IN VITRO ACETYLATION OF HISTONES IN RAT LIVER CHROMATIN By LOUISE ADELE RACEY A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNaL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1970 imJn,^,'?.!,':^ °^ FLORIDA 3 1262 08552 3099 ■lilllll ACKN0V7LEDGMENTS I would ] ike to thank the members of my comiaittee for their help during the progress of this research and the preparation of this dissertation. I would especially like to thank Dr. Paul Byvoet for his guidance and critical evaluation of my research and preparation of this manu- script. His continued interest in my progress and stim.\.ilat- ing discussions have been an invaluable contribution to this study. I thank Dr. John VJ. Brookbank, who has been a source of encc)urag6nent and guidance in this work. Dr. E. Marsliall Johnson and Dr. Thom?i.3 W. O'Brien contributed greatly in discussion throughout my graduate career and by critically reading this manuscript. 1 would like to thank Dr. Steven Zam and Dr. Ann Larkin for their suggestions and criticisms in the preparation of this manuscript. To my friend, Use Ortabasi, I. extend many thanks for her help in introducing me to rhe techniques of electrophoresis and photography, and her critical reading of this manuscript. To alj the faculty or Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Florida I extend man^' thanks. XX TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii LIST OF CHARTS vi LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES ix ABSTRACT X INTRODUCTION 1 Composition of Lhe Interphase Nucleus 3 Restriction of the Genome 5 Possible Mechanisms for Gene Control 6 Repetition of DNA sequences 6 RNA polymerase and associated factors. ... 6 Histones as repressors 7 Nonhistone chromosomal proteins as antagonists to DNA-histone inLoraction . . 9 Nonhistone chromosomal proteins as antagonists to RNA i^olymerase- histone interaction 11 Arguments against histones as repressors . . 11 Modification of liistone structure 13 Mothylation of Histones 13 Phosphorylation of Histones 14 Acebylation of Histones 16 Rationale of Proposed Study 24 MATERIAIiS TVND METHODS 28 Isolation of Nuclei 28 Isolation of Dooxyribonucleoprotein (DNP) .... 29 Conditions of Incubation 30 Extraction of Histones and Determination of Si^ecific Radioactivity 31 Determination of Acidic and Res.i.dual Proteins . . 33 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Methods for Extraction of Acetylating Enzymes . . 36 Extraction of acetylating enzyme from acetone powder of rat liver nuclei .... 36 Extraction of acetylating enzyme from rat liver nuclei with saline 3 7 Extraction of acetylating enzyme from rat liver DNP 39 Method for Determining the Extent of 0- Acetylation of Free Histones and that Occurring in DNP 41 Determination of Incorporation of Radioactive Acetate into the Various Histone Fractions. . . 43 Fractionation according to Johns 43 Electrophoresis of histone fractions .... 47 RESULTS 49 Conditions Influencing the Acetylation of Histones in DNP 52 Divalent cations 52 Medium components 52 Temperature 54 Concentration of DNP 58 Concentration of acetyl-CoA and Kin determination 58 Effect of pfl in diffex-ent buffer systems . . 59 Enzymatic Nature of the DNP Catalyzed Acetylation of Histones 64 Inhibition studies 64 Comparison of DNP catalyzed acetylation with spontaneous acetylation of free histones . 68 Buffer Effects 68 Temperature Effects 68 Determination of the Extent of 0- Acetylation by Hydroxylamine Test . . 70 Enzyme isolation 74 Acetylating Enzymes from Rat Liver Nuclei 74 A.cetone powder extracts 74 Saline extracts 75 Acetylating Enzymes from Rat Liver DNP 78 Relative acetylation of the various histone fractions 81 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page DISCUSSION 84 ADDENDUM 92 Comp^irison of Acetylating Activity in Novikoff Hepatoma and Livor DNP 92 Deacetylating Activity in Nuclear Extracts. ... 95 Effects of Treatments Known to Increase RNA Synthesis on the Acetylation of Histones in DNP 98 Purity of hydrocortisone preparations. ... 99 Use of more samples 100 Use of adrenalectoraized rat 100 Preincubation of DNP with hydrocortisone . . 102 Media changes designed to increase the solubility of DNP during the incubation. . 102 Effect of in vivo administration of hydrocortisone on the In vitro acetylation of histones 105 Effect of phcnobarbital and liver regeneration on the in vitro acetylation of histones in DNP 105 LIST OF REFERENCES 108 BIOGRAPIilCAL SKETCH 118 V LIST OF CHARTS Page CHART 1 OUTLINE OF GENERAL PROCEDURE 35 2 OUTLINE OF SEPARATION OF HISTONE FRACTIONS . 46 VI LIST OF TABLES Page Table I Effect of Various Medium Components on the Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones in DNP 55 II Effect of Increasing Concentrations of Acetyl-CoA on the Transfer of; Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones in DNP 51 III Effect of Various Conditions on In Vitro Transfer of Acetate from Acctyl-CoA to Histones 67 IV Comparison of the Extent of 0-Acetylation in DNP with that Occurring Spontaneously as Measured by Lability to Hydroxy lamine . . 73 V Restoration of Acotylating Activity in Heated DNP by 0.3 5 M Extracts from Nuclei. . 76 VI Acetylation of Isolated Histones with a 0.35 M NaCl Enzyme Extract from Nuclei. . . 77 VII Extraction of Histone Acetyltransf erase Activity from DNP 80 VIII Acetylation of Various Histone Fractions in DNP 82 IX In. Vitro Uptake of Acetate into Histones: Comparison of Liver and Novikoff Hepatoma. . 94 X Deacetylation Activity in Nuclear Sap Extracts 97 XI Effect of Increasing Concentrations of Hydrocortisone on In Vitro Acetylation of Histones in DNP 101 vii LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED) Page XII Effect of Hydrocortisone on ^n Vitro Acetylation of Histones in Liver DNP from an Adrenalectomized Rat 101 iin Effect of Preincubation of DNP with Hydrocortisone on Iii Vitro Acetylation of Histones 103 XIV Effect of Increasing the Solubility of DNP on In Vitro Acetylation of Histones in the Presence of Hydrocortisone 104 XV Effect of In. Vivo Administration of Hydro- cortisone on In, Vitro Acetylation of His- tones in DNP 105 XVI Effect of Phenobarbital and Liver Re- generation on Iri Vi tro Acetylation of Histones in DNP 106 V. 1.1.1 LIST OF FIGURES Page Effect of Temperature on the Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones in DNP 57 Effect of the Concentration of DNP in the Incubation Mixture on the In Vitro Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones ... 60 Effect of Increasing Concentrations of Acetyl-CoA on the ^ Vitro Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones in DNP Plotted According to Lineweaver and Burk 62 Effect of pH in Different Buffer Systems on the Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl- CoA to flistones in DNP 63 Comparison of the Effect of Increasing pH in Different Buffer Systems on the Spon- taneous and Enzymatic Acetylation Reactions 71 Effect of Temperature on the Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones in Rat Liver DNP and to Free Plis tones in Different Buffer Systems . . 72 Acrylamide Gel Pattci^ns Obtained with Various Histone Fractions 83 IX Abstract of DissorLation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulf iJ Imont of tlie Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy IN VITRO ACETYL/\TION OF HISTONES IN RAT LIVER CHROMATIN By Louise Adele Racey December, 1970 Chairman: Jolin W. Brookbank Co-chairman: Paul Byvoet Major Department: Zoology Rat liver chromatin or deoxyribonucleoprotein (DNP) was found to exhibit acetyltransf erase activity in vitro, which seems to be closely associated with it. Evidence is pro- vided v/hich indicates that this transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to lysine in "arginine-rich" liistones represents an enzymatic reaction. A number of comparisons have re- vealed that the in. vitro reaction occurring within DNP is much less random than the spontaneous acetylation of free histones in solution in the presence of acetyl-CoA. Reports fj:om other laboratories have indicated that a similar enzyme could be extracted from an acetone powder of either v/hole liver or nuclei. The study reported seams to involve a different enzyrae since no acetyltransferase activity can be obtained from an acetone powder of chromatin using these m.ethods. A procedure similar to that used for the extraction of mammalian RNA polymerase has been successfully applied to the extraction of acetyltransferase activity from rat liver X chromatin, although even in this case, about lial.f of the activity remains bound to the DNP complex. The extraction of acetyltransf erase activity from chromatin provides strong support for the assumption that the described in vitro reaction is enzymatic. XI INTRODUCTION The mechanism of gene control remains today as one of the major unex^^lained areas of biology. It is obvious from an analysis of living systems that some form of control must exist. One example is the circadian rhythm of liver 1 enzyme activity exhibited by rats and other mammals. Although oscillations in the activity of some enzymes may be explained by enzyme stimulation or inhibition, many enzymes are subject to induction and repression at the level of the genome. In this case the production of a new enzyme is dependent on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) directed ribonucleic acid (Rl^TA) synthesis as an initial step. The mechanism by which the control of the expression of certain regions of the genome occurs in eukaryotic cells is largely unknown. In prokaryotic cells a model system has been proposed involving repressor proteins which interact with DNA, thereby influencing its transcription by RNA polymerase.'^ ° Small effector molecules interact with the repressor protein, changing its configuration in such a way as to influence its interaction with DNA and thereby the transcriptive process. These effector molecules can be metabolites or other substances capable of allowing the cell to become responsive and adaptable to changes in its environ- ment. It is not known whether a similar mechanism is opera- tive in eukaryotic cells. The differentiation process undergone by eukaryotic systems is another area where gene control is operative. Here a totipotent cell produces offspring of a particular type, the characteristics of whicli are maintained from one generation to another. Since within an organism each cell type contains the same amount of DNA and hybridization studies have shovv^n the DNA of each cell type to be similar 7-10 to that of every other type, the question arises as to how the cells acquire and maintain the selective expression of specific genetic information from one generation to another. The eukaryotic system is therefore more compli- cated than the prokaryotic coll in that it is not only capable of reversible changes in gene expression, such as occurs in enzyme induction, but also undergoes more per- manent chc-mges which are relatively constant from generation to generation. That these changes are not completely ir- reversible "nas been shown by nuclear transplantation studies wherein nuclei from the intestinal cells of Xenopus appeared to be cajjable of supporting the development of a complete 11 embryo from an enucleated egg. However, Br3.ggs and King, liave demonstrated that nuclei taken from frog embryo cells at successive stages of development are progressively less 12 able to support normal development. Although the total complement of genetic information is present, the expression of this information is restricted by its passage through developing cytox^lasm. Composition of the InLerphase Nucleus Attempts to ox^^lain the mechanism of genetic control must take into consideration the structure of the nucleus. In the eukaryotic cell the nucleus is a defined area sur- rounded by a semipermeable membrane. This membrane in- fluences a dynamic interchange of materials between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, vrithin the nucleus is contained DNA and its associated proteins. Nuclear sap proteins can be removed by isotonic saline v/ashes whereas other proteins along with the DNA form part of the insoluble chromatin 13 complex. In the interphase nucleus part of the chromatin has a diffuse appearance and consists of m.any fibers. In some regions the chromatin appears in a more condensed con- dition. Condensed regions of a single chromosome are called heterochromo tin, as opposed to the less condensed or euchro- matic regions. The term "heterochromatin" is also used to refer to a condensed state of chromatin, and is applied to 14 such regions of the interphase nucleus as well. The componexits of the chromatin include DNA and histone 15, 16 proteins, found m approximately equivalent amounts. Nonhistone proteins compi'ise about 27 percent of the DNA 17 associated protein in calf thymus, and 43 percent in 18 liver. These proteins are subdivided into acidic pro- teins, which are alkali soluble, and residual proteins, which remain behind after acidic extraction of histones and 19 basic extraction of acidic proteins. RNA polymerase and other enzymes are among those which make up the nonhistone 20, 21 chromosomal proteins. Also some species of RNA have been found associated with the chromatin. ' The arrangement of tlie chromosome has been a subject of considerable controversy among cytologists. Interphase chromatin fibers of 200-300 A in diameter have been de- scribed and Ris has proposed that these consist of two 100 A° units, and that each of these further consist of two 40 A° units representing single DNA-protein molecules. This has been questioned and more recent data utilizing the techniques of