freely supplied to it. If they are the true food, plants everywhere should be able to make use of them. But if we consider only one of them, the carbon dioxide of the air, we find this is not the case. The plants which are not green—that is, which contain no chloroplasts—can do nothing with this gas. So long as a seed is in the early stages of its germination, it is surrounded by carbon dioxide, which is given off by its own protoplasm. But it can make no use of it, and if the store of nourishment provided for it in the endosperm or cotyledons is cut off, it inevitably dies of starvation. A saprophytic fungus in like manner is dependent for its life upon the absorption of such a compound as sugar, and carbon dioxide cannot aid at all in its nutrition. Another fact throws a certain light upon the relation of carbon dioxide to the feeding of a green plant. If such an individual, in good health and endowed with ample vigour, is removed from light to darkness, though this gas be supplied in appropriate quantity, it can make no use of it. The gas is evidently useless for immediate nutrition, and its ultimate utility is dependent upon its being sub- mitted to the action of some mechanism in the plant which is called into play under certain conditions, of which ade- quate illumination is one. Similar considerations apply to other constituents of the materials from which the true food of the living sub- stance is elaborated. ‘They are absorbed in quantity, but they do not become food until a considerable amount of work has been done upon them by the plant itself. In the strict sense, it thus appears that the ordinary green plant does not absorb its food from without. It takes THE FOOD OF PLANTS 123 in various raw materials from which it manufactures its food in particular parts of its own tissues. In connection with the nutrition of plants we have thus to deal with the absorption of the crude food materials, and to study the changes which they undergo after such absorption. But this is not all; the food which is manu- factured from them is not merely prepared in answer to the immediate requirements of the moment. A considerable excess 1s usually constructed, and the surplus quantity is stored in various parts of the plant’s body for subsequent consumption. The food which is thus laid up in seeds, tubers, bulbs, &e. is not deposited there in exactly the condition in which the living substance requires it, so that there remains for us to consider the processes of storage and the changes which the stored materials subsequently undergo for the purpose of feeding the living protoplasm. The construction of food from the materials absorbed is one of building up complex bodies from simple materials. The utilisation of the stored surplus is comparable with the digestion which is so marked a feature of animal alimentation, and is one of breaking down of complex bodies into simpler ones. The actual nutrition of the protoplasm shows again two distinct phases : the incorporation into its substance of the ultimate constituents of the food, or its assimilation, is a constructive process; if is in turn associated with a destructive one, by which, from the protoplasm itself, and by its own activity, simpler bodies are produced. The whole round of changes which embraces all these operations is called metabolism, the constructive processes being grouped together under the name of anabolism, the destructive ones under that of katabolism. The absence of well-differentiated organs set apart for the discharge of these separate functions makes it rather difficult at first to appreciate their independence. In most animal organisms such a differentiation is easily seen, but 124 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY in plants the cellular structure is so prominent, and the life of the protoplasm is so closely related to its condition in the cell, that attention needs to be specially directed to the point. Each protoplast is dependent upon the contents of its own vacuole, and the early constructive processes in the metabolism, including the manufacture of food in such cells as carry out this process, may take place in it side by side with the digestive changes and at almost the same time. ‘True, a certain division of labour can be noted, but it is not very clearly associated with particular organs. The leaf, for instance, is especially concerned in the manufacture of food, but it is mainly so by virtue of the chloroplasts which its cells contain. These processes can go on per- fectly well in other parts than leaves ; indeed wherever there are chloroplasts we know they do. Thus, though we associate the leaf with this manufacture, it would be wrong to speak of it as the organ to which this process must be referred. We can say with greater accuracy that the chloro- plast is the organ which conducts these preliminary con- structive processes, and that they take place wherever the chloroplasts are found. The wide distribution of the latter, however, shows us that there is no specially differentiated member of the plant set apart to be an organ for this function. In the same way the digestive process, or the utilisation of stored products, goes on wherever there are reservoirs of such bodies, and takes place in the cells of which such reservoirs consist. There, and there only for the most part, unorganised ferments or enzymes are found, instead of being located in particular glands, as in the animal body. These reservoirs, as we have already seen, and shall see again later, are found in the most varied regions of the plant’s substance, regions moreover which differ considerably in situation in different plants. We cannot therefore speak of a differentiated organ of digestion. Starting, then, with the intricacy of the metabolic processes placed before us, and with their relations to each ~ THE FOOD OF PLANTS 125 other, we may begin the consideration of them in detail with an inquiry into the preliminary absorption of the materials from which the food is ultimately made. [ven here we meet with some complexity, as the ordinary green plant shows marked differences in behaviour from its parasitic relative and from the great class of Fungi, which possess no chlorophyll. We have already pointed out that the construction of food does not follow exactly the same course in green plants and saprophytic fungi, the chief point of difference being seen in connection with the carbohydrates. It will be best to consider first the ordinary terrestrial green plant, noticing in passing differences in behaviour shown by aquatic and epiphytic forms. 126 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER IX THE ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS BY A GREEN PLANT We have seen that the materials which protoplasm is eventually able to assimilate or incorporate into its own substance, and which, therefore, constitute its food, are of a similar nature to those deposited in seeds and other storehouses of nutriment. We know further that these are not the materials which an ordinary green plant takes into itself from the environment in which it lives. We know also that its structure prevents its taking in any- thing in a solid form, and that everything entering it must either be in solution in the water which it is almost constantly absorbing through its roots, or must become dissolved in the liquid which permeates the walls of the cells which line the intercellular passages. The only substances that can be taken up under these conditions are certain gaseous constituents of the air, and various Inorganic salts which are present in the soil. Between such raw materials, and the complex products which are needful for the nutrition of its substance, there is a great difference, and the manufacture of the latter from the crude materials absorbed constitutes a very important part of the metabolic processes. There are several ways in which we may proceed to discover what a green plant absorbs from the soil, two of which especially have been made use of by various observers. The first is known as the method of water-cultwre. It consists in cultivating plants with their roots inserted in water containing various salts in solution, and observing what effect upon their growth and development is pro- ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS 127 duced by the addition of certain compounds to the culture fluid, or how the absence of any particular salt affects their well-being. In carrying out experiments in this way, it is usual to sow some large seeds, such as those of the broad bean, in damp sawdust, and allow them to germinate. When the radicle of the seedling has elongated to the extent of about an inch, the seed is placed upon a perforated cork inserted into the neck of a bottle containing the liquid which is the subject of the investigation. It is so arranged that the radicle dips down through the cork into the liquid. As growth proceeds the radicle develops a root-system in the way appropriate to the particular plant used, which absorbs from the liquid the salts which are required by it, so far as these are present. At the same time the plumule grows upwards, and soon a shoot appears, which develops pari passu with the root. By this method various plants can be cultivated with different degrees of success ; in some cases not only leaves, but flowers and even fruit can be produced. The progress of the plant, and the readiness with which it will develop, will depend upon the salts which are supplied to it in the water, if if is maintained in normal conditions of light, temperature, and aeration. In preparing the solution, particular mixtures can be employed, and the most favour- able one ascertained, while subsequent analysis of the liquid will show to what extent the various constituents of | the culture fluid have been abstracted from it. This method is, however, only of use in determining particular points, such as the effect of the presence of certain metals in particular combinations, or the influence of different concentrations of particular substances. It does not give an account of what is happening to a plant with its roots embedded in the soil, for the com- position of the latter cannot be compared with that of a solution definitely made up for purposes of experiment. The composition of the soil, as we have seen, is very far 125 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY from uniform, and the constituents which are within the reach of the roots of two plants growing almost side by side naturally may be materially different in their proportions. ‘This consideration makes it almost or quite impossible to ascertain, by observation of the soil and the plant growing in it, what are the substances which are entering its roots. The other method, which is of much more general application, consists in making an analysis of the whole body of the plant after its removal from the soil, and so ascertaining what chemical elements it contains. A plant gives off no solid excreta, and consequently whatever it absorbs remains in its substance. ‘The ultimate composi- tion of the true nutritive matters, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, &c., is known. Such an analysis having shown what elements enter into the composition of a plant, and of the food which it has stored in its tissues, it becomes possible to inquire into the manner in which each is supplied to the plant under examination, and into the work which is done upon them in its cells. As already noticed, the structure of the plant demands that all the materials of a solid character shall be in such a solution that they can enter its substance by means of the physical process of osmosis taking place through the cell-wall. Similar considerations apply to gases, of which there is considerable absorption by all plants, whatever may be the nature of their habitat. The details of absorption vary to some extent, however, according to the environment of the plant. Aquatic plants can absorb water, and whatever is dissolved in it, whether of gaseous or solid character, by all parts of their surface. Those which grow with their roots embedded in soil, and their shoots exposed to the air, show a certain division of labour in this respect. The mineral constituents obtained from the soil are taken in by the root-hairs with the stream of water; those of a gaseous nature mainly find entry through the leaves and other green parts. ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS 129 If we examine the food-stuffs described as being essential, we find that proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and perhaps phosphorus. Carbohydrates and fats contain only the first three of these elements. ‘l'o make a destructive analysis of the plant, it must be dried at 110°-120° C. to drive off the water it contains, and it must then be carefully burnt, and the residue of the com- bustion collected. The volatile products given off can also be absorbed by appropriate methods, and their nature and amount ascertained. The incombustible residue, which is known as the ash, is composed of several metals and some other elements, which vary in nature and amount in different cases. An analysis of this ash will reveal the nature of its constituents, but it will not tell us in what condition or combination they existed in the living plant, on account of the various chemical changes which go on during the combustion. The ash of plants when analysed is always found to contain the four metals potassiwm, magnesiwm, calcium, and wron. These are not present in the metallic condition, but are in combination with various acids, forming nitrates, sulphates, chlorides, carbonates, phosphates, &c. The presence of these nitrates, sulphates, &c. must not lead us to infer that they have all been absorbed as such from the soil and retained unaltered in the plant. Part no doubt may be accounted for in this way, but much of the nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus which formed part of the substance of the plant enters into combination with ‘the different metals and with oxygen during the combustion. Some of the carbon of the carbonates found may have had a similar origin. Besides the four metals mentioned, various plants may individually contain larger or smaller quantities of many other elements variously combined. We find sodium very generally present ; less frequently so, alwminiwm, copper, zinc, manganese, silicon, bromine, iodine and others. All of these are derived from compounds present in the soil, i) 130 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY or the water with: which they are in contact; indeed the composition of the soil in which a plant grows deter- mines to a very great extent what minerals enter it. If a particular substance is soluble in the liquid which the root- hairs absorb, and is capable of osmosis through their membrane, a certain quantity will, by ordinary physical processes, be taken up by them. It does not, however, follow that, if the conditions alluded to are realised, absorption of a particular salt will go on indefinitely. The quantity of any substance which a plant will absorb will depend upon whether it is made use of in any way, or can be deposited in its tissues in an insoluble form. This can be seen most easily by studying the behavour of a single cell. If any substance which enters the cell by osmosis is used in its metabolism, it will be quickly removed from the sap in its vacuole, and more will enter. If not, the cell-sap will soon have taken up as much of it as it can contain, and the absorption of that particular substance will cease. This is equally true of such a complex of cells as constitutes a plant, though the time of the absorption will be more prolonged. As soon as all the cells of the complex attain a condition of equili- brium with regard to the particular salt in question, no more will be taken up. This follows from the nature of the process of osmosis. If the substance under examina- tion is withdrawn from the sap in any part of the plant, and made use of for any purpose, or deposited in the cells in an insoluble form, the condition of equilibrium will not be attained so long as such a withdrawal at any point takes place, and a stream of the substance will flow continuously to the point in question, so that the process of absorption will be continuous also. Some of the materials found in the soil arg readily soluble in the water which surrounds its particles. We have already seen that it is only this hygroscopic water which finds its way into the root-hairs. Such salts dis- solve in this water and can enter the plant without diffi- ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS 131 culty if they are capable of passing through the limiting layers of the protoplasm of the root-hair. The solution of the salts is always very dilute, and, on account of the ready diffusion that takes place, their concentration is approximately uniform in any particular soil. Other salts are insoluble in pure water, and their absorption presents more difficulty. Many are soluble in water which contains carbon dioxide, and as considerable quantities of this gas are continually being generated in the soil, the water there is charged with it, and bodies, otherwise intract- able, are thereby brought into solution and absorbed. The power of water containing carbon dioxide to effect the absorption of such substances is capable of easy demon- stration. One of these salts is calcium sulphate or gypsum. If a plate of this substance is placed at the bottom of a flower-pot and the pot then filled with moist earth, a plant caused to grow in if till its root svstem is well developed will have some of its roots closely adpressed to the gypsum plate. After a time, examination will show the surface of the plate eaten away at all points except where the roots have become adpressed to it, and the regions covered by the latter will stand out in slight relief. The whole sur- face will have been subjected to the action of the water and the carbon dioxide it contains, except where it has been covered by the roots, and the solvent action will con- sequently be recorded. A third factor which must be considered in the process of absorption is the acid sap which the root-hairs contain. Not only does the acid cause water to enter the hair osmotically, but a little of the sap exudes in the same way, and this has a certain solvent action upon the particles to which the root-hairs cling. Thus certain salts can be absorbed, though they may be soluble neither in pure water, nor in water containing carbon dioxide. A similar experiment to the one just described will demonstrate this property of the acid sap. If, instead of gypsum, a polished plate of marble is inserted into the 132 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY flower-pot, after a certain time of growth of the plant con- tained in it, the plate will exhibit a tracing of the course of the roots which have come into contact with it, but, instead of being in relief as in the former case, it will be etched to a certain depth. The solvent influence can thus be seen to come from the root itself, and not the water in the soil. It will, in fact, be the acid sap which makes its way out of the root-hairs. Certain constituents of the soil can be absorbed which are made available in neither of the ways mentioned. Soils contain many constituents which cannot pass through the protoplasm, but which, in the presence of water, react with one another, producing new compounds which are capable of such osmotic entry and which are consequently absorbed. The solutions taken in are excessively dilute. We cannot make a plant take up a greater quantity of any salts by bringing its roots into contact with a strong solu- tion of it. There is a certain relation necessary between the substance and the water, which has been the subject of considerable investigation. For every salt there is a particular concentration or strength of solution, which if presented to the plant will be absorbed tinchanged ; if the solution found by the roots is stronger than this, relatively more water than salt will be taken from it; if weaker relatively more salt than water. It is seldom, therefore, that a solution is absorbed without a certain modification of its concentration. Moreover, the optimum concentra- tion of a solution of any salt is not the same for all plants. In like manner the salts which different plants absorb vary in amount. If two species are growing in the same soil, side by side, under exactly the same conditions, the amounts of the several salts present in the soil which are absorbed by the plants of the different species will not be the same. In each case the quantity will vary accord- ing to the use the plant can make of it. This is well illustrated by the amounts of silica which can be taken up ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS 133 by grasses and by leguminous plants respectively. In an ordinary pasture there are always found several kinds of erasses, together with clover and other allied plants. An analysis of these will show that the ash of the grasses may contain many times the percentage of silica that is found in that of the leguminous plants. The grasses accumulate silica in their epidermal cells, while the leguminous plants do not. Hence the absorption of that substance soon ceases in the latter case. Again, if a particular soil contains several different salts, a plant growing in it will not absorb them in equal proportions, nor in those in which they exist in the soil. An illustration of this fact is afforded also by marine Alge, which accumulate in their tissues much greater amounts of potassic than of sodic salts, though sea-water contains much larger quantities of the latter than of the former. This fact admits of a similar explanation to that given in the case already mentioned. The absorption of a salt will cease as soon as the cell-sap attains exactly the same degree of concentration as the entering stream. In this case there will be no further osmotic action as far as the salt is concerned, though there may be a continuous entry of water into the absorbing cells. We have seen that the continuous absorption of water by the root-hair will depend upon certain external condi- tion, such as the temperature of the soil, the activity of transpiration at the time, the degree of illumination the plant receives, &c. These conditions affect also the absorp- tion of the substances in solution. The substances which are absorbed by the roots in this way are naturally very varied. The most important of them in the metabolism of the plant are the compounds of nitrogen. In the soil these exist in the form of nitrates or nitrites of the metals mentioned, and as compounds of ammonia. Green plants take in little or none of the latter, which are, however, made available for their use by the action of certain bacteria which the soil contains. These 134 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY humble organisms have the power of converting the ammonia compounds into nitrites, and the latter into nitrates, in which form they are taken up. ‘This process of nitrification is the special property of two different bacteria, one of which forms nitrites from the ammonia compound, and the other transforms nitrites into nitrates. Certain fungi differ in their behaviour from green plants, absorbing ammonia compounds without such conversion. It is in the way described that a normal green plant absorbs all the nitrogen which it uses for the construction of food substances. ‘The nitrogen di ys of the air is made use of only in Mi iy very exceptional cases. Certain MbZ lowly Alge are said to have the ii) Sas power of using it, but the process Cae is é SEU ELS is not fully understood. Some of Y i= ey th b Sas 1 ‘i uy . e bacteria in the soil appear to ~ AN be able to cause the nitrogen of of a WSS _» the air to enter into some form & ae ~ of combination, probably yielding ct pe. = either nitrates or compounds of {\ ammonia. A few green plants can ‘is also use atmospheric nitrogen, but their power depends upon the i association with their roots of ; certain fungi or bacteria which i infest’ the cortical tissues and Hi generally develop peculiar tuber- [iS cular structures upon the roots / (fig. 82). The power was first X observed among the members of : the Natural Order Leguminosae, Fic. 82.—Roor or A LEGUMI- but it has since been found to be NOUS PLANT, SHOWING THE = TURERCLES avtacnep To tHe Possessed by plants of other fami- Main Root and To 1Ts lies and seems to be more wide- BRANCHES. i 2 spread than was at first imagined. The actual mode of absorption in these cases also is obscure ; ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS 135 the parts played by the root and the fungus or bacterium respectively are not at all determined. The atmospheric nitrogen apparently is made to enter into some form of combination, and is then absorbed by the root, probably through the tissue of the fungus. It is not absorbed by the leaves of the plant. Organic compounds of nitrogen are seldom presented to the roots of plants, so that the amount of the element which is absorbed in such a way is very small. Indeed it may be said that such an absorption is almost entirely excep- tional. It has been found that plants are able to utilise urea and other amides when those are present in the soil. In very rich soils, or those containing a large quantity of humus, such compounds are to be met with, and there is a probability that they are more easily worked up into actual nutritive substance than the inorganic compounds which have been spoken of. A few plants obtain a more fully elaborated material in a very different way. These are the so-called insectivorous plants, which have the power of utilising protein substances. Among them may be mentioned the pitcher plants, Nepenthes, Sarracenia, &c., and the fly-catching plants, Drosera, Dionea, and others. In the pitchers of Nepen- thes, &c., which are specially modified foliar structures, there is an accumulation of water, in which insects are from time to time drowned. Their bodies decay, or are digested by a peculiar secretion, which is prepared in the tissue of the pitchers, and excreted into the water they contain. The products of the decomposition or digestion are absorbed by the tissue of the pitchers in the same way as similar products are absorbed by the stomachs and intestines of animals. Drosera and Dionea bear certain glandular structures on their leaves which pour out a fluid, by which insects become surrounded after alighting on the lamin. This secretion possesses digestive properties resembling those of the gastric and pancreatic fluids of animals, and by the action of this juice the bodies of the 136 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY captured insects are digested, and the nitrogenous material is subsequently absorbed by the leaf surface. A fuller discussion of these mechanisms will be found in a subse- quent chapter. These plants are generally found growing in such a situation that they are not brought into contact with inorganic compounds of nitrogen, and hence are cut off from the supplies which are afforded to the roots of ordinary terrestrial plants. The mechanisms described afford instances of special adaptations to particular environ- ments, and will therefore be considered in more detail later. Besides compounds of nitrogen, the materials absorbed by the roots of normal green plants include the constituents of the ash. Of these the more prominent are the com- pounds of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. The sulphur and phosphorus which enter into the composition of the protoplasm are also taken in by the roots, in combination with the metals mentioned, and with others whose occurrence is not so general. ‘The sulphur is absorbed in the form of sulphates, and the phosphorus in that of phosphates, of these metals. Potassium is present in the soil in various combinations, principally as the sulphate, phosphate, chloride, and probably the silicate. After the nitrate the chloride appears to be the salt which is the most advantageous to plants. Calcium and magnesium exist in similar combi- nations, all of which, except the chloride, appear to be suitable for absorption. The chloride is, on the whole, deleterious. Iron can be absorbed in almost any inorganic combination. Sodium is absorbed in similar forms to those of potassium, the nitrate being the most valuable. Sodium chloride is frequently present in considerable quantity in the plants which are found on the sea-shore. Silicon is present in many plants, being especially prominent in the grasses and the horsetails. It is taken up from the soil in the form of soluble silicates, and possibly to some extent in that of soluble silicic acid. ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS 137 The other occasional constituents of the ash, which have not so general a distribution as those already mentioned, include a number of metals which play no part in the nutritive processes. ‘They are usually present in very small amount, and appear to be of accidental occur- rence, being absorbed by reason of the solubility of their salts and their power of entering the root-hairs by the ordinary process of osmosis. ‘They are taken up in very various combinations. ‘Their presence is not generally constant, and appears to depend entirely on the composi- tion of the soil. The water which the plants take up is the chief source of the hydrogen and oxygen which enter into the compo- sition of the substance of the plant. A little of both these elements is taken in in the several combinations of the metals ; phosphates contain both, nitrates and carbonates contain oxygen. The amount of them absorbed in these forms is, however, relatively small. As we shall see later, the water plays a very prominent part in the con- structive changes which take place in the plant. The gases present in the water of the soil also make their way into the root-hairs with the stream, but the quantity is very slight compared with what is absorbed by the sub-aerial parts. The gas carbon dioxide, which we have seen to be present in the earth in considerable quantity, is, however, not made use of in the constructive processes. All of this particular food material is taken in from the air. A little carbon is absorbed in the form of carbonates. Many complex organic compounds of carbon are taken in by those roots with which fungi, such as the mycorhiza of certain trees, are living symbiotically, but this is exceptional. The root-hairs are capable of absorb- ing such organic compounds as sugar, but these materials are rarely presented to them. The absorption of gases from the air takes place in the leaves and other green parts. They enter freely through the stomata so long as these are open, and find their way 138 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY into the intercellular space system, the importance of which we have already examined. ‘These intercellular spaces contain, as we have seen, a mixture of gases which, though approximating to the composition of the atmo- sphere, yet differs from it in the relative quantities of the constituents. We have seen that the composition of this mixture of gases tends to become uniform by the currents which circulate in the intercellular cavities, and by the slower processes of diffusion, which are set up in conse- quence of local production or abstraction of particular constituents. So long as the stomata and the lenticels are open, the composition of the atmosphere within the plant tends to become identical with that of the external air. The actual absorption of the gases takes place almost entirely from this internal reservoir, very little finding entrance into the cells of the epidermis. A _ certain amount is, however, taken in by the very young parts which have not become modified by the development of a cuticle. The cells which abut upon the spaces in the leaves and other green parts are those which are principally concerned in the absorption of gases. Their walls are very thin and delicate, and are saturated with water. The different gases present dissolve in the outermost film of this water, according to their degree of solubility, and thence diffuse slowly through the membrane into the cell sap, which saturates the protoplasm, and fills the vacuoles. The quantity of each taken up depends, as in the case of the metallic salts already discussed, upon the ability of the protoplasts to make use of the gas, and thus to withdraw it from the sap. If it can be combined in any way with other bodies in the cell, or with the living substance itself, it is thus withdrawn from the water, and room is made for more to enter. If not, the limit of saturation of the sap is soon reached. The only gas which is absorbed from the air for the purposes of food-construction is carbon dioxide. This ABSORPTION OF FOOD MATERIALS 139 exists in the atmosphere in very small amount, not quite four parts in ten thousand being normally present. The very large green surface which an ordinary terrestrial plant possesses renders, however, a considerable amount of absorption possible. If the general conditions are favourable, the absorption is continuous, for carbon dioxide is at once decomposed or made to enter into some form of combination in the cells of the green tissues, and so a stream is always entering. Both nitrogen and oxygen are soluble in water, though to a different extent. It has already been stated that J Wey a Y Yo 3/0 Oy 3) B45 of ol} Y op 0 oly Ay Yoyo 4! hy d of 9 AVS) by a & o gi QS gf 'v.}> od YS » of > 9 ajo Go }j350 Yo ve 4} |) & Ph eRe of A) do o}) BP OF dS UsSRP Pe oy > 4S No Ar-)> G75 BR <1 < > (0,08 Uae Ds of 33,6 s ‘) oe . ° he) Oy 5 ct) we THe site 2 ° me) BS oJ5> J ras Pep ’ “Ga kG Fic. 83.—TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE BLADE OF A LEAF, SHOWING THE DIFFERENT ARRANGEMENT OF THE MESOPHYLL ON THE TWO SIDES. x 100. the nitrogen so taken in is not used in the constructive processes, and accordingly a mere trace is absorbed in this way. A larger amount of oxygen enters, but experiments have proved that it is not used for the manufacture of nutritive substances, being applied to other purposes. The absorption of carbon dioxide takes place usually at the ordinary atmospheric pressure. In some parts of the internal reservoirs it exists at a slightly higher pressure, in consequence of a local production in the tissues. Plants can, however, absorb this gas when it is present in much larger quantities than it is in air. Too much, however, is possible, and then the cells are unable to take it in at all. The continuous absorption of carbon dioxide is possible only under certain conditions ; the cells which contain chloroplasts are the only ones which can take it in any 140 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY quantity, and they can only do so when they are exposed to light, preferably that of bright sunshine, and when the plant is maintained at an appropriate temperature. Its absorption is accompanied by the exhalation of a volume of oxygen which is equal to the volume of the carbon dioxide absorbed, and is attended by a continuous increase in the weight of the plant. We have seen that most of the water absorbed by the roots is conveyed regularly through the axis of the plant until it reaches the leaves, in which, after traversing the cells of the mesophyll, it is evaporated into the intercellular spaces. Into these cells of the interior of the leaf, all the materials used in the construction of food are thus at once transported, both those entering the tissues from the soil, and those absorbed from the air. These mesophyll cells have generally a different arrangement on the two sides of the leaf (fig. 83), but they all agree in containing chloro- plasts. In these cells takes place the work of construction of organic nutritive substance, such as the plant can live upon—work which is carried out mainly through the instrumentality of the chloroplasts. 141 CHAPTER X THE CHLOROPHYLL APPARATUS Tuer food materials whose absorption we have now discussed are built up in the body of the plant into such substances as are capable of being assimilated by the protoplasm, and consequently of ministering to its nutrition. ‘They undergo a striking series of changes before they are capable of sub- serving this purpose, and of becoming incorporated into the plant-body. The great object to be attained is the con- struction and growth of the living substance, which itself subsequently produces the more permanent material that we find stored in the shape of the masses of wood and bark and the other substances which an adult plant contains. The green plant contains a mechanism for the formation of organic substance from these simple organic materials, and it is to the activity of this mechanism that we owe almost the whole of the organic matter which is found in nature, whether exhibited by animal or by vegetable struc- tures. This mechanism is known by the name of the chlorophyll apparatus, and our attention must now be turned to its nature and its mode of working. Chlorophyll is a green colouring matter which is gene- rally found associated with definite protoplasmic bodies known as plastids. These are usually considered to possess a reticulated structure, and the pigment, in some form of solution, occupies the meshes of the network. From their being coloured green by the pigment they are known as chloroplastids or chloroplasts. The solvent of the pig- ment which is in these bodies is of a fatty nature, and is probably some kind of oil. Alcohol, chloroform, ether, 142 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY benzol, and a few other liquids can extract the chlorophyll from the plastids and leave them colourless. The pigment can be obtained from them also by treatment with dilute alkalis, such as potash and soda. By whatever solvent it is extracted, however, it appears to undergo decomposition, so that the solution does not yield it up in the form in which it exists in the vegetable cell. A solution of chlorophyll in alcohol or chloroform shows the curious property of fluorescence ; if regarded by trans- mitted light it appears green, whatever may be the degree of concentration of the solution; if a strong solution is looked at by reflected light, it has a blood-red coloration. When a beam of white light is allowed to pass through a prism, and is then made to impinge upon a screen of white paper, it gives the appearance of a band in which all the colours are represented in the following order :—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This is due to the different degrees in which the rays which produce the sensations of those colours are bent or deflected by the prism. This coloured band is called the spectrum of white light. In order to get it exhibited to the greatest advantage, it is best to admit the beam of light to the prism through a narrow slit. The spectrum may then be regarded as a succession of images of the slit, each ray giving its own image of the aperture and producing that image in its appropriate colour. Ifa solution of chlorophyll is placed in the path of the beam before it reaches the slit, the resulting spectrum is found to be considerably modified. Instead of showing a continuous band in which all the colours are represented, it is interrupted by seven vertical dark spaces. The rays which would have occupied these: spaces in the absence of the solution of chlorophyll have no power to pass through the latter, and consequently their images of the slit are represented by dark lines, which together constitute the black bands. In other words, chlorophyll absorbs these particular rays of light which are missing. THE CHLOROPHYLL APPARATUS 143 In fig. 84 is a representation of the spectrum which such treatment produces and which is called, from the facts just narrated, the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll. ‘The uppermost figure is that which is exhibited by an alcoholic solution or extract of leaves; the middle one is given by chlorophyll dissolved in benzol. ‘The first band on the left is the darkest, and is found to be in the red part of the spectrum. ‘The three bands on the right are broader, but are not so well defined. They cover nearly all the blue end. The three thinner and lighter bands are in the yellow and green parts of the spectrum. Chlorophyll therefore has el Et? F G 120 30: #0 & a ae IV AGE ' gy aren Va Fic. 84.—ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF CHLOROPHYLL AND XANTHOPHYLL, (After Kraus.) the power of absorbing a large number of red rays, a good many blue and violet ones, and a few of the green and yellow. The distinctness with which these absorption bands are seen depends upon the strength of the solution, those in the red and blue being, however, always promi- nent. Careful experiments have proved that chlorophyll is a single pigment and not a mixture of two, as has often been stated. It is, however, easily decomposed, and the products of its decomposition are generally found with it in the chloroplast. One of these, Xanthophyll, which is of a bright yellow cclour, is always extracted with the 144 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY chlorophyll by alcohol. It can be separated from the extract by appropriate means, and its solution yields the absorption spectrum represented below those of chlorophyll in fig. 84. Another pigment, Hrythrophyll, is present in those leaves which are found upon the trees in autumn. Like xanthophyll, it appears to be a product of the decom- position of chlorophyll, and it has a spectrum which differs from both the others. It is extremely difficult to say what is the chemical composition of chlorophyll, on account of the readiness with which it is decomposed. In all the processes which have been adopted for its extraction it undergoes decomposition, and consequently no definite conclusions as to its chemical nature can at present be arrived at. It can be made to yield definite crystals by appropriate methods of treatment after extraction, but it is probable that these crystals are a derivative of chlorophyll and not the pure pigment. Analyses of the crystals have been made by Gautier and by Hoppe-Seyler, who give them the following percentage compositions :— Gautier Hoppe-Seyler C 73°97 73°34 Bh 9s 9°72 N 415 5°68 O 10°33 9°54 Ash 1°75 1°72 According to Hoppe-Seyler the ash contains phosphorus and magnesium. From his analysis Gautier came to the conclusion that chlorophyll is related to the colouring matter of the bile ; Hoppe-Seyler considered, on the other hand, that it is a fatty body allied to lecithin. Except in the lowest unicellular plants, the chlorophyll is always attached to some form of protoplasmic body known as a plastid. These are small masses, of varying size and shape, which are embedded in the general cyto- THE CHLOROPHYLL APPARATUS 145 plasm of the cell (fig. 85). Even in the lowly forms it is apparently never uniformly distributed through the body of the protoplast. The form, dimensions, and structure of the chloroplast differ considerably in the different groups of plants. In some of the filamentous green seaweeds if may appear as variously shaped bands or plates. Spirogyra shows it as a spiral band passing round the cell; in Zyq- nema it has the form of two star-shaped masses which are attached to the cytoplasm by bridles ex- tending to the cell-wall. In the brown and red seaweeds the plastids are not green, but have the appropriate colours of the plants, These plastids contain other pigments in addition to the chloro- phyll, but the latter can be made ap- parent by extracting the cells with cold distilled water, in which the other pig- Fic. 85.—CHLOROPLASTS ments are soluble. Inall plants higher in PYRPDRPD IN TGR Pho. the scale than the Alge the chloroplasts <*. yee os ig are found as round or oval bodies em- bedded in the cytoplasm. They never occur in the vacuoles of the cells. Though normally green, they can assume other colours, such as yellow, brown, or red, but this is due to an alteration of the pigment they contain. Examples of this change are afforded by the assumption of the autumnal tints by foliage leaves, and by the changes in colour which are characteristic of ripening fruits. In the Mosses the chloroplasts are found throughout the cells of the leaves, in the outer parts of the sporo- gonium, and in certain cells of the axis. In the Ferns they occur chiefly in the leaves, occupying the cells of the epidermis as well as those of the mesophyll. In the higher plants they are found most prominently in the mesophyll of the leaves, the epidermis as a rule being free from them. When the leaves are dorsiventral in structure, the chloroplasts are more numerous in the palisade paren- chyma which lies just below the upper epidermis than they 10 146 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY are in the spongy tissue which occupies the lower half of the thickness of the leaf (fig. 86). The guard-cells of the stomata, however, always contain them. The green cortex of young stems and twigs also exhibits them. In such plants as the Casuarinas and the Equisetwms (fig. 87), in ep Cl ' 6 é ze) ACY) a a > a) 59 d ’ LS Ge eS- (2-04. Fic. 86.—TRANSVERSE SECTION OF PORTION OF THE BLADE OF THE Lear or Beta. cu, cuticle ; ep, epidermis; p.pa, palisade tissue; s.pa, spongy tissue ; v.b, vascular bundle; st, stoma; 7.s, intercellular space. which the leaves are rudimentary, definite longitudmal bands of cells in the young stems contain them. The structure of such a chloroplast as is characteristic of one of the higher plants has not been very completely investigated. There is undoubtedly a protoplasmic basis with which the colouring matter is in some way associated. THE CHLOROPHYLL APPARATUS 147 As already stated, many botanists consider the protoplasm to be arranged in a network, whose meshes are filled with a solution of the pigment. Others consider the protoplasm to be homogeneous, but honeycombed with vacuoles which are filled with the solution of the chlorophyll. Others again think that the pigment forms a layer round the plastid. By the action of dilute acids, or by treating the chloroplasts with steam, the colouring matter may be made . a Seren eres a= ©, \ | Sus ses Fic. 87.—TRANSVERSE SECTION OF PORTION OF AERIAL StEM OF Equisetum. a, cortical lacuna; b, lacuna in vascular bundle; c, chlorophyll-containing cells. to exude from the framework in viscid drops, leaving the latter colourless. It then appears to have a reticular structure, but how far this condition is brought about by the action of the reagents is uncertain. The chlorophyll, however, is certainly not uniformly diffused through the body of the plastid. 148 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY In the process of the formation of the chloroplast it is not difficult to see that its two constituents are not inextricably connected. The plastids are not, as already mentioned, differentiated out of the ordinary protoplasm of the cell, but are formed by the division of other plastids. In many cases they are found without the colouring matter, as in underground organs such as the tubers of the potato. They are then known as leucoplasts. Plants which are grown in darkness have no green colouring matter in their leaves, but the cells of their mesophyll contain the plastids much as normal ones do. They are pale yellow in colour, containing another pigment known as etiolin, which appears to be an antecedent of chlorophyll, and to be transformed into the latter when brought into the presence of sunlight. Exposure to light is almost uni- versally a necessary condition for the formation of the green pigment. Exceptions are known among the Ferns and the conifers, particularly the seedlings of Pinws; also in the seed of Huonymus ewropeus, the embryo of which is green, though it is buried in the interior of the endosperm and surrounded by a thick testa covered by an arillus. If a green stem is withdrawn from the light, the chloro- phyll slowly disappears, as is shown in the process of the bleaching of celery. The disappearance is, however, very gradual. It is probable that in the living chloroplast the colouring matter is continually being decomposed and reconstructed, and that the reason of the bleaching is that the reconstruction cannot take place indarkness. Light of too great intensity causes the destruction of the green colour. Chlorophyll can be developed only when the temperature rises above a certain point, which varies with different plants. It is a matter of common observation that the leaves of young Hyacinths which emerge from the soil in the early spring are often colourless or pale yellow. The chloroplasts are found to be present in such leaves, but they are yellow, owing to the presence of etiolin instead of chlorophyll. The leaves eS eee THE CHLOROPHYLL APPARATUS 149 which are produced later, when the temperature of the air is higher, have the normal green appearance. Chlorophyll is not developed in a plant unless the latter is supplied with a certain quantity of iron, but the relation of the latter to the pigment is not known. It does not enter into its composition. The influence of the metal can be ascertained by cultivating a seedling, by the method of water-culture, in a solution which is free from iron. The seedling assumes a sickly yellow appearance, not unlike that presented by a plant grown in darkness. It is said to be chlorotic. The addition of a very small quantity of an iron salt to the culture-medium causes the appearance of chlorophyll in the plastids. The presence of oxygen is also necessary for the formation of the pigment. The chlorophyll apparatus of a plant is primarily con- cerned with the production of carbohydrate bodies, such as the various sugars which the plant contains, and it is to the formation of these that attention must first be given. It carries out this constructive process only under particular conditions, the most important of which is light. We have seen that a certain degree of illumination is necessary for the formation of the chlorophyll. The pigment once formed may continue to exist for a time in darkness, but it is quite incapable of exercising any constructive power unless light be admitted to it. Consequently the formation of carbohydrates is an intermittent process, being quite in abeyance during the night. The effect of light is thus twofold, its access causing the original formation and the subsequent activity of the chlorophyll apparatus. The illumination need not be very intense, though it is probable that the greatest activity is manifested in direct sunlight. Plants which grow even in deep shade are, however, capable of forming carbohydrates. It must be remembered, too, that the chloroplasts are situated some little distance within the leaf or stem, at any rate in phanerogamic plants, and there must be a certain loss of light as it penetrates through the epidermis, 150 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY The activity of the chlorophyll apparatus is also con- siderably influenced by variations of temperature. The lower limit beyond which no carbohydrates are constructed lies probably a little below the freezing point of water, at which point, however, activity is not long maintained, and then only by alpine forms. Jumelle has stated that in cer- tain plants of hardy type it can proceed at as low a temperature as — 40°C. Plants which normally live in hot climates cannot manifest any power of action below about 4°C. The optimum temperature for the plants of tempe- rate climates is from 15°C. to 25° C., above which activity diminishes, though not very rapidly, ceasing when about 45° C. is reached. These high temperatures affect the living substance of the chloroplasts very injuriously. The activity of the chlorophyll apparatus is dependent also to some extent upon certain of the mineral salts present in the cells. According to Bokorny, it cannot be called into play in the absence of compounds of potassium. As the activity of the chlorophyll apparatus is so essen- tially dependent upon light, the process of construction of carbohydrate substances from carbon dioxide and water, which is its primary object, may appropriately be called photosynthesis. This term has certain advantages over the older expression, the assimilation of carbon dioxide, as the term ‘ assimilation’ may preferably be reserved for the process of the incorporation of food materials into the sub- stance of the protoplasm. Photosynthesis consists, then, in the formation of some form of carbohydrate from the carbon dioxide which is absorbed from the air, and the water which is present in | the cells. When these simple bodies are exposed to the action of the chloroplast in presence of ight and mode- rate warmth, the carbon dioxide disappears, and a volume of oxygen equal to that of the carbon dioxide is exhaled. The apparatus shown in fig. 88 will enable this inter- change of gases to be seen. Into a glass jar is poured some water containing carbon dioxide in solution. Some THE CHLOROPHYLL APPARATUS 151 aquatic plant is put into the water and a funnel inserted above it, the end of which rises into a burette filled with water and closed by a stopcock. The whole apparatus being placed in sunlight, bubbles of oxygen will be given off by the leaves and will rise into the burette. If no carbon dioxide is in the water, no oxygen will be given off. There is nothing certainly known at present as to the details of the changes which connect these two phenomena. It has been suggested by Baeyer that the carbon dioxide is decomposed with the formation of carbon monoxide and oxygen, according to the equation 2CO, = 2CO + 0,. At the same time there is a decomposition of water, possibly in the way denoted by the equation 2H,0 = 2H, + O,,. The oxygen is given off, the volume being found, when care- fully measured, to be equal to the volume of carbon dioxide undergoing de- composition. ‘The carbon monoxide and the hydro- gen are then thought to unite, producing form- aldehyde, a body repre- sented by the formula CH,O, or preferably HCOH. This suggested series of reactions agrees Fra. 88,_ArpaRATUS-To snow THE Evowv- fairly closely with the ob- Thad Tht gs Sara BY A GREEN PLANT IN served facts, but it must not be regarded as anything more than an hypothesis. Indeed there are considerable difficulties in accepting it as it stands. There is no evidence that carbon monoxide is formed. Experiments have shown that this gas is quite useless to most plants; if it is supplied in the place of the dioxide, the formation of carbohydrates does not take place. Nor has any formation or liberation of hydrogen ever been detected so long as the plant is maintained in normal conditions, 152 VEGETABLE PHYSLOLOGY The formation of formaldehyde, again, is very difficult of proof. It very readily undergoes change, and therefore is difficult to detect in a plant. It has been found, how- ever, that if Spirogyra is fed with a compound of form- aldehyde and sodium-hydrogen-sulphite, which slowly evolves the former in the presence of water, a formation of carbohydrates occurs. This cannot, however, be accepted as proof that formaldehyde normally subserves this purpose. There is, however, a certain amount of evidence that formaldehyde plays some part in photosynthesis. Bouilhae and T'réboux have succeeded in getting plants to grow in a very dilute solution of it. Moreover, formaldehyde has been obtained from plants by distilling leaves which have been exposed for a long time to light and subsequently soaked in water. Even in these experiments, however, it is not certain how it was produced. In any except very dilute solutions it is intensely poisonous to plants. If we concede that formaldehyde is very probably the first stage in the photosynthetic process, a consideration of the probable decomposition seems to lead us to the view that the carbon dioxide and the water are made to interact without the liberation of carbon monoxide, and that the reaction may be represented by the equation CO, + H,O = HCOH + 0O,, which agrees equally well with the observed facts. The formaldehyde may give rise without much difficulty to a form of sugar. It is a property of the aldehydes to undergo readily what is known as polymerisation, or condensation of several molecules. Such a condensa- tion of formaldehyde would lead to the formation of sugar thus :—6HCOH = C,H,,0,. There are many sugars of this composition in the plant, especially glucose or grape sugar, and fructose or fruit sugar. That some such process takes place is extremely probable, for sugar is present in the mesophyll cells very speedily after the absorption of the carbon dioxide and the begin- ning of the exhalation of oxygen. Sugar of some kind a THE CHLOROPHYLL APPARATUS 153 appears to be the first carbohydrate to be formed ; itis not very readily detected, being freely soluble in the cell-sap. Almost as quickly as the formation of sugar we have the appearance of starch in the substance of the chloroplasts, and as this is easily visible, it was long thought that starch was the culminating product of the photosynthetic process. We shall find reasons shortly for suggesting a wholly different meaning to the appearance of the starch, that it is indeed only a temporary store of carbohydrate in an insoluble condition, due to the production of sugar being in excess of the quantity needed by the cell for immediate consump- tion. If we accept the view of the polymerisation of formalde- hyde to give rise to the sugar, we cannot withdraw this operation also from the activity of the chloroplast. Sugars are what are called optically active compounds: that is, they possess the power of deflecting a ray of polarised light to the right or to the left as the latter is made to pass through either crystals or a solution of them. Formaldehyde has no such power. ‘There is no process known by which an optically active compound is formed from an optically inactive one without the intervention of living substance. Consequently we must suppose that the polymerisation is brought about by the chloroplast as certainly as is the original change of the carbon dioxide. We have so far assumed that a sugar having the formula C,H,,0,, and known as a hexose, is the first carbo- hydrate formed. This, however, is not certain. Some ex- periments carried out in 1892 by Brown and Morris point rather to cane-sugar as the first carbohydrate synthesised. Cane-sugar is a more complex substance, and has the formula C,,H,,0,,. This conclusion is based on repeated observations that when leaves of Trope@olwm were plucked and then ex- posed to sunlight for twelve hours, there was a great accu- mulation of this sugar in the leaf, while the simpler hexoses did not increase in quantity. The severance of the leaves from their stems prevented the transport of the sugars to 154 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY any other part of the plant, so that they accumulated at the seat of their formation. Further investigations on this point are, however, necessary before a definite conclusion can be arrived at. This theory of the processes of photosynthesis is by no means the only one which has been advanced, though on the whole it is that which has been received with most favour. - Fic. 95.—LeEar or Drosera, SHOWING THE GLANDULAR TENTACLES. It bears a rosette of leaves, from the middle of which rises a single scape of flowers. The leaves are covered with stalked glands (fig. 95), which stand out from the surface. Each gland has a somewhat substantial stalk, containing a rudi- mentary vascular bundle. At the top of the stalk is a rounded head which is always covered by a viscid secretion that it pours out. From the shining appearance of the OTHER METHODS OF OBTAINING FOOD — 193 glands with their drops of mucilage, the name of the plant, sundew, is derived. When an insect alights upon the leaf it is entangled in the secretion, and, struggling to be free, is brought into contact with more and more of the drops, be- coming hopelessly captured. The stimulus of contact pro- vokes a movement of the stalked glands, all of which slowly bend over and bring their viscid heads to bear upon the struggling insect. The same disturbance causes an outflow Fic. 96.—LEAr_or Dionea muscipula. 1, open; 2, closed; 8, one of the sensitive spines*( x50); 4, glands on the surface of the leaf (x 100). of acid enzyme-containing secretion, which surrounds the prey, and digestion and absorption follow as before. After a time the glands unfold again and resume their normal attitude, and the leaf is ready to receive another visitor. Dionea affords an instance in which the movement of capture is effected with greater rapidity. Like most of the insectivorous plants it possesses a rosette of leaves which rest upon the ground, and from the centre of the rosette it gives off a single inflorescence. The leaves are very 13 194 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY different from those of Drosera. They have a flat ex- panded petiole, at the end of which the lamina is attached by a sort of jomt. ‘The lamina is roundish and is divided into two almost exactly similar halves, which are separated by the midrib (fig. 96). The edge of each half is furnished with a number of rigid teeth, and when the two halves are folded together on a hinge which the midrib forms, the teeth interlock with each other and a closed cavity is pre- pared. On the upper surface of each half of the leaf, about in the centre, are three short spines which project out- wards and upwards. When either of these is touched twice in rapid succession, the two lobes of the lamina become slightly concave and fold over quickly, the teeth interlock, and the cavity is closed. If the contact has been made by an insect, it is captured and imprisoned between the lobes. The closing is fairly rapid, taking only a few seconds. All over the upper surface of the lamina secreting glands are found, whose secretion is similar to that of Drosera. If the leaf encloses nitrogenous digestible matter, such as the body of an insect, the prison remains closed for some considerable time, and the glands surround the prey with the digestive fluid, the products of its decomposition being absorbed by the gland-cells. These mechanisms for the digestion and absorption of protein substances are seen to be extremely complex. Evi- dence of such digestion and absorption is shown also by far humbler plants without any differentiated structure. Many Fungi and Bacteria when cultivated in solutions containing native proteins, such as albumin or globulin, are able to effect their digestion by the secretion of a similar enzyme to those of the plants already described. They subsequently absorb the peptone or the amido-acids which result from such action. Nor is protein material alone affected in this way by these humbler plants. They derive their carbo- hydrate supplies from their environment in the same way as their protein ones. Many of the filamentous fungi possess the property of forming digestive enzymes, which OTHER METHODS OF OBTAINING FOOD — 195 attack sometimes starch, sometimes inulin, sometimes various sugars which are not immediately available for nutrition, sometimes. other more complex substances, all of which undergo this external process of digestion, the result- ing bodies being subsequently absorbed. In the earlier pages of this chapter we drew attention to the fact that it was not at all uncommon to find two plants closely associated together, with different degrees of completeness, with a view to their co-operation in carrying out some of these abnormal processes of nutrition. We may now study these relationships a little more fully. The simplest cases of the dependence of one plant upon another are afforded by the so-called epiphytes, representatives of which are supplied by many members of the Orchidacee and the Bromeliacee which inhabit tropical forests. ‘The dependence in these cases is merely one of situation. The epiphyte grows upon the external surface of some supporting tree, to which it clings by various arrangements, without penetrating into its tissues. Frequently the long roots of the epiphyte are attached closely to the crannies of the bark of the tree, and the dust and débris which accumulate there are utilised for the purpose of supplying it with nutriment. In other cases the supporting plant does not give it even so much assistance. An almost equally simple relationship is seen in the cases of Anthoceros and Azolla. Cavities in the tissues of these plants are inhabited by numerous cells of an Alga (Nostoc). Beyond affording them shelter and a certain degree of protection, the higher plant does nothing for its guests. The relationship is sometimes called commensalism. A more complete association, attended by distinct advantage to one or both ot the plants taking part in it, is known under the name of symbiosis. By some writers this term is confined to such an association as is of benefit to both organisms, and does not profit one at the expense of the other. Where the latter is the case the relationship is said to be one of more or less complete para- 196 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY sitism. Others speak of reciprocal and antagonistic sym- biosis, to indicate these two different kinds of association. One of the best known cases of symbiosis in the strict sense is that of the Lichens. These are lowly organisms which are epiphytic upon tree trunks, old walls, rocks, and other supporting structures. They are composed always of two distinct plants, an Alga and a Fungus, which are closely united together to form a kind of thallus (fig. 97). The relative modes of arrangement differ in different species, and many algz and many fungi are found to be capable of entering into such an association. The advantages which result to the two constituents of the lichen are consider- able. The alga, which possesses chlorophyll, is able to con- struct carbohydrate materials by its instrumentality, and after their formation these are shared by the fungus, which has no such construc- tive powers. ‘The fungus is able to condense aqueous vapour, which is very neces- sary in the dry situations Gar" lichens occupy. It can thus =D Si we ,, dissolve much of the dust = . EX and other débris of its rest- DWV Sp | Le ON ing place, and so carry raw S . * 2» Soe YY want material to the constructive eo. ASIEN algal cells. It also attaches ney © \ Gi the thallus to the substratum. Up 7 WH Both partners can no doubt VP : take part in the construc- tion of proteins. The rela- Fic. 97.—SectTion or A LICHEN SHOW- : x ING ALGAL CELLS (g) IN THE MIDST tionship affords a further On). (After Sachs.) Advantage, for the compound organism is much _ better able than either of its separate constituents to resist adverse conditions of temperature, drought, &c. A similar symbiosis is met with in the so-called kephir organism and others of the same kind. In these cases the OTHER METHODS OF OBTAINING FOOD — 197 two constituents are a yeast and a bacterium, the former of which is closely surrounded by chains of the latter, making a fleshy mass of irregular shape, and sometimes of compara- tively conspicuous dimensions. The parts played by the two organisms are not very well understood, but there seems to be no doubt that the association is mutually beneficial. In a former chapter mention was made of a property which is possessed under certain conditions by various plants, particularly by some members of the Leguminose— that of being able to utilise the free nitrogen of the air in the construction of protein food-substances. The power was shown to be connected with the formation of certain tubercular structures upon the roots of the leguminous plant. These tubercles are swellings of the cortex of the root, the cells of which are inhabited by a_ particular fungus, which breaks up in their interior into curious bacterioid bodies. The exact nature of the fungus has not been accurately determined. The soil contains many of these bacterium-like bodies, which make their way into the interior of the leguminous plants by penetrating their root-hairs, and growing down them into the cortex of the root. In the cells of the latter the penetrating fila- ments bud off the bacterioid bodies in great numbers. The stimulus resulting from the invasion causes a considerable hypertrophy of the cortex of the roots at the points attacked, and tubercles are frequently the result. The fungus appears to have the power of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, bringing it into some combination, the exact nature of which is unknown, but which serves as the starting point of protein synthesis, either by the green plant or by the intruder. The relationship is clearly of great advantage to both organisms, the fungus obtaining its carbohydrate supplies from the green plant, much as is the case in the lichens already described. | Many of our forest trees, among which the members of the Cupulifere are conspicuous, exhibit another symbiosis which is of the greatest interest and importance. The 198 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY roots of these plants grow down into soil which is infested with the mycelia of different fungi, with which they become entangled. ‘The hyphe of the fungi continue to grow together with the root, and form an investment over it, which is in some cases met with in the form of an open network, and in others in that of a dense feltwork (fig. 98). The fungi in some cases perforate the external cells of the roots and form a network in the interior. From the out- side of the investing mantle hyphe grow out into the soil in a similar way to the root-hairs of ordinary plants. ‘These take the place of the root-hairs, which cease to be developed, and serve the purposes of the roots as absorbing organs for the water and the salts of the soil. The fungus is bene- fited by drawing its own nutriment from the cells of the root into which it has penetrated. ‘The fungoid web or mantle A is known as a myco- rhiza; it is present not only on the roots of the Cupulifere, but on those of Poplars, and many Heaths and Rhododendrons. A curious case of this kind of relation- ship is shown by Monotropa,a member of the Heath family which possesses no Fic, 98.—a, Eprpnytic Mycoruiza or Fagus sylvatica (x 2); B, Trp oF RooT PARTIALLY chlorophyll. Mono- DENUDED OF THE INVESTING MANTLE (x 30). (After Pfeffer.) tropa possesses a rhizome, from which rise sub-aerial stems from ten to twenty centimetres high, bearing succulent membranous leaves. From the rhizome are given off crowded masses of roots which are covered with a mycorhizal mycelium, and are embedded in humus. There being no chlorophyll apparatus, Monotropa is de- pendent entirely on the mycorhiza for its nourishment. OTHER METHODS OF OBTAINING FOOD — 199 The latter is entirely saprophytic. We have here a curious case of the complete dependence of a higher plant upon a more lowly one. A complete symbiosis between two green plants is occasionally met with. A good instance is afforded by the Mistletoe and the plants upon which it grows, usually either the Poplar, the Silver Fir, or the Apple-tree. The seed of the Mistletoe is left by a bird upon a branch of one of these trees, and under appropriate conditions it germinates. The root of the seedling penetrates into the bark of the tree and grows inwards till it reaches the wood. It makes its way no further, but maintains its position there, and as the branch gradually thickens by the activity of its cambium, the intruding root is by degrees impacted in the secondary wood, its own growth preventing its being cut off and buried by the latter. The root branches in the substance of the tree, and the secondary roots make their way along in the bast, growing parallel with the exterior. These branches also put out small vertical outgrowths, which make their way to the wood just as the primary root did. A very complete fusion of the tissues of the two plants is thus ultimately arrived at. Theadvantage of the alliance is on the side of the Mistletoe, which derives a great part of its nourishment from the host. It possesses evergreen leaves, however, which serve for the construc- tion of carbohydrates, and as it manufactures these during the winter, when the host plant has no leaves, the latter is able to benefit in its turn during that season. Passing on to notice the association of two organisms which is known by the name of antagonistic symbiosis or parasitism, we find various degrees of completeness in the dependence of one form, the parasite, upon the other, the host. As in the case of the insectivorous plants, there are members of this class which are provided with a chlorophyl apparatus,and which are therefore indebted to their hosts for protein substances only, or perhaps also for certain of their ash constituents. As these almost without exception fasten 200 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY themselves upon the roots of the host plant, they are frequently spoken of as root-parasites. From their general structure and their relationship to the host plant, they evidently have much in common with the Mistletoe, and it is not very easy to distinguish between their semi- parasitism and the symbiosis of the latter with the trees on which it lives. They are, however, usually herbaceous “\ | Fic. 99.—Thesium alpinum, SHOWING THE SUCKERS ON THE Roots. (After Kerner.) forms, and can therefore be of no use to the host plant in the winter. Moreover, most of them ultimately destroy the root on which they have fastened. These root-parasites are mainly members of the Scroph- ularvacee or the Santalaceez. As a rule, they are herbaceous annuals, though there are some _ perennial species. ‘They grow from seed with fair rapidity, the root of the seedling attaining a length of an inch in two or three days. Shortly after penetrating the soil, the main root puts out secondary branches, which make their way parallel to the surface. As they grow chiefly in woods or among herbage, they speedily encounter the roots of other plants, and on contact being made between one of these OTHER METHODS OF OBTAINING FOOD — 201 root-branches and a root of a suitable host, a curious sucker- like body is developed at the point of contact (fig. 99). This is a kind of parenchymatous cushion, which partly surrounds the host, and from the inner side of its con- cavity certain absorption-cells grow out and penetrate into the former, pushing their way until they reach the centre of the invaded root (fig. 100). These absorbing organs are often erroneously spoken of as roots. They cannot properly be so called, as they are developed from the cortex of the rootlet, and not, as root- branches are, from the tissue of the peri- cycle. They are best spoken of as hauws- toria, a term which is purely physiological, and carries with it no We anatomical __ signifi- We cance. SAN qt While the root is Fic. 100.—Thesium alpinum. aia - 3 setting up this rela- (After Here IN SECTION. x 35. tionship with a host plant, the shoot of the seedling is growing normally. Its leaves and other sub-aerial parts are well developed and discharge their appropriate functions. The plants would not be recognised at all as in any way parasitic without an examination of the subterranean parts. They absorb certain nutritive materials from the roots on which they fix themselves, and generally destroy them. The damage is, however, local, and does not involve the death of the host plant. Indeed, many of these root-parasites do so little harm to the latter that an affected host is often not noticeably different in appearance from a neighbouring plant of the same species which is not attacked. Y j 202 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY The perennial forms produce fewer suckers or haustoria which only function for one year. The rootlets usually bear only one sucker each, and when it has ceased to act as an absorbing organ it dies. ‘The rootlet grows on, and in the next year develops a new sucker, and makes a fresh attachment. Some of these root-parasites are also saprophytic in their habit, bearing, besides the suckers, absorbing hairs on their underground stems, which come into relationship with the humus of the soil. There are many other plants which are parasitic upon roots, but they must be distinguished from those we have just discussed, on account of the greater degree of their parasitism. They include such forms as Lathrea and Orobanche, which are members of the British Flora. La- threa obtains food by becoming parasitic on the roots of trees, to which its roots attach themselves by suckers, much in the same way as the semi-parasites already described. The host plant in this case is drawn upon for carbohydrates as well as proteins, as Lathrza possesses no chlorophyll. Orobanche resembles Lathrza in exhibiting the same degree of parasitism. It shows certain differences of struc- ture, and it does not attach itself exactly in the same way. It derives its nutriment entirely from its host, which is fre- quently a herbaceous plant. The different species of the genus infest different plants, each having only one suitable host. Some curious parasites which are met with in the tropics show a very peculiar method of attaching them- selves to their host plant. They constitute the natural order Rafflesiacee. The embryo, after emerging from the seed, penetrates the cortex of its host, usually a root, though not always, and gradually forms a hollow cylinder surround- ing its woody centre. This sheathing structure is com- posed of rows of cells, and in appearance resembles the mycelium of a fungus. Buds arise upon this investment, OTHER METHODS OF OBTAINING FOOD which eventually burst the cortex above them, and protrude through the host plant. These, in Rafflesia itself, de- velop a single flower which, in some cases, is of enormous size. The plant produces no outgrowths of any kind except the buds described. Other genera show some modification of this structure, but exhibit exactly similar physio- logical peculiarities. Certain other para- sites which resemble these in many respects differ in attacking only sub-aerial por- tions of their hosts. The most easily ob- served of these is the Dodder (Cuscuta), which often attacks the cow-wheat or the clover (fig. 101). The seed when germinat- ing puts out an em- bryo which bears no cotyledons. Germina- tion takes place on the ground, and the em- bryo grows to a length of about an inch. Its Fic. a oO) StS sat Cah Reel Se, 101.—PuLant or Melampyrum WHEAT) INFESTED WITH Cuscuta. 203 (Cow- 204 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY apex attaches itself to the ground, and the free portion moves round, describing a sort of spiral in the air. If Fic. 102.—Srcrion or Stem or DicotyLEepoNous PLANT ATTACKED BY HAvustToriIA OF Cuscuta. if comes in contact with a suitable host, it twines round it after the fashion of a tendril, and numerous suckers are OTHER METHODS OF OBTAINING FOOD — 205 developed in rows at the points of contact. Haustoria spring from these suckers and penetrate the host, extending inwards till they reach the wood (fig. 102). The part below the attachment dies shortly after this relationship has been established, and the parasite is left attached to the host. In its further growth it continues to twine around the latter, putting out numerous branches, which also form similar coils, so that the host is completely immeshed in the twining stems of the parasite. The latter bears no leaves and possesses no chlorophyll in any part, so that it derives all its food in fully elaborated form from the tissues of the host. Cuscuta produces numbers of flowers on its branches, and from them are developed fruits and seeds. The para- sitism is complete, and the relation frequently leads to the death of the host which has been attacked. Parasitic plants are very fre- quently met with among the fungi and the Bacteria. The former pene- trate the living cells of the plant they infest, or in a few cases ramify between them, sending haustoria into the interior of the cells between which the mycelium grows (fig. 103). They make use of the contents of the cells, destroying and absorbing the living Fic. 103.—CE.LLs oF Potato substance as well as any formed ~ praxr imresrep wits materials which may be present. In — P/y/tophthora. hypha running between many cases also they destroy the the cells and sending cell-walls, and utilise the carbo- baustor (a) mio sl hydrate materials of which the latter consist. Their ravages only cease with the death of the organism. The power of living plants to assimilate the food manufactured by others is taken advantage of in the processes of grafting and budding. In these operations a slip of a particular plant is inserted into a wound made — 206 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY in the stem of another nearly related one, and the two are closely bound together. The graft or scion comes into such close connection with the stem or stock that the food which is contained in the cells of the latter passes into the tissues of the graft, which thus receive their nourishment. After a longer or shorter time the two become so completely united that they live subsequently as a single organism, and the processes of carbohydrate and protein construction proceed as ina normal plant. 