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IJNI compiling this volume of the Jambalaya, it has been our ambition to reflect truthfully all sides of student life at Tulane to-day. Every department in the University) has been given an equal representation. We believe that a College Annual should be more than an inanimate catalog of the events of the past year, and it has been our purpose to produce a book whose every) page fairly) glows with the spirit of our Alma Mater, and whose ever}) picture recalls some fond memory). We have dreamed of a Jambalaya superlative of a Jambalaya among Jambalayas. To say) that we have only) partially) succeeded is but to record human frailty). Look kindly) on our faults and attribute our failings to lack of ability) rather than to insincerity) of purpose. Our success lies in your approval. Let the judgment be fair. Proceed.

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^ , . JAM B AL AYA




H-cna" uw'J

Page nine




Book I The University

Book II The Classes

Book III Fraternities

Book IV Organizations

Book V Athletics

Book VI Around the Campus

Page ten



1 he History of the 1 ulane University of Louisiana

ULANE UNIVERSITY looks back for its beginning to the Medical College of Louisiana, which was organized in 1834 and chartered in the spring of 1835. It issued its first degree in March, 1836, the first degree in Medicine or Science ever issued in Louisiana. Tulane University, as it stands to-day represents the contract, giving to the Tulane Administrators perpetual control of the University of Louisiana, which the men, to whom Paul Tulane entrusted his donations, entered into with the State of Louisiana. In the opening of his letter to the Administrators, dated Princeton, May 2, 1882, he writes: "A resident of New Orleans for many years of my active life, having formed many friendships and associations dear to me and deeply sympathizing with its people in whatever misfortunes or disasters may have befallen them, as well as being sincerely desirous of contributing to their moral and intellectual welfare, I do hereby express to you my intention by an act of donation inter vivos all the real estate I own and am possessed of in said city of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, for the promotion and encouragement of intellectual, moral and industrial education among the white young persons in the city of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, and for the advancement of

learning and letters, the arts and sciences therein " Mr. Tulane's first gift

amounted in value to $363,000, and subsequent donations raised the total value of real estate donated to $1,050,000, with an annual rental of $75,000. The result of other donations since the time of Mr. Tulane's generosity have been the Richardson Memorial Building, the Josephine Hutchinson Memorial Building, the F. W. Tilton Memorial Library, the endowment of the chair of Botany by Mrs. Ida A. Richardson, the donor of the fund with which the present Richardson Memorial Building was erected, and, very recently, the establishment of the Department of Tropical Medicine, Hygiene and Pre- ventative Medicine by means of a donation of $25,000 by the United Fruit Company, and the erection of a new engineering building, the Stanley Thomas Hall, made possible by a bequest of $60,000 by Stanley Thomas.

The H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College was the result of a donation of $100,000, in October, 1886, by Mrs. Josephine Louise Newcomb to the Tulane Admin- istrators for the establishment of a memorial of her only daughter. Newcomb College has since been the recipient of a bequest of F. Walker Calleander of $65,000.

Under Article 320 of the Constitution of 1879, the Legislature of the State recog- nized the three departments Law, Medical and Academic of the University and

Page thirteen


granted $10,000 annually until 1884, when the Administrators of the Tulane Educa- tional Fund assumed the financial obligation of the State. During the course of three decades subsequent to 1 884, the Tulane University of Louisiana has reached its present proportions, when it comprises the Graduate Department, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Technology, the Teachers' College, the H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for Young Women, the Law Department, the Department of Medicine, Phar- macy and Dentistry, and the Post-Graduate Medical Department. The University is also the possessor of a stadium and capacious grandstand, built with funds donated largely by the New Orleans Progressive Union, and of a large and thoroughly modern gymnasium. As we review the steady progress of Tulane University, we feel that Mr. Tulane's wish, as expressed in the close of his letter, has been granted. His letter ended: "With devout gratitude to our Heavenly Father for enabling us to form these plans, and invoking His divine blessings upon ycu (the Tulane Administrators) and your counsels . . . ."




Page fiiicen


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Page sixteen




Page seventeen


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Page eighteen



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Page nineteen


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Page twenlv







Page iTvent^-one
















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Academic Senior Class Hi^ory

F you turn to this page in expectation of reviewing a long list of glorious achievements, then, gentle reader, you are doomed to disappointment. For three successive years, history has chronicled every important event in the annals of our class, and this year a sadder, more serious duty confronts us. We are to bid farewell to dear old Tulane.

Four years ago we crept tremblingly into the outstretched arms of our Alma Mater. To-day we rush forth confidently ; sure that the world is already at our feet. From the small world of the college to the world of men and affairs is a serious step, but we are anxious to attempt it because of the glorious promise which the future holds forth.

Ona thought alone dampens our spirits we are saying good-bye to our college life good-bye to campus and student activities good-bye to the pleasant hours, which made four years speed by good bye to the close associations which must dissolve when our class separates. Good-bye Tulane You may have had larger and more brilliant classes, you never had a more loyal one.

H. L. Barneit, Historian.




Devlin, John J., J K E

Architecture; Manager Class Football Team (2 Glee Club (2, 3, 4); President (3, 4); Junior i (1. 2); Chairman (2); Senior German Club (3, President (4); 'Varsity Yell Leader (2. 3, Tulane Athletic Association (3, 4); Secretary Executive Committee (3, 4); Secretary (3, Olive Wreath; Tulane Architectural Society Tulane Club (4); Tulane Night Committee Bditor-in-Chiet of "Jambalaya" (4).

Garrett, David \., Z A E

Law-Academic; President of Student Body (4) Glendy Burke (1, 2); Student Body Editor o "Weekly" (2, 3); Bditor-in-Chiet Class Editio: "Weekly" (1); French Circle (3, 3); Dramati Club <1. 2): Secretary Class (2); Vice-Presiden Class (2); President Class (3).

Booth, George W., 2' A'^




; Vars

ity Baseball Tea

11 (31




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t (3.








sau; 3



m Con


e (3);

Tulane Night




2, 3) ;







sr C!


Baseball Team (1);






2); 'V





; CI

ass Track Team

(1. 2)



ball T


2) ; Wigs (1,

21 :



e (1, 2,

3. 4);


e CI

tib (1,

21; V


C. A.


et (4);


States Represe


e (1, 2, 3,


Lehde, Pendleton E.

Class Football Team ring Society (2. 3, 4 la Engineering Society

Committee (3).

Pa^e Ijeeni^'SCMen

-^€fes -^ .■■^§^i^m

Heller, Isaac S.

Academic; Forum (1. 2, 3, 4); Glee Club (1. 2); Wigs ll, 2); Forensic Club (3, 4); Oratorical and Debating Council (4); Tulane Society of Eco- nomics (3, 4): Treasurer Forum (1); Secretary Oratorical and Debating (4): Freshman Debat- ing Team; Forum Debating Team (3); 'Varsity Debating Team (3, 4); Winner Carnot Medal De- bate (4); Tulane Night Cast (]).

Werlein, Philip P., .4 T Q

Classical; Winner Paiodes Scholarship; Manager 'Varsity Track Team (3); Winner Glendy Burke- Forum Oratory Meda;l Glendy Burke (1. 2); Sergeant-at-Arms (2); Olive Wreath; Junior Club; Senior German Club; Managing Editor "Weekly" (21; Class Editor "Jambalaya" (2 1 ; Y. Jt. C. A.; Cabinet (2. 3. 4); Glee Club (1. 2. 41; 'I'ug-of-VVar (1, 2); Varsity Track Team (1, 2, 3, 41; Southern Champion High Jumper.

HoTARD, Norman A.


Mechanical and Electrical; Tug-o (1, 21; Class Football Team (1. 2. 3); Class Base- ball Team (1. 2); Class Basketball Team (1. 2); Tulane Engineering Society (3. 4); Board of Di- rectors (41; Varsity Football Team (4); Te Maurice Gun and Rod Club.

Mansell, E.

Glee Club: Cla

Page /n)en())-cig/i/

^ iVt^



Barnett, Herman L., Z B T, Academic

•Varsity Debating Team (3, 4); 'Varsity Basliel ball Team (3); Vice-President Student Body (4),' Chairman Oratorical and Debating Council (4); Vice-President Freshman Law; Class Historian (1, 3. 3, 4); Secretary Glendy Burke (3); Speaker Glendy Burke (3, 4): Olive Wreath; Tulane So- ciety of Economics: Forensic Club; Class Debat- ing -Team ll. 2); Glendy Burke Debating Team: Class Track Team (1): Class Basketball Team 12, 3): Tug-of-War Team (21: Editor Class Edi- tion of "Weekly" (2, 3): Mandolin Club (1. 2); Wigs 11, 2); Glendy Burke (1, 2, 3, 4); Law De- bating Club,

Johnson, Allen, K 2"

Literary: Glee Club (3): Manager Ban.io, Man- dolin and Guitar Club (3): Y. M. C. A. (2, 3, 4): President 200 Pound Club; Tulane Night Cast (3) : Rapides Club (4).

Marks, Sumter D.

Academic-Law; 'Varsity Football Team (2, Captain (4); Class Football (1, 2); Class tary-Treasurer (1); Vice-President <2): Pre (2); Olive Wreath: Glendy Burke (1, 2, 3): dolin Club (1, 3): Tug-of-War (1, 21; Senio man Club; Class Editor "Jambalaya" (3): Editor "Weekly" (1): -4ssistant Managing : "Weekly" (2); Managing Editor "Weekly" Editor-in-Chief "Weekly" (4); President Pai lenic Council (4),

Ganucheau, James J.

Page tTOienty-nine

Sprague, Frank E.


al and Electrical Ensincerins; Tus-of- War (1, 2); Class Football Team (1, 2, 3); As- sistant Manager 'Varsity Football Team (4); Tu- lane Engineering Society. (41; Treasurer (4); Junior Prom Committe; Te Maurice Gun and Rod Club.

PiAD, Juan J.

ScATORi, Stephen

Literary; Glendy Burke (1) Circle; President Spanish Cir

Woodward, William G.

Teacliers' College; Tus-of-War (1. 2); Cantain (2); 'Varsity Football (2. 3); 'Varsity Baseball (1. 2, 3, 4); Captain (3, 4); Class Football (1. 21; Captain (1); Class Baseball (1, 2); 'Varsity Track Team (1); Class Track Team (1); Olive 'Wreath.

Page ihirfy

Ingram, Robert T., B & U

Mechanical and Electrical; Class Football Team (1, 2); Manager (2); Manager Class Baseball Team (1); Vice-President Class (2); President Class (3); Secretary-Treasurer Class (4); Tulane Engineering Society; Junior Prom Committee (3); Editor-in-Chief 1914 "Jambalaya" ; Manager 1914 'Varsity Baseball Team.

ScHMiTZ, Arthur J.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Secre tary-Treasurer Class (2); Tulane Engineering Sc ciety; Vice-President (4); Te Maurice Gun an Rod Club.

PoGOLOTTi, Frank

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Cla Pootball (3); Tulane Engineering Society (1, 3, 4); Secretary (4); T. M. C. A.; Te Mauri Gun and Rod Club.

MoTTRAM, Francis L.

Cliemical and Sugar Engineering; Olive Wreath; Tug-ol-War (1, 2); Class Football (1. 2, 3); Class Baseball; Class Track Team; 'Varsity Football Team (2, 3); 'Varsity Track Team (2); Class President (3, 4); Tulane Athletic Association Board (3); Class Editor "Jambalaya" (4); Tu- lane Engineering Society (3, 4); President (4); Te Maurice Gun and Rod Club.

Page Ihirt^-one


Callender, Alvin a.

Architecture; Tulane Engineering Society (2. 3): Tulane Arcliitectural Society (4); Executive Com- mittee (t): Glendy Burlse (2, 3).

Rose, Earnest A.

JVieclranical and Electrical Engineering; Tula; Engineering Society (3. 4); Board of Directo 14); Y. M. C. A. (2, 3, 4); Forum (1); Te JIauri Gun and Rod Club.


Pa^e ihirh-ln


O'Farrell, a

Page lhiri\)-thr


:\ ?!

Nathan, Herbert P.

IMechanical and Electrical Engineering; Tulane Engineering Society (3, 4); Glendy Burke (1, 2, 3); Louisiana Engineering Society (4); T. M. C. A. (1, 2); Glee Club (1. 2, 3); Vice-President Tulane Engineering Society (4).

Rupp, Charles E.


Bergman, Harold A.

Architecture; Tulane Architectural Society (4>

Smardon, William K.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Tug-of- War 12): Tulane Engineering Society (2. 3. 41. President Class (41.

Page ihirlv-fo

Wolf, Irvin J.

Chemical and Sugar Engineering: Tulane Engi- neering Society; Chemical Society; Tug-of-War (1).

Earl, Ralph

Mechanical and Electrical; Tular Society (3 4,); Louisiana Engineerii Te Maurice Gun and Rod Club.

Sharp, Richard H.


Mechanical and Electrical Engine President (1. 31; Vice-President (2); Junior Club; Senior German Club; Class Football (1. 21; Man- ager (1); Tug-o(-War (1, 2); 'Vai-sity Football Team (4).

Shaw, Frank R.

Engineering; Tulane Eng

Page ihirl^-five


■•?*^ii.ii. iWiilAr-ALrf

Van Horn, M. D.

Literary; Glendy Burke (1); French Circle (1) ; y. M. C. A. (2); Class Track Team (1. 2); 'Varsity Track Team (2); Class Secretary-Treas-

Parham, F. D., 2' X

French Circle (1); Glendy Burke ( 1) ; Class Track Team (1, 21: Junior Club: 'Varsity Track Team

Fisher, Edwin J.

Mechanical and Electrical: Class (1. 2): Class Track Team (1, 2 neering Society (3. 41; Te Mauri Club.

Baseball Team ; Tulane Bngi- e Gun and Rod

ViDAUD, Peter E.

ll.chanical and Electrical Engri

Page ihirlv-s

Koch, Wilhelm E.

Civil Engineering; Class Football Team 1 1, 2); Tulane Engineering Society (2. 3, 4); Pi-esidenl (4); Tug-of-War Team (1. 2); Louisiana Engi- neering Society; Junior German Club; Y. M. C. A.; Secretary-Treasurer Stuflent Body (4).

Bernoudy, Louis D.

Mechanical and Electrical; Tulane Engineeri Society (3. 4); Assistant Manager Baseball Tea

Steckler, William

Levy, Walter E., Z B T

Academic; Chemical Socii

Page thirly-seven

^/VV ^^

■^ 1-

Stubbs, F. Spencer, (p A 0

Civil Engineering; Glendy Burke; 'Varsity Track Squad; Junior German Club; Senior German Club; Louisiana Engineering Society; Te Maurice Gun and Rod Club.

Kahao, Martin ]., A T J

Literary; Glendy Burke (2, 41 ; Tug-of-War Team (2); Pan-Hellenic Council (3); 'Varsity Debating Team (4).

Lemle, Selim

Academic-Law; Glendy Burke (1. 2. 3, 4); Law Debating Club (4); French Circle (1).

Lyons, Charlton H., K A

Academic-Law; President Law Class; Xi Basketball Team; Forum.

Page lliirlv-cigh!

Junior Class Hi^ory

NCE more the Class of Nineteen-Fifteen is called upon to give an account of itself, and it feels sure that it shall not be found wanting in accomplish- ments of which it may well be proud. In the past it has experienced almost unmeasured success. At present, it is striving to excel its actions of the past. To the future, it looks with the highest hope, and therein can see only renown. As we of the class look back upon the past two years of our career, we needs must feel some pride in the manner in which we conducted ourselves through that strenuous period ; in our victories, too numerous to mention ; in our defeats, too few and too honorably contested to be ashamed of; in our class spirit, of which we may justly boast. Through these years the Class of Fifteen has come with flying colors, with a record to be envied, with the strongest spirit of good-fellowship and co-operation among all of its members; and with but one regret: that our number, as is natural, has steadily diminished.

Now we are Juniors and of our origmal four score and ten members only half that number yet survive. Now, too, do we experience the more serious side of college life. The care-free ways of the Freshman year live only in our most pleasant dreams of the past. The excessive ardor and empty pride which we experienced as Sophomores, ever eager to lord it over the unknowmg Freshmen, have likewise vanished. Nor have we yet become serious Seniors who live only in their studies and quite apart from the rest of the world. We hold the golden mean. We have outgrown the frivolity of the lower-class men and are not yet sober-browed Seniors. To the lot of the Juniors falls the good qualities of both these groups and the faults of neither; and Nineteen-Fifteen is striving to make the most of its golden opportunities.

After three years with such a record, how could any class have other than a bright outlook? With such spirit a? this class has shown and still continues to show, a glorious future is assured. There is no doubt that the final year will eclipse in glory any year in the class's history. Inasmuch as every man is willing to sacrifice his personal interests for those of the class, the record of Nineteen-Fifteen cannot fail to excel. So here's to Nineteen-Fifteen, her past victories, her present honors, and her glories yet to come.

/. T. K., Hhlorian.

Page thiri^-nlne



Page /ur/J.

.... JAMBAL'AYA>, . ,

Junior Academic Class Roll

Abbott, Louis L., n K A

Liteiary: Glendy Burke. "Olcl Heiflelberg-" ; Captain Class Baseball (2); "Bnalut Riot".

Adam, Francis Henry

ir. and E. ; Tug-of-War (2): Class Football Team (2); Class Baseball Team (2); Tulane Engineeling Society '3).

Allain, George Octave, Jr.

M. and E.; Tug-of-M'ar (1, 21; Tulane Engineeling Society i3).

Beranger, Marcel A.

M. and E. ; Tulane Engineeving Society (3).

Bloom, Harold Abel -,. ^ ,, . „,

Scientific-JIedical; Glee Club 1 1. 3): French Ciicle (1. 21; Chess and Checker Club (1, 2, o); ■■Old Heidelberg^'.

Bowers, Posey R., A T fi , ,^

Literary; Class Football (1, 21; Tug-of-War (1. 2); Junior Club; Glendy Burke (1, 2, 3); ■■Old He'idelberg^'; French Circle; Spanish Circle (3); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet.

Brant, Charles William

Architecture; Tulan,- Architectural Society; IHlli Wrestling Team (3); T. T. A. (3).

Campbell, Lucien Q.

Literary; Glendy-Burke (1. 2. 31; Secretary Glendy Burke I 31; Speaker Glendy Burke 1 3); Alternate 'Varsity Debating Team (3).

Carter, Huntington, S X

jr. and E.; Tug-of-War i2i: Glee Club (31; Tulane Engineering Society ( ;l I ; Junior German Club (1. 2. 3).

Cousin, Sumpter, 2 X ,.,,„,

Literary; Pan-Hellenic Council (31; Treasurer Forum (21; Class Editor "Jambalaya (21; Class Football Team (2); Class Track Team (2); Forum (1, 2. 31; Vice-President Forum (2): ■Varsity Track Team (21; French Circle (1).

Davidson, Benjamin Palmer, S A E

ir. and E.; Tug-of-War (II; Class Football Team (II; Class Wrestling Team (11; 'Varsity Track Team (1); Class \ice-President (11.

Dreyfous, George Abel

Literary Forum ll 2 31; Class Wrestling Team (2); Chess and Checkers Club (I. 2. 31; Tulane'Economics Society (3); French Circle (11; Class Sergeant-at-Arms 111; Forum Repre- sentative Tulane Weeklj (31.

Duvic, Frank R.

M. and E. ; Tulane Engineering So^l-iety (3).

DuvicNEAUD, J. Gaston, Jr.

M. and E. ; Tug-of-War (21; Class Basketball Team (1, 21; Class Baseball (2); Tulane Engineering Society (31.

Echevarria, Jose M. de

Chemical and Sugar Engineering; L. f. N. ; Tulane Chemical Society.

Elliott, Charles E.


Favrot, Henry Mortimer, A K E

Architectural Engineering: Tug-ol-War 121; Class President (31; Leader Mandolin Club (21; Vice-President Tulane Architectural Society (31; President Junior German Club (31.

Fisher, Robert J., K A


FoRTiER, John Francis, <I> A 8

M. and B. ; French Circle (1. 2l; Treasurer French Circle (1); Class Editor •■Jambalaya" (1); Tug-of-War (2); Tulane Engineering Society (3).

Page fori^-one



Literary; Tulane Band 12, 3); Forum (1, 2): Glee Club (1, 2).

Gilmer, George T.

Literary; Tulane Economics Society (3): Forum (1, 2, 3); Treasurer Forum (1); Y. M. C. A. (1, 2); French Circle (1); Chess and Checkers Club (1, 2, 3); Class Track Team (2); K. K. M. (1, 2).

Goldberg, Abraham N.

Ciyil Engineering.

Grehan, Bernard Henry, •!> K 2

Civil Engineering; Class President II. 2); Captain Class Football (1, 21; Freshman Shield 1912 (1); Captain Tank Fight (1); Tug-of-War (1. 2); Class 'Wrestling Team (1. 2); Scrub 'A^arsity Football Team (1. 21; 'Varsity Football Team (31; Toastmaster Class Banquet ill; Class Football Team (1. 21; Tulane Engineering Society (2, 31; Olive Wreath; Junior German Club <3).

Haas, Samuel C., Jr., K 3

Civil Engineering; Glee Club (1. 2); Forum (11; Y. M. C. A. (1, 21: "Old Heidelberg": Tug-of-War 121; Class Football Team (2); Editor Class Edition "Tulane 'nrgekly" (21; Tulane Engineering Society (3)' Class Wrestling Team (21; Q. M. Civil Camp (21,

Hall, Luther E., Jr., 2 A E

Literary: Class Football Team 1 1, 21; Tug-of-War (1. 21; Vice-President (31.

Harris, Arthur W.

Classical; Tulane Economics Society (3); Forum (1. 2, 31: Secretary Forum (2); President Forum (31: Y. M. C. A. (1, 2, 31: Treasurer Y. M. C. A. (2. 31; Tug-of-War (1, 21; Chess and Checkers Club 1 1. 2, 31: President Chess and Checkers Club II, 2, 3): Tulane Forensic Club (31 ; K. K. M. (1, 2).

Hammond, W. Scott, 2 X

Civil Engineering: Tug-of--n'ar i 1. 21; Class Football Team 1 1. 2); Varsity Track Team (ll; Class Track Team |21; Class Basketball Team (1, 2 1.

KiAM, Victor K., Z B T

Literary; Forum 11. 2. 31; Tulane Economics Society (3i; French Circle (1): Chess and Checkers Club (1, 2, 3).

Knolle, Wilkes A.

Scientific: Secretary Class (2, 3).

Krumpelmann, John T.

Classical; Chess and Checkers Club (1, 2, 3); Class Track Team (2); Forum (31; Class Editor "Jambalaya" (3).

Mailhes, Peter Philip

M. and E. : 'Varsity Football (3>: Scrub 'Varsity Football Team II. 21; Tug-of-War il. 21: Class Football Team (1. 21: Class Basketball Team (1. 2): Class Baseball Team 12): Manager Class Baseball Team 121; Class Track Team (2): Tulane Engineering Society (2): Olive Wreath: University Night (1, 2).

Marston, Henry, Jr.

Scientilic: Class Wrestling Team (1, 21; Class Football Team (1, 2); 'Varsity Baseball Team (21; 'Varsity Track Team (11: Class Basketball Team (1, 2): Forum (1); Y. M. C. A. (1. 21; "Old Heidelberg"; Chess and Checkers Club (1, 2, 31; Class Track Team (21; 'Varsity Basketball Team (2 1.

McMuRRAY, Walter

Class Football Team (1): Class Track Team (2(; Tul tne Engineering Society (3i.

Morris, Stanley S., A K E

Civil Engineering; President l!il4 (11: 'Varsity Track Team 111; Captain l:il4 Track Team (11; Assistant Manager 'Varsity Football Team I2i; Class Football |2. 31; Junior Club (1, 2); Mandolin Club (1, 2, 3); Y. M. C. A.; Olive Wreath; Senior German Club 111.

Monroe, William B., S X

Scientific-Civil Eng (1. 2, 3) ; Junior C Weekly (3).

Page forlv-lwc


3); Tulane Chemical Society (2); Univer-

MuNN, Robert King, i; A E

Classical- Managing Editor Tulane Weekly (31; Class Debating Team (1. 21; Olive Wreath Tulane Tennis Association (2); Toastmaster |2); French Circle (1. 2. 3); Secretary French Circle C')' President French Circle 13); Y. M. C. A. (1. 2. 3); President Y. M. C. A. (31 Class Editor "Tulane Weekly" (2); Class Secretary (1); Class Vice-President (1); Clas President (2); Secretary Tulane Log (2); Assistant Managing Editor "Tulane Weekly" (21 Forum (2, 3).

M andE- Tug-ot-War (1. 21; Class Basketball Teaiu (1. 2); Class Wrestling Team (1) Forum (1)'; Y. M. C. A. (1, 2); 'Varsity Basketball (2); Class Track Team (2); Tulan Engineering Society (3).

Pier, Henry H.

Chemical and Sugar Engineering; Glee Club ll. sity Chorus (2, 3); Y. M. C. A. (2).

RiNGEL, John Joseph, Jr.

M. and E.; Tulane Engine

Roos, S. G., Z B T

Literary; French Circle (3;

Schneider, Carl

"Old Heidelberg" ; Class Baseball Te

Seiferth, Solis

Architecture; Forum

Architectural Society . , , ,

Editor Class Edition "Tulane Weekly" (1

Steckler, Leo

Civil Engineering

ring Society (3). Glendy Burke (3).

); French Circle ll); Class Editor "Jambalaya" (2. 3); Tulane ); "The County Chairman"; Artist "Tulane Weekly" (1); Assistant

ng; University Night (2).

Stem, Clifford Hoey

M. and E. ; Tulane Engineering Society (2, 3); Cla (1, 2); Class Football Team ll. 2); Y. M. C. A. (1, (2); Dean Tool Room.

Wrestling Team (1, 2); Tug-of-War ; .Assistant Editor "Tulane Calendar"

Suthon, Archibald M.

Classical; Forum ( Circle (3); Freshn

3); Secretary Forum (3); French Circle l2j; First Vice-President French Shield 1913 (2); Oratorical and Debating Council (3).

Troxler, Lucien J., Jr.

M. and E. ; Tulane Engineering

WiEGAND, George E.

Scientific; Chess and Checkers

Wiener, Earl, Z B T

Scientific; Artist Tulane "n'eekl;

Society (3). IMub (1, 2, 3 ll, 2); Cla

Baseball ll. 2).

Pagu fori^^-lhree

^A'V --^"^




Page forty- fo

Sophomore Class Hi^ory

PIRIT. That one word spells the main characteristic of the Class of 1916. When has the present Sophomore Class ever been lacking in this important feature of college life?

Long, long ago, on the very first day of their Freshman year, they showed the spirit and the fight that was in them when they charged th." University in battle array, prepared to annihilate that famous Class of 1915, who, fortunately for themselves, were conspicuously out of sight. Consider the spirit in which they accepted the first edition of the Student Body Freshmen Regulations and established a precedent for their Alma Mater.

The 1915 bunch won the tug o' war, the wrestling matches and the football game; all close affairs. The three first, out of seven scheduled contests, and even this could not dampen the spirit of '16. They buckled down to work and easily defeated their notorious rivals m the next three events, debating, basket-ball and baseball, only to lose the last, the deciding track meet, by three or four points.

On the opening day of the 1913-'! 4 session, the Freshmen, Class of 17, marched onto the campus in companies and batallions (just like regular soldiers) only to find the Sophomores lined up in front of Gibson Hall, (headquarters) , joyfully awaiting their arrival, singing fiercely (?) their famous battle song: "What D' you Mean, You Lost Your Dog."

Both factions faced each other for a few moments while lieutenants and captains planned and plotted. Then, with one mighty yell! ! ! "Aw ain't it! ! ! Well the Dean declared a truce.

So far the Freshmen have won the tug o' war, the wrestling matches, (they would not match 1 6's best men) and the football game, (Whoop! Whee! Gallery goes wild!) which the critics say, was as interesting as any 'Varsity affair. The first three out of seven, but ' 1 6 has the spirit and they are working for the next four events.

And this class without the aid of the upper class-men (as was needed when they

first came in) enforced the regulations upon those fierce, (?) yes, terribly fierce, Freshies.

The Sophomores have the largest representations at every University game, meeting,

rally, (beer feast), etc. The members of 1916 are in the lead in football, baseball,

basketball, track, debating, oratory, dramatics, cartoonery, and riot stunts.

The class thanks its sister students at Newcomb for their loyal support. May they marry well.

Here's to all that wish ' 1 6 well.

All the rest may go to join the Freshman ranks.

Billv Sherwood, Historian.

Page foriy-five


Sophomore Class Roll

AcHORN, Glenwood, 2; a E

J[. anfl IS.; Class Track Team 11); Ensineeiiiig Soi:iety.

Atkinson, Clifford, A K E

Scientific; Junior German Club (2).

Bauer, R. Conrad

Literary; French Circle H. 2); Spanish Circle 12); Forum ll, 2).

Becker, Ernest O.

Literary; Class Tiack Team (1); Tug-of-War |2); Class Football Team (2).

BiLLUps, George W.

Scientific; Class Football Team (1); Glendy-Bui-ke ; Y. M. C. A.

Brand, John Rhodes


Brant, Charles

Architectuie; Class Wrestling- Team (2); Tug-ot-War Team (2). Brener, Abraham

Chemical and Sugar Engineering; I. O. M. B. A.; Spanisli Circle; Class Football Team (2).

Brown, Waldorf B.

M. and E.; Tug-ol'-War Team.

Cabral, Harry Rene

Literary; Secretary Spanish Circle (2); Vice-President French Circle (1); Secretary French Circle (2); Class Track Team (1); Class Wrestling Team 12); Tug-ot-War 12); Class Foot- ball Team (2); Treasurer Forum 11); Assistant Secretary Forum Literary Society (2).

Clayton, Earle R.

M. and E. Cooke, Walter

II. & E.; Class Baseball Team II); Engineering Society; Glee Club.

Echevarria, Jose M.

Chemical and Sugar Engineering.

Emmer, Edwin F.

M. and E. ; Class Football Team 12); Tug-ol-"\Var ; Engineering Society.

FoRTiER, Gilbert J., <I> A O

Literary; Forum Literary Society; Manager 1914 "Jambalaya" ; Juni

Haranc, Warren, A K E

Chemical and Sugar Engineering; Tug-ot-War (2); Class Baseball Team (1); Senior German Club.

Hawkins, Eugene C.

M. and E. ; Class Vice-President; Class Baseball Team (1); Class Wrestling Team (1, 2); Tug-of-War.

Jenkins, Walter E., <> A 0

Scientific; Tug-of-War (2); Junior Club 11); Junior German Club (2).

Johnson. Gosta N., A K E

•Varsity Football Squad (2); Class Football Team 1 1, 2); Class Wrestling Team (1, 2); Tug-of-War ll, 2); Secretai-y-Treasurer of Class (2).

Joseph, John Leyman


Levi, Edward J.

M. and B. ; Class Footb.rll Team ll); Class Wrestling Team (1. 2); Tug-ot-War (1, 2).

Miller, Phillip A., A T A


Morris, Edgar T., A K E

Literary; Class Football Team ll. 2); Class Basketball Team ill; JIanager Class Basketball Team (2); Secretary of the Tulane Log 12); Class Track Team ll); 'Varsity Tennis Team (1); Chairman Junior -German Club (2); Class Wrestling Team 11, 2); Tug-of-War; Chair- man Tennis Committee (2); French Circle; Class Editor of "Jambalaya".

Page fori])-.

'^m^^mm m^i^m^m x




I. O. M. B. A.; Tug-of-War (2).

O'DoNNEL, Herbert

Chemical and Sugar Engineering; Engineering Society; Vice-President I. O. M. B. A.

Perkins, Beauregard

I^iterary; Glendy Burlve Literary Society; Spanisli Circle; Glee Club.

PiERPONT, Robert A., K A

M. and E. ; Class Baseball Team (1); Class Football Team (2); Engineering Society; Glee Club; Class Track Team.

Perrin, Shepard F.

II. and E.; Tug-ot-War: Class Football Team; Engineering Society; Y. M. C. A.


II. and E. ; .Junior German Club; Glee Club; Tug-ot-War.

Ramirez. Alberto J.

Chemical and Sugar Engineering; Class Baseball Team; Class Track Team; Scrub Football Team; Capt. Class Football Team (2); 'Varsity Basketball Team; Spanish Circle.

Raymond. Thos. Horatio, 2 X

Scientific; Junior German Club |2); Junior Club (1); Tug-ot-War (2); Class Football Team (2) ; Spanish Circle.

Richardson, Clarence Rives, Green, K 2

M. and E.

RooNEY, Percival E.

Chemical and Sugar Engineering; Engineering Society; L O. M. B. A.

ScHWARZ, Henry E., Z B T

Architecture; Tug-ot-War; Class Football Team; Scrub Football Team; Architecture Society.

Shankle, Warren C.

Literary; Class Football Squad (2).

Shaumburger, Max M.

Literary; Glendy Burke Literary Society; Tug-of-War; Class Football Team (1, 2); Class Wrestling Team (1. 2); Class Track Team (1); Freshman Debating Team; Winner Glendy Burke Forum Oratory Medal (1); Treasurer Glendy Burke; Alternate 'Var.sity Debating Team (2); Vice-Pres. Spanish Circle (2); .Ass't. Business Manager "Tulane Weekly"; Winner Medal offered for best Freshman or Sophomore in 'Varsity Debate.

Sherwood, Wm. J.

Architecture; Tug-of-War (2); Class Track Team (11; Assistant Stage Manager Enault Hiot (1); Title Roll Tulane Night (1); University Night (1); Architectural Class Historian (21; Glee Club (2); Tulane Band Di-um Major.

Showalter, David M., K A

San. Engineer; Tug-ot-War (2); Class Football Team (2); Engineering Society.

Sprague, Frank Arthur

Literary; Spanish Circle (2); Tug-of-War (1).

Thompson, Russel A.

Literary; Class Baseball Team (1); Tug-ot-War; Class Track Team (1).

Toler, John A.


Van Wart, Donald McG., ATA

Literary; Carnot Debate; Glendy Burke Literary Society.

Wakeman, Gus

Literary Society; Class Football Team (2); Class Track Team (1); French

Page fort^-seven



Wallace, Robert Boyd

Scientific; Class Track Team (1)

Warriner, David A.

jr. and E. : Tug-of-War.

Waters, Arthur Carrol, 2 X

Literary; Tug-ot-'W'ar; 'V

Weil, Herbert Schwartz

Glendy Bu

Team (2); French Circl West, William A., * A 6

Literary; Glendy Burke; Class W

Tennis Tear

Tug-of-War; Alternate Cla

Manager ager 191 Team; T. T. A.

? Team ; Exchange Editor ; Committee (2);

Wild, Andrew J.

Tug-of-War; CIe 'Tulane Weekly" Junior German

(1); Class Football

s Football Team (1. 2); Assistant Business Man- ■lub 12]; Scrub Football

White, Horace M., K A

Chemical Engineering; 1 12); Tennis Committee

Wolf, Myer Henry

Track Team; Cla

Class Wrestling Team (1,

Class Football

Woodward, Carl E., S A E

Architecture; Captain Tug-of-'War ll); President of Class (11; 'Varsity Football (1. 2); 'Varsity Basketball (1, 2); Captain and Manager 'Varsity Basketball (2); Class Basketball Team (1); Class Baseball Team (1); Class Track Team (11; Contributing Editor of the "Tulane Weekly"; Secretary-Treasurer Tulane Architectural Society.

Page forly-eishl

mm '^i

Freshman Class Hi^ory

N Monday, September 9, 1913, a crowd of rain-soaked, dirt-besmeared huskies marched unmolested up the front middle steps of Gibson Hall. A cheer for '17 from the friendly Juniors standing near announced the advent of a new class. It was, however, a rather inglorious advent; waiting expectantly, but not fearfully, for the Sophomore attack which never came. The Class of ' 1 7 had crossed Audubon Park in marching order through a driving rain and presented a woebegone appearance.

The Freshmen organized from the start, ready for anythmg, but were informed by Dean Dinwiddie that there would be no Freshman-Sophomore contests except such as were regulated.

Under the leadership of the Junior officers the Class of ' 1 7 assembled at its first regular meeting on October 6 to elect class officers. Mr. S. L. McConnell was elected President; Mr. W. J. Gibbens, Vice President and Treasurer; and Mr. E. Wellington, Secretary.

Although the history of the Freshman Class is short, the same cannot be said of list of members, for there are twenty-four '17 students in the college of arts and science and seventy-one in the technology department. Out of about one hundred Freshmen there have been discovered enough "infant prodigies" to administer three successive defeats to the Sophs; the wrestling matches, the tug-of-war, the football game, all are recorded as Freshman victories. Another such achievement and the tank will be adorned with Freshman numerals, painted in black and blue, the Freshman colors. The Sophomores will be adorned in like colors.

The good ship ' 1 7 has set forth on its four years cruise. It has almost escaped unscathed from its friendly conflict with '16. It has weathered successfully the first reefs in its cruise, the mid-term exams. Here's for a prosperous voyage under those most able pilots, our Profs. ! Here's for success, not for the Freshman Class alone, not merely for all the classes, but for our instructors, our college, TULANE, first, last and always!

Page forl\)-mne


Page fiftv

-Tfr I III iiiiilMrtll— IftiiiiMi ilHhaii itiiiin r iiiii iii i iiiifawMiiMan«iMiiiiftBiiiiJii i








S. L. McCoNNELL Presideni S. L. McCoNNELL

W. J. GiBBENS Vice-President and Treasurer Eric Wellington

Eric Wellington Secretary Forrest McGraw

Carter, A. J., * A 0

Literary. Freshman anfl 'Vi learn; Back Steps Club. Literary; Glee Club.

Currie, M. H., 2 a E Elgutter, G. a.


Fox, J. A.

Scientific; Fre

Free, E. A.


Perkins, R. L., 2 X

ity Football

Football Team.

Gardiner, W. F.


Hava, F. a.

Joseph, J. S.


QuiLTY, S. H., 2 A E

Literary; Glee Club.

Savage, E. J., K A

Schweitzer, F. G.

Literary; Tug-of-War; Freshman F Team; Wrestling; Back Steps Club.

Smith, R. W., 2 A E

Literarv: Freshman Football Team.

Talbot, E. E.

Hewitt. L. R., K 2

Literary; Glendy Burke; Fre ball Team.

Hoffman, J. S.

Jones, C. A., 2 X

French Circle; Weekly

Football and 'Vl

Jones, J. V., K 7-

Scientific; Back Steps Club.

Kaufmann, A. G., 2 X

Scientific; Back Steps Club.

Kaufman, C .A., Z B T

Literary; Spanish Circle.

Logan, W. V.

Scientific; Forum; Back Stei

Parham, D., 2 X


Thibodeaux, M.

Literary; Fr

Wise, N. J.

Barnett, M. Civil Eng

Football Team.

Barron, C. E., A K E

Architecture; -Architectural Society.

Mechanical Engineer ball Team; Wrestlini Society.

Beauvais, N. M.

Civil Enginee

Bercerra, F.

Mechanical a

Berry, E. A.

Mechanical a

nd Electrical En

Page fifl\)-one

„Sa£-,_^^^»^ ^' Miiikiiiio iiJihttA iNlMiiii iiillMiililliBiiiiirMMmifHiBiiir' \



Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.


Mechanical and Electrical Engineering- Engineering Society.


fiigar Chemistry.

Bradford, P. S., S A E

Mechanical Engineering; Tug-ot-War Freshman Football Team.

Bres. H. a., a K E

Brown, W. H., Jr.

Mechanical Engineering. Cazeneuve. J. E.

Mechanical Engineering; Tug-of-War; Freshman Football Team.

Chereboca, I.

Civil Engineering.

Couret, G.

Architecture; Architectural Society.

Cunningham, A.

Civil Engineering.

D'Amico, S. V. J.

Mechanical Engineering; Wrestling.

Darton, H. E.

Civil Engineering; Tug-ot-War.

Dicks. C. B., Jr., 2 A E

Dreyfous, F. J.

Architecture; Tug-of-War; Forum: Archi tectural .Society.

Ellis, J. H.

Civil Engineering.

Ford, C. D.

.\rchitecture; Archtectural Society.

Ford, F. R.

Mechanical Engineering; Wrestling.

Fritchie, H. G.

Mechanical Engineering.

Gibbens, W. J., Jr.. ATA

Architecture; Tug-or-War; Class Vice-Pre.-= Irtent and Treasurer.

Gravely, E. C.

Gwinn, J. M., Jr.

Mechanical Engineering; Tulane Orchestra; Engineering Society.

Haygood, J. W.

Mechanical Engineering: Freshman Foot- ball.

