Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 3 = Fish and Wildlife Service, Albert M. Day, Director DAG? ee ~ ys Au ve : § 443 &. Cet ie ; Fete Outs f Age, : a ee z sta 2 “eee fF Reems, JAPANESE ORNITHOLOGY AND MAMMALOGY DURING WORLD WAR IL ec ncn eee United States Department of the-Interior, J. A. Krug, Secretary JAPANESE ORNITHOLOGY AND MAMMALOGY DURING WORLD WAR II Note: This is a reproduction of Report No. 102, Natural Resources Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Tokyo. (It has been reproduced with the permission of the Civil Affairs Division, Department of the Army.) NATURAL RESOURCES SECTION REPORT NUMBER 102 30 January 1948 JAPANESE ORNITHOLOGY AND MAMMALOGY DURING WORLD WAR II (An Annotated Bibliography) TABLE OF CONTENTS Fazge MyeVep Lolobovonnalop Vac ers. sO) Oates on OM Ono Cid on BMoua ONG Ol Ooo: Gold OO ooo Aro 6 Gio 3 Planbof the Bibliography \s<2 oii cose lenet 2 site ew g eeyr eee e 4 Phi el Tagen Gente) Ol OO SOMO. DED OMIG TO MOND GOO OP ONO SOLO LOO OY 6001.0) 6.8) 6/0, 6. Onin O° Oo 5 EME DE i Cai bior- nor sca Oaiy ONO OO MONOLOER ONG O50 0-0-0000 .6 Sono oo Oo 6 0-8 27 Herivoddcelisisure:o: lounetenic: Tors Meuncts ajsieielile/ Wis tierce eax eeropet oa piel bie iat etaremer ValelaliomnonntCnt ote tne tal tae 40 List of Natural Resources Section Reports Distribution NATURAL RESOURCES SECTION REPORT NUMBER 102 30 January 1948 JAPANESE ORNITHOLOGY AND MAMMALOGY DURING WORLD WAR II (An Annotated Bibliography ) INTRODUCTION Despite restrictions on all activities not contributing directly to the war effort, Japanese naturalists made signal contributions during the war years to their most unwar- like of sciences, Between late 1941, when censorship clamped down and communications with the rest of the world ceased, and 1944, when the war finally reached Tokyo, much work on the birds and mammals was accomplished. However, even two years after the Japanese sur- render, few of the wartime publications have reached the outside world, and perhaps many of them never will in their original form, The fire raids of 1944 and 1945 not only de- stroyed some of the most valuable collections and libraries in Japan but also eliminated the reserve stocks of recent periodicals and private publications. Naturalists in wartime Japan were hampered by many difficulties, From the China Incident in 1931 onward, as the military faction gained power, government funds for re- search in natural history were progressively curtailed, The official attitude became one of extreme exploitation of all natural resources for the war effort, without regard for the future, Accordingly, the Bird and Mammal Section of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, perhaps the most outstanding of the Jananese conservation agencies, was one of the first to be restricted, As the war effort intensified, appropriations for tnis de- partment were cut consecutively, and.as its young staff members went off to war, their positions were eliminated, At the same time, with the full approval and backing of the military, a.new insti- tution was founded in Tokyo in 1941, the Research Institute for Natural Resources (Shigenkagaku Kenkyujo) under the direction of Dr K. Shibata, the botanist, Its higher vertebrate staff, nominally at least, consisted of Okada, Taka-Tsukasa, Kuroda, Hachisuka, Kiyosu, and Yamashina,. ©One of the institute's functions was to act as a repository and clearinghouse for all the scientific material sent to Japan from the invaded territories, and many specimens filtered through its hands as the Japanese advanced through the South Pacific, In 1943 it sent an expedition to northern China which, with help from the army of occupation, obtained from the Asiatic mainland an excellent collection of representative species long needed for comparative work in Japan, In 1943 and early. 1944 it published a series of technical treatises, covering such varied topics as the geography of the Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, the food value of seaweeds, and the calcium con- tent of marine shells. Its publications on vertebrates include Tokuda's studies on Man- churian mice and on biogeographical distribution in Inner Mongolia, and Kiyosu's compilation on birds as food resources, The institute's wartime work came to a sudden end 25 May 1945 when its building was destroyed by fire, The organization has been revived.and is now contributing to the reconstruction of Japanese natural science, During the early part of World War II, the Japanese people at home showed increasing curiosity about the res naturae of the newly conquered lands to the south, Several authors who had previous field experience there, notably Hachisuka, Take-Tsukasa, and Yamasnina, wrote popular, fast-selling works on the subject for lay consumption, Publication wae This report was compiled by Dr 0, L. Austin, Jr, scientific consultant, Wildlife Branch, Fisheries Division, assisted by Dr Masauji Hachisulm on the avian section, Dr Haruo Tekashima on the mammalian section, and Mr Nagahisa Kuroda on the periodicals. begun on a beautiful folio of plates entitled Monograph of the Birds of Greater East Asia, compiled by Take-Tsukasa, Uchida, Kuroda, and Yamashina and illustrated by the best artists in Japan, but only four parts were issued before the printing plant was destroyed in 1944, During the first three yeare of the war, university and privately financed projects such as Yamashina's and Makino's cytological studiee, Taka-Tsukasa's monumental Birds of Nippon, Kuroda's work on ducks, and Hachisuka's studies of Philippine birds were continued despite increasing difficulties, The Ornithological Society of Japan held regular meetings and published its organ, Tori, more or less on schedule, Chief among its wartime works was the publication of the third and revised edition of A Hand-List of Japanese Birds, issued in the autumn of 1942 and listing all the species known to occur in the former Japanese emoire including Sakhalin, the Kurils, Korea, the Ryukyus, Formosa, and Micronesia. How- ever, the fire raids of 1944-45 ended the society's activities, and its last publication was number 55, volume 11 of Tori, dated September 1944, The last meetings of the society were held that autumn, With the encouragement of Natural Resources Section, the society was re-established in November 1946, and meetings were resumed, The average Japanese scientist did not realize how imminent and devastating the bombing raids would be; consequently, efforts to save books and specimens came too late, Before the coming destruction was generally apparent, transportation was paralyzed, and neither trucks nor carts were available to take treasures away from the vulnerable cities, The worst losses were sustained by Prince Taka-Tsukasa and Marquis Kuroda whose homes, aviaries, libraries, and collections were demolished in May 1945, Kuroda's collections alone contained the types (about 125) of more valid Japanese birds and mammals than all other Japanese collections combined, Fortunately Kuroda had placed a few of his choicest items in a small concrete building which resisted the conflagration, Among the 20 specimens saved are his two Pseudotadorna and the unique types of Astrapia recondita and Erythrura trichroa pelewensis, The Hachisuka and Tokyo Imperial University collections had been combined with the Yemashina collection in the latter's miseum before World War II, These specimens and Yamashina's excellent library were evacuated to the mountains for sefety. Though Yamashina's home, aviaries, and out-buildings were destroyed, the museum building adjoining them was not damaged, The library and collections have been returned to the museum, and it now houses the most complete and valuable bird and mammel material in postwar Japan, The collections and the main library of the Bird and Mammal Laboratory in Tokyo were likewise seved, but the stock of its own publications was not. These publications, those of the new Research Institute, the last number of Tori, and some privately printed works such as Take-Tsukase's Study of the Galli of Nippon, published just before the fire raids, are exceedingly rare, The Kobayashi egg collection in Kobe, the University collections at Kyoto and Sendai, and the historic Blackiston collection in Sapporo are still intact, though deteriorating rapidly from lack of proper care and storage. The accompanying annotated bibliography provides a detailed resume of Japanese war- time ornithological and mammalogical work, PLAN OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography includes all known technical works in ornithology and mammalogy published in Japan from January 1941 to November 1947, The more important popular and semi=popular works issued during the same period are included. Popular magazine articles of a general nature, of too little value scientifically to justify abstracting, have been omitted, All works cited, unlese otherwise stated, were published in Japanese, The titles of all papers published in well-lmown journals such as Tori and the Zoological Magazine 4 are given in translation alone, as volume and page references should suffice to locate them, To facilitate locating books and other separately published items, their titles are given in the modified -Hepburn system of Romaji as well as ite English translation, 7 In quoting the names of authors, journals, books, and titles in Japanese, the original Kanji or Chinese charactera have been discarded as unpronounceable and meaninglesa to most occidental scientists, and replaced by Romanized spelling. When such a name or title is given in Romaji in the original, that original spelling ies used, Otherwise, the modified Hepburn system of Romanization is followed in all transcriptions, All journals from which articles have been abstracted are listed separately, with the abbreviations used for them, alphabetically. The Japanese have not been uniform in trans- lating the names of their periodicals into English, Usually "Iho" is rendered as "bulletin", "Kajho" as "transactions", "Hokoku" as "reports", "Kiji" as "proceedings", "Kiyo" as "journal", "Nempo" as “annual reports", and "Zasshi" as "magazine", But any and all of these may be rendered arbitrarily by the Japanese as "bulletin" or "journal" or "proceedings", When, as frequently happens, a periodical prints an English or other foreign language title in addition to its Japanese title, that foreign title is used in this bibliography, re- gardless of its literal meaning, and quoted first, followed by the Romanized title in Japanese in parentheses, When no foreign title appears on the original, the Romanized Javanese title is given first and followed ‘by an English translation in parentheses. The regrettable Japanese habit of pre-dating periodicals was intensified during the war, To establish priorities of publication, the actual publishing dates are given if known, in addition to the date printed on the issue, The order of each citation is as follows: a, For articles published in periodicals: name of author underlined, year of publi- cation, English translation of title of article in quotes, name of periodical underlined, volume in Roman numerals, number (where available) in parentheses, pagination, illustrations, complete date by western calendar, bd. For books and otner separately published articles: name of author underlined, year of publication, title in English underlined, title in Romaji in parentheses underlined, size, place of publication, pagination, illustrations, date of publication by western cal- endar, _¢€, For periodicals: abbreviation (if used), complete name underlined (foreign title first if available on the original, followed by the Romanized Japanese title in parentheses, otherwise Romanized Japanese title first followed by an English translation in parentheses volume, numbers, months, year. BIRDS Abe, Koroku 1941 "Birds of Mt Wakasugi, Fukuoka Prefecture": Tori, XI (51,52), -p 151, Oct 1941, This mountain, eight km east of Fukuoka city and covered with thick forest, is an ideal resort for birds, Thirty species were observed 23 June and nine especies 3 November, 1942 “An Occurrence of the Felican": Tori, XI (53,54), p 483. Dec 1942. A wounded specimen of Pelecanus crispus was captured in Fulmoka Prefecture, Kyushu, 17 November 1941, 1942 "List of tne Bamboo Fartridges Introduced into Fukuoka Frefecture": Tori, XI (53,54), p 484, Dec 1942. Between 1933-36, 304 Bambusicola thoracica were propagated and released in Fukuoka Prefecture, The species hes established itself successfully. Anon 1941-44 "A List of Foreign Birds Preserved in the Collections of Taka-Tsukasa, Yamashina, Hachisuka, and Kuroda": pt 1 Tori, XI (51,52), pp 140-141, Oct 1941; pt 2 Tori, XI (53,54), pp 449-462, Dec 1942; pt 3, Tori, XI (55), pp 651-867, Sep 1944, A nominal list giving only localities, published serially in three sections, The first section lists the Tubinares, Steganopodes, Anseres, and Gressores; the second the Accipitres and Striges; the third the Psittaci,' Enomoto, Yoshiki 1942 Reminiscences of Wild Birds (No no Tori no Omoide), demy 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-416, many sketches by the author, 31 Dec 1942,” The author, a veteran field naturalist, mourns the increasing scarcity of bitds. Geese and hooded cranes were formerly numerous, and people paid less attention to them than to the less common and larger Japanese and white-naped cranes, In the city of Tokushima storks perched on the roofs in the fishmongers' street and caught in mid-air the fish offal the shopkeepers threw to them, Crane, storks, ibises, and spoonbills, once abundant, are almost unknown in Japen today, The author lest saw ibises in 1897, In 1902 he observed and collected many alba- trosses on the Pescadores Island near Formosa, where they are now scarce. Dusky and pele thrusnes, a rare sight today, were common and used to sing around the houses all winter until early May, The author describes entertainingly his field experiences with birds in Formosa, Korea, and southern Manchuria as well as in many parte of tne Home Islands. Fakui, Mitsutsugu 1942 "On Two or Three Manchurian Birds": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 485-486, 3 photo, Dee 1942, Urocissa erythrorhyncha brevivexilla, Pyrrhocorax brachypus, and Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis are recorded. Gen, Konkiu 1941 "An Observation on the Breeding of Sturnia sturnina": Tori, XI (51,52), pp 90-99, Oct 1941, A nest of this starling was discovered 30 May in P'yongan-namdo, the first breeding record from Korea, The nesting was observed carefully, and tne eggs and parents were collected. Hachisuka, Masauji i 1941 "Description of a New Species of Bird from the Philippine Islands" (in English): Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XI (1), pp 1-4, Feb 1941. Dicaeum isag sp. nov, is described from Mt Apo, with detailed comments on tne faunal affinities between the Philippine Islands and Celebes and Molucca, 1941 "Description of a New Genus and Species of Sunbird from the Philippine Islands" (in English): Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XI (2), pp 5-8, Mar 1941. Proposes Philippinia gen, nov, ae intermediate between Aethopyga and Cinnyris and describes P, primigenius sp. nov. from four svecimens collected by the author at Mt Apo. 1941 “Further Contribution to the Ornithology of the Philippine Islande" (in English): Tori, XI (51,52), pp 61-89, Oct 1941. The first section liste the 128 species in the Hirazawa collection from the eastern side of the Davao Gulf, Mindenao, Worthy of special mention are Pithecophaga jeffreyi, four specimens; Aviceda jerdoni leucopsis, eix specimens; Mimizuku gerneyi, adult and young; Asio £. flammeus, one of the most southerly records, The second section comments on new or rare records noticed since the publication of the author's The Birds of the Philippine Islands; describes Antigone a, luzonica, Dicaeum dorsaie hanadori, Pyrrhula leucogenys apo, Passer m, manillensis, Oriolus anthonotus palawanues; and proposes Kurodornis gen, nov, for Turdus luzoniensis. 1942 “Birds Described by Japanese Authors" (in English); Tori, XI (53,54), pp 270-352, Dec 1942. A detailed catalogue and criticism of the systematic work of the 12 Japanese authors who have named birds. It is based largely on the forms considered valid by the third edition (1942) of A Hand-List of Japanese Birds. 1942-44 "Contributions to the Ornithology of South China" (in English): pt 1 Tori, XI (53,54), pp 352-369, Dec 1942; pt 2 Tori, XI (55), pp 529-573, Sep 1944, Part 1 notes the conditions in Canton in 1940, The Chinese ornithologist, Mr Yen,and his famous collection of Yaoshan birds had disappeared without trace, The best bird collection in Canton was at Sun Yat Sen University. An American naturalist, Mr Gressitt, was still in charge of the emaller Lingnan University collection, A list is appended of the 194 species removed from two of the smaller Canton institutions, the Educational Museum and the Science Museum, ana exhibited at the Japanese consulate, Part 2 describes the bird collections of the Kwangsi Provincial Museum of Natural History, which were on orderly exhibition in May 1940, though the museum and the city were deserted by all except Japanese troops. Notes are appended on 100 of the most significant and interesting species. 