Digitized by the Internet Archive 3 in 2009 with funding from Ontario Council of University Libraries and Member Libraries http://www. archive.org/details/journalofanatomyO9anatuoft { Ss s) oF THE / JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY CONDUCTED BY G. M. HUMPHRY, M.D. F.R.S. PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, HONORARY FELLOW OF DOWNING COLLEGE; AND - WM. TURNER, MLB. PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. VOLUME IX. (SECOND SERIES, VOL. VHT MACMILLAN AND CoO. Cambridge and Donvdon. 1875. Cambridge: PRINTED BY ©. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, QM | J6 CONTENTS. FIRST PART. NOVEMBER, 1874. Dr Goopuart, Description of Three Cases of Malformation of the Spinal Column associated with Lateral Curvature (Pl. L) Prorzssor Srruruers, Variations of the Vertebre and Ribs in Man . Dean Byrne, The Development of the Powers of Thought in Verte- brate Animals in Connection with the Development of their Proressor Watson, Contributions to the Anatomy of the Indian Elephant, Part IV. Muscles and Blood-Vessels of the Face and Head - . ‘ ‘ Prorrssorn Watson, Notes of a esbenlilas Gin of Pharyagea Diverti. culum ss. P je Dr Ransome, The Position of the Heart’s Imp in Different Toate of the Body Baron ARMAND DE Wiseursias, A Desesiption of re Cerebral ‘snd Spina Nerves of Rana Esculenta = : Proressor Turner, Phoca Greenlandica as a “British fesnkis of Seal . Mr J. C. Ewart, On the Minute Structure of the Retina and Vitreous Humour . ‘ . : Mr Joun C, Garton, On the iiiesdidiakiursed or income Sextns (Gruber) (PL Il)... ‘ ;. Mr James Reocn, On the Urine Pigments : . Dr Cuartes, Abnormalities in the Arteries of the Unne: Extremity . Dr Harxer, Dissection of an Abnormal Four-Toed Foetus without Head or Upper Limbs ° ‘ Mr E. Betuamy, Note on the sical x es ES Wewinits Muscle and on a Spine possessing a Sixth Lumbar Vertebra, the First Rib being Rudimentary . x : ‘ + Notices of Books . ° Report on the Progress of Aeabiake by PROFESSOR eounun cui D. J. CunnineHam, M.B.. . hea ' ¥ . ANATOMY OF THE INDIAN ELEPHANT. 127 like the inner fibres, surround it continuously. The anterior division arises along with the inner fibres from the spine of the lachrymal bone, and certain of these fibres pass upward, others downward. The former are inserted into the facial aponeurosis above the eye, whilst the latter are inserted in the same manner below the eye. The posterior division of the muscle arises from the post-orbital spine, and the fibres de- scribing segments of circles pass to be inserted into the facial aponeurosis behind and below the eye. In front the muscle corresponds to the levator labii superioris, whilst posteriorly it comes into relation with the occipito-frontalis, 6. Occipito-frontalis is, as in the human subject, a double- bellied muscle with an intermediate tendon. The posterior belly, much the larger, arises from an aponeurosis covering the superior and lateral aspect of the cranium immediately above the posterior part of the temporal fossa. The fibres pass obliquely upward and forward, and terminate on a strong apo- neurosis covering the temporal fossa, and attached above to the temporal ridge. The anterior belly of the muscle arises from the post-orbital process, and, passing backward, terminates on the aponeurosis before described. The muscle is subcutaneous, its anterior belly coming into relation with the posterior fibres of the orbicularis palpebrarum, whilst the posterior belly at its origin is in contact with certain of the muscles of the ear. 7. A cutaneous muscle, which may perhaps be regarded as a portion of the panniculus, arises from the cranial aponeurosis of the posterior surface of the skull. The muscle measures three inches in breadth, and the fibres passing transversely outward are inserted into the cranial aponeurosis immediately behind the origin of the posterior belly of the occipito-frontalis, 2. MUSCLES OF THE EXTERNAL EAR. These, for the sake of convenience, may be divided into three groups—Ist, Those whose origin is situated behind the external auditory meatus (retrahent muscles) ; 2nd, Those whose origin is situated in front of the external meatus (attrahent muscles); and, 3rd, Those whose origin is placed above the meatus (attollent muscles), 128 PROFESSOR WATSON. The first group comprises four muscles :— 1. Retrahens inferior is a strong muscle which arises from the cervical fascia, where it becomes incorporated with the tendon of origin of the trapezius, close to its attachment to the back of the skull. The fibres pass outward and forward, and are inserted into the middle of the upper border of the cartilage of the ear. When in action, it pulls the ear directiy toward the side of the skull. 2. etrahens superior a¥ises from the eranial aponeurosis below the origin of the cutaneous muscle of the back of the skull. The fibres pass downward and outward, and are inserted into the cartilage of the ear below and in front of the insertion of the preceding muscle. When it acts, it elevates at the same time that it draws the aural cartilage to the side of the skull. 3. Retrahens anterior arises by means of a broad, flattened tendon from the same aponeurosis which gives attachment. to the retrahens inferior, by which muscle it is concealed. The fibres, separating so as to form distinct muscular slips, pass obliquely forward and downward, to be inserted into the back of the aural cartilage im front of the retrahens superior. When this muscle acts, it elevates the cartilage of the ear at the same time that it approximates it to the side of the head. 4. Retrahens internus is the largest of the muscles of the ear. It is broad and flat, and arises from the aponeurosis which gives origin to the retrahentes inferior and anterior, both of which muscles conceal the attachment of the internus. Its fibres pass directly forward, and are inserted into that margin of the cartilage which bounds the external meatus posteriorly. When it acts, the muscle will tend rather to widen the auditory meatus than alter the position of the cartilage with reference to the head, inserted as it is so close to the fixed point of the aural cartilage, where it is attached to the side of the skull. The second group includes two muscles :— 1. Attrahens superior consists of two portions—the wpper of which arises from the temporal aponeurosis above the zygoma, The fibres converge as they pass obliquely downward and back- ward, and are inserted into a well-marked projection of the aural cartilage immediately in front of the external auditory ANATOMY OF THE INDIAN ELEPHANT. 129 meatus. The lower portion arises from the external surface of the zygoma, and passes directly backwards to be inserted into the anterior margin of the cartilage of the pinna immediately below the insertion of the first portion of the muscle. In action, the upper part of the muscle will pull the cartilage for- ward and upward, whilst the lower will pull it directly forward. 2. Attrahens inferior arises by a narrow tendon from the root of the zygoma immediately in front of the auditory meatus. The fibres of the muscle arch over the fibrous roof of the meatus, and are inserted into the anterior extremity of the upper margin of the aural cartilage. When in action, this muscle will tend to diminish the aperture of the external meatus, The third group includes two muscles :— 1. Attollens superior arises from the cranial aponeurosis above the ear, its origin being closely related to that of the posterior belly of the occipito-frontalis. Its fibres pass obliquely downward and backward, and are inserted into the middle third of the upper margin of the cartilage of the ear. This muscle in acting will direct the cartilage of the ear forward, so as to enable the animal to catch any sound coming from the front. 2. -Attollens inferior is a muscle of a square shape, the fibres of which pass downward and forward. Its origin exactly corresponds to that of the preceding muscle, and its fibres pass obliquely downward and forward to be inserted into the cranial aspect of the cartilage of the ear, behind the external auditory meatus. In action, this muscle partakes more of the nature of a retrahent than of an elevator muscle of the ear. That is, sup- posing the ear to have been directed forward by the preceding muscle in the first instance, this muscle tends to approximate it to the side of the skull. . Two intrinsic muscles of the ear remain to be described :— : 1. Trajicus muscle, which consists of two well-marked _ fasciculi which arise from the cartilaginous projection in front of the auditory meatus, and, passing backward and upward, are inserted into the upper margin of the cartilage of the pinna close to the insertion of the attollens superior. 2. Transverse muscle of the auricle is a muscle of consider- VOL. IX, 9 130 PROFESSOR WATSON. able size, whose fibres pass across the cranial aspect of the car- tilage of the pinna. In this course, they separate the fibres of the retrahens superior into two bundles. The fibres radiate in all directions and form a special muscle of the pinna. 3. MUSCLES OF MASTICATION. 1. Masseter arises from the lower margin of the zygomatic arch, from a point immediately below the eye as far back as the insertion of the sterno-maxillaris. The fibres pass obliquely _ downward and backward, and are inserted into the outer aspect of the rounded angle of the jaw. In relation to its superficial surface is the facial aponeurosis and the duct of the parotid gland, whilst its deeper aspect rests on the temporal muscle. 2. Temporal muscle has an extensive origin from the whole of the temporal fossa. The fibres arise from numerous tendi- nous intersections, which run through the muscle, and, passing obliquely downward and forward, are inserted into the anterior edge and inner surface of the coronoid process of the lower jaw- bone by means of a powerful tendon. Superficial to the muscle are the temporal artery and temporal aponeurosis, along with the oceipito-frontalis muscle. 3. Lxternal pterygoid muscle arises along with the next muscle from the external surface of the pterygoid bone, in which there is a well-marked ridge extending from the anterior border to near the spheno-palatine canal. From the common tendinous origin the fibres pass off, forming a weak riband-like muscle, which, passing obliquely backward and outward, is inserted into a deep depression on the inner side of the neck of the lower jaw, immediately above the dental foramen, 4. Internal pterygoid muscle arises along with the pre- ceding. The fibres form a broad flattened muscle, which, pass- ing backwards and downwards, is inserted into the posterior margin as well as into the inner surface of the ramus of the lower jaw behind the dental foramen. 5. Buccinator muscle arises from the alveolar margins of both jaws, as well as from a powerful elastic ligament which extends from the styloid process down to the lower jaw. The fibres pass forward and blend with the other muscles surround- ing the opening of the mouth. The muscle is further strength- ANATOMY .OF THE INDIAN ELEPHANT. 131 ened by the addition of two muscular bundles, which arise from the alveolar margin of the upper jaw between the tusk and molar tooth. Of these the anterior passes downwards and blends with the fibres of the zygomatico-labialis, whilst the other, passing obliquely backwards, is inserted into the ligament which gives attachment to the fibres of the buccinator muscle in the interval between the upper and lower jaws. The muscle is pierced by the duct of the parotid gland. 4. MUSCLES OF TONGUE AND HYOID BONE. 1. Mylo-hyoid muscle arises from the inner surface of the ramus of the lower jaw by a linear origin extending from oppo- site the last molar tooth forward to the symphysis. The muscles of opposite sides are continuous with one another, and have no attachment to the hyoid bone, but form as it were the floor of the submaxillary region. Jn connexion with the posterior part of this muscle are to be observed a number of fibres which, aris- ing in common with the posterior fibres of the mylo-hyoid, form a flattened band which, passing behind the hyoid bone, is in- serted into a tendinous bundle which stretches between the roots of the great cornua of the hyoid bone. The function of this band seems to be that of limiting the backward motion of the hyoid bone, and confining it within the sling formed by the mylo-hyoid muscles of opposite sides. 2. Genio-hyoid muscle is about two inches broad, and extends from the back of the symphysis of the lower jaw backwards, to be inserted into the posterior aspect of the body of the hyoid bone. 3. Genio-glossus muscle is the largest of the lingual muscles. It is triangular in form, and is attached by its anterior extremity to the whole depth of the symphysis of the jaw. From this the fibres pass off, the upper almost vertically, whilst the lower are almost horizontal, and the intermediate having different obliqui- ties between those two sets of fibres. The muscle is inserted along the whole length of the under surface of the tongue, as far back as the hyoid bone, to which, however, none of its fibres are attached, _ . 4. Hyo-glossus lateralis—The muscle which I have so named to distinguish it from the hyo-glossus anterior corre- 9—2 132 PROFESSOR WATSON. sponds to the hyo-glossus of human anatomy. It is a broad flattened muscle, and arises from the outer surface of the upper half of the great cornu of the hyoid bone. The fibres pass obliquely forward and upward to blend with the other muscles forming the lateral margin of the tongue. Beneath it lie the lingual artery and vein. 5. Hyo-glossus anterior, to the action of which with refer- ence to the pharyngeal pouch I have already-referred, arises from the anterior sharp margin of the body of the hyoid bone, the muscles of opposite sides being in contact at their origin. Each muscle is thin and riband-like, and passes obliquely up- ward, forward, and outward, to be inserted into the lateral margin of the posterior portion of the tongue. In action these muscles diminish the depth of the pharyngeal pouch. 6. Stylo-glossus is a very delicate muscle. It arises from the apex of the styloid process, and passes downward and for- ward, crossing the insertion of the hyo-glossus lateralis, to be inserted into the side of the tongue in front of that muscle. 7. Digastric muscle is a broad fleshy muscle, and arises from the process which projects backward from the styloid process, as also from the surface of bone at the root of the latter. It nar- rows as it descends, having.a broad tendinous intersection about its middle, and is inserted into the lower border of the rounded angle of the lower jaw. On its superficial surface is the exter- nal carotid artery, whilst its deeper surface rests on the parotid gland. Mayer mentions the presence of a stylo-hyoid muscle in the elephant, but such I could not distinguish as a muscle distinct from the digastric. 5. MUSCLES OF PHARYNX. 1. The constrictor muscles of each side of the pharynx can- not be separated from one another, but form a continuous mus- cular sheet on each side, attached from before backward to the whole length of the great cornu of the hyoid bone, to the lateral aspect of the thyroid cartilage, and lastly by a small slip to the lateral aspect of the cricoid cartilage. These different portions pass with various obliquities upward to the middle line to be- come continuous with the corresponding fibres of the opposite ANATOMY OF THE INDIAN ELEPHANT. 133 side, and complete the tube of the pharynx. The posterior fibres have the greatest obliquity, and thus gradually verge into series with the straight fibres of the cesophagus. 2. The stylo-pharyngeus muscle is very small in size. It arises from the posterior edge of the styloid process, as well as from the angle formed by it with that process of bone which projects backward from it. It passes downward and forward, and is lost in the side of the pharynx. 6. MUSCLES OF THE SOFT PALATE. Of these there is only a single one on each side, The palato-pharyngeus, which passes backward from the free margin of the soft palate, and is lost in the interior of the pha- ryngeal wall. It is a well-developed muscle. The other muscles of the soft palate—namely, the levator palati and tensor palati—are absent, as is also the palato-glossus, the place of which, in front of the tonsil, is occupied by a large fold of mucous membrane, before referred to, which projects free into the region of the fauces. Mayer describes a circumflexus palatias being present. This was certainly not the case in my specimen. SALIVARY GLANDS. Mayer states that in the elephant the submazillary as well as the sublingual glands are present. I failed to ascertain the presence of any of the salivary glands, with the exception of the parotid. This, which measures eight inches in length by five in breadth, is lodged in the interval between the lower jaw and the temporal bone. The duet passes off from its anterior margin, and, running forward under cover of the facial aponeu- rosis, pierces the buccinator muscle, to open into the cavity of the mouth. The other glandular bodies met with in the head of the elephant, such as the thyroid and temporal glands, have been described with sufficient accuracy by Mayer. NOTES OF A REMARKABLE CASE OF PHARYNGEAL DIVERTICULUM. By M. Watson, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in The Owens College, Manchester. ALTHOUGH cases in which diverticula connected with the pharynx or cesophagus have been reported from time to time by various authors, these, so far as I can ascertain, have been uniformly of small size, and in none of them is there any ap- proach to the peculiarity of characteristics of the case which I am about to report, and which would therefore appear to be altogether unique; at least in the works of none of the authorities on such subjects, such as Meckel, St Hilaire, or Forster, is there any mention, among the various deviations from the normal to which the cesophagus is liable, of any at all comparable to those of the case here figured. The body in which it occurred was that of an adult male, sent during the Summer Session, 1874, to the Anatomical Rooms of the Edinburgh University for purposes of dissection. Upon removing the skin, superficial and deep cervical fascize covering the anterior triangular space of the right side of the neck, a muscular structure was seen to extend down- ward from beneath the tendon of the digastric muscle, which crossed it superficially, as far as the interclavicular notch of the manubrium sterni. This, on closer examination, proved to be a tube with muscular walls, which in the upper part of its course lay directly, over the interval between the external and internal carotid arteries, whilst its lower half lay parallel to the anterior border of the sterno-mastoid muscle, and rested on the sterno-hyoid and the sterno-thyroid muscles, The tube terminated inferiorly in a dilated cul-de-sac, which on being cut into discharged a quantity of grumous material, similar to that found in the cavity of the mouth, as also in the cesophagus. On tracing it upward from the point of crossing of the tendon of the digastric muscle, the tube was seen to pass directly inwards, so as to reach the pharyngeal wall, which it pierced above the level of the stylo-pharyngeus muscle, and opened by a narrow slit-like orifice on the free margin of the PROF. WATSON. CASE OF PHARYNGEAL DIVERTICULUM. 135 posterior pillar of the fauces, immediately behind the tonsil. The slit-like opening was not more than one-eighth of an inch in length, and its margins were so closely in contact, that the entrance into it of solid particles from the cavity of the mouth must have been almost entirely prevented. As the tube entered the wall of the pharynx, it passed between the external and internal carotid arteries, and was crossed superficially by the stylo-glossus and stylo-pharyngeus muscles. In relation to its deeper aspect were the glosso-pharyngeal and hypoglossal nerves, along with the stylo-hyoid ligament, as these crossed from without inwards towards the middle line of the neck. It will thus be observed that the tube intervened between Dissection of the side of the neck of the subject in which the Pharyngeal Diverticulum here described occurred. the stylo-pharyngeus muscle and the glosso-pharyngeal nerve, which in the normal condition of the parts are closely applied 136 PROF. WATSON. CASE OF PHARYNGEAL DIVERTICULUM. to one another. The diverticulum itself increased in calibre from above downwards, so that whilst at its upper extremity a crow-quill could with difficulty be introduced, at its lower a pencil could readily be passed along the lumen of the tube. Vessels and Nerves.—Two arterial branches of considerable size were supplied to the tube, one from the occipital, and the ~ other (shown in the woodcut) from the inferior thyroid artery. Several small nerve-twigs were given off by the glosso-pharyn- geal as it crossed behind the tube, and were distributed to the walls of the latter. Structure.—The tube itself was composed of a muscular and a mucous coat. The former consisted of only a single layer of fibres arranged parallel to the long axis of the tube, the circular fibres met with in the other portions of the alimentary canal being altogether deficient. The fibres were, for the most part, of the red striated description. The mucous lining re- sembled closely that of the cesophagus, being thick and tough, whilst its free surface was covered with a scaly epithelium similar to that found in the csophagus. The presence or the absence of glands in this coat could not be ascertained by — reason of the age of the specimen. Remarks.—There is considerable difficulty in giving a satis- factory explanation of the presence of this extraordinary diver- ticulum, Its extent is such, and the opening of communi- cation between it and the pharynx is so small, as at once to exclude the idea that it owes its origin to a hernial protrusion of the mucous surface of the latter. The position of the pha- ryngeal opening, situated as it is between the lower jaw above and the stylo-hyoid ligament below, points to some modifi- cation in the closure of the first post-mandibular visceral cleft of the embryo; but as to what the peculiar circumstances of the intra-uterine existence of this particular individual were which occasioned such a deviation from the usual condition of the parts as we have before us, is difficult to conjecture, more especially when it is borne in mind that our knowledge of the different stages of the development of the visceral arches and clefts is as yet much too limited to enable us to advance anything but a hypothetical explanation of the case now re- ported, ; ON THE POSITION OF 'THE HEART'S IMPULSE, IN DIFFERENT POSTURES OF THE BODY, based upon Chest-rule measurements, taken by Mr W. A. PatcHeTr, Ltesident Medical Officer to the Manchester Workhouse Hospital. By ArtHur Ransome, M.D., M.A. WHEN it is remembered how often it is necessary in Clinical Medicine to observe the position of the heart’s impulse, with a view to determine the presence or absence of cardiac disease, or to record its progress, the importance of ascertaining its normal position, and its healthy variations due to changes in posture, will be at once conceded—and it might fairly be anticipated that observations undertaken with these objects might well lead to interesting collateral results. It is therefore somewhat sur- prising to find how few have been the observations on the subject. It is true that anatomists have stated in general terms the usual impulse-site, but no variations are recorded. Thus in Quain and Sharpey’s Anatomy it is stated that “the heart’s apex strikes the walls of the chest in the space between the cartilages of the fifth and sixth ribs, a little below the left mamilla.” Dr Sibson gives the point “ between the fourth and fifth or the fifth and sixth ribs,” and Dr Walshe, in more exact terms, states that it * beats in the fifth interspace and somewhat against the sixth rib, about mid-way between the vertical line of the nipple and the left border of the sternum” (Dis. of Heart, 4th ed. p. 18). Piorry on the other hand remarks that ‘in some individuals in health, the heart-beat is raised three, four, or five centimetres higher than in the others,” that ‘in some, it may be found three centimetres to the right of the sternum, in others three or four centimetres to the left ot its ordinary state,” and though he gives no proofs of his statement, he believes it varies with age, sex, build, constitution, proportion of Llood in the organism and “a crowd of other circumstances.” Plessi- métrisme, p. 379. Still fewer records can be found of the degree of mobility of the impulse in different positions of the body. Dr Quain (p. 1102) simply says that the heart ‘comes more extensively into contact with the anterior walls of the chest when the body is in the prone posture, or lying on the left side,-—and Dr Walshe that “changes of posture elevate, depress, throw it upwards or back- wards,’—or again, “the heart falls downwards somewhat (if its substance be weighty the fall may equal an inch) in the erect atti- tude and comes more forward than in decumbency, Changing the 138 DR RANSOME. posture in decumbency from the right to the left side will carry the heart an inch, or even more, to the right or left of the position it occupies when the individual lies on the back.” P. 9. But it will be observed that nothing is here said as to the extent to which the motion of the body affects the position of the impulse, The effect of different diseases of the heart upon the impulse-site is indeed clearly pointed out by this acute observer, and even in that of some non-cardiac disorders; thus he notes the raising of the apex- beat in severe hemorrhage, and the lowering of its level after a case of typhoid fever, but even Dr Walshe gives no exact measurements on this point. It is probable that one cause of absence of information has been the difficulty of localizing with sufficient definiteness any alterations in the site in question. It is not easy to describe in words the extent to which the impulse gravitates downwards or slantwise, or from side to side, this can only be done satis- factorily by means of ordinate measurements, vertically down the central line of the sternum, and horizontally at right angles to this line. I have recently proposed the employment of a simple instru- ment, ‘the chest-rule’, in order to perform these and other measurements, and Mr Patchett, the resident medical officer to the Manchester Workhouse, has, with the help of this rule, kindly made a number of observations upon which I will now make some comments. The measurements relate to 51 individuals, they have been made with great care, and are very accurate so far as they extend; they are perhaps as yet too few in number to found upon them any final conclusions, but they are an important con- tribution to the records on the subject. It is indeed probable that subsequent investigation will only confirm the chief results, 1 The chest-rule consists of a framework of the finest spring steel, so arranged as to form a rect- angular parallelogram, 6 inches long, by 8 in width, and divided into 18 squares of exactly one inch length of side. Owing to its lightness and flexibility it may easily be carried in the note-book, and may be readily applied to the chest, adapting itself to inequalities on the surface. t is used as is shewn in the annexed diagram- figure, and not only facilitates accurate noting, but may employed for making numerous measure- ments both in health and disease, It is manu- factured by Messrs J. and W. Wood, King Street, Manchester, POSITION OF THE HEART'S IMPULSE 139 Many of Quetelet’s famous measurements of the average dimen- sions of the human frame were the result of still fewer observa- tions, and yet they were found to be accurate by those who fol- lowed him. Even if the tables which follow are insufficient to afford trustworthy averages they at least give the extreme measurements as met with amongst the persons examined, and these will be found to present some very interesting points for remark, In one sense only are the examples selected—that is, they are drawn from the class to be met with in a workhouse hos- pital, and therefore represent neither the strongest nor the healthiest of their kind ; otherwise as may be seen they were taken without discrimination of height or make. It may be stated however that cardiac cases were purposely excluded, since it was deemed desirable before passing to this class of cases, that the ordinary standard amongst other sick persons should be ascertained. Moreover, in order to obtain any practical result from such measurements, in cases of heart disease, it would be necessary to accompany them with careful notes of other physical signs and with some history of the symptoms. The method employed in taking the measurements, was to ascertain by careful touch the position on the chest-wall, where the strongest beat of the heart was to be felt, and at this point a mark with ink, or what is better, coloured collodion, was made. This search was first made in the recumbent posture on the back, next when the patient was sitting or standing up, then when he was lying on the left side, and finally when he lay on the right side. It will be found from the tables that the last- named observation was often doubtful and therefore omitted, and as might have been expected the omissions of this observa- tion are most frequent in the larger and stronger made of the subjects. After each of these points had been ascertained and marked with the pigment, it was very easy afterwards to - measure their ordinate distance, first along the vertical line down the centre of the sternum (#) and second along a line through the point at right angles to the vertical (y). The following are the results obtained. | DR RANSOME. 140 Sar] Jo 109, | syyuout ¢ ‘youorg “YO shep 1G savok FT sIstqyyg | syyToW ¢ WsyVUINEyY | sSYIo Z wsT}VUINO YY skep Z UWIST}VUING YY skep Z wustyeumorpy |. ct ‘SI Saqsug | y3uour | bith bag et Sey ee Ae: T oy UL “9ST skep 7] RP 4 FROM FT YlIeyeO) Yoon | eImouneug | Syoom Z Say JO 1001) | syyuou ¢ rid | Soom ¢ sIsTgyY skep OL “qoucrg “GO| SPO Z wrorpeqyydg | ove erurpeyyydg, | otters IOART JOLTVOG Yoo T sseosqy | soa F ‘ouaqumoe(T “aSBesiqy jo worn ‘eBV fo" OL Oe . OL. te Lee oe 8 ero fee Se BR Sie Se g ear Ree sue Be Gu eo. Sake. Gy Meee. g OG ee rh es SEO SO TTY “s SE rat hes hl ee” he SL Le eee Sh ee (ag Ae. ee ae. t OPE 2 Aes Be A ey Lae hg toe et Fi g L "arenes bg OL ge Se Poe eS “ 4fob-e°2 9 1 GP ge Se ep ee eet Seb eae 1 fe * o| g * ¥o| » * fol + * Of: L & ' Go\tp : ESC a 5 G Wee owe kg if eo ae Ee = Bette fo ltecee]- og Ge ee te Or Fe Bot ota ¥9 oo gee Fh Pee OSS ¢ ‘ 9| ¢ ° ¥9|.% * ¥9| + * 9| @° | 9 Loe Ole 8 eee here Per ee 9 So oo ay Se. 2 20} Se oe ees 9 OS Pe Se ee a a ee Se gee 9 PEs go ae. Sh ee S09 eS ee SS 9 tm Sips * eee 2 op ae Ss ee ee ee ¢ i ebe & eters cole - Ee ¢ Tost op ge tS ge Sp Pe ae Se eS *x > ¢ "x we 4 "Ak x: w.< — % i ‘OPIS WIT | “OPISWT | oa pa Ee se Ri uO uO tA eae oy me cae worTs0g (-sopey) ‘osmmdury 820077 Jo uorsoq (SHHONI ND GLISASTAdWI SLUVAH AHL NO SINANAYASVAN ATIAWLSAHO | 71.98 09 19 19 1D é wc Oily Dl eee eee DOD + stone ‘ Oh -O st rin rit COrmrOOOCh~ Dl A ost se io a) nin iv 2) rin riicn min IO CIN a weomeeveve ese eee veveeryhbk tt a 2 OD nH SH cH cH cH HOH cH oH oH siderable specific gravity, seems to point to a much closer rela- tion between the urea and uric acid than many suppose. The pigment which gives the urine its yellow colour is not nearly so well defined in its character as the red pigment con- nected with the uric acid. It has been supposed by Schunck and others to be of the Indigo family, and there is no doubt that a blue pigment may often be obtained from it; but our knowledge is imperfect in regard to the mode of its production. After the red pigment of the urine is precipitated by baryta the yellow solution may be decolorized by nitrate of mercury, but the uréa is also thrown down, so that an analysis is contra-indi- cated. Corrosive sublimate precipitates a considerable amount of this colouring matter of the urine along with the urates, for the precipitate is rendered pink by HCl, and yields uric acid as well. About two-thirds of the pigment is in this way thrown down, but an even larger quantity is precipitated by acetate of lead. The most remarkable characteristic of the second urine pigment is its being turned pink or brownish red by HCl and H,SO,. The red pigment is not affected in this way, for the “red sand” deposit is simply decolorized when boiled with HCl, but the yellow, left after the red pigment is thrown down by baryta, shews the violet colour extremely well when treated with strong HCl. The action of acids, and indeed of most re- agents on the urine, is best studied by a comparison of the effect of successive amounts added to 2cc. Thus, if 2—100 drops of strong HCl or H,SO, be added to a series of test-tubes containing 2cc. urine each, it will be found that H,SO, will darken the colour more quickly, probably from the greater heat developed; but with HCl there is only a slight alteration, unless the fluid be boiled, though, if allowed to stand for 24 hours, it will come out equally well: it is independent of any oxidation from the air, for it comes out when the air is excluded, but seems to require time for its development simply from the small. quantity contained in the urine. The darkening increases up to 8 or 10 ce. of strong acid, but beyond that further acid acts like water, and simply dilutes the colour. The action of acids. on this pigment seems to point to its albuminoid nature, for it NOTES ON THE URINE PIGMENTS. 179 ‘is well known that albumen when boiled with strong HNO, yields a deep yellow solution, but with HCl or H,SO, a deep violet or pinkish red solution is the result: this is exactly the effect. of these strong acids on the urine, and they therefore would seem to indicate the derivation of this pigment from an albuminous source. I have thus far spoken of two pigments which give to the urine its yellow colour with tinge of red, and it will be evident, from what I have mentioned, that two very different causes may give rise to that condition known as “high-coloured” urine, for it seems to me a graye mistake to impute, as many do, all cases of high-coloured urine to increased concentration. The latter must always be accompanied with a corresponding increase in the specific gravity, so that to double the pigment would double the latter also; but the pigment is often much more than doubled, while the alteration in specific gravity is comparatively trifling. Independently of concentration there may be increase of the red pigment, indicated by increase of the urates to which it is principally attached, and there may also be no increase of the red pigment, but a metamorphosis of the other pigment by increased secretion of acid within the system causing it to be darkened, The precipitation of uric acid in the latter case would be caused by the increased acidity of the urine, but might of course depend to some extent on the fact, that the same cause which increases the acidity of the system might also increase the uric acid, 12—2 NOTES OF ABNORMALITIES IN THE ARTERIES OF -. THE UPPER EXTREMITY. By J. J. Cuartes, M.A., M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, Queen’s College, Belfast. Ix-a female subject, 70 years of age, dissected last winter in the Belfast Anatomical Rooms, the arteries of the upper extremities. presented a greater number of abnormalities than we generally meet with in one and the same body. Right upper extremity. In this extremity the posterior circum- flex and dorsalis scapule arose together a little above the origin of the anterior circumflex, and one inch and a half below the subscapular ; the latter was comparatively small, and soon divided into a number. of branches for the subscapularis and teres major. The superior and inferior profunde came off together from the axillary, half an inch above the lower border of the teres major. The branch for the biceps was large, took origin from the commencement of the brachial, and supplied offsets to the inner border and deep surface of that muscle in the middle of the arm. From this muscular branch, one inch and a half below its origin, sprung a slender branch—a vas: aberrans—which ran downwards on the outer side of the brachial along the inner border of the biceps as far as the elbow; it then. crossed to the outside over the tendon of the biceps, and lay partly concealed by the supinator longus till it reached the middle of the radius, where it joined the radial at an acute angle. The vas aber- rans was ten inches long, and was filled with injection except for two inches and a half in the middle of its extent. It was com- paratively superficial throughout its whole course, and rested suc~ cessively on the brachialis anticus, the tendon of the biceps, recur-: rent radial, supinator brevis, and pronator radii teres, The brachial. divided one inch below the neck of the radius into two branches of nearly equal size: the ulnar and a trunk about a quarter of an inch in length. This trunk terminated in three branches, the radial, and the anterior and posterior interosseous, the two latter being of almost the same size, but smaller than the radial. The ulnar tooka normal course to the palm of the hand, but supplied only two digits and a half, there being no “superficial arch.” The anterior and posterior ulnar recurrents were derived from the front of the brachial just above its termination, and had a normal distribution. The radial became appreciably larger below the point of union with the vas aberrans, and gave off the usual branches to the wrist and hand. The median artery arose from the radial an inch and a half below its origin, and accompanied the median nerve to the palm of the hand, where it terminated by dividing into two branches for the contiguous sides of the index and middle fingers. The radial recurrent was derived from the brachial above the neck of the radius, and was normal in its distribution. DR CHARLES. ABNORMALITIES IN THE ARTERIES, &. - 181 In one of his plates’ Quain delineates an arrangement of arteries similar in some respects to that I have detailed above ; and in the text he mentions two different ways in which that arrangement might be considered and described. The case before us, too, it is possible to consider and describe differently. The radial may be _said to have had a double origin, one (the vas aberrans) indirectly from the beginning of the brachial, and the other (a cross branch) from its termination. Indeed, there is some reason for believing that the inferior root came from the interosseous, as it gives off the median artery ; and the disposition of the arteries in the left extremity supports this view. According to the first hypothesis, the median took its rise from the radial, an abnormality of very rare occurrence, since Quain does not record a like instance. Left upper extremity. In this extremity the subscapular was small, and the superior and inferior profunde took origin by a common trunk. The radial arose from the inner side of the com- mencement of the brachial, and curved downwards parallel with that vessel until it reached the elbow, where it crossed the main trunk to the outer side, whence it maintained its ordinary course. As is “usual in such cases, the radial recurrent sprung from the brachial (ulnar-interosseous). The interosseous artery and its branches were ‘normal in their origin and distribution, with the exception of the “median, which arose directly from the interosseous trunk. The median artery wa8 smaller than on the right side, and ended by supplying offsets to the flexor sublimis digitorum. The ulnar was quite normal in its course and branches. The disposition of the arteries in these extremities is interesting as illustrative of the manner in which it is believed a high origin of one of the vessels of the forearm is produced*. On the right side we find a more rudimentary stage than on the left. The vas aber- ‘rans in the right, and the radial in the left, closely correspond in their origin and course ; but the upper part of the radial, according to the first view stated above, has diminished in size, though it has not become obliterated and absorbed as its counterpart on the left. It will be observed that in this body the arteries of the upper extremities shewed very little correspondence in their arrangement. The abnormalities just pointed out, taken in conjunction with those T described in a previous number of this Journal*, furnish evidence in support of the view of Bichat and Quain that lateral symmetry is not maintained in malformations. 1 No. 35; Fig. 4. 2 Quain and Sharpey’s Anatomy, last edition, p. 392. 3 June, 1873. DISSECTION OF AN ABNORMAL FOUR-TOED FQTUS WITHOUT HEAD OR UPPER LIMBS. By Jonny Harker, M.R.C.8., Lancaster. TI Am induced to publish the dissection of an imperfectly developed foetus on account of the interest involved in the relation which its nervous system, so far as it was developed, bore to the condition of the viscera. _ On May the third I attended Mrs C. at her ninth birth, she was confined prematurely, at the fifth month, of male twins. The first was born at 2.50, normal but dead, and discoloured brown. Hzemor- rhage ensued, on account of which, I ruptured the second set of membranes and with my fore and index fingers reached down the foot of the second twin, which was slender, with only four toes—a great toe and three others, and the hemorrhage now abated. The uterine pains were but slight, yet in half an hour a malformed feetus was expelled. The legs with the exception of the four-toed feet were well de- veloped, as also the pelvis. There was an anus and male genital organs, but from the pelvis upwards the body consisted of a mere ~ round mass with no upper extremities, no head or features, no ori- fices, no neck; on the front of this body two shallow indentations led to the part where the umbilical cord was inserted in a deep cleft, on each side of the upper eminence formed between these indenta- tions two pellucid spots were noticed, perhaps these were conjunc- tival cornez ; I shall refer again to them, they were mere skin struc- tures. The umbilical cord was short, with little albumen about its vessels, and was very fragile; on the expulsion of a single placenta it was found to have originated from that body, at one side, close to the membranes, whilst the cord of the normal fetus was implanted in the centre. Dissection. —First an attempt was made to trace out the vertebral column, then the abdomen was examined, next the thorax, next the viscera in detail, then the spinal cord and nervous system, lastly the lower extremities. Weight of the foetus, one pound one ounce and three quarters ; length eight inches, of this from os caleis of left foot to crest of the left ilium four inches, from the crest to the top of the round mass four inches; diameter of mass three inches and three quarters, ‘The skin was entire and complete over the whole surface of the foetus, but the epidermis over the mass was beginning to peel off. A longitudinal incision was made in the direction of the spinal column from the sacrum to the top of the mass through the skin and subcutaneous fat. By this a smooth serous cyst was revealed in capacity about the size of a hen’s egg; in the serum which filled it, a few fibres of white nerve-tissue floated. This cranial cyst occupied the interior of the highest part of the mass, it had no connection DR HARKER. AN ABNORMAL FOUR-TOED FETUS. 183 with the spinal column, its deep wall merely resting over the spines of the dorsal vertebre. A prolongation of the incision to the cornea- like marks (mentioned above) shewed that there was no connection between them and the serous cavity, neither was there with the cornea the least trace of nerve-tissue or choroid pigment ; the marks were mere dermic simulations. Examination of the spine shewed that the column did not extend upwards further than the first dorsal vertebra, which last, indeed, was reduced to a mere nodule. There was no trace of cervical or cranial vertebre. The upper dorsal vertebrae were bent somewhat forward, so as to arch over the thorax; to the dorsal vertebrae were attached rudimentary ribs, but there was no sternum, and the upper extremities were entirely deficient. Abdomen.—The abdominal walls were very thin, particularly in the neighbourhood of the umbilical cord. The cavity was found to contain an intestine, which beginning with a perfectly closed pouch, had a small stomach portion, bent at an oblique angle to the small intestine, The small intestine was normal in its direction and opened into the large intestine in the usual manner. To the large in- testine there was appended a considerable appendix vermiformis ; the rectum terminated at the anus ina normal manner, The entire gut was quite empty, and there was not the least trace of liver-duct or hepatic tissue in connection with it; in fact the liver was entirely absent from the abdomen. There was no trace of a spleen with the stomach portion of the intestine, and the mesentery was very clean. There were no supra-renal capsules, A small rudimentary kidney existed on the left side. The abdominal cavity was separated from the thorax by a diaphragm of remarkable fineness which did not ap- pear to possess muscular tissue. On opening the thorax a normal heart was exposed with lungs. The lungs were developed in a glan- dular manner, and did not possess trachez or bronchi, Circulation.—The umbilical vein was continued as a ductus veno- sus through a little dense cellular tissue to join the omphalo-mesen- teric vein and so entered the heart. From the heart, besides the pulmo- nary vessels, emerged an aortic vessel, which formed a simple thoracic arch without giving off innominate, carotid, or subclavian branches. It was distributed to the intestines and by the common iliac arteries to the lower extremities chiefly. On removing the heart and lungs from the chest, no trace of cesophagus could be discovered. The lungs when further examined were found to consist of mere paren- chymatous tissue without bronchi or muscular tissue. The vertebral column when cleared from muscular tissue was found to consist only of the dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal vertebrae ; and of the dorsal vertebra, the first dorsal was reduced to a mere centrum. On opening the spinal canal, the spinal cord was found to be ex- tremely attenuated above, but increased gradually in thickness, and was normal at about the sixth dorsal vertebra; and so continued, giving off the dorsal, lumbar and sacral nerves, in a normal manner, 184 | DR HARKER. AN ABNORMAL FOUR-TOED FETUS. Examination of the four-toed feet shewed that the little toe with its metatarsal bone was the deficient ray. It is evident in this case that the ovum through its chorion failed to obtain a proper amount of nutriment from the maternal uterus and to form a sufficient placenta, and hence in the foetus only the thoracico-abdominal parts of the body are developed, the upper parts, which in healthy development take a free supply of good blood, being deficient. There is a close relation between the condition of the nervous system and the state of the organs formed ; for just as the absence of the neck-vertebree and the brachial plexus is accompanied by the entire absence of the upper extremities, so the absence of the respiratory tract and its nerves is associated with the absence of the face, pharynx, esophagus, trachea ; and absence of the muscular tissue of the diaphragm is associated with the absent phrenic nerves. The condition of the lungs also is interesting, for normal lungs are formed in the embryo as diverticula from the eeso- phagus, at first as trachee with bronchial extensions, each portion of the tube being accompanied by a plexus of nerves from the pheumogastric nerves. The pneumogastric nerves are here absent, and so are the trachez and bronchi, but this interesting case shews a double origin for the lungs, a second one being a vascular extension ; for we have here the lungs developed as a mere parenchymatous tissue. Absence of the liver masses has been noticed by writers. The cranial cyst needs no particular remark. NOTE ON THE ABSENCE OF THE QUADRATUS FE- MORIS MUSCLE AND ON A SPINE POSSESSING A SIXTH LUMBAR VERTEBRA, THE FIRST RIB BEING -RUDIMENTARY.