207 CHAPTER XIV TRANSLOCATION OF NUTRITIVE MATERIALS We have so far traced the ways in which plants receive their food, and have examined the processes by which it is appropriated. In some cases, indeed in the vast majority of instances, it is constructed in the interior of the plant by certain of the protoplasts from simple inorganic materials which are absorbed from the environment. In green plants this construction extends to all the substances which can be termed food. In plants without a chlorophyll apparatus the construction is partial only, never going so far as the formation of carbohydrates, though, when these are supplied together with inorganic compounds of nitrogen, proteins and fats can be manufactured. In other cases the constructive processes are supplemented by the absorption ~ of food in a suitable condition for nutritive purposes, while in others, again, the last method is the only one observable, all constructive power being absent. There are other considerations, which must be briefly stated, which have a bearing upon this subject. The con- ditions of life of an ordinary green plant involve a great extension of the original constructive process. It has no definite and regular times at which it can take in a certain quantity of food, which are regulated partly by the needs of the organism and partly by the mysterious factor which we call appetite. Its absorptive processes are much more under the influence of natural phenomena, such as the degree of illumination, the amount of warmth, moisture, &c., which it is receiving. Periods of intermission of ir- regular duration are caused by differences in these respects, 208 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY even during an ordinary day, and still more by the alterna- tion of day and night; in the case of perennial plants yet greater disturbances are caused by the succession of the seasons of the year, and the alterations these produce in the amount of foliage which the plant preserves ; weather and its vicissitudes form a series of disturbing influences. We have thus the certainty of failure to survive in the struggle for existence unless the initial absorptive and constructive processes are supplemented by others, which in some way shall make the organism indifferent to these changes and intermissions of supply, and capable of carry- ing out true nutritive work, when the initial stages of such work are checked or suspended. In other words, suitable conditions for the construction of food being intermittent, the plant must accumulate a reserve store on which it can subsist during the periods, short or prolonged, when no such manufacture is possible. We may view the matter from a slightly different standpoint, and yet come to the same conclusion. The processes of absorption in a plant depend, as we have seen, almost entirely upon physical conditions. Given a certain amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and a certain amount of water in the plant to which that air has access, the carbon dioxide will be dissolved according to the power of the water to dissolve it, or—putting it more technically— according to its coefficient of solubility. In the presence of the chlorophyll apparatus, with the access of sunlight, the other subsequent changes which we have discussed lead to the continuation of the absorption of the gas. This is the case again with the root and its relations to the soil. The process of absorption of water with its dissolved substances will proceed as long as certain physical condi- tions obtain. Thus the plant is, on the whole, rather passive than active in the initial stages of its own feeding, exercising no inhibitory power, such as that which in an animal is attendant upon a failure or cessation of appetite. These considerations lead us to the conclusion that when aes TRANSLOCATION OF NUTRITIVE MATERIALS = 209 the absorption of food or food materials by a plant is proceeding, the probabilities are decidedly in favour of such an absorption being much greater than the immediate need for direct consumption. ‘The constructive process, followed by the accumulation of its products, is certainly the leading one in the history of the different members of the vegetable kingdom. The increase of the framework which attends upon the multiplication of the protoplasts, which we commonly speak of as growth, proceeds for such long periods, moreover, that there is stored up in such a structure as a forest tree an enormous amount of material and of potential energy. But this latter form of storage, devoted especially to the production and maintenance of a very large plant-body, differs materially from the accumulation of a quantity of food which is temporarily a surplus, but which is destined for subsequent consumption by the protoplasts. This is a feature of the life of all plants in varying degrees, whether they form a large plant-body or not. We must turn to examine this surplus production in more detail. In an earlier chapter we alluded to the very marked division of labour which we can observe in such a com- munity of protoplasts as form a large plant. We have since studied certain of the different processes which are carried on by particular tissues or collections of protoplasts, rendering them unable to perform other necessary duties. It is evident that to enable them to discharge their special functions they must be fed and nourished. It is equally clear that they are not living under conditions which enable them to construct food for themselves. We see that it is consequently necessary for food to be trans- ported to them from the seat of its construction. There is in every green plant a localised, though fairly widespread, region in which construction is taking place, and there are other equally well-defined regions which ‘must be supplied with food transported from the seats of its manufacture. The cell or protoplast, which contains a 14 210 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY portion of the chlorophyll apparatus, has thus not only to provide for its own nutrition, but to prepare a part of the nutritive material required by other protoplasts which are set apart for the discharge of other work. But this is not all. We find, from a study of plants, that in almost all cases, so long as life lasts, growth is proceeding. This may result in a continuous increase in the dimensions of the plant-body, or may lead only to the replacement of parts which have a brief existence, and need to be renewed. This is the case, for instance, in forest trees that have attained their full dimensions. Growth in the vegetable organism is very definitely localised. Growth in length takes place at or near the apices of stems and roots; it has a definite though vari- able localisation in leaves of different kinds. Growth in thickness is confined to sheaths or bands of cells in different regions of the axis, such as the cambium, and the different phellogens met with in the cortex. Growth and nutrition differ in another respect: the former is intermittent, the latter needs to be constant, chough the intensity of the requirements may vary. These considerations show us that there must exist in the plant a very complete mechanism by which the differ- ent food-stuffs can be circulated about its body. Each protoplast must be in receipt of a continuous, though per- haps small, supply of nutritive material; the demands of growth must be satisfied by the transport of considerable quantities of formative material to the growing regions. The intermittence of growth makes a further demand. Consider one among many places at which a large con- sumption of such formative material is proceeding: a stream is travelling there to supply the need. Suppose that some temporary check to the growth at that spot takes place. The stream will be diverted elsewhere by the demands of the other growing parts, and when the hindrance is removed and growth should again proceed, there will be no stream of constructive material, and much time will be lost - TRANSLOCATION OF NUTRITIVE MATERIALS 211 before it can be restored. ‘Tio prevent this there should be a storage of food close to the seat of its consumption, so that, with the awakening need, the required supply may be at hand. This temporary storage of food must play an important part in the metabolism of an organ whose vital processes are subject to such numerous and often rapid checks as befall young stems, leaves, and roots. Still more necessary is it to the floral and fruiting organs during the time of their maturing. We have seen again that plants set apart particular structures for periods of longer quiescence, especially in connection with their reproductive processes. Seeds may remain for several years without germinating, and they generally do so at least for months. The embryo in the seed is, however, ready to resume its growth as soon as all conditions are favourable. It is evident that it is in a practically helpless condition with regard to the manufac- ture of food, and it must depend upon a previously stored supply for the resumption of vital activity. The parent plant must, therefore, store quantities of its manufactured products in or about the embryo of the seed, stores with which it will itself have little further concern, but which will be very largely the property of the new organism. The same thing is seen to be the case with tubers, bulbs, and other organs of vegetative propagation. A condition intermediate between the two we have so far described is presented by the large fleshy roots and rhizomes of biennial and perennial plants. For an illus- tration we may consider an ordinary carrot or beetroot. Though these plants propagate themselves by the prepara- tion of flowers, fruits, and seeds, they do not enter on this task during the first year of their lives. During this time they are in full foliage, and their constructive processes are at their best. They store in their roots a large amount of the food so prepared, and these towards the close of the first year’s vegetation become enormously swollen by the 212 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY development of succulent parenchyma. During the second year they have a much smaller foliar development, but each sends up its flowering stem. ‘The constructive activity is much less than during the previous year; the root gradu- ally dwindles as the fruit and seeds develop, the store deposited in the succulent parenchyma being applied to their formation and maturity. Based upon considerations such as these, we may make a further classification of the nutritive substances which exist in the body of the plant. We can speak of those which are used in the cells where they are formed, and of those which are removed therefrom for the feeding of the other protoplasts. These, again, may be devoted to imme- diate use, or may be stored as reserve materials for deferred consumption. We can recognise in every plant some kinds which are suitable for transport from cell to cell, and others which are not able to pass through cell-walls, but must remain in the position in which they are formed. ‘These two classes of circulating and stored food-stuffs have an intimate relationship to each other, and must be mutually interdependent, each being reinforced by the other accord- ing to the needs of the particular moment. If now we turn from these general considerations to the course of the events that are normally taking place in the cells which contain the chloroplasts, we can form some definite idea of the course of the processes of construction of the carbohydrates and removal of the products. In such a cell there is, during favourable conditions, a manu- facture of sugar which is continuous and rapid. The cell itself needs a certain amount of such sugar for its own nutrition, but only a very small part of what is being made. ‘The sap of its vacuole soon contains a large excess of sugar, and if nothing further transpires the process of manufacture must stop. But the cell is in contact with others, in many of which, perhaps in all, a similar manu- facture is taking place. The ordinary processes of diffusion or secretion tend to equalise the amounts in any contiguous te ete ee wd TRANSLOCATION OF NUTRITIVE MATERIALS 213 cells, so that very soon the whole of the parenchyma of the constructive region is plentifully supplied with the sugar. This parenchyma abuts, however, on other cells which con- tain no chloroplasts, especially the sheaths and the bast of the fibro-vascular bundles. Diffusion of sugar into these takes place, and proceeds from cell to cell, especially among the delicate bast tissue, so that a stream of sugar is soon dif- fusing all along the bast. As a rule it does not penetrate very far beyond this tissue, owing largely to the anatomical arrangements of the parts and the great facility which the structure of the bast affords for this diffusion. So long as the manufacture goes on, therefore, there is an outflow of the manufactured carbohydrates from the region of its forma- tion, the ultimate and even the temporary direction of the stream being determined by other factors which we shall consider later. This removal of sugar from the leaf can be proved by several observations. We find but little of it in the meso- phyll of the leaf, though we know it is being continually produced there. We find it fairly easily in the bast of the veins, and if a leaf is cut off from the stem while construc- tion is going on, so that it cannot be transported away, it can very soon be detected in the mesophyll cells as well. This, however, is not all. The process of diffusion is a slow one and does not serve to remove the sugar as fast as it is formed. The excessive formation of sugar would soon lead to such a saturation of the sap as would at any rate temporarily inhibit its construction, were it not for another agency at work. The chloroplasts are endowed with another property than that so far described, which is now called into play. This is a peculiarity of the body of the plastid, and is quite independent of the colouring matter, being shared by other quite colourless plastids which occur in other parts of the plant. These structures have the power of converting sugar into starch, a power which we must examine more fully in a subsequent chapter. The transformation is apparently a process of secretion. 214 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY Part of the sugar consequently gives rise to numerous minute grains of starch, which the plastid forms within itself and deposits in its own substance. This formation of a tem- porary store not only relieves the over-saturation of the sap in the cell, but supplies the need of the protoplasm when the formation of sugar from carbon dioxide and water is interrupted by the failure of the daylight. ‘These minute cranules are of very small dimensions, three or four of them being formed within each plastid. They have no apparent structure, but can be detected by treating the cell with a solution of iodine, which stains them blue. If a chloroplast so treated is examined with a @ high power of the microscope, it presents the @ appearance of fig. 104, the little grains of starch lying as blue specks in the green substance. They can be seen more dis- Fig.104.—STarcu , . ; : : Grains 1x ton tinctly if the leaf under examination is Bopies or Cu bleached by warming it in alcohol, which ~ dissolves out the chlorophyll. A leaf so treated turns blue wherever the light has had access to it, not only showing the formation of the starch but allowing its exact locality to be determined with absolute precision. In fact this test may be applied to ascertain whether the chlorophyll apparatus of a part is at any time active, the deposition of the starch taking place within a few minutes of the commencement of carbohydrate construction. This rapidity of appearance led indeed to the old view that the construction of starch rather than sugar was the immediate object of the chlorophyll apparatus. The reasons we have given lead us preferably to the view that the starch is the expression of the superabundant supply, requiring that a certain portion shall be deposited in an insoluble form as a temporary reserve material, to allow the process of carbo- hydrate construction to proceed without intermission so long as the conditions are favourable. At the same time we cannot but notice that the appearance of starch in the chloroplasts is so rapid when the conditions of carbo- TRANSLOCATION OF NUTRITIVE MATERIALS 215 hydrate formation are realised, that it may be relied on as a test for the absorption of carbon dioxide by the tissue in which it appears. In connection with the manufacture and fate of carbohy- drates, we can now see that they may be met with in two different conditions: the one suitable for retention in the cell and hence capable of functioning as reserve, but not immediately nutritive, material: the other capable of diffusion, and hence serving as a translocatory form, or one in which it can pass from cell to cell, remaining all the time in a suitable condition to minister to the nutrition of any protoplasm which it reaches. The same considerations affect the manufacture, trans- port, and storage of proteins. We have already seen reason to believe that these, like the carbohydrates, are in the first instance constructed in the leaves, if not by the chloroplasts. Our information about them is, however, very incomplete; we do not know even what form of protein is first formed, nor which kind is needed for assimilation by the protoplasm. Possibly it is a soluble and diffusible form, such as a peptone or a proteose, but our only reason for thinking so is that such properties characterise the travelling forms of carbohydrates. We can, however, readily believe in the construction being greatly in excess of the immediate need of the cell, and hence in the chain of events being similar to that in which the carbohydrates are concerned. The different properties of the two classes of bodies involve, however, some differences in their behaviour, and we can therefore expect similarity only and not iden- tity. The diffusibility of peptone even is very greatly below that of sugar; and we can hardly suppose therefore that peptone is the translocatory form of protein in the plant. It seems more probable that nitrogenous plastic material is transported in the form of some amino- or amido-acid such as asparagin, and that the latter is subse- quently worked up into protein at the place where it is 216 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY assimilated by the living substance. ‘his view is sup- ported by observations made upon the utilisation of the reserve stores of proteins found in seeds, which have been found to give rise to similar amino-acids before being transported from the site of storage. ‘To this point we shall return in a subsequent chapter. We cannot say either in what form proteins are tem- porarily stored in the cells of their first formation. Pro- bably, like starch, they are made indiffusible and so retained in the cell. But whether they are thrown into a solid form we do not know. If so, they are amorphous and are hidden away in the substance of the protoplasm. ‘They may be kept in solution in the sap which saturatesit. Different forms of globulin and albumin have been found in the cells in different regions. It is possible again that the manufacture of protein may be only so great as to provide for the needs of the cells in which such formation takes place, together with the amount that can diffuse during such manufacture, so that there may be no occasion for a temporary storage there. The translocation of food has no very determinate direction. On leaving the cells which are the seats of its formation, its path is dependent on physical processes taking place in different parts of the plant. We can study it most simply by taking a special case, which as before may conveniently be that of sugar. It may pass by osmosis or diffusion from cell to cell—or possibly it may be picked out from the cell-sap by the protoplasm and passed on to the vacuole of the next cell and so forward by a kind of secretion. Whether by osmosis, diffusion, or secretion, it is conducted through the parenchyma to the fibro-vascular bundles, the bast of which we have seen forms its principal path. These extend in complete continuity throughout the plant, so that any travelling com- pound can be transported from the leaves to the growing points of the stem and root. So long as it is being used by the protoplasm in these regions, the sap of the cells of TRANSLOCATION OF NUTRITIVE MATERIALS 217 the tissue there, which are using it in the construction of living substance, becomes continually weaker in that con- stituent, and hence more and more diffuses into them to equalise the concentration. The utilisation or consump- tion of the sugar so acts as an attracting force, directing the stream to the points where it is required. The same principle applies to the consideration of the deposition of the large reserves of carbohydrates in seeds, tubers, or other organs. The withdrawal of it from the travelling stream, which is the result of the formation of the quantities of starch or cellulose which those reservoirs contain, leads to fresh quantities being transported slowly but con- tinuously to those cells, owing to the same physical pro- cesses already described. The stream passes in fact in both cases exactly in proportion as the consumption takes place, whether the consumption takes the form of construc- tion of new protoplasm, or the transformation of the travel- ling carbohydrates into the insoluble resting forms. This passage of the sugar about the plant need not demand a coincident transport of water, so that the old idea that there was an actual stream of fluid along the bast, or in the old nomenclature a stream of descending sap, need not have any foundation in fact. The principle of diffusion alone will suffice to explain the passage of the sugar. Disturbances of the fluid contents of the cells do no doubt occur, as osmosis is continually taking place in both directions between the contiguous cells. A definite flow of water need not, however, coincide in either magnitude or direction with the passage of the stream of sugar. The translocation of the sugar, we see, thus varies in direction and in magnitude according to the varying pro- cesses which are from time to time proceeding. As the variations in these processes, particularly those of growth and nutrition, are often sudden and considerable, we find the translocation is generally accompanied by changes of the carbohydrate from the labile to the storage forms, and vice versd. Itis very usual to find temporary accumulations 218 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY of starch in the neighbourhood of a growing region. Grains of starch are of frequent occurrence in different parts of the bast, and particularly in the bundle-sheaths of certain regions. The explanation of their appearance there is simple; they are generally indications of such an interference with the supply and the demand as we have described. A checking of the demand by a cessation of the vigour of growth or nutrition is attended by an over- accumulation of the sugar, which is speedily changed into a storage form instead of being removed by the slow pro- cess of diffusion. The transport of proteins follows the same course ; the amino- or amido-acids are the travelling forms, and are conducted by the same forces to the growing points, or to re- servoirs where accumulation of proteins takes place. Their deposition in storage forms along the pathway can also be detected, though these are not so widespread as those of carbohydrates. They can be observed generally in the sieve- tubes of the bast, which contain a curious modification of protoplasm in which protein as such is present. It was formerly held that the sieve-tubes conduct protein as such along the vascular bundles. Though there is not a very great improbability that such bodies may pass from cell to cell of the sieve-tube, on account of the protoplasmic or quasi-protoplasmic threads which extend throughout the openings of the sieve-plates, yet this method of transport must be necessarily very slow and subject to much hindrance. It seems more probable that the proteins in these vessels are constructed there from the amino-acids which reach them, and are to be regarded as temporary stores, like the starch grains already alluded to as being formed in different parts of the translocatory tract. We have spoken of the bast as forming the pathway of the translocation of nutritive material or of the different food-stuffs which have been manufactured. The process by which they travel, we have seen, is mainly one of diffusion through the cell-walls, the latter being saturated with the TRANSLOCATION OF NUTRITIVE MATERIALS 219 cell-sap. It must not be forgotten, however, that the cell- membranes are all perforated by very delicate strands of protoplasm which extend from one protoplast to another. There is here a further means of transport which no doubt facilitates the passage. We may find proofs that the pathway lies along the bast by experiment carried out on plants in which translocation is actively proceeding. If we cut a branch from a suitable vigorously growing tree and remove from near its free end a ring of tissue extending inwards through the bark and cortex to the cambium, and then place all the lower part in water or moist earth, very marked effects follow. After some time, perhaps a few weeks, adventitious roots will be put out from near its end. Those which arise below the missing ring will be few and of small size ; those from above this region will be numerous and strong, and will continue to elongate. Any buds that may be on the part below the ring will not develop, while those above it will grow normally or even more freely than on an uninjured branch. The tissue immediately above the ring will become some- what hypertrophied and show a decided swelling. The continuance of the growth shows that the water supply has not been cut off, but the different behaviour of the parts above and below the excised tissue tells us that the supply of nutritive material to the latter region has been interfered with, and the buds and adventitious roots it bears gradually perish of inanition. The passage of any food or nutritive material across the ring has become impossible. If a similar incision is made into another branch but is not carried so far inwards—if, that is, the ring of tissue removed consists only of the structures external to the bast—these appearances do not accompany or follow the wound. Evidently in this case the translocation path has not been interfered with. We may safely conclude there- fore that the transport of elaborated products, chiefly food, is the principal function of the bast. 220 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY To a certain extent the cortex of the plant shares the translocatory function. ‘The contents of the cells include a certain amount of carbohydrate material, but their reaction is distinctly acid, so that this region is probably concerned much more definitely with the transport of vegetable acids, so far as it takes part in translocation at all. At the same time it is impossible to localise the transport of food exclusively in the bast. Other parenchymatous tissues are sometimes the region of transport. In many germinating seeds there is a trans- ference of large quantities of nutritive substance across the endosperm to the embryo, and in young seedlings similar transport takes place through pith as well as cortex. The vessels of the wood, which we have seen are the paths of the transpiration current, are probably not con- cerned normally in the translocation of manufactured products, though exceptionally they may contain certain amounts of proteins, amido-acids, &c., in solution. Their function in this respect is, however, unimportant, and the presence of such bodies in them is mainly accidental. It is doubtful how far the laticiferous systems which are present in many plants may be regarded as channels for translocation. No doubt latex contains many nutritive products, both nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous, but there is reason to think they are to be referred to the storage rather than to the transporting system. | ( | to bo CHAPTER XV THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS We have seen that the large amount of food which is continually being manufactured by a normal green plant is very greatly in excess of its immediate requirements, and that there is a very extensive system of storage in such an organism, by the aid of which it is enabled to survive periods, often of some duration, in which the manufacturing processes are entirely suspended. We have considered further the mechanisms of transport, by which the various nutritive substances are transferred from the seats of their manufacture to the places in which they are laid up for longer or shorter periods. The questions of transport and of storage are very inti- mately connected. Food once formed is not always moved at once to some place where, after a period of storage, it will be ultimately consumed. It is often transferred more than once, and may occupy several places in succession as the demand for it varies. Indeed, we may regard the surplus manufactured food, that is the quantity which is in excess of the immediate requirements of the construc- tive cells, as a single store, part of which is travelling about the plant, and part of which is from time to time withdrawn from the travelling stream and laid down in particular cells, either to rejoin the travelling current after a longer or shorter time, or to be separated from the parent plant, and serve as a starting point for the growth and nutrition of its offspring. A very little consideration will show us that the forms in which the various food-stuffs are packed away in the 222 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY storage reservoirs must be materially different from those in which they travel. We have already seen that one of the conditions of the continuous formation of any one of them is the removal of it from the seat of its construction as soon as its amount exceeds a certain limit. If this is not secured, the sap of the constructing cells soon contains as much of the body in question as it will hold, and then no more is made. The removal is dependent upon the depo- sition of the substance from the sap in some way which lessens the concentration of its solution in the latter. We find accordingly that the bulkier reserve materials are very frequently deposited in solid forms, sometimes amorphous, sometimes granular, and sometimes crystalline. Other cases are known as well, in which they remain in solution in the sap of particular cells, but in these cases they are retained in such cells through the difficulty or impossibility of diffusing through the cytoplasm. They are generally formed inside these cells from some particular constituent of the travelling stream, much as are those which become insoluble, and once formed, they are unable to pass out of the vacuole. In considering the forms which the various reserve food materials assume in the reservoirs they occupy, we must then remember that they are not a simple accumulation of food pabulum in the form in which it is of immediate use. Granted that the plant in the first imstance forms certain materials on which its living substance draws at the place where it is originally constructed, then, so long as the immediate needs are in excess of the amount prepared, there is no alteration in such materials; they are at once utilised by the living substance in the processes of nutrition and growth. But as soon as the supply exceeds the imme- diate demand, the surplus is not simply retained unchanged in the cell, nor does it overflow unchanged to contiguous cells where demand exceeds supply, or where provision is made for storage. The storage forms, whether retained in the cells of construction or transferred to others, are different THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS = 223 from and more complex than the originally prepared ones, and further energy has to be expended on them, either where they are made, or in the place of storage itself. As we shall see later, when they come to be utilised in after time, a converse process takes place, which is com- parable to the digestion which they undergo when, as so frequently happens, they are eaten by an animal. ‘The surplus food of the plant exists thus in two conditions, the one suitable for travelling, the other for storage. The former is characterised by solubility and diffusibility, the latter generally by insolubility in the cell-sap, and always by an absence of the power to pass through the protoplasmic membranes. The former usually consists of such substances as can at once be assimilated by the living material; the latter does not, but requires the digestive changes to take place before it becomes so. The places where these reserve materials are deposited are more numerous than we are apt to suppose. Parts of the plant, or definite structures which ultimately serve as reproductive organs, readily occur to us as reservoirs which are adapted for a somewhat prolonged storage. Seeds, tubers, fleshy roots and branches, bulbs, corms, and rhizomes are instances of these, and in the short-lived plants which we group together roughly as herbaceous in their habit, these are necessarily the most important reservoirs. But it is different with trees and shrubs which live for many years, and which do not form fleshy receptacles. We have in these forms stout stems or trunks, with numerous branches ; large woody roots which continue to grow year after year, keeping pace with the parts aboveground. Though the primary use of these members is not to store food products, yet they have work of this kind to do. We have seen that in the cells which are the original seats of carbohydrate construction there is almost always an excess of such matter formed, which is partly deposited in the chloroplasts in the form of small granules of starch. These afford us an instance of a very 224 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY transitory store, for the starch deposited there during exposure to sunlight is removed almost as soon as dark- ness supervenes. A plant which has been vigorously forming starch in its chloroplasts during a summer’s day, will show that at evening there is a considerable amount accumulated there ; if the leaves are examined again early next morning, the starch will be found to have disappeared. This is not brought about by its having been used in the metabolism of the cells during the night, for if the path of removal is obliterated, as it may be by severing the petiole in the evening, the leaf is found as full as ever in the morning. Ifa plant whose chloroplasts are charged with starch grains is kept for a time in an atmosphere free from carbon dioxide, the starch is gradually removed, whether it is kept in light or darkness, so that the removal of the starch can, and probably does, take place continuously, though it cannot be easily detected so long as construction is proceeding simultaneously. The deposition of food in such other reservoirs in trees and shrubs as are not connected with the reproduction of the plant is generally of a transitory character, though not so markedly so as in the case of the leaves. These temporary storage places are found very widely distributed, and the reason for their occurrence is in each case trace- able with comparative ease. A tree that has a trunk and a root which are growing in thickness is in need of a constant rather than an intermittent supply of food placed near the actively growing regions. The growth in thick- ness of such a trunk or root is brought about by the activity of a layer of delicate living cells, which are constantly dividing to produce new wood and new bast, and which appear quite early as a ring of cambium on the exterior of the woody mass (fig. 105, 6). The new cells need a constant supply of nutritive material, at the expense of which they develop into the peculiar elements of wood and bast respectively. ‘The cambium too is in continuous need of food, or it is perforce obliged to cease dividing, and so the THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS = 225 growth in thickness of the trunk or root is stopped. Cell- division is indeed the result of cell-growth. When a cell of the cambium has attained its full size it divides into two, each of which then grows to its appropriate adult dimensions; some divide again, like those from which they sprang; others become transformed into wood or bast cells. In either case an immediate supply of food is needed, and from the condition of things this must be near at hand. ‘The stream from the leaves is inter- mittent, and hence it is important that a certain reserve Fic. 105.—SErcrion OF PART OF STEM OF Ricinus communis. a, starch sheath ; at the extremities of the figure its cells are represented as empty; J, cambium layer. shall be deposited not far from the growing cells, so that a slow continuous supply may be available. We find such reserves laid down near the cambium, either in the cells of definite sheaths surrounding the whole ring of new tissue (fig. 105, a), or in the spaces called medullary rays, which are found between the separate masses of wood and _ bast, these rays (fig. 106) being composed of cells which differ in shape from the typical forms of both wood and _ bast cells. In stems of smaller girth which have not developed much wood, we find stores of food laid up in the region 15 226 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY just underneath the surface, which constitutes what is called the cortex, and which gives place later on to the complex formation that is familiar to us under the name of bark. The formation of the successive rings of cork deeper and deeper in the cortex, which ultimately constitute the bark, is attended by the same need of a continuous instead Fic. 106.—Sxrcrion or THREE-YEAR-OLD STEM or Tilia, SHOWING THE MEDULLARY Rays RUNNING THROUGH THE woop. x 50. (After Kny.) of an intermittent supply of food. We find, therefore, during the process of the construction of the bark, similar provision of food-containing tissue, which is situated near the cork layers. In some cases it takes the form of regular sheaths; in others the food is irregularly distributed through the cortex, which is the seat of the appearance of the for- mative layers of the cork. THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS = 227 As the trunk grows older similar stores of food may be detected deeper in the wood. These generally occur in the medullary rays, either those which are the continua- tions of the primary ones, or others which are formed apparently for the purpose under discussion. ‘These stores are especially for the nutrition of the more deeply placed wood-cells, when the ordinary constructive processes are in abeyance, as in the winter-time. Transitory stores may also be detected near the grow- ing points of the axis. These are due to intermission of growth and a consequent sudden cessation of the demand upon the translocation stream. ‘The latter, instead of being diverted at once from the region to which it had been travelling, deposits in a suitably stable form the food which would have been consumed had not the check in the demand occurred. The supply is consequently ready to hand as soon as growth sets in again. Deposits of reserve materials can be observed near the extremities of twigs as winter appproaches. The output of the young leaves in the spring is greatly facilitated by the occurrence of such temporary storage. It is possible by appropriate pruning to influence to a considerable extent the locality and the extent of such deposition. This is of very common occurrence in horticulture, the nature of the pruning having in this way a very considerable influence upon the development of floral or foliage shoots. Transitory deposits of food take place also in the floral organs. In many flowers which have long succulent styles, which must be perforated by the pollen tubes on their way to the ovules, there may be observed very frequently a deposition of food in the tissue of the style at the time when the germination of the pollen grain takes place upon the stigma. The food is then usually stored in the paren- chymatous tissue which surrounds the vascular bundles of the organ. Many of these reservoirs show by their structure that 228 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY they are only intended to compensate for regular or acci- dental intermittence in the translocatory stream to the parts in question. ‘The food is temporarily stored in the ordinary parenchymatous cells or in the sheaths of the con- ducting tissue, and no special arrangements are made to receive it. It is often of accidental occurrence—deposited suddenly and gradually or rapidly removed. Such deposi- tion and re-absorption form, indeed, one of the features of the transporting mechanisms. We may now pass to the consideration of the forms in which the different foods present themselves in these reservoirs of storage. It is not surprising that we find here a great deal of variety, even in any particular class of food. The more prolonged the stay in the reservoir, the more complex usually is the structure which the nutritive substance assumes. We may deal in the first instance with the stores of carbohydrates. We have already noticed that in the great majority of cases these take the form of starch. In the chloroplasts in the leaf-cells the starch grains are laid down as minute bodies, showing hardly any trace of structure and crowded together a @ in the substance of the plastid till they are almost in contact with each other (fig. 107). The deposition is due to the protoplasm or Bie, 101. -Eraacs airoma Of Ehe plastid, and does not depend RAINS IN THE Boies or Cuio- In any way upon the colouring matter, the priraee Pe presence of the latter influencing only the other function of the chloroplast, the synthesis of sugar, as we have already seen in a previous chapter. The process is thus one of true secretion, and the deposition of the starch originating at several centres in the plastid, several granules are coincidently formed. The number, however, is not constant. In the more permanent reservoirs of starch it usually happens that the cells are so charged with the grains that they appear to contain nothing else. Fig. 108 shows a THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS 229 cell taken from the interior of a potato tuber. These grains of starch are much larger than those which occur in the chloroplasts of the leaf, and they have a complicated structure. Most of them are irregularly oval in shape, and their surfaces are marked by nearly concentric lines of striation, dividing them apparently into layers. The centre of these layers is not usually the geometrical centre of the grain, but lies near the small end, and the rings or layers are much narrower at that end than at the other (fig. 109). In most cases the deposition of starch in these and similar cells is brought about by the agency of small protoplasmic corpuscles, which closely resemble the chloro- plasts, except that they are colourless. They are known for this reason as lewcoplasts; like the chloroplasts they Fic. 108.