Hodgdon, G. M., Jr., <I> K S

Mechanical Engineering.

Hoffman, G.

Sugar Chemistry.

Joachim, J. W.

Mechaniia' F.iTjineerins.

Katz. S. J., Z B T

Civil Engineering.

Lapeyre, J. M.

.Architecture: .Architectural Society.

Legett, a. J.

Mechanical Engineering.

Lopez, F.

Architecture: .Architectural Society.

Lyons, J. E.


Mechanical Engineering: Class President;

Wrestling: Freshman Football: Tug-of- War.

McGraw, F.. K 2

McLeod, K., K a

Sugar Chemistry: Engineering

Mann, K. H.

Civil Engineering: Tug-oT-War

Mazerat, S. G.

Mechanical Enginoeiing.



Morgan, B. F.

Mechanical Engineering.

Moore, F. C.

M. chanical Engineering.

Page fiffy-


NuE. H. L.

Norman, A. W., A T fi

Architecture; Architectural Society.

O'Brien, J. A. Oppenheimer, Sol. M.

Sugar Chemistry.

Owen, W. M.


Architectural Society.

Philips, R. R., A K E

Architecture; Architectural Society.

Rexach, R. F., K S

Architecture; Tug-of-War.


Civil Engineering.


Mechanical Engineering; Freshman ball.

Saunders, E. D.

Civil Engineering.


Mechanical Engineering.

SoLis, A.

Jlechanical Engineering.

Stouse. L. E., a T fi

Mechanical Engineering.


Mechanical Engineering.

Von Phul, W., Jr., 2 A E

Wallace, C. H.

Mechanical Engineering.

Weeks, E. R.

Mechanical Engineering.

Wellington, E.

Architecture; Architectu Secretarv; Glendy Burke ball: Tug-ot-War; Che Club.

Weidman, B. W.

Sanitary Engineering. Williams, J. R.

Williams, W., Jr., ATA Sanitary Engineering.

Back Steps

!ty; Class nan Foot- Checkers


v., S






A. J., :


Mei ball

■hanical Engir 1 ; Glendy Bur



C. J.

Mechanical ball.



Yznaga, J. A., B e n

Zeigler, W. H.


Sherer, H.

Page fifl^-lhree





i*,\ '"^^

Page fifl\}-four



Page fifl^-five

Senior Class Hi^ory

T is customary for Senior Historians to recall the achievements of their youth, the steps by which they reached their present. I shall do likewise. In our Freshman year we won the only basketball game m which Fresh- men were allowed to participate.

Was it not the Class of 1914 who instigated the Sophomore-Freshman party as a method of hazing in place of the brutal banner fights of former years?

Our Junior year was a year of many achievements. We excelled in languages as well as sciences. Our class gave to Newcomb a modern Latin Triumvirate, and a full understanding of the Fourth Dimension. As Freshmen we had a Math, class of many dimensions. As Sophomores, we decided upon the study of fewer dimensions with a more earnest study of each the class having been reduced from some fifty odd to six. As Juniors, we presented to Newcomb only four dimensions length, breadth, thickness, and the fourth. The last of these being the most wonderful and unique. Did she not win the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Mathe- matics prize? And this was open to Seniors likewise. In this same year 1914 won all prizes open to Juniors. The basketball championship cup was ours this Junior year also. Is there anyone in the University who has not heard of the I9I4-'I6 wedding? Mr. 1914 was married to Miss 1916 by Rev. Newcomb College. We pledged on that day our loyalty and love for 1916 and there has been no divorce since then. Mr. 1914 has cherished and guarded over 1916 since the wedding and will ever do so as long as I9I6'g college life lasts.

And now for our last year of college life. Although just half spent it has been a brilliant one. It was our class who propagated the movement for inter-collegiate debating. This movement, taken up by students of other classes as well, has become a reality, and on March 28th Newcomb will debate with Agnes Scott.

The last and most commemorable act of History which 1914 accomplished was done for the satisfaction of Newcomb's most worthy President. He, thinking our class most competent for philosophic thought, swerved from his usual method of teaching philosophy and gave us an examination on that subject. The results of this exam, were so favorable that he has decided that hereafter he will adopt some of 1914's philosophy and teach it to succeeding classes.

Page fifiv


Black, Fanny Maude, U B <P, [ V ]

X. A. A. (1. L\ 3, 4); Dramatic Clu (1, 2, 3, 4); Class Basketball (1. 2, S. 4; Captain (4): 'Varsity Basketball (3); Clai Literary Editor 1913 "Jambalaya": Claj Treasurer (3): Business Manager Dramat Club (4); S. S. (3. 4).

CooLEY, Esther, <Z> M

N. A. A. (1. 2, 3. 4); Dramatic Club (1, 3, 3, 4); Class Secretary (4).

Chretien, Emilie

Regular Professional Music; Vice- Music Student Body (3); Music Body (1, 2, 3, 4); University Chort French Circle (1, 4); Les CigaliSre Glee Club (2. 3, 4): Treasurer Musi. Body (4); Tulane Night Play (3); Club (4); Dramatic Club Play (4).

Eldredge, Ruth Kelsey

Dramatic Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Vice-President Dramatic Club (3); President Dramatic Club (4); Dramatic Club Play (4); Debat- ing Society (3. 4); Chairman Debating So- ciety (3); Y. W. C. A. (1, 2, 3,. 4); Con- sumers' League (2, 3); Lat'n Club (4); Sub- Editor 1913 "Jambalaya"; Class Editor "Tu- lane "Weekly" (4).

Page fifly-sevcn




Xah Sukham; Dramatic Club (1. 2, 4); N. A. A. (1. 2): Consumers' League (3, 4): President Consumers' League (4): Manager Basketball Team (4); Mississippi Club (1. 2. 8, 4); Debating Club (1); R. D. (1, 2. 3. 41.

Snyder, Edyth Mildred. .4 <?

Vice-President Con

sumers' Li

ague (4

; Vice-

President Class (4

: Presiden

t Studen

; Coun-

oil (4).

Sumner, Theodora D., A O 11, [V]

Secretary Dramati

c Club ( 1

; Manager Eas

ketball Team il) :

X. A. A.

(1): Class Sec-

retary i 2 ) : Debati

ng Club (

, 4i: Class His-

torian (3): Y. •«-.

C. A. 13.

41: Consumers

League 1 4) ; A'ic


t Cercle Dra-

matique Franeais

14); Class

Poet ( 41 ; Busi-

ness Manager Xe\

■comb "A

cade" (4 1.

Smart, Irma Carolyn

X. A. A. (1. 2. 3. 4j: Dramatic Club 13. 4P: Sub-Editor 1913 "Jambalaya" ; Glee Club (3); B. C. F. (31: School of Education Bas- ketball Team (31: President School of Edu- cation (4l: Manager Education Basketball Team (41: Debating Society (1): Student Council (4 1.

Page fifl))-eighl

',Mm wmmrn^

Miller, Joan Chaffe, K K F

Qch Circle (U 14); Sub-Bi

Dramatic Club 1 1. 2 ) ; Basketball Manage i; Les Cisalieres (2) sketball Team; S. f

Renshaw, Gladys Anne, A Oil, [ V ]

Class President (3); Treasurer Student Body (2): Secretary Latin Club (2); Class His- torian (1); N. A. A. (1, 2, 3, 41; Dramatic Club (2, -3. 4); Student Body Executive Committee (2, 3. 4); 'Varsity Basketball Team (2, 3); Class Basketball Team (1. 2. 3); Les CigaliSres (3): Latin Club (1. 2, 3. 4); Student Council (3, 4); Debating So- ciety (3, 4); Consumers' League (4); Repre- sentative Debating Council (4); French Circle (4); President Student Body (4).

Rhoades, Edna B.

X. A. A. (1, 2. 3, 4); Dramatic Club (41: Manager 'Varsity Basketball Team (3); De- bating Society (3. 4); Treasurer Debating Society (3); President Debating Society (4); Student Council (3); Class Vice-Presi- dent (2); Manager Mandolin and Guitar Club (4); Newcomb Secretary Debating and Oratorical Council.

Robinson, Ione

Pnge fift\)-mne

» ""■ -~" ^ ^^imnrn^Mm '■fttuflnlrrrmlilwMiiiiiHiM Niliilffllllllfr''Trr''''-*"-r*'ftnrf'''**-*-*'*'


GiBBENS, Gladys, .4 <Z>

French Circle (1); N. A. A. (1, 2, S Treasurer N. A. A. (3); Dramatic (1, 2, 3); Debating Club (1, 2, 3, 4)-, of Congress Debating Club (3); Debatin Oratorical Council (3); Class Poet (3); tor "Tulane Weekly" (3); Bditor-in- "Jambalaya" (4); Public Debate (3t: stitute Basketball Teani (3, 4).

GiLLEAN, Elizabeth, A O TI


w. c

A. (1, 2, 3,








3, 4)

; Dramatic


(1. 2






(3. 4); Vice








; Member Debai





; Joke


tor '



3, 4).

KuMPFER, Marie

Luzenberg, Eleanor, A' A' F

N. A. A. (1. 2. 3. 4); Dramatic Club (1. 2. 3, 4): Debating Society (2, 3, 4): Speaker Evens Debating Society (3): Tulane Oratori- cal and Debating Council (3); Les Cigali6res (2); French Circle (2, 4); Class Basketball Team (2. 3, 4); Sub-Editor "Arcade" (2); Literary Editor "Arcade" (3); Editor-in- Chier "Arcade" (4); Class Editor "Jamba- Manager



S. S. (3, 4).


""^^^^g™"'™-'--*^^'— J iiiiiiiii^Miii niM iin iiiiMmiiiMiiiiii i iirmliiiiwiii

EusTis, Gladys, II B <I\ [ V ]

Class Secretary (1); N. A. A. (1, 2, 3. Class Basketball Team (1. 2. 3. 4); Capt (2); Y. W. C. A. (1. 2. 3): Dramatic Club (1, 2. 3); Treasurer Dramatic Club (21; As- sistant Business Manager "Arcade" (3): As- sistant Business Manager "Tulane Weeklj'" (4); 'Varsity Tennis Team (3); 'Varsity Bas- ketball Team (2, 3); Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (3); Consumers' League (3); S. S. (3, 4): Chairman Summer Committee (3); President



FouLEs, Margaret D., A 0 11, [V]

N. A. A. (1, 2, 3, 4); Class Basketball Team (1, 3, 4); Dramatic Club (1. 2, 3, 4) ;TDra- matic Club Play (1, 3); T. W. C. A. (1, 2. 3, 4); Pres'dent Y. W. C. A. (3); Cabinet Y. W. C. A. (2, 3, 4); Conference Delegate (1): J. U. G. (1. 2. 3, 4); House Council (3); Consumers' League (2, 3, 4); Class Poet (3); Student Council (3, 4); Class President (4); Sub-Editor "Arcade" (3); Exchange Editor "Arcade" (4); Les CigaliSres (3); Debating Club (3, 4): Public Debate (3): Student A'ol- unteer Convention Delegate (4).

Faulk, Agatha, <P M, [V]

Y. W. C. A. (1, 2, 3, 4); N. A. A. (1); Dra- matic Club (1. 4): J. U. G. (1, 2, 3): Les Cigali&res (2, 3); Debating Club (3); Secre- tary Bible Class (3); Class Vice-President (3); Dormitory Student Council (4); Y. "W. C. A. Cabinet (4); Secretary Con; League (4); "Arcade" Board (4); I. S. W. N

Page s/x/j;-.


LiTTELL, Bertha Hart

J. U. G. II. 2. Editor ■■Jamb 12); Class Hi! Student Counc

(4): Latin Club (ll

McLees, Angie, a on, [V]

Dramatic Club (1. 2): T. W. C. A. (2. 3. 4); Secretary Music School Student Body 12); Class President (2); Assistant Business Man- ager "Arcade^^ (4); Literary Editor ■'Jam- balaya'^ (4); Latin Club 14); Debating Club (4).

Miller, Irene

Y. W. C. A. (1, 2. 3, 4); J. V. G. (1. 2. 3. 4); Glee Club (1); Latin Club (1, 2. 4); Debat- ing Club (2); Class Editor ■'Tulane Weekly" (2); Managing Editor ■■Tulane Weekly^' (4); Class Secretary (3); Vice-President T. W. C. A. (3); Secretary Y. W. C. A. (.■.,: Sub- Editoi- Arcade (3); Managing Editor '■Ar- cade" Board (4); I. S. W. X.; University



MouTON, Helen Muriel, K K F

Glee Club (II; X. A. . Club (1, 2, 41; Sub-Edii Debating Club II. 2. 3, Department ''Arcade^^ i



White, Willie Wynn. A 0 n, [ V ]

Regular Professional Music: I. S. V,'. N. : Glee Club 1 1, 4): Music Student Body (1. 2. S, 4); University Cliorus (3, 4); President JIusic School Student Body (4); Treasurer (2); President (2); Student Council (2, 4); Executive Committee (2. 41; T. W. C. A. (2. 3, 4): J. U. G. (1. 2. 3. 4); Sub-Editor 1913 "Jambalaya" ; Music Basketball Team (4); Secretary Student Council (4).

WisNER, Elizabeth


Class Basketball Team (1, 2, 3, C. A. (1, 2, 3): N. A. A. (1. 2, 3, 4): Treas- urer N. A. A. (2); Captain Basketball Team (1. 3); Captain 'Varsity Basketball Team (4); Debating Club (1, 2, 3); Consumers' League (3); Dramatic Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Neweomb Business Manager "Jambalaya" (4); Stage Manager Dramatic Club (4); S. S.


Wharton, Mary Clifton

Dramatic Club (1. 2, 3, 41 ; Class Basket- ball Team (1, 2. 3, 4); Secretary Student Body (3); Y. "W. C. A. (2, 3, 4); N. A. A. (1, 2, 3, 4); Sub-Editor "Jambalaya" (2); Glee Club (1): Member Student Council (41.

Page sixly-ihree

&M>MmM' ^r.2i

Senior Class Poem

(With apologies lo Mary Clemmer.)

Good-by, Newcomb, We leave thee bearing purest gifts That when some, fair temptation lifts Its luring glance, though sore beset. We'll stronger be; then no regret Life-long will follow after us. Four years within thy trusting care We've rested; and with thee did share Thy deep, rich store of learning. We now must leave thee at the pathway's turning,

And so, good-by, Newcomb.

Good-by, Newcomb. We seem to part;

Yet still within our inmost heart

Thou art with us. Still thy place

Thou boldest; naught can thee efface.

Yet all our life seems going out.

As we turn our faces slow about

To go alone another way,

Apart from thee till life's last day.

Unless thy spirit lights our way.

Good-by, Newcomb. The dreaded dawn

That tells our student days are gone

Is purpling all the pallid sky

And soft we sigh, Newcomb, good-by!






A Legacy

We, the Class of Nineteen Fourteen,

Have bequeathed it to the ages. 'Twill be handed down the coming years of tin

With patience he engages

To turn us into sages. And the Phil. exam, is now his latest crime.

We did not wish to take it

And we told him so, O yes! But it did not seem to turn his firm resolve.

And he told us all, alas!

He'd have nothing of our sass! And the Phil. exam, was left to us to

We did not wish to take it,

'Twas never done of yore! And we told him so with wisdom and expression.

But though we raged and swore

That Phil, it was a bore. Not a thing was done to lift our deep depression.

But now the 'xam is over.

We are living at the last. And I cannot say we've really come to rue it,

And sure! we all have passed.

And we're the only class that da'st To sit down lo a Phil, exam, and do it ! !

—M. D. F. 14.

Page sixl^-fne

Junior Newcomb Academic Class


Louise Berrey PresiJenl

Delie Bancroft Vice-President

Katherine O'Meara Secrelary

Edith DuPlantier Treasurer

Mary Drake Poet and Historian


Adler, Esther

N. A. A. (1, 2. 3); Dramatic Club d.L'); Xah Sukham; iranasfr BaskPtball Tf-nni f2): Le Cercle Francais <1, 2, 3).

Bancroft, Anne Delie, A 0 n

Class Vice-President (3); Y. W. C. A. (1. 2, 3): President Y. W. C. A. (3); Treasurer (2): N. A. A. (1, 3); Dramatic Club (1. 2): J. V. G. (1. 2. 3); I. S. W. N. (3): "Arcade" Board (3).

Belden, Lyda, X n, Cheer

Class Poet (1); President Latin Club (3); Member (1, 2. 3): Dramatic Club (1. 2. 31: Play (1): Secretary (3); N. A. A. (1. 2. 3): Basketball Team (1. 2. 31: Debating Club (1): Newcomb German Club f3).

Berrey, Louise, A *, [ V ]

Class President (3); President Latin Club (2); Member (1, 2. 3); N. A. A. (1, 2, 31: Dramatic Club 121; 'Varsity Basketball Team <2): Class Team (1, 2, 31; Student Council (3 1: Sub- Editor 1912 "Jambalaya" : Class Editor "Tulane Weekly" (2); Anti-Cut League (2): Dramatic Club Play (21; Consumei-'s League l3l; Student Club (1. 2. 3): Class Editor "Jambalaya" (11; Student Body Executive Committee (3).

Booth, Eleanor

Dramatic Club (2, 3); Debating Club (1, 2, 31: Latin Club (1. 2): N. A. A. (1, 2. 31; Dramatic Club Play (2).

Cushman, Ethel

Y. W. C. A. (). 2, 31; Secretary (1. 21: Chairman Association News (3): Debating Club (1, 2. 3); Freshman-Sophomore Debate (11; Public Debate (1, 21: Secretary (ll: Clerk of Congress (2, 31; Latin Clvb II. 21; N. A. A. (31: Consumer's League (1. 2. 3); Sub-Editor "Tulane Weekly" 111: Sub-Editor "Arcade" (21: Head Literary Editor (3); Class Poet (2): Student Council 13).

Denis, Ruth, n B *, [V], Cheer

N. A. A. (1, 2. 31; Class Basketball Team II. 2. 3); Captain (21; Dramatic Club (1. 2. 3); Les Cigali^res 121: Latin Club 111; Newcomb German Club 12 1.

Derdeyn, Antoinette

Latin Club 1 1. 2. 31: Mississippi Club II. 2. 31: Anti-Out League 121; Consumer's League (2); Student Club I 1. 2. 31.

Drake, Mary, K K 1', Cheer

Class Historian (31; Y. W. c. A. 12. 3i: .1. V. G. 1 1, 2. 31: Treasurer |21; Latin Club ill; Student Club (1, 2. 31.

DuFOUR, Rosalie, A 0 II

Anti-Cut League (21: Dramatic Club il, 2. 31; Play (21; Debating (^lub il. ■>. 31- N A A (1, 2. 3): Student Club ll. 2. 31: Les Cigalifrres |21.

DuPlantier, Edith Allard

Class Treasurer (31 : Latin Club (1. 21; Dramatic Club (11; Debating Club (21: Y. W. C. A. (2, 31 ; University Chorus I 1. 2(; Student Club 1 1, 2. 31.

Elmore, Mary Manly, K K 1', [ V ] , Cheer

student Council (31; N. A. A. 1 1. 2. 31: Debating Club 121: Y. W. C. A. (1, 2, 3); J. U. G. (1, 2, 3); Newcomb German Club (21.

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Fay, Marion, X P.

Dramatic Club 1 1, 2. 3); Play (1, 2); Tulane Night Play 121; N. A .A. (1, 2, 3>; Debating Club (2); Fieshman-.Sophomoie Debate (2): Latin Club 11); Newcomb-German Club (21.

Frere, Charlotte, K K r, [ V ] , Cheer

Latin Club (11; Dramatic Culb 11. 2): Les Cigalieres (21: N. A. A. (1, 2. 31; Basketball Team i 2. 31; Treasurer Student Body (2 1 ; J. U. G. 1 31.

Gauche, Vivien

Dramatic Club (1, 2, 3); N. A. A. 1 1. 2. 3): Class Vice-President (21; Basketball Manager (3). GiBBENS, Hathaway, A *

N. A. A. (1. 2, 3): Dramatic Club (2. 3); Debating Club (1, 2. 31; Secretary (2); Clerk of Congress (3); Freshman-Sophomore Debate (II; Class President (2); Class Editor •■Tulane Weekly" (3); Carnot Debate (3); University Chorus (21; Student Council (2); Summer Committee (21; University Night Dances 111; La Cercle Dramatlque Francaise (3); Student Club (1. 2, 3); Les Cigalieres (21.

Havard, Katherine, X fi, [ V ]

Treasurer .1. V. G. Ill; N. A. A. (2. 3); Dramatic Club (3); Consumer's League (2, 3); H. F. D. (3 1.

Israel, Helene, Cheer

N. A. A. (1. 2. 3); Secretary (2); Basketball Team (1, 2. 31; Captain (3); Dramatic Club

(1, 2. 3 ;l Editor ".\rcade" (3). Jacobs, Helen

Dramatic Club (1, 2, 3); N. A. A. (1, 2, 31; Latin Club (1. 2); Vice-President (2); Debating

Club (2, 31; Freshman-Sophomore Debate (21; Class Treasurer (2); Chairman Summer

Committee (21; Basketball Team (1. 2, 3). KUMPFER, PeTRONELLA

Debating Club (31; University Chorus (2, 3); Anti-Cut League (2); Student Club (1, 2. 3).

Lafferty, Oma

Y. W. r. A. (2. 31; Dramatic Club (31; Consumer's League (3).

Le More, Marie, n B $

Dramatic Club (2. 31; Treasurer (31; Le Cercle Dramatlque Francaise (3): Secretary (3); Les CigaliS'res (21; N. A. A. (1, 2. 31; Treasurer School of Education.

Levy, Rita

Nah Sukham; J. U. G. (1. 2. 3); Le Cercle Dramatlque Francaise (31.

LuND, Isabel

N. A. A. (1, 2. 3); Basketball Team (1. 2, 3); Sub-'Varsity Team (2): Latin Club (1. 2. 3); Secretary Latin Club (21; Y. W. C. A. (1. 2. 31; President Bible Study Class (2); Dramatic Club (3); Class Editor ".Tambalaya" (31; Consumer's League (2); Summer Committee (1); Student Club (1. 2, 31.

Marks, Margaret, A *

Dramatic Club (2, 31; N. A. A. (1. 2. 31; Debating Club ll. 21: Treasurer Odd's Debating Club (21: Class Secretary (21; Secretary Student Body (31; 'Varsity Basketball Manager (31: Class Editor "Jambalaya" (2); Summer Committee (2. 31; University (?horus (21; Les Cigali&res (2. 3); Student Club (1. 2, 3). Morrison, Maybart Frost

Dramalic club (2. 31: University Chorus 12, 3); Latin Club (1. 2. 31; Y. W. C. A. (2. 31.

Norton, Alice

Latin Club (1. 2. 3): Y. W. C. A. (1, 2. 3); Consumer's League (2. 31; N. A. A. (11.

O'Meara, Katherine

N. A. A. (2, 3); Dramatic Club (3); Class Secri'tary (3l; Debating Club (3l; Summer Committee (31.

Post, Mildred, IT B $

Dramatic Club (1. 2. 3); N. A. A. (1. 2. 3); Le Cercle Dramatlque Francaise (3); Class Vice- Piesident (11; Class Literary Editor ".lambalaya" (2); Class Historian (2): .Secretary Dramatic Club (21; Treasurer Lc Cercle Francaise (2); Les Cigalieres (2); Chairman .Summer Com- mittee (2 1.

Page sixt^-eighl


Reiss, Ella, n B *

Dramatic Club ll. 2, 3): Vlce-Piesiclent (3); Play (1. Team (1, 2, 3); Lcs Cigalieres (2); Summei- Committe

Simmons, Rietta

N. A. A. (1, 2, 3); Latin Club II. 2); Treasurer (2); Class Historian (1).

Vairin, Alice, 11 B * [ V ]

Les CigaliSres (2); Class President (1); N, A, A. (1, 2, 3): Dramatic Club (1, 2. 31; Sub- Basketball Team 111; Summer Committee (1).

Williamson, Virginia, K K r

y. W. C. A. II, 2, 31; N. A .A. 12. 31; J. U. G. (1. 2. 3).

Brazeale, July, K K r, '15, Music

Sub-Editor "Tulane Weekly" 131; Manager Music School Basketball Team 13); N. A. A. 12. 3); J. U. G. (1. 2. 3).

Sanders, Helen, A A 11, "15, Music

X. A. A. ll. 2. 3); President Glee Club i:5); Vice-President Music School

Bisland, Marguerite, '15, Domestic Science

I. S. W. N. 3): Basketball Team ll. 2. 3); Sub-Editor "Jambalaya" (3); Student Council (3); N. A. A. (1, 3, S): Home Economics Club 11. 2, 31.

SiVEWRIGHT, Mabel, A *, '15, Domestic Science

Class President 11. 2); Vice-President School ot Education (1. 3); Manager Basketball Team 11); Member 11. 2, 31; Historian (2); Dramatic Club 12); Summer Committee School ot Edu- cation (21; Y. W. C. A. 13); Student Club 1 1. 2. 31; Secretary Home Economics Club (2): President |3); N. A. A. (1. 2. 3); Student Volunteer (31.

Watson, Jessie, n B ■!>, '15, Domestic Science

N. A. A. (1); Dramatic Club (1): Treasurer Home Economics Club (2).

Steele, Berenice, A A n, '15, Art

J. V. G. (1, 2.

RoBBiNs, Emma, '15, Art


Art CI Basketball T

(3); Member (2, 3); N. A. A. (2,

Junior Class Hi^ory

Readers of this History of 1915, Be you Juniors, or Sophomores, or Freshmen Be you Seniors, or whoever you may be I pray you a while to bear with me; For 'tis my purpose to speak in rhyme The history of the greatest class of its tin

'Twas a Freshman class three years ago.

The jolliest class you ever did know.

It went in for dramatics, athletics and fun,

Latin Club and debating also claimed some.

If had its triumphs in every line.

And in her studies each member was fine.

They taught Freshies a lovely way to haze. Their Sophomore year contained red-letter days. They said that this class raised quite a stir. Well its motto was "Gaudeamu5 Igitur". The banquet with their brother class at Tulane Would by itself for ihis class have won fame.

Their Sophomore days they were reluctant to leave

But they found Junior days a true heartsease.

The "cabaret party" who'll ever forget?

If you'd done as you wished you'd have been there yet.

Such dancing, such ladies entrancing, ah me!

Such handsome beaux at that gay party.

But my space is short and so is my time. Each event cannot be put into rhyme. The half, of course, has not yet been told. Let someone else the rest unfold.

If I told every merit of this class to you, I'd talk and talk but never be through. Historian.

Page sixt\)-nine


ifcite^ ^^^^^M ^h^r^^m

Page seventy


Newcomb Sophomore Class

Bernard, Adeline du Montier, II B <I>

N. A. A. (1); Les CigaliSres (1); Le Cercle Francais (2); President Le Cercle Franoais (2) ; Dramatic (1).

Black, Kathleen, A A II

N. A. A. <1. 2): T. W. C. A. (1, 2); Dra- matic Club (1. 2): Basketball (1).

Broad, Anna Wilhelmina



Club 11); Brown, Miriam Eloise

Y. W. C. A. (2); Latin Club (1, 2); inatie Club (1).

Cahn, Cecile Agatha

X. A. A. (1); Dramatic Club (1).

Dela Cruz, Dionysia Georciana

Latin Club (1); N. A. A. (1. 2); N. A. A. 12): Captain Basketball (1. 2); Basketball (1. 2>: Representative "Jamba- laya" i2).

Dequede, Brunhilda Camille

X. A. A. 111.


EsTORGE, Maud Corinne

Latin Club (1. 2); N. A. A. (2).

Gillean, Grace Duval

N. A. A. (1, 2); Basketball (1): T. W. C. A. (1, 2); Consumer's League |2).

GwiNN, Gladys

X. A. A. (1. 2 ): Dramatic Club (1, 2); Basketball Sub. (2).

Janvier, Regina, II B *

President (1); N. A. A. (1. 2); Basketball (1. 21; Dramatic Club fl. 2); Debating ll);

Jordan, Augusta, X f>

(2)-: Treasurer of J. V. G. (1): Latin Club (1. 21 ; ): J. i:. G. (1. 2) ; I. S.

Koch, Minna Frotscher

N. A. A. (1. 2): T. W. C. A. (1. 2): Treas- urer Y. 'W. C. A. (2): Debating Club 1 1. 2); Secretary Debating Club (1, 2); Dramatic Club (1, 2).

Laurans, Mathilde

Latin Club (1, 2); N. A. A. (1,


Lob, Brunette

X. A. A. 11. 2); Treasurer (1);


Club (2); Consumer's League 12)

; Manage

Basketball (21.

LuDwiG, Laura

Marx, Adele

X. A. A. (1. 2); Latin Club (1, 2); Treas- urer (2); Secretary Latin Club (1); Dra- matic Club (1); Consumer's League (2).

Pardonner, Sarah Jeannette, n B $

Class Historian (21; Le Cercle Francais

Renshaw, Solidelle Felicite

X. A. A. (1, 2): Basketball (1); "Tulai Weekly" (1); German Club (1. 2); I Cercle Francais |2); Consumer's Least 1 21; Debating Club (1. 2).

Richmond, Earll, K K r

X. A. A. ll); Basketball "Sub." (1); Lat Club (1, 2); Treasurer Student Body (2 Vice-President and Latin Club (2); T. ■? C. A (1. 2), Representative "Jambalayi (1); Dramatic Club (1)'.

Roach, Sarah, K K T

Manager Basketball (1); N. A. A. (1, Basketball (2); Secretary Class (1); " lane 'W^eekly" (2).

RoBiiMSON, Irma Elizabeth

Ross, Romola

Salm, Martha Barr Debating Club (1. A. A. 1 1, 2 1; H Basketball "Sub."

2) ; Dramatic

Page 5even/))-o

-1 . '^^^

Page sevenl^-tnio

0 ^^r".





J. r. G. (1, 2) ; Latin Club

II' I ; Y. W.


Sharp, Dorothy Adelaide, II B <I>

N. A. A. (1); Dramatic Club (II

Stubbs, Flora Arden, K K 1' UjFFY, Hermine Elizabeth, <1' M

N. A. A. (1, 2); Basketball (1, 2); Dra matic Club (1, 2); President (2).

White, Dodd, n B <I>

N. A. A. (1, 2); Basketball (2); Dramatic Club (1); Latin Club (1, 2).

Page sevent\f-tbrec


Newcomb Freshman Class History of 1917

In the Jamhalaya for the first time nov Nineteen Seventeen makes her bow, Fresh for the fray, a glorious sight With banner streaming free and Hght. Ready and waiting, every one For any sort of joke or fun.

When the police force ran us down They found our nerves quite steady ;

We barred them out and made them wait 'Till we were good and ready.

The Suffragettes charged through their ranks

By Mrs. Pankhurst led; The MiHtant flag she firmly grasped

And waved it o'er her head.

The Juniors show true sister sport And stand by us most loyally.

They "took us to the Cabaret" And entertained us royally.

"The play's the thing," the poet says,

And you will all recall That in this line the showing

Of the Freshmen was not small.

To any one who doubts our worth

Here's one reply alone; (I'm sure it will sufficient be!)

Just go and ask Miss Stone.

So here's a toast, best class of all,

A toast of love to you! May we always rally to the call

Of the Black and the Turquoise Blu

Pa^c scvcnl^-four


■TBl-f.;j^j^;— ,^..5=*^ "iiMiiiiiMwi»«iiniiiiiitiii»k iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirii nil II III" ■iiififti Hull'—

'V-'K ^;


Page sevenl\)-five


Newcomb Freshman Class


Arthe Vairin Prciidenl

Card Weil Vice-Presldeni

RiETTA Garland Secreiar))

Florence Wintz Treasurer

Doris Kent Hhiorian

Mary Ayres Caplain B. B.

LuLIE Westfeldt Manager B. B.

Myrtle Steinau Editor Weekly

Adele Drouet . . . Editor Jambala^a


Alcus, Sarah Glenny, Edith

Dramatic Club; N. A. A. N. A. A.; Dramatic Club: Y. W. C. A.

Ayres, Mary Godchaux, Jeanne

Captain B. B. Team; N. A. A.; Latin Club. Dramatic Club.

Beer, Rosa Haynes, Gifford

Bird, Eijcenie ^' ■'■ "^ ^ «• ^- ''■''^''^' ^""" ^'"'^-

Treasurer Latin Club HaUSMAN, LoUISE

Barnes, Oui"* Joffrion. Doris

Latin Club., KearNEY, VeRA

BaUM, Julia X. a. a. : Dramatic Club.

^^"" ^'"''- Kent, Doris

COHN, Ruth class Historian and Poet; X. A. A.; Dra-

matic Club.

Darton, Naomi

Dramatic Club. KoHLMANN, ClEMENCE

X. A. A. ; B. B. Team.

DiscoN, Laura , ,,

... „, , Landau, Ethel

Latm Club.

X. A. A.: Suta B. B. Team. DoNNAUD, DeLZORAH , _ , ,

Dramatic Club; N. A. A.; .Sub B. B. Team. LaURENS, CorNELIA H.

X. A. A.

Drouet, Adele , ,

Class Editor ■■.Jambalaya" ; Treasurer De- LevY, LucILLE

bating Society; Cercle Francais; Dramatic N. A. A.; Dramatic Club; Lalm Club.

Club; Dramatic Club Play; N. A. A.; Sub

B. B. Team. MaDISON, LeESIE H.

_ _ ., J. r. G. ; X. A. A.: Y. AV. C. A.; Dibating

FarNET, BiaNCA M. Society.

Latin Club. «« xi a i

McNeely, a. L.

FoRTlER, Lillian Latin Club: Dramatic Club; Dramatic Club

X. A. A. Play; N. A. A.

Garland, Rietta Nairne, Lillie

^■ecretary Class; Debating Socicly. X. A. .\ ; C. B. Team: Dramatic Club.

Page 5evcn(J)-5ix


Perkins, L. F.

A.; Y. -W. C. A.; Di-ai

Renshaw, Mildred

Rosenthal, Ethel

Saunders, Laura

N. A. A.

Shaw. Theodosia

J. V. a.: Y. w. c. A.:

I^atin Club: President Mis

Slacle, Cleta E.

,T. V. G.; N. A. A.

Smith, Nealtje de Graaf

B. B. Team; X. A. A.; D

Steinau, Myrtle S.

Sumner, Mary Clayton

Dramatic Club: Dran


Y. W. C. A.

Thompson, Isabelle

X. A- A.

Urban, Lillian Badger

Dramatie Club; Latin Club.

Vairin, Aphra

N. A. A.: Sub B. B. Tea

Vairin, Arthe

Walshe, Recina

X. A. A.

Weil, Caro Inez

Y. W. C. A.: N. A. A,

;iclent: N. A. A.: B. B.

Weil, Hermione

Dramatic Club: N. A. A.

Westfeldt, Lulie


Dramatic Club: X. A. A.

WiNTZ, Florence

Class Treasure Play.

Whitehead, Anna

Dramatic Club: N. A. A.

WuRZLOW, Helen

N. .\. A.: Dramatic Club


i-lub: Di-

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Page seventh-nine


Charlton, Alice Lucille

N. A. A. (1); Dramatic Club (1, 2); Sub-Editor "Jambalaya" (1, 2); Secretary T. K. Club (2); Texas Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Vice-President Texas Club (2); Class Vice-President (3); Art Editor ••Jambalaya" (4).

GiLLESPY, Rose Sadler, .4 J //

R. D.; Dramatic Club (1, 2) ; N. A. A. (1, 2) ; Class Secretary and Treasurer (2, 3) ; Art Basket- ball Team (1); Equal Suffrage Club (4).

AscHER, Marie

Nah Sukham; T. K. Club (2); J. U. G. (1, 2, 3, 4); Mississippi Club (2, 3, 4).

Page cigbli)


LiFscoMB, Nell, A' Q, [ v ]

N. A. A. (1, 2, 3, 4); Vice-President Class (1, 2); Treasurer Art School (4); Art Basket- ball Team (1); Texas Club (1, 2, 3, 4).

KiNCHEN, Edna Lucille

T. K. Club (2); Art Editor "Arcade" (4).

Hill, Rosamond Agnes, .4 () II

Dramatic Club (1); T. K. Club (2); Class Presi- dent (2, 3, 4); President Art Student Body (4).







^^^^k ^^^H


^^^^^K^^K H

^=^^H ^IHk





IB hI i H^


■If 1^^








Page eight])'

Williams, Annie Mainer

Dramatic Club (1); President 1 . K. Club (2); Vice-President Art Student Body (4).

Randolph, Leila Pierce

T. K. Club (2); Dramatic Club (1. 2); N. A. A.


Smith, Lillian Jean

N. A. A. (1, 2. 3): Captain Art Basketball Team (1); Manager (3); Class Secretary and Treas- urer (1); Sub-Editor "Jambalaya" (3); Art Rep- resentative of "Tulane Weekly" (4) ; Dramatic Club (1, 2. 3. 4); Dramatic Club Play (1. 2. 3); T. K. Club (2); Vice-President Student Body (4).

Page eighl^-lvo

-^ N'i


The Nauseating Order of Chewers

Founded at Tulane University, A. D., 1913.

For the promotion of filthy habits among the student body at large.

Moiio: "Smoke and the world smokes with you, chew and you spit alone."

Colors: Dark and light blown (Dependmg on Brand).

Official Staff

Buck Bernoudy Grand High Master

Teddy Booth Imperial Spilenlale

Buzzard Larkin Royal High Keeper of the Weed

Doc Brenner . . . Chief High Spitierine Bruce Hayes . Alumr^us Advisor

Little Spits

Cuspidor Baldwin Jakie Devlin Chewie Corbin Jeff Aycock Jerry Harang Jack Belden Shiner Woodward

dugie dugas

Charlie Goodsen

Lean McLean

Joe Brown Chiz Chisolm Crook Randall

Page eighty-three

Page eighlXi-four

Junior Art Class

Emma B. Robbins Marie Anthes Bernice Steel

Senior Specials

Alice Payne Wreath Bass Mathilde Merihl Hannah Graham

Page eighl\)-fiv



Page eighl^-six


Sophomore Art Class

AucusTiN, Esther, * JI

M4H1ER, Edith

Regular; Vice-President (1, 2); N. A. A.


Regular; N. A. A. ill; Sub-Editor "Xew- comb Arcade- (1, 2).

Bowers, Sallie

McNaughton, Mary Hunter

Special (2); Regular (1); Mississippi Cluu (1): N. A. A. (1); Member of Basketball Team (1).


QuiNN, Lucille

Crumb, Ethel


Regular; President (1. 2); N. A. A. (1, 2); Captain Basketball Team (1. 2).

Ritchie, Gladys S.

Regular; Class Secretary (1, 2).

HucK, Margaret J.

Regular; N. A. A. (1. 2); Member Basket- ball Team (1, 2); Sergeant-at-Arms ot

Rogers, Ruth


Class (2).

Smith, Helen

Lawler, C. G.


Regular. LeGardeur, Lillian

Regular; N. A. A. (1); Member Basketball Team U).

Weiss, G. R.

Regular: N. A. A. (1); Member Basket- ball Team (1); Sub-editor "Jambalaya' (11; Class Treasurer (2); Nah Sukham (2)

Levy, Miriam

WoGAN, Caroline, n B *

Regular; N. A. A. (1); Sub-Editor ot •■Jambalaya" (2).

Regular; N. A. A. (1); Class Trcasurei (1); "Arcade" Sub-editor (2).

Page eighl^-

'."> k/<

Page eighl^-eig.'il

Freshman Art Class


Fannie Hampton Craig PresiJenl

M. Undine Brown VIce-PresiJent

Grace Denis Treasurer

Helen O. Friedrich: .... Secretary)


Ayres, Elizabeth Friedrichs, Hellene Q.

studio. Regular: ('lass Secretary; N.

Barnwell, Nettie Gillispie, Helen

studio; Y. W. C. A. Regular.

BowEM, Rebecca , , . .

qtudio Hall, Marjorie

" ,,' Regular.

Brown, Undine

Regular; Class Vice-President; X. A. A. PaRHAM, MiLDRED BuLTMANN, Ruth Regular.

Regular; X. A. A. PoRTER, MaRCARET

Craig, Fanny studio.

Regular; Class President; X. A. A.; Y. W. ^^,^^^ ^^^^^^

^ ::■ studio.

Denis, Grace

Regular; Class Treasurer; N. A. A. ReillY, CharLOTTE Ellzy, Olive studio; x. A. a.


Fowler, Dorothy =tudio- x \ A


Fraulick, Annie Taylor, Margaret

Regular. Studio.