—Communicated by Epwarp BE..amy, F.R.C.8., Senior Assistant Surgeon and Lecturer on Anatomy at Charing Cross Hospital, and in the National Art Training School, S. Kensington. Dr James Cantiiz, the Demonstrator of Anatomy at Charing Cross Hospital, called my attention to these peculiarities in the human subject, and which I think worthy of being recorded, The first is an instance of entire absence on both sides of the Quadratus Femoris muscle. The subject was a female. In this instance, as has been elsewhere recorded, the obturator internus and gemelli were greatly developed, and had evidently, as far as the mechanism of the movements of the hip-joint were concerned, sup- plied its place. Mr J, C. Galton has kindly favoured me with the following note upon this irregularity. He says: “T have found in the Cape Ant-eater (7'rans. Linn. Soc. Vol. xxvt. p. 589) that while the Quadratus femoris was absent, the gemelli, on the contrary, were very well developed. Thiele (Hncyclopédie Anato- mique, Vol. 111. p. 279, Paris, 1843) notices the occasional absence of this muscle in Man, and further observes that ‘alors les jumaux ont plus de volume. With the only instance in which Hallet (Zdin. Med. and Surg. Jour. Vol. ux1x. p. 20, 1848) found the guadratus Jemoris deficient in Man (out of 105 subjects examined), there was associated an unusual development of the two gemelli and obturator internus. “On reference being made to my paper on Dasypus seacinetus (loc. cit. p. 551), it will be seen that while the muscle in question is in this animal exceedingly well developed, the obturator internus is absent, and the gemelli very small—the converse of Theile’s and Hallet’s observations being thus illustrated in a very singular manner. “Dr Murie, in a monograph recently published (Z'rans. Linn. Soe. Vol. xxx.) on the Three-banded Armadillo (Zolypeutes conwrus) observed (pp. 96, 97) that while there were only ‘a pair of feeble gemelli,’ ‘a longish goodly-sized quadratus femoris’ was present.” I do not remember myself to have before met.with this condition, although I was aware that it had been noted. In one instance I found the lower edge of the muscle in question incorporated with the fibres of the adductor magnus, but I have no note of the case. The second is an instance in which the first rib was found on either side to be rudimentary. The whole length of the process, which represented the rib, measured about an inch and a half, and resembled a small horn attached to the first dorsal vertebra. The processes on either side are exactly alike’. The surrounding relations were nor- 1 [See description of similar case p. 44 of this number of the Journa?.] 186 MR BELLAMY. ABSENCE OF THE QUADRATUS FEMORIS, &c. mal, The first dorsal nerve with the superior intercostal artery lay on its anterior surface and behind it touched the transverse process. The peculiarities in front where the rib was wanting were; that, (1) The subclavian artery was in its normal position; it did not appear above the level of the clavicle, but on taking away the clavicle the artery was seen two inches above the level of the highest rib. This rib on farther dissection proved to be the 2nd, so that the subclavian was in its normal position, although wanting bony support. (2) The scalene muscles descended in front and behind the vessel, and, after forming a junction below the vessel, passed on to be in- serted to the 2ndrib. The anterior scalene passed backwards, internal to the other scaleni, to be inserted into the upper border of the 2nd rib, in about the middle of its course. The middle scalene passed forwards, external to the anterior muscle, to be inserted into the upper border and outer surface of the anterior part of the 2nd rib, for about 4rd of its length. The posterior scalene was normal. These scalene muscles were mistaken at first for intercostal muscles, as their direction and position exactly tallied with the intercostals, In the same body there were six lumbar vertebre ; and neither of these have any trace of a rib attached to them. The vertebre are as follows: 7 cervical, 12 dorsal, 6 lumbar. The deficiency in the dorsal ribs is in this instance made up in some measure by a 6th lumbar vertebra, the first of which certainly bore no osseous trace whatever of a rib. I cannot find any similar case recorded, and am therefore induced to place the foregoing on record, NOTICES OF BOOKS, The Elements of Embryology, by M. Foster, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Fellow and Preelector of Physiology in Trinity College, Cam- bridge, and F, M, Batvour, B.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Part I. Macmillan, 1874, Pp. 272, with seventy- one Woodcuts, Iv is remarkable that hitherto there has been no English text-book on Embryology. Indeed, if we except Dr Martin Barry and Prof. Allen Thomson, scarcely any anatomists in this country had contributed to the embryology of vertebrata until Mr Parker’s recent researches, and even his admirable work has been rather osteological than em- bryological in its scope. It is therefore a subject for congratulation that the task should now be undertaken by those who are able to do it well, It must be very gratifying to Dr Foster that, during the short time since he migrated to Cambridge, he has succeeded NOTICES OF BOOKS. 187 in founding a flourishing school of physiology, and that he is now able to associate with himself in this important work one of the most distinguished of his pupils. Mr Balfour’s admirable researches on the development of Selachii’ sufficiently prove his capacity for the patient industry and the sound judgment necessary in. this difficult branch of science. If this book were a general sketch of embryology, such as might be acceptable to zoologists and medical men who have no time or no inclination to go thoroughly into the subject, there are several English physiologists who might have written it. Such a-semi-popular work would perhaps be useful, though Prof. Heckel’s recent ‘“ Anthropo- genie” proves how easily a man of genius may fail in such a task. But Dr Foster’s plan is, if not more difficult, much more important and laborious. ‘The present volume, containing a full account of the development of the Chick, will be followed by a second on that of Vertebrata generally, with special reference to human embryology, and completed by one dealing with the salient points of develop- ment among the Invertebrata. The last will be the most difficult part, from the immense range of the subject and the impossibility of veri- fying or correcting the statements of other observers in the way which has been done in the first, and no doubt will be in the second volume. But it may perhaps be the most generally interesting, especially if the writers should, as we hope, enter on the hazardous but fascinating problems of the mechanical causes of development, the homology of embryonic parts, and the bearing of the whole sub- ject on classification and phylogeny. They have, however, with a boldness which does not need success to justify it, begun by the minute and somewhat dry details of the development of a single form which occupy the well-filled pages of this first volume. Anatomy must precede physiology: and though we may regret that no nearer ally of the animal most interesting to ourselves can be found equally fitted for examination, or wish at least that some less aberrant group than Aves had become domestic egg-layers, yet there can be no question that on every ground of his- torical fitness, of practical convenience, and of previously established knowledge, the development of the chick is the one with which a practical study of embryology must begin. At the end of the book are careful and precise directions for conducting all the examina- tions necessary. They are much more minute than those given by Dr Klein in the Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory, and, indeed, are such that anyone accustomed to work at normal or patho- logical histology will be able by following them to see for them- selves what hitherto they have only read of. The only part of the volume which is not strictly practical is the introduction, which gives a short sketch of the progress of em- bryology from Fabricius ab Aquapendente to the present time. So far however from objecting to this, we wish it had been much longer. Every scientific treatise should be preceded by some account of the 1 See the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, October, 1874, ‘188 “NOTICES OF BOOKS. ‘steps by which the knowledge it imparts has been obtained : this not only gives a human interest to the driest studies, but forms a valuable help in avoiding a prejudiced or private interpretation of facts: and the history of the development of Embryology by the discoveries of Harvey, Wolff, Pander, von Baer, and their successors, is only second in instruction to that of the development of the embryo itself. . In accordance with the analytical rather than systematic character of the book, it begins by describing the structure of a new-laid egg, and only afterwards returns to its previous formation in the ovary. The second chapter is a brief summary of the changes which take place during incubation, and serves as a kind of table of contents to the well-told history which follows. This is related in a nearly strict chronological order down to the end of the fifth day of incubation. For practical purposes this plan is obviously the right one, though the interest of the continuous evolu- tion of the several organs is somewhat impaired. However, Dr Foster is too experienced a teacher to be shy of recapitulation, and thus contrives to pick up the threads of organic development from time to time, And there is a special and dramatic interest which attends the succes- sive work of each day, as the reader, and still more the observer, sees repeated before his eyes the marvellous work of creation. Up to this point the process of development described has been vertebrate or amniotic, or at least sauropsidan : the subsequent more specialized history of the embryo is treated in a somewhat different manner. The object of the authors is to use the chick as the most ‘convenient example of development, but not to describe minutely that of the genus Phasianus, or even of birds as a class: and accord- ingly the changes which occur from the sixth day to the end of incubation are given in a more general manner, and occupy only a single chapter. The last chapter is devoted to the development of the skull of the fowl, being chiefly based on Mr Parker’s elaborate memoir. At first sight this seems an inadequate way of dealing with so im- portant a subject, especially as the skull of birds, while not less aberrant than the rest of their anatomy, offers peculiar difficulties in its development. But here again the object is a practical one, and the ease with which material can be obtained is decisive. Although the authors so steadily refrain from comparisons with other embryonic structures, from questions of causation, and from “theoretical considerations generally,” the book is far from being a mere accurate and well-arranged manual of dissection. Disputed points are discussed with considerable fulness, and minutise beyond the reach of a first course in embryology find their due place ; but these are all printed in smaller type, so as not to impede the stu- dent in a first perusal. The illustrations are sufficiently numerous, and, though all woodcuts, are mostly clear and efficient. It would perhaps have been better if in some no attempt at a picture had been made, and a mere diagram substituted: and we think that the graphic and NOTICES OF BOOKS. 189 homely verbal illustrations which are occasionally introduced might have been more freely used. None but teachers of anatomy know what difficulty some persons find in realizing almost any arrange- ment of objects in space of three dimensions, and that even when they éan be handled. When a student is tolerably familiar with longitudinal and transverse sections of an embryo, it requires some effort of Vorstellungskraft to combine them with one another and with the views gained of the blastoderm or fcetus as an opaque object. We consider the present text-book as an index of the revival of embryology in the country. Beside students of physiology it addresses only a certain proportion of zoologists and other scientific men, and, as we have seen, the authors have refused to write down to a popular standard. Hitherto the success of this kind of scientific literature has not been encouraging to writers, or creditable to the state of Biology in England. Mr Parker’s great work on the shoulder-girdle could not have been published except by the wise help of the Ray Society, and we fear that that association lost in purse almost as much as they gained in reputation by the venture. Professor Huxley’s ad- mirable Lectures on the skull were only “floated” by the chapters on classification which were bound up with them. Mr Flower has not followed his excellent text-book on the Osteology of Mammalia by the expected sequel on their teeth and viscera, but we hope that with restored health he will be encouraged to do so. Such an encouragement will be given by a good sale of the present volume, and this we heartily wish, not only because Dr Foster and Mr Balfour will then be enabled to complete the task so well begun, but because it will be a welcome sign that there is an English public for text-books of the best kind on purely scientific subjects. The Histology and Histochemistry of Man. By Hernuicu Frey, Professor of Medicine in Zurich, translated from the fourth German edition by Arruur E. Barker, Demonstrator of Ana- . tomy, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, with 608 Engravings on wood, revised by the author. Churchill, 1874. We are glad to see Professor Frey’s valuable and richly illustrated work rendered thus accessible to English reading students by means. of a good translation. It will prove a valuable book to them, being one of the best available sources of information in the important. subjects of minute anatomy and associated chemistry, REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY", By Prof. Turner and D, J. Cunninenam, M.B. C.M. OssEous System.—Wenzel Gruber communicates (Mém. del Acad. Imp. de St, Pétersbourg, xxt. 1874) an elaborate memoir on the variations in position, size and shape of the Inrra-orpiraL CANAL in Man aypd Mammats. Gruber also publishes in Reichert u. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1873, p. 337, some remarks on SUPERNUMERARY Bones in the Zycomatic Arcu. On p. 348, observations on the SEMI-INFUNDIBULUM INFRA-MAXILLARE, the Sutcus MyYLoHyorpEus and the bridge of bone over it, On p. 706 and 712, some additional observations on SUPERNUMERARY Bones in the Carpus. G. Wegner makes (Virchow’s Archiv, July, 1874) a critical enquiry into the normal and pathological GrowrH OF THE TUBULAR Bones. A. v. Brunn concludes, from his observations on Ossrrication (Reichert u. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1874, 1.), that the cartilage-cells persist in the medullary spaces as marrow-cells, from which they become con- verted into osteoblasts, and as such form bone; that whilst the greatest part form the matrix of bone, a part remains as the bone- corpuscles ; the canals in bone are due to absorption. T. Zaaijer communicates (Nederland, Tijdschrift voor Geneesk, 1874) a paper on the ConsTRUCTION AND GROWTH OF THE Bones. Paul Langerhans contributes (Virchow’s Archiv, LX1. 229) a paper on the ARCHITECTURE of the Sponey Tissue of bones. CarTILAGE, Connective Tissur AnD Muscite.—R. Deutschmann communicates a paper (Reichert u. du Bois Reymona’s Archiv, 1873, 732) on the development of Exastic Freres in the yellow fibro-cartilages. Ranvier contributes (Arch. de Phys. 1874, 181) new observations ON THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF TEN- pons, and modifies in some points the opinion he first brought forward upon the form of the cells of tendon, The first part of his memoir is devoted to an account of the present state of science upon the subject. He then seeks to shew that the forms of the cells of tendon are not always the same, and with this in view he gives the results of his examination of several types of tendon. In osmic acid preparations of tendon taken from the tail of a young rat and teased, he states that he finds along the tendinous bundles cells either forming a complete series or separated one from the other. Some are seen to float freely in the fluid. These cells are finely granular and nucleated, and in appearance they somewhat resemble a tile or gutter —the concave side being applied to the bundle, whilst the convex surface is in contact with the neighbouring bundles. Further, they shew ridges, or rather jutting-out crests, parallel or oblique to the lateral borders of the cell, These ridges form part of 1 To assist in preparing the Report Professor Turner will be glad to receive separate copies of original memoirs and other contributions to Anatomy, : REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 191 the cell itself. In transverse sections of tendon hardened by picric acid, and then treated with carmine, he describes a very complex system of partitions and red-coloured fibres; and he states that by comparing preparations obtained by the use of picric acid with osmic acid pre- parations, we are able to recognise the extent of the cells and of the fascicular sheaths. In the former the sheaths form complete circles, and cannot be distinguished from the cells, and they send prolonga- tions into the interior of the bundle, which end in fibres differing essentially from connective tissue and elastic fibres. In the latter we observe stellate cells with short prolongations passing in different directions. In the young rat the cells are elongated and flat, and present in different directions longitudinal, angular juttings-out or ridges; this we see by a study of longitudinal and transverse sections, In the adult rat the cells are extremely thin, and send in various directions fine prolongations, which spread between the bundles. In tendon placed first in osmic acid and then treated by acetic acid we notice that the cells are limited, the one in relation to the other in the same series, by transverse or oblique lines, and in such a manner that they appear rectangular or trapezoidal. In his first paper he mistook two ridges for the lateral limits. These he now states cannot be determined with certainty. __ The nuclei of the cells have no nucleoli, and occupy a peculiar position in the cell. They are placed close to the extremity of the cell, and in such a manner that two neighbouring cells have alter- nately their nuclei close to or at a distance from each other. Ina series of cells, therefore, the nuclei are seen to be grouped in pairs, M. Ranvier then discusses the appearance known as “ Boll’s elastic stria.” He maintains that it is not a stria, but a projecting ridge. It is better marked upon the nuclei than upon the body of the cell; indeed it is sometimes to be seen solely upon the nucleus, When observed upon one cell it is seen to stop at the border of the cell, and to commence again upon the neighbouring cells. He calls it “ erété d’imprinte.” When the cells are seen edgeways they resemble small rods slightly swollen at the level of the nucleus. He then describes a peculiar arrangement of cells, in which the cellular plate is divided into two parts by a ridge. Of these parts we see the surface of one, whilst we only obtain a three-fourths view of the other. In fact, the cell is bent so as to resemble a book three-fourths open. The nucleus which is situated at the level of the crest is bent like the rest of the cell. In the aponeurosis of the frog’s thigh he considers that he has found a perfect demonstration of the impressions left upon the nuclei by the bundles between which they are placed. When treated by carmine, and then by acetic acid, we observe fine lines of a rose colour crossing each other at a right angle, and enclosing clear squares like those of a chess-board, These fibrous bundles are in two planes— one external, constituting a layer of parallel bundles, the other in- ternal, composed of similar bundles, but crossing the former perpendicu- larly. The nuclei only of the cells on the surface of the fasciculi are well marked, and these possess most varied and peculiar shapes, They are flat and elliptical, but when seen edgeways they occupy the 192 PROFESSOR TURNER. spaces between the two bundles of the same layer and resemble small rods. Some assume the shape of a Latin or of a Russian cross, of which the arms are at a different level. Others again are like a half- moon, with a well-marked rectilinear border: upon the half-moon are two transverse ridges or crests. These last shapes are due to the varied manner in which the nuclei are applied to the bundles. They bear the impressions made upon them by the neighbouring bundles and by the interstices. He next giyes the results of some observa- tions he has made upon the sesamoid cartilage of the tendo-Achillis of the frog. He describes the cells, when ,a section of this has been treated by a solution of iodine, as being round or irregular transparent bodies, and scarcely tinted’ yellow by the iodine. They have an ovular nucleus rarely occupying the centre of the cell, and close to this we observe a little star-like granular body of a yellowish-brown colour. They contain no glycogen and no oil- globules. They thus differ very greatly from cartilage-cells, which are deeply tinted by iodine, contain glycogen and oil-globules, and retract upon their contents so as to form a shapeless mass. As to the little granular body, which is rarely absent, and which always bears the same relation to the nucleus, its analogue is difficult to find. That we occasionally find a calcified point in the nodule, even although this approaches in character to ossification, is no proof that the nodule is originally formed from cartilage, for ossi- fication is not produced in cartilage alone. Ranyier next analyses the structure of the chondroid portion of the tendons in the foot of the chicken, turkey, &c. He states that we find in these parallel bundles and a series of cells differing from those of tendon, inasmuch as they are not flat, but cylindrical or polyhedral. These cells are separated from each other by a trans- parent homogeneous intercellular substance, which, unlike that of cartilage, is slightly coloured by carmine. On transverse section we see the cells in the shape of circles with the nucleus in the centre, and the tendinous bundles in the form of colourless circles embedded in a red matter. In sections of completely ossified tendon when treated by picric acid and then carmine and acetic acid, we notice the Haversian canals cut across, and around these a zone more deeply tinted than the rest of the preparation, and resembling the lamellar system of long bones. These are not true osseous lamelle. The osseous substance appears to be formed around the vessels by tendi- nous bundles, which on transverse section form as many little circles, Thus, although the tissue is truly osseous, it is evident that the fun- damental osseous substance is chiefly represented by the transformed tendinous bundles. In a word, the ossified tendons of birds are almost entirely constituted by the fibres of Sharpey. He states that, besides the proofs already given, others may be drawn from the ex- amination of these tendons by polarized light. Beyond the chon- droid or ossified parts the tendons present the ordinary structure, The flat cells are very large, and have thread-like prolongations, which extend upon the bundles for a considerable distance. Ranvier has also studied the structure of the tendons of the tail REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 193 of the mole, and finds that in some respects it resembles the tendons of birds. Between the bundles he found series of cylindrical cells, placed end to end and cemented together so as to form chains of cells, which he was able to isolate by maceration in picric acid. Sometimes these cells present filamentous processes passing from them, and sometimes the chain itself ends in a slender thread, in which we find no trace of cellular elements. Ranvier now draws attention to the fact that, whilst the bundles of tendon are always similar, the cells have their shape influenced by the age of the animal and the type of tendon in which they are found. Originally, in the embryonic state globular, they may assume any of the varied forms he has described. The latter part of his memoir he devotes to an account of the development of*tendon. He states that the tendinous bundles originate in a mass of cartilage, and terminate in a primitive muscular fasciculus, and that the increase in length of tendon takes place at the point of union of the tendon with the car- tilage of insertion. He shews that, if we remove the caleaneum with the tendo-Achillis attached from a newly-born rabbit and decalcify the bone by picric acid, longitudinal sections treated by carmine shew a continuity between the tendinous bundles and the basis sub- stance of the cartilage. The cartilage-cells also are seen to be inti- mately related to the cells of the tendon, and to pass from the former into the latter. Cellular elements having an intermediate form be- tween those .of cartilage and those of tendon may be observed. He has also obtained further results by the examination of the union of cartilage and tendon by polarised light. M. Ranvier believes that the varied shapes exhibited by the cellular elements-of tendon and ligaments is due to their tendency to revert to their primitive carti- laginous nature. G. Thin gives A Conrripurion To THE ANATOMY OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE, NERVE, AND MUSCLE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR RE- LATION TO THE LympHatic system (Proc. Royal Society Lond., No. 155, 1874).—He first refers to a memoir which appeared in the Lancet (Feb. 14, 1874), ‘On the Lymphatic System of the Cornea,” in which he stated that by the action of nitrate of silver the straight canals, in which the nerves lie, may be seen to communicate with the lacunee in which the branched cells lie, and that both are lined by flat cells. Since, then, by the action of hematoxylon and a saturated solution of caustic potash at a high temperature (105° to 115° F.), he has obtained further results. With the former he found that the nuclei were many times more numerous than he had been led to believe frem the examination of geld preparations, thus af- fording a clear proof that other cells, besides the cornea-corpuscles, exist in the cornea. ‘With the latter, and after he had removed the epithelium from both surfaces of the cornea, he discovered numbers of flat cells of very varied shape throughout the whole fibrillary substance ; these he describes very minutely both individually and in mass. He sums up his observations upon the cornea by stating that he believes it to consist of :—“(1) Fibrillary ground-substance pierced by straight canals and honey-combed by cavities, (2) flat cells VOL. IX. 13 194 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. covering the bundles and lining the cavities, (3) cornea-corpuscles, (4) nerve-structures.” The cornea-corpuscles and the nerves occupy the canals and cavities, and between them and the flat cells there is a fluid interval which permits the passage of lymph-corpuscles; and he considers that the continuity of the superficial epithelium with the deep flat cells affords a sufficient basis for the belief that the intercel- lular spaces of the epithelium communicate with the lymph-spaces of the ground-substance. He next shews that these facts are not con- fined to the cornea alone, but hold good with other connective tissues. In tendon, when treated by nitrate of silver, he finds that its entire surface is invested by large flat cells, over the surface of which he has observed lymphatic capillaries. Heematoxylon gives results similar to those observed in the cornea, and the nuclei are especially abun- dant between the bundles. As regards the fibrillary substance, he has proved with the potash solution that long narrow cells, similar in shape to certain of the deep corneal cells, invest the primary bundles. The branch-cells he considers to be analogous to the branched corneal corpuscles, and, like them, to occupy the interstices between the bun- dles. In the skin he also found flat cells, and the relation of these to the lymph-spaces he believes to be the same as in the cornea. Anas- tomosing branched cells likewise exist between the bundles of fibril- lary tissue in the skin, and he is of opinion that all elastic tissue is formed upon the surface and processes of these cells. This theory he defends at some length. In fascie, the surface, like that of tendon, when treated by nitrate of silver, shews large flat cells, whilst branched cells are occasionally observed on changing the focus. He then discusses nervous tissue, and shews that each bundle of fibres is surrounded by a lymphatic sheath. Further, he has been able to prove by the potash solution, that a number of extremely fine long and pointed flat cells are in immediate contact with the medulla, and internal to the sheath of Schwann ; and he states that appearances indicate that this latter is also lined by flat cells, He also describes how the nuclei of these cells may be seen by the use of heematoxylon. He believes that the axis-cylinder is in intimate relation with the lymph within the sheath of Schwann through the “rings of Ranvier.” In the general and special perimysium of muscle he has found a continuous layer of flat cells of large size, the nuclei of which are seen in hrematoxylon preparations, ‘The potash solution removes all trace of perimysium, and when kept for an hour at a temperature of 110° F., and then allowed to cool gradually, we find that some of the fibres present on their sarcolemma quadrangular nucleated cells, and at other places nuclei. The sarcolemma of muscle is thus also in- vested by flat cells. Further, by the action of potash we sometimes see a fibre smooth and unaltered, and still shewing some trace of striw@, channelled by a longitudinal canal, or presenting vacuoles on the surface, These correspond to nuclei, which the potash has dissolved. In using gold and hematoxylon, he has found that whilst the former only stained the nuclei of branched cells, that the latter stained both these and the nuclei of the flat cells. Longitudinally the muscular fibre is seen to consist of parallel bundles separated REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 195 by dilatable spaces, in which we see at intervals oblong nuclei, the long axis of which corresponds to that of the fibre. A transverse view shews a number of stellate spaces containing nuclei, branching out from which is a network of fine dark lines, dividing the sub- stance of the fibre into compartments. Amongst the fibrille of a muscle deeply tinged by gold, long flat cells are seen occasionally. In short, a muscular fibre consists of bundles, similar to those of tendon, each composed of fibrillee, and between the bundles are inter- spaces lined by flat cells. A nerve passing through the perimysium enters the sarcolemma, thus bringing into communication the lymph- space in the interior of the sarcolemma with that beneath the peri- mysium, In the Ldinburgh Medical Journal for September, 1874, Thin gives a further contribution to the minute Anatomy of Muscle and Tendon, In this he states that the primary bundle of a muscular fibre consists of fibrillee of uniform size (12 to 15 in number in the frog) embedded in an amorphous substance. On the surface of this bundle, as in tendon, there is an investment of long narrow flat cells. These cells are mentioned in the foregoing paper as lying amongst the fibrille, A secondary bundle is composed of several primary bundles, and on its surface are rounded oroblong cells. The sarcolemma clothed by quadrangular flat cells surrounds the secondary bundles. When a fibre is treated with gold and an excess of acetic acid it is seen to be traversed in its longitudinal axis by numerous fine elastic filaments, which present oval swellings at certain intervals, and run parallel to one another. Other constituents, however, enter into the formation of a muscular fibre, for when it is broken obliquely we find small tri- angular masses of protoplasm with anastomosing branches. These form a network, in each mesh of which lies one primary bundle, thus corresponding to the “ fowr-cornered fields” described: by Cohnheim in a transverse section of a frozen muscle. In addition to these small protoplasmic cells we notice branched cells of a larger type, which anastomose with each other and with the former, and inclose in their meshes the secondary bundles. The branches of the network are smooth and glistening, and present the other characteristics of elastic tissue, and they communicate with the oval swellings on the elastic filaments which traverse the fibre longitudinally. He next describes a very peculiar effect produced by the combin- ation of gold and an excess of strong acetic acid. From the open end of the sarcolemma an immense number of rounded punctated discs are seen to flow. These cover the field—some lying singly, others in circular groups. In the mouse these discs are about the size of a human blood-corpusele.. He considers this phenomenon explained by the action of the acetic acid causing swelling of the primary bundles, and as the elastic network is not affected by the reagent it resists this expansion and cuts the contents of the meshes into discs. The single discs correspond to slices of the primary bundles, and the circular groups correspond to slices of secondary bundles. When a muscular fibre is treated by carmine and strong acetic acid we may notice fine 13—2 = 196 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. elastic filaments encircling and constricting the sarcolemma, and he considers that it is due to these that the large transverse cleavage takes place when the muscular fibre is treated with acids. These elastic filaments spring from nuclei, surrounded by some remains of cellular protoplasm. —In chromic-acid preparations, when a single fibrilla of muscle (by which he understands a fine uniform cylindrical thread) is isolated and examined by the immersion-lens, we often fail to recognize any trace of strize. . But with gold the striation is always indicated, which he believes to be due to the more deeply-coloured intermediary substance adhering to the fibrilla in a greater or less degree. As regards tendon, he states that in addition to the flat cells clothing its surface, and described in the former paper, quadrangular flat cells are to be found in its substance investing the secondary and tertiary bundles. These are seen in longitudinal sections of the ten- dons of cedematous limbs of frogs when treated by chloride of gold, and they are to be regarded as the analogues of the quadrangular cells which lie on the surface of the thicker layers of cornea substance. When the section happens to pass between two bundles a double layer of cells is observed to form a continuous investment around the bundle. In chromic-acid preparations of foetal tendon we notice that the primary bundles are invested by long narrow flat cells of uniform size, arranged longitudinally, and applied regularly the one to the other, so as to form a very complete covering. These cells are of the same form as those which invest the primary corneal bundles, and it is possible to isolate them by the potash solution from the tendo- Achillis of the frog. On transverse section in gold preparations we see branched cells of the larger type oceupying the stellate spaces be- tween the bundles. The branches present the characters of elastic fibres, and form a network, in the meshes of which the bundles lie. The fibres pass longitudinally, however, as well as transversely, and by lying on the surface of the quadrangular cells investing the se- condary and tertiary bundles, they give rise to the appearance known as Boll’s fibre. Thin believes that around the individual bundles of the primary, secondary, and tertiary order, there is an extremely fine elastic membrane upon which the cells lie. This is shewn by the fact that we occasionally see groups of cells falling off from the bundles and still maintaining their coherence; also in some cases when the tendon has been hardened by chromic acid we may see a fine line distinct from and surrounding the transverse section of a pri- mary bundle. Carmine proves its existence in the secondary bundles, and by adding concentrated acetic acid to a transverse section the intermediary substance of the tertiary bundles swells whilst the mem- brane does not, and thus the membrane is obscured by the swollen intermediary substance at one focus, but is brought into view by low- ering the focus, This membrane is thinner and has not the dis- tinctive glistening appearance of the elastic filaments, and he con- siders Descemet’s membrane and the sarcolemma of a muscular fibre to be nothing else than a modified form of it. In osmic-acid prepara- tions the separate primary bundles of tendon are seen to be direct REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 197 continuations of the primary bundles of muscle. Both the membrane investing the tertiary bundles and the sheath covering the tendon are composed of a double layer of cells separated by intermediary sub- stance. Similar cells to those investing the primary bundles may be found in the skin, mesentery, cornea, fascie, cc. In the latter part of the paper he discusses the propriety of applying the term “epithelium” to the flat cells, and adds a note upon the branched cells of the cornea. The straight lines hitherto described as passing from the corpuscle he is satisfied are simply a deposit of colouring matter in Bowman’s tubes and interfibrillary spaces, He figures a branched cell seen in a horizontal section of the fresh cornea of an ox. The processes are slender, thread-like, and curved, and they anastomose freely with each other. The nucleus, nucleolus, and protoplasm, are very visible. EpirHetiuM AND EnporHetium.—Michael Foster (Quart. Journal Mic. Science, July, 1874) objects to the use of the term Endothelium, first, on the ground of its etymology, which he characterizes as being of the “most grotesque kind,” and, in fact, ‘pure nonsense.” His first used the term. to distinguish the epithelium lining the vascular, lymphatic and serous cavities, from the true epithelium of a mucous membrane, and the word epithelia or epithelida, from ém and @yAy, or ‘papilla’ or ‘mamilla, was introduced by Ruysch to designate the cuticle of the prolabium and the inside coating of the cheeks. Epi- thelia in course of time became converted into epithelium, and thus it literally means “that which covers a papilla.” Consequently endo- thelium means ‘that which is inside a papilla.” In the second place, he objects to the term because it. cannot be employed to denote the epithelium derived from the elements of the mesoblast, for in that case cells still called epithelium and not differing essentially from the hypoblastic epithelium, viz. those lining the Wolffian and Miillerian ducts which are of mesoblastic origin, would be included under the heading endothelium, and the word would lose all its practical utility. Again, he urges that the continuity exhibited between the peritoneal epithelium and that of the lymphatics is no reason why they should be included under the same term, seeing that we find continuity every- where. In the October number of the same Journal, Cavafy, in reply, states that the etymology of the term is not so absurd as Foster would have it. Hndothelium is simply a contraction of endo-epithe- wm, and means an internal epithelium. It is therefore a misnomer only in so far that it covers a surface devoid of papilla. As to Foster’s second objection, he holds that, whilst the mesoblastic origin of endothelium is undoubted, the fact that epithelium is ever’ derived from the same source must be received with considerable hesitation. From the fusion which takes place between the mesoblast and epiblast in the region of the axial cord of His, we are justified in maintaining that the genito-urinary epithelium is derived from the one as from the other, Again, gland-formation and secretion are characteristics present in epithelium, and altogether absent in endothelium. In the third place, Dr Cavafy points to the intimate relationship which exists 198 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. between connective tissues and endothelium; how the protoplasm of the connective-tissue corpuscle becomes flattened, and ultimately con- verted into an endothelial plate—every transition stage between the flattened corpuscle in the lymph-spaces and the cells forming the wall of lymphatics being observed. ‘“Convertibility” therefore, in addition to “continuity,” he considers as a ground for the grouping of these cells under a distinctive term, He asserts that it is very improbable that any such connection exists between the connective tissues and epithelium. In a memoir on the DEVELOPMENT and PROLIFERATION of EnporHetium and EpitHerium (Schultze’s Archiv, x, 351), J. Zielonko contends that a new formation of epithelium and endothelium can take place in lymph, and that in it also ‘giant cells’ can be formed out of epithelial and endothelial celis. The growth of epithelium and endothelium in a lymph-sac ensues without being participated in by the cell-elements of the blood-vessels and of the blood. Nervous System.—Axel Key and G. Retzius describe (Wordiskt Medicinskt Archiv, 1874, 1st part) THE RELATIONS OF THE SuUBA- RACHNOID SPACES TO THE CEREBRAL VENTRICLES and the StRucTURE OF THE SUBARACHNOID TrABEcuL&. They begin by referring to their former memoirs in which they had demonstrated that all the suba- rachnoid spaces throughout the entire brain and spinal-cord were in free and uninterrupted communication ;—that the perivascular spaces around the blood-vessels in the pia-mater were nothing else than subarachnoid spaces in complete communication with the others ;— and lastly, that the epi-cerebral and epi-spinal spaces described by His as lying between the pia-mater and the brain and spinal-cord do not exist in reality, but are produced artificially—the pia-mater which enters the brain with the blood-vessels sending some funnel-shaped prolongations, which are thus immediate prolongations of the sub- arachnoid spaces continued into the interior of the brain, and forming the sheaths of the vessels. The contents of those sheaths are nothing else than the general cerebro-spinal fluid which is.able to pass freely in and out from the subarachnoid spaces. They also state that they have further proved in their preceding papers. that the subarach- noid cerebro-spinal spaces are in free communication with the serous spaces and lymphatic spaces. of the organs. of sense, and that through- out the entire peripheral nervous system, even to its. extreme rami- fications, a serous system is found, which, by means of the ganglia and nerve-roots, is in free communication with the central subarach- noid spaces. In this their latest paper they endeavour to prove that the ven- tricles of the brain are not shut off from this great and universal serous system of the nervous system, They describe no less than three opevings which place the ventricles in free communication with the subarachnoid spaces. No connection exists between the ventricles and the subdural spaces, 7. e. the space under the dura mater, Of the three openings, one is situated in the middle of the floor of the fourth ventricle in front of the Calamus Scriptorius, and is called the foramina of Magendie, from its first discoverer, To REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 199 demonstrate this aperture they employed injections consisting of a coagulable material, which, after it had coagulated, shewed an unin- terrupted communication ‘between the external subarachnoid space through the foramen of Magendie, and all the ventricles, whether the injections were made from the ventricles or from the ‘subarachnoid spaces. The other two apertures are situated anteriorly at the ex- tremities of the recessus laterales of the fourth ventricle, and at the internal part of the flocculus, and at the anterior border, ordinarily in a half-moon, of the floor of the fourth ventricle. These lateral openings have a valvular character, and seem more for the outward ‘passage of fluid than for its entrance. Through them, as also through the fora- men of Magendie, passes the choroid plexus, which they constrict to a certain extent. It is only on removal of the vagus and glosso- pharyngeal nerves that the lateral apertures are well seen as these lie in front of them and partly hide them. On one occasion the foramen of Magendie was found occluded by a membrane, and the authors do not doubt that the lateral openings may also be occasionally shut, but still they have never observed a case in which this was so, Finally, they point to the great significance of these three aper- tures both in a physiological and a pathological point of view—how unhealthy products can pass from the ventricles into the external cerebro-spinal spaces, and vice versa, from these last into the ven- tricles, and how the ventricles can be dilated by a fluid formed out- side themselves, or again, how an occlusion of any of these three openings of the fourth ventricle would lead to the retention of fluid and a consequent expansion of the ventricles. By these investigations and by the former papers of the authors, therefore, it is demonstrated that a continuous serous system pervades the entire nervous system from the ventricles of the brain, the suba- rachnoid spaces, and the sheaths of the vessels in the brain and spinal cord, to the extreme ramifications of the peripheral nervous system. Their memoir upon the subarachnoid tissue is supplementary to their former papers upon the same subject, in which they had proved that all the free trabeculee are surrounded by a sheath of thin, flat, coherent cells. Now they give a description of certain fibres which are occasionally found surrounding the fibrillary fasciculi of these trabecule. It is only in certain of the subarachnoid trabecule, when examined fresh and in an indifferent fluid, that we can recognize any trace of strie. These may be very indistinct, but in other cases they are so evident that we can distinguish true filaments of greater or less tenuity, and which, more or less numerous and closely appressed, are rolled round the trabecula: often obliquely to its long axis, superficially to this fibrillary network, the sheath of flat cells is found. On adding acetic acid the trabecule rapidly swell, and. the circular fibres, before imperfectly seen, stand out most distinctly, giving rise to constrictions of greater or less depth in the swollen trabecula. They may assume an annular or spiral arrangement around the trabeculee— sometimes they even form a coherent network. They do not swell themselves by the action of the acetic acid, and thus they resemble elastic fibres. When the subarachnoid trabecule form networks or 200 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. membranes more or less cribriform, we may find them covered by these filaments, but it is not rare to find trabecule entirely devoid of them. When hardened by hyperosmic acid they are more distinct than in the fresh state, and sometimes they are of considerable size, and present here and there swellings. But the individual trabecule, each surrounded by circular filaments, and a sheath of flat cells, may, on uniting into fasciculi, be seen to be invested by a common network of such filaments. Sometimes we find an external row of trabecule enveloping the primitive fasciculi in the form of a network, and in other cases they have demonstrated that in some forms of cellular tissue thin membranes with elastic fibres are spread upon the external layer of flat cells. We observe a similar arrangement in the trabeculee in question. But in addition to these trabecule encircled by elastic fibres, the authors have found another kind in the subarachnoid tissue at the base of the brain and of the cerebellum, and also of the pons Varolii and medulla oblongata, In these the fibrillary bundles are surrounded by a thick,. clear, or homogeneous mass, in which we observe at varying intervals granular points. On close examination we find these to be nothing else than the cut ends of the encircling: filaments arranged in layers which vary in number, On looking at the superior or inferior surface of the: trabeculae, we observe the closely appressed strie around them They give to the trabecule the appearance of bundles of longitudinal fibres enveloped in tow. This thick mass ought to be considered as a peculiay. fibrillary sheath belonging to the trabecula. The external surface is strictly limited ; it is covered by a membrane of flat cells which can be, here and elsewhere, easily detached. The fibrillary sheath varies in thickness, and even, along the same trabecula we may sometimes observe knotty enlargements and thin portions alternately. As a general rule the filaments have a circular arrangement around the trabeculw, but it is hy no means uncommon to see them taking an oblique or spiral gourse.. However, upon the same bundle they usually keep the same direction, There are like- wise, however, longitudinal filaments of a similar character, and some- times we may observe alternating layers of longitudinal and transverse filaments with nuclei interposed between them, Such a fibrillary sheath can enclose several bundles which may branch and then reunite, but they are always invested by the sheath. The fibrille in the sheath are seen in the fresh state, but they stand out better when treated by hyperosmic or chromic acid. When, treated by acetic acid they do not swell like the eellular tissue-fibres, but, on the other hand, they are not, rendered more distingt like elastic fibres. On the contrary, they become less plain and paler. What relation have these fibrilla to the true, elastic, encircling fibrille? Sometimes we observe fibrille of both kinds upon the game trabecule. In that case the fibrillary sheath is superimposed. upon the fibrille of the first order, which we axe often able to distinguish lying beneath the sheath and upon the fibrillary fasciculus. When we add acetic acid the fibrillary sheath prevents the bundle from swelling. In some cases we may find trabecule provided by a fibrillary _ REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 201 sheath in the midst of other trabecule of cellular tissue, and some- times the two varieties enter together into the formation of networks and cribriform membranes, In a chapter contributed to Bucknill and Tuke’s treatise on Psychological Medicine, London, 1874, J. Batty Tuke enters into the histology of the brain, and, amongst other facts, enquires into the minute distribution of the BLoop-vEssELs To THE ConvoLuTions. He shews that the larger arteries go directly to the white matter, rarely throwing off branches on their way; that when they have passed through the grey matter they branch off almost at right angles, and follow the direction of the inner layer of grey matter. Two sets of vessels supply the grey matter: the innermost layers by smaller branches than those to the white matter, but the outer layers receive straight arterioles, small in size, and not giving off many branches.