—CrLL or Porato Fic. 109.—StTarcH GRAIN OF CONTAINING STARCH GRAINS. POTATO. occur in considerable numbers in each cell, being situated usually near the nucleus. Their relationship to chloro- plasts is shown by the fact that they turn green when they are exposed for a considerable time to light. The leucoplasts behave very much like the chloroplasts. When a solution of sugar reaches the cell in which they lie, they absorb it as the chloroplasts do the excess of sugar manufactured in the cells of the leaf. They then secrete starch, which is at once deposited in their substance. If the point of deposition is the centre of the leucoplast, successive shells of starch are deposited concentrically upon the first-formed portion, and a symmetrical grain is produced which ultimately attains a relatively considerable size. It remains, however, surrounded by the leucoplast, which gradually becomes much stretched until there is 230 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY merely a thin film of it surrounding the striated grain. It can frequently only be detected by delicate staining as the starch grain grows. If the point of deposition is near the side of the leucoplast, as is generally the case, the succes- sive shells of starch are not of equal width, but are wider on the side of the grain which is in relation with the ereater bulk of the plastid. The amount deposited on any part of the first-formed portion is proportional to the thickness of the plastid in contact with that part. An eccentric shape, often approximating to that of an oyster- shell, is consequently arrived at. Hven the most eccentric erains can be shown by delicate staining to be covered entirely by the leucoplast, even the small free end which appears to protrude from the latter being clothed by a thin film of its substance. Some grains often found in the potato are not so simple in their : structure. These are represented Fia. 110,—a, ComMpounD, B, Semr- 1n fig. 114, Aand p. The former COMPOUND STARCH GRAINS FROM arise by two or more grains originating in the interior of a leucoplast ; as each grows by deposition of new layers they become closely pressed together, and constitute a compound rain. Fig. 114, », shows what is often called a semi-com- pound grain. In such a formation the leucoplast commences deposition at two points, one towards each side. As the- starch is deposited round each, the concentric grains come into contact, and the bulk of the leucoplast is reduced to a shell surrounding the mass. Its subsequent continued activity then forms new sheaths overlying the whole. The leucoplast, as in the first case, is gradually used up by its own activity, and it is finally reduced to a film of extreme tenuity, which surrounds the whole grain. A very curious starch grain occurs in the latex of certain species of Huphorbia, having the appearance of a dumb-bell (fig. 111). This also is formed by a leucoplast ; THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS 231 the latter is an elongated structure, and at first forms a rod of starch along its axis. As the deposition proceeds the leucoplast becomes very much stretched longitudinally, till its centre is reduced to a thin film round the rod of starch, while what is left of its substance is accumulated at the two ends. ‘The further activity of these portions results in the development of the two heads of the dumb- bell, the thin film connecting them ceasing to deposit any starch along the centre of the rod. It is not very easy to see the leucoplasts in the potato ; they can be detected, Fic. 112.—GRoupP OF ROD-LIKE LEUCOPLASTS, 1, EACH BEARING A STARCH GRAIN, S, COLLECTED Fic. 111.--Larictrrrous CELL ROUND THE NUCLEUS, 7, OF A FROM Huphorbia, CONTAINING CELL OF THE PSEUDO-BULB OF DUMB -BELL-SHAPED STARCH AN OrcHID (Phajus grandi- GRAINS. folius). x 500. (After Schimper.) however, more easily in other plants. Fig, 112 shows a group of them forming starch grains in a cell in one of the orchids. The greater bulk of each lies on the outside of the grain; they are disc-like in shape and not round as in the potato. In the temporary reservoirs which we have already noticed, such as pollen grains and tubes, the sheaths of cells in various regions of the stem, the tissue of the style of the lily, &e., the deposition of starch is not caused by leuco- plasts but by the general protoplasm of the cell. In these cases immense numbers of very small grains, hardly larger 232 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY than mere specks, make their appearance, while the highest powers of the microscope fail to enable an observer to detect the presence of any form of plastid before or during the deposition. Instead, the minute granules can be seen to arise in a homogeneous transparent hyaline protoplasm. The same phenomenon occurs in connection with the deposition of stareh grains in the cells of young developing embryos, in the early stages of the formation of the seed. The protoplasm of the cells may be seen to have the form of a coarse network with many small meshes, which are empty spaces or contain only cell-sap. ‘There 1s no leuco- plast inside them, nor anything comparable to one. The starch grains originate in these meshes at some point in contact with the protoplasm and gradually increase in size till they fill them. In some cases simple, in others com- pound, grains of starch are thus developed. In a large number of the Fungi which store up carbo- hydrate reserve materials, these take the form of glycogen. This is a substance which presents a somewhat close resemblance to starch, being readily converted into sugar in a manner almost, if not quite, identical with that which is characteristic of starch. It is coloured brown by iodine. It is usually deposited in amorphous form in the interior of the fungal hyphe, or of particular cells of them. In a few cases there are definite granules, which to a certain extent resemble grains of starch, and which have been stated to originate in certain corpuscular bodies resembling leucoplasts. In most cases the deposition appears to be effected by the protoplasm. Another carbohydrate which shows a certain resem- blance to starch, though perhaps not a very close one, is inulin. The distribution of this material is much more limited than that of starch, but it is known to occur in several groups of plants, being conspicuous in many of the Composite among the Dicotyledons, and in several species of the Liliaceae, Amaryllidacee, and other allied orders among the Monocotyledons. Like starch and glycogen, it | | THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS — 233 is capable of transformation into a sugar, though not the same sugar as in the other cases. It exists, in the plants mentioned, in solution in the cell-sap, but it can readily be ‘made to erystallise out or to be precipitated in an amor- phous condition by the application of alcohol (fig. 1138). We find many instances of the occurrence of various sugars as reserve materials. Cane-sugar is present in large quantities in the succulent parenchyma of the roots of the Beet and the Mangel-wurzel, and of the stems of the Sugar- cane ; grape-sugar is found in the leaves of the bulbs of the Onion and allied plants; small quantities of raffinose Fig. 113.—SPH@RO-CRYSTALS OF INULIN FROM THE ARTICHOKE. A, small crystals in the interior of cells treated with ploohol: B, large crystals extending through many cells. are met with in the grains of barley and other cereals. These are all present in solution in the cell-sap, as has previously been mentioned. In many cases carbohydrate reserve materials are found to take the form of considerable thickening of the cell- walls. That these are really deposited in seeds with a view to subsequent utilisation is evident from a study of the endosperm of many palms, the cells of which consist of little else; the walls are so thick that the cavities are almost obliterated, and the small space that is left between the thickened walls contains apparently nothing but a small amount of protoplasm with which some amorphous protein matter is mixed, Even the unthickened cell-walls 234 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY of most seeds must be looked upon as reserve food material, as they are used up in nourishing the embryo during the early stages of germination. It is necessary, however, to mention that thickened’ cell-walls must not always be regarded as stores of food. In thickened sclerenchymatous tissue and in ordinary wood- cells the deposit must be looked upon as a permanent strengthening of the skeleton of the plant. These thickened cell-walls are not composed always of true cellulose. Our knowledge of their composition is not Fic. 114.—SEcTION THROUGH EXTERNAL REGION OF GRAIN OF BARLEY. p, pericarp of fruit; ¢, testa of seed; al, layer of cells containing aleurone grains; am, cells of endosperm; », nucleus. (After Strasburger.) at all complete, but it extends so far as to show that both cellulose and pectic compounds may be present and in very different proportions in different cases. Layers of muci- lage also are of frequent occurrence. Nitrogenous material, like carbohydrate, is stored up in various places and in different forms. By far the com- monest condition is that of some description of protein. The most abundant deposits are found in seeds, in the cells of which they usually occur in the form of granules of varying sizes and often of complex composition. In certain cases, as in fleshy roots, the protein may be dispersed in amorphous form in the substance of the protoplasm. THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS — 235 When protein is stored in the condition of granules these are known as alewrone grains. Like starch grains they may be deposited all through the substance of the seed, or they may occupy definite layers, as they do in the cereal grasses (fig. 114). They occur sometimes in the same cells as do starch grains, as in the pea or bean (fig. 115). In other cases they are found associated with a quantity of oil, as in the seed of the castor-oil plant. An instance of the occurrence of aleurone grains of some size but yet of fairly simple composition is afforded by the Lupin, one of the Leguminose. ‘This is of interest Fic. 116.—CELLS oF SEED oF Lupi- NUS, SHOWING COMMENCING FORMA- TION OF ALEURONE GRAINS. (After Fic. 115.—CELLS OF EMBRYO OF Rendle.) Pra. (After Sachs.) a, nucleus; b, vacuole; c, originating a, aleurone grains; s/, starch grains, aleurone grain. especially because the origin of the grain can be observed and its development traced. In this seed the aleurone grains begin to be formed at a very early period of the development, just as the growth of the embryo is suffi- ciently advanced to swell out the seed-coat. The cells of the embryo at that period show the protoplasm not sufficient in amount to fill each cell, so that a number of spaces or vacuoles occur, filled with sap. At certain places small projections from the protoplasm may be noticed which are of spherical or ovoid shape (fig. 116, c); these gradually increase in size, growing inwards into the protoplasm as well as outwards into the vacuole, till they can be seen to be in the form of grains embedded in the protoplasm, which 236 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY in consequence of their development assumes the appear- ance of a coarse network. As this process continues, the original grains growing in size, and new ones being con- stantly formed, the original vacuoles become obliterated and the cell swollen out by its own deposits (fig. 117). While this mechanical process is going on chemical changes also take place in the material secreted. ‘The protoplasm forms protein originally at the expense of the amido-acids, sugars, &¢., brought down to the cell, but the variety originally constructed is not necessarily the same as that subsequently stored. At first the grains are not soluble in either 10 per cent. or saturated solutions of common salt. Later on they can be dissolved by both of these fluids. Fic. 117.—CrELL OF RIPE SEED OF Fig, 118,—CeLu or Ricinus SEED, Lupinus, FILLED WITH ALEURONE CONTAINING FIVE ALEURONE GRAINS. GRAINS. The deposition of aleurone grains in the cell is thus, like that of starch, a process of secretion carried out by the protoplasm : a process, that is, of manufacture of the grain by the latter, after it has been supplied with less highly organised material. It is so constructed by the interven- tion of the protoplasm itself, the grain growing at the apparent expense of the substance of the latter. There is no doubt that the amorphous deposits of proteins in the cells of fleshy roots and stems are due toa similar process of secretion. In many seeds, among which may be mentioned those of the Castor-oil plant and the Brazil nut, the aleurone grains possess a more complicated structure. Fig. 118 shows a section of one of the cells of a seed of the castor- THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS 937 oil plant in which some of them are lying. The figure represents the cell after treatment with alcohol, and subse- quently with water. The alcohol removes the oil with which the cells are filled, and which obscures the appear- ance of the grains. ‘The latter are of ovoid shape, and as they lie their structure is not apparent. Water dissolves part of the outer portion, leaving visible the ovoid body, which becomes transparent. Embedded in it are a large regular crystal of protein matter, and a small rounded irregular mass of minute crystals of mineral matter. These two constituents are spoken of as the crystalloid and the globoid respectively. The part of the matrix which is not soluble in water will dissolve in a 10 per cent. solution of common salt, while the crystalloid is soluble only in a saturated solution. The globoid of the grains of the castor- oil plant is a double phosphate of magnesium and calcium. Examination of these grains and their reactions shows that several proteins can be detected in them. Those soluble in water are proteoses, while the others which dissolve only in salt solutions are globulins. In grains met with in other plants, metaproteins occur which dissolve only in dilute alkalies. Crystals of protein occur in other places than seeds. If we examine a young potato, we find, in certain cells lying a little below the skin, some regular transparent cubical crystals, which are composed apparently of the same material as the crystalloids of the complex aleurone grains described. They are soluble in saturated solutions of common salt. Similar crystals are met with in the tissues of certain seaweeds. Many of them can be made to crystallise from the solvents which are used to extract them. The seeds of the cereal grasses contain two other very curious reserve proteins, which give rise in the flour to a peculiar sticky material which is generally known as gluten. They do not appear to be present in the aleurone grains of the seeds, but to occur in the starch-containing 235 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY cells. They have been called gliadin and glutenin ; occurring separately in the seed, they interact with one another in the presence of water and form the gluten of the flour. Like the zein of maize, these proteins belong to the peculiar class whose members are soluble in dilute alcohol. In many cases the proteins of the reservoirs do not remain unchanged during the resting period which follows their deposition. This is especially the case with seeds, in which such changes are characteristic of the process known as ripening. Proteins occur also in the temporary reservoirs to which allusion has been made. Fleshy roots and stems contain them in amorphous form in their parenchyma ; certain forms are met with in the sieve tubes, and are coagulable on boiling like the globulins of the seeds. The proteins which are constant constituents of latex are no doubt in great part reserve food-stuffs. In many cases amido-acids such as asparagin may be detected in the sap of various cells. These may be reserve materials temporarily retained where they are found, or they may be only translocatory products. Their occurrence in some resting seeds suggests the former explanation of their presence. It is not easy to detect them in the cells, as they are dissolved in the sap, but in many cases they can be caused to erystallise by placing a section of the tissue on a glass slip in glycerine. A great many plants store quantities of complex sub- stances known as glucosides. These are bodies which on decomposition give rise to some kind of sugar and some other product or products, usually belonging to the aromatic series of carbon compounds. Among them may be mentioned amygdalin, which is found in the seed of the bitter almond. During germination it splits up into benzoyl aldehyde, hydrocyanic (prussic) acid, and grape- sugar. Many such bodies are known, and they are some- what widely distributed. Some occur in seeds, but they are more frequently represented in the reservoirs con- THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS = 239 tained in fleshy roots and stems. Many plants belonging to the Crucifere and several allied orders are particularly rich in reserve materials belonging to this group. Svini- grin, or myronate of potash, is the principal glucoside which they contain. It splits up into sulphocyanate of allyl, grape-sugar, and hydrogen-potassium-sulphate. The nutritive value of these bodies is partly due to the sugar which they yield on decomposition. The evidence that the other products can minister to nutrition is not very complete, though it seems satisfactory in certain cases. Fats or oils are frequently stored as reserve food-stufis in different plants. The distribution of this material is very varied, though, as in so many other cases, the seed is the most general place of deposition. Many seeds—that for instance of the castor-oil plant—contain as much as 60 per cent. of their dry weight of oil, which is non-volatile. Others contain as little as 2 per cent., and between these limits very varying amounts may be found. When the oil is in great preponderance, it 1s usual for no other form of carbonaceous reserve to be present; in cases where but little oil occurs starch is usually found as well, as in so many of the Leguminosae. The Cruciferae as a group often contain oil in fairly large quantity. As a rule nitro- genous reserves in the shape of aleurone grains accompany the oil. In other places than seeds large deposits of oil often occur, though their purpose is not so obvious. We have them in large amount in the pericarps of certain fruits, such as the olive; in the petals of many flowers, e.g. Funkia and Ornithogalwm ; in the leaves of some of the Agaves, the roots of Oncidiwm, &e. They can hardly be regarded in some cases as truly reserve materials, being perhaps more strictly connected with the mechanisms of dispersion of seeds. The mode of deposition of oil or fat is not at all well known. It is generally found saturating the protoplasm of 240 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY the cell in which it lies, and not occupying a definite space as do aleurone and starch grains. Whether it is secreted from the substance of the protoplasm, or whether the materials of which it is made are taken to the latter in a state near the condition of the finished fat, is uncertain. It is formed by the combination of a fatty acid with gly- cerine. Both these bodies can be formed in the plant, but how they are finally presented to us in the shape of oil is still in need of elucidation. As the oil appears in the cell it seems to point to a process of breaking down of the protoplasm itself, and not to a direct combination of the antecedents mentioned. If we stain cells which are form- ing fat with osmic acid, which colours fatty bodies brown or black, we see in the protoplasm small specks of fatty matter, which, while in the youngest cells mere dots, are in older ones larger, and can be recognised as droplets. In still older ones the blackness permeates the whole proto- plasm, indicating that the latter is saturated with the oil, the droplets having run together in consequence of their number and dimensions. The appearances are, however, not inconsistent with the view that the work of the protoplasm is only to effect the ultimate changes or interactions of the glycerine and the fatty acids which are transported separately to the cells or perhaps formed there from some antecedent. The deposition of fat in some cases, particularly in leaves, has been stated to be effected by the agency of certain plastids corresponding to the leucoplasts already mentioned in connection with the formation of starch erains. These structures, which have been called elaio- plasts, are curious bodies of various shapes, sometimes round or oval, sometimes irregular in contour, which he near the nucleus of the cell. Like the other plastids they consist of a spongy protoplasmic framework, in the meshes of which the oil is formed, much as it is in the protoplasm of the seeds already described. All these bodies, when acted upon by a process ana- ‘4 THE STORAGE OF RESERVE MATERIALS 241 logous to the digestion known in the animal kingdom, are converted into materials which can directly nourish the living substance, or can be transported easily about the plant in a condition of which the latter can readily take advantage, needing indeed very little constructive change to fit them for actual assimilation. 7 a > he 16 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY bo —s bo CHAPTER XVI DIGESTION We have noticed in studying the deposition of reserve food- stuffs that the forms in which they exist in the reservoirs differ in many respects from those which they assume for purposes of transport or translocation. They are generally insoluble in water or cell-sap, and almost always indiffu- sible, whereas they travel in the form of soluble, diffusible, bodies. The removal of them from the seats of storage takes place at times which are dependent on the resump- tion of activity of growth or development; and as such a removal involves the resumption of the travelling forms, they must undergo a process which, from analogy with similar processes in the animal body, may be described as digestion. EKach must, after such treatment, be presented to the protoplasm of the growing cells in much the same form or condition as that in which it was first constructed from the simple bodies which the plant absorbed from its environment. ‘This is necessary in all cases, because, as we have already noticed, the storage forms are not directly assimilable by the protoplasm, but have under- gone a certain modification in the process of their deposi- tion. The process of digestion in plants is chiefly intra- cellular, and takes place in all cells in which reserve materials occur. It is only occasionally that we find it taking place on the exterior of the plant—that is, not in the interior of a cell. In a few cases we find it carried on in connection with the absorption of nitrogenous or protein food, as has been already shown in a preceding DIGESTION 243 chapter. Digestion, though most generally associated in plants with the utilisation of reserve materials, may thus occasionally be met with in connection with the absorption of food from without, when it is a process pre- cisely similar to the digestive processes of the higher animals, though it is somewhat simpler in the details of its mechanism. The intra-cellular digestion of plants agrees very closely with that of many of the humbler animals, and corresponds also with such processes in the higher forms as the utilisa- tion of the glycogen of the liver and the fat of various regions. We have seen that in a few rare cases protein material is absorbed into the plant-body through various leaves or modified foliar organs. The insectivorous plants are materially assisted in their growth by capturing and digesting various insects, the products of the digestion being absorbed by the surface of the leaf or other organ concerned. We examined several of these mechanisms in some detail in Chapter XIV. Absorption of food from without, after preliminary diges- tion, is much more frequently observed when we study the nutritive processes of the Fungi. Not only protein, but also carbohydrate and fatty substances are thus digested outside the body of the plant, and the products of the diges- tion are subsequently absorbed. We have then to inquire how these processes of diges- tion, whether internal or external, are brought about. The protoplasm of the cell, among its many properties, no doubt has the power of setting up these decompositions, and probably in many of the very lowly plants, in which the whole organism consists of only a few protoplasts or perhaps a single one, the work is altogether effected by its instrumentality. The protoplast, in fact, carries out all the various processes of life by the interactions of its own living substance with the materials absorbed by it, aided in the constructive processes by the chlorophyll 244 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY apparatus, if it possesses one. In such a protoplast we may observe at times the storage of such a_ reserve material as starch, and its digestion at the appropriate period. Kven in more complex plants it is certain that the living substance of every protoplast is in a constant state of change, initiating many decompositions in which its own substance takes part, as well as others into the course of which it does not itself enter. Among these decomposi- tions we must include the various intra-cellular digestive processes. Though all protoplasm has this power, it is not usual in plants, any more than in animals, to find it exclusively relying on it. The work of digestion, at any rate, is generally carried out by peculiar substances which it forms or secretes for the purpose. We have in plants a large number of these secretions, which are known as enzymes or soluble ferments. The action of these enzymes is not at all completely understood. They appear not to enter into the composi- tion of the substances which are formed by their activity, and they seem to be capable of carrying out an almost in- definite amount of such work without being used up in the process. They are inactive at very low temperatures, but effect the decompositions they set up freely at the ordinary temperature of the plant. As the temperature at which they are working is raised, their activity increases up to a certain point, which varies slightly for each enzyme, and is called its optimum point. This usually ranges between 30° and 45° C. If the temperature is raised above the optimum point, the enzyme becomes less and less active as it rises, and at about 60°—-70° C. it is destroyed. The exact point, however, varies a good deal in the cases of different enzymes. Enzymes work most advantageously in darkness or in a very subdued light; if they are exposed to bright sun- shine they are gradually decomposed the violet and ultra- - ~ DIGESTION | 245 violet rays being apparently most powerful in effecting their destruction. They are often injuriously affected by neutral salts, alkalies, or acids, though in this respect there exists considerable diversity throughout the group. The enzymes are manufactured by the protoplasm of the various cells in which they occur, being produced from its own substance, in a manner somewhat similar to that of the formation of the cell-wall. Usually their presence is accompanied by a marked granularity of the protoplasm, due to the formation in it of an antecedent substance, known as a zymogen, which is readily converted into the enzyme. This granularity does not, however, always occur, though we have reason to suppose that the secretion of the enzyme always takes place by successive stages. ‘The zymogen has not, however, been definitely detected in all cases. We find various degrees of compieteness of differentia- tion of the cells which produce these enzymes. In the simplest cases, such as the mesophyll of the leaves of most plants, or the great majority of seeds, or the tubers of the potato, the enzyme is found in all the cells which contain the reserve materials, so that a rapid transformation of the latter is readily possible. In the Horse-radish and many allied plants the cells which secrete the enzyme do not themselves contain any reserve materials, but are situated among those which do, so that the enzyme has to pass from the seat of its formation to other cells in order to discharge its function. This is a very slow and gradual process, and is probably carried out through the agency of the delicate filaments of protoplasm which extend through the cell-walls, for enzymes are not capable of dialysing through a membrane. The occurrence of such cells, which are apparently set apart especially for the secretion of an enzyme, gives us, as it were, the starting-points of the special structures known as glands, whose function is similar but whose structure is more complex. In some of the plants belong- 246 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY ing to the natural orders Capparidacee and T'ropaolacea, the glandular cell divides several times to form a little mass or nodule of secreting cells, which must be regarded as a rudimentary gland, though it is not provided with any definite outlet or duct. In the seed of the cereal grasses there is a special organ separating the embryo from the endosperm. This structure, which is a modification of part of the cotyledon, is known as the scutellwm (fig. 119) ; its function is to effect the absorption of the nutritive material of the endosperm, and supply it to the growing embryo. ‘This scutellum is covered on its outer face, which is in contact with the ; Fic, 120.—SECTION OF PORTION OF Fic. 119.—SEcrion or OAtT-GRAIN. ScUTELLUM OF BARLEY, SHOWING p, plumule ; 7, radicle; s, scutellum. THE SECRETING EPITHELIUM, endosperm, by a layer of cylindrical cells, whose long axis is at right angles to the surface (fig. 120). These cells are very granular in appearance, and form a very marked secreting structure, producing two enzymes, which are sub- sequently discharged into the endosperm to effect the diges- tion which must precede absorption. ‘The aleurone layer of the same grain (fig. 121), which has already been described, is also a secreting layer, resembling the outer layer of the scutellum in several respects. The tentacles of the leaves of Drosera, to which allusion has already been made, are very definitely secreting structures ; in addition to preparing an enzyme they pro- DIGESTION 247 duce a weak acid, both of which are present in the glairy material that they pour out over the captured insect. These tentacles (fig. 122) and the secreting structures of Fic. 121.—SrEcTIoN THROUGH EXTERNAL REGION OF GRAIN OF BARLEY. p, pericarp of fruit; ¢, testa of seed; al, layer of cells containing aleurone grains; am, cells of endosperm; 7, nucleus. (After Strasburger.) the leaves of Dionea and other plants, as well as the similar bodies which occur in the lining of the pitcher of Nepenthes, must be regarded as actual glands, comparable to those of the alimentary canal of the animal body, though less complex in structure. Glandular hairs, which con- sist of a few cells situated on a stalk, are found in great numbers on other plants, especially some species of Saxifraga. There are many of these enzymes present in different plants, the function of some of which is still not understood. Many, however, have been investigated with some completeness. They are usually classified according to the mate- p,4. yo9—Graxpunar rials on which they work. We may 4?*% or 4 TenTactE describe here four groups, the members of which take part in the digestion of reserve materials, as well as in the processes of external digestion. These 248 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY decompose respectively carbohydrates, proteins, glucosides, and fats or oils. In nearly every case the action of these enzymes is one of hydration, the body acted upon being generally made to take up water, and to undergo a subse- quent decomposition. Of those which act upon carbohydrates we have two varieties of diastase, which convert starch into maltose, or malt-sugar ; inulase, which forms another sugar, levulose or fructose, from inulin; invertase, which converts cane- sugar into glucose and fructose; glucase or maltase, which produces grape-sugar from maltose; and cytase, which hydrolyses cellulose. Another enzyme, which does not appear to be concerned with digestion so directly as the others, is known as pectase ; it forms vegetable jelly from pectic substances occurring in the cell-wall. The members of the second group act upon protein substances, and are technically known as proteoclastie enzymes. The principal members of this group are pepsin, the various trypsins, and erepsin. Pepsin and trypsin — convert albumins and globulins into peptones, the trypsins also decomposing certain peptones into amino- and amido- acids ; while erepsin has only the power of effecting the last-named change. Allied to these is rennet, which converts the caseinogen of milk into casein, the character- istic protein of cheese. It occurs ina great many plants, but its function in vegetable metabolism is unknown. The enzymes which act upon glucosides are many; the best known are emulsin and myrosin ; others of less frequent occurrence are erythrozym, rhamnase, and gaultherase. Those which decompose fats have not been so fully inves- tigated: they are known as lipases, but whether there are many different varieties or not has not at present been ascertained. Diastase appears to exist in two varieties, distinguished from each other by their mode of action on the starch srain. One, called diastase of translocation, dissolves the grain slowly from without inwards, without altering its DIGESTION 249 general appearance ; the other, diastase of secretion, dis- integrates it by a process of corrosion before dissolving it (fig. 123). The first of the varieties has a very wide distribution in plants, being present almost everywhere. ‘The second is () (y the body formed by the glandular covering or epithelium of the scutel- i A lum of the grasses. z The great function of diastase in Fie. 123.—Srarcn Grains the plant is to transform starch (and [XP ROquaS OF | Drons- probably glycogen where it occurs) ph ypataae tot tale into maltose or malt-sugar. Wher- ever starch is formed, whether in the living leaf or in the reservoir set apart for storage, it must be regarded as a reserve material, and its removal from the seats of deposi- tion is preceded by its conversion into this sugar. The details of the transformation are not fully known at present, but a good deal of information has been obtained through the labours of many observers. Starch has a rather large. molecule, but its exact formula is not thoroughly known. For along time it was taken to be approximately n(C,H,,0,), and the value of m was thought to be 5. More recently the suggestion has been made that the molecule is mutch larger, and may be more truly represented by 5[(C,,H,,0,,),9], the view being based upon the formation of several complex substances during its decomposition. The starch molecule is possibly composed of four dextrin-like groups, each (C,,H,,0,,)., arranged about a fifth. It has been suggested that the first action of the diastase is the liberation of these from one another; and that four of them by successive incorporations of water are converted, through a series of complex substances called malto-dextrins, into maltose, while the fifth withstands the action of the enzyme for a considerable time. After the action of the diastase has been proceeding for some time the resulting product is found to be four parts maltose and one part dextrin. How far this series of decompositions represents what 250 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY takes place in the plant is uncertain, but it is clear that the starch, which is insoluble, is converted into sugar, which can be removed to the parts of the plant where it is required for building up the protoplasm. Inulase occurs in the tubers and tuberous roots of some of the Composit, in the bulbs of certain Monocoty- ledons, and in some of the Fungi. It converts inulin ultimately into levulose or fructose, but the action is not a very simple one, at least one intermediate body being formed during the process. Invertase has a much wider distribution. It is easily extracted from the Yeast-plant, in which it is present in relatively considerable quantity. Other fungi which con- tain it are Fusariwm and Aspergillus, besides certain bacteria. In flowering plants it has been found in seeds, buds, leaves, stems, roots, and pollen grains. Its action is the hydrolysis of cane-sugar, which it splits up into glucose and fructose, according to the equation plate) fade 7) Sete oe It is a little difficult to understand why this decomposition of cane-sugar is necessary, as it can diffuse through membranes, and in many cases it has been found capable of assimilation by the protoplasm. Probably, however, each of the sugars concerned in the transformation has a special part to play in the metabolism of the plant, and neither can readily replace either of the others. Glucase occurs in the grains of various cereals, being especially prominent in the Maize. It is also fairly abundant in the Yeast-plant. It has no action on cane- sugar, but splits up maltose into glucose, one molecule of the former taking up water and yielding at once two molecules of the latter. Other sugars of similar constitution to maltose and cane-sugar are made to undergo similar transformations by enzymes of less widespread distribution. The chief of these are trehalase, melibiase, melizitase, and lactase. DIGESTION 251 There appear to be several varieties of cytase, which can be prepared from various seeds. The enzyme was first discovered in the germinating grain of the barley, in which it is located chiefly in the aleurone layer. and to a less extent in the epithelium of the scutellum, where it exists side by side with diastase. It dissolves the walls of the cells of the endosperm, detaching them from each other and giving a curious mealy character to the grain. Its presence was first suspected in the Date-palm, where large reserves of cellulose are found in the hard cell-walls of the endosperm. ‘I'he embryo dissolves these walls and absorbs their products, the work being effected by an epithelium which covers the part of the cotyledon which remains in the seed during the early processes of germination. This epithelium is composed of elongated cells arranged in a manner resembling that characteristic of those which form the secreting layer of the scutellum. It has recently been shown that cytase is formed in the embryo, probably in this layer, and passes thence into the endosperm. The amount of it that can be detected is very small, however, and the process of the decomposition of the cellulose is very slow and gradual. Cytase exists in considerable quantity in some of the higher fungi and in certain bacteria. Pectase has recently been found to be very widespread in plants. Its function is not very clear, but it may assist cytase in the swelling up of the cell-wall which is ante- cedent to solution. It is recognised by its power of forming vegetable jelly from the pectic substances of the cell-wall. This jelly appears to be a compound of pectic acid and calcium. The enzymes which digest proteins are frequently on that account spoken of as proteoclastic enzymes. There are three main classes of them known at present. The first, represented by the pepsin of the stomach of the higher animals, converts albumins, globulins, and certain insoluble proteins into peptones, several intermediate bodies, known as proteoses or albumoses, being formed during the process. 