Page eighth-nine

'#'ili^#,!' -'Ht?f^ig

Page n/nefj,

'mm0m:^''^^^4iM ^-^^(^

Page ninety-one


Page niiie(J)-/a)o




School of Music Student Body


Willie Wynn White .... PraiJeni

Helen G. Sanders Vice-PresiJent

Mary Bell Conway Secretary)

Emelie Chretien Treasurer

Helen G. Sanders jamhalaya Sub-editor

July BreazealE Tulane Weekb Sub-editor


Breazeale, July, '15, K K r Lowe, Helen S.

Regular JIusic; X. A. A. (2. 3); J. U. G. Special Freshman: Music Student Boflv. (1, 2. 3);. Manager Music School; Basket- ball Team (3); Sub-eilitor "Tulane Week- LaNCSTON, Ida, '15 ''■" '''■ Freshman Public School Music: TTniversitv

Beatty, Dorothy °^°™^^ ^^- -^- ''■'■ «'«^ ^''"''^ »'"^l«"' ^^ody.

Special Fieshman: .1. V. G. MoRCAN, A. JoYCE, '17

z-' r- 't .4 Glee Club: University- riiorus' Student

Chretien, Emilie, 14 bo„j.. j.. .^ .v.. Regular p.oressionai m"-

French Circle (1. 4>: Cigaliei'es (2. 3): sic.

Dramatic Club (1. 2, 3, 41: Glee Club _,., ,.

2. 3. 41; Vice-President JIusic School O NiELL, K.ATHLEEN, 17

(1. 2. 3): Treasurer Music School (4). Education in A. S. : Special Music: Music

n- r^ Student Body: Basketball: N. A. A.

Friede.nthal, Claudia

Special: University Chorus. PeNDLETON. HeLEN, '17, II B *

Regular Professional Music: Dramatic Fly, Nora Ella, '16 Club; Music student Body; I'niversity

Student Body (1. 21; Basketball (1. 21: Chorus.

N. A. A. (1, 2): University Chorus (1. 21. _ x, ^

Redditt, Nina Estelle, 17, <I> II

Gross, Fannie, '17 Regular Professional Music: student Body

Regular Professional: University Chorus; (1. 2); University Choi'us (1, 2); N. A. A.

Glee Club: N. A. A.; Basketball. (1. 21; Basketball (1. 21: Captain Baskel-

^ „, ,,, ball Team (3); K. O. A. (1, 2).

Hall, Clara Wendel, 16, A 0 n

Regular Professional Music; N. A. A. (2): SaNDERS, HeLEN G., '15. A A IT

J. U. G. (1. 2); G. S. W. N. ? (21; Basket- Regular Professional Music; I. S. W. N. ?;

''^" <2). J 1^- Q (1^ 2, 31: N. A. A. (1. 2. 31: Bas-

LJ.,„„.„ \/.,.,,-,-.^ MA ketball (2. 3); Music Student Body

HUEBY. VaSHTIE, 16 ,1 3 g,. gtuaent Council (3); President

Regular Professional :Music; University Glee Club (3); Vice-President Music School

Chorus; Glee Club, Student Body (3): Sub-editor of "Jamba-

_, lava" tor Music School (3).

Israel, Kuth

Special Sophomore; Basketball (H: N. A. WhITE, WlLLIE WyNN, '14, A O 11. [V]

A (1): Student Body .1. 2): Recital Class Regular Professional Music; I. S. W. N. ?:

''■ -'■ J. U. G. (1. 2. 3, 41: Glee Club (2i; Basket-

KeRR LiLLA '"=»" **"■ University Chorus (3, 41: Y. W.

fvEKR, LILLA ^ ^ j,^ 3 ^,. .p,.j.3sm.j.,. jfusic Student

Special; Student Body. Body (1); President Music Student Body

, ,, ,,, (2, 4); Student Council 12. 41; Executive

LowRY, Margaret, 16 Committee (2. 4); Secretaiy Student Coun-

Regular Professional Music; Student Body. cil (4); N. A. A.

Page ninety-three


"Cross-Roads Philosophy"

There's a heap of satisfaction

In a trouble if you grin. If you keep your nerve in action

And you wear a lifted chin. There's a joy in doing something

That you've never done before, So don't be a deaf and dumb thing.

Chance is knocking al your door.

Down and out, there's fun in rising.

Fun in facing heavy odds Doing deeds that are surprising

And the happy fellow plods. Plods along and hums a ditty

As he journeys down the street Of the busy gold-made city

'Till he's back upon his feet.

It's in overcoming trouble

That a fellow gets his fun. It's in shattering the bubble

That is labeled "CAN'T BE DONE.' It's in striving night and day time

When the problem hopeless seems, Man appreciates his playtime

When he's realized his dreams.

There's a heap of satisfaction

In a trouble if you grin. Difficulties have attraction

If you keep a lifted chin. And the harder that your fight is.

Then the greater is your fun And the finer your delight is

When you view the things you've DONE.

Page nine(j)-/our


.-~^..\ -1'

,t^ ^^, ►^^'^^||ft


Puge /iine/ij-/ive


Page nincl}f-six


W^M W^M W^^ W^M ^^M ^^M


W^M P]^^ p]^^ W^M Pj^^ P

Page nine(j)-seven

School of Education


University Chorus (S. 41. Smart, Irma

President School of Education (4) ; Man- ager Ed. Basketball Team (4); N. A. A. (1, 2, 3, 4): "Jambalava" Assistant (3); Glee Club (3); Dramatic Club (3, 4): Stu- dent Council (4); Debating Club (4).

JUNIORS BisLAND, Marguerite Clara

N. A. A.; Home Economics Club (1, 2, 31.

Flemminc. Lila Alabama


Hoffman, Katherine, A

Home Econoinics; Home Economics Club II. 2): Secretary School of Education (1); Secretary and Treasurer Sophomore Home Economics Class ( 2 ) : Class Reporter (or "Jambalaya" (2).

Jackson, Marion Estelle, A <I>

Home Economics: Home Economics Club I 1. 21.

La Casse, Adeline

Langston. Annie Bell

W. C. A.: N. A. A.

SivEWRiGHT, Mabel R., A <I>

Class President (1. 2i: Vice-President School of Education (1. 3); Manager School of Education B. B. Team 111: Historian (21: N. A. A. (1. 2. 3l: Secretary Home Economics Club 111: President Home Eco- nomics 131: T. 'W. C. A. 131: Student Vol- unteer Delegate I 3 I.

Lotterhos, Edith

Kindergarten : Y. 'O Club.

Parker, Roberta, <i> :M


Plitnick, Victoria

Watson, Jesse, II B 't

Dramatic Club 11, 2. 31 : Treasurer Home

Economics Club I2l: N. A. A. ill.

Richards, Annie, <I> 51

Kindergarten; X. A. A.


Rupp, Lillian

Bres, Sara

Home Economics: Home Bi

Home Economics.

Tennyson, Elsie May

Brown, Ester Hazel

X. -A. A.: Home Economic

Kindergarten: X. A. A.: Basketball Team

nomics Club Secretary 1 21.

il. 2): Captain (21.

Vance, Alice, n B $

Chapman, Lillian

President Class 111: Edi

Chestnut, Estelle Mary

X. A. A. (2 1.

Club: X. A. A.: Basketball urer Dramatic Club (11.

Cornelius, Gail Brasher


Home Economics; Home Economics Club

Dawkins, Olive

Bache, May

Home Economics: X. A. A.

Kindergarten ll. 2 i.

DeRussy, Lucille, A 0 n

Bailey, Lola

President Sophomore Home Economics

Home Economics.

Class {2); Secretary School of Education: Home Economics Club 11, 2).

Baldey, Marjorie

Home Economics.


Home Economics; X. .\. .\. 11. 21: .T. U. G.

Blanc, Elizabeth

11. 21.

Home Economics; Secretary

Fay, Maud Lobdell

Burnson, Ruth

X. -\. .\.: Basketball Team.

E.lucniion; N. .\. .\.

Class; N. A. A.

Page iii/ic/U-c/'g/i/

1^' "




Celestin, Maud

Home Economies.

Chestnut, Nancy Spencer


Cooley, Sophie cottman, estelle

Domestic Science; H. B Crumb, Mildred Alice

Dantzler, Eran

Home Economics.

Deen, Jessie

Home Economics; Y. ^^■. Club.

De Grange, Josephine Gaines, Melanie



Griggs, Mary

.X. A. A.; Hot

Hill, Amelia

X. A. A. ; Hoi

Holland, Mollie

Home Econon

Horton, Phyllis


Kahn, Evelyn Kyle, Elizabeth

Home Economics; D. C.

Mason, Marie

Home Economics.

May, Margery O'Neill, Erin Parsons, Anna Mary Carolyne

President X, A. .\.; Home E

Raymond, Mary

Home Economics.

Samuel, Mildred

Vice-Piesident; X. ,J

Snyder, Clara Stone, Francis

X. A. A.; Home Ec

Stromberg, Edna Thirkield, Helen

Kindeigarten; N. A

Thompson, Henrietta

Thompson, Virginia

Home Economics; )

Wheelis, Myrtis

Home Economics.

Wliliams, Myrette

Home Economics.

Page ninety-nine

Sophomore Class of Household Economy

Maud Fa» Gail Cornelius

Marion Jackson Lucille DeRussey

Adeline LaCasse Katherine Hoffman

Gladys Smith Annie Beele

Alice Vance Lillian Rupp

Sara Bres Elise Timyson

Victoria Plitnich

Thelma Barkdull

Lillian Chapman

Mattie Dinwiddle

Page one hunilrecl



Page one hundred on

Senior Law

DENNY, DICK' SON, a FIEBLE MAN in the SUTHON part of a FREE LAND, rebuked a COLE MAN. He said STERNly, "KIB BE CLEMENT, PEREZently you can be a WALKER on the PLATTeau of Hfe, but now do not aSPIR Or you will be DARTing in the SAND ER Some place like that. Stand aside and let the BURKE CLAN CY BALD WIN." "MEY! ER perhaps he will win," was the answer, "but see him WAG UES PACK." He should place that bundle on the ground.

The author at other times HASPELed these words correctly, and asks pardon for present errors.

Page one hundred liao


Walter J. Suthon, Jr., * J '/>

Law Debating Club (I, 2, 3); Vice-Presi- dent Law Debating Club (2) ; Class Secre- tary-Treasurer (2) ; President Class and Stu- dent Body (3); Carnot Debate (1. 2); Car- not Medal (2); Forum (1, 2); Forum De- bating Team (2) ; Oratorical and Debating Council (2, 3).

Percival Harold Stern

Class Historian (2) ; Representative "Tulane Weekly" (3); Law Debating Club (I, 2, 3).

Jared Y. Sanders, A.B., 2^ .4 E, *.l 0

A.B. Louisiana State University, "12.

Edward Samuel Spiro

Law Editor "Jambalaya" (2) ; Law Editor "Weekly" (2) ; Law Debating Club (1, 2, 3).

Page one hundred three


James Denny

Sidney Leonard Fiebleman

Frederich B. Freeland

Press Representative Law Debating Club (I); Reader of Hiawatha Commencement Nii>ht (1); Secretary Law Debating Club (2); Glendy Burke (2); President Law Debating Club (3) ; Orating and Debatmg Council. Forensic.

Donald Coty Dickson

Pagi' one humhed futir

J. E. KiBBE, Jr., 0 A' 2'

Law Debating Club (1, 2. 3).

Edward Haspel, B.E., Z ZJ 7'

B.E. Tulane, '10.

L. H. Perez, A.B., // A' A

A.B. Louisiana State University, '12; Editor- in-Chief of Law Department "Jambalaya".

Lionel Meyer

Page one hundred five

Herbert W. Waguespack, M.A. n K A, 0 A^

B.A. College Immaculate Conception, '11; M.A. Loyola University, '13; Historian (I); Law Debating Club (1) ; Pan-Hellenic Coun- cil (2) ; Pan-Hellenic Council of Award (3) ; Class Vice-President (3).

Bertram R. Coleman, Z B T

Law Debating Club (1, 2, 3); 'Varsity Track Team (1, 2, 3); Captain 'Varsity Track (3) ; Law Representative "Weekly " (2); Senior Class Editor "Jambalaya"; Glendy Burke (I, 2).

Nemours Honore Clement, B.A.

B.A. Tulane '11; Class Vice-President (2); Law Editor "Tulane Weekly" (3) ; Treas- urer Law Debating Club (3) ; Member of Tulane Society of Economics; N. O. Acad- emy of Sciences.

Ulic J. Burke

Page one hundred

CuTHBERT S. Baldwin, J /v E, 0 J 0

Manager Basketball (2) ; Senior German Club; Junior Club; Secretary Pan-Hellenic Council (3).

T. M. Logan Bruns, B.A.. JY X

B.A. University of Virginia; Varsity T^ ■10; Law Debating Club (2. 3).

Page one hundred seven


Page one hundmJ tight




Second Year Law Class

Atkinson, Edward Clay. K S

■Varsity Baseball Team (1).

Brin, Ernesto Rogelio

Law Debating iMub (1>.

Brown, Percy Edgerton, A.B.

Carter, Norman Leslii CuLLiGAN, Michael Emmet

Married and Withdrawn (2

Denny, Francis Otway

r.aw Debating Club (1. 2).


■Varsitv Football (1, 2): T (1. 2).

Glenny, Edmund B., A.B., 2 X, <I> A *, K A <1>

A.B. Tulane '12: Business Manager '■Jam- balaya (1); Law Debating Club ll. 2): Class Secretary (1).

Guste, William Joseph, A.B.. K A $

A.B. Tulane '13; 'Varsity Debating Team ll): Law Debating Club (1, 21: Vice-Pres- ident Debating Club (2).

Hoffman, Arthur Charles, Ph.B., 2 X

Ph.B. Chicago rniversity '10: Football Coach (1, 21: Senior German Club.

King, Alvin Olen, ■!> K 2

Law Debating Club (1, 2).

Larkin, Charles J., Jr., A K E, $ A *

1914 Football Jtanager.

Levy. Golden Leigh, A.B., Z B T

-A..B. Tulane '13: Law Debating Clubil. 2i: Class Reporter Weekly (1. 2>.

Meyer, Conrad, Jr.

Cotton States League.

Milling, Ware Francis, A.B., 2 A E; * A !>

A.B. "W'ashington and Lee rniversity '12.

Mystric, Oscar Joseph, A.B.

.A.B. Spring Hill College '10.

Montgomery, George Wm., * K 2

Law Debating Club (1. 2).

Netter, Gerald Abraham, A.B.

.\.B. Tulane '13: Class Secretary-! re; (2): Law Debating Club (1, 2).

NicHOLLS, Thomas C, Jr., A..B, 2 X

.A.B. Loyola University '12: Class President (2): Law Debating Club I Vice-President Law Debating Club I

0"Hara, William Joseph, Jr., A.B.

A.B. College ot the Immaculate C<

Club (2



O'Reilly, William Thomas, Jr.

Law Debating Club (1, 2): Secretary Lat Debating Club (2): Class Representativ Jambalaya (11.

Oriol, Sidney Manuel, <I> A tf

Law Debating Club (1. 2).

Page, William Walter

Law Debating Club (1. 2).

Penick, William Ernest, <I> A 6

Pan-Hellenic Council (2): T. .A. .A. Boan (2): Class Representative "Jambalava (2).

Platt, George Phillip

Law Debating Club (1, 2): A'ice-Presiden

Thalheim, Andrew Henry

Law Debating Club (2): Notary Public o .JetTerson Parish.

Vairin, Nugent Beverly, Jr., B.S., 2 X, * A <

B.S. Tulane '12, 'Varsitv Football Manage '13. Class President (1); Law Debatin Club (1. 2): General Manager o( Athletic (2); President Junior Cotillion Club |2L

VoELKER, Frank, 2 N

Law Debating Club (1, 2).

White, Robert Emmet, A.B., B G II

.A.B. Loyola '12: 'Varsity Football (2).

Whittington, Littleton P., Jr., A.B., K ^

.A.B. Centenary College "12: Law Debatin Club (1. 21: Forum (1, 2).

Page one hundred nil

Page one hunJred Icn

First Year Law Class



Charlton Havard Lyons


Herman Lion Barnett ....


Lionel Adams, Jr. .

Secretary and Treasurer


Adams, Lionel, Jr., II K A

Kahoe, Martin James, Jr., A T A

Secretary and Treasurer First Year Law-

Law Debating Cluo; Glendy Burke Litei

Class; Tulane Night 1913: University Night

ary Society.

1914; Treasurer First Year Moot Court;

French Circle.

Killeen, Joseph Lawrence, K i:

Altman, Philip C.

High School; 'Varsity Baslietball.

A.B. Loyola University; Glee Club; 'Varsit Football.

Barnett, Herman Lion, Z B T

Kinsella, Wm. R.

Vice-President First Year Law; La^v De-

KiRCHBERG, Leon James

hating Club.

LaGarde, Charles S.

Bendrat, Wm. K.

"Jambalaya" Representative First Yea

A.B.. Loyola University.

Law; Secretary First Year Moot Court.

Booth, G. Washington, S N

Lemle, Selim B., Z B T

Law-Academic Course; Class Representa- tive "Tulane Weekly"; Law Debating Club.

Senior Academic-Law; Glendy Burke Litei ary Society; Law Debating Club; Sergeant at--Arms; First Year Law.

Bruns, James Henry, 2 X CoLTON, Harold Frank, K S

FiCK, E. S., K A

■Varsity Football; Law Debating Club; Sergeant-at-Arms First Y'ear Moot Court.

Garratt, Samuel Work Garrett, David Isaih, K S

George, Garrett Letcher, B 8 II

■Varsity Football.

Grace, Mathew A.

Law Debating Club.

Hicgins, Archibald Thomas

A'ice-President First Year Moot Court.

Jones, William Walter, <J> K -

Law Debating Club; Scrub Football Team.

Jordan, Edward Hundley Kent, Frederick Bertran

Lyons, Charlton Havard, K A, 'I> A <I'

Senior .\cademic-Law ; President First Year Law.

Marks, Sumpter D., Jr., B 9 II, <J> A * Senior Academic-Law.

Marx, Robert Nathan, Z B T

Tulane Night; Sergeant-at-Arms Glendy Burke Literary Society; Law Debating Club; Assistant Yell Leader; Clerk ot Congress Glendy Bui-ke; Assistant Foot- ball Manager lor 1914; Manager Football 1915.

Norman, William Henderson, A T P., <Ii A -t Palfrey, Campbell Pearce, Gradni v., K 2 Peters, Jonathan Jennings, K .V

President First Year Moot Court.

Redmann, Morris Benjamin DeReyna, Norman Felix

Law Debating Club.


hundred eleven



A.B. College of the City of New York. Law Debating Club; Glendy Burke L arv Society: 'Varsity Debating Team.

Stokes, S. J.

VanHorn, Marion Dreux

Law; Law Debating Club.

Ward, J. P.

A.B. Arkansas College.

Wedig, Walter Goetz

Glendy Burke Literary Society

Weinmann, Rudolph John, K 2:


bating Club 1914.

Wenzel, Joseph George Yarutzky, Louis Hand

Law Debating Club; Tulane Band; Gle Burke Literary Society.

Zeigler, Charles Wm., Jr.

Page one hundred (we've



1 liiliiiiii iaii«i«««ft»M<wniip»'ii»p»«»»»a«iiii«iiiiii^i«iJ»a».tMii«iiiii'>iiiiiiAi<iiiXii>





Page one hundred thirteen

The Hegira

„,, UT of the wilds they came, hastening from densest and unknown parts; crossing the furroughs with memories of bygone days when horny hands grasped the plough handles and dry tongues chirruped to 'ole gray mules' ; deserting villages where daily they assembled 'to 'ard ole Si Hoskins' store and swap yarns' while 'chawmg a cud an' whittling a stick o' pine ; away from the towns and cities, either tremulously cognizant of deficiency in preparation or egotistically proud of former schooling; sophisticated, those of vast (?) experience; sent hither by commands of elders. Where away? 'Tis to college.

Birth. And thus it was that properly embryoed, sustenanced and instigated, numbers were augmented by numbers and lo ! The Class of 1914 was born ! Helter skelter, promiscuous, and not to say motley.

Infancy. Now the successful raising of an infant requires care, experience, toleration, patience, and various and innumerable other attributes such as have been captured and adopted for personal uses by the Physiologists and Neurologists of this day and time. Naturally this child was no exception. First of all, 'naming the baby' held the whole kibosh in suspense and much trepidation was undoubtedly experienced by the ones in authority, although it is rumored that the nightwatchman and those neighbors in close proximity named the brat most conscientiously, if not most effectively. Nextly the matter of diet predominated and while some held to the gross ingestion of anatomical knowledge, others insisted upon the minutest examination of food, saying that while it was certainly true that the child digested in chunks, nevertheless, feeding was forced with knife and forceps, thereby creating a tendency in the young breast to slash about unmercifully, irrespective of all benefits essential to its growth. There were those who contended that chemically analyzed food only was fit for consumption at this age. Consequently the diet was a mixed one. Now the idea of exercise arose, and while from the beginning the youngster presented a marked tendency for across-the-park-walks and twenty-four-hour- car-rides, it was the general consensus of opinion that plaster casting and roller-bandaging would provide about all the necessary muscular activity for a year at least.

Owing to the variety of diet, at the end of its first lap, the little one was forcibly deprived of certain portions of its anatomy.

Childhood. Naturally increased growth and capacity required further attention, as for example, a stronger food formula. Scarcely any change was noticeable, although there was an inclination toward determining the physiological capacity, thereby causing more or less controversy upon whether there was a necessity for 70 per cent; a desire for ] 00 per cent or an actuality of 20 per cent the latter with few variations predominating.

Page one hunJreJ fourle

rnkm^M '^&€€m 'tu

Further value thereof was finally considered enhanced by neurological ingestions the daily menu reading thus: I. Dessicated brain substance; 2. Nerve cells a la Creole; 3. Spinal cord pulp. To these dishes were added bacterial infections for purposes of experimentation. It is to be remarked, however, and much to the credit of the scientists interested, that in view of the hardships invoked, such a scarcity of disruptions of parts resulted that the remaining was hardly rendered hors de combat.

Puberlv. Having attained to the age at which more dependance could be placed upon responsible organs of digestion, greater liberty was permitted in the matter of food. At times the boy could be induced to formulate his own dietary, although his ravings over 4 per cent milk and infant feeding became so violent that the allowance was limited. The hankering for 'cutting up' naturally obsessed him and only by wise precautions was he prevented from instituting a private graveyard and for a while after he was only allowed to participate in such maneuvers, his task being usually to take a bath and stand around looking wise. Much dry tonic was given to increase the capacity it is believed as it required much time for digestion but very little for elimination.

However, he fared well and those parts which survived became quite strong and healthy, notwithstanding the loads of concentrated substances which were forced upon his protesting being. There were certain mstances when attacks of Hydrocephabes seemed imminent, but all such were quickly aborted by depreciating vocabularies sent forth by the ones in charge rarely was other medication a necessity.

At last the fatal attack arrived. Nervousness and restlessness was obvious ; sallow complexion; sunken cheeks; staring eyes; droopy walk; alopecia areata; at times the eyes became anxious and appealing; at others there was threatening prostration all of which created no concern thereabouts except that larger loads were given and the general opinion being to 'nail it to him'. His condition went from bad to worse and during delerious moments he talked of "By the way", "Essential skin lesions", "Talipes equinus varus", etc. Not until his last moments was the correct diagnosis made and was pronounced the fatal malady "Examinationitis" complicated by "Fearofgraduationosus".

The body after due rites and ceremonies was given to the public for autopsy.


hundred fijleen


Arrendell, Cad Wai.der, K i:, K >I' Ponca City, Okla.

Vice-President, 13-14: Historian. lJ-13; ('lass Nisht i ■ommittee; 'Varsit.v Fontliall. '12: T. A. A.. 'li-'lS.

Barbour, Herbert Leo. B.S., X 2 X. * r A , Kentucky

Burger, Otto Jacob

Byrd, Thomas Buffington, B.Sc, Ji K E. A K K Baton Rouge, La.

Pa^e one hundred sixteen


Braud, Sidney Francis, A.B., i; X, <I> H II

Thibodeaux, La

Bird, George

iuRCHFiELD, BuRRis Earle, XZX Kosciusko, Mis

Browne, Henry Silas, A.B., <!> B 11 Plaquemine, La

Page one hundred sevenleer.


a_7?L\ ■^'l


ag^^#i4:#^- -^rS^-g^j^

Cressy, William Hartwell, M.D., K ^ Grand Rapids, Mich.

Calloway, Wm. Otis, A.B., A K E, fi T * . . . Boulder, Colo.

Coleman, Robert Henry Mineola, Texas

CoRBiN, Robert Adwood, S A E, A K K Hammond, La.

Chairman Programme Committee.

Page one huiuhed eighteen

^ '/.t


Clark, Archibald Fletcher, XZX Fentress, Texas

Class Xight Committee.

Campbell, Guy Edward, M.D

CowLES, Andrew Grant, d K E, A K K . . . . Naperville, III.

DoRSEY, Hubert Compton, B.S., XZX. New Albany, Miss.

Page one hunJreJ nineteen

'WM^^/r^^' 'Wt^-fi^ff^frM '^'"■'■--•<^.^

Dean. Claude. A.B.. 'I' X Evergreen, Ala.

Edrington, Nicholas Kuntz. A.B Reserve. La.

Cap and Gown Committer-.

ElsoN. Leo New Orleans. La.

Galloway, James Henry. K S. <I> X Mississippi City. Miss.

Page one hunJreJ ImcnIV

'>>: ..,


Gould, Marvin Meyer

GOODSON, Wm. Eugene, B.S., * X Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Garcia Alberto Gonzalo. M.D Cualro-Cienegar. Coah., Mexico

Graham, Rossner Enders, B.S., 2 A E, * X New Orleans, La.

Masonic Club; Class President. 'lu-'lS: Chairman Ivy Committee.

Page one hundred twenty-

Heiman, Harry (Partial)

HoLLOWAY, Luther William, A T O, <J> X Tallahassee, Fla

Vice-President. 'lO-'ll; L'hairman Class Night Committee; Medical Editor ■■Jambalava" '13-14.

Harper, Robert Blackburn, B.S., K A, $ X Fayette, Miss

Heard, Joseph Eugene, B 6 n, N 2 N

Olive Wreath; Baseball (2. 3); Football (2, S) ; Picture Committee; Carolina Club.

Page one hundred i-aenlv-trxH





^^lif£^ '^^^^^■•^1

^^^t '^ i^H

ll^^Bl ^ ^^^^i

^^^^pa* le^ H



Rfflw"~' ""^ ivr

^^^^^^■^^hB^v 1




KmmT. ^Jr


Halfacre. Romeo R Seminary, Miss.

HiRSCH, Edward Klaus, .VMS Monroe. La.

St.irs ami Bai's. Jarrell, Foster, XZX Eldorado, Ark.

KiLPATKicK, Garnet Antley, M.D. Wilburton, Okla.

Page one hundred lT»enl\)-ihree


^ r ^: jtffS^'

Kiel, Oliver Birdell, S X, <I> B n Wichita Falls, Tex.

Picture Committee. Lane, Morton Paul New York City, N. Y.

Lyons, Marcy Joseph, B G II, A K K Crowley, La.

Cap and Gown Committee.

Leitch, Lewis Ball, n K A, * X Canton, Miss.

Invitation Committee.

Page one hutulrecl Iwenlv-fo

^Mfi^^ '^#5i§^ ^S-;^i^

LucKETT, Francis Carlton, IT K A, X Z X Kosciusko, Miss.

Picture Committee.

LocHTE, Henry Clarence, A 0 A ' New Orleans, La.

Cap and Gown Committee.

McHuGH, Thomas Jefferson, K ^I', n K A Baton Rouge, La.

President. '11-'12; Olive Wreatli ; Invitation Committee.

Moreland, Wm. Edmond, B.A., NSN Homer, La.

stars and Bars; IMasonic Club.

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Mitchell, John Henry, K ^' Franklin, Texas

Mattes, Abraham, .V .M 2 New Orleans. La.

stars ana Bars.

Meyer, Monte Fiore, A M 2 Crowley, La,

stars anci Bars: Cap and Gown Committee.

McKee, James Ward, K ^^, II K A Houston, Texas

Tulane Mandolin Club; Secretaiy and Tieasure.-, 'll-'iL'; l^iitorliui, 'l::-':i.


Iniihlreil ln<enl\i-

^-~..aaL.,5i! *■ II iiiii[|ihJ>— 'lamii inlMrtiiiiiiiiiililniiiniiiM iiiiliiillilllliiii il ■iiiinMiiBBr W trnu

Murphy, Clarence Stephen Moscow, Texas

Stars and Bars.

NiBLOCK, Roy Roswell Lake City, Fla.

Secretary and Treasurer. •13-'14; Cap and Gown Committee.

OvERBAY, Frank Anderson, A K K Barlow, Fla.

Chairman Picture Committee.

Oliver, Mildred Lusk, Ph.B., N i; N Lodi, Miss.

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Player, Lionel Paget, K <1> Modesto, Col.

Palmer, Bascom Headen, Jr.. A K K Lake City, Fla.

President Class, '14; Class Editor "Tulane Weekly", 'lo-'ll.

Pharr, John Newton, XZX New Iberia, La.

Stars and Bars; Vice-President. ■11-'12.

Perret, Joseph Maxiivie, A.B New Orleans, La.

Stars and Bars; Class Night Committee.

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•t irr Tiiimiiil^ liMin iriiiliiitaiiil iiYMmjiii iiimilllim iWllllll fltlllllllnllilli'i lillll III III inllili iiiiii.i..iSiaL........'i».».,ii^'

Platt, Robert James, XZX New Orleans, La.

QuERENS, Percy Lennard New Orleans, La.

Randolf, Vivien Peyton, B.A., K 2, K >!' luka. Miss.

Robin, Labosse Joseph, A.B _ New Orleans, La.

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Smith. Alvah Purser, M.Ph

Spearing, Joseph Watkins, A T ^i, A K K . New Orleans, La.

Sentell, Newton Washington, S N, $ X Slidell, La.

Captain Football Team. 'lO-'ll.

Schochet, Sidney Sicsfried, A M 2 Lake Charles. La.

stars and Bars; Class Editor, '13-'14.

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Speight, James Ambler, 't X Whitaker, N. C.

Caiolina Club.

Talley, Arthur Thurman, M.D Conroe, Tex.

Taylor, George Washington, M.Sc, B 6 II, N 2 N, K d 4> Butler, Ala.

Olive Wreath; Treasurer Class (1); Invitation Committee i4); Baseball (2. 3); Man- ager Baseball Team, (2. 3); Acting Captain Baseball Team (2); Senior German Club.

Wise, Bowman Joel, A.B., * X, K 2 Plains, Ga.

Tulane Masonic Club: Invitation Commiltte.

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Warren, Andrew Jackson, f2 T * Hurdle Mill. N. C.

Carolina Club. Willis, Leonard Wombacher. Z X, K -4' Bambridge, Ga

Werlein, Presslev EwiNG, A K K New Orleans. La.

Track Team, '11-12. •12-'13.

McLaurin, John Gano, B 0 n, K * Dallas, Texas

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Junior Medical Class Hi^ory


GAIN it is the Class of 1915 called upon to give account of its past experi- ences and it is necessarily the duty of the Historian to relate of these momentous happenings. It is of course impossible to bear in mind all of the events that have taken part in the formation of our more or less checkered career, however we shall endeavor to recall the most auspicious occasions and the very "serious and frivolous facts about the great and near great." Twas in the Fell of 1911 that we bade farewell to our accustomed youthful surroundings, gathered our belongings together with our courage, and wended our tortuous and precipitous way towards our mecca of Medi- cine in order that we might gain knowledge and facts concerning this, our chosen profes- sion. Sad were the tidings and heavy were our hearts when we learned from our prede- cessors what a mountain of work was before us in the coming several years. Bravely did we face it all with a determination to overcome all obstacles and, with this feeling of confidence urging us on, we find at the end of the first year our strenuous efforts crowned with success. One milestone is passed and we are unanimously of the opinion that 'twas indeed a blessing to this grand old institution that we decided to enter within its portals m order to gain sufficient learning to carry on our life's work. At this stage of our work we find ourselves to be the centre of comment and our hopes are buoyed by the fact that we have succeeded so remarkably well. So, it is with a carefree and light heart that we return from our vacation with one idea in view, "to smash all previous Sophomore records." Indeed it was a task of great proportions that we undertook and often did we realize this ere the completion of this Sophomore year's work. Many times did the way seem dark and dreary but always did our motto instill new courage and hope into us and we were sufficiently rewarded at the end. The day of reckoning was our red letter day and we were once more and forever confident of our wonderful ability. Gigantic were the problems put before us and of enormous magnitude were the tasks undertaken by us, but we ne'er did falter. Our patience, perseverance and constant application served us in good stead and naturally did we "smash all records" in absolute accordance with our intentions.

At the close of the session of 1 9 1 2-' 1 3 we learned from all sides that our remarkable intellectual powers were a matter of common comment, so we felt now even more confident of ourselves and were eager to attack the problems of the Junior year. Even at this stage, notwithstanding the incessant rain of compliments being showered upon us, "we were still capable of donning our head-gear without invoking the aid of a shoe horn." However, in the parlance of one of our distinguished members we found ourselves more or less "emecialed", but anxious for the work of our approaching Junior year.

Our environments were new in this past year, but we realized our capabilities were sure of ourselves, and entered enthusiastically into everything set before us. Our work has been most pleasant and interesting as far as we have gone and we feel sure that we have acquired sufficient enlightenment to reward us for our strenuous endeavors. In the language of one of our distinguished professors, we might say: "Ve are a goot class aint it" ! ! ! H. V. Sims, Historian.


hundred lhirt\)-fo


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Junior Medical Class


E. C. Faulk PresiJenl

W. H. Aiken Vice-PresUenl

Ralph W. Humphries ... Secrefarj; and Treasurer

H. V. Sims Historian

John Shahan Statistician


Aiken, W. B.. B.E., i; X New Orleans, La.

Alexander, M. J., Jr., X Z X, * K 4' Tunica, Miss.

Allen, Victor K., * B II Hope, Ark.

Baker, Walter J., A 0 A Boyce, La.

Baldwin, Joseph F., K 2, * X Tyler, Tex.

BaTSON, T. T., B.S., * X Haltlesburg. Miss.

Beddow, Wm. H., X Z X Birmingham, Ala.

Beridon, G. Regard, <I> B n Mansura, La.

Blue, A. McN., A.B., * X Carthage, N. C.

Browne, P. Z., X Z X, •!> K ^ Kosciusko, Miss.

Burns, William, A.B., 2 N, * X Selma, Ala.

BURGHEIM, Clarence A., M.D., K '■V Granada, Nicarauga

Consul General.

Butts, James W., B.S., n K A, <I> B n Helena, Ark.

Cassegrain, Octave C, M.A., X S N New Orleans, La.

Collier, Geo. B., B.S., 2 ■!> E, K * Brundidge, Ala.

Donald, P. Y., A.B., A K E, * X Marion Junction, Ala.

Faulk, E. C, K 2, * B n Indian Bayou, La.

Cappel, Jack T., $ 0 A . New Orleans. La. Chetta, p., <I> 0 a . New Orleans, La.

Cooper, L. E., <!> X . . . Cooler, Mo. DUBOS, Louis J., A.B. New Orleans, La.

Devlin, W. J., A K E . New Orleans, La. DuPUIS, J. W., * 0 A . . Youngville, La.

Cayo. E. a Montreal, Canada Faulk. J. W.. * B 11 . . . Crowley, La.

Ferguson, Robert D., n M Fairfield, Fla.

Findley, Wm., A.B., <!>Bn Graham, Mo.

Gardiner, Henry L.. * B II Gueydan, La.

Gardner, Powell B., A.B., XZX Kenyon, Ark.

Garner, Marcellus C, X Z X Porterville, Miss.

Giles, Upton W., B.S., A.B., 4> X Commerce, Tex.

Gladden, Addley H., Jr., A.B., <I' X . . . Monroe, La.

Garrett, Joseph W., K ^1' Pryor, Okla.

Goodson, Chas. L., X Z X Calhoun, La.

Gerson, G. R., a JI Z . Houston, Tex. GoocH, F. B Temple, Tex.

GiLLIS, C. L Brooklyn, Miss. Harris, H. C Birmingham, Ala.

Harrison, Festus E., B.S., K ■>!', K T Eupora, Miss.

Hauser, George H., <I> O A New Orleans, La.


hundred thirtM-six




■-^^. ^'■'"^^^i'lg.




Hebert, Louis A., B.S.. A O A Lake Arthur, La.

Hicks, Isham K., M.D., B.S Jackson, Ala.

HoTARD, Roland F New Orleans, La.

Humphreys, Ralph W., B.S., * X Lincolnton, Ga.

Jennings, T. V.. K ^' Mart, Texas

JoBSON, Alex M. C, B.A., B.S.. X Z X Nichols, Fla.

Jones, H. C Pride, La.

Kearney, H. L., A.B., * B n, B 9 n New Orleans, La.

KiNKHEAD, Kyle J.. Ph.B., * B n. S N Frost, Ky.

KiRWIN, Thos. J., Ph.C, N S X. A T A Scranton, Pa.

Kent, C. M., B.S., K ^^ Kilmichael, Miss.

LaFLEUR, Moise, B.A., K ■^ Opelousas, La.

Latiolias, Thomas . . Breaux Bridge, La. Locascio, J. L., Ph.C. . New Orleans, La.

Lopez, Louis V. J., $ O A New Orleans, La.

Maxwell, V. W., Z X, * B n Brookhaven. Miss

McCall, Julius W., B.S., B e n, X :; N Montgomery, Ala.

Magee, Hois F., B.S., K S, * B n Smithdale, Miss.

McKie, a. B., B.S., A K K, A T A Canton, Miss.

Mathias, Daniel F., - A E, A K K Audubon, Iowa

Miller, Preston J., B.A., II K A, X Z X Carencro, La.

Mitchell, C. B., B.A., i; X. 0 B IT Pontotoc, Miss.

Miller, C. R Brownswood, Tex. Morris, Clyde L Greenfield, Mo.

Murphy, Daniel J., <J> 0 .A New Orleans. La.

Owen, J. T., B.S., A T A, X Z X, <S> 2 While Castle, La.

Paine, Ruffin A., A K E, A K K Mandeville, La.

Robinson, Oscar W Bairdstown, Tex.

Rosenthal, J. S., B.S., .VMS Lexington, Miss.

Roy, Kirby A., B.A., XZX Mansura, La.

Shahan, John, <I> X Attalla, Ala.

Sharp, Covington H., X Z X, i: X New Orleans, La.

Spears, E. J Baywood, La.

Spence. Elbert L., Pd.B Kennett, Mo.

Simon, Henry Theodore, ^ 0 A New Orleans, La.

Sims, Harry V., B.A., K A, X S X, T e n Donaldsonville, La.

Simmons, J. D., Jr.. B.S., A K K Pontotoc, Miss.

Taylor, Pleasant A., B.S., 2 A E, * B n Robberson, Okla.

Terhune, Wm. B., Jr., B.S., *Bn New Orleans, La.

Templeton, E. W., *BII.. Tarkio, Mo.

TowNSEND, C. K., A.B., n K A, * B n Arkadelphia, Ark.

Vandevere, W. E.. B.S., A K K, S A E Eden, Miss.

Shipp, C. M., * 2 . Water Valley, Miss. Weaver, S., Ph.C, * X . . De Leon, Texas

Tucker, L N., A.B. . . . Meridian. Miss. Wyatt, C. A Beckville, Tex.

Wall, Chas. K Oakfield, Ga. Zencel, H. L., * 0 A . New Orleans, La.

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mMMmm ^.

Sophomore Medical Class History


"]FTER our "romantic" experiences in the Anatomy Departments with Prof. Bean and after having passed the pitfalls of Freshman chemistry, the Class of 1916 entered into its second year with its roll almost intact..

We are glad to announce that the majority of the class have emerged from the pathless "tracts" of Neurology with their higher centers un- affected.

Now near the close of the second term most of us feel confident that we have a fair chance to arrive safely into our third year. Of course there are some "Lame Ducks" in our midst, but after careful treatment by Dr. Duval and staff, "we Pathologists" have every reason to believe that their lesions will have undergone repair by the end of the year.

We fear that in the near future some of our number will forsake medicine for other pursuits. Riley, we hear, is contemplating entering the "rubber" business, and McCrossin is going to "bust" into some other field of endeavor.

With regret we leave behind the artistic courses of second year to enter the more serious work which is to follow. HISTORIAN.