trypsin digestion of chromatin fibers in conjunction with electron microscopy shows that each 230 A fiber consists of a single DNA molecule packed in a pro- teinaceous sheath. ' According to the model this unit is further induced to supercoil by the addition of more 28 protein. Different chromosomal proteins may play specific roles in the maintenance of this structure. Restriction of the Genome The need for selective gene expression implies that certain regions of the chromsome will be active at a given time whereas others will remain quiescent. Evidence that this is the case comes from hybridization studies. Georgiev observed that RJ>IA synthesized on free DNA hybridized to a much greater extent with DNA than that synthesized on chroma- tin. He explaxned thxs by the observation that there are many repeated DNA sequences in the chromatin which are re- stricted in transcription. However, RNA synthesized on chromatin competes with iH. vivo synthesized messenger RNA (mRNA) for sites on DNA more efficiently than does RNA synthesized on free DNA. This implies that RNA synthesized on a chromatin template more closely approximates the in vivo situation. Heterochromatic or tightly condensed regions of chroma- tin are considered to be in the repressed condition, whereas the more diffuse euchromatic regions are believed to be metabolically active. Electron microscope siutoradiography has revealed that the diffuse, presumable e^ichromatic, 3 regions actively incorporate H-uridine in contrast to the 30 heterochromatic regions. Frenster has isolated bulk fractions of condensed and diffuse chromatin from interphase 31 calf thymus lymphocytes. He has shown that the condensed 6 regions contain up to 80 percent of the nuclear DNA, but only 14 percent of tlie nuclear RNA. This observation would seem to support the concept that the condensed state of the chromatin is associated with repression of genetic expression, Possible Mechanisms for Gene Control Repetition of DNA sequences One finding which has recently attracted attention is that more than one third of the DNA of higher organisms is 3 made up of sequences which recur anywhere from a 1 x 10 6 32 1 X 10 Limes per cell. The nucleolus of amphibian oocytes contains many replicas of the genes which code for 33, 34 ribosomal RNA. This repetition of specific genes has been viewed as a unique means of controlling the expression of genetic information by allowing for the production of certain products in greater quantity at a given time in the life of the cell. RNA polymerase and associabed factors In considering the ways in which the regulation of gene expression may occur, RNA polym.erase and its associated sigma factor must be mentioned. In bacterial systems the sigma factor has been found to be responsible for the initi- 35 at ion of TiNA chains by DNA-depondcnt RNA polymerase. RNA synthesis in isolated nuclei of avian erthryocytes was stimulated by a heat stable factor present in extracts of 36 HcLa colls. MorG recently, a protein-like factor fx-ora calf thymus with a sedimentation constant of 3 S has been 37 described. This factor stimulated DNA-dependent RNA synthesis from Lhe same tissue after the enzyme had already become bound to DNA. These findings have a bearing on ex- planations of gene control in that specificity of initiation site and rate of RNA synthesis are influenced by these factors . Histones as repressors In 1951 the Stedmans suggested that histones may play a role in the regulation of gene activity by acting as 38 repressors of RNA synthesis. The observation by Huang and Bonner that histones suppress RNA polymerase activity when added to DNA in vitro prompted an increased investiga- 39 tion into this area. The relevancy of these findings has been questioned and it has been suggested that the inhibi- tion of RNA polymerase activity is due simply to the pre- 40 cipitation and removal of DNA from solution. Bonner and Huang have answered this objection by describing conditions 41 which prevent DNA precipitation, and Butler and Chipper- field shov/ed that the amount of inhibition continues to increase with increasing histone concentrations even after 42 the DNA has been fully precipitated. Clark and Byvoet atterapited to resolve the question of whether or not a corre- 8 lation exists between the activity and the solubility of the DNA template by plotting the logarithm of the percent inhibition of template activity against the amount of un- aggregated DNA present in the reaction mixtures at various 43 histone/DNA ratios. This type of plot revealed a close correlation between the solubility of the DNA template and the inhibition of polymerase activity by histone. In any case, it seems likely that reconstitution of the DNA- histone complex by simple titration of DNA with histones preserves very little of the specificity of the original relationship and there is a question as to whether or not these Jji^ vitro findings have any relation to the _in vivo situation. Further support for the involvement of histones in repression of RNA synthesis came from studies v/hich selectively removed different histone fractions from chro- matin. Successive extractions of pea-bud chromatin with 44 NaCl solutions resulted in increased template activity. Extraction of histones from the heterochromatin of the male mealy bug was shown to derepress RNA synthesis and to in- crease actinomycin D binding. ^Vhen all the histone was removed from the heterochromatin it became equivalent to the euchromatin in these x'espccts. Nonhistone chromosomal proteins as antagonists to DMA-histone interaction It has been suggested that nonhistone proteins act as antagonists to the DNA--histone interaction which serves to . 46 repress RN/\ synthesis. In support of this, it has been found that basic proteins, such as histones, are closely associated witli DNA, occurring in highest concentrations 47 where DNA appears to be tightly coiled and condensed. During puff formation in dipteran giant salivary chromo- somes, i.e., at regions of intense RNA synthesis, there is no measurable difference in the amount of stainable basic protein, implying a continuity of structure during the transcriptive process. Interestingly, however, there seems to be an increase in the acidic proteins in these regions 48 during puff formation. In isolated chromatin fractions the ratio of total histones to DNA did not significantly differ within either the repressed or active fractions, and the relative proportions of each of the distinct types of his- tones were similar in both forms of chromatin. However, when nuclear polyanion contents of active and repressed chromatin fractions were determined relative to the DNA contents, the active fractions were found to contain more total nonhistone proteins, RNA and phospholipids, and phos- 49-53 phoprotein phosphorous. ■ About 15 percent of the non- . ■ . . . ' 54-55 histcne proteins consist of such nuclear phosj^hoproteins . 10 In vitro experiments hcivo shown that acidic proteins complex with free his tones and prevojit liistone inhibition 56 of RNA synthesis by bacterial Rl\iA polymerase. However, these proteins cannot dissociate the histone-DNA con\plex to reverse histono inhibition of RNA synthesis. Therefore, Gpelsberg and Hnilica have suggested that their action may reside in the prevention of DNA-histone interaction rather than. tliG dissociation of DNA-histono complexes. It has been shown by Paul and GiJmour that a] 1 the protein components of the chromosome are necessary for tlie 57 production of FiNA which resembles that found in^ vivo . Using hybridization teclmiques they found that his tone re- pression of DKA directed RNA synthesis in. vitro is non- specific. However, if they added the residual and acidic proteins back to DNA and histone, the new mRNA synthesized does compete effectively with mRNA produced _in vivo. Similar experiments by Bekhor, Kung, and Bonner showed that DNA, histones and chromosomal RNA produced a primer capeible of 58 yielding mRNA equivalent to the natural product. They therefore suggested that nonhistone protein is not re- pressive. Marusliige, B.rutlag, and Bonner, in contrast to Paul and GiJinour, found that DNA saturated with nonliistonc 59 chromosoma.l proteins was as good a pr.imer as naked DNA. These differences may result from contaminated preparations 11 and have yet to be resolved. It is difficult to imagine a mechanism for gene control in which any one of the ele- ments of the chromosome does not play a role, either directly or indirectly. The observations of these interactions is, therefore, liniited probably by experimental technique. Nonhistone chromosomal proteins as antagonists to RNA polymerase-histone interaction Association of chromosomal proteins with RNA polymerase is another means by which repression of transcription could take place. Histones form complexes with bacterial and mammalian RNA polymerase leading to the inhibition of in 60-62 vitro RNA synthesis. Since it has been observed that salt and polyanions (e.g., acidic nuclear proteins) acti- 63, 64 vate RNA polymerase in chromatin, it has been suggested that this may be due to dissociation of enzyme-histone com- 65 plexes, thereby stimulating RNA synthesis. This sugges- tion is supported by the observation that the ionic strength required for maximum dissociation of the enzyme-histone complex is within the range required for the activation of endogenous RNA polymerase. In contrast, no detectable dis- sociation of DNA-histone complexes was seen at these ionic strengths. Arguments against histones as repressors One of the strongest criticisms against the idea that histones function as genetic repressors is the fact that 12 histones lack specificity. Thoro are five main histone fractions: very lysine-rich (fj^), moderately lysino-rich if (f ), and the arginine-rich (f , f , and f ) histones. ^o 2al . • ^ 1 • ■. 71, 74, 93, 94 acetylacion of lysine residues, and phos- 95 phorylation of serine residues. Methylation of Histones Isolated nuclei from calf thymus and chromatin from 96-98 90 Pie chromatin. However, using new methods of fixation, which retain incorporated acetate. Clever and Ellga^rd also failed to observe any accumulation of label over puff regions and it is th.eir opinion that puff forma- 128 tion does not include acetylation of histones. The mature nucleated red cells of birds synthesize little or no RNA, whereas lymphocytes do. Comparisons have been made of the rates of histone acetylation and RNA syn- thesis in nucleated erythrocytes and in isolated lymphocyte nuclei. These reveal that the lymphocyte nuclei were far more active in acetylating their histones than were the 1 9 r erythrocytes. Although th:is may be coincidental, it is further evidence for the hypothesis that acetylation of histones may be associated with gene activation. Comparison of the rates of histone acetylation and RNA 22 synthesis in lymphocytes at different times ;•< fter the addi- tion of phytohemagglutinin (PIIA) to the culture medium shows that RNA synthesis is stimulated and that there is an increase in acetylation of aryinine-rich histones preceding the in- crease in RNA synthetic activity. In contrast to the be- havior of lymphocytes upon exposure to PHA, polymorphonu- clear leucocytes curtail the synthesis of Rhil^i and under these conditions histone acetylation is also depressed. ' Monjardino and MacGillivray have suggested, T-iowever^ that these effects may be nonspecific since some preparations of PHA were found to increase RNA synthesis in lymi^hocytes 129 while decreasing histone acetylation. Kil lander and Rigler have shewn that the amount of acridine orange dye bound to the chromatin of PFIA stimulated lynipihocytes in- creased rapidly over a time course which is similar to that 130 for histone acetylation. This reflects a change in chromatin molecular structure as a result of PFIA treatment, which as suggested by Allfrey may be initiated by the acety- 126 lation reaction. It has been shovm that in liver cells g^one activation occurs \vith consequent appearance of new species of RNA as 131 a result of partial hepatectomy. Increa.Vrfi'S m DNA tem- 132 plate activity of isolated liver nuclei, and increases in template activity and RNA x^olymerase activity in chro- 23 mat .in and in "aggregate" enzyme preparations have been re- 44, 13 3 - 13 5 _ ported. With this j.n mind Allfrey and others have studied the acetylation of histones during the course 110, 126 ot li\'er regeneration. The specific activity of different histone fractions from control and regenerating rat liver were measured at various time intervals after an 3 in vivo injection of h-acetate. The results m sham- operated controls indicated a high rate of acetate uptake, the maximum specific acti\/ity being reached in .15 minutes. Turnover at 60 minutes v;es such that only one third of the acetyl-groups o.riginally incorporated into the argi.nine-rich fraction vi^ieleft. This pattern was altered for regenerating liver. In crise histone acetylation was increased by 300 percent at 3 hours after partial hepatectomy and in the period between 1-2 hours after the operation the histone^s lost 13.7 percent of their original acetyl content while the cont.rols had lost 70 percent. Allf.rey has suggested that this is due to an increase in the rate of acetylation and lower rates of deacetylation for regenerating liver. The inc?.ea3e in the percent retention of the acetyl groups in histones from regenerating liver just precedes a rise in PJSTA polymerase activity in rat liver nuclei and reaches its peak 2 before the riuclei reach the first i:>lateau in RNA polymerase activity. These findings 24 are consistent with the view