1942 "A Record of Hybrid Between Goose and Swan": Tori, XI (53-54), pp 463-464, 1 photo, Dec 1942, Describes hybrid between Emden goose and mute swan kept in Munich zoo and lists the three other known records of this hybrid, the so-called "Swoose", 1942 "A New Name for the Japanese Blue Magpie": Zool Mag, LIV (12), p 505, Dec 1942, The author suggests uniting Cyanopica with Pica, as sufficiently diagnostic generic differences are lacking, If this is done, Cyanopica cyanus japonicus Parrot (1905) is preoccupied by Pica pica japonica Temminck and Schlegel (1848) and cannot be used, Pica cyana onaga is proposed for Cyanopica cyanus japonicus Parrot. 1943 "The Keepj{ng of Screamers": Sai Shi, V (4), pp 88-93, 2 pl, Apr 1943. Gives general habits of the birds in nature in South America and in captivity elsewhere, The first screamers in Japan were four imported by the author and kept by him in Atami for several years. 1943 Expedition to the South (Minami no Tanken), demy 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-437, 1 col pl, num photo and line drawings, 1 map, 5 May 1943, A narrative in popular style of the author's ornithological expedition to the Philippine Islands in 1929, the book alao describes interesting experiences with 7 birds in Hawaii, China, Borneo, Celebes, and New Guinea, Illustrations include a colored plate of new Philippine endemic birds and numerous photographs, 1943 "The Ornithological History of South China": Trans Nat Hist Soc Taiwan, XXXIII (Special No 1), pp 1-38, Aug 1943, A brief historical sketch of the development of ornithology south of the Yangtse Valley is given, including Tonkin but excluding Formosa and Hainan, Because of political disturbances no research work has been done in this vast territory since 1936, The names of workers, their chief collecting grounds, and the museums where their collections are preserved are listed. 1944 "Avifaunal Distribution of Hainan" (with English resume): Trans Nat Hist Soc Taiwan,, XXXIV (246-247), pp 139-158, Apr 1944, Excluding migrants and doubtful records, more than 31 percent of the Hainan birds are endemic, A few of these are species, but most are of subspecific rank, More than 74 percent of the Hainan species (not counting subspecies) are common to southern China and Annam as well, The Annamese element is over twice as strong as the southern Chinese element, while two monotypic genera of Corvidae, Temnura and Cissopica, are known only from Annem and Hainan, More than two-thirds of the resident Hainan birds came from India and Burma, and less than one-third traveled by the Burma, Yunnan, and Kwangsi route, A few Hainan species not represented in southern China and Indo-China reappear in India, Burma, Siam, and Yunnan, The entire island is tropical, and even the Five-Finger Ranges are covered with thick forest, Therefore altitude has little affect on avifaunal distribution, which is ruled within the island by other ecological faétors, 1944 "Description of a New Tailor-Bird from the Philippine Islands" (in English): Tori, XI (55), pp 525-528, 1 fig; Sep 1944, Original description of Orthotomus nigrogularis, Horikawa, Yasuichi 1942 "Two Species of Cranes Captured in Formosa": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 481-482, 2 photo, Dec 1942. One specimen each of Grus japonica and G, vipio from Taihokushiu constitute the first Formosa records, Ichikawa, Masatoku 1944 "Broad-Billed Roller around Chimneys": Tori, XI (55), pp 685-687, 1 pl, Sep 1944, Eurystomus orientalis has been observed in May and early June flying around tall factory chimneys in Saitama, Kofu, Akita, and other widely separated places, sometimes in pairs, occasionally in groups of seven or eight, Ne explanation is offered for this curious behavior, The birds sometimes perch on the chimneys, and once two fell through and were captured, The species is known to breed only in hollow trees in deep forests, Inoue, Motonori 1947 "The Birds of Ishikari Plain, Hokkaido": Seibutu, Suppl (1), pp 137-145, Jan 1947, A briefly annotated list of the 132 species found in the plainslands of south- western Hokkaido, The author excludes rare stragglers and the high mountain, salt water, and coastal forme and divides the remainder into three convenient ecological habitats, For villages and scrub growth areas he lists 25 species, for grassy plains and marshes 46, and for forest lands 61 species, Ishizawa, Jicho and Shimomura, Kenshi 1945 Birds of Outdoors (Yagai no Torj), 16mo, Tokyo, pp 1-134, index, pp 1-13, 44 col pl, Jan 1945, : This useful little pocket book with colored plates gives short descriptions, ‘ranges, habitats, and feeding habits of 146 common species of Japanese birds. To facilitate lay identifications, the species are grouped by habitats, those found in or near villages, grassy plains, brush country, forests, ev.b-alpine and alpine zones, and along the shore, Kameyama, Motoichi 1941 "Black Variety of the Japanese Skylark": Tori, XI (51,52), p 152, 1 pl, Oct 1941. A captive skylark started darkening in spring and by summer was completely melan- istic. fs 1944 "Species of Worms Contained in the Stomach of a Dove": Tori, XI (55), p 709, 1 photo, Sep 1944, A dove obteined in Motosu, Gifu Prefecture, 26 October 1941 had eaten 174 leaf- roller worms, Kawamura, Tamiji 1947 The Science of Bird Song (Tori no Uta no Kagaku) crown 8vo, Kyoto, pp 1-388, 5 Aug 1947, This excellent study of bird song is the work of Professor Kawamura of Kyoto University, one of the leading Japanese authorities on the subject, He describes the structure and development of the mechanisms by which bird song is produced and traces the evolution of song from simple call-notes to the complex nuptial melodies of the finest songsters. He attempts to classify each song by its syllables and their length, order, phrasing, and modulation and writes his con- ception of them in kata-kana, which lends itself to the purpose admirably. He notes individual and geographical differences of song within the species and shows the effect on song of climate, season, and time of day. He describes the songs of all the native song birds of Japan in detail and adds a final chapter on the songs of cage birds, Kiyosu, Yukiyasu (see also Yamashins, Y, and Kiyosu, Y,) 1943 "Ou the Birds as Food Resources": Shi Ken Iho (4), pp 1-119, 4 pl, Nov 1943. This was compiled as part of Japan's “exploitation of natural resources" pro- gram to ease the food shortage during the war, It lists all the species of birds, from the Kurils and Sakhalin south to the Ryukyu Islands, which may legally be eaten: 15 sparrows, 1 bulbul, 3 thrushes, 13 ducks, 3 doves, 27 shorebirds, 3 rails, and 6 gallinaceous species. Short descriptions of each "game" species include habitat, voice, nesting, food, migration, general distribution, and the totals reported captured, with their market prices for the past 16 years. Kobayashi, Keisuke 1944 "Random Notes on the Purple Heron": Tori, XI (55), p 688, Sep 1944. A young female captured in Chiburi 26 November 1942 constitutes the first record from Hokkaido, The writer saw a single bird in Takao, Formosa, and later obtained four eggs. ns of Cuculus saturatus and Prinia flaviventris sonitans": Tort, XI (55), pp 1, 2 photo, Sep 1944, In Formosa C, saturatus commonly lays its eggs in the nest of P, flaviventris. ‘The color of the egzs is similar, but the cuckoo's eges are much larger and lack the glossiness, Kumageya, Saburo 1944 Oystercatcher's Miscellany (miyakodori Shinko), 12mo, Tokyo, pp 1-138, 7 fig, 1944, This book is a more poetic than scientific treetment of the gulls which have been known since early feudal times as "Kamome" in Japanese, Tne Japanese name of the less common oystercatcher is of uncertain derivation, "Miyakxodori", literally "town bird". Literary men of former days, unversed in native bird names, wrote poems in admiration of the gulls, the "white birds floating on the rivers", in Kyoto and Tokyo and called them "town birds" in error, Kuno, Kentsro 1942 Kurode, 1941 Kuroda, "The Avifauna of Mt Echigo Koma After the Breeding Season": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 388-405, 1 map, Dee 1942, The author visited Echigo mountain three times during June end July and observed and heard 344 individuals of 53 species, The population was greater at lower altitudes, Nagahisa "A Hybrid Between the Silver and Black-Tailed Gulls": Tori, XI (51,52), pp 146-150, 3 pl, Oct 1941, A male Larus novaehollandiae and a female L, crassirostris bred two successive years in’the Kyoto zoo, In 1939 two of their three eggs hatched, but the chicks died the same day, In 1940 one of three chicks hatched reached maturity, The incubation and care of young are done mostly by the male, The immature birds resemble the female. s Negamichi (see also Taka-Tsukasa, N,, and Kuroda, N.) 1941-42 "A Study of the Marianas Duck, Anas oustaleti": pt 1 Tori, XI (51,52), pp 99- 10 119, 6 pl, Oct 1941; pt 2 Tori, XI (53,54), pp 443-448, 3 photo, Dec 1942, od jo4e Tnis duck is known only from the islands of Saipan, Tinian, and Guam in the Marianas, About 40 svecimens are preserved, The author obtained and brought to Tokyo four live svecimens from Hagoi Lake on Tinian Island, Adults exhibit both nuptial and eclipse plumage at the same time, suggesting that they breed at all times of the year, The post-nuptial plumage and the color of the legs of the drake resemble those of mallard and are quite different from Anas super- ciliosa, The view that A, oustaleti may be hybrid between A, platyrhynchos and A, superciliosa is not thought tenable because these two svecies have never been obtained from the Marianas, The author considers A, oustaleti a valid species which probebly developed from northern mallard stock and places it systematically next to A, platyrhynchos, The species breeds in July on Challankanoa Lake, Sainan, and lays from 7 to 12 eggs per clutch, On Hagoi Lake in Tinian two flocks of more than 50 ducks were observed, Photographs of the nest and eggs and the incubating parent are believed to be the first ever taken, Ducklings and incubated eggs have been found in June and July, but their breeding season is believed to be longer. Color of the duckling resembles that of the mallard, but general color of tne back is more brownish, 1942 1944 1944 “skino, 1946 "Rove Birds Obteined in the Last Season": Tori, AI (51.52), pp 141-142, 1 vl, Cet 1941. Second record of Hrythrina erythrina grebnitskii from Honshu, Two mellards, one in buff phase and the other with the white neck ring interrupted in the front, and a hybrid between mallard and pintail are described, A Bibliography of the Duck Tribe (in English), 8vo0, Tokyo, pp 1-852, Oct 1942, A most useful compilation of the world Literature on the ducks, geese, swans, domestic waterfowl, and screamers, Brief resumes of many articles are given, with emphasis on all titles not included in Phillip's similar compilation in 1926, The number of titles totals 6,539, "An Apparently New Species of Bird of Paradise of the Genus Astrapia" (in English): Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XIII (4), pp 33-27, 1 col pl, Feb 1943. Astrapis recondita sp. nov, 1s cioser to A, mayeri than to A, stephaniae, Two male specimens from Morobe district, southeastern New Guinea, are in Kurode collection, "On the Birds of Paradise": Kag Nan, XII, pp 20-25, 24 photo, 1943, Birds of paradise appeered for the first time in Japanese literature in 1803, The author recognizes 141 species and sub-species and 20 hybrids of Paradisaeidae and Ptilonorhynchidae, explains their mornhologicel and nest building pecullari- ties, and lists the specimens preserved in vapenese coilections ana aviaries, "Proposal of Genus Garrulex for Genus Trochalopteron": Zool Mag, LVI (8), pp 13-14, Aug 1944 (ectual date of publication, 25 Apr 1946). The author sugsests that Trochalopteron used in A_Hand-List of the Japanese Birds, 1942, should be united with Garrulax, as not sufficiently distinct from it morphologically. "A List of the Birds of Paradise and the Bower Birds" (in English): Tori, XI (55), ‘op 615-650, Sep 1944, This nominal list of the recognized forms of these two closely related familie’ contains 30 genera, 9 subgenera, 57 species, 119 subspecies, 141 species and subspecies, and 20 hybrids, "Observations of Birds in Inubo Peninsula, Choshi, and Its Environs": Tori, XI (55), pp 707-708, Sep 1944, Observations on 29 species of birds made during six short trips to Choshi, retsuya "A Study on the Breeding Birds at Sumiyoshi-ura": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 406-433, 26 photo, 1 map, Oct 1942, Notes on breeding near Osaka of the house sparrow, skylark, great reed-warbler, fantail warbler, little bittern, spot-billed duck, little grebe, Kentish plover, little ringed-plover, little tern, and moorhen, Sajiro "A Simple Method of Making Specimens of Small Birds", Seibutu, I (3), pp 188-189, Jun 1946, A snort description of how to preserve small birds by injecting the viscera with formalin with a pipette, and replacing the brains and eyes with formal in- impreg- nated cotton. The author has kept such specimens successfully for two years, 11 Minist of iculture and Forestry, Forest Bureau, Tokyo 1941 Bird Banding Statistics for 1940-41 (Hyoshiki cho kaishu ichiran), mimeographed dooklet, 8" by 10", pp 1-14, 2 charts, Aug 1941, 1042 Bird Banding Statistics for 1941-42 (Hyoshiki cho kishu ichiran), mimeographed booklet, 8" by 19", pp 1-20, 2 charts, Aug 1942, 1943 Bird Banding Statistics for 1942-43 (Hyoshiki cho kaishu ichiren), mimeographed booklet, 8" by 10", pp 1-15, 2 charts, Aug 1943, 1944 Bird Banding Statistics for 1943-44 (Hyoshiki cho kaisau ichizan), mimeographea booklet, 8" by 10", pp 1-16, 2 charts, Aug 1944, These booklets, published annually, contain all available Japanese banding data, No distinction is made between "returns" and "recoveries", Species are listed by their Japanese common names in kata-kana, the dates in Arabic numerals, the localities in Kanji, The only bending in Japan is done by employees of the Bird and Mammal Laboratory of the Bureau of Forestry, Most of the birds banded are bought from the licensed bird netters at prevailing market prices, The three percent returns for small song and insectivorous birds, mostly thrushes and sparrows, are extraordinarily high by American standards, The annusl banding average is 10,000 birds of 20 species; the returns average 300 birds of 20 species, 1942 Hunting Statistics for 1939 (Shuryo tokei), royal 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-68, 2 charts, 28 Feb 1942, 1942 Hunting Statistics for 1940 (Shuryo tokei), pp 1-66, 2 charts, 29 Feb 1942, 1943 Hunting Statistics for 1941 (Shuryo tokei; pp 1-64, 2 charts, 30 Mar 1943, 1944 Hunting Statistics for 1942 (Shuryo tokei) pp 1-58, 1 chart, 30 Mar 1944, These statistics, published annually, are based on the returns all licensed hunters are required to make at the end of each hunting season, Included are such useful data as the numbers of licenses issued, both for shooting and netting, the amount of revenue received, the kill of birds and mammals listed by species for each prefecture, the activities of government agents, the numbers of violations and hunting accidents, and the number of sanctuaries and licensed hunting grounds, While faulty and careless collection of the data renders many of them useless for statistical study, they are the only ones available, The figures for 1943 were destroyed during collection in 1944, None were gathered for the 1944-45 season, but partial figures for 1945-46 are available, though not pubdlisned, Those for the 1946-47 season are being collected, Miyosai, Heju 1942 Animals of the South Seas (Nanyo Dobutsu Shi), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-339, 1942, This popular book deals with animals of the South Pacific in folk lore, folk art, and etymology. In the few chapters on birds the influences on native culture of the cassowary, ostrich, hawk, eagle, parrot, and birds of paradise are discussed at length, Mori, Hideshi -- See Takewaki, Kiyoshi and Mori, H, Nakamura, Yukio 1942 "An Albino Feather-Toed Scops Owl": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 482-483, 1 photo, Dec 1942, A partial albino was captured at Kichisawa village, Yamanashi Prefecture. Nakanishi, Godo 1941 "Birds of Musashino", in Miscellany on the Piains of Musashj Province (Musashino) edited by Tamura, G.,and Hande, M., 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-529, 25 May 1941. The avian section, pp 284-351, with six plates, contains a detailed summary of the birds of the area, based on published records and Nakanishils own censuses in the area (roughly Tokyo and vicinity), It describes the various habitats, the major rookeries and sanctuaries, and the bert "birding spots", The author tabulates 223 species, of which he considers 47 as permanent residents, 43 summer residents, 34 transients, 66 winter visitors, ?5 vagrante, and 8 stragglers, 1941 Among the Wild Birds (Yakin no naka ni), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-418, num photo, 20 May 1941. A popular collection of the author's observations, mostly on song and nesting habits, with a chapter on vertical distribution in the mountain aresec and another on the origin of Japanese local names for birds, A diary of his birding trip through the Izu Islands is included, 1943 Talke on Wild Birds (Yacho no Hanasni), @vo, Tokyo, pp 1-164, 14 pl, 1943, This book for children on the habits of common Japanese birds is written in a simple, popular style. 