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Sophomore Medical Class


Enoch Callaway President

WiLMER Baker Vice-President

B. K. Parrish Secretary and Treasurer

J. R. Chisolm Jambala^a Board

C. E. Garrat jamhalaya Board

W. W. BeldeN . . Jambalaya Board


Baker, Wilmer Louisiana

Barrison, Charles Wesley, Jr., i: AE, <I>X . Texas Belden, Webster Whitall, - X, N S N . . Louisiana

Bashinskl Benjamin, Z B T Georgia

Bendel, William Louis Louisiana

Benoist, Edwin Eugene, <i>A0 Mississippi

Beranger, Edger Joseph, B.S Louisiana

Blue, George Eason, (B.S.) Bs., A T fi, N 2 N . . Alabama

Bordelon, William Ball Louisiana

BuRDESHAW, Henry Beechum Alabama

Callaway, Enoch, i: A E, A K K Georgia

Cantu, Alfredo Alonso. B.Sc Mexico

Charbonnet. Pierre Numan, <I>A0 Louisiana

Chisolm, Joseph Raymond, A.B., * X ... Alabama

Crichlow, R. S., B.S Kentucky

Dicks, John Barber, * A 6, <J> X Mississippi

Dougherty, John Allen, A.B., 2 A E . Louisiana

Fegtely, Arthur Wesley Kansas

Ferran, John Blaize, Jr Louisiana

Carratt, Charles Edward, S A E, K ^ Arkansas

Gwin, Jerry Walter, B.Sc Alabama

Hancock, E. C, B.L., A 0 A Texas

Hebert, Aynaud Foster, B.Sc Louisiana

Henderson, Samuel Dana, A.B., K 2, N S N North Dakota

Isral , X Z X Alabama

Jones, Geo. Mitchell, B.S., * B n Texas

Johnson, Allen, XZX. Texas

Kesmodle, K. F., K ^' Alabama

Keyton, John Arthur .... Alabama


hundred forl^

- ^"X.^

?^%\;-VcW4^^^' ^ ^MP^-WM'


KusHNER, Louis Z. . Louisiana Kenney, Kenneth W., i; A E . Oregon

Levy, Edwin Mayer Louisiana

Lewis, Alford Lawson Louisiana

McCall, Edgar Furman, B.S., * B n . . . . Texas

McCrossin, Dixie, B.S., A T H, * X Alabama

McDonald, Bathune Freeman Texas

McLean, William Joseph Texas

Mailhes, Rogers John Louisiana

Major, Eric Leonial, * B II Louisiana

Maness, Robert Lampkin, K <Sr Texas

Marett, Andrew Belton, A.B., <I> X South Carolina

Melton, Edward Cabiness, 2 A E, X Z X ... . Mississippi

Meyer, Francis Albert, A.B Louisiana

Miller, Hilliard Eve, "tAQ Louisiana

Mosquera, Benjamin, B.Phil Ecuador

Naef, Emiel Fidel, A T A, A K K Louisiana

Nothacker, Stafford Henry Louisiana

Park, James Howard, Jr., Ph.C, K ^' Texas

Parker, Farrar Burr, <I>A9 Louisiana

Parrish, Buford Kirkman, Ph.C, K ^1' Louisiana

Pounds, Presley Lewis Missouri

Pounders, Carroll Munroe Texas

Powell, Jay A Alabama

Pratt, John Galbraith, i; A E, X 2 X Louisiana

Randall, Clarence Cecil, A.B., 11 K -\, 'I' X Alabama

Riley, Jesse Dean Arkansas

Rosenthall, Maurice Samuel, B.S Louisiana

Sandidce, William James Louisiana

Salter, O. P., A.B., B.S., <J> r A, K ^1' . . Alabama

Touchstone, A. C iBII Mississippi

Voss, Rynold Christine Louisiana

Wheat, Benjamin Lucien, Ph.C, XZX Texas

Whitley, Grover Grady, L.B. . Texas

Willis, James Clinton, Jr., K A, X' Z X^ . . . . Louisiana

Willis, John Walter, Ph.B. Mississippi

Windham, Robert Edward Lo

Wright, George W., A K E, A K K . Louisiana

Wynn, Wm. H., <I>A9 . . Florida

Lowery, R. R., <I> X Alabama

Page one hundred fori^-OTte

Freshman Medical Class History

N one year it is hard for a class to achieve much fame or have much history thrust upon it. Still we feel that we, the class of 1917, have achieved all the greatness that is possible for us to receive in the time of our existence as a class, and we have surely gained the love, praise, and in- stantaneous— yea, spontaneous admiration (?) of those members of the faculty fortunate enough to have had the opportunity of imparting as much of their knowledge to us as our various Beans would absorb.

The class roll contains sixty-eight names, representing "the flower and manhood" of all parts of this continent and Algiers. Also Dr. Metz has his own various and sundry cognomens for us meaningless for the most part to the common laity, but easily deciphered by the use of a "dictionary;" to us, however, his nicknames are as clear as mud.

The ideal student of the mird of one of our Professors has been typified to a great extent by the majority of our class, inasmuch as we have so many non-note takers and "Buzzards." As for punctuality, promptness, and application, we are seldom equaled never passed.

As time passes on and brings the knowledge and dignity of the Senior to us, we each and every one hope to become that which every man of our chosen profession should become our brother's keeper.

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jKi.iia..ji.i.ii;t« ».A»jfe. .u«iiilAji».ii.-i-d.u..«afcji— mi. ii.afi...»».»insi.»»t>A.

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^(>^yi^:^^:^'%?1^ 'AC^/i^^^:^ l.r':!.#^;:^

Freshman Medical Class


Samuel Sellers Underwood President

Ernest Monroe McKenzie Secretar\)

Nelson Dyer Abell Treasurer

Members Abell, Nelson Dyer, ^ K E, A K K Allceyer, Ernest Emile, 2 X Barker, William Edward, Jr., A.B., * B II Bass, Fred Buckley, DD.S. Beals, John Alfred Beatraus, Frank Theophile Breuner, Milton Louis, <i> K * Brown, Joseph Patrick, Ph.C, A K K

Coleman, Davis Hunter, - A E, <I> X

Credille, Barney Alexander, L.B., A K K

Davis, Albert G.

Davis, Frederick Bruce, K ^

Delahaussaye, Roy Edward, B.S., A 0 A

De Reyna, George Joseph. Jr.

EiDsoN, William Russell

Frederick, Leonard Fenno, K 2, $ X

Assistant JIanager BasketbalL

Flippin, Eugene Littlejohn, A K K Forbes, Sherman Balch Frank, Edwin, A.B., X 2 X Franklin, Henry Leroy Friedricks, Andrew Vallois, B.S., * K 2 FucHS, Valentine Henry, * B n Gage, Idys Mims, * X Gamez-Reyes, Saturnino, * X a

Gately, Tracy Thomas, A.B., B 6 11, * ;

'Varsity Football.

Gilmer, Hiram Bruister, A.B. GuiDRY, William Ware, B.S., X Z X Hardin. Eugene Darius. X Z X Howell, Franklyn Albert, K 'I' Irwin, Emmett Lee. B.A., K A. A K K ■■Tulane Weekly" Representative.

Irwin. John Joseph, B.S., * B n

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Jones, John Paul, Jr., i) N, >!> X Knolle, Roger Edmond, X Z X Knolle, Waldo Austin, X Z X Levy, Walter Edmond, Z B T Ledoux, Lucien Amaron, N 2 N Lyons, Samuel Benson, * K 2, <!> B n McCloskey, James Patrick, K ^V McKenzie, Ernest Monroe, A.B., 't K 2

McKenzie, Olin Glaze, B.S., S A E, A K K

McSween, John Campbell, Jr.

Martin, Allen Wasey, K i), A K K

Mayer, George Alfred, * B II

Menendez, Anthony Manual

Menendez, Joseph Charles

Moose, Ray Moody, A.B., <J> A 6, * X

Morgan, John Ralph, * B II

Perez, Jose Antonio Reynolds, W. W. Mason, A 0 A Ramsey, George Allen, K <ir Rodgers, Wirt Adams, A.B., K S

Tulane Y. M. C. A. Cabinet.

Rojas y Delgado, Manuel Daniel, Ph.C. Rosenthal, Jonas William, B.Sc, A M S Rosenthal, Victor Morris

ty Football.

Royals, Walter Clifton, X Z X Savage, Charles H., A.B., B.S., 2 A E, $ X Scaturro, Peter Epifanio Schutzman, Wallace Otto, A 0 A Seeman, Charles Landolin, N 2 N Silverman, Daniel Nathan, A M 2

Business Manager Tulane Hanabook.

Singleton, John M., Jr., * T A, * X, 0 N E "Jambalaya" Repiesentati\'e.

SiNGLETARY, Thomas John, B.A., K 2, A K K Stell, Jack Sidney, A.B., B.S., <I> B n Tarleton, Frank Samuel, A.B., 4> B n Turnage, Early Braxton Underwood, Samuel Sellers, A T A, A K K Wall, Sidney Otho, * K 2, X Z X Wilson, Carl 5anford, n M

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Medical Class of 1918

Armstrong, E. L. Baker, C. M. Baskin, L. S. BowDEN, M. p. H.

Class Secretary; C

Brennen, L. a. J. Brown, R. J., Jr. BuRcis, A. F. COCKRELL, F. S.

President, .''econd

Cohen, S. C. Comas, R., ^ X A Cook, W. A., A T fi CoxE, C. M. Fahey, E. F. Fleury, W. J. Flowers, E. E. Faust, E. L., K S

Vice-President of

Harrell, H. G. Harrison, Lee Isaacson, J. E., A J[

-Medical Cla

and" .Tambala^

Jerwick, H. D. Johnson, P. E.

President, First Term.

LeBourgeois, p. a. Lynch, E. H.


Mestayer, F. C. Moore, R. H., A T 0.

Mora, F. R., Jr. Meyers, J. H. Oakes, F. E. Ortez, Romeu a., <I> X A Parham, D., 2 X Pitkin, A. B. Ramirez, N. Richard, F. S. RucKER, R. Van, * A 9 Schellhaas, E. F. Smith, M. L. Simon, A. N., Jr. Tucker, L .W. Wznaga, a. a., <I> X A

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, is


Dr. Alcee Fortier, Dean of ihe Graduate Department of Tulane University, and Professor of Romance Languages since 1884, died at his home in Audubon Street, Saturday, February 14, 1914.

He brought honor and prestige to the University by his leadership m local and foreign societies, literary, educational and philosophical. Many are the teachers whose intellects command admiration of their students, but few are tho5e for whom their students feel a Fortier was both admired and loved. The genius of his clear mind thrill with live and human interest subjects which might have proven interest was ever present sympathy in our work and brightened our stude own labors, he was never too busy to help us in our difficulties. He

nd sincere affection. Dr.

r inspiration and made to dry and tedious. His kindly nt lives. Though tireless m his never sermonized; his life was


hundred forl^-eight

The Dental Department of Tulane

, E, are glad to announce that during the last two years the Department of

Dentistry has grown considerably. True, we have not accomplished much in the way of numbers, but this is readily explained by the fact that the requirements for entrance have been strictly adhered to. We are getting a better grade of students and are making better grades than was customary for the average dental student. A new incentive seems to have taken hold on these men, too, for they aim, now, to make not only a pass, but something more than that. Some of the best marks made in branches where dental and medical student are combined were made by dental men, and this year the present Freshman Class stood out prominently from the fact that a larger percentage of dental students passed chemistry after the first test than any other department. This is encourag- ing not only to the Dean, but to all others who wish the Dental Department well.

In spite of the many obstacles, we are making great showings in our work, and under conditions which we believe will grow more favorable as the seasons roll, we expect to be a prominent department of Tulane. We think as much of Tulane as does any other student.

We will certainly have to get represented m the sports. There is good material in our department for football, and in fact, all athletics.

So let us sedulously continue, fellow-students, aiming as the youth did bearing the banner with the strange device "Excelsior."

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James H. O'Reilly . . . New Orleans, La President Student Bod}).

Love has silenced this mocking-bird's beautiful song, robbing us of the quin- tessence of Bull.

Albert J. Villaverde



A diplomatic gentleman from the tropics. He knows all about liquor, being a pro- hibitionist.

Geo. J. Reiley, Jr., ^I'

Clinton, La.

He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he only swears in his sleep. When awake he is always singing, 'My Marguerite."

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^ ^^ ;..:, -^


^,s«mfimfl^ '^■^gaw^^- ':rarSii

Clyde Francis Goodman, ^V <>, Muldrow, Okla Secretary and Treasurer Senior Class.

He is every bit ihat his name implies and a little more, a broncho-breaker from the wild and wolly West.

Larry J. Dupuy, "'I' P. . . Gramercy, La Vice-President Senior Class.

He i5 "who" among (he ladies, the best tango insliuclor Tulane ever had; O you Larry.

Cicero G. Cailliteau, <l^ Q . Marksvllle. La

A modern Romeo and a French scholar. "Aye Aye Parlez-vous francais?"

Frank T. Lewis, ^P H . . Charleston, S. C. President of Class during Freshman Year.

A million dollar doll. His smile is as in- spiring 35 a beautiful sunrise and all the siriies fall for it.

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Robert O. Bruton, ^ Q . . Muldrow, Olcla

President Senior Class.

The chap with a push, a purpose, and a future. Doesn't he look great already?

W. T. BuRREs. M.D.

. Cal.

The daddy of the class, an encyclopedia of knowledge. He is serious, but he like: the dears.

Sidney J. Boudreaux, ^I' 9. . Thibodaux. La.

He has simplified the saying, "Women, wine and song" girls are all he craves.

Ralph B. Tudury

New Orleans, La.

The baby of the class, already in love. Can you beat it? And believe us he is a mixer.

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&wjimm ^^li^mm


The Roosevelt of the Class The Big Stick man.

Anthony Bacigalupi . . New Orleans, La EJiior, Denial Deparimenl.

A Mark Antony sighing for a Cleopatra. Author of "Love never dies", v^hich com- position he conceived while at the North Pole.

Page one hundred fifiy-lhree

"^ T^

Page one hunJreJ fifiv-fou



Second Year Dental


L. G. Fleming


S. B. Darracott ....



C. E. Simon

Miss Edna N. McCulloch .


W. E. Walton .




Allen, J. C.

Healey, W. L.

Boyd, J. L.

Johnson, R. M.

Brown, A. K.

Loupe, E. J., ^I' <>

Secretary '12-'13.

McCulloch, Miss Edna


Chenet, J. E. Crane, Edw.

Vice-Pres. Student Body '1

DeCastro, J. F. Crozat, G. B., -i' n Darracott, S. B., -V 9. Fleming, L. G.


O'Neil, C. L., yy n Seale, W. B. Simon, C. E., ^' 9. SONCY, O. J. Toups, A. D. Walton, W. E.

President '12-'13.

Vice-Pres. '12-'13.

Garner, F. E.

Wolford, L., ^' ft


Page one hundred fift})-five

Page one hundred fifl^-six


The Civil Engineers Take a Trip




AY thirtieth last saw assembled at the Union Depot some twelve or fourteen heavily laden young civil engineers outward bound from Tulane University to the Summer Camp at Winnfield, La.

An interesting spectacle they made, each man being equipped with at

least a half dozen suit cases, and besides this one had in tow a good size

steamer trunk which he tried to fool himself into thinking was only an

overgrown hand-bag. Besides these unnameable parcels, the party had in

possession enough equipment to make a coast-to-coast geodetic survey.

The trip was uneventful. The party was entertained with mandolin selections

from "Freddie" Warriner, whose object was serenading a young lady in the next seat,

and by the antics of a young married (?) couple a few seats ahead.

A few miles outside of Alexandria the party was surprised to see comnig down the aisle of the car one whom we at first thought to be the fireman. Upon close scrutiny, however, we found him to be Prof. Derickson, who had become so covered with cinders and grime that he could hardly be recognized.

Upon arriving at Alexandria the party lined upon the platform of the station and a hot discussion ensued as to which hotel we would go. The Bentley was suggested, but Prof. Derickson expressed doubt as to whether or not he would be admitted in his besmuted condition.

The next morning early we caught a train to Winnfield, and the rest of the trip was made in a few hours.

At Winnfield conditions were found to be ideal. The camp was located in a country schoolhouse situated in one of the most picturesque spots in that part of the country. The meals were taken at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott, the former being superintendent of the Southern Mineral and Land Improvement Land Company, and it was due to the untiring efforts of Mrs. Scott that each and every member of the camp, including Prof. Derickson, gained at least ten pounds. The schedule of the day was as follows:

6:00 A.M. Great din caused by impact of hammer on tin pan. Quartermaster Haas at the end of the hammer. General turmoil caused by everybody turning over. 6:05 A.M. Sounds of scrimmage caused by overturning of cots. 6:10 A.M. Everybody up. 6:30 A.M. Start for breakfast.

7:00 A.M. Great disappearance of biscuits, eggs, steak, coffee, etcetera. 7:30 A.M. To work.


hundred fifly-seven



12:00 M. Further disappearance of victuals.

1:00 P.M. Work.

5:00 P.M. Quit.

6:00 P.M. Further disappearance of rations.

7:00 P.M. Target practice.

9:30 P.M. Hit the canvas.

Our pastimes were various, such as the playing of mandolins, playing ball and pool, etc., horseback riding with Henry Lemoine as hero, shooting of pigs, ducks, and also members of camp with air rifle by Prof. Derickson. It was also amusing to tie Bill Koch to his cot. A hay ride was enjoyed with the young (?) ladies of Winnfleld as guests. Dodging stones after blasts in quarry and trying to keep warm at nights (eating also) occupied very much of our time.

Two weeks were spent in camp, every moment of which was enjoyed and everybody agree that great benefits had been derived.


hundred fifl^-eighl



Fraternities at Tulane University



Kappa Alpha

Kappa Sigma

Sigma Nu

Sigma Chi

Ph. Delta Theta

Pi Kappa Alphi

Alpha Tau Omega *

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Beta Theta Pi

Delia Tau Delta

Delta Kappa Epsilon Phi Kappa Sigma

Zeta Beta Tau

PROFESSIONAL Delta Omicron Alpha Phi Beta Pi

Alpha Kappa Kappa

Phi Chi

Chi Zeta Chi

Kappa Psi Nu Sigma Nu Phi Delta Phi

Alpha Mu Sigma

HONORARY Phi Beta Kappa Stars and Bars Kappa Delta Phi Olive Wreath

Newcomb College

Pi Beta Phi Phi Mu

Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Delta Phi

Chi Omega Nah Sukham

Kappa Kappa Gamma Phi Mu Gamma


Phi Beta Kappa

Page one hundred sixty-one

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y^age one hundred sixl\f-tJi)o

Pi Beta Phi

Founded 1867


Established 1891

In Faculty

Mary Butler

Active Members


Dorothy Sharp

Regina Janvier Glad'.s EusTis

Ella Reiss

Fanny Maude Black Adine Bernard Endow White Mildred Post Ruth Denis

Esther von Rosenberg Marie LeMore Alice Vance Helen Pendleton Jessie Watson Carrie Wogan Kitty Janvier Alice Vairin Janet Read

Page one hunilreJ sixlv-lhre

A ^^f": ^^^^ 4>

Page one hunJreJ sixly-four

Alpha Omicron Pi

Founded 1897


Established 1898

In Faculty

Sue Katherine Gillean

Active Members

Theodora Duval Sumner. '14

Georgia Isabelle Gillean, '14

Margaret Dunbar Foules, '14

Gladys Anne Renshaw. '14

Ancie Louise McLees, '14

Rosamond Agnes Hill, "14

Willie 'Wynne 'White, '14

Rosalie Elizabeth Dufour, '15

Anne Delie Bancroft, '15

Lillian Chapman, '16

Jennie Snyder, '16

Erin O'Niell, '16

Clara Hall, '16

Grace Gillean, '16

SoLiDELLE Renshaw


hundred sixty-five

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Page one humlreil s.'x/J) six



Chi Omega

Founded 1895


Chartered 1900

In Faculty

Edwina Abbott Lillian Lewis

Active Members

Augusta Jordan Mildred Farrar Marie Anthes Lyda Belden

Roll of

Psi— University of Arkansas.

Chi Transylvania University.

Sigma— Randolph-Macon Woman's College.

Rho Tulane University, Newcomb College.

Pi University of Tennessee.

Omicron University of Illinois.

Xi Northwestern University.

Nu University of Wisconsin.

Mu University of California.

LambJa University of Kansas.

Kappa University of Nebraska.

Iota University of Texas.

Theta West Virginia University.

Rla University of Michigan.

Katharine Havard Nell Lipscomb Marion Fay Maud Fay


Zeta University of Colorado.

Epsilon Columbia University, Barnard College.

De/to— Dickinson College.

Camma Florida Woman's College.

Bela Colby College.

/I /p/ia— University of Washington.

Fsi Alpha University of Oregon.

Chi Alpha— Tuhs College.

Phi Alpha George Washington Univ sity.

Upsilon Alpha Syracuse University.

Tau Alpha Ohio University.

Sigma Alpha Miami University.

Rho Alpha University of Missouri.

Pi Alpha University of Cincinnati.

Fayetteville Alumnae. Washington City Alu Atlanta Alumnae. Lexington Alumnae. Oxford Alumnae. Knoxville Alumnae. Chicago Alumnae.

Omicron Alpha Coe College.

Alumnae Chapters

Kansas City Alumnae. New York City Alumnae. New Orleans Alunae. Lynchburg Alumnae. Denver Alumnae. Milawukee Alumnae. Des Moines Alumnae.

Eugene Alumnae,

Portland Alumnae,

Lincoln Alumnae.

Seattle Alumnae.

Los Angeles Alumnae.

Boston Alumnae.

Dallas Alumnae.

San Antonio Alumnae.

Page one hundred sixty-seven


\ '

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Page one hundred sixl})-eight

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Founded 1870.


Established 1904.

In Faculty

Mary Cass Spencer Adeline E. Spencer

Active Members Eleanor Luzeneerg, '14 Joan Chaffe Miller, '14 Helen M. Mouton, '14 Julia M. Brezeale, '15 Mary Drake, '15 Mary Manly Elmore, '15 Charlotte Frere, '15 Alice Odelle Milling, '15 Virginia Williamson, '15 Earle Richmond, '16 Sarah Roach, '16 Flora Arden Stubbs. '16


hundred sixl\)-nu



Roll of Chapters alpha province

Phi Boston University

Bela Epsilon Barnard College

Beta Sigma Adelphi College

Psi Cornell University

Beta Tau Syracuse University

Bela Psi. .Victoria College (Univ. of Toronto)

Bela Alpha University of Pennsylvania

Beta Iota Swathmore College

Camma Rho Allegheny College

Beta Upsilon West Virginia University


Bela Camma Wooster University Xi. . . .

Bela Nu Ohio State University

Beta Delia University of Michigan

Kappa. Lambda

. .Adrian College .Hillsdale College . . Buchtel College


Delta Indiana State University Ela University of Wisconsin

Iota De Pauvi' University Bela Lambda University of Illinois

Mu Butler College Upsilon Northwestern University

Epsilon Illinois Wesleyan


Chi University of Minnesota Theta Missouri State University

j5c(a Zela Iowa Stale University Sigma Nebraska State University

Omega Kansas State University

EPSILON PROVINCE Bela Mu Colorado State University Bela Omicron

Beta Xi Texas Stale University

Tulane University

Bela Chi University of Kentucky


Pi University of California Bela Pi University of Washington

Bela Ela Leiand Stanford, Jr., University Bela Phi University of Montana

Bela Omega University of Oregon

Page one hundred seventy

Chemistry Laboratory Rules

1. Always be late for class; it is very stimulating to Miss Hero.

2. In removing stoppers from bottles leave them on the desk ; it is good for the

stoppers and adds much to the beauty and cleanliness to the desk itself.

3. Use as much of the chemicals as possible; some of them are very expensive and

it gives an air of beauty and nonchalance to the laboratory.

4. Never replace bottles; searching for them in odd places lends excitement and

variety to laboratory life.

5. Always pour water on acid see the pretty splash.

6. Always throw matches in the wastepaper boxes; the results are often illuminating.

7. Do not measure accurately; do it with a dash and make things interesting.

8. Break as many things as possible; we rise on the wrecks of our former selves.

9. Always jump to conclusions; Miss Hero loves an illogical mind.

I 0. Never study assigned work ; it makes the next lesson so much more interesting. I 1 . Never think for yourselves ; it interferes with much that is valuable afler exams.


hundred seven/p-one



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Page one hundred seveniv-lrvo


oiiMi^ ^mi^$a^ m.

Phi Mu

Founded 1852.


Established 1906.

In Faculty

Laura Boddie West Elizabeth McFetridge

Active Members

Esther Augustus, '16 Esther Cooley, '14 Mattie Dinwiddie, '16 Agatha Faui.k, '14

Roberta Parker. '16 Nina Redditt, '16 Annie Richards, '16 Hermue Ujffy, '16

Alpha Wesleyan College. Se(a— Hollins College.

De/fa— Newcomb College.

Xi Kappa Southwestern University. Kappa University of Tennessee.

LamfcJa— Randolph-Macon 'Woman's College.

Mu Brenau College.

Xi Univ. of New Mexico, Om.'cron— Buchlel College,

Roll of Chapters

Pi University of Maine. Rho Hanover College. Sigma Knox College.

t/psi/on— Ohio State University. Phi University of Texas.

Chi University of Missouri. Tau Whitman College. Psi'— Adelphi College. Epsilon Millsaps Coll

Alumnae Chapters


New Orleans Chicago

Baltimore Inc

Atlanta New York


Ma Valdosta

Page one hundred seven!})- three

Page one hunjrej sevenlv-fo



Alpha Delta Pi

Founded May 15th. 1851.


Established 1906

Active Members

Rose Sadler Gillespy, "14 Kathleen Black, '16

Helen Gertrude Sanders, '15 Lucille DeRussy, '16

Bernice Barry Steele, '15 Nettie C. Barnwell

Associate Members

Louise DeRussy Culbertson Myra Wright Pond

Roll of Chapters

Alpha Wesleyan Female College Macon, Georgia

Delta University of Texas Austin, Texas

Epsilon "Newcomb College," Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana

Zeia Southwestern University Georgetown, Texas

Theta Lawrence College Appleton, Wisconsin

Iota State College for Women Tallahassee, Florida

Kappa Judson College Marion, Alabama

Lamb(Ia Brenau College Conservatory Gainesville, Georgia

Mu Woman's College of Alabama Montgomery, Alabama

Nu Randolph- Macon Woman's College College Park, Virginia

Omicron Trinity College Durham, North Carolina

Pi Iowa Slate College Ames, Iowa

Rho Boston University Boston, Massachusetts

Sigma University of Illinois Champaign, Illinois

Tau University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas

Upsilon Washington State College Pullman, Washington

Phi Hanover College Hanover, Indiana

Chi Wittenberg College Springfield, Ohio

Psi University of California Berkeley, California

Alumnae Chapters

A ilania Atlanta, Georgia

Macon ; Macon, Georgia

Oxford Oxford. Georgia

Birmingham , Birmingham, Alabama

Rho Boston, Massachusetts

Austin Austin, Texas

Chicago Chicago, III.

Theta Appleton, Wis.

Page one hundred sevenlp-ftve

Page one hunJreJ sevenl\)-s!x


Nah Sukham

Founded February. 1907.


Gazella Weiss

Marie Asher

Rita Levy

Esther Adler

Beryl Schulherr

Page one nunJred seventy-seven

Page one hundred sevenl})-eighl


Kappa Alpha Theta

Founded at Asbury (now De Pauw) University, January 27, 1870.

Colors: Black and Gold. Flower: Black and Gold Pansy.

Number of College Chapters, 33. Number of Alumnae Chapters, 27.


E. Mildred Snyder, '14

Gladys C. Giebens, '14 Louise Berrey. '15

Margaret Marks, '15

E. Hathaway Gibbens, '15

Mabel Sivewricht, '15

Aloise Steiner, '16

Katherine Hoffman, '16

Marian Jackson, '16


hundred seven/ij-nme

The Paper Man

EAN, what's all that excitement on Newcomb Campus?"

"Why, haven't you heard! It is the first match game of the season, and do you know that both the music and art students have made up their minds to capture the cup. You may rest assured it will be a highly contested game on both sides "

"Oh! do let's go and join the crowd " "Remember, you must root for the art girls. "

"Why, indeed I will; though just in New Orleans for a few days, I must tell you, Jean, that I still take a vital interest in anything con- cerning Newcomb and pertaming to art, being now a pupil of the Chicago Institute after getting my diploma from college."

"You don't mean it, Bessie! I think that's splendid; yet I know you must miss Newcomb very much and all the girls and that Tulane fellow. By the way, what be—"

"I know what you are going to ask. Well, believe me, Billy is desperately mad with me. I told him I had never enough spare time to answer his letters, and so I don't blame him for getting angry. Upon my word! There he is now, as sure as I'm living, strolling towards that girl with blonde hair."

"That's not Billy ; that's a reporter. You see, we both haven't seen him since such a long while that we've nearly forgotten his looks." "Who is the girl he's talking to?" "That's Marjorie Snibbor." "Awfully attractive, isn't she?" "Very popular, too."

Marjorie with pad and pencil is heard saying: "Sixty-two to thirty-nine (62-39)." The reporter: "What was the score for the first half?" "Twenty-three to twenty-two (23 to 22) in favor of the art girls. W like to have the names of the players?" "No, thank you, not at present."

Reporter snaps at business manager and says: "Took a picture of you. Mis; "You did! and may I ask what paper you are representing?" "Am not a reporter; it was only for my own private information," vanished.

"Wonder what the reporter told her, Jean? rassed."

"Why, I suppose it's because he took her picture.'

jld you

and he seemed very much embar-



are winnmg


Rah, rah, rah! Rah, rah, rah! Three cheers for the Art

'Oh, look!

"Rah, rah, School."

"Did I hear correctly, Bessie? Was it sixty-two to thirty-nine? Oh, gee! ain't it fine for us, Bess!"


humlrcil cig/.fi)

Vjy'''- -

Wasn't he a reporter?" Have to be going. Will phone you,

"Hello, Marjorie; I want you to meet Bessie Collins, one of our former basketball stars. She is just here from Chicago. Please accept our congratulations also ; that game was sure great."

"Thanks, girls. Do you happen to know that man's name the one standing over there? He spoke to me a few minutes ago. Why, there he is now about to board that car."

"No, we do not. What did he tell you?

"I thought he was. Well, so long, girls. Jean, tonight."



"Is that you, Bessie?"


"Well, Bessie, this is Jean. Guess the news! Marjorie just 'phoned m2 she had received a beautiful bouquet of American beauties with a card signed from 'Billy, the Paper Man.' "

So it was Billy after all. Still as flirt as ever. That boy gives me a pain in the shoulder; he's so fresh and sentimental."

"But, don't you love sentimental persons? I do; besides, I think that that mysterious note of his to Marjie is perfectly fascinating. There is nothing so reliable as the unexpected, nothing so dreadfully uncertain as a thing assured."

"Jean, did you tell her who Billy was? "

"No, indeed, not a chance. She said he rang her up after sending the flowers and told her he'd meet her at the next game Saturday. "

"The nerve of some people! Suppose we'd get a substitute? Wouldn't the joke freeze him some? Sarah Hillrem looks so much like Marjorie she might be taken for her twin sister. "

"But she said he told her to wear a 'loving cup,' so he'd recognize her."

"Ha! ha! ha! We'll put a drinking cup on Sarah's head. Good-bye."

"So long, Bess. Don't forget to phone me more news should you hear any- thing exciting about Billy's new romance." M. M. '14.

Page one hunJreJ



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Page one hundreJ eighlv-t-mo


Kappa Alpha


Founded 1865. (Established 1882).

Fratres in Facultate

Chandler C. Luzenberc, A.B., LL.B. Charles P. Fenner

Robert Sharp, A.M., Ph.D. J. W. Hopkins

Clarence P. May, M.D. L. A. Scarbrough

Fratres in Collegio

R. J. Fisher, Jr., '15 C. H. Lyons, '14

LeRoy Honord, '17

MEDICAL R. B. Harper, '14 E. L. Irwin, '17

ACADEMIC K. McLeod, '17 E. J. Savage, '17

R. A. Pierpont, '16 H. M. White, '16

D. M. Showalter, '16

J. ■W. Willis, '16 H. V. SIMMS, '15

E. S. FicK, '16

J. J. Peters, '16

L. P. Whittington, '15


J. W. Hopkins

Page one hundred eighlyf-lbree





Roll of Chapters

.Washington-Lee University Lexington, Va.







Va. Ala. Tex.


Camma University of Georgia Athe

Epsilon Emory College Oxford,

Zela Randolph-Macon College Ashland,

Eta Richmond College Richmond,

Theia University of Kentucky Lexington,

Kappa Mercer University Macon,

Lambda University of Virginia Charlottesville,

Mu Alabama Polytechnic Institute Auburn,

X( Southwestern University Georgetown,

Omicron University of Texas Austin, Texas

Pi University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tenn.

Sigma Davidson College Davidson, N. C.

Upsilon University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N. C.

Phi Southern University Greensboro, Ala.

Chi Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tenn.

Psi Tulane University New Orleans, La.

Omega Central University of Kentucky Danville, Ky.

Alpha Alpha University of the South Sewanee, Tenn.

Alpha Beta University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Ala.

A Ipha Camma Louisiana State University Baton Rouge. La.

Alpha Delta WiUiam Jewell College Liberty, Mo.

Alpha Zeta Wilham and Mary College Williamsburg, Va.

A Ipha Eta Westminster College Fulton, Mo.

Alpha Theta Transylvania University Lexington, Ky.

A Ipha Iota Centenary College Shreveport, La.

Alpha Kappa University of Missouri Columbia, Mo.

Alpha Mu Millsaps College Jackson, Miss.

Alpha Nu .The George Washington University Washington, D. C.

Alpha Xi University of California Berkeley, Cal.

A Ipha Omicron University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Ark.

Alpha Pi Leland Stanford Jr. University Palo Alto, Col.

A Ipha Rho West Virginia University Morgantown, W. Va.

Alpha Sigma Georgia School of Technology Atlanta, Ga.

Alpha Tau Hampden-Sidney College Hampden-Sidney, Va.

Alpha Upsilon University of Mississippi University, Miss.

Alpha Phi Trinity College Durham, N. C.

Alpha Omega North Carolina A. and M. College Raleigh, N. C.

Beta Alpha Missouri School of Mines Rolla. Mo.

Beta Beta Bethany College Bethany, W. Va.

Beta Camma College of Charleston Charleston, S. C.

Page one hundred eight\)-four

^y feii iiiiaitinmiliii


Beta Delia. Beta Epsllo, Beta Zeia. Beta Eta.. Beta Theta Beta lota. .

Anniston, Ala. Atlanta, Ga. Asheville, N. C. Ann Arbor, Mich. Baton Rouge. La. Birmingham, Ala. Boston, Mass. Canal Zone Chattanooga, Tenn. Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, S. C. Centreville, Miss. Chester, S. C. Chicago, 111. Columbus, Ga. Dallas, Texas Fort Smith, Ark. Griffin, Ga. Houston, Tex. Hattiesburg, Miss. Huntington, W. Va Ithaca, N. Y.

Georgetown College Georgetown, Ky.

Delaware College Newark. Del.

University of Florida Gainesville, Fla.

University of Oklahoma Norman, Okla.

Washington University St. Louis, Mo.

Drury College Springfield, Mo.

Alumni Chapters

Jacksonville, Fla.

Jackson, Miss.

Jonesboro, Ark.

Kansas City, Mo.

Knoxville, Tenn.

Lexington, K.y.

Los Angeles, Cal.

Hampden-Newporl News, V

Macon, Ga.

Alexandria, La.

Mobile, Ala.

Memphis, Tenn.

Little Rock. Ark.

Montgomery, Ala.

Muskogee, Okla.

Nashville, Tenn.

Denver, Col.

New Haven, Conn.

Nevk' Orleans, La.

New York, N. Y.

Norfolk, Va.

Pittsburg, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Portland, Ore. Raleigh, N. C. Richmond, Va. San Antonio, Tex. Savannah, Ga. Selma, Ala. Shreveport, La. Springfield, Mo. Spartanburg, S. C.

St. Louis, Mo. Tampa, Fla. Staunton, Va. Paris, Tenn. Salt Lake City, Utah San Francisco, Cal. Washington, D. C. Wilmmglon, Del. Baltimore, Md. Charleston, W. Va.

age one hundred eighth-five

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Page one hundred eighty-s






Founded in 1855.



Dr. S. L. Logan Dr. E. D. Fenner

In Faculty

Dr. L. B. Crawford S. S. Labouisse Dr. E. p. a. Ficklen Dr. V. C. Smith

Active Members

Dr. Cook

Dr. p. a. McIlhenny

Joseph W. Carroll


Richard Sharp '13

Frederick D. Parham ' 1 -t

William B. Monroe '15

Huntington T. Carter '15

RoBT. Perkins '17

Allard Kaufmann '17

Scott Hammond '15

Arthur Waters '16

Horatio Raymond '16

Franz Hindermann '17

Vennard Wilson '17


Nugent B. Vairin '15 Henry Bruns '16

Edmund B. Glenny '15 Thomas C. Nicholls, Jr '15

Logan Bruns ." 14 Charles Ziegler '16


Covington Sharp, ('11) '15 W. Maxwell '15

HoLcoMBE Aiken '15 Webster Belden " '16

Oliver B. Kiel '14 Duncan Parham '18

P. C. Mitchell '15


hundred eighly- seven


Roll of Chapters

Thela.. Kappa . Omicroi Phi. . . .


ennsylvania College A Ipha Rho Lehigh University

3ucknell University Alpha Chi Pennsylvania State College

...Dickson College Bela Thela University of Pittsburg

. LaFayette College Phi Phi University of Pennsylvania


Epsilon George Washington University

Zela Washington and Lee University

Psi University of Virginia

Bela Lambda Trinity College. N. C.

A Ipha Miami University

Beta University of Wooster

Gamma Ohio Wesleyan University

Mu Denison University

Alpha Comma Ohio State University


Alpha Pi Albion College

Bsla Ela Case School of Applied Science

and Western Reserve University

Zela Psi University of Cincinnati

Thela Thela University of Michigan

Mu Mu West Virginia University


Lambda Indiana University Chi Hanover College

Xi DePauw University Delia Delia Purdue University

Rho Butler College Delia Chi Wabash College


Omega Northwestern University Alpha Sigma University of Minnesota

Alpha Zela Beloit College Bela Zela University of North Dakota

Alpha Iota Illinois Wesleyan University Kappa Kappa University of Illinois

Alpha Lambda University of Wisconsin Omicron Omicron University of Chicago


Alpha Epsilon University of Nebraska Bela Comma Colorado College

Alpha Eta Stale University of Iowa Xi Xi University of Missouri

Alpha Xi University of Kansas Tau Tau Washington University

Alpha Psi Vanderbilt University

Zeta Zela Central University of Kentucky


Lambda Lambda . . State University of Kentucky

Delta University of Georgia

Page one hundred eighl\/-eight

cr" -- -




Alpha Beta Universily of California Beta Delia University of Montana

Alpha t/psi/on. .University of Southern California Alpha Omega . Leland-Stanford Junior University

Bela Epsilon University of Washington


Alpha Alpha Hobart College Nu Nu Columbia University

Alpha r/ie(a. .Massachusetts Inst, of Technology Rho Rho University of Maine

Alpha Psi Cornell University Psi Psi Syracuse Universily

Ela Ela Dartmouth Colleg-!


Ela University of Mississippi Bcia Kappa University of Oklahoma

Alpha Nu University of Texas Alpha Omicron Tulane University

Omega Omega University of Arkansas

Page one hundrej eight\)-nine


Page one hundred ninelv

Alpha Tau Omega

Founded in 1865.


Established 1887.

In Faculty

William Alexander Bell, LL.B. Allan Chotard Eustis, M.D.

Nathaniel Cortlandt Curtis, Ph.D., B.S. Randolph Lyons, A.B.. M.D.

Charles B. Elliot, M.A., M.D. Lawrence DeBuys, M.D.

Charles L. Eshleman, A.B., M.D.

Active Members academic Philip P. Werlein Posey R. Bowers

James K. Barr Alexander W. Norman

Louis Emile Stouse

MEDICAL Luther Holloway Dixie McCrossin

George Blue Allen Cook

Ramsey Moore


William Henderson Norman


humlred mnely-nr.

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Roll of Chapters first province

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. Alpha £pM7on— Alabama Polytechnic Inslilute. Alpha Beta University of Georgia.

Beta Beta Southern University. Alpha Zeta Mercer University.

Beta Delta University of Alabama. Beta Iota Georgia School of Technology.

Alpha Omega University of Florida. Beta Epsilon Tulane University.

Alpha Theta Emory College. Ccmma Eta University of Texas.