252 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY The members of the second group, which may be represented by the trypsin of the pancreas, carry the digestion further and split up certain peptones into amino- and amido-acids, of which the chief that have been observed are leucin, tyrosin, and asparagin. Those of the third class, the erepsins, decompose peptone with the formation of the same amino- and amido-acids. It is not quite certain that representatives of the first class are to be met with in plants. It is for the present probable, however, that the enzyme of some insectivorous plants is a pepsin. It acts only in the presence of a weak acid, as does the pepsin of the stomach, but the products which it forms have not been accurately investigated. It is apparently only secreted when the gland has been stimulated by the absorption of nitrogenous matter. Several varieties of vegetable trypsin have been dis- covered and their properties investigated. The earliest known enzyme belonging to the group is the papain which has been extracted from the Papau (Carica Papaya). It appears to exist in greatest quantity in the pulp of the fruit, but is present also in the sap which can be expressed from the stem and leaves. It is apparently associated in the juice with a peculiar proteose or albumose, and it is most energetic in a neutral solution, though it can act also in a faintly alkaline one. It is easily destroyed by a very small trace of free acid. Another trypsin, which has been named bromelin, has been extracted from the fleshy pulp of the Pine-apple (Ananassa sativa). Like papain it is associated with a proteose. It acts most energetically in neutral and faintly acid solutions, alkalies in very small traces being preju- dicial to it. Its activity varies a good deal according to the acid which is present, and to some extent according to the protein which it is digesting. Other vegetable trypsins have been extracted from the germinating seeds of the Lupin, the seedlings of several plants, the fruit of the Kachree gourd (Cucumis utilissamus), DIGESTION 253 the juice of the Fig-tree (icws carica), and the leaves of certain species of Agave. How far these are identical, or whether they present specific differences, appears at present uncertain. ‘They are all active in faintly acid solutions, but the most favourable concentration appears to vary. The enzyme of the Kachree gourd is most effective when the medium is faintly alkaline, whereas that of the lupin seed is inoperative under these conditions. ‘Too much stress must not, however, be laid upon this point, as the enzymes have not been prepared in any case in anything like a pure condition. Recently Vines has found that members of the erepsin class are very widespread in plants, occurring in almost all parts of them. His researches suggest that possibly the so-called trypsins are mixtures of pepsin and erepsin. The action of all these proteoclastic enzymes is pro- bably one of hydrolysis, though it is difficult to prove it by analysis. Rennet occurs in many seeds, in some cases in the germinating, and in others-in the resting, condition. It has also a wide distribution in the vegetative and floral parts of various plants. Whether it is really proteoclastic in the vegetable organism it is hard to say, as the details of its action are unknown. It is so in the animal body. The enzymes which decompose glucosides, as we have already seen, are numerous and varied in their distribution, occurring in various fungi and lichens as well as in the higher plants. Their action may be illustrated by the behaviour of emulsin, which exists in quantity in the seeds of the bitter Almond and in the vegetative parts of the Cherry-laurel (Prunus Laurocerasus). It splits up the glucoside amygdalin according to the equation C,,H,,NO,, + 2H,O = C,H,O + HCN + 2(C,H,,0,) Amygdalin Benzoic Prussic Glucose aldehyde acid This is, as in other cases, a process of hydrolysis. Myrosin, another of the group, is peculiar in that it effects its 254 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY characteristic decomposition without causing the incorpora- tion of water during the process, thus: (,,H,,NKS,0,, = C,H,CNS + C,H,,0, + KHSO, Sinigrin Sulpho-cyanate Glucose Potassium- of allyl hydrogen- sulphate Others, such as rhamnase, existing in the seeds of Khamnus infectorius, erythrozym in the Madder, gaultherase in the bark of Betula lenta, act on various glucosides, after the manner of emulsin. The digestion of the glucosides, we may notice, is always accompanied by the appearance of sugar, which is one of the products of their decomposition. ‘The fate of the other bodies into which they split is not well ascertained, though there is some evidence that cyanogen compounds, even such as hydrocyanic or prussic acid, are used for nutritive purposes by certain plants. The digestion of fat or oil has not been very fully investigated, though certain facts are known concerning its fate in germinating seeds. The digestion is generally accompanied by the appearance of starch grains in cells near the seat of digestion, and it was formerly considered that the starch arose directly from the oil. It appears now that the oil is split up by an enzyme, lipase, the result being the formation of a free fatty acid and glycerine. The subsequent decompositions are very complex, among the produets being lecithin, a peculiar fatty substance containing phosphorus, as well as several simpler acid bodies, which are crystalline instead of being viscid like the fatty acid first liberated. These pass into the general body of the seedling. The glycerine appears to contribute to the forma- tion of the lecithin. The decomposition is accompanied by the appearance of sugars and starch, which are probably formed by the protoplasm of the cells. Within the last few years it has been ascertained that the production of alcohol from sugar is brought about by another soluble enzyme, which has been prepared from yeast. Though the existence of this body has been long DIGESTION 255 suspected, it is only within recent years that if has been demonstrated. Like the decomposition which is brought about by myrosin, the splitting up of the sugar is apparently not a process of hydrolysis. It may be expressed by the following equation : C,H,,0, = 200, + 2CH,CH,OH. In the reaction the sugar is decomposed, alcohol is formed and carbon dioxide given off. This enzyme, which has been called zymase, has been proved to exist not only in yeast, but in certain fruits, being formed there when the fruits are kept in an atmosphere which contains no oxygen. The physiological explanation of this observation will be discussed more fully in a subsequent chapter. There are other enzymes with a more restricted distri- bution, about whose value to the plant little or nothing is known at present. The cells of a particular microscopic organism, known as Micrococcus uree, decompose urea with the formation of ammonium carbonate, and an enzyme, wrease, having the same power, can be extracted from them. Many enzymes can be prepared from bacteria, which set up various changes in proteins, some resulting in the formation of peptone, and others producing toxic sub- stances. Many bacteria excrete a variety of diastase. Another class of enzymes has recently been discovered which do not apparently take any part in digestion, but which may be briefly alluded to here. They set up a process of oxidation in the substances they attack, and have consequently been named oxidases. They are apparently very widely distributed, and perform very various functions, being often concerned in bringing about the presence of particular colouring matters. They occur very prominently in Fungi, but are by no means confined to them. They have not at present been very fully studied from the point of view of their utility to the plants which secrete them. The conversion of zymogens into enzymes is much 256 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY facilitated by a gentle warmth, particularly when a trace of free acid is present. The red rays of light exercise a similar influence in some cases. The fermentative activity of protoplasm was alluded to at the opening of this chapter. The living substance of many cells is capable of setting up various fermentative decompositions, apparently identical with those that have been described. Various cells can convert starch into sugar, can peptonise proteins, and carry out other digestive processes, without the intervention of an enzyme. Though this property can easily be proved in the case of cells of the higher plants, it is especially prominent in many of the more lowly organisms such as the Bacteria. The processes of putrefaction generally depend on this property in the organisms which bring it about. ‘Till quite recently the alcoholic fermentation of sugar was attributed to such an action in the yeast-cell, and in the cells of certain ripe fruits under particular conditions, the chief of which was the deprivation of oxygen. Such an action leads to the formation of acetic acid from alcohol by the microbe Myco- derma or Bacteriwm aceti. Similar protoplasmic action is responsible for the production of various acids in the cells of the higher plants. The dependence of these fermenta- tions on the vital activity of the protoplasm is evident from the fact that no enzyme can be extracted from the cells which can set up the particular changes in question. It is not difficult to prepare the enzymes from the tissues in which they work, but it would be extremely rash to say that they are in anything like a pure condition when obtained. Nor is it easy to say much about the purifica- tion, as they are not known except in close connection with the substances on which they act, or with the products of the decompositions they initiate. There is therefore no known test of their purity. They can be extracted by treating the tissue, which should be very finely divided or ground in a mortar, with elycerine, or with a solution of common salt, or with water DIGESTION 257 containing a trace of an antiseptic. After a period of ten or twelve hours the extract should be strained and subse- quently filtered, when the enzyme may be precipitated from the filtrate by adding strong alcohol. It is very evident that this process will not yield it pure, for the solvents employed will dissolve many constituents of the tissue besides the enzymes, particularly proteins and sugars. The former will be thrown down with the enzyme by the alcohol. Any description of the process of digestion should naturally be followed by an account of the subsequent one of true assimilation or the construction of protoplasm from the food which is supplied to it as the result of digestion. Unfortunately but little can be said upon this subject, as such - problems remain almost entirely unsolved. If we study the changes which take place in the growing points of plants, where such assimilation must necessarily be most active, we can find very little evidence of what is taking place. Wecan trace, for instance, the progress of sugar along the stem for a considerable distance, but just where it is assimilated our methods fail us. Sugar can no longer be detected, but in what way it has been incorporated into the living substance is still a mystery. Similar acknowledgment must be made in respect of the proteins. Amido-acids can be detected along the translocatory paths almost up to the locality of growth, but beyond that nothing can at present be said. We are unable also to explain the manner in which the food originally constructed ministers to the nutrition of the protoplasts or cells in which it is formed. 17 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY bo Or oe CHAPTER XVII METABOLISM We have seen that the object of all the processes of con- struction and digestion that we have examined so far has been to present to the protoplasm materials which it can incorporate into its own substance. If we consider the processes which take place in a vegetable cell or protoplast, we find that they can be divided into those which minister to this construction or building up of the living substance, and those which are connected with its breaking down. The latter accompany or immediately follow the former, and the two together may be considered as the manifestation of the life of the protoplasm. The whole round of changes in which the living substance is concerned is generally spoken of as its metabolism. So many of the reactions as culminate in the construction of protoplasm are described as anabolic, while the changes which it initiates, or which are concerned in its decomposition, are termed katabolic. We have been occupied mainly so far in discussing the anabolism of the protoplasts. The substances we have traced to the cells in which growth and repair are vigorous consist in far the greatest part of some form of sugar and of organic nitrogenous substances, either proteins them- selves or the products of their decomposition, or substances constructed from simple materials with a view to the formation of proteins, such as asparagin or leucin. In the anabolic processes the protoplasm is continually recon- structing itself at the expense of such nutritive substances, which indeed constitute its food in the strict sense of the term. What is true of such cells as are actively growing and multiplying, which are found, as we have seen, in the ; | METABOLISM 259 special growing points or layers, is equally true of all cells so long as they are living. In all cases, though growth and division may not be evident, we have to do with processes of repair of the inevitable wasting of the living substance during the operations of its life. The same kind of change is evident in all cells, though the immediate results of such changes differ according to the part any particular cell takes in promoting the well-being of the whole organism. If we turn from these anabolic processes we find we have proceeding, side by side with them, a decomposition of the protoplasm, involving a separation from its complex molecule of various substances which are of less com- plexity than the living material itself. These often, in the first instance, include such carbohydrates and nitro- genous substances as it made use of in building itself up. These can again be used in reconstruction of the proto- plasm, or can be further broken down into simpler substances still or can be retained unaltered. So long as the proto- plasm is living, it is continually undergoing constant reconstruction and decomposition. Besides initiating those chemical changes in which it takes this prominent part, it is also the seat of a large number of others into which its own molecule does not immediately enter. Processes of both oxidation and reduc- tion are continually going on in its substance, in which are involved the various materials which are found there, either in solution in the water which saturates it, or in amorphous form ; substances which have been transported from other cells, or have been formed in the processes of the self- decomposition of the protoplasm. Two classes of enzyme have been discovered which may, and probably do, assist in these changes. ‘They are the oxidases, to which allusion has been already made, and reductases, which act in the opposite direction. The former have been known for some time, the latter have been observed only recently. 260 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY The katabolic processes vary a great deal in the extent to which they are carried out. They may sometimes go on so far as to produce such simple bodies as carbon dioxide and water, which are given off from the organism. This is a very marked feature of the metabolism that may be observed in every living cell. Other katabolic changes, proceeding side by side with this very complete decomposi- tion, are not so far-reaching, and a great accumula- tion of their products remains in the plant. Prominent among them we find the cell-walls of woody or corky tissue. These must not be confused with what we have described as reserve materials, as the latter, unlike those now under discussion, are intended for ultimate consumption. These changes involve the manufacture of great masses of material, whose construction, though ultimately dependent upon anabolism, is essentially a mark of the katabolic processes. The constructive processes indeed are both anabolic and katabolic, the former culminating in the formation of living substance, the latter marking the fabrication of its products. The great extent to which the constructive katabolic processes exceed such decomposition of protoplasm as is marked by the forma- tion of carbon dioxide and water, finds its expression in the enormous bulk which many trees and other plants attain. This increase of the size of the plant-body is very much facilitated by the fact that the katabolic processes in question are not attended by the excretion of any- thing from the body of the organism. As a rule plants have no excreta except the gaseous bodies whose elimina- tion we have already described, and these result in the main from the profounder decomposition of the living sub- stance. Whatever a plant absorbs from the soil, except water, it nearly always retains within its tissues, so that increase of weight almost inevitably accompanies con- tinuance of vitality. It must not be inferred, however, that plants do not produce, during their constructive katabolic processes, any | ) ) METABOLISM 261 substances which are useless to them or which may even be deleterious. There are numerous products which come under this category, but from the mode of construc- tion of the body of the plant they are not cast off as they would be from the animal organism under similar conditions. Instead of being eliminated entirely they are only removed to such localities as ensure their being withdrawn from the spheres of vital activity. They are generally deposited in such regions as leaves which are about to be shed, or the bark of trees, which is a collection mainly of dead matter; or they may be stored away in special cells, or in cell-walls, or intercellular passages, or elsewhere. ‘These bodies really correspond to excreta, and the processes of their formation and deposition are called processes of excretion. Most of the katabolic constructive processes are directly applied to the production of substances which are of great use to the plant. Hmanating as these do directly from the protoplasm, their formation is generally termed secretion. Though they originate, however, directly in and from the living substance, the latter does not always present them in the form in which they are found in the adult plant-body, for various changes both of the mature of oxida- tion and reduction may take place in them after they have been secreted. The processes included under the general term katabolism are thus seen to be very varied. During the course of such changes many substances are frequently formed which seem to have no direct bearing on the vital processes, and whose meaning is still obscure. These are often spoken of as the bye-products of metabolism. We may now pass to consider in some detail some of the more prominent processes of secretion. For many reasons the formation of such enzymes as are used during digestion may be regarded as the most typical of these. A cell which is about to secrete is generally found to be filled with colourless hyaline protoplasm in 262 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY which certain vacuoles may be seen. Immediately before secretion begins an increase of the amount of the protoplasm can be observed, which is effected at the expense of various nutritive products which are transported to it. During the whole of the process, when this is prolonged, such a supply of nutritive material takes place. If during the secretion this supply is stopped, the process is rapidly suspended. This can be detected easily in the case of the epithelium of the scutellum of the barley grain, which we have seen produces considerable quantities of diastase. The first stage of the process is thus evidently anabolic. As soon as the nutrition of the cell has reached a certain point the appearance of the protoplasm undergoes a change. Minute granules begin to be formed in its substance, which increase in number until the hyaline character is replaced by a markec uniform granularity, the cell substance becoming somewhat like ground-glass in appearance. The growth of the protoplasm and this subsequent formation of cranules lead to the obliteration of the vacuoles, till the cell is completely filled. After a time as the secretion leaves the cell the latter shrinks again; the granules are passed out in solution in the sap which is exuded, and the protoplasm is seen to be less plentiful and to become hyaline and vacuolated as at first. Following the anabolic changes we have thus the breaking down of the protoplasm, attended by the appear- ance of the granules to which it has given rise. There is reason to believe that the granules consist of the zymogen rather than the enzyme and that the final transformation of the former into the latter takes place just as the exuda- tion of the sap occurs. In glands in which the process of secretion is repeated more than once, similar changes may be traced. The secretion of the enzyme in these cases can be shown to take place by successive stages. The preliminary hyaline condition is followed by the granular one, and in this state the cell can remain for some time before the enzyme is a METABOLISM 263 discharged. When this has happened the hyaline condition is resumed. The formation of the cell-wall which separates the cells is due to a similar activity of the protoplasm. The division of cells or the development of new protoplasts will be more fully considered in a subsequent chapter ; it will suffice to say here that in all ordinary growing points this division of a protoplast into two is followed immediately by the formation of a new supporting membrane between them. The division of the cell is preceded by the division of its nucleus, which is attended by a series of complicated movements of particular constituents of its substance. The two daughter-nuclei are situated at some little distance from each other and are connected by a number of delicate fila- ments which are gathered to a point at each end and spread out in the centre, forming what is called the nuclear spindle. This generally stretches completely across the long diameter of the cell. During these introductory changes the hyaline proto- plasm becomes more granular, and the granules, technically spoken of as microsomata, are attracted to the spindle fibres. They pass along these fibrils from both regions of the cell and form a plate of extreme tenuity across it, midway between the two new nuclei. This plate soon undergoes a transformation, the granules disappearing and the membrane becoming translucent, and so forming the ordinary substance of the cell-membrane, generally, though perhaps not strictly accurately, known as cellulose. The cell-wall is thus seen to be formed from the protoplasm, or to be secreted by it, the granules or microsomata of which it is at first composed being the result of decompositions set up in the living substance. When cell-walls are growing in thickness or in surface a similar decomposition of the protoplasm can be observed. The microsomata or granules are formed in the proto- plasm and are gradually deposited, often in oblique rows, upon the original membrane. They are subsequently 264 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY changed in appearance and become the first thickening layer of cellulose. The occurrence of the rows of granules frequently leads to the striated appearance which can be noticed on the walls of many fibres, particularly those of the bast of the fibro-vascular bundles. In all cases therefore the formation of cellulose can be traced to the self-decomposition of the protoplasm, though whether the granules are actually cellulose or an inter- mediate substance is still uncertain. A very similar phenomenon is observable in the forma- tion of starch grains. In this case, as we have seen, we may either have to deal with the general protoplasm of the cell, or, as is usual in reservoirs and in ordinary leaf parenchyma, with a definite plastid, either a chloroplast or a leucoplast. These structures, however, may be regarded as specially differentiated protoplasmic bodies. We have already discussed their behaviour and the formation of the starch erain by them. Building themselves up at the expense of sugar and probably of various nitrogenous compounds, either brought to them or remaining in their substance, they break down again to a certain extent, splitting off a quantity of starch, which is deposited in the interior of the plastid, sometimes at one point, sometimes at several. As the process goes on, successive lamin or shells of starch are continually deposited round the original srain or granule till the structure of the fully formed starch grain is reached. In this case the process is somewhat clearer than the corresponding one in that of cellulose, as there is little doubt that each shell is composed of starch at the moment of its deposition. The formation of starch is in these cases a secretion by the plastid, just as that of cellulose is a secretion by the protoplasm of the cell. The formation of the small starch grains by the general protoplasm of cells in which no plastid is present is of a similar character, though it is not so long continued and the formation of successive lamin does not take place. METABOLISM 265 The method by which aleurone grains arise in the meshes of the cytoplasm is of a precisely similar character. The formation of fat is due to similar behaviour on the part of the protoplasm. It can be observed most easily in the case of certain fungi when they are living under such conditions as prevent their being properly nourished. The protoplasm in the hyphe diminishes in quantity, the vacuolation becomes considerable, and their cavities are found to contain large drops of oil. In the cells of seeds such as those of the castor-oil plant, in which large quantities of oil are stored as reserve materials, the deposition of fat can be studied. Sections of the cells should be stained with osmic acid, which colours fatty substances brown or black according to the quantity of them which is present. When fat is beginning to be formed the substance of the protoplasm becomes faintly granular, but the granules are more or less transparent and cannot be seen without staining. On the application of osmic acid they display their fatty character by becoming brown. In cells which are a little older the granularity is more marked, as the separate granules have increased in size and many have run together, forming small droplets. The staining is darker in these cells, the larger granules becoming quite black. In still older cells the whole substance becomes intensely black and the protoplasm can be seen to be saturated with the oil. If the latter is removed by treat- ment with ether, the living substance will be found to have diminished in amount. There has been a formation of fat by the protoplasm, and the latter has evidently pro- duced it by a decomposition of its own substance, for it has become reduced in bulk. The elaioplasts, to which reference has been made, behave similarly, their substance diminishing at the same time that the fat or oil makes its appearance. The decomposition of the protoplasm in the formation of fat is not accompanied by much reconstruction, so that it 266 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY is soon very greatly diminished in amount, while the fat, the product of the katabolic processes, increases. The appearance of fat in the two cases described seems to demand two different explanations. In the cells of the seeds and in the elaioplasts it is to be regarded as a storage of reserve materials. In the starved hyphe of the Fungus it appears to be due to the decomposition of protoplasm under conditions of grave disturbance of nutrition, if not of approaching death. In both cases, however, it is derived from the breaking down of the living substance, though the decomposition of the latter is due to such different causes in the two cases. One of the most important of the secretions of plants is the green colouring matter, chlorophyll, which we have already seen is present in the form of a solution in the meshes of the chloroplasts. The formation of chlorophyll is a more specialised process than any of those which we have just been considering, and is dependent upon a variety of conditions. It probably involves not only the self-decomposition of the protoplasm, but also other pro- cesses which take place within the substance of the chloro- plast. The special conditions necessary for the formation of chlorophyll are—I1st, access of light; 2nd, a particular range of temperature; 3rd, the presence of a minute quantity of iron in the plant ; 4th, access of oxygen. There are a few exceptions to the rule that chlorophyll can be formed only in light ; the embryo in the seed of Hwonymus europ@éus is green at the time the seed is ripe, though it is surrounded by a thick red protecting coat which is opaque. Seedlings of Pinws also are green when they are raised from seeds in light which is insufficiently strong to enable chlorophyll to be formed in seedlings of Dicotyledons grown side by side with them. A few other cases also are known. If an ordinary plant is cultivated from the seed in darkness, the resulting seedling will not be green, but will have a yellowish-white colour. When its tissues are examined a ei) i Py a METABOLISM 267 with a microscope, the plastids will be found in the cells, but they will be tinged with a pale yellow pigment known as etiolin. When the latter is exposed to light it will rapidly become green, being in fact converted into chloro- phyll. The etiolin is in the first instance secreted by the protoplasm of the plastid, and subsequent changes take place about which very little is known, but which result in its conversion into chlorophyll. If the temperature is kept very low, the etiolin remains unchanged, even though light is admitted. Hence the first leaves of plants which spring up in winter or early spring are frequently yellow and not green. This peculiarity may easily be observed in the case of snowdrops and hyacinths which appear very early in the year. The function of the iron is not understood ; plants which are cultivated in such a medium that this element is not supplied to them have an appearance much like that associated with etiolation. Their colour is even paler, indeed they are almost colourless, though the plastids are present. A supply of iron at once causes them to assume the normal appearance. Plants so suffering from the absence of iron are said to be chlorotic. The influence of a supply of oxygen is probably not a direct one. The failure of plants to form chlorophyll in its absence is most likely due toa pathological or unhealthy condition of the protoplasm, all whose activities are dis- turbed under such circumstances. Another pigment which is of fairly widespread distri- bution in plants is the red colouring matter known as anthocyan. This is not associated with any plastids, but occurs in solution in the cell-sap. It is found very com- monly in young developing shoots, on the illuminated side of leaves which appear during cold weather, on the petioles and midribs of leaves which are put out on twigs of many plants in sunny places, and in many tropical plants which grow in deep shade. In seedlings which are developed in spring or in cold weather, the anthocyan may appear some- 268 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY what irregularly in the leaves, but it is mainly found along the veins and on the leaf-stalk. The function of anthocyan is not well understood. Many facts point to the probability that it aids in the transformation of starch into sugar in the leaves in which it occurs, rendering translocation more rapid. It has been found that the red rays of the solar spectrum which it allows to pass are instrumental in the formation of leaf- diastase from its antecedent zymogen. The pigment, while allowing these red rays to pass into the leaf, acts as a screen preventing the passage of the violet ones which have a very destructive effect upon this enzyme. Other views as to the significance of this pigment have been advanced. It has been suggested that it effects a conversion of light rays into heating ones, so facilitating the metabolic processes of the plant. Another hypothesis regards it as a protective screen to the chloroplasts and to the protoplasm, preserving them from injury from too intense light. Neither of these views can, however, be regarded as entirely satisfactory. In many eases it acts beneficially by absorbing the dark heat rays and so facilitating transpiration as well as general metabolism. Anthocyan appears to be a derivative of tannin, an aromatic substance which is very widely distributed in the vegetable organism. ‘This substance has not generally been included among the secretions of plants, but rather as a bye-product of metabolism. It is not impossible that it may in some cases be a definite secretion for some particular purpose. The distinction between definite processes of secretion and such reactions as lead to the formation of the so-called bye-products of metabolism is not at all well defined. In many cases substances are included in the latter category because nothing is known as to their function, and the classification can therefore be regarded only as provisional. In many cases it cannot yet be determined whether OE ———— a a == METABOLISM 269 particular substances are formed by the direct decomposi- tion of protoplasm, or by subsequent changes in the primary products of such decomposition. Till quite recently the formation of resin and allied bodies in the resin passages of the Conifers and in many glandular hairs was con- sidered a true secretion, the aromatic substances being held to arise in the cells. Recent investigations tend to show that this is not the mode of their origin at all, but that these substances are formed by a peculiar process of degradation of the cell-wall. The glandular hairs of Primula sinensis (fig. 124), and the more complex one of the Hop (fig. 125) Fic. 124.—GuANDULAR HatrRs FROM Primula sinensis. a, young hair; b, hair showing secre- Fic. 125.—GLANDULAR HAIRS FROM tion formed in the cell-wall of the THE Hop. terminal cell; c, hair after dis- A, young hair; B, mature hair; charge of the secretion. s.c, secretion under the cuticle. have long been known to form their resins in this way. It seems probable that we must now regard the resin-secret- ing organs of the Conifers as comparable with these. The bye-products of metabolism are too numerous to be discussed in detail in the present treatise. Though they seem to be quite subordinate to the main products we have noticed, and to be formed indeed by decompositions which take place during the construction of the latter, we should not be warranted in ignoring their possible utility to the plant, nor the probability that many of them may be of nutritive value. We have seen that in the decom- position of amygdalin by its appropriate enzyme emulsin, besides the undoubtedly nutritive sugar there is a produc- 270 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY tion of prussic acid and benzoic aldehyde. Some plants have been shown to be capable of utilising the former of these, toxic as it is to many forms of animal life. The bye-products include bodies of very varying degrees of complexity, some nitrogenous and others not. Among the former may be mentioned the great group of the alkaloids, many of which have not so far been found able to minister to the nutrition or growth of the plant, though their nitrogen is in organic combination. If a plant is supplied with them, but with no other form of combined nitrogen, it is rapidly starved. In certain cases in which relatively large quantities of them are stored in seeds, they have been observed to diminish in amount during germi- nation. They may have a nutritive value in these cases. Many physiologists consider this group to belong rather to the definite excretions of the plant than even to its bye- products. They are usually deposited in regions which are situated well away from the seats of active life, such as the bark of trees, the pericarps of fruits, &c. It is apparently very difficult to draw a distinct line of separation between excretions and bye-products, just as it is to distinguish clearly between the latter and secretions. The amidated fatty acids, as we have seen, generally occur in direct relation to nutrition. We have examined the part played by leucin and asparagin in protein con- struction and metabolism. Several other related substances are met with in various plants, but how far they are avail- able for nutrition and how far they are merely bye-products is uncertain. Such substances are xanthin and glycin, which can be extracted from various cells. The latex of plants frequently contains many of these substances. Caoutchouce is also a frequent constituent of latex. Among the non-nitrogenous bye-products may be men- tioned the great variety of vegetable acids. Conspicuous among these are tartaric, malic, citric, and acetic acids. They are usually regarded as arising in the course of the katabolic processes, but it is at least possible that some of es METABOLISM 271 them may be formed in the elaboration of food from the raw materials absorbed, having thus their origin in anabolism. The bye-products include also a variety of aromatic substances. Mention has already been made of tannin, and its position discussed. In addition we may include phloroglucin and a variety of aromatic acids, such as benzoic, salicylic, &c., but the nature of the processes which give rise to them is not well ascertained. Certain decomposition products of cellulose may also be mentioned here. The lignin and suberin which are characteristic of woody and corky cell-walls arise in this way. During their formation, which takes place in the substance of the cell-wall, they can beremoved by appropriate solvents, leaving the cellulose skeleton which they have been gradually replacing. These differ from most of the substances described in that they can be produced in the walls of cells that have lost their protoplasm, so that their formation is not directly dependent on metabolism. We have again the odorous substances, and the colour- ing matters other than those already mentioned. Many colouring matters are products of the decomposition of chlorophyll, especially certain of those to which the autumnal tints of leaves are due. One of this group, xanthophyll, is a bright yellow pigment which is always associated with the chlorophyll, though in varying amount. We have finally in connection with the metabolic pro- cesses to touch upon the excretions of plants. The term must be used in a wide sense to include all such sub- stances as are undoubtedly withdrawn from the seats of active life, whether thrown off from the plant-body or not. The excreta which are completely eliminated are few ; under normal conditions only the carbon dioxide and water which are products of respiration can be specified. Under abnormal conditions volatile compounds of ammonia or ammonia itself may be added to these. But there are 272 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY certain other substances which are thrown off by a few plants, and may in them perhaps be regarded rather as secretions, as some of them subserve definite purposes. Perhaps the most frequently occurring instance of these is the sugary solution known as the nectar, which is so common in flowers, and which is poured out usually to serve as an attraction to insect visitors. Mineral matters such as calcium carbonate are in some cases excreted on to the surface of the leaf, sometimes by special glands, as in certain Saxifrages. In these the salt aids in the formation Fic. 127.— Crys- TALS OF CALCIUM OXALATE IN Fic, 126.—DEVELOPMENT oF LysIGENOUS GLAND IN Watt or CELL sTEM OF Hypericum. THE FOUR FIGURES REPRE- OF THE Bast OF SENT SUCCESSIVE STAGES. x 250. Ephedra. of a subsidiary water-absorbing apparatus, as will be men- tioned in a subsequent chapter. In most cases the materials which we are discussing are not thrown off from the plant, but are removed to parts which are not concerned in the vital processes to any very creat extent. Ethereal oils are found deposited in special cavities in leaves, stems, and other parts (fig. 126). Mineral matters are often deposited in the substance of cell-walls. The oxalate of calcium occurs frequently in this situation (fig. 127). In other cases it is deposited in special cells, where it forms clusters of crystals of charac- METABOLISM 273 teristic shape (fig. 182, a, 8). In these cases the cluster of erystals is usually invested by a delicate skin derived from the protoplasm, thus shutting it off completely from any participation in the metabolism of the cell in which it an Carbonate of calcium may also be deposited in the substance of the cell-wall, or of protrusions from it, as in the cystoliths of Ficus, Urtica, and other plants (fig. 129). Silica again is accumulated in the epidermis of many grasses, and of the horsetails (Hquisetwm). Though many of these substances, both excretions and bye-products, are of no value for nutrition, some of them Fic. 129.