that acetylation of histones modifies DNA-histone interactions, and the subsequent changes j.nfluence the template activity of the chromatin for RNA synthesis . A correlation has also boon observed between the pat- terns of RNA synthesis and histone acetylation in liver re- sponding to stimulation by steroid hormones. ' Ad- ministration of Cortisol to adrenalectomized rats leads to increases in the amounts and changes in the types of RNA synthesized. As in the case of liver regeneration, Cortisol treatment of adrenalectomized rats leads to early increases in the rate of acetylation of arginine-rich histones and a suppression of turnover of previously incorporated acetyl groups. Cortisol stimulation of the liver is only one example of hormone-induced gene activation. Takaku et al. observed increases in the acetylation of histones in spleen cells of polycythemic mice just preceding an increase in RNA synthesis at 4 and 8 hours after erythropoietin injec- 136 tion. Another example is provided by estradiol which m- 137-139 creases RNA synthesis in the uterus. Estradiol has also been reported to stimulate the acetylation of histones 140 by cell free extracts of the rat uterus. Rationale of Proposed Study Although none of these observations show a direct cause 25 and effect relationship, they suggest that the acetylation of histones may be related to genetic expression. The fact that only two of the five known histone fractions are acety- lated ujion incubation of nuclei in the presence of radio- active acetate suggests that t:his is an extremely specific reaction. The complete elucidation of the amino iicid se- auence of the f , histone has even established that in the 2al entire molecule only one specific lysine residue is acety- 71, 74 lated at the epsilon amino position. It does not seem likely that the acetylation of only one lysine residue would change the structure of the histone sufficiently to influ- ence gene activity. Kov/ever, the location of this lysine residue within an unusual cluster of five basic residues would seem rather suggestive of some role which this acety- lation may play in histone--DNA interaction. It appeared that the biological implications of the postulated changes in histone-DNA interactions, resulting from histone acetylation, are sufficiently important to warrartt a thorough study of this process at the molecular level. In order to carry out such a study, the development of an iri vitro system is essential in view of the many ad- vantages of such a system over the myriad of possible in- direct effects which m.ay influence the outcome of _in vivo studies. Some of these may be hormonal influences, pool 26 sizes, and degradation of labeled precursor. Even in Lhe case of isolated nuclei there is a possibility of cytoplas- mic contamination. In addition, nuclei contain an enzyme wliich dcacetylatos histones (see Addendum). The development of the _in. vitro system described in this study which utilizes deoxyribonucleoi^rotein (DNP) has eliminated many of these disadvantages and possesses all the advantages of ini vitro systems in general. The most important of those is the isolation of Lhe enzyme to be studied from the many vari- ables which cannot be controlled j^ vivo. Other advantages are greater reproducibility, control of medium composition, temperature, and pH. In the first stages of the development of t.his system, it appeared that DNP could be employed in- stead of isolated nuclei, especially if the most immediate precursor, acetyl-CoA was used. It was found that isolated rat liver DNP was capable of transferring acetate from acetyl-CoA to histones. A problem which presented itself at thi.s point was the possibility that this transfer might not be enzymatically catalyzed since it was found that free histones are spontaneously acetylated upon incubation v/ith acetyl-CoA. It, therefore, became essential to establish that this transfer is an enzymatically catalyzed reaction and attention has been directed toward this problem. This dissertation describes the conditions influencing the trans- 27 fer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to histones in rat liver chromaLin and provides evidence that this is an enzymatic reaction . MATERIALS AND METHODS Isolation of Nuclei Although in the beginning these studies v/ere done v/ith calf thymus, this was replaced by rat liver since fresh preparations were found to exhibit higher acetylating activities in contrast to frozen material, O'cher factors in favor of rat liver include availability of previously described methods for the isolation and purification of nuclei and deoxyribonucl eoprotein (DNP) . It v/as also desirable to compare experiments on Novikoff hepatoma and the tissue from which the tumor presumably originated. Male Holtzman rats weighing approximately 300-500 gm were decapitated and the liver excised. All preparations v.'ore carried out at 4°C. The liver was homogenized in 10 volumes (weight/volume) 0.25 M sucrose containing 1.5 rcM CaCl2 in a Potter type homogenizer, filtered througli cheese- cloth to remove connective tissue, and centrifuged at 600 x 141 g for 10 minutes. The pellet v/as resuspended in 5 volumes of 0.25 M sucrose, 1.5 niM CaCl„ and recentifuged as a.bove. The nuclear fraction thus obtained v.'as purified 28 29 by rosuspension and centrifugation at 40,000 x g for 30 142 minutes in 2.1 M sucrose, 0.5 mM CaCl„. It has been found that this procedure removes surface cytoplasm from rat liver nuclei even when loose homogenizers 21 were employed. Examination of the 2.1 M sucrose, 0.5 mM CaClp pellet by phase microscopy showed clean nuclei with little visible debris in the preparation. Nuclei have also been prepared according to more recent procedures using detergent, Triton N-101, which has been shown by electron microscopy to remove the outer nuclear membrane and perinu- 143 clear ribosomes. Where calf thymus was used, the 2.1 M sucrose purifi- cJition of nviclei was omitted because there is less of a problem of cyLoplasmic contamination with this tissue. If Novikoff hepatoma was used, fibrous connective tissue was removed by filtration through a wire screen rather than cheesecloth. Isolation of Deoxyribonucleoprotein (DNP) DNP v/as prepared from nuclei by homogenization in 10- 15 volumes of 0.14 M NaCl, 0.01 M sodium citrate in a micro Waring Blendor (Virtis) , for 1 minute followed by centri- fugation at 2000 X g for 10 minutes. The sediment was re- suspended by light homogenization in a loose fitting Potter type homogenizer and recentrifuged. This procedure, which 30 13 removes solub.l e nuclear proteins, was repeated once. Chart 1 illustrates the outline of the general procedure used. Conditions of Incubation Unless otherwise stated, samples of isolated DNP or purified nucle.i containing about 0.3-0.5 mg of histones were o incubated at 37' C m a medium originally designed for studies 144 of protein synthesis by isolated calf thymus nuclei. This medium contr'ined 0.19 M sucrose, 20 mM glucose, 25 ^M phosphate buffer, pJI 6.75, 12 mM NaC]. , 0,75 mM Ca"^"^, 5 mM ++ 14 Mg and 0.01 ^ic acetyl- C-CcT^ (spec. act. 56 mc/mM, New Eng- land Nuclear), in a final volume of 2 ml (step 3 in Chart 3 1) . In prolindnary experiments H-acetate was used as a 14 precursor, but replaced by acetyl- C-CoA since it was 14 found that this improved incorporation of C-acetate. Low 3 incorporation of acetate into histones when H-acetate was used as a precursor may be due to lack of activating enzymes converting acetate to acetyl-CoA (see Introduction) , es- 3 pecially since there was no stimulation of Il-acetate in- corporation into liistones upon the addition of ATP. Studies reported below revealed that divalent cations, glucose, and sucrose v/ere not necessary for the transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to histones. They were therefore eliminated from the medium. Latr.r, experiments were also run at a pH of 8, rather tlian 6.75. ' 31 After a 15 minute incubation, the reaction was stopped by cooling the flasks and adding trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to 5%. The mixture was centrifuged at 2000 x g for 10 minutes (step 4 in Chart 1). If nuclei were incubated in the above described manner, the reaction was stopped after 10 minutes by rapid cooling and centrifugation of the samples at 2000 x g for 10 min- utes. The nuclei were then washed in saline-citrate to re- move soluble nucleoproteins as described for the preparation of DNP. In experiments where proteinaceous extracts were added to DNP preparations, the reaction was not stopped by TCA, but only by centrifugation after cooling, to prevent co- precipitation of the added proteins with the DNP upon ad- dition of TCA. These proteins coiald contaminate subse- quently extracted histones. Extraction of Histones and Determination of Specific Radioactivity After incubation, the total histones were extracted from the DNP sediment with 0.25 N PICl (step 5 of Chart 1). Chromatographic analysis and subsequent amino acid analysis of histones extracted in this manner have shown that less than 0.5% of the total nitrogen is due to contamination ^ ,^ , . 145, 146 from ocher proteins. After centrifugation the supernatant was made 5% with TCA which precipitates the 32 -arginine-rich" (includes f^^ fraction) histones leaving the very lysine-rich hi stones behind in solution. After standing overnight the TCA precipitate was washed with ace- tone-1% HCl and ether and allowed to dry (stop 6 in Chart 1). This procedure, therefore, selectively isolates the "ar- ginine-rich" histones, which have been found to be by far the most actively acetylated fraction (see Introduction) . Determinations of total counts contained in histones, DNA, acidic and residual proteins (described in next sec- tion) show that 76% of the radioactive label is contained in the "arginine-rich" histone fraction and therefore cannot be ascribed to contamination with a hypothetical nonhistone fraction which is very highly labeled. AlmO'St all of the remaining label was contained in the acidic protein frac- tion. Purity of histone fractions was tested by amino acid analysis and acrylamide gel electrophoresis of "arginine- rich" histones isolated according to this procedure. In experiments where the spontaneous acetylation of free histones was studied, "arginine-rich" calf thymus histones were used. Essentially, these histones are com- parable to those obtainable from rat liver, but were used in place of rat liver histones because larger quan- tities could be obtained more easily from calf thymus. Tliese histones were extracted from 0.14 M NaCl washed calf thymus with 0.2 5 N HCl and the "arginino-rich" fractions were x^i'<^cipitated by 5% TCA and dried in acetone-1% HCl and ether. Protein concentrations were determined by the method of 147 Lowry et al . using bovine serum albumin as a standard. Radioactivity was determined by liquid scintillation count- ing after dissolving the histones in a small aliquot of water (step 7 in Chart 1 lists this procedure) . One liter of liquid scintillation fluid contained 72 ml of spectra- fluor Butyl-PBD (Nuclear Chicago), 300 ml of ethanol, and 628 ml of toluene. Determination of Acidic and Residual Proteins Amounts of DNA in DNP subjected to various treatments were determined prior to incubation to ensure that histone/ DNA ratios were unchanged by these treatments. Therefore, any differences in acetylating activity observed between pretreated DNP and control preparations cannot have been due to changes in the essential composition of the complex, such as might occur by the selective removal of histones. The precipitate remaining after the 0.25 N HCl extraction of histones was washed with cold 5% TCA, to remove any small organic molecules, such as sucrose, which might interfere with the DNA determinations. After centrifugation, the precij)itate was washed with 95% ethanol, absolute ethanol. 34 chloroformimenfbanol 2:1, and twice with ether to remove lipids. ^Vlien DNA was determined by tlie TJ SO. reaction, the mixture was dissolved in 1 N NaOII and incubated at 3 7°C for 16-20 hours. Upon acidification with IICl at 0 C the DNA precipitates leaving hydrolyzed RNA in solution. After hydrolysis in perchloric acid at 90 C for 20 minutes it 149 was reacted with JI^SO^ to give a colorimetric reaction. The Burton test which is a modified diphenylamine test for 150 DNA was also used. In this case it was not necessary to remove RNA as this reaction is specific for deoxyribose. Specific activity of acidic proteins was determined by dissolving the proteins remaining in the precipitate after hot acid exti^action in 1 N NaOH. Any residual protein un- dissolved by this procedure was dissolved in NCS solubilizer (Nuclear Chicago) and counted. 35 CHART 1: OUTLINE OF GENERAL PROCEDURE 1. Isolated nuclei washed 3x in saline-citrate-:?' 2. Deoxyi ibonucleoprotcin (DNP) . 3. Nuclei or DNP incubated in 2 ml final volume, containing; 0.19 M sucrose, 20 mM glucose, 25 mM phosphate buffer, pH 6.75, 12 ml-I NaCl, 0.75 mM Ca''""'', 5 ml^l Mg++, 0.01 uc acetyl-^^C-CoA (0.6 muM) . 4. After 15 minutes brought to 0 C and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) added to 5% and centrifuged. 5. Sediment extracted with 0.2 5 N HCl "Arginine-rich histones" 6. Precipitated with 5% TCA, v/ashed with acetcne-1% HCl, ether, dry. 7. Dissolved in 0 ,. 6 ml HoO/ protein concentration (Low.ry) , radioactivity (liquid scintillation), DNA (H^SO^) . 