SECOND PROVINCE Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and IVisconsin.

Ccmma Zeta University of Illinois. Alpha Mu Adrian College.

Comma Xi University of Chicago. Beta Kappa HiiUdale College.

Comma Comma Rose Polytechnic Institute. Beta Lambda University of Michigan.

Comma Omicron Purdue University. Beta Omicron Albion College.

Comma Tau University of Wisconsin.


Colorado, loTua, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri and Nebrosl^o.

Comma Lambda University of Colorado. Comma Mu Uni . ersily of Kansas.

Beta Alpha Simpson College. Comma Nu University of Minnesota.

Cammo Upsilon Iowa State College. Comma Rho University of Missouri.

Comma Thela University of Nebraska.


Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont. Beta Upsilon University of Maine. Comma Sigma IVorchestsr Polytechnic Institute

Comma Alpha Colby College. Cammo Delia Brown University.

Beta Comma Massachusetts Insliluteof Technology. Beta Zeta Universil-y of Vermont Comma Beta— Tufts College.


New Yor.

Alpha Omicron St. Lawrence University. Beta Theta— CorneW University. Alpha /o(a— Muhlenberg College.

d Pennsylvania.

Alpha Pi Washington

,d Jeffe, Alpha Rho Lehigh University. Alpha t/ps;/on— Pennsylvania Coll


Tou University of Pennsylvania.

SIXTH PROVINCE North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

Alpha Delta— Urn' X;— Trinity Colleg

;ily of North Carolina.

Beta Xi— College of Charleston. Se/a— Washington and Lee University.

Z)e/(a— University of Virginia

Page one hundred ninety-lwo



SEVENTH PROVINCE Ohio. Alpha Nu Mount Union College. Beta Tan Union University.

Psi— Wittenberg College. Omega— University of the South.

Bela Ela Ohio Wesleyan University. Pi University of Tennessee.

EIGHTH PROVINCE Tennessee and Keniucl(\).

Bela Mu Wooster University. Beta Omega Ohio State University. Camma Kappa Western Reserve University.

Ma loia State University of Kentucky. Alpha Tau Southwestern Presbyterian University Beta Pi Vanderbilt University.

NINTH PROVINCE California, Oregon and Washington. Bela Psi Leland Stanford University. Comma Chi Washington State College

Comma loia University of California. Comma Pi University of Washington.

Comma Phi University of Oregon.

Alumnae Chapters

South Carolina

District of Columbia Milwaukee, Wis. Birmingham, Ala. Charlotte, N. C. Chicago, 111. Cleveland, O. Columbus. O. Cincinnati, O. Dallas, Tex. Dayton, O. Colorado

Mobile, Ala. Youngstown, O.

Springfield, O. St. Louis, Mo. St. Paul, Minn.

Western New York Texas

California Washington

San Antonio, Tex. New York

Montgomery, Ala

Harvard, Cambridge, Mass. Atlanta, Ca. Detroit, Mich. Nashville, Tenn. Nebraska.

Pensacola, Fla. Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Portland, Ore.

Salt Lake Citv, Utah

ndiana Louisiana Minnesota Alliance, O.

Manila, P. L Massachusetts

Louisville, Ky.

Los Angeles, Cal. Kansas City, Mo. Allentown, Pa. Denver, Col. Reading, Pa e. Providenc


Savannah, Ca.

Page one hundred ninel^-lhre<i


1-^ ffilfl.llBliilnlill.mii'l.1. nlllti'lllVl llffltl '^Tllilil I lllllllllllllfll flit''--'— III ^^ ^ .. <■ .

Page one hundred nincly-fo


Delta Tau Delta

Founded in 1859.


Established In 1889

Chaille Jamison, M.D.

In Faculty

Pierce Butler

Walter Lanaux, M.D.

Active Members

MEDICAL A. B. McKie, '14 James T. Owen, '15

Joseph W. Spearing. '1-4 Emile F. Naef, '16 Thomas J. Kerwin, '15 S. Sellers Underwood, '17

ACADEMIC Philip A. Miller, '16 Will J. Gibbens, Jr., '17 Wilson Williams, Jr., '17


Martin J. Kahao, Jr., '16

Page one hunched nmel\,-five




Roll of Chapters


Lambda Vanderbilt University

Phi Washington and Lee University

Bela Delta University of Georgia

Beta Epsilon Emory College

Beta Theia University of the South

Beta Iota University of Virginia

Beta Xi Tulane University

Camma £/a .... George Washington University

Iota University of Texas


Omicron University of Iowa

Beta Camma University of Wisconsin

Beta Eta University of Minnesota

Beta Kappa University of Colorado

Beta Pi Northwestern University

Beta R/io....Leland Stanford Junior University

Beta Upsilon University of Illinois

Beta Tau University of Nebraska

Bela Omega University of California

Camma Alpha University of Chicago

Camma Beta .. .Armour Institute of Technology

Camma Theia Baker University

Camma Kappa University of Missouri

Camma Mu University of Washington

Camma Pi Iowa State College

Camma Rho University of Oregon


Beta Ohio University

Delta University of Michigan

Epsilon Albion College

Zeia Adelbert College

Kappa Hillsdale College

Mu Ohio Wesleyan University

Chi Kenyon College

Beta Alpha Indiana University

Beta Beta De Pauw University

Beta Zeta University of Indianapolis

Psi Wooster College

Beta Phi Ohio State University

Beta Psi Wabash College

Camma Delta West Virginia University

Camma Lambda Purdue University

Ccmma Xi University of Cincinnati


Alpha Allegheny College

Gamma Washington and Jefferson College

Nu Lafayette College

Rho Stephens Institute of Technology

Upsilon Rennsselaer Polytechnic Institute

Omega University of Pennsylvania

Beta Lambda Lehigh University

Beta Mu Tufts College

Camma Omicron. . . .

Bela Nu. .Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Beta Omicron Cornell University

Beta Chi Brown University

Camma Camma Dartmouth College

Camma Epsilon Columbia University

Camma Zeta Wesleyan University

Camma Nu University of Maine

Tau Pennsylvania Stale College

. .Syracuse University

Page one hundred ninety-.






Alumni Chapters


. Louis






San Antonio

San Francisco
















ladelphl Cincin,



jget Sea

Sound Itle




New York


i Angeles









V OrleE







St (Ma


St. Paul




Harvard Clu


Kansas City











Page one hundred nSneiy^-seven

»--'"-™— ■*~— '"i ' iimli.!»iAii.n-T J^ii nil iirffil 'T* I I ' " —^ati— ',i>.Xkw«

Page one huiulreJ n'mcly-e'.ghl



Kappa Sigma

Founded in 1869 at University of Virginia


Established in 1889

In Faculty

WiL-LiAM Prentice Brown John Smyth, Jr.

Melvin Johnson White Samuel M- D. Clarck Charles A. Wallbillich

Ralph Hopkins Pierre L. Thibaut Ephraim D. Freidricks

Active Members


David Isaiah Garrett '14

Ross Hewitt '17

Samuel Haas, Jr '15

Dawson Allen Johnson '14

Forres McGraw '17

Green Rives '16

Lloyd Surchnor '17

Roland Rexach '17

William Kyle Smardon '14

Rudolph J. Weinmann '14

Harold Colton


'16 Joseph Killeen

Cady Arrendell '14

Joseph Favre Baldwin '15

Joseph P. Deignen '14

Ernest Cleveland Faulk '15

Edmond Faust '18

Samuel Dana Henderson '16

Allen Martin '17

J. J. Whitley '16

Joel Bowman Wise '14

Frederick Lenard Fenno '17

ALUMNUS ADVISOR— Edward King, M.D., ex-'06


hundred nineiy-nin




Roll of Chapters District I.

University of Maine Bowdoin College New Hampshire State College Dartmouth College

District II.

Swathmore College Cornell University University of Pennsylvania Lehigh University Syracuse University

District III.

University of Maryland George Washington University Washington and Jefferson College Pennsylvania State College Bucknell University Dickson College

District IV.

University of Virginia Washington and Lee University William and Mary College Randolph-Macon College Richmond College Hampden-Sydney College

District V.

Davidson College

University of North Carolina

Trinity College

North Carolina A. & M.

District VI.

University of Alabama Georgia School of Technology Mercer University University of Georgia Alabama Polytechnic Institute

District VII.

Tulane University Louisiana State University Millsaps College

University of Vermont Brown University Massachusetts State College Harvard University

District VIII.

Cumberland University University of Tennessee Vanderbilt University Swathmore College University of South University of Kentucky

District IX.

University of Michigan Case School of Applied Science Ohio State University Denison College

District X.

Perdue University Wabash University University of Wisconsin University of Illinois Lake Forrest University University of Indiana University of Chicago

District XI.

University of Nebraska University of Iowa University of Minnesota Iowa State College

District XII.

William Jewell College Washington University Missouri School of Mines University of Missouri Baker University Washburn College

District XIII.

University of Arkansas Universitv of Oklahoma

Pasc tivo hunjrcfj



District XIV.

District XVI.

Soulhwestera University


land Standford Jr. University

University of Texas


liversity of California

District XV.

District XVII.

University of Denver

Univeristy of Washington

Colorado College


iversity of Idaho

Colorado School of Mines


.iversily of Oregon



te College



Birmingham, Ala.

Yazoo City, Miss.

Covington, Tenn.

Los Angeles, Cal.

Little Rock, Ark.

Memphis, Tenn

Conrad, N. C.

Lynchburg, Va.

Columbus, O.

Milwaukee, Wis.

Boston, Mass.

Pine Bluff, Ark.

Buffalo, N. Y.

Vicksburgh, Miss.

Ithaca, N. Y.

Indianapolis, Ind.

Jackson, Tenn.

Nashville, Tenn.

Kingston, N. C.

Pittsburgh. Penn.

Denver. Colo.

Scranton, Penn.

Atlanta, Ca.

Louisville, Ky.

Ruslon, La.

Seattle, Wash.

Richmond, Va.

Chicago, 111.

Savannah, Ca.

Mobile, Ala.

St. Louis, Mo. Ja

ickson. Miss.

Danville. Ill.Da


Oklahoma Cly, Okla.

Schenectady, N. Y.

San Francisco, Cal.

Newport New.5, Va.

Philadelphia, Penn.

Montgomery, Ala.

Washington, D. C.

New York, N. Y.

Salt Lake City. Utah.

Cleveland, O.

Kansas City, Mo.

Norfork, Va.

New Orleans, La.

Omaha, Neb.

Pa^e Imo hundred one


n ^^.^^-'i^

Page Imo hunclrej tao

Phi Delta Theta

Founded at Miami University, December 26, 1848.


Chartered in 1889.

In Faculty

James Birney Guthrie Herman B. Cesner

Levi Washington Wilkinson Charles William Duval

James J. A. Fortier

On Board of Admmislralors Frederick William Parham

Frank Spencer Stubbs J. Frank Fortier

Milliard Eve Miller John Barber Dicks

Farrar Burr Parker

Pierre Numa Charbonnet William Ernest Penick

Active Members

Edwin Eugene Benoist

William Alice West, Jr. Walter Edward Jenkins

William Herbert Wynne Philip J. Frierson Albert J. Carter

Gilbert Joseph Fortier

Page two hundred three






Roll of Chapters

Alabama Alpha (1S77) University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala, Phi Delta Theta House,

Alabama Beta (1879) Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Phi Delta Theta

Delta Theta

California Beta (1S91) Leland Stanford Junior llniyersity, Stanford Uniyersity. Cal, Phi Delta Theta House.

Colorado Alpha (1902) Uniyersity of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Phi Delta Theta House, do Beta (1913)— Colorado College, Colo- rado Springs, Colo.— iPhi Delta Theta




Indii Indii


Beta (1S71) Emory College, a. Phi Delta Theta House.

Gamma (1872) Mercer Univers )n. Ga. Phi Delta Theta Hall.

Delta (1S60) Franklin College n, Ind. Phi Delta Theta House

Bpsilon (1860) Hanover CoUei i'er, Ind, Phi Delta Theta Hot

Zeta (1S6S) De

tie, Ind.-


Delta Theta House, le University, West

1 Delta Theta House, Wesleyan University, iva. Phi Delta Theta

Indiana Theta (1S93:

Lafayette, Ind. Iowa Alpha (1S71)

Mount Pleasan

House. Iowa Beta (1SS2) University of Iowa, Iowa

C'ity, Iowa, Phi Delta Theta House, Iowa Gamma (1913) Iowa College, Ames, Iowa.

Phi Delta Theta House. Kansas Alpha (1882) University of Kansas,

Lawrence, Kans, Phi Delta Theta House. Kansas Beta (1910) Washburn College, To-

peka. Kans.— Phi Delta Theta House. Kentucky Alpha-Delta (1S50) Central Univer- sity. Danville, Ky. Phi Delta Theta

Ha"ll. Kentucky Epsllon ( 1901 ) —Kentucky State Uni-

versitv, Lexington. Kv, Phi Delta Theta




iana Alpha I1SS9)— Tula

New Orleans. La. Phi Delta Theta Hall. a Alpha (1884)^Colby College, Water-

ville. Me. Phi Delta Theta House, ichusetts Alpha (1886) Williams College.

Williamstown, Mass. Phi Delta Theta


chusetts Beta


St Colle

Mass. Phi Delt


Mich.— Phi Delta Theta


Minnesota Alpha (1881) l-niversily of Minne- sota. Minneapolis, Minn. Phi Delta Theta House.

Missouri Alpha ( 1870)— University of Jlissouri, Columbia, Mo. Phi Delta Theta House.

Missouri Beta (1S80) Westminster College. Fulton, Mo. Phi Delta Theta House.

Missouri Gamma (1891) Washington Universi- ty, St. Louis, Mo.— Phi Delta Theta Hall.

nolo Hou


Ga.— Phi

Idaho Alpha (1908) University o( Idaho, Mos- cow. Idaho. Phi Delta Theta House.

Illinois Alpha (1859) Northwestern University. Evanston, 111. Phi Delta Theta House.

Illinois Beta (1S65)— University of Chicago, Chicago, HI. Phi Delta Theta House.

Illinois Delta (1871) Knox College, Galesburg. 111. Phi Delta Theta House.

Illinois Zeta 11897) Lombard College, Gales- burg, 111. Phi Delta Theta House.

Illinois Eta (1893) Uniyersity of Illinois, Champaign, 111. Phi Delta Theta House.

Indiana Alpha (1849) Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind,— Phi Delta Theta House.

Indiana Beta (1850) Wabash College, Craw- fordsville, Ind. Phi Delta Theta House.

Indiana Gamma (1859) Butler Universitj'. Irv- ington. Ind.— Phi Delta Theta House.

New York Epsilon (1887) Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y, Phi Delta Theta House.

North Carolina Beta (1885) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Phi Delta Theta House.

North Dakota Alpha (1912) University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. N, D. Phi Delta Theta House.

Ohio Alpha (1848) Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Phi Delta Theta House.

Ohio Beta (1860) Ohio "Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio. Phi Delta Theta House.

Ohio Gamma (1868) Ohio University, Athens. Ohio. Phi Delta Theta House.

Ohio Zeta (1883)— Ohio State University, Co- lumbus, Ohio.— Phi Delta Theta House.

Ohio Eta (18961 Case School of Applied Sci- ence, Cleveland, Ohio. Phi Delta Theta House.

Ohio Theta (1898) University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati. Ohio. Phi Delta Theta Hall.

Ontario Alpha (19061 University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada. Phi Delta Theta House.

Oregon Alpha (19121 University of Oregon. Eu- gene, Oregon.

Pennsylvania .\lpha (1S73 1 LafayeUe College. Easton, Pa.— Phi Delta Theta House.

Pennsylvania Beta ( 1875 1 Pennsylvania Col- lege, Gettysburg. Pa.— Phi Lelta Theta House.

Pennsylvania Gamma (1875) Washington and Jefferson College. Washington. Pa. Phi Delta Theta House.

Pennsylvania Delta (1879) Allegheny College. Jleadville. Pa. Phi Delta Theta House.

Pennsylvania Bpsilon (1880) Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa, Phi Delta Theta House.

Pennsvlvania Zeta llS.SS) ITnivel'Sity of Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia. Pa. Phi Delta




-Lehigh Uni'

-Phi Delta Theta

Pennsylvania Theta (1904 1- College, State Colle Theta House,


Page Iwo hnndrcd four



Nebraska Alpha (1ST5) Unlvevsily of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.— Phi Delta Theta House.

New Hampshire Alpha (18S4) Dartmouth Col- lege, Hanover. N. H.— Phi i^elta Theta House.

New York Alpha (1872) Cornell Uni-

IthE York Pchen< House


Y. Phi Delta Theta House. Beta (1SS3) Union University, ctady, N. Y. Phi Delta Theta


Delta (1SS4) Cokm York, N. Y. Phi Delta Theta Hous Texas Beta (1883) University of Texas, Austii

Texas.— Phi Delta Theta House. Texas Gamma (1SS6) Southwestern Universil: Georgetown. Texas. Phi Delta Thet

Quebec Alpha (1S02I McGill University. Mont- real, Canada. Phi Delta Theta House.

Rhctle Island Alpha (1SS9) Brown Uiversity, Providence, R. I. Phi Delta Theta Hall.

South Dakota Alpha (1906) Univei'sity oi: Forth Dakota. Vermilion, g. D. Phi Delta Theta House.

Tennessee Alpha (1876) Vandel-bilt University, Nashville. Tenn. Phi Delta Theta Houst..

Tennessee Beta (1SS3) University of the South, Sewanee. Tenn. Phi Delta Theta House.

Virginia Gamma (1S74) Randolph-IMacon Col- lege. Ashland. Va.— Phi Delta Theta Apartments.

Virginia Zeta (1SS7) Washing:ton and Lee Uni- versity. Lexing-ton. Va. Phi Delta Theta




mt Alpha

, (1S79)— Ul


y of Vermont.


1 Alpha (1900) Univer!

3ity of Wash-


n. Vt Phi


Theta House.


.n. Seattle. Wash.— Phi

Delta Theta

lia Beta

(1873)- Un


V of Virginia.




sville. Va.


Delta Theta


Alpha (1857) Univer!

iity of Wis-



consi Hous


n. Madison, Wis.— Phi

Delta Theta

ALABAMA Birmingham (1895); Mobile (1895); Montgomery (1880); Selma (1SS7); Ope- leika (1910).

ARKANSAS Fort Smith (1904).

CALIPCRNIA Los Angeles (1SS8); San Fran- cisco (1886).

CCLORADO Denver (1893).


GEORGIA Atlanta (1886); Columbus (1884); Macon (1895).

IDAHO— Moscow (1909); Boise (1912).

ILLINOIS— Bloomington (1902); Chicago (1S81); Galesburg (ISSl); Peoria (1902); Cham- pagne-Urbana (1911); Danville (1912).

INDIANA— Bloomington (1908); Columbus

(1906); Crawfordsville (1902,; Elkhart and Goshen (1905); Evansville (1908); Ft. Wayne (1906); Frankfort (1906); Franklin (1S76); Greencastle (1908); Indianapolis (1879); Lafayette (1906); Madison (1906); South Bend (1906); Terra Haute (1909); Tipton (1906); Spencer (1912).

IOWA Des Moines (1908); Mt. Pleasant (1905); Sioux City (1904).

KANSAS— Emporia (1909); Hutchinson (1904); Topeka (1910).

KENTUCKY Lexington (1904); Louisville


LCUISIANA New Orleans (1897).

MAINE Waterville (1905).

MARYLAND Baltimore (1880).

MASSACHUSETTS Boston (1893); Harvard University (1900).

MEXICO City of Mexico (1907).

MINNESOTA— Dulrth (1908); Minneapolis and St. Paul (1SS5).

MICHIGAN— Detroit (1897).

MISSISSIPPI Greenwood (1906); Meridian (1901).

MISSOURI Pulton (1906); Kansas City (18S5); St. Joseph (1909); St, Louis (1887).

MONTANA— Butte (1908).

NEBRASKA Cmaha (1902).

NEW YORK New Y'ork (1884); Schenectady (1901); Syracuse (1900).

NORTH DAKOTA Fargo (1910).

OHIO Akron (1884); Athens (1898); Cincin- nati (1881); Cleveland (1892): Columbus (1898); Hamilton (1901); Oxford (1906); Toledo (1900).

OKL.\HCMA Oklahoma City (1903).

OREGON- Portland (1902).

PENNSl'LVANIA- Carlisle (1907); Ph-ladelohia (1888); Pittsburg (1887); Scranton (1908); Warren (1903); Johnston (1912).

QUEBEC Montreal (1908).

SOUTH DAKOTA Vermilion (1908).

RHODE ISLAND Providence (1S9S).

TENNESSEE Nashville (18S1).

TEXAS Austin (1889); Dallas (1908); Houston (1910) ; El Paso (1912).

UTAH Salt Lake City (1891).

VERMONT Burlington (1904).

VIRGINIA Norfolk (1909); Richmond (1878).

WASHINGTON Seattle (1900); Spokane (1893); Tacoma (1906).

WISCONSIN— Fox River Valley (1902); Mil- waukee (1897).

ALBERTA. CANADA Calgary (1912).

BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver (1912).

Page two hundred five

J- ^^'■'fi--Y\

Page lao hundreJ six



Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Founded March 9, 1856, at the University of Alabama.


Established in 1897.

In Faculty

George K. Pratt, Jr., M.D. James A. Lyons Christian G. Cole, M.D. Donald Derickson

Active Members

MEDICAL Enoch Callaway

Charles E. Garrett

Kenneth W. Kinney

Edward C. Melton, Jr.

Olin G. McKenzie C. H. Savage

Hunter Coleman Daniel F. Mathais Pleasant A. Taylor John A. Dougherty \V. E. Vandervere


ACADEMIC Malcolm H. Currie Luther E. Hall, Jr. Robert K. Munn S. Hawthorne Quilty Robert K. Smith William G. Woodward

TECHNOLOGY Glenwood B. Achorn Paul S. Bradford M. Randolph Corbin B. Palmer Davidson Charles Dicks, Jr. Wm. Von Phul, Jr. Douglas S. Watters Carl E. Woodward

Roll of Chapters

Alpha University of Maine, Orono.

Beta Upsilon Boston University, Boston.

Iota Tau Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Gamma Howard University.

Delia Worchester Polytechnic Institute. Alpha Cornell University.

Mu Columbia University, New York City. Delta Syracuse University.

Sigma Phi St. Stephens College, Armourdale. Omega Allegheny College, Meadville.

Sigma Phi Dickson College, Carlisle.

Alpha Zeta Pennsylvania State College.

Page tjvo hundred seven


Chi Omicron— University of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Pa. Zeia Bucknell University, Lewisburg.

Delia Gettysburg College, Gettysburg.

Tbeta University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Rho George Washington University, Washington, D. C. Omicron University of Virginia, Charlotts-, ille.

Sigma Washington and Lee University, Lexington. Theta Virginia Military Institute.

Xi— University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Thela Davidson College, Davidson. Iota Beta University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Comma Wofford College, Spartanburg.

Alpha Adrian College, Adrian.

Sigma— Mount Union College, Alliance.

Delta— Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware.

Epsilon University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati.

Thela—Ohio State University, Columbus.

Rho— Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland. Alpha Franklin College, Franklin.

Beta Purdue University, Lafayette.

Camma University of Indiana, Bloomington. Beta University of Illinois, Champaign. Psi Omega Northwestern Univ., Evanston.

Theta University of Chicago, Chicago.

Alpha University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Alpha University of Wisconsin, Madison. Beta University of Georgia, Athens. Kappa University of Oklahoma.

Psi Mercer University, Macon.

Epsilon Emory College, Oxford.

PAi— Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta.

Iota Southern University, Greensborough. Alpha Mu Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Mu University of Alabama, University.

Alpha University of Missouri, Columbia.

Beta Washington University, St. Louis.

Lambda Pi University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Lambda Upsilon University of Arkansas. Fayetteville. Alpha University of Kansas, Lawrence.

Beta Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas.

Beta State Uni>erslly of Iowa, Iowa City. Camma Iowa State College, Ames.

Chi University of Colorado, Boulder. '

Page two hundred eight



Zeta Denver University, Denver.

LamtJa— Colorado School of Mines, Golden.

Alpha— Leland Stanford, Jr. University, Palo Alto, Cal. Beta University of California, Berkeley.

Alpha University of Washington, Seattle.

Epsilon Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.

Tau Upsilon Tulane University, New Orleans. Camma University of Mississippi.

Rho University of Texas, Austin.

Kappa Central University, Danv /ota— Bethel College, Russellville.

Epsilon Kentucky State College, Lexington.

Zeta Southwestern Presbyterian University.

Lambila Cumberland University, Lebanon.

Mu Vanderbilt University, Nashville.

Kappa University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Omega University of the South, Sewanee. Eta Union University, Jackson.

^/p/:a— University of Oklahoi

Alumnae Chapters

Adrain, Mich.

Columbia, S. C

Chicago. 111.

Madison, Wis.

Lexington, Ky. Birmingham, Ala.

Lake Charles, La.

Memphis, Tenn. Indianapolis, Ind.

Pittsburg, Pa.

Washington, Ga. Kansas City, Mo.

Seattle, Wash.

Evanston, 111. Iowa City, la.

Atlanta, Ga.

Schnectady, N. Y. Wilmington, N. C.

Los Angeles, Cal.

Florence, Ala. Syracuse. N. Y.

New Orleans. La.

Milwaukee, Wis. Nashville, Tenn.

Little Rock, Ark.

Washington, D. C.

Savannah. Ga.

Detroit, Mich.

Boston, Mass.

Chattanooga, Tenn. Lincoln, Neb.

St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa.

Louisville, Ky. Nrw York,

N. Y.

Tuscaloosa, Ala. Columbus,


Shreveport, La. Jackson. M'


Cincinnati, O. Cleveland, O.

Denver, Colo. Alliance, O.

San Francisco, Cal.

Macon, Ga.

Page /iDo hundred nli


i&asi ^^ifell ^ ---^^

W T- ' '

Page (TDo hitnJrcJ i?

Delta Kappa Epsilon

Founded 1844


Charted 1899 Chapter House 1301 Pine Street

Dr. T. Patten

Dr. C. N. Chavignv

In Faculty

J. B. Elliott, Sr.

Dr. H. Daspit

Nicholas Callan

Active Members arts and science

John J. Devlin Stanley S. Morris Edgar T. Morris Warren J. Harang

Harold A. Bres Wilhelm E. Koch H. Mortimer Favrot G. Nicholas Johnson

C. Errol Barron Ralph R. Phillips

Clifford Atkinson Logan McConnell


Cuthbert S. Baldwin Charles J. Larkin

C. Ewing Gillis


RuFFiN A. Paine Thomas B. Bird George W. Wright W. Otis Callaway

Nelson D. Able Andrew G. Cowles

Arthur E. Porter

William J. Devlin

/n»o hundred eleven


Roll of Chapters

pf,; Yale University '844

Jheia Bowdoin College 18^-*

Xi Colby University '844

Sigma Amherst College ' 846

p,l Uni ersity of Alabama 1847

Upsilon Brown University 1 850

Q^la University of North Carolina 1851

£/q University of Virginia 1 85z



University 1 852

.1852 .1853

Lambda Kenyon College

p{ Dartmouth College

/o(a Central University of Kentucky 1854

Alpha Alpka Miadlebury College 1854

Omicron University of Michigan 1 855

EpMon ^'.'.^'.^..^......... .Williams College 1855

R/io LaFayette College 1855

Tau Hamilton College 1856

j^^^ Colgate University 1 856

/V„ College of the City of New York 1856

Bcla Phi University of Rochester 1 856

p}^l Ql,{ Rutgers College 1861

Pj,- p}..{ DePauw University 1867

Comma Psi Wesleyan University 1 867

Psi Omca Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1867

Beia Chi Western Reserve University 1 853

Delia Chi Cornell University 1 87U

Phi Camma Syracuse University 1871

Comma Beta Columbia University 1 874

Thela Zeia University of California 1 874

Alpha Chi Trinity College 1875

Camma Vanderbilt University 1889

Phi Epsilon University of Minnesota 1^85

Sigma Tau Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1850

Delta Delia University cf Chicago 1892

Alpha Phi University of Toronto 1898

Tou Lambda Tulane University 1899

Delta Kappa University of Pennsylvania 1 899

Tou Alpha McGill University 1 903




Sigma Rho Leiand Stanford University

Delta Pi University of Illinois

Rho Delta University of Wisconsin

Kappa Epsilon Washington University 1910

Omega Chi University of Texas


Page (n>o hundred /me/v

■■"■— ^ I -if'i?. -iMt: as..-!.!.., ■'■iininimiiiiiiMiiiii iiii



Alumni Associations

D. K. E. Association cf New York City New York, N. Y.

D. K. E. Association of New England Cambridgs, Mass.

The Northwestern Association of D. K. E Chicago, 111.

D. K. E. Association of Detroit Detroit, Mich.

D. K. E. Association of the Pacific Coast San Francisco, Cal.

D. K. E. Association of Washington Washington, D. C.

D. K. E. Association of Rhode Island Providence, R. I.

D. K. E. Association of Buffalo Buffalo, N. Y.

D. K. E. Association of Kentucky Louisville. Ky.

D. K. E. Club of the Northwest Minneapolis, Minn.

Eastern New York Association of D. K. E Troy, N. Y.

Mississippi Valley Alumni Association of D. K. E St. Louis, Mo.

Western Michigan Association of D. K. E Grand Rapids, Mich.

D. K. E. Association of Central New York Syracuse, N. Y.

D. K. E. Association of Indiana Indianapolis, Ind.

Mountain Association of D. K. E Denver, Col.

D. K. E. Association of Memphis Memphis, Tenn.

Puget Sound Association of D. K. E Seattle, Wash.

Ohio Valley Association of D. K. E Covington, Ky.

D, K. E. Club of Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa, .Ala.

Philadelphia Association of D. K. E Philadelphia, Pa.

D. K. E. Association of Western Pennsylvania Pittsburg, Pa.

D. K. E. Association of Southern California Los Angeles, Cal.

D. K. E. Association cf Central Massachusetts Worchester, Mass.

D. K. E. Association of North Carolina Raleigh, N. C.

D. K. E. Association of Central Ohio Columbus, Ohio

D. K. E. Association of Louisiana New Orleans, La.

Pcge lao hundreJ ihirlee


Page Imo hundred fourlee


Phi Kappa Sigma


Active Members


A. O. King

J. E. KiBBE, Jr.

Geo. W. Montgomery

W. Walter Jones

ACADEMIC Bern.'rd H. Grehan Reginald McC. Schmidt J. S. Glass G. Morrill Hadgden

MEDICAL Andrew V. Friedrichs Samuel B. Lyons Ernest McKenzie S. O. Wall

DENTAL Bob E. Trigg

Page Ijvo hundred fifteen


Alpha 1850,

Delta 1854,

E^sUon 1854,

Zela 1354,

Ela 1854,

Iota 1855,

Mu 1858,

Rho 1892,

Tau 1372,

Upsilon 1872,

Phi 1873,

Psi 1893,

Alpha Alpha 1894,

Alp'.ia Comma 1896,

Alpha Delta ..18;8,

Alpha Epsilon 1898,

Alpha Zeia 1899,

Alpha Theia 1901,

Alpha lota 1932,

Alpha Kappa 1903,

Alpha Lambda 1903,

Alpha Mu 1933,

Alpha Nu 190!,

Alpha Xi 1905,

Alpha Omicron 1905

Ahla Pi 190c

Alp'.a Rho 1911

Roll of Chapters

Universily cf Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa.

Wash^n-lon and Jefferson College Washington, Pa.

Dickinson College CarLsle, Pa.

Franklin and Ma shall College Lancaster, Pa.

University of Virginia University. P. O., Va.

Columbia University New York City

Tulane University New Orleans, La.

University cf Iirno's Champaign, III.

Randolph Macon College Ashland, Va.

No tl- western Universi'y E' anston. 111.

Richmond Cc!l=ge Richmond, Va.

Pennsylvania State College State College, Pa.

Washington and Lee University Lexington, Va.

Un vers'ly of West Virginia Morgantown, W. Va.

University cf Maine Orono, Maine

Armour Insiitute of Technology Chicago, 111.

L'niversity cf Maryland Baltimore, Md.

University cf Wisconsin Madison, Wis.

Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tenn.

University of Alabama University P. O., Ala.

University of California Berkeley, Cal.

Mas£aehu:etls Institute cf Technology Boston, Mass.

Ceo 'gia School of Technology Atlanta, Ca.

Purdue University West L af ayette, Ind.

, Vni ersity of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.

. University cf Chicago Chicago, 111.

, Cc.nell University '. Ithaca, N. Y.

Page tnio hunJreJ sixtc

^-^N* 'i*^


Alumni Chapters

Baltimore, Md.

New Orleans, La.

Los Angeles, Cal. Atlanta, Ga.

Harrisburg, Pa.

Pittsburg, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

New York, N. Y.

Richmond, Va.

Chicago, III.

Page iwo hundred seventeen


Page Into Imiulrcil cig/ilc

Sigma Nu


Lambda ... .


Bela Tau... Delia Kappa

In Faculty Dr. Isadore Dyer


Active Members academic

Carl Bougere C. A. Jones

SuMPTER Cousin


Sidney F. Breaux

W. W. Burns K. W. Kinkead

John Paul Jones

E. E. Allceyer

LAW Geo. W. Booth Frank Voelker

Roll of Chapters


. 1870, University of Virginia

.1882, Washington and Lee University. . 1888, University of North Carohna . . . . .1895, North Carohna A. & M. College .1910, Delaware State College

, . .Charloltesville, Va.

Lexington, Va.

..Chapel Hill, N. C. .West Raleigh, N. C. Newark, Del.


Sigma 1 836, Vanderbill University Nashville, Tenn.

Camma Iota 1 902, State University of Kentucky Lexington, Ky.


Mu 1873. University of Georgia Athens, Ga.

Theta 1874, University of Alabama Uni.ersily P. O., Ala.

Iota 1879, Howard College East Lake, Ala.

Kappa 1881, N. Georgia Agricultural College Dahlonega, Ga.

Eta 1 884, Mercer University Macon, Ga.

Bela Theta 1890, Alabama Polytechnic Institute Auburn, Ala.

Camma Alpha 1896, Georgia School of Technology Atlanta, Ga.

X! 1884, Emory College Oxford, Ga.

Delta Mu 1913, Stetson University Deland, Fla.

Page two hunJrecl



Epsilon 1833, Bethany College , . . . . Belhany, W. Va.

Beta Nu 1891, Ohio Sta'e University Columbu3, Ohio

Bela Iota 1892, Ml. Union-Scio College Alliance, Ohio

Camma Pi 1 904, University of West Virginia Morgantown, W. Va.

Delta Alpha 1907, Case School of Applied Science Cleveland, Ohio

Delta Zeta 1909, Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio

Gamma Beta. Gamma Gcmn


. 1 898, Northwestern University E- anston, 111-

. 1895, Albion College Albion, Mich.

Lambda 1902, University of Wi;



Camma Mu.. Gamma Nu. . Gamma Rbo .

. I 902, University of Illinois Champaign, 111.

.1902. University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.

. 1895, Univereity of Chicago Chicago, III.

Delta Theta 1891, Lombard University Galesburg, 111.


Bela Mu 1 893, Iowa State University Iowa City, la.

Gamma Sigma 1904, Iowa Slate College Ames, la.

Gamma Tau 1 904, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn.

Delia Eta 1909, Un'versi'y of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb.


Nu 1884, Kan-.as State University Lawrence, Kan.

Rho 1 886, MisEO uri State Uni ersily Columbia, Mo.

Bela Xi 1894, William Jewell College Liberty, Mo.

Gamma Xi 1903, Missouri School of Mines Rolla, Mo.

Gamma Omicron 1 903, Washington University St. Louis, Mo.

Delta Epsilon 1 909, Oklahoma University Norman, Okla.

Beta Kappa 1913, Kansas S'ate Agricultural College Manhattan, Kans.


Upsilon 1886, University of Texas Au3t;n, Texas

Phi 1887, I oui:iana State University Baton Rouge, L a.

Beta Phi 1888, Tulane University New Orleans, L a

Gamma Upsilon 1904, University of Arkansas Fayelteville, Ark.


Gamma Eta 1901, Colorado School of Mines.

Gamma Kappa 1902, University of Colorado. . . .

. Goldei . Boulde

Page Imo hunjrej twe.it^




Camma Chi 18%, University of Washington Seattle, Wash.

Comma Zeta I 900, University of Oregon Eugene, Ore,

Camma Phi 1905, Uni- ersily of Montana Missoula, Mont.

Delia lo'M 1910, Washington Slate College Pulln-.an, Wash.

.Slanfo.d University P. O. Berkeley, Cal.


Beta Chi 1891, Leland Stanford Junior University.

Beta Fsi 1892, University of California


Pi 1834, Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pa.

Bzia Rho 1894, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa.

Camma Epsilon 1 900, Lafayette College Easton, Pa.

Camma Thela 1901, Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y.

Camma Psi 1906, Syracuse University Syracuse, N. Y.

Delia Delia 1 909, Pennsylvania State College State College P. O.

THIRTEENTH DIVISION Bela Bela 1890, DePauw University Greene

slle, Ind.

Bela Zela 1891, Purdue Uni ersity Lafayette,

Bela Ela 1 892, University of Indiana Bloomington,

Ind. Ind. Bela Ui:silon 1895, Rose Polytechnic Institute Terre Haute, Ind.


Beta Sigma 1 893, University of Vermont Burlinglon, Vt.

Camma Delta 1903. Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, N. J.

Delia Bela 1907, Dartmouth College Hanover, N. H.

Ddta Camma 1903, Columbia University New York City

Delta Lambda 1912, Brown University Providence, R. I.

D:lta Nu 1913, University of Maine Orono, Me.

Alumni Chapters

Des Moines, la. Louisville, Ky. Charlotte. N. C. Pueblo, Colo. Denver, Colo. Spokane, Wash. Wheeling, W. Va Atlanta, Ga. District of Colum Detroit, Mich. Chicago, III. Philadelphia, Pa.

Nashville, Tenn. Dallas, Texas. Los Angeles, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. New York City Salisbury, N. C. L exington, Ky. Minneapolis, Minn. Columbus, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Wilmington, N. C.-

Canton, Ohio Raleigh, N. C. Baton Rouge, La Seattle. Wash. Pine Bluff, Ark. Little Rock, Ark. Shelbyville, Ky. Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. Indianapolis, Ind. Birmingham, Ala.

Montgomery, Ala. Toleda, Ohio Portland, Ore. Pittsburg, Pa. Wilkinsburg, Pa. Kansas City, Mo. Columbia, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Milwaukee, Wis. Davenport, la. New Orleans, La

Pcge Iwo hundred twenty-one


P ^.


~^^&,^\W£^>lt' ^i^^####h - -1-^ i:i:MiMi5i^

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Page (roo hundred (mcn/jj-loo



Pi Kappa Alpha

In Faculty

Ds. John A. Lancfokd Dr. Robert A. Strong Prof. James Robert Prof. C. S. Williamson, Jr.

ACADEMIC Louis Lee Abbott, Jr.



Herbert W. Waguespack

Leander H. Perez Lionel Adams, Jr.


Lewis B. Leitch Ba<:cdkb H. Palmer

F. C. Luckett J. Wm. Butts

T. Jeff. McHuch Chas. K. Townsend

Page two hunJreJ /aen/u-Z/ir


iB ■iiiiMna li I •'iitinA


''^f /iy




if/ ^i



Alpha Universiy of Virginia. Comma William & Mary College. lota Hampden-Sidney College. Omicron Richmond College. Pi— Washington & Lee University.


Psi North Georgia Agricultural College. Alpha Delta Georgia School of Technologj Alpha Eia University of Stale of Florida. Alpha Mu University of Georgia.



Be/c— Davidson College.

EUi Tulane University.

Tau University of North Carolina.

Alpha Camma— Louisiana State University.

Alpha Alpha Trinity College.

Alpha /o/a— Millsaps College.

Alpha Epsilor.—HorXh Carolina A. & M. College.

Page i-aio humlrcj iwcnty-fu




Zcta Universiiy of Tennessee. Theta Southwestern Presbyterian University. Upsilon Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Alpha fi— Howard College.


Kcppa Transylvania University. Omega Kentucky Stale University. Alpha Lambda Georgetown College. Alpha Xi Universiiy of Cincinnati. Alpha Rho Ohio State University.

DISTRICT VII. Alpha Zeia University of Arkansas. Alpha A:appa— Missouri School of Mu Alpha Nu Universiiy of Missouri.


Alpha Omlcron Southwestern University.

DISTRICT IX. Alpha Sigma University of California. Alpha Tau University of Utah.


Alpha Upsilon— Nev, York University.