—SrEcTION or PorRTION oF Lear or Ficus, sHow- Fic. 128.—CrystaLs oF OXALATE OF ING CyYSTOLITH (cys) IN CaLciuM. A, FRoM Bret (Sphera- LARGE CELL OF THE THREE- phides); 8, FRom Anum (Raphides). LAYERED EPIDERMIS (ep) may play a very important part in the defence of plants against their natural enemies, their nauseous smell or flavour preventing their being eaten by animals, &c. Some odours and the nectar found in flowers are doubtless of great service in attracting insects, which assist in the process of cross-pollination, to be discussed in a subsequent chapter. Though we cannot trace the formation of all these various substances, both bye-products and _ excretions, directly to the self-decomposition of the protoplasm, but must regard them as formed partly by the processes of 18 a 274 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY oxidation and reduction, which we have seen are often associated with its activity, and partly by subsequent further decompositions of bodies originally thus formed, we can trace them ultimately to protoplasmic activity, and may consequently regard their formation as belonging to the katabolic processes going on in the organism. bo —_ cr CHAPTER XVIII THE ENERGY OF THE PLANT ‘Tae various operations which we have seen are continually going on in the body of the plant involve the execution of a considerable amount of work. ‘This is very evident when we observe only the enormous development of a large tree, and compare it with the relatively small seed from which it has sprung. Such a process of construction has involved the preparation of a vast quantity of highly complex material from very simple chemical substances. The pro- cesses incident to life also, though they may not lead directly to the formation of such substances, cannot be conducted without involving a considerable amount of work, whether the plant is a minute body consisting of a single protoplast, or an organism of a much higher degree of complexity. We must therefore turn our attention to the question of the supply and utilisation of the energy at the expense of which the various processes of life are carried out. At the outset it will be well to consider what demands for energy we find presented by the plant, or what are the Ways in which energy is expended or lost. Some of these have been incidentally alluded to in the preceding chapters, though we have not specially regarded them from this point of view. We may refer especially to the very great evaporation of water from the living cells into the intercellular spaces, which we have seen is in some cases supplemented by an evaporation from the general external surface, when this is not covered by any very distinct cuticle. It is evident that the great quantity of water which is given off by the leaves of a sunflower, to 276 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY which allusion has been made in an earlier chapter, cannot be evaporated without the expenditure of a considerable amount of energy, which presumably takes the form of heat. It has been computed recently that 98 per cent. of the energy of the rays of light which are absorbed by the chlorophyll is expended in causing this transpiration. The great accumulation of material which is so marked a feature of the life of a plant is the result of work which has been carried out in the plant on the simple substances which are absorbed. We may distinguish here between such products as are destined for immediate or ultimate consumption, and those which become incorporated into the actual substance of the plant. The accumulation of the latter is permanent, and the energy which is used in their construction is not subsequently made use of in the working of the organism. That it is stored, however, is evident from the fact that it can be re-converted into heat if the substance is burned. As we shall see later the pro- ducts which are ultimately consumed in the nutritive processes may be regarded as stores of energy as well as of nutritive material. In both cases, however, their construc- tion involves the expenditure of a considerable amount of energy before they assume their recognisable condition. Closely allied to these constructive processes we have the phenomena of repair and of growth. As we have not yet studied the latter process in detail, we may be content with pointing out that there are involved in it many changes of various substances, which call for the execution of considerable amounts of work, which in turn demand the expenditure of energy. Many organs carry out their erowth under conditions of pressure ; roots, for instance, often penetrating through stiff soils. Not only is energy necessary to produce the growth itself, but the pressure upon the growing organs must be counterbalanced by the internal forces they exhibit. Many of the humbler plants possess a considerable power of active movement or locomotion. Zoospores of THE ENERGY OF THE PLANT 277 many of the Algew and Fungi, and the antherozoids of most of the other Cryptogams effect this locomotion by means of cilia which wave to and fro vigorously in the water in which they find themselves. ‘The proportionate amount of energy which they expend in this way is very great com- pared with the total amount which they possess. Other movements which are not dependent upon ciliary action are not uncommon. The amceboid movements of the Myxomycetes or slime fungi, the rotation and circulation of the sap in many cells, the other internal movements of protoplasm, the hitherto unexplained movements of diatoms and the oscillations of certain filamentous Algae, illustrate these. All alike are dependent upon a certain expenditure of energy. The so-called movements of the growing parts of plants are frequently quoted in this connection. As we shall see hereafter, however, these are usually changes of position induced by variations in the processes of growth, and may rather be referred to expenditure of energy in connection with the latter than to actual movement. The movements of adult organs are also effected by causes which corre- spond in great measure to those which modify growth, being generally brought about by such variations in the turgescence of particular cells or groups of cells as those upon which we shall see growth largely depends. In this sense they are to be associated with modifications of the hydrostatic tensions in the parts concerned. A certain amount of expenditure of energy in the cells concerned is, however, most probable, though it is uncertain how far such changes as modify the resistance of the protoplasm to the passage of water through it involve the application of energy. The establishment and maintenance of the turgid condition, due to the hydrostatic distension of the extensible cell-wall, also demands the expenditure of energy. We have instances of what we may call the passive escape of energy in the shape of heat, and to a less extent in the manifestation of the phenomena of so-called phos- 278 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY phorescence. Heat is lost to the plant in many ways, one of which, the evaporation of the water of transpiration, has already been mentioned. Another almost equally important source of loss is radiation from the general surface. This is greatest from flattened members of the plant, such as leaves. The temperature of the plant is very largely influenced by that of the air, and no doubt interchanges of heat take place in both directions. But it must not be concluded that the temperature of the plant and that of the air always vary together. On the contrary, radiation under some conditions may go on until the plant is several degrees colder than the surrounding air. ‘This is probably the explanation of the ready formation of dew and hoar frost on the surfaces of leaves at certain seasons of the year. It is quite of frequent occurrence again that a plant or part of a plant may have a much higher temperature than the air, and hence a copious radiation may take place. During the processes of germination the temperature of the seed may be as much as 20° C. above that of the air. The opening of flower buds is also attended by the attaimment of a high temperature and a consequent escape of heat. If we turn again to plants with a watery environment, the loss of heat may be observed under appropriate con- ditions. It is well known that the processes of alcoholic fermentation provoked by the yeast-plant are attended by the liberation of heat, which is given off by the active cells, and causes a considerable rise of temperature in the fermenting liquid. We may infer also from a consideration of the various processes we have studied, and from the fact that they are carried out most advantageously within a certain relatively small range of temperature, that the maintenance of such a temperature is a great desideratum to the plant. There is not a very complete mechanism in the plant to secure this object, for the organism generally becomes of about the same temperature as the medium in which it grows, though NE THE ENERGY OF THE PLANT 279 the process of adjustment is often very slow, the tissues being generally very poor conductors of heat. Still it seems not improbable that a certain amount of energy is devoted to the attainment of the range which is most suit- able for the vital processes. Though the dominating factor in the determination of the plant’s temperature is to be looked for in the environment, the development of heat during germination and while the flower-bud is opening is an indication that it is not the only one. A fuller consideration of the relations of the plant to heat must be deferred to a subsequent chapter. The evolution of light by plants is a comparatively rare phenomenon, being probably confined to certain Fungi, though it has been attributed also to a few species of Algw. It must call, however, for a certain expenditure of energy in such cases as have been authenticated. If we turn now to consider the sources of the plant’s energy, it is evident that they must be in the first instance of external origin. The radiant energy of the sun indeed is the only possible source which can supply it to normal green plants. The question of the absorption of this energy has already been incidentally alluded to when we discussed the chlorophyll apparatus, but it may now be examined more closely. The rays which emanate from the sun are generally alluded to as falling into three categories, those of the visible spectrum, those of the infra-red, and those of the ultra-violet. The second of these are frequently spoken of as heat rays, and the last as chemical. The greatest absorption of energy appears to take place in consequence of the peculiarities of chlorophyll. As we have seen, this substance, whether in the plant or when in solution in various media, absorbs a large number of rays in the red and in the blue and violet regions of the spectrum, together with a few others in the yellow and the green. The solar spectrum after the light has passed through 250 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY a solution of chlorophyll is seen to be robbed of rays in these regions, and hence to present the appearance of a band of the different colours crossed by several dark bands fig. 130). The greater part of the energy so obtained in the cells which contain the chloroplasts is at once expended, partly in constructing carbohydrate food materials and partly in evaporating the water of transpiration. The latter process is much the more expensive; recent observations have made it probable that 98 per cent. of the radiant Bc D Es Fr G It Vv Vv WwW wz Fic. 130—AxBsonPprion SpecrEs oF CHLOROPHYLL AND X4aNTHOPHIYLL. fier Kraus. energy actually absorbed during bright sunshine is at once devoted to this purpose. When we speak of radiant energy we must remember that the rays of the visible spectrum do not supply all the energy which the plant obtains. It has been suggested by ‘several botanists with considerable plausibility that the ultra-violet or chemical rays can be absorbed and utilised by the protoplasm without the intervention of any pigment such as chlorophyll. There is some evidence pomting to this power in the cells of the higher plants. Certam bacteria also construct organic material from simple com- pounds of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, though it is not probable that they utilise radiant energy directly. THE ENERGY OF THE PLANT 281 Finally we have evidence of the power of plants to avail themselves of the heat rays. The relations existing between the organism and its environment have already been mentioned. Not only can the air rob the plant of heat by radiation, but when its own temperature is high it can communicate heat to it in turn. Leaves have been proved to absorb heat with great avidity, particularly those which are succulent or fleshy, a difference of more than 20° C. having been noted between their temperature and that of the air. The direct absorption of the rays of heat from the sun has also been noted, apart from the tempera- ture of the air through which the rays were passing. The supply of radiant energy is very much in excess of the amount which is needed for the internal work. Indeed its absorption by the leaves would be a source of consider- able danger to the plant were it not for the cooling effect of transpiration, which we have seen dissipates 98 per cent. of it during bright sunshine. No doubt this dissipation is one of the chief benefits secured by transpiration. It is evident, however, that in the general economy of the plant something further must be at work in connec- tion with the supply of energy. The absorption of these external forms must take place at the exterior of the plant, while many of the processes of expenditure are carried out in parts which are more or less deep-seated. We are obliged to turn our attention, therefore, in this connection as in that of the construction and utilisation of food, to processes of accumulation, distribution, and economy. We may ask ourselves what is the immediate fate of the energy absorbed. It enters the plant in what is known as the kinetic form. A very considerable part of the kinetic energy of the sun’s rays, we have already seen, is devoted at once to the evaporation of the water of transpira- tion, but some of it is employed by the chloroplasts to con- struct some form of carbohydrate. The energy so applied can be again set free by the decomposition of this formed material. If the latter were burned its combustion would 282 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY be attended by the evolution of a certain definite amount of heat. This heat would represent the energy that had been applied to the construction of the material so burned. Any accumulation of material in the body of the plant represents, therefore, not only a gain of weight or substance, but a storage of energy. This has disappeared from observation during the constructive processes, but can be liberated again during their decomposition and applied to other purposes. Energy which has thus been accumulated and stored is known as potential energy, to distinguish it from the actual or kinetic energy originally absorbed. The formation of material in the plant, therefore, involves a storage of energy in the potential form, and wherever such material is found there is in it an amount of energy which can be liberated with a view to utilisation at any point to which the material has been transferred. The translocation of material, therefore, involves also a distribu- tion of the energy which, originally absorbed as the kinetic energy of light or heat, has been applied to constructive processes, and has consequently been made potential. Those exceptional plants which absorb elaborated food from their evironment have a source of energy therein. This food is a store of potential energy which is absorbed as such, and made kinetic subsequently. The salts ab- sorbed by all plants from the soil also represent a certain, though very small amount of potential energy. It is this potential energy on which the plant depends for the various processes which go on in such cells as are not the recipients of external kinetic energy. Even in the cells which absorb the latter a certain amount of potential energy also is present, which represents what has been stored by them in the constructive processes they carry out, or has reached them in the shape of complex materials formed originally in other cells. It is mainly on this store that not only the whole organism but every cell depends for the execution of its vital processes. Hach cell is a seat of the liberation of THE ENERGY OF THE PLANT 283 this potential energy, or its conversion into the kinetic form, during the decompositions which take place within it. The protoplasm itself contains a store of such potential energy. We have seen that it can only be constructed at the expense of food supplied to it. The formation of the protoplasm which follows the supply of food to the cell involves work, and the energy so used is partly changed from the kinetic to the potential condition. When the protoplasm undergoes what We have called its self- decomposition, which is continually taking place, a certain amount of this potential energy is liberated and can be observed and measured in various ways. When destruc- tive metabolism is active we have already noticed that there is usually a rise of temperature, as in the pro- cesses of the germination of seeds. A certain amount of the liberated potential energy in this case manifests itself in the form of heat. A vegetable cell which obtains no direct radiant energy from without can consequently obtain the energy it needs from within itself, by setting up decomposition either of its own substance or of certain materials which have been accumulated within it. The supply of elaborated material to a cell and that of available potential energy within it are not, however, exactly equivalent. A certain part of the transported material is devoted to the maintenance of the fabric of the cell. The protoplasm in a growing cell is permanently increased ; frequently its cell-wall is permanently thickened. In these cases the whole of such material is not subjected to sub- sequent decomposition, but much remains unchanged during the plant’s life. The cell is consequently never found to be capable of giving up to the plant of which it is a member the whole of the potential energy which reaches it. If we consider the round of the metabolic changes which take place in such a cell, we find that energy is absorbed to construct its substance, and that as the latter undergoes self-decomposition energy is again liberated. But a certain part of what is supplied to it is permanently 284 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY retained in potential form, and hence every cell is depen- dent for the maintenance of its energy upon a constant supply of complex material, whose subsequent decomposi- tions will replace the amount of energy which has been utilised in the permanent increase of its substance. The translocation of constructed materials which we have already considered must be regarded, therefore, not only as furnishing the materials for nutrition and growth, but also as carrying or distributing throughout the plant- body the kinetic energy absorbed as light or heat by the cells to which these forces are originally supplied. The chloro- phyll apparatus is an important piece of mechanism for the accumulation of energy which is subsequently distri- buted and utilised wherever need arises for it. This is true also of all cells which have the power of absorbing kinetic energy in any form. ‘The absorption and fixation of energy involved in the photosynthetic processes carried out by the chlorophyll apparatus can be easily observed, and the immediate fate of such energy can be readily determined. The accumu- lation of the energy of heat is not so easy to trace, but there is no doubt that it proceeds along similar lines. Part of it can travel as kinetic energy, as heat is slowly conducted along the tissues of the plant, but ultimately some at any rate becomes potential. | We see, therefore, that wherever any substance that has been manufactured by the plant is stored in a cell, that cell is thereby put in possession of a certain amount of potential energy corresponding to the quantity of such stored material. Even the living substance itself may be looked upon as a further store of energy, as it can liberate it by its own decomposition. Each cell is thus supplied through the general activities of the whole plant not only with the food it needs for its nutrition, but also with the energy required for carrying out its vital processes. The ultimate utilisation of the stored energy is consequently a process which must be THE ENERGY OF THE PLANT 285 studied by a close scrutiny of the internal work of the cell itself. The transformation of potential into kinetic energy is associated with decomposition just as the converse process is bound up with construction. Destructive metabolism in the cell is then the means by which its energy is made available. We have seen that the processes of this kata- bolism go on in the interior of each cell. Hach liberates at least as much energy as it requires for the maintenance of its life and the discharge of its particular functions. The processes associated with the utilisation of the stored energy are, then, chemical decompositions in which various constituents of the cell are involved. We may divide them into two series, in the first of which the protoplasm itself takes part, and which comprise the pro- cesses in which its own breaking down takes place. In the second series it effects the splitting up of other bodies without a necessary disruption of its own molecules. The first of these two series involves the phenomena of respiration, to which we must now turn our attention. Of the gaseous interchanges which were mentioned in a former chapter as characteristic of living protoplasts, the most widespread is that which is marked by the absorp- tion of oxygen. With the exception of a few of the lowlier organisms, all of which are members of the group of Fungi, every living protoplast must be constantly absorb- ing this gas in order not only that its vital activities may continue to be discharged, but that its life itself may be maintained. Withdrawal of oxygen from the environment of the protoplast is after a longer or shorter interval followed by its death. It is true that under certain con- ditions which we shall discuss in a subsequent chapter the interval may be prolonged, but death ultimately ensues. This absorption of oxygen is in most cases associated with an exhalation of carbon dioxide, which is generally given off in a volume approximately equal to that of the 286 + VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY oxygen taken in. It is always accompanied or followed by the formation of a certain amount of watery vapour. The universality of this process is not always easy to demonstrate. It can be ascertained without difficulty in the case of almost all animal organisms, and of such of the vegetable ones as possess no chlorophyll. In the case of those plants which are green, however, there is, as we have seen in a preceding chapter, a converse gaseous interchange occurring so long as the green parts are exposed to sunlight, carbon dioxide being absorbed and decomposed, and an equal amount of oxygen exhaled. This interchange is usually more vigorous than the first one, and the latter is therefore difficult of detection under conditions which allow both to take place simultaneously. Ths absorption of oxygen can be easily observed in the case of a large fungus, such as a mushroom. If one of these plants be placed in a closed receiver containing air, and left there for several hours, at the conclusion of the experiment the mixture of gases in the receiver will be found to be almost devoid of oxygen, that which was there orginally having disappeared. An almost equal amount of carbon dioxide will be found to have replaced it, so that the volume of gas in the receiver will be unaltered. It is possible to devise an experiment which will show that a green plant has the same absorbing power. If the light is excluded from one placed in a similar vessel, no evolution of oxygen will take place from it, and that the oxygen present in the air at the commencement of the observation will diminish to the point of extine- tion can be made evident, just as in the case of the mush- room. We have evidence, however, that this is not caused by the exclusion of the light, but that the gaseous inter- change in question proceeds in the light as well as in darkness. An apparatus which was originally devised by Garreau, and which can be easily arranged to show the - oo absorption of oxygen, even when a green plant is exposed RESPIRATION 287 to a bright sunlight, is shown in fig. 131. It consists of a glass vessel which can be closed by a cork through which a bent glass tube of small calibre is passed. The tube is carried over and made to dip into a small dish containing mercury. The bottom of the vessel is covered with finely broken glass, upon which is poured a strong solution of caustic potash. Above the latter, supported by the glass so as not to be in contact with the alkali, is placed the plant to be examined. Watercress or any other herbaceous plant will answer very well. The potash will absorb the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere originally admitted, as well as whatever quantity of this gas is given off during the experiment. As the experiment progresses the temperature must be kept con- stant, when the mercury will be found to rise slowly and gradually in the small glass tube, indicating a diminution of the volume of the air in the flask. If the experi- ment is continued till the mercury ceases to rise in the tube, and the gas remaining in the vessel is measured at the ordinary at- mospheric pressure, and at the temperature at which the expe- : ; ; Fic. 131.—APpaRATUS TO SHOW riment was started, it will be vse Assorption or OxyGEN found that its volume has been ”” * C®®=S PPANT diminished by about twenty per cent., and that what is left consists of nitrogen. The oxygen will have been completely removed by the green plant, even when the apparatus is left exposed to the sunlight during the daytime. If the caustic potash is examined, it will be found to have gained considerably in weight, and to contain a quantity of car- bonate of potassium, derived necessarily from the plant during the experiment. The weight of this will enable the _ volume of the evolved carbon dioxide to be ascertained. There will have been proceeding during the experiment an 288 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY absorption of oxygen, attended as before by an exhalation of carbon dioxide, the latter having combined with the potash. The evolution of carbon dioxide by the plant can be more easily demonstrated by the use of the apparatus shown in fig. 1382. ‘The jar ain the centre contains the plant to be examined, which may preferably be represented by a number of germinating peas. It is closed by a cork, which is perforated in two places. Into one hole a tube is inserted which passes to the bottom of the jar, and serves for the admission of air. An outlet tube passes through Fic. 132. —APPARATUS TO SHOW THE EXHALATION OF CARBON DIOXIDE BY GERMINATING SEEDS. THE AIR ENTERS THROUGH THE TUBE ON THE LEFT} ITS CARBON DIOXIDE IS ABSORBED BY THE POTASH IN F, Iv PASSES THROUGH A, IN WHICH THE SEEDS ARE PLACED, AND THE CARBON DIOXIDE GENERATED THERE IS CARRIED OVER INTO C, WHERE IT IS PRECIPITATED BY THE BARYTA WATER. the other hole from the upper part of the jar, and leads to another jar, c, which is partially filled with baryta water. The final outlet from c can be attached to an aspirator by which a stream of air can be drawn through the apparatus. Before the incoming air reaches the jar 4 it is made to pass through another jar, r, containing a solution of caustic potash which frees it from all traces of carbon dioxide. To ascertain that this is secured, it passes next through ajar B which contains baryta water. A stream of air is then passed slowly and continuously through the whole apparatus, and as it bubbles through the baryta water in c it causes the formation of a white precipitate, which RESPIRATION 289 analysis shows to be barium carbonate. The formation of this body proves the exhalation of carbon dioxide by the seeds, as the entering air contains none. By separating and weighing the barium carbonate precipitated in co, the amount of the gas evolved in a definite time may easily be ascertained. If the tubes between Bp and a and a and c be cut and joined by a narrow india-rubber pipe which can be com- pressed by a metal clip, the jar 4 can be isolated and the carbon dioxide allowed to accumulate in it. These two processes, the absorption of oxygen and the exhalation of carbon dioxide, are characteristic of what is known as respiration. As already stated, it is a normal process of the life of almost all protoplasm, and is con- tinually going on so long as life lasts, although it is not easily observed while the converse process, the absorption and decomposition of carbon dioxide, is proceeding, accom- panied by the exhalation of oxygen. It is frequently said that during daylight the process of the respiration of a green plant is masked by that of carbon dioxide decom- position. To put this statement into somewhat different terms, the carbon dioxide which is liberated in the course of respiration by the green plant, and which is in com- paratively small amount, is re-absorbed by the green parts of the cells, and undergoes the same decomposition as that which is brought to the plant by the surrounding air. It thus escapes observation unless special means, such as those detailed, are adopted to bring it into evidence. The respiratory processes are easily observed in the case of all plants, and parts of plants, that are not green, as there are in such cases no gaseous interchanges that would interfere with their manifestation. If a plant be carefully weighed at the commencement and at the end of such an experiment as has been described, it will be found to have lost weight during its stay in the receiver, so that respiration is associated with a loss of weight to the plant. This may readily be inferred from 19 290 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY the fact that the oxygen absorbed and the carbon dioxide exhaled are approximately equal in volume, carbon dioxide being perceptibly heavier than oxygen. Besides the carbon dioxide, however, there is always also a certain exhalation of watery vapour, which takes place quite independently of any supply from the root or the cut end of the stem. ‘The nature of the metabolism, or the vital processes, is such that the living substance gives off both water and carbon dioxide, while it coincidently absorbs oxygen. ‘This is quite independent of any constructive processes, for it can be observed when no nutritive material of any kind is supplied to the plant. ) Though respiration is constantly proceeding wherever living substance is found, the activity of the process is by no means uniform. With care it can be detected in such quiescent parts of plants as resting seeds, or buds during their winter suspension of development, but in such cases the gaseous interchange is reduced to a mini- mum. In growing shoots or germinating seeds in which vital processes such as the growth of protoplasm are going on rapidly, and life is very active, it reaches a maximum. In ordinary adult leaves and branches the activity of respiration is intermediate between the other two condi- - tions. It is more intense, again, in the floral organs during the time of their maturation. We may say in general terms, wherever protoplasm is abundant, and the chemical processes connected with the manifestation of its life are going on most vigorously, there respiration is most active. It is connected especially with the vital processes, and is not associated directly with the presence of food materials. A proof of this is afforded by an estimation of the activity of respiration in seedlings, which, in the case of wheat, has been found to increase steadily for about a fortnight, and then to decline. Further evidence is afforded by the fact that if seeds are thoroughly dried they do not respire. In this condition the protoplasm is completely quiescent, so far as we can ascertain. If, however, only a little water is RESPIRATION 291 supplied to them, which, as we have seen in an earlier chapter, is a condition necessary to set up changes in the protoplasm, respiration commences, and increases as the proportion of water present rises up to a certain limit. When the respiratory processes are carefully measured and compared with the weight of the organism, it is found that under appropriate conditions they are more intense in plants than even in warm-blooded animals. Therespiratory activity is as great in many seedlings as it is in the human body, provided that both are maintained at the same temperature. There is, however, a very great variability in this respect, and the maximum activity is never maintained very long in any particular plant. As maturity succeeds to development its amount falls materially, being marked at or near the original rate only in the regions of the active meristems. All seedlings, again, are not alike in the vigour with which they carry on their respiratory processes. We may pass on to inquire what is the relation between the absorption of oxygen and the formation and elimination of carbon dioxide and water. It is conceivable that the oxygen may unite in the plant with carbon and with hydrogen to produce at once the exhaled compounds. A study of the living organism at work, however, soon shows us that the process is not of this simple nature. We have said, in the course of what has already been advanced, that the amount of the carbon dioxide exhaled and that of the oxygen absorbed are approximately equal. This, however, is only true within certain limits; if each is measured accurately, they are not found to show an exact correspon- dence. The ratio Co,:O is usually spoken of as the ‘respiratory quotient. When the two processes are equal the value of the respiratory quotient is unity; when the arbon dioxide is in excess it is greater, and when the oxygen is in largest amount it is less, than unity. The respiratory quotient has been found to vary to a greater or less extent in different plants, and in the same plant under 292 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY different conditions. If its value is determined in the case of germinating seeds, these differences are soon evident. With starchy seeds the quotient is unity; with oily seeds it is much lower. ‘That is, in the former case the seeds absorb a volume of oxygen equal to that of the carbon dioxide they exhale ; in the latter case they take up more. Various observers have shown that in certain cases succulent leaves, such as those of the Agave or of particular plants belonging to the Saxifragacee and the Crassulacea, or again the phylloclades of Opwntia, one of the Cactacea, are capable of absorbing oxygen without the simultaneous exhalation of carbon dioxide. Nor is the oxygen absorbed in these cases any more than it is in others without enter- ing into some form of chemical combination, for it cannot be extracted by the air-pump. The latter also fails to extract any carbon dioxide from the plants. The oxygen enters the plant, and is in some way fixed or combined ; the other process which usually accompanies this absorp- tion does not take place, the carbon dioxide not only not being exhaled, but apparently not even formed. Conversely, carbon dioxide may be given off from a plant without any simultaneous or even antecedent absorp- tion of oxygen. When a seed is made to germinate in a vacuum over a column of mercury, carbon dioxide is found to be liberated. Ripe fruits have been found to give off this gas in an atmosphere quite devoid of oxygen. Too much stress must not, however, be laid upon these latter observations, as we have certain evidence which points to a different mode of formation of the carbon dioxide in the presence and in the absence of oxygen respectively. Again, it is found that the respiratory quotient varies according to the temperature at which the observations are made. Evidently the two processes are not directly dependent upon each other. In making the estimation of the respiratoty inter- changes we are apt to lose sight of a fact to which atten- RESPIRATION 293 tion has already been called, viz. that carbon dioxide is not the only respiratory exhalation. ‘The watery vapour which accompanies it must also be accounted for. On the hypothesis of the direct oxidation of carbon and hydrogen, if the volume of carbon dioxide is equivalent to that of the oxygen, there cannot have been the absorption of sufficient of the latter to unite with hydrogen to form the water. Even when the respiratory quotient is less than unity, the same consideration has a certain value. The idea of such direct oxidation cannot, therefore, be accepted. It is evident from the foregoing considerations that the vital activity of the protoplasts is somehow associated with the two factors in the gaseous interchange. In the absence of oxygen this vital activity gradually ceases, the living substance being in fact slowly stifled or asphyxiated. During its life one of the manifestations of its vitality is the formation and exhalation of two fairly simple com- pounds, carbon dioxide and water. To ascertain what is the true relation of the two processes, it is necessary to look closely at the nature of the chemical changes going on in the protoplasm itself, or what is usually spoken of as its metabolism. Respiration in the strict sense is therefore a process going on in the living substance itself. The gaseous inter- change observed is the expression of the beginning and the end of a series of complex changes in which the molecules of the living substance are involved. The details of the absorption of the oxygen of the plant from its environment, and its presentation to the protoplasm, together with those of the ultimate exhalation of the carbon dioxide and water from the plant-body, should be regarded rather as belonging to the mechanism of respiration than to respiration itself, which is a function of the living substance only. The former corresponds to the entry of the oxygen into the lungs of an air-breathing mammal, and its transport to the tissues, together with the return of the carbon dioxide and water therefrom ; the latter is strictly comparable to the changes 294 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY taking place in those tissues after the entry of the oxygen into them. The variation of the respiratory quotient which we noticed in starchy and oily seeds respectively points to a varied metabolism, according to the nature of the food supplied to the living substance. We see, then, that the two processes are not immediately connected in the sense of the carbon dioxide and water coming at once from the direct oxidation of carbon and hydrogen, but that they are ultimately associated there can be no doubt, though they are separated in time by a series of chemical changes taking place in the living substance. This ultimate association is shown by the fact that, if the access of oxygen to a plant is prevented, after a longer or shorter period the exhalation of carbon dioxide ceases. To get a true view of the nature of the process of respiration we must therefore turn our attention to the metabolic changes which are taking place normally in the living substance. From the instability which we have noticed in the protoplasmic material, we can infer that its own molecules are in a constant state of decomposition and reconstruction, new material being incorporated and certain other substances cast off. Besides these, we are probably not wrong in concluding that other changes also take place in the various substances which are contained in it, into which its own molecules do not enter. Pro- cesses of slow oxidation and gradual reduction are taking place there continually, excited, however, in all probability by the changes in the protoplasm itself. We shall discuss these later, but for the present we may say that they are by no means simple, and the direct oxidation of either carbon or hydrogen has probably no place among them. An instance of them may be seen in the oxidation of alcohol in the cells of Mycodermi aceti, a fungus which converts alcohol into acetic acid. This process, into which the molecule of protoplasm apparently does not enter, can hee = RESPIRATION 295 only go on in the living cell. Other similar instances could be quoted. The probable course of events in respiration is that the oxygen in some way unites with the protoplasm, rendering it unstable, and initiating a series of decompositions which result in the successive formation of many bodies of less complex composition, each