36 Mebhods for Extraction of Acetylatinq Enzymes Extraction of acetylating enzyme from acetone powder of rat liver nuclei Nohara et al. have reported the isolation of acetylating 117 enzymes from an acetone powder of whole pigeon liver. In addition Gallwitz has extracted an acetokinase from an ace- 118 tone powder of rat liver nuclei. An attempt v^as there- fore made to use a similar procedure to extract the acetyl- transferase from nuclei and DNP . A modification of the original procedure was used, which was claimed by Bondy and Roberts to be successful in the isolation of a histone 151 acetokinase from rat brain and liver nuclei. Nuclei or DNP obtained from 2 5 gm of rat liver were suspended in 7 ml of water. This preparation was then added dropwise with continuovis stirring to 70 ml of acetone kept o at -30 C. The resulting suspension was passed through Whatman No. 1 filter paper on a Buchner funnel. The pre- o cipitate was washed 3 times with 50 ml acetone at -30 C and o dried in a dessicator at 0 C. The dry powder obtained was llien liomogenized in 13 ml of 0.1 M tris-IICl buffer at pH 8.2 and centrifuged at 2000 x g for 10 minutes. The resulting supernatant was treated with neutral saturated ammonium sulfate, Tlie fraction v/hich precipitated between 3 5-60% saturation witli sulfate was dissolved in 6.5 ml of tris buffer and dialyzed against two successive 500 ml 37 portions of a solution wliicli contained 0.0G8 M KCl, 0.001 M 2--niorcaptoethanol and 0,02 M NaHCO at pll 8.0 for 1 hour each. This dialysed preparation contained the soluble aco- tylating enzyme and 1 ml containing 0.1-0,5 nvy of protein v/as incubated at 37^0 with 0.5 mg of isolated "arginine- rich" calf thymus histoncs in 25 \\M phosphate buffer, pH 8, .14 12 mM NaCl in the presence of acetyl--"' C-CoA. The reaction was stopped by prc;cipitating the protein onto filter paper v/ith cold 15% TCA, In a preliminary experiment Bio Gel filters v/ere used, which were washed twice v/ith 2 ml of incubation medium containing 10 times the ojriginal concentration of unlabeled acetyl- CoA, twice with 2 ml of acctone-1% KCl, and twice with 1 ml of ether. Since this filter paper did not dis- solve in scintillation fluid, corrections were made for loss of counts by counting a sample before and after absorption onto filter paper. In subsequent experiments millipore (AAWPO2500) filters were used v/hich could be dissolved in 152 o Bray's scintillation fluid. These were dried at 90 C for 15 minutes after the TCA precipitation step and subsequently counted. Extraction of acetylating enzyme from rat liver nuclei with saline Johnfj aiid Forrester have found that acidic x->i-Oteins 38 w} remain bound to the chromatin complex during the 0.14 M NaCl procedures used to prepare DNP from nuclei can be removed by extraction witli 0.35 M NaCl. It seemed plaiisibJo that the acetylating enzyme was among this group of proteins and could be extracted from the DNP complex v/ith 0.3 5 M NaCl. Therefore, attempts were made to extract the cicctyltransferase witli 0.35 M NaCl from nuclei and DNP. Pui-ified rat liver nuclei or DNP fi"om 6 gm of liver were therefore blended for 1 minute in the Virtis homogeni- zer in 4 ml of 0.35 M NaCl. After a preliminary centrifuga- tion at 2000 x g for 10 minutes to remove the m.ajor portion of the DNP, the supernatant was diluted to 0.14 M NaCl and centxifuged at 40,000 x g for 30 ma nates. To check whether ariv DNP remained in the supernatant, the DNA con- centration of the supernatants was determined whicli showed less than 0.15 mg of total DNA present. This supernatant was then used as an enzyme source. DNP was inactivated by lieating ?.t 65^C for 10 minutes in 0.14 M NaCl- 0.01 M citrste. The salt extract from nuclei or DNP derived from 1 gm of liver was incubated with inactivated DNP from 1 gm of liver at 37'^C for 15 minutes in 0.1 M NaC] , 25 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8. To pi-event precipitation of the extract v/ith th.e DNP, the reaction v/as not stopped with TC/A, but the DNP f;pun down and Tii stones 39 extracted find dried as usual. vVliere isolated "arginine- rich" calf thymus histories v/ere used as a substrate, the in- cubation reaction was stopped by precipitation w.i th 15% TCA (since isolated histones are soluble in the medium) and the resulting precipitate was dissolved in 1 M hyamine and counted. Extracts alone and inactivated extracts plus sub- strate were used as controls. Extraction of acetylating enzyme from rat liver DNP Since previous extraction procedures were effective for the isolation of acetylating enzymes from rat liver nuclei, but not fi~om. DNP, the possibility was considered that these enzymes represented cytoplasmic contaminants and were not the acetyltransf erase in tlie chromatin complex. Therefore, an attempt was made to extract the acetylating activity from the DNP complex using a method which had been proven to be 154 successful .IB the isolation of PI\!A polymerase. Earlier studies on the isolation of Rl^A polymerfise had revealed that this enzyme is tightly bound to the chromatin complex, similar to the chromatin acetyltransf erase . In studies on endogenous RNA polymerase activity the crude chromatin was 155 consequently often referred to as the "aggregate enzyme." Nuclei and DNP from 12 gm of rat liver were gently homogenized in 12 ml of 15 mM phosphate buffer, pll 8, 0.5 40 mM ethelenediamine totraacctic acid (EDTA) , and 1.0 mM 2-mGr.captoethanol. This mixturo was inculcated at 30 C for 50 minutes with gentle shaking. In the original polymerase extraction procedure a tris-phosphate buffer, pH 8.8, was 154 used, but since phosphate buffer had been shown to be much more favorable to the DNP catalyzed transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to histones than tris buffer, the phosphate buffer system v;as substituted. After the extraction, the mixture was ceutrifuged at 115,000 x g for 40 minutes and the supernatant served as the enzyme source. One ml of this supernatant contained the enzyme extracted from DNP isolated from 1 gra of rat liver. One ml of enzyme solution 14 v/as incubated in the presence of acetyl- C-CoA either with inactivated (by heating at 65°C, 10 minutes) DNP from 1 gra of rat liver or 0.5 mg of isolated "arginine-rich" calf thymus histones. The enzyme was also added back to DNP from 1 gm of liver which had been extracted by the above procedure, i.e., to the 115,000 x g precipitate, in an attempt to restore the preparatioii to full activity. The final volume was 2 ml and contained 0.25 mM EDTA, 0.5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 33 rnM phosphate buffer, pH 8, 12 mM 14 / 1 NaCl, and 0.01 uc of acetyl- C-CoA (spec. act. 56 mc/mM) . After 15 minutes at 37°C, the fractions containing isolated histones were cooled and made 15% with respect to TCA, and 41 were filtered on raillipore filters. The filters were dried in a hot air oven, dissolved in Bray's scintillation fluidy and counted. The samples containing DNP were cooled rapidly and centrifuged to prevent co-precipitation of the enzyme in 15% TCA. The histones were extracted from the sediment as described above. Method for Determining the Extent of 0-Acetylation of Free Histones and that Occurring in DNP It is possible to estimate the degree of 0--acetylation 156 occurring in proteins by a method devised by Narita. In this procedure one takes advantage of the lability of the 0-acetyl bond in the presence of hydroxylamine . Histones or DNP prelabeled with radioactive acetyl-CoA can therefore be incubated in the presence of hydroxylamine. The degree of 0-acetylation can subsequently be estimated by measuring the amount of radioactivity released as a result of this treatment. Pogo et al . have shown that the acetate incorporated in the f his tone fraction of regenerating rat liver was 2al 110 stable to treatment with 2 M hydroxylamine, "^ indicating that this fraction does not contain 0-acetyl groups. Other studies on the site of acetylation of histones in calf thymus nuclei f fraction showed that acetylation only 2a J. 93 takes place at the epsilon-amino group in lysine. The 42 f^ fraction of regenerating rat liver, however, showed a release of 55% of the acetyl groups as a resulL of hydro- 110 xylaraine treatment, which agrees with the work of Nohara et al. who reported considerable 0-acetylation of the f^ fraction by pigeon liver enzymes xn vitro. In tlie case of calf thymus, all of the acetate incorx^orated in the f^ fraction upon incubation of nuclei in the presence of C- acetate was recovered as epsilon-N-acetyllysine after en- 94 zymatic digestion and ion exchange chromatography. Thus, tliere is, at least in calf t'nymus, no evidence for the forma- tion of 0-acetyl linkages under those conditions. Since it may be expected that an enzymatically cata- lyzed reaction will show greater specificity of acetylation and therefore perhaps a lower level of 0-acetylation than that occurring spontaneously, DNP catalyzed acetylation in the presence of acotyl-CoA was compared with that occurring spontaneously by free histones with respect to 0-acetyla- tion. Conditions were selected to yield a similar amount of radioactivity by eitlier process. Therefore, for DNP catalyzed acetylation, DNP equivalent to 1 gm of liver was 14 incubated m the presence of 0.01 uc of acetyl- C-CoA, 12 mM NaCl and 2 5 mM. phosphate buffer, pll 8, for 15 minutes at 3 7°C. The reaction v;as stopped with 5% TCA, and the histones were dried with acctone-1% IICl and ether. 43 For the liyd.roxylamine test, 0.45 ml of liydroxylamine solution (pH 6.4) containing 3 volumes of 40% hydx-oxylamine hydrochloride and 2 voJ.umes of 3.5 N NaOH were added to 0.3 ml of 0.1 N acetate buffer, pH 5.4, and 0.3 ml of H^O con- 14 tamxng 0.3-0.5 mg of C-acetylated histones obtained as described above. After standing at room temperature for 5 hours the histones were precipitated with 15% TCA, centri- fuged after 4 hours, and dried in acetone- 1% HCl and ether. The percent 0 acetylation was determined by counting the radioactivity released in an aliquot of the 15% TCA super- natant, whereas the extent of N-acetylation was deduced from the radioactivity remaining in the histones after the ■ hydroxy lamine treatment. . _ _ Determination of Incorporation of Radioactive Acetate into the Various Histone Fractions 157 Fractionation according to Johns Since it has been observed by others iihat acetylation of histones occurs primarily in the arginine-rich (f and ^ ^ 2al f ^) fractions (see Introduction) , it was deemed important to compare this labeling pattern with that of histones ace- tylated iii vitro in DNP. Such a comparison would determine how closely the _in vitro reaction approximated the in vivo situation. Therefore, histones v/hich had been acetylated were separated into the five major fractions according to 44 li37 Johns and their specific eictivity determined. These fractions were examined by acrylamidc gel electrophoresis to determine the purity of the separation. For this experiment, DNP was obtained as usual from 15 gm of rat liver and incubated at 3 7°C for 15 minutes in ' 5 gm samples containing 10 ml total volume per sample of 12 mM NaCl, 2 5 roM phosphate buffer, pH 8, and 0.1 ^uc acetyl- 14 C-CoA. After the xncubation, the reaction was stopped by centrifugation and the unbound label was rinsed out by wasliing once with a large volume of saline-citrate. Then, the very lysino-rich (fi) fraction was extracted from the DNP with 8 ml of 5% perchloric acid (PCA) , and centrifugcd at 1100 X g for 20 minutes. This procedure was repeated once with 4 ml of 5% PCA. This fraction was precipitated from the combined supernatants with 25% TCA, dried with acetone-- 1% HCl, and ether. The residual DNP was extracted for 18 hours with 20 ml of ethanol-1.25 N HCl (4:1), with stirring, and centrifugcd at 1100 x g for 15 minutes. This extraction was rcTseated once with 10 ml of ethanol-HCl (4:1), for 2 hours. After centrifugation the combined supernatants contained the arginlne-rich (f and f ) frac-- ^a J tions, whereas the moderately lysine -rich {^^h^ fraction remained still bound to the residual DNP. The supernatants containing the f^ and f_ fvp.ctions were dialyzed against Z3l 3 45 ethauol for 18 hours, which causes the f fraction to pre- 3 cipitate, leaving the f fraction in solution. After cen- trifugation, Lhe f^ histones were further separated by the addition of an equal volume of acetone. This caused the precipitation of f„ „. After centrifugat ion f„ , was pre- z a ^ 2 a -L cipitated from the supernatant with 3 volumes of acetone. The precipitates were dried in ether. The moderately lysine- rich (fpv,) fr iction v/as then extracted from the residue with 0.2 5 N HCl, and precipitated with 5 volumes of acetone, and dried in ether. 