Page iTvo hundred Iwenl^-five

feM$/'^^i#fe^^ %^H^ig

Page (mo hundred /1i>c'm(--5IX

Beta Theta Pi

Founded 1839.


Installed 1903. Chapter House 1040 Audubon St.

In Faculty

Dr. Charles J. Bloom

Dr. Herbert W. Wade

Sumter D. Marks, Jr.

Active Members technology

RcEERT Porterfield Francis Mottram

Robert T. In-cram Jose Y. Yznaca

ACADEMIC Sumter D. Marks

LAW Garrett George E.mmet White


George W. Taylor Julius W. McCall.

Joseph E. Heard Tr.acey Gately

John G. McLaurin Marcy J. Lyons

Page tmo hunJreJ lnient\)-se\'cn






Roll of Chapters

Alpha— Miami University 1839

Beta Western Reserve University 1841

Bela Wu— Cincinnati University 1841

Beta Kappa— Ohio University 1841

Gamma— Washington- Jefferson College 1842

De//a— DePauw University 1 845

Pi— Indiana University 1 845

Lambda University of Michigan 1845

Tau— Wabash College 1846

Epsilon Central Univ. of Kentucky.

Kappa Brown University

Ela Beta Univ. of North Carolina.. Theta— Ohio Wesleyan University...

Iota Hanover College

Xi Knox College

Omicron University of Virginia

.1848 .1849 .1852 .1853 .1853 .1855 .1855

Phi Alpha— Davidson College 1858

Psi— Bethany College 1860

C/ii— Beloit College 1862

Alpha Beta University of Iowa 1866

Alpha Camma—Wittenburg College 1867

Alpha Delta Westminister College

Alpha Epsilon Iowa Wesleyan University

Alpha Rho University of Chicago

Alpha Zeta University of Denver

Beta Epsilon University of Syracuse. . . .

Alpha Omega Dartmouth College

Beta Pi University of Minnesota

Mu Epsilon Wesleyan University

Zeta P/ii— University of Missouri

Beta C/ii— Lehigh University

Phi C/ii— Yale University.

Alpha Sigma Leiand Stanford Jr. Univ..

Beta Psi Univ. of West Virginia

Beta Tau University of Colorado

i3c(a Sigma— Bowdoin College

Beta Omega Washington Slate Univ

Sigma Rbo University of Illinois


.1888 .1889 .1689 .1890 .1890 .1890 ,1891 .1892 .1894 .1900 .1900 ,1900 ,1901 ,1902

Beta A'/u— Purdue University 1902

Lambda Kappa Case School of Applied

Science 1905

Tau Sigma— Iowa S:ate College 1905

Theta Zeta Toronto University 1905

Camma P/ii— Uni ,-ersity of Oklahoma 1907

Beta Xi— Tulane University 1 903

Beta P/ii— Colorado School of Mines 1903

Bsia Pi University of Oregon 1 909

Alpha Eta Denison University 1863

Alpha Iota Washington University 1869

Alpha Lambda University of Wooster, , . .1872

Alpha Wu— University of Kansas 1672

Alpha Pi— University of Wisconsin 1873

Rho Northwestern University 1873

Alpha Sigma Dfckson College 1874

Upsilon Boston University 1 876

Alpha C/ii— Johns Hopkins University 1877

Omega— University of California 1879

Bzta Alpha— Kenyon College 1879

Beta Camma Rutgers College 1879

Beta Delta— ComeU University 1879

Sigma- Stevens Institute of Technology .... 1879

Beta Zeta-St. Lawrence University 1879

Beta Eta University of Maine 1879

Phi University of Pennsylvania 1880

Beta Theta Colgate University 1860

A'a— Union University 1881

Alpha Alpha— Colnmhia University 1881

Beta Iota— Amherst College 1683

Bela Lambda— Vanderhlh University 1884

Beta Omicron University of Texas 1835

Theta Delta— Ohio State University 1835

Alpha Tau- University of Nebraska 1883

Alpha Upsilon Pennsylvania State College. 1888

Camma Alpha South Dakota 1912

Camma Beta— Viah 1913

B:ta Psi— Mass. Inst. Technology 1913

Poge iTDo hundred tzi!ent\)-eight




Alumni Chapters

Rockford, III.

Canal Zone

Minneapolis, Minn.

Daylon, O.

Des Moncs.

Athens. O. Joliet,

Akron, O. Boise,

Aiken, S. C. Bos-.o

Albany. N. Y. N.

la. III.

Idaho n, Mas


Grand Rapids, M-.ca.

Anderson. Ind. Omaha,


Ashevllle, N. C. Nashville. Tenn.


n. Tex.





re. Md.


ria. 111.

Bluffton. ]

^nd. Detroit, Mich.

Portland, Ore


Ala. Danville, III.


jrtland. Me.

Buffalo, N. Y,

Denver, Colo.


Haven, Conn.

Burlington, la.

Dululh, Minn.


ew Orleans, La.

Cambridge, Mass.

Eugene, Ore.

Pendleton, Ore.

Charleston, S. C.

Butte, Mont.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Colorado Springs. Colo.

Chicago, 111.

Oklahoma City. Okla.

Cincinnati, O.

Columbia, Mo.

Providence. R. I.

Cleveland. O.

Galesburg. 111.

San Antonio. Tex.

Davenport, la.

Hamilton, O.

San Diego. Cal.

Charlotte, N. C.

Helena, Monl.

San Francisco. Cal.

Miami County. O.

Houston, Tex.

Sioux City, la.

Evansville, Ind.

Lincoln, Neb.

Spring.leld, 111.

Fort Smith, Ark.

Memphis, Tenn

Schenectady, N. Y.

Fort Wayne. Ind.

Pittsburg, Pa.

Santa Barbara. Cal.

Ft. Worth. Tex.

Richmond, Va.

Springfield. Mass.

Hartmouth, Conn.

Rochester. N. Y,

Terra Haute. Ind.

Indianapolis, Ind.

Spokane. Wash.

Springfield. O.

Kansas City, Mo. Seattle. Wash.


ing'.on. D. C.

La Fayette, 1

[nd. Worchesler, Mas:

s. Wheelin:

3, W. Va.


Ky. St. Louis. Mo.



ie, N. Y.

Los An

geles. Cal.




:hester. N. H.


gs'.own, O.


Iwaukee. Wis.




Montgomery, Ala.



Muskogee, Okla. C = l



Atlanta, Ca. Tulsa, Okh

- Aurora, 111. Toled

a, O.

Sedali, Mo.

Salt Lake City, U


Dallas, Tex.

Banger. Maine

St. Joseph, Mo

St. Paul, Minn.

Page iTpo huntlrej Iwenl'j-ninc


Page l-ao IninJrcJ llurtX)


Zeta Beta Tau

Founded in 1898.


Established In 1909.

Active Members academic

Herman Barnett Selim B. Lemle Walter Levy

Earl Wiener

Henry Schwartz

SlCMUND Katz Allen Wolf Victor Kiam Sidney Rods Charles Kauffman

Meyer H. Wolf Fred Rosenbaum

MEDICAL Benjamin Bashinski


Bertram R. Coleman

Edward Haspel

Robert Marx

Golden Leigh Levy

Page iwo hundred ihirl\)-one


-J ^-^-. " t/>^<' ^^ --^ y% ■^'?i /'%( ■c*^ ^\


Roll of Chapters

Alpha College of City of New York New York, N. Y.

Beta Long Island Hospital College Jersey City, N. J.

Gamma University and Bellevue H. M. College New York. N. Y.

DeZfa Columbia University New York, N. Y.

Epsilon New Yoik University New York, N. Y.

Theta University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa.

Kappa Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y.

Nu Boston University Boston, Mass.

Lambda Western Reserve University Cleveland, O.

Sigma Tulane University of Louisiana New Orleans, La.

Zeia Case School of Applied Science Cleveland, O.

Eia Union University Schenectady, N. Y.

Nu Ohio State University Columbus, O.

Omicron Syracuse University Syracuse. N. Y.

Xi Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston, Mass.

Pi Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, La.

Iota Brooklyn Polytechnic College Brooklyn, N. Y.

Tau Harvard University Cambridge. Mass.

Rho University of Illinois Urbana, 111.

Phi University of Michigan Arm Arbor. Mich.

Chi Uni ersity of California Berkeley, Cal.

Alumni Chapters

New York City

Pine Bluff. Ark.

Galves'.on. Tex.

Cleveland, Ohio Easfrran, Ca.

New Orleans, La.

Montgomery, Ala. Boston, Mass.

Philadelphia, Penn. Detroit, Mich.

Shrevepo."t, La.

Page livo hundred ihiriy-ljvo


Delta Omicron Alpha


Founded 1904.

In Faculty

Dr. Adolph Henriques Dr. Robert A. Strong

Active Members

C. W. Davidson New Orleans,

W. M. Barron Ackerman, Miss.

W. J. Baker Boyce. La.

H. C. LocHTE New Orleans, La.

J. D. Martin Cohnejveil, Tex.

L. A. Hebert Lake Arthur, La.

B. F. Frazier

C. A. Quina Mobile, Ala.

E. C. Hancock

W. W. Reynolds Mason, Ga.

W. O. Schutzman Baton Rouge, La.

F. W. Gardner Tupelo, Miss.

R. E. Delaho'jseaye Franklin,





Alumni Members

L. B. Allen Alexander City, Ala

M. L. Berry Monticello, Miss

W. S. Berry Presbyterian Hospital, New Orleans, La

R. B. Harrison New Orleans, La

R. M. Leigh Columbus, Miss

M. B. Moore Raven, Va

H. C. Roberts Coals, N. C

R. R. Ross San Antonio, Tex

J. T. Young Slaugbler, La

W. C. Johnson Canton. N. C

H. L. StafRING Lake Charles, La

J. O. Wails Norman, Okla

R. D. Powell Utica, Miss,

Louis M. Thompson Mandeville, Li

J. Fred Dunn, 806 Upperline St New Orleans, L.

Wm. H. San J . . .-. Jacksonville, Te:

Robt. a. Strong New Orleans, La.

Jos. S. Wood Hot Springs, Ark.

Iwo huuJretl lhirly-lhr2e

Puge /n.o /,„,-i,/rc.,/ ihlrly-fo


Jtay ' ^ -toy


H. Weston (Deceased) Bay St. Louis. Miss.

Lewis H. Marks Frankforl-on-Main, Germany

Troy Braussion Pollock, La.

Martin A. Rush Oak Grove, Miss. Garland D. Murphy Spearsville, La

Lanier O. Clinton Pollock. La. Elle M. Watts Texarkana, Tex

Charles C. Buchana Collins, Miss. Joseph Stams Bogalusa, La

Bennett Sartin Presbyterian Hospital, New Orleans, La

Harold J. Goxdoll New Orleans, La

Spencer A. Stanley Jennings, La

Robert B. Hays Helena, Ala

Leslie G. Smith Centreville, Miss

Ramon A. Oriol New Orleans, La

W. O. Williams Presbyterian Hospital, New Orleans, La,

Herbert L. Arnold Enipory, Miss,

Joe Raphiel Campti, La

David H. Sparks Piedmont. Ala

D. A. McKlNNON Mariana, Fla

Henry E. Grautreaux Covington, La

C. p. Holdreth, 802 Sixth St New Orleans, La

Howard Clarke, 156 W. 58ih St New York, N. Y

Adolph D. Henriques New Orleans, La

Leo H. Martin Hattiesburg, Miss

Joseph Thicpen Lake Como. Miss

E. Frank StreauD. 408 Theater Bldg Houston. Tex.

Eris E. GuilbeaU Carencro. La.

E. M. Robards New Orleans. La.

Roy DeLisle Wilson Houston. Tex.

Russell R. Welch Sitka. Miss.

George W. Faivre. 2916 Laurel St.

J. T. Boyd Summit. Miss.

Richard H. Moers Houston, Tex.

J. William Reaves Woodbine. Ala.

D. T. Lancston Oakvale. Miss.

G. C. Terrell Terrell. Miss.

Virgil Dark Alexander City, Ala.

S. W. Fry Denton, Te:

B. A. McClelland Opelousas, L,

John M. Smith Summit, Mis

J. S. Davis Bloomington, Tex

New Orleans, La

B. J. Cole Farmersville, La

J. O. Thomas Colhns, Miss

Roy R. Longing Sulphur Springs, Tex

C. E. Tynes Norfield, Miss,

L. C. Davis Daleville, Mis

W. E. Miller Mt. Herman, L;

Roll of Chapters

Alpha Tulane University New Orleans, La

Be/a— College of Physicians and Surgeons New York, N. Y

Camma University of Tennessee College of Medicine Memphis, Tenn

Delia Medical Department Baylor Uni". ersity Dallas, Te:

Epsilon University of Alabama Mobile, Al,

Zela Birmingham Medical College Birmingham, Al,

Ela Medical Department Lexon Christian University Ft. Worth, Te

r/.e(a— Medical Department of Valparaiso University Chicago. II

Page two hundred ihirly-five

;"^i'-^ ^'■^


/'ogc /mo hundred ihirlxi-six

Alpha Kappa Kappa


FoundeJ 1688. Establish=d 1933.

George W. Wallace, M.D. A. L. Metz, M.D. Allen Jumel, M.D. Herman B. Gessner, M.D. Oliver R. Pathier, M.D. J. F. Oeechner, M.D. Henry Bayon, M.D. S. O. Deloup, M.D.

T. B. Bird

R. A. CO-'<BL\


M. J. Lyons D. F. M.WHL4S R. A. Paine

B. H. Palmer J. W. Spearing

Honorary Members

C. S. Lewis, M.D. H. S. Lewis, M.D. Maeion Sanchon, M.D. L. B. Crawfcrd, M.D. G. S. Brown, M.D. S. W. Stafford, M.D.

p. \v. bohne, m.d. Active Members

P. E. Werlein



T. R. Vandivere G. W. Wright Enoch Calloway B. R. Henincer Adam Montague Ekile Naef

Allen E. Maise, M.D. C. N. Chavigny, M.D. Randall Hunt, M.D. Frank C. Shute, M.D. Ceorce W. Wallace, M.D. P. B. Salatick, M.D . C. J. Sandfried, M.D. O. W. Bethea, M.D.

N. D. Abell B. C. Credille


Allan Martin E. L. Flippin E. L. Irwin O. G. McXenzie Chas. Brown

Pagz inio hundred thirl^-sevcn

..:^.,Vt' ,^:



Roll of Chapters

Alpha Dartmouth College, Medical Dept Hanover, N. H

Beta College of Physicians and Surgeons San Francisco, Cal.

Camma Tufts Medical School Boston. Mass

Delta University of Vermont, Medical Dept Burlington, Vt

Epsilon Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, Penn

Zeta L. I. College Hospital Medical School Brooklyn, N. Y

Rta College of Physicians and Surgeons Chicago, 111

Theta Maine Medical School, Bowdoin College Brunswick, Maine

Iota University of Syracuse, Medical Depat Syracuse, N. Y

Kappa Marquette University, Medical Dept Milwaukee, Wis

Lambda Cornell University, Medical Dept New York City

Mu University of Pennsylvania, Medical Dept Philadelphia, Penn,

Nu Rush Medical College Chicago, 111.

Xi Northwestern University, Medical Dept Chicago, III

Omicron University of Cincinnati, Medical Dept Cincinnati, Ohio

Pi : Starling-Ohio, Medical University Columbus, Ohio

Rho Denver and Gross Medical College Denver, Co

Sigma University of California, Medical Dept San Francisco, Cal

Upsilon University of Oregon, Medical Dept Portland. Ore

Phi Univ. of Tennessee and Univ. of Nashville, Med. Dept.. . .Nashville, Tenn

Chi Vanderbilt University, Medical Dept Nashville, Tenn

Psi University of Minnesota, Medical Dept Minneapolis, Minn

Omega Univ. of Tennessee and Univ. of Nashville, Med. Dept.. . .Nashville, Tenn

Alpha Beta Tulane University, Medical Department New Orleans, La

Alpha Camma University of Georgia, Medical Dept Augusta, Ga

Alpha Delta McGill University, Medical Dept Montreal, P. Q

Alpha Epsiton University of Toronto, Medical Dept Toronto, Can

Alpha Zeta George Washington University, Medical Dept Washington, D. C.

Alpha Eta Yale Medical School New Haven, Conn

Alpha Theta University of Texas, Medical Dept Galveston, Texas

Alpha Iota University of Michigan, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery. .Ann Arbor, Mich

Alpha Kappa University College of Medicine Richmond, Va

Alpha Lambda South Carolma Medical College Charleston, S. C

Alpha Mu .St. Louis University St. Louis. Mo

Alpha Nu University of Louisville. Medical Dept Louisville, Ky

Alpha Xi Western Reserve University. Medical Dept Cleveland. Ohic

Alpha Omicron University Medical College Kansas City, Mo

Alpha Pi University of Pittsburg, Medical Dept Pittsburg, Pa

Page two hundred thirty-eight


Phi Chi


Organized 1907.

In Faculty

Prof. C. J. Miller

Prof. John B. Elliot, Jr.

Prof. S. M. D. Clark

Prof. E. D. Fenner

Prof. C. C. Bass

Prof. J. T. Halsey Prof. M. J. Couret Prof. Joseph Hume Prof. George Bel Prof. R. B. Bean

Dr.L.R.DeBuys Dr. M. J. Gelpi

Dr. J. A. Lanford Dr. W. D. Phillips

Dr. Victor C. Smith Dr. Edw. W. Mahler

Dr. C. W. Allen Dr. H. W. Harris

Dr. W. H. Kostmayer Dr. S. M. Blackshear

Dr. Samuel Logan Dr. Allen C. Eustis Dr. G. King Logan


Dr. F. J. Craddock

Dr. J. W. Turner

Dr. a. G. McHenry Dr. J. E. Furr

Dr. J. F. Dicks Dr. W O. D. Jones Dr. Maxwell Moody Dr. T. J. Fleming

Dr. W. a. D. James, Jr.


Claud Dean

R. E. Graham L. B. Leitch

N. W. Sentell

J. H. Galloway, Jr. P. Y. Donald

L. W. Holloway John Shahan


R. B. Harper B. J. Wise J. A. Speight J. F. Baldwin W. W. Burns" R. N. Humphreys L. E. Cooper

A. H. Gladden, Jr. T. T. Batson


T. T. Gately Samuel Weaver

J. P. Jones U. W. Giles

R. M. Moose J. R. Chisolm

G. H. Coleman W. P. McCrossin

J. N. Gage A. B. Marett

F. L. Fenno C. C. Randall

C. H. Savage Chas. W. Barrier

J. M. Singleton, Jr. J. B. Dicks

Pa%c two hundred ihirly-nh


mil 1 iiiimiiiw iiiinihiiil mfiwiiniiiii iialiiiiililiiLiiLiiiLLiiiiiMmiMim


Page tn>o h^indreJ fori))

,5s/^ ^3


Roll of Chapters

A Ipha University of Vermont Burlington, Vt.

Zeia University of Texas Galveston, Tex.

Eia Medical College of Virginia Richmond, Va.

Theta University College of Medicine Richmond, Va.

Iota University of Alabama Mobile, Ala.

Lambda University of Pittsburg Pittsburg, Pa.

Mu Indiana University Medical School Indianapolis, Ind.

Xi Texas Christian University Ft. Worth, Tex.

Omicron Tulane University New Orleans, La.

Pi Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tenn.

Rho University of Chicago Chicago. III.

.Sigma College of Physician; and Surgeons Atlanta, Ga.

Tau Upsi Chi


University of South Carolina Charleston, S. C.

Atlanta Medical College Atlanta, Ga.

Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, Pa.

George Washington University Washington, D. C.

Fsi University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.

A Ipha A Ipha University of Louisville Louisville, Ky.

Alpha Thela Western Reserve Cleveland, O.

Bela Beta Baltimore Medical College Baltimore, Md.

Camma Ccmma Bowdoin College Brunswick, Me.

Delta Delta College of Physicians and Surgeons Baltimore, Md.

Kappa A Ipha Kappa Georgetown University Georgetown, D. C.

Sigma Theta University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, N. C.

Chi Theta Chirurgical College Philadelphia, Pa.

Pi Delta Phi University of California Lo; Angeles, Cal.

Upsilon Pi University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa.

Phi Sigma Chicago College of Medical Surgery Chicago, Hi.

University Chicago, Ill- Illinois Chicago, 111.

Iota Pi University of Southern California Los Angeles, Cal,

Kappa Delta JoSns Hopkins Baltimore, Md,

Thela Upsilon Tempje University Philadelphia, Pa.

Alpha Mu Indiana University Bloomington, Ind.

Phi Rho St. Louis University St. Louis, Mo.

Psi Rho Sigma NortKwestern

Phi Bela University of

Page too hundred forty-o






-<^^^--fW^^ ^-^-


CH\ ^^ CHI


Page /mo hundred forl^-livo

Chi Zeta Chi

Founded at the University of Georgia. 1903.


Chartered at Tulane, 1906.

P. B. Gardner P. J. Miller B. S. Wheat


J. p. Israel A. Johnson S. O. Wall

W. R. Knolle S. E. Knolle H. R. Smith



M. C. Garner J. R. Pharr Jarrell

burchfield Alexander

P. Z. Brown K. A. Roy

A. M. C. Jobson W. H. Beddon


W. Owen

F. Clark

Page Irvo bundrcil forty-three



Roll of Chapters

Alpha University of Maryland Baltimore, Md.

Beta College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia Univ.) New York City

Delia University of Maryland Baltimore, Md.

Epsilon College of Physicians and Surgeons Atlanta, Ga.

Zeia Baltimore Medical College Baltimore, Md.

Thela Vanderbill University Nashville, Tenn.

Kappa Atlanta School of Medicine Atlanta, Ga.

Lambda Memphis University Memphis, Tenn.

Mu Tulane University of Louisiana New Orleans, La.

/Vu University of Arkansas Little Rock, Ark.

X; St. Louis University St. Louis, Mo.

Omicron Washington University St. Louis, Mo.

Pi College of Physicians and Surgeons .Chicago, 111.

R/io College of Physicians and Surgeons Baltimore, Md.

Sigma George Washington University Washington, D. C.

Tau Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, Pa.

Upsilon Fordham University New Yo;-k City

Chi Long Island Medical College Brooklyn, N. Y.

Phi Lincoln University Knoxville, Tenn.

Psi Medical College of Virginia Richmond, Va.

Omega Birmingham Medical College Birmingham, Ala.

Page Ino hundiCLl fortv-fom

Phi Beta Pi

Founded at Western Pennsylvania Medical College, March 10, 1891.


InstalieJ 1907.

In Faculty

M. Earl Brown, M.D. Homer Dupuy, M.D. J. Frank Points, M.D.

Alfred A. Kelleu, M.D. GusTAF Mann, M.D. Jay T. Nix, M.D.

Henry W. E. Walther, M.D. Alumni Members

C. C. DeGravellae, M.D. Chas. B. Aikin, M.D. Chester C. Box, M.D. Carlos V. Coello, M.D. John B. LaCivin, M.D. Louis Perrillatt, M.D. Tl'ton a. Gunn, M.D. Fred C. Rowell, M.D. Harold G. F. Edwards, M.D. Edwakd O. Trohan, M.D.

James A. Kyser, M.D. Jno. E. Lawton, M.D. Western P. Miller, M.D. Francis Facet G. F. Rolling, M.D. Chas. E. Gibbs, M.D. H. G. H. Spurrell, M.D. Geo. E. Stovall, M.D. John A. Watkins, M.D. John W. Brandon, Jr., M.D. Jam:s B. Larose, M.D.

H. J. Danterine, M.D. I EOMDAs B. Faulk, M.D. P.«rick C. Flemminc, M.D. H. W. RoELiNC, M.D. W. S. Hearing, M.D.


Fred C. Stockton, M.D. James E. Wallace, M.D. Camille p. Brown, M.D. Edmond N. Landry, M.D. Covert B. Cooper, M.D. Evans S. Cornell, M.D. Amcs H. Fortner, M.D. Bud H. Higdon, M.D. J. Hugh Kyzar, M.D. Paul T. Landry, M.D. Walter P. Lambeth, M.D. Chas. A. McWilliams, M.D.

James C. Walker, M.D. John M. Walker, M.D. Marcel J. DeMahay, M.D.

Active Members

C. B. Mitchell

E. M. McKensie

V. K. Allen H. F. Magee

W. E. Barker J. J. Irwin

H. S. Brown K. J. Kinkead

S. F. Brand O. B. Keil

G. R. Beridon Geo. A. Mayers

J. W. Butts G. M. Jones

W. Evans H. L. Gardiner

J. W. Faulk S. B. Lyons

/n.0 hundred forty-fiv:


-^i^Fw^-^^ -A

fe^.\;-^y4;fi -^^fi^f^i#l M^^m



Page /tto huntlrci! forl^-si:


.-^ . r ' ^ I



r«--7 ,Y^~-oH




C. Faulk V. H. FucHS J. R. Morgan E. L. Majors W. A. Rogers

E. F. McCall V. W. Maxwell F. S. Tarlton W. B. Terhune J. S. Stell

A. G. Touchstone


Roll of Chapters

Alpha University of Pittsburg Pittsburg, Pa.

Beta University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.

Delia Rush Medical College Chicago, 111.

Zeia Baltimore College of Physicians & Surgeons Baltimore, Md.

Ela Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, Pa.

Theia Northwestern University Medical College Chicago, 111.

Iota .University of Illinois Chicago, 111.

Kappa Detroit College of Medicine Detroit, Mich.

Lambda St. Louis University St. Louis, Mo.

Mu Washington University St. Louis, Mo.

ti University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn.

Owicron Perdue University Indianapolis, Ind.

Pi University Iowa Iowa City, la.

Rho Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tenn.

Sigma University of Alabama Mobile, Ala.

Tau University of Missouri Columbia, Mo.

Chi Georgetown University Washington, D. C.

Alpha Alpha John A. Creighton University Omaha, Neb.

Alpha Beta Tulane University New Orleans, La.

Alpha Gamma Syracuse University Syracuse, N. Y.

Alpha Delta Medico-Chirugical College Philadelphia, Pa.

Alpha Epsilon Marguette University Milwaukee, Wis.

Alpha Zeta University School of Medicine Bloomington, Ind.

Alpha Eta University of Virginia Norfolk, Va.

Alpha Iota University of Kansas Lawrence, Kan.

Alpha Kappa University of Texas Galveston, Tex.

Alpha Lambda University of Oklahoma Norman, Okla.

Alpha Mu University of Louisville Lousiville, Ky.

Alpha Na University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah

Alpha Xi Harvard University Brookline, Mass.

Alpha Omicron Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Md.

Phi Psi Medical College of Virginia Richmond, Va.

Nu -. University Medical College Kansas City, Mo.

Upsilon Ohio Wesleyan University Columbia, Mo.

Alpha Theta Leland Stanford, Jr., University San Francisco, Cal

Omega University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa

Page two hundred fort^-seve



li''Ml?tj3& ^

Page Imo hundred fori- -eight

Kappa Psi


Founded May 30, 1879.

Active Members

C. W. Arrendell C. A. Blrgheim G. B. Collier W. H. Cressy F. B. Davis

C. E. Gakratt J. W. Garrett F. E. Harrison F. A. Howell T. V. Jennings C. M. Kent


K. F. Kesmodel M. Lafi.eur R. L. Maness J. H. Mitchell J. P. McCluskey T. J. McHuGH J. W. McKee, Jr. J. G. McLaurin B. K. Parrish J. H. Park, Jr. G. A. Ramsey

W. V. King L. P. Player

V. P. R-xN DCLP H L. W. \VlLLI.<5

Faculty Members


F. M. Johns, M.D. J. E. Landry, M.D. H. E. Menage, M.D.

P. A. McIlhenny, M.D. J. H. Page, M.D. C. H. Rice, M.D.

Interne Members c. j. bordenave, m.d. B. C. Garrett, M.D. G. J. Hover, M.D. T. J. Kirn, M.D. W. A. Reed, M.D. T. B. Sellers, M.D. H. V. Van Sch.aik, M.D.

Executive Chapter

Grand Gouncil

.Wilminoton, Del.

Collegiate Chapters

Philadelphia New York. Baltimore.. .


Philadelphia, Pa.

New York, N. Y.

Bahimore, Md.

Birmingham, Ala.

San Francisco

Chicago Chicago, 111.

Boston Boston, Mass.

Albany Albany, N. Y.

Providence Providence, R. I.

San Francisco, Gal.

Pi gc lao hunilrcci furly-wm-


Roll of Chapters

. Medical College of Virginia Richmond, Va.

. Columbia University New York, N. Y.

. University of Maryland Balitmore, Md.

. Maryland Medical College Baltimore, Md.





Zeta Georgetown University Washington, D. C.

Eta Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Philadelphia, Pa.

Theta (Old) Medical College of Virginia Richmond, Va.

(Charter revoked 1906).

lota University of Alabama Mobile, Ala.

Kappa Birmingham Medical College and Graduate School . . Birmingham, Ala.

(University of Alabama).

Lambda Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tenn.

Mu Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Boston, Mass.

/Vu Medical College of South Carolina Charleston, S. C.

Xi University of West Virginia Morgantown, W. Va.

Omicron Universities of Nashville, Tenn Nashville, Tenn.

(School discontinued 1912 Chapter absorbed by Lambda).

Pi Tulane University New Orleans, La.

Rho Atlanta Medical College Atlanta, Ga.

Sigma , Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons Baltimore, Md.

Tau University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Ala.

(Preclinic School discontinued Chapter absorbed by Iota 1912)

Upsilon Louisville College of Pharmacy Louisville, Ky.

Phi Northwestern University Chicago, III.

Chi University of Illinois Chicago, III.

Psi Baylor University Dallas, Texas

Omega Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas.

Beta Beta Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio

Beta Gamma University of California San Francisco, Cal.

Beta Delta Union University Albany, N. Y.

Beta Epsilon Rhode Island College of P. and A. S Providence, R. I.

Beta Zeta Oregon State College Corvallis, Ore.

Beta Eta Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, Pa.

Beta Theta University of Tennessee Memphis, Tenn.

Beta lota North Pacific College Portland, Ore.

Beta Kappa University of Pittsburgh Pittsburg, Pa.

Beta Lambda George Washington University Washington, D. C.

Beta Mu University of Louisville Louisville, Ky.

Page two hundred fift^




Founded in 1882 at the University of Michigan.


Instituted 1910.

In Faculty

Dr. Charles Warren Duval Dr. H. Windsor Wade

Prof. Irving Hardesty Dr. Waldemar R. Metz

Dr. John Smyth, Jp Dr. Paul King Rand

Hospital Internes

John McKowen Charles James Bloom Warren Fielding Scott

Herbert Leo Barbour

William Edmond Moreland George Washington Taylor Mildred Lusk Oliver Joseph Eugene Heard

Julius Watkins McCall

Octave Charles Cassegrain Harry Vernon Sims

Active Members

Covington Hardy Sharp Thomas Joseph Kirwin John Galbraith Pratt George Eason Blue

James Clinton Willis, Jr. Samuel Dana Henderson LuciEN Amaron Le Doux, Jr. Charles L. Seeman Edwin Frank

Page lao hundred fift\)-one


Pcge tmo hundred fift\/-ti»o



Roll of Chapters

Alpha University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.

Beta Detroit College of Medicine Detroit, Mich.

Delia University of Pittsburg Pittsburg, Pa.

Epsilon University of Minnesota MinneapoHs, Minn.

Zeia Northwestern University Chicago, III.

Ela College of Physicians and Surgeons (University of Illinois) .Chicago, 111.

Theta Medical College of Ohio (University of Cincinnati) . . . .Cincinnati, O.

Iota College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia University) . . New York

Kappa Rush Medical College Chicago, 111.

Lambda University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa.

Mu Syracuse University Syracuse, N. Y.

Xr University of Bellevue Hospital Medical College New York

Omicron Albany Medical College Albany, N. Y.

Alpha Kappa Phi Washington University St. Louis, Mo.

Rho Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, Pa.

Sigma Western Reserve University Cleveland, O.

Tau Cornell University New York and Ithaca

Upsilon Cooper Medical College (Leland Stanford Univ.) .San Francisco, Cal.

Phi University of California San Francisco, Cal.

Chi University of Toronto Toronto, Can.

Pi Mu University of Virginia Charlottsville, Va.

Beta Alpha University of Maryland Baltimore, Md.

Bela Beta Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Md.

/. C. / University of Buffalo Buffalo, N. Y.

Beta Delta University of Iowa Iowa City, la.

Beta Epsilon University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb.

Delta Epsilon Iota Yale University New Haven, Conn.

Beta Eta University of Indiana Bloomington, Ind.

Beta Theta University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans.

Beta Iota Tulane University New Orleans, La.

Beta Kappa Harvard University Cambridge, Mass.

Page lao hundred fifty-three



page (mo hundred fifiy-four

Psi Omega


In Faculty A. G. Friecrichs, M.D., D.D.S. E. L. Fortier, D.D.S.

H. P. Magruder, D.D.S. B. L. Gore. D.D.S.

P. DeVerges, D.D.S. A. A. Leefe, D.D.S.

E. B. DucAssE, D.D.S. J. M. Garcia, D.D.S.

Active Members


R. O. Bruton

C. G. Caelleteau Geo. B. Crozat

S. B. Darracott Chas. Dugas L. Dupuy L. G. Fleming C. F. Goodman F. T. Lewis J. E. Loupe

C. L. O'Neil

G. J Reiley C. E. Simon


Page Iwu IwnJrcil fifh, l,\,c


Roll of Chapters

Alpha Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Baltimore, Md.

Bcia New York College of Dentistry New York, N. Y.

Camma Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery Philadelphia, Pa.

Delta Tufts Dental College Boston, Mass.

Epsilon Western Reserve University Cleveland, O.

Zela University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa.

Ela Philadelphia Dental College '. Philadelphia, Pa.

Theta University of Buffalo Buffalo, N. Y.

lola Northwestern University Chicago, III.

Kappa Chicago College of Denial Surgery Chicago, 111.

Lambda University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn.

Mu University of Denver Denver, Colo.

Nu Pittsburg Dental College Pittsburg, Pa.

Xi Marquette University Milwaukee, Wis.

Mu Delta Harvard University Dental School Boston, Mass.

Omicron Louisville College of Dental Surgery Louisville, Ky.

Pi Baltimore Medical College Dental Department Baltimore, Md.

Beta Sigma Col. of Physicians and Surgeons (Dental Dept.) . . .San Francisco, Cal.

Rho Ohio College of Dental Surgery Cincinnati. O.

Sigma Medico-Chirurgical College Philadelphia, Pa.

Tau Atlanta Dental College Atlanta, Ga.

Upsilon University of Southern California Los Angeles, Cal.

Phi University of Maryland Baltimore, Md.

Chi North Pacific Dental College Portland, Ore.

Psi Starling, Ohio Medical University College Starling, O.

Omega Indiana Dental College Indianapolis, Ind.

Beta Alpha University of Illinois Chicago, 111.

Beta Camma George Washington University Washington, D. C.

Beta Delta University of California San Francisco, Cal.

Beta Epsilon N. O. Col. of Dentistry (Dental Dept. Tulane University

of Louisiana) New Orleans, La.

Beta Zeta St. Louis Dental College St. Louis, Mo.

Beta Eta Keokuk Denial College Keokuk, Ind.

Beta Theta Georgetown University Washington, D. C.

Camma Iota Southern Dental College Atlanta, Ga.

Camma Kappa University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.

Camma Lambda College of Dental and Oral Surgery of N. Y New York, N. Y.

Camma Mu University of Iowa Iowa City, la.

Camma Nu Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tenn.

Camma Xi University College of Medicine Richmond, Va.

Camma Omicron Medical College of Virginia Richmond, Va.

Page two humlreJ fift\)-.


Gamma Pi Washington University Dental College St. Louis, Mo.

Delta Rho Kansas Cily Dental College Kansas City, Mo.

Delta Tau Wisconsin College for Physicians and Surgeons Milwaukee, Wis.

Alumni Chapters

New York Alumni Chapter New York City

Duquesne Alumni Chapter Pittsburg, Pa.

Minnesota Alumni Chapter Minneapolis, Minn.

Chicago Alumni Chapter Chicago, III.

Boston Alumni Chapter Boston, Mass.

Philadelphia Alumni Chapter Philadelphia, Pa.

New Orleans Alumni Chapter New Orleans, La.

Los Angeles Alumni Chapter Los Angeles, Cal.

Cleveland Alumni Chapter Cleveland, O.

Sealth Alumni Chapter Seattle, Wash.

Portsmouth Alumni Chapter Portsmouth, O.

Connecticut State Alumni Chapter

Iowa State Alumni Chapter Iowa City, la.

New Jersey State Alumni Chapter

San Francisco Alumni Chapter San Francisco, Cal.

Multnomah Alumni Chapter Portland, Ore.

District of Columbia .'Mumni Chapter Washington, D. C.

Ohio State Alumni Chapter

Anthracite Alumni Chapter Wilkesbarre and Scranton, Pa.

Atlanta Alumni Chapter Atlanta, Ga.

Buffalo Alumni Chapter Buffalo, N. Y

Page lao hundred fift^-ieven

^ '^V ^^

.■Vi if II il

Pagi: (wo hundred fifl\)-eilhi


iiT^iTii ^^'^ " ' >■ inn fWit I iiilM^T^wiiiiil MMiWhi^tiifiniiii



Phi Delta Phi


Established December 28, 1911.

In Faculty

Dudley O. McGovney Elliott J. Northup

Active Members



Jared Young Sanders. Jr. Walter Joseph Suthon Herbert Wilhelm Wacuespack

JUNIORS Edmund Blanc Glenny Wear Francis Milling Sidney Manuel Oriol Nugent Beverly Vairin, Jr.

FRESHMEN Charlton Harvard Lyons Sumter Davis Marks, Jr.

William Henderson Norman

Page iTvo bunJrcJ jiflv-nii.e


KallinKer r.aw Depaitment Washington Uni- versity—1907.

Bealty Law Department University of Soutli- ern California 1907.

Benjamin Law Department Illinois "Wesleyan University 187S.

Booth Law Department Northwestern Univer-

of Call

Ranne.v Law Department ■V\"estern Reserve Uni-

versitj 1901.

Reed Law Department University of Maine

1908. Roberts Law Department University of Texas

Brewer Law Departmen 1902.

t Denver University-


as Law De —1909.

Chase Law Department 1S91.

University of Oregon


.V Law Dep; 1S81.

Conistofk Law Departme 1S99.

■nt Syracuse University


n— Law Depi -1893.

-1909. Law Department Pittsburg Uni'


It Columbia University rit Ohio State University

Buffalo University- Dillon Law- Department University of I\Iinne- sota— 1891.

Douglas Law Department University of Chi- cago— 1903.

Dwisht— New Yorlc Law School 1899.

Evarts Brooklyn Law School St. Lawrence Uni- versity— 1907.

Field Law Department New York University 1887.

Foster Law Department Indiana University 1900.

Fuller- Chicago Kent College of Law— 1896.

Gibson Law Department University of Penns>'l- vania 1886.

Green Law Department University of Kansas 1897.

Hamilton Law Department University of Cin- cinnati— 1886.

Harlan Law Department University of Wis- consin— 1891.

Jay .\lbany Law School Union University ISSl.

Kent Law Department University of ^lichigan 1869.



:ity of Nebr

Lineoln Law Department Uni-

ka 1895. AlrClaiu Law Department University of low

1893. Malone Law Department Vanderbilt Univers

ty 1907. Marshall Law Department George Washingto

X.-niversity— ISS-!. Miller Law Department Stanford Universlty-

1897. Minor Law Department University of Virgini

1890. OsKoodf Law School of Upper Canada 1896.

rado 1907.

Tiedeman Law Department University of Mis- souri— 1890.

Tucker Law Department Washington and Lee University 1908.

■n'aite Law Department Tale University 1887.

Webster Law Department Boston University 1SS5.


Brookl.vn (1907) William T. Halleek. Secre- tary. 189 Montague St., Brooklyn. X. T.

Buffalo (1907) A. G. Bartholomew. Secretary. Prudential Building. Buffalo. N. T.

Chicago (1892) Victor E. Brown, Secretary. Corn Exchange Nat, Bank Bldg.. Chicago.

Cleveland (1907) J. C. Barkley. Secretaiy. Cit- izens Building, Cleveland. Ohio.

Denver (1906) Ernest L. Rhoades. Secretary. Colorado Building. Denver, Colo.

Kansas City (1897) Elmer N. Powell. N. T. Life Building. Kansas City. Mo.

New York (1S90) Charles Floyd. Secretary, 53 Broadway. New Tork City.

Oklahoma City (1908) Oliver C. Black. Secre- tary 200i,i W. Main St.. Oklahoma City.