1947 Talks on Birds (Tori o Kataru), crown 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-275, frontpiece, 15 Jun 1947, Another collection of Nakanishi's writings in popular vein, mainly on general avian behavior and bird song. He quotes extensively from ancient Japanese literature, gives a number of examples of the popular Japanese stylized 31- syllable poems on bird subjects, and tells the story of the founding of the "Yacho" society and magazine. Nibe, Tominosuke 1943 Life Histories of Wild Birds (No no Tori no Seitai), 8vo, Tokyo, vol 1, pp 1-278. 34 photo, (4th ed) 1943; vol 2, pp 1-323, 21 photo, (2nd ed) 1942; vol 3, pp 1-325, 20 photo, (lst ed), 1943, Volume 1 gives life histories of the swallow, grey-headed lapwing, sparrow, kingfisher, cuckoo, little ringed-plover, crow, and bullfinch, Volume 2 treats the crow, swan, greenfinch, bulbul, rosefinch, spot-billed duck, sandpiper, swallow, kite, grebe, cuckoo, kingfisher, russet sparrow, and tern, Volume 3 covers the ringed-plover, common sandpiper, cuckoo, copper pheasant, little bittern, spot-billed duck, house sparrow, skylark, swallow, crow, and grey star- ling. Ornithological Society of Japan 1942 A Hand-List: of the Japanese Birds, Third and revised edition (in English) by a special committee of the Ornithological Society of Japan: 8vo, Tokyo, pp i-viii, 1-238, 30 Jun 1942, This revision of the 1932 edition was issued to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Ornithological Siciety of Japan, It recognizes nothing new from the main islands since the previous edition except a lark, Alauda arvensis kagoshima ~ Yamashina, from southern Kyushu. The 13 other additions are all from outlying parts of the old empire, Korea, Manchuria, Formosa, Micronesia, A useful improve- ment is the inclusion of all the known locations of type specimens, This edition recognizes 291 genera and 893: species and subspecies from Japan, Korea, and For- mosa, and 36 genera and 194 species and subspecies from Micronesia, 13 "Japanese Generic and Subgeneric Names for the Japanese Birds": Tori, XI (55), pp 674-684, Sep 1944, This paper was compiled by a special committee of the Ornithological Society of Japan, but it is published without indicated authorship, The ingreasing amateur interest in birds demands easier, more facile names for the Latin generic names of Japanese birds. The Jepanese names, herewith adopted as standard, are based on the accepted Japanese names for the dominant species in each genus, Saito, Gensaburo 1941 "Nesting of the Striated Swallow in Chiba": Tori, XI (51,52), pp 143-146, Oct 1941. Lists two records of tne nesting of Firundo daurica, "On the Migration of the White-Rumped Swift in Chiba"; Tori, XI (51,52), pp 143- 146, Oct 1241, Gives number, height, and direction of flight of migrant flocks observed over the city of Chiba between 13 June and 20 October 1940 "Nest of the Great Tit": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 465-471, Dec 1942. Cbservations made in April and May of a great tit's neet near Chiba, The male never incubates, and the female leaves the nest only in search of food, "Movements of the Japanese Greenfinch during the Breeding Season": Tori, XI (52,54), pp 471-474, Dec 1942, The selection of the nesting place, gathering of material, and building of the nest are done only by the females. They sometimes peel the bark of standing trees, but most materials are gathered on the ground. Five to eight days ere required to complete the nest, The males feed tne incubating femalés &nd always sleep near the nest, The eggs are seldom uncovered, After the 12th night the females etay out of the nest. 1942-44 "Migreting Jays over Chiba City": pt-.3, Tori,-XI (53,54), pp 475-459, Dec 1942; 1944 pt 4 Tori, XI (55), pp 694-698, Sep 1944; pt 5 Tori, XI (55), pp 698-705, Sep 144, Jays fly over Chiba city during autumn and spring, sometimes in flocks of 200 or more birds, Deily records of observations in 1939 and 1941 include direction of flight, number of individuals, and weather conditions, "Migration Periods of Birds in Chiba City": Tori, XI (55), pp 703-706, Sep 1944, The list contains arrivel end departure dates of 29 species of birds from 1940- 42, Saito, Haruo 1946 14 "The Story of the Ring-Necked Pheasant": Hop Fub, I (6), pp 16-17, Jun 1946, In 1930 a emall stock of Korean ring-necked pheasents was turned loose in % Hidaka Provinee, dokkaido, Three hundred birds had been released ty 1933 when they suddenly started increasing. By 1940 their range extended to neighboring provinces, In 1944, when hunting was allowed for the first time, the population stopped increasing, and after 1945 the number of birds suddenly decreased, The author, en avid hunter as well as head game warden af Hokkaido, suggests that when pheasants were shot their enemies, such as hawks and foxes, became compara- tively more numerous and have put stronger pressure on the remaining stock, Shishido, K,, Koga, S., and Takahashi, I, 1947 “the Constitution of Japanese Bird Lime": Saiensu, I (1), pp 1-4, May 1947. Takahashi, 1942-44. A chemical analysis of bird lime, made for centuries by the Japanese from the bark Ilex integra, ‘Tazo "On the Birds Breeding near Lake Taraika, S, Sakhalin": pt 1, Tori, XI (53-54), pp 370-388, 1 map, 8 photo, Dec 1942; pt 2 Tori, XI (55), pp 574-584, 3 photo, Sep 1944, Taraika, the largest luke in Sakhalin, is separated from the sea only by a low ‘sand bank through which flow two narrow channels, The other three sides are surrounded by extensive marshes which provide ideal breeding grounds for ducxs and other waterfowl.. The following species were studied: Anas platyrhynchos, A. strepera, Quelquedula crecca, Q, falcata, Dafila acuta, Spatula clypeata, Nyroca ferina, N. marila, Mergus serrator, Podiceps griseigena, Limosa lapponica, Sterna hirundo, S.. aleutica, Gallinula,chloropus, Fulica atra, Ixobrychus sinensis, Motacilla flava. Photogravhs of eggs and nesting sites are included, Taka-Tsukasa, Nobusuke 1943 The Birds of Nippon (in English), vol 1, pt 8, med 4to, Tokyo, preface v-vii, list of contents ix-x, bibliography cxlix-clxxiv, list of pls xi-xlii, text and index pp 359-156, 1 col pl, 28 Feb 1943, This completes the first volume of Prince Taka-Tsukasa's monumental work which has been in preparation more than 10 years. It is a beautiful example of the best bodlmakers' art, but the major portion of this section is taken up by addenda and corrigenda to the earlier numbers, The only bird described in full is Perdix barbate castaneothrax Hachisuka and Taka-Tsukeasa from southern Manchuria, woich completes the svstematic treatment of the Japanese Galli. The excellent and use- ful bibliograwhy is painstakingly compiled, 1943 Stay with the Birds (Tori to Kurashite), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-233, 14 pl, 1943. These memoirs of the author's association with birds are written in an easy, readable style, Several chapters are devoted to his aviary activities, His ornithological rambles cover the Boso and Izu peninsulas, Lake Biwa, and Formosa, Other chapters deal with his visits to New York and London museums and with such well-known bird phenomena as nest building and migration, birds of good omen in Japan znd China, evolution, and adaptability, 1943 Studies on the Galli of Nippon (in English), royal 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-67, 5 col pl, 1943 (date of publ 31 Jan 1944), In this pamphlet the author gives a short historical sketch and the classificetion, description, and distribution of all the gallinaceous birds of the former Japanese Empire, The descriptions and ranges are largely copied from the author's earlier Birds of Nippon, but the classification is revised considerably and unfortunately is not in accordance with sound systematic practice, The main changes are the recognition of two species (and no subspecies) of the copper pheasant and the rearranging of the names of the two races he recognizes of the green pheasant, Having determined that the type of P, versicolor came from southern Japen in- stead of from the north as formerly assigned, he renames the northern form, for which two other names are already available, Hence his P, v, kigis only adds to the overcluttered synonyny of Japanese birds, ‘However, the colored plates are excellent, Unfortunetely, fewer than 10 copies of the book were distributed be- fora the entire edition was destroyeu, Take-Tsukesa, Nobusuke, Uchida, S., Kuroda, N., and Yamashina, Y. 1943-44 Monograph of the Birds of Greater East Asia (Dai Toa Chorui Zufu), demy folio, Tokyo; pt 1,6 pl; pt 2,6 pl; pt 3,6 pl; pt 4,6 pl, 1943, 1944, That this handsomely illustrated folio, started 18 months before the surrender, would ever be completed was doubted even by the collaborators themselves, The printing plant, the only one in Japan capable of handling so ambitious a project, was completely destroyed after the fourth part appeared,, The value of the work lies essentially in its color plates. The text is of secondary importance, only a@ page or a page and a half at most being given to each plate, The original paintings were executed by S, Kobayashi, K, Sakamoto, M, Deguchi, end M, Mizuno. Takewaki, Kiyoshi and Mori, Hideshi "Mechanism of Molting in the Canary" (in English): Jour Fae Sei Imp Univ Tokyo Sect IV, vol VI (5), pp 547-575, 2 pl, 1 Aug 1944 (actual publication Aug 1947), A series of experiments on the molting of canaries is described, and the observa- tion recorded, (1) The canary normally molts once yearly at the close of the breeding season. (2) If gonadal development is accelerated by lengthening the daily light periods, the inception of molting is also accelerated. Here also the canary begins to molt as the gonad undergoes regression, If the onset of sexual activity 1s suppressed by shortening the daylight periods, molting is also inhibited, (3) Change of temperature exerts no remarkable effect on the inception of molting, although lower temperatures seem to accelerate the rate of feather renewal, (4) The molting of the canary is not much affected by gonadectomy. (5) Injection of thyroxin produces severe molting at any season of the year, (6) Thyroidectomy just before or at the beginning of natural molt- ing permits almost normal molting, but the same performed several months prior to the molting season inhibits molting. (7) Administration of hypophyseal sub- stance can induce molting prior to the normal season in canaries with thyroids but not in those deprived of glande. (8) Androgen or estrogen can inhibit natural or thyroxin-induced molting, (9) Histological examination reveals activity in the thyroids of molting canaries, (10) The thyroid is important for the inception of molting in the canary, and light through its stimulation of the thyrotropic function of,the anterior hypophysis is one of the most im portant factors controlling thyroid activity. Torii, Hajime =-- See Yamashina, Y, wand Torii, H. Taucniya, Kyoichi 1944 "Habits and Distribution of the Pheasant-Tailed Jacana and the Bungalow Swallov in Formosa": Tori, XI (55), pp 588-594, 3 photo, Sep 1944, Hydrophasianus chirurgus sinensis breeds only in Tainan, Takao, and Taito pre- fectures, all within the Tropic of Cancer, from April to September. Only one brood is raised annually. Several new nesting localities of Biruzdo tahitica namiyei in Formosa are recorded, The swallow is known to breed only south of Amami Oshima, Uchida, Seinosuke (see also Taka-Tsukasa, Nobueuke, Uchida, S., Kuroda, N., and Yamgshine, Y¥.) 1942 The Bird (Tori), 12mo, Tokyo, p 296, 49 text fig, 5 Feb 1942, 16 This textbook, written for non-specialists, should not be confused with the journal of the same name published by the Ornithological Society of Japan, It has chapters on the ancestry of birds, the origin of domestic fowl, extinct birds, eggs and nests, migration, song, territory, feeding habits, and birés in literature, It also contains a short resume of the birds of Japan and a popular account of species representative of major bird faunas of the rest of the world, 1946 The Goose Bath (Zuihitsu Ganburo), 12mo, Tokyo, pp 1-193, 10 Oct 1946, A collection of the author's miscellaneous articles previously published in popular magazines, this popular work gives records of banded birds recovered from Siberia, China, and the Philippines, The title of the book, "goose bath", comes from a charming folktale, Along the shores of Toyama and Niigata pre- fectures on the Japan Sea one finds broken twigs and pieces of wood washed ashore from Amurland, The old inhabitants believe these are carried by the migreting , geese which breed in Siberia and winter in Japan, When the birds feel tired over the ocean they rest upon the wood until they regein their strength, Then they pick up the wood and continue the journey, When the Japa- nese coast is reached the wood is no longer needed so it is left along the shore to await the return journey, So many geese are killed by hunters in Japan during the winter that the wood has no owner, The inhabitants are sorry for the geese but collect the wood to heat their baths, Udazava, Tatsuo 1944. "The Avifauna of Canton City, S. China": Tori, XI (55), pp 595-614, 10 photo, Sep 1944, The author stayed in Canton from June 1939 to May 1941 and observed bird life near the town, Sixty-five species are recorded, comprising 27 residents, 12 migrants, 19 winter visitors, and 1 vagrant. The more common species are Passer montanus, Pycnonotus sinensis, Aethiopsar cristatella, Streptopelia orientalis, Copsychus saularis, and Printa flaviventris. Utinomi, Huzio 1945 Bibliographia Micronesica (sic) (Nanyo Gunto Kagaku Bunkensm), royal 8vo, Hokuryukan, Tokyo, pp 1-208, 1945, The Aves section, pp 27-36, lists 175 titles of works on Micronesian birds. While the listing of Japanese references seems complete, many important works from English, American, and other sources are omitted, Yemada, Nobuo 1942 "On the Artificial Breeding of Some Wild Birds": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 433-438, 2 -photo, Tse 1942, Eggs of Lanius bucephala, Cuculus canorus, Streptopelia orientalis, Acracephalus arundinaceus, Locustella fasciolata, and Perzana fusca were taken from their nests and placed in an incubator. It was ascertained that the most favorable temperature is 375°C with a one degree margin of safety either wey; 40°C is fatal to the embryo, Eggs subjected to 30°C for a few days before the start of incubation suffered no damage, but wnen they were approaching the hatching stage, two hours' exposure to outside air was fatal, 1942 "On the Nesting and Young of Gray's Grasshopper Warbler, Locustella fasciolata": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 438-442, 3 photo, Dec 1942, The breeding of L. fasciolata in Hokaido was known previously from a single record, The author describes three nests discovered in June and July in tall bushes by the side of the Toyonirs River near Sapporo, Hokkaido, Yamagata, Miyuki 1942 Wild Birds of Manchuria (Manshu no Yasei Cho),' demy 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-118, 2 photo, 1942, : Most of tae book is in diary and letter form, Yamagata's observations on wild birds, flowers, anizals, and hunting are-entertainingly and vividly written, Of special 17 interest are his observations on Emberiza jankowskii, one of the rarest birds of eastern Asia, whose nests and eggs he was the first to discover, Yamashina, Yoshimaro (see also Taka-Tsukasa, Nobusuxe, Uchida, S., Kuroda, N., and 18 1940 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 Yamashina, Y,) "Study on Sterility in Hybrid Birds I, Histological Researches on the Reproductive Organs of Hybrid Birds from the Family Ploceidae"” (with English resume): Jap Jour Gen, XVI (3), pp 97-105, 17 fig, 1 pl, Jun 1940, The reproductive organs of four hybrids, Padda oryzivora X Lonchura striata var. domestica, Lonchura atricapilla X L. striata var, domestica, Erythrura trichroa XE, psittacea, and Aidemosyne modesta X A, malabarica were studied, These hybrids were considered in life to be sterile, and on microscopic examination their incomplete gonads proved them so histologically. "Studies on the Sterility in Hybrid Birds 11, Histological Studies of the Repro- ductive Organs in Snecies Hybrids of the Family Columbidae" (with English resume): Jap Jour Gen, XVII (1), pp 1-12, 1 col pl, Feb 1941, The reproductive organs of the hybrids Streptovelia orientalis X S. decaocto, S. chinensis X S, decaocto, and Geopelia cuneata X G, Striata were subjected to histological study, The male hybrids derived from these crosses have large testes, but part of the germ cells degenerates following failure of normal synopsis of the chromosomes; thus they are not feeund, The females of the first two crosses have normal ovaries and oviducts and lay many eggs, but these rarely hatch, probably owing to failure of the maturation division. The female of the last cross has no gonad-like body, and only a rudimentary oviduct is observable, "Studies on the Sterility. in Hybrid Birds III, Cytological Investigations of the Intergeneric Hybrid of the Male Muscovy Duck, Cairine moschata, and the Female Domestic Duck, Anas platyrhyncha var, domestica" (with English resume): Jap Jour Gen, XVII (5), pp 207-227, 2 uncol pl, 1 col pl, Oct 1941, The chromosome numbers of the Muscovy duck and domestio duck and their hybrids were determined to.be 80 in the male and 79 in the female, The karyotypes of Muscovy and domestic ducks are similar except for remarkable differences in the largest V-shaped and the sixth largest rod-shaped chromosomes, The diploid chromosome complement of the hybrid consists of the sum of the haploid sete of the parental species, The proliferic divisions of both spermatogonial and oogonial cells of the hybrid proceed quite regularly, but the meiotic processes in the adult testis of the hybrid are abnormal, owing to a failure of pairing between chromosomes of the parental species, so the first meiotic division does not advance beyond the metaphase, "Cytological Investigation on Bird Hybrids": Jap Jour Gen, XVII (5), pp 245-246, 3 fig, Oct 1941. The diploid chromosome complex of a hybrid consists of the haploid chromosome complex of its parents, "An Examination of the Food Habits of the Japanese Birds": Tori, XI (51,52), pp 1-46, Oct 1941. The author and two assistants collected birds and their stomach contents on the Seven Islands of Izu between December 1933 and May 1934, Identification of the contents of 445 stomachs from 42 species is listed, and the following birds are recorded for the first time from the area: Anthus h, hodgesoni, Synthliborhamphus antiguus, Forzana fusca erythrotnoraxse "22 New Records of Birds from the Japanese Islands": Tori, XI (51,52), pp 46-52, Oct 1941.