——-M. Duret gives a con- tribution to the ANaTomMy OF THE CEREBRAL BLOOD-VESSELS (Arch. de Phys. 1874, 316). He first discusses the distribution of the arteries in the pia-mater, describes in detail their method of branch- ing, and contradicts the prevailing opinion that a rich network of anastomosing vessels is to be found in the pia-mater on the surface of the convolutions. That anastomoses exist in the pia-mater, to a certain extent, he does not-deny, for he has proved by injections that, at the periphery and at the confines, of their distribution, the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries of the same side communicate the one with the other. In addition the posterior cerebrals have a slight communication in the middle line, but the other two arteries are-in, no way connected with the corresponding vessels of the opposite side except by the anterior communicating branch. He next gives the results of certain researches into the arrangement of the vessels in the fetal brain when its surface is smooth and devoid of fissures. The arteries are then regular and rectilinear, and arterioles pass off perpendicularly to enter the cere- bral substance. When the surface of the brain increases by the appearance of sulci the arteries follow this development. They cannot pass from one convolution to another without dipping down into the ~ sulcus, for they are held in relation to the nervous substance by little arterioles. The pringipal branches do not. increase much at their extremities, but rather undergo an elongation and increase by the multiplication of the elements composing their coats. On the other hand, the smaller branches deyelope and produce collateral arterioles, He states that, although hitherto no one has attempted to trace the limits of the distribution of the cerebral arteries, all his observa- - tions point to the fact that the district supplied by each artery is very definite and constant. He gives an elaborate description of the dis- tribution of the branches of these vessels, and gives them names according to the position. they occupy or the convolutions they supply. He next discusses the arrangement of the veins in the pia-mater, and shews that a free communication exists between those of the convexity and those of the base through the medium of a large vessel, the “great anastomotic vein,” so called by M. Trolard, who first described it. This vein passes from the superior petrosal sinus to the fissure of 202 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM, Sylvius. Another branch of anastomosis may also be found, called the ‘“‘anterior basilar vein:” This springing from the great anasto- motic vein joins the posterior basilar vein which ends in the straight sinus. Very often a true venous circle is formed within the circle of Wallis by the posterior basilar vein communicating with its fellow of the opposite side. Duret states that the communications which exist between the veins of the convexity, although undoubtedly very numerous, have been much exaggerated by the greater number of authors. M. Duret now follows the arteries as they pass from the pia-mater into the cerebral substance, and gives in detail their arrange- ment in the grey and white matter of the convolutions. The medullary arteries, ¢. e. those which go to the white matter, spring at right angles from small branches in the pia-mater, and in the section of a convolu- tion of medium size we may observe from 10 to 15; they are almost rectilinear in the adult; those which penetrate the free surface, in number from 3 to 4, are perpendicular to it; some pierce the con- tiguous surfaces of the convolutions obliquely; within the grey layer they bend so as to become parallel to the principal bundles of white matter; others follow the direction of the commissural fibres of the convolutions; lastly, near the sulcus we frequently notice a group of 5 or 6 arterioles, which, diverging, spread amongst the white matter, and these go to supply the most distant parts of the centrum ovale. The medullary arteries rarely divide into large ‘collateral twigs, but in passing through the grey matter they give off a few delicate branches, as also at the point of junction of the white and grey matter. In the white matter they give off the twigs which, by complex anas- tomosis, constitute the capillary networks. The cortical arteries, ¢.e. those which supply the grey matter, are the terminations of those twigs in the pia-mater which are developed at the same time and in proportion with the grey matter. The most minute of these vessels end in the grey substance—others, however, go to its poiut of junc- tion with the white substance. They rapidly resolve themselves into capillary networks. As to the capillary networks Duret states that we can recognize four varieties: (1) the first occupies scarcely half a millimetre of the most superficial part of the grey substance. It is best seen in hori- zontal sections, and the meshes are large, quadrangular, and parallel to the surface. (2) This extends for two millimetres below the first, and the meshes, which are very fine, have a polygonal form. The cortical arteries are innumerable. The region of this network corresponds to the layer of grey matter in which the large cortical cells are found, and in this way may we account for its great vascularity. (3) This constitutes the network of “transition,” and it occupies the last milli- metre. The meshes are larger than those of the superior layer, but are much less elongated than those of the white substance, with which it is continuous, (4) This is the network of the white sub- stance, and is formed of meshes whose long diameter is three or four times greater than that of the meshes in the grey substance, The meshes seem to surround the principal bundles of fibres, and the network is arranged in the direction of these fibres. REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 203 With regard to the intra-cerebral veins, Duret shews that the medullary spring from small venous branches in the pia-mater, and do not exceed 6 to 8 in number in a section of a medium-sized con- volution. They do not accompany their corresponding arteries. We generally find one or two piercing the surface of the convolution perpendicularly. Four or six penetrate by the lateral surfaces, and they have a calibre three times as great as that of their corresponding arteries. In passing through the grey matter they give few collateral offshoots, but at the lower limit of this layer they give three or four recurrent branches, which seem to act as outlets for the blood in the network of transition. Duret states that in successful injections of the arteries and veins, the two first capillary networks of the grey matters are coloured red, whilst the network of transition is coloured blue, and the network in the white substance partly red and partly blue. This, he considers, proves that the return of the blood from the networks of the grey matter takes place chiefly through the medium of the transition network and the recurrent branches of the medullary veins. The blood therefore tends to stagnate in the grey matter. The medullary veins pass deeply into the centrum ovale, and Duret considers that they communicate with those of the ventricles, as he has injected the venee Galeni through one of the cortical veins. He states that the cortical veins are larger and less numerous than the corresponding arteries, and that they rarely terminate in the first two capillary networks, They ramify almost exclusively in the net- work of transition. Duret next argues that Ecker is altogether wrong in supposing that a direct anastomosis exists between the veins and arteries in the pia-mater or in the cerebral substance. All his researches go to prove the opposite. Burt G. Wilder, in a Collection of papers, chiefly Anatomical, Salem, Mass., 1874, writes an interesting paper on the outer CerEBRAL FissuRES OF Mamata, especially the Carnivora, and the limits of their homologies; also a paper on CEREBRAL VARIATION IN DomEsTIc Dogs, and its bearing upon scientific phrenology. These papers are illustrated by several useful wood-engravings. A. Pawlowsky, a pupil of Meynert’s, gives an account (Siebold u. Kolliker’s Zeitsch. 1874, 284) of the Course or THE Fipres or THE PosTERIOR Com- MissURE. He states that it consists of nerve-fibres, descending from the brain, and crossing over to the tegmentum of the crus cerebri. These fibres have a fourfold origin : (a) in the pineal body ; (0) in the frontal lobes through the anterior peduncle of the optic thalamus ; (c) in the temporal lobes and in the Sylvian fossa through the lower peduncle; and (d) probably in the thalamus itself. One part of the tibres extends in the track of the tegmentum, another lies on its inner aspect. Commissure-like or arcuate fibres do not exist in the poste- rior commissure. P. Schiefferdecker writes (Schultze’s Archiv, x. 471) on the CoursE or THE Fisres In THE Sprnat Corp. He recog- nizes five chief modes of arrangement: (1) fibres which pass from some point at the periphery to ganglion cells ; (2) fibres which go be- tween groups of ganglion cells; (3) fibres which pass from a point at the periphery into a commissure; (4) fibres which pass vertically in 204 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. the grey matter to connect parts situated in different transverse planes; (5) fibres which remain in the same half of the cord, and pass direct from one part of the white substance to another. A. Lubi- mnoff relates (Virchow’s Archiv, LXvi. 217) his embryological and histo- logical researches into the SYMPATHETIC AND CEREBRO-SPrnaL NERVOUS Systems, and in xxi. p. 145, contributes a memoir on the histology and pathological anatomy of the sympathetic nervous system. H. C. Major relates further (West Riding Asylum Reports, tv. 223) observations on the HisroLogy or THE Morgip Brain. The condi- tion of the cortical substance in cases of senile atrophy is especially considered. Finkam investigates (Reichert u. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1873, 721) the mode of TERMINATION OF THE NERVES in the GREAT OMENTUM. ALIMENTARY Canau.—Herbert Watney (Pro. Roy. Soc. London, No. 152, 1874; also in Centralblatt, 1874, No. 48) gives a contri- bution to the Minute Anatomy oF THE ALIMENTARY CaNnaAL. He states that amongst the epithelium of certain parts of the alimentary mucous membrane of many animals connective tissue may be found forming a delicate reticulum, in whose meshes nuclei, situated between and below the epithelial cells, and sending processes to the free surface, are occasionally seen. Round lymphoid cells may also be observed. A similar intra-epithelial reticulum exists in the pyloric glands of the stomach and the crypts of Lieberkiihn. The epithelium of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and Peyer’s glands is infiltrated by a delicate reticulum of nucleated cells, in whose meshes lymph-corpuscles are to be found, and this tissue is in direct continuity with the adenoid tissue in the corresponding follicles. He states that the lining endothelium of the lymph-vessels in the mucosa being in direct continuity with the reticulum, may be considered as being derived from the connective- tissue corpuscles. He further describes how, when animals are killed during the absorption of fat, the oil-drops coloured black by osmic-acid may be seen: (1) in rows between and around the superficial epithelial cells; (2) in the reticulum at the base of the epithelium; (3) in the connective-tissue stroma of the villi, from whence they penetrate into the lymph-vessels, This seems to shew that the fat-drops are not taken up by the epithelial cells, but by the intervening processes of connective tissue, Through the medium of these they reach the central vessel, whose wall stands in continuity, as above mentioned, with the reticulum of the villus. The blood-vessels and the muscular tissue receive special sheaths from the reticulum of nucleated cells. In the papil- lary processes of mucosa of the pylorus the blood-vessels possess very vascular lymph sheaths, whose walls are composed of connective- tissue cells arranged like endothelial plates. J. Custor enters (Reichert u. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1873, 478) into a comparative examination of the Retative Sizx or tue Inrestinan Cana to the chief organic systems in the bodies of man and mammals, Tue Teeru,—H, Magitot describes (Robin's Journal, 1874, 255) REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY, 205 Anomalies of Dentition in Mammals under the following heads: defi- nition, classification, and statistics ; their characters in the mamma- lian series, in which he denies the presence of rudimentary incisor follicles in the upper jaw of ruminants; anomalies in the races of men: -their mode of production, their pathological and surgical rela- tions. On p. 422 he considers anomalies in the seat of production of the teeth, or heterotopia. Paul Gervais describes (Journal de Zoologie, 11. 1873, p. 499) the DentiTIon or A FaxraL NARwuat, al- most at the full time, in which not only were the two usual teeth apparent and in part dentified, but two others were found placed be- hind the first-named, one on each side, and some m. m. in: length. These rudimentary teeth were somewhat pisiform, and their bulb was ossified. They were caducous. These teeth were obviously a more _ advanced stage of the rudimentary teeth described by W. Turner in a younger narwhal foetus in this Jowrnal, November, 1872. Lrver.—Ch. Legros (Journ. del Anat. et Phys. March and April, 1874, 137) gives the results of some researches into Tue SrrucruRe AND THE EpirHeLiuM OF THE Secrerory Bite-Dvcrs. He states that after the successful injection of a rabbit’s liver with gelatine and nitrate of silver the extra lobular bile-ducts may be seen to be lined by a very distinct prismatic epithelium. From these ducts proceed branches which, anastomosing amongst themselves and with the branches of neighbouring ducts, form an interlobular network with large meshes. ‘The interlobular secretory canals arise from this, and they constitute the origins or terminations of the secretory biliary passages. The terminal network in the interior of the lobule is formed by these latter. Each mesh of this is small and regularly polygonal, and encloses a hepatic cell. It is thus easily distinguished from the capillary network, the meshes of which are very large and elongated, Further, the biliary canals are much finer than the capil- laries, and maintain the same calibre throughout the entire lobule. He further states that in the interlobular canals the epithelium is not so precisely prismatic as in the extralobular canals, whilst in the intra- lobular passages it assumes a tesselated character, and the wall is formed by thin cells placed in accurate juxtaposition. Sometimes fine canals may be observed lined by cells larger than the calibre of the canals, so that the latter are obliged to bend upon themselves and follow the concavity of the vessel. M. Legros considers that his re- searches prove the existence in the liver of a great glandular network, constituting a reticulated gland, whose special function is the pro- ~ duction of bile. The hepatic cells included in the meshes of this biliary network have other functions, being most probably concerned with the formation of glycogen. G. Asp communicates (Ludwig's Arbeiten, 1874, 124) a memoir on the Anatomy anp PuHysioLogy or THE Liver. He investigated the liver of rabbits, both after | starving and feeding these animals, and found that it contained cells devoid of nuclei. He saw in the walls of the smaller gall-ducts a cylindrical epithelium as usually recognized, outside which was con- nective-tissue containing numerous fusiform nuclei. The interlo- 206 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. bular bile-ducts gave off numerous branches into the lobules which lay amidst the cells, but these intralobular ducts had no cylindrical epithelium, or defined wall of connective tissue, but only a layer of flat cells with fusiform nuclei, Sxin.—J. Neumann publishes a pamphlet, Vienna, 1873, on the Lympu-VEssELS OF THE SKIN. He describes them as forming a closed tubular system, with independent walls lined by a flat epithelium, without stomata, and having no communication with juice-canals or other interstices in the tissue of the cutis, or with spaces between the epithelial cells. The lymph-vessels lie deeper than the blood-vessels, and form in the cutis a superficial and a deep network. The lymph- vessels enter the papille, partly as simple tubes, partly as loops. The hairs, hair-follicles, and sweat-glands, possess their own lymph-vessels, which do not, however, enter the follicle; the fat-lobules are also sur- rounded by them. They are most numerous in the scrotum, labia majora, the hand and sole. Urerura.—MM. Robin and Cadiat (Journ. de Anat. et de la Phys. Sept. et Oct. 1874, 514) describe Tue SrrucruRE oF THE Mucous MEMBRANE AND OF THE GLANDS OF THE MALE AND FEMALE Urerura. They assert that the simple clusters of glands, and even the follicles of the spongy and membranous portions of the male urethra are of the same type as the prostatic acini, and that they re- present the glandular elements of the prostate, separated the one from the other. On the other hand, the prostate in reality consists of a congeries of these elementary parts. Further, in the female urethra only these dissociated glandular parts are found, and they exist in comparatively fewer numbers than their analogues in the male urethra. In this latter the simple glands do not exist in the mucous membrane, and do not open on the surface by other ducts than by those of the prostate, and in the prostatic region. Empryotoay.—F. M. Balfour gives (Atheneum, Aug. 29, and Quart. Jnl. Mic. Se. Oct. 1874) a preliminary account of the Dr- VELOPMENT OF ELAsMOBRANCH Fisues, Firstly, although as large a quantity of food-yolk is present in the shark’s egg as in the bird’s, yet throughout the egg of the shark there is a fine network of lines, such as are found in many cells, while scattered through it, especially around the germinal disc, were a number of nuclei, From the presence of these lines and nuclei, it is to be concluded that -the whole of the yolk, including both the germinal dise and the food-yolk, are to be looked upon as a single cell, the ovum, in the greater part of which passive food-yolk granules are embedded, Secondly, in the mode in which its alimentary canal is formed the shark is intermediate in condition between the frog and the bird; for, although its alimentary canal is not formed by an involution, as in the frog, still traces of the primitive mode of formation of the ali- mentary canal by an involution are retained in the shark, though lost in- birds. The most important of these is the continuity at the hind end of the embryo between the epiblast (outer layer) and the REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 207 hypoblast (inner layer), which results in the neural and alimentary canals, subsequently communicating with each other behind, as is the case with frogs and other vertebrates whose alimentary canal is formed by an involution, Thirdly, in sharks the notochord is formed as a thickening of the hypoblast, and not derived, as in all other verte- brates hitherto described, from the mesoblast. EK. Ray Lankester makes (Atheneum, Sep. 5, 1874) some Observations on the DEvELop- MENT OF THE Eye IN THE CuTTLE Fisu. He instituted a comparison between the eye of the vertebrate and cephalopod, and shewed how radically they differ in development. Yet he was inclined to believe that they might ultimately be traced to a common origin. In Loligo and Sepia the eye originates as a raised elliptical wall on the surface of the embryo. ‘The wall closes in above, and thus the primary optic vesicle is formed. From the front of this arise new wall-like growths, forming an anterior or second optic vesicle, cornea andiris. ‘The lens, curiously enough, is secreted from the cells of the anterior wall of the primary optic vesicle, and is quite free from cell-structure. It is a cuticular formation, such as the bristle of an annelid. The cells of the posterior part of the primary optic vesicle become modified, so as to form the two layers of retinal elements. It is important to observe that in Nautilus there is, as Hensen described, no lens, and but one optic chamber. In fact, Nautilus has exactly the ar- _ rangement in adult life which is seen in the early condition of the eye of the cuttle-fish, before the wall of the primitive optic vesicle has quite closed in. Mare Oreans.—V. v. Mihalkovics contributes (Ludwig's Arbei- ten, 1874) to the Anatomy or THE TesticLeE. He describes the arrangement of the seminal tubes: he states that the supporting cells (stiitz-zellen) and keim-netz are artificial products ; that interstitial cells are constituents of the testicle: that the connective tissue of the testicle consists of bundles, which form a network, and are invested by endothelial cells: the origin of the lymph-vessels is in the spaces between the endothelial invested bundles of connective tissue: the capillary blood-vessels lie close to the membrana propria of the semi- nal tubes. The epididymis is not only a tube for conveying the semen, but also a secreting place for its fluid constituents. The blood- vessels form in its muscular wall a compact capillary network, which lies immediately under the cylinder epithelium, and resembles the vas- cular arrangement in the ovary. P. Langerhans describes(Virchow’s Archiv, uxt. 208) the Guanpunar Srrucrure of the prostate, vas deferens, vesicula seminalis, and Cowper’s glands. FemaLe Orcans.—L. Born contributes (Reichert wu. du Bois Rey- mond’s Archiv, 1874, 118) to our knowledge of the DEvELopMent of the Ovary OF THE Mare. In the same Archiv, 234, Haussmann en- quires historically into the UrricuLar GLANDs. In the Abhand. der Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin, 1873, C. B. Reichert publishes in extenso his memoir on the condition of the Human Uterus anp Emsryo in the vesicular stage of development, an abstract of which, published in his Archiv, was given in the Report for Nov. 1873. REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. By Wititam Sriretine, D.Sc., M.B., C.M. (Edinb.), Demonstrator of Practical Physiology in the University of Edinburgh’. Nervous System. Functions oF THE Bratn.—Untersuchungen iiber das Gehirn, von Dr Ed. Hitzig, Berlin 1874. These investigations on the brain are the collective papers of the author upon this subject... Most of them have already been published in Reichert und du Bois Reymond’s Arch., and have been noticed in previous reports. A chapter is devoted to critical and experimental observations on the physiology of the cere- brum, in relation to the experiments and results of Dr Ferrier. Some pathological papers are added, including the details of an interesting Abscess of the grey matter of the brain; Anomalies of Muscular Innervation; Secondary affections of the nervous system after peri- pheral injury ; On the disturbances of muscular innervation which occur on galvanisation of the head. One chapter is devoted to the equiva- lent regions in the brain of the dog, of the ape, and of man, and two shorter papers treat of the Physiology of the Cerebellum; and on the production of Epilepsy by experimental injury to the grey matter. See Lond. Med. Rec. No. 78, by Ferrier, and reply in No. 81, by itzig. | ON THE RESULTS OF THE ExectricaAL INVESTIGATION OF THE CONVOLUTIONS OF THE BRAIN OF AN Apg.—E. Hitzig, Berlin. Klin. Wochenschr. 1874. No. 6 (from Abst. in Centralblatt, No. 24), The experiments were made upon the brain of a living ape, and the author finds that in this animal the proper motor part of the convolutions of the brain is the anterior central convolution, that the single centres lie distributed in it from the great cerebral fissure to the Sylvian fissure. About 3mm. from the median line lies above the centre for the posterior extremity of the opposite side; 3mm. to the side that for the anterior extremity. Removed from this 7mm. is the centre for the part of the structure connected with the optic nerve, and close to the fossa 8. the fourth centre, which controls the movements of the mouth, tongue, and jaw, and from which the collective movements which result occur on both sides. The proper parietal and frontal regions were only superficially investigated ; there, weak currents pro- duced no movements, and the upper part of the posterior central con- volution reacted most easily on the application of strong currents. The anatomical details are to be seen in the original. Tue Locanisation or Function 1x THE Brain.-—D, Ferrier. Paper read before the Royal Society, London, 1874, March 5. The author's experiments on the brains Of apes shewed that in general ' To assist in rendering this report more complete, authors are invited to send copies of their papers to Dr Stirling, Physiological Laboratory, Edinburgh University. REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 209 the centres for the movements of the limbs lie in the convolutions bounding the fissure of Rolando; ze. in the posterior central con- volution with parts of the upper lobes, which lie more backwards towards the parieto-occipital fissure, in the anterior central convolu- tion and to the posterior end of the first frontal convolution. In the anterior central convolution at the level of the junction of the middle central convolution lie centres for distinct facial muscles (Zygomaticus etc.) In the angle where the lowest (third) frontal convolution and the anterior central convolution meet lie the centres for the move- ments of the mouth and tongue. At the lower angle of the Sulcus inter-parietalis is the centre for the platysma. In the first frontal convolution, in front of the centre for certain forward movements of the arms, and in the corresponding part of the middle frontal convolution, lie the centres for the (crossed) head and eye movements and for the dilators of the pupil. The most anterior frontal region, together with the orbital convolutions, yielded no definite results when irritated. Destruction of these parts produced a condition resembling dementia. Stimulation of the gyrus angularis produced movements of the eye- ball and pupil. Its destruction destroyed the sense of sight. The sense of smell finds its central ends in the gyrus uncinatus. The seat of the sense of touch could not be made out. The occipital lobes did not react upon stimulation ; their destruction seemed to extinguish the sense of equilibrium. Exact localisation in frogs and fishes is impossible ; stimulation of the cerebrum produces in frogs movements of the limbs; in fishes movements of the tail and fins. It is interesting that as the single result of stimulation of the surface of the brain contraction of the pupil was observed. Direcr ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE Corpus SrriaTuM.— J. Burdon-Sanderson (Centralblatt, No. 33, 1874). By means. of a sharpened spoon the outer and upper portion of the anterior lobe of one hemisphere was so far removed, that the parts lying immediately outside of the anterior portien of the lateral ventricle were exposed, without, however, opening the ventricle. (The anterior horn can be opened without injury.) The deepest part and that lying next the middle line in this prepared surface corresponds to the corpus striatum. When the surface of the c. striatum was stimulated electrically it was shewn: 1. That movements of the muscles of the opposite side occurred upon the application of weak induced currents. 2. _ That the points where stimulation of the intact surface of the brain was followed by distinct groups of movements, are also present on the surface of the corpus striatum. 3. That the opposite position of the active points is the same on the corpus striatum as on the surface of the brain. Ifthe deepest part of the corpus striatum is stimulated, the animal opens its mouth, puts out its tongue and draws it in again alternately. These are the movements whose centres are pretended to be found on the convolutions of the under ‘surface of the brain, 7. ¢. lower frontal and suprasylvian convolutions. (Lancet, June, 1874.) PauysioLogy oF THE Brain.—Ed. Hitzig (Centralblatt, No. 35, 1874). By removal in the region of the posterior convolutions (Gyri. VOL. IX, 14 210 DR STIRLING. n.o. Fig. 3 in Untersuch. diber das Gehirn) blindness of the opposite eye and paralytic dilatation of the corresponding pupil can be produced, while stimulation of the same spot is followed by strong and con- tinued contraction of the pupil. He then refers to B. Sanderson’s results and remarks that the localised points on the surface of the brain given by B, Sanderson do not correspond with those described by himself (Hitzig). That he had already shewn that the corpus striatum was excitable, and refers to p. 48-49 of his Untersuchungen. ELectricAL ExcrraBILIty OF THE CEREBRUM.—H. Braun, Zck- hardt’s Beitr. zur Anat. und Physio. vu. 2. 8s. A, 16 Str. (From the Centralblatt, No. 29, 1874.) The author disagrees with Hitzig regarding the sensibility of the dura mater. According to B. the dura is not a sensitive membrane, and does not become so on being left exposed for a long time. For the experiments non-narcotised dogs were for the most part employed, the surface of the brain being stimulated by weak induced currents, In general, the facts already known (Journal of Anat. and Phys. vii. & viii.) were confirmed ; the author finds however often the double presence of a centre on the same half of the brain, e.g. for the muscles of the neck, After stimulation with quite weak currents after-movements dependent on the stimulated centre were manifested by the muscles, which movements often passed into general convulsions, but could only be produced from the points which were to be regarded as so-called centra. The assumption that the movements obtained might arise from loop-currents passing into the deeper parts of the brain, the author refutes, by making near the surface, an interrupting section in the course of the fibres in the deeper parts, having previously sought out one of the centres, Now, stimulation of the previously excitable centre gave no result. If the gray substance of the surface which represented a centre was removed, and the white substance so exposed was stimulated, then there occurred with the same position of the electrodes, and the same strength of the current as formerly, move- ments in the same group of muscles. The bundles of fibres which penetrate into the gray substance are those whose stimulation pro- duces the movements. Regarding Schifl’s view that in the move- ments obtained by stimulating the surface of the brain electrically one has to do with reflex phenomena, the author does not decide either for or against. On THE Function or tHe Tatami Oprtici.—H. Nothnagel (Centralblatt, No. 37, 1874). From many experiments made upon rabbits the author draws the following conclusions; 1. These organs have nothing whatever to do with the innervation of voluntary move- ments. 2. Quite as little can a direct disturbance of the cutaneous sensibility be proved after their extirpation. 3. On the contrary they seem to stand in a distinct relation to the “muscular sense.” Details are promised shortly, On tHe Function or tHe Brawy.—Nothnagel, Virchow’s Arch. Lx, 128, (Abstract in Lond. Med. Rec. No, 72, 1874), has continued REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 211 his researches on this subject, still using the injection of chromic acid. When only one lenticular body was operated on, the results were the following. Deviation of the leg of the opposite side (right) towards the middle line and that of the same side (left) outwards, a lateral cur- vature of the spine with the convexity turned towards the opposite side (right), and at the same time a moderate cyphosis. The animal could however execute all voluntary movements. —> “iT 008 JO syuormmo Aq VOTeIMTAYS snu0}-yvoy on} BuLMp 4S¥T FV “oBF OF o€G WoIy POULIVA SBA TVG ONY 4STIYM “TOG JO Syooys-uoNoUupur Zuyuedo Aq ,,f JO S[VAIOJUT ye poye[NUITys o[OTIWOA 8,901.7 I 06 0&% 086 063 o0F 06F dH 008 ie pee. Seeger: “6 omar “o0E PUB 90G TeeKjoq POTIVA SUA YJeq-UINIES OY} Jo eINyeredute, OT} 4STITM ‘(syrun 06) Ajtsuoyut yenbe jo syooys-uorjonpur Suruedo YIM ,,F JO S[BAIOJUT UL pozE[UUTs oforTyUEA 8.3017 It ZO 00% 083 083 Anirinnreeenry we > *g emdry 3826 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. sluggish organ not yet ready to beat, but that the second stimulus is itself active. We have seen that we succeeded even with weak currents in producing half the number of beats, and that regular results were first obtained by very much more intense shocks. This seems to render probable the second of the above cited possibilities. On the other hand, however, we saw also that by more rapid time of stimulation (4”) every second shock was followed by a beat. This seems to speak for the first alternative. The second view is supported by the following, the result of many observations. ‘The cooler the heart becomes, the slower are its movements, the more seldom are the beats which it tends to produce. Jf the contractions of the heart are desired in intervals of time which are greater than the pulse-periods cor- responding to its present condition of mobility, then comparatively weak stimuli produce infallible contractions ; if moderate stimuli meet the heart before it has completed its pulse-period, then they remain without effect. For a cold heart therefore whose pulse-period is longer than 5” it is quite the same whether it is stimulated at inter- vals of 5” or 10”; it contracts every 10”; 7.e. at every impulse, or at every second, according to the frequency of the shocks, If we employ minimal stimuli, then it is to be observed that the afore-mentioned diminution of excitability with the temperature always falls below the formerly observed limits. Stimuli which were previously adequate become ineffective. With the induction-shocks made stronger, every second pro- duces a beat. It scarcely requires to be remarked that the different strengths of the current which are infallible for different hearts, vary very much; just as the strength of the current employed was not from experiment to experiment constant, because the two Grove’s elements in the primary circuit of the induction machine were not filled with fresh acid before each experiment, 7.e, did not always produce currents of equal inten- sity. Only the relations of the strength of the stimulus during an experiment are to be regarded as constant, and are tolerably exactly defined by the current-units. To give an idea of CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 327 “ZOOF OF OOT Jo SHooys-MoMONpAY Tym 2 JO S[VALoFUT 4v poywINUTS “9G 0} pofooo 41voq ¥,30xy Jo opoLN|UON wf TOOT o& ALVr H OST A 006 F 09% Z 008 H OOF of SHIAAAA ALAA AP ALATA LAA A PAAAF PAAAT PPAF PAA PAG pn AA pK RG PL pik ATATAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAUAYAVA JAVA enV a tna ee tataee eo »>— "Sl omar “OT %F ,Q Worz oduroy Surfrwa ar (77 1% 04 F ZZ) SPoys-uoyonpuy Faruodo yIM poywmurys “yg 04 of WIZ pofooo yavoy 8,Boxy Jo oporAyHAA «uf C4 3S ol uO af wt 0? wl ua og‘ 5 4 WT gS a LG Puy amp genet J ma avavavay: ‘SI omsry “oGT_9} of WO’y POULIVA TYVq-WINIEs OY], ‘sN[NUITs & 0} spuodseri0. YU OCT “.F JO S[warozuy yw “TOE Jo Syooys-uoyonpur Suyuedo Aq pozejnwNs yavoy sFoay jo oporzus, TiS LOVE of disialde) eer € Glas oie herd 118 Erie tiee ‘IT omsrg eee eg ee eC Til ee. ye en oe, 328 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. the absolute strength of our current-units, it may be stated, that 1000 units represent the maximum intensity of an induc- tion-current which can be obtained from the largest (secondary spiral 11,000 turns) induction-machine armed with two Grove’s elements, and that our apparatus gives induction-shocks of 70 units, when the beginning of the secondary spiral stands at the end of the primary. The same heart which gave the original for Fig. 12, exe- cuted when cooled to 3° the curve shown in Fig. 13, and con- tinued to retain its beating-tempo of 6 per minute, although the stimuli were increased to double the frequency and to quite an extraordinary strength. Strong induction-currents so injure the ventricle, that its beats soon become very flat. Sometimes a ventricle which has been rapidly cooled, and which cannot follow the tolerably strong stimuli, passes into convulsive contractions, interrupted by periods of rest, which present quite the appearance of dicrotous and tricrotous beats, and with measured moderate stimulating-tempo resolve them- selves into regular, more seldom single beats. These then - remain, even when the stimuli again reach the former frequency. If the temperature is lowered to near 0°, the heart frequently reacts first at the third of the stimuli given in intervals of 5 seconds. * Of the stimuli applied every 10 seconds, it replies to every second; by stimulation at 15 seconds interval, to every one. Seeing that in this case the duration of an extraordinarily slowed cardiac contraction does not exceed more than about 8 seconds, one must assume that the cooled heart is not, at once after completing a contraction, capable of again con- tracting, or, to keep to our former simile, that a vibration of a molecule displaced from its equilibrium in the cold semi-fluid mass lasts longer than the visible movement. In order to discover the pause necessary for the heart between the beats, or in other words, to find the pulse-rhythm adequate for it, one can either seek for the interval between the stimuli which just acts as infallible, or stimulate the heart with so rapid successive stimuli, that the duration of the in- terval does not come into count, and estimate the frequency of the beats, CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT, 329 Si 4 SO aaa ‘AST snjumnys yo yySueyg “oe 04 POUNVA TOVT—'F 0OS—00F SHINUINS Jo qBuoNg ‘of OF 08 JO YyEq-mNI0es B UT ATVOTTEO "Puooes T JO s[eAtozUy 4B syooys-uoronpur Suruedo THA poyelnurys y1voy s.Sory Jo oporyn0, ul XT 06E 08 of T 008 wl IST o0E Lea Era eape negara pea peseny erry ep rgpeey sap epapapeepiy HVNCATEOOOCARORLTACDUUSEEAS SUELO OMA AAPA EUAN < do “AOL pus ,,g JO sTearozut ye Og Jo syooys “uoHonpur Zuruedo WITH POPINUAHS “of OF o8 WOIZ pofooo yrvoy s Boxy Jo oporyMaA u& ZOE o8 09 wT of uS oF efor UI Ue) | PU tr LOU A VW WW LAL UT TAs SSS . ‘FI omsrg VOL. IX. 330 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. If strong, relatively very frequent stimuli (1” interval) are applied to a pronouncedly cooled frog’s ventricle, then it beats in rapid, frequent,.quite regular tempo (10—9 times per minute), and in this way, that it only responds to every sixth or seventh stimulus. Considerably warmed (20°—380°) it willingly follows even weak stimuli in accelerated tempo (1”), even when this does not permit it to complete its diastole. 7 If the intermittent stimuli, which are produced by an induction-machine, provided with a Wagner’s (Neeff’s) hammer, vibrating rapidly and regularly, are allowed to act on the ventricle, then we obtain results which vary with the strength of the stimulus and with the temperature. A very excitable heart (warmed above 20°), stimulated with moderate stimuli, begins its activity at once with a single systole corresponding to its energizing power, the systole remaining only a little longer on the height than an isolated one of a similarly warmed heart. It then relaxes a little, to produce afterwards a series of very frequent, incomplete pulsations, which gradu- ally show more effective diastole. If the stimulus is allowed to act for many minutes together, the beats become separate, at last distant, irregularly grouped together, of course simultaneously lower, and this the quicker the more frequent they are. Weak stimuli have immediately at the beginning the same effect as strong ones during the series. The moderately cooled heart reacts to middle strong stimuli at one time with a series of very seldom beats, which corre- spond exactly in form and size to those obtained by single stimuli from analogous hearts. If the considerably cooled cardiac apex is exposed for a length of time to tolerably strong stimuli of a tetanomotor, it remains after a few sluggish contractions at rest. If, how- ever, we allow it a short time to recover after a moderate period of stimulation, then it reacts at the beginning of each new period of stimulation with single, or may be, with dicrotous beats. If the heart is thereafter warmed, it again gradually regains its former excitability, and executes a series of very frequent incomplete beats. Alternating induction-currents of as great intensity as could CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT, 331 >>> “LT oman “006 OF APU 99 04 og TMOIy pourrEM ATpenpLIs swA 4r SIT “.9—,8 1OJ 480r 0} pomorpe svar 4 ‘TOnBIMP ,ZI—,F JO UORLMUMS s94F¥ “JoJoMoUL}e, w jo “wound SUywULEFTe YP pozvory 4zeoq s,foxy Jo xody ul og 09 006 pel ati 5 Wiel Rs Bei ee RO Peer a Pas Bea ya nice 96h S/o) ey oat Pes PA eo iS mage be pepe 4 as rape. ae % ae fore i ee es f busied ‘olL—vo8T Puooes on} Surmp ‘gg sun ported 4say oy} Sutmp Yieq-um1es oy} Jo ommyetoduray. omy, “HOTENMYS JO ported B zo pue oy} ‘uorssord “8p 8 Aq ‘Surameq 04} uoNvasfe UB fq SOWOPUE OUT OTPpYat egy, ‘(spuooes) eum ox} syxvur OUT] ySaMoT NG “SPoYs-uoyouput Zuyvusoye Suoms AJoyerepom ‘yuonbery yy Poywlntys ory oF1vy v yo y1voy jo xody al 066 oSf oll oe Se ea ee Cee Per eee ne ee } fe per ment tially N 332 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. be obtained by our arrangement, do not cause the fresh heart (not cooled) in connection with our apparatus to execute higher contractions than the weaker stimuli, but, on the con- trary, the curve diminishes from the first systole, as was to be observed in the formerly figured heart-curves. From this low level (frequently one-half of a single beat) the jagged curve sinks considerably, with a longer period of rest it becomes more toothed, till at last incomplete beats clearly appear and gra- dually separate into complete ones. The curves of the strongest stimulation by alternating currents are tolerably analogous to each other, whether the heart has its ligature under the sulcus or higher, whether it contracts at a moderate temperature of the room, or heated to 30°. If it is cooled below 15°, the curve obtained under such conditions assumes a form similar to those of the moderately stimulated heart. The apices of the systoles become broader with diminishing temperature, corresponding quite in form to single beats executed soon afterwards. The pieces of curve copied in Fig. 18 are taken from the tracing of a ventricle, to which a part of its auricles was still attached, washed out with bloody solution of salt, and which pulsated spontaneously and rhythmically. (Compare Rossbach, Ueber die Umwandlung der periodisch aussetzenden Schlag- folge des isolirten Froschherzens in die rhythmische. Berichte d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. sdchs. Ges. d. Wissensch. 1874, p. 197.) If the heart is observed in a transparent bath during the strongest stimulation, tumultuous peristaltic movements of the ventricle are to be observed, in. the manner which R. Heiden- hain (Miller's Archiv, 1858, p. 493) has described, This in- vestigator, however, “sah in manchen Fiillen den Ventrikel in eine vollkommen stetige, tonische Contraction gerathen, in einen exquisiten Tetanus.” | Eduard Weber also (Article Muskelbewegung in Wagner's — Handwérterbuch d. Physiologie, Bd, 111. Abt. 11. p. 35) had already observed that the heart by means of the rotation apparatus could be thrown into a continued tonic spasm, from — which it gradually returned to its rhythmical movement. : Ludwig on the contrary, and in unison with him Eckhard, — avers, that the heart in its entirety cannot be tetanized. Under — =o 4 CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT, 333 “‘SpU0d09S SO}VOIPUT MOTOq oul, OY], ‘seInyeroduro, sNOTIwA 4B YyVq JOWwA-q]VG “(7 HOG) SYOoYS uoronpur ysoSuoNs og} YIM pozernuys ‘q{¥s JO WOTNTOS poorq WIA yuo poysva “(ATpwormyyAyT Surpestnd) oporme oy} punor omnzuIy v YIM “y1voq $3017 086 006 FT 006 oft F006 Mroneinscunseak THA “ir TERA VV ‘st omsrg See ee ee eee eee ee a eee 334 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. the influence of the electro-motor the cardiac beats become greatly accelerated, “but every single beat is so weak, that in spite of its innumerable beats the heart becomes more dis- tended, till at last it stands still. In this way it is easy to kill an animal.” (Lehrbuch d. Physiologie d. Menschen, Bd. 1. 2. Auflage, pp. 91 and 92.) Goltz supports the view of the existence of a “true cardiac tetanus” (Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. xx. 1868, p. 493). He says: “Verlangt man von dem Herztetanus, dass er die chronisch gewordene normale Form der Systole darstellt, so durfte aller- dings den langst bekannten Formen von Tetanus ihre Legiti- mation als solche bestritten werden...”, for in consequence of electrical or mechanical stimulation, “one scarcely ever observes an actual absolute quiet condition, but generally one observes here and there irregular fibrillar contractions.” “Nevertheless, all these forms, according to my view, represent an actual genuine tetanus, caused by stimulation of the central organs, and their irregularities are sufficiently explained by the ine- quality of the stimulus employed,” loc. cit. p. 496. “It has often been thought that tetanus could be produced by increasing the frequency of the pulsations. It was hoped that a condition would be reached in which the change from systole to diastole would no longer be obvious and that a continued systolic spasm would be developed.” “I hold this conception as erroneous. The tetanus of the heart occurs at once as a tonic equal spasm, which is capable of an increase to the most complete fixation in the most extreme contraction, After cessation of the extreme tetanus there is not enormous frequency of the rhythmical movements, but solely inereasing difference in form between the systole and diastole with normal tempo.” “The long sought for method, to produce a general equal tetanus of the ventricle, corresponding to a chronic normal systole,” consists, according to Goltz, in this, that the ventricle of the frog’s heart tempora- rily be over-distended, ‘iibermiissig’, and powerfully so by means of the blood forced into it.” In Fig. 9 we have already seen a long tonic cardiac con- traction produced by strong heating. Such heat-tetanus has also been described by Luciani (loc. cit. pp. 171 and 172), and CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 335 before him also was observed by many physiologists. Similar contractions are sometimes exhibited by a frog’s heart poisoned with atropine, without its being essentially injured by such spasm (loc. cit. p. 188, Fig. 86). Beats follow, whose diastoles are at first incomplete, but gradually appear quite perfect. Even frogs’ hearts washed out with fresh arterial blood some- times pass spontaneously into tonic spasm (Rossbach, loc. cit. p. 200). Are we justified in characterising all these conditions by the name of tetanus ? E. du Bois-Reymond first introduced “ Tetanisirung auf electrischen Wege,” (1842), into the investigation of muscular contraction, as a means “of securing the evanescent character of these phenomena, in order to obtain explanations, incapable of being obtained from a single contraction” (Untersuchungen diber thierische Electricitdt, Bd. 0. p. 39). Ed. Weber succeeded (1846), with the aid of a magneto-galvanic rotation apparatus, “in producing for a long time continued muscular contraction and in equal completeness, as we see arising in a natural way through the influence of the will, or in rigor mortis.” “If the galvanic shocks which one communicates to a muscle or its nerve are allowed to follow each other so rapidly that the muscular contractions thereby produced, in spite of their short duration, are linked to each other so completely that the next following one begins before the previous one has ceased, then the contraction of the muscles becomes so lasting and so complete, that not even with the microscope can movements or quiver- ings of the individual muscular fibres during its continuance be detected.’ “But we can also produce continued contractions of muscles by other means than the galvanic apparatus, e.g. by mechanical stimuli, provided that the actions producing the contractions follow each other with sufficient rapidity” (loc. cit. pp. 11 and 12). E. du Bois-Reymond defines tetanus in the following way : “Tetanus produced electrically is discontinuous.” “The continually produced contractions of the second (second- arily excited) muscle, every contraction of which must corre- spond to a variation in the current of the first, show that the apparently ever so constant contraction consists of a discon- nected series of frequently recurring, exceedingly rapid actions.” 336 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. “Tt is on the whole questionable whether an apparently con- stant contraction is actually of this nature or not, like the electrical, composed of a series of momentary actions rapidly following each other. It is to be assumed that even with the most rapid turning (of the interrupting wheel) a shock may correspond to each closing and opening of the primary current, like an induction current (loc. cit. Bd. 1. p. 89 and 90). This view is supported by Helmholtz (Miiller’s Archiv, 1850, p. 277), and he regards “continued contraction of a muscle as a series of simple contractions following each other so rapidly that each previous one at the appearance of the following has not perceptibly relaxed.” Later, he enunciated the law by which tetanic shortening follows the summation of single contractions (Monatsberichte d. Berliner Akad. d. Wis- sensch. 1854, June). From the above, it is clearly shown that the founder of muscular physiology wished to designate with the name teta- nus (from analogy with the tetanus of disease) a condition of muscle which is kept regular by the superposition of a number of shocks. The absolute duration of the contraction does not distinguish whether it is to be regarded as simple or tetanic, but the experimental analysis into single contractions. We cannot be in doubt that a contraction of a gastrocnemius of half a second’s duration is tetanic, as soon as we can prove that it is higher and longer than one of the simple contractions whose rapid succession had made it continuous, or that it produces on a normal muscle a secondary tetanus whose duration is greater than that of a simple contraction. Contractions however such as are given by strongly-cooled muscles (Marey, Mowvement dans les fonctions de la Vie, 1868, p. 346), or muscles poisoned with veratrin (Fick and Bohm, Arbeiten aus d. physiolog. Laborat. d. Wiirzburger Hochschule, 1872, p. 154), with a dura- tion of half a second or longer, we must regard as simple, because we cannot prove the “oscillatory character” of the same, The heart’s beat is shown, by means of the physiological rheoscope, to be a simple contraction (K6élliker and H. Miiller, Siteungsberichte der physiol.-medicin, Gesellsch. in Wiireburg. — a CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 337 Bd. vir. Heft ii. 1856. Marey, Journal del Anatomie et de la Physiologie, 1866, p. 403). Under the influence of cooling one may observe that the duration of the contraction of the ventricle of a frog’s heart may be gradually lengthened from half a second to five seconds. The long contraction of the sluggish cold heart is at the same time very low. Why should not poisons, just as extreme electrical, thermal and mechanical stimuli, also abnor- mally lengthen the contraction, without this having therefore to assume the character of tetanus ? The graphically represented heat-tetanus (Fig. 7) and the maximal height of such contractions indicated by Luciani (loc. cit. 171 and 172) do not reach the height of simple beats; just as the maximal value of the elevation which Luciani observed to occur (loc. cit. p. 188), after poisoning with atropine, remains below the previous and following contractions. Schmiedeberg (Ueber die Digitalinwirkung am Herzmuskel des Frosches. J. Schmiedeberg, from Beitrdge zur Anatomie u. Fhysiologie, als Festgabe Carl Ludwig von seinen Schiilern, Leipzig, 1875) com- municates a fact which is calculated to strengthen in a very substantial manner the proofs against the existence of cardiac tetanus; digitalin throws the heart into contraction, which is however only lasting because the changed aggregate condition of the heart renders its distension more difficult. The poisoned ventricle conducts itself like an excessively fatigued muscle, “which preserves with dough-like toughness the form which it has assumed.” (H. Kronecker, Arbeit. aus d. phys. Anst. zu Leip. 1871, p. 258.) How then are to be explained the continuing contractions of the heart, which have been observed under the influence of alternating electrical currents, ¢.e. under the same conditions as the tetani obtained on the muscles of the skeleton? E. Weber (loc. cit. pp. 35 and 36) observed that the heart of the frog, after it had been exposed for “several seconds” to the action of the strong currents of the rotation-apparatus, “gradu- ally contracted and continued so,” “so that the contracted parts (around the nearly-approximated electrodes) took no more part in the rhythmical movement.” The stimulated part of the heart “continued also after interruption of the current for a long time completely motionless, and only very late and very 338 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. gradually did the rhythmical movements return, the tonic spasm lastly disappearing.” Hoffa and Ludwig (Henle and Pfeufer’s Zeitsch. f. ration. Medicin, 1850, p. 129) remark that “the most powerful elec- trical stimuli are unable to throw the heart into general tetanus.” With very excitable hearts “a small pale elevation” forms between the electrodes placed on the heart. “Beyond this point the heart passes into extraordinarily rapid quite irregular movements of very slight intensity.’ “The individual ana- tomical elements separate in their relations one to another and cease to contract simultaneously. Hereby a complexity in relation to rhythmus and intensity is produced...... during which the beart becomes pronouncedly larger and fills with blood. These movements always lasted longer than the stimulus, and this the longer the stimulus was allowed to act.” “Lastly, more and more parts cease their rapid movements and pass into the condition of complete rest; when the pause has become general, and after it has lasted a short time, there suddenly arises a powerful general movement of the heart, which again begins the rhythmus.” “By the gradual passage of the electrodes over the whole organ one can extend the intrapolar condition over the whole heart (loc. cit. p. 131), Rossbach calls this change a “shrivel- ling” (“Schrumpfung”) (Verhand. d. Wiirz. phys.-med. Gesellsch. N.F. Bd. v. p. 189), which “appears immediately as an after effect of local, mechanical, or electrical stimulation of the ven- tricle of the frog’s heart.” ‘This shrivelled part shows no more activity and is completely robbed of its vital properties.” It happens only to the muscular fibres immediately affected by the stimulus. Similar results are to be observed on hearts poisoned with ecbolin (loc. cit. Bd. vi. p. 24). A different explanation is given by Heidenhain in A/iller’s Arch. 1858, p. 493, of his essentially analogous results on the electrified frog’s heart. Intense induction-currents of the magnet-clectromotor brought the ventricle into “a vibrating, quivering, heaving movement,” which Heidenhain would represent “as a tumultuous tetanus.” “In many cases he observed the ventricle pass into a complete continuous tonic contraction, into an exqnisite tetanus.” He therefore cannot WS ee eet CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 339 assent to the assumption of Eckhard that the heart knows no tetanus. The graphic method which Ludwig introduced also into this province of physiological investigation (Arb. aus d. phy. Anst. in Leipzig, 1866, p. 80), gave us the means of measuring the mechanical effect of the contraction of the isolated heart. ' Then was one first able to decide, what from mere observation of the organ could only be guessed at, that the so-called tetanic cardiac contraction raised the column of fluid in the manometer to a less height than the simple beat. The cardiograms of frogs’ hearts stimulated with alternat- ing currents show, that (1) just in the same measure, as by weak effective stimuli the frequence of the beats increases, so the heights of the beats become smaller ; (2) under the influence of moderately strong stimuli the very frequent beats run together incompletely, but do not, like the contractions of incompletely tetanised muscles of the skeleton, sum up their mechanical effect, but are able to support the column of fluid only at the height of a simple systole, frequently even below this, within varying limits; that, lastly, (3) the cardiac delirium which is produced by the strongest currents communicates many small, but only weak, impulses to the float of the manometer, so that it remains quivering at a height above the diastolic position. The move- ment ceases at once with the stimulus, and after a period of rest, from one second to a minute, the heart begins again to beat in the ordinary manner. The appearance of a curve, written by a moderately excited heart, reminds one forcibly of the figures which Kronecker (compare Die Gesetze d. Muskelermiidung, Monatsb. d. k. Akad. der Wissensch. zu Berlin, 1870, August, p. 639) sometimes (in winter) obtained from lightly-weighted (20 grms.) still non- fatigued muscles, which, stimulated in moderate intervals (4’), produced maximal contractions. Such muscles, during the whole time between two series, remain ‘somewhat contracted, in rare cases even at the highest point of a simple contraction. Stronger weighting (40 grms.) overcame the tonus, which again became obvious, as soon as the surplus weight was removed. With increasing fatigue this peculiar phenomenon disappeared. The objection, that it is only the irregularity of the tetanic ‘DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. 340 "yI 0} puodseti09 sul] JaMOT 94} ur sovds L104 pus yy003 AraAnT ‘squazmo Buoys Aroa Aq (g) ‘Bu0ms efpprar Aq umes jo Ajddus mou sozye (2) ‘syuermmo oyeuie}[e yvoam Aq (T) pozspnuTys “(99Z ynoqe) WOOT oY} JO eANywreduIE, oY} 4B ‘OINZVSIT AvjMoTIMe YIM Bory jo ywopy ak “ULL : Un Ui oe Pa ey in UU A ri u Tuunnann ULL THT ie TF So "6T cms CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 341 contraction which conceals the collective effect, even contains the concession, that the contraction of the heart is not analogous to that of a muscle of the skeleton, whose individual fibrilla do not contract non-simultaneously when tetanising stimuli are applied to the whole organ. The view of Goltz (loc. cit. p. 494), however, that the “fibrillar, irregular contractions” of the con- tinually electrified heart “represent an actual, genuine tetanus, caused by stimulation of the central organs, the irregularities of the tetanus being sufficiently explained by the inequalities of the stimuli employed,” we cannot admit to be correct ; for we have seen that the ventricle of the heart cannot be brought to a constant tetanus, even when, instead of electrodes placed upon it, regular equal alternating induction-currents are passed through the fluid which bathes the heart within and without. What electricity cannot do, cannot be accomplished by other means of stimulation. Of the poisons, strychnine, which throws the muscles of the skeleton into reflex tetanus, delphinin (Wey- land in Eckhardt’s Beitr. 2. Anat. u. Phys. Bd. v. 1870, pp. 51 and 68), which so acts upon the muscles that a momentary stimulus produces long-continuing tetanus—the former does not stimulate the heart at all (Hoffa and Ludwig, loc. cit. p- 132), the latter causes irregular pulsations (Bowditch, loc. cit. p. 169). The violent mechanical stimulus, which is caused by blowing up the heart, appeared to Goltz (loc. cit. p. 493), as already _ mentioned, fitter to produce a true cardiac tetanus, and its . author maintains, “that it represents the chronic normal form _ of the systole, and that after a certain time it permits the return of the normal condition.” That the terms ‘long con- traction’ and ‘tetanic contraction,’ according to the generally adopted physiological technology, are not synonymous, has been already sufficiently pointed out. Here it is only necessary to mention, that the simple contraction of a stretched muscle of the skeleton is much longer than that of a normal muscle (Marey, Mouvement, p. 363). It is necessary to prove a series of observations which can be included as an important proof of the existence of “cardiac tetanus,” the complex movement described by Luciani (loc. cit. p. 24) as “tetanischer Anfall des Herzens,” which is exhi- 342 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING, bited by the isolated frog’s heart, when a new ligature is placed round its auricles, whilst its contents (rabbit’s serum), commu- nicated by means of a cardiac-cannula with the mercurial manometer. The “effect of the act of ligaturing” consists in an immediate elevation of the column of mercury, often twice as high, sometimes four times as high as the previously marked beats (loc. cit. p. 25). At first, on the height very frequent and small beats are written by the float, the beats gradually become more seldom and larger, whilst the pressure sinks to the original value. “Several times the periods were to be ob- served during the course of a tetanus curve, so that single contractions alternated with pauses, whilst the tetanus curve followed its continuous course” (loc. cit. Fig. 11). “The dura- tion of the tetanus was sometimes a few seconds, more fre- quently several minutes, with equal and regular decrease of the curve to the abscissa.” The height of the tetanus is the more pronounced the nearer the ligature is placed to the ventricle, but stands in no distinct relation to its duration. “If the ligature is untied whilst the tetanus still continues, the pres- sure sinks at once to the normal value, the beats become again more numerous, at first still frequent, and gradually become more seldom, and at the same time higher. If now a new ligature is placed above the ligature spot, tetanus can no more be produced.” Luciani remarks expressly that “the tetanus of the heart does not consist of single contractions placed one above another like an ordinary muscular tetanus.” “The con- tinual condition of contraction appears to be quite independent of the individual beats, and can be called a muscle-tonus in a certain sense of the word.” Dr Kronecker was at first inclined to accede to this expla- nation of Luciani, and that the more so, as he could obtain somewhat similar curves from the voluntary muscles upon throwing them into tonic contractions by strong constant currents, and applying single induction-shocks in rhythmical sequence to the corresponding nerves (Wundt, Arch. f. Anat. und Phys. von Reichert u. du Bois-Reymond, 1859, p. 549). The single contractions appeared upon the tonic curve. Upon our removing the membranous valve from the Mariotte’s flask, and replacing it by the system of stop-cocks already deseribed, the CHARACTERISTIC SIGN. OF CARDIAC MUSCULUR MOVEMENT. 343 appearance of the “ligature-tetanus” altered ina manner which excited our suspicions, When he shut off the cavity of the heart completely by means of a stop-cock towards the pressure- vessel, so that the fluid could only pass towards the manometer, and now placed a ligature upon the auricle or ventricle, the column of mercury rose at once just as with Luciani, but it remained, after it had fallen only a little, at a high point until we opened the stop-cock, and slowly allowed the pres- sure of the Mariotte’s flask to govern the whole system of tubes. From this it appeared as if the continuing elevation of the diastolic pressure lay in the arrangement of the experiment. The process could then be explained in the following manner: as soon as the ligature begins to tighten round the heart, systoles follow as frequently as possible, which empty the auricles and ventricles into the manometer. If now the loop is drawn tight round the auricles, the part above the ligature is no longer passable for the fluid streaming back during the next diastole. The thereby diminished cardiac cavity contains, in the condition of diastole, only a part of the blood or serum previously present in the larger section of the heart. The remainder, which must remain in the manometer, is therefore greater; the more the cavity of the heart is limited, the deeper the ligature is applied. The original tolerably rapid sinking of the manometer column could be explained by the assumption that the wall of the auricle, folded under the ligature, yields some- what to the high pressure. If the ligature is loosened, the blood- pressure falls at once to the old level. The beats, which had become very small under the influence of the abnormally high _. pressure, became again larger. A new ligature close above the previously ligatured spot causes no new stimulus more. The fluid is distributed on both sides of the ligature; the tetanus does not appear. This view of the peculiar increase of pressure is supported by Bowditch, whose views upon “cardiac tetanus” correspond essentially with the above. The reason why, in the experi- ments of Luciani, the diastolic pressure did not continue at the height, but by gradually sinking gave the impression of a slowly-sinking cardiac tetanus, must, in consequence of our new control-observations, be placed in the apparatus itself. The 344 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. ingenious arrangement of the membranous valve, which during the short increase of pressure from the cardiac side was quite sufficient to shut off the Mariotte’s flask from the manometer, was not sufficient to prevent continually the hydrostatic equi- librium between the manometer and the flask from being gradually restored. The distended membrane covered origin- ally with its central part the orifice of exit from the flask. But “the membrane is at one part of the wall finely perforated” (loc. cit. p. 117), in order to render possible the access of the nutrient fluid to the heart. In the closed space filled with serum (loc. cit. p. 116, Fig. 1a) in which the valve was placed, no fluid could pass through the hole in the membrane, if an exit was not furnished somewhere, or the surrounding wall could be widened at one part. On all sides the space is bounded by rigid walls. Only the membranous valve itself, which closes the space above towards the Mariotte’s flask, and below towards the manometer, is itself moveable. Rendered tense by virtue of the pressure in the manometer, it favours the exit of fluid through the puncture, in that it becomes less and less tense, and makes room in the valve-space for the drops coming from the side of the heart. Lastly, the outflow from the Mariotte’s flask is free, and the equilibrium is restored in the whole system, exactly as suddenly occurs when the mem- brane is pressed down (Luciani, loc. cit. p. 181). To this explanation of the “cardiac tetanus” there is op- posed a deduction of Luciani, which is based upon observations on hearts which were ligatured apart from the apparatus, and thereafter brought in connection with the manometer, and which wrote a series of contractions whose extent increases gradatim. Such a series of beats he characterised as “auf- steigende Treppe” of the “Anfallsgruppe” (loc. cit. pp. 128 and 124), He regarded such a “treppe” as a masked tetanus, Now, in that the single beats which appear upon the sinking tetanus-curve always become larger, (and with opened valve the position of the abscissa is only estimated by the posi- tion of the pressure-bottle,) immaterial whether the heart on its being attached to the apparatus is contracted or relaxed, so the series of beats projected from the tetanus-curve to the abscissa represent a “treppe.” At first, almost com- a CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 345 pletely contracted, the heart cannot expel a sufficient amount of serum to close the valve and raise the column of mercury. “When, however, the tetanus, as it usually does, gradually yields, then fluid penetrates into the cavity of the heart under the pressure of the bottle, just in proportion as the yielding of the cardiac wall increases, ¢.e. as the (tonic) con- traction present in it has diminished. If, while this occurs, a new stimulus to rhythmical contraction again returns, then the first of these stimuli will meet a heart filled with a small quantity of fluid, and therefore propel only a little into the manometer, whilst the following ones act upon a heart more and more filled, and accordingly will produce elevations of the mercury successively increasing in size” (loc. cit. p. 180). According to this, the systoles would only really increase, because the diastoles become deeper, and the process would have a certain analogy with the tonic condition which we have observed in mobile hearts, which, irritated by intermittent stimuli, contracted so frequently, that their diastoles remained incomplete ; only that in this case the high point of the tonus did not exceed the highest point of the first systole. After satisfying ourselves of the increase in pressure, and having seen that we could obtain an “aufsteigende Treppe,” when we allowed the heart, shut off from the Mariotte’s flask, to beat, we must look somewhere else for an explanation of the remarkable phenomenon. Bowditch had already followed this carefully under very varying conditions, and showed that the ventricle of the frog’s heart filled with rabbit’s serum was distinguished from other transversely striped muscles, in that a contraction executed after a pause of some minutes, is not larger, but smaller than the previous ones. “Each (in intervals of several seconds) successive one increased in extent, in this way however, that with the increasing number of contractions the increase becomes smaller and smaller, till it at last disappears ” (loc. cit. p. 156). From the maximum when reached, the “curve of fatigue” falls with its convexity directed towards the abscissa, and this ‘the steeper the smaller the interval chosen between the stimuli (loc. cit. p. 161). The fatigued apex of the heart can, to a certain extent, be again strengthened by replacing the VOL. IX. 23 346 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. used serum with new serum. The energising power of the heart is lessened as well by long rest, as by continued work. The remarkable discovery of Luciani, that a heart filled with serum, and ligatured round the auricles, executed spon- taneously periodical groups of beats, and pausing for a time between these groups, afforded an opportunity of observing under varied conditions, the course of a series of beats after pauses of different durations. It was shown that the first groups of a simple ligatured heart, after pauses of one or more minutes, seldom show the “treppe,” whilst the later groups on the contrary, or even those of a heart twice ligatured (loc. cit. Tables, p. 148, &c.), especially under the influence of a higher tem- perature, presented the phenomenon in a pronounced manner (pp. 163, 168, &c.). The treppe-like increase was never to be observed on the seldom pulse-groups of the cooled (4°—7’) heart. If fresh serum is supplied to the registering heart after the effete stuff is removed, it is seen “that the beats within the groups become more numerous and frequent, that the medium height of the excursion increases considerably, that the de- scending ‘treppen’ fall more steeply, and the pauses become shorter” (loc. cit. p. 162). The fact that the groups of the fatigued heart show the “treppe” unequally more frequently than those of the fresh heart, engendered the wish to test whether the changed serum in the heart diminished the productive power of the organ. Haller had already made the observation (Zlement. Phys, 1762, Tom, Iv. p. 546) that the muscles of the skeletons, in which the blood has stagnated through ligature of the veins, become paralytic. If we assume that the heart decomposes its contents very rapidly, and that it suffers from the spoiled fluid, but is very easily restored by small quantities of fresh stuff, we can conceive that after long injurious rest the first small contraction expels some of the effete serum from the heart; that this is mixed in the glass tube with fresh serum, and of this, at the next dia- stole, new particles are brought in contact with the muscles of the heart, which being hereby strengthened renders the next high pulse possible, which again procures fresh material, until the mixture in the heart and the ascending tube has CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 347 become tolerably uniform, and places a limit to further reco- very. To prove this assumption we have sought to perfect the renewal of the contents of the heart, and for this purpose have employed the “double-channelled cannula” already de- scribed (p. 316). The effect of such a method of transfusion, which permits of the heart being fed with a continual current of nutrient fluid, is of much greater importance, than was formerly supposed. We succeeded in obtaining beats, by means of bloody rabbit's serum, from hearts which had beat for a long time, and which had already become weak. The beats were higher than those of fresh hearts simply filled with analogous serum. When we fatigued the apex of the frog’s heart by succes- sive rhythmical induction-shocks, then allowed several minutes rest, and then transfused serum or solution of salt mixed with rabbit’s blood, the next stimuli caused beats, which were con- siderably higher than the last ones before the pause. The “treppe” disappeared sometimes completely. (Fig. 20.) Old serum, used two days previously, but preserved in the ice-cellar, rapidly diminished the energising power of a heart filled with it. The next figure illustrates the latter part of an experiment in which a heart’s apex, after it had been periodically stimu- lated for several hours, and was almost completely exhausted (height of pulse 2,5 mm.), through transfusion (Tf.) of fresh rabbit’s serum was again completely strengthened, so that the height of the beats rose to 13,5 mm., whilst the heart taken from the living animal and attached to the apparatus with the same serum wrote only 10,5 mm. high beats. (Fig. 21.) The “treppe” appeared now, by stimuli in 5" interval, flat, ascending, after 1 minute’s rest; short but distinct after 1,75’ rest, whilst serum was transfused through the heart; no longer after 2’ rest, whilst during the latter transfusion was performed; it appeared very markedly after 2’ rest, without transfusion, ~ In warmed hearts (25°-30°) the serum very soon loses its restorative properties, After a short pause a distinct “treppe” appears. Still the heart recovers again very perfectly on fresh nutrient stuff being supplied; when washed out it regains during the pause the temporary maximum of its capa- 23—2 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. 348 | a -q1vol] YSOTF OY} JO 4¥Oq 4SIY oO} SY SIT Sv St YOTA ‘“yvoq v syUUT J “UOIsHy -suva} JOYITA Sor Z 10478 (F) ‘MoIsNFsUBIy ITA ysor ,Z 109ze (g) “({Z) WoISsnysUVI} GTM yor SLT Joye (Z) “MorsnyzsuBsy jou (yz) sor oFRUTUL T 107;8-(T) ‘Syooys-uoHonput Zuyuedo yp ,,¢ JO S[BATOFUT 4B poyw[nURyS ‘qxeoq 8013 yo xody WAL 8d 0st AL EEL ‘T SLX % as nn Ay Ay > "Tg ernst ‘MOISNJSUBI} JNOYIIM 4Se1 ,g SoLLes-os[ud JeFUo] B 10778 ‘£81 £ (fz) pesnsavsy ora umies Lpoolq ysery JO S10}9UIT}UEO OID MOF BV YOGA Supp ‘Ff JO SUOTSNJsUBs} JNOT}TM |p JO “¢ Jo (w/e) seyurut Z Jo yser Jo spouted ‘spotted-ostnd 4z0qs Uoomyog *,F JO S[BALOJUT 4B ZF 09 JO Sooys-uoNonpuT Buruedo yqIM poye[RUTHs 4zvaq 8,Sory Jo xody wb fL UF TAI anne ener yy Sa “0% ornst7 CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 349 bility of energising; no “treppe” being manifested. A fresh heart at the ordinary temperature of the room, as already shown, can without essentially suffering, tolerate serum for a few minutes (2), even when this is not quite fresh, but has not yet been used for circulation. The beats following in moderate intervals (5”) are then nearly equally high. _ If during a pause of 2’ the heart is washed out with bloody serum, then the next beats are considerably higher than those before the pause, and form a “descending treppe” (“absteigende Treppe”). (Fig. 22.) This phenomenon corresponds to the result of Luciani. The first groups after the onset (Anfall) are characterised by the “descending treppe.” Its most frequent form (with greater frequency of beats) is that of a curve which has its convexity directed towards the abscissa; sometimes it is completely or nearly a straight line (loc. cit. p. 141). If on the contrary the heart is no longer fresh, but the serum fresh and nutritious, the current through the passive heart cannot cause the “treppe” to disappear, although it begins from a higher level than the “treppe” after a pause without a current, (Fig. 23.) Frequently one beat in a richly nourished heart is sufficient to produce for the heart its maximum of energising power. After a short pause (half a minute), the next beats then appear descending without transfusion; but with a maximum height which is lower than that of the previous beats. If we would explain the partial persistence of the “treppe” without transfusion, we must assume that the fresh nutrient - fluid cannot expel the injurious fluid which accumulates in the muscular tissue, out of the passive heart, but can only accomplish this when these stuffs have been pressed into the cavity of the heart, out of the spaces, by the contraction itself. (Fig. 24.) Our next task would have been to investigate at which period of rest the recovery of non-transfused hearts is great- est. This question however has been sufficiently answered in the case of the apex of the frog’s heart filled with rabbit’s serum, by the exact results of Bowditch (loc. cit. p. 160). From this experiment it is shown “that the highest elevation which the apex of the heart filled with fresh serum can DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. 350 YG IuS ak: hi Bea at pale a *MOISNJsUvI} JNOTIIM osned saynuIM F Joye (g) ‘WorsnjsuvITy qIIA osned soynurut F Ioyye (Z) ‘uoTSHJsuBI}, ynoyIA osned Sonu F Jayy (1) “7% Jo Spearoqur 48 (4 9T) SYOOUS-UoTonpUr YIM poyspnurys furns0s Ysory YIM Wg} ‘plo yA por[ddns Aysnoraerd y21v0q jo xedy UPL ut 4L UF TAA TY TM »>—- "eG Ody “MOTSHJSUBIZ TIM SOT SOFNUTUT OMY LOyye (g) “TOTSNJSMVI} JNOTITIA 4SOI SoFNUTUT OA I9qze (z) ‘MOIsnyjsuvsy MOTTA yor SoFNUTUT OM4 10478 (T) ,g JO STearoquy 48 (7 09) SYooys-uoToNpur Sutuedo yy ATTworpored poywmums ‘yes WOULUIOD JO UOT}NIOS B YIM poynitp puv ‘Avp snoraoid oy} wosy poaroserd wINJes $,41qqQ¥I ITA poly *‘yavoyq sZo7y jo xody SLL "GG OINSLT CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 351 accomplish, appears at an interval of between four and five seconds; if the interval is lengthened, the height of the eleva- tion diminishes continually, until it, according to the individu- ality of the heart, with a pause of five minutes, reaches a minimum, below which even longer rest cannot diminish it; and not Jess does the extent of the contractions sink, when the interval is shortened from four to two seconds.” The fatigued muscle of the skeleton without the circulation conducts itself qualitatively similarly (Ueber die Ermiidung und Erholung d. Muskeln, Arb. aus d. phy. Anstalt, 1871, pp. 217 and 218). “The interval which permitted the maximum of recovery was three minutes. The maximum recovery is however not nearly so complete, when we take into account only the muscles of dead animals.” The contraction in the example cited increases “rapidly with the interval increasing to 30 seconds, then lowers to 3 minutes, remaining nearly equal, when the periods of rest increase to 4 or 5 minutes, probably because after exhausting work death rapidly proceeds.” Already C. Ludwig and Schmidt concluded from their investigations that in every stage of the fatigued muscle (a warm-blooded animal) there is in the course of its activity a diminishing maximum contrac- tion reached by rest and blood, but which is not exceeded. It has also been shown that just as the amount of the possible capability of energising of a muscle diminishes with every new tetanic contraction, so in a similar manner the duration of resistance to want of blood diminishes with every interruption of the circulation (Arbeit. aus d. phy. Anstalt zu Leipzig, 1868, pp. 26 and 24). We can now prove from the results obtained, whether it is reliable to regard the “treppe” as the expression of an in- creasing process of recovery. We know that the beats of the registering heart otome larger : (1) When the nutrient fluid is renewed to a heart already fatigued (Hoffa and Ludwig, loc. cit. p. 135; Cyon, loc. cit. p. 89; Bowditch, loc. cit. p. 162; Luciani, loc. cit. p. 163). (2) When short periods of rest increase. Bowditch showed this with the heart’s apex stimulated electrically, and Luciani observed it in groups of spontaneous beats (loc. cit. Fig. 20, p. 141). 352 DR: KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. (3) When after a longer pause the heart begins again to beat, sometimes after injury : (a) By mechanical violence (ligature). (Bowditch, loc. cit. p. 172.) (6) By chemical lesions (treatment with muscarin and delphinin (Bowditch). (c) By increased decomposition at higher temperature (Cyon, Bowditch,-Luciani). (d) By continued activity (Luciani). All these results may be grouped together, regarded from one point of view; the cardiac muscles can only act equally with the help of continually new nutrient material. According to this (2) and (3) are subdivisions of (1). Luciani regarded the “treppe” as a sign of diminished activity of contraction (increasing relaxation, if not as a sign of increased activity in the sense of diastole).. The following results, however, speak against this view; one obtains the increasing series of beats, even when the heart, which has executed a “treppe,” is completely shut off from the reservoir, and stands in connection with the manometer alone. If now the diastoles instead of the systoles increased, the heart must register nega- tive pressures ; or if it was not in a condition to aspirate, certainly no positive ones. That during most extensive diastoles, it sucks through its muscular walls fluid from the bath, in order to propel it into the manometer at the following systole, no physiologist can really believe; and whoever is inclined to do so, can easily convince himself that even without a serum bath the heart registers its “treppe” when it has a tendency to this mode of beating. Bowditch was led by his experimental results to the neces- sary assumption “that during the pause between the con- tractions of the heart in opposition to the conditions, which (after short rest) increase the extent of the contraction, still other conditions arise which diminish the extent of the contrac- tion.” The extreme rapidity, with which the heart, even when filled with serum, in comparison with the muscles of the skeleton, loses its capability of energising, leads one to conjecture an extinguishing caused by nervous influence; and this view is confirmed by the fact that atropine, which is known as a poison CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT, 353 which paralyses the vagus, can diminish the injurious influence of rest upon the heart. On the relations of the atropinised heart during active cir- culation we have collected no results, still it is not impossible that this poison, in that it renders the tissues more lax, acts beneficially on nutrition. Under such a supposition there is nothing to set aside the fundamental laws from which our experiment began ; “that the reason why the apex of the heart contracts to different ex- tents, is to be sought for in the changeable properties of the muscular fibre itself.” Kronecker, in muscles of the skeleton excised from a winter frog, has observed a phenomenon analo- gous to the “treppe,” for which the modification of irritability of Wundt cannot be made to account, in that, the stimuli employed were maximal (loc. cit. p. 204). The knowledge which we have obtained in an analytic way has also been confirmed by us synthetically. If the heart is deprived of its nutrient material it rapidly loses its capability of energising, and regains it quite as quickly when it is fed anew. If the blood or serum present in the cavity of the heart is displaced by non-injurious solution of salt (0,6 per cent.) the beats sink very rapidly till they are not obvious ; soon there re- main only weak peristaltic movements; and lastly the heart stands still in diastole, quite incapable, even after the strongest stimuli, of executing the smallest movement. If the relaxed organ ts thoroughly washed out with blood serum containing oxygen, it soon begins to make fibrillar contractions, then to beat feebly, until at last it works quite as powerfully as in the fresh con- dition. If after the heart has become empty of blood and seems to be dead, the system of tubes is filled with serum or bloody salt solution and the stopcock to the reservoir be closed, one may observe the most beautiful “treppe” arise. The negative picture of this process one cannot obtain so completely. When the heart containing blood is brought into connection with the system of tubes filled with pure solution of salt, the small amount of blood, in spite of its rapid dilution with the moved indifferent fluid, can preserve the heart capable of doing a moderate 354 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. amount of work, for a considerable time. Every further trans- fusion diminishes the store and the production. Of course this result is valid quite as well for the artificially stimulated ven- _tricle as for the spontaneously beating heart. Not only on the hearts of frogs (whose hearts, so long as they are sound and well, do not permit solution of salt [0,6 per cent.] to transfuse), but also on those of tortoises we have performed the experiment. The following three pieces of curves, obtained from the heart of a tortoise, may serve to exhibit the above formulated rule. The heart was provided with two cannule. The first one was tied into one of the cave and attached to the end of the system of tubes communicating with the Mariotte’s flask; whilst the other cannula was placed in the aorta and in connection with the manometer end of the tubular system. So the heart took up the nutrient fluid into the right auricle through the vein, when the passage to the pressure-bottle was opened, and allowed it to flow by the aorta through the outflow-tube, or forced its contents into the registering manometer, when the outlet from _ the outflow-tube was closed. After the heart had been washed out for some time with bloody rabbit’s serum it marked beats of which the first piece of Fig. 25, 1, gives an example. After a short washing out with solution of salt it made contractions such as are given in the second group (I). When it was transfused for 14 minutes with salt water the height of the beats (111) sank rapidly in irregular degrees, till they almost disappeared. (Fig. 25.) Longer than 12 minutes, the heart showed fibrillar move- ments, whilst the level of the column in the manometer re- mained unchanged, After this, solution of salt mixed with blood (5:1) brought the beats again to their former height, and after this, pure solution of salt caused them to disappear. Afterwards, when the heart was again washed out with blood, it wrote off the curve copied in Fig. 26. Two further small washings out with the bloody fluid brought the heart to continuing equable work. The beats, of which a series is figured in Fig. 27, 11, are equal in height to the most powerful (sub. 1. repeated) of the quite fresh heart. (Fig. 27.) We have, therefore, four times completely extinguished the heart’s capability of energising, by transfusion of an_ 4 4 CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 355 *SpMO00S YIVUL SOUT] OTT, ‘(y) Jo woHefnoso seSu0y soyFYy “TTT “(xy) ('yH90 od 9.9) yTes Jo MOTNTOS TTA (spuooes OT) UOISNZsUBI} yZ0qS Bw ob soy (3) UENIES ,syIqqur Apoorq WAT (ff) UoIsNysUVIy uo] Io¥Fy “T “4[snooUVyTOds BuTWwaq 9510}104 Jo 42vOH ‘gg fzt—--z N/i0t IU XM £d,,06 lr UR A 2 ee i! bike bei “ili bee “a otis Bie! et CU ti: ot | ) Hh | | 1s >— "eG emmstT *£I9A0001 SNOTAQO I[NUIT}S SATOOZOUT OT} Zarmq “UIBS8 F OOL W0N} ‘7 OG 0} TTHUIT}S TTB SIT} ToWFB “OATIOOO T GGT Voy} ‘oatjowut gy Og ‘umes Ysory YY UOTsNysuBIy pu ‘osned soynuTUT g ‘HT GOT 4q tory “BINUTTFS OATIOOHS OY} OLOJOY * F JO S[VALOJUT 4B SOL}ISUO}UT yUOLEYTpP Jo syooys-uoTjonpur Aq poys_nMNs yrvey jo xody JLXY LOL 4 Og 80x ,,08 I 00T I Set LOG WY BL A OOT aes) ae aa an if it | la o>. . ‘FS Ooms 356 _ DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. “(pola =) “poor JO OINZXTU OT} Y}IM suorsnjsuvsy AuvU sv ond puw (yy) yes Jo woos Jo suoIsnjsuvsy poywoder F 19IzB ‘sy8oq 009 UY} oLoUr Joy “TT *(g) UMIES syrqqeuI Spootq YIM Yserg *[ *A[snoouvyuods Suryestnd es104103 jo yaveET al ats I Zit+WE IT PUEUPCUUNPEPPE CUTE Pee eepe ee aper rape tyre epee epee eepeene PUN PPOUOpee POPPE Ape eeepc epee agen anny I} HM eee il | | | WA I | HH sees a Sa ee = LL “»— ‘93 oIndty ; CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 357 indifferent fluid, and equally as often completely restored it by the supply of blood. Astonishingly small quantities of blood are sufficient for this. A few cubic centimeters of a solution of salt, which contained about 0,5 per cent. of old rabbit’s blood, brought the pulse-heights of a heart of a tortoise in a few seconds, from 0 to 12—14mm., and maintained them for a long time as high. Thus it is explicable why excised frogs’ hearts often beat for a long time without any new supply of material. The weak contractions require little expendi- ture. The weak cold heart acting under pressure conducts itself similarly, whilst the warmed one, rapidly exhausts its nutrient material by powerfully energising. In addition, the decomposition of the contents in the passive heart is accelerated by heat, and hindered by cold; therefore, in the first case, the restimulated ventricle begins its work with a steep “treppe,” in the latter with a flat or almost invisible one. After these results it will not appear wonderful, that injections of solu- tion of salt after transfusion of blood, often at the begin- ning have a restorative effect, although the system of tubes was previously freed from blood. The blood-corpuscles remain- ing in the cannula and the cavities of the heart itself, as above shown, are able to give back to the muscles of the heart washed out with a rapid current, a part of the material employed for work, If these residues, however, which sometimes remain longer in the trabecular work of the heart of the tortoise than in that of the frog, are removed by solution of salt, then the remainder of the force rapidly disappears. In this respect also, we find a resemblance between the heart and the muscles of the skeleton in which Kronecker “found the circulation of solution of salt’ completely indifferent before a highly produc- _ tive transfusion of exceedingly dilute solution [0,01 per cent.] of permanganate of potash,” whilst after the injection of the restora- tive ozone-carrier, transfusion of pure (0,5 per cent.) solution of salt, “showed such a small restorative activity, that one might ascribe it to the remainder of the permanganate of potash dis- placed from the supply-tube” (Arb. aus d. physiolog. Anstalt zu Leipzig, 1871, p. 183). Also on Plate rv. of that paper the “minimal effect of a solution of salt circulating through a frog’s muscle, in comparison with the action of blood, is represented 358 DR KRONECKER AND DR STIRLING. from nature ; on Plate v. complete inactivity of the neutral solu- tion. Johannes Ranke reckons me wrongly, in the last edition of his Physiology, among the supporters of his doctrine of effete stuffs. We have always till now silently presumed, that the recovery by blood-transfusion is due to an increase of the capability for energising, and not to an increase of the excitability. It is easy to prove on a ventricle not pulsating spontaneously, that the strength of the minimal stimuli by no means increases with the heights of the beats. With the same stimuli which the fresh, powerful heart requires for its great contractions, the salt heart, as a rule, continues to beat until its movements are extin- guished. Strengthened stimuli do not help it—according to the fundamental law of the movement of the heart confirmed by our experiments—to increased energy. For a fatigued cardiac muscle, filled with old blood or serum, much weaker impulses are often sufficient to cause it to energise, than are necessary for the fresh heart. For the cardiac ventricle, already strongly fatigued, which yielded the curve given in Fig. 5, 46 units were sufficient to produce beats, whilst when it was strengthened by transfusion it required 120 units in order to write off the curve given in Fig, 24, Bowditch also remarked that “in order to obtain a certain effect, it was not necessary to increase the intensity of the induction-currents, when the extent of the contraction was increased by muscarin, or the size of burden had diminished by fatigue.” On the contrary he found that the susceptibility “was increased by a series of contractions” and diminished by long rest (loc. cit. p. 175). The meaning of this peculiarity we have already pointed out at the beginning of this paper. We have recognised the heart as an organ, with whose energising powers no manufactured machine can in the most remote degree be compared. So small in size, that a con- sumption of particles of tissue as the material for work—as many physiologists assert of the muscles of the skeleton— would completely consume it within a short time, it is almost immediately capable of energising as soon as it is nourished, i ET ROAR ea ee f CHARACTERISTIC SIGN OF CARDIAC MUSCULAR MOVEMENT. 