successive decomposition pro- ducing simpler ones, till finally carbon dioxide and water are formed. Simultaneously, reconstruction of the protoplasm goes on, many of these residues being in whole or in great part built up again into its substance, together with new material supplied to it in the shape of food. If the temperature is low, the breaking down of the protoplasm proceeds but slowly, and reconstruction is rapid, so that under these conditions the quantity of oxygen absorbed or fixed as intramolecular oxygen by the protoplasm is sreater than the quantity of carbon dioxide formed by its decomposition. Ata higher temperature decomposition is much more easily carried on, and its products are more numerous and simpler. The decomposition and recom- position go on side by side, simpler bodies being gradually produced, either by their splitting from the protoplasm directly, or by their being formed at the expense of the more complex decomposition-products during processes of slow oxidation in the substance of the protoplasm, till finally a certain production of carbon dioxide and water is arrived at. So long as the protoplasm remains alive the amount of these is relatively small, reconstruction con- tinually taking place. When, however, the protoplasm dies, simple bodies, such as carbon dioxide, water, and possibly ammonia, in addition, are produced abundantly from the decomposition which attends its death. If the self-decomposition of protoplasm during life involved such a splitting-up as would lead to the formation of nothing but these, nearly all the potential energy of the cell would be liberated. We have seen, however, that this is not the case, but that a good deal of the energy set free 296 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY is employed in the reconstruction of the protoplasm from these products and the new food supplied. As, however, the final result is the formation of a certain quantity of the simpler bodies mentioned, there is always a balance of energy set free. The carbon dioxide is thus the final term in a series of decompositions, of which the living substance is the seat and into which it may actually enter, the decompositions themselves being promoted by the access of oxygen. In some cases, such as those of the succulent leaves of the Crassulacee and the tissues of the Cactus already alluded to, this final term is not reached, no carbon dioxide being exhaled. We have no reason to think that in these cases a fundamentally different series of changes is set up. De Saussure found that a piece of stem of Opuntia absorbed a quantity of oxygen, which could not be extracted from it by the air-pump. The fate of this oxygen must have been similar to that which is absorbed by other plants ; it must have entered into some form of combination, probably with the living substance. The resulting decompositions, though taking at first the same course as in other cases, did not go so far. Instead of the liberation of carbon dioxide, there was found a considerable increase in the amount of certain organic acids, chiefly malic and oxalic acids, which remained in the cells, and which probably represented the ultimate products of the decomposi- tions. Though respiration is always proceeding wherever there is living protoplasm, the activity of the process is modified by different physical conditions. Of these, temperature is one of the most important. There is a lower limit, beyond which it appears to be suspended, though life is not destroyed. ‘This limit varies in different plants, but is generally one or two degrees below the freezing point of water. In a few cases, such as Conifers and Lichens, it may even be -10° C., but this is rare. As the temperature rises from this minimum point, the RESPIRATION 297 activity of respiration increases up to a certain optimum point, which is usually not well defined, and which varies considerably in different plants. If the temperature is raised only a little higher than this, the living substance is rapidly injured, and its respiration is checked. Variations in temperature do not affect equally the absorption of oxygen and the exhalation of carbon dioxide. At low temperatures the latter is smaller than the former ; at high ones the reverse is the case. The effect of light upon respiration is not very marked and is probably indirect. Plants which grow in shady spots usually manifest less respiratory activity than similar ones growing in bright sunlight, but this may be the result of the difference in the amount of nutritive material they obtain, which is incident to the difference in their situation. As we shall see in a subsequent chapter, light has a very marked influence on the metabolic pro- cesses, and its indirect effects may be very far-reaching. Respiration is considerably affected by variations in the amount of oxygen which the environment of the plant contains. The protoplasts can absorb even the last traces of the gas which reach them, but a certain amount is necessary for them to maintain a healthy condition. Great variations are not usually met with, but on the summits of high mountains there is much less available for them than at the sea-level. If the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere from any cause falls below about 5 per cent., respiration is seriously impeded. Similarly plants cannot thrive in the presence of too great an amount. When the pressure of the gas attains the amount of twenty to thirty atmospheres, respiration becomes very difficult and after a short time ceases, and death ensues. The process of respiration is also affected to a consider- able extent by the nature of the substances which serve as nutritive material for the reconstruction of the protoplasm. It has already been pointed out that seeds containing oil absorb more oxygen during germination than those which 298 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY contain principally starch. Fungi which are fed with car- bon-compounds that contain relatively little oxygen give off relatively less carbon dioxide than others which are supplied with food containing a large percentage of this constituent. Organs which contain much protein matter respire more copiously than others which contain but little. The nature of the inorganic salts absorbed also influences the process to a certain extent, though probably these only act indirectly. Respiration is thus to be looked upon as a process very largely connected with the utilisation of the store of energy which each cell possesses, and to be perhaps primarily concerned in the transformation of that energy from the potential to the kinetic form. The oxygen appears to be necessary mainly for the purpose of exciting those decom- positions of the protoplasm which are so dependent upon its instability. It is not, however, certain that this is the only part it plays. It is possible that some of the products of the protoplasmic disruption are oxidisable substances, and that to a certain extent a direct oxidation of them takes place. There is undoubtedly some evidence pointing in that direction. We have, besides the true respiratory processes, a second series of chemical decompositions going on in plants, pro- | bably in many cases closely allied to those of the first, if not inseparable from them, but differing in that the self- decomposition of protoplasm is not necessarily involved. We have seen already that many processes of oxidation and reduction are probably always taking place among the sub- stances which are in solution in the water with which the cytoplasm is saturated. Besides these, other changes take place in which no oxidation is involved, and this whether oxygen is present or not. If the access of oxygen to a protoplast is interfered with, its normal respiration soon ceases, but very frequently other changes supervene, involv- ing decompositions of a different character, which yield, at any rate for a time, the energy required for life. RESPIRATION 299 Turning from the question of respiration to study other changes which subserve a similar purpose with regard to the local supply of energy, we may first examine such processes as are oxidative. In them all we cannot fail to mark the activity of the protoplasm in carrying them out. The living substance does not, however, act as a general oxidising agent, but different protoplasts possess specific powers. Certain micro-organisms can cause the oxidation of ammonia and the consequent formation of a nitrite ; others can convert the nitrite into a nitrate, but neither can do the work of the other. Others have not such limited powers ; a certain bacterium can cause the oxidation of alcohol to acetic acid, and after the exhaustion of what alcohol may be present, can further oxidise the acetic acid to carbon dioxide and water. The exact way in which the protoplasm acts as a carrier of the oxygen without apparently undergoing decomposition is very obscure. It may perhaps combine with the oxygen and pass it on to these oxidisable substances, acting as a carrier only. It has recently been found that besides exerting a direct oxidative power, protoplasm can secrete an enzyme, or perhaps a variety of enzymes, each with a special peculiarity, through whose instrumentality the oxidation is effected. These enzymes have been termed oxidases, and they are probably widespread in the vegetable kingdom. A dis- cussion of their peculiarities would be beyond the scope of this volume, but we may call attention to their general features. The first one discovered is known as laccase; it has a very wide distribution, occurring in the roots, stems, and leaves of various plants, and in a very large number of fungi. . It appears to oxidise various constituents of plants, but particularly the colouring matters. Another, known as tyrosinase, occurs in other fungi, and oxidises chiefly tyrosin. Others oxidise various colouring matters, together with tannin. Many very complex disturbances set in when a normally 300 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY respiring plant is cut off from a supply of oxygen. Death does not immediately supervene, as might almost be expected. Instead, the partial asphyxiation or suffocation stimulates the protoplasm to set up a new, and perhaps supplementary, series of decompositions, resulting in the liberation of energy, as do those of the respiratory process. We have already noticed that under such circumstances the exhaling stream of carbon dioxide can still be observed. This led originally to the view that the protoplasm excited these decompositions of some complex substance in the cell to obtain oxygen from it, which should replace the oxygen whose access had been stopped. ‘The ultimate changes were accordingly held to go on with but slight interruption, but the source of the oxygen taking part in them was different. On this account the process was termed intra- molecular respiration. The term is rather an unfortunate one, for, as we have seen, the study of the ordinary respira- - tory processes has shown that the molecule of the living substance is the seat of the changes they involve, and hence that all respiration is intra-molecular. Moreover if the object of the decomposition is to provide oxygen to replace that which has been cut off, these transformations precede the actual respiration, which must then be set up as soon as the oxygen is liberated as suggested. Many botanists now prefer to speak of decompositions taking place in the absence of a supply of free oxygen as anaerobic resprration. They thus include as respiratory changes all the decomposi- tions primarily intended to liberate energy, and divide them into those which are aerobic or dependent on oxygen, and those which are anaerobic. The latter need not involve the co-operation of oxygen in the disruption of the molecule. The object sought is energy and not oxygen. It is uncertain how far the self-decomposition of proto- plasm is concerned in these anaerobic respiratory processes. Probably not to any great extent; it is more likely that it secures the decomposition of other substances without being itself materially used up. Such a course would be much FERMENTATION 301 the more economical, not involving the consumption of much energy in reconstructive processes. ‘This cannot, however, be regarded as finally established. The substance which seems most readily available for this purpose is sugar. Under the conditions mentioned it becomes decomposed or broken up entirely, the resulting products being carbon dioxide and alcohol. The process of alcohol-formation which was for so long a time associated exclusively with the word fermentation, was first observed in connection with the life of the yeast-plant. It has, how- ever, since been ascertained to be much more widespread, and to be indeed the most common of the anaerobic respiratory processes. In cases where the metabolic activities are very great, as in germinating peas, we find this process supplements the ordinary respiration, for alcohol can be detected in their cells in small quantities. The same thing has been noticed in the leaves of the vine. We must suppose here that the amount of oxygen absorbed is insufficient for their requirements, and that partial asphyxiation results. Till quite recently it was held that alcoholic fermenta- tion was conducted exclusively by the activity of the proto- plasm of the cells in which it was observed. It has been ascertained, however, that it may also be caused by the action of an enzyme, which is secreted under conditions of incipient asphyxiation by many cells, and which is formed in the yeast-plant even in the absence of such stimulus. Though the term ‘ fermentation’ was originally applied and confined to the formation of alcohol, it is now usual to extend it far more widely. Many other processes of similar nature have been discovered, nearly all of which at first were found to be carried out through the agency of microbes or higher fungi. Hence the meaning of the term has been extended to include them, and the organisms themselves have been called ferments. As, however, these processes have come to be recognised as normal in many of the higher plants, and to be carried out in them by the protoplasm of 302 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY particular cells, this peculiarity is seen not to be special to the microbes and the fungi. The idea was soon transferred to the protoplasm in general, and this property of setting up anaerobic decomposition has become known as its Fermentative power. ‘The very similar processes set up through the enzymes which we have discussed in connection with digestion show us another manifestation of the same fermentative power. All these processes can therefore be classed under the one term fermentation. We have seen that all the katabolic changes in which the self-decompo- sition of the protoplasm is not directly involved may be carried out either by the intervention of the living substance itself or an enzyme secreted by it. The oxidation of various matters is in some cases confined to the substance of the protoplasm itself, and is in others carried out in its vacuoles by an oxidase ; alcoholic fermentation is In some cells a matter initiated and carried on by their protoplasm, and in others is due to the enzyme secreted by them. The digestive changes can similarly be conducted by enzymes or by the living substance without their intervention. We must not, however, include all digestive fermenta- tive changes among anaerobic respiratory phenomena, if such inclusion involves the acceptance of the view that this is their primary purpose. Though they do effect the conversion of potential into kinetic energy, this is wholly subsidiary to their function in connection with the nutrition of the plant. We have seen that in the processes of germination the energy they liberate is so far in excess of the requirements of the cells that a large amount escapes in the form of heat. For them to work indeed there must be an initial supply of energy, which is pro- bably supplied to them in a similar form, for at 0° C. they are incapable of effecting any decompositions. We must not suppose that anaerobic respiration is capable permanently of taking the place of the normal aerobic process. Though the stoppage of oxygen can be to a certain extent compensated for, the vital mechanism eee FERMENTATION 303 gradually becomes exhausted, and life ceases if the cessa- tion of the supply is prolonged. In the higher plants anaerobic is at the best only capable of supplementing aerobic respiration, and that for but a limited period. The commencing asphyxiation seryes as a stimulus to the protoplasm, which responds by setting up the anaerobic changes, but, like all stimulations, the ultimate effect is exhaustion and a failure to continue the response. There are other plants, however, which do not require oxygen for their vital processes, and accordingly do not absorb it; indeed many of them are incapable of carrying on their life in the presence of oxygen. They are of a very humble type, and occur only among the Bacteria and Fungi. An instance may be found in the organisms which induce the formation of butyric acid from sugar or lactic acid. If a few of these are sown in a suitable liquid, and this is then enclosed in a hermetically sealed flask from which free oxygen has been removed, they multiply with extreme rapidity, until indeed either their food supply is exhausted, or the waste products of their metabolism accumulate to an inhibitory extent. If a little free oxygen is admitted their activity ceases and death ensues, or they pass into a resting condition, which lasts as long as oxygen is present. We must not, however, necessarily conclude that their metabolism is of a totally different kind from that of others, but rather that they set up the decomposi- tion and reconstruction of their protoplasm in a different way from those plants which need a supply of oxygen to determine them. 304 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER XIX GROWTH In studying the growth of plants we must bear in mind the relation which it bears to the processes of metabolism which we have already discussed. We have seen that the constructive processes, partly anabolic and partly kata- bolic, are much greater than those which lead to the disappearance of material from the plant-body. The result of this is that there is a conspicuous increase in the substance of the plant, as well as an accumulation of potential energy which can be made use of by the plant through various decompositions which its protoplasm can set up. The great permanent accumulation of material is what we associate with the processes of growth. Here, however, we must distinguish between the increase of the living substance, which is essentially an anabolic process, and that of the manufacture of the framework, the con- struction of cellulose, wood, cork, and other products, which is the result of katabolism. The growth of the living substance is always the result of constructive metabolism, and is attended by an increase of bulk and weight. The growth of an organ sometimes appears to be independent of such increase of weight : indeed, a diminution of the weight of the whole structure is sometimes noticeable. For instance, in the case of a potato tuber allowed to germinate under such conditions as prevent the absorption of food materials from without, we meet with a marked change of form, but, owing to the loss of moisture by transpiration, and of carbon dioxide as a consequence of its respiration or the katabolic processes ———— GROWTH 305 going on in its tissues, the resulting plant weighs much less than the original potato. This difference is however rather apparent than real. We shall see that the actual growth, as well as the manufac- ture of new cells, is confined to certain regions. regions there is a consider- able increase in bulk and weight, but as the materials which are used for the pur- poses of this local growth are derived from substances stored up in the body of the tuber, the latter, the greater part of which is not at any time the seat of the growth, diminishes in weight and size to such an extent as more than to counterbalance the gain in the growing regions. Hence the whole plant weighs less than the tuber, though con- siderable growth may have taken place. Mere increase of weight in an organ does not, on the other hand, necessarily imply any growth. The deposition of reserve mate- rials in many seeds does not take place to any great extent till their mature dimensions are reached, and growth is therefore completed. In these ] sett O Ltt as Sears, A We ROT | s is BN es 5 a iz eae Or WAL sy Wen Nall ict +4 ie, z I BS gnu! Mas inven) aE , ibe ie eae ) if: el aa = i aneneal | “ivun Sr eH REL ait Ct iaetange an 1 lie u) ) Fold | BSE Fic. 133.—LoONGITUDINAL SECTION OF YounG Root, SHOWING STRUCTURE OF GROWING Point. x 20. 1, zone of cell division; 2, region of greatest growth; 3, region of complete differen- tiation. It involves, however, a considerable increase of weight. Growth is in the strict sense, then, always associated with the formation of new living substance, and is very 20 306 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY generally accompanied or immediately followed by additions to the framework of the growing cells or organs. It is in nearly all cases attended by a permanent change of form. This is perhaps not so evident in the case of axial organs as it is in that of leaves and their modifications, though even in them it can be detected to a certain extent. It is much more conspicuous in the case of leaves, for the latter, as they expand from the bud, have usually a different shape from that of the adult ones, and the assumption of the mature form is a gradual process, taking place as the age of the leaf increases. This change of form can be seen not only in the case of an organ such as a leaf, but also in that of the indi- CE CEY OU “5 bd ; 3 {e320 5 VUp: G2FEU" CSae:. >. Se Fic. 134.—SEctTion or BuapE or LEAF, SHOWING THE IRREGULAR CELLS OF THE SPONGY MESOPHYLL ABUTTING ON THE LOWER EPIDERMIS. os G 2 ol ¥ o vidual cells of which a plant consists. In the apical meristem of the root of a flowering plant the cells when first formed are almost cubical (fig. 183); after a little while we find many of them becoming elongated, and ultimately prosenchymatous. Many other cases can be noted, particularly the irregularly shaped cells of the spongy parenchyma of leaves (fig. 184), the stellate cells of the pith of certain rushes (fig. 135), the laticiferous cells of the Spurges, &e. Growth may, in the light of the considerations just advanced, be defined as permanent increase of bulk, attended by permanent change of form. .We must not assume that every increase of bulk is necessarily growth ; + GROWTH 307 for, as we shall see, in growing cells and members there is a constant stretching of the cell or tissue by hydrostatic pressure or turgidity, which can be distinguished from growth by the fact that it can be removed, the result being a certain diminution of the size of the part under consideration, Fic. 155.—Portion oF SECTION OF STEM OF RUSH, SHOWING STELLATE TISSUE OF THE PITH, WITH LARGE INTERCELLULAR SPACES. Growth in the lowliest plants may be co-extensive with the plant-body. In all plants of any considerable size however it is localised in particular regions, and in them it is associated with the formation of new protoplasts. We have already mentioned that in the sporophytes of all the higher plants there exist certain regions in which 308 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY the cells are merismatic—that is, which have the power of cell-multiplication by means of division. In such regions, when a cell has reached a certain size, which varies with the individual, it divides into two, each of which increases to the original dimensions and then divides again. ‘These regions have been called growing points (fig. 183); they may be apical or intercalary. In such stems and roots as srow in thickness there are other growing regions, which consist of cylindrical sheaths known as cambium layers or phellogens. By the multiplication of the protoplasts in these merismatic areas the substance of the plant is increased. In other words, as these growing regions consist of cells, the growth of the entire organ or plant will depend on the behaviour of the cells or protoplasts of which its merismatic tissues are composed. The growth of such a cell will be found to depend mainly upon five conditions: (1) There must be a supply of nutritive or plastic materials, at the expense of which the increase of its protoplasm can take place, and which supply the needed potential energy. (2) There must be a supply of water to such an extent as to set up a certain hydro- static pressure in the cell. This condition we have already considered in an earlier chapter, in which we discussed the relation of protoplasm to water. (3) The supply of water must be associated with the formation of osmotic substances in the cell, or it cannot be made to enter it. In the absence of the turgescence, which will be the result of the last two conditions, no growth is possible for reasons that will presently appear. (4) The cell must have a certain temperature, for the activity of a protoplast is only possible within particular limits, which differ in the cases of different plants. (5) There must be a supply of oxygen to the growing cell, for, as we have seen, the protoplast is dependent upon this gas for the performance of its vital functions, and particularly for the liberation of the energy which is demanded in the constructive processes. This is evident also from the consideration that the growth - GROWTH | 309 of the cells is attended by the growth in surface of the cell-wall, and as the latter is a secretion from the proto- plasm, a product, that is, of its katabolic activity, such a decomposition cannot readily take place unless oxygen is admitted to it. Growth so far as it implies only the formation of living substance is thus a constructive process. It is, how- ever, intimately associated with destructive metabolism or katabolism, the latter bemg involved in the construction of the increased bulk of the framework of the cell or cells, and being essential to supply the energy needed for the constructive processes. When the conditions mentioned are present, the course of the growth of a cell appears to be the following: the young cell, immediately it is cut off from its fellow, absorbs water in consequence of the presence in it of osmotically active substances. With the water it takes in the various nutritive substances which the former con- tains in solution. There is set up at once a certain hydrostatic pressure due to the turgidity which ensues upon such absorption, and the ex- tensible cell-wall stretches, at first in all directions. The growth of the protoplasm at the expense of the nutritive matter for a time keeps pace with the increased size of the ¥ic.136—Apvuur Vucerance cell, but by and by it becomes vacuo- Sache Aine rae lated as more and more water is 2, cell-wall; p, protoplasm; attracted into the interior. Even- a ee pereemnony Y. tually the protoplasm usually forms only a lining layer to the cell-wall, and a large vacuole filled with cell-sap occupies the centre (fig. 136). The growth of the protoplasm, though considerable, is therefore not commensurate with the increase in the size of the cell. The stretching of the cell-wall by the hydrostatic pressure is 310 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY fixed by a secretion of new particles and their deposition upon the original wall, which as it becomes slightly thicker is capable of still greater extension, much in the same way as a thick band of india-rubber is capable of undergoing greater stretching than a thin one. The increase in surface of the cell-wall is thus due firstly to the stretching caused by turgidity, and secondly to the formation and deposition of new substance upon the old. The latter only is the growth of the cell-walls; the former can be removed by irrigating the cell with a solution of a substance, such as common salt, which will rob it of the water it contains. The constructive changes leading to the formation of new protoplasm are attended in this process by the katabolic formation of cell-wall and other substances, such as the osmotic bodies which are necessary to draw the water into the cell. The supply of oxygen is needed to allow the protoplasm to undergo these kata- bolic decompositions, enabling it thus to prepare the several products spoken of, and to gain from such decompositions the energy which must be expended upon the construction and reconstruction of the living substance, and used in the secondary chemical changes which supervene. The process of the growth of a cell is limited in its extent, though the limits vary very widely in different cases. In some, cells grow only to a few times their original dimensions, in others they may attain a very considerable size. In any case, however, we can notice that the rate of erowth varies regularly throughout the process; it begins slowly, increases to a maximum, and then becomes gradu- ally slower till it stops. The time during which these regular changes in the rate can be observed is generally spoken of as the grand period of growth. Changes in the shapes of cells arising during growth depend upon two factors. The capacity of the cell to yield to hydrostatic pressure may be affected differently in different directions by the conditions of the cells which surround it. In the merismatic tissue of a growing point GROWTH 311 there is generally least resistance on the side of the free apex of the organ, and hence an increased protrusion of the latter results. Whatever may be the distribution of such pressure the growth of the cell will be greatest in the line of least resistance. If any internal cause should give rise to differences in the uniformity of hydrostatic pressure in all directions, the growth will be most extensive in the line of the greatest. In the second place the extensibility of the cell-wall may be locally modified by the protoplasm, so that a uniform internal hydrostatic pressure may affect one part more than another, and the growth consequently will become irregular, giving rise in many cases to cells of curious form. . If we consider the behaviour of a growing organ in the light of these facts, we shall see that, like the cell, it must show a grand period of growth. If we take the case of a root, in which the changes can be traced most easily on account of the simplicity of its structure, we find that just behind the apex the cells are all in active division. Growth is small and consists mainly in an increase of the quantity of protoplasm, for the cells divide again as soon as they have reached a certain size. As new cells are continually formed in the merismatic mass, those which are farthest from the apex gradually cease to divide and a different process of growth takes place in them, which is associated more particularly with the formation of the vacuoles and consequently with the establishment of considerable hydro- static pressure, thus causing the bulk of the cells to be greatly enlarged, as we have described. Hence it is here that the actual extension in length of the root goes on, and the cells reach the maximum point of the grand period. They then gradually lose the power of growth, the oldest ones or those farthest from the apex parting with it first, and they pass slowly over into the condition of the permanent tissue (fig. 183). In this way each zone of the root which may be distinguished goes through a grand period of growth. At first when the cells are merismatic, growth is 312 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY at a minimum, it gradually becomes accelerated, reaches & maximum, and slowly ceases, exactly as did that of the cell which we first considered. By careful examination of a growing root it can be found that the growth is greatest just behind the merismatic region. If a young root be taken and marked out into zones by a series of short lines at equal distances apart (fig. 137, a), A B and then allowed to continue its FP growth, it will be found that the lines remain close together at the apex and for a very short distance from it. Then they become separated by broader spaces (fig. 187, 8). Further Eibhsaedaean enone back still the original intervals be- oF THB Bapicus. tween the lines will again be found to be almost unaltered. The second region corresponds to the part where the cells are undergoing the enlargement described. ‘The total growth of the root is, of course, the sum of the increments of all the zones so marked out. The same order of events may be ascertained to take place in the stem, but in this region it is complicated by the occurrence of nodes and internodes. Growth in length is almost confined to the latter, each of which passes through a similar grand period. The growth of the stem is the algebraical sum of the growth of the internodes, many of which may be growing simultaneously and which will be at any particular moment therefore at different parts of their grand period. The region of growth in the stem is, as a rule, much longer than that in the root. The growth of the leaf shows a little variation. The apical growth, as a rule, is not very long continued, and the subsequent enlargement of the leaf is due to an inter- calary growing region near the base. This area has the merismatic cells at about its centre, and regions of greatest crowth are on both sides of it. This can be traced more easily in the elongated leaves of Monocotyledons than in those of Dicotyledons. GROWTH 313 The grand period itself is not quite uniform, as the rates of growth in the active region may and do vary with changes in external conditions, and with differences in activity in the protoplasm from time to time. ‘This can be observed very favourably in the case of a growing stem, which shows considerable differences in its rate of growth during twenty-four hours. The growth is greatest during the night and least during the day, and the variations in the rate are fairly regular, the total growth during succes- sive periods of twenty-four hours being on the whole uniform. This regular variation of the rate constitutes what is known as the daily period of growth in length. An instrument by which the progress of growth of such a structure as a stem can be ascertained and registered is known as an auxanometer. A very convenient form which registers the gradual increase in length automati- cally, has been constructed by Pfeffer, and is repre- sented in fig. 188. A thread attached to the plant passes over the small wheel z, which is cemented on the large wheel 7, and accurately centred about the same axis. A thin lever z is attached to another thread which is passed over the large wheel, and is made to write upon the smoked surface of a paper fastened round the : cylindrical drum ¢. The Fic. 138—Prerrer’s avromaticaLLy string is kept tight by the cen) te AUXANOMETER, (After counterbalancing weight g. The drum is caused to rotate slowly upon its axis by clock- work, so that the indicator traces a line along its surface. I's say \ = I " peed: | "i | 314 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY So long as no growth takes place this line is horizontal, but as the indicator is displaced downwards by the descent of the small weight attached to the first cord, which is attendant upon any elongation of the axis of the plant, the line actually traced during growth is a spiral. The rate of the drum’s revolution being known, the amount of the elongation of the axis per hour can easily be calculated. The actual augmentation of the plant’s axis is magnified in the record, in a ratio dependent upon the ratio between the radii of the large and small wheels 7 and z. For the sake of simplicity of description it has been assumed, in what has already been said, that the turgidity of the cells in the growing member is uniform. ‘This, however, is far from being the case. There is generally a certain variation in this turgidity in the different parts of the elongating member. ‘The simplest case which we may consider is one which shows a difference in structure on two sides; such a member is described as dorsiventral. The two sides will often show a difference of degree of tur- sidity and consequently of rate of growth. If we consider a leaf of the common Fern, we find that in its young con- dition it is closely rolled up, the upper or ventral surface being quite concealed. As it gets older it gradually unfolds and expands into the adult form. This is due to the fact that in the young condition the turgidity and consequent crowth are greater on the dorsal side of the leaf, so that it becomes rolled up as described. As it gets older. the maxi- mum turgidity and growth change to the upper side and so it becomes unfolded or expanded. These two conditions are generally described under the names of hyponasty and epinasty respectively. These conditions are not confined to the leaves of ferns, but may be detected in those of other plants, though to a less conspicuous degree. It is in consequence of them that the leaves of the bud always fold over the apex of the stem from which they spring. The opening and closing of certain flowers, such as the Crocus, depend upon similar variations. GROWTH 315 Cylindrical organs may exhibit similar phenomena. One side of a stem may be more turgid than another, and the maximum turgidity with its consequent growth may alternate between two opposite sides. The greater turgidity of the cells is often accompanied by an increased extensi- bility of the cell-walls of the turgid region. The growing apex of such a stem will alternately incline first to one side and then to the other, exhibiting a kind of nodding move- ment in the two directions. This is known as nutation, and is of very frequent occurrence, particularly in such stems as are slightly flattened instead of being truly cylindrical. The region of maximum turgidity instead of occurring alternately on two opposite sides may pass gradually and regularly round the growing zone. The apex of a truly cylindrical stem in this case will describe a circle, or rather a spiral, as it is elongating all the time, pointing to all points of the compass in succession. This continuous change of position has been described by Darwin as circumnutation, and has been said by him to be universal in all cylindrical growing organs. ‘The passage of the maximum turgidity round the stem may vary in rapidity at different places, causing the circle to be replaced by an ellipse. Indeed the simple nutation spoken of above may be regarded as only an extreme instance of the latter. The variations of turgidity which cause circumnutation only affect the zone of active growth. They are not observable towards the base of this, so that the adult part becomes straight and growth is ultimately in a straight line. Circumnutation is exhibited during growth also by the hyphe of many fungi, some of which have a ccenocytic structure. In these cases the movement appears to be due to a rhythmic variation in the extensibility of the membrane, induced probably by the protoplasm. It cannot be caused by differences of turgidity on the two sides of the hypha as this contains only one cavity. By these movements of the growing apices—moyements 316 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY incident to growth, and proceeding primarily from internal causes—many advantages are secured by the plant. In the case of a climbing stem, the circumnutation enables it to reach a support, round which it twines, so that with but little expenditure of substance if can secure access to more light and air than it could obtain in its absence. Roots by the same method are enabled more easily to make their way through the crevices of the soil. The axis of the embryo shows in one or other of its parts strong hyponastic curvature, forming an arch which enables it to leave the seedcoats and make its way through the soil without damage to the young delicate plumule, its progress being helped by simultaneous circumnutation. On reaching the surface, epinastic growth causes it to assume an erect position, the arch opening out till the axis is straightened. Coincidently with this change, circumnutation of the apical region replaces that of the portion of the axis which was at first arched. During the period of growth the young organ is extremely sensitive to changes in its environment, respond- ing to such stimulating influences by further modifications of its behaviour. ‘These will be considered in detail in a subsequent chapter. Besides the hydrostatic tension set up in the cells of the growing regions, the processes of growth are accom- panied by the development of other tensions in the interior of the growing member. These appear to depend upon differences between the turgidities of their several tissue systems as these develop, and upon different rates of srowth of different internal parts. If a petiole of Rhubarb is taken, and a thin strip is peeled from one side, it will immediately curl outwards. If it is then placed in apposi- tion with the part from which it was cut, it will be found to be appreciably shorter than the rest of the petiole. If the petiole is carefully measured, and then deprived of its cortical covering by the separation of successive strips, the central part will be found to be slightly longer than the - GROWTH 317 original petiole. In such a petiole the central part is clearly compressed by the external portions, and when these are removed it undergoes an extension which is the expression of the amount of such compression. Similarly the external parts are stretched longitudinally by the central region, and when they are freed from it, the recoil is accompanied by a diminution of their length. There is thus a longitudinal tension in the petiole, due to the sreater turgescence of the central part, which stretches the outer portions, and is itself compressed by their greater rigidity resisting the hydrostatic extension. This tension is not due to greater growth, but to more pronounced turgidity, for if such a petiole is soaked for a time in salt solution till the water is in great part removed from its interior, and it has become flaccid, removal of the cortex is not accompanied by the same changes of dimension. A similar experiment may be performed on the hollow flower-stalk of a Dandelion. If it is slit into two halves by a vertical cut, the two parts curl outwards from each other, showing a similar tension in the internal regions. Transverse tensions in young growing axes can also be demonstrated. The cortex is found to be strained outwards by the central tissues, so that if a ring of it is cut out of such an axis and split longitudinally, it shortens. If the split ring is again put back in its original position, it will not completely surround the stem. The central tissues are in a state of compression, and the cortex in one of extension, laterally as well as longitudinally, as in the other case already quoted. Transverse tensions of a similar kind are set up in the course of the thickening of stems and roots by the activity of the cambium layer, by the division of whose cells new bast is formed behind, and new wood in front of it. The bast and cortex are thus compressed outwards, and the wood and pith inwards, on account of the formation of the new material, The phellogens which form rings of cork at 318 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY various depths in the cortex, give rise to similar strains. Sheaths of new cells are intercalated in the substance of the delicate tissue, which thus becomes greatly thickened. These tensions are due to growth, and not, like the others, to turgidity of the tissues. They cannot consequently be removed by treatment with salt solutions. These tensions are capable of demonstration all through the life of such stems and roots as increase in thickness. They give us a partial explanation of the structure of the annual rings of wood which are exhibited by such stems and roots, and of the ruptures that are generally noticeable in the exterior of such parts. In the absence of various external stimulating influences, which will be discussed later, young growing members show a tendency to elongate uniformly, so that the direc- tion of their growth is a straight lime. Though the apex of any of them may continually show the movement of circumnutation, the mature part generally takes up a fixed position, growing vertically or horizontally as the case may be. ‘This position is, however, usually due to the combined action of a number of external forces acting upon the growing member. The inherent tendency just spoken of can,be satisfactorily seen when, by artificially eliminating the action of such forces, the plant is not exposed to their stimulating influences. Such a tendency has been called Rectipetality. It becomes apparent also in the case of a member which has become curved, owing to the action of one or other of the stimulating influences referred to. If it is removed from the influence of the stimulus, it becomes straight again. 