— 1941 1941 1942 1942 1942 1942 The following species are added to the avifauna of the Japanese Empire: from Sakhalin, Pinicola e. kamtschatkensis, Asio o. otus. Aythya f. ferina; from the Kuril Islands, Calcarius ]. coloratus, Jynx t. chinensis, Glareola p. lmaldivarun,; from Shikoku, Larus schistisagus, L, h, pallidissimus, L. ridibundus; fron Tsushima, Bgretta i, intermedia; from the Bonin Islands, Turdus n.’ eunomus, Ninox g, scutulata, Ixobrychus eurythmus, Anser f, fabalis, A, f. serrirostris, Anas penelope, Fregata m, palmerstonei, podiceps n, nigricollis, P, ruficollis japonicus, Sphenocercus s. sieboldii, Vanellus vanellus, Himantopus h, himantopus; from Volcano Island, Turdus n, eunomus, "Breeding of Emberiza schoeniclus pyrrhulinus at Nopporo, Hokkaido": Tori, XI (51,52), pp 52-61, 5 pl, Oct 1941. Formerly only two breeding records of this bunting existed in Japan, The author gives detailed observations of the southernmost breeding record, made at Nopporo, near Ishikari, Hokkeido, where the bird is fairly common, living in tall Pampas grass in the moist plains suitable for pasture, The colony arrives in April and leaves in October, The first brood of young birds leaves the nest the end of June or early July, and the second the end of July or early August, The nest ie composed of coarse grass lined with horsehair, As the species keeps down pests in the pastureland, it is beneficial to agriculture. "On the Three Endemic Birds in the Riu Kiu Islends; their Systematic Position and Zoogeographical Meaning" (with English summary): Boge, III (3), pp 320-328, Dec 1941, Three distinct soecies, Garrulus lidthi, Sylvia komadori, and Picus niguchii, are endemic to Ryuxyu Islends, The Lidth jay was formerly placed under the monotypic genus of Lalocitta but is most nearly related to G, lanceolatug of the Himelayas, S. komedori is a modified insular type of 5, akahige, Picus niguchii shows characteristics intermediate between those of Picus and Dryobates, perhaps somewhat nearer to tne former, As the closest relatives of the Ryukyu endemics are found either in the Himalayas, in Japan, or widely distributed over the Palaearctic region, the Ryukyu Islands may be considered fundamentally to belong to the Palaearctic region, The southern elements of its fauna are considered of recent intrusion. "A New Subspecies of Conopoderas luscinia from the Mariana Islands": Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XII (3), pp 81-82, 1 fig, Jan 1942, The Saipan race is named C, 1. hiwae, The author recognizes only the single species of Conopoderas and the following races, yamashinae, hiwae, nijoi, luscinia, syrinx, "On a New Subspecies of Micropus pacificus Residing in Formosa and Botel Tobago": Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XII (2), pp 79-80, Feb 1942. A new race, M. p. kanoi, is described from Botel Tobago (Kotosho) and Formosa. "Reversal of Feathering of a Peahen into the Complete Male Condition" (with English resume): Jap Jour Gen, XVIII (1), pp 41-44, 4 fig, Feb 1942, 4 peahen reared in the Kisaikawa Botanic Garden, Tokyo, as a normal female with an egg-laying record, began to assume male plumage while molting in 1938, The bird was killed in the spring of 1941 for histological study, There were no sex glande on the right side, and the oviduct was rudimentary, The ovary was present but showed marked atrophy of follicles, with strong degeneration in the Ovarian tissue, "A Revised Study of the Chromosome of the Muscovy Duck, the Domestic Duck, and their Hybrid” (in English): Cytologia, XII (2,3), pp 163-169, 14 fig, May 1942, 19 1942 1942 1942 20 This resume of the study previously reported in Jap Jour ‘Gen, 1941, stresses o8e cytological aspects of the work rather than the genetic. "Birds of India and Australia": Yacho, IX (8), pp 494-502, text figs, Sep ly4z. A general account in popular vein of some 50 of the commoner tropical and sub- tropical Indonesian species, stressing thoee migrant forms common to both Australia and Japan such as the swifts, cuckoos, shearwaters, and Latham's snipe "On the Hybrid between the Domestic Fowl, Gallus gallue var. domesticus, and tue Common Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus" (with English resume): Jap Jour Gen, XVIII (5), pp 231-235, Oct 1942. This study of hybridization experiments between the domestic fowl and the common pheasant during 1939 and 1940 includes the record of breeding, morphology, and plumage of the hybrid birds and the results of histological examinations of their gonads. From various combinations of parents, 164 hybrid egys were obtained, of which 46 proved fertile. Nine unhatched embryos, 12 chicks, and 9 adult birds resulted. The most successful cross produced 37 percent fertile eggs. while other combinations averaged only 13 percent fertile. In the 46 fertile eggs obtained, the sex of unhatched embryos,as well as of those which matured, was determined, giving a sex ratio of approximately one to one. The mortality of female hybrids is very high during incubation and the early stages after hatching. The unusual excess of males reported by previous authors in similar crosses is believed the result of observing only those which matured. The feather patterns of the nybrid chicks between the red=hackled domestic fowl and the pneasant are intermediate between those of the chicks of each. In the cross between the male black shamo and the female pheasant the feather color is nearly black in both the chicke and the adult, indicating the gene of black shamo to be the dominant. Sex hormone in- jections were given to F,, males 24 months old, 0.5cc of puberogen and testosteron applied subcutaneously every other day and six times in all. After this injection the bare parts of the face looked young and fresh, but no influence upon the ac- tivity of the germ cells was apparent. "Birds of the Seven Islands of Izu": Tori, XI (53,54), pp 191-270, Dec 1942. The paper deals with a collection of 224 species made at seven-year intervals on nine islands in the Izu group. Only 18 percent of the total species are resident, 66. percent are regular migrante. and 16 percent are considered vagrants. All the 21 resident species except Turdus celaenops were derived from the Japanese main- land. Turdus celaenops is cnnfined to the Seven Islands and to Yakushima, south of Kyushu, and has two close relatives, T. dissimilis of Burma and Yunan and 2. seebohmi of Kina Balu, Borneo. These three species probably developed from a common ancestor. The Yaxushima form of I. celaenops is considered as ancestral to the Seven Islands race, because the geological formation of the Izu Islands is more recent. Torishima was famous for its unique breeding colony of Diomedea albatrus. In 1889 about 40 immigrants settled there to gather feathers, and a small railroad was constructed to ship them from the interior of the island to the coast. Hach hunter killed from 109 to 200 albatrosses daily, and during one season from October to May 100,000 were destroyed. By 1898 the downhunters had increased to 300, but a@ great volcanic eruption in August 1902 killed the human inhabitants and disturbed the breeding ground of the albatrosses. At least 5,000,000 birds had been slaugh- tered in the preceding 12 years. In 1906 Steller's albatross was placed in the list of protected birds, but as the law could not be enforced on such a remote island, poaching went on openly. Yamashina visited the island in February 1929 and found a small colony of about 2,000 birds. In Avril 1932, N. Yamada, Yamashtna's collector, found only a few hundred individuals and in April 1933 less than 100, the sudden decrease probably following systematic slaughter after December 1932, during which about 3,000 birds were destroyed. In 1932 cattle were introduced and browsed on the alba- tross breeding area. In August 1933 Torishima was made a bird sanctuary, but the islanders heard of the government decision and slaughtered the birds before the law could become effective. . In August 1939 the island erupted again, and the terrain became even more unfavorable for the albatrosses. At Yamashina's request, fishing schooners searched in the mid-Pacific for this albatross during 1933-36 but collected only one specimen, near Morell Island in the Hawaiian group, 28 February 1936, In 1938 Mr Greenway of Harvard wrote Yamashina that as Diomedea albatrus had become rare along the California coast, probably some accident had occurred to their breeding ground in Japan, Thus with the wiping out of the Torishima colony, the species simultaneously became scarce on the eastern coast of the Pacific ocean, indicating that the albatrosse migrated east to west and vice versa, Breeding colonies of two other alba- trosses, D, nigripes and D, immutabilis, were also destroyed at Torishima, but, having large breeding colonies elsewhere, they are still seen frequently on the open sea, ; 1943 "A New Subspecies of Picoides tridactylus Discovered in Hokkaido": Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XIII (6), pp 43-45, Feb 1943, Three-toed woodpeckers were found for the first time in Hokkaido in 1942, and a@ new race, Picoides tridactylus inouyei, is described and named for the col- lector of the three known specimens, 1943 "Study on Sterility in Hybrid Birds, IV, Cytological Researches on Hybrids in the Family hasianidae" (in English): Jour Fac Sci Hok Imp Univ, VIII (4), pp 307-286, 3 tab, 87 text fig, 15 pl, April 1943. The chromosome number in several breeds of domestic fowl is defined, the diploid number of the males being 78 and that of the female 77, The diploid chromosomes of two subspecies of common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus karpowi and P, c. versicolor) were found to be 82 in the male and 81 in the female, while the haploid number in the primary spermatocyte is 41 (male, n) without exception, Many Fy hybrids were produced from various combinations of these parents and were found to possess the chromosome complex of the two parents, 80 in the rile hybrid and 79 in the female, The male germ cells of this hybrid do not advance beyond the pachytene stage of the primary spermatocyte and thereafter degener- ate, failing to form the metaphase spindle of the first division. Degeneration of the oocyte seems to take place during the leptotine stage. Thus, complete sterility of this hybrid is proved cytologically. The chromosome numbers in the males of the Japanese copper pheasant, Syrmaticus soemmerringii scintill-»ns, the common pheasant, Phasienus colchicus, and the Soldeu pheasant, Chrysolovhus pictus, are identical, 82 in diploid and 41 in hapioia. Toe morphological characteristics differ only in the length of the b=chromosomes, which is longest in Syrmaticus and shortest in Chrysolophus, In the testes of the hybria between the copper pheasant and the golden pheasant the majority of the germ cells form the metaphase spindle of the first meiotic division, while some degenerate and fail to complete the second meiotic division, A few pass through the second division, most of them forming abnormally shaped Spermatozoa, Only a few develop into normal spermatozoa, thus indicating the partial fertility of the male, In the male hybrid between the Lady Amherst pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae, and the golden pheasant, C, pictus, no abnormality is found, The chromosomes pass through two meiotic divisions normally and develop into functional sperma- tozoa, so the male hybrid is completely fertile. Sterility in the ,hybrids Gallus X Phasjan.s and Syrmaticus X Chrysolophus is of the chromosomal type, Another factor leading to sterility is the antago- 21 nistic relationship between the nuclear element coming from the male parent and the cytoplasm of the female parent. In cases where the chromosomal dis- simil-rity between the parent species is very large and the nuclear elements are not harmonious, the degeneration of the hybrid germ cells occurs very early in meiosis, as in Gallus X Phasianus. If the chromosomal dissimilarity between the parents is small and the nuclear cytoplasmic relation is quite harmonious, the degeneration of the hybrid germ cells takes place in the latter stage of meiosis, as in Syrmaticus X Chrysolophus. 1943 "Studies on Sterility in Hybrid Birds, VI, Cytological Studies on the Anterior Lobe of the Hy», ophysis in some Hybrid Birds" (with English summary): Jour Fac Sci Hok Imp Univ, IX (1), pp 77-84, 2 pl, Jun 1943. The cytology of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis in three forms of generic hybrids, Callus X Fhasianus, Anas X Cairina, and Chrysolophus X Phasianus, was studied to determine the morphological correlation between the hypophysical changes and development of the gonads. (1) The anterior hypophysis of the male of the Gallus X Phasianus cross is. intermediate in cytological structure between the mixture and the castration types. The male of Anas X Cairina belongs to the intersex type, while the female possesses a hypophysis intermediate between the normal and intersex types. In Chrysolophus X Pnasianus the anterior hypophysis may be either of the castration type or intermediate between the intersex and castration types. (2) Cytologically the secretion of the gonad-etimulating harmones in the anterior hypophysis of these hybrids seem functionally similar to that of pure line birds. Thus the inactive growth of germ cells or their aberrant behavior in hybrids is not caused by the inactivity of the hormone secretion from the anterior hypophysis but by characteristics in the germ cells themselves. (3) The male of the hybrid, Anas X Cairina, possesses well-developed testes and healthy seminal tubules, with spermatogonia in active division and normal anxocytes. The hypophysis belongs in structure to the intersex type. This suggests that the har- mones which act to control the castration change of the anterior hypophysis may be secreted from the germ tissue at a considerably later stage of spermatogenesis. 