Philadelphia (1906)— Maylin .1. Pickering. Presi- dent. 1628 Land Title Bldg.. Philadelphia.

Portland (1903) James M. Ambrose. Secretary. Diamond Brick Co.. Portland. Ore.

Rirhmond (1909) William 'W. Crump. Secre- tary. American National Bank Building, Richr

nd, Va

St. I,o


San Francisco (1889) Thomas Allen P President. Mills Building, San Fran

Tacoma (1908) Hugo Metzler. Secretar Bernice Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash.

Page lao hundred sixiv.

Did You Know?

HAT three of our most Renowned students have returned to College this year to take up "Post ? ? ? ?" Graduate work viz.. Bob T., Sleepy Dick, and Reggie.

That Hold-Up Jones was caught selling his photographs to the inno- cent inhabitants of his native hamlet after that little incident in the Park?

That Dr. Dixon was pleased to read the Yellow Journal Edition of Weekly? No? Well, neither did any one else.

That Bob Marx had a moustache? Well, if you look real hard, you will see that that is not dirt on his upper lip, as you may have suspected.

That Al. Carter was the hardest worker in College and that he could never be found outside of the classrooms or the Library? No, I guess that you did not and next time you must observe more closely.

That moving pictures had been taken of that wonderful cabaret show that Newcomb gave and will be shown in the chapel during commencement week? (We expect a very large audience, to say the least.)

That Dean Creighton now allows smoking in the Engineering Building and that the students therein can make all the noise that they want without being interrupted by the Dean? If you did not know it, just read the signs in the building.

Page lao liunjreil sixty-


[■■iiiiHiiiiiBiiinfeliii iWiiii I iTi il'iTilll ii' ■'" ii'ii' I liiM»iwwiiin1iniiiiii iiiiiTi ii iii HMiilli iiiiii iM


/'ugi- /liM) hiiiuln;.! sij/v-'""'

^^ JA^f BAL-AyA>, ,..,

Alpha Mu Sigma

Founded at Tulane University School of Medicine, November, 1907.


Colors: Purple and White. FloTver: Violet.

Active Members

Edw. K. Hirsch S. S. Schochet

A. Mattes M. S. Rosenthal

J. S. Rosenthal D. N. Silverman

Edward Levy J. E. Isaacson

Ben Bashinski G. R. Gerson

M. F. Meyer Jonas Rosenthal

In Faculty

Marcus Feincold Solon G. Wilson

Isidore Cohn

Alfred Jacoby Sidney K. Simon

In Urbe

Meyer Newhauser Julian G. Hirsch

Simon J. Rosenthal Simon Geismar

Emile Bloch Alvin W. Strauss

David Adiger Ernest C. Samuel Adolph Jacobs

Page Iwo hundred sixl^-lhre<;

^fc^^ #

Kappa Delta Phi

(Founded at the Academic Department of Tulane University of Louisiana, January 13, 1904). Junior-Senior Society Organized for the Promotion of College Spirit.

Active Members

E. B. Glenny


G. W. Taylor J. J. Devlin

N. B. Vairin

H. L. Barnett

B. R. Coleman S. D. Marks

D. I. Garrett

C. S. Goodsen S. S. Morris


R. J. Weinmann P. P. Werlein

W. G. Woodward B. H. Grehan


R. K. MuNN

R. T. Ingram

Page in>o hundred sixl^-four


->.■. -.^'-^i^-^^^rl

iS ^P! ^a ^^ MS

M fm fm fm

Student Organizations

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ W^M ¥^M W^M W)^^ P)^^

Page lao hunJrei! sixl\)-seven

Tuge /mo /mH,//o/ j.^ljj-f.i;/!/


Board of Editors 1914 Jambalaya

John J. Devlin .... Edilor-in-Chief

Gladys Gibbens Newcomb Editor

Leander Perez Lam Editor

Luther Holloway Medical Editor

Alice Charlton .Art Editor

Gilbert J. FortieR . -. ' General Business Manager

William A. West Assistant Business Manager

Elizabeth Wisner . . . Nemcomh Business Manager



Junior S. Sefesth. Krumplemann

Sophomore . E. Morris

Freshmen J. HoFFMAN


Third Yecr Bert Coleman

Second Year W. E. Penick

First Year Legard;


Senior LuTHER Holloway

Junior Vernard Simms

Sophomore Chisolm

Freshmen Singleton


Senior Bacigalupi

Junior Black

Freshman A. Porte:?


Senior M. Snyder, Angie McLees

Junior Isabelle Lund

Sophomore Dronysia de la Cruz

Freshman Adele Drouet

School of Music Helen Sanders

School of Education . , , Katherine Hoffman

Pc7ge tao hundred s:xt\j-nii



Page two hundred sevenly

The Tulane Weekly

Editorial Staff

SuMPTER D. Marks, '14 Edilor-in-Chief

R. K. MuNN, '15 Managing Editor

Rudolph J. Weinmann, '14

B. Palmer Davidson, '15

■W. A. 'West, '16

Carl Ellsworth Woodward, '16

Gus 'Wakeman. '15

Julius S. Hoffman, '17

E. D. Saunders, Jr., '17


N. H. Clement, '14

Golden L. Levy, '15

G. 'Washington Booth, Jr., '16


Miss Irene Miller, '14

Managing Editress

Miss Gladys Eustis, '14

Assistant Business Manager

Miss Ruth Eldredce. '14

Miss Hathaway Gibbens, '15

Miss Sarah Roach, '16

Miss Myrtle Steinau. '17


W. E. "Walton


E. L. Irwin, '17 J. E. Isaacson, '18

Alumni Henri Wolbrette, '12

School of Music

Miss July Breazeale

School of Art

Miss Lillian Smith

Business Board

William B. Monroe Manager

Assistant Business Managers

Charles Stewart

Department of Technology)

Max Schaumburger

Arts and Sciences

Garrett L. George

LaTD Department

Page trpo hundred


Newcomb Arcade Board

Eleanor Luzenberg, '14 . . Edilor-in-Chief

Irene Miller, '14 ... . Managing Editor

Edna Kinchen, '14 Art Editor

Margaret D. Foules, '14 Exchange Editor

Grace Lea, '11 A lumnae Editor

Head Editors

Ethel Cushman, '15 Literar's Department

Helen M. Moulton, '14 College Department


Agatha Faulk, '14 Helene Israel, '15

Delie Bancroft, '15 Edith Mahier, (Art)

Caroline Wogan, '16 (Art)

Theodora D. Sumner, '14 Business Manager

Angie McLees, "14 Assistant Business Manager

Page /Il»o hundred

Tulane Oratorical and Debating Council


Herman Lion Barnett Chairman

Isaac Scherck Heller Secrelar}/

Miss Edna B. Rhoades Nemcomh Secretary

Members .

H. L. Barnett R. J. Weinmann

F. B. Freeland Miss Cillean

I. S. Heller Miss Renshaw

A. S. SuTHON Miss Rhoades


Tulane "Varsity Debates 1913

Georgia at home. Washington and Lee in Lexington, Va. Isaac Scherck Heller Wm. J. Guste

J. Burrus Munn Herman Lion Barnett

Rudolph J. Weinmann, Alternate Stanley M. Lazarus, Alternate

Won unanimous decision. Won unanimous decision.

Tulane "Varsity Debates 1914

Washington and Lee at home. University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.

Martin J. Kahao Herman Lion Barnett

Isaac Scherck Heller William F. Rosenblum

Max Schaumberger, Alternate Lucien Q. Campbell, Alternate

Won unanimous decision.

Page lao hundred sevenl\)-lhr,


Page Imn ImnJrcJ .tcycnl\i-fu

Glendy Burke


Hermann L. Barnett



( Rudolph Weinmann

I L. O. Campbell

Rudolph Weinmann Secrelar\) D. M. Van Wart

Selim Lemle Treasurer Max Schaumburger

D. M. Van Wart Clerk: of Congress Robert Marx

Max Schaumburger Sergeant-al-Arms E. Savage

Robert Marx Tulane Weekly Represenlalive


Leon J. Kirchberg Herbert Barnett Eric Wellington

Max Schaumburger Herbert Weil D. M. Van Wart William Gibbons Selim Lemle William Monroe A. Wolff William Rosenbloom W. A. West

Edmond Free

Ross Hewitt Walter G. Wedwig

Egbert Savage Beauregard Perkins

Robert Marx A. O. King

J. Levy L. O. Campbell

Page two hundred seventy-five

.rfU) vaj^ ^r 1-/"^^


Page iTuo hundred seventy-

rM4k~^f-^' W^-^f-^ '^t^^^A

The Forum Literary Society


Arthur W. Harris Presidenl

Walter J. Suthon, Jr yice-PresiJenI

Archibald M. Suthon Secrelar})

Harry R. Cabral Assislanl Secretary

R. Conrad Bauer Treasurer


R. C. Bauer G. F. S. Mann

P. E. Brown R. K. Munn

H. R. Cabral A. M. Suthon

S. Cousin W. J. Suthon, Jr.

G. A. Dreyfous T. a. Wakeman

F. J. Dreyfous J. S. Hoffman

G. J. A. FoRTiER J. T. Krumpelmann


G. T. Gilmer L. P. Whittington

A. W. Harris E. L. Wiener

I. 5. Heller W. G. Wedig

V. K. KiAM Wm. Wise

C. H. Lyons E. E. Talbot

J. .L. TOLER Note: Piclure omitted by mistake.

Page tmo hundred sevent^-se\'en

-^ivv ->^


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Pngc /n.o Iwn.lreJ scvenly-ciglil

Law Debating Club

Officers first term

Frederich B. Freeland PresiJenl

T. C. NiCHOLLS, Jr Vice-President

Wm. T. O'Rielly, Jr Secretary

N. H. Clement Treasurer

J. A. Denny Sergeai^i-ai-Arms


Frederick B. Freeland President

Wm. J. GusTE Vice-President

Wm. T. O'Rielly Secretary

Rudolph Weineman Treasurer

N. H. Clement Sergeant-at-Arms

PercIVAl H. Stern Weel(l}) and Jambalaya Representative

M. D. Van Horn Percy Walker R. Weinemann

Geo. Booth R. E. Brin L. Bruns N. L. Carter N. H. Clement B. Coleman J. Denny F. O. Denny S. Feibleman F., B. Freeland


D. Garrett E. B. Glenny Grace W. J. GusTE A. T. Higgins




P. Brown Jones H.Barnett M. Kahao S

W. Suthon, Jr . W. B. Vairin, Jr. L. Yarutski A. Talheim

Lemle G. Levy C. Lyons L. Meyer R. Marx G. Montgomery T. C. NiCHOLLS, Jr.

G. Netter


S. Oriol W. T. O'Rielly, Jr.

W. J. O'Hara

Peters G. Platt M. DeReyna


P H. Stern

Page /n.0 hundred

^iA -=^s^^^>S

Intercollegiate Debate


March 28, 1914.

Subject: "Resolved, That the Federal Government acquire and operate the telegraph

system of t"ie country."

Newcomb Debating Team principals

Gladys Gibeens, '14 Louise Berry, '15


Margaret Foules, '14

Adele Drouet, '17

Page two hunjrej eighlv


Page two bunJlred erg/i/\j-one


"The Tulane Club"

HE greatest organization that Tulane has ever seen was formed this year by a handful of our most loyal supporters, and we can predict a most brilliant success in all of its undertakings. The object of this club is to instill in the students a spirit and love for their Alma Mater that cannot be surpassed, and we firmly believe that this organization, under the strict guidance of our most ardent workers, will accomplish the end after which they are ever striving.

Already signs of prosperity have been made manifest to the public at large, and we can assure them that naught but success can ever cross the long and tedious journey that this organization proposes to take.

The first manifestations of their work was made known when the largest inter- scholastic track-meet in the South was advertised to take place at the stadium on May 16, 1914. This meet will be the biggest boost that Tulane has gotten in many a year, and we are sure that our University will appreciate the untiring efforts of the Managers of this meet and thank them for the benefits that will be derived therefrom.

The Tulane Club has come to stay, fellows, and we earnestly request each and everj' one of you to give it your worthy support and help to put the Athletics of old Tulane at the top of the ladder of success.

Page tmo hundred eighl^-lmo


mMmmMi ^mi^^^^ "\i^.-g»

Tulane Architectural Society


F. D. Parham PresiJent

H. M. Favrot Vice-President

C. E. Woodward Secretary-Treasurer

Executive Committee

F. D. Parham A. A. Callender

H. M. Favrot C. E. Woodward

W. J. Gi3BENs, Jr.


Bergman Richardson Barrdn Norman

Callender Schwarz Dreyfous Montagne

Devlin Sherwood Ford Owen

Parham Woodward Gibbens Rexach

Favrot Couret Lawrason Wellington

Seiferth Weigand Lapeyre VonPhul

Brant Phillips Lopez

Page two Inw.heJ eighlv-three





1^ f


Page (wo hunched eighlv-four




Tulane Engineering Society


F. L. MoTTRAM President

A. J. ScHMITZ Vice-President

F. PoGOLOTTI . Secretary

F. E. Sprague Treasurer


W. E. Koch President

H. P. Nathan Vice-President

P. E. Lehde Secretary

C. H. Brookshire Treasurer



H. Bergman

R. T. Ingram

F. R. Duvic


C. H. Brookshire

F. S. Stubbs

F. H. Adam

W. Cooke

Ralph Earl

A. H. Delbert

P. Davidson

W. Zeigler

I. J. Wolff

R. McL. Schmidt

E. Emmer


J. J. PlAD

C. Schneider


S. Perrin

W. T. Hogg

B. Grehan

O. Harris

H. d'Aquin

F. R. Shaw


D. Showalter

A. Ramirez


F. Fortier

H. White

W. P. Brown

E. J. Fisher

C. Stem

D. Wharton

K. S. Rheams

W. E. Koch

H. T. Carter

A. J. Wild

H. Nice

H. P. Nathan

B. L. Nice

J. H. Glass

J. Cazeneuve

P. E. Lehde

M. H. Favrot

E. Wellington

D. A. Warriner

F. E. Sprague

J. O'Farrill

W. Wilson

S. J. D'Amico


L. Troxler

S. Katz

J. A. O'Brien


A. Goldberg

P. Rodney

T. Bradford

E. A. Rose '





Sam Haas, Jr.

E. Clayton

E. C. Graveley


G. Beranger

H. Darton


Wm. Steckler

Geo. Allain

A. Wolff

C. B. Bougere

L. DeL. Bernoudy


A. Brener

H. H. Pier

W. K. Smardon

H. H. Bate

Page tmo hundred eighty-five

hibTi iiiiiMimaiii n mil II Iiiiiiin i liillliiMiiM iilinJiliirt'iiinnwiil^witiiVrnin

The Newcomh Flags That Got There

ILL the Newcomb flag get there?" was the question put to Nevvcomb students on the map that was made when the campaign for money to send delegates to the Student Volunteer Convention began. The red hne of the railroad reaching from New Orleans to Kansas City, where the pennants of many colleges had gathered, looked very long, but gradually as "Harriot", the first Newcomb pennant, progressed a mile more for each two cents con- tributed, and every one became interested in her journey, the distance seemed shorter. She was rescued from the perils of being stranded half-way m Wicked Memphis and finally reached Kansas City in safety. The other four followed in rapid succession. "Sophie" was sent all the way by the Juniors as the result of their party; "Newcomb" by the Domestic Science Department; "Memorial" by the Arts; and "College" by the general fund. The delegates elected by the student body were Misses Foules, Cushman, Sive- wright, Barnwell, and Richardson.

Page ireo hunJreJ eight])-


Newcomb Dramatic Club


Ruth Kelsey Eldredce President

Ella Reiss Vice-President

Marie Le More Treasurer

Lyda Belden Secretar's

Fanny Maude Black Business Manager

Elizabeth Wisner . . . Stage Manager

"ESMERALDA" By Francis Hodgson Burnett and William H. Gillette

Cast of Characters

Mr. Eibert Rogers, a North Carolina Farmer Miss AnniE Louise McNeelY

Mrs. Lydia Ann Rogers, hii wife Miss Emilie Chretien

Miss Esmerelda Rogers, his daughter Miss Ella M. Reiss

Dave Hardy, a young North Carohnian Miss FoRENCE WlNTZ

Mr. Estabrook, a man of leisure Miss Mary SumneR

Mr. Jack Desmond, an American artist Miss Elaine Ward

Miss Nora Desmond, his sister Miss Margery May

Miss Kate Desmond, his sister Miss Ruth K. Eldredge

George Drew, an American speculator Miss Elizabeth Kyle

"Marquis" de Montessin Miss Adele Drouet

Sophie, a maid Miss Ethel Rosenthal


Act L Elbert Rogers' home in North Carolina.

' Act IL— Jack Desmond's Studio in Paris.

Act III. A room in Elbert Rogers' home in Paris.

Act IV.— Same as Act I.

Page tTvo hundred eighty-seven

.-nil -^~«^^4'r'['^ ^^J


iillii mlliilliMiill il»i

Newcomb Student Body


Gladys Anne Renshaw, 'U President

Lillian Smith, '14 Kice-Pres.denf

Margaret Marks, MS Secretary

Earll Richmond, '16 Treasurer

Executive Committee

Gladys Anne Renshaw, "14 Chairman

Margaret Marks, '15 Secretory


Lillian Smith, '14 E^"^'- Richmond, '16

Rosamond Hill (Art) '14 Margaret Foules, "U

Irene Miller, "H Gladys Eustis, '14

Eleanor Luzenberg, "14 Willie White (Music) '14

Ruth Eldredge, '14 Delie Bancroft

Louise Berry, '15 Hermione Ujffy, '16

Edna Rhoades, '14 Gladys Gibbens, '14

Lyda Belden, "15 Helen Sanders, '15

Irma Smart (Education) "14

Arthe Vairin, '17

Page (mo hundred eighly-cighl


Newcomb Student Council


Mildred Snyder Chairman

Willie W. White Secretary


Margaret Foules, '14

Mildred Snyder, '14

Rosamond Hill, (Art) "14

Willie White, (Music) '14

Irma Smart, (Education) '14 Gladys Renshaw, '14

Mary Wharton, '14

Bertha Littell, '14

Ethel Cushman, '15

Mary Manly Elmore, '15 Hermione Ujffy, '16 Louise Berry, '15

Emma Robbins, '15 Arthe Vairin, 1 7

Page tmo hundred eighiy-nii

Les Immortels Du Cercle Francais


M. R. K. MuNN President

M. A. SuTHON Vice-President

M. M. ScHAUMBERGER Second Vice-President

M. H. Rene Cabral Secretaire

M. S. ScATORi Tre.

M. G. FoRTlER ]VeeI(ly Representative


M. R. C. Bauer M. A. Kaufman M. A. Suthon

M. H. R. Cabral M. P. Miller M. H. Bloom


M. J. Hoffman M. R. K. Munn M. J. Ross

M. E. Morris M. M. Schaumbercer M. H. Weil

Page ttpo hundred niti:t^

The "Circulo Espanol"

Organized October, 1913.


S. ScATORI . PresiJenl

M. ScHAUMBURGER Vice-PresiJenl

M. VanHorn Second Vice-PresiJenl

C. Rupp Secretary-Treasurer



C. E. Rupp H. Caeral

C. Mereaux C. Kaufman

M. Van Horn F. Sprague

B. Perkins C. Bauer

A. PIamirez a. Mendez

P. Bowers H. Raymond

A. Brener C. Baker

F. Lopez

Page iTvo hundred ninety-one


Cercle Dramatique Francais Du College Newcomb

Affilie a l'Alliance Francaise


Adine Bernard, '16 PresiJenle

Theodora Sumner, '14 Vice-Presidenie

Marie Lemore, '15 Secretaire

Mildred Post, '15 Tresorlere

Irene M. Cornwell . Directoira

Members Fondateurs

Eleanor Luzenberg, '14

Emilie Chretien, '14

Marie Lemore, '15

Mildred Post, '15

Adine Bernard, '16

Jeannette Pardonner

Theodora Sumner, '14

Hathaway Gibbons, '15

Members Actifs

Gladys Gibbons, '15 Mildred Post, '15

Eleanor Luzenberg, '14 Adine Bernard, '16

Theodora Sumner, '14 Solidelle Renshaw, '16

Gladys Renshaw, '14 Adele Drouet, '17

Gladys Gibbons, '14 Mildred Renshaw, '17

Marie Lemore Emilie Chretien, '14

Page two hundred ninety-livo




Young Woman's Christian Association


Delie Bancroft Presidenl

Georgia Belle Gillean Vice-President

Minna Koch Treasurer

Irene Miller Secretary


Delie Bancroft Edith Glenny

Nettie Barnwell Minna Koch

Marion Covington Edith Lotterhos

Ethel Cushman Lessie Madison

Jessie Deane Angie McLees

Edith Duplantier Irene Miller

Mary Drake Earll Richmond

Ruth Eldredge Ethel Rosenthal

Agatha Faulk Theodora Sumner

Margaret Foules Mildred Snyder

Grace Gillean Flora Stubes

Mary Griggs Lucy Taylor

Georgia Bell Gillean

Anna Belle Langston

Mary Manly Elmore

Virginia Williamson


Marguerite Taylor Willie White Theodosia Shaw Mary Wharton Mabel Seawright Maybart Morrison

Alumni Members

Mrs. J. W. Armstrong

Miss Lydia Frotscher

Miss Louise Krause

Miss Julia Logan

Into hundred ninel^-tbree

Newcomb Debating Society


Edna B. Rhoades, '14 Spealfer

Ethel Cushman, '15 Clerif

Hathaway GiBBENS, '15 Chairman

MiNA Koch, '16 Secretary

Adele Drouet, '17 Treasurer


GeoaCia Belle Gillean, '14 Gladys Renshaw, '14 Margaret Foules, '14 Gladys Gibbens, '14

Eleanore Luzenberg, '14 Ruth Eldredce, '14 Edna Rhoades, '14

Hathaway Gibbens, '15 Louise Berry, '15

Ethel Cushman, '15

Katherine O'Meara, '15 Eleanore Bodth, '15 Rosalie Dufour, '15 Adele Marks, '16

SoLiDEL Renshaw, "16 LuLiE Westfeldt, '17 Martha Salm, '16 Mary Sumner, '17

Mildred Renshaw, '17 Brunette Lob. "16

Theodora Sumner, '14 Helen Jacobs, '15 RiETTA Garland, '17

Ethel Rosenthal, '17

Lessie Madison, '17

Adele Drouet, '17

Minna Koch, '16

Page iTvo hundred nincfy-four


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Page (mo hundred ninelv-fivc



Page two hunJreJ ninel^-six

Young Men's Christian Association


Robert K. Munn Presidem

WiLMER Baker Vice-Presidenl

Percy Brown Secretary

A. W. Harris Treasurer

CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES Posey Bowers Chairman Membership Committee

i Chairman Cer,eral Secretary Fur,d

Philip Werlein i tl f.A r

\ Chairman Music Committee

Writ Rogers Chairman Self Help Committee

George W. Booth Chairman Entertainment Committee

Page two hundred ninety-seven

Page Iwo hunJreJ ninely-eighl

'^&A?^im m

Senior German Club




N .

. . . President


Glenny .

. . Vi,






. Secrelar])-





S. D. M





F. D.



P. A.



E. P


J. J. Devlin

T. C.

Nicholls, Jr.


J. Larki:







G. W. Taylor

G. Wright

W. W.


W. Wynne







G. Pratt



, Sharp

HiLLiARD Miller



Vairin, Jr.

E. B. Glenny



S. S. Morris

Page two hundred ninel^-nine

Junior German Club

Compojed of the Following Fraternities: Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Theta, and Phi Kappa Sigma.

Edgar T. Morris, Chairman


Clifford Atkinson Jose Yznaga

Errol Barron C. Ziegler

Harold Bres

Albert Carter

A._ W. Cooke

Gilbert Fortier Tracy Gately

Will J. Gibbons

San FORD Glass

Warren Harang

Franz Hinderman


W. E. Jenkins

G. N. Johnson

Allard Kaufman Logan McConnel Philip Miller W. B. Monroe Edgar T. Morris A. W. Norman Robert Porterfield Duncan Parham R. L. Perkins Ralph Phillips E. L. Stouse Sellers S. Underwood T. H. Raymond Arthur C. Waters Wilson Williams

W. A. West, Jr. V. Wilson

Page three hundred


Committee 1913 P. E. Lehde F. S. Sprague

Page //iree hundred



The Boob Club

Lyda Belden Aphra Vairin Regina Walshe Mary Ayres Grace Denis Carrie Wogan Marie LeMore Regina Janvier

Maude Fay Edith Glenny

Badge : A Blue Button.


Caro Weil

OuiDA Barnes

Adele Belden

Arthe Vairin

Fanny Craig

Mary Sumner

GiFFORD Haines

Helene Israel

Vivian Gauche

Katherine Havard

Augusta Jordan

Rosalie Dufour

Janie Wigcington

Mary Raymond

Elise Shaffer

Charlotte Reilly

Aline Easley

Nan Gaines Ruth Bultman Delzorah Donnaud

Ruth Denis

Maybart Morrison

Marian Fay

Marjorie Hall

Dodo White

Lillian Smith

Adele Drouet

Page three hunch,



m 'Si&rm


ARK, dreary and disappointing was the football season of 1913. Every day reports came to the anxious students of injuries on the gridiron, of star players being declared ineligible, of some hard-hearted faculty member smothering a youth's ambition, or of other similar catastrophe. Towards the end of the season, when the big games arrived, each Saturday beheld a defeat for old T. U. Thanksgiving Day was only a single chapter in the gloomy story.

Tulane and Newcomb should have been crushed, it seemed, by the weight of defeat. Practically any other student body in the United States would have ceased supporting a losing team. Members of the team tell that during the progress of one of the games on their trip, when Tulane was winning steadily, bets were freely offered by students of the rival institution that their team would not win another game during the season; many of these students left the field before the end of the game. Far different with Tulane ! The newspapers predicted that L. S. U. would beat us 40 to 0. Did that kill Tulane spirit? Didn't we load to the steps one of the longest trains ever sent out over the Y. & M. V. with Tulane and Newcomb rooters? Didn't we stand by our team through rain and many, many L. S. U. touch- downs, letting them know that we were with them? Sure, we did! With the score piling up against us our rooters stood up and gave an exhibition of real college spirit. And we came back even stronger at every other game. That's spirit for you !

Now the team has been left out of this discussion so far, but only to have special mention here. Coached by one of the best men Tulane ever had to guide her football heroes, Hoffman, the team did all in its power to be worthy of the respect and helpful- ness shown by the student body. In spite of defeat, losses of players and injuries, the team fought their very best in every game. If any team beat us, they worked for it. Some of them missed. The L. S. U. score would not have been so bad on a dry field, where Coach Hoffman's open formations and "Big Swede's" toe both worked to ad- vantage. The scrubs, too, stuck it out ; many of them never missed a practice, although without a chance in the world of making the Varsity. All honor to the scrubs, and may there be many of them next year! Speaking of next year recalls the fact that Sweetland, our new coach, will be with us, and in spite of the new Freshman ineligibility rule we will have a great team; one that will be a basis for future teams to build on. All that the coach needs is a squad of men, and we fully expect that such a squad will be forthcoming next year.

"Revenge is sweet," saith the poet, thereby establishing the motto of Tulane's 1914 basketball team. We beat L. S. U. four straight games. Yea, verily! At first there were many set-backs, as in football. Captain "Skeet" Glass was forced by circumstances and the ever-present faculty to sever connections with the University. Barnett, star guard last year, was unable to play on account of debating. Most of us went to the first game on account of the dance so widely advertised by the manager to be held after the game. The team won and kept on winning. Attendance at the games was great, for besides the pleasure of seeing Tulane win, there was always a

Page ihree humlreJ five

wrestling, boxing, or gymnastic exhibition between halves and a dance after the game. Coach Hanson proved that he is a master of basketball strategy and able to impart his knowledge to his team. Numerous trick plays there were, starting with Fritz Oakes at center. A gilt defense kept down the scores of our rivals. Only on the road, just after the first games with L. S. U., was Tulane defeated, and there are many reasons for these defeats. The whole squad was more or less crippled, they were on strange ground, and Altman, star forward, was entirely out of the game through L. S. U. roughing. A great deal of discussion arose over the roughness exhibited during the Baton Rouge series. Everybody now understands that neither Tulane nor L. S. U. meant to be unsportsmanlike, and most cordial athletic relations now exist between the universities.

The baseball team of 1913 did not hit its stride until near the end of the season, but then it went a-wbizzing. One of the prettiest stunts ever pulled off in the stadium took place when Vandeveer, Tulane's long and lanky pitcher, hurled two games against L. S. U. on two successive days and won both. Tulane is very fortunate in possessing about the best coach in the country, Bruce Hayes, whom we all believe has Connie Mack beaten six ways. The 1914 team, with games already played with Jefferson College, University of Mississippi, and L. S. U., still has a clean slate. "Old War- horse" Gillis has two shut-outs to his credit. We may reasonably expect that the 1914 team will have the best record of any baseball team produced at Tulane. The schedule is much better than usual, more interest is shown by the students, and everything points to a prominent place on the Southern Intercollegiate Baseball Championship horizon.

Largely through the efforts of Edgar Morris and Arthur Waters, Tulane was placed on the Intercollegiate tennis map in 1913. These men started a movement which resulted in a dual tournament with L. S. U., which Tulane won; and a Gulf States Intercollegiate Tournament in New Orleans, which Tulane also won. This year tennis has been taken under the wing of the T. A. A., a regular manager appointed and great things are expected of the team.

Coach Hanson has taken great pains to organize wrestling and handball teams as a fit winter training for football men. A future of great service is in store for these sports, the greatest indoor developers of wind and muscle.

Track work is a favorite at Tulane and good teams are the rule here. In 1913 our opponents were too strong for us, as a rule, but in spite of this our team was one to be proud of. Among its numbers were Werlein, Southern Champion high jumper; Bert Coleman, Southern Intercollegiate Champion sprinter; "Skeet" Glass, S. I. A. A. pole-vault winner, and many others worthy of mention. This year a regular track coach. Tad Gormley, known throughout the South, has been secured to train the men. The Southern Interscholastic Track Meet, to be held in the Stadium under the auspices of the Tulane Club, is sure to induce some good men to come to Tulane, besides placing the University before the public in a most favorable way.

With the combined aid of the new T. A. A., the Tulane Club, and the whole student body, athletics are on the boom and are going to stay on the boom. We are waking up. The process is slow, but positively sure. Tulane athletics are bound to succeed.

Page three humlreJ si:

Pcge three hundred seven

GiLLIS "Nig"

Nig, the old time star of long ago, was held out on account of injury until the game with L. S. U., but in that game one could see that Nig knew the game, for his playing in this contest was well worthy of much praise and he was often cheered throughout this bloody conquest.

Underwood "Undy

Undy did not show up on the gridiron until late in the season and had very little practice with the learn, but the time that he was out showed that he was a valuable man and will be a great help to next year's team.

GaTELY "Trac\j de Gate'

Tracy has three more years to play the game, and although he is one of the most consistent players on the team, he lacked experience, but much is i the three remaining years of his college life.

one of the !cted of Tri


Pete was the best defensive player on the team and often stopped more e ordinary man could do. He played rings around his opponents and the stars in the South in a very short time.


be one of

Page three hundred eight

Woodward "Swede

A good nalured big Swede with lots of pep. fight, and much noise. His toe work was his specialty and brought him notoriety throughout the South and Middle West. As a tackle he was a bear and one of the best that has come down the line.

Grehan "Pinkv

Pinky, like the rest of his Irish race, had all kinds of pep and fight instilled in his bones and was one of the hardest workers on the team.


We regret very much that Hot did not come out for the team until his last year at college, but as it was he played like an old veteran and tore up many lines of the opponents.

CoRBIN "Keno'

Keno has two more years to play the game and during that time we expect to see him one of the stars cf old Tulane. for he is built for a player and has lots of fight and pep in his system.

Page three hundred

Sharp "Henry'

Although Henry has been in college quile a while, this was the first season thai he came out for football and we are glad that he came out, for his work in the backfield was very good, and although a little light, he was fast enough to make up the weight.

FiCK "Sleeter'

Sleeter, although inexperienced at the game, was one of the hardest players on the team.

George "Frash'

Frash has played regular now for two years and little can be said here that is not already known all over the South, for every day almost would see his name in the papers as doing some phenomenal work on the field. Frash was so good a player that the boys unanimously elected him as their captain next year and in that position we predict naught but success.

GooDSEN "Charlie'

It was not until the last of the season that the coach used Charlie, but his work in the L. S. U. and Arkansas games gained him fame for the season.

Pa^e three hundred ten

mMmm m^s^^m ^s)^

Marks, Capt *'Sam(er*'

Samter, the old reliable, played always m his usual good form and his management of the learn shewed that he knew the game from A to Z. We are sad at the thought of graduating such a valuable asset to the team and wish to extend him our heartiest con- gratulations for his work on the field.

HiNDERMAN ''French^'

As a fullback, Frenchy was hard to beat, and often he would plough through buck walls and other obstacles for a large gain. He was a sure player and always could be depended on to make the required distance.

White ''Baldy'

Baldy was one of the surest tacklers on the team and when he went after a man he meant business and never failed to land his prey.

Rosenthal '^Rosie'

Rosie had the difficulty to play several different positions during the season and showed up well in all of them. We hope that Rosie will play his regular end next year and show up some of his opponents in the South.

Page three hundred eleven

Hi^ory of 1913 Football Season


E cannot say that Tulane had a very successful season, for that would appear as if we were trying to mislead the public, which is a thing that we must always guard against in order to hold our place of honor and dignity among the Southern colleges.

No, we did not reap many laurels on the gridiron this year, but we can truthfully say that no team ever worked harder for its Alma Mater than did the squad of 1913.

We confess that success was far beyond our reach, but we claim that if five of our best men, who are m the Medical Department and who were held out by their studies and the FACULTY, had stayed out with the team, old Tulane would not have finished very far behind the best teams of the South.

Under conditions that prevailed during the past season, we want to thank Coach Hoffman for his untiring efforts on the field. He coached his men well, and it was only due to mishaps and through no fault of his that the team did not come out on top.

hrom the schedule below one can judge for oneself as to the success of the 1913 Football learn, but you know the old saying: "Wait until next year." Well, wait! ! 1

Results of the 1913 Season

Tulane Tulane Tulane Tulane Tulane Tulane Tulane Tulane


Mississippi College

University of Alabama.

St. Lo



0 12

0 31


0 Arkansas 14




University 6




Mississippi A. & M . . Southwestern of Texas. L. S. U

"HERE'S THE WAIT" October 1 7 Southwestern of Louisiana at Stadiu October 24 Centenary College at Stadium. October 31 University of Alabama at Tuscaloo

Ala. November 7 University of Mississippi at Stadiu November 14— Mississippi A. & M. at Meridi;

Miss. November 26— L. S. U. at Stadium.

Pa%c ihce hunJreil twelve


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Page (Aree hundred fifteen


Oakes "Fritz"

Fritz was one of the hardest men on the team to replace and it would have taken several good coaches to develop another like him. We regret thai he was hurl in the latter part of the season, which kept him out of the last few games of the season.

MaRSTON "Freshie"

Freshie is one of our all-round Athletes and he can play one game as well as another, and although baseball is his specially, he was a most valuable as- sistance lo the basketball team. He was fast, strong, and full of pep.

Maihles "Roger'

Roger has been on the team for Iwo

years now and from pr( that he will play as ] Roger 15 a hard worke than praise should be e ins this season.

sent looks it seems

lany more years.

and nothing less

■en for his play-

Lyons "Charlton'

Charlton in the recent games with L. S. U. showed his old Alma Mater what he could do towards helping the team win the State championship. He is a fast man on his feet and can easily slip around his op- ponents to great advantage.

Page three hundred iixleen

Ramirez '*Rammv

Rammy, our old star of some time ago, is still in prime order and has not lost any of his skill and agility as a basketball player. As a goal shooter, Rammy is a wonder and there are very few m these parts who can beat him at this game.

Woodward ''Swede

The Swede is by far one of the most valuable players that has ever come to college, and when the whistle blows he begins his unceasing attack on the op- ponents and never gives m until the game is called. As captain he deserves as much credit as player, for he handled his team well and always came out on top in all discussions.

AlTMAN '^Finnegan

Finnegan was such a good player that in one of the games some one tried to anni- hilate him, but you know the old saying goes: "You can't keep a good man down."

Page three hundred seventeen


Basketball History, 1914

HE 1914 basketball season was a success from two standpoints that of winning games and a financial one. The season opened with a game at St. Paul's College of Covington when the football members of the basket- ball team had sweet memories revived. We managed to win a hard- fought game from these hard-working youngsters. The first game with a college of our own ranking was with Mississippi College in New Orleans. We, as you remember, got our revenge for the football defeat by scoring five times as many points as they did in the first game, and twice as many in the second game. Then came Southwestern L. I. I. This team was "easy picking. " They were hard workers, but lacked experience and Tulane scored eight times as many points as did the Lafayette boys. Our next exhibition of goal shooting was in a "come back" game with the Alumni. The old boys were there with the old "class and pep" for a few minutes, but when the latter lagged the former went with it. "Doc" Patton and Semmes Walmsley showed they had not forgotten how, and "Doc" Bradburn, Linder and Love were even brilliant at times.

Our two victories over L. S. U. on their own court, something that happened for the first time in history, was next on the program. The scores of these games were 26 to 1 2 and 1 0 to 7 respectively. Traces of football playing were quite evident in this series, and it gave us an "excuse" for our very poor showing on the Mississippi trip, one of our stars being severely injured. In Clinton a team that had been overwhelmingly defeated by us at the start of the season, defeated us on a slow outdoor court. We next went to Starkville to play the "Aggies." In both of our games there we were leading at the end of the first half, but the wear of the trip told on us and we were handed two defeats. Our trip home from Starkville was very interesting indeed, but it would take the rest of the pages in this book to tell it to you. The stress of Mardi Gras failed to "get us" and the same week we "hung" the finishing touches on the Tiger and had him completely tamed by the time the final whistle blew. Four games straight, I hold, is a great record to tell the grandchildren on your knee, especially when our opponent was the Mighty (?) Tiger from Red Stick.

Page three htimlrej eighteen

Page three hundred n'meleen

Captain Woodward "Shiner Bill'

Shiner holds down the first sack to perfection and there are few balls that ever pass him. High balls are his specialty.

Vanderveer "Teddy

This big league pitcher came to us from the blue grass regions and, under the guidance of Bruce Hayes, he developed into the best college pitcher in the South to-day.

GOODSEN "Charlie'

Out in the garden Charlie is a bear and is one of the most valuable men on the team. His hitting is wonderful and he is as fast as Tyrus himself on the bases.

Page ihrcc hundred taicnl^


Paine "Ruff'

Every day, rain or shine, would find Ruff out on the field always ready for action. He is a most useful player in the box and helped Tulane out of many a tight hole.

Taylor "Booker"

Booker in right field can not be beat, and although we call him "Pop" and "Dad", he IS by no means too old to flit about the garden picking up the flies. He never fails to bring home the bacon while at bat, and is one of the best all around men on the team.

Randall "Crook"

Crook was our southpaw Iwirler and often did the opposing teams swing violently at the air when Crook was in the box. We predict a bright future for his left wing.

Page three hundred iwenly-one


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Tulane on Track and Field During 1913

A General Athletic Review of the Olive and Blue Campaign on Cinder Path and Field BY CAPTAIN BERT COLEMAN

TATED shortly and succinctly, Tulane's 1913 season was satisfactory. She turned out no world-beaters ; she surprised not the universe with new and startling luminaries ; she failed to turn out a winner in the two big track meets of the season the L. S. U. tussle and the S. I. A. A. cham- pionships ; but on taking a broad perspective, we are forced to fold our hands complacently over our chests and view with a broad smile our I 3 accomplishments.

In the first place, we must recollect that track offers less inducements in the form of remuneration and amusement than any other sport. Prepara- tion for track and field sports includes nothing more than a steady grind of joyless jogging, rubbing, and running, with a great deal of hard labor thrown into the bargain. In spite of these hardships ever present, Tulane's stadium encompassed no less than forty men during the season, each striving to show himself worthy of his team; and be it said to the everlasting glory of our Alma Mater that favoritism did not and never has played a part in the selection of the various teams' members. If an athlete shows the stuff that athletes are made of grit, determination, and natural ability it has never been suggested that his failure of success in being selected or rejected as a representative of the Olive ard Blue was due to anything worse than the respective coaches' honest opinion as to the candidates' peculiar fitness and adaptability.