46 CilART 2: OUTLINE OF SEPARATION OF HISTONE FRACTIONS DNP from 15 grams of rat liver extract with 8 ml 5% PCA centrifuge 1100 x g, 20 min repeat with 4 ml 5%PCA ocipitate nkl supernatant extract 18 'lours with 20 ml ethanol-1.2'3 N HCl (4:1) centrifuge I l.OO x g, 20 min, repeat with 10 ml for 2 hrs add TCA to 25% centrifuge 1100 X g 20 min. Precipitate=f ^ wash with acetone-1% HCl, ether ecipitate extract with 0.25 N HCl centrifuge 1100 x g, 20 min. superhatant diiilyze against ethanol 18 hrs. I ecipitate supernatant precipitate=f add 5 vol. acetone centrifuge 1100 X g 20 min. precipitate=f o wash with ether precipita a=f. supernatant add 1 volunie acetone 1 su pernatant 2a2 wash with ether add 3 vol . acetone 2b precipitate=f „ , wash with etlier 47 Electrophoresib of histone fractions The histono fractions obtained according to Johns were checked for purity by polyacrylaniide gel electrophoresis in a vertical electrophoresis apparatus from tlie E. C. Apparatus Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Acid gel con- 158 d-itions, designed for the resolution of basic proteins, were used as I'ollows: Gel and SJimple Buffer: Tris 0.12 H adjusted to pH 2.9 with citric acid. Electrode Buffer: Glycine 0.3 7 M, adjusted to pH 4.0 with citric acid. Sample Solvent: Tris-citric acid buffer pK 2.9 con- taining 6 M urea. The sample solvent was saturated with sucrose to facili- tate the settling of the sample in the slots. Polymer Solution: 12% Cyanogum-41 in tris-citric acid buffer, pH 2.9, containing 3 M urea. Total volume was 150 ml for each gel. Catalyst: 0.1% ascorbic acid, 0.002 5% ferrous sulfate, and 0.02% HO. Besides the addition of sucrose to the sample solvent, the only modification of the procedure as originally de- signed was that the HO concentration was dropped from 0.03% to 0.02% to increase the polymerization time long enough to pour the gel. After mixing the polymer solation, the ascorbic acid and ferrous sulfate v.ere added with stirring. Immediately 48 after mixing, the H^O^ was added and the gel was poured. The electrophoresis apparatus was precoolod Ijefore pouring the gel by running water at 8 C through Lhc circulation system. This was done to prevent contraction of tlio gel upon poliTnerization. Since the gel hardened within a few minutes, it was necessary to remove any bubbles that formed immediately. After about 10 minutes the gel had suf f icientJ.y hardened to fill the apparatus with 2 liters of the electrode buffer. It was only after this step that Lhe teflon slot former could be easily removed. Samples of 15 ul containing 30 rig of protein were placed in each slot and ran at 250 v., 8^C, for 4 hours. It was found in preliminary experiments that no pre-run was necessary using these gel conditions. Staining of the gel v^/as done in 0.2% Amido Schwartz, 1% acetic acid, and 40% ethanol, for 20 minutes, and dcstaining accomplished elec- trophoretically by a destainer from E. C. Apparatus Company. RESULTS In early experiments the in vitro acetylation of his- tones by isolated nuclei was studied. These nuclei were purified by centrifugation through 2.1 M sucrose as described in Materials and Methods , In the course of these investi- gations it was discovered that if these purified nuclei were washed with isotonic saline, the resulting DNP prepara- tion possessed an acetylating activity approximately 3 times that of the nuclei. This was an indication that perhiips an acetylating enzyme responsible for the transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to histones was present in or at least closely associated with the chromatin complex. Since other laboratories had only reported the isolation of acetylating 117-119 enzymes from whole tissue or nuclei, this finding stimulated interest to characterize this reaction more carefully. An enzyme obtained from the DNP complex had less chance of being a cytoplasmic contaminant tlian those iso- lated from nuclei, and, in view of its localization in the chromatin itself, took on more meaning in viev/ of the pos- sibility that histone acetylation plays a role in chromo- somal function., e.g., the control of gene expression. 49 50 To verify that the acetylation reaction was not due to cytoplasmic contamination, DNP was also prepared from nuclei isolated in detergent. This procedure removes the outer nuclear memljrane . DNP prepared from these nuclei v/as found to possess an acetylating activity approximately equivalent to that of DNP obtained from nuclei isolated by tlie usual procedure. This v/ould support the contention that the acetylating activity observed in DNP prepared from nuclei by the usual procedure is not of cytoplasmic origin. Further support for this was obtained from experiments in which DNP isolated according to the usual procedure was further purified by centrifugation at 22,000 rpm for 3 hours in the Spinco S. W. 25 head in 1.7 M sucrose. Marushige and Bonner have shown that rat liver chromatin purified by 44 this procedure is characterized by a low RNA content, and others have reported that the nonhistone protein contained in this preparation is not a cytoplasmic contaminant, but a 159 real constituent of chromatin. DNP treated in this manner showed acetylating activity tv/o or three times greater than that of the usual preparation. These results confirmed that the acetylation reaction was not due to a cytoplasmic contaminant and was closely associated with the chromatin. Having established the localization of the transferase activity in DNP, the following experiments were 51 designed to characterize Lhe conditions influencing this reaction, using rat liver DNP as the source for enzyme activity as well as the acetate acceptor. 52 Conditions Influencing the Acetylabion of Histones in DNP Among the conditions influencing the in vitro reaction that were studied were divalent cations, components , temperature, concentration of substrates, and pH. These are discussed below in that order. Divalent cations Nohara et al. has found a Mg requirement for two pigeon liver fractions which act respectively as acetate activating and transferring enzymes in the acetylation of 117 ++ . i.Golated histones. Gallwitz has suggested that Mg is only necessary for the activating enzyme since a trans- ferring enzyme which he has isolated from rat liver nuclei 118 does not require it. In view of these findings it was decided to study the effect of several divalent cations on the DNP catalyzed transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to histones. Rat liver DMP washed in 0.075 M NaCl and 0.024 M EDTA 160 (chelates divalent cations) , pH 8, was incubated in the presence of 5 mM EDTA or different concentrations of divalent cations. Tlie results indicate a depression in activil-.y at 10 mM Mn and 8 mM Ca . The presence of Mg from 0-10 mM did not seem to affect the activity signif icanLly . Medium components (Table I) Since the original incubation iriedium was designed for 53 the study of protein synthesis by isolated calf thymus nuclei, it seemed desirable to analyze the effects of the various components of this medium on the acetylation re- action. The results of 1 experiment using 4 samples for each condition is reported in Table I. The term "complete medium" refers to the one described in .f4atc;rials and Methods, except that phosphate buffer, i:)H 8, rather than pll 6.75, was used and the divalent cations were omitted. These changes were made on the basis of other experiments to be reported here. Components of the complete medium were omitted and the molarity of the buffer was gradually lov/ered. The re;- sults indicate that the presence of sucrose, and glucose is not essential for the DNP catalyzed acetylation of h5 stones, and the opcimum concentration of the phosphate buffer was 25 mM. The effect of ionic strength on the reaction mix- ture was studied by changing the concentration of NaCl in the incubation medium. Between 0.0]. K to 0.2 M NaCl there was a slight rise in activity up to 0.1 M NaCl, followed by a decrease at 0.2 M NaCl. This is in agreement with a report by Gallwitz and Sekeris on the acetylation of histones 115 by rat liver nuclei. The conditions for this reaction v/ere therefore assumed to be 12 mM NaCl, and 25 mJ^i i:)hosx:-'hnte buffer, pK 8, according to the pa.rameters studied. 54 Temper aturo (Figure 1) Figure 1 shows the course of the reaction with time at two different temperatures. The medium for this experi- ment was as described for the original procedure (Materials 14 and Methods) except that the concentration of acetyl- C-CoA was 4 times higher. From these data a Q,-^ of about 1.8 could be calculated. Allfrcy has reported a Q, ^ of 2.09 J26 for t-his reaction in nuclei. In gonei-al the velocity of enzymatic reactions is doubled for a 10 rise in temperature. 55 Tabic I Effect of Various Medium Components on the Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones in DNP Concentration Incubation Media Specific Activity of Phosphate ( cpm/mg ) Buffer Complete medium 8243 + 611 25 mM -sucrose -glucose 9075 + 910 25 mM -sucrose -glucose -NaCl 7037 + 444 25 mM -sucx"Ose -glucose -NaCl 1729 + 224 2 . 5 mM -sucrose -glucose -NaCl 998 + 85 0.25 mM -sucrose ~g].ucose -NaCl 769 + 76 0.025 mM The results are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of histones plus or minus the standard error. Figure 1: Effect of Tcmperatvire on the Transfer of Acetate Prom Acetyl-CoA to Histones in DNP. The results are expres_^.cd as specific activity (counts per minute per mg x 10 ) of histones as a function of t i ine . 57 Minutes 58 Concentration of DNP (Figure 2) Since in this particular experimental set-up the acc- Late-accepting substrate and enzyme are both present in the DNP preparation, the hi.stone concentration varies with that of the enzyme when the DNP concentration in the re- action mixture changes. Therefore, it seemed interesting to determine the optimum concentration of DNP for the trans- fer reaction. l^at liver DNP was incubated at different concentrations in the presence of acetyl- " C-CoA in the usual m.anner. The results are represented graphically in Figure 2, either as total counts per minute or as specific activity (counts per minute per mg histone) . As can be seen, there is a rise in both curves with an optimum con- centration of DNP equivalent to 0.3-0.5 mg of histones per 2 ml incubation miixture. Past this point increasing con- centrations of DNP affected the total incorporation to a minor degree, but caused a lapid drop in the specific activity of histones. Concentration of acetyl-CoA (Table II) and Km determination (Figure 3) Tlie I 0.4 - 0.2 - Figure 3: Effect of Increasing Concentrations of Acetyl-CoA on the In^ Vitro Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl- CoA to Histones in DNP Plotted According to Lineweaver and Burk Rat liver DNP equivalent to 0.3-0,5 mg histones was incubated in 2 5 mM phosphate buffer, pll 8, 12 niM NaCl, 0.19 M sucrose and 20 mil glucose in the presence of increasing concentra- tions of acetyl-CoA as described in Materials and Methods. Calcium and magnesium were omitted. Ordinate: V-pmoles of acetate incorporated per mg histone. Abscissa: S-molar concentration of acetyl-CoA. -4000 6000 / / / / / _/ (phosphate) -2000 y^ ^ y* (trii-HCI) -2000 .A ® \ -4000 Iglycine-NaOH] -2000 63 70 8.0 8.0 9.0 8.5 9.0 10.0 pH Figure 4: Effect of pH in Different Buffer Systems on the Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones in DNP The results are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of histones as a function of pH. 64 Enzymatic Nature of the DNP Catalyzed Acetylation of Histones Since it had been reported, and svibsequently recon- firmed in til is laboratory, that isolated histones will be- come acetylated spontaneously when incubated in the presence of acetyl-CoA, considerable attention has been given to the possibility that the acetylation of histones occurring v/ith- in the DNP complex may not be enzymatic. Inhibition studies (Table III) The first approach taken to rule out nonenzymatic transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to histones was an in- direct one. In these studies the DNP complex was treated IDrior to incubation in various ways to either wash oiat or extract the acetylating enzyme, or to inhibit its action by methods which are in general considered to be deleterious to enzymes. The effects of these various treatments on the transfer of labeled acetate during subsequent incubation are shown in Table III. Treatment of DNP in 1 M NaCl causes it to dissociate 17, 162, 163 into histones and DNA. Subsequent dilution of this solution to 0.14 iM will result in recombination of histone and DNA. Nonhistone proteins, however, remain in solution. It was found that if liver DNP v/as subjected to such a treatment the activity decreased to 66% of untreated con- trols. Although this treatment is expected to remove non- 65 histone proteins bound within the DNP complex, it appears as though most of the activity remains tightly bound to the DNP. Recently Johns and Forrester reported that extraction of calf thymus DNP with 0.35 M NaCl removes acidic x^roteins v/hich have become bound to it during the isolation proce- 153 dure. An attempt was therefore made to extract the factor responsible for acetylating activity from rat liver DNP with 0.3 5 M NaCl (see Materials and Methods). The re- sults of these experiments indicate that DNP subjected to such treatment retains 80% of its acetylating activity. Heating briefly at 65 C, or washing with ethanol, acetone, and ether, practically abolished activity. The histone acetylation in these preparations appeared to be negligible, both under conditions (phosphate buffer) which favor an enzymatic reaction and those (tris buffer) favoring a chemical process (see below). Prolonged incubation of DNP in the regular medium at 0 C and 3 7 C for different time periods resulted in a decreased activity. Neither the salt extractions, treatment with organic solvents, or heat, changed the histone/DNA ratio of the DNP. It could be argued that the decrease in acetylating activity observed upon incubatJon of DNP for prolonged periods at different temperatures could be due to an alteration in the histones 66 raLher than a change in an enzyme within the DNP. To check this possibility, "arginino-rich" histoncs from DKP which had been incubated for 20 hours at 0 C and for 4 hours at 37 C were isolated and their ability to become acctylated spontaneously or enzymatically in the presence of the ace- tyltraiisferase (sec below) was compared with that of his- tones isolated from control preparations of DNP. This ex- periment showed that histones from these pretreated prepara- tions vyere still capable of becoming acetylated to the same degree as the controls or even higher. These findings argue against the possibility that the histones were degraded or extracted from, the DNP complex during these treatments. Therefore the observed decrease in acetylation cannot be explained by a defective substrate, but presumably results from enzymatic denaturation. Free histones subjected to treatment with organic solvents or heated at 65°C were still capable of becoming spontaneously acetyJ.ated. In contrast the acetylation re- action within the DNP is completely abolished by these treatments. These findings suggest that acetylation is somehow prevented in histones which are bound within the DNP coraplox. 