1943 "A Proposed New Systematics in Birds Based on Studies of Hybrid Sterility": ptl Kagaku, XIII (6), pp 202-207, 234-239, 17 fig, June 1943; pt 2 Kagaku, XIII (7), pp 234-239, Jul 1943. The classification of birds* based on morphological characters alone is not justifiable. Certain species closely resembling one another are often quite distantly related. Others, such as domestic fowl, although diverse in appearance are in reality quite close. Systematists classify their birds into families, genera, species, and subspecies: without conclusive definitions of the amount or nature of the differences characteristic of each rank. The author's studies of the germ plasm of hybrids to determine the cytological cause of consequent steri- lity assist in establishing definitive criteria between the various ranks. The fertility of hybrid offspring varies with the relative closeness of the system- atic position of its parents. Strangely, the F, male hybrids show this point more clearly than’either the females or the Fos. The three reasons for hybrid sterility are: (1) failure of meiotic division owing to asymmetry of the cor- responding chromosomes or other abnormalities; (2) disharmony between female cytoplasm and the male chromosome; (3) an “intersex” condition owing to lack of balance between the sex-detormining factor of both parents.~ Hybrid sterility caused by (1) and (2) is similar, shown by both sexes, and indicative of systen- atic affinities, while that resulting from (3) is limited to females in the Fy generation, appears in both sexes in the Fo, and has no ccnnection with systen- atic affinity. In determining the systematic relationship of the parents, only Fy male hybrids are of value. If the Fy male hybrid is completely fertile, the writer considers both parents conspecific. If the Fj male shows a slight degree of fertility, the parents are considered specifically distinct but generically alike. If the 1943 1943 1944 1944 1944 1945 hybrid shows total sterility, parents may be considered as belonging to different genera, If none of such hybrids is able to grow to a healthy adult stage, the parents may be considered as belonging to different families, "Studies on Sterility in Hybrid Birds, V, A Cytological Study of the Reciprocal Hybrids between the Domestic Duck and the Muscovy Duck, with Special Reference to Sterility and the Valency of the Sex Factor in the Intergeneric Hybrid" (with English resume): Jap Jour Gen, XIX (5), pp 20-218, 4 fig, 14 photo, Oct 1943, The development of the genital organs differs noticeably between the reciprocal hybrids, both of which are totally sterile. In Muscovy male X domestic female the male has large testes, but the female has a rudimentary ovary, while in domestic male X Muscovy female both male and female have large gonads, Hybride of both matings show the following cytological results: (1) In morphological features the chromosomes of both crosses are essentially alike, (2) The firet meiotic division of the spermatogonia and the primary spermatocyte celle in both hybrids does not advance beyond the metaphase, (3) The F, female of domestic male X Muxcovy female, differs from the female of the Peclnrocal hybrid in having an apparently normal ovary which produces eggs, but the chromosomes fail to pair. The author suggeste that species of ducks may dif‘er from each other in their valences (M and F) as in the geographical races of Lymantria, The Muscovy is regarded as a "strong" apecies in Goldechmidt's sense, the domestic duck as a "weak" one. If the numerical values of the sex-determining factors of the Mus- ' covy are given as Mmx50 and Fm=35 respectively, and those of the domestic duck as Md=40 and Fd=25, the male offspring of both crosses become Mm Md Fm Fd=30, are sexually regular, and have normal size testes, but their germ cells degen- erate through failure of the meiotic process, The female hybrid, domestic male X Muscovy female, becomes Md Fd Fmz20; thus, though sexually regular, the germ cells fail meiotically, and consequently her eggs do not hateh, Female offspring from Muscovy male X domestic female are Md Fm Fd=10 and, as in Lymantria, become an intersex with only a rudimentary ovary. "An Account of the Crows": Yacho, X (10), unpaged reprint, Nov-Dec 1943. A general popular account of the crow family, tracing its origin, relationships, world-wide distribution, and habits, "On a New Subspecies of Crowned Pigeon from South New Guinea": Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XIV (1), pp 1-2, Jan 1944, Goura echeepmakeri wadai is based on a unique specimen from Bian River, southern New Guinea, "Two New Subepecies of Birds from Formosa and Yunnan"; Bull Biege Soc Jap, XIV (2), pp 3-4, Jan 1944, Aegithaliscus concinus taiwanensis is confined to the Formosan mountains, Lanius nigriceps yunnanensis is described from Yunnan, Ten Stories of Birds (Tori Ju Wa), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-237, 48 fig, 30 Jan 1944, This nicely written Little book on general ornithology was prepared for non- scientific readers, with chapters on breeding, nests and eggs, food, environ- ments, migration, domestic birde, and hvbrids, The chapter on hybrids explains the Mendelian theory, chromosomes, and other technical points in simple terms and tries to clarify the much discussed question, "What is a species 7?! , "Comparative Study. of the Chromosomes of Seventeen Varieties of Domestic Fowl": Hok Imp Univ Short Reports, (1), pp 14-15, Aug 1945, eee to Shiwaga and Akkeringa differences are found in the shave and rum- er of the chromosomes of varieties of domestic fowl, Yamashina found no dit - 23 ferences among tne 17 varieties with which he experimented, including Shamo, Silky, Plymouth Rock, and others. 1945 "A Chromosome Study of Anatidae": Hokk Teik Daig Shoho, C2))5 pp 18-22, 9 fig, Nov 1945, The author gives the first cescription of the chromosomes of the following species: Anser albifrons, Branta bernicla, Dendronessa galericulata, Aix sponsa, Anas crecca, A. falcata, A, strepera, A. acuta, A. penelope, Spatula clypeata, Aythya fuligula, A. marila, Bucephala clangula, Clangula hyemalis, Melanitta fusca, M, nigra, Histrionicus histrionicus, and Mergus serrator. 1945 "Two Examples of Sex-Abnormal Mallards*: Hokk Teik Daig Shoho (2), pp 31-32, 4 fig, Nov 1945 A female mallard, six years after capture, assumed drake's plumage. On dissec- tion the ovaries were found to have become rudimentary, A second specimen, though of female plumage, was as large as the male, When after nine years this duck started assuming almost complete male plumage, it was dissected. Testes were found on the top of the paired ovaries, and microscopic examination showed sperms being formed, 1945 "Karyotype Studies in Birds, 1, Comparative Morphology of Chromosomes in Seventeen Races of Domestic Fowl" (in English): Cytologia, XIII (3,4), pp 270-296, 47 fig, Dee 1944 (actual date of publication autumn, 1945), The chromosomes in 17 races of domestic fowl were examined morphologically to determine what, if any, cytological differences exist between them, (1) In their general characteristics the chromosoms of the races studied are fairly identical, both in number and in other morphological features, The male has 78 chromosomes in the diploid and 39 in the haploid stage, while the female has 77 in the diploid, (2) The constitution of the diploid complement is divided into two distinct size groups, macro-chromosomes and micro-chromosomes, There are 16 macro-chromosomes in the male and 15 in the female, consisting of two homologous pairs of extremely large V-shaped elements, a pair of long rod-shaped ones, a pair of J-shaped ones having subterminal attachments, a medium-sized distinct V-shaped element which is paired in the male cell and unpaired in the female cells and is obviously the sex-chromosome, and three pairs of short rod- shaped ones, The microxchromosomes, 62 in number, all appear to be telomitic in structure and vary in shape from short rods to minute grain-like bodiee in a graded series. (3) A close comparison of the ratio between the length of the long and short arms of the a- and b= chromosomes shows the ratio is always higher in the b= element than in the a- element, (4) The behavior of the germ cells in the testes of three inter-racial hybrids shows the chromosomes to be identical not only in external visible features but also in their inner consti- tution, 1946 "On the Cuckoos": Hop Fub, I (6), pp 3-4, Jun 1946, The cuckoo's germ cell is bigger than that of the host species; therefore the cuckoo eggs hatch witnin a shorter time, 1946 "The Chromosomes of Three Species of Phasianidae (Galli)": Seibutu, I (1), pp 42-45, 1 fig, Feb 1946, The chromosome number of Gennaeus swinhoii and Meleagris gallapavo is 82 in the male and 81 in the female, and both show a striking morphological similarity to those of Phasianus colchicus, The chromosomes of Numida meleagris, 76 in the male and 75 in the female, are distinguishable from those of the common fowl in possessing two more V-shaped elements and four less rod-shaped ones, The numer- ical relationship between them is perhaps the result of the fusion of four rod- 1946 1947 1947 1947 shaped chromosomes, two by two, into two V-ehaped multiples, The chromosomes of the hybrid Numida meleagris X Gallus gallus coneist of the sum of the hap- loid set from each parent, "The Chromosomes of the Cuckoo, the Budgeriger, the Little Ringed-Plover, and the Chinese Bamboo Pheasant" (with English resume): Le Krom, 1, pp 18-22, 3 fig, Sep 1946. The constitutions of macro-chromosomes of Cuculus, Melopsittacue, Charadrius, and Bambusicola are formulated. The ratio obtained between long and short arms of the atelomitic chromosomes and relative lengths measured in the macro-chromo- somes are tabulated. "A Now Classification of Anatidae": Zool Mag, LVII (1,2), p 12, 5 Feb 1947. Abstract and conclusions of a lecture delivered before the society October 1946, The author rearranges the Anatidae, based on his study of their chromosomes and the results of interfertility of hybrids, His results: Family Anatidae Sub-family Anserinae Supergenus Anser Sub-family Anatinae Supergenus Cygnus Supergenus Anas Supergenus Mergus Supergenus Dendronessa "A Little Sanctuary": Trans Orn Soe Jap, II (2), pp 1-2, Mar 1947. A short account of the author's efforts to attract wild birds to his Tokyo house by feeding them and by planting the birds' favorite trees, During the past 20 years 12 species have nested on his grounds, "Species and Races in Higher Animals Considered from the Cytological Standpoint": Jap Jour Gen, XX (4,5,6), pp 116-126, Dec 1944 (actual date of publication, Aug 1947 ) The author distinguishes two typee of mutations: first, qualitative changes in the nucleic acid of the gene, which he terms "simple gene mutation", and second, qualitative changes in the carrier-protein of the gene, which he calls “carrier- protein mutation", He believes subspecies (considered synonymous with "geographi- cal race") are formed by a combination of natural selection and geographical iso- lation, operating through simple gene mtation, while species are formed not by an accumulation of these simple gene mutations but by chromosome aberration and carrier-protein mutation. Tims species and subspecies are basically totally different categories and not a matter of degree of morphological differences, Many domestic races of pigeons and fowls vary widely in phenotypical characteristics from their wild ancestors, but they are still the same species, possess identical chromosome complexes in the carrier-protein of the gene, and show complete interfertility. The mutant gene that determines racial differences within the species does not affect fer- tility, but changes in the carrier-protein which determine specific differences do affect it. Hence, in spite of their clear-cut phenotypical differences, since Phasianus versicolor and Phasianus colchicug are completely interfertile they are considered as only racially, not specifically, distinct, Hybrids between species show varying degrees of sterility, from partial to complete, depending on the de- gree of difference between the chromosome complexes received from each parent, If the hybrid shows only partial sterility, the author considers the parent species to be congeneric, If the hybrid shows complete sterility, the parents are con- 29 sidered generically different. Nor do torms specifically distinct cytologically necessarily show marked phenotypical differences, since demonstrable mutational changes in the carrier protein may not entail a marked mtational change in the nucleic acid of the gene, a situation well illustrated by Parus palustris versus Parus atricapillus, The author proposes the name “oceulto-species"” for the unique situation kmown in Drosophila, where, while differences between the chromosome complex of two groups of individuals can be demonstrated histologically, the difference is too slight to cause any hybrid sterility. In introducing these definitions of race, occulto-species, species, and genus, the author emphasizes his belief that ac- curate classification of higher animals can be based only on cyto-genetic ariterie. 1947 "Histological Observations on the Reproductive Organ of a Hybrid Ardeid (Nycticorax caledonicus manillensis male X Beretta alba modesta female) (with English resume): Seibutu, I (5,6) pp 288-290, 1946 (Oct 1947). ine testes of a hybrid between a Philippine night heron and an egret reared in the Ueno Zoo, Tokyo, were found on dissection to be nsrmal in size and structure, But histological examination showed the presence of some degenerate spermatids, together with both normal and abnormal spermatozoa, indicating that this hybrid probably possesses pertial fertility. Yamashina, Yoshimaro and Kiyosu, Y. 1943 "A New Race of a Sparrow from Shansi, China": Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XIII (5), pp 39-41, Feb 1943, Passer montanus shansiensis is described from Shansi Province, northern China, amashina, Y. and Makino, 5. 1946 "A Study on the Chromosomes of Pigeons and Doves" (with English resume): Seibutu, I (2), pp 92-1C0, 14 fig, Apr 1946, The chromosomes of Streptopelia orientalis are described for the first time. Those of Columba livia and Streptopelia decaocto var. risoria are re-examined, and former errors are corrected, Yamashina, Yoshimaro end Torii, Hajime 1944 "Nidification of Formosan Birds" III (in English): Tori, XI (55), pp 502-524, 12 fig, Sep 1944, Detailed descriptions of the breeding habits, nests, and eggs of 16 common Formosan species, based on specimens collected and observations made by the junior author on the west coast between Keelung and Takao in May, June, July, and August, 1939. Yamaya, Shuncho 1943 Almanac of Wild Birds (Yacho Saijiki), l2mo, Tokyo, pp 1-286, 10 col pl, 2 Jul 1943, Few people are as sensitive to the monthly change of weather as the Japanese, especially the poets who compose odes of 17 kana words, They are born nature lovers, and bird life is a popular writing subject with them, This pocket book gives short descriptions of the birds most common and typical to each season of the year and examples of model poems for each species, It skillfully links field observation with the indoor or garden pastime of poem making, and its depiction of 85 species of birds in its 10 color plates is an excellent aid to identifica- tion, 26 MAMMALS Abe, Yoshio 1941 On the Mammae and Inguinal Glands of Rodents": Zool Mag, LIII (2), pp 98-99, Feb 1941. The author examined 55 Lepus brachyurus from central Japan, Of the 22 females, only six had visible mammae, two of which had four pairs, and four three pairs, 1944 "On Tadarida Captured near Okinoshima": Zool Mag, LVI (1,2,3), p 59, Mar 1944, A bat captured on a fishing boat near Okinoshima, Fukuoka Prefecture, is identi- fied as Taderida teniotis insignis, a new addition to the Japanese fauna, o 1944 A Synopsis of Chinese Mammals (Shina Honyudob ), 8vo, Tokyo, p 1-312, 77 fig, May. 1943. A descriptive list of the mammale of Chine and Mongolia, largely based on G, M. Allen's Mammals of China and Mongolia, which is seldom available to Japanese students. Aoki, Bun-ichiro 1941 "A Lecture on Rats and Mice": Records of Lectures at the Anniversary of Taihoku Imperial University, 9th series, pp 1-36, 36 fig, Sep 1941, Summary of a general account of the group, based on the author's 30 years of study, with special emphasis on his specialty, the Formosan species, 1941 "Studies on Feeding Habits of Formosan Rats and Mice (II)": Jour Soc Trop Agr, XIII (2), pp 126-147, Sev 1941, The continuation of a study of the feeding habits of Formosan-rodents, based on the examination of the contents of 185 stomachs, Under normal conditions rate and mice eat a wide variety of plants, 35 families and about 90 species being identified, No essential difference in choice of food between different animals is noted, other than that resulting from differences in habitat, and little seasonal variation in food habits occurs, Fairly large amounts of insect re- mains were found in the stomach contents, but no identification or relative per- centages are given, Aoki, Bun-ichiro and Taneka, Ryo 1941 "The Rats and Mice of Formosa, Illustrated" (in English): Mem Fac Sci Agr Taihokw Imp Univ, XXIII (4), pp 121-191, 26 fig, 13 pl, May 1941, A Japanese edition of this article was published under the title Tajwansan Nezumirui no Zusetsu, 4to, Taihoku, pp 1-65, 13 pl, Jul 1941, Brief, accurate descriptions are given of 13 species of Formosan rats and mice, illustrated with @ colored plate of each species by B, Sakuma, Habe, Yoshitaka and Uesaka, Shoji 1943 "The Embryological Study of Fairs of Rabbits": Bot Zool, XI (5), pp 375-378, 10 fig, May 1943, On comparing the development of the hairs of Angora and native white rabbite, the author found differences in 22= to 23-day-old embryos, The hair follicles of the Angora are further advanced at that age than those of the native white thus demonstrating the Angora's more rapid growth of fur, é 2? Hachisuka, Masauji 1941 "Notes on Hainan Mammals" (in English): Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XI (3), pp 9-14, Mar 1941, The author gives descriptions of tne chief mammals of Hainan, based on his own observations and collections during his Hainan expedition of 1940, and a list of native animal names given him by Mr Y, Katsumata, who had lived in Hainan 30 years. Hazama, Nanosuke 1943 "The Reaction of the Cat Family to Actinidia polygama": pt 1, Bot Zool XI (3), pp 239-243, 12 fig, Mar 1943; pt 2, Bot Zool XI (4), pp 331-335, 23 fig, Apr 1943, The plant Actinidia polygama ("matatabi" in Japanese), of which domestic cats are very fond, has a similar attraction for lions, tigers, and leopards, The author experimented with them at the Kyoto Zoological Gardens and took photo- graphs of their reactions, Hiraiwa, Yonekichi 1942 Dog and Wolf (Inu_to Okami), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-299, 4 pl, Jul 1942, A semi-popular account of wolves and dogs in Japan, with much historical as well as scientific data, Notes are added on Japanese bears and other carnivorous animals the author has kept in captivity. 