359 and employs the forces at its disposal, in the most complete and most careful manner for work. It completely loses its property of energising as soon as it is deprived of food, does not nourish itself therefore from its own substance, but continues without wasting, when well nourished and not maltreated, for an un- limited length of time. _Not every most gentle impulse is sufficient to cause it to act, but when it has once been set in action, then less powerful impulses are sufficient to continue its movement. It always works with full force, and in fitting tempo ; little disturbed by untimely impulses, not at all affected by a change in the strength of the stimulus, as its destiny to constant regular exactions of relatively greater weights demands. _Under the same conditions (heat), which increase the decomposition of the nutrient stuffs, the mobility of its parts increases. The external conditions (cold), which diminish metamorphosis, make it at the same time more sluggish. On the contrary, the heart is of little use as a reser- voir. Even when at rest it extracts from the contents touching its walls, a part of their work-material, and is, therefore, at the beginning of its activity, not in complete possession of its capa- bility of energising, without being supplied by new material. DIGESTION-OVEN WITH A DIFFUSION APPARATUS’. By Dr Huco Kronecker. In the Chemical Laboratory of the Pathological Institute of Berlin, in the year 1856, under W. Kiihne’s direction, I made experi- ments on the digestion in-the stomach, and tried to separate the stomach-ferment by diffusion from the peptones mixed with it, Graham’s dialyser appeared to me to be inconvenient, and not easily kept free from impurities, and, further, was not suited to hold together the small quantities of gastric juice which I had at command—as Fig. 1. ’ From Beitriige zur Anatomie und Physiologie als Festgabe Carl Ludwig gewidmet von seinen Schiilern, Leipzig, 1875. FO Pia al ee ocala cs ae a DR KRONECKER. DIGESTION-OVEN. 361 I wished to compare the amount of pepsin contained in horizontal sections of the stomach of the pigeon made at different heights. My desire was to possess a dialyser, whose form gave the largest surface with small contents, and thereby remained free from constituents which are easily proved to contain impurities. Vegetable parchment and glass supplied the best materials. After many attempts in trying to make the diffusion-paper into tubes, the most simple and convenient form was found to be the folded filter. If it is placed in a glass funnel, and is filled with the solution to be diffused, there only remains the task of keeping the outer fluid which should take up the diffused stuffs, at the same level as the fluid within. This was obtained at first by another vessel, which was united by means of a caoutchouc tube to the tube of the funnel, and _ allowed the fixing of the level of the diffusion-fluid. Later, the instrument was perfected in Leipzig. The collective apparatus is intended to complete as rapidly as possible the digestion of a comparatively large quantity of nutrient material, to render the product of the same easily drawn off, and to retain the active ferment as undiminished as_possible. For this purpose the following arrangement was found to be most effective, Fig. 1 gives a view of the whole apparatus. A cylindrical tin vessel, 7, 18 Ctm. in height, and 20 Ctm. in diameter, is filled with water, whose temperature must be kept con- stant by a temperature regulator, 4. A brass stop-cock, g, renders the emptying the vessel more convenient. The lid has two openings. In the central one of about 9°5 Ctm, diameter there hangs a tubular glass, e (Fig. 2), 10 Ctm. in height and 9 Ctm. lumen, and held firm by means of margins bent out to 10 Ctm. in width. The other narrow opening is for the mercury-vessel of the regu- lator. The outflow tube with the glass stop-cock, f is fixed in the tube of the glass, and penetrates at / (Hig. 1) the wall of the digestive oven, and is kept water-tight by means of a cork. In the glass is suspended an acute-pointed funnel with the tube cut off, and whose wall, 2 Ctm. below the upper margin, is perforated by a number of holes (dd) of the sizeof a farthing. In the funnel, Fig. 2, lies loose a folded filter of parchment paper, which reaches to the margin. The directions given by Wolffhuegel (Ueber Pepsin und Fibrinverdauung ohne Pepsin, Pfliiger’s Arch. fiir Physiologie, Bd. vir. 1873, p. 189) for the use of my dialyser are worthy of note; not to allow the folds to run to the apex, to avoid cracks, to moisten the paper previously, but to leave the upper margin of the filter dry, so that the inner fluid may not go over externally. If it is intended to accelerate the digestive process, it is, as is known, advantageous to remove as rapidly as possible the peptones already formed from the solution. __ The dialyser does this when one keeps the fluid bathing it. free from peptones. ‘To render this as convenient as possible a Mariotte’s flask, c, whose bottom contains three holes, is placed on the glass; one hole near the centre, the other two near the periphery. Through VOL. IX. 24 362 -DR KRONECKER. one of the marginal holes a glass tube, a, 5 Ctm. wide, is passed water- tight, so that it projects 2 Ctm. into the funnel between the glass wall and the parchment filter. In the tube is a moveable tapered glass rod which acts as a valve. The pointed end of the valve projects below beyond the tube, so that it is supported by the wall of the funnel as soon as the flask is placed on the diffusion-glass. An ascending tube, 6, fills the second marginal hole and ends in an obliquely ground opening 2 Ctm. below the bottom of the flask. Fig. 2. When the flask is filled with fluid and placed upon the diffusion- funnel in such a way that the ascending tube remains as a valve — outside the filter, then the contents run into the funnel and glass, > a en FER AE OF at las DIGESTION-OVEN WITH A DIFFUSION APPARATUS. 365 until the opening of the ascending tube is closed by the level of the fluid. The fluid is then hindered from escaping by the valve-tube, through the pressure of the outer air, which cannot equalise with that contained in the flask, until the level is caused to fall, and permit bubbles of air to rise through the ascending tube. Thus the level of the fluid under the margin of the filter is kept constant at the series of holes; through these holes the interchange of fluids outside and inside the funnel in the glass is favoured. During the diffusion a vigorous circulation takes place, in that the fluid within the funnel, because of the absorbed peptones, is heavier than that outside, and passes away by the lower opening of the funnel and permits more dilute solution to enter by the series of holes. If it is desired to renew completely the fluid outside the filter, one only requires to empty the diffusate through the outflow tube f. It is filled with dilute HCl from the Mariotte’s flask-system. A thermometer which projects into the Mariotte’s flask permits of the temperature in the digestion-chamber being regulated. The method of obtaining pure albuminous bodies by dialysis as practised specially by Alexander Schmidt and his scholars, made it desirable to change the water outside the dialyser very often. For ' this purpose our apparatus is easily arranged. One has only to see that the used supply of water in the Mariotte’s flask can at every time be renewed. Remove the thermometer, cork up the hole in the bottom of the flask, and place a funnel tightly into the neck of the same, and close air-tight the tube of the funnel from above by a glass rod covered with a piece of caoutchouce. If the flask is empty and the level of the water somewhat fallen in the diffusion-glass, raise the glass rod which acts as a stopper and filter the former through the funnel in a few seconds. One has to take care that the funnel for filling is closed, before the fluid in the diffusion-funnel has risen so near to the margin of the filter, that it is likely to pass over into the already diffused material. 24—2 ON A LARGE ORGANISED CYST IN THE SUB-DURAL SPACE. By J. C. Ewart, M.B., late Junior Demonstrator of Anatomy in-the University of Edinburgh, and now Curator of the Museum, University College, London. On removing the skull-cap of a male subject in the dissecting- room of the University of Edinburgh, the dura mater of the left side was seen to vary greatly in colour. The inner portion from half an inch to an inch and a half in breadth, bounded by the superior longitudinal sinus internally, and by a wavy line externally, was of a pale and somewhat milky appearance. The outer portion, extending from the wavy line as far as the cut margin of the bone, was dark brown, mottled with green. On reflecting the dura mater towards the right side it was found to be. quite normal in appearance, and the dark colour to be due to a large cyst occupying the sub-dural space extending along the whole length of the left cerebral hemisphere, By raising the upper border of this cyst it was found to vary from a quarter of an inch in its transverse diameter at the edges, to an inch and a quarter in the centre, and the outer surface of the hemisphere on which it was lying to be so compressed as to be concave antero- posteriorly and from above downwards, and slightly displaced towards the right side. There were no adhesions between the wall of the cyst and the membranes under it, nor was there any appearance of disease of the part of the cerebrum which had been thus compressed, but the dura mater adhered slightly to the outer surface of the cyst and required to be separated from it by the handle of the scalpel. The cyst nearly occupied the whole length of the left side of the cranial cavity, but did not extend into the base. A thin vascular membrane extended from the margin as far as the superior longi- tudinal sinus above and to the crista galli and over the greater part of the tentorium cerebelli below. After removal it was found to be oval in shape, about the size of a kidney, measuring seven and a half inches anteroposteriorly, two and a half inches transversely at the broadest part, and varying in thickness from four lines at the margin to an inch and a quarter in the centre, The surface lying on the left hemisphere was paler but more vascular than the one in contact with the dura mater. The vessels radiated from a central plexus towards the vascular membrane already mentioned, and passing through it were connected with those of the dura mater, The walls were firm and fibrous, and measured from two to three lines in thickness except at the margins, where they were from four to six lines. The sac contained a dark brown fluid in which were numerous soft fibrinous masses resembling softened and broken down blood-clots. Adhering to the inside of the sac was a thick fibrinous layer, firm externally, but soft and friable towards the centre. : On microscopic examination the fluid contents were found to be | chiefly composed of blood-corpusecles lying amongst a large quantity — of granular matter, The red corpuscles were shrunk and very { 1 —— eR MR EWART. ORGANISED CYST IN THE SUB-DURAL SPACE, 365 irregular, and many of them seemed as if in the act of breaking down into granules similar to those around them. The soft masses were chiefly composed of fine fibrous bands forming a network, in the spaces of which were blood-corpuscles and blood-crystals. Numerous groups of blood-crystals were seen amongst the granular matter and between the layers of connective tissue forming the wall of the cyst, thus accounting for its dark colour. The soft layer lining the sac only differed from the fluid contents in containing more fibrinous matter and having scattered through it or aggregated together numerous white blood-corpuscles, resembling in section a lymphatic gland or a mass of adenoid tissue. The proper wall of the sac was composed of fibrous tissue in different stages of development. The inner layers were most vascu- lar. Outside the vessels were numerous white blood-corpuscles, also spindle and branched cells apparently derived from these corpuscles, some of which were arranged in rows as if to form capillary blood- vessels, External to this layer fine fibres were lying amongst the cells, increasing in number as they approached the outer surface, where well-marked bundles of connective tissue with numerous nuclei around them, probably the nuclei of their cellular sheaths, were visible. On teasing the most external layers of the sac a number of fine elastic fibres were found between and around the bundles of connective tissue, some of them connected with nuclei, thus support- ing the view that elastic fibres are developed from the processes of branched cells. The smallest vessels lying in the inner layers of the wall of the sac were larger than ordinary capillaries, and had very thin walls ; those in the outer layers were small and less numerous, owing to the compression produced by the shrinking of the newly _ formed fibrous tissue. The vessels on the surface of the hemisphere lying under the cyst were empty and contracted, those between its margin and the middle line were distended and engorged with blood. On removing the membranes a small portion of the cerebral substance about half-way up the ascending frontal convolution was found softened. This softening only extended about a quarter of an inch into the substance. On slicing the brain no clots or softened parts were found, but the left lateral and third ventricles seemed to project a little beyond the middle line towards the right side. I obtained the following history from the physician who had charge of the case :— J. H., wt. 64, bargeman, was admitted into hospital for the treatment of a large abscess on the internal aspect of the left thigh. The abscess was opened and in three weeks after admission was nearly healed, and the general condition of the patient much im- proved, when he suddenly became insensible and comatose, as if suffering from compression of the brain, in which state he remained for nearly three days, On the evening of the third day he died, but for a short time before death he regained his consciousness. There was no exciting cause for this attack, which came on suddenly while he was lying quietly in bed. The patient had often been in hospital 306 MR EWART. : before, suffering from cold and general debility, the effects of ex- posure and intemperance, but there was no history of any special disease, nor of any previous attacks in any way resembling the one above described which so rapidly proved fatal. The only abnormal — condition noticed by the physician was indistinctness of speech with a tendency to “mouth” his words. From this history and the post- mortem appearances it seems evident that death resulted from the pressure produced by the cyst lying on the Jeft cerebral hemisphere. But as the walls of the cyst were composed of well-developed fibrous tissue it is also clear that it must have existed for some time previous to the attack. The conclusion then is that at some period—months or years—before the fatal attack a thin membrane was formed, which increased gradually at first, but three days before death, by a sudden extravasation of blood into its substance, caused compression of the brain. This membrane may either have originated from blood extravasated into the sub-dural space or from lymph effused, the result of inflammatory changes not uncommon in the cerebral mem- branes of drinkers. It may in the first place have originated from exuded lymph which afterwards was organized into connective tissue, the outer layers of which being most developed would by their shrinking compress and strengthen the superficial vessels, while those in the centre with thin dilatable walls lying amongst the soft organ- izing cells would be liable to distension and rupture when the blood pressure was increased. In this way small quantities of blood would be extravasated into the membrane from the inner vessels, separating the firmer layers of tissue on the surface from each other, and form- ing them into the walls of the sac. As the extravasations increased the sac would gradually become larger, and at the same time the walls would also increase in thickness through the migrating /ewco- cytes finding their way towards the periphery, and mingling with the already formed spindle-cells gradually get converted into connective tissue. While the sac continued to increase in this gradual manner there would be no sudden compression of the brain, and hence there were no marked symptoms nor any change except perhaps slight difficulty in articulating words. This might’ have been due to the pressure on the left frontal convolution, or to the want of teeth in the upper jaw. That considerable displacement of the brain if done gradually is possible without producing any symptoms is well known—the brain having time to accommodate itself to the circumstances ; whereas, when there is sudden compression, the symptoms are very decided and unmistakeable. In this case, when three days before death the patient became insensible and comatose, a larger amount of blood than usual must have suddenly been poured into the eyst, leading to sudden compression, the effects of which only for a short time dis- appeared when the brain had so far recovered from the shock as again to carry on to some extent its wonted functions. If instead of being the result of inflammation the cyst originated from blood extravasated from one of the meningeal arteries, the formation of the walls would be almost identieal with that described above, and with what takes place in an antiseptic blood-clot, In iphbe acon: Lagtostnebt oD Pt. a my. na PS ce set DR Om os onowrr HOC SO oooceo oS H19 aA q o 3 5 eS 2 nm 3 n o —_— = 2 2 g nm 2 — Ep ey = oa 3 | a yd 2 a & “mM a A re 2 ae E ey ies ee a ee ao) iit Spa we 3 3 mp =¥ = Bd = A mM sot if P *s 8 5 Ne a aa lagers 4 ANBDON | 5 Osc. aaa as gSgq te te ee ae hk © Hosanna p 5 > 19 16 21> > W219 G19 63 co oo ts AHANENOWM AwHO RAS See (on BA oe | $tt ttt +t+s =] ey) R 1919 INOMmMOMDA DON AiO H19 9 OD WHOS AAHMOANMHD NADA 1 2 3 + 5 6 /£- 8. 9. 10. Now since urea = UN,H,O = 60 it is evident that if urea becomes carbonate of ammonia by assuming two molecules of water, CN,H,O + 2 H,O =(NH,),CO,, it is evident that as much dilute sulphuric acid will be required for neutralization as if every 60 parts of urea con- tained 17 x2 of ammonia; but it is much easier to equate the sulphuric acid with soda NaHO = NH_HO and NaHO = 40 ; it fol- lows that if all the urea be decomposed into carbonate of ammonia and nothing else, 60 parts of urea will equal 80 of soda, and therefore every milligram of urea when decomposed will require as much H,SO, solution as corresponds to 1} mgm, of soda, Bearing this in mind we —_ Se — THE DECOMPOSITION OF UREA. 377 can understand the results in the last column of the above experi- ments, where the dried fungus, acting for 13 days, effected a variable amount of decomposition of the urea: the yeast had no effect, and in no. 4, where 256 mgms. urea were used, 23 cc. nitrate of mercury solution gave no yellow with solution of carbonate of soda, 25 cc. gave a tran- sient yellow, and 25-6 the ordinary yellow indicating excess of the nitrate. In the last 5 cases the decomposition was complete, and even more H,SO, was used than theory required, because of the ” ’ ” ” ~ 99 ” Ce ee .O.. O-. all a a ce wer see ~ ,, and gave 24 mgms. dried pp. ” ” ” ” ” ” os ee et a oe, ae ” ” ” ” ” ’ ” 5 sulph. acid, ’ ” ” ” ’ ? 99 ” ” ? 5) os) 5 Lee gnats is sh “ied peer a ae. ee ok eh oe 1. 100 mgms. urea + 5ece. H,O + 323 mgms. fungus req. 1°3 + 30 +37 + 45 + 36 Sos th VOL. IX. ho u - 378 5 MR REOCH. alkalinity of the putrid precipitate, which however could not have increased the result by more than 5—10 per cent., because only a small quantity was added. These results indicating that the urea is completely decomposed into an ammoniacal salt, it was desirable to -inquire whether the fungus increased in weight; for it is evident that 2. 30 mgms. fungus calc. at 40 per cent. = 12 mgs., but obtained 24 mgm 3 37 ,, ” ” =148 ,, ” 24 5, 4, 45 ,, ” ” =18 ” ” 22 55 h, 36 ,, ” ” = 144 ,, ” ee 6, 7 ” ” ” = 2.8 ” 9 85 ”? 7. 73 ” ” ” = 29:2 ” ” 21 ” 8 29 ” ” ” = 116 ” ” 18 ” some of the carbon might possibly be fixed in the process, and thus carbonate of ammonia might not be the only result. As the fungus did not appear to stand drying very well, I pressed it between fol.!s of blotting paper, and estimated, by drying two specimens in the water-bath, that they contained from 40—46 per cent. of solid matter. The solutions after standing for 12 days behind a stove were titrated with sulphuric acid, and a drop of tincture of litmus, and then the fungus was received on a weighed filter and dried in the water-bath. Now each ce. of sulph. acid corresponds to 114 mgms. of soda, and calculating the fungus which was added at 40 per cent. of its weight, we read the above table thus : 1. 100 mgms. urea = 133-3 mgms. soda, but 15-2 found 2. 9, ” = 132 ” ” 1231, B75, oe ee ee 1202, 4. 87 5, bx ze 116 ” ” 908 ,, 8 10S! ee i4be 6. 63 ,, ie Bro 84 ” ” 902, To Ake a ee 1382, 8 Yl ote Bs 1903 ,, In the majority of these cases the urea was completely decomposed, the slight excess of alkali obtained being due to the alkalinity of the fungus, as I shall afterwards explain, but in the first two there was lexs decomposition because the tungi, after being weighed, had been dvied to a considerable extent in the water-bath before immersion. The results of the experiment as regards increased weight of the fungi were less complete, owing mainly to the hypothetical deduction I was compelled to make from not being able to dry them completely before use. The great majority of these shew an increase of small extent, but still a pereeptible increase ; yet as one shewed a considerable decrease which could not possibly have taken place, it was plain that the method was defective, aud as one of those fungi which I had dried in the water-bath had acted pretty well, I made four experiments with fungi thoroughly dried before use. sh iis ieee j 4 ‘ 3 THE DECOMPOSITION OF UREA. 379 ‘1. 12 mgms, fungus+10 ce. of soln. urea (2 per cent.) 2. 14 ” ” 10 ” ” ” 3, 10 ” ” 10 ” 3? ” 4, 18 2 ” 10:1 ” ” ” These were left behind the stove for twelve days and then ex- amined, but each of them proved a complete failure, a drop or two of sulphuric acid being sufiicient to acidify the litmus. It was evident therefore that though the fungi might act after being put into the water- bath, yet when kept there for three or four hours till thoroughly dry their efficacy is destroyed. The only method open therefore was to repeat my former experiments, drying the fungus as carefully as possible between folds of blotting-paper until it appeared as thoroughly dry as this plan could leave it. The following experiments therefore were performed, ce, sol. urea + 345 mgms. fungus req. 12°15 cc. H,SO,, and gave 21 mgms. fungus 23 oat a RS 7) ” do tabee isd ” ” ” gh ypriies © PAB gy ” meth Ad ” R2. » ” wis yp al ” ” ee) +: BE 0s ” 6 ab! ot 29 ” ” il MD St ae y Sea ” i) eee oo 8 ” ” Pee © is Hare ” 26 45 ” PW £4511) 359 FRB ny ” yok SD tgp. c-05 90 2 ” ” | Of pe cise) PLB yy ” aig POCO Scgeisisiap A ees ” These results were obtained after the bottles had been left behind the stove for seven days: as each ce. of the sulph. acid solution was equal to 22'1 mgms, soda, 10 cc. of a 2 per cent. solution of urea ought to have required 1271 cc. H,SO,, which was very nearly what they all required, but in nos. 7 and 8 a rather less amount was needed, because there was not room enough behind the stove to arrange all the bottles in line, they therefore stood a little further off than the others; and this is what I have always found, that the fungus was the more active the greater the heat to which it was | exposed, unless the heat was near the boiling point. When 58 and 69 mgms. of the fungus such as was used in the above experiments were dried-in the water-bath they became 31 and 35 respectively, and after long drying lost rather more than 1 mgm. between them, We may therefore consider 58 +69 becomes 31+35-1, that is 100 _ megms. of fungus became 51 mgms. when dried. Calculating the _ undried fungi therefore at 51 per cent. the above table becomes 1, 344 mgms. fungus = 17-6 dried, but obtained 21, increase 3-4 BLAG- >: 4 6sKiti FR oR Oe ye 23 0-0 3.44 ,, » =224 ,, a 32 9°6 £41 5; 5 is) SD ote * 26 5:1 5.-29 ,, 9:0 HEB ee - 17 2-2 «6 38 ” p im IOS Sy ” 26 6-6 Ye ii ROE 4 pe 21 . 26 gS: ae ot eae ks oe i 11 33 25—2 380 MR REOCH. The great majority of these cases shew an increase, but as it was impossible to free the filter from the sulphate of ammonia without washing so freely as to carry away some part of the precipitate which might have been soluble, the point must still remain doubtful ; but it is perfectly evident that the increase of the fungus, if it takes place at all, is only trifling, and utterly out of proportion to the quantity of urea which it causes to become carbonate of ammonia. We must now inquire into the chemistry of urea itself, to see if it will help us in explaining its decomposition by the fungus. The formula of urea is CN,H,O, and it is isomeric with cyanate of ammonia, but its rational formula is still unknown, Some have regarded it as identical with carbamide, but this is quite uncertain. I wish, however, particularly toinsist upon the fact that it is quite different from cyanate of ammonia, and does not behave like an ammoniacal salt at all, because though no one asserts that it does, yet many chemists scem to imagine that its decomposition into carbonate of ammonia is a very simple matter. They say a molecule of urea simply assumes two molecules of water and becomes carbonate of ammonia, and if you ask for an explanation of the process, you are informed it is diastatic or catalytic; but this explanation is merely verbal. I shall give two reasons why urea is not to be regarded as a salt of ammonia, because 1 shall have to refer to them afterwards. First, it gives no precipitate in the cold with Nessler’s reagent, whereas ammonia and all its ordinary salts give a dense pp. Secondly, it gives no murexide coloration with a mixture of alloxan and alloxantin, whereas all the ordinary salts of ammonia do so, If, therefore, powerful chemical reagents which can act on ammonia in presence of such a comparatively strong acid as phosphoric acid will not reveal the presence of ammonia in urea, how can its decomposition be regarded as a simple matter? The fact is, solution of urea will remain unaltered for an indefinite period. I have boiled it and evaporated it to dryness in the water- bath, and yet it gave no trace of ammonia whatever. It is commonly said that heating it with alkalies in solution changes it into CO, and NH,, but if by this is meant that it is caused to assume H,O and become carbonate of ammonia, it is an entire mistake. I have re- peated the following experiment several times: 5 cc. of a standard solution of caustic soda were evaporated in the water-bath with some urea and the residue dissolved in 5 ec. H,O; no ammonia was recog- nizable by Nessler’s test if it had been. thoroughly dvied, and the solution was found to be not caustic soda but carbonate of soda, The following therefore is the true reaction, since the action of KHO is the same: CN,H,O+2KHO=K,CO,+2NH,. This however does _ not take place ‘when ammonia is used instead of KHO or NaH.’ I have already said that the formation of murexide is a very delicate test for distinguishing carbonate of ammonia from urea, and when I evaporate some urea with liq. ammon, fort, in the water-bath I get urea only, and no trace of carbonate of ammonia, It is evident therefore that the formation of the latter salt by the fungus cannot be explained by supposing a slight formation of NH,, that taking CO, from urea and water, and liberating as much NH, to go on in con- a ee Ae a - eer = ER apa RIT a THE DECOMPOSITION OF UREA. 38L tinuous action. Inasmuch however as KHO or NaHO when boiled with solution of urea gives rise to ammonia and carbonate of the alkali, it is evident that CO, and NH, are potentially though not actually present in urea. And here I may observe that Nessler’s reagent does not give such a large precipitate as might be expected, for the carbo- nates exert a peculiar action upon it. If four test-tubes be taken and solution of the carbonates and bicarbonates of soda and potash poured into them, and then the same quantity of very dilute ammonia added to each, it will be found that with the bicarbonates no pp. at all is obtained by Nessler’s reagent, even on boiling; with carbonate of soda it does not come down till it is boiled, and though it comes down in the cold with carbonate of KHO, yet it doos not seem to act so thoroughly as in the case of distilled water. Another supposition which might be put forward by some to explain the decomposition of urea by the fungus, is that the latter being composed of spores which consist of a cell-wall and very fluid contents, there might be a continual endosmose and exosmose, in the course of which the urea was changed. We know that osmosis has been explained by a hydration and dehydration of the membraue of the septum, and it might therefore happen that in the course of such an action the urea was united with water. To test this ] put some solution of urea in two experiments into a piece of bladder, whose outside was placed in distilled water. After remaining 24 hours each side gave a copious pp. with nitrate of Hg, indicating that urea had passed copiously through ; but no trace of NH, was observed in either. I conclude, therefore, that this will not explain matters. It appears to me, however, that there is one very simple and satis- factory explanation of the decomposition, if only it be the true one. I suppose that the fungus develops ozone or nascent oxygen, and that in urea ON,H,O ‘the CO is picked out, the C fixed by the fungus, and the O given off. What would happen ? CN,H,O+0 +2H,O=(NH,),CO,+ 0. In other words, the oxygen forms CO, and the amidogen seizes H, from water, liberating O to go on as before. Thus with a minute point of C fixed by the fungus there would be given off a minute portion of oxygen sufficient theoretically to decompose any amount of urea. Practically of course a larger quantity would be required than what would suffice in theory, just as in the sulphuric acid and etherification processes the theoretical quantity of reagent acting continuously is always exceeded. But this theory must have a better foundation than mere plausibility, and I have therefore made many experimeuts to ascertain if ozone is given off in any part of the process of decomposition. Thus six bottles being tuken, 5 ce. of a 2 per cent. solution of urea and some fungus were pak into each, along with 2 drops of starch solution and 3 ce. up to 2 ce, of a solution of KI, consisting of 879 mgms. to 10 ce. H,O. No result appeared for two days, but it is well known that iodide of starch is soluble in alkalies, and therefore Fresenius recommends the addition of dilute H,SO, Accordingly, to the second bottle I added tee. of H,SO, ofa strength 1 ce, = 22°1 mgms. soda, without any result ; to the third, Fee, with immediate production of iodide of starch, which 382 MR REOCH, dissolved again in a short time ; to the fourth, 3 cc., and to the fifth, lec., with production of intense blue. Two days afterwards the blue had disappeared from the fourth bottle and -had nearly gone from the fifth, but on adding 2cc. H,SO, to each of these bottles the colour came out well, as also in the third bottle; but when nos. 1 and 6 had H,SO, added to them there was no result whatever. Nor could I afterwards obtain any result from them at all. These results are ano- malous, but as far as they go they tend to shew the production of ozone or nascent oxygen. The fungus may act on the starch as well .as the urea, and the reactions of iodide of starch to complex organic bodies are by no means thoroughly understood. Thus sulphurous acid destroys it entirely, and alcohol greatly; and as it is impossible to know what becomes of it in the course of the decomposition of urea, seeing that carbonate of ammonia is produced in which the iodide is abundantly soluble, it appears to me that a few positive examples in which it has been found outweigh others in which it has not been found. I have performed other experiments, but though I obtained - the. blue in some cases, in others I was unsuccessful. My experiments when there was no urea with the fungus, but only water, starch and KI, were all unsuccessful, for in none of these cases was the blue iodide of starch produced even on adding dilute H,SO, We may, therefore, infer that in the decomposition of urea it is not the water which is first decomposed by the fungus, but the urea itself. I made some observations to find if this process of decomposition in the urine itself was attended with any increase or absorption of heat, but with a result which as yet is negative. The comparative thermometry of the urine is by no means easy. The temperature of the air is always changing, and the urine following that change exhibits the temperature not of the air as it is at any moment, but that which it had an hour or two before, the specific heat of a mass of fluid being very considerable. ‘The quantity of urine therefore, as well as the vessels containing it, must be exactly similar, and the most minute precautions be attended to, for I have found the tempera- ture of the top and bottom of the same urine at the same time to differ by more than 1°C. After observing a healthy and a decompos- ing urine for a week the vessels are cleaned out and a fresh healthy urine put into the vessel which formerly held the decomposing urine, and vice versa, ‘To get rid of any difficulty from the thermometers being unequal they should be reversed from day to day. After some experiments conducted with the above precautions, I think it beyond doubt that the difference in temperature between a healthy and a putrefying urine does not amount to }th of 1°C. Whether there is any difference at all I believe can scarcely. be made out by the ordinary thermometer, but at any rate it is very slight. As to the constitution of the fungus itself it is very difficult to pass an opimon, from the difficulty of obtaining it free from extraneous matter. A large surface is required to develop a large quantity, but the liability to contamination with dirt is much increased, In the urine the triple phosphate clings to it with remarkable tenacity; its crystals — become imbedded in the masses of mycelia and spores, so that how- — i ee a napa !, , Oo meomeeny THE DECOMPOSITION OF UREA. 383 ever long the fungus is washed it retains them in considerable quantity. After drying the fungus in the water-bath they appear as white spots upon it, and if the fungus be burnt with soda-lime in a combustion tube they make it appear to contain a considerable quantity of nitrogen ; but that the fungus itself contains no nitrogen is evident, because while liq. potass, evolves ammonia from it, how- ever often it has previously been boiled in water, yet if boiled in very dilute HCL no ammonia is obtained on subsequent boiling with liq. potass., and yet the spores appear unchanged when examined micro- scopically after treatment with dilute HCL. Further, that the N H, is wholly due to the triple phos. and not to urate of NH, is proved, in that evaporation with HNO, and further treatment with K HO gives no trace of murexide. They consist, therefore, of carbon united with hydrogen and oxygen, but how far they are allied to other species of moulds is a very difficult question in the present imperfect state of our knowledge on the whole subject. I have sown the green mould scraped from an old pair of boots in urine, It lay at the bottom for some days and then the urine decomposed from below upwards, Top. Bottom. 2ist day + 70 -—416:2 28th ,, —134:0 —604-4 33rd ,, —465°2 -—4571°3 39th ,, -—558°7 -—575°9 In this case the urine was “urina sanguinis,” and therefore very acid and loaded with urea; perhaps this may account for the delay in commencing action, but it certainly appears as if the mould were the cause when the alkalinity was so great at the bottom while it was still acid at the top. In another case I sowed the mould scraped from the leather thong of a whip and from the surface of the dried excrements of a cat. In this case many of the spores were different from the usual shape, and decomposition was extremely rapid. Top. Bottom. 5th day + acid —175-7 10th ,, — 475 —306-1 12th ,, -— 86:2 —285°7 16th ,, —265°2 -— 331-5 In other cases I have sown mould from carrots and baskets, &c., but I have not in all cases obtained the same results. It appears to me that in many cases the white mould is composed almost entirely of mycelium and the green almost wholly of spores. Now the my- celium never seems to act in decomposing urine, and therefore the spores alone ought to be added. Further, it is just possible that there may be great difficulties in the growth of the fungus in the acid urine, as I have invariably found that the progress towards alkalinity was very much slower than the progress afterwards in the full development of the alkalinity already established. If the acidity of urine be regarded as 1, its full alkalinity when all the urea is decomposed is considerably above 20, but it seldom takes more than 384 | -MR REOCH. twice or thrice the time in undergoing this last process that it took to undergo the first. In all cases, however, the decomposition is progressive, and they greatly err who imagine that all at once the urea begins to turn into an ammoniacal salt, and that the whole of it turns all at once like a precipitate forming on the addition of a reagent. Not only is the decomposition always progressive, but even in the most favourable cases in a vessel it takes about a week to effect it thoroughly. I don’t speak of cases where the urine is continually subject to agitation and consequent renewal of fresh particles exposed to the decomposing influence, but of cases where the urine is left at rest in a jar. When a large quantity of the grumous precipitate from putrid urine is added to fresh urine, it always turns alkaline in less than 24 hours, but the urea is never completely decomposed under a week, as the following case, among many others, will clearly shew: 16 oz. urine +11 drms. putrid pp. Top. Bottom. 2nd day— 39°6 — 108-4 4th ,, — 73:5. - 312-1 7th ,, —154:6 — 389-4 13th ,, —241:3 — 448-8 16th ,, —283-9 —461-9 23rd ,, —263:-4 -—441°5 30th ,, —261:7 —370-7 37th ,, —256-5 —340:8 44th ,, —178:0 —280°9 5lst ,, —170°2 —227°6 In this case though there was a much larger quantity of alkali developed by the second day than the urine originally had of acid, yet the alkali increased pretty fast for some time, and then more slowly, as if it formed at first when in small quantity a stimulus to its own development, but when more largely developed a hindrance. I have already mentioned the influence which the form of the vessel in which the urine is placed has upon the development of ammonia, and I may here give an example of the length of time in which it will remain in a vessel of the decanter shape with a pasteboard cover simply to protect it from dust, Top. Bottom, Istday + 13 + 13 Sth ,, — 104 — 10-4 10th ,, — 64:1 — 924 15th ,, —1480 —243°2 18th ,, ~—2168 —260-2 26th ,, —2941 —2922 57th ,, —209-0 78th ,, —154°7 84th ,, ~—136°6 eee Oe Se ee eee . 6-3 at THE DECOMPOSITION OF UREA. 385 In this case some putrid urine was added. I have not given all the figures, for it was examined more than thirty times ; but between the 18th and 57th days both top and bottom gave 200 and odd mgms. of alkali without a single exception, shewing no variation to speak of for fully 40 days. The important question of how urea is decomposed within the body I must leave untouched, because I have made no experiments on the subject, but if the facts which I have described throw some insight into the probable nature of those processes which go on in the paralyzed bladder, they will not have been without some service. NOTES ON THE PRESENCE OF TWO PRECAVAL VEINS IN A DOG. By Magnus R. Simpson, Student of Medicine, University of Edinburgh. In the dog, as in the human subject, the blood from the head, neck, and pectoral limbs is normally returned to the right auricle of the heart by a single precaval vein, formed by the junction of the right and leit innominate veins. In man, as is well known, owing to the persistence of the left duct of Cuvier of the embryo, two superior, or precaval, veins are occasionally met with. A few months ago, whilst dissecting a young puppy, which had been drowned, so that the veins were all gorged with blood, I found, on raising the sternum, and removing the thymus gland, two distinct precaval veins, each formed by the junction of the jugular and subclavian veins of its own side, so that ~ there was no left innominate. The right vena cava ran its natural course by the side of the innominate artery to open into the right auricle, being joined shortly before doing so by the vena azygos major. The left vena cava lay at first over and almost parallel to the thoracic portion of the left subclavian artery, then gradually crossing it, passed backwards over the root of the left lung, and reached the dorsal surface of the heart, where it opened into the coronary sinus, which was of considerable size. A small vertebral vein opened into it close to its origin, and nearer the heart it was joined by a small superior intercostal vein. In this specimen, as in the abnormal disposition of the great veins occasionally occurring in man, the presence of a left precaval vein was due to the persistence of the left duct of Cuvier. NOTICES OF BOOKS. Lecons sur la Physiologie et ? Anatomie Comparée. By H. Minne Epwarps. Vol. x. 2nd part, and Vol. x1. lst part. Paris, 1874. Proressor Milne Edwards has ‘published, during the past year, two additional parts of liis great work on Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. In the 2nd part of his 10th volume he descrises the locomotory apparatus, and in the Ist part of the 11th volume he treats of locomotion, and commences the description of the nervous system. Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Embryologie der Wirbelihiere. By Dr 8. L. Scuenxk. Vienna, 1874. Proressor Schenk’s treatise on the Comparative Embryology of the Vertebrata, though extending to no more than 198 octavo pages, gives a clear and interesting account of the series of complicated changes, which, taking place in the fertilized vertebrate ovum, result in the production of various forms of vertebrate structure. The book is not a mere compilation, but embodies a considerable amount of original work. More especially may we uotice the numerous excellent woodcuts, which have a softness not usually met with in illustrated German works on Anatomy, and large numbers of which are for the first time published. We can recommend the work as a most useful compendium of the subject. An Introduction to Human Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Tissues, Part I. By Wm. Turner, M.B., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1875. As stated in the Preface this Introduction to Human Anatomy was prepared as the article “Anatomy” for the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. It has no pretence to be an exhaustive treatise, and the object the author had in view, when writing, was to give an exposition of the principles on which the human body is constructed, rather than to put befure the reader a detailed descrip- tion of the several organs. Part I. contains an account of the Organs of Locomotion, of the Simple Tissues, of the Nervous System, and of the Organs of Sense, It is illustrated by 114 woodcuts, most of which are original, LE TL DN NEES NOTICES OF BOOKS. 387 Studien iiber die Verknicherung und die Knochen des Schddels. By Dr A. J. Vrourk. Haarlem and Leipzig, 1873. Tue third part of the Niederldndisches Archiv fiir Zoologie, June, 1873, edited by Prof. Selenka of Leiden, consists of a series of papers by Dr A. J. Vrolik on the bones of the skull. In the first of these papers the author discusses the names which have been given to the bones of the skull in the osseous fishes by different authors, and compiles a useful table of synonyms, In the second and third papers he describes the skull in several Physostoma and Gadidwe, with especial reference to the pro-otic, epiotic and opisthotic elements of Huxley, and concludes that these are not to be regarded as integral parts of the cranium. In the last paper he describes the ossification of the temporal bone in man and several other mammals. He finds four points of ossification in the human petrous bone and two in the mastoid part, but in no other mammal has he seen the same number. He considers that it is not yet proved that in mammalia generally the number of ossific centres in the petro-mastoid cartilage is constant, and that consequently it cannot definitely be said whether they have, or have not, a constant type of arrangement. We join with Prof. Selenka in an expression of regret at the early death of this promising young anatomist. The Mind of Man. By Aurrep Smeg, F.R.S. 8vo, George Bell and Sons, London. 1875. THis is a natural system of Mental Philosophy, comprising, as stated in the preface, either in detail or in principles, nearly every- thing which the author has ever written on the subject. It traces the ideas from simple impressions derived through the senses, and goes on to the elucidation of the more complex mental phenomena, including the subjects of religious thought, faith, mental fallacies, the voltaic mechanism of the nervous system, and concludes with the relation of man to the universe and the Author of all things. Unsere Kérperform und das physiologische Problem ihrer Enstehung. Von Witnetm His. 8yvo. F.C. W. Vogel, Leipzig, 1875. Tus is in the form of a letter to a naturalist friend. It gives a general, rather than a detailed, account of embryology, comprising the views of the author, and enters into the bearing of the subject upon the great questions of evolution, heridity, adaptation, &c. It is, as might be expected from the reputation of the author, an able and interesting treatise. REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY’, By Prof.'Turner and D, J. Cunnineuam, M.B., C.M. Ossrous System.—Henry E. Clark notes (Glasgow Med. Journ. July, 1874) acase of Cervicat Riss. On the right side were 12 ribs, 11 dorsal, and one cervical which was narrow and round. On the left side 12 dorsal ribs with a rudimentary rib attached to the last cervi- cal vertebra. R. Hensel makes some comparative observations on the OssA INTERPARIETALIA of the human skull (Reichert u. du Bors Reymond’s Archiv, 1874, No. v.). A. Heuberger, a pupil of Kolli- ker’s, writes an inaugural dissertation on the NoRMAL ABSORPTION AND IntTerstiT1AL GrowtH or Osseous Tissue (Wiirzburg Verhandl. 1874). His observations are made with especial reference to the arrangement and use of the osteoklast cells described by Kolliker (Reports, May and November, 1872 and May, 1874), and to the anta- gonistic observations of Strelzoff. Heuberger confirms Kolliker’s views. Julius Wolff (Virchow’s Archiv, uxt. 417) also discusses the GrowrH or Bone with reference to the observations of Kélliker and the other anatomists who have recently written on this subject. Z. J. Strelzoff replies in Archiv fiir Mikrosk. Anat. Nov. 1874, to Kolliker’s criticism on his Observations on the growth of bone. Ranvier (Arch: de Phys. Janvier, Fevrier, 1875) contributes a short paper upon Preparations oF Osseous ‘lissuE with ANILINE BLuE INSOLUBLE IN WATER AND SOLUBLE IN ALcoHOL. He first describes the method he has adopted in preparing the bone. A portion of the diaphysis of a long bone is removed from the body and immediately immersed in water, In this it is allowed to lie for a year or more, and during this time the water of maceration must be frequently changed. It is important that it should at once be placed in the water, because if it be allowed to remain exposed to the air for a short time the moisture of the osseous tissue will evaporate and its place will then be taken by the grease contained in the medullary canal and large Haversian canals. When this grease gets access into the canals and substance of the bone, it is impossible to get rid of it. After the maceration is completed, sections are made with a saw, and then ground down and polished to a proper fineness, During the polishing, a thick paste is formed by the dust of the bone mixed with particles separated from the stone. This paste is applied to the surface of the section and penetrates the canaliculi for a short distance, and to get rid of it the section must be scraped with a scalpel on both surfaces, The section thus prepared is placed in an alcoholic solution of aniline blue concentrated by heat, It is left in this for two hours, and then it is thoroughly dried by evaporation in a vapour-bath, ? To assist in preparing the Report Professor Turner will be glad to receive separate copies of original memoirs and other contributions to Anatomy, 2 REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 389 - The section is then ground upon its two surfaces upon a hone moistened by a 2 p.c. solution of chloride of sodium, washed in the solution, and mounted as a permanent preparation in a mixture of glycerine and a solution of salt in equal parts. In addition to the ordinary appearances presented by transverse sections of bone, these preparations demonstrate three facts which are not recognizable in the usual preparations of osseous tissue. First, amongst the corpus- cles comprised in the Haversian systems some are represented by a simple chink the breadth of which does not much exceed that of a primitive canaliculus. To these thin corpuscles Ranvier has given the name of ‘Confluents lacunaires” of bone, and he considers that they represent corpuscles in the process of atrophy. The second fact relates to the most peripheral canaliculi of a Haversian system. These proceed on towards the circumference of the system in a straiglt line, and appear as if they were on their way to anastomose with cana- liculi in neighbouring Haversian systems or intermediary systems ; but on reaching the limit of the system to which they belong, they bend back upon themselves, and after a short course anastomose with canaliculi belonging to their own system, Ranvier has called these canaliculi “canalicules réeurrents,” and he states that they form a very elegant border to the circumference of the Haversian system. The third fact relates to the distribution of the corpuscles and canaliculi in the islands of osseous tissue which lie between the Haversian systems. In these islands may be observed circles the diameter of which is very variable, aud which correspond to the fibres of Sharpey cut transversely, Wenzel Gruber publishes (J/ém. de ? Acad, Imp. de St Petersb., Jan., 1875) a monograph on Sesamorp Bones pre- formed in hyaline cartilage in the tendon of origin of the gastroc- nemius. He concludes that a true sesamoid bone in man only forms in the outer head of this muscle, but in many mammals in both heads. Muscutar System.