Individual stars was Tulane's forte in 1913, but her defeat lay in this very fact. In the first place, men had been attended to to the exclusion of second and third place developments. Montgomery and Coleman in the sprints and Commagere, the Southern Intercollegiate champion, stand out pre-eminently. Seldom has a greater runner or a more consistent athlete in the quarter and half been seen South than good old "Monty;" while Adolph Commagere's form and tossing of the 16-pound hammer has gained him the well-deserved name of Southern Champion.

But we are perforce compelled, by restricted space, to forego further praise of our heroes and obliged to confine ourselves to "more substance and less verbiage."

Now for the L. S. U. meet held at Baton Rouge May 1 1 , in which we shall stop only long enough to allow you a peep of the gravest disappointment of the season. Dope was with us, but failed to run true to form. Three first places only did Tulane capture, to the keen disappointment of the student body, and the immense gratification of the "Tigers." The score was something like this:

100 Yards— Upton (L. S. U.), Jenkins (L. S. U.), Smith (Tulane), 10 1-3 seconds. 880 Yards— Weinman (Tulane), Montgomery (Tulane), Nettles (L. S. U.), 2 minutes, 5 4-5 seconds.

Page three hundred in>ent^-five

220 Yards— Upton (L. S. U.). Coleman (Tulane), Galloway (L. S. U.). 23 seconds. 120 High Hurdles— Burris (L. S. U.). Hazlip (L. S. U.). Fenno (Tulane) disqualified, 17 minutes, 2 seconds.

Shot— Dulton (L. S. U.), Reid (L. S. U.), Priestly Werlem (Tulane), 40 feet, 5 inches. High Jump— Smith (L. S. U.), P. P. Werlein (Tulane), Hotard (Tulane), 5 feet. 9 inches. 440 Yards Montgomery (Tulane), Galloway (L. S. U.), Weinman (Tulane), 54 seconds. 220 Low Hurdles— Lewis (L. S. U.), Hazlip (L. S. U.), Harris (Tulane), 28 seconds. Discus— Dutton (L. S. U.), Dupont (L. S. U.), Priestly Werlein (Tulane), 116 feet. 6 inches. Mile— Cockerham (L. S. U.), Preston (L. S. U.), Chase (Tulane), 4 minutes. 51 seconds. Broad Jump— Lewis (L. S. U.), Hazlip (L. S. U.), Van Horn (Tulane), 21 feet, 2 inches. Pole Vault— Newhauser (L. S. U.), Glass (Tulane), Cockerham (L. S. U.), 11 feet. Hammer— Commagere (Tulane), Dutton (L. S. U.), Spencer (L. S. U.), 140 feet, 9 inches. Total scores: L. S. U., 81; Tulane. 35.

The S. I. A. A., held at Tulane stadium May 18 was no kindlier disposed. Through the benignant aid of Providence and a few sturdy limbs Tulane emerged to find herself tied with Vanderbilt for third place. Taken all in all, this meet was the classiest and most spectacular of any intercollegiate ever held in the South, and the exploits of the athletes given enduring proof to the statement that athletics in Dixie's colleges are rising ever on a higher plane. As the Times Democrat said, in the morning following the meet: "The meet Saturday broke all records for speed and compares favorably with the time made by the Eastern colleges." Truly a significant enconium to Southern athletes.

It is worthy to note that Commagere of Tulane established a new Southern record in the hammer, breaking the old mark by two inches; Glass of Tulane beat his old rival Newhauser of L. S. U. ; the same can be said of Coleman, who turned the tables on Upton in the 1 00-yard dash, while Montgomery of Tulane only lost the opportunity of setting two new records in the quarter and half by inches. Results of S. I. A. A. :

100 Yards— Coleman (Tulane), Wells (Miss. A. & M.), Upton (L. S. U.), 10 1-5 seconds.

880 Yards— Scott (Miss. A. & M.), Montgomery (Miss. A. & M.), Nelson (Vanderbilt), 2:01 1-5 seconds.

Hammer Conmagere (Tulane), Dutton (L. S. U.), Tuberville (Clemson). 138 feet. 3 inches.

220 Yards— Upton (L. S. U.), Wells (Miss. A. & M.), Coleman (Tulane). 23 1-5 seconds.

120 High Hurdles— Burris (L. S. U.), Andrews (Ga. Tech.), Chadwick (Miss. .'\. & M.), 16 3-5 seconds.

Shot— Tuberville (Clemson), Dutton (L. S. U.). Mc Arthur (Miss. A. & M.). 40 8-10 feet.

High Jump Robinson (Ga. Tech.), 5 feet 9 inches; Werlein (Tulane). 5 feet 8 inches; Hill (Georgia), 5 feet, 6 inches.

220 Low Hurdles— Stahlman (Vanderbilt). Chester (Vanderbilt), Chadwick (Miss. A. & M.). 26 4-5 seconds.

440 Yards— Scott (Miss. A. & M.), Galloway (L. S. U.), Copeland (Vanderbilt), 51 1-5 seconds.

Mile Gill (Vanderbilt), Lewis (Clemson), Chase (Tulane), 4 minutes, 36 2-5 seconds.

Discus— Lamb (Miss. A. & M.), 114 1-10 feet; Dutton (L. S. U.). 107 1-2; Tuberville (Clem- son), 101 feet.

Page three hundred Iweniy-

W^'M^ Vr4t^4i^' ^"^^!

Pole Vault— Glass (Tulane) and Folger (Cilidel) tied for first with 10 feet 6 inches; Neuhauser (L. S. U.), 10 feet.

Broad Jump— Lewis (L. S. U.), 21 1-2 feet 2 1-2 inches; Chester (Vanderbilt, 20 feet 8 ] -2 inches; Chadwiclc (Miss. A. & M.), 20 feet 2 inches.

Total points scored by respective colleges: Louisiana State University, 31 ; Mississippi A. & M.,


th 23 each; Clemson, 10; Georgia Tech., d after the meet, elected Bert Coleman Caplail

Cit.del, 3;

af the Track


26; Tulane and Vanderbilt tied fo University of Georgia, I .

A meeting of the "T" men, < Team for !914.

The loyal alumnas showed their appreciation of the importance of track athletics medium by sending Capt. Coleman and Wallace Montgomery to the Missouri Valley Conference Meet, held in St. Louis May 30 and 31, where they captured places in the 100 yards and 440 yards re- spectively.

The following were members of the track squad for 1913: Capt. Coleman. Wallace Montgomery, Baker Smith. Rudolph Weinman, Fred Fenno, P. P. Werlein, Priestly Werlein, Roland Hotard, Sanford Glass, Van Buren Harris, Van Horn, Ernest Chase, Adolph Commagere, Mathias, Sumter Cousin, Achorn, Wyndham.

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Page Ihrcc ItwuhcJ IwcnlVi-eighl

I "' ■i^ii»»«»;i.ai£~..»».«u.uaiifi..»>;i ■>;? Ill III ■iiilliiiniii

Nev/comb Athletic Association

Officers .

Gladys Eustis President

Juliette Godchaux (Alumnae '12) Vice-President

DiONYSiA Dela Cruz Secrelarp

Lillian Chapman Treasurer

Fanny Maude Black Gladys Renshaw Eleanor Luzenburg Mildred Snyder Joan Miller Margaret Foules Ione Robinson Elizabeth Wisner Gladys Eustis Gladys Gibbens Esther Cooley Ruth Seiler Mary Wharton Charlotte Frere Helene Israel Isabel Lund Louise Berry Katherine Havard Rita Simmons Alice Vairin Mildred Post Lyda Belden Hathaway Gibbens Mary Manly Elmore Eleanor Booth Vivian Gauche Ella Reiss Margaret Marks Ethel Cushman Esther Adler Delie Bancroft Mary Drake


Katherine O'Meara Helen Jacobs Ruth Denis Odele Milling Helen Sanders July Breazeale Marian Fay Regina Janvier DioNYSiA Dela Cruz Minna Koch Endora White


Brunette Loeb Anna Broad Sarah Roach Gladys Gwinn Ramola Ross Solidelle Renshaw Erin O'Neil Hermine Ujffy Kathleen Black JuLis Schwabacher Laura Ludwig Martha Salen Eloise Steiner Rosalie Dufour Maude Estorge LiLLiE Nan Lillian Fortier Nealtja Smith Miriam Thompson


L ESSIE Madison Doris Jaffrion Nan Gaines Mildred Renshaw Clemence Kohlman Aphra Vairin Card Weil Mathilde Lauraus Arthe Vairin Katherine O'Neal Gifford Haynes Herkione Weil Sara Alcus Cornelia Lauraus Cleta Slagle Mary Ayres Adele Drouet Laura Saunders Janie Wiggington Fanny Craig Regina Walshe Annie L. McNeely Lucille Levy Ruth Brunson Ethel Landon Doris Kent Florence Wintz Delzora Donnaud Elizabeth Blanc Lillian Chapman Mabel Sivewright

Nancy Chestnut Elsie Tennyson Mattie Dinwiddie Annie Bille Lengston Virginia Thompson Alice Vance Esther Brown Francis Stone Marguerite Bisland Anna Richards EsTELLE Chestnut Irma Smart Helen Thirkield Lillian Rupp Maude Fay Anna Parsons Mildred Samuel Ida Lampton Nell Lipscomb Undine Brown Adele Belden Helen Fredericks Nina Redditt Emma Robbins Charlotte Reily Elsie Shaffer Ethel Crumb Joyce Morgan Fanny Gross Nora Fly Vera Kearney Carrie Wogan

Page three hundred tn>enl})-nine

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^5£NI°R 1911


Pago Ihrec Immlre.l thirl\)

Senior Basketball Team

Fannie Maude Black, Capi. Beryl Schulherr, Mgr. Margaret Foules

Mary Wharton Joan Miller Gladys Renshaw Eleanore Luzenburg Gladys Gibbens

Gladys Eustis Elizabeth Wisner Esther Cooley

Page ihree hundred ihiri^-one

J \ "^-7^ •^. '«'■ ^-iW^

Junior Basketball Team

Lyda Belden

Louise Berrey

Ella Reiss

Helene Israel, Captain

Charlotte Frere

Ruth Denis

Isabel Lund

Vivian Gauche. Manager

Page three hundred thiri\)-tTDO

iiii iMiBiiiaiWiiii.iiiih.»-..j|i iiiiii|i|i>iiiiiiiii iiimii I Ml ■MiniiMiiliiliiii

Sophomore Basketball Team

Sarah Roach

Anna Broad

Julia Schwabacher

DiONYsiA DE la Cruz, Captain

Eudora White

Recina Janvier

Herminie Ujffy

Brunette Lob, Manager

Page three humlred thirty-three

Freshman Basketball Team

Mary Ayres,




Arthe Vairin

Clemence Kohlman Caro Weil


Nealtje Smith

Ethel Landau

Delzorah Donaud

Aphra Vairin



Page Ihrec luinJial lliii l^-fo


fe^sa ^^^^^4^1^ h.^^m

School of Education Basketball Team

Mabel Sivewricht

Lillian Chapman

Nancy Chestnutt

Katherine O'Niell

Alice Vance

Anna Parsons

Mae Seiler

Irma Smart, Manager

Page three hundred ihirly-five



ii.a;^ , x,,l .ImiwU.

Art Basketball Team

Olive Ellsey

Elsie Shaffer

Charlotte Riely

Helen Fredericks

Ethel Crumb, Capt.

Fanny Craig

Emma Robbins

Margaret Huck

Ruth Bultman

Undine Brown

Grace Denis

Adele Belden

Page three hunjrej ihirly-six


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Page (/iree hundred forl^

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A Newcomb graduate, in taking leave of her dean, said: "Good-bye, Professor, I shall not forget you. I am indebted to you for all that I know."

"Oh, I beg of you," replied the professor, "don't mention such a trifle."

Proud Father: "Son, will you get through all your exams, this year?" Truthful Son: "O, yes, father, with E's with E's."

This conversation was overheard at the Alumni Banquet:

Meyer turned to his partner with a yawn: "Who is that strange looking man over there who stares at me so much," he drawled.

"Oh, that's Professor H ," she replied, "the famous expert on insanity."

"My daughter is quite an excellent Latin scholar," said the proud father of a Newcomb girl to a visitor. "Here is one of her exercise books; you can see for your- self."

The girl blushed scarlet and made a wild grab for the book. She was too late, for the visitor had already begun to read out loud: "Boyibus kissibus Sweet girliorum ; Girlibus likibus, Wanti somorum."

"What made you say that Bob Marks was used to drinking? "

"Because he took dinner home the other night, and when they passed him the charlotte russe he tried to blow the foam off of it."

Page three hunclreJ fort^-tn>o


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EDITH t-^F^^^lE^_'l'. «« ^^ '

Too Much MusTftra !

Page (Aree hundred fort^-four

Too Much.

Page three hundred fori}) five


Page (/irce hundred forty-

Page three hundred fori\)-se'ven


"A Few of the Recent Books Written by Our Students"

'Ob, Wisdom, Where Art Thou?" BoB Marx

'A Dissertation on Females" ..LIONEL Meyer

'An Eulogy of Craps" . Crook Randall

'Horv to Play Baseball" George Booth

'The Hard Luck of a Lover" Al Carter

'A Trip to Del's" Lloyd Surghnor

'HoTv to Stop Forgetting" Morty Favrot

Read all these and send your criticisms back to the editor. These books may be purchased upon the payment of two (2) cents at any college book store. For further reference write the editor.

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Page //iree hundred fifty-one

riRIPAY 23!


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Page ihree hundred fift^-ihree

Over the Phone

ELLO; that you, Lois?"

"Why, hello, Connie" (spoken with diffidence). "Well, you're a fine one. I demand "

"Never mind about that. If you only knew what I've been through," quaveringly. "As usual, I was a little late to begin dressing. And to make matters worse, there was nobody left to hook me up except that nasty Caro Harrison Oh, but I hate her! almost had to go down on my knees to her, but there was nothing else to do. I was twenty minutes late as it was. Well, in flying around, I caught my dress and ripped it un- mercifully. Mind you, hat on, face powdered, everything ready but the last touch or two. Did it make me sick? I just sat down and cried my eyes red; and you waiting all that time ; and nobody left in the Annex but Caro, who stood there inwardly gloating over my hard luck I'm sure of that."

"Gee, Lois, but you do have the tough luck. But you can imagine how I felt waiting at Hill's a solid forty-five minutes. And that's the second time we've failed to meet looks as if an evil genius were trying to get somebody's go "

"It does look that way, Conrad, but you see how it was. Oh, I could have died! I've had a bad taste in my mouth ever since. Say, I've a piece of news ! Tuesday's my birthday."

"That's so, sixteen or fifteen?" "Oh, both!"

"Ha, ha! You girls. Wish there were a dance that night." "Well, make it some other night. I'm always ready, you know." "Good enough. Well, I'll ring off now, Lois. See you soon. Ta ta." "Au revoir."

As Conrad turned away from the 'phone, "Satisfactory apology," he thought, "but this waiting on corners business begins to grow a little tiresome. Oh, well! but what'll I send her for her birthday? I have it a bunch of carnations, pink I despise the color, but she likes it. Well, it's a good thing that we disagree on something; and then there's Caro Harrison ; strikes me she's a good sort after all ; I believe Lois does her an injustice."

Conrad did not indulge himself in a trip to Canal Street Monday afternoon; in- stead, ordering the carnations by 'phone. They arrived all right Tuesday, creating no

Page three hundred fifl^-four

little stir in the Annex, with the result that Lois was given an enjoyable ascendency over the other girls for the day, at least; wherefore, naturally, they proved the most acceptable gift that she received.

Howbeit, there is a sequel to the events of Tuesday. Wednesday morning, for what reason I shall not assign, Lois' gentleman friend from Tulane, who, let me inform you confidentially, was much more than friend, happened to stroll along the uptown side of Washington Avenue in a neighborhood dear to all normal Leanders of the Olive and Blue. Glancing casually, and perfectly naturally, towards the Annex, what was his consternation upon beholding a garbage can surmounted by a crown of pink, the very blossoms there could be no doubt of it which he had ordered sent the previous morning. Those flowers meant a sacrifice on his part; but they meant much more than that; they were a messenger of the tender regard, daily ripening into love, which he felt for a girl who was all he could have wished, save in one or two small points, and had been advanced one step nearer young womanhood by the very event of the day before that had called forth this bouquet in recognition of his growing esteem and affection.

Conrad had not much zest for his work that day.

In the evening, dinner over, he went to the phone, following his habit. His eagerness was far below its usual pitch ; still, he wanted to guard against any possibility of making much over nothing. Responding to Central's "Number, please, " "Jackson 1609-W," he commanded, in a tone of imperious and frigid definiteness. As luck would have it, Caro Harrison had previously engaged the services of Jackson 1 609-W. Caro is rather long-winded. After futile attempts Conrad was patient he gave up, a victim of Central's "busy" once more recorded as never having called Central a liar or even thought her one.

That was Wednesday. Thursday found him downtown around six-thirty, and rushing the pit afterwards to see May Irwin. Friday afternoon, completely taken with work, was followed by dinner at a friend's home. Disaster seemed to be brooding over his "case," at any rate, so far as the daily 'phone chat with the sylph of the Annex was concerned. And now came Saturday. About a quarter of seven Conrad applied for Jackson one six o nine W. Caro did not have the 'phone this time; but somebody else did (maybe Lois herself). Ere long seven o'clock had arrived, past which hour of fate no one may talk via 'phone to the dormitorial maids. Sunday suc- ceeded, with Conrad dateless, and out of all humor to attempt an engagement with Lois.

But let us inquire into the state of Lois' mind by the beginning of the ensuing week. A gift from Conrad the previous Tuesday, but not a word either by 'phone or otherwise since the Sunday night preceding that Tuesday. Oh, he would advance

Page three hundred fift))-five

some good reason! But explanations didn't carry much weight with Lois. It was humihating ! and a wave of fury surged through her. Where she had to wait, it was his to make all the advances. Truly a pretty arrangement.

"Why, wasn't Connie around yesterday? " asked Olivia Matthews.

"How should I know?" snapped Lois.

"Oh, if you take it like that!" intoned Olivia.

That Monday night connected a certain number Walnut with a certain number Jackson, and so brought into collision the disappointment mingled with petulance of Lois and the disappointment of Conrad. After the usual cheery sallies, howbeit tem- pered by the slightly "off" feeling of both girl and man, Lois demanded an account of her Tulanian. Needless to say, the account was more satisfactory to the giver than to the receiver.

"Well, I suppose that'll have to do," commented the girl.

"And now," rejoined Conrad, "I'd like a word of explanation for my part;" and, after describing his Wednesday morning experience, "was it all you cared for me or my gift to keep it one day and then pitch it into the garbage can?"

"Perhaps it was a little premature," suggseted Lois; "but just because they were carnations didn't mean I was to keep them forever, I hope?"

"Well, to be frank, they cost just a little. What's more, they couldn't have been badly withered, anyway you make it. But it wasn't that it's the sentiment."

"Oh, well, if you take it like "

"Oh, never mind," interrupted Conrad; "we'll let bygones be. And now, tell me what you've been doing in your spare moments since I saw you last."

"Spare moments! I'd like to know when I ever have any? When it's not a party or meeting or " and Lois was off on a catalogue of ever-succeeding events, calculated to thrill anybody, much less her lover, who was highly pleased to find his chosen a live wire in the fullest sense of the word.

By June things had become serious, in the accepted sense of the word. Lois tarried for Commencement magnificent sacrifice ! but a real sacrifice, where Com- mencement consists of little more than the ceremonies of graduation.

And now behold Lois, but yesterday a Sophomore, and Conrad, but yesterday a Senior, traveling in state to Nashville had I told you they were from that city? and experiencing, one after another, the great emotions of homecoming.

By late June things had become more serious. So that we find our Tulane alumnus enjoying the process of choosing a ring intended for the left hand of Lois. The ring, however, was fated never to rest on her finger, for it was lost during the bustle and change of the day. A hard blow for Conrad! Like every normal youth,

Page three hiimlreJ fiflv-s

never ahead of his income or even on an equal with it, the loss of a costly ring was disastrous.

And then Conrad thought of a previous gift, the birthday blossoms, lost in quite a different way. "It does look as if something objected to my pleasure in giving gifts to Lois," he reflected. And the thought was not pleasant.

Although pretty well taken down, and aware that there was hardly a chance in a thousand for the recovery of the jewel, he advertised for it, resolved to leave no stone unturned.

"Shall I tell her of the loss, or shall I not? Wouldn't it be better to say nothing, and just rake and scrape and buy another?" So he pondered, as he waited eternally for the other end of the line to respond. Finally the expressive tones of Lois' mother were heard over the wire. But over and above them was heard a veritable screech : "Will you please get out of here and let me rest in peace?" (Lois talking to her little brother).

Conrad was free to cut off; he had spoken no word; he had not compromised himself. "A mistake," reported Lois' mother.

Next day he dropped by the office of the Nashville and in answer to

the query of the advertising editor, said: "Will you please withdraw that ad. I put in yesterday for the ring?"

The advertising editor asked in surprise: "You don't mean to say you've found it already?"

"Oh, no!" replied Conrad; then quickly collecting himself, "but that doesn't make any difference. Just cut it out." And he dropped the money owed for one day on the counter.

R. K. Mum.

Page three hundred ^fiy-seven




'•'^ .-1.l'ii-i.|TllllllllMlllllnllll

Being the Proposal of a Matter-of-Fadl College

Professor After the Manner of His

Class Lecilures

GOD evening." Adjusting his eye-glasses and sitting down. "Did I leave any question with you at our last meeting?

"I thought not. Well, there's one question I want to discuss with you to-night, but before coming to that I want to take up a minor point. You remember when I first started talking to you about love a long time ago? I said Oh! by the way" (readjusting his eye-glasses), "while I think of it, there's to be a play here next week I'd like very much for you to see. It's very seldom we get to see a real good play here in New Orleans, so when we have the chance we should take advantage of it. When do I come to see you? Thursday? Good! We'll go that night, and it'll count for my visit." Once more placing his eye-glasses at the right angle.

"But, to go back to the subject of love which I started several weks ago with a few introductory statements." Pause, during which he opens a window. "Will this be too cool for you? Say so, if it is."

"Perhaps I'm not being just with you in discussing this before becoming familiar with what your father has to say about marriage. I intended to see him before to-night, but didn't. However, that doesn't mean at all that I'm not familiar with what a great many fathers think on the subject." (Once more adjusting his eye-glasses.)

"To digress for a moment; there's another point I want to make which leads up to my main question. It concerns the wages of a college professor ; they are not very high, but, leaving aside the justice of the rate (which involves ethics), let us consider the practical side could he support a Yes, sure! Professors work just as hard as anybody else and ought to get just as much money, but let's stick to our main question. Do you think a girl would marry a man with my salary? A very good answer, but not what I'm driving at; you'll see my point in a minute. To put my question in a different way." (Once again he adjusts his eye-glasses.) "Do you think you could ever grow to care for me?" (Looking at his watch.) "I must go now, but think that question over and remind me to begin with a discussion of it at our next meeting. "

She must have reminded him he's married now (and still adjusting his eye- glasses).

Page three humWeJ fiflv-eislil

%ifiitei "^&iif§# ^l^itf

Alice Gets Her Reward

PRING was on deck, and that clover-leaf spirit at the bat. Professors accustomed to sit in a high chair during class and twist and squirm about with lean trilbies rocking the wastebasket to and fro, now kicked the trash preserver over, and leaned back in the chair until the thoughtful girls wished that the back would break, so contagious was the spirit of spring.

But we divert. Spring is not the subject of our discourse tonight. Neither the Yellow Journal Edition, no matter how interesting it may have been, nor the thoughtless selections of Phi Beta Kappa, nor the Boobs, nor Agnes Scott, no matter how pleasant.

Once again, it was spring. Green-capped freshies at Tulane, no more belligerent, hummed softly to themselves, and at heart rejoiced at the decision of Supreme Court Dinwiddie and his court in decreeing that pre-sophs wear the emerald topgear. .Birds were singing also. They always do when one writes about spring. Even the Item caught that Easter spirit of good-will and left alleged scandals off their front page.

But though it was spring, and the rabbit had raced home to prepare for the fall hunting season, yet Alice, the Dana Gibson ideal of Newcomb, was "o'ercome with emotion," as Laura Jean Libbey or Shakespeare would say. Alice was really perturbed. Wherefore, she did not know, only things weren't just breaking right. That is, she thought so, which was a mystery to her companions. Alice was about to grad- uate. Shouldn't she be happy? True, she had managed to skip through boresome classes on D's, and tangoed too much, but all that came under the head of a Newcomb education.

Anyway, Alice was blue. She went about in listless fashion, that dreamy, far- away look, booming out a curfew to music and art, speaking only when necessary, breezing to the window and staring out, and such things.

Alice was still at the window when a delegation of her sisters from the you know fraternity interrupted the reverie.

"We want to know what's the matter, dearie," they said in unison. "What is oo urried about?"

The angels of comfort nudged each other, wriggled, clasped hands, expecting clean-cut, well-modulated statements from Alice, warranted to give diaphanous assur- ance. Alice, over-keyed, fell limply into the leader's arms, had her cry, straightened out, and spoke soft and low together:

"I'm about to graduate," started Alice, at which the girls looked knowingly at one another as much as to say: "I told you that was on her mind."

Page three hundred fift\)-nh


The last tear had controverted Tennyson's yarn about the brook, and Alice continued:

"But it's not that on my mind. I feel as though my education is not complete. It's about a boy, or rather a student." (The angels of comfort sat stern and flashed Era Club eyes at mention of the common.)

"The only trouble about it is," said Alice, smiling now, for it was spring and winter's burden was off her shoulders," is that I only saw him once. But that one time!" (Here Alice sighed as though the thought of Steve was worth more than an ordinary diploma, while the other girls began thinking of their various Steves.) "He saw me, too, and Oh, he's been on my mind ever since!"

At this point Stella and May handed Alice some ice water, which, evidently, was soothmg balm.

Alice was still at the window when the other girls filed out trained-nursedly, full of that "it'll pass over now" air.

Long and hard she stared at the horizon, dreaming of her ideal, then of the dismal prospect of life back among the hills, and she began to question if it was worth while to have spent the happy days of a college student, for four long years. then hike it back where a devoted family would "bill and coo" over their daughter's college career for the next few years.

Musing thus, as the window which we forgot to say was open, a trained pigeon suddenly hovered above Alice, as if to find the proper party through the process of elimination, circled around a couple of times flapping its wings to attract attention, then dropped a note on Alice's "straight-up" raven tresses.

Alice ran, not the gauntlet, but the gamut of emotions, so to speak, as she read, re-read, and heart-throbbed over the following:

"Whether or not I ever see you again, I just have to tell you that the one time I saw you made me want you forever. Of course it's all a chance, but I rather say 'I tried' than go on moping all the time. I don't even know your last name, but what does that matter. It's up to you to decide whether you shall go back to that farm among the hills or stick it out with me. My profession is law. Engineering is too hard." ("7 he soft stranger," she said.)

"My record is full of such things as the Noridirg, when Sloo Hammond blossomed forth as a keg promoter. I took a leading part in the Enalut Riot, the same show which some of your Newcomb alumnae alleged was a sure enough Riot and said we hurt their scenery; also several Tulane Night enterprises. Was around when Sloo held up Freshie Jones in Audubon Park, and was a party to that shooting scrape last year in dormitory. As for jollifications back on the campus, I was always there. Am a

Page three hundred sixty

member of the Back Steps Club, and friend to Van Wart, Rudy Weinmann, and such artists. You know the rest.

"So, Alice, it's up to you. I started out the same moment I sent this bird, so when you get through reading this I ought to be under your window."

"Remember also this may be your last chance. Steve."

Alice gave one look below, and sure enough there was Steve. The pigeon had sailed away, her companions gone off to play, and Steve was still there. Alice had been finally rewarded.

Moral to Newcomb Dorm Girls and others interested : Don't throw things too hard out of the window. It may be your last chance. G. W. B., '14.


As Percy Brown entered the classroom the other day. Prof. McGovney, looking from his roll call, said: "Close the door, Mr. White." An uproarious laughter greeted this request; and Mac, looking up with a sheepish grin, addressed the class as follows: "Well I knew he was a gentleman of color."

Page three hundred sixl^-one




What the '14 Law Class Lik


Baldwin likes to play pool.

Burke likes Prof. Robinson.

Clancy ._ likes the Codes.

Clement likes to be different.

Coleman likes to run.

Dart likes "his" firm.

Denny .., ...likes Dickson.

Dickson likes Denny.

FeibLEMAN likes Mexican Athletics.

Freeland likes his moustachio.

Haspel likes striped silk shirts.

KiBBE likes his looks.

Meyer hkes himself in print.

Perez likes politics.

PeRET likes exclusiveness.

Sanders likes to swing in the park.

SpiRO Hkes Canal Street.

Stern hkes to ask questions.

SuTHON likes to make a speech.

WaguesPACK likes to study (?).

Walker likes to talk.

Page three hunjrej sixl\)-l-uo

-J Vi- ^ :;


mr^M^ M!:^^sM V'Sm

Tulane Publicity Bureau

Top Row: M. ScHAUMBURGER, Picayune. Advisor; William O'Hara, Times-Democrat. Aliorney. Bottom Row: Rudolph Weinman. Item, Historian; G. Washington Booth, Daily States. Ch'm.

Page three hundred sixty-three

Our New Football Coach

OACH E. R. SWEETLAND was graduated from Cornell University with the class of 1 899. Immediately after his graduation he became coach of the football team at Hamilton College and while there succeeded in having his team defeat Colgate University 30 to 0 and 38 to 0, as well as Trinity 1 8 to b.

His successes at Hamilton brought him the position of football coach at Syracuse University during the season 1900, 1901 and 1902. His team defeated Amherst, Columbia, Oberlin, Brown, Dickinson, Williams, and Colgate, and during the three years the Syracuse football team lost only one game to Yale, Princeton, Lafayette and Cornell.

His successes at Syracuse caused him to be retained by this University to coach its 'Varsity Eight there being recorded to the credit of his crew victories over Georgetown. University of Pennsylvania and Harvard.

In 1903 Coach Sweedand was recalled at Hamilton College, where flattering offers were made him, and again in the Fall of this year he secured triumphs for Hamilton. It was then that the Ohio State University offered him the position of coach of football, basketball and track, which position Coach Sweetland accepted and in which he served during 1 904, 1 905 and 1 906. It was during his connection with Ohio State University that the teams of this institution won for the first time the "Big Six" championship in football, basketball and track.

In 1906 Coach Sweetland decided to further augment his store of knowledge, and in the Fall of 1906 he re-entered Cornell University as a graduate student and assisted in coaching football, winding up the end of the season by coaching Colgate track team, which that year won the New York State Intercollegiate Championship.

Having finished his graduate work at Cornell, Mr. Sweetland began to study law at Syracuse in 1907, and while engaged in that work became superintendent of the Syracuse Boys' Club, an athletic organization at Syracuse.

But Colgate University had remembered the work of Coach Sweetland in 1906, and in 1 908 induced Mr. Sweetland to become its football coach. It was in that year that the Colgate football team won the New York State Intercollegiate Championship, just as the 1 906 track team had won the same championship.

After this brilliant record the Kentucky State University induced Mr. Sweetland to become its Director of Athletics, which psoition he kept during 1 909, 1910 and 1911. The track team of that institution won three years consecutively the Kentucky Inter-

Page Ihrcc hurulrei:! sixl^-fo







collegiate championship ; while during the season of 1911 the basketball team won every game it played, the football team defeated the Universities of Tennessee, Illinois and North Carolina.

Tulanians will remember that it was in 1910, while Coach Sweetland was directing the athletic destinies of Kentucky State, that the latter institution defeated our football team on the occasion of our team's trip to Kentucky.

Again did Sweetland's work attract attention elsewhere, and recognition came from the University of Wisconsm, who tendered him its Chair of Associate Professor of Physical Training. The extreme cold at Madison, Wisconsin, and the disagreeable winter brought on an attack of pneumonia and Mr. Sweetland was forced to withdraw his acceptance of the position tendered him.

In the Fall of 1911 we find Mr. Sweetland as coach of the football team of Miami University of Ohio. Kentucky State, however, would not let the most successful coach in its athletic career remain away from it, and from January 1912, to the end of the session 1913, Mr. Sweetland was given Director of Athletics and Physical Training at the Kentucky State University.

Mr. Sweetland left the Kentucky State University to go to the West Virginia Univer- sity, where, besides being director of intercollegiate sports, he taught in the Law School of that institution.

It was in Southern athletics that Coach Sweetland had the greatest confidence, and when he heard that there was a position vacant at Tulane he immediately applied, as he thought that in a large city and in a large college there would be unlimited possibilities. Not only as coach, but as expert manager of athletics, has Mr. Sweetland been most successful.

Mr. Sweetland stands six feet one, weighs two hundred and ten pounds, is unmarried, and is thirty-two years old. Mr. Sweetland is a big man in body and in mind, of sterling moral character and professor of energy.

Page three humtreJ sixl^-five



Page three hunjrej sixlv-iix

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The Tulane University of Louisiana


ROBERT SHARP, A. M., Ph. D., President

The University, in all its departments, is located in the City of New Orleans, the metropolis of the South. There are ten departments, with twenty- four buildings. Modern dormitories, extensive laboratories, libraries and museums.

THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, for men, offers full courses in Litera- ture and Science. There are many scholarships in this Department open to high school graduates.

THE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY offers unexcelled four years courses in the fol- lowing schools: Mechanical-Electrical Engineering, Civil and Sanitary Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Architecture and Architectural Engineering. Two years course in Sugar Chemistry. Small classes, ample equipment, thorough training through intimate contact with practical problems.

THE NEWCOMB COLLEGE, for women, located in Washington Avenue, in the best residential district, offers full courses in Literature, History and Science; in the School of Art every facility for the study and practice of industrial and fine arts, with picture galleries and an art library; in the School of Music superior facilities for the study of Music in all its branches; in the School of Household Economy professional, special and elective courses in Domestic Science and Domestic Art; and in the School of Education, special training for prospective teachers of high and elementary schools. A complete Psychological laboratory is in close affiliation with the work in Education and other Schools.

THE GRADUATE DEPARTMENT, open to graduates of approved colleges, offers advanced courses leading to the degree of A.M., M.E., C.E., and Ph.D. A number of Fellowships are awarded annually.

THE LAW DEPARTMENT offers two complete three-year courses, each leading to the degree of Bachelor of Laws; one to prepare students for practice in Common Law States, the other to prepare students for practice in Louisiana.


The School of Medicine, established in 1834, with unexcelled laboratory and

clinical advantages, offers a five-year course to High School graduates. The Post-Graduate School of Medicine, established in 1688, as the New Orleans

Polyclinic. Graduate courses offered in all fields of medicine including research. The School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine offers short courses in public health

and tropical medicine. Regular courses for degrees of D.P.H. and D.T.M.H.. etc. The School of Pharmacy, established in 1838. Degrees of Ph.G., (two years),

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terms as men. The School of Dentistry (formerly New Orleans College of Dentistry), offers a

full three years" course leading to the degree of D.D.S., with practically unlimited

clinical material.

For special circulars or for detailed information, address the Deans of the respective departments. For General Register of the University, address


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When about to sit fcr his portrait: "Paint me as I am, with every Hne in my face; I want the world to know who Oliver Cromwell was."

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While we prefer to please the Cromwells, we CAN and DO please the Napoleons of to-day.

If There is

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Dear Little Hotien Tot

If your ma insists on bringing you to see me too late in the day, just don't you come. Wait till another day and start earlier. Then on your arrival we'll proceed to have all kinds of fun. We'll play ball, romp with the "Jimmie" doll and kick the sawdust out of Susan (who has lost her head) and oh! You'll shout with glee. Your friend,

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If you are looking for that kind you will have to go elsewhere. But if you wish the BEST, then we are ever ready to serve you; and for the kind of work we do, our prices are very reasonable, as any well informed person will tell you.

The Hitchler Studio



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Frank T. Bohne Edward J. Reiss

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Nos. 417-423 Decatur Street

New Orleans, La.


The Tulane


University Press




Stationers, Engravers Blank Book Makers



Reily-Taylor Co.

Gibson Hall, Tulane Campus

New Orleans, La.


A. H. Petting


Manufacturer of

Greek Letter Fraternity Jewelry

Engineering Instruments and Drawing Material

Memorandum package sent to any fraternity mem- ber through the Secretary of the chapter. SPECIAL designs and estimates fur- nished on medals, rings, pins, for athletic meets, etc,

^^plgfeU^ SPECIAL ^^^g^ PRICES J^^^k to Students

Eugene Dietzgen Co.

615 Common St.

213 N. Liberty Street, Baltimore, Md. Factory: 212 Little Sharp St.


Albany, N. Y.

Makers of Caps




To Tulane 1899, 1900, 1901 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1908 1910, 1911 and 1912: to univer- sities of the South, Harvard, Yale Princeton, Stanford, Minnesota and others. Class Contratits a Specialty. Correcit Hoods for all Degrees. Rich Governs for Pulpit and Bench.


Mayers Hotel

Baton Rouge, La.

The place where the Tulane

teams stop when in

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"GIVING SATISFACTION IS A B. P. ATTRACTION." We are Jewelers exclusively to the Greek Letter World, making a specialty of Fraternity, Society and School Pins of the Better Grade. Our catalogue, a book for modern Greeks, will be mailed upon request.

The official key of this Chapter has square corners, is without enamel, and resembles in its general style the cuts here printed.

Members are at liberty to purchase the key of any dealer in such emblems.

Women commonly ^vear the smaller, and men the larger

This card must accompany the order.

BURR, PATTERSON & CO., Fraternity Jewelers, Detroit, Mich.



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Swamps are not desirable to have about your home or in the neighborhood. They are not good to look at and they breed mosquitoes and other objectionable things. Ninety-five per cent of the land area within seventy-five miles of Tulane University is unreclaimed swamp or water soaked prairie.

But it happens that this unreclaimed land contains more plant food per acre than any other equal acreage in all the world. For unnumbered centuries, nature has been storing it away for man's use, billions of tons of it, on five million acres. All of the gold mines of the world do not furnish as much new wealth each year as these water soaked acres could produce, if properly reclaimed and cultivated.

The struggles of the future between peoples and the nations will be for food and clothing. Plant food is the basis for both.

The presence of this potential food and clothing makes possible the building here of a great world city, when the plentitude of material wealth will make easy a well balanced society and where a refined civilization may reach its highest development.

What now appears to be a positive drawback, will become a great asset, such as no other city possesses. Nature has a way of making difficult the possessions of her richest treasures. To get the wealth of the swamps, we must drain them and make them fit and desirable abode of man.

This will take many men and much money. Tulane is now training engineers and financiers who will have a part m this work and Tulane-Newcomb men and women will find no richer fields for the investment of talent and energies than are in this lower

Mississippi delta.


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Saving the Dollars That Die Young"

EVERYBODY who writes

business letters works in

the "Letter Factory." No

matter what business you are in

you are also a letter manufacturer.

What Do Your Letters Cost?

'npHE maximum cost of the average business letter is about NINE CENTS. -"• The minimum cost is FIVE CENTS. The average cost is SEVEN CENTS apiece. A corporation that turns out only 200 letters a day pays $14 a day over $4,000 per annum just for writing letters.

Analyze Your Letter Factory

The operating expense of your Letter Plant is governed by the working cost of two factors. These factors are (exclusive of postage):

1. Your human helpers stenographers. THEY REPRESENT 95 "o of the working cost.

2. The writing-machines that make the letters. THEY REPRESENT LESS THAN 5/0 of your letter-making cost.

Stop and //»'«^ ! Are you, as a business man, willing to hamper, "tie up" and decrease the efficiency of the 95"o factor of your plant, in order to "economize" on the 5/o factor?

Can you afford to do without the superior service which you will get from a new equipment of Royal Typewriters the 5"o factor to increase t/ie efficiency of your 95% investment in labor i* Price $100

Announcing ('" c<^n<.A^, '.

THE NEW ROYAL MASTER-MODEL 10 The Typewriter of Triple Service

This master machine does the work of several typewriters in one it writes, types cards, and bills ! All this without a dollar for extra attach- ments. This means economy without a parallel in typewriter service ! BUILT for "BIG BUSINESS" and its GREAT ARMY of EXPERT OPERATORS. Send for the "Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRATION. Or write to us direct for our new brochure Better Ser- vice— and a beautiful Color Photograph, showing all of the new Royal's many ex- clusive features. "Write now-right nou)!"



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Leaves New Orleans - - - - - - 7.10 p.m.

Arrives Baton Rouge ----.. 9.45 p m.

" Beaumont ------- 5.05 a. m-

Houston 7.55 a.m.

Corpus Christi ------ 6.00 p. m.

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^ Pullman Sleepers, Steel Coaches, Observation Dining Cars. Meals by Grunewald.





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