67 Table III Effect of Viirious Conditions on jCn Vitro Transfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histones Percent Pretreatment of Deoxyribonucleoprotoin of Control Extraction with 1 M NaCl 66.0 Extraction with 0.3 5 M NaCl 80.0 Organic solvents 4.0 65°G for 5 minutes 1.3 Organic solvents (Incub. at pH 9, 12 mM tris) 1.0 65 C for 5 minutes (Incub. at pH 9, 12 mM tris) 0 Incubated at 0°C for 20 hours in regular medium 70 Incubated at 3 7°C for 4 hours in regular medium 17 The results are expressed as percent of untreated con- trols on the basis of specific activity (counts per minute per mg of histones) . 68 Comparison of DNP catalyzed acetylabion with spontaneous acetylation of free histones Duffer Effects (Figure 5) Comparisons between the pH and buffer conditions in- fluencing the spontaneous acetylation of free histones and that occurring within the DNP were made in an attempt to show that they are, indeed, two different reactions. Figure 5 represents a composite graph which summarizes data from a number of separate experiments in which the spontaneous acetylation o I: free histones was compared with that occurring within DNP in different buffer systems, at increasing pH. As can be seen the DNP catalyzed reaction is greatly favored by the x^hosphate buffer system, whereas the spontaneous reaction is more active in tris-HCl buffer. The spon- taneous reaction shows an increase with pH in tris buffer, and at pH 9 actually exceeded that occur ing in the DNP. Due to the range of the phosphate buffer system, it was im- possible to observe the DNP catalyzed reaction under optimum phosphate buffer conditions at a pll higher than 8. Both the spontaneous and the DNP mediated reactions show a pH optimum at pH 8.6-9.6 in glycine-NaOH buffer. Temperature Effects ( F i g vi r e 6 ) Since most mamma].ian enzyme reactions show temperature optima close to 37'~'c, whereas noncnzymatic reactj.ons in- crease with temperature, it was decided to compare the 69 spontaneous acetylatiun of histoncs with that: occurring in DNP at increasing temperatures. Previous experiments indicated a phosphate buffer system, pH 8, rejjresented tlie most favorable conditions ob- tainable for the DNP catalyzed acetylation of histoncs and that a tris-HCl, pH 9, buffer represented the optimum con- dition for the spontaneous acetylation of free histones. Therefore, the transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to his- tones in DNP as well as free calf thymus histones were com- pared under these conditions at increasing temperature. The data shown in Figure 6A were obtained at pH 8 in 25 mM phosphate buffer (most favorable conditions for DNP acetylation) ; those in 6B at pH 9 in 25 mM tris-HCl buffer kaost favorable for spontaneous acetylation of free his- tones). As can be seen, there is a pronounced differential effect of the ionic environment on the two reactions. In both m.edia, however, the qualitative effect of increasing temperature on each of the two processes was the sam.e: the enzymatic reaction in the DNP complex indicating an optimum at 37 C, followed by a sharp decline; while the spontaneous acetylation of isolated histones showed a progressive in- crease v/ith increasing temperature up to 7 7°C. This ex- periment offers further evidence that the acetate transfer occurring in the DNP coniplex is catalyzed by an enzyme. 70 Determination of bhe Extent of 0-Acetylation by Hydroxylamine Test (Table IV) Since most evidence available at present indicates that the acetylation of histones occurs only at the epsilon- amino group of internal lysine residues and at alpha- araino gi'oups of terminal amino acids, it may be expected that 0-acetylation often found in Jji vitro systems is an artifact occurring only as a result of spontaneous acetyla- tion. The DNP catalyzed acetylation of histones was there- fore compared with that occurring spontaneously by comparing the extent of 0-acotylation occurring in either case. The results in Table IV show that 3% of the acetyl-gx'oups of "arginine-rich" histones acetylated by DNP can be released by hydroxylaraine treatment, whereas about 28% can be re- leased from "arginine-rich" histones acetylated spon- taneously. This suggests a greater degree of specificity occurring in the DNP catalyzed reaction and im.plies an enzymatic rather than a random spontaneous process. 71 8000- 6000 E 4000 C/} 2000 I I Spontaneous reaction with free histones H Enzyme reaction within DNP T 7.0 I m I 8.0 Tris Buffer 9.0 I _I*L if I i I i A PH 7.0 8.0 Phosphate Buffer Figure 5: Comparison . of the Effect of Increasing pH in Different Buffer Systems on the Spontaneous and Enzymatic Acetylation Reactions Results are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of Jiistones. Range of data is given in brackets . 72 8000 r O) E E Q. u .i 4000 < (J o> Q. CO Figure 6: Effect of Temperature on the Ti-ansfer of Acetate from Acetyl-CoA to Histoncs in Rat Liver DNP 0 0 , and to Free nistones pi r-i in Different Buffer Systems " In Figure 6A, the incubations were carried out in 25 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8; in Figure 6B, in 25 inM tris buffer, pll 9. Calcium and magnesium were omitted in botli. Results are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of histones. 73 Table IV Comparison of the Extent of 0-Acetylation in DNP with that Occurring Spontaneously as Measured by Lability to Hydroxylaraine Type of Labile Acetyl Stable Acetyl Percent Reaction Group (cpm) Group (cpm) Q--Acetylation Acehyl- Transf erase Exp. 1 67 2267 2.8 in DNP Exp. 2 47 1149^ 3.9 Spontaneous Acetylation Exp, 1 1340 3994 25.1 of Free liistones Exp. 2 579 1287 31.0 Results are expressed as total counts per minute. Per- cent O-acetylation was derived from the amount of label re- leased by the hydroxy lamine and the total counts recovered. 74 Enzyme isolation Although the evidence reported above suggests the presence of an enzyme within the DNP complex which is re- sponsible for the transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to histonos, conclusive proof of this hypothesis would be the isolation of the enzyme (acctyltransferase) . The results of attempts to this effect are reported below. Acotylatinq Enzymes from Rat Liver Nuclei Acetone powder extracts The first attemi:)ts at isolation followed procedures re- ported to have been successful for the isolation of histone acetokinases from rat brain and liver nuclei." ' ■ Following the procedure given in Materials and Methods, it was found that a low activity acetylating enzyme could be isolated from nuclei using this procedure, but not from DNP. In fact, protein determinations of the tris extract of the acetone powder preparation from DNP showed that no protein whatsoever could be extracted by this procedure. VHien the acetone powder of DNP or nuclei remaining after tris ex- traction was tested for acetylating activity, it showed about 50-70% of the activity usually observed in normal DNP preparations. This suggests that the enzyme responsible for the reaction in the DNP complex is still tightly bound to tlie DNP and must therefore be decidedly different from that which is extractable from nuclei. 75 Saline extracts (Tables V, VI) Since it has been reported that washing DNP in 0.35 M 153 NaCl removes acidic proteins, saline extracts were made of nuclei and DNP which were examined for acetylating ac- tivity. Table V shows the results of 3 different ex- periments in which these extracts, in quantities comparable to the native preparation, were added back to inactivated DNP. As can be seen, no activity was restored to inacti- vated preparations by the addition of extracts from DNP, although the addition of extracts from nuclei did restore tlie acetylating activity to 10% of that of the controls. Table VI shov/s the activity of salt extracts of nuclei using isolated "arginine-rich" calf thymus histones and poly lysine as acetate acceptors. It can be seen that under these conditions this enzyme lacks specificity, as poly- lysine was acetylated to the same degree as isolated his- tones. 76 Table V Restoration of Acetylating Activity in Heated DNP by 0.3 5 M Extracts from Nuclei Experiment Control DNP 8505 + 1340 10997 + 758 6718 + 474 65°C inactivated DNP 306 + 64 292 + 156 54 -f- 46 6 5°C inactivated DNP and 0,35 M extract of DNP 284 + 101 171 + 6 65°C inactivated DNP and 65°C inactivated 0.35 M extract of DNP 196 + 36 0 65°C inactivated DNP and 0.35 M extract of nuclei 1306 + 27 792 + 50 Results are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute pei- mg) of histones plus or minus the standard error. 77 Table VI Acetylation of Isolated Histones with a 0.3 5 M NaCl Enzyme Extract from Nuclei Incubated Material Total Counts per Minute Isolated Histones 131 + 23 Histones and extract 1677 + 275 (enzyme extracted from 1 gm liver) Histones and extract 1199 +_ 1075 (enzyme extracted from 0.5 gm liver) Histones and 65 C inactivated extract 113 + 26 (enzyme extracted from 0.5 gm liver) Extract alone 268 + 4 (enzyme extracted from 0.5 gm liver) Poly lysine 267 H- 48 Polylysino and extract 1288 + 368 (enzyme extracted from 0.6 gm liver) Results are expressed as total counts per minute plus or minus the standard error. 78 Acetylatinq En?;ymos from Rat Livor DNP (Table VII) A method similar to one used for the isolablon of RNA polymerase from the "aggregate enzyme complex" proved to be successful for the extraction of the acetyltransferase ac~ 154 tivity from DMP. Table VII shows the results of 2 experiments in -which the extract containing acetyltrans- ferase activity from DNP from 1 gm of liver v/as added back to inactivated DNP, free histones, or to DNP which had been extracted by this procedure. In each instance, the sub- strate contained histones in quantities equivalent to that found in 1 gm of liver. In the case of samples in which isolated histones served as the substrate, the specific activity v.'as calculated by di.viding the total counts ob- tained by the canount of histones added to the reaction mix- ture. Since there were no histones present in the case of the incubation of the extract alone, this hypothetical figure represents the specific activity calculated by as- suming that the standard amount of histones was present. This figure was deri.vcd by dividing the total counts per minute in tliese samples by 0.5 mg of histones. As can be .seen, the extract can only restore activity to heated DNP to 10% of the control level, although about 50% of tlie acetylating activity appears to be extiacted by this prooeduirc. Wlion the extract is added bock to DNP 79 which has been extracted by this procedure, again, only approximately a 10% increase is observed. However, when the extract is added to free histones, there is a high rate of acotylation. 80 Tiib-le VII Extraction of Ilistone Accty Itransferease Activity from DhV Incubated Material Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Specific Specific Activity Activity ( cpm/ing ) (cpm/mg) _ Normal DNP 11204 H- 1608 5857 + 1046 DNP he-iatcd at 65'-^C, 10 min o,-. 172 + 131 134 -I 82 Heated DNP and extract 1140 + 75 537 + 35 "Arginine-rich" histones (0.5 mg) 1142 ± 108 528 + 47 Extract 474 + 18* 440 + 8* "Argininc- rich " histones (0.5 mg ) and extract 9668 + 335 4445 + 287 Extracted DNP 6107 + 228 3523 + 79 Extracted DNP and extract added back 70] 3 + 198 4898 + 708 The amount of DNP or extract used for each incubation was obtained from 1 gm of rat liver. The result.s are ex- pressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of histones plus or minus the standard error. Specific activity was calculated on the assumj-ition that 0.5 mg of was present in the reaction mixtui-e. 81 Relative acetylation of the various histone fractions (Table VIII ) (Figure 7) After incubation of DNP in the presence of acetyl-CoA as described, tlie histones were extracted and fractionated 15 7 according to Johns into the five major histone groups. Table VIIl shows the specific activity of each of these fractions. As can be seen, the arginine-ricli histones, f and f , are the most actively acetylated fractions, 2al 3 v/itli some activity also in tlic f fraction. The radio- 2a2 activity of the lysine-rich fractions, f and f , was low v/hich correlated with iji vivo findings. The purity of these fractions was checked by acrylamide gel electrophoresis and Fi.gure 7 illustrates the pcitterns observed . As can be seen the f ^ sample shows a band 2a2 ^ corresponding to the f band and therefore this fraction 2al is probably slightly contaminated v/ith f,, -, histones. This ^a X could account for some of tlie activi ty observed in the f sample, as the f fraction is very highly labeled. Frac-- 2al tions f^, f_.„, and f are not completely separated by J zcxA 2b this procedure, when all the fractions are combined, but when run separately f^ and f each show only one distinct major band and therefore v;ere considered to be relatively homogeneous . 82 Table VIII Acetylation of Various Ilistone Fractions in DNP Fraction Specific Activity (cpm/mq) Lysine-rich histones 557 ■2b 2,909 ■2al 16,041 Arginine-rich histones 2a2 8,713 12,904 The results are exi:)ressed as spGci.fic activity (counts per minute per ing) of histones. Hi f^ ^d W ^ !