—E. Weber (Arch. de Phys., July and Sept., 1874, 489) contributes an article upon Tue Nucier or Srriarep ’ Muscue IN THE ADULT Frog. He begins by referring to the views held by Kélliker and Schultze wpon the nature of these bodies. The former, he states, considers that they are nuclear in character because he failed to discover any limiting membrane corresponding to a cell- wall—the space in which they lie being simply bounded by the fibril- le. From this therefore he concludes that Kolliker still looks upon a cell as necessarily consisting of cell-wall, contents, nucleus and nucleolus. Schultze, on the other hand, maintains that the muscular corpuscle is a cell, inasmuch as it consists of a nucleus surrounded by a granular mass of protoplasm— this latter being most evident at the two extremities of the nucleus owing to the pressure exercised on the surface of the cell. Weber then gives the results of his own investi- gations, first as regards the shape of the nucleus, and second as regards the existence of the protoplasmic surrounding. The nuclei, he states, are flat, ovular when seen from the front, and rod-shaped when seen in profile. They contain in their interior one or perhaps 390 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. more nucleoli, and their contents ave homogeneous or slightly granu- lar. Such is the form they present when treated by alcohol, picro- carminate, and then acetic acid; but in certain cases, especially when the muscular fibrille are cansed to swell up rapidly by the action of strong acetic acid, they have the form of rectangular plates of a greater or less size, On one of their borders he has often observed a line or stria which is found to consist in a projection of the margin— a crease advancing towards the eye of the observer, and analogous to the “crétes 7impreinte” of Ranvier in the flat cells of tendon, Other nuclei present like strie on their two sides, and the author asserts that he has been able to satisfy himself that these creases exist as a normal condition. In transverse sections the nuclei are seen to have a rod-shape, and they are arranged irregularly in the interior of the circle which represents the cut muscular bundle, Moreover one of the extremities of the rod is often bent back upon itself—this corres- ponding to the crease. Some of these nuclei are triangular in form with concave sides as if they had been compressed between three cylindrical bundles, for being of a soft consistence they are naturally moulded into various shapes by the interstices between the fibrille in which they lie. Lastly, the author affirms that in none of the numerous investigations, which he has made with the view of dis- covering the true form of the nucleus, has he ever been able to recog- nize the existence of protoplasm surrounding the nucleus. The nuclei were always sharply defined, ovular, and more or less elongated. Sometimes they were lodged in a fusiform crevice of which they only occupied the central part. In this case however the rest of the crevice was always homogeneous, and shewed nothing like proto- plasm. Ranvier (Arch, de Phys., Nov., Dec., 1874, 774) writes upon THe Srecrroscopic Properties oF Striarep Muscres. This article, he tells us, is supplementary to a note upon the same subject which he communicated to the French Academy of Science. He gives in detail the method by which the spectrum is obtained, and explains that this property of muscle depends upon the transverse strie of the muscular fibres—these acting on the light in the same way as a series of parallel lines traced upon glass, With the muscu- lar spectrum, he states, we are able to recognize in blood the spectro- scopic characters of the hemoglobin, and he has constructed an in- strument for this purpose. The muscles of organic life, and also, curiously enough, the striated muscular fibre of the heart, are not en- dowed with this property. Lastly, he gives the application of the spectrum of muscle to the physiology aud pathology of muscular tissue. W. Gruber describes (Reichert u. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1874, 467) a case in which a Muscutus PLAntAris Bicaupa- rus ended by its supernumerary tendon in the ligamentum popli- teum, EK, Von Teutleben gives a description (Archiv fiir Natur- geschichte, 1874, 78) of the museles and mechanism of MasricaTtion in the vertebrata, Bioop-vascuLan System.-—Ranvier (Arch. de Phys,, July and Sept., 1874) writes upon the DeveLopment AND Growrn or Bioop- a! OEE SO RE REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 391 vessets. He first points out that the phenomena of development and growth are two distinct processes, which must not be confounded the one with the other. He then traces the development of blood- vessels in the rabbit. He states that at the great curvature of the stomach the vascular network is close and compact, but as the vessels extend into the membrane the meshes widen and open out, and near these, in all transparent parts, circular or elongated opalescent spots may be distinguished. Some of these are almost microscopic in size but others have a diameter varying from a half to two or three millimetres. To these spots he has given the name of “taches laiteuses,” or milky spots. Itis in the middle of these spots that the first elements of the vessels appear. They are of two kinds, viz., vascular and non-vascu- lar. The latter possess an endothelial covering upon each surface with bundles of connective tissue and cells of various kinds in their interior. The endothelium is very irregular, and this he believes to be due to its frequent penetration by lymphatic cells (see Abstract of his paper upon the formation of the apertures on the great omentum ). The bundles of connective tissue in the “taches laiteuses” do not belong to them alone, but are simply fibres pursuing their course and thus crossing through the spots. he cel/s are of three kinds, (1) lymphatic cells, (2) connective-tissue cells, (3) vaso-formative cells. The first are similar in all respects to the lymphatic cells which exist free in the peritoneal cavity, and they exhibit amceboid movements. Some, smaller than others, and possessing in their interior granules very susceptible to picrocarminate and hrmatoxylon, occupy the centre of the spots, and shew very lively movements under favourable conditions. When the spots are large, however, they are seen in groups, and become slightly angular from the pressure of the one against the other. The connective-tissue cells are not endowed with ameeboid activity, and they differ from the cells of the stroma in other parts of the membraue only in having more numerous ramifica- tions. They are generally laid flat upon the connective-tissue bundles and surrounded by lymphatic cells. Zhe vaso-formative cells are the first rudiments of the blood-vessels, and they differ from the other cells mentioned. They do not exist in the adult rabbit, but are found in rabbits varying in age from 15 days to 6 weeks. They are irregularly branching, finely granular bodies, varying much in size and in the number of their prolongations. The branches frequently anastomose so as to form a network which covers the entire extent of a non-vascular “tache laiteuse,” and presents the appearance of a vascular network. The author states that he has not determined the number of vaso-formative cells which enter into the formation of such a network, but he considers that it is not great, and that a single cell can by itself form a network. These cells are not gifted with ame- boid activity. By fine injections of Prussian blue and gelatine and other means, Ranvier states that he has been able to satisfy himself that the vaso-formative networks in the non-vascular “taches lai- teuses” are quite distinct from the vascular networks. - In preparations coloured by carmine after the action of Miiller’s fluid, the body of the vaso-formative network appears to be formed by cylindrical anasto- 392 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. mosing branches. In the midst of the granular protoplasm, which forms the mass of all the branches, elongated rod-shaped nuclei are disposed in the line of the long axis of the branch which they occupy. These nuclei are often larger at one end than the other, and some- times they shew signs of approaching division, or perhaps two are seen lying close to-each other—the sign that one has already divided. Ranvier affirms that it is easy to shew that these vaso-formative net- works ultimately develope into capillary networks. In certain cases a vascular branch may be seen to penetrate a non-vascular “‘tache lai- teuse,” and place itself in relation with a network of which the half or three-fourths is permeable to injection. He states that he is not in a position to assert with confidence the origin of the vaso-formative cells, but that it is his impression that they are derived from the connective-tissue cells. Lastly, the author points out the mode of growth of vessels, and shews that this is accomplished by cellular buds or offshoots which, at first impervious, are hollowed out one after the other so as to receive the blood. The expansion of the vascular system, he states, may take place either by the growth of old vessels or by the independent formation of capillary networks, which by degrees come into relution with the general circulation. —Julius Arnold gives (Virchow’s Archiv, ux11. 157) the first part of a memoir on the RELATION OF THE BLoop AND LYMPH-VESSELS TO THE Jute Canats. His observations are in barmony with those of Carter, published in this Jowrnal, tv. p. 97, and previously communi- cated to the Royal Society of London, 1864. C, Giacomini writes an elaborate memoir (Turin, 1874), illustrated with five plates, on Hieu Division or THE BracwiAL ARTERY. H. Frey describes (Reichert u. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1874, 633) the Nerves sup- PLYING THE BLoop-vEssELs oF THE Urrrr Limp, ‘The rule appears to be that the venous and arterial trunks of the limb receive nerves from the nervous trunk immediately contiguous to them. Duret (Arch. de Phys. July, Sept. and Nov., Dec., 1874) writes upon THe ANAToMY OF THE ENCEPHALIC BLOOD-VESSELS, and traces the relations which cerebral hemorrhages and softenings have to the distribution of these vessels. At the end of each article he places the results of his investigations before us in a tabular form, Refer- ence may also be made to the first article of the series which appeared in the January number of the same Journal; and in our last Report was given an abstract of another paper by him on the same subject, also published in the Archives. G, Gulliver records (Proce, Zool. Soe., Nov. 3, 1874) measurements of the Rep Bioop-Corpusctirs. In Hippopotamus amphibius the average diameter is gyzy9th inch; in Otaria jubata goygth inch: in Trichecus rosmarus xfgyth inch. Connective Tissur,—Le Goff and Ramonat (Journ. de [’ Anat. et dela Phys, Jan, et Fey, 1874) contribute a memoir upon THE CeL- LuLAR ELements or Tenpon. After a brief résumé of the different — views that have been advanced on these cells, they describe very fully the various methods they have adopted in preparing tendon for — microscopic investigation, and then they give the results of their — : REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 393 own researches, They state that embryonic tendon is formed by nuclei placed closely together, of which the long axis corresponds to that of the tendon. At this stage they are separated merely by a small amount of amorphous material, but later on each is surrounded by a slender cellular body, which is most marked at the two ex- tremities, so as to give it the appearnce of a fusiform cell. In the same preparation both nuclei and fusiform cells may be observed, but at a more advanced stage only rows of fusiform cells can be recognized, The extremities of these cells are in some cases drawn out considerably so as to form long prolongations, The authors believe that certain of these cells enter into the formation of the fibres of tendon and disappear, whilst others are shut up in the intervals which are formed between the primitive bundles of these fibres, These fusiform cells, which are thus enclosed, are arranged in parallel rows, and in the course of their development they present very diverse appearances. Similar rows of cells may also be met with in adult tendons, as in those of the eye of the sheep, &e. Here the cells are arranged in several layers which cross each other as they follow the arrangement of the primary bundles. Moreover, on changing the focus, other rows may be observed, having a perpen- dicular or oblique direction to the first. They describe a different arrangement in the guinea-pig and mouse. Here also the cells are fusiform and in parallel rows, but some are observed to be in the process of segmentation or already segmented, forming others which are themselves beginning to divide. Again, certain of the cells may shew a constriction borne alike by the cell and the nucleus, or per- haps the nucleus is divided into two or three, whilst the surrounding protoplasm is entire or shews only a constriction. It is thus that the ~ cells of tendon multiply, and in such numbers that in one preparation _ the authors state they have seen as many as twenty cells placed end to end, with the ends of the row terminating in spindle-shaped extremities. In the young guinea-pig long rows of quadrangular cells, arranged end to end, may be seen. These are slightly flattened _ by the pressure exercised on them by those which are above and below, and they present a nucleus in their centre. In the mole the cells, also placed end to end, are spherical with a large nucleus, and - frequently they are enclosed in a sheath of amorphous matter. Again, this sheath may be observed to be dimpled with cavities, in each of which is placed a cell which does not fill it completely. They state that the last phase in the evolution of the tendinous cells is to be found in the filiform tendons of the rat and mouse. Here on each side of the cell very distinct processes may be observed. They believe that these processes are produced by the cells being compressed by those above and below them. The cells cannot there- fore develope in their long. axis, and thus they are forced to send processes into the spaces between the primary fasciculi. They state that nucleoli are generally present in the cells of tendon. When one is present it is central, but when there are two they are excentric, and one is larger than the other. In none of their preparations have they ever seen the cells applied upon the bundles, although this is VOL. IX. 26 394 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. an appearance described by many histologists. In this memoir the _ authors also give the results of some investigations, which they have made, into the structure of the sesamoid nodule of the tendo- Achillis, In horizontal sections they state that numerous cells, varyipg in appearance according to their age, are observed lying in large spaces cireumscribed by partitions of laminated tissue. In the tadpole only, large nuclei, some of which are already converted into veritable cells, are to be found, and the laminated tissue which surrounds them is analogous to the embryonic tendinous tissue. Following this same nodule in its evolution the nuclei are observed to become surrounded by protoplasm, which increases rapidly. Fibro- plastic bodies are developed, and these give birth to the fibres, which, compressed and united in groups, take in the adult nodule the ap- pearance of large partitions circumscribing roomy spaces which are occupied by masses of cells. These cells are mostly spherical, or rather lenticular, but their form is evidently subordinate to that of the mesh in which they lie. Some by reciprocal pressure come to resemble pavement epithelial cells, and all are not uniform in size, as side by side may be seen a small cell and one three or four times larger. Some of the cells may even resemble the fusiform cells of tendon, but they are considerably larger, and others may be prism- atic with a nucleus near their large extremity. They state that it is by no means rare to find two nuclei in one cell, thus presenting nn analogy with the cells of tendon. The nucleus is generally in the centre of the cell, and may contain one or two nucleoli. The nucleus, however, is sometimes seen near the wall, and it may even cause the wall to protrude in a hernial fashion. The cells are surrounded by an amorphous material, which often forms for them a complete and isolated bed. Lastly, they point to the great analogy which exists between this nodule and tendon, and more especially when we compare it with the tendons of the mole. In both we have large cells with nucleus and nucleolus embedded in an amorphous material, Moreover, a study of the development and the manner in which reagents act on these two structures bears out this analogy. G. Thin gives an abstract (Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Jan, 21, 1875) of his observations on Tur Connective Tissues, more especially in connection with the presence of flat and quadrangular cells in the cornea, in addition to the stellate cornea corpuscles; the presence of large flat cells on the surface of tendon; of smaller quadrangular cells investing the secondary and tertiary bundles of a tendon in double layers, and of Jong, narrow, flat cells covering the primary bundles ; of the presence of a double layer of quadrangular and hexagonal cells in the perimysium and neurilemma; of the existence of branched cells in the neurilemma; of flat, ribbon-shaped bands in the fibrillary tissue of the neurilemma, and of extremely fine but sharply contoured fibrille in the fibrillary tissue of skin and tendons, The author infers, from appearances presented by the rods of the retina after prolonged maceration in aqueous humour, that the rods and cones are composed of fibrillary tissue in its simplest form. W. Waldeyer makes, in Archiv fur Mikrosk. Anat. Nov. 1874, some observations -REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 395 on the CELLS or THE ConNECTIVE Tissue. He discusses the characters of the so-named flat cells of the fibrillary connective tissue of the cornea corpuscles, and of large round cells rich in protoplasm, which belong to the connective tissue, such as the cells of the interstitial substance of the testicle, the cells of the coceygeal and iutercarotid bodies, large round cells not unfrequently found as an adventitious investment of the cerebral vessels, the cells of the supra-renal bodies, of the corpus luteum, and the serotina cells of the placenta. ' SynoviAL Mempranes.—J. G. van der Sluys writes his in- augural dissertation on the Structure of the Synovial Membranes, Leiden, 1875. He comments on the recent observations of Hiiter, Reyher and Tillmanns, relates his own researches, and .sums up the results of his investigations as follows ;—1. The synovial membrane consists of connective tissue which is, on its free surface, very rich in cells. 2, These cells belong to the group of round connective-tissue- cells distinguished by Waldeyer. 3. The hollows in which they lie are most probably lymphatic spaces. 4. The capillaries of the synovial membrane never lie uncovered (naked) on the surface. 5. The markings of Hiiter are artificial products which take place from the action of nitrate of silver upon the synovial fluid. Great Omentum.—Ranvier (Arch. de Phys., July. and Sept., 1874) writes an interesting paper upon THE ForMATION OF .THE Mesues or tHe Great OmentuM. He begins by disputing the view, advanced by Rollett, that these meshes are surrounded by a bundle of fibrous tissue arranged in the form ofa ring. He asserts that they are formed simply by the separation of bundles of connective tissue _ the one from the other. The meshes are thus each bounded by two, _ three, or a greater number of bundles, which continue their course _ and go to concur in the limitation of other meshes. The boundaries _ of the meshes are clothed by a layer of endothelium continuous upon _ the two surfaces of the membrane. The author states that the rela- tion of the endothelium to the completely-formed holes is both varied _ and peculiar, but three principal types may be recognized:—(1) a _ black line marks the circumference of the aperture, and at this line _ the cells terminate both on the superior and inferior surface; (2) _ there is no such line, and a cell clothing the border of the hole belongs y to the superior and partly to the inferior surface of the memi- rane; (3) an aperture is surrounded by a continuous excentric line, _ limited by an endothelial cell; wpon the other surface of the mem- brane several lines diverge from the hole, and these are the limits of several cells. This disposition of the endothelial cells has led the author to adopt the following theory upon the formation of the apertures. The lymphatic cells, which exist free in great numbers in the cavity of the peritoneum, have the power of piercing and passing through the membrane in a manner similar to that in which a blood- ‘corpuscle passes through the vascular wall. _One of these lymphatic cells fixes itself between two of the endothelial cells, separates them, and then places itself in relation to the deep surface of : an endothelium-cell on the opposite surface of. the membrane. 26—2 | 396 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. It pursues its course, perforates this cell, and finally disengaging itself becomes free once more. It will leave behind it, however, an opening bounded on the side by two cells of the endothelial investment, and on the other by a single cell presenting in its centre a loss of substance or aperture. The author also shews how the same hypothesis applies to the first arrangement of endothelial cells indicated. The piercing lymphatic cell having set out from an endothelial interline gains the opposite side at the point of separa- tion of several cells of that surface. Ranvier affirms that his theory is likewise supported by a study of the distribution of the holes, and by the observation of the holes in the process of formation. The apertures are mostly found at a distance from the vessels, where the membrane is thin, and where there is little provision for the nutrition of the part. In addition the distribution is quite irregular, and from this may be inferred that the membrane plays a passive part in the phenomenon which converts it into a network. Lastly, he states that in the process of formation some of the holes contain a globular cell, similar in form and size to a lymphatic cell, and separated from the circumference by an unequal black border, which is formed by the fixation of the nitrate of silver by the albumen. In some places also a lymphatic cell may be observed fastened between two endothelial cells; but all cells found in this position have not the characters of lymph-cells, as many are small, and have an analogy to endothelial cells, Mucovs Mempranes.—M. Debove (Arch. de Phys., Jan. 1874) shews the existence of a SuB-EPITHELIAL EyporHEtium 1n Mucous Mempranes. He states that on the surface of the intestinal mucous membrane there are two layers, of these one is superficial, and is com- posed of cylindrical glandular epithelium, It clothes the villi and is prolonged into the glands. The other is subjacent to this and presents all the characters of an endothelium lining a blood-vessel or a lymphatic cavity. It envelopes the villi, is prolonged into the glands, is com- posed of thin cells, the sinuous irregular margins of which dovetail into each other, and it forms their membrana propria. But the presence of a sub-epithelial endothelium is not confined to the intestine, for he has also demonstrated its existence in the mucous membrane of the bladder and trachea, and he is of opinion that the endothelial cells of the latter are continuous with the cells lining the pulmonary vesicles. — Tonaur.—A. Hoffman describes the DisrriBuTION OF THE GUSTA-— rory Bopres in the human tongue (Virchows Archiv, ux, 516). He finds them on all the circumyallate papille; on the fungiform papillae ; _ on the papille foliate, or gustatory lamelle, as they have been named | . by W. ‘Turner, i.e. the lamellated arrangement of the mucous mem- : brane of the tongue situated at the sides of the root of the organ; on many of the larger papillae of the soft palate, especially at the upper partof the uvula, They are found in all places where gustatory sen sutions can be excited. b Larynx.—P. Coyne (Arch. de Phys., Jan. 1874) gives the results of his researches into the Anaromy or THE LaryNcEAL Mucous Q q REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 397 Memprane. He affirms that this membrane is formed in a layer subjacent to the epithelium by a reticulated tissue analogous to lym- phoid tissue, and that it thus approaches the structure of the muconts membrane of the small intestine. In the superficial part of the mucous lining there are lymphatic organs which correspond to the closed follicles of the small intestine, and he considers that these have some relation to the laryngeal ulcerations so common in the course of certain fevers. Upon the free border of the inferior vocal cords, vascular, and probably nervous papille may be found, and these are best developed on the anterior half of the cord, or that part which is the most frequent seat of papillomata. Lastly, he directs attention to the existence of groups of glands which, by their secretion, keep the papillary surface of the vocal cord moist, and thus maintain the integrity of its function. W. Gruber describes (Reichert u. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1874, 454) two larynges in which Super- NUMERARY CRICO-THYROID ARTICULATION existed, and on p. 463, cases in which a supernumerary median process was present on the upper border of the posterior part of the cricoid cartilage, and where super- numerary lateral tubercles were found on the same cartilage. Also on p. 606, a human larynx in which a pair of Exrra LarnyGear Saccutt communicating with the interior of the larynx projected between the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage. They are analogous, he says, with the extra-laryngeal sacs in the Gorilla and Orang. TEETH.—Oscar Hertwig contributes (Archiv fiir Mikroskop. Anat. x1. 1874, Supplement) an elaborate memoir, extending to 208 pages, with five plates, on the skeleton of the buceal cavity, and on the dentary system of the Amphibia. C. 8. Tomes (Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Dec. 10, 1874) describes the development of the Teeth of the Newt, Frog, certain Lizards and the Ophidia. He holds that there is no dental groove in these animals, but that the development of the teeth takes place beneath an unbroken surface of epithelium, neither is there a stage of free papilla. His description of the mode of formation of the tooth-germs is not unlike that given by Wal- deyer of their development in mammals, an inflection of epithelium forming the enamel organ, whilst an elevation of the sub-epithelial tissue forms the dentine organ. There is no cementum, he says, upon the teeth of snakes——-E. Magitot describes (Jowrn. d’Anat. et de la Phys., Jan. 1875) various anomalies of nwmber in the dentition of the mammalia, as regards congenital absence, numerical diminution or increase, Mate Urerus.—Ropin and Capiat (Journ. d’Anat. et de la Phys., Janv. et Fev., 1875—Mars et Avril, 1875) write upon THE ConstiTuTION oF THE Mucous MempraneE OF THE MALE Uvrerus, oF THE VASA DEFERENTIA, AND OF THE TRUMPET-SHAPED ENDS OF THE Fatxorian Tupes. They describe (1) the elastic system enveloping the male uterus, and the ejaculatory ducts, (2) the structure of the male uterus, its mucous membrane, and its alveoli, (3) the calculi of the male uterus and verumontanum, (4) the structure of the ejaculatory 398 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. ducts, of the vasa deferentia, of the trumpet-shaped ends of the Fallo- pian tubes. Uvrerus.—John Williams describes (Proc. Roy. Soe. London, April 30, 1874, and Obstetrical Journal, March, 1875) the Structure oF THE Uterrne Mucosa, and its periodical changes. The object of the research is to trace the changes which take place in the mucosa, between the cessation of one menstrual flow and the cessation of the next following. The uteri of twelve women, who had died in different stages of the menstrual or intermenstrual period, were examined. During menstruation the mucosa is destroyed by a process of fatty degeneration of its anatomical elements, and the muscular coat is exposed. Three days after the cessation of the flow the mucosa reappears as a very thin pale layer limited to the lower two-thirds of the body of the uterus, and covered by a columnar epithelium the cells of which were soto inch in length; glands also were visible, and a layer of round and fusiform cells intervened between the mus- cular coat and the surface. Six days after the cessation of the dis- charge the mucosa of the body of the uterus is very thin (about one line at its thickest part), congested, glands in great part without epithelium, and only in their deep ends can columnar epithelium be seen: no epithelial lining to uterus. At a longer interval after men- struation the mucosa is thicker and well demarcated from the mus- cular coat, and its glands distinct. When menstruation is imminent the mucosa is thick, smooth, very soft, and contains innumerable vessels. When menstruation has existed one day, the mucosa exhibits excavations, its surface is pale and flocculent, the vessels highly congested and torn across, glands disintegrated, epithelium absent or fatty. On the fifth day of menstruation the mucosa had been in great measure removed, beginning, as in the other specimens, at the os internum, and spreading to the fundus. In another case where the menstrual flow had not quite ceased at the time of death the mucosa above the os internum was entirely absent. The menstrual flow, according to Williams, is not a process complete in itself, but the terminal change of a cycle of changes which begins at the cessa- tion of the period, passes through the developmental changes of the mucosa, and ends with the cessation of the flow next following. Hence there is no period of uterine rest. The flow of blood is due to the vessels of the membrane undergoing fatty degeneration, and then giving way, the membrane then disintegrates, and is removed cell by cell, beginning at the os internum and proceeding to the fundus. The new mucosa begins to form near the os internum and gradually proceeds to the fundus: it proceeds from the inner layer of the muscular wall by proliferation, the muscular fibres producing the fusiform cells, the connective tissue the round cells, and the groups of round cells in the meshes formed by the muscular bundles the gland- ular epithelium, Ovany.—Jas, Foulis communicated, as a graduation thesis pre- sented to the Medical Faculty, University of Edinburgh, April, 1874, and to Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., Dec. 21, 1874, a paper on THe ee ee REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY, 399 DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVA, AND THE STRUCTURE OF THE.OVARY, IN Man AND orHeR Mamas. After an historical introduction, in the course of which the author gave an abstract of the important observa- tions of Pfliiger and Waldeyer, he proceeded to state his own observa- tions on the development of the ova and structure of the ovary in calves, kittens, and the human female. The corpuscles of the germ epithelium are derived by direct proliferation from those columnar corpuscles which invest the median side or surface of the Wolffian body, and which are continuous with the layer of columnar corpuscles that lines the pleuro-peritoneal cavity of the embryo in the early stages of development. The stroma of the ovary in the early stages of development is produced by a direct growth out from the intersti- tial tissue of the Wolffian body immediately beneath the germ epithe- lium on the median side of the Wolffian body. The germ-epithelial corpuscles proliferate by fission. In the human fetal ovary of 7} months they measure 7;55 — z¢o0 Of an inch in their longest diameter, and about x59 of an inch in their shortest diameter. Each germ- epithelial corpuscle is a nucleus surrounded by a thin film or invest- ment of clear protoplasm. The nucleus of each germ-epithelial cor- puscle becomes the germinal vesicle of the mature ovum; and every germ-epithelial corpuscle is potentially an ovum. In the act of be- coming primordial ova, the nucleus of each germ-epithelial corpuscle swells up into a spherical corpuscle with dark granular contents, within which is generally seen a nucleolus, and around which is pro- duced clear homogeneous protoplasm, which subsequently forms the yelk of the ovum. Germ-epithelial corpuscles are seen in all stages of developmert into primordial ova. In each primordial ovum the spherical germinal vesicle presents a sharply defined limiting membra- nous wall, Within the germinal vesicle is the nucleolus or germinal _ spot. All the ova in the ovary are derived from germ-epithelial cor- _ puscles. In all parts of the ovary processes of vascular connective - tissue stroma grow in, between and around certain of the germ- _ epithelial corpuscles, whereby the latter become more and more em- _ bedded in the stroma of the ovary. Germ-epithelial corpuscles are _ being constantly produced on the surface of the ovary, to take the place of those already embedded in the stroma. The embedded cor- _ puscles increase in number by division, and the nucleus of each swells up into a spherical germinal vesicle, around which is gradually pro- duced the yelk of the ovum. In all parts of the young ovary under the germ-epithelium, groups of germ-epithelial corpuscles become embedded in meshes of the stroma. As each individual in the group swells up the nucleus or germinal vesicle of each becomes very dis- tinct as a round or spherical body.- From the swelling out of each germ-epithelial corpuscle in the group, the whole group expands and becomes more or less spherical. Such groups of developing corpuscles are called egg-clusters. Each egg-cluster is enclosed in a mesh or capsule of vascular stroma of the ovary. The stroma of the young ovary consists for the most part of fusiform connective-tissue corpus- cles and blood-vessels. The walls of the young blood-vessels in the young stroma consist of connective-tissue corpuscles. These connec- 400 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. tive-tissue .corpuscles are direct offshoots from the ovarian stroma, and are found in contact with the yelk or protoplasm of each primor- dial ovum situated among the germ-epithelial corpuscles on the surface of the ovary. Wherever we find primordial ova we see con- nective-tissue corpuscles in contact with the yelk of each. In all parts of the ovary we find the nuclei of connective-tissue corpuscles dividing. Sometimes these corpuscles are swollen out into round bodies containing three to four nuclei. In each egg-cluster several of the included germ-epithelial corpuscles are in a much farther advanced stage of development than their fellows. From the walls of the meshes enclosing the egg-clusters, delicate processes of vascular con- nective tissue grow in, between, and around individual corpuscles in the egg-clusters, and by a continued intergrowth of the young stroma in this manner each individual of the group becomes at last enclosed in a separate mesh or capsule. These last-formed meshes are the Graafian follicles. As a rule, each Graafian follicle is occupied by one young ovum. The protoplasm or yelk of each ovum is in close contact with the wall of each Graafian follicle. In contact with the yelk of each young ovum, and indenting it, are connective-tissue cor- puscles, which form part of the wall of each Graatian follicle. In the formation of the membrana granulosa, these connective-tissue corpus- cles in the wall of the Graafian follicle, and in contact with the yelk of the contained ovum, increase in number by division, their nuclei swell out into little vesicles, and at last a perfect capsule of such corpuscles is produced round the ovum. This capsule is the mem- brana granulosa or follicular epithelium of the follicle. At first the membrana granulosa consists of a simple layer of cells lining the follicle. The individual corpuscles of the membrana granulosa measure about sj55 inch. As the ovum becomes mature, the cor- puscles of the membrana granulosa proliferate, and then many layers of small corpuscles are produced between the ovum and the follicular wall. The cells of the membrana granulosa are thus derived from the corpuscles of the connective-tissue stroma, and not, as Waldeyer states, from the germ-epithelial corpuscles, The follicular space is formed by a breaking down and probable solution of certain of the corpuscles of the thickened follicular epithelium in the middle parts of the same. The discus proligerus consists of follicular epithelial corpuscles, which are in contact with the zona pellucida of the ovum. The zona pellucida or vitelline membrane is formed by a hardening of the outer part of the yelk or protoplasm of the ovum, and is not, as Reichert, Pfliiger, and Waldeyer stated, a product of the follicular epithelium, At birth the human ovary contains not less than 30,000 ova, few of which reach maturity. In the human ovary at birth the germinal vesicles measure ysho — yobo Of an inch. Most of them are about the same size, and also present a sharply-defined membranous wall, In some germinal vesicles two or three germinal spots are seen, ‘The tunica albuginea is the thickened stroma growing round the ovary. At the age of 2) years all formation of ova from the germ- epithelium has ceased, Graafian follicles are not formed from tubular structures in the manner described by Pfliiger, Spiegelberg, and REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 401 Waldeyer. The appearances of tubular structures in the human ovary passing into its stroma are produced by sections through furrows and depressions between irregular prominences on the sur- face of the foetal ovary. The irregularities of the surface of the foetal ovary are produced by the expansion of egg-clusters upwards under the germ epithelium. When the walls of furrows and depres- sions come in contact, egg-clusters are formed by the embedding of germ-epithelial corpuscles in that situation, just as in other situations. Egg-clusters are formed in connection with the germ-epithelium lining the furrows and depressions. Among the germ-epithelium _ corpuscles lining the furrows, &c., we find large primordial ova, and corpuscles in all stages of development into the same, just as in other situations among the ordinary germ-epithelial corpuscles. In the kitten and bitch strings of ova still communicating with the super- ficial germ-epithelium have been interpreted by some observers as if they were tubes filled with cells. At the age of six years the epithe- lium on the human ovary consists of very small flat hexagonal-shaped corpuscles, measuring y759 — yzb0 Of an inch. The corpuscles are seen dividing. This layer can be stripped off without difficulty. At the age of twelve the epithelium has little difference in appearance from the above, the small size of the epithelial corpuscles being remarkable. The epithelium is beautifully seen in old cats, and must be regarded as homologous with the peritoneal epithelium. In old cats the epi- thelium on the surface of the ovary consists of very small distinct cells, measuring from y_gyp5 th to epyo th inch, with granular oval nuclei. A. Kdlliker concludes (Verh. der Wiixzb. phys.-med. Gesell. vit., May, 1874), from recent researches made on the ovaria of newly- born and a few-days-old bitches, that the Memprana GRANULOSA HAS A DIFFERENT ORIGIN FROM THE Ova. The ovaries of 1—2 days- old bitches present two very different constituents. Round about the cortical zone are found heaps of primordial ova (Pfliiger), in longish, oval and round clusters, simply surrounded by stroma ovarii, egg near egg, without any structure between them. In the interior of the ovary a large number of slender strings of cells are found separated here and there, of a mean diameter of 20—30 pw, and com- posed of roundish cells without nuclei, which proceed everywhere from the locality of the mesovarium towards the cortex of the ovary. On following up the above-mentioned cellular strings towards the cortex ovarii, Kolliker arrived at the clear conviction that they were connected with the groups of primordial eggs of the cortex, the egg-tubes of Pfliiger, and that in these places the cells of the medullary strings formed envelopes around large and small numbers of primordial eggs, in such a manner that this cellular covering was completely developed around the deepest-lying eggs, whereas around the outermost eggs it became more and more imperfect, till at last the small cells disappeared amongst the primordial eggs. The observations which he made regarding the connection of the medul- lary strings with the egg-tubes, or clusters of primordial eggs, and the gradual appearance of the membrana granulosa at the bottom of the tubes, he interprets in this way, that the cells of the membrana 402 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. granulosa are furnished by the medullary strings, and that these strings by continued increase of their elements are pushed forwards: gradually to the superficial egg-cells, surrounding the latter with cells; consequently ovum and membrana granulosa have a different origin. Kolliker concludes by stating his opinion that these cell-strings have their origin in the Wolffian body. . Ensryonrocy.—A. Kolliker communicates (Verh. der phys.-med. Gesellsch. Wiirzburg, Jan. 1875) observations on the GrerminaL LAYERS IN THE Hen’s Ecc. From observations made on the blastoderm of the impregnated ovum and on the white yelk, more especially from the behaviour of the nuclei to osmic acid, acetic acids, and carmine, he concludes that they are quite different and definitely distinct forma- tions. The increase in thickness in the superficial part of the blasto- derm is due to repeated fission of its cells; this increase leads in the 10th—12th hour of incubation to the formation of the middle germinal layer. He does not agree with those authors who describe the middle layer as arising from the edge of the blastoderm, but he regards this layer in the middle of the blastoderm, in the neighbour- hood of the later-appearing primitive streak and embryonic axis, as arising from the ectoderm, by an increase of the cells of the same ; the mesoderm, having become more strongly developed, represents the inferior part of the so-called primitive streak. He considers that in this streak the ectoderm and mesoderm are not grown together, but from the first appearance of this axial thickening form one mass, which subsequently resolves itself into two layers ; the entoderm has eertainly no share in the formation of the primitive streak. From repeated inquiries Kélliker has come to the conclusion that the whole of the mesoderm at its first appearance arises at the expense of the cells of the axis-plate, the deeper parts of which grow at its borders between ectoderm and endoderm towards the border of the area pellucida, When the axis-plate has been separated into chorda, medullary plate, primordial vertebral plates, the entire growth of the mesoderm on the surface and in thickness is due to an uninterrypted increase of its elements, The determination that no part of the mesoderm arises from the endoderm has cost much labour, as at first sight there is much to say in favour of such a development at the borders of the mesoderm ; but the invariable appearance in the first instance of the mesoderm in the middle of the area pellucida, its slow growth towards the border of this area, its separability at all stages from the endoderm, lead to the conclusion that the middle germinal layer has no genetic connection with the endoderm. The thickening or ‘‘ Keimwulst” at the edge of the area pellucida belongs to the endoderm, and presents a division into an inner thicker and an outer thinner portion ; the cells of the “‘ Keimwulst” are distinetly nucleated, A surrounding or penetration of the elements of the white yelk by these cells does not take place, both parts remain distinct; the appearance of a blending is due to the cells of the “ Keimwulst” soon after incubation containing large granules and globules like those of the globules of the white yelk ; but the globules Le ee $e Pr eS REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 403 of the cells of the “Keimwulst” are produced within them. Hence the elements of the “Keimwulst” are simply cells of the endoderm. The blastoderm of the chick is a two-layered disc. The dise is then converted into a closer vesicle by the growth of the ecto- and endo- derm around the yelk. This vesicle is the homologue of the ‘‘ Keim- blase” germ-vesicle in the mammalia, and like it becomes three- layered by the development of the mesoderm. Hans Virchow, who has worked with Kolliker, contributes (Virchow’s Archiv, LX11., 566) some observations on the THIRD GERMINAL LAYER in the region ‘of the yelk-sac in the hen’s egg, from the middle of the Ist to the 8th day. E. Ray Lankester details his observations (Quart. Jowr. Microse, Se. Jan. 1875) on the DevELOpMENT oF THE CEPHALOPODA, Hisrotocican Processes.—Ranvier (Arch. de Phys., Nov., Dec. 1874) contributes observations upon Tue AppLicaTions OF PuR- PURINE to Hisrotogy. This material is a colouring principle ob- tained from madder. He gives the following instructions for its preparation for microscopic purposes. A half per cent. solution of alum in distilled water is boiled in a porcelain capsule, and a small quantity of powdered purpurine, with a little distilled water, added to it. Ifany of this remains undissolved it must be removed by filtration. Alcohol is the next ingredient, and this must be equal in quantity to one-fourth the volume of the whole mixture. He has employed this solution for the tinting of cartilage, bone, cornea, connective tissue, nervous tissue, and the retina, and he gives the results of each of these investigations in detail. In cartilage the nuclei were coloured red, the matrix presented a delicate rose tint, and the cellular protoplasm was transparent. He states that during the growth of cartilage the purpurine shews very plainly the signs of multiplication of the nuclei. In the cornea the fibrillary substance and the cellular protoplasm were not coloured, whilst the nuclei assumed a red tint. Here then, he points out, is a great advantage which the purpurine has over carmine, for the latter colours the fibrillary substances so deeply that the nuclei are obscured. He gives a minute description of these nuclei and also of their mode of multiplication by segmentation in artificially produced inflammation of the cornea. In muscular aponeuroses the flat nuclei applied upon the surface of the bundles were alone coloured, and in bone the osseous corpuscles, but not the basis substance. He obtained, how- ever, the most remarkable results in the nervous system. In sections of the spinal cord, hardened in bichromate of ammonia, the nerve-cells and their poles, the axis cylinder, and the connective- tissue fibres presented no coloration, whilst on the other hand, the nuclei of the epithelial cells lining the central canal, the nuclei of the connective tissue, and the nuclei of the capillaries were culoured red. These nuclei are rendered so distinct that he has been able to count them. and give their relative numbers both in the grey and in the white matter of the cord. He states that in every square mm. of grey matter there are 1875 nuclei of the connective tissue and the capillaries, whilst in a similar area, of white matter we only find 625. 404 PROFESSOR TURNER AND’ MR CUNNINGHAM. Tn the retina the granules of the external and internal granular layers were coloured bright red, and he is thus led to believe that these are not composed of nervous elements properly so called. Ranvier, in the same number of the same Journal, contributes a memoir upon THE Use or Diture Axconon in Histotocy. He states that alcohol diluted with two parts of distilled water has a most important action on the cellular protoplasm. It fixes the cells in their proper shape, and increases their solidity by coagulating their albuminoid protoplasmic contents. Its action upon the intercellular elements is different. These are softened and macerated, and thus the hardened cells can be isolated with the greatest ease without destroying their original shape in the process. Further, the dilute alcohol modities the optical characters of the coagulated protoplasm, and brings into view very distinctly the nuclei which this protoplasm contains. It also fixes these nuclei in their original shape. Lastly, he shews that dilute alcohol does not change the affinity of histological elements for colouring materials, as we can obtain after its action the best results with the most delicate colouring agents, Gustav Fritsch describes (Reichert wu. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1874, 442) a new modifica- tion of the Microrome of Rivet. E. A. Schiifer describes (Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sc. Oct. 1874) an apparatus for maintaining a CONSTANT TEMPERATURE under the microscope.—In the same Journal, Jan, 1875, Golding Bird recommends the use of ELDER PITH as an imbedding material for cutting sections. CoMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Ayturoporip Aprs.—Alex. Macalister describes (Proc. Roy. Irish Acad, 1873) the muscular anatomy of a young female gorilla. Lemurs.—In a paper on Lepilemur and Cheiro-galeus (P. Z. 8. May 20, 1873) St George Mivart figures and describes the skull and other parts of the skeleton. He reviews the evidence and opinions recently advanced regarding the zoological rank of the Lemuroidea, and maintains that the order Primates is natural and definite, and that it would be a questionable step to raise these animals to a higher value than that of a sub-order. RopentiaA.