1946 "The Relation between Dog and Wolf": Dob Bung, XIII (1), pp 1-3, Jun 1946, Points of similarity and difference between wolves and dogs are delineated and an explanation offered of the origin of the dog's barking, 1946 "Concerning the Japanese Wolf (Canis lupus hodophylax Temninck)": Dob Bung, XIII (2), pp 1-13, Dec 1946. Wolves were common in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu until the Meiji Era, when they were completely extirpated, Their recurrence is reported occasionally, but re- ports are never verified, The causes of their extirpation are given as loss of habitat following hutan cultivation,and distemper spread by domestic dogs, Hiraiwa Yoshikuni, Fukuda, Masajiro, and Inouye, Nikizo 1941 The Albino Rat - Its Breeding, Development, and Dissection (Shironezumi), 4to, Tokyo, pp 1-95, 74 fig, 10 Aug 1941, A guide to the study of the white rat Rattus norvegicus var, albus for use in the classroom and laboratory. Horikawa, Yasuichi 1943 "On the Specific Name of the Formosan Pangolin": Trans Nat Hist-Soc Formosa, XXXIII (234), pp 67-70, Mar 1943, The correct specific name of the Formosan pangolin is Manis pentadactyla Linnée and not Manis aurita Hodgson, The type locality was given by Linné as “Taioan", obviously Taiwan or Formosa, Hoshi, Daikichi 1941 “Wonderful Efficacy of Bear's Gall Bladder as Medicine": Nat Sci Mug XIII (10), pp 4-6, Oct 1942. 28 Bear's gell is a medieval nostrum, the efficacy of which has, like that of ginseng, been largely discredited by modern science. Recent studies by Dr. Sato of Tohoku Imperial University show bear's bile to have certain beneficial therapeutic effects, notably in infant. cholera, against which he found it 90 percent effective, The author claims it to be of value against all diseases except lumbago and reports curing with it cases of influenza, pneumonia, anemia indigestion, and eye infections, He also postulates that if bear's bile is administered to a dying person just before his last breath, the body will re- main warm for 24 hours after death; given to a horse before a race, it will give the horse marvelous powers of endurance; applied to the back of the hend, it can be tasted immediately in the palm; thrown into water it will spin of its own accord; put on an old coin, it will make the metal so brittle it can easily be powdered, Bile from the brown bear of Hokkaido is less effective than biLe from the black bear of Honshu and has only one-third the market value, Ichikawa, Osamu 1943 Camel and Elephant (Rakuda to Zo), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-335, 3 pl, 20 Jan 1943, A morphological and pathological study of camels and elephants. Inukai, Tetsuo 1942 "Seals Found in Northern Japan": pt 1, Bot Zool X (10), pp 927-932, 5 fig, Oct 1943; pt 2, Bot Zool X (11). pp 1,022-1,030. 2 fig, Nov 1942 Describes status, breeding, food, habits, and hunting and utilization of the several nair seals which occur near the coasts of Hokkaido, the Kurils, and Sakhalin, Kanematsu, Mitsuzo 1943 Asses and Mules (Ro to Ra), 12mo, Tokyo, pp 1-113, 46 fig, 30 Sep 1943, The chapter topics are: (1) biological consideration of ass and mle, (2) wild form of ass, (3) distribution of ass and mule, (4) protection and im- provement of ass and mule, and (5) value in use of ass and mle, Kawabe, Masata 1947 "On Some Attemmts to Control Sex-'Ratio in Mammals, A Review": Seibutu, Suppl (1), pp 129-136, Jan 1947, erin ees The more important experimental efforts to control mammalian sex ratios are described briefly, The work has been done mostly in Europe and America, between 1907 and 1936, The bibliography of 21 titles on which the paper is based contains only one paper in Japanese, and ncething more recent than 1936, Kishida, Kyukichi 1941 "Mammals of Musashi Plains" in Miscellany on the Plains of Musasni Province - (Musashino), edited by Tamura, G. and Honda, M., 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-529, 49 pl, 25 May 1941, The mammal section, on pp 352-393, with six text figures, is a list with short descriptions in popular form of the 22 species of mammals found in the Musashino section of the Kanto Plain, 1941 "On Murina hilgendorfi (Peters)" Zool Mag, LIII (12), pp 585-586, Dec 1941, An adult mate specimen of the Japanese tuve-nesed bat was-collected alive 28 September 1941 at Kanazawamura, Naganc Prefecture, 29 Komai, Toku 1946 Kuroda, 1943 1943 Makino, 1941 1942 1943 30 "On the Inheritance of Black, Yellow, and Tortoise-Shell Color in Cats, with Special Reference to the Problem of the Tortoise-Shell Male": Seibutu, I (1), pp 1-7, Feb 1946, Formerly ‘the yellow and black color in cats was considered sex—linked, so when the gene of these two colors became heterozygous, the tri-color tortoise- shell appeared, According to the author, yellow alone is sex—liinked end black is caused by an autosomal gene, The sex ratio of yellow cats to black ones supports his theory. Nagamichi "The Outline of a History of Japanese Mammalogy": Zool Mag, LIV (11), pp 442- 453, Nov 1942, Brief summaries of the literature on classification, distribution, and ecology of Japanese mammals are given chronologically from 1868-1940, The author limits his scope to the main islands of Japan, "The Occurrence of the Spinous Rat in Okinawa Island in the Central Riu Kiu Islands" (with English resume): Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XIII (9), pp 59-64, 1 pl, Apr 1943, Tokudaia, nom, amend., is proposed for Acanthomys Tokuda, pre-occupied, so the Okinawa spinous rat becomes Tokudaia osimensis (Abi). "On the Specimens of Mammals Brought from rnilippine Islands and Celebes": Bot Zool, XI (1), pp 7-12, 4 fig, Jan 1943, Identification and description of 21 specimens recently acquired from these localities by the Yamashina Museum, Sajiro "Studies on the Murine Chromosomes, I Cylogical Investigations of Mice, Included in the Genus Mus" (in English): Jour Fac Sci Hok Imp Univ, VII (4), pp 305-380, Mar 1941, The chromosomes of Mus musculus, Mus molossinus, and Mus caroli, are described in detail, and analyzed and compared morphologically, In all three species the diploid number is 40, the haploid 20, The development of the sex chromo- somes followed from its first appearance to the metavhase of the firet maturé- tion division, In the primary and secondary oocytes of Mus musculus and Mug molossinus the chromosomes are not essentially different morphologically, and_ no sex difference in chiasma formation exists, Crosses between these two forms gives a completely fertile hybrid, whose courses of spermatogenesis and oogenesis proceed quite regularly, "Studies on the Murine Chromosomes II, Morphological Comparison of the Chromosomes between the Wild Form and the Domesticated Variety of Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout" (in English): Jour Fac Sci Hok Imp Univ, VIII (1), pp 31-43, Jan 1942, The chromosomes of wild rats from Hokkaido, Formosa, and Okinawa were compared with those of two strains of domesticated albino rats, No visible differences were found, "Studies on the Murine Chromosomes III, A Comparative Study of the Chromosomes in Five Species of Rattus" (in English): Jour Fac Sci Hok Imp Univ, 1X (1), pp 19- 57, Jun 1943. 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 -1944 1944 R, norvegicus, R, rattus, and R, losea, all lowland dwellers, are ciosely re- lated taxonomically and ecologically, All possess 42 diploid chromosomes. R, fulvesceus coxinga and R, confucianus culturatus, closely allied mountain forms, show 46 diploid chromosomes, While distinctive morphological differences were found between the chromosomes of three lowland forms, only a slight difference in length of the largest chromosomes could be found between the two highland species, The sex chromosomes of all five species are of the XY type without exception, and both X and Y factors possess distinctive morphological character- istics in each species. The Y chromosome shows a gradual reduction by species during its develop.ent, "Karyotype of Cattle, Bos taurus, and Buffalo, Bubalus buffelus": Bot Zool, XI (10), pp 797-799, 11 fig, Oct 1943, Contrary to Pchakadze's report (1939), the chromosome number of Bubalus buffelus is 2n=48, n=24, "The Karyological Relation Between the Goat, Capra hircus, and Sheep, Ovis aries": Bot Zool, XI (11), pp 904-906, 16 fig, Nov 1943, The goat and sheep are believed, because of their karyological similarity, to have been derived from a common ancestor, "The Chromosomes of the Horse (Equus caballus) (Chromosome Studies in Domestic Mammals I)" (in English): Cytologia, XIII (1), pp 26-38, 30 Nov 1943, Chromosomes of two distinct breeds of horses were investigated, the Percheron and the Ryukyu pony, In number and general morphological characters, no sig- nificant differences were found between the two, The spermatogonium contains 66 chromosomes, 33 in the haploid stage, "The Chromosome Complexes in Goat (Capra hircus) and Sheep (Ovis aries) and Their Relationship (Chromosome Studies in Domestic Mammals II)" (in English): Cytologia, XIII (1), pp 39-54, 30 Nov 1943, Chromosomes of the male germ cells in two breeds of goats and three breeds of sheep were studied, and no visible appreciable difference in number or other ex- ternal morphological featuree of the chromosomes was found, The number of chromosomes in the goat was determined to be 60 in diploid and 30 in haploid, in the sheep 54 in diploid and 27 in haploid, Evidence indicates a close kary- ological relationship between the sheep and goat, suggesting that both originated from a common ancestor, "Karyotype of Nesokia nemorivaga and Micromys minutus takasagoensis": Zool Mag, LV (11,12), p 373, Dee 1943. The author reports peculiar and complex karyotypes of the above species from Formosa, "A Contribution to the Study of the Chromosomes of Domestic Mammals": Zool Mag, LVI (1,2,3), pp 8-15, Mar 1944, A preliminary report of a karyological study of Japanese domestic mammals, in- cluding the horse, ass, pig, sheep, goat, cattle, south China cattle, buffalo, reindeer, fox, ani rabbit, "Detailed accounts on the chromosomes of these forms will appear serially later in Cytologia ," "Studies on the Murine Chromosomes IV, The Karyotypes of the Mole-Rat and the Harvest Mouse" (in English): Cytologia, XIII (2), pp 237-245, 10 Apr 1944, In the Formosan mole rat, Nesokia nemorivaga taiwanus, the number of chromo- somes is 46 in diploid and 23 in haploid, In the harvest mouse, Micromye minutus takasagoensis, it is 68 in diploid and 34 in haploid, The chromosome composition él 32 1944 1944 1345 1945 1946 and constitution are described in detail and are correlated with the taxonomic peculiarities of the two forms, 7 "The Chromosome Complex of the Pig (Sus scrofa) (Chromosome Studies in Domestic Mammals III)" (in English): Cytologia, XIII (2), pp 170-178, 10 Apr 1944. The chromosome complexes of two breeds of pig were investigated, The chromo- some number was found to be 40 in diploid and 20 in haploid. No visible dif- ference was found between the chromosomes of the two breeds, The low count of chromosome numbers given by previous authors is accounted for as a result of faulty preservation of material, The sex chromosomes of the pig are of the typical XY type, The X element is represented by one of the larger chromosomes of rod type, while the Y is very small, comparable to the smallest autosomes in size, "Karyotypes of Domestic Cattle, Zebu, and Domestic Water-Buffalo (Chromosome Studies in Domestic Mammals IV)" (in English): Cytologia, XIII (3,4), pp 247-264, 30 Dee 1944, The chromosomes of the _ebu, Bos indicus, -.how no visibdle difference from those of domestic cattle, Bos taurus, in number (60 in diploid, 30 in haploid), form, or other morphological features, The karyotype of the water buffalo, Bubalus buffalus, is markedly dissimilar, having 48 chromosomes in the diploid and 24 in haploid. The numerical and morphological differences between them are too great to be accounted for by either chromosome fragmentation or chromosome linkage, All these species are identical in the morphologital nature of the X and Y elements of the sex chromosomes, The mode of conjugation between the X and Y is peculiar and characteristic in all these bovine animals studied, "Notes on the Chromosomes of the Okinawa Fruit Bat": Hokk Teik Daig Shoho, (ie); p 13, 1 text fig, Aug 1945, Pteropus dasymallus inopinatus Kuroda has 38 chromosomes in the diploid sperma- togonia and 19 in the haploid spermatocytes, The nuclear type is highly con- plex, cansisting of V- and J-type chromosomes and one pair of large club-shaped chromosomes, The smallest pair appear at first to be of the club type also, but close observation shows them of the V type. The sex chromosomes are of the XY type. The X chromosome is J shaped, and its larger arm has a narrow stric- ture, The Y chromosomes are minute granules, which seem to conjugate with the long arm of the X chromosome at the first division, This is much more complex than the condition found in the Japanese Horse-Shoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrun- equinum nippon, which has 29 chromosomes in the haploid, of a comparatively simple nuclear type, the X chromosome being club shapec, and the Y in minute granules, "Notes on the Chromosomes of the Nutria": Hokk Teik Daig Shoho, (1), p 14, 1 text fig, Aug 1945. ocastor coypus has 42 chromosomes in the diploid and 41 in haploid, The sex chromosomes are of the XY type, The X chromosome is V shaped, but the length of the arms is unequal, The Y element consists of three granular chromosomes, distinguished from two other homologous chromosomes by their larger size, At the first maturation division the Y element joins the end of the long arm of the X chromosome, Studies on Chromosomes of Domestic Birds and Animals (Kachiku to Kakin no Sensho- leu tai Kenkyu), 12mo, Sapporo, pp 1-96, 89 fig, 10 Nov 1946. Chromosomes of 31 Japanese domestic mammals and birds are described. Appendices contain a description of the investigative methods and a list of the known chromosome numbers of 82 wild mammals and 45 wild birds, 34144 Matsui, 1943 Matsui, 1946 Yoshiichi and Uchihashi, Kiyoshi "On Dall's Porpoise Captured near Tajima (Preliminary Note)": Hyogo Chu Hak Zas, (8,9). wp 35-39, 2 fig, Jan 1943, This porpoise migrates off coastal Tanba, Hyogo Prefecture, during late March and late May and is not so rare as reported, It is usually found about 10 miles off the coast and is easily captured, Its meat and hide are used con- mercially. Yoshiichi and Noguchi, Eisaburo "On the Body Length, Reproduction, and Migration of Dali's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dallii) Captured off the Coasts of Tajima, Hyogo Prefecture (Preliminary Report)": Ig to Sei, IX (4), pp 216-218, 1 fig, Oct 1946, The contents are well described by the title, It is largely a restatement of material in the previous paper, Matsuura, Yoshio 1942 1943 1943 1943 "On the Northern Porpoise Whale, Berardius bairdii Stejneger, in Waters near Bosyu Zool Mag, LIV (12), pp 466-473, 7 fig, Dec 1942, Northern porpoise whales visit the coastal watere off Shirahama, Chiba Prefecture, from June to October, and many are caught by small whale boats, Males and females show no significant difference in length, but unlike most other toothed whales the females grow heavier than the males, as do most whalebone and sperm whales, This species leaves a permanent record of all ovulations in the form of a corpus luteum in the ovaries, The females become sexually mature when about 10 meterg long. "Miscellaneous Notes on Whales and Dolphins": Bot Zool, XI (10), pp 833-836; (11), pp 907-910; (12), pp 1,001-1,003, Oct, Nov, Dec 1943, A general account of such varied topics as an example of an aberrant white-(no albino) sperm whale, the teeth of the sperm whale, a stranding of dolphins, ambergrig, and strange substances found in the milk gland of the humpback whal , "Berardius bairdii Stejneger Ranges the Sea of Okhotsk"; Zool Mag, LV (6), p 237, Jun 1943, Tne author observed a group of these sperm-whale porpoises, usually limited to the vicinity of Tokyo Bay, off the eastern coast of Ketoi Island, central Kurils, Marine Mammals (Kaiju), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-298, 51 fig, 8 pl, 10 Jul 1943, This book is the first general work on Japanese marine mammals, Chapters are: (1) marine mammals from the zoological point of ‘view, (2) whales, (3) porpoises and dolphins, (4) the fur seal and the sea lion, (5) the walrus, (6) hair seals, (7) the sea otter, (8) the dugong, (9) the polar bear, (10) migration of marine mammals, (11) capture of mirine mammals, and (12) utilization of marine mammals and their protection, Mishima, Yasushichi The Breeding of the Fresh Water Mammal 'Nutria! Tokyo, pp 1-98, 12 fig, 2 pl, 15 May 1942, (Tansuiju Nutria no Yoshoku), 8vo, 5 A general account of nutria breeding, including history, anatomy and fur, equip- ment needed, methods of feeding, breeding, handling, and cooking ite meat, A short account of the American muskrat is ineluded. 