-■• PJ O ^ K) 3 C - ^i M CD Hi (D K) Hi ~-J K '^ •• (i- Hi 0 > CO o ~ li ^i H- ^< Hi iQ M to ^ PJ 0J rt 3 N) H- - rt- Pi tf CD PJ (D 2 O pj 0) CD M M n o O rl- ►U g^cn pJ rt H- O d- 3 O CD (D 3 ^1 Pi Ci- 13 PJ w Hi H- H ::s o PJ CO &' n a r+ r+ pJ H- n H- 0 o P r^ 3 CD en O' Pi • H- 1:^ s: CD H- Pi rt ^3^ Hi li < A) Pi O ^i (i- p- H- o O a ';^ C/l tn - ra H- Hi C/) M rl- » O 3 l-h CD ro pj ■^ M li ■• pj O rt H- O 3 cn I n o H- CD Pi Hi Hi PJ Hi PJ Hi Hi CO Hi PJ O o H- CD Pi es DISCUSSION Since previous work has revealed h.hat free histones are 118 spontaneously acetylated upon incubation with acetyl-CoA, Lhe possibility arose that the acetylation of histones oc- curring in DNP might not be enzymatically catalyzed. There- fore, attention has been given to this problem and evidence is provided for the presence of an acetyltransf erase bound to DN? which is responsible for this reaction . Indirect evidence suggesting that the jji vitro acetyla- tion is catalyzed by an enzyme was provided by experiments in which DNP was pretreated in a way which would be expected to denature a complexed enzyme. Heat or organic solvents, which are generally considered to be inhibitory to enzyme reactions, practically destroyed the acetylating activity of DNP. The fact that after these procedures the histone/ DNA ratios v;ere unchanged implies that the physical compo- sitJ.on of the DNP complex was the same even after treatment. Therefore, the inhibitory action observed can be attributed to denaturation of an enzyme responsible for the acetylation reaction, especially since similar pretreaLraent of histones did not affect thoir spontaneous acetylation. DNP subjected 84 85 to heat or organic solvents does not catalyze the acetyla-- tion roachion, even under conditions most f^ivorable for a spontaneous transfer of acetate to h.i.stones , Apparently, spontaneous acetylation is somehow prevented in h. istones bound to DNZ\ in the DNP complex. This may have biological implications for the mechanism of gene control in that only an enzymatically catalyzed reaction, capable of a gretit deal of specificity, rather than a random ^xrocess, is permitted v/ithin the DNP complex. In the case where DNP showed a loss in acetylating activity as a result of preincubation at 37 C for 4 hours, it could be argued that the histones themselves were de- graded by this treatment and thereby were incapable of be- coming acetyJ.ated. However, if histones are isolated from thusly treated DNP, they are still capable of becoming spon- taneously acetylatcd or acetylated in the presence of a subsequently prepared extract containing acetyltransf erase. These histones as well as the acetyltransf erase are there- fore relatively unche-inged with respect to their ability to becom.e acetylated. Although the above mentioned pretreatments of DNP, especially heating at 65*^0, did not change the composition of the DNP with respect to hisloiie/DNA ratios or the ability of the subsequently isolated histones to become spontane- 86 ously acctylatcd, it could bo arguod that the structure of the complex was altered in sucli a way as to prevent a non- enzymatic transfer of acetate causing the observed inhibi- tion. This seems unlikely, however, as it has been demon- strated that the DNA of liver chromatin is stabilized against heat denaturation as compared v;ith deproteinized liver 44 DNA. The temperature of half- melting (T^^^) is 68°C in the case of naked DNA, but is increased to 81 C for chi'omatin. o Preparations of DNP heated at 65 C according to the methods described herein, therefore, probal^ly represent a native structure. Comparisons between acetyiation of coraplexed histones in DMP and that of free histone oc-:urring spojitaneously re- vealed that, although the pH optin.a of the two reactions wais the same, the DNP reaction was much more efficient in a phospViate buffer system, whereas the spontaneous reaction was greatly favored by a tris-HCl buffer. Furthermore, the DNP catalyzed reaction showed a marked temperature optimum of 37 C, v.'hich is common for mammalian enzyme reactions, while tlie spontaneous reaction rate increased with increas- ing temperature. These data v/ould seem to indicate that one is dealing with two comxjletely different processes. Another difference between the acetylation of histones in DNP and that of free histones was the degree of 0-acetyla- 8 7 tiori. Acetyl groups of "argininc-rich" histones acctylated by DNP showed a much greater degree of stability to hydroxy la- inine treatment than those acetyj.ated spontaneously. This indicates that most of the acetate is N-linked, which corx*e- lates with findings by others on the acetylation of histones 93, 94 by calf thymus nuclei. Although findings by others on regenerating rat liver showed 55% 0-acetylation for the f3 fraction, acetate incorporation in the f^-i fraction was 110 stable to hydroxylamine treatment. Using the same pro- cedure Gallwitz and Sekeris also found 35% 0--acetylation among the acetate groups of the f^ fraction acetylated in 115 '/itro in rat liver nuclei, but none in the other fractions. These findings are probably an exaggerated estimate of the degree of 0-acetylation since Perlraann has reported that the epsilon-N-acetyl groups of the lysine residues of pepsinogen . . 154 are a], so splxt by hydroxy treatment. Furthermore, direct chromatographic analysis of tryptic and pronase digests of labeled histones according to Gershey et al . indicates that 80% of the radioactivity was present, as 93 epsilon-N-acetyllysine . Using similar methods, Videili et al. have also reported that the radioactive acetate of isolated histones acetylated in calf thymvis nuclei in_ vitro can be recoverf^d as a single chromatogrciphic peak which was identified a?, epsilon-N- 88 94 acetyl lysine. Since the latter represent more careful and reliable studies, it is probably safe to assume that N- acetylation is the i^hysiological mode of acetylation which occurs J^ vivo, whereas 0-acetylation is an artifact of the spontaneous reaction. The results reported in this study show only a 3% release of acetate from "arginine-rich" histones acetylated by DNP ui:>on exposure to hydroxylamine . The conclusion that the DNP catalyzed acetylation of histones approximates the natural process and does not represent an artifact is supported by the finding that the in vitro pattern of labeling, in which the most actively acetylated fractions are f„ , and f , is similar to that ^ 2al 3' 14 110 obtained in. vivo after administration of C-acetate. Therefore, in studies using whole animals, nuclei or DNP, only the arginine-rich fractions are capable of becoming acetylated whereas the lysine-rich (f, and f ) are not. ^ 1 2b A further similarity between the acetyltransferase acting in DNP with acetyltransf erring enzymes described by ++ others is the lack of a Mg requirement. Previovis investi- ++ gat ions have shown that Mg is required for the transfer of acetate to acotyl-CoA by a fraction from an acetone powder 117 extract from pigeon liver, but not for the transfer of 16 5 acetate from acetyl-CoA to is-ammobenzoic acid. ++ Similarly Gallv/itz showed that there is no Mg required for 89 tliG transfer of acetate from acetyl-CoA to liistones by an 118 acetokinase isolated from rat liver nuclei. C]-ioline acetyltransf erase activity from pigeon and sheep liver is ++ 166 also not affected by addition of Mg up to 30 mM. Another similarity between the histone acetyltrans- ferase reported here and other acetyltransf erases con- cerns the pH requirements. Arylaraine acetyltransferase, showing a wide variety of specificities, has a broad pH optimum from pH 6-9.5 when p-nitroaniline is the sub- strate.' When histamine is the substrate, the reaction falls off sharply below pH 8.5, which is similar to the DNP acetyltransferase. Gallwitis has claimed that an acetokinase isolated from rat liver nuclei is inactive at pH 9 although he has found an increase in acetylating activity on raising 113, 118 the pH 7.5 to 9.0 in whole nuclei. He attributes the incorporation of acetate into histones at pH 9 in nuclei to a spontaneous process, but his data show that heat inactivates 90% of this reaction, suggesting that it is primarily enzymatic. The most conclusive evidence for the demonstration that this reaction is enzymatically catalyzed was the extraction of acetyltransferase activity from the DNP complex. This v/as achieved using a m.ethod found successful for the ex- 154 traction of RNA polymerase from chromatin. ' After the 90 extraction, 50% of the acetylating activity still remained bound to the DNP complex. However, when the extract from an equivalent amount of DNP was added back to heat in- activated or extracted DNP, only a 10% increase was ob- served. This difference represents a loss which is equal to inactivation of 40% of the total enzyme activity. Another possibility is that the enzyme in the natural state is structurally cornxDloxed witli the DNP in a certain way. After extraction of the enzyme, it cannot regain this native state by readdition to the DNP. The same amount of extract was able to acetylate free histones actively. It is pos- sible that ace tyltransf erase as it occurs in the DNP com- plex, in contrast to the free state, is restricted in its action. Perhaps this restriction may play a role in the regulation of genetic activity by allowing only specifically selected sites of the histones to become available for acetylation. This would in turn affect the DNA-histone interaction and could reduce repression of transcription in certain areas of the genome. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the presence of an enzyme, histone acetyltransferase, present in and closely associated with rat liver chromatin which is responsible for the transfer of acetate from acotyl-CoA to the lysine residue of "arginine-rich" histones. This finding is con- 91 sistent with the hypothesis that hi stone acetylation may be biologically significant as a mechanism involved in the control of gene activity. ADDENDUM Preliminary attempts have been made to correlate the acetyltransf erase activity with some biological phenomena. Comparison of Acetylating Activity in Novikoff Hepatoma and Liver DNP (Table IX) One of these investigations involved a comparison be- tv/een the acetyltransferase activity of DNP from Novikoff hepatoma with that of liver. In vivo experiments from this laboratory had shown that the turnover of acetyl-groups in Novikoff hepatoma histones was very slow relative to that 163 of normal liver or other tissues. It was therefore de- cided to compare the activity of acetyltransferase in tumor DNP with that in normal liver DNP. Talkie IX shows the results of 3 separate experiments in which the iji vitro rate of acetate incorporation into histones from liver and Novikoff hepatoma DNP were compared, and one in which nuclei were used rather than DNP. Althouc^i the specific activity of the tumor histones was about half of that of liver histones, the magnitude of the difference did not soom adequate to account for the almost complete lack of turnover of acetyl groups by Novikoff hepatoma observed in vivo. 92 93 A corrollary to thj s finding was the observation that DNP possessed an acetyl^iting activity about 3 times that of nuclei. Therefore, it was hypothesized that perhaps a deacetylating enzyme was present in the nucleopj.asm and differences in the activity of this enzyme in tamor as compared with liver could account for the in vivo observed differences . 94 Table IX In Vitro Uptake of Acetate into Histones: Comparison of Liver and Novikoff Ilepatoma 14 Uptake of C-Acetate as cpm/mg Histone Experiment Nuclei DNP Tumor Liver Tumor Liver 1 1052 + 47 2213 ± 77 3031 + 531 7132 + 259 2 3107 + 141 6307 + 231 3 3062 + 63 4334 + 152 Incubations were conducted as described in Materials and Methods. The resvilts are expressed as specific activi- ties (counts per minute per mg) of histones plus or minus standard error. 95 Doacetylatinq Activity in Nviclear Extracts (Table X) Inoue and Fujimoto had found deacetylating activity in 122 a 0.14 M NaCl extract of calf thymus. Therefore, a similar extract was made of rat liver nuclei and tested for deacetylating activity. 14 To measure deacetylation, C-acetate labeled DNP was prepared as follows: DNP from 5 grams of rat liver was isolated as described and incubated for 15 minutes at 37 C in a final volume of 10 ml, containing 12 mM NaCl, 2 5 mM -6 14 phosphate buffer, pH 8, and 0.5 uc (1 x 10 M) acetyl- C- CoA. The reaction was stopped by rapid cooling and centri- fugation (10 min . , 2000 x g) . The precipitates were washed an additional 2 times with saline-citrate -5 -6 10 M unlabeled acetyl-CoA, and 1.7 x 10 M acetic acid designed as carriers to remove any label not covalently ^ ^ 14 bound. C-acetyl labeled "arginine-rich" histones were prepared from the thusly isolated DNP according to the pro- cedure described above. A crude nuclear deacetylating enzyme extract was prepared by homogenizing nuclei from 16 grains of rat liver in 3 m.l of 0.14 M NaCl and centra fuging at 8,000 X g for 15 minutes. 