—W. OC. H. Peters describes Dinomys (Festsch. der Gesellsch. Naturf. freunde zu Berlin, 1873), a new genus of rodents from Peru, Ceracea.—J. E, Gray (Ann. Nat. Iist, Nov. 1873) objects to the interpretation placed by van Beneden on the drawings of two Cetacea from the Cape of Good Hope.——P. J. van Beneden makes some observations (Acad. Roy. de Belgique, June, 1874) on the Baleen Whales of New Zealand.———E. van Beneden describes (Mém, de Acad, Roy. de Belgique, xuI) by the name of Sotalia brasiliensis, a new dolphin from the Gulf of Rio Janeiro, Julius Haast records (Proc. Zoo’. Soc. May 5, 1874) a new species Luphysetes pottsii, a remarkably small species of Catodont whale on the coast of New Zealand. A. W. Malm communicates (Kongl. ao "he ae Ss. he REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF ANATOMY. 405 Vet. o Vitt. Samhiillets i Goteborg Hand. 1873) some zoological observa- tions which contain notices of Delphinus phocena, with a figure of a gravid specimen. C, F. Liitken describes (Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Copenhagen, 1873) the Cyami which infest the Cetacea. Pinnepep1a.—Jas. Murie continues his researches.on the Descrip- tive Anatomy of Otaria Jubata (Trans. Zool. Soc. yuu.). This memoir contains an account of the skeleton and the changes in the form of the skull ; the nervous system ; sensory apparatus ; vascular system ; hyo-laryngeal and respiratory organs; digestive system; urino- generative organs. As with the previous memoirs by this author on the Pinnepedia, it is beautifully illustrated by well-executed plates. ~——J. W. Clark discusses (Proc. Zool. Soc. Nov. 18, 1873), the characters of the Seals of the Auckland Islands. J. E. Gray de- scribes (Proc. Zool. Soc. Dec. 1873) the crania of seals from Japan, and refers one specimen to a new species Lumetopias elongatus. Carntvora.—J. W. Clark. records the finding (Proc. Zool. Soe. Dec, 2, 1873) of the skull of a Marten in Burwell Fen, Cambridge- shire. A. Macalister describes (Proc. Roy. Irish Acad, 1873) the muscular anatomy of Viverra Civetta, which he compares with that of the Tayra (Galera barbata): also an account of the myology of Aonysx leptonyx. Epentata.—Jas. Murie describes the anatomy of the three- banded armadillo (Tolypeutes conurus), (Trans. Linn. Soc. XXX.). After some introductory remarks on its habits, he gives the external measurements, describes the apparatus for drawing the body together, and then gives an account of the viscera, the muscles and the skeleton, Seven well-executed quarto plates illustrate the memoir. PacuypEeRMATA.—Alex. Macalister describes (Proc. Roy. Trish Acad. 1873) the anatomy of the Liberian hippopotamus (Cheropsis Liberiensis). Birps.—W. Dinitz describes in Reichert u. du Bois Reymond’s Archiv, 1873, 357, the cervical vertebree of birds of the genus Prous. St George Mivart describes (Z'rans. Zool. Soc. vit.) the axial skeleton of the ostrich (Struthio camelus)——J. Maurie, in Proc. 4ool. Soc. June 16, 1874, shews that the sacs vomited by hornbills consist of the epithelial lining of the gizzard ; and on the same date he describes the skeleton of Mregilupus varius, which he com with that of allied genera, and comes to the conclusion that this bird has a close alliance with the Pastoride. A. H. Garrod describes (Proc. Zool. Soc. May 6, 1873) the arrangement of the carotid arteries in birds, with the view of forming an estimate of their significance in classification ; and on June 17th, 1873, and Feb. 3, 1874, he examines certain muscles of the thigh of birds with reference to their value in classificaticn. The muscles are tensor fasciz, biceps cruris, semitendinosus, semimembranoxus, ambiens, and femoro- caudal. On June 3, 1873, Garrod describes the anatomy of Steatornis caripensis, and on May 5, 1874, some points in the anatomy of 406 PROFESSOR TURNER AND MR CUNNINGHAM. Columba. R. Owen continues (Z7'rans. Zool. Soc. vu. part 6) his researches on the Osteology of Dinornis. The memoir contains a description of a femur indicative of a new genus of large wingless bird (Dinornis Australis) from a post-tertiary deposit in Queens- land, Australia. Reprites.—In a paper on the genera of turtles (Oiacopodes) J. E. Gray communicates (P. Z. S. April 1, 1873) observations on their skeletons and skulls, and on p, 392 a note with figures on the skull of Séernothaerus. Alfred Sanders describes the myology of Phrynosoma coronatum (Proc. Zool. Soc. Jan. 6, 1874), and illustrates his observations with a number of excellent woodcuts. Barracnia.—T. H. Huxley describes (Proc. Zool. Soc. Mar. 17, 1874) the structure of the skull and heart of Menobranchus lateralis. Fisu.—R. H. Traquair describes in Geological Magazine, Dec. 1873, a new genus (Ganorhynchus Woodwardii) of fossil fish allied to the order Dipnoi: and in the same Magazine, June, 1874, he de- scribes Cycloptychius carbonarius from the Staffordshire coal-mea- sures. He also gives an account, in Ann. Nat. Hist. April, 1875, of the structure and systematic position of Cheitrolepsis, and describes some fossil fishes from the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, as Nemato- ptychius Greenockii, Wardichthys cyclosoma, Rhizodus Hibberti. The Bakerian Lecture on the Structure and Development of the Skull in the Salmon, by W. Kitchen Parker, is in Zrans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 1872.——Ranvier (Arch. de Phys. Jan. 1874, 17) contributes a short memoir upon THE Muscies or THE Dorsat FIN oF THE HippocamPvs. He states that the peculiar vibratory movement of this fin is satis- factorily explained by a study of its muscular apparatus. The bony case which contains the muscles is divided into two lateral parts by a longitudinal partition, upon each side of which small conical muscles are placed. On removing one of the sides of this bony case these muscles with their nerves and vessels are readily seen, as they are embedded in a perfectly transparent mucous tissue, The primitive fasciculi, of which the diameter is at least y§> of a mm., possess a sarcolemma which is placed at some distance from the mass which constitutes the bundle, and in the space intervening between the two there is a granular material containing large nuclei Each muscular bundle is provided with a distinct tendon, and the tendon of the entire muscle is formed by the union of all these little tendons. He states that the muscular fasciculus terminates in a blunt cone with an irregular surface. The tendon, which is much smaller in diameter than the fasciculus, enlarges at its extremity into a hollow cone, which fits exactly upon the solid cone formed by the muscular bundle. The granular mass within the sarcolemma stops abruptly at the point of union of the tendon and muscle, and he points out that it is probable that the sarcolemma ends with it, a ee ee Do ot it eh REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. By Wixiuram Srrrune, D.Se., _ M.B., C.M., Demonstrator of Practical Physiology in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh’. Nervous System. On THE ExvecrricaL ExcrraBILity OF THE SURFACE OF THE CERE- prum.—O. Soltmann, in a preliminary communication to the Central- blatt, No. 14, 1875, sums up his results thus. (1) No muscular movements are produced by electrical stimulation of the surface of the cerebrum in newly-born dogs. (2) These movements were first noticed several days after birth (9—11 days). (3) The extent and form of the motor areas vary, they are different in young animals from those in the adult. Moror Functions or tHE Ceresrum.—M, Schiff, Arch. f Exp. Path. Pharmak. 1874, 11.171. According to Schiff the so-called motor centres of the cortex of the cerebrum are reflex centres. Supporting this view is the fact that when the animal is deeply narcotized, galvanic stimulation of a “motor centre” is without effect, even when with decrease of the narcosis painful stimulation produces movements. By keeping up artificial respiration and rapidly increasing it, one can throw the animal into a condition resembling death; the reflex moye- ments cease, and the stimulation of the cortex is without effect. After the return of the spontaneous respiration the stimulus again acts. According to Fritsch and Hitzig induction currents do not produce tetanic contractions in the muscles dependent upon the stimulated area, and this, according to Schiff, shews that one has to deal with a sensory centre. In opposition to the action in motor parts, on stimulating the centres in the cortex the closing inductive shock acts before the much stronger, but much more rapid opening shock. On interrupting a galvanic current with an interrupting-wheel, and on stimulating the lumbar spinal cord, a contraction was pro- duced when the duration of the current was 39/59 th of a second, whilst for the cortex of the brain s}sth of a second was necessary, 7. e. a duration of the current ten times longer. It was also found that on stimulating the centres in the cortex, seven to eleven times longer time elapsed before the muscles dependent upon the ischiadic nerve contracted, taking simply the greater distance into account, than ought to have elapsed if it was simply a motor part, 7.e, when com- pared with the time which elapsed between stimulation of the roots of the Nv. ischiadicus and the contraction resulting therefrom. Lastly, Schiff confirms the fact observed by the first experimenters (F. and H.), that extirpation of single cortical centres is followed by loss of the “muscular sense.” The author does not believe in the 1 To assist in rendering this Report more complete, authors are invited to send copies of their papers to Dr Stirling, Physiological Laboratory, Edinburgh University. 408 DR STIRLING. existence of motor centres for the muscles of animal life in the cortex of the brain, but he thinks we must assume their existence for the movements of the heart, in that stimulations of, till now not previously defined parts of the cortex, influence the movements of the heart, that this influencing seems to be the expression of a direct excitability, and no reflex phenomenon. ON THE Functions oF THE LumMBAR PorTIONS OF THE SPINAL Corp or THE Doc.—Eckhardt concluded from the fact that erection could be produced by electrical stimulation of different parts of the brain that the centre for erection lay in the brain (Journ. of Anat. and Phys. vin. 186). F. Goltz and A. Fretisberg (Pfliiger’s Archiv, Vol. vi., and abstract in Centralblatt fiir die Medicinischen Wis- senschaften, No, 41) shew, however, that in dogs several days after section of the spinal cord at the limit between its lumbar and thoracic portions, that by certain stimulations of different peripheric portions of the body erections occur reflexly, and this very regularly. If, however, the lumbar spinal cord be destroyed, the erection does not take place. Just as the activity of other reflex centres can be inhibited by strong stimulation of the central ends of sensory nerves, so also is the lumbar centre for erection. Of course this centre can be inhibited as well as excited through fibres which pass to it from parts higher in the spinal cord or from the brain, Thus is to be explained the fact that after peripheral stimulation erection does not occur so. promptly in intact animals as in those with divided thoracic spinal cord; and on the other hand the observa- tion of Eckhardt and others, that erection follows stimulation of certain parts of the brain, is also explained. According to the authors there is also present in the Jumbar spinal cord a reflex centre for the evacuation of the urinary bladder. For, when in dogs the spinal cord is destroyed at the limit between its lumbar and thoracic portions, gentle tickling of certain peripheral parts of the body produce evacuation of the urine, The authors also believe that even in the waking state in man, originally the activity of the bladder is excited, not by the will, but reflexly from the mucous membrane of the bladder, whereby the first drop of urine enters the urethra, The further evacuation, however, can be continued afterwards by stronger innervation of the constrictor partis membranacee urethre. This centre also stands in connection with the brain through inhibi- tory and exciting fibres. By analogous experiments, the authors shew that the sphincter ani can also be excited reflexly to peculiar rhyth- mical activity, whilst the rectum exhibits peristaltic movements, and that the centre for these reflex acts also lies in the lumbar spinal cord. Goltz shewed, ten years ago, that in the frog the spinal cord exerts an influence on the tone of the blood-vessels. Legallois observed the same fact on rabbits, though he explained it incorrectly. The authors confirm the observation on the dogs on which they had experimented, that immediately after section of the spinal cord the hind feet become warm, but several days later, after the wound of the operation had quite healed, gradually the former tone returns, + eS REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 409 According to the authors this can only occur under the influence of one or more centres placed in the lower part of the spinal cord, which become paralysed immediately after the operation, but gradually again become active. If the lumbar spinal cord be now again injured, an increase of temperature in the hind-feet is again observed. After complete destruction of the lumbar spinal cord, the circulation is so affected that the animal dies. In a supplement, the author adds the remarkable fact, that section of one ischiadicus in a dog also produces, in the leg supplied by it, increase of temperature, even when the spinal cord is completely destroyed. In another communi- cation on ‘The Dilating Nerves of Vessels, Goltz and Freusberg (Pfliiger’s Archiv, Vol. 1x.) deduce from their experiments: 1. The existence of local nervous mechanisms placed at the periphery, which govern the tonus and which regulate to a certain extent the blood- circulation; 2. The presence of vasu-dilator nerves in the sciatic nerve, which can be set in activity, either by simple section alone, and then by electrical and chemical stimulation. These facts lead Goltz to regard the increase of temperature which follows section or stimula- tion of the nerves or of the spinal cord, not as a passive phenomenon, or produced by paralysis of the nerves, but as an active phenomenon. Drs F. Putzeys and F. Tarchanoff, at Goltz’s request, undertook to investigate this subject (Centralblatt, No. 41). A. The first point these authors investigated was: In what rela- tion does the condition of the vessels stand to the temperature of the paralysed limbs? 1. When one sciatic nerve is divided in the thigh in a dog, and _ the toes on both hind-feet are then cut off, one sees at once that the current of blood which flows out from the paralysed side is very con- siderable, whilst that on the sound side is very weak or scarcely present, The same result was obtained on young ducks and frogs. The same result was obtained in a frog on division of the roots of the sciatic nerve as they come out of the spinal cord. 2. Onstimulating the peripheral ends of the nerves in the animals, these phenomena are completely reversed; the current of blood stops on the paralysed side, and becothes very obvious in the other. Sti- - mulation with common salt gave the same result. These phenomena might be explained by the muscular contraction and tetanus in con- sequence of stimulation, but the same phenomena were observed in _ curarised dogs and frogs, but in the frog complete standstill of the outflow of blood did not take place. Direct observation of the vessels immediately after the operation shewed in the duck widening of the vessels, the blood was redder than in the sound foot. Stimu- _ lation of the nerves of the paralysed side caused narrowing of the vessels of this side. Microscopic examination shews, that stimulation of the sciatic nerve after its section, either in the thigh or in the pelvis, causes a narrowing of the arteries, which may even go on to complete occlusion of the vessels. 3. If the stimulation be continued for several minutes as under 2, the narrowing disappears, and is followed by widening, which the authors regard as a phenomenon of exhaustion. VOL. Ix, 27 410 DR STIRLING. On stimulation of a part of the nerve lying more peripherally, the contraction of the vessels can be observed again. B. 1. Section of the nerve in a dog yielded, just as in Goltz’s experiments, considerable increase of the temperature in the corre- sponding extremity. When, however, the peripheral end was stimu- Jated in a curarised dog, they did not obtain an increase, but a diminution of the temperature, which did not go so far that the paralysed side became as cool as the sound one, but still was 15° to 2° ©. (2°7° to 3°6° Fahr.). In a duck the sinking was 2°5° C. (4°5° Fahr.). iy The temperature of the paralysed side in dogs was found after three weeks to be the same as the sound side (corroborating Goltz). The widening of the vessels corresponds to the increase of tempera- ture, and the narrowing to sinking of the same. c. On dividing the sciatic nerve in a frog; and cutting off the toes of both hind-feet, the blood flows out in greater quantity from the vessels of the paralysed side. After ten days, if a new section of the webs be made, blood drops out from both feet, in about the same quantity. When, however, the spinal cord is divided in the middle of the back, or its lower part destroyed, it is observed that very little or no blood flows out of the paralysed foot, whilst from the other it flows out richly. After several days, the difference between the two sides has almost disappeared. If the section of the spinal cord be repeated in this way, that always several days elapse between the individual operations, then a new increase of outflow of blood is observed from the leg, which still stands in nervous connection with the central organ. These experiments support those of Goltz, and prove that a complete accordance exists between the conditions of filling of the vessels and the heat of the corresponding part of the — body, and that the gradual return of the temperature to the normal is _ the consequence of the restitution of the tonus. The authors derive the following conclusions from their experiments :—- 1. The restitution of the tonus of the vessels, which have lost their connection with the automatic centres placed in the brain and spinal cord, cannot be otherwise explained, as Goltz has already sug- gested, than by the existence of local peripheral arrangements, perhaps of a nervous nature, which they are not disinclined to compare to those which exist in the intestines; the tonus will therefore, in the — first instance, depend upon this local mechanism, and secondly, upon the centres in the spinal cord. 2. The sciatic nerve contains vaso-motor fibres. 3. It is not yet proved that it also contains vaso-dilator fibres (after the meaning of Goltz), nerves which, according to the above authors, are unnecessary for the explanation of the different phe- — nomena, . 4, Section of the nerves and spinal cord produce, without doubt, — a stimulation, whose effect is very evanescent, and which is followed — almost immediately by paralysis, 5. The widening of the vessels and the increase of the tempera- REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 411 ture, which are sometimes observed immediately after the stimula- tions, are the effects of over stimulation. 6. One might also add, that the vaso-motor fibres after their section, are in a state of latent irritation, which, in consequence of an energetic stimulation, makes way for exhaustion. One does not there- fore require the aid of vaso-dilator nerves to explain the increase of temperature which is observed after stimulation of a divided nerve, or of repeated division of the same. [In these various papers the authors do not cite the observations of Mr Lister, “On the Parts of the Nervous System regulating the Contraction of the Arteries.” Philosph. Trans, Part u., 1858, 607, Rep.] ON THE ‘SpAsM-CenTRE’ OF THE FrRoG AND ITs RELATION TO ceRTAIN Drues.—F, Heubel (Pfiiger’s Archiv, Vol. 1x., and Abstract in Centralblatt fiir die Med. Wissenschaften, No. 59, 1874) remarks that the tonic form of contraction occurring in the frog has been more studied than the more seldom-occurring clonic convulsions, Former investigations had not rendered it certain whether there existed in the central nervous system a circumscribed spot whose stimulation was followed by general clonic spasms, The exposed nervous centres of strong frogs were stimulated by simple, more or less gentle, contact with the head of a needle, Stimulation of the cerebrum, of the thalami optici, of the cerebellum, never gave muscu- lar contractions ; that of the corpora quadrigemina produced move- ments of the eyes, of the membrana nictitans, and bending of the head forwards and downwards. If one touch, by means of the head of a needle, the anterior broad part of the upper surface of the medulla oblongata (sinus rhomboideus), the frog shews, as ‘an unmistakable sign of pain,’ a sudden powerful contraction of the whole body, so that after removal of the needle the animal lies spasmodically flat upon the table. It remains for a longer or shorter time in a comatose condition, which sometimes passes into death. More sensitive by the same method of stimulation was the posterior angle (that nearer to the spinal cord) of the sinus rhomboideus. Upon touching this spot, the animal constantly uttered a loud ery, followed by trismus, general convulsions, clonic mixed with tonic spasms, whereby all muscles were thrown into action, the animal being caused to roll over, and it continued to contract upon the table. After the spasmodic seizure had passed off, the frog remained a short time in the very re- markable position, until almost completely motionless, and reflex sensibility had almost disappeared. If the animal recovered, the collective symptoms could again be produced, but not with the same intensity. The same results were obtained if, before the stimulation, the medulla oblongata, cerebrum, thalami optici and corpora quad- rigemina were removed ; sometimes also by a simple section through the medulla oblongata, which probably acted as a stimulus to the hypothetical spasm-centre (Krampf-centrum). As the anterior limit of this centrum may be indicated an imaginary line which divides the sinus rhomboideus into an anterior and posterior half, whilst the 27—2 412 DR STIRLING. terior limit certainly does not lie more than one or one and a half millimétres (‘04 or ‘06 inch) behind the calamus scriptorius. Concen- trated solution of chloride of sodium also produced general bodily convulsions, which passed into tetanus. It could be proved that the centre for these muscular contractions is to be sought in the medulla oblongata. After the assumption of a special ‘spasm-centre’ (Noth- nagel) was capable of being regarded as probable, the idea that the action of picrotoxin, nicotin, and other bodies upon the organism is caused through this centre, lay at hand. The author corroborates the proofs already offered by Réber, that picrotoxin, in that it produces the characteristic spasms, acts as a stimulus to the ganglionic appara- tus of the medulla. The same is also true (contrary to the ordinary assumption) for nicotin. After careful separation of the brain from the spinal cord in the frog, it is said that nicotin spasms no longer take place ; on the spinal cord this alkaloid acts only as a depressant, and to such a considerable extent, that always (when the medulla oblongata is retained) only a single spasmodic seizure is produced, and repetition and increase of the dose do not cause a second attack as by mechanical irritation, and by chloride of sodium, picrotoxin and nicotin. So also by caustic ammonia, carbonate of ammonia, bromide of ammonia, and chloride of ammonium could general clonic spasms be produced whose point of origin was undoubtedly placed in the medulla oblongata. In all the above experiments it remains doubtful whether the spasms were produced reflexly or directly. Several circumstances support the latter view. In all experiments the reflex sensibility was considerably diminished, whilst in undoubtedly reflex spasins (e.g. those produced by strychnin) the reflex-sensibility is almost always increased. Further, artificial respiration was without effect on the spasms produced by nicotin, whilst reflex spasms, as is known, are cut short by apnea. The author adverts to the fact that under strong stimulation of peripheral sensory nerves certain actions of the large nerve-centres are inhibited. Corresponding to this he explains the diminution of the reflex sensibility and of the sensory activities during and after stimulation of the ‘spasm-centre,’ ‘this most sensitive point of the whole cerebro-spinal axis,’ as a direct consequence of stimulation of the medulla itself. “Effects of Alcohol on the Nervous System.” Hammond, Abstract in Lond. Med. Reed., No. 98, 1874. * Recent researches on Vaso- motor Nerves.” H. P. Bowditch, Boston Med. and Surgical Journal, Jan. 1875. “Physiology and Pathology of the Pyramids of the Medulla Oblongata.” Benedikt, Wiener Medizin, Presse (Abst. in Lond, Med. Recd., No. 118).——“ The development of the powers of — thought in Vertebrate Animals in connection with the development of their Brains.” D, Byrne, Jour. of Anat. and Phys. 1x. 97. “OHANGES OF COLOURATION IN VARIOUS ANIMALS UNDER THE INFLU- eNCE oF Nerves.” Pouchet, Comptes rendus, Dec. 21, 1874 (Abst. in — Lond, Med, Rec., No, 106), Operation chiefly on fishes, e.g, turbots, The colour of several species was observed to change when they were a a irritated, or on simple sight of an external object. And since the ~ REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. ; 413. changes depend on the greater or less colouration of light by the bottom, they must be regarded as reflex acts, having their centre in the brain and their starting point in retinal impressions. The funda- mental experiment of M. Pouchet is that of suppressing the ‘chro- matic function’ by removing the eyeball, or simply cutting the optic nerve. The blinded animal loses its power of changing colour according to the bottom. Neither the spinal nerves nor lateral nerves govern this chromatic function. The trigeminus has an effect, The great sympathetic is the great governor of this function, and it forms the route of transmission for the influences going from the brain to the cutaneous chromoblasts. The same function exists in some articulata, as Palemon serratus. ON TROPHIC AND VASO-DILATOR Nerves.—Cl. Bernard (Gazette Méd. de Paris, 1874, No. 13) divided the trigeminus between the Gasserian ganglion and the brain, and obtained the ordinary neuropa- ralytic ophthalmia, without his being able by the most exact microsco- pic examination to detect the slightest degeneration of the nerve-fibres, The trophic disturbances are therefore to be ascribed to conditions in the circulation; the Nv. trigeminus encloses a large number of vaso- dilator fibres, whose section causes paralysis and consequent disturb- ance of the circulation. With the trigeminus divided as above, even after eight days a considerable secretion of saliva could be produced upon stimulating mucous membrane of the tongue; the stimulus, which in this case affected the lingual nerve, could only be conveyed to the chorda tympani through the intact remaining gang. sub- maxillare. Former experiments shewed the author that the property of the sub-maxillary ganglion to act as a reflex centre only lasts two or three days after section of the lingual nerve. General Physiology of Nerves. “The Polar Action of Electricity in Medicine.” John J. Mason, New York Med. Jour., Dec. 1874. “ Note on the so-called Auto- genic Regeneration of Nerves.” A. Vulpian, Archiv. de Physiol. 1874, 704. On THE TERMINATIONS OF THE GusTaTORY Nerve.---E. Sertoli (Gazetta Medico-Veterinaria, Anno iv., Abstract in Centralblatt fiir die Medicin. Wissenschaften, No. 55, 1874) investigated the papilla foliata of the tongue of the horse. For the investigation, the author employed -a very interesting modification of the gold method. Small pieces of fresh tissue were placed in a relatively large quantity of gold solu- tion (4 to 4 per cent.), and allowed to remain therein for eighteen or twenty-four hours, then washed out with water, and placed for eighteen to twenty-four hours in a 2 per cent. solution of bichromate of potash. They were then washed out with water and placed in absolute alcohol, in which they were completely hardened, and in which the colour already begun in the bichromate of potash appeared perfectly. The ‘colour can be accelerated by exposing the preparation in bichromate 414 DR STIRLING. of potash to a temperature of 30° Cent. (86° Fahr.). The papilla foliata is very richly supplied with nerves. In the subepithelial connective tissue the nerves form a very dense network, and end in the two following ways: (1) in the gustatory bulbs, which are present in extraordinarily large numbers in the folds and furrows of the papilla foliata ; (2) in an intra-epithelial network of fine non-medullated nerve-fibres intensly coloured by chloride of gold. In addition to this network stellate bodies coloured dark violet by chloride of gold lie between the pavement epithelium, the bodies being similar to those described by Langerhaus from the human epidermis. Sertoli is inclined to regard them as non-nervous. As this intraepithelial nervous network lies deeply imbedded and protected in the furrows of the papilla foliata, it cannot, according to Sertoli, be regarded as the anatomical substratum of the sense of taste, and he also claims it as a gustatory organ, as the form of termination of the specific sensory nerves of the tongue. In fact, this same intraepithelial nerve-ending, which often penetrates to the most superficial layers of the epithelium, occurs quite commonly in the papille fungiformes of the horse’s tongue. These papille are distributed in great numbers and with great regularity over the whole dorsum of the tongue, and it is very tempting to regard this form of ending as the anatomical condition of © the gustatory sense distributed over the whole surface of the tongue. The conclusion of the paper is occupied with the consideration of the minute anatomy of the gustatory discs (which are rendered a very characteristic dark colour with chloride of gold), Eye. “On the dependence of perception of Colour on the time.” M. Kunkel, Pfluger’s Archiv. 1x. 197 (Abstract in Lond. Med. Reed. No. 97, 1874). “On susceptibility in different parts of the Eye for different colours.” Raehlmann, Graefe’s Archiv fiir Opthalmologie, xx. Heft. 1 (Zbid.). “On simultaneous Light-contrast.” E. Hering, Sitzungsb. d. Wiener Acad. No. 68 (Abst. in Lond. Med. Reed. No, 101). “Transplantation of rabbit's conjunctiva to the human con- junctiva.” Otto Becker, Wiener Medizin. Wochenschr. No. 14, 1874. “Method for measuring the refractive power of the crystalline lens.” Hirschberg, Centralblatt, No. 49 and 52, 1874. Reply to the foregoing, by E. Cyon, Centralblatt, No. 50. Meyer’s experiment, J. Hoppe, Deutsche Klinik, 1874, No. 32. “The Colour of the yellow spot in Man,” H. Schmidt, Centralblati, No. 57. “State of the pupil during chloroform anmsthesia.” Budin, Gas. Méd. de — Paris, 1874, No. 38. “Pulsatory phenomena within the Eyeball.” Jacobi, Centralblatt, No. 2, 1875. “On the action of Muscarin in accommodation and on the pupil.” W. Krenchel, v. Graefe’s Archiv. fiir Ophthal. 1874, xx. 135 (Abst. in Centralblatt, No, 4, 1875). “On the oblique passages of the rays of light through the lens, &e.” L, Her- mann, p. 24, pl 1, Ztirich, 1874 (Abst. in Centralblatt, No, 11, 1875). “On the Theory of Colour-blindness.” F. Holmgren, Upsala Lakarefor forhandl. 1874, 1. 119, 11, 187 (Abst. in Centralblatt, No, 15, 1875), — — REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 415 _ CONSEQUENCES OF SECTION OF THE Optic NERVE IN THE F Roc. W. Krenchel, v. Graefe’s Arch. 1874, 127.—Berlin found that after section of the optic nerve in the frog, degeneration of the nerve-fibres to their most extreme intra-ocular terminations occurred. Berlin sug- gested that this was not due merely to the section of the nerves, but to the division of the blood-vessels by his method of operating. The author confirms Berlin’s results completely, and shews further, by intra-cranial section (whereby the vessels are uninjured), the correct- ness of the above assumption. K. found that in frogs, six months after the operation, no change in the eye either macro- or micro- -scopically was to be detected ; on the contrary, he found that several times in the almost always completely divided optic nerve, degenera- tion of the nerve-fibres for 1 to 2 mm. from the point of section had taken place. It is very remarkable that the mobility of the pupil for the action of light is not in the least diminished by intra-cranial section of the optic nerve, INFLUENCE OF SECTION OF THE TRIGEMINIS ON OCULAR PRESSURE. —Hirschberg (Centralblatt, No, 6, 1875) confirms the view of Donders and Snellen, that section of this nerve in man produces after a time decided diminution of the intra-ocular pressure. On Traumatic Keratitis,—Walb (Centralblatt, No. 7, 1875) employed the method of Lieberkiihn, viz. the injection of a freshly prepared neutral solution of carmine into the cornea of the rabbit. This causes little or no disturbance, and if the cornea is examined in from 10 to 11 days, the corneal corpuscles are found splendidly coloured and lying in a perfectly colourless ground-substance. After- wards the cornea can be irritated by chloride of zine, nitrate of silver, &c,, and the changes in the corpuscles, &c., noted. GoLDZIEHER ON IMPLANTATIONS IN THE ANTERIOR CHAMBER oF THE Eyvz.—W. Goldzieher (Archiv fiir Experiment. Pathol. und Pharmak, 1874, Band xi., Abstract in Centralblatt fiir die Med. Wissenchaften, No. 52) has adopted a method similar to that of Zielenko, who placed in the lymph-saes of frogs different tissues, and observed the changes they underwent. The author used the anterior chamber of the eye of rabbits, and placed in it conjunctiva, nasal - mucous membrane, nerves, cornea, &c., the advantage being that _ the coarser changes could be continually observed and controlled through the cornea, which almost always remains transparent. He found that the body introduced very soon became attached and vascular, either by the iris or by the conjunctiva, by means of the cicatrix in the limnus cornee. They became either encapsuled, the iris encircling them like folds, whereby cysts may be formed (so- called epidermoid iris-cysts), or they increase by adhering to some structure in the interior of the eye, and either shrivel or develop further, either in all parts (tuba, which even shewed peristaltic move- ments), or only in one (epithelium of the nasal mucous membrane). The proliferating epithelial cells do not conduct themselves in the foreign tissues as irregular developing tissues, which destroy the 416 DR STIRLING. texture of adjoining parts, but conduct themselves after their physio- logical type. Ear. Anatomy of the Ear. Politzer, Allgem. Wiener Med. Zeitung, October 20th, 1874———“‘On the Physiology of Audition. A.M. Meyer, Abstract in Lond. Med. Recd., No.101. “On the use of the Mem- brana Tympani as a phonautograph, Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1875 (Absts. in Lond. Med. Recd., No. 115.) “On section of the Semicircular Canals and the hypotheses founded thereon.” A. Bot- cher, Arch. f. Ohrenheilkunde, 1x. 1—71. (Absts. in Centralblatt, No. 48, 1874). “ On the connections of the Ossicles of the Ear.” G. Brunner, Knapp and Moos’ Archiv., 1874, m1, 22. “ Tem- perature of the External Auditory Meatus.” E. Mendel, Kirch. Arch. xi, 132, finds, that im the healthy subject the temperature is always 0,1 to 0,3° C. lower than that of the rectum. During apo- plectic or epileptic seizures the temp. of the ext. auditory meatus in comparison with that of the rectum is increased. Injection of morphia or narcosis produced by chloral produces considerable dimi- nution of temperature. Skin. “On the reflex phenomena connected with the vessels of the skin, and on reflex sweating.” Botkin, Berlin Klin. Wochensch. Nos. 7 and 8, 1875. Circulatory System. “The Blood and Glycemia.” Claude Bernard, Revue Scientifique, Noy. 28, 1874. “ The phenomena and functions of Transudations in the animal organism.” fF. Pacini, Lo Sperimentale, Oct. and Nov., 1874. “ Direct stimulation of the Heart in Mammals.” 8. Mayer, Sitzungsh d. Wiener Akad. wxvitt., Heft. 1 to 3. (Absts. in Lond. Med. Reed., No. 104, 1874).——-‘On the action of Nitrite of Amyl on the Blood-corpuscles.” Ladendorf, Berlin Klin. Wo- chensch, No, 43, (Absts. in Lond, Med. Recd., No. 106, 1875). “‘On the function of the Spleen.” Tarchanoff, Lond. Med. Reed., No. 107.) “ Modifications of the Blood in its passage through the Spleen.” Malassey and Picard, Comptes rendus, Dec. 21, 1874, (Absts. in Lond. Med. Recd., No. 117). “On some points connected with the Circulation of the Blood, arrived at from a consideration of the Sphygmograph-trace.” A H. Garrod, Proceeds of Royal Soc., No. 157, 1975.“ Peristaltic Arterial Action.” Objections to this theory. J. J. Mason, New York Med. Jour. 1873 and 1874.—— “ Position of the Heart’s impulse in different postures of the body.” Ransome, Jour. of Anat. and Phys. 1x., 1387. “Action of Chloral on the Blood,” W. Feltz and E. Ritter, Comptes rendus, ixxix, 1874, 324.—“ Transfusion of different bloods,” L, Landois, Centralblatt, No. 1, 1875,——* Condition of the blood-pressure on respiring compressed Air,” Drosdoff and Botschetsch Karoff, Cen- tralblatt, No, 5, 1875,.——* Transfusion of heterogeneous blood.” — REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 417 L. Landois, Centralblatt, No. 1, 1875.——“ Mode of action of the Auriculo-ventricular valves.” Mare Seé, Arch. de Physiol., 1874 (Abst. in Centralblatt, No, 14, 1875).——“ Influence of Alcaloids on certain properties of hemoglobin.” Ed. Schiir. Ber. d. d. Chem. Ges., vir. 1873, 362. On THE CrrcuLATION oF Bioop 1n Excisep Orcans.—(F2x- periences sur la Circulation du Sang dans les Organes Isolés.) Par Dr Paul Heger, Bruxelles, pp. 69, 8vo. 1873.)—Dr Heger, professor of physiology in Brussels, in an able monograph, cites the results of his researches on the above subject, made under Ludwig’s direction. The author shews clearly that the alkaloids have an action, entirely local, upon the walls of the vessels, and that this action is independent of the nerve-centres. Artificial Cireulation. An organ, such as the liver or kidney, is removed from the body as soon as the animal is killed, and a stream of blood passed through its vessels. The study of its function is therefore very greatly simplified. The blood employed ought to be defibrinated, carefully filtered, and brought to a proper temperature, and be taken from an animal of the same species from which the organ, whose function is to be studied, was taken. In certain cases, however, the blood of other animals may be employed, as the blood of the rabbit or the frog, &c. A description is then given of the manner of making articial circulation of defibrinated blood in the lungs of a dog. The lungs are placed in a glass case, hermetically sealed, to represent the thorax ; within which the pressure on the surface of the lungs is easily regulated and graduated by a pressure-bottle. Similar instructions are given for artificial hepatic secretions, just as was practised by Asp (Journ. of Anat. and Phy. 1x. p. 430). The changes that the defibrinated blood undergoes in its passage through the different organs experimented on are then considered. General Modifications observed in Artificial Circulation. Gene- rally the blood in its passages loses its red arterial colour and takes on a venous character; but if the rapidity of the circulation be con- siderable, it passes through without alteration of colour. The absolute quantity of oxygen absorbed and of carbonic acid produced is con- siderable, the relative quantity less. As the chemical modifications are dependent on the rapidity of the current, it is important to study the causes that vary the duration of passage, and establish the relation between pressure and velocity. If organs be devoid of all the properties of living tissues, the pressure being equal, then the quantity of blood obtained at the orifice of outflow will be equal in equal times, save those slight differences which are observed upon operating on inert tubes of small diameter (Poisseuille). But it is not so ina fresh organ in which we cause a current of defibrinated blood to circulate under, e.g. a constant pressure of ten millimétres of mer- eury. The quantity of blood which traverses the organ becomes less from minute to minute, with, however, some oscillations. If, at the moment of cessation of the flow, the pressure in the entering vessels be suddenly elevated by several millimétres, the afflux augments 418 DR STIRLING. immediately at the orifice of outflow, and, after having attained a maximum, gradually declines. If at the end of the outflow, before it has ceased, the pressure within the entering vessels be suspended, then the current ceases immediately; then, upon restoring the pressure, the current is more considerable than before the interrup- tion. It is seen, then, that (1) every oscillation of pressure causes oscillations in rapidity ; (2) under the same pressure the quantities ' delivered are not equal, since the rapidity diminishes constantly, and a momentary interruption suffices to determine an augmentation of the current. Whilst under a constant pressure the current is estab- blished without interruption. On comparing the quantities delivered during two minutes (e.g. from the lungs). it happens that the second is larger than the first; there are oscillations such that the rapidity rises, diminishes, rises again and diminishes, until it falls more and more towards zero. In a dead organ the rapidity does not undergo the same oscillations as in a fresh one; in a dead organ (e.g. lungs, twenty-four hours after death) the rapidity, at first constant, abates gradually and progressively ; there are no oscillations of the current ; the quantity obtained during one minute is equal or inferior, without recurrence, to that obtained during the preceding minute. Cidema, although it does contribute to lessening the rapidity of the current, is equally, with the idea of capillary embola, incapable of explaining the oscillations observed. The changes undergone by the blood after its passage through excised organs, e.g. muscle, lungs, &c., have already been studied by J. J. Miiller, Ludwig, A. Schmidt, and Genersich. In experiments on excised lungs the author finds that, all other circumstances being equal, the rapidity of the blood-eurrent traversing the lungs is proportional to the pressure exerted in the pulmonary artery. With the same pressure in the pulmonary artery the quantity of blood which traverses the lungs is much greater when they are dilated by the pleural cavity, With the same pressure in the pulmonary artery, the quantity of blood which flows through the lungs is much less when they are dilated by inflation through the trachea. The blood is attracted to the pulmonary vessels during inspiration. Circulation in the Excised Liver, The author points out that the oscillations in the current are again found in the liver, where the vena porte in its ultimate ramifications contains no muscular fibres, but only connective tissue and elastic fibres. The following, the results of Belz’s experiments under Ludwig, on the circulation of a solution of gum in the liver, are then stated; and as they are not generally known they may be introduced here, Taking into view the diameter of the hepatic artery and that of the vena porte, the portal circulation has a greater rapidity than the arterial hepatic one. The circulation in the hepatic artery is facilitated by the absence of a current in the portal vein; it is interfered with by a simultaneous current, The retention of bile in the biliary canals is a serious obstacle to the circulation of blood in the portal vein. If two different pressures succeed each other, the current varies, not only with the pressure under which it penetrates, but also with that as OF an ee ee ee ee ae Py See eee eee er REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 419 which precedes it. If at the beginning of a current the pressure be constant, the quantity of fluid which passes through the liver is at first variable, and it is only after about ten minutes that equal quan- tities are received from minute to minute. With the same pressure in the vena porte the rapidity diminishes proportionally to the pressure exercised on the surface of the liver. The immense import- ance of these observations, both clinically and practically, is at once obvious. . Influence of Toxic Agents on the Blood-current in Artificial Circulation.—lIf a few drops of an alkaloid be added to defibrinated blood, the current of blood which passes through the organ is im- mediately modified. Thus, nicotin added to defibrinated blood, cir- culating through excised lungs, greatly increases (to three times) the rapidity of the current. As soon as normal blood is admitted, the action of the alkaloid is effuced, the slowing of the rapidity (as expressed by the quantity which flows out from the pulmonary vein in a given time) which succeeds the toxic action is regular as in a dead organ ; it shews no oscillations, yet a new dose of the alkaloid produces again an acceleration. The modifications in the rapidity are proportional to the dose of nicotin employed ; the larger the dose, the greater the rapidity. Nicotin has, therefore, a special action, entirely. opposite to that of cyanide of potassium, which causes arrest of the circulation by cedema. Exactly the same is true of the liver. In thus experimenting on excised organs we eliminate all effects of the central nervous system, to whose influence too many phenomena in the physiology of the circulation are too apt to be ascribed. Nicotin when added to blood produces a change in its colour and constitution ; but this is not the cause of the action, for large doses of nicotin added to blood passed through dead organs had no influence whatever on the rapidity of the current. By the aid of Poisseule’s formula, it is shewn that there are modifications in the calibre of capillaries under the influence of certain toxic substances, but whether due to contractility proper or not, the author leaves undecided.-—[Zond. Med. Reed., No, 115, 1875.] INFLUENCE OF THE BRAIN ON THE BLooD-PRESSURE IN THE Putmonary ArTerRyY.—Badaud (Verhandl. d. phys. Medicinisch. Gesellsch. zw Wiirzburg, vil. 1) has investigated this subject in Fick’s laboratory. The blood-pressure was not measured directly in the pulmonary artery itself, but was estimated from the pressure in the right ventricle, the pressure during the cardiac systole being the same in the right ventricle as in the pulmonary artery. The thorax was not opened, but a catheter was passed through the jugular vein into the right ventricle, the catheter being connected with a new manometer devised by O. Fick. The pressure in the pulmonary artery is very much less than in the aorta, e.g. in the former 48 mm. Hg., in the latter 102. On division of the spinal cord the pressure sinks in both, but so much more in the aorta than in the pulmonary artery, that it becomes almost exactly the same in both, e.g. 18 mm. Hg. in the pulmonary artery, 20 in the aorta, Stimulation of the 420 DR STIRLING. divided spinal cord causes a marked rise in the pressure as well in the pulmonary artery as in the aorta, though the rise is much greater in proportion to the normal pressure, in the pulmonary artery, than in the aorta. ‘Stimulation of the splanchnics raises the pressure in the pulmonary artery very slightly. Compression of the aorta did not raise it at all. Action oF LoBELINA ON THE CirrcuLaTion.