33 Naora, Nobuo 1941 Miscellaneous Notes on Japanese mammais (Nipponsan Zurui Zatsuwa), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-408, 31 fig, 2 pl, Feb 1941. A popular account of various living and fossil mammals, chiefly historical and descriptive, A chapter on scatology describes the feces of 10 wild forms, 1942-43 "History of Japanese Mammals": Nat Sci Mus, pt 1, XIII (12), pp 5-7, 1942; pt 2, XIV (1), pp 24-30, 1943; pt 3, XIV (2), pp 4-7, 1943; pt 4, XIV (3), pp 15-20, 1943; pt 5, XIV (4), pp 6-11, 1943. A summary of the mammalian paleontology of Japan, with short descriptions of the known fossils, and the author's conclusions on their origin and development, The earliest known Japanese mammal fossil is the lower mandible of Brachyodus japonicus, an artiodoctyl found in Oligocene coal deposits near Nagasaki, end the only mammal known from that epoch, Sixteen fossil mammals are known from the Miocene, 13 from the Pliocene, and 15 from the Pleistocene, two of which, the Japanese deer and serow, are still extant, The earlier species, those of the Oligocene and Miocene, belong to south Asiatic stock, and the northern European element did not appear in Japan until the Pliocene and Pleistocene, 1943 My Diary on Pipistrelle (Komori Nikki), 8vc, Kyoto, pp 1-473, 41 fig, 1 pl, Dec 1943, A detailed record of daily observations on the Indian pipistrelle in the Tokyo area from the species appearance 6 March 1942 to its disappearance 6 December 1942,: Included are miscellaneous notes on other species of bats. 1944 A History of Japanese Mammals (Nippon Honyudobutsu Shj), 8vo, Nara, 9 pl, pp 1-265, 20 Jul 1944, This textbook on Japanese ancient and modern mammals traces the paleontological development of both land and marine types, Noguchi, Eisaburo 1943 "On the Utility of the Common Dolphin and Dall's Porpoise": Hyogo Chu Hak Zas, (8,9), pp 17-22, 8 fig, Jan 1943, Author reports the body length, body color, the weight of various internal or- gans, and the utilization of skin and meat of two species of porpoise, Delphinus delphie and Phocoenoides dallii, which are obtained near coastal Hyogo Prefec- ture, Ogata, Toji 1943 "On the Pelew Sheath-Tailed Bat, Emballonura semi-caudata palauensis Yamashina": Bot Zool, XI (2), pp 175-177, Feb 1943, A description and tables of measurements of this bat from Palau Islands, Omura, Hideo, Matsuura, Yoshio, and Miyazaki, Ichiro 1942 Whales and Whaling (Kujira - Sono Kwagaku to Hogei no Jissai), 8vo, Tokyo, pp 1-319, 88 fig, 8 pl, Jun 1942, This is the most complete modern account of Japenese whaling. Mr Matsuura discusses whales from the biological standpoint, the species of whbles, their characteristics, and whaling methods. Mr Miyazaki contributes chaptdérs on the utilization of the whale's body and the geography of the Antarctic seas, Mr Omura tells of the historical development of whaling and international whaling regulations, Shikama, Tokio 1942 “On the Deer of Ponape Island, Caroline Group": Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XII (6), pp 97-103, 6 fig, Aug 1942, f Deer were introduced to Ponape Island from the Philippines soon after the island was first settled in 1885, and still survive in its thick jungles, The author gives detailed descriptions of two Ponape deer skulls, which he assigns to Cervus (Buse) unicolor. In the absence of comparative material, he is unable to deter- mine the subspecies accurately. Wuile the two skulls show minor variations, they are not sufficiently distinct to warrent further seperation and are closest to ©. u. mariannus. Shimizu, Mitsuo 1942 "On the Relative Growth of Bones in Rats of the Genus Rattus Collected in the Same Hizh Plateaus" (with English resume): Zool Mag, LIV (3), po 100-107, 3 fig, Mar 1942, i The relative growth rates of the bones of the head, extremities, and girdles were investigated on two species of rats, Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus rattus, caught at Sugadsira, on a plateau 1,300-1,400 meters above sea level, Very little difference was found, 1942 "On the Reletive Growth of Bones in Adult Voles (Microtue montebelli)" (with English resume): Zool Mag, LIV (4), pp 135-143, 2 fig, 2 tbl, Mar 1942, Investigations were made on the relative growth of bones of Microtus as wes done with Rattus in the preceding paper, In both Rattus and Microtus the growth of the skull is less pronounced than that of the bones of other parts, that of the sternum being most pronounced, followed by the hind and fore limbs, Shimoizumi, Jukichi, Shimizu, Mitsuo, and Nagura, Otohiko 1942 "Studies on tke Development of Bat (I) Relative Growth of Bones of Japanese Long- Winged Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii japoniae Thomas): Zool Mag, LIV (12), pp 483-488, 4 fig, Dec 1942, The authors studied the proportional growth of bones in adult Japanese long- winged bats and determined the relation between the mechanism and growth, com-— paring it with those in rats from Shimizu (Rattus and Microtus) and the house wren of Huggings, The head develops very fast, and the weak development of the extremities resembles that of the house wrens and not of rats. Siota, Gizo 1946 "On the Platinum Fox (a Mutant of Silver Fox) Imported to Hokkaido": Seibutu, I (3), pp 157-159, 1 fig, Jun 1946, In 1941, 15 breeding animals (6 males and 9 females) were imported from America where they had been kept one year after importation from Norway, The stock has multiplied, and as yet none have been killed, Sonon, Jinhaku 1941 "Food Habits of the Formosan Pangolin": Jour Taiwan Mus Assoc, IX (3), pp 9-10, 2 fig, Jun 1941, The author examined stomachs of 11 pangolins to determine their food habits, The ants were mostly Palyrhachis dives with a few Pheidologeten yanoi, Among the termites eaten are Odeontotermas formosanus and Leucotermas speratus, but none were found in the stomechs examined, 35 Takashima, Haruo 1942 "Suprlementary Note on Japanese Tube-Nosed Bat from Nagano Prefecture": Zool Mag, LIV (5), pp 191-192, May 1042, A brief note of a specimen of Murina hilgendorfi hilgendorfi captured in Nagano Prefecture, June 1941, Tanaka, Ryo 1942 "A Biostatistical Analysis of Apodemus agrarius (Pallas) from Formosa with Special Ioference to its Systematic Characters" (in English): Mem Fac Sci Agr Taihoku Imp Univ, XXIII (6), pp 211-285, 27 fig, Sep 1942. A large series of specimens of Apodemus agrarius from the Taikoku Basin in northern Formosa wes studied biostatistically and compared with Rattus losea, (1, The richness of the reddish dorsal color and the markedness of the dorsal stripe are correlated and vary according to both ecological and genetic factors, (2) The approximate coincident periodicity in pelages and status of molts be- tween Apodemis and Rattus losea indicates they are referable to geographic rather than specific agents, (3) The breaks in relative growth of external measurements occur in harmony with the start of sexual maturity. (4) Features of growth varia- tion in skull measurements are similar in both species. (5) Sexual dimorphism in relative growth is not so marked in the mouse as in the rat, (6) The outer row cusps of molars of Apodemus are in vrocess of reduction. (7) From statisti- cal analysis of the synthetic variations in adult measurements, A, agrarius seems of a relatively homogenous genotype. (8) In adult measurements the male mouse generally exceeds the female mouse more frequently than in the rat, but the coefficients of variability in measurements are similar in both, except that the tooth dimensions are lower in the mouse, (9) The tail is not only always shorter than the heed and body length during growth but is markedly so in adult mean value of both sexes, (10) The adult mean value of the incisor index is smaller in the mouse, but its coefficient of variability is larger than in the rat, which is probably attributable to its grown variation, 1944 "A Study of Muridae of Hainan Island": Report of the 2nd Scientific Expedition to Hainen Island carried out by the Taihoku Imperial University in 1942, pp 129-147, Mar 1944, The report includes: (1) historical sketches to the study of rats and mice in Hainan Island, (2) synopsis of the species of Muridae hitherto known from Hainan (11 species, only one of which, Rattus confucianus latipes, is endemic), and (3) comparative analysis of Rattus losea from Hainan and Formosa from the standpoint of variation-statistics, % 1944 "Comparative Analysis of Two Species of Mus from Formosa from the Standpoint of Variation-Statistics" (in English): Mem Fac Sci Taihoku Imp Univ, I (1), pp 1-64, Apr 1944, The results of this detailed study on the comparative measurements of Mus musculus and Mus formosanus are summarized, (1) The differentiation between summer and winter pelages is greater in the field mouse than in the house mouse, (2) In the house mouse the tail is longer than the head and body length at all stages of de- velopment; in the field mouse the tail is longer at birth, but soon becomes equal to, and in the adult is shorter than, the head and body, (3) The énamel patterns of the molar cusps are more progressively reduced in the field mouse, (4) The field mouse tends to surpass the house mouse in size range of external dimensions, (5) While the variation. range of the incisor index is larger in the adult house mouse, its relative growth rate during post-natal development is greater in the field mouse, (6) No sex difference is recognizable in any attributive or quantitative character, (7) A determination of the true systematic status of the two forms is impossible until an extensive and profound investigation of the variation in both species throughout the world has been made, On the basis of the present evi- dence, the Formosan house mouse is a form of Mus mesculus, and the field mouse is genetically highly differentiated from it, 1944 "A Comparative Study on Formosan Rets and Mice of Four Species Belonging to the Genera Rattus, Apodemus, and Mus from the Standpoint of Variation-Statisticsa" (with English resume): Mem Fec Sci Tainoka Imp Univ, I (2), pp 65-118, Jul 1944, Biostatistical studies were perforued on common Formosan rats and mice, namely, Rattus losea, Apodemus agrurius, Mus formosenus, and Mus musculus, From the standpoint of adult mean values in extreme dimensions (the lower limit of the adult size range is theoretically determined), the two species of Mus are close- £ ly related, and each genus has its own particularities in the relation of the bead and body length to the tail length; a sexual diversity is apparent in Rattus, quite lacxing in Mus; the ear iength is noticeably small in Apodenus,. The order of the amount of variability in their edult values is roughly the same in every species, being generally parallel to that of the amount of their equilibrium coefficients in the adult stage, except for the head and body length Tanaka, Ryo end indo, Tadashi 1242 "On Muridae Collected at Southern Part of Hainan Island with Notes on Birds and Reptiles in the Same District": Rpt of the lst Scientific Expedition to Hainan Island carried out by Taihoku Imperial University in 1940, pp 131-137, Apr 1942, The author, who made a trip to Hainan in November 1940, briefly describes the seven species of rats of southern Hainan, Included is a list of the birds and rez;tiles he collected, Tanimoto, Kentaro and Tanimoto, Kenjiro 1942 "On Allectaga sibirica sibirica (Forster): Zool Mag, LIII (10), pp 501-503, 4 fiz, Oct 1941. Allactaga is common in the alkaline districts of western Manchuria, The authors give a brief account of this interesting kangaroo rat and notes on ita habits. Tenimoto, Kentaro 1942-43 "Studies on Mammals in Relation to Bubonic Plague in Manchuria": pt 1 Zool Mag, LIV (7), pp 268-278, 12 fig, 1 pl, Jul 1942; pt 2 Zool Mag, LIV (10), pp 405=420, 12 fig, 1 pl, Oct 1942; pt 3 Zool Mag, LV (3), pp 117-127, 7 fig, 1 pl, Mar 1943, Morphological descriptions are given of the Manchurian kangaroo rat, Dipus sagilta soweroyi Thomas (Dipodidae). Its hebitat and food habits are reported in detail, The hebits of Citelius dauricus ramosus Thomas {Scincidae), which occurs in great numbers in western Manchuria, a permanent pest zone, are reported, A detailed description of its hibernating habits is added, In the third report the author deals similarly with Meriones unguiculatus (Milne-Edwards) (Geribillinae-Muridae), 1943 "On the Distribution of Some Species of Rodents in Western Manchuria”; Zool Mag, LV (11,12), pp 371-372, Dee 1943, Different species of rats show marked preferences in habitats, some occupying human dwellings, others choosing cultivated fields, grassy plains, or swamp areas, Their habitat preferences are delineated, and their respecti-e effects on agri- culture are evaluated, Tateishi, Shinkichi 1941 "Is Hybrid between the Domestic Cat and the Chinese Tiger—Cat Possible?*: Jour Taiwan Mus Assoc, 1X (12), pp 1-7, 2 pl, April 1941. 37 1942 1944 Tokoro, 1943 Tokuda, 1941 1941 1941 1942 38 A detailed study of the chromosomes of the domestic cat and the Chinese tiger- cat, Felis bengalensis Kerr, showed such marxed similarities between the two that the author concludes hybridizing them is possible, "Advice to Rat Catchers": Jour Taiwan Mus Assoc, X (2,4), pp 1-6, 1 pl, 1 text fig, Sep 1942, 3 A delineation of methods of catching rodents for scientific study, Various types of traps are described and pictured, "A Synopsis of the Study of Murine Sex-Chromosomes": Trans Nat Hist Soc Formosa, XXXIV (251), pp 316-319, Oct 1944, The author shows in tabular form the construction and the number of the chromo- somes of 27 species of 11 genera of rats, chiefly Formosan, ' Their chromosomes were all of XY type, only those of Apodemus and Micromys being of the post- reduction type. Toshikazu "Some Examples of Excess Teeth Discovered in Rattus": Zool Mag, LV (2), p 72, Feb 1943, Literature on excess teeth in the genus Rattus is scarce, Single examples of excess incisors in Rattus rattus alexandrinus and Rattus norvegicus var. albus and an example of excess molars in Rattus norvegicus var, albus are described, Mitosi "A Synopsis of Taxonomy and Distribution of Rats and Mice in East Asia": Nip Gak Kyo Hok, XVI (1), pp 82-85, Mar 1941, The author discusses briefly the various elements that determine the distribu- tional limit of rats and mice, and the differentiation of species in rete and mice, and traces geological history of the Japan islands in the light of murine distribution, "A Classification of Rats and Mice Found in Japan, Formosa, Korea, and Manchuria - Investigation of Intraspecific Variations Observed in Rats and Mice": Zool Mag, LIII (6), pp 267-298, 9 fig, Jun 1941. A Japanese abstract of the next title. "A Revised Monograph of the Javanese and Manchou-Korean Muridae" (in English): Bioge, IV (1), pp 1-155, 88 fig, 10 pl, Dec 1941, A detailed monograph, bringing together in a single volume most of the known information on all the species of Muridae known in Japan and in the Manchou- Korean areas, The systematics are treated thoroughly, and excellent synonymies are given, Detailed descriptions and measurements are included for each species, The author revises somewhat the accepted vhylogenetic system of the group and proposes two new genera, Lemmicrotus and Acanthomys, and five new geographical varieties, three from Formosa, and one each from Tsushima and Sado Islands, From his studies of Murine taxonomic relationships and geographical distribution he concludes the geological detachment of Honshu from the mainland came before the isolation of Hokkaido and Sakhalin, and the separation of Hokkaido consider- ably earlier tnan that of Sakhalin, which is in accordance with other zoological, botanical, and geological evidence, "On the Rodents of Hokkaido, with Special Reference to the Red-Backed Vole as In- jurious to Forests": Nip Gak Kyo Hok, XVII (1), pp 121-124, Oct 1942, The author lists the known rodents of Hokknido aud their ecological preferences. He gives a detailed account of the harmful effects to forest plantings of Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, which girdles young trees under the snow, 1943 "A Study of the Manchurian Line-Back Field-Mouse Apodenus agrarius (As a Guide to the Study of Systematics, Morphology, and Ecology of Small Mammals)": Trans Shj Ken, (1), pp 1-22, Mar 1943, The method of investigation of small mammals is stated in detail, The author used Apodemus agrarius for his studies because it is the most common mammal in Manchuria. 