0.3 ml of this supernatant containing 1.5-3.0 mg of protein was added to 0.3 mJ of 50 mM tris-IICl buffer pH 7.3 containing 0.1-0.2 ma of the labeled liistones and rhe mixture was incubated at 3 7*1: for 96 20 minutes. The reaction v/as stopped by Lhe addition of 0.1 ml of 0.1 N IICl containing 5 nrr.oles of carrier acetic acid. The acidified incubation media were extracted with ethyl acetate and their radioactivity determined by liquid scintillation counting. Table X sh.ov/s the results of such an experiment, v/Viich clearly demonstrates tlie presence of a deacotylating ewzyme in the nuclear sap. The results indicate that exposure to the crude deacetylating enzyme released 72% of the labeled acetate from free hi stones and 13% from DNP containing an equivalent amount of histones. It is interesting to note that less acetate is removed from. DNP than free his- tones. This is a parallel to the finding that the isolated acetyltransferase is also more active in the transfer of acetate to free histones than v/hen they are bound to DNA within the DNP complex. This suggests a restrictive action by DNA and/or the nonhistone proteins in the DNP influencing the availability of the sites for acetylation and deacetyla- tion. Perhaps this may be related to transcriptional con- trol m.echanisms and the activity of RNA polymerase. WTien the activity of nuclear extracts containing de- acetylating enzymes (same amount of protean in each) Erom liver and tumor v;ere compared preliminary results suggested that the deacetylating activity is mucli less in the tumor 97 Table X Deacetylation Activity in Nuclear Sap Extracts 14 14 Acetyl- C-DNP Acetyl- C-Histones Radioactivity of start- ing material (cpm) 12668 10798 cpm extract able with ethyl acetate from the incubation medium after incubation : 1. in absence of nu- clear sap extract 884 9 2. in presence of heat inactivated (10 rain. , 70°C) nuclear sap ex- tract 970 17 3. in presence of nuclear sap ex- tract 2599 7859 Results are expressed as total counts per minute 98 than in liver. As these studies were being conducted, Libby published a roi^ort showing that whole nuclei from liver incubated with acetylated histones prepar^ed from calf thymus could release acetate about 7 times faster than nuclei from 169 Novikoff hepatoma, Libby ' s experiments seem to support the findings reported here and perhaps offer an explanar.ion for the ]ack of acetate turnover observed _in vivo in Novikoff hepatoma . Effects of Treatments Known to Increase Bl^A Synthesis on the Acetylation of Histones in DNP Acetylation of histones has been implicated as a mechanism for influencing gene expression. Moreover, others have shown that an increase of ijT. vivo acetylation precedes an increase in RNA synthesis (see Introduction) . Therefore, the effect of treatments known to stimulate RNA synthesis in vivo was studied on iji vitro acetylation of histones in DNP. The most extensive group of experiments involved a study of the jjl v^itro transfer of acetate to histones by rat liver DNP in the presence of Vc^rious concentrations of hydrocortisone. Preliminary experiments gave indications that a stimulation of histone acetylation may occur under these conditions, however, upon closer investigation, it was concluded that this is not the case. Unless otherwise stated tlie incubation mediiun for these 99 experiments contained 0.19 M sucrose, 20 mM glucose, 25 mM 14 iohosphatc buffer, pH 8, 12 mM NaCJ^ and 0.01 uc acetyl- C- CoA. Other conditions, including the isolation of histones and determination of specific activities, were as described in Materials and Methods. Purity of hydrocortisone preparations In preliminary experiments hydrocortisone preparations were used which wei-e obtained from the hospital pharmacy. Since this material would not dissolve completely in water at the required dilution it was suspected that this prepara- tion contained some contaminants. An interesting report related to this finding was the observation that 21-dehydro- corticosteroids bind irreversibly to arginine-rich histones and that these compounds frequently contaminate steriod preparations, loading to the suggestion that corticosteroid 170 alcohols react with histones. Other findings have shown that 21-dehydrocortisol was much more effective than hydro- cortisone in the Jji vitro stimulation of RNA synthesis in 171 rat liver nuclei. This may explain the preliminary findings in which there appeared to be a positive effect on the acetylation of histones iri vitro. Subsequent experi- ments reported here were carried out with hydrocortisone from Sigma Chemical Company. UsG of more samples (Table XI) In some of the preliminary experiments the difference between samples was not .statistically significant although there was a suggestion of an increase with increasing con- -10 -7 centration of hydrocortisone from 10 -]0 M. When 5 sam- ples were run for each condition the data summarized in Table XI were obtained. As can be seen no significant dif- ferences could be observed between controls and experimen- tals. Use of adrenalectomized rat (Table XII) Because the adrenal gland is responsible for hydro- cortisone production, there is a possibility that removcil of the adrenal gland might lower the levels of circulating hydrocortisone and that under these conditions perhaps an in vitro effect of the hormone on acetyltransf erase activity may be observed. A male rat kept on a salt water diet for 72 hours after adrenalectomy was sacrificed along with a control. The DNP was isolated and incubated as described in Materials and Methods. The results in Table XII were obtained. Prom this experiment it was concluded that there is little or no affect of hydi'ocortisone on acetyltrans- f erase activity under these conditions. 101 Table XI Effect of Increasing Concentrations of Hydrocortisone on In Vitro Acetylation of Ills tones in DNP Cone. Hydrocortisone ill Incubation Media Specific Activity (cpm/mg) lo-i^M 10 ^M 10 ^M 6040 + 388 6461 + 407 6530 + 361 5969 t 644 'Ilie data presented are the results of 1 experiment and are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of histones plus or minus the standard error. Table XII Effect of Hydrocortisone on jUn Vitro Acetylation of Histones in Liver DNP from an Adrenalectomized Rat Cone. Hydrocortisone in Incubation Media Specific Activity ( cpm/mg ) Adrenalectomized Rat Control Rat 10 ^M 5323 + 1050 6371 + 1050 6821 + 423 7247 -1- 279 The data presented are the results of 1 experiment using 5 samples for each condition. They are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of histones plus or minus the standard error. 102 Preincubation of DNP with hydrocortisone (Table XIII) Because Lukas and Sekeris have demonstrated an increase in mammalian RNA polymerase activity in vitro ui^on x^rcincu- 172 babion of rat liver nuclei with hydrocortisone, it seemed worthwhile to try if an increase in acetyl transferase activ- ity might be observed upon preincubation of DNP with hydro- cortisone. In this experiment DNP was preincubated with 10" M hydrocortisone in the usual incubation medium at 4 C and 3 7°C for 10 minutes prior to addition of acetyl- C-CoA. The results in Table XIII were obtained. No significant dif- ferences could be observed by the differ"ent treatments. Media changes designed to increase the solubility of DNP during the incubation (Table XIV) Because DNP is in a suspended particulate state in the salt conditions of the usual incubation medium, it seemed possible that this could be Lhe reason for its unresponsive- ness to hydrocortisone, which might otherwise have an effect on its acetylating ability. Therefore, DNP was washed in water, which causes it to swell and become gelatinous, and incubated either in 12 mT-I NaCl, 2 5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8, 14 or water in the presence of acetyl- C-CoA. From the re- sults shown in Table XIV it was concluded that changing the colloidal state of DNP in this manner does not make it any more responsive to the presence of hydrocortisone, and incu- bating DNP in the presence of water only decreases acetyl- transferase activity. 103 Table XIII Effect of Preincubation of DNP with Hydrocortisone on j[n Vitro Acetylation of Histones Cone, of Hydrocortisone Specific Activity Conditions of (cpm/mg) Preincubation 0 4848 +354 0 time 10 "^M 4280 + 816 0 time 4713 + 178 10 min. at 4 C -7 o 10 M 4254 + 499 10 mm. at 4 C 0 4011 + 319 10 min. at 37'^C 10 "^M 3163 + 785 10 min. at 3 7°C After preincubation, the acetyl-l^c-CoA was added to the samples and the same medium was used for the incubation. The data are the results of 1 experiment in which 4 samples were used for each condition. They are expressed as spe- cific activity of histones (counts per minute per mg) plus or minus standard error. 104 Table XIV Effect of Increasing the Solul^i.liLy of DNP on Tn Vitro Acotylation of Histones in the Presence of Hydrocortisone Pre- treatment of DNP Incubation Media Specific Activity (cpm/mg) Usual Usual 9891 + 117 Usual H^O 2931 + 128 H^O Usual 12006 + 365 "2° "2° 346 + 138 Usual H2O + 10 ^M hydrocortisone 2467 + 23 HjO Usual +10 ^M hydrocortisone 9259 + 521 H2O H2O + 10 'm hydrocortisone 201 h 87 Tlie results are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per rag) of histones p].u3 or minus the standard error, 105 Effect of in vivo admini stration of hydrocortisone on the in vitro acetylation of histones (Table XV) Another approach to this problem was a study of the effect of the J^ vivo injection of hydrocortisone on the in vitro acetylation of histones. By measuring the in vivo 3 uptake of H-acetate into histones others (see Introduction) have concluded that the in vivo injection of hydrocortisone increased the acetylation of histones. Following similar conditions (time course, dose, etc.) we found no stimulation of the in vitro acetylation of histones by DNP following the injection of hydrocortisone. In this experiment a 450 gm male rat was injected with 10 mg of hydrocortisone subcutaneously between the shoulder and sacrificed l^ hours later. DNP was isolated and incu- bated as usual. The results are summarized in Table XV. Effect of phenobarbital and liver regeneration on the in vitro acetylation of histones in DNP (Table XVI) Injection of phenobarbital or removal of part of the liver are knov/n means of stimulating RNA synthesis in liver cells. In the case of liver regeneration an increase in the in vivo acetylation of histones can be observed. The effect of these treatments on the in vitro acetylation of histones in DNP was therefore studied. The median and left lateral lobe of the liver of one 450 gm rat was surgically extir- pated 3h hours before sacrifice. DNP was isolated from the 106 Table XV Effect of In_ Vivo Administration of Hydrocortisone on In Vitro Acotylation of Histones in DNP Treatment Sx^ecific Activity (cpm/mg) Control 7858 + 688 Hydrocortisone 8220 ± 565 These data represent the results of 1 experiment utilizing 7 samples from each rat. They are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of histones plus or minus the standard error. Table XVI Effect of Phonobarbital and Liver Regeneration on In Vitro Acetylation of Histones in DNP Treatment Specific Activity ( cpm/mg ) Control 7858 + 688 Phenobarbital 8559 + 518 Regenerating Liver 6899 + 605 These data represent the results of 1 expex-iment utilizing 7 samples from each rat. Tliey are expressed as specific activity (counts per minute per mg) of histones plus or minus the standard error. 107 remaining regenerating portion and incubated as usual. One 390 gm rat was injected v/ith phenobarbital (75 rag/kg) 21 hours before sacrifice. DNP was isolated from the liver and incubated as usual. Results are shown in Table XVI. As can be seen, no significant differences were observed between the control and the treated rats. These experiments demonstrate the need for caution when drawing conclusions concerning cause and effect relation- ships from J^ vivo observations. Under these conditions no stimulation of acetylating activity of DNP by hydrocortisone can be demonstrated. Therefore, it is likely that increased acetate incorporation into histones observed in_ vivo is an indirect effect of the hormone, and is not due to a modifi- cation in the amount or activity of acetyltransf erase. 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She received the degree of Bachelor of Artu with a major in Biology in June, 1963, from Trinity College, Washi'igtoji, D, C. lii September, 1963, she entered graduate school at The CathoJ.ic University of Aiiierica. She hold a teaoViir.g ass istantship from SeptenilDer, 1963, until June, 196'"/, v/aon ohn received Iho degree of Master of Sciemce with 'i :.':ajor in Col] Physiology. In 1965-56 she taught high school Biology at Trinity Preparatory School, and in 1966-67 she was an instructor at Marymount Manhattan College, She has spent summers at The Mount Desert Island Marine Biological Lah'oratory (1962) and Woods Hole Marine Bio- logical Laborai ory (1965). From September, 1967, to the precept: she hc-s p-arsuod th.e requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. She presented a paper entitled "In Vitro Ai-etylation of Histone^' at the American Cancer Society in San Francisco in March, 1969. 3he is a memboi- of Sinma Xi. 118 I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. '. Brookbank, Chairma l-tU^iyL- Professor of Zoology I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Paul/Byvoet, Ub-Ltiairman Associate Professor, Division of Biological Sciences I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. fw^'^->^A Thomas W. O'Brien Assistant Professor of Biochemistrv I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Zam Assistant Professor Zoology I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Ann R. Larkin Assistant Professor of Anatomical Sciences rhis dissertation was submitted to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and to the Graduate Council, and was accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. December, 1970 Dean, College of Arts and ScieMes Dean, Graduate School ^^' ^ J^'^r^ \%