—J. Ott (Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Jan, 1875) working in Bowditch’s laboratory, experimented chiefly on rabbits. Lobelina in small doses increases the blood-pressure by acting as an excitant on the peripheral vaso- motor system. It seems to be mainly a respiratory poison, and in the cat it greatly reduces the temperature. Ow THE Iron IN THE System. Picard (Comptes rendus, Nov. 30, 1874) investigated this subject in Cl. Bernard’s laboratory. The animals operated on were chiefly dogs. The dogs got no food on the day of the analysis, and the analysis was made on defibrinated blood. In 100 cc. of blood the following quantities of iron were found. Young, very fat dog 0°092; adult dog 0:065; dog weakened by pre- vious bleedings 0-041. These are the extremes. As to the mean- ing of these variations, the author compared the quantity of iron in 100 cc. of blood with the quantity of O, which 100 cc. saturated with this gas, liberated in vacuo. This table shews that the two quantities vary in a parallel manner, and that their relation is sensibly constant and equal to 2:3, He finds further that the spleen under ordinary circumstances contains a much higher percentage of iron than is to be found in the blood, e.g. in spleen, dog 0:24; ox 0°15; cat 0°34. The liver comes next, but the proportion never exceeds that in the blood, and is rarely equal to it. On THE RétE or GAsEs IN THE COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD,— E. Mathieu and V. Urbain (Comptes rendus, LXx1x. 1874, 665, Absts. in Centralblatt, No. 60). (Jour. of Anat. and Phys, vin. 408, for results of previous experiments) proceed from the view that fibrin is dissolved pre-formed in the blood, and is simply excreted on coagula- tion taking place. The cause of this coagulation they see in the union of fibrin with CO,. If two portions of blood are caught directly from the artery in the receiver of the air-pump, and their gases re- moved before and after coagulation, then more COQ, is obtained in the former case, 100 vols, of blood gave Before coagulation, ’ After coagulation, 48-05 eem.CO, 39°38 a ie ee 44°85 49°00 5; os 40:95 EPRO se 42°50 Blood deprived of CO, does not coagulate, but the excretion of coagula occurs at once when a current of CO, is passed through it, The authors prepare blood free of CO, by adding a few drops of NH, to prevent coagulation, and then displace the O by CO, and lastly in REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 421 remove the CO, and NH, by pumping. Such blood does not by itself coagulate, but does so on CO, being passed through it. The authors observe further, that some venous blood coagulates with difficulty, e.g. renal venous blood. According to the authors, this blood contains little CO,, the urine, on the contrary, an obvious amount; they refer this phenomenon to the diffusion of CO, Proceeding from this observation the authors made fast a piece of moist intestine to a divided artery. The blood therein remained fluid, when it was kept in motion (in the other case CO, increases in quantity which causes coagulation). Venous blood contains more NH, than arterial, and therefore coagulates more slowly. 100 ccm. venous blood from the dog gave 15,85 com. NH,, 100 ccm. arterial 10,62 (7). The fibrin obtained by beating the blood, on being heated with acids, and on being pumped out, yielded [10 grms. dried fibrin (=60 moist)] 80—90 ccm. CO, Piosz anD GyorGyaAl on CoacuLatTion oF BLoop IN THE Liv- inc AnimaL.—Plosz and Gyorgyai (Archiv fiir exper. Path. und Pharmak., Band ii. 1874) confirm the assertion of Naunyn, that in- jection of lake-coloured blood into the veins of a rabbit is followed in most cases by death, through thrombosis of the right heart and pul- monary artery. Of fourteen rabbits only two survived the injection, In every case where death resulted thrombosis was proved to be the cause of death. Outside the body the addition of lake-coloured blood to normal blood greatly accelerates coagulation. The second part of the paper is occupied with the question of the injection of foreign blood. Fourteen rabbits received varying quantities of defibrinated blood from hens and turkeys; only one of these survived, two were killed intentionally, eleven died in consequence of the injection, some of these on the sixth day after the injection. As to the cause of death, in three cases extensive thrombosis in the right heart, in the large veins of the right heart, and in the pulmonary artery, were found; in five cases the section was not made early enough to determine whether the thrombosis took place intra vitam or not; in three cases the presence of thrombi was distinctly ascertained, so that to the blood as such a poisonous action is to be ascribed. [ Vide the experi- ments of Creite, who asserted the poisonous action of the serum of the blood of the bird in the rabbit.] The blood-corpuscles of the bird could be discovered several hours after the injection, but they gradu- ally broke down, in that the stroma became discoloured, and the nuclei became free. [Vide the results of the experiments of Landois, Journ. of Anat. and Phys. vu. 405.] Blood-colouring matter appeared in the urine. In the frog the solution of the foreign blood-corpuscles occurs much quicker than in the rabbit. [See also the results of W. Miiller’s, where no thrombosis was observed after the injection into the veins of dogs of very large quantities of defibrinated dog’s blood. Journ. of Anat. and Phys. 1x, 222.] ZIEGLER ON THE EXPERIMENTAL PRopUCTION OF GIANT-CELLS FRoM CoLouRLess BLoop-corpuscLes.—Ernest Ziegler (Centralblatt fiir die Medicinischen Wissenschaften, Nos. 51 and 58, 1874,) cut 429 DR STIRLING. from mirror-glass, small glass plates of different sizes, partly quad- ratic, partly long rectangular, ground off the edges carefully, and affixed to each with porcelain glue a fine cover-glass of the same size, so that there remained between the glass lamelle an empty capillary space, accessible from all sides, with the exception of the corners. These plates were brought under the skin and periosteum of dogs and rabbits, or were introduced into one or other of the large cavities of the body, This was done under the impression that the colourless blood-corpuscles would penetrate into ail the spaces, would wander under the cover-glass, and there, independent of the organism, be nourished by lymphatic fluid, and undergo this or that metamorphosis. The author met with many failures, and recommends the following method. Small plates of glass must be used 10 to 20 millimétres (004 to 0-08 inch) long, and 10 millimétres (0-4 inch) broad, Large ones easily occasion profuse suppuration. The plates were generally left from ten to twenty-five days in the spot operated on, The best field for operating is the inner side of the thigh of not too old dogs. Rabbits gave no satisfactory results. After the plates were removed they were slightly washed, and at once placed in a 1 percent, solution of perosmic acid, and allowed to remain there for two days. They were then placed in spirit with glycerine, then in pure glycerine, The following were the results of sixty-five experiments. An in- wandering of colourless blood-corpuscles took place in all cases. The changes of the same in the first ten days varied according to the direc- tion of the development. After several days a flattening of the cor- puscles and the formation of a cellular mosaic was often to be observed, After this time the author found the following—up to the twenty- fifth day. In the greater number of cases only retrogressive changes were observed. The progressive processes shewed the different de- velopmental directions. lt. The formation of a Reticular Tissue with Enclosed Epithelioid Cells and Rich Development of Giant-Cells.—This is, without doubt, the most interesting result. The giant-cells consist of finely granular protoplasm and certain numerous large oval nuclei and distinet nucleoli, sometimes with round sharp contours, at others provided with processes. They lie in the above-mentioned reticular tissue, surrounded by cells which in their immediate neighbourhood are of considerable size, but diminish towards the periphery. The size of the giant-cells is very various, and it can be seen, on one and the same microscopical preparation, how they are developed from the colourless blood-corpuscles by increase of the protoplasm and simulta- neous increase of the nucleus, till they reach the dimensions of the largest known giant-cells, In preparations in which giant-cells were present the author never observed the development of blood-vessels. _ 2. Development of Connective Tissue and Vessels.—Similar appear- ances to those of developing connective tissue were found. The pre- parations incline the author to lean to the paracellular origin of the reticular tissue. As the first stage in the development of the vessels there is clearly observed a network of peculiarly changed colourless blood-corpuscles ranged one on another, which increase considerably eS a i i el ee REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 425 on the surface, and are firmly fixed on the edges, and gradually assume an endothelial character. In addition to this so-called secondary formation of vessels, the author observed at a later date bud-like formations from the wall of existing vessels. Still even here the auther thinks that these bud-like formations are formed by the apposition of neighbouring lymph-corpuscles. The author draws the following conclusions :—1, Real giant-cells can develope from colour- less corpuscles. 2. Under similar conditions eytogeuous connective tissue with epithelioid cells are formed. 3, These formations are to be placed equal to certain forms of tubercle; or, in other words, tubercle with its giant-cells is an inflammation focus in which the colourless corpuscles heaped up at any spot (probably intracanalicular —Rindfleisch, Schiippel) undergo a development. This, according to the author, is caused by imperfect nutrition of the cells, in so far as this is not sufficient to furm a new connective tissue. According to this view giant-cells are to be regarded as imperfect new cell-forma- tions. 4. The formation of intercellular substance in reticular tissue is paracellular, arising anew by a cutting off from the sides of the cells, Purves oN THE PLack WHERE THE Wuite Bioop-CorpuscLes WANDER OUT OF THE VESSELS.—L. Purves (Onderzoekingen gedaan in het Physiol. Labor., Utrecht, 1873, 11.), to investigate the place where the white blood-corpuscles pass through the wall of the vessel in Cohnheim’s inflammation experiment, injected a solution of silver into the vessels of a frog prepared after the manner of Cohnheim. The colourless corpuscles, without exception, wander out between the boundaries of the endothelial cells. They never pass through the sub- stance or through the nucleus of an endothelial cell. According to the author the red corpuscles only pass out by those channels which have been previously made for them by the colourless corpuscles, The author found no stomata of any kind on the epithelium of the vessels, On THE INFLUENCE OF THE CONCENTRATION OF THE BLOOD AND TissuE-JUICES ON THE CHANGES OF Form AND PLACE OF THE CotourtEess Bioop-Corruscies.—R. Thoma (Virchow’s Archiv, Vol. Lxxt. Heft 1), on this subject :-— 1. Influence of the Concentration of the Surrounding Fluid on the Amcboid Movements of the Colourless Blood-Corpuscles removed from the Body.—Blood of the frog, placed in the gas-chamber, and from which water was removed by the passage through it of a stream of air, shewed, that in the portion of blood poor in water, the number of round motionless colourless corpuscles surpassed considerably the number of those shewing changes of form. In blood in which the - quantity of water was increased, the greater number of the colourless corpuscles shewed the branched forms, such as are produced by the flowing movement of protoplasm. Those corpuscles which adhere to the cover-glass are more spread out, shew clearly three or four nuclei, and bear more richly branched processes, contain oftener vacuoles, and shew more lively changes of form than those floating 424 DR STIRLING. free in the fluid. This is, without doubt, due to the action of the surface, and produced by strong adhesion of the body of the cell to the surface of the glass. This property also belongs to a series of other solid bodies, and also to the intima of the vessels. The white blood-corpuscles become more sluggish in their changes of form with the increase of the concentration of the fluid, and the greater number change into rounded cells, which sometimes have fine processes on their surface. This is not due to death of the corpuscles, for by increase in the quantity of water they again became lively in their movements, and resume the properties of freshly drawn white-blood- corpuscles, These observations were made in the blood of Rana temporaria and esculenta; but the same is also true for that of Salamandra maculosa, and Triton cristatus, and also for that of warm-blooded animals ; at least for the guinea-pig and dog. Under the influence of water the contents of the white corpuscles may be increased four times, and this can only be regarded as an imbibition phenomenon. 2, Kaperiments on Colourless Corpuscles circulating in the Blood, produced by injection of water into the circulation of the frog.—Besides unchanged colourless corpuscles there are a large number which shew forms such as can be produced upon blood under the influence of water outside the body. Those which lie upon the walls of the vessels exhibit very lively changes of form. In an opposite experiment frogs were exposed for several days to evapora- tion. Microscopic observation shewed that under these conditions in the tongue, no amceboid movements were to be observed in the corpuscles circulating in the blood, and also in those touching the walls of the vessels, and the injection of a 3 per cent. solution of common salt into the veins shewed that increase of the quantity of salts acted quite in a similar manner'to the regular concentration of the blood by evaporation of water from the surface of the skin. 3. Haperiments on the Wandering Cells in Living Tisswes.—The question was whether colourless corpuscles which have wandered out- side the vessels are influenced in a similar manner by differences in concentration of the tissue fluids. The cells which have wandered out into the tissue shew the lively ameeboid changes of form and place, whilst by infusion of a 3 per cent. salt solution and evapora- tion from the skin, the amceboid movements of the wandering cells become slower and very soon cease altogether. The same is observed with a 1-5 per cent solution, the colourless corpuscles becoming round and shining, and changes of place could no longer be observed of them ; whilst with a 0°5 per cent. solution the changes both of form and place were very lively. Irrigation of the frog’s tongue with various strengths of salt solution also produced important changes in the calibre of the blood-vessels, and therefore in the rapidity of the blood-current. Under irrigation by a 0°5 per cent, solution, a very plentiful out-wandering, specially from the small veins, takes place, while in the same organ with a 1:5 per cent. solution, the wandering- out of the colourless corpuscles is completely suppressed. This solution acts first on the blood-vessels, producing a pronounced dilata- tion of the arteries, and therewith an acceleration of the blood-cur- ee — ee Se) ae —- eye Se ae REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 425 rent in the arteries, capillaries and veins, as Wharton Jones had already proved, and which H. Weber, F. Schuler, Buchheim, Vierordt, etc. shewed, depends essentially on the diffusion of the blood-plasma with the salt solution. The acceleration of the blood- current is so considerable that the venous current takes on part of the characteristics of the arterial one. Specially, the marginal position of the colourless corpuscles disappears. The second effect of the 1:5 per cent. solution of chloride and common salt is its influence on the changes of form and place of the colourless corpuscles. The chief results of this investigation are, first, that changes in the quantity of the salts and the concentration of the blood and tissue- juices, within those limits which are compatible with the existence of the animal organism, exercise a powerful directing influence on the changes of form and place of the colourless corpuscles. Con- centration of the tissue-juices causes these corpuscles to lose their property of changing their form and place, so that they become round and shining. These phenomena may last for days, until a dilution of the tissue-juice is again produced, when the lively changes of form and place of the corpuscles begin again. Thus they shew a tolerably wide similarity with vegetable protoplasm, as pointed out by Kiihne on the myxomycete. Secondly, it is proved that the wandering-out of colourless corpuscles from the vessels of the frog’s tongue, in spite of a large loss of substance, can be completely hindered by the irrigation of the wound with a 1°5 per cent. solution of common salt, that it is hindered by the thickening and increase of the salts of the blood. By irrigation with salt solution, of the above concentration, the action depends upon the acceleration of the rapidity of the current caused by the continuing dilatation of the arteries, and of the direct influence upon the protoplasm of the colourless corpuscles of the blood. The acceleration of the venous current prevents the marginal position of the colourless corpuscles, and in this way extinguishes the first condition for the out-wandering of the same from the veins. The influence of a 1-5 per cent. solution of common salt stops, during the irrigation, change of form of the protoplasm of the colourless corpuscles, and simultaneously their out- wandering from the vessels, and every obvious change of place in the tissues, Respiratory Systems. “Influence of Food on the consumption of oxygen and the excre- tion of CO, in Man.” OC. Speck, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharmak. 1874, m1. 405 (Absts. in Centralblatt, No, 9, 1875). Paralysis of the Diaphragm after section of the phrenic nerves.” Alyschewsky, Berlin Klin, Wochenschr. No. 35 (Abstract in Lond. Med. Reed., No. 97, 1874). “On the absorption of CO, by solutions of neutral phosphate of soda.” 'T. Setschenow, Centralblatt, No. 3, 1875. Alimentation. “Phenomena of Deglutition as studied by the graphic method.” Arloing, Comptes rendus, Noy. 2nd, 1874 (Absts. in Lond. Med, VOL. IX. 28 426 DR STIRLING. Reed., No. 99). “On the intestinal Juice.” Dr Leven, La France Médicale, Oct. 21st, 1874. “ On the Physiology of Vomit- ing and the action of anti-emetics and emetics.” T. Lauder Brunton, Practitioner, Dec. 1874. “Pepsine in commerce.” C. Symes, Lond. Med. Recd., No. 108.——‘“ Estimation of the nitrogen of albuminates.” W. Kreussler, Zeitsch. fiir Anal. Chem. x11. 354, and J. Seegen and J. Nowak, Pfliiger’s Arch. 1874, rx. 227. “On Fermentation in the Stomach and the formation of gastric gases which burn with a yellow flame.” A. Ewald, Reich. und du Bois’ Arch, 1874, 217 (Absts. in Centralblatt, No. 6, 1875).——-*On the acid of the Stomach,” Ralfe, Lancet, 1874, July 4; R. Maly, Annal. de Chem. u. Pharm., Bd. 173, 227; and Laborde, Gaz. Méd. de Paris, Nos. 32, 33, 34 (Abstract of all three papers in Central- blatt, No. 12, 1875). On THE GASES PRODUCED DURING ARTIFICIAL PANCREATIC Digestion. Kunkel (Verhandl. d. Phys.-Math. Gesellsch. zu Wiirz- burg, vit.) arrived at the following results:—1. In artificial pan- creatic digestion of pure fibrin by means of the pancreatic fluid, CO,, H, hydro-sulphuric acid, N, and CH, appear, and traces of other hydro-carboids. 2. The proportion of CO, increases, and that of H. diminishes with the duration of the experiment. 3. Hydro-sulphuric and marsh-gas only appear towards the end of the experiment, 4, Nitrogen is present in small quantity. It is not due to admixture of atmospheric air. 5. Oxygen was never to be found, Also G. Hiifner, Journ. f. Pract. Chem. N. F. x. 1874, i. Formation ‘oF Aspartic ACID DURING PANCREATIC D1GESTION.— 8. Radziejwski and Salkowski, Ber. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. 1874, vu. 1050. The authors confirm the supposition that aspartic acid is formed when the pancreas ferment acts upon albumen (blood-fibrin), HEIDENHAIN ON THE SALIVARY GLAND.—R. Heidenhain (Pfliiger’s Archiv, Vol. 1x., and Abstract in Centralblatt fiir die Medicin. Wissen- schaften, No. 1, 1875) says that Rossbach questioned the antagonistic action between atropin and physostigmin in relation to the secretory fibres of the chorda tympani, as asserted by Heidenhain. To estab- lish his results the author atropinised curarised dogs by injection into the blood, until stimulation of both chorde no longer produced secretion, ligatured both subclavian arteries to control the circulation in the submaxillary glands, and injected a solution of physostigmin under previous occlusion of the carotid into the branch of submental artery going to the hilus of the gland. The immediate consequence was that on the side where physostigmin was employed, the chorda became again excitable, whilst stimulation of the other chorda gave no result, when, in order to make the conditions of the experiment alike in the two glands, a solution of an indifferent salt was injected into the artery of the other gland, Gianuzzi shewed, in 1865, that when the salivary secretion was arrested by the injection of dilute acid or solution of soda into the excretory duct, stimulation of the chorda produced a very considerable edema, and he concluded from ror a " = OE a “aa a Fe Re REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 427 this that the secretion normally consists of two acts, of the increased transudation of lymph by paralysis of the vessels, and of the forma- tion of saliva from this material by stimulation of the secretory nerves, The author shews that this hypothesis is untenable, in that after the injection of atropin into the gland stimulation of the chorda caused acceleration of the blood-current, but never pronounced cedematous swelling. The latter is also absent on injecting an in- different fluid into the excretory duct after atropinising, but occurs at once when a dilute acid or soda solution is used instead of the indifferent fluid. The author suggests that the edema arises from diffusion, caused by the differences of the blood-fluids and the injected acid or soda solution bathing the vessels, ZWEIFEL ON ‘THE Digestive APPARATUS OF NEWLY-BORN CuiLpren.—Zweifel, in a series of researches “On the Digestive Apparatus of Newly-born Children” (pamphlet, Berlin, 1874, pp. 47, Abstract in Centralblatt fiir die Medicin. Wissenschaften, No. 59, 1874), carefully investigated the bodies of newly-born children, or those a few weeks old. Salivary Glands.—Parotid and submaxillary glands were ex- tracted, either simply with water or after Wittich’s method. The parotid extract always changed starch rapidly into sugar, as was proved by Trommer’s and the fermentation tests, and by the polari- scope. All experiments with extract of the submaxillary, on the con- trary, gave only negative results,—a very striking phenomenon in relation to the condition of these glands in the adult. The ordinary diseases of children (diarrhea, vomiting, etc.) produced no essential change, only the fermentative action was less and slower. On the contrary, this action during the fetal period appears to be absent till near to its termination. Stomach.—The whole organ was finely chopped up, extracted with water and hydrochloric acid added to the filtrate to the extent of one per 1,000; in many cases also the glycerine extract of the stomach was used. As the test, well-washed fibrin and casein as free from fat as possible were employed. In all cases there was a tolerably large production of peptones, not far behind that produced by an adult stomach which was used as a control. On the contrary, in a fetus of six months the results were negative, Casein proved specially digestible. -Panereas.—The diastatic ferment is absent from an infusion of this gland till up to the end of the first month of life, as shewn by Korowin and corroborated by the author. It, however, possesses the property of converting albuminous bodies (casein and fibrin) into peptones, and of splitting up neutral fats. In two cases of diarrhea it had also lost this property. Glycogen was detected by Briicke’s method in the liver of a four months’ foetus which was examined a few minutes after the heart had ceased to beat. Biliary matters (colouring matter and acids) were found in the intestinal canal of a three months’ fetus. 28—2 428. DR STIRLING. ErziINGER ON THE DIGESTIBILITY OF GELATINE-YIELDING TIsSUES.— J. Etzinger (Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1874, Band x., Abstract in Cen- tralblatt fiir die Medicinischen Wissenschaften, No. 45, 1874) tested, on the one hand, the action of artificial gastric juice on the ligamentum nuche, tendon, cartilage and bone, and on the other, fed with the proper substances, a dog, whose excretion of nitrogen was diminished to a constant low value by being allowed to hunger for several days, The increase in the quantity of nitrogen after the supply of the above substances is taken as the standard for their utilisation in the body. 1, Bones.—Bone-powder, prepared by rasping the compact sub- stance of ox-bones, dissolved tolerably richly in hydrochloric acid (0°3 per cent.). After ten days’ digestion of 10 grammes (150 grains) of the powder, with in all 1,200 cubic centimétres (rather more than 40 ounces) of dilute acid, only 1:83 grammes remained undissolved. The residue was richer in organic substance than the original sub- stance, organic substance, however, being plentiful in the solution. The dog experimented on shewed, after taking 150 grammes of bone, an increase in the excretion of urea of about 8 grammes per diem. An absorption of lime from the bones could not be proved; on the contrary, the quantity of this mineral in the urine shewed a dimi- nution. The author supposes that the cause of this phenomenon lies in the diminished decomposition of the tissues of the body through the supply of gelatine. The phosphoric acid shewed a small increase. Corresponding to this the feces evacuated during feeding with bones contained 308°5 grammes of ash, 7.e. somewhat more than the sup- plied bones. 2. Cartilage.—Costal cartilage of a calf dissolved in not incon- siderable quantity in a 0°3 per cent. solution of hydrochloric acid (e.g. 24°3 per cent.), but much more on the addition of pepsin (74-9 per cent.). After feeding with cartilage, the feces only contained traces thereof, the excretion of urea shewed an increase of about 11 grammes after feeding with 72-2 of dried cartilage (at 100° Cent.). 3. Tendons were affected little by the action of a 0°3 per cent. solution of hydrochloric acid, After eight days’ digestion the amount dissolved in the pepsin mixture was 12:05 per cent. ; on the contrary, after three days they were broken up and dissolved, and 94 per cent, had gone into solution, The solution did not form a jelly after neu- tralisation and evaporation, The ligamentum nuche of an ox con- ducted itself similarly ; on digestion for ten days it disappeared completely, only an unimportant residue remaining. The dog, after hungering for several days, received in one day 367:1 grammes of tendon, on the next 360°3 grammes, corresponding to 245°8 grammes of the dried substance. In the fieces only a very minute quantity of | tendon could be proved, The excretion of nitrogen in the urine rose to 21°2 grammes (the tendon contained 46-4 grammes). All gelatine- yielding tissues are therefore capable of digestion and utilisation; most extensively tendon, then cartilage, and lastly bone, of which less organic substance is absorbed, probably on account of its rapid passage through the intestinal canal. The author confirms the’ results of fj ‘ 4 i F ee eae Se ee OO REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 429 Frerichs and Kiihne, that gelatine, by digestion with pepsin and hydrochloric acid, loses its property of gelatinising. ON THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GELATINE-YIELDING TISSUES FOR Nurrition.—C. Voit, Zeitsch. fiir Biolog. x. 202 (Abstract in Central- blatt, No. 13, 1875) has extended his observations upon this subject by employing gelatine-yielding tissues instead of gelatine. As such, he used the cartilage of bones prepared by boiling with HCl. The dog hungered at first for 5 days, the excretion of urea was thereby reduced to 10 grms, On the three following days it obtained 1032,3, _ 1076,9, 1136,5 grms, moist cartilage, and each time 50 grms, fat, and then followed three hunger days. Urine and feces were analysed throughout the whole time of the experiment. In all 1071,4 grms. dried osseine with 169,6 grms. N. were introduced ; on the three feeding days 159,58 grms. N. were excreted, still the action of the osseine continued over the two following days. The whole quantity of N. arising from the osseine was 185,2 grms. To this is to be added the excretion of N. per anum on the same days = 9,68 grms., in all there- fore 194,9 grms, N. excreted, against 169,6 grms. introduced; per diem 8,4 N. in opposition to 10,17 grms. during hunger. Of sulphuric acid, in urine and feces together, 10,43 grms. were excreted, whilst the osseine introduced contained 11,14. This coincidence shews, that osseine, and not albuminous substance, is decomposed in the body, for this should have given 47,8 grms. H, SO, in the urine and feces. As osseine contains still less phosphoric acid, the quantity of phosphoric _ acid in the urine also increases. It is therefore proved that the gelatine-yielding tissue acts as directly in the body as gelatine itself, only that it is better tolerated in larger quantity by the intestine. No matter how one may increase the quantity of osseine, more N. always appears in the excreta than is contained in the osseine intro- duced, consequently always more albumen is given off from the body, whilst in feeding with albumen a limit is very soon reached by which the income and expenditure are equally great. One is not able to construct a diet for the animal organism out of osseine, fat, salts and water ; the albumen cannot be dispensed with, it is neces- tary for the new formation of cells. The author then replies to the attacks of Heppe Seyler upon “organ albumen” and “circulating albumen,” and against the view (of Voit) that the greater part of the albumen supplied is decomposed without previously becoming tissue constituents (Jour. of Anat. and Phys. vit. 206). Liebig supposed that a previously organised albumen in the animal body was decom- ‘posed with the production of work, and that the albumen of the food only served to build up the destroyed organs, It was however found that large quantities of albumen were very rapidly excreted as urea ; it was assumed that they were directly burned in the blood, and this process was named ‘“ Lusus-consumption.” The author had in con- junction with Bischoff partly proved that this excess of albumen increased the albumen in the organism; that it is not a “luxus,” and chiefly on this ground denied the luxus consumption. 2. It is quite another question, however, in what part of the body the 430 DR STIRLING. destruction of albumen does take place, and whether thereby only organised or non-organised albumen is decomposed. The author is of the opinion that the albumen contained in and circulating with the nutrient fluids is chiefly decomposed ‘circulating albumen.” The organ albumen is as a rule not used, but it can however under circumstances, as by hunger, be employed. 3. When the decom- position of albumen increases with rich supply of albumen, this effect arises by the absorbed albumen reaching the place where favourable conditions for its decomposition are present—an exchange with the organ. The author regards the cells as the chief place of this decom- position. 4. According to V. the albumen of the food in contact with the living tissues decomposes, without itself having become more organised; according to Hoppe Seyler, on the contrary, the cells and tissues are continually in a state of decomposition and reconstruction, and the extent of the transformation is governed by the quantity of albumen supplied. Voit is therefore of the opinion that a destruction of the organised form of albumen only occurs exceptionally, and that as a general rule the destruction of albumen imbibed by the tissues and organs takes place under the influence of the cells. Liven. Asp on THE ANATOMY AND PuysioLogy or THE Liver.—G. Asp (Ludwig’s Arbeiten, Vol. viit.), in his experiments on the secretion of bile, was led to make a histological examination of the liver of the rabbit, to ascertain why and how fluids excreted from the blood were divided between the lymphatics and bile-ducts. The paper is divided into a histological and a physiological part. Although it is well known that the nucleus of the hepatic cells is often double, still it is not a necessary part of these cells, and although, as is generally the case, it is present, it has not always the same appearance. The author has found that the nucleus may be absent from the hepatic cells, and has treated such a liver by all the methods at present known to histologists for this purpose, but has not been able to render a nucleus visible. This condition does not depend upon food having been pre- viously withheld from the rabbit. Even in a piece of such a liver, which was placed for a long time in often changed 10 per cent. solu- tion of common salt, no nucleus was observed. (The 10 per cent. solution of common salt is a very valuable isolating medium.) The author also insists on the facility with which the hepatic cells are altered by pressure, Even under 50 mm, Hg, for injecting the portal vein, these cells assume the most varied and singular shapes. With regard to the structure of the walls of the smaller bile-ducts, the authors find that as long as the cylindrical epithelium is present, several layers of a striped tissue are visible between, by which, at regular intervals, numerous fusiform bodies are enclosed. The stripes and long axes of the spindles lie in the long axis of the ducts. These stripes disappear completely on boiling fine sections of the interlobular tissue in hydrochloric acid and alcohol (1 in 1000), They thus conduct Se a a en La ct i ; ee ACTS LITE LET POON Ro ME NSO REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 431 themselves differently from the middle layer of the small arteries, which is not affected by boiling in the alcohol and hydrochloric acid mixture. This fact supports the view that the stripes are composed of several layers of collagenous fibrille. The spindles have the ap- pearance of nuclei. According to this view the tissue surrounding the epithelium of the fine bile-ducts would belong to the layers of connective tissue (Bindegewebshduten) which consist of fibrils and cells, so that the muscles which Heidenhain ascribes to these ducts would be absent. Even if muscles are present they can only lie in the long axis of the ducts, for the spindle-shaped nuclei always run parallel to the duct. Asp recommends the injection of a 0-5 per cent. solution of chloride of palladium into the ductus comm. choledochus, in order to obtain good preparations of the bile-ducts. The tissue is then placed for eight days in a concentrated solution of bichromate of potash. The cells are then easily brushed away, and the remaining stiff framework consists essentially of the interlobular tissue. The bile-ducts in penetrating into the lobule lose at the same time their cylindrical epithelium and their striated investment, their walls being composed only of fusiform nucleated plates disposed in spirals. EK. H. Weber has already shewn that a solution of alkannine in turpentine penetrates into the interior of the cells; and the author has satisfied himself, by the injections of gutta percha dissolved in alcohol, and afterwards by the non-passage of a watery solution of Berlin blue iuto the cells, that there is no rupture of the cells pro- duced by the injections, and that therefore this passage of alkannine and gutta percha into these cells must take place by filtration. MacGillavry, as is known, injected intralobular perivascular spaces, both by injection of the lymphatics in the liver of a dog, and also by the ‘puncture’ (Hinstich) method. Frey and Irminger confirmed the existence of these spaces for the liver of the rabbit. E. Hering, how- ever, denied that these spaces were the origin of the lymphatics, and did not succeed in injecting them in the liver of the rabbit. Asp has suc- ceeded in injecting them in the rabbit, by forcing serum fora long time into the vena porte, under a pressure of 30 to 50 mm, Hg. 2. Schmule- witsch, under Ludwig’s direction, found that poisoning with curara’ slightly diminishes the secretion of bile. Asp corroborates this state- ment. From a series of experiments the author shews that a liver, from which the blood-current has been cut off for longer than ten minutes, can again form bile, when blood is admitted to it. If, however, blood is excluded for an hour or longer, then the secretion is only re- established in a very incomplete manner. The condition of the secretion of bile was tested in a liver when the rapidity of the blood was diminished below the normal; first, by ligature of one branch of the vena port, whilst the corresponding branch of the hepatic artery remained open ; secondly, narrowing of the trunk of the vena porte ; and thirdly, section of the spinal cord. The first of these methods was already employed by Schmulewitsch, who shews that the quantity of blood carried by the hepatic artery is sufficient for keeping up the secretion of bile, but this secretion by no means necessitates the properties of arterial blood, for it is known that the fluid, flowing 432 sy DR STIRLING. through the hepatic artery, loses its bright red colour before it passes into the hepatic lobules, into the first capillary system. Closure or narrowing of the vena porte and section of the spinal cord diminished very materially the quantity of biliary matter secreted. All these three conditions then diminish the secretion of bile. The injection into the jugular vein of a curarised rabbit of several quantities (30 to 40 centimétres) of a 0°75 per cent. solution of chloride of sodium, heated to 38°C. (100°4° Fahr.), did not exercise any notable influence on the biliary secretion. The quantity of solids in the bile, however, after the injection of common salt solution, shewed a manifest diminution. These experiments, therefore, shew that the blood can undergo very considerable changes in its composition without losing its bile-forming property. The life of a rabbit could not be sustained by substitution of defibrinated dog’s blood for its own blood. The cause of death the anthor ascribes to coagulations which were pro- duced in the remainder of the rabbit’s blood by the addition of that of the dog. The author then attempted to establish a circulation of blood in a liver which had been excised from the body. This is a field which is likely to yield many new results ; and already Professor Heger, of Brussels, under Ludwig's direction, has performed similar experiments on the excised lungs (Artificial Circulation in Excised Organs. P. Heger: Brussels, 1873). The liver of a rabbit was taken and kept at a temperature of 38° C. in an apparatus constructed for the purpose (we must refer to the original for details), and as it was impossible to obtain the necessary amount of defibrinated rabbit's blood, the defibrinated blood of dogs, which had fasted for a consider- able time, was employed and diluted with a solution of chloride of sodium, so that it could circulate in the vessels of the rabbit. This artificial circulation outside the body, and under as normal conditions as possible, was kept up for two to three hours, and a quantity of fluid, though a very small quantity, was obtained, which in all its properties, physiological. and chemical, exactly resembled bile. The quantity obtained in the most favourable case was 0:5 centimédtres, i.e. just as much as was obtained from the living liver in ten minutes with strong closure of the vena porte. This bile is not derived from a store in the liver, for if only serum is employed (at a pressure of 30 millimétres of mercury), bile is only excreted at the commencement ; soon it secretes none at all, and if the pressure is much elevated (50 millimétres of mercury), the fluid excreted has not the properties of bile, Vow Wirticn on tue Lympnatics or tHe Liver.—Von Wittich (Centralblatt fiir die Medicinischen Wissenschaften, No. 58, 1874), like Sikorski, has been able in the living rabbit to inject from the trachea an exceedingly but narrow-meshed network lying partly in the pleura, partly in the sub pleural tissue, and partly in the interstitial pulmonary tissue, and accompanying the blood-vessels ; the author regards this network as consisting of lymphatics. In the freshly- killed animal he succeeded in injecting not only this network, but also the intercostal spaces, and even the external thoracic muscles ———— Se ee Or REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 433 when artificial respiration was performed. If a rabbit be killed by bleeding, and whilst artificial movement of the thorax is kept up, there is injected into the trachea, under moderate pressure, a concen- trated solution of sulph-indigotate of soda, one is struck with the quantity of fluid employed, and with the fact that the whole animal becomes of an intense blue colour. The skin, the coverings of the eye, the tendons, the muscles, and the abdominal viscera, all become more or less blue, just as by injection into the blood. In only two places has Von Wittich been able to follow exactly the blue-coloured channels in the choroid and in the liver. In both organs the blood- vessels were almost completely empty, or only partially filled with blood. The blue colour of the choroid arises from a blue layer lying around the vessel (Morano’s lymph-sheath of the choroidal vessels) ; in the liver a fine injected network surrounds the portal vein and the branches of the hepatic vein, from which exceedingly fine, delicate, blue injected processes penetrate into the hepatic lobules between the blood-capillaries and the hepatic cells. Strongly injected vessels, evident to the naked eye, pass from the hilus, run parallel to the large vessels and the bile-ducts, and surround these, their finer branches passing towards the branches of the portal vein; but the author observed no direct communication between these and the perivascular network. These vessels are not to be confounded with the blood or bile-capillaries, and Von Wittich can only recognise them as lymph-capillaries, Further particulars as to the method employed are promised. FLEIscHL ON THE LympH AND THE LyMPHATICS OF THE Liver.—E. Fleisch] (Ludwig's Arbeiten) finds that if the lymphatics which proceed from the porta hepatis to the receptaculum chyli be exposed shortly after ligature of the ductus choledochus, it is observed that their usually colourless contents are tinged yellow. This formed the point of origin of the present investigation. The supposition that the yellow colour exhibited by the liver- lymph was due to the admixture of bile, was confirmed by experi- ment. A few drops of the fluid gave distinctly with nitric acid Gmelin’s reaction for the colouring matter of the bile. To ascertain whether it also contained the bile-acids, for special reasons (to be seen in the original) the lymph was not collected directly from the liver, but on a large curarised dog the ductus choledochus was ligatured through a small wound in the linea alba, and then the wound was sewed up. The thoracic duct was then exposed in the neck, and a cannula placed in it. In a few hours a sufficient quan- tity (100 to 200 cubic centiméters) of lymph was obtained. In about five hours afterwards the dog was bled from both carotids. From this blood a completely clear serum was obtained by means of the centrifugal apparatus. The serum of the lymph was also separated from the fibrin clot which formed in it upon standing. The analyses shewed that the lymph contained a considerable quantity of the bile- acids, whilst the blood did not contain a trace of them. The bile, therefore, when its natural outlets are occluded, passes into the 434 DR STIRLING. lymphatics of the liver, and thence exclusively through the thoracic duct into the blood. If, in addition to the bile-duct, the thoracic duct be also ligatured, the bile does not pass at all into the blood, or only its traces. The second part of the paper is devoted to the consideration, what anatomical arrangements in the liver favours the passage of the bile into the lymphatics. In this part of the paper many new methods for the study of the structure of the liver are described : 1. All injections of the bile-ducts were made on the liver of the rabbit, before rigor mortis set in, and the pressure under which it was done was measured exactly. Alkannin in turpentine was employed for the injection of the bile-ducts, and the red colouring matter, just like Berlin blue, passed into the lymphatics. A. filtered solution of asphalt in chloroform offers many advantages over this mixture. For this mass, the pressure required is at least 30 mm. Hg. With this asphalt solution the author often succeeded in injecting from the bile-ducts, not only the trunks of the lymphatics which run with the vena portarum, but also the network which covers the diaphragm. 2. The author found that the lymph also leaves the liver by a channel other than those already known, In the connective tissue which binds together the strongest branches of the hepatic vein lie lymphatics, which empty their contents into those of the diaphragm. 3. The author then describes the connective tissue of the liver. For its preparations two methods were employed. A one per cent. solution of chloride of palladium was injected into the hepatic vein, and then the liver was hardened in bichromate of potash. The finest branches of the hepatic vein can then be easily isolated. The tissue forms a network composed of fibrillee and enclosed cells ; the meshes are about as long as they are broad. The smaller bundles of connective tissue cut the finer branches at right angles, so that the long axis of the meshes becomes increased, In the mesh-work of the larger fibres is a very fine network with exceedingly fine meshes, On this second network the hepatic cells sit fast. To obtain the very fine network which stretches from the adventitia of the vena hepatica, this vessel is washed out with a half per cent, solution of chloride of sodium, and then injected with a dilute solution of nitrate of silver. This preparation is treated similarly to the last, being first hardened, and then the hepatic cells are brushed away. ‘The bile-ducts are then injected with a one per cent, solution of perosmic acid under a pressure of 20 to 25 millimétres of mercury. Afterwards a watery solution of Berlin blue may be thrown into the bile-ducts, and the whole liver hardened in bi- chromate of potash solution. The very fine network of exceedingly delicate connective tissue which is brought into view by this process, seems to be a means of keeping the hepatic cells in situ. Its relation to the blood-capillaries has not been definitely made out. From the perosmic acid preparations, the author believes that the bile-capillaries are by no means mere furrows between the hepatic cells, but are as —— a i -_ REPORT ON PHYSIOLOGY. 435 independent structures with a proper wall. These bile-capillaries stand in no recognisable relation to the connective tissue. Feirz AND Ritrer ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE INJECTION OF BILE ON THE ORGANISM.—V. Feltz and E. Ritter (Comptes Rendus, LXXviil. 1874) injected fresh bile into the veins, and observed the following phenomena, 1, Tetaniform convulsions occurred, which were fol- lowed by coma, insensibility, and death from a large dose. 2. There was slight decrease of the pulse, and diminution of the bodily tem- perature by 1° or 2° Cent. 3. There were pronounced salivation, vomiting of biliary masses, bilious, sometimes blood diarrhea. 4. The bloody shewed fat granules, increase of fat and cholesterin. The blood-corpuscles shewed a tendency to flow together. The quantity of oxygen was diminished, and that of carbonic acid in- creased, On shaking with oxygen the blood did not absorb so much of it as normal blood. 5. The quantity of urine was increased, and only with very large doses of bile did it contain albumen and bile-pigment ; on the contrary, it contained regularly a substance which had many resemblances to indican, Only when the animal died rapidly was the urine blood-coloured from dissolved blood- colouring matter, On THE Formation oF THE BitEe-Picments.—Schiff had proved that the liver possesses the property of attracting from the blood absorbed bile-acids injected into the alimentary canal, and again of excreting them in the bile. The same property is possessed by the liver with relation to the bile-pigments. According to J. Fiirst Tarchanoff (Pfliiger’s Arch. 1x. 329, Abstract in Centralblatt fiir die Medicin. Wissensch. No. 2, 1875), the bile excreted in equal intervals of time from a permanent fistula shewed quite an enormous increase of bile-pigments, when a solution of hemoglobin or water was in- jected into the blood of the animal (dog) ; on the contrary, a relative diminution in the fixed constituents. It can either be assumed that the liver forms and excretes a large quantity of bile-pigments from the increase supplied dissolved hemoglobin, or that this trans- formation has already occurred in the blood, and that the liver, in virtue of an increased attractive property, had only extracted and excreted the colouring matter already present in large quantities in the blood. The latter view is favoured by the fact, that after in- jection of a solution of bilirubin the colouring matter of the excreted bile is correspondingly increased. So rapidly and completely does this elimination occur, that neither in the bladder nor in the urine obtained from a fistula of the ureter present at the same time, could the presence of bile-pigments be proved. 3 be Walia pedeee b. Wayans 13 ahh ee