1944 "On thc Biogeographical Division of Inner Mongolia": ‘Trans Shi Ken, (7) pp 95-125, Oct 1944, Dr, Tokuda spent two months in the summer of 1943 collecting and observing ani- mals at Uranchap (inner Mongolia). The most abundant desert animals are the rodents and ornithopterans, Their species and distribution are given in detail, Utinomi, Huzio 1945 Bibliographia Micronesica, (sic) (Nanyo Gunto Kagaku Bunkenshu), royal 8vo, Hokaryukan, Tokyo, pp 1-208, 1945, The Mammalia section, pp 24-27, lists 62 titles on Micronesian mammals, Yameshina, Yoshimaro 1943 "On the New Subspecies of Emballonura semicaudata (Chiropt,) Found in Marianas Group, Micronesia"; Bull Bioge Soc Jap, XIII (15), pp 99-100, Jun 1943, Emballonura semicaudata rotensis is described, The type specimen came from Rota Island, Marianas group. Yoshikura, Makoto 1944, "On a New Whiskered Bat from Sakhalin": Zool Mag, LVI (1,2,3), pp 6-7, Mar 1944, A new whiskered bat, Myotis abei, sp. n., is described from a single adult male collected by the author in southern Sekhalin. 1944 "On Myopus middendorffi vinogradov (Microtinae) Found in Southern Sakhalin"; Zool Mag, LVI (1,2,3), pp 48-50, Mar 1944, This first record of the species from Sakhalin is also a new addition to ‘he fauna of Japan, 39 PERIODICALS Ann Rpt Exp Morph Annual Reports of Experimental Morphology (Jikken Keitaizaku Nempo) Published in Tokyo by the Society of Bxperimental Morphology, directed by Dr. Yo Uchida. I 10 Apr 1942 II 20 Aug 1943 III 25 Apr 1947 Ann Zool Jap Annotationes Zoologicae Japonensis (Nippon Dobutsugaku Iho) Published quarterly by the Zoological Society of Japan, Zoological Institute, Tokyo Imperial University, To nek _ (1) Apr, (2) Jun, (3) Sep, (4) Dee 1941 XXI (1) Apr, (2) Jun, (3) Sep, (4) Dec 1942 XXII (1) Apr 1943, (2) Jun 1943, (3) May 1944, (4) 25 Nov 1944 Bioge Biogeosraphica, Transactions of the Biogeographical Society of es (no Japanese title) Fubliehed irregularly by the society, Tokyo, in English end Javanese. Ili (3) Dec 1941, (4) Dec 1942 IV (1) Dec 1941 Bot Zool Botany and Zoolozy (Shokubutsu to Dobutsu) Fublished monthly by Yokando, Tokyo, edited by Gosaji Oyokawa. IX (1-12) Jan=Dec 1941 Xi (1-12) Jan-Dee 1942 XI (1-12) Jan-Dee 1943 Bull Biege Soc Jap Bulletin of tne Biogeographical Society of Japan (Nippon Seibuteu Chirigakkai Kaiho) Fubliehed in Tokyo by the society, in Japanese and English. XI (1-15) Jan-Dec 1941 XIII (1-20) Jan-Oct 1943 XII (1-7) Jan-Aug 1942 XIV (1-2) Jan 1944 bull Shi Ken Bulletin of the Shigenkagaku Kenkyujo (SAeneBss m Kenkyujo Hokoku) Fublished by the institute (see Shi Ken Iho) in Tokyo, for articles in both Japanese and English I (1) Mar 1943, (2) Apr 1943 vytologia Cytolosia, International Journal of Cytology (no Japanese title) Rdited oy K. Fujii, Professor of Botany, Tokyo Imperial University. The journal is issued at irregular intervals, one volume of about 500 pages appearing annually in four numbdere. Xil (1) Dec 1941, (2,3) May 1942, (4) Dec 1942 KIII (1) Nov 1943, (z) Apr 1944, (3,4) Dec 1944 (actual date autum, 1945) Lob B Dobutsu Bungaku (Animal Literature) A small, semi-popular periodical, devoted primarily to the literary aspect of nature writing, but which occasionally publishes papers of scientific value. It is edited and published by Yonekichi Hirai-iwa in Tokyo, in Japanese, formerly in annual volumes of 12 numbers each. VIII (1-12) Jan-Dec 1941 XII (1,2) Feb 1945, (3) Dec 1945 IX (1-12) Jan=Dec 1942 XIII (1) Jun 1946, (2) Dec 1946 x (1-12) Jan-Dec 1943 XIV (1,2) Jun 1947, (3) Sep 1947 XI (1-11) Jan-Nov 1944 40 Hokk Teik Daig Shoho Hokkaido Teikoim Daigaku Rigakubu Dobutsugaku Kyoshitsu Kenkyu Gyoseki Shoho (Hokkaido Imperial University, Faculty of Science, Zoology Department, Abstracts of Researches) A new temporary series published in unbombed Hokkaido for the benefit of authors no longer able to publish in bombed-out Tokyo periodicals. (1) Aug 1945, (2) Nov 1945 Hop Fub Hoppo Fubutsu (Northern Nature) A new monthly magazine, started in Hokkaido after the surrender. The author of this report has seen only Vol I, No 6, Jun 1946, called the "Wild Bird Number", which contains miscellaneous short notes on birds. Hyogo Chu Hak Zas Hyogo Ken Chuto Kyoiku Hakubutsugaku Zasshi (Natural Histor School Education) Fublished by Hyogo Natural History Society, Kobe. (8,9) Jan 1943 Ig Sei Igaku to Seibutsugaku (Medicine and Biology) Published by the Society of Medicine and Biology (Igaku Seibutsugaku Sakuko Kai) of the Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Imperial University, in two volumes annually of 12 numbers each, issued twice monthly, on the 5th and 20th of each month. I (1-12) Jan-Jun 1942 IV (1-12) Jul-Dec 1943 II (I-12) Jul-Dec 1942 Vv Bae Jan-Jun 1944 III (1-12) Jan-Jun 1943 VI (1-3) Jul-Aug 1944 Jap Jour Gen Japanese Journal of Genetics (Idengaku Zagsh}) The organ of the Genetic Society of Japan, published bimonthly in annual volumes of about 330 pages each, under the auspices of the Faculty of Science, Tokyo Imperial University. XVII (1-6) Feb-Dec 1941 XVIII (1-6) Feb 1942 - Jan 1943 XIX (1) Feb 1943, (2) Apr 1943, (3) Jun 1943, (4) Aug 1943 xx (1) 28 Feb 1944, (2) Apr 1944, (3) Jun 1944, (4,5,6) Dec 1944 (the last combined number was actually published during the summer of 1947) Jap Jour Zool Japanese Journal of Zoology (Nippon Dobutsugaku Shuho (Gencho & Shoroku) ) Formerly published three times yearly by the National Research Council (Gakujutsu Kenkyukaigi) at the Imperial Academy (Teikoku Gakashiin) at Ueno Park, Tokyoe Ix a 30 Oct 1940, (2) 30 Mar 1941, (3) 15 Jun 1941, (4) 25 Dec 1941 Xx (1) 15 Jan 1942, (2) 20 Jul 1942, (3) 10 Nov 1943 Jour Fac Sci Hok Imp Univ Journal of the Faculty of Sciences of Hokkaido Imperial University, Series 6, Zoology (Hokkaido Teikoku Daigaku Rigakubu Kiyo) This series, published by the University at Sapporo, is for papers in English only. VII (4) 25 Mar 1941 VIII (1) Jan 1942, (2) Oct 1942, (3) Mar 1943, (4) Apr 1243 IX (1) Jun 1943, (2) Oct 1944 (actually published May 1946) Jour Fac Sci Imp Univ Tok Journal of the Faculty of Sciences, Imperial University, Tokyo, Series IV, Zoolozy (Tokyo Teikoka Daigaku Rigakubu Kiyo) Fublished irregularly for papers in English. Volume V was issued in 1939, and no other number appeared until those listed below: VI (1) Mar 1943, (2) May 1943, (3) Jun 1943, (4) Feb 1944, (5) Aug 1944 (published Oct 1947) 41 Jour Dep Aer Kyushu Imp Univ Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University, (Nogakubu Kiyo) Publisied irregulariy by the University at Fukuoka, for papers in Japanese, German, French, and Znzlish, VI (6) 15 Feb 1942 VII (9) 15. May 1945 VIII (1) 25 Nov 1946 Jour Sci Hiro Univ Journal of Science, Hiroshima University (Series B, Division 1: Zoology) (Hiroshima Bunrika Daigaku Rika Kiyo) (Dobutsugaku) Formerly publisned irregularly at Hiroshima in Japanese by the University. Ix 1941 x (1) Jun 1943, (2) Oct 1944 Jour Shi Ken Journal of the Shigenkaraky Kenkyujo (Shigenkegaku Kenkyujo Obun Hokoku) This series, as its Japanese name implies (Obun Hokoku means "Huropean language reporte"), was for articles in English and other tongues beside Japanese. It was pub- lished by the Institute in Tokyo. I (1) Mar 1943, (2) Nov 1943, (3) Jul 1944 Soc T Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture (Nettai Nogaku Kaishi) Fublished by the Society of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial University, Formosa. XIII (1) Apr 1941, (2) Sep 1941, (3) Nov 1941, (4) Dec 1941 XIV (1) Apr 1942, (2) Jul 1942, (3) Nov 1942, (4) Dec 1942 Jour Taiwan Mus Assoc Journal of the Taiwan Museum Association (Kagaku no Taiwan) Formerly published bimonthly by the Taiwan Museum Association at the Museum of the Government General in Formosa. IX (1,2) Apr, (3) Jun, (4) Sep, (5,6) Dec 1941 x (1) Apr, (2) May, (3,4) Sep, (5) Dec 1942 Kazaku (Science) Fublished by Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, formerly in volumes of 12 numbers annually. XI (1-13) Jan-Dec 1941 XIV (1-10) Jan-Oct 1944 XII (1-12) Jan-Dee 1942 XV (1) Feb 1945, (2) Oct 1945 TOO GE (1-12) Jan-Dec 1943 Kag Nan ) Kagaku Nanyo (South Sea Science) Fublished by the Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai Parao Netiai Seibutsu Kenkyujo (Japanese Association for the Fromotion of Science) of Tokyo (formerly under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, and now at the Imperial Academy at Ueno Park, Tokyo). Ill (3) Feb 1941 IV (1) Jun 1941, (2) Oct 1941, (3) May 1942 v (1) Sep 1942, (2) Mar 1943, (3) Jur 1944 ‘La Krom La Kromosomo (Senshyokutai) Edited by the Senshyokutai-Kenkyujo (Institute of Chromosome Research) of uncertain authority, and published by Tikarashyobo, 835 Unanemachi, Setagayaku, Tokyo, a commercial publishing house. The "European" title adopted by the magazine is of uncertain language, claimed by the editors to be perhaps Esperanto. (1) 21 Sep 1946, (2) 21 Dec 1946, all published to date Mem Fac Sci Agr, Taihoku Imp Univ Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and riculture, Taihoku Imperial University, (Rinogakubu Kiyo) Fublished irregularly by Taihoku Imperial University, Formosa, for papers in English. Issues are combined in volumes but are also numbered serially by departments. XXIII (3) (Zool 12) Feb 1941, (4) (Zool 13) May 1941, (5) (Zool 14) Jun 1942, (6) (Zool 15) Sep 1942 XXIV (1) (Zool 16) Oct 1942 42 Mem Fac Sci Taihoku Imp Univ Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Taihoku Imperial Universit Formosa, Series 2 (Taihoku Teikoku |Idaigaku Rigakubu Kiyo). I (1) Apr 1944 (in English), (2) Jul 1944 (in Japanese) Nat Sci Mus Natural Science and Museum (Shigenkagaku to Halkubutsukan) Formerly published by the Science Museum of the Ministry of Education, Tokyo, in annual volumes of 12 numbers each. XII (1-12) (133-144) Jan-Dec 1941 XIV (1-12) (157-168) Jan-Dec 1943 XIII (1-12) (145-156) Jan-Dec 1942 XV (1-10) (169-176) Jan-Oct 1944 Nip Gak Kyo Hok Nippon Gakujutsu Kyokai Hokoku (Reports of the Japanese Scientific Society) Published irregularly in Japanese by the Nippon Gakujutsu Kyokai, with offices formerly at the Institute of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Technical Science, Tokyo Imperial University. Since 1946 the Society has moved its office to the Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Imperial University, but has issued no publications. XVI (1) Mar, (2) July, (3) Nov 1941 (actual date of (3) Jan 1942) XVII (1) Oct 1942, (2) Jul 1943 © Saiensu (Science) A journal of science in Romanized Japanese, edited by the Saiensu Publishing Society, published by Akitaya Co, No 1, Oiwaketo, Kitashirakawa, Kyoto, Japan. I (1) May 1947 “Sei Shi Saishu to Shiiku (Collecting and Breeding) Published monthly by Uchida Rokakuho Co, Hongoku, Tokyo, and edited by Prof Y. Shinoto of the Botanical Institute and Prof T. B. Oka of the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Imperial University. This magazine is one of the few which kept its continuity of numbering through the war years, by omitting those which were not published. III (1-12) Jan-Dec 1941 VII (1-2) Jan-Feb 1945 IV (1-12) Jan-Dec 1942 VIII (1-12) Jan-Dec 1946 Vv (1-12) Jan-Dec 1943 Ix (1-8,9) Jan-Sep 1947 VI (1-12) Jan-Dec 1944 Sci Rpt Tokyo Bun Dai Science Reports, Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku (no Japanese title) Fublished irregularly in English by Bunrika University, Tokyo. These numbers li sted are devoted to zoology. Vv (85) Jun 1941 VI (89) (93) May 1942, (95) (98) Jun 1943, (99) 20 Dec 1943 ViIi (100) 28 Feb 1944, (102) 8 Oct 1944, (103) 18 Oct 1944, (104) Feb 1945 Sci Rpt Tohoku Imp Univ Science Reporte of the Tohoku Imperial University (Tohoku Teikoku Daigaku Rika Hokoku), Series 4 (Biology). Formerly publisheé by Tohoku Imperial University at Sendai, in annual volumes of four numbers each. XVI (1) 10 Feb 1941, (2) 30 Apr 1941, (3) 20 Aug 1941, (4) 30 Sep 1941 XVII (1) 20 Mar 1942, (2) 14 Dec 1942, (3) 30 Apr 1943, (4) 30 Aug 1943 Seib Soho Seibuteugaku Soho (General Reports of Biology) . A new periodical, published in Japanese by the Maruzen Co for the National Research Council (Gakujutsu Kenkyu Kaigi) at Ueno, Tokyo. T 10 Feb 1947 43 Seivutu (Tne Livine Creature) A new journal puolished by the Northerr. Fublishing Co (Hoppo Shuppan Sha) in Sapporo. The director of the journal is Dr Toru Uchida and tne editor Dr Sajiro Makino, both professore of zoology at Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo. : I (1) Feb 1946, (2) Apr 1946, (3) Jun 1946, (4) Aug 1946, (5,6) Dec 1946 II (1) Fed 1947, (2) Apr 1947, (3) Jun 1947, (4) Aug 1947 Supplement (1) Jan 1947 Shi Ken Iho Shigenkagaku Ken o Iho (Miscellaneous Reports of the HKesearch Institute for Natural Rescurces This series of reports was published in Japanese by the Institute in Tokyo. I (1) Mar 1943, (2) Apr 1943, (3) Oct 1943, (4) Nov 1943, (5) Mar 1944, (6) Aug 1944, (7) Oct 1944, (&) Jun 1945, (9) Nov 1946, (10) Dec 1946 (See also Bull Shi Ken, Jour Shi Ken, Shi Ken Tanpo and Trans Shi Ken. In eddition to these five series of periodicals, the Insti- tute also began a "Bibliography of Natural Science in the Great Eastern Co-prosperity Zone" series, of wnich only the Fnilippine section, dated 1943, was published, and planned a series of "Geographical Maps of the Great Eastern Co-Prosperity Zone", none of which was completed.) Shi Ken Tampo Shigenkagalu Kenkyujo Tampo (Short Reports of the Research Institute for Natural Resources) A series of short papers, mimeographed, of 4-10 pages each, mostly on ichthyol@y. (1-21) May-Jul 1947 Tori (The Bird) Bulletin of the Ornithological Society of Japan, published at irregular intervals by the society, Tokyo. Contains papers in English and Jepanese. © XI (51,52) Oct 1941, (53,54) Dec 1942, (55) Sep 1944 Trans Nat Hist Soc Taiwan Transactions of the Natural History Society of Taiwan (formerly Formoea) Taiwan Hakubutsu Gekkaj Kaiho Z Fublished monthly in annual volumes by the Natural History Society of Formosa, Faculty of Scierce and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial University, Taihoku, Formosa. Contains papers in Japanese and English. XI (208-219) Jan-Dec 194P XAXK11 (220-231) Jan-Dec 1942 XXXIII (232-240) Jan-Sep 1943, (241) Oct 1943, (242,243) Dec 1943 XXXIV (244) Jan 1944, (245) Feb 1944, (246,247) Apr 1944, (248,249) Apr 1944, (250) Aug 1944, (251) Oct 1944 Trans Orn Soc Jap Transactions of the Ornithological Society of Japan (Nippon Chogakkai Kaiho) A new temporary series published after the war, in leaflet form, to be discontinued when Tori is again published. The first issue was edited by Shiro Matsuyama, the remainder by Nasahisa Kuroda. They contain reports of activities of members, minutes of meetings, short accounts of papers, and short articles by members. I (1) 1 May 1946, (2) 1 Jun 1946, (3) 1 Aug 1946, (4) 1 Oct 1946, (5) 1 Dec 1946 II (1) 1 Jan 1947, (2) 30 May 1947, (3) 30 May 1947 Trans Shi Ken irersactions of the Shigenkagaku Kenkyujo (no Japanese title) This series was published by the Institute in Tokyo in English. Only two numbere appeared. (1) Mar 1943, (2) Aug 1943 Yacho (The Wili Biré) A popular nonthly magazine formerly published by the Japan Wild Bird Club, Tokyo, and maneged and edited by Godo Nakanishi, the founder and secretary of the club. The magezine is devoted to the popularizing of all nature, particularly birds. VIII (1-12) Jan-Dec 1941 IX (1-12) Jan-Dec 1942 x (1-€) Jan-Avg 1943, (3,10) Oct, 1943, (11,12) Dec 1943 xI (1) (ola 114) Feb 1944, (2) (01d 115) Sep 1944 Zool Mag Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) Fublished by the Nippon Dobuteu Gakrai (Zociogical Society of Japan), of the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Imperial University. Tyee (1-12) 15 Jan-15 Dec 1941 LIV (1-12) 15 Jan-15 Lee 1942 LV (1-8) 15 Jan-15 Aug 1943, (9,10) Oct 1943, (11,12) Dec 1943 LVI (1,2,3) 15 Mar 1944, (4,5,6) 15 Jun 1944, (7) 15 Jul 1944 (published 25 Mar 1946), (8) 15 Aug 1944 (published 25 Apr 1946), (9,10) Oct 1944 (published 20 Aug 1946, (11,12) Dec 1944 (pnblished 25 Dec 1946) LVIL (1,2) Jan 1947 (pub 5 May 1947), (3) Mar 1947, (4) Apr 1947, (5) May 1947 End