319 CHAPTER XX TEMPERATURE AND ITS CONDITIONS Tue various processes which are characteristic of vegetable life only take place so long as the plant is exposed to a particular range of temperature, which les between the freezing point of water and about 50° C., a few exceptions on both sides of that range, however, being met with. It is consequently essential to the well-being of the organism that its temperature shall be maintained within those limits. While life is possible within this range it is not equally well manifested at all the points which lie between the limits; each vital function indeed shows considerable variation in this respect. There is a certain point, lying generally near the freezing point, below which it cannot be observed. There is another point near the upper limit, beyond which it is not carried out, and somewhere between them there is a point at which it is manifested most advantageously. These three points are known respectively as the minimum, maximum, and optimwm temperatures for that function. These temperatures vary for each function which accompanies the life of any particular plant. They are not, moreover, in the case of a particular function, necessarily identical in different plants. The process of photosynthesis, for instance, commences in the grasses at about 2° C., while in the Potamogetons it cannot be detected below 10° C. The absorption of water by the roots of the Turnip and other cruciferous plants may begin when the soil has a temperature but slightly above the freezing point of water; in the case of the Tobacco- plant it must be at 12° C.at least. The lowest temperature 320 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY for the germination of the seed varies between 5° C. for the Wheat and 13° C. for the Vegetable Marrow. The upper limit for this function in the cases of these two plants has been ascertained to be 37° C. for the former and 42° C. for the latter. The optimum point for the growth of the roots of a seedling of Maize is 27° C., while the correspond- ing temperature for that of the Barley and Wheat is about 23° C. Respiration seems to show similar limits, but very few observations have been made upon it from this point of view. ‘The optimum appears to be a little over 30° C., and the maximum 25 degrees higher. The temperature of a terrestrial plant is subject to ereat and frequent fluctuations, and there is considerable difficulty in securing for it for any length of time the optimum temperature for any of its vital functions, and indeed sometimes of maintaining it within the limits which are essential. As a rule such a plant only secures a general approximation to the optimum point. ‘The difficulty is due to the fact that there is a continual and yet vari- able interchange of heat between itself and its environment. During the daytime it is constantly receiving supplies of radiant energy from the sun, and as the air surrounding it becomes warmer, a certain amount is absorbed by conduc- tion. It is further continually expending heat on the maintenance of transpiration, losing it also from time to time by radiation and conduction. In its own metabolic processes it is sometimes rendering heat latent, and always liberating it by the processes of respiration, fermentation, &e. Naturally, its temperature relationships are continually varying. On the whole, such a plant tends to approximate its temperature to that of its environment, but an equalisa- tion is seldom reached, as both are varying simultaneously, and owing to the slowness of the conduction of heat along vegetable tissues, the processes of adjustment only take place with difficulty. The trunk of a tree is during the day often cooler than the air and warmer than the latter during the evening and night. The mean annual tempera- TEMPERATURE AND ITS CONDITIONS 321 ture of such a tree trunk is, however, about equal to that of the air. Less bulky parts than the trunk, the leaves for instance, are very often much cooler than the air. This is made evident by the frequency with which dew or even hoar-frost may be detected on their surfaces. ° a ae Fe gent He MY A) @ KAM le 7 > “ ae be ele Cray Ou ober a 7 RYAN COACHES PK Nc atleees Gelert ae os We 4 ae Oem Vy el 1) “ eek’, 5 nt Nes)\s * eS Mle Ql lee We ovee et >) @ mete laces) *s/2 Peniey Pe Ge . oe A =~ 4 3) Sauls, See’ € 8 Se iP aAaxn 4 oie ae Ne e* i SiG ANI (i ‘ r fe) vegies Fy * ae e(e3 the eu m ” + es) . oi" * * c *.) iP Po iS Cman ‘ A 2) by | «) exe > te @ le es), #) lee ® C7 be\ no} Bo) Selotesiia \y *. \at}* > =e) (Ce }\sa" he i y s : SCN, 2 SAC 3) ‘&) Ac 4’ Oy . CO , : +) \8 RA aoe ais I np) rT. i i Fra. 143.—Lear or Saxvifraga incrustata, SHOWING ABSORBING ORGAN. x 20. dency to diminish their leaf-surface, probably to reduce evaporation and conserve their stock of water. They often have many of their branches transformed into thorns or spines, and very frequently their leaves show similar reduc- tion. Others which contain little wood are succulent, and their surfaces are covered by a very thick and tough epidermis, which is strongly cuticularised. Many of those which grow upon rocks have leaves which show special structures for absorbing water from rain or dew. Several species of Saxifrage possess a number of glandular strue- tures upon the teeth of their thick narrow leaves. Hach consists of a small mass of cells with delicate walls, which INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT ON PLANTS 337 lie immediately under the epidermis of a small depression of the surface, and which communicate with the exterior by a few fine pores which perforate the latter. The epidermis of this depression is made up of cells with thin non-cuticularised walls. Kach so-called gland is in contact with the end of a fibro-vascular bundle, whose sheath is carried forward over the general mass of delicate cells (fig. 143). The depression of the surface is filled with a mass of carbonate of lime, which is originally excreted by the leaf, and which is held in its place by a few papille which project from the epidermis. Such an arrangement serves a double purpose; any dew or rain which reaches the surface of the leaf is absorbed by the carbonate of lime and can make its way slowly into the gland, whence it passes into the fibro-vascular system ; while, when the leaf is dry the incrusting mineral matter serves as a plug to the depression, and reduces transpiration. Many plants which inhabit sandy deserts possess similar mechanisms; some excrete carbonate of lime, others crystalline accumulations of common salt. The latter can not only absorb dew and rain but can also con- dense and take up moisture from the air. They are found occurring in such sandy wastes as are by the seashore or near salt lakes. Many trees which grow in temperate climates, in poor sandy soil on the margin of streams, show a somewhat similar mechanism, but the excretion from their leaves takes the form of a kind of resinous varnish or balsam which can be readily wetted and which can absorb water. In some cases so-called glandular hairs discharge a similar function. The water which is absorbed in this way is rarely pure, but contains traces of sulphuric acid and ammonia, which, though trifling in amount, are no doubt of value in the nutritive processes. The adaptation to their environ- ment which these plants exhibit is thus chiefly in the direction of economising a limited water supply. The influence of the environment on the form of the 22 338 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY plant can be seen equally well in the case of such plants as grow in Alpine regions, where the cold is usually intense, and the atmosphere for long periods so humid that transpira- tion is only occasionally possible, and where consequently the absorption of food materials is much impeded. Similar conditions mark the bleak moorlands of temperate climates. These show very great differences between the extremes of temperature which mark summer and winter respectively. The water supply also shows very great variations at different times of the year. The plants are generally of comparatively small size, and bear thick, often rolled-up, Fic. 144.—TRANSVERSE SECTION OF ROLLED LEAF oF HEATH, leaves which are evergreen. The thick exterior and the ceneral hardness of the leaf area response to, and a defence against, the cold. In the heaths, which may be regarded as typical moorland plants, transpiration is reduced to a minimum, large air-chambers in the leaf with only a few stomata, and those situated in a deep groove, providing for the aeration of the protoplasts. During the cold the closing of these almost hidden stomata guards the plant from the evaporation, which, if unchecked, would lead to a loss of heat that might be fatal to it. The metabolism being reduced by the low temperature, the contents of the air reservoirs suffice for such interchanges of gases as are INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT ON PLANTS 339 imperative, and for the coincident exhalation of watery vapour by the protoplasts, but as these contents are very slowly renewed the total evaporation is but slight. When, on the other hand, for a part of the year the temperature is high, the spacious reservoirs provide for a very rapid iranspiration as soon as the stomata are open, a very large spongy mesophyll abutting on them (fig. 144). The evergreen leaves also are an expression of the struggle against the difficulty of the absorption of food materials, which in such atmospheric conditions is possible for only a limited period of the year. By preserving its leaves ereen the plant can take advantage not only of the light of summer, but also of those bright sunny days which occur occasionally during the cold season, and thus improve every opportunity afforded it. Some lowland plants show a similar response to their environment, the form and structure of different individuals of the same species varying to a certain extent, according to their advantages or the reverse, under such conditions as sunlight or shade, drought or moisture, exposure to or protection from cold winds, &c. Epiphytic plants show some conspicuous modifications of their structure in consequence of their peculiar habit of life. They usually live upon the surfaces of trees, to which they cling by various means, but from which they derive no nourishment except such as is afforded by accumulations of débris, &c. upon the trunks. They are not parasitic, but merely live upon the tree as other plants grow upon rocks or cliffs. Mosses and Liverworts are very largely epiphytic, as are certain species of Phanerogams; the latter are very specialised forms, and show most adapta- tion of form and structure. Perhaps the most remarkable feature about them is their aerial adventitious roots, which are given off in some cases from every node of the stem, so that each internode has its own supply. These are often long cord-like structures, which are of some thickness, often contain chloroplasts, and are either covered by a 340 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY special epidermal development, or give rise to dense masses of root-hairs. In the first case, which is common among epiphytic orchids, the epidermis is many cells thick, and is known as the velamen. ‘The cells are small tracheids, with curious reticulated or spiral thickenings, and are often perforated. ‘These peculiar tracheids contain only air, and the velamen has consequently a curious glistening greenish appearance. ‘The mass of tracheids forms a kind of spongy covering to the root, and is capable of condensing and absorbing aqueous vapour from the moist atmosphere which usually surrounds it. At other times when the air is dry and there is a danger of evaporation from the root, this velamen acts as a protective membrane against loss of water in this way. ‘The second case is illustrated by many aroids, and the dense plexus of root-hairs borne upon the aerial roots serves the same purpose as the velamen of the orchids. Besides these roots, thus adapted to absorb watery vapour from the air, epiphytes frequently have others which are closely applied to the surface of the bark on which they are growing. ‘These are often strap-shaped, and cling very closely to the tree, absorbing from the bark the soluble products of its decomposition and any mineral débris that may be accidentally carried thither. The small amount of such food stuffs available will explain the relatively large development of the root system, which is in much greater proportion than in ordinary terrestrial plants. Parasites are another class of plants that have under- gone much modification of structure im consequence of their mode of life. The parasitic habit is seen most com- pletely in the group of Fungi, but it is by no means con- fined to them. We find many cases of partial or complete parasitism among flowering plants. In all cases we notice that the parasitic habit is associated with a degeneration of structure, which especially affects the vegetative organs. The fungus which is parasitic in habit derives all its nourishment from the plant or animal whose tissues it has invaded. Other plants of the same group are not parasitic, but live upon decomposing organic matter, being known as INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT ON PLANTS 341 saprophytes. ‘Their mode of nutrition is, however, essen- tially the same. They have all lost the chlorophyll apparatus characteristic of the green plant, and cannot therefore work up the food materials that the latter absorbs from the air. Instead, therefore, of absorbing their carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, these plants take it in in the form of an organic compound of some complexity, which is usually some kind of sugar. Saprophytes can absorb nitrogen in the same combinations as a green plant, but they appear to utilise compounds of ammonia in = Fic. 145.—Thesium alpinum, SHOWING THE SUCKERS ON THE ROOTS. (After Kerner.) preference to nitrates. No doubt their protoplasm 1s ultimately fed with the same substances as is that of the higher plants, but they lack a great deal of the constructive power of the latter. The degradation of the structure of such plants is associated with the absence of the constructive processes which depend on the presence of chlorophyll. Their body is usually composed chiefly of delicate hyphe, which ramify in the nutrient substratum, either living or dead, and which absorb elaborated products of some complexity 342 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY freely by their whole surface. ‘They have, therefore, no need of differentiated absorbing or conducting tissues, which are consequently not developed. ). This stage is constant in all cases of karyokinesis, though some Fic. 163.—STaGes ris KARYOKINETIC DIVISION OF THE NUCLEUS. a, resting nucleus ; b, stage of equatorial plate; c, separation of the chromo- somes; d, commencement of formation of cell-wall; e, extension of nuclear spindle across the cell. variations of the antecedent steps have been observed, the details of the formation of the dise not being always iden- tical. This body is sometimes called the equatorial plate. At some time during this preliminary period each chromo- some splits longitudinally into two, though the fission is generally not observable till the equatorial plate is recog- nisable; the halves resulting from these divisions separate into two sets in such a way that half of each original chromosome makes its way towards one pole, and the other half towards the other. The two sets of chromosomes so formed travel back along the spindle fibres, each going to one of the two poles of the nucleus, their positions as they go being such that their convex sides point towards the pole REPRODUCTION 415 which they are approaching (fig. 163, ¢). They thus collect into two places which are determined by the positions of the poles of the nucleus, or of the centrospheres if the latter are present, and they present there the appearance of two somewhat star-shaped aggregations. This is known as the diaster stage. The chromosomes at each pole next be- come united by their ends, and constitute two new nuclei, each gradually becoming well defined by the appearance of a nuclear membrane; the original appearance is com- pleted by the development of nucleoli in each new nucleus. The mechanism of the movement of the chromosomes towards the poles is not fully understood at present, but it is held by some observers to be due to a contraction of the spindle fibres to which the chromosomes are attached. In the cases in which a centrosphere is present at the pole it takes up a position by the side of the new nucleus and divides into two. This process of karyokinesis is followed in various ways by the production of a cell-wall between the two nuclei, which completes the division of the protoplast. In the cases in which the latter is of comparatively small diameter, the spindle fibres become increased in number, and form a barrel-shaped body whose short diameter stretches com- pletely across the cell (fig. 163, d, e) till the spindle is in contact with the lateral cell-walls. Granules which have been floating in the cell-protoplasm are to be seen stream- ing along the spindle fibres till they form a plate stretching across the cell from wall to wall. From this plate the septum of cellulose and its associated substances is formed. In certain cases the spindle does not reach completely across the cell. It is then at first in contact with one side only, and the new wall begins to be formed there in the same way as in the case described. It then detaches itself from the part of the new-formed wall which is in contact with the old membrane and moves gradually across to the opposite side of the cell, the new wall being completed as it goes. The spindle then disappears. 416 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY In some of the T'hallophytes the new wall is formed without the intervention of a spindle. After the two new nuclei have taken up their positions, the new wall arises mid- way between them as a ring-like outgrowth from the original cell membrane, and gradually grows inwards till it is complete. In the divisions of the protoplasts which constitute a ccenocyte the nuclear divisions are not followed by the construction of any cell-walls, so that the limits of each protoplast are not well defined ; in some cases indeed they are indistinguishable. The reproduction of the protoplast is sometimes attended by the production of not two but several, which appear simultaneously. Such a case is illustrated by the forma- tion of the endosperm in the embryo sac of the Phanero- gams. It is, however, only a modification of the process already described. The division of the original nucleus is followed by the disappearance of the spindle ; the daughter nuclei divide in turn, and the process is continued until a large number of free nuclei lie embedded in the protoplasm of the cell. These then become connected with each other by the simultaneous development of connecting fibrils or small spindles like the first, and cell plates, which later become cell membranes, arise across them as in the case described. The protoplasts so formed exhibit no differen- tiation among themselves, but are all alike in appearance, structure, and fate. This modification of the process of reproduction of the protoplast is known as free cell formation, and in many cases it is attended by a specialisation of function, which will be alluded to a little later. In many cases of the reproduction of such plants as consist of enormous numbers of protoplasts variously arranged and differentiated, we have to recognise essentially no other process than the multiplication of the protoplasts by such means as we have just described. Generally in these cases some part of the parent plant becomes detached and grows at once into the new individual. We have seen REPRODUCTION 417 that this is the regular method of the multiplication of the yeast-plant, where each division of the protoplasts brings into being a new individual. The process can be noticed through all the families of the vegetable kingdom, though as we advance upwards in the scale the separated body becomes more and more complex. We have the gemmée of certain Algwe and Bryophyta, which are multicellular ; we have in certain Mosses branches which become detached by the dying off of the shoot behind them. Many Ferns develop buds upon the pinne of some of their leaves, which when separated from the latter grow into complete ferns. Among the Phanerogams we notice a great variety of this method of reproduction, many structures being developed normally to secure it, while others can be made to lead to it by artificial means. We have the propagation of plants normally by the formation and separation of tubers, buds, and corms; by the young plants which are developed from the nodes of runners and stolons. ‘The artificial method of bringing it about is illustrated by cut- tings, which are pieces of the stem, bearing buds; these when detached and planted in suitable soil, put out adven- titious roots from the base of the cutting and develop into plants ike the original one. Other instances are afforded by the buds which many leaves, notably those of Bryo- phyllum and certain Begonias, put out when wounded. These also develop adventitious roots, and young plants arise which become independent. This method, in which we never meet with the prepara- tion of cells which are specialised in the direction of reproductive powers, is usually spoken of as vegetative reproduction or vegetative propagation. Some curious cases of it are known. In the embryo sac of Caelebogyne there is no fertilisation of a sexual cell in the manner which will shortly be described, but still one or more embryosarise. Thisis caused by a vegetative bud- ding of certain cells of the nucellus of the ovule, which grow into the interior of the embryo sac, and develop into embryos. 27 415 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY A feature of vegetative propagation which may here be emphasised is that the new individual is developed con- Fic. 164 — Zoospore oF Ulothrix. x 500, tinuously after its origination. There is no resting period, such as we find in most cases to mark the behaviour of the more specialised reproductive cells to be discussed below. Apart from cases of vegetative propagation of the individual, we meet with two other methods of reprodue- tion, both of which involve the pre- paration of special cells set apart for this purpose. The first of these is characterised by the fact that each cell so Fic. 165—Two Gonip- ANGIA OF Achlya A, closed; B, ruptured, and allowing the zoogonidia «a to escape; b, mother- cells of the latter, after escape of the zoogonidia from them, produced is able to grow, either at once or after a short period of rest, into a new plant, which may or may not be exactly like the one from which the reproductive cell was formed. In plants exhibiting the simple organisation which we find among the seaweeds and the fungi, the parent and the offspring are in most cases precisely similar. ‘The difference in this respect between them and plants higher in the scale will be discussed a little later. A good example of this mode of repro- duction, which was probably the primi- tive form, is afforded by the common filamentous Alga Ulothriz. Any protoplast of the filament can divide into a number of separate pieces, each of ovoid shape with a pointed end and furnished there with four — cilia (fig. 164). These new proto- | plasts swim about for a time in the water, then come to — rest, and after a time grow out into new filaments. Not dh ie ae REPRODUCTION 419 only the Alge but the Fungi afford examples of the development of such cells, conspicuous among them being Saprolegnia and its allies (fig. 165). These free-swimming protoplasts are known as zoospores or zoogonidia. Fach on coming to rest clothes itself with a cell-wall, and can develop into a plant exactly like the one from which it arose. ‘These zoogonidia are developed by the protoplasm of a single cell dividing up into a variable but often large number of separate protoplasts, the process being known as 1 eel/ WYISSCMAY, sh Fic. 166.—Ca@NnocytE or Mucor, BEARING A Fic. 167.—AscI. a, MIXED GONIDANGIUM, k. THIS IS MORE HIGHLY WITH BARREN HAIRS OR MAGNIFIED IN THE FIGURE TO THE RIGHT. PARAPHYSES @, f} FROM HY- rene MENIAL LAYE F Peziza. m, columella; J, gonidia. x 250 YER or Pe free cell formation. Each protoplast possesses a nucleus derived from the original nucleus of the cell in which the formation takes place, in the manner already alluded to. In most cases where these reproductive cells are met with they have not so simple a structure as those so far described, but each is furnished with a cell-wall. They are commonly called spores or gonidia, and arise in differ- ent ways upon the plant, often, or indeed generally, being developed in or on special ‘organs, known as sporangia or gonidangia. 420 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY ‘The yeast-plant gives us perhaps the simplest form of this organ. Any cell can play this part; its protoplasm divides into a number of pieces, frequently four, each of which becomes rounded off and clothed with a new cell- wall. After a time the four new cells are liberated by the breaking down of the original cell-wall. They are deve- loped in more highly differentiated plants in special cells or chambers named asc: (figs. 166 and 167), in very variable numbers, and are known as ascogonidia or ascospores. In other cases they are produced by abstriction from a cellular outgrowth of the thallus (fig. 168), and in these again the number produced from a single cell | Q ae Z ee od & f° D may vary within wide limits. These 2 } ILD eee ARGH ESM are generally called stylogonidia or Q DELS Go 7 J 208 8 570 P stylospores. There is an almost in- ‘ Ylosp — conse S SD OCI : ) 0 Rene forte 6o eee, seats Ae eee finite variety of these bodies to be ee Se met with in different plants, but the variety affects only the conditions of their situation and does not indicate any difference in their own structure. They are unicellular bodies, or simple protoplasts, each clothed with a deli- cate cell-wall. | These asexual cells are usually / : spoken of as gonidia when they arise Vv upon a gametophyte, and as spores ‘ when the sporophyte gives them origin. a eeekHina kee The fact that they do not usually rERMenar °N «6©F®™ «germinate till after a period of rest, though this is often not very pro- longed, suggests that they originated in consequence of the plant needing certain cells which should possess the power of passing through times of exposure to unfavourable condi- tions without destruction. Such unfavourable conditions would be likely to kill the more delicate vegetative repro- ductive bodies. This view is supported by the fact that many of the lower plants, particularly Yeast, do not pro- —S REPRODUCTION 421 duce spores when conditions are suitable for the life of the ordinary individual, but can be made to do so by cultivating them under adverse conditions of moisture, food supply, &e. A somewhat similar structure to the zoogonidia de- scribed is put out by the ccnocytic Alga Vaucheria. It appears as a mass of protoplasm, which becomes separated from the contents of a filament, and is set free by an open- ing at the apex of the latter. It is composed of several protoplasts which are arranged together as in the rest of the ccenocyte, but their individual outlines cannot be seen. The fact that it is ccenocytic is shown by the presence of a number of nuclei in the protoplasmic mass. A pair of cilia are given off opposite to each nucleus, so that it swims very readily in the water after its liberation. It is sometimes called a Zoocewnocyte. After a period of motility it comes to rest, the cilia are withdrawn, and it becomes clothed by a cell-wall. The resting period lasts for a variable time, after which it develops into a new Vaucheria filament. Besides these asexual reproductive bodies other cells are produced by the great majority of plants, which are incapable of giving rise to new individuals, unless two of them unite or fuse with one another. On account of this peculiarity they are known as sexual cells or gametes. In the lowliest forms, such as many filamentous Algw, they are produced by the same filament as the asexual cells or gonidia. In the case of Ulothria we Fic. 169.—PartT oF A FILAMENT OF find the first indication of * Ulothriz, From WHICH THE GAMETES 3 g ARE ESCAPING, these sexual cells. Besides g', free gamete; g?, g°, gametes the large zoogonidia with ie, their four cilia, other smaller free-swimming bodies are developed in certain cells of the filament. They are 422 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY produced in larger numbers and have only two cilia each (fig. 169). After they are set free into the water they swim about for some time, and then they usually fuse together in pairs, nucleus joining nucleus and protoplasm uniting with protoplasm. The new body so formed is known as a zygospore. After a period of rest it can give rise to a new filament. As there is no difference between the cells which unite to form this structure, they are frequently called nlanogametes. In the Zygnemee and the Mesocarpee the gametes are solitary and non-motile and do not escape from the cells in which they are formed. ‘Two filaments take part in the fusion of the gametes; these are found lying close together in the water; from a cell of each filament a protrusion grows out towards the other and the two come into contact and join, the separating walls breaking down. The contents of one cell pass over into the other through the channel so formed, or the contents of both the cells meet in the middle of the passage; fusion of the two takes place, and the new body, called as before the zygospore, clothes itself with a cell-wall. It is liberated after a while by the breaking down of the wall of the structure which encloses it, and can then give rise to a new individual. A similar process is characteristic of certain Fungi. In all these cases, though the cells are sexual cells, the differentiation of sex is so slight that it is difficult to speak of male and female gametes. In the Zyqnemee, in ~ which the formation of the zygospore takes place in the cell of the filament, the gamete which passes through the passage may perhaps be regarded as male and the more passive one as female. This differentiation cannot be dis- tinguished in the Mesocarpee, where both gametes meet in the connecting passage. . In Ulothrix the differentiation of sex is even more rudimentary, as it is not always necessary for the fusion to take place. If any cell escapes fusion it may develop into a new filament independently of this process. This REPRODUCTION 423 fact suggests that the sexual cells have been derived from asexual ones, and are a later development, therefore, in the history of the race. The more complete differentiation of the gametes into male and female can be observed among several of the families of the Algw. In some species of Metocarpus and Cutleria the gametes are much like those of Ulothrix, but some are smaller than the others. The larger ones come to rest soonest, and lose their cilia; one of the smaller more motile ones then fuses with each of the larger. We can in this case speak of the larger as female and the smaller as male. The differentiation is still very rudi- Fic. 170.—Oocontum or Fucus, CON- Fic. 171.—ANn Oospuere or Fucus TAINING EIGHT OOSPHERES. (After SURROUNDED BY ANTHEROZOIDS Thuret.) (After Thuret.) mentary, as in the event of no fusion taking place the female cell can still develop into a new plant. The most complete differentiation of the gametes can be traced in the higher members of the Alge. The females become larger and cease to develop cilia, the males remain small and motile. The former are then called oospheres and the latter antherozoids or spermatozoids. A good example of this stage of differentiation is afforded by Pwcws (figs. 170 and 171). The structures or organs in which the sexual cells of these plants are formed are known as gametangia. When the gametes are distinctly male and female the gametangia 424 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY in which they are developed are termed antheridia and oogonia respectively. In the group of Fungi similar differentiation of gametes occurs, but motile antherozoids are very rare, confined indeed to the genus Monoblepharis. In other cases they are generally undifferentiated masses of protoplasm which do not escape from their antheridia, but are conducted directly from it into the female organ, where the process of fusion takes place. In Pythiwm the oogonium is a swelling at the end of a hypha, which is cut. off from the rest by a transverse wall. Its contents divide up into an oosphere and a certain amount of protoplasm, which sur- rounds the latter. ‘The antheridium is another hyphal branch, which becomes closely pressed to the oogonium. A tube is put out by the antheridium, which perforates the wall of the oogonium, and the male cell, which is formed in the same way as the female one, * passes over into the female organ and fuses with the oosphere. In some other Fungi a similar arrangement of the organs is brought about, but the male cell does not pass over into the oogonium. A curious variation is seen in the red seaweeds, the Rhodophycee. The female organ, known as a procarpiwm, does not produce any differentiated oosphere, but the contents of the male cell pass by means of an elon- gated structure called a trichogyne (fig. 172) into its interior and appa- 29. 115 Een es. OF eed fuse with the whole of its protoplasm. The male cell in these tr, trichogyne. plants is not naked as in other ~ cases, but has a cell-wall. A somewhat similar condition is met with among the Ascomycetes, though whether fusion of the contents of the cells takes place is disputed. | | | | | i ed Ce ee _l REPRODUCTION 425 The gametangia of the plants above the Thallophytes are known as antheridia and archegonia respectively. An archegonium is a more complex structure than an oogonium, being composed of many cells and showing differentiation into a venter and a neck (fig. 173). It contains only a single oosphere. The sexual cell differ from the great majority of asexual ones in never possessing cell-walls. The only cases in which they are clothed with them are those of the Rhodophycee and the Ascomycetes already alluded to. In both these groups the male gametes are the only ones that 4 - eet te Or Se ae Fic. 173.—DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARCHEGONIUM OF THE FERN. have them; the females, as we have seen, not being differentiated. The fusion of the gametes is known as conjugation when they are alike, and as fertilisation when they are distinctly male and female. The resulting body is termed a zygote; it is a zygospore when it is produced by conjuga- tion, and an oospore when it is the result of fertilisation. In the more lowly organised forms it generally happens that both sexual and asexual reproductive cells may be produced upon the same individual. An exception is found in the Fucacee, the members of which do not develop any asexual cells. While it is possible, however, for many plants to produce both gonidia and gametes, it is 426 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY more usual for them to bear the former only. So for a long series of individuals reproduction is brought about asexually by gonidia. ‘Then for some reason an individual produces gametes, and the series is interrupted by the occurrence of sexual reproduction. This is generally fol- lowed by a further series like the first. We have here an instance of a kind of alternation of generations, which is, however, irregular and intermittent. As all the members of the series, whether producing gonidia or gametes, are essentially similar or homologous, this is often spoken of as homologous alternation of generations. The forms which we have discussed appear all to be capable of producing gametes if conditions require them. They are accordingly termed gametophytes, and are dis- tinguished as actual or potential as they do or do not give rise to sexual cells. In plants which are higher in the scale the production of both sexual and asexual reproductive cells ceases to be possible upon the same individual, and we find consequently that the plant exhibits two phases in its life cycle, one of which is characterised by the production of sexual and the other of asexual cells. How this sharply marked separation arose is still a matter of controversy which we need not here enter into. The two forms, however, are not homolo- gous, one being capable normally of producing only gametes, the other of giving rise only to spores. ’ ya rs ) re . ‘ i. , u ) . - : Ba v4 Ls ra 1 ist x vail i he wan ua Vai ia a mt m4 . ‘ are hd f Le at i mY 5 Nar —% mV LIBRAK) : FORESTRY FACULTY OF FOREST UNIVERSITY OF TORONTS QK Green, Joseph Reynolds 711 An introduction to G7 vegetable physiology 3 1907 =~ ad ed. QK . |GREENB, J.R. Kore pcre : —-—~----—7ll- Vegetable physiology “és i aes “nee si POST DATE ISSUED TO — en zg 200 tt St Sh OL 6€ 2 WSL) HS AVG JONVY GC WN) Hl MSIASNMOG Lv ILA